UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Vol. 1, No. 10, pp. 291-339 April 29, 1916 FUNDAMENTAL INTERRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CERTAIN SOLUBLE SALTS AND SOIL COLLOIDS BY L. T. SHARP INTRODUCTION "While engaged in an extensive investigation of the physio- logical effects of NaCl, Na 2 S0 4 and Na 2 C0 3 on crop plants as grown in the Davis clay loam, in cylinders, under field condi- tions, the writer observed that the soil to which the salts had been previously applied became so impervious during the course of the experiment as to retard markedly the rate of percolation. So pronounced was this effect that during the winter and early spring months all of the salt-treated soils were continuously covered with standing water. The appearance of this striking modification in the permeability of the soil to water in the salt- treated soils, together with the inferior cultivating qualities exhibited by them, impressed us as evidence of the fact that the salt treatments under the field conditions of the experiment had effected a fundamental change in the physical constitution of the soil. The occurrence and nature of this change and its relation to soil colloids, interior surface, and other properties of soils, form the considerations with which this paper is chiefly con- cerned. Just such an effect on the physical condition of the soil as described above had been anticipated as the normal result of adding Na 2 C0 3 to the soil, for this salt has generally been con- ceded, by soil experts, to be an active deflocculating agent. But 292 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 to find, on the other hand, that a similar state of diffusion existed in the soils to which NaCl or Na 2 S0 4 had been added appeared wholly inexplicable in the light of the prevailing conception of these salts as agents capable of producing flocculation in the soil colloids. However, this apparent contradiction of well- established facts brought out by the field observations becomes more intelligible as the accumulating data define more clearly the conditions necessary to produce the remarkable effects observed. Thus it has been demonstrated, not only in the field but also in the laboratory, that the removal from the soil by water of NaCl or Na 2 S0 4 , together with the water-soluble products of their chemical reaction with the soil constituents, either wholly or in part, is the initial step in creating a condition favorable for the diffusion of the soil colloids and possibly for the formation of new colloidal matter. Therefore the net result of salt application to and subsequent washing of a soil is to render the soil com- paratively impervious and to injure seriously its physical con- dition. The leaching out of added Na 2 C0 3 from the soil also presents some interesting phenomena, which are discussed below. Although the alteration in the physical condition of the soil was first observed by the writer as purely incidental to an investi- gation primarily designed to ascertain the toxicity limits of the common alkali salts for crop plants, yet it has proved, at least in the case at hand, a most perplexing factor in the production of crops. Our experience would lead us to believe that these after-effects of salt treatments, which appear during the course of leaching the salts from the soil, would have some application to the management of alkali lands, and perhaps some significance with respect to fertilizer treatments. However, the literature on these subjects, with a few exceptions, seems quite devoid of any pertinent reference to the possible importance in these problems of the factor discussed above. A survey of the literature concerning soils reveals the chief exceptions just mentioned in the following important contribu- tions to Hi is subject. Thus, a brief but significant chapter. ' ' Veranderung der Durchlassigkeit (lurch Auswaschen der Sake/' by Adolph Mayer, 1 records a somewhat sudden reduction • Porschungen auf dem Gebiete der Agrikultur-Physik, vol. 2, 1879, p. 251. 1916] Sharp : Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 293 in the permeability of a soil when NaOH is washed from it. A similar experiment performed by Mayer with sodium phosphate was not accompanied with the sudden reduction in permeability of the soil as was noted when NaOH was washed from the soil. Likewise the washing out of lime-water produced no marked effect on the rate of percolation, but the leaching out of added NaCl, either with pure water or with lime-water, reduced percola- tion to a minimum. Mayer ascribes the poor physical condition of drained sea-shore lands to the washing out of the salt, and significantly remarks that this effect, which frequently appears in the second year, is probably more injurious to crop plants than the toxicity of the salt itself. Van Bemmelen 2 in his classical researches on colloids has also observed a similar decrease in the rate of percolation when loosely bound salts are washed from clays or from the hydrated oxides of tin, silica, and manganese. Moreover, he noted that these colloids, when subjected to salt treatments followed by leaching with water, invariably exhibited a high degree of diffusion upon suspension in water for a second time. He further asserts that this process can be indefinitely repeated by alternately adding to and washing salt from the colloids. The colloidal particles, as remarked by Van Bemmelen, become so exceedingly small, during the process of washing salts from them, as to pass through the filter paper. Warington 3 also refers in a general way to the appearance of somewhat similar phenomena when soils, previously treated with acids, are washed with water. It would appear, with the above exceptions, that those who have studied absorption, adsorption, or other physico-chemical effects of salts on soils, have failed to recognize the existence of any relation between the washing out of salts and the subsequent condition of the soil. In fact, Hall and Morison 4 assert that the flocculating effect of salt solutions on kaolin are reversible, that is to say, upon the removal of the added salt the kaolin resumes the original condition of diffusion. 2 Journ. prakt. Chem., 2nd ser., vol. 23, p. 388, 1881. 3 Physical Properties of Soil (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1900), p. 30. 4 Journ. Agri. Sci., vol. 2, p. 244, 1907. 294 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 That these earlier findings have a greater significance in agricultural practice than was formerly attributed to them be- comes very evident when the practical phase is attempted of cropping the diffused, salt-treated, water-washed soils in our cylinders. Heretofore, the residual effects left upon clays and clay soils after salts have been washed from them have been chiefly considered in connection with their application to the ceramic industry, and have been largely omitted from considera- tion by those dealing with soils. Since the striking soil behavior under discussion was first observed by us, as above explained, in crop cylinder experiments, it appears desirable to introduce here a brief description of these experiments. The Cylinder Experiment on the Physiological Effects of NaCl, Na 2 S0 4 and Na 2 C0 3 on Crop Plants The cylinders used in this experiment are of galvanized iron, open at both ends, coated inside and out with asphaltum, and are fourteen inches in diameter and five feet long. They were placed, during September, 1913, in a clay loam soil at Davis, California, by digging holes to the depth of five feet. During the progress of digging the holes the soil from each foot was carefully removed and set aside separately, thus permitting the cylinders to be refilled with the soil layers in the same order as they exist naturally. The soils within the cylinders were then supplied with vary- ing percentages of the three sodium salts, NaCl, Na 2 SO t , and Na 2 CO ;r It seemed a difficult task to secure a satisfactory mixture of the salts with the soil already in the cylinders, and it was therefore deemed wise to apply the salts to the surface of the soils by means of a solution containing the weighed quantity of salt in 8800 cc. of distilled water. Accordingly, each cylinder received the same quantity of water, but of a different salt con- centration. In addition to the salts some of the soils also re- ceived other treatments which, together with the salt treatments, are detailed in the following chart. The quantities of salts were 1916] Sharp: Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 295 calculated and applied on the basis of percentage of weight of the five-foot column of soil in every cylinder. As mentioned above, all of the salt-treated soils developed every indication of a thoroughly diffused condition. As a result, percolation through the treated cylinders practically ceased, so that the rain-water collected in the two-inch cylinder rim and remained so persistently as to prove seriously detrimental to the V_y v*co) v*op) v$oc) \t40p) v$og) \f$o$) \f3o? yeog) ysg) \ggj) ^ooo) V_y ©©©©©©©©©©©©©^ ©©©©©©©©©©©©© UQZ °° 5 ©©©©©©©©©©©©© N026 ° 4 ©©©©©©©©©©©©© Naa ©©©©©©©©©©©©© N ^ ©©©©©©©©@@@© N ° 25 ° 4 (5j\ /j$\ K&\ (£q\ (&\ rS\ (30\ /3*\ (5o\ tt\ /^\ (&\ UaCI ©©©©(^)©©©@©0© N ° 2C ° 3 (5o\ fo\ (5$\ (&\ (J$\ (ji\ fo\ (J$\ /tt\ (Zo\ fiS\ (zo\ Nfl 2 G0 3 \_J ViaoJ Y&/ Vf&J V**?J [ rt OS OS P - HO'OOOSOlOl^W to co co co i — ' i — >■ ' — ' i — ' i — 1 i — >• r>~ m co co co to to to c rS,W h hj p g. ol b\ bi bi bn bi bi bi bi bi Ol Ol Ol Ol cs CS CS CS C5 rs C5 C5 CS CS CS CS "5 rs = 3 3 B B 3 B 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 3 »-» 1— ' jo tO p o M . B 3 hd hj ^ !zj !z 03 H CD CS CD CS CD hi C5 p 1= p p p p p M 99 £. M O 3 Q QC rs Q X q ■ b x 2 S- ^ o o O O o O o p 1 p' p" » CD E=l e-t- « O 3 o tc co M co to to ' 2 M CD P £ co 3> 10 b f_i b 4^ OS -i bi b OS 4^ 4- CO to b o Ol CO Oct. 21 < X Ol X Ol Ol i- 1 0J 4- o 4- 4^ ^1 Ol oo o 5 p* X P CD H CD CO to b 1— » b to to '• ?3 P c+- CD l-t e-»- M- to JO j- Hi Ka M CD o (0 3 02 O P to bi b b bi OS -1 4- bo OS 4^ 4- oo io X o Oct. 30 Hs e£ CO o Ol 4^ OS 03 M ^3 o to 4^ 4- *o 4- t— ' e*- ©' „„. X &- P d > CD O o d cs' 43 T3 Hs CD 4- Nov. 9 * P^ 4- Cl CO 4^ ^ o -i 4- -i H* to to X X co CD CD 2! 3 P H M 50 to 4- b to 'co bi OS 'c: bi bi bo CO CO ^j OS CD Ol to Nov. 11 CD tc - 1-1 M Ol CO c OS X 4- Ol Ol H 1 •O 1—1 V Ha o ► O rt-C <1 H to H> M - 1 o"5g 2. - a. a p CD X bo b rf^ "co 0( OS w OS bi bo w co — i w S 2 x v. ~q h-i o ^1 o h^ o sc 00 4^ OS o O -D M 5l CD CO P Op ^^ J> e+ M to H> 5'm P- 0- 3 » co b 4^ b o> Hi O ^i to 4- CO P (T? CD et- O P Op Ol <5 oS e. 3 Cfi h3 to- *-i bn OS d ™ J ? ^89 CD 4 i. t 3 a a < r+ p pr =- 300 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 Na 2 S0 4 and Na 2 C0 3 was also decidedly reduced, as shown by the respective percolation rates of .31 cc. and .37 cc. per hour. In significant contrast thereto, the maintenance of a comparatively uniform salt content in the soil column, produced by substituting solutions of the salts for the distilled water as in the case of Nos. 12, 13, and 14, creates a favorable condition for percolation, except in No. 14, which received Na 2 C0 3 . In this case percola- tion averaged a rate of 1.07 cc. per hour, which was less than the control, but three times that of the soil receiving Na 2 C0 3 and distilled water. It is of interest to note the immediate depression in the rate of percolation when distilled water is used instead of the salt solutions of Nos. 12, 13, and 14. Eventually the rate of percolation from these soils under applications of distilled water approached that of the soils originally treated with salts and which in addition had received only distilled water throughout the experiment. Another percolation experiment, arranged somewhat similarly to the preceding, demonstrated that the relative position of the salt in the soil column, or the manner of adding it, had little or no influence on the depressing effect noted on percolation. It was further observed that a soil, the percolation rate of which had been diminished through the agency of NaCl and H 2 applica- tions, failed to recover its original rate of percolation even when a solution of that salt was applied for the second time. The general trend of the results thus far secured is in accord with Beeson's observations, 5 in which he recorded a delayed absorption of water by soils containing sodium salts as well as a pronounced retarding of percolation through soils to which various salts had been added. Like many other investigators who have observed similar effects resulting from salt treatments, Beeson failed to recognize any connection between the physical condition of the soil and the removal of the salt, but attributed the peculiar changes observed in the soil to surface-tension phenomena, or other alterations in the physical properties of the liquid phase, or, as some investigators are inclined to believe, to a shifting of the soil particles to new positions through the influence of the added salt. Undoubtedly a movement of soil BJourn. Am. Chem. Soc, vol. 29, p. 620, 1897. 