'a\ s on Song Writing, \\ ilh a collection «'f siuh Englii^ll Soiig.-5 as arc most eminent for poetical merit. A new edition, with additions and corrections, and a supple- ment, by R. H Kvans. 12moclh I^oiid. 1810 32 J. Letters to a Young I^adv on a Course of English Poetry. 2d t d. 1 2niOW, Joel. The Poetical Writings of , new ed 12mu N.Y. 1796 14.5 John. The connection between Physiology and Intellectual Philosophy, 12mo cith ' Lond. 1842 14G Joel. The Columbiad. a Poem, plates, 4to Phila. 1607 147 BOTANIC Garden, The. .\ Poem in two parts, notes, 2d Am. ed 8vo N.Y. 1807 148 BAKElv, Rachel. Devotional Somnium, or, a collection of pravers and exhortations, uttered by , with rin account ol her life, bv several Medical Gentlemen, 12mo lif mor N.Y. 149 B.\TES. David. The ^olian, 12mo Phila. 1849 150 BARTON, William. Memoirs of the life of David Rittenhouse, 8vo hf mor (Appx) Phila. 1802 151 A Dissertation on the freedom of Navigation ai.d maritime commerce, 8vo shp (.Appx.) Phila. 1802 151* BARRETT, S. A. .Maintonomah, and other Poems, 12mo clth N.Y. 1849 152 BARNEY. Mary. A Biographical Memoir of the late Com- modore Joshua Barney, 8vo hf mor Bost. 1832 153 BACKUS, Isaac. Church History of New England, from 1G20 to 1804, with a memoir of the author, 12mo clth Phila. 1839 154 BALL, Benjamin West Elfin Land, nnd other Poems, 12mo 155 BARHAM, H. H. Dalton. The Life and Remains of Theodore Edward Hook, fourth ed 2 vols 12mo clth Lond. 1850 156 B.MLEY, William. Records of Patriotism, and Love of Country, 8vo hf mor Washington, 1826 157 Thomas Haynes. Songs and Ballads, Grave and Gay, with a memoir of tlie author, 12m() mor Phila. 1844 158 • Samuel. Essay on the Formation and Publication of Opinions, The Pursuit of Truth, and other subjects, 12mo clth Bost. 1854 i59 BABYLON and Jerusalem. A Letter Addressed to Ida, Coun- tess of Hahn-Hahn, from the German, with a Preface by the Translator, 12mo cth Lond. 1851 160 BARTRAM, Win. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, and among the Creeks and Choctaws, plates, 8vo shp Lond. 1792 161 BACHELOR, A. Traces of the Roman and Moor, or Twioe Trodden Tracks through Lombardy and the Spains, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 162 BATCHELDER, Eugene. A Romance of the Sea-Serpent, or the Ichthyosaurus, 12mo cth Cambridge 1850 163 BAXTER, Richard. The Poetical Fragments of, 16mo bds Lond. 1821 164 Lydia. Gems by the Wayside, or Religious and Do- mestic Poems, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 165 BABCOCK, .lames Staunton. Visions and Voices, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author, 12mo cth Hartford 1849 166 BARHAMVILLE, Marks of. Elfride of Guldal, a Scandina- vian Legend, and other Poems, 12mo cth N.Y. 1850 167 BATCHELDER, Eugene. Border Adventures, or the Ro- mantic Incidents of a New England Town, Appendix, 12mo bds Bost. 1851 168 BARNES, Albert. The Way of Salvation Illustrated, in a Series of Discourses, 12mo cth Phila. 1856 169 BANCROFT, Geo. History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent, vols. 1 — VL, 6 vols. 8\o cth Bost. 1840-54 169* Literary and Historical Miscellanies, 8vo cth N.Y. 1855 170 BANVARD, Joseph. Wisdom, Wit and Wbims of Distin- guished Ancient Philosophers, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 171 The American Statesman, or Illustrations of the Life and Character of Daniel Webster, designed for American Youth, r2mo cth Bost. 1853 172 BEATSON, Robert. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 17S3, 6 vols. 8vo bds Lond. 1804 173 BEASLEY, Frederick. A Searph of Truth in the Science of the Human Mind, 8vo hf mor Phila. 1822 174 BEARDSLEY, Levi. Reminiscences, Personal and other In- cidents, 8vo cth N.Y. 1852 175 BEATTIE, James. The Poetical Works of, with a Memoir of the Author by the Rev. Alexander Dyce, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 176 BEAUTIES of Poetry, The, British and American, 12mo shp Phila. 1791 177 BELCHER, Lyman. Lectures on Scepticism, delivered in Park Street Church, Boston, and in the Second Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, 3d ed 12mo clth .Cincinnati, 1835 2 10 178 BEECHER, Henry Ward. Star Papers, or, Experiences of Art and Nature, 12mo clth " N.Y. 1855 179 Charles. The Incarnation, or Pictures of the Virgin and her Son, with an introductory essay by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowc, I2mo clth ' ' N.Y. 1849 180 George. The Biographical Remains of 12mo N Y. 1844 181 Edward. The Conflict of Ages, or the Great Debata on the Moral Relations of God and Man, 12mo clth Host. 1853 182 The Papal Conspiracy Exposed, and Protestantism de- fended in the light of reason, historv, and Scripture, 12mo clth ' Bost 1855 183 Catherine E. Letters on the difficulties of Religion, 12mo hi mor Hartford, 1836 184 Truth Stranger than Fiction, a Narrative of recent transactions, involving inquiries in regard to the principles of honor and justice, 12mo clth Bost. 1850 185 BELMONT, Cara. The City Side, 16mo clth Bost. 18o4 186 BELL, Robert. Lives of the raost eminent Literary and Scientific men of Great Britain — English Poets, 2 vols 12mo clth Lond. 1839 187 BELL Smith Abroad. Illustrated by Healy, Wallcutt, and Uverarche, 12mo N.Y. 1855 188 BELISLE, D. W. The Parterre, 18moclth Phila. 1849 189 BELKNAP, Jeremy. Life of with selections from h's correspondence and other writings, collected and arranged by his grand-daugliter, 18mo clth N.Y. 1847 190 The History of New Hampshire, 1 st vol 8vo bds uncut, Dover, 1831 191 American Biography, with additions and notes, by F. M. Hubbard, 3 vols ISmo'cllli NY. 1846 192 BENEZET, Anthony. Some Historical account of Guinea, also an extract of a Treatise by Granville Sharp, 12mo shp Phila. 1771 193 BENTON, Thomas H. Abridgement of the Debates of Con- gress, from 1789 to 1856, 2d and 3d vol only — 2 vols 8vo clth N.Y. 1857 191 BENTON, Thomas H. Tliirtv Years in the U.S. Senate, (1820-'50 ) 2 vols 8vo clth ' N. Y. 1854-6 195 BENEDICT, David. A General History of tlie Baptist De- mmination in Ameiica, and other parts of the world, 8vo clth NY. 1848 19G BENN ETT. Emerson. Clara Morelund, or Adventures in the Far South West, 12mo clth Phila 196* The Forged Will, or Crime and Retribution, 12mo Phila. 1853 197 Viola, 12moclta Phila 197* W. C. Poems, ]2mo Lond. 1850 198 The Saint and the Sinner, a Talc, not stranger than true, 12mo bds N.Y. 1854 11 199 BENNETT, James Gordon. Memoirs of, and his times, by a Journalist, 12mo clth NT. 1855 200 BENTHAM, Jeremy. Theory of Legislation, translated from the French, by R. Hildreth, 2 vols 12mo clth Bost. 1840 201 BERANGEK. The Songs of, in English, with a Sketch of the Author's Life, 12mo mor Phila. 1844 202 BERNARD, John. Retrospection of the Stage, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo hf mor Bost. 1832 203 BERKSHIRE Jubilee, The, Celebrated at Pittsfield, Mass.. Aug. 22 and 23, 1814, 8vo cth Albany 1845 204 BERKLEY, George. Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher, m Seven Dialogues, Ist American Edition, 8vo shp New Haven 1803 205 BERENICE. A Novel, 12mo cth Bost. 1856 206 BE VE RIDGE, Wm. Private Thoughts upon Religion and a Christian Life, in 2 parts, i2mo cth Phila. 1829 207 BERRIDGE, John. The Christian World Unmasked, to which is prefixed the Life of the Author, Corrected and Abridged by Abner Morse, 12mo shp Bost. 1822 208 BERRIAN, William. Oflicium Eucharis'icum, a Preparatory Office for the Holy Communion, with suitable Prayers, 18mo cth N.Y, 1847 203 An Historical Sketch of Trinity Church, N.Y. .plates, 8vo cth N.Y. 1847 210 BETHUNE, Geo. W. Lays of Love and Faith, with other Fugitive Poems, 8vo cth Phila. 1847 211 Orations and Occasional Di-scourses, 12mo cth N.Y. 1850 212 BEVERLEY, Robert. The History of Virginia, in four Parts, Rep. Introduction by Chas. Canii.'bell, plates, 8vo cth Richmond, Va. 1855 213 BEWICK, Thomas and John. Select Fables, with Cuts de- signed and engraved byhim and others, previous to 1784, toge- ther with a Memoir and Descriptive Catalogue of the Work of ths Messrs. Bewick, 8vo elf Newcastle 1820 214 BICKERSTETH, E. The Testimony of the Reformers, se- lected from the Writings «)f Cranmer, Jewell and others, 1st series, 12mo cth Lond. 1836 215 BICKLEY, G. W. L. The West American Review, Lst vol. 8vo hf bd Cincinnati 1853 2 16 BIOGRAPHICAL Dictionary (A.) of the Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland. I vol. 8vo cth Lond. 1816 217 Published by the Society for the Diffusion nf Useful Knowledge, 4 vols. 8vo cth Lond. 1843 218 BIOGRaPHIE Moderne Lives of Remarkable Characters who have distinguished themselves from the commencement of the French Revolution to the present time, 2 vols. 8vo bds Lond. 1811 219 Impartiale des Representants du Peuple a I'Assemblee Nationale, seul edit, complete, 12mo hf cf Paris 1848 12 220 BIGELOW, Jacob. Nature in Disease, illustrated in various Discourses and Essays, with Miscellaneous Writings, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 221 BIBLIOTHECA Americanae Primordia. An attempt towards laying the foundation of an American Library ; in several books, papers, and writings, humbly given to the society for propaga- tion of the Gospel in foreign parts. Ry a member of said society, 4to. London 1713 This, as far as it goes, is the best Catalogue of Books relating to Ainerica extant, the titles being copied at full length with the greatest exactness, together with name of the printer, and the number of pages in each volnme. It unfortunately contains ony the books given to the society by White Kennett, Bishop of Peterborough, and a few others, many of them not relating to America. It is. however, rich in English tracts relating to New England. — Bich 222 BIRD, Robert Montgomery. Calavar, or the Knight of the Con- quest. A Romance of Mexico, 12mo cloth N. Y. 1854 223 Nick of the Woods; or, the Jibbenainosay. A Tale of Kentucky. A new edition, revised, 12mo cloth New York 1853 224 BLAND, Col. Theodoric Bland, The Papers of, with an intro- duction and memoir of Col. Bland, 8vo, blf elf Petersburg 1840 225 BLACKWOOD'S Edinburgh Magazine for 1835, vol. XXXYH. Index, 4to ' New Haven 1835. 226 BLAKE, John L. A Biographical Dictionary, comprising a summary account of the Lives of the most distinguished per- sons of all ages, nations and professions, 13th edition, 4to shp Phila. 1856 227 Same, hlf morocco Phila. 1856 228 BLACKENRIDGE, H. M. Views of Louisiana, together with a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri River in 1611, 8vo shp ' Pittsburgh 1814 229 BLACK, Charles Ingham. Messias and Antimessias. A Prophetical Exposition. To which are added two homilies on the body of Christ, 12mo PhiU. 1855 230 BLEDSOF, Albert Taylor. An Examination of President Edwards' Inquiry into the Freedom of the Will, 12mo clth N. V. 1845 231 An Essay on Liberty and Slavery, 12mo clth Philad. 18^6 232 BLEECKER, Ann Eliza. The Posthumous Works of, in pruse and vers*). To which is added a collection of Essays, prose and poetical, by Margaretta V. Faugeres, 12mo shp N. Y. 1793 233 BLISS, Leonard, Jun. The History of Rehoboth, Bristol Co., Mass., comprising a history of Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Paw- tucket from their settlement to the present time, 8vo cloth Bost. 1836 234 BLOOMFIELD, Robert. The Farmer's Boy, a Rural Poem, 15th E dition, 12mo hlf morocco, London 1827 13 235 BOARDMAN, Henry A. The Great Question. Will you consider the subject of Personal Religion, i2mo Phila 1855 236 BOARDMAN, James. America and the Americans, 8vo half cf I.ond. 1833 237 BOCCACCIO. The Decameron, or Ten Days' Entertainment of, a revised translation by W. K. Kelly, 12mo cloth Lond. 1845 238 BOISMONT, A. lirierre de. Hallucinations, or the Rational History ol apparitions, visions, dreams, ecstasy, magnetism, and somnambulism, 1st American ed 8vo clth Phila. 1853 239 BOILEAU, Monsr. The works of, made info English from the last Paris edition by several hand;*, to which is prefixed his life, by Mr. Maizeaux, and some account of this transla- tion b) N. Rowe, cuts, 2 vols 8vo shp JiOnd. 1712 240 BOSS LI, Mr. Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana, by Mr. Bossu, Captain of the Marines, translated from the French, by John Reinhold Fors- ter, T. S. A., illustrated with notes relative chiefly to Na- tural History, to which is added by the translator, a syste- matic catalogue of all the known Plants of English North America, or a Flora America? septentrional is 2 vols 8vo cf Lond. 1771 241 BOKER, George H. The Lesson of life and other Poems, 12mo bds Phila. 1848 242 Calaynos, a Tragedy, 12mo bds Phila. 1848 243 Anne Boleyn, a Tragedy, 12mo ckh Phila. 1850 244 The Podesta's daughter and other Poems, 12mo clth Phila. 1852 245 Plays and Poems, 2 vols 12mo clth Bost. 1856 246 BOLTON, Robert Jr. A History of the County of West- chester, from its first settlement to the presei t time, v(ds 1 and 2, 8vo clth N.Y. 1848 247 BONNECHOSE, Emile de. The Reformers before the Re- formation. — The 15th Century. — John Huss, and the Coun- cil of Constance, translated from the French, by Campbel Mackenzie, 1 vol 8vo hf mor N.Y. 1844 248 BOOK of Visions, The, 12mo clth Phila. 1847 249 BOONE, Daniel. The Adventures of, the Kentucky Rifleman, ISmocUh N.Y. 1844 250 BOND J. Wesley. Minnesota and its Resources, to which are appended, Camp-Fire Sketches, 12mo clth N.Y. 1853 251 BORROW, George. The Bible in Spain or the Journeys, Adventures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman, in an at- tempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula, 8vo hf mor Phila. 1843 252 BOSTON Book, The. Being Specimens of Metropolitan Li- terature, occasional and periodical, 2 vols 12mo clth Bost. 1836-'41 u 253 BOSTON Book (The). Being specimens of Metropolitan Literature, 12mo Boat. 1850 254 BOSWELL, James. The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, illustrated, 12mo cloth Lond 255 The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D, Comprehending an account of his duties and numerous works, etc., etc , 4 vols 12mo cloth, London 1851 256 The Life of Samuel Johuion, LL.D., ci'mprehending an account of his studies and works. Notes and Biographical Illustrations, by Edmond Malune, ISmo hf morocco London 1830 257 BOSSANGR, Hector. Libraire et Commissionaire pour I'etranger. Catalogue de Livres Francais et al. Suivi de prix courants, 3 vols, 8vo hf nior Paris 1845-7-50 258 BOTSFORD, Mrs Viola, Heiress of St. Vaiderde. An Original Romance. To which is added a variety of Original Poetical Pieces, 2nd edition, 18mo cf Phila. 1S29 259 BOIIDINOT, Elias. A Star in the West; or, a Humble At- tempt to Discover the Long Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, 8vo shp Trenton, N. J. 1816 260 BOURNE, \Vm. Oland. Poems of Hope and Action, 8vo cloth N. Y. 1850 261 BOWEN, Henry L. Memoir of Tristam Burgess ; with selec- tions from his speeches and occasional writings, 8vo cloth Phila. 1835 262 BOW EN'S Picture of Boston, engs. 3d edit morocco roan Boston 1838 263 BOWRING, John. Matins and Vespers, 18mo cloth Boston 1853 261 BOWLES, Wm. Lisle. The Poetical Works of, with Memoir, Critical Dissertation, and Not^s. by George Gilfillan, 2vols 8vo clth " ^ N. Y. 1855 265 BOYD, J. R. Elements of Rhetoric and Literary Criticism, 18mo, half bound N. Y. 1844 266 BOZ.MAN, John Leeds. A Sketch of the History of Maryland during the three first years after its Settlement, with an Intro- duction, 8vo shp ' Bait. 1811 267 BR.\N.\GAN, Thomas. The E.vcellcncy of the Female Char- acter Vindicated, 2d edition, ]2mo shp Phila. 1808 268 BR.^KONIER, Abraham Josua. Uitgezogte Kewestoflen, namentlyk Davids Lasts to Woorden, met ende voor rede re, nodige Blatwyzers uitgeveven door Antonius de Stoppelaan I vol. 4tohfbd ^ Utrecht 1758 269 BRACE, Charles Loring. Home-Life in Germany, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 270 BRACKENRIDGE, H. M Recollections of Persons and Places in the West, 12mo hf mor Phila 1834 271 BRAINARD, John G. C. The Poems of, with an Original Memoir of his Life, 12mo cth Hartford 1842 15 272 BRAINERD, David. Mirabilia Dei inter Indices, or the Rise and Progress of a Remarkable Work of Grace amongst a number of the Indians in the Provinces of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, r2mo hf mor PhiU. 273 BRAUNS, E. Praftische Belehrimgen und Rathschlage fur Reifende und Auswanderer nach Amerika, 8vo bds Braunschweig 1823 274 BRANDE, W. T. An Encyclopaedia of Science, Literature and Art, 2 vols. 8vo hf mor N.Y. 1843 275 BRADFORD, T. G. A Comprehensive Atlas, Geographical, Historical and Commercial, 4to N.Y. 1835 276 BRADFORD, Sarah H. The Story of Columbus, simplified for the young folks, with Illustrations from original designs, 12mo cth N.Y. 1857 277 William. An Enquiry how far Punishment of Death is necessary in Pennsylvania, with Notes, iic, 8vo shp Phila. 1793 278 Wm. J. A. Notes on the North-West, or Valley of the Upper Mississippi, 12mo cth N.Y. 1846 279 Alexander W. American Antiquities, and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race, 8vo cth N.Y. 1841 281 Alden. History of Massachusetts from July, 1775, when Washington took command of the American Army at Cam- bridge, to the year 1789, inclusive, 8vo cth Bost 1825 282 Alden. Memoir of the Life and Writings of Rev. Jona- than Mayhew, D. I)., 8vo cth Bost. 1838 283 History of the Federal Government for Fifty Years. from March, 1789 to March. 1839, 8vo cth Bust. 1840 284 Biographical Notices of Distinguished Men in New England — Statesmen, Patriots, Physicians, Lawyers, Clergy- men and Mechanics, I2mo cth Bost. 1842 285 BREWSTER, Sir David. More Worlds than One, the Creed of the Philosopher and Hope of the Christian, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 286 BRITISH Naval Biography. From Admiral Howard to Cod- dington, 18mocth Lond. 1840 287 Military Biography. From Alfred to Wellington, 18mo cth Lond. 1841 288 Almanac, The, of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, for 1851, 12mo cth Lond. 1851 289 BRISSOT de VVarviUe, J. P. and Etienne Claviere. The Commerce of America with Europe, particularly with France and Great Britain, Translated from the French, with the Life of Brissot, and an Appendix, 12mo shp N.Y. 1795 290 BRITISH Poets, The. Cabinet Edition of, 4 vols. 12mo cth Lond. 1851 291 BRISTED, Charles Astor. A Letter to the Hon. Horace Mann, second edition, 12mo, pp. 54 N.Y. 1850 10 2912 BRlSTfiD. the tpper Ten Thousand ; Sketciies of American Society, 12mo clh N.Y. 1852 293 BRISBANE, A. 11. Ralphton, or the Young Carolinian of 177G, a Romance on the Philosophy of Politics, 12mo hf tnor Charlest(m 1848 294 BRIDGMAN, Thomas Inscriptions on the Grave Stones in the grave-yards of Northampton, and of other towns in the Valley of the Connecticut, 12mo cloth Northampton (Mass) 1850 295 The Pilgrims of Boston and their Descendants. Intro- duction by Edward Everett, 8vo cloth N. Y. 1856 296 BROWN, Charles Brockden. The Monthly Magazine and American Review, from 1799 to 1800, 3 vols 8vo cloth hlf bd N. Y. 297 BROWN, David Paul. Sertorius ; or, the Roman Patriot. A Tragedy, 8ro clth Phila. 1830 298 BROWN, John W. The Christian Offering, and Churchman's Annual, 12mo roan N. Y. 1839 299 BROWN, I. Newton. Emilv, and other Poems, 12mo cloth Concord, N. H. 1840 300 J W. The Christmas Bells, a Tale of Holy Tide ; and other poems, 12mo cloth N. Y. 1842 301 Geraldine ; or. The Guardian Angel. With Festival Hymns and BallaJs, l2mo cloth, N. Y. 1846 302 BROWN, Charles Brockden. Novels of, vol 1 containing a Memoir of the Author 7 vols 12mo hf roan, Bost. 1827 303 BROWNE, Sir Thomas. Religio Medici, with Observations thereon, by Sir Kenelni Digby, to which is added, Ilydriota- phia, or Urn-Burial, a new edition, with a Preliminary Dis- course and Notes, 12mo clth Lond. 1848 304 R W. A History of Classical Literature, (Greek Li- terature,) 8vo clth Phila. 1852 305 A History of Roman Classical Literature, 8vo cloth, Phila. 1843 306 J. Ross. Repi)rt of the Debates in the Convention of California, on the Formation of the State Constitution, in September, and October, 1849, 8vo cth Washington, 1850 307 Frances Elizabeth. Poems, i2mo clth Cambridge, 1846 308 BROWNSON, O. A. Essays and Reviews chiefly on Theol- ogy, Politics, and Socialism, 12mo clth N.Y. 1852 309 — The Spirit-Rapper, an Autobiography, 12mo clth Bost. 1844 310 BROWNING, Robert. Bells and Pomegranates, Nos. 1 to 8, 1 vol 8vo clth Lond. 1841-6 311 Poems, 2 vols new ed 13mo Bost. 1850 312 Elizabeth Barrett. Aurora Leigh, 12mo N.Y. 1857 313 Elizabeth B. Poems of, 2 vols 12mo clth N.Y. 1850 314 BROADHEAD, John Romevn. History of the State of New York, first period, 1609, 1664, 8vo clth N.Y. 1853 17 315 BROWNEI.L, Henry Howard. Poems, l2mo bds N Y. 1847 316 Poems, 12nio N.Y 1847 317 Ephemeron, a Poem, 12mo N.Y 1855 318 BROMWELL, William J. History of Immigration to the U. S , exhibiting the number, sex, age, occupation and country of" birth of Pussengers arriving in the U.S., from Sept. 3Ulh, 1819, to Dec. 31st, 1855, appendix, 8vo cth N.Y. 1856 320 BROOKS, Shirley. Aspen Court, a Story of Our Own Time, 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 321 Aspen Court, a Story of Our Own Time, 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 322 James G. and Mary E. Brooks. The Rivals of Este, and other Poems, 12mo bds N.Y. 1829 323 BROOKE, Francis T. A Narrative of My Life, r2mo. pp. 90 Richmond 1849 324 BROOKS, Charles T. Aquidneck, a Poem, 12mo pp. 63 Providence 1848 325 Songs of Field and Flood, 12mo, paper Bost. 1835 326 German Lyrics, 12mo cth Bost. 1853 327 Songs and Ballads, translated from Uhland, Komer, and Burger, and other German Lyric Poems, 12ino cth Bost. 1842 328 Faust, a Tragedy, translated from the German of Goethe, with Notes, 12mo cth Bost. 1856 329 Maria. Judith, Esther and other Poems, 18mo bds Bost 1820 330 BROUGHAM, Henry Lord. Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the time of George HL, 12nvo cth Phila. 1845 331 Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George IH., to which is added. Remarks on Party, and an Appendix, new edit. 2 vols. 1st series, 12mo cth Phila. 1842 332 Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III., together with Remarks on the French ReTolution, complete in 2 vols. 12mo cth Phila. 1854 333 Lives of Men of Letters and Science who flourished in the time of George III., second series, 12mo cth Phila. 1846 334 The Critical and Miscellaneous Writings of, with a Sketch of his Character, 2 vols. 12mo cth Phila. 1841 335 Opinions on Politics, Theology, Law, Science, Edu- cation, fiiterature, &;c., 8vo Paris 1841 336 BROWNSON, O. A. Charles Elwood, or the Infidel Con- verted, 12mo cth Bost. 1840 337 BRUCE, James. Classic and Historic Portraits, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 333 BRYANT, William CuUen. Selections from the American Poets, 18mo cth N.Y. 1843 339 The Poetical Works of, 18mo paper Lond. 1844 3 18 340 BRYANT, W. C. Poems, 2 vols. 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 341 The Fountain, and other Poems, 12mo cth N.Y. 1842 342 Letters of a Traveller, or Notes of things seen in Europe and America, 2d edition, 12mo cth N.Y. 1850 343 BRYAN, Daniel. The Appeal for Sufl'ering Genius, a Poetical Address ; and the Triumph of Truth, a Poem, 12mo hf cf Washington City 1826 344 Michael. A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, from Ciraabue and Firiiguerra to the present time, new ed. containing 1000 Memoirs and Addi- tions bv George Stanley, large 8vo cth Lond. 1849 345 BRYANT, John Howard' Poems, l2mo cth N.Y. 1855 346 BLXKMINSTER. J. S., S. C. Thacher, and J. A. Abbott. Biographv of, Abridged for the use of young persons, 18mo cth " " ' Bost. 1833 347 BUCKINGHAM, Joseph T. Specimens of Newspaper Lite- rature,with Personal Memoirs, Anecdotes and Reminiscences, vols 1 and 2, 12mo cth Bost. 1850 348 Personal Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life, 2 vols. 12mo cth Bost. 1852 349 J. T. (t E. The New England Magazine from 1831 to 1834, 7 vols. Svo bds 350 J. S. The Slave States of America, 2 vols. Svo Load. 1842 351 James S. Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the other British Provinces in North America, 8vo Lond. 1843 352 ■ America, Historical, Statistical and Descriptive, 3 vols. 8vo cth Lond. 1843 353 The Eastern and Western States of America, 3 vols. 8ro cth Lond. 1843 A verv desirable set of the Travels of this entertaining and colloquial author. 3f.4 BULKLEY, C. H. A. Niagara, a Poem, 12mo N.Y. 1848 355 BULFINCH, S. G. Poems by, 18mo cth Charleston 1834 356 BUNGAY, George W. Ofl-hand Takings, or Crayon Sketches of the noticeable men of our age, with 20 Portraits on Steel, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 357 BUNNER, E. History of Louisiana, from its first discovery and settlement to the present time, 18mo cth N.Y. 1846 358 BUNVAN, John. The Holv War. with Life of Bunyan, 12mo cth " NY. 1857 359 BUNN, Alfred. Old England and New England, in a series of views taken on the spot, 2 vols, (of the London edition) in I, 12mo cth Lond. 1853 300 BURNS, Robert. The Complete Works of, with a New Life of the Poet, and Notes, by Allan Cunniughp.m, plates, Svo raor Lond. 19 361 BURNS, Robert. The Poetical Works of, with Memoir, Criti- cal Dissertation and Notes by George Gilfillan, 2 vols. 8vo cth Edinburgh 1856 362 Jabez Cyclopaedia of Sermons, 8vo cth N.Y. 1856 363 BURN, Lieut. Col. A Naval and Military Technical Dic- tionary of the French Language ; French and English, 12mo clth Bost. 1853 364 BURNET, Jacob. Notes on the Early Settlement of the North- western Territory, 8vo cth N.Y. 18 47 365 BURKE, Peter. The Wisdom and Genius of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, with a Summary of his Life, r2mo cth Lond. 1845 366 Edmund. Works of, Bohn's Library Edit. 5 vols. 12mo, cth • Lond. 1854 367 BURGESS, George. The f^ast Enemy Conquering and Con- quered, 12mo cth Phila. 1851 368 The Last Enemy, Conquering and Conquered, 12mo cth Phila. 1851 369 BURGES, Tristram. Battle of Lake Erie, with notices of Elliot's conduct, 12mo cth Bost. 1839 370 BURTON, J. Lectures on Female Education and Manners, 1st American edition, 12mo N.Y. 1794 371 Richard F. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El- Medinah and Meccah, 1st American edition, 12mo N.Y. 1856 372 BURTON'S Anatomy of Melancholy, 2 vols. 8vo hf mor Lond. 1827 373 BURRITT, Ehhu. Thoughts and Things at Home and Abroad, with a Memoir by Mary Howitt, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 374 BURROUGHS, Stephen. Memoirs of, to which are added, Notes and an Appendix, 2 vols, iii 1. 12mo sheep Albany 1811 375 BURR, Aaron, Trial of. Messages from the President of the United States, transmitting a Copy of the Proceedings, and of the Evidence exhibited on the Arraignment of Aaron Burr and others before the Circuit Court of the United States, held in Virginia, in 1807, 8vo bds Wash. 1807 376 BURNEY, James. A Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean, from 1579 to 1764, charts, vols. 1 to 5 (5 vols.), 4to hf bd Lond. 1803-17 377 Frances. Evelina, or the History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the World, new edition, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 378 BUSH, George. Mesmer and Swedenborg, or the Relation of the Developments of Mesmerism to the Doctrines and Dis- closures of Swedenborg, 12mo cth N.Y. 1847 379 The Millenium of the Apocalypse, 2d edit. 12mo cth Salem 1842 380 Theory of Pneumatology, 12mo cth N.Y. 1851 381 The Hierophant, or Monthly Journal of Sacred Sym- bols and Prophecy, complete in 1 vol. 8vo cth N.Y. 18^4 20 382 BUSHNEIiL, Horace. Views of Christian Nurture, and of subjects adjacent thereto, 12mo cth Hartford 1847 383 Christ in Theology, 12mo cth Hartford 1851 384 BUSY Moments of an Idle Woman. ]2mo N.Y. 1854 385 BUTLER, Joseph. The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Re- vealed to the Constitution and Course of Nature, 8vo N.Y. 386 Samuel. The Poetical Works of, with Life, Critical Dissertation and Notes, by Geo. GilfiUan, toIs. 1 and 2, 8vo N.Y. 1854 387 Hudibras. with Notes by Treadway Russell Nash, a new edition, 16mo Lond. 1844 388 BYRON, Lord. The Poetical Works of, complete in 1 vol. 8vo Lond. 1 846 389 CABINET Annual Register, The, and Historical, Political, Biographical and Miscellaneous Chronicle, r2mo cth Lond. 1834 390 CALIOPE. A Collection of Poems by various authors, 48mo Lond. 1806 391 CABOT, Sebastian. The History of the British Dominions in North America, from the first discovery of that vast Continent in 1497, to its present glorious establishment, as confirmed by the late treaty of peace in 1763, 2 vols, in 1, 4to elf Lond. 1773 This copy has an Autograph of Samuel G. Drake, dated Boston, 1832. 