OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO z. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY, 1902 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY, 1902 AN ATTEMPT AT AN EXHAUSTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOKS AND ARTICLES ON UNITED STATES HISTORY PUBLISHED DURING THE YEAR 1902 AND SOME MEMORANDA ON OTHER PORTIONS OF AMERICA BT ERNEST GUSHING RICHARDSON AND ANSON ELY MORSE PRINCETON, N. J. THE LIBRARY BOOK STORE 1904 Copyright 1904 *y Ernest C. Richardson. PREFACE This volume was occasioned by an inquiry among various members of the American Historical Association on behalf of its Bibliographical Committee as to what was the bibliographical aid most needed by American students of history at the present time. The answers were various, but the one which impressed the present editors most was the demand for an annual bibliography. This was in part because one of them had for a num- ber of years been providing each year for his own use something of this sort. Having ex- perience of the need and having a certain basis of material, the most practical thing to do seemed to be to work out a method more fully and arrange if practicable for continuous publication. Thanks to the enthusiasm and industry of Mr. Morse, then a post-graduate student at Princeton, now at the University of Wisconsin, it was possible to carry out the method with some fulness, and thanks to a fund given to the Princeton University Library by John L. Cadwalader, Esq., and used for the purchase of American Historical Periodicals and Proceedings, it was possible to do most of the work at first hand. Two or three methods were suggested by various members of the Association as to the best way of securing continuous publication, but pending final decision in this matter, it was thought best to have this volume issued by the editors on their own responsibility. It is a pleasure to be able to say at date of publication, that the literature of 1903 is being gathered under the direction of Professor A. C. McLaughlin in the Bureau of His- torical Research of the Carnegie Institution. Those who are preparing the volume for 1903 are in no sense bound to any particular feature of the method used in the preparation of this volume, but it is a matter of sincere congratulation that the real need is to be met under circumstances that will insure the production of a satisfactory and useful volume. The shortcomings of this volume are no doubt many and the historical deficiencies are probably greater than they would have been if Mr. Morse's aid had been available in the final preparation, but whatever they may be they have been materially lessened by the intel- ligent and competent aid of the Rev. Paul Martin, who has been in some sort managing editor during the later stages of the work. EBNEST GUSHING RICHABDSON. University Library, Princeton, New Jersey. March 16, 1904. TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE v TABLE OF CONTENTS vii INTRODUCTION xi LIST OF PERIODICALS AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS xv WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1 CLASSIFIED INDEX 245 General Works 245 Bibliography 245 Historical Writers 245 Geography 246 American and United States, General 247 Alabama , 247 Alaska 247 Arizona 247 California 247 Colorado 248 Connecticut 248 Delaware 249 District of Columbia 249 Florida 249 Georgia 249 Illinois 249 Indian Territory > 250 Indiana 250 Iowa 250 Kansas 250 Kentucky 250 Louisiana 250 Maine . 251 viii WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Maryland 251 Massachusetts ; 251 Biography 253 Michigan 253 Minnesota 264 Mississippi 254 Missouri 254 Nebraska 254 Nevada 254 New Hampshire 254 Biography 255 New Jersey 255 New Mexico 255 New York 256 Biography 256 North Carolina -256 North Dakota 257 Ohio 257 Biography 257 Oklahoma 258 Oregon 258 Pacific Islands 258 Pennsylvania 258 Biography 259 Philippine Islands 259 Porto Rico 259 Rhode Island 259 South Carolina 259 South Dakota 260 Tennessee 260 Texas 260 Utah 260 Vermont .* 260 Virginia 261 Biography 261 Washington 261 West Virginia 262 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. ix Wisconsin 262 Wyoming 262 British North America 262 Biography 263 West Indies 264 Cuba 264 Latin America 265 Mexico 265 Central America 265 South America 265 Arctic and Antarctic 266 Periods and Topics Prehistoric Times and Indians 266 Indians, Special Tribes 266 Biography 267 Indian Wars 267 Discovery, Exploration and Colonization 267 American Revolution 268 Biography 268 War of 1812 270 Mexican War 271 Civil War 271 Biography 271 Reconstruction 273 Spanish American War 273 Population 274 Negro and Slavery 274 Foreign Elements 274 Religion 274 Denominations, Orders, etc 274 Religious Biography * 275 Learning and Education 278 Special Institutions 278 Biography 279 Medical Biography 280 Books and Literature 280 Special Periodicals 281 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. Biography 281 Libraries 282 Art ( Including Music ) 283 Art Biography 283 Theatre 284 Recreations 284 Customs and Usages 284 Politics and Government 284 Presidents and Vice Presidents 285 Biography 285 Congress and Departments 285 Cabinet Officers, Diplomats, etc 285 Army and Navy 286 Army and Navy Biography 287 Suffrage and Elections 287 Taxation 287 Local Government 287 Foreign Relations 287 Internation Law and Arbitration 288 Law 288 Biography '. 288 Criminal Biography 289 Social Reform 289 Biography 289 Finance and Business 290 Commercial and Industrial Biography 290 Labor 292 Productive Industries 292 Mineral Industries 292 Agriculture and Horticulture 292 Animal Industries 293 Manufactures and Building 293 Transportation and Communication 293 Roads 293 Railroads 293 Water Transportation 293 Genealogy and Collected Biography 294 Individual Families 294 INTRODUCTION This work as completed is an alphabetical subject list with a classified index. It at- tempts to cover the literature of 1902 on the Americas, exhaustively as regards the United States, rather fully for British America, and less fully for Latin America. It contains titles. of books, pamphlets and articles analyzed from the periodicals, also appraisements of books condensed from standard reviews, brief definitions or descriptions of the subject head- ing employed and Library of Congress card numbers attached to the book titles so tar as they apply. It is printed in five and one-half point linotype on a twenty-nine em bar. As the book was undertaken first of all as an essay in method, some discussion of the forms chosen is due. Whether the alphabetical subject, the classed, or the alphabetical author form is the most useful for such a work, depends on the person using and the use made. On the whole the makers of encyclopaedias, indexes and library catalogues agree that the dictionary sub- ject form seems to serve the most needs. For the special student the classed form is usually counted best and for him a classified index is provided to supply this need in part. The alphabetical author list, so far as regards books and pamphlets, serves many needs, espe- cially of the book-seller and book-buyer, better than any other; but in the matter of analyzed articles it is almost worthless and for research work hardly better. Moreover the needs served by the alphabetical author list are already pretty well served by other works. On the whole, therefore, the alphabetical subject form seems best and the alphabetical author the one most easily dispensed with. Both books and analyzed articles are included and in one series. For some reasons it may be better to separate into two parallel series of subjects, one of books and one of per- iodicals, or, as some do, to separate into two groups under each subject. It is certainly an annoyance to some to run down the list of mixed titles, but on the whole, the most frequent needs are served by the mixed titles and an attempt has been made to reduce the annoyance to a minimum by typographical distinction beginning book titles with Clarendon and articles with spaced letters. The rule for inclusion is, in the case of books, exhaustiveness. In the case of articles this is necessarily tempered by a restrained criticism which aims to exclude the too rhe- torical and juvenile, but the rule even here is to include when in doubt. The aim of the work is first of all scholarly, but it tries to be useful to the general student down to the point of essay and debate work in high schools and colleges. In the case of historical per- xll WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. iodicals, the degree of thoroughness of analysis is generally indicated under that periodical in the list of periodicals unless the analysis is complete. They have in the main been analyzed completely even to somewhat short notes where these were a definite contribution for scholarly use, as many in the Pennsylvania Magazine e. g. are. In selections from gen- eral periodicals it is hard to draw the line between history and description of current events. In this matter the needs of essay and debate work have been taken into account and such periodicals as the Nation, the Outlook and the Independent pretty liberally analyzed. The periodical references are probably ninety-five per cent, first hand. Most of the second hand references are those from the foreign periodicals. Of the remainder a few from Fletcher's index may be identified by the form and annexed indication of month. The periodicals done at first hand include all the distinctly historical, i. e. those mentioned under the subject, Periodicals, save in a few cases there indicated. Among the general periodicals those done at first hand include the following: Am Anthropol ; Am Germ ; Am J Sci ; Am J Theol ; Am Law R ; Am Miss ; Ann Am Acad Pol Soc Sci; Ass Her; Atlan; Bibliog; Bib Sac; Blackw; Bk Buyer; Bookman; Canada Law J ; Cath Univ B ; Cath World ; Cent ; Chaut ; Columb Q ; Contemp ; Cosmopol ; Critic; Dial; Esp Mod; Fortn; Forum; Gunton's M; Harper; Harv Grad M; Harvard L R; Hist Pub Cana; Indep; J Pol Econ; J Frankl Inst; Lib J; Luth Ch R; McClure; Macmil; Meth R; Meth R South; Miss R; Nation; 19th Cent; No Am; Out West; Outing; Outl ; Pol Sci Q ; Presb and Ref R ; Princeton Alumni W ; Princeton Bull ; Quar Rev ; R of Rs (NY); Scrib M; Sewanee; South Work; World's Work; Yale R. The definitions are not intended as much more than a description of the subject. Any one who has much occasion to use indexes knows the difficulty often in identifying the sub- ject referred to, and this feature is intended partly for this need. But in many cases, especially of biographies which do not occur in the ordinary dictionaries of biography, the brief data have been taken from the articles themselves, and as they are not found in the ordinary sources, they form a real, if slight, contribution to knowledge. It must be con- fessed that in the many cases where the one line definition seems only a description of the obvious, there is little real reason, save methodical uniformity, for including the definition. The question of appraisement is one of some seriousness. The inclusion of this feature certainly delays the publication of an annual volume, since the best reviews often do not appear until from six to twelve months after the book, and the value of an annual bibli- ography is in more or less close relation to the promptness of its appearance. ^There are, moreover, still some who hold that any annotation, save perhaps description of contents where this is not well indicated by title, is superfluous. But on the other hand the experi- ments of Mr. lies, and the experience of all librarians with annotated catalogues of all sorts, have shown that to many at least such annotation is of real and considerable value, and the experience of those to whom it is not of value is not evidence in point. Opinion is divided as to whether re-appraisement or condensation from standard reviews is the best method. Re-appraisement may be well with a technical expert as editor and with unlimited time, but even this may be doubted. The point of view of this method is that variant opinions condensed to the last degree, with index references to the pages where the original WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. ilil review may be found, is the most practical method. The chief sources of these reviews in this work are: the Nation, which if it verges toward the less indulgent criticism is yet pre- eminent among our general critical journals, the American Historical Review, indisputably the leader of our historical reviews, and the Dial, which, while in contrast to the Nation it verges to the more indulgent, is, nevertheless, of dignified character and includes a large range and number of books reviewed. For local and genealogical literature, the chief sources are the New England Historical and Genealogical Register and the New York His- torical and Biographical Record. Beside the above mentioned sources, many others have been drawn on for occasional notes. The admirable reviews of daily papers like the New York Sun, Tribune, Times, etc., haA'e not been used because files are less generally accessible to those likely to use this work. The Library of Congress card numbers are added for the sake of the rapidly growing cumber of librarians and students who find it convenient or economical to use these cards. The great advantage of the method to any one gathering material for study in any particu- lar line is one now generally recognized and the advantage grows each year as the stock of cards increases. , The linotype was used in printing because the method was developed with an eye to the possibility of cumulating every five years. The smallness of type and length of line have been somewhat sharply criticised on the ground of a sample page sent out. The length of the line is due to the effort to confine as many titles as possible to a single bar apiece, on account of the convenience of handling in cumulative work. It cannot be denied that the line is too long for easy reading. The reason for the small size of type is partly the desire to get whole titles on a bar, and partly the librarian's maxim for a reference book, "the maximum material in the minimum bulk." It must always be a question where to draw the line in the matter of type. Any index work not often calling for continuous reading, will bear a relatively small type, and a small type with a little leading is easier to use than a larger type solid. The classified index was added after some hesitation. It is merely a somewhat rough classification of the subjects in the body of the work, printed from the same bars. There is little cross referencing and where a name like that of Grant occurs under Presidents, it is not repeated under any other head. A complete method would call for an author index, which might have been made by re-arranging author bars as the subject bars were re- arranged, but the bulk involved and the expense dissuaded from this. LIST OF PERIODICALS AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS Acp.demie des Sciences Morales et FolitiQues. Memoires. Paris... Acad Sol Mor Pol Acadiensis, St. Johns, N. B Acad Ainslea's Magazine. New York Ainslee's M Akademische Blatter. Berlin Akad Blatter Allgcmeine Militarzeitung. Darmstadt Mil Ztgr Alpine Journal. London Alpine J American Anthropologist. New York Am Anthropol American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal. Chicago Am Antiq. American Antiquarian Society, Proceedings. Worcester, Mass Am Antiq Soc American Architect. Boston Am Arch American Catholic Historical Researches. Farkesburg, Pa Am Cath Res American Catholic Hist. Soc. of Philadelphia. Records. Phila ... Am Cath Hist American Catholic Quarterly. Philadelphia Am Cath Q American Geographical Society Bulletin. New York Am Geog Soc Bull American Heraldic Journal. Columbus, Am Herald American Historical Association Report. Washington Am Hist A Rep American Hist. Magazine and Tenn. Hist. Soc. Quarterly. Nash- ville, Tenn Am Hist Mag American Historical Review. New York Am Hist R American Jewish Historical Society Publications Pub Am Jew Hist American Journal of Archaeology. Baltimore Am Jour Archeeol American Journal of Philology. Baltimore Am J Philol American Journal of Science. New Haven, Conn Am J Sci American Journal of Sooiology. Chicago Am J Sociol American Journal of Theology. Chicago Am J Theol American Law Review. St. Louis, Mo Am Law R American Missionary. New York Am Miss American Monthly Magazine. Washington Am Month M American Statistical Assoc. Publications. Boston Am Statis Assoo Americana Germanica. New York Am Germ Annales de Geographie. Paris Ann Geog Annals of Iowa. Des Moines, la Annals of Iowa Annals of the Amer. Academy of Political and Social Science. Phila. Ann Am Aoad Pol Sci Anthropologie. Paris Anthrop Appalachia Appalachia Architectural Record. New York Archit Reo Arena. Boston, Mass Arena Assembly Herald. New York Ass Her Athenaeum. London Ath Atlantic Monthly. Boston Atlan IT! WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Bayerische Handelszeitung. Miinchen Bayer Handnlsz Beitrage z. Kolonialpolitik. Berlin , Beitr z Kolonialpolitik Bericht d.Senckenberg Naturforsch. Gesellschaft in Frankfurt A.M. Her Senckenberg Naturf Gos Berliner Gartner-Bbrse. Berlin Ber Gaertner Biblical World. Chicago. Bib World Bibliographer. New York Bibliog Bibliotheca Sacra. Oberlin, Bib Sac Black-wood's Magazine. Edinburgh Blackw Book Buyer. New York Bk Buyer Bookman. New York Bcokman Boston Public Library Monthly Bulletin. Boston Bost Bull Brush and Pencil. Chicago Brush & P Buffalo Historical Society, Publications. Buffalo, N. Y Pub Buffalo Hist Soc Bulletin de la SociSte Generale d'iducation et d'Enseignement. Paris Bull Soc Gen d'Ed Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. New York. .Bull Am Museum Nat Hist Bunker Hill Monument Association. Proceedings. Boston Bunker Hill Mon Ass'n California University Chronicle. Berkeley, Cal Calif TTniv Chron Canada Law Journal. Toronto Canada Law J Canadian Institute, Transactions. Toronto Trans Canad Institute Canadian Magazine. Toronto Canad If Cassier's Magazine. London Cassier Catholic University Bulletin. Washington Cath TTniv B Catholic World. New York Cath World Century- New York Cent Chamber's Journal. Edinburgh Chamb 3 Charities. New York Char Chautauquan. Meadville, Pa Chaut Collector. New York Collect Colonial Society of Massachusetts Publications. Boston Pub Col Soc of Mass Columbia Historical Society. Washington Rec Columbia Hist Soc Columbia University Quarterly. New York Columb Q Confederate Veteran. Nashville, Tenn , Confed Vet Connecticut Magazine. Hartford, Conn Conn Mag Contemporary Review. London Contemp Correspondant. Paris Corresp Cosmopolitan. New York Cosmopol Cosmos. Paris Cosmos Country Life in America. New York Ctry Life Am Craftsman. Syracuse, N. Y Craftsman Critic. New York Critic Current History. Buffalo, N. Y Current Hist Dedham Historical Register. Dedham. Mass Dedh Reg Deutsch-Americkanische Geschichtsblutter. Chicago, 111 Deutsch-Am G Deutsche Export-Revue Beilage. Stuttgart Dtsch Exj> Rev Beil Deutsche Stimmen. Berlin, Deut Stimmen Dial. Chicago Dial Eclectic Magazine. New York Eel M Economic Journal. London, Econ J Economic Review. London Econ R Economista. Firenze , Economista iconomiste Frangais. Paris , icon Fr Education. Boston Educa WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. xvli Educational Review. New York Educa R Empire Review. London Emp R Engineering Magazine. New York Engin M English Historical Review. London Eng Hist R Espana Moderna (La). Madrid , Esp Mod Essex Antiquarian. Salem, Mass Ess Ant Estudios Militares. Madrid , Estud Milit 4 tucies. Paris Zt Everybody's Magazine. New York Everybody's Export. Berlin Export Filson Club Publications. Louisville, Ky Filson Club Pub Florida Magazine. Jacksonville, Fla Fla M Fortnightly Review. London , Fortn Forum. New York Forum Freie Wort, Das. Frankfurt a. M Freie Wort Gar tenflora. Berlin Gartenflora Gartenlaube. Leipzig , Gartenlaube Genealogical Quarterly Magazine. Burlington, Vt Gen Q M Genealogist. Exeter, Eng Genealogist General Society of Sons of the Revolution, Proceedings of Triennial Meeting Gen Soc Sons of Rev Proo Gentleman's Magazine, new series. London Gent M n s Geographical Journal. London Geog J Geographic (La). Bulletin de la Societe de geographic. Paris La Geog Geographisches Jahrbuch. Gotha Geog Jahr Geographische Zeitschrif t. Berlin . . .' Geog Ztsoh Gesellschaf t. Leipsig Gesell Granite monthly. Concord, N. H Granite M Green Bag. Boston Green Bag Grenzboten. Leipzig Grenzboten Gulf States Historical Magazine. Montgomery, Ala Gulf Mag Gunton's Magazine. New York Gunton's Mag Harper's Magazine. New York Harper Harvard Graduates' Magazine. Cambridge, Macs Harv Grad M Harvard Law Review. Cambridge, Mass Harvard L R Historical Quarterly. Manchester, N. H Historic Quart Historische-politische Blatter fiir das Katholische Deutschland. Munchen Hist Pol Bl f d Kath Historische-Poli tische Blatter. Munchen Hi s t-Pol Bl Holland Society of New York. Yearbook. New York Yearbook Holland Soc Huguenot Society of South Carolina Transactions. Charleston, B.C. Hug Soc S C Humanite Nouvelle. Paris Humanite Nouv Idler. London Idler Illustrierte Zeitung. Leipzig Illus Zeit Independent. New York Indep Indiana Historical Society Publications. Indianapolis Ind Hist Pub International Monthly [later, Quarterly]. Burlington, Vt Internat Mo [Q] Iowa Historical Record. Iowa City Iowa Hist Rec Ipswich Historical Society. Salem, Mass Ipsw Hist S Jahrbuch d. Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaf t. Berlin ..Jahrb d Schiffbauteoh Jerseyman. Flemingtou, N. J Jerseym John P. Branch Historical Papers of Randolph-Macon College. Richmond, Va Branch Pap xvlll WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Hist,, etc. Baltimore T K Ur.iv Studies Journal des Debats. Paris Jour Defeats Journal des Economistes. Paris Jour icon Journal of Amer Folk-Lore. Boston J Am Folk-Lore Journal of Political Economy. Chicago J Pol Boon Journal of the Franklin Institute. Philadelphia J Frankl Inst Kansas State Historical Society Transactions. Topeka, Kan Trar.s Kan Hist Soc Kathol. Kirchenhlatt f. Sachsen. Dresden Kath Kirchenbl f Sachsen Kathol-Uissionen. Freiburg Kath Missionen Koloniale Zeitschrif t. Berlin , Kolon Ztsoh Kultur. Stuttgart Kultur Kunstchronik. Leipzig Kunstchron Lancaster Co. (Pa.) Historical Society Papers. Lancaster, Pa Lancaster Pap Lectures pour tous. Paris Lect pour tous Lewisiana or Lewis Letter. Guilford, Conn , Lewis Library Journal. New York Lib J Lippincott's Magazine. Philadelphia , Lippinc Literary and Historical Society [of Quebec], Transactions Trans Literary & Hist Soc Literary World. Boston Lit W Littell's Living Age. Boston , Liv Age Litterarische Echo. Berlin Litt Echo Lost Cause. Louisville. Ky , Lost Cause Lower Norfolk County Virginia Antiquary, Baltimore Low Norf Ant Lutheran Church Review. Phila Luth Ch R Lutheran Quarterly. Gettysburg, Pa Luth Q Lynn Historical Society of Lynn, Mass. Register. Lynn, Mass Lynn Reg McClure's Magazine. New York McClure Macmillan's Magazine. London , Macmil Magazine of American History. New York Mag Am Hist Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings. Boston Mass Hist Soc Proc Mayflower Descendant. Boston . . ., Mayfl Desc Modford Historical Register. Medford, Mass Medf Reg Meer u. Kiiste. Rostock Meer u Kiiste Memorial diplomatique. Paris Mem dipl Methodist Review. New York Meth R Methodist Review (South). Louisville, Ky Meth R South Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society Collections and Researches. Lansing, Mich Mich Hist Coll Militar-Woohenblatt. Berlin , Mi! Wooheubl Missionary Review of the World. New York Miss R Missions Catholiques. Lyon 5iss Cath Mississippi Historical Society, Publications of. Oxford, Miss Miss Hist P Monatsschrift fur Deutsche Beamte. Berlin Mor.ats f Dtsche Beamte Monde Illustre. Paris Monde 111 Month. Lond. & N. Y Month Monthly Bulletin of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburg. Pittsburg. Pitts- Bull Monthly Review. London Monthly R Municipal Affairs. New York Munic Aff Munsey's Magazine. New York Munsey Music. Chicago Music Nation. New York Nation National Magazine. Boston , Nat'l M National Review. London Nat Rev WRITINGS ON AMF.RICAN HISTORY 1902. Naturo (La). Paris Nature Nebraska State Historical Society, Proceedings and collections. Lincoln, Neb Neb Hist 8 Neue Zeit. Stuttgart IJeue Zeit New England Catholic Historical Society Publications. Boston . . . . N E Cath Hist Pub New England Hist, and Gen. Register. Boston, Mass N E Reg New England Magazine. Boston N Eng Magr New Hampshire Historical Society, Proceedings. Concord, N. H...N H Hist 8 New -Jersey Historical Society, Proceedings. Paterson, N. J N J Hist 8 New Liberal Review. London. New Lib R New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. New York N Y Rec New York Public Library Bulletin. New York N Y Bull New York State Historical Association, Proceedings N Y Hist A Nineteenth Century. London , 19th Cent Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung. Berlin Norddeut allgern Zeit North American Review. New York , No Am North Carolina Booklet. Raleigh, N. C N C Bookt Notes and queries and Historic magazine. Manchester, N. H Notes and Q Nouvelle France (La) . Quebec Nouv-Fr Nouvelle Revue. Paris Nouv Rev Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society Publications. Colum- bus, , Ohio & Arch Hist Pub Old Continental. Des Moines, Iowa Continental Old Eliot. Eliot, Me Old Eliot "Old Northwest" Genealogical Quarterly. Columbus, Old North w Q Ontario Annual Archaeological Report, 1901. Toronto Ontario Annual Arch Kept Open Court. Chicago Open Court Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly of the. Portland, Or Oreg Q Ostasien. Berlin Ostasien Out West. San Francisco Out West Outing. New York Outing Outlook. New York Outl Overland Monthly. San Francisco, Cal Overland The Owl. Kewaunee, Wi Owl Pall Mall Magazine. London Pall Mall X Fastoralblatter fur Homiletik, Katechetik u. Seelsorge. Leipzig ... Pastoralbl f Homilet Patriotic Review. Boston Patriot R Pedagogical Seminary. Worcester, Mass Pedagog Sm Pennsylvania Geruian. Lebanon, Pa Ta Germ Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Phil* Penn Mag Petermann's Mittheilungen. Gotha Petermann's Mittheil Petit Temps (Le). Paris Pet Temps Political Science Quarterly. Boston Pol Sci Q Polytechnisches Centralblatt. Berlin Polytech Centralbl Popular Science Monthly. New York Pop Sci Mo Presbyterian and Reformed Review. Phila Presb and Ref R Presbyterian Quarterly. Richmond, Va Pres Q Princeton Alumni Weekly. Princeton, N. J Princeton Alumni W Princeton University Bulletin. Princeton, N. J Princeton Bull Quarterly Journal of Economics. Cambridge, Mass Q J Econ xx WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Quarterly Review. London Quar Rev Queens Quarterly. Kingston, Canada Queens. Quarterly Questions Actuelles. Paris Quest Act Questions Diplomatique* et Coloniales. Paris Quest Dipl et Colon Quinabaug Historical Society Leaflets. Southbridge, Mass Quinabaurj Hist Soo Leaf Razdn y Fe. Madrid ,. . . ttazon y Fe Recherches Historiques. Levis , Rech Hist Reforme gconomique. Paris Hef icon Reforme Sociale. Paria Ref Soc Review of Historical Publications relating to Canada for the year 1902. Toronto Hist Pub Canad Review of Reviews. New York R of Rs (N Y) Revista Contemporanea. Madrid Rev cont Revue Canadieime. Montreal , Revue Canadienne Revue Chretienne. Paris Rev ChrStienne Revue de Droit international et de Legislation compared. Bruzelles . Rev Broit internal Revue de Geographic. Paris Rev Geog Revue de 1' Agenaia. Agen Rev de L' Agenaia Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale. Paria Rev Met et Mor Revue de Paris. Paris Rev Far Revue de Synthese Historique. Paris, Rev de Synthese historique Revue de ThSologie et de Fhiloaophie. Lausanne R Th Ph Revue des Deux Mondea. Paris Rev Deux Mondes Revue du Monde Catholique. Paria Rev Monde Cath Revue Francaise. Paris Rev Franc Revue Generale du Droit International Public. Paria RevueGenerale deDroitlnternationalPublio Riviata delle Biblioteche. Firenze Riv bibl Royal Historical Society, Transactions. London, Royal Hist S Royal Society of Canada, Proceedings and Transactions Proc & Trans Royal Soc Canad Saturday Review. London Sat R School Review. Chicago, School R Science Sociale. Paris Sci Soo Scribner'a Magazine. New York Scrib M Sewanee Review. Sewanee, Tenn Sewanee Smithsonian Institution, Annual Report. Washington , Smithson R South Atlantic Quarterly. Durham, N. C So Atlan Q South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine. Charleston . . S C Hist Mag South Dakota Historical Collections. Aberdeen, 8. D ..S Dakota Hist Soo Col Southern Historical Society Papers. Richmond, Va , South Hist Soc Pap Southern History Association Publications. Washington, D. C South Hist A Pub Southern Workman. Hampton, Va South Work Spirit of '76. New York , Spine of '76 Texas State Historical Association, Quarterly of the. Austin, Tex. Texas Q Tour du Monde. Paria Tour Monde Transallegheny Historical Magazine. Morgan town, W. Va Trausallegheny Hist M Trinity Archive. Durham, N. C Trinity Arch Ueberall. Berlin. Ueberall TJmschau. Frankfurt a. M TTmschau United States Catholic Hiatorioal Society U S Cath Hist Vermont Antiquarian. Burlington, Vt Vt Ant WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1802. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Richmond. Va Va Mag Vom Fels Zum Meer. Berlin Vom Fel s Meer Wage (Die). Wien Wage Wartburg (Die) . Munchen Wartburg West Virginia Historical Magazine. Charleston, W. Va W Va Mag Westminster Review. London Westm Wide World. New York Wide World William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Will- iamsburg, Va Wm M Q Windsor Magazine. London Windsor' M Wisconsin Archaeologist. Milwaukee, Wis Wis Arch Wisconsin State Historical Society Proceedings. Madison, Wis Wise Hist Froo Woche (Die) . Berlin Woche Worcester Society of Antiquities, Proceedings. Worcester, Mass...Wor Soc Ant World's Work. New York. World's Work Wyoming Hist, and Geoi. Soc., Proceedings & collections. Wilkes- 'narre, Pa Proc Wyoming Hist Soc Yale Review. New Haven, Conn Yale R Year Book of the Pennsylvania Society of New York Penn Soc of N Y Zeit (Die). Berlin Zeit Zeitschrif t fur Ethnologie. Berlin Z Ethnol Zeitschiif t der Gesellsohaf t fur Erdkunde zu Berlin Ztsoh d Ges f Erdkunde z Ber 20. Jahrhundert. Augsburg 20 Jahrh WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. ABBOTT, Henry (1838-98). N. H. banker, U. B. War agent, Sanitary commissioner, State senator. Henry, Abbott, [obituary] N H Hist S 111.2,1897-9(1902)295-6. ABBOTT, Lymau (.b.1835). N. Y. Congregational clergyman, editor and writer. H a b i e, Hamilton Wright. Doctor Lyman Abbott. World's Work 3(1901-2)1772-5, port. "ABEILLE Canadienne." Canadian literary journal, founded 1818. Ii ' A b e 1 1 1 e Canadienne. Rech Hist 8(1902)29-30. ABENAKIS Indians. Algonquian tribe of Canada and Maine. A u c a i r, fille J. Un Temoin du PassS. Nouv Fr 1(1902)276-81. ABEND, Eduard (b.1822). 111. lawyer and legislator. Z w e i deutsche Finanzraanner v. 111. Bduard Abend, F.J.Ricker. Dcutsch-Am G 24(1902)22-6. ABITIBI Indians. Hudson Bay tribe. H e m i n g, Arthur. The Abitibi fur brigade. Scrib M 32(1902)36-50. ill. ACADIA. Original name of Nova Scotia and neighborhood. Acadiensis, a quarterly devoted to the interests of the Maritime Provinces of Canada, vol. 1:1901; vol. II: 1902. St. John, N.B.Jack, 1901-2. pp256;288. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02,7(1903)73-5 "founded to dis- cuss matters of interest to the Maritime Provinces. . .satisfactorily carry ... programme ... Mr. Jack's competence as editor. . .unquestionable."] Bailey, Hollis Russell. Acadia and New England. Acad 2(1902)98-106. Collins, Charles W. New England Catholic Historical Society publication, No. 3. The Acadians of the Madawaska, Maine. [For details see same title under subject, Madawaska, Me.] D a b 1 o n, Claude. Father John Plerron's journey from Acadia to Maryland in 1674. Am Cath Res 19(1902)76-7. Fontaine,!/. U. L'Stymologie du mot Acadie. Rech Hist 8(1902)375. Jack, Edward. Lost in the forests of Acadia in 1677. Acad 2(1902)107-12. Mayer, Mary Josephine. The land of Evangeline. Critic 41(1902)108-12, 111. P o i r i e r, Pascal. Historic sites of Acadia. Acad 2(1902)229-37. ACTON, Mass. Village, Middlesex Co., 13 m. S.W. of Lowell. N o y e s, Frederick Brooks. The tale of Brooks Tavern. New Eng M 27(1902)331-43, ill. ADAIR, John (1759-1840). Governor of Ky., General in War of 1812, V. S. senator. A d a i r, John. Observations on men and affairs in the old Southwest, 1809. Gulf Mag 1(1902)13-8. ADAMS, Alicia (Mrs. William Lawrence) (b.1767). Conn, bethrothed of Nathan Hale. Randall, Herbert. Alicia Adams betrothed to Natan Hale. Conn Mag 7(1902)364-5, port. ADAMS, Charles Kendall (1835-1902). President of Cornell and of University of Wisconsin. [Charles Kendall Adams] [obituary.] Am Hist R 8(1902)186. The late Dr. Charles Kendall Adams. R of Rs 26(1902)310. port. ADAMS, Herbert Baxter (1850-1901). John Hopkins Univ. Prof, of history and writer. G i 1 m a n, Daniel Colt. Tribute to Herbert B. Adams. Mass Hist Soc Proc II 15(1901-2)198-200. Johns Hopkins university. Herbert B. Adams; tributes of friends, with a bibliography of the Department of history, politics and economics of the Johns Hopkins university, 1876-1901. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1902. 160 p. front, port. 24%cm. (Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science. Series xx. Extra number) [Contents. Herbert B. Adams: a biographical sketch by J.M. Vincent. Th life and services of Herbert Baxter Adams, by R.T.Ely. Other tributes: by D.O. a WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Oilman [and] B.J.Ramage. Resolutions: American historical association, Trustees of the Johns Hopkins university, Johns Hopkins university historical and political science association. Bibliography of the Department of history, politics and economics, 1876-1901. Rev.in.-Sewanee 10(1902)508-9 "Worthy memorial"; Nation 74(1902)386; South Hist A Pub 6(1902)351-2; Dial 32(1902)353; So Allan Q 1(1902)292-3. L.C. 2-10354] Vincent, John Martin. Herbert B. Adams. Am Hist A Rep '01 1(1902)197-210. ADAMS, Hugh. N. H. colonial minister. Rev. Hugh Adams (letter). Collect 16(1902)13-4. ADAMS, John(1735-1826j. Mass. 2d President of United States. Adams, John. Letter to William Plumer [1814]. Host Bull 6(1902)342-4. ADAMS, John Quincy (1767-1848). Mass. 6th President of United States. A d a m s, C. F. John Quincy Adams and martial law. Mass Hist Soc Proc II 15(1901-2)436-78. Adams, John Quincy. [letter] to William Plumner [1818]. Bost Bull 7(1902)138-9. F o r d, W. C. John Quincy Adams and the Monroe Doctrine. Am Hist R 7(1902)676-96; 8(1902)28-52. Ford, Worthington Chauncey. John Quincy Adams, his connection with the Monroe doctrine (1823) by Worthington Chauncey Ford, and with emancipation under martial law (1819-1842) by Charles Francis Adams... Cambridge, J. Wilson and son, 1902. 113 p. 25 x 16cm. [Pepr. from the Proc. Mass. his. aoc. for January, 1902. L. C. 2-16883] ADAMS family. Adams, Wm. N. Adams family of Maryland and Virginia. Va Mg 0(1902)313-14,432-3. ADDICKS, J. Edward (b.1841). Delaware politician. B o s s 1 s m in Delaware. Outl 70(1902)471-4. ADDISON, 111. Village, 18 m. W. by N. from Chicago. Llndemann, F. Evang.-luth. Schullehrer-Seminars in Addlson, 111. Dentsch-Am G 2.3(1902)17-21. ADENA Indian Mound, 0. Near Chillicothe, southern Ohio. M 1 1 1 s, W. C. Excavations of the Adena Mound. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)451-79. AOLIONBY family. A g 1 1 o n b y, F. K. The Yates and Agllonby families, of Jefferson Co. W. Va. W Va Mag 2.3(1902)44-51 AGRICULTURE. Cultivation of plants and animals for human use. [Coburn, Foster Dwight] Kansas and her resources. 80th thousand. [Chicago?] Passenger de't, The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway company, 1902. 69 p. incl. front., ill. map. 16% x 8&cm. ( [Homeseekers* series, no. 7]) [L.C. 2-26021] Draper, William R. The fanner's balance sheet for (1902). R of Rs 26(1902)332-5, map. H a r w o o d, W. S. The new agriculture. . .experiment station work. Scrib M 31(1902)643-60, 111. Howard, Emma S. Women farmers in California. Ctry Life Am l(1902)97(Ja). M a t s o n, Clarence H. Improved conditions in the American farmer's life. R of Rs 26(1902)329-31. P h e 1 p s, Charles S. Is there a decadency of New England agriculture? New Eng M 25(1901-2)374-83. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Div. of publications. ...Index to the yearbooks 1894-1900. Prepared by Charles H. Greatbouse. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 196 p. 24cm. (Its Bulletin, no. 7) [L.C. 3-8705] U. 8. Dept. of agriculture. Div. of publications. ...List by titles from 1840 to June, 1901, inclusive. Comp. and compared with the originals by K.B.Handy and Minna A. Cannon... Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 216 p. 23cm. (Its Bulletin no. 6) [L.C. 3-6387] AGUINALDO, Emilio (b.1870). Filipino insurrectionist against Spain and U. S. Le Roy, James A. (letter). A rejoinder to Mr. Lopez. Indep 54(1902)1660-1. Lopez, Slxto (letter). The real Agulnaldo. Indep 54(1902)1659-60. A1NOS. Aboriginal race of northern Japan. M o r i c e, Rev. A. G. Carriers and Ainos at home. Am Ant 24(1902)88-03. ALABAMA. Southern state of U. S., on Gulf of Mexico, admitted 1819. An Alabama bicentennial. R of Rs 25(1902)304, ill. Alabama department of archieves and history. Gulf Mag 1(1902)64. The Alabama department of archives and history (note). South Hist A Pub 6(1902)90-1. Annexation of West Florida to Alabama. Gulf Mag 1(1902)146-7. Annual meeting of the Alabama Historical Society. Gulf Mag 1(1902)66-8. Burton, J. U. History of the 47th Regiment of Alabama Volunteers, C. S. A. 1902. pp. 4 [3 columns to the page, without title, reprint, 100 cops.] Cory, Chappell. The Negro and the Alabama constitution. South Work 30(1901)628-30. Fleming, Walter L. The churches of Alabama during the Civil War and Reconstruction. Gulf Mag 1(1902)103-27. H a 1 b e r t, H. 8. Bernard Romans' map of 1772. Miss Hist P 6(1902)415-39, map. Lomax, Tenneut. The state and its university and other speeches. Montgomery, Ala. 1002. 42 p. 80. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. [Rev.in:South Hist A Pub 6(1902)358 "An especially open, earnest plea for support of the state uni- versity."] Martin, William Elejius. ...Internal improvements in Alabama. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins -press, 1902. 87 p. 24%cm. (Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science. Series 20, no. 4) [L.C. 2-17537] System of land division adopted by the Tennessee Yazoo Company. Gulf Mag 1(1902)141-3. T i in m o 11 s, James E. The dispensary system in Alabama. Outl 71(1902)454-5. [Willett, Elbert Deoatur], History of Company B (originally Pickens Planters) 40th Alabama regiment, Confederate States army, 1862 to 1865. [Anniston, Ala., Printed by Norwood, 1902] 1 p.l., 89 p. 22em. [Preface signed J.J.W. (1. e. Joseph Jackson Willett) "Taken without revision or correction from the diary of Captain. . .E.D. Willett of Company B." Pref. Pages 85-89 are from diary of J.H. Curry. L.C. 3-5825] ALABAMA Claims. Claims of U. 8. agst. Gt. Brit., arbitrated at Geneva, 1872. Wilson, James Grant. Two famous international arbitrations. Indep 54(1902)2410-11. ALAMO. Fort at San Antonio, Tex., scene of siege and massacre March 6, 1836. B a r k e r, E. C. William Barrett Travis, the hero of the Alamo. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)417-21. Bennett, Leonora. Historical sketch and guide to the Alamo. San Antonio, Tex., 1902. 131 p. incl. front., plan. port. 19%cm. [L.C. 2-24343] B r a d y, C. T. David Crockett and the most desperate defense in Am.hist. McClure 18(1901-2)252-61, 111. ALASKA. Territory of IT. S. extreme northwestern N. A., purchased from Russia in 1867. Baker, Marcus, 1849 ...Geographic dictionary of Alaska. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 446, iii p. 23Vcin. (U. S. Geological survey. Bulletin no. 187. ser. F, Geography, 27) [L.C. 3-5817] B a r r 5, P. Les mines de 1' Alaska et du Yukon. Rev Franc Nov (1902). B r o o k s, A. H. Proposed surveys In Alaska, 1902. Nat Geog M 13(1902)133(Ap). Dunn, Robert. Finding a volcano and wiping a...mt. from the map of Al. Outing 41(1901-2)321-32. G a m b e 1 1, F. H. Carrying the mail farthest north. World's Work 3(1901-2)1757-62, 111. I m m u u u i> 1, Fr. Nordwest-Amerika u. Nordost-Asien. Petermanns Mittheil (1902)49-58. Jackson, Sheldon, 1834 Facts about Alaska: its people, villages, missions, schools... New York, Woman's board of home missions of the Presbyterian church [1902?] 29 p. ill. (Incl. map) 20^ cm. [L.C. 3-21696] K i d d e r, James H. Hunting the big game of Western Alaska. Outing 41(1901-2)348-57, ill. L., G. W. Harriman Holiday cruise to Alaska. Nature 66(1902)176(Jel9). R o b o t, C. Acclimation du rennedous r Alaska. Nature 11 Jan (1902). Sullivan, May Kellogg. A woman who went to Alaska. Boston, J. H. Earle & company [1902] 392 p. incl. front, (port.) pi., map. 19cm. [L.C. 2-29911] U. S. Dept. of justice. Instructions to United States judges, marshals, attorneys, clerks, and commis- sioners for the district of Alaska. Effective from and after August 1, 1902... Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 104 p. 23cm. [L.C. 3-4102] Wlckersham, James. Contact between Asia and America. Am Ant 24(1902)187. Y o u n g, S. Hall. The situation in Alaska. Ass Her 6(1902)231-6. ALASKA-CANADA boundary question. Controversy between Canada and XT. S. The Alaska boundary. Nation 75(1902)258-9. Baich, Thomas Willing. The Alasko-Canadiuu frontier. Read at the annual meeting of the Franklin In- stitute, January 15th, 1902, and reprinted from the "Journal of the Franklin institute" for March, 1902. Philadelphia, Allen, Lane and Scott, 1902. 2 p. 1., 45 p. incl. maps, front, (map) 26%cm. [also 2 ed. 1902] [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1902)204 "...concludes In favor of the American contention..." L. O. 2-7864] B a 1 c h, T. W. Canada and Alaska. Nation 74(1902)109-10. B a 1 c h, Thomas Willing. La Frontiere Alasko-Canadienne. Rev. Droit Internal. 34(1902)5-23. H o d g i n s, Thomas. The Alaska-Canada boundary dispute. Canada Law J 38(1902)570-88, map. Hodgins, Thomas, 1828 The Alaska-Canada boundary dispute, under the Anglo- Russian treatyof 1825; the Russian- American Alaska treaty of 1867; and the Anglo-American conventions of 1892, 1895 an-1 1897. An historical and legal review. (From the Contemporary review) Toronto, Printed by R.G.Mc- Lean, 1902. 24 p. map. 25cm. [L.C. 3-3959] Johnston, Arthur. Facts about the Alaskan boundary. Nation 74(1902)69-70. S h a n n o n, R. W. Canada and Alaska. Nation 74(1902)51. Wade, F. C. The Alaska- Yukon boundary dispute; its practical side. Empire R Jan. 1903(1002)577-86. ALBANY, Ga. County seat of Dougherty Co. on Flint river. Davis, (Mrs.)W. L. Confederate monument at Albany, Ga. Confed Vet 10(1902)26-9, ill. ALBEMARLE. Confederate ram blown up Oct. 27, 1864. B i n k i n s, James. The Confederate ram Albemarle. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)205-14. 4 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. ALCOTT family. Clark, Annie M[aria] L[awrence] 1835 The Alcotts iu Harvard. Lancaster, Mass., J.C.L.Clark, 1902. 43, [1] p. front., pi., fucHiiu. 20 x 16cm. "A part of these reminiscences have already appeared in the New England magazine." [Rev.in:Natlon 75(1902)266 "Does not contain much in ... addition ... adds ...modicum of personal recollection ... photographs ..." L.C. 2-22201] ALDEN family. Alden, Augustus E, Pilgrim Alden; the story of the life of the first John Alden in America, with the interwoven story of the life & doings of the pilgrim colony, and some account of later Aldens. Boston, J.H.Earle & company [c!902] 4 p. 1., [13]-232 p. front., pi., facsim. 19%cm. [L.C. 3-9360] ALEUTIAN Islands. Alaska chain of islands extending nearly to Asia. Merriam, C. Hard. Bogoslof volcanoes. Smithson R 1901(1902)067-75, ill., charts, plan. ALEXANDER, E. P. (b.1835). Confederate General, R. R. president. A 1 e x a u d e r, E. P. Lee at Appomattox. Personal recollections. Cent C;5(1901 -2)921-31, port. ALEXANDER, Francis (1800-80). American portrait painter. L e o n a r d, B. A. Francis Alexander. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)363-4. ALEXANDER, Simon (b.1319). German American pioneer, McLean county, Illinois. H a r i n g, T. Zwei pioniere von McLean co. (Heinrich Funk Simon Alexander.) Dcutsch-Am G 2.2 (1902)46-9. ALEXANDER family. Alexander family. Win M Q 10(1902)178-85: 11. 60-65, 115-121 ALEXANDRIA, Va. Town on Potomac 7m. below Washington, D. C. Cameron, Alexander. Washington and [Alexandria, Va.] New Kng M 27(1902)259-77, port., ill. ALFORD, Mass. Township, Berkshire Co., 10 m. S.W. of Lenox. Alford, Mass. Vital records of Alford, Massachusetts, to the year 1850... Boston, 1902. 32 p. 23 1 /icm. (New-England historic genealogical society. [Vital records of the towns of Massachusetts]) Ed. by Henry Ernest Woods. [L.C. 3-5251] ALGONKINS. Indian tribes including- Ottawa, Delaware, etc. Chamberlain, Alexander F. Algonklan words in American English. J Am Folk-Lore 15(1902)240-67. Chamberlain, A. F. Signif. of certain Algonqnian animal-names. Am Anthropol n s 3(1902)669-83. L a t u 1 i p e, E. A. One Visite Pastorale chez les Algonquins. Nouv Fr 1(1902)478-91,574-82. Leland, Charles Godfrey. Kul6skap the master, and other Algonkin poems; tr. metrically by Charles God- frey Leland...and John Dyneley Prince... New York and London, Funk & Wagnalls company, 1902. 370 p. col. front., ill., pi. 19%cm. [Contents. pt. 1. The epic of KulSstap. pt. 2. Witchraft lore. pt. 3. Lyrics and miscellany. Appendix: The Passamaquoddy wampum records [in Passamaquoddy and English] Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02,7(1903)175-8(A.F.Chamberlain). L.C. 2-28508] ALLEGHANY County, Va. A western Co. S.E. of Allegheny Mts. M c A 1 1 i s t e r, W. A. Pioneer days in Alleghany County. Va Mag 10(1902)183-7. ALLEN, Ethan (1737-89). Vt. officer in American Revolution. Brown, Charles Walter. Ethan Allen, of Green Mountain fame, a hero of the revolution. Chicago, M.A. Donohue & co. [1902] 1 p. 1., 281 p. front., pi., port., map, facsiin. 20cm. [L.C. 2-24345] B u c k b a m, John Wright. The Robin Hood of Vermont. New Bug M 25(1901-2)102-19, port., facs., ill. Melville, Ernest. Ethan Allen. N. Y. Hist A 2(1902)16-23. ALLEN, Henry T. (b.1859). Chief of Philippine constabulary. J e n k s, Jeremiah W. The Philippine constabuary and its chief. R of Rs 26(1902)436-8, port. ALLEN family. Allen, Frank W. Charles Allen of Portsmouth, N. H., 1657, and some of his descendants. Boston, David Clapp & Son, 1902. 8vo. p. 7. [3 1. Men in N E Reg 56(1902)211 (F.W.Parke) "Greater part reprinted from the New Eng Hist and Gen Register."] Allen, Frank W. Charles Allen and some of his descendants. N E Reg 66(1902)26-30. ALLEN, "Land Bill" (1809-91). Ohio advocate of "Homestead Bill." R a n d a 1 1, E. O. "Land Bill" Allen. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)98-101. ALLENTOWN, Pa. City, Lehigh Co. on Lehigh r. 60 m. N. by W. from Philadelphia. [Allentown, Pennsylvania.] Am Month M 21(1902)240-4, ill. ALLERTON, Isaac (ab. 1583-1 659). Plymouth Colony merchant. I s a a s Allerton's deposition. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)109-10. ALLISON, William B. (b.1829). Iowa IT. 8. senator. Senator William B. Allison of Iowa. World's Work 3(1901-2)1910, port only. ALMANACS. Books with calendar and miscellaneous information. Baltimore Sun Almanac. Bait.. Sun pr. off.. 1902. 176 p. 12o. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 5 Brooklyn daily Eagle almanac, v. 17. Brooklyn, c!902. 622 p. 80. i: u m 1 n s a, Elizabeth. A bundle of old almanacs. New Eng M 27(1902)49-58. Langland, James. The Dally News Almanac, 1902. Chicago, Dally News. Tribune almanac and political register, 1902. N. Y., Tribune Association, 1902. 432 p. [12o.] World almanac and encyclopedia, 1902. N. Y. Press Publishing co., c!902. 608 p. [12o.] Note. Various other newspapers publish similar almanachs full of useful information on American affairs. ALMIHA, Kich. Township, Benzie Co. L i n k 1 e t t e r, C. S. Township History of Almira in Benzie Co. Mich Hist Coll '01,31(1902)102-13. AKANA, Iowa. Village 26 m. N.E. of Cedar Kapids. 10 1 y, Richard T. Amana: a study of religious communism. Harper 105(1902)659-68, 111. AMARANTH, The. New Brunswick Magazine published in 1841-2. Howe, Jonas. The Amaranth. Acad 2(1902)198-207. A3TENIA, N. Y. Village, Dutchess Co., 86 m. N. by E. of New York. ^ K n r d e 1 e y, Win. A. Marriage records of Amenia, N. Y. N Y Rec 33(1902)46-8,90-5. AMERICA. (1) The Western Hemisphere or (2) the TJ. S. of America q. v. Acton (Lord) planned by, Ward, A. W. ; Litt, Prothero; Leathes, Stanley, ed. by. The Cambridge modern history. Vol. 1, The Renaissance. N. Y., Macmillan, 1902. [Rev. In: Nation 76(1903)164-6 "...nineteen essays. . .treatment Is careful, the methods exact... no eloquence ... styles Is not dull. . .intense practi- cability. . .generally vigorous and pointed... a summary and philosophical view of .. .exploration. . .and of the foundation of the Spanish dominion in America ... remarkably high level. . .maintained. . .all are per- vaded by a truly scientific spirit."] do Marten s, F. A Russian's impressions of America. Indep 54(1902)2871-4, port. DicJison, Mrs. Marguerite Stockman. From the old world to the new; how America was found and set- tled. New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. xv, 197 p. incl. ill., pi., maps. 19% x 15%cm. [Rev.in:Dial 33(1902)480 "f or ... elementary schools ... great many pictures ... to attract the childish in- terest." L.C. 2-23102] Emerson, Edwin, jr. A history of the nineteenth century, year by year... with an introduction by Georg Gottfried Gervinus; illustrated with sixteen colored plates and thirty-two full page, half-tone cuts and two maps... New York, Dodd, Mead & company, 1902. 3 v. col. front., pi. (partly col.) port., maps. 21Micm. [Paged continuously. With the exception of slight changes !n the title-page, identical with the edition published in the same year by P.F.Collier and son. The introduction is G.G.Gervinus' "Einleitung in die geschichte''des neunzehuten jahrhuuderts" (Leipzig, 1853) tr. by M. Magnus. [Rev. in:Am Hist R 8(1903)586-7(C.H.L.) "clear. . .index is only a mockery and a sham... the student. .. [in] English. . .must for the present continue to. . .use. . .Hazell's Annual Cyclopedia and Mueller's Political History''; Dial 33(1902)113-6(Wallace Rice) "defects. . .largely inherent in the plan ... almost continu- ously interesting., .carefully. ..indexed. ..a valuable addition to works of reference ... marginal annota- tions of topics... style is popular." L.C. 2-19294] Gerland, G. Amerika, neuere Forschgn. 1898-1900. Geog. Jahrb. (1902)249-70. Helmolt, Hans F., and others, eds. Hist, of the world. N. Y., Dodd, 1902. In 8 v. v.l.!902(F22) ; v.4(My24), ill. [Rev.in:Nation 74(1902)410-11 "A type. . .which. . .Germans love to produce ... pos- sesses great importance. . .being the first systematic attempt... to write. . .history of mankind In... ag- gregate."] Helps, Sir Arthur. The Spanish conquest in America and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies. New ed. ; ed. with introd. and notes by M. Oppenheim in 4 v. N. Y. f J.Lane. 12o. v.l, 1900, v.2,1902, v.3,1903. [Rev. in: Nation 74(1902)483 "Very modest in ... emendations" ; Nation 7(5(1903)292 "editor's part, though unpedantlc as respects the notes, has been painstaking and scholarly ...conspicuous enrichment. . .in the maps superadded"; Dial 34(1903)313 "important reprint." L.C. 3-8397] Jacobs, Joseph. The story of geographical discovery; how the world became known; with twenty-four maps, etc. New York, D.Appleton and company, 1902. 207 p. incl. front., ill., maps. 19%cm. ([Library of valuable information]) [L.C. 2-27977] Labberton, Robert H[enlopen] 1812-1898. Labberton's universal history, from the earliest times to the present in the light of recent discoveries, with genealogical and geographical illustrations. New York. Boston [etc.] Silver, Burdett and company, 1902. xxi, 221 p. maps, geneal. tab. 28cm. ["Table of contents and bibliography"; p. vil-x. [Rev.in:Dial 33(1902)339 "still an atlas. . .maps. . .most im- portant feature, although the text is far more extensive." [L.C. 2-22011] Madden, J. Wardens of the Marches. [Spanish explorers.] Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)40-6. Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893. The struggle for a continent; ed. by Pelham Edgar... Boston, Little, Brown, & company, 1902. xix, 542 p. Incl. 111., maps, front, (port.) pi. 21cm. [L.C. 2-23431] Prescott, W. H. Hist, of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic. (Bohn's standard lib.) N. Y., Macmillan, 1902. 3 v. 12o. Shipley, John B. RCcentes dfcouvertes sur les communications entre 1'Burope et 1'Ame'rique au xve slficle. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. Ncrologie: Madame Marie A. Shipley, ne Brown... Paris, Leroux, 1902. 1 p. 1., 10 p. 25cm. [Ex- tract from "Compte rendu du Congrfcs international des Americanistes," Paris, 1900. L.C. 2-19069J Sosa, F. Conqulstadores antiguas y modernos. Esp Mod Abrll pp.59-100; Mayo pp.93-154. Wright, R[ichard] R[obertj ...Negro companions of the Spanish explorers. [New York, 1902] 217- 228 p. 25cm. At head of title: (From the American anthropologist (n. a.), vol. 4, April-June, 1902) [I- C. 3-14612] AMERICA, description and travel. Butterworth, Hezekiah. ...Traveller tales of the pan-American countries; illustrated by more than forty engravings. Boston, D.Estes & company [1902] 1 p. 1., vili, 11-289 p. incl. 111., pi. front. 20Hcm. (Educational travel series) [L.C. 2-22281] Knebel-DBberitz, H. v. Amerikan. Rciseskizzcn. Mouats. f. Dtsche. Beamte (1902)12. Mackenzie, Alex. Voyages from Montreal through the Continent of North America to' the Frozen aud Pacific Oceans in 1789 and 1793. [For details see same title under subject, Canada.] Muirhead, Ja. F. America, the land of contrasts. New ed. N. Y., Lane, 1902. 12o. [Rev. in: Nation 74(1902)209 "Third edition of this genial. . .work"; Dial 32(1902)253 "second edition. . .valuable com- mentary ... kindly in tone, yet not afraid of being critical."] R oh r bach, P. Amerikan. Wandlungen. Zeit (1902)lI.Nr.6. ...Strange lands near home. Boston, Ginn & comuany, 1902. vi, 138 p. incl. front., ill. 18cm. (Youth's companion series^ [Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)421 "Consists of extracts from papers that have already appeared ... all relate to the Western hemisphere." L.C. 2-23753] AMERICAN Academy, Rome, Italy. Art school for American students, founded 18 625- 31. AMERICAN Colonization Society. Soc. founded in 1773 to restore negroes to Africa. List of works relating to the American Colonization Society, Liberia, negro colonization, etc., in the New York Public Library. N Y Bull 6(1902)265-9. AMERICAN Desert. The arid region of the western TJ. S. Hill, Robert T. The transformation of the desert. World's Work 3(1901-2)1971-86, ill. Hill, Robert T. The wonders of the American desert. World's Work 3(1901-2)1818-32, map, ill. AMERICAN Economic Association, est. 1885. American Economic Assoc. Papers and proceedings of the fourteenth annual meeting. (Pub. vol. 3, no. 1.) N. Y., Macmillan, 1902. So. The Economic Association in Washington. [1901 meeting] Nation 74(1902)48-60. AMERICAN Historical Association, founded 1884, incorp. 1889. American Historical Association [1901 meeting]. Nation 74(1902)47.8. American historical association. ...Officers, committees, act of incorporation, constitution, list of mem- bers, 1902. [Harrisburg, Pa., Harrisburg publishing co., 1902] 71 p. 23cm. [L.C. 3-16106] H a s k i n s, Charles H. Report of procesdings of seventeenth annual meeting of the American His torical Association. Am Hist A Rep '01,1(1902)17-45. The meeting of the American Historical Association at Washington. Am Hist R 7(1902)421-36. AMERICAN Philosophical Society. Scientific soc. founded in 1769 in Phila. by Franklin. Oberholzer, Ellis Paxson. Franklin's Philosophical Society. Pop Sci M 00(1902)430-437. AMERICAN Revolution. War for independence against Great Britain 1775(1776)-83. For additional references see under the various local subjects and references to these in the Index. A 1 1 e n, W. C. Whigs and tories. N C Bookl 2.5(1902)3-24. American prisoners at Quebec during the Revolution. Gen Q M 3(1902)43-7. American Shrines. [Concord Bridge. Bunker Hill Monument. Washington's Elm. Plymouth Rock. Trenton Monument. Charter Oak. Lexington Common. Mount Vernon. Dorchester Heights] New Eng Mag 25(1901-2)2,130,266,522,650; 26(1902)130,258,386,514, ill. Army correspondence of Col. John Laurens. S C Hist Mag 3(1902)16-23. Bant, William (letters) to John Hancock, 1776, 1777. Bost Bull 7(1902)424-30. Bolton, Charles Knowles. The private soldier under Washington... New York, C.Scribner's sons, 1902. xlll, 258 p. pi., facsim. 21%cm. [Rev.ln:Am Hist R 8(1903)386-7 "material. . .collected with great care and... used with discretion and judgment... a view of the war as a real episode"; Dial 34(1903)26-7 "exhaustive array... a vivid picture"; N E Reg B7(1903)126(Frances H. Brown) "Of great value... in- dex." L.C. 23616] C a p t. Richard Lushington's [Rev.] company (note). S C Hist Mag 3(1902)113-4. Clarkson, Heriot. The hornet's nest. Mecklenburg, N. C. N C Bookl 1.6(1901)3-24. C o 1 e m a n, Samuel. [Letter] to Dwight Foster [1780]. Bost Bull 7(1902)498-9. Collins, Edward D. Committees of correspondence of the Am. Rev. Am Hist A Rep '01,1(1902)243-71. D a 1 1 o n, Mary Louise. Saint Louis, Missouri, in the Revolution. Am Month M 21(1902)193-7. Dod d, William E. North Carolina in the Revolution. So Atlan Q 1(1902)156-61. Dodd, William E. The role of the South in the Revolution. Meth R South 51(1902)360-6. WHITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTOEY 1902. 7 D o n n i s o n, William. [Letter] to Dwlght Foster. Bost Bull 7(1902)407. Fisher, Sydney George. The true history of the American revolution. . .with twenty-four illustrations and maps... Philadelphia & London, J.B.Llppiucott company, 1902. 437 p. front., pi., port., maps, facsim. 21cm. [Rev.ln:Am Hist R 8(1903)773-6(C.H.Vau Tyne) "series of special arguments to prove certain facts... upon which the best historians. . .have been agreed for twenty years. . .style unfortunate ... legal matter. . .best., .cannot be wholly ignored"; Nation 76(1903)198-9 "everywhere a forcing of the note, an exaggeration of emphasis, a lack of saue judgment. . .no bibliography and no adequate index"; Dial 34(1903)338-9(F.W.Sbepardson) "will have value as a corrective. . .against the tendency to ever-empha- sizc the heroic aspects of our Revolution..."; Am Hist R 8 (1903)403 "purports to 'differ considerably from the accounts we have had so far." L.C. 2-27223] F o 1 s o m. A. A. Comma, by Yorktown in 1854. Wm M Q 10(1902)213-21. Ford, Paul Leicester. The Crisis (1775). Blblioz 1(1902)139-52. Ford, Paul Leicester. Donkin's military collections. Bibliog 1(1902)22-6. F o s o m, A. A. French troops in Dedham. Dedb Reg 13(1902)94-5. Foster, AbleL [Letter] to M. Weare [1783]. Bost Bull 7(1902)499. Foster, John. The story of a private soldier [Moses Fellows] of the Rev. n.p. ; n.d. (1903) pp. 13. 80. Il.Men.in N E Resr 57(1903)231(F.W.Pnrke) "a sketch of Moses Fellows."] Foster, 3. The story of a private soldier In the Revolution. Historic Quart 3(1902)86-96. Griffin, Martin I. J. Catholics alone loyal. Am Cath Res 19(1902)8-11. H a d 1 e y, E. D. Our first war of aggression. Canada the object. Granite M 32(1902)314-24. Hart, Albert Bushnell, comp. ...Camps and firesides of the revolution, with the collaboration of Mabel Hill... New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. xlv p., 1 I., 309 p. incl. 1H., pi., port. front. 19%cm. (Source readers In American history, no. 2) [Rev.in:Pial 33(1902)289 "spelling and the language have been modernized"; Nation 75(1902)421 "[No] inder ... table of contents Is very" meagre." L.C. 2-24258] Harvey, Margaret B. California in the Revolution. Am Month M 21(1902)273-84. Harvey, Margaret B. [Rev. patriots born in Lower Merlon.] Am Month M 21(1902)299-300. H n y w c o d, Marshall DeLancey. Revolutionary records of North Carolina. Gulf Mag 1(1902)52-3. Heneberger, Lucy L. Bailey. N. E. "Footprints on the sands of time. Am Month M 21(1902)289-94. H i 1 1, D. H. Greene's retreat. N C Bookl 1.7(1901)3-27. H o w I a n d, Henry R. A British privateer in the American Revolution. Am Hist R 7(1902)286-303. Huebner, Francis C[hristian]. Charles Klllbuck; an Indian's story of the border wars of the American revolution, illustrated by W.F.Gilmore. Washington, D. C., The Herbert publishing company, 1902. 3 p. 1., 315 p. front, (port.) pi. 20cm. [L.C. 2-24928] Jay, John. Abb Hussey, Spanish chaplain in London, visits Madrid with the secretary of Lord George Gennaine with instructions concerning an exchange of American Revolutionary prisoners in England. Am Cath Res 19(1902)14-6. La Fayette. Letter [to Dr. Samuel Cooper] 1781. Am Hist R 8(1902)89-91. Laughton, John Knox. ed. The Naval miscellany. [For detail see same title under subject, Duncan, Henry.] Lee, Francis Lightfoot. Continental Board of War to the Gov. of Md. [1778]. Bost Bull 7(1902)22. Letters from Henry Laurens to his sou John, 1773-1776. S C Hist Mag 3(1902)86-96; 134-49; 207-15. List of armed vessels from port of Philadelphia, 1776-1777. Penn Mag 26(1902)145-7. List of patients... Marine Hospital, Philadelphia, 1784. Penn Mag 26(1902)92-100. Lobingier, Charles Sumner. Free masons in the American Revolution. Spirit of '76(1902)17-9. . XcCrady, Edward. The history of South Carolina In the Revolution, 1780-1783. [For details see same title under subject, South Carolina.] Kelvin, James. The journal of James Melvin, private soldier in Arnold's expedition against Quebec in the year 1775. [For details see same title under subject. Am. Rev.] Myers. Albert Cook. ed. Sallie Wister's Journal. Ferris & Leach, 1902. pp. 224. [Rev.ln:Am Hist R 8(1903)822 "interesting and amusing material for... social aspect of the Revolution."] The Navy of the Revolution. Collect 15(1902)137-8. Papers of 1st council of safety... In S. C., 1775. 8 C Hist Mag 3(1902)3-15.69-85,123-38. Papers of 2d council of safety. . .in S. C., 1775-1776. S C Hist Mag 3(1902)193-201. P a u 1 1 i n, C.O. The Naval administration of the SouthernStates during the Rev. Sewanee 10(1902)418-28. Perrault, Frs. Bishop's charge, providing for the celebration of the anniversary of the evacuation of Quebec by the Americans on the 31st December, 1775. Am Cath Res 19(1902)67-70. P i t t m a n, Thomas M. The Revolutionary Congress of North Carolina. N C Bookl 2.6(1902)3-18. Popp, [Stephan] Popp's Journal, 1777-1783; by Joseph G.Rosengarten. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography [April and July 1902] Philadelphia, 1902. 29 p. 3 maps. 24%cm. Tr. and ed. from a copy of the author's manuscript In the city library at Bayreuth. [L.C. 2-24820] R a n d n 1 1. E. D, Ohio's part in the American Revolution. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)102-7. S WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Real daughters [of the American Revolution]. Am Month Mag 18(1901)14-21,125-9,249-52; 19(1901)24 8,158-63,269-76,384-401,507-10,592-6; 20(1902)20-30,116-23,228-38,334-6,584-9,1037-41; 21(1902)27-32,119-26, 211-6,302-7,376-9,462-4, ports., face. [Rev. recruiting lists, pay lists, etc., of Pa.] Penu Mag 25(1901)420-3,426,429-30,577-9,582-3,588-94; 25(1902)145,148-53,401-4,410-11,477-9. Rev. soldiers buried at Greenbridge cemetery, Saratoga Springs. Am Month M 21(1902)118. Revolutionary soldiers buried in Ohio. Am Month M 21(1902)460-2. Ross, George. Circular letter from Governor Ross, 1776. Bost Bull 7(1902)21. Rosseau, F. Laparticipation de 1'Espagne fl. la guerre d'Am&rlque (1779-1783). Paris, Jacquin, 1902. pp. 48. 80. Selections from the Campbell papers. Va Mag 9(1902)298-306. Skinner, Henrietta Dana. New light on Revolutionary diplomacy. Harper 104(1901-2)777-84. Smith, Fitz-Hcnry. Were Burgoyne's officers quartered on the College? Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)50-6. Smith, Justin H. The prologue of the Am. Rev. 1. The barriers broken. Cent 65(1902)72-94. Soldiers and sailors of the Rev. Ess Ant 5(1901)10-2,174-9; 6(1902)31-4,80-3,116-20,164-5. Some Revolutionary soldiers from Virginia. Am Month M 21(1902)207-11. Some unpublished Revolutionary manuscripts [chiefly N. J.]. N .1 Hist S 3(1902)85-92. Suicide of Major Galvan. Penn Mag 26(1902)407-8. Tower, C. La Marquis de la Fayette et la Revolution d'Auifirique. . .trad. . .par M.Gaston Paris Tome 1. Paris, Plon, 1902. pp. 475. 80. Van Tyne, Claude Halstead. The loyalists in the American revolution. New York, London, The Mac- millan company, 1902. xii, 360 p. 20cm. [Rev.iu:Am Hist R 8(1903) 776-9( Victor Coffin) "not... sat- isfactory. . .tone is admirably objective. . .adds. . .information. . .defective chiefly because it attempts too much. . .deficient in firmness and defiuiteness of plan and treatment. . .need [s]. . .pruning and readjust- ment... hasty and unwise contraction and. . .repetitions. . .diction. . .sometimes painf nl . . . good index... shows that its author can do better [no bibliography]"; Dial 34(1903)338-9(F.W.Shepardson) "concis.-. ...convenient handbook ... abundant foot-notes and references to original sources"; Nation 76(1903)461-2 "no bibliography. . .not. . .made much use of the sources. . .except at second hand. . .Citations are not made uniformly. . .number of errors of detail. . .will serve a useful purpose. . .index is good"; Hist Pub Canad 7 40-2(E.Cruikshank) "resorted mainly to original sources ... some minor errors." L.C. 2-26761] V a rn e y, George J. The Stars and Stripes a Boston Idea. New Eng M 26(1902)539-48, ill. Virginia militia in the Revolution. Va Mag > 9(1902)413-4; 10,82-3.188-9. W a 1 z, John A. Three Swabian Journalists and the Am. Rev. I. Frlodrlch Schiller. Am Germ 4(1902) 95-129,267-91. Weedon, George, 17301-1790. Valley Forge orderly book of General George Weedon of the continental army under command of Gen. George Washington, in the campaign of 1777-8, describing fhe events of the battles of Brandywine, Warren tavern, Germantown, and Whltemarsh, and of the camps at Ne- shaminy, Wilmington, Pennypncker's Mills, Skippack, Whitemarsh, & Valley Forge. New York, Dodd, Mead and company, 1902. 3 p. 1., 323 p. front., plans. 24*cm. Published under the auspices of the American philosophical society. Limited edition of 255 copies. [Rev.ln:Nation 76(1903)72 "valuable record. . .orders. . .incomplete in ... applying to the whole army. . .names. . .carelessly printed": 6 1. Men. in: Am Hist R 8(1903)607. L.C. 2-30083] W h i p p 1 c, William. [Letter] to Josiah Bartlett [1779]. Bost Bull 7(1902)23-4. W h i t e, B. (letter of) (1779). Some war news. Collect 15(1902)47. AMERICAN Scenic and Preservation Society. The American Scenic and Preservation Society. Mag Am Hist N. S. 1(1902)17-23, ill. AMERICAN School of classical studies at Athens, founded 1882. W h e e 1 e r, J. R. The American school of classical studies at Athens. Outl 71(1902)879-85, ports., ill. AMERICANISTS. Students of primitive Am. affairs. The International Congress of Americanists. Am Ant 24(1902)486-8. AMERICANIZATION. Moulding of foreign nations by American ideas. D e h n , P. Was wir v. Amerika lernen kSnnen. Dtsche.Exp.-Rev.Beil. (1902)Nr.3-5,9. D 6 n g e s. Amerikanisierg. d. Welt. Bell.z.allgem.zeit (1902). H o r w i 1 1 , Herbert W. Is England being Americanized? Forum 33(1902)233-42. 1. abadle-Lagrave, G. L'americanisation de iles Tahiti. Tour Monde 25 Jan (1902). L e g e r , A. L'Am6ricanisation du monde. Corresp 25 Avril (1902). L o s c h , H. Amerikanisierg. d. Welt. Dent. Stimmen. (1902)4.J.177-83,222-27. Mayo, Earl. The Americanization of England. Forum 32(1902)566-72. M e r'k u r. Amerikanisierg. d. dtschen. Schiffahrts-Gesellschaften. Gesell (1902)l.B.l-6. Sincerus Amerlkanismns 1. Italien. 20 Jahrh.(1902)Nr.27. Stead, William T[homas] The Americanization of the world; or. The trend of the twentieth century. New York, London, H.Markley [1902] 4 p. 1.. 444 pp. maps. 19%cm. [L.C. 2-4968] Stead, W. T. Die ameiikanisierung der welt. Ber. Vita. 1902. 4o. M.2. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. AMERICA'S cup. Prize for international yacht racing. Mr. Lawson and the America's cup. Nation 75(1902)127-8. Thompson, Winfleld M[artin], and Lawson, Thomas W. The Lawson history of the America's cup; a record of fifty years. Boston, Mass., 1002. xv, 402 p. front., pi. (partly col.) port, maps, facsim., diagr. SO^cm. [Title in red and black within ornamental border; initials and tailpieces. "This book is pub- lished for private distribution only, by Thomas W.Lawson in an edition of three thousand copies " L.C. 2-20245] AMES, Adalbert (b.1835). XT. S. officer in Civil war, Miss. Gov., U. S. senator. Johnston, Frank. Conference of Oct. 15th, 1875, between Gen. George and GOT. Ames. Miss HUt P 6(1902)65-77. AMES, Fisher (1758-1808). Mass. Congressman and orator. Ames, Fisher. [Letter] to Isaac P. Davis [1802]. Bost Bull 7(1902)134-5. AMES, Nathaniel (1708-64). Mass, mathematician. C a 1 d e r , E. F. Extra, from the Ames Diary. Dedh Reg 12(1901)33-4,58-60,107-8,123-5; 13(1902)25-7, 49-53,80-2,112-4. AMESBTJRY, Mass. Town of Essex Co. 36 in. N. of Boston. Hoyt, David W. The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury, Massachusetts. [For details see samu title under subject, Salisbury, Mass.] ANARCHIST. One who opposes all forma of government. The bill against anarchists. Nation 74(1902)145-6. Legislating against anarchists. Nation 74(1902)213-4. Lombroso.C. Anarchy and government in Europe and United States. Everybody's 6( 1902) 165 (F). ANDERSON, Charles D. (d.1901). Confederate officer. Edgar, Thomas H. Col. Charles D. Anderson. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)31. ANDERSONVILLE, Ga. Village, Sumter Co. 60 m. S. W. of Macon. Lightcap, W[illiam] H[enry] The horrors of southern prisons during the war of the rebellion, from 1861 to 1865. . . . [Platteville, Wis., Journal job rooms, 1902] 95 pp. incl. front, (port.) 22cm. [L.C. 2-5212] Massachusetts. Commission on Andersonvillo monument. . . . Report of the Commission on Andersonville monument... [Boston, Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1902] 75 p. front., pi. 23cm. [Commissioners: Charles G. Davis, Thaddeus H. Xewcomb, Francis C. Curtis, Levi G. McKnight, Ever- ett S. Horton. "A list of the Massachusetts soldiers known to be buried in the national cemetery, Andersonville, Ga.": p. 42-75. L.C. 3-9723] ANDES. Mountain range along west coast of South America. Conway, Sir [William] Martin, 1866 Aconcagua and Tierra del Fuego; a book of climbing, travel and exploration" . . London, New York [etc.] Cassell and company, 1902. xil, 252 p. front., 18 pi., fold, map. 22cm. [L.C. 3-7939] ANDRE, John (1751-80). British major in Am. Revolution. Sargent, Winthrop, 1825-1870. The life and career of Major John Andre, adjutant-general of the British army in America. New ed., with notes and illustrations; ed. by William Abbatt... New York, W. Abbatt, 1902. 1 p. 1., xlv p., 1 1., 543, [1] p., 1 1. front., pi., port., facsim., fold. map. 29%cm. ["Limited to 500 copies (seventy-five on large paper)." "Poems and ballads relating to Major Andre": p. [535]-536. "Dramas relating to Major Andre": p. 536. Rev.in:Dial 34(1903)310-11 "style IB not marked by brilliancy. . .industrious and painstaking. . .candor and fearlessness. . .As a work of refer- ence... is valuable"; N Y Rec 34(1903)151 "enlarged and carefully edited. . .thoroughly indexed..."; N E Reg 57(1903)339-40(F.W.Parke) "Mr. Abbatt... was especially qualified for editing and enlarging." L.C. 3-2002] ANKENY, R. V. (1836-1801). Officer in Civil War. Gen. R. V. Ankeny. Continental l(1902)No.6. ANNAPOLIS, Md. State capital, seat of IT. S. Naval Academy, 40 m. E. of Baltimore. Benjamin, Park. In defence of the Naval academy. Indep 54(1902)2743-6. Dug-an, M[ary] C[oale] Outline history of Annapolis and the Naval academy. Baltimore, B.G.Eichel berger [1902] 67 p. ill. 21cm. [L.C. 3-1271] IT. S. Naval academy, Annapolis. Class of '71, Annapolis, Md. New York [The Grafton press] 1902. [282] p. front., pi., facsim. 22cm. ["One hundred copies of this book have been made for private distribution to the class." L.C. 3-4982] Walnwright, Richard. The new naval academy. World's Work 4(1902)2269-85, ill. ANNAPOLIS County, Nova Scotia. A southwestern Co. on bay of Fundy. S a v a r y, A. W. Muster roll of discharged officers and disbanded soldiers and Loyalists taken In the county of Annapolis between the 18th and 29th days of June, 1784. N Y Rec 33(1902)214-9. 10 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. ANTARCTIC region*. South polar continent^ ?)and ocean. Arctowski, Henryk. Antarctic voyage of the Bolglca, 1807-9. Smithson R 1901(1902)377-88, ill. Balch, Edwin Swift. Antarctica. Philadelphia, Press of Allen, Lane & Scott, 1902. 230 p. fold. map*. 27% cm. [An enlargement of a paper published in TO!, cli and clii of the Journal of the Franklin Institute. Contents. The legendary "Terra Austral is incognita" and voyages leading from a belief to a disbelief in it. Voyages up to and including the discovery of the continent of Antarctica. Voyages subsequent to the discovery of the continent of Antarctica. Rv.in:Nation 75(1902)40 "Complete guide to... literature and cartography of... south Polar region ... adds to each. . .statement. . .his authority... Index"; N E R?g 57(1903)239(F.W.Parke). L.C. 2-15193] Borchgrevlnk, C. E. Farthest south. Outl 70(1902)809-16. 111. British national Antarctic expedition, 1902. Geog 3 20 ( 1902) 209 ( AST). Gregory,.!. W. Antarctic exploration. Pop Sci M 60(1902)209-217. M. H. R. German Antarctic expedition. 1901. Nature 66(1902)223(J13). Scottish Antarctic expedition. Geog J 20(1902)438(0). ANTHONY family. Bryant, C. B. Anthony-Cooper (note). Va Mag 9(1902)328-31. ANTIQUITIES. Remains of ancient people*. A y m e, Louis H. Ancient Mexican tbeogooy and cosmogony. Notes and Q 20(1902)65-71. B o a s, Franz. Some problems in North American archeology. Am 3 Archseol 6(1902)1-6. B r o w n, A. J. Antiquities of Newton county, Mississippi. Miss Hist P 6(1902)441-8. D o r s e y, G. A. L'age de la pierre dans 1'Amerique dn Nord. Anthrop Jan 1902). Finds In America. Am Ant 24(1902)421. Fountains and aqueducts, ancient and modern [incl. Am.]. Am Ant 24(1902)478-82, 111. Jack, Isaac Allen. A sculptured stone found near St. George, New Brunswick. Acad 2(1902)267-75, ill. K e a n e, A. H. Native American culture. Internal Mo 5(1902)338-57. L. A week of wonders. Out West 15(1901)425-37; 16(1902)19-24, ill. L a w s o n, Publius V. Copper age in the United States. Am Ant 24(1902)459-74, ill. Ly m a n, William D. The painted rocks of Lake Ohelan. Am Antiq Soc N S 15 II '02(1903)259-61. P e e t, Stephen D. Ancient temple architecture. [Ind Am.] Am Ant 24(1902)365-94, ill. P e e t, Stephen D. Ethnic styles among American tribes. Am Ant 24(1902)61-74, ill. Pe e t, S. D. Human figures in art and life primitive, Am. and Oriental. Am Antiq 24(1902)109(Mr). P e e t, Stephen D. The ruined cities of Asia and America. Am Ant 24(1902)135-56, 111. Putnam, F[rederic] W[ard]. Archaeological and ethnological research in the United States: a brief sum- mary for 1901. Reprinted from vol. xlv, Proceedings of the American antiquarian aociety, October meeting, 1901. Worcester, Mass., C. Hamilton, 1902. 1 p. 1., 461-470 p. 25%cm. [L.C. 2-19447] S e I e r, Eduard. Prehistoric civilizations of Amerisa. Indep 54(1902)2578-9. South American archaeology in the American museum of Natural History, New York. Am Ant 24 1902)454-6. S w a n, A. M. Stone circles. Am Ant 24(1902)182. Roller, Robert Douglas. Giant's axe. W Va Mag 2.2(1902)86. U p h a m, Warren. Primitive man and bis stone implements in North Am. loes*. Am Ant 24(1902)413-20. ANTRIM, N. H. Township, Hillsborough Co. 27 m. W.S.W. of Concord. M e t c a 1 f, H. H. Antrim A typical New Hampshire town. Granite M 32(1902)335-73, ill., port. APPALACHIA. Name for watershed of Allegheny and Monongehala river*. H o 1 1 a n d, W. J. The educational needs of Appalachia. Transallegheny Hist M 1(1901-2)213-24. APPARITIONS. R. Une apparition [to Sir J. C. Sherbrooke at Cape Breton]. Rech Hist 8(1902)95. APPLETON, Nathaniel (1693-1784). Mas*. Congregational clerg. and writer. [Letter] to Lovell [1778]. Boat Bull 7(1902)463-4. APPOMATTOX (Va.). Civil War campaign, March 29-Apr. 9, 1865. Adams, Charles Francis. Lee at Appomattox, and other papers. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mif- flin and company, 1902. 2 p. 1., 387, [1] p. 20%cm. [Contents. Lee at Appomattox. The treaty of Washington: before and after. The British "change of heart." An undeveloped function. A plea for military history. Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1902)144-7(D.H.Chamberlain) "all is good and valuable. ..de- serves warm and wide welcome... as a writer is not to be praised without reserve"; Nation 75(1902) 100 "expression of. . .well-equipped student never obtrusive or brusque ... not always carrying convic- tion but. ..interesting and... worthy of attention"; Nation 75(1902)247-8 "Augmented ... second edition by... Chicago Phi Beta Kappa address, 'Shall Cromwell [i. e. Lee] have a statue?' "; Dial 33(1902)37-8 (Franklin H.Head) "ripe scholarship. . .grace of style, and ... thorough understanding of the subject... most interesting and instructive. . .of permanent value." L.C. 2-16460] Alexander,E. P. Lee at Appomattox. Personal recollections of the break-up of the Confederacy. Cent 63(1901-2)921-31, ports. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902 11 B o w y e r, N. B. Reminiscences of Appomattox. Confed Vet 10( 1902)77-8, port. I) u B o s e, John Witherspoon. The tragedy of the commissariat. Gulf Mag 1(1902)27-32. Gibbon, John. Personal recollections of Appomattox. Cent 63(1901-2)936-43. ARBITCKLE, John (fl.1902). New York manufacturer and capitalist. M o f f e t t, Samuel B. John Arbuckle. Cosmopol 33(1902)542-4, port. ARCHBOLD, Richard (b.1713). Irish Jesuit missionary to Maryland, convert to Protestantism. D e v i t t,E. I. Rev. Richard Archbold, apostate Jesuit. Am Cath Res 19(1902)61-2. ARCHIBALD, Sir Adams George (1814-1892). Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia. Lou K worth, Israel. The Hon. Sir Adams George Archibald, K. C. M. G. Acad 2(1902)210-13. ARCHITECTURE. Science and art of beautiful building. A r c h 1 t e c t n r e, N. Y. City. Archit Rec 11 no.3(1902)84(Ja). C r o 1 y, H. The contemporary N. Y. residence. Archit Rec 12(1902)704(D). Emerson, William Ralph, selected by. The architecture and furniture of the Spanish colonies during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, including Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines... Boa- ton, Mass., G.H.Polley & co. [1902] 2 p. 1., 70 pi. 47% x 33cm. [L.C. 2-20408] H a ni 1 i u, A. D. F. Architectural art. Forum 34(1902-3)92-104. P e e t, Stephen D. Ethnic styles in American architecture. Am Ant 24(1902)19-34,61-74,365-94, ill. P e e t, Stephen D. Pyramids and palaces in America. Am Ant 24(1902)429-50, ill. P e e t. S. D. Village life and village architecture [Indian]. Am Ant 24(1902)239-54, ill. Recent American architecture. Archit Rec 12(1902)227(Je). Sturgis, Russell and others. A dictionary of architecture and building: biographical, historical, and de- scriptive. N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1902. 3v.[Genoral but incl.Am.] [Rev.in:Nation 72(1901)219-20 "an encyclopaedic dictionary. . .biographies. . .play a large part. . .pronunciation [not] given... lack of pro- portion. . .illustrations. . .not satisfactory .. .eminently useful and, in the main, reliable"; Nation 74 (1902)138 "As a whole is marked by ... fortunate selection of .. .writers. . .great mass of definitions and of brief articles. . .is up to standard of... earlier volumes..."; Dial 30 ( 1901 ) 302-4 ( I. K. Pond) "defects are lost, almost, in the mass of well edited, pertinent material... a very desirable reference book"; Dial 31(1901)82 "rich... in material. . .by reason of the extended and scholarly articles. . .admirable book of reference" ;Dial 32(1902)208 "of great interest and value ... almost an encyclopaedia ... compre- hensive and authoritative."] ARCTIC regions. North polar land and ocean. Kersting-, Rudolf, ed. ...The white world; life and adventures within the Arctic Circle portrayed by famous living explorers; collected and arranged for the Arctic club. New York, Lewis, Scribner & co., 1902. 386 p. incl. ill., pi., port, front. 21cm. [Rev. in: Nation 75(1902)59 "Collection of yarns, sketches, and stories, by... members of... Arctic club ... result is a success viewed in this light"; Hist Pub Canad '02.7(1903)149-50. L.C. 2-15992] Mackenzie. History of the Fur Trade and Voyages to the Arctic. [For details see same title tinder sub- ject, Fur trade.] M a r k h a m, C. R. Arctic problems. Geog J 20(1902)481 (N). R e t o u r simultaue de Peary et de Sverdrup; le pole nord reste inviolfi. Tour Monde 27 Sept (1902). Return of Sverdrup, Peary, and Baldwin Arctic expeditions. Geog J 20(1902)434(0). ARGENTINE Republic, S. A. South American state on S. Atlantic coast. B n 1 f i n, William. The United States in Latin America. World's Work 4(1902)2533-50, ill. Dalreaux, E Communication sur 1' "Habeas corpus" dans les pays hispano-amerlcans, on particu- Her dans la R^publique Argentine. Bull mensuel Soc Leg Comp Avrtl-Mai (1902). Garcia Al-Degruer, Juan. ...Historia de la Argentina... Madrid, La EspaQa editorial [1902-03] 2 pts. in 1 v. 17 J /cm. Contents. 1. pte. La dominacion espafiola. 2 pte. La revolucWn y la guerra de la Independencia. [L.C. 3-21377] Kuczynski, Robert Rene. Wheat growing in Argentine (notes). J Pol Econ 10(1901-2)266-81. L'industia delle latterie Nell' Argentina. Ecouomista 5 Oct. (1902). Moulin, Henri Alexis. Le litige chilo-argentln et la delimitation politique des fronttfires naturelles. Paris. A.Rousseau, 1902. 2 p. 1., 147, [1] p. ill. 23cm. [L.C. 2-23132] NordensklOld, E. Explorations dans... la Bolivie et de la Republique Argentine. G6og Bull Aoft (1902). V a c h e, A. La gfiographie Sconomique de 1'Argentine. Ann Gog Mai (1902) ARIZONA. Southwestern Territory of TT. S. Bicknell, P. C. Guide book of the Grand Canyon of Arizona with the only correct maps in print; a vol- ume of interesting facts and gossip... [Los Angeles, Cal., Press of G.Rice & sons (inc.) 1902] 1 p. 1., [7]-97 p., ill., pi., fold. map. 17cm. [L.C. 2-17241] D a i r s, Arthur Powell. Irrigation in Arizona. Nat'l M (Bost) 15(1901-2)642-4. Hough, Walter. Explorations of 1901 in Arizona. Am Antlq 24(1902)408. Hough, Walter. Ancient peoples of the petrified forest of Arizona. Harper 105(1902)897-901, ill. 12 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1903. La u t, E. La Tie dans 1' Arizona, frontifire Mexico- Amerlealne. Tour Monde 12 Avril (1902). U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on territories. . . . New statehood bill. Hearings before the sub- committee of the Committee on territories [Nov. 12-24, 1902] on House bill 12543, to enable the people of Oklahoma, Arizona, and New Mexico, to form constitutions and state governments and be admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original states. December 10, 1902. Sumltted by Mr. Bev- eridge and ordered to be printed. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 394 p. 2 fold. maps. 23cm. (57th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. no. 36) "Hearings of the Senate Committee on territories June 28 and 30, 1902, on House bill 12543, providing for the admission of the territories of Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma to statehood": p. 317-394. L.C. 3-3989 ARMISTEAD family. Armistead Family. Wm M Q 11(1902)144-5. ARMOUR, Phillip D. (1832-1901). Chicago meat packetr, philanthropist. Philip D. Armour. South Work 30(1901)240-1. ARMSTRONG, George Washington(1836-1001). Boston merchant. Stcbblus, Oliver B. George Washington Armstrong. N E Reg 56 Suppl (1902)1x11-1x111. ARMSTRONG family. Armstrong, James Lewis. Chronicles of the Armstrongs; ed. by James Lewis Armstrong, M. D. Jamaica, Queensborough, N. Y., The Marion press, 1902. vi p., 1 1., 407, [1] p., ill., pi., port. 27%cm. "200 copies printed." !L.C. 2-25433] ARMY and Navy. I? < n J a m 1 n, Park. The Navy's problem. Indep 54(1902)3079-81. Fillis, Joseph. Trans, "by. Hayes, M. H. Breaking and riding, with military commentaries. N. Y., Scrib- uers, 1902. [Rev.in:Nutlon 75(1902)77 "Letter ... from Gen. Halleck. . .on. . .serviceable. . .cavalry. . .of value."' (i 1 1 1 m o r, H. . Battleships of the United States Navy. Cassier 21:473(Ap). Hamersly, Lewis Randolph. The records of living officers of the U. S. navy and marine corps. Cornp. from official... 7th ed. Rev., with numerous additions. New York, L.R.Hamersly co., 1902. 511 p. incl. port. 27cra. [L.C. 2-13393] Hill, Frederic Stanhope, 1829 Twenty-six historic ships; the story of certain famous vessels of war ami of their successors in the navies of the United States and of the Confederate States of America from 1775 to 1902... with an introduction by Hear- Admiral George Eugene Belknap. . . New York and Lon- don, G.P.Putnam's sons, 1903 [1902] xllx, 515 p. front., pi., port. 23% cm. [Contents. Beginnings of the American navy. The "Alfred," "Ranger," and "Bon Homme Richard." The "Reprisal." The "Hornet." The "Wasp." The "Enterprise.-' "Old ironsides." The "Constellation." The "United States." The "Essex." The "Lawrence." The "Saratoga." The "Fulton." The "Hartford." The "Monitor." The "New ironsides." The "Kearsarge." The "Sumter." The "Alabama." The "Mer- rimac." The "Arkansas." The "Tennessee." The "Maine." The "Olympia." The "Oregon." Rev. in:Natlon 76(1903)151 "style is simple and pleasing. . .stories themselves of perennial interest. . .care- less proof-reading." L.C. 2-30133] H u r d, Archibald S. America's bid for naval supremacy. 19th Cent 52(1902)893-904. Jane, Fred T. ed. All the world's fighting ships. 5th year. N. Y., Muiin, 1902, ill. The joint manoeuvres. 1902. Nation 75(1902)201-2. Laugrhton, John Knox, ed. The Naval miscellany. [For detail see same title under subject, Duncan, Henry.] Lewis, Henry Harrison. The capture of Nantucket. New Ens M 25(1901-2)180-92, ill., map. L o n p, John D. The new American navy. Ontl 72(1902)832-46, port., ill. Maclay, Edgar Stanton. A history of the United States navy from 1775 to 1902... New and enl. ed... v. 3... New York, D.Appleton and company, 1902. v. front., ill., pi. 22%cm. [L.C. 2-12716] (La) marine de I'Amf'rique et de 1'Allemagne. Int rev gesammt armeen Mai suppl 38 (1902). Melville, George W. Our new navy. R of Rs 25(1902)561-70, ill. Morris, Charles. The story of the American navy and our sailor boys... Philadelphia, Pa., World Bible house [1902] ix, [1], 17-240 p. col. front., ill., pi. (partly col.) 25cm. [Cover-title: True stories of the American navy... Issued also under the title: The gallant deeds of our naval heroes. L.C. 2-25936] Ollivier, E. Les besoins des fitats-Unls en bailments de combat (trad, et analyse) Rev Marit Mars (1902). P a u 1 1 1 n, C. O. The Naval administration of the Southern States during the Rev. Sewanee 10(1902) 418-28. TJ. S. Adjutant-general's office. Manual of guard duty, United States army. Approved June 14, 1902. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. vii, 97 p. 12'cin. ([War dept. Adjutant-general's office. Doc. no. 167]) [L.C. 3-7478] V 1 1 1 a r d, Oswald Garrison. The new army of the United States. Atlaa 89(1902)437-51. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 13 Was kanu Nordamerika i. Falle e Krieges m. e. europ. Macbt leisten? Dtache. Monataachr. (1902) JunI 397-405. Was kann Nordamerika i. Falle e. Krieg. in. e. europ. Macht leisteuV Polytech. Centralbl.(1902) (Mars)Juni 397-405. Williams, Talcott. The new navy. Atlau 90 (1902) 383-93. ARNOLD, Benedict (1741-1801). Brigadier-general in Am. Rev. Codman, John, 1863-1897. Arnold's expedition to Quebec. New York, London, The Macmillau co. ix, 340 p. front., pi., port., fold, maps. 2 ed. 1902. 80. [L.C. l-23552-Nr.2 Oct.31] ARNOLD family. Bates, Samuel A[ustin], comp. ...The Arnold family. As entered upon the records of the town of Braintree. 1640 to 1853... South Braintree, Mass., F.A. Bates, 1902. [48] p. 10% x 12cm. At head of title: Vital records of Braintree. ["An extract from a voluminous manuscript prepared by the au- thor." Prologue. L.C. 3-17746] ARTS and crafts. Dependent or applied art*. Gild of arts and crafts of New York. Craftsman 2(1902)99(My). Triggs, Oscar Lovell, 1865 Chapters in the history of the arts and crafts movement. Chicago, The Bohemia guild of the Industrial art league, 1902. 4 p. 1., 198 p., 1 1. front., pi. 25 x 16%cm. [Con- tents. Carlyle's relationship to the new industrialism. Ruskin's contribution to the doctrine of work. Morris and his plea for an industrial commonwealth. Statement of principles of the Hammersmith socialist society. Ashbee and the reconstructed workshop. Rookwood: an ideal workshop. The de- velopment of industrial consciousness. Appendix I. A proposal for a guild and school of handicraft. Appendix II. The industrial art league.. Rev.in:Dial 33(1902)287-8 "is both historian and sociologist ...little originality..." L.C. 2-19753] ARTS (Fine). Creation of beauty in material forms. Caffin, Charles H[enry] 1854 American musters of painting; being brief appreciations of some American painters, illustrated with examples of their work. New York, Doubleday, Page & company, 1902. x, 195 p. front., pi., port. 23 x 17%cm. Reprinted from the New York Sun. [Rev.ln:Dial 32(1902)420-1 "closely analytical and even technical study... in [popular] terms. . .delightful reading, and convincing"; Pial 33(1902)399 "charming bits of criticism. . .style is clear, concise, and direct, yet intensely sug- gestive, and packed with allusions"; Nation 74(1902)366 "List is. . .good. . .all contemporary artists... too exclusively literary. . .sympathy with and understanding of .. .painter's point of view" [lacking]. L.C. 2-25617] C r o 1 y, H. The new world and new art and life. Archit Rec 12(1902)135(Je). Hartmann, Sadakichi. A history of American art. Boston, L.C.Page & co., 1902 [1901] 2v. front., pi. 19cm. (Art lovers' series) [Contents. v. 1. .American art before 1828. Our landcsape painters. The old school. The new school. v. 2. American sculpture. The graphic arts. American art in Kurope. Latest Dhases. L.C. 1-24191 M 2] Peck, Grace BrownelL Amateur art in early New England. Harper 104(1901-2)987-94, ill. P e e t, S. D. Human figures in American and Oriental art compared. Am Ant 24(1902)109-24, ill. S a w v e 1, F. B. Art and life in America. E-luca 22(1902)523(My). ASSASSINATION. Premeditated murder, especially of public persons. B u c k 1 e y, J. M. The assassination of kings and presidents. Cent 63(1901-2)136-42. ASSINIBOINE Mt. Mountain in southwestern Canada. B n r p e e, L. J. The conquest of Assiuiboine. Outing 40(1902)207-12, ill. O u t r a m, James. The first ascent of Mount Assiniboine. Alpine J 21(1902)102-14. O n t r a m, James. Our dash for Mt. Assiniboine. Appalachia (1902)43-50. ASTA, Cal. Village, Sonamo Co. D o n d e r o, C. Asta, Sonamo county. Out West 17(3902)251-65. ASTOR, John Jacob (b.1864). N. Y. capitalist, inventor, writer. Lewis, Henry Harrison. The quiet control of a vast estate. World's Work 5(1902-3)2750-3, ill. ATHABASCA River, Canada. Stream flowing N.W. into Athabasca Lake. H a b el, Jean. At the western source of the Athabasca river. Appnluchia (1902)28-43. ATHLETICS. Public games of physical strength or skill. H o 1 1 1 s, Ira N. Intercollegiate athletics. Atlan 90(1902)534-44. ATKINS family. Clarke, George K. Commu. by. Atkins tomb. Dcdh Reg 13(1902)35. ATLANTA, Ga. State capital, county seat of Fulton Co. Clarke, E[dward] Y[oung] 1839 comp, Atlanta, greatest city of the great South... Facts and official figures. [Atlanta?] 1902. [62] p. incl. ill., pi. 23cm. Cover-title: Metropolis of the great South... [L.C. 3-9551] Wallace, Anne. The Carnegie Library of Atlanta. Gulf Mag 1(1902)157-8. 14 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. City and health resort 60 m. S.E. of Philadelphia. Heston, Alfred M[iller] . ..Heston's hand-hook; being an account of the settlement of Eyre Haven, and a succinct history of Atlantic City and county during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries... [Twentieth century souvenir ed.] Atlantic City, N. J., 1902. 130 p. front., 111., pi., port., fold. map. 19%n, 10th year of publication. [L.C. 2-20052J West Atlantic; Venice of America, the qnoen shore city. Atlantic Olty, N.'J., West Atlantic land co. [3902] [16] p. ill. (partly col.) 25cm. [L.C. 2-13119] ATWOOD family. At wood notes. Ess Ant 6(1902)34-35. AUDUBON, John James(17SO-1851). American naturalist. Burroughs, John. John James Audubon. Boston, Small, Maynard & company, 1902. 1 p. 1., xvii p., 1 1., 144 p. front, (port.) 14^cm. (The Beacon biographies of eminent Americans). [Bibliography: p. 143-144. Rev.In:Gulf Mag 1(1902)161 "wins fresh laurels. . .delightfully sympathetic. . .no. . .bird-lover ...can afford to overlook [it]." L.C. 2-23432] AUGUSTA COUNTY, Va. A western border Co. L a i d 1 e y, W. S. Augusta County Court, 174G. W Va Mag 2.1(1902)5-9, 111. Waddell, Joseph A[ddison]. Annals of Augusta County, Virginia, from 172f> to 1871... 2d ed., rev. and enl. Staunton, Va., C.R.Caldwell, 1902. x, 645 p. front., fold. map. 26%cm. fid. de luxe. Limited to 100 copies. [Rev.in:Old Northw Q 6(1903)49 "war history well done ... genealogies of principal fam- ilies. . .filled with historical facts"; Va Mag 10(1903)326-9 "Minute and careful study of the period of Indian wars. . .numerous genealogies. . .careful investigation and desire for accuracy. . .this very inter- acting history., .should have more than 7 page index." L.C. 2-30401] AUSTIN, Charles W.(d.l889). Texas Confederate officer. The first Ironclad. South Hist A Pub 30(1902)196-204. AUSTIN family. Austin notes. Ess Ant 6(1902)59-60. AUTOGRAPHS. MSB. written by the author's own hand. J o 1 i n e, Adrian H. Concerning the collecting of autographs. Indep 54(1902)2764-9, facs. .folia.', Adrian H. Meditations of an autograph collector. Harper 104(1901-2)969-74, ill. Joline, Adrian H[offmarij. Meditations of an autograph collector. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1902. v, [1] p., 2 1., 315, [1] p. Incl. front, port., facsltn. 23cm. [Rev.in:Dial 32(1902) 414-6(P.P.Bicknell) "an omuium-gatherum of many sorts of good things. . .delightfully miscellaneous... and haphazard. . .many. . .[other] matters. . .literary or historical." L.C. 2-13265] T h r u s t o n, G. P. Autographic collections and historic manuscripts. Sewanee 10(1902)28-42. AUTOMATIC COUPLER. Safety device for coupling cars. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. Hearing before the Committee ...[May 20-28, 1902] on the automatic coupler bill H. R. 11059. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. ill, 91 p. 23%cm. [L.C. 3-2897] A VERY family. Avery Notes and Queries. A quarterly Mag. devoted to the history of the Groton (Conn.) Averys. Cleve- land, O. E.M.Avery, Nos. 17-18, Feb. and May, 1902, pp. 20. AYCOCK, Charles B. (fl.1902). North Carolina Governor. Charles B. Aycock. World's Work 4(1902)2137, port. only. AZARIAS (1847-93). Catholic Brother. Brother Azarlas. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)379, port. AZTECS. Early inhabitants of Mexico. Codex Fejfirvary-Mayer. Codex Fejervflry-Mayer: an old Mexican picture manuscript in the Liverpool free public museums (12014-M) Published at the expense of His Excellency the Duke of Loubat. . .eluci- dated by Dr. Eduard Seler... Berlin and London [Printed by T. and A. Constable] 1901-02- vi, 228 p. ill., col. pi. 34% x 26%cm. ["English edition by A.H.Keane." Published also in German with title: "Codex Fejervftry-Mayer; eine altmexikauische bilderschrif t . . . ErlUutcrt von Dr. Eduard Seler. Ber- lin, 1901." 33%cm. The pictures of the codex are reproduced in red outline drawings on 22 pi. The exact facsimile of the codex in colors forms a separate publication "Codex Fejervflry-Mayer; manuscrit mexicain precolombien . . .puble. . .par le due de Loubat, Paris, 1901." 18%cm. L.C. 2-27140] Codex vaticanus 3773. Codex vaticanus no. 3773 (Codex vaticanus B) an old Mexican pictorial manuscript in the Vatican library, pub. at the expense of His Excellency the Duke of Loubat. . .elucidated by Dr. Eduard Seler... Berlin and London, 1902-03. 2 v. ill., col. plates. 34^cm. ["English edition by A.H.Keane." Verso of t.-p. (The German ed. has imprint: Berlin, 1902) The pictures of the codex are reproduced in red outline drawings on 48 pi. The exact facsimile of the codex forms a separate publi- cation, "II manoBcritto messicano vaticano 3773; riprodotto in f otocromografla . . .a cura della Biblioteca WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 15 Vaticana." Rome, 1896. Contents. 1st half. Text of the obverse side. 2<1 half. Text of the reyerw- side and explanatory tables. L.C. 3-2S213] H e d 1 1 c k a, Ales. The Aztecs of yesterday and to-day. Harper 106(1902)37-43. Relics of a by-gone race. . .Aztec remains in Mexico. Am Ant 24(1902)228-9. BACHELDEH, Nahum J. (b.1854). N. H. farmer and agricultural leader. M e t c a 1 f, H. H. Hon. Nahum J. Bachelder. Granite M 33(1902)1-12, ill. BACHILLER, Stephen (b.about 1651). Anglo-Amer. Puritan minister, pastor of the Plough Co. Stephen Bachiller and the plough company of 1630. Genealogist 19(1902-3)270-84. BACKUS, ISAAC (1724-1806). K. E. Cong, and Bapt. clerg. and writer. [Letter] to Benjamin Wallin [1764]. Bost Bull 7(1902)382-6. BACON family. Bacon family. Wm M Q 10(1902)267-71. Baeon-Hobson (note). Wm M Q 11(1902)74-5. Bacon, Leon Brooks. Michael Bacon und his Descendants. Boston, David Clapp & Son, 1902. 8vo. pamphlet, pp. 13. [41. Men. in :N Y Kec 34(1903)72 "Reprint from... the New England Hist, and Gen. Register"; 21.Men.ln:N E Reg 57(1903)117(F.W.Parke) "Useful."] Bacon, Leon Brooks. Michael Bacon and bis descendants. X E Reg 56(1902)364-74. Bacon notes. Ess Ant 6(1902)125. Will of Mrs. Rebecca Bacon. [Salem, Mass., ab.1655.] Ess Ant 6(1902)113-114. BACON'S Rebellion. Va. insurrection against Gen. Berkeley, 1676. Occaneechee Island. Wm M Q 11(1902)121-1. BAER, George Frederick (b.1842). R. R. president. H o 1 1 1 s t e r, W. C. George Frederick Biter. Cosmopol 34(1902-3)174-7, port. BAGI.EY family. B a g 1 e y, Timothy H. Bagley notes. Ess Ant 6(1802)128-129. BAHAMA Islands. British group . of Florida, N.E. of Cuba. Huxtable, G[eorge] G[ellard], Reminiscences of missionary life In the West Indies. At the Sherbrooke conference. 1902. [Kemptvllle, Ont., Printed at the Advance office, Huxtable & Seely, 1902] cover- title, 31. [1] p. Incl. port. 21%cm. L.C. 3-32311] BAILEY, James Anthony (b.1847). American showman. Allen, Whiting. James Anthony Bailey. Cosmopol 34(1902-3)170-4, port. BAILEY, John (1730-1810). Mass, officer in Am. Revolution. Heneberger, Lucy L. Bailey. New England "Footprints." Am Month M 21(1902)289-94. BAILLARGi, Pierre-Florent (1761-1818). Canadian architect, Treas. of Quebec, journalist. Balllarge, G. F. Pierre-Florent Balllarge. Rcch Hist 8(1902)25-7(28). BAKER family. Baker, notes. Ess Ant 6(1902)155. BAKER8FIELD, Cal. City Kern Co. 300 m. 8.E. of San Francisco. Bakersfleld, Kern county. Out West 17(1902)519-24, 111. BALBANCHA or Malbanchia. Cboctaw word for New Orleans and New Orleans region. H a 1 b e r t, Henry S. Balbancha, Choctow word for the town of New Orleans. Gulf Mag 1(1902)53-4. BALCH family. B a 1 c h Genealogy. EBB Ant 6(1902)1-14, ill. BALDWIN, Augustus Carpenter (b.1817). Mich, lawyer, educator, Congressman. Biographical sketch of Judge Aug. C. Baldwin. Mich Hist Coll '01, 31 < 1902) 173-8, port. BALDWIN, Stephen Livingston (1835-1901). Am. Meth. missionary to China, writer, secretary. G ra cey, J. T. Stephen Livingston Baldwin. Miss R 25(1902)840-3. port. BALDWIN, W. H. Jr. (b.1863). H. Y. Railroad president, writer. W. H. Baldwin, Jr. World's Work 3(1901-2)1914, port. only. BALL. John (b.1794). Oregon pioneer. Powers, Kate N. B. Across the continent seventy years ago [Diary of John Ball]. Oreg Q 3(1902) 82-106. BALL family. Ball, T[imothy] H[orton]. Francis Ball's descendants; or, The West Springfield Ball family, from 1640 to 1902. Crown Point, Ind., J.J. Wheeler, 1902. 80 p., 1 1. pi., port., map. 20cm. [L.C. 2-20060] Browning, Charles H. Ball, Cuppage and Dameron, of Northumberland County, Virginia. Wm M Q 11(1902)137-9. 16 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. BALLARD family. B a 1 1 a r d genealogy. Ess Ant 6(1902)35-38. Descendants of William Ballard of Lynn. Ess Ant 6(1902)39-40. BALLS Bluff (Va.). Civil War engagement, Oct. 21, 1861. Capers, Henry D. MaJ. H. D. D. Twiggs at Battery Wagner. Coufed Vet 10(1901-2)23-4. C u m m i n g a, C. C. Leesburg or Balls Bluff. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)69. Y o u n g, T. J. Battle of Balls Bluff. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)68-9. BALTIMORE, Md. City on Chesepeake Bay. A history of the city of Baltimore, its men and institutions; biographical sketches of leading citizen!... Baltimore, The "Baltimore American," 1902. 272 p. incl. front., illus., port. 31%cm. [L.C. 2-7696] K c n k e 1, F. P. Tagebuch von Christian Borstler, geboren von Glanmilchweiler, bey Cusel in Theutsch- land, auf der Relse nach Baltimore in Amerika. Deutsch-Am G 2.1 (1902)50-8,2.2.29-32,2.3. 49-51, 2.4.49-56. BANANA. Fruit raised in Cent. Am., W. I., Cal., La., Fla., etc. Robinson, Tracy. Bananas. Out West 17(1902)33-45, 111. BANCROFT family. Bancroft genealogy. Ess Ant 6(1902)57-9. BANKS (and banking). Institutions for lending and borrowing of money. Barnett, George E[rnest] ...State banking in the United States since the passage of the national bauk act. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 1902. 117 p. diagr. 24%cm. (Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science, series 20. nos. 2-3) [L.C. 2-13102] B o 1 1 e s, Albert S. Responsibility of the National Bauk in the present crisis. Annals Am Acad Pol and Soc Sci 20(1902)475-92. C a 1 1 e n d e r, G. S. The early transportation and banking enterprises. Qu Jour Eco 17(1902)111-62. Catterall, Ralph C[harles] H[enry]. ...The first six years of the second bank of the United States... University of Chicago, 1902. 1 p. 1., 92, 479-490 p. 22%cm. [Thesis (Ph.D) University of Chicago. "Taken from a larger work, entitled The second bank of the United States, which has appeared ai volume ii, second series, of the University of Chicago Decennial publications." [L.C. 3-24425] Catterall, Ralph C[harles] H[enry]. The second bank of the United States. University of Chicago, 1903 [1902] xiv, 538 p. incl. charts, map. 23cm. (Chicago. University. The decennial publications. 2d ser., v. 2) ["Bibliography": p. 513-526. L.C. 3-19] Conant, Charles A. The intervention of the state in the banking world. Reprinted from The Banker*' Magazine for September, 1902. pp. 15. M 1 1 r n, George Frederick. Jackson's war on the bank. Sewanee 10(1902)56-67. Our banking and treasury system. Gunton's M 22(1902)359-62. Potts, Charles S. The independent treasury vs. bank depositories. Annals Am Acad Pol and Soc Sei SO (1902)571-601. State banks and banking laws. Nation 74(1902)481-2. White, Horace. Money and banking illustrated by American history. 2d ed., rev. and continued to the year 1902. Boston, Ginn & company, 1902. xiv, 474 p. 20cin. [Bibliography: p. 461-467. 61.Men.in Am Hist R 8(1903)401 "more particularly for use in class room. . .historical portions have decided value... to each chapter... a list of authorities"; Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)483 "second edition ... practi- cally rewritten. . .retains. . .characteristic features of the original edition. . .fulness and Interest... entirely unimpaired"; Dial 33(1902)216 "Considerable alterations. . .expressly .. .as a teaching manual ...lists of authorities. ..distinctly more valuable." [L.C. 2-20311] BANT, William (fl.1776). Boston business man. Bant, William. [Letters] to John Hancock, 1776, 1777. Bost Bull 7(1902)424-30. BAPTIST Church (Am.). Immersionist Ch. introduced to Am. by Roger Williams. Hillyer, Shaler Granby 1809-1900. Reminiscences of Georgia Baptists, together with a story of th author's life written by his daughter, Louisa C. Hillyer. Atlanta, Ga., Foote & Daviei company, 1902. vli, p. 1 1., 294 p. front, port. 20cm. [L.C. 2-24390] BARBER, Edward W. (b.1829). Michigan pioneer. Barber, Edward W. Recollections of pioneer boyhood. Mich Hist Coll '01, 31(1901)178-227, port. BARBER, Jane (1816-87). Illinois nun. V i r a t house of the Sisters of the Visitation at Kaskaskia, Illinois, A.D. 1833. Reminiscence! of SUter Mary Josephine Barber. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)211-26. BARBOTJR, Catherine Hayden (1863-1901). Missionary teacher in Spain. Catharine Hayden Barbour. June first 1863-Septembor fifth 1901. [Lancaster, Pa.] Privately printed, 1902. 71, [1] p. front, (port.) 24cm. [Rev.in N E Reg 57(1903)230(F.W.Parke) "teacher in a school for girls[in]. . .Spain. . .a character well deserving this memorial." [L.C. 3-7935] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. it HARBOUR, James C. (1775-1842). Va. governor, U. S. senator, Seo'y of war, minister to England. Calendar of the Harbour papers [in the N. Y. Pub. Library] 1811-1841. N Y Bull 6(1902)22-34. BARKER family. Barker genealogy. Ess Ant 6(1902)60-72. Descendants of George Barker of Marblehead. Ess Ant ti (1902)106-07. Descendants of James Barker of Rowley. Ess Ant 6(1902)101-103. BARLOW road, Oregon. Wagon road over the Cascade Mountains, built 1846. Barlow, Mary S. History of the Barlow road. Ore* Q 3(1902)71-81. BARNARD, George Grey (b.1863). American sculptor. Thaw, Alexander Blair. George Grey Barnard, sculptor. World's Work 5(1902-3)2837-53, ill., port. BARNARD, Henry (1811-1900). Am. educator, editor, writer. Hart, Rev. Samuel, D.D. Henry Barnard, LL.D. N E Reg 56(1902)173-8. BARNARD, Thomas (1716-76). Massachusetts clergyman. Letter of Rev. Thomas Barnard [1775]. Proc Bunker Hill Mon Ass'n (1902)35-41. BARNARD family. Barnard genealogy. Ess Ant 6(1902)120-125. Descendants of Robert Barnard. Ess Ant 6(1902)125-128. Descendants of Rev. Thomaa Barnard of Andover. Ess Ant 6(1902)129-131. BARNES family. Bowman, George Ernest. George Soule's autograph. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)98-100, facs. BARNEY, Joshua (1759-1818). Am. naval officer in Am. Revolution. Barney, Joshua. [Letter] to Robert Lewis [1789]. Bost Bull 7(1902)500. BARNSTABLE County, Mass. Co. in S.E. extremity of state. Abstracts from the Barnstable Co., Mass., Probate records. Mayfl Desc 3(1901)176-8,201-2;4(1902) 179-81. BARNUM, P. T. (1810-91). Am. showman, writer. Benton, Joel. Life of P. T. Barnum. (Biographies of famous men.) Chicago, Donohue, 1902. 12o. B e n t o n, Joel. P. T. Barnum, showman and humorist. Cent 64(1902)580-92, ill., port. BARNWELL, Robert W. (1801-82). S. Carolina U. S. sen., Confederate State senator. Hon. Robert W. Barnwell (note). S C Hist Mag 3(1902)57-8. BARNWELL, Robert Woodward (1849-1902). Episcopal Bishop of Alabama. Death of Bishop Barnwell. Gulf Mag 1(1902)154. BARR family. B a r r family. Ess Ant 6(1902)156-7. BARRIN, Rowland-Michel (1693-1756). Maryuis de la Galissoniere, administrator of Canada, 1747. G o e p p, Edouard. Roland-Michel Barrin, marquis de la Galissoniere. Rech Hist 8(1902)122-4. BARROWS, John Henry (1847-1902). 111. Congregational clerg., writer, Pres. of Oberlin College. John Henry Barrows. Bib World 20(1902) 58(J1). President John Henry Barrows. Bib Sac 59(1902)600. BARRY, John (1745-1903). Am. Commodore in Am. Revolution. Griffin, Martin I. J. Commodore Barry and his admirals. Ana Oath Res 19(1902)136-7. Gniiin. Martin I[gnatius] J[oseph]. Commodore Johu Barry, "the father of the American navy"; the record of his services for our country ... by ... Philadelphia, The author, 1903 [1902] xii, 424 p. incl. innp. front., pi., port., facslm. 24^cm. ["Centennial ed. 600 copies." This copy not numbered. L.C. 3-181] A monument to Commodore John Barry. Am Cath Res 19(1902)180-1. BARTLETT, Nathaniel J. (d.1902). Boston book dealer. Nathaniel J. Bartlett. Lit W(Bost)33(1902)S8(Je). BARTLETT family. Smyth, Hon. R. D. [and others]. The Bartlett families of Guilforo 1 , Conn. N E Reg 56(1902)155-61. BARTON, William Sunnier (1824-99). Worcester, Mass., City Treasurer, local hist, writer. William Sumner Barton (memorial). Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)30-1. BASKETRY. Art of basket making. James, George Wharton. The art of Indian baaketry. South Work 30(1901)439-48, ill. Purdy, Carl. The Porno Indian baskets and their makers. Out West 15(1901)438-49,9-19,150-8,262-73. BASS family. Bowman, George Ernest, Transc. by. The will and inventory of John Bass. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)202-6. 18 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. BA8SETT family. Reports of the Two Re-unions of the Massachusetts Branch of the Basaett Family Association of America, held at Hotel Vendome, Boston, Mass., Sept. 15, 1900, and Oct. 12, 1901. Boston, Bailey Print. Co, 1902. 8vo. pp. 33. BATH, N. C. Village, Beaufort Co. on Pamlico R. Rodman, Llda Tunstall. Historic homes and people of old Bath town. N C Bookl 2.6(1902)3-13. BATTE family. Poythress-Batte, &c. (note). Va Mae 10(1902)105-6. BATTLE CREEK, Mich. City of Calhoun Co. on Kalamazoo R. 127 m. west of Detroit. T u c k e r, F. B. S. Battle Creek. Mich. Nat'l M(Bost)17(1902)H8(O). BATTLES, James Monroe (1830-1901). Boston missionary among sailors. Gordon, George A. James Monroe Battles. N E Reg 56 Suppl.(1902)lx-lxl. BAYAMO, Cuba. A town in east part of Cuba 60 m. S.S.W. of Santiago. Alcover [y Beltran], Antonio Miguel. ...Buy a mo lu toma, poscs!6n 6 incendio) 1868-1869. ReseQa his- t6rlca y comentarios oportunos... Habana, 1902. 4 p. 1., 103 p. Incl. ill., port. 23%cin. ["Premiada con 'menci6n honorlfica' en el certamen del Llceo de Villaclara. 1902." L.C. 3-4922] BEACOM, John J. (1837-1902). Fa. Presbyterian clergyman. Rev. John J. Beacom, D.D. Ass Her 7(1902)453. BEARDSHEAR, William Miller (1850-1902). Iowa educator, Fres. of State College. Loos, Isaac A. [and others]. William Miller Beardshear. Iowa Hist Rec 18(1902)554-86, port. BEATTY, Charles (1713-72). Pa. Presbyterian clergyman. H o d g e, E. B. The Evolution of a Minister. Afes Her 6(1902)242-243. BEAUMONT, Tex. County seat of Jefferson Co. 84 m. E. by N. from Houston. Higgins, Fattillo. Prospectus; the true history of the Beaumont oil fields. Lake Charles, La., Beau- mont, Tex., Higgins standard oil company, limited [1902] 71 p. ill., col. pi., dlagr. maps (2 fold.) 27%x34cm. [L.C. 2-15896] BEATJREGARD, Pierre Gustave Toutant (1818-93). Miss. Confederate general. B o a a r e g a r d, B. T. Tin- Confederate battle flag. Gulf Mag 1(1902)215-6. BECANCOUR, Can. Town of Quebec 80 m. S.W. of city of Quebec. Notes sur les premiers temps de la colonisation & BScancour. Rech Hist 8(1902)42-6. BEDEL, Timothy (ab. 1736-87). N. H. officer in French and Indian War and Am. Revolution. A 1 d r i c h, Edgar. The affair of the Cedars and Colonel Timothy Bedel in the Rev. N H Hist S III. 2, 1897-9(1902)194-231. BEECHER, Benj. D. C. (d.1868). Connecticut inventor. K i n g s b u r y, Frederick J. An Ericsson propeller on tho Farmlngton canal. Conn Mag 7(1902)329-33. BEEF trust. Combination of Am. meat packers. The beef trust. Gunton's M 23(1902)42-7. Fife, George Buchanan. The great business combinations of today Tho so-called beef trust. Cent 65 (1902)148-58. BEEKMAN family. B e e k m a n, Geo. C. Public records In N. J. concerning the Beekman family. N i" Rec 33(1902)42-5. BGON, Michel, 3rd (1638-1710). Intendant of the French Antilles, 1683-5. Roy, Regis. Michel Begon. Rech Hist 8(1902)161-9. BEGON, Michel, 4th (ab. 1674-1740). Intendant of Canada, 1712-26. Roy, Regis. Michel Begon. Rech Hist 8(1902)161-9. BEKKERS, B. J. (b.1844). Miss. Catholic missionary to the Choctaws. [Rev. B. J. B e k k e r s.] Miss Hist P 6(1902)351. BELCHER, Joseph (1669-1723). Dedham, Mass., clergyman. Library of Rev. Mr. Belcher (note). Dedh Reg 13(1902)36. Joseph Belcher, Minister of the First Church and Parish in Dedham, 1692-1723. Dedh Reg 13(1902)1-5. BELL, Alexander Graham (b.1847). Am. scientist, inventor, writer. S e r v i s s, Garrett P. Alexander Graham Bell. Cosmopol 33(1902)42-4, port. BELL, Tyree H. (d.1902). Tenn. Confederate officer. Gen. Tyree H. Bell. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)464, port. BELLA COOLA Indians. A tribe of British Columbia. H i 1 1 - T o u t, Charles. Earlier home of the Bella Coola tribe of Brit. Columbia. Am Ant 24(1902)403.4. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 18 BELLOWS family. Peck, Thomas Bellows. Parentage of Ezra Bellows of Lunenburg, Mass., and Springfield, Vt. With an account of the Bellows family of Westboro, Mass. Supplementary to the sketch on p. 609 of the "Bel- lows genealogy," 1898. Burlington, Vt., 1902. 9 p. 24#cm. [Reprinted from "The Genealogical quarterly magazine." Rev.in:Old Northw Q 6(1903)26 "valuable additions." L.C. 3-11064] BELlIONT(Mo.). Civil War engagement, Nov. 7, 1881. Beaton, John, Capt. 22d 111. infantry. The battle of Belmont, November 7, 1861. A paper prepared and read before the Kansas commandery of the Military order of the loyal legion of the United States. [Leavenworth ? 1902] 16 p. 22crn. (Military order of the loyal legion of the United States. Kansas commandery. War paper, no. 22) [L.C. 2-25799] BELO, Alfred Horatio(1839-1901). N. C. Confederate officer and Texas editor. C o 1. A. H. Belo. Confed Vet 10(1902)83-4, port. BENNETT, James Gordon (b.1841). N. Y. journalist. Creelman, James. James Gordon Bennett. Cosmopol 33(1902)44-7, port. BENNETT family. B o 1 t o n, Ethel Stanwood. The Bennetts of Lancaster, Mass. N E Reg 56(1902)241-7. BENZIE County, Mich. A Co. in N.W. part of state on Lake Michigan. P a r k e r, N. A. History of Benzie county. Mich Hist Coll '01.31(1902)98-101, port. BENZONIA, Mich. Village, Benzie Co., about 6 m. E. of Lake Michigan. B e t t s, William A. A history of the early settlement of the township of Benzonia and the founding of Grand Traverse College. Mass Hist Coll '01. 31(1902)114-25. BERDEL, Heinrich (d.1883). Chicago musician (local). Mannhardt, Emil. Zwei alte Chicagoer, Friedrich Burcky und Nikolans Berdel. Deutsch-Am G 2.3 1902)32-3. BERGEN County, N. J. The northeastern Co. of state. Van Winkle, Daniel. Old Bergen; history and reminiscences with maps and illustrations. Jersey City, J.W.Harrison [1902] ix p., 2 1., 319 p. Jncl. front, (map) ill. 21^cm. [Rev.in:N Y Rec 33(1902)254 "a scholarly treatise ... reliable and authentic." L.C. 2-11123] BERGH, Henry (1820-88). N. Y. founder of Soc. for prevention of cruelty to animals. Morris, Clara. Mr. Henry Bergh. McClure 18(1901-2)414-22. port., ill. BERMUDA Islands. British islands off IT. S, coast, 580 m. S.E. of Cape Hatteras. Bell, (Mrs.) Euphemia Y. Beautiful Bermuda. Richmond, Va., E.H.Bell, 1902. 16o. ill., map. B 1 w e B, K. W. The Boer prisoners in Bermuda. Fcrtn 77(1902)985-96. K e y, W. S. The Boer prisoners in Bermuda. Outl 70(1902)424-7. Verrill, Addison E[mory] The Bermuda Islands. An account of their scenery, climate, productions, physiography, natural history and geology, with sketches of their discovery and early history, and the changes in their flora and fauna due to man. With 38 plates and over 250 cuts in the text. New Haven, Conn., The author, 1902. x, 548 p. front., ill., pi., port. 24V&cm. [Bibliography: p. 437-452. "Re- printed from the Transactions of the Connecticut academy of science, v. xi, with some changes." L.C. 3-8354] BERNARDSTON, Mass. Post-hamlet, Franklin Co., 7 m. N. of Greenfield, Kellogg, Mrs. Lucy [Jane] (Cutler) 1866 History of the town of Bernardston, Franklin County, Mass- achusetts. 1736-1900. With genealogies. Greenfield, Mass., E.A.Hall & co., 1902. xii, [2], 581 p. incl. facsim. front., pi., port., fold, map, fold, plan, facsim. 23%cm. [Rev.ln:N Y Rec 34(1903)305 "suc- cessful ... genealogical portion occupies half the volume and evidences most careful compilation"; N B Reg 57(1903)233(F.W.Parke) "well constructed." L.C. 3-6506] BERNLtRES, Henri de (fl.1659). First cure of Quebec. Gosselin, Auguste. Henri de Bernie'res, premier cur de Quebec. Quebec, Dussault & Proulx, imprimeurs, 1902. pp.8-392. Rev.in:Hist Pub Canada '02.7(1903)98 "well written... a good example of ecclesiastical biography."] "BIBLE IN SCHOOLS." Question of teaching it in Am. public schools. Griffin, Martin I. J. The Bible in schools. Am Cath Res 19(1902)150-2. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Art of book description. A descriptive list of books. General works only. Special bibliographies are under their respective subjects; for list see Index. An account of manuscrips, papers, and documents in public repositories within the state of Missis- sippi. Miss Hist P 5(1902)119-227. An account of manuscripts, papers, and documents pertaining to Mississippi in public repositories beyond the state. Miss Hist P 5(1902)49-117. Annual American catalogue cumulated, 1900-1902. N. Y., Publishers' Weekly. 1903. pp. 43,683. Bowker, R. R ed. State publications: a provisional list of the official publications of the several states of the United States from their organization: compiled under the editorial direction of R. R. Bowker. Part 20 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 2: North central states: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wis- consin. New York, Office of the Publishers' Weekly. 1002. p.101-285. 0. [An Indispenslble guide] [Catalogue of] The Samuel Burhans, Jr., Collection [In the N. Y. Gen. Blog. Soc. Library]. N Y Rec 33(1902)180-4. Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals, monthly and quarterly. Cleveland, <)., Cumulative In- dex Co., 1902. 4o. [Convenient for early reference otherwise Annual Lit. Index more useful for average student.] Danforth, George Flavel, ed. Quarterly bibliography of books reviewed In leading American periodicals. Bloomlngton, Index Publishing Co., 1902. vol. 1. 80. pp. 207. Evans, Charles. American bibliography; a chronological dictionary of all books, pamphlets and periodical publications printed in the D. S. of America from... 1639 down to... 1820... vi, 1639-1729. Chicago, Priv. print, for the author, 1903. 10 x 446 p. 80. [Chronologically, alphabetically by authors under each year, alphabetical index of authors at end of (each) volume. A work of the very first rank of blbliograpical Importance by a well known bibliographer in very attractive typographical form.] Fletcher, W. I. and Bowker, R. R. eds. Annual literary index, 1901. Including periodicals, American and English; essays, book-chapters, etc. N. Y., Office of Publishers' Weekly, 1901. [Annual vol. appears regularly and rather promptly after beginning of the year.] Hasse, Adelaide R. United States government publications: a handbook for the cataloger. Part I. The government at large, the constitution and treaties. Boston, Library Bureau, 1902. 46 p. O. $1. Index of historical pamphlets in the Library of St. Charles' Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)60-119. Lamed, J. N. The literature of American history. A bibliographical guide in which the scope, character, and comparative worth of books in selected lists are set forth in brief notes by critics of authority... Edited for the American library association. [For details see same title under subject, History (study, writing and teaching).] Leon, (N.) Bibliografia Mexlcana del siglo XVIII seccession prlmSra, primSra parte. Mexico, Imp. de Fr. Diaz de Leon, (1902). pp. 463. 30 ptas. Leypoldt, A. H. Publishers Trade List Annual. 1902. Thirtieth year. Index by author, title and sub- ject catch-word to the books catalogued in the publishers' lists of 1902. New York, Publishers' Weekly, 1902. 1104 p. 80. [This new feature of the Trade list annual is of very practical usefulness, giving as it does all the in-print books arranged under subjects; e. g., 36 titles under "Mormons."] L i s t of works relating to the American Colonization Society, Liberia, negro colonization, etc., in the New York Public Library. N Y Bull 6(1902)265-9. Medina, J. T. Bibllotheca hlspano Americano (1493-1810) Tomes. 5y6. Santiago de Chile, del Author, 1902. New York. State library. . . . Descriptive list of French manuscripts copied from National archives and National library at Paris, 1888... Albany, University of the state of New York, 1902. 1 p. 1., [319] 382 p. 25cm. (New York State library. Bulletin 57. History 5) 81 mss. relating to America; de- scribed by A.J.F.Van Laer. Cover-title. [L.C. 3-7520] Periodicals and newspapers regularly received at the library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)97-113. Tables of and annotated index to the congressional series of United States public documents; prepared in the office of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office. Washington, Government Printing Office. 1902. 769 p. 1. Q. T h o m a s, C. Provisional list, Mexico and Central America, linguistic families, languages, and dialects. Am Anthrop 4 (1902) 207 (Ap). Wells, Philip P. ed. Literature- of Am. history. Supp. for 1900 and 1901. [For details see same title under subject. History (study, writing and teaching).] Whitmore, William H[enry] 1836-1900. Catalogue of the valuable private library of the late William H. Whltmore, of Boston... Part I, comprising a collection of about 1300 genealogies. Part II, historical and miscellaneous books, including a large number of books relating to the local history of Boston . . . To be sold by auction ... Nov. llth to 14th, 1902... C.F.Libbie & co., auctioneers... [For details see same title under subject. Boston. Mass.] BICKERDYKE, Mary A. (1817-1901). Nurse in Civil War, Kan. organizer of relief. Chase, (Mrsr.)A. Mother Bickerdyke. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)189-98. BID WELL, John (b.1819). Cal. Gen. in Civil War, Congressman, Prohibitionist. Estate of Gen. John Bidwell In California. Ctry Life Am 1 (1902)81 (Ja). BIGOT, M. Canadian Intendant. L'intendant Bigot. La Presse, Jan. 11&25(1902). BIHN, Joseph Louis (1822-93). Catholic priest. Rev. Joseph Louis Bihn. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)384, port. BILES, William (fl.1679). Fa. pioneer, Quaker preacher. White, Miles, Jr. William Biles. Penn Mag 26(1902)58-70,192-206,348-59. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 21 BILLIARDS. Game of skill, played on tables with ivory balls. Billiards, Low Norf Ant 4(1902)77. "BILLS of credit." Form of colonial currency. R o b y, James. The "raising" of bills of credit, 1776. Host Bull 7(1902)460-2. BILTMORE. Estate of Geo. W. Vanderbilt near Asheville, N. C. W o s t o n, G. F. Biltmore, estate of Geo. W. Vanderbilt. Ctry Life Am 2(1902)180(8). BINGHAM, Harry (1821-1900). N. H. lawyer and politician. Batchellor, Albert Stillman. Address before the Grafton and Coo's counties bar association at the meeting hold at Woodsvllle, for the presentation of memoirs of Harry Bingham, December 11, 1900. Relations to literature. Concord, N. H., Rumford press, 1902. 19 p. 23cm. [L.C. 2-19819] BINGHAM, John A. (b.1815). Ohio Congressman, U. 8. minister to Japan. F o r a k o r, J. B. John A. Bingham. Address at Cadiz, O., Oct. 5, 1901. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902) 331-551. BIN1NGER, Abraham (1720-1811). Moravian missionary to West Indies. Pine, John B. Abraham Bininger. N Y Rec 33(1902)135-7. BIOGRAPHY, Gen. Collected works on Am. biography. Armstrong, W. J. The greatest living men. Columbus, O., Harriman, 1902. Banks, Louis Albert. Youth of famous Americans, by Rev. Louis Albert Banks... New York, Eaton & Mains; Cincinnati, Jennings & Pye [1902] 302 p. incl. port. 16V&cm. [L.C. 2-20251] Contemporary American biography. Biographical sketches of representative men of the day. N. Y., At- lantic Pub. & Engraving Co., 1902. pp. 449. 4o. port. [41.Men.ln:N E Reg 57(1903)232(F.W.Parke) "a full treasury of reference and Information." Hamm, Margherita Arlina. Builders of the republic; some great Americans who have aided In the making of the nation. New York, J. Pott & company, 1902. xvill, 410 p. front., pi., port., facslm. 20 I ,icm. [Contents. George Washington. Benjamin Franklin. Thomas Jefferson. Alexander Hamilton. John Jay. John Adams. George Clinton. Samuel Adams. Philip Livingston. Roger Sherman. Philip John Schuyler. James Madison. Patrick Henry. Henry Knox. Robert Morris.- John Hancock. John Paul Jones. Elbridge Gerry. James Otis. Robert R. Livingston. John Marshall. Gouverneur Morris. Richard Henry Lee. Anthony Wayne. Abraham Lincoln. L.C. 2-22283] Hamm, Margherita A. Famous families of New York. Historical and biographical sketches of families which in successive generations have been identified with the development of the nation. N. Y., Put- nams. 2 vols. 17-256, 8-269 p. 80. [Rev. in: Nation 76(1903)31 "like a glorified 'Who's Who'... In- structive. . .rather for reference than. . .literary delectation. . .Index"; N Y Rec 34(1903)67-8] Harrison, Mitchell C[harles] comp. Prominent and progressive Americans; an encyclopaedia of contem- poraneous biography. [New York] New York tribune, 1902. port. 29cm. [L.C. 3-180] Herringshaw, Thomas W. ed. and comp. Herrlngshaw's encyclopedia of American biography of the nine- teenth century. Chicago, 1902. 4o. pp. 1046, ports. [Rev.ln:Gulf Mag 1(1902)234-5 "utter[ly] unre- liable and worthless. . .filled with errors... will do Incalculable harm." Nevertheless is very useful for names not found elsewhere and many small but excellent ports.] National cyclopedia of Am. biography. N. Y.. J.T. White, vs. 9,10,1901; v. 11,1901-2. 12 v. 80. 111. Neville, Ja. E. ed. Famous sayings of famous Americans. Syracuse Courier Pr., 1902. 16o. Smith, Helen Ainslie. ...One hundred famous Americans. . .revised to date, with article on "Hall of fame" by Chancellor H.M.MacCracken. . . [Hall of fame ed.] New York, G.Routledge '& sons, limited [1902] vlii, 574 p. front., ill., port. 22V 2 cm. [L.C. 2-21265] Stephen, Leslie. Studies of a biographer, vol. 3 and 4. (second series) N. Y., Putnam, 1902. [Rev.ln: Nation 75(1902)505-6 "delightfully characteristic. . .to Emerson Mr. Stephen ... gives a surprisingly sym- pathetic essay."] True stories of great Americans. Milwaukee, H.G.Campbell. 1902. 12 r. Wall, W. What great men have said about great men. N. Y., Dntton, 1902. 12o. Who's Who in America. A biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of the Dnited States, 1901-2. Chicago, A.N.Marquis & Co. [1901]. 16-1304 p. Who's Who, 1902. An annual biograpbical dictionary. London, Adam and Chas. Black; N. Y., Macmlllan, 1902. 1-12 p. [Rev.inrNation 74(1902)92 "More inclusive ... than last year's Issue... has a universal out- look... main value still British"; Dial 32(1902)131 "useful. . .biographies include a few Americans. . .se- lection. . .made after a haphazard fashion."] Young, J. R. Men and memories. N. Y., Neely, 1902. 2 v. and 1 T. 12o. Note. For current American biography such annual works as the directories of Congress and state legis- lature, ecclesiastical year books, college directories of graduates, the "Minerva," etc. BIRBECK, Morris (d.1825). 111. pioneer, abolitionist. An English farmer at Pittsburgh In 1817. Plttsb Bull 7(1902)189-95. 22 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. BIRD, Wm. (1823-1902). Presb. olerg. and missionary, Syria, 1852-1902. J e s 8 u p, Sam. Rev. Wm. Bird. Ass Her 7(1902)448-9. BIRNEY, James G. (1792-1857). Ala. and Ky. abolitionist editor and writer. James G. Birney and the Philomathic Society of the Univ. of Ala. Gulf Mag 1(1902)214. BIRTHRATE. Proportion of births to inhabitants. W e s t o n, J. The weak spot in the American republic. 19th Cent 52(1902)905-12. BISHOP, Joel Prentiss (1814-1901). Mass, lawyer and publicist. Bishop, Chas. S. Joel Prentiss Bishop, LL.D. Am Law R 36(1902)1-9, port. BLACK BEARD (d.1717). Name for Edward Teach, pirate off southern coast. A s b e, S. A. The old pirates, Black Beard and Bonnett. N C Bookl 2.2(1902)3-23. BLACK, James (fl.1729). Va. physician. A Virginia doctor's medicines, 1729 (note). Va Mag 10(1902)216-7. BLACK, Jeremiah Sullivan (1810-83). Pa. Chief Justice, IT. S. Attor. Gen., Sec'y of State. J o n e s, J. S. Why Judge Black withdrew from the. . .trial of Prest. Johnson. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)244-8. BLACK, John (fl.1807). Quebec deputy. M. Black, Depute de Quebec. Rech Hist 8(1902)200. BLACK HAWK War. War with Sac and Fox Indians, 1882. Williams, John R. (Comp. Burton, C. M.) The Black Hawk War. Mich Hist Coll '01.31(1902)313-471. BLACK Hills. Mountains in S.W. of South Dakota and N.E. of Wyoming. Sanford, John I. comp. The Black Hills souvenir; a pictorial and historic description of the Black Hills. Denver, Col., Printed by the Wllllamson-Haffner engraving co., 1902. 223 p. 111., col. front. 17% t 23%cm. [L.C. 3-2704] BLACK Warrior (River) expedition. Exp. of Creek war, 1813-14. H a 1 b e r t, H. S. ... Black Warrior expeditions during the Creek war of 1813 and 1814 ? Gulf Mag 1 (1902)145-6. BLACKBURN, Wm. Maxwell (1828-98). 111. and Dak. Fresb. clerg., educator and historian. [ R i g g s, T. L.] William Maxwell Blackburn. S Dakota Hist Soc Col 1(1902)25-36. BLAKE, Francis (b.1850). Mass, astronomer and inventor. Francis Blake, A. M. Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)334. BLAKE, S. Leroy (d.1902). Conn. Congregational clergyman and writer. B i x 1 e r, James W. Rev. S. Leroy Blake, D. D. Am Miss 56(1002)426. BLAKELEY, Johnston (1781-1814). North Carolina naval officer. B a 1 1 1 e, K. P. A N. C. naval hero and his daughter. Capt. Johnston Blakely. N C Bookl 1.9(1901)3-15. BLAKESLEY family. Shepard, James. Samuel Blakesley of New Haven, Conn., and his descendants. Boston, Press of D.Clapp & son, 1902. 15 p. 25%cm. ["Reprinted for the author from the New-England historical and genea- logical register for July, 1902." Sl.note iu:N Y Rec 33(1902)253; Men.in:Old Northw Q 5(1902)154. L.C. 2-24595] Shepard, James, Esq. Samuel Blakesley of New Haven, Conn., and his descendants. N B Reg 56 (1902)277-89. BLANCHARD, Samuel Stillman (1835-1901). Mass, merchant, State senator. S a m u e Stillman Blanchard. N E Reg 56(1902)Suppl liv-lvi. BLOCKADE. Closing of an enemy's port by effective patrol. S p r u n t, James. Tales of the Cape Fear blockade. N C Bookl 1.10(1902)5-112, ill. BLOOMFIELD, N. J. Village of Essex Co. 4 m. N.N.W. of Newark. Hulin, Stephen Morris. Real and ideal Bloomfleld; the briedy-told story of church-town, township and in- corporated town of to-day... Bloomfield, N. J., Groebe-McGovem co>., Newark, N. J., 1902. 3 p. 1., 9- 63. [1] p. incl. front., ill. 25&cm. [L.C. 3-1270] BLOOMINGTON, 111. City, county seat of McLean Co., 44 m. N. of Decatur. H a r i n g, Theo. Ttichtige deutscbe Manner Bloomington's. Deutsch-Am G 2.4(1902)39-42. BLOTTNT, Hamilton H. (fl.1902). TT. S. Army officer. IT. S. War dept. ...Court-martial and military services of Hamilton H. Blunt. Letter from the secre- tary of war, transmitting a copy of all records and papers.. . February 12, 1902. Referred to the Committee on military affairs and ordered to be printed. [Warshlngtdn, Gov't print, off., 1902] 157 p. 23%cm. (57th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. ho. 185) [L.C. 3-3436] BLOTTNT, William (1747-1800). TT. S. senator, Gov. of Territory of Tenn. Ramsey, J. G. M. Letter [ab. Gov. Blount]. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)38-54. WRITINGS ON AMEEICAN HISTORY 1902. BLOtTNT family. [Presoott, Helen M. Blount] Blount and Blunt. [Washington, D. C.] Press of W.F.Roberts, 1902. geneal. chart, 56 x 43%cm. [L.C. 2-12289] BbCHER, Ferdinand (1832-1902). Harvard Prof, of modern languages. G r a n d g e n t, 0. H. Ferdinand Bflcher. Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)42-5, port. BOEHM family. Horn, A[lfred] P. ed. Proceedings of the re-union of Apple's church and of the Boehm family, celebrated at Apple's or New Jerusalem Reformed and Lutheran church, Leithsvllle, Northampton county, Pa., September 14, 1895. Hellertown, Pa., H.D.Laubach, 1902. 154 p. pi., port. 23cm. [L.C. 2-20018] BOHEMIAN Americans. Natives of Bohemia living in the Tf. 8. V la ch, J. J. Our Bohemian population. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)159-62. BOISSIERE, Ernest Valeton (1810-94). Kansas horticulturist and philanthropist. H u r o n, G. A. Ernest Valeton Boissiere. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)552-64. BOLGER, Henry L. Pinckney (1846-1901). S. C. judge and legislator. Henry L. Pinckney Bolger [Obit.]. S C Hist Mag 3(1902)68. BOLIVIA, 8. A. Republic lying inland between Brazil, Argentine, Chile and Peru. Between the Andes and the Amazon, or Undeveloped Bolivia. Chamb J 79(1902) 157(Mr). C b u r c h, G. E. Bolivia by the Rio de la Plata route. Geog J 19(1902)64(Ja). Mcllroy, Arthur. Bolivia field for American trade. Nat'l M (Boat) 15(1901-2)691-6, 111., port. NordenskiBld, E. Explorations dans les regions frontifires de la Bolivie et de la R6publique Argen- tine. Geog Bull Aout (1902). P e r e z, A. G. Orcanizacion militar de America. Bolivia. Estud Milit Aont (1902). BOLTON. Conn. Township of Tolland Co. 17 m. E. of Hartford. T a 1 c o t t, M. K. Records of the church In Bolton, Conn. N B Reg 55(1901)34-9,281-7; 56(1902)162-7. 347-56. BONAPARTE, Joseph (1768-1844). King of Spain, resident of XT. S. T o m 1 i n s o n, B. T. When the King of Spain was an exile In northern N. Y. Indep 54(1902)449-52. BONAPARTE, Louis Napoleon (1803-73). French emperor. Stevenson, Sara Y. Prince Louis Napoleon and the Nicaragua canal. Cent 64(1902)391-6, port. BONNETT, Steed (fl.1617). North Carolina pirate. A g h e, S. A. The old pirates, Black Beard and Bonnett. N C Bookl 2.2(1902)3-23. BOOK Plates. Printed or engraved labels to mark ownership of books. Allen, Charles Dexter. The appeal of the book plate, antiquarian and artistic. Cent 03(1901-2)238-47. C h a d w 1 c k, E. M. Book plates. Acadlensis 2(1902)122-130. facs.. ill. H a r d y, W. J. American book plates. Am Herald J 2(1902)2-6. Jack, David Russell. Book plates. Acadlensis 2(1902)189-97,276-8, facs., 111. BOOKBINDING. The fastening together and covering of the parts of books. B o w d o i n, W. G. American bookbinders and their work. Indep 54(1902)2997-3004, 111. B o w d o i n, W. G. Artistic bookbinding in America. Outl 71(1902)254-61, 111. BOOKKEEPING. Systematic keeping of business accounts. A business cutom in Boston, 1719 [Bookkeeping methods]. Bost Ball 7(1902)73. BOOKS. Printed or written records of human thought. W o r m 1 e y, Ralph. Advertisement of lost book, 1774 (note). Va Hag 10(1902)103. BOONE, Daniel (1735-1820). Ky. pioneer and Indian fighter. Hartley, Cecil B. The life and times of Colonel Daniel Boone; with an introduction by G. Mercer Adam ... New York, The Perkins book company [c!902] rill, [2], 385 p. front, (port.) pi. 19cm. ([Heroes of history]) [L.C. 3-9579] Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Daniel Boone, by Reuben Gold Thwaites. . . New York, D.Appleton & company, 1902. xv, 257 p. front, (port.) pi., facsim. 19%cm. (Appleton's life histories) [Rev.in:Am Hist B 8(1903) 779-80fF. W.Moore) "characterized by clearness of outline, balance of parts, unity of purpose, and completeness in itself .. .admirably presented"; Nation 75(1902)489 "Peck. . .and. . .early Draper col- lections. . .would remain the standard biography but for the Improvements ... Mr. Thwaites. . .adds. . .[a] finality"; Dial 33(1902)335 ".. .graphic. . .a vivid idea... of this pioneer in many states." L.C. 2-20873] BOOTH, Edwin Thomas (1833-93). American aotor. Edwin Booth (letter of). Collect 15(1902)47. BORGLTJU, Solon H. (b.1868). American sculptor. Goodrich, Arthur. The frontier In sculpture. World's Work 3(1901-2)1857-74, 111., port. 24 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. B6RSTLER, Christian (fl.1787). Md. German American settler. K e n k e 1, F. P. Tagebuch von Christian Borstler, geboren von Glanmliuchweiler, boj- Cusel in Theutsch- land, auf Cor Relse nach Baltimore In Amorlka. Deutsch-Am G 2.1(1902)56-8,2.2.29-32,2.3.49-51,2.4.49-56. BOHTON family. Haines, George. Ancestry of the Haines, Sharp, Collins, Wills, Gardiner, Prlckitt, Eves, Evans, Moore, Troth, Borton and Engle families. [For details see same title under subject, Haines family.] BOSS family. Boss, William Graham. An Inquiry concerning the Boss family and the name Boss. Correspondence be- tween William Graham Boss... and Henry Rush Boss... Chicago, The Ben Franklin co., 1902. 187 p. ill., port. 23cm. [Rev.in:N E Reg 56(1902)325(F.W.Parke) "material of .. .Importance. . .thoroughly treated. . .agreeable miscellany." L.C. 2-9130] BOSTON, Mass. Capital of Mass., on Mass. Bay. Annual report of the cemetery department of the city of Boston for the fiscal year 1901-1902. Boston, Mu- nicipal Printing Office, 1902. pp. 146. 80. 111., plan. [31.Men.inrN E Reg 57(1903)233(F.W.Parke) "is added an interesting 'Historical Sketch ... [of ] the Granary Burial Ground'."] Boston. Brattle Square church. The Manifesto church. Records, with lists of communicants, baptisms, marriages, and funerals, 1699-1872. Boston, The Benevolent fraternity of churches, 1902. xvi p., 1 1., 448 p. front., pi., port., fold, plan, facslm. (partly fold.) 25cm. [L.C. 3-987] Boston. Engineering dept. ...List of maps of Boston published between 1614 and 1822, copies of which are to be found in the possession of the city of Boston or other collectors of the same. Reprint of Ap- pendix J, Annual report of the city engineer. February 1, 1902. Boston, Municipal printing office, 1902. 35 p. 23cm. [Men.in:N E Eng 57(1903)341. L.C. 3416] Boston, Mass. Cemetery dept. Historical sketch and matters appertaining to the Granary burial-ground. Published by the Cemetery department of the city of Boston. . . Boston, Municipal printing office, 1902. 37 p. pi., fold. plan. 23%cm. [L.C. 3-52] Brissot, Jeanne F. Boston In 1788; fr. New travels in the C. S. of America. (Old South leaflets no. 126) Boston, Old South Work, 1902. Carruth. Frances Weston. Fictional rambles In & about Boston... New York, McClure, Phillips and com- pany, 1902. xxili, 380 p. Incl. front., ill., pi. 21cm. [Rev.ln:Nation 75(1902)481 "no biography ... and Index. . .photographic illustrations. . .well chosen, excellent and characteristic of the city." L.C. 2-27221] Cole, William I. Early churches at the North End, Boston. New Eng M 26(1902)241-56, ill., port. Cone, Kate M. Cotton Mather's birthplace. Gen Q M 3(1902)55-64. Green, S. A. Ten facsimile reproductions relating to Old Boston and neighborhood. Boston, G.E.Little- fleld, 1901-2. Hale, Edward Everett. Memories of a hundred years. Outl 70(1902)31-47,549-61,840-52; 71.70-80,404-14, 020-30,863-75; 72.78-91,301-14, port., ill., facs. The Manifesto Church. Records of the church in Brattle Square, Boston, with lists of communicants, bap- tisms, marriages, and funerals, 1699-1872. Boston, The Benevolent Fraternity of Churches, 1902. 8vo. pp. xvlll 448. 111. [Rev.inrN E Reg 56(1902)415(Henry H.Edenl "an index of extraordinary fullness and merit completely unlocks this treasure house of facts."] Martin, George H. Boston schools one hundred years ago. New Eng M 26(1902)628-42. National association of stationary engineers. Official souvenir programme, 21st annual convention... Bos- ton, Massachusetts, September 1-6, 1902. [Boston? 1902] ill., port., plan. 12U. x 18cm. [L.C. 2-24093] Norcross, Frederic Walter. Ye ancient inns of Boston town. New Eng M 25(1901-2)315-25. P a r d e e, Joseph Nelson. With a Boston market man. New Eng M 27(1902)450-63. Pictorial guide to Boston and the country around... Boston, The G.W.Armstrong dining room &-news co., 1902. 1 p. 1., 203 p. Incl. ill., pi. front., fold. map. 17cm. [L.C. 2-15635] The [R. C.] church in Boston in 1819. Am Cath Res 19(1902)113-4. Schuyler, M. Boston, Mass., ancient and modern. Pall Mall M 28(1902)325(N). Second report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston; containing the Boston records, 1634- 1660, and the Book of Possessions. Third edit. Boston, Municipal Printing Office, 1902. pp. 8+137. 80. map. [Men.in:N E Reg 57(1903)233(F.W.Parke) "reprint of the edition of 1881."] S t o ry, D. Boston, Mass., city of a great tradition. Munsey 28(1902)1(0), ill. The troubles in Boston [1774]. Collect 15(1902) 138-9. Tyler, Harry 'W[alter], A handbook of the principal scientific institutions of Boston and vicinity, prepared ...with the compliments of the local members of the American society of mechanical engineers at its forty-fifth meeting, Boston, Mass., May 27-30, 1902. [Boston, Rockwell & Churchill press, 1902] Ix, [2], 6-118 p. pi., fold. plan. 18cm. [L.C. 2-15613] W a 1 1 1 s, John. Petition for renewal of tavern license, 1714(7). Bost Bull 7(1902)348-9. Whiting, Lilian. Boston days, the city of beautiful ideals: Concord and its famous authors; the golden age of genius; dawn of the twentieth century, by Lilian Whiting... Boston, Little, Brown and com- pany. 1902. xil, 485p. front., pi., port., facslm. 20 1 / cm. [Rev.in:Natlon 75(1902)481 "portraits, WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 25 views of homes, facsimilies of MSS. . .discursive biographical and semi-historical sketches"; Dial 34(1003) 124 "much to be said in praise. . .[a] .. .tendency to diffnsouess, frequent repetition, and errors of fact ...enjoy [able]... entertaining." L.C. 2-29910] Whitmore, William H[enry]. Catalogue of the valuable private library of the late William H. Whitmore, of Boston... Part I, comprising a collection of about 1300 genealogies. Part II, historical and miscel- laneous books, including a large number of books relating to the local history of Boston... To be sold by auction ... Nov. llth to 14th, 1902... C.F.Libbie & co., auctioneers... [Boston, Libbie show print, 1902] 1 p. 1., 228 p. front, (port.) 111., facsiin. (partly fold.) 24cm. [Prices noted in ms. on margin. I..C. 3-8880] Winslow, Helen M[aria]. ...Literary Boston of to-day, by Helen M. Winslo\v... Boston, L.C. Page &. company, 1903 [1902] xii, [2], 11-444 p. front., port. 18cm. (Little pilgrimages series) [Rev.ln: Nation 75(1902)265 "Biographical sketches. . .writtfn with sobriety if .. .'genially' and In. . . .louTTTalistie vein." L.C. 2-2065] W i n t h r o p, Wait. Boston Free Grammar School. 3710. Bost Bull 7(1902)347-8. BOSTON Public Library. Municipal library opened 1854. Whitney, James Lyman. Incidents in the history of the Boston public library. Lib J 27(1902)016-24 BOSTON Siege. Shutting up of British in B., 1775-8. Miller, William T. (letters) to his wife, from the camp before Boston, 1775. Boat Bull 7(1902)419-24. W i n s 1 o w, Erving. A Loyalist in the siege of Boston. N E Reg 56(1902)48-54. BOSTON tea party. Destruction of tea cargoes by patriots in disguise of Indians, 1773. W h e e 1 e r. Elisha [letter]. N E Reg 56(1902)205. BOSTON and Worcester railroads. Mass. R. R. incorporated 1831. Hill, Benjamin Thomas. The beginnings of the Boston and Worcester railroad. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901) 526-76, ill., port., facs. BOITCHETTE. Robert Shore Milnes. Canadian customs commissioner. Robert-Shore-Milnes Bouchette commissaire des Douanes du Canada, 1868-1874. Rech Hist 8(1902)116, port. only. BOUNTIES. Premium given soldiers to induce service. Bounties to soldiers and the depreciation of the Continental Currency 1780. Bost Bull 7(1902)464-6. BOUTEROUE, Claude de (fl.1668). Intendant of New France. R o y, Regis. Claude de Bouteroue. Rech Hist 8(1902)341-3. BOUTON, Nathaniel (1799-1878). Concord, N. H. Congregational clergyman and writer. Bout on, J. B. Rev. Nathaniel Bouton, D.D. Granite M 33(1902)180-95, port. Bouton, John Bell. A sketch of the character and life-work of Rev. Nathaniel Bouton, D.D., pastor of First Congregational church, Concord, N. H., 1825-1867. Printed for the Church 1902. pp. 15, 1. 80., ill. [41.Mon.in:N E Reg 57(1903)230(F.W.Parke) "delightful reading."] BOW, A town of Merrimac Co. N. H. 5 miles S. of Concord. Walker, Joseph B. An address upon the long controversy of the proprietors of the plantation of Penny Cook with the proprietors of the Town of Bow. 1727-1789. Delivered at a meeting of the New Hamp- shire Historical Society, March 9, 1898. Concord, N. H. Rumford Press. 1901. 8 vo. pp. 34. [Reprint from Trans, of N. H. Hist. Soc.] BOWDITCH, Henry Ingersoll (1808-92). Mass, physician, professor, writer. Bowditch, Vincent Y[ardley]. Life and correspondence of Henry Ingersoll Bowditch, by his son, Vincent Y. Bowditch... Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company. 1902. 2 v. front., pi., port., facsim. 22y 2 cm. [Rev.inrNation 76(1903)360-1 "what he has written of certain phases of the anti- slavery conflict will take a place among the most entertaining and instructive recollections of that con- tiict"; Dial 34(1903)197-8(A.R.Marble) "[a] rare success. . .valuable. . .public and personal incidents are tactfully blended." L.C. 2-30400] BOWDOIN College. Founded 1744 (1802) Brunswick, Me. Bowdoin college. Class of 1877. Memoranda regarding members of the class, with an historical sketch of the college from 1S77 to 1901... [Boston. J.E.Chapman] J902. 1C* p., 1 1. 111. (port.) 23%cm. (Its Class report, no. 4) [Edited by John Eliphaz Chapman. L.C. 3-9221] Cole, William I. Bowdoin College: A century of service. R of Rs 25(1902)693-7, 111., port. BOWEN, Herbert Wolcott (b,1852). U. S. minister to Venezuela, writer. Holt, Hamilton. The United States minister at Caracas. Indep 54(1902)2991-2. ill., port. BOWEN, John H. (1780-1822). Tennessee lawyer and Congressman. Campbell papers. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)324-7. BOWER family. G o v. Archibald Roane. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)322-4. port. 2 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. BOWIE family. Bowie arms (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)278. BOWLING. Game of exercise and skill played with wooden balls. Elliott, George. Bowling on tha green. Canad M 19(1902)513-23, ill. BOWNE family. R e a d i u g, M. K. William Bowne and his descendants in America. Jerseyman 8(1902)13-16,25-32. BOX family. Marsh, Lucius B[olles], and Parker (Mrs.) Harriet F., comp. Bronsdon and Box families. Part I. Robert Bronsdon, merchant, and his descendants. Part II. John Box, ropemaker, and his descendants, xix, 311, [1] p. front., pi., port., facsim. 24cm. [For details sec same title under subject, Bronsdon fam- ily. L.C. 2-13121] BOYNTON, Eleazer (1824-1901). Mass, merchant, state senator. B o y n t o n, Nehemlah. Eleazer Boynton. N E Reg 56 Suppl. (1902)lix-lx. BRACKENRIDGE, Henry M. (1788-1871). Pa lawyer, writer, historian. B r a c-k e n r I d g e, H. M. "Pittsburgh one hundred years ago" [Recollections]. Pittsb Bull 7(1902) 335-48. BRACKENRIDGE, Hugh Henry (1748-1816). Pa. editor, writer, judge. Brack cnrldge's account of Pittsburgh in 1786. Pittsb Bull 7(1902)257-62,288-90,332-5. BRADDOCK, Edw. (1695-1755). Gen. French and Indian War, defeated July 9,1755. Craighlll, Wm. P. ...March of Braddock's troops... in 1755. W Va Mag 2.3(1902)16-36, ill., port. BRADFORD family. Bo w m a n,G. E. Major William Bradford's will and inventory. Maytt Desc 4(1902)143-7. BRADFORD manuscript. Ms. of Bradford's History, lost in Rev., recovered 1898. Hoar, George F. Return of the Bradford Manuscript. Mass Hist Soc Proc II 15(1901-2)78-81. BRADLEE, Caleb Davis (1831-97). Boston clergyman, historical and genealogical writer. The Rev. Caleb Davis Bradlee, D.D. N J Hist S 2(1902)197. BRADLEY family. Will of John Bradley [Salem, Mass., ab.1642]. Ess Ant 6(1902)19. BRAGG, Edward Stuyvesant (b.1827). N. Y. lawyer, brig.-gen. in Civil War, Congressman. Gen. Edward S. Bragg, with portrait. Nat'l M(Bost)16(1902)438(Jl). SRAINARD, John G. C. (1797-1828). Conn, poet and editor. Parsons, Francis. Brainard A poet of Hartford's early literati. Conn Mag 7(1902)371-80, port. BRAINERD, Nathan Hoit (1818-1901). Iowa editor. Rogers, Frances Louise. Nathan Hoit Brainerd. Iowa Hist Rec 18(1902)401-6. BRAINTREE, Mass. Village of Norfolk Co. 10 m. 8. of Boston. Bates, Samuel A[ustin]. ...The Arnold family. As entered upon the records of the town of Braintree. 1640 to 1853. [48] p. 10& x 12cm. [For details see same title under subject, Arnold family.] BRANDYWTNE (Pa.). Revolutionary battle Sept. 11, 1777. Hoc ton, F. C. Battle of Brandywine with its lines of battles. Spirit of '76(1902)1,4-6. BRANT, Joseph (1742-1807). N. Y. Indian chief, British ally in Am. Rev. Crulkshank. Joseph Brant in the American Revolution. Trans Canad Institute 7, 391-407. BRAZIL, S. A. Republic of South America on the Atlantic coast. A in e r i k a. Nord-amerikanisches, Brasilisches. Kolon. Ztsch. (1902) 136. Canstatt, Oskar. Kritisches repertorlum der deutsch-brasilianischen literatur, von Oscar Canstatt. . . Berlin, D.Reimer(E.Vohs (N). Stutfield, Hugh E. M. Mountain travel and climbs In British Columbia. Alpine J 20(1902)491-504. Tyrrell, J. W. Appendix No. 26 to the report of the Surveyor-General: Explanatory Survey between Great Slave Lake and Hudson Bay, districts of Mackenzie and Keewater. Ottawa, S.E.Dawson, 1902. [Rev. in:Hist Pub Canad '02, 7(1903)145-6 "(valuable map In 22 sheets) .. .mentioning all the information that the earlier explorers have left on the region in question ... proof -reading ... very defective."] BRITISH GUIANA, S. A. A territory of Gt. Britain on N. coast of South America. R o d w a y, J. Forest people of British Guiana. Am Geog Soc Bull 34(1902)211(Je),233. BROCK, Isaac (1769-1813). British General in War of 1818. B., L.-F.-G. Le Major-General Sir Isaac Brock. Recb Hist 8(1902)94-5. 28 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. "BRONCHO busting." Horse breaking in the Western States. Chapman, Arthur. Broncho Busting, an American sport. Outing 41(1901-02)333-9. BRONDSDON family. Marsh, Lucius B[olles] and Parker (Mrs.) Harriet F., comp. Bronsdon and Box families. Part I. Robert Bronsdon, merchant, and his descendants. Part II. John Box, ropemaker, and his descendants. (Pub- lished by Mrs.Parker.) Lynn, Mass., The Nichols press, 1902. xix, 311, [1] p. front., pi., port., facsim. 24cm. Rev.ln:N E Reg 57(1903)337(F.W.Parke) "valuable." L.C. 2-13121] BHOOCKS, John H. (1827-1901). Texas Confederate officer. B a r r o ii, S. B. Col. John H. Broocks. Confed Vet 10(1902)465-6, port. BROOKE family. Brooke, St. George Tucker. The Brooke family of Virginia. Va Mag 9(1902)314-8,435-8; 10,87-90,197-9. BROOKFIELD, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. 23 m. W. by S. from Worcester. Sheldon, George. Wheeler's surprise The cul-de-sac. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)445-65. BROOKLYN', N. Y. Formerly independent city, now borough of N. Y. city, on L. I. Check list of Brooklyn and Long Islund newspapers in the N. Y. Public Library. N Y Bull 6(1902)20-1. Check list of [works relating to] Brooklyn in the New York Public Library. N Y Bull 6(1902) municipal documents 12-19; financial history 46-9: churches 50-2; libraries 53-4; schools 55-9; clubs 60; charities 61-3; hospitals 64-5; history 77-83; maps 84-8; directories 89-92; cemeteries 93; public health 94-5; parks 96-7: fire department 98-9; water supply 100-2. Consolidation of Brooklyn libraries. Lib J 27(1902)81. BROOKS, Charles (1795-1872). Mass. Unitarian clergyman, educator and writer. Smith, Minna C. An old New England minister. Bk-Buyer 24(1902)206-9, ill., port. BROOKS, Phillips (1835-1893). Mass. Episcopal clergyman, bishop. Clarke, William Newton. Huxley and Phillips Brooks. Bib Sac 59(1902)1-25. BROOKS family. Worcester Artillery roll. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)607-12. "BROTHER JONATHAN." Name for the typical American from Jonathan Trumball (!). ' F r e r e Jonathan." Rech Hist 8(1902)316. Matthews, Albert. Brother Jonathan. Reprinted from the publications of The Colonial Society of Massa- chusetts vol. vii. Cambridge, John Wilson & Son Univ. Press, 1902. pp. 34. BROtTCK, Jonas. Early resident of New York. An old library [Jonas Brouck's], "earliest" in N. Y.]. Spirit of '76, 8(1902)41. BROWN, Addison (b.1830). N. Y. judge, botanist, writer. Add! son Brown. LL.D. Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)337-9. BROWN, A. J. (b.1834). Miss, merchant, officer, local historical writer. [ C a p t. A. J. Brown]. Miss Hist P 6(1902)441. BROWN, John (1800-59). Abolitionist. Chambers, Jennie. What a scKool-girl saw of John Brown's Raid. Harper 104(1901-2)311-18, ill. C o n r a d, D. H. (letter). John Brown's raid. Collect 15(1902)88. Hugo, Victor [Marie]. John Brown [by] Victor Hugo. [Rldgewood, N. J.] Alwil shop, 1902. [33] p. front., facsim. SIVicm. ["Of the matter contained herein, the French text, together with the repro- duction of Victor Hugo's drawing and fac-stmlle of his letter to M. Chenay, were published in pamphlet form by M.E.Dentu and MM.Dusaeq et elf., Paris, 1861." "Of this book there were printed one hundred & fifty copies on Van Gelder hand-made paper, and fifteen copies on Japan vellum, this being number 129." Colophon: Here ends the book, John Brown, from the French of Victor Hugo. The translation is by Lionel Strachey; the decorations and initial letters by Frank B. Rae, Jr.; the whole being printed and sold by Alwil shop, Ridgewood, N. J., April, 1902. [L.C. 2-14594] Newton, John. Captain John Brown of Harper's Ferry; a preliminary incident to the great civil war of America. New York, A.Wessels cosnpuny, 1902. xi, 288, [2] p. 9 pi. (incl. front., port.) map. 19Vcm. ["John Brown's body" (music and words): 2 p. at end. Rev.in:Dial 34(1903)156 "sympa- thetic ... impressions of an ardent admirer, but does not furnish any new material." L.C. 3-1879] S c o 1 1, W. W. The John Brown letters. Found in the Virginia State Library in 1901. Va Mag 9(1902) 385-95; 10,17-32,161-76. BROWN, Samuel Robbins (1810-80). Am. missionary and educator in China and Japan. Griffls, William Elliot. A maker of the new Orient, Samuel Robbins Brown, pionetr educator in China, America, and Japan. The story of his life and work. New York, London [etc.] F.H.Revell company [1902] 332 p. front., pi., port. 20%cm. [Rev.in:Am Hist R. 8(1903)391 "animated anfl intensely appreciative biography of Samuel Robbins Brown ... vivacious style is somewhat marred by occasional repetitions of phrases." L.C. 2-23617] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. 