1916] Sharp : Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 301 particles does occur when salts are added to soils, but under the conditions obtaining in many of the experiments described in the literature it would seem highly improbable that enough of the added salt remains in contact with the soil to bring about such a movement of the particles. In our experience, the removal of the salt creates among the soil particles a new adjustment which seems of greater importance than that effected by the addition of the salt. Furthermore, if our laboratory experience is properly applicable to field conditions, it would seem of greater advantage to apply CaC0 3 rather than CaS0 4 when draining soils contain- ing NaCl and Na 2 S0 4 , the reverse being apparently true in case of soils impregnated with Na 2 C0 3 . Laboratory Investigations of the Causes of Salt Effects on Soils The laboratory studies herein reported have been purposely designed to throw some light on the possible causes contributing to the above-noted effects of salts on soils, or at least to ascertain if a relationship exists between the formation of these peculiar physical conditions and the simultaneous occurrence of certain other events. Certain well-known theoretical considerations, re- inforced by concrete laboratory experience, have directed the attempts to locate these fundamental causes into three well- defined channels. The first of these is based on an assumption that the salt-and-w T ater treatments have actually increased the quantity of the colloidal matter of the soil. It involves neces- sarily a study of the soil itself and of the amount and degree of diffusion of the colloidal matter therein contained. The second line of reasoning connects the increase of calcium and magnesium in the percolate from the salt-treated soils, and the absorption of sodium, with the appearance of conditions suitable for the formation of new colloidal matter, as well as with favoring the extreme diffusion of that already present. The third considera- tion ascribes the diffused condition of the soil colloids to the presence of a small quantity of OH-ions in the soil solution. It requires the theoretical assumption that these ions are associated in some manner with the absorption of sodium. Although these 302 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 three lines of argument, as outlined, may be closely allied or even parallel, yet in view of our work they seem sufficiently well de- fined to warrant a separate discussion of each. At the outset it may be said that it has been extremely diffi- cult to find appropriate and reliable methods of attacking this problem. Certainly opportunity is not lacking for future in- vestigations to perfect accurate methods for definitely measuring certain soil properties or soil constants, which are discussed below. The Davis clay-loam soil was used throughout the fol- lowing experiments, except as otherwise noted. The designation NaCl + H 2 used before the word soil signifies that the soil was treated with from 0.2 to 0.5 per cent of NaCl, most or all of which, together with the soluble salts formed, has been subse- quently leached from the soil with water. It must be added that a quantity of Davis clay-loam soil was given the same amount of washing with water to serve as a control soil, and hereafter will be referred to as H 2 soil. A comparison of the H 2 soil with unwashed Davis soil disclosed no important differences. Some Physico-Chemical Observations on the Salt-Treated, Water-Washed Soil It seemed reasonable to expect that a study of the NaCl + H 2 soil itself would reflect, in some degree, the causes contributing to the pronounced imperviousness of such soils. Therefore, as an introduction to this subject, determinations were made of the suspended matter derived from soils which have been subjected to various treatments, and they appear in Table II. The soils and suspending media were placed together in tall hydrometer jars, and were thoroughly shaken for 45 minutes. After standing undisturbed for eighteen hours, aliquot portions of the sus- pensions were removed by means of a pipette, evaporated to dryness in platinum dishes, dried at 110° C, and weighed. The data reported in Table II confirm by an entirely different procedure the original belief with respect to the intensity of the diffusion of the colloids of the salt-treated, water-washed soils. Under the conditions of the experiment 40 grams of normal soil yielded 0.310 grams of suspended matter, while 40 grams of 1916] Sharp: Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 303 TABLE II Suspended Matter in Soils Which Have Received Various Treatments Per cent of Weight of Suspended Previous Suspending Suspended Matter No. Davis Soil Soil Treatment Medium Matter-grs. in soil 1 40 grs. Washed with dis- tilled water H 2 .3100 .77 2 40 grs. Boiled in H 2 H 2 2.5075 6.27 3 40 grs. .290 grs. of NaCl washed out H 2 2.9555 7.39 4 40 grs N/50Na 2 CO 3 .2665 .66 5 40 grs N/50NaOH 2.7975 6.99 NaCl -j- H 2 soil yielded 2.9555 grams, or nearly ten times the amount of suspended matter found in the untreated soil. It is an interesting coincidence that the rate of percolation previously shown for the untreated soil is almost ten times that for soil to which NaCl has been added and subsequently leached out. It may be properly inferred from this that percolation varies in- versely as the degree of diffusion, though our present knowledge does not indicate a relation capable of expression in simple mathematical terms. Furthermore, the inadequacies of the method employed to secure the data in Table II make it impos- sible to express a positive view with reference to the quantity of colloids in the soils tested, but it is evident that the colloidal matter present is in a much higher state of diffusion in certain of the soils than in the control H 2 soil. The three treatments, boiling the soil in water, suspending it in NaOH of certain con- centrations, and leaching added NaCl from it, produce approxi- mately the same degree of diffusion in the soil colloids, as indi- cated by the similarity in the results of the quantitative esti- mations of the suspended matter derived from soils so treated. This agreement in the behavior of the soils receiving the different treatments suggests a similarity or possible relationship between the processes by which these treatments affect the soil or soil colloids. Boiling the soil in water has been assumed b} r soil physicists to disintegrate the colloidal aggregates. If this be the case and no new colloidal substances are formed by this pro- cedure, then the similarity in colloidal content of the boiled soil and the salt-treated, water-washed soil militates against the sup- 304 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 position that the latter treatment has increased the colloidal matter of the soil. On the other hand, boiling the soil in water may bring about a more profound change in the physical condi- tion of the soil than was formerly attributed to it by soil physicists. Some data withheld from publication at this time indicate that the effect of the boiling treatment is of a different nature from that of the salt-and-water treatment, though the soils receiving the two different treatments yield about the same quantity of colloidal matter. On the other hand, the similarity of the colloidal contents of the boiled soil and the soil suspended in NaOH admits of a more plausible explanation on the basis of NaOH as a deflocculating agent. It was thought that the quantitative data reported above might show sufficient dissimilarity to indicate an actual increase in the soil colloids, but a second series of determinations, reported in a later paragraph, are somewhat contradictory to the above, in that the boiled soil yields a suspension slightly richer in colloidal matter than that derived from a NaCl + H 2 soil. This point, however, deserves more investigation before a final conclusion is reached. In the light of certain theories more properly discussed in connection with the third hypothesis, it is of great interest to note the general similarity between the NaCl + H 2 soil when suspended in H 2 and the normal soil when suspended in NaOH. One might infer that this peculiar agreement in the behavior of the soils in response to two widely different treatments is not accidental. It is also to be observed further that the data under consideration indicates that NaOH and Na 2 C0 3 are not pro- ductive of like results on soil suspensions. The failure of the suspension method to secure trustworthy results on the quantity of colloidal matter present prompted the adoption of other means for this purpose. But thus far the determination of the hygroscopic coefficient and the dye- adsorption capacity have given negative results, in that they have not indicated any increase in the total interior surface of the soils which have been subjected to the salt treatments. From a theoretical consideration, a soil rich in colloids, or containing colloids in a high state of diffusion, should expose more interior 1916] Sharp: Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 305 surface for the deposition of hygroscopic moisture and for dye adsorption, and since these phenomena are presumably direct functions of surface the soils under observation should therefore register increased hygroscopicity and dye adsorption. The find- ings to the contrary cast some doubt on the validity of these measurements as a reflection of the quantity of colloidal matter present or its degree of diffusion. A third method suggests itself, that developed by Mitscherlich, 6 to study the interior sur- face through energy exchanges when the soil is moistened with water, but this has not as yet been tried. The use of the centrifugal machine as employed by Briggs and McLane 7 to ascertain the moisture equivalent of soils in the study of the salt-treated, water-washed soils, has yielded some highly satisfactory results which will be reported in a future paper. The method proposed by Lynde and Dupre 8 for esti- mating the capillary powers of soils has not proven entirely satisfactory in our hands, when employed for investigating the properties of the salt-treated soils. It was further questioned whether the physical condition of the soil had been permanently changed or whether the injured soil would completely recover its original condition in response to a second addition of NaCl. Such a supposition naturally implies that some of the reactions involved in producing the increased diffusion partake of the nature of reversible reactions. In order to test this point from a chemical standpoint, it would be neces- sary to treat the injured soil with its own percolate. Work of this character is reported under the second series of experiments. In this connection, however, the effects of the added salts were considered chiefly in their physical aspects, and accordingly the following experiment was performed : Three grams of NaCl -4- H 2 soil were suspended in 10 cc. of NaCl solutions of various concentrations in test-tubes. The time required to clear the supernatant liquid denoted the effect of the NaCl. A similar comparative series with H 2 soil was also prepared. The results are given in Table III. G Bodenkuncle fiir Land- und Forstwirte, p. 51. 7 U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. of Soils, Bull. 45. s Journ. Amer. Soc. Agron., vol. 5, no. 2, p. 107, 1913. 