392 A Memoir of, with a Review of the History of Mari- time Discovery, illustrated by Documents from the Rolls, 2d edition, 8vo Lond. 1832 393 CALLENDER, James Thomson. Sketches of the History of America, 8vo hf cf Phila. 1798 394 CALDWELL, Charles. A Discourse on the Genius and Cha- racter of Horace Hoiley, appendix, 8vo hf mor Bost. 1828 395 CaLVERT, George. Scenes and Thoughts in Europe. 2d series, 12mo N.Y. 1852 396 George H. Poems, 12mo bds Bost. 1847 397 . G. H. Don Carlos, a Dramatic Poem, by Frederick Schiller, 12mo hf mor Baltimore 1834 398 George H. Introduction to Social Science, a Discourse in 3 parts, 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 399 CALHOUN, John C. The Works of, vols. 1 to 6 (6 vols.), 8vo N.Y. 1853-5 400 CAMPBELL, Lord John. The Lives of the Chief Justices of England, from the Norman Conquest till the Death of Lord Mansfield, 2 vols 8vo cth Phila. 1851 401 The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the earliest times till the Reign of George IV. First Series, to the Revolution of 1688, from the 2d London edition, 3 vols. 8vo cth 402 Second Series, fmm the Revolution of 1688 to the death of Lord Chancellor Thurlow in 1806, 2 vols, (vols 4 and 5.) 21 403 CAMPBELL. J. W. A History of Virginia, from its discovery till the year 1781, with Biographical Sketches. 12mo bds Phila. 1813 404 Edward R. The Heroine of Scutari, and other Poem», 12mo cth N.Y. 1857 405 Major Walter. The Old Forest Ranger, or Wild Sports of India, edited bv Frank Forester, 12ino N.Y. 1853 406 CAMPBELL, Charles. Introduction to the History of the Co- lony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia, 8vo cth Richmond, 1847 407 Foreign Monthly Magazine, 6 vols 8vo hf mor. Phila. 1842-3-4 408 Thomas. Specimens of the British Poets, with Biogra- phical and Critical Notices, and an Essay on English Poetry, 8vo Lond. 1845 409 Same, Imperfect 8vo Lond. 1841 410 John W. Biographical Sketches, with other literary remains of the late. Compiled by his widow, 8vo hf mor Columbus (Ohio) 1838 411 Wm. W. The Life and Writings of De Witt Clinton 12mocth N.Y. 1849 412 Wm W. The Border Warfare of New York during the Revolution, or the Annal^s of Trym County, ]2mo cth N. Y. 1849 413 Wm. VV. An Historical Sketch of Robin Hood and Capt. Kidd, 12mo cth N. Y. 1853 414 Jane C. American Evening Entertainments ; or, Tales of City and Country Life, l2mo cth N. Y. 1856 415 Maria. Revolutionary Services and Civil Life of Gen Wm. Hull, with History of the Campaign of 1812, and sur- render of the Post of Detroit, by James Freeman Clarke, 8vo cth N. Y. 1848 416 CANADA, Government of. Debates of the House of Commons in the year 1774, on the Bill for making more effectual pro- vision for the Government of the Province of Quebec, drawn up from the Notes of Sir Henry Cavendish, now first pub- lished by J. Wright, map 8vo cth Lond. 1839 417 CAPTURE of Washington by the British A Sketch of the Events which preceded the, on the 24th August, 1814, 8vo bds. Phila. 1849 418 CAPRON. Carrie. Helen Lincoln : a Tale. 12mo cth N Y. 1856 419 CAPRICES A Collection of Poems, 12mo bds. N. Y. 1849 420 CARVOSSO, Wm. The great efficacy of simple faith in the Atonement of Christ, 12mo sheep N. Y. 1847 421 CARTER, N. H. Letters from Europe, comprising the Journal of a Tour through Ireland, England, Scotland, France Italy, and Switzerland, in the years 1825-'23-'27, 2 vols. 2nd ed., 12mo sheep N. Y. 1829 422 St. Leger L. Nugae, by Nugator ; or. Pieces in Prose and Verse, 18mo cth ' Baltimore, 1844 22 423 CARPENTER, Thomas. The American Senator, or a Report of the Debates in the Congress of the U. S. (the 2nd of the 4th Congress) 3 vols. 8vo bJs Phila. 1796-7 424 CARRYL, Arthur. A Novel, with other Poems, by the author of the Vision of Rubeta 8vo hf mor ' N.Y. 1841 425 CAR\ER, J. Travels through the interior parts of North America, in i766-'7-'8, plates, 8vo shp Dublin, 1779 " This valuable work lately attracted much attention from it« description of parts near to the supposed North-West Passage." — Lowndes. 426 Do. Adventures chez les Sauvages de I'Americaine Sf>ptentrionale. Deuxieme ed 12mo bds Tours, 1846 427 CARLISLE, William. An Essay on Evil Spirits, 12mo bds. Lond. 1827 428 CARLYLE, Thomas. Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speech- es, 2 vols 8vo clth Lond. 1845 429 On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History, Six Lectures, 2d ed 12mo hf mor N.Y. 1842 430 Sartor Resartus, 12mo clth Best. 1851 431 The Life of John Sterling, 12mo clth Bost. 1851 432 The Life of Friedrich Schiller, comprehending an ex- amintion of his works, Iroin the 2d London ed 12mo clth N.Y. 1846 433 CAREY, .\L A short Account of the Malignant Fever which prevailed in Philadelphia, in the year 1773, with a Statement ol the Proceedings that took place on the subject, in ditferent parts of the U. S , oth ed Svo hf cf Phila. 1830 434 The Olive Branch, or Faults en Both Sides, Federal and Democratic. 6th ed Svo slip Phila. 1815 435 Henry Francis. Dante, 12mo mor N.Y. 1849 436 Lives of English Poets, from Johnson to Kirke White, designed as a continuation of Johnson's Lives, r2mo clth Lond. 1846 437 Henry C. The Harmony of Interests, Agricultural, -Manufacturing, and Commercial, 2d ed Svo clth N.Y. 1852 438 H. C Principles of Political Economy. — Part First. of the Law* of the Production and Distribution of Wealth. Part Second, of Causes which retard Increase in the Production of Wealth and Improvement in the Physical and Moral Condition of Man. — Part Third, of the Causes which retard Increase in the numbers of Mankind. — Part Fourth of the Causes which retard Improvement in the Political Con- dition of Man, 3 vols Svo clth Phila. 1837-38-40 439 Phoebe. Poems and Parodies, 12mo clth Bost. 1854 440 Alice. Clovernook Children, eng's., 12mo Bost. 1855 441 Clovernook, or Recollections of our Neighborhood in the West, 12mo N.Y. 1852 442 Clovernook, or Recollections of our Neighborhood in the West, second series, 12mo N.Y. 1853 443 Alice and Phccbe. Poems of, 12mo full mor Phila. 1850 444 Alice. Poems, 12rao clth Bost. 1855 23 445 CAREY, Alice. Lyra, and other Poems, 12mo clih N.Y. 1852 446 Hagar, A Story of To-Day, 12mo clth N.Y. 1852 447 CASS EDA Y, Ben. The History of Louisville, from the Earliest Settlement till the year 1852, 12mo clth Louisville, (Ky.) 1852 448 CATLIN'S Notes of Eight Years Travels and Residence in Europe, with his North American Indian Collection, illus- trated, 2 volsSvo clth N.Y. 1848 449 CATECHISM and Confession of Faith, (A.) fourth ed. cor- rected &c., by R. B., 12mo shp Lend. 1701 450 CATALOGUE of Five Hundred Celebrated Authors of Great Britain, now living, 8vo bds Lond. 1788 451 CATALOGUE. The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue of the Industry of all Nations, 1851, 4to hf mor Lond. 1851 452 The British Catalogue of Books, published from Oct. 1837, to December 1851, compiled by Sampson Low, 8ve hf mor Lond. 453 The American Catalogue of Books, or English Guide to American Literature, 8vo clth Lond. 185G 454 of Paintings, by Col. Trumbull, 8vo hf mor New Haven, 1852 455 of the Books belonging to the l Library of Friends of Philadelphia, 12moshp Phila. 1853 456 of the Books, Tracts, Newspapers, Maps, Charts, Views, Portraits, and Manuscripts in the Library of the New York Historical Society, 8vo bds N. Y. 1813 457 of the Library Company of Philadelphia, vol 3 8vo bds ' Phila. 185G 458 of the New-York State Library, 8vo shp Albany 1850 459 of the Library of Brown University, Svo cth Providence 1844 460 of the Mercantile Library of New-York, Svo bds N.Y. 1844 46 1 Alphabetical and Analytical, of the New-York Society Library, Svo clth N.Y. 1838 462 CASPIPINAS, T. Letters and Observations on a Variety of Subjects, 18mo shp Phila. 1774 463 CASKET. The Flowers of Literature, Wit and Sentiment, Svo, imperfect Phila. 1829 464 CALEF, Robert. Salem Witchcraft; More Wonders of the Invisible World, 12mo bds Salem 1823 465 CAFFARO'S Defence of the Stage, containing Mansel's Free Thoughts, Extracts from the most celebrated Writers, and Discourse on the Lawfulness and Unlawfulness of Plays, 12mo hf cf N Y. 1826 465 CARROLL, B. R. Historical Collection of South Carolina, embracing many rare and valuable Pamphlets, and other Do- cuments relating to the History of that State, from its first Discovery to its Independence in 1776, 2 vols. Svo cth N.Y. 1836 24 467 CAN Woman Regenerate Society, 12mo cth Lond. 1844 468 CAUSTIC, Christopher. Democracy Unveiled, or Tyranny Stripped of the Garb of Patriotism, 12mo half calf N.Y. 1806 468* Terrible Tractoration, and other Poems, 3d American edition, 12mo cth Bost. 1836 469 CAULKINS, Frances Manwaring. History of New London, Connecticut, from the first Survey of the Coast in 1612, to 1852, 8vo cth New Lond. 1852 470 CEKV ANTES Saavedra, Miguel de. The Exemplary Novels ol, 12mo Lond. 1855 471 Don Quixote de la Mancha, translated from the Span- ish, by Chas. Jarvis, illustrated, 2 vols. 8to Lond. 1842 472 CECIL, or the Adventures of a Coxcomb; and Cecil, a Peer, 2 vols. r2mo hf cf Phila. 1841 473 CHARLES, Philarete. Anglo-American Literature and Man- ners, from the French of, r2mo cth NY. 1852 474 Notabilities in France and England, with an Autobio- graphy, r2mo N.Y. 1853 475 CHAMBERS, \Vm. Things As They Are in America, 12mo Lond. 1854 476 Robert. The Life and Works of Robert Burns, 4 vols. 1 2 mo cth N.Y. 1852 477 Cyclopaedia of English Literature, illus. 2 vols. 8vo Bost. 1849 478 William and Robert. Edinburgh Journal for 1839, in- dex, folio N.Y. 1839 479 CHASE, Mary M. and her Writings, Henry Fowler, Editor 12mo cth ' Bost. 1855 480 Samuel. Trial of, taken in Short-Hand, by Samuel H. Smith, and Thomas Lloyd, 2 vols 8vo hf cf Washington City, 1805 481 CHAPIN, E. H. Humanity in the City, 12mo clth N.Y. 1854 482 The Post of Duty, A Discourse occasioned by the Death of Dr. A. Sidney Doane, pp. 19, 12mo clth N.Y. 1852 483 Walter. The Missionary Gazetteer, comprising a View of the Inhabitants and Description of the Countries where Protestant Missionar'es have labored, 12mo shp (appx.) Woodstock, 1825 484 CH.\MPION, Richard. Considerations on the Present situa- tion of Great Britain and the United States of America, con- taining Remarks upon the Pamphlet published by Lord Shef- field, eutitled Observations on the Commerce of the American States, and also on the Art of Navigation, so far as it relates to those States, with Observations on the State of Canada, Novascotia, and the Fisheries, and upon the Connexion of the West Indies with America, second edition, 8vo hf cf Lond. 1784 25 485 CHAPIN, A. B. Puritanism not genuine Protestantism, by Edwin Hall, 12mo clth N.Y. 1847 486 CIIANNING, William Ellery. Memoirs of, 3 vols 12mo clth Bost. 1848 4 87 William Ellery. Conversations in Rome, 12mo clth Bost. 1847 488 Poems, 12mo bds Bost. 1843 489 Poems, second series, 12mobds Bost. 1847 490 Walter. A Physician's Vacation, or a Summer in Europe, 8vo clth Bost. 1856 491 CHAIiMER'S Alexander. The Spectator, new ed., carefully revised with prelaces. Historical and Biographical, 6 vols royal, 8vo clth N.Y. 1853 492 George. An Introduction to the History of the Re- volt of the American Colonies, 2 vols 8vo clth Bost. 1845 493 CHASTELLUX, Marquis de. Travels in N. America in 1780,-8 1-82, translated from the French, with notes, 2 vols 8vo shp Lond. 1787 "Nothing escapes the eager eye and minute attention of this lively traveler, and we owe to him the most graphic account of the private life of the Revo- lutionary era." 494 CHANTICLEER. A Thanksgiving Story of the Peabody Family, ]2mo clth N.Y. 1850 495 CHANDLER, Elizabeth Margaret. The Poetical Works of, with a Memoir of her Life and Character, by Benjamin Lundy, 12 mo shp Phila. 1836 496 Another Copy. 497 Tbomas Bradbury. The Life of Samuel Johnson, D. D., (Appendix,) 12mo clth N.Y. 1805 498 Peleg W. American Criminal Trials, 2 vols 12moclth Bost. 1841 -'4 499 Mary G. The Elements of Character, 2d ed 12mo clth Bost. 1854 500 CHEEVER, George B. Right of the Bible in Public Schools, 12mo cth N. Y. 1854 501 CHARICLES. A Dramatic Poem, 12mo cth N. Y. 1856 502 CHEEVER, George B. The American Common-Place Book of Poetry, with occasional Notes, 12mo cth Phila. 1843 503 George B. Lectures on the Pilgrim's Progress, and the Life and Times of John Bunyan, 12mo cth. eighth ed. N. Y. 1853 504 The Powers of the World to Come, and the Churches Stewardship, as invested with them, 12mo cth N. Y. 1853 505 CHESTERFIELD, Earl of. Letters to his Son, 12mo cth N. Y. 1857 50G CHERRY VALLEY Centennial Celebration: The Centen- nial Celebration at Cherry Valley, Otsego Co., N. Y., July 4th, 1840, with the Addresses of Wm. W. Campbell and Gov. W. H. Seward, 12mo cth pp. 59 N. Y. 1840 4 26 507 CHESTER, Joseph L, Greenwood Cemetry, and other Poems 12mocth N.Y.I 843 508 CHESEBRO, Caroline. Philly and Kit; or, Life and Raiment, 12mocth N.Y.I 856 509 Dream-land bv Daylight, a Panorama of Romance, 12mo cth N.Y.1852 510 Caroline. Isa, a Pilgrimage, 12mo cth N. Y. 1852 512 Caroline. Victoria; or, the World Overcome, 12mo cth N. Y. 1856 513 CHESNEY, Colonel The Russo-Turkish Campaigns of 1828 and 1829, with a view of the present itate of affairs in the East, with an Appendix, with maps, 12mo cth N. Y. 1854 514 CHIPMAN, Daniel. The Life cf Hon. Nathaniel Chipman, with Selections from his Miscellaneous Paper?, 8vo cth Bost. 1849 515 Nathaniel. Principles of Government, a Treatise on Free Institutions, 8vo Burlington, 1833 516 CHINA, Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical, with some Ac- count of Ara and the Burmese, Siam, and Anam, with illus- trations, 12mo cth Lond. 1853 517 CHIVERS, T. H. Virginalia, 12mo cth Phila. 1853 518 T. H. Memoralia ; or. Phials of Amber full of Tears of Love, a Gift for the Beautiful, 12mo bds Phila. 1853 519 CHILD, L. Maria. Letters from New York, 12mo cloth N. Y. 1843 520 L. Maria. Biographies of Good Wives, fifth ed revised, 12roo cth N. Y. 1850 521 L. Maria. Isaac T. Hopper, a True Life, 10th thou- sand, 12mo cth Bost. 1853 522 Mrs. Philothea, a Romance, 2nd edition, r2mo half mor. Bost. 1839 523 's Matins and Vespers, (The). By a Mother, ISmocth Bost. 1839 524 's Paper, (The), Illustrated. Vols. I. and II. (bound in one vol.), January 1852 to December 1853. Folio (American Tract Soc). N. Y. 1852-3 525 CHRISTIAN Disciple. The American Christian Review, new series, 2nd and 3rd vols. 8vo sheep Bost. 1820-21 526 Doctrine and Practice in the Second, Twelftti, and Nineteenth centuries, 4 vols. 12mo cth Lond. 1846 527 's Magazine, (The). Vols. I. and II. (2) 8vo N. Y. 528 CHRISTIANITY Independent of the Civil Government, 12mo cth N.Y. 1837 529 CHRISTIAN Psalter, The, 12mo shp Bost. 1844 530 Indian, The ; or Times of the First Settlers (the first of a seriet of American Tales), 12mohf mor N.Y. 1825 531 Library, The. A reprint of Popular Religious Works, published in numbers, 6 vols, in 3, 8vo shp N.Y. 1836 532 CHUBBUCK, Emily. A Collection of Fanny Foresters Vil- lage Sketches, Poems, cth Bost. 1855 920 FROISSART, Sir John. Clm-nicles of England, France and Spain, 4tohfcf N.Y. 921 FULLER, Francis A and xVIetta V. Poems of Sentiment and Imagination, with Dramatic and Descriptive Pieces, r2mo cth N.Y. 1851 922 S. Margaret. Literature and Art, 2 p;irts in 1 vol., In- troduction hy ilorce Greeley, r2mo cth N.Y. 1851 923 Summer on the Lakes' in 1843, r2mo cth Bost. 1844 924 Richard and Francis Wayland. Doirestic Slavery con- sidered as a Scriptural Institution, in a Correspondence be- tAveen, 18mo cth N.Y. 1845 925 FULLERTON, Lady Georgiana. Lady-Bird, a Tale, 3 vols. in 1, 12mo cth ' N.Y. 1853 926 FURNESS, W. H. A History of Jesus, ]2mo cth Bost. 1851 927 Discourses. 12mo cth Phila. 1855 928 ■ Wm. The Land of the Ca;s;ir and Doge, Historical and Artistic, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 929 GALT, John. Autobiography. 12mo hfcf Phila. 1833 930 The Life, Studies, and Works of Benjamin West, 8vo hfmor Lond. 1820 931 GALLATIN. Albert. A Sketch of the Finances of the U. S., 8ro bds N.Y. 1796 932 GALLAGHER'S Selections from the Poetical Literature of the West, 12mo bds Cincinnati, 1841 933 GARDNER, Charles K. A Dictionary of the Army of the U. S., since 1789, to 1853 and of the Navy and Marine Corps, who have served with the land forces, 12mo clth N.Y. 1853 934 GALT, John. Poems, by, 8vo bds Lond. 1833 935 GARVEY, Michael Angelo. The Silent Revolution, or The Future Effects of Steam, and Electricity upcm the conditioi of Mankind, 12mo clth " Lond. 1852 936 GARRISON, William Lloyd. Sonnets and other Poems, 12mo clth Bost. 184 3 937 GAULTIER, Bon. Th e Book of Ballads, edited by, new ed. with Illustrations, 12mo clth N.Y. 1854 938 GARLAND, Hugh. The Life of John Randolph, of Roanoke, 2 vols 8vo clth N.Y. 1850 939 GAVAZZI, Father. The Lectures Complete of, with Life of the Author, by G. B. Nicolini, 12mo clth N.Y. 1854 940 GAZETTEER of the Netherlands, 12mo cf Lond. 1794 941 GAYARRE, Charles. History of Louisiana, 3 vols 8vo clth N.Y. 1854 46 942 GAZER, Giles Frederick De. Alegeroy, the Hero of Camden Plains, a Revolutionary Tale, 12nio N.Y. 1825 943 GENIN, Thomas H. The Napolead, in 12 Books, 8mo St. Clairsvilie, 1833 914 GETTING Along. A Book of Illustrations, 12mo 2 vols clth N.Y. 1855 945 GEORGIAN Era, The. Momoirs of the Most Eminent Per- sons who have Flourished in Great Britain, 8vo clth Lond. 1832-4 946 GEORGIA Historical Collections, 1st vol 8vo clth Savannah, 1840 917 Scenes, Characters, Incidents, &c., in the First Half Century of the Republic, by a Native (loorgian, 2d ed. with original Illustrations, 12moclth N.Y. 1854 948 GENERAL Principles of Grammar, 12mo clth Lond. 1847 949 GIBSON, William. A Vision of Fairy Land, and other poems, 12 mo Bost. 1853 950 GIBBES, R. W. Dacumentary History of the American Re- volution, 1781-'2— 8vocIth "Columbia, (S. C.) 1853 951 Same, 1764, 1776, 8vo clth N.Y. 1855 952 Robert W. A Memoir of James De Veaux, of Charleston, (S. C.,) 8vo clth Columbia, (S. C.) 1846 953 GIBBS, George. Memoirs of the Administrations of Wash- ington, and John Adams, edited from the Papers of Oliver Wolcolt, 2 vols Svo clth N.Y. 1846 954 GlDDINGS, Joshua R. Speeches in Congress 12mo Bost. 1853 955 GIBSON, S. H. The Vision of War, a Poem, 18mo boards, Phila. 1835 956 GILMER, Francis Walker. Sketches, Essays, and Transla- tions, l2molifmor Baltimore, 1828 957 OILMAN, Caroline. Rccollectioas of a New England Bride, and of a Southern Matron. New ed., revised, 12mo clth N.Y. 1852 958 GILFtLLAN, George. A Third Gallery of Poets, 12mo clth N.Y. 1855 959 GRIFFIN, Richard. Specimens of the Novelists and Roman- cers, 12mo hf cf N.Y. 1831 960 GIRARD Will Case. Argument of the Defendant's Counsel, and Judgment of the Supreme Court, 8vo cth Phila. 1844 961 GIFFORD, Wm. Juvenal, 12mo cth Lond. 1852 962 GII>ES, Henry. Lectures and Essays, 2 vols. 12mo cth Bost. 1850 '963 Christian Thoughts on Life, in a Series of Discourses, 2d edit. 12mo cth Bost. 1851 964 Henry. Illustrations of Genius, in some of its Rela- tions to Culture and Society, 12mocth Bost. 1854 i)65 GLOVER, Ralph. Moral Physiology, 1 8mo cth N.Y. 1846 •9BG iGLANVILL, Joseph. Essays on Several Important Subjects in Philosophy and Religion, 4to Lond. 1676 47 967 GLEEMAN, A. M. A Rhyme on the North Countrie, 12mo bds Cincinnati 1847 968 GLEANINGS in Europe, by an American, 2 vols. 12mo cth Phila. 1837 969 GODWIN, William. Lives of the Necromancers, or an Account of Eminent Persons to whom has been imputed the Exercise of Magical Power, 12mo hf cf N.Y. 1835 970 GODEY'S Magazino and Lady's Book, 2 vols, in 1, plates, 8vo Phila. 1846 971 GODDARD, Abba. A. The Trojan Sketch Book, 12mo cth gt Troy (N.Y.) 1846 972 GOETHE. Iphigenia in Tauris, a Drama in 5 Acts, trans- lated from the German, by G. J. Adler, r2mo cth N.Y. 1850 973 Wilhelm jMeister's Apprenticeship and Travels, traHS- lated by Thomas Carlyle, 3 voU. 12 mo half mor Phila. 1840 974 Dramatic Works of, comprising Faust, Iphigenia in Tauris, Torquato Tasso, Egmont, translated by Anna Swan- wick ; and Goetz von Berlichingen, translated by Sir Walter Scott, carefully revised, r2mo cth Lond. 1850 975 GOODE, Francis. Sermons on Various Topics of Doctrine, Practice and Experience, bvo cth Lond. 1838 970 GOODWIN, Natbaniel . The Foote Family, or the Descend- ants of Nathaniel Foote, John Foute and others, 8vo cth Hartford 1849 977 GODWIN, Wm. Adventures of Caleb Williams, 2 vols. 12mo cth N.Y. 1831 978 GODWIN WUliam, Junr. Transfusion, or the Orphans of [Jn- walden, 12mo cth Hartford 1846 979 GODWIN. Parke. Truth and Poetry, from my own Life, or the Autobiography of Goethe, edited by, 2 vols. 12tno N.Y. 1850 980 GOODRICH, S. G. Poems, 12mo cth git N.Y. }851 981 The Outcast, and other Poems, 12mo cf Boston 1836 982 The Token and Atlantic Souvenir, ed by, 12mo mor plates Lond. 1839 983 Recollections of a Life Time, 2 vols. 12mo clth N.Y. 1850 984 A Pictorial History of Ancient Rome, 12mo N.Y. 1^50 985 GORDON, Alexander. The Lives ot Pope Alexander VI. and his son Ca;sar Borgia, 8 vols, hf mor Phila. 1844 986 GORDON, Thomas F. The History of Pennsylvania from its discovery by Europeans to the Declaration of Independence in 1776, 8vo sheep Phila. 1829 987 GOLOWNIN, Captain. Memoirs of a Captivity in Japan, 3 vols. 8vo clth Lond. 1824 988 GOURAUD, Francis Fauvel. Phrenu Mnemotechny, or the Art of Memory, 8vo full mor N.Y. 1845 -48 989 GORDON. Wiilidm. The History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Independence of (lie United States of America, including an Account of the late War, and of the 13 Colonies from their origin to that period, 3 vols. 8vo sheep N.Y. 1789 990 GOULD, Sarah. Asptodels, r2mo clh N.Y. 1856 991 GOULD, Miss H. F. The Diosma, a Perennial, 12mo cth N.y. 1851 992 GOULD, Theodore A. A liouquet of Poesv, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1848 993 GRAMMONT, Count. Memoirs of the Cuurt of CharU;s the Second, with numerous additions &c, 12mo clth Lond. 1846 994 GRAHAM, \Vm. S. Remains of, with a Memoir, edited by George Allen, I'Jmo bds Phila. 1849 993 GRAHAM, James. The Life of Gen Daniel Morgan, with Portions uf his Correspondence, 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 996 The History of the U. S. of North America, from the Plantation of the British Colonics 'lill their Assumption of Na tional Independence, 2 vols. Svo clth Phila. 1846 997 GRAHAM. J. A. A Descriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont, Svo elf Lond. 1797 Tills Work is beautifully printed and embellished with a fine portrait of the author, who, at the time it was published, was in England as agent from the Episcopal Church of Vermont to the Society for Propogating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. — Rich. 998 GASS, Patrick. Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Discovery under Captain Lewis and Clark, from the Mouth of the Missouri River to the Pacitic Ocean in 1804-'5-'6, Svo hf cf Pittsburgh 180S 999 GRANT, Mrs. Memoirs of an American I^ady, with Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America as they existed previous to the Revolution, 2 vols, in 1, clh. 12mo N.Y. 1846 1000 GRAYSON, William S. An Attempt to Exhibit the True Theory of Christianity as a Consistent and Practical System, 12 mo cth ' N.y' 1853 1001 William L The Hireling and the Slave, Chicora, and other Poems, 12mo cth Charlst. (S.C.) 1856 1002 The Same. 1003 GRAYDON, Alexander. Memoirs of his Own Time, with Re- miniscences of the Men and Events of the Revolution, edited bv John Stockton Littell, 8vo cth Phila. 1846 1004 GRAPHIC Sketches from Old and Authentic Works, illus- trating the Costume, Habits and Character of the Aborigines of America, Svo cth N.Y. 1841 1005 GREAT Britain. Papers Relative to, Svo (title p. wanting) Phila. 1791 1006 GREENE, George Washington. Historical Sketches, 12mo cth N.Y. 1850 1007 Nathaniel. Improyisations and Translations, 12mo cth Boat. 1852 49 1008 GROTE, George. History of Greece, 12 vols. 12mo cth (wanting vols. 2, 3, 9 and 10) N.Y. 1009 GREEN, Ashbel. Lectures on the Shorter Catechism of the Protestant Church in the U. S. of America, 8vo hf mor Phila. 1829 1010 Discourses held in the College of New Jersey, 8vo hf mor Phila. 1822 1011 Memoirs of Rev. Joseph Easlburn, Stated Preacher in the Mariners' Church, Philadelphia, 12mo sheep Phila. 1828 1012 GREENWELI., Dora. Poems, 12mo cth Lond. 1848 1013 GREENWOOD, Grace. Poems, 12mo cth Bost. 1851 1014 Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 1015 Merrie England ; Travels, Descriptions, Tales and Historical Sketche.s, illus. 12mo cth Bost. 1855 1016 F. W. P. A History of King's Chapel in Boston, the first Episcopal Church in New England, 12mo clth Bost. 1833 1017 The Miscellaneous Writings of, 12mo cth Bost. 1018 GRESLEY, W. Practical Sermons, 12mo cth Lond. 1848 1019 GREELEY, Horace. Glances at Europe, 12mo clth N.Y. 1852 1020 Hints Towards Reforms, in Lectures, Addresses and Writings, r2mo mor N.Y. 1850 1021 Art and Industry, as represented in the Exhibition at the Crystal Palace N.Y., revised and edited by, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 1022 GRISVVOLD, Rufus W. The Poets and Poetry of America, with an Historical Introduction, 8vo Phila. 1842 1023 Gems from the American Female Poets, with brief Biographical Notices, 1 8mo Phila. 1842 1024 The Biographical Annual, containing Memoirs of Emi- nent Persons recently deceased, edited by,, 12mo mor N.Y. 1841 1025 The Biographical Annual, containing Memoirs of Eminent Persons recently deceased, imperfect, 12iiio N.Y. 1841 1026 Scenes in the Life of the Saviour, by the Poets and Painters, edited by, 8vo bds Phila. 1846 1027 The Opal, a Pure Gift for the Holidays, edited by, illustrated by J. G. Chapman, imperfect, 12mo N.Y. 1844 1028 • The Illustrated Book of Christian Ballads, and other Poems, 4to Phila. 1844 1029 Alexander V. D/scourses on the Most Important Doc- trine and Duties of the Christian Religion, 8vo cth Phila. 1830 1030 Bishop. Memoirs of, 8vo cth Phila. 1844 1031 GRIFFITH, Thomas W, Sketches of the Early History of Maryland, 8vo bds Baltimore 1821 7 50 1032 GRIFFITH, Mattie. Poems, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 1033 GRINGO, Harry. Tales for the Mariners, 12mo cth Bost. 1855 10?4 GRIFFIN, Francis. Remains his son, John C. Hamilton, vols. 1 to 7, Svo N.Y. 1851 1080 Life of, by his son John C. Hamilton, vols. 1 and 2, Svo N.Y. 1840 1081 HAMILTON, Schuyler. The History of the Na- tional Flag of the U. S. of America, 12mo cf Phila. 1853 108 2 HAMILTON, Sir William. Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Education, and University Reform, with an Intro- ductory Essay by Robt. Turnbull, 8vo cth N.Y. 1853 1083 HAMMOND.'S. H. Hills, Lakes, and Forest Streams, or A Tramp in the Chateaugay Woods, r2mo cth N.Y. 1854 1084 HAMMOND, S. H., and L. W. Mansfield. Country Margins and Rambles of a Journalist, 12mo cth N. Y. 1855 1085 HaYES, Catherine. Memoir of, by a Contributor to the Dublin University Magazine, portrait, 4to Lond. 1086 HAMMOND, Jabez D. The History of Political Parties In the State of New-York, from the Ratification of the Federal Constitution to December, 1840, 2 vols. Svo sheep Albany 1 842 1087 HAND Book of Proverbs, comprising an entire Republication of Roy's Collection of English Proverbs, with Additions by Henrv G. Bohn, r2mo cth Lond. 1855 1088 HANSON, John H. The Lost Prince; Facts tending to Prove the Identity of Louis XVil. of France and the Rev. Eleazar Williams, r2mo cth N.Y. 1854 1089 HAOLE, A. Sandwich Island Notes, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 1090 HARDY, James. The American Remembrancer, and Uni- versal Tablet of INlemory, r2mo bds Phila. 1795 1091 Philip Dixon. The Philosophy of Christianity, or the Genuine Christian Proved to be the only Real Philosopher, 12mo Dublin 1840 1092 HARPER, Robert Goodloe. Select Works of, consisting of Speeches on Political and Forensic Subjects, 1st vol. Svo shp Baltimore 1814 1093 'S Illustrated Catalogue of Valuable Standard Works, Svo cth N.Y. 1847 1094 HARLAND, Marion. The Hidden Path, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 53 1095 HARTLEY, Thomas. A Discourse on Mistakes Concerning Religion, Enthusiasm, Experience, &c., r2mo hf mor Lond. 1759 1096 HARNESS, Wm. Parochial Sermons, 2d edit. 8vo bds Lond. 1838 1097 HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. Twice-told Tales, 2 vols, new edit. 12mo cth Bost. 1851 1098 Mosses from an Old Manse, 2 vols, new edit. 12mo cth Bost. 1854 1099 The Snow Image, and other Twice-told Tales, 12mo Gth Bost. 1852 1100 Tanglewood Tales, for Girls and Boys, iilus, 12mo cloth Bost. 1853 1101 HAWES, Mrs. A, H. The Grafted Bud, a Memoir of Ange- lica Irene Hawes, 18mo cth N.Y. 1853 1102 HAWKS, Francis L The Pictorial Cyclopajdia of Biogra- phy, royal 8vo cth N.Y. 1856 1103 Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the United States, 2 vols. 8vo (1st vol. hf mor, 2d vol. cith) N.Y. 183G 1104 HAWES, loel. A Tribute to the Memory of the Pilgrims, and a Vindication of the Congregational Churches of New England, 2d edit. 12mo cth Hartford 1836 1105 HAWKS, Francis L. Romance of Biography, illustrated in the Lives of Historic Personages, edited by, J2mo N.Y. 1855 1106 HAYS, Mary. Female Biography, or Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women of all Ages and Couiitrips.lst Am. ed. 3 vols. 8vo ' 'Phila. 