2 BROWN, (Mrs.) Tabitha (fl.1850). Oregon pioneer school taacher. Smith, Jane Klniiey. Recollections of Grandma Brown. Oreg Q 3(1902)287-95. BROWN, William Little (1789-1830). Tenn. Judge of Supreme Court. Goodpasture, Albert V. William Little Brown. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)97-111. BROWN family. Brown, Morgan. Sketches. . .of the family of Brown. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)148-64,219-43,362-71. R c a d 1 n g, M. K. William Brown and his descendants in America. Jerseym 8(1902)13-6,24. BROWNE, Edward Ingersoll (1833-1901). Boston lawyer. A 1) b o t, Edwin Hale. Edward Ingersoll Browne, A.M., LL.B. N K Reg 56(1902)299-305, port. BROWNE, George Elmer (b.1871). American artist. Eraser, W. Lewis. George Elmer Browne. Cent C5( 1902) 163. BROWNELL, Wm. Crary (b.1851). N. Y. art critic and writer. S t u r g i s, Russell. William Crary Brownell as critic on tine arts. Internat Mo 5(1902)448-67. BRUMBY family. Brumby and Furman notes (note). S C Hist Mag 3(1902)115-6. BRUTE, Simon William 'Gabriel (1779-1838). Catholic Bishop of Vincennes. Donnelly, Eleanor C. [ed.] A missionary bishop's reminiscences of n troublous boyhood. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)325-33. BRYANT, Gridley James Fox (1816-99). Mass, architect. Bailey, Henry Turner. An architect of the old school. New Eng M 25(1901-2)326-49, port., ill. BUCHANAN, James (1791-1868). 15th President of United States. Buchanan, James. [Letter] to Asbury Dickens [1836]. Bost Bull 7(1902)275. BUCHER, John Conrad (1730-80). Fa. Ger. Ref. clergyman, provincial officer. K e 1 k e r, Luther R. Record of marriages performed by Rev. John Conrad Bucher, 1763-1769. Penn Mag 26 (1902; 375-81. BUCK, Jonathan (1718-95). Mass, officer, founder of Bucksport, Me. Whittermore, James <). The witch's curse. New Eng M 27(1902)111-13, ill. BUENOS AYRES, Arg. Rep., S. A. Capital of Argentine Republic and chief city of S. A. Meiklojohn, Bernard. [Buenos Ayres.] World's Work 3(1901-2)1708-13, ill. BUFFALO. The American bison. I n n e s, John. Buffalo hunting, modem and ancient. Canad M 18(1902)9-17. ill. BUFFALO, N. Y. City of Erie Co. on Lake Erie, terminus of Erie Canal. K o b e r s t e i n, Paul. Die ersten deutsch-am. Miliz-Coinpagnien. Deutsch-Am G 2.3(1902)43-5. L a r n e d, J. N. An historical sketch of The Buffalo Library, prior to the Free Library Movement. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)361-84. Men of Buffalo; a collection of portraits of men who deserve to rank as typical representatives of the best citizenship, foremost activities and highest aspirations of the city of Buffalo. Chicago, A.N. Mar- quis & company, 1902. 1 p. 1., [5]-416 p. lucl. port. 22%cm. [L.C. 2-16759] Report on historic sites. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)410-25. Roberstein, Paul. Geschichte der Deutschen in Buffalo and Erie County, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y., Reineke & Zesch, 1902, ills. [Rev.in:Deutsch-Am 2.4(1902)63] Selby, Clarence J, Echoes from the Rainbow city, by Clarence J. Selby (.blind deaf mute) with intro- ductory matter by Helen Sherry, Rt. Rev. Bishop Muldoon, Judge Geo. A. Lewis and others. Chicago, The Travelers' bureau [1902] 8, [11]-115 p. front., pi., port. 20cm. [Sample of pin-prick type-printing (4 leaves) inserted after t.-p. L.C. 2-10025] Severance, F. H. The new home of the Hist. Soc. in Delaware Park. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902) 3S5-404. S 1 o a n, J. Early trade routes. Adventures and recollections of a pioneer trader, with an account of hid share In the building of Buffalo harbor. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)215-37. S y in o n s, T. W. and Quintus, J. C. History of Buffalo harbor. Its construction and improvement dur- ing the Nineteenth Century... Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)239-85. W i 1 k e s o n, S. Recollections of the West and first building of Buffalo harbor. Historical writings of Judge Samuel Wilkeson. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)147-214. BUFFALO VALLEY, Pa. B a r t o 1, (Mrs.) W. C. Names of Revolutionary soldiers buried in Buffalo Valley, Penn. Am Month M 21(1902)301. BUFFINGTON, Elisha Dewey (1836-1900). Worcester (Mass.) manufacturer. Eli ah a Dewey Buffington (memorial). Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)320-2. 30 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. BUGBEE, Lester 6. (d.1902). Tex. educator and historian. Death of Lester G. Bugbee. Gulf Mag 1(1902)60. Lester G. Bugbee [obituary]. Am Hist R 8(1902)187. BUG0 family. B u g g family. Wm M Q 10(1902)271-2. BULL family. M a d i s o n, James (manuscript of;. Jonathan and Mary Bull. Coll 16(1902)3-4,15-6. BULL-WHACKING. Freighting across the plains with ox wagon*. Marvin, George P. Bull-whacking days. Neb Hisi S II 5(1902)226-30. BUMPUS, Edward Avery(d.l901). Lieut. U. S. army. Bumpus, E[verottJ C. For the love I bear my dead and as u testimony to tbe courage and devotion of the comrades who, with him, gave their lives to their country, this tribute is dedicated to the memory of my son Edward Avery Bumpus, first lieutenant Company C, Ninth U. S. Infantry, and of his companion in arm;-, Captain Thomas \V. Connell, Surgeon Richard S. Griswold and the members of his company who were killed 28 September, 1901, In the island of Samar, P. I. E.C.Bumpus. [Norwood, Mass.] W.M. Jackson [1902?] 2 p. 1., 122 p. front., port. 26cm. [On cover: In memoriam. L.C. 2-19843] BUNCOMBE family. B 1 o u n t, Thomas. Buncombe Hall. N C Bookl 2.8(1902)14-31. BURCKY, Friedrioh (b.1814). Chicago baker (local). Mannhardt, Kiuil. Zwei alte Chlcagoer, Frledrich Bureky uud Nikolaus Berdel. Deutsch-Am G 2.3 (1902)32-3. BURKE (or Bourke) family. An Irish estate: the Burke or Bourke family. Wm M Q 11(1902)143-4. BURLEIGH, Henry Gordon (1832-1900). N. Y. Congressman. B u r 1 e 1 g h, Henry Gordon. N Y Hist A 2(1902)7-8. BURLINGTON, Vt. City, county seat of Chittendeu Co., on Lake Champlain. Bar lest records of the Unitarian Society, Burlington, Vermont. Vt Ant 1(1902)56-70. BURR, Aaron (1766-1836). Vice-President of the U. S. Burr, Aaron. Aaron Burr to Governor Alston [1815]. Bost Bull 7(1902)130-7. D 1 d i e r, E. L. Aaron Burr as lawyer, with portrait. Green Bag 14(1902)451(0). Jenkinson, Isaac. Aaron Burr, his personal and political relations with Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton... Richmond, Ind., M. Cullaton & Co., 1902. viii, 9-389 p. 20cm. [31.Men.in:Am Hist R 7(1902)833 "In defence of Aaron Burr." L.C. 2-8224] T a r b e 11, Ida M. The trial of Aaron Burr. McClure 18(1901-2)404-13. Todd, Charles Burr. The true Aaron Burr; a biographical sketch... New York, A.S.Barnes & company, 1902. iv p., 1 1., 77 p. front., port. 18cm. [31.Men.in:Am Hist R 7(1902)833 "in defence of Aarou Burr... based upon traditions of Burr handed down by his law pupils." L.C. 2-13391] V r o o m, Hon.G.D.W. Interesting letters of George Morgan and Aaron Burr. Penn Mag 26(1902)370-4. BURR family. Todd, Charles Burr. A general history of the Burr family, with a genealogical record from 1193 to 1902 ... 4th ed. New York, Printed for the author by the Knickerbocker press, 1902. xrix, [10], 600 p. incl. facslm. front., pi. (partly col.) port. 24cm. [L.C. 2-19735] BURROUGHS, John (b.1837). N. Y. naturalist and writer. John Burroughs. World's Work 4(1902)2361, port only. BURWELL, Lewis (1621-63). Va. emingrant, colonial officer, planter. Lewis Burwell to Walter Brodhnrst (letter). Va Mag 8(1902)331-3. BURWELL family. Carter's Creek (note). Va Mag 10(1902)106-7. BUSEY, Samuel Clagett. D. C. physician and local historian. In m e m o r 1 a m, Dr. Samuel Clagett Busey. Rec Columbia Hist Soc 5(1902)48-53. BUSH, Joseph H. (1794-1866). Kentucky artist. P r i c e, S. W. Joseph H. Bush. Fllson Club Pub 17(1902)69-84. BUSHNELL, Horace (1802-76). Conn. Congregational clergyman, writer. F o s t e r, F. H. Horace Bushnell as a theologian. Bib Sac 59(1902)601(0). M u n g e r, Theodore T. The secret of Horace Bushnell. Outl 71(1902)1063-8. S t e v e n s, G. B. Horace Bushnell and Albrecht Ritschl: a comparison. Am J Theol 6(1902)35-56. Stevens, Geo. B. The theology of Horace Bushnell. Meth R 84(1902)392-707. BUTLER, Benjamin Franklin (1818-93). Mass, lawyer, Gen. in Civil War, Gov. of Mass., politician. D i n k i n s, James. Lest we forget Ben Butler. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)188-95. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 31 BUTLER, Nicholas Murray (b.1862). N. Y. educator, writer, Pres. Columbia University. Columbia's new president. Gunton's M 221.1902)253-5. Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler. World's Work. 3(1901-2)1804, port. only. ...Installation of Nicholas Murray Butler as prest. of Columbia University. Columb Q 4Suppl (ls)02)l-92, port. M o f f e 1 1, Samuel E. Nicholas Murray Butler. Cosmopol 34(1902)177-9. port. President Butler, of Columbia. R of Rs 25(1902)170-2. port. The president of Columbia. Nicholas Murray Butler. Cent 63(1901-2)910-13. port. P e r r y, E. D. The new president of Columbia. Colnmb Q 4(1902)113-9, port. BUTLER. William (1818-99). Methodist missionary and -writer. [Butler, Clementina] William Butler, the founder of two missions of the Methodist Episcopal church by his daughter; with an introduction by Bishop C.C.McCabe. . . New York, Eaton & Mains; Cincinnati, Jennings & Pye, 1902. 239 p. front., ill., pi., port. 21cm. [L.C. 2-23752] BUTLER, Zebulon (1731-95). Conn, officer in French and Indian War and Am. Revolution. Correspondence of Col. Zebulon Butler, Wyoming, 1778. Proc Wyoming Hist Soc 7(1902)131-50. Orderly Book of Colonel Zebulon Butler, at Wyoming, 1778. Proc Wyoming Hist Soc 7(1902)106-30. BUTTE County, Cal. Co. in K. part of state. O 1 n e y, Caroline M. Hills and farms of Butte County, Cal. Overland n s 39(1902)995(Je). BYF1ELE, Mass. P. 0. and station of Essex Co. 6 m. S.W. of Newburyport. D u in m e r, Joseph N., copier. Byfield baptisms [1744-83]. Ess Ant 6(1902)49-56. BYINGTON, Ezra Hoyt (1S28-1901). N.E. Congregational clergyman, professor, historical writer. Adams, George Moulton, D.D. Memoir of the Rev. Ezra Hoyt Byington, A.M., D.D. Boston, Press of David Clapp & Son, 1902. 8vo. pp. 10. port. [21.Men.in:N E Reg 56(1902)332(F.W.Parke) "reprint from the New. Eng. Hist, and Gen. Register."] Adams, George Moulton. Rev. Ezra Hoyt Byington, A.M., D.D. N E Reg 56(1902)115-21, port. BYRD, William (1674-1744). Va. lawyer, member of the Colonial Council, hist, writer. E a r 1 e, Alice Morse. A Virginia gentleman of two centuries ago. (Rev.) Dial 32(1902)308-10. Letters of William Byrd, 2d, of Westover, Va. Va Mag 9(1902)225-51. CAHILL, (Mrs.) Sophia (d.1900). Mrs. Sophia Cahill. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)381. port. CAHILL, Thomas E. (1828-78). Founder of the Catholic High School of Philadelphia. Thomas E. Cahill. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)380, port. CAHOKIA, 111. Village of St. Clair Co. 4 m. E. of St. Louis. A new [R. C.] church in an old town. Am Cath Res 19(1902)140. CALHOON, S. S. (b.1838). Miss, judge, Confederate officer, historical writer. [Judge S. S. Calhoun.] Miss Hist P 6(1902)105-6. CALHOUN, John Caldwell (1782-1850). S. C. statesman, Vice-President of United States. Calhoun and secession. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)415-6. Calhoun, John C. Documents on the division of the Methodist Church in 1844. Gulf Mag 1(1902)212. Calhoun, John C. Letters from John C. Calhoun to Charles Tait. Gulf Mag 1(1902)92-104. M e r r i a m, C. E. The political theory of Calhoun. Am J Sociol 7(1901-2)577-94. P I n c k n e y, Gustavus M. The correspondence of John C. Cnlhoun. Sewanee 10(1902)429-38[Rev.of Jameson's ed.] CALIFORNIA. State of U. S. on Pacific coast, admitted 1850. B a i 1 e y, G. E. California as a gem state. Overland n s 40(1902)468(N). California Constructive League. Out West 16(1902)197-200,332-4,435-40,544-6,675-6; 17(1902)118-9, 249-50,379,506-8. Carter, Charles Franklin. Some by-ways of California. New York, The Grafton press [1902] 1 p. 1., vl, 189 p. 19 1 /^cm. [Contents. Pala. The Mojave desert. Leaves from an artist's diary. The home of Ramona. Lompoc and Purfsima. Jolon. San Jnan Bautista. Pescadero. The charm of Southern Cal- ifornia. L.C. 2-29912] Chandler, Katherine A. Almond culture in California. Ctry Life Am l(1902)99(Ja). Chicago and North-western railway company. California ; a brief description of the chief points of interest in the state, and the most convenient means of reaching them, together with information concerning train service to the coast via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North-western line. Chicago, General passen- ger department, Chicago & North-western ry., 1902. 53. [4] p. incl. ill., maps. 22cm. [L.C. 2-28277] Crane, Ellery Bicknell. An overland trip to California in the year 1860. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)367-87. Do Witt, Frederic M. Guide to central California; an illustrated and descriptive hand-book for tourists and strangers... San Francisco, F.M.De Witt [1902] 2 p. 1., 180 p. ill., fold, map, fold, plans. 17cm. [T..C. 2-15184] Fisher, Richard T. The big trees of California. World's Work 3(1901-2)1714-23, ill., port. 32 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902 F 1 t z g e r a 1 d, O. P. A California bandit. My three meetings with Vasquez. Cent 63(1901-2)739-43. Guimi, J[ames] M[iller]. Historical and biographical record of southern California; containing a history of southern California from its earliest settlement to tiie opening year of the twentieth century... Also containing biographies of well-known citizens of the past and present. Chicago, Chapman pub. 'o., 1902. 2 p. 1., [13]-1019 p. incl. port. 29cm. [L.C. 2-7320] Halsey, Francis Whitingr. The pioneers of Unadilla village, 1784-1840, by Francis Whiting Halsey . . . Reminiscences of village life and of Panama and California from 1840-1850. [For detail see same title under subject, Unadilla, N. Y.] Harvey, Margaret B. California in the Revolution. Am Month M 21(1902)273-84. Higjfins, C[harles] A. To California and back. Chicago, Passenger dept., Sante Fe route, 1897. 175, [1] p. ill., map. 19% cm. L.C. 2-23947-8] Holder, Charles Frederick. A climatic miracle in California. 20th thousand. [Chicago] The Santa Fe, Passenger dep't, 1902. 31, [1] p. ill., map. 19cm. [Reprinted from the Wide world magazine. L.C. 2-25816] Holmes, William Henry. Anthropological studies in California. Smithson R 1900(1902)154-87. Howard, Emma S. Women farmers in California. Ctry Life Am 1( 1902)97 (Ja). Hudson, Horace B[ushnell]. California vineyards. A favored section of the golden state as it appears to an eastern writer Scenes in Fresno county, the vineyard center. Minneapolis, H.B.Hudsan [1902] 34 pp. incl. front, (map) ill. 10 pi. 19% x 27cm. [L.C. 2-4972] Hufford, D. A, The real Ramona of Helen Hunt, Jackson's famous novel. Los Angeles, D.A.Hufford, 1902. ill. Jackson, Mrs. Helen [Maria (Fiske)] Hunt. Father Juuipero and The mission Indians of California. [For details see same title under subject, Serra, Junipero.] Jackson, Mrs. Helen [Maria (Fiske)] Hunt. Glimpses of California and the missions. [For details see same title under subject. Missions Cal.] Jones, Helen Lukens. A great American olive ranch. World's Work 3(1901-2)1751-6, ill. Lee, Annabel. Some sportsmen's clubs of California. Outing 39(1901-2)535-41, ill. L 11 in in i s, Charles F. The right hand of the continent. Out West 16(1902)569-95; 17(1902)2-32,138-71, 268-99,398-428,527-56,654-83, ill. M a r k h a m, Edward. Traces of Franciscans in California. Craftsman 1(1902)29(F). Native daughters of the golden West. Historical landmarks committee. Report, written by Eliza D. Keith, chairman. . .and accepted by the Grand parlor, 1902... [San Francisco, W.N. Brunt, printer, 1902] 71, [1] p. front, (port.) 23cm. ["Reprinted from Graud parlor proceedings, 1902." "Cali- fornia books from the library of Capt. Isiah W. Lees": p. 39-68. L.C. 3-19771] O'Leary, J[ames]. Statistics of California production, commerce and finance for the years 1900-1, with brief sketches of the origin and development of mining, agriculture and horticulture in the state. Pub- lishers: M.M.Barnet, J.O'Leary... San Francisco, Printed by J. Partridge [1902] 191, iv p. front., pi., port. 20cm. [L.C. 2-19009] Public works of irrigation. Out West 16(1902)88-92. R o b 1 n so n, Ednah. Chinese journalism in California. Out West 16(1902)33-42, ill., port. Sexton, Ella M. Stories of California. New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. x, 211 p. front., pi., port. 19%cm. [Rev.ln:Dial 33(1902)479 "simple language. . .are addressed to a youthful audience... well illustrated." L.C. 2-25196] S m y t h e, William E. The 20th century west [irrigation]. Out West 16(1902)75-81. Spanish friars in California. Am Cath Q 27(1902)760-81. Stoddard, Charles Warren. In the footprints of the Padres. San Francisco, Robertson, 1902. [Rev.in:Dial 34(1903)26 "Mission Padres is confined to a single chapter. . .entertaining. . .phases of life in San Fran- cisco"; 51.Men.in:Am Hist R 7(1902)837 "consists chiefly of reminiscences of a trip across the isthmus in 1855 and of the conditions in San Francisco in the early days."] T h o m p s o n, R. A. The discovery of our Pacific coast. Out West 16(1902)352-66,489-502. W e 1 1 s, A. J. Country life of California. Ctry Life Am l(1902)75(Ja). Williams, Carrie. Silk culture in California. Overland n s 40(1902)363(0). CALIFORNIA University. State University at Berkeley, founded 1868. Jones, W. Carey. Illustr. Hist, of the University of California. 1868-1901. Berkeley, Cal. rev. ed. '01 [1902] pp. 430. Roy ce, J. California university. Old and new. Calif Univ Chron 5(1902) (Jl). CALKINS family. D e W o 1 f, John Oviatt. A Calkins family record. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)17-9, faes. CALOKNE, Jacques-Ladislaw Joseph de (1743-1822). Canadian Abbe. C h e v r o t, G. Du. M. rte Calonne. Rech Hist 8(1902)283-5. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. . 33 CALVERT, Sir George (1582-1632). First Baron of Baltimore, statesman. Brooke, Charles. A short sketch of the origin of the Maryland mission. Am Cath Res 19(1902)126-8. Hall, Clayton Colman. The Lords Baltimore and the Maryland Palatinate. [For details see same title under subject, Maryland.] Report of the commissioners of Virginia that Lord Baltimore refused to take the oathes of supremacy and allegiance, 1629. Am Cath Res 19(1902)26-7. [Sir George Calvert and the begfoniugs of Maryland.] Am Cath Res 19(1902)101. CALVERT family. Griffin, Martin I. J. The apostate, Lord Baltimore The Calverts Was Maryland a Catholic coun- try? Am Cath Res 19(1902)58-60. CAMBRIDGE, 0. Village, Guernsey Co., 59 m. N. of Marietta. S t o n e, M. A. Burials in the old cemetery at Cambridge, Guernsey Co., O. Old Northw Q 4(1901)12-16, 30-2; 5(1902)127-30. CAMERON family. P r i c e, W. T. The Camerons. Family history of the Camerons of Virginia. W Va Mag 2.4(1902)57-65. CAMINO Real. Old Catholic Mission road in California. W e y, Auguste. The Camino Real and its old art. Out West 16(1902)480-88, ill. CAMPBELL, Alexander (1788-1866). Founder of the Campbellites denomination, educator, theol. writer. C r a n m e r, G. L. Alexander Campbell. Teacher, preacher and statesman. W Va Mag 2.4(1902)65-74. CAMPBELL, Duncan (1703-58). British officer in French and Indian War. B a s e o m, Robert O. Legend of Duncan Campbell. N Y Hist A 2(1902)32-8. CAMPBELL, John Archibald (1811-89). Ala. Justice TJ. S. Supreme Court, assistant Sec. of War. Campbell, John A. [Letter] to Prof. Henry Tutwiler. Gulf Mag 1(1902)213. CAMPO BELLO, N. B. Island of New Brunswick, in Bay of Fundy. Well s, Kate Gannett. Four old houses at Campobello. Acad 2(1902)222-7, ill., port. CANADA, Dominion of. A federal union of British possessions in N. A. A., F. A. A holiday trip to Canada. Young Woman Nov(1902)55-9. The advance of Canada. Sat R 92(1902)198-9. Bellerive, Georges. Conferences et Discours de nos homines publics en France. Quebec, Leger Broussea, 1902. pp. 18+206. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02.7(1903)98 "speeches delivered in Paris in recent years by French-Canadians."] Bourinot, J. G. How Canada is Governed: a short account of its executive, legislative, Judicial and munici- pal institutions, with an historical outline of their origin and development, with numerous illustrations. Toronto, Copp, Clark Co., 1902. pp. 15+344. LRev.in:Hist Pub Canada '02.7(1903)193.] Britain beyond the seas; a descriptive account of the British colonies and dependencies. London and Edinburgh, W. & R. Chambers, limited, 1903 [1902] 188 p. col. front., ill., col. pi., maps. 18%cm. (Chambers's geographical readers) [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canada '02.7(1903)135-6 "portion relating to Can- ada... most inaccurate ... needless to multiply mention of inaccuracies. . .ought to be withdrawn from circulation." L.C. 3-2240] Brymner, Douglas. Report on Canadian archives for 1901. Sessional paper no. 18, for 1902. [Rev.in:Aro Hist R 7(1902)817 "contains calendar of... state papers of lower Canada from 1836 to 1857, and... Up- per Canada for 1836."] Canada and the empire; symposium. Canad M 19(1902)307-13. Canada. Royal commission on Chinese and Japanese immigration. . . . Report. Session 1902. Printed by order of Parliament. Ottawa, Printed by S.E.Dawson, 1902. xiv p., 1 1., 430 p. 25. (Sessional paper no. 64, 1902) [L.C. 3-4712] [Canadian Pacific railway company] Western Canada: Manitoba, Assiniboia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and New Ontario; how to get there, how to select lauds, how to make a home, [n.p.] 1902. 80 p. ill., fold, map. 21cm. [L.C. 2-19449] Captain Mahan on Imperial Federation. Nation 74(1902)400-1. Carnarvon, Henry Howard Molyneux, 4th earl of. Speeches on Canadian affairs. Edited by Sir Robert Herbert, G. C. B. London, J.Murray, 1902. svi p., 1 1., 386 p. fold. map. 19%cm. [L.C. 2-9256] Charlton, John. Reciprocity with Canada. Outl 72(1902)209-12. C o 1 1 i s o n, B. W. and Munro, John K. Lacrosse in Canada. Cauad M 19(1902)410-26, ill., port. Cooper, J. A. ed. by. Men of Canada, a portrait gallery of men whose energy, ability, enterprise and pub- lic spirit are responsible for the advancement of Canada, the premier colony of Great Britain. Montreal and Toronto. Canadian Historical Co., 1901-2. pp. 18+314. [Rev.in:Hi3t Pub Canad '02.7(1903)65 "no letter-press except a three-page introduction and an index."] Cox, Harold. The public debts of the British possessions. No Am 174(1902)422-32. Cruikshank, E., ed. The documentary history of the campaign upon the Niagara frontier In the year 1813. 34 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Part I. (1813.) January to June, 1813. Welland, 1902. pp. 305+20. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canada '02.7 (1903)51 "when. . .history of that war. . .finally .. .written. . .careful and scholarly work... will be of in- estimable value."] Davidson, John. The foreign population of the Ceuadian West. Econ J 12(1902)97-111. D e n 1 s o n, George T. Canada and the imperial conference. 19th Cent 51(1902)900-7. Deportes Canadlens a la Nouvelle-galles du sud (1837). Rech Hist 8(1902)70-1. D i o n n e, N. E. Mgr De Forbin-Janson et les deportes Cacadiens. Rech Hist 8(1902)65-9. D 1 o n n e, N. E. Vice-rois et Lieutenant-Generaux de la Nouvelle France. Trans Royal Soc Canada 1901 (1902)sec.l. 35-46. Durham, John George Lambton, 1st earl of. The report of the earl of Durham. A new ed., with an intro- ductory note. London, Methuen & co., 1902. xxviii, 246 p., 1 1. 23cm. ["This edition is an exact re- print of the Report, but the appendices, to which reference is made in the body of the Report, not being of value equal to their bulk, are omitted." [Rev.inrNation 74(1902)132 "Has long held its fame as a model of wise statesmanship." L.C. 2-12269] E g e r t o n, Hugh E. Lord Durham's Canada report. Enx Hist R 17)1902)539. The Empire and the Colonies. Ed R Get (1902) 464-86. Fiske, John. New France and New England. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1902. 1 p. 1., v-xxiii p., 1 1., 378 p., 1 1. front., maps. 20Vjcm. [Rev.in:Hlst Pub Cauad 7.18-9 "Mr. Flske ...never paid special attention to conditions in Canada. . .lacks. . .firmness and breadth of information ... second-hand ... Occasionally ... lucid insight. . .hardly more than a fairly well written text-book"; Nation 75(1902)428 "Gives a final unity to ... sequence of remarkable volumes. .. [of] American history ...not... by any means the best of his works... no systematic attempt to examine the relations of New France and New England... or to delineate the successive phases of national rivalry"; Dial 33(1902)206-8 (F.W.Shepardson) "The... death of tho author prevent**! him from giving ... careful and final revision ...very interesting. . .show[s] well the author's characteristics as a thinker and writer"; Am Hist R 8(1903)359-61 (R.G.Thwaites) [has] "not. . .made good. . .promise in. . .preliminary announcement. . .with all its limitations. . .a welcome addition fitly concludes a notable series. . .index. . .creditable." L.C. 2-22288] Ford, Frank. Titles of Honor in Canada. Queens Quarterly 10(1902)Oct. Foster, John W. Canada and the Monroe Doctrine. Indep 54(1902)721-3 G a r n e 1 1, R. The authorship of Lord Durham's Canada report. Eng Hist R 17(1902)268-75. Geddes, J[ames] jr. Canadian French. The language and literature of the past decade 1890-1900, with a retrospect of the causes that have produced them. Erlangen, Junge & sohn; [etc., etc.] 1902. 66 p. 25cm. ["Sonderabdruck aus: 'Kritischer Jahresberlcht tlber die fortschritte der romanischen pbilologie, herausgegeben von Karl Vollmoller' bd. v, heft 2." [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad "02.7(1903)210-2 "welcome .. .not. . .restricted to works in French." L.C. 3-7311] Geographic Board of Canada, third and fourth annual report. Ottawa, S.E.Dawson, 1902. pp. 33: 16. [Rev.inrHIst Pub Canada '02.7(1903)150 -'upon cases in which the proper form of name... doubtful or. . . misspelling . . .habitual."] G e r i n, Leon. Notre Monvement Intellectuel. Pro & Trans Royal Soc Canad 1901 (1902)sec.1, 145-72. G e r r 1 e, John P. The prohibition movement in Canada. R of Rs 25(1902)591-2. H a d 1 e y, E. D. Our first war of aggression. Canada the object. Granite M 32(1902)314-24. II a t h e w a y, W. Frank. An appeal from Canada [for preferential tariffs]. Contemp 82(1902)89-98. Hopkins, J. Castell., ed by. Morang's annual register of Canadian affairs, 1901. Toronto, G.N.Morang & Co., 1902. pp. 540. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02.7(1903)118-22 "boon to future students of Canadian history. . .convenient for current use."] H o y 1 e s, N. W. The criminal law of Canada. Canada Law Journal 38(1602)225-60. Kurd, Archibald S. The foreign invasion of Canada. Fortn R 78(1902)1055-65. J e b b, Richard. Colonial nationalism. Empire R August (1902)6-1.".. Jenkyr.s, Henry. Ilbert, Courtenay, preface by. British rule and jurisdiction beyond the seas. Oxford, Clarendon Press; N. Y., H.Frowde, 1902. [Rev.in:Hlst Pub Canad 7(1903)189-92 "contains analyses < of the differences between the constitutions of Canada, Australia and the United States"; Nation 75(1902) 98-9 "Disagree ... that .. constitution of .. .Dominion of Canada is. . .modelled on our own."] J u 1 i a n, T. E. Canadian railways and immigration. Westm Feb(1902)202-7. J u s t e, J. L'acte medical dn Canada et nos privileges c-n matiere d'education. Nouv Fr 1(1902)458-77. Knight, E[dward] F[rederick], With the royal tour; a narrative of the recent tour of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York through Greater Britain, including His Royal Highness' s speech delivered Ht the Guildhall on December 5, 1901 . . . With 16 illustrations and a map. London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green, and co., 1902. xii, 410 p. front., pi., fold. map. 20cm. [Published under the auspices of the Victoria league. Reprint of letters published In the [London] Morning post. [Rev. in:Hist Pub Canad '02.7(1903)137-9 "little... of permanent value." L.C. 2-21164] L a f 1 a m m e. M. J. L. K. Les Canadiens Aux tats Unls. Revue Canadienne (1902). L a n d r y, Philippe. 1,'Imperialisme [British]. Nouv Fr 1(1902)184-93. Legislation Fed6rale (1902). Nouv Fr 1 (1902)201-4. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 36 L o n g 1 e y, J. W. Religious development of Canada. Canad M 18(1901-2)317-22. McEvoy, Bernard. From the Great Lakes to the Wide West: Impressions of a tour between Toronto ana the Pacific. Toronto, William Brlggs, 1902. pp. 288. [Rev.ln:Hlst Pub Canad '02.7(1903)139 "de- scriptive articles. . .vivid and entertaining. . .superficial aspect of things. . .well described."] Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Voyages from Montreal through the continent of North America to the frozen and Pacific oceans In 1789 and 1793; with an account of the rise and state of the fur trade. New York, New Amsterdam book company, 1902. 2 v. front, (port.) fold. maps. 18cm. ([The commonwealth library]) [Title In red and black. [Toronto, Morang, 1902] Introduction signed: Robert Walte. [Rev. in:Natlon 75(1902)344 "reprint. . .inexpensively got up but clear of print"; Dial 33(1902)289 "its reissue in the present convenient form is a real boon." L.C. 31132] McLean, S. J. The Canadian government and the railway problem (note). Bcon J 12(1902)403-15. M c L e a n, S. J. Railway rate regulation in Canada. Forum 12(1902)419-29. Marmier, X. Les fitats-Unis et le Canada. Tours, Mame, 1902. pp 239, 80. M H t t h e w s, R. C. The Canadian budgetary system. J Pol Bcon 10(1901-2)409-28. Maxwell, William, journalist. With the "Ophir" round the empire; an account of the tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales, 1901... London, New York [etc.] Cassell and company, limited, 1902. xviii, 332 p. front, (map) pi. 20cm. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02.7(1903)137-3 "little... of permanent value." L.C. 2-30202] Miller, J. O. Brief biographies supplementing Canadian history. Toronto, Copp, Clark Co., 1902. pp. 152. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02.7(1903)56 "designed r k s a text-book in schools."] Molyneux, Henry Howard. Herbert, Robert, ed. by. Speeches on Canadian affairs. London, John Murray, 1902. pp. 18+386. [Rev.in:Hlst Pub Canada '02.7(1903)3-5 "can hardly be called eloquent. . .full of sober common sense and. . .discrimination, and he masters thoroughly ... a real value for. . .student. .. Canadian aff airs ... cover a wide range of questions."] M o n r o, R. Canada's trade with the empire. Canad M 19(1902)314-6. M o o r e, W. H. A new national highway (Canadian Northern Railway). Canad M 18(1901-2)334-7, 111. M u n r o, John K. Curling In Canada. Canad M 18(1901-2)527-34, ill., port. Notes of Catholic Canadian interest. Am Cath Res 19(1902)70. O 1 d lights and new In Canada. Nation 75(1902)218-9. Parker, Gilbert. The first years of British rule in Canada. Emp R Aug(1902); Eel Mag '39 ( 1902646 (N). Parker, Gilbert. Social life in Canada under the old regime. Emp R Dec(1902). Parkman, Francis. The struggle for a continent; ed. by Pelham Edgar... Boston, Little, Brown, & com- pany, 1902. xix, 542 p. incl. ill., maps, front, (port.) pi. 21cm. [L.C. 2-23431] Parkman, Francis. Pelham Edgar, ed. The romance of Canadian history. Toronto, George N. Morang, 1902. pp. 194416. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02(1903)17-8 "excerpts from Parkman ... skillfully woven ...into a continuous story... only volume in the field that can command the enthusiastic attention of the general reader. . .illustrations. . .badly executed."] Proceedings of the Royal Colonial Institute, vol. 33, 1901-2. London, Pub. by Institute, 1902. pp. 12+486 [Kev.ln:Hist Pub Canad '02.7(1903)65-7 "three papers on Canadian subjects. . .Howard Angus Kennedy ...French Canadians ... British Colombia of to-day by Mr. J.H.Turner, Agent-General."] Ragey, pere mariste. ...Une nouvelle France. Paris, A.Challamel, 1902. 2 p. 1., viil, 263, [1] p. 19cm. At head of title: P. Ragey, mariste. L.C. 3-45] R o p u e s, Joseph. La question Canadienne. Revue du Monde Cath Fev(1902)311-25. R o s s, W. G. Development of street railways in Canada. Canad M 18(1902)276. R o y, J. Camille. Causerie llttfiraire, 1'filoqueuce Canadienne. Nouv Fr 1(1902)381-91. Salmon, Edward. The story of the empire. London, George Newnes, 1902. pp. 177. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02.7(1903)14 "a little Intolerant."] [Severance, Frank Hayward]. Contributions towards a bibliography of the Niagara region. The Upper Canada rebellion of 1837-'38. Being an appendix to volume five, Buffalo historical society publications. Buffalo, N. Y., 1902. [69] p. 24^cm. (In Buffalo historical society. Publications. Buffalo, 1902. v. 5, p. [427]-495) [Introduction signed: F. H. S. The first of a proposed series of "Contributions" to appear in the Buffalo historical society publications. An annotated "author catalogue, with cross-refer- ences under the principal topical beads which the subject naturally suggests. Books are fully collated .. .and. . .titles. . .trnscrlbed from the books themselves." Contains many facsimiles of early title-pages. L.C. 3-19205] S h o r t t. Responsible government in Canada. Queen's Quarterly 10(1902)Oct. Smith, Alfred. The American invasion of Canada and how to meet It. Econ R 12(1902)427-39. Smith, Goldwin. In the court of history. An apology for Canadians who were opposed to the South African War. Toronto, Wm. Tyrell, 1902. pp. 71. [Rev.ln:Hlst Pub Caned '02.7(1903)13-4.] The statistical year-book of Canada for 1901. Ottawa, Government Printing Bureau, 1902. pp. 678. [Rev. in:Hist Pub Canad '02.7(1903)127-9 "privileged to draw from its depths things new and old, true and false."] S t r a n g e, T. B. Horse-breeding for the empire in N. W. Canada. United Service M Nov(1902)202-5. Summary Report of th Geological Survey Department for the Calendar Year 1901. Ottawa, S.E.Dawson, M WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 1902. pp. 269. maps. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02.7(1903)150-3 "wide laiige of subjects. . .survey has issued. . .western sheet ... geological map of tbe Dominion of Canada (No. 783) on a scale of 50 miles to an Inch."] Teece, Richard Clive. A comparison between tbe federal constitutions of Canada and Australia (Beau- champ prize essay, University of Sydney, 1902) Sydney, W.K.Smith, ltd., 1902. iv p., 1 1., 71, [1] p. 24 z 16cm. [L.C. 3-19573] Thomas, W. Beach. Canada and imperial ignorance. Monthly R Dec (1002) 69-79. [Tricoche, George] La vie mllitaire i I'gtranger. Les milices franchises et anglaises au Canada, 1027-1900 ... Paris, H.Charles-Lavauzelle [1902] 317, [1] p. incl. ill., maps. 22%cm. [On cover: Par George Tricoche, avec 13 cartes au croquis dans le textc. 'Bibliographic": p. [313J-314. L.C. 2-23191] Wallace, Sir Donald Mackenzie. The web of empire: a diary of the imperial tour of their Royal High- nesses the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York in 1901... with illustrations by the Chevalier de Mar- tino...and Sydney P. Hall... London, New York, Macmillu.ii and company, limited, 1902. xtv p., 1 1., 504 p. 78 pi. incl. front., port. fold. map. 25% cm. [Rev.ln:Hist Pub Canad '02.7(1903)137-9 "little. .. of permanent value." L.C. 2-29420] W a 1 1 a c e, W. B. Progress of criminal legislation in Canada. Canada Law Journal 38(1902)701-13. W a r m a n, Cy. Migration to the Canadian northwest. R of Rs 26(1902)293-96, ill. W h i t a k e r, Herman. Canada from sea to sea. Aiuslle's M Mar (1902) 132-41. W i 1 c o x, Walter D. Recent exploration in tbe Canadian Rockies. Nat Geog M 13(1902)151-68,185-200. Y e i g h, Frank. Thirty-five years of Canadian confederation. New Lib R Aug( 1902) 55-66. Young, Egerton R[yersonJ. My dogs in the Northland... New York, Chicago [etc.] F.H.Revell company [1902] 9, [2] p., 1 1., 17-285 p. front., ill., pi., port. 21i/jcrn. [Rt-v.in:Hist Pub Canada '02,7(1903) 140-1 "describing the pioneer conditions. . .seen much worth describing. . .tells his story well"; Nation 75(1902)361 "Little more than. . .gossip about. . .particular Newfoundland dogs or mongrels. . .yarns. .. pleasantly spun." L.C._ 2-22004] Young, James. Public men and public life in Canada, being recollections of Parliament and the press, and embracing a succinct account of tbe stirring events which led to the confederation of Brltrish North America into the Dominion of Canada... Toronto, W.Briggs, 1902. 406 p. front., pi., port. 20cm. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02,7(1903)57-9 "not a systematic account of political events. . .devotes. . .chap- ter to the Presbyterian minister whose church he attended, and more than one to his own travels in other countries. . .the hero is the Hon. Gsorge Brown ... leader of the Reform party. . .style. . .careless." L.C. 3-17] CANALS (Am.)' Artificial water ways for navigation, irrigation or drainage. Ford, Alexander Hume. New England ship canals. New Eng M 25(1901-2)712-26, in., port. P y 1 e, Ingram A. Canals as a means of transportation. Current Hist 158-162. CANNON family. Rivers, Flourney. Llttleberry Mosby -William Cannon. Va Mag 10(1902)99-100. CANTERBURY. Conn. Village of Windhom Co. 14 m. N.N.E. of Norwich. Case of the church at Canterbury, 1768 [document]. Bost Bull 7(1902)386-7. CANTON, Ohio. City of Stark Co. 59 m. S.S.E. of Cleveland. Canton, Ohio, as an industrial center. Nat'l M (Bost) 16(1902)487-92, ill. CAPE COD, Mass. Eastern extremity of state, forming Barnstable Co. A b b o 1 1, S. W. The lakes of Cape Cod. New Eng M 26(1902)339-43. Cape Cod notes. New Eng M 26(1902)329-38. Cape od Pilgrim Memorial Association. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)250-1. Johnson, Clifton. Cape Cod folks. New Eng M 26(1902)739-51, ill. CAPERS family. The Capera family (note). S C Hist Mag 3(1902)57,242-3. CARACAS, Venezuela. Capital city, 16 m. S.S.E. from the seaport, La Guayra. B o w e n, Marion P. President Castro and the city of Caracas. Indep 54(1902)3083-91, ill., port. CARDIFF Giant. A fraudulent fossil buried and dug up at Cardiff, N. Y., 1869. White, Andrew D. The Cardiff Giant. The true story of a remarkable deception. Cent 64(1902)948-55. CAREY, Matthew (1760-1840). Pa. printer, writer, publisher. S e 1. from the correspondence of Matthew Carey, writer, printer, publisher. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)237-47. CARIBS. West Indian race, now in Cent, and S. A. along Carribean Sea. A y m e, Louis H. The forgotten language of the Car'bs. Notes and Q 20(1902)179-80. CARLETON, Canada. Village of Bonaventiere Co., Quebec, S m. N.E. of Dalhousie, N. B. Choulnard, L'Abbe E. P. Saint Joseph de Carleton. Reeh Hist 8(1902)137-8. CARLETON College. Congregational College at Northfleld, Minn., founded 1866. Maxwell, Charles H. Connecticut and the building of a western college. Conn Mag (1902)553-6. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. S7 CARMELITES. R. C. orders of monks and nuns. Historical picture gallery [Carmelite costumes]. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)121-6. CARNEGIE, Andrew (b.1837). Pa. capitalist, philanthropist. Andrew Carnegie's gifts to American libraries in 1901. Lib J 27(1902)24-5. G i e e d, Charles S. Andrew Carnegie. Cosmopol 33(1902)297-301, port. M a 1) i e, Hamilton. Andrew Carnegie. Cent 64(1902)956-8. CARNEGIE Institution. Washington, D. C., Inst. for promoting scholarly research. The Carnegie Institution. Nation 74(1902)46. Carnegie institution, Washington, D. C. ...Articles of incorporation, deed of trust, etc. Washington, D. C., [Lancaster, Pa., Press of the New era printing co.] 1902. 15 p. 23cm. [With Carnegie Institu- tion, Washington, I>. C. The Carnegie institution. Washington, 1902] [Publication no. 2. L.C. 3-7026] Carnegie institution, Washington, D. C. The Carnegie institution of Washington, D. C. Founded by An- drew Carnegie, 1902. Washington, D. C., [Lancaster, Pa., Press of the New era printing co.] 1902. 16 p. 23cm. (Its [Publication] no. 1) [L.C. 3-7025] G i 1 m a n, Daniel C. The Carnegie Institution. Cent 63(1901-2)794-7. Oilman, Daniel C. The Carnegie Institution. Indep 54(1902)679. CAROLINA. That part of Atlantic coast granted to the Lords Proprietors in 1663. C a r r, F. The state of Carolina to the King by the Lords Proprietors. Trinity Arch 15(1902)372-81. CARPENTER, Alonzo Philetus (1829-98). N. H. Chief Justice. A 1 o n z o Philetus Carpenter, LL.D. [obituary]. N H Hist S 111.2,1897-9(1902)297-9. CARR family. Carr, Edson I. Genealogy of Joseph Carr, of Jamestown, Rhode Island. Copied from the Carr family records by Edson I. Carr, and carried to the tenth generation by Mary B. Burt. Fall River, Mass., Ferdinand H. Gifford, 1902. 8vo. pp. 64. ill. [Rev.ln:N E Reg 56(1902)413(F.W.Parke) "[some] statements are. . .questionable."] CARRIERS Indians (==Caoullies or Cakalis or Cakhelhne). A tribe of Rocky Mts. Indians of the Dene family. M o r i c e, Rev. A. G. Carriers and Ainos at home. Am Ant 24(1902)88-93. CARROLL, Charles (1737-1832). Md. signer of the Declaration of Independence. Carroll, Charles. Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, en the evils threatening the Government, etc. Am Cath Res 19(1902)56-8. Carroll, Charles. . . . Unpublished letters of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, and of his father, Charles Car- roll of Doughoregan. Comp. and ed. with a memoir by Thomas Meagher Field. New York, The United States Catholic historical society, 1902. ] p. 1., 250 p. front., port., facsim., geneal. tab. 23cm. (The (Tnited States Catholic historical society. Monograph series, I) [no. 549 of edition of 750 copies. T, C. 2-13387] Charles Carroll of Carrollton destroyed his Rev. correspondence. Am Cath Res 19(1902)177. CARROLL, John (1735-1815). Bishop of Md., first Catholic bishop of the IT. S. The beginning of the hierarchy in the United States. The appointment of a Superior. Benjamin Franklin's recommendation of Rev. John Carroll, his companion on the embassy to the Canadians, in 1776. Am Cath Res 19(1902)155-9. Carroll. Bishop Carroll and borrowed books. Am Cath Res 19(1902)71. CARROLL, William (1788-1844). Tenn. statesman and Governor, officer. Tucker, Emma Carroll. Governor William Carroll. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)388-96, port. CARSON, Christopher ("Kit Carson") (1809-63). Mo. hunter and soldier. Burdett, Charles. Life of Kit Carson, the great western hunter and guide... with an account of various government expeditions to the far West ; with an introduction by G. Mercer Adam . . . New York, The Perkins book company [c!902] iv, iii-ziii, 376 p. front, (port.) pi. 19cm. ([Heroes of history]) [L.C. 3-9580] CARTER (Father) (fl.1884). Philadelphia Catholic priest. A vow to the blessed Virgin the Church of the Assumption, Philadelphia. Am Cath Res 19(1902)110. CARTER, Peter (1825-1900). N. Y. publisher. Peter Carter, 1825-1900. Privately pr. 1901-2. 80. CARTER, Robert (fl.1773). Virginia planter, "King's Councillor." Williams, John Rogers, ed. A catalogue of books in the library of "Councillor" Robert Carter, at Nomini Hall, Westmoreland county, Va. Wrii M Q 10(1902)232-41; 11,21-8. GARY, William (d.1902). New York writer, editor. William Cary. Cent 63(1901)477-8. CARY family. Will of Wilson Cary, 1772. Va Mag 10(1902)189-93. IS WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. CASAS, Bartholome de Las (1474-1566). Bishop of Chiapa. Dutto, L[ouis] A[nthony]. The life of Bartolomfi de Las Casas and the first leaves of American ecclesi- astical history. St. Louis, Mo., B.Herder, 1902. 592 p. 20 cm. [L.C. 2-16216] CASS family. Ebenezer Cass (note). N E Reg 56(1902)410. S t o w e 1 1, William. A branch of the Cass family. N E Reg 56(1902)305-8. CASSATT, Alexander Johnston (b.1839). Fa., President P. R. R. G 1 e e d, Charles S. Alexander Johnston Cassatt. Cosmopol 33(1902)421-3. port. CASTRO, Ciprano (fl.1902). President of Venezuela. B o w e n, Marion P. President Castro and the city of Caracas. Indep 54(1902)3083-91, 111., port. CATEECHE. S. C. Indian girl, heroine in the Am. Revolution. R n s s e 1 1, May. Anderson, South Carolina. Gen. Robert Anderson. Am Month M 21(1902)482. CATHOLIC Church. Church under the government of the Roman hierarchy. A., G. Die "Missionare fttr Nichtkatholiken" in don Vereinigten Staaten. H Bl 130, 288-94. American Catholic Historical Researches. Parkesburg, Pa. So. quarterly, v. 19. 1902. pp. 190+10. American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia. Records. Phila. Pub. by the Society 80 Quarterly, v. 13 1902. B e k k e r s, B. J. The Catholic Church In Miss, during the Colonial times. Miss Hist P 6(1901)351-7. Bogus Catholic history. Am Cath Res 19(1902)30-1. Catholic historical events ought to be commemorated. Am Cath Res 19(1902)169-70. Catholic historical notes. Am Cath Res 19(1902)34-8,84-94,141-144,132-192. C o r t e s 1, Salvatore. Catholicism in the United States. Indep 54(1902)1815-7, 111. D. Katholiken 1. d. Verein. Staat. v. N.-A. Kath Kirchenbl f Sachsen(1902)No23. E b e n r e c h t, J. M. Progres du catholicisme en Ame'rique et autre pays de langue anglaise. Rev Cath Avril Mai (1902). England. Papists and Quakers in Pennsylvania. Am Cath Res 19(1902)79. Index of historical pamphlets In the library of St. Charles' Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)60-119. M a r k o e, L. J. Public schools and the Roman Catholic Church. Cath World 75(1902)327(J1) Notable events in Catholic American history. Am Cath Res 19(1902)170-2. Ragey, pere mariste. ...Une nouvelle France. Paris, A.Challamel, 1902. 2 p. 1., vlll, 263, [1] p. 19cm. [At head of title: P. Ragey, mariste. L.C. 3-45] The [R. C.] Church in Boston in 1819. Am Cath Res 19(1902)113-4. Select documents. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)165-73,251-95,375-87. Some errors of Catholic history. Am Cath Res 19(1902)49-52. Wishart, Alfred Wesley. A short history of monks nnd monasteries. [2d ed.] Trenton, N. J., A.Brandt, 1902. 462 p. 20cm. ["Bibliography": p. 12-15. L.C. 2-27431] CATSKILL mountains. Group in Greene and Ulster Cos. , N. Y. , some 7 m. from Hudson r. Catskill mountain summer resorts. . .containing selected list of hotels, boarding houses and farm houses where summer guests are entertained. New York, American resort association, 1902. 112 p. incl. ill., map. 20 x 10% cm. [L.C. 2-19007] Ingersoll, Ernest. Rand, McNally & co.'s illustrated guide to the Hudson river and Catskill mountains. 10th ed. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co., 1902. 245 p. incl. front, pi., fold, maps, plan. 17cm. [L.C. 2-19283] Ulster and Delaware railroad company. The Catskill mountains. The most picturesque mountain region on the globe... Rondout, N. Y. [Press of K. Freeman] 1902. 179 p. front., ill., fold. map. 22%cm. Illus. t.-p. Advertising matter: p. 135-179. [L.C. 2-14868] CATTLE industry. Raising and marketing of cattle. Harger, C. M. Modern methods in the cattle industry. Outl 72(1902)38-47, ill., port. Mayo, Earl. A day's work on a cattle ranch. World's Work 3(1901-2)1638-45, ill. Mlchelson, C. Sheep men and cattle men of the West; war for the range. Munsey 28(1902)380(D). Miller, T[imothy] L[athrop]. History of Hereford cattle, proven conclusively the oldest of improved breeds. With which is incorporated a history of the Herefords in America, by Wm. H. Sotham. Chilli- cothe, Mo., T.F.B.Sotham, 1902. 592 p. front., 111., col. pi., port., facsiin. 27cm. [L.C. 2-20955] Ward, Leonard. Lost Steer, 1767 (note). Va Mag 10(1902)217. CAUCUS. Meeting of members of one political party of a legislative body. F a v r e a u, J. A. L'orlglne du mot "caucus." Rech Hist 2(1902)157-8. Thompson, C[harles] S[eymour]. An essay on the rise and fall of the congressional caucus as a machine for nominating candidates for the presidency... [New Haven, 1902?] 46 p. 27cm. [Cover-title: Yale university. The John Addison Porter prize In American history. First prize essay for the year 1902. Bibliography: p. 9-12. L.C. 2-30563] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. 19 CAULK'S Field (Md.). War of 1812 battle, 1814. General Philip Reed and Caulk' 8 Field memorial. Report of the remarks of Rer. Christopher T. Denroche and Captain Colunibm8[!] A. Leary; also the historical address on that occasion of Hon. William M. Marine, and the remarks of A. K. Hadel, M. D., at the ceremonies attending the unveiling of a stone to mark the Caulk's Field battle ground, in Kent County, Maryland, held on the field, Saturday, October 18, 1902. 94 p. front, (port.) 23cm. [Cover-title: General Philip Reed and Caulk's Field. Cere- monies attending the unveiling of a battle-marker on Caulk's Field, and a slab at General Reed's grave. L.C. 3-14052] CEDAR Creek (Va.). Civil War battle, Oct. 19, 1864. B n c k, Samuel D. Battle of Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1864. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)104-10. M o o r m a n n, M. N. Recollections of Cedar Creek and Fisher's Hill. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)371-2. Taylor, John H. Battle of Cedar Creek. Confed Vet 10(1902)22. CEDAR Mountains (Va.). Civil War battle, Aug. 9, 1862. New York infantry. 28th regt. 1862, Cedar Mountain, August ninth, 1902. [n. p., 19027] 33, [2] p. incl. 8 ports, front. 24cm. [Caption title: Dedication of the monument to the 28th New York volunteers, Culpeper, Va., August 8, 1902. Prepared by Horatio C. King. L.C. 3-32529] CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa. City of Linn Co. on Cedar River, 81 m. W. of Clinton. K 1 m b a 1 1, W. P. The Iowa Masonic library. Lib J 27(1902)837-8. CEDARS, Can. Revolutionary engagement, May 19, 1776. A 1 d r 1 c h, Edgar. The affair of the Cedars and the service of Colonel Timothy Bedel in the Rev. N H Hist S 111.2,1897-9(1902)194-231. CENSUS. Official enumeration of population and wealth. H o f f m a n, F. L. Vital statistics of census of 1900. Am Statis Assoc 8(1902)127(D). M e r r 1 a m, William R. Need of a permanent census office. N> Am 174(1902)105-12. Notes on the U. S. Census, 1900. Am Statis Assoc 8(1902)30(Mr). V. S. Census office. 12th census, 1900. ...Abstract. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. xlil, 395 p. 23%cm. [Prepared by S. N. D. North, Walter F. Willcox and Henry Gannett. "List of publications issued by the Census office since ... March 3, 1899": p. 391-395. L.C. 3-3218] IT. S. Census office. 12th census, 1900. . . . Bulletins issued from October 6, 1900 to [October 20, 1902] . . . number 4[ 247] Washington, Census office, 1900-02. 244 nos. in 6 v. 111. 29cm. [Published at irreg- ular intervals under title "Census bulletin." No. 1-3, of an administrative character, were not issued April 5-Nov. 1, 1901. [v. 3] No. J07-163; Nov. 1, 1901-April 29, 1902. [v. 4] No. 164-208; April 29-June 21, 1902. [v. 5] No. 209-232; June 25-July 8, 1902. [v. 6] No. 233-247; Aug. 1-Oct. 20, 1902. L.C. 3-13579. U. S. Census office. 12th census, 1900. Reports... William R. Merriam, director... Washington, United States Census office, 1901-02. 10 v. pi., maps, tab., diagr. (partly col.) 30cm. [Contents. v. I- II. Population; prepared under the supervision of William C. Hunt. v. III-IV. Vital statistics; pre- pared under the supervision of William A. King: pt. I. Analysis and ratio tables, pt. II. Statistics of deaths. V. V-VI. Agriculture; prepared under the supervision of Le Grand Powers: pt. I. Farms, live stock and animal products, pt. II. Crops and Irrigation. V. VII-X. Manufactures; prepared under the supervision of S. N. D. North: pt. 1. United States by industries, pt. II. States and territories, pt. III. IV. Special reports on selected Industries. L.C. 3-1263] CENTRAL America. Portion of N. A. between isthmuses of Panama and Tehuantepec. Bureau of tho American republics, Washington. D. C. A list of books, magazine articles, and maps relat- ing to Central America, including the republics of Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador, 1800-1900. Prepared by P. Lee Philips... Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 10ft p. 23%cm. [L.C. 2-18674] G n A r 1 n, U. A travers 1'Amerique Centrale. Rev Monde Cath 1 AoO(1902). J n n g, B. Dtsche. Interessen in Central-amerika. Beit. z. Kolonialpol. (1902)538-40. K a r s t e n, G. P. Preuss' Expedition nach Central-u. Siid-amerlka. 1899-1900. Geog. Ztsch.( 1902)222-27. Sapper, K. D. geogr. Forschg. i. Mlttel-amerlka 1. 19. Jhdt. Verb. d. 13 dtschn. geog. (1902)285-302. Sapper, Karl. Mittelamerikanische reisen und studien aus den jahren 1888 bis 1900, von Dr. Karl Sapper . . . Braunschweig, F. Vleweg und sohn, 1902. xlil, 426 p. Incl. 11L, tab., music, fold, front., pi. (partly fold.) 4 fold, maps, tab. (partly fold.) 22cm. [L.C. 3-60] S a p p e r, K. Mittel amerikan. Landschaft. Geog. ztschr.(1902(489-515,4Taf. S e 1 e r, B. Ursprung d. mlttel-amerlkan. Kulturen. Ztsch. d. Ges. f. Erdknn'de c. Ber. (1902)637-52. Wafer, Lionel Winshlp, G. P., ed. A new voyage aud desc. of the Isthmus of America; repr. Cleveland. O., Burrows, 1902. 80. ill. CHABOT (fl.1776). French Canadian officer of British army. Am. Revolution. Le capltalne Chabot. Reoh Hist 8(1902)280-1. CHAMBERLAIN. George W (d.1902). Presb. missionary to Brazil. L a n e, H. M. George W. Chamberlain. Ass Her 7(1902)365-6. 40 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1903. CHAMPLAIN. Samuel do (1567-1635). French navigator. Sedgwick, Henry Dwight. Sumuel de Chainplain, by Henry Dwlght Sedgwick, jr. Boston, Hongbton, 1902. 3 p. 1., 126 p., 1 1. front, (port.) 17%cm (Riverside biographical series, no. 14) [Rev.in: Hist Pub Canad 7(1902)19-21 "condensed and popular. . .most readable i'ttle volume. . .fitted. . .hero into his period with great skill. . .appreciations are remarkably happy... few slips and errors. . .very success- ful"; Am Hist R 8(1902)168-9(James Bain) "have done well in adding to their excellent collection, a life of Champlain.. .interesting but slightly florid style"; Dial 32(1902)351 "of value and interest. . .[a] good piece... of work." L.C. 2-10027] CHAMPLAIN Valley. Watershed of Lake Champlain which divides N. Y. from Vt. Kellogg, David Sherwood. Early mention of some events and places in tho valley of Lake Champlain. A paper read before the Vermont historical society, in the hall of the House of representatives, October 30, 1902. (In Vermont historical society. Proceedings. 1901-1902. [Burlington] 1903. 23cm. p. [51]- 64) [L.C. 3-19763] CHANDLER family. Pickford, (Mrs.)A. M. Geueal. of the Chandler family. Dedh Reg 12(1901)101-7,132-5; 13(1902)27- 31,53-7,83-8,114-20. CHANNING, William Ellery (1780-1842). N. E. Unitarian clergyman, theologian, writer. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Two New Eng. heretics: Channing and Parker. Ind 54(1902)1234-6. CHANNING, William Ellery (1818-1901). Boston poet, essayist. Marble, Annie Russell. Thv; late William Ellery Chanuiug. Critic 40(1902)114-5. S a n b o r n, F. B. Ellery Channing in New Hampshire. Granite M 32(1902)156-64, ill. Walks with Ellery Channing. Atlan 90(1902)27-34. CHAPLINE family. Dare, Mrs. Marie Jane (Liggett). Cbaplines from Maryland and Virginia. [Washington. The Franklin print, 1902] 3 p. 1., 113, xiii p., 1 1. front., facs. 23%. 23%cm. [L.C. 2-23425] CHARITY. The relief of poverty. Bishop, Samuel H. The new movement in rharlty. Am J Sociol 7(1901-2)565-610. B r a c e, C. L. What the cities are doing for the children of the poor. New Eng M 25(1901-2)63-73. The charity legislation of 1901-2. Char 9(1902)3-12. Crawford, V. Some aspects of charity of Canada. Month, Bd. 89. Mtlusterberg, E. Poor relief in the United States. Am J Sociol 7(1901-2)501-38,659-86. The national conference. Detroit, May 28-June 3, 1902. Char 9(1902)13-33. Zimmermann. A. Amerikanische Wohltattgkeitsanstalten. 1902. 30 p [Frankf. Zeitgemasse Brochiiren, N. F. 21, 8]. CHARLES CITY County, Va. Co. in S.E. of state. Patents issued during the Regal Government. Charles City Co. Book No. 3. Wm M Q 10(1902)245- 51; 11.88-92. CHARLES River Valley, Mass. Region of Middlesex Co. drained by Charles river. Kellogg, Augusta W. The Chariest river valley. New Eng M 26(1902)615-666, ill., port. CHARLES, S. C. City of Charleston Co. 115 m. N.E. of Savannah. The old Exchange (note). S C Hist Mag 3(1902)114-5. CHARLESTON, S. C., West Indian Exposition, 1902. B e t t s, Lillian W. Sunny days at the exposition. Outl 71(1902)120-4. Charleston and her "West Indian Exposition." R of Rs 25(1902)58-61, ill. K e n n a n, George. The Charleston Exposition. Outl 70(1902)713-8. S m 1 t h, T. Cuyler. The Charleston Exposition. Indep 54(1902)142-51, ill., port. Townsend, James B. A gieat Southern Exposition. Cosmopol 32 ( 1901-2) 523-34, ill. IT. S. Congress. House. Select committee on industrial arts and expositions. Charleston exposition. Hearing before the committee, House of representatives. June 11, 1902. [Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902] 21 p. 23%cm. Caption title. L.C. 3-7474] CHARLESTOWN, Mass. City of Mass., in 1873 annexed to Boston. Hersey, Ira C. The Charlestown mill pond. Reprinted from the New Eng. Historical and Genealogical Register for July, 1902. Boston, Press of David Clapp & Son, 1902. 8vo. pp. 8. Sawyer, Timothy T. Old Charlestown; historical, biographical, reminiscent. Boston, J.H.West company, 1902. 527 p. front, (port.) 20%cm. [First pub. The Charlestown enterprise, 1888-1902. Rev.ln:Dia! 33(1902)336 "history. . .biographies. . .all summed up gracefully and entertainingly ... wealth of lively reminiscences"; N. E. Reg 57(1903)123(F.W.Parke) "admirably writton. . .valuable. . .well indexed." L.C. 2-20016] CHASE, Salmond Portland (1808-72). 0. Chief Justice U. S. Supreme Court. J o n e s, F. R. Salmond Portland Chase, with portrait. Green Bap 14(1902)15f(Ap), WRITINGS ON AMERICAN BISTORT 1802. 41 CHASSEUR, Pierre (d.1842). Quebec naturalist and founder of museum. T 6 t u, Mgr. Henri. Le musee Chasseur a Quebec. Rech Hist 8(1902)251-2. CHATELETS, Noel Juchereau, Sieur des (d.1848). French Canadian colonist. I g n o t u a, Noel Juchereau, sieur des Chatelets. Rech Hist 8(1902)86-9. CHATHAM, Mass. Village of Barnstable Co. 20 m. E. of Barnstable. B o w m a n, George Ernest. Transc. by. Chatham, Mass.. vital records. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)182-5,198-202. CHATTANOOGA (Tenn.). Civil War campaign, 1863. IT. S. Chicamauga and Chattanooga national park commission. ...The campaign for Chattanooga. His- torical sketch descriptive of the model !r. relief, of the region about Chattanooga, and of the battles illustrated thereon. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 47 p. map. 26cm. [L.C. 2-24667] CHAUNCEY, Elihu (8.1824). Chauncey, Elihu. [Letter] to A. Dickens [1824]. Boat Bull 7(1902)lbl. CHAUSSEGROS DE LERY, Louis Rene (b.1762). Canadian officer. L'honorable Louis-Rene Chaussegros de Lery. Rech Hist 8(1902)158-9. CHAUTAUQUA. Summer and correspondence school on Lake Chautauqua, N. Y., founded 1874. Evolution of Chautauqua. Chaut 35(1902)349-53. CHELAN Lake. Wash, lake among Cascade Mts. L y m a n , William D. The painted rocks of Lake Chelan. Am Antiq Soc N S 15 II '02(1903)259-61. CHELMSFORD, England. Towa of Essex Co. 29 m. E.N.E. of London. Adams, Oscar Fay. Our English parent towns. Chelmsford. N E Reg f6( 1902) 375-9, 111. CHEROKEE Indians. Tribe of Uaskoki stock of S. Eastern IT. S., now in Ind. Ter. ''Cherokee Advocate" suspended. Gulf Mag 1(1902)58. R a m a g e, B. J. Georgia and the Cherokees. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)199-208. CHEROKEE War. A war between British and Cherokee Indians of Tenn., 1760-61. Officers of the S. C. regiment in the Cherokee War, 1760-61. S C Hist Mag 3(1902)202-6. CHESNEY, Pharaoh Jackson (b.1781). Tenn. pioneer. Webster, J(ohn) C(oram). Last of the pioneers; or, Old times in east Tenn.; being the life and reminis- cences of Pharaoh Jackson Cbesney (aged 120 years)... [Knoxville, Tenn., S.B.Newman & co., print- ers] 1902. 129 p., pi., port. 18cm. [L.C. 2-20247] CHESTER, Pa. A city of Delaware Co. 14 m, N.E. of Wilmington, Del. Papists at Chester, Pa., one hundred and sixty years ago. Quakers engage "A rigid violent Papist" as school-master. Am Cath Res ]9(1902)31-3. CHESTERFIELD, N. H. Township of Macomb Co. Sinnett, Charles N. Sketch of Chesterfield, N. H. "Township no. one." ami history of the Congregational church from 1770 to 1900. Haverhill, Mass., C.C. Morse & son, 1902. 1 p., 1., 14 p. 23%cm. [L.C. 3-4894] CHEVERUS. John (fl.1801). Mass. Catholic priest. Religious oppression in Massachusetts. Trial ot Rev. John Cheverns. . .and of Mr. Karauagh... Am Cath Res 10(1902)120-5. The Roman Catholic manual. Am Cath Res 19(1902)179. CHEYENNE Indians. A tribe of Algonquian stock in western IT. S. G r i n n e 1 1, G. B. Woman customs of Cheyenne Indians. Am Anthrop 4(1902) 13(Ja). CHEYENNE, Wyoming. Town of Laramie Co. 106 m. N. of Denver. The Carnegie public library of Cheyenne, Wyoming. Lib J 27(1902)327. CHIAPAS. State of southern Mexico. R u n d a 1 1, W. H. Tabasco and Chiapas; two little-known states of South Mexico. Chamb J 79(1902) 345(Je). CHICAGO, 111. City, metropolis of the West, on Lake Michigan. Bushnell, Charles J. Some social aspects of the Chicago Stock Yards. ^ Am J Soclol 7(1901-2)145-70. 289-330,687-702, ill., map. Chicago und sein Deutscthum. Cleveland, O., German-American Pub. Co., 1901-2. 111. Rev.in:Deutsch. Am. 2.4(1902)63. Chicago's awakening. Outl 70(1902)900-1. Flower, Elliott. Chicago's great river-harbor. Cent 63(1901-2)483-92, ill. Gale, Edwin 0[scar]. Reminiscences of early Chicago and vicinity; illustrated by W.E.S.Trowbridge. Chicago, London [etc.] F.H.Revell company, 1902. 1 p., 1., 452 p. front., pi., port., map. 21%cm. [Rev.in:Nation 76(1903)199 "reminiscences were corrected and completed by research. . .[and] corre- spondence ... no man. . .bettor fitted ... countless minutiae, particularly dates and names ... index ... handy for ready reference." L.C, 2-24485] 43 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Industrial art league, Chicago, 1902. Craftsman 3(1902)121(N). M i 1 1 i s, H. A. Election of 1902, Chicago. Ann Am Acad Pol Sci 19 (1902) 485 (My). Millis, H. A. Present street railway situation in Chicago. (Pub. of the soc. no. 352.) Phil. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci 1902. S i k e B, George C. The Chicago labor troubles and their settlement. Outl 71(1902)449-50. Sparling, Samuel B. Chicago's voters' league. Outl 71(1902)495-8. A symposium on taxation. Open Court 16(1902)184-91. CHICAGO University. Founded in 1891 by John D. Rockefeller. Coeducation at the University of Chicago. Nation 75(1902)147-8. V i n ce n t, George E. The University of Chicago. Outl 71(1902)839-51, ill., port. CHICKAMAUGA (GfO. Civil War battle, Sept. 19-20, 1863. Battle of Chickamauga. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)178-88. [Cunningham, W. H.] Confederate soldier. A history of the battle of Chickamauga, September 19th and 20th, 1863. [Evergreen, Ala., Press of the Orphan's call, 1902?] 11 p. 15cm. [A letter written by W.H. Cunningham from Tyner's Station, Tenn., dated Sept. 27, 1863. I>.C. 3-23043] CHIGNECTO Isthmus. Isthmus joining Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Trueman, Howard. The Chignecto Isthmus and its first settlers. Toronto, William Briggs, 1902. pp. 104-268. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02.7(1903)75-8 "a contribution to our knowledge ... greater part... de- voted to the family history of the Truemans. . .wise use of old letters and journals. . .many interesting details of dally life."] CHIHUAHUA, Mexico. A northern border state. F 1 o w e r, B. O. Chihuahua; a bit of old Mexico. Arena 27(1902)624(Je). CHILD, John. 17th century New England writer. Child's New England Jonas cast up at London. Bibliog 1(1902)309-10. CHILD family. The home of the Historical Society. Medf Reg 5(1902)69-70. CHILD labor. Use of the very young in industry. Dowd, Jerome. Child labor. So Atlan Q 1(1902)41-3. K el ley, Florence. A standard child-labor law. Char 9(1902)124-7. Kelley, (Urs.)Flo., Brewer, F. N., and others. Child labor problem. (Pub. of the soc., no. 346.) Phlla., Am. Acad Pol. Sci., 1902. 80. The new South's rare opportunity. Gunton's M 23(1902)48-57. CHILE, S. A. Republic on Pacific, extending from Peru to Cape Horn. Collecion de historiadores de Chile y de documentos relatives i la historia nacional Tomo 29. Sant. At Chile, Klzevir, 1902. Conway, Sir [William] Martin. Aconcagua and Tierra del Fuego; a book of climbing, travel and explora- tion... London, New York [etc.] Cassell and company, 1902. xii, 252 p. front., 18 pi., fold. map. 22cm. [L.C. 3-7939] Frezier, [Amedee Francois . Uelaci6n del viaje por cl mar del Sur fl las costas de Chile i el Perfl durante los aflos de 1712, 1713 i 1714: por M. Frezier... Traducido por Nicolas Pefla M. de la primera edici6n francesa de 1716. Santiago de Chile, Impr. Mejia, 1902. xxvi p., 1 1., 176 p., 1 1. 18cm. [Translation of that portion of FrPzier's "Relation dn voyage de la mur du Sud. . ." which relates to Chile, cf. p. iv. L.C. 2-22607] Graham, M. Diario de residenoia en Chile durante el afio 1822 y de viaje de Chile al Brasil en 1823 Tomo 1. Sant de Chile (1902), Cervantes, pp. 279. Moulin, Henri Alexis. Le Utige chilo-argeutin et la delimitation politique des frontifires naturelles. . . Paris, A.Rousseau, 1902. 2 p. 1.. 147, [1] p. ill. 23cm. [L.C. 2-23132] Vancouver, George. Viaje a Valparaiso i Santiago de Jorje Vancouver. Tornado de los Viajes alrededor del mundo, de Jorje Vancouver, ordenadoa por el rei de Inglaterra, en 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794 1 1795. Traducido por Nicolas PeSa M. de la edici6n francesa del afio VIII (1799) Santiago de Chile, Impr. Mejia, 1902. xxiv, 104 p. 19^cm. [L.C. 2-22608] Z a 1 1 e s, Gerardo. Chile's aim in South America. Iiidop 54(1902)2880-6, ill., map. CHILLICOTHE. O. City of Ross Co. 98 m. E.N.E. of Cincinnati. M i 1 1 s, W. B. Burials in tho Western Meth. graveyard, Chillicothe, O. Old Northw Q 5(1902)50-60. CHINESE-AMERICAN relations. The public relations between China and U. S. B a r r e t t, John. America In China: our position and opportunity. No Am 175(1902)655-63. The Chinese exclusion bill. Nation 74(1902)303-4. D e n b y, Charles. Chinese exclusion. Forum 34(1902-3)131-7. D n n n e 1 1, Mark B. The settlement with China. Forum 32(1902)643-61. Healy, Patrick J. Reaoons for non-exclusion, with comments on the exclusion convention, by Patrick J. Healy. San Francisco, Printed for the author, 1902. 40 p. ill. 22%cm. [L.O. 2-9810.] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 43 O o w a r d, O. O. Our suicidal Chinese policy. Indep 54(1002)858-60. Ireland, Alleyne. China and the powers; chapters In the history of Chinese intercourse with western na- tions... Boston. Privately printed for L.Maynard [by G.H.Ellis co.] 1902. x, 140 p. fab. 24^cm. ["The chapters contained in this volume were originally written to form part of a larger work, which ...was to have contained chapters on China's relations with France, Germany, and Japan... Owing to ill-health, Mr. Ireland was compelled to abandon this work... One hundred and fifty copies are... being printed for private sale, after which printing the plates will be destroyed." Contents. The Chinese problem. Early western intercourse with China, B. C. 1000-A. D. 1600. The United States and China. England and China. Russia and China. Appendices: Comparative tables, showing an analysis of Chi- nese trade from 1880 to 1899, inclusive. L.C. 2-19599] Jee Gam. Chinese exclusion from the standpoint of a Christian Chinese. Am Miss 56(1902)99-108. Thomson, H C . China and the powers; a narrative of the outbreak of 1900... With thirty illustrations and two maps. London, New York find Bombay, Longmans, Groeu, and co., 1902. xii, 285 p. front., pi., map. 23cm. ["Based for the most part upon letters, written... to the 'Manchester guardian,' and upon articles in the 'Contemporary' and in the 'Monthly review.' " Preface. L.C. 2-13032] CHINESE-AMERICANS. Natives of China (or their descendants) living in America. B t x 1 e r, James W. Chinese missions in America. Am Miss 56(1902)244-50. Canada. Royal commission on Chinese and Japanese immigration. . . . Report. Session 1902. Printed b.v order of Parliament. Ottawa, Printed by S.E.Dawson, 1902. siv p., 1 1., 430 p. 25cm. (Sessional paper no. 54, 1902) [L.C. 3-4712] C h e w, Ng Poon. The Chinaman in America. Indep 54(1902)801-3. C o n d i t, Ira M. John Chinaman in America. Miss R 25(1902)95-101. Miner, Luella. Chinese students and the exclusion laws. Indep 54(1902)974-9. Pang, Sunyowe. The Chinese In America. Forum 82(1902)598-607. P i x 1 e y, Morrisson. A Chinese newspaper in America. World's Work 3(1901-2)1950-3. Robinson, Eduah. Chinese journalism in California. Out West 16(1902)33-42, ill., port. W o o d b u r y, F. P. Japanese and Chinese. Am Miss 56(1902)396-401. CHINIGUY, Charles Pascal Telesphore (1809-99). Canadian priest, later Presb. clergyman. Schlachter, F. Pastor Chiniquy. Nachtrag zu ,,P. Ch.s Erlebnisse." Frankfurt, J.Schergens. 3 A. ppl58. CHRISTIAN, Henry (d.about 1805). Va. Captain in Am. Revolution. C p t a 1 n Henry Christian (note). Va Mag 9(1902)424. CHRISTIAN family. Christian (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)279. CHRISTIAN Science, "Mind cure". Healing of body by mind, a theory and a church. S t o b a r t, M. A. Christian Science and mortal mind. Fortn 78(1902)1028-42. CHRISTIANITY. Religions which accept Jesus Christ as God or as chief exemplar. Grant, William D[aniel]. ed. Christendom anno Domini MI)CCCCI...a presentation of Christian condi- tious and activities in every country of the world at the beginning of the twentieth century, by more than sixty competent contributors; with introductory noee by President Charles Cuthbert Hall, D. D. New York, C.Holt, 1902. 2 v. pi., port. 24cm. [Rev. in: Nation 74(1902. ~4 "As a whole. . .disap- pointing. . .sketches. . .very uneven some... well done... yet within its possibilities. . .accomplishes much." L.C. 2-12938] II e i s 1 e r, C. M. The Christian resources of our country. Luth Quar Rev N S 32(1902)415-430. CHRISTMAS. Celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, Dec. 25. B r e n n a n, J. F. Penalty for observing Christinas in .Mass., 1670. An) Cath Res 19(1902)63. CHURCH, Edward P. (1835-1901). Mich, educator, lecturer, mathematician. H d w a r d Payson Church [obituary]. Mich Hist Coll '01.31(1902)50-1. CHURCH and State. Problem of relation of organized religion to the State. M o u 1 t o n, Augustus F. Church and State in New England. New Eng M 27(1902)96-111. Q u a y 1 e, W. A. The debt of the republic to the preacher. Meth R 84(1902)708-25. CHURCHES. Societies of worshipper* or buildings for them. Church statistics for 1901. Chaut 34(1901-2)569-71. port. Graves, Charles. Are the churches declining? World's Work 4(1902)2076-80. CHURCHILL, Winston (b.1871). Am. novelist. C h e n e y, G. A. Winston Churchill and Harlakenden House. Granite M 33(1902)129-38, ill. W h 1 t e 1 o c k, William Wallace. Mr. Winston Churchill. Critic 40(1902)135-41, ill. CILLEY, Bradbury Longfellow (1838-99). N. H. educator. C i 1 1 e y, Bradbury Longfellow [obituary]. N H Hist S 111.2,1897-9(1902)498-9, ill. CILLEY, Joseph (1735-99). N. H. officer in Am. Revolution. Brown, Gilbert Patten. Joseph Cilley of Nottingham, N. H. Notes and Q 20(1902)3-6. 44 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. CINCINNATI, 0. City of Hamilton Co. on Ohio river. Monument on the site of Fort Washington. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1002)1-20. P h i 1 1 p s o n, D. The Cincinnati community In 1825. Pub Am Jew Hist Soc 10(1002)97-9. President Roosevelt at Cincinnati. Out 72(1902)204-6. Shotwell, John B[rough]. A history of the schools of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, The School life company, 1002. 6 p. 1., 608, 15 p. inol ill., port. 22MjCm. [L.C. 3-850] CITIES. Communities with municipal form of government. Commons, John R. Referendum and initiative in city government. Pol Scl Q 17(1002)600-30. Commons, John R. Wages in municipal employment. Qu Jour Eco 17(1902)433-50. Davis, Walter G. A statistical view of American cities. Gunton's M 23(1902)297-304. Detroit (Mich.) P. L. Municipal affairs: books and articles in the library. 1902. 44 p. nar. O. "compre- hensive classed list, including many analytlcul, but exclusive of periodical references and municipal re- ports." H a m 1 1 n, A. D. F. Our public untidiness. Forum 33(1002) 322-32. Home rule for cities. Nation 75(1002)6. Municipal government. Annals Am Acad Pol and Soc Sci 20(1002)637-46. P o r t e r, R. P. Municipal trading in America. Gassier 21(1902)456(Ap). W i n s 1 o w, C. E. A. Vital statistics cf American cities. Am Statis Assoc 7(1902)449(D '01). Zueblin, Charles, 1866 ...American municipal progress; chapters in municipal sociology... New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. v, 380 p. 10%cm. (The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociolocgy) [Contents. Introduction: municipal sociology. Transportation. Public works. Sani- tation. Public schools. Public libraries. Public buildings. Parks and boulevards. Public recreation. Public control, ownership, and operation. [Rev.in:Dial 34(1903)333-4(G.P.Wyckoff) "remarkable sum- mary and judgment. . .speaks with authority. . .sane. . .at times. . .criticism is. . .sharp. . .stimulating. .. instructive." L.C. 2-24493] CIVIL WAR. War between North and South, 1861-1865. For additional references see under the various local subjects and references to these in the Index. Battlefields and other historic places [in Miss.]. Miss Hist P 5(1902)384-6. B e 1 k n a p, Geo. E. Reminiscent of service in the home squadron, 1850-61. N H Hist S III. 2,1897-9 (1002)232-60. Benton, Charles E. As seen from the ranks; a boy in the civil war, by Charles K. Benton... New York and London, G.P.Putnam's sons, 1902. xiii, 202 p. 19%cm. [Rev.ln:Dial 33(1902)239-40(J.O.Price) "worthy of more than a passing notice ... easy and vivacious style. . .remarkable for the fidelity... of tho situations and episodes ... reproduced ... valuable historically." L.C. 2-20051] Brown, Francis H. Harvard University in the war of 1861-1865. Harv Grad M 10(1001-2)402-13. B u n n, Henry C. Early days of war in the West. Confed Vet 10(1002)440-53, port. Christian, Geo. L. Treatment of the exchange of prisoners. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1002)77-104. Coffin, Charles Carleton. Marching to victory; the second period of the war of the rebellion, including the year 1863... New York anil London, Harper & brothers, 1902. xv, 401 p. incl. front., ill., plates, ports., maps. 23cm. [L.C. 3-15293] The Confederate plan for arming slaves. South Work 30 (1001) 475-6. Cuffel, Charles A. Durell's battery In the civil war. [For details see same title under subject, Pennsyl- vania. ] Bodge. William Sumner. History of the old second division, Army of the Cumberland. Commanders: M'Cook, Sill, and Johnson. Chicago, Church & Goodman, 1864. 582, 51 p. front., fold. map. 23cm. [L.C. 2-11282] , K d w a r d s, Win. H. A bit of history [secession of Va.]. W. Va Mag 2.3(1002)50-66, port. F 1 e IB i n g, W. L. The churches of Ala. during the Civil War and Reconstruction. Gulf Mag 1(1902) 103-27. Fout, Frederick W. Die sehwersten tage des biirgerkricges von 1864 und 1865. Der feldzug unter Scho- field und Thomas gegen Hood in Tennessee. Die schlachten von Franklin und Nashville. Hrsg. von Albert B. Fout. [St. Louis? Mo.] [1902] 1 p. 1., 317 p. front., pi., port., map. 24cm. [Alphabetical list of battles and skirmishes: p. 261-317. L.C. 2-25195] Francis,.!. An incident of the war, in 1862. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1001-2 7(1902)161-67. French, Samuel G[ibbs]. Two wars: an autobiography. . .French. .. Mexican war; war between the States, a diary; reconstruction period, his experience; Incidents, reminiscences, etc. Nashvflle, Tenn., Confederate veteran, 1001. xv, [1], 404 pp. incl. ill., port, front, (port.] 24cm. [L.C. 1-27326 M 2] A Frenchman's diary in our Civil War time. Nation 75(1902)48-0,66-7,88-9,108-9. G a r n e 1 1, James Mercer. Seven days' battle around Richmond. South Hist Soc Pap 80(1902)147-51. Guild, Amasa. The mule and the army wagon in the Civil War. Dedh Reg 13(1002)77-80. Guild, Amasa. War diary kept by Amasa Guild, in 1861. Dedh Reg 13(1002)41-7. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 45 Harris, Cicero W[illis], The sectional struggle; an account of the troubles between the North and the South, from the earliest times to the close of the civil war... Philadelphia and London, J.B.Lippincott co., 1902. 343 p. 23MiCm. [Contents. First period, ending with the compromise of 1833. Part con- cerning the early tariffs and nulliflcatioii. [Rev.in:Ani Hist R 8(1902)141-2(T.C.Smith) "decidedly frag- mentary... it is... a number of chapters from a larger work ... confined particularly to tariff discussion in Congress., .no mistakes of any consequence. . .nothing original. . .unusual freedom from sectional bias"; Nation 74(1902)395-6 ".. .material. . .rather than history itself .. .hardly interesting reading... show[s] groat industry and... good temper, is. . .uncritical. . .lacks a discriminating summing up of re- sults." L.C. 2-8108] Howe, Daniel Wait. Civil war times, 1861-18(55... Indianapolis, The Bowen-Merrill company [1902] x. 421 p. 20%cm. ["The military operations described are chiefly those of the Army of the Cumberland." -Pref. [Rev. in: Nation 76(1903)226 "judicious and temperate. . .clear and just. . .interesting' > Dial 34 1903)275 "entertaining and instructive. . .fidelity and accuracy . .'.distinguish the historical portions... agreeable ingenuousness of .. .personal recollections"; 41.Men.in:N E Reg 57(1903)236(F.W.Parke) "mil- itary activities. . .of the Army of the Cumberland. . .well Indexed." L.C. 3-10050] Joseph E. Johnston on the Georgia campaign of 1864. N Y Bull 6(1902)170. Light cap, W[illiam] H[enry], The horrors of southern prisons during the war of the rebellion, from 1861 to 1865... [Platteville, Wi3., Journal job rooms, 1902] 95 pp. incl. front, (port.) 22cm. [L.C. 2-5212] Lucas, Charles A. A soldier's letter from the field. Iowa Hist Soc 18(1802)438-48,463-96,511-51. Marshall, Charles. The last days of Lee's army. Cent 63(1901-2)932-5. P r e u t i c e, W. R. On the Dry Tortugas [1865]. McClure 18(1901-2)564-70. Reagan, John H. The real causes of the war. Confed Vet 10(1902)209-11, port. Reports to Gen. Lee after the war. Confed Vet 10(1902)305-S. Scheibert, Von F. Mit Schwert und Feder: Kriunerungen aus meinem Leben. N. Y., Lemcke & Buechner, 1902. [Rev. in: Nation 75(1902)96-7 "Of .. .interest. . .is. . .experiences in our civil war... add little if anything to... our knowledge. .. observations. . .most superficial. . .judgment. . .colored by ... sympathies. "] Smith, Goldwin. The Confederate cruisers. Indep 54(1902)849-51. Smith, Goldwin. England and the war of secession. Atlan 89(1902)303-11. Southern historical society papers. Richmond, Va. 80. v. 30, 1902 (ed.R. A. Brock) v (3) 876 p. [Chiefly reprints from newspapers and other sources of articles relating to the Civil War.] S p a r k s, Edwlu Erie. Formative incidents in American diplomacy. Chaut .35(1902)30-40,136-42,235-52. The story of the great war. Confed Vet 10(1902)17-20. [Thompson] pseud. The story of a strange career, being the autobiography of a convict; an authentic document, ed. by Stanley Waterloo. New York, D.Appleton and company, 1902. xii, 362, 1 p. 19%cra. [Autobiography ends before convict life began. L.C. 2-21374] The two great armies. Confed Vet 10(1902)259. V. S. War dept. The war of the rebellion: a compilation of the official records of the Union and Confed- erate armies. Pub. under the direction of the ... secretary of war... Washington, Gov't print, off., 1880-1901. 70 v. In 128. 23M>cm. [Found also in the House Miscellaneous documents of the 52d to the 56th Congress. Each number has special index. Inserted in each volume: Additions and corrections... Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. L.C. 3-3452-3] Vail, I[srael] E[verett], Three years on the blockade; a naval experience. New York, London [etc.] The Abbey press [1902] 171 p. 20cm. [L.C. 2-16761] Waterman, George S. Afloat afield afloat. Confed Vet 10(1902)496-9. 111. Wild, Helen Tilden. The Lawrence light guard. Medf Reg 5(1902)73-90, port. Williams, George F. Important services rendered by war correspondents. Indep 54(1902)210-12. Williams, Noble C[alhoun]. Echoes from the battlefield; or, Southern life during the war... Atlanta, Ga., The Franklin printing and publishing company, 1902. ix, 94 p. 20^cm. [L.C. 2-27216] CLAPP family. An early Worcester family. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)601-6. Fifty ancestors of Henry Lincoln Clapp, who came to New England from 1620 to 1650. Boston, David Clapp & Son, 1902. pp. 5+68,8o, ill. CLARK, Charles Edgar (b.1843). Naval officer, Capt. of "Oregon" in Span. -Am. War. Captain Charles E. Clark. World's Work 3(1901-2)1798, port. only. CLARK, Francis E. (b.1851). Founder of Young People's Soc. of Christian Endeavor. Chaplin, W[illiam] Knight. Francis E. Clark, founder of the Y.P.S.C.E... Boston, United Society of Christian endeavor [1902?] viii, 115, [1] p. front., pi., port., facsim. 18%cm. [L.C. 3-29529] CLARK, George Rogers (1752-1818). Va. officer and Indian fighter. Brady, Cyrus Townsend. George Rogers Clark, and the great uorthwest. McClure 19(1902)274-81, 111. CLARK, William (1770-1838). Va. Indian fighter, explorer of Northwest, Gov. of Louisiana Ter. Kingsley, Nellie F. Four American explorers; Captain Meriwether Lewis, Captain William Clark, General John C. Fremont, Dr. EUitha K. Kane. [For detail* tee lame titla under abject, LewU, Meriwether.] 46 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. CLARKE, George Faber (1817-99). Mass, clergyman, writer on history and temperance. Memorial to Rev. George Faber Clark. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)106-9. CLARKE, Mary Victoria Novell.) (1809-98). Mrs. C. C. Clarke. Clarke, Mary [Victoria (Novello)] "Mrs. C. C. Clarke." Letters to an enthusiast, being a series of letters addressed to Robert Balmauno, esq., of New York, 1850-1861. Ed. by Anne Upton Nettleton, with ten photogravure plates. Chicago, A.C.McClurg & co., 1902. 345 p., 1 1. Incl. front, pi., port., facslm. 23%cm. [Rev.in:Nation 74(1902)491-2 "Main pleasure. . .Is that of contact with so agreeable a person- ality... her knowledge of ... American politics was not nicely critical." L.C. 2-11620] CLARKE family. Clarke, George Kuhn. The descendants of Nathaniel Clark and his wife Elizabeth Soinerby of Newbury, Massachusetts. A history of ten generations, 1642-1902. Boston, Priv. print. [T.R.Marvin & son] 1902. 468 p. front., pi., port. 24%cm. [Rev.in:N Y Rec 34(1903)148 "complete and accurate as possible... thoroughly indexed"; Rev.inrN E Reg 57(1903)117(F.W.Parke) "Special de luxe edition"; N B Reg 56 (,1902)325-6(F.W.Parke) "third edition. . .'prepared in a very thorougn manner'. . .great. . .accuracy." L.C. 2-14596] Morrison, George Austin. Clarke genealogies. The "Clarke" families of Rhode Island. A compilation of the descendants of: 1, Joseph Clarke, of Westerly; ii, Jeremiah Clarke, of Newport; Hi, John Clarke, of Newport; iv, Laurence Clarke, of Newport; v, Abraham Clarke, of Bristol; vi, John Clarke, of Westerly; vii, Ephraim and Ichabod Clcrke, of Westerly; viii, Ephraim, Ichabod and Samuel Clarke, of Cumber land; ix, Timothy Clarke, of Bristol. . .New York, The Evening post job printing house, 1902. 337 p. 29cm. ["This edition is limited to 150 signed copies, of which this copy is no. 18." Rev.ln:N Y Rec 34(1903)152 "[150] copies. . .exhaustive index. . .critical judgment and painstaking accuracy." L.C. 3-24078] Van Doventer, Cyrus Clarke, The ancestors and descendants of the Rev'd Henry Clarke and his wife Catherine Pendleton, of Madison County, New York. Kingman, Kan., 1902. 128 p. front, (port.) 24cm. [L.C. 3-20268] CLAY, Henry (1777-1852). Ky. lawyer, U. 8. senator, Secretary of State. Clay, Henry. [Letters] to Ccl. Davidson [1827] and William Plumer, Jr., [1829]. Bost Bull 7(1902; 231-2. CLAY, John Cecil (ft. 1902). N. Y. artist. B., H. A reporter in crayons. Bk-Buyer 25(1902-3)39-44, ill., port. CLAYTON-BULWER treaty. Between Gt. B. and U. 8. Apr. 19, 1850, ab. Panama canal. Travis, Ira D. Hist, of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. Ann Arbor, Mich., Pol. Sci., 1902. 12o. CLEMENS, Samuel Lang-horn ("Mark Twain") (b.1835). Writer, lecturer, humorist. Mr. Howell's literary appreciation of Mark Twain. Conn Mag 7(1902)409-12. W h a r t o n, Henry M. The boyhood home of Mark Twain. Cent 64(1902)674-7, ill. CLERGYMEN. Ministers of a church. Webster, Homer J. The colonial parson. New Eng M 27(1902)167-76. CLEVELAND, Charles Dexter (1802-69). Fa. educator, IT. 8. consul to Wales, writer. Charles Dexter Cleveland. South Work 30(1901)178-9 CLEVELAND, Grover (b.1837). N. Y. 22d President of U. 8. Ex-president Grover Cleveland. World's Work 5(1902-3) [opposite] p.2813, port. only. Mr. Cleveland In New Jersey. Nation 75(1902)356. Mr. Cleveland's advice. Nation 74(1902)498. White, William Allen. Cleveland. McClure 18(1901-2)322-30. CLEVELAND, 0. City of Cuyahoga Co., on Lake Erie. The Cleveland and Buffalo transit company. [Summer tours, 1902] Cleveland, O., The Cleveland and Buffalo transit company, 1902. 112 p. ill. 23%cm. [p. 69-112, advurtislug matter. Title on cover only. L.C. 2-14592] Howe, Frederic C. "The best governed community in the world." World's Work 3(1901-2)1723-8, port. CLIFF dwellers. H a w 1 e y, R. Newton. Arctic cliff dwellers. World's Work 3(1901-2)1844-7, ill. CLINTON, Charles (1690-1773). N. Y. settler, soldier. Browning, Charles H. Extracts from the journal of Charles Clinton, kept during the voyage from Ireland to Pennsylvania, 1729. Penn Mag 26(1902)112-14. CLINTON, George (1739-1812). First governor of N. Y., Vice-President TT. S. Public papers of George Clinton, First Governor of New York. 1777-1795; 1801-1804. Vols. I-VI. Pub llshed by the State of N. Y. as appendix "N," third annual report of the State historian. Albany, J.B. Lyon co., 1900-1902. 6v., 80, ill., maps; Rev.in:Am Hist R 6(1901)391 "...a great amount of matter interesting to Revolutionary history... no footnotes"; Am Hist R 7(1902)402-3 "large amount of trivial WRITINGS OX AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 47 or wholly foreign material. . .Is merely a reprint of... bound manuscript volumes"; Ain Hist R 8(1903) 388-9 "earlier criticism is emphasized by the permanence of the discreditable features. . .considerable mass of interesting and valuable material" ;N Y Rec 32(1901)62-3 "charming, entertaining detail"; [51.Mt>n.ln:N E Reg 57(1903)343 (F.W.Parke) "invaluable"] CLINTON riot. Race war episode, Clinton, Miss., Sept. 4, 1875. B r o u g h, Charles Hlllman. The Clinton riot. Miss Hist P 6(1902)53-63. CLOPTON family. C 1 o p t o n family. Wm M Q 11(1902)67-73. CLOUGH, John Everett (b.1836). Bapt. missionary to the Telugus of India. Clough, Emma (Rauschenbusch). John E. Clough, missionary to the Telugus of South India. Boston, American Baptist missionary union, 1902. 28 p. incl. front, (port.) pi. 1 .">'._, cm. (Biographical series./ [L.C. 2-14679] CLYMER, George (1739-1813). Fa. signer of the Declaration of Independence, public man. Clark, Martha Bladen. George Clymor, signer of Declaration of Independence. Am Month M 21 (1902) 371-4, ill. COAL industry. The mining and marketing of coal. G e n n e B, A. de. L*s charbons Americains en France. Cosmos 10 Mai (1902). I r w 1 n, William Gilbert. Development of the coal industry. Gunton's M 2(1902)544-51. Lose, E. Les charbons amer; coup d'oell d'eusemble. ficon Fr 10 17 Mai 31 Mars (1902) 28 Juln (1902). Miner, W. P. "Cist Versus Fell," or the domestic use of anthracite coal. Proc Wyoming Hist Soc 7(1902)31-42. N e w c o m b, H. T. The anthracite-carrying railways. R of Rs 26(1902)66-9, map. Rhone, Rosamond D. Anthracite coal mines and mining. R of Rs 26(1902)54-63, ill. Roberts, Peter. With Intro, by Sumner, W. G. The anthracite coal industry: A study of economic con- ditions, etc. N Y Macrnillaa co. 1902. [Rev.ii:Nation 74(1902)254-6 "Facts and conclusions. . .entitled to consideration. . .opening chapters. . .too abstruse for... lay reading... we heartily endorse. . .work." Robinson, Margaret Blak--. Among the coal-miners [in 111.]. Miss R 25(1902)835-9, ill. COAL strike, 1902. The Anthracite Strike. Its social and religious effects. Ontl 72(1902)585-9. B o n J. A. des Rotours. La greve charbon tt M. Roosevelt. Ref soc 16 Nov (1902). Chaplin, Herman W. The coal mines and the public. Pamph. pp. 63. [Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)258 "seeks to show how the mining of anthracite coal may be resumed by judicial process"]. Coal-mining by receivers. Nation 75(1902)258. Coal Strikes. Outl 72(1902)345-9. Coal strike and the public. Gunton's M 23(1902)22-32. de Rouslers, P. La greve des charbonnages smericains. Scl Soc Dcc(1902). Dens ex inachlua. Nation 75(1902)278-9. G o a z i o n, L. La greve des mlneurs d'anthraclte aux Ibtats-Unis. Hnmanite Nouv. Mar(1902). Is the coal strike a conspiracy? Gunton's M 23(1902)240-5. Light on the coal strike. Nation 74(1902)401. L o w, A. Maurice. How the coal strike has ended. Indep 54(1902)2563-6. The mining situation. Nation 75(1902)84-5. Mitchell, John. The coal strike. McClure 20(1902-3)219-24. A more excellent way. Nation 75(1902)338-9. More light on the coal strike. Nation 75(1902)200. Roberts, Peter. The anthracite coal situation. Yale R 11(1902-3)29-37. Roberts, Peter. The anthracite conflict. Yale R 11(1902-3)297-307. S p a h r, Charles B. The miners' strike: impressions in the field. Outl 7 1 (1902)321-5. The state of siege. Nation 75(1902)298. The strike unveiled. Nation 74(1902)478-9. Triumph of arbitration. Canton's M 23(1902)369-79. W a r n e, Frank Julian. Organized labor in the anthracite coal fields. Outl- 71 (1902)273-6. W a r n e, Frank Julian. The real cause of the Miners' strike. Outl 71(1902)1053-7. W e 1 1 m a n, Walter. The settlement of the coal strike. R of Rs 26(1902)552-5. Williams, Talcott. A general view of the coal strike. R of Rs 26(1902)54-6. COBURN, F. D. (fl.1902). Kansas agriculturalist, writer. M a t s o n, Clarence H. Worldwide lessons from Kansas farms. World's Work 4(1902)2519-22, port. COCKE family. Hunter, Fanny B. Cocke, Giay, Bowie, Robb, &c. Va Mag 10(1902)10>)-1.202. CODMAN. Robert (1823-1901). Boston lawyer. Robert Codman, A.M. LL.B. N E Reg 56 Suppl(1902Ulvii-xlvIii. 48 WRITINGS ON AMKRICAN HISTORY 1902. CODNER family. C o d n e r note. Gen Q M 3(1902)98. CODY family. Hubert, Sarah D. Genealogy of part of the Cody and Womack families of America. Atlanta, Ua., Frank- lin Print. & Pub. Co., 1902. parnph. pp. 23. 12o. |.Rev.iu:N Y Rec 34(1903)304 "an uninistakabli- quality... a goodly quantity of valuable matter."] COFFEE industry. The raising and marketing of coffee. Walsh, Jos. M. Coffee: its history. New issue. Phila., Coates. 1902. 12o. ill. COFFIN, Enoch (1696-1728). N. H. clergyman. T h o r u e, J. C. Reverend Enoch Coffin. Conc-ord's first preacher, 1726-'28. Granite M 32(1902)21-6, ill. COFFINBERRY, Andrew (b.1788). Ohio pioneer, poet and lawyer. L. o v e, N. B. C. The pioneer poet lawyer. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)305-14. COGHLON, Gerald P. (b.1848). Phi la. Catholic priest. Griffin, Philomena M. I. Our church and our rector 1889-1902. Am Cath Res 19(1902)102-6. COGSWELL, George (1808-1901). Mass, surgeon. C 1 a r k e, Maurice D. George Cogswell, A.M., M.I). N E Reg 56 Suppl(1902)lvi-lvli. COHASSET, Mass. Village of Norfolk Co. 21 m. E.S.E. of Boston. [Cohasset, Mass., Revolutionary soldiers.] Am Month M 21 (1902)26-7. COLCOCK family. 8 a 11 ey, A. 8. Capt. John Colcock and some of his descendants. S C Hist Mag 3(1902)216-41. COLD HARBOR (Va.). Civil War campaign, June, 1864. D u B o i s, A. Cold Harbor Salient. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)276-9. COLE family. W. J. J. Cole-Peter (note). Va Mag 9(1902)429-30. COLEMAN, Samuel (11.1780). Soldier. C o 1 e m a n, Samuel. [Letter] to Dwlght Foster [1780]. Host Bull 7(1902)498-9. COLLAMORE family. Bulletin of the Collamore Union. Newton L. Collamer, Editor. Washington, D. C. v. 8 1902. 15 1. So. COLLEGE settlements. Colonies of college graduates in poor districts. S c u d d e r, Vida D. College settlements and college women. Ontl 70(1902)973-6. Woods, Rob. A., ed. Americans in process: settlement study. Boston, Houghton, 1902. COLLEGES (and Universities). Institutions of higher learning. B a b b i 1 1, E. H. The problems of the small colleges in the Southern states. Sewauee 10(1902)86-104. B i g e 1 o w, Poultney. Personal notes among our universities. Indep 54(1902)672-6. A bisected college course. Nation 75(1902)301-2. Branford, V. The organisation of economic and political studies in American Universities. Econ J 12(1902)535-40. E s c a r d, P. Le jeunesse unlversitaire ame>ieaine. Ref Soc 16 Oct(1902). Escard, P. Les universltes americaiues. Bull Soc Gen d'Ed Sept(1902)Oct(1902). G 1 a s s o n, William H. The college professor in public service. So Atlan Q 1(1902)247-55. H a n u s, Paul H. Graduate testimony on the elective system. Harvard Grad M 10(1901-2)354-6;!. Hart, Lavinia. Women as college presidents. Cosmopol 33(1902)72-9, port. Jordan, Mary A. The heads of some women's colleges. Outl 71(1902)828-33, port. MacDonald, William. The three year college course in New England. Nation 75(1902)322-3. Ross, James H. The beginnings of American Universities' missions. Miss R 25(1902)761-4. The small college. Nation 75(1902)6 7. S p e e r, Robert E. The Christian movement among students. Outl 71(1902)552-4. T h w i n g, Charles F. Collegiate conditions in the United States. Forum 33(1902)372-82. COLLINS family. Haines, George. Ancestry of the Haines, Sharp, Collins, Wills, Gardiner, Prickitt, Eves, Evans, Moore, Troth, Norton ami Engle families. [For details see same title under subject, Haines family.] COLMAN, Benjamin (1673-1747). Boston clergyman and writer. D u v e n p o r t, George H. An early coronation sermon. New Eng M 26(1902)476-80, ill., port. COLMAN, Charles L. (1826-1901). Wis. manufacturer, V. P. Wis. Hist. Soc. T h w a i t c s, Reuben G. Death of VIce-President Colman. Wist Hist Proc. '01 (1902)19. COLOMBIA, S. A. Northwestern Republic of S. A., adjoining Central America. Morales, Eusebio A. The political and economical situation of Colombia. No Am 175(1902)347-60. Present conditions and prospects in Colombia. Miss R 25(1902)572-80, ill., port. The struggle In Colombia. Sat R 92(1902)326-7. WBITINO3 ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 49 ' COLONIAL period. History of Am. to the War of Independence. Ames, Herman Vandanburg. Outline of lectures on American political and institutional history during the colonial and revolutionary periods, with references for collateral reading. [Philadelphia] Department of American history. University of Pennsylvania, 1902. 4 p., 5-95 numb. 1. 26cm. [Printed on one side of leaf only. 31.Men.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)402 "revised edition." L.C. 2-24486] C a r p e n t e r, A. H. Habeas corpus in the [Am.] colonies. Am Hist R 8(1902)18-27. Cross, Arthur Lyon. The Anglican episcopate and the American colonies... New York, London [etc.] Longmans, Green, and co., 1902. ix, 368 p. 23cm. (Harvard historical studies, vol. ix) ["A list of special works": p. 350-357. Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)542-4 (Willistoii Walker) "thorough and shatis- f actory . . . has searched with diligence the available sources. . .result is ... commendable thoroughness, clearness, and completeness"; Nation 76(1903)79 "to wide study... [is] added some skill in. . .presenta- tion ... appears to make his contention good without any forcing of the note";Hist Pub Canad 7 79-80 "volume of original research ... of Harvard Historical Studies ... relating to the United States [only]." L.C. 2-20794] H a m y, A. Sentiments et conduite des Anglais avant et aprfis la d6couverte du Mississippi Et. 92,539-48. Hart, Albert Bushnell. ...Colonial children ... with the collaboration of Blanche E. Hazard... New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. xvii, 233 p. incl. 111., pi., port, front. 19%cm. (Source- readers in American history, no. 1) [Original imprint 1901 corrected to 1902. Rev.in:Nation 75(1902) 421 "Free handling. . .of .. .naratives from... (1000 A.I).) to (1784) .. .commended for school or home... [No] Index. . .table of contents is very meagre"; Dial 33(1902)289 "spelling and the language. . .have been modernized." L.C. 2-17870] Marsden, R. G. The High Court of Admiralty in relation to national history, commerce and the col- onization of America. A.D. 1550-1850. Royal Hist S N S 16(1902)69-96. O g g, Frederick Austin. The making of Greater Britain. Chaut 36(1902)126-37, ill., port., map. O s g o o d, Herbert L. England and the American colonies In the seventeenth century. Polit Sc Q 17 (1902)206-22. Welsh, Luoie D. Colonial days. Boston, Educ Pub, 1902, ill. COLONIAL possessions. All portions of the TT. B. not present or prospective parts of the Union. B i g e 1 o w, P. D. Amerikanor als Kolonist. N. Dtsche. Runds. (1902)026-30. Halstead, Murat. Pictorial hist, of America's new possessions. Chicago, Dominion, 1902. 12o. J u d s o n, W. V. Strategic value of her West Indian possessions to the United States. Ann Am Aca-i Pol Sci 19(1902)383-91. Leroy-Beaulleu, Pierre. Les tats-unis puissance coloniale. Rev Deux Mondes 7(1902)77-112. Opportunities in the colonies and Cuba. By Leonard Wood [and others]. [E'or detail see same title under subject Cuba.] Beinsch, Paul 8[amuel], ...Colonial government; an introduction to the study of colonial Institutions... New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. x, 386 p. 19^cm. (The citizen's library of econ- omics, politics, and sociology) ["References at end of each chapter. Contents. pt. 1. Motives an3 methods of colonization. pt. 2. Forms of colonial government. pt. 3. Institutions of colonial govern- ment. [Rev.ln:Hist Pub Canad, '02, 7(1903)1-3 "admirable little volume ... well-informed and accurate ...has examined exhaustively the literature ... bibliography ... specially valuable. . .great insight and understanding of... the British colonial system"; Am Hist R 8(1903)375-6 "bring[s] . . .Into small com- pass. . .essential facts of cclonization. . .ample bibliographies. . .of value... in giving ... succient, lucid and suggestive statements"; Nation 75(1902)98-9 "British colonies recehe the principal. . .attention. .. bibliography appended to each chapter. . .scholarly;" Dial 33(1902)286 "collection of essays. . .lucid and entertaining, rather than a thorough and systematic treatment ... popular. " L.C. 2-16778] Snow, Alpheus H[enry], The administration of dependencies; a study of the evolution of the federal empire, with special reference to American colonial problems. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1902. vi p., 1 1., 619 p. 23%cm. [Rev.iu:Am Hist R 8(1903)553-7 (P.S.Reinsch) "a notable legal argument and a highly valuable analysis of an important part of American political thought... has somewhat misplaced the emphasis In his interpretation of history ... views the thought of the past ...too much from the point of our present needs of constitutional development;" Nation 75(1902)386-7 "Written for. . .purpose of [showing] .. .that our Revolutionary forefathers were Imperialists. . .conclu- sion... fatal to... present claims of imperialists. . .notwithstanding. . .display of research in. . .citation of ancient documents. . .we cannot regard this work as giving correct views of the past"; Dial 34(1903) 42-4 (J.O.Pierce) "elaborate treatise. . .exhaustive study of the precedents. . .in French and English history ... not merely a valuable contribution ... it is an epoch-making book. . .defects. . .largely In mat- ters of detail." L.C. 2-23776] IT. 8. War dept. Reports on the law of civil government in territory subject to military occupation by the military forces of the United States. Submitted ... by Charles E. Magoon... Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 808 p. 23%cm. [Rev.ln:Nation 75(1902)482 "embody opinions relating to routine business. One or two involve broad Constitutional. . .questions." L.C. 2-20481] Vereinigte Staaten T.N.-A. Amerikas Kolonien. Gartenlaube (1902) no. 13. DO WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. COLORADO. Western, Rocky Mt. State of U. S. Representative men of Colorado in the nineteenth century; a portrait gallery of many of the men who hare been Instrumental In the upbuilding of Colorado, Including not only the pioneers, but others who, coming later, have added their quota, until the once territory Is now the splendid state. [Ed. de luxe.j New York, Denver, The Rowell art publishing company, 1902. xii, [2], 272 p. of port. 23 1 ,cm. [No. 23 of an edition of 1,000 volumes. L.C. 2 18463] Rice, George M. A trip to Colorado.-'92. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)219-32. Walker, Francis. Colorado Springs and 'round about Pike's Peak. New Kug M 25(1901-2)236-55, 111. COLORADO R. River flowing S. W. from Col. to Gulf of Cal. Bicknell, P. C. Guide book .if the Grand Canyon of Arizona with the only correct maps in print; a vol- ume of interesting facts and gossip... [Los Angeles, Cal., Press of G. Rice & sons (inc.) 1902]. 1 p.. 1., [7]-97 p. 111., pi., fold. map. 17cm. [L.C. 2-17241] Dellenbaugh, Frederick S[amuel]. The romance of the Colorado River; the story of its discovery In 1540, with an account of the later explorations, and with special reference to the voyages of Powell through the line of the great canyons. . . New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1902. xxxv, 399 p. incl. 111., port., maps. col. front., map. 23cm. [L.C. 2-29425] The Grand Canyon of Arizona; being a book of words from many pens, about the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. [Chicago] Passenger department of the Santa Fe, 1902. 2 p. 1., 9-123, [1] p., 1 1. Incl. in., map. front. 24 x 19cm. [L.C. 3-10713] Higgins. C[harles] A. Titan of chasms; the Grand Canyon of Arizona. The scientific explorer, by J.W. Powell. The greatest thing In the world, by Chas. F. Lummis. Information for tourists. . . 15th thou- sand. Chicago, Passenger dep't, The Santa Fe, 1902. 32 p. 111. 23cm. [The article by Higgins is an abridgement of his Grand CaPon of the Colorado River, 1893. L.C. 3-5053] It 1 p p 1 n c o 1 1, J. B. The Colorado river. Out West 16(1902)430-4, ill. M u i r, John. The Grand Caflon of the Colorado. Cent 65(1902-3)107-16. Peabody. Henry G[reenwood], Glimpses of the Grand Canyon of Arizona... Kangls City, F. Harvey, 1902. 3 p. 1., [34] p. of ill. 23 x 29cm. [L. C. 3-1267] COLORADO Springs Colo. City of El Pasco Co., 75 m. S. of Denver. Walker, Francis. Colorado Springs and round about Pike's Peak. New Bng M 25(1901)236-55, ill. COLUMBIA. 8. C. City of Richmond Co., 130 m. N.N.W. of Charleston. Conrad, August. The destruction of Columbia, S. C. A translation from the German by Wm. H. Pleas- ants, of 19th, 20th, 21st, and 22d chapters of "Lights and shadows in American life during the war of secession." Published at Hanover, 1879. Roanoko, Va., The Stone printing and manufacturing com- pany, 3902. 31 p. 23cm. [Title of the original: "Schatten und lichtbllcke aus dem amerikanischen leben wahrend des secessionskrieges." L.C. 2-23889] Gibbes, James G[uiguard]. Who burnt Columbia? Newberry, S. C., E.H.Aull company, 1902. 137, Hi p. front., port. 23%cm. [Rev.in:Gulf Mag 1(1902)71. L.C. 3-13008] N o u r s e, Henry S. [Burning of Columbia, S. C.] Mass Hist Soc Proc II 15(1901-2)274-8. Rhodes, James Ford. Who Burned Columbia? Mass Hist Soc Proc II 15(1901-2)264-74. COLUMBIA University. Founded at New York in 1754 as King's College, incorp. as Columbia 1784. Bnrdlck, Francis M. Legal Instruction at Columbia. Columb Q 4(1902)120-32. C a r d o z o, Ernest A. The Philolexian Society at Columbia : its history from 1892 to 1902. Columb Q 5 (1902)30-7. The election and installation of Nicholas Murray Butler as pres. of Columbia. Columb Q 4(1902) 1-92, port. Pine, John B. The finances of the University 1889-1901. Columb Q 4(1901)18-24. President Butler, of Columbia. R of Rs 25(1302)170-2, port. Smith, Munroe. Columbia University. Indep 54(1902)907-14, ill., port. COLUMBUS, Christopher (1446 or 7-1506). Discoverer of America. Alba, [Maria del Rosario (Falco y Osorio) Fitz James] 9. duquesa de Berwick y 16. duquesa de. Nuevos aut6grafos de Crlst6bal Colon y relaciones de ultramar. Los publlca la duquesa de Berwick y de Alba, condesa Siruela. Madrid, 1902. 2 p. 1., 294 p., 1 1. 5 facsim. (incl. map) 28%cm [Title in red and black. Facsimiles: 1. Tapa superior del cuaderno de a bordo de C. Col6n. 2. Trazo de la costa de la isla Espafiola. (De mano Oe Col6n. 1492) 3. Fragmento de un escrito de Col6n. 4. Carta de Col6n & BU hijo Diego. 5. Mapa de los reinos de Camboja, Slam, Cochinchlna, fee. (L&mina 2a del atlas de Vaz Donrado, 1568). Contents. [Antografos de Cristobal Col6n y otros] Indice y extractos de documentos varios referentes & las Indias, 1514-16**. 78 nos. Relaciones de ultramar: textos y extractos, 1581- 1646. 43 nos. Catalogos y extractoe de varios documentos relatives al vlrrelnato de Nueva EspaQa y especlalmente al Yucatan (J563 a 1763) 47 nos. TItulos y serviclos del adelantado Francisco de Mon- tejo (1522 a 1748) 7 nos. Catftlogo de documentos referentes a las islas Filipinas (del virreinato de Nueva Espafla) 1658 ft 1683. 7 nos. L.C. 3-18025] Descendance de Christophe Colomb. Tout Monde 10 et 30 Juil(1902). WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 61 The discovery and conquest of the New world, containing the life and voyages of Christopher Columbus by Washington Irving... a separate account of the conquest of Mexico Jind Pern by W. W. Robertson. .. A perfect history of the Cnlted States from the works of Bancroft, Flake, Blalne, Grant, Sherman, Johnston and others. By Benjamin Rush Davenport, master of the art of critical condensation. Intro- duction by the Hon. Murat Halstead. ...W.H.Ferguson company [1902] 1 p. 1., ix-xlvili, 40-922 (1. e. 888) p. Incl. 1U., pi., port, front. 27cm. [Paging irregular. The selection from Robertson comprises books v and vl with parts of book Hi of his History of America. L.C. 3-3299] G a 1 1 o 1 s, L. Toscanelll et Chrlstophe Colomb. Ann Geojf Mars(1902). Gonzilez de la Rosa [Manuel Toribio] La solution !" tous les probl&mes relatifs & Christophe Colomb et, en particulier, de celul des orlgines ou des pretendus insplrateurs de la d<5couverte du Nouveau monde.. . Paris, E.Leroux, 1902. 22, [1] p. 25cm. ["MSmoire extralt du Compte rendu dtf CongrSs interna tlonal des am&ricanlstes, tenu en septembre 1900." Rev.ln:Am Hist R 8(1903)341(E.G.Bowme) "that the pretended correspondence of Columbus with the astronomers played no part In the discovery of America." L.C. 3-16087] Hugues, Luigi. La lettera di Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelll a Fernam Martins a proposito dl un libro recent" del Slg. Enrico Vignaud. Casale Monf., Tip. casalese Fr.lli Tardltl, 1902. 1 p. 1., 32 p. 20% cm. [L.C. 3-24624] Irving, Washington. The Ufa and voyages of Christopher Columbus, by Washington Irving. . .with an Introduction by G. Mercer Adam... New York, The Perkins book company [c!902] vili, lil-vl, 7-397 p front, (port.) pi. 19cm. ([Heroes of history]) [L.C. 3-10051] M a r c e 1, G. Toscanelli et Christophe Colomb, d'apr&s un ouvrage recent. La Geog Avrll(1902). Ricard. Christophe Colomb. Tours, Mame et Flls, 1902? Rcsenjrurten, J. G. Columbus and the Toscanelll letter (Rev.). Dial 32(1902)241-3. Huge. Sophus. Columbus, Ton Sophus Ruge; 2. aufl. ... Berlin, E. Hofmann & co., 1902. 3 p. 1., 214, (1] p. incl. 2 maps. 3 port. 'Incl. front.) 19%cm. (Added t-p.: Gelstashelden. Faiirer.de gelster) . . . 5. bd. x [Frontispiece after the Glovlo portrait of Columbus; another after that in the Biolloteen nar-ionnl, Madrid. Also pottralt of Toscanelli, after the one In the Vecchlo palace, Florence. "Die vvlchtigsten schriften fiber Columbus und die entdeckung Amerlkas": p. [206]-214. L.C. 3-32534] T h a c h e r, John Boyd. A bibliographical romance. Bibllog 1(1902)269-84 [Pseudo-ambroslan Columbus letters] Tosoanelli and Cf'umtus. N. Y., E. P. Dutton. 1902, pp. 19+365. V i g u a u d, H. Columbus not the real discoverer of America. Everybody's 6(1902)549 (Je). Vignaud, Kenry i. e. Jean Henry. Memolre sur 1' authentic! t6 de la lettre de Toscanelll du 25 Jnin 1474. etc. I-arls, E. Leroux, 1902. [For details see same title under subject Toscanelll.] COMMERCIAL marine. U. 8. Ships used for passengers and freight. Bates, William W[allace]. American navigation; the political history of Its rise and ruin and the proper means for its encouragement... Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflln and company, 1902. ivl, 46C p., 1 1. front, (port.) 22%cm. [41.Men.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)401-2 "important. . .of historical as woll as practical interest. L.C. 2-24334] COMMITNIPAW, N. J. Hamlet on N. Y. Bay, now part of Jersey City. Van A r k e 1, Garret. The house of the four chimneys [Communipaw] . New Eng M 27(1902)59-66, ill. COMMUNISM. The holding of property in common. K 1 r, Richard T. Amana: A study of religious communism. Harper 105(1902)659-68, ill. Hinds, William Alfred. American communities. Rev. ed., enl. to Include additional societies, new and old, communistic, semi-communistic and co-operative. Chicago, C. H. Kerr & co., 1902. 433 p. front., pi., port. 20cm. [L.C. 2-11623] COMPOUNDS Lake, Conn. Lake of Hartford Co. Norton, Alice J. Compounce, 1846-1902. Bristol, Conn., 1902. 37 p. Incl. front., ill., facsim. 18%x24cm. [L.C. 2-18613.] COMSTOCK mine. Famous silver and gold mine in Nevada. M o f f e t t, Samuel E. The Comstock and its great bonanza. Cosmopol 34(1902-3)212-18, 111., port. CONCEPCION del Oro. Mexico. Wallace, Wm. A truly apostolic church. Ass Her 6(1902)223-5. CCNCORD, Mass. Village of Middlesex Co. 20 m. W.N.W. of Boston. Tolman, Adams. Indian relics in Concord. Concord Antiquarian Soc. 1902, pp. 26, 80. Whiting, Lilian. Boston days, the city of beautiful Ideals; Concord and Its famous authors; the golden age of genius; dawn of the twentieth century... Boston, Little, Brown and company, 1902. xli, 485 p. front., pi., port., facsim. 20%cm. [For details see same title nnder subject Boston, Mass. L.C. 2-29910] 52 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. CONCORD, K. H. City of Merrimack Co. 18 m. N. of Manchester. C o m 1 n g, C. R. Concord High School. Granite M 32(1902)2-8, ill. Hammond, Otis G[rant], Bibliography of the newspapers and periodicals of Concord, N. H., 1790-189b. Concord, I. C. Evans co., printers, 1902. 32 p. 22cm. ["Printed as a part of the report *f the N. H. state library for 1901-2, and 50 copies struck off in separate pamphlet form." Letter from author, Feb. 1, 1903. L.C. 3-5116]. O r d w a y, J. C. Publishments and marriages In the township of Rumford (now Concord), N. H., 1732- '39. Granite M 33(1902)38-40. W a 1 k e r, J. B. The controversy between the proprietors of Bow and those of Penny Cook, 1727-1789. N H Hist S iii. I, 1897-9(1902)261-92. CONFEDERATE States. Organization of seceding states formed in 1861. Cameron, William Evelyn. The Southern cause. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)360-8. Confederate Veteran. Published monthly in the interest of Confederate veterans and kindred topic*. Nashville, Tenn. 4o. v. 10, 1902. 673 p. 80. Georgia's new Confederate home. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)490-1, ill., port. Hill, Frederic Stanhope, 1329 Twenty-six historic ships. [For details see same title under subject, Army & Navy.] H i s t o r y of Confederates In Maryland. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)166. How we failed to win. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)368-71. Lost Cause, The. A monthly illustrated Journal of History, devoted to the collection and preservation of the Records of the Confederacy. Louisville, Ky. 1902. [Organ of the "Daughters of the Confederacy." Not received in time for analysis in this volume.] Minor, Berkeley. The South and the Union. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)332-8. Reagan, John H. The organization and operations of the P. O. dep't of the Confederate States. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)314-27. Rowland, Dunbar. Confederate war records of Mississippi. Gulf Mag 1(1902)147-9. Smith, Goldwin. The Confederate cruisers. Indep 54(1902)849-51. Text of suit against trustees of Confed. Mem. Ass. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)460-3. Twelfth annual United Confederate Veterans reunion (note). South Hist A Pub 6(1902)275-7. CONGREGATIONAL Church. Established Church of early New England. Blake, Silas L. The Separates; or, Strict Congregationalists of New England. Boston, Pilgrim Press, 1902. 12o. L u m m u s, Henry T. The established Church of Mass. [Important legal ace., with citations of the church-parish phase of the Unitarian-Orthodox controversy]. Lynn Reg 1907(1902)34-52. CONGRESS. U. S. Senate and House of Representatives. H a r 1 a n, Andrew J. Last survivor of a great Congress. (1831). Nat'l M (Bost) 15(1901-2)625-31. Hoar, George F. The Connecticut compromise [on plan of representation J. Am Antlq Soc N. S. 15 II '02(1903)233-58. Nelson, Henry Loomis. Making laws at Washington. Cent 64(1902)169-87, ill. The new congressional apportionment. Nation 74(1902)419-20. I' help B, Albert C. Congressional encounters, new and old. Nation 75(1902)112. The session of Congress. Nation 75(1902)4. S p t a k e r s of the D. S. House of Representatives. Collect 15(1902)87. CONNECTICUT. N.E. State of T/. 8. on Long Island Sound. Atwater, Edward E[lias], History of the colony of New Haven to its absorption into Connecticut, with supplementary history and personnel of the towns of Branford, Guilford, Milford, Stratford, Norwalk, Southold, etc. Compiled by Robert Atwater Smith, assisted by Bessie E. Beach and Lucy M. Hewitt. Meriden, Conn., Journal publishing co., 1902. xii, 767 p. ill., port., 2 fold, map, 3 diagr. 22^cm. [L.C. 2-1P050] Beautiful homes in Connecticut. Conn Mag 7(1902)387-94. ill. B e n t o n, Charles E. Little Journeys to ancestral firesides. Conn Mag 7(1902)286-90. Clark, Charles Hopkins. The Connecticut Convention [1902]. Yale R 11(1902-3)146-63. Connecticut. Constitutional convention, 1902, journal. Printed by authority. Hartford, The Case, Lock- wood & Unilnard company, 1902. 1 p. 1., 493 p. 24cm. [L.C. 3-5699.] Connecticut. Constitutional convention, 1902... Roll of delegates and rules. Comp. by the clerks of the convention. [Hartford, The Case, Lockwood & Brainard co., printers] 1902. 38 p. Incl. diagr. 12%cin. [L.C. li-rw>8] Connecticut. General assembly. The General statutes of Connecticut. Revision of 1902 in force July first, 1902, with the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Connecticut. Pub. by nuihoiitv of the state. [Hartford] The Case, Lockwood & Brainard company, 1902. 1505 p. 26%cm. [Cnnitnibsioners: Donald T. Warner, Gardiner Greene, Henry C. White, James P. Andrews, William A. King. Michael Kenealy. L.C. 3-14112] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. M Connecticut inerltla. Outl 71(1902)531-2. Connecticut Magazine, The. Devoted to Connecticut In its various phases of history, literature, picturesque features, science, art and Industry. Hartford, Coun. 80. Bimonthly, v. 7, 1902. Nos. 3, 4, 5. pp. 212-560. Country life in Connecticut. Conn Mag 7(1902)514-21, ill. Countryman, Win. A. Connecticut's position la the manufacturing world. Conn Mag 7(1902)322-7. Ford, Guy Stanton. Rural domination of cities In Connecticut. Munlc Aft 6(1902)220-33. Hoadly, Charles J[eremy]. The Warwick patent. [Hartford, Conn., The Case, Lockwood & Brainard com- pany] 1902. 51 p. 24 i 15%em. (Acorn cluh, Conn. Publications, no. 7) no. 102 of an editon of 102 copies. [L.C. 2-19107] Hoar, George F. The Connecticut compromise. Am Antiq Soc N S 15 II '02(1903)233-58. Jarvis, Lucy Cashing, ed. Sketches of church life in colonial Connecticut; being the story of the trans- planting of the Church of England Into forty-two parishes of Connecticut, with the assistance of the Society for the propagation of the Gospel; written by members of the parishes in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the society; ed. by Lucy Cushlng Jarvis. New Haven, Conn., The Tuttle, More- house & Taylor company, 1902. 188 p. front., pi., port., facs. 21cm. [L.C. 2-17252] Norton, Frederick Calvin. The governors of Connecticut. Conn Mag 7(1902-3)291-322,569-82, port. Trolley trips through southern New England ... [4th ed.] Hartford, Conn., White & Warner, 1902. 112 p. incl. front., 111., 9 maps. 16%cm. p. 90-112 advertising matter. [L.C. 2-24147] W e e d e n, William B. Three commonwealths, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island: their early development. Am Antiq Soc N S 15 II '02(1903)130r64. CONRAD, Wm, Fitch (1826-1901). Iowa, officer and judge. William Fitch Conrad. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)316. "CONSEIL Superieur." Titles of high court of New France under Louis XIV. Rvanturel, Eudore. Conseil Souverain et Consell Superieur. Rech Hist 8(1902)191. CONSTANT, Nicholas Benort (d.1706). Canadian Catholic priest. M a s s i c o 1 1 e, E. Z. Les deux Peres de 1'Halle. Rech Hist 8(1902)149-60. CONSTITUTION (IT. S.). Fundamental law of U. 8., adopted 1787. B a s c o m, John. Constitutional interpretations. Yale R 10(1901-2)350-70. Bullock, Charles .T. Diract taxes and Federal constitution. Yale R 10(1901-2)6-29,144-58. Burg-ess, John W[illiam], ...Reconstruction and the constitution... [For details see same title under subject, Reconstruction.] Hoar, George F. The Connecticut compromise [on plan of representation In Congress]. Am Antiij Soc N S 15 II '02(1903)233-58. M c C 1 a 1 n, Emlln. Unwritten constitutions In the United States. Harvard Law Review 15(1901-2)531-40. S e y d e 1, Mv. Verfassg. u. Verfassgsgesch. d. Vereln. Staat. Seydel M. v-Staatsrech 1. u. pol. abhand. (1902)33-58. CONSTTLAB Service, IT. S. Hunt, Gaillard. To reorganize the Consular Service. World's Work 3(1901-2)1606-13, ill., port. Roberts, Chalmers. Incidents in American diplomacy. World's Work 3(1901-2)1659-64. T o u r g e e, Albion W. Our consular system. Indep 54(1902)208-10. CONSUMER'S league. League to help working women and children. K e r b y, William J. The public and the labor question. Cath Unlv B 8(1902)3-19. CONTINENTAL currency. Money issued hy the Continental Congress. Bounties to soldiers and the depreciation of the. Continental Currency, 1780. Bost Bull 7(1902)464-6. CONYNGEAM. Gustavus. Captain V, S. navy. Barnes, James. With the flag in the Channel; or, Th adventures of Captain Gustavus Conyngham. . .illtu- trated by Carlton T. Chapman. New York. D.Appleton and company, 1902. vll, 158 p. front., pi., facs. 20cm. (Young heroes of our navy) [L.C. 2-22856] COOCH'S Bridge, Delaware. Revolutionary skirmish, 1777. . . . Proceedings at the unveiling of the monument at Cooch's Bridge, Tuesday afternoon, September 3rd, 1901. Erected by the patriotic societies and citizens of Delaware, marking the spot where the stars and stripes were first unfurled In battle, September 3rd, 1777. Pub. by the Historical society of Delaware. Wilmington, 1902. 76 p. front., pi., 2 port. 24^cm. (Delaware historical society. Papers [no.] 35) 76 p. front., 6 pi., 3 port. 24cm. [Patriotic society special edition. On cover: Wilmington, Pub. by The Delaware society, Sons of the American revolution. L.C. 3-13294-5] The Stara and Stripes St. Stanwlx vs. Cooch's Bridge. Continental l(1902)No 8. Unveiling of the monument at Cooch's Bridge, Delaware. Continental l(1902)No 7. COOK, (Mrs.) Adeline Francis (Pettee) (1859-1900). Mass, teacher. Rankin, Henry William. Adeline Frances Pette-Cook: a Northfleld portrait. East Northfield, Mass., 1902. 17 p. front, (port.) 20cm. [L.C. 3-8687] 54 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. COOK, D. B. id. 1901). Michigan, pioneer journalist. A sketch of the life of D. B. Cook. Mich Hist Coll '01.31(1902)17-22. COOK, Ira (1821-1902). Iowa, pioneer and writer. Ira Cook. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)394. COOLIDGE, Thomas Jefferson ;b.!831). Boston, U. 8. minister to France. Coolidge, T[homas] Jefferson, Autobiography of T. Jefferson Coolidge, drawn in great part from his diary and brought down to the year MDCCCO. Boston, Privately printed at the Merrymount press, 1902. 3 p. 1., 410, [1] p. 25cm. [L.C. 2-19890] COOPER family. B r y a n t, C. B. Anthony -Cooper (note). Va Mag 9(1902)328-31. COPPER relics (U. S.). Primitive implements made of copper. Ha m 1 i t o n. Henry P. Copper Implements. Wis Arch l(1901-2)6-ll[54-9] [Plate] L a w s o n, Publius V. Copper age In the United States. Am Ant 24(1902)459-74, ill. COPYRIGHT. Property in literary or artistic production. Gesetze iiber das TTrheberrecht in alien Landern nebst den darauf beziig lichen Internationalen. Tertrager. 2 Aufl. Leipzig, G.Hedeler. [1902.] [Rev.in:Nation 74(1902)387-8 "Second edition. . .has. . .advantage of ... editorial revision of Prof. Ernst ROthlisberger. . .bulletins. . .of .. .United States Copyright Office... been translated entire. . .for. . .reader of German... a handy compilation ... [no] subject-Index."] Macgillivray, E[van] J[ames]. A treatise upon the law of copyright in the United Kingdom and the do- minions of the crown, and in the United States of America; containing a full appendix of all Acts of Parliament, International conventions, Orders in council. Treasury minute and acts of Congress now in force... London, J.Murray, 1902. xxxvi, 403 p. 24cm. ["Table of English, Scotch, Irish, Indian and Colonial cases": p. xlx-xxT. "Table of cases in the United States": p. xxxl-xxvl. ReV.ln:Dial 34(1903) 49 "at times entertaining. . .admirably dlge'sted, fully organized. . .all needful indexes and appendices"; Pub Canad 7.200-2(A.MacMurchy) "valuable work, already an accepted authority." 2-26696] Morang, George N. The copyright question; a letter to the Toronto Board of trade. Toronto, G.N. Morang & company, limited, 1902. cover-title, 22 p. 22cm. [Rev.in:Hlst Pub Canad '02.7(1903)200-2(A.Mac- Murchy). L.C. 2-15289] N e w c o m b e, E. L. [Address on copyright.] Annual Rept Canad Press Association (1902)56-62. CORBETT, Thomas ifl. 1739-53). Charleston (8. C.) teacher. Thomas Corbett (note). S C Hist Mag 3(1902)244. CORNELL family. Cornell, John. Genealogy of the Cornell family; being an account of the descendants of Thomas Cornell of Portsmouth, R. I. New York, T.A.Wright, 1902. pp. 468. Large So, cloth, 111. [Rev.in:N 1 Rec 33(1902)190-1 "a splendid work admirably arranged... a mine of wealth to searchers in this field... thorough index."] CORNWALL family. Cornwall, E. E. William Cornwall and his descendants. New Haven. Tnttle, M. & T., 1901-2. So. CORONA, Cal. Village of Riverside Co. 20 m. S.W. of Ban Bernadino. Brought together. Out West 15(1902)94-8, ill. CORRIGAN, Michael Augustine (1839-1902). Archbishop of N. Y. Archbishop Corrigan. Coth Univ B 8(1902)383-4. Archbishop Michael A. Corrigan, with portrait. Cath World 75(1902)282(Je). Memorial of the Most Reverend Michael Augustine Corrigan, D. D., third archbishop of New York; comp. and pub. by authority. New York, The Cathedral library association, 1902. xli, 234 p. incl. front, pi., port. 26cm. [Committee on publication- John M. Farley, Joseph V. Mooney, John A. Mooney, M. J. Lavelle, and George J. Gillespie. Re v. In : Nation 76(1903)150 "free from extravagance. . .the Impression of sweetness and integrity ... is confirmed by the. . .portrait." L.C. 3-2487] COR8ER family. [Corser, Samuel Bartlett Gerrish], Genealogy of the Corser family in America, embracing many of the descendants of the early settlers of the name in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, with some remi- niscences of their Trans-Atlantic cousins... [Concord, N. H., Printed by I.C.Evans co.] 1902 [1903] x p., 1 L, 306, 30 p. front., plates, port., coat of arms. 22%cm. [Introduction, dated 1903, signed: Elwood S. Corser. "Appendix. . .by E.S.Corser". 30 p. L.C. 3-26067] CORTELYOU. George Bruce (b.1862). N. Y. Secretary to Presidents McKinley and Roosevelt. George B. Cortelyou [port.]. Ontl 72(1902)499. O ' L a u g h 1 1 n, J. C. George Bruce Cortelyon, President's secretary. Munsey 27(1902)53(Ap). CORTLANDT, N. Y. Township of Westchester Co., N. Y., on the Hudson. Clark, AH. A country village as affected by the war. An address delivered before Middleton post, no. 500, Grand army of the republic, dep't N. Y.. and their friends. New York, 1902. cover-title, 12 p. 22cm. [L.C. 3-32508] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 60 COB WIN Thomas (1794-1865). 0. lawyer, Governor, U. 8. senator, Sec. of Treas. C o r w i 11, Thomas. [Letter] to John McLean [1834]. Boat Bull 7(1902)273-4. C o r w I n, Thomas. [Letter] from Thomas Corwln [1840]. Boat Bull 7(1902)274. COSTAN80, Don Miguel (fl.1769). Spanish explorer of California. Letters of Don Miguel Costanso and Fray Juuipero Serra. Out West 16(1902)56-9. COTTON family. Cotton, Talbot (note). Va Mag 10(1902)107-8. COTTON industry. Raising and marketing of cotton. D o w d, Jerome. Colored men as cotton manufacturers. Ounton's M 23(1902)254-6. Klttredge, Henry G. Cotton manufacturing lu the North and South. Guntoo's M 23(1902)141-50. Wilkinson, Frederick. The story of the cotton plant... with thirty-eight illustrations. New York, D.Ap- pleton and company, 1902. 191 p. incl. front., ill., ]9%cm. ([Library of valuable information]) L.C. 2-27952] Young, T X. The American cotton industry; a study of work and workers, contributed to the Man- chester guardian; with an introduction by Elijah Helm... London, Methuen & co., New York, C.Scrlb- ner's sons. 1902. xvi. 146 p. 19cm. [L.C. 3-997] COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa. City of Pottawattamic Co. 4 m. E. by N. from Omaha. B u n n, Thomas J. Council Bluff in 1852. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)453-8. COUNTERFEITING. The making (and issuing) of spurious money. Davis, John, and Martin, Isaac. The counterfeiting of colonial paper money [1735] [1739], Boat Bull 7(1902)75-83. M o r a n, W. Herman. The Secret Service. New Eng M 26(1902)752-9. 111. Roby, James. The "raising" of bills of credit, 1776. Bost Bull 7(1902^460-2. COURTENAY family. Family losses in the war. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)79-82, port. COWLES, Wm. Henry (1840-1901). N. C. Confederate officer, Congressman. C a r 1 1 o n, P. C. Col. W. H. Cowles. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)125. COWPENS N. C.). Revolutionary battle, Jan. 17, 1781. P e a y, (Mrs.)George Keats. The battle of the Cowpens, and its hero, Daniel Morgan. Am Moth M 21 (1902)197-205. COX family. The New England Cox families. No. 10. 1902. pp. 73-89. 80. CRAFTS family. C o c h r a n, John M. Col. Ebenezer Crafts. His ancestry and some of his descendants. (Paper rd Nov. 26, 1900.) Quinabaug Hist Soc Leaf 1 [1902?] 183-90. CRAIGHEAD, Thomas (ab.1750 ab.1825). Tenn. Presb. clergyman, educator. Bass, Jno. M. Rev. Thomas Craighead. Am Hist Mag 7 ( 1902 J 88-96. CRAIK, James (1730-1814). Va. surgeon in French and Indian and Rev. wan. Paine, Nathaniel, Commun. by. [Letter of] Dr. James Craik [1780]. Mass Hist Soc Proc II 15(1901-2) 36-4. CRAMP, Charles Henry (b.1823). Fa. shipbuilder. Nixon, Lewis. Charles Henry Cramp. Cosmopol 33(1902)39-40, port. CRANCH, William (1769-1855). Mass, judge, writer. C a r n e, W. F. Life and times of William Cranch, Judge of the District Circuit Court, 1801-1855. Ree Columbia Hist Soc 5(1902)294-310. CRANDALL, Lee (fl.1862). Confederate officer. Col. Lee Crandall. Pres. Confederate Mining Co. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)88, port. CRANE, Winthrop Hurray (b.1853). Mass. Governor, philanthropist. Governor W. Murray Crane of Massachusetts. World's Work 5(1902-3)2709, port. CRATER lake, Ore. Cascade Mt. lake. Fairbanks, Harold W. The story of Crater lake, Oregon. Out West 17(1902)172-87, 111. CRAWFORD, William Harris (1772-1834). Georgia U. S. senator, Min. to France, Sec. of Treas. Crawford, William H. [Letter] to David B. Mitchell [1827]. Bost Bull 7(1902)228. CREE Indians. An Algono.uian tribe. Chamberlain, Alexander F. Notes of Cree folk-lore. J Am Folk-Lore 15(1902)60-2. CREEK Indians. Tribe of Haskoki stock of Ga. and Ala. now in Ind. Ter. Documents relating to the Creek War. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)209-18. H a 1 b e r t, Henry S. Were there one or two Black Warrior expeditions during the Creek War of 1813 and 1814? Gulf Mag 1(1902)145-6. 68 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. McGillwray, Alexander. McGillwray documents. Gulf Mag 1(1902)47-50. Proposed monument to soldiers who fell at Eruuckfau in the Creek War, 1814. Gulf Mag 1(1902)61. Roberts papers. Am Hist Mas 7(1902)349-61. CREMAZIE family. G o s s e 1 1 n, D. La famille Cremazle. Rech Hist 8(1902)197. CRESAP, Thomas (1673(1) -1779). Md. pioneer, surveyor, patriot. Stevenson, Mrs. M. L. C. Colonel Thomas Cresap. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)146-64. CROCKETT, David (1786-1836). Tenn. & Tex. soldier, pioneer, Congressman, writer. Abbott. John S[tevens] C[abotJ. David Crockett. New York, Dodd, Mead and company, 1898 [c!902] vlll, [7]-350 p. front. 19cm. [L.C. 2-1B280] Brady, Cyrus Townsend. David Crockett and the most desperate defense in American history. McClure 18(1901-2)252-61, 111. S t o u t, S. H. David Crockett. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)3-21. CROCTJM (or Croackham) family. Titus, Anson. Crocum Croackham (note). N E Reg 5(5 (1902) -110. CROOKS, George Richard (1820-97). Meth. clergr., prof., theolog. writer. George Richard Crooks, D. D., LL. D. N J Hist S 2(1902)191-2. CROSS, Moses K. (1812-1902). Iowa clergyman, writer. Rev. Moses K. Cross. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)396. GROSSMAN, Daniel L. (1836-1901). Mich, merchant, State senator. Daniel L. Grossman (obituary). Mich Hist Coll '01.31(1902)51-2. CROWN POINT, N. Y. Fort on Lake Champlain fr. 1731 to Am. Revolution. B e n n e d 1 c t, G. G. Manuscript map of Crown Point, over 135 years ago. Vt Ant 1(1902)37-9, map. Brown, Francis Henry. Commu. by. List of Capt. Timothy Hamant's (Mass.) company, 1762. N B Reg 56(1902)74. Dwight, Nathaniel. The Journal of Captain Nathaniel Dwlght of Belchertown, Mass., during the Crown Point expedition, 1755. Containing an account of the battle of Lake George and of the Crown Point ex- pedition, of his Journey to Lake George and his services while stationed there, the men of his company, the building of Fort William Henry and its dimensions; to which has been added a new plan of that fort. New York, Printed by T.A.Wright, 1902. 2 p. 1., 19 p. front, (plan) 17%cm. [Edited by Mela- tiah E. Dwight. "This Journal was. . .published in the New York genealogical and biographical record for 1902." "An edition of twenty-five copies printed for private distribution of which this is no. 22." L.C. 2-15412] D w 1 g h t, N. Journal during the Crown Point expedition, 1755. N Y Rec 33(1902)3-10,65-70,164-6. CRTTGER, John Harris (fl.1776). N. Y. loyalist, Br. officer in Am. Rev. R a y m o n d, W. D. A brave soldier of the Revolution. Acad 2(1902)238-44. CRYSLER Farm (Can.). Battle, Nov. 11, 1813. Suite, Benjamin. Crysler farm. Rech Hist 8(1902)78. CUBA. Island republic, 130 m. south of Florida. The administration and Cuba. Gunton's M 23(1902)16-21. Administration of Cuba by the United States. Ann Am Acad Pol Sol 19(1902)519(My) ; 20.471(8) American progress In Cuba. Nat Geog M 13(1902)97(Mr). Arona, (El-C.) Recuerdos de un viejo. 1902. Resena hist, del escandaloso fraude de quo ha sido vlCtima el eStado espaSol con motivo del pago Indebldo de algunos credltos perteneeientes & la ultima guerra do Cuba. Madrid, Lamas, 1902. Bangs, John Kendrick, 1862 Uncle Sam trustee... New York, Kiggs publishing company, 1902. xv p., 1 1., 342 p. front., pi., port. 21%cm. [The result of the author's observations of the work of the U. S. army In Cuba, together with a brief sketch of the history of Cuba. Rev.ln:Natlon 74(1902)471 "Consists of scraps from books of every description. . .devoid of merit": Dial 33(1902)246 ''...he him- self seems not always. . .corta in whether he is serious or not." L.C. 2-12718] B e 1 1 s, Lillian W. Teaching Cuban women to teach. Outl 70(1902)670-4. B r y c e, James. Some reflections on the state of Cuba. No Am 174(1902)445-56. Burg-itete, Ricardo. !La guerra! Cuba. (Dlario dfi un testigc) Por Ricardo Burguete, del ejercito espaiiol. Barcelona, Maucci; Buenos Ayres, Maucci herms. : [etc., etc.] 1902. vil, [9]-204 p., 1 1. 111. 18cm. [L.C. 3-5058] C a r t e r, D. W. Cuba and Us evangelization. Miss R 25(1902^253-61. Clark, Victor S. The Cuban municipality. R of Rs 26(1902)202-4. Constituciofi de la Repfiblica de Cuba promulgada par el Congreso en 21 de Mayo, de 1902. . . Madrid, Mar- ques, 1902. pp. 80. Cuba and Jamaica. Nation 74(1902)127-8. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORT 102. VI Cuba. Military governor, Leonard Wood, 1899-1902. ...Report of the military governor of Cuba on clrll affairs [Dec. 20, 1899-Dec. 31, 1900] Washington, Gov't print, off., 1901 [1902] 2 T. in 6 pi., port., maps, plans, tab. 24cm. (Annual reports of the [U. S] War department for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1900. TO!. I, pt. 11-12) [56th Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. no. 2. Published in 8 pts. Included are "reports of the ciyil secretaries of the government of the island, together with the reports of vari- ous civil and military officials." Abridged from the edition printed in Havana, 1901, by omission of th Spanish text. L.C. 3-12487] Cuba under the American 35fiis. Sat R 93(1902)657-8. ' ' 'C u b a n reciprocity: a moral issue." Gunton's M 23(1902)286-96. Cuba's handelspolit. Verh<nis zu Nord-Ameiika. Export (1902)No. 7. D e K a d o r 6, P. La situation 6conoinique & Cuba; progres reels et belles Espe'rance d'avenir. Tour Monde 18 Jan (1902). Edwards, Clarence R Our trade with Cuba and the Philippines. Ann Am Acad Pol Sci 19(1902)370-6. [Font, Juan Prieto] ed. Cuba: souvenir de la proclamaci6n de la repfiblica en 20 de mayo de 1902. [Ha- bana, Imp. de V.L.Veiga, 1902] cover-title, [26] p. ill. (incl. port., facsim.) 36cm. [Illustrated cover. Caption title: Cuba; obra ilustrada con fotograbados y biograffas de meritlslmos Cubanos, publi- cada durante les fiestas de la proclamacifin de la repnblica. Por Juan Prleto Font. Contains music. L.C. 3-9986] Gannett, Henry, 1846 ...A gazetteer of Cuba. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 112 p. map*. 23cm. (U. S. Geological survey. Bulletin no. 192. ser. F, Geography, 29) [57th Cong., 1st scat. House. Doc. no. 474. L.C. 3-5819] A glimpse of Cuba. Nation 74(1902)50-1. H a n n a, Matthew E. Public education in Cuba. Atlan 9(1902)730-44. I s Cuba "starving"? Gunton's M 22(1902)243-5. K e a n, J. R. The charities of Cuba. Char 8(1902)408-13. K e n n a n, George. The conflict of sugar interests. Outl 70(1902)367-70. Le D e Olivatt, Marquis. Diffe'rend entre 1'Espagne et les tats-unls au snjet de la question Cubaine (1). Deuxieme periode. La defiance (1896-1897). Revue GenCrale de Droit International Pub 9(1902)161-202. ''Let us face the truth" [Reciprocity with Cuba]. Gunton's M 23(1902)132-40. Lewis, Henry Harrison. The truth about Cuba. World's Work 4(1902)2217-21, ill. M o t h o n, R. P. Une mission dominicaine a Cuba. Miss Cath 7 & 14 Fe> (1902). Anew republic and iti president. R of Rs 25(1902)167-70, ill., port. Nunez, Kruilio. Where Cuba stands. Indep 54(3902)2877-90. port. Opportunities in the colonies and Cuba by. . .Leonard Wood. . .William H. Taft. . .Charles H. Allen... Per- fecto Lacoste...M. E. Beall... New York, Lewis, Scrlbner & co., 1902. 2 p. 1., 369 p. 19W.cm. [L.C. 2-18597] P h c 1 p s, Charles G. The United States in Cuba. World's Work 3(1901-2)1986-8. P 1 a 1 1, O. H. Cuba's claim upon the United States. No Am 175(1902)145-51. Q u i n c y, Josiah. Political aspects of Cuba's economic distress. No Am 174(1902)12-10. R o b i n s o n, A. G. Railroads In Cuba. Nat Geog M 13(1902)108(Mr). Robinson, Albert Gardner. Cuba's first step in self-government. Indep 54(1902)1705-9. Robinson, Albert G. Industrial and commercial conditions In Cuba. R of Rs 26(1902)195-201. Robinson, Albert G. Our legacy to the Cuban republic. Forum 33(1902)450-8. Robinson, Albert G. The outlook for Cuba. Indep 54(1902)135-8, port. S a v i n e, A. Cuba et 1' administration americaine. Nouv Rev 1 Avril (1902). Schulze-Llibeck, Fr. Cuba's Siidkiiste. Ueberall (1902)No. 8. Sincerity with Cuba. Nation 74(1902)282. The sugar pandemonium. Gunton's M 22(1902)316-25. White, William Allen. Cuban reciprocity a moral issue. McClure 19(1902)386-94, port. W i 1 c o x, Marrion. Our honor and Cuba's need. Forum 32(1902)623-8. W 1 1 c o x, Marrion. The situation in Cuba. No Am 175(1902)819-28. Wood, Leonard. Reasons for reciprocity between the United States and Cuba. Outl 70(1902)169-71. IT. 8. Congrress. House. Committee on ways and means. Reciprocity with. Cuba. Hearings before Com- mittee on ways and means, Fifty-seventh Congress, first session. January 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 1902... Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. vll, 766 p. ill. 23%cm. [Issued also as House doc. no. 535. Reprinted in the Appendix as exhibits K-M are the following: The influence of environment upon the composition of the sugar beet. By Harvey W. Wiley... July 30, 1901 (U. S. Dept. of agricul- ture. Bureau of chemistry. Bulletin no. 64) The sugar beet: culture, seed development, manufacture, and statistics. By H. W. Wiley... (2d rev. ed., September, 1901) By G. L. Spencer (U. S. Dept of agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 52) Manufacture of beet sugar, by G. L. Spencer. (Census bulletin no. 59, March 7, 1901) Contents. Favoring reciprocity: American interests. Cuban interests. Against reciprocity: American beet sugar manufacturing interests. American beet-growing interests. American cane-sugar interests. American tobacco interests; cigar makers, manufacturers, dealers, and packers. 58 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Tobacco-growing interests. Hawaiian sugar interests. West Indian sugar interests. Porto Ricau Inter- ests (sugar and tobacco) Appendix: Exhibit A-M. Index. L.C. 3-3900] Wade, Mary Hazelton. Our little Cuban cousin; illustrated by L.J.Bridginan. Boston, L.C. Pake & com- pany, 1902. vii p., 2 1., 9-100 p. front., pi. 20cm. (The little cousin series) [L.C. 2-io^2] Wilson, James H. Our relations with Cuba. Wilmington, Del., John M. Rogers Press, 1902. pp. 36. CULLOM, Shelby Moore (1829- ). 111. lawyer, U. S. senator. Senator Shelby M. Cullom. World's Work 3(1901-2)1574, port. only. CUMBERLAND Association. Organization of Tenn. settlers, 1780. Records of the Cumberland Association [Soc. of Tenn. Settlers, Org. 1780]. Am Hist Mag 7(1902) 114-35,254-66. CUMBERLAND Presbyterian Church. Branch of Am. Presbyter. Church originating in Cumberland Co., Ky. McKamy, John A. The development of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, an address at the centennial celebration of the Synod of Ky. of the Presbyterian church, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 15, 1902. Nashville, Tenn., Cumberland Pres. Pub. House, 1903. pump. 24 p. Stephens, J. V. Evolution of the confession of faith of the Cumberland Pres. church. Nashville, Tenn., Cumberland, 1902. CUPA. Indian for Hot Springs, see Agua Caliente Warners Hot Springs. L u m m i s, Charles F. The exiles of Cupa. Out West 16(1902)465-79, ill., port. CUPPAGE family. Browning, Charles H. Ball, Cuppage and Damerou, of Northumberland county, Virginia. Wm M Q 11(1902)137-9. CURACAO. Dutch W. I. island, 76 m. north of Venezuela. C o n e, G. H. The Jews In Curacao. Pub Am Jew Hist Soc 19(1902)141-57. CURLING-. Scotch game played on the ice with sliding stones. M u n r o, John K. Curling in Canada. Canad M 18(1901-2)527-34, port.. 111. CURRIER, Moody (1806-98). N. H. Governor, financier, lawyer, writer. Moody Currier [obituary]. N H Hist S 111.2,1897-9(1902)499-502, port. CURTIS, Cyrus Herman Kotzschmar (b.1850). Phila. publisher. B o k, Edward. Cyrus Herman Kotzschmar Curtis. Cosmopol 33(1902)644-7, port. Chappie, Joe Mitchell. Cyrus H. K. Curtis, publisher. Nat'l M 16(1 902 ;o3-9, port., ill. CURTIS, George William (1824-92). N. Y. writer, journalist. Memorials of two friends, James Russell Lowell: 1819-1891, George William Curtis: W24-1892. [For de- tails see same title under subject, Lowell, J. R.] CURTIS, S. W. (1847-1902). Fresb. missionary to Chili and Mexico. I n memoriam. Ass Her 7(1902)43-44. CUSHING, Caleb (1800-79). Mass, diplomat, U. S. Attorney-General. C u sh I ng, Caleb. [Letter] to Henry A. S. Dearborn [1840]. Host Bull 7(1902)276-8. CUSHMAN, Archibald Falconer (1830-1901). N. Y. lawyer. Obituary. N. Y Rec 33(1902)53. CUSHMAN family. Bowman, George Ernest. Elder Thomas Cushman's will and inventory, and the records of his death. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)37-42. OUSTER, George Armstrong (1839-76). O. General in Civil War, Indian fighter. [Cockerill, John A ] 1845-1896. Custer battlefield, Burlington route. [Chicago, Poole bros., 1902?] cover-title, [15] p. 111., port., map (on cover) 15*4 * SVfccm. [Published by the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad company; being a reprint of an article published In the New York herald. L.C. 3-21709] CUTHBERT, Jacques. Seigneur de Berthier. Canadian legislator. M o r e a u, L'Abbe S.-A. L'honorable Jacques Cuthbert, flls, seigneur de Berthier. Rech Hist 8(1902)60-3. CUYLER, Theodore Ledyard (b.1822). Brooklyn (N. Y.) Presb. clergyman. Cuyler, Teodore Ledyard, 1822 Recollections of a long life, an autobiography. New York, The Baker & Taylor co. [1902] viil p., 1 1., 356 p. Incl. front, pi., port. 20cm. [Rev.ln:Nation 75(1902)293 "Major part ... devoted to... famous people ... rhetoric tends to [a].,, vivid hue. . .succession of portraits. . .inter- esting for., .diverse identity"; Dial 33(1902)205-6(P.F.Bieknell) "are us uplifting as they are Interest- ing... too frequent instances of careless workmanship (largely printer's errors, probably)." L.C. 2-22199] CZOLGOSZ, Leon F. (d.1901). Assassin of President McKinley. Czolgosz, Leon F. Mac Donald, Carlos F. and Spitzka, Edward Anthony. The trial, execution, autopsy and mental status of Leon F. Czolgosz, alias Fred. Nieman, the assassin of President McKinley, with a report of the post-mortem examination, pp. 36. ill. (Reprint from The Philadelphia Medical Journal, January 4, 1902.) WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 6 DAKOTA Indians. Siouan tribe, of region west of Miss. R. Chart showing divisions of the Dakota or Sioux Indians. S Dakota Hist Soe Col 1(1902)4. G I e a s o n, F. D. Social life among the Indians III. Dakota children. South Work 30(1901)348-52, ill. Minnesota Valley historical society. Sketches, historical and descriptive, of the monuments and tablets erected in Renville and Redwood counties, Minnesota. To preserve the Bites of certain incidents and in honor of the devotion and important service of sonic of tho characters, Whites and Indians, connected with the Indian outbreak of 1862... Morton, Minn., Minnesota Valley historical society, 1902. 79p. Incl. ill., port. 23cm. [Rev.in:N E Reg 57(1903)124(F.W.Parke) "Biographical sketches. . .in detail... every page is of interest." L.C. 3-4926] BALL, Charles Henry Appleton '1816-86). Unit, clergr., missionary to India. Memorial to Charles Henry Appleton Dall. Boston, Beacon pr. [1902]. 2 p. 1., 98 p. front, (port.) 23%cm. [Ed. by Mrs. C. W. H. Dall. p. 31-66: "The mission to India instituted by the American Uni- tarian association, February, 1855: containing: 1. Report by the secretary to the 'Calcutta [Unitarian] association.' 2. Report by the treasurer to the Calcutta society [Unitarian society for the propagation of the gospel in India] 3. Narrative of proceedings in connection with the mission, by the Rev. Charles H. A. Dall. Boston, Office of the Quarterly journal. . .1857" (reprint including original t.-p.) Rev.ln: N E Reg 57(1903)231 (F.W.Parke) "missionary to India, under... the Unitarians." L.C. 3-6532] DALLAS, George Mifflin (1792-1864). Pa. U. S. senator, Vice-President and minister to Russia and England. Dallas, Geo. M. [Letters] to R. M. Meade and David Henshaw [1827, 1828]. Bost Bull 7(1902)229-31. DALLAS, Tex. City and county seat of Dallas Co. on Trinity R. in northern Texas. L e e p e r, Rosa M. The Dallas (Texas) public library. Lib J 27(1902)79. DALTON, Samuel (1629-81). N. H. colonial magistrate. Hammond, Otis G. Samuel Dayton, commissioner. Gen Q M 3(1902)167-70. BAMERON family. B r o w n i n g, C. H. Ball, Cuppage and Dameron, of Northumberland Co., Va. Wm M Q 11(1902)137-9. D ANBURY, Conn. City of F airfield Co. 68 m. N.N.E. of New York. I v e s, J. Moss. A Connecticut battlefield in the American Revolution. Conn Mag 7(1902)420-50, ill., port. I v e s, J. Moss. Connecticut in the manufacturing world. Conn Mag 7(1902)627-46, 111. DANCING Rabbit treaty. Treaty with Choctaws at Dancing Rabbit Creek, Noxubee Co., Miss., 1830. H a 1 b e r t, H. S. Story of the treaty of Dancing Rabbit. Miss Hist P 6(1902)373-402. DANDRIDGE, Tenn. Village of Jefferson Co. 30 m. E.N.E. of Knoxville. Beaumont, Henry F. Dandridge: The namesake of Martha Washington. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)274-80. DANFORTH family. May, John Joseph. Danforth genealogy. Nicholas Danforth, of Framlingham, England, and Cambridge, N. E. (1589-1638) and William Danforth, of Newberry, Mass. (1640-1721) and their descendants. Bos- ton, C.H.Pope, 1902. xvi, 476 p. front., pi., port., facsim. 24cm. [Rev.in:N E Reg 56(1902)413(A.D.H Jr) "valuable and interesting. . .little to criticise ... four indexes." L.C. 3-5660] DANISH West Indies. St. Thomas and smaller islands ab. 15 m. E. of Porto Rico. Atherton, Gertrude. Denmark and the treaty. No Am 175(1902)500-5. B e h n, H. Ernand. The Danish West India Islands. Indep 54(1902)319-23, ill., map. The Danish islands treaty. Nation 75(1902)320-1.340-1. Taylor, Charles Edwin. St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. John. Indep 54(1902)1223-30, ill., map. DANVERS, Mass. Village of Essex Co. 19 in. N. by E. from Boston. C o t t o n, F. E. Diary of John Preston of Danvers, 1744-1760. N E Reg 56(1902)80-3. Danvers Inscriptions. Ess Ant 6(1902)19-22,75-7,112-3,156. - Moynahan, Frank E. Dauvers, Massachusetts. New Eng M 27(1902)220-33, ill., port. DARE, Virginia (b.1587). The first child of English parents born in America. Daves, Graham. Virginia Dare. N C Bookl 1.1(1901)3-16. DARTMOUTH College. College at Hanover, N. H., fd. 1709. D i x o n, Frank H. Statistics of vocations of Dartmouth College graduates, ji'ale Rev 10(1901-2)84-8. J e n k 1 n s, F. W. Dartmouth College Library. Granite M 33(1902)14-23, ill. DARTMOUTH, Mass. Township of Bristol Co. about 2 m. W. of New Bedford. Bowman, George Ernest, Transc. by. The purchasers of Darthmouth. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)185-8. DAULt, Jean-Denis (1766-1821). Canadian Cath. priest. C h e v r o t, G. Du. Le Pere Daule. Rech Hist 8(1902)345-7. DAVENPORT, Iowa. City of Scott Co. 70 m. S. of Dubuque. Sixty -three years of Home History [newspaper of city]. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)380-82. DAVIDSON County, Tenn. A north central Co. of state. The earliest records of Davidson County. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)315-21. M WHITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. DAVIS, Charles Howard (b.1856). Mass, artist. D o w n e s, William Howe. Charles H. Davis's landscapes. New Eng M 27(1902)423-37, 111., port. DAVIS, Isaac W. Confederate officer, brother of Jefferson Davis. H albert, Henry S. Ensign Isaac W. Davis and Honson's Mill. Gulf Mag 1(1902)161. DAVIS, Jefferson (1808-89). Miss. U. S. Sec. of War, President of the Confederate States. [Letter] to Col. Jefferson Davis [1846]. Boat Bull 7(1902)320. Reagan, John H. Reasons against trial of Jefferson Davis. South Hit A Pub 6(1902)422-7. DAVIS, Noah (1818-1902). Justice N. Y. Supreme Court. Hon. Noah Davis. Granite M 32(1902)267-68. DAVIS, Richard Harding: (b.1864). Am. writer. Archibald, J. F. J. Richard Harding Davis. Bk-Buyer 25(1902-3)216-20, ill., port. DAVIS, Sam (fl.1862). Confed. spy, executed at Nashville, Tenn. Memories of martyr Saui Davis. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)205. ill. DAWSON, Thomas (fl.1752). Va. Epis. clerg., Pres. of William and Mary college. S c o 1 1, R. F. President Thomas Dawson. Win M Q 11(1902)92-3. DEAF-BLIND. Persons without Fight or hearing. Everett, Ruth. Educating the deaf-blind. R of Rs 25(1902)435-42, 111., port. DEAN, John Ward (1815-1902). Boston librarian, writer, ed. N. E. Reg. Appleton, William S. [Tribute to John Ward Dean.) Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)513. Corey, Deloraine Pendre. John Ward Dean, A. M. N E Reg 56(1902)223-35, port. Corey, Deloraine Pendre. Memoir of John Ward Dean, A.M. Boston, New-England Historical Genealogical Society, 1902. 8vo. 17. oort. [Repr. from N. E. Reg.] John Ward Dean. Medf Reg 5(1902)44-8. Obituary. N Y Rec 33(1902)120-1. DEAK, Towne (1810-95). Vt. and Mass, physician. [Obituary]. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)246-7. DEAN family. Drummond, Josiah H[ayden|. Genealogy of Isaac Dean of Grafton, N. H., fourth in descent from John Dean of Taunton; published by George W. Dean. Portland, Smith & Sale, printers, 1902. 35 p. 24cm. [51.Mon.in:N E Reg 56(1902>326(F.W.Parke) "no index." L.C. 2-17692] DEBATES, Political. Public discussion of political issues. A d a m s, Charles Francis. An undeveloped function. Am Hist R 7(1902)203-32. DE BLANC, Louis Charles (fl.1825). Louisiana French officer. Last will and testament of Louis Charles De Blanc, of New Orleans, La., 1825. Am Cath Hist 13(1902) 233-6. DEB8CONEAG Lakes, Me. Lakes in Piscatauis Co. in center of state. Thompson, Winfleld M[artin]. Debsconeag . . . Boston, The Barta press [1902] 16 u. ill., fold. map. 15%cm. [Cover-title: A word from the Maine woods. L.C. 2-25698] DECLARATION of Independence. Declaration of the Am. colonies July 4, 1776. Homes of the signers of tbe Declarations of Independence. Am Month M 20(1902)1-3,110-14,325-8; 21. 205-6, ill., port. The original Declaration of Indenpendouce. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)541-2. DEDHAM, Mass. Village of Norfolk Co. 10 m. 8.W. of Boston. Dedham Historical Register, Dedham, Mass. So. Quarterly, v. 13. 1902. 127 p. F o 1 s o m, A. A. French troops in Dedham. Dedh Reg 13(1902)04-5. Hill, Don Gleason. The landing place on Charles river, Dedham Village. Dedh Reg 13(1902)67-77, ill. The old Whiting mills on Mother Brook. Dedh Reg 13(1902)97-8, ill. S h e 1 d o n, N. L. The birthplace of the American free public school. New Eng M 27(1902)509-17, ill. S t a f t e r, Carlos. The schools and teachers of Dedham. Dedh Reg 12(1901)20-4,53-6,68-9; 13(1902)19-21, 48-9. DE GRAFFLEUREID, Christopher. Swiss nobleman, founder of New Bern, N. Carolina. Kennedy, (Mrs.)Sara Beaumont. Colonial New Benu-. N C Bookl 1.2(1901)3-20. D'IBERVILLE, Pierre Le Moyne (d.1706). Canadian naval officer. A c t e de sepulture de Pierre LeMoyne D'Iberville [at Havana]. Rech Hist 8(1902)198-9. C o n t r a t de marriage de Lemoyne d'Ibervllle. Rcch Hist 8(1902)301-4. DE KALB, Baron (fl4776). French officer in American army, Revolutionary War, Ford, George H. The struggle for liberty. Conn Mas 7(1902)549-52 WHITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 61 DE LAND, Florida. Village of Volusia Co. 5 ra. E. of Beresford. A souvenir of the city of De Laud, Florida. Issued for the purpose of presenting to the notice of our northern friends, the advantages and beauties of ouv city and Its surroundings... De Land, Fla., TUe News publishing co., 1902. [72] p. ill., port., fold. plan. 20Vcm. L^.C. 2-23944j DELAWARE valley. The watershed of the Delaware R. in N. J. and Fa. Jenkins, Charles F[ranois], From Philadelphia to the Poconos; a guide to the Delaware valley, Trenton, Lambertville, Easton, Phillipsburg, Belvidere, Portland and the Delaware Water Gap . . . Philadelphia, Ferris & Leach, 1902. 47, [I] p. front., ill., pi. 17VJ * 14cm. [L.C. 2-19012] DEMOCRACY. Government by the people. Eliot, Charles W. American democracy. Harv Grad M 10(1901-2)505-7. Lowell, James Russell. Democracy; au address delivered in the town hall, Birmingham... [Boston, Houghton, Miffln and co.] 1902. T, 75, [1] pp. 19'^cin. [Edition of 500 numbered copies. This copy not numbered. L.C. 2-6147] Ostrogorskii, M[oisel lakovlevioh'j. Democracy and the organization of political parties. . .tr. from the French by Frederick Clarke. . .with a preface by the Right Hon. James Bryce... New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. 2 v. 22%cm. [Rev.ln:Dial 34(1903)193-7(E.B.Smitih) " "a scientific investigation alike historical and critical of the regime of organized parties". . .great and valuable... exhlbit[s] ripe scholarship, unusual capacity for thinking clearly, and a Just sense of proportion. . .stu- dents... the world over will turn to this... for exact information and critical discussion of its most vital problem"; Nation 76(1903)356-8 "very notable contribution. . .painstaking and minute study. . .judicial Impartiality and candor. . .rare patience ... combines a profound knowledge of political philosophy with a personal knowledge of living politicians. . .occasional minor slips In the second volume"; Am Hist R 8 (1903)519-21(A. L.Lowell) "[second] volume treats of ... America ... length Is too great... some repetition ...own observation is keen and his own opinion is probably accurate. . .criticisms chiefly are to be passed upon the impression made by the book, and not of the correctness of the facts." L.C. 2-26875] 8 t e v e n s o n, R. T. Types and hopes of American democracy. Meth R 84(1902)237-52. Wilson, Woodrow. The ideals of America. Atlan 90(1902)721-34. DEMOCRATIC party. The "Democrat Republican" party founded by Jefferson. M c N e a 1, Albert T. The future of the Democratic party. Sewanee 10(1902)463-70. Massachusetts Democratic platform. R of Rs 26(1902)450-1. M i k e 1 1, William E. The future of the Democratic party. Sewanee 10(1902)470-6. Origin of the Democratic National Convention. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)267-73. DE MUELLES, Jacques (fl.1682). Intendant of Canada, 1682-6. R o y, Regis. Jacques de Meulles. Rech Hist 8(1902)268-70. D6NCHAUD, Claude (d.l83C). Canadian- deputy. D e n fi c h a u d, E. Claude Denechaud. Rech Hist 8(1902)271-4. DENISON, Geo. Taylor (b.1839). Lieut. Governor of Canada. V., E. Q. Canadian celebrities. Canad M 19(1902)398-400, port. DENISON family. T a 1 c o t t, Mary K. Denison (note). N E Reg 56(1902)207. DENMARK, Brantley A. (1850-1901). Ga lawyer, R. R. president, banker. Mr. Brantley A. Denmark [obituary]. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)470. DENTON, Daniel (fl.1666). N. T. historian. Neumann, Felix [Jonathan], Daniel Denton'3 Brief description of New York, formerly called New Nether- lands; a bibliographical essay... [New York, The Publishers' weekly, 1902] cover-title, 7 p. 24% x 18%cm. [Read at a meeting of the District of Columbia library association, Mar. 12, 1902. Re- printed from the Publishers' weekly, v. 61. L.C. 2-24821-2] DENVER, Col. City, county seat of Arapahoe Co. 510 m. W. of Omaha. Moore, E. The Lecompton party which located Denver. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)446-52. Stevens, Fred. P. Denver the coming city; a collection of forty instantaneous photographs of life In De- ver, comprising street scenes, public and private buildings, parks and various ^panoramas of the city, as- sisted by Mr. Harry D. Smith. Edition de luxe... [Denver] F.S.Thayer, 1902. [40] full-page 111. lad. t.-p. 33 x 38cm. [no. 143 of a limited edition of "i.OOO copies. L.C. 3-183] DENYS, Nicolas (1598-ab.l672). Am. historian. Nicolas Denys. Rech Hist 8(1902)219-23. DEPARTMENT stores. Large stores dealing in many kinds of goods classified. D u b o 1 B, Leo L. The department store. Cath Uuiv B 8(1902)454-71. DEPENDENT children. Children requiring support of state or agencies other than parents. Streeter, William B. The care of dependent children of Indiana. Forum 23(1902)737-40. 62 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. DEPEW, Charles (fl.1901). Depew, Charles. Lift- as I've found it... A gathering of experiences and observations of the common people, relating to their aspirations, trials and tribulations but more especially my own prosaic life. Pittsburg, Pa., C. Depew, 1902. 221 p. incl. ill., facslm. front., pi., port. lO^cm. [L.C. 3.3216] DE RIGAUVILLE, Nicolas des Bergeres ^fl. 1695-1718). French Canadian officer. Suite, Benjamin. Nicolas des Bergeres de Rlgauville. Rech Hist 8(1902)249-51. DERBY, N. H. Village of Rockingham Co. 11 m. S.E. of Manchester. Cheney, G. A. Derry. Its interesting past and prosperous present. Granite M 33(1902)321-74, ill. DERRYFIELD, N. H. Hamlet in Rockingham Co. B r o w n e, O. W. Derryfleld in the Revolution. Historic Quart 3(1902)110-17. DES BERGtRES, Raymond-BIaise (ab. 1657-1711). Canadian Friend, Colonial officer. Suite, Benjamin. Raymond des Bergeres. Rech Hist 8(1902)212-15. DESERTERS (Mil.). Soldiers unlawfully leaving an army. Desertion a 1'ennemi [Canada. 1757]. Rech Hist 8(1902)340. DE SOTO, Fernando (b. about 1198). Spanish discoverer of Mississippi R. L e w i s, T. H. Route of DeSoto's expedition from Taliepacana to Huhasene. Miss Hist P 6(1902)449-67. DETROIT, Mich. City of Wayne Co. on Belle R. B a t e s, G. W. [Evacuation of Ft. Lernoult, Detroit]. Spirit of '76, 8(1902)96-8, plan. Detroit. The bi-centenary of the founding of city 1701-1901, being the official report of the celebration of July 24, 25, 26, 1901. Issued under direction of the Commou council of the city of Detroit. [De- troit, Mich., C.M.Rousseau & sons, printers] 1902. 314 p., 2 1. front., plates, ports. 25cm. [Pub lishing committee: Silas Farmer, C. L. Arnold, Mary Catharine Crowley, C. M. Burton, A. H. Griffith. Edition limited to 1,000 copies. L.C. 3-13304] I) 1 o n n e, N. E. Le premier journal francais public aux tats-Uu!s [Detroit]. Rech Hist 8(1902)281-3. Palmer, Thomas W. Detroit sixty years ago. Mich Hist Coll '01, 31(1901)490-509. DEUPREE (Mrs.), N. D[urhams] (fl.1901). Miss, local hist, writer. M r s. N. D. Deupree. Miss Hist P 6(1902)245. DEWEY, George (b.1837). Admiral IT. S. Navy in Spanish-American War. Halstead, Murat. Life and achievements of Admiral Dewey. Chicago, Dominion, 1902. 12o. D'WOLF family. Perry, Calbraith B[ourn ]. Charles D'Wolf of Gaudaloupe, his ancestors and descendants. Being a com- plete genealogy of the "Rhode Island D' Wolfs." the descendants of Simon De Wolf, with their com- mon descent from Balthasar de Wolf, of Lyme, Conn. (1668) With a biographical introduction and appendices on the Nova Scotian de Wolfs and other allied families, with a preface by Bradford Colt de Wolf. New York, T.A.Wright, 1902. 3 p. 1., [9]-324 p., 1 1. front., ill., pi., port. 24%cm. [Title in red and black within red line border. Rev.inrN Y Rec 34(1903)71 [exceptionally] "ably compiled and edited... index of names." L.C. 3-3297] DIAL, The. Organ of the Transoendentalists. Cooke, George Willis. An historical and biographical introduction to accompany the Dial as reprinted in numbers for the Rowfant club... Cleveland, The Rowfant c-lub, 1902. 2 v. 23cm. ["Of this supple- mentary volume, printed in connection with the Rowfant reprint of 'the Dial,' one hundred and twenty- seven copies have been issued." Vol. 1 is no. 127, v. 2 no. 126. Rev.in:Nation 76(1903)56 "unique and almost exhaustive bibliographical work... the one mau who has wholly mastered the history of that early enterprise. ..only [127] .. .copies." L.C. 2-23978] DIAZ, Porfirio. President of Mexico since 1876. Mason, Alfred Bishop. An audience with Diaz. Cent 64(1902)187-8. port. DICKINSON. John (d.1799). Va. pioneer Indian fighter, officer in Am. Revolution. M c A 1 1 i s t e r, J. T. Colonel John Dickinson. A sketch. W Va Mag 2.2(1902)54-9. DICKINSON, J. J. (d.1902). Florida Confederate officer. Gen. J. J. Dickinson. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)419-20, port. DICKINSON family. M '. A 1 I s i .'. J- T. Colonel Jobn i>iekinson.--A sketch contributed by J. T. McAllister, Hot Springs, Bath County, Virginia. W Va Mag 2.2(1902)54-9. DICKINSON Co., Iowa. County in the N.W. part of state. Smith, R. A. A history of Dickinson County, Iowa, together with an account of the Spirit Lake massacre, and the Indian troubles on the northwestern frontier... Des Moiues. The Kenyon printing & mfg. co., 1902. 598 p. ill. 23cm. [L.C. 3-21008] DIGGES family. Berkeley, William. Mr. William Digges appointed a justice (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)281. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 63 DILL, James Brooks (b.1864). N. Y. lawyer. Boies, William Justus. James B. Dill. World's Work 3(l'.)01-2)18S4-8. port. DINGLE Y, Edward Nelson (1832-99). Me. Governor and Congressman. Dingley, Edward Nelson. The life and times of Nelson Dingley, jr... Kalauiazoo, Mich., Ihllng bros. & Everard, 1902. 10 p. 1., 497, 22 p. front., 111., pi., port., facsim. 25%cm. [L.C. 2-20678] DINWIDDIE family. Ball, T[imothy] H[orton], ed. Genealogical records of the Diuwiddie clan of northwestern Indiana. Crown Point, Ind., J.J. Wheeler, printer, 1902. 120 p. port. 20cm. ["The material for this book baii been gathered almost entirely by Oscar Dinwiddle." L.C. 3-3173] DISPENSARY system. System for control of liquor traffic by the state. T i m m o n s, James K. The dispensary system in Alabama. Outl 71(1902)454-5. DISTRICT of Colombia. District containing Washington City, administered by U. 8. gov't. B u n d y, C. S. A history of the office of Justice of the Peace in the District of Columbia. Rec Colum- bia Hist Soc 5(1902)259-93. Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D. C. Records of the Washington, The Society. So. v.5. 1902. p. 329. Corcoran gallery of art, Washington, D. C. Exhibition of drawings, designs and models, illustrating the report of the Commission ou the improvement of the park system of the District of Columbia. January- February, 1902. [Washington, D. C., 1902] 1 p. 1., 10 p. incl. plan. 23cm. [L.C. 2-26729] C o v 1 1 1 e, F. V. Early botanical activity in the District of Columbia. Rec Columbia Hist Soc 5(1902) 176-94. [Dodge, William Castle]. ...Plea for the District of Columbia. . .by a disfranchised taxpayer. [Wash- ington, Gov't print, off., 1902] 14 p. 23cm. ([U. S.] 57th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. no. -^02) [Signed: W. C. Dodge. Presented to the Sen.-tte by Mr. Stewart, and ordered printed as a document June 10, 1902. L.C. 2-23253] Moore, Charles, ed. ...The improvement of the park system of the District of Columbia. 1. Report of the Senate Committee on the District of Columbia. II. Report of the Park commission... Washing- ton, Gov't print, off., 1902. 179 p. front., 111., pi., fold, map, plan. 23cm. ([U. S.] 57th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Rept. no. 166) [Rev.in:Nation 76(1903)130 "number of large maps... of great import- ance to persons interested in civic Improvement." L.C. 2-26044] Tindall, William. Origin and government of the District of Columbia... Washington, Judd A Detweller, 1902. vl, 37. [1] p. 23%cm. [L.C. 3-11706] U. S. Congress. House. Committee on the District of Columbia. . . . Report of hearings of June 12 and 18, 1902, on S. 4825: To provide for a union railroad station in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. Printed for use of the Committee. Washington, Gov r t print, off., 1902. 180 p. 23cm. [L.C. 3-2895] DIX, Morgan (b.1827). N. Y. Episcopal clergyman and writer. Morgan Dix, D.D. Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)336-7. DIXON family. D i x o n. Wm M Q 10(1902)272-3. DOANE family. Doane, Alfred Alder, comp, The Doane family: 1. Deacon John Doane, of Plymouth; II. Doctor John Done, of Maryland; and their descendants. With notes upon English families of the name Boston, A.A.Doane, 1902. xxl, 533 p. front., ill., pi., port., facsim. 24cm. [Rev.in:N E Reg 57(1903)228 (F.W.Parke) "extensive and minute. . .not. . .complete. . .excellen[t]"; N Y Rec 34(1903)150-1 "deserves much praise. . .painstaking. ' L.C. 2-21261] DODDRIDGE, Philip (1773-1832). Virginia lawyer, U. S. Congressman. L a 1 d 1 e y, W. S. Hon. Philip Doddridge, of Brookq County, Virginia. W Va Mag 2.1(1902)54-68, port. DODGE, Reuben Rawson (1819-99). Sutton, Mass., genealogist, local hist, writer. Reuben Rawson Dodge. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)205-6. DODGE COUNTY, Neb. Co. in the E. part of state. Carr, Daniel Mathew, ed. Progressive men of Nebraska; a book of portraits. [For details see same title under subject, Nebraska. DORCHESTER (Lord). Canadian Governor. Lord Dorchester et sa famille au Canada. Rech Hist 8(1902)58-60. DOTY family. Bowman, George Ernest. Thomas Doty's will and inventory. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)233-4. DOUBLE headed serpent (Am. Arch.). Symbolic figure among Am. Indians. Double headed serpent and the migration of symbols. Am Ant 24(1902)482-3. 64 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. DOUGLAS, Stephen Arnold (1813-61). 111. Attorney-General, XT. S. senator. Brown, William Garrott. Lincoln's rival. Atlaii 89(1902)226-36. Brown, William Garrott. Stephen Arnold Douglas. Boston, Houghton, Mi ill in and co., 1902. 4 p. 1.. 141, [1] p. front, (port.) ITfacm. (Riverside biographical series, no. 13). [Rev.in:Ani Hist R 8(1903) 390(F.H.Hodder) "notable as a recognition of the great part that Douglas really played. . .except for a few., .slips. ..well done"; Nation 74(1902)409-10 "Written with a dramatic sympathy which does not ...confuse writer's moral discrimination. . .Douglas faithfully represented"; Dial 32(1902)351 "of value and interest. . .[a] good piece... of work." L.C. 2-7637] DOUGLASS, Andrew Ellicott (1819-1902). Wis. Fres. of Kenyon College, scientist, archeologiit. S m i t h, Harlan I. Andrew Ellicott Douglass. Wis Arch 1(1901-2)42-3. DOUGLASS, Frederick (ab.1817-95). Negro slave, minister to Hayti, Marshal of D. C. Frederick Douglass [letter]. Collect 15(1902)89. DOUKHOBORS. Russian sect, emigrated to Manitoba in 1898-99. I n g o 1 d, F. Among tne Doukhobors. Outl 72(1902)353. DOURO, Ontario. A township of Ontario. Dunlop, E. S., compiled and ed. by. Our Forest Home, being extracts from the correspondence of the late Francis Stewart. Montreal, , 1902. pp. 300+91. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02, 7(1903)106-7 "on the township of Douro. . .light and graceful letters of their cultivated ... lady have added a fresh luter- est to... history of this portion of .. .Ontario. . .with. . .table of contents or index."] DOVER, N. H. City of Stratford Co. 68 m. N. by E. of Boston. "Contemptuous and base words" against the King, in Dover, New Hampshire, 1685(7). Bost Bull 7(1902)346. DOWDGE, Francis (fl.1818). Va. Methodist clergyman. Princess Anne county marriages. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)40-6. DOWE family. Will of Thomas Dowe [Havtrhill, Mass., ab.1656]. Ess Ant 6(1902)15S. DOWER, Samuel (1826-1901). Clergyman. In memoriam Rev. Samuel Domer, D.D. Funeral address by Rev. W.E. Parson, D.D. Press notices, etc. [Washington, H.B.Wilkins printing co., 1902] 1 p. 1., 34 p. front, (port.) 18cm. [L.C. 3-11715J DOWIE, John Alexander (d. 1903). Founder of Zion, 111., a religious communistic settlement. Buckley, James M. Dowie, analyzed and classified. Cent 64(1902)928-32, ill. Swain, John. John Alexander Dowie; the prophet and his profits. Cent 64(1902)933-44, ill. Townsend, G. John Alexander Dowie's city of plains. Munsey 27(1902)843. DOWRIES. Marriage portions. DeChampigny. fitat de la distribution des trois mille livres accordees par le roi en 1'annee 1700 pour doter soixante lilies a raison de 50 livres pour chacune. Rech Hist 81.1902)48-9. DRAKE, Francis (ab. 1545-95). Explorer, Vice- Admiral British Navy. Early English voyages to the Pacific coast of Am. Sir Francis Drake. Out West 17(1902)593-600,723-30. DREAMS. Thought currents during sleep. Q u i n c y, Josiah P. Dreams as factors in history. Mass Hist Sue Proc II. 15(1901-2)81-8. DREER, Ferdinand Julius (1812-1902). Philadelphia capitalist. Ferdinand J. Dreer. Collect 15(1902)99. The late Ferdinand Julius Dreer [Obit.]. Penn Mag 26(1902)285. DRF.XEL, Francis A. (1824-85). Mr. Francis A. Drexel. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)255, port. DRIESSCHE, Amandus Van den (1825-1901). Detroit (Mich.) Catholic priest, writer. Elliot, Richard R. The glorious record of Father Amaudus Van den Driesgche. Am Cath Res 19(1902) 160-8. - DRING family. D r i n g family. Gen Q M 3(1902)106. DROWNE, Henry Thayer (1822-92). N. Y. business man, wrltw. Henry Thayer Drowne. N J Hist S 2(1902)197. DRUMBO, Ont. Village of Oxford Co. 23 m. E.S.E. of Stratford. Wintemberg, W. J. Report upon a supposed aboriginal fish-weir in Burgess Lake, near Drumbo, Ontario. Ontario An Arch Rept '01(1902)35-8. DRUMMOND, Josiah H. (1827-1902). N. H. lawyer, hist, writer. [Browne, G. W.] Josiah H. Drummond. Historic Quart 3(1902)107-9. DRY goods trade. Distribution of cotton, woolen, etc., products. Damdbridg*. William. Dry goods [short note] 17*7. Va Mac 10(1903)317. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1802. Ik DRY TORTUGAS. Fla. Group of islets of Monroe Co. 120 m. W.8.W. of mainland. P r e n t 1 c e, W. B. On the Dry Tortugas [1865]. McClure 18(1901-2)564-70. DRYDEN. John F airfield (b.1839). N. J. capitalist, 17. S. senator. Bridge, James H. John Fairfleld Dryden. Coemopol 34(1902-3)167-9, port. DUDLEY, Sanford Harrison (1842-1901). Boston lawyer. Clarke, George Kuhn. Sanford Harrison Dudley, A.M., LL.B. N E Reg 56 Snppl(1902)lvm-llx. DUDLEY family. T a 1 c o t t, Mary K. Dudley (note). N E Beg 56(1902)206. DUDLEY, Mass. Township of Worcester Co., Mass., about 18 m. S. bjt W. of Worcester. C on a n t, Samuel Morris. The settlement of Dudley. Quinabaug Hist Soc Leaf 1[19027]99-10cm. L.C. 3-27036] TINLAY, Hugh (fl.1774). Pioneer official in Canadian and colonial postal system. H e n d y, John G. Hugh Finlay : pioneer of Canadian posts. Emp R 4, 174-180. FINNEN, John (1824-99). R. C. vioar general of diocese of Scranton, Pa. Very Rev. John Flnnen. Am Cath Hist 130902)57,127, port. FINNEY, Charles Grandison (1798-1875). Presb. and Cong, olerg., Pres. Oberlin College, writer. Finney, C. G. Vorwort von J. Vetter. Uebers. v. E. v. Feilltzsch. Lebenserinnerungen. DUsseldorf. Schaffnit. -pp. 8+351. Hills, A[aron] JC[errltt], 1848 Life of Charles G. Finney. Cincinnati, O., Office of "Gofl's revivalist." 1902. 240 p. front., port. 19%cm. [L.C. 2-16100] FIRE arms. Weapons discharged by explosions. B o c o c k, John Paul. Collectors and collections of pistols. Outing 39(1901-2)407-16, ill. D i c k 1 n s o n, Thos. A. Rufus Alexander Grlder, [collector of powder horns]. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900) 110-13. The flintlock used in Philip's war. Wor Soc Ant 17(1000)07-92. Wheeler, Joseph. The evolution of firo-armo and ordnance. Jonrn of Frankl Inst 163(1802)193-220. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 73 FIRE fighting H u 1 b e r t, Philip G. Fire-fighting to-day and to-morrow. Serib M 32(1902)449-66, ill. i IRELANDS. Grant in Western Reserve, Ohio. L a y 1 i n, C. D. The Flreland's Grant. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)435-50. FIRST-BORN in a colony. Privilege du premier ne dans une colonie. Recn Hist 8(1902)216. FISH, Elisha (1762-1833). X. Y. and R. I. Quaker farmer, housewright, and surgeon. Fish, George T. Notes from the diary of Elisha Fish, 1785-1804. N B Reg 56(1902)121-32. FISH, Thomas (d.1664). Plymouth, Mass., settler. The disposition of Uichard Church. Mayii Desc 4(1902)l. r >2. FISHER, George Pumell (1817-99). Del. Congressman, judge. Lore, Charles B[rown]. ...The life and character of George P. Fisher... Read before the Historical society of Delaware, Feb. 17, 1902. Wilmington, The Historical society of Delaware, 1902. 16 p. front., pi., port. 24% cm. (Delaware historical society. Papers [no.] 36) [L.C. 3-14079] FISHER, Lydia (b.1654). Dedham (Mass.) patriot, caretaker of Regicides at Old Hadley. L y d 1 a Fisher. Ded Reg 13(1902)95-6. FISHER family. F 1 s h e r, J. E. Some additions to the Fisher genealogy. Dedh Reg 13(1902)5-7. O w e n, Thomas McAdory. The Fisher family. Gulf Mag 1(1902)134-8. FISHERIES. The industry of catching fish. C a r r y 1, Guy Wetmore. New England fisher-folk [descriptive not historic]. Harper 105(1902)909-16, ill. Prowae, D. W. The Atlantic fishery and protection. Nation 75(1902)111-12. FISHERS HILL (Va.). Civil War engagement, Oct. 19, 1864. F i h e r ' s Hill and "Sheridan's ride." Confed Vet 10(1901-2)165-6. FI5KE, John (1842-1901). Am. historical, philosophical writer. Adams, Chas. F. [John Fiske]. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)180-2. C a r y, Edward. John Fiske. Bk-Buyer 23(1901-2)15-6. Davis, Andrew HcFarland. John Flske. [From the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. xxxvii.] [1902.] Green, Samuel Swett. Reminiscences of John Fiske. From the Proceedings of the meeting of the Amer- ican antiquarian society, held October 30, 1901. Worcester, Mass., Press of C.Hamilton, 1902. 10 p. 24%cm. [L.C. 2-19823] Hart, Albert BashneU. The historical service of John Fiske. Conn Mag 7(1902)611-17. John Fiske. Low Norf Aac 4(1902) iil-lv. Perry, Thomas Sergeant. John Fiske: an appreciation. Atlan 89(1902)627-37. S c h o n 1 e r, James. [Tribute to John Fiske.] Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)193-8. FISKE, Lewis Hanson (1825-1901). Mich. Methodist clergyman, educator, writer. [Lewis Ransom Fiske.] Mich Hist Coll '01. 31(1902)26-7. FITCH, Jabez (fl,1750). Plymouth colony settler. The diary of Jabez Fitch, jr. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)48-50.234-9. FITCH family. Stearns, Ezra S. The descendants of Dea. Zachary Fitch of Reading [Mass.]. N E Reg 55(1901)288- 94,400-7; 56(1902)41-7. Stearns, Ezra S[collay]. Fitch genealogy. A record of six generations of the descendants of Deacon Zachary Fitch, of Reading, Mass. Boston, Printed by D.Clapp & son, 1902. 23 p. 24^cm. ["Re- printed from the New-England historical and genealogical register, voU. 55, 56." 41.Men.in:Ess Ant 6(1902)96 "accurate as well as full." L.C. 2-12086] FITCKBUHG, Mass. City of Worcester Co. 50 m. W.N.W. of Boston. Davis, Walter A., comp. by. The old records of the town of Fitchburg, Mass. A copy of a portion of the records contained in volume 111., pages 271 to 559, inclusive, being Volume Five of the Printed Recorflu of the Town. Fitchburg, 1902. pp. 366. 80. port. Miller, G. W. Fitchburg, Mass. Nat'l M(Bost)17(1902)260. FITZHUGH family. E. C. F. Fitzhugh correction (note). Va Mag 9(1902)431. FLAGET, Benedict Joseph (1703-1850). Cath. Bishop of Bardstown (Ky.). F 1 a g e t, Benedict Joseph. (?) Erection of the see of St. Louis, Missouri. Am Catb Re 19(1902)108-9. FLAGG, Ernest (fl.1900). N. Y. architect. Works of Ernest Flagg. Archit Rcc 11, no.4( 1902)1. FLAGLER, Henry Morrison (b.1830). N. Y. capitalist. M o f f e t t, Samuel E. Henry Morrison Flagler. Cosmopol 33(1902)416-9, port. 74 WRITINGS OX AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. FLAGS. Pieces of cloth with or without device, used as standards or signals. The American flax. Mag Am Hist N S 1(1902)30. B i a u r e g a r d, B. T. The Confederate battle flag. Uulf Mag 1(1902)215-6. Hopkins, C. C. First Am. flag where unfurled [letter]. Spirit of "70, 8(1902)72. Poems and songs on our flag [Bibliog]. Notes and Q 20(1902)8-13. The Stars and Stripes St. Stanwix vs. Cooch's Bridge. Continental l(1902)no.S. V a r n e y, George J. The Stare and Stripes a Boston idoa. New Eng M 26(1902)539-48, ill. FLINT. Charles Kanlett (b.1850). N. Y. capitalist. Bridge, James H. Charles Kanlett Flint. Cosmopol 33(1902)539-42, port. FLORIDA. The southeasternmost state of TT S., admitted 1815. Bridges,!. H. The Florida Agricultural College. Fla M 5(1902)71-84. Brown, G[eorge] X. Ponce de Leon land and Florida war record. [For details see same title under sub- ject, Ponce de Leon.] D a T i s, R. W. Florida in Congress. Fla M 4U902)360-2 D a T i s, R. W. Florida in the days of Secession. Fla M 5(1902)5-8. Failures in Florida. Blackwood 171(1902)493-504. Florida Xagazine. A monthly magazine devoted to geteral literature. Jacksonville, Fla. v.4, p. 371, v.5, p. 353, 1902. Garcia, Genaro, ed. Dos antiguas relaciones de la Florida. Mexico, Tip. y lit. de J. Aguilar Vcra y comp., 1902. & p. 1., cii, 226 p., 1 1. 31cm. ["De esta obra se ban impreso 470 ejemplareS en papel com On y 30 numerados en papel fino." Contents. Prefacidn- Noticias bio-bibliogratieos. La Florida. Los natu- rales de America bajo la dominaciOn cspafiola. Vida y hechos de Pero Menendez de Aniles, cauallero de la hordem de Sanctiago, adelantado de la Florida: do largamente se tratan las coaquistas y poblaciones de la pronincla de la Florida, y como fueron librdas dc los Luteranos que dellas se auiau apoderado. Compuesta pod el maestro Barrlentos, catredatico de Salamanca. Relacion de los trabados que la gento de vna nao llamada Nra Sefiora de la Merced padecio y de algunas cosas que en aquella flota sucedieron. Escrita por fray Andres de San Miguel. [L.C. 3-29014] Green, Edwin L. Cont. by. Florida historical documents. Gulf Mag 1(1902)199-202. Jackson, Andrew [letter]. Military Governor of Florida. Gulf Mag 1(1902)46. Monroe, James [letter] 1821. Bost Bull 7(1902)142-4. Moore, Clarence B[loomfleld]. Certain aboriginal remains of the northwest Florida coast... Philadelphia, P.C.Stockbansen, 1901-02. 2 v. ill., maps. 35 x 26%cm. ["Reprint from the Journal of the Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia," vol. XI-XII, 1901-02, with original paging. "Certain aboriginal re- mains of the Tombigbee River": pt. 1, p. [499]-514. lRev.in:Nation 76(1903)271-2 "results of the ex- ploration of nearly seventy mounds. . .study of the aboriginal earthenware of the district visited." L.C. 3-8081] Rerick, Rowland H. Memoirs of Florida; embracing a general history of the province, territory and state: and special chapters devoted to finances and banking, the bench and bar, medical profession, railways and navigation, and industrial interests; ed. by Francis P. Fleming. . .including personal memoirs of many citizens of the state. Atlanta, Ga., The Southern historical association. 1902. 2 v. port. 26% em. [L.C. 2-13596] Robertson, F. L. Locating the Florida Capital, in 1823. Fla M 5(1902)29-31. FLOWERDEW Hundred, Charles County, Va. Estate granted Mrs. Elizabeth Stevens, 1636. Patent to Mrs. Elizabeth Stevens, 1636 (note). Va Mas 9(1902)426-7. FLY1TN, Vary (1840-1901). Superioress of the Sisters of Charity in the U. S. Mother Mariana. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)58,132- port. FOND DU LAC, Wis. City of Fond du Lac Co. 63 m. N.N.W. of Milwaukee. J e n n i s o n, E. M. Fond du Lac, Wis. Nat'l M (Bost) 16(1902)621. FONTAKELLE, Logan (d.1856). Omaha Indian. Iron Eye. Death of Logan Fontanelle. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)161-4. FORBIH-JANSON, Kgr. de (d.1844). French prelate. D 1 o n n e, N. E. Mgr. De Forbin-Janson et les deportes Canadiens. Rech Hist 8(1902)65-9. FORD, Paul Leicester (1856-1902). H. Y. writer, editor and bibliograDher. Paul Leicester Ford. Bibliog 1(1902)196-7. Paul Leicester Ford [obituary]. Am Hist R 7(1902)821. FOREIGN COXXERCE. Export and import trade. Among the world's workers. World's Work 3(1901-2)1672-84, ill., port. A n b r y, D. Depots d'echantillons amerlcains. Ref fieon 2 Nov (1902). Carnegie, Andrew. "Europe versus America." World's Work 5(1902-3)2797-2810. D h n. P. Nordamerikan. Gefahr. Illns Zeit (1902)No.3055.S.7S. D I d i e r, V. L'invasion commerciale de 1'Europe par 1' Ameriqu*-. Ref Evon Fev. (1902). Eddy, Ulysses D. Our special partner England. World's Work 3(1901-2)1645-9. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 75 E i u - u. Ausfuhr d. hauptsachl. Waren 1900-01. Bayen Handelsz. (1902)Aue. E m o r f, Frederic. America as a peacemaker. World's Work 4 (1&02) 2061-6. Emory, Frederic. Our Foreign Commerce iu 1901. Pop Sci M 00(1902)529-538. E m o r y, Frederic. Our new horizon. World's Work 3(1901-2)1614-23, map. Ford, Walter F. American investments in England. Coutcmp 81(1902)401-8. Ford, Walter F. The limits of American invasion. Contrinp 81(1902)780-7. Foreign trade delusions. Gunton's M 22(1902)419 : 27. Foster, Volney W. Commercial expansion and growth of credits with some notes on the Republic of Mex- ico. An address at the banquet of Chicago Credit Men's Association, September 17, 1902. pp. 21. FurneBS,C. Commerce English vs. American. Pall Mall M 2fi(19O2)362. Halstead, Albert. A neglected factor in our commercial expansion. No Am 174(1902)20-9. II commcrcio degli Stati Cniti (inrante 1'anno nsicale 1901-1902. Economist* 6 Oct. (1902). Lenschau, Thomas. Die amerlkanteche gefahr. Berlin, F. Siemenroth, 1902. 2 p. 1., 58 p. 21'^cm. [Contents. Die industrielle entwicklung der Vereinigten Staaten im letzten jahrzehnt. Die ameri- kanische konkurrenz auf dem weltmartt. Die mittel zur abwehr. L.C. S-10788] Leroy-Beaulleu, P. La commerce exterieur des fitats-Unis. ficon Fr 16 AofH (1902). Lewis, Henry Harrison. The adventures of American goods abroad. World's Work 3(1901-2)1598-1605. L i t o r a 1 i s. Export-Industrie d. Union u. Detchlds. i. Sud-Amerika. Meer u. Kiiste (1902)230. L o w r y, Edward. "American machinery forever" In Spain. World's Work 3(1901-2)1623-6, UL More stories of the American invasion of England. World's Work 3(1901-2)1649-51. Nelson, Henry Loomis. The United States and its trade. London and New York, Harper & brothers, 1902. xii p., 3 1., 132 p. iccl. tab. fold. map. 20^ cm. (Added t.-p.: Harper's international commerce series.) [L.C. 3-12846] N o r r i s, Frank. The frontier gone at last. World's Work 3(1901-2)1728-31. Our imperilled export trade. Nation 74(1902)24. Page, Thomas Walker. The earlier commercial policy of the United States. J Pol Econ 10 (1901-2) 161-92. P e n 1 1 e 1 d, W. L. British purchases of war supplies in the United States. No Am 174(1902)687-701. Prager, M. Die amerikanische gefahr. Vortrag gehalten in der Miinchener volkswirthsehaftlichen gesell- schaft am 16. januar 1902. Berlin, L. Simion, 1902. 33 p. 22%cm. IL.C. 3-9447] ASecretaryof Commerce. Nation 74(1902)44-5. S e e, Paul. Le peril americain-LUle, Danel, 1903. Estr du Bull Soc Indus du nord de la F (1902). T o w n s e n d, C. C. The American industrial peril. Contemp 82(1902)562-7. Vanderlip, Fk. A. American "commercial invasion" of Europe. N Y Nat City Bank, 1902, 11. V a n d e r 1 i p, Frank A. The American "Commercial invasion" of Europe. Scrib M 31(1902)2-22, 194-213, 287-306, ill. Vereinigte Staaten v. N-A. Aussenhandel f. 1801. Oktob. Bayer Handelsz. (1902.) Wendlandt, Wilbelm. A German view of the American peril. No Am 174(1902)555-64. Wilson, William P. The United States in the world's commerce. Indep 54(1902)2417-20. FOREIGN population. Inhabitants not native-born or (more strictly) not naturalized. D o y 1 e, S. H. The Foreigners. Ass Her 76(1902)317-319. FOREIGN relations. Official and social dealings with foreign countries. Butler, Charles Henry. The tieaty making power of the United States. . . New York, The Banks law pub. co., 1902. 2 v. 24cm. [Contents. v. 1, pt. 1. The United States is a nation, pt. 2. Historical review of the treaty-making power of the United States. v. 2, pt. 3. Judicial decisions affecting the treaty-making power of the United States, its extent and application. Rev.in:Nation 74(1902)509-11 "Ample index., .slips. . .few. . .exceedingly valuable and timely. . .first adequate and scientific treaties on., .treaty-making power of. ..United States." L.C. 2-7104] D a v i 1 1, M. Les fitats-Unis et 1'Europe. Minerva 15 Nov (1902). L a m o u r e u x, A. J. Our diplomatic mistakes in South America. Out West 17(1902)340-3. Mahan. A [If red] T[hayer], Retrospect and prospect; studies in international relations, naval and politi- cal... Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1902. x, 309 p. fold. map. 20%cm. [Contents. Retro- spect and prospect (The World's work, February, 1902) Conditions determining the naval expansion of the United States (Leslie's weekly, October 2, 1902) The influence of the South African war upon the prestige of the British empire (The National review, December, 1901) Motives to imperial federation (The National review and the International monthly, May, 1902) Considerations governing the disposi- tion of navies (The National review, July, 1902) Tho Persian Gulf and international relations (The National review, September, 1902) The military rule of obedience- (The National review and Interna- tional monthly, March, 1902) Admiral Sampson (McClnre's magazine. July, 1902, and the Fortnightly review, August, 1902). [Rev. in: Nation 75(1902)381 "Contributions to various magazines. . . republished ...concerning our future as a "World-Power." L.C. 2-24I>08] S e e m a n n, E. F. Europa. d. Verein. Staat. u. Sud-einerika. Nr. 52. Grenzboten (1902). 78 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. S p a r k 8, Edwin Erie. Formative incidents In American diplomacy. Obaut 34(1901-2)381-97, 485-501. 589-607. Van Norman, Louis B. The diplomatic service of the United States. Ghaut 35(1902)121-6, ill. V 1 a 1 1 a t e, A. Lea fttats-Unls et 1'Amerique latiue. Rev Par 1 Mars (1902). FORESTRY. The cultivation of forest trees. Price, Overton W. American private forests. Harper 105(1902)210-14, ill. Smith,!. Russell. American forestry: a new career. Forum 33(1902)356-62. W e t m o r e, W. H. The study of forestry in the United States. Outl 71(1902)166-9. FORMAN family. Three Revolutionary soldiers. David Forman (1745-1797). Jonathan Porman (1755-1809). Thomas Marsh Forman (1758-1845). Cleveland, O. 1902. pp. 28, 12o, ill. FORNANCE, James (d.1898). Captain in Spanish-Am, war. [Fornance, Joseph]. Sketch of Captain James Fornance, 13th infantry, U. S. A. Killed at the battle of San Juan hill. Application of his daughter, lone B. Fornance, for a pension. [Norristown, ? Pa., 1902. J 8 p. 23} cm. [Signed: Josc-ph Fornance. "A bill to continue the pension of lone B. Foruance. 57th Cong., 1st sess. H. R. 10836": p. 3. L.C. 2-20095] FORREST, Nathan Bedford (1881-77). Tenn. Confederate General. Mathes, J[ames] Harvey. ...General Forrest... New York, D. Apploton and co., 1902. i\. 395 p. front., pi., port., maps, facsim. 19'/icui. (The great commanders series). [Rev. in: Nat inn 75(1902) 139-40 "Rather vindication and eulogy ... than :;n impartial estimate ... story ... interesting ... profitable for... student [as a] picture of... state of [southern] society"; South Hist A Pub 6(1902)253-4 "clear and concise. . .accurate and authentic ... no efflagge ration or florid writing. . .easy and graceful style." L.C. 2-11126] FORREST, Richard (b.1736). Va. General in Am. Rev., early citizen of Dial, of Columbia. Henry, Mrs. K. K. Richard Forrest and his times. Rec Columbia Hist Soc 5(1902)87-95. FORT AMITY colony, Cal. Salvation Army agricultural colony. S b a w, Albert. A successful farm colony in the irrigation country. R of Rs 26(1902)561-6, ill. FORT DEARBORN, 111. Fort on site of Chicago, scene of Indian massacre, Aug., 1812. Schwelzer AbkOmmlinge 1m Fort Dearborn Gemetzel. Deutsch-Am G 21(1902)32. FORT ERIE. Early fortification, at eastern end of Lake Erie. B i r d, W. A. V. The Sortie from Fort Erie. Recollections communicated by William A. Bird to Chas. D. Norton, in a letter dated Black Rock, Feb. 25, 186B. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 6(1902)95-98. McDonogh, P. A Hero of Fort Erie. Letters relating to the military service of Lieutenant Patrick McDouogh. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)63-93. Severance, Frank H. The achievements of Capt. John Montreson on the Niagara. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)1-19. FORT XEIGS, Ohio. Early fort on Haumee R., Lucas Co. C o m p t o n, H. W. The Siege of Fort Meigs. Ohio Arch and Hist Pub 10(1902)315-30. FORT PIERRE, S. D. Village of Stanley Co. 8 m. S. by W. of Pierre. W 1 1 s o n, F. T. Old Fort Pierre and its neighbors. S Dakota Hist Soc Col 1(1902)257-440. FORT RILEY, Kan. Post office and military post of Davis Co. 3 m. N.N.E. of Junction City. Lowe, P. G. Recollections of Fort Rlley. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)101-13. M a r 1 1 n, G. W. The territorial and military combine at Fort Riley. Trans Kan Hist Soc (1901-2) 7(1902)361-90. FORTIER, Richard Achilla (1803-70). Canadian physician. Richard Achille Fortier, M. D., 1803-1870. Rech Hist 8(1902)275. FOSTER, Abiel (1735-1806). N. H. Congregational clergyman, State senator. Congressman. Foster, Abjel. [Letter] to M. Weare [1783]. Bost Bull 7(1902)499. FOSTER, John G. (1823-74). N. K. officer in Civil war, writer. N o y e s, Frank G. Major-General John G. Foster. N H Hist S III. 2. 1597-9(1902)474-97. FOSTER (Mrs.), Rebecca Salome (d.1902). N. Y. friend of prisoners. D e v i n s, John Bancroft. The angel of the tombs. Miss R 25(1902)418-23. Henry, Arthur. The Tombs angel. Outl 72(1902)163-7. FOTJCHER. Canadian judge. D e C e 1 1 e 8, A. D. Le Juge Foncher [anecdote]. Rerh Hist 8(1902)146. FOWLER family. Arthur (Mrs.), 3. J. AnnalB of the Fowler family. Austin, Tex. Mrs. J. J. Arthur. 1902. 80, ill. F o w 1 e r, Daniel W. Descendants of Capt. William Fowler. [Coat of Arms]. Old Northw Q 5(1902) 133-48. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 77 FKAMINGHAM, Mass. Town of Middlesex Co. 24 m. W. by 8. of Boston. Consolidated history of the fifteen churches of the Framing-ham Baptist Association. South Framlngham. Mass., Press of the Framlngham Tribune. 1002. pp. 131, 80. price, 25 cts. Framingham. Services at th the bl-centennlal of the First Parish, Oct. 13, 1901. Boston, Wright and Potter, 1902. 68 pp. FRANCIS, John W (1813-1902). Tex. Confederate officer. Clalborne, John M. Maj. John W. Francis. Con fed Vet 10(1901-2)32!. FRANCISCANS. Roman Catholic religious order. Did the Franciscans or Jesuits receive the first (known) Pennsylvania convert Into the chnrch? Am Cath Res 19(1902)3-7. FRANKLIN, Benjamin (1706-90). Philada. printer, diplomat, writer. Cloyd, David Excelmons. Benjamin Franklin and education; his Ideal of life und his system of education for the realization of that Ideal. . . Boston, D. C. Heath & co., 1902. Ix, 104 p. front, (port.) 18xl3%cm. ["Bibliography": p. ix. L.C. 2-30126] Ford, Worthington Chaunsey. Franklin's advice to a young tradesman. Bibllog 1(1902)88-96. Franklin, Benjamin. The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's almanac and other paper*, with an introduction by Henry Ketcham... New York, The Perkins book company [c!902]. xxv p., 1 1., 308 p. front, (port.) pi. 19cm. ([Heroes of history]). [L.C. 3-9587] Franklin, Benjamin. The life of Benjamin Franklin, written by himself. Now first edited from original manuscripts and from his printed correspondence and other writings, by John Blgelow... 4th ed., rev. and cor. . . Philadelphia, London, J. B. Llpplnsott co., 1902. 3 v. front., 111., pi., port., facsim. 20cm. [L.C. 2-11717] Green, Samuel A. Dr. Franklin (note). N E Res: 56(1902)89. Letter of Benjamin Franklin to David Hall, 1756. Penn Mag 26(1902)389. FRANKLIN, Thomas (ft. 1775). Writer. P e r r y, T. S. Dr. Franklin (note). N E Reg 56(1902)204. FRANKLIN (S. C.). Civil war battle, Nov. 30, 1864. L e a v e 1 1, George W. Battle of Franklin. Rememorances. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)500-3, ports. FRANKS, David Salisbury. Officer in Am. Revolution. S t r a u s. 0. S. New light on the career of Colonel David S. Franks. Pub Amer Jew Hist Soc 10(1902) 101-8. FRASER RIVER, Canada. River of British Columbia flowing into Pacific Ocean. J a r r e t t, Thos. L. Salmon-catching on the Fraser river. Wide World M Oct (1902) pp. 83-88. FRAZER, Oliver (1808-64). Ky. artist. [P r 1 c e, S. W.] Oliver Frazer. Filson Club Pub 17(1902)93-124. FREDERICTON, N. B. City and port. 60 m. N.N.W. of St. John. Roberts, Charles G. D. Fredericton, N. B. Nat'l M (Bost) 16(1902)302. FREEDOM of teaching. Question of liberty of thought and expression in college teaching. Smith, Charles Forster. Professor Sledd and Emory college. Nation 75(1902)245. FREEMAN, Julia (Wheelock) (d.1900). Mich, teacher, Civil War nurse, writer. Mrs. Julia Freeman [obituary]. Mich Hist Coll '01, 31(1902)13-14. FREEMASONRY. Concerns of the secret society of Freemasons. Lobingier, Charles Sumner. Freemasons In the American Revolution. Spirit of '76 (1902)17-19. Upton, William H. Negro masonry; being a critical examination of objections to the legitimacy of the masonry existing among the negroes of America... Cambridge, Mass., The M. W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. 1902. xil. 264 p. port. 23^cm. [L.C. 2-10721] Washington the Free Mason. Am Cath Res 19(1902)131-5. FREER family. Morrison, George Austin, Jr. The Freer family of New Paltz, N. Y. N Y G Rec 33(1902)31-7. FREITCHIE, Barbara. Woman of Frederick, Md., subject of poem by Whit tier. W e s t, M. Truth about Barbara Freitchle. Munsey 26(1902)542. FREMONT, John Charles (1813-90). Am. explorer, Major-General in Civil War, writer. John-Charles Fremont. Rech Hist 8(1902)360-5. Kingsley, Nellie F. Four American explorers; Captain Meriwether Lewis, Captain William Clark, General John C. Fremont, Dr. Elisha K. Kane. [For details see same title under subject, Lewis, Meriwether.] FREMONT, Jules-Joseph-Taschereau (1855-1902). Canadian lawyer and Professor. Jules-Joseph-Taschereau Fremont. Rech Hist 8(1902)844. FREMONT family. Roy, Pierre Georges. La famille Fremont. Levis [Can.] 1902. 84 p. illus. (incl. ports.) 22cm. ["TirS a 100 exemplaires." This copy unnumbered. Rev.ln:Hlst Pub Canad 7 96. L.C. 3-20237] 78 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. FREMONT, Ohio. City of Sandusky Co. 30 m. S.E. of Toledo. H a y n e s, J. M. Fremont in history. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1002)49 06. FRENCH-AMERICAN relations. Public and social relations between France and U. 8. Deschamps, Gaston. America and Franco. No Am 174(1002)751-6. FRENCH and Indian War. Struggle between France and England in Am. 1754-1763. Bradley, A. G. The Fight with France for North America. N. Y., B P Dutton and co. 1902. uu. 15+400. [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)361-3 (Victor Coffin) "confined to 1748-1760. . .on the whole, pleasant reading ...much superior to... average English one in... grasp and clear statement. . .serious defects In... preparation and method"]. s in i i h. .1. Peterborough in the French and ludlun War. Granite M 33(1902)110-24. FRENCH-CANADIAN Americans. French Canadians settled in the XJ. S. L a f 1 a m m e, M. J. L. K. Les Canadians Aux i':t;iis Unis [a series]. Revue Canadienne Fev Avril (1902). FRENCH Canadian language. Variety of French spoken in Canada. B r y m n e r, Douglas. La langue f rancaise an commencement du regime constitutionnel. Rech Hist 8(1902)52-5. C o u r du bane du roi terme d'Octobre 1828. Rech Hist 8(1902)245. Lindsay, Lionel. La langue gardienne de la Foi. Nouv Fr 1(1902)144-8. Orthographe de noms Canadians. Rech Hist 8(1902)37-41. R o y, P. G. Les manuels de iios expressions vicieuscs. Rech Hist 8(1902)84-6. FRENCH-CANADIANS. ..Canadians of French descent and language. Alexis, cap. Le catholicisme et la race Francaise HU Canada. Nouv Fr 1(1902)319-27. Bourassa, Henri. Le Patriotisme canadien-frangais ce qu'il est, ce qu'il doit fitre. Revue Cana- dienne Juin(1902)423-448. La Nouvelle-France. Revue des intfirets religieux et uationaux de Canada francais. Sciences-letters-arts. Quebec. 80. monthly. 1902=v. 1. Jan.-Dec. pp. 1-591(2). Nicholson, Byron. The French-Canadian; a sketch r.f his more prominent characteristics. Toronto, The Bryant press, 1902. 6 p. 1., 132 p. front., pi., port. 19^cm. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad 7 100-2 (W.H. Blake) "very highest intention of writer to enlighten English-speaking Canadians as to their fellow- countrymen. . .more pleasing and thorough." L.C. 3-12470] Ragey, pSre mariste. ...Une nouvelle France. Paris, A. Challamel, 1902. 2 p. 1., viil, 263, [1] p. 19cm. [At head of title: P. Ragey, mariste. L.C. 3-45] Recherches Historiques. A French-Canadian historical monthly. Quebec, v. 8, 1902, p. 383. FRENCH GUIANA, 8. A. French colony on Atlantic coast of northern S. A., adjoining Brazil. Levat, [douard] David. La Guyane Frangaise en 1902; par David Levat... Avec 25 photogravures inedites et 3 cartes en couleurs. 2. ed. Paris, Imprimerie universelle, 1902. 2 p. 1., iv, 124 p. 2 ill., 23 col. pi., 3 map. 25cm. [L.C. 2-22453] Vidal de La Blache, P[aul], ...La riviere Vincent Pinzon; 6tude sur la cartographic de la Guyane. Alcan, 1902. [For detail see same title under subject, Vincent Pizon R.] FRENCH treaty of Feb. 8, 1773. Treaty of alliance with the Am. Colonies. Dudley-Teeter, Henry. The French treaty of amity and commerce, 1778. Spirit of '76 (1902)38. FRENEAIT, Philip (1752-1832). N. Y. poet, writer. Forman, Samuel E[agle]. . . .The political activities of Philip Freneau. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1902. 105 p. 24cm. (Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science, series XT, no. 9-10). ["The publications of Philip Freneau": p. [103]-105. Rev.inrSo Atlan Q 1(1902)379-80 "Both poet and political essayist. . .as latter rarely considered except in way of ridicule. It is to rescue him... from contempt Dr. Forman has proposed to write." L.C. 3-13006] N o r t h u p, Clark S. The laureate of the Revolution (Rev.). Dial 33(1902)55-8. P a t t e e, Fred Lewis. Bibliography of Philip Freneau. Bibliog 1(1902)97-106. Pattee, Fred. Lewis, ed. The poems of Philip Freneau, Poet of the American Revolution, vol. I. Edited for the Princeton Historical Association, Princeton, N. J. The University Library, 1902. 80. p. 112, 294. [To be completed in 3 volumes. This vol. contains, pp. 13-112, a "Life of Philip Freneau." Rev.in:Dial 34(1903)405-6 "careful introductory study. . .biographical sketch ... admirable ... altogether worthy of the real "Father of American poetry"; Nation 76(1903)291-2 "virtually an autobiography. and furnishes a commentary upon the history of a highly important era";Am Hist R 8(1903)824 "shown energy and assiduity In collecting his material. . .annotated. . .with judgment."] FRESNO COUNTY, Cal. A Co. in the central part of state. Hudson, Horace B[ushnell]. California vineyards. A favored section of the golden state as it appears to an eastern writer Scenes in Fresno county, the vineyard center. Minneapolis, H. B. Hudson [1902]. 34 pp. incl. front, (map) 111. 10 pi. 19Vg x 27cm. [L.C. 2-4972J WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. 79 FKICK. Henry Clay (b.1819). Pa. iron and coke manufacturer. Bridges, James H. Henry Clay Friek. Cosmopol 03(1902)641-44, port. FRIEND family. Will of John Friend. [Ipswich, Mass., ab. 1650.] Ess Ant 6(1902)157. FRIENDLY SONS of St. Patrick. A Phila. Society in Revolutionary times. The friendly Sons of St. Patrick, of Philadelphia. Am Cath Res 19(1002)97-101. FRITZ, John (fl.1902). Pa. iron manufacturer. Mr. John Fritz, ironmaster. World's Work 5(1902-3)2818, port. only. FRONTENAC, Louis de Buade, Comte de (1620-98). Governor of Canada. Myrand, Ernest. Frontenac et ses Amis. Quebec, Dnssault & Proulx, 1902. pp. 200. [Rev. in: Hist Putt Caiiad '02, 7(1903)22-3 "essentially a study of Madame de Frontenac. . .given a new interest to the Countess. . .we. . .obtain. . .intimate acquaintance with the manners and spirit of the times."] M r a n d, Ernest. Une Calotnnle historiquc. Reeh Hist 8(1902)97-110, 129-30, 367-70. FRONTENAC, Can. Former name of Kingston, Canada. Cataraqui. Rech Hist 8(1902)245. FRONTIER life. Life of pioneers. Roosevelt, Theodore, pros. U. S. Ranch life and the hunting-trail... Illustrated by Frederic Remington. New York, The Century co., 1902. 4 p. 1., 186 p. front., ill., plates. 27cm. [First published In 1888 L.C. 3-13390] FRY family. W y 1 1 e, Ernest G. Fry family. Wm M Q 10(1902)258-9. FRYEBURG, Me. Village of Oxford Co. 49 m. N.W. of Portland. Fryeburg Webster centennial, celebrating the coming of Daniel Webster to Fryeburg, 100 years ago, to take tho principalsbip of Fryeburg academy. Fryoburg, January 1st, 1902. Fryeburg, Me., A. F. Lewis. 1902. 83 p. incl. port. pi. 22%cm. [L.C. 2-11607] FULLER family. B r a i n a r d, Homer W. Edwrrd Fuller and his [Conn.] descendants. N Y Rec 33(1902) 171-9, 227-35. Fuller, Arthur Buckminster. Historical notices of Thomas Fuller and his descendants, with a genealogy of the Fuller family, 1638-HHJ2. Reprinted from the New England historical and genealogical register for October, 1859, with additions by Edith Davenport Fuller. Cambridge, 1902. 30 p. ill. LT.'.j.-m. [L.C. 3-22473] Fuller, Francis H. John Fuller, of Redenhitll, England, and his descendants in New England. N Y Rec 33(1902)211-13. FULTON-COX family. M i c h a u z, Fulton, Cox, etc. Va Mas: 10(1902)94-5. FUNDY, Bay of. Inlet of the Atlantic, separating- Nova Scotia from New Brunswick. Bale de F n n d y. Rech Hist 8(1902)317-8. FUNK, Henrich (b.1823). 111. German-Am, pioneer. H a r i n g, T. Zwei pioniere von McLean county. (Heinrich Funk, Siuiou Alexander.) Deutsch-Am G 2. 2(1902)46-9. FUNSTON, Frederick (b.1865). Kansas Congressman, officer in Spanish-Am. War. T w a i n, Mark [Clemens, S. L.]. A defence of General Funston. No Am 174(1902)613-24. FUR TRADE. Dealings in skins and pelts. Chittenden, Hiram Martin. The American fur trade of tbe far West; u history of the pioneer trading posts and early fur companies of the Missouri valley and the Rocky mountains and of the overland com merce with Santa Fe... Now York, F. P. Harper, !902. 3 v. front., pi., map, plans, facsim. 24%cm. [Map in pocket. Paged continuously. Rev.In:Xation 75(1902)34-5 "Volumes must be a finality. . .criti- cal judgments. . .numerous. . .disclose research, judicial fairness and lore of truth. . .cannot emphasize enough. . .national importance of elaborate work"; Hist Pub Canad 7 109-17 "a history of... gradual occupation of the country west of the Mississippi. . .an account of the Indians": Oreg Q 3(1902) 260-70 (F.F. Victor) "has. . .the realistic features of thu eyelorama. . .a storehouse of adventure and biography . . . invaluable. ' ' L.C. 2-4718] D u g m o r e, A. R. Life of a trapper in Canada, dry Life Am 1(1902)162. Laut, A[gnes] C[hristina]. Heralds of empire; being the story of one Ramsay Stanhope, lieutenant to Pierre Radisson in the northern fur trade... New York, D. Appleton and company. 1902. Till, 372 p. 19Vjcm. [L.C. 2-12480] L a u t, A. C. The story of tbe trapper. Outing 39(1901-2)471-476.599-602,701-708; 40(1902)176-82.426-32; 41 (1902-3)100-6,359-64. 80 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. Laut, A[gnes] C[hristinaJ. The story of the trapper. . .illustrated by Arthur Hemlng and others. New York, D.Appleton and company, 1902. xv, 284 p. front., pi. 19%cm. ([The story of the West series]) [Rev.in:Nation 76(1903)39-40 "perfection and charm of .. .pictures. . .results. . .welcome news... to... most thoroughgoing votaries of outing. . .lack[s] nothing but. . .index"; Hist Pub Canad '02.7(1903)109-17 "a very interesting popular account of the fur trade." L.C. 2-28285] Mackenzie. History of the fur trade and voyages to the Arctic. Ifew York, New Amsterdam Co. 2 vol. 1902. Mackenzie, Alexander. Voyages from Montreal through the continent of North America to the frozen and Pacific oceans in 1789 and J793. [For details see same title under subject. Canada.] Victor, Frances Fuller. The American fur trade in the far West. Oreg Q 3(1902)260-70. fURMAN, Howard Van Fleet (ab. 1857-1902). Metallurgist, educator, engineer, writer. Howard Van Fleet Furman, M. B. Columb Q 4(1902)285-7. FURMAN family. Brumby and Furman notes (note). S C Hist Mag 3(1902)115-6. FURNITURE (colonial). Household equipment. B i c k f o r d, Clara Emerson. Tbe homes of our forefathers. Conn Mag 7(1902)493-500, 111. Mltchelson, John. Household furniture, 1751( note). Va Mag 8(1902)425-6. Morse, Frances Clary. Furniture of the olden time... New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. xvii, 371 p. Incl. 111., pi. front. 21cm. [Rev.in:Dial 33(1902)474 ''examples. . .from [1650-1850]. . .nar- ratlv is free, unforced, and sufficiently succinct and well digested"; Nation 75(iv/-j504-5 "a book upon old colonial furniture and nothing else. . .may. . .have its place to fill." L.C. 2-28413] M., W. S. Colonial furnitura. Bk-Buyer 23(1901-2)553-9, 111. N o r t o n, C. A. Qulncy. Th<: lights and lamps of early New England. Conn Mag 7(1902)501-13, 111. S p a 1 d 1 n g, A. T. The old blue plates. New Eng M 26(1902)54-62, 111. FYFE family. Fyfe, John W. James Fyfe of Berlin, Mass., and his descendants. N E Reg 56(1902)167-72. GABOURY, Marie Anne (fl.18071. Settler in Manitoba. D u g a s t, Abb6. The first Canadian woman in the Northwest. Hist Soc Manit Trans No. 62(1902)32. GAINE, Hugh (1726-1807). N. Y. winter, journalist. Ford, P. L., ed. Journals of Hugh Gaine, printer. N. Y., Dodd, 1902. 2v. 80., ill ["The first volume is a biography and bibliography; volume 2, Journals and letters. The issues of Hugh Gaine's press, 1752-1800, comprise pages 85-174 of the first volume. . .most Interesting. . .in the history of publishing In New York City."] GALLITZIH (Father). Catholic priest. Father G nil it /.in an abstainer. Am Cath Res 19(1902)71. GALLOWAY, Joseph (1731-1803). Pa. loyalist, lawyer, writer. Baldwin, Ernest H[ickok]. Joseph Galloway, the loyalist politician... Philadelphia, 1902. 1 p. 1., 113 p. 25%cm. [Bibliography: p. 110-113. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania magazine of history and biogra- phy, July-Dec., 1902. L.C. 3-10049] GALVAN (Major) (d.1782). French officer in Am. Revolution. Suicide of Major Galvan. Penn Mag 26(1902)407-8. GALVESTON, Tex. City and port of Galveston Co. about 550 m. W. by 8. of New Orleans. Halstead, Murat. Galveston. Chicago, Dominion, 1902. 12o. GAMBIER. 0. Village of Knox Co. 5 m. E. of Mt. Vernon. Gorman, Edward A. Monumental inscriptions from Rosso Chapel cemetery, Gambler, O. Old North w Q 4(1901)134-6; 5(1902)13-5. GAMBON, Thomas F. (1837-1901). Ky. Catholic chancellor and vicar general. R t. R e v. Monsiguor Thos. F. Gambon. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)56,124. port. GARDENS. Enclosed cultivated spaces. Lowell, Guy. American gardens. Boston, Bates & Guild Co., 1902. 112 plate. [Rev. In: Nation 74(1902) 471 "Remarkable collection of photographs. . .Introduction. . .is. . .essay on... history of gardening."] GARDINER family. Haines, George. Ancestry of the Haines, Sharp, Collins, Wills, Gardiner, Prlckltt, Eves, Evans, Moore, Troth, Borton and Engle families. [For details see same title under subject, Haines family.] GARFIELD, James Abram (1831-81). Twentieth President of the United States. Fallows, Samuel. . . .Life of William McKinley, our martyred president, with short biographies of Lin- coln and Garfield. [For details see same title under McKinley, William. Titherington, R. H. Lincoln Garfleld McKinley. Munsey 27(1902)006. GARFIELD, Tames R. (b.1865). Ohio lawyer, T. 8. Civil Service commissioner, The new Civil Service commissioner. Outl 71(1902)27, port. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 81 GARNETT, Robert Belden (1819-61). V*. Confederate General. M a x w e 1 1, H. Retreat of General Robert S. Garnett. Transaliegbeny Hist M 1(1901-2)225-33. GARRZTT, William Robertson (fl.1901). Tenn. Confederate General, educator and writer. William and Mary College in 1858. Wm M Q 10(1902)251-7. GATES, John Warne (b.1855). Chicago capitalist. L e t 6 v r e, Edwin. John Warne Gates. Cosmopol 33(1902)535-8, port. GAZELLE, Pierre (fl. 1793-6). French abbe, resident in Canada. C h e r v r o t, G. Dn. L'abbe Pierre Gazelle. Rech Hist 8(1902)185-6. GEAR, John Henry (1825-1900). Iowa Governor, U. 8. senator. D e y, Peter A. John Henry Gear (including Senator Allison's memorial address). Iowa Hist Rec 18(1902) 497-509, port. GEAUGA Co., 0. A county in the N.E, part of Ohio. A record of the Revolutionary soldiers burled in Lake county, Ohio, with a partial list of those in Geanga Co. [For details see same title under subject, Lake Co., O.] GENEALOGY. Family history. Extracts from the register of [various parishes] in the County of Wilts, etc. Penn Mag 26(1902)412. Genealogical guide to the early settlers of America. 225-81 inserted in Spirit of '76 8(1902). Genealogical Quarterly Magazine. Burlington, Vt. Quarterly. T. 3, 1902. p. 255. H e r r 1 c k, Lucius C. A list of pedigrees in the visitations of Oxford, 1566, 1574 and 1634. Old Northw Q 5(1902)16-7. Lea, J. Henry. Genealogical gleanings among the English archives. N E Reg 55(1901)95-106, 331-41, 432-9; 56(1902)84-7,196-7,308-18,402-7. Palmer, Henrietta R. A list of genealogies in the library of the New Jersey Historical Society. N J Hist S 3(1902)19-35. R i d g w a y, Charles Arthur. The relations of genealogy to history. Old Northw Q 5(1902)7-9. Rye, Walter. The genealogical value of wills. Old Northw Q 4(1901)81 5; 5(1902)10-12. Welles, Edwin Stanley. Studies in ancestry. Conn Mag 7(1902)396-402. Note. Other unanalyzed genealogical items may be found in historical and genealogical periodicals. See subject, Periodicals. GENERAL federation of women's clubi. B a r y, Harriet H. The sixth biennial. Out West 16(1902)557-65, ill., port. GENEVA, N. Y. Town of Ontario Co. 16 m. E. of Canandaigua. Geneva, N. Y. Chamber of commerce. Geneva on Sececa Lake, prepared by Frank H. Taylor... Geneva, Chamber of commerce, 1902. 108 p. incl. ill., port., map, plan. 17 x 27cm. [L.C. 3-9010] GEOGRAPHY. Description of the earth's surface and its inhabitants. A m e r i k a. Xlteste Karte m. d. Namen. Amerika. Hlst.-PoJ. Bl. f. d. Kath.l 1902) 697-710. A m e r i k a. D. alteste Karte m. d. Namen amerika. Borsemb. f. d. dtschn. Buchh. (1902)No.l6. Bartholomew, J. G. Twentieth century citizen's atlas of the world. N. Y., Scribner, 1902. fo. Bartholomew, J[ohn] G[eorge]. The international student's atlas of modern geography; a series of 101 physical, political, and statistical maps, compiled from British and foreign surveys and the latest re- sults of international research... London, G.Newnes, limited [1902] viii, 90 p. (map), 1 L, 69, [1] p. 34cm. [Rev.in. -Nation 74(1902)307 "Index... N. British Empire. . .best looked after. . .maps. . .clear and well executed." L.C. 2-13322] Gannett, Henry. ...The origin of certain place names in the United States. Washington, Gov't print. off., 1902. 280, [ill] p. 23cm. (U. S. Geological survey. [Bulletin no. 197. ser. F. Geography, 32]) ["Authorities": p. 12-16. L.C. 3-11774] MoMurry. Charles [Alexander]. A teacher's manual of geography to accompany Tarr and McMurry's seriei of geographies. New York, London, The Macmlllan company, 1902. 2 p. 1., 107 p. 19cm. ["Refer- ences to books, articles, etc.": p. 95-107. L.C. 2-20488] Place names of the U. S. Nat Geog M 13(1902)403. Roddy, H[enry] Justin. Complete geography... New York, Cincinnati [etc.] American book company [1902] 144 p. incl ill., maps. 32cm. [61.Men.in:Dlal 33(1902)125 "more simplified treatment ... than ... in most school books." L.C. 2-16215] Roddy, H. Justin. Elementary geography... New York, Cincinnati [etc] American book company [1902] 128 p. incl. ill., map. 19cm. [61. Men. in: Dial 33(1902)125 "more simplified treatment. . .than. . .in most school books." L.C. 2-13094] Soulsby, Basil H[arrington], The first map containing the name America... [London and Beccles, W. Clowes & sons, 1902] cover-title, 9 p. 25cm. "From "The Geographical journal' for February, 1902." [L.C. 3-8383] Bydow, E. v. ft Habonicht. H. Metbodiscber wand-atlas 6.-Nord-Amerika 7.-Sd-Amerika. Gotba, Perthes, 1902. 88 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN H1STORT 1902. GEORGE, Henry, Jr. (b.1862). N. Y. journalist. G e o r g e, H. jr. Lage In d. Vereln Staat v. N.-A. Dtsche. Volkstimme (1902)28-31. GEORGE, J. Z. (1826-97). Miss, politician, U. S. senator, Confederate General. Johnston, Frank. The conference of October 15th, 1875, between General George and Governor Ames. Miss Hist P 6(1902)65-77. GEORGIA. One of the Gulf States of the U. 8. Butts, Sarah Harriet. The mothers of some distinguished Georgians of :!.< last half of the century... New York, Press of J.J.Llttle & co [1902] 7 p. 1., 196 p. port. 30cm. [L.C. 3-26] Daughters of the American revolution. Georgia. Joseph Habersham chaptor. Atlanta. Historical collec- tions. Dalton, Ga., The A.J.Showalter co., printers, 1902. v. 23cm. [Ed. by Mrs. William Lawson Peel. [Rev.in:South Hist A Pub 6(1902)439 " 'full of defects. . .will do Incalculable harm,' " but great mass of material. L.C. 2-7321] Joseph Gault's fifth edition of his Reports, entitled A coat of mauy colors. Americus, Ga., Amerlcus law book co., 1902. 1 p. 1., 56 p. 23%cm. [L.C. 3-29125] Georgia's new Confederate Home. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)490-1, ill., port. Hillyer, S[haler] G[ranby]. Reminiscences of Georgia Baptists. . .together with a story of the author'* life, written by his daughter [Louisa C. Hillyer] Atlanta, Ga., Foote & Davies company, 1902. Til p., 1 1.. 294 p. front, (port.) 20cm. [L.C. 2-24390] Hiihner, Leon. The Jews of Georgia In colonial times . . . From the Publications of the American Jewish historical society, no. 10, 1902. [Baltimore, 1902] coyer-title, [65]-95 p. 24Vjcm. [L.C. 3-31541] H n 1 1, A. L. Bound newspaper flies in the library of th.> University of Georgia, at Athens. Gulf Mag 1(1902)205-6. Mitchell, Fes. L. Georgia land and people. Atlanta, Ga., F.L.Mitchell, 1902. 12o. Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell. . . . Georgia and state rights. A study of the political history of Georgia from the rerolutlon to the civil war, with particular regard to federal relations. Washington, Gov't nrint. off., 1902. 224 p. pi., maps. 23%cm. [From v. II of the Annual report of the American historical as- sociation for 1901. Bibliography: p. 211-220. Rev.in:Am. Hist R 8(1903)785-B(J.A.Woodburn) "fulfils Its title... of interest, not only to the special student. . .but to the general student of American politics... good index." L.C. 3-3217] Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell. Georgia and state rights. Am Hist A Rep '01.2(1902)3-220, maps. R a m a g e, B. J. Georgia and the Cherokees. Am Hist Hag 7(1902)199-208. S e m m e s, R. Georgians in the Naval service of the Confederacy. Gulf Mag 1(1902)139-40. GEORGIA University. State University at Athens, Ga., fd. 1785. The Centennial of the University of Georgia. South Work 30(1901)426-7. B 1 1 1 s, Leonora Beck. Georgia's educational center. R of Rs 25(1902)571-4, ill., port. GERMAINE, M. 1851-1901). Catholic nun and teacher. Mother M. Germaine. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)59,133, port. GERMAN-AMERICAN relations. Public and social relations between Germany and the U. 8. Beck, Carl. Der Commers alter deutscher Studenten in Amerlka sin Ehren des Prinzen Helnrich in New York. Am Germ 4(1902)342-9. Beckmann. Die evang. Gesellschaft fur d. prot. Deutschen in Amerika. Deutsch-Bvangellscg. (1902) 171-6. Dtechld. n.d. Vereinigt. Staat. Bayer. Handelszeit. (1902)Nr.34. Falblsaner, Adolf. Das deutsche Lied in der deutsoh-am. Dichtung. Deutsch-Am G 2.2(1902)33-9. F 1 c k, H. H. German controbutions to American progress. Educa 22(1902)363(P). F 1 s k, George M. German-American diplomatic and commercial relations, historically considered. R of Rs 25(1902)223-8. F r a n c k e, Knno. Deutsche cultur in den Vereinighten Staaten und das germanlsche museum der Har- vard-Universltat. Deutsche Rundschau 111(1902)127-45. Halle, E. v. Dtschld. n. d. Cff. Melng. i. d. Vereln Staat v. N.-A. Preuss. Jahrb. (1902)107.B.189-212. Rosengarten, J. G. German influence in America. Lippine 69(1902)501 (Ap). HBtzsch. Dtschld. u. d. nordamerik Imperialisms. Akad Blatter (1902)16.J.377-83. J a f f e, E. Dtschld. u. amerikan. Konkurrens [nach A. Weber]. Dtsche. Runds. (1902) 108. B. 146-52. Schiemann, Th. Deutschland und die Grosse politik anno 1901. Berlin, Reimer, 1902. [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1902)184(Poultney Bigelow) "reads like a gospel of hatred ... full of Jingo phrases. . .deplorable ignorance of things in England and the United States. . .idea. . .is excellent. . .half .. .represents opinions of no value, or worse than none."] Steinberg, America's first embassadorlal building in Berlin. Overland n s 40(1902)139. V i e r e c k, L. Die verelnlgung alter deutscher studenten in Amerika. Am Germ 4(1902)155-206. von Ruville, Von Albert. Die Deutsche Einlgungswerk 1m Lichte des Amerikanischen. Halle, Max Nie- meyer, 1902. pp. 128. [Rev.inrAm Hist R 8(1902)179 "interesting. . .of things American is generally appreciative and sometimes laudatory. . .falls. . .to do justice... in regard to the Monroe doctrine ... care- ful, thoughtful and suggestive."] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 83 GERMAN-AMERICANS. Americans of German birth or (loosely) ancettry. Bittinger, Lucy Forney. The Pennsylvania Germans. New Eng M 26O902)366-84,48-512,617-24. Bruncken, Ernest. The political activity of Wisconsin Germans, 1854-60. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902) 190-211. It 11 n s f ii, (';. C. Das Frankfurter Attentat. (Cause of emigration to A.). Deutsch-Am G 2.1(1902)1-15. D e 1 1 e r, H. Zahlenmasslger RUckgang d. Deutschlander. Dtsche. Erde (1902)170. Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblatter, vierteljahrsschrift herauseregeben von der Deutich-Araerikan. histor. Gesellschaft von Illinois, Chicago, r. 3. 1902. p. 272. D e u t s c h und schwelzer Richter In Illimois im ISten Jahrhundert. Deutsch-Am G 2.4(1902)62. Dlbelins, W. Lage d. Dtschtums In d. Vereln Staat T. N.-A. Polytech. Centralbl (I902)Mal 239-49. Die Deutschen In Penneylvanlen. Deutsche Rundschau 132(1902)462-8. D t s c h e. i. Krlegsdienst d. Vereln. Staat. Mil. Wocbenbl. (1902)Nr.61. D t s c h e. 1. Kriegsdienst d. Vereln Staat. Mil-Ztg(1902)Nr.27. G o t w a 1 d, Frederich Gebhart. The Teutonic factor in American history. Lath Ch Rev 21(1902)299-423. Hatfleld, James Taf t. Dentsche im spanisch-amerikanischen Krlege. Ein Beltrag cur nenesten Ges- chichte. Deutsch-Am G 2.2(1902)43-5. Hense-Jensen.W. Influence of the Germans in Wisconsin. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)144-7. Hcnse-Jensen, Wilhelm. Wisconsin's Deutsch-Amerikaner, bis rum schluss des neunzehnten jahrhunderts. [For details see same title under subject, Wisconsin.] Jahresberlchte. Die Dentsch-Amerlk Historlsche Geftellschaft an die Mitglieder. Deutsch-Am G 2.1(1902)58-60. Mannhardt, E. Dentsch Theilnehmer am Mexikanlschen Krlege Ton La Salle county. Dentsch-Am G 2.3(1902)48-9. Mannhardt, E. Deutsches Blut in Mt. Morris township, Ogle county, 111. Dentsch-Am 2.3(1902)45-7. N e u e Ziihlg. d. Deutschen Nordamerikas. Echo (1902)Nr.60. Pennsylvania German, The. Lebanon, Pa. Quarterly, v.3. 1902. Robergtein, Paul. Gescblchte der Deutschen in Buffalo and Erie county, N. Y. [For details see same title under subject, Buffalo, N. Y.] Rosengarten, J[oseph] G[eorge] 1835 ...German Influence in America... [Philadelphia?] 1902. 4 p. 24cm. [Caption title. Reprinted from Llppincott's magazine for April, 1902. L.C. 2-28241] S t r a n t z, K. v. D. Deutsch-amerikaner. Gegenwart (1902)No.8. Wannhardt, Emil. Die altesten deutschen Ansiedler von Illinois. II. Dentsch-Am G 2.1(1902)49-54. W a y 1 a n d, John W. The Germans of the valley. Va Mag 8(1902)337-52,422-3[note] ; 10,33-48,113-60. W 1 r t h, Albr. Deutschtum In Amerika. Dtsch. Ztsch. (1902)April 2-5. GERM ANN A. Va. A German settlement (1714), Orange Co., now extinct. Mannhardt, Emil. Der ursprung Germanna's, der ersten deutschen Nlederlassung In Vlrginlen. Deutsch-Am G 2.4(1902)28-32. GERMANTOWN, Fa. A former independent town, now annexed to Philadelphia. Jenkins, Charles F[rancis], The guide book to historic Germantown, prepared for the Site & relic society. Germantown, 1902. 170 p. incl. front., pi. fold. map. 16cm. ['-A partial bibliography of German- town": p. 9-10. L.C. 2-17538] L 1 n c o 1 n, C. H. Washington's plan for the attack at Germantown. Penn Mag 26(1902)387-8. GERRY, Elbridg-e (1744-1814). Mass, signer of the Declaration of Independence. J e n k s, H. F. commu. by. [Letter of J Jared Sparks. MRRS Hist Soc Proc II 15(1901-2)89-92. GETTYSBURG (Pa.). Civil War battle, July 1-8, 1863. A s h c, S. A. The charge at Gettysburg. N C Bookl 1.11(1902)3-28. TJ. 8. Gettysburg national military park commission. . . . Annual reports to the secretary of war. 1893- 1901. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 56 p. 183 pi. 24cm. [Issued also as Senate doc. no. 453, 57th Cong., 1st Bess. L.C. 3-5231] GIBAUXT. Fieri* t'fl.1779). French Canadian priest of Kaskuskia. Peyton, Pauline Lancaster. Pierre Glbault, priest and patriot, or the Northwest in the eighteenth cen- tury. Records Am Cath Hist Soc Phlla 12(1902)No.4,452-98. GIBBON, John (1887-96). Union General in Civil War, writer. Gibbon, John. Personal recollections of Appomattox. Cent 63(1901-2)936-43. GIBBS. Mifflin Wistar (b.1823). Pa. jurist, V, S. Consul to Madagascar. Gibbs, Mifflin Wistar. Shadow and light; an autobiography with reminiscences of the last and present century. With an introduction by Booker T. Washington... Washington, D. C., 1902. xv, [2], 4-372 pp. front., pi., port. 20cm. [L.C. 2-4974] GIBSON, William Hamilton (1850-96). Conn, artist, writer. Adams, John Coleman. D. D. Gibson, the artist -naturalist of Connecticut. Conn Mag 7(1902)340-55. 84 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. GIFFARD, Ignace Marie Francis da Saint. First Canadian nun. La premiere religieuse canadlenne: Marie -Francois Oiffard de Salnt-Ignace. Messenger canadien du Sacrfi-Coeur de Jesus. Feb. 3902. OIFFARD, Robert (fl.1658). Founder of Beauport, Canada. Robert Giflard, etait-11 noble? Rech Hist 8(1902)314-5. GILBERT family. Brainard, Homer W. Ono of the Gilbert family of New England; ancestry of Sarah Rebecca (Gilbert) Bloss, (wife of John B. Bloss, of Washington, D. C.), eighth in descent from Jonathan Gilbert, of Hart- ford, Conn. Washington, D. C., Jtidd & Detweller, printers, 1902. 17 p. 23 1 /4cm. [L.C. 3-3195] GILDERSLEVE. Basil Lanneau (b.1831). Johns Hopkins TTniv. professor, writer. Gildersieeves. B. L. Studies in honor of Basil L. Gildersleeve. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 1902. 80. GILL school city. School with self-gov't on the model of city gov't. White, James T. The Gill school city. Gunton's M 22(1902)535-43. GILLET, Louis Florent (1813-92). Catholic priest. Rev. Louis Florent Gillet. C. SS. R. Am Oath Hist 13(1902)383, port. OILMAN, Daniel Coit (b.1813). President Johns Hopkins Univ. and Carnegie Institution, writer. G i 1 m a n, Daniol C. Pleasant incidents of an academic life. Scrib M 31(1902)614-24. Oilman, Daniel C." Some noteworthy scholars. Scrlb M 31(1902)460-71. GILMORE, Mich. Township of Benzie Co. on Lake Michigan. Perry, John S. Early history of Gilmore and South Frankfort. Mich Hist Coll '01.31(1902)125-30. GILPIN, Edward Woodward (1803-76). Del. Chief Justice. Lore, Charles B[rown]. ...The life and character of Edward W. Gilpln... Read before the Historical society of Delaware, Jan. 20, 1902. Wilmington, The Historical society of Delaware, 1902. 17 p. front., pi., port. 24%cm. (Delaware historical society. Papers [no.] 34) [L.C. 3-14084] GIROD, Amury (fl.1837). Canadian author and General. Huguet-Latour, L.-A. Bellefeuille, L.-E. de. Amury Girod. Reeh Hist 8(1902)139-46. GIROUARD family. G i r on a r d, DSslre. La famille Girouard en France. Rech Hist 8(1902)289-91(93). M. d e s Gozis. Notes de. Rech Hist 8(1902)294-300. GLEASON family. Cole, Frank T. Gleason [family]. Old Northw Q 4(1901)7-8; 5(1902)82-4,130-2. GLOUCESTER, Mass. City and port, Essex Co., 28 m. N.N.E. of Boston. Plckford, Mrs. Anna M. Marriages from the almanac diary, 1781-174, of Rev. Samuel Chandler of Gloucester, Mass. N E Reg 56(1902)318-9. GOAT ISLAND, R. I. Island in Newport harbor. Herreshoff, Grace. The D. S. Naval torpedo station. New Eng M 26(1902)167-81, ill. GODKIN. Edwin Lawrence (1831-1902). S. Y. editor, writer. Bishop, Joseph B. Personal recollections of E. L. Godkin. Cent 64(1902)694-700. Edwin Lawrence Godkin. Nation 74(1902)403-4. GOLD. Precious metal used as standard of value. Harvey, Charles M. Another revolutionary increase of gold. World's Work 5(1902-3)2737-41. Production de 1'or aux fetats-Unis et au Klondyke en 1901. ficon Franc 11 Jan (19021. Rice, George M. Gold: its distribution, identification, and metallurgy. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)389-402. GOOCHLAND County, Va. County in center of state. Goochland county militia officers, 1771 and 1781 (note). Va Mag 9(1902)424-5. * GOODYEAR, Henry A. (1818-1901). Mich, pioneer, State senator. Henry A. Goodyear (obituary). Mich Mist Coil '01.31(1902)14-5. GORDON, James (d.1768). Va. merchant and officer. Journal of Col. James Gordon, of Lancaster County, Va. Wm M Q 11(1902)98-112. GORGETS (Indian). B r o w n, C. E. Pierced tablets or gorgets in the W. H. Ellsworth collection at Milwaukee. Wls Arch 1 (1901-2)37-41, plate. GORHAM, Charles T. (1812-1901). Mich, banker, Major General, diplomat. Charles T. Gorham (obituary). Mich Hist Coll '01.31(1902)27-31. GORHAM family. Bowman, George Ernest. Captain John Gorham's estate. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)153-8, facs. Bowman, George Ernest. Desire (Howland) Gorham's estate. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)217-20. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 86 Gorham, Henry S. Gorhams of Hardwlek, Mass. Boston, Press of David Clapp & Son, 1902. 8vo. pp. 8. facs. [Repr. N. E. Reg. ] [51. Men. In :N Y Genoa 1 Rec 33(1902)126 "carefully prepared ... admirably arranged."] Gorham, Henry S. Gorhams of Hardwick, Mass. N E Reg 56(1902)75-80, facs. GOSMER, John (d.1660). L. I. pioneer, town magistrate. Woodruff, Francis E. Mr. John Gosmer. N J Hist S 3(1902)36-42. 60TT, Benjamin (1706-1751). Mass, physician. Davis, Horace. Dr. Benjamin Gott's library. N E Reg 56(1902)340-4. GRAFLY, Charles (b.1862). Philadelphia sculptor. D a 1 1 1 n, Vittoria C. Charles Grafly's work. New Eug M 25(1901-2)228-35, 111., port. GRAND Army of the Republic. Association of Union veterans of the Civil War. Grand army of the republic. Dept. of Wisconsin. George A. Ouster post, no. 140. Roster of Custer post, no. 140, G. A. R. Ashland, Wisconsin, [n. p., 1902?] cover-title, 8 p. Incl. port., diagr. 22cm. [L.C. 3-32499] Journals of the Encampment Proceedings of the Department of Massachusetts G. A. R., from 1881 to 1887, inclusive. Reprinted by order of the Department Encampment of 1900. Boston, Mass., E.B.Still- Ings & Co., 1902. L.Svo. pp. 600. ill. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. City of Kent Co. 60 m. W.N.W. of Lansing. T h o 1 t s, A. T. Grand Rapids, the furniture city. Nat'l M (Boat) 16(1902)479-86, ill. GRANDMAISON (fl. 1759-74). Canadian, active in Acadian affair*. L e s i e u r Grandmaison. Rech Hist 8(1902)347-50. GRANT, Ulysses S. (1822-85). Eighteenth President of U. S. B e a t t y, J. Ulysses S. Grant. A characterization sketch. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)232-45. Foore, B. P., and Tiffany, 0. H. Life of U. S. Grant. ( Biog. of famous men.) Chicago, Donohue, 1902. 12o. GRAVES (Grave) family. S m y t h, R. D. George Grave, or Graves, and his descendants. N E Reg 56(1902)260-4. T a 1 c o t t, Mary K. Graves (note). N E Reg 56(1902)409. GREAT LAKES, The. Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. Baker, Ray Stannard. The commerce of the Great Lakes. Outl 71(1902)28-40. ill. W a 1 k e r, A. Early days on the Lakes, with an account of the cholera visitation of 1832. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)287-318. GREAT Salt Lake, Utah. Lake in the N.E. part of the Great Basin. Lambourne, Alfred. Pictures of an inland sea, by Alfred Lambourne. [Salt Lake City] The Deseret news [1902] 160 p. front., pi. 21cm. [L.C. 2-30084] GREELY, Horace (1811-78). N. Y. journalist, writer, statesman. W h 1 1 n e y, E. J. The birthplace of Horace Grecley. Granite M 33(1902)214-15, 111. GREEN, Duff (1791-1875). Mo. and Washington, D. C., lawyer, editor and diplomat. B r o a d h e a d, Q. C. General Duff Green (note). Va Mag 9(1902)427-8. GREEN, Elizabeth Shippen (fl.1902). Phila. artist. Morris, Harrison S. Elizabeth Shippen Green. Bk-Buyer 24(1902)111-5, ill., port. GREEN, Jacob (1721-96). Mass. Presb. clergyman, Vice Pres. Princeton College, writer. T u 1 1 1 e, William Parkhurst. "Parsons Green," of Hanover. Spirit of '76 (1902)94. GREEN, Will S. (fl.1902). California editor. Will Green of Colusa. Out West 17(1902)116-7, port. GREEN family. Collins, Holdridge O. The Green family (note). Va Man 10(1902)214. GREENE, Nathaniel (1742-86). R. I. General in Am. Revolution. Gardiner, Asa Bird. The discovery of the remains of Major-general Nathanael Greene, first president of the Rhode Island Cincinnati; address ... delivered in ... Newport, R. I., July 4th, 1901, at the annual commemorative celebration of the society. Published by the Society. [Naw York, The Blumenberg press, 1901] 30 pp. 23cm. [Copyright by Rhode Island state society of the Cincinnati, New York, N. Y. Class A, XXc, no. 18129, Oct. 1, 1901; 2 copies rec'd Sept. 23, 1901. L.C. 1-25414 M 2 Nov. 14] H i 1 1, D. H. Greene's retreat. N C Bookl 1.7(1901)3-27. Washington-Greene correspondence. New Eng M 25(1901-2)74-80,220-7,354-9,464-8,595-608,732-41; 26(1902)229-33,321-8,489-93,583-7,698-707, facs. GREENFIELD, Mass. Village of Franklin Co. 86 m. N. of Springfield. Alford, Henry E. & Russell, John E. Old home observances, Thursday, July 31, 1902, Greenfield, Mass. [1902] Greenfield. 1902. pp. 42 S... > WRITINGS ON AMKRICAX HISTORY 1902. GREENLAND. An extensive region or island on the N.E. of North America, belonging to Denmark. Douglas, (Hiss) II. Across Greenland's ice-fields; the adventures of Nansen and Peary on the great ice- cap... London, Edinburgh and New York, T. Nelson and sons, 1902. vi p., 2 1., [9]-218 p. front., pi., port. 18cm. [First edition, 1897. L.C. 3-6466] GREENLEAF, James (1766-1843). Washington, D. C. capitalist, V. 8. Consul to Amsterdam. C 1 a r k, A. C. James Greenleaf. Rec Columbia Hist Soc 5(1902)212-37. GREENLEAF, Moses (1778-1834). Haas, writer. Smith, Edgar Crosby, Moses Greenleaf, Maine's first map-maker, a biography: with letters, unpublished manuscripts and a reprint of Mr. Greenleaf's rare paper on Indian plac3-uames, also a bibliography of the maps of Maine. Bangor, Printed for the De Burians, 1902. xvlll, 165, [1] p. front, (port.) pi., facsim., fold. map. 21cm. ([The De Burians. Publications. 2]) [Title In red and black. Edition of 201 copies. This copy number 13. R.>v.in:Am Hist R 9(1903)203-4(\V'.F.Ganong) "elaborate with loving minuteness and... the exaggeration inevitable with a local biographer. . .interest of the volume. . .chiefly local. To the student outside of the state... some value for accurate synopses of Greenleaf's. . .books ...the account of his... map of 1815, and for the "Bibliography" of maps of Maine." L.C. 3-4215] GREENOUGH, Horatio (1806-50). MASS, sculptor. Horatio Greenough (letter). Collect 15(1902)33. GREENWICH, Conn. Village and township of Fairfleld Co. 87 m. W.8.W. of Bridgeport. Indian Harbor estate, Greenwich, Conn. Ctry Life Am 2(1902)148. GRIDER, Rufus Alexander (1817-1900). N. Y. artist, archaeologist, writer. Dickinson, Thos. A. Rufust Alexander G rider. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)110-13. GRIFFIN, Simon O. (1824-1902). N. H. General in Civil War. Gen. Simon G. Griffin. Granite M 32(1902)125-27. GRIMES, John (1799-1887). Ey. artist. [ P r 1 c e, 8. \V.] John Grimes. Filson Club Pub 17(1902)85-92. GRISCOM, Clement Acton (b.1841). Fhila. financier, Pres. Internal. Navigation Co. P e r r y, Lawrence. The head of the international nhipping corporation. World's Work 5(1902-3)2857-60. GROSEILLIERS (fl.1652). French explorer and trader in Northwest. K e r r, R. F. The voyage of Groseilliers and Radlson. 1652 to 1684. S Dakota Hist Soc Col 1(1902)163-78. GROTON, Conn. Township of New London Co. on Long Is. Sound. Thresher, Callsta Potter. Homes and haunts of the Pequots. New Eng Mag 25(1901-2)742-64. G ROUT family. Grout family. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)12-27. GUAM. The largest of Ladrone Islands, in Pacific, ceded to V. S. 1899. C h a n n e 1 1, Mary Augusta. A bit of Guam life. Indcp 54(1902)607-16, ill. Price, Francis M. The Island of Guam and Its people. Miss R 25(1902)11-19. S a f f o r d, W. E. Guam, and Its people. Am Anthrop 4(1902)707. GUATEMALA. A republic of Central America. Guatemala. Delegados & la segunda Conferenoia internacional americana, Mexico. 1901-08. [Mexico?] 1902] [L.C. 2-21274] Perez, A. Garcia. Organizaci6n mllltar Jc America: Guatemala. Estud Millt 5 & 20 Fev 6 & 20 Mars 5 & 20 Avril (1902). GUERILLA warfare. Irregular fighting which avoids pitched battles. General Lee against guerilla warfare (note). South Hist A Pub 6(1902)96-7. GUERRANT family. John Guerrant, Jr.'s qualifications as ensign in militia, 1781 (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)279. John Gnerrant, Sr.'e qualifications as lieutenant in militia, June, 1771 (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)279-80. GUESS, George (1771-1840). Cherokee Indian, inventor of the Cherokee alphabet, educator. Logan, Margaret A. The American Cadmus [Sequoya]. Out West 16(1902)173-6,390, port. GUILD, Amasa (fl.1862). Mass, officer in Civil War. Guild, Amasa. War diary kept by Amasa Guild, in 1861, together with an account of its loss and re- turn. Dedh Reg 13(1902)41-7. GULF states. States bordering on the Gulf of Mexico. Postmasters of the principal towns in the Gulf status. Gulf Mag 1(1902)38-40. GUMBELL, Joseph M. (1800-86). HI. and Iowa German Am. clergyman. Bornmaun, Heinrlcb. Joseph M. Gumbell. Deutsch-Am G 2.4(1902)33-5. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 8t GTTNBY, John (1745-1807). Officer in Am. Revolution. Gunby, A[ndrew] A[ugustus], Colonel John Gunby of the Maryland line; being some account of his contri- bution to American liberty... Cincinnati, The R.Clarke company, 1902. v, 186 p. front., pi., plan. 20cm. [Exonerating Col. Gunby from blame for the defeat at Hobktrk's Hill, and criticizing Gen. Greene's generalship. Rev.iu:Dial 33(1902)285-6 "To correct the errors and misstatements. . .sets down correctly and preserves unstained the truth"; N K Reg 57(1903)122(F.W.Parke) "Written with xeal, knowledge... and... fair[ness]"; Nation 76(1903)53 "results. . .not conclusive. . .incidents. . .not. . .of much general importance." L.C. 2-22684] GUNN, Alexander (1837-1901). Gunn, Alexander. ...Letters. New York [The De Vinne press] 1902. 4 p. 1., 194 p., 1 L 23% cm. ["This copy of 'Letters' is no. 500 of a limited edition printed on hand-made paper in the month of November, nineteen hundred and two." L.C. 2-26312] GURLEY, L. B. Ohio Meth. clergyman, pioneer and poet. Love.-N. B. C. Rev.L.B.Gurley.D.D., pioneer, poet und preacher. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)21-37. GURNSEY, Alfred Hudson (1818-1902). N. Y. writer, editor, historian. Alfred Hudson Gurnsey [obituary]. Mag Am Hist N S I (1902)33. GUTHKIE, William Norman ( 0.1868). Lecturer, writer. Henneman, John Bell. William Norman Guthrie. Sewanee 10(1902)71-9. HABEAS corpus. Order of court to produce a prisoner. C a r p e n t e r, A. H. Habeas corpus in the [Am.] colonies. Am Hist R 8(1902)18-27. HABITANTS, La Comnagnie des. G o B s e 1 i n, L'Abbe A. H. La Compagnie des Habitants. Rech Hist 8(1902)279-80. HADDAM, Conn. Village of Middlesex Co. 26 m. S. by E. of Hartford. Haddam, Conn. First Congregational church. The two hundredth anniversary, October 14th and 17th, 1900. Church organized, 1696. Pastor installed, 1700. Haddam, 1902. xx, 360 p. front. 21%cm. ["From the church records": p. [189J-360. Rev.in:N E Reg 67(1903)234 "deserving of high praise... thorough... accurate." L.C. 3-26285] HADLEY, James (ab. 1786-1869). Conn, professor, scientist. H a d 1 e y, Mary Hamilton. An old time pilgrimage in pursuit of science. New Eng M 25(1901-2)760-9. HAGGIN, James Ben Ali. California horse-breeder. M o f f e 1 1, S. E. James Ben All Haggin. Cosmopol 33(1902)163-7, port. HAGUE Court of Arbitration. International tribunal outgrowth of the Intenat. peace Conference. P e n t i e 1 d, W. S. The first session of the Hague Tribunal. Indep 54(1902)2808-11, ill. Taylor, Hannis. International arbitration and the Pan-American Conference. No Am 174(1902)303-14. HAIDA Indians. Residents of Queen Charlotte Island, British Columbia. K e e n, J. H. Totems of Haida Indians. Canada M 18(1902)407. S w a n t o n, John R. Notes on the Halda language. Am Anthropolo N S 4(1902)392-403. HAINES family. Haines, Andrew Mack and Haines, Thomas Vanburen, collected by. Deacon Samuel Haines of Westbury, Wiltshire, England, and his Descendants in America, 1635-1901. Containing the origin of the name of the Shropshire Family, the Coat of Arms, ancient Wills and other Records, Biographical Sketches, Maps, Pictures, ect. North Hampton, N. H. 1902. L. 8vo. pp. 400. ill. Haines, George. Ancestry of the Haiues, Sharp, Collins, Wills, Gardiner, Prlckett, Eves, Evans, Moore, Troth, Borton and Engle families. Comp. from notes. With some additions by the compiler, Richard Haines... Camden, N. J., S. Chew & sons co., printers, 1902. 1 p 1., 456 p. front., pi., port., facsim. 26%cm. [L.C. 2-11124] HAITI. West Indies Isl. betw. Cuba and Porto Rico, containing republics of Haiti and San Domingo. Alba, [Maria del Rosario (Falco y Osorio) Fitz James] 9. duqueta de Berwick y 16. duquesa de, 1854 Nuevos autografos de Cristobal Colon y relaciones de ultramar. [For detail see same title under subject, Columbus, Chr.j Hale, William Bayard. The disorder in Haiti. Indep 54(1902)1180-3. port, i- Heraux, Auguste A. IlCpubliqin- d' Haiti. Lois ct tarifs relatifs aux douanes de la republlque; recuell con- tenant toutes les lots constituent la legislation douaniere de la rfipublique, classics et pub... Port-au- Prince, A.A.Heraux, 1896. 152 p. 24cm. [L.C. Agr 3-320-1] Poujol.A. De la nationality dans la repnblique d'Halti. Rev Gen de Drolt Intermit Public 9(1902)591-623. HALE, Edward Everett (b.1822). Boston Unitarian clergyman, writer. D r. Edward Everett Hale. World's Work, 4(1902)2040, port. p. 2025. Edward Everett Hale. Ohaut 35(1902)120. port. Hale, Edward Everett. Memories of a hundred years. Outl 70(1902)31-47,549-61,840-52; 71.70-80,404-14, 620-30,863-75; 72.78-91,301-14, ill., port., facs. 88 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1802. Hale, Edward Everett. Memories of a hundred years... New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. 2 v. front., ill., port., faca. 21cm. [Rev.ln:Am Hist R 9(1903)184-6(H. V.Ames) "part of the remembering ... by proxy. . .succession of reminiscences of anecdotal character. . .much to be desired in the accuracy of its historical details. . .too often. . .Tlolent prejudices ... little continuity .. .peculiar charm ...from the delightful personality of the author"; Nation 76(1903)74-5 "should not be taken too seri- ously... no definite information. . .are. . .slap-dash reminiscences of an octogenarian of imperfect mem- ory, of violent prejudices and excursive f ancy ... provide a fond of entertainment"; Dial 33(1902)319-22 (P.F.Blcknell) "writer's own personality lends it its peculiar Interest and charm." L.C. 2-27220] HALE, Nathan (1755-76). Conn, officer in Am. Revolution. Logan, Walter S. Courage of Nathan Hale. Spirit of '76 (1902)36-37. Partridge, William Ordway. Nathan Hale, the ideal patriot; a study of character; with views of th author's statue of Nathan Hale, portraits of Half's contemporaries and of kindred characters; also three drawings by W. R. Leigh, together with an introduction by George Gary EgglestSn. New York and London.. Funk & Wagnalls co., 1902. 134 p. incl. facs. front., pi., port. 19V&cm. LRev.in:Am Hist R S(1902)175(V.H.Paltslt8) "bombastic eulogy. . .from Stuart's life of Hale, 1856, and [its] numerous er- rors... has added a medley of others. ..a freak among American biographies"; Oulf Mag 1(1902)233-4 "not so much for a biography, as a study In patriotic purpose. . .ought. . .to have carefully avoided r- ror[s] of fact." L.C. 2-10026] HALE family. [Smith, Elizabeth Hale]. Descendants of Major Samuel Hale. Cambridge [Mass.] The Riverside press, 1902. v, 117, [1] p. 17%cm. [Rev.ln:N E Reg 56(1902)413(F.W.Parke) "genealogy in the strictest sense .... index is unusually complete ... list of 'Reference Books.' " L.C. 2-17874] HALIFAX, Mass. Hamlet of Plymouth Co. in Halifax township 9 m. N.W. of Plymouth. Hammond, Elizabeth Penn. Halifax, Mass., vital records. Mayll Desc 3(1901)30-2,157-9; 4.20-2. HALL, Amos (b.1761). N. Y. officer in Am. Revolution. H a 1 1, A. Militia service of 1813-1814. As shown by the correspondence and general orders of Major General Amos Hall. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)27-62. HALL, Henry Edward (b.1831). Mass. Unitarian clergyman and writer. Edward Henry Hall, D. D. Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)335-6. HALL, John (1829-98). N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman and writer. Hall, Thomas C[uming]. John Hall, pastor and preacher; a biography. London, Hodder and Stoughton [1902] 341 p. front., pi., port., tacs. 21%cm. [L.C. 3-7191] HALL, Lyman (1724-90). Conn, signer of Declaration of Independence. L y m a n Hall (note). S C Hist Mag 3(1902)114. HALL family. Coe, Mrs. S[ophia] F[idelia] (Hall). Memoranda relating to the ancestry and family of Sophia Fidelia Hall. Meriden, Conn., Printed by the Curtlss-Way co., 1902. 3 p. 1., 231, iv, ill p. front, (port.) 24cm. [Rev.in:N E Reg 57(1903)228-9(F.W.Parke) "lacks a good index." L.C. 16249] Shepard, James. John Hall of Wallingford, Conn. A monograph. New Britain, Conn., Record press, 1902. 60 p., 1 1. 241,6cm. [Rev.in:N E Reg 57(1903)118(F.W.Parke) "Prepared with special care... many [new] facts." L.C. 3-3187] HALL of Fame. Hall of University of N. Y. commemorating famous Americans. Banks. Louis Albert. ...The story of the Hall of fame, including the lives and portraits of the elect and of those who barely missed election. Also a list of America's most eligible women. New York, The Christian herald, 1902. x, 13-409 p. incl. front., pi., port. pi. 22%cm. [Title and text within green ornamental border. L.C. 2-27724] Smith, Helen Ainslie. One hundred famous Americans, revised to date, with article on "Hall of fame" by Chancellor H. M. MacCracken. [Hall of fame ed.] [For details see same title under subject, Biog- raphy, Am.] HALSEY, Edmund Drake (1840-96). N. J. lawyer, officer in Civil War. Chambers, Theodore Frellnghuysen. Edmund Drake Halsey. N J Hist 3(1902)62-85, port. HAMBLIN. Joseph Elbridge (1828-70). N. Y. Major-General in Civil War. [Hamblin, Deborah]. Brevet Major-General Joseph Eldridge Hamblin, 1861-65. Boston, Privately printed, 1902. 2 p. 1., 60 p. front., ill., (incl. map) pi., port. 22%cm. ["Prepared. . .with the valuable aid of Mrs. Thomas C. Bray, for the historical branch of tbe public library in. . .Yarmouth, Cape Cod, Mass." Pref. (signed Deborah Hamblin) L.C. 3-11781] HAMILTON, Alexander (1757-1804). N. Y. statesman, officer in Am. Rev., first Sec. of Treasury. Atherton, Gertrude. The bunt for Hamilton's mother. No Am 175(1902)229-42. Atherton, Gertrude Franklin. The conqueror; being tbe true and romantic stcry of Alexander Hamilton... >New York, Landon, The Macmillan co., 1902. xiv, 646 p. 20cin. [L.C. 2-8117] F i s k e, John. Alexander Hamilton. Cosmopol 33(1902)603-22, port. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 80 Jenkinson, Isaac. Aaron Burr, bis personal aiid political relations with Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton... [For details see same title under subject, Burr, Aaanni.] HAMMOND, George Albert (1813-1902). Maine. In Memory of George Albert Hammond, Eliot, Maine. Born June 3, 1813. Died January 5, 1902. Printed at Eliot. 8vo. pp. 20. port. HAMMOND, J. H. (1807-64). S. C. journalist, Governor, U. S. senator, writer. J. H. H a m m o n d "Mud-Sill" (letter, 1836). Collect 15(1902)74-5. HAMMOND families. Hammond, Frederick Stain. History and genealogies of the Hammond families in America, with an ac- count of the early history cf the family in Normandy and Great Britain. 1000-1902. V. I. Onelda, N. Y., Ryan & Burkhart, printers, 1902. front., pi., port. 23!cm. [Rev.in:Old Northw Q 6(1903)43 "well arranged. . .good indexes. . .illus. . .good work." L.C. 2-22724] H AMP DEN County, Mass. County in S.W. part of state. Copeland. Alfred Minot. "Our county and its people;" a history of Hampden county, Massachusetts... [Boston] The Century memorial publishing company, 1902. 3 v. ill. 26cm. [L.C. 2-25938] HAMPTON, Wade (1818-1902). 8. C. statesman, U. 8. senator, Confederate General. D u B o s e, William Porcher. Wade Hampton. Sewanee 10(1902)364-8. R a m a g e, B. J. Wade Hampton. Sewanee 10(1902)368-73. HAMPTON Normal and Agricultural Institute. School for Negroes and Indians at Hampton, Va,, est. 1868. C o o 1 e y, Jr., Leroy C. The all-around training of the Hampton cadet. South Work 30(1901)493-500, ill. F r i s s e 1 1, H. B. Thirty-third annual report of the principal of Hampton Institute. South Work 30 (1901)279-93. L u d 1 o w, Helen W. The girls' half of Hampton Institute. South Work 30(1901)763-70, ill. HAMPTON, Va. Capital of Elizabeth City Co. 15 m. N.N.W. of Norfolk. Hampton town: first feoffees (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)282. HANCOCK, John (1737-93). First Gov. of Mass., signer of the Declaration of Independence. Harrison and Ansley, of London, to John Hancock [1770]. Bost Bull 7(1902)391-2. H a y 1 e y and Hopkins, of London, to John Hancock [1770]. Bost Bull 7(1902)387-91. HAND, Clifford Augustus (1830-1901). N. Y. lawyer. Clifford Augustus Hand (obituary). N Y Roe 33(1902)53-4. HANFORD, Cal. Village of Tulare Co., Cal. Q o o d r 1 c h, F. M. Kings county and Hanford. Out West 17(1902)637-44, ill. HAWKINS, William Stewart (1837-1865). Confederate officer and poet. Beaumont, Henry Francis. From behind prison tars. Confed Vet 10(1001-2)413-5, port. HANNA, Hugh H. (b.1848). Indiana manufacturer, philanthropist and financial expert. M r. H u g h H. Hanna. World's Work 3(1901-2)1967-70, port. HANNA, Marcus Alonzo (b.1837). Ohio capitalist and politician, IT. 8. senator. R a 1 p h, Julian. Marcus Alonzo Hanna. Cosmopol o3(1902) 153-7, port. Senator Marcus A. Hanna. World's Work 3(1901-2)1689, port. only. HAN8COM, A. J. Neb. journalist. F u r n a s, R. W. A. J. Hanscom. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)59. HANSON'S Mill. A fortified place near Fort Minis at time of Indian massacre. H a 1 b e r t, Henry S. Ensign Isaac W. Davis and Hanson's Mill. Gulf Mag 1(1902)151. HARDING, William B. (1840-1900). Worcester lawyer, officer in Civil War. William B. Harding (obituary). Wor Sec Ant 17(1900)299. HARDINGE, Henry (b.1785). British officer served in Canada. S i r Henry Hardinge. Rech Hist 8(1902)370-2. HARDY, Anthony Colby (1828-1902). N. H. Methodist clergyman. Rev. Anthony C. Hardy. Granite M 33(1902)257-58. HARDY family. W a r d, C. Some old letters. Acad 2(1902)170-8.'!. HARDYMAN family. Hardyman family. Win M Q 11(1902)47-9. HARLAKENDEN family. The royal descent of Mabel Harlakenden. N E Reg 56(1902)40-1. T a 1 c o 1 1, Mary K. Harlakenden (note). N E Reg 56(1902)319-20. HARLAN, Andrew J. (b.1815). Western Iwyer and politician. H a r 1 a n, Andrew J. Last survivor of a great Congress (1&S1). Nat'l M (Bost) 15(1901-2)625-31, port. 90 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. HASLEM (N.Y.). Revolutionary battle, Sept. 16, 1776. H a y d e n, Joeiah (letter). The battle of Harlem. Collect 15(1902)129-30. HARLESTON family. Jervey, Theodore D. The Harlestons. S C Hist Mag 3(1902)150-73 [coat-of-anns] ; 243-4. HARMON, Johnson (fl.1724). Mass, colonial officer, Indian fighter. Father Ralle's scalp. Am Cath Res 19(1902)12-13. HARPSWELL, He. Township of Cumberland Co. 14 m. . of Portland. Putnam, Eben. Genealogical records of the town of Harpswell, Cumberland Co., Me. Gen Q M 3(1902) 19-25,71-81,161-60. HAERISBUEG, Pa. City, capital of Pennsylvania, 106 m. W. by N. of Philadelphia. M c F a r 1 a u d, J. Horace. The awakening of a city. World's Work 3(1901-2)1930-2. HARBISON, Benjamin (1726-91). Ya. Governor, signer Declaration of Independence. Hoss, Mary. The will of Benjamin Harrison, the Signer (note). Va Mag 10(1902)103-4. HARRISON, Benjamin (1833-1901). Ind. lawyer, 83d President U. S. T h o r n t o n, W. W. Benj. Harrison, as lawyer and orator, with portrait. Green Bag 14 (1902) 49 (F). White, William Allen. Harrison [Benj.]. Cosmopol 32(1901-2)489-96, port. HARRISON, William Henry (1773-1841). 9th President V. S. Archbishop Eccleston and the funeral of President William Henry Harrison In 1841. Am Cath Res 19(1902)178. C o r w 1 n, Thomas. [Letter] from Thomas Corwin [1840]. Bost Bull 7(1902)274. HART, Joel T. (1810-77). Ky. sculptor. [Price, S. W.] Joel T. Halt. Filson Club Pub 17(1902)145-81. HART family. John Hart, of Marblehead, shipwright. Gen Q M 3(1902)57-70. HARTE, F. Bret (1836-1902). American writer. B o y d, Mary Stuart. Some letters of Bret Harte. Harper 105(1902)773-6. Bret Harte. Acad 62(1902)484. Bret Harte. Dial 32(1902)337-8. Bret Harte. Nation 74(1902)502-3. A brief sketch and a bibliography of Bret Harte. The Book-lover, 3(1902)uo.3. Brooks, Noah. Biographical and critical sketch: Bret Harte. Overland n s 40(1902)201 (S). . Chesterton, G. K. Bret Harte. Pall Mall M 27(1902)428(J1). The death of many notable men. World's Work 4(1902)2143-4, port.p.2134. M e r w i n, H. C. Bret Harte. Atlan 90(1902)260-8. M u r d o c k, C. A. Bret Harte in Humboldt. Overland n s 40(1902)301(S). North, Ernest Dressel. Check list of first editions of Bret Harte's books. Bk-Buyer 25(1902-3)257. Reminiscences of Bret Harte. Overland n s 40(1902)220(S). Strachey, Lionel. Bret Harte. Critic 40(1902)557-8. Two American novelists. R of Rs 25(1902)698-9, port. Watts-Duuton, T. Bret Harte. Ath '02,l(1902)659(My24). HARTFORD, Conn. City, capital of Connecticut, 112 m. N.E. from New York. McNamar, J. B. Official souvenir and program of Monument First Connecticut heavy artillery and dedi- catory exercises held on State Capitol grounds, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 25, 1902. Hartford, Conn., R.S. Peck & Co., 1902. pp. 143 1-130. 111. HARTFORD convention. Adams, John. [Letter] to William Plumer [1814]. Bost Bull 6(1902)342-4. HARTFORD, Vt. Village in Hartford township, Windsor Co., 60 m. S. of Montpelier. Cone, Kate Morris. The Revolutionary history of a Vermont town. Gen Q M 3(1902)115-42. Cone, Kate Morris. The Revolutionary history of a Vermont town. Vt Ant 1(1902)1-28. HARTS VILLE (Tenn.). Civil War action, Dec. 7, 1862. Scott, John O. Aftermath of Hartsville. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)29-30, port. HARVARD, John (1607-38). Mass, clergyman, founder of Harvard college. T h a y e r, William Roscoe. John Harvard and the early college. New Eng M 25(1901-2)131-46, ill. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Univ. at Cambridge, Mass., fd. 1636. Batchelder, Samuel F. Old times at the law school. Atlan 90(1902)042-55. Brown, Francis H. Harvard University in the war of 1861-1865. Harv Grad M 10(1901-2)402-13. Creighton, Mandell. Creighton, Louise, ed. Historical essays and reviews. London & N. Y., Longmans, 1902. pp. 7+356. [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)734-6(G.M. Wrong) "personal experience ... Harvard ... two hundred and fiftieth anniversary ... representing John Harvard's college, Emmanuel, Cambridge."] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 91 The first Intercollegiate Regatta, August 3, 1852, commemorated December 10, 1902, at the University club, New York. pp. 23. ill. F r a n c k e, Kuno. Deutsche Cultur in den Vereinlgten Staaten und das germanische Museum der Har- vard-UniTersitfit. Deutsche Rundschau 111(1902)127-45. Five Harvard ambassadors. Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)198-200, port. G a r d i n e r, J. H. The Harvard Cooperative Society. Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)36-9. Hart, Albert Bushnell. The University. Ten years of Harvard. Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)58-89, ill. Hall, F. G., Little, . R., and Eliot, H. W. jr., eds. Harvard celebrities. Cambridge, Mass., Univ. Press (Camb.), 1902. ill. Higginion, Henry Lee. Four addresses, by Henry Le Higgiuson. The soldiers' field: The Harvard union I: The Harvard union II: Robert GouM Shaw. Boston, D.B.Updike, 1902. 3 p. 1., 106, [1] p., 1 1. port. 20 x 12cm. ["A limited edition of one hundred and fifty copies of this bock was printed on Japan vel- lum, by D.B.Updike, The Merrymount press, Boston, in Juno, 1902." This copy not numbered. Rev.in: Nation 75(1902)284 "Harvard men above all will prize both for the text and. . .portrait [s]." L.C.2-18465] M u 1 1 i k e n, Sarah E. Harvard on the eve of the Revolution. Harv Grad M 10(1901-2)375-81,529-35. R a n t o u 1, Robert S. Where Harvard College might have been. Harv Grud M 11(1902-3)211-17. Rose, Pierre la. The Signet. [Harvard student society.] Harv Grad M 10(1901-2)513-7, ill. Smith, Fitz-Henry. Were Burgoyne's officers quartered on the college? Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)50-6. T h a y e r, William Roscoe. John Harvard and the early college. New Eng M 25(1901-2)131-46, ill. Topics from the president's report. Harv Grad M 10(1901-2)366-73. HARVEL, John (fl.1630). Va. Governor. Virginia in 1637. Harvey's second administration. Va Mag 9(1902)267-72,407-10. HARVEY, Mosei (1880-1901). Newfoundland minister, scientist, writer. Pilot, William. Rev. Moses Harvey, LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.G.S. N E Reg 56 Suppl (1902)lxvl-lxvii. HARVIE family. Roller, Robt. Douglas. Genealogy of Mrs. Virginia Harvie Patrick. W Va Mag 2.4(1902)43-57. HARWICH, Mass. Village of Barnitable Co. in Harwich township 84 m. S.E. of Boston. Bowman, George Ernest. Harwich, Mass., vital records. Mayfl Desc 3(1801)174-6; 4.176-9,207-10. HARWOOD family. Harwood of King and Queen. Wm M Q 10(1902)198-200. HASSAM family. Hatsam, John T. The Hassam family. Boston, privately printed, 1902. pp. 11. 80. HAT industry. Manufacture of and trade in hats. I v e s, J. Moss. Connecticut in the manufacturing world. Conn Mag 7(1902)627-46, ill. HATHORNE family. Hathorne-Helwise (note). N E Reg 56(1902)409. Smith, J. C. C. Hathorne- Whistler (note). N E Reg 56(1902)204. HAVANA. Capital city of Cuba, on northwest coast. Havana. Nation 74(1902)87-8. HAW An. Group of islands in Pacific 8100 m. from U. S., annexed 1898. A u s 1 1 n, O. P. Our trade with Hawaii and Porto Rico. Ann Am Acad Pol Sci 19(1902)377-82. Brig-ham, William T[ufts]. Stone implements and stoue work of the ancient Hawaiians... Honolulu, Bishop museum press, 1902. iv, 5-100 p., 3 1. pi. 31 x 25cm. (Bernice Pauahi Bishop museum of Poly- nesian ethnology and natural history. Memoirs, v. 1, no. 4) [Rev.iu:Nation 75(1902)152-3 'text is en- livened by. . .reminiscences. . .of native customs and... rale.' L.C. 3-4686] Dole, Sanford B. Report of the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii to the Secretary of the Interior, 1902. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1902. pp. 61. E 1 k i n, W. B. An inquiry into the causes of the decrease of the Hawaiian people. Am J Sociol 8 (1902)398-411. Jordan, David Starr. On certain problems of democracy in Hawaii. Out West 16(1902)25-32,139-49, ill. M c L o u g h 1 i n, T. P. Hawaiian Islands. Cath World 74(1902)713(Mr). M a x e y, Edwin. Three years in Hawaii. World's Work 4(1902)2116-7. * Stead, Alfred. Hawaii and American annexation. Sat R 93(1902)367-S. T r i c o c h e, G. N. Hawa'i amgricaine. Rev Franc Nov(1902). HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel U804-64). Mass, novelist. B o w e n, Edwin W. Nathaniel Hawthorne as romancer. Meth R South, 51(1902)483-99. D e s m o n d, M. E. Associations of Hawthorne. Salem, Mass. Cath World 74(1902)455(Ja). More, Paul Elmer. The origins of Hawthorne and Poe. Indep 54(1902)2453-60, ill., port. Stoddard, Richard Henry. Reminiscences of Hawthorn and Poe. Indep 54(1902)2756-8, ill., port. Woodberry, George E[dward]. ...Nathaniel Hawthorne. Boston and New York, Honghton, Mlfflln and 92 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. company, 1902. iv p., 1 1., 302 p., 1 1. front, (port.) 18cm. (American men of letters) [Rev.ln:Na- tlon 75(1902)404-5 "Readable and valuable book ndmirably arranged. . .infused with a critical spirit... rather severe [on] the man... clear firm... not dogmatic. . .[on] his work." L.C. 2-22284] HAWXHURST family. Miller, Robert B. Hawzhurst family. N Y Rec 32(1901)172-6,221-4; 33(1902)24-7. HAY, John (b.1838). Secretary of State, writer. Adams, Brooks. John Hay. McClure 19(1902)173-82, port. John Hay, LL.D. Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)339-41. HAY-PAUNCEFOTE treaty, of Nov. 18,1901. Anglo-Am, treaty respecting Panama Canal. The Hay-Pauncefote treaty (Interoceanic canal). Pall Mall M 26(1902)337(Mr). HAYES, N. C. Estate on Roanoke R. owned by Gov. Sam. Johnston. D i 1 1 a r d, Richard. Hayes and its builder. N C Bockl 2.8(1902)32-9. HAYWARD, Nicholas (fl.1652). London merchant. Nicholas Hayward to Nathaniel Pope (letter). Va Mag 9(1902)332-3. HAZLETINE, John (1702-77). Mass, and Vermont pioneer, patriot, officer in French and Indian War. Chenoweth, Mrs. C. Van D. An undistinguished citizen. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)14-31. HAZLEWOOD, John (ab. 1726-1800). Commodore of Penn. navy in Am. Revolution. L e a c h, J. G. Commodore John Hazlewood, commander of the Penn. navy in the Rev. Penn Mag 26 (1902)1-6, port. HEARST, William Randolph (fl.1802). N. Y. journaist, Congressman. B r 1 s b a n e, Arthur. William Randolph Hearst. Cosmopol 33(1902)48-51, port. HEATH, William (1737-1814). Mass. General in Am. Revolution, State senator. Address of Massachusetts regiments to Major-General William Heath [1779]. Bost Bull 7(1902)24-9. HECKER, Isaac Thomas (1819-88). N. Y. Catholic priest, founder of order of Paulist Fathers 1858. Russell, E. Harlow. A bit of unpublished correspondence between Henry D. Thoreau and Isaac T. Hecker. Am Antiq Soc N S 16 1(1902)58-69. HELWISE family. Hathorne-Helwise (note). N E Ret; 56(1902)409. HEMBERLE, Eduard (fl. 1867-1902). German-Am, civil engineer, writer. H e m b e r 1 e, Eduard. Erlebnisse nnd Beobachtungen eines deutschen Ingenleura in den Verelnlgten Staaten, 1867-1885. Deutsch-Am G 2.1(1902)15-24,2.2,10-19,2.3,21-31,2.4,12-21. HEMPHILL, W. A. (1842-1902). Ga. Confederate officer and journalist. Col. W. A. Hemphill. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)373-4, port. HEKFSTEAD, N. Y. Town on Long Island 20 m. E. of Brooklyn. Hicks, Benjamin D. Records of the towns of North and South Hempstead, L. I. rol.v. 1902. pp. 547. So., cloth. HENDERSON, David Bremner (b.1840). la. Congressman, Speaker of the House. Richards, Julian W. Speaker Henderson and his critics. Indep 54(1902)677-9. HENDERSON family. Miller, Joseph Lyon. Ancestry and descendants of Lieut. John Henderson, of Greenbrier county, Virginia. 1650-1900... Richmond, Va., Whlttet & Shepperson, printers, 1902. 37 p. front. 23%cm. [Rev.ln: Va Mag 10(1902)221 "full and interesting. . .thoroughly good example of proper genealogical work." L.C. 2-18023] HENRY, Patrick (1736-99). Va. Governor, signer of the Declaration of Independence. C a b e 1 1, J. Alston. Patrick Henry. Branch Pap No. 2(1902)88-99. Letters from Joseph Martin to Patrick Henry. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)28-32. HENRY, Prince of Prussia (b.1862). Beck, Carl. Der commers alter deutscber studenten in Amerika zu ehren des Prlnzen Heinrlch in New York. Am Germ 4(1902)342-9. Evans, Robley D. Prince Henry's American impressions. McClure 19(1902)27-37. General programme and itinerary of the visit of his royal highness Prince Henry of Prussia Saturday, February 22, to Tuesday, March 11, 1902. pp8. Laverrenz, Viktor, Prinz Helnrlchs Amerika-f ahrt ; darstfllung der relse des Hohenzollern-admlrals; schil- derung von land und leuten und Interessante episoden aus der geschlchte der Verelnigten Staaten; eln gedenkbuch fflr Jung und alt... Berlin, H.F.Meldlnger [1902?] 257, [2] p. ill. (incl. port.) 8 pi. (Incl. front.) 24cm. [L.C. 3-30948] Prince Admiral Henry, of Prussia, in the D. S. Pall Mall M 27 (1902) 81 (My). Prince Henry's visit. Harv Grad M 10(1901-2)566-73, port. P u t n a m, F. Prince Admiral Henry, of Prussia, In the U. S. Nat'l M(Bost)16(1902)62(Ap). R e 1 n c h, Paul 8. Prince Henry'* visit. Forum 33(1902)207-12. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 83 HENRY COUNTY, Va. Southern border Co. of Va. B r y a n t, C. B. Henry County from ils formation in 177i5 to the eud of the Eighteenth Century, et seq. Va Mag 9(1902)262-6,415-21; 10.72-4,139-44. HENSHAW, David (1791-1858). Mass. Secretary of Navy, writer. Chandler, John. [letter] to David Henshaw [18281- Boat Bull 7(1902)263. HERALDRY. Matters relating to the bearing of ooats of arras. American Heraldrio Journal, The. An (-clootie quarterly magazine. Columbus, O., v.2, 1902. A p p 1 e t o n, Willium S. Heraldry In America. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)163-8. C r a in, R. A. Heraldry of the American church. Am Herald J 2(1902)7-28. HERNDON family. Hern don, John W. A genealogy of the Herndoii family. Va Mag 9(1902)318-22,439-41; 10.90-2,200-1. HERRIOT, FrSderic-Georga (1766-1843). Canadian general, founder of Drummondville. Saiu-Amant, J. C. L'Hon. Frederic-George Herrlot. Rech Hist 8(1902)171-4. HERRON, Francis (b.1838). Iowa Brigadier-General in Civil War. Francis J. Herrou. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)395-6. HERSEY, Alfred Henry (1841-1901). Boston bibliophile, genealogist. B u 1 1 a r d, George Barrett. Alfred Henry Hersey. N E Reg 56 Suppl(1902)lxx-lxxi. HESSIANS. German soldiers hired by British in the Revolutionary War. L c a r n e d, M. D. Intro, to "Tagebueh des Capt. Wiederholdt." Am Germ 4(1902)iii-xvii. Popp, [Stephan]. Popp's Journal, 1777-1783. [For details see same title under subject, Am. Rev.] HEWITT, Abraham Stevens (1822-1903). N. Y. Congressman, Mayor N. Y. T i t h e r i n g t o n, R. H. Abraham Stevens Hewitt. MUUSC.V 28U902)393(D). HEYDEN, Thomas (1798-1870). Philadelphia Catholic priest, scholar. Very Rev. Thomas Heyden. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)56,123, port. HEYDENFELDT, Solomon (1816-90). Ala. and Cal. lawyer. F r 1 e d e n b e r g, A. M. Solomon Heydenfeldt: A Jewish jurist of Alabama and California. Pub Amer Jew Hist Soc 10(1902)129-40. HIAWATHA (late 16th cent.) Indian. Founder of Confederacy of the Five Nations. H e n n i n g, Charles L-. Hiawatha and the Ouondaga Indians. Open Court 16(1902)459-66,550-8, port. HICKMAN family. H 5 c k m a n (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)204 5. HICKS family. Hicks family. Win M Q 11(1902)130-1. HIGGINSON, Nathanael fb.1652). N. E. Governor of Madras. S t e i n e r, Bernard C. Two New England rulers of Madras. So Atlantic Q 1(1902)209-23. HIGGINSON, Thomas Wentworth (b.1823). Mass, clergyman, writer. Jackson, Abraham Willard. Col. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. New Eng M 25(1901-2)447-63, port. "HIGH JUSTICE." Right of prosecution of capital crimes. B 6 d a r d, T. P. La "haute justice" et nos seigneurs. Rech Hist 8(1902)286. HILL, James Jerome (b.1838). Minn. R. R. president. G 1 e e d, Charles S. James Jerome Hill. Cosmop 33(1902)169-72, port. HILL, Mary 8. ( (1,1902). "Florence Nightingale of the army of Northern Va." Confederate nurse. Miss Mary S. Hill. Confed Vet 10(1902)124, port. HILL family. K e e f e, Fr. The early Hills of Eliot. Old Eliot 5(1902)62-76. Noted family of the Confederate War. Confed Vet 10(1902)201, port. HILLS family. Hills Family Genealogical and Historical Association. Incorporated July 0. 1894. Seventh report of the directors. 8 vo. pp. 16: 4; 4. Hills, William Sanford. Genealogical data relating to the ancestry and descendants of William Hills, the English emigrant to New England in 1632 and of Joseph Hills, the English emigrant to New England in 1638; ed. by Thomas Hills... Boston, Press of A.Mudge & son 1.1902] 148 p. 22%cm. [Rev.in:N E Reg 57(1903)118-9(F.W.Parke) "Reflects great credit"; N Y Rec 34(1903)73 "Excellent. . .index." L.C. 3-17720] HIN8DALE, Mass. Village of Hinsdale township, Berkshire Co., 8 m. E. of Fittsfield. Hinsdale. Vital records to the year 1850 ... Boston, 1902. 98 p. 23%cm. (New- England historic genea- logical society. [Vital records of the towns of Massachusetts]) [Ed. by Henry Ernest Woods. L.C. 3-5254] 94 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. HINTON, John id. 1784). N. C. officer in Am. Revolution. H 1 n t o n, Mary Billiard. Colonel John Hinton. So Atlan Q 1(1002)182-7. HINTON, Richard J. (1830-1901). Kan pioneer, officer in Civil War, writer. C o n n e 1 1 e y, W. E. Col. Richard J. Hiuton. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1001-2 7(1002)486-03. I n Western letters. Col. Richard J. TIint.ii. Out West 16(1002)380, port. HISTORICAL societies. Communication to the Members of the N. Y. Historical Society from the building committee. Feb. 15, 1002. Sq. 80. (ab.7xlO in) [Plans and elecatlons] Connecticutt Historical Society. Annual Report. Hartford, the Society. 1002. D e a t s, H. K. Hunterdon County Historical Society. Jerseym 8(1002)8,23. F 1 o w e r s, R. L. History of the Historical Society of Trinity College. Trinity Arch 15(1002)363-71. F r a n c 1 s, J. [& Klngman, S. A.] Quarter-century celebration. Twenty-fifth anniversary meeting of the Kansas State Historical Society, December 17, 1001. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1001-2 7(1002)182-5. The German American Historical Society. Am Germ 4(1002)207-13. I b e r v 111 e Historical Society. Gulf Mag 1(1002)153-4. Maryland Historical Society. Annual report for the year 1001. Bait. 1002. p. 32. So. New building for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Penn Mag 26(1002)480. The New Haven Colony Historical Society Reports [etc.] 1001. New Haven 1002 p24. So. The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Officers, Committees, By-laws, Members. N. Y. 1002 p43 12o. Organization of the Tennessee Valley Historical Society. Gulf Mag 1(1002)226-7. P a r k e r, B. L. Report of Green Bay Historical Society. Wise Hist Proc '01(1002)63-5. S 1 o a n c, R. R. The Firelands Historical Society. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1002)220-4. The South Carolina Historical Society [notes]. S C Hist Mag 3(1002)67-8,180-01,247-8. Tennessee Historical Society. Am Hist Mag 7(1002)passim. W 1 1 d e r, D. W. Historical Societies in the United States. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1001-2 7(1002)155-61. Note. This subject includes only articles about historical societies, exclusive of their proceedings, etc. For proceedings, publications and the like see under subject. Periodicals. HISTORY (Study, Writing and Teaching). Administrative Report to the Gov. [of Miss.]. By the Commission. Miss Hist P 5(1002)0-47. [Aston, MacKay Bernard]. Correlation of history, geography and literature (to accompany the geographic- historical series) [Denver, Col., Smith-Brooks co., printers] 1002. xii, [13]-31l pp. 20cm. [L.C. 2-6007] B e n n i n g, Anna Caroline. Review of histories used in Southern schools and Southern Homes. Confed Vet 10(1002)650-2, 111. Bourne, Henry E[ldridge]. ...The teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary school... New York, London [etc.] Longmans, Green, and co., 1002. vlii p., 1 1., 385 p. 20Vicm. (American teachers series) [Bibliography at head of chapters. Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1003)516-7(Max. Farrand) "is the... best book upon the teaching of history ... sanity of Judgment and catholicity of view command. . .confidence. . .omissions are regrettable. . .as a whole has been well done"; Nation 75(1002)55 "Most elaborate ... and most important of... recent works on historical "method" ... clear, concise and eminently sensible"; Dial 33(1002)124 "much needed... of direct practical usefulness ... syllabi and... bibliographies." L.C. 2-13007] B o y d, William Kenneth. Southern history in American universities. So Atlantic Q 1(1002)238-46. Boyer, Charles C[linton]. General history way marks; a special text designed to direct the lesson-memory and thought-connections of general history students... Philadelphia & London, J.B.Llppincott company, 1002. 103 p. 10cm. [51.Men.in:Dial 34(1903)03 "sort of syllabus of universal history, 'designed to di- rect the lesson-memory and thought-c-onnections' of students." L.C. 2-29824] Development of historical work in Mississippi. South Hist A Pub 6Q002)335-40. D o d d, Wm. E. The status of history in Southern education. Nation 75(1002)109-11,140-50. G a n o n g, W. F. On the use and value of historical museums. Acad 2(1902)131-5. Historical sources in schools; Report to the New England History Teachers' Association by a select com- mittee. N. Y., Macmillan, 1002. pp. 0+299. [Rev.in: Nation 75(1002)267 "Painstaking and valuable re- port. . .bibliographies. . .better than. . .critical notes. . .shortcomings. . .slight. . .judicious division of sub- ject-matter"; Am Hist R 8(1902)156 "list of accessible sources. . .valuable comments on the character and usefulness of the material."] How a young man built up history in Mississippi. So Atlan Q 1(1002)372-7. Hutton, Thomas B. American history outlines. For teachers and high school students in reviewing United States history... [Sac City, la., Press of The Sac sun] 1002. 53 p. 17 x 13cm. [L.C. 2-17530] J o n e s, J. William. Study of history In Southern schools, colleges and universities. In Picayune. New Orleans, La. Aug. 3, 1002. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 98 Kemp, Ell wood Wads-worth. History for graded and district schools... Boston and London, Glnn & com- pany, 1902. xlv, 537 p. 19cm. ["References" at end of each chanter. Rev.in:Natlon 76(1903)93 "be- ginning in a very simple strain. . .advances. . .until. . .It addresses minds of considerable maturity. . .effort ...to present. . .unity of history. . .Ingenious experiment"; Dial 34(1903)94 "text-book. . .for historical teaching during the first eight years of school life... an interesting experiment." L.C. 2-26357] K n 1 g h t, G. W. What the teacher of American history should be and do. School R 10(1902)208(Mr). Lamed, J. N. The literature of American history. A bibliographical guide In which the scope, character, and comparative worth of books in selected lists are set forth In brief notes by critics of authority... Edited for the American library association. Boston, Pub. for the American library association by Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1902. 1 p. 1., Ix, 596 p., 1 1. (incl. 8 p. book advertisements, at end) 25cm. (American library association annotated lists) [4145 titles, closely classified under six main heads: I. Sources. II. America at large. III. The United States. IV. The United States by sections. V. Canada. VI. Spanish and Portuguese America and the West Indies. Appendix: Books suggested for a good school library, for a town library, for a good working library; by Edward Chaaning, p. 463-471. "List of con- tributors": p. Ix. "List of publishers"; p. 473-477. Author and subject Index: p. 479-588. Rev.ln:Am Hist R 8(1902)171-3 "annotations. . .are conscientious. . .comments are of value ... slight errors. . .Include but f ew ... books ... since 1899. . .Index. . .ample. . .made with accuracy, Intelligence and skill'; Nation 75 (1902)193 "Many first-rate works. . .omitted. . .failure to s?lect best editions. . .poor conception of... a bibliographical note. . .index"; Hist Pub Canad '02.7(1903)203-9 "Canadian section ... falls far short of the ... Intention of the originator of the volume. . .selection of the books. . .haphazard and slipshod ... re- view notes... unequal... welcome addition to the bibliographical aids"; Dial 33(1902)212-3(F.H.Hoader) "problem of classification is for the most part well solved. . .notwithstanding some Inequality and occa- sional inaccuracy. . .as a whole will be indispensable"; South Hist A Pub 6(1902)517-20 "annotations taken as a whale are critical, Impartial and eminently satisfactory. . .notes [often]... a positive addition to knowledge ... most excellent Index." L.C.2-15885*Cancel] ...Literature of American history- Supplement for 1900 and 1901; ed. by Philip P. Wells. Boston, Pub. for the American library association by Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1902. 3 p. 1., 37, [1] p. 25cm. (Amer- ican library association annotated lists) [An author alphabet; titles numbered 4146 to 4333. Rev.ln: Nation 76(1903)11 "thin "Supplement. . .condens[es] .. .some authoritlve review. . .safer mode of proced- ure than. . .first-hand collaboration"; Dial 34(1903)91-2 "comments upon 186 books. . .titles. . .thrown Into one alphabet. . .condensation is well done. . .useful adjunct." 3-727] Lawler, Thomas Bonaventure. Essentials of American history... Boston, Ginn & company, 1902. v. 420 p. front., 111., port., map. 19cm [L.C. 2-20874] Lewis, Jesse. A topical analysis of American history and government, with library references for teachers and pupils. Chicago, New York, A.FIauagan company [1902] 185 p. 18cm. [Books referred to In this manual: p. 183-184. Books recommended for a reference library In American history: p. 185 L.C. 2-26373] Merlwether, C. The study of history In the South. Nation 75(1902)149. A plea for better pioneer history. Am Ant 24(1902)48-51, 111., port. Price, Thomas R. The study of history In the South. Nation 75(1902)149. Riggs. Sara M[ay], Studies in United States history; a guide for the use of students and teachers. Bos- ton, Glnn & company, 1902. xlli, 173 p. 19cm. ["References for the study of American history": p. vl-T. 51. Men. in: Am Hist R 8(1903)402 "carefully prepared. . .references are helpful ... Introductory bibli- ography could be much Improved"; 41.Men.ln:Dial 23(1902)168 "syllabus of classified topics, with many references." L.C. 2-19282] Rosengarten, J. G. United States History: American history from German sources. Lipplnc 70 (1902)437(0). Beligman, Edwin R[obert] A[nderson]. The economic Interpretation of history... New York, The Colum- bia university press, The Macmillan company, agents; London, Macmillau Sc. co., ltd., 1902. Ir, 166 p. 20cm. ["The present work Is substantially a reproduction, with some alterations, additions and rear- rangements, of the articles that appeared in volumes XVI and XVII of the Political science quarterly." Prefatory note. Rev.ln :Nation 76(1903)441-3 "notable reflection of the progress of scientific Inter- est..." L.C. 2-18437] Smith, Harlan I. Methods of collecting anthropologic material. Wls Arch 1(1901-2)89-2. The status of history In the South (note). South Hist A Pub 6(1902)1924. Stephens, H. Morse. Some living American historians. World's Work 4(1902)2316-27, port. HITCHCOCK, Henry (1829-1902). Mo. lawyer, officer in Civil War. Memorial. Henry Hitchcock, 1829-1902. Saint Louis, [Gottschalk printing co.] 1902. 36 p. front, (port.) 23i/icm. [Privately printed. Proceedings at a meeting of lawyers, held lu the court room of the Circuit court of the United States, at St. Louis, Mo., on the 22d day of March, 1902. L.C. 3-3182] HOADLY. Charles Jeremy (1828-1900). Carlton, W[illiam] N[ewnham] Chattin. Charles Jeremy Hoadly, I.L. D. A memoir. [Hartford? Conn.] 1902. 54 p. 2 port. 24cm. (Acorn club, Conn. Publications, no. 8) ["Bibliography": p. [40]-M. No. 102 of an edition limited to 102 copies. L.C. 2-21606] 06 WHITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. HOBKIRK'S Hill (S.C.). Revolutionary battle, Anrii 25, 1781. Gunby, A[ndrew] A[ugustus], Colonel John Guuby of the Maryland line. [For details see same title un- der subject, Gunby, John.] HOBOKEN, N. J. Town of Hudson Co. on Hudson opposite N. Y. city. Van Winkle, Daniel. Old Bergen; history and reminiscences with maps and illustrations. [For details see same title under subject, Bergen Co., N. J.] HOBSON family. Bacon-Hobson (note). Wm M Q 11(1902)74-5. HODGE, Orlando John (b.1826). H[odge], 0[rlando] J[ohn], Reminiscences. Cleveland, O., The Imperial press, 1902. 247 p. 18cm. [Cover-title: Memoriae. L.C. 2-24582] HOE, Robert (b.1839). N. Y. manufacturer, inventor. Bridge, James H. Robert Hoe. Cosmopol 34(1902-3)85-8. port. HOFFMAN, Eugono Augustus(1829-1902). N. Y. Dean of General Theological Seminary, philanthropist, writer. Russell, Francis T. Reminiscences of... Dean Hoffman. N Y Rec 33 1 1002)193-200, port. , Obituary. N Y Rec 33(1902)250-1. HOGAN, John B. (1829-1901). Pros, of Divinity College of the Cath. Univ. of America, writer. Very Rev. John B. Hogan, S.S. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)55-6,122, port. HOLDEN, Horace (b.1811). Oregon pioneer. L y in a n, II. S. Recollections of Horace Hotdeu. Oreg Q 3(1902)104-217. HOLDEN, Serena (1810-92). Norfolk, Va., school teacher. Miss Serena Holden and her school. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)69-72. HOLIDAYS. Days of freedom from usual occupations. L o o m 1 s, Charles Battell. New Year's day twenty years ago. Cent 63(1901-2)471-4. T h a y e r, William P. What should our national holidays commemorate? Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15 (1901-2)506-13. HOLLBROOK, Z. Swift. HI., Mass. & 0. Congregational clergyman, editor of Bibliotheea Sacra. Z. Swift Holbrook. Bib Sac 59(1902)216. HOLLY Springs (Miss.). Civil War raid, Dec. 80, 1862. B a r r o n, S. B. Van Dorn at Holly Springs. Confed Vet 10(1902)455-6. HOLMES, Oliver Wendell (1809-94). Mass, physician and writer. B o w e r, B. W. Oliver Wendell Holmes's place in American literature. Meth R South 51(1902)876-89. HOLMES, Oliver Wendell (b.1841). Mass. Justice Supreme Court of U. 8. publicist. Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. World's Work 4(1902)2588. port. only. Holt, George C. The new Justice of the Supreme Court. Indep 54(1902)2361-4. Jones, Leonard A. Oliver Wendell Holmes, the jurist. Am Law R 36(1902)710-22. Morris, George P. Oliver Wendell Holmes jurist and stylist. Indep 54(1902)2058-9. Morris, George Perry. Oliver Wendell Holmes, jurist. R of Rs 26(1902)307-9, port. Post, A. C. Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes. McClu.-e 19(1902)523-4, port. HOLMES family. Bowman, George B. The estates of William Sherman, Jr., cm. [Rev. in: Nation 75(1902) 499 "has neither unity nor completeness. . .acceptable as a collection of lore ... presented in pleasing text and illustrations"; Dial 33(1902)475 "chronologically in part. . .struggles. . .of the. . .settlers. . .narrated Interestingly, in detail." L.C. 2-29423] Ingersoll, Ernest. Rand, McNally & co.'s illustrated guide to the Hudson river and Cut ski 11 mountains. 10th ed. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co., 1902. 245 p. incl. front, pi., fold, map, plan. J7cm. [L.C. 2-19283] Wilton, William Bender. From the Hudson to the Ohio. A region of historic, romantic and scenic inter- est, and other sketches. . . [Philadelphia] Kensington press, 1902. 206 p. incl. ill., pi., port. 24cm. [L.C. 2-19411] HUGUENOTS (in Am.). French Protestants and their descendants. Transaction of the Huguenot Society of South Carolina. Charleston, S. C., 1902. No. 9. pp. 58. paper. Ward, Annie J. The Huguenots. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)142-63. HUMBOLDT Co., Cal. County in the N.W. part of California. Souvenir of Humboldt county; being a frank, fair, and accurate exposition, pictorially and otherwise, of the resources, industries and possibilities of this magnificent section -of California... Eureka, Cal., Printed by the Times publishing co., 1902. 192 p. front, (map) ill., pi. 23 x ^V4, [L.C. 2-18410J HUMOR. Literature intended to produce laughter. T r e n t, W. P. A retrospect of American humor. Cent 63(1901-2)45-64, port. HUMPHREYS, Willard (1867-1902). Princeton Univ. Professor. Young, Clarence H. Willard Humphreys. Columb Q 5(1902)45-7. HUNLEY. Confederate torpedo boat which sank the Housa tonic off Charleston, S. C., Feb. 17, 1864. A 1 e x a n d e r, W. A. The Confederate submarine torpedo boat, Hunley. Gulf Mag 1(1902)81-91. HUNTER family. Bull, Mrs. Mary Alice (Hunter). Record of Hunter of Hunterston Ayrshire, Scotland... Record of Hun- ter of Abbotshill and Park, County Ayr, Scotland... Record of Hunter of Ayrhill, Fairfax County, Vir- ginia... [Washington, D. C., Gibson bro., printers, 1902] 95 p. 19cm. [L.C. 3-2229] HUNTINGTON, Collis Potter (1821-1900). N. Y. capitalist. L., C. F. In Western letters [Collis P. Huntington]. Out West 16(1902)278-81, port. HUNTINGTON, N. Y. Town of Suffolk Co., L. I., 38 m. E. of New York. Jones, John H. Inscriptions taken from the old cemetery at Huntington, Suffolk Co., L. I. 1701-1850. N Y Rec 33(1902)97-100. HURON Indians. French name for Wyandots, Iroquois tribe of Canada, later of Kansas. B 1 al r, E.-H. Les Hurons en Tartarie. Rech Hist 8(1902)90. H u n t e r, A. F. Notes on sites of Huron Tillages In ... Medonte, Simcoe Co. Ontario An Arch Rept 1901 (1902)56-100. HUSSEY, Abbe (fl.1780). Catholic Bishop. Jay, John. Abb6 Hussey, Spanish chaplain in London, visits Madrid with the secretary of Lord George Germalne with instructions concerning an exchange of American prisoners In England. Am Cath Res 19 (1902)14-6. HUTCHINS, Elizabeth Ellsworth (1825-1901). N. Y. philathropist and patriot. Elizabeth Ellsworth Hutehins. N Y Hist A 2(1902)9-10. HUTCHINSON, Charles Hare (1803-1902). Phila. lawyer. The late Charles Hare Hutchinson. Penn Mag 26(1902)476. HYATT, Alpheus (1838-1902). Mass. Professor and zoologist, officer in Civil War. D a 1 1, W. H. Alpheus Hyatt. Pop Sci M 60(1902)439-41. HYNDS. Robert Henry (b.1802). Tenn. judge and legislator. Robert Henry Hynds. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)296-305. IGNATIUS (Mother) (1829-1902). Catholic Sister. Mother Ignatius. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)253, port. ILLINOIS. North-central state of the U. S., admitted 1818. Crafts, Clayton E. Local self -government in Illinois. Munic Aff 6(1902)245-52. D e u t s c h und schweizer Richter in Illinois Im 18ten Jahrhundert. Deutsch-Am G 2.4(1902)62. Die Deutsch-Amerik Hist. Gesellschaft an die MItglieder. Deutsch-Am G 2.1(1902)58-60. Illinois. Adjutant-general's office. Record of the services of Illinois soldiers in the Black Hawk war 1881- 32 and in the Mexican war 1846-48 containing a complete roster of commissioned officers and enlisted men of both wars, taken from the official rolls on file in th? War department, Washington, D. C. With WRITINGS ON AMERICAN BISTORT 1902. 99 an appendix giving record of the services of Illinois militia rangers and riflemen, in protecting the frontier. . .1810 to 1813. Prepared and published by authority of the Ihlrty-second General assembly, by Isaac H. Ellott, adjutant-general... Springfield, 111., Journal company, 19C2. xxxiv, 684 p., 1 1. 22cm. (.Binder's title incorrectly makes this v. 9 of Report of the adjutant general. . . 1861-66. 1900-01. "Roster of Illinois volunteers American-Spanish war 1898-99. . .by. . .J. N. Reece, adjutant-general": p. [345J-684, 1 1. L.C. 3-1747] Illinois. Adjutant-general'! office. Roster of Illinois volunteers American-Spanish war 1898-99, with his- torical sketches from the time of mobilization, to muster into the United States service... By...J. N. Reece, adjutant-general. . . (In Its Record of the services of Illinois soldiers in the Black Hawk war 1831-32 and In the Mexican war 1346-486. Springfield, 111., 1902. 22cm. p. [345J-684, 1 1.) [L.C. 3-1748] Mannhardt, Emil. Die altesten deutschen Ansiedler von Illinois. Deutsch-Am G 2.2(1902)49-62,2.4, 55-8. O w e n, W. R. Ams Jahr 1819 und 1829. Deutsch-Am G 2.2(1902)41-3. Politics and the public charities of Illinois. Char 8(1902,532-7. Pratt, Mara L. Stories of Illinois. (Young folks' lib. of choice lit.) Boston, Educ. Pub., 1902. 1 60. .ill. Thwaites. Reuben Gold. Down historic waterways; six hundred miles of canoeing upon Illinois and Wis- consin rivers. 2d ed., rev., with new preface and with fall-page illustrations from photographs. Chicago, A.C.McClurg & co., 1902. 300 p. front., pi. 19%cm. lRev.in:Nation 74(1902)251 "New edition with some pruning and. . .rearrangement. . .entertaining record of .. .attractions for. . .canoeist. . .remains a faithful guide"; Dial 32(1902)251 "charming account. . .reissued. . .eight photographic plates ... notably increase[es] its attractiveness." L.C. 2-7636] Der tlefe Schnee von 1830 a. d. plfftzllcbe Witterungswechsel am 20. Dece'mber 1836. Deutsch-Am G 2.4(1902)26-8. IMMIGRATION. The incoming of foreigners for permanent residence, Abbott, Ernest H. America's welcome to the immigrant. Outl 72(1902)26-64, 111. Annual report of the commissioner-general of immigration for. ..1902. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1902. pp. 81. maps. Elnwanderg. 1. Nord-amerika 1900-1901. Soz Runds (1902)67-71. Einwanderg. nach d. Verein. Staat. Schwelz Bl (1902)777-79. Gregory, John G. Foreign Immigration to Wisconsin. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)137-43. I. ' i m in i K r .1 7 i o n P negli Stati Unitl. Economista 24 AoOt (1902). I.i B e s c h u, F. L'f migration aux fitats-Unis. Monde 111 1 Nov (1902). L o w r y, Edward. Americans in the raw. World's Work 4(1902)2644-55. S a n b o r n, Alvan F. The uew immigration to America. Indep 54(1902)2696-8. U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on immigration. ...Regulation of immigration. Report on the bill (H.R.12199) to regulate the immigration of aliens Into the United States, with statements before the Committee in the first and second sessions of the Fifty-seventh Congress. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. ix, 484 p. 23cm. (57th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. no. 62) ["Senate report no. 2119, Fifty- seventh Congress, first session": p. iii-lx. L.C. 3-9161] IMPERIALISM. Tendency to expansion and centralisation. B o u t m y, E. Les *tats-Unis et I'lmperialisme. Acad Sci Mor Pol Fe> (1002). de Martens, F. A Russian view of American imperialism. Indep 54(1902)2993-7. Hobson, J[ohn] A[tkinson], Imperialism. New York, J.Pott Sc company, 1902. vi p., 1 1., 400 p. ill., fold, diagr. 23%cm. [Contents. pt. 1. The economics of Imperialism. ft. 2. The politics of imperial- ism. L.C. 2-27510] Imperialism under the microscope. Nation 75(1902)414-5. Martens and Roosevelt. Nation 75(1902)495. M 1 1 1 e r, G. M., Will, T. E., Hall, B., Crosby, E. Why I am opposed to imperialism; a symposium. Arena 28(1902)1(J1). S i g h e 1 e, Sclpio. Latin Europe and American Imperialism. Internat Mo 5(1902)655-70. Smith, Goldwin. Commonwealth or empire; a bystander's view of the question... New York, London, The Macmillan co., 1902. 2 p. 1., 82 p. 19%cm. [Rev.ln: Nation 74(1902)452 "Arguments against. . .aban- donment of .. .principles on which our Government was founded. . .should be read by all. . .citizen's"; Dial 33(1902)165 "...none more weighty or more clearly the utterance of large scholarly experience and wise philosophical reflection." L.C. 2-10726] Thomas. David Y. An early decision on imperialism. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)164-6. von Schlerbrand, Wolf. Der Imperialistische gedanke in Amerika. Deutsche Rundschau 113(1902) 301-6. W 1 n s 1 o w, Erving. The anti-Imperialist faith. No Am 175(1902)811-18. IMPRESSMENT. Compulsion to serve in army or navy. I) a w e s, Thomas. Impressment of Edward Maylem, 1758 [Boston!. Bost Bnll 7(1902)349-51. 100 WRITINGS ON 7 AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. INDIAN Summer. Warm weather in late autumn St. Martins Summer. Matthews, Albert. The term Indian Summer. Reprinted from the monthly Weather Review for Jan. and Feb., 1902. 8vo. pp. 52. [Rev.ln:N B Reg 56(1902)418(F.W.Parke) "really remarkable. . .Interesting . . .amusing."] INDIAN Territory- V. S. territory in Southwest, set apart for Indians. H a g e r, Charles Moreau. Oklahoma and the Indian Territory as they are !i>-day. R of Rs 25(1902)177-81. INDIAN wars. Wars between Indians and the V. S. H a d 1 e y, C. B. The Plains war In 1865. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)273-8. Pensions to survivors, etc., of Indian wars. Gulf Mag 1(1902)225-0. Victor, Frances Fullur. The first Oregon cavalry. Oreg Q 3(1902)122-6. - > INDIANA. East central state of IT. S., admitted 1816. Brant, J[efferson] E. History of the Eighty-fifth Indiana volunteer Infantry, Its organization, campaigns and battles. Written at the request of the members... Bloomington. Ind., Cravens bros., printers, 1902. 1 p. 1., 191, [5] p. Incl. front., port. port. 21cm. [L. C. 3-5836] [Hamilton, Edward Joseph]. Indiana writers of poems and prose. Chicago, The Western press associa- tion, 1902. [429] p. Incl. port. 23cm. ["Compiled from selections graciously tendered by the best writers of verse and prose native-born of the Hoosler state. The likeness of each contributor graces the page opposite the manuscript." Pref. L.C. 2-21576] Henry, W[illiam] E[lmer], State platforms of the two dominant political parties in Indiana, 1850-1900... Indianapolis [Press of W.B.Burford] 1902. 128 p. 23%cm. [Privately printed. 41.Men.ln:Am Hist R 7(1902)836-7 "value. . .enhanced by .. .subject index." L.C. 2-12728] High, Edwin W. History of the Sixty-eighth regiment, Indiana volunteer Infantry, 1862-1865, with a sketch of E.A.King's brigade, Reynolds' division, Thomas' corps, in the battle of Chickamauga . . . Pub- lished by request of the Sixty -eighth Indiana Infantry association, 1902. [Metamora? Ind.] 1902. xil p., 11., 416 p. front., pi., port. 23% cm. [L.C. 2-16766] The Indianapolis news souvenir; dedication ceremonies and history, Indiana soldiers' and sailors' monu- ment, Thursday, May the fifteenth, nineteen hundred two. [Indianapolis, Indianapolis news, 1902] cover-title, [25] p. 111. 27%cm. [L.C. 3-691] Streeter, William B. The care of dependent children In Indiana. Forum 23(1902)737-46. INDIANS, Am. Aboriginal inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere. A d n e y, Tappan. The Indian hunter of the far northwest. Outing 39(1901-2)623-33, 111. Anderson, C. Early days In the Indian country. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)247-55. A n g r a n d, L Migrations des trlbus de 1'Amerlque du Sud. Rev Ling .lull (1902). A v e r y, F. F. Indian reservation schools. South Work 30(1901)246-52. Boas, Franz, and Hunt, George. Kwaklutl Texts. Anthropology 4(1902)1-270. Brady, Cyrus Townsend. Border fights & fighters; stories of the pioneers between the Alleghenles and the Mississippi and In the Texan republic... With maps, plans & many illustrations by Louis Betts, Howard Giles, J. N. Marchand, Roy L. Williams, Harry Fenn & A. de F. Pitn-?y. New York, McClure, Phillips & co., 1902. xvl p., 1 1 382 p. Incl. map, plan, front., pi. 21cm. [Rev InrNatlon 72(1901)49 "evidence ...of hasty writing ... does not seem to have added much to our knowledge of American history." L.C. 2-23103. B r o d 1 e, Wm. Animal remains found on Indian village sites. Ontario An Arch Rept 1901(1902)44-51. Brosius. S. M. A new Indian policy the red man's rights in jeopardy. Phila., Pa., Indian Rights Asso- ciation, 1902. pp. 8. B r o w n, L. D. Indian occupation In Nlssouri. Ontario An Arch Rept 1901(1902)38-43. Gary, Elisabeth Luther. Recent writings by American Indians. Bk-Buyer 24(1902)20-5, port. Chamberlain, Alexander F. Memorials of the "Indian." J Am Folk-Lore 15(1902)107-16. Chamberlain, Alexander F. Philippine studies, VI. The American Indian In the Philippines. Am Ant 24(1902)97-100. Collins, Varnum Lansing. Indian wards at Princeton. Princeton Bull 9-13 (1896-'02) 101-6. Draper, William R. The Indians as farmers. Current Hist 12(1902)199 202. Dresser, (Mrs.)Geo. K. The Indians of this locality. Qulnnbaug Hist Soc Leaf 1(19027)107-20. Eastman, Charles Alexander], Indian boyhood; with Illustrations by E. L. Blumenscheln. New York, McClure, Phillips & co., 1902. vlil p., 1 1., 289, [1] p. incl. pi. front., pi. 21^cm. [Rev.ln:South Work 30(1901)631-3 "for fullness, completeness and literary merit. . .unique." L.C. 2-22660] E n o, Joel. The attitude of the American people toward the unenlightened. Conn Mag 7(1902)413-6. Farrow, Edward S[amuel]. Camping on the trail; or, Some of my experiences in the Indian country, con- taining numerous notes on the art of travel... Philadelphia, American ^rms publishing co., 1902. 2 p. 1., 7-284 p. 111., pi. 19cm. [Rev.in:Nation 76(1903)31 "excellent for the novice and serviceable for the experienced... [not] indexed." L.C. 2-21880] Garland, Hamlin. The red man's present needs. No Am 174(1902)476-88. H a 1 b e r t, H. S. The small Indian tribes of Mississippi. Miss Hist P 5a02)302-8! WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. lol H a 1 1, C. L. The advance of an Indian community in a quarter of a century. Am Miss 56(1902)184-7. Hallook, Charles. Origin of the American indigenes. Washington, D. C., Gibson bros., printers, 1902. 18 p. front, (port.) 24cm. [Title vignette. From the American antiquarian, V. XXIV, no. 1. L.O. 2-17338] H a 1 1 o c k, diaries. The primeval North-American. Harper 105(1902)396-402, ill., map. H a r g e r, Charles Moreau. The Indians' last stand. Outl 70(1902)217-22. H i 1 1- T o u t, Charles. ...marriage customs of some of the aboriginal tiibes of Brit. Columbia. Am Antiq 24(1902)85-7. Holmes, William Henry. Anthropological studies in Cal. Smithson R 1900(1902)154-87. Hough, Walter. Ancient peoples of the petrified forest of Arizona. Harper 105(1902)897-901, ill. Hulbert, Archer Butler. ...Indian thoroughfares... Cleveland, O., The A.U.Clark company, 1902. 152 p. incl. pi., map. 26Mscm. (His Historic highways of America, v. 2) [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1902)539-41 (E.R.Sparks) "occasionally the deduction ... may be questioned. . .aside from the proof of his theories... he writes very entertainingly. . .many interesting facts. . .smoother diction ... harmony both of statement and of style [desirable]"; Nation 76(1903)118-9 "important. . .generally speaking. . .accurate and reliable ...occasional misspellings. . .style graphic and effective. . .would be]. . .improved by a little polish"; Nation 75(1902)246 "An experienced worker... has prepared a series of fifteen monographs." L.C.2-27729] Hutchinson, H. N., Gregory, J. W., and Lydekker, E. Living races of mankind. N. Y., Appleton, 1902. 80., ill. Indian affairs in Iowa Territory 1839-43. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)459-64. Indian jails. Green Bag 14(1902)437(8). James, George Wharton. Indian blanketry. Outing 39(1901-2)684-93, M. James, George Wbarton. Indian pottery. Outing 39(1901-2)154-61. J e n k s, Albert Ernest. The wild-rice gatherers of the Upper Lakes. Nineteenth Annual Rept Bureau Am Ethnol (1902)1013-157. Jones, William A. A new Indian policy. World's Work 3(1901-2)1838-40. K e a n e, A. H. Native American culture: its independent evolution. Internal Mo 5(1902)338-57. K e n n a n, George. Have reservation Indians any vested rights? Outl 70(1902)759-65. Little, Wm. An Indian as property. [Letter] to Samuel Tilley. Bost Bull 7(1902)74. Lumholtz, Karl [Sofus], Unknown Mexico; a record of five years' exploration among the tribes of the western Sierra Madre; in the Tierra caliente of Tepic and Jalisco; and among the TaraBcos of Michoacan. [For details see same title under subject, Mexico.] L u m m i s, C. F. A new Indian policy. Out West 15(1901)457-64. M a s o n, Otis Tnfton. Aboriginal harpoons: a study in ethical distribution and Invention. Smithson R 1900(1902)188-304. M a s o n, 0. T. Environment in relation to sex in human culture. Pop Scl Mo 60(1902)336-45. M a s o n, O. T. Traps of the American Indians; a study in psychology and invention. Smithson R 1901 (1902)461-73, ill. The Mexican and Indian raid of '78. Quar Tex Hist Ass 5(1902)212-51. M 1 1 1 s, W. C. Painted skeletons. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)246-8. M o o n e y, James. Indian shield heraldry. South Work 30(1901)500-4, ill. The nineteenth annual report of the Executive Committee of the Indian Rights Association, for the year ending December 6, 1901. Philadelphia, Indian Rights Association, 1902. pp. 96. Our Indians (from N. Y. Sun). Annals of Iowa 5(1902)465-66. Parker, William Thornton. Concerning Indian burial customs. Open Court 16(1902)86-96, ill. P r 1 n c e, J. Dyneley. The differentiation between the Penobscot and the Canadian Abenaki dialects. Am Anthropol N S 4(1902)17-32. Report, of the Superintendent of Indian schools, 1902. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1902. pp. 64. The Sequoya League. Out West 16(1902)297-302,407-13,519-22,643-50; 17(1902)81-3,214-20,344-9,476- 80,601-7,731-4. S 1 o c u m, Charles E. A plea for greater simplicity, and greater accuracy, in the writings of the future regarding the American aborigines. Am Ant 24(1902)46-8. Smith, Henry Goodwin. The beliefs of the American Indians. Am Jour Theol, 6. 89-100. S p a r h a w k, Frances Campbell. The Indian Industries League. Soath Work 30(1901)336-9. Starr, Frederick. ...The physical characters of the Indians of southern Mexico... Chicago, The Uni- versity of Chicago press, 1902. 59 p. ill., col. pi. 28%cm. [From v. -4 (p. 53-109) of the Decennial publications of the University of Chicago. Rev.in:Dial 33(1902)216 "many illustrations. . .of portralt[s] ...of the types." L.C. 2-24489] Stratton, Mrs. Ella (Hines). Wild life among the red men; containing a full account of their customs, traits of character, superstitious, modes of warfare, traditions, etc... Philadelphia, Pa., National pub- lishing co. [1902] xiv, 17-311 p. col. front., ill., col. pi. 25cm. [Issued also under the title: The American Indian. L.C. 2-25050] T a y 1 o r, E. L. Monuments to historical Indian chiefs. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)1-29. 102 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. looker, W. W. Algonqulan series: researches relating to the early Indians of 17. Y., N. E., etc. N. Y., F.P.Harper. v.1-8, 1901; T.9-10, 1902. lOvols. 12o. [For details see same title under subject, New Eng land.] U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Indian affairs. ...leasing of Indian lands. Hearings. .. [Jan. 16, 23, February 4, 13, 1902] on the resolution submitted by Mr. Rawlins proposing an inquiry relative to leases of Indian land*. Senate bill 145, In relation to certain lands within the Uintah Indian reservation, and the resolution submitted by Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, in regard to leases of the Standing Rock Reser- vation lands. February 22, 1902. Submitted by Mr. Platt, of Connecticut, and ordered to be printed... Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 120 p. 23cm. (57th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. no. 21z) [L.C. 2-23952] University of Pennsylvania. Bulletin No. 3, Apr. 1898. [Rev.ln:Am Antiq 24(1902)261-2 "Mr. Stewart Culin. . .gives. . .account. . .American Indian games. . .Fejervary Codex."] W a u g h, F. W. Notes on Canadian pottery. Ontario An Arch Rept 1901(1902)108-15. W 1 1 1 e, George R. Indians of central & northern Brazil. Miss Rev 25(1902)805-12, 111. Young, Egerton R. An Indian camp-meeting in Canada. Mies R 25(1902)45-9. INDUSTRIAL arbitration. Reference of differences between employer and employee to an umpire. Hanna, Mark A. Gombers, S., and others. Industrial conciliation and arbitration. (Pub. of the soc., no.344.) Phila., Am. Acad. Pol. Sci., 1902. 80. Peters, John P[unnett]. Labor and capital; a discussion of the relations of employer and employed. [For details see same title under subject, Trades Unions.] Report of the eighth annual meeting of the Lake Mohonk Conference on Interaction Arbitration 1902. Lake Mohonk Arbitration Conference. 1902. pp. 128. Triumph of arbitration. Gunton's M 23(1902)369-79. INDUSTRIAL commission, U. S., created 1898, to investigate industrial conditions and suggest remedies. U. 8. Industrial commission. Report... Washington, Gov't print, off., 1900-02. 19 v. map, fac., tab., diagr. 23%cm. [Dates of publication: v. i-v, 1900. v. vi-xviii, 1901. v. xix, 1902. L.C. 2-30276] INDUSTRIES. Various branches of production, manufacture and trade. E 1 y, Richard T. Industrial betterment [at Cleveland, Dayton, etc]. Harper 105(1902)548-53, ill. Emory, Frederic. The uniting of American society. World's Work 3(1901-2)1854-6. Ford, Alexander H. The triumph of the American idea. New Eng M 25(1901-2)3-16, 111. Gannett, Henry. Our industrial position In the world. Forum 33(1902)316-21. H a u s e r, H. L'Essor conomique des Kttits-l nis au XIXe siecle. Rev cours et conf 24 Avrll(1902). Macrosty, H. American industrial conditions and competition. Econ J 12(1902)367-70. N o r t h, S. N. D. The census of manufactures. R of Rs 26(1902)319-24. Our superiority in manufacturing. Nation 74(1902)460. Root, Frank D. The year in trade and finance. Indep 54(1902)3059-63. S n y d e r, Carl. American "Captains of Industry." A rapid review ot the great Industrial leaders In- vited to meet Prince Henry of Prussia. R of Rs 25(1902)417-32, port. INGHAM. Jonas. Penn. officer in Am. Revolution. Extracts from the Memoirs of Jonas Ingham, late Capt. of Bucks Co , Fenn., militia. Penn Mag 26 (1902)409. INGHAM, Samuel Delucenna (1779-1860). Pa. Congressman, U. 8. Sec. of Treas. Ingham, Samuel Delucenna. [Letters] to David Henshaw [1821, 1830]. Bost Bull 7(1902)140-2. INJUNCTION'S. A judicial process to restrain or constrain a person to a particular action. U. 8. 57th Cong., 1st sess., 1901-1902. Senate. ...A compilation of documents relating to injunctions in conspiracy cases, together with arguments and decision of the court in case of Commonwealth v. Hunt, 4 Metcalf, etc. February 13, 1902. Ordered to be printed as a document. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 160 p. 23cm. (57th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. no. 190) [Contents. Reports from the Committee on the judiciary on "Contempts of court": Senate report no. 827, 54th Cong., 1st sess., April 30, 1896. House report no. 2471, pt. 1-2, 54th Cong., 2d sess., January 8, 11, 1897. Report of a hear- ing before the Committee on the Judiciary of the House ... March 23, 1900, on the bill "To limit the meaning of the word 'conspiracy,' and ulso the use of 'restraining orders and injunctions,' as applied to disputes between employers and employees"... Senate doc. no. 58, jfith Cong., 2d sess. The British conspiracy and protection of property act and its operation, by A. Maurice Low (From Bulletin 33 of the United States Department of labor) Injunctions In labor disputes; report read at meeting of the Social reform club, New York, May 22, 1900. The modern use of injunctions, by F. J. Stlmson (From Political science quarterly, June, 1895) Receivership of the Northern Pacific railroad compnny. Report from the Committee on the Judiciary, June 8, 1894. House report no. 1049, 63d Cong., 2d sess. Report of case, arguments, and decision of the court in Commonwealth [of Massachusetts] v. Hunt (4 Mete.) [L.C. 3-7052] INLAND, Mich. Hamlet and township of Benzie Co. History of Inland. Mich Hist Coll '01, 31(1902)134-43. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 102 '"" ' "' -.*-> *'?.* INNS. Public houses for lodgment and entertainment of traveler*. N o r c r o s s, Frederic Walter. Ye aucient inns of Boston town. Now Eng M 25(1901-2)315-25. Prentice, Thomas Morgan. Historical taverns in New England. Conn Hag 7(1902)459-72, ill. Tavern license of Thomas Diamant on Isles of Shoals, 1684(7). Boat Bull 7(1902)345. W a 1 1 1 s, John. Petition for renewal of tavern license, 1714(7). Boat Bull 7(1902)348-9. INSURANCE. Indemnity for loss of or damage to life or property. Campbell, Alexander Colin. Insurance and crime; a consideration of the elects upon society of the abuse* of insurance, together with certain historical instances of such abuses. New York and London, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1902. xiv p., 1 1., 408 p. 23%cm. [Rev.in: Nation 76(1903)132 " 'a consideration of the effects upon society of the abuses of insurance, together with certain historical instances.' " L.C. 2-25776] Frost, Thomas Gold. A treatise on guaranty insurance; including therein as subsidiary branches the law of fidelity, commercial, and judicial insurances, covering all forms of compensated suretyship, such a* official and private fidelity bonds, building bonds, court bonds, credit and title insurances. . . Boston, Little, Brown, and co., 1902. xxxviii, 547 p. 24yjcm. [Rev.ln:Nation 74(1902)484 "Carefully and systematically done. . .historical introduction. . .lucid and interesting." L.C. 2-9140] How life insurance companies use their enormous surplus. World's Work 4(1902)2600-3. Mauley, Edward. Compulsory insurance for teachers. Educa R 23(1902)152-7. INTENDANTS. Canadian colonial officials, next to governor* and bishops. I g n o t u s. Lies intendants de la Nouvelle-Fruuce. Rech Hist 8(1902)55-8. INTERNATIONAL Arbitration. Settlement of difference* between nation* ay reference to an umpire. D a w 1 e y, Thomas R. Arbitration at the Pan-American Congress. Outl 70(1902)232-'6. La Fontaine, II. Histoire sommaire et chronologique des arbitrages internatioriaux. (1794-1900.) Revue de Droit Internat de Leg Com 34(1902)349-80. Wilson, James Grant. Two famous international arbitrations. Indep 54 i 1902) 2410-11. INTERNATIONAL law. System of rules adopted by nation* to govern their intercourse. W o o 1 s e y, Theodore S. Venezuela and international law. Indep 54(1902)2988-91, ill. INTERSTATE Commerce Commission. U. S. com. charged with legal control of interstate commerce. Bacon, Edward P. The inadequate powers of the Interstate Commerce Ccmn. No Am 174(1902)46-58. N e w c o m b, H. T. American statistical practice: I. The Interstate Commerce Commission. 1'ale R 11 (1902-3)164-97, table. The past and the future of the interstate commercial commission. Polit Cc Q 17(1902)394-412. U. 8. Congress. House. Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. Hearings before the Committee . . . [April 8-June 17 and February 4, 1902] on the bills to amend the interstate commerce law (H. R. 146, 273, 2040, 5775, 8337, and 10930). Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902 573 p. 23%cm. [Running title: Interstate commerce law. L.C. 3-4704] INVENTIONS, Am. New material processes or contrivance* for a useful end. Underwood, Harold G. Wisconsin's contributions to American inventions. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902) 163-9. Williams, Arch. Romance of modern invention. Phila., Lippincott, 1902. 12o, ill. IOWA. North-central state of U. S., admitted 1846. Adams, Ephraim. The Iowa band. New and rev. cd. Boston, Chicago, The Pilgrim press [1902] xx, 240 p. incl. ill., map. front., pi., port. 19%cm. ["Introduction to first edition, by Rev. William Bar- rows" dated May, 1870. Introduction to the second edition by Rev. James L. Hill." [31. Men. In: Am Hist R 8(1903)606 "New edition ... concerned with the early missions and Congregationalism In the middle west." L.C. 3-4776] Annals of Iowa. A historical quarterly published by the historical department of Iowa. De* Molnes, la. 80. v.5, 1902. Claim Club Resolutions. Iowa Hist Rec 18(1902)509-11. C o f f i n, L. S. Breaking prairie. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)447-52. H a r 1 1, Rollin Lynde. The political lead of Iowa. World's Work 3(1901-2)1989-91. Herrlott, Frank I. Chapters in Iowa's financial history. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)352-73, 425-48. H e r r 1 o 1 1, F. I. The preservation of Iowa's public documents. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)293-306. An historical Journal [of the commissioners to locate the seat of government]. Iowa Hist Etc IS (1902)460. H u s s e y, Lacitus. The Flood of 1851. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)401-24. Indian affairs in Iowa Territory, 1839-43. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)459-64. Iowa Historical Record, The. Pub. quarterly by the State Historical Society. Iowa City. So. v.18., 1902. M c C a r t y, Dwight G. Early social and religious experiments in Iowa. Iowa Hist Rec 18(1902)407-37. Shambaugh, Benjamin F [rank! in]. History of the constitutions of Iowa... Des Moines, Historical depart- ment of Iowa, 1902. vi p., 2 1., 362 p. 2dcm. [Rev.ln:Am Hiit R 8(1903)390-1 "brief compilation froa 104 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN BISTORT 1902. . . .author's. . .publications on... same subjects. . .la without foot-notes and citations to authorities... lacks bibliography and index"; Old Northw Q 6(1903)29 "Gifted author has done bis work well." L.C. 3-2933] Thompson, J. K. P. Iowa at Vicksburg and the Vicksburg National Military Park. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)272-92, port. IPSWICH, Mass. Village of Essex Co. 87 m. N.N.E. of Boston. K i m b a 1 1, (Miss) Helen F. Roll of Ipswich, Mass., minutemen, 1775. N E Reg 56(1902)83-4. P e r 1 e y, Sidney. Part of Ipswich in 1700. Ess Ant 6(1902)14-19, ill., map. Waters, T. Frank. The Meeting House Green, and a study of houses and lands in the vicinity. With pro- ceedings at the Annual Meeting, Dec. 2, 1901. Publications of the Ipswich Historical Society. XI. Salem, Mass., Salem Press, The Saloui press co., 1902. 8vo. pp. 52, ill. [41.Men.in:N E Reg 56(1902) 218(F.W.Parke) "graphically told. . .information. . .most valuable. . .ample reference to the sources." IRISH Americans. Natives of Ireland resident in the IT. b., and their immediate descendants. G a 1 w a y Catholics as settlers on lan-1 of Washington's. Am Cath Res 10(1902)128-31. List of servants who sailed from Dublin, 1746-7, on the Euryal, and arrived at Pbila. IVini Mag 26 (1902)287. IRON and steel industry, U. S. The producing, manufacture and marketing of iron and steel. Crane, Ellery Bit-knoll. President's address. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)310-20. G u y o t, Yves. L' United States Steel Corporation et I/ Industrie Du fer aux fitats-Unis. Jour ficon 52 (1902)23-36. L'i n d u s t r i e du fer aux fitats-Unis. Mem Dipl 17 AoOt(1902). Industry in iron and steel, U. S. Am Arch 77(1902)78(86). Professor Meade on the steel company. Nation 74(1902)204-5. Schoenbof, Jacob. Iron and steel in England and America. J Pol Econ 10(1901-2)32-49. IROQUOIS Indians. A confederacy of related tribes along St. Lawrence R. B e a u c h a m p, W. M. Onondaga plant names. J Am Flk-Lore 15(1902)91-103. Boyle, David. Paganism of the civilized Iroquois of Ontario. Ontario Annual Arcbaeol Rep 1901(1902) 115-23. Canfield, William W[alker]. The legends of the Iroquols, told by "the Cornplanter" ; from authoritative notes aud studies. New York, A.Wessels company, 1902. 1 p. 1., 211 p. col. front., pi. 23cm. [Edi- tion of 500 copies. This copy not numbered. [Rev.in:Nation 76(1903)130 "lack of the critical faculty ...of real interest and value. . .faithful and sympathetic. . .attractive. . .notes. . .[not wholly] accurate and complete." L.C. 2-28516] Golden, Cadwahader. The history of the Five Indian nations of Canada which are dependent on the prov- ince of New York, and are a barrier between the English and the French in that part of the world... New York, New Amsterdam book company, 1902. 2 v. 2 front, (port., fold, map) 18cm. ([The commonwealth library]) [Rev.in:Hlst Pub Canad 7, 174-5 "About a hundred ahd fifty years ago... Colden published his history. . .very Intelligent observer ... of varied scientific attainments. . .cheap but attractive reprint": Am Hist R 8(1903)584-5 "introduction gives little information that the reader cares about and rigorously excludes what he would like to know"; Nation 76(1903)129-30 "introduction ...contains no bibliographical information. . .have served up merely the London reprint of 1755 with all its Imperfections"; Dial 34(1903)93 "valuable. . .neat and Inexpensive reprints. . .standard." L.C. 2-30132] E r m a t i n g e r. The home of the Six Nations. Windsor M Oct(1902)582-88. Morgan, Lewis H. Lloyd, H. M. New ed. League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee or Iroqnols. N. Y.. Dodd, 1902. 2 v. 80., 111. IRRIGATION. Fertilization of land by artificially distributed water. Barker, Robert M. Reclaiming the arid southwest. Forum 33(1902)363-71. Boyd, Nathan E. New Mexico and statehood. Admission into the union essential to territory's material progress. Analysis of Culberson-Stephens bill. Proposed treaty with the United States of Mexico. Abstracts from the decisions of the Supreme court of New Mexico in the Elephant Butte Dam case; with citations from the laws of the United States relating to the use of water for Irrigation. [By] Nathan E. Boyd, M.D. Washington, D. C., Judd & Detweiler, printers, 1902. -17 p. 23%cm. Presented to the Committee on territories, U. S. House of representatives, 57th Con., 1st se*s. L.C. 2-25694] Brought together. Out West 16(1902)94-8, ill. California Constructive League. Out West 16(1902)197-200. 332-4, 435-40, 544-6, 675-6; 17(1902) 118-9, 249-50, 379, 506-8. D a 1 r s, Arthur Powell. Irrigation In Arizona. Nat'l M(Bost)15(1901-2)642-4. The famous Wyoming law. Out West 16(1902)329-31. G o u d y, Frank C. Irrigation in San Luis valley. Nat'l M(Bost)15(1901-2)718-22, 111. Hall, Charles W. Nation's duty to aid in Irrigation. Nat'l M(Bost) 15(1901-2)557-61, ill. M a r r i o t t, C. Barren lands of America. Munsey 28(1902)74(0). WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 105 M c a d, Elwood. Problems of Irrigation legislation. Forum 32(1902)573-81. Newell, F. H. Irrigation. Smithsou R 1901(1902)407-23, ill., map. Newell, Frederick Haynes. Irrigation in the United States... New York, T.Y.Crowell & co. [1902] xlx, 417 p. ill., 62 pi. 19%cm. (Library of economics and politics) [L.C. 2-7133] N e w e 1 1, F. H. Social aspects of irrigation. Nafl M(Bost)15(1901-2)566-70, ill., port. Powell, Major J. W. Water storage the vital factor. Nat'l M( Host) 15(1901-2) 562-5, ill., port. Public works of Irrigation. Out West 16(1902)88-92. A record of achievement. The epoch-making work of the Water and Forest Association. Out West 16(1902)209-220, port. S m y t h e, William E. The 20th Century West [irrigation]. Out West 16(1902)75-8. T e e 1 e, Ray P. Government construction of irrigation works. J Pol Be-on 10(1901-2)394-408. TJ. 8. Dept. of agriculture. Library. . . .List of references to publications relating to irrigation and land drainage. Comp. by Ellen A. Hedrick. Prepared under the direction cf the librarian. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 181 p. 24cm. (Its Bulletin no. 41) [1,778 titles, arranged in an author list, periodical list, and subject index. Librarian: Josephine A. Clark. L.C. 3-0386] Walsh, T. F. Irrigation makes homos. Nat'l M(Bost)15(1901-2)577(F). Washington irrigation company, Zillah, Wash. Sunnyside irrigation canal... 3d ed. Seattle, Lowman & Hanford stationery and printing co., 1902. [80] p. incl. 39 111., map. 15%x24cm. [L. C. 3-5065] Water-supply and irrigation papers of the United States Geological Survey. 111. Nos. 57-64 (1902). Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. IRVING, Washington (1783-1859). N. Y. writer, Sec. V. S. Legation at London, minister to Spain. Irving, Washington. An interesting letter from Washington Irving. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)249-53. M a b i e, Hamilton W. The Washington Irving country. Outl 72(1902)820-9, ill., port. M a p e s, Ella Stryker. Where Irving worked and wandered. Critic 41(1902)328-32, ill., port. ISLE of Fines, Cuba. West Indian island 50 in. S. of Cuba. U. S. War dept. Div. of insular affairs. The Isle of Pines: (Caribbean S-a) its situation, physical feat- ures, resources, and industries. With maps. Prepared in the Division of insular affairs, War depart- ment, 1902 [by De B. Randolph Keim] Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 43 p. 4 map. 23cm. ]L.C. 2-24649] ISLES of Shoals, N. H. Group of island* 10 m. S.E. from Portsmouth, N. H. Tavern license of Thomas Diamant on Isles of Shoals, 1684(7). Bost Bull 7(1902)345. ISTHMIAN Canal. Proposed canal joining Gulf cf Mexico and Pacific Ocean, A u b r y, D. Le canal InterocSanique americain. Ref Ccon 29 Juin(1902). B 6 r a r d, V. Questions exterieures Panama. Rev Par 15 Jau(1902). B e r w i c k, E. Nicaragua or Panama? (Interoceanic canal.) Arena 28(1902)12(J1). The best canal assured. Nation 74(1902)498-9. B i s h o p, J. R. Interoceanic canal. Internat Q 6(1902)212(S). Burr, William H[ubert]. Ancient and modern engineering and the Isthmian canal... 1st ed. 1st thou- sand. New York, J.Wiley & sons; London, Chapman & Hall, limited, 1902. xv, 473 p. ill., plan, diagr. 23%cm. [Contents. Ancient civil-engineering works. Bridges. Water-works for cities and towns. Some features of railroad engineering. The Nicaragua route for a ship-canal. The Panama route for a ship canal. Rev.in:Nation 76(1903)159 "of a popular character. . .second part. . .is. . .largely mathemat- ical... very fair presentation ... two or three errors. .. [no] index." L.C. 2-29604] Burr, William H. The proposed Isthminal Ship-canal. Scrlb M 31(1902)145-69, ill. D a v i s, A. P. Interoceauic canal. Am Geog Soc Bull 34(1902)132(Ap). Harold, John. Pan-AmericanismsPanama versus Nicaragua Sat R 1)2(1902)590. H a u p t, Lewis M. Why is an Isthmian Canal not built? No Am 175(1902)128-35. Heilprin, Angelo. A defense of the Panama route. Pnlla.. Franklin Press, 1902. pp. 12. Hussey, James Vincent. An isthmian deep water ship canal. Chicago, M.A.Douohue & company [1902] 96 p. 17cm. [L.C. 2-22490] Hyde, Charles Cheney. The Isthmian i;aal treaty. Harvard Law Review 15(1901-2)725-32. Johnson, Emory R. The Isthmian canal. R of Rs 25(1902)35-40, ill., map. Johnson, Emory R. The Isthmian Canal in its economic aspects. Ann Am Acad Pol Scl 19(1902)1-23. Johnson, Emory R. Isthmian canal. (Pub. of the soc., no. 323.) Phila., Am. Acad Pol. Sci., 1902. 80. Lampe, F. Der mittelamerikanisehe kanal. Her Gnertner, 1902. 4o. M.I [L.C. 2-11282] L a t a n e, John H. The principle of neutralization applied to canals. So Atlan Q 1(1802)310-25. L e i g h, J. G. Panama route. (Interoceanic canal.) Pall Mall M 26(1902)497(Ap). Letters of Alexander von Humboldt, 1815. Document. Am Hist R 7(1902)704-6. Mandingo route. (Interoceanic canal.) Nat Geog M 1.1(1902)64(F). Morgan, John T. The choice of Isthmian Canal routes. No Am 174(1902)672-86. P a s c o, Samuel. The Isthmian canal iut stlon as affects by treaties and concessions. Ann Am Acad Pol Sci 19(1902)24-45. 10 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. PMCO, 8. Isthmian caual question as affected by treaties and concessions. (Pub. of the six-., no. 324.) Pblla., Am. Acad. Pol. Sci., 1902. 80. P e n 1 1 e 1 d, Frederic C. Why not own tho Panama Isthmus? No Am 174(1902)269-74. Scott, Nathan Bay. San Bias route. (Intel-oceanic canal.) Nat'l M(Bost) 16(1902) 143-5. Sheldon, Henry I[saac] Notes on the Nicaragua canal. ...3d cd., with new preface. Chicago, A.C.McClurg & CO., 1902. 2 p. I., 250 pp. front., pi., maps. 21%cni. [L.C. 2-5596] Sonderegrger, C. L'achfrvement dn canal de Panama. ...Paris, Vve C. Dunod, 1902. 2 p. 1., iv, 198, [2] p. 111., pi., map. 27cm. [Rev. In: Nation 74(1902)190 "Of great practical Importance to our Government... describes... in great detail. . .main problems. . .strongly favorable to. . .feasibility of... plans." [L.C. 2-20702] Spencer, Charles H. Mandingo route ( Interoceanlc canal). Nat'l M(Bobt) 16 (1902) 226-45, ill. Stevenson, Sara V. Prince Louis Napoleon and the Nicaragua canal. Cent 64(1902)391-6, port. IZAED family. I c a r d (note). S. C. Hist Mag 3(1902)58-9. JACKSON, Andrew (1767-1846). 7th President of the United States. Andrew Jackson (letter of). Collect 35(1902)88-9. Andrew Jackson on duelling (letter). Collect 15(1902)7o-4. C o ly a r, Arthur St. Clalr. The necessity of a new life of Andrew Jackson. Gulf Mag 1(1902)169-78. Jackson, Andrew. [Letter of] Andrew Jackson [1797]. Bost Bull 7(1902)132-3. Jackson, (Mrs.) Andrew. [Letter] to Andrew Jackson [1813]. Bost Bull 7(1902)134. L a i d 1 e y, W. S. Birthplace of president Andrew Jackson. W Va Mag 2.4(1902)5-10. M e 1 1 e n, George Frederick. Jackson's war on the bank. Sewanee 10(1902)56-67. A rare Jackson autograph. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)112-13. JACKSON, Thomas Jonathan ("Stonewall" Jackson) (1824-63). W. Va. Confederate General. L e w 1 s, S. B. Jackson and McGuire at Winchester In 1862. South Hist A Pub 30(1902)226-36. Moorman, Marcellus N. Wounding of General Stonewall Jackson. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)110-17. Speech of President Davis. Confed Vet 10(1902)21-2. JACKSON family. Will of John Jackson, sr. [Salem, Mass., ab. 1656.] Ess Ant 6(1902)105. JACKSON (Miss.). Civil War engagement, May 14, 1868. L a u m a n ' s charge at Jackson. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)386-90. JACKSONVILLE. Capital city of Duval Co., northern Florida, on St. John R. Rebuilding (The) of Jacksonville. Fla M 4(1902)265-75. JAMAICA. British West India Is. 90 m. S. of Cuba. Bradford, Mary F. Side trips in Jamaica... 3d ed. Boston and New York, Sherwood publishing com- pany, 1902. 100 p. incl. front., ill. fold, map, plan. 18cm. [20th thousand. Advertising matter: p. 91-100. L.C. 3-33] JAMES, Edmund Janes (b.1855). HI. educator, Pres. Northwestern Univ. Dr. Edmund J. James. World's Work 5(1902-3)2817, port only. JAMES CITY, Va. Eastern Co. of Va. on James R. James City County court-house (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)275. JAMES RIVER, Va. River flowing S.E. across Va. into Chesapeake Bay. [Old Dominion steamship company]. ...Old Dominion line. Along the historic James River. [New York?] 1902. cover-title, 19, [5[ p. incl. ill., map. ZO^xlO^cm. (Old Dominion series, no. 2) [Com- piled by R.F. Day. L.C. 3-53] JAMESTOWN, Va. Extinct town of James City Co. about 45 m. N.W. of Norfolk. Hall, Edward Hagaman. Jamestown [1607-1907] a sketch of the history r.nd present condition of the site of the first permanent English settlement in America. New York, The American scenic and historic preservation society, 1902. 30 p. incl. map. front., pi. 18'Acm. [L.C. 2-8105] JANES, Lewis George (1844-1901). Am. educator and writer. Lewis G. Janes, philosopher, patriot, lover of man. Ozark, Mo., J.H.West, 1902, ill. JAPANESE Americans. Natives of Japan living in America. W o o d b u r y, F. P. Japanese and Chinese. Am Miss 56(1902)395-401. JAY, John (1745-1829). Pres. Continental Congress, 1st Chief Justice of U. S. Supreme court. H u b b a r d, Elbert. John Jay. Mag Am Hist N S 1(1902)24-30. O g g, Frederic Austin. Jay's treaty and the slavery interests of the D. S. Am Hist A Rep '01, 1(1902) 273-98. JEFFERSON, Joseph (b.1829). American actor. Joseph Jefferson. World's Work 4(1902)2362, port. onlr. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 107 JEFFERSON, Thomas (1743-1826). 3d President of United States. B u s e y, S. C. The centennial of the first inauguration of a President at the permanent seat of the gor- ernment. Rec Columbia Hist Soc 5(1902)96-111. Ford, Worthington C. Some Jefferson correspondence. N E Reg 55(1901)272-6,381-4; 56(1902)54-6,149-52. Ford, Worthington Chauucey. Some Jefferson correspondence, 1775-1787. (Reprinted from New Eng. his- torical and genealogical register, 1901-1902.) Boston, Press of D.Clapp &"son, 1902. 17 p. 24cm. [Edi- tion of 100 copies. Letters from Francis Hopkinsou, James Curries, John Page, William Fleming and others to Thomas Jefferson. L.C. 3-5074] G e e r, Henry Burns. Thomas Jefferson on Pre-historic Americana, .mi Aut 24(1902)224-8. Jefferson, Thomas. Thomas Jefferson declares his belief in the good of spiritual paintings in Cath- olic churches. Am Cath Res 19(1902)60. Jenkinson, Isaac. Aaron Burr, his personal and political relations with Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton... Richmond, Ind., M.Cullaton & co., 1902. Till, 9-289 p. 20cm. [For details see same title under subject, Burr, Aaron.] L e w 1 s, A. H. Thomas Jefferson, with portraits. Everybody's 7 (1902) 561 (D). M e 1 1 e n, George Frederick Thomas Jefferson and higher education. New Eng M 26(1902)607-16, port. M e r r i a m, C. E. The political theory of Jefferson. Pol Sci Q 17(1902)24-45. Monticello, seat of T. Jefferson. Ctry Life Am 2(1902)56(Je). Ordinance of 1784 and Jefferson's services for the Northwest Territory. (Old South leaflets, no. 127.) Boston, Old South Work, 1902. Parton, James. Life of Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United Slates. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifllin and co. [1902] vi, 764 p. front, (port.) 22Vjcm. [L.C. 2-10352] Townsend, George Alfred ("Oath"). Monticello and its preservation, since Jefferson's death. 1826-1902. [Washington, D. C., Gibson bros., printers, 1902] 56 p. front., pi., port. 20cm. [L.C. 2-14593] The true Thomas Jefferson. Outl 70(1902)239-41. JEFFERSON COUNTY, Neb. Southern Co. of Nebraska bordering on Kansas. W a t s o n, W. W. Early history of Jefferson county overland route. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)217-22. JENKINS, Howard M. (1842-1902). Penn. editor, hist, writer. H o w a r d M. Jenkins (note). Penn Mag 26(1902)480. JENKINS, William Dunbar (b.1849). Mass, civil engineer, officer in Spanish-American war. [William Dunbar Jenkins]. Miss Hist P 6(1902)283. JENKINS family. [William Dunbar Jenkins]. Miss Hist P 6(1902)283. JEROME, William Travers (b.1858). New York District attorney. Henry, Arthur. Mr. Jerome's official home on the east side. Outl 71(1902)41-4, ill. JERSEY CITY. City of Hudson Co. opposite New York. Van Winkle, Daniel. Old Bergen; history and reminiscences with maps and illustrations. [For detail* see same title under subject, Bergen Co., N. J.] JESUITS. Roman Catholic order of "Society of Jesus." Brennman, James F. Jesuits in Massachusetts, 1647. Am Cath Res 19(1902)82-3. Did the Franciscans or Jesuits receive the first (known) Pennsylvania convert into the church. Am Cath Res 19(1902)3-7. G a g o n, Ernest. Le college des Jesuites a Quebec. Rech Hist 8(1902)247-9. The Jesuits land In Maryland. Am Cath Res 19(1902)173. JESTTP, Morris K. (b.1830). N. Y. financier and philanthropist. Morris K. Jesup, Esq World's Work 4(1902)2586, port. only. JEWS. People of Hebrew race, or adherents of Hebrew religion. A b e 1 1, W. Maltland. The new departure in American diplomacy. Gunton'a M 23(1902)476-87. B a r n e 1 1, G. E. a method of determining the Jewish population of large cities In the United States. Pub Amer Jew Hist Soc 10(1902)37-45. C o n e, G. H. The Jews in Curacao, according to documents from the archives o the State of New York. Pub Amer Jew Hist Soc 10(1902)141-57. Hapgood, Hutchins. The spirit of the Ghetto; studies of the Jewish quarter in New York; with drawings from life by Jacob Epstein. New York and London, Funk & Wagnalls company, 1902. 311, [1] p. front., ill. 20%cm. [L.C. 2-27222] Htihner, Leon. The Jews of Georgia in colonial times, by Leon Htthner. . . From the Publications of the American Jewish historical society, no. 10, 1902. Baltimore, 1902. cover-title, 65-95 p. 241% cm. [L.C. 3-31541] J a c o b s, J. The Damascus affair of 1840 and the Jews of America. PUD Amer Jew Hist Soc 10(1902) 119-28. J a B t r o w, M., jr. References to Jews in the diary of Ezra Stiles. Pub Amer Jew Hist Soc 10(1902)5-36. ft o h 1 e r, M. J. Jewish activity In American colonial commerce. Pub Amer Jaw Hist *oc 10(1902)47-64. 108 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Peters, Madison C[linton]. The Jew as a patriot, with an Introductory essay by Oscar S. Straus. New York, The Baker & Taylor co., 1902. xxxi p., 1 1., 35-236 p. 19Vi- FRev.in:Dlal 32(1902)322 "brief but earnest tribute to their great ability and patriotism." L.C. 2-5874] P h 1 1 1 p 8 o n, D. The Cincinnati community in 1825. Pub Amer Jew Hist Soc 10(1902)97-9. Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society. Pub. by the society, no. 10, 1902. p. 13-202. 80. S t e 1 n e r, Edward A. The Russian and Polish Jew in New York. Outl 72(1902)528-39, ill. JOCELYN, Nathaniel (1796-1881). Connecticut painter. B a r t 1 e t t, Ellen S. A patriarch of American portrait painters. Conn Mag 7(1902)589-601, port. JOGUES. R. P. Isaac (1607-1646). French Jesuit missionary to North America. R. P. Isaac Jogues. Martyrise par les Iroquols le 18 October, 1646. Rech Hist 8(1902)148, port. only. JOHNS Hopkins University. Univ. at Baltimore, Md. fd. 1876. Oilman, Daniel C. The launching of a university. Scrib M 31(1902)337-26. J a m e s o n, J. Franklin. The Johns Hopkins anniversary. Dial 32(1902)143-6. The Johns Hopkins celebration. Nation 74(1902)167. The Johns Hopkins University. Outl 70(1902)511-13. Johns Hopkins university; celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the university and Inauguration of Ira Remsen, LL.D., as president of the university. February twenty-first and twenty- second, 1902. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1902. 4 p. 1., 182 p. 24%. Rev.in:Nation 75(1902) 402; Dial 33(1902)338 "Much matter of more than ephemeral Interest." I..C. 3-1795] JOHNSBURG. HI. Hamlet of McHenry Co. about 24 m. N. of Elgin. Mannbardt, E. Die rhelnpreuszisohe Niederlassung in und um Johnsburg, McHenry county. Deutsch- Am 6 2.4(1902)58-62. JOHNSON, Andrew (1808-75). 17th President of the United States. Books, papers and manuscripts of President Andrew Johnson. Gulf Mag 1(1902)54-55. R a m a g e. Burr J. Andrew Johnson's administration. So Atlan Q 1(1902)171-81,256-64. JOHNSON, Bradley Tyler (b.1829). Va. and Md. lawyer, officer in Civil War, writer. Johnson, Bradley T. Johnson's ride around Baltimore in 1864. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)215-25. JOHNSON, John A. (1832-1901). Wis. pioneer, State senator, philanthropist. T h w a 1 1 e s, Reuben G. Death of John A. Johnson. Wise Hist Proc '01 (1902)20-2. JOHNSON, Reverdy (1796-1876). lid. Attorney-General of United States. Johnson, Reverdy. [Letter] to T. Parsons [1848]. Bost Bull 7(1902)321. JOHNSON, Richard Mentor (1781-1850). Kentucky, U. S. senator and Vice-President. Johnson, Richard M. [Letter] to Captain Pltchlynn [1826]. Bost Bull 7(1902)183-4. JOHNSON, Sylvanus (1813-1902). Iowa pioneer and business man. Springer, John. Sylvanus Johnson. Iowa Hist Rec 18(1902)449-56. JOHNSON, Tom L. (b.1854). Cleveland. 0., mayor and capitalist. George, Henry. Tom Loftin Johnson. Cosmopol 34(1902-3)95-7, port. Howe, Frederic C. "The best governed community in the world." World's Work 3(1901-2)1723-8, port. Tom Johnson to the front. Nation 75(1902)201. JOHNSON family. Shepard, James. The New Haven and Walllngford (Conn.) Johnsons... Reprinted for the author from the New-England historical and genealogical register for April, 1902. Boston, Press of JJ.Clapp & son, 1902. 11 p. 24%cm. [L.C. 3-4182] Supplementary notes on the Johnson family. N E Reg 56(1902)297-8. JOHNSON'S Island, 0. Island near Sandusky, northern O., used as Civil War U. S. prison. Inzer, John W. How the news of the assassination of President Lincoln was received by the Confed- erate prisoners on Johnson's Island, in April, 1865. Gulf Mag 1(1902)194-8. Johnson's Island. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)256-65. JOHNSTON, Frank (b.1843). Miss. Attorney-General, Confederate officer, hist, writer. [Frank Johnston.] Miss Hist P 6 (1902)65-7. JOHNSTON, Joseph Eggleston (1807-91). Va. Confederate general, U. S. Congressman, writer. J o s e p h E. Johnston on the Georgia Campaign of 1864. N Y Bull 6(1902)170. JOHNSTON, Samuel (1733-1816). N. C. lawyer, Governor. D 1 1 1 a r d, Richard. Hayes and Us builder. N C Bookl 2.8(1902)32-9. JOHNSTON family. Conover, Charlotte Reeve. Concerning the forefathers; being a memoir, with personal narrative and letters of two pioneers, Col. Robert Patterson and Col. John Johnston. [For details see the same title under subject, Patterson family.] S a v a r y, Judge A. W. Some Annandale Johnstons in America. N Y Rec 33(1902)246-9. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 100 JOLIETTE. B. Founder of the town of Joliette. Hon. B. Joliette, fondateur de la Vllle de Joliette. Recb Hist 8(1902)20, full p. port. JOLINE, Adrian Hoffman (b.1850). N. Y. lawyer, autograph collector, writer. Meditations ofaii autograph collector. Collect 15(1902)101-2. JOLLIET, Louis (d.1700). French Canadian explorer and officer. C h a p a i s, Thomas. Louis Jolliet. Nouv Fr 1(1902)41-51. G a g n o n, Ernest. On est mort Louis Jolliet. Rcch Hist 8(1902)277-9. G a g n o n, Ernest. Les freres de Louis Jollie t. Rcch Hist 8(1902)313-4. Gagnon, Ernest. Lotfls Jolliet, Decouvrenr du Mississippi et du Pays des Illinois, Premier Seigneur 1'Ile d'Antlcosti. Etude Biographique et Hiatoriographique. Qu&bec [1902]. pp. 15+284. II n in y. A. Louis Jolliet (explorateur du Mississippi en 1673). Et 92.254-C2. JONES, Gabriel (1724-1806). Va. lawyer, member of Continental Congress, state legislator. B a r t o n, R. T. Gabriel Jones "The lawyer." W Va Mag 2.2(1902)19-30, port, coat-of-arms. JONES, J. H. (b.1838). Miss, lawyer, Confederate officer. [ C o 1. J. H. Jones]. Miss Hist F 6(1902)111. JONES, John Paul (1747-82). Va. naval officer in Am. Revolution. B e 1 k n a p, Geo. E. The life and character of John Paul Jones. N H Hist S III.2, 1897-9(1902)414-35. Brown, Charles Walter. John Paul Jones of naval fame, a character of the revolution... Chicago, M.A. Donobue & co. [1902] 271 p. front., pi., port., map. 20cm. [Rev.ln:Am Hist R 8(1903)801 (B.F.) "interesting. . .contributes nothing that has pot already been told." L.C. 2-15987] Frothingham, Jessie Peabody. Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut. New York, C.Scribner's sons, 1902. vli, 396 p. front., pi. 19%cm. [Contents Sir Francis Drake, .1544-1596. Admiral Martin Harpert- zoon Tromp, 1597-1653. Admiral Michael Adriaanszoon do Rnyter, 1607-1676. Marshal Anne-Hilarion de Tourville, 1642-1701. Vlce-Admiral de Suffren Saint-Tropez, 1726-1788. Vice-Admiral Paul Jones, 1747- 1792. Viscount Lord Horatio Nelson, 1758-1805. Admiral David Glasgow Farragut, 1801-1870. Rev.ln: Nation 75(1902)381 "Technical details [faulty] .. .agreeable style. . .commend [ed to all] who... relish a deed of daring skilfully told." L. C. 2-22871] Smith, Mary Styart. Marie Adelaide of Orleans. New Kng M 26(1902)471-5, port. JONES, Walter (b.1777). Washington, D. C., lawyer. Jones, Miss F. L. Walter Jones and his times. Ri-c Columbia Hist Soc 5(1902)139-50. JONES family. Family account of Mrs. Lucy Ann Page, late of Gkwcester County, Virginia. Win M Q 11(1902)132-6. Rev. Hugh Jones (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)202-3. Parker, L. N[ewton] 1629-30 1902. History and genealogy of the ancestors and descendants of Captain Israel Jones who removed from Enfleld to Barkhamsted, Conn., in the year 1759. Compiled for Hon. Asahel W. Jones. [Nonvalk, O., Laning co.] 1902. xvi, 303 p. front., 111., port. 23%cm. L.C. 3-8716] JORDAN, David Starr (b.1852). Stanford University president, naturalist, writer. M i 1 1 a r d, F. B. President Jordan of Stanford University. World's Work 4(1902)2097-9, port. p. 2096. JORY, James (b.1820). Oregon pioneer. L y m a n, H. S. Reminiscences of James Jory. Oreg Q 3(1902)271-86. JOSEPH, Jacob (1840-1902). N. Y. Hebrew patriarch. C a h a n, Abraham. The late Rabbi Joseph, Hebrew patriarch of New York. R of Rs 26(1902)311-14. JOUETT, Matthew Harris (1788-1827). Kentucky artist. [ P r 1 c e, S. W. Matthew Harris Jouett. Filson Club Pub 17(1902)1-67. "JOURNAL des Families (le)." Proposed literary and scientific journal, Canada, 1840. LeJournal des Families. Rech Hist 8(1902)154. "JOURNAL du Dimanche." Montreal periodical, 1883 so.. "Le Journal du Dimanche." Rech Hist 8(1902)124-7. JOURNALISM. The business of conducting or editing a newspaper. Banks, Elizabeth L. The autobiography of a "newspaper girl'* New York, Dodii. Mead and company, 1902. vlll, 317 p. Incl. front, (port.) 19%cm. [Rev.ln rNatlon 75(1902 >Ml "future historian of nine- teenth-century Journalism will obtain m[nch] light from the story of Miss Bank's career." L.C. 2-23850] C a r p e n t e r, D. W. Pioneer journalism. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)48-50. Hale, Will T. Early American journalism. Meth R South 51(1902)850-8. Meiklejohn, Bernard. A newspaper with many functions the Buenos Ay res "La Prensa." World's Work 3(1901-2)1708-13, ill. Miller, George L. Newspapers and newspaper men [in Neb.]. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)31-47. M o r t o n, J. Sterling. Territorial journalism. [Neb.] Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)11-30. Robinson, Ednab- Chinese journalism in California. Out West 16(1902)33-42, ill., port. 110 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. JOYFIELD, Uioh. Town*hip of Benzie Co. 1 m. S. of Benzonia. Joy, Wm. A. Joyfli'ld Township. Mich Hist Coll '01, 31(1002)146-9. JOYNES, Levin (1753-94). Va. officer in Am. Revolution, State senator. Memoranda made by Thomas R. Joynes on a Journey to the States of Ohio and Kentucky, 1810. Wm M Q 10(1902)145-58,221-32. JOYNES, Thomas R. (1789-1858). Va. lawyer and planter, officer in war of 1812. Joynes, Levin S. A sketch of the life of Thomas R. Joynos, of Accomack, Virginia. Reprinted, 1902. [31.Men.in:Wm M Q 10(1902)283 "decided addition to bio*, literature."] Memoranda made by Thomas R. Joynes on a Journey to the States of Ohio and Kentucky, 1810. Wm M Q 10(1902)145-58,221-32. JUAREZ, Benito (1808-72). President of Mexico, 1865-6. O u s 1 e y, Clarence. The continuity of constitutional government in Mexico under President Juarez. Gulf Mag 1(1902)179-83. W i n t o n, George B. The liberator of Mexico. Meth R South 51(1902)211-19. JTTNXIN, George (1827-1902). Philadelphia lawyer. Brownson, Marcus A. Address at the Funeral Service of George Jnnkin, LL.D., at the Tenth Presbyterian church, Philadelphia, Saturday, April 12, 1902. pp. 16. KANAWHA COUNTY, W. Va. A western Co. of state on great Kanawha R. K a n a w h a County records. W Va Mag 2.3(1902)76-82. KANAWHA VALLEY, W. Va. Watershed of Great Kanawha R. Martin, Lewis A. The great Kanawha Valley, In 1850. W Va Mag 2.3(1902)66-71. KANE, Elisha Kent (1820-57). Phila. surgeon in TT. S. navy, Arctic explorer. Kingsley, Nellie F. Four American explorers; Captain Meriwether Lewis, Captain William Clark, General John C. Frfimont, Dr. Elisha K. Kane. [For details seo same title und^r subject, Lewis, Meriwether.] KANSAS. Central state of U. 8. Admitted 1861. B e r t r a m, G. W. Reminiscences of Northwest Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)198-202. B e 1 1 o n, F. H. The Genesis of a state's metropolis. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)114-20. B o t k i n, T. Among the sovereign squats. Trans Knn Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)418-41. Brown, George W[ashington]. False claims of Kansas historians truthfully corrected... Rockford, 111., The author, 1902. 160 p. front, (port.) 19^cm. [Companion volume to his Reminiscences of Gov. R. J. Walker. L.C. 3-2000] B u 1 1 a r d, Mrs. C. W. Horticulture in Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)206-11. Butcerfleld, J. W. The Legislation war of 1893; Inside, outside, and back again. Trans Kan Hiat Soc 1901-2 7(1902)453-58. [Coburn, Foster Bwight]. Kansas and her resources. 80th thousand. [Chicago?] Passenger dep't, The Atchison, Topeka & Santa F6 railway company, 1902. 69 p. incl. front., 111. map. 15%x8%cm. ( [Homeseekers* series, no. 7]) [L.C. 2-26021] C o f f 1 n, W. H. Settlement of the Friends in Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Soc (1901-2)7(1902)322-61. C o r y, C. E. Slavery In Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)229-42. D a 1 1 a 8, E. J. Early-day post-offices in Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)441-46. Draper, Wm. R. Solving the labor problem of the wheat belts. R of Rs 26(1902)70-2. [Fox, Simeon M] Story of the Seventh Kansas. [Topeka? 1902?] 36, [1] p. 23cm. [An address made before the 27th annual meeting of the Kansas state hostorical society, Dec. 2, 1902. L.C. 3-30669] H a r g e r, Charles Moreau. The Kansas of to-day. Atlan 90(1902)361-70. Hutchlnson, W. Sketches of Kansas pioneer experience. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)390-410. J o h n s o n, C. W. Survey of the Northern boundary line of Kansas. Trans Kan Hist. Soc 1901-2 7(1902) 318-22. Kansas and the Flag. Dedication of a monument marking the site of Pike's Pawnee Village. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)261-317. Kansas State Hist. Society [Constitution, meetings, etc.]. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)1-27. Kansas State Historical Society. Origin of county names. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)472-74. Lincoln in Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)536-52. M c N e a 1, T. A. Southwestern Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)90-5. M a n n 1 n g, E. C. In at the birth, and . Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)202-05. M a r t i n, G. W. The Kansas State Historical Society. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)564-72. M a r 1 1 n, G. W. The territorial and military combine at Fort Riley. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902) 361-90. M a t s o n, C. H. A giant Kansas farm. World's Work 4(1902)2327-9, ill. M a t s o n, C. H. A grain-buyers' trust: how Kansas farmers are meeting it. R of Rs 25(1902)201-5. Origin of city names. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)475-86. P e r d n e, R. M. The sources of the Constitution of Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)130-51. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Ill S c o 1 t , C. F. The discovery and development of natural gas In Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Sco 1901-2 7 (1902)126-130. Stone, Miss I. G. The lead and zinc field of Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Son 1901-2 7(1902)243-60. Transactions of the Kansas State Historical Society, 1901-2. Topeka, Kan. v. 7, 1902. p. 619. W a 1 t e r s, J. D. The Kansas State Agricultural College. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)167-88. Winans, George W[esley]. ...Kansas... New York, London, The Macmillan co., 1902. Ix, -. p. 111., map. 20xl6cm. (Tarr and McMurry geographies. Supplementary volume) [L.C. 2-9131] W r 1 g h t, R. M. Personal reminiscences of frontier life In southwest Kansas. Trans Kan Jlst Soc 1901-2 7(1902)47-83. KANSAS CITY, Mo. City of Jackson Co. on Missouri R. at western border of state. Non-resident direct paying taxpayers on Kansas City, Missouri, property. An alphabetically arranged ownership list, with names and addresses. [Kansas City, Mo.] The Law & credit company [1902] 1 p.l., [5]-39 p. 22%cm. [L.C. 2-19396] KASKASKIA, 111. Village of Randolph Co. 40 m. 8. of Belleville. First house of the Sisters of the Visitation at Kasbaskla, Illinois, A. D. 1838. Reminiscence* of Sister Mary Josephine Barber. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)211-26. KATHAN family. Mansfield, David Lfufkin]. ...History of Captain John Kathan, the first sottler of Dummerston, Vt.. and his associates and family descendants, and the Moores, the Frosts, the Williards, allied by marriage to the Kathans. Also a partial account of William French and Daniel Houghton, the first martyrs of the revolution. Brattleboro, E.L.Hildreth & co., 1902. xil, 147 p. front., port., plates, fold. map. 23%cm. [L.C. 3-26849] KAVANAGH, Edward (1796-1884). Maine lawyer, acting Gov., U. S. senator. Religious oppression in Mass. Trial of Rev. John Cheverus for marrying Catholics and of Mr. Kava- nagh for non-support of the Cong, minister of his township. Am Cath Res 10(1902)120-5. K A WE AH, Cal. A Utopian community in Tulare Co. from 1882-1891. H a s k e 1 1, Burnette G. Kaweah. How and why the colony died. Out West 17(1902)300-22, 111, port. KEENE, James Robert (b.1838). If. Y. stock broker. L e f 6 v r e, Edwin. James Robert Keen". Cosmopol 34(1002-3)31-5. KEKCHI Indians. A Maiyan tribe of Gautemala. K e k c h i maize products. Am Ant 24(1902)237-8. KELLEY, Moses (fl.1775). N. H. pioneer and officer in Am. Rev. Moore, William E. Early settlement of Kr-lley's Falls. Notes and Q 20(1902)49-56. KELLOGG, Elijah (1813-1901). Maine Congregational clergyman, writer, lecturer. Ray, Isabel T. Rev. Elijah Kellogg author and preacher. New Eng M 26(1902)435-48, ill., port. KELLOGG family. Ray, Isabel T. Rev. Elijah Kellogg uuthor and preacher. New Kng M 26 (1902) 433-48, 111., port. KENDALL, Amos (1787-1869). Ky. and D. C. lawyer, Postmaster- General, writer. Kendall, Amos. Card [1856]. Bost Bull 7(1902)206-7. Kendall, Amos. [Letter] to David Henshaw [1829]. Bost Bull 7(1902)265-6. KENRICK, Francis Patrick (1797-1863). Cath. Archbishop of Baltimore, and writer. K e n r 1 c k, Francis Patrick. Early letters of Archbishop Kenrick. Am Cath Res 19(1902)53-5. KENTUCKY. East central state of U. S., admitted 1792. Seattle, Francis R. Presbyterian educational work in Kentucky. Presb Q 16(1902-3)518-30. G r a h a m, H. W. Weaving, Kentucky. Craftsman l(l02)45(Ja). Kentucky. Bur. of agriculture, labor and statistics. Hand book of Kentucky... Issued by I. B. Nail, commissioner of agriculture. Louisville, Ky., G.G. Fetter printing co., 1902. 2 p. 1., 512 p. fold. map. 22 ! ,icm. [Running title: Fourteenth biennial report, Bureau of agriculture. A reprint, In abridged form, of the Fourteenth biennial report, 1000-1901, of tho bureau. L.C. 2-29727] The Kentucky Confederate Home. Confed Vet 10(1902)558-60. P o a g e, Louella Kemper. Kentucky's part In the battle of Point Pleasant. W Va Mag 2.4(1902)17-28. Price, Samuel W. The old masters of the Blue Grass. (Fllson Club Publications, No. 17) Louisville, Ky., P. Morton & Co., 1902. pp. 17+181. 4o. [Rev.ln:South Hist A Pub 6(1902)445 "has sympathetically recalled the lives of six artists. . .All interesting, hut not critical. . .wholesale laudation. . .considering the difficulties. . .can only be grateful."] KIDD, (Capt.) William (d.1701). Famous pirate. Abbott, John S[tevens] C[abot], Captain William Kidd and others of the buccaneers. New York, Dodd. Mead and company [1902] xl, [9]-373 p. front. 19cm. [L.C. 2-25020] C h a m p 1 1 n, John D. The true Captain Kldd. Harper 106(1902)27-36. 112 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. KILHAM family. Mills, William StoweU. The early Kilharns. N. E Re* 56(1902)344-6. KIMBALL, Moses (1810-95). Boston financier. Assemblyman. Gumming a, Charles A. Moses Klmball. N E Reg 56(1902)335-40, port. KIMBALL, Samuel Sparhawk (1825-99). N. H. banker, R. R. president. Samuel Sparhawk Klmball [obituary]. N H Hist S 111.2,1897-9(1902)502-3, port. KIMBALL family. Hobbs, William Herbert. Kirnball-Weston memorial. The American ancestry and descendants of Alonzo and Sarah (Westou) Klmball of Green Bay, Wisconsin. Marlson, Wlss., Priv. print., 1902. 103, [6] p. 1 pi., 3 ports, (incl. front.) 1 fold, geneal. tab. 25cm. ["The descendants of Alonzo and Sarah Weston Kimball. (Compiled by Mary Cornelia Kimball Walker.)": p. L90J-92. Rev..ln:N E Reg 57(1903)119 (Gordon, George A.) "Most desirable. . .to all Interested ... good index"; 21.Men.iu:N E Reg 56(1902)213 (F.W.Parke) "chart is intelligibly arranged." L.C. 3-17719] The Kimball Family News, being supplemented to Kimball Family History. Vol. 5. Nos. 6-10. June, July, Aug., Oct., 1902. Topeka, Kansas, Pub. by G.F.Klmball. 8 TO. pp. 81-144. fll. KING, Clarence (1842-1901). IT. 8. Geological surveyor, scientist, writer. Clarence King. Nation 74(1902)7-8. Emmons, 8. F., and Atkinson, Henry M. Clarence King: a memorial. Engineering and Mining Journal, 1902. pp. 12. 111. KING, John C. Fa. German. Oakley, Henrietta M. Famous Pennsylvania-Germans. Rev. John C. King, D. D. Pa-Ger 3(1902)99-108. KING, William Rufus (1786-1853). Ala. senator, Vice-Presidcnt of U. 8. Kins, William R. [Letter on sectional issues, 1850]. Gulf Mag 1(1902)45. KING family. A k e r 1 y, Lucy D. Wm. and Dorothy King, of Salem, Mass., and L. I. descendants. N Y Rec 33(1902) Tl-5, ill. Priest, Alice L. King (note). N E Reg 56(1902)206. KING ISLAND, Alaska. Island of Bering Sea. H a w 1 e y, R. Newton. Arctic cliff dwellers. World's Work 3(1901-2)1844-7, 111. KING Philip's War. N. E. Indian war, 1675. The flintlock used in Philip's war. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)67-92. KING and Queen County, Va. Co. in the E. part of Virginia. King and Queen County deeds. Va Mag 9(1902)309-11. KINGS COUNTY, Cal. A southeastern Co. of state. G o o d r i c h, F. M. Kings County and Hanford. Out West 17(1902)637-44, ill. KINGS RIVER, Cal. River of southern Cal. flowing S.E. into Tulare Lake. Gibson, Hugh S. The Sierra Club in King's river canon. Out West 17(1902)565-77, ill. KINGSTON, Canada. City of Ontario at outlet of Lake Ontario, 178 m. W. of Montreal. Cataraqul. Rech Hist 8(1902)240. KINSMAN, William H. (1834-63). Iowa lawyer and officer in Civil War. Dodge, Grenvllle W. Colonel William H. Kinsman. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)241-50, port. KIOWA Indians. Roving tribe of western plains, now naturalized citizens of Florida. James Mooney's ethnological work and studies The Kiowas of W. Oklahoma. Gulf Mag 1(1902)223. KIRBY, Ephraim (1757-1804). Conn, and Ala. soldier in Am. Revolution, judge, publicist. Owen, Thomas McAdory. Ephraim Kirby, first Superior Court Judge In what is now Alabama. N Y Ree 33(1902)129-34, port. KITTERY, Mo. Village of York Co. 51 m. S.W. of Portland. Fogg, Wm. The early families of Eliot and Kittery, Me. Old Eliot 5(1902)1-29,39-62,87-154,159-196. KLONDIKE. Auriferous region in Yukon District, Canada. Production de 1'or aux fitats-Unis et au Klondyke en 1901. Scon Franc 11 Jan(1902). KNAGGS family. Ross, Robert B. History of the Knaggs family of Ohio and Michigan. Historical, biographical and gene- alogical. Detroit, C.M.Burton,. 1902. 56 p. ill. (incl. port., map) 31cm. [in triple columns. 21.Men. in:N E Reg 57(1903)229(F.W.Parke) "indexes of places and names." [L-.C. 3-14589] KNIGHT, Sarah (Kemble) (1666-1727). N. E. teacher, writer. S a y 1 e s, Lucy B. A brave knight of the seventeenth century. Conn Mag 7(1902)334-8, ill. KNIGHT family. Will of William Knight [of Lynn, Mass., ab.l665J. Ess Ant 6(1902)77-8. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. IIS KNOX, Henry (1750-1806). N. . officer in Am. Revolution, Secretary of War. K n o x. Henry. [Letter] to Henry Jackson [1777]. Host Bull 7(1902)462-b. KNOX, Philander Chase (b.1853). Fa. lawyer, U. S. Attorney-General. C o o 1 1 d g e, L. A. Attorney-General Knox, lawyer. McClure 19(1902)471-3, port. Philander C. Knox. World's Work 4(1902)2470, port. only. KONTI. laadore (b.1862). N. Y. sculptor. M o s e s, B. C. Isadore Kontl. Spirit of '76 8(1902)131. KOOTENA7 Indians. A group of related tribes along the Montana-British Columbia border. Chamberlain, Alex. F. Earlier and later Kootenay Onomatology. Am Anthropol N.S. 4(1902)229-36. Chamberlain, Alex. F. Geographic terms of Kootenay origin. Am Anthropol N.S. 4(1902)348-50. KORNER. Gustav Philipp (1809-96). Ger. Am. jurist, diplomat, historian. Rattermann, H[einrich] A[rmin], Gustav Korner, (ifiutsch-amerlkanischer jurist, staatsmann, diplomat und geschlchtschrelber. Eln lebensbild, nach seiner unverSffentlichten autobiographic, seinen schrlften und brlefen, bearbeltet und dem andonken des verstorbenen freundes in dankbarer erinnerung gewidmet. Separatdruck aus dem I I. band der Gesammelten werke. Cincinnati, V^riag des verfassers, 1902. 1 p. 1., [221]-386 p. 23cm. [L.C. 3-5659] KRAT/TH, Charles Forterfleld (1823-83). Fa. Lutheran clergyman, Professor, writer. S p a e t h, A. Charles Porterfleld Krauth. H R E 11,81-4. KU-KLTJX Klans. A Secret society in the Southern States in Reconstruction times. J a r T 1 s, (Mrs.)T. J. The conditions that led to the Ku-Klux Klans. N C Bookl 1.12(1902)3-24. J a r v 1 8, (Mrs.)T. J. The Ku-Klux Klans. N C Bookl 2.1(1902)3-26. Tyler, C[harles] W[aller]. The K. K. K. New York, London [etc.] The Abbey press [1902] 4, 3-5, 5-359 p. 22cm. [L.C. 2-14140] LABOR. Productive work and those engaged in it. Baker, Ray Stannard. How labor Is organized. World's Work 4(1902)2427-32. Draper, Wm. R. Solving the labor problem of the wheat belts. R of Rs 26(1902)70-2. E a 8 1 e y, Ralph M. What organized labor has learned. McClure 19(1902)483-92, port. Enemies of society. Nation 75(1902)394-5. Howell, George. Labour legislation, labour movements "and labour leaders... London, T.F.Unwin, 1902. [Rev. in: Nation 74(1902)484 "More of... nature of annals than history- to a great extent unreadable... occasional episodes of interest." L.C. 2-21250] K e r b y, William J. The public and the labor question. Cath Dnlv B 8(1002)3-19. Labor and capital in building trades. Am Arch 78(1902)59(N22). M 1 n o t, R. S. Labor trusts. Am Arch 78:37(N1). Page, Thomas Walker. The San Francisco labor movement In 1901. Pol Sci Q 17(1902)664-88. Peters, John P[unnett], Labor and capital; a discussion of the relations of employer and employed. New York and London, G.P.Putnam's sons, 1902. xliv, 463 p. 20cm. (Qestions of the day, 98) [Contents. I. General questions. II. Combinations of employers and employed are they mutually beneficial? III. Trusts and labor unions from a legal aspect. IV. Conciliation and arbitration. V. Model industries. VI. Socialism and single tax. VII. The unemployed. Appendix. [Rev.tnrNation 74(1902)484 "of [little] permanent value... made up... of contributions of flf ty ... persons to. . .newspapers. .." L.C. 2-13401] Straus, Oscar S. The Conference of Industrial Peace. No Am 174(1902)175-81. Taylor, Benjamin. Industrial troubles in America. 19th Cent 52(1902)732-45. van Vorst, B. L'Ouvrtere aux tats-unis. Rev Deux Mondns 12(1902)657-90. W a n d b y, W. S. Rights and wrongs of labor and capital. Arena 27(1302)267(Mr). Webb, Sidney, and Webb, Beatrice. The history of trade unionism. New ed. [5th Impression, 6th thou- sand] London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green and co., 1902. xxxiv, 558 p. fold. map. 22cm. ["Bibliography. Prepared by Robert Alec. Peddle": p. [498]-543. L.C. 2-23076] Williams, James H. The autobiography of a labor leader. Indep 54(1902)2634-8. Winston, Ambrose P. A quarter century of strikes. Atlan 90(1902)656-67. W r 1 g h t, C. Trade-Unionismus. Pastoralbl. f. Homilct (1902)181-93. Wright, Carroll D. Consolidated labor. No Am 174(1902)30-45. Wright, Carroll D. Labor organizations In U. S. Contemp 82(1902)519-25.' Wright, Carroll D[avidson]. Some ethical phases of the labor question... Boston. American Unitarian as- sociation, 1902. 4 p. 1., 207 p. 19cm. [Contents. Religion in relation to sociology. The relation of political economy to the labor question. The factory as an element In civilization. The ethics of prison labor. Rev.ln:Nation 75(1902)381 "Essays. . . homiletical in character and prove at least. . .author has a benevolent disposition." L.C. 2-24907] LABRADOR. Peninsula on the E. coast of British North America. Daly, Reginald A. The geology of the northeast coast of Labrador. (Bulletin of the Museum of Com- parative Zoology, Harvard Univ., vol. 38, pp. 65.) Geolog. series, vol. 5, no. 5 [1902] 114 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. D e 1 a b a r r e, E. B. Report of the Brown-Harvard expedition to Nachvak Labrador, in the year 1000. Bull Geog Soc of Phlla 3(1902)66-212. G a r d n e r, C. Turrille. Life in Labrador. Wide World M Oct( 1902) 29-34. LABR.IE, Jacques (b.1831). Canadian physician and hist, writer. Le Docteur Labrie. Rech Hist 8(1902)50, port. LACE making. The industry of netting thread into artistic fabrics. Forbes, (Mrs.) A. S. C. Lace making of Indian women. Out West 16(1002)613-6, ill. LACEY, John (1755-1841). Pa. and N. J. politician, Brig. -General in Am. Rev., manufacturer. Memoirs of Brigadier-General John Lacey, of Pennsylvania. Penn Mag 25(1901)1-13,191-207,341-54, 498-515; 26(1902)101-11,265-70. Owen, Thomas McAdory. Colonel Edward Lacey of the Revolution and t,->me of his descendants. Gulf Mag 1(1902)41-4. LACROSSE. An Indian ball game adopted by Canadians and Americans. C o 1 1 1 s o n, B. W., and Munro, John K. Lacrosse in Canada. Canad M 19(1902)410-26, ill., port. LAFAYETTE, Marquis (1757-1834). Trench General in Am. Revolution. Ford, George H. The struggle for liberty Conn Mag 7(1902)549-52. LaFayette. Letter [to Dr. Samuel Cooper], 1781. Am Hist R 8(1902)89-91. H a 1 e, E. J. Monsieur Le Marquis de La Fayette. N C Bookl 1.8(1901)3-31. Tower, C. La Marquis de la Fayette et la Revolution d'AmSrique. . . trad, .par M. Gaston Paris Tome 1. Paris, Plon, 1902. pp. 475. 80. W r i g h t, D. J. La Fayette et Rochambeau devant les historions amfricains. Rev Hebdom 24 Mai (1902). LA FOLLETTE, Robert Marion (b.1865). Wis. lawyer, Congressman, Governor. Wilbur, Henry W. "A coming man." Guntou's M 23(1902)250-3. Wilder, Amos Parker. Governor La Follettee and what he stands for. Outl 70(1902)631-4. LAGTTNA de Tache Grant, Kings and Fresno Cos., Cal. H a r r i s, W. N. The Laguna de Tache grant. Out West 17(1902)645-52, ill. L'HALLE, Constantin de (or Challe) (d.1729). Canadian priest. Massicotte, E. Z. Les deux Peres de 1'Halle. Rech Hist 8(1902)149-50. LAKE County, Ohio. County in the N.E. part of state. Daughters of the American revolution. Ohio. New Connecticut chapter, Painesville. A record of the rev- olutionary soldiers buried in Lake County, Ohio, with a partial list of those in Geauga County, and a membership roll of New Connecticut chapter, Daughters of the American revolution, "by New Connecticut chapter, Painesville, Ohio. [Columbus, O., The Champlin press, 1902] ;M p. tncl. front., pi., 2 port. pi. 25%cm. [L.C. 3-32331] M i 1 1 s, W. S. Lake County and its founder. Historical address delivered in Painenville, Lake County. O., July 21, 1901, at the ceremonies of the unveiling of the statue of Edward Paine. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)361-71. LAKE ERIE. War of 1812 Naval battle, Sept. 10, 1813. Mack, Mrs. J. T. The battle of Lake Erie, September 10, 1813. Ohio Arch it. Hist Pub 10(1902)38-45. LANCASTER family. Lancaster, Harry Fred. The Lancaster family. A history of Thomas and Phebe Lancaster, of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and their descendants, from 1711-1902. Also a sketch on the origin of the name and family in England. Illustrated... [Huntlngton, lud., A.J.Hoover printing co.] 1902. 291, [11] p. front., pi., port., map, facsim. 22cm. [Rev.in:Old Northw Q 6(1903)26 "copiously illustrated. . .well indexed... of great use to genealogists"; N Y Rec 34(1903)71 "Exceedingly well compiled." L.C. 3-469] LANCASTER County, Fa. A southeastern Co. of State bordering on Maryland. Christ Church, Lancaster County (note). Va Mag 10(1902)208-10, ill. [Franklin, Walter Mayer]. ...Historical points of interest along the Straslurg trolley road... Lancaster. Pa., Reprinted from The New era, 1902. 16 p. 24%cm. (Lancaster County historical society. Papers read before the ... society ... v. 7, no. 1) [Read at the meeting of Sept. 5, 1902, by W. M. Franklin. "Minutes of the September meeting of the society:" p. 15-16. L.C. 3-8722] LANCASTER, Fa. Capital of Lancaster Co. 69 m. W. of Philadelphia. Law, James D[uff] i. e. James. Revised and enlarged copy of Lancaster old and new; an address de- livered before the Lancaster board of trade, January 9, 1902... Lancaster, Pa., Printed for the author, 1902. 34 p. 24cm. [L.C. 2-8106] LAND Grants. The transfer by the gov't. of public land to private use and ownership. The Continental Congress donates land for the support of the Catholic religion and schools. Am Cath Res 19(1902)65-6. LAND title registration. System whereby th* state records and guarantees titles to real estate. Jones, Leonard A. Land title registration in the United States. Am Law R 36(1902)321-348. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. lit LANE, Hugh (1821-1902). Am. Catholic priest. Rev. Hugh Lane [port. only]. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)opp.l37. LANE family. Lane genealogies... Exeter, N. H., The News-letter press, 1891-1902. 3 v. fronts., plate, port. 24cm. [Vol. 1 compiled by Rev. Jacob Chapman and Rev. James H. Fitts; v. 2-3, by Jamea Hill Fitts. Vol. 1 has manuscript notes Inserted. L.C. 3-20073] LANIER, Sidney (1842-61). Southern poet and writer, soldier in Confederate army. W o o 1 t , Winfleld P. The poetry of Sidney Lanler. Sewanee 10(1902)325-40. LAPHAM, Increase A. (1811-75). Wis. engineer, archaeologist, scientist, writer. L a p h a m, Mary J. Dr. Increase A. Lapham. Wis Arch 1(1901-2)32-4. LA SALLE County, 111. North-central Co. of state. Mannhardt, E. Deutsch Theilnehmer am mexikanischen Kriege von La Salic County. Deutach-Am 6 2.3(1902)48-9. LA SERRE family. Descent of the family of La Serre. Am Herald J 2(1902)13. LASSI6, Moritz (1831-1902). 111. 'Bridge engineer. M o r 1 t z, Lassig. Deutsch-Am G 2.2(1902)68-9. LA SUETTE. District of province of Quebec. Scott, L'Abbe H. A. La Suette. Rech Hist 8(1902)373-4. LATIN America. Portions of America inhabited chiefly by Latin races. L'Ame'rlque la tine, ficon Franc 11 Jan (1902). B o u d 1 n h o n, A. La concile pleuier de I'Ame'rique latino. Canon Contemp Jan Mars (1902). Das Evangelium im romanischen Amerlka. Uebersetzt aus Revista cristiana 1901. Pr W B [s sec.6], 1105f. Lane, Horace M. Protestant education in Latin America. Miss R 25(1902)753-8. V i a 1 1 a t e, A. Les tats-Dnis et I'AmCrique la tine. Rev Par 1 Mars (1902). LAURENS, Henry (1724-92). Pres. of the Carolina Congr. 1776, delegate to Continental Congr. 1777. Letters from Hon. Henry Laurens to his son John, 1773-1776. S C Hist Mag 3(1902)86-96,134-49,207-16 LAURENS, John (1753-82). 8. C. officer in Am. Revolution, secretary to Gen. Washington. Army correspondence of Col. John Laurens. S C Hist Mag 3(1902)16-23. The diary of Col. John Laurens [Yorktown]. Collect 15(1902)121-2. LAURIER, Sir Wilfrid (b.1841). Premier of Canada. D a v 1 d, L. O. Sir Wilfrid Laurler. Canad M 19(1902)140-7, port. Moreau, Henri. ...Sir Wilfrid Laurler, premier minlstre du Canada. 2. fid. Paris, Plon-Nonrrit et cie, 1902. 3 p. 1., vii, 299 p., 2 1. front, (port.) 20%cm. [Rev.ln:Hist Pub Canad 7.60-2(J.S.Carstalrs) "a florid tribute In fluent, graceful, eloquent French ... Brilliant, but neither calm nor Judicial." ^.o. 3-5658] LAUZON, Canada. Town on St. Lawrence opposite Quebec. R o y, P. G. Saint fitienne de Lauzon. Rech Hist 8(1902)118. LAVAL, Francois de (fl.1663). Catholic prelate of Canada. Le Venerable Francois de Laval. Rech Hist 8(1902)117-8. LAVAL University. French Cath. institution at Quebec, Canada, eat. 185S. C h a p a i s, Thomas. Le Cinquantenalre de 1'universite' Laval. Nouv Fr 1(1902)138-43. LAVIALLE, Pierre Joseph (1819-67). Ky. Catholic bishop. R t. Rev. Peter Joseph Lavialle, D. D. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)55,121, port. LAW, W. W. (fl.1902). N. T. patron of agriculture. Blossom, Mary C. The new farming and a new life. World's Work 3(1901-2)1626-37, ill. LAW. Rules of action prescribed by the state. Barrows, Samuel J. Tendencies of American legislation. No Am 175(1902)642-51. Boyer, J. A. Legal dictionary of U. S. and Canada. 1900(Ja6); 1901 (D15): 1902. Phila., Boyer, 1901. Comparative study of laws. Nation 75(1902)183-4. Forbes, William T. Old laws and new. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)250-2. Milburn. B. A. Curious cases; a collection of American and English decisions, selected for their read- ability... Charlottesville, Va., The Mlchie company, 1902. xvl, 441 p. 23% cm. [L.C. 2-19397] P e c k h a m, W. G. Great lawyers and how they won. Green Bag 14(1902)173(Ap). "LAWRENCE." Halifax privateer vessel, 1757. MacMechan, Archibald. A Halifax privateer in 1757. Acad 2(1902)105-64. 1H WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 190S. LAWRENCE, Mass. Capital city of Essex Co. 26 m. N. by W. of Boston. A Brief History of the City of Lawrence (Mass.), its Textile Industries, etc. Published officially through the Lawrence Board of Trade, Lawrence, Mass., 1902. Sm. 8vo. pp. 124. ill. D o n i g a n, B. B. Lawrence, Mass. Nat'l M (Boat) 17(1902)264(N'. LEANG Chew-Tung. Chinese Minister to XT. S. 1902. O ' L a u g h 1 i n, J. C. The new Chinese Minister. Indep 54(1902)1997-2001, port. LEAVENWORTH, Henry (1783-1834). N. Y. General in War of 1812, Indian a*ent for northwest territory. Official correspondence pertaining to the Leavenworth expedition of 1823 into South Dakota for the conquest of the Cree Indians. With explanatory notes by Doane Robinson. S Dakota Hist Soc Col 1 (1902)179-256. LEBANON, N. H. Village of Lebanon township, Grafton Co. 65 m. N.W. of Concord. ' Clark, Byron N. Inscriptions from the Pipe cemetery, Lebanon, N. H. Gen Q M 3(1902)147-50. Clark, Byron N. Inscriptions from the Pine cemetery, Lebanon, N. H. Vt Ant 1(1902)29-32. LEBANON, 0. County seat of Warren Co. 22 m. S. of Dayton. Morrow, Josiah. A brief history of Lebanon, Ohio; a centennial sketch... Lebanon, The Western star publishing company, 1902. 63, [1] p. front., 7 pi. 17cm. [Cover-title: Centennial sketch of Lebanon. L.C. 3-11699] Tenable, W. H. The Lebanon Centennial. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)108-214. LE BEAU, Claude (fl.1738). Frenchman exiled to Canada, writer. R o y, J. Edmond. Des flls do famille envoyes an Canada-Claude le Beau. Pro & Trans Royal Soc Canad (1901)7-33. LEE, Charles (1731-82). General in Am. Revolution. Button, John D. Major General Charles Lee. W Va Mag 2.4(1902)10-17, ill. LEE, Francis Lig-htfoot (1734-97). Va. signer of the Declaration of Independence. Lee, Francis Llghtfoot. Continental Board of War to the Governor of Maryland [letter, 1778]. Bost Bull 7(1902)22. LEE, Richard Henry (1732-94). Va. proposer and signer of the Declaration of Independence. Lee, Richard Henry. [Letter] to Arthur Lee [1781]. Bost Bull 7(1902)84-5. LEE, Robert Edward (1807-70). Va. Confederate General in Civil War. Adams, Charles Francis. Lee at Appomattox, and other papers. [For details see same title under subject, History, U. S.] Adams, Charles Francis, 1836 "Shall Cromwell have a statue?"; oration before the Phi Beta Kappa So- ciety of the University of Chicago. . .June 17, 1902. Bost., Laurlat co., 1002. 44 p. 23.3cm. [80.] Adams, Charles Francis. Shall Cromwell have a statue? South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)1-33. Adams, Charles F. and Watterson, Henry. Lee, Davis and Lincoln. South. Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)121-4. A 1 e x a n d e r, E. P. Lee at Appomattox. Personal recollections of the break-up of the Confederacy. Cent 63(1901-2)921-31, port. General Lee against Guerilla warfare (note). South Hist A Pub 6(19C2)06-7. Marshall, Charles. The last days of Lee's army. Cent 63(1901-2)932-5 M e r r i t t, Wesley. Note on the surrender of Lee. Cent 63(1901-2)944. LEE family. Letter of Mary Lee to Anne H. Livingston, 1784. Penn Mag 26(1902)286. Letter of Rebecca Lee to Anna Shlppen, at Lancaster, 1778. Penn Mag 26(1902)286. LEFFERTS-HATTGHWOTTT family. Haughwout, Lefferd M. A. The Lefferts-Haughwout family. N Y Rec 33(1902)49-52,167-70,235-41. LEFROY, John Henry (d.1390). Pres. of Canadian Institute, founder of Canad. magnetic survey. Lefroy, (Lady). Autobiography of General Sir John Henry Lefroy, C.B., K.C.M.G., F.R.S., etc. Colonel Commandant, Royal Artillery. Printed for private circulation only (presumably 1902). pp. 6+317. [Rev. ln:Hlst Pub Canad '02,7(1903)59-60 "intended for... the family alone... few copies. . .born. . .1817. . .died ...1890."] LEFTWICH, George J. (fl.1901). Miss, lawyar, local hist, writer, teacher. [George J. Lelftwlch]. Miss Hist P 6(1902)359. LEGAL tender. Currency which can be legally used in payment of a debt. Barrett, Don C. The supposed necessity of the lepal tender paper. Qu Jour Eco 17(1902)323-54. LEGARg, Hugh Swinton (1797-1843). 8. C. Congressman, U. S. Attorney-General, writer. R a m a g e, B. J. Hugh Swinton Legarg, I. Legare's youth. Sewanee 10<. 1902)43-55, 167-80. Ramage, B[urr] J[ames], Hugh Swinton Legare. [n. p., 1902] cover-title, 29 p. 23cm. [Reprinted from "The Sewanee review," January-April, 1902. Rev.in:S C Hist Mag 3(1902j 118-20,183-8 ["scholarly. . .but fallen into error." "So marred by Inaccuracies and so absolutely misrepresents the pollt. hist, of S. C."] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 11T LEHIGH County, Fa. Eastern Co. of Fa. bordering on N. J. Hauser, James J[oseph]. A history of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, from the earliest settlements to the present time, Including much valuable information for tbe nse of schools, families, libraries... [2d ed.J Allentown, Pa., Jacks, the v-Hnter, 1902. 127 p. 111. 23%cm. [p. 2-4, 122-127, advertising matter. L.C. 2-23206] LEITSVILLE, Fa. Village of Northampton Co. Horn, Alfred P. ed. Proceedings of the re-union of Apple's church aud of tbe Boehm family, celebrated at Apple's or New Jerusalem Reformed and Lutheran church, Leitsville, Northampton county, Pa., Septem- ber 14, 1895. [For details see same title under subject, Boehm family.] LENIHAN, Thomas Hathias (1845-1902). Wyo. Catholic Bishop. R t. R e v. Thomas Mathias Lenihau, D. D. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)332, port. R t. R e v. Thomas Matthias LenUian. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)316. LENOX, Mass. Village of Berkshire Co. 8 m. S. of Pittsfleld. M a c a d a m, T. Estate of Anson Phelps Stokes, at Lenox. Ctry Life Am 2(1902)221(0). Hallary, R[aymond] De Witt. Lenox and the Berkshire highlands... New York and London, G.P.Put- nam's sous, 1902. xiii, 363 p. front., pi., port. 21^cm. [Contents. Old-time Lenox. Lenox and it* environment, in literature. Catherine Maria Sedgwick: her message and her work. With Hawthorne in Lenox. Modern Lenox. The vicinage. The geusis of village improvement and the Laurel Hill associa- tion, Stockbridge, Mass. The church of Berkshire until the disestablishment in 1834. Epitaphs in Berk- shire churchyards. Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)137 "Aim. . .not. . .histor[y]. . .is. . .no less interesting for. .. records of past conditions than for. . .existing. . .things." L.C. 2-16757] M a 1 1 a r y, R. De Witt. Lenox in literature. Critic 41(1902)31-40, ill. M i 1 1 e r, W. Wyndhurst, Lenox, Mass. Ctry Life Am 2:102(J1). LEO XIII (1810-1903). Pope of Rome. C0t6, Geo.-P. Les Annees de Pierre [Leo XIII and Canada.]. Nouv Fr 1(1902)161-8. LEOMINSTER, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. 54 m. W.N.W. of Boston. Miller, G. W. Leominster, Mass. Nat'l M (Best) 17(192)258(N). 'L'ESSUI du Michigan." First Frernch paper in V. S., 1809. D i o n n e, N. E. Le premier journal frungais public aux tats-Dnis [Detroit]. Recb Hist 8(1902)281-3. "L'ETUDIANT" (1885-93). Canadian monthly magazine. L'Etudiant. Rech Hist 8(1902)21(3-18. LVIS, Francois G. (1720-87). French officer in Quebec expedition. C a s g r a i n, L'Abbe H.-R. Moncalm et Levis. Rech Hist 8(1902)79-80, port. LEVY, Henri (1596-1680). Duke of Ventadour, Viceroy of Canada. Henri de Levy, due de Ventadour, vice-roi de la Nouvelle-France. Rech Hist 8(1902)189-91. LEWELLING, Lorenzo D. (1846-1900). Kan. journalist, educator, Governor. C o s t i g a n, W. J. Lorenzo L. Lewelling. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)121-26. LEWIS, Meri wether (1774-1809). Explorer, Governor of Louisiana. Kingsley, Nellie F. Four American explorers: Captain Meri wether Lewis, Captain William Clark, General John C. Fremont, Dr. Elisha K. Kane; a book for young Americans. New York, Chicago [etc.] Werner school book company [1902] 271 p. incl. ill., port., map. 19cm. (The four great Americans series, 8) [Rev.in:Dial 32(1902)353 "Lewis, Clark, Fremont, and Kane... are chronicled in simple and interesting language." L.C. 2-12943] LEWIS, Theodore Hayes (b.1856). Am. archaeologist, writer. [Theodore Hayes Lewis.] Miss Hist P 6(1902)440. LEWIS family. Lewis family. Wm M Q 11(1902)39-47,78,146. Lewisiana, or Lewis letter. Guilford, Conn. 1902. vol. 12. nos. 7 Jan 12 June ; vol. 13. 1 Jan 6 Dec. [Strictly family history, occasional biog. art and port.] LEWIS and Clark expedition. An exploration of nearly the whole Northwest, 1804-6. Dye, Eva Emery. The conquest; the true story of Lewis and Clark... Chicago, A.C.McClurg & company, 1902. ix, [1] p., 1 1., 443 p. front. 21cm. [Rev.in:Dial 33(1902)461-4 "not easy to class this book as either a history or a romance." L.C. 2-27733] History of the Expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark to the sources of the Missouri, across the Rocky Mountains, down the Columbia River to the Pacific in 1S04-6. (A reprint of the edition of 1814) Toronto, Geo. N. Morang & Co., 1902. 3 vols. pp 416; 382; 410. maps. [Rev.in:HIst Pub Canad '02.7(1903)109-17 "is a reprint ... without note or comment."] Lewis, [Meriwether]. History of the expedition of Captains Lewis and Clark, 1804-5-6; reprinted from the edition of 1814; with introduction and index by James K. Hosmer... Chicago, A.C.McClurg & co., 1902. 2 i front, (port.) map, plan. 22cm. [Contains facsimile t.-p. of original edition of 1814 Bev.inrAna 118 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Hist R 8(1903)588-9 "for the general reader. . .entirely satisfactory. . .In most attractive form a reprint of the Blddle edition of 1814"; Nation 75(1902)380 "Clear and handsome reprint. . .Introduction con- taln[s]...vlew of. ..causes [of] .. .purchase. .. [of Louisiana]. . .Index"; Dial 33(1002)461-4(J.O.Pierce) "faithful reproduction ... graceful Introduction In which the large import of that expedition ... [Is] tersely yet felicitously summed up"; Hist Pub Cannd '02.7(1903)109-17 "prefatory note Is a little high-flown... Two excellent portraits of. . .Lewis and Clark. . .Index." L.C. 2-25625] Lewis, [Meri wether]. History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark to the sources of the Missouri, across the Rocky Mountains, down the Columbia River to the Pacific In 1804-6; a reprint of the edition of 1814 to which all the members of the expedition contributed... New York, New Amsterdam book co., 1902. 3 v. 2 front, (port.) map. 18cm. [EM. by Paul Allen. Rev.ln:Nation 75(1902)91 "...too slavish reprint of Blddle's 1814 recension of the original diaries... no index... [no] modern maps." L.C. 2-18363] LEXINGTON, Mass. Village of Middlesex Co. 11 m. W.N.W. of Boston. Piper, Fred S. Lexington the birthplace of American liberty; a handbook containing an account of the bat- tle of Lexington Paul Revere's narrative of his famous ride a sketch of the town and the places of historic Interest Inscriptions on all historic tablets directory map and numerous illustrations... Lex- ington publishing co., 1902. 31, [3] p. iiicl. front., ill., plan. 18% x 15cm. [31.Men.iu:N E Reg 56 (1902)330(F.W.Parke) "attractively illustrated. . .compact. . .all that is essential." L.C. 2-12942] Second field-day at Lexington. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)189-205. LIBERTY Bell. The bell which hung in Continental Hall, Philadelphia, July 4, 1776. [ A 1 1 e n t o w n, Pennsylvania.] Am Month M 21(1902)240-4, ill. LIBRARIES. Collections of books, mss., etc., for use. A m. Library Association. Magnolia Conference. Proceedings. Lib J 27(l&02)C120-268. Buffalo. Public library. ...Class room libraries for public schools, listed by grades; to which is added a list of books suggested for school reference libraries. Buffalo, Printed for the Library, 1902. 134 p. 24%cm. [Rev.ln:Nation 74(1902)289-90 "wholly praiseworthy ... stress Is laid in the subject-index on American history and historical personages. " L.C. 2-12474] Cole, George W. Report on gifts and bequesets to American libraries, 1901-1902. Lib J 27(1902)097-119. Davis, Horace. Dr. Benjamin Gott's library. N E Reg 56(1902)340-4. D r e h e r, Julius D. Libraries as a means of popular education. South Wotk 30(1901)312-16. Meeting of the American Library Association. Nation 75(1902)7-8. New York library club. Libraries of Greater New York. Manual and historical sketch of the New York library club. [For details see same title under subject, New York City.] An old library [Jonas Brouck's. Earliest In N. Y.]. Spirit of '76 8(1902)41. P n t n a m, Herbert. The year among the libraries. Indep 54(1902)2753-6, port. W e 1 1 m a n, Hlller C. What public libraries are doing for children. Atlan 90(1902)402-9. Western library meeting, Madison, Wis., August 28-30, 1902. Lib J 27(1902)825-32. Y u s t, W. F. Library legislation in 1902. Lib J 27(1902)22-4. LIBRARY of Congress. The National library at Washington, D. C. P u t n a m, H. Library of Congress; a national library for U. S. Bookman 15(1902)51(Mr). Putnam, Herbert. The relation of the National Library to historical research in the U. S. Am Hint A Rep '01,1(1902)113-29. Putnam, Herbert. The relation of the Natlcnal library to historical research in the U. S. Eunca R 23 (1902)217-32. Report of the Librarian of Congress, 1901. Lib J 27(1902)19-21. LINCOLN, Abraham (1809-65). 16th President of the United States. Adams, Charles F. and Watterson, Henry. I.e, Davis and Lincoln. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)121-4. Barrett, Jos. H. Life of Abraham Lincoln. (Biographies of famous men.) Chicago, Donohube, 1902. 12o. C h o a t e, J. H. Abraham Lincoln. Green Bag 14(1902)77(F). Fallows, Samuel. ...Life of William McKinley, our martyred president, with short biographies of Lincoln and Garfield, and a comprehensive life of President Roosevelt, containing the masterpieces of McKinley's eloquence, and a history of anarchy, Its purposes and results. ...assisted by an able corps of contrib- utors, with an introduction by. . .W.E. Mason. .. [International memorial ed.] Chicago, 111., Regan printing house [1901] xi, 13-453 pp. front., pi., port. 24%cm. [L.C. 1-25382 M 2] Fish, Carl Russell. Lincoln and the patronage. Am Hist R 8(1902)53-69. Gleed, James Willis. Abraham Lincoln: an address to the Republican Club of the city of New York at Its sixteenth Lincoln Dinner, February 12, 1902. pp. 27- Green, Samuel L. President Lincoln's speech at Gettysburg. Mass Hist Soc Proc II.15(1901-2>&!-4. Grenfell, Helen L. The birthdays of Washington and Lincoln. Colorado anniversary number. Prepared for the public schools by superintendent of public instruction, February, 1902. [Denver, The Smith- Brooks co., printers, 1902] cover-title, 69 p. ill. 23cm. [L.C. 3-11786] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 119 Gridley, Mrs. Eleanor. The story of Abraham Lincoln; or, The journey from the log cabin to the White House... [Chicago, Monarch book co.] c!902. 3 p. 1., 11-355 p. front, plate, port. 24%cm. [L.C. 3-17956] H a 1 s e y, John J. Lincoln's plan of reconstruction. (Rev.) Dial 32(1902)342-5. Inzer, John W. How the news of the assassination of President Lincoln was received by the Confed- erate prisoners on Johnson's Island, In April, 1865. Gulf Mag 1(1902)194-8. Lincoln in Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)536-52. Lincoln's application for a railway-pass. Cent 63(1901-2)558, facs. Kioolay, John G[eorgeJ. A short life of Abraham Lincoln, condensed from Nicolay & Hay'a Abraham Lin- coln: a history. New York, The Century co., 1902. xvi, 578 p. incl. front, (port.) 21% cm. [Rev.in: Nation 75(1902)333 "Abridgment. . .well [made] .. .preserves. . .disposition. . .to gloze. . .les's Impressive aspects of Lincoln's life"; Dial 33(1902)480 "abridgment. . .not only justifiable, but even praiseworthy." L.C. 2-22683] P r e n t i c e, W. R. On the Dry Tortugas [1865J. McClure 18(1901-2)564-70. Proceedings atthe sixteenth annual Lincoln dinner of the Republican Club of the city of New York, Feb- ruary 12th, 1902. N. Y., F.R.Brooke Co., 1902. pp. 80. Smith, Samuel G[eorge]. ...Abraham Lincoln. Cincinnati, Jennings & P.V'S New York, Eaton & Mains [1902] 31, [1] p. front. 19cm. (The hero series [v. 3]) ["The address in this booklet, with five others, are published In book form under the title of Retribution, and other addresses, by Samuel G. Smith, and the 'Words of Lincoln' are taken from Abraham Lincoln, by D. D. Thompson." Contents. Abraham Lincoln ; an address delivered before the Loyal legion, St. Paul, Minn. Words of Lincoln. L.C. 2-13807] . ,.,^,;3 Staples, Ernest Linwood. A man of destiny; being the story of Abraham Lincoln; an epic poem Shel- ton, Conn., Lincoln publishing company, 1902. 71 p. front, (port.) pi. 21cm. [L.C. 3-28] Sumner, Edward A. Abraham Lincoln... An oration delivered before the Men's league of the Broadway tabernacle church, of New York city, February 10th, 1902. [New York? 1002] 16 p. 23 x 10cm. [Por- trait of Lincoln on t.-p. L.C. 2-13799] S u 1 1 o n, Cicero T. Characteristic glimpses of Lincoln. Cent 63(1901-2)558-61, port., facs. S u 1 1 o n, Cicero T. Lincoln and Kentucky. Cent 63(1901-2)558-6, port. Thayer, \V[illiam] M[akepeaoe]. Abraham Lincoln, the pioneer boy, and how he became President; the story of his life. 15th ed., completing sixty-seven thousand. London, Hodder and S tough ton, 1902. xlx, 395 p. front, (port.) 19cm. [L.C. 3-33025] Tltherington, R. H. Lincoln Garfleld McKinley. Munsey 27 (1902) 306 (My). W h I t n e y, H. C. Lincoln's social Isolation. Indep 14(1902)373-81. LINCOLN, (Mrs.) Abraham. Nee Todd of Lexington, Ky., married 1842. Lincoln, (Mrs.) Abraham. A letter to Charles Sumner. 1866. Indep 54(1902)2803. LINCOLN, Levi (1749-1820). Mass. Lieut. -Governor, Congressman, TJ. 8. Attorney-General. Hoar, George F. [Levl Lincoln.] Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)230-8. LINCOLN, Neb. Capital of Nebraska, in Lancaster Co. 54 m. S.W. of Omaha. Ball, Franklin. The building of the first Capitol... at Lincoln removal of archives. Neb Hlat S II.5 (1902)318-22. M a 1 1 o y, Thomas. History of the first State Capitol. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)212-16. S a w y e r, A. J. History of the Incarceration of the Lincoln city council. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)105-37. LINDSAY family. Lindsays in Virginia. Va Mag 10(1902)96-7,203. LIPPITT, Francis James (1812-1902). D. C. lawyer, officer in Civil War, writer. Lippitt, Francis J[ames]. Reminiscences of Francis J. Lippitt, written tor his family, his near relative* and intimate trends. Providence, R. I., Preston & Rounds co., 1902. 1 p. 1., 122 p. port. 23% cm. [Rev.ln:Nation 74(1902)350-1 "Interesting from cover to cover. . .chief value. . .consists In. . .simplicity and frankness... no index." L.C. 2-8227] LISTER, Justice (1843-1902). Ontario Judge of the Court of Appeal. Death of Mr. Justice Lister. Canada Law Journal 38(1902)07. LITCHFIELD family. Litohfleld, Winford J. comp. by. The Lltchfleld family in America. Part I. No. 2. 1902. pp. 97-180. 80. ill. Price, fl.50. LITERATURE. Creative or artistic writings. Abernethy, Julian W[illis]. American literature... New York, Maynard, Merrill, & CO., 1902. 6, 9-510 p. 111., chart. 18cm. [Bibliographical notes: "Historical background." "Illustrative literature," etc., at end of each chapter; "Biography and criticism," p. 487-502. Rev.ln:Dial 33(1902)123-4 "nothing... original. . .but. . .cordially commended. . .excellence of proportion ... sound and conservative critical Judg- ments"; Sewanee 10(1902)383 "somewhat rhetorical. . .decidedly sprightly. . .well selected bibliography." L.C. 8-10830] 120 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Bacon, Edgar Mayhew. The literary associations of the Hudson. Critic 41(1902)221-9, 111. Bacon, Edwin M[unroe]. Literary pilgrimages in New England to the homes of famous makers of Ameri- can literature and among their haunts and the scenes of their writings. [For details see same title un- der subject, New England.] Catalogue of literary annuals and gift books In the New York Public Library. N Y Bull 6(1902)270-5. C h a p h a m, H. 8. Influence of Puritanism on American literature. Macmil 86( 1902) 183 (Jl). C o r b 1 n, John. The American drama. Forum 34(1902-3)63-76. Ende, A. v. Amerikan. Belletristlk. Deut. Stlmmen (1902)8.1167-74. E n d e, A. v. Amerikan. Lltteraturverhaltnisse. Zelt (1902) No. 384. E n d e, A. v. Amerikan. Romane v. soz.-polltlsch. Bedeutg. Zeit Nr.411. Gilder, J[eannette] L[eonard], Authors at home; personal and biographical sketches of well-known Amer- ican writers. New York, A. Weasels company, 1902. 3 p. 1., 398 p. front., port. 20cm. [L.C. 2-25436] Hale, Edward Everett. ...American essays... New York and Chicago, Globe school book company [1902] xli, 257 p. 17%cm. (The Hawthorn*- classics) [Contents. From "The sketch book," by Washington Irving. From "Prue and I," by George William Curtis. From "My study windows," uy James Russell Lowell. From "Essays: first series," by Ralph Waldo Emerson: History. [L.C. 2-18363] Halsey, Francis Whiting. Authors of our day in their homes, personal descriptions & interviews... New York, J.Pott & co., 1902. xli, 299 p. front., pi., port. 19cm. "These papers were printed originally in the New York times Saturday review of books." [Rev.in:Dial 32(1902)2S4 "interesting. . .number of au- thors Included is twenty-two." L.C. 2-9470] Halsey, Francis Whiting. Our literary deluge and some of its deeper waters... New York, Doubleday, Page & co., 1902. x, 255 p. 19^cin. [Rev.in:Natlon 75(1902)170 "a chapter on Biographies that are Histories." L.C. 2-10123] Harkins, E[dward] F[rancis]. Little pilgrimages among the men who have written famous books... Bos- ton, L.C.Page & co., 1902 [1901] 332 pp. frout., tort. 18cm. (Book lovers' series) [Contents. Will- iam Dean Howells. Bret Harte. Mark Twain. "Lew" Wallace. George W. Cable. Henry James. Francis Richard Stockton. Joel Chandler Harris. S. Weir Mitchell. Robert Grant. F. Marlon Craw- ford. James Lane Allen. Thomas Nelson Page. Richard Harding Davis. John Kendnck Bangs. Ham- lin Garland. Paul Leicester Ford. Robert Neilsoii Stephens. Charles D. G. Roberts. Winston Church- ill. Rev.in:Dial 32(1902)26 "agreeably chatt.v and anecdotical. . .portraits are excellent"; Dial 35(1903) 426 "Mr. Hawkins's idea of a famous book is very clastic and his style savors of newspaper row... thor- oughly readable." L.C. 1-25688] Harkins, E[dward] F[rancisj and Johnston, C. H. L. Little pilgrimages among the women who have writ- ten books... Boston, L.C.Page & co., 1902 [1901] 343 p. front., port. 18cm. (Book lovers' series) [Rev.in:Dial 32(1902)56 "score of women... all of them American." L.C. 1-26212 Ml] Lawton, William Cranston. Introduction to th< study of American literature... New York and Chicago, Globe school book company [1902] vil, 384 p. 20cm. ["Bibliographical index": p. 379-381. Bibliogra- phies and chronological tables at end of chapters. Rev.in:Dial 34(1903)269-70 [very] "readable. . . somo degree of completeness. . .naively personal at times. . .trifling defects. . .packed with ideas and allusions ...unfailing freshness of touch"; Nation 75(1902)246 "great merit... is its unconventional treatment." L.C. 2-20965] Mason, H[arriet] L. American literature a laboratory method... 2d ed. Philadelphia, Drexel institute, 1902. xxi, 186, [4] p. 19%cm. ["Working list of reference books": p. xiil-xxiil. 4 blank pages at end for general notes. L.C. 3-10916] P o w e 1 1, G. H. The mind of America. Contemp 82(1902)111-25. S a 1 1 e y, A. S. Jr. A bibliography of the women writers of S. C. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)143-57. Sears, Lorenzo. American literature in the colonial and national periods... Bostoa, Little, Brown, and company, 1902. xlv, 480 p. 21cm. ["A reading list": p. 463-469. Rev.in:Dlal 34 (1903) 269-70 (W.M. Payne) "for tbe general reader. . .distinctly the author's own ... sobriety of judgment. . .flowing and graceful style. . .omissions. . .sometimes seem serious." L.C. 2-25402] Warner, Charles Dudley. Fashions in literature, and other literary and social essays & addresses; intro- duction by Hamilton Wright Mabic. New York, Dodd, Mead & company, 1902. xv, 330 p. 20cm. [Con- tents. Fashions in literature. The American newspaper. -Certain diversities of American life. Th Pilgrim, and the American of to-day. Nathan Hale.- Some i.-auses of the prevailing discontent. Educa- tion of the negro. The indeterminate sentence. The life-saving and life-prolonging art. Literary copy- right. The pursuit of happiness. Truthfulness. Literature and the stage. "H. H." in southern Cali- fornia. Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)11 "Distinguished by generous. . .feeling and good sense. . .judgments. .. are of permanent value. . .should be owned by all who take. . .Interest in. . .werfare of our country"; Dial 33(1902)122 "genial humor, unfailing but not unreasoning optimism, and Infectious enthusiasm for the best in American life and letters." L.C. 2-12969] Wegelin, Oscar. Early American fiction, 1774-1830; being a compilation of the titles of American novels, written by writers born or residing in America, and published previous to 1831... Stamford, Conn., The compiler, 1902. 28, [2] p. 28%cm. [No. 76 of an edition limited to 180 cople* L.C. 2-10337] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 121 Woodberry, George Edward. Beginnings of American literature. Harper 105(1002)232-8. W o o d b e r r y, George Edward. Knickerbocker era of American letters. Harper (1902)677-83. LITTLE family. Bowman, George Ernest. Thomas Little's will and Inventory, and the will of his son Thomas. Muyfl Desc 4(1902)161-4. LITTLE BIG HORN K. (Mont.). Sioux Indian war battle, May 15, 1876. [Cookerill, John A.] Ouster battlefield, Burlington route. [Chicago, Pook> bros., 1902?] cover- title, [15] p. ill., port., map (on cover) 15% x S^cm. [Published by the Chicago Burlington and Quincy railroad company; being a reprint of an article published in the New York herald. L.C. 3-21709] LITTLE MIAMI VALLEY, Ohio. Valley of S.W. part of state. G a 1 1 o w a y, W. A. The Revolutionary soldier in the valley of the Little Miami. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)372-77. LITTLEFIELD. J. H. (1827-1901). Tex. Confederate officer. M a ]. J. H. Littlefleld. Confed Vet 10(1902)33. LITTLEJOHN, Abram Newkirk (1824-1901). L. I. and N. Y. Protestant Episcopal Bishop, writer. V a n D e W a t e r, G. R. Bishop Littlejohn. Columb Q 4(1901)45-7, port. LIVEKMORE family. Thwing, Walter Eliot. The Livermore family of America... Boston, W.B.Clarke company, 1902. 479 p. front., pi., port. 24%cm. [Rev.in:Old Northw Q 6(1903)26-27 "of great value to Livermores and other families... beautifully illustrated ... thoroughly indexed"; N E Reg 57 (1903) 319 (James S.Rogers) "Copious Index. . .remarkable for the biographical sketches." L.C. 2-30082] LLOYD, Henry Demarest (b.1847). N. Y. and Chicago, editor, writer on political economy. Henry Demarest Lloyd. Out West 16(1902)542, port. LOEB, Jacques (b.1859). Chicago and Cal. Prof, of physiology, writer. S n y d e r, Carl. Dr. Loeb's researches and discoveries. McClure 18(1901-2)386-96, ill., port. LOGAN, James (1674-1751). Pa. Chief Justice, Governor, writer. [James Logan]. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)365. LOGAN family. ...William Maul and Bethiah Guthrle, ancestors of the Logan family (note). Penn Mag 26(1902) 479-80. LONG BEACH, Cal. Sea side resort near Los Angeles. Long Beach. Out West 17(1902)136-9, 111. LONG ISLAND. Island 110 m. long in Atlantic, forming most S.E. portion of N. Y. state. Ross, Peter. A history of Long Island, from Its earliest settlement to the present time. . . New York and Chicago, The Lewis publishing company, 1902. 3 v front., 111., pi., port. 27^cm. [Vol. 2-3, biogra- phies. L.C. 2-14589] Wilson, Rufus Rockwell. Historic Long Island. New York, The Berkeley press, 1902. 364 p. incl. front., pi. 23%cm. [L.C. 2-30085] LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth (1807-82). Cambridge, Mass., Professor and poet. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. . . . Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1902. vi, 336 p., 1 1. front, (port.) IS^cm. (American men of letters) [Rev. in:Nation 75(1902)308-9 "Help[s] . . .to visualize the man... is rich in personal recollections and In knowl- edge of. . .environment. . .considerable amount of fresh material"; Dial 34(1903)145-7(W. M.Payne) "per- sonal matters seem ... to restrict the space . . . to? the consideration of literary achievement . . . had . . sources of information hitherto not much exploited." L.C. 2-23430] Livingston, Luther S. Two little-known first editions of American authors. Bibliog 1(1902)455-7. LONG WORTH, Isreal (1835-1902). Nova Scotian lawyer, local historian. S t o c k t o n, A. A. In memoriam. Israel Longworth, K. C. Acad 2(1902)139-40. LONSDALE, R. I. Village of Providence Co. 7 m. N. of Providence. "The Catholic oak," at Lonsdale, R. I. Am Cath Res 19(1902)81-2. * LORD, Charles E. (1817-1902). N. H. Presbyterian clergyman, Professor and writer. Rev. Charles E. Lord, D. D. Granite M 32(1902)185. LORD family. E. S. T. Lord-Goodwin (note). N E Rog 56(1902)90. LOS ANGELES, Cal. City of Los Angeles Co. 346 m. S.E. of San Francisco. Willard, C.D. Herald's history of Los Angeles City. Los Angeles, Cal., Kingsley, 1902. ill. LOU1SBOURG, Can. French fortification on Cape Breton, captured by British, 1768. C a n p e a u, F.-R.-E. La medaille commemorative de Louiabourg. Rech Hist 8(1002)137. 122 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. LOUISIANA. A Gulf-state of U. 8. admitted 1812. Crowder, . H. Report [of the alleged British supply camp in Louisiana] (1902: 8vo. pp. 15 House doe. 649). H a w o r t h, Paul L. Negro dlsfranehisement in Louisiana. Outl 71(1902)163-6. Louisiana newspaper files in the Library of Congress. Gulf Mae 1(1902)128-33. Moore, Frederick W. The course of Ixmlsiana politics from 1862 to 1866. So Atlan Q 1(1902)128-44. LOUISIANA (territory). The vast tract of Southwest and West, purchased from France, 1803. Beer, William. Louisiana history in Government documents. Uulf Mag 1 (i902)184-93. Beer, William. A valuable book on Louisiana [Chambou]. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)341-2. Bertboud, Edward L. The Louisiana boundary. Gulf Mag 1(1902)218-7. Cession (The) of Louisiana. (Old South leaflets, no. 128.) Boston, Old South Work, 1902. F a r r a n d, Max. The commercial privileges of the treaty of 1803. Am Hist R 7(1902)494-9. Harvey, Margaret. Beyoiid the Mississippi. Am Montli M 21(1902)443-53. Hoimer, James K[endallj. The history of the Louisiana purchase. New Ycrk, D.Appleton and company, 1902. xv, 230 p. ill., 4 port. (incl. front.) map. 19^em. (On cover: Expansion of the republic series) [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1902)140-1(D.Y. Thomas) "timely ... readable and scholarly. . .most interesting story ...addition to ... knowledge on the subject is rather small. . .some. . .additions are questionable"; Nation 74(1902)483 "Timely book in popular vein... will doubtless have a temporary vogue"; Dial 33(1902)36-6 (F.H.Hodder) "for the general reader, and even for readers of the younger class well told. . .entirely suc- cessful"; South Hist A Pub 6(1902)523-4(J.R.Fisklen) "succinct but clear. . .interesting. . .satisfactory. .. some small inaccuracies. . .bright style." L.C. 3-18965] Howard, James Q[uay]. History of the Louisiana purchase. Chicago, Callaghan & company, 1902. 170 p. 24cm. [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)587-8(F.W.M.) "comprehensive. . .brief .. .no new material. . .the usual sources., .parallels the authors of standard works... time and again"; Dial 34(1903)27 "style... is bad... subject-matter is partly Irrelevant and partly erroneous." L.C. 2-23428] The Louisiana boundary. Gulf Mac 1(1902)216-7. LOVELACE, Francis (ab.1618-ab.1675). Colonial Governor of New Tor. Delavan, Edward C. Colonel Francis Lovelace and his plantation on Staten Island. New Brighton, N. Y., Natural science association of Staten Island, 1902. cover-title, [47J-79 p. map, diagr. 23 1 / cm. [From the Proceedings of the Natural science association of Staten Island, v. 7, i.o. 15, March 10th, 1900. L.C. 3-2962] LOW, Beth (b.1850). N. Y. President of Columbia Univ., Mayor of Brooklyn and of New York. Columbia university. Minutes adopted by the trustees of Columbia college in the city of New York and by the University council on the resignation of Seth Low, LL. D. as preseident. [New York, The uilliss press, 1902?] [21] p. 26cm. ["Of this Minute there have been printed cne copy, signed, for presenta- tion to Mr. Low and one hundred copies for distribution." Initials in blue and gold; line border in gold and black. L.C. 2-13000] H a w 1 e y, Walter L. Personal responsibility in the city government. Gnnton's M 23(1902)66-72. S 1 o a n e, W. M. Seth Low. Columb Q 4(1901)1-12, port. Woodruff, Clinton Rogers. Municipal situation in New" York. Gunton's M 23(1902)380-4. LOWELL, Augustus (1830-1900). Boston merchant, philanthropist. L o t h r o p, Thornton K. Memoir of Augustus Lowell (obituary). Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)169-79 LOWELL, James Russell (1819-91). Mass, poet and writer, U. S. minister to Spain. Bllchfeldt, E. H. James Russell Lowell as viewed from our generation. Meth R 84(1902)883-98. H o r w 1 1 1, Herbert W. Lowell's influence in England. New Eng M 27(1902)321-5. James Russell Lowell. Qt Rev 196(1902)61-81. Johnson, William H. James Russell Lowell. Critic 40(1902)121-5. Memorial! of two friends, James Russell Lowell: 1819-1891, George William Curtis: 1824-1892. New York, Prlv. print. [The Gilliss press] 1902. 5 p. 1., 102, [2] p. 25cm. ["Fifty copies printed at the Gillis* press for private distribution." Contents. James Russell Lowell, by G. W. Curtis. An epistle to George William Curtis, by J. R. Lowell. The life and character of George William Curtis, by C. E. Nor- ton. L.C. 2-23426] Minis, Edwin. Lowell as a citizen. So Atlan Q 1(1902)27-40. S n y d e r, Henry N. The poetry of James Russell Lowell. Meth R South 51(1902)803-18. LOWER HERION, Fa. Township forming southern part of Montgomery Co. Harvey, Margaret B. [Rev. patriots born in Lower Merlon]. Am Month M 21(1902)299-300. LOWER NORFOLK County, Virginia. The church In Lower Norfolk county. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)78-89. Lower Norfolk County, Virginia, Antiquary. Vol. 4. Quarterly. Baltimore, Md., 1902. pp. 154. LOWNDE8, Wm. (1782-18X2). 8. C. planter, Congressman, writer. C a r r, Fanniw White. William Lowndes. So Atlan Q 1(1902)365-71. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 123 LOYALISTS (Tories). The American supporters of the king in the Am. Revolution. Grisbrook, Edward O. A scion of New England. New Ene M 27(1902)477-86. Van Tyne, Claude H. The Loyalists In the American Revolution. N. Y., Macmlllan, 1902. 12o. [For de- tails see same title under subject, Am. Rev.] W a r d, C. Some old letters. Acad 2(1902)170-8:5. LUDLOW, Cornelius (1728 or 9-1812). N. J. officer in Am. Revolution. Cooper, Arthur E. Col. Cornelius Ludlow. N J Hist S 3(1902)12 50. LUDLOW, Vt. Village in Ludlow township, Windsor Co. 25 m. S.S.E. of Rutland. Fletcher memorial library, Ludlow (Vt.) The book of the Fletcher memorial library at Ludlow, Vermont . . . [Ludlow, Printed by the Vermont Tribune, 1902] cover-title, [3]-39 p. front., ill., pi., port. 24cm. [Illustrations: half-tones mounted in text. Dedication exercises, etc. of '.he building erected In memory of Stoughton A. Fletcher, by his son, Allen M. Fletcher. L.C. 2-21666] LUMBER industry. The business of transforming trees into lumber. A y 1 e 1 1, William. Lumber in 1774 (note). Va Mag 10(1902)103. Smyth, Lawrence T. The lumber Industry In Maine. New Eng M 25(1901-2)629-48, ill. LUMMIS, Charles Fletcher (b.1859). New Mexico and Cal. editor and writer. D u B o 1 s, Constance Goddard. Charles F Luinmis, author and man. Critic 40(1902)326-30, 111., port. LUNDY family. Armstrong:, William Clinton. The Lundy family and their descendants of whatsoever surname, with a bio- graphical sketch of Benjamin Lundy. New Brunswick, N. J., J.Heidlrigsfeld, printer, 1902. 486 p. ront., 111., plate, port., facsim. 24%cm. [L.C. 3-22580J LUTHERAN Church. Church founded by Martin Luther. Muhlenebcrg's short sketch of Lutheran congregation in Philadelphia, 1795. Luth Ch Rev 21 (902)81-87. Myebroff, J. Gesch. d. ersten deutschen e\ang.-luth. Synode in Texas. Zu ihrem 50 jiihrigeu Jubilaum. Chicago, 111., Wartburg Publ. House, pp. 4-r360. ill. Stromme, Peer 0. Coiupend of church history for Lutheran young people. Chicago, J.Anderson publishing co., 1902. 4 p. 1., 6-154 p. front. 17^cm. [L.C. 2-21492] Ulery, William Frederick]. History of the southern conference of the Pittsburg synod of the Evangelical Lutheran church. Ed. and pub. by Rev. W.F.Ulery, A.M. and A.L.Yount... Greensburg, Pa., Church register company, 1902. xv, [1], 416 p. frout., pi., port., map. 23cm. [L.C. 3-34] LYFORD family. Welch, William Lewis. Francis Lyford of Boston and Exeter, and some of his descendants... Salem, Printed for the Essex institute, 1902. 1 p. 1., 88 p. 24%cm. [From the Historical collections of the Essex Institute, vol. XXXVII and XXXVIII. Rev.ln:N E Reg 57(1903)120(Gordon,G.A.) "Evidence* consistent and persistent labor. . .good Index." L.C. 3-4170] LYMAN, Theodore (1792-1849). Boston philanthropist, mayor, State senator. R o e, A. S. ...Lyman school for boys, Westborough, Mass. New Ecg M 26(1902)399-416, ill., port. LYNCH (d.1882). S. C. Catholic Bishop. Bishop Lynch's death. Am Cath Res 19(1902)7. LYNCH law. Summary punishment, especially by death, without process of law. K i 1 g o, John Carlisle. An inquiry concerning lynchiugs. So Atlan Q 1(1902)4-1::. Lynch law in California. Green Bag 14:291 (Je). Lynch law In Texas In the 60's. Green Bag 14:382(Ag). Matthews, Albert. "Lynch Law." Nation 75(1902)439-41. Torture and lynching. Outl 71(1902)533-4. LYNCH3URG (Va.). Civil War campaign May 2C-June 29, 1864, engagement June 17-18. Blackford, Charles M. The campaign and battle of Lynchburg. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)276-332. LYNN, Mass. City and seaport of Essex Co. 10 m. N.N.E, of Boston. H a w k e s, N. M. Meeting-house of the Third Parish. Lynn Reg 1901(1902)9-11. Lynn Historical Society of Lynn, Mats. Register for year 1901. Lynn, Mass. So. 1902. pp. 66. LYONS FARMS, N. J. Village of Union Co. 2 m. N. of Elizabeth. Lyons Farms Baptist church records. N J Hist S 2(1902)158-68. LYTTON, British Columbia. Town on the Fraser R. 67 m. from Yale. Smith, Harlan I. Archaeology of Lytton, B. C. Records of the Past 1(1902)205-18. McBURNEY, Robert Ross (1837-98). Secretary and leader in Y. M. C. A. Doggett, L[aurence] L[ooke]. Life of Robert R. McBurney... Cleveland, O., F.M.Barton [1902] 12, 280 p. front., pi., port., map, diagr. 21^cm. [L.C. 2-19279] MoCALL, John Augustine (b.1849). N. Y. insurance president. G 1 e e d, Charles S. John Augustine McCall. Cosmopol 33(1902)302-4, port MoCARTEE, Divie Bethune (1820-1900). Am. missionary to China and Japan, diplomat, naturalist, writer. R a n k i n, Henry W. Divie Betbune McCartee. N E Reg 56 Suppl (1302)xlli-xlUl. 124 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. McCLEARY, Samuel Foster (1882-1901). Boston lawyer, local hist, writer. B u g b e e, James M. Memoir of Samuel Foster McCleary. Mass Hist Soc Proc II.lo(1901-2)255-C3, port. Samuel Foster McCleary. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)72-7. Smith, Charles C. [eulogy]. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(11*01-2)75-8. McCLELLAN, George Brinton (1826-85). General in Civil War, Governor of N. 3. Owen, Frederick D. Notes and specifications of a design for the equestrian statue of the late Maj. Gen. G. B. McCllellan, Washington, D. C. Respectfully submitted. General design and pedestal. Assisted by U. S. J. Dunbar, sculptor. Horse and rider. Melva B. Wilson, sculptor. Base figures and panels. May 1, 1902. [Washington? D. C., 1902] [6] p. 3 pi., 1 port. 23%cm. [L.C. 2-15182] McCONOMY, Augustine Jerome (1831-78). Catholic priest. Rev. Augustine Jerome McCouomy. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)251, port. McDIARMID, A. P. (b.1852). Canadian Baptist clergyman and educator. F o x, W. Sherwood. Canadian celebrities. Canad M 18(1901-2)332-3, port. MACDONALD, John B. (b.l88i). N. Y. engineer. Stevens, Raymond. The builder of the New York subway. World's Work 5(1902-3)2833-6, port. McDONALD, John R. (1843-1902). Ala. Confederate officer. Porter, R. R. Maj. John R. McDonald. Confed Vet 10(1902)122-3. port. McDONOUGH, Patrick (b.1786). Fa. U. S. officer in War of 1812. M c D o n o u g h, P. A Hero of Fort Erie. Did he cause the explosion of tbe bastion, Aug. 15, 1814? Let- ters relating to the military service of Lieut. Patrick McDonough. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)63-93. O'Reilly, Isabel. One of Philadelphia's soldiers In the war of 1812. Rec Am Cath Hist Soc Phila 12.4:419-51. McGILLIVHAY, Alexander (1746-93). "The Talleyrand of Alabama" U. S. Gen. Agent to Creek Indians. McGilllvray, Alexander. McGillivray Documents. Gulf Mag 1(1902)47-50. McGROARTY, Julia (d.1901). Provincial Superior of the Sister* of Notre Dame of Namur, Mother Julia. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)55,130, port. MAC HENRY COUNTY, 111. Northeastern Co. of state, bordering on Wisconsin. Seller, Lena B. Die Plonlere von McHenry County. Deutsch-Am G 2.1(1902)54-56. MACHIMOODTTS (the places of noises). Name applied by Indians to region about Moodui, Conn. Clemens, W. Harry. The legends of Macbimoodus. Conn Mag 7(1902)451-8. MACXAY, John William (b.1831). Nev. mine owner and capitalist. G 1 e e d, Charles S. John William Mackay. Cosmopol 33(1902)40-2, port. McKEAN family. McKean, Cornelius. McKean genealogies, from the early settlement of McKeans or McKeens in America to the present time, 1902; with portraits representing the different branches of the family. Des Moines, The Kenyon printing & mfg. co., 1902. 213 p. front., pi., ports., geneal. tab. 23%cm. [L.C. 3-24079] MACKENZIE, William Lyon. Canadian journalist. Y e 1 g h, Frank. Some reminders of William Lyon Mackenzie. Ca;iad M 19 (i 902) 195-203, ill., port., fac. MACKENZIE family. Mackenzie of Garloch (Galrloch). Old Northw Q 5(1902)80-1, ill. MACKENZIE COLLEGE. Presbyterian Mission College at San Paulo, Brazil. Lane, H. M. Mackenzie College, San Paulo, Brazil, S. A. Assembly Heraici i' (1902)210-221:. McKINLEY, William (1848-1901). 25th President of the United States. C o n r s e y, W. S. William McKinley as commander-in-chief of D. S. Nat'l M (Bost) 16(100, i:>-52. Grand army of the republic. Dept. of Ohio. McKinley post, No. 25. Memorial souven'r ct t.^unad? Win. McKinley... Portraits by Rowley, Buffalo. [Buffalo, N. Y.] McKinley memorial publishing co., 1802. [28] p. Incl. ill., port., facsim. 16% x 25cm. [L.C. 2-13244] Halstead, Murat, and Munson, A. J. Life and services of William McKinley. ( h!ca_- >, Dominion, 1902. 560 p. 12o. H a n n a, M. A. Personal reminiscences of William McKinley. Nat'l M (Bost) 15(1901-2)405-10,509-14. H a n n a, M. A. William McKinley in the White House. Nat'l M (Bost) : 0(1 902) 291 -4. Hay, John. William McKinley; memorial address, delivered In the Capitol, February 27, 1902, by invita- tion of the Congress. New York, T.Y.Crowell & co. [1902] 1 p. 1., 27 p. 18%cm. [L.C. 2-13117] K a s s o n, John A. Impressions of President McKinley. With especial reference to his opinions on reci- procity. Cent 63(1901-2)268-75, port. Long, John D. Some personal characteristics of President McKinley. Cent 63(1901-2)144-6. McKinley, W. Last speech of President McKinley. Canton, Pa., Kirgate Press, 1902. 12o. H r. McKlnley's political legacy. Sat R 92(1902)356-7. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 125 Ohio. General assembly. In memorlam; in loving tribute to the memory of William McKinley, of Ohio, soldier, congressman, governor, and president of the United States of America, in the hall of the House of representatives, Wednesday, January 29, 1902. Columbus, Press of F.J.Heer, 1902. 85 p. front, (port.) 24%cm. [L.C. 3-2333] Ohio Republican association of Washington, D. C. Memorial service to William McKinley, late president of the United States, under the auspices of the Ohio Republican association of Washington, D. C. (in conjunction with all citizens of Ohio resilient in Washington) in Chase's theater, October 6, 1901. Pub- lished by request of T. M. Sullivan, secretary. Washington [Press of B.S Adams] 1902. 43 p. 12 port. 23%cm. [L.C. 3-24611] Owen, Mrs. Elizabeth. Biography of William McKinley, 25th president of the United States of America, and his noted address at the Pan American exposition, September 5th, 1901. [Toledo? O.] 1902. 37 p. incl. port., facsim. 18%cm. [L.C. 2-19408] President William McKinley, main events in his life. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)232-35. R a n d a 1 1, E. O. William McKinley. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)243-49. Staplcton, A. Genealogy of William McKinley. Ohia Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)236-42. Titherington, R. H. Lincoln Garfleld McKinley. Munsey 27(1902)306(My). Underwood, Bert. A stereograph record of William McKinloy as president of the United States, stereo graphs by Henry A. Strohmeyer. New York, London [etc.] Underwood & Underwood [1902] 183 p. IS x 9cm. [L.C. 2-12939] William McKinley at Thomasville, Ga. Nat'l M (Host) 15(1901-2)424-28, 111. William McKinley: Memorial at Canton, O. Nat'l M (Bost) 15(1901-2)524-8, port. Wilson, Edward E[ugene]. "It is God's way." A book dedicated to the memory of our beloved president, William McKinley, consisting of the story of the assassination and death, funeral services at Washing- ton and Canton, newspaper editorials, poems and eulogies from all over tl.e world, pt. 1. Cleveland, O., E.E.Wilson, 1902. v. ill. 22%cm. [L.C. 2-17062] Worcester, Mass. City council. Memorial observances of William McKinley by city of Worcester. Wor- cester, Mass. [The Blauchard press] 1902. 55 p. front, (port.) 23%cm. [L.C. 3-7948] MACLANE, Mary (b.1881). American writer. Maclane, Mary. The story of Mary Maclnne. Chicago, U.S. Stone and company, 1902. 2p. 1., 322 p. front. (port.) 19%cm. [L.C. 2-13619] McLEAN Co., 111. A central county of state. McLean County Historical Society Transactions. Bloomlngton, 111. McMASTER, George H. (1828-1902). S. C. merchant, toacher, legislator, writer. George H. McMaster. S C Hist Mag 3(1902)249-50. MoMILLAN, James (1838-1902). Mich. U. S. senator. The Michigan campaign. Nation 75(1902)125. MACMONNIES, Frederick (William) (b.1863). American sculptor. G r e e r, H. H. Frederick Macmonnies, sculptor. Brush & P 10(1902)l(An). McNEILT, John S. (b.1841). Miss, journalist, writer. Confederate officer. [John S. McNeily]. Miss Hist P 6(1902)129. MACON, Nathaniel (1767-1837). N. C. Congressman, Speaker of the House. D o d d, William E. The place of Nathnni ! Macon in Southern history. An Hist R 7(1902)663-75. Pittman, Thomas M. Nathaniel Macon, an address on occasion of unveiling of a monument to Wm. Macou at Gilford battle ground, July 4. 1902. Pub. by Gilford Battle Guard Association, Gre?neboro, S. C. MACON family. Macon family (note). Wm M Q 10 (1902) 276-8, 11(1902)76-7. MACON COUNTY, N. C. Western Co. of state, bordering on Georgia. Stewart, Henry. Macon county, North Carolina... TIightlan.1t; [N. C.] Blue Ridge ass'n press, 1902. [30] p. 161/6 x %cm. [L.C. 2-15985] McFHILOMY, Hulbert (1859-1901). Philadelphia Catholic priest. Rev. Hubert P. McPhilomy. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)58,130, port. McWHORTER family. M c W h o r t e r, L. V. Henry McWhorter and descendants Col. John McWhorter. W Va Mag 2.1(1902) 68-73. MADAWASKA, Me. Township of Aroostook Co. about 100 m. N. of Houlton. Collins, Charles W. New England Catholic Historical Society publication. No. 3. The Acadiaus of the Madawaska, Maine. Boston, 1902. pp. 66. 80. pamphlet. MADISON, James (1781-1836). 4th President of the United States. Ford, Worthington C. Letters from Joseph Jones to Madison. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.16(1901-2)116-61. Hunt, Gaillard. James Madison and religious liberty. Am Hist A Rep 01,1(1902)163-71. 12 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Hunt, Gaillard. The life of James Madison... New York, Doubleday, Page & co., 1902. vlil p., 1 1., 402 p. front, (port.) 23%cm. [Rev.in:Am Hist R 9(1903)170-3(T.C.Smlth) "The book Is really a temper- ately and Independently written history of the United States from 1776 to 1817... merit of breadth and true perspective. . .style., .clear and vigorous. . .historical workmanship. . .sound and scholarly ... respect- able. . .Index"; Dial 34(1903)341-2 "solid. . .painstaking care, fortified with references and footnotes... altogether worthy of respect ... lack of brightness In... style." 3-4211] MADISON COUNTY, Tenn. Western Co. of state. C 1 s c o, J. G. Madison County. Am Hist Mag 7(1302)328-48. MADISON township, O. Township of Franklin Co. in central Ohio. Bareis. George Frederick], History of Madison township, Including Groveport and Canal Winchester, . Franklin county, Ohio... Canal Winchester, O., G.P.Barels, 1902. vlll, 515 p. front., pi., port., fold. map. 20cm. [L.C. 2-20675] MAGELLAN STRAIT. Strait separating Patagonia, S. A., from Tierra del Fuego. Abribat, Jean Marie. ...Le detroit de Magellan au point de vue International... Paris, A.Chevalier- Marescq & cle, 1902. 3 p. 1., 311 p., 1 1. 25cm. [These Univ. de Paris. L.C. 3-13258] MAGUIRE. Luke (b.1796). Pennsylvania emigrant. Flick, Lawrence F. Reminiscences of Mr. Luke Maguire, of St. Augustine's, Cambria County, Pa., taken in 1879. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)231-2. MAHAN, Alfred Thayor (b.1840). N. Y. Capt. U. S. navy, writer. Captain Alfred T. Mahan. World's Work 3(1901-2)1690, port. only. M a h a n, Alfred T. The growth of our national feeling. World's Work 30901-2)1763-8. MAHTOTOHPA (fl.1832). Second chief of the Mandan Indians. M c C o w a n, S. M. Indian heroes, the story of Mahtotohpa. second chief of the Mandans. South Work 30(1901)200-5, ill. MAIDU Indians. A group of tribes in northern Cal. Dixon, Roland B[urrage]. ...Maidu myths. Bulletin of the American museum of natural history, vol. XVII, part II, p. 33-118. New York, June 30, 1902. [New York, The Knickerbocker press, 1902] cover- title, 33-118 p. 24%cm. [At head of title: The Huntlngton California expedition. L.C. 3-20934] MAINE. The northeasternmost state of U. S., admitted 1820. Farnham, Mary Frances. ...The Farnham papers. 1698-1871... Portland, The Lefavor-Tower company, 1902. ix, 383 p. 23Vicm. (Maine historical society. Documentary history of the state of Maine, v. VIII) [Running title: Documents relating to the territorial history of Maine. L.C. 2-18428] MacDonald, William. ...The government of Maine; its history and administration... New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. Ix, 263 p. front, (map) form. 19%cm. (Handbooks of American gov- ernment) [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)592-3(G.E. Fellows) "in every way commendable ... particularly In- teresting is... treatment of local government": Dial 33(1902)409 "adjunct to the teaching of American history and government In our schools." L.C. 2-24428] Maine Historical Society. Act of Incorporation. By-laws and list of members. Portland, Me., April, 1902. 23 pp. So. S m y t h, Lawrence T. The lumber industry In Maine. New Bng M 25(1901-2)629-48. "MAINE." tl. S. battleship blown up in Havana harbor. Feb. 15, 1898. Butler, Charles Henry. The responsibility of Spain for the destruction of th? United States battleship Maine in Havana harbor, February 15, 1898, and the assumption by the United States, under the treaty of 1898, of Spain's pecuniary liability for the injuries to, and deaths of, her officers and crew. Argument before the Spanish treaty claims commission, December 18-21, 1901, on behalf of claimants represented by Butler & Harwood. New York, The Evening post job printing house, 1902. 1 p. 1., vl; 94 p. 27cm. [L.C. 2-18368] MANASSA8 (Va.). Civil War battle, July 21, 1861. The first Manassas. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)269-76. I r b y, Richard. Early days of the war. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)257-8. MANCHESTER, N. H. City of Hillsborough Co. 59 m. N. of Boston. Early records of Manchester and vicinity. Notes and Q 20(1902)5-7. G i 1 m o r e, G. C. Asiatic cholera In Manchester, 1849-54. Historic Quart 3(1902)53-7. The Historical Quarterly, an ill. mag. containing tlv contributions of the Manchester Historic Ass. and misc. matter of local and general Interest. Manchester, N. H. Vol. 3.=1902. p. 120. with supple- ment in each number. K 1 d d e r, J. Early recollections of Manchester. Historic Quart 3(1902)65-78. L e a v 1 1 1, O. H. The old Bridge-Street pound. Historic Quart 3(1902)27-32. L e a v i 1 1, Orrin H. The old pound. Notes and Q 20(1902)161-6. MANIGAULT. Peter (1731-73). S. C. colonial statesman. [Biographical note]. S C Hist Mag 3(1902)87. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 127 MANILA, Philippine Is. Chief city of Philippines and seat of Gov't, on Is. of Luzon. Eddy, Frederick W. Manila. Outl 70(1902)48-58, ill. V a 1 1 a d o r e, B. F. Observaciones de Manila. Rozon y Fe Mars (1902). MANITOBA. Province of Canada, adjoining Minn, and N. Dakota. E T a n B, W. Sanford. Manitoba and territorial autonomy. Canad M 18(1901-2)459-61. MANITOULIN Is. Island in northern part of Lake Huron, belonging to Ontario, Can. S t e i n e r, Bernard C. On Manitoulin. So Atlau Q 1(1902)333-40. MANNING family. Manning, William H[enry]. The genealogical and biographical history of the Manning families of New England and descendants, from the settlement iu America to present time. I. The William Manning family, of Cambridge, Mass. II. The Richard and Anstice Manning family, of Salem-Ipswlch, Mass. III. Miscellaneous families... Salem, The Salem press co., 1902. v, 857 p. front., pi., port., facslm. 23%cm. [Rev.iu:N E Reg 56(1902)326(F.W.Parke) "based ... upon original sources. . .six full Indexes." L.C. 3-3809] MANSUR family. T a f t, R. S. Mansur note. Gen Q M 3(1902)47,96. MANUSCRIPTS (incl. documents). Early unpublished writings of historic value. An account of manuscripts, papers, and documents in private hands. Miss Hist P 5(1902)229-93. Fbrstemann, Ernst [Wilhelm], Commentar zur Madrider Mayahandschrift (Codex Tro-Corteslanus) . Dan- zig, L.Sauniers buchhandlung (G.Horn) 1902. 160 p. ill. 23%cm. [L.C. 3-27200] J o 1 i n e, Adrian H. Meditations of an autograph collector. Harper 104(1901-2)969-74, 111. New York. State library. . . . Descriptive list of French manuscripts copied for New York State library from National archives and National library at Paris, 1888... Albany, University of the state of New York, 1902. 1 p. 1., [319]-382 p. 25cm. (New York State library. Bulletin 57. History 5) [81 mss. relating to America; described by A.J.F.Van Laer. Cover-title. L.C. 3-7520] T h r u s t o n, G. P. Autographic collections and historic manuscripts. Sev/anee 10(1902)28-42. MANZANO Salt lakes, N. M. Lakes of Valencia Co. in central New Mexico. J o h n s o n, D. W. To the Manzano Salt lakes. Out West 16(1902)367-76, 111. MAPES family. Records from the Mapes Bible in possession of Mr. E.L.Brown of Calvetton.L.I. N Y Rec 33(1902)52-3. MARBLEHEAD, Mass. Town and port of Essex Co. 18 m. N,E. of Boston. M a y n a r d, George. Field day at Marblehead. Wor Soc Ant 17(1902)489-506. MARCHANT family. The Marchant family. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)39-40. MARCONI, Guglielmo (b.1875). Inventor of wireless telegraphy. Marconi, Guglielmo and McGrath, P. T. Marconi and his transatlantic signal. Cent 63(1901-2)769-82. S c o t t, M. 0. Guglielmo Marconi in Canada. Canad M 18(1901-2)338-40, 111., port. MARCUS Is. Island of Oceanica, between Hawaii and Philippines, belonging to U. S. L e J a p o n et les tats-Unis a 1'tle Marcus. Tour Monde 13 Dec (1902). MARCY, William Learned (1786-1857). N. Y. lawyer, U. S. senator, Governor. Marc y, William L. [Letter] to General John Jackson [1838]. Bost Bull 7(1902)276. MARCY family. Paige, Mrs. Calvin D. The Marcy family. Quiuabang Hist Soc Leaf l[1902?]131-46. MARIE ADELAIDE, Duchesse de Chartres (fl.1776). Wife of "Philippe EgaHte," and supporter of Ameri- cans in Am. Rev. Smith, Mary Stuart. Marie Adelaide of Orleans. New Eng M 26(1902)47i-5, port. MARKOE, Thomas Masters (1819-1901). N. Y. surgeon in Civil War, Professor, writer. Gallaudet, Bern B. Dr. Thomas M. Markoe. Columb Q 4(1901)47-50, port. MARKS family. Lines, Mrs. Eliza J[ennette (Marks)]. Marks-Platt fincestry... South Beach, Conn., Pub. by request of A.A.Marks, 1902. 1 p. 1., 98, [16] p. front., pl. f port., geneal. tab. 2-t'^cm. [16 blank pages at end for descendants' record. L.C. 3-9126] MARQUETTE, Father Jacques (1637-75). Canadian Jeseuit missionary to Am. Indians. Cordier, H. Sur le pfire Marquette. [Aus: Compte rendu de Congrt's internet, des AmCricanlstes.] Paris, Leroux, 1902. pp. 8. Father Marquette's crucifix (note). South Hist A Pub 6(1902)197. Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Father Marquette... New York, D.Appleton & company. 1902. xv, 244 p. front, (port.) pi., map, facs. 19%em. (Appletons* life histories) [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad 7:24-5 "la not In- tended to be more than a popular biography, but... as such... far from satisfactory. . .character of Mar- quette ... well drawn. . .events of his life. . .clearly set forth... good many slips ... good Index. . .maps. .. 128 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. photographs"; Am Hist R S(1903)384-5(Ames Bain) "is... for young people. . .has perhaps placed too high a yalue upon... share which Marqnette had In... great dlscoTery"; Nation 75(1002)346 ''Work of one . . .perfectly familiar with. . .missionary services of .. .Jesuits. . .real biography ... centers In... deeds of the Father himself"; Dial 33(1902)215 "Interesting. . .on the whole... a simple, uneventful life. L.C. 2-16764] MARRIAGE (and divorce). Legal union of husband and wife. Holmested, Geo. S. The "Prohibited Degrees" in Ontario. Canada Law Journal 38(1902)99-114. MARSH. Lucius Bolles (1818-1901). Boston merchant, officer in Civil War, writer. Col. Lucius Bolles Marsh. N E Reg 56 Suppl (1902)lslil-lzTi. MARSHALL. John (1756-1836). Va. Chief Justice TJ. S. Supreme Court, writer. J e n k s, H.F. [Letter] from the Grpnville H. Norcross collection. Mass Hist Sot- Proc 11.15(1901-2)89-92. Marshall, John. John Marshall [1803]. Best Bull 7(1902)86-8. VABRTTAT.T. family. The Marshall family (note). Wiu M Q 10(1902)207-9. MARSHTIELD, Mass. Township of Plymouth Co. about 28 m. S.E. of Boston. The T 1 t a 1 records of Marshfleld, Mass. Mayfl Desc 3(1901)41-3,187-9; 1.125-6. MARTIAL LAW. The substitution of military for civil gov't. in time of war or disturbance. A d a m s, C. F. John Quincy Adams and martial law. Mass Hist Soc Pro: 11.15(1901-2)436-78. MARTIN, Jos. (1740-1808). N. C. and Tenn. pioneer, Indian fighter and agent. Letters from Joseph Martin to Patrick Henry. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)28-32. MARTIN, Thomas t.d.1365). Tennessee Confederate soldier. D 1 n k i n s, James. The last tragedy of the war. South Hist Soc I'ap 30(1902)129-34. MARTIN family. Martin. Richard A. An account of some of the later generations of the Martin family in America. N. T., 1902. pp. 3. 16o. [21.Men.in:N E Reg 57(1903)229(F.W.Parke) "names of thirteen of the descend- ants."] Tombstone of Martha Martin. Win M Q 11(1902)146. A valuable relic [Prayer book 1702]. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)46. MARTINIQUE. French West Indian Island, in the Leaser Antilles. Church, James Robb. The Martinique Pompeii. Scrib M 32(1902)20. The destruction in Martinique. World's Work 4(1902)2268-2268d, ill. D 1 c k i n s o n, H. N. Eruption at Martinique. Geog J 20(1902)49(11). Dnmoret, M[aroel]. ...An pays du sucre. Paris, H.E.Martin [1902] 224 p. incl. ill., pi. 23cm. [L.C. 3-2334] Eruption at Martinique. Geog J 20(1902)431(0). Everett, Marshall. The complete story <>f the Martinique horror and other great disasters. . . A full and graphic description of the destruction of tbv city St. Pierre, with chapters covering all the great vol- canic eruptions since the days of Pompeii... [Chicago] 1902. 1 p. 1., [7]-462 p. incl. ill., pi., port., maps, front. 24%cm. [L.C. 2-23424] Garesche, William A. Complete story of the Martinique and St. Vincent horrors6. special article by Mon- sieur Vincent De Messimy. . .comprising also graphic accounts of the world's great disasters from the destruction of Pompeii to the present time... [Chicago, Monarch book company, 1902] 1 p. 1., [7] -462 p. incl. ill., pi., map. front, (port.) 2Soin. [L.C. 2-18459] G e r 1 a n d, Georg. Der ansbrnch der montagne Pelee ana Martinique. Deutsche Rundschau 112(1902) 425-439. H a v e 1 1, H. L. Eruptions of La Soufricn- In Saint Vincent in May, 1902. Macmil 86(1902)221* Jl) . H e i 1 p r i n, Angelo. Mont Pelee in its might. Fortn N S 72(1902)469-73. H e 1 1 p r i n, Angelo. Varian, George, illus. by. Mont Pelee in its might. McClure 19(1902)358-68, port. Heilprin, Angelo. Mont Pelee and the tragedy of Martinique; a study of the great catastrophes of 1902, with observations and experiences in the field. . .illustrated with photographs largely taken by the author. Philadelphia and London, J.B.Lippincott company, 1903 [1902] xlli, 335 p. front., 111., pi., map. 25cm. [Rev.in:Nation 76(1903)152-3 "most thorough. . .one of the best descriptions. . .of an active. . .volcano. .. freely illustrated"; Dial 34(1903)245-6 "Interesting throughout. . .vivid and picturesque style." Lt.C. 2-30398] Hess, Jean. ...La catastrophe de la Martinique notes d'nn reporter avec 50 gravnres d'apres photo- graphies, dessins et cartes. Paris, Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1902. 3 p. 1., xli, 300 p. front, (plan) ill., pi. 19cm. ["I! a Ste 1 tlr de cet ouvrage 20 exemplaires numerote's stir papier du Japon." Contents. Ce que J'ai vu. Dans les mines Cenx qui ont vu. Chez les savants. Notes et documents pour com- pieter mon reportage. L.C. 3-8082] Hill, Robert T. A study of Pelee. Cent 64(1902)764-85, ill. WRITINGS OX AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 12* H o v e y, B. D. Eruption* of La Soufriere in Saint Vincent fn May, 1902. Nat Geog M 13(1902;444(D). J a c c a c i, August F. Pelee, the destroyer. McClure 19(1902)401-16, 111. Kemp, James F. Volcanic action and the Martinique tragedy. Outl 71(1902)276-8. Kennan, George. The tragedy of Pele; a narrative of personal experience and observation in Martinique; illustrated wjth drawings by George Varian and photographs by the author. New York, The Outlook company, 1902. vii, [1], 257, [1] p. incl. map. front., pi. SIVscm. [Rev.in:Nation 76(1903)153 "vivid personal narra tire. . .straightforward. . .entertaining. . .except for... too i calls tic descriptions." L.C. 2-26372] Kennan, George. The tragedy of Pelee. Outl 71(1902)539-42,583-8,680-7,725-32,769-77,822-7,9?0-5,966-74. Life in the Doomed City. As reflected by the loading newspaper of St. Pierre. Cent 64(1902)618-33. McAlister, Samuel A., Ayma, Louis A., and other*. Martinique flood of 'ire and burning rain... A thrill- Ing, graphic and accurate account of the awful destruction of St. Pierre. The bursting, burning moun- tains of Pelee and La Soufrierre. . . Philadelphia and Chicago, P.W.Ziegler & co. [1902] 1 p. 1., vii-xvt, 17-44S p. incL ill., map. front., pi. 23cm. [L.C. 3-848] M c G e e, W. J. The West Indian disaster. R of Rs 25(1902)676-86, 111., ira. . Mason, William. The destruction of St. Pierre. Indep 54(1902)1461-8, ill. Miller, J[a,mei] Martin. The Martinique horror and St. Vincent calamity, containing a full and complc-te account of the most appalling disaster of modern times... in collaboration with Hon. John Stevens Dur- ham... Philadelphia, National publishing co. [1902] 8, 17-560 p. front., ill., pi., port., map. 23^ cm. [Issued also under title: True story of the Martinique and St. Vincent calamities. . .by Prof. John Ran- dolph Whitney. L.C. 2-17542* Cancel] Morris, Charles. The volcano's deadly work, from the fall of Pompeii to the destruction of St. Pierre... a vivid and accurate story of the awful calamity which visited the islands of Martinique and St. Vincent. May 8, 1902, as told by eye-witnesses and by our special representative, General Samuel A. McAlister... [Philadelphia? 1902] 1 p. 1., vii-xvi, 17-448 p. front., ill., pi. 23Vicm. [Issued also under ..e title: The destruction of St. Pierre and St. Vincent. L.C. 2-26658t] P a r e 1, G. The last days of St. Pierre. Cent 64(1902)610-33. R c i d, S. C. Introduction and notes by. The catastrophe in St. Vincent. Cent 64(1902)634-42, ill. Royc. Frederick. The burning of St. Pierre aud the eruption of Moot IVlce; a graphic account of the greatest volcanic disaster in the history of the world... Descriptions of Martinique, St. Vincent, Fort de France, and Mont La Soufriere, and the history, customs, and character of the people . . . Chicago and New York, Continental publishing company [1902] iv, [5]-192 p. front., pi., fold. map. 19cm. (Ori- ental library, no. 63) [L.C. 2-15185] Russell, Israel C. Phases of the West Indian eruptions. Cent 64(1902)766-800, ill., map. Scott, Ellery S. The eruption of Mount Pelee. Cosmopol 33(1902)243-52, ill. Welch, J. Herbert, and Taylor, H. E. Destruction of St. Pierre, Martinique. New York, R.F.Fenno & company [1902] 240 p. 19cm. [Contents. The destruction of St. Pierre. La Soufriere the cataatro phe on St. Vincent Island. Other eruptions and some earthquakes. The causes of volcanic action. L.i . 2-17541] Whitney, John Randolph. True story of the Martinique and St. Vincent calamities. . .including an account of the destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum and accounts of all the most noted volcanic eruptions... Philadelphia, National publishing co. [1902] 8, 17-560 p. front., ill., pi., map. 23^cm. [Issued also under the title: The Martinique horror and St. Vincent calamity. . .by J. Martin Miller... In collaboration with Hon. John Stevens Durham. L.C. 2-19281* Cancel] MARYLAND. An original middle Atlantic state of TJ. 8. between Pa. and Va. Alsop, George. A character of the province of Maryland; reprinted from the original edition of 1866, with introduction and notes by Newton D. Men- ness... Cleveland, The Burrows brothers company, 1902. 113 p. incl. facsim. front, (port.) map. 23 1 / ^cm. ["Of this edition, two hundred and fifty copies have been printed, and the type distributed." This copy not numbered. [Rev.tn:Dial 34(1903)126 "reprint. . .inter- esting. .. [250] copies"; Jl.Men.in: Am Hist R 8(1903)605 "introduction and notes by Professor Newton D. Mereness. . .ample and satisfactory." L.C. 3-1876] Brooke, Charles. A short sketch of the origin of the Maryland mission. Am Cath Res 19(1902)126-8. Browne, Wm. Hand. Archives of Maryland. Proceedings and acts of the assembly of Maryland, 1697-S- 1699. Baltimore. 1902. Carroll, Charles. Correspondence of "First cittaen" Charles Carroll of Carrollton, and "Antilon" Daniel Dulany, Jr., 1773, with a history of Governor Eden's administration in Maryland. 1769-1776. By Elihu S. Kiley. Baltimore, King bros., state printers, 1902. xi p., 1 1., 252 p. 25cm. [L.C. 3-7678] Errors of Catholic American history. The settlement of Maryland. The Toleration act. Am Cath Res 19(1902)147-9. Griffin, Martin I. J. The apostate, Lord Baltimore The Calverts Was Maryland a Catholic country? Am Cath Res 19(1902)58-60. Gunby. A[ndrew] A[ugustus]. Colonel John Gunby of the Maryland line. [For details see same title under subject, Gunby, John, etc.] 130 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1802. Hall, Clayton Colman. The lords Baltimore and the Maryland palatinate; six lectures on Maryland colonial history delivered before the Johns Hopkins university In the year 1902... Baltimore, J. Murphy company, 1902. xvil, 216 p. front, (port.) fold. map. 20cm. [Rev.ln:Am Hist R 9(1903)199-200(N.D.Mereness) "here and there thrown some new light on... Lords Baltimore and on tho dispute over the boundary be- tween Maryland and Pennsylvania. Other than this... chief value. . .In. . .cautious, concise, and dispas- sionate narration of... events in the history of colonial Maryland. . .ho had two points of view... the per- sonality of a lord proprietor [and]... the mem progress of events... has shown us only a loose general relation between the two"; Nation 76(1903)93 "agreeably written. . .oxtremc-ly accurate ... we can com- mend this... to all., .interested In our colonial histories"; Men.in:N Y Rec 34(1903)303 "story of Mary- land's colonial period told In masterly manner." L.C. 3-182] Harry, James Warner. ...The Maryland constitution of 1851. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1902. 86 p. 24cm. (Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science, series XX, nog. 7-8) [L.C. 3-12908] History of Confederates In Maryland. Confed Vet 10(1902)166. The Jesuits land in Maryland. Am Cath Res 19(1902)173. L e e, F. L. Continental Board of War to the Governor of Md. 1.1778]. Best Bull 7(1902)22. Lippincott, Constance. Maryland as a palatinate. Philadelphia, J.B.Llppineott co., 1902. 48 pp. 24%cm. [Printed for private circulation. "Bibliography": pp. 47-48. [Rev.in:N E Reg 56(1902)215(F.W.Parke) "A bibliography is added ... shows careful preparation." L.C. 2-3943 M 2] Opposition by Virginia to Lord Baltimore's settlement of Maryland. Am Cath Res 19(1902)28-9. Snowden, W[illiam] H. Some old historic landmarks of Virginia and Maryland. [For details see same title under subject, Virginia.] Some quaint wills of early Catholic settlers in Maryland. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)22-44. S t e i n e r, Bernard C. Maryland's first courts. Am Hist A Rep '01,1(1902)211-29. Steiner, Bernard C[hristian], ...Western Maryland In the revolution... Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1902. 57 pp. 24%cm. (Johns Hopkins university studies In historical ami political science, series 20, no. 1) [L.C. 2-6098] MASON, Charles (1804-82). N. Y. editor, low* Judge. XT. 8. commissioner of patents. Y e w e 1 1, George H. Reminiscences of Charles Mason. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)251-71, port. MASON, Lowell (1792-1872). Am. musician and composer. Mason, Daniel Gregory. How young Lowell Mason travelled to Savannah. New Eng M 26(1902)236-40. MASON COUNTY, 111. Co. in W. central part of state. Onstot, Thompson Gains, 1829 Pioneers of Menard and Mason counties; made up of personal reminis- cences of an early life In Menard county, which we gathered in a Salem life from 1830 to 1840, and a Petersburg life from 1840 to 1850; Including personal reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln and Peter Cart- right. Forest City, III., T.G.Oustot, 1902. 400 p. incl. front., ill., port., plan. 23cm. [L.C. 2-277J1] MASON and Dizon line. Boundary between Fa. and Md. and between free and slave states, surveyed 1766. Robinson, Morgan Poitiaux. The evolution of the Mason and Dixon line... Published" by special request. Richmond, Va., Oracle publishing company, 1902. 15 p. Incl. 111., facsim. LI '.join. ["Reprinted from the April and May, 1902, numbers of the Oracle magazine, Richmond, Virginia." "One thousand copies printed." [Rev.ln:Va Mag 10(1902)111 "brief and Intelligible. . .clear account... of value and Interest"; W Va Mag 2.3(1902)83 "carefully prepared ... well written and Interesting." L.C. 2-14119] MASSACHUSETTS. An original N.E. state of the United States. Adams, Alton D. Municipal gas and electric plants In Massachusetts. J Pol Econ .0(1901-2)214-29. Adams, Alton D. Municipal gas and electric plants in Massachusetts. Pollt Sc Q 17(1902)2^7-55. B r e n n a n, James F. Jesuits In Massachusetts, 1647. Am Cath Res 19(1902)82-3. B r e n n a u, James F. Penalty for observing Christmas in Massachusetts, 1670. Am Cath Res 19(1902)65. Catholics as rare as comets [1765]. Am Cath Res 19(1002)77. Chase, Levi B. Interpretation of Woodwards & Lattery's map of 1642, or the earliest Bay path. Quina- bauf Hist Soc Leaf 1 [1902?] 185-98. Collins, Charles W. New England Catholic Historical Society publication, No. 4. Pilgrim, Puritan and Papist in Massachusetts. Boston, 1902. pp. 33, 80, pamph. Colonial Society of Massachusetts Publications. Transactions April- November, 1900. [vol. 7 no. 1. 1902.] pp. 5+62. 80. Colonial Society of Massachusetts Publications. Vol. V. Boston, Pub. by Soc., 1902. pp. 19+492, 80, 111. Crane, Ellery Bicknell. The boston and Worcester turnpike. WOT Soc Ant 17(1901)585-98. D a b 1 o n, Claude. Father John Pierron's Journey from Acadia to Maryland in 1674. Am Cath Res 19 (1902)76-7. Davis, Andrew MoFarland. Tracts relating to the currency of Massachusetts Bay. [For details aee game title under subject, Money.] Ford, Worthington Chauucey. Bibliography of the Journals of the House of Representative* of his Majesty's province of the Magsachusetts Bay, 1715 to 1726-39. Bibllog 1(1902)347-61,447-54. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 1S1 Ford, Worthlngton C. The Governor and Cooncil of th province of Massachusetts Bay, August, 1714- March, 1715. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)327-62. Dresser, Mrs. Geo. K. The Indians of this locality. Quinabaug Hist Soc Leaf 1[1902?]107-20. Excursion to the Metropolitan Water Basin. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)234-42. Green, Samuel Abbott. Ten fac-slmlle reproductions relating to New England. Boston, Mass., 1902. 4 p. 1., 54 p. 111., facslm. 37 x 27%em. [Edition of 125 copies. Contents. Stephen Daye, the earliest printer In this country. Map of Massachusetts, 1637. Benjamin Tompson, the earliest American poet. The names of streets, etc., in Boston, 1708. Blodget's plan of the battle near i^ake George, 1755. The stamp act, 1765. The seat of war, near Boston, 1775. Gen. Rufus Putnam's plan of towns In Worcester county, 1785. Dr. Prescott's plan of Groton, Massachusetts, 1794. State street, Boston, 1801. Rev.ln: Nation 76(1903)33-4 "limited edition. . .full of careful research and true bibliographical enthusiasm... facsimllles are very distinct and admirable." L.C. 2-28280] G a 1 1 d, Amasa. The eighteenth Massachusetts regiment volunteer infantry in the Rebellion, together with some personal reminiscences. Dedh Reg 13(1902)98-105. H a 1 1, G. Stanley. Normal schools, especially in Massachusetts. Pedagog Sem 9(1902)180(Je). I. ii m in u s. Henry T. The Established Church of Mass. Lynn Reg 1907(1902)34-52. [Important legal ace. with citations, of the church-parish phase of the Unitarian-Orthodox controversy.] Massachusetts anti-Catholic oath of allegiance, 1678. Am Catb Res 19(1902)74-5. Massachusetts artillery, 5th battery, 1861-1865. History of the Fifth Massachusetts battery. Organized October 3, 1861, mustered out June 12, 1865. Boston, L.E.Cowles, 1902. xlv, 991 p. col. front., plate, port., map. 25cm. [L.C. 3-17523] Massachusetts Democratic platform. R of Rs 26(1902)450-1. Massachusetts Historical Society Collections, Seventh series. Vols. 1-2. Boston, 1900-1902. L. 8vo. pp. xvl. 491. [Rev.ln:N E Reg 55(1901)125(F.H.Parke) "[of] great interest. . .admirable form, thoroughly indexed"; Men.in:Am Hist R 9(1903)223 "Part IV. of the Trumbull Papers ... letters range. . .January of 1780 to October, 1783." Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings. Vol. 15. Boston, Pub. by the Soc. 1901-2. pp. 18+554. The Mayflower Descendant. Vol. 4, 1902. Boston, Pub. quarterly by the Soc. 1902. pp. 8+284. Old South leaflets. V. 5. nos. 101-125. Boston, Old South Work, 1902. Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. Yearbook Penn Soc of N Y (1302)92-5. Religious oppression in Mass. Trial of Rev. John Cheverus for marrying Catholics and of Mr. Kav- anagb for non-support of the Congr. minister of his township. Am Cath Res 10(1902)120-5. Roe, Alfred S. The governors of Massachusetts. New Eng M 25(1901-2)523-48,651-72, port. Rules and regulation of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts. Boston, Alfred Mudge & Son, 1902. pp. 38, 80., ill. Smith, Sarah Saunders. The founders of the Massachusetts Bay colony. Washington, Woodward Sc. Loth- rop, 1902. 12o., 111. [51.Men.ln:Am Hist R 8(1902)201 " "a careful research of the earliest records of many of the foremost settlers of the New England colony, compiled from the earliest church and state records." "] Swan, Robert T. Fourteenth report of the custody and condition of the public records of parishes, townn and counties. Boston, State Printers, 1902. 8vo. pp. 15. [Rev.ln :Natlon 74(1902)513 "Shows ... good affect of a law. . .enabling towns to choose ... clerk for three years instead of annually."] Swan, Robert T. The Massachusetts public record commission and Its work. Am Hist A Rep '01,1(1902) 95-112. Trolley trips through southern New England ... [4th ed.] Hartford, Conn., White & Warner, 1902. 118 p. incl. front., 111., 9 map. 16%cm. p. 90-112 advertising matter. [L.C. 2-24147] Two bills of sale of negro slave [in Mass.]. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)210-11. W e e d e n, William B. Three commonwealths, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island ; their early de- velopment. Am Antiq Soc N S 15 II '02(1903) 130-64. Wild, Helen Tllden. The Lawrence light guard. Medf Reg 5(1902)73-90, port. MASSACHUSETTS Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. Est. 1861. M u n r o e, James Phinney. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. New Eng M 27(1902)131-58. 111. MATHER, Cotton (1663-1738). Mass, clergyman and writer. ,, Cone, Kate M. Cotton Mather's borthplace. Gen Q M 3(1902)55-64. MATLACK, Timothy (1730-1829). Pa. Revolutionary officer, Continental Congressman. Letters of James Allen to Coloney Timothy Matlack, 1778. Penn Mag 26(1902)286-7. MATOON, (Mrs.) Mary (Dickinson). (1758-1835). Revolutionary matron. Walker, Alice M[orehouse], Mary Mattoon and her hero of the revolution [General Ebenezer MattoonJ Cover design by Martha Genung. Amherst, Mass. [Press of Carpenter * Morehouse] 1902. 83. [1] p. front., pi., port. 18%cm. [L.C. 3-5965] Id WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. MATTOON, Ebenezer (1755-1843). Mass, officer in War of 1812, Congressman. Walker, Alice M[orehouse], Mary Mattoon and her hero of the revolution [General Ebenezer Mattoon] Cover design by Martha Genuug. Amherst, Mass. [Press of Carpenter & Morehouse] 1902. 83, [1] p. front., pi., port. 18%cm. [L.C. 3-5965] MAUL family. ...William Maul and Bethlah Guthrie, ancestors of the Logan family (note). Penn Mac .--(,19021 479-80. MATJLSBY family. Payne, Cora M. (Patty). Genealogy of the Maulsby family for fire generation, 1699-1902; comp. by careful research among Quaker, government and family records... Dose Moines, G. A. Miller, 1902. 5 p. 1., 142 p., 1 1., 10 1., [2] p. ill., pi., port., fold, map, facsim. (partly fold.) 24cm. [L.C. 3-3828] MAUMEE Valley, Ohio. Valley of Maumee R. in northwestern Ohio. Gunckel, John E. The early history of the Maumee Valley. Toledo, O. t Press of the Hadley printing co., 1902. 101 p. incl. front., ill., pi. 21 x 18 cm. [61.Men.in : Am Hist R 8(1903)408 ".. .graphic account. .. likely to be of some service in the preparation of a more complete historv." L.C. 2-22687] MAXIM, (Sir) Hiram Stevens (b.1840). Am. inventor and manufacturer, resident of England. Price, Charles W. Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim. Cosmopol 33(1902)530-2, port. MAXWELL, William Henry (b.1852). N. Y. educator, Supt. N. Y. City school*, writer. The head of four hundred schools. World's Work 3(1901-2)1848-51, port. MAY, Samuel (1810-1899). Mass. Unitarian clergyman, writer. Dodge, Benj. J. Samuel May. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)11-14. MAYES, Edward (b.1846). Miss. Confederate soldier, politician. [Edward Mayes]. Miss Hist P 6(1902)307-8. MAYHEW, Thomas (1592-1682). Colonial Governor Martha's Vineyard. The Owl on Martha's Vineyard. The Owl 3(1902)63-6. MAYNARD, Newland (d.1901). N. Y. Episcopal clergyman, writer and lecturer. Rev. Newland Maynard (obituary). N Y Rec 33(1902)54. MAYO-SMITH, Richmond (1854-1901). Columbia University Prof., writer. Seligman, Edwin R. A. Richmond Mayo-Smith. Columb Q 4(1901)40-5, port. MAZZEI, Filippo (b.1730). European Agent of Va. during Am. Revolution. Z 1 m m e r n, Helen. Story of Mazzei. New Eng M 27(1902)198-211. MAZZUCHELLI, Samuel Charles (1807-64). Catholic priest. Rev. Samuel Charles Mazzuchelli, O. P. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)250. port. MEAD (or Meade) family. C a 1 1 a h a n, G. C. Some of the Meads. Wm M Q 10(1902)191-7,242-5. MEADVILLE, Pa. City of Crawford Co. 36 m. S. of Erie. Wilbur, Earl Morse. A historical sketch of the Independent congregational church, Meadville, Pennsyl- vania, 1825-1900. Meadville, Pa., 1902. vii, 96 p. front., pi., port. 20cm. [L.C. 2-16948] MEARS family. Hears. (Mrs.') Kate DeRossett. "A group of my ancestral dames of the colonial period." Goldsboro, N. C. [1902] O. pp. 17. [Rev.in:South Hist A Pub 6(1902)526 "relates mainly to members of the DeRosseU family."] MEAT packing industry. Business of transforming cattle into meat, and marketing it. Shirley, William M. Inside a great packing plant. Nat'l M (Host) 15(1901-2)581-6, ill. MECKLENBURG County, N. C. A south border Co. Alexander, J[ohn] Bfrevard]. The history of Mecklenburg County from 1740 to 1900... Charlotte, N. C., Observer printing house, 1902. 1 p. 1., iv, [3]-431 p. front., pi., port., map. 24cm. [L.C. 3-3298] C 1 a r k s o n, Herlot. The hornet's nest. N C Bookl 1.6(1901)3-24. MEDAL of Honor Legion of U. 8. Society of recipients of U. S. Medal for service in Civil and Spanish wars. Medal of honor legion of the United States. A record of the greeting given by the local members and citi- zens of Philadelphia, on Thursday and Friday, November 6 and 7, 1902 and proceedings of the legion in Independence hall, Philadelphia, Pa., Friday, November 7, 1902. [Philadelphia, 19027] 37 p. 2 port. 23cm. [L.C. 3-29117] MEDFIELD, Mass. Village in Medfleld township, Norfolk Co., 18 m. S.W. of Boston. Medfleld, Mass. Medfield, Massachushetts : proceedings at tho celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of the town, June 6, 1901. Boston, G.H.Ellis co., printers, 1902. 112 p. front., pi., facs. 28%cm. [Rev.in:N E Reg 56(1902)330(F.W.Parke) "most entertaining. . .church his- tories. . .particularly important." L.C. 3-8380] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 1W MEDFOKD, Mass. Village of Middlesex Co. 6 m. N.N.W. of Boston. H o 1 1 1 8, Benjamin Pratt. Grace church, Medford. An historical monograph. Medf Reg 5(1902)25-43. The homo of the Historical Society. Medf Reg 5(1902)69-70. Maun, Moses W. Forgotten industries and enterprises. Medf Reg 5(1902)18-9. The Medford Historical Register. Vol. 5. Medford, Mass., Pub. by the Medford Hist Sue., quarterly, 1M)2. pp. 96. Medford Square, 1835 to 1850. Medf Reg 5(1902)91-4. The "Town House." Medf Reg 5(1902)90. W e 1 1 z, Herbert A. Lawyers of Medford. Medf Reg 5(1902)49-68, port. W 1 1 d, H. T. Current events, 1724-1734. Extracts from town records of Medford. Medf Reg 5(1902)11-7. Wild, Helen T. Medford in the war of the Revolution. Medf Reg 5(1902)24. MEDICINE. Art of heading and drug* employed. C a r n e y, S. H. Early days of medicine and surgery in America. Munsey 28(1902)377(D). Licencies des bureaux medicaux .lu Canuda-est de 1788 a 1848. Rech Uist 8(1902)175-80,201-9. The new medical education. Nation 75(1902)259-60. A Virginia doctor's medicines, 1729 (note). Va Mag 10(1902)216-7. MEIGS, John (fl.1639). Conn, pioneer. B e n t o n, Charles F. Little Journeys to ancestral firesides. Conn Mag 7(1602)567-9. MEIGS family. Meigs, [Henry Benjamin], Melgs chart of American ancestry. (.Baltimore, 1902] sheet. 43% x 7%cm. [ l.Men.in:Old Northw Q 5(1902)154 "historical references ... valuable notes." L.C. 3-3193] Xeigi, H. B. Record of the descendants of Vincent Melgs. Baltimore, H.B.Melgs, 1902. So., 111. MEIRCKEN, (Mrs.) Peter (Snowden) (b.1777). Wife of Peter Meircken, a merchant of Phila. Hart, Charles Henry. Two women of the eighteenth century. Cent 63(1901-2)377, port. MELROSE, Mass. Village of Middlesex Co. 7 m. N. of Boston. GOBI, Elbridge Henry. The history of Melrose, county of Middlesex, Massachusetts. Melrose, The city, 1902. xviii, 508 p. front., ill. (incl. port., facsim.) pi. 24>/jcm. [L.C. 3-11847] MENARD County, 111. County in W. central part of state. Onstot. T[hompson] G[ains], Pioneers of Menard and Mason counties; made up of personal reminiscences of an early life in Menard county, which we gathered in a Salem life from .100. to 1840, and a Peters- burg life from 1840 to 1850; including personal reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln and Peter Cartright. Forest City., 111., T.G.Onstot, 1902. 400 p. Incl. front., ill., port., plan. 23cm. [L.C. 2-27721] MENOMONIE, Wis. County seat of Dunn Co. 25 m. W. by E. of Eau Claire. Chappie, Joe Mitchell. The Stout Manual Training School. Nat'l M(Bost)15(1901-2)501-7, 111., port. MENOTOMY, Mass. Ancient name of a precinct of Cambridge. Brown, Abram English. Menotomy parsonage. New Eng M 26(1901)80-92, ill., port. MERCHANT Marine. Vessels employed in domestic or foreign commerce. Abbot, Willis J[ohn]. American merchant ships and sailors... illustrated by Ray Brown. New York, Dodd, Mead & company, 1902. 1 p. 1., x, 372 p. front., ill., pi. 21cm. [Rev. in: Nation 75(1902)481 "popular and fascinating account of .. .development of... our mercantile marine. . .only lacks ... bibliog- raphy to make it of real value to... student of history"; Dial 34(1903)89-90 "popular ... [not much] minuteness of detail... can be cheerfully recommended." L.C. 2-25189] Marvin, Winthrop L[ippitt]. The American merchant marine; its history and romance, from 1620 to 1902. New York, C.Scribner's sons, 1902. xvi p., 1 1., 444 p. 21^cm. [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)541-2(W. B.Weeden) "sketchy and interesting ... few of the qualities of history. . .patriotic romance appeals to all of us"; Nation 76(1902)421 "somewhat incoherent enthusiasm ... entertaining ... other works on these subjects... not likely to be superseded"; Dial 34(1903)89-90 "technical. . .explicit. . .copious. . .interesting reading. . .can be cheerfully recommended." L.C. 2-24825] MERION, Fa. Village of Montgomery Co. 19 m. K.W. of Philadelphia. Smith, Benjamin H. The lands of Edward Jones and company in Merlon. Penn Mag 26(1902)52-57, ill. MERRICK family. Merriok, George Byron. Genealogy of the Merrick Mirick Myrick family of Massachusetts, 1636-1902. Madison, Wis., Tracy, Gibbs & company, 1902. vi, [2], 494 p. 3 pi. (1 col.) 12 port. (incl. front.) 23cm. [Rev.ln:Old Northw Q 6(1903)27 "Printing. . .and binding. . .elegant. . .model genealogy." L.C. 3-18025] MERRILL, Samuel (b.1822). Iowa soldier, Governor. Fleming, Wm. H. Governor Samuel Merrill. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)335-51, port. MERRILL family. Will of Nathaniel Merrill [of Newbury, Mass., ab. 1655]. Ess Ant 6(1902)38-9. 134 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. MERRIM AC-MONITOR battle. Civil War naval battle in Hampton Roads, Va., March 8-9, 1868. B r o o k e, St. G. T. The Merrimac-Monitor battle. Transallegheuy Hist M 2(1902)30-42. MESA GRANDE, Cal. Village of Messina Indiana. L u m m 1 s, Charles F. Two days at Mesa Grande. Out West 16(1902)602-12, ill., port. METHODIST Church. Arminian church founded by John Wesley, having several branches in V. B. C a 1 h o u n, John C. Documents on the Division of the Methodist Church in 1844. Gulf Mag 1(1902)212. King, Rev. I. P. Introduction of Methodism in Ohio. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)165-219. Methodist Episcopal church. The constitution of the Methodist Episcopal church, and the constitutions and charters of the several organizations authorized by the General conference, to which is added the con- stitution of the Methodist Episcopal church, South. Cincinnati, Jennings & Pye; New York, Eaton & Mains [cl902] vil, 310 p. 18cm. [Edited by R.T.Miller and W.F.Whitlock, D.D. L.C. 3-4986] Methodist Episcopal church, South. The doctrines nnd discipline. 1902. Ed. by Jno. J. Tigert. . .Nash- ville, Tenu., Dallas, Tex., Publishing house of the M. E. church. South, Blgham & Smlnth, agents, 1902. vlil, 416 p. 16cm. [L.C. 3-4206] S 1 b 1 e y, Hiram L. The constitution of 1808. Meth R South 51(1902)659-tW. S p e e r, J. Patriotism and education in the Methodist church. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)494-500. Tigert, John J Lames]. The doctrines of the Methodist Episcopal church in America, as contained in the disciplines of said church from 1788 to 1808, and so designated on their title-pages; comp. and ed. with an historical introduction. Cincinnati, Jennings & Pye; New York, Eaton & Mains, 1902. 2 v. 15cm. (Little books on doctrine) [Contents. v. 1. The Scripture doctrine of predestination, election and rep- robation. Serious thoughts on the Infallible, unconditional perseverance of all that have once experi- enced faith in Christ. Extract on the nature and subjects of Christian baptism. Against antinomlan- Ism. v. 2. A plain account of Christian perfection, as believed and taught by the Rev. Mr. John Wesley, from the year 1725 to the year 1765. Oi' Christian perfection. [51.Men.'.n:Am Hist R 8(1902)200 "of interest to students of American church history. " L.C. 2-18962] T u r r e n t i n e, S. B. Methodism's educational mission in national life. Meth R South 51(1902)88-103. METHUEN, Mass. Town of Essex Co. 2 m. N.N.W. of Lawrence. Mann, Charles W. The king's highway from Swan's Ferry to Back River Mill. New Eng M 26(1902) 525-36, 111. MEXICAN War. War between IT. S. and Mexico, April, 1846-Sept., 1847. French, Samuel G[ibbs]. Two wars: an autobiography... Mexican wnr; war between the States, a diary; reconstruction period, his experience; incidents, reminiscences, etc. Nashville, Tenh., Confederate vet- eran, 1901. xv, [1], 404 pp. incl. ill., port, front, (port.) 14cm. [L.C. 1-27326 M 2] [Letter] to Col. Jefferson Davis [1846]. Boet Bull 7(1902)330. Mannhardt, R. Deutsche Thellnehmer am Mexikanischen Kriege von La Salle County. Deutsch-Am G 2.3(1902)48-9. MEXICO. Republic of southern N. A. bounded by U. 8., Atlantic, Guatemala, and Pacific. A n d r u s, S. G. Men and affairs In Mexico. Nat'l M(Bost)17(1902)345(D). A u s t 1 n, O. P. Commerce of Mexico and the D. S. Nat Geog M 13(1902)25(Ja). B o y c e, Isaac. Mission work among Indians of Hoh country, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Ass Her 6(1902)221-3. B r a s c h i, V. M. and Ordofiez, Ezequiel. Mexican railway system. Cassler 22(1902)457(Ag). Butler, (Mrs.) John W. The outlook In Mexico. Miss R 25(1902)109-12. Butler, John W. Religious forces in Mexico and Central America. Miss R 25(1902)195-204. Codex Fej6rvary-Mayer. An old Mexican picture manuscript in the Liverpool free public museums(12014M) Published at the expense of His Excellency the Duke cf Loubat. . .elucidated by Dr. Eduard Seler. .. [For details see details see same title under subject, Aztecs.] Codex vaticanus 3773. (Codex vatlcanus B) eine altmexlkanlsche bildersclirift der Vatikanlschen blbllo- thek; hrsg. Huf kosten seiner excellenz des herzogs von Loubat. . .erlftntert von Dr. Eduard Seler... [For details see same title under subject, Aztecs.] D a w 1 e y, Thomas R. Mexico's new territory. Outl 72(1902)212-4. P o t e r, J. W. The new Mexico. Nat Goog M 13(1902)l(Ja). Foster, Volncy W. Commercial expansion and growth of credits with some notes on the Republic of Mex- ico. An address at the Banquet of Chicago Credit Men's Association, September 17, 1902. pp. 21. General Synod of Mexico [Presbyterian]. Ass Her 6(1902)225-6. Leon, (N.) Bibllografla Mexlcana del sigl? xvlil secession prlmera, prlmora parte. Mexico, Imp de Fr Diaz de Leon, 1902. pp. 463. 30 ptas. Leon, N. Compendlo de la historla general de Mexico des de los tlempos prchisWrleos hasta nuestras dlas. Mexico, 1902. pp. 676. Locke, Charles Edward. The evolution of freedom in Mexico. Meth R 84(1902)439-49. Loubat, [Joseph Florimond] duo de. Address of the Duke of Loubat, honorary president of the thirteenth International congress of Americanists, held at the American museum of natural history In the city of Nw York, October 20-25, 1902. New York, The Knickerbocker presa [1902] 3 p. 24cm. [L.C. 3-27376] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN BISTORT 1902 186 Lumholtz, Karl [Sofus]. Unknown Mexico; a record of five years' exploration among the tribes of the western Sierra Madre; In the tlerra callente of Teplc and Jalisco; and among the Tarascos of Mlchoacan. New York, C.Scribner's sons, 1902. 2 v. front., ill., pi. (partly col.) port., fac., fold. map. 25cm. [Rev. in: Nation 76(1903)272-4 "painstaking. . .worthy contribution. . .style unaffected, ordinarily agree- able, generally lucid. . .honest, earnest, and important"; Nation 76(1903)296-8 "utter worthlessness of the index cannot be too strongly deplored"; Dial 34(1903)198-9(A. H.Noll) "the most valuable contri- bution... of recent years... to scientific exploration ... in the Western World ... pleasant literary style... keen sense of humor... of deep interest. . .scarcely a dull page." L.C. 2-27727] Harm Bimbela (R). Codigo sanitario de los Estados Uuidos mexlcanos. Hex Herrero Hermanos 1 peso, pp. 344. Morris, [Ida DormanJ "Mrs. J, E. Morris." A tour in Mexico; illustrated from photographs taken en route by James Edwin Morris. New York, London [etc.] The Abbey press [1902] 1 p. 1., 322 p. front., pi. 20cm. [L.C. 2-30131] Paso y Troucoso, F. del. Histoire mexicaine de Cristobal del Castillo. Par. Leroux, 1902. P e r e z, A. Garcia. Organizaci6n inilitar de Mexico. Rev cont 16 Mal(1902)16 Aout, 15 Sept(1902). Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Mexico. (Popular lib. ser.) [2 v. in 1 v.] N. Y., Crowell, 1902, ill. Prescott, William H[ickling]. ...Selections from "Ferdinand and Isabella," "The conquest of Mexico" and "The conquest of Peru." New York and London, Street and Smith [1902] xii, 205, [1] p. front, (port.) 15%cm. (S & S little classics) [L.C. 2-24859] R e 1 n s c h, Paul S. A new era in Mexico. Forum 32(1902)528-38. Robinson, Wilfrid C. The last Mexican empire. Am Cath Q 27(1902)541-562. Schiess, Wilhelm. Quer durch Mexiko vom Atlantischon zuiu Stillen Ocean. Mit 55 illustrationen und 16 lichtdrucktafeln. Berlin, D.Reimer (E.Vohsou), 1902. xli, [1], 233, [1] p. front., ill., pi., fold. map. 25%cm. [L.C. 3-19776] Squire, Louis II. Ancient Mexican theogomy and cosmogony. Notes and Q 20(1902)65-71. Wilkins, Ja. H. Glimpse of old Mexico. San Francisco, Whitaker & R., 1902. 16o., ill. W i n t o n, George B. The liberator of Mexico. Meth R South 5] (1902)211-9. MICHIGAN. An upper Lake state of U. S. admitted 1837. Barber, Edward W. Recollections and lessons of pioneer boyhood. Mich Hist Coll '01, 31(1902)178- 227, port. B u r t o n, C. M. Papers and orderly book of Brig. Gen. James Winchester. Mich Hist oil '01, 31(1902) 253-313, port. Burton, C. M., and Moore, Charles. Historical Collection. Collections and researches made by the Michi- gan pioneer and historical society, v. 31. Lansing, Mich., 1902. pp. 8+649. Gilbert, John. The Great conspiracy. Mich Hist Coll, '01, 31(1901)232-8. Grosvenor, Ebeuezer O. The new state capitol. Mich Hist Coll '01, 81(1901)227-32. Keith, Hannah E. Hist, sketch of internal improvements in Michigan, 1836-46. Ann Arbor, Mich., Pol. Sci., 1902. 16o. Memorial report. [This contains necrological reports from various counties, chiefly of pioneers, but only here and there one worth separate reference.] Mich Hist Coll '01 31(1901)13-98. M o o r e, Charles. The beginnings of territorial government in Michigan. Mich Hist Coll '01, 31(1901) 510-612. Smith, Harlan I. The antiquities of Michigan, their value and Impending loss. Mich Hist Coll '01 31 (1901)238-52, ill. Stocking, W. Michigan's New Hampshire patbmakers. Granite M 33(1902)81-9, port. MIDDLEBOROUGH, Mass. Village of Plymouth Co. 34 m. S. ty . of Boston. Middleborough, Mass., births, marriages and deaths. Mayfl Desc 3(1901)83-6,232-36; 4.67-75. 1CIDDLETOWN, Conn. City and port of Middlesex Co. 15 m. 8. of Hartford. Jackson, Margaret Ellen. Some old Mattabeseck families. Conn Mag 7(1902)473-82, ill., port. MIGHILL family. Will of Thomas Mlghill [of Rowley, Mass., ab. 1655]. Ess Ant 6(1902)72-4. MILFORD, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. IS m. S.E. of Worcester. Wilson, Lewis G. Milford and Hopedale. New Eng M 27(1902)487-508, 111.^ port. MILITIA. Volunteer defensive military organization under state control. Powell, Ja. W. Customs of the service: national guards and volunteers. Rev. ed.. Kansas City. Mo., Hudson-K., 1902. 16o. W h e 1 p 1 e y, J. D. The militia force in the United States. No Am 174(1902)275-80. MILLER, John (1775-1887). Pa. Baptist clergyman. D e a n, A. D. Biog. sketch of Rev. John Miller. Proc Wyoming Hist Soc 7(1902)171-7. Marriage Records Kept by Rev. John Miller, of Abington Township, Luzerne Co., Pa., 1802-1866. Proc Wyoming Hist Soc 7(1902)178-200. 136 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. MILLER, William Turner (fl.1775). R. I. Colonel in Am. Revolution. Miller, William Turner. [Letter*] to his wife, from the camp before Boston, 1775. Boat Bull 7(1002) 419-24. KILLER family. Miller, Joseph Lyon. The Millers and their kin. W Va Mae 2.2(1902)38-53, port. MILLIONAIRES. Am. Person* worth a million dollar* or more. Barlow, Jane. The founding of fortunes. New York, Dodd, Mead & company, 1902. 3 p. 1., 348 p. 19%cm. [L.C. 2-23908] Fornaro, C[arlo] de. Millionaires of America. Caricatures by Max Cramer di PourtalCs. New York, The Medvsa pvb. co., 1902. cover-title, 2 1., 12 pi. 38x30cm. [L.C. 3-1887] Schlerbrand, Wv. Etnfl. d. Milliardaro auf Amerika. Kultur(1902)Okt.395-404. KILLS, Darius Ogrden (b.1825). Cal. and N. Y. capitalist. M o f f e t t, Samuel E. Darius Ogden Mills. Cosmopol 33(1902)289-92, 111. KILLS, Elligood (1744-1832). K. H. sea captain, patriot, privateer. E 1 1 1 g o o d Mills. Am Month M 21(1902)118. MILWAUKEE, Wis. City of Milwaukee Co. on Lake Michigan 85 m. N. of Chicago. Souvenir album of the Cream city. Pictorial Milwaukee... Souvenir-album von Deutsch- Athen . . . Mil- waukee, Wis., C.N.Caspar company [1902] 1 p. 1., Ill pi. on 56 1. 15^x20%cm. [Each plate Is accom- panied by descriptive text in English and German. Photographed by J. Brown, S.L.Steln and A.J.Brelt- wish. Collodiotypes by Hammersmith engraving co. L.C. 2-23104] Usher, Ellis B. New England influence In Milwaukee. Wise Hist Proe '01(1901)170-4. MIKBRES Valley, New Kexico. D u f f, U. Francis. The ruins of the Mtmbres Valley. Am Ant 24(1902)397-400. KIKS FORT, Ala. Fort 35 m. N. of Mobile, scene of Indian massacre, Aug. 30, 1818. H a 1 b e r t, Henry S. Ensign Isaac W. Davis and Hanson's Mill. Gulf Mag 1(1902)151. MINING Industry. The mining of coal and metals. A c k e r m a n n, A. S. E. British and American mining by machinery; a comparison. Engin M 23(1902) 357(Je). Leroy-Baulleu, P. L'lndustrle mincrale et Metallurgique aux tats-Unis. Econ franc 15 Fe>(1902). The Kineral Industry, its Statistics, Technology, and Trade, 1902. vol. 10. N.Y., Scientific Pub. Co., 1902. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02 7(1903)156 "latest and most complete mineral statistics of Canada."] MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. City of Hennepin Co. on Miss. R. 10 m. W. by N. of St. Paul. Lange, [Dietrich]. Paul and Lange's twin city guide, St. Paul and Minneapolis. [For details see same title under subject, St. Paul, Minn.] MINNESOTA. A north central border state of U. S., admitted 1853. A n d e r s o n, F. M. The test of the Minnesota primary election system. Annals Am Acad Pol and Soc Sci 20(1902)616-26. K n a p p e n, T. M. Results of the Minnesota direct primary system. Indep o4( 1902) 2694-5. Men of Minnesota; a collection of the portraits of men prominent in business and professional life in Minnesota... St. Paul, The Minnesota historical company, 1902. 1 p. 1., ia]-540 p. Incl. port. 23cm. [L.C. 2-24341] Sketches, historical and descriptive, of the monuments and tablets erected by the Minnesota Valley His- torical Society in Renville and Redwood counties, Minnesota. [For details see same title unSer subject, Minnesota.] Stanchfield, Dan. Hiet. of lumbering in Minnesota. Minneapolis, D.Stanehfleld, 1902. So. MINOR family. Blackford, Charles M. Four successive John Minors. Va Mac 10(1902)97-8,204. MISSIONS. Efforts to extend Christianity. Beach, Harlan P[age]. A geography and atlas of Protestant missions; their environment, forces, distri- bution, methods, problems, results and prospects at the opening of the twentieth century . . . New York, Student volunteer movement for foreign missions, 1901-03. 2 v. 21%crn. (atlas: 37x25%cm.) [Con- tents. v. 1. Geography. v. 2. Statistics and atlas. L.C. 2-752 M 2] B o y e e, Isaac. Mission work among Indians of Hoh County, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Ass Her 6(1902)221-3. d e P e r e a, Estivan. Second "Report" on New Mexico 1632-3. Out West 15(1901)465-9. D o y 1 e, S. H. What our church [Pres.] has done for foreigners in U. S. Ass Her 7(1902)319-21. Doyle, Sherman. Presbyterian home missions. Pbila., Pres. Bd., 1902., 111. Jackson, Mrs. Helen [Maria (Fiske)] Hunt. Glimpses of California and the missions; with illustrations by Henry Sandham. Boston, Little, Brown, & company, 1902. xli, 292 f. Incl. front., ill., pi., facslm. 20%cm. [Papers on California and tha missions, by the author of "Ramcna" first published in 1883 and rprlutd 18S6 in "Glimpse* of three coast*." cf. Note. Content*. Father Junlpero and hi* work. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 137 The present condition of the mission Indians In southern California. Echoes in the City of angela. Outdoor Industries In southern California. Chance days In Oregon. Rev.in:Natlon 75(1902)266 "Illus- trations by Henry Sandham. . .reissue. . .drawings. . .certainly enhance. . .reader's interest In... narra- tive." L.C. 2-12717] Ketler, Isaac C[onradJ. The tragedy of Paotingfu; an authentic story of the lives, services and sacrifices of the Presbyterian, Congregational and China Inland missionaries who suffered martyrdom at Paotingfu, China, June 30th and July 1, 1900. New York, Chicago Lftc.] F.H.Revell company, 1902. 16, |X, 19- 400 p. front., pi., port. 21%cm. [L.C. 2-17061] [Letters of Don Miguel CostansO and Fray Junlpero Serra]. Out West 16(1902)56-9. Mlssiousarbelt unter den Chinesen u. Japanern an d. Westkiiste der V. St. [selt 1S52] EMM 46, 22-35. Predigerlebenim Westen in der Besiedelungszeit. Dentsch-Ain Q 2.1(1902)47-9. R i c h t e r, Aug. Vor hundert Jahren. Deutsch-Am G 2.2(1902)63-5. 8 e r r a, Junlpero. Diary, 1769. Out West 16(1902)293-6,399-406,513-8,635-42; 17(1902)69-76, facs. Thompson, Charles L. One hundred years of Home Missions [Presbyterian]. Miss R 25(1902)530-4. Trumbull, H[enry] Clay. Old time student volunteers; my memories of missionaries... New York, Chi- cago [etc.] F.H.Revell company. 1902. 281 p. 20cm. [L.C. 2-26370] W a d d e 1 1, W. A. The Central Brazil Mission [Presby]. Ass Her 6(1902>:'26-227. Warneck, Gustav. Outline of a history of Protestant missions. N. V.. Revell, 1902. 80. MISSISSIPPI. A Gulf State of V. S., admitted 1817. An account of manuscripts, papers, and documents pertaining to Mississippi in public repositories beyond the state. Miss Hist P 5(1902)49-117,119-227. Administrative Report to the Governor. By the Commission. Miss Hist P 5(1902)9-47. Battlefields and other historic places [in Miss.]. Miss Hist P 5(1902)384-6. B e k k e r s, B. J. The Catholic church in Miss, during the colonial times. Miss Hist P 6(1902)351-7. C a 1 h o o n, S. S. The causes and events that led to the calling of the Constitutional Convention of 1890. Miss Hist P 6(1902)105-110. D e u p r e e, (Mrs.) N. D. Some historic homes in Mississippi. Miss Hist F 6(1902)245-64. Development of historical work in Mississippi. South Hist A Pub fl( 1902) 335-40. Evans, John H. Location and description of the Emmaus Mission. Juiss Hist P 6(1902)411-3. G a n n e t, Henry. The origin of certain place names in the state of Mississippi. Mis* uist P 6(1902) 339-49. H a 1 b e r t, H. S. Bernard Romans' map of 1772. Miss Hist P 6(1902)415-39, map. H a 1 b e r t, H. S. The small Indian tribes of Mississippi. Miss Hist P 5(1902)302-8. H a 1 b e r t, H. S. Story of the treaty of Dancing Rabbit. Miss Hist P 6(1902)373-402. H a 1 b e r t, H. S., and Brown, A. J. Published accounts of prehistoric remains. Miss Hist P 5(1902) 297-301. Hamilton, Peter J. The Yowanne, or Hiowanni, Indians. Miss Hist P 6(1902)403-10, map. Johnston, Frank. Suffrage and Reconstruction in Mississippi. Miss Hist P 6(1902)141-244. J o u e s, J. H. Penitentiary reform in Mississippi. Miss Hist P 6(1902)111-28. M c N e i 1 1 y, J. S. History of the measures submitted to the Committee on elective franchise, appor- tionment, and elections in the Constitutional Convention of 1890. Miss Hist P 6(' 902)129-40. Mississippi department of archives and history. Gulf Mag 1(1902)65. Mississippi Historical Papers. Publication of the Miss. Hist. Society, Franklin L. Riley, editor. Oxford, Miss. v. 5, 1902. 383 p. v. 6, 1902. 567 p. 80. [Rev.in:South Hist a Pub 6(1902)428-31 "unbounded gratification, in the main, is to be expressed ... methodically arranged."] Muckenfuss, A. M. Industrial Mississippi in the light of the twelfth census. Miss Hist P 6(1902) 273-82. Riley, Franklin L. Extinct towns and villages of Mississippi. Miss Hist P 5(1902)311-83, map. Rowland, Dunbar. Confederate War records of Mississippi. Gulf Mag 1(1902)147-9. Rowland, Duubar. First annual report of the directors of archives and history. Miss Hist P 6(1902) 469-557. Rowland, Dunbar. Mississippi's first Constitution and its makers. Mis-, Hist P 6(1902)79-90. Sargent, Winthrop. Winthrop Sargent, Governor of the Mississippi Territory. Gulf Mag 1(1902)140-1. Vandervort, Leon. Country life in the cotton belt. Outing 39(1901-2)642-7, ill. Woods, Thomas H. A sketch of the Miss. Secession Convention of 1861. Miss Hist P 6(1902)91-104. MISSISSIPPI river. Largest river of U. S., flowing south from Minn, to Gulf of Mexico. Jenkins, Wm. D. The Mississippi river and the efforts to confine it in its channel. Mis* Hist P 6 (1902)283-306. O g d e n, G. W. Barge pirates on Mississippi river. Everybody's 7(1902)478(N). g d f n, G. W. Missouri river, old steamboat day*. Everybody's 7(1902)307(0)". 188 WRITINGS OX AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Shea, John [Dawson] Gilmary. Early voyages up autl down the Mississippi, by Cavelier, St. Cosine, I.i Sueur, Gruvior, and Uulgnas. With an introduction, notes, and an index. Albany, J.Munsell, 1861. [Albany, Reprinted for J.McDonough, 1002] xi, [l.'5]-191 p. 23V2Xl8%cm. [No. 43 of a limited edition of 500 copies. In style of type and arrangement of pages, un almost exact reproduction of the original edition. Rev.in:Natlou 76(1903)132 "reprint. . .largely from manuscripts. . .main[ly] .. .voyages about 1700 up and down the great river. . .abound in explanatory foot notes." L.C. 3-8717] MISSISSIPPI Valley. Valley of Miss, river. Hamilton, Peter J. The beginnings of French settlement of the Mississippi Valley. Gulf Mag 1 (1902)1-12. Hamilton, Peter J. The French settlement of the Mississippi Valley. Repiinted from the American His- torical Magazine, April, 1902. So. pp. 14. [31.Men.ln:Gulf Mag 1(1902)69 "reprinted from the Ameri- can Historical Magazine."] Hamilton, Peter J. The French settlement of the Mississippi Valley. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)136-47. H o s m e r, James Kendall. The Mississippi Valley organl/ed. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)123-36. Hough, Emerson. The settlement of the West: A study in transportation. Cent 63(1901-2)200-15,355-69. Kephart, Horace. Pennsylvania's part in the winning of the West; an address delivered before the Penn- sylvania society of St. Louis, December 12, 1901... St. Louis, Bureau of publicity of the Louisiana pur- chase exposition, 1902. 19, [1] pp. 23cm. [Cover-title. 61.Men.in:N E Keg 56(1902)216(F.W.Parke) "complete knowledge ... and intensest sympathy .. .displayed." L.C. 2-4706] Predigerleben im Westen in der Besicdelungszeit. Deutsch-Am G 21(1902)47-9. MISSOURI. Central state of V. S., admitted 1821. H a B k e 1 1, J. G. The passing of slavery in Western Missouri. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)28-39. Marbut, C[urtis] F[letcher]. ...The evolution of the northern part of the lowlands of south-eastern Mis- souri... [Columbia, Mo.] University of Missouri, 1902. vlii, 63 p. pi.. map. 27cm. (The University of Missouri studies, v. 1, no. 3) [L. C. 3-8361] Missouri troops in service during the Civil War. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 80. pp. 336. Sen- ate Doc. No. 412, 57th Cong. [Rev.inrGulf Mag 1(1902)232-3 "exact and circumstantial statement... more than a local value... full of all pertinent documents."] Two Missouri Historians. A paper read before the State Historical Society of Missouri, at its first annual meeting, held at Columbia, Dec. 5th, 1901. Maryville, Mo., Republican Print, 1902. 8vo. pp. 20, ill. [41.Men.in:N E Reg 56(1902)333(F.W.Parke) "Each is appreciatively and impartially depicted."] MITCHELL, Donald Grant (b.1822). "Ik Marvel." Essayist. K 1 m b a 1 1, Arthur Reed. Glimpses of Edgewood. Bk-Buyer 25(1902-3)99 105, ill. MITCHELL, John (b.1869). 111. Pres. of United Mine Workers of America. Morris, Elizabeth Catherine. John Mitchell, the leader and the man. Indep 54(1902)3073-8, ill., port. Steffens, Lincoln. A labor leader of to-day. John Mitchell and what he stands for. McClure 19 (1902)355-7, port. MITCHELL family. Bowman, George Ernest. Experience Mitchell's will and inventory. May ft Desc 4(1902)150-2. MOBILE, Ala. Seaport city of Mobile Co. 165 m. E. by N. of New Orleans. The Bi-Centenary of the French settlement of the Southwest. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)158-63. King, Grace. Fort Louis of Mobile: A commemoration. Outl 79(1902)433-6. Thomas, David Y. An early decision on imperialism. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)164-6. MODERN Language Association. Modern Language Association and American Dialect Society, 1901 meeting. Nation 74(1902)27-8. MOHAVE Indians. A Yuman tribe of the lower Colorado R. basin. K r o e b e r, A. L. Preliminary sketch cf Mohave Indians. Am Anthrop 4(it02)276(Ap). MOHAWK Indians. Leading tribe of the Iroquois Confederacy, occupying lower Mohawk R. valley, N. Y. Brant-Sero.J. O. Dekanawideh: The law-giver of the Cauiegahakas. Man (1901) 166-70. MOHAWK Valley, N. Y. Central K. Y. Valley of Mohawk R., a tributary of the Hudson. H a 1 8 e y, Francis W. The historic Mohawk Valley. Bk-Buyer 23(1901-2)545-9, 111. MOHONK Indian Conference. Annual conference at L. Mohonk, N. Y., in interest of the Indians. D a v 1 8, J. E. The Mohonk Indian conference. South Work 30(1901)649-04. MOKI (Moqui or Hopi) Indians. Pueblo tribe of Arizona. H o 1 oTe r, Charles Frederick. The snake dancers of Tusayan. New Eng M 25(1901-2)512-19, ill. James, George Wbarton. Moki and Navaho Indian sports. Outing 39(1901-2)10-15, ill. MONEY. Any commodity used as medium of exchange. Arnaune, Auguste, La monnaie, le credit et le change. ...Ouvrage couronne par 1' Academic des sciences morales et politiques. 2. ed. rev. et augm. Paris, F.Alcan, 1902. 2 p. 1., viii p., 431 p. diagr. 23cm. [Rev. in: Nation 75(1902)188 "Good. . .description of money. . .detailed accounts of .. .monetary system... of. ..United States. . .written. . .el*rly." i.C. 3-6441] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 139 Davis, Andrew McFarland. Tracts relating to the currency of the Massachusetts Bay, 1682-1720; ed... Boston and New York, Hough ton, Mlttlin and company, 1902. x, 394 p., 1 1. 18 facsim. Incl. front. 22%cm. [Contents. Severals relating to the fund (1681) Some considerations on the bills of credit now passing in New-England (1691) Some additional considerations addressed unto the worshipful Elisha Hutchinson, esq. (1691) A model for erecting a bunk of credit (1688) A projection for erecting a bank of credit in Boston, New-England, founded on land security (1714) Objections to the bank of credit, lately projected at Boston (1714) A letter, from iue iii Boston, to his friend in the country (1714) Some considerations upon the several sorts of banks propos'd as a medium of trade (1716) The present melancholy circumstances of the province consider'd and methods for redress Dumbly proposed 1(719) An addition to the Present melancholy circumstances of the province considered, &c. (1719) The dis- tressed state of the town of Boston, &e., considered (1720) A letter from one in the country to his friend in Boston, containing some remarks upon a late pamphlet, entituled, The distressed elate of the town of Boston, &c. (1720) A letter from a gentleman, containing some remarks upon the several answers given unto Mr. Column's, eutituled, Tho distressed state of the town of Boston (1720) A vin- dication of the remarks of one in the country upon The distressed state of Boston (1720) Reflections on the present state of the province of Massachusetts-Bay (1720) The distressed state of the town of Bos- ton once more considered (1720) Some proposals to benefit the provinc.- (1720) Rev. in: Am Hist R i (1902)381-3(M.M.Bigelow) "solid piece of work... every chapter and page lias weight and place. . .several useful appendices and a good index conclude each part"; Am Hist R 8(1903)585 "editing seems to have been done with scholarly care. . .accompanied by satisfactory bibliographical notes"; Nation 76(1903)32 "arrangement. . .chronological. . .value. . .lies in the economic as well as the historical aspect": N E Reg 56(1902)104(H.E. Woods) "most valuable contribution to history." L.C. 3-885] Davis, John, and Martin, Isaac. The counterfeiting of colonial paper money [1735] [1739]. Boat Bull 7(1902)75-83. M a r k h a m, F. G. Early coinage of money in America. Conn Mag 7(1902)381-6, port. Mitchell, Wesley C. The circulating medium during the Civil War. J Pol Econ 10(1901-2)537-74. MONONGALIA County, W. Va. A northern Co. of state, borders on Pennsylvania. Early marriage licenses in Mouongalia County. Trausallegheny Hist M 2(1902)56-63. Fast, R. E. Pioneer settlements on tha Western Waters. [Continued.] Transallegbeuy Hist M 1 0901-2)169-92,240-53,261-78; 2,1-29. History and geography [of Monongalia Co.] Tmnsallegheuy Hist M 1(1901-2)293-97. M a x w e 1 1, H. Pioneers in Monongalia County. Trausallegheny Hist M 1(1901-2)284-92. Monongalia County records prior to 1796. A bibliography. Transallegheny Hist M 1(1901-2)209-10. MONROE, James (1758-1831). 5th President of the United States. Burr, Aaron. Aaron Burr to Governor Alston [1815]. Bost Bull 7(1902)13(1-7. Monroe, James. [Letter] 1821. Bost Bull 7(1902)142-4. Monroe, Ja. Writings; ed. by S. M. Hamilton, v. 3, 1796-1802, 1900. v. 4, 1803-1800, 1901. v. 5, 1807-16. v. 6, 1817-1823. N. Y., Putnam, 1902. 80. [Rev.(v.6)in:Am Hist R 8(1903)781-2(J.P.Jameson) "Im- portant contribution ... needs more explanatory foot-notes. . .[150] pages [cf] inaugural a dTl reuses and... messages to Congress."] MONROE Doctrine (1883). Contravention of foreign interference in American affairs. B r u n 1, B. Kunst u. Monroedoctrin. 2eit(1902)Nr.428. Ford, Worthington C. Some Original l>ocuments on the Genesis of the Monroe Doctrine, ilass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)373-436. Ford, Worthington Channcey. John Quiucy Adams nnd the Monroe Doctrine. Am Hist iv 7(1902)676-96; 8,28-52. Foster, John W. Canada and the Monroe Doctrine. Indep 54(1902)721-3. L e e c h, H. Brougham. The Monroe Doctrine. Fortn R 78(1902)837-61. Pollock, George. The Monroe doctrine. 19th Cent 52(1902)533-53. Stanwood, Edward. The moral aspects of the Monroe Doctrine. Outl 70(1902)371-4. Venezuela and the Monroe Doctrine. Outl 72(1902)971-3. MONTAGUE, Andrew Jackson (b.1862). Va. Attorney-General, Governor. Andrew Jackson Montague. World's Work 4(1903)2136, port. only. MONTANA. A northwestern state of V. S., admitted 1889. Montana's capitol, dedicated at Helena, Montana, July 4, 1902... Great Falls, Mont., W.T.Rldgley print- Ing company [1902] [24] p. incl. 111., port. 16Vjx24%cm. [L.C. 2-25810] Sixth Biennial Report of the Librarian of the Historical and Miscellaneous Department of the Montana State Library, 1901-1902. Helena, Montana, Independent Pub. Co., 1902. 50 pp. 80. MONTCALM, Louis Joseph, Marquis de (1712-59). Commander of the French troops in Canada. C a s g r a 1 n, H.-R. Montealm et Levis. Rech Hist 8(1902)79-80, port. C a s g r a i u, P. B. La Maison Montcalm sur les remparts a Quebec. Rech Hist 8(1902)225-37,257-67. 140 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. C a 8 g r a i n, P. B. Une Autre Maison Montcalm a Quebec 1759. Roeh Hist 8(1902)329-40. C h a p a 1 s, Thomas. Montcalm et Townshend. Nouv Fr 1(1902)409-18. Doughty, Arthur G. La Culrassc de Montcalm. Nouv Fr 1(1002)438-41. " L'E 1 o g e historlque du marquis de Moutcalm." Rt-ch Hist 8(1902)374. La lettre de Montcalm a Townshend. Rech Hist 8(1902)305. La " M o r t de Montcalm," Par Watteau. Rech Hist 8(1902)300. Raymond, Andrew V. V. Montcalm. N Y Hist A 2(1902)39-15. MONTEJO, Francisco de (ab.1479-ab.1549). Alba, [Maria del Eosario (Falco y Osorio) Fitz James] 9. duquesa de Berwick y 16. duquesa de. Nuevos autugrafos de Cristobal Colon y rela clones dc ultramar. [For detail see same title under subject, Col- umbus, Chr.] MONTEREY, (Mexico). Battle and siege of Mexican War, Sept. 20-25, 1846. Duncan, James (letter of). The battle of Monterey. Collect 15(1902)45-6. MONTGOMERY, John (fl.1766). ltd. Episcopal clergyman. .The R e T. John Montgomery, A.M. [note]. Penn Mag 26(1902)154-5. MONTGOMERY, Joseph . (1817-1902). Ky. Mississippi pilot, Confederate commodor*. Commodore J. E. Montgomery. Confed Vet 10(1902)416-7, port. Death of Commodore Joseph K. Montgomery. Gulf Mag 1(1902)154-6. MONTGOMERY, Mass. Township of Hampden Co. about 16 m. N.W. of Springfield. Montgomery, Mass. Vital records of Montgomery, Massachusetts, to the year 1850... Boston, 1902. 66 p. 23 % cm. (New-England historic genealogical society. [Vital records of the towns of Massachu- setts]) [Ed. by Henry Ernest Woods. L.C. 3-5252] MONTICELLO, Va. Estate of Thomas Jefferson, 3 m. 8.E. of Charlotteaville. Montlcello, seat of T. Jefferson. Ctry Life Am 2(1902)56(Je). Townsend, George Alfred ("Gath"). Montlcello and Its preservation, since Jefferson's death, 1826-1902. [Washington, D. C., Gibson bros., printers, 1902] 56 p. front., pi., port. 20cm. [L.C. 2-14593J MONTPELIER, Vt. Capital of Vt. 40 m. E.S.E. of Burlington. D e w e y, William T. Copied from the town clerk's ree. Marriages in Moutpelier, Vermont. Vt Ant 1 (1902)40-55. MONTREAL, Canada-. City of the province of Quebec 180 m. S.W. of Quebec. A u d e t, F. J. Coroners de Montreal. Rech Hist 8(1902)244. A u d e t, F. J. Les Maitres de Poste de Montreal depuis la cession. Rech Hist 8(1902)16-9. A u d e t, F. J. Sherifs eie Montreal (1). Rech Hist 8(1902)200. Caverne de Saint-Michel, Montreal. Recb Hist 8(1902)252-5. Gard, Anson A[lbert]. The wandering Yankee; or, The fun of seeing Canada... New York, The Emersou press [1902] 4 p. 1., [ll]-349 p. 111. 19cm. [L.C. 2-20677] Hnguet-Latour, L. A. Onverture du chemln Papineau a Montreal jn 1810. Rech Hist 8(1902)82-4. Le buste de George III. a Montreal. Rech Hist 8(1902)21-2. Profaning sacred objects. Am Cath Res 19(1902)175. Richardson, Martha E. Montreal street names. Canad M 18(1902)355,535-7. Rochemonteix, Camille de. L'affaire du prie-Dieu. Rech Hist 8(1302)181-5. MONTRESON, John (fl.1764). British chief of engineers in America. Severance, Frank H. The achievements of Capt. John Montresou on the Niagara, and the first con- struction of Fort Erie. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)1-19. MOODY, William Henry (b.1853). Mass, lawyer, Secretary of the Navy. The new Secretary of the Navy. Outl 70(1902)807, port. W. H. Moody, '76, Secretary of the Navy. Harv Grad M 10(1901-2)524-5, port. MOORE, Roger (1838-1901). N. C. Confederate officer. Col. Roger Moore. Confed Vet 10(1902)32, port. MOORE family. Haines, George. Ancestry of the Haines, Sharp, Collins, Wills, Gardiner, Prickitt, Eves, Evans, Moore, Troth, Borton and Engle families. [For details see same title under subject, Haines family.] MORAVIAN Church. A branch of the Lutheran church noted for its missionary zeal. C I e w e 1 1, J. H. Moravian settlement in North Carolina. N C Bookl 2.4(1902)3-21. MORE family. Th Historical Journal of the More family, No. 9, 1902. Annual, p. 122-136. Bangor, Pa. MORGAN, Daniel (ab. 1733-1802), Va. General in Am. Revolution, Congressman. P e a y, (Mrs.) George K. The battle of Cowpens, and Its hero, Daniel Morgan. Am Month M 21(1902) 197-306. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 141 MORGAN, George (1742-1310). Officer in Am. Revolution, 1st IT. 8. Indian Commissioner, writer. V r oo m, Hon. G. D. W. Interesting letters of George Morgan and Aaron Burr. Penn Mag 26(1902)370-4. MORGAN, John Pierpont (b.1837). N. Y. financier. G 1 e e d, Charles S. John Pierpont Morgan. Cosmopol 33(1902)33-5, port. M e a d e, Edward Sherwood. Mr. Morgan as a financier. Indep 54(1902)3055-9, port. MORGAN, Louis (b.1814). Kentucky artist. [ P r i c e, S. W.] Louis Morgan. Filson Club Pub 17(1902)125-44. MORGAN, William J. (1840-1900). N. Y. State Comptroller, officer in Civil War. Hon. William J. Morgan. N Y Hist A 2(1902)8. MORGAN family. Morgan, Appleton, i. e. James Appleton. A history of the family of Morgan, from the year 1089 to pres- ent times. Of the twenty-seventh generation of Cadivor-fawr. New York, For subscribers only [1902 ?J 297 p. incl. ill., pi., port, front., pi. 21%cm. [Five hundred copies printed, of which this is no. 461. L.C. 3-11084] MORMONS. A religious sect, founded by Jos Smith, located mainly in Utah. Campbell, William R. Mormonism and purity. Miss R 25(1902)133-7. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints, [v. 1] ... An introduction and notes by B. H. Roberts. Pub. by the church. Salt Lake City, Utah, Doseret news, 1902. maps. 23cm. [Contents. [v. 1] Period 1. History of Joseph Smith, the prophet, by himself. L.C. 3-1124] James, Mrs. D. R. While Men Slept. Ass Her 7(1902)398-400. Kirkeberg, 0. L. Der Mormonismus. Kopenhagen, 1902. Linn, William Alexander. The story of the Mormons, from the date of their origin to the year 1901. New York, London, The Macmillan co., 1902. xxv, 637 p. faesim., diagr. 23%cm. [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8 (1903)373-5 "first critical and thorough treatment. . .first consistent account of... fight against polygamy ...thoroughly Indexed. . .well illustrated with documents from Mormon sources"; Nation 75(1902)154-5 "Best that has appeared. . .testimony. . .compactly stored. . .fairly interpreted and weighed. . .[no] bibliog- raphy ... abounds in citations"; Dial 34(1903)16-17(W.H.Carruth) "sources are chiefly ... Mormon ... ref- erence is constant and entirely adequate. . .not much that is new... takes a middle path." L.C. 2-4701] I, 11 ii 11. George R. A study of Mormonism. I. Religious character. Bib Sac 59(1902)341-65. M c M i 1 1 a n, D. J. Conversion of a Mormon priest. Ass Herald 7(1902)401-1. Miller, Glen. The Mormons: A successful cooperative society. World'* Work 5(1902-3)2881-94, 111. Nutting, John D. A study of the presijnt Mormon problem. Indep 54(1902)924-30, ill. Riley, I[saac] Woodbridge. The founder of Mormonism; a psychological study of Joseph Smith, jr. [For details see same title under subject, Smith. Joseph.] Shoemaker, J. The Mormons, a cooperative commonwealth. Arena 27O902)164(F). Winder, John R. Mormonism not a menace in r. S. Nat'l M(Bost)16O902)553-6I, ill., port. MOROS. A tribe or race in the Philippines. Bonsai, Stephen. The Moros and their country. Outl 71(1902)115-9. MORRILL. Jacob (1648-1718). Massachusetts citizen. Johnson, John French. The Quaker burial place, Salisbury, Mass. (not<>). N B Reg 56(1902)205. MORRIS, Mary White (fl.1767). Wife of Robert Morris. Hart, Charles Henry. Two women of the eighteenth century. Cent 63(1901-2)374-7, port. MORRIS, Robert (1734-1806). Sig-ner of Declaration of Independence, financier of Am. Revolution. The ancestry of Robert Morris, the "Financier of the Revolution." Penn Mag 26(1902)153-4. Morris, Robert. [Letter] to John Nicholson [1799]. Bost Bull 7(1902)85-6. Robert Morris (letter). Collect 15(1902)72. MORRIS, Thomas (1776-1844). Ohio TJ. S. senator, judge. S w i n g, J. B. Thomas Morris. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)352-60. MORRIS County, N. J. A northern Co, of state. Crayon, J[oseph] Percy. Rockaway records of Morris county, N. J., families. Cemetery records, church history, military records, local history, genealogies of the old families, nearly 20,000 data... Rock- away, N. J., Rockaway publishing co., 1902. I p. 1., 300, [4] p. front., pi., port. ZOVdcm. [L.C. 2-14867] MORROW County, Ore. Co. in north-central part of state. Parsons William. An illustrated history of Dmatilla County, and of Morrow County, by W. S. Shiach ; with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon, [n. p.] W.H. Lever, 1902. TV, 581 p. pi., port. 30x23%cm. [L.C. 2-29728] MORSE, Jedidiah (1761-1826). Mass. Congregational clergyman, cartographer, writer. Morse, Jedidiah. Jedidiah Morse to Moses Flsk. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)372-4, 143 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. MORTON, John (1724-77). Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Clark, Martha Bladen. Homes of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. John Morton's. Am Month M 21(1902)23-5, 111. MORTON, Levi Parsons (1824-64). N. Y. Governor, Vice-President of the United States. Estate of Levi P. Morton. Ctry Life Am 1(1902)9(N '01). XOSBY family. Rivers, Flournoy. Littleberry Mosby William Cannon. Va Mag 10(1902)99-100. MOSELEY, Edward Strong (1813-1900). Massachusetts. Edward Strong Moseley. In Memorlam 1813-1900. Privately printed, 1002. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 72. [51. Men.iu:N E Reg 56(1902)332(F.W.Parke; "appreciative contributions of friends."] MOSSOM, David (fl.1729). Va. 1st Episcopal clergyman ordained in the Colonial church. G r i n n a n, A. G. Rev. David Mossom's note book (note). Va Mag 10(1902)102-3. MOTLEY, John Lothrop (1814-77). Am. diplomat, historian, minister to Austria. John Lothrop Motley (letter). Collect 16(1902)1-2. MOTT, George Scudder (1829-1901). N. J. Presbyterian clergyman, writer. C o n n e t, John L. Memorial on the death of Rev. George Scudder Mott, D.D. Jerseym 8(1902)1-4, ill. MOULTON family. Will of Robert Monltou, sr. [of Salem, Mass., ab. 1655]. Ess Ant 6(1902)78. MOUNDS, Indian. Prehistoric Am. monuments. Albright, James G. Exploration of a mound on Fox island in Uest Lake, Vilas County [Wis.]. Wis Arch 2(1902-3)14-5. B a u g h m a n, A. J. Prehistoric Earthworks of Richland County. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)67-71. Boyle, David. Indian Mounds Ontario Annual Archaeol Rep 1901(1902)22-35. Fowke, Gerard. Archaeological history of Ohio; the Mound builders and later Indians. [For details see same title under subject, Ohio.] G r e e r, Henry Burns. Thomas Jefferson on Prehistoric Americans. Am Ant 24(i902)224-8. H a 1 b e r t, H. S., and Brown, A. J. Published accounts of prehistoric it-mains. Miss Hist P 5(1902) 297-301. Hulbert, Archer Butler. . . .Paths of the mound-building Indians and great game animals. . . Cleveland, O., The A.H.Clark company, 1902. 140 p. incl. maps. 26Mscm. (His Historic highways of America, v. 1) ["Fifty sets wore printed on large paper, of which this is one of two set? for copyright." Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1902)539-41(E.R.Sparks) "occasionally the deduction. . .may be questioned ... aside from the proof of his theories. . .he writes very entertainingly. . .many interesting facts. . .smoother diction... harmony both of statement and of style [desirable]." L.C. 2-27730] Knabenshue, S. 8. Mound Builders' Fort Within Toledo's Limits. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902) 381-4. L a w s o n, Publius V. The Great Serpent Mounds at Menasha [Wis.]. Wis Arch 1(1901-2)35-6, chart. M 1 1 1 s, W. C. Excavations of the Adena Mound. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)451-79. Moore, Clarence B[loom&eld]. Certain aboriginal remains of the northwest Florida coast. [For details see same title under subject, Florida.] Ohio, the Site of the Garden of Eden. The Serpent Mound, the House of Adam and Eve. The Theory of Rev. Landon West. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)225-31. Perkins, Edward C. The Vonburn Mounds near Pralre du Lac. Wis Arch 1(1901-2)93-4, chart. Peterson, C. A. The mound building age in North America. [St. Louis, Mo., 1902] cover-title, 16 p. 24^cm. ["Read before the Missouri historical society, St. Louis, Mo., February 13th, 1902." Rev.ln: South Hist A Pub 6(1902)444 " 'no. . .evidence'. . .mound builders. . .different. . .from the Indians... strong, scholarly argument." L.C. 2-17427] P o r t e r, R. L. The Cutter Mounds at Wankesha [Wis.]. Wis Arch 1(1901-2)41-2. MT. MORRIS, HI. Township of Ogle Co. 108 m. W. by N. of Chicago. Mannhardt, Emil. Deutsches Blut in Mt. Morris township, Ogle county. 111. Dentsch-Am G 2.3 (1902)45-7. MT. VERNON, Va. Estate of George Washington on the Potomac 15 m. below Washington city. K o z 1 o w s k 1, W. M. Ford, Worthington C., Intro, by. A visit to Mt. Vernon a century ago. A few pages of an unpublished diary of the Polish poet, J.U.NIemcewlez. Cent 13(1901)510-22, ill., port., facs. Snowden, W[illiam] H. Some old historic landmarks of Virginia and Maryland, described in a band-book for the tourist over the Washington, Alexandria and Mount Vernon electric railway, by W. H. Snow- den... 4th ed. of five thousand... Alexandria, Va., Printed by G.H.Ramey Sc. son, 1902. 124 p. ill. 23%cm. [L.C. 3-13392] MOUNTAIN Mary. Pa. religious enthusiast and recluse. Holllnshead, Benjamin. Mountain Mary (Die Berg Maria). Pa Ger vol 3, pp. 183-142. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 148 MOUNTAIN Meadow (Utah). Massacre of emigrants to Cal. by Indians incited by Mormons, 1867. Carleton, J[amesJ H[enry]. ...Mountain Meadow massacre... Special report of the Mountain Meadow massacre... [Washington, Gov't print, olt., 1902] 17 p. 23cm. ([U. S.] 57th Cong., 1st SCSB. House. Doc. no. 605) [Dated, Camp at Mountain Meadows, Utah Territory, May 25, 1859, and addressed to the Assistant Adjutant-General, U. S. A., Sau Francisco, Cal. In the House of Represen- tatives, Mny 10, 1902. Resolved, That there be printed us a House document 5,000 copies. L.C. 2-33951] MOUNTAIN Whites. Poor mountaineers of the Southern Statos. Campbell, Robert F. Classification of Mountain Whites. South Work 30(1901)110-16. MTTHLENBERG. Frederick Augustus Conrad (1750-1801). N. Y. clergyman, Congressman. Richards, Henry Melchior Muhlenberg. Famous Pennsylvania-Germans. Frederick Augustas Conrad Muhlenberg. Pa Ger 3(1902)51-60, port. MUHLENBERG, Gotthilf Henry Ernest (1753-1815). Pa. Lutheran clergyman and writer. Richards. Gotthilf Henry Ernest Muhlenberg, D.D. Pa Oer vol. 3, 116-55, port. MUHLENBERG, John Peter Gabriel (1746-1807). Clergyman, U. S. senator, officer in Am. Revolution. Famous Pennsylvania Germans. Gen. John Peter G. Muhlenberg. Pa Ger 3(1902)3-21, ill. MUIR, John (b.1838). Am. explorer, naturalist, writer. In Western letters. [John Muir.] Out West 16(1 902; 274-8, ill., port. John Muir. World's Work 3(1901-2)1802, port. only. MULHOLLAND, James Eugene (1841-86). Catholic priest. Rev. James Eugene Mulholland. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)385, port. MULLER, Adam (b.about 1700). Va. settler of Shenandoah Valley. K e m p e r, Charles E. Adam Miiller (Miller), tirst white settler in the ralley of Virginia. Va Mng 10 (1902)84-6. MULVIHILL, Denis. Bridgeport, Conn., labor mayor. Porter, Maurice Sherman. Denis Mnlvihill, stoker and mayor. McClure 18(1901-2)465-71. MUMFORD family. M u m f o r d and Munford (note). Wm M Q 11(1902)75-6. MUNICIPAL ownership. Ownership of works of public utility by the city. Adams, Alton D. Municipal gas and electric plants in Massachusetts. J Pol Econ 10(1901-2)214-29. Adams, Alton D. Municipal gas and electric plants in Massachusetts. Pol Set Q 17(1902)247-55. Municipal lighting. Nation 75(1902)25-6. The recent history of municipal ownership in the United States. Munic Aff 6(1902)524-38. MURFREESBORO (Tenn.). Civil War battle. Dec. 31, 1862-Jan. 3, 1863. N 1 c b o 1 s, J. H. Experiences in battle of Murfreesooro. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)162-3. MURPHY, John Francis (b,1853). N. Y. landscape artist. L a w r e u c e, H. T. J. Francis Murphy, American landscape painter, with portrait. Brush & P 10 (1902)205(J1). MURPHY, John S. (1847-1902). Iowa editor. John S. Murphy. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)394. MURPHY, R. D. (1835-1902). Md. Confederate officer. S t e w a r t, R. D. MaJ. Richard Davis Murphy. Coufed Vet 10(1901-2)269-70. MURRAY, John (ab.1741-1315). Mass, clergyman, founder of Universalism in America.. Mason, Edward Gilman. The founding of a faith. New Eug M 27(1902)464-9, ill. MURRELL, William (b.1746). S. C. merchant, officer in Am. Revolution. F u r m a n, Kate. William Murrell, an old-time merchant in S. C. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)232-40. MUSIC. The art of producing harmonious sounds. B r a y 1 e y, Arthur W. The first organ in America. New Eng M 27(1902)212-19, ill. F i n c k, Henry T. Mascagni in America. Indep 54(1902)2571-4, port. H a c k c 1 1, K. American music of the 17th century. Music 21(1902)129(Ja). Harpsichord, 1767 (note). Va Mag 10(1902)217. La h e e , Henry C. A century of choral singing In New England. New Eng M 26(1902)102-17. Mason, Daniel Gregory. Some American composers. Outl 70(1902)674-8. M a t h e w s, W. S. B. Musical progress in America in 1902. Music 22(1902)254(D). N o r i i s, H. Composing American music. Music 22(1902)181(N). Report of the exhibition of antique musical instruments. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)105-24. An organist, 1773. Wanted (note). Va Mag 9(1902)424. Upton, George P[utnam]. Musical pastols; with illustrations from rare prints and facsimiles. Chicago, A.C.McClurg & co., -1902. 6 p. 1., 213 p., ! 1. front., port. 22%om. [Contents. Nero, the artist. The musical small-coals man. Music and religion. The flrst American composer. The beggar's opera. The 144 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. first opera. Some musical controversies. A musical royal family. The bullfinch and the nightingale. The man Beethoven. Rev.in:Dial 3rj(1902)210-12(Wallace Rice) "more than ordinary promise of becom- ing a permanent contribution. . .has more than a few pleasant things to say of "The First American Composer," William Billings, of Boston..." L..C. 2-22507] NANTUCKET, Mats. Island in Atlantic Ocean 20 m. B.E. from mainland. Bliss, William Root. September days on Nantucket. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and com- pany, 1902. 5 p. 1., 145 [1] p. 20cm. [Various opinions concerning "Quaint Nantucket": p. 137-146. L.C. 2-16101. Dudley, Myron S. Two centuries of churches and pastors In Nantuckot, Mass. N E Reg 56(1902)17-26. Dudley, Myron Samuel. Churches and pastors of Nantucket, Mass., from the first settlement to the pres- ent time. 1659-1902... Boston, D.Clapp & son, 1902. 21 p. front. 24cm. [Reprinted, in enlarged form, from New England historical and genealogical register for Jan. 1902. Rev.in:N E Reg 56(1902) 219(F.W.Parke) " "genuine history". . .reprint from the [New Eng. Hist, and Gen.] Register. . .two hun- dred and fifty copies." L. C. 2-23880] Starbnck, Mary E. Whale oil and spermaceti. New Eng M 26(1902)515-24, ill. Wyer. Henry S[herman]. S?a-glrt Nantucket; a hand-book of historical and contemporaneous information for visitors... Nantucket, H.S.Wyer, 1902. 204 p. front., HI., pi., fold. map. 17cm. [L.C. 2-17872] NARRAGANSETT Bay, R. I. Inlet of Atlantic in southern part of state. K n o w 1 e s, Harry. Famous farm houses in the Narragansett country. New Eng M 26(190^)387-98. NASH family. A. H. T. Nash Sampson Soule (note). N E Reg 56(1902)205. NASHUA, N. H. City of Hillsboroug-h Co. 35 m. S. of Concord. G u s t a v n s, A. C. The Nashua of to-day. Granite M 33(1902)150-77, 111., port. W a r r e n, B. E. Nashua, N. H. Nafl M (Bost) 16(1902)745-9, 111. NASHVILLE, Tenn. City, capital of state and of Davidson Co., north of center of state. A t c h 1 s o n, Elizabeth. [Washington Inn.] Am Month M 21(1902)42-4. H o w e 1 1, Morton B. First streets of Nashville. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)179 89. Thrnston, Gates P. The Nashvllls Inn. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)174-7. NASHVILLE, University of. Institution at Nashville, Tenn., est. 1828. Memorial of. . .Univ. of Nashville, to the Congress of the D. S. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)80-7. NA8T, Thomas (1840-1902). Am. caricaturist, lecturer. M a u r 1 c e, A. B. Thomas Nast and his cartoons. Bookman 15(1902) 19(Mr). NATCHEZ, Mis*. City, capital of Adams Co., on Miss. R. 100 m. 8.W. of Jackson. M c G r a w, Daniel. Appeal of the Catholics of Natchez, Miss., to Archbishop Carroll for a priest 1818. Am Cath Res 19(1902)64. W i 1 c o x, (Mrs.)G. Grifflng. War time in Natchez. South Hist Soc Pnp 30(1902)135-8. NATIONAL Academy of Science, organized 1863. The National Academy of Sciences. Nation 74(1902)322-4. NATIONAL parks. Parks set apart by the U. S. Gov't. M n i r, J. United States National parks. Nat'l M (Bost) 15(1901-2)633-40, 111., map. "NATIVE AMERICANISM." A term for anticatholic movements in TJ. S. D e s m o n d, H. J. Native Americanism. Am Cath Q 27(1902)747-60. NATURAL gas. Hydrocarbon gas for heating and illumination piped from wells to consumer. S c o t t, C. F. The discovery and development of natural gas in Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Soc (1901-2) 7(1902)126-30. NATURALIZATION. Investing a foreigner with native rights. F r a n k 1 i n, F. G. The legislative history of naturalization in the United States, 1776-1795. Am Hist A Rep '01,1(1902)299-317. NAVAHO (or Navajo) Indians. An Athapascan tribe of New Mexico and Arizona. James, Geo. Wharton. Moki and Navaho Indian sports. Outing 39(1901-2)10-15, ill. P e p p e r, G. H. Navajo blanket-making. Everybody's 3(1902)33(Ja). Snow, Clara M. An experience. South Work 30(1901)543-8, ill. NAVY See Army and Navy. NEBRASKA. The central state of U. S., admitted 1867. Carr, Daniel M[athew], Progressive men of Nebraska; a book of portraits. Dodge County ed. ; Introduc- tion by Ross L. Hammond; historical review of Dodge County; comp. from public and private records, with an appendix: information for the citizen and taxpayer. Fremont, Neb., Progress publishing com- pany, 1902. 170 numb. 1. incl. ill., pi., port. 26 x 21 %cm. [Printed on cne side of leaf only. No. 222. L.C. 3-662] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN BISTORT 1902. 14* Cole, Gilbert L. Along the overland trail in Nebraska In 1852. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)172-81. H a r d y, H. W. Reminiscences. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)207-11. Johnson, Hadley D. Communication of Hadley D. Johnson. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)51-8. L e 1 g h t o n, (Mrs.)Harriet W. Reminiscences of the crusade in Nebraska. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)165-71. L o b i n g i e r, Charles Sumner. The Nebraska constitution. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)96-104. M a rr In, George P. Bull-whacking days. Xeb Hist S 11.5(1902)226-30. Miller, George L. Newspapers and newspaper men [in Neb.]. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)31-47. M o r t o n, J. Sterling. Territorial Journalism [Neb.]. Neb Hist S 11.5(1302)11-30. M u n n, Eugene. Early freighting and claims club days In Nebraska. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)313-7. Nebraska. Bur. cf labor and industrial statistics. Nebraska's industries and resources. General descrip- tion of the state; counties and townships described; Omaha, Lincoln and South Omaha; statistical urn inary...by Cyrus E. Watson, state deputy commissioner of labor... Lincoln, Neb., 1902. 245 p. imcl. front., ill. fold. map. 23%cm. (Its Bulletin no. 2) L.C. 2-27754] Nebraska State Historical Society proceedings and collections. Second Series. Vol. 5. 1903. Lineol*, Neb., Jacob North and Co., 1902. pp. 381. R a s t a 1 1, John E. Underground railroad in Nebraska. Neb Hiat S 11.5(1902)323. R e n n e r, F. Reminiscences of territorial days. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)60-8. R o 1 f e, D. P. Overland freighting from Nebraska City. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)279-93. S h e 1 d o n, A. E. A Nebraska episode of the Wyoming cattle war. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902) 158-4*. T h a y e r, John M. The Pawnee war of 1859. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)231-46. T h o m p s o n, J. M. The Farmers' Alliance in Nebraska. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)199-206. Tipton, Thomas Western. Forty years of Nebraska at home and in Congress. United States senator for Nebraska, 1867-1875. A special publication of the Nebraska state historical society. Lincoln, Neb., State journal co., printers, 1902. [viii, 570 p. front., port. 23cm. ([Nebraska state historical society. Proceedings and collections. 2d ser., v. 4]) Rev.in:N Y Rec 34(1903)71 -'Sketches (fifty-two...) of th* Governors. . .Senators and Representatives [of Nebraska]." L.C. 3-2324] NEEDHAM, Mass. Village of Norfolk Co. 12 m. S.W. of Boston. Clarke, George K. Needham marriages. 1720-1798. N E Reg 56(1902)30-9. C 1 a r k e, George Kuhn. Baptisms recorded by the ministers. . .of Needham, 1798-1849. Dedh Hfg 11 (1901)70-4,115-23; 13(1902)111-2. Clark e,G. K. Births recorded by the Rev. Jonathan Townsend in Needham. 1749-1762. N B Reg M (1902)141-9. Clarke, George Kuhn, LL. B. Deaths recorded by the Rev. Jonathan Townsend, Needham. 1740-176*. N E Reg 56(1902)265-70. NEGROES. Colored people of African birth or descent. Blair, Henry W. The negro problem. Indep 54(1902)442-4. Bryoe. James. The relations of the advanced and backward races of mankind. Romanes lecture delivered in the Sheldonian theatre, Oxford, June 7, 3902, by James Bryce, D. C. L. N. Y., Oxford University Press. [Rev.in:Dial 33(1902)208-10(Kelly Miller) "little thn.t is new, yet the clearest and moat compre- hensive ... utterance ... treatment ... concise [and thematic]."] B u b o i s e, W. E. Burgbardt. The problem of housing the Negro. The honie of the village Negro. South Work 30(1901)601-4. Calhoun, William P[atrick], The Caucasian and the negro in the United States. They must separate. If not, then extermination. A proposed solution: colonization... Columbia, S. C., The n.i.. Bryan, 1002. 171 p. front, (port.) 19cm. [Rev.inrSouth Hist A Pub 6(1902)442-3 "negro government In South Caro- lina between 1868 and 1876. . .whole. . .an argument ... [for] separation ... possesses some value." L.O. 2-10728] Caste and anti-caste. Nation 75(1902)436. Conrad, Kate B. Uncle Stephen. South Work 30(1901)153-6, port. C o u n c i 1 1, W. H. The American negro: an answer. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)40-4. D i c e y, A. V. Mr. Bryce and the relation between whites and blacks. Nation 75(1902)Z-f. D o w d, Jerome. Colored mon as cotton manufacturers. Guntou's M 23(1902)254-6'. D u B o i s, W. E. Burghardt. Crime and the colored population. Nation 75(1902)499. D n B o i s, W. E. Burghardt. Of the training of black men. Atlan 90(1902)289-97. D u B o i s, W. E. Burghardt. The problem of housing the Negro. V. The Southern city Negro f tfc* lower class. South Work 30(1901)688-93, ill. E 1 1 1 o t, G. M. Crime and criminality Jn the Negro race. South Work :0(1901)636-41. H a w o r t h, Paul L. Negro disfranchisement in Louisiana. Outl 71(1902)163-6. Higher education for the negro. Nation 74(1902)381-2. H o 1 c o m b e, A. R. Negro conditions sensibly discussed. Outl 72(1902)170-3. H o u t, J. Ant. Mwurs AmeYicaines. Blanc et noirs. Nouv Fr 1(1902)368-80. L e g e r, A. Le relfivement des nfigres aux *tats-Unis. Corresp 10 F6v ili)02). 146 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. List of works relating to the American Colonization Society, Liberia, negro colonization, ect., In the New York Public Library. N Y Bull 6(1902)265-9. Mcllwaine, Richard. Suffrage. An address before the Conference of Democratic Members of the Constitu- tional Members of the Constitutional Convention of Virginia, January 6, 1S02. pp. 14. Miller, Kelly. The expansion of the negro population. Forum 32(1902)671-9, table. The Negro Problem. How It appeals to a Southern white woman. Indep 54(1902)2224-2228. P o e, Clarence H. Should southern whites aid negro schools? Outl 71(1902)1010-3. P o e, Clarence H. Suffrage restriction in the South; its causes and consequences. No Am 175(1902)534-43. Punishment for a negro rebel [1688]. Wm M Q 10(1902)177-8. ''The Q u e e n of St. Helena." South Work 30(1901)185-6. The reign of passion. So Atlan Q 1 (1902)301-9. Robinson, John L. The hope of the negro. Open Court 16(1902)614-9. S 1 e d d, Andrew. The negro: another view. Atlau 90(1902)65-73. S t 1 m s o n, Henry A. The crux of the negro question. Bib Sac 59(1902)717-29. Terrell, Mary Church. Club work of colored women. South Work 30(1001)435-8. Tillinghast, Joseph Alexander. ...The negro In Africa and America... New York, For the American eco- nomic association by the Macmlllan company; London, S.Sonnensoheln & Co., 1902. 1 p. 1., vi, 231 p. 24%cm. American economic association. Publications, 3d series, v. 0, no. 2) ["Bibliography": p. [229]-231. Contents. pt. 1. The negro in West Africa. pt. 2. The negro under American slavery. pt. 3. The negro as a free citizen. L.C. 2-24739] Walton, Fletcher. What we did for the negro before the war. Meth R South 51(1902)897-905. Washington, Booker T. The national negro business league. World's Work 4(1902)2671-5. Winston, Robert Watson. An unconsldered aspect of the negro question. So Atlan Q 1(1902)265-8. NEGROS Is., F. I. Central island of the Philippine group. N o r r 1 s, W. F. Legal conditions In Island of Negros. Green Bag 14(190i')19(Ja). NEILSON, John (1745-1833). N. J. officer in Am. Revolution, member Continental Congress 1778-9. Honorable John Nellson. Rech Hist 8(1902)246, port. only. NELSON River, Canada. River of western Canada, connecting L. Winnipeg and Hudson Bay. D u g a s t, L'Abbe. Riviere Nelson. Rech Hist 8(1902)359. NEMAHA County, Kan. Co. in N.E. part of state. Crevecoeur, F[erdinand] F[rancis], Old settlers' tales. Historical and biographical sketches of *>ie early settlement and settlers of northeastern Pottuwatoinie and southwestern Nemaha counties, Kansas, from earliest settlement to the year 1877. [Onaga, Kan., 1902] 162 p. 15 x 23% cm. [L.C. 3-7941] NENO, Paoifloo Antonio (1833-89). Catholic priest. Most Rev. Pacifico Antonio Neno, D. D., O. S. A. Am Oath Hist 13(1902)249, port. NETTBERT, Karl (1818-1901). 111. physician and editor. Dr. Karl Neubert. Deutsch-Am G 2.2(1902)71. NEW BERN, N. Carolina. Fort and capital of Craven Co. 108 m. E.S.E. of Raleigh. Kennedy, (Mrs.)Sara Beaumont. Colonial New Bern. N C Bookl 1.2(1901)3-20. NEW BRUNSWICK, Canada. An eastern Maritine province of the Dominion of Canada. Bailey, Joseph Whitman. Some features of New Brunswick rivers. Aca of the Empire state; history of New York told in story form; a supplementary reading-book for grammar grades. New York, D Apple-ton and company; 1902. x, 213 p. front., 111. 19%cm. [41.Men.in:Dial 34(1903)93 "interestingly written and illustrated." L.C.2-24853] Tooker, W. W. Researches relating to the early Indians of New York and New England. No. 9 & 10. N. Y., F.P.Harper, 1902. [For detail see same title under subject, New England.] Wolley, Charles. A two years' journal In New York, and part of its territories In America. Reprinted from the original edition of 1701. With an Introduction and notes by Edward Gaylord Bourne... Cleve- land, The Burrows brothers company, 1902. 75 p. incl. facsim. 23^cm. [With facsim. t.-p. of 1st and 2d imprint, 1701. "Of this edition, two hundred and fifty copies have boen printed, and the type dis- tributed." This copy not numbered. Rev.ln:Nation 75(1902)481 "commendable taste ... shown ... has been assigned to an expert editor. . .original title-pages are given in facsimile": Nation 76(1903)153 "re- print... very entertaining ... from its quaint style." L.C. 2-23619] NEW YORK (City), N. Y. Metropolis and chief port of America, on New York Bay. A g a r, John G. Legislative Interference in New York. Munic Aft 6(1902)198-211. Architecture, N. Y. City. Archlt Rec 11 no 3(1902)84(Ja). A r n e 1 1, F. S. Evolution of New York city. Munsey 28(1902)172. Banta, Theodore M. prep. by. Year book of the Holland Society. 1902. pp. 14+179, L 80. cloth. [Rev.ln: " Old Northw Q 6(1903)28 has a complete list of passengers to New Netherlands 1654-1664] Blorkman, Edwin. The New York police court. Cent 65(1902-3)9-25. Blackshaw, Randall. The new New York. Cent 64(1902)493-513, 111. Brooks, Sydney. London and New York. Harper 104(1901-2)295-303, ill. Brace, Charles L. -What the cities are doing for the children of the poor. New Eng M 25(1901-2)63-73. Changes in city land values. Nation 75(1901)475-6. C h a p m a n, F. M. American Museum of Natural History, New York. World's Work 5(1902)2761 (N). Chapman, Frank M. Natural history for the masses. World's Work 5(1902-3)2761-70, ill. Childe, Cromwell. ...Trolley exploring; an electric railroad guide to historic and picturesque places about New York, New Jersey, and New England... [1903 7th rev. ed.] Brooklyn, Brooklyn daily eagle, 1903. 112 p. front, (map) ill. 15%cm. (On cover: Brooklyn eagle library, no. 65) [also ed. 1902] [Advertising matter: p. 94-112. L.C. 3-12328t] C r e e d m o o r, W. Problem of life In New York city. Munsey 27(1902)fl34(Jl),777(Ag). C r o 1 y, H. The contemporary N. Y. residence. Archlt Rec 12(1902)704(D). D u e r, Elizabeth. New York society a generation ago. Harper 105(1902)109-14, 111. ''Flatlron'' building. Archit Rec 12(1902)528(0). Fort Washington, Published by the Empire State Soc. of the Sons of the Am. Rev. N. Y., 1902. pp. 123, imp. 80., boards, 111., maps. [Rev.ln:N Y Rec 34(1903)305 "account of identification of site and dedica- tion of monument."] Friedman, Lee M. The changes In the allegiance and laws of colonial New York. Harvard Law Re- view 15(1901-2)810-28. Gage, Lyman J. The Chamber of Commerce and the currency. Indep 54(1902)3065-8, port. G o o d n o w, Frank J. The charter of the city of New York. Pol Scl Q 17(1902)1-23. Greater New York and one hundred miles around It, how reached. New York Crawford & Hyatt [1902] cover-title, 98 numb. 1. fold. map. 17%cm. [Printed on one side of leaf only. L.C. 2-10355] Hall, Edward Hagaman. The Old Martyrs' Prison, New Ynrk, Reprinted from "The City Record" of Oc- tober 23, 1902. pp. 16. Hemstreet, Charles. Literary landmarks of New York. Critic 41(1902)41-9,168-65,238-45,333-40,427- 32, 111., port., facs., map. Hemstreet, Charles. When old New York was young... New York, C.Scribner's sons, 1902. xl, 354 p. incl. ill., pi., plan. 21%cm. [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1902)169(E.K.Alden) "[not] an historical authority ...owing to the total absence of citations. . .readable"; Nation 74(1902)453 "Simple style. . .accuracy. .. careful research. . .solid information and clear precision." L.C. 2-12293] Hemstreet, Charles M. In the footsteps of Washington. Outl 70(1902)300-8, 111. The independent vote of New York City. Nation 75(1902)374-5. Innes. J. . . . H. New Amsterdam and its people; studies, social and topographical of the town under Dutch and early English rule... New York, C.Scribner's sons, 1902. xiv p. 1 1., 365 p. front., pi., port., map, plan. 22cm. [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)585(E.K.Alden) "fairly interesting group of studies traces of wide reading and has the hall-mark of scholarship. . .illustrations and maps are well chosen... index ... scholarly and graphic"; Nation 75(1902)487-8 "much interesting variety of treatment ... In there WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 151 little biographies Is gathered a mine of incident and adventure. . .a full Index"; Dial 34(1903)202(E. Gran- ger) "style is not. . .to be commended. . .full of the material of history and romance, and worthy of care- ful study." L.C. 2-25626] L o o m i s, Charles Battell. New Year's day twenty years ago. Cent 63(1901-2)471-74. The Low administration. Nation 74(1902)5-6. L o w r y, Edward. The Bowery savings bunk. World's Work 4(1902)2229-32. Matthews, Franklin. How New York educates its citizens. World's Work 4(1902)2211-16. Matthews, Franklin. "The organized conscience of the rich" [N. Y. Chamber of Commerce]. Worm s Work 4(1902)2626-31. Morey, William C[arey . ...The government of New York; its history and administration... New York, London, The Macmlllaii company, 1902. xiii, 294 p. 19V4cm. (Handbooks of American government) ["References" at beginning of each chapter. L.C. 2-22676] New York library club. Libraries of Greater New York. Manual and historical sketch of the New York library club. New York, 1902. ill, 185 p. 20cm. [Preface signed: Geoige Watson Cole, Charles Alex- ander Nelson, Arthur Blmore Bostwick. "The Committee is indebted to its chairman for compiling the List of libraries, to Mr. Nelson for the 'Historical sketch' and the other historical matter in the 'Man- ual,' and to Mr. Bostwick for the List of 'Members' of the club." 288 libraries reported. Data fur- nished under each name: Librarian, history, regulations, resources. "Index to special collections": p. 100-104. Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)32 "List of libraries in [New York]. . .valuable index to special collec- tions. . .historical sketch of... club"; Dial 32(1902)393 "alphabetical and annotated ... historical sketch." L.C. 2-14711] Petition of the Catholics of New York to the Continental Congress, December, 1783. Am Oath Res 19(1902)67. Rand, McNally & co.'s handy guld,e to New York city, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and other districts Included In the enlarged city. By Ernest Ingersoll... 12th ed... Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co., 1902. 228 p. front., ill., fold. map. 18cm. [L.C. 2-19888] The religious condition of New York. Miss R 25(1902)217-18. Riis, Jacob A[ugust], The battle with the slum... New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. xi, 465 p. incl. ill., pi. front (port.) 21%cni. ["The battle with the shim" is properly the sequel to "How the other half lives." Rev.inrNation 76(1903)338-9 "most... is a republication ... copiously illus- trated... has plenty of real interest without the pictures"; Dial 34(1903)119-20(T.D.A.Cockerell) "styly is rambling. . .occasionally obscure. . .but. . -is a live book, full of human Interest, and Is the record of great things done." L.C. 2-25775] R i o r d a n, Roger. The building of a cathedral. Cent 63(1901-2)562-4, ill. Roosevelt, T. New York city Police force. Chamb J 79(1902)673(0). R u g e, Cl. New Yorker Kunstieben. Kunstchron. (1902)No.l9. R u h 1, Arthur. Building New York's subway. Cent (54(3902)894-907, ill., port. S h e p a r d, Edward M. The second mayoralty election in Greater New York. Atlan 89(1902)192-208. Singleton, Esther. Social New York under the Georges 1714-1776; houses, streets and country homes, with chapters on fashions, furniture, china, plate and manners... New York, D.Appleton and company, 1902. xix, 407 p. incl. front., ill. 24cm. [Rev.ln.Am Hist R 8 (1903) 550-1 (Ruth Putnam) "morsels are chosen with judgment and discrimination. . .fairly graphic whole ... painstaking and conscientious. . .has real value as a study of conditions. . .treatment is effective and suggestive"; Nation 76(1903)153 valuable... very good view... a provincial museum, not to be neglected by any one who cares for history"; Dial 33 (1902)471 "clear picture. . .documentary tone... grows a little wearisome. . .of real historical value." L.C. 2-28275] S t e i n e r, Edward A. The Russian and Polish Jew in New York. Outl 72(1902)528-39, 111. The tone of Lincoln (Reform campaign 1901). Cent 63(1901-2)474-5. W 1 c k h a m, Gertrude Van Rensselaer. The naming of New York. Am Month M 21(1902)1-6. Williams, Jesse Lynch. New York sketches... New York, C.Scribner'g sons, 1902. xli, 133 p. col. front., ill. 26 x 18%em. [Contents. The water-front. The walk up-town. The cross streets. Rural New York city. Rev.ln:Nation 76(1903)153 "neither text or pictures are thoroughly satisfactory... rather a prettified New York"; Dial 33(1902)472 "not associations, literary or historical, that interest... but the pulsing humanity and fascinating variety." L.C. 2-27728] Wilson, Rufus Rockwell. New York: old & new; Its story, streets, and landmarks. . .with many illustra- tions from prints and photographs, and with decorations by Edward Straeton Holloway. Philadelphia & London, J.B.Lippincott company, 1902. 2 v. front., pi. 21cm. [Contents. v. 1. Section 1. New Am- sterdam and its burghers, section 2. The sway of the English, section 3. New York as a free city. v. 2. section 1. Through the old city, section 2. The Common to Love lane, section 3. Bloomlngdale and beyond. Rev.in:Dial 34(1903)202-3(E.Granger) "popular. . .fairly good index. . .entertaining, and... in- structive. . .has succeeded very well... most serious fault... is the frequent use of quotations without specifying their authors. . .entire absence of notes"; Nation 76(1903)153 "not very well written ... too much... for a handbook." L.C. 2-26088] 152 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Woodruff, Clinton Rogers. Municipal situation In New York. Guntou'g M 23(1902)380-4. The world's financial centre. World's Work 4(1902)2040-4. HEW YOEK Evening Poat. Daily paper founded 1801. New York Evening Pot: hundredth anniversary number, Nov. 16, 1801-1901. N. Y., H. Y. Eve. Post, 1902. If. Y. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Combination of Astor, Lenox and Free circulating libraries with Tilden Trust. B i 1 1 1 n g a, J. S. Report of the director for the year ending June 30, 1902. N Y Bull 6(1902)388-415. Laying of the cornerstone of the New York public library. Lib J 27(1902)941-2. NEWARK, N. J. City of Essex Co. 9 m. from New York. Hill, Frank Fierce, and Collins, Varnum Lansing. Books, pamphlets and newspapers printed at Newark, New Jersey, 1776-1900. Privately printed [Newark, Private press of Courier-Citizen company] 1902. 296 p. 23cm. 1553 titles, arranged chronologically; followed by index of printers, 'authors and titles. Running title: Newark Imprints. "Edition limited to three hundred copies." Appendix; titles obtained too late for Insertion In the body of the book: p. [238]-269. Rev.in:Natlon 76(1903)53 "Incomplete... very laudable and useful undertaking. . .edition. . .limited." L.C. 3-2045] Russell, Imogen. Old-time days in Newark and a half-century of St. Mark's parish. Newark, N. Y., J.H. Teller, 1902. 64 p. front., pi. 22cm. [L.C. 2-20480] Thowless, Herbert [Lando]. Historical sketch of the city of Newark, New Jersey. [Newark, Holbrook Newark directory co., 1902] cover-title, 54 p. 111. 23%cm. [Originally printed as an introduction to the 1902 edition of Holbrook's Newark directory. 250 to 300 copies separately printed for private circu- lation. (Letter from author) L.C. 3-6346] NEWBURG. N. Y. City of Orange Co. on Hudson R. 60 m. N. of New York. The Palatines' church at Newburg. N. Y. Pa-Ger 3(1902)87-9, ill. Historical Papers. No. IX. Newburg, N. Y., 1902. 8vo. pamplet, pp. 64 [Rev.ln:N Y Rec 34(1903)70 NEWBURY, Mais. Township of Essex Co. Currier, John J[ames]. History of Newbury, Mass., 1635-1902... Boston, Damrell & L'pharn, 1902. 755 p. incl. ill., map, facsim. front. 24cm [Rev.in:N Y Rec 34(1903)302-3 "latest and best... aside fnr its historical value useful to genealogists ... complete Index"; N E Reg 57(1903)235(6. A.Gordon) "historical spirit pervades ... appendix of valuable statistics. . .full Index." L. C. 2-30402] NEWBURY, Vt. Village and township of Orange Co. 30 m. E.S.E. of Montpelier. Wells, Frederic P. History of Newbury, Vermont, from the discovery of the Co8s country to present time. With genealogical records of many families. ...in behalf of the town. St. Johnsbnry, Vt., The Cale- donian co., 1902. xiv p., 1 L, 779 p. front., pi., port., map. 25cm. [Rev.in:N Y Rec 33(1902)255 "most creditable to all concerned." L.C. 2-7319] NEWBURYPORT, Mass. City and port of Essex Co. 35 m. N.N.E. of Boston. Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of The Meeting House of the First Religious Society in New- bury port. Oct. 31, 1901. Newburyport. 1902. pp. 61, 80. NEWCOMB College. Women's Dep't. of Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. Da vies, M. (H. Sophie) Newcomb College for Women. Nat'l M (Bost) 17(1902)195(N). NEWFOUNDLAND. Large island in Atlantic 0. at mouth of Gulf of St. Lawrence, a British Colony. Bond, Robert. Newfoundland's hopes and trials. Indep 54(1902)2335-9, pert. L o r 1 n, Henri. La question de Terre Neuve. Quest Dipl et Colon June(1302)644-53. M ' G r a t h, P. T. The Anglo-French-American shore. No Am 174(1902)113-23. M e G r a t k, P. T. Relentless pursuit of the Newfoundland caribou. Outing Oct(1902)60-9. P r o w e, D. W. The Hay-Bond treaty. Nation 75(1902)498-9. A year book and almanac of Newfoundland for 1902. St. John's, Newfoundland, J.W. Withers, 1902. pp. 251. [Rev.in:Hlst Pub Canad '02,7(1903)82-3 "useful. . .statistics. . .summary of .. .legislation In 1901."] NEWFOUNDLAND Fishing Banks. Submarine plateaus along coast of Newfoundland. M c G r a t h, P. T. On the Grand Banks. Alnslee's M Mar(1902)172-80. NEWLAND. William Augustine (1813-91). Phila. Cath. organist, musical composer. R e u s s, Francis X. Sketch of the life of Professor William Augustine Newland, last of the old time Philadelphia Catholic organists. A.D. 1813-1891. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)285-324,378, port. NEWMARCH, John (d.1754). Maine clergyman. D e n n e 1 1, M. and others. Death of the rev'd John Newmarch, Klttery 1754. Old Eliot Me 6(1902)81-86. NEWPORT, R. I. City and Summer resort of Southern Rhode Island. Manners, Mary. Life at Newport. Everybody's 7(1902)486(N). NEWRY, 8. C. A new mill town in foot hills of the Blue Ridge Mts. A Southern mill village. Confed Vet 10(1902)514-5, ill., port. NEWSAM, Albert (1809-1864). Phila. deaf mute lithographic artist. tauffer, D. McN. Lithographic portraits of Albert Newsam. Penn Mag 25(1901) 109-13 (Addenda) ; 20 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 153 NEWSPAPERS, Am. Periodical giving record of current events. American newspaper annual for 1902. Phila., N.W.Ayer & Son. [Rev.ln.-Natlon 75(1802)207 "Gazetteer and atlas serviceable to others than advertisers. . .has an established place at the front."] Check list of Brooklyn and Long Island newspapers In the N. Y. Public Library. N Y Bull 6(1902)20-1. Dana, John Cotton. What we read. World's Work 3(1901-2)1892-3. F 1 B h e r, Brooke. The newspaper Industry. Atlan 89(1902)745-53. Griffin, Martin I. J. Some early day Catholic papers. Am Cath Res 19(1902)153-4. H u 1 1, A. L. Bound newspaper flies In the library of the University of Georgia, at .hens. Gulf Mag 1(1902)205-6. Louisiana newspaper flies in the Library of Congress. Gulf Mag 1(1902)128-33. [Rowell, George Presbury]. Leading newspapers, considered from the advertiser's standpoint. Seven sep- arate selections, camp, by the editor of Printers' ink from the American newspaper directory... New York, G.P.Rowell & Co. [c!902] 204 p. front, (port.) 13%cm. [L.C. 3-10381] T e i a s newspaper files in the Library of Congress. Gulf Mag 1(1902)33-7. NEWTON County, Miss. Co. in E. part of Missippi. B r o w n, A. J. Antiquities of Newton county, Mississippi. Miss Hist P 0(1902)441-8. NIAGARA FALLS. Cataract of Niagara R. which connects Lakes Erie and Ontario. D u n 1 a p, Orrin E. Niagara The scene of perilous feats. Cosmopol 32(1901-2)358-70, ill., port. L a n g e r, H.- Niagarafalle. VOID Fels z Meer (1902)13.H., ill. L a n g s 1 o w, R. A Niagara Falls tourist of the year 1817. Being the journal of Captain Richard Langt>- low of the Honorable East India Service. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)111-33. W e 1 c h, T. V. How Niagara was made free. The passage of the Niagara Reservation Act in 1885. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)325-59. NICARAGUA. A republic of Central America, between Honduras and Costa Rica, Atlantic and Pacific ocean. D a w 1 e y, Thomas R. Nicaragua: The country and the people. Outl 70(1902)1015-19. Walker, J[ames] W[ilson] G[rimes]. Ocean to ocean; an account, personal and historical, of Nicaragua and its people... D. S. N.; with illustrations from original photographs and maps. Chicago, A.C.McClurg & co., 1902. 1 p. 1., 309 p., 1 1. front., pi., map. 21%cm. . [Rev.in:Dial 32(1902)380(Wallace Rice) "a pleasant recital of his own experiences ... an historical account of Nicaragua. . .of value.' L.C. 2-7638] NICHOLSON, Francis (fl.1700). Va. and Md. Governor. Papers relating to the administration of Governor Nicholson and to the founding of William and Mary College. Va Mag 9(1902)251-62. NIEMCEWICZ, J. U. (at. 1758-1811). Polish poet and patriot, visited Am. in the interests of his country. K o z 1 o w s k 1, W. M. Ford, Worthington C. A visit to Mt. Vernon a century ago. A few pages of an unpublished diary of the Polish poet, J. U. Niemcewicz. Cent 63(1901-2)510-22, ill., port., faca. NILES, John Milton (1787-1856). Conn. IT. S. cenator, Postmaster-General, writer. N 1 1 e s, John M. [Letter] to David Henshaw [1830]. Bost Bull 7(1902)267-8. NINDE, William Xavier (1832-1901). Am. Methodist Bishop over China, Japan and Korea. [Ninde, Mary L [ Willlnm Xavier Ninde; a memorial, by his daughter... New York, Eaton & Main*; Cincinnati, Jennings & Pye [1902] 9, [1], 290 p. front., pi., port., facsim. 23cm. [L.C. ^-21375] MISSOURI, Ontario. Village in Oxford Co. 8 m. N. of Thamesford. B r o w n, L. D. Indian occupation in Nissouri. Ontario Annual Archeol Rep 1901(1902)38-43. NIXON, Lewis (b.1861). N. Y. shipbuilder and politician. Matthews, Franklin. "Who is NUon?" World's Work 3(1901-2)1996-2002, port. The real Tammany. Nation 74(1902)401-2. NOLAN, Thomas (d.1900). N. Y. lawyer. Stansbury, Charles Frederick. The barrister; being anecdotes of the late Tom Nolan of the New York bar (with portrait)... New York, Mab press [1902] rill, 264 p. front, (port.) 18%cm. LL-C. 2-10353] NOME, Alaska. Cape and mining town on central Alaskan coast. McKee, Lanier. The land of Nome; a narrative sketch of the rush to our Bering sea gold-fields, the coun- try, its mines and its people, and the history of a great conspiracy 1900-1901,. by Lanier McKee. Nw York, The Grafton press [1902] ix p., 1 1., 260 p. 19%cm. [Rev.in: Nation 74(1902)296 ".. .true to life . . .interest. . .lies in. . .details of. . .most remarkable conspiracy to defraud. . .a mining community by pro- cess of law"; Dial 32 (1902) 380 (Wallace Rice) "breezily told narrative. 1 ' L.C. 2-10024] S c r o g g s, Josephine V. Fourth of July at Nome, Alaska. Overland n s 40(1902)59(J1). S c T o g g a, Josephine V. Nome, Alaska; a day's journey on the Wild Goose Railway. Overland n 38 (1902)908(My). NOOTKA Sound Episode. British-Spanish clash in Vancouver Is. i.. 89-90. Turner, Frederick J. English policy towards America in 1790-1791. Am Hist R 7(1902)706-36. 164 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 3902. NORFOLK County, Mass. Co. in the . part of state. Old Norfolk County records. Ess Ant 5(1901)12-15,46-8,77-9,133-8,179-8;!. 6(1002)41-4,83-0,131-5,171-80. NORFOLK County, Va. County in S.E, part of state. Abstracts from Norfolk county marriage bonds. Low Norf Ant 3(1901)124-9; 1(1902)9-24,54-63. NORFOLK, Va. City and port of Norfolk Co. iOG m. S.E. of Richmond. Norfolk Aqademy. 1848. Low Norf Aut 4(1902)26-32. Old St. Paul's and the bombardment of Norfolk January 1, 1776. Aw Mouth M 21(1902)284-8. St. Paul's church, Norfolk, 1848. Low Norf Aut 4(1902)8-9, 111. Schools [Va.] Low Norf Ant 4(1902)36-9. NORRIS, Frank (1870-1902). American writer. The death of Mr. Frank Norris. World's Work 5(1902-3)2830, port. p. 2815. NORSEMEN in America. Pre-Columbian discovery by Norwegians. B 1 u d a u, A. Eutdeckgn. d. Normanuen in Amerika. Germanla (1902)No. 13-16. Fischer, Joseph. Die entdeckungen der Normanuen lii Ainerika. Uuter besonderer beriicksichtiguug der kartographischen dar stellungcu. Mit eineni tltclblld, zehn kartenbcllugen uud mehroren sklzzen... Freiburg 1m Breisgau [etc.] Herdersche verlagshandlung, 1902. xli, 126 p. Incl. map. front: (facslm.) map (partly fold.) 23%cm. [Erganzungshefte zu den ,.si imnirn ana Marla-Laach," 81. Bibliography: p. Ix-xll. Rev.ln:Hist Pub Canad 7:16. L.C. 2-15380] L a m p e, F. Entdeckgn. d. Normanuen In Amerika. Nr. 32. Umschau (1{!02). NORTH ADAMS, Mass. Town of Berkshire Co. 20 m. N.N.E. of Pittsfleld. B., L. V. North Adams, Mass. Nat'l M (Bost) 16(1902)625-9, 111. NORTH AMERICA. Northern continent of western hemisphere. K 16 s s e 1, M. H. Grund u. Boden In Nordam. Beit z Kolon Pol (1902)570-78. Moltke, 0. Nord- Amerika... Ber. Mettler, 1902. 80. M. 1-60. NORTH CAROLINA. An original South Atlantic state of U. S. A 1 1 e n, W. C. Whigs and tories. N C Bookl 2.5(1902)3-24. Best, J. A. North Carolina In the French and Indian War. Trinity Arch 15(1902)38288. B 1 a n c h a r d, J. C. North Carolina in the first National Congress. Trinity Arch 15(1902)389-410. Clark, Walter. Indian massacre and Tuscarora war 1711-'13. N C Bookl 2.3(1902)3-16, map. D o d d, William E. North Carolina in the revolution. So Atlan Q 1(1902)156-61. H a y w o o d, Marshall DeLancey. Revolutionary records of North Carolina. Gulf Mag 1(1902)52-3. Ivey, T N North Carolina Methodist handbook and almanac for 1902. Raleigh, N. C.(?) O. pp. 128. 1902(?) [51.Men.in:South Hist A Pub 6(1902)181 "statistics of that church in the State."] Lederer, John. The discoveries, in three several marches from Virginia, to the west of Carolina [etc.]. [For details see same title under subject, Virginia.] North Carolina Booklet. Vol. 1 & 2, 1902. Raleigh, Capital Printing Co. v. 1. 1902. v. 2, 1903. North Carolina in the Civil War. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)328-34. North Carolina regimental histories, 1861-'65; ed. and written by participants In the war. Raleigh, N. C., M.O.Sherrill, 1902. 5 v. 12o. Park, (Mrs.) Robert E. Homes of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Am Month M 20 (1902)325-8, port. P 1 t t m a n, Thomas M. The Revolutionary Congress of North Carolina. N C brookl 2.6(1902)3-18. S c h a u b, J. L. Fourth and Fourteenth North Carolina. Confed Vet 100901-2)537, port. Sitgreaves, John. Conditions in North Carolina in 1783. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)509-11 A sketch of North Carolina. By North Carolina Board of Agriculture. Charleston, S. C., 1902. 0. pp. 160, 111. [Rev.ln:South Hist \ Pub 6(1902)357 "made up mainly from North Carolina and Its resources... short historical account."] NORTH DAKOTA. A northwestern state of V. S., admitted 1889. B 1 a c k b u r n, W. M. Historical sketch of North and South Dakota. . . S Dakota Hist Soc Col 1(1902) 23-162. NORTH Londondery, N. H. Hamlet of Rockingham Co. 6 m. S.E. of Manchester. Locke, Arthur. Historical sketch of North Londonderry, N. H., and of the Baptist church therein for 100 years, 1799-1899... Haverhill, Mass., C.C.Morse & son, 1902. 1 p. 1., 11 p. 22cm. [L.C. 3-31545] NORTHAMPTON. County, Va. A southeastern Co. of Virginia. R o b e r t s o n, T. B. List of tithables in Northampton County, Virginia, August, 1666. Va Mag 10 (1902)194-6. NORTHAMPTON, Mass. Village of Hampshire Co. 17 m. N. by W. of Springfield. Gere, Henry S. Reminiscences of old Northampton, sketches of the town as it appeared from 1840 to 1850, by Henry S. Gere... [Northampton, Gazette printing company] 1902. 151 p. Incl. ill., port., plan, front. 23%cm. [Most of these sketches appeared originally in the Hampshire gazette, 1902. cf. Pref. L.C. 3-32080] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 155 ...Northampton of today; depicted by pen and camera [1902-03] Frederick Knab, artist. Northampton, Mass., Picturesque publishing company, 1902. 96 p. incl. front., ill. SO^cm. [Advertising matter inter- spersed. L.C. 3-847] Sprague, Homer B[azter]. Memorial day and its lessons; an address delivered at Northampton, Mass., May 30, 1902... [n. p., 1902] 22 p. 23Vjcm. [L.C. 2-23882] Trumbull, James Russell. History of Northampton, Mass., from its settlement in 1654. vol. II. North- ampton, 1902. pp. 20+699. 80, cloth. [Rev.in:N Y Ret- 34(1903)148-9 "splendid history."] NORTHBOROUGH, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. 36 m. W. of Boston. White, Martha E. D. Westborough and Northborough. New Eng M 26(1902)721-38, ill. NORTHERN Securitiea Co. R. R. securities Trust attacked under the Anti-Trust law. Cutting, Robert L. The Northern Securities Company and the Sherniau Anti-Trust law. No Am 174 (1902)528-35. Railway consolidation. Chaut 34(1901-2)351-5. NORTHUMBERLAND County, Va. An eastern Co. of Virginia. B e a 1 e, G. W. Early tombs in Westmoreland, Richmond and Northumberland counties. Wm M Q 11 (1902)123-30. NORTHWEST boundary. Boundary between U. S. and Canada, west of the Rocky Mts. TJ. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on foreign relations. Foreign office correspondence. 1856-1871. Forty-ninth parallel west of the summit of the Rocky Mountains. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 109 p. 23% em. ([57th Cong., 1st sess. Senate]) [Correspondence with members of the commission to determine boundary between the British possessions and the United States, under the treaty of 1846. L.C. 2-24588] NORTHWEST, U. S. Chittenden, Hiram U. American fur trade of the far west, etc. [For details see same title under sub- ject, fur trade.] Colonization of the Old Northwest Territory. Ess Ant 6(1902)145-7, ill. H a m 1 i n, Conde. The new tide of Northwestern migration. R of Rs 25(1902)708-12. Kinzie, (Mrs.) Juliette A. II. K. Wau-Bau, the "early day" of the Northwest. New ed. ... Notes and index... by R. G. Thwaites. Chicago, Caxton Club, 1902, ill. Ordinance of 1784 and Jefferson's services for tha Northwest Territory. (Old South leaflets, no. 127.) Boston, Old South Work, 1902. [ R a n d a 1 1, E. O.] The Northwest under three flags. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)101-18. Vereinigte Staaten v. N.-A. Erschlicssgg. d. nordwestl Staaten. Export (1902) no. 5. NORTHWOOD, N. H. Township of Rockingham Co. Gate, George W. Address delivered by Hon. George W. Cate at the "Old Home Week" celebration at Northwood, N. H., on Friday, Aug. 22, 1902. Northwood, N. H., 1902. pp. 12. 80, port. NORWALK, Conn. Town of Fairfield Co. 22 m. S. of Danbury. Scott, Angeline. Norwalk, Connecticut. New Eng M 26(1902)588-606, ill. NOVA SCOTIA. The most easterly maritime province of the Dominion of Canada. An act for the importation of salt into Nova Scotia, 1761. Acad 2(1902)118-21. Du Boscq de Beaumont, Gaston. ...Une France oubliee: 1'Acadie, par Gaston Du Boscq de Beaumont... [For details see same title under subject, Canada.] Report of the Department of Mines [Nova Scotia] for the year ending 30th September, 1901. Halifax, N. S., T.C.Allen & co, 1902. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02, 7(1903)153-5 "unsatisfactory ... although ta- tistics. . .in profusion."] Silver, Arthur P. Moose-hunting in Nova Scotia. Empire R 4 400-4. OAKLAND County, Mich. Co. in the S.E. part of Michigan. B a 1 d w i n, A. C. Oakland County its bench and bar prior to 1840. Mich Hist Col '01,31(1901)152-72. OAKLEY, Violet (fl.1902). Am. illustrator, designer in glass. Morris, Harrison S. Violet Oakley. Bk-Buyer 24(1902)294-9, ill., port. OBER family. ,, Putnam, Eben. Richard Ober, of Beverly, Mass., und his parentage. Gen M 3(1902)93-4. O'BRIEN, Jeremiah (1744-1818). Captain in the navy in Am. Revolution. Sherman, Andrew M[agoun]. Life of Captain Jeremiah O'Brien, Machias, Maine, commander of the first American naval flying squadron of the war of the revolution... (.Morristown, N. J.] G.W.Sherman, 1902. xvil p., 1 1., 247 p. front., pi., facsim., tab. 21%cm. [41.Men.ln:Am Hist R 8(1902)199 "en- ters considerably Into the Revolutionary War. . .John D. Long contributes the introduction"; N E Reg 57(1903)122(F.W.Parke) "Minutely and appreciatively narrated." L.C. 2-19889] 15 WRITINGS OX AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. O'BRIEN, John P. J. (1818-60). Phila. officer in the Mexican War. O' R e i 1 1 y, Isabel. ...Brevet-Major John P. ). O'Brien. A. I). 1818-1*50. Am Oath Hist 13(11)02)137- 04,257-84. OCCANEECHEE Island, Va. Is. in Roanoke R. near Clarkgville, Mecklenburjj Co. Occaneechee Island. Wm M Q 11 (1902)121-2. OCH8, Adolph 8. (b.1858). Am. newspaper publisher. Adolph S. Ochs. World's Work 4(1902)2474, port. only. OCHTERLONEY family. W a t k i n s, W. K. The Scotch ancestry of Maj.-Gen. Sir David Ochterloney, Bart, a native of Boston, in New England. N E Reg 56(1902)187-95, port. O'CONNOR, Charles P. (1340-97). Pa. Oath, educator. Rev. Chas. P. O'Connor, D. D. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)66,125. port. ODELL, Benjamin B. (b.1354). N. Y. Congressman, Governor. Seattle, Robert H. Governor Odell: A character sketch. R of Rs 26(1902)676-8, port. The Governor and the state hospitals. Char 9(1902)102-5. ODL1N, Woodbridge (1810-98). K. H. hanker and merchant. Woodbridgo Odlin [obituary]. N H Hist S 111.2,1897-9(1902)300-3, port. O'DONNELL, Lawrence (1818-1902). Catholic priest. Brother Lawrence O'Donnell, O. S. F. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)252, pott. OGALALA Indians. A branch of the Sioux, Pine ridge reservation. S c o v i 1 1 e, Annie Beecher. Ogalala days in school. South Work 30(1001)646-9. OGDEN, Robert C. (b.1836). N. Y. merchant, philanthropist. Robert C. Ogden. Worold's Work 3(1901-2)1913, port. only. OHIO. A north central state of U. S. admitted 1802. Fowke, Gerard. Archaeological history of Ohio; the Mound builders and later Indians. Published by the Ohio state archaeological and historical society. Columbus, o., Press of F.J.Heer, 1902. xvi, 760 p. 111., pi. 23%cm. [Appendix; Explanation of reference notes: p. 729-71*. Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1902) 184-5 "purely archaeological. . .has historical value of a negative character. . .on the constructive side... practically nothing. . .real independence of view cautious. . .as to opinions"; Nation 75(102)509 "accu- rate and sane in treatment. . .a valuable book... will do much to substitute. . .fact for romance con- cerning our Mound Builders and later Indians"; Am Ant 24(1902)255-8 "calculated to do more harm than good". . ."contains more abusive, slanderous and unbecoming language than has ap- peared in any scientific book for years" ... "total unreliability"; Am Antiq 24(1902)258-61(J.P.McLean) "760 pages, profusely illustrated. . .attractive in appearance. . .most dogmatic, arrogant, intolerant, waspish and libelous book. . .errors. . .numerous. . .great disappointment in almost every particular. . .au- thor. ..not familiar with. . .antiquities of Ohio." L.C. 2-16102] King, Rev. I. F. Introduction of Methodism In Ohio. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)165-219. Knabenshue, S. S. Indian land cessions in Ohio. Ohio Arch & His: Pub 11(1902)249-55. M ' C 1 i n t o c k, W. T. Ohio's birth struggle. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)44-70. M c F a r 1 a n d, R. W. The Chillicothes. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)230-31. M a 1 1 b i e, Milo Roy. Home rule in Ohio. Munic A IT 6(1902)234-44. Mathews, Alfred. Ohio and her Western Reseive, with a story of three st-ites leading to the latter, from Connecticut, by way of Wyoming, its Indian wars and massacre... New York, D.Appleton and com- pany, 1902. xxili, 330 p. incl. ill., map. front., pi., port. I'.Mjciu ([Expansion of the republic series]) [Rev.in:Dial 35(1903)346-8(J.O.Pierce) "packed full of interesting statistical information. Connecticut's charter claims reached westward over the northern limits of the present states of Penn- sylvania and Ohio;. . .story of the attempts of Connecticut to make. . .western claims actual possessions by organized settlements, is here retold by Mr. Mathews with all its inherent gla>our of romance": Nation 76(1903)98-9 "treated with energy, eloquence, and plausibility, with provincial prejudice, .'.must provoke much damaging criticism and ... refutations" ; Am Hist R 8(1903)585-6 "vigorous style. . .inter- esting[ly] popular. . .material is not original." L.C. 2-29422] Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society Publication. v.lO(1901-2)pp.593. v.ll( 1902) pp.486 (including an index to first 11 vols. p.267-486. Columbus, O., Pub. by Ohio State Arch, and Hist. Soc. 80. Ohio Day at Pan-American Exposition. July 18,1901. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)123-45. Ohio. Library commission. Sketches of Ohio libraries. Comp. by C. B. (ialbreath, state libraiian. Board of library commissioners: J. F. McGrew, president, O. E. Niles, Charles Orr. Columbus, F.J Heer, stata printer, 1902. 394, 268 p. 111., fold. map. 25cm. [Appendix (also issued separately earlier in the year) is separately paged and has special index ;md t.-p. : Newspaper* and periodicals in Ohlc state library, other libraries of the state, and lists of Ohio newspapers in tec Library of Congress and the Historical society of Wisconsin... Index: p. 367-369. [L.C. 3-25886] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORT IWi. 1IT Ohio, the site of the garden of Eden. The Serpent Mount, the house of Adam and Bve. The theory of RCT. Landon West. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)226-31. The "Old North-west" Genealogical quarterly, vol. 5. Columbus, O. Pub. by "O1J Northwest" Geneological Society. 1902. pp. 171-80. r t h , S. P. The municipal situation in Ohio. Forum 33(1902)430-7. R a n d a 1 1, E. O. Ohio in early history and during the Revolution. Ohio Atch & Hist Pub 10(1902)395-434 R a n d a 1 1, E. O. Ohio's part in the American Revolution. Ohio Arch i Hist Pub 11(1902)102-7. Revolutionary soldiers buried in Ohio. Am Month M 21(1902)460-2. Roberts, Frank H. H. The nation and the state; civil government of Ohio... with an introduction by Grace Raymond Hebard... Syracuse, N. Y., C.W.Bardaen, 1902. 220 p. incl. front., map. 18%cm. [L.C. 2-16234] Seventeenth annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)71-92. Bikes, George C. The city government question in Ohio. Outl 71(1902)1008-10. Wallace, Frederick Stephen. The Sixty-rirst Ohio volunteers, 1861-1865. Written and comp. . . Marys- ville, O., Pub. for private circulation by T. Mullen, 1902. 37 p. 19%cm. [L.C. 3-7949] Wilson, Stella Sfhoemaker]. ...Ohio... New York, London, The Macmiilan company, 1902. viii, 100 p. 111., map. 18% x 15liem. (Tarr and McMurry geographies. Supplementary volume) [L.C. 2-14680] OHIO valley. Watershed of Ohio R. in Ohio, Ind., 111. and Ky. R i c h t e r, Aug. Vor hundert Jahren. Deutsch-Am G 2.2(1902)63-5. Wilson, William Bender, From the Hudson to the Ohio. A region of historic, romantic and scenic Inter- est, and other sketches. Philadelphia, Kensington press, 1902. 206 |>. incl. ill., pi., port. 24 [L.C. 2-19411] OJIBWA (or Chippewa) Indians. The largest Algonquian tribe, of the Great Lake region. Barrows, Mabel Hay. "Hiawatha" among the Ojibwa Indians. Soufi Work 30(1901)771-6, ill. OKLAHOMA. A territory of the IT. S. partitioned from Indian Territory, 1893. Elder, Frederick S. The public lands of Oklahoma: or, What ere you going to do about it? [Norman, Okla., F.S.Elder, 1902] [L.C. 2-4967] H a r g e r, C. M. Oklahoma and the I. T. as they are to-day. R of Rs 25(1902)177-81, 111. James Mooney's ethnological work The Kiowas of western Oklahoma. Gulf Mag 1(1902)223. IT. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on territories. New c-tatehood bill. [For details see same title an der subject, Arizona.] OLIVE industry. Raising and marketing of olives. Jones, Helen Lukens. A great American olive ranch. World'* Work 3(1901-2)1751-6, ill. OMAHA Indians. A Siouan tribe of Nebraska. G 1 e a s o n, F. D. Social life among the Indians, II. Omaha burials. Soith Work 80(1901)156-8. 111. OMAHA, Neb. City of Douglas Co. on Missouri R. at eastern border of state. C o x, W. W. My first trip to Omaha. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)69-82. 1 r v 1 n e, C. Recollections of Omaha, 1855-61. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)150-60. L 1 g h t o n, William R. Omaha, the prairie city. Atlan a9( 1902) 545-54. ONONDAGA Indians. A tribe of the Iroquoi* Confederacy of N. Y. state. H e n n i n g, Charles L. Hiawatha and the Onondaga Indians. Open Court 16(IC02) 459-66: 560-8, port. ONONDAGO County, N. Y. A central Co. of the state. Seisco, L. D. Onondaga County records 1789-90. N Y Rec 32(1901)25-30,108-11,158-60,204-6; 33(1902) 17-21,76-8,156-60,242-6. ONTARIO. Province of Canada bounded by Ottawa and St. Lawrence rivers and Great Lakes. Boyle, David. Indian Mounds. Ontario Annual Archaeol Rep 1901(1902)22-35. Eleventh Report of the [Ontario] Bureau of Mines 1902. Toronto, L.K.Cameron, 1902. pp. 309. maps. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02,7(1903)153-4 "covers numerous subjects. . .statistical and. . .geological."] Trojan, Johannes. Auf der anderen Belt?; streifztige am Ontario-See. Berlin, G.Grote, 1902. 3 p- 1., 236 p. 17%cm. ([Grote'sche sammluug von werken zeitgenSssischer schriftsteller. 78. bd.J) [Rer.ln: Hist Pub Canad 7:104-6 "spent eight weeks in Canada... his observations ... on business activity, man- ners, domestic life and ... religious practices of Canadians. . .fallen into some errors. . .surprisingly ac- curate and full of insight." L.C. 3-11725] "ONTARIO," TJ. S. 8. sent under Capt. Bidwell to resume possession of Oregon 1818. Documents. ([Relating to D. S. S Ontario 1817, etc.] Oreg Q 3(1902)310-3. ORATORY. Art of public speaking. Q u i n c y, Josiah P. The decline of oratory as a factor in history. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.16(1901-2)500-6 OREGON. A north Pacific state of IT. S. between Cal. and Oregon, admitted 1859. Documents. [Relating to U. S. S. Ontario 1817, tc.] Oreg Q 3(1902)310-13. Dryer, Susan H. Famous men and women of Washington and Oregon. Am Month II 21(1902)364-71. 158 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. F e n t o n, Win. D. Political history of Oregon from 1865-1876. Oreg Q 2(1902)38-70. George, M. C. Political history of Oregon from 1876-1893 inclusive. Oreg Q 3(1902)107-22. Horner, John B. Oregon literature... 2<1 ed. Portland, Or., The J.K.Glli co., 1902. [L.C. 3-466] Au illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney counties, with a brief outline cf the early history of the state of Oregon. [Chicago?] Western historical publishing company, 1902. sxili, 788 p. 14 pi., port. 29% x 23%cm. [L.C. 3-26284] [Letter] to Asbnry Dickens [1846]. Best Bull 7(1902)317-20. Oregon. Adjutant-general's office. The official records of the Oregon volunteers In the Spanish war and Philippine Insurrection. Comp. by Brigadier-General C. U. Gantenlein, adjutant general... Salem, Or., W.H.Leeds, state printer, 1902. xv, 700 p. front, (port.) pi., facs. 24cm. [L.C. 3-8390] Oregon Historical Society Quarterly. Portland, Oregon, Pub. by the Society. So. v. 3. 1902. Robertson, James R. The social evolution of Oregon. Oreg Q 3(1902)1-37. Sheep husbandry in Oregon. The pioneer era. Orego Q 3(1902)219-47. Smith, Jane Kinney. Recollections of Grandma Brown [pioneer school teacher]. Oreg Q 3(1902)287-95. Victor, Frances Fullur. The first Oregon cavalry. Oreg Q 3(1902)123-03. ORENDA (Troquois word). An occult power. H e w i 1 1, J. N. B. Orenda and a definition of religion. Am Anthropol n a 4(1902)33-46. "ORIGINAL." Vessel shipwrecked on Cape Diamond, 1750. Le nanfrage de "1'Orlgnal." Rech Hist 8(1902)306-12. ORINOCO R. River of Venezuela, S. A., flowing E. by N. into Atlantic. Guzman, Juan Perez de. La exploraci6n del Orinoco. Esp Mod 166(1002)72-113. Perez Triana, S. Down the Orinoco in a canoe, by S. Perez Triana, with an introduction by R.B.Cunning- hame Graham... London, W.Heinemann, 1902. xv, 253 p. fold. map. 20cm. [Spanish original pub- lished at Paris in 1897, under title: De Bogota al Atl&ntico por la via dt los rfos Meta, Vichada y Ori- noco. L.C. 3-32098] ORLEANS Island, Canada. Island about 100 m. long in St. Lawrence R. 35 m. below Quebec. R o y, P. G. Les dimensions de 1'ile d'Orleans. Rech Hist S(1902)3i8-9. ORLEANS, Mass. Village of Barnstable Co. 94 m. S.E. of Boston. E a s t h a m and Orleans, Mass., vital records. Mayfl Desc 3(1901)229-31; 4,29-34,140-2. OSAGE Indians. A Siouan tribe of the plains between Arkansas and Missouri rivers, now in Okl. O s a g e Indians grant to Catholic mission. Am Cath Res 19(1902)189. OSTERTAG, Blanche (fl.1896). Chicago artist. M cD on ga 1, Isabel. Blanche Ostertag, artist. Bk-Buyer 25 (1902) -3) 304-15. ill., port. OTIS, John Carter (1825-1900). Mass, merchant. John Carter Otis (obituary). Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)119-21. OTSEGO County, N. Y. County in the S.E. of central part of state. Bacon, Edwin F[axon]. Otsego County, Now York; geographical and historical, from the earliest settle- ment to the present time, with county and township maps from original drawings. Oneonta, N. Y., The Oneonta herald, 1902. 85, [1] p. Incl. front., 111. map. 23%cm. [L.C. ?-23429] OTTAWA Indians. An Algonquian tribe of the eastern Great Lakes region Hunter, A. F. Wampum record? of Ottawas. Ontario An Arrh Rt v pt 1101(1902)52-3. OUABACHE Indians. Dunn, Jacob Piatt. The Mission to the Ouabache. Indiana Historical S->ciety Publications. Vol. 3. No. IV. Indianapolis, Bowen-Merrill Co., 1902. 8vo. pp. 255-30. [61.Men.in:N E Reg 56(1902)216(F.W. Parke) "account of Father Etienne D'Outrelean."] OTOY, Eve (d.1848). Revolutionary War heroine of Fort Hannastown, P. Taylor, (Mrs.)Jeffery M. Some pensioners of the Revolutionary War in Westmoreland County, Pa Am Month M 21(1902)115-8. OWEGO, N. Y. Village of Tioga Co. 37 m. E. of Elmira. Taylor, (Mrs.)B. From an old graveyard near Owego, N. Y. Thomas and John Hendry. Am Month M 21(1902)300-1. OWEN family. Wells, Kate Gannett. Four old houses at Campobello. Acad 2(1902)22-7, ill., port. OYSTER BAY, N. Y. Village on north shore of Long Island 30 m. from New York. Stoutenburgh, Hanry A. A docvmentary history of het (the) Nederdvytscbe gemeente Dvtch congregation of Oyster Bay, Queens Covnty, island of Nassav, now Long Island. [New York. Press of B.Storer, c!902] 3 p. 1., [9]-40 p. 22%cm. [Decorated t.-o. Rev.in:N Y Eec 34("90S)148 "a most noble work." L.C. 3-10793] OYSTER industry. Cultivation, fishing and marketing of oysters. B a r r o 1 1, H. H. Connecticut's huge Industry under the sea. Conn Meg 7(1902)202-6 [Port of author] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. 159 PACIFIC coast. Western coast of America. Fitch, George Hamlin. The new Pacific empire. World's Work 3(1001-2)1591-7, ill. F u n s t e n, James B. The making of an American on the west side of the, Rockies. Outl 71(1902)451-3. Kendall, Reese P. Pacific trail camp-fires. Chicago, Scroll Pub., 1902. T h o m p s o n, R. A. The discovery of our Pacific coast. Out West 10(1902)352-66,489-502, ill., facs. Van D y k e, T. S. The oik of the Pacific coast. Outing 10(1902)83-9. PACIFIC OCEAN. Cameron, Agnes Deans. The first steamer on the Pacific. Cauad M 13(1901-2)243-4, ill. Colquhoun, Archibald R[oss], The mastery of the Pacific... New York, London, The Macmillan co., 1902. xvi, 440 p. front., ill., pi., map. 23%cm. [Contents. Introduction. The United States in th* Pacific. Great Britain in the Pacific. The Dutch in the Pacific. Japan 'n the Pacific. Other powers in the Pacific. Conclusion. Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)376-8(H.M. Stephens) "To... United States is al- lotted four chapters. . .full of interesting matter. . .some descriptive material. . .of value. . .title of... book. . .somewhat of a misnomer. . .rather a description of the powers now at work... than a history"; Nation 75(1902)172-4 [as to] "the Philippines. . .an intelligent, well-iaformed historian and critic... sympathetic and friendly . . . sagacious and experienced ... facts ... trustworthy . . . descriptions . . . lucid" ; Dial 32(1902)348-50(B.J.Ramage) "a new and original production. . .style. . .clear and graphic. . .de- scriptions. . .thorough and comprehensive. . .copious index..." L.C. 2-6141] L e s fitats-Unis et la suprematie de 1'Ocean pacifique. Hist. -Pol Bl 16 Mai (1902). M c G e e, W. J. The great ocean in world growth. Nat Geog M 13(1902)333(8). Vereinigte Staaten v. N.-A. u. d. Oberherrschaft lib. d. Stille Meer. Hist. Pol. Bl. f. Dt. (1902) 725-36. PACKARD, Joseph (1812-1902). Am. Episcopal clergyman, educator, writer. Packard, Joseph. Recollections of a long life. Ed. by Rev. Thomas J. Packard. Washington, D. C., B.S. Adams, 1902. 2 p. 1., 364 p. front., pi , port. 23%cm. [L.C. 3-844] PADDOCK, Algernon Sidney (1830-97). Neb. politician, U. S. senator, Governor of Nebraska. A n n i n, W. E. Algernon Sidney Paddock. Neb Hist S fl. 5(1902)186-98. PAGAN, Robert (1750-1821). Me. loyalist, merchant, Nova Scotian judge and legislator. Jack, David Russell. Robert and Miriam Pagan. Acad 2(1902)279-87, ports. PAGE family. Thorne, Adela Page. History of the Page Platter, from 1629 to 1902. 1902. pp. 31, 32o. PAIGE, Lucius Robinson (1802-96). Universal! at clergyman, editor, writer. J e n k s, Henry F. Memoir of Lucius Robinson Paige. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)240-54, port. PAINE, Edward (1746-1841). Ohio pioneer, officer in Am. Revolution. Mills, W. S. Lake County and its founder. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)361-71. PAINTING. One of the fine arts. Whitmore, Harriet E. G. Miniature painting in the colonial days. Conn Mag 7(1902)356-61,542-8. Wilson, Rufus Rockwell. America's first painters. New Eng M 26(1902)26-44, ill., port. PALE COUNTY, Cal. Village of San Diego Co. [Old Mission Chapel, Pala, San Diego Co., Cal.] Out West 15(1901)451-3, ill. PALMA, Tomas Estrada (fl.1902). First President of Cuba. The first President of Cuba. World's Work 3(1901-2)1703-4, port, p.1686. The new President of Cuba. Outl 70(1902)268-9, ill., port. A new republic and its President. R of Rs 25(1902)167-70, ill., port. W h e 1 p 1 e y, J. D. The first President of new Cuba. Current Hist 12(1902)2-6, port. PALMER, Benjamin Morgan (1818-1902). New Orleans Presbyterian clergyman. D r. B. M. Palmer dead. Confed Vet 10(1902)226, port. N a 1 1, J. H. Benjamin Morgan Palmer, D. D., LL. D. Preab Q 16(1902-5)77-92. PALMER, Mass. Village of Hampden Co. 15 m. E. by N. of Springfield. Allen, Orrin Peer. Inscriptions from the two ancient cemeteries of Palmer, Mass... [Palmer, MaYa.] Cemetery commissioners, 1902. 67 p. pi. 23%cm. [L.C. 2-23197] PALON, Francisco. California Franciscan missionary. Letters of Don Miguel Costanso and Fray Junipero Serra. Out West 16(1902)56-9. PAN-AMERICAN CONGRESS. Congress held in City of Mexico, 1901-2. Alvarez, Alexander. L'histoire diplomatique des rfpubliques Amfiricaines et la conT&rence de Mexico. Revue G6ne>ale de Droit International Public 9(1902)530-90. A m e r i k a. Sind auf d. 2. pan-amerikan. Kongresse Erfolge er'eicht worden? Gartenflora (1902iNo.ll. Breitscheid, R. Pan-amerikan. Kongress u. d. siid-amerikan. Politik d. Union. Kolon. Ztach. (1902)22-25. 180 WHITINGS ON AMERICAN HI8TOKT 1001. D a T 1 8, Oscar King. The hopes of Pan-Americanism. World's Work 3(1001-2)1664-7. D a w 1 e y, Thomas R. Arbitration at the Fan-American Congress. Outl 70(1902)232-6. D a w 1 e y, Thomas E. The personnel of the Pan-American Congi-ess. Outl 70(1902)380-3. D a w 1 e y, Thomas R. The results of the Pan-American Congress. Outl 70(1902)475-7. Guatemala. Delegados a la segunda Conferencia Intemacional amerlcana, Mexico. 1901-02. Guatemala en la segunda Conferencia internacional americana. [Mexico? 1902] [L.C. 2-21274] Guzman, Juan Pfrez de. El Congreso Panamericano en Mexico. Esp Mod 161(1902)41-74&162.58-106. International American conference. 2d, Mexico, 1901-1902. Informe que la Delegacion de la Repnbllca Argentina presenta a la segunda Conferencia pan-americana. . . Mexico, Tipografla de la Oficina 1m- presora de estampillas, 1901. 45 p. 34cm. [With Its Segunda Confetenola. . . Actas y documentor. M6xlco, 1901-2] [L.C. 2-13856] International American conference. 2d, Mexico, 1901-1902. Segunda Conferencia pan-americana . . . Actss y documentos . . . Minutes Tmd documents. Mexico, Tipografla de la Oficina impresora de estampillm, 1901 [-02] 144, [403] p. 34 cm. [Spanish and English in parallel columns. L.C. 2-13776] Le C o n g r 6 s Pan-American de Mexico. Jour con 50(1902)387-31. J u n g, E. Pan-amerikanisch. Kongr. Beit. z. Eolonialpol. (1902)632-6. Noel, John Vavasour. History of the second Pan-American congress, with notes on the republic of Mex- ico. Baltimore, Md., Guggenhelmer, Weil & co., 1902. 375 p. front., pi. port. 19cm. [L.C. 2-20316] Taylor, Hannis. International arbitration r.nd the Pan-Americnn Conference. No Am 174(1902)303-14. XT. S. Delegates to 2d International conference of American states. . . . Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the secretary of state, submitting the report, with accompanying papers, of the delegates of the United States to the second International conference ...held at the city of Mexico from October 22, 1901, to January 22, iJ02. April 29, 1902. Read, re- ferred to the Committee on foreign relations, and ordered to be printed. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 243 p. 23cm. (57th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. no. 330) [Accompany papers In Spanish and English, include: Translation of the protocol of adherence to the conventions of the Tague. Trans- lation of treaty on compulsory arbitration. Minutes and documents. Treaty of arbitration for pecuni- ary claims. Pan-American railway resolution. Customs congress resolution. Reorganization of the In- ternational Bureau of the American republics. Treaty for the extradition of criminals and for protec- tion against anarchism. Convention on literary und artistic copyrights. Convention relative to the rights of aliens, etc. L.C. 2-23956] Williams, John Cassel. Review of the work of the second Internationa! American Conference. Indep 54(1902)617-20. PAN AMERICANISM. Movement for close relation* between various countries of America. Poster, John W. Pan-American diplomacy. Atlan 89(1902)482-91. Harold, John. Pan- Americanisms. Sat R 92(1902)300-1. Y t u r b i d e, A. de. The proposed Pan- American union. No Am 174(1902)201-11. PAOLI (Pa.) massacre. Attack of British upon Am. encampment, Am. Revolution, Sept. 20, 177'. Proceedings on the occasion of tho dedication of the monument on the one hundredth anniversary of the Paoli massacre, in Chester county, Pa., September 20, 1877. West Chester, Pa., F.S.Hickman, printer, 1877. 78 pp. fold. map. 23%cm. [Subject entries: Paoli massacre, 1777. L.C. 2-3386 M 2] PAPER INDUSTRY. Manufacture and marketing of paper. An early South Carolina factory ( note). S C Hist Mag 3(1902)57. PARAGUAY. An interior republic of South America, between Brazil and Argentine. Serrano y San?,. Cartas referentes 6 la organizacion y al gobierno -le las Redncclones del Paraguay [Doknment v. 8. Mai 1672]. Revista de archives, bibliotecas y museoe, Madrid, fi, 385-8. PABAMOBE, J. B. (1840-1902). Fla. Confederate officer. C o 1. J. B. Paramore. Confed Vet 10(1902)269. PARISHES (Canadian). Ecclesiastical and civil districts. Alexis, [Frere]. Une paroisse Canadienne [study of type]. Nouv Fr 1(1902)66-85. Suite, Benjamin. Les histoires de Paroisses. Rech Hist 3(1902)267. PARK, Edward Amasa (1808-1900). Mass, theologian, Andovar Professor, editor, writer. Scott, George Robert White. Edwards Amasa Park. N E Reg 56(1902; 11-17, ill., port. Scott, George Bobert White. Professor Park of Andover. Reprinted from New-Eng. Historical and Gen- ealogical Register, for Jan., 1902. ports. 8vo. pp. 10. PARK family. Park, Edwin H[oratio]. The Park record; containing an account of the ancestry and descendants of Thomas Klnnie Park and Robert Park, of Groton, Conn., and Graf ton, Vt... [Denver, Col., Bartow Ray print, 1902] 88 p. plate (1 col.) port., geneal. tab. 23cm. I.L.C. 3-26848] PARKER, Augustus (1827-1910). Mass, legislator. Parker, William Prentlss. Augustus Parker. N E Beg 56 Suppl (1902)1-11. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 181 PARKER, Francis Wayland (1837-1902). Mass, and 111. educator, writer. V I t z p a t r i c k, F. A. Francis Wayland Parker. Educa R 24(1902)23tJc). J a c k m a n, Wilbur S. Francis Wayland Parker. Late director of the School of Education, OnlversltJ of Chicago. R of Rs 25(1902)448-52. port. PARKER, Theodore (1810-60). Mass. Unitarian clergyman, writer. Higginson, Thomas W. Two New England heretics: Ohanning and 1'arker. Ind 54(1902)1234-6. PARKER family. Parker family. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)177-204. PARKMAN, Francis (1823-83). Mass, historian. B a s s e t t , John Spencer. Francis Parkman, the man. Sewanee 10(1802)285-301. PASADENA, Cal. Town of Los Angeles Co. Holder, Charles Frederick. A climatic miracle in California. [For details see same titlt under subject, California.] T o w e r, G. H. Rose tournament at Pasadena. Nat'l M (Host) 15(1901 0)669-72, ill. PA8SAIC, K. J. City of Passaic Co. 11 m. N.W. of Jersey City. The Reid memorial library, Passaic, N. J. Lib J 27(1302)137-8. PASSAMAQUODY INDIANS. A small Algonquian tribe of Maine and New Brunswick. M a t 1 g n o n, Francois Antoine. Father Matlgnon of Boston notifies the Indians of Passamaqnrde that he will visit them. Am Cath Res 19(1902)176. PATAGONIA. Extensive region comprising the S. extremity of South America. Prichard, H[esketh Vernon] Hesketh-. Through the heart of Patagonia. . .with illustrations from draw- Ings in colour and black and white, by John Gulll'j Millais. . .and from photographs. New York, D.Ap pleton and company, 1902. xvl, 346 p. col. front., ill., pi. (partly col.) 3 fold. maps. 27%cm [Printed in Kngland. Appendixes: (A) I. Moreno, F. P. Account of the discovery of the Pampean My- lodon, or giant ground sloth. II. Woodward, A. S. Description and comparison of the specimen. III. Woodward, A. S. Description of additional discoveries. IV. Prichard, H. Note concerning Tehuelch* legends. (B) Thomas O. On a new form of puma from Patagonia. (('.) Britten, J. and Rendlc, A. B. List of plants. Rev.ln:Nation 76(1903)199-200 "unimportant and tedious details. . .might have made i useful contribution. . .entertaining descriptions. . .three excellent maps'': Dial 34(1903)368-9 "g&ln[edj an intimate knowledge of 4 the fast disappearing Tehuelche tribe. . .story never lacks interest." L.C. 3-6523] PATCH, Nathan (fl. 1760-99). Worcester, Mass., tavern keeper. The Nathan Patch house and north end of Main street. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)242-63. PATCH family. Mills, William Stowell, LL. B. A branch of the Patch family. N B Reg 56(1902)198-9. PAOTINGFTT, China. Scene of massacre of American missionaries 1900, Shantung Province. Ketler, Isaac C[onrad]. The tragedy of Paotingfu; an authentic story of the lives, service* and nacri flees of the Presbyterian, Congregational and China Inland missionaries who suffered martyrdom at Paotingfu, China, June 30th and July 1, 1900. New York, Chicago [etc.] F.H.Revell company, 1802. 16, [3], 19-400 p. front., pi., port. 21%cm. [L.C. 2-17061] PATRICK'S PENCE=Newbie coppers. Coins used in N. J. ab. 1682. Saint Patrick's pence in New Jersey 1082. Am Cath Res 19(1902)1380. PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES. Societies of descendants of men celebrated in American history. The American Monthly Magazine. Washington, D. C. The Nat. Soc. of the D. A. R. 80. v. 20, 21, 1902. 2 v. Organ of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The Continental Hall, Daughters of the American Revolution. Am Month M 21(1902)353-9. Cornish, Louis H. A national register of the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution com- piled and pub. under the auspices of National Publication Committee. Register list collated and edited by A. Howard Clark. New York [1902] pp. 1035, port. General Register of the Society of Colonial Wars 1899-1902. Constitution of the General Society. Pub. by authority of the General Assembly. New York 1902 p.821. General Society Sons of the Revolution. Proceedings of regular triennial mooting, held ct Wasl ington (Mt. Vernon) Apr. 1902. [Baltimore, J.Murphy & Co., 1902] pp. 121. 30-45, ill. PEMAQUID, Me. Village of Lincoln Co. 18 m. . of Bath. [Kaler], James Otis. ...The story of Pemaquid... New York, T.Y.Crowell & co. [1902] 181 i- pi., map, plan. 18%cm. (Pioneer towns of America, v. 2) [L.C. 2-7322] Report of the commissioners in charge of the remains of the \neient Fortifications at Femaquid. Augusta, Kennebeck Journal Print, 1902. pp. 9, 80. [21Men.in:N E Reg F7(190o)235-6(F.W.Parke) "plan of fort ...from the archives of England.' ] PEKDLETON, William Kimbrough (1817-90). President of Bethany college. Power, Frederick D[unglison]. Life of William Kimbrough Pendlcton, I.I. >., president of Bethany col- lege St. Louis, Christian publishing company, 1902. ix p., 1 1., i3-4Sl p. front., pi., port., facs. 23cm. [L.C. 3-7679] PENDLETON family. Letters of Edmund Pendleton. Wm M Q 10(1902)200-2. PENN, William (1644-1718). Founder of Pennsylvania. Dizon, W[illiam] Hepworth. A history of William Penu, founder of Pennsylvania. . . New York, New Amsterdam book company, 1902. x, 11-337 p. Incl. front, (port.) 18cm. ([Tho commonwealth library]) [L.C. 2-30127] Papers of William Penn. Yearbook Penn Soc of N Y (1902)90-1. T a y 1 o r, E. E. The "Holy Experiment" of William Penn. G?nt M n 3 ((102)38- > (O). PENNIMAN family. P e n n i m a n, G. W. The Penniman family. Robinson Family Gen & II?st Assn 0902)38-47. PENNSYLVANIA. An original Middle State of the U. S. Annual proceedings. Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of '.he Revolution. 1901-1902. Phila. 1902. pp 94, 4o. 111. B o n d, B. W. The whiskey insurrection In Pennsylvania. Branch Pap No 2(1902)68-87. Budd, Thomas. Good order established in Pennsylvania and New Jersey; reprinted from the original edi- tion of 1865, with introduction and notes by Frederick J. Shepard... Cleveland, The Barrows brothers company, 1902. 80 p. incl. facsim. 24cm. [Contains facsimile of original t.-p. : Philadelphia, 16S5. "Of this edition, two hundred and fifty copies have been printed, and the typo distributed." This copy not numbered. Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)481 "commendable taste. . .shown. . .bus been assigned to an ex- pert editor. . .original title-pages are given In facsimile"; Dial 34(1903)126 "reprint. . .interesting. . . [250] copies." L.C. 2-27224] Clark, Martha Bladen. Homos of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, John Mortoi). Am Month M 21(1902)23-5, ill. The Colonial society of Pennsylvania. Charter, constitution, by-laws, ontceis, committees, members, etc MCMII. [Philadelphia? 1902?] 151 p. 25%cm. [L.C. 3-17734] Cuffel, Charles A. Durell's battery in the civil war. (Independent battery D, Pennsylvania volunteer artillery.) A narrative of tin- campaigns and battles of Berks and Bucks counties' artillerists In th.- war of the rebellion, from the battery's organization, September 24, 1861, to its muster out of service, June 13. 1865. [Philadelphia, Craig, Finley & co., printers, pref. 1900] Doylestown, Pa. Cnffel, 1902 265 p. front., pi., port., plan. 24cm. [L.C. 2-19871] Die Deutschen in Pennsylvanien. Deutsche Rundschau 112(190^)462-8. England. Papists and Quakers in Pennsylvania. Am Cath Res 19(l!)0?)79. From Reading to York. Pa-Ger 3(1902)163-17. ill. Gans, E. W. A Pennsylvania pioneer: blog. sketch. Mansfield, O., Kuhl, 1 902. 80. Historical anniversaries and celebrations 1901. Year book Penn Soc of N Y (1902)115-19. Historical buildings. Year book Penn Soc of N Y (1902)122-24. Kephart, Horace. Pennsylvania's part In the winning of the West; an address delivered before the Penn- sylvania society of St. Lonls, December 12, 1901. [For details see same title under subject, Mississippi Valley.] Minutes of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1902. Penn Mag ?6a902)483-4. 184 WRITING.-? ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Myers, Albert Cook. Immigration of the Irish Quakers Into Pennsylvania, 1682-1750. with their early his- tory In Ireland... Swarthmore, Pu., The author, 1002. xxii, 477 p. front., 111., pi., port., fac., tab. 25%cm. ["Printed from type; edition limited." JMbliography : p. 434-444 Rev.ln:Am Hist R $(1903) 357-9 (Elizabeth Lloyd) "contains many Interesting documents. . .appendix. . .contains genealogical rec- ords. . .of. value. . .valuable contribution"; Nation 75(1902)291 "Throws. . .flood of life. . .upon. . .manners and customs, ways of living. . .of .. .interest. . .especially 5 p. pi., 32 port. (Incl. front.) 20cm. [L.C. 3-24751] The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, quarterly. Phlla. pub. by the Hist. Soe. of Penn- sylvania, v. 26. 1902. pp. 508. Pennsylvania monuments and momorlnls, proposed and erected in 1901. tear book Penn Soc of N Y (1902)112-14. The Pennsylvania society of New York. Year book of the Pennsylvania society of New York. New York. The Society, 1902. front., ill., pi. 24cm. [Edited by Barr Ferree. Rov.in:Nation 7 -(1903)374 ^main- tains the Interesting character of the series." L.C. 2-11008] Pilcher, James Evelyn. The seal and arms of Pennsylvania... Harrisburg, W.S.Ray, state printer. 1902. 22 p. front., 111., plate (partly col.) facs. 25cm. [Rev.tnrOld Northw Q 6(1903)101(L.C.H.) profusely ill. ... In interesting form... a credit to state. L.C. 3-15736] Publications of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. May, 1902. 1300 Locust St. Vol. II. No. 2. Pbila., Printed for the Society by the Wickersham Printing Co., Lancaster, Pa. Sin. 4to. 93-235. Register of members and and miscellaneous statistical infD^matlon concerning the Pennsylvania Sons of the Revolution. 1902. Phlla., 1902, pp 137, 4o, 111. R e g n e m e r, Wm. The Slav In the coke regions of southwestern Pennsylvania. Ass Her 7(1902)321-5. Sharpless, Isaac. A Quaker experiment in government; history of Quaker government In Pennsylvania. 1682-1783... Popular ed Philadelphia, Ferris A; Leach, 1902. 2 pts. in 1 \. 19cm. [pt. 2 has sub- title: "Thte Quakers in the revolution." Issued in 1899 under title: "A history of Quaker government In Pennsylvania." Rev.in:Nation 74(1902)171 "Meritorious work. . .popular edition. . .we. . .wish. . .index had been enlarged and moderlzed and made veracious." L.C. 2-o945 M 2j W o 1 c o t t, Oliver. [Letter] to Topping Reeve [1781]. Bost Bull 7(1902)03-4. W o o d r u f f, Clinton Rogers. The Pennsylvania rippers. Munlc Aff 6(1002)212-9. PENNSYLVANIA, University of. TJniv. at Philadelphia. Henry White Physick [Tuition bill U. of P. 1773]. Penn Mag 26(1902)287. PENNY COOK (or Penacook), N. H. Ancient name for Concord, N. H. Brown, David Arthur. The history of Penacook, N. H., from Its first settlement In 1734 up to 1900. Con- cord, N. H., The Rumford press, 1902. viit, 570 p. front., ill. (incl. port.) pi. 24%cm. [L.C. 3-8592] W a 1 k e r, J. B. The genesis of a New England plantation. Granite M 3;!(1902)41-8. PENSIONS. Annual allowances for past services, especially military. Penning, Frederick. Comparative pension, systems. Forum 33(1902)346-8. Gardner, Washington. Discussing United States pensions. Confed V-t 30(1902)173-5. G-lasson. W. H. Nation's pension system as applied to the civil war and Ibe war with Spain. (Pub. of the sec. no. 331.) Phila. Am. Acad. Pol. Scl. 1902. 80. G 1 a s s o n, William H. The national pension system as applied to tie civil war and the war with Spain. Ann Am Acad Pol Scl 19(1902)204-26. G 1 a s s o n, William H. The south and service pension laws. So Atlan Q I (1902)3ol-CO. Relief by States for Confederate Soldiers. Confsd Vet 10(1902)202. PEQTTOT INDIANS. An Algonquian tribe of Conn, and R. I. Thresher, Calista Potter. Homes and Haunts of the Pequots. New Eng M 25(1901-2)742-54. PERCY, Hugh (1742-1817). British officer in Am. Revolution. Bolton, Charles Knowles. Letters of Hugh Earl Percy fr->m Bsston ami New York 1774-1776. Boston, Charles E. Goodspeed, 1902. 4to. pp. 88. Portrait. [Rev.in:Natlon 75(1902)346 "Carefully edited... relate... to affairs of the time... well worth printing. . .interest. . .largniy due to. . .personality of the writer"; Dial 33(1902)287 "valuable addition. . .every one contains some Item of interest or value"; Men.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)403 "some Interesting material for the study of Revolutionary history."] PEREA, Estevan (ft. 1632). Custodian of the missions of New Mexico 1632-3. P e r e a, Estevan. Second "Report" on New Mexico 1632-3. Out West 15(1901)465-80. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. 165 PERIODICALS and Transactions. This subject includes only a selection of the periodicals and transactions whose chief aim is historical. For others, especially those which have only occasional historical articles, see Introduction. Acadiensis, A quarterly devoted to the Interests of the Maritime provinces of Canada. 80. St. John, N. B. v. 2 1902. pp. 287. [Issued under the auspices of the Acadian Society. Some poetry, etc., but hist, arts in general fair. Articles and documents, but chiefly former.] American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal, The. Stephen 1). Peet, el. Bimonthly. Chicago. So. v. 24. 1902. pp. 490. [Not wholly American. Am. articles, especially those by the editor, excellent. Various departments of "notes" not analyzed In this work.] American Antiquarian Society. Proceedings, Worcester, Mass. The Society, v. 15. pt. 1 (p. 1-106) At the semi-annual meeting, Boston, Apr. 30, 1902. (1902). v. 15. pt. 2 (p. 107-266) at Annual meeting, Worcester, Oct. 21. 1902 (1903). American Catholic Historical Researches. Quarterly, Parkesburg, Pa. Martin I. J. Griffin, Pub. and Ed. 80. v. 19. 1902. pp. 192+10. [Full of good material. The department of "Catholic historical notes" ia full of interesting material generally too brief for analysis in this work.] American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Records. Phila. Pub. by the Society. So. Quarterly, v. 13 1902. [Arts, and documents. Dep't of "Historical picture gallery" has only brief notices but is analyzed in this work.] American Heraldic Journal, The. An eclectic quarterly magazine. Columbus. 80. v. 2, 1902. [General heraldry. Analyzed for Am. articles.] American Historical Association, Annual Report for 1901. 2 vols. Washington, Gov't. Printing office, 1902. v. 1, pp583, v. 2, pp360. So. The American Historical Magazine and Tennessee Historical Society Quarterly. Nashville, Tenn. 80. T. 7. 1902. pp. 398. [Formerly under auspices of Peabody Normal College, now of Tenn. Hist. Soc. Val- uable documents and excellent articles.] The American Historical Review. Quarterly. New York, Macmillan Co. So. v. 7, nos2-4. (p. 203-868) and v. 8, no.l. (p. 1-204)=1902. [Official organ of A. H. A. A review of general history, admirably edited. Review department is only rivalled by reviews in the N. Y. Nation as an authoritative critical source on publications in Am. history.] American Jewish Historical Society Publications. Pub. by the Society. 80. No 10, 1902. p. 13+202. American Monthly Magazine, The. Washington, D. C. The Nat. Soc. of the D. A. R. So. v. 20, 21, 1902. [Organ of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Popular, not scholarly, but contains occasional articles of historical value and a good deal of source matter scattered through the articles and depart- ments of "Revolutionary Records," "Work of the Chapters," "Genealogical Notes and Queries" and "Real Daughters." Of these departments only that of "Revolutionary Records" is analyzed In this Index.] Annals of Iowa. A historical quarterly published by the historical department of Iowa. Des Molnes, la. So. 3 ser. v. 5, nos. 4, 5, 6, 7. 1902. [Department of "Notable deaths" is analyzed only by selection, in general nothing less than \<, page notice taken.] Boston Public Library, Monthly bulletin of books added to. Boston, So. v. 7. 1902. pp904. [Contains many useful documents, chiefly individual letters, from the mss.] Buffalo Historical Society, Publications. Edited by Frank II. Severance. Buffalo, N. Y. The Society. So. v. 5. 1902. pp535. Bunker Hill Monument Association, Proceedings at the annual meeting, June 17, 1902. Boston, Pub. by the Association. So. 1902. pp67. [Addresses, documents and reports.] Collector, The. A monthly magazine for autograph and historical collectors. New York, Benjamin, v. 15. 1901-2. pp!47. v. 16 new ser. 1902. [Trade magazine with many original letters, etc.] Colonial Society of Massachusetts Publications. So. Transactions April-November, 1900. [vol. 7 no. 1. 1902.] pp. 5+62. Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D. C., Records. So. Washington, The Society, v. 5. 1902. pp 329. [Incl. Proceedings, etc.] Confederate Veteran. Published monthly in the Interest of Confederate veterans and kindred topics. Nash- ville, Tenn. 80. v. 10, 1902. p. 573. [A great amount of interesting material, Including many bio- graphical articles and portraits. In analysis for this work biographies of persons below the rank of Major not included.] Connecticut Magazine, The. Devoted to Connecticut in its various phases of history, literature, picturesque features, science, art and industry. Hartford, Conn. 80. Bimonthly. 1902. v. 7, nos. 3, 4, 5. pp. 212- 650. [Fully illustrated, many admirable local articles, some poetry and fiction.] Dedham historical register. Dedham, Mass. So. Quarterly, v. 13, 3902. p. 127. [Chiefly local but many articles of general interest.] Deutsoh-Americkaniiche Geschichtsblatter, Vierteljahrsschrift, herausgegeben von den Deutsch-Amerikan. histor. Geeellschaft von Illinois, Chicago, *. 3. 1902. [p. 272.] [Each no. paged separately.] 166 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. PERIODICALS and Transactions (cent.). Essex Antiquarian, The. A quarterly d?voted to the biography , genealogy, history and antiquities of Ess^x Co., Mass. Sidney Perley, Ed. Salem, Mass. 80. v. 6. 1902. pp202. [Excellently edited for its field. Much useful material, especially In genealogy and strictly local history. Not much of wider Interest.] Filson Club Publication No. 17. The old Matters of the Blue Grass, Samuel Woodsen Price, Editor. Louis- ville, Ky. J.P.Morton & Co. 1902. pp. 17+181. 4o. Florida Magazine. A monthly magazine devoted to general literature. Jacksonville, Fla. v. 4, p. 371, v. 5, p. 353, 1902. Genealogical Quarterly Magazine. Burlington Vt. 80. Quarterly, v. 3. 1902. p. 255. [Ed. by Eben Put- nam, formerly of various Salem, Mass., publications. Contains largely Essex Co., Mass., local historical- genealogical material with some Vt. matter.] The Genealogist. A quarterly magazine. Exeter (Kng.) v. 19 (1902-3) July-Apr. [Apr. 1903. good American article.] Granite monthly. A New Hampshire magazine devoted to history, biography, literature and state progress. Concord. So. v. 32, 1902. p. i;-:;:>u (1). [Same order as N. E. Mag. and Conn. Mag. 111. Magazine with some fiction, poetry, etc., but chiefly historical nnd descriptive state articles.] Gulf States Historical Magazine, The. Thomas M. Owen, Editor. Montgomery, Ala. 80. Bimonthly, v. 1. nos. 1-3 (July-Nov. ) 1902. p. 1-237. [Chiefly articles of good historical quality, some documents, de- partments of "Minor topics" (analyzed) and "Historical news" (analyzed by selection). "Book notes add reviews" fairly numerous and good.] Historical Quarterly, The. An ill. mag. containing the contributions of the Manchester Historic Ass. nnd misc. matter of local and general Interest. Manchester, N. H. Vol. U. 1902. p. 120. with supplement in each number. Holland Society of New York, Year Book for 1902. Prep, by the Secretary. Theodore M. Banta. New York. Knickerbocker Press. (Cop. 1902.) pp!79. 4o. Huguenot Society of South Carolina, Transactions. Xo. !'. Charleston. So. 1902. pp58. [Minutes, offi- cers, etc., und address.] Indiana History Society Publications. Indiana polls. 80. v. :> no. 1, 1S95, no. 2, 1896, no. 3, 1900, no. 4, 1902. pp255-330. Iowa Historical Record, The. Pub. quarterly by th.; State Historical Society. Iowa City. So. v. 18, 1902. [Vols. 16-18, 1900-1902, have one title-page (1902) and one pagination.] Ipswich Historical Society. Salem, Mass. 80. XI. Waters, Thos. Frunklin, The Meeting House Green [Ipswich, Mass.] with Proceedings, Dec. 2, 1901. 1902 p. 51. Jerseyman, The. A quarterly magazine of local history and genealogy, principally of Hunterdon Co., N. J. 80. v. 8. Flemington, N. J. H. B. Deats, E. and Pub. 1902. pp34. [Chiefly genealogical.] John P. Branch Historical Papers of Randolph -Macon College. Published Annually by the Dept. of His- tory. So. No. 2. 1902. Kansas State Historical Society Transactions, 1901-2. Topoka, Kan. So. v. 7, 1902. p. 619. La Nouvelle France. Revue des interets religieux et nationaux du Canada Francals. Sclences-lettres-arts. Quebec. 80. Monthly, v. 1. 1902. pp591. [French Roman Catholic magazine, rather more religious than historical, but historical articles sometimes of good critical value. Rev. in: Hist Pub Cauad '02,7 (1903)69-70 "the expression of the most cultivated French-Canadian opinion of the present day... good medium through which to study the intellectual status... of Quebec."] Lancaster Co. (Pa.) Historical Society Papers, v. 7. no. 1. 1902. p. 16. Literary and Historical Society [of Quebec], Transactions. No. 24. Sessions of 1900-2. Quebec, So. 1902. pp36. Lost Cause, The. A monthly illustrated Journal of History, devoted to the collection and preservation of the Records of the Confederacy. Louisville, Ky. 1902. [Organ of the "Daughters of the Confederacy" not received in time for analysis in this volume.] Lower Norfolk County Virginia Antiquary. Baltimore, Md. 80. Quarterly. V. 4, 1902. pp. 154. Lynn Historical Society of Lynn, Mass., Register for year 1901. Lynn, Mass. 80. 1902. pp66. [Const. Reports, etc. also two papers and necrologies of members (necrol. not analyzed).] McLean County Historical Society of Blooming-ton, 111., Transactions. Magazine of American History, n. s. no. 1, 1902. [Attempt to revive the old Mag. Am. Hist.] Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings. Vol. 15. Boston, Pub. by the Soc. 1901-2. ppl8+554. Mayflower Descendant, The. A quarterly magazine of Pilgrim genealogy and history. Boston. Pub. by the Mass. Society of Mayflower descendants. 80. v. 4, 1902. pp8+2S4. Medford Historical Register, The. Medford, Mass. Published by the Medford Hist. Soc. So. quarterly v. 5. 1902. pp96. [Strictly local but excellent in kind.] Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society, Collection! and Researches, v. 31. 1901. Lansing, Mich. 1902. pp. 4+649. Mississippi Historical Society, Publications of. Franklin L. Rlley, Ed. Oxford, Miss. So. v. 5. pp383. T. 6. pp567. 1902. [Of noteworthy historical value, ranking with the very best state work.] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 167 PERIODICALS and Transactions (cent.). Monthly Bulletin of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, The Carnegie Library. 80. T. 7. 1902 pp375. [Some good documents.] Nebraska State Historical Society, Proceedings and collections. Second Series. Lincoln, Neb. Jacob North and Co. 80. v. 5. 1902. pp381. New England Catholic Historical Society Publications. Boston, So. no. 3. pp. 66, no. 4. pp. 33, 1902. New England Historical and Genealogical Record, The. Boston, Pub. by the Society. 80. quarterly, v. 16, pp. 418 with supplements, pp. 139, 1902. [Long the leading historlco-genealoglcal periodical. Articles of high standard and volumes elaborately indexed. Best source for bibliography of local history and genealogy, but reviews have fallen off greatly In number and extent. Dept. "Notes and queries" ana- lyzed by selection only.] New England Magazine. An illustrated monthly review of New England life and achievement. N. Y. and Boston. N. S. v. 25 (1901-2) v. 26 (1902) v. 27 (1902-3) [High class, popular, chiefly historical, but also poetry and fiction. Book notices not very important for history.] New Hampshire Historical Society, Proceedings. Concord. 80. v. 3. pt. 2 (1897-1899) 1902. p. 173-504. New Jersey Historical Society, Proceedings. Paterson, N. J. 80. v. 2, no. 3 (few 1897) v. 3, no. 4 (for 1898) 1902. [Has department of notes and queries (not analyzed) and necrology.] New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, devoted to the interests of American genealogy and biog- raphy. New York. Pub. by the N. Y. Gen. and Biogr. Society. 4o. Quarterly, v. 33. 1902. pp283. [Class of the New Eng. Register and second only to it as source for local historical literature and re- views of books not noticed in general reviews. Depts. of Notes and Queries analyzed by selection only.] New York Public Library Bulletin. Astor Lenox and Tilden foundations. New York. 80. v. 6. 1902. [Contains various valuable bibliographies and documents.] New York State Historical Association, Proceedings. The 3d annual meeting, 1901. Pub. by the Associa- tion. 80. v 2 1902. pp74. [Rather popular and rhetorical with a few bits of useful contribution.] North Carolina Booklet, The. Raleigh, N. C. 16o monthly, v. 1, no. 1 (May '01) v. 2, no. 8 (Dec. '02) [Series of monographic parts each about the value of a good magazine article.] Notes and queries and Historic magazine, A monthly of history, folklore, mathematics, literature, science, art, Arcane societies, etc. Manchester, N. H. S.C. and L.M.Gould. 80. v. 20. nos. 1-6. 1902. pp200. [Well denned elements of occultism and good local historical articles. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society Publications, Columbus, O. Pub. by the Society. 80. v. 10 (1901-2) pp503. 11 (1902) pp486 (including an Index to first 11 vols. p267-486). Old Continental. Des Moines, Iowa. Pub. by Iowa Society, Sons of the American Revolution. Elbridge Drew Hadley, Ed. Bimonthly. 4o. v. 1 nos 3-8=1902. pp4 to a number. [Occasional article of general Interest.] Old Eliot. Eliot, Me. 80. v. 5. 1902. [A few articles of more than local interest.] "Old Northwest" Genealogical Quarterly, The. Columbus, O. Pub. by Old Northwest genealog. Soc. v. 5 1902 pp!71. [Contains departments of Notes and Queries (analyzed by selection for this work), acces- sions to the Society's library, books In preparation, book notices (done for this work), and indexes of names and places. Much on the lined of the New England Register.] Oregon Historical Society, The quarterly of the. Portland, Or. Pub. by the Society. 80. v. 3. 1902. [Chiefly excellent sets of personal reminiscenes.] The Owl. Kewaunee, Wis. v. 3, nos. 5&6, and v. 4, nos. 1*2=1902. [Wing family. Well edited with many articles on collateral families, a good number of articles of general interest.] Patriotic Review. Boston, Mass. 4o. 1902. [Devoted to the interests of the Patriotic societies. Little historical value except for the history of the organizations themselves.] Pennsylvania German, The. Lebanon, Pa. Quarterly, v. 3. 1902. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Quarterly. Phlla., pub. by the Hist. Soc. of Penn- sylvania, v. 26. 1902. pp508. [Excellent documents and source articles. Dept. of notes contains many documents and items of first rate importance and is analyzed fully for this work. Reviews few.] Quinabaug Historical Society Leaflets. Southb ridge, Mass. (Many of these fall in 1902.) [Local.] Recherches Historiques, Bulletin d'Archeologie, d'Histoire, de Biographic, de Bibliographic, de Numis- matique, ere., etc., publi6 par Pierre-Georges Rey. Levis So. v. 8. 1902. pp. 384. [Rev.ln:Hist Pub Canad '02,7(1903)69 "usef ul . . . keen eye for... new results of research. . .Canadian history ... Indispens- able... for the personal history of leaders."] Royal Historical Society. Transactions of the. London. Offices of the Society. 80. n. s. v. 16. 1902. pp296. South Atlantic Quarterly, The. John Spencer Bassett, Editor. Durham, N. C. 80. v. 1. 1902. pp9+386. [General, but with great preponderance of American historical articles of first class quality. Moderate number of good book reviews, some signed.] South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine. Published quarterly by the S. C. Historical Society. So. Charleston, S. C. v. 3. 1902. pp. 183. [Docs., geneal. articles and notes. List of publications re- ceived useful blbllographlcally and has now and then a good critical review.] South Dakota Historical Collection!. Compiled by the State Hist. Society. Aberdeen, v. 1. 1902. pp. 481. 168 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. PERIODICALS and Transactions (cont.). Southern Historical Society Papers, edited by R. A. Brock, 80. Richmond, Va. Pub. by the Society, v. 30, 1902 pp. 5-1-3+876. [Chiefly reprints from newspapers and other sources of articles relating to the Civil War. Extreme Southern standpoint. Largely personal reminiscences.] Southern History Association Publications, Cclycr Merlwether, Editor. Bimonthly. 80. Washington, D. C. Pub. by the Society, v. 6. 1902 pp5G2. [High class document and serious source articles covers all periods, especially the earlier. Reviews and notices many and good, often signed and much attention given to periodical literature. Dep't of "Notes and news" analyzed in this work only for select notes.] Spirit of '76. Devoted to the principles, Incidents and men of '76 and colonial times. New York, Monthly v. 8. 1902. [Accounts of meeting of patriotic societies, dedications of monuments, etc., with occasional articles of historical value or interest and a few documents und fucslmiles. Selected titles analyzed.] Texas State Historical Association, Quarterly of the. Austin, Tex. 80. Quarterly July-Apr, v. 5 July 1901-Apr. 1902 (tit. 1902) p(6)367 (13). v. 6 July, Oct. 1902 pp. 1-168. Traiisallegheny Historical Magazine. Published by the Transallcgheny Historical Society. Morgantown, W. Va. 80. Quarterly, v. 1. Oct. '01, Jan-July 1902 pp. 19+305 v. 2 no. 1 Oct. '02 ppl-72. United States Catholic Historical Society. Monograph Series 80. 1, 1902. Vermont Antiquarian, The. A quarterly magazine devoted to the history and antiquities of Vermont and the Champlain and Connecticut Valleys. Burlington Vt. v. 1, no. 1. Sept., no. 2. Dec. 1902, p. 1-73. [Has dept. of Notes and Queries from which selections only glvon in this work. An Eben Putnam publi- cation.] Virginia. Magazine of History and Biography, The. Published quarterly by the Virginia Hist. Hoc., Rich- mond, v. 9, nos. 3&4, p225-480 and v. 10, uos. 1&2, pl-224=1902. [Documents and articles of highest character. Dept. of Genealogy and Notes and queries of equally high character. Bibliographical value only moderate.] West Virginia Historical Magazine, The. Pub. by the West Virginia Hist, and Antlq. Society. W. S. Lardley, Ed. 80. Charleston, W. Va. v. 2. 1902. pp340 (Illustrated). [Chiefly papers. Documents and strict source articles few. Character between the popular and the scholarly local historical type.] William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Ed. Lyon G. Tyler. Williamsburg, Va. Win. & Mary College, v. 10, nos. 3&4, p!45-284 and v. 11, nos. 1*2, pl-148=1902. [Scholarly. Chiefly docu- mentary. Genealogical arts, and notes good. Bibliographical help scant.] Wisconsin State Historical Society Proceedings. 1901. 80. Madison, Wis. 1902. pp211, ill. Worcester Society of Antiquities, Proceedings of the. Worcester, Mass. The Society. 80. v. 17 1901, pp 668. [Published 1902]; v. 18, 1902, nos. 1-6 pp. 275. [Actually Issued 1902-3 but for the year 1902 and with title page so dated.] Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Proceedings and collections. Edited by Horace E. Hayden, Wllkes Barre, Pa. The Society. 80. v. 7 for the year 1001. 1902 pp. 258 ill. [Wyoming, Pa.] PERKINS, Henry Bishop (1824-1902). Ohio State senator. [ R a n d a 1 1, E. O.] Henry Bishop Perkins. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1602)164-65. PERRATTLT, Jean-Baptiste Olivier (1773-1827). Canadian judge. R o y, P. G. L'Hon. Jean-Baptiste Olivier Perrault. Rech Hift fe(1902)3;!-6. port. PERRY, John T. (1832-1902). N. H. and Ohio editor and writer. J o h n T. Perry. Granite M 32(1902)61. PERRY. William Flake (1823-1901). Ky. Confederate General. Gen. W. F. Perry. Confed Vet 10(1902-36), port. PERRY County, O. Co. in the S.E. central part of Ohio. Martzolff, Clement L. History of Perry county, Ohio. New Lexington, O., Ward & Welland; Colum- bus, O., Press of F.J.Heer, 1902. xii, 195 p. front., pi., port , dln.gr. 0cm. [L.C. 2-20872] PERRYVILLE (Ky.). Civil War battle, Oct. 8, 1862. V i n 1 e y, Luke W. Battle of Perryville. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)238 50. PERU. Republic of South America on Pacific between Ecuador and Chile. Amadei, P. Mapa geograflco e hlst6rico del Peru. Lima, 1902. Ferrer 6 ptae. Apuntes historicos del Peru y notioias crono!6gicas del Cuzoo. Lima, Imprenta del estado, 1902. p. 1., 101, 11, 260 p. 24%cm. [Contents. Apuntes Mst6ricos por el general Manuel de Mendlburu... Notlclas cronol6gicas del Cuzco. Gobierno incislco y primer siglo de la conquista. Apndlce. El aprcndiz de rico, poemita en sllva, por Espinosa Medrano (El Lunarejo) [L. C. 3-12492] Baessler, Arthur. Altperuanischc kunst; beitraege rur arcbaeologie des Inca-reichs, nach seinen samm- luugen. Berliu, A.Asher & co., 1902-03. 4 v. 165 pi. (partly col.) 51x38cm. [In 10 portfolios. Limited edition of 200 copies. Contents. 1.-3. od. Zelchnungen und malerelen, relief-und plastlsche darstellungen auf nordperuanischen thongefaessen. 4. bd. Malerelen auf thongefaessen von Pachacamac. Auserlesene stuecke. L.C. 3-27382] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 160 Baessler, Arthur. Ancient Peruvian art; contributions to tbe archaeology of the empire of the Incas, from bis collections; tr. by A. H. Keane... Berlin, A.Asher & co. ; New York, Dodd, Mead & co., 1902-3. 4 v. 165 pi. (partly col.). 51x37%cm. [In 10 portfolios. Limited edition of 200 copies. Contents. v. 1.-3. Drawings and paintings, representations in relief and on the round on north Peru- vian earthenware. v. 4. Paintings on earthenware from Pachacainac. Select specimens. L.C. 3-27383] P 1 a n e, A. A travers 1'Amgr. fiquatoriale : Le Pe>u. Par Plou( 1903) 347. 80. Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Peru. (Popular lib. jer.) N. Y., Crowell, 19C2. Prescott, W. H. Kirk, J. F., ed. by. Hist, of the eonqaest of Peru. < Bonn's standard lib.) N. Y., Macmillau, 1902. 2 v. 12o. Prescott, William H[ickling]. History of the conquest of Peru... ed. by John Foster Kirk... Phila- delphia, J.B.Llppincott co. [1902] 2 v. front., pi., port., map, fac. 19%cm. [L.C. 2-11720] U h 1 e, M. Types of culture In Peru. Am Anthrop 4(1902)753(0). PEEU, Mais. Hamlet of Berkshire Co. 12 m. E. of Pittsneld. Peru, Mass. Vital records to the year 1850... Boston, 1902. 112 p. 23%cm. (New-Englwid historic genealogical society. [Vital records of the towns of Massachusetts]) [Ed. by Henry Ernest Wood*. L.C. 3-5255] PETALUMA, Cal. City of Sonoma Co. 42 m. N. by W. of San Francisco. T h o m p s o n, R. A. Petaluma, Sonoma county. Out West 16(1902)683-97, 111. PETER family. W. J. J. Cole-Peter (note). Va Mag 9(1902)429-30. PETERBOROUGH, N. H. Village of Hillsborough Co. about 33 m. S.W. of Concord. S m i t h, J. Peterborough in the French and Indian War. Granite M 33', 1902)110-24. PETERS, Arthur (n.1902). Premier of Prince Edward Island. M c C r e a d y, J. E. B. Hon. Arthur Peters, Premier of Prince Edward Island. Caiiad M 19-1902)240-1. PETERS, Wm. E. (b.1829). Va. Confederate officer, Prof, in University of Virginia. Refused to burn it. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)266-9. PETERSHAM, Mass. Village of Petersham township, Worcester Co. 28 m. N.W. of Worcester. Putnam, John Jay. The Petersham Lyceum. 1833-1848. Worcester, Mass., 1902. 8vo. pp. 16. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Third city of U. 8. on the Delaware R., 90 m. S.W. rf New York. [Destruction of St. Augustine's Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 18M.] Am Cath Res 19(1902)149. Edmonds, Franklin Spencer. History of the Central high school of Philadelphia... Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co., 1902. xiv, 7-394 pp. front., pi., port., tab. 20%cm. lRev.in:Am Hist R 7(1902)612 "has. . .significance and value. . .development of public education In Pennsylvania. . .from. . .1836. . .well and. . .accurately written ... [shows] careful work... and discretion in... use of material"; lYnn Mag 26 (1902)414-6 "[a] model... has done his work well... charm and quality of style ... constant evidence of reflection and sound judgment. . .research and accuracy." L.C. 2-3102 M 2] The friendly Sons of St. Patrick, of Philadelphia. Am Cath Res 19(1902)97-101. German schools of Philadelphia (note). Penn Mag 26(1902)407. Griffin, Philomena M. I. Our church and our rector 1389-1902. Am Cath Res 19(1902)102-6. King, Moses. Philadelphia and notable Philadelphia us. .. Twenty one hundred & fifty two illustrations, fifteen hundred & sixty portraits, five hundred & ninety two views, A. D. 1902. New York, M.King, 1902. 112, 106 p. Incl. ill., port. 38!x26i,icm. [L.C. 2-19734- Cancel] List of armed vessels from port of Philadelphia, 1776-1777, with form of bond. Penn Mag 2f(1902) 145-7. List of patients... Marine Hospital, Phila., 1784. Penn Mac 26(1902)92-100. List of servants who sailed from Dublin February 25tb, 1746-7, on th Euryal, and arrived it Phila- delphia April llth. Penn Mag 26(1902)287. Mlddleton, Thomas C. Trans, witn notes by. Sacramontal Registers of marriages and baptism* at St. Augustine's church, Philadelphia, Pa. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)165-2-0,334-76. Muhlenberg's short sketch of Lutheran Congregation in Philadelphia, !".". Luth Ch Rev 21 (1902)81-7. Philade2phisrhc Zeitung. Penn Mag 26(1902)9}. Some abstracts of powers of attorney on file in Phlla [1777 and 1781]. I'enu Mag 26(1902)411-12. Thompson, Jno. G. An old account book [1794-'J]. J Pol Econ 10(1901 2)614-8. PHILIPPINE Islands. Group of the Malay Archipelago, acquired by U, S., 1898. A d 1 e r, Felix. The Philippine war: two ethical questions. Forum 33(1902)387-99. Alba, [Maria del Rosario (Falco y Osorio) Fitz Jamos* Nuevos autfigrafos de Cristobal CoI6n y re'aclone* de ultramar. [For detail see same titlo under subject, Columbus, Chr.] Altamirano y Salcedo, Enrique. Fillpiims. Relate histdrlco de actes y hecbos realizado* en los nltlmos dlas de nuestra domluacion, ultimo gobernado en la provincia <1c Cagayun de Luzon. Madrid, Impr. de C.Perrln, 1902. 118 p., 1 1. 21% cm. [L.C. 8-16610] 170 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. L e s AuuTicuiim aux Philippines. Tour Monde 1 Nov(1902). A t k 1 n s o n, Fred W. Education in the Philippin'js. Outl 70 (t902j 832-9. ill. Atkinson, Fred W. The educational problem in the Philippines. Atl.in 89(1 902)^50-5. B a c o n, N. T. Some insular questions. Vale 10(1901-2)159-78. Baldwin, Simeon B. The Supreme court and the insular cas.;s. Yale R 10(1901-2)129-43. Blumentritt, F. Zukunft d. Filipinos. Ostasien (1902) 163. B o n s a 1, Stephen. The Philippines after an earthquake. No Am 174(1902)409-21. Bonsai, Stephen. The work of the friars. No Am 175(1902)449-60. B r 1 g g s, E. B. Impressions of Philippines. Cath World 75 (1302) 141 (Mj). Brown, Arthur J. Some Filipino characteristics. Miss R 25(1902)518-24, ill. Bumpus, E[verett* C. Tribute... to the memory of my sou Edward Avery Buiupus, first lieutenant Com- pany C, Ninth U. S. infantry, and of his companions in arms, Captain Thomas W. Conuell, Surgeon Richard S. Griswold and the members of his company who were killed 28 September, 1901, in the island of Samar, P. I. E.C.Bumpus. [Norwood, Mass.] W.M. Jackson [1902VJ 2 p. 1., 122 p. front., port. 26cm. [On cover: In memoriam. L.C. 2-19843* Burguete, R. La guerra! Fillpinas (Memorias de un herido) . . . JJarcelona, Maucci, 1902. rP- 239. Catholics iind the Philippines. Nation 75(1902)84-5. Chamberlain, Alexander F. Philippine studies, VI. The American Indian in the Philippines. Am Ant 24(1902)97-100. Clinch, Bryan J. The formation of the Filipino people. Yale R 10(1901-2)53-69. Clinch, Bryan J. The new language despotism in the Philippines. Am Cath Q 27(1902)369-88. Colquhoun, Mrs. Ethel [Maud (Cookson)J Two on their travels, with eight coloured plates, sixteen full- page and numerous text illustrations by the authoress. New York.A.S.Iiirues and e<>., 1902. \vi, 242 p., 1 1. col. front., ill., pi. (partly col.) 20cm. [Printed in England Rev.in: Nation 75(1902)507 "severe criticism. . .of American manners [has] an underlying mlrthfuiness. . .always t-vident. . .of . . . Filipinos. . .general impression is... that 'the United States is leavening the whole lump with the spirit of utilitarianism and progress.' " L.C. 3-893] C o n a n t, Charles A. The currency of the Philippine Islands. Annals Am Acad Pol and Soe Scl 20 (1902)618-33. C o n a n t, Charles A. The economic future of the Philippines. Allan 89(1902)306-71. C o n a n t, Charles A. Our work in the Philippines. Internal M > 5(1902)358-70. Condiot, Alice Byram. Old glory and the gospel In the Philippines; notog gathered during professional and missionary work. Chicago, New York [etc.] F.U.Revell compuny, 1902. 124 p. pi., port. 19Micm. [L.C. 2-25610] C o r t e s 1, Salvatore. The first American mission to the Vatican. Indep 54(1902)1942-5, ill. C o r t e s 1, Salvatore. The Vatican and the Philippines. Indep 4(1902) 130-9, port. Currency reform in the Philippines. Nation 74(1902)45-6. D a T i s, 0. K. Philippine Moros in peace and war. Munaey 27(1902)787(Ag). D e n b y, Charles. Promise the Philippines a Territorial government. Inclop 54(1902)1215-6. Doyle, A. P. Vexed question of friars in Philippines. Cath World 75(j02)711(S). duBoscq de Beaumont, G. Difficult^ de Americaius aux Philippines. Tour Monde 15 F6v(1902). Education in the Philippines. Nation 75(1902)144-5. Edwards, Clarence R. Our trade with Cuba and the Philippines. Ann Am Acad Pol Sci 19(1902)370-8. The Filiplna memorial. [The Federal party of Philippines to U. S. Congress, an abstract.] Outl 70(1902)492-3. Fllippinas-su estado economico. Bazon y Fe Avril(1902). First American-born naval officer in the Philippines. Va Mag 10(1902)212-3. Governor Taft on the Philippines. Outl 71(1902)297-9. Halstead, Murat. Story of the Philippines. Chicago, Dominion, 1902. 12<>. The House Philippine bill. Nation 74(1902)458-9. An Indefensible act [defining treason in Philippines]. Nation 74 (1902)84. International Catholic truth society. The Philippine friars . . . testimony f rcm the natives from an able non-Catholic, and from one of themselves. 1. Protest of the Catholic contre party. 2. Father Fir- min San Julian's statement. 3. Stephen Bonsai's article (complete) from the North American review. New York, International Catholic truth society, 1902. cover-title, 20 *>. 22%cm. (International Cath- olic truth society. [Publications, v. 1, no. 5]) [L.C. 3-9226] An investigation on the spot. Nation 74(1902)479-80. J e n k s, Jeremiah W. The labor problem in the Philippines. Indep 54 ( 1 902)2025-9. J e n k s, Jeremiah W. The Philippine constabulary and its chief. R of Its 26(1902)436-8, port. J e n k s, J. W. Some Philippine problems. McClure 20(1902-3)111-2 K e n u a n, George. Governor Taft's testimony. Outl 70(1902)417-9. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 1TI Knapp. Adeline. The story of the Philippines for use in the school? of the Philippine islands... New York, Boston [etc.] Silver, Burden and company [1902* 250 p. col. front., ill., map. 19cm. [Rev. iu:Dial 34(1903)343 "reading-book for schools. . .deserving of a certain measure of praise." L.C. 2-16783] L e g a r d a, Benito. Filipino views of American rule No Am I'i4(1902)79-81 L e R o y, James A. Education in the Philippines. Indep 54(1902)1882-7. ill. Le Roy, James A. The Moro and the Pagan question. Indep 54(1902)^702-7. L e R o y, James A. The opinion of an American in the Philippines. World's Work 4(1902)2350-^. L e R o y, James A. The Philippines health problem. Outl 71(1902)777-82. L e R o y, James A. Race prejudice in the Philippines. Atlan 90(1902)100-12. Lodge, H. C. ; Hoar, G. F., and others. The United States and the Philippine Islands. (Brooklyn Eagle lib., v. 17, no. 9; serial no. 68.) Brooklyn, Brooklyn Eagle. 1902. Lodge, Henry Cabot. The Philippine civil government law. Nat'l M(Bost)16(1902)660-2. Lopez, Sixto. Do the Filipinos desire American ruleV Gunton's M 22(1902)502-10. Luzurlaga, Jose Rule de. Filipino views of American rule. No Am 174(1002)81-4. McDougall, Isabel. Verestcbagin in the Philippines. Cosmopol 33(1902)148-52, 111. Mason, Otis T. The people of the Philippines. Miss R 25(1902)536-8. Middleton, Thomas C. Two Philippines atlasses. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)4-21. M o e 1 1 e n d o.r f f, O. v. Laud u. Leute auf d. Philippines Ber d Senckerberg Naturf Ges(1902)144. Oregon. Adjutant-General's office. The official records of the Oregon vohiteers in the Spanish war and Philippine insurrection. Comp. by Brigadier-General C. U. Gantenbeiii. Adjutant General... Salem, Ore., W.H.Leeds, state printer, 1902. xv, 700 p. front, (port.) pi., fac. 24cm. [L.C. 3-8390] Our Snlu treaty. Nation 75(1902)458-9. P a r k s, S. C. Causes of war in Philippines. Arena 27(1902)561(Je). The Philippine Inquiry. Nation 74(1902)124-5. The Philippine money question. Nation 74(1902)302-3. Philippinen problem. Meer u Kuste( 1902) 156. The Philippine problem. Outl 70(1902)261-4,409-11,456-3,003 6. The Philippines: The first civil governor, by Theodore Roosevelt; Civil government in the Philippines, by William H. Taft... New York, The Outlook company, 1902. 142 p. front, (port.) 21 Mi cm. L.C. 2-20491* Cancel] P 1 e h n, Carl C. Commerca and tariffs in the Philippines. J Pol Econ 100901-2)501-13. P 1 e h n, Carl C. Taxation in the Philippines. Pol Sci Q 17(1902)125-48. President Roosevelt's memorial-day address. World's Work 4(1902)'i344-8. Redeem in g the American name. Nation 75(1302)64-5. The religious question in the Philippines. Outl 71(1302)764-6. Retana, W[enceslao] ELmilio]. Cat&logo de obras Olipinas que ofrece : venta. Madrid [Barcelona. Impr. "El Siglo xx," 1902] 1 p. 1., 160 p., 1 1. 21cm. 1.906 titles. "Del presette catdlogo hanse tlrado 300 ejemplares: 150 en papel oorriente y otros 150 en papel superior." This copy on "papel superior." L.C. 2-17075] R o o p, Curtln G. Religion in the Philippine islands. Miss R 25(1902)678-88. Howe, Leo S. Establishment of civil government in the Philippines. (Pub of the HOC., no. 350.) Phila., Am. Acad. Pol. Sci., 1902. So. S c h 1 1 c k, H. F. Japan u. d. Philippines Dtsche Stimmen( 1302) 773-75. Schurman, Jacob Gould. Philippine affairs; a retrospect and outlook... New York, C.Scribner's sons, 1902. 4 p. 1., 109 p. 20%cm. [Bev.in:Dial 32(1902)164 "deserves the attention of all thoughtful Americans." L.C. 2-3912 M 2] Schurman, Jacob Gould. The Philippines again. Indep 54(1902)1104-7. Schurman, Jacob Gould. Philippine fundamentals. Gunton's M i"2( 1902) 303-15. Schurman vs. Taft [self-government in Philippines]. Nation 74(1902)104. Senator Hoar's speech. Nation 74(1902)418. Senator Hoar's speech. World's Work 4(1902)2348-50. Shafroth, John F. The Philippines and our military powir. Forum 32 1 1902) 594-7. Starr, Frederick. The Philippine library [of W. E. Retana]. Am Ant 24(1902)168-72. Status of the Philippines. Chaut .'{4(1901-2)355-0, port. The suppressed Philippine reports. Nation 74(1902)302. Taft.W. H. Political parties in the Philippines. (Pub. of the soc., ao. 349.) Phila., Am. Acad. PoL Sci., 1902. 80. Taft, William H. Civil government in the Philippines. Outl 71(1902)305-21. Taft, William H. The people of the Philippine Islands. Indep 54(1902)1017b-20,1099-104, port. T a v e r a, T. H. Pardo de. Filipino views of American rule. No Am 174(1902)73-9. V. 8. Bur. of insular affairs. A pronouncing gazetteer and geographical dictionary of the Philippine Islands, United States of America, with maps, charts and Illustrations. Also the law of civil govern- ment In the Philippine Islands passed by Congress and approved by the President July 1, 1902, with t 172 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. complete Index... (September SO, 1902.) [By De Beimeville Randolph Helm] Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. xxxix, 933 p. pi., map. 23%cin. [An advance Issue (ten only of the flrst part of. this work) was pub. under date of July 4, 1002. Rov.iurPonn Mag 26(1902)482 "maps, charts and Illus- trations..^ wealth of Information. . .from authoritative. . .sources." L.C. 2-29030] V. S. Congress. House. Committee oil insular affairs. Statement 0:1 conditions In the Philippine Islands, by Felipe Buencamino. May 31, June 3 and 4, 1902. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 1 p. 1., 86 p. 23%cm. [L.C. 3-5342] V a 1 1 e, Robert B. Living with the Filipinos World's Work 4(1902)2238-0. Wade, Mary Hazelton. Our little Philippine cousin; Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman. Boston, L.C. Page & company, 1902. vl p., 2 1., 9-102 p. front., pi. 20cm. [The little cousin series) [L.C. 2-18025] W a 1 k 1 e y, C. S. Philippine funerals. South Work 30(1901)211-13, 111. Webster, Sidney. The new Philippine government. No Am 175(1902)299-308. W 1 1 8 o n, H. W. A parallel to the South African war the struggle in the Philippines. Fortn 77(1902) 138-48. Wltte. D. spanisch. Monehe auf d. Philippines Wartburg(1902)Nr.21. A working plan for the Philippines. Nation 74(1902)02. PHIPPS, Henry (b.1839). Fa. steel and coke manufacturer and capitalist. B r 1 d g e, James H. Henry Phlpps. Cosmopol 34(1902-3)133-7, port. FHIF8, Sir William (1651-95). Mass, colonial Governor and soldier. Green, Samuel A. Narratives of the expedition of Sir William Phips egaingt Canada In 1690. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)281-320. PIERCE, Franklin (1804-69). 14th President of the United States. Pierce, Franklin. [Letter] to James R. Rix [1846]. Boat Bull 7(1902)321. PIERCE family. Kdes, Henry H. Pierce or Pelrce (note). N E Reg 56(3902)90. H a 1 1, Virginia. Pierce-Eames (note). N E Reg 50(1902)409. PIERRON (Father) John (fl.1674). French Canadian Jesuit missionary. D a b 1 o n, Claude. Father John Pierron's journey from Acadia to Maryland in 1674. Am Cath Re* 19 (1902)76-7. PIGEON Roost, Scott County, Ind. Scene of Indian massacre Sept. 4, 1812. Monument to victims of Indian Massacre (note). South Hist A Pub 6(1902)197. PIKE. National. Road from Baltimore to St. Louis built 1806 sq. Wilson, Rufus Rockwell. The National pike and its memories. New Bug M 26(1902)306-20, ill. PIKE'S Peak, Col. Feak of Rocky Mts. in 1 Fasco Co. about 10 m. W. of Colorado Springs. Views of the Fike's Feak region. Denver, Col., The Wllliamsw-Haffner engraving company, 1902. 1 p. 1., 24 pi., 1 1. 18x25%cm. [L.C. 2-19194] PILGRIMS. Settlers at Plymouth, Mass., distinguished from Puritans of Boston. Allen, Frederick Baylies. Permanent contributions by the Pilgrims to the cause of religion. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)3-14. Brown, J. The Pilgrim Fathers of New England and their Puritan Successors. London, Religious Tract Society. Mead, Edwin D. Pilgrim ports in Old England. New Eng M 25(1901-2)35)5-412, 111., port. Vital statistic* of the Mayflower passengers. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)128. PILLSBURY, George Alford (1816-98). K. H. and Minn, banker, miller, Mayor of Minneapolis. George Alfred Pillsbury (obituary). N H Hist S 111.2,1897-9(1902)505-0, port. PILLSBURY, Josiah Webster. Rich, A Judson. Josiah Webster Flllsbury. Elizabeth Dinsmora Pillsbury. Memorial Discourses deliv- ered at Milford, New Hampshire. (1902.) 12mo. pp. 37, ill. PINCKNEY, Charles Cotetworth (1746-1885). S. C. officer in Am. Rev., minister to France, Senator. J e n k s, H. F. [Letter] from the Grenville H. Norcross collection. Mass Hist Soc Pioc 11.15(1901-2)89-92. PINEHURST, K. C. Health resort in sand-hill section of N. C. Redan, Harry. Pinehurst of today. New Eng M 25(1901-2)256-64, ill., plan. PINTARD, John (1759-1844). N. Y. editor, writer, benefactor. Wilson, James Grant. John Plntard, founder of the New 'York historical society; an acldrens delivered before the New York historical society December 3, 1901. New York, Printed for the Society, 1902. 37 p. front, (port.) 111., fac. 24%cm. [L.C. 2-11389] "PIOUS Fund." Trust fund for Mexican and California Missions. P e n f 1 e 1 d, W. L. The "Pious Fund" arbitration. No Am 175(1902)835-43. 8 t e a d, W. T. The United States and Mexico at th opening of the Hagu Court. R of Rs 26(1902) 410-34, port. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORT 190*. 173 United States vs. Mexico. Report of Jackson II. Ralston, ngent of the United States and of eonnsel, In the matter of the case of the Pious fund of the Californias, hoard before a tribunal of the Permanent court of arbitration under The Hague convention of 1899, sitting at The Hague 'September 15, 1902, to October 14, 1902, with pleadings, appendix, .exhibits, 'jrlefs, and reojrd of the entire proceedings. December 9, 1902. Read, referred to the Committee on foreign relations, and r.rdered to be printed. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 891 p. 23cm. (57th Cong., 2(1 sess. Senate. Doc. no. 28) [English and French. L.C. 3-7813] PIHATES. Sea robbers. Herrmann, Oscar. Ehrlich, Frederick, ill. by. Piratos and Piracy. N. Y., StetUner Bros., 1902. pp. 47. 