306 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 TABLE III Effect of Second Addition of NaCl on Time Eequired to Clear Suspensions of NaCl 4- H 2 Soil and H 2 Soil No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 Soil 3grs. 3grs. 3 grs. 3grs. 3 grs. 3 grs. 3 grs. 3 grs. 3 grs. 3 grs. 3 grs. 3 grs. 3 grs. Previous Treatment NaCl washed out NaCl washed out NaCl washed out NaCl washed out NaCl washed out NaCl washed out H 2 washed H,0 washed H 2 washed H 2 washed H 2 washed HoO washed Concentration of NaCl as Suspending Medium N/1000 N/500 N/250 N/100 N/50 N/1000 N/500 N/250 N/100 N/50 Time Required to Clear Suspension Almost clear after 600 hrs. Almost clear after 600 hrs. Almost clear after 600 hrs. Clear after 600 hrs. Clear after 360 hrs. Clear after 20 hrs. Clear after 164 hrs. Clear after 140 hrs. Clear after 117 hrs Clear after 53 hrs. Clear after 1 hr. Clear after y 3 hr. Clear after 140 hrs. The results of this experiment seemed of sufficient interest to warrant a repetition of the work on a larger scale. Accordingly the following experiment was prepared, much in the same manner as the above, but using 25 grams of soil, 250 cc. of, solution, and 250 cc. graduates, instead of test tubes. In this case the weight of the suspended matter was also determined after the mixtures had stood undisturbed for three days. A photograph of this series taken two days after the final shaking is shown (Figure 3). ;j Pig. 3. A Photograph of the Suspensions Described in Table IV The graduates containing the suspensions as shown in Figure 3 cor- respond, from left to right, to the Nos. 1 to 12, inclusive, of Table IV. 1916] Sharp: Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 307 TABLE IV Effect of Second Addition of NaCl ON THE Amounts of Suspended Matter From NaCl + H 2 Soil and H 2 Soil No. Soil Previous Treatment Concentration of NaCl Cc. of Suspending Suspending Solution Medium Weight of ; Suspended Matter Per cent of Suspended Matter on Dry Soil 1 25 grs. 25 grs. NaCl washed out 250 .8345 grs. .6375 3.33 2 NaCl washed out N/1000 250 2.55 3 25 grs. NaCl washed out N/500 250 .5615 2.36 4 25 grs. NaCl washed out N/250 250 .4570 1.82 5 25 grs. NaCl washed out N/100 250 .2305 .92 6 25 grs. NaCl washed out N/50 250 .0170 .07 7 25 grs. 25 grs. H 2 washed H 2 washed 250 .0695 .27 8 N/1000 250 .0740 .29 9 25 grs. H 2 washed N/500 250 .0660 .26 10 25 grs. H 2 washed N/250 250 .0615 .24 11 25 grs. H 2 washed N/100 250 Lost, but al- most clear 12 25 grs. H 2 washed N/50 250 13 25 errs. Boiled 250 .9060 3.62 The evidence presented in the last two tables supports the view that the NaCl -f- H 2 soil has suffered some physical altera- tion which is not readily reversed by the second addition of NaCl. The NaCl added to the soil already diffused by previous treatment with that salt and water is here considered as a physical agent, possessing the power to flocculate clay colloids. To test the reversibility of the chemical reactions occurring when salt solutions are allowed to act upon soils requires a soil treat- ment involving the application of solutions containing, in appro- priate form and quantity, the elements removed by the salt ap- plications. Thus, to restore normal conditions in a soil which has been diffused by a salt-and-water treatment would require the replacement of the absorbed sodium by such metals as were originally present in the soil. The larger amounts of NaCl re- quired to flocculate the colloids of the diffused soil may be due to the increased quantity of colloids present, or to the degree of 308 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. I diffusion of the colloids, or to a change in the nature of the colloid. However, the fact is patent that more NaCl, or a greater length of time for equal quantities of NaCl, is required to produce effects on the NaCl + H 2 soil commensurate with those on the check H 2 soil. Table III shows clearly the relative effectiveness of varying concentrations of NaCl in flocculating the colloidal matter as measured by the time required for clearing the suspension. Thus N/100 NaCl flocculates the colloidal matter of the washed soil in one hour, while 360 hours were required to accomplish the same result with the NaCl -f- H 2 soil. Never- theless, the colloidal matter of the NaCl -f- H 2 soil seems to be more readily flocculated per unit of NaCl than does that of the H 2 soil, as is shown in Table IV. Thus the NaCl + H 2 soil, when suspended in distilled water, yields a suspension containing 0.8345 grs. of solid matter, while the same soil suspended in N/250 NaCl yields but 0.4570 grs. of solid matter. The deposition of 0.3775 grs. of solid matter, in this case, was brought about by 0.058 grs. of NaCl, or at the rate of 6.5 mgs. of solid matter to 1 mg. of NaCl. Similar calculations for the same suspensions of H 2 soil showed that but 0.14 mgs. of suspended matter was flocculated per mg. of NaCl. Although the NaCl is relatively more effective on the suspended matter of the NaCl + H 2 soil than on that of the control soil, yet, in but one instance, that of the comparatively strong solution of N/50 NaCl, is the influence of the added salt sufficient to flocculate completely the colloidal matter of the NaCl -f- H 2 soil. Furthermore, it seemed possible that the transformations manifestly occurring in the physical condition of the soil might also be reflected in some measure in the chemical composition of the variously treated soils and of their colloidal substances. Ac- cordingly these materials were subjected to analysis by the strong hydrochloric-acid digestion method, as recommended by Hilgard for chemical soil studies. However, the results secured up to the present time have not confirmed the above presumption. But to what extent future analytical work will enable us to decipher the relationship of the various factors involved in producing the condition under consideration, is still an open question. 1916] Sharp: Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 309 cd cd hrt p p p-j * p B pj ft -3 O to o en o o © o o o © © co to to I— ' © © i- 1 © OX © *> CO £1 bO tO o o p p w cd 1-1 Cb CD -"■1 © to © en •o © © © © © © © h-> © © rf^ *«. © © © © © to © -i co > Q < CD © p-j M ^ CD S» B J P Q O > > b b p p en en ►> ° °^og crq o S,o 3 - § -i © to © en crq O © S5 p 85 ^ © £.Ho oo oo ■ • crq 2-3 gi&ss oo OTQ CO ■££.3" CO g O" |> o CD CD CD CD CD CD p P ^ P S^ P P P 1-1 i-l i-l t-i i-l H C cr P^ P-. "^ 310 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 Chemical Studies of the Calcium and Magnesium Content of the Percolate and the Absorption of Sodium Our attention was first directed to the possibility of the ex- istence of a relationship between the two factors mentioned in the heading above, by the following experiment, the outline and results of which appear in Table V, page 309. A review of these data discloses the fact that the application of NaCl to a soil increases the calcium and magnesium found in the percolate as compared with the quantities found in the percolate of the normal soil when leached with distilled water. This is in accord with the results of Kullenberg, 9 Van Bem- melen 10 and the work of others, a good list of which is given by Sullivan. 11 To exemplify the above remarks concerning calcium, let us examine the table with respect to that element. The addi- tion of NaCl to the Anaheim sandy loam and Oakley sandy soil has practically tripled and doubled, respectively, the amount of calcium found in the percolates over that of the percolate from the salt-free soil. In the Berkeley adobe and Davis clay-loam soils the NaCl brings about a much more marked increase of calcium in the leachings. It may be remarked also that the results secured with magnesium are quite parallel to those concerning calcium. In addition to altering the calcium and magnesium contents of the percolate, the salt treatments materially affected the physi- cal condition of the soil, as shown by a marked retardation of the rate of percolation. All of the soils responded alike to the NaCl treatments, in that they became more impervious and their col- loidal matter exhibited a higher degree of diffusion when sus- pended in water, as shown in the second part of Table V. The degree of imperviousness and diffusion varied, however, with the different soils, and also appeared to be roughly proportional to the increase of calcium and magnesium in the leachings from the soils receiving NaCl. Thus the salt-treated Berkeley and Davis soils, showing notably greater increases in calcium and magnesium in the percolates, were also more highly diffused than 9 Jahrb. Fortsch. Agri. Chem., vol. 8, p. 15, 1865. loLandw. Vers. Stat., vol. 21, p. 135, 1878. " U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 312, 1907. 1916] Sharp : Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 311 the other two soils, which were much less affected in both these particulars. Evidently the extent of decomposition of the salt by the soil is a factor in determining the final physical condition thereof, and would certainly seem to indicate that the changes of the physical condition of the soil resulting from salt treatments are considerably more than a mere shifting of the soil particles to new positions, as some investigators would lead us to believe. Moreover, it appears proper to infer that these after-effects of salt treatments can be more properly referred to the salt as a chemical agent than as a physical agent. If it be true that the chemical reaction between soils and salt solutions results in a chemically equivalent exchange of bases, as Sullivan 12 states, then it seems proper to assume that the calcium and magnesium in the leachings from soils treated as described above represent approximately the amount of absorbed sodium. At least it would appear that the calcium and magnesium in the solutions, less the quantity normally present in distilled-water extractions, is an index of the absorbed sodium. This statement has received further justification in some solubility studies, the data of which have not been published. Undoubtedly consider- able quantities of sodium have been removed from the salt solu- tions by the soil, which in return has given up calcium and mag- nesium. The absorbed sodium has become so firmly fixed in the soil that no amount of washing can dissolve it; otherwise the wash water after passing through the soil would be slightly alka- line. On the contrary, the first portions of the wash water com- ing through appear to be slightly acid, which is in accord with the work of Sullivan, 13 Parker, 14 and others, but if the washing is continued the leachings eventually become neutral or just per- ceptibly alkaline, as is the case when distilled water is in contact with the normal Davis soil. These remarks, supported with stronger evidence from the rapidly accumulating literature on chemical exchanges between salt solutions and soils or silicates, point to the formation, under the conditions herein reported, of a sodium alumino-silicate compound, or possibly a series of such 12 Loc. cit., p. 27. is Loc. cit., p. 8. 1 4 Journ. Agric. Eesearch, vol. 1, no. 3, p. 1, 1913. 312 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 compounds, which resemble most natural silicates in possessing a comparatively inert chemical nature, and which suffer but slight decomposition when in contact with water or are scarcely more than appreciably soluble in water. This hypothesis receives further confirmation in the contention of R. Gans 15 that artificial aluminum silicates behave like natural zeolitic silicates. More- over, Way 16 clearly recognized the formation of such compounds, and Van Bemmelen 17 is inclined to consider the absorbed salts as fixed in loosely bound chemical combination. It was originally considered that the substitution of sodium for calcium and magnesium in the soil was a potent factor in bring- ing about the diffusion of the salt-treated, water-washed soils. However, this first conception attributed the possible effect of the chemical exchange to the double decomposition of the organic salts of calcium and magnesium by the NaCl, which would result in the formation of CaCl 2 and MgCl 2 and organic compounds of sodium. Since these end-products are all soluble in water, a continuous leaching of the soil with that solvent would be likely to deprive the soil of a portion of its organic matter and of a certain amount of calcium and magnesium. If the organic matter herein referred to can be properly catalogued under those elastic and indefinite terms, humus or humates, then it appears reason- able in the light of Schloesing's work 18 to expect that the physical condition of the soil, depleted of such organic matter, would be seriously affected in the direction already suggested. The loss of such well-known flocculating agents as calcium and magnesium might also be reflected in the changed physical aspect of the soil. But the cogency of the argument just presented is consider- ably lessened by the results of the experiment to be described next. Twenty-five gram portions of the Davis soil were subjected to the treatments outlined in Table VI. The soils were then allowed to dry, after which 10 grams of each soil were sus- pended in 100 cc. of distilled water for 48 hours before the sus- 15 Cited from Exp. Sta. Kec, vol. 31, no. 1, p. 22, 1914. ia Journ. R. Agric. Soc, vol. 13, p. 123, 1852. i7 Loc. cit.; also in Landw. Vers. Stat., vol. 35, p. 121, li is Cited from Ililgard, Soils (1911), p. 111. 