1807 1107 HAYNE, Paul H. Poems, 12mo cth Bost. 1835 1108 HAZARD, Joseph. Poems on Various Subjects, 18mo shp Brooklyn, N.Y. 1814 1109 A. M Historical Collections Consisting of State Papers and other Authentic Documents, intended as Materi- als for a History of tho United States of America, 1st vol 4to hfmor Phila. 1792 This is a valuable collection of documents relating to A.merican Historv- 1110 Language. Its Connection with the Present Condition and Future Prospects of Man, by a Heteroscian, 12nio Phila. 1836 1111 Samuel. The Register of Pennsylvania, vols 1 to 16, (16 vols in 8.) January 1828, to December 1835, 4to Indexes, Phila. 1828-'35 1 1 12 H AZLITT, Wm, The Complete Works of Michael De Mont- taighe, 8vo cth Indexes Lond. 1842 1113 William. Criticisms and Dramatic Essays of the English Stage, 2d ed. Edited by his Son, 12mo cth Lond. 1851 64 1114 HARBY, Isaac. A Selection from the Miscellaneous Wrii- ingsof the late, with a Memoir of his Life, by Abraham Moise, 8vo Charleston, 1829 1115 HARRY HARSOX, or The Benevolent Bachelor, by the Author of the A'torncv, with illustrations, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 1116 HASE, Charles. A History of the Christian Church, trans- lated from the 7th German ed., by Charles E. Blumenthal, and Conway P. Wing, 8vo cth N.Y. 1855 1117 HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter, a Romance, 12mo cth Bost 1852 111"' The House of the Seven Gables, a Romance, r2rao Bost. 1851 1118 Nathaniel. True Stories from History and Biography, r2mo cth ' Bost. 1851 1119 Mosses from an Old Manse, new ed 12mo cth N.Y. 1850 1120 The Blithedale Romance, 12mo cth Bost. 1852 1121 HAZLITT, William. The Miscellaneous Works of, 5 vols 12rao cth Phila. 1848 1122 HEART of Mable Ware, The A Romance, 12mo r th N.Y. 1856 1 123 HE ADLEY. Joel T. The Second War with England, 2 vols 1 2 mo cth N.H. 1853 1224 HEDGE, Frederic H.' Prose Writers of Germany, Por- traits, Svo hf mor Phila. 1848 1125 HECKE WELDER, John. A Narrative of the .Mission of the U. Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, 8vohf mor Phila. 1820 1126 HEINE, Heinrich. Letters Auxiliary to the History of Mo- dern Polite Literature in Germany, translated from the Ger- man, bv G. W. Haven, 12mo cth' Bost. 1836 1127 HEIR of Redclyffe, The. by the Author of "The Two Guardians," 2 vols 12mo cth " N.Y. 1854 1128 HRNDERSON, William. Homcepathy Fairly Represented A Reply to Professor Simpson's •' Homcepathy " .Misrepre- sented, 1st American ed. Svo cth Phila. 1854 1129 Marc Anthonv. The Song of Milkanwatha, translated from the Original Feejee, 2nd ed. 12mo Cincinnati 1856 1130 HENTZ, Ca^roline Lee. Robert Graham, a novel, 12mo Philad. 1855 1131 HENRY, Paul. The Life and Times of John Calvin, the Great Reformer, translated from the German of, by Henry Henry Stebbing, 2 vols, cth Svo N'.Y. 1841 1132 HENRY, John Jos#?pli. Campaign against Quebec^ being an accurate account of the hardships and sufferings of that Band of Heroes, who traversed the wilderness by the route of the Kennebec and Chaudiere River to Quebec, in 1775. 18mo sheep Watertown, (N.Y.) 1844 55 1133 HEMANS, Felicia. The Poetical Works of, complete in 1 vol., with a Memoir "^y Mrs. L. H. Sigourney, new edition, illus., 8vo clth Bo.'^t. 1853 1134 HERN DON, Lieut. Explorations of the Valley of the Amazon, ill., Sro cth Washington 1853 1135 HERBERT, Henry William. The Chevaliers of France, from the Crusaders to tiie Marechals of Louis XIV, 12mo NY.. 1853 113G The Knights of England, France, and Scotland, 12mo cth " N.Y. 1852 1137 The Chevaliers of England, or the Times of the Revolutions of 1612 and 1688, 12mo cth N.Y. 1852 1138 Marmaduke Wyvil, an HistoricalRomance of 165] , 14th ed, revised and corrected, 12mo cth N. Y. 1853 1139 The Complete Manual for Young Sportsmen, 12nio cth N.Y. 1856 1140 Persons and Pictures from the Histories of Fiance and England from the Norman Conquest to the Fall of the Stuarts, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 1141 Memoirs of Henry the Eighth of England, with the Fortunes, Fates, and Characters cjf his Six Wives, alter the best authorities, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 1142 HERBERT, H. W. The Roman Traitor, 12mo cth Phila. 1143 HERBERT, H. W., and A. D. Paterson. The American Monthly Magazine (4 vols.) March 1833 to February 1835, 8vo. hf cf N.Y. 1833-'5 1144 HERBERT, Edward Lord, (of Cherburg), the Life of, writ- ten by himself, 1 8mo hf mor Lond. 1827 1146 HERDER, J. G. The Spirit of Hebrew Poetry, translated from the German, by Jnmes Marsh, 2 vols. 12mo hf mor Burlington 1833 1147 HERMFf'S Dell. From the Diary of a PencUler, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 1 148 HEWITT, Mary E. The Songs of our Land, and other Poems, 12mo cth Bost. 1846 1149 Poems, Sacred, Passionate, and I^egendary, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 1 150 The Same. 11^1 HEWES, George R. T. Traits of the Tea Party, being a Memoir of, with a History of that Transaction, by a Bostonian, 1 Smooth N.Y. 1835 1152 HICKOCK, Laurens P. Empirical Psychology, or the Human Mind as Given in Consciousness, l2mo cth Schenectady 1854 1153 HIGH-WAYS r.nd By-ways, or Tales of the Road Side, Picked up in the French Provinces, by a Walking Gentleman, new edit, with Introduction and Notes by the author, 3 vols. ]2mo bds Bost. 1840 1154 HILDRETH, Richard. The History of the United States of America, from the Adoption of the Federal Constitution to the end of the 16th Congress, 3 vols. 8vo N.Y. 1851-2 56 1155 HILDRETH. The History of the U. S. of America, from the Discovery of the Coi.tinent to the Organization of Go- vernment under the Present Constitution, 3 vols. 8vo N.Y. 1849 1156 HILL, John. An Account of the Life and Writings of Hugh Blair, D. D., Bvo bds Phila. 1808 1 J 57 G. The Ruins of Athens, Titania's Banquet, a Mask, and other Poems, 8vo cth Bost. 1839 1158 HILLARD, George Stillman. Six Months in Italy, 2 vols 12mo cth Bost. 1853 1159 HILHOUSE, James A. Dramas, Discourses and other Pieces, 2 vols. 12 mo cth Bost. 1839 1160 HIXE, E. Curtiss. The Haunted Barque, and other Poems, Svo cth Auburn 1848 1161 HIXD, J. Russell. The Solar Svstem, 12mo cth N.Y 1852 1 162 HINTS to Mv Countrymen, bv an American, 12mo bds N.Y. 1826 ] 163 The Same. 1164 HIRST, Henry B. The Coming of the Mammoth, the Fu • neral of Time and other Poems, r2mo bds Bost. 1845 1165 Endymion, a Tale of Greece, 12mo bds Bost. 1848 1166 HISTORY. A Complete, of the Present War, from its com- mencement in 17^6 to the end of the Campaign, 1760, Svo Lond. 1761 1167 of Congress, comprising Washington's Administration from 1789 to 1793, 8vo hf elf Phila. 1843 1168 HISTORY of the United States for 1796, including a variety ol interesting particulars relating to the Federal Government previous to that period, 8vo bds Phila. 1797 This volume contains the charge of gpeulation against Alexander Hamilton ■with Mrs. Eeynolds. 1169 HITCHCOCK, Edward. Elementary Geology, a new edition, revised and enlarged, with an introductory notice, by John Pye Smith, twenty-fifth edition, 12mo hf bds N.Y. 1854 1170 Outhne of the Geology of the G'lobe, and of the U. S. in particular, Maps and Sketches, Svo cth Bost. 1853 1171 HITCHCOCK, David. The Social Monitor, or a series of Poems. 2nd edition, 1 Smo bds N.Y. 1814 1172 HOBLYN, Richard D. .\ Dictionary of Scientific terms, 12 mo clth ' N.Y. 1850 1173 HOBBES, James R. The Picture Collector's .Manual, being a Dictionary of Painters, 2 vols. Svo cth I^ond. 1849 1174 HObART, John Henry, Memorial to. A Collection of Ser- mons on the Death of, with a Memoir of his Life and Wait- ings, 12mo bds N.Y 1831 1175 HODGE, Charles. Essays and Reviews, Svo cth iN.Y. 1857 1176 A Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians, Svo cloth N.Y. 1856 57 1177 HOFFMAN, David. Chronicles Selected from the Originals of Cartaphihis the Wandering Jew, 3 vols, royal 8vo cloth " Lond. 1853 1178 HOFFMAN, C. F. Wild Scenes in the Forest and Prairie, with Sketches of American Lite, 2 vols, in 1, ]2rao, half mor N.Y. 1843 1179 Greyslaer, A Romance of the Mohawk, 4th edi 12mo clth Y.Y. 1849 1180 The Literary World, 4 vols, indx, 4to N.Y. 1847--9 1181 The same, Duplicate Copies of vols. 1 and 1 2, bounds in 1 vol.4tomor N.Y. 1847--'8 1181 HOGE, Moses. Sermons Selected from the Mamuscripts of the late, 8vo bus Richd. 1821 1183 HOGG'S Weekly Instructor, 6 vols. March 1845 to Feb. 1847, indexes, 8vo cth Edinburgh 1845-'7 1184 HOLMES, Oliver Wendell. Astraea, the Balance of Illu- sions, a Poem, deliv'd. before the Phi-Beta Kappa Society of Yale College, Aug. 14, 1850, 12mo Bust. 1850 1185 Poems, 12mo Host. 1852 1186 Poems, r2mo Lond, 1846 1187 HOLMES, Oliver Wendell. Homcepathy, and its Kindred Delusions, Two Lectures delivered before the Boston Society, for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 12mobds Bost. 1842 1 188 Abiel. The Life of Ezra Stiles, 8vo shp Bost. 1798 1189 The Annals of America, from the Discovery by Colum- bus in the year 1492, to the year 1826, 2 vols 8vo cth Cambridge, 1829 " One of the best works of the kind evei' published ; every thing of importance in the history of America is related in a clear anJ concise manner, with copious notes and references to original authorities." — Rich. 1190 Mary J. Tempest and Sunshine, or Life in Kentucky, 12mo cth " N.Y. 1854 1191 H^JLDEN, George. The Authority of Tradition in Matters of Religion, 8vo hf mor Phila. 1841 1192 HOLDEN'S Dollar xMagnzine, 4 vols in 3, Woodcuts and In- dexes, 8vo N.Y. 1848-9 1193 HOLLEY and Russell. Moods and Emotions in Rhyme, by H. A. R., 12mo cth Bost. 1855 1194 HOMES of American Statesmen, with Ariecdotical, Personal, and Descriptive Sketches, by Various Writers, illustrated, 4t() N.Y. 1854 1195 HOME Book, The, of the Picturesque, or American Scenery of Art and Literature, illustrated with 13 steel plates, 4to full mor N.Y. 1852 1196 And the World, by the Author of Souvenirs of a Re- sidence in Europe, 12mo cth N.Y. 1857 1197 Henry of Karnes. An Abridgment of Elements of Criticism, edited bv John Frost, 12ino shp Phila. 1853 1198 HONEYWOOD, St. John. Poems, with some Pieces in Prose, 18mo bds N.Y. 1810 68 1201 HOOPER, W. Memoirs of the year Two Thousand Five Hundred, translated from the French, r2mo shp Phila. 1795 1202 Robert. Lexicon Medicum, or Medical Dictionary, 16th ed. with additions, bv Samuel Akerlv, 2 vols in 1, 8vo sheep, ' ' N.Y. 1844 1203 HOOKER, H. Thoughts and Maxims Illustrating Moral and Reiioious Subjects, 16mo cth Phila. 1847 1204 Same. 16mo gilt edge Phila 1847 1205 HOOKER, H. The Christian Life a Fight of Faith, 12mo cth Phila. 1848 1206 HOOD, George. A History of Music in New England, with Biographical Sketches of Reformers and Psalmists, r2mo cth Bost. 1846 , 1207 Edwin Paxton. The Uses of Biography, Romantic, Philosophic and Didactic, l2mocth Lond. 1852 1208 Thomas. Humorous Poems of, edited by Epes Sargent, 12 mo cth ' Bost. 1856 1209 HOPKINS, Samuel. Memoir of Miss Susanna Anthony, 12 mo cth N.Y. 1842 1210 John Henry. The Primitive Church compared with the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Present Day, 2d edit. 12mo cth Burlington 1836 1211 HOPPIN, James Ma^on. Notes of a Theologicaf Student, r2mo cth N.Y. 1854 1212 HORTON, R. G. The Life and Public Services of James Buchanan, including the most important of his State Papers, Portrait, 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 1213 HORSFORD, Mary Gardiner. Indian Legends, and other Poems, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 1214 The Same. 1215 HORNE, Thomas Hartwell. An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, 3d Am. edit. 3 vols. Svojhf mor Phila. 1827 1216 R. H. A New Spirit of the Ase, edited bv, r2mo cth 'N.Y. 1844 1217 The Same. 1218 HORACE in London. Consisting of Imitations of the First Two Books of the Odes of Horace, by the author of Re- jected Addresses, or the New Theatruin Poetarum, 4th edit. ISmohfmor Lond. 1815 1219 HORNER, I>ancis. Memoirs and Correspondence of, edited by his brother, (..eonard Horner, 2 vols. Svo cth Bost. 1853 1220 HOSACK, David. An Inaugural Discourse delivered at the Opening of the Rutger's Medical College of the City of New- York on the 6th Nov. 1826, 8vo bds N.Y. 1826 1221 , and John W. Francis. The Am.erican Medical and Philosophical Register, vols. 1 to 4 (4 vols.) Plates, Svo hf cf N.Y. 1814 1222 HOSMER, \Ym. H. C. The Poetical Works of, 2 vols. 12mo N.Y. 1854 69 1223 The Same, full mor, 2 vols. r2mo N.Y. 1854 1224 The Months, 12mo bds Best. 1847 1225 The Same, r2mo paper 1226 HOTCHKIN, James H. A History of the Purchase and Set- tlement of Western New-York, and of the Rise, Progress and Present State of the Presbyterian Church in that section, 8vo clh N.Y. 1848 1227 HOUSSAYE, Ar^ene. Men and Women of the 18th Century, 2 Portraits, 12mo hf mor N.Y. 1852 1228 Philosophers and Actresses, Portraits, 2 vols. 12mo cloth N.Y. 1852 1229 HOWE, Henry. Memoirs of the most eminent American Mechanics ; also Lives of Distinguished European Mecha- nics, with Anecdotes, Descriptions, &c , relating to the Me- chanic Arts, 12 mo eth N.Y. 1847 1230 Mrs. Words for the Hour, 12mo cth Post. 1231 • Samuel G. An Historical Sketch of the Greek Revo- lution, 8vo hf mor NY. 1828 12 32 HOWARD, Alfred. The Beauties of Canning and Giflbrd, 24mo Lond. 1233 Beauties of Pope and Swift, 24mo Lond. 1234 The Beauties of Sheridan and Erskine, 24mo Lond. 1235 HOWITT, Mary. Herlha, by Fredrika Bremer, translated by, 12mo ' N.Y. 1856 1236 HOWITT, William. Homes and Haunts of the Eminent British Poets, iilus. 2 vols. 12mo cllh N.Y. 1847 1237 Visits to Remarkabhi Places, Old Halls, Battle Fields, and Scenes Illustrative of Passages in English Histo- ry and Poetry, first series, 3rd Amn. ed. 2 vols, r2mo cloth Phila. 1854 123S The Rural Life of Eneland, 2 vols. r2mo cloth Phila. 1854 1239 A Boy's Adventures in the Wild of Australia, or Her- bert's Note Book, illus. 12mo clth . Bost. > 855 1240 History of Priestcraft in all Ages and Nations edited by a Clergyman, of N. Y., 12mo hf mor N.Y. 1833 1241 Stories of English and Foreign Life, 20 crigravirigs on steel !2mo clth Lond. 1853 1242 HOWITT, Mary. Pictorial Calendar of the Seasons * * * and embodying the whole of Aiken's Calendar of Nature, ed. by, Engs., 12aio clth Lond. 1854 1243 HOWITT, Wm. and Mary. Journal of Literature and Popu- lar Progress, 2 vols, ryl 8 vo clth Ijond. 1847-'8 1244 HOWITT, Mary. The Artist-Wife, and other Tales, r2mo N.Y. 1245 The Artist-Wife and other Tales, 12mo N.Yoik 1246 •— HOVl', Ralph. Sketches of Life and Landscape, new edn. 12mo clth N.Y. 1849 1247 Sketches of Life and Landscape, r2mo. cloth, N.Y 1849 60 1249 HOVEY, Sylvester. Letters from the West Indies, 12rao N. Y. 1838 1250 HODGSON, Adam. Remarks During a Journey Through North America, in 1819-'20 and '21, with an app. containing an account of several of the Indian Tribes, 8vo half* calf N.Y. 1828 1251 HOWISON, Robert R. History of Virginia, 1st vol. 8vo cth Pbila. 1846 1252 HOLBERG, Lewis. Life of, ISmo cloth Lond. 1253 HUME, David. The History of Englai d from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution of 1688, a new edition, 6 vols. 8vo cloth Bost. 1854 1254 HUG, M. Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China, 2 vols. m, 12mo cth, gilt edge, Lond. 1255 HUGO, Victor. The Hunchback of Notre Dame, a Romance of the Time of Louis XL, 8vo hf mor Pliila 1844 1256 HUBBARD, John N. Sketches of Border Adventures in the Lite and Times of Major Moses Van Gampen, bv his Grand- son, 12mo cth Bath (N.Y.) 1842 1257 HUBBARD, Henry. Ixion, and other Poems, 12mo cth Bost. 1852 1258 HUDSON, David. History of Jen.ima Wilkinson, a Preach- eress of the 18th Century, with Narrative, of lier Life and Character, and the Rise, Progress and Fall of her Ministry, 12mo hf mor Geneva (N.Y.) 1821 1259 • H. N. Lectures on Shakspeare. 2 vols. 12mo cth N.Y. 1848 1260 HUMBOLDT, Alexander Von. Cosmos, a Sketch of a Phy- sical Description of the Universe, translated from the German by E. C. Otte, 4 vols. 12mo cth Lond. 1849-52 1261 Views of Nature, or Contemplations on the Sublime Phenomena of Creation, with scientitic illustrations, translated from the German, by E. C. Otte and Henry G. Bohn, frontis- piece and index, 12mo cth Lond. 1850 1262 Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, during 1799-1804, by, and Amie Bon- pland, written in French by Humboldt, translated and edited bv Thomasina Ross, 3 vols. 12mo cth Lond. 1852-3 1263 HUMPHREYS, H. Noel. The Coin Collector's Manual, or Guide to the Numismatic Student in the Formation of a Cabi- net of Coins ; comprising an historical and critical account of the origin and progress of Coinage, from the earliest period to the fall of the Roman Empire, with some account of the Coin- ages of Modern Europe, illus. 2 vols, 12mo I^ond. 1853 1264 HUMPHREYS, David. The Miscellaneous Works of, 1 vol. Svo hf cf NY. 1804 1265 HUNTINGTON, J. V. The Forest, 12mo cth N.Y. 1852 1266 Alban, or the History of a Y^oung Puritan, a new and revised edition. 2 vols. r2mo cth N.Y. 1853 1267 Jedediah. Poems, 12mo bds N.Y. 1843 61 1268 HUNT, Leigh. Stories from the Italian Poets, new edit. 1 vol. 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 1269 The Poetical Works of, containing many pieces now first collected, ISmohfmor Lend. 1834 1270 Essays, 8vo cth Lond. 1840 1271 \Vm. American Biog'-aphical Panorama, illus. 8vo cth Albany 1849 1272 John. Hours of Reflection ; on Horror and Plea.siire, 18mo shp 1845 1273 Freeman. Worth and Wealth, a collection ol Maxims, Morals and Miscellanies, for merchants and men of business, 12m() cth N.Y. 1856 1274 HUNTER, Robert. A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, with their Treatment by Inhalation, 12mo " N.Y. 1854 1275 HUTCHINSON, Thos. The History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1628 to 169], 8vo Bost. 1764 1276 Same. From 1749 to 1774, edited by his grandson, John Hutchinson, 8vo Lond. 1828 This last volume coniprifes a detailed Narrative of the Origin and Early Stages of tbe Americaa Kevolution. 1277 Francis. An Historical Essay Concerning Witchcraft, also Two Sermons touching the Christian Religiun, and Good and Evil Angels, 12mo Lond. 1718 1278 HUTCHINS, Joseph. An Abstract of the First Principles of English Grammar, i 8mo Phila. 1791 1279 HYLA. The Convent and the Manse, l2mo cth Bost. 1853 1280 IDA. A Poem, in 2 books. 12mo bds Bost. 1851 1281 IMLAY, George. A Topograpliic Description of the Western Territory of North America, to which are added the Discov- ery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky, by John Til- son, 8vo half calf, ' Lond. 1793 1282 INCIDENTS of Life, a Tale Founded on Facts, 12mo bds, N.Y. 1850 1183 INVALIDS Own Book, r2m.) cloth N.Y. 1853 1284 INGRAHAM. The South West, 2 vols in 12mo, half mor. N.Y. 1835 1285 INTEOITS, or Ante-Communion Psalms, lor the Sundays and Holidays throughout the year, 12mo cloth Phila. 1844 1286 INGERSOLL, C 'arles J. History of the Second War, 1S12-'13, 8vo doth ' Phila. 1845 1287 History of the Second War between the U. States of Am. and Gt. Britain, (1812 to 1815) 2d series, 2 vols. 1 and 2, 8vo clth Phila. 1852 1288* Inchiquin, the Jesuit's Letters during late residence in America, being a Fragment of a Private Correspondence Svo half mor N.Y. 1810 1288 INGERSOLL, Jared. A View of the Rights and Wrongs, Power and Policy, of the U. S. of Am., Svo. half morocco, Phila. 1808 62 1289 INDIAN Treaties, and Laws, and Regulations, relating to Indian Affairs, app., Svo bds Washington City 1826 1290 INTERNATIONAL Magazine. 5 vols, 8vo N. Y. 18d0-'52 The same. Two Duplicates of vol. 1, Svo N.Y. 1850 Duplicates of vol. 3 and 4, 8vo N.Y. 1851 1291 IRVING Washington, Works of. 10 vols. 12rao cloth (V.D) 1292 Bioo-raphv and Poetical Remains of the late Mar- garet Miller Davidson, new edi. 12mo gilt, N.Y. 1851 1293 The Alhambra, illus. Svo mor , N.Y. 1851 1294 Life of Geoige Washington, 4 vols. Svo full of N.Y. 1855-6 1295 IRVING, Theodore. The Conquest of Florida, by Hernando de Soto, 1 vol. 12mo cloth N.Y. 1851 1296 IRIS, The, or Literary Messenger, vol I, November 1840, Oct. 1841, Svohf cf N.Y. 1840-1 1297 IZARD, Ralph. Correbpondence of, from 1774 to 1777, 12mocth N.Y. 1844 1298 Majnr-General. Official Correspondence, with the War Department, ii> the year 1814-16, Svo hf cf Phila. 1816 1299 IVES, L. S. The Trials of a Mind, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 1300 ILIAD of Homer, Literally translated with Explanatory Notes, by Theodore Alois Buckley, 12mo cth Lond. 1853 1301 ILLUSTRATED American Biography, edited by A. D. Jones, Svo cth N.Y. 1853 1302 Yankee Book, ISmocth N.Y. 1855 1303 ISH.\M, Warren. The Mud Cabin, or Character and Ten- dency of British Institutions, 12nio cth N.Y. 1853 1304 JACKSON, James. Letters to a Young Physician, just en- tering upon practice, I2mo cth Bost. 1855 1305 JAMIE^ON, Mrs. Memoirs of the Loves of the Poets, Bio- graphical Sketches of Women celebrated in Ancient and Mo- dern Poetry, 12mo hf mor Phila. 1844 1306 JAMESON, Mrs. A Commonplace Book of Thoughts xMemo- ries and Fancies, Original and Selected, Literature and Art, i2mo cth N.Y. 1855 1307 Memoirs of the Beauties of the Reign of Charles II. with their Portraits, 3d edit. Svo full elf Lond. 1851 1308 Memoirs and Essays illustrative ot Art, Literature and Social Morals, Svo cth Lond. 1846 1309 JAMES, Henry. Lectures and Miscellanies, 12mo clh N.Y. 1852 1310 The Nature of Evil, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 1311 Muialism and Christianity, or Man's Experience and Destiny, in three Lectures, 12mo cth N.Y. 1850 1314 JANESON, Charles William. The Stranger in America, containing Observations made During a Long Residence in that Country, on the Genius, Manners and (Customs of the Peoplo of the United States, engravings, 4to half cf Lond. 1807 63 1315 JAMES, James J. Scenes and Scenery in the Sand- wich Islands, and a Trip Through Central America, during 1837-'42, map and plates, 12mo cloth Bost. 1843 1316 JAY, William. The Autobiography of, edited by George Bed- ford and John Angell James, 2 vols. 12mo cloth N.Y. 1855 1317 The Life of John Jay, with Selections from his Cor- respondence and iviiscellaneous Papers, 3 vols. 8vo cloth N.Y. 1833 1318 JEFFERSON, Thomas. The Writings of, edited by H. A. Washington, 9 vols. 8vo cloth N.Y.'l853-'4 1319 Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies, from the papers of, edit by Thomas JefTerson Randolph, 4 vols. 8vo halfmor Charlottesville, 1829 The contents of these volumes arc not cmLriiceJ in the Congressional Publica^ tion. The historian and politician will find here iuvahiable material upon all the controverted points of the domestic and foreign policy of tlie United States from ihe day of their existence as an independent Government, — Edivburgh Review. 1320 JEFFERSON, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia, with an app. relative to the Murder of Logan's Family, 12mocalf Trenton 1803 1321 JEFFERSON, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia, map, new edition, 8vo cloth Richmond (Va.) 1853 1322 Memoirs of, by Stephen Cullen Carpenter, 2 vols. 8vo sheep N.Y. 1809 1323 JEFFREY, Francis. Contributions to the Edinburoh Review, 4 vols, in 1, 8vo cloth Phila. 1849 1324 JEM MAT, Mrs. Catherine. The Memoirs of, written by herself, 2d edi. 2 vpIs. 12mo| calf Dond. 1771 1325 JENKS, Wm. and Joseph A Warne. The Comprehensive Commentary on the Holy Bible, [Baptist edi.] edit., Genesis to Revelation engs., 4 vols. 8vo sheep Brattleboro' 1833-'8 1326 ^ Supplement to the engs., 1 vol. 8vo sheep Brattleboro' 1838 1327 JERRMANN, Edward, Pictures from St. Petersburg, trans. from the Original German, by Frederick Hardman. 12mocth N.Y. 1852 1328 JEWITT, John R. A Narrative of the Adventures and Suf- ferings of, only Survivor of the Crew of the Ship Boston , during a Captivity of nearly three years among the Savages of Nootka Sound, with an Account of the Manners, &c., of the Natives, 12mo sheep Middletown, 1815 1329 JOHNSON, Samuel. The Lives of the English Poets, with Critical Observations on their Works, and Lives of Sundry Eminent Persons, illus., 12mo cloth mor Lond. 1840 1330 ■ The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, a Tale, 24mo N.Y. 1841 64 1330* JOHNSON, A. B. The Meaning of Words Analysed into Words and Unverbal Things, and Unverbal Things Classified into Intellections, Sensations, and Emotions, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1854 1331 The Physiology of the Senses, or How and what we Hear, Taste, and Smell, 12mo N.Y. 1856 1332 JOHNSON, William. Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathaniel Greene, 2 vols. 4to bds Clarleston 1822 1333 JONSON, Ben. The Works of, with a Biographical Memoir by Wm. Gifford, 8vo cth Lond. 1846 1334 JOHNSTON, Charles. A Narrative of the Incidents attend- ing the Capture, Detention and Kansom of, who was made prisoner by the Indians on the River Ohio in 1790, with Sketches of Indian Character, with Illustrative Anecdotes, 12mo bds N.Y. 1827 1335 JOHNSON, C. B. Letters from the British Settlement of Pennsylvania, to which are added, the Constitntious of the U.S. and of Pennsylvania, &c., 12mobds Phila. 1819 1336 JOHNSTON, Archibald. The Mariner, a Poem, in 2 Cantos, r2mo shp Phila. 1818 1337 JOlvEBY. A Burlesque on Rokeby, a Poem in Cantos, by an Amateur of Fashion, with Occasional Notes by our most Popular characters, 18mo bds Bost. 1813 1338 JOMINI, Baron de. Summary of the Art of War, from the French by, 12 mo cth N.Y. 1854 1339 JONES, Joseph H. The Life of Ashbel Green, begun to be written by himself in his 82d year, and continued to his 84th, prepared fur the press at his request by, 8vo clth N.Y 1849 1340 J. Soawell. Memorials of North Carolina, 8vo cth N.Y. 1838 1341 ■ A Defence of the Revolutionary History of the State of North Carolina from the aspersions of Mr. Jefferson, 12mo cluth Bost. 1S34 1342 David S. Memorial of the late; Ap|^ndix, containing Notices of the Jones Family of Queen's County, 8vo cth N.Y. 1849 1343 J. B. The Spanglers and Tinglers, or the Rival Belles, a Tale, 12ino paper Phila. 1852 1344 W. A. Iviterary Studies, a Collection of Miscellaneous Essays, 12mo cth ' N.Y. 1847 134 5 W. Alfred. Essays unon Authors and Books, 12mo cth NY. Ib49 1346 George. Sketches of Naval Life, 2 vols. 12mo hf cf New Haven 1829 1347 JOURNAL of the American Continental Congress held at Philadelphia on the 5th of September, 1774, 12m() hf cf Phila. 1774 1348 of the Proceedings of a Convention of Literary and Scientific Gentlemen, held in the Common Council Chamber of the City of New-York, October, 1830, 8vo cth N.Y. 1831 65 1349 JOURNAL of Events in Paris from June 29, 1815, to July 30 1815, byan American, 12mo bds Phila. 1815 1350 o' the American Oriental Society, 2d vol. 8vo cth N.Y. 1851 1351 JUDSON, Emily. The Kathayan Slave, and other Papers Connected with Missionary Life, 12mo cth Boston 1853 1352 An Olio of Domestic Verses, 12mo cth N.Y. 1852 1353 JUNIUSs Posthumous, Works of, with an Inquiry respecting the Author, and a Sketch of the Life of John Home Tooke, 8vo bds N.Y. 1829 1354 The Letters of, complete in I vol. 12mo cf Lond. 1791 135 6JUDD, Rev. Sylvester. Life and Character, 12mo cloth Bost. 1854 1357 The Church in a series of Discourses, 12mo cloth Bost. 1854 1358 JUSTIN, Cornelius Nepos and Eutropius, literally translated, with notes and a general index, by the Rev. John Selby Wat- son, 12mo Lond, 1853 1359 JUVENAL. A New Translation, with Notes of the Third Satire of, to which are added Miscellaneous Poems. Original and Translated. 12mo sheep N.Y. 1806 1360 KAEMPFER, Engelbertus. The History of Japan, with a Description of the Kingdom of Siam, translated by J, G. Scheuchzer, with Life of the Author, copper plates, 2 vols folio, calf " Lond. 1728 1361 KAH-ge-ga-gah-bowh, (George Copway). The Life, History, and Travels of a Young Indian Chief of the Oijbwa Nation, written by himself, 6th edition, 12mo cloth Phila. 1847 1362 KALM, Peter. Travels into North America, containing its Natural History, and a Circumstantial Account of its Planta- tions and Agriculture in General, enriched with a map, and seveial cuts for the illustrations of Natural History, 2 vols. 8vo half calf Lond. 1772 " A valuable work as regards the Natural History, Geography, and State of the Country at the time of the Author's visit. His name has been immortal- ized by Liunicns, in the beautiful genus, Kalmia, several species of which are so widely spread through the United States." 