12o. [21.Men.in:N B Reg 57(1903)239(F.W.Parke) "not a history, but a narrative [of]... the vtcissi- tudes of a pirate's career."] Pirates in Virginia (note). Va Mag 10(1902)216. PISCATAWAY, N. J. Township of Middlesex Co. Piscataway register of births. N J Hist S 2(1902)lT9-76; 3,10-8. PITTSBURGH, Pa. City in west of state, at. confluence of Allegheny and Monong-ehala rivers. Another view of Pittsburgh in 1817. [H. B. Fearon's.] Plttsb Ball 7(1902)155-68. Brackenridge's account of Pittsburgh in 1786. Plttsb Bull 7(1902)257-62,288-90,332-5. An English farmer at Pittsburgh in 1817. Pittsb Bull t (1902)189-95. A Glimpse at Pittsburg. Year book Penn Soc of N Y( 1902)96-100, 111. Pittsburgh in 1817 [for John Palmer's Journal 1818]. Pittsb Bull 7(1902)115 22. PLAMONDON, Louis (fl.1830). French Canadian lawyar. D e C e 1 1 e s, A. D. Louis Plamondon. Rech Hist 8(1902)242-4. PLATT family. Lines, Mrs. Eliza J[ennette (Marks)]. Maiks-Platt ancestry... South Bonch, Com.., Pub. by request of A.A.Marks, 1902. 1 p. 1., 98, [16] p. front., pi., port., teneal. tab. 24'^cm. [16 blank pages at end for descendants' record L.C. 3-9126] PLATTE township, Mich. Township of Benzie Co. 16 m. W. of Traverse City. T h u r s t o n, M. E. History of the Township of Platte. .Mich Hist Coll '01, 31(1902)149-51. PLOUGH Company (or Co. of Husbandiers). Dissenter Colonists, 1630. Stephen Bachiller and the plough company of 1630. The Genealogist 19(1902-3)270-84. PLTTMMER, William (1759-1850). N. H. Governor, IT. S. senator, writer, A d a m s, John Quincy. [Letter] to William Plummer [1818]. Host Bull 1( 1 902) 138-0. P 1 u m n e r, William. [Letter] to Salma Hale [1818]. Boat Bull 6(1902)445. PLYMOUTH. Mass. Seaport town of Plymouth Co. 37 m. 8.S.E. of Boston. Hob art, Ethel. The tourist end the native. New Eng M 27(1902)250-8, 111. John Doty's deed to Wrestling Brewstf>r. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)65-7, facs. Perkins, Frank H[erman]. Handbook of old Burial Hill, Plymouth, Massachusetts. Its history, its fam- ous dead, and its quaint epitaphs. Plymouth, Masa., A.S.Burbank [1902] 72 p. incl. 111., pi. 18%cm. [p. 50-72, advertising matter. L.C. 2-18019] Plymouth births, marriages and deaths. Mayfl Desc 3(1901) 12-} 5, 121 -4; 4,110-14. Plymouth Colony deeds. Mayfl Desc 3(1901)39-41,78-83,138-42,225-8; 4,35-7,82-6. Plymouth Colony wills and inventories. Mayfl Desc J(1901y74-S,160-2,220-5; 4,75-82,l8-71. POCOHONTAS Co., W. Va. An eastern county of the state. P ri ce, W. T. Pocahootas County. W Va Mag 2.2(1902)76-86, ill., port. POE, Edgar Allen (1809-49). Am. poet, writer, editor. Letters of Edgar Allen Poe, 1845-49. N Y Bull 6(1902)7-11. More, Paul Elmer. The origins of Hawthorne and Poe. Indep 54(1902)2453-60, 111., port. Poe, Edgar Allan. The complete works; ed. by James A. Harrison... [Virginia ed.] New York, T.Y. Crowell & company [1902] 17 v. front., pi., port. 15^cm. [Each volume has special t.-p. "Blb- . liography of the writings of Edgar A. Poe' : : v. 16, p. 355-379. Cont7it* v. 1. Biography [by James A. Harrison] v. 2-6. Tales. v. 7. Poems. v. 8-13. Literary criticism. v. 14. Essays and miscella- nies. v. 15. Literati. Autography. v. 16. Marginalia. Eureka. T. 17. Poe and his friends. Letters relating to Poe. Rev. in. Nation 75(1902)445-7 "an old-fashioned labor of IOT e ... endeavor to reconsti- tute the text. . .notwithstanding its shortcomings nnd errors... is heartily welcome. . .collects. . .much. .. scattered [matter]": Dial 33 (1902) 277-8 ( W.M.Payne) "fully justified by the new matter which it offers, as well as by its corrections in the text. . .indispensable. . .complete bibliography." L.C. 2-20043] Richardson, Charles F. Edgar Allen Poe, world-author. Critic 41(1002)138-47, ill. Stoddard, Richard Henry- Reminiscences of Hawthorne and Poe. Indou 54(1902)2756-8, ill., port. 174 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. POETKY (Am.). Eaton, Wyatt. Recollections of American poets. Sketch of the author. Cent 64(1002)842-51, tort. Falbisaner, Adolf. Das dcutsche Lied In der deutscb-amerlkaniscbeu Dichtung. Deutsch-Au G 2.2 (1902)33-9. M a b 1 e, Hamilton W. The poetry of the South. Internal Mo 6(1902)200-23. POINT Pleasant (W. Va.). Battle between Va. troops of Lord Dunmore and Indians, Oct. 10, 1774. H u n t e r, \V. H. First battle of the American Revolution. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)93-102. Lewis, Virgil A. The national character of the battle of Point Pleasant. W Va Mag 2.2(1902)35-8. M c A 1 1 i s t e r, J. T. Contrib. The battle of Point Pleasant. Va Mag 9(1902)395-407; 10,75-82, M ' C u 1 1 o c h, D. A. Point Pleasant. Transallegheny Hist M 2(1902)43-55. Maxwell, H. The last survivor of the Battle of Point Pleasant. Transallegheny Hist M 1(1901-2) 234-6. One hundred and twenty-seventh anniversary of the battle of Point Pleasant. The first battle of the Revolution, October 10th, 1774. W Va Mas 2.1(1902(19-36, port. P o a g e, Louella Kemper. Kentucky's part in the battle of Point Pleasant. W Va Mag 2.4(1902)17-28. POLISH Americans. Natives of Poland resident in the V. S., and their descendants. Tomklewlce, John TV. S. Polanders in Wisconsin. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)148-52. POLITICAL parties, U. S. Voluntary associations of citizens for united action in political affairs. V e n t o n, Win. D. Political history of Oregon from 1865-1876. Oreg Q 3(1902)38-70. O g d e n, Rollo. New powers of the national committee. Atlun 89(1902)76-81. Schraitt, Alfred C. Bntsteiiung der natioual-polltisclieii partcien in den Verelnlgten Staaten von Nord- Amerika... Rosswein i. S., Druck von A.Haubold, 1902. Mi p., 1 1. 24cm. [Inaug.-dis. Leipzig. Vita. L.C. 3-8118] POLITICS and gov't. Affairs of the state. Adams, Charles Francis. An undeveloped function [Political debate]. Am Hist A Rep '01. 1(1902)47-93. Ashley, Roscoe Lewis. The American federal state; a text-book in civics for high schools and academies. New York, London, The Macmillan co., 1902. xlv, 599 p. 21cm. [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1902)183 "a text-book on politics for high schools. . .mnch more comprehensive treatment than the conventional books on civil government ... sometimes inaccurate. . .uncouth words and phrases abound"; Nation 74 (1902)493-4 "Shows skill In ... selection of facts. . .general presentation. . .clear, accurate and sensible... will prove useful to. . .teachers"; Dial 32(1902)283 "attractive In presentation and logical in arrange- ment... has long been needed. . .for. . .higher grades of... school work"; So Atlan Q 1(1902)378-9 "in- conclusive and pointless manner. . .managed to leave unsaid... a great deal he ought to have said... too long for primary text book... not scholarly enough for a reference book." L.C. 2-5846] Boutmy, imile. elements d'une psychologic politique du people Americain. Paris, Armand Colin, 1902. pp. 10+366. [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1902) 152-4(A.L.Lowell) "a companion to M. Boutmy's 'Psychologic Politique du peuple Anglais au XlXc Sicle,' and like that it Is Interesting and suggestive; but it is a better book... more closely connected by a central Idea. . .less. . .fanciful or exaggerated."] Boutwell, George S[ewall]. Reminiscences of sixty years in public affairs... New York, McClure, Phil- lips & co., 1902. 2 v. front, (port.) 2314cm. [Rev. in: Nation 75(1902)18 "Most valuable feature... is... terse characterization of .. .men. . .judgments. . .affected by... stern partisanship. . .rugged style... some repetition ... interesting and valuable." L.C. 2-14595] Clark, Baiter Storrs. The government; what It is, what It joes... New York, Cincinnati [etc.] Ameri- can book company [1902] 304 p. ill. 19cm. [61.Men.in:DIal 32(1902)424 "elementary school text- book ... covers a good deal of ground in a simple way." L.C. 2-13407] Johnston, Alexander. History of American politics... Rev. and enl. by William M. Sloane ... continued by Winthrop More Daniels. . . New York, H.Holt and company, 1902. xlll, 437 p. 16cm. (Hand- books for students and goneral readers) ["Authorities": p. v-vli. L.C. 2-19196] Lansing, Robert, and Jones, Gary M. Government; Its origin, growth, and form in the United States, with special treatment of the constitution and government of New York state... New York, Boston [etc.] Silver, Burdett and company [1902] 2 pts. In 1 v. pi. 19%cm. [L.C. 2-22675] L o w e 1 1, A. Lawrence. The influence of party upon legislation in England and America. Am Hist A Rep '01, 1(1902)319-542, chart. Martin, George H. Civil government in the United States... Rev. ed. New York, Cincinnati [etc.] American book company [1902] 336 p. 19cm. [L.C. 2-12100] Ritchie, David G[eorge]. Studies In political and social ethics... London, S.Sonnenschein & co., limited; New York, The Macmillan co., 1902. ix, 283 p. 19%cm. [Contents. Social evolution [International Journal of ethics, January, 1896] Equality [Contemporary review, October, 1892] Law and liberty: the question of state interference [Society for the study of social ethics, Oxford. Journal, October, 1891] Civic duties and party politics [Co-operative wholesale societies' annual for 1898] 1792 Year 1 [International journal of ethics, October, 1892] War and peace [International Journal of ethics, Jan- uary, 1901] The ultimate value of social effort. Free will and responsibility [International Journal of ethics, July, 1895] [L.C. 2-11863] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 175 Roberts, Frank H. H. The nation and the state; civil government of Ohio, with an Introduction by Grace Raymond Hebard... Syracuse, N. Y., C.W.Bardeen, 1902. 229 p. Incl. front., map. ISVfccm. [L.C. 2-16234] S t e v e n s, C.. Ellis. The evolution of American free government. N Y Hist A 2(1902)46-56. West, Henry Litchneld. American politics. Forum S4(1902-3)3-17.163-76. FOLK, James Knox (1795-1849). llth President of the United States. P o 1 t, James K. [Letter] to William C. Beach [1844]. Host Bull 7(1902)316-7. The Polk papers (note). South Hist A Pub 6(1902)94-5. FOLK, Leonidas (1806-64). Ala. Confederate General and Episcopal Bishop. Lieut. Gen. Leonidas Polk. Confed Vet 10(1902)204, port. FOLLARD family. Letters of Edmund Pendleton. Wm M Q 10(1902)200-2. Pollard, Stephen. Pollard Genealogy; being a Record of One Line of the Pollard Family descended from Thomas Pollard, of Billerica, Mass. Bast Orange, N. J., Printed by Frank L. Pollard, 1902. 1. 8ro. pp. 8. POHO Indians. A linguistic group of California tribes. Pa rd y, Carl. The Porno Indian baskets and their makers. Out West 15(1901)438-49,9-19,150-8,262-73. PONCE de Leon, Juan (ab. 1460-1521). Spanish explorer, discoverer of the coast of Florida. Brown, G[eorge] M. Ponce de Leon land ami Florida war record. 4th ed... St. Augustine, Fla [The Record printing company] 1902. 1 p. 1., vi, [2], 180 p. front, (port.) 20Vicm. [The Florida war record on p. 119-180 comprises lists of soldiers in the U. S. army who lost their lives in the Second Semlnole war, 1836-1842. L.C. 3-1269] PONTIAC tab. 1720-69). Ottawa Indian Chief. Parkman, F. Conspiracy of Pontlac. (Home lib.) N. Y., Burt, 1902. 12o. POOR, Enoch (1736-80). N.E. officer in Am. Revolution. B e a n e, S. C. General Enoch Poor. N H Hist S III.2, 1897-9(1902)435-73. Gen. Enoch Poor. Continental l(1902)no.3. POPHAU Beach, Me. Wilson, Joseph Keniiard. The door-step of New England. New Eng M 27(1902)3-14, ill. POPP, Stephen (fl.1771). German-British military engineer in Am. Revolution, Rosengarten, Joseph G. Popp's journal, 1777-1783. Pean Mag 26(1902)25-41,245-54,map. PORTER, Aaron (fl.1710). Mass, clergyman. Letter of Rev. Aaron Porter to his father-in-law, Major Stephen Sewall, of Salem. Gen Q M 3(1902) 173. PORTER, Edward Griffin (1837-1900 ). Mass. Congregational clergyman. Dexter, Morton. Memoir of Rev. Edward Griffin Porter (list of 43 writings). Mass Hist Soc Proc II. 15(1901-2)55-68, port. G r e e n, S. S. Memoir of the Rev. Edward Grlffln Porter. Pub Col Soc of Mass Trans 7(1902)55-62. PORTER families. C o p e, P. F. Porter families of Chester an:l York Co., Pa. Peun Mag 26(1902)156-8. PORTERFIELD, Charles (1750-88). Va. officer in Am. Revolution. Journal of Charles Porterfield. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)113-31,199-209,295-303,400-7. PORTLAND, Me. Seaport City of Cumberland Co. 60 m. S.S.W. of Augusta. R i c b, M. N. Portland, the metropolis of Maine. Nat'l M(Bost)15(1901-2)712-17, ill., port. PORTLAND, Oregon. Seaport city of Multnomah Co. 772 m. by rail from San Francisco. Lewiston commercial club, Lewiston, Id. Abstracts from editorials in the newspapers of the Columbia River basin, indicating that the construction of the Dalles-Celilo canal is paramount in importance to the deepening of the channel for ocean vessels from Portland to the sea. Lewiston; Id. [19027] cover- title, 14, [1] p. 20%cm. [L.C. 3-680] PORTO RICO. West Indian island ab. 1000 m. E. by S. of Florida, acquired by U. 8. 1898. Allen, Charles H. How Civil Government was established in Porto Rico. No Am 174(1902)159-74. Allen, Charles H. Porto Rico reorganization of the courts, and the new tax law. Indep 54(1902)84- 90, port. A a s 1 1 n, O. P. Our trade with Hawaii and Porto Rico. Ann Am Acad Pol Sci 19(1902)377-82. C a 1 d w e 1 1, M. E. The government and the church in Porto Rico. Assembly Herald 6(1902)175-7. Conditions in Porto Rico. Nation 74(1902)107-8. Degetau [y Gonzalez], Federico. Tbe political status of Porto Rico... Washington, Globe printing com- pany, 1902. 16 p. 23cm. [L.C. 2-25695] D r e y f u s, P. Porto Rico. icon Fr 5 Juil(1902). 178 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. E t n i e r, Ruth Schaffner. The educational problem In Porto Rico. South Work 30(1901)260-4,352-7, 111. Henderson, C. Hanford. Some impressions of Porto Ktco and her schools. Atlan 90(1902)783-92. H o 1 1 a n d e r, J. H. The merit system In Porto Rico. Forum 33(1902)77-84. Hunt, William H. The Porto Rico of to-day. Indep 54(1902)1813-4. Lindsay, Samuel McCune. Education In Porto Rico. Indep 54(1902)1697-700,2937-45, 111. M a c ray, E. L. Jury system In Porto Rico. Green Ba? 14(1902)420(8). The new Porto Rlcan law codes. R of Us 26(1902)205-7. Notes on colonies and colonial government. Annals Am Acad Pol and Soc Scl 20(1902)657-66. Porto Rico. Military governor. George W. Davis, 1899-1900. . . . Report on civil affairs. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 834 p. 120 pi., 2 maps, 8 plans. 23cm. (Annual reports of the [U. S.] War department for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1900. vol. 1, pt. 13) ["Contains an account of the stew- ardship of the three military governors," Generals Brooke, Henry, and Davis, Oct. 18, 1898-May 1. 1900. L.C. 3-13068] R o w e, L. S. Political parties in Porto Rico. Ann Am Acad Pol Scl 19(1902)351-69. Scott, (Mrs.) Charles B. Glimpses of life among the lowly in Porto Rico. Am Miss 56(1902)427-32. Trlcoche, G N Porto Rico et les Am^rlcalns. Rev Prang de 1'fitranger. Mai(1902). Wade, Mary Hazelton. Our little Porto Rican cousin: Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman. Boston, L.C. Page & company, 1902. vll p., 2 1., 9-106 p. front., pi. 20cm. (The little cousin series) [L.C. 2-18021] Wllloughby, William P. Two years' legislation In Porto Rico. Atlan 90(1902)34-42. PORTSMOUTH, N. H. City and port of Rockingham Co. 54 m. N. by E. of Boston. B r a y 1 c y, Arthur W. The first organ In America. New Eng M 27(1902)212-9, 111. DeNormandle, James. Jonathan Edwards at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Mass Hist Soc Proc II. 15(1901-2)16-20. Gurney, C[aleb S[tevens . Portsmouth, historic and picturesque, a volume of information; being a very complete and accurate compendium of over two hundred historic places and things, from the earliest settlement, In 1623... Portsmouth, N. H., C.S.Gurney, 1902. 3 p. 1., 225, [3] p. Incl. ill., pi., map, pi. 18i23%cm. [L.C. 3-24] PORTSMOUTH, Va. City and seaport of Norfolk Co. about 1 m. 8. W. of Norfolk. Trinity church, Portsmouth. Low Norf Aut 4(1902)72-4. POSTAL System. Organization for the transmission of letters and certain merchandise. Castle, Henry A. Defects and abuses In our postal system. No Am 174(1902)807-19; 175, 115-27. Gam bell, Francis H. Carrying the mail farthest north. World's Work 3(1901-2)1757-62, 111. Reagan, John H. An account of the organization and operations of the postofflce department of the Confederate States of America, 1861 to 1865. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)314-27. Tunell, George Gerard. Railway mall service: an historical sketch; being a lecture delivered at the Uni- versity of Chicago and at the University of Minnesota. Chicago, R.R.Donnelley A sons co., 1902. 1 p. 1., 24 p. 20%cm. [L.C. 2-16228] V. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on commerce. ...Ocean mail service... Report [with views of the minority. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902] 55, 8 p. 23cm. (57th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Rept. no. 201. Calendar no., 220) [Ordered to be printed, January 20 and March 15, 1902, to accom- pany S. 1348. L. *C. 3-6857] POTTAWATOMIE County, Kan. Co. in the N.E. part of state. Crevecoeur, Fferdinand F[rancis]. Old settlers' tales. Historical and biographical sketches of the early settlement and settlers of northeastern Pottawatomie and southwestern Nemaha counties, Kansas, from earliest settlement to the year 1877. [Onaga, Kan., 1902] 162 p. 15x23%cm. [L.C. 3-7941] POTTER, Chandler Eastman (1807-68). N. H. editor, historical writer. Potter, Joe H. Chandler Eastman Potter. Notes and Q 20(1902)81-91. POTTER, Cora Urquhart (fl.1900). American actress. Kaufman, Emma B. Cora Urquhart Potter. Cosmopol 34(1902-3)185-90, port. POTTER family. Shepherd, James. The New Haven (Conn.) Potters, 1039. Boston, 1902. pp. 9. So., pamph. [Repr. N. E. Reg.] POTTERY (Indian). Clay wares fixed by firing. L a w s o n, Publlus V. A list of the aboriginal earthenware iu Wisconsin collections. Wls Arch 1(1901-2) 95-9, plate. La w s on, Publlus V. Primitive keramic art in Wisconsin. Am Ant 24(1902)157-68, 111. POUNDS (Town). Enclosures for keeping stray cattle. L e a v 1 1 1, Orrin H. The old pound. Notes and Q 20(1902)161-6. POWDER River (Neb.). Massacre of 1866. Dillon, Lee A. The Indian massacre of 1866. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)223-5. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 177 POWDERLY. Terence Vincent (b.1849). Labor leader, politician, IT. 8. Commis. of Immigration, writer. ''Labor 1 ' and Principle. Nation 74(1902)282-3. POWELL, John Wesley (1834-1908). Am. geologist, director U. S. Geological Survey, writer. Lincoln, (Mrs.) M. D. (Bessie Beech.) John Wesley Powell. Open Court 16(1002)706-15. [ M a j o r J. W. Powell, Memoir of.] Wis Arch 2(1902-3)31. Major Powell and his work. Am Ant 24(1902)484-5, port. Major Powell, the chief. Open Court 16(1902)716. POWELL, Leven (fl.1787). Virginian. The Leven Powell correspondence 1776-1787 [letters]. Branch Pap No 2(1902)111-38. POYTHRESS family. Poythress-Batte, &c. (note). Va Map 10(1902)105-6. PRATT, Phineas (d.1680). Plymouth, Mass., early settler. M a c d o n o u g h, Rodney. Phineas Pratt >f Plymouth and Charlestowu. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)87-98, 129-40, port. PRATT family. B d e s, Henry H. Pratt (note). N B Reg 56(1902)408. ''Mayflower 1 ' ancestry of Mr. Jeremiah Richards of the city of New York, through Phineas Pratt. Gen Q M 3(1902)48-54. PREAKNESS, N. J. Hamlet of Passaic Co. Labaw, George Warne. Preakness and the Preakness Reformed church, Passaic county, New Jersey. N. Y. Board of Pub. of the Reformed Church In Am., 1902. pp 7+344. 80. [Rev.in:Old Northw Q 6 (1903)50 "genealogical notes remarkably full... well arranged ... Illustrated" ; N Y Rec 34(1903)151 "excellent and carefully prepared." PREISWERK, Wilhelm (d.1901). 111. German- Am. settler. Hammerschmldt, Adolph. Wilhelm Preiswerk. Lebensblld aits der Plonlerzeit. Deutsch-Am G 21(1902)39-44. PRENTIS. Noble L. (1833-1900). Kan. editor and writer. V a n d e g r i f t, F. L. Noble L. Prentls. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)410-17. PRESBYTERIAN Church. Church governed by presbyters. C a v e n, W. Assembly of Presbyterian Church in Canada. Presb A Ref R 13(1902)629(0). Cecil, Russell. The General Assembly [South] of 1902. Pr< sb Q 16(1902-3)225-39. Early Presbyterians In Virginia (1699 note). Va Mag 10(1902)214. A hundred years of Home Missions, historical sketch. Ass Her 6(1902)3-5. M 1 n t o n, H. C., and Beattle, F. R. Presbyterian Church in the U. S. Presb & Ref R 13(1902)619(0). Presbyterian church in the TJ. S. General assembly. . . . Centennial of home missions In connection with the one hundred and fourteenth General assembly New York city. May 16-20, 1902. Philadelphia, Presbyterian board of publication and Sabbath-school work, 1902. 1 p. 1., 5-288 p. 19cm. [At head of title: 1802, 1902. L.C. 2-30056] R e e d, R. C. The Northern Assembly [1902]. Pres Q 16(1902-3)239-43. PRESCOTT, Robert (d.1815). Governor of Canada 1796-99. L e gouverneur Prescott et sa famllle. Rech Hist 8(1902)90-3. PRESCOTT, Arizona. Village of Yavapai Co. about 190 m. N.N.W. of Tucson. Hall, Sharlot M. Prescott, Arizona. Out West 16(1902)101-15, ill. PRESCOTT, Ontario. A town of Ontario, on St. Lawrence R. 54 m. 8. of Ottawa. Prescott. Rech Hist 8(1902)209. PRESIDENTS, U. S. Chief executive officer of the U. S. Abbott, John S[tevens] C[abot]. Corwell, R. H. ...Lives of the presidents; a graphic history of the United States. [Art ed.] [v. 1] Chicago, J.M.Towers & co., 1902. front., ill., pi., port. 26Vicm. [L.C. 3-2230] A r n e t t, F. S. College days of the presidents. Munsey 26(1902)668(F), ill. Bellamy, Francis. Presidents of the United States In the century from Jefferson to Fillmore. London, Philadelphia [etc.] The Linscott publishing company, 1902. xlil, [1], 611 p. front., port. 21" 2 oni. ([The nineteenth century series, v. xx]) [L.C. 2-27717] B u c k 1 e y, J. M. The assassination of klugs and presidents. Cent 63(1901-2)136-42. Burial places of presidents. Mag Am Hist N S 1(1902)30-2. Gregg, W. A. Our presidents, their portraits and biographies. Embracing much useful and Interesting information concerning our country and its history. . . . Cincinnati, Lincoln publishing co. [1902] [64] p. Incl. port. 17cm. [L.C. 2-11718] v Grosvenor, Charles H[enry]. The book of the presidents, with biographical sketches. Washington, D. C., London & New York. The Continental press, 1902. 1 p. 1., 193 p. Incl. ill., facsim. port. 41x31cm. 178 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. [Title In red and black; captions and Initials In red. Title vignette. Added t.-p., engr. "Department of autograph letters of the chief executives of the United States from Washington to Roosevelt" (with special t.-p.): p. [125]-161. "Department of armorial bearings, including family crests, seals, signet- rings, book-plates and coat-armor of our chief executives" (with special t.-p.): p. [163]-193. L.C. 3-6575] Letters of the presidents of the United States smd "Ladies of the White House." Penn Mag 25 (1901)355-65,527-36; 26(1902)115-25,271-9. Stratton, Ella (Hines). Lives of our presidents. . .to which is added the history of our country from Its discovery by Columbus down to the present time... Philadelphia, National pub. co. [1902] 1 p. 1., viii, 17-512 pp. col. front., ill., pi. (partly col.) 25cm. [L.C. 2-6099] Stratton, Ella (Hines). True stories of our presidents. . .to which it. added the early history of our great country... Philadelphia, National pub. co. [1901] 1 p. 1., vl, 17-256 pp. col. front., 111., pi. (partly col.) 25cm. [L. C. 2-6100] Wilson, James Grant. The presidents of the United States 1789-1002, by John Flske, Carl Schurz, Robert C. Wlnthrop, George Ticknor Curtis, George Bancroft, John Hay, and others. New York, D.Appleton and company [1902] xlli, 578 p. front., 111., port., facslm. 22%cm. [Rev.ln:Natlon 74(1902)385-6 "Convenient for ref erence ... consists ... of ... respective biographies prepared for 'Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography'. . .possesses intrinsic and literary value." L.C. 2-24090] Wives of the presidents. Collect 15(1902)137. PRESTON. Thomas (fl.1768). Captain. Matthews, A. Capt. Thomas Preston and the Boston massacre. Pub Col Soc of Mass Trans 7(1902) 2-22. PRICE, Samuel W. (t.1828). Kentucky artist. D u r r e 1 1, R. T. Preface. Filson Club Pub 17 (19021 v-xvil. PRICES. The equivalents in exchange. A list of works In the New York Public Library relating to prices. N Y Bull 6(1002)115-59. Warning from the census [prices and wages]. Gunton's M 22(1902)511-26. PRICKITT family. Haines, George. Ancestry of the Halnes, Sharp, Collins, Wills, Gardiner, Prlckitt, Eves, Evans, Moore, Troth, Borton and Engle families. [For details see same title under subject, Haines family.] PRIESTLEY, Joseph (1733-1804). English scientist, resident in IT. S. Joseph Priestley (letter). Collect 15(1902)103. PRIMARY elections. System of political nomination under .state control. Anderson, Frank Maloy. The test of the Minnesota primary election system. Annals Am Acad Pol and Soc Sci 20(1902)616-26. Direct nominations. Nation 75(1902)85-7. K n a p p e n, T. M. Results of the Minnesota direct primary system. Indep 54(1902)2694-5. Meyer, Ernst Christopher. Nominating systems: direct primaries versus conventions In the United States. Madison, Wls., The author, 1902. xx, 501 p. 22i,cm. [With bibliographical references. Rev.in:Natlon 74(1902)326 "Certainly of value but... will not supersede Mr.F.W.Dallinger's excellent work, 'Nomination to elective office.' " L.C. 2-8236] W a t k 1 n s, Albert. The primary election movement. Forum 33(1902)92-102. PRIME, Samuel Irenaens (1812-85). N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman, editor, writer. Prime, Samuel Irenaeus. Under the trees. New York, Harper & brothers, 1902. 313 p. 21cm. [Miscel- laneous letters and papers. L.C. 2-12171] PRINCE Edward County, Va. Co. in S. part of state. Marriage bonds, in Prince Edward Co. Clerk's office, at Fannville, Va., from 1780 to 1850. Wm M Q 11(1902)141-3. PRINCE Edward Island. A province of the Dominion of Canada., in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. L'l 1 e du Prlnce-Edouard. Rech Hist 8(1902)286-7. PRINCESS Anne County, Va. Southeasternmost Co. of state. Land and slave owners Princess Anne county, 1778. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)1-7. A list of white persons and houses In Princess Anne in March, 1785. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)75. Marriages performed by Rev. Smith Sherwood. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)89-92. The owners of watches, Princess Anne county, 1859. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)47-9. Princess Anne county marriages. Low Norf Ant 471902)40-6. Slave owners, Princess Anne county. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)24-6,34-5,64-9,76-7. PRINCETON, Mass. Villag* of Worcester Co. 16 m. N. by W. of Worcester. Princeton, Mass. ...Vital records Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. Worcester, Mass., P.P. Rice, 1902. 195 p. 23%cm. (Systematic history fund [publications]) [Prepared under the direction of F.E.Blake. L.C. 3-5656] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 179 PRINCETON University. At Princeton, N. J., fd. 1746 as College of N. J., inoorp. 1898 as Princeton TJ. Bridges, Robert. Princeton University: the kind of men who made It. Outl 71(1902)834-8, 111., port. C 1 e T e 1 a n d, Grorer. The address for th- Board of Trustees [at inauguration of Pres. Wilson]. Princeton Alumni W 3(1902-3)98-102. Collins, Varnum Lansing. Indian wards at Princeton. Princeton Bull 9-13(1896-02)101-6. C r a n e, L. Burton. The presidency of Princeton University. Indep 54(1902)1481-4. The inauguration of Woodrow Wilson, Ph.D., Litt.D., LL.D., as president of Princeton Univer- sity. Princeton Bull 14(1902)1-36. P a 1 1 o n, Francis Landey. Address [at inauguration of Pres Wilson]. Princeton Alumni W 3(1902-3) 103-5. Williams, John Rogers. Academic honors in Princeton university, 1748-1902; comp. [Princeton, N. J.] Princeton university, 1902. xxvili, 254 p. 25cm. [Rev. in: Nation 75(1902)420 "List of salutatoriana, valedictorians, honor-men, etc., since. . .founding of ... college" ; Nation 76(1903)311-12 "valuable ... direct interest for Princeton men ... carefully prepared and edited ... reflects very high credit"; Dial 34(1903) 125 "of marked interest. . .full index." L.C. 3-3875] Williams, John Rogers. Some notable Commencements. Princeton Alumni W 2(1901-2)243-4. Wilson, Woodrow. Princeton for the Nation's service. Princeton Alumni W 3(1902-3)89-98. W i 1 s o n, W. Princeton University In the nation's service; inaugural address. Pop Sci Mo 61(1902) 269(J1). PRIVATEERS. Privately armed vessels licensed for warfare. H o w 1 a n d, Henry R. A British privateer In the American Revolution. Am Hist R 7(1902)286-303. PROTECTION. Policy of encouraging home industries by preferential treatment. R o u x e 1. La protection a-t-elle profltf aux fttats-Unls? Jour ficon 51(1902)349-62. T r i c o c h e, G. N. La decadence du protectionisme aux fitats-Unls. Jour ficon v. 50(1902)90-2. PROTESTANT Episcopal Church, Am. Church with Episcopal form of Gov't. The church In Lower Norfolk county. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)78-89. C r a m, R. A. Heraldry of the American church. Am. Herald J 2(1902)7-28. Cross, Arthur Lyon. The Anglican episcopate and the- American colonies. [For details see same title under subject, Colonies, Am.] Juhlin, G. Protestantiska episkopala kyrkans mission bland svenskarne i Norra Amerika. Karlstad, 1902. Peterkin, George W[illiam]. A history and record of the Protestant Episcopal church in the diocese of West Virginia, and, before the formation of the diocese in 1878, in the territory now known as the state of West Virginia. [Charleston, W. Va., The Tribune company, printers] 1902. 3 p. 1., TV, 856, xx p. front., pi., port., map. 23%cm. [L.C. 2-12935] Westcott, Frank N[ash]. Catholic principles as illustrated in the doctrine, history, and organization of the American Catholic church in the United States, commonly called the Protestant Episcopal church. Milwaukee, The Young churchman co. [1902] 410 p. 19cm. ["Books quoted in the text": p. [409]- 410. L.C. 2-20793] PROVIDENCE, R. I. The northernmost Co. of R. I. Carpenter, E. J. Roger Williams and the plantations at Providence. New Eng M 26(1902)353-64. Field. Index to the Probate Records of the Municipal Court of the City of Providence, Rhode Island, from 1646 to and including the year 1899. Prepared under the direction of Edward Field, clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of Providence, exercising probate Jurisdiction. Providence Press: Snow & Farnham, printers, 1902. Folio, pp. 4+333. PUBLIC Debt (Am.). Formal obligation! of a nation to it* creditor*. A u s t i n, O. P. The public debt of the United States. I. No Am 175(1902)566-76,701-20. B o u t e 1 1, Henry Sherman. The sinking fund and the public debt. Forum 23(1902)704-22. PUBLIC LANDS. Lands owned by the state. G i b s o n, P. United State public lauds for home seekers. Nat'l M (Bost) 16(1902)698-702, port. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on public lands. . . . Hearings. . .on the question of leasing the pub- lic lands for grazing purposes. (H. R. 7212, 624(5, 7954, 14108.) January 29 to June 4, 1902. Wash- ington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 236 p. 23cm. [At head of title: 57th Congress, 1st session, House of representatives. "A compilation of speeches, petitions, letters, and laws on the question of leasing the vacant public lands for grazing purposes" by Wm. M. Reece, clerk of committee. Introd. L.C. 3-3153] PUBLIC RECORDS. Official records of the state. Alabama department of archives and history. Gulf Mir 1(1902)64. The Alabama department of archives and history (note). South Hist A Pub 6(1902)90-1. MacDonald, William. Report of the public archives commission. [A. H. A.] Am Hist A Rep '01,2 (1902)225-358. Mississippi department of archives and history. Gulf Ma 1(1902)65. State aid to history in South Carolina (note). South Hist A Pub 6(1902)197-8. 180 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Swan, Robert T. The Massachusetts public record Commission and its work. Am Hist A Rep '01,1 (1902)95-112. Tables of and annotated index to the Congressional Series of United States public documents, part II. [Rev. in: Nation 74(1902)309 "Covers. . .issues of .. .fifteenth to. . .fifty-second Congress. . .far better than any .. .yet. . .index convenient, not too elaborate and "yet v'ull for... great items."] PUEBLO INDIANS. Village (Spanish Pueblo) or semi-civilized Indians of southwestern U. S. P e w k e s, J. W. Pueblo settlements near El Paso, Texas. Am Anthrop 4(1902)57(Ja). Lewis, Frances W. Life among the Pueblos. South Work 30(1901)757-60. PULITZER, Joseph (b.1847). New York journalist. Brisbane, Arthur. Joseph Pulitzer. Cosmopol 33(1902)51-4, port. PURGATORY RIVER, Col. River in S.E. of state, flowing N.W. into Arkansas R. Matthews, Albert. The Purgatory River of Colorado. Reprinted from the Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, vol. VI. Cambridge, John Wilson & Sou, Univ. Press. 1902, pp 11, 80. PUTNAM, Israel (1718-90). Conn. General in Am. Revolution. Gen. Israel Putnam's commission. Gulf Mac 1(1902)144-5. PUTNAM family. Converse Putnam. Vt Ant I(1902j34. PUTNAM, Pa. Township of Luzerne Co. in N.E. of state. Original records of Putnam Township, Luzerm> County, Pa. Proc Wyoming Hist Soc 7(11902)157-70. O s t e r h o u t, P. M. The early history of Putnam Township, Liwrne County, Pa. Proc Wyoming Hist Soc 7(1902)151-6. PYRAMIDS. Ancient monuments in pyramid form. Feet, Stephen D. Pyramids and palaces in America. Am Ant 24(1902)429-50, 111. QUAKERS. The religious society of Friends. The church in Lower Norfolk county. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)78-89. C o f f i n, W. H. Settlement of the Friends in Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)322-61. Early Quaker records in Virginia. South Hist A Pnb 6(1902)220-38,304-13,408-14,499-508. >.-" England. Papists and Quakers in Pennsylvania. Am Cath Res 19(1902)79. H o x i e, H. N. The Wings as Friends. Owl 3(1902)96-100. Myers, Albert Cook. Immigration of the Irish Quakers Into Pennsylvania, 1682-1750, with their early his- tory in Ireland. [For details see same title under subject, Pennsylvania.] Myers, Albert Cook. Quaker arrivals at Philadelphia, 1682-17E-0, being a list, of certificates of removal received at Philadelphia monthly meeting of Friends... Philadelphia, Ferris & Leach, 1902. vi, [2], 131 p. 19%cm. [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)357-9( Elizabeth Lloyd) "record of over a thousand certifi- cates... for Friends coming to reside. . .several of the minutes. . .interesting reading"; Nation 75(1902) 150 "Consists of abstracts of .. .certificates of removal. . .arrangement. . .chronological. . .index. . .value ...[is] historical and genealogical." L.C. 2-15183] Sharpless, Isaac. A Quaker experiment In government; history of Quaker government in Pennsylvania, 1682-1783. [For details see same title under subject, Pennsylvania.] QUANTRILL, William C. (fl.1860). Kansas outlaw. J o h n s o n, W. A. Early life of Quantrill in Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)212-29. QUAYLE, Wm. (1825-1901). Tex. Confederate officer. Col. William Quayle. Confed Vet 10(1902)372-3, port. QUEBEC, Can. A province of Canada on the St. Lawrence R. and its capital. American prisoners at Quebec during the Revolution. Gen Q M 3(1902)43-7. A u d e t, F. J. Coroners de Quebec. Rech Hist 8(1902)147. Bouchette, Errol. L'evolutlon economique dans la Province de Quebec. Royal Soc of Canad N S 7 Section I (1902) 117-44. C a s g r a i n, P. B. La Malson Montcalm sur les remparts, ft Quebec. Rech Hist 8(1902)225-37. Cathollques at protestants dans le meme temple (St. Pierre). Rech Hist 8(1902)127 [St. Pierre] C h a n n e 1 1, L. S. Eastern townships of Canada. Canad M 19(1902)34-9. 111. C h a r 1 a n d, R. P. Paul-Victor. La chapelle Sainte-Anne ou du Domaine. Rech Hist 8(1902)193-7. Codman, John. Arnold's expedition to Quebec. New York, London, The Macmillan co. Ix, 340 p. front., pi., port., fold. maps. 2 ed. 1902, 80. [L.C. 1-23552 M 2 Oct. 31] C o u r b o n, Pierre. Les Fetes de Quebec. Nouv Fr 1(1902)305-10. De C e 1 1 e s, A. D. Pages d'6popee. Nouv Fr 1(1902)311-18. Desjardins, Joseph. Guide parlementaire historique de la Province de Quebec, 1792 a 1902. Quebec, 1902. pp24+396. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02,7(1903)91 "tables of sovereigns, viceroys, governors, ministers, councillors, senators, members of the legislature, and all other persons who have had a hand In the gov- ernment... of Quebec up to the year 1902 ... immense amonnt of research."] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. 181 Doughty, A. and Parmelee, G. W. The Selge of Quebec and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. Que- bec, Dussault and Proulx. 1902. pp30+280. 10+317; 10f340; 134334; 11+362; 346. 6 vols. ports, plans and views. [Rev.in:Hlst Pub Canad '02,7(1903)33-9 "a very big book... six volumes dealing with a single siege and battle. . .three. . .volumes form an Appendix containing. . .material of the story... im- mense amount of detail. . .amidst abundance traces of great industry, we find little that is really new... too many digressions. . .unique undertaking. . .calls for hearty recognition from historical scholars."] G a g n o n, Ernest. Le college des Jesultes a Quebec. Rech Hist 8(1902)247-9. G o s s e 1 1 n, L'Abbe A. H. Cures en Titre de Quebec. Rech Hist 8(1902)276. Melvin, James. Journal private soldier in Arnold's expedition against Quebec in the year 1775. With notes and an introduction by Andrew A. Melvin. Portland, Me., H.W.Bryant, 1902. 1 p. 1., 90 p. 111. 21% cm. ["Edition limited to two hundred and flfty copies, numbered, of which this is number 83." Rev.ln:Hlst Pub Canad 7:46-7 "excellent introduction and notes by the editor, who has mastered his subject thoroughly. . .accurate., .always fairminded"; Nation 75(1902)72 "Reprinted with notes... oc- casionally of some interest ... furnishes few f acts ... introduction ... most considerable feature." L.C. 2-14869] Hurray, [James], Report of the state of the government of Quebec in Canada, June 5, 1762... Quebec, Dussault & Proulx, 1902. 64 p. 3 fold. tab. 24 x 19cm. [25 copies printed for A. G. Doughty, Nov., 1902, from an official copy of the original, supplied by the British museum. L.C. 3-3440] O'Parrell, G.D. Notes on the lighthouses of the Province. Trans Literary & Hist Soc no.24(1902)24-36 Ordinance respecting lack of reverence In the churches of Quebec 1686. Am Cath Res 19(1902)16. Perrault, Frs. Bishop's charge. Providing for the celebration of the anniversary of the evacuation of Quebec by the Americans on the 31st., December, 1775. Am Cath Res 19(1902)67-70. L e s pupitres de la Chambre D'Assemblee. Rech Hist 8(1902)199. Roy, P. G. Coroners de Quebec. Rech Hist 8(1902)78. Scott, H. A. Notre-Dame de Sainte-Foy, une Paroisse Historique de la Nouvelle-France. Histoire Civile et Religleuse d'aprSs les Sources. Tome I, 1544-1670. Quebec, J.A.K.Laflamme, 1902. pp9+620. [Rev. in: Hist Pub Canad '02,7(1903)92-4 "promontory upon which stands Quebec was until recent times com- posed of two parishes, Quebec itself and Salute- Foy, the latter. . .including the Plains of Abraham Sil- lery, and other places. . .conspicuous in the tarly history of Canada. . .among the best Canadian parish histories. . .mainly of local interest, though. . .historian of Canada cannot ignore it in future researches ...scholarly and attractive."] T 6 t u, Mgr. Henri. Le musee Chasseur a Quebec. Rech Hist 8(1902)251-2. Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society [of Quebec], No 24. Sessions of 1900-1902. Quebec. 1902 pp36. 80. Wise, John. Two narratives of the expedition against Quebec, A. 1). 1690, under Sir William Phips. The one by Rev. John Wise, of Ipswich, Mass., and the other by an unknown writer. Wfth an introduction, by Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, J.Wilson and son, 1902. 42 p. 24^cm. ["The two papers. . .belong together, and probably were written by the same person." p. 4. Rev.in:N E Reg 56(1902)216(F.W. Parke) "from... two manuscripts. .. [in] the Lenox Library in New York." L.C. 2-8216] QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, Canada. Watson, John. Thirty years of Queen's University. Queen's Q Oct( 1902) 188-96. QUERNS. Irish handmills formerly used in America. O ' F 1 y n n, Timothy. Querns. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)580-3. QUETZAL. Sacred bird of Central America, a Phoenix or Sun-bird. C r o n a u, Rudolf. The Phoenix of the Aztecs. Harper 104(1901-2)155-61, ill. QUINCY, Mass. City of Norfolk Co. 8 m. S. of Boston. M a y n a r d, George. Field day at Quincy. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)166-76. Wilson, Daniel Munro. Where American independence began; Quincy, its famous group of patriots; their deeds, homes, and descendants... Boston jvnd New York Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1902. xill, 289, [1] p. front., pi., port. 21cm. [Rev.in:Nation 76(1003)72 "little more than a working over of... memorial volume which he edited. . .on. . .occasion of the 250th anniversary of the First Church In [Quincy, Mass.] L.C. 2-29426] QUINCY, 111. City of Adams Co. 104 m. W. of Springfield. B o r n m a n n, Helnrlch. Geschichte der Dentschen Quincy's. IV. Deutsch-Am G 2.1(1902)24-31,2.2.20- 8,2.3.34-42,2.4.43-7. RADCLIFFE COLLEGE. Womens' College at Cambridge, Mass. est. 1879, and incorp. 1894. Coes, Mary. Radcllffe College. Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)09-80. RADISSON. Peter Esprit (fl.1652). French explorer and trader in Northwest. K e r r, R. F. The Voyage of Grosellliers and Radlssoo. 1652 to 1684. S Dakota Hist Soc Col 1(1902)163-78. 182 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. RAILROAD Y. M. C. A. Social clubs for railroad employees under auspice* of the Y. X. C. A. Carnegie, Andrew, and Arthur, P. M. Capital and Labor: the estimate that a prominent representative of each places on the work of the Railroad Young Men's Christian Associations. N. Y., International Committee of Young Men's Christian Associations. pp31. C u n n 1 f f, M. Q. Social clubs for railroad men [Y. M. C. A.]. World's Work 3(1901-2)2002-5. RAILROADS. Roads with track of parallel rails. C o u p i n, H. (?) Dfiveloppement enorine n who hnve had great Influence in. . .Virginia's history."] RANSONE (or Ransome) family. R a n s o n e family. Wm M Q 10(1902)264-7. RAVENEL, Samuel Prioleau (1822-1902). 8. C. merchant, Confederate officer. Samuel Prioleau Ravenel. [Obit] 8 C Hist Mag 8(1902)192. RAWDON, Francis (1754-1826;. British officer in Am. Revolution. Letter of Capt., Right Hon. Francis, Lord Rawdon. Proc Bunker Hill Mon Ass'n 42-5. RECIPROCITY. U. S. policy of mutual tariff preference. An appeal to the people. Nation 75(1902)64. C h a r 1 t o n, John. Reciprocity with Canada. Outl 72(1902)209-12. C h a r 1 t o n, John. Reciprocity with Canada. Forum 32(1902)582-93. Colquhoun, Arthur H. D. The reciprocity of to-day (Canada & U. S.) Canad M 18(1901-2)226-8. Griffin, A. P. C. List of references on reciprocity, books, articles in periodicals, Congressional documents. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1902. 38 p. 1 O. MoKinley, W. Last speech of President McKinley. Canton, Pa. Kirkgate Press, 1902. 12o. Viallate, Achille. Les fitats-Unls et la reciprocity commerclale. Jour ficon V. 49(1902)47. 61. Work of the reciprocity convention. Chaut 34(1901-1)357-8. port. RECONSTRUCTION. Period of adjustment in South after the Civil War. Burgess, John W[illiam] ...Reconstruction and the constitution, 1866-1876... New York, C. Scrlbner's sons, 1902. xii p., 1 1., 342 p. 19cm. (The American history series) [Rev.ln: Nation 75(1902)158-9 "...decidedly readable ... to understand. . .constitutional questions Involved ... (does not) meet. . .require- ments." Am Hist R 8 ( 1902) 150-2 (W.G. Brown) "it is all statement and reasoning; forcible, but hard; relieved by no grace of style, suffused with no tenderness, charged with no enthusiasm." Dial 83(1902) 157-60(J.O.Plerce) "minute, discriminating, and often masterly. . .impartial. . .such a profusion of epi- thets Is out of place in dispassionate history." South Hist A Pub 6(1902)343-4 "When the author arises WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 188 above bis befogging theories, he mores with a force of reasoning and earnestness of conviction that will make the volume almost a classic. . .The country, the South, owes the Professor a debt of unspeakable gratitude for his boldness, candor and ability." Sewanee 10(1902)239-43(8. W.WeUs). L.C. 2-8895] D a B o e, William Porcher. Wade Hampton. Sewanee 10(1902)364-8. F 1 e m 1 n g, W. L. Churches of Ala. during the Civil War and Reconstruction. Gulf Mag 1(1902)103-27. Johnston, Frank. Suffrage and Reconstruction in Mississippi. Miss His P 6(1902)141-244. Lincoln, (Mrs.) Abraham. A letter to Charles Snmner. 1866. Indep 54(1902)7-10. Ogg, Frederick Austin. The Reconstruction period. Current Hist 12(1902)7-10. Pierce, James Oscar. Constitutional phases of the Civil War and Reconstruction. (Rev.) Dial 33(1902) 157-60. [Rev. of Burgess] R a m a g e, B. J. Wade Hampton. Sewanee 10(1902)368-73. RED RIVEE SETTLEMENT, Canada. Agricultural community in southern Manitoba. Hunt, Frank L. Britain's one Utopia. Hist. & Scieu Soc of Manitoba, Transac. No. 61. 1902 pp 16. REED, Fanny. Reed, Fanny. Reminiscences, musical and other... Boston, Knight and Millet, 1903 [1902] ix p., 1 1., 158 p. front., pi., port., facsim. 20cm. [Contents. Early days. Liszt. The marquise de Bloqueville. Paul Deschanel. Benjamin-Constant. Munkaczy. Madeleine Lemaire. Coquelin. Massenet. Pade- rewski. Bayreuth. Finale. Rev.in:Nation 76(1903)298 "on friendly terms with Liszt, etc... has rea- son to write her reminiscences." Dial 34(1903) 150-2(1. A. Pyk-) "a trifle too laudatory... racy, gossipy... will be appreciated." L.C. 2-28276] REED, Philip (d.1829). Md. officer in Am. Revolution, U. S. senator. General Philip Reed and Caulk's Field memorial. [For details see same title under subject, Caulk's Field (Md.) Battle of.] REED, Thomas Brackett (1839-1902). Me. Congressman, Speaker of Houe. Speaker Reed. Nation 75(1902)456. REED, Walter (b.1851). Am. physician and writer. Walter Reed. A. M. Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)334-5. REFORM SCHOOLS. Institutions for correction of wayward children. Roe, Alfred S. ...Lyman school for boys, Westborough, Mass. New Eng M 26(1902)399-416. ports., 111. REFORMED Church in America. Am. denomination, formerly Ref. Frot. Dutch Church. Corwin, Edward Tanjore. A Manual of the Reformed Church in America (formerly Ref. Prut. Dutch Church) 1628-1902. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. New York, Board of Pub. of Ref. Oh. 1802. pp. 1082,80. ill. [Rev.ln:N Y Rec 34(1903)69 "Remarkable and permanent addition to... American biography ... most valuable, chronological lists of the pastors and churches."] D r u r y, J. B. Synod of Reformed church In America. Presb & Ref R 13(1902)634(0). REFORMED Church of the U. 8. Formerly German Reformed Church. Dubbi, J. H. The Reformed Church in Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa. Pennsylvania-German Society, pp 10+387. REFORMED Episcopal Church. Am. denomination separated from the Prot. Episc. Church. Price, Mrs. Annie Darling. A history of the formation and growth of the Reformed Bplscopal Church, 1873-1902. Philadelphia, J.M.Armstrong, 1902. vill, 308, [4] p. front., pi., port. 19 Mi cm. [L.O. 2-26081] REGICIDES. Judges who condemned Charles II., refugees in America. L y d i a Fisher. Dedh Reg 13(1902)95-6. REICHEL, Adolph D. (1834-1902). Quincy, 111. German American. Bornmann, Helnrich. Adolph D. Reichel. Deutsch-Am G 2.4(1902)47. REILLY. John T. (fl.1902). Pa. Roman Catholic writer of American history. A worker for history. Am Cath Res 19U902)96. REINDEER. Domestic animals used in Arctic Europe and America. R o b o t, C. Acclimation du rennedous i'Alaska. Nature 11 Jan (1902). RELIGION. Man's relations to the superhuman. A b b o t t, Ernest Hamlin. Religious life in America. Outl 70(1902)131-7,175-83,625-31,968-72; 71:455-9, 498-503,783-8; 72:122-8,365-71,589-95. Abbott, Ernest Hamlin. Religious life in America; n record of personal observation. New York, The Outlook company, 1902. ill, 370 p. 21% cm. [L.C. 2-28397] Backus, Isaac. [Letter] to Benjamin Wallln [1764]. Bost Bull 7(1902)382-6. Bargy, Henry. La religion dans la soclete aux fttats-Unls. Paris, A.Colin, 1902. zi, 299p. 18%cm. [Rev. in: Nation 77(1903)35-6 "idealistic, optimistic, abounding in confident generalizations. . .entirely upon written matter. . .exaggeration"; 61.Men.ln:Am Hist R 8(1903)403 "traces toleration tn America to our colonial religion. " L.C. 3-4357] 184 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Coleman, L. A history of the American Church to the close of the 19th century [Oxford Church text books.] London, Rivlngtons. pp 116. M ' u 1 1 o c h, 3. E. The place of revivals In American church history. Meth R South 51(1902)681-97. Newman, Alb. Henry. Der Protestantlsinus In Nord-amerlka. Pr W B [s 6], 1113-48. o u i in r t. Gustave. La devotion a saint.' Anne au Canada. Rech Hist 8(1902)218-9. S c h 1 n z, A. Qnelques notes sur le sectarlsmo en Amerique. R Th Ph 35, 50-66. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. Freedom to act according to one's conscience in religious matters. B a r g y, H. L'origiue de la tolerance aux tats-Cnis. Rev. de syuthCse historique [P.] 5, 17-42. Cobb, Sai.ford H[oadlcy], The rise of religious liberty in America; a history... New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. xx p., 1 1., 541 p. 23cm. "Authorities": p. xvil-xx. [Rev.ln:Dial 35(1903) 345-8(J.O. Pierce) "work has been ably performed. . .clear idea of the distinctive characteristics of the American doctrine ... as well as of the peculiar features of the Old- World theory .. .Illustrated with per- spicuity the differences... exhibits the true historical spirit"; Nation 76(1903)119 "...essential outlines ...of considerable service ... not to be depended upon in detail and [needs] .. .very thorough revision"; Am Hist R 8(1903)350-2(W.M.West) "unfortunate that the task fell to hands so Ill-prepared. . .much zealous labor. . .perfectly open-minded. . .eminently fair and honest; but these statements exhaust the praise that can be given. . .commonest details of colonial history are mis-stated." L.C. 2-13240] Errors of Catholic American history. The settlement of Maryland. The Toleration act. Am Cath Res 19(1902)147-9. Hunt, Gaillard. James Madison and religious liberty. Am Hist A Rep '01,1(1902)163-71. REMSEN, Ira N. (b.l84G). Am. chemist, Pros. Johns Hopkins University. 1) r. Ira N. Remsen. World's Work 3(1901-2)1801. port. only. Johns Hopkins university. Johns Hopkins university; celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the university and Inauguration of Ira Remsen, I.I.. D. [For details see same title under subject, Johns Hopkins Univ.] RENICK family. The Renick family. Va Ma* 10(1902)92-3. REPUBLICAN PARTY. One of the two chief parties in the U. S., founded in 1864. The Connect! cutt Republican platform. R of Rs 26(1902)451-3. Halstead, llurat. Victorious republicanism. Chicago, Dominion, 1902. 12o. REUTERDAHL, Henry (b.1871). N. Y. artist. Jane, Fred T. A marine illustrator. Bk-Buyer 24(1902)383-7, ill. REVERE, Paul (1735-1818). Boston patriot, one of the Boston tea party. G e 1 1 e m y, Charles Ferris. The true story of Paul Revere' B Ride. New Eng M 26(1902)131-51, 111. REYNOLDS family. Tenth Annual Reunion. The Reynolds Family Association. MiddU-town, Conn. Pelton & King, 1902. 8vo. pp. 31. 111. [Rev.in:N E Reg 56(1902) 327 (F.W.Parke) 'of rouch Interest to those of the name."] RHODE ISLAND. An original N. E. state of V. S. Field, Edward. State of Rhode Island and Providence plantations at the end of the century: a history, illustrated with maps, fac-similea of old plates and paintings and photographs of ancient landmarks... Boston & Syracuse, The Mason publishing company, 1902. 3 v. 111., port., map, plan, facs. 25cm. [Contents. v. 1. History of the state of Rhode Island and Providence plantations, by C. S. Brigham. The wars and the militia, by E. Field. The sea force in war time, by H. P. Smith. v. 2. Epidemics and medical institutions, by C. V. Chapln. Religions societies, their history and present condition, by D. Goodwin. Growth of public education, by H. P. Smith. The sea trade and its development, by R. Grieve. The printer and the press, by H. P. Smith. The growth of the library, by W. E. Foster and II. P. Smith. v. 3. The political development of the towns, by G. G. Wilson. The struggle for Judicial supremacy, by E. C. Stiness. Public and private finance, by H. K. Stokes. Industrial development, by J. B. Bowditch. The poor, the defective and the criminal, by J. H. Nutting. Fre'e masonry and odd fellowship, by H. P. Smith. Early habits and customs and old landmarks, by E. Field. Appendix: Bibliography, by C. S. Brigham. [L.C. 2-13122] Kimball, Gertrude Selwyn. The correspondence of the colonial governors of Rhode Island, 1723-1775. Boston, Houghton, Nat. Soc. Co. Dames of Am. In the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (1902-3) 2 vol. pp 624434; 26+498. [Rev.in:Am Hist R 9(l03)158-60(WilHam E. Foster) "a model in methods of detail. . .securing from all Imaginable sources the unpublished correspondence belonging to that period. . .supplemented. . .by a list of such letters of the same period... In Mr. Bartletts Colonial Records of Rhode Island. . .exhaustive topical indox. . .exceptional. . .list of contents. . Judicious insight marks thhe. . .annotations. . .minute accuracy."] Legislation concerning children in Rhode Island. Char 9(1902)99-100. Murray, Thomas Hamilton, 1857 Gen. John Sullivan and the battle of Rhode Island. A sketch of the former and a description of the latter. [For details see same title under subject, Sullivan, John.] WRITINGS OX AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. 186 Richman, Irving Berdine. Rhode Island; Its m:il.iii< tud its meauiug; u survey of the annals of the com- monwealth from its settlement to the death of Roger Williams, 1636-1683, with an introduction by James Bryce... New York and London, G.F.Putnam's sons, 1902. 2 v. fold. map. 22%cm. [Men.in: Am Hist R 8(1903)401-5 ".. .important. . .has a place in the field of general history. . .introduction by Mr. James Bryce"; Am Hist R 8(1903)545-6(H.L.Osgood) ready sympathy and an attractive style... not a little original investigation and generalizing power. . .excellent. . .accurate and fair"; Nation 76 1903)16-7 "plain narrative. . .from 1636-1683. . .unusually careful and Impartial. . .Investigation. .. valuable contribution. . .[no] bibliography"; Dial 35(1903)345-8(J.O.Pierce) "essentially a biography of Roger Williams. . .a keen investigation into primitive government ... the best exposition extant of the Rhode Island experiment." L.C. 2-26760] Rhode Island (Colony) Governors, Correspondence, 1V23-1775; pub. by the National society of the Col- onial dames of America in the state cf Rhode Island and Providence plantations; ed. by Gertrude Sel- wyn Kimball... v. I. Boston and New York, Houghtou, Mlfflin and company, 1902. front., pi., port. 23cm. [Rev.in:Nation 76(1903)227 "spelling and punctuation of the originals have been followed... notes... give precisely the. . .supplementary aid. . .wish[ed for]... well done"; Nation 76(1903)354 "sec- ond. . .volume. . .confirms the favorable judgment we passed upon the first. . .carefully prepared index... work of the editor. . .shows. . .restraint, exactness, and good judgment. . .most valuable"; Dial 34(1903) 312 "not been edited ... retain their original wording and spelling. . .annotation. . .laudably brief and apparently correct." L.C. 3-846] W e e d e n, William B. Three commonwealths, Massachnsetta, Connecticut, Rhode Island; their early development. Am Antiq Soc N S 15 II. '02(1903)130-64. RHODES Scholarships. Oxford scholarships for Americans founded by Cecil Rhode*. American scholarships at Oxford. Nation 74(1902)461-2. Dyer, Louis. The Rhodes scholarships [for Americans]. Outl 72(1902)884-7. Stephens, H. Morse. The Rhodes scholarships for Americans at Oxford. World's Work 4(1902)2222-8 RICHARD (Father) Gabriel. French Catholic priest in America. Father Richard's escape. Am Catb Res 19(1902)168. RICHARDS, Dexter (1818-90). N. H. manufacturer, State senator. Hon. Dexter Richards [obituary]. N H Hist S 111.2.1897-9(1902)506-10. port. RICHARDS family. 'Mayflower'' ancestry of Mr. Jeremiah Richards through Phineas Pratt. Gen Q M 3(1902)48-54. RICHARDSON, John (1796-1852). Canadian soldier, writer. Carstairs, John Stewart. Richardson's War of 1S12. Canad M 19(1902)72-4. HIGHLAND COUNTY, 0. A Co. in N. central part of state. B a u g h m a n, A. J. Pre-historic earthworks of Richard County. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)67-71. RICHMOND, Va. Capital city of Va. on James R. about 100 m. S. by W. from Washington. The first Federal to enter Richmond. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)152-3. G a r n e 1 1, James Mercer. Seven days' battle around Richmond. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)147-51. James, Edward Wilson, commu. Some death notices in the "Richmond Enquirer" (note). Wm M Q 11(1902)147-8. RICHMOND COUNTY, Va. A Co. in the E. part of state. Be a 1 e, G. W. Early tombs in Westmoreland, Richmond snd Northumberland counties. Wm M Q 11 (1902)123-30. RICKER, Henrich Franz (b.1322). 111. German American merchant and banker of Quincy. Z w e 1 orfolgreiche deutsche Finanzniauuer von Illinois. Eduard Abend, Heinrich Franc Joseph Ricker. Deutsch-Am G 2.4(1902)22-5. RICKETSON, Daniel (1813-98). American writer. Rioketson, Anna. Daniel Ricketson and his friends; letters, poems, sketches, etc., ed. by his daughter and son... Boston and New York, Hougbton, Mifflln and company, 1902. 5 p. 1., 397, [1] p. front., pi., port., facsim. 22 14 em. [Contents. Sketch of Daniel Ricketson, by F. B. Sanborn. Sketch of Henry D. Thoreau, by D. Ricketsnn, Letters of Daniel Rickotson and Heftrj D. Thoreau. Letters of Sophia E. Thoreau and Daniel Ricketson. Letters of Mr. -ind Mrs. A. B. Alcott, Daniel Ricketson, and Frank B. Sanborn. Letters of William Ellery Channtng and Frank B. Sanborn. Letters of "Theo." Brown.- Letters of Daniel Ricketson and Alexander II. .Tanp, LL. D. Letters of Daniel Ricketson and Henry S. Salt. Letters of Daniel Ricketson and Samuel A. Jones, M. D. Extracts from Daniel Rlcket- son's journal. Extracts from Henry D. Thoreau's journal. Pwms by Daniel Ricketson. Rev.in:Natiou 76(1903)277-8 ''With much [to] commend. . .nowhere giv[e] . . .us in sequence the main facts and inci- dents of Mr. Rlcketson's life"; Dial 34(1903)40-2(A.R.Marble) "Letters, journal-extracts, and poems are here collated ... all are interesting revelations. . .edited with the most delicate taste and sympathy... [no] index." L.C. 2-26089] 186 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. RICORD, Frederick Wm. (1819-87). N. J. state super, of pub. schools, writer, librarian. Frederick William Rlcord. N J Hist S 2(1902)194-5. RIDDLE, Albert Gallatin (1816-1902). Ohio legislator, U. S. consul to Matanzas, writer. Albert Uallatin Riddle. Am Hist R 7(1902)821. KIDGWAY family. R 1 d g w a y, C. A. Rldgway family of Burlington Co., N. J., anil Columbus, O. Old Northw Q 5(1902) 5-6,39-40. E i d g w a y, (Mrs.)J. L. Rldgway family ot Pemi. und Wluneld. Iowa. Old Northw Q 5(1902)40-2. KIGAL, Jose (1861-96). Filipino physician, writer, insurrectionist. C 1 1 1 1 o rd, Hugh. The story of Jose Rizal the Filipino. Blackwood 172(11102)620-38. BIGAUVILLE, Jean-Maria des Bergeres (b.1720). s n 1 t <, H<-iij:iiniii. L'honorable Jean-Marie des Bergeres de RlguurilU-. Rech Hist 8(1902)350-1. RILEY, Franklin L. C. (b.1868). Miss. Professor of history, writer. How a young man built up history in Mississippi. So Atlan Q 1(1902)372-7. RILEY, James Whitcomb (b.1835). Indiana poet. [Hartpenoe, William Boss] Karly recollections of James Wiiitcornb Riley. By Major Rldgeway [pseud.] ... Harrison, O., 1902. 2 p. i., 89 p. inci. pi., port., faes. front, (port.) 17 x 14cm. [L.C. 2-20019] RING family. Bowman, George Ernest, Transc. by. Andrew Ring's will and inventory. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)193-8. RIO GRANDE DO SUL, Brazil. A state in the extreme of Brazil. Funke, Alfred. Aus Deutsch-Brasilien. Bilder aus dem leben der Deutschen 1m staate Rio Grande do Sul. Leipzig, B.G.Teubner, 1902. viii, 287 p. incl. 111., port. fold. map. 24Mjcm. [L.C. 3-9969] Funke, Alfred. Deutsche siedlung ilber see. Ein abrias ihrer geschlchte und ibr gedeihen in Rio Grande do Sul... Halle a. Saale, Gebauer-Schwetschke, 1902. 2 p. 1., 80 p. Incl. map. 22cm. [L.C. 3-5679] RITCHIE, Thomas (11.1830). Richmond, Va. editor. Letters of Thomas Ritchie glimpses of the year 1830. Branch Pap No 2(1902)147-54. RIVINGTON, James. Am. loyalist printer and journalist in the Am. Revolution. Ford, Paul Leicester. "The battle of Brooklyn." Biblioj: 1(1002)69-71. ROADS, Public. Ways for public travel. Crane, Ellery Bicknell. The Boston and Worcester turnplko. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)585-98. Dodge, Martin. The good roads movement. R of Rs 25(1902)66-72. ill. ROANE, Archibald (1756-1818). Tenn. lawyer, judge, Governor. GOT. Archibald Roane. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)322-4, port. ROANOKE Is. North Carolina. Island between Albemarle and Pamlioo Sound in N.E. of state. Celebration of Raleigh's attempt at settlement (note). South Hist A Pub 6(1902)194-6. Daves, Graham. Virginia Dare. N C Bookl 1.1(1901)3-16. RO BARDS family. R o B a r d s, John Lewis. The RoBards family. Va Max 10(1902)98-9,205-6. ROBERTS, Charles (fl. 1846-1902). Fa. merchant, public citizen. I n memoriam Charles Roberts [obituary]. Penn Mag 20(1902)144. ROBERTS, George (1756-1829). N. H. soldier and sailor in Am. Revolution. R o b e r t s, C. H. A sketch of the life of George Roberts. Granite M 33(1902)91-97. ROBERTS, Isaac (1764-1816). Tenn. pioneer, Brigadier General. Roberts papers. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)349-61. ROBERTS family. Grant, Mrs. Amorena [(Roberta)]. The Roberts family; a genealogy of Joseph Roberts of Wlndham, Maine. 18th century... Chicago, West Chicago press association [1902] 143 p. ill. (incl. port.) 23cm. [Rev.ln:N E Reg 57(1903)120(F.W.Parke) '-Does great credit. .. [to] the compiler. .. [no Index." L.C. 3-17711] ROBESON, George Maxwell (1829-97). N. J. Attorney General, XT. 8. Secretary of navy, Congressman. George Maxwell Robeson. N J Hist S 2(1902)195-7. ROBINSON, Charles (1818-94). Am. physician, lawyer, editor, Governor of Kansas, writer. Blaokmar, Frank W[ilson . The life of Charles Robinson, the first statet governor of Kansas. . . Topeka, Kan., Crane & co., 1902. 438 pp. front., pi., port. 21cm. [Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1902)142-4(L.W. Spring) "notably moderate and judicial in temper. . .does not throw much new light... more effective [if] compress [ed]." L.C. 2-2446 M 2] ROBINSON, Increase (1642-ab.l699). Citizen of Taunton, Mass. D e a n, J. H. Increase Robinson, senior, of Taunton. Robinson Family Gn * HUt AM'U (1902)15-26, WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 1ST HOBINSON family. R o b I n s o n, C. E. Historical sketch of tin- Robinsons, early emigrants to America. Robinson Family Gen & Hist Ass'n (1902)61-98. The Robinson Family Genealogical and Historical Association. Officers, Constitution and by-Laws, His- torical sketches of early Robinson emigrants to America, Illustration's, Armorial Bearings, Members of Association. New York. Published by the Association So 1902. 104pi>. R o b i n s o n, M. G. Thomas Robinson, of Hartford, Conn., 1640, and Guilford, 1664, and some of bis descendants. Robinson Family Gen & Hist Ass'n (1902)31-7. Robinson Notes (note). N E Reg 56(1902)206. R o b I n s o n, W. A. Rev. John Robinson, of Leyden, and some of his descendants. Robinson Family Gen & Hist Ass'n (1902)27-30. S m y t h, R. D. Comp. by. and Stelner, Bernard C. Comma, by. Mr. Thomas Robinson of Guilford (Conn.) and his descendants. N E Reg 56(1902)57-9. ROCHAI.IBEAU. Jean Baptiate Donatien de Vimeure, Comte de (.1725-1807). French Gen. in the Am. Rev. d u P o 11 t e r a y, J. Les fetes de Rochambeau (En Amfrique). Gaulols 24-25 Mai 1902). Rochambeau. Nation 74(1902)418-9. Society of the Cincinnati, New York. Dinner In honor of the official delegates from France to the United States, on the occasion of the dedication, at Washington, cf the statue of Count de Rochambeau. . .and of the representatives of the families of Rocbambeau and Lafayette, given by members of the order, May twenty-seventh, 1902. [New York, Printed by T.D.Rich, 1902] 4 1. 23cm. [Contents. Menu. Toasts. Official guests. L.C. 2-18830] W r i g h t, D. J. La Fayette et Rochambeau devant les historians ainericans. Rev Hebdom 24 Mai (1902) ROCHESTER, N. Y. City of Monroe Co. 360 m. by rail N.W. of New York. Hooker, Susan H. Planting of school grounds in Rochester, N. Y. Ctry Life Am l(1902)219(Ap). ROCK RIMMON. Cliff near Manchester, N. H. Moore, William Ellery. Rock Rimmon. Notes and Q 20(1902)150-1. ROCKAWAY, N. J. Village of Morris Co. 9 m. N. by W. of Morristown. Crayon, Joseph] Percy, 1841 Rockaway records of Morria county, N. J., families. Cemetery records, church history, military records, local history, genealogies of thp old families, nearly 20,000 data... Rockaway, N. J., Rockaway publishing co., 1902. 1 p. 1., 300, [4] p. front., pi., port. 20% cm. [L.C. 2-14867] ROCKEFELLER, John Davison (b.1839). K. Y. capitalist. Beaunier, A. L'homme le plus rich du monde (M. John Rockefeller) Jour Debuts 25 Juln (1902). Ralph, Julian. Joan Davison Rockefeller. Cosmopol 33(1902)160-3, port. ROCKEFELLER, William (b.1841). K. Y. capitalist. M o f f e 1 1, Samuel E. William Rockefeller. Cosmopol 33(1902)407-11, port. EOCKHILL, William Woodville (b.l85i). Director Bureau of Am. Republics. W. Woodville Rockhill. World's Work 3(1901-2)1577, port. only. HOCKINGHAM, Vt. Hamlet and township of Wmdham Co. 5 m. N. of Bellows Falls. Peck, Thomas Bellows. Records of the First Church of Rockingham, Vermont, from its Organization, Oc- tober 27, 1773, to September 25, 1839, with an historical introduction. Boston, David Clapp & Son, 1902. 8vo, cloth, pp. xl-60. [Rev.ln:N Y Rec 34(1903)69 "Reprinted from the New Eng. Hist. Gen. Register . . .fully Indexed." ROCKWOOD, Elias Jefferson (1833-98). Worcester, Mass, local antiquarian. Dickinson, Thos. A. Sketch of E. J. Rockwood [obituary]. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)188-188. ROCKY MTS. Mountain range of western U. S. and Canada. Beaton, Welford W. A new Canadian glacier. Canad M 18(1901-2)213-9, 111. C h a p m a n, R. H. Our northern Rocky Mountains. Nat Geog M 13(1902)361(0). O u t r a m, James. The Ottertail group, Canadian Rockies. Appalachia, 10(1902)1-19. Wile ox, W. D. Recent explorations In Rocky Mountains. Nat Geog M 13(1902)141(My),185(Je). ROEBLING, Ferdinand William (fl.1902). N. J. wire manufacturer. P r 1 c e, Charles W. Ferdinand William RoebJin. Cosmopol 34(1902-3)98-9. ROEBLING, Washington Augustus (b.1837). N. J. civil engineer. Washington A. Roebling, with portrait. Cassier 22(1902)542(Ag). ROGERS, Benjamin Armstead (1835-1902). Ala. Confederate officer. M a j. B. A. Rogers. Confed Vet 10(1902)423, port. ROGERS, Henry Huddleston (fl.1902). Mass, capitalist. M o f f e t t, Samuel E. Henry Huddleston Rogers. Cosmopol 3S (1902) 532-5, port. 188 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. ROGERS, Junes (1686-1755). Londonderry, N, H., early settler. 1) r u ID ni u n (!. .1. H. The Two James Rogers. . .Reprinted from a pamphlet published by S. C. Gould, in 1897, with notes and revision by the author. Historic QuHrt 3(1902)97-106. ROGERS, James (d.1752). Dunbarton, N. H., early settler. 1) r u m m o n d, J. H. The two James Rogers. . .Reprinted I'rom a pamphlet published by S. C. Gould, In 1897, with notes and revision by the author. Historic Quart 3(1902)97-106. ROGERS family. Rogers, Ja. 8. James Rogers of New London, Ci., and hia descendants. Boston, J.S.Rogers, 1902. 12o. [Rev.in:01d Northw Q 6(1903)27-8 "Compiler has done his work in excellent manner... full Index., table of contents. . .illustrated. . .printing fine. . .binding i-U-gant. . .most important contribution"; N K Reg 67(1903)120-l(George Clark) "Original sources ... thoroughly and carefully examined ... index Is very complete. . .valuable contribution"; N Y Rec 34(1903)73 "Valuable. . .painstaking research ... com- plete. . .index."] Rogers, James Swift. Hope Rogers (note). N E Reg 56(1902)408-9. ROOD, Ogdon Nicholas (1831-1902). Columbia Univ. Professor of physics, writer. Van. Amringe, J. H. Ogden N. Rood. Columb Q 5(1902)47-62. ROOSEVELT, Theodore (1831-78). New York, prominent citizen. New York (City) Union league club. Theodore Roosevelt, senior, a tribute; the proceedings at a meeting February 14, 1878. New York, Published by request, 1902. 2 p. 1., 9-27 p. front, (port.) 22cm. [Re- print, with preface by William E. Dodge. L.C. 3-940] ROOSEVELT, Theodore (b.1858).' 26th President of the United States. A a e r b a c b, Joseph S. President Roosevelt and "The Trusts". No Am 175(1902)877-94. Bon, J. A. des Rotours. La greve charbon et M. Roosevelt. Ref soc 16 Nov (1902). Conant, R. W. comp, Theodore Roosevelt. (Student's ser. of four penny classics.) Chicago, O. Brewer. 1902. D e n 1 s o n, Lindsay. The President on his tours. World's Work 5(1902-3)2754-60, ill. Fallows, Samuel. ...Life of William McKinley, our martyred president, with short biographies of Lincoln and Garfield, and a comprehensive life of President Roosevelt. [For details see same title under sub- ject, McKinley, William.] HaUtead, Kurat. The life of Theodore Roosevelt, twenty-fifth president of the United States... Akron, O., New York [etc.] The Saalfleld publishing co., 1902. xxi, 23-391 p. mcl. front, pi., port. 24%cm. [L.C. 2-22200] Meyers, Robert CLornelius] V. Theodore Roosevelt, patriot and statesman; the true story of an ideal American... Philadelphia, Pa. and Chicago, 111., P.W.Ziegler & co. [c!902] 526 p. incl. front., plate, port. 23ttcm. [I'-C. 3-23487] Nelson, Henry Loomis. Three months of President Roosevelt. Atlan 89(1902)145-54. Parsons, F. President Roosevelt and the trusts. Arena 28(1902)449(N). The personality of President Roosevelt. Cent 63(1901-2)277-9. port. President Roosevelt at Cincinnati. Outl 72 (1902j 204-6. President Roosevelt at the general assembly. Outl 71(1902)338-40. President Roosevelt's first year. No Am 175(1902)721-45. P r e s 1 d e n Roosevelt's message. Sat R 92(1902)706-7. The president's message. Outl 72(1902)768-72. Quelques Idees du president Roosevelt. Quest Act 29 Dec (1902). Ralph, Julian. The story of Theodore Roosevelt's life. V. His first public service. Cosmopol 32(1901- 2)559-62. Les reclts dc chasse du President Roosevelt. Petit Temps 9 Mai (1902). R 1 i s, Jacob A. The story of Theodore Roosevelt's life. Oosmopol 32(1901-2)406-10. Roosevelt, T. Message to the two houses at the beginning of the session of the 57th Congress. Albany, N. Y. State Lib. 1902. fo. Roosevelt, T. Works. N. Y., Putnam, 1900. Sagamore ed. 15 v. 16o; 1902. Standard lib. ed. 8 v. So.Ul. Roosevelt & Addicks. Nation 75(1902)394. ' 'Teaching the President a lesson." Nation 74(1902)478. Theodore Roosevelt, LL. D. Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)341-2. Walker, John Brisben. The story of Theodore Roosevelt's life. Cosmopol 32(1901-2)277-80.624-6, port. Woodruff, Clinton Rogers. A president who seeks practical reforms; what Theodore Roosevelt has accom- plished along administrative lines... [Philadelphia?] 1902. cover-title, [3]-7, [1] p. 22cm. ["Re- printed from the Pittsburg dispatch, the Chicago tribune and the Portland Oregonian." L.C. 3-18045] ROOSEVELT family. Whittelsey, Charles Barney. The Roosevelt genealogy, 1649-1902. Hartford, Conn., C.B.Whittelsey, 1902. 121p. 24cm. [L.C. 2-1S636] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902 189 ROOT, Elihu (b.1845). N. Y. lawyer, Secretary of War. Roosevelt, Theodore. Three college-bred Americans. Harv Grad M 11(1002-3)1-5. [Storey, Moorfield], Secretary Root's record. "Marked severities" In Philippine warfare. An analysis of the law and facts bearing on the action and utterances of President Roosevelt and Secretary Root... Boston, G.H. Ellis co., printers, 1902. 119 p. 22cm. [Signed: Moorfleld Storey, Julian Codman. Rev. iu:Dlal 33.(1902)248 " ag a w hole convicts. . .of frequent misrepresentations, suppressions of the truth, and deliberate attempts to gloss." L.C. 3-13114] ROPER, Jesse M. (fl.1992). Lieutenant-Commander of the IT. 8. gunboat Petrel in Spanish-Am. War. Waters, Theodore. American heroes: Lieutenant-Comman.ler Roper. New Bug M 25(1901-2)123-6, ill. RbSLER, Gustav Adolph (d.1855). 111. German Am. politician and editor. S t e i n w e d e 1 1, Wllhelm. Gustax Adolph Rosier. Deutsch-Am G 2.2(1002)39-41. ROSS, George (1730-79). Pa. lawyer, signer of the Declaration of Independence. Clark, Martha Bladen. The homes of the signers. Am Month M 20(1902)1028-31, 111., port. Ross, George. Circular letter from Governor Ross [1776]. Host Bull 7(1902)21. ROSS family. Owen, Thomas McAdory. The Ross family, with a sketch of Jack Ferrlll Rosa, first territorial and state treasurer of Alab. Gulf Mag 1(1902)207-11, silhouette. ROU, Louis (fl.1734). N. Y. Huguenot clergyman. The lost manuscript of the Reverend Lewis Rou's 'critical remarks upon the letter to the craftsman on the game of chess' written In 1734 and dedicated to his excellency William Crosby, Governor of New York. Florence, Landl Press. 1902. pp!8. ROUMANIANS. Inhabitants of Roumania, a state of S.E. Europe. F r a n k e 1, L. K. Secretary Hay's note to the powers [concerning the Roumanians] Char 9(1902)327-32. ROUND BOTTOM, W. Va. Hamlet of Wayne Co. 10 m. from Huntington. M a t h e w s, Wm. Burdette. Round Bottom, Marshall County. W Va Mag 2.1(1902)73-5. ROUSS, Charles Broadway (1336-1902). N. Y. merchant. Death of Charles Broadway Rouss. Confed Vet 10(1902)131-2. port. ROUTH, Randolph-Isham (1782-1858). British Gen. in Canada. Roy, P. G. Sir Randolph-Isham Routh. Rech Hist 8(1902)111-12. ROWLAND, Henry A. (1848-1901). Johns Hopkins Univ. prof., scientist. Mendenhall, Thomas C. Commemoration of Prof. Henry A. Rowland. Smithson R 1901(1902)739-53. ROWLEY, Mass. Village of Essex Co. 31 m. N.N.E. of Boston. S h e p a r d, Jeremiah. [Letter] to the Church of Christ at Rowley, 1674. Bost Bull 7(1902)343-4. ROY, J. E. (fl.1860). Am. Congregational clergyman, missionary superintendent. A ''Veterans'' life-story. Am Miss 50(1902)7-9. RUCKSTUHL, F. Wellington (b.1856). N. Y. sculptor. d e Kay, Charles. "The spirit of the confederacy". Outl 71(1002)644-6, ill. Ladegast, Richard. Frederick Wellington Ruckstuhl, sculptor. New Eng M 25(1901-2)615-22, 111. RUFFNER, David (1767-1848). Virginian magistrate, legislator, philanthropist. R u f f n e r, W. H. The Ruffners. III. David. W Va Mag 2.1(1902)45-53. RUFFNER, Henry (1789-1861). Va. Presbyterian clergyman. Pros. Washington and Lee college, writer. .. Ruf f ner, W. H. The Ruffners. No. IV. Henry. W Va Mag 2.2(1902)60-74; 2.3:36-44. RUFFNER, William Henry (b.1824). Va. Presbyterian clergyman, educator, writer. Barclay, Anne H. R. William Henry Ruffner, LL. D. W Va Mag 2.4(1902)33-43, port. RUNNELLS, Moses T. (d.1902). Congregational clergyman, writer. Rev. Moses T. Runnells. Granite M 32(1902)268-69. RUSH, Benjamin (1745-1813). Pa. physician, signer of the Declaration of Independenoe. Clark, Martha Bladen. Benjamin Rush. Am Month M 21(1902)110-2, ill. RUSH, Richard (1780-1859). U. S. Attor.-Gen., minister to England and France, Sec. of Treas., writer. [Letter] to Asbury Dickens [1846]. Bost Bull 7(1902)3' 7-20. RUSKIN COLONY, Tenn. and Ga. A socialistic cooperative experiment, 1894-1901. Broome, Isaac. The last days of the Ruskin co-operative association... Chicago, C.H.Kerr & company, 1902. 183 p. front., pi. 17%cm. (Standard socialist series) [L.C. 2-15152] M c D 1 1 1, H. C- Why the Ruskin colony failed. Gunton's M 22(1902)434-43. Why all "Ruskin colonies" fail. Gunton M 22(1902)444-51. RUSSIAN JEWS. Jewish inhabitants of Russia. A b e 1 1, W. Maitland. Tha new departure In American diplomacy. Gunton's M 23(1902)476-87. F 1 h b e r g, Maurice. The Russian Jews in America. R of Rs 26(1902)315-8. 180 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. RUTLAND, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. about 12 m..N.W. of Worcester. P h i 1 1 1 p p s, David Everett, Contr. by. Monumental inscriptions in the old cemetery of Rutland, Wor- cester Co., Mass. Old Northw Q 5(1902)85 118, ill. Phillips, David Everett. Monumental inscriptions in the old cemetery at Rutland, Worcester County, Mass., "laid out" June 7, 1717. . . Columbus, O., The "Old Northwest" genealogical society, 1902. 36 p. front. 23%cm. [Title vignette. Inscriptions transcribed in 1880 by J. A. Smith, and collated by L. M. Hanff. Limited edition of 100 copies. [Rev.in:N E Re? 57(1903) 125(F.W.Parke) "Excellent... footnotes... valu[able]." L.C. 2-24852] RYERSON family. Ryerson, Louis Johnes. The genealogy of the Kyerson family In America. 1046-1902. New York, Press of Jenkins & McCowan, 1902. 89 p. front. 21cm. [L.C. 2-24852] SABLE Is. Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia island in the Atlantic, 90 m. 8.E. of Cape Canto. Scott, Marshall Owen. Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Canad M 18(1901-2)341-9, ill., map. SACRAMENTO, Cal. Capital city of state, in Sacramento Co. 75 m. N.E. of San Francisco. C og g ins, Paschal H. Reminiscence of the flood of '61. Out West 17(1902)59-64. SACRAMENTO valley, Cal. Valley of Sacramento R. which flows through northern Cal. into San Francisco Bay. G r e e n, W. S. The Sacramento valley. Out West 16(1902) 447-62, 111. SAGE, Dean (1841-1902). Business man, philanthropist, writer. [Dean Sage] [obituary]. Nation 75(1902)12. ST. ANDREWS island, Nova Scotia. G a n o n g, W. F. ' The naming of St. Andrews. Acad 2(1902)184-8. SAINT-ANTOINE DE TILLY, Canada. Town of Quebec on St. Lawrence R. about 100 m. above oity of Quebec. Saint-Antoine de Tilly. Rech Hist 8(1902)321-8. ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. Seaport oity of St. John's Co. about 36 m. S.8.E. of Jacksonville. S h e a, J. G. First Mass in America. Am Cath Res 19(1902)2. ST. CLAIR, Arthur (1734-1818). Brit, officer in Canada, and later Am. General in Revolutionary war. The home of General Arthur St. Glair. Am Month M 21(1902)20-3, ill., port. Wilson, F. E. St. Clair's defeat. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)378-80; 11:30-43. Wilson, Frazer Ells. St. Clair's defeat. Am Month M 21(1902)7-19. ST. CLAIR Co., 111. County in S.W. part of state. Bine romantlsche Geschichte aus der Pionierzeit. Deutsch-Am G 2.4(1902)48. SAINT CLAIR, Fort, Treble Co., 0. Fort built 1791-2. [ R a n d a 1 1, E. O.] Fort St. Clair. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)161-163. ST. CROIX COTTNTY, Wis. Co. in W. part of Wisconsin bordering on Minnesota. Graham, James Elaine. The population of St. Crolx Co., Wis., 1850-70. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)182-9 SAINT-DENIS, Joseph-Charles Juchereau de (b.1696). French Canadian pioneer in Louisiana. L ' A h b Daniel. Joseph-Charles Juchereau de Saint-Denis. Rech Hist 8(1902)154-6. SAINT DENIS, Louis Juchereau de. (b. 16761. French pioneer on the Miss. R. C 1 a r k, R. C. Louis Juchereau De Saint-Denis and theRt'-esiablishment of the Tejas Missions. Quar Tex Hist Ass 6(1902)1-26. ST. HELENA Island, S. C. One of the sea-islands of Beaufort Co. 'The Queen of St. Helena." South Work 30(1901)185-0. T o w n e, Laura M. Pioneer work on the sea islands [negro school]. South Work 30(1901)396-401, ill. SAINT-JEAN Port-Joli. Village and parish on the St. Lawrence 71 m. N.E. of Quebec. Roy, P. G. Saint-Jean Port-Joli. Rech Hist 8(1902)81. ST. JOHN, N. B. City of St. John Co. on Bay of Funday, 190 m. N.W. of Halifax. B e 1 d i n g, A. M. River and city of St. John, N. B. Nat'l M(Bost)16(1902)217-22, ill. ST. LAWRENCE. River flowing out of Lake Ontario N.W. into Gulf of St. Lawrence. S h o r 1 1, Prof. Down the St. Lawrence on a lumber raft. Queen's Quarterly 10(1902)July. SAINT Liquori, Canada. Village in Mont calm Co.. Quebec, 39 m. N. of Montreal. Dugas, A. C. Historic de la paroisse de Saint Lignori, Comptfi de Montcalm, P. Q. Avec une notice bio- graphiqne du saint patron. Montreal, 1902. pp. 8+222. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02, 7(1903)95 "al- most wholly ... ecclesiastical matters."] ST. LOUIS, Mo. City of St. Louis Co. on the Miss R. Dal ton, Mary Louise. Saint Louis, Missouri, in the Revolution. Am Month M 21(1902)193-7. D r a p e r, W. R. The St. Louis bribery disclosure. Indep 54(1902)2402-6. ' WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 191 F 1 a g e t, Benedict Joseph. Erection of the see of St. Louis, Missouri; Bishop Flaget's views there- on. His opposition to his translation thereto. Am Cath lies 19(1902)108-9. Francis, David R. The Loulsiona Purchase Exposition. Indep 54(1902)324-7, ill. Frauenthal, Barney W. Barney's information guide to St. Louis; a condensed and accurate guide for the World's fair city... Saint Louis, Barney's information guide pub. co., 1902. 232 p. ill., fold. map. 19%cm. [Fold, map in pocket. L.C. 2-156341 Hoch, E. S. Residences of the rich, St. Louis, Mo. Nat'l M(Bost)17(1902)16(O). The new St. Louis. [St. Louis, F.Graf eng. co., 1902] [40] pp. 111. 15%x24cm. [Illustrated from photos, by Fred Graf. L.C. 2-4704] Thurston, John M. The Louisiana Purchase Exposition In 1904. Cosmopol 34(1902-3)3-12, 111. W e t m o r e, Claude H. and Steffens, Lincoln. Tweed days In St. Louis. McClure 19(1902)577-86, 111. SAINT-PATRICE de Beaurivage. Parish of province of Quebec. Saint-Patrice de B3aurivage. Reoh Hist 8(1902)170. ST. FAUX, Minn. Capital city of state and of Ramsey Co. 10 m. E. of Minneapolis. Lang-e, [Dietrich]. Paul and Lange's twin city guide, St. Paul and Minneapolis; a compendium of Infor- mation for visitor and citizens... [St. Paul? Minn., 1902] 2 pts. in 1 v. ill., fold. map. 18%cm. [Advertising matter interspersed, [pt. 2] has special t.-p. : Paul and Lange's twin city guide, Minne- apolis and St. Paul. L.C. 3-17937] SAINT Pierre and Miquelon islands. French Islands near southern shore of Newfoundland. Les lies Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. Rech Hist 8(1902)151-3. SAINT-REAL, J. R. Vallieres (fl.1834). French Canadian judge. A u d e t, F.-J. Un Judge en prison. Rech Hist 8(1902)113-6. SAINT-RtGIS (Canada). Jesuit Indian mission (1758) on the St. Lawrence. Forbes, L'AbbC G. Saint- Regis. Rech Hist 8(1902)12-13. 6T. THEODORE, Sister (1798-1856). Catholic sister. Sister St. Theodore. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)254, port. SAINTE-ANNE de la Perade, Can. Village 55 m. W. by N. of Quebec. R o y, P. G. Cures de Sainte-Anne de la Perade. Rech Hist 8(1902)126-7. SALEM, Mass. Seaport city of Essex Co. 14 m. N. by E. of Boston. Farrell, H. F. E. Salem, Mass. Nat'l M(Bost)17(1902)248(N). Gardner, Frank A. The old planters at Salem. Gen Q M 3(1902)3-18. Salem quarterly court records and flies. Ess Ant 5(1901)26-9,55-7,88-91,120-2,169-73; 6(1902)24-30,79- 80,107-11,158-64. Visitors' Guide to Salem. Salem, Mass., 1902. Paper, small quarto, pp. 160, 111. [Rev. in: Ess Ant 6 (1902)192 "arrangement. . .systematic. . .stranger can readily find his way alone."] SALEM, N. Y. Former name of a settlement of Westchester Co. Records of the Church of Christ In Salem, Woatchester Co., N. Y. NY Rec 32(1901)12-16,71-6,164- 8,241-4; 33(1902)38-42,113-8,161-4,208-11. SALISBURY, Mass. Village of Essex Co. about 11 m. N.E. of Haverhill. Deed of sale by John Ayer to John Stevens, both of Salisbury. Bost Bull 7(1902)344-5. Hoyt, David W. The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury, Massachusetts, with some related fam- ilies of adjoining towns and of York County, Maine. Parts Six and Seven (Parts One and Two of Vol- ume II.). Providence, R. I., 1902. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 415-92; 493-572. Price fl.OO, each part. [Rev. in:Nation 74(1902)345 "Mostly derived from eighteenth-century records of Salisbury and Amesbnry churches"; N E Reg 56(1902)S31(F.W.Parke) "splendid work"; Old Northw Q 5(1902)156 "valuable."] Johnson, John French. The Quaker burial place, Salisbury, Mass. (note). N E Reg 56(1902)205. SALMON fishing. C h a m b e r s, E. T. D. Salmon-fishing In Canada. Ctry Life Am 2(1902)176(8). H a 1 1 o c k, C. Salmon-fishing. Everybody's 7(1902)22(J1). SALT. Table condiment chloride of sodium. An act for the Importation of salt Into Nova Scotia 1761. Aead 2(1902)118-21. SALT Lake trail. Overland-road from St. Joseph, Mo., Co., Fort Kearney, and Salt Lake City. C r o f t, A. J. From Meridian to Fort Kearney. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)294-5. SALT Spring Island, B. C. Island, Strait of Georgia, ab. 40 m. N. of Victoria. Philips, F. M. Saltsprlng Island. 1902. British Columbia. [Salt Spring Island?] Colonist presses [1902] cover-title, [16] p. 111., fold. map. 22V6<*m. ["Published with the authority of the Islands farmer*' institute of British Columbia": p. [1] L.C. 3-9955] SALVATION Army. Religious organization founded by General Booth. Shaw, Albert. A successful farm colony in the Irrigation country. R of Rs 26(1902)561-6, 111. 193 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902 SAMPSON, William Thomas (1840-1902). Bear-Admiral IT. S. navy. Benjamin, Park. The real Admiral Sampson. Indep 54(1002)1163-6, port. Long, John D. Rear-admiral William T. Sampson. McClure 19(1902)214-7, port. Long, John D. Rear Admiral William T. Sampson. Fortn R 78 n. 8.72(1902)227-230. M a h a 11, A. T. Rear Admiral William T. Sampson. Fortn R 78 n. 8.72(1902)230-30. M a h a n, A. T. Sampson's naval career. McClure 19(1902)217-21. SAMPSON Mason family. Mason, Alverdo Hayward. Genealogy of the Sampson Mason family. East Braintree, Mass. Printed by Alverdo Hayward Mason, 1902. 4to. pp. 144, 111., map. [Rev.in:N E Reg 56(1902)328 95-129. 8CHLEY, Winfi'eld Scott (b.1839). Rear-Adroiral TT. S. navy. Graham, George Edward. Schley and Santiago: an historical account of the blockade and final destruc- tion of the Spanish fleet under command of Admiral Pasquale Cervera, July 3, 1898. By George Edward Graham, together with a personal narrative of the fight, by Rear-Admiral Wlufleld Scott Schley, U.S.N. Illustrated with photographs taken by the author during the cruise, and during the battle. Chicago. W.B.Conkey co. [1902] 474 p. front., pi., port. 19>4cm. [2-3286 M 2] G r 1 n n e 1 1, C. E. Legal view of Schley court of Inquiry. Green Bag 14(1902)99(Mr). T e a g u e, Merrill A. Errors touching the Schley court of inquiry. Forum 32(1902)747-58. TJ. S. Navy dept. Schley court of inquiry. . . . Record of proceedings of a court of Inquiry In case of Rear-Admiral Winfield S. Schley, C. S. navy. Convened at the Navy-yard, Washington, D. C., Sep- tember 12, 1901... Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 2 v. fold, map, plan., diagr. 23cm. (57th Cong., 1st sess. House. Doc. no. 485) [Collation: (v. 1) 1 p. 1., 1259 p.; (v. Z) 1 p. 1., 1259-1936, [343], 11 p. Included in v. 2: Findings of the court, and opinion of Admiral Dewey. Rear- Admiral Schley's "Petition for relief from the findings and report of a court of Inquiry, and accompanying papers." "The President's memorandum upon the appeal of Admiral Schley." Appendix, containing logs of the battle ships, signals, etc. Index prepared In the office of the superintendent of documents. L.C. 2-23448] W i 1 s o n, H. W. The Schlev court of inquiry. Nat Rev 38(1902)789-800. SCHMITT, Edmond John Peter (1865-1901). Tex. Catholic priest and historical writer. C o x, I. J. Father Edmond John Peter Schmltt. Quai- Tex Hist Ass 5(1902)206-11. SCHTJREMAN family. Wynkoop, Richard. Sehuremans, of New Jersey. 2d ed. New York, Printed by the Knickerbocker press. 1902. 1 p. 1.. 142 p. port. 24cm. [Rev.ln.'N Y Rec 33(1902)190. L.C. 2-15180] 14 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. SCHUYLER, Montgomery (1814-96). Episcopal clergyman, writer. Schuyler, W. Ambassador of Christ: blog. of Rev. Montgomery Schuyler. N. Y., Gorbam, 1902. So. 8CHUYLKILL Valley. Valley of Sohuylkill R., a tributary of the Delaware. Down the Schuylkill Valley. Pa tier 3(1902)27-43. 111., port. SCHWAB, Charles Michael (b.1862). Pa. Pres. U. S. Steel Corporation, capitalist. M o f t e t t, Samuel E. Charles Michael Schwab. Cosmopol 33(1902)284-8, 111., port. SCIENCE. Systematic pursuit of knowledge and its ordered results. Abbe, Cleveland. Meteorology and the position of science In America. No Am 174(1902)833-44. N e w c o m b, Simon. Conditions which discourage scientific work In America. No Am 174(1902)145-58. S n y d e r, Carl. America's Inferior position In the scientific world. No Am 174(1902)59-72. SCOTCH-IRISH. Descendants of Scotch settlers in Ireland. B r y d e n, James A. The Scots In Wisconsin. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)153-8. Griffin, Martin I. J. The Scotch-Irish. Am Cath Res 19(1902)115-8. Hanna, Charles A[ugustus]. The Scotch-Irish; or, The Scot In North Britain, north Ireland, and North America. New York and London, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1902. 2 v. front., map. 24%cm. Scotch-Irish bibliography: p. 529-551. [Rev.in:Aiu Hist R 8(1902) 130-7(8. M.. Jackson) "much varied Information... not a history ... not even well arranged. . .but a collection of materials, much Irrelevant"; Nation 74 (1902)295-0 "Compilation has much genealogical value. . .not. . .readable. . .although. . .contain much readable matter. . .very serviceable for reference and... public libraries"; Dial 33(1902)325(F.W.Shepard- son) "distinctly disappointing. . .aggregation of materials. . .illogical. . .end. . .boastful. . .bibliography": N Y Rec 33(1902)124 ["altogether the work is Invaluable"]; N B Reg 56(1902)217(F.W.Parke) L.C. 2-5217] Linehan, John C[ornelius]. The Irish Scots and the "Scotch-Irish": an historical and ethnological mono- graph, with some reference to Scotia Major and Scotia Minor; to which is added a chapter on "How the Irish came as builders of the nation."... Concord, N. H., The American-Irish historical society, 1902. 138 p. Incl. front, (port.) 23cm. [Originally pub. in the Granite monthly, Concord, N. H., Jnn.-March, 1888. The chapter on "How the Irish came" Is based upon articles contributed to the Boston pilot, 1890, etc., and the Boston Sunday globe, Mar. 17, 1895. "Supplementary facts and comment": p. [83]- 128. Rev.ln:N E Reg 57(1903)127(F.W.Parke) "Authorities quoted are weighty." L.C. 3-5238] SCOTT, Winfield (1786-1866). Officer in War of 1818, General-in-Chief in Mexican War, writer. Gen. Winfleld Scott (letter). Collect 15(1902)102-3. SCUDDEK, Horace Elisha (1838-1902). N. E. editor, historian, writer. Higgluson, Thomas W. [Tribute to Horace B. Scudder.] Mass Hist Soc Proc II. 15(1901-2)494-6. SEAL fishing. Industry of hunting the fur-bearing seals. M c G r a t h, P. L. Seal fishery of Newfoundland Banks. Idler 22(1902)286(0). SEARS, Barnas (1802-80). Mass. Baptist clergyman, professor. Hovey, Alvah. Barnas Sears, n Christian educator; his making and work... New York, Boston [etc.] Silver, Burdett & company [1902] tv p., 3 1., 184 p. front., pi., port. 20cin. [L.C. 2-30129] BEATON, William Winston (1785-1864). Am. journalist, regent of Smithsonian Institution. M e 1 1 e n, George Frederick. Famous southern editors: William Winston Seaton. Meth R South 51(1902) 569-82. SEATTLE, Wash. City of King Co. 22 in. N.N.E. of Tacoma. The Argus, Christmas number, v. 9, no. 46; Dec. 20, 1902. Seattle, Wash. [H.A.Chadwlck] 1902. 80 p. ill. (inel. port). 31cm. [Descriptive of Seattle and the state of Washington. L.C. 3-15275] SECESSION. Doctrine of the right of a state to resume independence. Adams, Charles Francis. Speech of Charles Francis Adams, of Mass., December 22, 1902, at the banquet of the New England society, of Charleston, South Carolina. Boston, Press of A.Mudge & son [19027] 20 p. 23cm. [L.C. 3-4159] Calhonn and secession. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)415-6. King, William R. [Letter, a sectional issue, 1850.] Gulf Mag 1(1902)45. Reagan, John H. [Letter to Pres. Johnson.] Southern political views, 1865. South Hist A Pub 6 (1902)132-42,210-19. Woods, Thomas H. A sketch of the Miss. Secession Convention of 1861. Miss Hist P 6(1902)91-104. SECOND RIVER, N. J. Register of baptisms, births, marriages, membership, In the Dutch Reformed Church at Second River, New Jersey. N J Hist S 2(1902)177-85. SECRET Service. Detective department of the gov't. M o r a n, W. Herman. The Secret Service. New Eng M 26(1902)752-9, 111. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. 19S "SECURITY-HOLDING Company." A stock and bond trust-corporation. Trlcoche, George Nestler. Un NouTeau rouage financier uux fitats-Unis. "The Security-Holding Com- pany." Jour ficon 50(1902)380-6. SEDGWICK, John (1813-33). Conn, officer in Mexican and Civil Wars. Sedgwick, John. Correspondence, Major-General, v. 1. [New York] Printed for C. and E.B.Stoeckel [by the DP VIniie press] 1902. v. front, (port.) 23cin. [Vol. i: edition of 300 copier Rev.in:N K Reg 56(1902)414(F.W.Parke) "clear in style... of Interest." L.C. 2-16763] SEE, Adam (b.1764). Virginia lawyer, legislator. R e e, C. S. M. Historical sketch of Adam See, Esq. W Va Maz 2.3(1902)72-6. SEELE, Hermann (1823-1902). Texas pioneer, teacher, lawyer and legislator. Hermann Seele. D-'utsch-Am G 2.2(1902)69-70. SEMINOI.E Indians. A branch of the Creek tribes, formerly of Fla., now of Ind. Ter. Brown, G[eorge] If. Ponce de Leon land and Florida war record. [For details see same title under sub- ject, Ponce de Leon.] Moore-Wilson, Minnie. Seminoles of Florida, relationship to Aztecs and eastern tribes. Fla M 4 (1902)1-11. SEMMES, Raphael (1809-77). Md. Confederate naval officer in Civil War, writer. Raphael Semmes In the United States navy. Gulf Mag 1(1902)203-4. SENATE (U. S.). Upper house of Congress. D o d d, William E. The principle of Instructing United States senators. So Atlan Q 1(1902)326-32. Lodge, Henry Cabot. The treaty-making powers of the Senate. Scrlb M 31(1902)33-43. Presidents pro tempore of the United States Senate. Collect 15(1902)87. The Senate as a treaty maker. Nation 74(1902)84-5. SENECA Indians. A tribe of the Six Nations of N. Y. state. [Samson, William H.] The claim of the Ogden land company. [Rochester, N. Y., 1902] 2 1. 28cm. [Caption title. A letter to H. L. Oegood, corresponding secretary of the Rochester historical society, signed in ms. by the author. L. C. 2-20205] 8EQUOYA League. A "league to make better Indians," founded 1902. The Sequoya League. Out West 16(1902)297-302,402-13,519-22,643-50; 17,81-3,214-20,344-9,476-80, 601-7,731-4. SERAPHIM. Mother. Catholic Sister. Mother Seraphim. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)377, port. 8ERNOTTLT Fort. Fort at Detroit. Michigan. B a t e s, S. W. [Evacuation of Ft. Sernoult, Detroit.] Spirit of 7f 8(1902)96-8, plan. SERRA, Junipero (1713-84). Founder of California, apostle to the Indians. Jackson. Mrs. Helen [Maria (Fiske)] Hunt. Father Junipero and The mission Indians of California: Illustrated by Henry Sandham. Boston, Little, Brown, A company, 1902. 3 p. 1., [xl]-xli, 159 p. Incl. ill., pi. front. 19cm. [These "papers. . .first published In 1883, are now issued In a separate volume, prepared especially for schools." Pref. note. L. C. 2-17873] S e r r a, Junipero. Diary, 1769. Out West 16(1902)293-6.399-406,613-8,635-42; 17(1902)69-76, fac. SETON, Ernest Thompson (b.1860). American naturalist, lecturer, and writer, Ernest Seton-Thompson ; a Canadian naturalist. [Nature] Liv Age 232(1902)222(Ja25). M c C a b e, Lida Rose. At Windygoul with Ernest Thompson Sctcn. Bk-Buyer 25(1902-3)21-84, 111., fac. SEWANEE Review. Review edited under the auspices of Sewanee University. Henneman, John Bell. Ten years of the Sewanee Review: A retrospect. Sewanee 10(1902)477-92. SEWELL, Samuel (1652-1730). Boston judge in Salem witchcraft trials, writer. Green, Samuel A. [Commonplace book of Samuel Sewell.] Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)521-2, 111. SEWELL, William Joyce (1835-1901). N. J. officer in Civil War, U. S. senator. Stokes, Edward C. Memorial address upon William J. Sewell, United States senator of New Jersey, deliv- ered before the legislature of New Jersey, March 24, 1902. Trenton, N. J.,j. John L. Murphy Pub. Co., printers, 1902. pp. 32, port. SEYMOUR, Lucy A. (d.1902). Teacher, educator, nurse in Civil War. Lucy A.Seymour. South Work 30(1901)239-40. SEYMOUR, Conn. Village of New Haven Co. 11 m. N. W. of New Haven. Campbell, Hollis A[ndrew], Sharpe, W. C. , and Bassett, F. J. Seymour, past and present. Seymour, Conn., W.C.Sharpe, 1902. 613 p., 1 1. Incl. 111., map. front., port. 24cm. [Rev.ln:N E Reg 56(1902) 416(F.W.Parke) "evineefs]. . .care and abllitr." L.C. 2-11715] 1M WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. SHAKERS. Popular name of United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing. M a c L e a n, J. P. Mobbing the Shakers of Union Village. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)108-33. M a c L e a n, J. P. The Shaker community of Warren County: Its origin, rise, progress and decline. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902)251-304, ill. M a c L e a n, J. P. Shaker Mission to the Shawnee Indians. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)215-29. SHAPLEIGK. Major, 17th Century Quaker. G r o v e, J. Major Shapleigh the Quaker [extract]. Old Eliot 5(1902)35-37. SHARP, Joseph L. President first Nebraska territorial legislature, journalist. Joseph L. Sharp. Neb Hiat S 11.5(1902)58. SHARP family. Haines, George. Ancestry of the Halnes, Sharp, Collins, Wills, Gardiner, Prickitt, Eyes, Evans, Moore, Troth, Borton and Engle families. [For details see same title under subject, Haines family.] SHAW, Leslie Mortier (b.1848). Iowa banker, Governor, XT. 8. Secretary of Treasury. B r 1 g h a m, Johnson. Leslie Mortier Shaw. R of Rs 25(1902)161-6. ill., port. Hon. Leslie M. Shaw. World's Work 3(1901-2)1692, port. only. Roberts, George E. Leslie M. Shaw. Indep 54(1902)139-42. port. SHAW, Robert Gould (1837-63). Mass, officer in Civil War. Higginsou, Henry Lee. Four addresses, by Henry Lee Higgiiuon. [For details see same title under sub- ject, Harvard Univ.] SHAWNEE Indians. An Algonquian tribe S. of . and S.E. of V. S., now of Indian Territory. M a c L e a n, J. P. Shaker Mission to the Shawnee Indians. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)215-29. SHAYS Rebellion. Civil uprising in Mass., 1787. Noble, John. A few notes on the Shays Rebellion. Am Antiq Soc N S 15 II '02(1903)200-32. W 1 1 d e r, G. [Letter on Shay's Rebellion.] Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)371-3. SHEBOYGAN County, Wis. Co. in . part of state. G e r e n d, Alphonse. The archaeloglcal features of Sheboygan County [Wis.] I. The village sites. Wis Arch 1(1901-2)12-21, plat, ill., 60-9. SHEEP raising. Industry of raising and marketing sheep and wool. M i n t o, John. Sheep husbandry in Oregon. The pioneer era. Oreg Q 3(1902)219-47. SHELBURNE, Vt. Village of Chittenden Co. 7 m. S. of Burlington. Hazelton, Henry I. Shelburne farms. New Enj: M 25(1901-2)267-77. ill. SHELBY, Joseph (b.1831). Mo. Confederate General, U. S. raarshall for the western district of Ho. Reed, Wallace Putnam. Last forlorn hope of the Confederacy. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)117-21. SHELBY V1LLE, Ind. City of Shelby Co. 27 m. S.E. of Indianapolis. Boetcker, William J[ohn] H[enry]. Picturesque Shelby ville. Representing the official, business and so- cial relations of Shelbyville, Indiana... Photos taken by: J. V. Orebaugh ... matter contributed by: Mr. Chas. H. Tindall... [Shelbyville, Ind.] W.J.H.Boetcker, 1902. 183 p. incl. ill., port. 19Msx27cm. [L.C. 3-184] SHELDON, William (1830-1902). Clergyman. Sheldon, Lucy. The life and labors of William Sheldon, written and comp. by his daughter... Mendota, 111., Western advent Christian publication association, 1902. 304 p. front., pi., port. 20cm. ["A model preacher" [poem by Jennie Sheldon Bowden] p. 7-8. L.C. 3-31] SHEPARD, Jeremiah (fl.1674). Clergyman. S h e p a r d, Jeremiah. [Letter] to the Church of Christ at Rowley, 1674. Bost Bull 7(1902)343-4. SHEPHERD, David (d. about 1795). Va. pioneer, Indian fighter. C r a n m e r, G. L. Col. David Shepherd, first lieut. commandant of Ohio Co.. Va. W Va Mag 2.2 (1902)631-5. C r a n m e r, G. L. A correction as to Col. David Shepherd. W Va Mag 2.3(1902)72. SHEPHERD, Thomas (d.1776). English settler of Mecklenburg, now Shepherdstown, W. Va. Allen, Fanny Shepherd. Thomas Shepherd. W Va Mag 2.4(1902)28-33, ill. SHERIDAN, Philip Henry (1831-88). General in Civil War. Sheridan, Philip Henry. Personal memoirs, general United States army. New and enl. ed. with an ac- count of his life from 1871 to his death, in 1888, by Brig.-Gen. Michael V. Sheridan... New York, D. Appleton and co., 1902. 2 v. front., ill., port., map, facslm. 22^cm. [Rev. in: Nation 74(1902)268 "Less than 130 pages. . .added. . .by. . .Gen. Michael V. Sheridan. . .relate. . .chief incidents of... life from 1871. ..materially enhance. . .value. . .tribute is sincere and pleasing." L.C. 2-9129] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. 197 SHERMAN, Lydia Whitney (1804-98). Sherman, George W[itherell] and Sherman, Andrew M. Memorials of Lydia Whitney Sherman who passed away March eighteen, anno Domini, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. [Morrlstown, N. 3., The Jer- seyman press, 1902] 4 p. 1., 119, [1] p. front., pi., port. 24cm. [L.C. 2-11711[ SHERMAN, Roger (1721-93). Conn, signer of the Declaration of Independence, U. S. senator. P h y f e, R. Baton, A.B. Roger Sherman a maker of the nation. Oona Mag 7(1902)234-48, ill, port. SHERMAN, William T. (1820-91). General in Civil War. Johnson, W. F. Life of W. T. Sherman. (Biographies of famous men.) Chicago, Donohue, 1902. 12o. Wilson, James Grant. A sheaf of Sherman letters. Indep 54(1902)213-5. SHERMAN family. B o w m a n, G. iO. The estates of William Sherman, jr., and Israel Holmes. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)171-4. SHERWOOD, Smith (n.1822). Va. Baptist clergyman. Marriages performed by Rev. Smith Sherwood. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)89-92. SHERWOOD, William (d.about 1697). Virginia Attorney- General, Va. Burgess. Letters of William Sherwood to Sir Joseph Williamson. Wm M Q 11(1902)112-13. SHILOH (Tenu.). Civil War battle, Apr. 6-7, 1832. H u r s t, T. M. Battle of Shiloh. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)22-37. Misfortune to southern arms at Shiloh. Confed Vet iui. 11)01-2)106-8. Moore, John C. Shiloh issues again. Confed Vet 10(1901-2)316-7. SHIP subsidies. Bounties for the encouragement of native ship building. Coombs, John C. The Isthmian Canal, the subsidy bill and a mighty navy. Nat'l M(Bost)15(1901-2) 466-77. The effectiveness of subsidies. Nation 74(1902)4-5. M c V e y, Prank L. The Frye Subsidy bill. Yale R 11(1902-3)38-56. Schiffessubventionsges. d. Vereinigt. Staat. v. N.-A. Export(1902)no.8,15. The ship-subsidy scheme. Nation 74(1902)166-7. SHIPBUILDING. The art and industry of making ships. Bergengren, Ralph. Steel ship building in Massachusetts. New Eng M 26(1902)276-89, ill. Cramp, Charles H. The Steamship merger and American shipbuilding. No Am 175(1902)5-16. Crowell, J. F. Present status and future prospects of Am. shipbuilding. (Pub. of the soc., no. 325.) Phila., Am. Acad. Pol. Sci., 1902. 80. C r o w e 1 1, J. F. Present status and future prospects of Am. shipbuilding. Ann Am Acad Pol Sci 19 (1902)46-60. Goodrich, Arthur. The expansion of the American shipyard. World's Work 3(1901-2)1933-50, 111. H u s k e, Ellis. [Letter] to Cornelius Waldo [1731]. Bost Bull 7(1902)381-2. S c h w a r z, T. Amerikan. schiffbau i. letzt. Jahrzehnt. Jahrb d Schiffbautech(1902)3B. Spears, John R. Our ships of the sea. Outl 71(1902)631-43. ill. W e y e r, B. Warum d. Kaiser s. Yacht in Amerika baueu lasst. Ueberall(1902)no.9,2Abb. SHIPP, Bernard (b.1813). Kentucky poet and writer. S h i p p, Bernard. Reminiscences of a long life. Gulf Mag 1(1902)19-26, port. SHIPPEN, Margaret (fl.1793). Wife of Benedict Arnold. Walker, Lewis Burd. Life of Margaret Shippeu, wife of Benedict Arnold. Penn Mag 25(1901)20-46, 146-9[Port.of Hamllton]289-302,452-97; 26(1902)71-80,224-44,322-34,464-8, port. SHIPPING. All large apparatus for water transportation. A n t e i 1 der 'Vereinigten Staaten an der internal. Seeschiffahrt. Grenzboten(1902)no.l4. Cramp, Charles H. British subsidies and American shipping. No Am 175(1902)829-34. Goodrich, Arthur. Merchantmen twice as big as men-of-war. World's Work 3(1901-2)1653-8, 111. Les lignos de navigation franchise sur 1'amerique du Nord et le Trust de I'Ocfian. La Crolx 26 Nor (1902). Marvin, Winthrop L. The American ship in 1902. Scrib M 32(1902)577-83. Nixon, Lewis. The developing of shipping in the United States. Cosmopol 32(1901-2)371-8, 111. Passagierverkehr zwisch. Europa u. New York. Uhlands Vekehr zeit(l02)no.l2. Ship registers for the port of Philadelphia. 1726-1775. Penn Mag 25(1901)118-31,266-81,400-16,560-74; 26 ( 1902 ) 126-43,280-4, 390-400,470-5. SHIPPING Trust. Combination of N. Atlantic steamship lines, "Internat. Merchant Marine Co." Cramp, Charles H. The Steamship merger and American shipbuilding. No Am 175(1902)5-16. Elzbacher.. The American Shipping trust. Coutemp 82(1902)69-79. L a w s o n, W. R. The Cunard agreement. Contemp 82(1902)703-15. Marvin, Winthrop L. The great ship "Combine." R of Rs 26(1902)679-88, ill., port. 198 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Scbroedter, C. Amerikan.-Engllsch. Schists Syruiikiit n. d. dtschn. Rheederelen. Oeberall(1902)no. 38,39. The shipping deal. Nation 74(1902)380-1. The steamship combine. Nation 74(1902)321. Trade results of the shipping trust. Sat R 93(1902)659-60. Wetherell, W. American millionaires and British shipping. Fortn 77(1902)511-23. SHOE industry. Making and marketing of shots. L'industrie dela chaussure aux fitats-Unis. Jour con 52(1902)384-6. SHORTHAND. Abbreviated forms for rapid writing. U p h a m, W. P. Shorthand notes of Jonathan Kdwnnis. Miss Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)514-21, fac. 8IBLEY, Charlotte Augusta Langdon (Cook) (1819-1902). Mass, local philanthropist. [Mrs. Charlotte Augusta Langdon Slbley, obituary.] N E Reg 56(1902)222. Sibley, Charlotte Augusta Langdon (Cook) "Mrs. J. L. Sibley." Will of Charlotte Augusta Langdou (Cook) Sibley, of Groton. Born In Boston, 5 October, 1819. Died In Groton, Massachusetts, 22 January, 1902. [Groton, 1902] 6 p. 23%cm. [L.C. 2-17697] Young, Joshua. Address at the funeral of Mrs. Charlotte Augusta Langdon Sibley, of Groton, Massachu- setts, January 25. 1902. Groton. 1902. 18 p. 24&cm. [L.C. 2-17954] SIERRA Nevadas, Cal. Mountain range of California parallel to the Coast. King, Clarence. Mountaineering In the Sierra Nevada. New York, C.Scribner's sons, 1902. xi p., 1 1., 378 p. 19^cm. [Rev.ln:Natlon 75(1902)420 "Reprint. . .extraordinary merit as narrative. . .noble de- scriptions of nature abound"; Dial ,H3(1902)479 "reprint will be- welcome. . .fascinating work." L.C. 2-27225] Roberts, Mllnor. On the crest of the Sierra Nevada. Out West 17(1902)429-41, 111. Wilson, Obed G[rayj. My adventures in the Sierras. Franklin, <)., The Editor publishing co., 1902. 1 p. 1., 215 p. port. 19%cm. [L.C. 3-845] 8IGOURNEY. Lydia Howard (Huntley) (1791-ab.l864). American writer, teacher. C o 1 1 i n, Grace Lathrop. Lydia Huntley Slgourney. New Eng M 27(1902)15-30, 111., port. tilLK industry. Manufactures of silk and their marketing. Geargeot, C. Les projtres de 1'lndustrie de la sole aux tats-Unls. Ref Econ 2 Mars(1902). Williams, Carrie. Silk culture in California. Overland n s 40(1902)363(0.1. SILLER Y. Noel Brulart de (1577-1640). French minister of state. Scott, H. A. Noel Brulart de Slllery. Nouv Fr 1(1902)169-83. SILSBY. Arthur Wilson (1851-99). N. H. county judge. Arthur Wilson Sllsby (obituary). N H Hist S 111.2,1897-9(1902)511-12. SILVERWARE. Articles of silver. Jack, David Russell. Old plate. Acad 2(1902)147-54, 111. SIMPSON, Sampson (1780-1857). Founder of Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York. I s a a c s, M. S. Sampson Slmson. Pub Amer Jew Hist Soc 10(1902)109-17. SINGLE tax. Theory of taxing land only associated with Henry George. M 1 1 1 e r, Joseph Dana. Is the single tax movement making progress? Indep 54(1902)2192-4. SIOUX (or Dakota) Indians. A collection or race of Indians of Dakota, Neb., and Wyoming. Death of Loean Fontanrlle. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)161-4. Dillon, Lee A. The Indian massacre of 1866. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)223-5. Sketches Historical and Descriptive of the Monuments and Tablets. . .connected with the Indian Outbreak of 1862. [For details see same title under subject, Minnesota.] SKANEATELES, N. Y. Village of Onondaga Co. 7 m. E. by N. of Auburn. Leslie, Edmund Norman. Skaneateles; history of Its earliest settlement and reminiscences of later times: disconnected sketches of the earliest settlement of this town and village, not chronologically arranged, together with its gradual and progressive advancement in business prosperity and higher education. With notes of the Individuality of prominent citizens. . . New York, Press of A. H. Kellogg, 1902. xxii. 477 (1. e. 483) p. Incl. 2 front, ill., pi., port. 26^cm. [Paging irregular: p. 26a and 26b inserted after p. 26; "Addendum" (4 p.) between p. 464 and 465. Originally pub., in part, in the Skaneateleb' Democrat. L.C. 2-21266] SKINNER, Charles R. (b.1844). N. Y. state superintendent of public education, writer. Charles R. Skinner. World's Work 4(1902)2140. port. only. SKOKOMICH Indians. A tribe of British Colombia. H i 1 1 - T o n t, C. Communal houses in British Columbia. Am Ant 24(1902)107. Q u i m b y, Lida W. Among the Skokomlsh Indians. South Work 30(1901)511-13. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 190 SLAVERY (anti-slavery, abolition, emancipation). Property in human beings. A d a m s, C. F. John Quincy Adams and Martial Law. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)436-78. B a 1 1 a g h, James Curtis. The anti-slavery sentiment In Virginia. So Atlan Q 1(1902)107-17. Ballagh, James Curtis. A history of slavery in Virginia. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1902. 1 p. 1., viii, 160 p. 24cm. (Johns Hopkins university studies In historical and political science. Extra volume, xxlv) ["Bibliography": p. 149-154. Rev.ln:Am Hist R 8(1903)356-7(W.E.DuBols) "best local study of American slavery. . .yet appeared ... temper and balance. . .well maintained. . .bibliography and an index"; Nation 75(1902)310-11 "Confined. . .to. . .legal aspects of slavery ... first-rate piece of work ...style [while]. ..involved.. .Is. ..readable., .punctuation [shiftless]"; South Hist A Pub 6(1902)514-8 "strength lies In reference. . .might have been greatly extended. . .as a constructive study ... incomplete for Virginia alone. . .bibliography of 4 pages where the omission of well-known books Is noteworthy... index ... worse than useless." L.C. 2-13405] B a r k e r, E. C. The African Slave Trade In Texas. Quar Tex Hist Ass 6(1902)145-58. C o 1 w e 1 1, Percy Robert. The verse of the slavery struggle. Princeton Bull 13(1902)44-5. The Confederate plan for arming slaves. South Work 30(1901)475-6. C o r y, C. E. Slavery in Kansas. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)229-42. H a s k e 1 1, The passing of slavery In Western Missouri. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)28-39. Helps, Sir Arthur. The Spanish conquest in America and Its relation to the history of slavery and to tht government of colonies. [For details see same title under subject, America.] Land and slave owners Princess Anne county, 1778. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)1-7. Little, William. An Indian as property, 1721. [Letter] to Samuel Tilley. Bost Bull 7(1902)74. Locke, Mary Stoughton. Anti-slavery In America from the Introduction of African slaves to the prohibition of the slave trade (1619-1808) Boston, Ginn & Oo. 1901 O. pp 15+255. [Rev.ln:South Hist A Pub (1902)512-4 "great multitude of facts. . .renders much of the work heavy reading... a model of scholarly work and fairness. . .extended bibliography. . .indox. . .is whut an index should be."] Lowell, James Russell. The anti-slavery papers. Boston and New York, Hough ton,, Mifflin and company, 1902. . 2 v. 24cm. [These vovlumes "contain more than lifty articles; the first five contributed during 1844 to the 'Pennsylvania freeman;' the rest, between 1S45 and 1850, to the 'National anti-slavery standard.' " Introduction. Rev.ln:Nation 76(1903)14-5 "need of this elegant reprint ... not ... apparent ...[no] index ... invited annotation. . .tasteful. . .edition. .. [practically] free from printers* errors"; Dial 34(1903)14-6( Wallace Rice) "reprint. . .interesting to trace. . .germs of thought which went Into... great poems of freedom and democracy"; Men.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)608 "Most of the articles. . .were printed ... from the original manuscripts." L.C. 2-27437] Minor, Charles L. C. The old system of slavery. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)125-9. O g g, Frederic Austin. Jay's treaty and the slavery interests of the United States. Am Hist A Rep '01 (1902)273-98. Slave owners, Princess Anne county.. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)24-6,34-5,64-9,76-7 Stephens, Alexander H. . Letters [to R S. Burch] 1854. . Am Hist R 8(1902)91-7 Two bills of sale of a negro slave [in Mass.]. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)210-11 . SLAVONIC AMERICANS. Members of Slavonic races living in America. C h 6 1 a r d, R. Emigration hougrolse et panslavisme ame'ricain. . . Sci soc Nov (1902). Regnemer, Wm. The Slav in the coke region of southwestern Pennsylvania. Ass Her 7(1902)321-5. SLOAN, James (1788-1868). K. Y. pioneer and trader. S 1 o a n, J. Early trade routes. Adventures and recollections of a pioneer trader, with an account of his share in the building of Buffalo Harbor. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)215-37. 8LOAT, John Drake (1781-1867). Admiral U. S. navy. Sherman, Edwin A[llen]. The life of the late Rear- Admiral John Drake Sloat of the United State navy who took possession of California and raised the American flag at Monterey on July 7th, 1846. Comp. from the most authentic sources of family history... [Monumental ed.] Oakland, Cal., Carruth & Car- ruth, printers, 1902. 1 p. 1., 258 p. front., pi., port., geneal. tab. 26cm. [L.C. 2-24864] SLOCUM, Joshua (fl.1902). Mass, seaman who circumnavigated world in 37 ft. sail boat. J o h n s o n, Clifton. Captain Joshua Slocum. Outing 41(1901-2)35-9. 111. * SMITH, Ethelbert Marshall (1839-1901). K. H. merchant, TJ. S. consul to Amoy. Ethelbert Marshall Smith (obituary). N Y Rec 33(1902)122. SMITH, Francis Hopkinson (b.1838). American artist and writer. M r. F. Hopkinson Smith. World's Work 5(1902-3)2796, port. only. SMITH, Isaac William (1825-98). N. H. Supreme Court Judge, legislator, mayor of Manchester, K. H. Isaac William Smith [obituary]. N H Hist S 111.2,1897-9(1902)512-13, port. SMITH, James (ab. 1720-1806). Fa. signer of the Declaration of Independence. E a b y, Rachel Alice. James Smith, a signer of the Declaration of Independence from Pennsylvania. Am Mouth M 21 (1802)204-6, 111. 200 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 15)02 SMITH, Jessie Wilcoz (fl.1902). Philadelphia artist. Morris, Harrison S. Jessie Wilcox Smith. Bk-Buyer 24(1902)201-5, 111., port. SMITH, Joseph (1707-88). First settler of Sturbridge, Mass. Weld, Charles W. [and Chase, L-vl B.] Joseph Smith, James Deneson, first settlers of Sturbridgu and Southhridge. Quinabaug Hist Soc Leaf l[1902?]147-58. SMITH, Joseph (1805-44). Founder of Mormonism. Riley, I[saac] Woodbridge. The founder of Mormonism; a psychological study of Joseph Smith, jr., with an introductory preface by Prof. George Trumbnll I. add. New York, Dodd, Mead & company, 1902. six, 446 p. facs. 19y a cm. ["Bibliography": p. 427-446. Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)203,592(W.F.Slo- cum) "valuable. exhaustive. . .psychological study, .interesting and forceful. . .written with. . .freshness and. . .clearness. . .complete bibliography"; Nation 75(1902)350-1 "Study of .. .characteristics [from]... heredity and environment. . .Mr. Riley holds. . .hypnotic psychology furnishes. . .solvent. . .is of wonderful ingenuity and readableness" ; Dial 34(1903)16-18(W.H.Carruth) "excellent bibliography .. .Interesting. .. for its independent spirit and for its attempt to apply psycolog.v . . . to the Interpretation of [a] historical problem..." L.C. 2-16103] SMITH, Captain John (1579-1631). Explorer, founder of Virginia, writer. Roberts, . P. The adventures of Captain John Smith, captain of two hundred aud fifty horse, and some- times president of Virginia... With seventeen illustrations and three maps. London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green, and co., 1902. siv, :>07 p. front., pi., port., map (partly fold.) 21cm. [41.Men.ln:Am Hist R 8(1903)402 "compiled chiefly from his own writings and those of his contem- poraries." L.C. 3-892] Simms, W[illiam] Gilmoro. The life of Captain John Smith, the founder of Virginia, with an introduc- tion by G. Mercer Adam... New York, The Perkins Hook company [c!902] xiii, 374 p. front., pi., port. 19cm. ([Heroes of history]) [L.C. 3-9585] Woods, Katharine Pearson. Captain John Smith and the American nation. Harper 104(1901-2)470-475. SMITH, Joshua Hett (1749-1818). N. Y. loyalist, accomplice of Andre. Joshua Hett Smith (note). S C Hist Mas 3(1902)176-7. SMITH, T. Watson (ab. 1834-1902). Nova Scotian clergyman, editor, historian, writer. I n memoriam Rev. T. Watson Smith, D.D., LL. D. Acad 2(1902)138-9. SMITH, Thomas (1702-95). Me. clergyman. Perkins, John Carroll. Rev. Thomas Smith, I). D. and bis first parish of Falmouth, now Portland; an ad- dress. Portland, S.Berry, printer, 1902. 36 p. 19Vncm. [L.C. 3-20252] SMITH family. Reade, Compton. The Smith family. London, Elbert Stock, 1902, pp 14+280. [Rev.ln:N Y Rec 34(1903) 228 "account of the chief families of the name."] SMITHSONIAN Institution. Scientific Inst. at Washington tounded by James Smithson. S i k e s, Enoch Walter. The work of the Smithsonian Institution. So Atlan Q 1(1902)269-77. The Smithsonian Institution. Smithson R 1901(1902)145-51. ill., port. SMYTH, Frederick (1819-99). N. H. Governor, Mayor of Manchester, financier. Frederick Smyth [obituary]. N H Hist S 111.2,1897-9(1902)514-6, port. SNEAD, Thomas Lowndes (1828-90). Mo. historian. [Robinson, Hamline E] Two Missouri historians... Maryland (Mo.) Republican print, 1902. 20 p. incl. front., port. 25cm. [Paper read before the State historical society of Missouri ... Dec. 5, 1901. L.C. 2-20349] SNOW shoeing. Travelling on snow by the use of specially adapted shoes. H u b b a r d, Leonldas. The webbed feet of the north. Outinjr 39(1901-2)634-41 ill. SOAP. Salts of the fat acids. Soap and candles, 1767. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)35. SOCIAL REFORM. Betts, Lillian W[illiams], The leaven in a great city... New York, Dodd, Mead & company, 1902. vl, 315 p. front., pi. 19%cm. [Contents. At the bottom. The development of social centers. The homes under one roof. Slow-dawning consciousness. Working-girls' clubs. A social experiment. Within the walls of home. Financial relations in families. Home standards. Where lies the responsi- bility? Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)430 "Account of New York's East Side poor ... valuable contribution to the consideration of city problems. . .impressive reading"; Dial 34(1903)27 "sympathetic and expert... not a tirade... a faithful and valid account. . ..civets] .. .a clearer understanding." L.C. 2-23322] Le roy, Beaulieu, P. Le monvement 6con et social aux Etnts-Dnis. epn Fr 1 lOct( 1902 )5&19Jull.( 1902) Philanthropy, charities and social problems. Annals Am Acad Pol and Soc Sci 20(1902)647-56. T o 1 m a n, Frank L. The study of sociology in institutions of learning in the United States. Am Jour Sociol 7(1901-2)797-838; 8(1902-3)85-121. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 201 SOCIT DES AMIS, La. Montreal literary society est. 1842. Huguet-Latour, L.-A. La Societe des Amis. Rech Hist 8(1902)121-2. SOCIETY. The human race in its organized activities. Banks, Charles Eugene, assisted by Cook, G. C. & Everett, Marshall. . . . Beautiful homes and social cus- toms of America... a complete guide to correct social forms aud artistic living... Chicago, The Bible house, 1902. 352 p. Incl. front., ill. pi. 40^ s. 2lcm. [At head of title: The book of American cul- ture. L.C. 2-20053] Hart, Albert Bushnell. ...How our grandfathers lived, selected and annotated ... with the collaboration of Annie Bliss Chapman... New York, The Maemillan company, 1902. xiv p., 1 I., 371 p. front., ill. 19%cm. (Source-readers in American history, no. 3) [Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)421 "[No] Index ... table of contents is very meagre." L.C. 2-27722] Neve, J[uergen] LIudwig]. Charakterziige des amerikanischcu voiken. 2. aufl. Leipzig, H.G.Wallmau; Burlington, la., German literary board [1902] 94 p. 22V 2 cm. p. 91-94, advertising matter. L.C.3-21379] Rankin, J. E. Esther Burr's journal. 2d ed. Washington, Howard Univ. 1902. Robins, Edward. Romances of early America. Philadelphia, G.W.Jacobs aud company, 1902. 268 p. front., pi., port. 21% em. [Title In blue and orange. Contents. The meschiauza-and love-making: a story of old Philadelphia. Peasant and patrician: in colonial Boston. War and flirtation: Miss Wister at Penllyn. A belle of Delaware: Miss Vining, of Wilmington and Dover. A disappointment in love: legends from Virginia. Conspiracies and Cupid: New York and her royal governors. Born to be a rebel: a pretty Bostonian. Edwin Forrest's flrst love: New Orleans in the "twenties." An uncompromising Tory: North Carolina and loyalism. The ghosts of Graeme park: a Pennsylvania romance. Washing- ton as a wooer: sweethearts in Virginia and New York. A Quaker transformed: the leader of Washing- ton society. Rev.in:Natlon 75(1902)362 "A rechauffe. . .beginning with... the Mischianza . . . and travers- ing... love affairs of Washington, Jefferson and Madison." L.C. 2-21377] S k a 1, Gv. D. Amerlkau. Gesellsch. Nr. 44. Woche (1902). Stiff. Mo3urs americaines. Tour Monde 9 Aout (1902). Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth. Social life in the parly republic, with numerous reproductions of por- traits, miniatures, and residences. Philadelphia & London, J.B.Lippiucott company, 1902. xvi, 13-346p. col. front., pi., port. 21%cm. [Rev.ln:Natlon 75(1902)480 "not... to be taken seriously ... styles ... easy and attractive. . .delicacy of treatment ... little- that is new or original"; Dial 33(1902)471 "most fasci- nating. . .racy, gossipy. . .charming from beginning to end." L.C. 2-29033] SOCIETY for Prevention Cruelty to Animals. Society founded by Henry Berg-h. 1866. Morris, Clara. Mr. Henry Bergb. McClure 18(1901-2)414-22. ill., port. SOMERVILLE, Mass. City of Middlesex Co. 2 m. from Boston. Elliot, Charles D. The Stinted Common, Sornervill?. Somerville Journal Print. 1902, pplO, 80. SONS of St. Tammany of Philadelphia. Patriotic society of early origin. C a b e e n, Francis Von A. The society of tho Sons of Saint Tammany of Philadelphia. Penn Mag 25 (1901)433-51; 26(1902-3)7-24,207-23,335-47,443-63, port. SOTHERN, E. A. (1827-81). American actor. Fuller, Lucy Derby. The humor of the elder Sothern. Cent 64(1902)196-203, ill., port. BOTTLE, George (fl.1667). Plymouth, Mass. (Mayflower) settler. Bowman, George Ernest. George Soule's autograph. Maytl Di-sc 4(1902)98-100, facs. SOULE family. Bowman, George Ernest. Transc. by. John Soule's inventory and the settlement of his estate. Mnyil Desc 4(1902)159-61. SOUTH AMERICA. Southern continent of the Western Hemisphere. A m e r 1 k a. Auslassgn. e. englisch. Parlamentariers flb. a. Eiudrttcke auf e. Tour durch SUd-amerlka. Gartenflora (1902)No.6. A m e r 1 k a. Lage u. Handel In Siid-anierika 1901. Export (1902)No.5. A m e r i k a. Thatigk. d. Nord-amerikaner in Sud-amerika. Gartenflora (1902)No.ll. A v " - L a 1 1 e m a n t, G. Expansionspolitik in Siidamerika. Neue zeit (19(\2)21.J.Nr.3. L a crise vinicola e gli sbocchi nell' America del sud. Economista 15 Juin (1902). Emerson, Edwin. South America war issues. R of Rs 25(1902.) 298-303, ill. Fountain, Paul. The great mountains and forests of South America... London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green, and co., 1902. 4 p. 1., 306 p. front, (port.) pi. 23cm. [Illustrations by Miss Nelly Brown. "Sequel to The great deserts and forests of North America." Introd. L.C. 3-3724] Germany. Deutsche seewarte, Hamburg. ...Handbuch der ostkUste Stidamcrikas, zwidchen dem Kap San Roque und der Magellan-Strasse. Hrsg. von cler direktion. Mil 102 kiistenanslchten und 17 hafenplanen im text, sowle 22 tafeln... Hamburg, L.Friederichsen & co., 1902. xxiv, 731 p. incl. 111., map, plan, tab. front., pi., fold, map, fold, charts. 23% em. [Preface signed: Dr. von Neumayer. L.C. 3-5875-0] Grgr, J. Reise-Bibllothek: Illurt. bllder au BUd-Amerlka. Uun. Tilly, 1902. M- I 202 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. Handbuch d. OltkiUte SUdamerikas zwlschen d. Kap Sun Roque u. d. Magellan Strasse; lirsg. v. d. direct, d. Deutschen Seewarte. Hamb. Frlederlchsen, 1902. 80. M. K a r s t e n, G. P. Preuss' Expedition nach Ccntral-u. Sild-amerlka 1899-1900. Geog. Ztach, (1902)22-7. Kayser, B[runo] von. Unterm sttdlichen krouz; zu wasser und zu lande von Rio de Jaiieiro bis Feuerland, 1899-1900. Braunschweig, G.Westermaun, 1902. 3 p. 1., 74 p. fold. map. 22cin. [L.C. 3-20638] K o b e r, H. Deutsch-evang. Gcmeinden In Siidamerika. Pr W B [s. 6], 1106-12. L 1 1 o r a 1 i s. Export-Industrie d. Union u. Dstchlds. 1. SUd-Anu-rika. Meer u. KUste (1902)230. MacMahon, M. From Panama to the Horn, South America. Cath World 74 (1902) 573 (F). Netolltsky, F. Beobachtgn. v. d. Westktiste Sild-amerlkas. Ver. d. Gesoll. f. Anthrop(1902)197-89. Reiss, WLilhelm] i. e. [Johann] W[ilhelmj. Relsen in Sild-Amerlka. Das hochgebtrge der republik Ecu- ador. .. Petrographlsche untersuchungen. . .Bearb. on Cincinnati am 6. november 1901 . . . Cincinnati, Verlag des verfassers, 1902. 2 p. 1., 11-54 p. 23%cm. [L.C. 2-22440] STANDARD Oil Company. Petroleum trust. Clemens, Will M. The genesis of Standard oil. New Eng M 26(1902)76-9. Miss Tarbell's history of the Standard Oil Company. McClure 19(1902)589-92. T a r b e 1 1, Ida M. The history of the Standard Oil Company. McClure 20(1902-3)3-16,115-28, 111., port. STANDING ROCK Indians. Indians living on Standing Rock Znd. Reservation, N. and S. Dakota. K e n n a n, George. Have the Standing Rock Indians been fairly treated? Outl 71(1902)90-6. K e n n a n, George. Settlement of the Standing Rock Indian case. Outl 72(1902)907-8. The Standing Rock Indian case I. Commissioner Jones's statement. Outl 70(1902)651-5. U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Indian affairs. ...Leasing of Indian lands. Hearings. . .[Jan. 16, 23, February 4,13, 1902] on the resolution submitted by Mr. Rawlins proposing an Inquiry relative to leases of Indian lands, Senate bill 145, In relation to certain lands within the Ulntah Indian reservation, and the resolution submitted by Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, In regard to leases of the Standing Rock Res- ervation lands. February 22, 1902. Submitted by Mr. Platt, of Connecticut, and ordered to be printed . . . Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 120 p. 23cm. (57th Cong., 1st Bess. Senate. Doc. no. 212) [L.C. 2-23952] W., H. [Welsh, Herbert] The action of the Interior department In forcing the Standing Rock Indians to lease their lands to cattle syndicates. Bulletins 61462, pp28+2. Phlla., Indian Rights Association. 109. STANDISH, Myles (ab. 1584-1656). Mayflower pilgrim, Indian fighter. H o d g e s, George. Captain Myles Standlnh. New Eng M 25(1901-2)686-706, 11L STANFORD University. The Leland B. Stanford, Jr. Univ. at Palo Alto, Cal. fd. 1885. I r w i n, Will. Richly endowed Stanford University. World's Work 4(1902)2089-97, 111., port- J o r d a n, D. S. The Ideals of Stanford University. Overland n s 40(1902)303(8). STANLEY, Henry Morton (b.1840). African explorer. Godbey, A. M. Life of Henry M. Stanley. (Biographies of famous men.) Chicago, Donohue, 1902. 12o. STANTON, Dorothy (fi.1696), of Stonington, Conn. Wheeler, Richard A. Esq. Dorothy Stanton. N E Reg 56(1902)153-5. STANTON, Elizabeth Cady (1815-1902). N. Y. woman's rights advocate, writer. H a r p e r, Ida Hersted. Elizabeth Cady Stanton. R of Rs 26(1902)715-20, ill. Harper, Ida Husted. The passing of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Indep 54(1902)2622-5, port. STAPLES, Samuel Elias (1822-1902). Mass, merchant, local historical writer. (Rice, Franklin P.) Samuel Elias Staples. 1822-1902. Founder and first President of the Worcester So- ciety of Antiquity, Worcester, Massachusetts. (Worcester. 1002.) 8vo. pp. 16. Portrait. IHev.ln: N .E Reg 57(1003)122-3(F.W.Parke) "Fine sketch."] Rice, Franklin P. Samuel Elias Staples. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)92-103, port. Samuel E. Staples. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)103-5. STARK, John (1728-1822). N. H. General in Am. Revolution. B o y n t o n, H. John Stark, His place in American history. Granite M 33(1902)228-46, 111. S a n b o r n, F. B. General John Stark: his genius and achievements as factors in the accomplishment of American Independence. N H Hist S 111.2,1897-9(1902)391-414. STARK family. Stark family [Note]. Wm M Q 11(1902)148. 8TARKE County, Ind. Co. in the N.W. part of state. McCormiok, Chester A. McCormick's guide to Starke County: or, A past and a present view of our terri- tory... [Knoz, In.] The author, 1902. 102 p. Incl. front., 111., port. IS^cm. [L.C. 3-3213] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 207 "THE STATES." Colloquial British name for the IT. S. Matthews, Albert. "The States." Nation 74(1902)343-4. STEAM BOATS. Vessels propelled by steam power. Klngsbury, Frederick J. An Ericsson propeller on the Farmiugton canal. Coon Mag 7(1902)329-33. The Norfolk and Richmond steam-boat, 1816. Low N'orf Aut 4(1902)49-54. STEARNS (Mrs.) Mary Elizabeth (Preston) (1321-1901). Massachusetts philanthropist. M r s. George Luther Stearns. Medf Reg 5(1902)21-2. STEEL ENGRAVING. The art of preparing steel plates for printing purposes. Weitenkampf, Frank. The evolution of steel engraving in America. Bk-Buyer 23(1901-2)93-5, 111. 8TEELE, John Washington. Steele, John Washington. Coal oil Johnny; story of his career as told by himself. (John Washington Steele) Franklin, Pa., 1902. 211 p. front., pi., port. 18%cm. [L.C. 2-10028] STEIGER, Rodolphe (1780-1847). Swiss-English officer, resident in Canada, physician in War of 1812. W y s s, Fred. Le capitaine Rodolphe Steiger. Rech Hist 8(1902)187-8. STEPHENS, Alexander Hamilton' (1812-83). Ga. lawyer, tJ. S. Congressman, Governor, writer. Stephens, Alex. H. Leter [to R. S. Burch] 1854. Am Hist R 8(1902)91-7. STEPHENS family. S m y t h, R. D. & Steiner, Bernard C. John Stephens of Guilford (Conn.) and his dlscendants. N B Reg 56(1902)356-61. STEPTOE family. E s k r 1 d g e, Steptoe, Ac. Va Mag 10(1902)95. STERNE, Limon (1838-1901). Phila. and N. Y. editor, writer. [Llmon Sterne obituary]. Am Hist R 7(1902)406. STEVENS, Atherton H. (fl.1860). Officer in Civil War. The first Federal to enter Richmond. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)152-3. STEVENS, Benjamin Franklin (1833-1902). Am. Bibliographer. Bookseller in London. [ B e n j.a m 1 n Franklin Stevens]. Am Hist R 7(1902)616. [Benjamin Franklin Stevens obituary]. N E Reg 56(1902)334. STEVENS, William (1816-97). N. H. banker, legislator, mayor of Dover, N. H. William S. Stevens [obituary]. N H Hist S 111.2,1897-0(1902)303-4. STEVENSON, Andrew (1784-1857). Va. Congressman, minister to Great Britain. Stevenson, Andrew. [Letters] to David Henshaw and George Tichnor [1828, 1840] Best Bull 7 (1902)263-5. STEVENSON family. Stevenson, John R. Thomas Stevenson, of London, Eng., and his descendants. Flemlngton, N. J. Hiram Edmund Deats, Publisher, 1902. 8vo, cloth, pp.180. [Rev.in:N Y Rec 34(1903)70 "Most careful labor and erudition."] STEWART, James C. Am. engineer and builde*. An American builder in England. World's Work 5(1902-3)2786-8, port. 2712. STEWART, James Turner (1834-1901). Ga. Confederate officer. M a j. James Turner Stewart. Goofed Vet 10(1902)127, port. STILES, Ezra (1727-95). Conn. Congregational clergyman, President Yale college, writer. J a s t r o w, M. References to Jews in the diary of Ezra Stiles. Pub Am Jew Hist Soc 10(1902)5-36. STILES, Samuel Edward (1844-1901). N. Y. librarian, physician and genealogist. Stiles, Samuel Edward. M. D. NY Ree 33(1902)1-3, port. STOCK ARD, Henry Jerome. North Carolina poet. Townsend, (Mrs.)F. L. Henry Jerome Stockard. Meth R South 51(1902)832-7. STOCKBRIDGE, Mass. Village of Berkshire Co. 17 m. S. by W. of Pittsfleld. Plunkett, (Mrs.)H. M. The evolution of beautiful Stockbrldge. New Eng M 25(1901-2)205-19, 111. STOCKTON, Francis Richard (1834-1902). N. Y. and N. J. novelist, editor. Two American novelists. R of Rs 25(1902)698-9, port. STOCKTON, Robert Field (1795-1866). N. J. Commodore TT. S. navy, senator. The adventures of Captain Stockton '13. Princeton Alumn W 3(1902-3)38-40. STODDARD, Charles Warren (b.1843). California writer, journalist, educator. L u m m i s, Charles F. In Western letters. Charles Warren Stoddard. Out West 17(1902)46-7, port. STODDART, James Henry (b.1727). English actor in America. 8 t o d d a r t, J. B. The recollections of a player. Cent 64(1902)51-62,290-303, port. 208 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. STODDART, James Henry (b.1827). English actor resident of America. Stoddart, Jfames] H[enry], Recollections of a player... New York, The Century co., 1902. xxi, 255 p. front., port., facs. 21cm. [Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)488 "autobiographical notes chiefly valuable as a revelation of the man himself... a record of Indefatigable industry , intense conscientiousness, and rare modesty''; Dial 34(1903)116-7(1. A. Pyle) "modest and expressive language. . .invaluable. . .happily illus- trated with many old portraits ... and rare old play-bills." L.C. 2-22689] STOKE, Ellen Maria (b.1846). Am. missionary to Macedonia. L y 1 e, E. P. Ellen M. Stone, among the brigands, with portrait. Everybody's 6(1902)45(Ja). Stone, Ellen M. Six months among brigands. McClure's 19(1902)2-16,99-109,222-31,464-71,562-70, in. STONE, Frederick Dawson (1841-97). Pa. and N. J. librarian, hist, writer. Frederick Dawson Stone. N J Hist S 2(1902)197-8. STONE family. Stone family. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)127-41. STONEHAM, Mass. Village of Middlesex Co. N. of Boston. B n c k n a m, Wilton F. Church records at Stoneham, Mass. N E Reg 55(1901)142-5; 56(1902)63-6,289-94 STONY POINT (N.Y.). Revolutionary battle July 16, 1779. C h a f f e e, Wm. Battle of Stony Point [narrative]. Spirit of '76, 8(1902)222. Hall, Edward Hagaman. Halsey. Francis Whiting:, introduction by. Stony Point Battle-field. N. Y., Amer. Scenic and Historic Preservation Soc. 1902. pp40. Pennypacker, Samuel W. The capture of Stony Point [oration]. Penn Mag 26(1902)360-9. STORY, Isaac (1818-1901). Boston lawyer, teacher, politician. Gordon, George A. Isaac Story. N E Reg 56 Suppl a902)lxiii-lxxv. STORY, Joseph (1779-1845). Mass. IT. 8. Congressman, Supreme court Judge, writer. Smith, Charles 0. Selections from the Story Papers. Miss Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)201-24. STORY, William Wetmore (1819-95). American sculptor, writer. Norton, Charles Eliot. [Tribute to William W. Story]. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)368-371. Norton, Charles Eliot! William Wetmore Story. Harv Grad M 10(1901-2)351-4. STOUGHTONHAM (now Sharon) Mass. Village in Norfolk Co. M a n n, William R. Deaths in Stoughtonham (now Sharon). Dedh Reg 13(1902)88-94,107-11. Mann, William R. Marriages from the records of Stoughtonham (now Sharon). Dedh Reg 12(1901)24- 7,60-3,97-100,125-9; 13(1902)21-5,57-64. STOW, Mass. Village of Middlesex Co. about 26 m. W. by N. of Boston. Moulton, J. Sidney & Beane, Samuel Collins. The two hundredth anniversary of the First Parish Church of Stow. Mass. 1902. pp 28. 80. Stow, Mass. First Parish Unitarian church. 1702-1P02. The two hundredth anniversary. Sermon! by Rev. J. Sidney Moulton, pastor, and Samuel Collins Beane, D. D. July 27, 1902. [Stow? Mass.] 1902. 28 p. ill. 22%cm. [L.C. 3-28372] STRANG, James Jesse (b.1813). Leader of Mormon settlement on Beaver Is. Michigan. W a t r o u s, Edward Frost. "King James" of Beaver Island. Cent 63(1901-2)685-9, port. STRATHCONA, Donald Alexander Smith (b.1820), Lord. Canadian statesman. Wilson, Beckles. Lord Strathcona, the story of his life. Toronto, G.N.Morang St Co. 1902. pp!2+288. ill. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02,7(1903)62-4 "remarkable career lends itself to picturesques biography ... but ...material available has not been used effectively, and the book is distinctly second fate... too hastily done... English is deplorably bad."] STRATTON, Winfleld Scott (1848-1902). Col. miner, canitalist. M o f f e 1 1, Samuel E. Winfleld Scott Stratton. Cosmopol 34(1902-3)88-91, port. STRATTON family. Sanford-Stratton (note). N E Reg 56(1902)409-10. STRIKER, William Scudder (1838-1900). N. J. Adj. General in Civil War, hist, writer. General William S. Stryker. N Y Hist A 2(1902)9. STRIKES. Combined refusal of laborers to work. B o g a r t, Ernest L. The machinists' strike, 1901. Yale R 10(1901-2)249-67. B o g a r t, Ernest Ludlow. The steel strike [1901]. Bib Sac 59(1902)108-28,294-304. H o r a c k, Frank E. The Horseshoers' strike of Philadelphia (1002). Am J Sociol 8(1902-3)390-7. S 1 k e s, George C. The Chicago labor troubles and their settlement. Outl 71(1902)449-50. Wright, Carroll D. Strikes In the United States. No Am 174(1902)757-68, table. STRONG, James Woodward (b.1833). Minn. Cong, clergyman and pres. of Northfield (Carle ton) College... Maxwell, Charles H. Connecticut and the building of a western college. Conn Mag 7(1902)553-6. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. STRONG, Moses (1846-1877). Wis. R. R. engineer, archaeological writer, geologist. L a p h a m, Julia A. Moees Strong. Wis Arch 2(1902-3)4-6. STUART, Gilbert (1755-1828). American portrait painter. Hart, Charles Henry. Gilbert Stuart's portraits of men. I. George Washington. Cent 63(1901-2)508-9. H art, Charles Henry. Maria Snowden Mrs. Peter Meircken. Cent 63(1901-2)377, port. Hart, Charles Henry. Mary White Mrs. Robert Morris. Cent 63(1901-2)374-7, port. STUART, James Elwell Brown (1833-64). Va. Confederate General in Civil War. D o r s e y, Frank. Wounding of General J. R. B. Stuart. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)236-8. STUBBS family. Stubbs, Wm. Carter. Descendants of John Stubbs, of Cappahoslc, Gloucester County, 1662. New Orleans, 1902. STUDEBAKER, Cloment (1831-1901). Ind. manufacturer. Clement Studebaker. Chant 34(1901-2)367, port. STURBRIDGE, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. 30 m. E. of Springfield. Chase, Levl B. Early Indian trails through Tantlusque. Quinabaug Hist Soc Leaf 1[ 1902?] 69-84. H a y n e s, George H. "The Tale of Tantiusques. " The Sturbridge Lead Mine. Quinabaug Hist Soc Leaf 1[1902?]159-81. SUBLETTE, 111. Township of Lee Co. in north of state. Mannhardt, Emil. Die ersten deutschen Ansicdler von Perkins Grove. Deutsc-Am 2.3(1902)52-63. SUBMARINE warfare. Use of boats under water. A 1 e x a n d e r, W. A. The torpedo boat Hunley. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)164-74. Fyfe, Herbert C. Fremantle, E. R. and Reed, E. J. Intro, by. Submarine warfare. N. Y. Dutton & Co. 1902. [Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)406-7 "Proof-reading is execrable ... no index ... 'most timely and highly instructive work ... extremely good review... of submarine war-vessels.' "] SUFFOLK County, Mass. County of which Boston is capital. Hassam, John T[yler]. Registers of deeds for the county of Suffolk, Massachusetts. 1736-1900. Cam- bridge, J.Wilson and son, 1900. 75 p. 24%cm. [Continuation of the author's Early recorders and reg- isters of deeds for the county of Suffolk, Mass. 1639-1735. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts historical society for March, 1900. L.C. 2-22064] Hassam, John T[yler]. Registers of probate for the county of Suffolk, Massachusetts. 1639-1799. Cam- bridge, J.Wilson and son, 1902. 107 p. 24^cm. [Half-title: Suffolk registers of probate. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts historical society for March, 1902. Rev.ln:Nation 75(1902) 131; N E Reg 57(1903)126(F.W.Parke) L.C. 2-27755] Suffolk Deeds. Liber XII. Boston, Rockwell and Churchill Press. 1902. 8vo. [Rev.ln:N E Reg 57(1903)125 (F.W.Parke) "Begins with... 1680, and ends. . .1683."] W e b s t e r, M. P. The Suffolk resolves. New Eng M 27(1902)353-72, ill., port. SUFFRAGE. Right to vote. Cory, Chappell. Suffrage in the South: six new state constitutions. R of Rs 25(1902)716-8. P o e, Clarence H. Suffrage restriction in the South. No Am 175(1902)534-43. SUGAR industry. Cultivation, manufacture and marketing of sugar. Dumoret, M[arcel], ...Au pays du Sucre. Paris, H.E.Martin [1902] 223 p. incl. 111., pi. 23cm. [L.C. 3-2334] H a r g e r, Charles Moreau. The beet-sugar industry. Outl 72 (1S02) 128-31. Price of Sugar, 1787. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)36. R n t t e r, Frank R. The sugar question in the United States. Qu Jour Eco 17(1902)44-81. The sugar pandemonium. Gunton's M 22(1902)316-25. "SUISS." Name given French Protestants of the Province of Quebec. Le s "Suisses" du Canada. Rech Hist 8(1902)72-7. SULLIVAN, John (1740-95). N. H. General in Am. Rev., delegate to Continental Congress. Murray, Thomas Hamilton. Gen. John Sullivan and the battle of Rhode Island. A sketch of the former and a description of the latter. . . [Providence, The American-Irish historical society, 1902] 32 p. 21%cm. [Caption title. "Bibliography of the Sullivan family": p. 29-30. Rev.ln:N E Reg 57(1903) 123(F.W.Parke): Ess Ant 6(1902)192. L.C. 3-5815] 8UMNER, Charles (1811-74). Mass lawyer, statesman. U. S. senator, writer. Chamberlain, Daniel Henry. Charles Sumner and the treaty of Washington... A review of parts of an address by Mr. Charles Francis Adams before the New York historical society, November 19, 1901 . . . [Cambridge, Mass.] Printed by the Riverside press [1902] I p. 1., 40 p., 19%cm. [L.O. 2-19711] Lincoln. (Mrs.)Anrnham. A letter to Charles Suraner. 1866. Indep 54(1902)2803. 210 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 190?. SUMTER, Thomas (1734-1832). S. C. General in Am. Revolution, Congressman, minister to Brazil. First mention of Thomas Sumter In South Carolina records (note). S C Hist Mag 3(1502)56-7. P u r m a n, Kate. General Sumter and his neighbors South Hist A Pub 6(1902)381-8,484-98. SUNDAY. First day of tli9 week. Lewis, Abram Herbert. Sunday legislation; Its history to the present time and its results... New ed., rev. to date and enl. New York, D.Appleton and co., 1902. xv, 207 i>. 19cm. Subject entries: Sun- day legislation. [L.C. 2-3565 M 2] Smart, Lucy Allen. The New England colonial Sabbath. Am Monthly M 21(1902)104-8. SUPPERNONG. Lake in Tyrelle and Washington Cos. N. C. Discovery of Lake Suppernong, North Carolina. South Hint A Pub 0(1902)21-7. SUPREME COURT. Highest tribunal in U. S. practice. B e n o 1 s t, Charles. Los deux parlementarlsmes. La cour supreme des fitats-unis. Rev Deux Monties 7(1902)284-308. Justices of the United States Supreme Court. Collect 15(1902)73. SURNAMES. Family names. S a y 1 e s, Lucy B. Origin and development of surnames. Oouu Muz 7(1002)531-6. SURRY County, Va. Co. in the S.E. part of state. Extracts from the records of Surry County. Wm M Q 11(1902)79-87. SUSQUEHANNAS (or Conestogas). An extinct tribe of Indians, once inhabiting land on the Susquehanna R. Alsop, George. A character of the province of Maryland. [For cm. [L.C. 2-14597] Warren, William Nixon. The illustrious life of T. De Witt Talmage, the greatly beloved divine. . .includ- ing extracts from his most eloquent sermons and lectures and tributes on his life from the world'i greatest men... [Chicago, Monarch book co., 1902] 2 p. 1.. 7-12, [2], 25-464 p. incl. front., pi., port 25cm. [L.C. 2-19008] TAMMANY Hall. Organization of N. Y. City Democracy. H a w 1 e y, Walter L. Tammany and Croker. Bk-Buyer 23(1901-2)107-10. Labadie-Lagrave, G. Un slngulier club politique -m Amerlque: Tammany Hall et son histoire. Tour Monde 11,18,25 Jan(I902). TANGTJAY, Mgr. . . French Canadian writer. Laflamme, Mgr. Le "Dictionnalre srenealogique. " Rech Hist 8(1902)238-41. TAPPAN, Charles L. (1828-1902). N. H. Congregational clergyman. Rev. Charles L. Tappan. Granite M 32(1902)185-6. TARBELL, Ida Minerva (b.1857). Pa. and N. Y. editor, writer. I d a M. Tarbell. McClnre 19(1902)588, port. TARIFF. Schedule of duties on importations. Bolen, George Lewis. The plain facts as to the trusts and the tariff. [For details see same title under subject, Trusts.] Howe, Frederic C. The end of an economic cycle. Atlan 90(1902)611-13. Iowa and the tariff reform. Nation 75(1902)104. John Sherman's views. Nation 75(1902)339-40. Mr. McKinley's political legacy. Sat R 92(1902)356-7. New England and the tariff. Outl 72(1902)724-31. An old superstition. Nation 75(1902)299-300. The open door. Nation 74(1902)342-3. Roosevelt, Theodore. The trusts and the tariff [speech at Cincinnati]. Outl 72(1902)206-8. Schoenhof, Jacob. The Rake's progress in tariff legislation. Forum 32(1902)608-22. Shall the Tariff be revised? Forty interviews with representative men in It>wa, Neb., Minn., and Wi. Outl 72(1902)444-52. The small producer. Nation 75(1902)301. Speaker Henderson's surrender. Nation 75(1902)238-9. Stone, William A. The tariff and the trusts. Indep 54i 1902)2520-2. The tariff will not down. Nation 75(1902)124. What is our "commercial strategy"? Nation 74(191)2)125-6. TARLETON, (Sir) Bannastre (1754-1833). British officer in Am. Revolution. C o 1. Tarleton's post- Revolution visit (note). S C Hist Ma* 3(1902)57. 212 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. TASCHERAU, Anthony Charles (d.1862). Canadian deputy. A n t. - C h s. Taschereau, depute de Beauce decide ft Deschambuult, le 11 Juiii, 1862. Rech Hist 8(1902) 138. TASCHEREAU, Gabriel-Elzear (1745-1809). Canadian statesman. R [ oy ], P. G. L'Houorable Gabriel-Elzear Taschereau. Rech Hist 8(1902)3-11. TASCHEREAU, Thomas Jacoues (d.1749). Prominent Trench Canadian. La G a 1 1 s s o n i < r Lettre du Cointn de la Galissonie.re fl Madame Thomas-Jacques Taschorean. Rech Hist 8(1902)328. TAXATION. Laying an impost for public revenue. Anderson, William J. The tax problem in Wisconsin. Ontl 70( 1902)128-30. Judson, Frederick N[ewton]. A treatise on the power of tiirnllon, state and federal, In the United States... St. Louis, The F.H.Thomas law book co., 1903 [1902] sxlll, 868 p. 24cm [Rev.lurNatlon 76(1903)95 "show[s] the limitations of the taxing power. . .os. . .expounded by. . .Supreme Court of... United States. . .seems. . .accurately and well done." L.C. 2-30141] A symposium on taxation. Open Court 16(1902)184-91. Walker, Fs. A. Taxations of corporations In the TJ. S. (Pub. of the sor., no. 329.) Phila., Am. Acad. Pol. Sci., 1902. 80. Waterman, Judge A. N. The taxation question. Open Court 16(1902)129-40. TAYLOR, Stephen (b.1757). N. Y. soldier in Am. Revolution. L i t t 1 e, Florence. [Stephen Taylor.] Am Month M 21(1902::85-7. TAYLOR (Mrs.) Susie Kingr (b.1848). Taylor, Mrs. Susie King. Reminiscences of iny life in camp with the 33d United States colored troops, late 1st S. C. volunteers... Boston, The author, 1902. xii p., 1 1., 82 p. front., pi., port. lOVicra. [L.C. 2-30128] TAYLOR, Zachary (1784-1850). 12th President U. S. J a s, H. Hackett (letter of 1849). Collect 15(1902)60-1. [Letter] to Col. Jefferson Davis [1846]. Bost Bull 7(1902)320. TAYLOR family. Taylor, Asher. Deats, Hiram E., ed. A genealogy of the Taylor family of Monmouth coanty. Jer- seym 8(1902)4-7,9-13,17-23,34. TAZEWELL County, Va. Southwestern Co. of state. Beer, William. Bickley's hist, of Tassewell Co., Virginia. Gulf Mag 1(1902)51-2. TEACH (Thatch or Thack) Edward (3.1716). Famous Am. pirate known as "Blackboard." A s h e, S. A. The old pirates, Blackbeard and Bonnett. N C BooUl 2.2(1902)3-23. TEELE, Albert Kendall (1821-1901). Conn. Congregational clergyman, financier, local hist, writer. Huntington, Henry S. Albert Kendall Teel.% D.D. N E Res 56 Suppl(1902)liii-nv. TELEGRAPH. An electrical apparatus for communicating between distant points. Munroe. Alfred. Concord and the Telegraph. Read before the Concord Antiquarian Society. (Patriot Press, Concord, 1902.) 8vo. pp. 22. TEMPERANCE movement. Question of use of and traffic in alcoholic liquors. A d a m s, I. G. The passing of Intemperance in a country town. Granite M 32(1902)300-3. Aspects of local option. Nation 75(1902)395-6. Ferguson, W. B. Temperance teaching and recent legislation in Connecticut. Educa R 23(1902) 233-49. Foxcroft, Frank. A study of local option. Atlaii 90(1902)433-10. G e r r 1 e, John P. The prohibition movement In Canada. R of RE 25(1902)591-2. Griffin, Martin I. J. The founding of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of Philadelphia. Am Cath Res 19(1902)118-20. Schooling, J. Holt. Drink: in England, the United States, France, and Germany. Fortn 77(1902) 151-3. T h w i n g, Charles F. A study of the "Maine Law." Indep 54(1902)2054-6. TENCH, John W. (fl.1365). Confederate officer. M a J. John W. Tench, of Florida. Confed Vet 10(1902)178-9, port. TENNENT, Gilbert (1703-64). Phila. Presbyterian clergyman. T e n n e n t, Gilbert. Praise God, but beware of Papists, 1744. Am Cath Res 19(1902)78. TENNESSEE. A S.E. central state of the U. S., admitted 1796. The American Historical Magazine and Tennessee Historical Society Quarterly. Nashville, Trim., v. 7, 1902. pp. 398. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 2ir; Carter, W[illiam] R[andolph]. History of the First leglment of Tennessee volunteer cavalry In the great war of the rebellion, with the armies of the Ohio and Cumberland, under Generals Morgan, Rosecrans, Thomas, Stanley and Wilson. 1862-1865... Knoxvllle, Term., Gaut-Ogden co., printers, 1902. 335 p. front., pi., port., map. 23cm. [Rev.ln:Nation 76(1903)226-7 "style popular and eulogistic. . .throw [s] valuable light." L.C. 2-28274] G o o d,p a s t u r e, A. V. An account of the compilations of tlio Statute Laws of Tennessee. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)69-79. H o r t o n. [Virginia and Tennessee Boundary Commission, 1802.] Am Month M 21(1901)207. Moore, J. T. Songs and stories of Tennessee. Phila., Coates. 1002. 12o, ill. Tribute to the Eighth Tennessee Infantry. Confed Vet 10(1002)162. Worsham, W[illiam] J[ohnson]. Old Nineteenth Tennessee regiment, C.S.A. June, 1861. April, 1865. Supplementary chapter by Col. C. W. Heiskell... Knoxville, Twin., Press of Paragon printing company, 1902. 2 p. 1., [7]-235 p. incl. plan, port., plan. 23%cm. [L.C. 3-31930] TENNESSEE Company, 1789. Land Co. purchasing land in northern Ala. contrary to Gov't proclamation. System of laud division adopted by the Tennessee Yazoo Company. Gulf Mag 1(1902)171-3. TERRILL family. W i g g i n s, S. H. (note). Wood's history of Albemarle county (note). Va Mag 9(1902)426. TEXAS. The south-westernmost of the Gulf states of U. S., admitted 1845. Baker, Marcus. ...The northwest boundary of Texas. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 51 ill p. incl. diagr. fold. map. 23%cm. (U. S. Geological survey. Bulletin no. 194. ser. F, Geography, 30) [Contains "Map of the United States and Texas t>oundary line and adjacent territory determined and surveyed in 1857-8-9-60 by J. H. Clark, U. S. commissioner, &ca., &ca., under the direction of the De- partment of the interior," from the original in the General land office. "History of surveys," 1857- 1900: p. 12-42. L.C. 3-4927] B a r k e r, E. C. The African slave trade in Texas. Quar Tex Hist Ass 6(1902)145-58. B e e r, Wm. Pages' voyages. Bibliog 1(1902)153-5. C 1 a r k, R. C. The beginnings of Texas. Quar Tex Hist Ass 5 (1902) 171 -205. C 1 a r k, R. C. Louis Juchereau De Saint-Denis and the Re-establishment of the Tejas Missions. Quar Tex Hist Ass 6(1902)1-26. C o x, I. J. The southwest boundary of Texas. Quar Tex Hist Ass 6(1902)81-102. Documents on the Texas revolution. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)33-9. Gammel, H. P. N. The laws of Texas, 1897-1902. vol. xi. Austin, Tex., 1902. [Rev.in:South Hist A Pub 6(1902)441-2 "The volume of Gammers great series brings the subject down to date... not a re- print ... index to the entire set. . .in. . .preparation."] Gannett, Henry. ...A gazetteer of Texas. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 162, ill p. map. 231,4cm. (U. S. Geological survey. Bulletin no. 190. ser. F, Geography, 28) [L.C. 3-5818] Mclntire, James. Early days in Texas; a trip to hell and heaven. Kansas City, Mo., Mclutire publishing company [1902] 229 p. front., pi., port. 20cm. [Preface signed: James Mclntyre. L.C. 2-29424] The Mexican and Indian Raid of '78. Quar Tex Hist Ass 5(1902)212-51. Potts, Charles S. The independent treasy vs. bank depositories: A study in state finance. Annals Am Acad Pol and Soc Scl 20(1902)571-601. Rains, Cadwell W. Year book of Texas, 1901. Austin, Tex., Gammel, 1902. ill. [Rev.ln:Gulf Mag 1 (1902)163 "wealth of most interesting material. . .invaluable historical documents never before pub- lished."] Smith, W. R. The quarrel between Governor Smith and the Council of the provincial government of the Republic. Quar Tex Hist Ass 5(1902)269-346. Texas newspaper files in the Library of Congress. Gulf Mag 1(1902)33-7. Texas State Historical Association Quarterly. Austin, Texas, v. 5 July '01-Apr. '02, 1902. pp. (6)-357- (13). v. 6 July-Oct., 1902. pp. 1-168. Wood, W. D. Reminiscences of reconstruction in Texas and reminiscences of Texas and Texans fifty years ago. 1902. So. pp. 58. [Rev.in'Gulf Mag 8(1902)233 "graphic personal story... of high value ...substantial contribution."] Wright, Marcus J. Diary of a march from El Paso to San Antonio. South V Hist A Pub 6(1902)283-94, 389-99. THACKERAY, William Makepeace (1811-63). English novelist. Wilson, James Grant. Thackeray in the United States. Cent 63(1901-2)221-37,334-54, ill., port. THAYER, James Bradley (1831-1902). Mass, lawyer, educator, Harvard professor, writer. A m e s, J. B., and others. James Bradley Thayer. Harvard Law Review 15(1901-2)599-609, port. Hall, Edward H. James Bradley Thayer. Harv Grad M 10(1901-2)507-13, port. [James Bradley Thayer, note.] Am Hist R 7(1902)610, 214 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. THAYEE, Joseph Henry (1828-1901). Mass. Congregational clergyman, Harvard professor, writer. R o p e s, E. H. The literary work of Joseph Henry Thayer. Am Jour Theol 6(1902)285-93. Toy, C. H. Joseph Henry Thayer. Harv Grad M 10 (1901 -2) 383-6, ill. THOMAS, Isaiah (1749-1831). N. E. printer. Batchelder, Frank Roe. Isaiah Thomas, the patriot printer. New Eng M 25(1901-2)284-305, ill. THOMPSON, Charles. Mass, freedman. L[es], A[bigail] E[loise (Stearns)]. "Prof. Charley"; a sketch of Charles Thompson, with an introduc- tion by Joseph Osgood Thompson... Boston, D.C.Heath & no., 1902. 34 p. front., pi., port. 20xl5cm. [L.C. 2-19130] THOMPSON, Mary Pickering (1825-96). N. H. teacher. S c a 1 e s, J. Miss Mary Pickering Thompson. Granite M 32(1902)27-37, ill. THOMPSON, Wm. McClure (b. 1806-1894). Am. missionary to Syria, writer. T r u m b u 1 1, H. C. William McClure Thomson, D.D. Bib World 20(1902)3SO(N). THOMPSON'S conspiracy (1864). Plot to liberate Confederate prisoners. Johnson's Island. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)256-65. THOMSON family. S a 1 1 e y, A. S. Col. Moses Thomson and some of his descendants. S C Hist Mag 3(1902)97-113, also note 177-9. THOREATJ, Henry David (1817-62). Mass, poet, naturalist, writer. Channing, William Ellery. Thoreau, the poet-naturalist, with Memorial verses. New ed., enl. ; edited by V. B. Sanborn... Boston, C.E.Goodspeed, 1902. xx, 396, [1] p., 1 1. front., pi., port. 22cm. ["A limited edition of two hundred and fifty copies of this book, with engravings and etchings by Sidney L. Smith, was printed on French hand-made paper by D.B.Updike, the Merrymount press, Boston, in No- vember, 1902." This copy not numbered. Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)403 "New edition ... every part... is treasure-trove for those who care much for Thoreau and his Concord friends"; Dial 33(1902)464-5(E.K. Dunton) "erratic, Irregular, rambling, often obscure. . .curious omissions, and constant repetition, rich with recondite allusions and interesting citations. . .diflicult editorial duties [done] with rare tact and discretion." L.C. 2-26762] Marble, Mrs. Annie Russell. Thoreau: his home, friends and books... New York, T.Y.Crowell & co. [1902] 1 p. 1., viii, 343 p. front., pi., port., fac. 22cm. [Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)388 "Style is dis- tinctly young-ladyish. . .congeries of inaccuracies. . .do not find much ... which ... Sanborn aritl Channing books have not... second reading. . .yield[s] .. .rather favorable opinion of its main effect"; Dial 33(1902) 465-6(E.K. Dunton) "popular and ... unbiased ... impression ... seems well rounded, impartial, and sympa- thetic." L.C. 2-27217] Marble, Annie Russell. Where Thoreau worked and wandered. Critic 40(1902)509-16, 111., fac. R u s s e 1 I, E. Harlow. A bit of unpublished correspondence between Henry D. Thoreau and Isaac T. Hecker. Am Antiq Soc N S 15 1(1902)58-69. S a v I 1 1 e, S. E. Henry D. Thoreau. Gent M n s B8:400(Ap). THORNTON, Matthew (1714-1803). N. H. surgeon in Am. Rev., signer of the Declaration of Independence. S h e p a r d, Annie B. Homes of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Am Month M 20(1902) 579-80, ill. THOUSAND Islands. Group of islands in St. Lawrence R. ab. 25 m. below Lake Ontario. New York central and Hudson River railroad company. ...The Thousand Islands. [New York, Passen- ger dep't, 1902. cover-title, 64 p. ill.. 2 fold. map. 20%xlO%cm. (Four-track series, no. 10) [L.C. 2-26027] THREE Rivers, Canada, City of Quebec on St. Lawrence 90 m. S.W. of city of Quebec. Suite, Benjamin. La Riviere des Trois-Rivleres. Trans Roy Soc Canad 11.7:97-116. THRESHER family. Putnam, Eben. Henry Thresher of Casco Bay. Gen Q M 3(1902)143-6. TICONDEROGA (N. Y.). Battle of French and Indian War, 1758. Raymond, Andrew V.V. Montcalm. N Y Hist A 2(1902)39-45. W i c k e s, Frank B. Fort Ticonderogn. N Y Hist A 2(1902)12-15. TIERRA del Fuego, Large group of islands at the S. extremity of S. A. B a r c 1 a y, W. S. Tierra del Fueso. Pall Mull M 27:493(Ajr). TIFFIN, Edward (1766-1829). O. Governor, TJ. S. senator, surveyor-general of the Northwest. Chillicothe. Constitutional centennial of Ohio. Proceedings held at Chilllcothe, November 29th, 1902... [Chillicothe? O.] Printed for the Tablet committee by the Scioto gazette [1902] [21] p. 111. incl. port. 22%cm. [Eulogy of Edward Tiffin by Hon. Daniel J. Ryan: p. [16-21] L.C. 8-11082] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 216 TIMBY, Theodore Ruggles (0.1822). N. Y. inventor, writer. The Patriotic league of the revolution. Memorial to the Fifty-seventh Congress of the United States, for the recognition of services rendered by Theodore K. Tlmby, the inventor of the revolving turret as used on the Monitor and all battle-ships from the civil war to the present time and also the inventor of sighting, and firing heavy guns with electricity as used in war-ships throughout the world. [Brooklyn, Eagle press, 1902] cover-title. 28 p., 1 I. pi., port. 24n. [L.C. 2-29722] TINKHAM family. Bowman, George Ernest. Ephraim Tinkhatn's will and inventory. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)122-5. TIPTON, Thomas Weston (b.1817). Neb. clergyman, chaplain in Civil War, IT. S. senator. F u r n a a, R. W. Thomas Weston Tipton. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)182-5. TOBACCO industry. Raising, manufacturing and marketing of tobacco. G oodrich, Arthur. Agriculture under cloth. World's Work lt( 1901 -2) 1732-6, ill. Springfield, Lincoln. The tobacco war in Great Britain. No Am 174(1902)820-32. TOBOGGANING. Canadian snow sport coasting. The riding of the ice bilk. Outing 39(1901-2)582-5, ill. TOLEDO, O. City of Lucas Co. 92 m. W. of Cleveland. Knabenshue, S. S. Mound Builders' Fort within Toledo's limits. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 10(1902) 381-84. TOMAHAWK PIPES (or War hatchets). [Account of two tomahawk pipes found in Wls.] Wis Arch 2(1902-3)32. TOMPKIES family. T o m p k i e s (notej. Wm M Q 11(1902)147. TOMSON family. Bowman, G. E. Lieutenant John Tornson's will and inventory and the agreement of his heirs. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)22-9. TONG King Chung-. San Francisco journalist. P i x 1 e y. Morrisson. A Chinese newspaper in America. World's Work 3(1901-2)1950-3. TONKA WA Indians. A Texan tribe of cannibals. M o o n e y, James. Our last cannibal tribe. Harper 103(1901)550-5. port. TOPPAN, Robert Nozon (1836-1901). Boston economist, writer, lawyer. D a v i s, Andrew McFarland. Memoir of Robert Noxou Toppan (obituary). Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15 (1901-2)480-92, port. Davis, McF. Andrew. Tribute to Mr. Toppan. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)106-9. Slaf ter. [Eulogy of R. N. Toppan.] Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)109-11. TOSCANELLI, Paolo del Pozzo (1397-1482). G a 1 1 o i s, L. Toscanelli et Christophe Colomb. Ann Geog Mars(1902). Gonzales de la Rosa, [Manuel Toribio]. La solution de tous les problemes relatifs a Christophe Colomb et, en particulier, de celul des origines on des pretendus inspiratcurs de la dcouverte du Nouveau monde. [For detail see same title under subject, Columbus, Chris.] Hugues, Luigi. La lettera di Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli a Fernam Martins a proposito di un llbro recente del Sig. Enrico Vignaud. [For detail see same title under subject, Columbus, Chr.] M a r c e 1, G. Toscanelli et Christophe Colomb, d'apres un ouvrage recfnt. La Geog Avril(1902). Vignaud, Henry i. e. Jean Henry. Memoire sur I'authenticitfi de la lettre de Toscanelli du 25 Juin 1474, adressee d'abord au Portugais Fernam Martins et plus tard 4 Christophe Colomb... Prgcede d'une reponse 8, mes critiques (Lettres a MM. G. Uzielli, Hermann Wagner et L. Gallois) Paris, E.Leroux, 1902. 2 p. 1., xl, 31 p., 2 1. 27%cm. [Title in red and black. "Extrait du Compte rendxi du Congres international des americanistes, tenu en septembre 1900." The letters are in response to Dzielli's "Tos- canelli, Colombo e la leggenda del pilota," Florence, 1902; Wagner's "Vignaud. La lettre et la carte de Toscanelli sur la route des Indes, etc., etc. Tiruge a part des Gottingischen gelehrten anzeizen. . .no. 2, Berlin, Weidman, 1902"; and Gallois' "Toscanelli et Christophe Colomb, " v "Annales de geographic," 15 mars 1902. p. 97-110. L.C. 3-11074] Vignaud, Henry i. e. Jean Henry. Toseanelli and Columbus. The letter and chart of Toscanelli on the route to the Indies by way of the west, sent in 1474 to the Portuguese Fernam Martins, and later on to Christopher Columbus: a critical study on the authenticity and value of these documents and the sources of the cosmographical ideas of Columbus, followed by the various texts of the letter, with translations, annotations, several facsimiles and Jilso a map... London, Sands & co., 1902. 2 p. 1., [vii]-xix, 365 p. fold, map, 2 fold, facsim., fold, tab., fold, transcript 22cm. [French edition pub. in 1901 under title: La lettre et la carte de Toscauelli. "The English edition of this work ... differs In many respects from the French edition. Several new chapters have been added, and Important altera- tions and amplifications made." Pref., p. vli. "Sources of ini'oriuiUiou: Bibliography": p. 9-20; 171- 216 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. '177. Rev.ln:Am Hist R 8(1903)197-8,341-46(E.G.Bourm>) 'must be acknowledged. . .making all due de- ductions for errors and misprints due to haste... [It] is a remarkable piece of work." N. Y., Dutton. L.C. 2-25211] TOWER, Charlemagne (b.1848). U. S. Ambassador to Russia and Germany, writer. Charlemagne Tower. World's Work 5(1902-3)2710. port. only. TOWLES family. , The Towles family. Va Mag 9(1902)324-6,433-5. TOWNSHEND (fl.1760). British general in Canada. C h a p a 1 8, Thomas. Montcalm et Townshend. Nouv Fr .(1902)409-18. TOWNSHEND, Randolph Wanton (1812-1902). N. Y. lawyer, prominent citizen. [Randolph Wanton Townshend, obituary.] N Y Rec 33(1902)251-2. TOWNSHIP government. Form of local government. Fast, Richard Ellsworth. A Southern experiment In township government. Sewanee 10(1902)134-42. TRACY, Harry (d.1902). Western desperado. Henueasy, W. B. Tracy the bandit; or, The romantic life and crimes of a twentieth century desperado; twenty-five full page pictures by C.D.Rhodes. Chicago, M.A.Donohue & co [1902] 336 p. Incl. pi. front, (port.) pi. 19cm. [L.C. 2-21376] TRAIN, George Francis (1829-1903). N. Y. writer, lecturer. Train, George Francis. My life in many states and in foreign lands; dictated in my seventy-fourth year... New York, D.Appleton and company, 1902. xxl, 348 p. front., pi., port. 19%cm. [Rev. in: Dial 34(1903)25 "packed full of incident. . .pleasantly suggestive of his personality ... marks of haste are not many." L.C. 2-26526] TRAMPS. Professional vagrants. A d a in s, Charles Ely. The real hobo: what he is and how he lives. Forum 33(1902)438-49. TRANSPORTATION. Carrying from one place to another. Brooks, Noah. "The plains across." Cent 63(1901-2)803-20, ill. C 1 a r k e, H. T. Freighting Denver and Black Hills. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)299-312. Cleveland, H. I. The California "overland limited" railroad travel. Nta'l M(Bost)17:418(D). Fulton, William. Freighting and staging in early days. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)261-4. H a d 1 e y, C. B. The Plains war in 1865. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)273-8. Hough, Emerson. The settlement of the West: A study in transportation. I. The pathway of the waters. Cent 63(1901-2)91-107,201-17,355-69, ill., port., map. Knapp, U. A. Social effects of transportation. Pubs, of the see., no. 343.) Phila., Am. Acad. Pol. Sri, 1902. L y o n, Herman Robert. Freighting in the '60s. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)265-72. M c B r I d e, W. D. Passenger carriages past and present. Canad M 18(1901-2)305-16, 111. M a d d o x, Porter. Freighting reminiscences. Neb Hist S II. 5(1902)296-7. M u n n, Eugene. Early freighting and claims club days in Nebraska. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)313-7. N e w c om b, H. T. The industrial commission on transportation. Pol Sci Q 17(1902)568-608. R o 1 f e, D. P. Overland freighting from Nebraska City. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)279-93. S t n d e r, Frau Elisabeth. Erinnerungen. [1843] Deutsch-Am G 2.2(1902)66-7. T i s d a 1 e, H. Travel by stage in the early days. Trans Kan Hist Soc 1901-2 7(1902)459-70. Ty son, T. K. Freighting to Denver. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)256-60. Woodward, R. Pitcher. On a donkey's hurricane deck: a tempestuous voyage of four thousand and ninety- six miles across the American continent on a burro, in 340 days and 2 hours, starting without a dollar and earning my way... New York, I.H.Blanchard co., 1902. 423, [1] p. front, (port.) pi. 20cm. [L.C. 2-17544] TRAPP, Albrecht H. (1813-1902). 111. physician and legislator. Dr. Albrecht H. Trapp. Dentsch-Am G 2.2(1902)70. TRAPPISTS. R. C. Monastic order. Flick, Lawrence F. Reminiscences of Mr. Luke Maguirc, of St. Augustine's, Cambria County, Pa., taken iu 1879. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)321-2. TRASKE family. T r a 3 k, William Blake. Captain William Traske and some of bis descendants. N E Reg 55(1901)321-30, 385-88; 56(1902)69-73,199-202,397-401, ill. TRAVIS, William Barrett (18111-36). Ala. officer in Texan Revolution. B a r k e r, E. C. William Barrett Travis, the hero of the Alamo. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)417-21. TREASURY department. Financial dep't of the TJ. S. Gov't. Phillips, J.B. Methods of keeping the public money of the U. S Ann Arbor, Mich., Mich. Pol. Scl., 1902. 12o'. WETTINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 217 TREAT family. T r o a t, John H. Treate A correction (note). N E Reg 56(1902)204. TRENT, William Peterfleld (b.1862). N. Y. professor, author, editor. G u t h r 1 e, W. N. W. P. Trent. Sewanee 10(1902)68-71. TRENTON, N. J. State Capital in Mercer Co. 34 m. from Philadelphia. S t r o h m, Adam J. The free public library at Trenton, N. .T. Lib J 27(1902)771-2. TRESLER family. Will of Mrs. Ellinor Tresler. [Salem, Mass., ab. 1655.] Kss Ant 6(1902)111-112. TREZEVANT family. S a 1 1 e y, A. S. Daniel Trezevant, Huguenot, and some of bis descendants. S C Hist Mug 3(1902)24-56, 179-80,242. TROTH family. Haines, George. Ancestry of the Haines, Sharp, Collins, Wills, Gardiner, Prickitt, Eves, Evans, Moore, Troth, Borton and Engle families. [For details see same title under subject, Haines family.] TROUSDALE, William (1790-1872). Tenn. lawyer, officer in war 1812, Seminole and Mexican wars, Gov. A 1 1 e n, B. P. Governor William Trousdale. Am Hist Ma* 7(1902)311-14, port. TROW, John Fowler (1810-86). New York publisher. H e r r 1 c k, Henry W. John Fowler Trow. Notes and Q 20(1902)92-6. TROY, N. Y. City of Rensselaer Co. 161 m. N. of New York City. Hills, Frederick S[imonj. The Gardner Earl memorial chapel and crematorium, Oakwood cemetery, Troy, N. Y., by picture and prose. Albany, N. Y., F.S.Hills, 1902. [18] p. 19 pi. (incl. front.) 23x28cm. [L.C. 2-15199] TRUE, Benjamin 0. (1845-1902). Baptist clergyman, professor. Rev. Benjamin O. True. D.D. Granite M 33(1902)128. TH.UMBULL, James Hammond (1821-97). Conn, librarian, writer on Am, Indian languages. James Hammond Trumbull. N J Hist S 2(1902)199. TRUST companies. Financial institutions for the management of trust funds. The banks and the trust companies. Nation 74(1902)362-3. Cator, George. Trust companies in the United States. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1902. 113 p. 24cm. (Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science, series xx, nos. 5-6) [L.C. 3-12907] Cator, George. Trust companies in the United States. J H Univ Studies in Historical and Political Science 20.5-6(1902)1-113. C o n a n t, Charles A. The growth of trust companies. R of Rs 26(1902)574-9. TRUSTS. Monopolies. A u e r bach, Joseph S. President Roosevelt and "The Trusts." No Am 175(1902)877-94. The big corporations commonly called trusts. Outl 72(1902)113-21. Bolen, George L[ewis]. The plain facts as to the trusts and the tariff, with chapters on the railroafl problem and municipal monopolies. New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. viii, 451 p. 19Mjcm. "List of books cited": p. viii. [Rev.in.Dial 34(l903)(F.W.Blackmar) "valuable. . .all. . .the salient points ... abounds in facts. . .Coplus notes ... chiefly filled with statistics. . .thoroughly useful and interesting." L.C. 2-21599] Bridge, James H[oward]. The trust: its book; being a presentation of the several aspects of the latest form of industrial evolution, by Charles R. Flint, James J. Hill, James H. Bridge, S. C. T. Dodd, and Francis B. Thurber, with numerous expressions of repressntative opinion and a bibliography. New York, Doubleday, Page & company, 1902. xxxvili, 255 p. 19cm. [Contents. America's commercial primacy and the trust [by] James H. Bridge. Combinations nnd critics [by] Charles R. Flint. Aggre- gated capital: its history and influence [by] S. C. T. l)odd. The gospel of industrial steadiness [by] Charles R. Flint. Combinations and the public [by] Jamus J. Hill. The trust: an alliance of work, brains and money [by] Charles R. Flint. Influence of the trust on prices [by] Francis R. Thurber. What combination has done for capital and labour [by] Charles R. Flint. Appendix: 1. The trust and representative opinion. 2. The trust in operation. 3. A list of books relating to trusts. Rev.in:Dial 34 (1903)149-50(F.W.Blackmar) "for. . .showing the necessity and advantage of the Trust... each writer understands his subject well and presents it energetically." L.C. 2-16118] D e s m e t s, J. La puissance des trusts aux fitats-Uuis. R6f ficon 26 Oct(1902). Griffin, A. P. C. A list of books relating to Trusts. Washington, Gov. Print. Office, 1902. 42 p. O. H u b b a r d, Evelyn. American "trust" and English combinations. Econ J 12(1902)159-76. M c R e y n o 1 d s, S. The home of trusts. World's Work 4(1902)2526-32. ill., fac. M a t s o n, C. H. A grain-buyers' trust: how Kansas farmers are meeting It. R of Rs 26(1902)201-5. M e r r 1 a m, William R. "Trusts" In the light of census returns. Atlan 89(1902)332-9. 218 WRITINGS OX AMERICAN HISTORY 11)02. Nelson, Henry Loomls. The great business combinations of today. The so-called steel trust. Cent 65 (1902)302-16. P a r s o n s, F. President Roosevelt and the trusts. Arena 2( 1902)449 (N). R o o s e v e 1 t, Theodore. The trusts and the tariff. [Speech at Cincinnati.] Outl 72(1902)206-8. S 11 < i .' i d'gconomie polltique do Paris. Leg trusts, d'upros les documents ainSricaiiis. ficon Franc 22 NOT (1902). Stone, William A. The tariff and the trusts. Indep 54(1902)2520-2. (Les) Trusts americains. Quest Act 27 Sept(1902). 'Les trusts et la concurrence. Jour ficon 51(1902)83-6. The Trust Problem. The "Socialistic Basis." Outl 72(1002)671-3. Y a r r o s, Victor S. The trust problem restudied. Am J Soclol 8(1902-3)58-74. TRUTH-KNOWERS. A Mohammedan gnostic society of Boston. Vatralsky, Stoyan Krstoff. Mohammedan Gnostics in Ameiioa. The origin, history, character and esoteric doctrine of the Truth-Knowers. Am Jour Theol 6(1902)57-78. TSILKA, Katerina Stefonovna. Bulgarian woman educated in U. 8., connected with Am. mission. T s 1 1 k a, Katerina Stefanovna. Born among brigands. McClurt- 19(1902)290-300, port. TUCK, Amos (1810-79). N. H. educator, Congressman. Corning, Charles R[obert]. Amos Tuck. Exeter, N. H., The News-letter press, 1902. 99 p. 2oyjn. [L.C. 3-5243] TUCKER, Benjamin Ricketson (b.1854). Mass, and K. Y. publisher, journalist, writer. Ohio, Paul. Un anarchiste Americain. Jour ficoo 52(1902)335-40. TUCKER, Ervin Alden (1862-1902). N. Y. physician, educator. Fielder, Frank Sidney. Ervln Alden Tucker, B.S., A.M., M.D. Columb Q 4(1902)277-85, port. TUCKER, Josiah (1772-99). English clergyman, Dean of Gloucester. Dean Tucker's Pamphlet. Penn Mag 25(1901)307-22 [facsim. title], 516-26; 26(1902)81-90,255-64. TUCKER family. Walker- Tucker-Baylor-Norton Meade (note). Wm M Q 10(J902)205-7,281. TUCSON, Arizona. Town of Fima Co. about 250 m. E. of Yuma. F o r d, Rochester. Tucson, Arizona. Out West 17(1902)380-95, ill. PI e rs o n, Arthur T. The Indian training-school, Tucson, Arizona. Miss R 25(1902)561-4, ill. TUFTS, James. Tufts, James Hayden. James Tufts. A Memorial. Printed for the Editor by the Univ. of Chicago Press., 1902. 8vo. pp. 145, ill. [Rev.in:N E Reg 57(1903)12;UF.W.Parke) "Well-written."] TULARE County, Cal. Co. in the S. central part of the state. Barry, Geo. A. Tulare county. Out West 17(1902)772-88, ill. TUPELO (Miss.). Civil War engagement, July 14-15, 1863. Lee, Stephen D. The battle of Tupelo, or Harriaburg, July 14th, 1863. Miss Hist P 6(1902)52, map. TURELL, Ebenezer (1702-78). Medford, Mass., clergyman. Wild, Helen T. Rev. Ebenezer Turell. Medf Reg 5(1902)22-3. TURELL (Mrs.) Jane (Coleman) (1708-35). Mass. poet. Morss, Myra Brayton. Mrs. Jane Turell. Medf Reg 5(1902)1-12, ill. TURKEH, J. J. (d. 1901). Tenn. Confederate officer. Col. J. J. Turner. Confed Vet 10(1902)33-4, port. TURNER, Josiah (1821-1901). IT. C. politician, editor, lawyer, Confederate officer. Memoirs of Joelah Turner (note). South Hist A Pub 6(1902)92-4. TUSCARORA war in N. C. 1711-' 13. Clark, Walter. Indian massacre and Tuscarora war 1711-'13. N C Bookl 2.3(1902)3-16, map. TUSKEGEE, Ala. Capital town of Macon Co. 45 m. E. of Montgomery. J o h n s o 11, Clifton. Tuskegee, a typical Alabama town. Outl 72(1902)519-26, ill. TUTUILA, Samoa. S e b r e e, U. Progress in American Samoa. Indep 54(1902)2811-21, ill. TWIGGS, H. D. D. Georgia Confederate officer. E a s o n, J. T. Mississippians in the Virginia army. Confed Vet 10(1902)23. TWO Rivers, Wis. Village of Manitowoc Co. 7 m. N.E. of Manitowoc. D a v i d s o n, John Nelson. Our Northward Neshotah. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)175-81. TYLER, Fisher Ames (d.1902). Miss. Confederate officer. Col. Fisher Ames Tyler. Confed Vet 10(1902)321-2, port. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 219 TYLER, John (1747-1813). Va. lawyer, judge, Governor. Imported horses. Wm M Mag 10(1902)210. TYLER, John (17fcO-1862). 10th President of the United States. John Tyler (letter 1857). Collect 15(1902)46. Tyler, John, [letter] to Brantz Mayer [1847]. Boat Bull 7< 1902)321-3. TYLER, Moses Coit (1825-1900). Mich, and N. Y. Cong, clergyman, later Episcopal clerg., Prof., writer. Burr, George L. Moses Coit Tyler. Am Hist A Rep '01.1(1902)187-95. UHL, Edwin F. (1841-1901). Mich, lawyer, X7. S. Asst. Secretary of State, Ambassador to Germany. Edwin F. Uhl. Mich Hist Coll '01,31(1902)67-71. UINTA Valley Indian reservation. Ute Indian reservation in Utah. U. S. Geological survey. ...Surveys and examinations of Ninta Indian reservation. Letter from the sec- retary of the Interior, transmitting, in response to an Inquiry by the House [of representatives] a re- port... [The water supply of the Ulnta Indian reservation, Utah. By Cyrus Cates Babb] June 19, 1902. Referred to the Committee on Indian affairs and ordered to be printed. [Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902] 53 p. pi., map. 23cm. (57th Cong., 1st ness. House. Doc. no. 671) Running title: Uinta Indian reservation. [L.C. 2-23252] U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Indian affairs. ...Leasing of Indian lands. Hearings. . .[Jan. 16, 23, February 4, 13, 1902] on the resolution submitted by Mr. Rawlins proposing an inquiry relative to leases of Indian lands, Senate bill 145, in relation to certain lands within the Uintah Indian reserva- tion, and the resolution submitted by Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, in regard to leases of the Standing Rock Reservation lands. February 22, 1902. Submitted by Mi'. Platt, of Connecticut, and ordered to be printed... Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 120 p. 23cm. (57th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. no. 212) [L.C. 2-23952] UMATILLA County, Or. A northeastern Co. of the state. Parsons, William. An illustrated history of Umatilla County, and of Morrow County, by W. S. Shiach; with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon, [n. p.] W.H. Lever, 1902. xv, 581 p. pi., port. 30 x 23y 2 cm. [L.C. 2-29728] UNADILLA, N. Y. Village of Otsego Co. 43 m. E.N.E. of Birmingham. Halsey, Francis Whiting. The pioneers of Unadllla village, 1784-1840... Reminiscences of village life and of Panama and California from 1840-1850, by Gaius Leonard Halsey... I' nail ilia, N. Y. [Press of G.D.Raltt] 1902. xv, 323 p. front., pi., port., fold. plan. 19%cm. ["650 copies only printed." "The surviving author has presented six hundred copies of these memorials to the vestry of St. Matthew's Ohurch in Unadilla, N. Y.. with a view to their sale." L.C. 2-18369] "UNCLE SAM." Nickname for the United States. "Oncle Sam." Rech Hist 8(1902)372-3. UNDERGROUND railroad. Anti-slavery organization for helping escaped slaves. R a s t a 1 1, John E. Underground railroad In Nebraska. Nb Hist S 11.5(1902)323. UNDERTAKERS. Those who manage funerals. Undertakers bill, 1809. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)75-6. UNDERWOOD family. Underwood (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)275-6. UNIFORMS. Official dress. A n Army Button. Ess Ant 6(1902)135, ill. [Facsimile and half a dozen lines on army button of IV Mass. Reg. in 1757] Roy, P. G. L'unlforme de mllieien sous 1'anclen regime [1760]. Rech Hist 8(1902)156-7. UNION VILLAGE, Ohio. A Shaker village of Warren Co. 4 m. W. of Lebanon. M a c 1 e a n, J. P. Mobbing the Shakers of Union Village. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)108-33. UNITARIAN Church. Non-Trinitarian Church with Congregational form of Gov't. Cooke, George Willis. Unltarianism in America; a history of Its origin and development... Boston, Amer- ican Unitarian association, 1902. xi, 463 p. front., pi., port. 21%cm. [Kfcv. in: Nation 76(1903)401-2 "a monument to... careful diligence In the collection of matt-rial and to [the] judicious use of It... agreeable literary form"; Dial 34(1903)206 "most serviceable manual of reference. . .as a record of Unitarian achievement. . .supplies a want." L.C. 3-605] Crooker, J. H. The Unitarian Church, Its history and characteristics, a statement. Boston, American Unit. Assoc. 1902. pp. 64. Earliest records of the Unitarian Society, Burlington, Vermont. Vt Ant 1(1902)56-70. H i g g i n s o n, Thomas W. Two New England heretics: Channing and Parker. Ind 54(1902)1234-6. Memorial to Charles Henry Appleton Dall. [For detail see same title under subject, Dall, C. H. A.] 220 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. UNITED STATES. Republic of North America founded July 4, 1776. B a r g y, H. Le fatalisme d'action aux tats-Uuls. Rev Met et Mor Nov (1902). Barker, Wharton, ed. The great issues; repr. of some editorials fr. The American, 1897-1900. Phila. \T. Barker. 1902. 12o. Boecklin, August. Wanderleben in den Vereinigten Staaten. Nach den erlnnerungen eines chemaligen offizers. Leipzig, J.Cotta nachfolger [1902] 355 p. ISVscm. [L.C. 3-499] Brady, Cyrus Townsend. Border fights & fighters; stories of the pioneers between the Alleghenles and the Missippi and in the Texan republic. [For details see same title under subject, Indians, Am.] Bryce, James. ...La rSpublique americaine . . . Edition franchise, complete par 1'auteur en quatre vo- lumes avec une preface de M. B. Chavegriu... Paris, V.Giard & E.Brlfre, 1900-02. 4 v. 23cm. (Bl- bllotheque Internationale de drolt public). [L.C. 3-10691] Calwer, Richard. Die meistbegiinstigung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerica. . . Berlin [etc.] Aka- demischer verlag ftir sociale wissenschaften, dr. John Edelheim, 1902. 154 p. 23%cm. [L.C. 2-11211] Coffin, Charles Carleton. Building the nation; events in the history of the United States from the revolu- tion to the beginning of the war between the states... New York and London, Harp"er & brothers, 1902. 485 p. incl. front., plate, map, facs. 23em. [First pub. 1883. L.C. 3-15295] Colonel Alexander K. McClure's recollections of half a century... Salem, Mass., The Salem press com- pany [1902] vlii, 502 p. front., pi., port. 23^cm. [Rev.inrAm Hist R 9 (1903) 184-7 (H. V.Ames) "some fifty miscellaneous sketches of men prominent in the ... history of the republic ... with papers upon important events. . .style. . .of the experienced journalist. . .substantially free from errors of fact." L.C. 2-25939] Davenport, Benjamin R[ush] The youths' history of the United States from the discovery" of the Ameri- can continent to the present time... Cincinnati, 0., W.H.Ferguson company [1902] 1 p. 1., 739-934 p. Incl. pi. front., ill., pi. 24cm. ["Some of these pages are used in the 'Library of history' "... Also Issued as a part of The discovery and conquest of the New world . . . Introduction by the Hon. Muni t Halstead... L.C. 3-2963] Davidson, William M. A history of the United States. Chicago, Scott, Foresman and company, 1902. 1 p. 1., xxlv, 9-541 p. front., ill., pi., port., map. 19V2cm. [L.C. 2-13800] I) ,>h n, P. Aufschwung d. nordamerik. Union. Illus Zeit (1902)Nx3063. B n d e, A. v. Amerikan. Brief. Litt Echo (1902)481,847-50,1130,1282; 4:1419,1569-72; 5:273-6,414. Fifke, John. Essays historical and literary... New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. 2 v. front, (port.) 23cm. [Contents. v. 1. Scenes and characters in American history: Thomas Hutchiuson, last royal governor of Massachusetts. Charles Lee, soldier of fortune. Alexander Hamilton and the Federalist party. Thomas Jefferson, the conservative reformer. James Madison, the constructive statesman. Andrew Jackson, frontiersman and soldier. Andrew Jackson and American democracy sev- enty years ago. Harrison, Tyler, and the Whig coalition ("Tippeeanoe and Tyler too") Daniel Web- ster and the sentiment of union. v. 2. In favourite fields: Old and new ways of treating history. John Milton. The fall of New France. Connecticut's influence on the federal constitution. The deeper sig- nificance of the Boston tea party. Reminiscences of Huxley. Herbert Spencer's service to religion. John Tyndall. Evolution and the present age. Koshchei the deathless. Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)514- 6(K.C.Babcock) "in reality artist's sketches. . .value [variable]. . .add nothing to the reputation of Dr. Flake. . .publication is... hardly excusable"; Nation 76(1903)17 "possesses a good deal of interest. . .are ...for a popular audience and must not be read too critically. . .all have merit. . .we. . .strongly recom- mend the volumes"; Dial 33(1902)387-9(P.F.Bicknell) "all... have already been [printed]. . .has Insured ...a finish and symmetry... a certain tendency to colloquialism..." L.C. 2-25499] Foster, John W. Pan-American diplomacy. Atlan 89(1902)482-91. F r a n z, J. L. Aus d. Vereln. Staat. v. N.-A. Neue Zeit (1902)No.33. Gilder, Joseph B[enson]. The American idea as expounded by American statesmen; introduction by An- drew Carnegie. New York, Dodd, Mead & company, 1902. xx, 311 p. 20cm. [Contents. The declara- tion of Independence. The articles of confederation. The Constitution of the Unfted States. Wash- ington's inaugurals. Washington's farewell address. The Monroe doctrine. Lincoln's Cooper institute speech. Lincoln's inaugurals. The proclamation of emancipation. Lincoln's Gettysburg speech. Web- ster's Bunker Hill speech. Lowell on democracy. Cleveland on the self-made man. Roosevelt on na- tional duties. McKinley's last speech. Hoar on free speech. Hay on our recent diplomacy. Rev. in: Nation 75(1902)344 "Introduction. . .takes. . .hopeful view of our democracy. . .seventeen documents... beginning with. . .Declaration of Independence"; Dial 34(1903)52 "of the typical American documents ...Speeches by the last three. . .President. . .a very dubious choice ... sophomoric Introduction." L.C. 2- 23-609] Gordy, J. P. Political history of the United States. Vol. II. N. Y. Henry Holt. 1902, pp 581, 4 vol. [Rev.ln:Am Hist R 8 (1903) 367-8 (A. D.Morse) "points that [are] .. .questionable. .. [do] not detract sensi- bly from... many and solid merits. . .well wrought out and. . .Instructive"; Nation 76(1903)95 "not... very even... In space or in fulness of detail. . .within its limits... an excellent performances, and one heartily to b recommended., .too severe on the Federalists."] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 221 Hart, Alb. B., ed., and Chapman, Annie B. Source readers in Am. history, no. 3, How our Grandfathers lived. N. Y.. Maemillan. 1902. 12o. ill. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Young folks' history of the United States... New York, London [etc.] Longmans, Green, and co., 1902. vi, 400, [5]-33 p. front., ill., map. 19V&cm. [Books for consulta- tion: p. 349-354. L.C. 2-19886] Hill, David J. Our National Development. Phila., Avil Print. Co. 1902. ppll. I g n o t u s. Nordamerikan. Eutwicklgu. Akad. Blatter (1902)No.ll. Kardorff-Wabnitz, W. v. Gesprach m. e. Nord-amerikaner. Dtsche. monats. f. d. ges leben (1902)Febr.731-37. L a v a s s e u r, E. La population des fitats-Unis. Rev Geog Juil (1902). Lodge, Henry Cabot. A fighting frigate, and other essays and addresses. New York, C.Seribner's sons, 1902. 4 p. 1., 316 p. 21cm. [Contents. A fighting frigate. John Marshall. Oliver Ellsworth. Daniel Webster: his oratory and his influence. Three governors cf Massachusetts: Frederick T. Greeuhalge, George D. Robinson, Roger Wolcott. The treaty-making powers of the Senate. Some Impressions of Russia. Rochambcau. Appendix: Letter from Hon. George F. Hoar. Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)571-3 F.M.Anderson) "a capital illustration of how history may be made attractive. . .accuracy and fair- mindedness prsvent misstatements of fact. . .partiztmship is that of tone, emphasis, and implication; but it is after all... not history"; Dial 34(1903)153 "scholarship and vigor. . .little Christianity, so far aa ideals are concerned"; Nation 75(1902)421 "Several addresses. . .reprinted." L.C. 2-24749] Lossing, Benson John. Harper's encyclopaedia of United States history from 458 A. D. to 1902, based upon the plan of Benson John Lossing. . .with special contributions covering every phase of American history and development by eminent authorities. . .with a preface on the study of American history by Wood- row Wilson... New York, London, Harper & bros., 1902 [1901] 10 v. col. front., 111., pi. (partly col.) port., map, facs. 24cm. [L.C. 1-28079 M 2] Mabie, Hamilton Wright. This country of ours; its great achievements and wonderful progress from the fifteenth to the twentieth century. . .assisted by a corps of special writers on various phases of our his- tory; embellished with over 150 fine engravings by the best American artists... IPhiladelphia? 1902] 1 p. 1., 11-424 p. front., ill., pi. 25cm. [A new ed. of the work pub. under titles Memorial history of America, Home school of American history, etc. Omits some chapters of former editions and has new matter. L.C. 2-24342] MoMaster, John Bach, Compendio de historia de los Estados Uuidos. . .tr. y adaptacidu por Marcos More del Solar... New York, Cincinnati [etc.] American book company [1902] 547, 36 p. Incl. front., 111., map. 19cm. [Spanish translation of A school history of the United States. L.C. 2-24094] McVey, [Isidore Van Aernain] "Mrs. J. D. MoVey." Manual of United States history. Being volume II of the Cheney series of school manuals. Designed for terms of fourteen weeks. Frankllnvllle, N. Y., Mrs. J.D.McVey, 1902. 89 p. 19%cm. [6 blank pages for notes follow p. 89. L.C. 2-13806] Mann, William Justin. America in its relation to the great epochs of history. Boston, Little Brown, and company, 1902. xvii, 315 p. 18%cm. ["Suggestions for reading or reference": p. [299]-304. Rev.ln: Dial 35(1903)8(J.O. Pierce) "has necessarily confined himself to a generalization that disappoints the hearty interest which his treatment of his thesis awakens. . .small but weighty." L.C. 2-30081] Marmier, X. Les fitats-Unts et le Canada. Tours, Manie, 1902. pp 239. 80. Montgomery, D[avid] H[enry], The beginner's American history... Boston, Ginn & CO., 1902. vlil, 258, xviii pp. incl. front., ill., port, pi., map. 19cm. (Leading facts of history series) ["A short list of books of reference": app., pp. i-ii. L.C. 2-3453 M 2] Morris, Charles. Ny og fuldstamdig historic uf de Forende Stater; omfatteude vort lands vsext og be- drifter fra den forste opdagelse og bebyggelse til den -lag idag. . .oversat til uorsk-dansk af Sigvard Sorensen... Philadelphia, Chicago [etc.] The J.C.Winston co. [1902] 607 p. incl. front., 111., pi. pi. 25cm. [L.C. 2-26087] Mowry, William A[ugustus] and Mowry, Arthur May. First steps in the history of our country... [Enl. ed.] New York, Boston [etc.] Silver, Burdett and co. [1902] 334 pp. Incl. front., 111. 19cm. [L.C.2-4712] Northrop, Henry Davenport, Home studies in American history; the triumphant progress of a great na- tion; or, Standard history of the United States... Philadelphia, Pa., National publishing co. [1902] xxiv, 17-997, xxxii, [8], xiv p. front., ill., pi. (partly col.) port., maps. 27om. [The same text with some variations in plates and appended matter has been pub. under various titles: Story of the New world, Our greater country, etc. L.C. 2-26529] O g n 1 b e n, The United States and imperial Britain. Contemp 81(1902)305-26. Ridpath, John Clark. History of the United States, from aboriginal times to the present day. Imperial ed with additions by Rev.Franklin Noble.D.D. New Yor, H.G.Allen & company [1902] 5 v. front., ill., pi., port., map, col. chart. 25%cm. [L.C. 2-13595] Ridpath, John Clark. History of the United States. Prepared especially for schools. On a new and com- prehensive plan, embracing the features of Lymau's historical chnrt. Academic ed. ... New York, Cin- cinnati [etc.] American book company [1902] 1 p. 1., vl, 7-527 p. ill., map, col. chart. 23cm. [To 1889, L.C. 2-20676] 222 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. Rhodes. J. F. Hist, of the U. S. from compromise of 1850. N. Y., Macmillan, 1902. 4 v. 12o. R u g e, K. Vom Amerlkauisch. Strande. Norddeut jillc< in zeit (1902). Simonds, W. E. American date book. Hartford, Ct., Kama, 1902, 12o. Smith, Uriah. De Foreiiede Stater uationernes uud^r; dots firtids, nutids og fremtids historic hvad de Hellige Skrlfter siger derom. . .oversat fra deu tredje engolgke revlderede udgave. Battle Creek, Mich, [etc.] Review und herald pub. co. ; Oakland, Cal. [etc.] Pacific press publishing co., 1902. 324 p. incl. ill., pi., port, front., col. pi., map. 22%cin. [L.C. 2-13805] Smith, Uriah. FSrenta Staterna uationernas under; dess forflutna, narvarande, framtidu historia hvad Skriften sager dftrom. . .ofversattniug fran tredje reviderade engolska upplagan. Battle Creek, Mich, [etc.] Review and herld pub. co. ; Oakland, Cal. [etc.] Pacific press publishing co., 1902. 324 p. incl. ill., pi., port, front., col., pi., map. 22%cm. [L.C. 2-13804] Smith. Uriah. Die Vereinigten Staaten das wunder der nationen; seine vergangenheit, gegenwart und znkunft, und was die Heilige Scbrift dariiber sagt...Von d? 3. revidierten englischen ausg. (ibersetzt. Battle Creek, Mich, [etc.] Review and herald publishing co. ; Oakland, Cal. [etc.] Pacific press pub- lishing co., 1902. 324 p. incl. ill., pi. front, (port.) col. pi., map. 22%cm. [L.C. 2-13802] Statesman's year-book... Lond., MacMillan & co. 1902. [12o.] [U. S.=pp. 1188-1253.] Steele, Joel Dorman, and Steele, Esther Baker. A popular history of the United States of America... Rev. and enl. ed. New York, A.S.Barnes & company [1902] 18, [3], [9]-741, [3] p. front., ill., port., map. 24cm. [L.C. 2-29031] Stratton, Mrs. Ella (Hines) Child's history of our great country from the earliest discoveries to the present time... Philadelphia, Pa., National publishing co. [1902] 13, 17-292 p. col. front., ill., pi. (partly col.) port. 25cm. [Also issued ns p. 17-292 of the author's Story of our nation. 1902. L.C. 2-29913] Stratton, Mrs. Ella (Hines). Youug people's history of our country, from the earliest discoveries to the present time... Philadelphia, Pa., National publishing co. [1902]. 13, 17-504 p. front., 111., pi., port. 25cm. [Issued also under the titles: The story of our country; The thrilling story of the world's giant republic, etc. L.C. 2-25435] Tappan, Eva March. Our country's story; an elementary history of the United States... Boston, New York [etc.] Houghton, Mifflin and company [1902] vii, 267, [1] p. front., 111., map. 19%cm. [61-Men. ln:Dial 32(1902)424 "elementary. . .plentifully furnished with pictures." L.C. 2-14118] Thalheimer, M[ary] E[lsie]. ...The new eclectic history of the United States... New York, Cincinnati [etc.] American book co. [1902] viii, 9-398, xlii, [3] pp. incl. front, (port.) ill., map. col. pi. 19cm. (Eclectic educational series) [L.C. 2-5210] Thompson, Robert Ellis. The hand of GorJ in American history: a study of national politics... New York, T.Y.Crowell & co. [1902] 3 p. 1., 235 p. 19cm. [L.C. 2-7108] Verelnlgte Staaten v. N.-A. Phanomenale Entwicklg. d. Verein. Staat. v. N.-A. Polytech. Cen- tralbl. (1902)No.2. Wagner, Harr. Supp. to the Cal. state series hist, of the U. S.. from 1889 to the present time. San Francisco, Whitaker & R. 1900; rev. ed. 1902. Wilson, Woodrow i. e. Thomas Woodrow. A history of the American people. . .illustrated with portraits, maps, plans, facsimiles, rare prints, contemporary views, etc. . . . New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1902. 5 v. front., ill., pi., port., map, plan, facs. 22%cm. [Contents. v. 1. The swarming of the English. v. 3. Colonies and nation. v. 3. The founding of the government. v. 4. Critical changes and civil war. v. 5. Reunion and nationalization. Rev.in:Am Hist R 8 (1903) 762-5 (F. J.Turner) "brilliant in style ... artistic literary form... is that of interpretation ... In ... general perspective and proportion. . .has shown good judgment it is impossible to find in similar compass... so sustained and vital a view of the whole first cycle of American history ... not ... more errors of fact than are common to first editions"; Dial 33(1902)393-5(F.W.Shepardson) "will be much better appreciated by those who have read widely about American men and measures, who are... better equipped to enjoy a philosophical analysis and review. . .suggestive and interesting, filled with striking sntences, and convincing in their thoughtful declarations. . .notable addition''; Nation 76(1903)117-8 "general verdict ... commendatory .. a brilliantly written essay summarizing the general course of events. . .inevitably. . .comment and opinion ...predominate over fact. . .achievement is praiseworthy. . .occasionally a slip." L.C. 2-25622] UNITED States of America (description and travel), [Eddy, Arthur Jerome]. Two thousand miles on an automobile; being a desultory narrative of a trip through New England, New York, Canada, and the West, by "Chauffeur," with eighteen illustrations by Frank Verbeck. Philadelphia and London, J.B.Lippineott company, 1902. 1 p. 1., 329 p. ill. 21%cm. [Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)224 "Reflections on. . .any. . .subject suggested by ... station, or not suggested ... Chief worth. . .In. . .account of roadsW L.C. 2-21604] Reminiscences of C. C. Cox. Quar Tex Hist Ass 6(1002)113-38. Reumert, Elith [Poul Ponsaing]. ...Min Amerlkarejse; personlige indtryk og oplevelser . . . Kobenhavn, Forlagt af Brodrene Salmonsen (J.Salmonsen) 1902. 1 p. 1., 241 p., 1 1. 19%cm. [L.C. 3-26275] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 223 Seligmann, Julius. Eiu ausflug iiach Amorika. Leipzig, H.Swmanu nachfolger, 1902. 1 p. 1., T, 175 p. 18cm. [L.C. 3-685J Stoddard, John L[awson], Beautiful scenes of America from Battery Park to the Golden Gate. Akron, 0., New York [etc.] The Saalfleld publishing company, 1902. 1 p. 1., [128] p. of ill. with descriptions. 28 x 34% cm. [L.C. 2-18020] Waldenstrbm, P[aul Fetter], Xy.i fftrder 1 Ainerlkas FQr-.-uta Stater; reseskildringar. . . Stockholm, Aktlebolaget Normans forlag [1!)02] 2 p. I., 540 p. Incl. 111., port, front., fold. col. pi. 23cm. [L.C. 3-29108] Weiller, Lazare. ...Les grandes idees d'un grand peuple. [6. ed.] Paris, F.Juven [1902?] 2 p. 1., 400. [1] p. 19cm. [L.C. 3-26837] UNIVERSALIST Church. Church holding universal salvation as its cardinal doctrine. Mason, Edward Gilman. The founding of a faith. New Eng M 27(1902)461-9, 111. UPPER Canada Rebellion. Canadian disturbance 1837-9. Contributions towards a bibliography of the Niagara Region. The Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837-'39. Being an appendix to volume five, Buffalo Historical Society Society Publications. Buffalo, N. Y. 1902. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)427-95. K o b e r s t e i n, P. Die ersten deutsch-amerikanischen Miliz-Conipagnien. Deutsch-Am G 2.2(1902)43-5. UPSHUR, Abel Parker (1790-1844). Va. lawyer, Congressman, judge, Sec. of the navy. U p s h u r, Abel Parker. Recommendation to President Tyl'-r [1841J. Boat Bull 7(1902)314-5. USHER, Ellis Baker (1785-1850). Citizen of Maine. Usher, Ellis Baker. A short biographical sketch of Kills Bak?r Usher of Hollis, Maine, by his grandson of La Crosse, Wis. [n. p.] Priv. print., 1902. 14 p. front, (port.) 21%cm. [L.C. 2-15494] USHER, John (1648-1706). Mass. Treas. and Receiver Gen'l of New England. Montague, Cha. Action of privy Council on petition of John Usher, 1689. Bost Bull 7(1902)346-7. UTAH. A western state of the U. S. between Col. and Nev.. admitted 1896. [Douan, Patrick], Utah; being a concise description of the vast resources of a wonderful region... 10th ed., 100,000... [Denver] Passenger department of the Denver & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande and western, 1902. 80 p. ill. 23%em. [Added title: "Utah; a poep into a rnouutain-walled treasury of the gods. By P. Donaii. Rhymes by Cy. Warmau." L.C. 2 19010] Jones, Marcus Elugene], ...Utah... New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. vi, 131 p. 111., map. 18% x 15%cm. (Tarr and McMurry geographies. Supplementary volume) [L.C. 2-14591] UTICA, N. Y. City of Oneida Co. 95 m. W.N.W. of Albany. Broga n, J. C. Two notable plow-era of Utlca, N. Y. Illus. Cath World 76(1902)77(0). VAIL family. [Vail, Henry HobartJ. Genealogy of some of the Vail family descended from Jeremiah Vail at Salem, Mass., 1639... New York [The De Vinne press] 1902. 371, [1] p. Incl. ill., faca. 4 pi., map. 26cm. [Preface signed: Henry H. Vail. Rev.in.N Y Rec 34(1903)153 "[of] literary merit. . .elaborate index... In many respects... a model." L.C. 17938] VALENTINE, John J. (1840-1902). N. Y. and Cal. President Wells-Fargo Express. Moody, Charles Amadou. The simple story of a man. Out West 16(1902)159-65, ill., port. Passing of a modern Galahad. Out West 16(1902)65-6. VALENTINI, Valentino (d.1892). Catholic priest, scholar and educator. Rev. Valentino Valentin!. Am Cath Hist 13(i90?)57,128. port. VALLEY FORGE, Pa. Village of Chester Co. 4 m. S.E. of Phcenixville a Revolutionary War camp. Foster, W [alter] Bert[ram]. With Washington at Valley Forge. . .illustrated by F.A. Carter. Philadel- phia, The Penn publishing company, 1902. 369 p. front., pi. 19cm. [L.C. 2-20644] Revolutionary Parks in Pennsylvania. Year book Penn Soc of N Y (1902)108-111. U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on military affairs. National military park at Valley Forge, Pa. Hearing before the Committee. . .January 29, 1902, In relation to the bill (S. 614) to establish a National military park at Valley Forge, Pu. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 14j_ p. plan. 24cin. [L.C. 2-25687] VAN BUREN, John (1810-66). N. Y. Attorney-General of the State. Van B u r e n, John (letter) to James [1864]. Bost Bull 7(1902)324-5. VAN BUREN, Martin (1782-1862). 8th President of the United States. Van B a r e n, Martin. [Letter] to Governor Bouck [1844]. Bost Bull 7(1902)315-6. VANDERBILT, George Washington (b.1862). N. Y. capitalist. W e 8 t o n, G. F. Biltmore, estate of Geo. W. Vanderbllt. Ctry Lite Am 2:180(8). 224 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. VANDERBILT University. Meth. Univ. at Nashville, Tenn. est. 1872. Bulletin of Vanderbilt University, No. 6, Series 1. Nashville, Tenn. pp 40. 1902. [Rev.ln:South Hist A Pub 6(1902)356 "numerous notes Illustrative of the work of this Methodist institution, past and pres- ent."] VANDERLIP, Frank Arthur (b. 186-1). Assistant U. S. Treasury, N. Y. banker, writer. B r o o k s, Frank H. Frank A. Vanderlip. World's Work 4(1002)2185-90, port. VAN DORN, Earl (1820-63). Hiss, soldier in Mexican War, Confederate General. B a r r o n, S. B. Van Dorn at Holly Springs. Confed Vet 10 (1901-2)455-6. [Miller, E. V. D. ] A soldier's honor, with reminiscences of Major -General Earl Van Dorn; by his com- rades. New York, London [etc.] The Abbey press [1902] 809 p. front, (port.) pi. 20%cm. [L.C.2-19195] VAN DYKE, Henry (b.1852). N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman, Princeton Professor, writer. The Rev. Henry Van Dyke. World's Work 4(1902)2252, port. only. VAN METER family. Van Meter, Anna Hunter, with addenda by Laldley, W. S. A glance at the Van Meter family in the United States of America. W Va Mag 2.2(1902)5-18. VAN REN8SEDAER family. P., R. Libraries vs. family chests. Blbliojr 1(1902)362-8 [Van Rensselaer mss.] VANSITTART, Ralph (fl.1861). Member Canadian Parliament. Cameron, Edward Robert. Memoirs of Ralph Vansittart, a member of the Parliament of Canada, 1861- 1867. Toronto, Musson Book Co. 1902. pp229. [Rev. in: Hist Pub Canad '02,7(1903)197 "history, or... fiction. . .difficult to tell. ..(.. .was no member of Parliament named Vansittart for the period in ques- tion)."] VASQUEZ, Tiburcis (fl.1853). California bandit. F 1 t z g e r a 1 d, O. P. A California bandit. Cent 63(1901-2)739-43. VAUGHAN, Sir Charles (b.1794). English Ambassador to U. 8. Document s The papers of Sir Charles Vaughan. Am Hist R 7(1902)304-29,500-33. VAWTER8 Church, Madison Co., Va. G r 1 n n a n, Andrew G. Sale of a colonial church. Wm M Q 10(1902)257-8. VENEZUELA. A republic occupying: the N.E. portion of South America. Brandt, Conrad. A flght in the South American Revolution. Indep 54(1902)2464-72, 111. The coercion of Venezuela. Nation 75(1901)474-5. Venezuela and the Monroe doctrine. Outl 72(1902)971-3. Venezuela then and now. Nation 75(1902)457-8. The Venezuelian crisis. Nation 75(1902)494-5. W o o 1 s e y, Theodore S. Venezuela and international law. Indep 54(1902)2988-91, ill. VENTURA County, Cal. Co. in the S. part of the state. Barry, Harriet H. Ventura county. Out West 17(1902)789-804, 111. VERMONT. The north westernmost of the New England states of the U. S., admitted 1791. English policy toward America in 1790-1791. XVIII. Stephen Cottrell to W. W. Greuville. Am Hist R 8(1902)78-86. Liquor legislation in Vermont. Nation 74(1902)500-1. THE Vermont Antiquarian. Burlington, Vt. v. 1. 1902-3. Wilbur, La Fayette. Early history of Vermont, v. 3. Jericho, L.F.Wilbur, 1902. 80. VESPUCIUS, Americus (1452-1512). Italian navigator sent by Spain and Portugal to America. Martino, Antonio de. ... In quale anno Amerigo Vespucci eompl H suo priino viaggio in America. Avel- lino, Tlp.-lit. E.Pergola, 1902. 73 p. 20%em. [Contents. Amerigo Vespucci nei documentl degll archivii d'ltalia e di Spagna. Esame critico della relazione del Vespucci al gonfaloniere Pier Soderlni. Amerigo Vespucci ed i suoi critici. Conclusione. L.C. 3-32923] Vespucci, Amerigo. The first four voyages of Americus Vespucius: a reprint in exact facsimile of the German edition printed at Strassburg, by John Grilniger, in 1509. New York, Dodd, Mead Sc company, 1902. 3 p. 1., 32 1. (facs. sig. A to F, in sixes except A and D, in fours) ill. (5 wdct.) 25cm. ["50 copies only printed, no. 9." Half-title: The first four voyages of Americus Vespucius. 11. Although originally announced as no. 2 of a proposed series of reprints from the Bibliographer, this work was not pub. In that periodical, nor has any other number of the series appeared (Sept. 1903") Colophon: Ge- druckt zu Strassburg durch ,Tohan6 GrUniger ! Im iar. M.OCCCC.IX. vff mitfast... The woodcut on p. [60] is a reproduction of the title vignette. Preface signed "L. S. L." i. e. Luther S. Livingston. In- cludes facsim. of original t.-p. (4th p. 1.): Dlss biichlin saget wie die zwe | durchltichtlgsts herrS her Fernandus. K. zu Castilien | vnd herr Emanuel. K. zu Portugal haben das weyte | mor ersuchet vnnd funden vil Insulen, vnnd eln Nflwe | welt von wilden nackenden Lettten, vormals vnbekant.j [wdct.] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. 225 "There are two varieties of the book in German, differing <-nly in a single word in the second line ot the colophon. The copy from which this reproduction was made has "vff mltfast.." the other variety has "vff Letare.." This German edition ... seems never to have been reproduced." Prefatory note. L.C. 3-21374] VICE-PRESIDENTS. Officers chosen to act in case of inability of President. V Ice-Presidents of the United States. Collect 15(1902)72. VICKBURG (Miss.)- Civil War campaign 1862-63. T h o m p s o n, J. K. P. Iowa at Vicksburg and the Vicksburg National Military Park. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)272-92, port. Vicksburg Vistas. Chicago, 111 , R.M.Hynes, 1902. oblong, pp 25, ill. [Rev.in:Gulf Mag 1(1902)69 "40 panoramic views [and] 'Vicksbnrg Campaign in Brief.' "] VIELE, Egbert Ludovickus (1825-1902). N. Y. military engineer in Kez. and Civil Wars, Cong, writer. Obituary. NYRec 33(1902)184-5. VIETS family. Viets, Francis Hubbard. A genealogy of the Viets family with biographical sketches: Dr. John Vlets of Simsbury, Connecticut, 1710, and his descendants. [Hartford] The Case, Lockwood & Brainard co., 1902. 228 p. front., pi., port. 24%cm. [Rev.in:Old Northw Q 5(1902)154 "biographical sketches... add greatly to the interest ... complete index." L.C. 2-8226] VILLANOVA COLLEGE. Cath. College at Villanova, Pa., fd. 1842. G r i f f 1 n, M. I. J. The beginning of Villanova as a manual labor college. Am Cath Res 19(1902)174-5. VILLERS, Villiers, Villiers-Stuart family. W h a y m a x, Horace W. Villers, Villiers, Villiers-Stuart. Old Northw Q 5(1902)1-4,38-9, facs. VINCENNES. Ind. City of Knoz Co. 51 m. N. of Evansville. Cauthorn, Henry S[ullivan]. A history of the city of Vincouaes, Indiana, from 1702 to 1901... [Vin- cennes? Ind.] M.C.Canthorn [1902] 220 p. incl. ill., port, front. 20cm. [L.C. 2-29909] Smith, Hubbard Madison. Historical sketches of old Vincennes, founded in 1732; its institutions and churches, embracing collateral incidents and biographical sketches of many persons and events con- nected therewith. Vincennes, Ind., 1902. 288 p. incl. front., ill., port., map. 20cm. [L.C. 3-564] VINCENT PINZON river, S. A. River of northeastern S. A. Vidal de La Blache, P[aul]. ...La riviere Vincent Pinzon; tudp sur la cartographic de la Guyane... Paris, F. Alcan, 1902. 2 p. 1., 114 p., 1 1. map. 25%cm. (Paris. Universitfi. Bibliotheque de la faculte des lettres. XV) [L.C. 3-57] VIRGINIA. An original Atlantic state of U. S. between Maryland and North Carolina. An abridgement of the laws of Virginia. Compiled in 1684. Va Mag 9(1902)273-88,369-84; 10: 49-64,145-60. B a s s e 1 1, John Spencer. The relation between the Virginia planter and the London merchant. Am Hist A Rep '01,1(1902)551-75. R. S. P. Black Horse Troop [Va. Confederate Calvary]. South Hist Soc Pub 30(1902)142-6. Brenaman, J[acob] N[eff], A history of Virginia conventions... With constitution adopted by convention of 1867-'68, and constitution adopted by convention of 1901-1902 appended. Richmond, J.L.Hill printing company, 1902. 122, x p., 1 1., 87 p. 22%cm. ["The constitution of the state of Virginia, adopted by the convention of 1901-2" has separate title-page. L.C. 2-26499] Brereton's "Discovery of the north part of Virginia." Bibliog 1(1902)405 sq(9-16). Chandler, Julian A[lvin] C[arroll]. .. .Virginia. . .and William L. Foushee... New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1902. viii p., 1 1., 59 p. front, (fold, map) ill. 21% x 16%cm. (Tarr and Me Murry geographies. Supplementary volume) [L.C. 2-24850] Character of the early Virginia trade. So Atlan Q 1(1902)73-81. David Wickllffe. Wm M Q 10(1902)175-7. D a v 1 s, J. E. The lower Virginia Peninsula. IV. Pirates cf the Virginia capes. South Work 30(1901) 214-7; 31:21-6,393-7,559-61. Early Presbyterians in Virginia [1699] fnote). Va Mag 10(1902)214. y Early Quaker records in Virginia. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)220-31,304-13,408-14,499-508. Edwards, Wm. H. A bit of history [secession of Va.]. W Va Mag 2.3(1902)59-66, port. Elliot Grays of Manchester, Va. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1901)161-4. Extracts from the proceedings of the Council. Wm M Q 10(1902)158-65. The fight for Virginia [negro disfranchisement]. Nation 75(1902)496-7. Hall, Edward Hagaman. Jamestown [1607-1907] a sketch of the history and present condition of the site of the first permanent English settlement in America. New York, The American scenic and historic preservation society, 1902. 30 p. Incl. map. front., pi. 13%cm. [L.C. 2-8106] 2M WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Hall, Granville Davisson. The rending of Virginia, a history... [Chicago, Mayer & Miller] 1902. 3 p. 1., [11]-630 pp. 111., pi., port. 20M>cm. Advertising matter: pp. 624 630. [Rev.in:Dial 33(i902)91-2(James M.Garnett) "serviceable. . .preserves official papers... far from. . .judicial. . .one-sided. . .[no] Index"; South Hist A Pub 6(1902)260-] (Hu. Maxwell) "From the standpoint of those favoring the 'rending' [the formation of West Virginia] .. .no tone of conciliation." L.C. 2-4975] H o r t o n, L. H. [Virginia and Tennessee Boundary Commission, 1802.] Am Month M 21(1902)207. J a m e s, E. W. Notes from colonial papers, America and West Indies 1685-'88. Wm M Q 10(1902)198. John P. Branch Historical Papers of Eandolph Macon College. Pub. annually by the Dept. of History. No. 2. 1902. Journal of Col. James Gordon, of Lancaster County, Va. Wm M Q 11(1902)98-112. Lederer, John. The discoveries of John Lederer, In three several marches from Virginia, to the west of Carolina, and other parts of the continent: begun In March 1669, and ended In September 1670. To- gether with a general map of the whole territory which he traversed. Collected and translated out ot Latlne from his discourse and writings, by Sir William Talbut, baronet... London, Printed by J.C. for S. Heyrich, 1672; [Reprinted for G.P.Humphrey, Rochester, N. Y., 1902] 30 p. fold. map. 24%cm. No. 98 of 300 copies printed. [Rev.lntVa Mag 10(1902)112 "Excellent reprint." L.C. 2-15379] Lee, Richard Henry. [Letter] to Arthur Lee. [1781] Boat Bull 7(1902)84-5. List of Colonial Attorney-Generals. Wm M Q 10(1902)165-7. List of Colonial secretaries. Wm M Q 10(1902)167. Livingston, Luther S. Thomas Hurlot's "Briefs and truo report of the new found land of Virginia." Bibliog l(1902)35sq[10p. facsim. Remainder in following nos.] Hcllwaine, Richard. Suffrage. An address before the. Conference of Democratic Members of the Consti- tutional Convention of Virginia, January 6, 1902. pp!4. Members of the Virginia house of Burgesses, 1688. Va Mag 9(1902)312. The Northern Neck (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)274-5. [Old Dominion steamship company]. ...Old Dominion line. Along the historic James River. [New York?] 1902. cover-title, 19, [5] p. 111., map. 20^ x 10%cin. (Old Dominion series, no. 2) [Compiled by R. P. Day. L.C. 3-53] Opposition by Virginia to Lord Baltimore's settlement of Maryland. Am Cath Res 19(1902)28-9. - Personal notices from "Virginia Gazette." Wm M Q 11(1901)93-8. Pirates In Virginia (note). Va Mag 10(1902)216. Robinson, Conway cont. Notes from the council and general court records, 1641-1682. Va Mag 9 (1902)306-9. Roll and roster of Pelham's battery. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)348-54. Roster of the Buckingham Yancey Guard. South Hist Soc Pub 30(1902)154-60. Sketches of the secretaries of the colony of Virginia. Wm M Q 10(1902)168-75. Snowden, W[illiam] H. Some old historic landmarks of Virginia and Maryland, described In a band-book for the tourist over the Washington, Alexandria and Mount Vernon electric railway . . . 4th ed. of five thousand... Alexandria, Va., Printed by G.H.Ramey & son, 1902. 124 p. ill. 23%cm. [L.C. 3-13392] Some colonial letters. Va Mag 10(1902)176-83. Some Revolutionary soldiers from Virginia. Am Month M 21(1902)207-11. Stanard, William G. and Mary Newton. The colonial Virginia register. A list of governors, councillors and other higher officials, and also of members of the Housa of burgesses, and the revolutionary con- ventions of the colony of Virginia. Albany, N. Y., J.Munsell's sons, 1902. 249 p. 26cm. [Rer.in: South Hist A Pub 6(1902)356 "The names of the authors are a guarantee of thoroughness and accu- racy"; N Y Rec 33(1902)254 "of much value. . .fully indexed"; Gulf Mag 1(1902)166 "accuracy and thoroughness. . .painstaking care." L.C. 2-19327] Tyler, Lyon G. London company records. Am Hist A Rep '01,1(1902)543-50. D p s h u r, Thomas T. Eastern shore history. Va Mag 10(1902)65-71. Virginia. Constitutional convention, 1901-1902. Journal. Held in the city of Richmond, beginning June 12th, 1901. Printed by authority. Richmond, J.H.O'Bannon, 1901[-02] 574, [473], x p., 1 1., 87 p. 24cm. [Contains many documents and committee reports and "The constitution of the state of Vir- ginia, adopted by the convention of 1901-2. Published by authority. Richmond: 1902." L.C. 3-3142] Virginia legislative documents. Va Mag 9(1902)353-68: 10:1-16. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Published quarterly by the Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Va. v. 9 No 3&4 p 225-480, and v 6. No. 1&2. p 1-224=1902 Virginia Military Association 1756 (note). Va Mag 10(1902)108. Virginia militia officers, 1699 (note). Va Mag 10(1902)215-6. Virginia newspapers in public libraries. Annotated list of Virginia newspapers In the library of the Virginia Historical Society. Va Mag 9(1902)289-97,411-13. W a y 1 a n d, John Walter. The Germans of the valley. Va Mag 9(1902)337-52,422-3; 10:33-48,113-30. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. 237 William and Mary College quarterly Historical Magazine. Ed. Lyon, G. Tyler. \Villiamsburg, Va. Wn>. & Mary College. V.10.3&4, v.ll,li2=1902. Witchcraft In Virginia. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)36. Y o u n g, C. H. Virginia Constitutional Convention of 1829. Branch Pap No 2(1902)100-10. VIRGINIA company. English colonizing corporation. F e r r a r. Michael Lloyd. The Farrar papers at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Va Mag 10(1902)130-8. VIRGINIA Literary Museum. First periodical uued by the University of Virginia 1829. W a y 1 a n d, John Walter. The Virginia literary museum. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)1-14. VISITATION (Order of the). R. C. order of nuns. First house of the Sisters of the Visitation at Kaskaskla, Illinois, A. D. 1833. Reminiscences of Si- ter Mary Josephine Barber. Am Cath Hist 13(1902)211-26. VON HUMBOLDT. Friedrich Heinrich Alexander (1769-1859). German Geographer, naturalist, explorer, espec. of 8. A. Letter of Alexander von Humboldt 1845. Am Hist R 7(1902)704-6. VOORHEES, Daniel Wolsey (1827-97). Ind. lawyer, U. 8. senator, writer. Thornton, W. W. Daniel W. Voorhees, as lawyer and orator. Green Bag 14:35S(Ag). VREELAND. Herbert Harold (b.1856). President of Metropolitan Street Railway Co. of New York. Price, Charles W. Herbert Harold Vreeland. Cosmopol :t3(1902)654-6, port. WACHOVIA, N. C. A Moravian settlement. Clewell, John Henry. History of Wachovia In North Carolina; the Unltas fratrum or Moravian church In North Carolina during a century and a half, 1752-1902, from the original German and English manu- scripts and records In the Wachovia archives, Salem, North Carolina. New York, Doubleday, Page & company, 1902. xlv, 365 p. Incl. ill., map. front., pi., port. 23cra. [Rev. in: Nation 75(1902)72-3 "Nar- rative of ... southern province of .. .Moravian church In America from. . .1752. . .plain and simple account ...contains many matters of interest"; Am Hist R 8(1903)363-4(J.S.B9ssett) "treatment Is not that of a trained historian. . .most valuable. . .Is this mass of facts. . .from. . .manuscript records." L.C. 2-13392] WADE family. Howard-Wade (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)203-4. Wade, Stuart C. The Wade genealogy. (Part III) Rutland, Vt., The Tuttle Co. 1902. pp97, 80. pamphlet. [Rev.in:N Y Rec 33(1902)255 "highly seasoned with history and biography."] WAGNER, Fort (8. C.). Civil War assault, July 18, 1863. E a s o n, J. T. Mississippians In the Virginia army. Confed Vet 10(1902)23. WAIT, Benjamin (1735-1822). Vt. officer in French and Indian War and Am. Revolution. A v e r y. Emma Wait. General Benjamin Walt. Am Mouth M 21(1902)97-104, ill. WAITE, J. T. H. (d.1902). Ga. Presbyterian clergyman. R e v. J. T. H. Waite. Ass Her 7(1902)452-3. WAINMAN WAYNEMAN family. W h a y m a n, Horace W. Fragmenta Genealoglca, Wainman Wayneman. Old Northw Q 5(1902)42. WAKEMAN family. Wakeman, Rob. P. Wakeman genealogy. Merlden, Ct., Journal Pub., 1902. 80, ill. WALDO family. Lincoln, Waldo. Genealogy of the Waldo family; a record of the descendants of Cornelius Waldo of Ips- wich, Mass., from 1647 to 1900... Worcester, Mass., Press of C.Hamilton, 1902. 2 v. pi., port. 24%cm. [Rev.ln:Old Northw Q 6(1903)101-2(1), S.C.) unusually complete system of references. . .index of 238 pages... candor, sobriety of judgment aud cautious statement conspicuous. . .a very careful and creditable piece of research, published in excellent form; N Y Rec 34(1903)228-9 "thorough and extensive ...most excellent ... too much can hardly be said in Its praise. Copious footnotes"; N E Reg 57(1903) 229-30(C.K.B. ) "thoroughly well done ... letters used... to number the persons. . .are *a great obstacle to the reader." L.C. 3-3722] "WALK-IN-THE-WATER." First steamboat on Lake Erie. P a 1 m e r, M. A. W. The wreck of the Walk-ln-the- Water, pioneer steamboat on the Western Lake*. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)319-23. WALKER, Horatio (b.1858). Canadian painter. F a 1 r b a 1 r n, M. L. Horatio Walker and his art. Cauad M 18(1901-2)494-600, 111. WALKER, Joseph A. (d.1901). Va. Confederate General. B u c k, S. D. Gen. Joseph A. Walker. Confed Vet 10(1902)34-6, port. 228 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. WALKER, Robert James (1801-69). Miss. U. S. senator, Bee. of Treas., Gov. of territory of Kan. Brown, George W. Reminiscences of Gov. R. J. Walker; with the true story of the rescue of Kansas from slavery... Rockford, 111., The author, 1902. 20-1 p. front., port. 19%cm. [L.C. 2-14681] L e f t w i c h, George J. Robert J. Walker. Miss Hist P 6(1902)359-71. WALKER, W. H. S. (1816-64). Ga. Confederate General. Honor to Gen. W. H. T. Walker. Confed Vet 10(1902)402-7, 111., port. WALKER family. W a 1 k e r Tucker Baylor Norton Meade (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)205-7,281. White, Mrs. Emma (Biggins). Genealogy of the descendants of John Walker of Wlgton, Scotland, with records of a few allied families. Also war records and some fragmentary notes pertaining to the history of Virginia. 1600-1902. Kansas City, Mo., Tiernan-Dart printing company, 1902. xxx, 722 p. front., pi. (partly col.) port., geneal. tab. 24cm. [Rev.in:Va Mag 10(1902)223-4 "These ... flaws ... in no way affect the ereat excellence or value." L.C. 2-19111] WALLACE family. Stearns, Hon. Ezra S. John Wallace of Londonderry, N. H. N R Reg 56(1902)185-7. WALLER family. B r y a n t, C. B. Waller (note). Va Mag 9(1902)328. Titus, Aiison. Crocum-Croackham (note). N E Reg 56(1902)410. Waller (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)278-9. WALPOLE, Mass. Villlage of Norfolk Co. 19 m. 8.8. W. of Boston. Dickinson, Thomas A. Inscriptions from the old graveyard, corner of Main and Kendall Streets, Wai- pole, Mass. Dedh Reg 12(1901)27-9,63-5,94-7,129-31; 13(1902)32-5. Walpole, Mass. Vital records to the year 1850... Boston, 1902. 216 p. 23%cm. (New-England historic genealogical society. [Vital records of the towns of Massachusetts]) [Ed. by Henry ErneHt Woods. L.C. 3-5256] WALSH, William (1850-1902). Tenn. Catholic priest. Rev. William Walsh. Am Oath Hist 13(1902)56-7,126, port. WALTHAM, Mass. City of Middlesex Co. 10 m. W. of Boston. Chappie, Bennett. Factory for making Waltham watches. Nat'l M (Bost) 16(1902)602-8, 111. WANAMAKER, John (b.1838). Phila. merchant, IT. 8. Postmaster-General. G 1 e e d, Charles S. John Wanamaker. Cosmopol 33(1902)38-9, port. "WANDERER." . Last slaver (1859) to land cargo in V. S. Bartlett. The last of the slavers. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)355-60. WANNALANCET (d.1696). Last Sachem of the Merrimack River Indians, friend to the early colonists. Early records of Manchester and vicinity. Notes and Q 20(1902)5-7. WAPANAKI Indians. Charaberla.'n, Montague. The primitive life of the Wapanaki women. Acad 2(1902)75-86, ill., port. WAR Department. TJ. S. Gov't office for military affairs. Consolidating the army supply departments. Nation 74(1902)63-4. WAR of 1812. British-American war. B u r t o n, C. M. Papers and orderly book of Brigadier General James Winchester. Mich Hist Coll '01, 31(1902)253-313, port. G a 1 1 o w a y, A. I. Firing the first shot. As told by the man who fired it. Reminiscences of Archer Galloway. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)21-5. H a 1 1, A. Militia service of 1813-1814. As shown by the correspondence and general orders of Major General Amos Hall. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)27-62. H a r r 1 s o n, J. VI. A war-time letter-book. Extracts from the correspondence of Jonas Harrison. Col- lector of Customs for the District of Niagara during the War of 1812. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)99-109 Letters bearing on the war of 1812. Branch Pap No.2(1902)139-46. Richardson, John. Richardson's War of 1812; with notes and a life of the author, by Alexander Clark Cas- selman. Toronto, Historical publishing co., 1902. Iviii, [2] p., 1 1., 320 p. front., pi., port., map, facs. 24cm. [No. 264 of an edition of 1000 copies. With facstm. of original t.-p. : War of 1812. First series. Containing a full and detailed narrative of the operations of the Right division, of the Canadian army, by Major Richardson, K. S. F. 1842. "The history of the war was to be written in three series ...the history was not completed." p. xxxv-xxxvi. Bibliography of the works of Richardson: p. 1111- Ivlii. "The Richardson genealogy": p. xlvi-xlix. "The Askin genealogy": p. xlix-lli. Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad 7(1902)49-51(E.Cruikshank) "Mr. Casselman's life of the author is a noteworthy contribution to the history of Canadian literature. . .notes. . .remarkably accurate, indicating great Industry and re- search ... illustrated" ; Am Hist R 8(1902)176 "new edition... of considerable value. . .biography of Rich- ardson, maps and plans of battles, footnotes." L.C. 2-22684] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 2tt Roberts papers. Am Hist Mag 7(1902)349-61. Roosevelt, Theodore. ...The naval war of 1812; or, The history of the United States navy during the last war with Great Britain, to which la appended an account of the battle of New Orleans, by Theodore Roosevelt. Philadelphia, Gebbie and company, 1902. 2 v. front, (port.) pi., dlagr. 21% cm. [(His [The complete writings. Uniform ed.) "Principal authorities referred to": v. 1, p. \.\x7-.\x.\ii. "Au- thorities referred to in chapter IV [v. 2]": v. 2, p. 111. "The edition de luxe is printed from type and will be limited to five hundred copies." This copy not numbered. L.C. 3-157] S a b I n, Edwin L. The privateers of 1812. Chaut 35(1902)557-62. Severance, Frank H. ed. by. Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society Volume 5. Buffalo, 1902. pp 12+536. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02,7(1903)52-3 "Achievements of Captain John Montresor on the Niag- ara and the first construction of Fort Erie". . .letter-book of Major-General Amos Hall of... New York Militia. . .Most valuable part. . .bibliography of the "Literature of the Canadian Rebellion."] Smith, G. C. Moore. The autobiography of Lieutenant-General Sir Harry Smith, baronet of Allwal on the SutleJ, G. C. B. London, John Murray; N. Y. B.P.Duttoo & Co. 1902, 2 vol. [Rev.in:Nation 75(1902) 73-4 "Aide-de camp to Gen. Ross. . .in. . .burning of .. .Washington. . .and. . .took part in Pakenham's. . . assaut...at New Orleans"; Dial 32(1902)271-2(P.F.Bicknell) "tells his story with... dash and fire... There are no flowers of rhetoric. . .yet. . .not always a plain, unvarnished tale."] Society of the second war with Groat Britain, in the state of New York. Spirit of '76(1902)39. WARD, Andrew Henshaw (1824-1901). Boston merchant, agricultural writer. Ward, Clarence Stuart. Andrew Henshaw Ward, 2d. N E Reg 56 Suppl (1902)xlv-xlvi. WARD, Arteraus fd.1867). Maine humorist, lecturer. Ryder, James F. Recollections of Artemus Ward. Cent 63(1901-2)151-5. Woodbnry, Charles J. Artemus Ward at Springfield, Massachusetts. Cent 63(1901-2)636-7. WARD, Hamilton (1829-98). N. Y. lawyer, Congressman. Ward, Hamilton. Life and speeches of Hamilton Ward. 1829-1898. Buffalo, N. Y., Press of A.H.Morey, 1902. 3 p. 1., 429 p. front., port. 23%cm. [L.C. 2-19236] WARD, John auincy Adams (1830-1904). N. Y. sculptor. S t u r g i s, Russell. The work of J. Q. A. Ward. Scrib M 32(1902)385-99, 111. WARD family. Will of John Ward. [Ipswich, Mass, ab.1656] Ess Ant 6(1902)114-15. Wl LI of Mrs. Alice Ward [Ipswich, Mass, ab.1655]. Ess Ant 6(1902)107. WARDER, John (fl.1778). Philadelphia citizen. John Warder, of Philadelphia [note]. Penn Mag 26(1902)408-9.. WARNER'S RANCH, Cal. Mission Indian village of San Diego Co. L u m m 1 s, Charles F. The exiles of Cupa. Out West 16(1902)465-79, ill., port. WARREN, Daniel Knight (b.1837). Oregon pioneer, State senator. L y m a n, H. S. Daniel Knight Warren. Oreg Q 3(1902)296-309. WARREN, George William (1828-1902). N. Y. musician, composer. George William Warren, Doctor of music. Columb Q 4(1902)274-77, port. WARREN, Herbert Langford (b.1857). Harvard Prof, of architecture. Herbert Langford Warren, A. M. Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)333-4. WARREN family. Bowman, George Ernest. Joseph Warren's will and inventory. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)14-7. Warren, Orin. Warren; a genealogy of the descendants of James Warren who was in Kittery, M.iine, 1652-1656. . . Haverhill, Mass., The Chase press, 1902. 138 p. front., port. 23%cm. [L.C. 2-21264J WARREN, R. I. Village of Bristol Co. 10 m. S.S.E. of Providence. Baker, Virginia. Notes from the Warren, R. I., probate records. N E Reg 56(1902)362-3. WARWICK, Jacob (1744-1886). Pioneer of West Va., Indian scout. P r i c e, W. T. Jacob Warwick. W Va Mag 2.3(1902)51-9. WASHBTTRNE, Elihu Benjamin (1816-87). 111. politician, TT. S. Sec. of State, minister to France, writer. E. B. Washburne (letter). Collect 15(1902)32. WASHINGTON, Booker T. (b. about 1859). Ala. negro educator, President Tuikegee Institution. C r o p p c r, R. P. Booker T. Washington. Chamb J 79:102(F). E s c 1 a v e hier, grand bomme aujourd'hul. Lect pour tous Sept (1902). L e u p p, Francis E. Why Booker Washington has succeeded in his life work. Outl 71(1902)326-33. Pike, G[odfrey] Holden. From slave to college president; being the life story of Booker T. Washington... London, T.F.Unwin, 1902. 3 . 1., Ill, [1] p. front, (port.) 18%cm. ([The "lives worth living" series]) [L.C. 3-666] P r 1 1 1 e r m a n, B. Booker T. Washington among bis W. Va. neighbors. Nat'l M (Bost) 17(1902)353(0) 230 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. Washington, Booker T(aliaferro], De esclavo ft cathedratico; autoblograf fa , vertida del ingles al espanol por Alfredo Ellas y Pujol... Nueva York, O.Appleton y compafita, 1902. vli, 297 p. front., pi., port. 18cm. [L.C. 2-15637] WASHINGTON, George (1738-99). First President of the United States. B 1 a c k f o r d, Chas. M. Mildred Washington Willis (note). Va Mag 10(1902)108-10. Cameron, Alexander. Washington and the town he loved so well. New Bug M 27(1902)259-77, 111. Custis, G. W. P. Life of Georfe Washington. (Biographies of famous men.) Chicago, Donohue, 1902. 12o. Excerpts from Washington's first inaugural. Mag Am Hist N S 1(1902)32. Friedenwald, Herbert, comp. under. Calendar of Washington manuscripts In the Library of Congress. Washington, L. C. 1901. 315 p. 1. O. G a 1 w a y Catholics as settlers on land of Washington's. Am Catb Res 19(1902)128-31. G r e e n, T. E. Address delivered by Reverend Thomas Edward Green. . .at the tomb of Washington April 18th, 1902. Gen Soc Sons of the Rev Proc Triennial Meet (1902)51-8. Grenfell, Helen L. The birthdays of Washington and Lincoln. Colorado anniversary number. Prepared for the public schools. . .superintendent of public instruction, February, 1902. [Denver, The Smith- Brooks co., printers, 1902] cover-tltit, 69 p. 111. 23cm. [L.C. 3-11786] Hart, Charles Henry. Gilbert Stuart's portraits of men. I. George Washington. Cent 63(1901-2)508-9. H a y w o o d, Marshall De Lancey. Canova's statue of Washington. So Atlan Q 1(1902)278-87. Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals. (Home lib.) N. Y. Burt, 1902. 12o. Hemstreet, Charles M. In the footsteps of Washington. Outl 70(1902)300-8, 111. Kozlowskl, W. M. A visit to Mt. Vernoo a century ago. A few pages of an unpublished diary of the Polish poet, J. U. NIemcewlcz. Cent 63(1901-2)510-22, ill., port., facs. Lamberton, James U. Washington as a freemason... An address delivered before the Grand lodge of Pennsylvania ... November the fifth, nineteen hundred and two... Philadelphia, Printed by J.B.Lippln- cott company, 1902. 61 p. 25cm. [L.C. 3-14060] Locke, Charles Edward. . . . The typical American . . . Cincinnati, Jennings & Pye ; New York, Eaton & Mains [1902] 28 p., 1 1. front. 19cm. (The hero series [v. 2]) ["These two essays, with twenty others, are published in book form under the title of Freedom's next war for humanity, by Charles Ed- ward Locke." Contents. The typical American [George Washington] America's new mission and op- portunity. L.C. 2-13642] Snowden, W[illiam] H. The story of the expedition of the young surveyors, George Washington and George William Fairfax, to survey the Virginia lands of Thomas, sixth Lord Fairfax, 1747-1748. Copi- ously illustrated by Miss Eugenie De Land. Strictly authentic. 1st ed. Alexandria, Va., Printed by G. H. Ramey & son, 1902. 16 p. ill. 24cm. [L.C. 2-22722] Sparks, Jared. The life of George Washington; with an Introduction by G. Mercer Adam... New York, The Perkins book company [c!902] x, 461 p. front., 111., pi., port., map. 19cm. ([Heroes of history]) [L.C. 3-9582] Washington, George. [Letter] to George William Fairfax [1763]. Bost Bull 7(1902)382. Washington and Catholicity. Am Cath Res 19(1902)55. Washington Green correspondence. New Eng M 25(1901-2)74-80,220-7,354-9,595-608,732-41; 26 (1902)63-9,229-33,321-8,489-93,583-7,698-707. Washington the Free Mason. Am Cath Res 19(1902)131-5. The Washington-Jefferson letters. Nation 75(1902)112-13. WASHINGTON, Martha (1732-1802). Va. wife of President Washington. D u d 1 e y - T e e t o r, H. The Republican court. Spirit of '76 S(1902)78,80[Receptlon 1789]. Mrs. Washington to Miss Mary Ann Altken. Pann Mag 26(1902)406-7. WASHINGTON family. Dw i g h t, Mclatiah Everett. Washington's Genealogical table. N Y Rec 33(1902)200-8, facs. W a s h i n g t o n, George. New facts regarding the English Washingtons. Indep 54(1902)1758-81, facs. WASHINGTON COUNTY, Ohio. A Co. in the S.E. part of state bordering on W. V. Jennings, William H. tr. Marriage record, Washington County, Ohio. July 9, 1789 April 25, 1822. Old Northw Q 4(1901)8-12,57-60,86-9,128-31; 5(1902)17-22.43-8. WASHINGTON COUNTY, Pa. A southwestern Co. of state, bordering on W. Va. Cmmrine, Boyd. The courts of justice, bench and bar of Washington county, Pennsylvania; with sketches of the early court-houses, the judicial system, the law judges, and the "roll of attorneys of that county; and a history of the erection and dedication of the court-house of 1900... under the auspices of the Washington bar association, Washington, Pa [Chicago, R.R. Donnelley & sons company] 1902. xli, ' 352 p. front., pi., port., map, faes. 25%cm. [L.C. 2-17543] Reader, F[rancis] Sfmith], Some pioneers of Washington County, Pa. A family history. New Brighton, Pa., Press of F.S. Reader & son, 1902. 4 p. 1., 154 p. ill., port. 21cm. [L.C. 3-8719] WHITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. *31 WASHINGTON, D. C. Capital city of the U. S.. in District of Columbia, on Fotomao R. Baldwin, Elbert P. Washington fifty years hence. Outl 70(1902)817-29, ill., port. B e 1 1, S. Ureenleaf public school; an educational object lesson. Pedagog Sein 9:237(Je). B I a g i, G. II catalogo a schede della Bibl. del congresso di Washington La Instituzion Carnegie. Riv blbl F6v. (1902). B r t- n t, J. The Capital city, Washington, D. C. Munsey 27:230(My). C h a p p 1 e, J. M. Washington, D. C. Social customs, past and present. Nat'l M (Bost) 15(1901-2)396- 404, ill., port. D a T i s, H. E. Ninth and F. Streets and thereabout. Rec Columbia Hist Soc 5(1902)238-58. Greenwood, Grace. Reminiscences of Washington before the war. Indep 54(1902)3030-2. Greenwood, Grace. Washington; before and during the war. Indep 54(1902)1929-31. Harvey, Frederick L[oviad]. History of the Washington national monument and of the Washington na- tional monument society... Washington, D. C., N.T.Elliott printing co., 1902. 1 p. 1., 137 p. 2 pi. 24cm. [L.C. 2-28222] Hazelton, George C[ochrane]. The national Capitol; its architecture, art and history... New York, J.F. Taylor & company, 1902. 3 p. 1., 301 p. incl. HI., pi., port., plan, front. 23%em. [On cover: The Capitol edition. L.C. 2-27725] K a u f f m a n n, S. H. Equestrian statuary in Washington. Rec Columbia Hist Soc 5(1902)112-38. L o w, A. Maurice. Society in Washington. Harper 104 ( 1901-2) 688-99, ill. Moore, Charles. The improvement of Washington city. I. Cent 63(1901-2)621-8,747-57, ill., map. M u d <1. .\. I. Early treatres in Washington city. Rec Columbia Hist Soc 5(1902)64-86. Rand, HcNally & co.'s pictorial guide to Washington and environs; including complete descriptions of the Capitol, Library of Congress, White House, the departments, Mount Vernon, Arlington, and all other points of interest... Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & company, 1902. 2 p. 1., [9]-204 p. ill., map, plan. 21%cm. [L.C. 2-16758] Records of the Columbia historical society. Washington, D. C. 1902, 8vo. pp 329. Vol. 5. [Rev.in:South Hist A Pub 6(1902)434-5 Report. . .[on] condition. . .of the municipal annals. . .rest. . .chiefly of personal utterances ... gossipy ... fine biographical articles.] Rives, Mrs. J. T. Old families and houses Greeuleaf's Point. Rec Columbia Hist Soc 5(1902)54-63. Suuderland, B. Washington as I first knew it. 1852-1855. Rec Columbia Hist Soc 5(1902)195-211. Z e v e 1 y, D. Old Houses on C Street and those who lived there. Rec Columbia Hist Soc 5(1902)151-75. WASHINGTONS ROAD=Nemacolin's Path. Indian trail. Hulbert, Archer Butler. Historic Highways of America, Vol. 3: Washington's Road (Nemacolin's Path) The first chapter of the Old French War. Cleveland, A.H.Clark Co. 1902. pp215. ill., maps. [Rev.in: Hist Pub Canad '02,7(1903)136 "good when. . .describing roads... not so illuminating in his history."] WASHINGTON (State). A Pacific state of the IT. S. admitted 1850. Dryer, Susan H. Famous men and women of Washington and Oregon. Am Month If 21(1902)364-71. WASHINGTON treaty. Treaty of 1871 between Great Britain and U. S. Adams, Charles Francis. Before and after the treaty of Washington: the American civil war and the war in the Transvaal; an address delivered before the New York historical society on its ninety-seventh an- niversary, Tuesday, November 19, 1901 . . . New York, Printed for the Society, 1902. 141 p. 25cm. L.C. 2-26826] WATCHES. Time pieces for pocket use. Bond, L'hineas. Jasper Yeates's gold watch (note). Penn Mag 26(1902)480-1. WATER and Forest Association, Cal. An association for the promotion of irrigation. A record of achievement. The epoch-making work of the Water and Forest Association. Out West 16(1902)209-220, ill., port. WATERKOUSE, Benjamin (1754-1846). Mass, educator, physician, professor, writer. Waterhouse, Benjamin. [Letter] to John Bailey [1826]. Bost Bull 7(1902)183. WATERHOUSE, Sylvester (1830-1902). Mo. Professor of Greek, geologist. Prof. Sylvester Waterhouse. Granite M 32(1902)184. WATERS family. The Waters family (note). Va Mag 9(1902)428-9. WATERVILLE, Me. City of Kennebec Co. 18 m. N. by E. of Augusta. Bangs, Isaac S[parrow]. Military history of Waterville, Maine, including the names and record, so far as known, of all soldiers from Waterville, in the several wars of the republic; a portion of the records of the Waterville monument association, and a sketch of W. S. Heath Post, No. 14, G. A. R., by Brevet Brig Augusta, Kennebec journal print, 1902. 75 p. front., port. 24%cm. [L.C. 3-1136] Whittemore, Edwin Carey. ...The centennial history of Waterville, Kennebec County, Maine, including the oration, the historical address and the poem presented at the celebration of the centennial ailniver- 232 WRITINGS ON* AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. sary of the town, June 23d, 1902... Arthur J. Roberts, Franklin W. Johnson, Mrs. Martha Baker Dunn, Mrs. Estelle Poster Eaton, Horatio D. Bates, associate editors. \Vatervllle, Executive committee of the centennial celebration, 1902. vll. 592 p. front., pi., port. 25cm. [L.C. 3-1878] WATKINS family. Descendants of William Watklns (note). Va Mag 9(1902)327-8. WAUKESHA County, Wis. Co. in the 8.E. part of state. P o r t e r, Holland L. Aboriginal monuments at Mukwonago In Wnukesha County [Wls.]. Wls Arch 2 (1902)8-13, diagram. WAYNE, Anthony (1746-96). Pa. officer in Am. Revolution. B a t e s, G. W. and Corliss, J. B. [Anthony Wayne]. Spirit of '7 8(1902)55-8. B u r t o n, C. M. Anthony Wayne and the Battle of Fallen Timbers Mich Hist Coll '01,31(1902)472-89. Spears, John R. A sane view of Anthony Wayne. Harper 105(1902)885-8, port. WAYNE County, Miss. A Co. in the E.S.E. part of state, bordering: on Ala. W i 1 k 1 n s, Jesse Montgomery. Early times in Wayne county. Miss Hist P 0(1902)265-72. WEARE, N. H. Village of Hillsborough Co. about 13 m. W.S.W. of Concord. A d a m s, I. G. The passing of intemperance in a country town. Granite M 32(1902)300-3. WEAVER, Jonathan (1824-1901). 0. United Bretheren clergyman, writer. Thompson, H. A. Blog. of Jonathan Weaver. Dayton, O., Un. B. Pub., 1902. 12o. WEBB, William Seward (b.1851). Vt. R. R. Capitalist, politician. H a z e 1 t o n, Henry I. Shelburne farms. New Eng M 25(1901-2)207-77, 111. WEBSTER, Daniel (1788-1852). Mass, lawyer, orator, XT. S. senator, Sec. of State. Dartmouth college, Hanover, N. H. The proceedings of the Webster centennial. The commemoration of the services of Daniel Webster to the college and the state. Held upon the occasion of the one hun- dredth anniversary of the graduation of Mr. Webster. Edited by Ernest Martin Hopkins. . .and printed under the supervision of Homer Eaton Keyes. . . [Hanover, Dartmouth college, 1902] 286 p., 11. front, (port.) 23%cm. [Rev.inrNation 74(1902)289 "A volume of clear, if not always tasteful typography... good deal of .. .matter. . .relates to. . .statesman's college career"; Ess Ant 6(1902)144. L.C. 2-15708] Davis, William T. Memories of Daniel Webster in public and private life. New Eng M 25(1902)187-209 Fryeburg Webster centennial, celebrating the coming of Daniel Webster to Fryeburg, 100 years ago, to take the principalship of Fryeburg academy. Fryeburg, January 1st, 1902. Fryebnrg, Me., A.F.Lewis, 1902. 83 p. Incl. port. pi. 22%cm. [L.C. 2-11607] G o o d e 1 1, Abner C. [observations on Webster]. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)166-8. McCall, Samuel W[alker]. Daniel Webster. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflln and company, 1902. 2 p. 1., 124 p., 1 1. front, (port.) 18%cm. [Rev.tn:Dlai 33(1902)40 "excellent oration... a fine sum- mary of the important facts. . .in every way worthy of the great occasion. . .of permanent value for both Us form and its content"; Am Hist R 8(1902)177(C.H.V'an Tyue) "an appreciation. . .not. . .[to be con- sult[ed] for accurate Information. . .Is eulogistic and argumentative"; Nation 74(1902)445 "An apology that falls little short of... a panegyric..." L.C. 2-13390] McMaster, John Bach. Daniel Webster. . . New York, The Century co., 1902. xl, 343 p. Incl. pi., port, front. 21Vicm. [Rev.ln:Am Hist R 8(1903)782(Wllliam MacDonald) "popular. . .as such is cordially to be commended ... pleasantly written and easy to read... no particularly new contributions . . .admirable Index"; Nation 75(1902)421 "Not... add much to our knowledge ... readable and. . .impartial. . .repre- sented rather as... a politician than. . .statesman"; Dial :i3(1902)466-7(C.H.Cooper) "perhaps the best account. . .nothing of the personal side. . .but. . .the great figure in American history"; N E Reg 57(1903) 232(F.W.Parke) "terse style ... plain diction. . .well Indexed." L.C. 2-22686] Warren, Winslow. [Letters of Daniel Webster]. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)278-81. Webster, Daniel. The letters. . .from documents owned principally by the New Hampshire historical so- ciety; ed. by C. H. Van Tyne... New York, McClure, Phillips & co., 1902. xxli, 769 p. incl. front, (port.) 23%cm. [Rev.inrAm Hist R 8(1903)782-5(Wllliam MacDonald) "valuable. . .errata. . .not num- erous, numerous footnotes are brief, but generally sufficient. . .absence of an Index Is extraordinary... full table of contents. . .useful chronological Indexes of the papers"; Nation 76(1903)134-5 "arrangement ...will... be generally approved. . .footnotes. . .capricious. . .too numerous typographical errors. . .nothing of importance is revealed to affect the judgment of Webster by friend or foe." L.C. 2-26743] Webster, Daniel. [Letters] to William Plumer. Jr. and Tlieophilns Parsons [1830, 1840]. Bost Bull 7(1902)268-70. WEKHRLIN. Ludwig (ft. 1776). Swabian journalist. W a 1 t z, J. A. Three Swabian journalists and the Am. Rev. Ludwig Wekhrlin. Am Germ 4(1902)267-81. WELLFLEET (formerly Eastham) Mass. Village of Barnstable Co. 106 m. by railroad S.E. of Boston. Bowman, George Ernest. The records of Wellefleet, formerly the north precinct of Eastham, Muss. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)227-32. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 233 WELLFORD, Robert (1753-ab.94). British surgeon in Am. Revolution, Fredericksburg (Va.) doctor. W e 1 1 t o r d, Robert. Diary. . .during. . .whiskey insurrection in i794. Win M Q 11(1902)1-19. WENTWORTH County, Ont. Co. of Ontarion, situated at the head of Lake Ontario. Wentworth Historical Society, Journal and Transactions of. v:5. Hamilton, Can. 1902. pp. 107. 111. 80. [Rev.in:N E Reg 56(1902)417(F.W.Parke) all of interest] WESTBOROTJGH, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. 12 m. E. of Worcester. Roe, Alfred S. Creating character at the Lyman 'school for boys, Westborough, Massachusetts. New Eng M 25(1902)399-416, ill., port. White, Martha E. D. Westborough and Northborough. New Eng M 26(1902)721-38, ill. WEST, Douglas (1825-1901). Miss. Confederate officer. M a J. Douglas West. Confed Vet 10(1902)125. WEST INDIES. System of Islands in Atlantic extending from Florida to N. coast of S. A. R o w e, L. S. The extension of American influence in the West Indies. No Am 175(1902)254-62. Stokes, Anson Phelps. Cruising in the West Indieus, &c New York, Dodd, Mead & co., 1902. 126 p. 20%cm. [Rev.in:Dlal 33(1902)468(0. A.Kofoid) ''brief appendix deals with the political future of these islands ... good map, a list of books." L.C. 2-18102] WEST INDIES, Danish. Several islands east of Porto Rico, belonging to Denmark. U. S. Congress. House. Select committee on purchase of Danish West Indies. . . . Report [on a document which purported to be a secret report to the Danish government, by Capt. W. Christmas Dirckinck Holm- feld, to bring about the purchase of the islands by the United States; with testimony. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. vii, 118 p. 23cm. (57th Cong., 1st sess. House. Rept. no. 2749) [L.C. 2-26715] WESTMINSTER, Vt. Village of Windham Co. 4 m. below Bellows Falls. Daughters of the American revolution. Vermont. Brattle boro chapter. On historic ground; the site of the old court house at Westminster marked by the Daughters of the American revolution, September 17, 1902 ...programme and exercises of the day; historical address of Alfred S. Hall... Brattleboro, Press of E.L.Hildreth & co., 1902. 21, [2] p. ill. 23cm. [L.C. 3-20611] WESTMORELAND County, Pa. A Co. in the S.W. part of state. Taylor, (Mrs.)Jeffery M. Some pensioners of the Rev. War In Westmoreland County, Pa. Am Month M 21(1902)115-8. WESTMORELAND County, Va. A Co. in the E. part of state. B e a 1 e, G. W. Early tombs in Westmoreland, Richmond and Northumberland Counties. Win M Q 11 (1902)123-30. WEST POINT (N.Y.). Village, site of U.S. Military Academy, in Orange Co. on Hudson R., 52 m.N. of N.Y. Barnes, James. A hundred years of West Point. Outl 71(1902)590-601, ill., port. Bulletin Number 2 of the Association of Graduates of the United States Military Academy West Point. N. Y. 1902 paper, pp93. [Rev.in:South Hist A Pub 6(1902)350-1 "packed with valuable details on the alumni ... only one article contributed "Trophies and Flags In the Chapel." "] Davis, Richmond P. Athletics at the United States Military Academy. Outing 39(1901-2)384-91, ill. Farley, Joseph Pearson. West Point in the early sixties, with incidents of the war. . . Troy, N. Y., Pa- fraets book company, 1902. vil, 201 p. front., pi. 23cm. [L.C. 2-16755] Graduates [Confederate] of the Military Academy at West Point. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)34-70 Hancock, H[arry] Irving. Life at West Point; the making of the American army officer: his studies, disci- pline, and amusements... With an introduction by Albert L. Mills... New York and London, G.P.Put nam's sous, 1902. x p., 1 1., 260 p. front., pi. 20cm. [Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)130 "Admirably de- scribes. . .candidate. . .and. . .rigorous and vigorous treatment. . .from. . .hour he reports uutil. . .gradua- tion"; Dial 33(1902)214-5 "no better account of th<; actualities of life at West Point could have been devised..." L. C. 2-15895] Palmer, Frederick. West Point after a century. World's Work 4(1902)2433-51, 111., port. T i 1 1 m a n, Samuel E. West Point and its centenary. R of Rs 26(1902)45-53, 111. WEST VIRGINIA. An E. central state of the U. S., admitted 1883. [ F a s t, R. E.] The Pioneers: Whence came they? Transallegheny Hist M 1^901-2)205-8. Fast, Richard Ellsworth. A Southern experiment in township government. Sewanee 10(1902)134-42. Hall, Granville Davisson. The rending cf Virginia, a history. By Granville Davisson Hall... [For detail see same title under subject, Virginia.] L a 1 d 1 e y, W. S. Birthplace of President Andrew Jackson. ( ?) W Va Mag 2.4(1902)5-10. L o u j: h, Myrm Carelton. Early education in Western Virginia. Transallegheny Hist M 1(1901-2)119-68. Members of the W. Va. Constitutional Convention. Transallegheny Hist M 1(1901-2) 2 pages facing 224. Roller, Robert Douglas. Giant's axe. W Va Mag 2.2(1902)86. Transallegheny Historical Magazine. Pub. by the Transallegheny Historical Society quarterly. Morgan- town, W. Va. v. 1, BOB 344, and v. 2, no. 1=1902. 234 WRITINGS OK AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. Whitehall, A. R. History of education iu West Virginia. Contributed by U. S. Bureau of Education. 1902, So, pp 165, 33 plates. The West Virginia Historical Magazine, Pub. quarterly by the West Virginia Hist, and Antiq. Society. W. S. Laidley, ed. v. 2. Charleston, W. Va. 1002. pp. 340. ill. 80. WESTERN RESERVE. N.E. section of Ohio reserved by Conn, when ceding western lands to U. S. 1788. Mathews, Alfred. Ohio and her Western Reserve, with a story of three states leading to the latter, from Connecticut, by way of Wyoming, its Indian wars and massacro. [For details see same title under sub- ject, Ohio.] WEST!' ALL family. Collins, Holdridge Ozro. The Westfall family. N Y Rec 33(1902)10-4,87-90. WE8TINGHOUSE, George (b.1846). Pa. inventor and manufacturer. M c F a r 1 a n d, W. M. George Westinghouso, with portrait. Cassier 2;5(1902).'{73(D). P r i c e, Charles W. George Westinghouse. Cosmop 33(1902)107-9, port. WETHERSFIELD, Conn. Village of Hartford Co. 3% m. S. of Hartford. Hicks, Rev. Lewis Wilder. "The first civil settlement in Connecticut." Conn Mag 7(1002)213-32, ill. WETMORE family. Jack, David Russell. The Wetmore family, of Charlotte County, New Brunswick. Acad 2(1902)90-7,166-9 WHALE fishery. Starbuck, Mary E. Whale oil and spermaceti. New Bug M 26(1902)515-24, ill. Wing, Mitchell. An old time Whaler. The Owl 3(1902)105-8. WHEATLEY family. Hheatley, Hannibal P[arishJ. Genealogy of the Wheatley or Wheatleigh family. A history of the family in England and America [Farmlngton, N. H., E.H.Thomas, 1902] 1 p. 1., 154 p. ill., plate, port. 23cm. [L.C. 3-25508] WHEATON, Henry (1785-1848). R. I. lawyer, minister to Prussia, publicist. Kellen, William Vail. Henry Wheaton, an appreciation; being the address delivered before the alumni of Brown university on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of his graduation, June seventeenth, MDCCCCII. Boston, Printed at the Merrymouut press, 1902. 2 p. 1., 52 p. front, (port.) 24^cm. [L.C. 3-3723] WHEELER, Joseph (b.1836). Ala. Confederate General, Congressman, officer in Spanish-American War. S o d 1 e r, David M. Johnston's last volley. South Hist Soc Pap 30(1902)174-8. WHEELER family. Crane, Ellery Bicknell. President's address. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)310-20. WHIFFLE, Henry B. (1828-1901). Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Minn., friend of Indians. Gates, Merrill E. Bishop Henry B. Whipple, apostle to the Indians. Miss R 25(1902)40-5. N 1 c h o 1 s, H. P. An apostle to the American Indians. Cent 63(1901-2)702-7, ports. Whipple, H. B. Lights and shadows of a long episcopate. N. Y., Macmillan, 1902. 80. [Rev.in:Natiou 75(1902)284 "Reprint. . .autobiography. . .style. . .plain and curt... facts rather than comments ... record ...unconventional and incomplete yet. . .decision and devotion stand out."] WHIPPLE, William (1780-85). N. H. judge, Signer of Declaration of Independence, Rev. Gen. Little, A. William Whipple, signer of the Declaration of Independence. N H Hist 111.2,1897-9(1902). Whipple, William. [Letter] to Josiah Bartlett [1779]. Bost Bull 7(1902)23-4. WHISKEY rebellion. Uprising in Pennsylvania 1794, Wellford, Robert. Diary during whiskey insurrection in 1794. Wm M Q 11(1902)1-18. WHISTLER, James Abbott McNiel (b.1834). Am. artist, resident in England. B o w d o 1 n, W. G. James McNelll Whistler, the man and his work. London, The De La More Press, 1902. 78 p. 80. ["Contains a bibliography of works by and about Whistler."] Briton, Christian. Mr. Menpes, Mr. Whistler, and certain etchings. Critic 40(1902)414-24, ill. Hubbard, Elbert. Whistler. (Little journeys to the homes of eminent artists, v. 10, no. 12.) East Au- rora, N. Y.. Roycrofters. 1902. S m a 1 1 e y, G. W. James McNeill Whistler; American artists abroad. Munsey 27:45(Ap). WHISTLER family. S m 1 t h, J. C. C. Hathorne Whistler (note). N E Reg 56(1902)204. WHITE, Andrew (d.1656). Mil. R. C. priest. D e v i 1 1, E. I. Father Andrew White. Am Cath Res 19(1902)72-4. WHITE, Andrew D. (b.1832). Am. Prof., writer, Pros. Cornell Univ., Ambassador to Germany. B d w a r d s, E. J. Andrew D. White, educator and diplomat. R of Rs 26(1902)697-701, port. Hull, Charles H. Andrew D. White. World's Work 4(1902)2675-7, port, p.2582. Schierbrand, Wolf Ton. Ambassador White's work. No Am 175(1902)632-41. WRITINGS OX AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. 235 WHITE, Stewart Edward (b.1873). Author, naturalist. L u in m 1 s, Charles F. Stewart Edward White. Out West 17(1902)47-8, 111., port. WHITE, Theodore G. (1872-1901). Columbia professor, scientist, writer. Pine, John B. Theodore G. White. Columb Q 4(1902)50-2. port. WHITE family. Lothrop, Thomas J[ackson]. The Nicholas White family, 1643-1900... Taunton, Mass. [Printed by C.A. Hack & son] 1902. 1 p. 1., 493 p. geneal. tab. 24cm. [Rev.in:N K Reg 57(1903)420 no sources neglected... full index. L.C. 3-16528] WHITE HOUSE. Official residence of the President of the United States. K e n n a n, George. The White House. Ontl 70(1902)287-99, ill., plans. Pendel, Thomas F[ranses], Thirty-six years in the White house; Lincoln-Roosevelt. Washington, The Neale pub. co., 1902. 176 p. front., port. 20cm. [Subject entries: U. S. Presidents. L.C. 2-8109] WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. Village of Westchester Co. 22 m. N. by E. of New York. Rb'sch, John. Picturesque White Plains, New York... [White Plains, N. Y., J.Rdscb, 1902] cover-title, 47, [1] p. ill. 30%cm. [L.C. 3-14980] WHITEHEAD family. C u r t i s, C. B. Daniel Whltehead and some of his descendants. N V Rec 33(1902)101-3. Whitehead family deeds. Wm M Q 11(1902)139-41. WHITING family. Lazell, Theodore S[tudley]. Whiting genealogy. Nathaniel Whiting of Dedhani, Mass., 1641, and five gen- erations of his descendants. Boston, Mass. [T.R.Marvin & son, printers] 1902. 80 p. 24(/ 3 cm. [Rev. ln:Dedh Rec 13(1902)120 "Full of meat from cover to cover... fine example"; N E Reg 56(1902)414(F.W. Parke) "commendable. . .and of the highest quality. . .tally Indexed." L.C. 2-18462] M a g e e, James F. Whiting family. Dedh Reg 13(1902)64-5. The old Whiting mills on Mother Brook. Dedh Reg 13(1902)97-8, 111. WHITFIELD, James (1770-1834). Archbishop of Baltimore. Archbishop Whitefleld's report to the Propaganda. Am Cath Res 19(1902)107. WHITEHEAD, John (d.16951). Connecticut citizen. Shepard, James. John Whitehead of New Haven and Branford, Conn. (Reprinted from New-Eng. histor- ical and genealogical register for April, 1901.) Republished by the author, New Britain, Conn., 1902. Boston, Press of D.Clapp & son [1902] [L.C. 3-474] WHITING, William Henry Chase (1825-65). Confederate General. Wright, Marcus J. Diary of a march from El Paso to San Antonio. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)283-94, 389-99. WHITMAN, Marcus (1802-47). N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman, missionary to Oregon. Brain, Bella M. The true story of Marcus Whitman. Miss R 25(1902)641-53, ill., map. Eells, Myron. A reply to Professor Bourne's "The Whitman legend;"... Walla Walla, Wash., Statesman printing company, 1902. 122, [1] p. 21%cm. [Reprinted from Whitman college quarterly, v. 4, no. 3. For "The Whitman legend" see Bourne, Essays in historical criticism, New York and London, 1901, p. [1]-109. L.C. 2-23941] H o d d e r, F. H. The Marcus Whitman legend. (Rev.) Dial 32(1902)40-3. WHITEMAN, Walt (1819-1892). American writer and poet. Leaves from Whitman's later life. Critic 41(1902)319-27. ill., port. T r o w b r 1 d g e, John Townsend. Reminiscences of Walt Whitman. Atlan 89(1902)163-75. Whitman, Walt. The complete writings. . . Issued under the editorial supervision of his literary execu- tors, Richard Maurice Bucke, Thomas B. Harned, and Horace L. Traubel; with additional bibliographical and critical material prepared by Oscar Lovell Triggs, Ph. D. New York & London, G.P.Putnam's sons [1902] [10 v. fronts., plate, port., facs. 23 1 / cm. The book-lover's Camden edition. Limited edition of 500 signed and numbered sets. This set not numbered. Title In red and green within green orna- mental border. Each volume has special t.-p. Bibliography of Walt Whitman, com p. by O. L. Triggs: [v. 10] p. 135-233. L.C. 2-25601" Cancel] Whitman, Walt. Letters written to his mother from 1866 to 1872, together with certain papers prepared from material now first utilized; ed. by Thomas B. Harned... New York and London, G.P.Putnam's sons, 1902. ["These letters. . .follow in chronological order the series of Hospital letters, ed. by Dr. Bucke." Prefatory note. L.C. 2-25500] Whitman, Walt. Poems (Leaves of grass) with biographical introduction by John Burroughs. New York, T.Y.Crowell & company [1902] 1 p. 1., xlll, 343 p. front, (port.) 19cm. [Added t.-p. enclosed in or- namental border. L.C. 2-17839] 236 WKITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. WHITMARSH family. Bates, N. W. Genealogy of the Whltmarsh Faintly. Revised edition, 1902. West Bloomfleld, N. Y. 16mo. pp. 9. [21.Men.ln:N E Reg 56(1902)328(F.W.Parke) "gome of the descendants of John Whit- mursli [of ] . . . Weymouth, Mass."] WHITMORE, William Henry (1836-1900). Boston merchant, genealogist, antiquarian, historian. Appleton, William S. Memoir of William Henry Whftmore. Mass Htst Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)96-104. Gordon, Geo. A. William Henry Whitmore, A. M. N E Reg 56(1902)67-9. WHITNEY, Barney. N. Y. teacher. Whitney, Barney. Fifty years a teacher. (School bulletin pub.) Syracuse, N. Y., Bardeen, 1902. WHITNEY, William C. (b.1841). N. Y. financier, U. 8. Secretary of Navy. G 1 e e d, Charles S. William Collins Whitney. Cosmopol 33(1902)419-20, port. Kenny, W. J. K. William C. Whitney. World's Work 4(1902)2708-11, port. WHITTIEB, John Greenleaf (1807-92). Mass, abolitionist, editor, poet. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. . . . John Greenleaf Whittle?. New York, London, The Macmillan com pany, 1902. viii p., 1 1., 196 p. 19&cm. (English men of letters) [Rev. in: Nation 76(1903)440^ "principal interest. . .is. . .Whittler's anti-slavery career." L.C. 2-26525] Whittier, John Greenleaf. Poems, with biographical sketch by Ncthau Huskell Dole. New York, T.Y. Crowell & company [1902] 1 p. 1., xxiv, 363 p. front, (port.) 19cm. [Added t.-p. : John Greenleaf Whittier' a poetical works. L.C. 2-23315] WICKES family. Will of Thomas Wickes [Salem, Mass, ab.1656] Ess Ant 6(1902)165-6. WICKLIFFE family. David Wickllffe. Wm M Q 10(1902)175-7. WIEDERHOLDT, Capt. (d.1805). Capt. in American Revolution. Tagebuch des Capt. Wiederholdt vom 7 October 1776 bis 7 December 1780 [with Introduction by M. D. Learned.] Am Germ 4(1902)III-XVII.19-93. WILDER, Sampson V. S. (1780-1865). Boston merchant, philanthropist. Gunnison, Almon. An old letter from a New England attic. New Eng M 26(1902)344-52, ill., port. WILDER family. [Wilder, Sidney Augustus]. Joseph Wilder and his descendants. 2d ed. Pembroke [Me.] Printed by the compilers, 1902. 10 p. 19cm. [Preface signed: Sidney A. Wilder, Gerald G. Wilder. L.C. 3-27029] WILKES-BARRi, Fa. City of Luzerne Co. 164 m. by rail N. by W. of Philadelphia. G i e r 1 n g, Eugene T. Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Nat'l M (Host) 16(1902)223-5. ill. Ly n c h, S. H. Reminiscences of early Wilkes-Barre. Proc Wyoming Hist Soc 7(1902)43-60. WILKES County, N. C. A Co. in the N.W. part of N. C. Crouch, John. Historical sketches of Wilkes County [North Carolina]... Wilkesboro, N. C., J.Crouch, 1902. 4 p. 1., 141 p. ill., port. le&cm. [L.C. 2-22680] WILKESON, Sam (1781-1848). N. Y. State senator, judge, Mayor of Buffalo. W 1 1 k e s o n, S. Historical writings of Judge Samuel Wilkeson, prefaced with a biographical sketch by his son, the late Samuel Wilkeson, Jr. Pub Buffalo Hist Soc 5(1902)135-45. WILKINS, Jesse Montgomery (b.1875). Miss, legislator, local hist, writer. [Jesse Montgomery Wilkins] Miss Hist P 6(1902)265. WILL County, 111. A Co. in the N.E. part of state. M a n n h a r d t, Emil. Die Jeveraner-Kolonle in Will County, 111., und ihre T5chter-Kolonieu. Deutsch- Am G 2.1(1902)33-9. WILLARD, Emma (Hart) (1787-1870). Conn, and N. Y. educator, writer, poet. Bartlett, Ellen Strong. Emma Wlllard, a pioneer of education for women. New Eng M 25(1901-2) 555-76, 111., port. WILLARD, Francis Elizabeth (1839-98). 111. teacher, editor, Temperance advocate and leader. Babcock, Bernie. An uncrowned queen; the story of the life of Frances E. Willard told for young people . . . Chicago, London [etc.] F.H.Revell company, 1902. 270 p., 1 1. 19cm. [L.C. 2-30130] WILLARD, George (1824-1901). Michigan clergyman, educator and journalist, Congressmen. [George Willard obituary] Mich Hist Coll '01,31(1902)23-6. WILLCOMB family. Willcomb, Oliver Clifton. Genealogy of the Willcomb family of New England (1655-1902) Together with a condensed history of the town of Ipswich, Mass viil, 302 p. incl. front., ill., plate, port. 22cm. ["Limited edition." p. 282-290 are blank. [Rev.in:N Y Rec 34(1903)160 "exceedingly well done." L.C. 3-20249] WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 237 WILLCOX, Joseph (1728-ab.2). N. C. iron manufacturer, legislator. W 1 1 1 c o x, Joseph. John Willcox, of Pennsylvania nnd North Carolina. Am Cath Res 19(1902)17-25. WILLCOX family. Willcox family. Wni M Q 11(1902)58-60. WILLET family. Carpenter, Daniel H. Willot record. N Y Rec 33(1902)106-7. WILLIAM AND MARY College. College at Williamsburg, V*., fd. 1693. Anderson, Josephine. William and Mary College. Am Month M 21(1902)453-4. Founders Tablet (note). Wm M Q 10(1901)280. Papers relating to the administration of Governor Nicholson and to the founding of William and Marv College. Va Mag 9(1902)251-62. Tyler, Lyon G. History in William and Mary college. Nation 75(1902)399-400. William and Mary College in 1858. Wm M Q 10(1902)251-7. WILLIAMS, George G. (b.1826). New York banker. Lefevre, Edwin. Mr. Williams and the Chemical national bank... [New York] Doubleday, Page A com- pany [1902] [20] p. port. 18cm. [From the World's work, April 1902. L.C. 2-19844] WILLIAMS, Henry (1816-1901). Boston educator. H a s k i n s, David G. Henry Williams. N E Re 56 Suppl (1902)11-111. WILLIAMS, Isaac (1737-1820). Ohio Valley pioneer, Indian fighter, trapper. G i b b e n s, Alvardo F. Isaac Williams. W Va Mag 2.1(1902)36-45. WILLIAMS, James H. Sailor, organizer of the International Seamans Union. Williams, James H. The autobiography of a labor leader. Indep 54(1902)2634-8. WILLIAMS. John R. (1782-1854). Michigan pioneer, soldier in war of 1812, General in Black Hawk war. Williams, John R. Papers of. Comp. by Burton, C. M. The Black Hawk War. Mich Hist Coll '01 , 31(1902)313-471, port. WILLIAMS, Roger (1599-1683). Mass, clergyman, founder of R. I., writer. C a r p e n t e r, E. J. Roger Williams and tho plantations at Providence. New Eng M" 26(1902)353-64. WILLIAMS family. Goodspeed, Charles S. Williams Bible records. N E Reg 56(1902)363-4. Will of George Williams [Salem, Mass, ab.1654]. Ess Ant 6(1902)22. Will of Marie Williams. [Salem, Mass, ab.1654] Ess Ant 6(1902)23-4. Williams-Hill (note). Va Mag 10(1902)107. WILLIAMSBTJRG. Va. Town of James City Co. about 50 m. E.S.E. of Richmond. B r u t o n church (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)275. Capitol landing bridge (near Williamsburg) (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)274. Piazzas of the Capitol (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)-275. Proprietors of lots in Williamsburg in 1783. Wm M Q 11(1902)114-5. Old Williamsburg, Va. Ctry Life Am 2:69(Jc). WILLIS, Benjamin (1686-1767). Medford (Mass.) town clerk and deacon. Extracts from Dea. Willis's diary. Medf Reg 5(1902)95. WILLIS family. Blackford, Chas. M. Mildred Washington Willis (note). Va Mag 10(1902)108-10. Haines, George. Ancestry of the Haines, Sharp, Collins, Wills, Gardiner, Prlckitt, Eves, Evans, Moore, Troth, Borton and Engle families. [For details see same title under subject, Haines family.] WILLIS, N. P. (1806-67). American editor, writer, poet. Willis, N. P. (letter). The Forest-Willis trouble. Collect 16(1902)14-5. WILLS, William Henry (1809-89). N. C. itinerant Methodist preacher, merchant. Wills, Wm. H. A Southern sulky ride in 1837, from N. C. to Ala. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)471-83. WILMINGTON, N. C. City of Hanover Co. on Cape Fear R. 134 m. S.S.E. of Raleigh. S p r u n t, James. Tales of the Cape Fear blockade. N C Bookl 1.10(1902)3-112, ill. WILSON, James (1797-1881). N. H. politician, legislator, and Congressman. B r i g g s, J. F. General James Wilson. Historic Quart 3(1902)1-26. Gen. James Wilson of New Hampshire. Notes and Q 20(1902)110-12. Briggs, James F. Sketch of General James Wilson of New Hampshire. Manchester, N. H. Manchester Historical Association. 1902. 80. pp. 26, port. [Rev.in:N E Reg 56(1902)333(F.W.Parke) "preceded by [a sketch]... of his father."] 238 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. WILSON, Thomas (1832-1902). Am. anthropologist, writer. M 1 1 1 s, W. C. Memorial to Thomas Wilson. Ohio Arch & Hist Pub 11(1902)157-0. Moorehead, Warren K. The late Dr. Thomas Wilson. Am Anttq 24(1902)408. Moorehead, Warren K. Thomas Wilson. Am Ant 24(1902)404-7. Thomas Wilson. Annals of Iowa 5(1902)478. WILSON, William L. (1843-1900). W. Va. educator, Congressman, IT. S. Postmaster-General. Herbert, Hon. Hilary A. William Lyne Wilson. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)15-7. Straus, Hon. Oscar S. William Lyne Wilson. South Hist A Pub 6(1902)18-20. WILSON, Woodrow (b.1856). President of Princeton University, writer. Andrews, Sanford. Woodrow Wilson. Cosmopol 33(1902)651-4, port. Bridges, Robert. President Woodrow Wllbon. R of Rs 26(1902)36-8, port. C r a n e, L. Burton. The presidency of Princeton University. Indep 54(1902)1481-4. Dr. Woodrow Wilson. World's Work 4(1902)2585, port. only. The Inauguration of Woodrow Wilson as president of Princeton Univ. Princeton Bull 14(1902) 1-36. Princeton's new president. Outl 71(1902)589, port. Woodrow Wilson. Cent 65(1902)161-2. [ Woodrow Wilson note.] Sewane* 10(1902)382-3. WINCHESTER, James (1752-1826). Officer in War of 1812. B n r t o n, C. M. Papers and orderly book of Brigadier General James Winchester. Mich Hist Coll '01, 31(1902)253-313, port. WINDER family. Johnson, R[obert] Winder. Winders of America: John Winder, of New York, 1674-1675, Thomas Winder, of New Jersey, 1703-1734, John Winder, of Maryland, 1665-169S. Philadelphia, J.B.Lipplncott company, 1902. 1 p. 1., 112 p. pi., map, geneal. tab. 23cm. [Printed (or private circulation. Blank leaves In- serted between p. 96 and 97. L.C. 3-3810] WINDWARD and Leeward Us. Descriptive names of two groups of the Lesser Antilles, West Indies. Saint-Amans. Jonrnaux de mes voyages aux Isles du Vent et sous le Vent do 1'Ame'riqUe (publ. par J. Miminiojni Rev de L'Agenals Ma:-Juln (1902). WING, Isaac Hozie (1825-96). Sandwich, Mass, whaling- captain. Wing, Mitchell. An old time whaler. The Owl 3(1902)105-108. WING, John. Colonial clergyman and writer. Godfrledns Wynge. The Owl 3(1902)67-8. ''The saints advantage." The Owl 3(1902)110-112 [ace. of Rev John Wings sermon.] WING, Lucius Bliss (1822-1902). Ohio banker and business man. Derby, Samuel Carroll. Lucius Bliss Wing. Old Northw Q 5(1902)73-9, port. WING family. H o x 1 e, H. N. The Wings as friends. The Owl 3(1902)66-100. The Owl. Kewannee, Wls. v. 3. Nos 5&6 and v. 4, nos. 1&2=1902. WINNEBAGO County, Wis. Co. in E. central part of state. L a w s o n, Publlus V. Clam eaters and their shell heaps in Wlnnebago County [Wls.]. Wis Arch 2(1902- 3)6-8. L a w s o n, Publins V. Ancient Cairns and stone circles in Wlnnebago County [Wis.]. Wls Arch 2(1902- 3)28-30. WINSLOW, Edward (1595-1655). Governor of Mass. Governor Edward Winslow's will. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)1-3, tacs. WINSLOW, Isaac (b.1742). Boston merchant, loyalist. W 1 n s I o w, Erving. A Loyalist In the siege of Boston. N E Hes 56(1902)48-54. WINSLOW, John Ancrum (1811-73). IT. S. Naval officer. Ellioott, John M[orris]. The life of John Ancrum Winslow, rear-admiral, United States navy, wh com- manded the U. S. steamer "Kearsarge" In her action with the Confederate cruiser "Alabama"... New York and London, G.P.Putnam's sons, 1902. x p., 1 1., 281 p. front, (port.) pi., map, diagr. 23% em. [Works consulted: p. Ix-x. Rev.in:Am Hist R 8(1902)147-50(G.E.Belknap) "The diligent and painstak- ing author... has done well with his subject"; Nation 75(1902)57 "Readers will recognize ... tact and skill with which... subject is treated. . .simple and pleasing style." L.C. 2-2448 M 2] WINSLOW family. Governor Edward Winslow's will, Mayfl Desc 4(1902)1-3, facs, WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 3 90S. 239 WINSOR. Justin (1831-97). Boston and Harvard librarian, historical writer. Yust, William Frederick], ...A bibliography of Jnstin Wlnsor, superintendent of the Boston public library, 1868-1877, librarian of Harvard university, 1877-1897... Cambridge, Issued by the Library of Harvard university, 1902. 32 p. incl. cover-title. 25M>cm. (Harvard university. Library. Biblio- graphical contributions, no. 54) [Arranged chronologically. "Prefatory note" by William Cooltdge Lane. 41.Men.in:Am Hist R 8(1903)402 chronological record ... from 1849-1897. L.C. 2-26701] WINTHROP, John (1606-76). Sixth Governor of Connecticut. Dow, George Francis. John Winthrop the younger. Kss Ant 6(190i.)74-5. port. WINTHROP, Mast. Village of Suffolk Co. 5 m. N.E. of Boston. > Hall, Charles W. Historic Winthrop, 1630-J902; a concise history of Winthrop; photographs by Rev. Al- bert L. Squiera and W. E. R. Wells. Boston, Winthrop publishing company, 1902. 43, [5] p. incl. 111., pi. 18 x 28%cm. [L.C. 2-20017] WISCONSIN. A northern state of TT. S. on the Great Lakes, admitted 1848. Anderson, William J. The tax problem in Wisconsin. Outl 70(1902)128-30. Baker, Florence Elizabeth. Wisconsin necrology for the year ending November 30, 1901. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)114-20. Bruncken, Ernest. The political activity ef Wisconsin Germans, 1854-60. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902) 190-211. B r y d e n, James A. The Scots in Wisconsin. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)153-8. Gregory, John G. Foreign immigration to Wisconsin. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)137-43. Hense-Jensen, W. Influence of the Germans in Wisconsin. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)144-7. Hense-Jensen, Wilhelm. Wisconsin's Deutsch-Amerikaner, bis zuru scbluss des neunzebnten jahrhunderts. ...Milwaukee, Die Deutsche gesellschaft, 1900-02. 2 v. 22%cm. [Issud under tffe auspices of the "Deutscher historischer verein voa Wisconsin." Vol. 2 by W. Hense-Jenseu and Ernest Bruncken. L.C. 3-20618] L a w s o n, Publius V. Copper age in the United States. Am Ant 24(1902)459-74, ill. L a w s o n, Publius V. Primitive keramic art in Wisconsin. Am Ant 24(1902)157-68, ill. Proceedings of the twentieth annual reunion of the society of the 28th Winsconsin Volunteer Infantry, held at Elkhorn, Wis., June 26, 1902. Milwaukee, Houtkamp Pub. Co. 1902. pp93+5. ill. The State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 49th annual meeting. Dec. 12, 1901. Reports, etc. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)9. S t e v e n s, E. Ray. The La-Follette-Spooner campaign. World's Work 4(1902)2677-80. Thwaites, Reuben Gold. ed. Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, vol. 16: The French Regime in Wisconsin, I, 1634-1727. Madison, 1902. pp!8+514. [Rev.in:Hist Pub Canad '02,7(1903)21-2 (E.Cruikshank) "undertaken with characteristic energy and diligence to bring together all existing con- temporary materials for the history. . .of Wisconsin. . .until the yfear 1727 ... not ... much has escaped... attention. . .synopses. . .of . . .documents. . .translations from unpublished documents. . .translations. . .well executed. . .notes. . .concise and accurate. . .index. . .full and satisfactory."] Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Down historic waterways; six hundred miles of canoeing upon Illinois and Wis- consin rivers. [For details see same title under subject, Illinois.] T o m k i e w i c z, John W. S. Polanders in Wisconsin. Wise Hist Proc "01(1902)148-52. U n d e r w o o d, H. G. Wisconsin's contributions to American inventions. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)163-9. V 1 a c h, J. J. Our Bohemian population. Wise Hist Proc '01(1902)159-62 Wisconsin Archaeologist. A Quarterly Bulletin published by the Wisconsin Archaeological Society. Mil- waukee, Wis. 80. v. 1, nos. 3,4; v. 8, nos. 1,2, 1902. Wisconsin. State historical society. Report of the Wisconsin state historical convention held at Milwau- kee October 11 and 12, 1901, under the auspices of the State historical society of Wisconsin... (From proceedings of the State historical society of Wisconsin, 1901.) Madison, State historical society of Wisconsin, 1902. 1 p. 1., [121]-211 p. 23cm. [Contents. The Mississippi Valley organized, by J. K. Hosmer. Foreign Immigration to Wisconsin, by J. G. Gregory. Influence of the Germans in Wisconsin, by W. Hense-Jenseu. Polanders in Wisconsin, by J. W. S. Tomkiewlcz. The Scots In Wisconsin, by J. A. Bryden. Our Bohemian population, by J. J. Vlach. Wisconsin's contribution to American inventions, by H. G. Underwood. New England Influence in Milwaukee, by E. B. Usher. Our northward Neshitah, by J. N. Davidson. Population of St. Croix Co., 1850-70, by J. B. Graham. Political activity of Wis- consin Germans, 1854-60, by E. Bruncken. L.C. 3-32073] WISE, John (1652-1725). Ipswich (Mass.) clergyman, chaplain in Sir Wm. Phips expedition 1690, writer. Green, Samuel A. Narratives of the expedition of Sir William Phips against Canada, In 1690. Mass Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)281-320. WISTER, Owen (b.1860). Philadelphia lawyer, novelist. M r. Owen Wlster's stories of Americanism. World's Work 5(1902-3)2792-5. port. 240 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. WISTER, Sally (fl.1778). Quakeress. Wister, Sarah. Sally Wister's Journal, a trno narrative; being a Quaker maiden's account of her experi- ences with officers of the continental army, 1777-1778; ed. by Albert Cook Myers, with reproductions of portraits, manuscripts, relics and views. Philadelphia, Ferris & Leach [1902] 224 p. col. front., pi. (partly col.) port., facs. 20cm. [L.C. 3-29] WITCHCRAFT. The exercise of supernatural power. Whittermore, James O. The witch's curse. New Bug M 27(1902)111-3, 111. Witchcraft In Virginia. Low Norf Ant 4(1902)36. WOLCOTT, Oliver (1726-97). Conn. Signer of Declaration of Independence, Congressman, Governor. W o 1 c o t t, Oliver. [Letter] to Topping Reeve [1781]. Bost Bull 7(1902)83-4. WOLCOTT, Roger (1847-1900). Governor of Massachusetts. Cutter, William R. Hon. Roger Wolctrtt. N E Reg 56 Suppl (1902)xliii-xliv. Lawrence, William. Roger Wolcott. Boston and New York, Hough ton, Mi ill In and company, 1902. v p., 2 1., 238 p., 1 1. front., pi., port. 19MsCm. [Rev.in:Nation 75(1902)482-3 "a brief but effective biog- raphy... six portraits. . .constitute a very notable addition to the pleasure which this book assures"; Dial 34(1903)49 "simple record. . .replete 'with inspiration for American youth... easy flowing style... a port- folio of eloquence." L.C. 2-29032] WOLFE, James (1727-59). British General, the capturer of Quebec. W r o n g, 6. M. Wolfe et 1' "filegie" de Gray. Rech Hist 8(1902)51-2. WOMACK family. Hubert, Sarah D. Genealogy of part of the Cody and Womack families of America. [For details ace same title under subject. Cody family.] WOMAN SUFFRAGE. Right of women to vote. Anthony, Susan B. Woman's half-century of evolution. No Am 175(1902)800-10. History of woman suffrage... New York, Fowler & Wells, 1881-[cl902] 4 v. fronts., ports. 24^cm. [Imprint of v. 3: Rochester, N. Y., Susan B. Anthony; London, [A. Strahan; etc., etc.] 1887; v. 4: Rochester, N. Y., Susan B. Anthony [c!902] Vol. 1-3 edited by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. An- thony, and Matilda Joslyn Gage; v. 4, by Susan B. Anthony and Ida Husted Harper. On t.-p. of v. 1: In two volumes; v. 2-3: In three volumes; v. 4: In four volumes. Contents. v. 1. 1848-1861. v. 2. 1861- 1876. v. 3. 1876-1885. v. 4. 1883-1900. Rev.in:Nation 76(1903)250 "(1883-1900)... for instruction only, not for pleasure." L.C. 3-16908] WOMAN'S crusade. A movement against the liquor traffic. L e i g h t o n, (Mrs.)Harriet W. Reminiscences of the crusade in Nebraska. Neb Hist S 11.6(1902)165-71. WOOD, George (3.1682). Darby (Fa.) Quaker pioneer. Certificate of removal of Genrge Wood, 1682. Recorded in Darby (Penna,) Monthly Meeting Min- ute Book, Vol. II.p.7. Penn Mag 26(1902)408. WOOD, Leonard (b.1800). Officer in Spanish-American War, Military Governor-General of Cuba. General Leonard Wood. World's Work 4(1902)2246, port. only. R o o s e v e 1 t, Theodore. Three college-bred Americans. Harv Grad M 11(1902-3)1-5. WOOD family. Wood, James A. Collector of Internal Revenue, Portsmouth, N. H. Legal Residence, Acworth, N. H. Descendants of the twin Brothers John and Benjamin Wood. Rumford Press. 1902. 12mo. pp. 187. port. [Rev.in:N E Reg 56(1902)328(F.W.Parke) [has] "impaired. . .usefulness by [no] Index."] WOODBURY, Levi (1789-1851). N. H. U. S. senator, Sec. of Navy, and of Treas. Justice of Supreme Court Woodbury, Levl. [Letter] to William Plumner [1826]. Bost Bull 7(1902)182-3. WOODBURY, Conn. Village of Litchfleld Co. 12 m. W. of Waterhury. Strong, Julia M., ed. The town and people: chronolog. comp. of writings fr. residents of Woodbury, Ct. J.M.Strong, 1902. 12o, ill. WOODLAND, Cal. Village of Yolo Co. 81 m. N.N.E. of San Francisoo. T h o m p s o m, R. A. Woodland Yolo county. Out West 17(1902)121-35, ill. WOODRUFF family. Woodruff, Francis E. A branch of the Woodruff stock. Morrlstown, N. J. "The Jerseymau" Office. 1902. pp 38. WOODS, Henry (1820-1901). Boston merchant. Henry Woods. N E Reg 56 Suppl (1902)lxxv-lxxvii. WOODS, Thomas H. (b.1838). Miss judge, Confederate officer, hist, writer. Thomas H. Woods. Miss Hist P 6(1902)91. WOODSON family. Wood son family. Wm M Q 10(1902)185-91; 11:50-8, WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 241 WOODWORTH family. Wood-worth, Elijah B. Descendants of Walter Woodworth of Soltuate, Mass. ; Sketch of Samuel Wood- worth and his descendants. Boston, G.W.Humphrey, 1902. So. WOOL manufacture. Making of woolen goods. P r a t t, L. E. The origin and history of the Willamette Woolen factory. Oreg Q 3(1902)248-59. WORCESTER Branch railroad. Mass, railroad incorporated 1838. Bancroft, James H. Worcester Branch railroad. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)642-50. WORCESTER, Mass. City of Worcester Co. 44 m. S.W. of Boston. Bancroft, Jas. H. History of the Central Exchange from 1804 to 1896. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)324-62. Bancroft, James H. The Merrlfield fire of 1854. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)142-161. Bancroft, James H. Manchester Street fire. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)33-48. C o g s w e 1 1, M. L. T. The Trumbull mansion and Us occupants. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)241-49, 111. Crane. History of the Jo Bill road. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)206-17. Dodge, Mary Cochran. A list of the soldiers In the war of the revolution, from Worcester, Mass., with a record of their death and place of burial. Comp. and arranged by Mary Cochran Dodge. Worcester, Mass., Col. Timothy Bigelow chapter, Daughters of the American revolution [1902] 28 p. 23 '/.cm. ["Exercises In commemoration of. revolutionary heroes held at City hall, May 30tb, 1901, under the auspices of the historical and patriotic societies of Worcester, Mass.": p. 14-28. L.C. 3-32196] E a r 1 e, Stephen C. The architecture of the second court house. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)212-16. Early Worcester families. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)507-24. Exercises at the sencond court house, June 30, 1900. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)209-56, ill. Fifty glimpses of Worcester and Lake Quinsigamond. Worcester, Mass., Denholm, 1902. Green, Samuel Swett. The second parish In the second court houee. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)237-240. H 1 1 1, B. T. The second court house and the early bar. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)220-236, 111. J a q u e s, George [The Chandler farm]. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)114-6. Old Lincoln Street. The Daniel Henchman farm. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)255-65. The Nathan Patch house and north end of Main street. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)242-53. R 1 p p e 1, J. A. Worcester, Mass. Nat'l M (Bost) 16(1902)614-21. 111. Roe, Alfred S. My flower garden. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)423-41. S t i 1 e s, F. G. 1899. Old Market street sixty years ago. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)101-6. S t 1 1 e s, F. G. School street In the thirties and early forties. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)93-101, plan. Stiles, Frederick G. A sketch of the Worcester light infantry, 1803-1902. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)616-39 S t u r g 1 s, Mrs. E. O. P. Old Lincoln street [In Worcester]. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)123-34. S t u r g 1 s, (Mrs.)E. O. P. Old Worcester. Wor Soc Ant 18(1902)69-90. S t u r g 1 s, (Mrs.)E. O. P. Old Worcester. Wor Soc Ant 17(1901)402; 19:470-89. S t u r g 1 s, Mrs. E. O. P. A story of three old houses. Wor Soc Ant 17(1900)134-142. Worcester artillery roll. Wor Soc Ant 17(19011607-12. Worcester Society of Antiquities, Proceedings of the Worcester Mass. The Society 80. v. 17 1901, pp668 [Published 1902] ; v. 18, 1902, nos. 1-6 pp. 276. [Actually Issued 1902-3 but for the year 1902 and with title page so dated.] WORTHINGTON, Thomas (b.1773). Ohio pioneer. Cole, Frank Theodore. Thomas Worthlngton. Old Northw Q 5(1902)33-7,121-6, ill. WRAY, James. Va. midshipman in British capture of the Philippines, 1762. First American-born naval officer In the Philippines. Va Mag 10(1902)212-3. WRIGHT, Carroll D (b.1840). Mass Sociologist, TJ. 8. commissioner of labor. Statistician, writer. Carroll D. Wright. World's Work 5(1902-3)2694, port. only. N e w c o m b, H. T. Carroll D. Wright: A character sketch. R of Rs 26(1902)548-51, port. WRIGHT, Silas (1795-1848). N. H. State senator, IT. S. senator, Governor of New York. Wright. Silas. [Letters] to E. Croswell [1833] and Gov. Harcy [1838] and A. P. Dpshnr [1842] Bost Bull 7(1902)270-2. WRIGHT family. Bowman, George Ernest. Adam Wright's will and inventory. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)239-41. Bowman, George Ernest. Richard Wright's will and Inventory. Mayfl Desc 4(1902)165-7. WRIGHTS Tavern, Concord, Mass. Revolutionary landmark. Tolman, George. Wrights Tavern. Concord, Mass. Pub. by the Patriot Press. 1902. 8vo. pp. 22. ill. WYATT family. W y a t t families. Wm M Q 10(1902)260-4. WYOMING. A western state of TJ. 8., admitted 1890. The famous Wyoming law. Out West 16 (1902) 329-31. S b e 1 d o n, A. E. A Nebraska episode of the Wyoming cattle war. Neb Hist S 11.5(1902)138-49. 242 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. WYOMING, Pa. A valley and Mt. section of N.E. Fa. Correspondence of Col. Zebulon Butler, Wyoming, Juno-December, 1778. Proc Wyoming Hist Soc 7(1902)131-150. Haven, Horace Edwin, ed. Proceedings and collections of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society for the year 1901. Vol. VIII. Wllkes-Barre, Pa. printed for the Soc. 1902. pp 258, So, 111. [Rov.in: Penn Mag 26(1902)482 "several papers... of great value": N E Reg 57(1903)344(F.W.Parke) "admir- able."] Mathews, Alfred. Ohio and her Western Reserve, with a story of three states leading to the latter, from Connecticut, by way of Wyoming, Its Indian wars and massacre. [For details see same title under sub- ject, Ohlo.l Mathews, Alfred. A story of three states. Scrlb M 31(1902)408-19,558-70, ill., map. Echoes of the Massacre of Wyoming. Proc Wyoming Hist Soc 7(1902)78-105. Orderly Book of Colonel Zebulon Butler, at Wyoming, from Aug. 1, 1778, to Oct. 28, 1778. Proc Wyoming Hist Soc 7(1902)106-30. Marriages and deaths In the Wyoming section of Pennsylvania, 1797-1810. Proc Wyoming Hist Soc 7(1902)201-28. YAKIMA County, Wash. Co. in the central part of state. Washington irrigation company, Zillah, Wash. Sunnyside Irrigation canal... 3d ed. Seattle, Lowman & Hanford stationery and printing co., 1902. [80] p. incl. 39 ill., map. 15% x 24cm. [L.C. 3-5065] YALE, Elihu (1649-1721). Mass. Gov. of Madras, benefactor of Yale college, which received his name. S t e 1 n e r, Bernard C. Two New England rulers of Madras. So Atlan Q 1(1902)209-23. YALE University. TTniv. at New Haven, Conn., fd. 1701. Dexter, Morton. Yale University Bicentennial Anniversary. Maes Hist Soc Proc 11.15(1901-2)320-3. The first Intercollegiate Regatta, August 3, 1852, commemorated December 10, 1902, at the University club. New York. pp23, 111. G a 1 e, H. Yale education versus culture. Pedajrog Sem 9:3(Mr). Hart, Samuel, M.A., D.D. Yale college In Old Saybrook. Conn Mag 7(1902)266-72, ill., port. O v 1 a 1 1, Edwin. The making of Yale. New Eng M 25(1901-2)426-42, 111., port., facs. P., B. The Yale bicentennial publications. Atlan 89(1902)423-6. YANDELL, Enid (b.1875). Am. sculptor. Ladegast, Richard. Enid Yandell, the sculptor. Outl 70(1902)81-3, 111. YARMOUTH, Mass. Village of Barns table Co. 76 m. S.E. of Boston. Yarmouth, Mass., vital records. Mayfl Desc 3(1901)36-9,245-9; 4:188-9. YATES family. A g 1 1 o n b y, F. K. The Yates and Agllonby families, of Jefferson County, West Va. W Va Mag 2.3 (1902)44-51. YELLOWSTONE PARK. National Park at the N.W. corner of Wyoming. Hatfield, W. F. "Geyserland and wonderland"; a view and guide book of the Yellow stone national park [San Francisco, Press of the Hlcks-Judd company, 1902] 75 p. Incl. pi. fold. map. 12 x 15cm. [L.C. 2-13394] YERKES. Charles Tyson (b.1837). N. Y. Capitalist, Donor of Yerkes observatory, Chicago TTniv. M o f f e t t. Samuel E. Charles Tyson Yerkes. Cosmopol 33(1902)411-6, port. YONKERS, N. Y. City of Westchester Co. 15 m. N. by E. of New York City. Church Jubilee Memorial Year Book of the First Presbyterian Church of Yonker N. Y. Yonkers N. Y. Apr. 1902. paper p. 206. Historical sketch p. 22-63. YORK County, Maine. The most southwestern Co. of state, borders on N. H. G o o 1 d, N. York County court records. Old Eliot 5(1902)77-80. YORK, Me. Village of York Co. 8 m. E.N.E. of Portsmouth. B o u v e, Pauline Carrlngton. Old York, a forgotten seaport. New Eng M 26(1902)679-96, ill. YORK County, Va. An eastern Co. of state on Chesepeake Bay. Proceedings In York County Court. Wm M Q 11(1902)28-38. Taxes In York County (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)281-2. YORKTOWN, Va. Revolutionary War siege, October 1781. The diary of Col. John Laurens [Yorktown]. Collect 15(1902)121-2. Edward Hand to Jasper Yeates on the siege of Yorktown in 1781 (letter). N Y Bull 6(1902)286. YORKTOWN, Va. Village of York Co. 36 m. N.N.W. of Norfolk. Division of the land at Yorktown (note). Win M Q 10(1902)273-4. F o 1 8 o m, A. A. Yorktown In 1854. Wm M Q 10(1902)213-21. The old well at Yorktown (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)237. Windmill at Yorktown (note). Wm M Q 10(1902)274. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 243 YOUNG, Frederick (b.1817). Canadian statesman. Young, Sir Frederick. A pioneer of imperial federation in Canada. London, G.Allen, 1902. xi, 249 p. 10 port. incl. front. 19Vcm. [An autobiography. Rev.in:Hiat Pub Canad 7(1902)14-5 "...record of... tour in Canada in 1901, with. . .after-dinner speeches. . .in support of ... Imperial Federation. . .arguments . . .neither new nor convincing." L.C. 2-25186] YOUNG, William K. (1838-1901). Texas Confederate General. M e C 1 a n a h a n, W. F. Gen. W. H. Young. Crnifed Vet 10(1902)31. TOW ANNE (or Hiowanni) Indians. A branch of the Choc taws. Hamilton, Peter J. The Yowanne, or Hlowaniii, Indians. Miss Hist P 6(1902)403-10, map. YUCATAN. Peninsular state of southeastern Mexico. Alba, [Maria del Rosario (Falco y Osorio) Fitz James 9. duquesa de Berwick y 16. duquesa de. Nuevos nut6grafos de Crlst6bal Col6n y relaciones de Ultramar. [For details see same title under subject, Columbus, Chr.] K r o w 11, Hubert W. The story of Yucatan. Miss R 25(1902)281-9, 111., port. D a w 1 e y, Thomas R. Mexico's new territory. Outl 72(1902)212-4. YUKON river, Alaska. A river rising: in Brit. Columbia, flowing: across Alaska into Bering Sea. U. S. Revenue cutter service. Report of the operations of the steamer Nuuivak on the Yukon River sta- tion, Alaska, 1899-1901. By First Lieut. J. C. Cantwell, R. C. S., commanding. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 325 p. pi. 24cm. ([Treasury dept. Doc. no. 2276]) [Contents. Letters of trans- mittal. Department orders. pt. I. Narrative. pt. II. General information in regard to the Yukon Val- ley region. pt. III. Mines and mining. pt. IV. Ethnological notes. pt. V. Explorations. pt. VI. Medi- cal report, by Surg. James T. White, R. C. S. pt. VII. Appendix: A. Table of distances between settle- ments on the Yukon River. B. Schedule of freight and passenger rates on the Yukon River. C. List of vessels engaged in commerce on the Yukon River. D. Comparative vocabulary of the Eskimo and Ingalik tribes inhabiting the region. E. Component parts of the ration issued to the crew of the Nunivak while on the station. F. Natural history. G. Meteorological record. L. C. 3-9590] ZAKRZEWSKA, Marie (1829-1908). Physician, Professor, founder of women's hospitals in N. Y. and Boston. C h e y n e y, (Mrs.)Ednah D. Sketch of Dr. Zakrzewska's life. Open Court 16(1902)391-5, ill., port. CLASSIFIED INDEX. For Outline of this Index, see Table of Contents. TO LOOK UP SUBJECTS SEE CORRESPONDING WORD IN THE ALPHABETICAL SERIES IN THE TEXT GENERAL WORKS. AUTOGRAPHS. MM. written by the author's own hand. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. Abstracts of human knowledge on many subjects. HISTORICAL societies. HISTORY (Study, Writing and Teaching). MANUSCRIPTS (incl. documents). Early unpublished writings of historic value. PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES. Societies of descendants of men celebrated in American history. PERIODICALS and Transactions. PUBLIC RECORDS. Official records of the state. BIBLIOGRAPHY. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Art of book description. A descriptive list of books. Special bibliographies may be found under the following headings: Adams, Herbert Baxter (Johns Hopkins); Agriculture (XT. S.); America (Labberton) ; Am. Colonization Society (List); Antarctic (Balch); Audubon; Banks (Catterall) (White); Barbour; Bermuda (Verrill); Boston (Boston, Engin.) (Whitmore), Brazil (Canstatt) ; Brooklyn 'Check list); California (native); Canada (Geddes) (Severance) (Tricoohe); Carter; Catholic Church (Index) (Wishart) ; Caucus (Thompson); Census (U. S. census. . .abstract) ; Central America (Bureau) ; Cities (Detroit) ; Colonial possessions (Reinsoh) ; Columbus (Alba) ; Concord, N. H. (Hammond); Dial; Economics (Laughlin) ; Education (Cubberly) (Rollins) (Schafer) (Wyer) ; Finances (Burton) (Check list); Florida (Garcia); Franklin (Cloyd); Freneau (Pattee) ; Gaine; Galloway; Georgia (Phillips); Germantown; Greenleaf, Moses; Harte (Brief) (North); History (Benning) (Bourne) (Historical) (Kemp) (Lamed) (Lewis) (Biggs); Hoadly; Indians (Gary); Irrigation (U. 8.); Labor (Webb); Libraries (Buffalo) ; Literature (Abernethy) (Catalogue) (Lawton) (Mason) (Salley) (Wegelin) ; Louisiana (Louis- iana); Manuscripts (New York); Maryland (Lippincott) ; Massachusetts (Ford) (Green); Mexico (Leon); Money (Davis); Nebraska (Miller); Negroes (List) (Tillinghast) ; New Jersey (Books); New York ( Den ton) ; New York City (N. Y.); Newark (Hill); Newspauers; Ohio (Ohio); Patriotic Societies (Sons of the Rev.); Pennsylvania (Myers); Philippine Islands (Retana); Foe (Poe); Pottery (Lawson); Prices (List); Primary elections (Meyer); Reciprocity (Griffin); Slavery (Ballagh) (Locke); Smith, Joseph; South America (Reiss) ; South Carolina (Salley); Spanish America (Herbertson) ; Sullivan; Syracuse; Texas (Texas); Toscanelli (Vig- naud) ; Trusts (Bolen) (Bridge) (Griffin); United States (Higginson) (Montgomery); Upper Canada Rebel- lion; Virginia (Virginia); War of 1812 (Richardson) (Roosevelt) (Severance); Whistler (Bowdoin) ; Whit- man (Whitman); Winslow (Ellicott) ; Winsor; Wisconsin (Baker); Worcester, Mass. (Dodge). HISTORICAL WRITERS. BARTON, William Sumner (1824-99). Worcester, Mass., City Treasurer, local hist, writer. BRACKENRIDGE, Henry M. (1786-1871). Pa lawyer, writer, historian. BRADLEE, Caleb Davis (1831-97). Boston clergyman, historical and genealogical writer. 246 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. BROWN, A. J. (b.1834). Miss, merchant, officer, local historical writer. BUSEY, Samuel Clagett. D. C. physician and local historian. BYRD, William (1674-1744). Va. lawyer, member of the Colonial Council, hist, writer. CALHOON, S. 8. (b.1838). Miss, judge, Confederate officer, historical writer. DEAN, John Ward (1815-1902). Boston librarian, writer, ed. N. E. Reg. DENTON, Daniel (fl.1666). N. Y. historian. DENY8, Nicolas < 1598-ab,1672). Am. historian. DEITFREE (Mrs.), N. D[urhams] (fl.1901). Miss, local hist, writer. DODGE, Reuben Rawson (1819-99). Button, Mass., genealogist, local hist, writer, DRUMMOND. Josiah H. (1827-1902). N. H. lawyer, hist, writer. EASTMAN, Herbert Walter (1857-98). N. H. editor, local writer. GGGLESTON, Edward (1837-1902). Am. clergyman, historical writer, etc. EGLE, William Henry (1830-1901). Fa. historical writer, surgeon in Civil War. EVANS, John H. (1824-1902). Miss, historical writer. FISKE, John (1842-1901). Am. historical, philosophical writer. FORD, Faul Leicester (1856-1902). N. Y. writer, editor and bibliographer. HERSEY, Alfred Henry (1841-1901). Boston bibliophile, genealogist. HOADLY, Charles Jeremy (1828-1900). HOY, Fhilo Romayne (1816-92). Wis. physician naturalist, archaeolcgist, writer. JENKINS, Howard M. (1842-1902). Fenn. editor, hist, writer. KORNER, Gustav Fhilipp (1809-96). Ger. Am. jurist, diplomat, historian. LABRIE, Jacques (b.1831). Canadian physician and hist, writer. LAFHAM, Increase A. (1811-75). Wis. engineer, archaeologist, scientist, writer. LEFTWICH. George J. (fl.1901). Miss, lawyer, local hist, writer, teacher. LEWIS, Theodore Hayes (b.1856). Am. archaeologist, writer. LONGWORTH, Isreal (1835-1902). Nova Bcotian lawyer, local historian. McCLEARY, Samuel Foster (1822-1901). Boston lawyer, local hist, writer. MOTLEY, John Lothrop (1814-77). Am. diplomat, historian, minister to Austria. PARKMAN. Francis (1823-33). Mass, historian. PECKHAM, James (1828-69). Missouri historian. PORTER, Edward Griffin (1837-1900). Mass. Congregational clergyman. POTTER, Chandler Eastman (1807-68). N. H. editor, historical writer. RAMSAY, David (1749-1815). 8. C. writer of American history. REILLY, John T. (fl.1902). Fa. Roman Catholic writer of American history. RICHARDSON, John (1796-1852). Canadian soldier, writer. RICORD, Frederick Win, (1819-97). N. J. state super, of pub. schools, writer, librarian. RILEY. Franklin L. C. (b.1868). Miss. Professor of history, writer. ROCKWOOD, Elias Jefferson (1833-98). Worcester, Mass, local antiquarian. SCHMITT, Edmond John Peter (1865-1901). Tex. Catholic priest and historical writer. SMITH, T. Watson (ab. 1834-1902). Nova Scotian clergyman, editor, historian, writer. SNEAD, Thomas Lowndes (1828-90). Mo. historian. STAPLES, Samuel Elias (1822-1902). Mass, merchant, local historical writer. STONE, Frederick Dawson (1841-97). Pa. and N. J. librarian, hist, writer. STRIKER, William Scudder (1838-1900). N. J. Adj. General in Civil War, hist, writer. STRONG, Moses (1 346-1877). Wis. R. R. engineer, archaeological writer, geologist. TARBELL, Ida Minerva (b.1867). Pa. and N. Y. editor, writer. TEELE. Albert Kendall (1821-1901). Conn. Congregational clergyman, financier, local hist, writer. TRUMBTJLL, James Hammond (1821-97). Conn, librarian, writer on Am. Indian language*. WHITMORE, William Henry (1836-1900). Boston merchant, genealogist, antiquarian, historian. WILKIN8, Jesse Montgomery (b.1875). Miss, legislator, local hist, writer. WILSON, Thomas (1832-1902). Am. anthropologist, writer. WINSOR, Justin (1831-97). Boston and Harvard librarian, historical writer. WOODS, Thomas H. (b.1838). Kiss judge. Confederate officer, hist, writer, GEOGRAPHY. EARTHQUAKES. Movements of the earth's crust. FALL. American word for Autumn. GEOGRAPHY. Description of the earth's surface and its inhabitants. INDIAN Summer. Warm weather in late autumn- -St. Martins Bummer. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 247 AMERICAN AND UNITED STATES, GENERAL. AMERICA. (1) The Western Hemisphere or (2) the U. S. of America q.. v. AMERICA, description and travel. AMERICAN Desert. The arid region of the western U. 8. APPALACHIA. Name for watershed of Allegheny and Monongehala rivers. "BROTHER JONATHAN." Name for the typical American from Jonathan Trumball (t). COLONIAL possessions. All portions of the TJ. S. not present or prospective parts of the Union. GREAT LAKES, The. Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. GULF states. States bordering on the Gulf of Mexico. LEWIS and Clark expedition. An exploration of nearly the whole Northwest, 1804-6. MASON and Dixon line. Boundary between Fa. and Md. and between free and slave states, surveyed 1766. NEW ENGLAND. The states of Me., N. H., Vt., Mass., Conn., R. I., in the Northeast of U. 8. NORTH AMERICA. Northern continent of western hemisphere. NORTHWEST boundary. Boundary between U. 8. and Canada, west of the Rocky Mts. NORTHWEST, IT. 8. PACIFIC coast. Western coast of America. ROCKY MTS. Mountain range of western TJ. S. and Canada. SOUTHERN STATES. South eastern states of the XT. S. SOUTHWEST. S.W. part of the U. S. "THE STATES." Colloquial British name for the IT. S. "UNCLE SAM." Nickname for the United States. UNITED STATES. Republic of North America founded July 4, 1776. UNITED States of America (description and travel). ALABAMA. ALABAMA. Southern state of U. 8., on Gulf of Mexico, admitted 1819. McGILLIVRAY, Alexander (1746-93). "The Talleyrand of Alabama" U. S. Gen. Agent to Creek Indians. MOBILE, Ala. Seaport city of Mobile Co. 165 m. E. by N. of New Orleans. TENNESSEE Company, 1789. Land Co. purchasing land in northern Ala. contrary to Gov't proclamation. TUSKEGEE, Ala. Capital town of Macon Co. 45 m. E. of Montgomery. ALASKA. ALASKA. Territory of U. 8. extreme northwestern N. A., purchased from Ruiiia, in 1867. ALEUTIAN Islands. Alaska chain of islands extending nearly to Asia. KING ISLAND, Alaska. Island of Bering Sea. NOME, Alaska. Cape and mining town on central Alaskan coast. YUKON river, Alaska. A river rising in Brit. Columbia, flowing across Alaska into Bering Sea. ARIZONA. ARIZONA. Southwestern Territory of U. 8. FRESCOTT, Arizona. Village of Yavapai Co. about 190 m. N.N.W. of Tucson. TUCSON, Arizona. Town of Pima Co. about 250 m. E. of Yuma. If CALIFORNIA. A8TA, Cal. Village, Sonamo Co. BAKER8FIELD, Cal. City Kern Co. 300 m. S.E. of San Francisco. BUTTE County, Cal. Co. in N. part of state. CALIFORNIA. State of U. S. on Pacific coast, admitted 1850. CORONA, Cal. Village of Riverside Co. 20 m. S.W. of San Bernadino. COSTANSO, Don Miguel (fl.1769). Spanish explorer of California. 248 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. CUPA. Indian for Hot Springs, see Agua Caliente=Warners Hot Springs. FORT AMITY colony, Cal. Salvation Army agricultural colony. FRESNO COUNTY, Cal. A Co. in the central part of state. HANFORD, Cal. Village of Tulare Co., Cal. HUMS LOT Co., Cal. County in the N.W. part of California. KAWEAH, Cal. A Utopian community in Tulare Co. from 1882-1881. KINGS COUNTY, Cal. A southeastern Co. of state. KINGS RIVER, Cal. River of southern Cal. flowing S.E. into Tulare Lake. LAG UN A de Taohe Grant, Kings and Fresno Cos., Cal. LONG BEACH, Cal. Sea side resort near Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES, Cal. City of Los Angeles Co. 345 m. S.E. of San Francisoo. MESA GRANDE, Cal. Village of Messina Indians. PALE COUNTY, Cal. Village of San Diego Co. PASADENA, Cal. Town of Los Angeles Co. PETALUMA, Cal. City of Sonoma Co. 42 m. N. by \V. of San Franoisoo. SACRAMENTO, Cal. Capital oity of state, in Sacramento Co. 75 m. N.E. of San Francisco. SACRAMENTO valley, Cal. Valley of Sacramento R. which flows through northern Cal. into San Franoisoo SAN BERNARDINO Valley, Cal. Valley of Southern California. SAN-DIEGO, Cal. Seaport city of extreme southern Cal. 127 m. S.S.E. of Los Angeles. SAN DIEGO County, Cal. The most southern Co. of California. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. Chief oity and port of the Pacific coast, on San Francisco Bay. SAN JOAQUIN Valley, Cal. Valley of Central part of state. SAN MATEO County, Cal. A western Co. of California. SIERRA Nevadas, Cal. Mountain range of California parallel to the Coast. BUTTER, John A. (1803-80). California pioneer. TULARE County, Cal. Co. in the S. central part of the state. VENTURA County, Cal. Co. in the S. part of the state. WARNER'S RANCH, Cal. Mission Indian village of San Diego Co. WOODLAND, Cal. Village of Yolo Co. 81 m. N.N.E. of San Franoisoo. COLORADO, COLORADO. Western, Rocky Mt. State of U. S. COLORADO R. River flowing S. W. from Col. to Gulf of Cal. COLORADO Springs Colo. City of El Pasco Co., 75 m. 8. of Denver. DENVER, Col. City, county seat of Arapahoe Co. 540 m. W. of Omaha. PIKE'S Peak, Col. Peak of Rocky Mts. in El Fasco Co. about 10 m. W. of Colorado Springs. PURGATORY RIVER, Col. River in S.E. of state, flowing N.W. into Arkansas R. SAN LUIS Valley, Col. Valley of San Luis R., southern Colorado. CONNECTICUT. UOLTON, Conn. Township of Tolland Co. 17 m. E. of Hartford. BRIDGEPORT, Conn. City of Fairfleld Co. 57 m. N.E. of New York, on Long Island Sound. CANTERBURY, Conn. Village of Windham Co. 14 m. N.N.E. of Norwich. COMPOUNCE Lake, Conn. Lake of Hartford Co. CONNECTICUT. N.E. State of U. S. on Long Island Sound. DANBURY, Conn. City of Fairfield Co. 69 m. N.N.E. of New York. EAST HADDAK, Conn. Township of Middlesex Co. 28 m. S.S.E. of Hartford. GREENWICH, Conn. Village and township of Fairfleld Co. 27 m. W.S.W. of Bridgeport. GROTON. Conn. Township of Nov.' London Co. on Long Is. Sound. HADDAM, Conn. Village of Middlesex Co. 26 m. S. by E. of Hartford. HARTFORD, Conn. City, capital of Connecticut, 112 m. N.E. from New York. MACHIMOODUS (the places of noises). Name applied by Indiana to region about Moodui, Conn. MEIGS, John (fl.1639). Conn, pioneer. MIDDLETOWN, Conn. City and port of Middlesex Co. 15 m. 8. of Hartford. NEW HAVEN, Conn. City and port of New Haven Co. 74 m. E.N.E. of New York. NEW HAVEN (Conn.) and Northampton (Mass.) Canal. Built 1823 so,, abandoned 1847. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTOKY 1902. 249 NORWALK, Conn. Town of Fairfleld Co. 22 m. 8. of Danbury. SAYBROOK, Conn. Village of Middlesex Co. 32 m. E. of New Haven. SEYMOUR, Conn. Village of New Haven Co. 11 m. N. W. of New Haven. STANTON, Dorothy (3.1696), of Stonington, Conn. WETHERSFIELD, Conn. Village of Hartford Co. 3y t m. S. of Hartford. WHITEHEAD, John (d.l695t). Connecticut citizen. WINTHROP, John (1606-76). Sixth Governor of Connecticut. WOODBURY, Conn. Village of Litchfleld Co. 12 m. W. of Waterbury. DELAWARE. ADDICKS. J. Edward (b.1841). Delaware politician. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. DISTRICT of Colombia. District containing Washington City, administered by U. S. gov't. WASHINGTON, D. C. Capital city of the IT. S., in District of Columbia, on Potomac R. FLORIDA. DE LAND, Florida. Village of Volusia Co. 5 m. E. of Beresford. DRY TORTUGAS, Fla. Group of islets of Monroe Co. 120 m. W.S.W. of mainland. FLORIDA. The southeasternmost state of U. S., admitted 1845. JACKSONVILLE. Capital city of Duval Co., northern Florida, on St. John R. ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. Seaport city of St. John's Co. about 36 m. S.S.E. of Jacksonville. GEORGIA. ALBANY, Ga. County seat of Dougherty Co. on Flint river. ANDERSON VILLE, Ga. Village, Sumter Co. 60 m. 8. W. of Macon. ATLANTA, Ga. State capital, county seat of Fulton Co. GEORGIA. One of the Gulf States of the U. S. TALLULAH. Ga. Post-Office of Habersham Co. about 60 m. N. of Athens. ILLINOIS. ADDISON, 111. Village, 18 m. W. by N. from Chicago. ALEXANDER, Simon (b.1813). German American pioneer, McLean county, Illinois. BLOOMINGTON, HI. City, county seat of McLean Co., 44 m. N. of Decatur. CAHOKIA. 111. Village of St. Clair Co. 4 m. E. of St. Louts. CHICAGO, 111. City, metropolis of the West, on Lake Michigan. FORT DEARBORN, 111. Fort on site of Chicago, scene of Indian massacre, Au?., 1812. FUNK, Henrich (b.1823). 111. German-Am, pioneer. ILLINOIS. North-central state of the U. S., admitted 1818. JOHNSBURG, HI. Hamlet of McHenry Co. about 24 m. N. of Elgin. KASKASKIA, 111. Village of Randolph Co. 40 m. S. of Belleville. LA SALLE County, HI. North-central Co. of state. MAC HENRY COUNTY, 111. Northeastern Co. of state, bordering on Wisconsin. McLEAN Co., 111. A central county of state. MASON COUNTY, HI. Co. in W. central part of state. MENARD County, HI. County in W. central part of state. MT. MORRIS, HI. Township of Ogle Co. 108 m. W. by N. of Chicago. 260 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. PREISWERK, Wilhelm (d.1901). 111. German- Am. settler. ftUINCY. 