1916] Sharp: Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 313 TABLE VI The Effect of Eemoving Humus from the Soil in its Relation Diffusion Appearing in the Soil After Salt and Water Treatments to the No. Soil 1 25 grs. (Davis soil) 2 25 grs. (Davis soil) 4 25 grs. (Davis soil) 5 25 grs. (Davis soil) 6 25 grs. (Davis soil) 7 25 grs. (Davis soil) Treatment Washed with H,,0 50 cc. 4N HC1 then washed with H 2 HC1,* H 2 0, NH 4 OH, and H 2 HC1, H 2 0, NaCl, and H 2 HC1, H 2 0, NH 4 OH, H 2 0, NaCl, and H 2 NILOH Weight of Suspended Matter from 10 grams in 100 cc. of water .0184 .0118 .0250 .1216 .1842 .0176 * The symbols used herein designate the soil treatments on the filter paper with the various substances; as indicated, H 2 applications were generally made between applications of the other materials. Solutions approximating normal strength were generally employed. pension above the deposited material was drawn off. An aliquot of this suspension was evaporated to dryness, gently ignited, and weighed to obtain the data of column 4, in Table VI. The weight of the suspended matter secured from suspensions of Davis soil which had been subjected to the various treatments gives an index of the extent of the physical effects of such treat- ments. The treatment with II CI, followed by washing until the nitrate was practically free from chlorides, seemed to reduce the quantity of material capable of being held in suspension, yet the soil had no doubt lost a considerable quantity of its original calcium and magnesium content. This fact certainly indicates that the loss of calcium and magnesium from the soil bears but little relation to the diffusion of the soils as a general proposition. The soil treatment in the case of No. 4, which simulates the procedure generally employed in humus determinations, with the exception that water is used as a final application, gives a suspension slightly richer in solids than the soil treated with water alone. If, in addition to the treatment just mentioned, NaCl is then added to the humus free soil, 19 the suspension be- comes a very turbid liquid rich in solids in a highly diffused state, is The term humus here signifies that portion of the soil's organic matter removed by the treatment in vogue for that purpose. 314 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 as shown in the case of No. 6. Evidently the loss of humus and its organic colloids increases, rather than decreases, the amount of material finally found in suspension, for No. 5, receiving HC1 and NaCl treatment, yields a suspension containing less colloidal material than does No. 6. In all probability the increase of colloidal material in No. 6 over No. 5 is in no way connected with the loss of organic matter of No. 6, but is more likely to be due to the conditions and treatments involved in extracting the humus. Furthermore, the organic colloids of soils seem to have but little direct relation to the phenomena which appear when certain salts are washed from soils. That the deflocculated condition of the salt-treated soils might be due in some measure to the loss of calcium and magnesium from the soil, in a manner somewhat analogous to that outlined by Foerster, 20 appeared as a secondary consideration. The actual loss of calcium and magnesium, however, cannot be considered the sole factor in producing the striking conditions observed. For, if that were the case, the application of acids followed with washing should bring about similar results. On this point War- ington has already noted that normal diffusion of the colloids will reappear in a soil which has once been flocculated by acids when the acids and such salts as they have formed are removed by washing. Our experience with soils treated in the manner just described fails to show any marked increase in colloids, as is the case when the soil is treated with NaCl. The treatment with HC1 followed by leaching with water seems to retard to a notable extent the rate of percolation through the Davis soil. However, if any new colloids are formed by this treatment, or if the original colloidal content of the soil is thoroughly diffused thereby, as the case may be, then these effects are entirely oblit- erated by the subsequent drying of the soil, for a suspension of the dry soil so treated yields no additional colloidal matter. This fact tends to confirm the view that the loss of calcium and mag- nesium is not alone responsible for the diffusion of the soils. Furthermore, the writer has shown clearly by a rather simple procedure that a considerable exchange or a direct addition of bases is essentia] for the production of the diffused condition. 20 Chem. Ind., vol. 28, no. 24, p. 733, 1905. 1916] Sharp: Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 315 A solution of N/10 NaCl was allowed to act upon successive portions of Davis soil until practically no more calcium or mag- nesium was taken up by the solution, so that a solution of chlorides was formed which was quite inert toward this soil. A solution secured in this manner appears to approach the satura- tion point with respect to calcium and magnesium compounds of the soil. This solution remained practically N/10 with respect to chlorine throughout its successive periods of contact with the soil, and at no time was the solution entirely depleted of its sodium content by the interchange with calcium and magnesium. The application to the Davis soil of a solution secured in the fashion described above and followed by washing with water did not result in such pronounced diffusion as was observed upon the application of N/10 NaCl solution followed bj' washing with water. It may therefore be inferred that the chemical exchange of bases plays a significant role in the mechanism by which dif- fusion is produced in soils which have been washed after an addition of NaCl. By the various lines of reasoning outlined above, the majority of the more obvious possible causes for the extreme diffusion of the soils under discussion have been completely eliminated or at least reduced to factors of little significance. For this reason, more mature thought on the subject has directed our attention to the absorption of sodium, which has been previously men- tioned, as the keynote to the deteriorated physical condition of the salt-treated, water-washed soils. The substitution of sodium for the calcium, magnesium, or other bases in the silicate complex, or the direct addition of sodium to such a complex, results, ac- cording to our proposed hypothesis, in the formation of new jelly-like colloids, capable of becoming highly diffused when in contact with water. The fact that leaching Na 2 C0 3 , NaOH, NaHC0 3 , NaCl, Na 2 S0 4 , and NaN0 3 from the soil brings about the same appearance of the soil and the same physical manifesta- tions of deflocculation, becomes more comprehensible if the view is accepted that the absorption of sodium and the new compounds formed thereby are, in the main, the factors responsible for the deflocculated condition of the soils so treated. Moreover, these various treatments are accompanied by the appearance of widely 316 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 different quantities of calcium and magnesium in the percolate, thus affording additional evidence that the increased solubility and the consequent loss of these elements from the treated soils is not the prime factor in causing the ultimate diffusion of the soil colloids. The facts herein presented concerning the absorp- tion of sodium and the formation of new colloidal substances cor- responds in the main with the idea of unsaturated silicates and absorption phenomena, as developed by Cameron, 21 Harris, 22 and Loew, 23 and others, in their work dealing with acid soils. The conception of the causes of the apparent deflocculation, as discussed above, receives tangible substantiation in the results of the following experiment. Twenty grams of Davis soil were subjected to the treatments outlined in Table VII. After wash- ing with water, the soils were dried at room temperature and then 10 grams of each were suspended in 100 cc. of water to secure the figures in the last column. Meanwhile the calcium and magnesium in the total percolates were determined, in the usual fashion. TABLE VII Effects of Washing Various Sodium Salts from the Davis Soil Soil No. (Davis) Treatments 1 20 grs. H,0 only 2 20 grs. 100 cc N/10 NaOH fol- lowed with water 3 20 grs. 100 cc N/10 Na 2 CO, fol- lowed with water 4 20 grs. 100 cc. N/10 NaCl fol- lowed with water 5 20 grs. 100 cc. (approx.) N/10 NaHC0 3 followed with water 10 20 grs. 100 cc. N/10 NaNO y fol- lowed with water Calcium in Total Percolate Magnesium in Total Percolate Weight of Suspended Matter from 10 grams in 100 cc. of grs. .0017 grs. .0014 water .0348 .0015 .0005 .4860 .0020 .0037 .6500 .0108 .0109 .4720 .0035 .0086 .4880 .0088 .0103 .4340 It is clear that all of the sodium salts used in the above ex- periment produce approximately the same effects on the colloidal matter of the soil when washed from it, as indicated by the ^i The Soil Solution (Chemical Publishing Co.), 1911. 22 Journ. Phys. Chem., vol. 28, no. 4, p. 355 ; and Michigan Agric. Exper. Sta. Tech. Bull. 19. 28 Porto Rico Agric. Exper. Sta., Bull. 13, 1913. 1916] Sharp: Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 317 amount of material finally found in suspension. All of the salt-and-water treatments yielded suspensions containing more than ten times the suspended matter found in the water-washed soil. From the evidence reported in the above table it seems proper to infer that neither the nature of the added sodium salt, nor the loss of calcium and magnesium from the soil, have much part in the production of the deflocculated condition noted in the salt-treated, water-washed soils. The data of Table VII are also discussed later in their relation to the possible effects of NaOH and the OH-ion on the physical condition of soils. The interchange of ions between the soil silicates and neutral salt solutions like NaCl or Na 2 S0 4 , which seems to result in the formation of new colloidal substances, also necessitates the simul- taneous presence of free acid or of new salts of the free acid as the calcium or magnesium salts, in the solution bathing the soil particles. As previously discussed, both of these conditions have been encountered in the supernatant liquid of a neutral salt solution in contact with soil and also in the first portion of the percolate coming through a soil to which a neutral salt has been added. The constant presence of the free acid and its soluble salts, together with more or less of the salt originally added, oc- casions the maintenance of a flocculated condition of the soil colloids, so that any additional colloidal matter which may have been produced is not sufficiently effective on the physical char- acter of the soil to be easily recognized. If it be assumed that new and additional colloidal material is formed in the soil by virtue of the salt-and-water treatments, then it is most likely in existence prior to the washing process, but its effects on the physical condition of the soil are not manifested until the surrounding medium has become sufficiently dilute, with respect to salts, to allow of a more or less complete diffusion of the soil colloids. The addition of the neutral salts either produces new colloidal matter simultaneously with the chemical inter- change of bases, which occurs independently of the w r ashing with water, or in some manner disintegrates the existing colloidal aggregates. The former seems the more plausible, especially in view of certain phases of the work herein presented. In addition we also have evidence that the washing with water alone does not 318 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 measureably increase the colloidal content of the soil, nor does it materially affect its physical condition. At least one interpretation of these facts seems plausible, namely, that the neutral salts or their ions function as the creative agent whereby diffusible colloidal matter is formed, while the washing with water serves in the entirely separate capacity of removing from the sphere of activity any flocculating agents in the shape of soluble salts which may have been present. Certain