1363 KANE, Elisha Kent. Arctic Explorations * * * 1853-4 and '5, 2 vols, plates, 8vo cloth Phila. 1856 1364 KAN r, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason, translated from the (jerman of, by J. M. D. Meiklejohn, 12inocth Lond 1855 1365 KAVANAGH, JuiiaNathalie. A Tale, 12mo cth N.Y. 1851 1366 KEATING, William K. Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, &;c., &,(■,., in 1823, compiled from the Notes of Maj. Long, et al, 2 vols. 8vo sheep Phila. 1824 1367 KEATS, John. The Poetical Works of, new edition, com- plete in 1 vol. 12mo cloth N.Y. 1850 9 66 1368 KF.LLY, Walter K. Erotica. The Elegies of Propertius, th(7 Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter, and the Kisses of Johan- nes Secundus, littrally translated, to which arc added the Love Epistles of Aiistaenetus, translated by Richard Brinsley Sheridan and Mr. Hallied, edited by, i2mo cllh Lond. 1854 13G9 Walter K. The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre, with a Memoir. 12ino cloth Lond. 1855 1370 KENNEDY, J-.hn P. Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt, 2 vols. ]2mo cloth Phila. 1850 1371 Horse-Shoe Robinson, a Tale of the Tory Ascendency, 12mo cloth, ' N Y. ISS's 1372 Swallow Barn, or a Sojourn in the Old Dominion, ill., revised edition, r2nio cloth N.Y. 1852 1373 • Rob of the Bowl, a Legend of St. Inigoe's, revised edition, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1851 1374 KENYOX, William Asbury. Poetry of Observation, and other Poems, 12mo cloth ' Bost. 1851 1375 KENNY-COATES. Keeuka and other Poems, 12mo cloth Ohio 1855 1376 KENRICK, John. Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs, 2 vols. cloth, 12mo ^' N.Y. 1853 1377 KENDRICK, A. C. Biblical Commentary on the New Tes- tament, by Dr. Herman Olshausen, 1st vol. 8vo cloth N.Y. 1856 1378 Asahel C. An Introduction to the Greek Lan- guage, 12mo cloth Utica 1841 1379 KEY, Francis S. Poems of the Late, with an Introductory Letter, by Chief Justice Taney, 12mo cth N.Y. 1857 13S0 KIDNEY, John Steinfort. Catawba River, and other Poems, r2mo bds N.Y. 1847 1381 The Same, N.Y. 1847 1382 KIDDER, Daniel P. Sketches of Residence and Travels in Brazil, embracing Historical and Googaphical Notices of the Empire and its several Provinces, 2 vols with Illustrations, ]2mocth Phila. 1845 1383 KIMBALL, Richard B. Romance of Student Life Abroad, 3d ed. 12mo hf mor N.Y. 1853 1384 KIMBALL, Richard B. Saint Leger, or the Threads of Life, 3ded. 12mo cf N.Y. 1850 1385 KE.MBLE, Prances. Journal in America, 12mo hf cf Phila. 1835 1386 KETTELL, Samuel. Specimens of American Poetry, 3 vols 12mo bds Bost. 1829 1387 KINNEY, Mrs. Hannah. A Review of the Principal Events of the Last Ten Years in the Life of, together with some Comments upon the Late Trial, written by herself, r2mo bds 1388 Elizabeth C. Felicita, a Metrical Romance, r2mo cloth N.Y. 1855 1389 The Same, N.Y. 1855 67 1390 KING, J. Anthony. Twenty-Four Years in the Argentine Republic, 8vo cth Lond. 1846 1391 KING of the Hurons, The. By the Author of " The First of the Knickerboclvers," 12mo cth N.Y. 185 1392 KINGSLEY, C. The Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales, Illus- trations, 12mocth Bost. 1856 1393 Charles. Phaethon, or Loose Thoughts for Loose Thinkers, from the London 2d ed. 12mo clth Phila 1854 1394 Charles Jr. Hypatia, or New Foes with an Old Face, 2 vols r2ino cth ' Bost. 1854 1395 Twenty-Five Village Sermons, 12mo cth Phila. 1854 1396 James L. A Historical Discourse delivered by re- quest, before the Citizens of New Haven, April 25th, 1838, 8vo bds N. Haven, 1838 1397 KINDERSLEY, Mrs. An Essay on the Character and Man- ners of Women, 18mo bds Lond. 1781 1398 KIRKLaND, Mrs. C. M. Garden Walks with the Poets, 12mo cth gilt edges N.Y. 1854 1S99 Spenser and the Faery Queen, new ed. Complete in 1 vol 12mo cth N.Y. 1848 1400 Spenser and the Faery Queen, 12mo cth N.Y. 1848 1401 Memoirs of Washington, Illustrated, 12mo N.Y. 1857 1402 Holidays Abroad, or Europe from the West, vol 1, 12mo NY. 1849 1403 KITTO, John. Scripture Lands, described in a Series of His- torical, Geographical, ar;d Topographical Sketches, Illus- trated by a Complete Biblical Atlas, comprising 24 Maps, with Index, 12mo cth Lond. 1850 1404 The Lost Senses, Deafness and Blindness, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1852 1405 KNAPP, Samuel L. Female Biography, containing Notices of Distinguished Women, in different nations and ages, 12mo cloth Phila. 1836 1406 The Life of Thomas Eddy, comprising an extensive Correspondence with many of the most distinguished Philoso- phers and Philanthropists of this and other countries, 8vo cth N.Y. 1834 1407 Life of Timothy Dexter, embracing Sketches of the Eccentric Characters that composed his Associates, 18mo cth Bost. 1838 1408 KNIGHT, Charles. London, Pictorially Illustrated, vols. 1 to 6 (6 vols, in 3), royal 8vo cth Lond 1841-4 1409 Charles Wm. Shakspeare, a Biography, illus. 8vo cth Lond. 1851 1410 'S Penny Magazine, 8vo cth Lond. 1411 Weekly Volumes for All Readers, 17 vols. 18mo paper Lond. 1412 KNICKERBOCKER. The, or New-York Monthly Maga- zine, portraits, vols. 1 to 41 — 1833 to '53 — (vols. 6 and 11 missing), 39 vols. 8vo hf cf N.Y. 1833-53 68 1413 KNICK'ERBOCKER Gallery, The. A Testimonial to the Editor of the Knickerbocker Magazine from its Contributors , portraits, Svo full mor N.Y. 1855 1414 KNOX, R. Great Artists and Great Anatomists, a Biographi- cal and Philosophical Study, 12mo cth Lond. 1852 1415 KOEPPEX, Adolphus Louis. The World in the Mi-idle Ages, an Historical Geography, 4to hf mor N.Y. 1854 1416 HOPKIN^SON, Francis. The Miscellaneous Essays and Oc- casional Writmgs of. 3 vids. 8vo shp Phila. 1792 1417 KORTZjJohn. Interesting ^lemoirs of Four German Gen- tlemen, particularly distinguished for their Adventures among the F'air Sex, appendix, translated from the German, r2mo N.Y. 1819 1418 KOHL, J. G. Russia and the Russians in 1842, Svo hf mor Phila. 1843 1419 LADIES' Companion. The, 5 vols, in 2. plates and indexes, Svo hf mor N.Y. 1839-41 1420 LODGE, Edmund. Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Gt. Britain, with Biographical and Historical Memoirs of their Lives and Actions, 8 vols. ]2ino cth Lond. 1849-50 1421 LAD D, Joseph Brown. The iviterarj' Remains of, collected by his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Haskins ; to which is prefixed, a'Sketch of the Author's Life by W. B. Chittenden, \2mo hf mor ' NY. 1832 1422 LAERTIUS, Diogenes. The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, literally translated by C. D. Vonge, 12mo cth ' Lond. 1853 1423 LAFAYETTE, Gen. Memoirs, Correspondence and Manu- scripts of, published by his family, 3 vols. Svo bds Lond. 1837 1424 LAMPLIGHTER. The, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 1425 LAMB, Chas. The Works of, new edition, Svo cth Lond. 1852 1426 Specimens of English Dramatic Poets who lived about the time of Shakspeare, with Notes by, including the Extracts from the Garrick Plays, newed. r2mocth Lond. 1854 1427 LAMARTINE, Alphonse De. History of the Girondists, or Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution, from unpublished sources, 3 vols. 12mocth Lond. 1849-50 1428 LAMBERT, John. Through Canada and the United States, in the years 1806, '7 and '8, illus. with a map and numerous engravings, 2 vols. Svo hf of Lond. 1816 1429 LANMAN, Charles. Essays for Summer Hours, 2J edition, 12mo cth " Bost. 1842 1430 Letters from a Landscape Painter, lime cth Bost. 1845 1431 Adventures of an Angler in Canada, Nova Scotia and the United States, 12mo cth Lond. 1848 1432 LANDOR, Walter Savage. The Works of, 2 vols. Svo cth Lond. 1846 69 1433 LANDOR. Imaginary Conversations of Greeks and Romans, 8vo I^orid. 1853 1434 liANGE, Godard. Tra Congregation ou line Mission chez les Iroquois, 8vo lif cf Paris 184G 1435 LANE, E. W. The Thousand and One Nights, or the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, trans, with Notes by, ilhis. 2 vols, full mor, 12mo N.Y. 1848 1436 LANDON. Stanley, or the Recollections of a Man of the World, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo hf mor Phila. 1838 1437 LANGHOliN. John. The Correspondence of Theodosius and Constantia. ]8mo bds Lond. 1826 1438 LANG DON, Mary. Ida May, a Story of Things Actual and Possible, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 1439 LAS CASES, Count de. Memoirs of the Life, Exile and Con- versations of the Emperor Napoleon, portraits and other illus. new edit. 4 vols. 12mo hf cf N.V. 1855 1440 L.\TOUR, A. Lacavriere. Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and I^ouisiana in 1814-15, atlas, trans. bvH.P. Nugent, 8vo hf mor Phila'. 1816 1441 LAWRIE, Thus. Dr.Grant and the Mountain Nestorians, ilius. 12mo cth Bost. 1853 1442 LAURA. By a Lady of Philadelphia, 12mo sheep Phila. 1809 1443 LAWRENCE, Margarette Woods. Light on the Dark River, or Memorials of Mrs. Henrietta A. L. Hamlin, 12mo cth 1444 Jonathan, Jr. A Selections from the Writings of the late, 8vo cth N.Y. 1833 1445 , Amos. Extracts from the Diary and Corres- pondence of the late, edited by his Son, Wni. K. Lawrence, 8vo cth Bost. 1855 1446 LAY of the Last Pilgrim, r2mo bds Charleston, 1832 1447 LAYARD, Austen Henry. Ninevah, and its Remains, 13th Thousand, Illustrations, 2 vols (vol 1,) 8vo N.Y. 1852 1448 DiscoveriRs in the Ruins of Ninevah and Babylon, Maps, Plans, and Illustrations, 13th Thousand. 8vo N.Y. 1853 1449 LA Liberie de la Navigation,*et du Commerce, 12mo shp Lond. 1780 1451 LEAVES of Grass, 4to cth giltedge, N.Y. 1855 1452 From the Dialer of a Dreamer, Found among his Pa- pers, 12mo bds Lond. 1853 1453 LEATHER STOCKING and Silk, or Hunter John Myers and his Times, a Story of the Valley of Virginia, 12m cth 1454 LEARNING to Think, 12mocth Phila. 1455 LEAKE, Isaac Q. Memoir of the Life and Times of Gen. John Lamb, 8vo cth Albany, 1850 1456 LEE, Charles. The Life and Memoirs of the late, to which are added, his Political and Military Essays, and Letters to and from manv people in Europe and America, hf calf, NY. 1813 This Volume contains many curious particulars relating to the "War between Great Britain and her Colonies. 70 1457 LEE, Henry. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Depart- partment of the United States, 8vo shp Washington, 1827 1458 H. The Campaign of 1781, in the Carohnas, with remarks on Johnson's Life of (ireene, Appendix, 8vo hf mor Phila. 1824 1459 Observations on the Writings of Thomas Jefferson, with reference to the Attack they contain on the Memory of the late Gen. Henrv Lee, in a Series of Letters, 8vo hf mor N.Y. 1832 1460 Richard Henry. Life of Arthur Lee, 2 vols 8vo half morocco Bost. 1829 1461 Life of, and his correspondence with the Most Dis- tinguished Men in America and Europe, Illustrative of the Characters and Events of the American Revolution, 2 vols 8vo hf mor Phila. 1825 1462 Eliza Buckminster. Naomi, or Boston Two Hun- dred Years Ago, 12mo cth Bost. 1848 1463 Life of Jean Paul Frederic Richtcr, Compiled from Various Sources, with his Autobiography, translated by. Com- plete in 1 vol 12mo cth ' Ts.Y. 1850 1464 Florence, The Parish Orphan, and a Sketch of the Village, in the Last Century, 12mocth Bust. 1852 1464* Memoirs of Rev. Joseph Buckminster, 12mo cloth, Bost. 1851 1465 Mary Elizabeth. The Poetical Remains of the Late, with a Biographicnl Memoir, bv S. Gilinan, 12mo Charleston, (S. C.) 1851 1466 Anna Maria. Memoirs of Eminent Female Writers of all Ages and Countries, 18mo full cf Phila. 1827 1467 Samuel. Contemplations on Mortality, wherein the Terrors of Death are Laid Open, 18mo cf Bost. 1693 1453 B. F. Familliar Sketches of Sculpture and Sculpt»rs, 2 vols 12 mo cth Bost. 1854 1469 LEGION, or Feigned Excuses, by the Author of "A Letter to a Member of a Church Choir," V2mo cth N.Y. 1856 1470 I^EGARE, Hush Swinton. Writings of with Memoir of his Life, edited bv his Sister, 2 vols 8vo hf mor Charleston, (S. C.) 1S46 1471 LEGGETT, William. A Collection of the Political Writings of, Selected and Arranged with a Preface, by Theodore Sedgwick, Jr., 2 vols ]2mo cth ' N.Y. 1841 1472 Tales and Sketches, by a Country Schoolmaster, 12mo hf mor ' N.Y. 1829 1473 LELAND, Charles G. Meister Karl's Sketch Book, 12mo cloth Phila. 1855 1474 The Poetry and Mystery of Dreams, 12mo cloth 1475 Henry P. The Grey-Bay Mare, and other Humor- ous American Sketches, Illustrated. 12mo paper, Phila. 1856 71 1476 LEPSIUS, Richard. Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Peninsula of Sinai, with Extracts from the Chronology of the Egyptians, translated by Leonora and Joanna B. Horner, Lond. 1853 1477 IjEIGH, Sir Amyas. The Voyages and Adventures of, in the reign uf Elizabeth, Reiidered into Modern English, by- Charles Kingsley, 12mo cth Bost. 1855 1478 LEISURE Hours at Sea, being a few Miscellaneous Poems, by a Midshipman of the United States Navy, 12mo hf cf N.Y. 1825 1479 LEESEll, Isaac. The Works of, containing Discourses on Jewish Religion, Jews and Mosaic Law, 3 vols 8vo hf mur Phila. 1480 LESLIE, Miss. Pencil Sketches, or Outlines of Character and Manners, 12mo cth Phila. 1852 1481 Miss. The Gift, a Christmas and New-Year's Present for 1836. edited by, plates, 12ino Phila. 1836 1482 LESTEli, Edwards. My Consulship, 2 vols. 12mo cloth N.Y. 1853 1483 LETTERS from Europe in 1828, first published in the New- York Observer, 12mo bds N.Y. 1828 1484 LETTER on the Genius and Disposition of the French Gov- ernment, 8vo half calf 1810 1485 LEWIS, Eliza Gabriella. Poems, 12mo Brooklyn, 1850 1486 Mrs. S. Anna. Child of the Sea, and other Poems, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1848 1487 Tayelr. The Six Days of Creati^n, or the Scriptu- ral Cosmology, with the Ancient Idea of Time-Worlds, in Distinction from Worlds in Space, 12mocth Schenectady, 1855 1488 Estelle Anna. Records of the Heart and other Poems, illustrated, 8vo cloth, gilt edge, N.Y. 1857 1489 T. H. Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences, 12mo cloth Lond. 1853 1490 LECTURES on the Evidences of Christianity, delivered at the University of Virginia, 8vo cloth N.Y. 1853 1491 LECTURES on Painting by the Royal Academicians, being Barry, Opie and Fuseli, with notes by Ralph N. Wornum, 12 mo cloth Lond. 1848 1492 LESSONS on Universal History, 12mo bds Lond. 1834 1493 LEWIS, Alonzo. Poems, 12mo bds Bost. 1831 1594 LEXINGTON, with other Fugitive Poems, 4to N.Y. 1830 1495 LIEBER, Francis. The Stranger in America, 8vo half calf Phila. 1835 1496 The West, a Metrial Epistle, 16mo bds N.Y. 1848 1497 Assisted by E. Wigglesworth, Encyclopaedia Ameri- cana, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature, History, Poli- tics, and Biography, new edition, edited by, 14 vols. 8vo half mor Phila. 1844-7 72 1498 LIEBER, on Civil Liberty and Self-Government 2 vols. 12mo cloth ' Phila. 1853 1 499 LIFE on the Lakes, being Tales and Sketches collected during a Trip to the Pictured Rocks ef Lake Superior, by the author (if " Legendr, of a Log Cabin," 2 vols. ]2mo clth N.Y. 1836 1500 LIFT for the Lazy (A). r2mo cth N.Y. 1849 1301 LIVES and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, Dampier, &c.l8mo cloth ' N.Y. 1846 1502 LIGHT and Darkness, or the Shadow of Fate, a story ot fa- shionable life, 5th edit. 12mo N.Y, 1855 1503 , George W. Keep Cool, Go Ahead, and a few other Poems, i2mo cth Bost. 1851 1504 LINCOLN, Wm. History of Worcester, Mass. from its ear- liest settlement to Sept. 1836, 8vo bds Worces. 18:7 1505 Enoch. The Village, a Poem, with an appendix, 12mo bds. Portland 1816 1506 LINN, John Blair. The Powers of Genius, a Poem, in three Parts, r2mo elf Phila. 1801 1507 . A^alerian, a Narrative Poem, with a Sketch of the Author, 4to bds Phila. 1805 J 508 A JiCtter to Joseph Priestley, in answer to his Letter in Defence of his Pamphlet entitled " Socrates and Jesus Compared," Svo hfmor Phila. 1803 150P LINDSAY, Walter iM. Poems, 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 1510 LINDEN, Liele. Chesnut Wood, a Tale, 2 vols. 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 1511 LITTLE, Sophia L. The Birth, Last Days and Resurrec- tion of Jesus, three Poems, 16mo cth Pawtucket (R. I.) 1841 1512 LITERARY Magazine. The, and American Register, from 1803 to 1807, vols. I to 7, (7 vols.) 8vo, hf bound. Indexes, Phila. 1803-7 1513 L'IMAGE Revue Mensuelle lUustree d'Education, 8vo cth Paris 1847 1514 LITER.\RY (The) and Scientific Repository and Critical Re- view, Published Quarterly ; vol. 1. 1820; vol. 2 (Nos. 3 and 4), Jan. to April, 182: ; vol. 3 (Nos. 5 and 6), July to Oct. 1821 ; vol. 4 (Nos. 7 and 8), Jan. to May, 1822 (the 1st part of No. 7 of vol. 4 burnt). 4 vols. 8vo hf cf N.Y. 1821-2 1515 LIVER.MORE, Abiel Abbot. Discourses, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 1516 LIVINGSTON, John. The United States Lawyer's Direc- tory and Official Bulletin for 1850, 8vo N.Y. 1850 1517 LOC'KHAR r, J. G. Ancient Spanist Ballads, Histo-ical and Romantic, trans, with Notes by, new illus. edit. 4to cth Lond. 1842 1518 LOCKE, John. A Common Place Book to the Holy Bible, revised and improved by by Wm. Dodd, 8vo cth Lond. 1842 73 1519 LOCKHART, John Ingram. The Memories of the Conquis- tador Bernal Diaz del Castillo, written by himself, containing an Account of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico and New Spain, trans, from the Spanish bv, 2 vols. 8vo clth Lond. 1844 " Be rnal Diaz, the untutored child of nature, is a most true and literal copyist of nature. He introduces lis into the heart of the camp. All the pictu- resque scenes and romantic incidents of the campaign are reflected in his pages, as in a mirror. The lapse of fifty years had no power over the spirit of the veteran. The fire of youth glows in every line of his rude history." — Prr.scolt. "* 1520 LOCKE, Jane Ermina. The Recalled, in the Voices of the Past, and the Poems of the Ideal, 12mo clth Bost. 1854 1521 LOGAN. The Master's House, a Tale of Southern Life, illus. ]2moclth N.Y. 1854 1522 LOMAX. The Notes of an American Lyre, 12mo bds Richmond 1 813 1523 LOVER, Samuel. Songs and Ballads of, 12mo paper Phila. 1847 1524 LOMENIE, Louis de. Beaumarchais and his Times; Sketches of French Society in the 18th Century, trans, by Henry S. Edwards, 12mo cth ' N.Y. 1837 1525 LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth. Outre-Mer, a Pilgrim- age Beyond the S ea, 5tli edit. 12mo cth Bost. 1852 1526 Poems, new edit. 2 vols. 12mo cth Bost. 1851 1527 LONGFELLOW, H. W. Kavanagh. A Tale, 12mo. Boston, 1849. 1528 LONG, George. An Atlas of Classical Geography, con- structed by William H. Hughes, and edited by * * * Maps and Plans, Index, 4to, hf. mor. Phila. 1856 1529 LOGAN. A Family History, 2 vols., 12mo., boards Phila. 1822 1530 LORING. James Spear. The Hundred Boston Orators, from 1770 to 1852, 2d. edit. 8vo clth Bost. 1853 1531 J.,ORENTE, D. Julian Antonio. The History of the Inqui- sition of Spain, from the time of its establishment to the Reign of Ferdinand 7th, abridged and translated from the original works of . . . 8vo. Phila. 1813 1532 LORD, Eleazar. Lempriere's Universal Biography, with se- lections of Foreign Biography, and about 800 original Arti- cles of American Biography, 2 vols. bvo. elf. N.Y. 1825 1533 LORD, W. W. Andre : A Tragedy in Five Acts, 12mo. calf N.Y. 1856 1534 LORD, William W. Christ in Hades, a Poem, 12ino. boards N. Y. 18C1 1535 LOSSING, Benson J. A Pictorial History of the United States, lor schools and families. Illustrated, 12mo half roan N. Y. 1854 10 74 1536 LOSSTNG, Benson J. The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution, illus., 2 vols. 8vo cloth X. Y. 1851-2 1537 LOSKIEL, George Henry. History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in N. A., 3 parts, trans, from the German bv Christian Ignatius La Trobe. Map, 8vo. hf. calf ' Lond. 1794 153S LOUD, Mrs. M. St. Leon. Wayside Flowers, a collection of Poems, 12mo, cloth Boston, 1851 1539 Jeremy. Gabriel Vane, His Fortunes and his Friends, 12mo. cloth ' N. Y., 1856 1540 LOUISE, The History of * * Daughter of a Canadian Nun, exhibiting the interior of Female Convents, 12mo. boards N. Y., 1833 1541 LOWRIE, Walter M. Memoirs of Missionary to China, edited by his father, 2d. ed. 8vo. cloth N. Y. 1850 1542 James Russell. Poems, 2 vols. 12rao. bds. Boston, 1849 1543 James Russell. The Vision of Sir Launfal, 12mo. boards Cambridge, 184 8 1344 Mrs. AnnC.E. Seed-Grain for Thought and Discus- sion, a Compilation, 2 vols 12mo cloth, Boston, 1856 1545 LUDEWIG, Herman E. The Literature of American Local History ; a Bibliographical Essav, 8vo, hf. mor. N. Y. 1846 1546 LUTHER, Martin. The Table Talk, or Familiar Discourse of, trans, by William Hazlelt, 12mo Lond. 1848 1547 Martin. Life of in Forty-eight Historical Engrav- ings, by Gustav Koenig, "with explanation by Archdeacon Hare, continued by Susanna Winkworth, 4to hf. mor. N. Y. 1857 1548 LUNT, George. The Age of Gold, and other Poems, 12mo boards Boston, 1843 1549 George. Lyric Poems, Sonnets, and ^Miscellanies, 12mo cloth ' Boston, 1854 1550 George. Poems, 12mo cloth N. Y. 1639 1551 Sir Edward Buhver. Zanoni and Lucretia ; or, The Children of Night, 12mo cloth Lond. 1853 1552 Henrv Buhver. France, Social, Literary, Political, 12mo hf. mor". Paris, 1834 1553 Sir Edward Bulwer. The Last of the Barons, ]2mo cloth Lond. 1850 1554 LYTTLETON, Lord (Geo.) Dialogues of the Dead, first Amer. ed. 12mo. hf. roan Worcester, 1797 1555 LYTERIA; A Dramatic Poem, 12mo cloth Boston, 1854 1556 LYND, James. The First Book of Etymology, 12mo Phila. 1847 1557 LYNCH, Anne C. The Rhode Island Book; selections in Prose and Verse, from the writings of Rhode Island citizens, 2v(ils 12mo Providence, 1841 1558 LYRICS from the Wide, Wide World, 8vo cloth N.Y. 1853 75 1559 LYONS, Mary Memoirs of, 12mo cloth Northampton, 1852 1560 LLOYD, Thomas. The Trial of Wm. S. Smith and Samuel G. Ogden, for misdemeanors, 8vo sheep N. Y. 1807 1561 L HEROINE du 'I'exas, au Voyage de Madame * * aux etats, imis et au Mexique, 8vo paper Paris. 1819 1563 LYNCH, Anne C. Poems, illustrations, new ed. 8vo cth N. Y. 1852 1564 MAC GAVOCK, Randall W. A Tennessean Abroad, or Let- ters from Europe, Africa and Asia, r2mo cth N. Y. 1854 1565 MACKAY, (Charles. Voices from the Mountains and from the Crowd, 12mo cth Bost. 1853 1566 Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions, and the Madness of Crowds, 2 vols illus 12m cth Lond. 1852 1567 MACTAGGART, John. Three Years in Canada: An Ac- count of the Actual State of the Country in 1826-7-8, 2 vols 12mo bds Lond. 1829 1568 MACKELLAR, Thomas. Droppings from the Heart, or Occasional Poems, !2mo cloth Phila. 1844 1569 Tarn's Fortnight Ramble, and other Poems, 12mo Phila. 1847 1570 — Lines for the Gentle and Loving, 12mo cloth Phila. 1853 1571 MACGREGOR, John. The Progress of America, from the Discovery by Columbus to 1846, 2 vols 8vo cth Lond. 1847 " Two volumes of about 1500 pages each, exhibiting in the most condensed form a vast body of minute geographical, historical, and statistical infor- mation, make this a most valuable book of reference. It is impossible to glance at the progress of America without feeling impressed by the high destinies of the Angl-Saxon Eace." — Aihenaum. 1572 MACPHERSON, James. The Poems of Ossian trans, by, 24mo calf Lond. 1807 1573 MACKINTOSH, Sir James. T. B. Macaulay, et al. The Lives of Eminent British Statesmen, 8vo hf mor N. Y. 1835 1574 The Miscellaneous Works of, 8vo cth Phila. 1846 1575 Memoirs of the Life of, edited by his son, Robert J. Mackintosh, 2 vols 8vo Bost. 1853 1576 MACKENZIE, Roderick. Strictures on Lieut. Col. Tarle- ton's History "of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern Provinces of N. A.," with a Detail of the Siege of '86, and the Re-capture of the Island of New Providence, 8vo Lond. 1787 1577 R. Shelton. The O'Briens and the O'Flackertys, a National Tale by Lady Morgan, 2 vols 12mo cloth N. Y. 1856 1578 • R.' Shelton. The Fraserian Papers of the late William Maginn, with a Life of the Author, 5 vols 12mo N. Y. 1857 76 1579 MAC KENZIE, Mrs. Colin. Life in the Mission, the Camp, and the Zenana, or Six Years in India. 2 vols 12mo N. Y. 1853 1580 William L. The Lives and Opinions of Benjamin Franklin Hutler and Jesse Hovt, 8a'0 hf calf Best. 1845 1581 MAC LEOD, Donald. Pvnnshurst: His Wanderings and Ways of Thinking, l2mo clh N. Y. 1852 1582 Donald. Life of Sir Walter Scott, 12mo cloth N. Y. 1852 1583 The Blood Stone, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 1584 MACAULAY, Thos. B. The History of Englai d, from the Accession of James H., 2 vols. 8vo cth N.Y. 1849 1585 Speeches of, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 1586 Biographical and Historical Sketches, 12mo cth N Y. 1857 1587 Essays, Critical and Miscellaneous, 8vo cth Phila. 1847 1588 MAC FARLANE, Charles. Japan; an Account, Geographi- cal and Historical, from the Earliest Period down to the Present Tune, and the Expedition fitted out in the U.S., ikc, illus. 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 1589 MADDEN, R. R. The Infirmities of Genius, r2mo cth Phila. 1830 1590 MALAN, Rev. Caesar. An Inquiry presented to the Conscience of the Christian Reader, with an Introduction by Rev. Robert Baird, 8vo hf mor N.Y. 1844 1591 MAILLARD, Annette Marie. Miles Tremenhere, or the Love Test, 12.mo cth N.Y. 1853 1592 MANN, Edwin John. The Deaf and Dumb, or a Collection of Articles relating to the Condition of Deaf Mutes, 12mo bds Bost. 1836 1593 MANTELL, Gideon Algernon. Geological Excursions Round the Isle of Wight, and along the adjacent Coast of Dorset- shire, illustrative of the most interesting geological phenomena and organic remains, 3d edit. 12mo cth Lend. 1854 1594 MANSFIELD, Edward D. Memoirs of the Life and Ser- vices of Daniel Drake, M. D., with Notices of the Early Set- tlement of Cincmnati, 12mo cth Cincinnati 1855 1595 MANDRILLON, M. J. Le Voyageur Americain ou Obser- vations sur I'Etat Actuel, la Culture, le Commerce des Colo- nies Erittatiques en Amerique, 8vo hf elf Amsterdam 1783 1596 MANNERS, Motley. Parnas.5us in PiUorv, a Satire, 12mocth N.Y. 1841 1597 and Customs of the Japanese in the 19th Century, 18mo cloth " N.Y. 1843 1598 The Same. Lond. 1853 1599 MAINE. Collection of the Historical Society of, vols. 1, 2, and 3, 8vo cth Portland 1600 MARVEL, Ik. Reviews of a Bachelor, or a Book of the Heart, 2d ed. 12mo cth N.Y 1851 77 1601 MARVEL, Jk. Dream of Life, a Fable of the Seasons, ]2mo cloth N.Y. 1851 1602 ■ The Battle of Summer, being Transcripts from Per- sonal Observation in Paris, during the Year 1848, 12mocth N.Y. 1853 1603 MARSDEN, J. B. The History of the Early Puritans, from the Rrformatiun to the opening of the Civil War, in 1642, 8vo cth Lond. 1850 1604 MARYLAND Extracts. Extracts in Prose and Verse, by a Lady of Maryland, with a Collection of Original Poetry never before Published, by Citizens of Maryland, 2 vols ]2ino half cf Annapolis, 1808 1605 MARCH, Charles W. Reminiscences of Congress, 12mo cloth N Y. 1S50 1606 MARSH, Rev. James. The Remains of the Late, with a Me- moir of his Life, 8vo cth Bost. 1843 1607 MARCO, Polo (the Venetian. The Travels of— the Transla- tion of Marsden Revised, with a Selection of his Notes, edited by Thomas Wright, 12mo cth Lond. 1854 1608 MARCY, E. S. Homoeopathy and Allopathy, Reply to An Examination of the Doctrines and Evidences of, 12mo cth 1609 Randolph B. Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, in 1852, assisted by George B. JMcClellan, 8vo cth Washington, 1853 1610 MARLES, M. De. Les Cent Merveilles de la Nature, 12mo boards Tours, 1847 1611 MARBOIS, Barbe. The History of Louisiana, with an In- troductory Essay on the Constitution and Government of the U. S., from the French, by an American Citizen, 8vo hf mor Phila. 1830 1612 MARSH ALL, Humphrey. Arbustrum Americanum, The American Grove, or an Alphabetical Catalogue of Forest Trees and Shrubs, Natives of the American U. S., 8vo Pa- per, Phila. 1785 1613 H. The History of Kentuckv, 2 vols 8vo calf Frankfort, 1824 1614 John. Royal Naval Biograghy, Notes, containing an Account of all the Naval Actions &c., from 1760 to the pre- sent period (1823,) with copious addenda, vols 1 to 12, (12 vols 8vo cth Lond. 1823-30 Contains numerous details relative to the Revolutionary War, cLc., not to be found in any other work. 1615 John. The Life of George Washington, vols 1 to 5, (5 vols,) 8vo hf cf. and 4to vol of Maps, Phila. 1854 1616 The Life of Geo. Washington, 2d ed. 2 vols 8ve cth Phila. 1854 1617 MARTIN, J. L. Native Bards, a Satirical Eflusion, with other Occasional Pieces, 12mo bds Phila. 