111. City of Adams Co. 104 m. W. of Springfield. REICHEL, Adolph D. (1834-1902). Quincy, 111. German American. ST. CLAIR Co., 111. County in 8.W. part of state. SUBLETTE, 111. Township of Lee Co. in north of state. WILL County, 111. A Co. in the N.E. part of state. INDIAN TERRITORY. INDIAN Territory. XT. 8. territory in Southwest, set apart for Indians. INDIANA. INDIANA. East central state of U. S., admitted 1816. NEW HARMONY, Ind. Village of Posey Co. 24 m. W.N.W. of Evansville. PIGEON Roost, Scott County, Ind. Scene of Indian massacre Sept. 4, 1812. SHELBYVILLE, Ind. City of Shelby Co. 27 m. S.E. of Indianapolis. STARKE County, Ind. Co. in the N.W. part of state. VTNCENNE8, Ind. City of Knox Co. 61 m. N. of Evansville. IOWA. A MAN A, Iowa. Village 26 m. N.E. of Cedar Rapids. CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa. City of Linn Co. on Cedar River, 81 m. W. of Clinton. COOK, Ira (1821-1902). Iowa, pioneer and writer. COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa. City of Pottawattamic Co. 4 m. E. by N. from Omaha. DAVENPORT, Iowa. City of Scott Co. 70 m. S. of Dubuque. DICKINSON Co., Iowa. County in the N.W. part of state. GEAR, John Henry (1825-1900). Iowa Governor, U. S. senator. IOWA. North-central state of U. S., admitted 1846. JOHNSON, Sylvanus (1813-1902). Iowa pioneer and business man. MERRILL, Samuel (b.1822). Iowa soldier, Governor. KANSAS. FORT RILEY, Kan. Post office and military post of Davis Co. 3 m. N.N.E. of Junction City. KANSAS. Central state of U. 8. Admitted 1861. NEAIAHA County, Kan. Co. in N.E. part of state. FOTTAWATOMIE County, Kan. Co. in the N.E. part of state. ROBINSON, Charles (1818-94). Am. physician, lawyer, editor, Governor of Kansas, writer. KENTUCKY. ADAIR, John (1769-1840). Governor of Ky., General in War of 1812, U. 8. senator. BOONE, Daniel (1736-1820). Ky. pioneer and Indian fighter. KENTUCKY. East central state of U. 8., admitted 1792. LOUISIANA. DE BLANC, Louis Charles (ft.1825). Louisiana French officer. LOUISIANA. A Gulf-state of U. S. admitted 1812. WRITINGS ON AMKKICAN HISTORY 102. LOUISIANA (territory). The vast tract of Southwest and West, purchased from France, 1803. NEW ORLEANS, La. City and port on Miss. R. 141 m. W. by S. of Mobile, Ala. BALBANCHA or Malbanchia. Choctaw word for New Orleans and New Orleans region. MAINE. DEBSCONEAG Lakes, Me. Lakes in Piscatauis Co. in center of state. DINGLEY, Edward Nelson (1332-99). Me. Governor and Congressman. ELIOT, Me. Village of York Co. on Piscatauq.ua R. FARMINGTON, Me. Village, capital of Franklin Co., 29 m. N.W. of Augusta. FRYEBURG, Me. Village of Oxford Co. 49 m. N.W. of Portland. HAMMOND, George Albert (1813-1902). Maine. HARPSWELL, Me. Township of Cumberland Co. 14 m. E. of Portland. KAVANAGH, Edward (1795-1884). Maine lawyer, acting Gov., IT S. senator. KITTERY, Me. Village of York Co. 61 m. S.W. of Portland. MADAWASKA, Me. Township of Aroostook Co. about 100 m. N. of Houlton. MAINE. The northeasternmost state of U. S., admitted 1820. PEMAQUID, Me. Village of Lincoln Co. 18 m. E. of Bath. POPHAM Beach, Me. PORTLAND, Me. Seaport City of Cumberland Co. 60 m. S.S.W. of Augusta. USHER, Ellis Baker (1785-1850). Citizen of Maine. WATERVILLE, Me. City of Kennebec Co. 18 m. N. by E. of Augusta. YORK County, Maine. The most southwestern Co. of state, borders on N. H. YORK, Me. Village of York Co. 8 m. E.N.E. of Portsmouth. MARYLAND. ANNAPOLIS, Md. State capital, seat of U. S. Naval Academy, 40 m. E. of Baltimore. BALTIMORE, Md. City on Chesapeake Bay. BttRSTLER, Christian (fl.1787). Md. German American settler. CALVERT, Sir George (1582-1632). First Baron of Baltimore, statesman. CRESAP, Thomas (1673 (?) -1779). Md. pioneer, surveyor, patriot. MARYLAND. An original middle Atlantic state of U. S. between Pa. and Va. SANDY Spring, Md. Village of Montgomery Co. 18 m. N. of Washington, D. C. MASSACHUSETTS. ACTON. Mass. Village, Middlesex Co., 13 m. S.W. of Lowell. ALFORD, Mass. Township, Berkshire Co., 10 m. S.W. of Lenox. AMESBURY, Mass. Town of Essex Co. 36 m. N. of Boston. BARN STABLE County, Mass. Co. in S.E. extremity of state. BERNARDSTON, Mass. Post-hamlet, Franklin Co., 7 m. N. of Greenfield. BOSTON, Mass. Capital of Mass., on Mass. Bay. BRADFORD manuscript. Ms. of Bradford's History, lost in Rev., recovered 1898. BRAINTREE, Mass. Village of Norfolk Co. 10 m. 8. of Boston. BREWSTER, Mass. Village, Barnstable Co. 90 m. S.E. of Boston. BROOKFIELD, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. 23 m. W. by S. from Worcester. BYFIELD, Mass. P. 0. and station of Essex Co. 6 m. S.W. of Newburyport. CAPE COD, Mass. Eastern extremity of state, forming Barnstable Co. CHARLES River Valley, Mass. Region of Middlesex Co. drained by Charles river, CHARLESTOWN, Mass. City of Mass., in 1873 annexed to Boston. CHATHAM, Mass. Village of Barnstable Co. 20 m. E. of Barnstable. COHASSET, Mass. Village of Norfolk Co. 21 m. E.S.E. of Boston. CONCORD, Mass. Village of Middlesex Co. 20 m. W.N.W. of Boston. DANVERS, Mass. Village of Essex Co. 19 m. N. by E. from Boston. DARTMOUTH. Mass. Township of Bristol Co. about 2 m. W. of New Bedford. 262 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. DEDHAM, Mass. Village of Norfolk Co. 10 m. S.W. of Boston. DUDLEY, Mass. Township of Worcester Co., Mass., about 18 m. 8. by W. of Worcester. EASTHAM, Mass. A Cape Cod township, Barn stable Co., 97 m. from Boston. ESSEX COUNTY, Mass. The northeasternmost Co. of state. FITCHBURG, Mass. City of Worcester Co. 50 m. W.N.W. of Boston. FRAMINGHAM, Mass. Town of Middlesex Co. 24 m. W. by S. of Boston. GLOUCESTER, Mass. City and port, Essex Co., 28 m. N.N.E. of Boston. GREENFIELD, Mass. Village of Franklin Co. 36 m. N. of Springfield. HALIFAX, Mass. Hamlet of Plymouth Co. in Halifax township 9 m. N.W. of Plymouth. HAMPDEN County, Mass. County in S.W. part of state. HARWICH, Mass. Village of Barnstable Co. in Harwich township 84 m. S.E. of Boston. HINSDALE, Mass. Village of Hinsdale township, Berkshire Co., 8 m. E. of Pittsfleld. HOOSAC Tunnel. Tunnel of Boston and Albany R. R. through Hoosac tat., Mass., opened 1876. HOPEDALE, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. 34 m. S.W. of Boston. HUDSON, Mass. Village in Hudson township, Middlesex Co., 17 m. N.E. of Worcester. IPSWICH, Mass. Village of Essex Co. 27 m. N.N.E. of Boston. LAWRENCE, Mass. Capital city of Essex Co. 26 m. N. by W. of Boston. LENOX, Mass. Village of Berkshire Co. 8 m. S. of Pittsfield. LEOMINSTER, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. 54 m. W.N.W. of Boston. LEXINGTON, Mass. Village of Middlesex Co. 11 m. W.N.W. of Boston. LYNN, Mass. City and seaport of Essex Co. 10 m. N.N.E. of Boston. MARBLEHEAD, Mass. Town and port of Essex Co. 18 m. N.E. of Boston. MARSHFIELD, Mass. Township of Plymouth Co. about 28 m. S.E. of Boston. MASSACHUSETTS. An original N.E. state of the United States. MEDFIELD, Mass. Village in Medfield township, Norfolk Co., 18 m. S.W. of Boston. MEDFORD, Mass. Village of Middlesex Co. 5 m. N.N.W. of Boston. MELROSE, Mass. Village of Middlesex Co. 7 m. N. of Boston. MENOTOMY, Mass. Ancient name of a precinct of Cambridge. METHUEN, Mass. Town of Essex Co. 2 m. N.N.W. of Lawrence. MIDDLEBOROUGH, Mass. Village of Plymouth Co. 34 m. S. by E. of Boston. MILFORD, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. 18 m. S.E. of Worcester. MONTGOMERY, Mass. Township of Hampden Co. about 16 m. N.W. of Springfield. MOSELEY, Edward Strong (1813-1900). Massachusetts. NANTUCKET, Mass. Island in Atlantic Ocean 20 m. S.E. from mainland. NEEDHAM, Mass. Village of Norfolk Co. 12 m. S.W. of Boston. NEWBURY, Mass. Township of Essex Co. VEWBURYPORT, Mass. City and port of Essex Co. 35 m. N.N.E. of Boston. NORFOLK County, Mass. Co. in the E. part of state. NORTH ADAMS, Mass. Town of Berkshire Co. 20 m. N.N.E. of Pittsfleld. NORTHAMPTON, Mass. Village of Hampshire Co. 17 m. N. by W. of Springfield. NORTHBOROUGH, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. 36 m. W. of Boston. ORLEANS, Mass. Village of Barnstable Co. 94 m. S.E. of Boston. PALMER, Mass. Village of Hampden Co. 15 m. E. by N. of Springfield. FELHAM, Mass. Hamlet and township of Hampshire Co. about 8 m. S.E. of Nashua. PERU, Mass. Hamlet of Berkshire Co. 12 m. E. of Pittsfield. PETERSHAM, Mass. Village of Petersham township, Worcester Co. 28 m. N.W. of Worcester. PILGRIMS. Settlers at Plymouth, Mass., distinguished from Puritans of Boston. PLYMOUTH, Mass. Seaport town of Plymouth Co. 37 m. S.S.E. of Boston. PRINCETON, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. 16 m. N. by W. of Worcester. QUINCY, Mass. City of Norfolk Co. 8 m. S. of Boston. ROWLEY, Mass. Village of Essex Co. 31 m. N.N.E. of Boston. RUTLAND, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. about 12 m. N.W. of Worcester. SALEM, Mass. Seaport city of Essex Co. 14 m. N. by E. of Boston. SALISBURY, Mass. Village of Essex Co. about 11 m. N.E. of Haverhill. SHAYS Rebellion. Civil uprising in Mass., 1787. SOMERVILLE, Mass. City of Middlesex Co. 2 m. from Boston. SOUTHBOROUGH, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. 29 m. W. of Boston. SOUTHBRIDGE, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. about 32 m. E. of Springfield. SPRINGFIELD, Mass. City of Hampden Co. 98 m. W. by S. of Boston. STOCKBRIDGE, Mass. Village of Berkshire Co. 17 m. S. by W. of Pittsfield. STONEHAM, Mass. Village of Middlesex Co. N. of Boston. STOUGHTONHAM (now Sharon) Mass. Village in Norfolk Co. STOW, Mass. Village of Middlesex Co. about 26 m. W. by N. of Boston. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 253 STURBRIDGE, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. 30 m. . of Springfield. SUFFOLK County, Mass. County of which Boston is capital. WALPOLE, Mass. Yilllage of Norfolk Co. 19 m. S.S.W. of Boston. WALTHAM, Mass. City of Middlesex Co. 10 m. W. of Boston. WELLFLFET (formerly Eastham) Mass. Village of Barnstable Co. 106 m. by railroad S.E. of Boston. WESTBOROUGH, Mass. Village of Worcester Co. 12 m. E. of Worcester. WINTHROP, Mass. Village of Suffolk Co. 5 m. N.E. of Boston. WORCESTER, Mass. City of Worcester Co. 44 m. S.W. of Boston. WRIGHTS Tavern, Concord, Mass. Revolutionary landmark. YARMOUTH, Mass Village of Barnstable Co. 76 m. S.E. of Boston. BIOGRAPHY. ALLERTON, Isaac (ab. 1583-1669). Plymouth Colony merchant. BLANCH ARD, Samuel Stillman (1835-1S01). Mass, merchant, State senator. BOYNTON, Eleazer (1824-1901). Mass, merchant, state senator. BUCK, Jonathan (1718-95). Mass, officer, founder of Bucksport, Me. CHAUNCEY, Elihu (fl.1824). CRANE, Winthrop Murray (b.1853). Mass. Governor, philanthropist. DUMMER, Jeremiah (1680-1739). English agent for the Mass, colony. FISH, Thomas (d.1664). Plymouth, Mass., settler. FITCH, Jabez (fl.1750). Plymouth colony settler. LYMAN, Theodore (1792-1849). Boston philanthropist, mayor, State senator. MAYHEW, Thomas (1592-1682). Colonial Governor Martha's Vineyard. MORRILL, Jacob (1648-1718). Massachusetts citizen. PARKER, Augustus (1827-1910). Mass, legislator. PHIPS, Sir William (1651-95). Mass, colonial Governor and soldier. PRATT, Phineas (d.1680). Plymouth, Mass., early settler. ROBINSON, Increase (1642-ab.l699). Citizen of Taunton. Mass. SMITH, Joseph (1707-82). First settler of Sturbridge, Mass. SOTJLE, George (fl.1667). Plymouth, Mass. (Mayflower) settler. STANDISH, Myles (ab. 1581-1656). Mayflower pilgrim, Indian fighter. TUFTS, James. USHER, John (1648-1706). Mass. Treas. and Receiver Gen'l of New England. WILLIS, Benjamin (1686-1767). Medford (Mass.) town clerk and deaoon. WINSLOW, Edward (1595-1655). Governor of Mass. WOLCOTT, Roger (1847-1900). Governor of Massachusetts. MICHIGAN. ALMIRA, Mich. Township, Benzie Co. BARBER, Edward W. (b.1829). Michigan pioneer. BATTLE CREEK, Mich. City of Calhoun Co. on Kalamazoo R. 127 m. west of Detroit. BENZIE County, Mich. A Co. in N.W. part of state on Lake Michigan. BENZONIA, Mich. Village, Benzie Co., about 6 m. E. of Lake Michigan. GROSSMAN, Daniel L. (1836-1901). Mich, merchant, State senator. DETROIT, Mich. City of Wayne Co. on Belle R. GILMORE, Mich. Township of Benzie Co. on Lake Michigan. GOODYEAR, Henry A. (1818-1901). Mich, pioneer, State senator. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. City of Kent Co. 60 m. W.N.W. of Lansing. HOMESTEAD, Mich. Township and hamlet of Benzie Co. about 32 m. N.N.E. of Manistee. HONOR, Mich. Village of Benzie Co. INLAND, Mich. Hamlet and township of Benzie Co. JOYFIELD, Mich. Township of Benzie Co. 1 m. S. of Benzonia. MICHIGAN. An upper Lake state of U. S. admitted 1837. OAKLAND County, Mich. Co. in the S.E. part of Michigan. PLATTE township, Mich. Township of Benzie Co. 16 m. W. of Traverse City. SERNOULT Fort. Fort at Detroit, Michigan. WILLIAMS, John R. (1782-1854). Michigan pioneer, soldier in war of 1813, General in Blaok Hawk war. 254 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. MINNESOTA. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. City of Hennepiu Co. on Hiss. R. 10 m. W. by N. of St. Paul. MINNESOTA. A north central border state of U. S., admitted 1853. ST. PAUL. Minn. Capital city of state and of Ramsey Co. 10 m. E. of Minneapolis. MISSISSIPPI. MISSISSIPPI. A Gulf State of V. S., admitted 1817. MISSISSIPPI river. Largest river of XT. S., flowing south from Minn, to Gulf of Mexico. MISSISSIPPI Valley. Valley of Miss, river. NATCHEZ, Miss. City, capital of Adams Co., on Miss. R. 100 m. S.W. of Jackson. NEWTON County, Miss. Co. in E. part of Missippi. WAYNE County, Miss. A Co. in the E.S.E. part of state, bordering on Ala. MISSOURI. CARSON, Christopher ("Kit Carson") (1809-68). Mo. hunter and soldier. KANSAS CITY, Mo. City of Jackson Co. on Missouri R. at western border of state. MISSOURI. Central state of V. S., admitted 1821. ST. LOUIS, Mo. City of St. Louis Co. on the Miss R. MONTANA. MONTANA. A northwestern state of V. S., admitted 1889. NEBRASKA. DODGE COUNTY, Neb. Co. in the E. part of state. JEFFERSON COUNTY, Neb. Southern Co. of Nebraska bordering on Kansas. LINCOLN, Neb. Capital of Nebraska, in Lancaster Co. 54 m. S.W. of Omaha. NEBRASKA. The central state of U. S., admitted 1867. OMAHA, Neb. City of Douglas Co. on Missouri R. at eastern border of state. PADDOCK, Algernon Sidney (1830-97). Neb. politician. U. S. senator, Governor of Nebraska. SHARP, Joseph L. President first Nebraska territorial legislature, journalist. TIPTON, Thomas Weston (b.1817). Neb. clergyman, chaplain in Civil War, U. S. senator. NEVADA. COMSTOCK mine. Famous silver and gold mine in Nevada. NEW HAMPSHIRE. ANTRIM, N. H. Township, Hillsborough Co. 27 m. W.S.W. of Concord. BOW, A town of Merrimao Co. N. H. 5 miles S. of Concord. CHESTERFIELD, N. H. Township of Macomb Co. CONCORD, N. H. City of Merrimack Co. 18 m. N. of Manchester. DERRY, N. H. Village of Rockingham Co. 11 m. S.E. of Manchester. DERRYFIELD, N. H. Hamlet in Rockingham Co. DOVER, N. H. City of Stratford Co. 68 m. N. by E. of Boston. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 255 DUNBARTON, N. H. Township and hamlet of Merrimac Co. 8 m. S.W. of Concord. DURHAM, N. H. Village of Stratford Co. 6 m. S.W. of Dover. HOPKINTON, N. H. Town of Merrimac Co. 8 m. W. of Concord. ISLES of Shoals, N. H. Group of islands 10 m. S.E. from Portsmouth, N. H. LEBANON, N. H. Village of Lebanon township, Grafton Co. 65 m. N.W. of Concord. MANCHESTER, N. H. City of Hillsborough Co. 59 m. N. of Boston. NASHUA, N. H. City of Hillsborough Co. 35 m. S. of Concord. NEW HAMPSHIRE. An original New England state of U. S. NORTH Londondery, N. H. Hamlet of Rockingham Co. 6 m. S.E. of Manchester. NORTHWOOD, N. H. Township of Rockingham Co. PENNY COOK (or Penacook), N. H. Ancient name for Concord, N. H. PETERBOROUGH, N. H. Village of Hillsborough Co. about 33 m. S.W. of Concord. PORTSMOUTH, N. H. , City and port of Rookingham Co. 54 m. N. by E. of Boston. WEARE, N. H. Village of Hillsborough Co. about 13 m. W.8.W. of Concord. ROCK RIMMON. Cliff near Manchester, N. H. SANBORNTON, N. H. Village of Belknap Co. 22 m. N. of Concord. BIOGRAPHY. CURRIER, Moody (1806-88). N. H. Governor, financier, lawyer, writer. PILLSBURY, Josiah Webster. PLUMMER, William (1759-1850). N. H. Governor, U. S. senator, writer. RICHARDS, Dexter (1818-90). N. H. manufacturer, State senator. ROGERS, James (d.17'52). Dunbarton, N. H., early settler. ROGERS, James (1686-1755). Londonderry, N. H., early settler. SMYTH, Frederick (1819-99). N. H. Governor, Mayor of Manchester, financier. STEVENS, William (1810-97). N. H. banker, legislator, mayor of Dover, N. H. WILSON, James (1797-1881). N. H. politician, legislator, and Congressman. NEW JERSEY. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. City and health resort 60 m. S.E. of Philadelphia. BERGEN County, N. J. The northeastern Co. of state. BLOOMFIELD, N. J. Village of Essex Co. 4 m. N.N.W. of Newark. COMMUNIPAW, N. J. Hamlet on N. Y. Bay, now part of Jersey City. DELAWARE valley. The watershed of the Delaware R. in N. J. and Pa. ELIZABETH, N. J. City of Union Co. 14 m. V7.S.W. of New York. HOBOKEN, N. J. Town of Hudson Co. on Hudson opposite N. Y. city. HOPPER, John (1814-97). N. J. lawyer and State senator. JERSEY CITY. City of Hudson Co. opposite New York. LYONS FARMS, N. J. Village of Union Co. 2 m. N. of Elizabeth. MORRIS County, N. J. A northern Co. of state. NEWARK, N. J. City of Essex Co. 9 m. from New York. NEW GERMANTOWN, New Jersey. Village of Hunterdon Co. 35 m. N. of Trenton. NEW JERSEY. An original Middle Atlantic State of U. S. PISCATAWAY, N. J. Township of Middlesex Co. PASSAIC, N. J. City of Passaic Co. 11 m. N.W. of Jersey City. PREAKNESS, N. J. Hamlet of Passaic Co. ROCKAWAY, N. J. Village of Morris Co. 9 m. N. by W. of Morristown. SECOND RIVER, N. J. SHERMAN, Lydia Whitney (1804-98). TRENTON, N. J. State Capital in Mercer Co. 34 m. from Philadelphia. NEW MEXICO. MANZANO Salt lakes, N. M. Lakes of Valencia Co. in central New Mexico. MIMBRES Valley, New Mexico. NEW MEXICO. A southwestern terr-tory of the U. S. 256 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. NEW YORK. AMENIA, N. V. Village, Dutoheas Co., 86 m. N. by E. of New York. BRIAR CLIFF (N. Y.). School of practical agriculture. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Formerly independent city, now borough of N. Y. city, on L. I. BUFFALO, N. Y. City of Erie Co. on Lake Erie, terminus of Erie Canal. CATSKILL mountains. Group in Greene and Ulster Cos., N. Y., some 7 m. from Hudson r. CHAMPLAIN Valley. Watershed of Lake Champlain which divides N. Y. from Vt. CORTLANDT, N. Y. Township of Westchester Co., N. Y., on the Hudson. CROWN POINT, N. Y. Fort on Lake Champlain fr. 1731 to Am. Revolution. EAST HAMPTON, N. Y. Village of Suffolk Co., Long Is., 7 m. S.E. of Gay Harbor. ELMA, N. Y. Village in Elma township, Erie Co., 13 m. S.E. of Buffalo. GENEVA, N. Y. Town of Ontario Co. 16 m. E. of Canandaigua. HEMPSTEAD, N. Y. Town on Long Island 20 m. E. of Brooklyn. HUDSON river. River of eastern N. Y. flowing south into New York Harbor. HUNTINGTON, N. Y. Town of Suffolk Co., L. I., 38 m. E. of New York. LONG ISLAND. Island 110 m. long in Atlantic, forming- most S.E. portion of N. Y. state. MOHAWK Valley, N. Y. Central N. Y. Valley of Mohawk R., a tributary of the Hudson. KEWBURG, N. Y. City of Orange Co. on Hudson R. 60 m. N. of New York. NEW YORK. An original Middle Atlantic state of U. S. NEW YORK (City), N. Y. Metropolis and chief port of America, on New York Bay. NIAGARA FALLS. Cataract of Niagara R. which connects Lakes Erie and Ontario. ONONDAGO County, N. Y. A central Co. of the state. OTSEGO County, N. Y. County in the S.E. of central part of state. OWEGO, N. Y. Village of Tioga Co. 37 m. E. of Elmira. OYSTER BAY, N. Y. Village on north shore of Long Island 30 m. from New York. ROCHESTER, N. Y. City of Monroe Co. 360 m. by rail N.W. of New York. SALEM, N. Y. Former name of a settlement of Westchester Co. SARATOGA Springs, N. Y. A town and health resort of Saratoga Co. 38 m. N. of Albany. SAUGERTIES, N. Y. Village of Ulster Co. 100 m. above N. Y. on the Hudson. SCARBOROUGH, N. Y. Village of Westohester Co. on the Hudson, 4 m. N. of Tarrytown. SKANEATELES, N. Y. Village of Onondaga Co. 7 m. E. by N. of Auburn. SOUTH EAST, N. Y. Township of Putnam Co. STONY POINT (N.Y.). Revolutionary battle July 16, 1779. SYRACUSE, N. Y. City of Onondaga Co. 150 m. E. of Buffalo. TICONDEROGA (N. Y.). Battle of French and Indian War, 1758. TROY, N. Y. City of Rensselaer Co. 161 m. N. of New York City. UNADILLA, N. Y. Village of Otsejro Co. 43 m. E.N.E. of Birmingham. UTICA, N. Y. City of Oneida Co. 95 m. W.N.W. of Albany. WEST POINT(N.Y.). Village, site of U.S. Military Academy, in Orange Co. on Hudson E., 58 m.N. of N.Y. WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. Village of Westohester Co. 22 m. N. by E. of New York. YONKER8, N. Y. City of Westohester Co. 15 m. N. by E. of New York City. BIOGRAPHY. BROUCK, Jonas. Early resident of New York. BURLEIGH, Henry Gordon (1832-1900'). N. Y. Congressman. CLINTON, Charles (1690-1773). N. Y. settler, soldier. GOSMER, John (d.1660). L. I. pioneer, town magistrate. GUNN, Alexander (1837-1901). LOVELACE, Francis (ab.1618-ab.1676). Colonial Governor of New Yor. MORGAN, William J. (1840-1900). N. Y. State Comptroller, officer in Civil War. ODELL, Benjamin B. (b.1854). N. Y. Congressman, Governor. SLOAN, James (1788-1868). N. Y. pioneer and trader. WRIGHT, Silas (1795-1848). N. H. State senator, U. S. senator, Governor of New York. NORTH CAROLINA. AYCOCK, Charles B. (fl.1902). North Carolina Governor. BATH, N. C. Village, Beaufort Co. on Pamlioo B. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 257 BILTMORE. Estate of Oeo. W. Vanderbilt near Ashoville, N. C. CAROLINA. That part of Atlantic coast granted to the Lords Proprietors in 1663. DARE, Virginia (b.1587). The first child of English parents born in America. DE GRAFFLEUREID, Christopher. Swiss nobleman, founder of New Bern, N. Carolina. HAYES, N. C. Estate on Roanoke R. owned by Gov. Sam. Johnston. JOHNSTON, Samuel (1733-1816). N. C. lawyer, Governor. KACGN COUNTY, N. C. Western Co. of state, bordering on Georgia. MARTIN, Jos. (1740-1808). N. C. and Tenn. pioneer, Indian fighter and agent. ilKCKLENBURG County, N. C. A south border Co. NEW BRN, N. Carolina. Fort and capital of Craven Co. 108 m. E.S.E. of Raleigh. NORTH CAROLINA. An original South Atlantic state of U. S. PINEHURST, N. C. Health resort in sand-hill section of N. C. RALEIGH, N. C. State capital, Wake Co., 286 m. S.S.W. of Washington. ROANOKE Is. North Carolina. Island between Albemarle and Famlico Sound in N.E. of state. SUPPERKONG. Lake in Tyrelle and Washington Cos. N. C. WACHOVIA, N. C. A Moravian settlement. WILKES County, N. C. A Co. in the N.W. part of N. C. WILMINGTON, N. C. City of Hanover Co. on Cape Fear R. 131 m. S.S.E. of Raleigh. NORTH DAKOTA. NORTH DAKOTA. A northwestern state of U. S., admitted 1889. OHIO. ADENA Indian Mound, 0. Near Chillicothe, southern Ohio. CAMBRIDGE, 0. Village, Guernsey Co., 59 m. N. of Marietta. CANTON, Ohio. City of Stark Co. 59 m. S.S.E. of Cleveland. CHILLICOTHE, O. City of Ross Co. 98 m. E.N.E. of Cincinnati. CINCINNATI, 0. City of Hamilton Co. on Ohio river. CLEVELAND, 0. City of Cuyahoga Co., on Lake Erie. FIRELANDS. Grant in Western Reserve, Ohio. FORT MEIGS, Ohio. Early fort on Maumee R., Lucas Co. FREMONT, Ohio. City of Sandusky Co. 30 m. S.E. of Toledo. GAMBIER, 0. Village of Knoz Co. 5 m. E. of Mt. Vernon. GEAUGA Co.. 0. A county in the N.E. part of Ohio. JOHNSON'S Island, O. Island near Sandusky, northern 0., used as Civil War U. 8. prison. LAKE County, Ohio. County in the N.E. part of state. LEBANON, 0. County seat of Warren Co. 22 m. S. of Dayton. LITTLE MIAMI VALLEY, Ohio. Valley of S.W. part of state. MADISON township, 0. Township of Franklin Co. in central Ohio. MAUMEE Valley, Ohio. Valley of Maumee R. in northwestern Ohio. OHIO. A north central state of U. S. admitted 1802. OHIO valley. Watershed of Ohio R. in Ohio, Ind., 111. and Ky. PERRY County, 0. Co. in the S.E. central part of Ohio. RICHLAND COUNTY, 0. A Co. in N. central part of state. SAINT CLAIR, Fort, Preble Co., 0. Fort built 1791-2. TOLEDO, 0. City of Lucas Co. 92 m. W. of Cleveland. UNION VILLAGE, Ohio. A Shaker village of Warren Co. 4 m. W. of Lebanon. WASHINGTON COUNTY, Ohio. A Co. in the S.E. part of state bordering on W. Va. WESTERN RESERVE. N.E. section of Ohio reserved by Conn, when ceding western lands to U. 8. 1786. BIOGRAPHY. ALLEN, "Land Bill" (1809-91). Ohio advocate of "Homestead Bill." KODGE, Orlando John (b.1826). PERKINS, Henry Bishop (1824-1902). Ohio State senator. RIDDLE, Albert Gallatin (1816-1902). Ohio legislator, U. S. consul to Matanzas, writer. 258 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. TIFFIN, Edward (1766-1829). 0. Governor, IT. S. senator, surveyor-general of the Northwest. WILLIAMS, Isaac (1737-1820). Ohio Valley pioneer, Indian fighter, trapper. WORTHINGTON, Thomas (b.1773). Ohio pioneer. , OKLAHOMA. OKLAHOMA. A territory of the V. S. partitioned from Indian Territory, 1893. OREGON. BALL. John (b.1794). Oregon pioneer. BARLOW road, Oregon. Wagon road over the Cascade Mountains, built 1846. CRATER lake, Ore. Cascade Mt. lake. HOLDEN, Horace (b.1811). Oregon pioneer. TORY, James (b.1820). Oregon pioneer. MORROW County, Ore. Co. in north-central part of state. OREGON. A north Pacific state of IT. S. between Cal. and Oregon, admitted 1859. PORTLAND, Oregon. Seaport city of Mullnomah Co. 772 m. by rail from San Francisco. TJMATILLA County, Or. A northeastern Co. of the state. WARREN, Daniel Knight (b.1837). Oregon pioneer, State senator. PACIFIC ISLANDS. GUAM. The largest of Ladrone Islands, in Pacific, ceded to U. S. 1899. HAWAII. Group of islands in Pacific 2100 m. from TJ. S., annexed 1898. MARCUS Is. Island of Oceanica, between Hawaii and Philippines, belonging to XT. S. NEW NANTUCKET. A former name of Baker Island, Oceanica, acquired by XT. S. 1856. PACIFIC OCEAN. TTTTTJTLA, Samoa. PENNSYLVANIA. ALLENTOWN, Pa. City, Lehigh Co. on Lehigh r. 60 m. N. by W. from Philadelphia. BUFFALO VALLEY, Pa. CHESTER, Pa. A city of Delaware Co. 14 m. N.E. of Wilmington, Del. EASTON, Pa. City of Northampton Co. 67 m. N. of Philadelphia. GERMANTOWN, Pa. A former independent town, now annexed to Philadelphia. HARRISBURG, Pa. City, capital of Pennsylvania, 106 m. W. by N. of Philadelphia. LANCASTER County, Pa. A southeastern Co. of State bordering on Maryland. LANCASTER, Pa. Capital of Lancaster Co. 69 m. W. of Philadelphia. LEHIGH County, Pa. Eastern Co. of Pa. bordering on N. J. LEITSVILLE, Pa. Village of Northampton Co. LOWER MERION, Pa. Township forming southern part of Montgomery Co. MEADVILLE, Pa. City of Crawford Co. 36 m. S. of Erie. MERION, Pa. Village of Montgomery Co. 19 m. N.W. of Philadelphia. PENNSYLVANIA. An original Middle State of the U. S. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Third city of TT. S. on the Delaware R., 90 m. S.W. rf New York. PITTSBURGH, Pa. City in west of state, at confluence of Allegheny and Monongehala riven. PUTNAM, Pa. Township of Luzerne Co. in N.E. of state. SCHUYLKILL Valley. Valley of Schuylkill R., a tributary of the Delaware. SONS of St. Tammany of Philadelphia. Patriotic society of early origin. VALLEY FORGE, Pa. Village of Chester Co. 4 m. S.E. of Phoenixville a Revolutionary War camp. WASHINGTON COUNTY, Pa. A southwestern Co. of state, bordering on W. Va. WESTMORELAND County, Pa. A Co. in the S.W. part of state. WHISKEY rebellion. Uprising in Pennsylvania 1794. WILKES-BARRi, Pa. City of Luzerne Co. 154 m. by rail N. by W. of Philadelphia. WYOMING, Pa. A valley and Mt. section of N.E. Pa. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 258 BIOGEAPHY. ELDER, John (1799-ab.l879). Fenn. emigrant to Prince Gallitxin's district. KING, John C. Fa. German. LOGAN, James (1674-1751). Fa. Chief Justice, Governor, writer. MAGTTIRE, Luke (b.1796). Fennsylvania emigrant. MEIECKEN, (Mrs.) Feter (Snowden) (b.1777). Wife of Peter Meiroken, a merchant of Fhila. PENN, William (1644-1718). Founder of Fennsylvania. 8PICER, Jacob (fl.1751). 8TEELE, John Washington. WARDER. John (fl.1778). Philadelphia citizen, WI8TER, Sally (fl.1778). Quakeress. WOOD. George (fl.1682). uarby (Pa.) Quaker pioneer. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. AGUINALDO, Emilio (b.1870). Filipino insurrectionist against Spain and U. S. ALLEN, Henry T. (b.1859). Chief of Philippine constabulary. MANILA, Philippine Is. Chief city of Philippines and seat of Gov't, on Is. of Luzon. XESR.OS Is., P. I. Central island of the Philippine group. PHILIPPINE Islands. Group of the Malay Archipelago, acquired by IT. S., 1898. RIGAL, Jose (1861-96). Filipino physician, writer, insurrectionist. TAGALOG language. A language of the Philippine III. WRAY, James. Va. midshipman in British capture of the Philippines, 1762. PORTO RICO. PORTO RICO. West Indian island ab. 1000 m. E. by 8. of Florida, acquired by IT. 8. 1898. RHODE ISLAND. BRISTOL, R. I. Town, Bristol Co. 15 m. 8.8.E. of Providence. GOAT ISLAND, R. I. Island in Newport harbor. LONSDALE, R. I. Village of Providence Co. 7 m. N. of Providence. NARRAGANSETT Bay, R. I. Inlet of Atlantic in southern part of state. NEWPORT, R. I. City and Summer resort of Southern Rhode Island. PROVIDENCE, R. I. The northernmost Co. of R. I. RHODE ISLAND. An original N. E. state of U. 8. SQUANTTJK, R. I. Ancient name of Providence. WARREN, R. I. Village of Bristol Co. 10 m. S.S.E. of Provideno*. WILLIAMS, Roger (1599-1683). Mass, clergyman, founder of R. I., writer. SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLES, S. C. City of Charleston Co. 115 m. N.E. of Savannah. COLUMBIA, 8. C. City of Richmond Co., 130 m. N.N.W. of Charleston. HAMMOND, J. H. (1807-64). 8. C. journalist, Governor, TT. S. senator, writer. LOWNDE8, Wm. (1782-1822). S. C. planter, Congressman, writer. MoMASTER, George H. (1828-1902). S. C. merchant, toacher, legislator, writer. MANIGATTLT, Peter (1731-73). 8. C. colonial statesman. NEWRY, 8. C. A new mill town in foot hills of the Blue Ridge Mts. PELZER. S. C. Town of Anderson Co. in N.W. of state. ST. HELENA Island, 8. C. One of the sea-islands of Beaufort Co. SOUTH CAROLINA. An original South Atlantic state of the IT. S. 260 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. SOUTH DAKOTA. BLACK Hills. Mountains in 8.W. of South Dakota and N.E. of Wyoming. FORT PIERRE, 8. D. Village of Stanley Co. 2 m. S. by W. of Pierre. SOUTH DAKOTA. A northwestern state of the IT. S. admitted 13S9. TENNESSEE. CARROLL, William (1788-1844). Tenn. statesman and Governor, officer. CHESNEY, Pharaoh Jackson (b.1781). Tenn. pioneer. CROCKETT, David (1786-1836). Tenn. & Tex. soldier, pioneer, Congressman, writer. CUMBERLAND Association. Organization of Tenn. settlers, 1780. DAKDRIDGE, Tenn. Village of Jefferson Co. 30 m. E.K.E. of Knoxville. DAVIDSON County, Tenn. A north central Co. of state. MADISON COUNTY, Tenn. Western Co. of stats. NASHVILLE, Tenn. City, capital of state and of Davidson Co., north of center of state. ROANE, Archibald (1755-1818). Tenn. lawyer, judge, Governor. ROBERTS, Isaac (1754-1816). Tenn. pioneer, Brigadier Oener.il. RUSKIN COLONY, Tenn. and Ga. A socialistic cooperative experiment, 1894-1901. TENNESSEE. A S.E. central state of the U. S., admitted 1796. TROUSDALE, William (1790-1872). Tenn. lawyer, officer in war 1812, Seminole and Mexican wars, Gov. TEXAS. ALAMO. Fort at San Antonio, Tex., scene of siege and massacre March 6, 1836. BEAUMONT, Tex. County seat of Jefferson Co. 84 m. E. by N. from Houston. DALLAS, Tex. City and county seat of Dallas Co. on Trinity R. in northern Texas. FAYETTE COUNTY, Texas. Co. in S.E. part of state. GALVESTON, Tex. City and port of Galveston Co. about 550 m. W. by S. of New Orleans. HOUSTON, Sam (1793-1863). Tenn. lawyer, Governor, Congressman, 1st Pres. of republic of Texas. SAN FERNANDO de Bexar. Former name for San Antonio, Texas. SAN JACINTO. Closing battle of war for Texan Independence, 1836. SEELE, Hermann (1823-1902). Texas pioneer, teacher, lawyer and legislator. TEXAS. The south-westernmost of the Gulf states of U. S., admitted 1845. TRAVIS, William Barrett (18111-36). Ala. officer in Texan Revolution. UTAH. GREAT Salt Lake, Utah. Lake in the N.E. part of the Great Basin. UINTA Valley Indian reservation. Ute Indian reservation in Utah. UTAH. A western state of the U. S. between Col, and Nev., admitted 1896. VERMONT. BURLINGTON, Vt. City, county seat of Chittenden Co., on Lake Champlain. DEAN, Towne (1810-95). Vt. and Mass, physician. HARTFORD, Vt. Village in Hartford township, Windsor Co., 60 m. S. of Montpelier. LUDLOW, Vt. Village in Ludlow township, Windsor Co. 25 m. S.S.E. of Rutland. MONTPELIER, Vt. Capital of Vt. 40 m. E.S.E. of Burlington. NEWBURY, Vt. Village and township of Orange Co. 30 m. E.S.E. of Montpelier. ROCKINGHAM, Vt. Hamlet and township of Windham Co. 5 m. N. of Bellows Falls. 8HELBURNE, Vt. Village of Chittenden Co. 7 m. S. of Burlington. VERMONT. The northwesternmost of the New England states of the U. S., admitted 1791. WESTMINSTER.'Vt. Village of Windham Co. 4 m. below Bellowt Falls. WHITINGS ON AMKKICAN HISTORY 1902. VIRGINIA. ALEXANDRIA, Va. Town on Potomac 7m. below Washington, D. C. ALLEGHANY County, Va. A western Co. S.E. of Alleghany Mts. AUGUSTA COUNTY, Va. A western border Co. BACON'S Rebellion. Va. insurrection against Gen. Berkeley, 1676. CHARLES CITY County, Va. Co. in S.E. of state. FLOWERDEW Hundred, Charles County, Va. Estate granted Mrs. Elizabeth Stevens, 1636. GERMANNA. Va. A German settlement (1711), Orange Co., now extinct. GOOCHLAND County, Va. County in center of state. HAMPTON, Va. Capital of Elizabeth City Co. 15 m. N.N.W. of Norfolk. HENRY COUNTY, Va. Southern border Co. of Va. JAMES CITY, Va. Eastern Co. of Va. on James R. JAMES RIVER, Va. River flowing S.E. across Va. into Chesapeake Bay. JAMESTOWN, Va. Extinct town of James City Co. about 45 m. N.W. of Norfolk. KING and Queen County, Va. Co. in the E. part of Virginia. LOWER NORFOLK County, Virginia. MONTICELLO, Va. Estate of Thomas Jefferson, 3 m. S.E. of Charlottesville. MT. VERNON, Va. Estate of George Washington on the Potomac 15 m. below Washington city. NORFOLK, Va. City and port of Norfolk Co. 106 m. S.E. of Richmond. NORFOLK County, Va. County in S.E. part of state. NORTHAMPTON County, Va. A southeastern Co. of Virginia. NORTHUMBERLAND County, Va. An eastern Co. of Virginia. OCCANEECHEE Island, Va. Is. in Roanoke R. near Clarksville, Mecklenburg Co. PORTSMOUTH, Va. City and seaport of Norfolk Co. about 1 m. 8. W. of Norfolk. PRINCE Edward County, Va. Co. in S. part of state. PRINCESS Anne County, Va. Southeasternmost Co. of state. RICHMOND, Va. Capital city of Va. on James R. about 100 m. S. by W. from Washington. RICHMOND COUNTY, Va. A Co. in the E. part of state. SPOTTSYLVANIA County, Va. County in N.E. part of state. SURRY County, Va. Co. in the S.E. part of state. TAZEWELL County, Va. Southwestern Co. of state. VAWTERS Church, Madison Co., Va. VIRGINIA. An original Atlantic state of U. S. between Maryland and North Carolina. VIRGINIA company. English colonizing corporation. WESTMORELAND County, Va. A Co. in the E. part of state. WILLIAM8BURG, Va. Town of James City Co. about 50 m. E.S.E. of Richmond. YORK County, Va. An eastern Co. of state on Chesepeake Bay. YORKTOWN, Va. Village of York Co. 36 m. N.N.W. of Norfolk. BIOGRAPHY. BUR WELL, Lewis (1621-53). Va. emingrant, colonial officer, planter. CARTER, Robert (fl.1773). Virginia planter, "King's Councillor." FAIRFAX, George William (fl.1747). Va. surveyor. GORDON, James (d.1768). Va. merchant and officer. HARVEL, John (fl.1630). Va. Governor. MONTAGUE, Andrew Jackson (b.1862). Va. Attorney-General, Governor. MULLER, Adam (b.about 1700). Va. settler of Shenandoah Valley. NICHOLSON, Francis (fl.l'.OO). Va. and Md. Governor. POWELL, Leven (fl.1787). Virginian. SHEPHERD, David (d. about 1795). Va. pioneer, Indian fighter. SMITH, Captain John (1579-1631). Explorer, founder of Virginia, writer. WASHINGTON. CHELAN Lake. Wash, lake among Cascade Mts. SEATTLE, Wash. City of King Co. 22 m. N.N.E. of Tacoma. TACOMA, Wash. Seaport city of Pierce Co. WASHINGTON (State). A Pacific state of the U. S. admitted 1850. YAKIMA County, Wash. Co. in the central part of state. 262 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. WEST VIRGINIA. FAIRFAX stone. Monument erected 1746, boundary of Fairfax est,, later of West Va. and Hd. KANAWHA COUNTY, W. Va. A western Co. of state on great Kanawha R. KANAWHA VALLEY, W. Va. Watershed of Great Kanawha R. MONONGALIA County, W. Va. A northern Co. of state, borders on Pennsylvania. POCOHONTAS Co., W. Va. An eastern county of the state. POINT Pleasant (W. Va.). Battle between Va. troops of Lord Dunmore and Indians, Oct. 10. 1774. ROUND BOTTOM, W. Va. Hamlet of Wayne Co. 10 m. from Hunting-ton. SHEPHERD, Thomas (d.1776). English settler of Mecklenburg, now Shepherdstown, W. Va. WARWICK, Jacob (1744-1826). Pioneer of West Va., Indian scout. WEST VIRGINIA. Aa E. central state of the U. 8., admitted 1863. WISCONSIN. COLMAN, Charles L. (1826-1901;. Wis. manufacturer, V. P. Wis. Hist. Soc. FOND DU LAC, Wis. City of Fond du Lao Co. 63 m. N.N.W. of Milwaukee. JOHNSON, John A. (1832-1901). Wis. pioneer, State senator, philanthropist. LA FOLLETTE, Robert Marion (b.1855). Wis. lawyer, Congressman, Governor. MENOMONIE, Wis. County seat of Dunn Co. 25 m. W. by E. of Eau Claire. MILWAUKEE, Wis. City of Milwaukee Co. on Lake Michigan 85 m. N. of Chicago. ST. CROIX COUNTY, Wis. Co. in W. part of Wisconsin bordering on Minnesota. SHEBOYGAN County, Wis. Co. in E. part of state. SPOONER, John Coit (b.1843). Wis. lawyer, officer in Civil War, U. 8. senator. TWO Rivers, Wis. Village of Manitowoo Co. 7 m. N.E. of Manitowoo. WAUKESHA County, Wis. Co. in the 8.E. part of state. WINNEBAGO Couuty, Wis. Co. in E. central part of state. WISCONSIN. A northern state of U. S. on the Great Lakes, admitted 1848. WYOMING. CHEYENNE, Wyoming. Town of Laramie Co. 106 m. N. of Denver. YELLOWSTONE PARK. National Park at the N.W. corner of Wyoming. WYOMING. A western state of U. S., admitted 1890. BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. A CADI A. Original name of Nova Scotia and neighborhood. ANNAPOLIS County, Nova Scotia. A southwestern Co. on bay of Fundy. ASSINIBOINE Mt. Mountain in southwestern Canada. ATHABASCA River, Canada. Stream flowing N.W. into Athabasca Lake. BECANCOUR, Can. Town of Quebec 80 m. S.W. of oity of Quebec. BERMUDA Islands. British islands off U. S coast, 580 m. S.E. of Cape Hatteras. BRITISH Columbia. Southwestern province of Dominion of Canada. CAMPO BELLO, N. B. Island of New Brunswick, in Bay of Fundy. CANADA, Dominion of. A federal union of British possessions in N. A. CARLETON, Canada. Village of Bonaventiere Co., Quebec, 6 m. N.E. of Dalhousie, N. B. CHIGNECTO Isthmus. Isthmus joining Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. DOURO, Ontario. A township of Ontario. DRUMBO, Ont. Village of Oxford Co. 23 m. E.S.E. of Stratford. ESTERHAZ. Canada. A Hungarian colony. FORT ERIE. Early fortification, at eastern end of Lake Erie. FRASER RIVER, Canada. River of British Columbia flowing into Pacific Ocean. FREDERICTON, N. B. City and port. 60 m. N.N.W. of St. John. FRENCH Canadian language. Variety of French spoken in Canada. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 263 FRONTENAC, Can. Former name of Kingston, Canada. FUNDY, Bay of. Inlet of the Atlantic, separating Nova Scotia from New Brunswick. HABITANTS, La Compagnie des. INTENDANTS. Canadian colonial officials, next to governors and bishops. KINGSTON, Canada. City of Ontario at outlet of Lake Ontario, 172 m. \V. of Montreal. KLONDIKE. Auriferous region in Yukon District, Canada. LABRADOR. Peninsula on the E, coast of British North America. LA SUETTE. District of province of Quebec. LAUZON, Canada. Town on St. Lawrence opposite Quebec. LOUISBOURG, Can. French fortification on Cape Breton, captured by British, 1768. LYTTON, British Columbia. Town on the Fraser R. 57 m. from Yale. MANITOBA. Province of Canada, adjoining Minn, and N. Dakota. MANITOULIN Is. Island in northern part of Lake Huron, belonging to Ontario, Can. MONTREAL, Canada. City of the province of Quebec 180 m. S.W. of Quebec. NEW BRUNSWICK, Canada. An eastern Maritine province of the Dominion cf Canada. NELSON River, Canada. River of western Canada, connecting L. Winnipeg and Hudson Bay. NEWFOUNDLAND. Large island in Atlantic 0. at mouth of Gulf of St. Lawrence, a British Colony. NEWFOUNDLAND Fishing Banks. Submarine plateaus along coast of Newfoundland. NISSOURI, Ontario. Village in Oxford Co. 8 m. N. of Thamesford. NOOTKA Sound Episode. British-Spanish clash in Vancouver Is. -.89-90. NOVA SCOTIA. The most easterly maritime province of the Dominion of Canada. ONTARIO. Province of Canada bounded by Ottawa and St. Lawrence rivers and Great Lakes. ORLEANS Island, Canada. Island about 100 m. long in St. Lawrence R. 35 m. below Quebeo. PRESCOTT, Ontario. A town of Ontario, on St. Lawrence R. 54 m. S. of Ottawa. PRINCE Edward Island. A province of the Dominion of Canada, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. QUEBEC, Can. A province of Canada on the St. Lawrence R. and its capital. RED RIVER SETTLEMENT, Canada. Agricultural community in southern Manitoba. SABLE Is. Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia island in the Atlantic, 90 m. S.E. of Cape Canso. ST. ANDREWS island, Nova Scotia. SAINT-ANTOINE DE TILLY, Canada. Town of Quebec on St. Lawrence R. about 100 m. above city of SAINT-JEAN Port-Joli. Village and parish on the St. Lawrence 71 m. N.E. of Quebec. ST. JOHN, N. B. City of St. John Co. on Bay of Funday, 190 m. N.W. of Halifax. ST. LAWRENCE. River flowing out of Lake Ontario N.W. into Gulf of St. Lawrence. SAINT Liquori, Canada. Village in Montcalm Co.. Quebec, 39 m. N. of Montreal. SAINT-PATRICE de Beaurivage. Parish of province of Quebec. SAINT Pierre and Miquelon islands. French Islands near southern shore of Newfoundland. BAINT-RiGIS (Canada). Jesuit Indian mission (1758) on the St. Lawrence. SAINTE-ANNE de la Ferade, Can. Village 55 m. W. by N. of Quebec'. SALT Spring Island, B. C. Island, Strait of Georgia, ab. 10 m. N. of Victoria. THOUSAND Islands. Group of islands in St. Lawrence R. ab. 25 m. below Lake Ontario. THREE Rivers, Canada. City of Quebec on St. Lawrence 90 m. S.W. of city of Quebeo. UPPER Canada Rebellion. Canadian disturbance 1837-9. WENTWORTH County, Ont. Co. of Ontarion, situated at the head of Lake Ontario. BIOGRAPHY. ARCHIBALD, Sir Adams George (1814-1892). Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia. BAILLARGi, Pierre-Florent (1761-1812). Canadian architect, Treas. of Quebec, journalist. BARRIN, Rowland-Michel (1693-1756). Marquis de la Galissoniere, administrator of Canada, 1747. BEGON, Michel, 4th (ab. 1674-1740). Intendant of Canada, 1712-26. BIGOT, M. Canadian Intendant. BLACK, John (fl.1807). Quebeo deputy. BOUCHETTE, Robert Shore Milnes. Canadian customs commissioner. BOUTEROUE, Claude de (fl.1668). Intendant of New France. CHATELETS, Noel Juchereau, Sieur des (d.1648). French Canadian colonist. CHAUSSEGROS DE LERY, Louis Rene (b.1762). Canadian officer. CUTHBERT, Jacques. Seigneur de Berthier. Canadian legislator. D'IBERVILLE, Pierre Le Moyne (d.1706). Canadian naval officer. DE MUELLES, Jacques (fl.1682). Intendant of Canada, 1682-6. DiNCHAUD, Claude (d.1836). Canadian deputy. DENISON, Geo. Taylor (b.1839). Lieut. Governor of Canada. DE RIGAUVILLE, Nicolas des Bergeres (fl. 1695-1718). French Canadian officer. DES BERGiRES, Raymond-Blaise (ab. 1657-1711). Canadian Friend, Colonial officer. DORCHESTER (Lord). Canadian Governor. 264 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. DUFFERIN, Lord (b.1826). Governor-General of Canada. DUPONT, Nicolas, Sieur de Neuville (fl.1609). Officer of France in Canada. DURAND, Louis (1670-1702+) . Canadian voyageur. DURHAM, John George Lambton, Earl of U~92-1840). Governor-General of Canada. FINLAY, Hugh (fl.1774). Pioneer official in Canadian and colonial postal system. FORTIER, Richard Achille (1803-70). Canadian physician. FOUCHER. Canadian judge. FREMONT, Jules-Joseph-Taschereau (1355-1902). Canadian lawyer and Professor. FRONTENAC, Louis de Buade, Comte de (1620-98). Governor of Canada. GABOTJRY, Maria Anne (fl.1807). Settler in Manitoba. GIFFARD, Robert (9.1658). Founder of Beauport, Canada. GIROD, Amury (fl.1837). Canadian author and General. GRANDMAISON (fl. 1759-74). Canadian, active in Acadian affairs. HARDINGE, Henry (b.1785). British officer served in Canada. HERRIOT, Frederic-George (1766-1843). Canadian general, founder of Drummondville. JOLIETTE, B. Founder of the town of Joliette. LAURIER, Sir Wilfrid (b.1841). Premier of Canada. LE BEAU, Claude (fl.1738). Frenchman exiled to Canada, writer. Li; VIS, Francois G. (1720-87). French officer in Quebec expedition. LEVY, Henri (1596-1680). Duke of Ventadour, Viceroy of Canada. LISTER, Justice (1843-1902). Ontario Judge of the Court of Appeal. MONTCALM, Louis Joseph, Marquis de (1712-59). Commander of the French troops in Canada. PERRATJLT, Jean-Baptiste Olivier (1773-1827). Canadian judge. PETERS, Arthur (fl.1902). Premier of Prince Edward Island. PLAMONDON, Louis (fl.1830). French Canadian lawyer. PRESCOTT, Robert (d.1815). Governor of Canada 1796-99. RIGATTVILLE, Jean-Maria des Borgeres (b.17.20). ROUTH. Randolph-Isham (1782-1858). British Gen. in Canada. SAINT-REAL, J. R. Vallieres (fl.1834). French Canadian judge. STRATHCONA, Donald Alexander Smith (b.1820), Lord. Canadian statesman. TASCHERAU, Anthony Charles (d.1882). Canadian deputy. TASCHEREAXT, Thomas Jacques (d,1749). Prominent French Canadian. TASCHEREATJ, Gabriel-Elzear (1745-1809). Canadian statesman. VANSITTART, Ralph (fl.lSGl). Member Canadian Parliament. YOUNG, Frederick (b.1817). Canadian statesman. WEST INDIES. BAHAMA Islands. British group E. of Florida, N.E. of Cuba. BiGON, Michel, 3rd (1638-1710). Intendant of the French Antilles, 1683-5. CARIBS. West Indian race, now in Cent, and S. A. along Carribean Sea. CTJRACAO. Dutch W. I. island, 75 m. north of Venezuela. DANISH West. Indies. St. Thomas and smaller islands ab. 15 m. E. of Porto Rico. HAITI. West Indies Isl. betw. Cuba and Porto Rico, containing republics of Haiti and San Domingo. JAMAICA. British West India Is. 90 m. S. of Cuba. MARTINIQUE. French West Indian Island, in the Lesser Antilles. SANTO Domingo. A West Indian republic occupying eastern end of Is. of Haiti. WEST INDIES. System of Islands in Atlantic extending from Florida to N. ooast of S. A. WEST INDIES, Danish. Several islands east of Porto Rico, belonging to Denmark. WINDWARD and Leeward Us. Descriptive names of two groups of the Lesser Antilles, West Indies. CUBA. BAYAMO, Cuba. A town in east part of Cuba 60 m. S.S.W. of Santiago. CUBA. Island republic, 130 m. south of Florida. HAVANA. Capital city of Cuba, on northwest coast. ISLE of Pines, Cuba. West Indian island 50 m. S. of Cuba. PALMA, Tomas Estrada (fl.1902). First President of Cuba. WHITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. 265 LATIN AMERICA. LATIN America. Portions of America inhabited chiefly by Latin races. PAK-AKERICAK CONGRESS. Congress held in City of Mexico, 1901-2. PAN AMERICANISM. Movement for close relations between various coor.trica of America. SPANISH AMERICA. Portion of Central and South America principally peopled by Spaniards. SPANISH-AMERICAN Congress, Madrid 1900. MEXICO AZTECS. Early inhabitants of Mexico. CHIAPAS. State of southern Mexico. CHIHUAHUA, Mexico. A northern border state. CONCEPCION del Oro. Mexico. DIAZ, Porflrio. President of Mexico since 1876. JUAREZ, Benito (1806-72). President of Mexico, 1865-6. MEXICO. Republic of southern N. A. bounded by U. S., Atlantic, Guatemala, and Pacific. TABASCO, Mexico. State in south of Mexico. YUCATAN. Peninsular state of southeastern Mexico. CENTRAL AMERICA. CENTRAL America. Portion of N. A. between isthmuses of Panama and Tehuantepec. GUATEMALA. A republic of Central America. ISTHMIAN Canal. Proposed canal joining Gulf of Mexico and Pacific Ocean. NICARAGUA. A republic of Central America, between Honduras and Costa Rica, Atlantic and Pacific ocean. SOUTH AMERICA. ANDES. Mountain range along west coast of South America. ARGENTINE Republic, S. A. South American state on S. Atlantic coast. BRAZIL, S. A. Republic of South America on the Atlantic coast. BRITISH GUIANA, S. A. A territory of Gt. Britain on N. coast of South America. BOLIVIA, S. A. Republic lying inland between Brazil, Argentine, Chile and Peru. BUENOS AYRES, Arg. Rep., S. A. Capital of Argentine Republic and chief city of S. A. CARACAS, Venezuela. Capital city, 16 m. S.S.E. from the seaport, La Guayra. CASTRO, Ciprano (fl.1902). President of Venezuela. CHILE, S. A. Republic on Pacific, extending from Peru to Cape Horn. COLOMBIA, S. A. Northwestern Republic of S. A., adjoining Central America. ECUADOR. State of South America on west coast. FRENCH GUIANA, S. A. French colony on Atlantic coast of northern S. A., adjoining Brazil. MAGELLAN STRAIT. Strait separating Patagonia, S. A. , from Tierra del Fuego. ORINOCO R. River of Venezuela, S. A., flowing E. by N. into Atlantic. PARAGUAY. An interior republic of South America, between Brazil and Argentine. PATAGONIA. Extensive region comprising the S. extremity of South America. PERU. Republic of South America on Pacific between Ecuador and Chile. RIO GRANDE DO SUL, Brazil. A state in the extreme of Brazil. ^ SANTA Catharina, Brazil. A state of southern Brazil. SOUTH AMERICA. Southern continent of the Western Hemisphere. TIERRA del Fuego. Large group of islands at the 8. extremity of S. A. VENEZUELA. A republic occupying the N.E. portion of South America. VINCENT PINZON river, 8. A. River of northeastern 8. A. J>6 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC. ANTARCTIC regions. South polar oontinent( ?)and ocean. ARCTIC regions. North polar land and ocean. GREENLAND. An extensive region or island on the N.E. of North America, belonging to Denmark. KANE, Elisha Kent (1820-57). Fhila. surgeon in V. S. navy, Arctic explorer. PEARY, Robert Edwin (b.1856). XT. 8. naval officer, Arctic explorer. PREHISTORIC TIMES AND INDIANS. ** AMERICANISTS. Students of primitive Am. affairs. ANTIQUITIES. Remains of ancient peoples. BASKETRY. Art of basket making. CLIFF dwellers. COPPER relics (V. 8.). Primitive implements made of copper. DOUBLE headed serpent (Am. Arch.). Symbolic figure among Am. Indians. GORGETS (Indian). MOKONK Indian Conference. Annual conference at L. Mohonk, N. Y., in interest of the Indians. MOUNDS, Indian. Prehistoric Am. monuments. ORENDA (Iroquois word). An occult power. POTTERY (Indian). Clay wares fixed by firing. PYRAMIDS, Ancient monuments in pyramid form. QUETZAL. Sacred bird of Central America, a Phoenix or Sun-bird. SEQUOYA League. A "league to make better Indians," founded 1902. SPUDS (Indian). TOMAHAWK PIPES (or War hatchets). INDIANS, SPECIAL TRIBES. ABENAKIS Indians. Algonauian tribe of Canada and Maine. ABITIBI Indians. Hudson Bay tribe. AINOS. Aboriginal race of northern Japan. ALGONKINS. Indian tribes including Ottawa, Delaware, etc. BELLA COOLA Indians. A tribe of British Columbia. CARRIERS Indians ( -Cacullies or Cakalis or Cakhelhne). A tribe of Rocky Mts. Indians of the Dene family. CHEROKEE Indians. Tribe of Maskoki stock of S. Eastern U. 8., now in Ind. Ter. CHEYENNE Indians. A tribe of Algonquian stock in western U. S. CREE Indians. An Algonauian tribe. CREEK Indians. Tribe of Maskoki stock of Ga. and Ala. now in Ind. Ter. DAKOTA Indians. Siouan tribe, of region west of Miss. R. ESKIMO. Tribes of Polar Indians. HAIDA Indians. Residents of Queen Charlotte Island, British Columbia. HOPI Indians. Pueblo tribe of Shoshonean stock of Northern Arizona. HURON Indians. French name for Wyandots, Iroquois tribe of Canada, later of Kansas. INDIANS, Am. Aboriginal inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere. IROQUOIS Indians. A confederacy of related tribes along St. Lawrence R. KEKCHI Indians. A Maiyan tribe of Gautemala. KIOWA Indians. Roving tribe of western plains, now naturalized citizens of Florida. KOOTENAY Indians. A group of related tribes along the Montana-British Colvmbia border. MAIDU Indians. A group of tribes in northern Cal. MOHAVE Indians. A Yuman tribe of the lower Colorado R. basin. MOHAWK Lndians. Leading tribe of the Iroquois Confederacy, occupying lower Mohawk R. valley, N, Y. MOKI (Moqui or Hopi) Indians. Pueblo tribe of Arizona. NAVAHO (or Navajo) Indians. An Athapascan tribe of New Mexico and Arizona. OGALALA Indians. A branch of the Sioux, Pine ridge reservation. OJIBWA (or Chippewa) Indians. The largest Algonauian tribe, of the Grea: Lake region. OMAHA Indians. A Siouan tribe of Nebraska. ONONDAGA Indians. A tribe of the Iroquoi* Confederacy of N. Y. state. 08AGE Indians. A Siouan tribe of the plains between Arkansas and Missouri rivers, now in Okl. OTTAWA Indians. An Algonauian tribe of the eastern Great Lakes region WRITINGS ON AMK1UCAN HISTORY 1002. 267 OUABACHE Indian!. PASSAMAQUODY INDIANS. A small Algong.uian tribe of Maine and New Brunswick. PEQUOT INDIANS. An Algonquian tribe of Conn, and R. I. POMO Indians. A linguistic group of California tribes. PUEBLO INDIANS. Village (Spanish Pueblo) or semi-oivilized Indians of southwestern U. S. SEMINOLE Indians. A branch of the Creek tribes, formerly of Fla.. now of Ind. Ter. SENECA Indians. A tribe of the Six Nations of N. Y. state. SHAWNEE Indians. An Algonquian tribe S. of E. and S.E. of V. S., now of Indian Territory. SIOUX (or Dakota) Indians. A collection or race of Indians of Dakota, Neb., and Wyoming. SKOKOMICH Indians. A tribe of British Colombia. STANDING ROCK Indians. Indians living on Standing Rock Ind. Reservation, N. and S. Dakota. SUSQUEHANNAS (or Conestogas). An extinct tribe of Indians, tnce inhabiting land on the Susquehanna R. TONKA WA Indians. A Texan tribe of cannibals. WAPANAKI Indians. YOWANNE (or Hiowanni) Indians. A branch of the Choctaws. BIOGRAPHY. BRANT, Joseph (1742-1807). N. Y. Indian chief, British ally in Am. Rev. FONTANELLE, Logan (d.1856). Omaha Indian. GUESS, George (1771-1840). Cherokee Indian, inventor of the Cherokee alphabet, educator. HIAWATHA (late 16th cent.) Indian. Founder of Confederacy of the Five Nations. MAHTOTOHPA (fl.1832). Second chief of the Mandan Indians. PONTIAC (ab.1720-69). Ottawa Indian Chief. WANNALANCET (d.1696). Last Sachem of the Herrimack River Indians, friend to the early colonists. INDIAN WARS. BLACK HAWK War. War with Sac and Fox Indians, 1832. BLACK Warrior (River) expedition. Exp. of Creek war, 1813-14. CHEROKEE War. A war between British and Cherokee Indians of Tenn., 1760-61. DANCING Rabbit treaty. Treaty with Choctaws at Dancing- Rabbit Creek, Noxubee Co., Miss., 1830. DUNMORE war. War 1774 by Penn., Va. and 0. settlers against Indians. EMUCKFAU (Ala.). Creek War battle, Jan. 21, 1814. FALLEN Timbers (Ohio). Indian War battle, Aug. 20, 1794. HANSON'S Mill. A fortified place near Fort Mims at time of Indian massacre. INDIAN wars. Wars between Indians and the U. S. KING Philip's War. N. E. Indian war, 1675- LITTLE BIG HORN R. (Mont.). Sioux Indian war battle, May 15, 1876. MIMS FORT, Ala. Fort 35 m. N. of Mobile, scene of Indian massacre, Aug. 30, 1813. MOUNTAIN Meadow (Utah). Massacre of emigrants to Cal. by Indians incited by Mormons, 1857. PAWNEE Indians war 1859. POWDER River (Neb.). Massacre of 1866. SPIRIT Lake massacre. TUSCARORA war in N. C. 1711-' 13. DISCOVERY, EXPLORATION AND COLONIZATION. BRADDOCK, Edw. (1695-1755). Gen. French and Indian War, defeated July 9,1755. CAMPBELL, Duncan (1703-58). British officer in French and Indian War. j, CHAMPLAIN, Samuel de (1567-1635). French navigator. CLARK, George Rogers (1752-1318). Va. officer and Indian fighter. CLARK, William (1770-1838). Va. Indian fighter, explorer of Northwest, Gov. of Louisiana Ter. COLONIAL period. History of Am. to tha War of Independence. COLUMBUS, Christopher (144S or 7-1506). Discoverer of America. DE SOTO, Fernando (b. about 1496). Spanish discoverer of Mississippi R. DRAKE, Francis (ab. 1545-95). Explorer, Vice-Admiral British Navy. D'YRUJO, Carlos Martinez (b.1763). Spanish opponent of the Louisiana purchase. DWIGHT, Nathaniel (1711-84). Mass, colonial officer in French and Indian War. FISHER, Lydia (b.1654). Dedham (Mass.) patriot, caretaker of Regicides at Old Hadley. FRENCH and Indian War. Struggle between France and Ei'.sUnd in Am. 1754-1763. 268 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. GROSEILLIERS (fl.1652). French explorer and trader in Northwest. HARMON, Johnson (fl.1724). Mass, colonial officer, Indian fighter. HAY WARD, Nicholas (fl.1652). London merchant. HAZLETINE, John (1702-77). Mass, and Vermont pioneer, patriot, officer in French and Indian War. HIGGINSON, Nathanael (b.1652). N. . Governor of Madras. HOPE, Sir William (fl.1732). British writer. HUDSON, Henry, or Hendrik (ab. 1575-1611). English navigator, discoverer Hudson Bay. JOLLIET, Louis (d.1700). French Canadian explorer and officer. "LA WHENCE." Halifax privateer vessel, 1757. LEWIS, Meriwether (1774-1809). Explorer, Governor of Louisiana. MONTEJO, Francisco de (ab.1479-ab.1549). MONTBESON, John (fl.1764). British chief of engineers in America. NORSEMEN in America. Pre-Columbian discovery by Norwegians. PEABODY, Francis (d.1771). Pioneer in Nova Scotia, officer in French and Indian War. PLOUGH Company (or Co. of Husbandiers). Dissenter Colonists, 1G30. REGICIDES. Judges who condemned Charles II., refugees in America. PONCE de Leon, Juan (ab. 1460-1521). Spanish explorer, discoverer of the coast of Florida. PRESTON, Thomas (fl.1769). Captain, RADISSON. Peter Esprit (fl.1652). French explorer and trader in Northwest. SAINT-DENIS, Joseph-Charles Juchereau de (b.1696). French Canadian pioneer in Louisiana. SAINT DENIS, Louis Juchereau de. (b.1676). French pioneer on the Miss. R. SILLERY, Noel Brulart de (1577-1640). French minister of state. TOSCANELLI, Paolo del Pozzo (1397-1482). TOWNSHEND (fl.1760). British general in Canada. VE8PUCIUS, Americus (1452-1512). Italian navigator sent by Spain and Portugal to America. WOLFE, James (1787-59). British General, the capturer of Quebec. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. AMERICAN Revolution. War for independence against Great Britain 1776 (1776) -83. BOSTON Siege. Shutting up of British in B., 1775-6. BOSTON tea party. Destruction of tea cargoes by patriots in disguise of Indians, 1773. BRANDYWINE (Pa.). Revolutionary battle Sept. 11, 1777. CEDARS, Can. Revolutionary engagement, May 19, 1776. COOCH'S Bridge, Delaware. Revolutionary skirmish, 1777. COWPENS N. C.). Revolutionary battle, Jan. 17, 1781. DECLARATION of Independence. Declaration of the Am. colonies July 4, 1776. FRENCH treaty of Feb. 8, 1778. Treaty of alliance with the Am. Colonies. FRIENDLY SONS of St. Patrick. A Fhila. Society in Revolutionary times. HARLEM (N.Y.). Revolutionary battle, Sept. 16, 1778. HESSIANS. German soldiers hired by British in the Revolutionary War. HOBKIRK'S Hill (S.C.). Revolutionary battle, Auril 25, 1781. LIBERTY Bell. The bell which hung in Continental Hall, Philadelphia, July 4, 1776. LOYALISTS (Tories). The American supporters of the king- in the Am. Revolution. FAOLI (Pa.) massacre. Attack of British upon Am. encampment, Am. Revolution, Sept. 20, 1777. "PEGGY, Stewart." Brig burned at Annapolis. RAMSOUR'S Mill, N. C. Revolutionary battle, June 20, 1780. YORKTOWN, Va. Revolutionary War siege, October, 1781. BIOGRAPHY. ADAMS, Alicia (Mrs. William Lawrence) (b.1767). Conn, bethrothed of Nathan Hale. ALLEN, Ethan (1737-89). Vt. officer in American Revolution. ANDRE, John (1751-80). British major in Am. Revolution. ARNOLD, Benedict (1741-1801). Brigadier-general in Am. Rev. BAILEY, John (1730-1810). Mass, officer in Am. Revolution. BARNEY, Joshua (1759-1818). Am. naval officer in Am. Revolution. BARRY, John (1746-1903). Am. Commodore in Am. Revolution. BEDEL, Timothy (ab. 1736-87). N. H. officer in French and Indian War and Am. Revolution. BUTLER, Zebulon (1731-95). Conn, officer in French and Indian War and Am. Revolution. CARROLL, Charles (1737-1832). Md. signer of the Declaration of Independence. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 269 CATEECHE. S. C. Indian girl, heroine in the Am. Revolution. CHABOT (fl.1776). French Canadian officer of British army, Am. Revolution. CHRISTIAN, Henry (d. about 1805). Va. Captain in Am. Revolution. CILLEY, Joseph (1735-99). N. H. officer in Am. Revolution. CLYMER, George (1739-1813). Pa. signer of the Declaration of Independence, public man. COLEMAK, Samuel (fl.1780). Soldier. CRAIK, James (1730-1814). Va. surgeon in French and Indian and Rev. war*. CRUGER, John Harris (fl.1776). N. Y. loyalist, Br. officer in Am. Rev. DE KALB, Baron (fl.1776). French officer iu American army, Revolutionary War. DICKINSON, John (d.1799), Va. pioneer Indian fighter, officer in Am. Revolution. DUNCAN, Henry. Officer U. S. Navy in Am. Revolution. EVANS, Israel (1747-1807). N. H. Congregational clergyman, chaplain in Am. Revolution. FAY, Jonas (1737-1818). Vt. surgeon in Am. Revolution, judse. FELLOWS, Moses (b.1755). N. H. soldier in Am. Revolution. FENTRESS, James (1763-1543). Tenn. pioneer, officer in Am. Revolution. FORREST, Richard (b.1736). Va. General in Am. Rev., early citizen of Dist. of Columbia. FRANKLIN, Benjamin (1706-90). Philada. printer, diplomat, writer. FRANKS, David Salisbury. Officer in Am. Revolution. GALLOWAY, Joseph (1731-1803). Pa. loyalist, lawyer, writer. GALVAN (Major) (d.lT82). French officer in Am. Revolution. GERRY, Elbridge (1744-1814). Mass, signer of the Declaration of Independence. GREENE, Nathaniel (1742-86). R. I. General in Am. Revolution. GTJNBY, John (1745-1807). Officer in Am. Revolution. HALE, Nathan (1755-76). Conn, officer in Am. Revolution. HALL, Amos (b.1761). N. Y. officer in Am. Revolution. HALL, Lyman (1724-90). Conn, signer of Declaration of Independence. HAMILTON, Alexander (1757-1804). N. Y. statesman, officer in Am. Rev., first Sec. of Treasury. HANCOCK, John (1737-93). First Gov. of Mass., signer of the Declaration of Independence. HARRISON, Benjamin (1726-91). Va. Governor, signer Declaration of Independence. HAZLEWOOD, John (ab. 1726-1800). Commodore of Penn. navy in Am. Revolution. HEATH, William (1737-1814). Mass. General in Am. Revolution, State senator. HENRY, Patrick (1736-99). Va. Governor, signer of tho Declaration of Independence. HIGGINSON, Thomas Wentworth (b.1823). Mass, clergyman, writer. HINTON, John (d.1784). N. C. officer in Am. Revolution. HOPKINSON, Francis (1737-1791). Fa. judge, signer .Declaration of Independence, writer. HOWE, Lord George Augustus (1727-58). British Brigadier-General in Am. Revolution. INGHAM, Jonas. Fenn. officer in Am. Revolution. IRVING, Washington (1783-1859). N. Y. writer, Sec. XT. S. Legation at London, minister to Spain. JAY, John (1745-1829). Fres. Continental Congress, 1st Chief Justice of V. S. Supreme court. TONES, Gabriel (1724-1806). Va. lawyer, member of Continental Congress, state legislator. JONES, John Paul (1747-92). Va. naval officer in Am. Revolution. JOYNES, Levin (1753-94). Va. officer in Am. Revolution, State senator. KELLEY, Moses (fl.1775). N. H. pioneer and officer in Am. Rev. KIRBY, Ephraim (1757-1804). Conn, and Ala. soldier in Am. Revolution, judge, publicist. KNOX, Henry (1750-1806). N. E. officer in Am. Revolution, Secretary of War. LACEY, John (1755-1841). Pa. and N. J. politician, Brig. -Genera! in Am. Rev., manufacturer. LAFAYETTE, Marquis (1757-1834). French General in Am. Revolution. LAT7RENS, Henry (1724-92). Pres. of the Carolina Congr. 1775, delegate to Continental Congr. 1777. LAUREN8, John (1753-82). S. C. officer in Am. Revolution, secretary to lien. Washington. LEE, Charles (1731-82). General in Am. Revolution. LEE, Francis Lightfoot (1734-97). Va. signer of the Declaration of Independence. LEE, Richard Henry (1732-94). Va. proposer and signer of the Declaration of Independence. LTJDLOW, Cornelius (1728 or 9-1812). N. J. officer in Am. Revolution. MARIE ADELAIDE, Duchesse de Chartres (fl.1776). Wife of "Philippe EgaJite," and supporter of Ameri- MATLACK, Timothy (1730-1829). Pa. Revolutionary officer, Continental Congressman. MATOON, (Mrs.) Mary (Dickinson). (1758-1835). Revolutionary matron. MAZZEI, Filippo (b.1730). European Agent of Va. during Am. Revolution. MILLER, William Turner (fl.1775). R. I. Colonel in Am. Revolution. MORGAN, Daniel (ab. 1733-1802). Va. General in Am. Revolution, Congressman. MORGAN, George (1742-1810). Officer in Am. Revolution, 1st IT. S. Indian Commissioner, writer. MORRIS, Mary White (fl.1767). Wife of Robert Morris. MORRIS, Robert (1734-1806). Sifner of Declaration of Independence, financier of Am. Revolution, 270 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. MORTON, John (1724-77). Signer of the Declaration of Independence. KURRELL. William (b.1740). B. C. merchant, officer in Am. Revolution. NEILSON, John (1745-1833). N. J. officer in Am. Revolution, member Continental Congress 1778-9. O'BRIEN, Jeremiah (1744-1818). Captain in the navy in Am. Revolution. OTJRY, Eve (d.1848). Revolutionary War heroine of Fort Hannastown, Pa. PAGAN, Robert (1750-1821). Me. loyalist, merchant, Nova Scotian judge and legislator. PAINE, Edward (1746-1841). Ohio pioneer, officer in Am. Revolution. PERCY, Hugh (1742-1817). British officer in Am. Revolution. FINCKNEY, Charles Cotesworth (1746-1825). S. C. officer in Am. Rev., minister to France, Senator. POOR, Enoch (1733-80). N.E. officer in Am. Revolution. POPP, Stephen (fl.1771). German-British military engineer in Am. Revolution. PORTERFIELD, Charles (1750-88). Va. officer in Am. Revolution. PUTNAM, Israel (1718-90). Conn. General in Am. Revolution. RAWDON. Francis (1754-1826). British officer in Am. Revolution. REED, Philip (d.1829). Md. officer in Am. Revolution, XT. S. senator. REVERE, Paul (1735-1818). Boston patriot, one of the Boston tea party. RIVINGTON, James. Am. loyalist printer and journalist in the Am. Revolution. ROBERTS, George (1755-1829). N. H. soldier and sailor in Am. Revolution. ROCHAMBEAtT, Jean Baptiste Donation de Vimeure, Comte de (1725-1807). French Gen. in the Am. Rev. ROSS, George (1730-79). Pa. lawyer, signer of the Declaration of Independence. RUSH, Benjamin (1745-1813). Fa. physician, signer of the Declaration of Independence. ST. CLAIR, Arthur (1734-1818). Brit, officer in Canada, and later Am. General in Revolutionary war. SARGENT, Winthrop (1753 1820). Secretary of the Northwest Terr., officer in Am. Rev., Gov. of Miss Terr. SHERMAN. Roger (1721-93). Conn, signer of the Declaration of Independence, IT. S. senator. SHIFPEN, Margaret (fl.1793). Wife of Benedict Arnold. SMITH, James (ah. 1720-1806). Pa. signer of the Declaration of Independence. SMITH, Joshua Hett (1749-1818). N. Y. loyalist, accomplice of Andre. STARK, John (1728-1822). N. H. General in Am. Revolution. STJLLIVAN, John (1740-95). N. H. General in Am. Rev., delegate to Continental Congress. STTMTER. Thomas (1734-1832). S. C. General in Am. Revolution, Congressman, minister to Brazil. TARLETON, (Sir) Bannastre (1754-1833). British officer in Am. Revolution. TAYLOR. Stephen (b.1757). N. Y. soldier in Am. Revolution. THORNTON, Matthew (1714-1803). N. H. surgeon in Am. Rev., signer of the Declaration of Independence. WAIT, Benjamin (1735-1822). Vt. officer in French and Indian War and Am. Revolution. WAYNE, Anthony (1745-96). Fa. officer in Am. Revolution. WELLFORD, Robert (1753-ab.94). British surgeon in Am. Revolution, Fredericksburg (Vm.) doctor. WHIFFLE. William (1730-85). N. H. judge, Signer of Declaration of Independence, Rev. Gen. WIEDERHOLDT, Capt. (d. 18051. Capt. in American Revolution. WINSLOW, Isaac (b.1742). Boston merchant, loyalist. WOLCOTT, Oliver (1726-97). Conn. Signer of Declaration of Independence, Congressman, Governor. Am. Revolution titles may also be found under the headings: Boston; Buffalo Valley; California; Cohas- set; Danbury, Conn.; Dedham, Mass.; Derryville: Detroit; Essex Co.; Geauga Co.; Germantown; Goochland Co.; Harlem; Hartford, Vt. ; Harvard; Lake Co.; Little Miami Valley; Lower Morion; Maryland; Medford; New Jersey; New York City; North Carolina; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Quebec; Saratoga; South Caro- lina; Valley Forge; Virginia; Westminster, Vt. ; Westmoreland; Worcester. See also Washington and others classified under Presidents, Members of the Cabinet, etc. WAR OF 1812. BROCK. Isaac (1769-1813). British General in War of 1818. CAtTLK'S Field (Md.). War of 1812 battle, 1814. CRYSLER Farm (Can.). Battle, Nov. 11, 1813. "ENTERPRISE." Am. cruiser in 1800, 1812-14 and against pirates. "ERIE." Steamboat burned on Lake Erie, 1814. HARTFORD convention. JOYNES. Thomas R. (1789-1858). Va. lawyer and planter, officer in war of 1812. LAKE ERIE. War of 1812 Naval battle, Sept. 10, 1813. LEAVENWORTH, Henry (1783-1834). N. Y. General in War of 1812, Indian agent for northwest territory. McDONOTTGH, Patrick (b.1786). Pa. IT. 8. officer in War of 1812. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 271 MATTOON, Ebenezer (1755-1843). Mass, officer in War of 1812, Congressman. STEIGER, Rodolphe (1780-1847). Swiss-English officer, resident in Canada, physician in War of 1812. WAR of 1812. British-American war. WINCHESTER, James (1752-1826). Officer in War of 1812. MEXICAN WAK. MEXICAN War. War between IT. S. and Mexico, April, 1846-Sept., 1847. MONTEREY, (Mexico). Battle and siege of Mexican War, Sept. 20-25, 1846. O'BRIEN, John P. J. (1818-50). Phila. officer in the Mexican War. SCOTT, Wiufleld (1786-1866). Officer in War of 1812. General-in-Chief in Mexican War, writer. CIVIL WAR. ALBEMARLE. Confederate ram blown up Oct. 27, 1864. APPOMATTOX (Va.). Civil War campaign, March 29-Apr. 9, 1865. BALLS Bluff (Va.). Civil War engagement, Oct. 21, 1861. BELMONT(Mo.). Civil War engagement, Nov. 7, 1881. BRICE'S Cross Roads (Md.). Civil War engagement, June 10, 1834. CEDAR Creek (Va.). Civil War battle, Oct. 19, 1864. CEDAR Mountains (Va.). Civil War battle, Aug. 9, 1862. CHATTANOOGA (Tenn.). Civil War campaign, 1863. CHICKAMAUGA (Ga.). Civil War battle. Sept. 19-20, 1863. CIVIL WAR. War between North and South, 1861-1885. COLD HARBOR (Va.). Civil War campaign, June, 1864. CONFEDERATE States. Organization of sccedin? states formed in 1861. FISHERS HILL (Va.). Civil War engagement, Oct. 19, 1864. FRANKLIN (S. C.). Civil war battle, Nov. 30, 1864. GETTYSBURG (Pa.). Civil War battle, July 1-3, 1863. GRAND Army of the Republic. Association of Union veterans of the Civil War. HARTSVILLE (Tenn.). Civil War action, Dec. 7, 1862. HOLLY Springs (Miss.). Civil War raid, Dec. 20, 1862. HUNLEY. Confederate torpedo boat which sank the Housatonic off Charleston, 8. C., Feb. 17, 1864. JACKSON (Miss.). Civil War engagement, May 14, 1863. LYNCHBURG (Va.). Civil War campaign May 2S-June 29, 1864, engagement June 17-18. MANASSAS (Va.). Civil War battle, July 21, 1861. MERRIMAC-KONITOR battle. Civil War naval battle in Hampton Roads, Va., March 8-9, 1862. MURFREESBORO (Tenn.). Civil War battle, Dec. 31, 1862-Jan. 3, 1863. PERRYVILLE (Ky.). Civil War battle, Oct. 8, 1862. SECESSION. Doctrine of the right of a state to resume independence. SHILOK (Tenn.). Civil War battle, Apr. 6-7, 1882. THOMPSON'S conspiracy (1864). Plot to liberate Confederate prisoners. TUPELO (Miss.). Civil War engagement, July 14-15, 1863. VICKBURG (Miss.). Civil War campaign 1862-63. WAGNER, Fort (8. C.). Civil War assault, July 18, 1863. BIOGRAPHY. ABBOTT, Henry (1832-98). N. H. banker, U. S. War agent, Sanitary commissioner, State senator. FREEMAN, Julia (Wheelock) (d.1900). Mich, teacher, Civil War nurse, writer. HALSEY, Edmund Drake (1840-96). N. J. lawyer, officer in Civil War. HARDING, William B. (1840-1900). Worcester lawyer, officer in Civil War. HITCHCOCK, Henry (1829-1902). Mo. lawyer, officer in Civil War. HOPKINS, William Swinton Bennett (1836-1900). Mass, lawyer, officer in Civil War. JOHNSTON, Frank (b.1843). Miss. Attorney-General, Confederate officer, hist, writer. TONES, J. H. (b.1838). !C : ss. lawyer, Confederate officer. KINSMAN, William H. (1834-63). Iowa lawyer and officer in Civil War. LIPPITT, Francis James (1812-1902). D. C. lawyer, officer in Civil War, writer. MARSH, Lucius Bolles (1818-1901). Boston merchant, officer in Civil War, writer. 272 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. HAVENEL, Samuel Prioleau (1822-1902). 8. C. merchant, Confederate officer. TABB, Thomas (d.1902). Va. lawyer, Confederate officer, educator. TURNER, Josiah (1821-1901). N. C. politician, editor, lawyer, Confederate officer. ALEXANDER, E. P. (b.1835). Confederate General, R. R. president. AMES, Adelhert (b.1835). U. S. officer in Civil war, Miss. Gov., U. S. senator. ANDERSON, Charles D. (d.1901). Confederate officer. ANKENY, R. V. (1836-1901). Officer in Civil War. AUSTIN, Charles W. (d.1889). Texas Confederate officer. BEAUREGARD, Pierre Gustavo Toutant (1818-93). Miss. Confederate general. BELL, Tyree H. (d.1902). Tenn. Confederate officer. BELO, Alfred Horatio (1839-1901). N. C. Confederate officer and Texas editor. BICKERDYKE, Mary A. (1817-1901). Nurse in Civil War, Kan. organizer of relief. 3RAGG, Edward Stuyvesant (h.1627). N. Y. lawyer, brig. -gen. in Civil War, Congressman. BREATHED, James (b.1838). Va. Confederate officer. BROOCKS, John H. (1827-1901). Texas Confederate officer. BUTLER, Benjamin Franklin (1818-93). Mass, lawyer, Gen. in Civil War, Gov. of Mass., politician. COWLES, Wm. Henry (1840-1901). N. C. Confederate officer, Congressman. CRANDALL, Lee (fi.1862). Confederate officer. CUSTER, George Armstrong (1839-76). O. General in Civil War, Indian fighter. DAVIS, Isaac W. Confederate officer, brother of Jefferson Davis. DAVIS, Jefferson (1808-89). Miss. U. S. Sec. of War, President of the Confederate States. DAVIS, Sam (fl.1862). Confed. spy. executed at Nashville, Tenn. DICKINSON, J. J. (d.1902). Florida Confederate officer. DUFUR, Simon Miltimore. Soldier in Civil War. EARLY, Jubal Anderson (1816-94). Va. lawyer, Confederate General, writer. ECHOLS, John (1823-96). Va. lawyer, Confederate Brigadier- General. ESTILL, J. H. (b.1810). Georgia Confederate officer, journalist, politician. FARRAGUT, David Glasgow (1801-70). Tenn. Admiral U. S. Navy. FORREST, Nathan Bedford (1821-77). Tenn. Confederate General. FOSTER, John G. (1823-74). N. H. officer in Civil war, writer. FRANCIS, John W (1813-1902). Tex. Confederate officer. FREITCHIE, Barbara. Woman of Frederick, Md., subject of poem by Whittier. FREMONT, John Charles (1813-90). Am. explorer, Major-General in Civil War, writer. GARNETT, Robert Selden (1819-61). Va. Confederate General. GARRETT, William Robertson (fl.1901). Tenn. Confederate General, educator and writer. GEORGE, J. Z. (1826-97). Miss, politician, U. S. senator, Confederate General. GIBBON, John (1827-93). Union General in Civil War, writer. GRIFFIN, Simon G. (1824-1902). N. H. General in Civil War. GUILD, Amasa (fl.1862). Mass, officer in Civil War. HAMBLIN, Joseph Elbridge (1828-70). N. Y. Major-General in Civil War. HAMPTON. Wade (1818-1902). S. C. statesman, U. S. senator, Confederate General. HAWKINS, William Stewart (1837-1S65). Confederate officer and poet. HEMPHILL, W. A. (1842-1902). Ga. Confederate officer and journalist. HERRON, Francis (b.1838). Iowa Brigadier-General in Civil War. HILL, Mary S. (d.1902). "Florence Nightingale of the army of Northern Va." Confederate nurse. HINTON, Richard J. (1830-1901). Kan pioneer, officer in Civil War, writer. HOPKINS, Warren M (1839-75). Va. Confederate officer. HOY, Robert W (1824-1901). Michigan officer in Civil War. JACKSON, Thomas Jonathan ("Stonewall" Jackson) (1824-63). W. Va. Confederate General. JOHNSON, Bradley Tyler (b.1829). Va. and Md. lawyer, officer in Civil War, writer. JOHNSTON, Joseph Eggleston (1807-91). Va. Confederate general, U. S. Congressman, writer. LEE, Robert Edward (1807-70). Va. Confederate General in Civil War. LITTLEFIELD, J. H. (1827-1901). Tex. Confederate officer. McCLELLAN, George Brinton (1826-85). General in Civil War, Governor of N. J. McDONALD, John R. ( 18M-1902). Ala. Confederate officer. MARTIN, Thomas (d.1855). Tennessee Confederate soldier. MAYES, Edward (b.1846). Miss. Confederate soldier, politician. MONTGOMERY, Joseph E. (1817-1902). Ky. Mississippi pilot, Confederate commodore. MOORE. Roger (1838-1901). N. C. Confederate officer. MURPHY, R. D. (1835 1902). Md. Confederate officer. PARAMORE, J. B. (1840-1902). Fla. Confederate officer. PELHAM, John (1838-63). Ala. Confederate "boy artillerist" cfflcer. PERRY. William Flake (1823-1901). Ky. Confederate General. PETERS, Wm. E. (b.1829). Va. Confederate officer, Prof, in University of Virginia, WHITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 273 POLK, Leonidas (1806-64). Ala. Confederate General and Episcopal Bishop. QUANTRILL, William C. (fl.1860). Kansas outlaw. QUAYLE, Wm. (1825-1901). Tex. Confederate officer. ROGERS, Benjamin Armstead (1835-1902). Ala. Confederate officer. SEDGWICK, John (1813-83). Conn, officer in Mexican and Civil Wars. SEMMES, Raphael (1809-77). Md. Confederate naval officer in Civil War, writer. SEYMOUR, Lucy A. (d.1902). Teacher, educator, curse in Civil War. SHAW, Robert Gould (1837-63). Mass, officer in Civil War. SHELBY, Joseph (b.1831). Mo. Confederate General, U. S. marshall for the western district of Mo. SHERIDAN, Philip Henry (1831-88). General in Civil War. SHERIIAN, William T. (1820-91). General in Civil War. STEPHENS, Alexander Hamilton (1812-83). Ga. lawyer, TJ. S. Congressman, Governor, writer. STEVENS, Atherton H. (fl.1860). Officer in Civil War. STEWART, James Turner (1834-1901). Ga. Confederate officer. STUART, James Elwell Brown (1833-64). Va. Confederate General in Civil War. TAYLOR (Mrs.) Susie King (b.1848). TENCH, John W. (fl.1365). Confederate officer. TURNER, J. J. (d. 1901). Tenn. Confederate officer. TWIGGS, H. D. D. Georgia Confederate officer. TYLER, Fisher Ames (d.1902). Miss. Confederate officer. VAN DORN, Earl (1820-63). Miss, soldier in Mexican War, Confederate General. VIELE, Egbert Ludovickus (1825-1902). N. Y. military engineer in Xex. and Civil Wan, Cong, writer. WALKER, Joseph A. (d.1901). Va. Confederate General. WALKER, W. H. S. (1816-64). Ga. Confederate General. WEST, Douglas (1825-1901). Miss. Confederate officer. WHEELER, Joseph (b.1836). Ala. Confederate General, Congressman, officer in Spanish-American War. WHITING, William Henry Chase (1825-65). Confederate General. YOUNG, William H. (1838-1901). Texas Confederate General. Civil War tities may also be found under the following headings: Alabama; Albany, Ga. ; Anderson- ville; Appomattox; Columbia; Florida; Georgia; Harvard; Indiana; Jackson, Miss.; Kentucky; Maryland; Massachusetts; Mississippi; Missouri; Natchez; New York; North Carolina; Pennsylvania; Slavery Southern states; Timby; Virginia; Waterville, Me.; West Point; West Virginia; Worcester. See also Grant and various names under Presidents, Members of the Cabinet, etc., in this index. RECONSTRUCTION. CLINTON riot. Race war episode, Clinton, Miss., Sept. 4, 1875. KU-KLUX Klans. A Secret society in the Southern States in Reconstruction times. RECONSTRUCTION. Period of adjustment in South after the Civil War. SPANISH AMERICAN WAR. CLARK, Charles Edgar (b.1843). Naval officer, Capt. of "Oregon" in Span-Am. War. DEWEY, George (b.1837). Admiral U. S. Navy in Spanish-American War. FORNANCE, James (d.1898). Captain in Spanish-Am, war. FUNSTON, Frederick (b.1865). Kansas Congressman, officer in Spanish-Am. War. JENKINS, William Dunbar (b.1849). Mass, civil engineer, officer in Spanish-American war. "MAINE." U. S. battleship blown up in Havana harbor, Feb. 15, 1898. j, ROPER, Jesse M. (fl.1902). Lieutenant-Commander of the U. 8. gunboat Petrel in Spanish-Am. War. SAMPSON, William Thomas (1840-1902). Rear-Admiral U. S. navy. SCHLEY, Winfield Scott (b.1839). Rear-Admiral U. S. navy. SPANISH-AMERICAN War. War of TT. S. and Spain 1898. WOOD. Leonard (b.1860). Officer in Spanish- American War, Military Governor-General of Cuba. 274 WRITINGS ON 7 AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. POPULATION. BIRTHRATE. Proportion of births to inhabitants. CENSUS. Official enumeration of population and wealth. ETHNOLOGY. Science of races. MOROS. A tribe or race in the Philippines. MOUNTAIN Whites. Poor mountaineers of the Southern States. NEGRO AND SLAVERY. AMERICAN Colonization Society. Soc. founded in 1773 to restore negroes to Africa. DOUGLASS, Frederick (ab.1817-95). Negro slave, minister to Hayti, Marshal of D. C. NEGROES. Colored people of African birth or descent. SLAVZRY (anti-slavery, abolition, emancipation). Property ia human beings. THOMPSON, Charles. Mass, freedman. UNDERGROUND railroad. Anti-slavery organization for helping escaped slaves. "WANDERER." Last slaver (1859) to land cargo in U. 8. WASHINGTON, Booker T. (b.about 1859). Ala. negro educator, President Tuskegee Institution. FOREIGN ELEMENTS. BOHEMIAN Americans. Natives of Bohemia living- in the U. S. CHINESE-AMERICANS. Natives of China (or their descendants) living in America. FOREIGN population. Inhabitants not native-born or (more strictly) not naturalized. FRENCH-CANADIAN Americans. French Canadians settled in the U. S. FRENCH-CANADIANS. ..Canadians of French descent and language. GERMAN-AMERICANS. Americans of German birth or (loosely) ancestry. HUGUENOTS (in Am.). French Protestants and their descendents. IMMIGRATION. The incoming of foreigners for permanent residence. IRISH Americans. Natives of Ireland resident in the U. S. , and their immediate descendants. JAPANESE Americans. Natives of Japan living in America. NATURALIZATION. Investing a foreigner with native rights. POLISH Americans. Natives of Poland resident in the U. S., and their descendant*. RUSSIAN JEWS. Jewish inhabitants of Russia. SCOTCH-IRISH. Descendants of Scotch settlers in Ireland. SLAVONIC AMERICANS. Members of Slavonic races living in America. SPANISH Americans in U. S. ROUMANIANS. Inhabitants of Roumania, a state of S.E. Europe. RELIGION. APPARITIONS. CHRISTIANITY. Religions which accept Jesus Christ as God or as chief exemplar. CHRISTMAS. Celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, Dec. 25. CHURCH and State. Problem of relation of organized religion to the State. CHURCHES. Societies of worshippers or buildings for them. CLERGYMEN. Ministers of a church. EMMAUS Mission. Mission near Buckatunna creek, Miss. "NATIVE AMERICANISM." A term for anticatholic movements in U. S. PAOTINGFU, China. Scene of massacre of American missionaries 1900, Shantung Pro-si nee. PARISHES (Canadian). Ecclesiastical and civil districts. RAILROAD Y. M. C. A. Social clubs for railroad employees under auspices of the Y. M. C. A. RELIGION. Man's relations to the superhuman. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. Freedom to act according to one's conscience in religious matters. SUNDAY. First day of the week. WITCHCRAFT. The exercise of supernatural power. DENOMINATIONS, ORDERS, ETC. BAPTIST Church (Am.). Immersionist Ch. introduced to Am. by Roger Williams. CARMELITES. R. C. orders of monks and nuns. WETTINGS ON AMEEICAN HISTORY 1902. 276 CATHOLIC Church. Church under the government of the Roman hierarchy. CHRISTIAN Science, "Mind cure". Healing of tody by mind, a theory and a church. CONGREGATIONAL Church. Established Church oi early New England. CUMBERLAND Presbyterian Church. Branch of Am. Presbyter. Church originating in Cumberland Co., Ky. DOUKHOiiORS. Russian sect, emigrated to Manitoba in 1898-99. BUNKERS (Dunkards, Tunkers). Penn. German Am. religious sect. FRANCISCANS. Roman Catholic religious order. JESUITS. Roman Catholic order of "Society of Jesus." JEWS. People of Hebrew race, or adherents of Hebrew religion. LUTHERAN Church. Church founded by Martin Luther. METHODIST Church. Arminian church founded by John Wesley, having several branches in U. 8. MISSIONS. Efforts to extend Christianity. MORAVIAN Church. A branch of tha Lutheran church noted for its missionary zeal. MORMONS. A religious sect, founded by Jos. Smith, located mainly in Utah. "NEW THOUGHT." A metaphysical movement in U. S. PRESBYTERIAN Church. Church governed by presbyters. PROTESTANT Episcopal Church, Am. Church with Episcopal form of Gov't. QUAKERS. The religious society of Friends. REFORMED Church in America. Am. denomination, formerly Ref. Prot. Dutch Church. REFORMED Church of the U. S. Formerly German Reformed Church. REFORMED Episcopal Church. Am. denomination separated from the Prot. Epiac. Church. SALVATION Army. Religious organization founded by General Booth. SANDEMANIANS. A religious sect founded by John Glas, of Scotland, in 1725. SHAKERS. Popular name of United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing. SPIRITUALISM. Doctrine of direct communion of men and spirits. "SUISS." Name given French Protestants of the Province of Quebec. TRAPPISTS. R. C. Monastic order. TRUTH-KJ70WERS. A Mohammedan gnostic society of Boston. UNITARIAN Church. Non-Trinitarian Church with Congregational form of Gov't. UNIVERSALIST Church. Church holding universal salvation as its cardinal doctrine. VISITATION (Order of the). R. C. order of nuns. RELIGIOUS BIOGRAPHY. ABBOTT, Lyman i b.1835). N. Y. Congregational clergyman, editor and writer. ADAKS, Hugh. N. H. colonial minister. APPLETON, Nathaniel (1693-1784). Mass. Congregational clerg. and writer. ARCHBOLD, Richard (b.1713). Irish Jesuit missionary to Maryland, convert to Protestantism. AZASIAS (1847-93). Catholic Brother. BACHILLER, Stephen (b. about 1651). Anglo -Ainer. Puritan minister, pastor of the Plough Co. BACKUS, Isaac (1724-1806). N. E. Cong, and Bapt. clerg. and writer. BALDWIN, Stephen Livingston (1835-1901). Am. Meth. missionary to China, writer, secretary. BARBER, Jane (1816-87). Illinois nun. BARBOUR, Catherine Hayden (1863-1901). Missionary teacher in Spain. BARNARD, Thomas (1716-76). Massachusetts clergyman. BARN WELL, Robert Woodward (1849-1902). Episcopal Bishop of Alabama. BATTLES, James Monroe (1830-1901). Boston missionary among sailors. BEACOM, John J. (1837-1902). Pa. Presbyterian clergyman. BEATTY, Charles (1713-72). Pa. Presbyterian clergyman. BEKKERS, B. J. (b.1844). Miss. Catholic missionary to the Choctaws, BELCHER, Joseph (1669-1723). Dedham, Mass., clergyman. BERNLtRES, Henri de (fl.1659). First cure of Quebec. BIHN. Joseph Louis (1822-93). Catholic priest. , v BILES, William (fl.lG79). Pa. pioneer, Quaker preacher. BININGER, Abraham (1720-1811). Moravian missionary to West Indies. BIRD, Wm. (1823-1902). Presb. clerg. and missionary, Syria, 1852-1902. BLACKBURN, Wm. Maxwell (1828-98). 111. and Dak. Presb. clerg., educator and historian. BLAKE, S. Leroy (d.1902). Conn. Congregational clergyman and writer. BOUTON, Nathaniel (1799-1878). Concord, N. H. Congregational clergyman and writer. BRENNAN. Daniel A. (1845-96). Philadelphia Catholic priest. BREV7STER, William (1560-1644). Plymouth Colony elder. BROOKS, Charles (1795-1872). Mass. Unitarian clergyman, educator and writer. BROOKS, Phillips (1835-1893). Mass. Episcopal clergyman, bishop. BROWN, Samuel Robbins (1810-80). Am. missionary and educator in China and Japan. 276 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. BRUTE, Simon William Gabriel (1779-1839). Catholic Bishop of Vincennes. BUCHER, John Conrad (1730-80). Fa. Ger. Bef. clergyman, provincial officer. BUSHNELL, Horace (1802-76). Conn. Congregational clergyman, writer. BUTLER, William (1818-99). Methodist missionary and writer. BYINGTON, Ezra Hoyt (1828-1901). N.E. Congregational clergyman, professor, historical writer. CAHILL, (Mrs.) Sophia (d.1900). CAHILL, Thomas E. (1828-78). Founder of the Catholic High School of Philadelphia. CALOUNE, Jacques-Ladislaw Joseph de (1743-1822). Canadian Abbe. CAMPBELL, Alexander (1788-1866). Founder of the Campbeliites denomination, educator, theol. writer. CARROLL, John (1735-1815). Bishop of Md., first Catholic bishop of the U. S. CARTER (Father) (fl.1884). Philadelphia Catholic priest. CASAS, Bartholome de Las (1474-1566). Bishop of Chiapa. CHAMBERLAIN, George W (d.1902). Presb. missionary to Brazil. CHAKNING, William Ellery (1780-1842). N. E. Unitarian clergyman, theologian, writer. CHEVERUS, John (fl.1801). Mass. Catholic priest. CHINIQUY, Charles Pascal Telesphore (1809-99). Canadian priest, later Presb. clergyman. CLARK, Francis E. (b.1851). Founder of Young People's Soc. of Christian Endeavor. CLOUGH, John Everett (b.1836). Bapt. missionary to the Telugus of India. COFFIN, Enoch (1696-1728). N. H. clergyman. COGHLON, Gerald P. (b.1848). Phila. Catholic priest. COLMAN, Benjamin (1673-1747). Boston clergyman and writer. CONSTANT, Nicholas Benort (d.1706). Canadian Catholic priest. CORRIGAN, Michael Augustine U839-1908). Archbishop of N. Y. CRAIGHEAD, Thomas (ab.1750 ab.1825). Tenn. Presb. clergyman, educator. CROOKS, George Richard (1820-97). Meth. clerg., prof., theolog. writer. CROSS, Moses K. (1812-1902). Iowa clergyman, writer. CURTIS, S. W. (1847-1902). Presb. missionary to Chili and Mexico. CUYLER, Theodore Ledyard (b.1822). Brooklyn (N. Y.) Presb. clergyman. DALL, Charles Henry Appleton (1816-86). Unit, clerg., missionary to India. DAUL, Jean-Denis (1766-1821). Canadian Cath. priest. DAWSON, Thomas (fl.1752). Va. Epis. clerg., Pres. of William and Mary college. DIX, Morgan (b.1827). N. Y. Episcopal clergyman and writer. DOWDGE, Francis (fi.1818). Va. Methodist clergyman. DOWER, Samuel (1826-1901). Clergyman. DOWTE, John Alexander (n.1903). Founder of Zion, 111., a religious communistic settlement. DREXEL, Francis A. (1824-85). DRIESSCHE, Amandus Van den (1825-1901). Detroit (Mich.) Catholic priest, writer. DUSTAN, George (1828-1902). N. E. Congregational clergyman and legislator. EATON, Charles H. (1852-1902). N. Y. Unitarian clergyman. EDWARDS, Arthur (1834-1901). Mich and H!. Meth. clergyman, editor. EMERY, Samuel Hopkins (1815-1801). Congregational clergyman, local historical writer. EMMONS, Nathaniel (1745-1840). N. E. theologian and writer. ENGLAND (fl.1833). N. C. Catholic Bishop. FINNEN, John (1824-99). R. C. vicar general of diocese of Scranton, Pa. FISKE, Lewis Ranson (1825-1901). Mich. Methodist clergyman, educator, writer. FLAGET, Benedict Joseph (1763-1850). Cath. Bishop of Bardstown (Ky.). FLYNN, Mary (1840-1901). Superioress of the Sisters of Charity in the U. S. FORBIN-JANSON, Mgr. de (d.1844). French prelate. FOSTER, Abiel (1735-1806). N. H. Congregational clergyman, State senator, Congressman. GALLITZIN (Father). Catholic priest. GAMBON, Thomas F. (1837-1901). Ky. Catholic chancellor and vicar general. GAZELLE, Pierre (fl.1793-6). French abbe, resident in Canada. GERMAINE, M. 1851-1901). Catholic nun and teacher. GIBAULT, Pierre (fl.1779). French -Canadian priest of Kaskuskia. GIFFARD, Ignace Marie Francis de Saint. First Canadian nun. GILLET, Louis Florent (1813-92). Catholic priest. GUMBELL, Joseph M. (1800-86). 111. and Iowa German Am. clergyman. GURLEY, L. B. Ohio Meth. clergyman, pioneer and poet. HALE, Edward Everett (b.1822). Boston Unitarian clergyman, writer. HALL, Henry Edward (b.1831). Mass. Unitarian clergyman and writer. HALL, John (1829-98). N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman and writer. HARDY. Anthony Colby (1828-1902). N. H. Methodist clergyman. HECKER, Isaac Thomas (1819-88). N. Y. Catholic priest, founder of order of Paulist Fathers 1858. HEYDEN, Thomas (1798-1870). Philadelphia Catholic priest, scholar. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 277 HOFFMAN.Eugene Augustus(1829-1902). N. Y. Dean of General Theological Seminary, philanthropist, writer. HOGA1J, John B. (1829-1901). Pros, of Divinity College of the Cath. TJniv. of America, writer. HOLLBROOK, Z. Swift. 111., Mass. & O. Congregational clergyman, editor of Bibliotheca Sacra. HOWE, William Bell White (1803-94). S. C. Episcopal Bishop. HUSSEY, Abbe (fl.1780). Catholic Bishop. IGNATIUS (Mother) (1829-1902). Catholic Sister. JOGUES, R. P. Isaac (1607-1646). French Jesuit missionary to North America. JOSEPH, Jacob (1840-1902). N. Y. Hebrew patriarch. KENRICK, Francis Patrick (1797-1863). Cath. Archbishop of Baltimore, and writer. KRAUTH, Charles Porterneld (1823-83). Pa. Lutheran clergyman, Professor, writer. L' HALLE, Constantin de (or Challe) (d.1729). Canadian priest. LANE, Hugh (1821-1902). Am. Catholic priest. LAVAL, Francois de (fl.1663). Catholic prelate of Canada. LAVIALLE, Pierre Joseph (1819-C7). Ky. Catholic bishop. LENIHAN, Thomas Mathias (1845-1302). Wyo. Catholic .bishop. LITTLEJOHN, Abram Newkirk (1824-1901). L. I. and N. Y. Protestant Episcopal Bishop, writer. LORD, Charles E. (1817-1902). N. H. Presbyterian clergyman, Professor and writer. LYNCH (d.1882). S. C. Catholic Bishop. McBURNEY, Robert Ross (1837-98). Secretary and leader in Y. M. C. A. McCARTEE, Divie Bethune (1820-1900). Am. missionary to China and Japan, diplomat, naturalist, writer, McCONOMY, Augustine Jerome (1831-78). Catholic priest. McDIARMID, A. P. (b.1852). Canadian Baptist clergyman and educator. McGROARTY, Julia (d.lSOl). Provincial Superior of the Sisters of Notre Dame of Namur. McPHILOMY, Hulbert (1859-1901). Philadelphia Catholic priest. MARQUETTE, Father Jacques (1637-75). Canadian Jeseuit missionary to Am. Indians. MATHER, Cotton (1663-1728). Mass, clergyman and writer. MAY, Samuel (1810-1899). Mass. Unitarian clergyman, writer. MA1NARD, Newland (d.1901). N. Y. Episcopal clergyman, writer and lecturer. MA2ZUCHELLI, Samuel Charles (1807-64). Catholic priest. MILLER, John (1775-1887). Pa. Baptist clergyman. MONTGOMERY, John (fl.1766). Md. Episcopal clergyman. MOSSOM, David (fl.1729). Va. 1st Episcopal clergyman ordained in the Colonial church. MOTT, George Scudder (1829-1901). N. J. Presbyterian clergyman, writer. MOUNTAIN Mary. Pa. religious enthusiast and recluse. MUHLENBERG, Frederick Augustus Conrad (1750-1801). N. Y. clergyman, Congressman. MUHLENBERG, Gotthilf Henry Ernest (1753-1815). Pa. Lutheran clergyman and writer. MUHLENBERG, John Peter Gabriel (1746-1807). Clergyman, U. S. senator, officer in Am. Revolution. MULHOLLAND, James Eugene (1841-86). Catholic priest. MURRAY, John (ab. 1741-1815). Mass, clergyman, founder of Universalism in America. NENO, Pacifico Antonio (1833-89). Catholic priest. NEWLAND. William Augustine (1813-91). Fhila. Cath. organist, musical composer. NEWMARCH, John (d.1754). Maine clergyman. NINDE, William Xavior (1832-1901). Am. Methodist Bishop over China, Japan and Korea. O'CONNOR, Charles P. (1840-97). Pa. Cath. educator. O'DONNELL, Lawrence (1818-1902). Catholic priest. PACKARD, Joseph (1812-1902). Am. Episcopal clergyman, educator, writer. PAIGE, Lucius Robinson (1802-96). Universalist clergyman, editor, writer. PALMER, Benjamin Morgan (1818-1902). New Orleans Presbyterian clergyman. PALON, Francisco. California Franciscan missionary. PARK, Edward Amasa (1808-1900). Mass, theologian, Andovsr Professor, editor, writer. PARKER, Theodore (1810-60). Mass. Unitarian clergyman, writer. PATTERSON, George (1828-1901). Texas, Tenn. Episcopal clergyman. FEREA, Estevan (fl.1632). Custodian of the missions of New Mexico 1632-3. PIERRON (Father) John (fl.1674). French Canadian Jesuit missionary. PORTER, Aaron (fl.1716). Mass, clergyman. RALE (Rale, Rasles, Ralle, Rasle), Sebastien (1657-1724). Jesuit missionary to Abenakis. RICHARD (Father) Gabriel. French Catholic priest in America. ROU, Louis (fl.1734). N. Y. Huguenot clergyman. ROY, J. E. (fi.1860). Am. Congregational clergyman, missionary superintendent. RUNNELLS, Moses T. (d.1902). Congregational clergyman, writer. BT. THEODORE, Sister (1798-1856). Catholic sister. SCHUYLER, Montgomery (1814-96). Episcopal clergyman, writer. SEARS, Barnas (1802-80). Mass. Baptist clergyman, professor. SERAPHIM, Mother. Catholic Sister. 2f8 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. SERRA, Junipero (1713-84). Founder of California, apostle to the Indians. SHAPLEIGH. Major, 17th Century Quaker. SHELDON, William (1830-1902). Clergyman. SHEFAKD, Jeremiah (fl.1674). Clergyman. SHERWOOD, Smith rfl.1822). Va. Baptist clergyman. SMITH, Joseph (1805-44). Founder of Mormonism. SMITH, Thomas (1702-95). Me. clergyman. STONE, Ellen Maria (b.1846). Am. missionary to Macedonia. STRANG, James Jesse (b.1813). Leader of Mormon settlement on Beaver Is. Michigan. TALMAGE, Thomas De Witt (1832-1902). Brooklyn and Washington, D. C., Presbyterian clergyman. TAPPAN, Charles L. (1828-1902). N. H. Congregational clergyman. TENNENT, Gilbert (1703-64). Phila. Presbyterian clergyman. THOMPSON, Wm. McClure (b. 1806-1894). Am. missionary to Syria, writer. TSILKA, Katerina Stefonovna. Bulgarian woman educated in U. 8., connected with Am. mission. TUCKER, Josiah (1772-99). English clergyman, Dean of Gloucester. TURELL, Ebenezer (1702-78). Medford, Mass., clergyman. VALENTINI, Valentino (d.1892). Catholic priest, scholar and educator. WAITE, J. T. H. (d.1902). Ga. Presbyterian clergyman. WALSH, William (1850-1902). Tenn. Catholic priest. WEAVEB, Jonathan (1824-1901). O. United Bretheren clergyman, writer. WHIPPLE, Henry B. (1828-1901). Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Minn., friend of Indians. WHITE, Andrew (d,165G). Md. R. C. priest. WHITFIELD, James (1770-1834). Archbishop of Baltimore. WHITMAN, Marcus (1802-47). N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman, missionary to Oregon. WILLARD, George (1824-1901). Michigan clergyman, educator and journalist, Congressmen. WILLS, William Henry (1809-89). N. C. itinerant Methodist preacher, merchant. WING, John. Colonial clergyman and writer. WISE, John (1652-1725). Ipswich (Mass.) clergyman, chaplain in Sir Wm. Phips expedition 1690, writer. LEARNING AND EDUCATION. "BIBLE IN SCHOOLS. 7 ' Question of teaching it in Am. public schools. COLLEGES (and Universities). Institutions of higher learning. EDUCATION. Training of the less by the more developed. FREEDOM of teaching. Question of liberty of thought and expression in college teaching. MEDICINE. Art of heading and drugs employed. RHODES Scholarships. Oxford scholarships for Americans founded by Cecil Rhodes. SCIENCE. Systematic pursuit of knowledge and its ordered results. SOCIT DES AMIS, La. Montreal literary society est. 1842. VIRGINIA Literary Museum. First periodical used by the University of Virginia 1829. SPECIAL INSTITUTIONS. AMERICAN Academy, Rome, Italy. Art school for American students, founded ISbti. AMERICAN Economic Association, est. 1885. AMERICAN Historical Association, founded 1884, incorp. 1889. AMERICAN Philosophical Society. Scientific soc. founded in 1769 in Phila. by Franklin. AMERICAN School of classical studies at Athens, founded 1882. BOWDOIN College. Founded 1744 .(1802) Brunswick, Me. CALIFORNIA University. State University at Berkeley, founded 1868. CARLETON College. Congregational College at Nortbfield, Minn., founded 1866. CARNEGIE Institution. Washington, D. C., Inst. for promoting scholarly research. CHAUTAUQUA. Summer and correspondence school on Lake Chautauq.ua. N. Y., founded 1874. CHICAGO University. Founded in 1891 by John D. Rockefeller. COLUMBIA University. Founded at New York in 1754 as King's College, incorp. as Columbia 1784. DARTMOUTH College. College at Hanover, N. H., fd. 1709. EATON Free School. School of Elizabeth City Co., Va., founded 1659. EMPORIA Collese, Kan. Presbyterian college at Emporia, Kan., founded 1882. GEORGIA University. State University at Athens, Ga., fd. 1785. GILL school city. School with self-gov't on the model of city gov't. HALL of Fame. Hall of University of N. Y. commemorating famous Americans. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 279 HAMPTON Normal and Agricultural Institute. School for Negroes and Indians at Hampton, Va., est. 1868. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Univ. at Cambridge, Mass., fd. 1636. JOHNS Hopkins University. Univ. at Baltimore, Md. fd. 18T6. LAVAL University. French Cath. institution at Quebec, Canada, est. 1852. MACKENZIE COLLEGE. Presbyterian Mission College at San Paulo, Brazil. MASSACHUSETTS Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. Est. 186!. MODERN Language Association. NASHVILLE, University of. Institution at Nashville, Tenn., est. 1828. NATIONAL Academy of Science, organized 1863. NEWCOMB College. Women's Dep't. of Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. PENNSYLVANIA, University of. Univ. at Philadelphia. PRINCETON University. At Princeton, N. 3., fd. 1740 as College of N. J., incorp. 1896 as Princeton U. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, Canada. RADCLIFFE COLLEGE. Womens' College at Cambridge, Mass. est. 1879, and incorp. 1894. RANDOLPH MACON COLLEGE. Meth. college at Ashland, Va. est. 1830. SMITHSONIAN Institution. Scientific Inst. at Washington founded by James Smithson. SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. State College at Columbia, 8. C. fd. 1801. STANFORD University. The Leland B. Stanford, Jr. Univ. at Palo Alto, Cal. fd. 1885. VANDERBILT University. Meth. Univ. at Nashville, Tenn. est. 1872. VILLANOVA COLLEGE. Cath. College at Villanova, Pa., fd. 1842. WILLIAM AND MARY College. College at Williamsburg, Va., fd. 1693. YALE University. Univ. at New Haven, Conn., fd. 1701. BIOGRAPHY. ADAMS, Charles Kendall (1835-1902). President of Cornell and of University of Wisconsin. ADAMS, Herbert Baxter (1850-1901). John Hopkins Univ. Prof, of history and writer. AMES, Nathaniel (1708-64). Mass, mathematician. AUDUBON, John James (1780-1851). American naturalist. BARNARD, Henry (1811-1900). Am. educator, editor, writer. BARROWS, John Henry (1847-1902). 111. Congregational clerg., writer, Pres. of Oberlin College. BEARDSHEAR, William Miller (1850-1902). Iowa educator, Pres. of State College. BLAKE, Francis (b.1850). Mass, astronomer and inventor. BOCHER, Ferdinand (1832-1902). Harvard Prof, of modern languages. BOWDITCH, Henry Ingersoll (1808-92). Mass, physician, professor, writer. BROWN, (Mrs.) Tabitha (fl.1850). Oregon pioneer school teacher. BUGBEE, Lester G. (d.1902). Tex. educator and historian. BUTLER, Nicholas Murray (b.1862). N. Y. educator, writer, Pres. Columbia University. CHASSEUR, Pierre (d.1842). Quebec naturalist and founder of museum. CILLEY, Bradbury Longfellow (1838-99). N. H. educator. CHURCH, Edward P. (1835-1901). Mich, educator, lecturer, mathematician. CLEVELAND, Charles Dexter (1802-69). Fa. educator, U. S. consul to Wales, writer. COOK, (Mrs.) Adeline Francis (Pettee) (1859-1900). Mass, teacher. CORBETT, Thomas (fl. 1739-53). Charleston (S. C.) teacher. DUER, William Alexander (1780-1858). N. Y. lawyer, Fres. Columbia College, writer. DOUGLASS, Andrew Ellicott (1819-1902). Wis. Pres. of Kenyon College, scientist, archeologist. EDWARDS, Jonathan (1703-58). Theologian, third President of the Princeton College. ELIOT, Charles William (b.1834). President of Harvard University. FINNEY, Charles Grandison (1792-1875). Fresb. and Cong-, clerg-., Pres. Obarliu College, writer. GILDERSLEVE, Basil Lanneau (b.1831). Johns Hopkins Univ. professor, writer. GILMAN, Daniel Coit (b.1313). President Johns Hopkins Univ. and Carnegie Institution, writer. GREEN, Jacob (1721-96). Mass. Presb. clergyman, Vice Fres. Princeton College, writer. HADLEY, James (ab.1786-1869). Conn, professor, scientist. * HARVARD, John (1607-38). Mass, clergyman, founder of Harvard college. HARVEY, Moses (1820-1901). Newfoundland minister, scientist, writer. HOLDEN, Serena (1810-92). Norfolk, Va., school teacher. HOPKINS, Henry (b.1837). Mass. Congregational clergyman, Pres. Williams College. HOPKINS, Mark (1802-87). Mass. Congregational clergyman, educator, Fres. Williams College. HUMPHREYS, Willard (1867-1902). Princeton Univ. Professor. HYATT, Alpheus (1838-1902). Mass. Professor and zoologist, officer in Civil War. JAMES, Edmund Janes (b.1855). 111. educator, Fres. Northwestern Univ. JANES, Lewis George (1844-1901). Am. educator and writer. JORDAN, David Starr (b.1852). Stanford University president, naturalist, writer. KING, Clarence (1842-1901). U. S. Geological surveyor, scientist, writer. 280 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. LEFROY, John Henry (d.lS90). Pres. of Canadian Institute, founder of Canad. magnetic survey. LOEB, Jacques (b.1859). Chicago and Cal. Prof, of physiology, writer. LOW, Beth (b.1850). N. Y. President of Columbia Univ., Mayor of Brooklyn and of New York. MARKOE, Thomas Masters (1319-1901). N. Y. surgeon in Civil War, Professor, writer. MAXWELL, William Henry (b.1852). N. Y. educator, Supt. N. Y. City schools, writer. MAYO-SMITH, Richmond (1854-1901). Columbia University Prof., writer. MORSE, Jedidiah (1761-1826). Mass. Congregational clergyman, cartographer, writer. MUIR, John (b.1838). Am. explorer, naturalist, writer. PARKER, Francis Wayland (1837-1902). Mass, and 111. educator, writer. PATTON, Francis Landey (b.1843). N. J. Theologian, Pres. Princeton University and Theol. Seminary. PENDLETON, William Kimbrough (1817-90). President of Bethany collejfo. POWELL, John Wesley (1834-1902). Am. geologist, director U. S. Geological Survey, writer. PRIESTLEY, Joseph (1733-1804). English scientist, resident in U. S. REMSEN, Ira N. (b.1846). Am. chemist, Pres. Johns Hopkins University. ROOD, Ogdon Nicholas (1831-1902). Columbia Univ. Professor of physics, writer. ROWLAND, Henry A. (1848-1901). Johns Hopkins Univ. prof., scientist. RUFFNER, Henry (1789-1861). Va. Presbyterian clergyman, Pres. Washington and Lee college, writer. .. RUFFNER, William Henry (b.1824). Va. Presbyterian clergyman, educator, writer. SKINNER, Charles R. (b.1844). N. Y. state superintendent of public education, writer. SPARKS, Jared (1789-1866). Mass. Unitarian clergyman, Pres. of Harvard University, writer. STALLO, John Bernhard (1823-1900). German-American philosopher, jurist, statesman. STILES, Ezra (1727-96). Conn. Congregational clergyman, President Yale college, writer. STRONG, James Woodward (b.1833). Minn. Cong, clergyman and pres. of Northfleld (Carleton) College... THAYER, James Bradley (1831-1902). Mass, lawyer, educator, Harvard professor, writer. THAYER, Joseph Henry (1828-1901). Mass. Congregational clergyman. Harvard professor, writer. THOMPSON, Mary Pickering (1825-90). N. H. teacher. TOPPAN, Robert Noxon (1836-1901). Boston economist, writer, lawyer. TRUE, Benjamin 0. (1845-1902). Baptist clergyman, professor. TUCK, Amos (1810-79). N. H. educator, Congressman. TYLER, Moses Coit (1825-1900). Mich, and N. Y. Cong, clergyman, later Episcopal clerg., Prof., writer. VON HUMBOLDT, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander (1769-1859). German Geographer, naturalist, explorer, WARREN, Herbert Langford (b.1857). Harvard Prof, of architecture. WATERHOUSE, Benjamin (1754-1846). Mass, educator, physician, professor, writer. WATERHOUSE, Sylvester (1830-1902). Mo. Professor of Greek, geologist. WHITE, Andrew D. (b.1832). Am. Prof., writer, Pres. Cornell Univ., Ambassador to Germany. WHITE, Theodore G. (1872-1901). Columbia professor, scientist, writer. WHITNEY, Barney. N. Y. teacher. WILLARD, Emma (Hart) (1787-1870). Conn, and N. Y. educator, writer, poet. WILLIAMS, Henry (1816-1901). Boston educator. WILSON, Woodrow (b.1856). President of Princeton University, writer. WRIGHT, Carroll D. (b.1840). Mass. Sociologist, U. S. commissioner of labor, Statistician, writer. YALE, Elihu (1649-1721). Mass. Gov. of Madras, benefactor of Yale college, which received his name. ZAKRZEVSKA, Marie (1829-1902). Physician, Professor, founder of women's hospitals in N. Y. and Boston. MEDICAL BIOGRAPHY. BLACK, James (fl.1729). Va. physician. COGSWELL, George (1808-19011. Mass, surgeon. FISH, Elisha (1762-1833). N. Y. and R. I. Quaker fanner, housewright, and surgeon. GOTT, Benjamin (1706-1751). Mass, physician. HOWE, Samuel Gridley (1801-76). Boston physician, educator, philanthropist. NEUBERT, Karl (1818-1901). 111. physician and editor. PEABODY, Leonard Wood (1817-99). N. H. physician. REED, Walter (b.1851). Am. physician and writer. TRAPP, Albrecht H. (1813-1902). 111. physician and legislator. TUCKER, Ervin Alden (1862-1902). N. Y. physician, educator. BOOKS AND LITERATURE. ALMANACS. Books with calendar and miscellaneous information. BOOK Plates. Printed or engraved labels to mark ownership of books. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 281 BOOKBINDING. The fastening: together and covering of the parts of books. BOOKS. Printed or written records of human thought. COPYRIGHT. Property in literary or artistic production. HUMOR. Literature intended to produce laughter. JOURNALISM. The business of conducting or editing: a newspaper. LITERATURE. Creative or artistic writings. NEWSPAPERS, Am. Periodical giving record of current events. POETRY (Am.). SHORTHAND. Abbreviated forms for rapid writing. SPECIAL PERIODICALS. "ABEILLE Canadienne." Canadian literary journal, founded 1818. AMARANTH, The. New Brunswick Magazine published in 1841-8. DIAL, The. Organ of the Transcendentalists. "JOURNAL des Families (le)." Proposed literary and scientific journal, Canada, 1840. "JOURNAL du Dimanche." Montreal periodical, 1883 sq.. "L'ESSUI du Michigan." First Frernch paper in U. S., 1809. "L'ETUDIANT" (1885-93). Canadian monthly magazine. NEW YORK Evening Post. Daily paper founded 1801. 8EWANEE Review. Review edited under the auspices of Sewanee University. BIOGRAPHY OF BOOKS AND LITERATURE. BARTLETT, Nathaniel J. (d.1902). Boston book dealer. BENNETT, James Gordon (b.1841). N. Y. journalist. BRAINARD, John G. C. (1797-1828). Conn, poet and editor. BRAINERD, Nathan Hoit (1818-1901). Iowa editor. BROWNELL, Wm. Crary (b.1851). N. Y. art critic and writer. BURROUGHS, John (b.1837). N. Y. naturalist and writer. CAREY, Matthew (1760-1840). Pa. printer, writer, publisher. CARTER, Peter (1825-1900). N. Y. publisher. GARY, William (d.1902). New York writer, editor. CHANNING, William Ellery (1818-1901). Boston poet, essayist. CHILD, John. 17th century New England writer. CHURCHILL, Winston (b.1871). Am. novelist. CLARKE, Mary Victoria Novello (1809-98). Mrs. C. C. Clarke. CLEMENS, Samuel Langhorn ("Mark Twain") (b.1835). Writer, lecturer, humorist. COOK, D. B. id. 1901). Michigan, pioneer journalist. CURTIS, Cyrus Herman Kotzschmar (b.1850). Fhila. publisher. CURTIS, George William (1824-92). N. Y. writer, journalist. DAVIS, Richard Harding (b.1864). Am. writer. DEPEW, Charles (fl.1901). EMERSON, Ralph Waldo (1803-82). Concord, Mass., philosopher and writer. ESSELLEN, Christian (1823-59). Mich., 111., and N. Y. German-Am, editor. ESTEY, James Lawrence (1814-1901). Mass, printer. FIELD, Eugene (1850-95). Chicago writer. FRANKLIN, Thomas (fl.1775). Writer. FRENEAU, Philip (1752-1832). N. Y. poet, writer. GAINE, Hugh (1726-1807). N. Y. orinter, journalist. GODKIN, Edwin Lawrence (1831-1902). N. Y. editor, writer. GREELY, Horace (1811-72). N. Y. journalist, writer, statesman. GREEN, Duff (1791-1875). Mo. and Washington, D. C., lawyer, editor and diplomat. GREEN, Will S. (fl.1902). California editor. GREENLEAF, Moses (1778-1834). Mass, writer. GURNSEY, Alfred Hudson (1818-1902). N. Y. writer, editor, historian. GUTHRIE, William Norman (b.1868). Lecturer, writer. HANSCOM, A. J. Neb. journalist. HARTE, F. Bret (1836-1902). American writer. HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel (1804-64). Mass, novelist. HEARST, William Randolph (fi.1902). N. Y. journaist, Congressman. HOE, Robert (b.1839). N. Y. manufacturer, inventor. HOLMES, Oliver Wendell (1809-94). Mass, physician and writer. HOPKINS, Pauline Bradford (Mackie) (b.187'1). Conn, writer. 282 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. HOWE (Mrs.) Julia Ward (b.1819). Am. writer and reformer. HUBBARD, Elbert (b.1859). N. Y. lecturer, writer. KELLOGG, Elijah (1813-1901). Maine Congregational clergyman, writer, lecturer. KNIGHT, Sarah (Kemble) (1666-1727). N. E. teacher, writer. LANIER, Sidney (1842-61). Southern poet and writer, soldier in Confederate army. LEWELLING, Lorenzo D. (1846-1900). Kan. journalist, educator, Governor. LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth (1807-82). Cambridge. Mass., Professor and poet. LOWELL, James Russell (1819-91). Mass, poet and writer, V. S. minister to Spain. LUMMIS, Charles Fletcher (b.1859). New Mexico and Cal. editor and writer. MACKENZIE, William Lyon. Canadian journalist. MACLANE, Mary (b.1881). American writer. McNEILY, John S. (b.1841). Miss, journalist, writer, Confederate officer. MITCHELL, Donald Grant (b.1822). "Ik Marvel." Essayist. MURPHY, John S. (1847-1902). Iowa editor. NORRIS, Frank (1870-1902). American writer. OCHS, Adolph S. (b.1858). Am. newspaper publisher. PATTISON, George W. (1817-1900). Michigan pioneer, journalist. PERRY, John T. (1832-1902). N. H. and Ohio editor and writer. PINTARD, John (1759-1844). N. Y. editor, writer, benefactor. FOE, Edgar Allen (1809-49). Am. poet, writer, editor. PRENTIS, Noble L. (1833-1900). Kan. editor and writer. PRIME, Samuel Irenaens (1812-86). N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman, editor, writer. PULITZER, Joseph (b.1847). New York journalist. RICKETSON, Daniel (1813-98). American writer. RILEY, James Whitcomb (b.1835). Indiana poet. RITCHIE. Thomas (fl.1830). Richmond, Va. editor. RbSLER, Gustav Adolph (d.1855). 111. German Am. politician and editor. SAWYER, Eugene T. Dime novelist. SCHILLER, Friedrick. Swabian journalist in Am. Revolution. SCUDDER, Horace Elisha (1838-1902). N. E. editor, historian, writer. BEATON, William Winston (1785-1864). Am. journalist, regent of Smithsonian Institution. SETON, Ernest Thompson (b.1860). American naturalist, lecturer, and writer. SHIFF, Bernard (b.1813). Kentucky poet and writer. SIOOURNEY, Lydia Howard (Huntley) (1791-ab.l864). American writer, teacher. SMITH, Francis Hopkinson (b.1838). American artist and writer. STANLEY, Henry Morton (b.1840). African explorer. STERNE, Liraon (1838-1901). Phila. and N. Y. editor, writer. STEVENS, Benjamin Franklin (1833-1902). Am. Bibliographer. Bookseller in London. 8TOCKARD, Henry Jerome. North Carolina poet. STOCKTON, Francis Richard (1834-1902). N. Y. and N. J. novelist, editor. STODDARD, Charles Warren (b.1843). California writer, journalist, educator. SWAN, Robert T. Early Mass, writer. BWINTON, John (1829-1901). Am. journalist, economist. TANGTJAY, Mgr. . . French Canadian writer. THACKERAY, William Makepeace (1811-63). English novelist. THOMAS, Isaiah (1749-1831). N. E. printer. THOREAU, Henry David (1817-62). Mass, poet, naturalist, writer. TONG King Chong. San Francisco journalist. TRENT, William Peterfleld (b.1862). N. Y. professor, author, editor. TROW, John Fowler (1810-86). New York publisher. TUCKER, Benjamin Ricketson (b.1854). Mass, and N. Y. publisher, journalist, writer. TTJRELL (Mrs.) Jane (Coleman) (1708-35). Mass. poet. VAN DYKE, Henry (b.1852). N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman, Princeton Professor, writer. WARD, Artemus (d.1867). Maine humorist, lecturer. WEKHRLIN, Ludwig (fl.1776). Swabian journalist. WHITE, Stewart Edward (b.1873). Author, naturalist. WHITEMAN, Walt (1819-1892). American writer and poet. WHITTIER, John Greenleaf (1807-92). Mass, abolitionist, editor, poet. WILLIS, N. P. (1806-67). American editor, writer, poet. WISTER, Owen (b.1860). Philadelphia lawyer, novelist. LIBRARIES. BOSTON Public Library. Municipal library opened 1854. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 283 EATON, Seymour (b.1859). Founder and President of Booklovers' Library. HOWELL, George Rogers (1833-99). N. Y. Presbyterian clergyman, lecturer, librarian, writer. LIBRARIES. Collections of books, mss., etc., for use. LIBRARY of Congress. The National library at Washington, D. C. If. Y. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Combination of Astor, Lenox and Free circulating libraries with Tilden Trust. STILES, Samuel Edward (1844-1901). N. Y. librarian, physician and genealogist. ART (INCLUDING MUSIC). ARCHITECTURE. Science and art of beautiful building. ARTS (Fine). Creation of beauty in material forms. ARTS and crafts. Dependent or applied arts. MUSIC. The art of producing harmonious sounds. ORATORY. Art of public speaking. FAINTING. One of the fine arts. STEEL ENGRAVING. The art of preparing steel plates for printing purposes. ART BIOGRAPHY. ALEXANDER, Francis (1800-80). American portrait painter. BARNARD, George Grey (b.1863). American sculptor. BERDEL, Heinrich (d.1883). Chicago musician (local). BORGLUM, Solon H. (b.1868). American sculptor. BRIDGES, Fidelia (b.1835). Conn, artist. BROWNE, George Elmer (b.1871). American artist. BRYANT, Gridley James Fox (1816-99). Mass, architect. BUSH, Joseph H. (1794-1865). Kentucky artist. CLAY, John Cecil (fl.1902). N. Y. artist. DAVIS, Charles Howard (b.1856). Mass, artist. DULONGPRi, Louis (1754-1843). French Can. painter, soldier under Rochambeau in Am. Rev. EATON, Wyatt (1849-96). N. Y. artist. ELIOT, Charles (b.1859). Mass, landscape architect. FLAGG, Ernest (fl.1900). N. Y. architect. FRAZER, Oliver (1808-64). Ky. artist. GIBSON, William Hamilton (1850-96). Conn, artist, writer. GRAFLY, Charles (b.1862). Philadelphia sculptor. GREEN, Elizabeth Shippen (fl.1902). Phila. artist. GREENOUGH, Horatio (1805-50). Mass, sculptor. GRIDER, Rufus Alexander (1817-1900). N. Y. artist, archaeologist, writer. GRIMES, John (1799-1837). Ky. artist. HART, Joel T. (1810-77). Ky. sculptor. JOCELYN, Nathaniel (1796-1881). Connecticut painter. JOUETT, Matthew Harris (1788-1827). Kentucky artist. KONTI, Isadore (b.1862). N. Y. sculptor. MACMONNIES, Frederick (William) (b.1863). American sculptor. MASON, Lowell (1792-1872). Am. musician and composer. MORGAN, Louis (b.1814). Kentucky artist. MURPHY, John Francis (b.1853). N. Y. landscape artist. NAST, Thomas (1840-1902). Am. caricaturist, lecturer. NEWSAM, Albert (1809-1864). Phila. deaf mute lithographic artist. OAKLEY, Violet (fl.1902). Am. illustrator, designer in glass. OSTERTAG, Blanche (fl.1896). Chicago artist. PRICE, Samuel W. (b.1828). Kentucky artist. REED, Fanny. REUTERDAHL, Henry (b.1871). N. Y. artist. RUCKSTUHL, F. Wellington (b.1856). N. Y. sculptor. SMITH, Jessie Wiloox (fl.1902). Philadelphia artist. STORY, William Wetmore (1819-95). American sculptor, writer. STUART, Gilbert (1765-1828). American portrait painter. WALKER, Horatio (b.1858). Canadian painter. WARD, John Quinoy Adams (1830-1904). N. Y. sculptor. WARREN, George William (1828-1902). N. Y. musician, composer. 284 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. WHISTLER, James Abbott McNiel (b.1834). Am. artist, resident in England. YANDELL, Enid (b.18/5). Am. sculptor. THEATER. BAILEY, James Anthony (b.1847). American showman. BARNUM, P. T. (1810-91). Am. showman, writer. BOOTH, Edwin Thomas (1833-93). American actor. CARDIFF Giant. A fraudulent fossil buried and dug up at Cardiff, N. Y., 1889. JEiTERSON, Joseph (b.1829). American actor. POTTER, Cora Urquhart (fl.1900). American actress. SOTHERN, E. A. (1827-81). American actor. STAGE, The. Matters relating: to actors and acting. STODDART, James Henry (b.1727). English actor in America. STODDART, James Henry (b.1827). English actor resident of America. RECREATIONS. AMERICAN Scenic and Preservation Society. AMERICA'S cup. Prize for international yacht racing. ATHLETICS. Public games of physical strength or skill. BILLIARDS. Game of skill, played on tables with ivory balls. BOWLING. Game of exercise and skill played with wooden balls. "BRONCHO busting." Horse breaking in the Western States. CURLING. Scotch game played on the ice with sliding stones. HAG GIN, James Ben Ali. California horse-breeder. HOLIDAYS. Days of freedom from usual occupations. LACROSSE. An Indian ball game adopted by Canadians and Americans. NATIONAL parks. Parks set apart by the U. S. Gov't. SNOW shoeing. Travelling on snow by the use of specially adapted shoes. TOBOGGANING. Canadian snow sport coasting. CUSTOMS AND USAGES. DREAMS. Thought currents during sleep. DOWRIES. Marriage portions. FREEMASONRY. Concerns of the secret society of Freemasons. FRONTIER life. Life of pioneers. FURNITURE (colonial). Household equipment. GENERAL federation of women's clubs. HORSE chair. A colonial vehicle. INNS. Publio houses for lodgment and entertainment of travelers. PATCH, Nathan (fl. 1760-99). Worcester, Mass., tavern keeper. QUERNS. Irish handmills formerly used in America. UNDERTAKERS. Those who manage funerals. WATCHES. Time pieces for pocket use. POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. ASSASSINATION. Premeditated murder, especially of public persons. ANARCHIST. One who opposes all forma of government. COMMUNISM. The holding of property in common. DEMOCRACY. Government by the people. EXPANSION. Territorial growth of the V. S. IMPERIALISM. Tendency to expansion and centralization. POLITICS and gov't. Affairs of the state. WHITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 286 PRESIDENTS AND VICE PRESIDENTS. PRESIDENTS. U. S. Chief executive officer of the U. S. VICE-PRESIDENTS. C;ucers chosen to act in cue of inability of President. WHITE HOUSE. Official residence of the President of the United States. BIOGRAPHY. ADAMS, Johr,(1735-182G). Mass. 2d President of United States. ADAMS, John ftuincy (1767-1848). Mass. 6th President of United States. BUCHANAN, James (1791-1868). 15th President of United States. BURR, Aaron (1756-1836). Vice-President of the U. S. CALHOUN, John Caldwell (1782-1850). S. C. statesman, Vice-President of United States. CLEVELAND, Grover (b.1837). N. Y. 22d President of U. S. CLINTON, George (1739-1812). First governor of N. Y., Vice-President U. S. CZOLGOSZ, Leon F. (d.1501). Assassin of President McKinley. DALLAS, George Mifflia (1792-1864). Pa. U. S. senator, Vice-President and minister to Russia and England. GARFIELD, James Abram (1831-81). Twentieth President of the United States. GRANT, Ulysses S. (1822-85). Eighteenth President of U. S. HARRISON, Benjamin (1833-1901). Ind. lawyer, 23d President U. S. HARRISON, William Henry (1773-1841). 9th President U. S. JACKSON, Andrew (1767-1845). 7th President of the United States. JEFFERSON, Thomas (1743-1820). 3d President of United States. JOHNSON, Andrew (1808-75). 17th President of the United States. JOHNSON, Richard Mentor (1781-1850). Kentucky, U. S. senator and Vice-President. KING, William Rufus (1786-1853). Ala. senator, Vice-President of U. S. LINCOLN, Abraham (1809-65). 16th President of the United States. LINCOLN, (Mrs.) Abraham. Nee Todd of Lexington, Ky., married 1842. McKINLEY, William (1842-1901). 25th President of the United States. MADISON, James (1751-1838). 4th President of the United States. MONROE, James (1758-1831). 5th President of the United States. MORTON, Levi Parsons (1824-64). N. Y. Governor, Vice-President of the United States. PIERCE, Franklin (1804-69). 14th President of the United States. POLK, James Knox (1795-1849). llth President of the United States. ROOSEVELT, Theodore (b.1858). 26th President of the United States. TAYLOR, Zachary (1784-1850). 12th President U. S. TYLER, John (1790-1862). 10th President of the United States. VAN BUREN, Martin (1782-1862). 8th President of the United States. WASHINGTON, George (1732-99). First President of the United States. WASHINGTON, Martha (1732-1802). Va. wife of President Washington. CONGRESS AND DEPARTMENTS. CONGRESS. U. S. Ser.ate and House of Representatives. CONSULAR Service, U. S. POSTAL System. Organization for the transmission of letters and certain merchandise. SECRET Service. Detective department of the gov't. SENATE (U. S.). Upper house of Congress. TREASURY department. Financial dep't of the U. 8. Gov't. WAR Department. U. S. Gov't office for military affairs. CABINET OFFICERS, DIPLOMATS, ETC. 5 -* ALLISON, William B. (b.1829). Iowa U. S. senator. AMES, Fisher (1758-1808). Mass. Congressman and orator. BARNWELL, Robert W. (1801-82). S. Carolina U. S. sen., Confederate State senator. BLOUNT, William (1747-1800). U. S. senator, Gov. of Territory of Tenn. CULLOM, Shelby Moore (1829- ). 111. lawyer, U. S. senator. DOUGLAS, Stephen Arnold (1813-61). 111. Attorney-General, U. S. senator. ELLSWORTH, Oliver (1745-1807). Conn, statesman, Justice U. S. Supreme Court, envoy to France. GORHAM, Charles T. (1812-1901). Mich, banker, Major General, diplomat. McMILLAN, James (1838-1902). Mich. U. S. senator. MORRIS, Thomas (1776-1844). Ohio U. S. senator, judge. SEWELL, William Joyce (1835-1901). N. J. officer in Civil War, U. S. senator. 286 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. VOORHEES, Daniel Wolsey (1827-97). Ind. lawyer, V, S. senator, writer. BARBOUR, James C. (1775-1842). Va. governor, IT. 8. senator, Seo'y of war, minister to England. BINGHAM, John A. (b.1815). Ohio Congressman, U. 8. minister to Japan. BLACK, Jeremiah Sullivan (1810-83). Pa. Chief Justice, U. S. Attor. Gen., Sec'y of State. BOWEN, Herbert Wolcott (b.1852). V. 8. minister to Venezuela, writer. CAMPBELL, John Archibald (1811-89). Ala. Justice U. 8. Supreme Court, assistant Sec. of War. CHASE, Salmond Portland (1808-72). 0. Chief Justice U. S. Supreme Court. CLAY, Henry (1777-1852). Ky. lawyer, U. S. senator, Secretary of State. COOLIDGE, Thomas Jefferson (b.1831). Boston, V. S. minister to France. CORTELYOTT, George Bruce (b.1862). N. Y. Secretary to Presidents McKinley and Roosevelt. CORWIN Thomas (1794-1865). 0. lawyer, Governor, U. S. senator, Sec. of Treas. CRAWFORD, William Harris (1772-1834). Georgia IT. S, senator, Min. to France, Sec. of Treas. GUSHING, Caleb (1800-79). Mass, diplomat, U. S. Attorney-General. ENDICOTT, William Crowninshield (1826-1900). Mass, judge, Secretary of War. EVARTS, William Maxwell (1818-1901). N. Y. lawyer, U. S. senator, Sec. of State. EWING, Thomas (1789-1871). 0. lawyer, TT. 8. senator, Sec. of Treasury, Sec. of Interior. HAY, John (b.1838). Secretary of State, writer. HENDERSON, David Bremner (b.1840). la. Congressman, Speaker of the House. HOLMES, Oliver Wendell (b.1841). Mass. Justice Supreme Court of TT. S. publicist. INGHAM, Samuel Delucenna (1779-1860). Pa. Congressman, TT. S. Sec. of Treas. JOHNSON, Reverdy (1796-1876). Md. Attorney-General of United States. KENDALL, Amos (1787-1869). Ky. and D. C. lawyer, Postmaster-General, writer. KNOX, Philander Chase (b.1853). Pa. lawyer, TT. S. Attorney-General. LEGAR, Hugh Swinton (1797-1843). S. C. Congressman, TT. S. Attorney-General, writer. LINCOLN, Levi (1749-1820). Mass. Lieut. -Governor, Congressman, TT. S. Attorney-General. MACON, Nathaniel (1757-1837). N. C. Congressman, Speaker of the House. MARCY, William Learned (1786-1857). N. Y. lawyer, TT. S. senator, Governor. MARSHALL, John (1755-1835). Va. Chief Justice TT. S. Supreme Court, writer. MASON, Charles (1804-82). N. Y. editor, Iowa Judge, TT. S. commissioner of patents. MOODY, William Henry (b.1853). Mass, lawyer, Secretary of the Navy. NILE8, John Milton (1787-1856). Conn. TT. S. cenator, Postmaster-General, writer. REED, Thomas Brackett (1839-1902). Me. Congressman, Speaker of House. ROBESON, George Maxwell (1829-97). N. J. Attorney General, TT. 8. Secretary of navy, Congressman. ROCKHILL, William Woodville (b.1854). Director Bureau of Am. Republics. ROOT, Elihu (b.1845). N. Y. lawyer, Secretary of War. RUSH, Richard (1780-1859). U. S. Attor.-Gen., minister to England and France, Sec. of Treas., writer. SHAW, Leslie Mortier (b.1848). Iowa banker, Governor, U. S. Secretary of Treasury. SQUIRES, Herert Goldsmith (b.1859). Sec. U. S. embassy to Berlin, Minister to Cuba. STEVENSON, Andrew (1784-1857). Va. Congressman, minister to Great Britain. STORY, Joseph (1779-1845). Mass. U. S. Congressman, Supreme court Judge, writer. SUMNER, Charles (1811-74). Mass lawyer, statesman, U. 8. senator, writer. TAFT, William Howard (b.1857). Governor Philippine Islands. TOWER, Charlemagne (b.1848). U. S. Ambassador to Russia and Germany, writer. UHL, Edwin F. (1841-1901). Mich, lawyer, U. 8. Asst. Secretary of State, Ambassador to Germany. UPSHUR, Abel Parker (1790-1844). Va. lawyer, Congressman, judge, Sec. of the navy. WALKER, Robert James (1801-69). Miss. U. S. senator, Sec. of Treas., GOT. of territory of Kan. WANAIIAKER, John (b.1838). Phila. merchant, U. S. Postmaster-General. WA8HBURNE, Elihu Benjamin (1816-87). HI. politician, U. 8. Sec. of State, minister to France, writer. WEBSTER, Daniel (1782-1852). Mass, lawyer, orator, TT. 8. senator, Seo. of State. WHEATON, Henry (1785-1848). R. I. lawyer, minister to Prussia, publicist. WHITNEY, William C. (b.1841). N. Y. financier, U. S. Secretary of Navy. WILSON, William L. (1843-1900). W. Va. educator, Congressman, U. S. Postmaster-General. WOODBURY, Levi (1789-1851). N. H. U. 8. senator, Sec. of Navy, and of Treai. Justice of Supreme Court ARMY AND NAVY. ARMY and Navy. BLOCKADE. Closing of an enemy's port by effective patrol. BOUNTIES. Premium given soldiers to induce service. DESERTERS (Mil.). Soldiers unlawfully leaving an army. FIRE arms. Weapons discharged by explosions, FLAGS. Pieces of cloth with or without device, used as standards or signals. GUERILLA warfare. Irregular fighting which avoids pitched battles. IMPRESSMENT. Compulsion to serve in army or navy. MARTIAL LAW. The substitution of military for civil gov't. in time of war or disturbance. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 28T MEDAL of Honor Legion of XT. S. Society of recipients of XT. S. Medal for service in Civil and Spanish wan. MILITIA. Volunteer defensive military organization under state control. NAVY See Army and Navy. 'ONTARIO," U. S. S. sent under Capt. Bidwell to resume possession of Oregon 1818. PENSIONS. Annual allowances for past services, especially military. PRIVATEERS. Privately armed vessels licensed for warfare. SUBMARINE warfare. Use of boats under water. SWORD. Weapon. UNIFORMS. Official dress. ARMY AND NAVY BIOGRAPHY. BLAKELEY, Johnston (1781-1814). North Carolina naval officer. BLOUNT, Hamilton H. (fl.1902). U. S. Army officer. BUMPUS, Edward Avery(d.l901). Lieut. U. S. army. CONYNGHAM, Gustavus. Captain U. S. navy. HENSHAW, David (1791-1852). Mass. Secretary of Navy, writer. MAHAN, Alfred Thayor (b.1840). N. Y. Capt. U. S. navy, writer. SLOAT, John Drake (1781-1867). Admiral U. S. navy. STOCKTON, Robert Field (1795-1866). N. J. Commodore U. S. navy, senator. WINSLOW, John Ancrum (1811-73). U. S. Naval officer. SUFFRAGE AND ELECTIONS. CAUCUS. Meeting: of members of one political party of a legislative body. DEBATES, Political. Public discussion of political issues. DEMOCRATIC party. The "Democrat Republican" party founded by Jefferson. ELECTIONS. Choosing for public office. POLITICAL parties, U. S. Voluntary associations of citizens for united action in political affairs. PRIMARY elections. System of political nomination under state control. REPUBLICAN PARTY. One of the two chief parties in the U. S., founded in 1854. SUFFRAGE. Right to vote. WOMAN SUFFRAGE. Right of women to vote. TAXATION. FARMING of Revenues. Leasing of taxes. GEORGE, Henry, Jr. (b.1862). N. Y. journalist. PROTECTION. Policy of encouraging home industries by preferential treatment. RECIPROCITY. XT. S. policy of mutual tariff preference. SINGLE tax. Theory of taxing land only associated with Henry George. TARIFF. Schedule of duties on importations. TAXATION. Laying an impost for public revenue. LOCAL GOVERNMENT. CITIES. Communities with municipal form of government. FIRE fighting MUNICIPAL ownership. Ownership of works of public utility by the city. POUNDS (Town). Enclosures for keeping stray cattle. TAMMANY Hall. Organization of N. Y. City Democracy. TOWNSHIP government. Form of local government. FOREIGN RELATIONS. AMERICANIZATION. Moulding of foreign nations by American ideas. BONAPARTE, Joseph (1768-1844). King of Spain, resident of XT. S. BONAPARTE, Louis Napoleon (1803-73). French emporor. BRITISH-AMERICAN relations. Public and social. CHELMSFORD, England. Town of Essex Co. 29 m. E.N.E. of London. CHINESE-AMERICAN relations. The public relations between China and U. 8. CLAYTON-BULWER treaty. Between Gt. B. and U. S. Apr. 19, 1850, ab. Panama canal. FOREIGN relations. Official and social dealings with foreign countries. FRENCH-AMERICAN relations. Public and social relations between France and U. 8. GERMAN-AMERICAN relations. Public and social relations between Germany and the XT. 8. 288 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. HAY-PATTNCEFOTE treaty, of Nov. 18,1901. Anglo-Am, treaty respecting Panama Canal. HENRY, Prince of Prussia (b.1862). LEANG Chew-Tung. Chinese Minister to U. 8. 1902. LEO XIII (1810-1903). Pope of Rome. MONROE Doctrine (1823). Contravention of foreign interference in American affairs. NIEMCEWICZ, J. U. cab. 1758-1841). Polish poet and patriot, visited Am. in the interests of his country. SPAIN. A kingdom in the 8.W. of Europe. VAUGHAN. Sir Charles (b.1794). English Ambassador to U. B. WASHINGTON treaty. Treaty of 1871 between Great Britain and U. 8. INTERNATIONAL LAW AND ARBITRATION. ALABAMA Claims. Claims of U. S. agst. Gt. Brit., arbitrated at Geneva, 1872. ALASKA-CANADA boundary question. Controversy between Canada and V. 8. HAGUE Court of Arbitration. International tribunal outgrowth of the Inteuat. peace Conference. INTERNATIONAL Arbitration. Settlement of diiferences between nations ay reference to an umpirs. INTERNATIONAL law. System of rules adopted by nations to govern their intercourse. "PIOUS Fund." Trust fund for Mexican and California Missions. LAW. "CONSEIL Superieur." Titles of high court of New France under Louis XIV. CONSTITUTION (U. 8.). Fundamental law of U. 8., adopted 1787. FIRST-BORN in a colony. HABEAS corpus. Order of court to produce a prisoner. "HIGH JUSTICE." Right of prosecution of capital crimes. HOMESTEAD law. Law giving right to take up public lands. INJUNCTIONS. A judicial process to restrain or constrain a person to a particular action. LAND Grants. The transfer by the gov't. of public land to private use and ownership. LAND title registration. System whereby tho state records and guarantees titles to real estat*. LAW. Rules of action prescribed by the state. LYNCH law. Summary punishment, especially by death, without process of law. MARRIAGE (and divorce). Legal union of husband and wife. PUBLIC LANDS. Lands owned by the state. SUPREME COURT. Highest tribunal in U. 8. practice. BIOGRAPHY. ABEND, Eduard (b.1822). 111. lawyer and legislator. BALDWIN, Augustus Carpenter (b.1817). Mich, lawyer, educator, Congressman. BINGHAM, Harry (1821-1900). N. H. lawyer and politician. BISHOP, Joel Frentiss (1814-1901). Mass, lawyer and publicist. BOLGER, Henry L. Pinckney (1846-1901). 8. C. judge and legislator. BOWEN, John H. (1780-1822). Tennessee lawyer and Congressman. BRACKENRIDGE, Hugh Henry (1748-1816). Pa. editor, writer, judge. BROWN, Addison (b.1830). N. Y. judge, botanist, writer. BROWN, William Little (1789-1830). Tenn. Judge of Supreme Court. BROWNE, Edward Ingersoll (1833-1901). Boston lawyer. CARPENTER, Alonzo Philetua (1829-98). N. H. Chief Justice. CODMAN, Robert (1823-1901). Boston lawyer. COFFINBERRY, Andrew (b.1783). Ohio pioneer, poet and lawyer. CONRAD, Wm. Fitch f 1826-1901). Iowa, officer and judge. CRANCH, William (1769-1855). Mass, judge, writer. CUSHMAN, Archibald Falconer (1830-1901). N. Y. lawyer. DALTON, Samuel (1629-81). N. H. colonial magistrate. DAVIS, Noah (1818 1902). Justice N. Y. Supreme Court. DILL, James Brooks (b.1854). N. Y. lawyer. DODDRIDGE, Philip (1773-1832). Virginia lawyer, U. S. Congressman. DUDLEY, Sanford Harrison (1812-1901). Boston lawyer. DULANY, Daniel (1785-53). Md. Attorney-General, judge, assemblyman. DUNCAN, E. 8. (1789-1858). Va. judge, statesman, officer in War of 1812. DUNCOMBE, John Francis (1831-1902). Iowa pioneer and lawyer. DUNDY, Elmer 8. (1830-ab.84). Nebraska judge. FINCH, Francis Kile* (b.1827). N. Y. lawyer and writer, WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1002. 289 FISHER, George Fumell (1817-99). Del. Congressman, judge. GARFIELD, James R. (b.1865). Ohio lawyer, IT. S. Civil Service commissioner. GIBBS. Mifflin Wistar (b.1823). Fa. jurist, IT. S. Consul to Madagascar. GILPIN, Edward Woodward (1803-76). Del. Chief Justice. HAND, Clifford Augustus (1830-1901). N. Y. lawyer. HARI.AN, Andrew J. (b.1815). Western Iwyer and politician. HEYDENFELDT, Solomon (1816-90). Ala. and Cal. lawyer. HOWARD, Memucan Hunt (1798-1887). Tenn. pioneer lawyer, philanthropist. HUBBARD, Nathaniel Mead (1829-1902). Iowa judge. HYITDS, Robert Henry (b.1802). Tenn. judge and legislator. HUTCHINSON, Charles Hare (1803-1902). Fhila. lawyer. JEROME, William Travers (b.1868). New York District attorney. JOLINE, Adrian Hoffman (b.1850). K. Y. lawyer, autograph collector, writer. JONES, Walter (b.1777). Washington, D. C., lawyer. JUNKIN, George (1827-1902). Philadelphia lawyer. NOLAN, Thomas (d.1900). N. Y. lawyer. PELL, John Henry (1831-1902). N. Y. lawyer, officer in Civil War. RUFFNER, David (1767-1848). Virginian magistrate, legislator, philanthropist. SEE, Adam (b.1764). Virginia lawyer, legislator. SEWELL, Samuel (1652-1730). Boston judge in Salem witchcraft trials, writer. SHERWOOD, William (d.about 1697). Virginia Attorney-General, Va. Burgess. SILSBY, Arthur Wilson (1851-99). N. H. county judge. SMITH, Isaac William (1825-98). N. H. Supreme Court Judge, legislator, mayor of Manchester, N. H. STORY, Isaac (1818-1901). Boston lawyer, teacher, politician. TAFT, Russell Smith (1835-1902). Va. lawyer, senator, Lieut. -Governor, judge, writer. TOWNSHEND, Randolph Wanton (1812-1902). N. Y. lawyer, prominent citizen. TYLER, John (1747-1813). Va. lawyer, judge, Governor. VAN BTTREN, John (1810-66). N. Y. Attorney-General of the State. WARD, Hamilton (1829-98). N. Y. lawyer, Congressman. WILKESON, Sam (1781-1841). N, Y. State senator, judge, Mayor of Buffalo. CRIMINAL BIOGRAPHY. BLACK BEARD (d.1717). Name for Edward Teach, pirate off southern coast. BONNETT, Steed (fl.1617). North Carolina pirate. KIDD, (Capt.) William (d.1701). Famous pirate. TEACH (Thatch or Thack) Edward (fl.1716). Famous Am. pirate known as "Blackboard." TRACY, Harry (d.1902). Western desperado. VASaUEZ. Tiburois (fl.1853). California bandit. SOCIAL REFORM. CHARITY. The relief of poverty. COLLEGE settlements. Colonies of college graduates in poor district*. CONSUMER'S league. League to help working women and children. DEAF-BLIND. Persons without sight or hearing. DEPENDENT children. Children requiring support of state or agencies other than parents. DISPENSARY system. System for control of liquor traffic by the state. REFORM SCHOOLS. Institutions for correction of wayward children. SOCIAL REFORM. SOCIETY. The human race in its organized activities. SOCIETY for Prevention Cruelty to Animals. Society founded by Henry Bergh, 1868. TEMPERANCE movement. Question of use of and traffic in alcoholic liquors. TRAMPS. Professional vagrants. WOMAN'S cruiad*. A movement against th* liquor traffic. BIOGRAPHY. BERGH, Henry (1820-88). N. Y. founder of 800. for prevention of cruelty to animals. BIDWELL, John (b.1819). Cal. Gen. in Civil War, Congressman, Prohibitionist, BIRBECK, Morris (d.1825). HI. pioneer, abolitionist. BIRNEY, James G. (1792-1857). Ala. and Ky. abolitionist editor and writer. 290 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. BROWN, John (1800-59). Abolitionist. CLARKE, George Faber (1817-99). Mass, clergyman, writer on history and temperance. FOSTER (Mrs.), Rebecca Salome (d.1902). N. Y. friend of prisoners. HUTCHINS, Elizabeth Ellsworth (1825-1901). N. Y. philathropist and patriot. LLOYD, Henry Demarest (b. 18-17). N. Y. and Chicago, editor, writer on political economy. PEABODY, George (1795-1869). Mass philanthropist. PEARSON, D. K. (b.1820). Chicago philanthropist. SIBLEY, Charlotte Augusta Lang-don (Cook) (1819-1902). Mass, local philanthropist. SIMPSON, Sampson (1780-1857). Founder of Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York. STANTON, Elizabeth Cady (1815-1902). N. Y. woman's rights advocate, writer, STEARNS (Mrs.) Mary Elizabeth (Preston) (1821-1901). Massachusetts philanthropist. WILLARD, Francis Elizabeth (1839-98). 111. teacher, editor, Temperance advocate and leader. FINANCE AND BUSINESS. BANKS (and banking). Institutions for lending and borrowing of money. "BILLS of credit." Form of colonial currency. BOOKKEEPING. Systematic keeping of business accounts. CONTINENTAL currency. Money issued by the Continental Congress. COUNTERFEITING. The making (and issuing) of spurious money. DEPARTMENT stores. Large stores dealing in many kinds of goods classified. DRY goods trade. Distribution of cotton, woolen, etc., products. ECONOMIC Progress IT. 8. ECONOMICS. Study of wealth. FINANCES (Am.). Dealings with wealth, especially public wealth. INSURANCE. Indemnity for loss of or damage to life or property. LEGAL tender. Currency which can be legally used in payment of a debt. MILLIONAIRES, Am, Persons worth a million dollars or more. MONEY. Any commodity used as medium of exchange, NORTHERN Securities Co. R. R. securities Trust attacked under the Anti-Trust law. PATRICK'S PENCE=Newbie coppers. Coins used in N. J. ab. 1382. PRICES. The equivalents in exchange. PUBLIC Debt (Am.). Formal obligations of a nation to its creditors. SAVINGS banks. Institutions for receiving and investing moderate savings. "SECURITY-HOLDING Company." A stock and bond trust-corporation. TRUST companies. Financial institutions for the management of trust fund*. TRUSTS. Monopolies. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BIOGRAPHY. ARBUCKLE, John (fl.1902). New York manufacturer and capitalist. ARMOUR, Phillip D.( 1832-1901). Chicago meat packetr, philanthropist. ARMSTRONG, George Washington (1836-1901). Boston merchant. ASTOR, John Jacob (b.1864). N. Y. capitalist, inventor, writer. BACHELDER, Nahum J. (b.1854). N. H. farmer and agricultural leader. BAER, George Frederick (b.1842). R. R. president. BALDWIN, W. H. Jr. (b.1863). N. Y. Railroad president, writer. BANT, William (fl.1776). Boston business man. BEECHER, Benj. D. C. (d.1868). Connecticut inventor. BELL, Alexander Graham (b.1847). Am. scientist, inventor, writer. BOISSIERE, Ernest Valeton (1810-94). Kansas horticulturist and philanthropist. BURCKY, Friedrioh (b.1814). Chicago baker (local). BUFTINGTON, Elisha Dewey (1836-1900). Worcester (Mass.) manufacturer. CARNEGIE, Andrew (b.1837). Pa. capitalist, philanthropist. CASSATT, Alexander Johnston (b.1839). Pa., President P. R. R. COBURN, F. D. (fl.1902). Kansas agriculturalist, writer. CRAMP, Charles Henry (b.1828). Pa. shipbuilder. DENMARK, Brantley A. (1850-1901). Ga lawyer, R. R. president, banker. DREER, Ferdinand Julius (1812-1902). Philadelphia capitalist. DROWNE, Henry Thayer (1822-92). N. Y. business man, writer. DRYDEN, John Fairfield (b.1839). N. J. capitalist, U. 8. senator. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 201 DYAR, Harrison Gray (b.!8C6). Mass, inventor. EASON, James H. (1858-1902). S. C. business man, politician (local). EDISON, Thomas Alva (b.1847). K. J. inventor. EMORY, Frederick (b.1853). Chief of Bureau of Foreign Commerce U. 8. FERRIS, George M. (1835-1901). N. Y. druggist. FIELD, Marshall (b.1835). Chicago merchant. FLAGLER, Henry Morrison (b.1830). N. Y. capitalist. FLINT, Charles Ranlett (b.lS50). N. Y. capitalist. FRICK, Henry Clay (b.1819). Pa. iron and coke manufacturer. FRITZ, John (fl.1902). Pa. iron manufacturer. 1'URMAN, Howard Van Fleet (ab.1857-1902). Metallurgist, educator, engineer, writer. GATES, John Warne (b.1855). Chicago capitalist. GREENLEAF, James (1765-1843). Washington, B. C. capitalist, TT. S. Consul to Amsterdam. GRISCOM, Clement Acton (b.1841). Phila. financier, Pres. Internal. Navigation Co. HANNA, Hugh H. (b.1848). Indiana manufacturer, philanthropist and financial expert. HANNA, Marcus Alonzo (b.1837). Ohio capitalist and politician, IT. S. senator. HEMBERLE, Eduard (fl.1867-1902). German-Am, civil engineer, writer. HEWITT, Abraham Stevens (1822-1903). N. Y. Congressman, Mayor N. Y. KILL, James Jerome (b.1838). Minn. R. R. president. HOWLAND, Lansing M. (1850-1901). N. Y. business man. HUNTINGTON, Collis Potter (1821-1900). N. Y. capitalist. JESTJP, Morris K. (b.1830). N. Y. financier and philanthropist. JOHNSON, Tom L. (b.1854). Cleveland, O., mayor and capitalist. KEENE, James Robert (b.1838). N. Y. stock broker. KIMBALL, Moses (1810-95). Boston financier. Assemblyman. KIMBALL, Samuel Sparhawk (1825-99). N. H. banker, R. R. president. LASSIG, Moritz (1831-1902). 111. Bridge engineer. LAW, W. W. (fl.1902). N. Y. patron of agriculture. LOWELL, Augustus (1830-1900). Boston merchant, philanthropist. McCALL, John Augustine (b.1849). N. Y. insurance president. MACDONALD, John B. (b.1884). N. Y. engineer. MACKAY, John William (b.1831), Nev. mine owner and capitalist. MAXIM, (Sir) Hiram Stevens (b.1840). Am. inventor and manufacturer, resident of England. MILLS, Darius Ogden (b.1825). Cal. and N. Y. capitalist. MORGAN, John Pierpont (b.1837). N. Y. financier. NIXON, Lewis (b.1861). N. Y. shipbuilder and politician. ODLIN, Woodbridge (1810-98). N. H. banker and merchant. OGDEN, Robert C. (b.1836). N. Y. merchant, philanthropist. OTIS, John Carter (1825-1900). Mass, merchant. PATTERSON, John Henry (b.1844). Ohio manufacturer. PHIFPS, Henry (b.1839). Pa. steel and coke manufacturer and capitalist. PILLSBURY, Georga Alford (1816-98). N. H. and Minn, banker, miller, Mayor of Minneapolis. RICHER, Henrich Franz (b.1822). 111. German American merchant and banker of Quincy. ROBERTS, Charles (fl.1846-1902). Pa. merchant, public citizen. ROCKEFELLER, John Davison (b.1839). N. Y. capitalist. ROCKEFELLER, William (b.1841). N. Y. capitalist. ROEBLING, Ferdinand William (fl.1902). N. J. wire manufacturer. ROEBLING, Washington Augustus (b.1837). N. 3. civil engineer. ROGERS, Henry Huddleston (fl.1902). Mass, capitalist. ROOSEVELT, Theodore (1831-78). New York, prominent citizen. ROUSS, Charles Broadway (1336-1902). N. Y. merchant. SAGE, Dean (1841-1902). Business man, philanthropist, writer. SATTNDERS, Charles Hicks (1821-1901). Boston merchant. SCHWAB, Charles Michael (b.1862). Pa. Pres. U. S. Steel Corporation, capitalist. SMITH, Ethelbert Marshall (1839-1901). N. H. merchant, U. S. consul to Amoy. SPIER, William E. (1849-1901). K. Y. manufacturer. SPRECKEL8, Claus (b.1828). Cal. refiner of Hawaiian sugar. STEWART, James C. Am. engineer and builder. STRATTON, Winfield Scott (1848-1902). Col. miner, capitalist. STXTDEBAKER, Clement (1831-1901). Ind. manufacturer. TIMBY, Theodore Ruggles (b.1822). N. Y. inventor, writer. TRAIN, George Francis (1829-1903). N. Y. writer, lecturer. VALENTINE, John J. (1840-1902). N. Y. and Cal. President Wells-Fargo Express. VANDERBILT, George Washington (b.1862). N. Y. capitalist. 292 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. VANDERLIP, Frank Arthur (b.1864). Assistant U. 8. Treasury, N. Y. banker, writer. VREELAND, Herbert Harold (b.1856). President of Metropolitan Street Railway Co. of New York. WARD, Andrew Henshaw (1884-1901). Boston merchant, agricultural writer. WEBB, William Seward (b.1851). Vt. R. R. Capitalist, politician. WESTINGHOUSE, George (b.1846). Pa. inventor and manufacturer. WILDER, Sampson V. S. (1780-1865). Boston merchant, philanthropist. WILLCOX, Joseph (1728-ab.92). N. C. iron manufacturer, legislator. WILLIAMS, George G. (b.1828). New York banker. WING. Lucius Bliss (1822-1902). Ohio hanker and business man. WOODS, Henry (1820-1901). Boston merchant. YERKES, Charles Tyson (b.1837). N. Y. Capitalist, Donor of Yerkes observatory, Chicago Univ. LABOR. CHILD labor. Use of the very young in industry. INDUSTRIAL arbitration. Reference of difi'erences between employer and employee to an umpire. INDUSTRIAL commission, U, S., created 1898, to investigate industrial conditions and suggest remedies. LABOR. Productive work and those engaged in it. MITCHELL, John (b.1869). 111. Fres. of United Mine Workers of America. MULVIHILL, Denis. Bridgeport, Conn., labor mayor. POWDERLY, Terence Vincent (b.1849). Labor leader, politician, U. S. Commis. of Immigration, writer. STRIKES. Combined refusal of laborers to work. PRODUCTIVE INDUSTRIES. CHARLESTON, S. C., West Indian Exposition, 1902. EXPOSITIONS. Exhibitions of the state of fine and useful arts. INDUSTRIES. Various branches of production, manufacture and trade. MINERAL INDUSTRIES. COAL industry. The mining and marketing of coal. COAL strike, 1902. GOLD. Precious metal used as standard of value. IRON and steel industry, U. S. The producing, manufacture and marketing of iron and steel. MINING -Industry. The mining of coal and metals. NATURAL gas. Hydrocarbon gas for heating and illumination piped from wells to consumer. SALT. Table condiment chloride of sodium. STANDARD Oil Company. Petroleum trust. AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE. AGRICULTURE. Cultivation of plants and animals for human use. BANANA. Fruit raised in Cent. Am., W. I., Cal., La., Fla., etc. COFFEE industry. The raising and marketing of coffee. COTTON industry. Raising and marketing of cotton. FARMER'S ALLIANCE. An organization, esp. in South and West, est. 1876. FORESTRY. The cultivation of forest trees. GARDENS. Enclosed cultivated spaces. IRRIGATION. Fertilization of land by artificially distributed water. LUMBER industry. The business of transforming trees into lumber. OLIVE industry. Raising and marketing of olives. SUGAR industry. Cultivation, manufacture and marketing of sugar. TOBACCO industry. Raising, manufacturing and marketing of tobacco. WATER and Forest Association, Cal. An association for the promotion of irrigation. WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. 293 ANIMAL INDUSTRIES. BEEF trust. Combination of Am. meat packers. BUFFALO. The American bison. CATTLE industry. Raising and marketing; of cattle. FISHERIES. The industry of catching ftsh. FUR TRADE. Dealings in skins and pelts. HEAT packing industry. Business of transforming cattle into meat, and marketing it. Vv'IKG, Isaac Hoxie (1325-96). Sandwich, Mass, whaling captain. OYSTER industry. Cultivation, fishing and marketing of oysters. REINDEER. Domestic animals used in Arctic Europe and America. SALMON fishing. SHEEP raising. Industry of raising and marketing sheep and wool. SEAL fishing. Industry of hunting the fur-bearing seals. SILK industry. Manufactures of silk and their marketing. SOAP. Salts of the fat acids. SPONGE industry. Gathering and marketing of sponges. WHALE fishery. WOOL manufacture. Making of woolen goods. MANUFACTURES AND BUILDING. BRIDGE building (Am.). Branch of engineering. FACTORIES. Manufacturing organizations and their buildings. HAT industry. Manufacture of and trade in hats. INVENTIONS, Am. New material processes or contrivances for a useful end. LACE making. The industry of netting thread into artistic fabrics. PAPER INDUSTRY. Manufacture and marketing of paper. SHOE industry. Making and marketing of shoes. SILVERWARE. Articles of silver. TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION. BULL-WHACKING. Freighting- across the plains with ox wagons. FOREIGN COMMERCE. Export and import trade. INTERSTATE Commerce Commission. U. S. com. charged with legal control of interstate commerce. MARCONI, Guglielmo (b.1875). Inventor of wireless telegraphy. TELEGRAPH. An electrical apparatus for communicating between distant points. TRANSPORTATION. Carrying from one place to another. ROADS. CAMINO Real. Old Catholic Mission road in California. PIKE, National. Road from Baltimore to St. Louis built 1806 sq. ROADS, Public. Ways for public travel. SALT Lake trail. Overiar.d-road from St. Jossph, Mo., Co., Fort Kearney, and Salt Lake City. WASHIMGTONS ROAD==Nemacolin's Path. Indian trail. RAILROADS. AUTOMATIC COUPLER. Safety device for coupling cars. BOSTON and Worcester railroads. Mass. R. R. incorporated 1831. RAILROADS. Roads with track of parallel rails. WORCESTER Branch railroad. Mass, railroad incorporated 1838. WATER TRANSPORTATION. CANALS (Am.). Artificial water ways for navigation, irrigation or drainage. COMMERCIAL marine, U. S. Ships used for passengers and freight. MERCHANT Marine. Vessels employed in domestic or foreign commerce. KILLS, Elligood (1744-1832). N. H. sea captain, patriot, privateer. 294 WRITINGS ON AMERICAN HISTORY 1902. "ORIGINAL." Vessel shipwrecked on Cape Diamond, 1750. PIRATES. Sea robbers. SHIP subsidies. Bounties for the encouragement of native ship building-. SHIPBUILDING. The art and industry of making ships. SHIPPING. All large apparatus for water transportation. SHIPPING Trust. Combination of N. Atlantic steamship lines, "Interaat. Merchant Marine Co." SLOCTTM, Joshua (fl.1902). Mass, seaman who circumnavigated world in 37 ft. sail boat. STEAM BOATS. Vessels propelled by steam power. "WALK-IN-THE-WATER." First steamboat on Lake Erie. WILLIAMS, James H. Sailor, organizer of the International Seamang Union. GENEALOGY AND COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. BIOGRAPHY, Gen. Collected works on Am. biography. GENEALOGY. Family history. HERALDRY. Matters relating to the bearing of coats of arms. SURNAMES. Family names. INDIVIDUAL FAMILIES. Adams, Aglionby, Alcott, Alden, Alexander, Allen, Anthony, Armistead, Armstrong, Arnold, Atkins, Atwood, Austin, Avery, Bacon, Bagley, Baker, Balch, Ball, Ballard, Bancroft, Barker, Barnard, Barnes, Barr, Bartlett, Bass, Bassett, Batte, Beekman, Bellows, Bennett, Blakesley, Blount, Boehm, Borton, Boss, Bower, Bowie, Bowne, Box, Bradford, Bradley, Breck, Brewton, Bridgman, Brondson, Brooke, Brown, Brumby, Bugg, Bull, Buncombe, Burke (or Bourke), Burr, Burwell, Calkins, Calvert, Cameron, Cannon, Capers, Carr, Gary, Cass, Chandler, Chapline, Child, Christian, Clapp, Clarke, Clopton, Cocke, Codner, Cody, Colcock, Cole, Collamore, Collins, Cooper, Cornell, Cornwall, Corser, Cotton, Courtenay, Cox, Crafts, Cremazie, Crocum (or Croackham), Cuppage, Cushman, Dameron, Danforth, Dean, Denison, D'Wolf, Dickinson, Digges, Dinwiddie, Dixon, Doane, Doty, Dowe, Dring, Dudley, Durand, Durfee, Du Val, Dwight, Eames, Edwards, Ellis, Elwell, Ely, Engle, Eno, Eppes, Eskridge, Evans, Everett, Eves, Farrar, Fay, Fisher, Fitch, Fitzhugh, Forman, Fowler, Freer, Fremont, Friend, Fry, Fuller, Fulton-Cox, Furman, Fyfe, Gardiner, Gilbert, Girouard, Gleason, Gorham, Graves (Grave), Green, Grout, Guerrant, Haines, Hale, Hall, Hammond, Hardy, Hardyman, Harlakenden, Harleston, Hart, Harvie, Harwood, Hassam, Hathorne, Hawxhurst, Helwise, Henderson, Herndon, Hickman, Hicks, Hill, Hills, Hobson, Holmes, Hopkins, Howard, Hubbard, Hunter, Izard, Jackson, Jenkins, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Kathan, Kellogg, Kilham, Kimball, King, Knaggs, Knight, Lancaster, Lane, La Serre, Lee, Lefferts- Haughwout, Lewis, Lindsay, Litchfield, Little, Livermore, Logan, Lord, Lundy, Lyford, McKean, Mackenzie, Maoon, McWhorter, Manning, Mansur, Mapes, Marchant, Marcy, Marks, Marshall, Martin, Maul, Maulsby, Mead, (or Meade), Mears, Moigs, Merrick, Merrill, Mighill, Miller, Minor, Mitchell, Moore, More, Morgan, Mosby, Moulton, Mumford, Nash, Ober, Ochterloney, Owen, Page, Park, Parker, Patch, Patterson, Paxton, Fendleton, Fenniman, Peter, Pierce, Platt, Pollard, Porter, Potter, Poy three. Pratt, Frickitt, Putnam, Randolph, Ransone (or Ransome), Renick, Reynolds, Richard's Ridgway, Ring, Robards, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Roosevelt, Ross, Ryerson, Sampson Mason, Sanford, Sarchet, Scarlett, Schureman, Sharp, Sherman, Smith, Soule, Sprague, Stark, Stephens, Steptoe, Stevenson, Stone, Stratton, Stubbs, Swearingen, Syme, Talbot, Taylor, Terrill, Thomson, Thresher, Tinkliam, Tompkies, Tomsoa, Towles, Traske, Treat, Tresler, Trezevant, Troth, Tucker, Underwood, Vail, Van Meter, Van Rensselaer, Viets, Villers, Wade, Wainman-Wayneman, Wakeman, Waldo, Walker, Wallace, Waller, Ward, Warren, Washington, Waters, Watkins, Westfall, Wetmore, Wheatlcy, Wheeler, Whistler, White, Whitehead, Whiitng, Whitmarsh, Wickes, Wickliffe, Wilder, Willcomb, Willcox, Willet, Williams, Willis, Winder, Wing, Winslow, Womack, Wood, Woodruff, Woodson, Woodworth, Wright, Wyatt, Yates. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY D 000960950 4