modifications of the hypothesis just presented must be considered in order to account for the action on soils of the salts which give an alkaline reaction. First of all, the chemical pro- ducts that can possibly be formed when the latter class of salts is allowed to act upon soils are on the whole comparatively in- soluble and hence possess relatively small flocculating powers. Owing to this fact the washing process, which seems to be essen- tial for the appearance of the diffusion in soils treated with neutral salts, is not such an important factor in case of soils treated with salts giving rise to an alkaline reaction. Instead of attributing the deflocculation of soils which have received NaOH or alkaline carbonates, wholly to the OH-ion content of the solution or to the alkaline reaction so produced, our present theory, supported by the facts already presented, proposes to account for the diffusion of the soils so treated by the formation of colloidal sodium alumino-silicate complexes under conditions which permit of an immediate deflocculation. Therein lies the difference in the behavior of neutral salts on soils, as compared with that of salts of an alkaline reaction. In all prob- ability somewhat similar compounds are formed in the two cases, but in the first case, with the exception of certain circumstances, the conditions are such as to prevent deflocculation, while in the second case deflocculation is at least permitted and perhaps accentuated. A Possible Relation Between the Composition of the Soil Solution and the Diffusion Phenomena in Certain Salt-Treated, Water-Washed Soils The first two hypotheses formulated to explain the diffused condition of the salt-treated soils dealt largely with the soil itself and with the absorption of sodium by the soil. A third hypothesis 1916] Sharp: Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 319 proposes to attribute the diffusion of the soil colloids to changes in the composition of the medium, namely the soil solution. Such a diffused condition of the soil colloids might be brought about by an increase in the OH-ion content of the solution bathing the soil particles. This concept is based on the fact that clay is a negatively charged colloid, and according to the views now held the further addition of negative ions to such a colloidal suspension causes these particles to assume greater charges of like sign, so that they repel each other and thus remain distributed through- out the medium in a stabilized condition. On the other hand, it is held that the introduction of ions bearing an opposite charge to that of the colloidal particles neutralizes the charge associated with the particles, so that they no longer repel each other but gather together in aggregates or noccules. For a more complete discussion and bibliography dealing with these phenomena, the reader is referred to the work of Whitney and Ober. 24 In a more recent review Tolman 25 has advanced a clear conception of colloids and their behavior, which affords us a satisfactory working basis for studies on these substances. According to this author, the surface tension existing between the particles and the surround- ing liquid is the factor which determines the degree of dispersion of the particles in the liquid. Thus systems of zero surface tension are at equilibrium. Those possessing a negative surface tension increase, automatically, their degree of dispersion until the zero value is reached, while those of positive surface tension tend to become less dispersed. Since the surface tension referred to is the resultant of many forces, it may be readily affected in numer- ous w T ays, as by the mechanical process of grinding, by heating, by the addition of electrolytes, or by the passage of an electric cur- rent. Through the application of these considerations we may be able to decipher more clearly and definitely the problems involved in the effects of salts on the physical condition of soils. It is possible that deflocculants other than the OH-ion may have been introduced into the soil solution by means of the salt- and- water treatments, but the latter factor obviously appears as the most significant deflocculating agent likely to be present 24 Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc, vol. 23, p. 842, 1901. 25 Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc, vol. 35, no. 4, 1913. 320 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 under the conditions of the experiments and hence merits first attention. Probably the most striking evidence of the possibility that the OH-ions in the soil solution may be justly deemed the cause of the diffusion of the soils with which this paper is chiefly concerned, lies in the well-known deflocculating effect of dilute solutions of NaOH on the soil colloids. Thus the poor tilth and cultivating qualities of lands impregnated with black alkali (Na,C0 3 ) has been rather vaguely attributed to the OH-ions derived from the hydrolysis of the Na 2 C0 3 . This expression fails to offer any explanation of the mechanism whereby the OIT-ion induces the observed effects, neither does it allow of any possible effect of the Na-ion on the physical properties of the soil. How- ever, if our interpretations be not too far amiss, there are several reasons, not based on theoretical considerations alone, but sub- stantiated by facts, for suspecting that the OH-ion is of much smaller significance than the accompanying Na or other basic ion in the final effect of the chemical compound on the physical condi- tion of the soil. The common conception that substances which yield an alka- line reaction on hydrolysis occasion the deflocculation of the soil colloids is frequently accepted without qualification, even by those working with alkali soils, notwithstanding some facts now extant which deny its validity. Thus, as early as 1874 Durham 20 pointed out that clay suspensions cleared more rapidly in strong Na 2 C0 3 solutions than in distilled water. Whitney and Straw 27 have also shown that NaOH in dilute solutions tends to stabilize suspensions of colloidal silver, china clay, and lampblack, and that emulsions of turpentine, carvene, and carvol are also acted upon in a similar manner. The behavior of these substances also gave evidence that the maximum stability occurred at certain concentrations of NaOH, above which flocculation was produced and below which the effect of the NaOH was not so pronounced. The investigations of Hall and Morison already referred to sub- stantiate, in the main, the previous citations on the point under discussion. Quite recently Maschhaupt 28 has found that even 26 Chern. News, vol. 30, no. 676, p. 57, 1874. 27 Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc, vol. 29, p. 325, 1907. 28 Landw. Vers. Stat., vol. 83, p. 467, 1914. 1916] Sharp : Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 321 0.015 N NaOH has a flocculating effect on the colloidal matter of a sandy loam soil, while more dilute solutions of NaOII stabil- ized the diffusible colloidal matter. He further asserts that alkali carbonates act much in the same manner. Despite the preceding evidence, Rohland 29 still contends that the flocculation of clay soils by lime is due to the OH-ion. While working along similar lines, the author has noted that a suspension of the Davis clay loam settles out more rapidly in a 0.05 N solution of NaOII than in distilled water, but that solu- tions of greater dilution were stabilizing in their effects. On the other hand, no solution of Na 2 C0 3 30 proved effective as a stabiliz- ing agent as compared with distilled water, while solutions of Na 2 CO a stronger than 0.022 N had a decided flocculating effect. This difference in the behavior of NaOH and Na 2 C0 3 has not come to the writer's attention before in the literature of the subject, and fails to support the widespread teaching that Na 2 C0 3 and salts which hydrolize similarly deflocculate the soil colloids through the agency of the OH-ion. But the most striking fea- ture of the action of NaOH on the soil suspension was the marked resemblance of the soils suspended in that medium to the NaCl + H 2 soil suspended in distilled water. The yield of suspended matter from these two suspensions proved to be of about the same magnitude, as shown in Table II. A cursory con- sideration of this fact obviously supports the contention that the OH-ion content, or the alkalinity of the suspending solution, may be responsible for the diffusion of the soil colloids in the cases under consideration. However, an interesting point to the con- trary lies in the fact that suspensions of the Davis soil in very dilute solutions of NaOH can not be distinguished from sus- pensions of the same soil in distilled water. That is to say, NaOH solutions of a concentration of N/1500 to N/2000 exercised no recognizable effect on the soil colloids. The concentrations here referred to approach the same order of alkalinity as that found in the solution bathing the particles of the highly diffused NaCl -f- H 2 soil. Evidently some other factor than the OH-ion 29 Landw. Jahrb., vol. 44, no. 3, p. 437, 1913; and Landw. Vers. Stat., vol. 85, nos. 1-2, p. 123, 1914. so Baker's analyzed Na 2 C0 3 was used in these experiments except where otherwise noted. 322 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 content of the solution is either responsible for the diffused con- dition of the soil colloids, or at least is of material assistance in producing this effect. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the washing out of the excess NaOH does not materially benefit the injured physical condition of the soil, although the alkalinity of the soil solution was thereby reduced to a concentration comparable with that of the dilute solutions to which reference has just been made. Actual determinations of the alkalinity of the final portions of the percolate from soils to which NaOH has been added show only such alkalinity as the percolate from the normal soil. If we accept the view brought forth by Cameron, 31 which seems justifiable, then the percolates from these soils approach, as a limit, the chemical composition of the soil solution and hence we may conclude that the alkalinity of the soil solution is of the same order of magnitude as that of the percolate. The fact that washing the NaOH from the soil is not accompanied by an im- provement in the physical condition of the soil may be fairly interpreted as substantially affirming the view that the OH-ion is of little moment in the diffusion of the NaCl -|- H 2 soil, and possibly has but little connection with the deflocculation of soils to which NaOH has been added. Furthermore, the facts just discussed, taken in conjunction with those considered under the heading of sodium absorption, lend an appearance of reality to the assumption that the sodium, even in the case of direct addi- tion of NaOH to soils, is the principal agent in creating the diffused condition in soils so treated. Moreover, the writer has found that NaHC0 3 , Na 2 C0 3 , and NaOH have distinctive effects on the soil colloids. In higher concentrations all three salts prove to be flocculants ; in very weak concentrations, as of the order of N/2000 or less, they seem to resemble distilled water in their behavior toward the soil col- loids. In medium concentrations, that is, those less than 0.05 N, NaOH is a deflocculating agent, Na 2 C0 3 acts much like dis- tilled water, while NaHC0 3 seems to be a pronounced flocculant. At least the NaOH and Na 2 C0 3 yield a certain amount of OH-ions, and in the wide range of concentrations employed some 3i Eighth Intern. Cong. Appl. Chem., vol. 15-16, p. 49, 1912. 