1831 1618 Horace. Pictorial Guide to the Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, illustrated, 12mo N.Y. 1851 7S 1619 MARTIN, PVancois Zavier. The History of North Carolina, from the earliest period, 2 vols 8vo bds New Orleans, 1829 1620 xMARIE, or the Bandit's Dauohter, a Poem, 12mo cth N.Y. 1834 1621 MARTINEAU, James. Miscellanies, 12mo cth Bost. 1852 1622 MARY Lyndon, or Revelations of a Life, an Autobiography. 12 mo cth N.Y. 1855 1623 .NLARRYAT T, Capt. A Diary in America, 2 vols in 1, ]2mo hfcalf Phila. 1839 1624 MASSACHUSETT'S Historical Society Collections, 1st Series, vols 1 to 10, bound in 5 vols, 8vn hf morcco, Bost. 1792,-1809 1625 2d Series vols 1 10 bound in 5 vols, 8vo half mor Bost. 1814-'23 1626 3d Series, vols 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, bound in 3 vols 8vo hf morocco 1833-43 1627 4th Series, vol 1, 8vo bds. Bost. 1852 1628 xMASSACHUSETT'S bay. The Charter and General Laws of the Colonv and Province of. Appendix, 8vo hrlf calf Bost. 1814 1629 Children. A Book for, in familiar letters, from a Father, for the use of Families and Schools, 2d ed 12mo bds Bost. 1831 1630 MASON, Thomas Monck. Creation, by the Immediate Agency of God, as opposed to Creation, by Natural Law, 12mo cloth, Lond. 1845 1631 MASSY, Gerald. Poems and Ballads of, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 1632 MASSING ER &l Ford. The Dramatic Works of, with an Introduction by Hartley Coleridge, new ed. 8vo cloth Lond. 1848 1633 MATHER, Increase. Remarkable Providences illustrative of the early days of American Colonization, with Introductory Prefacn by George Offer, 12mo clobh Lond. 1856 1634 Nathaniel. The Righteousness of God through Faith upon all, without difference, who believe, small 4to hf. calf Lond. 1604 1635 Samuel. The Life of * * * Cotton Mather, 12mo calf Boston, 1729 1636 MATHIAS, T. L. Pursuits of Literature A Satirical Poem in four Dialogues with Notes, to which are annexed a Vindica- tion of the W^ork, and Translations of all Greek, Latin, Italian and French Quotations. 1 vol. 8vo cf. Phila. 1800 1637 MATHER, Samuel. An Apology for the Liberties of the Churches in New England, with a Discourse concerning Con- gregational Churche's, 12nio. Bost. 1738 1638 Cotton. Student and Preacher, entitled Manu- ductis ad Ministerium ; or, Directions for a Candidate of the Ministry. Republished by John Ryland, 12mo. Lond. 1781 79 1639 MATHER, Cotton. Magnalia ; or, The History of New England, from 1620 to 1698, in seven Books. 2 vols. 8vo chp. Hartford, 1820 1640 MATURIN, Edward. Lyrics of Spain and Erin, 12moclth. Bost. 1850 1641 MATHEWS, Cornelius. Poems on Man, in his various aspects under the American Republic, 12mo bds. N. Y. 1843 1642 MATTISON, Rev. H. Spirit Rapping Unveiled, 12mo clth. N. Y. 1855 1643 MATHEWS, Cornelius. Chanticleer, [12mo clth. N. Y. 1853 1644 Cornelius. The various Writings of, complete in one vol. 8vo clth. N. Y. 1843, 1645 Cornelius. Witchcraft, a Tragedy, in Five Acts, 12mo roan. Lond, 1852 1646 Cornelius. Moneypenny ; or, The Hermit of the World, r2mo. Lond. 1647 MATTEUCCI, Carlo. Lectures on the Physical Phenomena of Ijiving Beings. Woodcuts. Translated under the super- intendence of Jonathan Pereira, 12mo clth. Phila. 1848 1648 MAURY, ANN. Memoirs of a Huguenot Family, translated and compiled from the original. Autobiography of Rev. James Fontaine, appendix, 12mo. N. Y. 1853 1649 Sarah Mytton. The Statesmen of America in 1846, 12mo bds Phila. 1847 1650 MAURICE, Frederick Denison. The- Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament, a Scries of Sermons preached in the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn, 12mo cth Bost. 1853 1651 MAUNDER, Samuel. Select British Biography from the rude and warlike days of Boadicea to the Victorian Era, 12mo cth Lond. 1839 1652 MAY, Caroline. The American Female Poets: with Bio- graphical and Critical Notices, 8vo cth Phila. 1848 1653 Edith. Poems illus. 8vo hf elf Phila. 1852 1654 MAYHEW, Jonathan. Sermons upon various subjects, 8vo sheep Bost. 1756 1655 MAYER, Brantz. Captain Canot, or Twenty Years of an .African Slaver, 12mo cth N. Y. 1854 1556 MAYO, Mrs. Sarah C. Edgtjrton, Selections from the Wri- tings of, with a Memoir by her Husband, 12mo cloth Bost. 1859 1657 William Starbuck. The Berber, or the Mountaineer of the Atlas, a Tale of Morocco, 3d edition 12mo cloth N. Y. 1850 1658 Kaloolah, or Journeyings to the Djebel Kumri, an Autobiogaphy of Jonathan Romer, 3d edition 12mo N. Y. 1850 1659 MAXCY, Jonathan. The Literary Remains of, with a Me- moir of his Life, by Romeo Elton, 8vo cth N. Y. 1844 80 1660 McCRIE, Thomas. A Vindication of the Scottish Covenan- ters : Consisting of a Review of the First Series of the " Tales of mv Landlord," extracted from the Christian In- structor for 1817, 12mo hf mor Phila. 1843 1G61 McCRIXDELL, R. The English Governess, a Tale of Real Life, 1st American ed. 12mo cth Phila. 1844 1662 McCULLOCH, J. R. The Literature of Political Economy, a Classilied Catalogue of select publications in the diflerent departments of that science. Notices, 8vo cth Lend. 1845 16 63 Universal Gazetteer, 2 vols roval 8vo hf morocco N. Y. 1843 1G64 W. Torrens. On the Use and Study of History, 8vo cloth ' Dublin 1 842 1665 McCONNEL, T. L. Western Character, or Types of Bor- der Life in the Western States, with illutrations 12mo cth N. Y. 1853 1666 McCLUXG, John A. Sketches of Western Adventure, 1775 to 1794. appendix r2mo cth Dayton, (Ohio) 1852 1667 McCARTY, Wm. Songs and other Poems on National Sub- jects, 3 vols 18mo cth Phila. 1842 1668 M'CLUNG, John A. Sketches of Western Adventure, con- taining an account of the most interesting incidents connected with the Settlement of the West, from 1755 to 1794. Appen- dix, 12mo hf mor. Phila. 1832 1669 McGUFFEY, A. H. Rhetorical Guide. 12mo shp N. Y. 1844 1670 McGEE, Thomas D'Arcy. The Catholic History of America, Five Discources, to which are added two discourses on the relations of Ireland and America, r2mo cUh N. Y. 1855 1671 McHENRY, James. The Antediluvians, or the World De- stroyed ; a Narrative Poem, in Ten Books. First American Edition, I2mo. clth Phila. 1840 1672 McINTOSH, Maria J. Evenings at Donaldson Manor; or. The Christmas Guest. A new revised edition, 12mo clth N. Y. 1854 1673 Maria J. Charms and Countercharms, 6th edi- tion, 12mo clth N. Y. 1850 1674 ^laria J. Aunt Kitty's Tales, a new revised edition. 12mo clth N. Y.'1854 1676 McKENNEY, Thomas L. Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, ol the Character and Customs of the Chippeway Indians, and of incidents connected with the Treaty of Fond du Lac; also a Vocabulary of the Algic or Chippeway Language. Engrav- ings, 8v(.hf'm(,r Bait. 1827 1677 Mc VICAR. John. A Domestic Narrative of the Life of Saml. Bard, 8vM hf mor. N. Y. 1622 1678 ^IKAD, Charles. American Minstrel, consisting of Poetical E.ssays on various suhjects, i2mo hf elf Philad. 1828 1679 Mrs. A. M. Sketches by a Christian's Wayside ISmo, clth. Phila. 1846 81 1680 MEARS, John W. The Bible in the Workshop, or Christian- ity the Friend of Labor, 12mo cth N.Y. 1857 1681 MEEK, Robert. The Mutual Recognition and exalted Feli- city of Glorified Saints. 4th edition, 12mo cth Lond. 1844 1682 MEEK, A. B. The Red Eagle, a Poem of the South, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 1683 MEDITATUS Poems by, 12mo hf cf Phila. 1853 1684 McLELLAN, Isaac, Jun. ' The Fall of the Indian, with other Poems, r2mo hf mor Bost. 1830 1685 MELISH, John. Travels through the U. S. of America in 1806-'7-'9-'10 and '11, and Travels through various parts of Britain, Ireland and Canada, maps, 2 vols. 8vo shp Phila. 1815 J 686 MELLEN, Grenville. Tho Martyr's Triumph; Buried Valley; and other Poems, ]2mo cth Bost. 1833 1687 MELVILLE, Herman. Pierre ; or the Ambiguities, 12mocth N.Y. 1852 1688 MELVILLE, Herman. The Piazza Tales, 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 1689 Israel Potter; His Fiftv Years of Exile, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 1690 Memoirs of a Life, chiefly passed in Pennsylvania, within the last sixty years, 12mo shp Harrisburg, 1811 1691 MEMOIRS of the Dead, and Tomb's Remembrancer, 12mo Baltimore, 1800 1092 MEMOIRS of a New England Village Choir, 18vo hf bound Bost. 1834 1693 MEMORIALS concerning several Ministers and others, de- ceased ; of the Religious Society of Friends, within the limits of the yearly meeting of N. Y.^ 12mo shp N.Y. 1825 1694 MEN of the Time (The) ; or Sketches of Living Notables. 12mo cth N.Y. 1852 1695 The same. r2mo shp N.Y. 1852 1696 MERCHANTS' Mag.. The, and Commercial Review, vols I- V, 5 vols. 1839-41, 8vo hf cf N.Y. 1839-41 1697 MERIMEE. Prosper. Colomba, trans, from the French, 12mo cth Bost. 1856 1698 METHODIST Episcopal Church. Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the, 2 vols. Vol I. for the years 1773-1828. Vol II. for the years 1829-1839, 8vo shp N. Y. 1840 1699 MAYLIN, Anna Walter. Lavs of Many Hours, 12mo cloth Phila. 1847 1700 MI ALL, James G. Memorials of Early Christianity, illus. 12mo cloth Bost. 1853 1701 MICHELET, M. The People, translated by G. H.Smith 12mo cloth N. Y. 1846 1702 MICHAEL. Agonistes, or the Contest of the Spirits, a Song of the Catholic Church, by the author of " Christmas Bells," 12mo bds N. Y. 1843 11 82 1703 MICH AUX, F. A. Travels to the Westward of the Allegany Mountains, and return to Charleston through the Upper Car- olinas in 1802, map, translated from the original I'rench by li. Lambert, 8vo sheep Lend. 1805 1704 MICHELSEN, E. H. A Manual of Quotations from the ancient, modern and oriental languages, including law phra- ses, maxims, proverbs and family matters, 12mo cloth Lond. 1856 1705 ]\IICnAUD, Joseph Francois. The History of the Crusades, translated from the French by W. Robson, 3 vols 12mo half morocco ' N. Y. 1853 170G jMILLS, Samuel John. Memoirs of, by Gardner Spring, 1 8mo boards Cost. 1829 1707 • Charles. The History of the Crusades for the Reco- very and Possession of the Holy Land, Svo hf morocco Phila. 1844 1708 MILES, Pliny. Nordurfari, or Rambles in Iceland, 12mo cloth N. Y. 1854 1709 MILTON, John. The Poetical Works of, Avith Life, Critical Dissertation and Notes, by Geo. Giltillan, 2 vols Svo cth N. Y. 1854 1710 The Poetical Works of, Svo hf mor Lond. 1838 1711 The Poetical Works of, edited by Sir Egerton Bryd- ges, plates Svo cth Lond. 1842 1712 A Treatise on Christian Doctrine, translated from the original by Charles R. Sumner, 2 vols Svo hf morocco Bost. 1825 1713 MILTONI, Joannis. Opera Omnia Latina, Svo hf mor 1714 MILNES, Richard Monckton. Poems of Many Years, new ed. 12mo cth Bost. 1846 1715 MILLER, Samuel. A Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century, first part in 2 vols, Svo shp N.Y. 1803 1716 Memoirs of tho Rev. John Rodgers, Svo shp N.Y. 1S13 1717 Memoir of the Rev. Charles Nisbet, D. D., 12mo cth N.Y. 1840 1718 The T\Y0 Records, pp 46, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 1719 Hugh My Schools and Schoolmates, or the Story of my Education — An Autobiography, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 1720 ■ James William. Poems and Sketches, by the Late, 12mo clh Bost. 1840 1721 MILMAN, H. H. The Life of Edward Gibbon, with an Es- say on the Study of Literature, by Edward Gibbon, Svo half morcco, Paris, 1840 1722 MILLEDULCIA. A Thousand Pleasant Things, Selected from Notes and Queries, small 4to cth gilt edge N.Y. 1857 1723 MILWAUKEE City Directory, The, for 1851-2, 12mo Milwaukee, 1851 1724 MILBURN, William Henry. The Rifle, Axe, and Saddle- Bags, and othc* Lectures, with an introduction by J. McClin- tock, Portrait, 12mo cth N.Y. 1857 63 1725 MINER, Charles. History of Wyoming, in a series of Let- ters from, to his Son Wm. Penn Miner, Map, Svo cth Phila. 1845 1726 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Committe appointed on the 14th September, 1793, by the Citizens of Philadelphia, the Northern Liberties, and the District of Southwark to attend and alleviate the Sufferings of the Afflicted with the Malignant Fever prevalent in the City, and its vicinity, Ap- pendix, Svo bds Phila. 1848 1727 MIRIAM. A Dramatic Poem, by the Author of " Joanna of Naples," 2ded. 12mo cth Bost. 1838 1728 MIRABEAU. A Life History, in Four Books, 12mo clh Lond, 1729 MINOT, Richard. Continuation of the History of the Pro- vince of Mas.sacbusetts Bay, from the Year 1748, with intro- ductory Sketches of Events from its Original Settlement, 2 vols in 1, Svo hf cf Bost. 1798 The Second Volume -was Published in 1803, after the death of the Author. It brings tlie history down to the year 1765, and was apparently intended as a Continuation to Hutchinson's. — Rich. 1730 MISCELLANEOUS Poems, selected from the United States Literary Gazette, ISmoroan Bost. Ib26 1731 MISSISSIPPI Nmc Years of Democratic Rule in, Svo pa- per Jackson (Mi.) 1847 1732 MITCHELL J. K. Indecision ; a Tale of the Far West, and other Poems, 12mo cth Phila. 1839 1733 MITCHILL, Samuel Latham, and Edward Miller, 'i'he Me- dical Repository and Review, vols. 1-6 (6 vols) 2d Hexade, Svobds. N.Y. 1804-9 1734 MIDDLETON, Henry. The Government and the Currency, Svo hf mor Phila. 1844 1734* MITCHEL. Astronomical Atlas, 4to cth 1735 MITFORD. Mary Russell; Our Village: Sketches of Rural Character and Scenery, 2 vols. 12mo cth Bost. 1853 1736 Rev. J. The Correspondence of Horace Wal- pole and the Rev. William Mason, 2 vols Svo cth Lond. 1851 1737 John. The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, with a Life, edited by, 12mo cth Bost. 1853 1738 '1 he Poetical Works of Thos. Gray, with a Life, edited by, 12mo cth Bust. 1853 1739 MODERN Story-Teller, The; or. The best Stories ol the best Authors, now first collected, 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 1740 MOIR, D. M. Sketches of the Poetical Literature of the past Half-Century, 12ino cth Lond. 1651 J741 MONTHLY Anthulogy, The, and I^oston Review, vols 1-10 (10 vols,) 1804.U 8vo ' gost, I804.|l 84 1742 MONROE, James. A View of the Conduct ofthe Executive, in the Foreign Affairs of the U. S. connected with the Mission to the French Republic during 1794-'o-'6, 8vo hf mor Phila. 1797 1743 MOXETTE, John W. History ofthe Discovery and Settlement of the Valley of the Mississppi, by the three great European Powers, Spain, France and Great Britain, and the subsequent occupation by the United States until 1846, 2 vols 8vo shp N.Y. 1846 1744 MONTESQUIEU'S Spirit of J.aws. A Commentary and Review of, with observations on the 31st Book, by the late M. Cjudorcet. and two Letters of Helvetius upon the merits of the same, 8vo hf cf Phila. 1811 1745 MONTGOMERY, James. Poetical Works of, with a Me- moir of the Author by R. W. Griswold, 2 vols in one, 8vo cloth liost. 1853 1746 Elizabeth. Reminiscences of Wilmington, in Famil- iar Village Tales, ancient and new. 8vo cth Phila. 1851 1747 MONTHOLON, Count. History of the Captivity of Napo- leon at St. Helena, 2 vols 8vo hf calf N."Y. 1846-7 1748 MORES, Emolist. The Columbian Magazine, or Monthly Miscellany, vols I-H. Phila. 1777-8 1749 MOORE, Jacob Bailey. Memoirs of American Governors, 8vo cloth ■ N. Y. 1846 1750 Thomas. Memoirs of the Life of Richard Brinslev Sheridan, 2 vols 12mo hf calf N. Y. 1853 1751 Notes from the Letters of, to his Music Publisher, James Power, Avith an Introductory Letter from Thomas Crofton Croker, Esq., plates r2mo cth N. Y. 1752 David A. The Age of Progress, or a Panorama of Time, plates, in four visions, 12mo cth N. Y. 1856 1753 Frank. Songs and Ballads of the American Revolu- lution, with Notes and Illustrations by, 12mo cloth N. Y. 1856 1754 Hugh. ^Memoirs of Col. Ethan Allen, containing the most interesting incidents connected with his Private and Public Career, 12mo hf mor Plattsburgh, N. Y. 1834 1755 H.N. Life and Services of Gen. Anthony Wayne, founded on Documentary and other Evidence. 18mo cloth Phila. 1756 Clement C. George Castriot, surnamed Scanderbeg, King of Albania, 12mo cloth N. Y. 1850 1757 MORNING, Watch (The). A Narrative, 12mo cloth N. Y. 1850 1758 MORTON, Daniel 0. Memoir of Rev. Levi Parsons, first Missionary to Palestine from the U. S., 2d ed. compiled by, 12mo half bound Burlington, 183'o 1759 , Sarah Wentworth. My Mind and its Thoughts, in Sketches, Fragments and Essays, Svo bds Bost. 1823 85 1760 MORELL J. D. An Historical and Critical View oftlie Specu lative Philosophy of Europe in the 19th Cenluiy, 1 vol. 8vo cloth N.Y.1849 1761 INIORRELL, Abbey Jane. Narrative of a Voyage to the Fthiojic and South Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Chinese Sea, North and South Pacitic Ocean, iti the years 1829-'30-'31 , 12in.. bds N.Y. 1833 1762 MORSE, Jedediah. A Report to the Secretary of War of the U. S., on Indian Aflfairs, 8vo sheep New Haven 1822 1763 Annals of the American Revolution, app , plates, 8vo shepp Hartford 1824 1764 An Appeal to the Public on the Controversy respecting the Rev(dution in Harvard College, and the events which have fidlowed it, occasioned by the use which has been made of certain complaints of INIiss Hannah Adams against the authors, 8vo boards Charlestown, 1814 1766 MORRIS, Lewis. The papers of. Governor of the Province of New Jersey, from 1738 to 1746, 8vo cloth, N Y. 1852 1767 MORRIS, George P. The Deserted Bride, and other Poems, 8vohalfmor N.Y. 1838 1768 The Songs and Ballads of, first complete edition, 18mo cloth N.Y. 1846 1769 The Deserted Bride, and other Productions, plates, 8vo cl)th, gilt edge N.Y. 1853 1770 American Melodies, compiled by, r2mo cth N.Y. 1841 1771 MOTLEY, John Lothrop. The Rise of the Dutch Republic, a History, 3 vols. 8vo cloth Bost. 1856 1772 MOUNTFORD, William. Thorpe, a Quiet English Town, and Human Life Therein, 12mo cloth Bost. 1852 1773 MOTHERWELL, Wm. Minstrelsy Ancient and Modern, 2 vols i2mo cth Bost. 1846 1774 The Poetical Works of, 12mo cth Bost. 1853 1775 MOULTRIE, William. Memoirs of the American Revolu- tton, so far as it related to the States of North and South Carolina, and Geojgia, 2 vols 8vo shp N.Y. 1802 1776 MOWATT, Anna Cora. Autobiography of an Actress, er Eight Years on the Stage, 20th Thousand, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 1777 Plays, 12mo cth Bost. 1855 1778 MOULTRIE, John. Poems of, 12mo cth Lond. 1838 1779 MUDIE, Robert. The Feathered Tribes of the British Islands, 4th ed. Revised by W. C. L. Martin, illustrated with 28 plates, 2 vols 12mo cth Lond. 1854 1780 MUHLENBERG, Henry A. The Life of Major-General Peter Muhlenberg, 12mocth Phila. 1849 1781 MULCHINOCK, Wm. Pembroke. The Ballads and Songs of, 12mo cth N.Y. 1851 1782 MULFORD, Isaac S. Civil and Political History of New Jersey, Svo cth Camden, 1848 1783 MUNFORD, William. Poems and Compositions, in Prose on Several Occasions, Svo bds Richmond, 1798 86 1784 MUNFORD, Robert. A Collection of Plays and Poems, 1st ed. 8vo hf c(j Petersburg, 1798 1785 MURAT, Achille. America and the Americans, translated from the French of, 12mo c;h N.Y. 1849 1786 MURDOCK, James. Sketches of Modern Philosophy, espe- cially among the Germans, 12mo bds Hartford, 1842 1787 The New Testament, a Literal Translation from the Syriac Peshito version, 8vo cth N.Y. 18o5 1788 Sketches of Modern Philosophy, 18mo cth Hartford, 1842 1789 MURRAY, Lindley. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, in a Series of Letters written by himsell' — Preface and a Con- tinuation of the Memoirs, by Elizabeth Frank, 8vo cf N.Y. 1826 1790 C. A. Travels m North America in l834-'5-'6, 20 vols in 1, 12mo hf cf N.Y. 1839 1791 MURDEN, Mrs. Eliza. Miscellaneous Poems, by a Lady of Charleston, (S. C.) 12mo Charleston, (S.C ) 1826 1793 MYERS, P. Hamilton. The Miser's Heir; or^ The Young Millionaire, 12mo cth ' Phila. 1854 1794 P. Hamilton. Eiisenore, a Poem, 8vo cth N.Y. 1840 1795 MYRTLE, Minnie. The Myrtle Wreath, or Stray Leaves re- called, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 1796 NACK, James. The Immortal, a Dramatic Romance, and other Poems, with a Memoir of the Author, by George P. Morris, 12mo cth N.Y. 1850 1797 NAHUY'S, G. J. Over den brief van Paulus, aan de Philip- pensen, 2 vols 8vo Amsterdam, 1780 1798 NAPOLEON and the Marshals of the Empire, 2 vols Por- traits, 12mo cth Phila. 1818 1799 NAPIER, W. E. P. History of the War in the Peninsula, and in the Souih of France, from 1807 to 1814, roy 8vo shp. N.Y. 1851 1800 Sir W. F. P. History of the War in the Peninsula, and in the South of France from 1807 to 1814, 5 vols. Por- traits and Plans, ]2mo. hf mor. N.Y. 1856 1801 NATIONAL Magazine. Illustrated 1-2, July 1852 to June 2 vols cth gt. edited by Abel Stevens, 8vo N.Y. 1852-3 1802 NAUTICAL Reminiscences. By the Author of " A Marin- er's Sketches," 12mo bds Providence, 1832 1803 NATIONAL. The Portrait Gallery of distinguished Ameri- cans, 4 vols royal Bvo hf mor gilt edges N. Y. 1834 1804 NAVAL Magazme, The. Vol 1, Jan. to Nov 1836 ; vol 2, Jan. to Nov. 1837* (2 vols) appendix and contents to each, 8vo cf N.Y. 1836-7 1805 NEANDER, Augustus. The Life of Jesus Christ in its His- torical connection and Historical dcvelap:iient, trans, from the 4th Gdrman edition, by John McC}iiitocli aijd Chas. E. Blum- enthul. 3d edition, 6vu shp N-Y. ISsl 87 1806NEANDER. Memorials of Christian Life, in the early and mid- dle ages, ir)clu(liiio his Light in Dark Places," trans, from the German, by J. E. Ryland, r2mo cth Lond. 1852 1807 NEAL, Daniel. The History of the Puritans, or Protestant Nonconformists, from the Ktiormation in 1517, to the Revolu- tion in 1688, reprint, with notes, &c., by John O. Chouies, portraits, 2 vols. 8vo sheep N.Y. 1843 1803 NEALE, Erskine. Curious Passages from the Lives of Mis- ers and Philanlhro{)ists, or Riches that bring no Sorrow, 12mo cloth Phila. 1852 1809 The Riches that bring no Sorrow, r2mo cth, Phila. 1852 1810 NE.Ali, John. One. Word More, intended for the Reasoning and Thoughtful among Unbelievers, r2mo cth Bost. 1854 1811 Tho Battle uf Niagara, 2nd edition, enlarged, with other poems, 18mo half calf Bait. 1819 1812 Rachel Dyer, a North American Story, 12mo boards, Portland 1828 1813 NEW Themes for the Protestant Clergy, with notes by the editor on the Literature of Charity, Population, Pauperism, Political Economy, and Protestantism, 12mo cth Phila. 1851 1814 NEW Hope, or the Rescue, a Tale of the Great KanaAvha, 12 mo cloth N.Y. 1855 1815 NEW Diogenes (The), a Cynical Poem, 12mo cth Phila. 1848 181G NEWELL, Mrs Harriet. The Life and Writings of, 12mo calf Phila 1817 NEW Hampshire (The), being Specimens of the Literature of the Granite State, 12mo cloth Nashua 1842 1818 Historical Collections, vols 1.. 2, and 3, 8vo boards Concord 1842-'24 1819 Historical Society, Collections, vols. 1 2, 4 vols. 8vo boards Concord 1824-'34 1820 Vol G, 8vo cloth Concord 1850 1821 • Highlands of. Notes made during an Excursion to the, and Lake Winnipiseogeo, by a gentleman of Boston, 12mo bds Andover 1833 1822 NEW Dido (The), 12mo boards N.Y. 1851 1823 NEW Pocket Companion for Oxford, 12mo paper Oxford 1803 1824 NEW ENGLAND Historical and Genealogical Register Indexes. Jan. 1847, Oct. 1852, vols. 1 to G (6 vols.) Plates, 8vo. Boston, 1847-52 1825 News from. Being a true and last account of the Bloody Wars betwixt the Infidels, Natives, and the English Christians, and converted Indians of New England. (This account was first published in London in 1676.) 4to Bost. 1850 1826 NEWS-BOY, (The,) 12mo. N.Y. 1854 1827 NEW YORK Book of Poetry, (The,) 8vo N.Y. 1837 1828 Historical Society Collections, 1st series, vols 1,2 and 3, (3 vols.) 8vo hf mor N.Y. 1811-'21 1829 Second series, 2 vols. 8vo hf mor N.Y. 88 1830 NEW YORK Historical Society Collections Third series, from 1843 to '49, 7 vols, bound in 3, 8vo hf mor N.Y. 1831 Ecclesiologist, 8vo cloth vol. 4 N.Y. 1852 1832 Review, (The,) vols. 1 to 7, March, 1837, Oct. 1840, (7 vols.) 8vo N.Y. 1847-'50 1833 NEW YORKER, (The,) vols. 1 to 10 (9) vol. 7 missing, 4to hf bound N.Y. 1836-40 The title pages of vols. 1 to 6 are wanting, and many of tliem have had small scraps cut out of them. Vols. 8, 9 and 10 are edited by " Greeley & Co." Vol. 1 is minus index or contents — the rest have them. 1834 NEW York Mirror (The), July 1827 to July 1828, vol. 5. vol 7 " July 1829 to July 1830, 8 " July 1830 to July 1831, 9 " July 1831 to June 1832, 10 " July 1832 to June 1833, 11 " July 1833 to June 1834, 12 " July 1834 to June 1835, 13 " July 1835 to June 1836, 14 " July 1836 to June 1837, 15 " July 1837 to June 1838, 16 " June 1838 to June 1839, 17 " June 1839 to June 1840, 18 " Jan. to Dec. 1841, 13 vols, plates, 4to half bound, N.Y. 1838-'41 1835 Vols. 8, 10, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, dups. of the corres- ponding vols, above, 8 vols 4to 1836 Same. Vols. 2 •' April to Oct., 1845, 3 " Oct. 1845 to April, 1846, 4 " April to Oct. 1846, 5 " Oct. 1846 to April 1847, 6 " April 1847 to Sept., 1847, 5 vols, small 4to, plates N.Y. 1845-'7 1837 Same. Vols. 3 and 11, duplicates of the correspond- ing volumes above. 1838 NICHOL, J. P. The Planet Neptune, an Exposition and History, 8vo cloth Edinburgh 1848 1839 NICOLINI, G. B. History of the Jesuits, their Origm, Pro- gress, Doctrines, and Designs, 12mu cloth Lond. 1854 1840 NIERITZ, Gustav. Alexander Menzikoff, or The Perils ef Greatness, from the German, by Mrs. H. C. Conant, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1853 1841 NIGHT Watches, or The Peace of the Cross, bv E. L., 12mo cloth ' Phila. 1853 1812 NHjICS, H. Principles and yVcts of the RevuluLion in Ameri- ca, 8v<) half mor Bait. 1822 1813 NIMliOD. A Dramatic Poem, m Five Acts, 12mo clth Lond. 1848 1844 NOBLE, fjouisa L. Lady Angelina, a Lay of the Apalachians, the Hours, &c., 12mo paper, N.Y. 1856 1845 The Life and Works of Thomas Cole, N. A., 3rd edi. 12mo cloth N.Y. 1856 89 1846 NOBLOT, M. L'Origine et les Progres des Arts et des Sciences, r2mo Paris 1740 1 847 NOETICA, or the First Principles of Human Knowledge, with a short Introduction to the Study of the Sciences, 12mo Phila. 1752 Printed by Benjamin Franklin. 1848 NOLTE. Vincent. Fifty Years in both Hemispheres, or Re- miniscences of the Life of a Former Merchant, translated from the Gorman, 12mo N.Y. 1854 1849 The Same. 12mo N.Y. 1852 1850 NORTH American Review, The, and Miscellaneous Journal. Vols I-I.Xn. (52 vols) 1815-46, Indexes, Svo. Vols 5.3, '4 and '5 (3 vols) missing. Each vol in this set contains an Index. Bost. 1815-46 i 851 General Index to the, from its commencement m 1815 to the end of the 25th vol, published in Oct., 1827 Svo Rost. 1829 1852 NORTON'S Literary Register, or Annual Book List for 1856, a Catalogue of Books, 8vo cloth N. Y. 1856 1853 NORTH, William. The Slave of the Lamp, a Posthumous Novel, 12mo cloth N. Y. 1855 1854 NORTON, Andrews. A Collection of the Miscellaneous Writings of Prof, i.^'risbie, with some Notices of his Life and Character, 8vo hf calf Bost. 1823 1855 Verses by, Svo cloth 1853 1856 Mrs. The Keepsake for 1836, edited by, plates 12mo silk Cincin. 1857 1857 NORDHOFF, Chs. Whaling and Fishing, 12mo cth 1856 1858 NOTT, J. C, and Geo. R. Gliddon. Types of Mankind, or Ethnological Researches, based upon the ancient monu- ments, paintings, sculptures, and crania of races, and upon their natural, geographical, philological and biblical history. Illustrated by selections from the inedited papers of Samuel George Morton, M. D., and by additional Contributions from Prof. L. Agassiz, W. Usher, and Prof. H. S. Patterson, Svo cloth Phila. 1854 1859 NOTES on Cuba. By a Physician, 12mo cth Bost. 1844 1860 of an Attachee in Spain in 1850, Svo cloth Lond. 1851 1861 NOURSE, J. D. Remarks on the Past and its Legacies to American Society, r2mo cth Loviisville, Ky. 1847 1862 NEW YORK Missionary Magazine, The, and Repository of Religious Intelligence, for 1800-3. Vols I-IV. (4) Svo half bound N. Y. I SCO -3 1863 Magazine, or Literary Repository. Vol. I. (17'J()) II, (1791) HI, (1792), 3 vols 4to, N. Y. 1790-2 ; vol 7 1796 and vol 8 1797, 5 vols in all N. Y. 1864 O'BRIEN, Edward. The Lawyer, his Character and Rule of Holy Life, after the manner of «jeorge Herbert's Country Parson, Svo Phila. 1843 12 90 1865 O'CALLAGHAX, E. B. Documentary- History of the State of Xew York, 4 vols quarto cloth Albany, 1850 1866 1st, 3d and 4th vols 8vo cloth 'Albany 1867 Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New York, vols 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9, 5 vols 4to cloth Albany 1868 History of New Netherlands. 2 vols 8vo cloth X. Y. 1846 1869 OCKLEY, Simon. The History of the Saracens, comprismg the Lives of Mohammed and his successors, to the death of Abdajmelik, the eleventh caliph, with an account of their most remarkable battles, sieges, revolts, lvaiiia, 12 mo Phila. 1876 1994 POESCHE, Theodore, nnd Charles Goepp. The New Rome, or the United States of the World, 12ino cth N.Y. 1853 1995 POLITICS, ior American Farmers, being a series of Tracts exhibiting the blessings of Free Government as it is adminis- tered in the U. S., compared with the boasted stupendous fabric of British Monarchy, 12mo hf cf. Washington City 1807 1996 P0[>II"ICAL Magazine (The). Vol. 1,(1780)2, (1781)5, (1783), 3 vols., maps and Indexes, 8vo LonJ. ]780-'3 1997 POOLE, William Fred. An Index to Periodical Literature, 8vo cth N.Y. 1853 1998 POPE, Alexander. The Poetical Works of, with Life of the Author, by Dr. Johnson, new edition, 8vo shp Phila. 1839 1999 Alexander. The Poetical Works of, with Memoir, Critical Dissertation and Notes, by Geo. Gilfilian, 2 vols 8vo cth N.Y. 1856 2000 POPERY Unveiled, in Six Lectures. 18mo cth Lond. 1839 2001 PORTEOS, Bielby. Lectures on the Gospel of St. Mat- thew, delivered in the Parish Church of St. James, Westmin- ster, in 1798-'9, 1800 '1, 12mo Phila. 1829 2002 PORCELAIN and Glass. A Treatise on the Origin, Pro- gressive Improvement, and present state of the manufacture of, r2mo hf cf Phila. 1834 2003 PORTRAIT Gallery of distinguished Poets, Philosophers, Statesmen, Divines, Painters, Architects, Physicians and Lawyers, since the revival of Art, with their biographies ar- ranged in chronological order, 3 vols, royal 8vo cth Lond. 1853 2004 POTTS, George. The Preacher and the King, 12mo cth Bost. 1853 2005 and Wainwright Controversy. No Church without a Bishop, 8vo hf mor N.Y. 1844 2006 PORTER, Jane. Thaddeus of Warsaw, 12mo N.Y. 1856 2007 N. The Educational System of the Puritans and Jesuits compared, a Premium Essay, ]2mo N.Y. 1851 2008 POT FER, A. Handbook for Readers and Students, in three parts, ]2mo hf mor N.Y. 1845 2009 A. Handbook for Readers and Students, in three parts, 12mo hf mor N.Y. 1843 2010 A. Wales and other Poems by Maria James, with an introduction by, 12mo cth N.Y. 1839 2011 POVVER, Tyrone. Impressions of America during the years 1833-'4 and '5. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo half calf Phila. 1836 2012 The same. 2 vols 8vo hf cf Lond 1835 2013 POTIPHAR Papers, The. Reprinted from "Putnam's Monthly. ■' Illustrated by A. Iloppin, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2014 POWELL, Thomas. The Living Authors of America, first series, r2ino cth N.Y. 1850 2015 PRAED, Wiiithrop Mackworth. The Poetical Works of, now first collected, l2mocth N.Y. 1853 2016 The same. J2momor N.Y. 1853 2017 Winthrop Mackworth. The Poetical Works of, 12mo N.Y. 1854 97 2018 PRAISE and Principle, or for What shall t Live'^ 18mo cth N. Y. 1845 2019 PRESCOTT, Wm. IT. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic, 3 vols 8vo 6th edit, cth Bost. 1839 2020 Biographical and Critical Miscellanies, 8vo cth N. Y. 1845 2021 History of the Conquest of Peru, with a Preliminary View of the t^ivilization of the Incas, 2 vols 8vo cth N. Y. 1847 2022 History of the Conquest of Mexico, and Life of the Conqueror, Cortes, 3 vols 8th edit. 8vo cth N. Y. 1851 2023 The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the v., 3 vols 8vo cloth Bost. 1857 2024 PROUD, Robert. The History of Pennsylvania in N. A. from its Settlement in 1681, till after the year 1742, Appen- dix, 2 vols 8vo hf morocco Phil. 1797-8 " This is a work of great research, and abounds with valuable matter." — Chanc. Kent. 2025 PRO-SLAVERY Argument, as maintained by the most dis- tinguished vi^riters of the Southern States, 12mo cloth Phila. 1853 2020 PRINCE, John Critchley. Hours Avith the Muses, 5th ed. 12mo cloth Lend. 1850 2026* , Thomas. A Chronological History of New Eng- land, in the form of Annals, Introduction, 8vo Bost. 1826 2027 PKIEbT, Wm. Travels in the U. S. of America, commen- cing in 1793 and ending in 1797, with his Journals after two Voyages across the Atlantic, 8vo hf calf Lond. 1802 The author was a theatrical musician, and his work contains soms curious an- dotcs. 2028 PRENTISS, S. S. Memoir of, 2 vols 12mo cloth N. Y. 1855 2029 PRIEST, Capt. The Wonderful Adventures of, with other Legends, by the author of " A Stray Yankee in Texas," 1 2mo cloth N. Y. 1835 2030 PRINGLE, Thomas. Narrative of a Residence in South Africa, new edition. Biographical Sketch of the author by Josiah Conder, 8 vo hf mor Lond. 1840 2031 PRIOR, James. Memoir of the Life and Character of the Hon. Edmund Burke, 2 vols 12mo cth Boston, 1854 2032 PRIOR, James. The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Gold- smith, including a variety of pieces now first collected, 4 vols 12mo N. Y. 1851 2033 PROTESTANT Quarterly Review, edited by Rufus W. Griswold, 1st vol 8vo hf calf Phila. 1844 2034 Jesuitism, by a Protestant, ]2mo cloth N. Y. 1836 2035 Association. Publications of, 1 vol Svo cloth 13 93 2036 PROTESTANT Episcopal Historical Soeiety. Collections of the, the for year i85l, 8vo cloth N. Y. 1851 2037 PUBLIC Libraries. Remarks on, from " The North Ameri- can Review" for Julv, ISoO, 12mo cloth Camb. 1850 2038 PUGLIA, James P. ' The Federal Politician, 8vo boards Phila. 1795 2039 PROGRESS of Society, a Poem, 18mo bds. N.Y. 1817 2040 PUMPELLY. Mary II. Poems, 8vo N.Y. 1852 2041 PUNISH.MEXr of Death: The. A Selection of Articles from the Morning Herald, with Notes, 2 vols ]2mo cloth, Lond. 183Q 2042 PUI.SZKY, Francis and Theresa. White, Red, Black, Sketches of American Society in the U. S., 2 vols 12mo N.Y. 1853 2043 Tales and Traditions of Hungary, ]2mo N.Y. 1852 2044 PUNCH.ARD, George. History of Congregationalism, from ab.uit A.I). 250, to 1616, 12mo ' Salem, 1841 2045 PUCKLE. James. The Club, cr a Gray Cap for a Green- Head, a Dialogue between a Father and a Son, 12mo cloth, Lond. 1S34 2016 PUTNAM. G. P. The World's Progress, a Dictionary of Dales, with Tabrlar Views of General History, and a His- torical Chart, edited by, 12mo full mor N.Y. 1851 2047 Supplement to the World's Progress, a Dictionary of Dates and Statistics, (1850-1,) edited bv, 12mo N.Y. 1852 2048 PYCROF T, James. A Course of English Reading, with Anec(! of ]} Jiton, by J(.siali Qiiincy, 1830 — Josiah Quincy'.s Address to the Board of Al- dermen. Boston, 1829 — An Address at the Dedication, Dane Law College, 1832 — Speech of Josiah Quincy, on the Bill to enforce the Non-interconrse Law against Great Britain, 181 I. Josiah Quincy's Speech, 1811 — Joniali Qiiincy's Remarks on the Laws of Massachusetts — Speech of 1811. on the Influ- ence of Place and Patronage — Trial of Commonwealth — V, S. J. T. Buckingham on an Indiclment for a Libel, Bust. 1822 2055 Bethune's Discourse on the Duty of a Patriot — True Glory, a Sermon — The Duties of Educated Men — The Unity of the Church — Prospects of Art in the United States — Dr. Francis' Discourse before N. Y. Lyceum — Dr. Francis' Ad- dress on the Anniversary of the Phiiolexian Society — Dr. Francis' Letter on the Cholera Asphyxia - Charles Sumner — An Oration — The True Grandeur of Nations — Charles Sum- ner's Address Phi Bata Kappa Society, 184G, 8vo hf mor 2056 Miscellanies, &c., by Wayland, Hazard & Goddard, 1 vol 8vo hf mor 2057 Amos Dean's Eulogy on the Life and Character of Judge Buel — Alexander Young's Discourse on the Life of John Thornton Kirkland — Daniel D. Barnard's Discourse on the Life of Stephen Van Rensselaer, 1839 — Adam Reid's Address at the Funeral of Caleb Ticknor, of N. Y., 1840 — John M. Kreb's Sermon on the Death of Gen. Harrison — Spencer's Sermon National Fast — The same of on the Death of Gen. Harrison — Frothingham's Fast Day Sermon, Boston, 1841, 1 vol 8vo hf mor 2058 Catholic Tracts, 20 vols 8vo hf calf 2059 Catholic Debates, 8vo hf calf 2060 Puseyism, 1 vol 8vo hf calf 2061 Trial of Bishop Onderdonk, 1 vol 8vo hf calf 2062 Biographical, 1 vol 8vo hf calf 2063 National Character, 1 vol 8vo hf calf 20G4 Speech of Henry Brougham and others, from 1817 to 1818, 1 vol Svohf calf 2065 QUARLES, Francis. Emblems, Divine and Moral, 12mo N.Y. 1851 2070 QUARTERLY REVIEW, (The,) of the American Protest- ant Association. Edited by R. W. Griswold, vol I, Jan. 1844-5, 8vo Phila. 1845 100 2071 QUINET, E. Ultramontanism, or the Roman Church and Modern Society. Translated from the French by C. Cocks, lv!rao Lond. 1845 2072 QUINCY, Josiah. The History of Harvard University, 2 vols 8vo Cambridge, 1840 2073 The History of the Boston Athenaeum, with Bio- graphical Notices of its Deceased Founders, 8vo cloth Cambridge, 1851 2074 RABBE, M., et al. Biographie Universelle et portative des Contemporains ou Dictionnaire Historique des hommes vi- vants, portraits, a'oIs 1 to 4 (4 vols) 8vo Paris, 1834 2075 RAGUET, Condy. The Princi|.]es of Free Trade, in a series nf Essavs, 2r)d edition, Svo cloth Phila. 1840 2076 RAMSAY, Allnn. The Gentle Shepherd, a Pastoral Comedy, with a Life of the Author, 12mo clh N.Y. 1852 2077 R.\.\1SAV, David. The History of South Carolina from its first Settlement in 16T0to 1808,2 vols, half morocco 8vo Charleston 1609 2078 History of the United States from their first Settlement as English Colonies in 1607 to 1808, continued to the Treaty of Ghent by S. S. Smith and others, 3 vols. 2nd edition, Svo sheep Phila. 1818 2079 Life of Washington, 12mo sheep Ithaca 1840 208 J Memoir of Martha Laurens Ramsay, 12mo cloth Phila. 18-15 2081 RA.MSAY, J. G. M. The Annals of Tennessee, 8vo cloth, Phila. 1853 2082 RAYMOND, Daniel. Thoughts on Political Economy, in 2 parts. 8vo bds Bait'. 1820 2083 REACH. Angus B. Claret and Olives, 12rno cth N.Y. 1852 2084 READ, Thomas Buchanan. The Female Poets of America, 6th edition, illus., 8vo full morocco, Phila. 1855 2085 Poems, 12mo cloth Phila. 1853 2086 The New Pastoral. ]2mo cth Phila. 1855 2087 The House bv the Sea, 12mo Phila. 1856 2088 I>ays and Ballads, r2mo cth Phila. 1849 2089 Poems, 12mo cth Bost 1847 2C90 The New Pastoral, 12mo cth Phila. 1S55 2091 READ, Hollis. Memoir and Sermons of Rev. W. J. Armstrontj, edited bv, I2roo ctti N.Y, 1853 2092 READE,' Charles. Peg Woffington, a Novel, 12mo cloth Bost. 1855 2093 REED, Henry. I^ectures en English Literature, from Chau- cer to Tennyson. 2nd editicm, 12mo cth Phila. 1855 2094 REED, "\Vm. B. Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed, 2 vols 8vo cth Phila. 18 17 2095 RECORD of a School, exemplifying the general principles of Spiritual Culture, 12mo cth ' Bost. 1835 2096 REDFIELD, James W. Comparative Physiognomy, or Re- semblance between men and animals, 8vo cth N.Y. 1853 101 2097 REID. Captain Mayne. The Young Voyageurs, or the Boy Hunters in the North. Illustrated. 12nio cloth liost. 1854 2098 The Bush FJoys ; or, the History and .AdvfiiUires of a Cape Farmer and his Family, in the wild karous of Southern Africa. Illus. ]2mo Host. 1856 2099 REIGART, J. Franklin. The Life of Robert Fulton, ropies of Mr. Fulton's original drawings and numernus plates, 8vo cth Phila. 185(3 2!00 RECHFRACHES historique et polifiques sur les E(ats Unis de TAmenque septentrional ou Ton tracte des elalilissiMiiens des trieze colonies du leurs rapportes, et de leurs dis.sentione.s avec Grande Bretagne de leurs gouvememes avaiit etapres le Revolution, j)ar un citoyen de Virginie, vols 4 Svo elf Paris, 1788 The Author was M. Mazzci, wlio was assisted in the work by the cclehrateil Condorcet. The second and third volumes are occupied hy criticisms on the Works of Mahly and liaynal. Mazzei was an Italian by birtli who migrated to America before the IJevolution and established bimself in Vir- ginia, near Montecello, where lie planted a vineyard. He was intimate with Mr. Jefferson, through whose influence he was sent on a mission to the Grand Duke of Tuscany — Kick. 2101 RESEARCHES on America, being an attempt to settle some points relative to the Aborignes of America, hf mor Baltimore, 1816 2102 RESTORATION of Belief, complete in three parts, 12inocth Phila. 1855 2103 RELIGIOUS Courtship, 12mo shp N.Y. 1811 2104 REJECTED Addresses. ISmobds Phila. 1823 2105 RENWICK, James. Life of Dewitt Clinton, 18mo rth N.Y. 1840 2106 REVERIE, Reginald. Sad Tales and Glad Tales, 12mo boards Bost. 1828 2107 REVELATION of Nature, (The,) with the Prophecy of Rea- son, 18mo bds N.Y. 2108 RHODE ISLAND, The Early History of, 8vo cloth Bost. 1843 2108* 0. RICH — Bibliotheca AmeYicana Nova. Catalogue of books relating to America in various languages, including voyages to the Pacific and round the World, and collections of voyages and travels printed since the year 1701 to 1844, with the sup- plement. 4 vols 8vo cth. Lond. 1 825-'41-'4 and '6 2108* Catalogue of Books relating principally to America, arranged under the years in which they were printed, from 1500 to 1600, 8vo cth Lond. 1832 2109 RHODODAPHNE, or The Thessalian Spell. A Poem, ]8mo bds Phila. 1818 2110 RICHARDS, William C. A Day in the New York Crystal Palace, 12mo cuts N. Y. '1853 2111 Harry's Vacation, or Philosophy at Home, 12mo cuts N.Y. 1654 102 2112 RICHARDS, William C. A Day in the New York Crystal Palace, 12mo paper N.V. 1863 2113 RICHARD, Edney, and the Governor's Family. A Rus- Urban Tale, l2mocth Bost. I85'J 2114 RICHARDS, T. Addison. The Romance of American Land- scape. Engs, 4to full mor N.Y. I 855 2115 E. J. Memoir of Mrs. Anna Maria Morrison, of the North India Mission, 1 Smo cth N.Y. 1843 2.16 RICHARDSON, Charles. A New Dictionary of the Eng- lish Language, vols 1 and 2, 4to Lond. 1839 2117 Major. Eight Years in Canada, embracing a Review of the Administrations of Lords Durham and Sydenham, Sir Charles Bagot and Lord Metcalfe, 12nio clh Montreal, 1847 2118 RICHMOND in By-gone days. Being Reminiscences of an Old Citizen, r2mo clh Richmond, 1 850 2113 RIDGELY, David. Annals of Annapolis, 1649, 1812. Ap- pendix, 12mo cth Bait. 1841 2120 RlEDESEL, Madmo De. l^etters and Memoirs relating to the War of American independence and the Capture of the Gor- man Troops at Saratoga, translated from the Oricinal Ger- man, 12 mo bds N.Y. 1827 2121 RIKER, James, Jr. The Annals of Newtown, in Queen's County, N. Y., 8vo cth N.Y. 1852 2122 RILEY, H. H. Puddleford and its People, illustrations, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1854 2123 RIVES. John C. The Congressional Globe, new series, con- taining Sketches of the Debates and Proceedings of the 1st Session of the 31st Congress, vol 21, part 2nd, May 21 to Sept. 30, 1850, index, 4to hf cf Wabhington 1850 2124 Appendix to the, for the 1st Session of 31fet Congress, vol. 22, part 1, December, 1849 to June, 1850, 4to half calf 2125 Congressional Globe, new series, Dec. 1818 to March 1849, 30th Congressional, 2nd Session, index and appendix, 4to cth Washington 1829 2126 RIVES, Mr. Speeches on Various Subjects, 8vo half calf, Washington 1837 2127 RIVERO, Mariano Edward, and John James Von Tschudi, Peruvian Antiquities, translated from the Original Spanish, by Francis L. Hawks, 8vo clth N.Y. 1853 2128 ROBBINS, Chandler. A History of the Second Church, or Okl North in Boston, to which is added a History of the New Brick Church, engravings, 8v'o cth Bost. 1852 2129 ROBINS, M, L'Abb* Nouveau Voyage dans I'Amerique Sep- tentrionale, en I'Annee, 1781, 8vo hf cf Phila. 17t2 2130 ROBINSON, Phinehas. Immortalitv, a Poem, in ten cantos, 12mn cth ' N Y. 1816 2131 ROBINSON, Wm. Davis. Memoirs of the Mexican Revolu- tion, 8vo half calf Phila. 1820 2132 ROBERTS, W. The Portraiture of a Christian Gentleman, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1831 103 2133 ROBERTS, Mrs. Martyn. The Spiritual Creation, of Soul's New Rilth, a Poem ii seven hooks, 12mo cloth Load. 1843 2134 ROCHEFOUCAlH/r, Duke de la. I'ravels through (he U. S. ol America, the country of the Iroquois and Upper Canada, in 179o-'ti-'7, with an authentic account of Lower Canada, 2 vcls. 4t) Lond. 1799 2135 ROCHEFOUCAULD, Francis Due de la. Mora! Reflections, Sentences, and Maxims of, translated from the French, with Introduction and Notes, with the Moral Sentences and Max- ims of Stanislaus, King of Poland, 12mo cth N.Y. 1851 213f> ROBBINS' Outlines of History, 12mo sheep Hartford 1850 2137 ROELKEli, Bernard. A .Manual for the Use of Notaries Puhlic, 8vo cloth N.Y. 1853 2138 ROE, A. S. James Montjoy, or I've been Thinking, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2139 The Star and the Cloud, 12mo cloth NY 1857 2140 ROE, A. S. A Long Look Ahead, or The First Stroke, and the Last. 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 2141 ROGERS, Thomas J. A New American Biographical iJic- tinnary, or Remembrancer of the Departed Heroes, Sages, and Statesmen of America, 3d ed 8vo slip Easton, Penn. 1824 2142 Samuel. The Pleasures of Memory and other Poems, to which is added, the Pains of Memory, by Robert Merry, 12mo bds N.Y, 1820 2143 Memoranda of the Experience, Labors, and Travels of a Uiiiversalist Preacher, 12mo slip Cincinnatti, 1841 2144 ROSE, Rev. Hugh James. A New General Biograjihical Diclioriaty, 12 vols 8vo cth Lond. 1848 2145 ROSAHYiThe, 18moclh Bost. 1835 21 4G ROUSSELL. M. De. Etat Militaire De France, pour L'Annee. 1791, 18mo cf Paris, 1791 2147 R0( RBACH,Orville A. Bibliotheca America, a Catalogue of American Books, from Oct. 1820 to May lfc52. and Suj - plement, 2 vols 8vo N.Y. 1855 2148 RONDTHALER, Edward. Life of John Ileckewelder, edited by B. H. Coales, r2mo Phila. 1847 2149 ROSCOE, Thomas. The Tourist in It^ly. France, and Spain, Andalusia, illustrated, 3 vols 12mo full morocco, Lond. 1836 2150 William. The Life of Lorenzo De Medici, called Tlio Magniticent, 9th edition. Revised by hip, Thomas Roscoe, l2ino cth Lond. 1847 2U1 ROUS.SFAU, J. J. Letters of an Italian Nun and an En^- libh Gentleman, translated from the French, Gth ed. 12mo p;'per Lond. 1817 2152 ROvVrON, Frederick. The Female Poets of Great Britain, with additicnis by an American editor, illustratians, 8vo full nioroco Phila. 1849 2153 ROWSON, Susanna. Miscellaneous Poems, 12mo sheep, Bost. 1840 104 2154 ROWSON, Mrs. Rebecca, or Fille De Chambre, a Novel. 3d American edition, 12mo bds Bost. 1831 2155 RUPP, I. Daniel. History of the Countie-s of Berks and Lebanon, containing a Brief Account of the Indians. Eng's, 8vo Lancaster, Pa., 1844 2156 RURAL Hours. By a Lady. 3d edition, 12mo N.Y. 1851 2157 RUSH, Richard. Washington in Domestic Life, 8vo cth Phila. 1857 2158 Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London, 2d ed 8vo cth Phila. 1833 2159 Benjamin. An Account of the Life and Character of Christopher Ludwick, 18mo bds Phila. 1831 21C0 James. Hamlet, a Dramatic Prelude, in Five Acts, r2mo cth Phila. 1834 2161 RUSCHENBERGER, Dr. Three Years in the Pacific, in- cluding Notices of Brazil, Chili, Bolivia and Peru, 8vo half mor Phila. 1834 2162 RUSSELL, Ld. John. Memorials and Correspondence of Charles James Fox, 2 vols ]2mo cth Phila. 1853 2163 Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence of Thomas Moore, 2 vols 8 vo cth N.Y. 1857 2164 RUTHERFORD'S Children. Helen Montgomery's Book Case. By the author of " The Wide, Wide World," etc., r2mocth N.Y. 1853 2165 SABINE, Lorenzo. The Amejican Loyalists, or Biographi- cal i^ketches of Adherents to the British Crown in the War of the Revolution, 8vo cth Bost. 1847 2166 SAINTINE, X. B. Picciola. The Prisoner of Fenestrella, or Captivity Captive. New edit., illustrated, 12mo cth Phila. 1850 2167 SALAD for the Social. By the author of "Salad for the Solitary," 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 2168 For the Solitary. By an Epicure. Fifth thousand, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2169 SALLUST, Florus, and Valerius Paterculus. Trans. Notes and Index. By Rev. John Selby Watson, 12mo cth Lond. 1852 2170 SAN KEY. R. Sermons preached in the Parish Church of Farnham, Surrey, l2mo cth Lond. 1841 2171 SAN(;STh:R, Charles. The St. Lawrence and the Sague- nay, and other Poems, 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 2172 SANSOM, Joseph. Sketches of Lower Canada, historical and descriptive, in July, 1817, 12mo bds N.Y. 1817 2173 S.\NI)KRS, Prince. Haytian Papers, a Collection of the very Interesting Proclamations and other Official Documents, with an account of the Kingdom of Hayti, 12mo hf calf Bost. 1818 2174 S.^NDERSON, John. The American in Paris, 2 vols l2mo cloth Phila. 1847 2175 Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, 9 vols 8vo calf Phila. 1820-7 105 2176 SANDS, R. C. The Writings of, 2 vols 8vo cloth N.Y. 1834 2177 The Writings of, in Prose and Verse, with a Memoir of the Author, 2 vols 2d edition Svo N.Y. 1835 2178 The Bridal of Vaumond, a Metrical Romance, 18mo calf N.Y. 1817 2179 SAND, George. Teverino, a Romance, translated by a Lady, preceded by a Biographical Sketch of the distinguished au- thoress, by Oliver S. Leland, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 2180 George Jaques, by, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1847 2181 SAMPSON, Wm. Memoirs of, including his Imprisonment and Correspondence, with a short sketch of the History of Ireland, 2d edit. 8vo shp Leesburgh, Va. 1817 2182 The Catholic Question in America, 8vo boards N.Y. 1843 2183 SARGENT, Epes. Velasco, a Tragedy in Five Acts, 12mo cloth N.Y 1840 2184 Lucius, M. Hubert and Ellen, 8vo cth Bost. 1812 2185 Winthrop. The History of an Expedition against Fort Du Quesne in 1755, under Major-General Edward Braddock, edited from the original MSS. by, 8vo cloth Phila. 1855 2186 Epes. Songs of the Sea, with other Poems, 2d edit. 12mo cloth Bost. 1849 2187 SARGENT, Epes. The eomplete Poetical Works of Thos. Campbell, edited by, l2ino cth Bost 1854 2188 SAUL. A Mystery, by the Author of Christian Ballads, 12mo cth ' N.Y. 1845 2189 SAXE, John G. Poems, 12mo cth. Bost. 1852 2190 SAVAGE, John. '98 and '48, the Modern Revolutionary His- torv and Literature of Ireland, 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 2191 SaVARINE, Brdlat. The Physi..logy of Taste, or Transcen- dental Gastronomy, illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished Artists and Statesmen of both Continents, trans, by Fayette Robinson, 12tno cth Phila. 1854 2192 SAWYER. Lemuel. A Biography of John Randolph, of Ro- anoke, vvitii a selection from his speeches, Svo hf mor N.Y. 18.^5 2193 SAY, Tliomas. A short Compilation of the extraordinary Life and Writings of, with his uncommon vision, by his son, 18mo Phila. 1796 2194 The same 12mo Phila. 1796 2195 SCIIULTZ Clirislian. Travels on an Inland Voyage through New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and Tcn- nesee, and through the, territories of Indiana, Louisiana, Mis- sissippi, and New Orleans in 1807-8, illustrated with maps and plates. 2 vols in one, Svo hf cf N.Y. 1810 2196 SCHLEGEL, Frederick Von. The Philosophy of Life, and the Philosoj)hy of Language, in a coarse of lectures trans- lated from the German, by Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, r2mo cth Lond. 1847 14 106 2197 SrHROEDER, J.-hn Frederick. Maxims of Washington, Political, Social, INIoral and Religirus. 12mo cth NY. 1855 2198 SCHOEDLER, Friedrich. The Book of Nature ; an Elemen- tary Iiitnidiictioii to the Sciences, 1st American edition, trans- lated from the German, by Henry Medlock, illustrations, 8vo cloth Phila. 1853 2199 SCHOLAK'S Companion, The. 12mo cth Phila. 1846 2200 SCllOUW,.Ioachim Frederic. The Earth, Plants and Man ; popuhir pictures of Nature, and sketches from the mineral kiiiirdum by Francis Von Kobell, trans, and edited by Arthur Heiifrev, l2mocth Lond. 1852 2201 SCHAFV, Philip. History of the Apostolic Church, with a general Introduction to Church History, trans, by Edward D, Venmaris, 8vo cth N.Y. 1853 2202 SCHLO.^SER, F. C. History of the Eighteenth Century and of the Nineteenth, till the overthrow of the French Empire, translated wi'h Prefaue and Notes, by D. Davison, 7 vols 8vo cth Lond. 184 3-50 2203 SCHOOLCRAFT, Henry R. The Myth of Hiawatha, and other Oral Legends, Mythologic and Allegoric, of the North American Indians, 12mo cloth Phila. 1856 2204 The Rise of the West, or a Prospect of the Mis. sissippi Valley, a Poem, 12mo boards N Y. 1841 2205 A View of the Lead Mines of Missouri, including some observations on the Mineralogy, Geology, Geography, &c., &.C., of Missouri and Arkansaw, engravings, 8vo half inorocco N.Y. 1810 2206 Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Missis- sippi to Itasca Lake, 8vo cloth N.Y. 1834 2207 Travels in the Central Portions of the Mississippi Valley, Svo half morocco N.Y. 1825 2208 Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers, 1812-'42. Svo cloth Phila. 1851 2209 The Indian in his Wigwam, or Characteristics of tho Red Race of America, Svo cloth N.Y. 1848 2210 Scenes and Adventures in the Semi-Alpine Region of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas, Svo cloth Phila. 1853 2211 Summary Narrative of an Exploratory Expedition to the Sources of the Mississippi River in 1820, resumed and com- j)leted by the discovery of its origin in Itasca Lake in 1832, appendix. Svo cloth Phila. 1855 2212 SCH.VirrZ, Leonhard. A Manual of Ancient History, from the remotest times to the overthrow of the Western Empire, with chronological tables, 12mo cloth Phila. 1853 2213 SCOTT, Thomas. The Articles of the Synod of Dort, and its rejection of Errors, translated from the Latin, by, ]2mo cloth Utica 1831 2214 The Force of Truth, 48mo cloth Lond. 1835 107 2215 SCOTT, James. The Life, Letters, and Remains of the Rev. Robt. Pollock, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1848 2216 SCOTT, Jonathan M. The Sorceress, or Salem Delivered, a Poem in 4 Cantos, also the Blue Lights, or the Convention, a Poem in 4 Cantos, 24mo half morocco N.Y. 1817 2217 SCOTT, Mrs. Julia H. Memoirs of, with her Poems and Se- lections from her prose, by Mrs. C. M. Sawyer, 12mo cloth liost 1853 2218 SCOTT, Sir Walter. St. Ronan's Well and Peveril of the Peak, 2 vols. 8vo paper, Phila. 2219 The Monastery, illustrated, 8vo cloth 2220 Religious Discourses, 18mo boards N.Y. 1828 2221 SEWARD, Wm. H., The Works of, edited by George E. Baker, 3 vols 8vo hf cf antiq. N.Y. i 853 2223 SEDGWICK, C. M. Redwood, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2224 SECRET Proceedings and Debates of the Convention at Philadelphia, 1787, for Forming the Constitution of the United States, 8vo cth Wash. 1836 2225 SCOTT, Walter. The Lay of the Scottish Fiddle. A Tale of Havre De Grace. Am. ed., 24mo N.Y. 1813 2226 Mrs. Julia H., Poems of, 18mo cth Bost. 1843 2227 SEARS, Barnas, Edwards, B. B. and Felton, C. C. Essays on Ancient Literature and Art, with the Biography and Cor- respondence of Eminent Philologists, 2d ed. 12mo cth Bost. 1849 2228 The Ciceronian, or the Prussian Method of Teaching the Elements of the Latin Language, 12mo half mor Bost. 1844 2229 Thesaurus of English Words, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 2230 SEABURY, Samuel. Discourses on several Important Sub- jects, 8vo cth N.Y. 1798 2231 SEARSON, John. Mount Vernon, a Poem, 8vo calf Phila. 1799 This rural, romantic and descriptive Poem of the seat of so great a character, it is hoped may please — with a copper-plate likeness of the General ; it was taken from an actual view on the spot by the author, 15th May, 1799. Also, a cursory view of Georgetown, City of Washington and the Capitol, (prefacc.l 2232 SEDGWICK, Theodore. A Memoir of the Life of William Livingston, with Extracts from his Correspondence, &c. 8vo cloth N.Y. 1833 2233 SEDGWICK, Catherine M. A New England Talc, and Miscellanies, r2mo N.Y. 1852 2234 SEDGWICK, Miss. Poetical Remains of the late Lucretia Maria Davidson, 12mo cth N.Y. 1851 2235 SELF-RELIANCE, 18mo cth Phila. 1853 2236 SERGEANT, John, Select Speeches of, Pennsylvania, 8vo cloth Phila. 1832 2237 SEWALL, J. M. Miscellaneous Poems, with several Spe- , cimens from the Author's Manuscript Version of the Poems of Ossian, 12mo cth Portsmouth, 1801 108 2238 SEYMOUR, N. Hobart. Evenings with the Romanists, l2mo cth Phila. 1855 2239 SHAKSPEARE. The Works of, the Text regulated by the recently discovered folio of 1632, with a History of the Stage, a Life of the Poet, and Introduction to each Play, by J. Payne Collier, 8 vols 12m() hf mur N.Y. 1853 2240 Notes and Emendations to the Text of Skakspeare's Plays, frcm early MS. Corrrections in a Copy of the Folio, 1(332, in the possession of J. Payne Collier, 12mo hf mor N.Y. 1853 2241 Plays, with his Life, illustrated, edited by Gulian C. Verplanik, 3 vols, royal 8vo cth ' N.Y. 1847 2242 The Works of, by Rev. H. N. Hudson, vols 3, 4, 5, G, and 7, 12m() cth IJost. 1852 2243 Novels. The Youth of Shakspeare — Shakspeare and his Friends, and Secret Passion, 1 vol 8vo N Y. 1853 2244 8vo. N.Y 1853 2245 and Milton. The Sonnets of, 12mo cth Lund. 1830 2246 SHALER, William. Sketches of Algiers, Political, Histori- cal, and Civil, 8vo half mor Bost. 1826 2247 SHADY SIDE, The, or Life in a Country Parsonage, by a Pastor's Wife, 12mo cth Bost. 1853 2248 SHAW, Major Samuel. The Journals of, the first Ameri- can Consul at Canton, with a Life of the Author, by Josiah Quincy, 8vo cth Bost. 1847 2249 SHEW, Joel. The Hydropathic Family Physician, engrav- ings, 12mo shp N.Y. 1854 2250 SHEA, John G. The Catholic Church, in the United States, a Sketch of its Eccclesiastical History, r2mo cth N.Y. 1856 2251 John Gilmary. Discovery of the Mississippi Valley, with the original Narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Menibri, Hennepin, and Anastase Douay, 8vo cth N Y. 1852 2252 History of the Catholic Misssions among the Indian Tribes of the United States, 1529, 185 4, plants, 12mo cloth, N.Y. 1855 2253 . John Augustus, Poems by the late, collected by his Son, 12 mo cth N.Y. 1846 2254 SHARP, Gustavus. The Confessions of an Attorney, to which are added several Papers on English Law and I^aw- yers, by Charles Dickens, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2255 SHENSTONE, Wm., The Peoetical Works of, with Life, Critical Dissertation and Notes, by George Gilfillan, 8vo N.Y. 1854 2256 SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe, The Poetical Works of. Edited by Mrs. Shelley, 4 vols 12mo cth Lond- 1849 2257 Mrs., and others. Lives of the most Eminent French Writers, 2 vols 12mo cth Phila. 