1916] Sharp : Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 323 point must have been encountered at which the Oil-ion concen- tration of these two was the same or approximately so. Yet the two salts exercised a different influence on the soil colloids at all the concentrations used, with the exception of the highest and lowest concentrations. This fact indicates that some other factor than the OH-ion is effective in determining the degree of dis- persion of the soil colloids. What application this may have to black alkali lands is a question, for under natural conditions it is most likely that all three compounds, NaOH, NaHC0 3 , and Na 2 C0 3 , and their respective ions occur. But the most striking feature of this phase of the problem lies in the fact that the washing out of the soluble matter from separate portions of the Davis soil receiving NaOH, Na 2 C0 3 , and NaHC0 2 results in the same way. The soil becomes very im- pervious and diffuses when shaken with distilled water. Thus the cylinder soils receiving Na 2 C0 3 have been exposed to condi- tions permitting the leaching out of the soluble salts, at least from the surface soil, so that they now exhibit the same peculiari- ties as the soils treated analogously in the laboratory. The systems so far considered have been largely made up of soils to which various quantities of NaOH, Na 2 C0 3 or NaHC0 3 have been added. To ascertain to what extent the facts so gained are applicable to the conditions existing in the laboratory sam- ples of NaCl -f- H 2 soil or to those of the field cylinder soils receiving NaCl and Na 2 S0 4 , necessitates the measurement of the alkalinity obtaining in these soils. We have attempted to secure some information with regard to the quantity of OH-ions or the alkalinity in the solution containing a suspension of the NaCl -f- H 2 soil, but the persistent color of this solution has made it impracticable to employ it directly with the various indi- cators. It would seem, however, from actual titrations made in the usual manner using methyl orange as the indicator, that the alkalinity of the soils in the cylinders receiving NaCl and Na 2 S0 4 had been somewhat increased over that of the control soils. But solutions secured from soils treated in the laboratory in a manner similar to the treatment of the field soils failed to verify con- sistently the above observations. At the present time we are en- gaged in a study of the reaction of the soil suspensions by the use 324 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 of the hydrogen electrode. The results thus far secured indicate that there is not a sufficient quantity of OH-ions in the NaCl + H 2 soil to produce the degree of deflocculation observed therein. If the OH-ion content of the medium is assumed to be the causal agent for the diffusion of the soil colloids, it would appear an equally plausible assumption that the transference of the sus- pending medium from a diffused soil to the original untreated soil would carry with it the deflocculating agent, so that the second soil would register to some degree the physical manifesta- tions of deflocculation. To test the correctness of this hypothesis the following experiment was undertaken. Twenty-five grams of NaCl + H 2 soil were suspended in 250 cc. of water. The col- loidal matter of such a suspension normally remains in a stabil- ized condition for at least three or more weeks, when exposed to laboratory conditions. This suspension was cleared, however, at the expiration of 48 hours by passing it through the Pasteur Chamberland filtering candle under pressure. This was accom- plished with considerable care so as to conform to the conditions found by Briggs 32 to yield the most satisfactory results. The solution secured in the manner described from the NaCl -f- H 2 soil was then used as a suspending medium for 10 grams of un- treated Davis soil. A comparison of the suspension thus formed with a suspension of the same soil in distilled water disclosed no recognizable difference. Thus it would appear that a transference of the suspending medium of a diffused NaCl -f- H 2 soil to a second untreated soil does not carry with it the agent causing the deflocculation of the first soil. Hence, any hypothesis ascribing the altered physical condition of the NaCl + H 2 soil to changes in the soil solution seems untenable. The value of the results secured by the procedure outlined above may be open to question. To avoid such criticism, the writer made the following experiment, which distinctly shows that the transference of a soluble soil deflocculant from one soil to another by the method employed is susceptible of proof. A N/50 NaOH solution in contact with the Davis soil tends to maintain the soil colloids in a stabilized condition. Such a dif- fused suspension was subjected to the filtering treatment out- 82 U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. of Soils, Bull. 19, p. 31, 1902. 1916] Sharp: Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 325 lined above and on passing through the Pasteur filter yielded a clarified solution which had not lost its power to deflocculate the Davis soil. The writer is fully aware that conditions might arise wherein such treatments would considerably modify the defloc- culating power of the solute — for example, in case of very dilute solutions where absorption by the soil and filter would be rela- tively large and possibly of sufficient magnitude to markedly diminish the quantity of deflocculant in the filtrate, which would result undoubtedly in a decrease in the deflocculating power of the solution. A similar reduction in deflocculating power of a solution would also be likely to appear if a solution were sub- jected to repetitions of the procedure described above. Despite the evidence above some doubt may still be enter- tained as to the absence of significant quantities of OH-ions in the films of water on the immediate surfaces of the colloidal particles, especially in view of the probability that the colloidal matter in the diffused soils consists largely of compounds of the chemical nature of sodium silicate, which hydrolizes to some extent in water and eventually gives rise to OH-ions, thereby lowering the surface tension as described by Tolman 33 and like- wise producing the conditions obtaining in the "natant" col- loids of Hall and Morison. 34 Moreover, the results secured by Briggs 35 on the absorption of alkali hydrates by silica tends to confirm the proposed conception of "natant" colloids. If this be the case, the rate of diffusion of these ions from the films into the more dilute medium would be the factor determining whether it would be possible to transfer a sufficient quantity of these ions, by means of the solution, to be effective on the physical condition of a second, otherwise untreated, soil. Under the condi- tions of the experiment just cited, a contact period of two days was allowed for such diffusion, which would appear to allow ample time therefor. Furthermore, as observed by Whitney and Straw 36 and others, the fact that NaOH in certain concentrations tends to stabilize 33 Loc. cit. 3-t Loc. cit. 35 Joum. Phys. Chem., vol. 9, p. 617, 1905. se Loc. cit. 326 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 colloidal matter of a comparatively inert chemical nature forms the basis of an argument which opposes the conceptions herein presented, and which favors the view that the OH-ion may, after all, play an important role in the diffusion of colloids. Thus, systems composed of colloidal silver, lampblack, or relatively pure organic substances in contact with NaOH probably do not offer opportunity for the direct addition of the sodium or the exchange of ions whereby sodium is taken up, a factor which forms an essential link in the scheme proposed by the writer to explain the effects of the alkali salts on soils. Also the experi- ments of Bliss, cited by Whitney and Straw, 37 give an indica- tion that NaOH may be an effective agent, through the medium of the OH-ion. No attempt is made, however, to deny the com- plete ineffectiveness of the OH-ion, for it undoubtedly has an important influence on the physical condition of colloids, as is the case with many ions. But with regard to the physical condi- tion of the salt -treated Davis soil, it is very evident that the OH-ion is a factor of much less significance than the other ions associated with it. The Precipitating Effect of Various Acids and Salts on the Soil Colloids There seemed some possibility that the presence of some ion or ions, other than the OH-ion, in the soil solution might be held accountable for the extreme diffusion of the NaCl -(- H 2 soil and soils similarly affected by other salt treatments. Conse- quently an extensive series of test-tube experiments dealing with the effects of various acids and salts on the soil suspension were undertaken. The results of these tests are briefly referred to at this time in their relation to the condition existing in the salt- treated, water-washed soils. It was found that N/2000 HC1 and H 2 S0 4 perceptibly floccu- lated the soil colloids, as compared with distilled water sus- pensions of the same soil. To attribute this action wholly to the II-ion of the acid would, in the writer's opinion, be erroneous, for no doubt, salts are immediately formed when the acid comes ■■< hoc. cit. 1916] Sharp : Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 327 into contact with the soil. Nevertheless, it is significant that acids of the low concentration here employed are more efficient flocculants than their salt solutions of similar concentrations. Hence the nnneutralized acid in very dilute concentrations un- doubtedly exercises a pronounced flocculating power, so that this factor is eliminated as the possible deflocculant in the case of NaCl + H 2 soil. Solutions of the chlorides, sulphates, and bicarbonates of calcium, sodium, ammonium, and potassium, were also studied with regard to their effects on the colloidal matter of soils. These salts in solutions ranging in concentration from N/1500 to N/500 possessed distinct flocculating powers. Solutions of higher con- centrations were likewise flocculating in their effect, while more dilute solutions behaved similarly to distilled water. Hence the diffused condition of the NaCl + H 2 soil cannot be attributed to the mere dilution of the neutral sodium salts or of the simple salts formed by reactions between the added salts and the soil silicates. As previously indicated, this statement must not be construed to include the systems soil + NaOH, or soil + Na 2 C0 3 , but must be considerably modified to express the facts existing in those cases. The Effects of Washing Various Salts from the Soil with Water The washing out of KC1 and NH 4 C1 from the Davis soil with water gave essentially the same results as accompanied the re- moval of the sodium salts by the same means. On the other hand, the leaching out of calcium salts seemed to leave the soil colloids in a more flocculated condition than in the normal, un- treated soil, though this effect was by no means so pronounced as when the calcium salts were allowed to remain in contact with the soil particles. According to the ideas herein presented, the effect of a salt solution, either while in contact with the solid particles or after its removal from the soil by washing with dis- tilled water, upon the physical condition of soils or complex silicates of such a character as to admit of chemical exchange of ions, is, in a measure, dependent upon the nature of the chemical 328 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 bodies formed by virtue of this interchange of ions. The soluble products, including the salts of calcium, magnesium or other bases, which are formed when salt solutions are allowed to act upon soils, must be considered, if a true conception of the physi- cal effects of the added salts is to be secured. In addition, the individual properties of the new silicate complex, which is formed simultaneously with the exchange of ions, must be recog- nized as bearing significantly on the final effects of the added salt on the physical condition of the soil. Undoubtedly, these factors have a bearing on the effects of salts on the capillary movement of water in soils, and make impossible the direct appli- cation of physical laws concerning surface tension and densities to the phenomena of capillary rise, as Briggs and Lapham 38 have attempted. Instead, the factors discussed above may help to harmonize the observations made by these investigators with the more recent findings of Kossovich. 39 The addition to soils of KC1, NH 4 C1, NaN0 3 , Na 2 S0 4 or NaCl, and in fact most neutral salts, has been shown by Way, 40 Eich- horn, 41 Henneberg and Stohman, 42 Peters, 43 Van Bemmelen, 44 Bradley, 45 Curry and Smith, 46 and others, to result in increasing the quantity of calcium, magnesium and other metallic ions in the solution secured from soils so treated, as compared with the same soils receiving distilled water. Furthermore it has been shown by Hall and Morison, 47 Davis, 48 Patten and Gallagher, 49 Masoni, 50 and others that calcium and magnesium salts possess more pro- nounced flocculating powers than the corresponding salts of the alkali metals. This fact may account for the different rates at 1912 ss U. S. Dept. Agric, Bur. of Soils, Bull. 19, 1902. so Cited from Exp. Sta. Eec, vol. 25, no. 9, p. 824. 40 Loc. cit. 41 Cited from Sullivan, loc. cit., p. 12. 