1840 2258 SHELTON, F. W. The Rector of St. Bardolphs, or Super- anuated, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2259 Up the River. Illustrations, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 109 2260 S HELTON, F. W. Peeps from a Belfry, or the Parish Sketch Book, 12mo cth " N.Y. 1855 2261 SHEIL, Richard Lalor. Sketches of the Irish Bar, with Memoir and Notes, by R. Shelton Mackenzie, 2 vols 12mo cloth N.Y. 1854 2262 SHEFFIELD, Lord. Observations on the Commerce of the American States. Appendix, 6th edit., index complete, 8vo calf Lend. 1784 The sale of his ("Lord Sheffield's) Observations was diffusive and benofieial, and he |iroves by weight of fact and argument that the mother country may survive and flourish after the Joss of America — Gitibon's Aul ha^. 2263 SHILLABEK, B. P. Rhymes, with Reason and Without, r2mo cth Bost. 1853 2264 SHERMAN, Mrs. Martha. The Pastor's Wife, A Memoir of, by her Husband, tenth thousand, 12mo Lond. 1853 2267 SHOBERL, Frederic. Persecutions of Popery, Svo hf mor N.Y. 1844 2268 SIGOURNEY, Mrs. L. H. Past Meridian, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 2269 The Religious Keepsake. Plates, ]2mo morocco Hartford 2270 SILLIMAN, Benjamin. A Visit to Europe in 1851, 2 vols illus. 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2271 A Visit to Europe by, 2 vols 12mocth N.Y. 1854 2272 Travels from Hartford to Quebec in 1819, 12mo half mor New Haven, 1824 2273 SISMONDI, J. C. L. Simonde De. Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe, translated from the origin- al, with Notes and a Life of the Author, by Th )mas Roscoe, 2ded.2 vols. l2moclth. LoniJ. 1846 2274 SIMMONS, James Wright. The Greek Girl, a tale in two cantos, 12mo ctli Bost. 1852 2275 J. W. The Maniac's Confession, a fragment of a tale, 12mo bds Phila. 1821 2276 SIMMS, W. Gilniore. The Vision of Cortes, Cain and other Poems. 12mo Charleston, 1829 2277 W^m. Gilmore. The Cassique of Accabee, a Tale of Ashley River, with other Pieces, 12mo N.Y. 1849 2278 William Gilmore. Poems, descriptive, dramatic, le- gendary and contemplative. 2vols 12mo. clth N. Y. 1853 2279 W. Gilmore. Maria de Berniere, a tale of the Cres- cent City, 12mo cth Phila. 1853 2280 W. Gilmore. The Foragers, or The Raid of the Dog-Days, 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 2281 William Gilmore. Poems, Descriptive, Dramatic, Legendary, and Contemplative. 2 vols 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2282 SIMON, Barbara Allan. A View of the Human Heart, 12nio N.Y. 1825 110 2283 SINMS, Wm. Gilmore. Works of, i. e. The Partizan Charlemont Confession Eutaw The Foragers Southward Ho! Beaachampe Richard Ilardis Gii_v Rivers Woodcraft Border Beagles The Scout Katharine Walton Millichampe The Yemassee. (15 vols 12mo, cth.) 2284 SIMCOE, J. G. A History of the Operations of a Partizan Cor[)S called the Queen's Rangers, commanded by Lieut. Col. during the War of the American Revolution, with Memoir of the Author, plans. Svo hf mor N.Y. 1854 2285 SIXGER'S Compaiaon, The. Containing a choice collection of popular songs, duetts, glees, catches, ttc, with music, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 2286 SIR ROGER de Coverlv. By the Spectator, 12mo cth Bost. 1852 2287 SLAVE of Passion, The ; or the Fruits of Werter, a novel, ISmo cf Phila. 1802 2288 SMITHSONL\N Institution. Ninth Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the * * * up to January, 1855, and the proceedings up to February 24, 1855, 3 vols. 8vo Wash. 1855 2239 SMALL liooks on Great Subjects, 3 vols. 12mo cloth Phila. 1847 2290 S.MEAD, M. J., and H. P. Lefeverre. Memoirs of Silvio Pellico, or Mv Prisons, translated from the Itilian, Svo half mor ' X.Y. 1844 2291 SMUCKER, Samuel AL The Life of Col. John Charles Fre. niont, and his Narrative of Explorations and Adventures in Kansas, Nebraska, Oregon, and California, the memoirs by, 12 mo cloth N.Y. 1856 2292 SKETCHES of the Campaign in Northern Mexico in 1846-7, by on officer, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1853 2293 SKETCH of Old England (A), by a New England Man, 2 vis in 1, 12mo half mor 2294 Of Cennecticut Fortv Years Since, 12mo half mor Hartford 1824 2295 SKETCHES of United States Senators of the Session of 1837-'S, 18mo cloth Washington 1839 2296 SMFFH, Albert. The Storv of Mont Blanc, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1853 2297 Charles. The American War, fron. 1775 to 178.}, with plans, 8vo sheep N.Y. 1797 2298 Mrs. E. Oakes. Old New York, or Democracy in 1689, a Tragedy in Five Acts, 12mo paper N.Y. 1853 2299 Elizabeth Oakes. The Poetical Writings of, 2nd edition, 24mo N.Y', 1846 2300 Bertha and Lily, or the Personage of Beech Glen, a Romance, 12mo cloth N.Y'. 1854 Ill 2301 SMITH. The Salamander, a Legend for Christmas, found amongst papers of the late Ernest Helfenstein, edited by, 12 mo cidth N.Y/i848 2302 Francis Gurney. The Microscope and its lievela- tions, by Wm. Carpenter, 8vo cth Phila. ] 856 2303 Mrs. E. Vale. History of Newburyport, from the earliest settlement of the country to the present time, with a Biographical Appendix, 8vo cth Newburyport, 1854 2304 Edmond Heuel. The Araucanians, or Notes of a Tour among the Indian Tribes of Southern Chili, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 2305 Ethan. Key to the Revelation, in Thirty-six Lec- tures, 12mo cth N.Y. 1833 2306 E. Peshine. A Manual of Political Economy, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1853 2307 SMYTH, George Lewis. Biographical Illustrations of West- minster Abbey, 8vo cth Lond. 1843 2308 SMITH, Hinton C. Sermons preached in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Plymouth, 12mo cth Lond. 1844 2309 Horace and James. Rejected Addresses, or The New Theatrum Poetarum, 12mo cth Bost. 1851 2310 Horace, The Poetical Works of, 2 vols 12mo cth Lond. 1846 2311 John. Fruits and Farinacea, the Proper Food of Man ; being an attempt to prove that the best Diet of Man is derived from the Vegetable Kingdom. Notes and Illustra- tions. From the London 2d edition, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 2312 John Jay. Letters of Dr. Kichard Hill, and his Chil- dren, or the History of a Family as told by themselves, col- lected and arranged by, plates 8vo cth Phila. 1854 2313 John Pye. The Relation between the Holy Scrip- tures and some parts of Geological Science, 5th edit, with a Sketch of the Literary Life of the Author, by John Hamilton Davies, l2mo cth Lond. 1852 2314 Margaret, Leaves from the Journal of, in the Provinca of the Massachusetts Bay, 1678-9, 12mo cth Bost. 1849 2315 S. Louisa P. Poems, 12mo bds Providence, 1829 2316 Poems, 12mo hf calf Providence, 1829 2317 R. A. Smith's Illustrated Guide to and through Lau- rel Hill Cemetery, with a Historical Sketch of the Cemete- ries of Philadelphia, and a Tour up the Schuylkill, 8vo cth Phila. 1852 2318 SMITH, Rev. Sydney. Wit and Wisdom of, being selections from his Writings and passages of his letters and table-talk, with a bioora[)hical memoir and notes, by Evart A. Duyckinck, Portrait, 12mo cth N.V. 1856 2319 Sydney. The Modern Brittish Essayest, 8vo cth Phila. 1846 2320 Seba. New Elements of Geometry, 8vo cth N.Y. 1850 112 2321 SMITH Seba. Way down East, or Portraitures of Yankee Lile, 12mo N.Y. 1854 2322 Samuel Stanhope. Sermons of, with a Memoir of his Life and Writings, 2 vols 8vo hf mor Phila. 1821 2323 Samuel Stanhope. Sermons, 8vo calf Newark, (N. J.) 1799 2324 Samuel Stanhope. An Essay on the causes of the va- riety of Complexion and Figure in the human species, ap. 2d ed. 8vo cf New Brunswick, 1810 2325 Samuel J. Miscellaneous Writings of the late, 8vo Phila. 1836 2326 Thomas. The Unity of the Human Races proved to be the Doctrine of Scripture, Reason and Science, with a re- view of the present position and theory of Prof. Agassiz, 12mo cth Edinburgh, 1851 2327 -■ Wm. A History of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman Conquest, with supplementary chapters on the his- tory of Literature and Art, revised, with an appendix, by Geo. W. Greene. Illustrated by 100 engravings on wood, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 2328 Wm. History of New York from its discovery to the appointment of Governor Colden in 1762, 2vol»8vo hf mor. NY. 1829 2329 Rev. Wm. The Reasonableness of setting forth the most worthy praise of Almighty God. r2mo, bds N.Y. 1814 2330 William. The Works of, 2vols, 8vo, bds Phila. 1803 233: William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biogra- \)hv and Mythology, edited by, illustrated, 3vuls 8vo cth Loud. 1844-9 2332 William. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Anti- quities, illustrated, 3d American edition, containing additional articles relative to Botany, Miiierology, and Zoology ol the Ancients, by Charles Anthon, 4to N.Y. 1845 2333 Captain John. History of Virginia, 2 vols. 8vo calf Richmond 1819 2334 Sam'l J. Poems and Miscellaneous Writings of, 8vo clcth Phila 1836 2335 .ludge. Life of the, by John H. Morrison, 12mo clntl, " Post 1845 23j6 SMI I'llSONIAN Reports, Eighth and Ninth Annual, 2 vcls. 8v() cloth Washington 1854 2.J37 SMUCKER, S. S. Lutheran Manual on Scriptural Princi- ples. 12mo cloth Phila. 1855 2338 SINNER'S Friend (The), ISmo cloth N.Y. 1843 2339 SOUTH RY, Robt. Select Works of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Johnson, with Biographical Sketches, 8vo cloth Lond. 1831 2340 Complete Poetical Works of, collected by himself, new edition, illustrated, 8vo full mor N.Y. 1846 113 5341 SOUTHEYj The Life and Correspondence of, edit, by his son, Chas. Cuthbert Southey, 8vo half calf N.Y. 1851 2342 '^ The Doctor, &c., edited by his son-in-lavr, John Wood Warter, new edition, complete in 1 vol. 8vo cloth Lond. 1849 2343 SOUTHARD, Samuel L. Argument of, in the Case of Stacy Decow and Joseph Hendrickson. vs. Thomas L. Shotwell, delivered at Trenton, N.Jersey, in Aug. 1833, 8vo Phila. 1834 2344 Argument of, in the Case of Stacy Decow and Joseph Hendrickson, vs. Thos. Shotwell, at Trenton, N. J., in 1833, 2 vols. 8vo bds Phila. 1834 2345 SOULT, Marshal. Extracts from the Jourual of, addressed to a Friend. How obtained, and by whom translated, is not a subject of inquiry, 12mo calf Newburyport 1817 2346 SONG Leaves from the Book of Life and Nature, by an Ameri- can, 12mo clolh ' N.Y. 1852 2347 Songs of the Press and other Poems, relative to the art of Printing * * notes, die, 12mo cloth Lond. 1845 2348 SOUTHWORTH, Emma D. E. The Discarded Daughter, or The Children of the Isle, 12mo cloth Phila. 1852 2349 The Curse of Clifton, 12mo cloth Phila. 1853 2350 Old Neighborhoods and New Settlements, or Christ- mas Evening Legends, 12mo cloth Phila. 1853 2351 The Wife's Victory, and other Nouvellettes, 12mo cth 2352 SOUTH AVEST, The. By a Yankee, 12mo bds 2353 SOUTH America. Strictures on a Voyage to. as inedited by the " Secretary of the late Mission" to La Platte, and on the importance of Friendly Relations with the independent States of South America, in a series of letters, by a Iriend of Truth and Sound Policy. 8vo Baltimore, 1820 2354 SPARKS, Jared. The Life of Governeur Morris, with selec- tions from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous papers, 3 vols 8vo, bds Bost. 1832 2355 Jared. The Life of John Ledyard, the American Traveller, 8vo hf nior Cambridge, 1828 2356 Jared. The Works of Benjamin Franklin, with notes and a Life of the Author, 1 vols royal 8vo, cth Bost. 1 840 2358 — The same. 2 vols missing, 8vo Bost. 1836-9 2359 Jared. Correspondence of the American Revolution, being letters of eminent men to George Washington, irom the time of his taking Command of the Army to tne end of his Presidency, edited by, 4 vols 8vo cth Bost. 1853 2361 Jared. Library of American Biography, 1st series 10 vols 12mo cth * N.Y. 1839 2362 * Jared Library of American Biography, new series, 14 vols 12mo, cth Bost. 1844 2363 . The Writings of Washington, with a Life of the Au- thor, Notes and Illustrations, 12 vols 8vo calf Bost. 1839 2364 An Inquiry into the Comparative Moral Tendency of Trinitarian and Unitarian Doctrines, 8vo half morocco Bost. 1823 15 114 2365 SPAKKS, Jared. The Diplomatic Correspondence ofthe Amer- ican Revolution, being the letters of Franklin, Dean, Adams, Jay, Arthur, and Mr. Lee, Ralph Izard, Francis Dana, Henry and John Laurens, M. Dumas and others, concerning the Foreign Relations ofthe United States, during the vhole Re- volution, together with the letters in reply from the Secret Committee of Congress, A:c., 12 vols 8vo bds, uncut copy Best. 1829 This iaa Work of great importance for Listorv of the Revolution ; it is a stora house of new materials, if it does not bring forth many positively new results, it discloses new details and furnishes new illustrations of points before known onlv in the general. !Xo library of American historv can dispense with it; no American Statesman can creditably remain ignor- ant of its contents. It is a great and important work, long called for and wanted, and at last ably prepared for the Public. — North Am. Review. 2366 Jared. The Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, from 1783 to 1789. 7 >ols, 8vo, sheep Washington, 1833 2366*SPENSER, Edmund, The Poetical "Works of, 5 vols 12mo cloth Bost. 1855 2366tSPHlXX, Jncruenta, or Two Hundred and TAvelve Original Enigmas and Charades, 12mo cth Edinburgh, 1835 2367 SPEECHES on the Passage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians, delivered in the Congress ofthe U. S., April and Mav, 1830, 12mo bds Bost. 1830 2£63 SPRAGUE, A. W. The Elements of Natural Philosophy, copiously Illustrated by Familiar Experiments, engravings, 12mo cth Bost. 1856 2369 ■ T. Dwight. The American Literary Magazine, 1st vol 8vo mor Albany, 1847 2370 Wm. B. Annals of the American Pulpit, or Com- memorative Notices of Distinguished American Clergymen of various denominations, 2 vols 8vo cth N.Y. 1857 2371 Charles, The Poetical and Prose Writings of, new edit. r2mo cth Bost. 1850 2372 SPIRIT ofthe Pilgrims, The, from 1828 to 1832, 5 vols 8vo, cloth Bost. 1828-32 2373 SPIRIT of Punch, The, 2 vols. Vol. 1 containing A Bowl of '• Punch," or Selections from the London Charivari. Yol. 2, The Physiology of the London Medical Student, and Cu- riosities of Medical Experience, bv " Punch." Both Illus- trated, 12mo hf calf ' Phila. 1844 2374 SPIRITUAL Visitors, bv the author of " Musings of an In- valid," &c. 12mo cth ' N.Y. 1854 2375 SPENCER, Ambrose, Memorial of, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ofthe State of New York, 8vo cth Albanv, 1849 2376 H. Ladd. Poems, 12mo bds Bos't. 1850 2377 SPURGEON, C. H., of London. His Sermons, with an In- troduction and Sketch of His Life, by E. L. !Magoon, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1856 115 2378 SPIER, A. Spier's and Surenne's French and English Pronouncing Dictionary, revised and enlarged, by G. P. Quackenbos, 8vo N.Y. 1852 2379 SPRING, Gardiner. The Attraction of the Cross, designed to Illustrate the Leading Truths, Obligations and Hopes of Christianity, 9th edit. 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 2380 — The Mercy Seat ; Thoughts Suggested by the Lord's Prayer, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 2381 —The Power of the Pulpit, or Thoughts Addressed to Christian Ministers, and those who hear them, 12mocth N.Y. 1854 2382 Short Sermons for the People, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 2383 First Things. A Series of Lectures on the Great Facts and Moral Lessons first revealed to Mankind, 2 vols 4th edition, 12mocth N.Y. 1855 2384 The Glory of Christ, illustrated, in his Character and History, including the Last Things of his Mediatorial Govern- ment, 2 vols 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 2385 Memoirs of the Rev. Samuel J. Mills, 8vo boards, N.Y. 1820 2386 The Memoirs of the lato Hannah L. Murray, 8vo cth N.Y. 1849 2387 The Obligations of the World to the Bible, a Series of Lectures to Young Men, a new edition, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 2388 The First Woman, 18mo N.Y. 1852 2389 Giafar al Barmeki, a Tale of the Court of Haroun Al Karchid, 2 vols in 1, 12mo cth N.Y. 1836 2390 STATESMAN'S. The Manual, vols 1 and 2, from Washing- ton to Polk's Administration, 2 vols'Svo cth N.Y. 1S40 2391 STOWE, Harriet Beecher. Dred, a Tale of the Great Dis- mal Swamp, 2 vols 12mo cth Bost. 1856 2392 Mrsi Harriet Beecher. Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, illustrated, 2 vols 12ino cth Bost. 1854 2393 STOW, Baron. A Discourse delivered at the One Hundreth Anniversary of the Organization of the Baldwin Place Bap- tist Church, July 27th, 1843, appendix, 18mo cloth, Bost. 1843 2394 STERLING, John Strafford. A Tragedy, 12mo hf mor Lond 1843 2395 John. The Poetical Work of, fifth American edition 12mo cth Phila. 1842 2395* The Same, 12mo mor Phla. 1842 2396 William. The Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles the Fifth, 2d ed. 12ino cth Bost. 1853 2397 STORY, Joseph. The Miscellaneous Writings of, edited by his Son, William W. Story, 8vo Bost. 18 52 2398 Life and Letters of, edited by his Son, 2 vols 8vo cth Bost. 185 1 2398* Joseph. The Power of Solitude, a Poem, in two parts, a new and revised edition, ISmo Salem, 1804 116 3399 .STORY, William W. Poems, by, 12mo cth Bost. 1856 2400 STILLING, Ileinrich. Theobald, or The Fanatic, a Trne History, from the German of, translated by Samuel Schaeffer, 12mo cloth, Phila. 1846 2401 STILLING, Henrick. The Autobiography of, 8vo half mor. N.Y. 1844 2402 Huislijk. Leven, 12mo Arnhem 1800 2403 STONE, William L. Uncas and Miantonomah, a Historical Discourse delivered at Norwich, (Conn) on the 4th of July, 1842, on the occasion of erecting a monument to the memory of Uncas, 3 8mo cloth N.Y. 1842 2404 The Poetry and History of Wyoming, from its discov- ery to the beginning of the present century, 12mo N.Y. 1844 2405 STONE, Mrs. Chronicles of Fashion from the time of Eliza- beth to the early part of the 19ih centurr, in manners, amuse- ments, banquets, costumes &c., 2 vols, plates, 8vo cloth Lond 1845 2406 STONE, John S. A Memoir of the Life of James Milnor, D. 1)., 8vo cloth N.Y. 1848 2407 STRICKLAND, Agnes. The Queens of England, a series of Portraits of distinguished Fem ile Sovereigns, with Biogra- phical and Historical Sketches by, 1 vol. 4to full morocco, N.Y. 1851 2408 STEWART, F. Campbell. The Hospitals and Surgeons of Paris, 8v'() cloth N.Y. 1843 2409 STEWART, C. S. A Visit to the South Seaa in 1829-'30, 2 vols. 12mo cloth N.Y. 1833 2410 Brazil and La Plata, the Personal Record of a ^Jruise, l2mo. cloth N.Y. 1856 2411 Sketches of Society in Great Britain and Ireland, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo half morocco Phila. 1835 2412 STOEVER, D. H. The Life of Sir Charles Linnaeus, with a list of his Works, and a Sketch of the Life of his Son, translated from the original German, by Joseph Trapp, 4to half morocco Lond. 1794 2413 STREE i\ Alfred B. The Burning of Schenectady and other Poems, 12mo boards Albany 1842 2414 ST. Clair, Major-Gen. A Narrative of the manner in which the Campaign against the Indians in 1791, was conducted under the command of, 8vo half morocco Phila. 1812 2415 STANLEY, Harvey. Pilate and Herod, a Tale Illustrative of the early History of the Church of England in Maryland, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo cloth Philr 2416 STANLEY^ Arthur Penrhyn. Sinai and Palestine, in connec- tion with their History, maps and plans, 8vo cloth N.Y. 1857 2416* STORIES of Waterloo, l2ino cloth Lond. 1850 2417 ST. John, J. Hector. Letters from an American Farmer on the People of North America, 12mo sheep Phila. 1793 2418 ST. John, Bayle. Purple Tints of Paris, Characters and Man- ners in the New Empire, 2 vols, in 1, ]2mo cth N.Y. 1854 117 2419 ST JOHN. Adventures in the Lybian Desert, and the Oasis of Jupiter Arnmon, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1849 2420 View Life in Egypt, with Sketches of the Said, 2 vis, 12mo cloth Bust. 1S53 2421 STODDARD, Amos. Sketches Historical and Descriptive of Louisiana, 8vo boards Phila. 1812 2422 STODART, M. A. Female Writers ; Thoughts on their Proper Sphere, and on their Powers of Usefuhiess, 12mo cth Lond. 1842 2423 STODDARD, Richard Henry. Poems, 12mo cloth Bost. 1852 2424 STAGG, Edward. Thoughts and Feelings in Verse, 18mo boards N.Y. 1847 2425 STANLEY, Harvey. Pilate and Herod. A Tale illustra- tive of the Early History of the Church of England in the Province of Maryland, 2 vols 12mo cth Phila. 1853 2426 STYLES, John. The Life of David Brainerd, with an Abridgment of his Diary and Journal. From President Ed- wards, 2d Am. edit. 12mo shp Bost. 1821 2427 STEPHENS, Mrs. Ann S. The Portland Sketch Book, 12mo cth Portland, 1836 2428 STUDIES in Religion, 18mo cth N.Y. 1845 2429 STEPHENS, Mrs. H. Marion. Hagar, the Martyr, or Pas- sion and Reality, a Tale of the North and South, 12mo cth Bost. 1855 2430 STEVENS, Wm. Bacon, History of Georgia, from the first discovery, 1798, 1st vol 8vo cth N.Y. 1847 2431 A. Memorials of the Introduction of Methodism into the Eastern States, 8vo cth gilt Bost. 1848 2432 STREET, Alfred B. Frontenac, or the Atotarha of the Iro- quois, a Metrical Romance, from Bentley's London edition, 12mo cth N.Y. 1849 2433 The Poems of. Complete edition, 12mo cth gilt N.Y. 1847 2434 STEDMAN, 0. The History of the Origin, Progress and Termination of the American War, 2 vols 8vo sheep Dublin, 1794 2435 STARK, Maj. Gen. John. Reminiscences of the French War, containing Rogers' Expeditions, 12mo bds Concord, N. H. 1831 2436 STERNE, Lawrence, The Works of, with a Life of the Au- thor, by himself, 8vo cth Lond. 1851 2437 STEBBING, H. History of the Great Plague, 48mo cloth London, 1839 2438 Sacred Poetry, consisting of Selections from the Works of the most admired writers, 24mo cth Lond. 1832 2439 STROTHER, J. Hunt. The Golden Calf, or the Almighty Dollar. A Satire, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 2440 STRANGFORD, Lord Viscount. Poems from the Portu- guese of Luis de Camoens, 18mo cth Lond. 1824 118 2441 STATE of Man Subsequent to the Promulgation of Chris- tianity, ]2mo cth Lond.1851 2442 STILLMAN, George A., Life, Real. A Poem, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 2443 SUMXER, Charles. Recent Speeches and Addresses, 12mo cloth Bost. 1856 2443* Orations and Speeches, 2 vols 12mo cth Bost. 1850 2444 SUMiNER, Charles. White Slavery in the Barbary States, 12mo cth Bost. 1853 2445 SUREXNE, Gabriel. The New French Manuel and Tra- vellers Companion, r2ino N.Y. 1852 2446 SUMMER Month, A, or Recollections of a Visit to the Falls of Niagara, and the Lakes, 12inohf mor Phila. 1823 2447 SULLIVAN, John T. S. Alamontade or the Galley Slave, 12ino cth Phlla. 1845 2448 William. The Public Men of the Revolution, includ- ing events Irom the Peace of 1783, to the Peace of 1815, in a Series of Letters, Biographical Sketch of the Author, and Notes, &c., by his Son, John T. S. Sullivan, 8vo hf mor Phila. 1847 2449 SWAIN, Charles. Dramatic Chapters, Poems, and Songs, 8vocth gilt ' Lond. 1849 2450 SUPERNATURALISM of New England, 12mo cloth Lond. 1847 2451 SWAIN, Charles. English Melodies, 12mo cth Lond. 1849 2452 The }.Iind, and other Poems, plates, 8vo cloth Lond. 1861 2453 SWIFT, Dean. Gulliver's Travels into several remote Na- tions of the World, in 4 parts, with Life of the Author, by Rev. John Mitford. and Notes by W. C. Taylor, !2mo cluth N.Y. 1856 2454 SWITZERLAND, Shetches in. By an American, 2 vols 12mo cth Phlla. 1836 2455 Same, Part Second, 2 vols ]2mo Phila. 1836 2456 TADEUSKUx\D, The Last King of the Lenape, an Histori- cal Tale, 12mo hf mor Bost. 1825 2457 TAGGART, Cynthia. Poems, by, 2d ed. 12mo cloth Cambridge, 1834 , 2458 The Same, 12mo cth N.Y. 1848' 2459 TALFOURD, T. N. Tragedies, to which are added, a few Sonnets and Verses, 18mo hf mor Lond. 1844 2460 T. Noon. Critical and Miscellaneous Writings, 3d American edition, 8vo cth Bost. 1854 2461 TALVl The Exiles, a Tale, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2462 Heloise, or the Unrevealed Secret, a Tale, r2mo cth N.Y. 1850 2463 Woodhill, or the Ways of Providence, 12mo cloth 2464 Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Sclavic Nations, with a Sketch of their Popular Poetry, and with a preface by Edward Robinson, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1850 119 2465 TALMON. Thrace. Edith Hale, a Village Story, ]2mo cloth Bost. 1856 2466 TALBOT, Guillaume H. Philosophy of French Pronuncia- tion, or Pronunciation in Twenty Four Rules. 12mo half mor N.Y. 1854 2467 TALBOT, Silas. An Hi?torical Sketch to the end of the Revolutionary War, of the Life of, 12ino boards N.Y. 1803 2468 TAPPAN, \Vm. B. Sacred and Miscellaneous Poems, r2mo cloth Bost. 1847 2469 The Sunday School and other Poems, i'2mo cloth Bost. 1848 2470 TAPPAN, Henry P. The Doctrine of the Will, determined bv an Appeal to Consciousness, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1840 2471 TAYLOR. John. Arator. being a series of Agricultural Essays Practical and Political, in 61 numbers, 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, Tinio half calf Georgetown (Columbia) 1814 2472 New Views of the Constitution of the United States, 8vo sheep Washington City 1823 2473 TAYLOR, Bayard. A Book of Romances, Lyrics, and Songs, r2mo cloth Bost. 1852 2474 Poems of the Orient, 12mo cloth Bost. 1855 2475 Eldorado, or Adventures in the Path of Empire, illus., 2 vols. 12mo cloth M.Y. 1850 2476 Cyclopaedia of Modtrii Travel, a Record of Adventures, Exploration, and Discovery for the past lifty years, maps and engravings, 8vo half morocco Cincinnati 1856 2477 A Visit to India, China, and Japan, in the year 1853, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1855 2478 Bayard. Views a-Foot ; or Europe seen with knap- sack and staif, preface by N. P. Willis, I2th ed. 1 vol 12mohf cf N.Y. 1851 2479 Bayard. Rhymes of Travel, Ballads and Poems, 12mo gt edges N.Y. 1849 2480 Bayard. A Journey to Central Africa ; or Life and Landscapes from Egypt to the Negro Kingdoms of the White Nile. Map and illustrations. Tenth edition, l2mo cth N.Y. 1854 2481 James Bayard. Ximena, oi the Battle of Sierra Mo- rena, and other Poems, 12mo bds. Phila. 1844 2482 The same. 12mo bds Phila. 1844 2483 Benj. F. January and June, being out-door Think- ings and Fireside Musings. Illustrated. 12m© cth N.Y. 1854 2484 Isaac. Elements of Thoughts, or concise explana- tions of the principal terms employed in the branches of In- tellectual Philosoj.hy, 2d American edition, 12mo cth N.Y. 1851 2485 Bayard. The Lands of the Saracens, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 2488 TALLEYRAND, Prince. Talleyrand, 12mo cth N.Y. 1827 120 2487 TANNliHlLL, Wilkins. Sketches of the History of Litera- ture. 8vo cf Nashville, 1827 2488 TAYLOR, S. W. The Storming of Quebec, a Poem in three contos. and Miscellaneous Pieces, ISmo mor. Phila. 1829 2489 TCHUYKEVlTCH,Col. Reflections on the War of 1812 with tables, showing the numerical force of the enemy, and the losses he sustained in the subsequent battles and actions, from the commencement till the 1st January, 1813, translated from the Russian by Mr Eustaphieve, Svo, Bost. 1813 2490 TENNYSON, Alfred. Maud and other Poems, l2mo cth Bost. 1855 2491 The Princess, 12mo cth Bost. 1848 2491* In Memoriam, 12mocth Bost. 1850 2492 Alfred. Poems of 2 vols in 1, r2mo hf mor Bost. 1847 2493 TENNENT, Wm. Life of, an account of his being three days in a Trance, and apparently Lifeless. 16mo Hartford, 1843 2494 THACKERAY, W. M. Jeames's Diary, a Legend of the Rhine, and Rebecca and Rowena, 12mo cth 2495 THATCHER, B. B. Indian Biography, 2 vols 18mo cth N.Y. 1845 2496 THACHER, James. A Military Journal during the Ameri- can Revolutionary War, from 1775 to 1773, appendix contain- ing Biographical Sketches, 2d edition, Svo hf mor Bost. 1829 2497 THALATTA. A Book for the Sea-Side. 12mo Bost. 1853 2498 The same. 12mo Bost. 1853 2499 THEMMEN, Wilhelmus. De Geestelyke Dag-VVoek-en Jaar Merkt, ran de opperste Wysheit, 12mo Utrecht, 1741 2500 THIERS, M. A. The History of the French Revolution. Trans, from the last Paris edition, with Notes, 8vo Lond. 2501 — - The History of the Consulate and the Empire of Na- poleon, forming a Sequel to " The History of the French Revolution." Translated from the last Paris edition, with Notes, Svo Lond. 1850 2502 THIERRY, M. Augustin. The Historical Essays, and Nar- ratives of the Merovingian Era, or Scenes of the Sixth Cen- tury, Preface, Svo cth Phila. 