42 Cited from Sullivan, loc. cit., p. 13. « Landw. Vers. Stat., vol. 2, p. 113, 1860. 44 Loc. cit. 45 Oregon Agrie. Exper. Sta., Bull. 112, 1912. 4« New Hampshire A.gric. Exper. Sta., Bull. 170, 1914. 47 Loc. cit. ■ 4* U. 8. Dept. Agric, Bur. of Soils, Bull. 82. 4» U. S. Dept. Agric., Bur. of Soils, Bull. 52, 1908. • r >o Abstract in Journ. Chem. Soc. London, vol. 102, no. 597, p. 677, 1916] Sharp : Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 329 which the same strength of different salt solutions operates to clarify suspensions from different soils. Moreover, the addition of these salts seems to bring about a decided increase in the colloidal content of the soil, which is obviously manifested when the soluble salts are removed by distilled water. On the other hand, the introduction of calcium salts to a soil does not apparently bring about the production of a colloidal complex, although some interchange of ions occurs. In fact, the addition of CaCl 2 fol- lowed with washing seems to have the opposite effect on the Davis clay-loam soil. For these reasons it seems evident that the in- soluble as well as the soluble products formed by the interaction of salts on soils must be considered as important factors in such practices as prescribe the use of soluble salts on soils. It is apparent that at least the Na, K and NH 4 ions form a colloidal substance upon their introduction into the silicate com- plexes of the Davis soil. The Ca-ion, and probably others, form, on the contrary, non-colloidal substances when introduced into the complex silicates of the Davis soil. It is also made clear that the acid ion is of little importance in the phenomena follow- ing the washing out of salts from the soil, by the fact that NaN0 3 , NaCl and Na 2 S0 4 all operate to produce approximately the same results. Some General Observations on Other Peculiar Appearances Accompanying the Washing Out of Certain Salts from Soils Stewart 51 in a recent paper attributes the color of the nitre spots to the action of sodium or potassium nitrates on the organic matter of the soil. Bearing somewhat upon this subject, we have noted that the addition of NaCl or Na 2 S0 4 to a soil materially increases the organic matter in the supernatant solution if the depth of color of such a solution can be relied upon as an index of the quantity of organic matter contained therein. But the most striking results in this connection appear when these neutral salts are removed from the soil by washing. The soil itself as- sumes the typical gray color of alkali soils in the field, and the si Journ. Amer. Soc. Agron., vol. 6, no. 6, p. 247, 1914. 330 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 filtrate takes on a rich, dark brown color, not unlike the usual NH 4 OH humus extract. Frequently the soil when dry is covered with a thin layer of hard, black, organic matter. Indeed the re- semblance between the NaCl + H 2 soil, the water in contact with it, or its percolate, and the natural alkali soils and the water bathing their particles, is so striking as to deceive even those experienced in the handling of ' ' black alkali ' ' soils. The increased solubility of the organic matter in the salt- treated, water-Avashed soils, as indicated by the increased depth of the brown color, cannot be due to the presence of the NaCl as a chemical entity, for the color does not appear until after some of the salt has been removed from the soil by washing. There can be no doubt that the NaN0 3 by means of an interchange of ions with the organic salts of calcium or magnesium does affect a greater solubility of organic matter, but this solubility may be greatly increased if the added salt is washed from the soil. This fact may be of assistance in accounting for the color of the nitre spots. In agreement with Van Bemmelen 52 and Warington, 53 we have also noted the appearance of fluffy, flocculent colloids passing through the filter paper, when the added salt is practically washed from the soil. These colloids coagulate when in contact with the filtrate containing the soluble salts from the soil. One other point which has not received prior attention, but which seems of sufficient importance to be mentioned at this time, is the fact that all of the salt need not be washed from the soil to produce the effects noted. In another series of experiments, which will be reported in detail later, 3200 cc. of a 1.5 per cent solution of NaCl (which was intended to represent the strength of the soil solution when 0.3 per cent of NaCl is added to the soil under optimum water conditions) was passed through 1600 grams of Davis soil. The soil was affected to a greater extent than a soil receiving a similar quantity of NaCl, namely 4.8 grams, or than a third soil receiving a similar quantity of NaCl, which in addition was leached with 3200 cc. of water. The injury to the first soil was greater than to the other soils despite the fact that 52 hoc. cit. 53 Loc. cit. 1916] Sharp: Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 331 a small quantity of salt remained in contact with the soil. These observations lend further confirmation to the fact previously ob- served, that a second addition of NaCl to a NaCl + H 2 soil does not cause the reversion of the soil to its original condition. General Discussion op the Effects Noted and Their Application to Soil Studies and the Management of Soils In the discussion on the possible relation of the calcium and magnesium content of the percolate to the diffused condition of salt-treated, water-washed soils, attention has already been called to the fact that the phenomena, first observed in case of the cylinders containing Davis soil, also appeared in three other soils of widely different types. Evidently the effects observed when added salts are washed from soils by distilled water, are not peculiar to any particular type of soil, but are more or less general in their application. Some soils, as those which do not offer replaceable calcium or magnesium to exchange for sodium or other ions of salt solutions, would probably react to a much less extent than those soils which do react with salt solutions. The degree to which the soil is affected by the salt-and-water treatments is apparently dependent upon the amount of exchange of bases, or the direct addition of bases which occurs. This, of course, varies markedly with different soil types and is probably closely associated with complex silicates of which mention has already been made. This conception conforms, in the main, with the ideas brought out by Knop, 54 Van Bemmelen, 55 and AVaring- ton, 56 with respect to the absorption of salts by soils. Moreover, Kossovich 57 has noted that NaCl exercises a more pronounced effect on capillary rise in clay soils than in sandy soils. There can be but little doubt that the effects of salts on the physical and chemical properties of soils has a wide range of application to alkali soils and their management. Moreover, the 54 Cited from U. S. Dept. Agric, Bur. of Soils, Bull. 52, p. 19. ss Loc. cit. 56 Loc. cit. 57 Loc. cit. 332 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 peculiar phase of these effects under consideration would seem to have particular significance in that connection. First of all, these soils contain, as a general rule, sufficiently large quantities of salts to be commensurate with those used in the experiments reported above. Secondly, the natural rainfall, irrigation prac- tices, and drainage operations often wash the salts out of the top layers of soil, so that this soil would be exposed to the con- ditions likely to produce the inferior physical qualities attendant upon deflocculation. During the late winter and early spring months the writer had occasion to observe the standing water in the depressions of the alkali lands near Fresno, California. To all appearances the underdrainage of these low areas would be practically impossible, owing to the imperviousness of the soil, which upon examination reveals all the characteristics of the diffused salt-treated, water- washed soils. Besides, the gray appearance of the soil when dry, and the striking resemblance of the supernatant liquid to that above the soils in the cylinders, would certainly lead one to be- lieve that even under natural conditions the washing out from and the dilution of the salts in alkali soils has much in common with the artificial production of similar conditions. Heretofore, the depressions and the remarkable imperviousness of their soils have been attributed to the presence of Na 2 C0 3 . It would seem that the deflocculation effects exhibited by soils when added salts are washed from them would have particular bearing upon the reclamation of alkali soils by underdrainage. Yet the possible application of this feature to alkali reclamation seems to have been omitted from the literature dealing with this subject. 58 Cameron and Patten 59 observed somewhat similar lowering of the rate of percolation, followed, however, by an increase later as the washing out of the salts progressed. Hare, 60 in a recent paper describing tank experiments dealing with the effects of alkali salts on soils and crops, does not note any pos- sible effect of the added salts on percolation through the soils receiving them, but does comment on the observation that Na 2 S0 4 58 Hilgard, Soils, 1911, chap. 22, and U. S. Dept. Agric, Bur. of Soils, Bull. 35, 1906. 69 Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc, vol. 28, p. 1639, 1906. oo New Mexico Agric. Exper. Sta., Bull. 88, 1913. 1916] Sharp : Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 333 was more difficult to leach from the soil than Na 2 C0 3 or NaCl. Specific information on the physical condition of the drained alkali soils of the various drainage experiments is lacking. Even the recorded observations of a general nature are indefinite and discordant. Thus at Salt Lake, 61 Tempe, 62 and North Yakima, 63 the effect of drainage has not appeared to have benefitted the physical condition of the soil, while at Fresno, 64 , Billings, 05 and elsewhere, the drained soil appeared to be superior with respect to physical condition than the undrained soil. Owing to the in- adequacy of these reports in that no definite measurements of alteration in the physical condition of the soil are given, they cannot be accepted as a final expression of the effects of drainage of alkali soils. The behavior of the Davis soil in the cylinders and the general trend of the laboratory experiments seem to the writer convincing arguments that the drainage of these cylinder soils in their present condition would be practically, perhaps absolutely, im- possible. Underdrainage, supplemented with powerful flocculat- ing agents, might serve as a feasible plan whereby the excess salt could be removed from such soils. That natural alkali soils are not strictly comparable with the cylinder soils to which single salts have been added is patent, and this may account, in a measure, for the general discrepancy between the behavior of certain natural alkali soils and that of alkali soils made artificially by the addition of salts. The wash- ing out of salt mixtures, as in the case of natural alkali soils, may have an entirely different effect than the washing out of a single salt. It has, however, been shown in this laboratory that the washing out of certain mixtures of salts from the Davis soil has resulted in the same way as washing out single sodium salts. On the other hand, the time for the reaction of the salt in the soil 6iDorsey, C. W., U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. of Soils, Bull. 43, p. 16, 1907, and Bull. 35, p. 181, 1907. esDorsey, C. W., U. S. Dept. Agric, Bur. of Soils, Bull. 35, p. 190, 1907. «s Loc. cit., p. 189. 64Mackie, W. W., U. S. Dept. Agric, Bur. of Soils, Bull. 42, p. 43, 1907. 65Dorsey, C. W., U. S. Dept. Agric, Bur. of Soils, Bull. 44, p. 18, 1902. 334 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 being comparatively unlimited in case of the natural soils, it may considerably alter the end-points and end-products and thus introduce a new factor. The constant up-and-down movement of the soluble salts in the soil, the alternate drying and wetting of the soil, and the effects of thermal changes on the soil, may partially obliterate the true effects of washing certain salts from soils. In addition, the relation of calcium, magnesium and other bases to the sodium may be modified by the conditions just men- tioned, so that different equilibria are established. Furthermore, the nature of the soil, especially with respect to the original con- tent of colloidal substances and hydrated silicate complexes, must be taken into account. Thus the effect of draining salts from sandy soils free of colloids may be so small as to pass unrecog- nized, while similar drainage from heavier types of soils would produce marked effects. The colloidal content, too, and the state of diffusion thereof, in our drained alkali lands, may be a direct result of the first natural introduction of the salts into and their subsequent removal from the original soil, the exact physical condition of which may be only surmised. Hence we have no means for securing evidence as to the exact salt effects under natural conditions. As suggested by Mayer, 66 the physical effects resulting from washing sea salts from the soil may be as injurious to the growth of plants as the direct toxicity of the salt itself. Our experience with the cylinders serves to confirm this idea, for olespite the fact that the top foot of soil is almost free from salts, it seems impossible to secure a satisfactory growth of plants. A pot experiment, to be reported upon later, also gives substantial proof that the deflocculated soil, comparatively free from salt, offers a far less congenial home for barley plants, at least during the early stages of growth, than the same soil containing as high as 0.3 per cent of NaCl. The inability of the plants to make a satisfactory growth in the highly deflocculated soils appears, from a cursory considera- tion of the conditions, to be due to the lack of available moisture. Although the deflocculated soils may seem to be moist, yet the quantity of water which the plants have at their disposal is 66 hoc. Cit. 1916] Sharp: Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 335 probably insufficient to promote normal growth. At least this condition is suggested by the moisture equivalents of the defloc- culated NaCl + H 2 soil as determined with the centrifugal machine developed by Briggs. In addition to the low availability of the moisture in such soils as an inhibiting factor, the rate of movement of water through such soils must also be considered in its relation to the growth of plants. From all appearances, it seems justifiable to predict that the movement of water through the highly diffused soils is so slow as to fail to resupply the area occupied by the roots from the more moist soil layers lying adjacent to the root area. The observed effects of washing salts from soils may also have some bearing upon fertilizer practices and the results on crop plants secured therefrom. The salts used as fertilizers undoubt- edly effect certain modifications of the physical condition of soils. It is also true that the washing out from the soil of at least some of these salts brings a far greater change in the physical properties of the soil than that accompanying the ap- plication of the salts. Probably no instance w r ith respect to this feature, as a phase of soil management, is so patent as that con- cerning the use of NaN0 3 . Hall 67 comments upon the inadvis- ability of applying this material under certain conditions be- cause of the deflocculating effect of the alkalinity due to residual sodium carbonate. Warington 08 also notes the deflocculating effect of NaN0 3 and refers to it as being particularly noticeable after heavy rains. More recently McGeorge 69 has observed a marked retardation of percolation through Hawaiian soils receiv- ing applications of NaN0 3 , but attributes this effect to some reaction between the added salt and the organic matter of the soil. Undoubtedly the application of NaN0 3 to soils under cer- tain circumstances has resulted in a deterioration of the physical condition of the soil, although the NaN0 3 , as a salt, is in itself a flocculating agent. The writer has produced marked deflocculation in the Davis soil by applying NaN0 3 and subsequently washing the soluble 67 The Soil, p. 252, 1910. es Loc. cit. eo Hawaiian Agric. Exper. Sta, Bull. 35, 1914. 336 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 salts from the soil with water. The use of the N0 3 radical by plants or bacteria, thereby leaving the sodium, could not have occurred to any extent in this case, for the whole process re- quired no longer than two hours, and was carried out in a filter. The filtrate at no period in the washing process showed sufficient alkalinity to account for the deflocculation. Hence the former conception that residual Na 2 C0 3 causes the deflocculation seems untenable, and some such hypothesis as has been advanced in this paper must be adopted to explain the unfavorable physical condition frequently existing in soils receiving applications of NaN0 3 . With respect to fertilizer salts in general, Hall 70 calls attention to the deflocculation following the use of neutral salts on soils, but believes the effect is due to alkalinity arising from the ab- sorbed base. Hessler 71 has noted the increase in coherence of the soil particles when NaCl, NaN0 3 and kainite have been applied to soils. Hoffman, 72 however, could not detect any difference in the interior surface of soils due to fertilizer applications of the usual magnitude. It is of interest to note that no attempt is made to correlate the inferior physical condition of salt-treated soils with the process of leaching the salts from them. However, potassium and ammonium salts are effective in the same direction as sodium salts when washed from the soil, al- though they are generally considered flocculating agents when in contact with certain colloidal particles. Hence, to be fully comprehensive and expressive of the whole truth, studies on fer- tilizer effects should involve not only the conditions under which the salt or salts are present, but also those conditions which not infrequently arise in nature, whereby the soluble salts are re- moved from the soil by processes analogous to washing the soil with water. The nature of the clay colloids and the cause of the relatively high degree of deflocculation which they assume when suspended in water have long been subjects of much conjecture and much 70 7,0c. cit. 7i Cited from Exper. Sta. Rec, vol. 31, no. 2, p. 123, 1914. 72 Landw. Vers. Stat., vol. 85, nos. 1-2, p. 123, 1914. 1916] Sharp : Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids 337 debate. Hilgard 73 has consistently maintained that the power of such colloids to remain in a stabilized condition is not to be attributed solely to the fineness of division of such particles, but that other factors may be responsible for that condition. In agreement therewith, our experience, which has been presented in this communication, has led us to believe that the chemical nature of the body itself and that of the medium, determine in a large measure the condition in which the colloid may exist. The extent to which the factor considered in this paper may be applicable to agricultural practice can be better surmised than asserted at the present writing, but it seems highly possible that the modifications of the physical condition of the soil, due to washing out the soluble salts, under circumstances involving fertilizer applications or natural alkali soils, will be reflected in the inferior tilling qualities of the soil, in the increased resistance offered by such soils to root penetration, in the lack of air space and air movements, in the deflocculated soil, and in the moisture and temperature relations of such diffused soils. The movement of moisture in soils by surface tension and osmotic pressure or under gravitational attraction, appears to be particularly de- pendent upon the degree of deflocculation of the soil colloids. Besides affecting the physical condition of the soil, the leach- ing out of soluble neutral salts from soils is, as has been previously shown, frequently accompanied by notable quantities of calcium and magnesium in the percolate. Thereby the soil sustains a con- siderable loss of calcium and magnesium, which may in the course of time be of sufficient magnitude actually to deplete the available supply of these plant-food elements in the soil. The bacterial flora and bacterial activity of soils subjected to the treatments outlined above are liable to be considerably modified and to all appearances in a harmful direction. Thus all the factors of soil fertility are likely to be measureably affected through the pro- cess of washing salts from soils ; consequently the crop-producing power of the salt-treated, water-washed soil is apt to be con- siderablv modified. Soils, chap. VI. 338 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 1 Summary 1. The Davis claj^-loam soil to which surface applications of solutions of NaCI, Na 2 S0 4 and Na 2 C0 3 had been made became very impervious to water, difficult to cultivate, and manifested the characteristics of a high degree of diffusion, although these salts have been shown to exercise flocculating powers on sus- pensions of this soil. 2. The salt-treated soils referred to were in cylinders exposed to natural conditions. 3. Examination of the soils showed that the salts had moved downward into the lower layers of soil and that only the surface soil had been affected in the direction described. 4. The deflocculated condition resulting from adding certain salts to and subsequently washing them from soils can be repro- duced in the laboratory. 5. The deflocculation of soils treated in the manner described above is intimately associated with the leaching of the NaCI and Na 2 S0 4 down into the lower layers of soil by water. In the case of Na 2 C0 3 the leaching process is not so essential for the diffusion of the soil colloids. 6. The addition of NaCI, Na 2 S0 4 and Na 2 C0 3 to the Davis soil when followed with applications of water was particularly effective in diminishing the rate of percolation through the soil so treated. 7. NaCI and Na 2 S0 4 in constant contact with the Davis soil increased the rate of percolation, except when a comparatively dilute solution of NaCI was slowly passed through the soil for a considerable period of time. 8. The Davis soil treated with NaCI, NaOH, Na 2 C0 3 and other salts, followed by leaching with water, yields a suspension in water containing approximately ten times as much solid matter as the same soil washed with water only. A real diffusion in such salt-treated soils seems evident. 9. The soil once diffused by washing out added NaCI requires considerably more salt to completely flocculate it, than does the water- washed soil. Likewise the injured physical condition of such soils is not readily repaired by a second addition of NaCI. 1916] Sharp: Soluble Salts and Soil Colloids :;:;!» 10. The portion of the organic matter of the soil known as humus has little or no connection with the appearance of dif- fusion in salt-treated, water-washed soils. 11. The diffusion in soils treated as described above seems to be closely associated with the direct addition of sodium to, or with the absorption of sodium by the soil, thereby producing a new silicate complex of a colloidal character in the soil. 12. This silicate complex is formed simultaneously with the interchange of ions occurring between the salt and the soil. 13. The washing process serves, in the case of neutral salts. to remove flocculating agents. 14. The loss of calcium and magnesium from the soil bears little or no relation to the flocculation appearing in salt-treated, water-washed soils except in so far as it may be a measure of the absorbed sodium. 15. The presence of the OH-ion does not seem to be an essen- tial factor in the diffusion of salt-treated, water-washed soils. 16. Na 2 C0 3 and NaOH produce markedly different effects on suspensions of the Davis soil. 17. The acid ion of the salt is not an important factor in the deflocculation phenomena following the washing out of salts from soils. 18. Sodium, potassium, and ammonium seem to produce the colloidal silicate complex when salts of these metals are applied to soils, while calcium does not. 19. Dilute solutions of acids and salts possess flocculating powers on suspensions of the Davis soil. 20. It is not essential in every case to wash all of the salt out in order to bring about diffusion. 21. The facts presented are discussed in their relation to the reclamation and management of alkali lands, and in their appli- cation to the use of soluble salts as fertilizers. The writer desires to express his thanks to Professor Charles B. Lipman for many valuable suggestions and for his critical reading of the manuscript, and to L. E. Bailey for his timely assistance in the analytical work. Transmitted November 16, 1915.