1845 2503 THE Protestant Herald and Anti-Catholic Review, Svo bds Lond. 1830 2504 Pioneer, Svo hf mor N.Y. 2505 Bells, a Collection of Chimes, by T. B. A. 12mo cloth N.Y. 1855 2506 Baked Head, and othe Tales, 12mo N.Y. 1856 2507 Harbinger, a May *jift, 12mo cth Bost. 1833 2508 Revelation of Nature, ISmo bds N.Y. 2509 Angel in the House, 12mo cth Bost. 1856 2510 — Enchanted Lake of the Fairy Morgana, Svo bds N.Y. 1806 121 2511 THE Restoration of Belief, 12mo cth Phila. 1853 2512 Apocatastasis, or Progress Backwards, 8vo cth Burlington, 1854 2513 Dove and the Eagle, 12mo bds Bost. 1851 2514 " Eclipse of Faith," A Defence of, by its Author, be- ing a Rejoinder to Prof. Norman's " Reply." Also, the " Reply" to "The Eclipse of Faith," by Francis Wm. New- man, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 2515 Escaped Nun, or Disclosures of Convent Life, and the Confessions of a Sister of Charity, 12mocth N.Y. 2516 THE Rights of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America, being an Answer to the Declaration of the General Congress, the iOth edition, to which is now added, a further refutation of Dr. Price's state of the National Debt, Svo cloth Lond. 177t) This celebrated performance is said to have been written, printed, and liberally distributed both in Great Britain and America, at the instance and ex- pense of the Government, but whether this be true or not, the work itself we are afraid, will answer no other purpose than to exasperate the People of Great Britain, against their brethren of America, and by in- flaming misrepresentations and invectives, aggravate the evils of our present civil discord. — Monthly Review. 2517 THE Hdls of the Shatemuc, by the Author of" The Wide, VViile World," J2mo cth N.Y. 1846 2518 THE Law and the Testimony, by the Author of " The Wide, Wide World," Svo cth N.Y. 1853 2519 THK PLAiNTER, or Thirteen Years in the South, by a Northern Man, 12mo cth Phila. 1815 2520 The Three Questions. What am I ? Whence Came I 1 Whither do I Go? 12mocth Phila. 2521 THE Watchman, by J. A. iM., 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 2522 THE Wife of Leon, and other Poems, by Two Sisters of the West, 12mo bds • N.Y. 1844 2523 THOMPSON, Waddy. Recollections of Mexico, 12mo cloth 2524 Zadoc. History of Vermont, Natural, Civil, and Statistical, in three parts, with Map and engravings, 8vo sheep Burlington, 1842 2525 Benjamin, F. The History of Long Island, from its Discovery and Settlement, to the present time, 2 vols 2d ed. Svo cth NY. 1843 2526 Charles West. The Love of Home, and other Poems, 12mobds Phila. 1S45 2527 The Sylph, and other Poems, 18mo bds Phila. 1828 2528 James. The Poetical Works of, with Notes, by Geo. Gimilan, Svo cth N.Y. 1854 2529 THOMAS, Caroline. Farmingdale, 12mo cth NY. 1854 2530 H .S. Reminiscences of the last Sixty Five Years, com- mencing with the Battle of Lexington, 2 vols. 12mo cloth Hartford 1840 16 122 2531 THOMAS, F. W. The Beechen Free, a Tale told in Rhyme, ]2mo cloth N.Y. 1844 2532 John Randolph, of Roanoke, and otiier Sketches of Character, including William Wirt, together with Tales of Real Life, 12mo cloth Phila. 1853 2533 THOMAS, Isaiah. The History of Printing in America, with a Biography of Printers, and an account of Newspapers, 2 vis. 8vo half morocco Worcester 181 2534 THRASHER, J. S. The Island of Cuba, by Alex. Humboldt, with notes by, 12mo cloth ' N.Y 1856 2535 THORPE, T. B. The Hive of the " Bee Hunter," a Reposi- tory of Sketches, illustrated, 12m() cloth N.Y. 1854 2536 THOUGHTS on Instinctive Impulses, 8vo half morocco Phila. 1810 2537 THOREAU, Henry D. A Week on the Concord and Merri- mack Rivers, 12mo cloth Bost. 1849 2538 THORNTON. John Wingate. The Landing at Cape Anne, or the Charter of the Frst Colony on the Territory of th» Massachusetts Company, 8vo clnth Bo^t. 1854 2539 THORNTON, Henry. An Inquiry into the Nature and Ef- fects ol the Paper Credit of Great Britain, 8vo half calf Phila. 1807 2540 THREE Experiments of Living, 18mo cloth Bost. 1837 2541 TICKNOR, George. History of Spanish Literature, 3 vols. 8vocljth N.Y. 1849 2542 TITMARSH, M. A. Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo, by way of Lisbon, Athens, Constantinople, and Jerusalem, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1806 2543 TIZZARD, Samuel. The New Athenian Oracle, or Ladies' Companion, in 2 books, 8vo sheep Carlisle 1806 2544 TODD, Mrs. Susan Hill. Occasional Poems, a New-Year's Offering, 12mo cloth Bost. 1851 2545 TOMES, Robert. Panama m 1855, an account of the Pana- ma Rail Road, of the cities of Panama and Aspinwall, with Sketches of Life and Character on the Isthmus, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 2546 TOOTHACHE, The. Imagined by Horace Mayhew and Realized by George Cruikshank, an illustrated sheet, bound, 18mobds. ' Phila. 2547 TOUCH at the Times, A. 12mohfmor Portland, 1840 2548 TRACY, Count Destall. A Treatise on Political Economy, 8vo Georgetown, D. C, 1817 2549 E. C. Memoir of the f^ife of Jeremiah Evarts, 8vo cth Bost. 1845 2550 TRANSACTIONS of the American Medical Association, 2 vols 8vo cth Phila. 1848-9 2551 of the New York State Agricultural Society, 8vo cth 1852 2552 TREGELLES, S. P. The lansenists, their rise, persecutions by the Jesuits, and existing remnant. A Chapter in Church History, 12mo cth Lond. 1851 123 2553 TREMENHERE, Hugh Seymour. Notes on Public Subjects, made during a Tour in the U. S. and Canada, 12mo cth Lend. 1852 2554 TRENCH, Richard Chenevix. On the Lessons in Proverbs, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2555 Chenevix. Hulseian Lectures, 12mo cloth Phiia. 1851 2556 Richard Chenevix. English, Past and Present, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 2557 Calderon, his Life and Genius, with specimens of his Plays, 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 2558 On the Study of Words, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2559 Synonyms of the New Testament, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 2560 Richard Chenevix. Poems, 12mo N.Y. 1856 2561 The same. 12mo N.Y. 1856 2562 R. C. Sermons, 12mo cth N.Y. 1857 2563 TRUMBULL, Benjamin. History of the United States from 1492 to 1792, vol 1, 8vo cf Boston, 1810 2564 History of Connecticut from 1630 to 1713, vol I 8vo calf Hartford, 1797 2565 J. Hammond. The Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut prior to the Union with the New Haven Colony, May, 1665, Notes and Appendix, 8vo cth Hartford, 1850 2566 Henry. History of the Discovery of America, plates, 8vo bds ' ' Post. 1833 2567 Autobiography, Reminiscences and Letters of His Own Times, from 1756 to 1841, 8vo clth N.Y. 1841 2568 John. The Poetical Works of, 2 vols 8vo Hartford, 1820 2569 TRUBNER'S Bibliographical Guide to American Literature, being a Classical List of Books in all departments of Litera- ture and Science published in the United States of America during the last forty years, with an Introduction, Notes, three Appendices, and an Index, 12mo cth Lond. 1855 2570 TRACTS of the Baptist Tract Society, 5th vol 12mo shp Phila. 2571 TRENTON Falls, Illustrated, 18mo cth N.Y. 1851 2572 TRAITS of American Humor, 3 vols 12mo cth Lond. 1852 2573 TSCHUDI, J. J. Von. Travels in Peru during 1838-42. Trans, from the German, by Thomasina Ross, new ed. com- plete in 1 vol ]2mo cth N.Y. 1849 2574 TUCKERMAN, Henry T. Artist Life, or Sketches of Ame- rican Painters, 12mo cth N.Y. 1847 2575 Thoughts on the Poets, 3d ed. 12mo cth N.Y. 1848 2576 A Month in England, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2577 Sicily, a Pilgrimage, 12mo cth N.Y. 1852 2578 The Italian Sketch Book, 12mo cth 3d ed. revised and enlarged N.Y. 1848 2579 Mental Portraits, or Studies of Character, 12nio cloth Lond. 1853 2580 TUCKERMAN. A Memorial to Horatio Greenough, consist- ing of a Memoir, Selections from his Writings, and Tri- butes to his Genius, r2mo N.Y. 1853 2581 The Optimist, 8vo cth N.Y. 1830 2582 Characteristics of Literature, Illustrated by the Genius of Distinguished Men, r2mo cth Phila. 1849 2583 Same, 2d series, 12mo cth Phila. 1851 2584 Rambles and Reveries, 12mo hf mor N.Y. 1841 2585 Isabel, or Sicily, a Pilgrimage, hf mor Phila. 1839 2586 The Italian Sketch Book, 2d ed. enlarged, 12mo hf mor Best. 1837 2587 Poems, 12mo cth Bost. 1851 2588 The Life of Silas Talbot, a Commodore in the Navy of the U. S. 12mo cth N.Y. 1850 2589 TUCKER, . Essays on various Subjects of Taste, Mo- rals, and National Policy, by a Citizen of Virginia, 8vo bds Georgetown, D. C. 1822 2590 George. The History of the United States, vol. 1, 8vo cloth Phila. 1856 2591 The Life of Thos. Jefferson, 2 vols. 8vo half calf Lond. 1837 2592 Balcombe, a Novel, 2 vols, in one, 12mo half morocco N.Y. 1836 2593 TUDOR, Wm. Letters on the Eastern State, 2nd edition, 8vo sheep Bost. 1821 2594 The Life of James Otis, with Notices of some contem- porary characters aid events, from 1760 to 1775, 8vo half morocco Bost. 1823 2595 TVVEEDlE, W. H. Calvin and Servetiis ; the Reformers share in the Trial of Michael Servetus historically ascertained, from the French, with notes and additions, 12nio cloth Edinburgh 1846 2596 Glad Tidings, or the Gospel of Peace, a series of daily meditations for Christian Disciples, r2mo cloth, Bost. 1854 2597 TURNBULL, Robert. Christtan History, or the Central Power among Men. 12mo cloth Bost. 1854 2598 TURNER, D., and Abraham Moore, Binder in prose and verse, by, 12mo cloth Lond. 1852 2599 G. Traits of Indian Character, 12ino half morocco Phila. 1836 2600 Samuel H. Biowrapliical Notices of some of the most distinguished Jewish Rabbies and Translators oi' portions of their Commentaries and other Works, with illustrative In- troduction and notes, r2mo cloth N.Y. 1847 2601 TWISS, Travers. View of the Proo-ress of Political Econo- my in Europe since the 16th Century. A Course of Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford, in 1847, 8vo cloth L(md. 1847 2602 TYSON, Job. R. The Lottery System, in the United States, 3rd edition, 12mo cloth Phila. 1837 125 2603 U. S. Review and Literary Gazette (The), from Oct. 1826 to Sept. 1827, 2 vols. 8vo sheep N.Y. 1827 2604 Magazine and Democratic Review, vols. 1, 18, (IS vis) portraits, Washington 1836-'46 2600*UPDIKE, Wiliiins. Memoirs of the Rhode Island Bar, 12mo cloth Bost. 1842 2601* UP-Country Letters, edited by Professor B , National Observatory. 12 mo cloth N.Y. 1852 2602* UPHAM, Thos, C. American Sketches, 16mo N.Y. 1819 2603* A Treatise on Divine Union, 12m ocl oth Bost. 1751 2604* Chas. W. Lectures on Witchcraft, comprising a History of the Delusion in Salem in 1692, 12mo boards Bost. 1831 2605 VALCONSEIL, Alphonse du. Revue Analytique et Crit- ique des Romans Contemporains, 8vo paper Paris, 1845 2606 VAIL, Eugene A. De la Literature et des hommes de Let- tres des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, 8vo hf calf Paris, 1841 2607 G. The Life of Thomas Paine, with Observations on his Writings, and an Appendix containing his Letters to Washington, 8vo hf calf N.Y. 1850 2608 VERY, Jones. Essays and Poems, 12mo cth liost. 1839 2609 VALENTINE, David T. History of the City of New York, 8vo cth N.Y. 1853 2610 VARNUM, Joseph B. Jun. The Seat of Government of the United States ; also. Remarks on Monumental Structures, and the Smithsonian Institution, 2d ed. 8vo hf mor Wash. 1854 2611 VALLEY of Shenandoah, The, or Memoirs of the (iravsons, 2 vols 12mo bds N.Y! 1824 2612 VALMANN, Karl. Amadous, or a Night Avith the Spirit, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2613 VAN VECHTEN, Jacob. Memoirs of John M. Mason, with portions of his Correspondence, 8vo cth N.Y. 1856 2614 VAN SANTVOORD, George. Sketches of the Lives and Judicial Services of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, 8vo cth N.Y. 1854 2615 VAN RENSSELAKR, Solomon. A Narrative of the Affair of Quecnstown in the War of 1812, 13mo hf cf N.Y. 1836 2616 VARA, or the Child of Adoption, r2mo cth N.Y. 1854 2617 VEUDICTS. A Poem, 12mo cth Lond. 1852 2618 VELDE, Gabriel van den. Kewrstoffen, behelzende XIV. Predikatien over Eenige uitgclezene Texten des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments, 12mo hf bd Dordrecht, 1744 2619 VERPLANCK, Gulian C. The Connection of Morals and Learning, and their Iniluence upon each other, 12nio cth N.Y. 1834 2620 Essays on the Nature and Uses of the various Evi- dences of Revealed Religion, 8vo hf mor N.Y. 1824 2621 VERY, Lvdia L A. Poems, 12mo, cth Andover, 1856 2622 VERICOUR, L. Raymond de. Modern French Literature, revised, with notes, by William Staughton Chase. 12mo cth ' Bost. 1848 126 2623 VIGNE, Godfrey T. Six Months in America. 12mo cth Phila. 1853 2624 VIATOR ; or a Peep into my Note-Book, by the author of a " Grumbler's Miscellaneous Thoughts, &c," 12mo cth Baltimore, 1841 2625 VOGET, Albertus. De Luyster van de kerk des Xieuwen Testamens, der Godspraaken van den prophet Jesaias, 4to hf mor Utrecht, 1741 2626 VOCABUf-iARY, or Pocket Dictionary, to which is prefixed a Compendious firammar of the English Language, 12mo shp Birmmgham, 1765 2627 YOLNEY, C. F. A View of the Soil and Climate of the United States of America, translated, with occasional remarks by C. P. Brown, maps and plates ; contains accoimt of the French Settlements on the Scioto, Language of the Miami In- dians, &c., 8vo Phila. 1840 2628 WAKEFIELD, PrisciUa. Reflections on the Present Condi- tion of the Female Sex, with suggestions for its Improvement, 12mo hf mor Lond. 1798 2629 WAKONDAH, the Master of Life, a Poem, 8vo hf mor N.Y. 1841 2630 WALSH, Robert, Jr. An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the U. S. of America, 2d ed. 8vo hf mor Phila. 1819 2632 Robert. Didactics, Social, Literary and Poetical, 2 vols in 1. 12mo, hf mor ' Phila. 1836 2633 WALDROX, William Watson. Pocahontas, Princess of Viroririia, and other Poems. l2mo cth N.Y. 1841 2634 WALTER, Wm. B. Poems, Svohfcf Bost. 1821 2635 "WALKER, William Sidney. Shakspeare's Versification, and its apparent irregularities explained by examples from early and late English Writers, 12mo cth. Lond. 1854 2636 J. A Rhyming Dictionary, answering at the same time the purposes of Spelling and Pronouncing the English Language, on a plan not hitherto attempted, a new and re- vised edition, 12mo cth Lond. 1851 2G37 WAIjDIE'S Select Circulating fjibrary. published weekly — The Journal of Belles Letters, 4to hf cf Phila. 2638 WALLACE, William Ross. Meditations in America, and other Poems, 12mo N.Y. 1851 2639 Alban the Pirate, a Romaunt of the Metropolis, 12mo paper N.Y. 1848 2640 WALLIS, S. T. Spain, her Institutions, Politics, and Public Men. a Sketch, 12ino cth Bost. 1853 2611 WANSEY, Henry. An Excursion to the U. S. of North America, in thk Summer of 1794, 2d ed. 12mo col.f, Salisbury, 1798 2642 WAIN WRIGHT, Jonathan Mayhew. Thirty-Four Ser- mons, edited bv his Widow, 8vo cth NY. 1856 2642* WARVILLE,' J. P. Brissot De. New Travels in the United States, in 1788, 12mo cf Bost. 1797 127 2643 WARBURTON, Bishop. A Critical and Philosophical en- quiry into the Causes of Prodigies and Miracles, as related by Historians, with an essay towards restoring a method and Purity in History, in 2 parts, 12ino calf Lond. 1727 " This Edition is very scarce. It was re-publishcd hy Dr. Parr." 2643* WARVn.LE, J. P. Brissot. Nour.ean Voyage, dans les Etats, Unis de TAmerique, Septentrionale, 1788, 3 vols 8vo half calf Paris, 1791 The Ai^thor went to the United States just before the French Revolution, for the purpose of selecting a suitable place for the purpose of establishing a colony of respectable persons who had determined to abandon the then despotic Government of France, and seek an asylum under the mild and equal Government of the U. S. M. Brissot was commissioned to col- lect every necessary infoimation prior to the execution of so important a plan. Tliee volumes contain the result of his assiduous labors and minute enquiries, and sufficiently manifest that he was qualified to ac- comi^lish such an arduous understanding. — Rich. 2644 WARBURTON, Dr. xMiscellaneous Translations in Piose and Verse, from Roman Poets, Orators, and Historians, 12mo calf Lond. 1724 [" This was Dr, W."s first publication, is very scarce, and is bought up by his order, as olten as it appears in any catalogue." — MS Kote by George Stevens, in his Copy, which was afterwards Dr. Parr's.] 2G45 WARNER Harriet W. Autobiography of Charles Cald- well, M. D., with a Preface, Notes, and Appendix, Svo cloth, Phiia 1855 2646 H. W. The Liberties of America, 12mo cloth, N.Y. 1853 2647 WARRENIANA, with Notes, Critical and explanatory, by the editor of a Quarterlp Review, 12mo cth Bost. 1851 2648 WARREN, Mrs. Mercy. History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution, interspersed with Biogratdiical, Political, and Moral Observations, 1 & 3 vols only, Svo bds. Bost. 1805 2649 WARREN, Mrs. M. Poems, Dramatic and Miscellaneous, 12mocalf Bost. 1790 2650 Emory F. Sketches of the History of Chautauque County, 18mo cth Jamestown, N.Y. 1846 2651 John Esaias. Para, or Scenes and Adventures on the Banks of the Amazon, 12mo cth N.Y. 1851 2652 WARD, Andrew Henshaw. Ward Family, descendants ol Wm. Ward, who settled in Sudbury (Mass.) in 1639, appen- dix, Svo cth Bost. 1851 2653 WARFIELD, Mrs. Catherine Ann, and Eleanor Percy Lee. The Indian Chamber, and other poems, 12mo bds N.Y. 1846 2654 WARDEN, D. B. A Statistical, Political and Historical Account of the U. S. of N. A., from the period of their first colonization to the present day, 3 vols Svo hf calf Edin. 1819 128 2655 WAR in Disguise, or the Frauds of the Neutral Flag, 8vo Lond. 1806 2656 WARE, Marv L. Memoir of, by Edward Hall, 12mo cth Bost. 1853 2657 John. Hints to Young Men on the true relation of the Sexes, r2mo Bost. 1850 2658 John. Memoir of the Life of Henry Ware, Jr., 2 vols r2mocth Bost. 184fi 2659 Henrv, Jr. The Works of, 4 vols 12mo cth Bost. 1846 2660 Henry, Jr. Memoirs of the Rev. Noah Worcester. Preface, notes and a concluding chapter, by Samuel Worces- ter, r2mo cth Bost. 1844 2661 Henry, Jr. On the Formation of the Christian Char- acter, addressed to those who are seeking to lead a Religious Life, 7th edit. 1 8mo bds Camb. 1832 2662 William. American Unitarian Biography ; Memoirs of individuals who have been distingushed by their writings, character and efforts in the cause of liberal Christianity, edit, by, 2 vols cth 12mo Boston, 1850-1 2663 William. Lectures on the Works and Genius of Washington Allston, rtoriral and professional, 8vo cloth Phila. 1849 2715 WHE.a'I'ON', Nathaniel S. A Journal of a Residence during several months in London, including excursions throujih vari- ous parts of England, and a short Tour in France and Scot- land in the years 1823 and 1824, 12mu sh]) Hartford 1830 131 2716 WHEATON, Henry. An Address pronounced at the opening of the New-York Athenaeum, Decembtir 14th, 1824, 2J edition, 8vo. boards N.Y. 1825 2717 Some account of (he Life, Writings, and Spcec hes of William Pinkney.Svo boards N.V. 1826 2718 liubert Memoir of, wltli Selections from liis Writ- intjs, 12mo cluth Boston 1854 2719 AV HEELER, John IL Historical Sketches of North Carolina, from 1884 to 1851, with Biographical Sketches of her distinguished men, engravings, v(d l,8voclLh Fhila. 1851 2720 Henry G. History of Congre33, Piographical and Political, 2 vols Svo cth N.Y. 184 8 2721 Y. T. An Analysis and Summary of HerodoUis, ]2mo cth Loud. 1852 2722 WHITING, Henry. Ontwa, the Son of the Forest. A Poem 8vo bds N.Y. 1822 2723 John. Revolutionary Orders of General Washington. issued during 1778, '80, '81 and '82, selected from the M^S, of, and edited by his Son, Henry Whiting, Svo cloth N.Y. 1844 2724 WHITNEY, Thomas R. The Ambuscade, an Historical Poem, )2mo cth N.Y. 1845 2725 WHITTIER, John G. Lays of xMy Home, and other Poems ]2mo bds Bost. 1843 2726 Old Portraits and Modern Sketches, 12mo Bost. 1850 2726* The Chapel of the Hermits, and other Poems, 12mo cloth Bost. 1853 2727 Literary Recreations and Miscellanies, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 2727* Songs of Labor, and other Poems, 12mo Bost. 1851 272 S The Panorama, and other Poems, 12mo cloth Bost. 18.56 2729 A Sabbath Scene, Illustrated, 12mo pp 29 Bost. 1854 2730 WHITEHEAD, William A. Contributions to the Early His- tory of Perth Amboy and adjoining country, with Sketches of Men and Events in New Jersey during the Provincial Era. Maps and Engravings, Svo cth N.Y. 1856 2731 East Jersey, under the Proprietary Governments. A Narrative of Events connected with the Settlement and Pro- gress of the Province, until the surrender to the Crown in 1702, Appendix, Svo cth N.Y. 1846 2732 WHEATLEY, Phillis. Memoir and Poems of, a Native Af- rican and a Slave, 2d ed. Timo cth Bost. 1835 2733 WHELER, Charles L. The Winnowing, being sundry Small Poems, 12mo bds Bost. 1851 2734 WHITE, John. History of a Voyage to the China Sea, Map, Svo hf mor Bost. 1 823 2735 Richard Grant. Shakspeare's Scholar, being His- torical and Critical Studies of his text, Svo cth N.Y. 1854 132 2736 WHITE, George S. Memoir of Samuel Slater, theFather of American ^lanufactures, connected with a History of the Rise and Progress of the Cotton Manufacture in England and America, 2d ed. 8vo cth Phila. 1836 2737 Gilbert. The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, with Observations on various parts of Nature, and the Naturalist's Calendar, New Edition. Edited, with Notes, by Sir William Jardine. Engravings, 12mo cth Lond. 1853 2738 George. Statistics of the State of Georgia, map, Svo cloth Savannah, 1849 2739 Wm. Memoir of the Life of, by Bird Wilson, Svo cloth ^ Phila. 1839 2740 WHITMAN, Sarah Helen. Hours of Life, and other Poems 12mo cth Prov. 1853 2741 WHICH, The Right or The Left? 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 2742 WIGHT, O. W. Philosophy of Sir William Hamihon, for Schools, 8vo cth ' N.Y. 1853 2743 WIGGLES WORTH, Michael. The Day of Doom, or a poetical description of the Great and Last Judgment, Avith a short Discourse about Eternity, from the 6th edition, 17J5, ISmobds ' Boston, 1828 2744 WILLIS, N. P. Poems of Early and After Years, illustrat. 6th edit. 8vo hf mor Phila. 1852 2745 N. Parker. Paul Fane, or Parts of a Life else un- told, a novel, 12mo cth N.Y. 1857 2746 N. Parker. Famous Persons and Places, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 2747 N. P. Out-doors at Idle wild, or the Shaping of a Home on the Banks of the Hudson, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 2748 N. Parker. Fun-jottings, or Laughs I have taken a Pen to, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2749 N. P. Health Trip to the Tropics, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2749* N. P. Hurry-graphs, or Sketches of Scenery, Cele- brities and Society, taken from life, 2d edition, 12mo cth N.Y. 1851 2750 WIRT, William. The Letters of the British Spy, 10th edit. revised and corrected, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author, by Peter H. Cruse, 12mo hf mor N.Y. 1837 2751 Wm. Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henrv, 9th edit. 8vo sheep Phila. 1841 2752 WILLETT, William M. A Narrative of the Military Actions of Colonel Marinus Willett, taken chiefly from his oa\ti MS. by his Son, Svo bds ' N.Y. 1831 2753 WILLEMENT, Emily Elizabeth. A Catechism of i^'amiliar Things, their history, and the events which led to their dis- covery, l2mo cth ^ Phila. 1852 2754 WILLMOTT, Robert Aris. Lives of Sacred Poets, 2 vols 12mo cth London, 1834 2755 WILKINSON, Gen. James, Memoirs of my Own Times, 3 vols Svo bds Phila. 1816 133 2756 WILKINSON, J. Gardner. The Ancient Egyptians, 2 vols 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 2757 WILSON, John. Dies Boreales, or Christopher under Can- vas, 12mo cth Phila. 1850 2758 John. The Modern British Essays, 8vo cloth Phila. 1845 2759 Noctes Ambrosiana?, 4 vols 12mo cth Phila. 1843 2760 Marcus. History of the United States, 12mo hf bd N.Y. 1849 2761 William. A Little Earnest Book upon a Great Old Subject, or Chapters on Poetry and Poets, with the Story of the Poet Lover, illustrated by Alfred Crowquill, 3d ed. 12mo cth Lond. 2762 WILLIAMS, William R. Religious Progress, Discourses on the Development of the Christian Character. 12mo cloth, Bost. 1850 2763 Lectures on the Lord's Prayer, 12mo cloth Bost. 1851 2764 Miscellanies, 2d ed. 8vo hf mor N.Y. 1850 2765 Mrs. H. Dwight. Voices from the Silent Land, or Leaves of Consolation for the Afflicted, 12mo cth Bost. 1853 2766 Stephen W. American Medical Biography, or Me- moirs of Eminent Physiciaas, engravings, 8vo Greenfield, (Mass.) 1845, 2767 Samuel. The Natural and Civil History of Ver- mont, 2 vols 2d ed. 8vo calf Burlington, 1849 2769 WINTHROP, John. The History of New England, from 1630, to 1649, from his Original MSS. with Notes, by James Savage, new edition, 2 vols 8vo cth Bost. 1853 2770 WILLIAMS, John. The Redeemed Captive, returned to Zion, 12mo Bost. 2771 WINTER, William. Poems, 12mo cth Bost. 1855 2772 WINES, E. C Commentaries on the Laws of the Ancient Hebrews, 8vo cth N.Y. 1853 2773 WIKOFF, Henry. My Courtship, and its Consequences, 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 2774 WISEMAN, Nicholas. Twelve ficctures on the connection between Science and Revealed Religion, delivered in Rome, first American edition, 8vo cth Andover, 1837 2775 WILKES, Charles. Voyage Round the World, 8vo cloth, Phila. 1849 2776 WILBERFORCE'S History of the American Church, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1849 2777 WITHINGTON, William. Christian Radicalism, 18mo cth Bost. 1836 2778 WINTER A, in the West, by a New Yorker, 2 vols 12mo cloth N.Y. 1835 2778 WILLIAMSON, Hugh. The History of North Carolina, 2 vols 8vo half calf Phila. 1812 134 2780 WOLr.STOXECRAFT, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman with Strictures oij Political and Moral Subjects, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author, 12mo half cf N.Y. 1833 2731 WOLFSDEX. An Anthentic Account of Things 'i'here and Thereunto Pertaining, as ihey are and Have Been, by J. B. 12mo cth ' Bost. ]8ti6 2782 The Same, 12mo cth Bo^t. 1856 2763 WOOD, William B. Personal Recollections of the Stage, embracing Notices of Actors, Authors, and Audilor^J, during a period of 40 Years, portrait, 12mo cth Phila. 1855 2784 John. The Suppressed History of the Administra- tion of John Adams, from 1797, to 1801, as printed and sup- pressed in 1802, re-ppublished with Notes, and an Appendix bv John Henrv Sherburne, 12nio cth phila. 1846 2785 W'bODS, Leonard. The Works of,5 vols 8vo cloth, Bost. 1851 2786 Leonard, Jr., and Chas. D. Pigeon. The Literary and Theological Review, conducted bv, Vol I to V, (5 vols) 8vohf calf " ' " X.Y. 1834-8 2787 "WOOD. Leonard. Memoirs of American Missionaries, 12mo cth Boston, 1833 2788 "WOOLMAX, John. A Journal of the Life, Gospel Labors, and Christian Experiences of, 12m cth Warrington, 1840 2789 WORTLEY, J. Stuart. Memoirs of George Monk, Duke of Albemarle, from the French of M. Guizot, translated and edited, with notes, &c., by, 8vo cth London, 1838 2790 W"ORDSWORTH, Chr. 'Lectures on the Apocalypse, criti- cal, expository and practical, delivered before the University of Cambridge, being the Hulsean Lectures for the year 1848, 2d edition, 8vo cth Phila. 1852 2791 Wm. The Prelude, or Growth of a Poet's .Mind, an Autobiographical Poem, 12mo cth X.Y. 1850 2792 WOO DWORTH, Samuel. Melodies, Duets, Trios, Songs and Ballads, 3d edit. 18mo hf mor X.Y'. 1831 2793 WORDSWORTH, Christopher. Memoirs of William Words- worth, 2 vols 12mo cth Boston, 1851 2794 Christopher. Greece, pictorial, descriptive and histo- rical, new edition, Engs., and a history of the characteristics of Greek Art, illustrated by Geo. Scharf, Jr., Svo full mor 2795 WORKMAX, James. Essays and Letters on various Political Subjects, 18mo bds ' X.Y\ 1809 2796 WORCESTER, Henry A. Sermons on the Lord's Prayer, to which are added three Sermons on other subjects, 12mo cloth Bost. 1837 2797 WOODBURY, Levi. Writings of, 3 vols 8vo cth Bost 1852 2798 WRIGHT, Thomas. Xarratives of Sorcery and Magic, from the most authentic sources, I2mo cth X Y. 1852 2799 J. A complete History of the late War, or Annual Register of its rise, progress and events in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, 2 vols, portraits, plans, &C., 8vo calf Lond. 1765 135 2800 WRIGHT, J. C. Dante, translation into English verse, by, illustrated, 12mo cloth Lond. 1854 2801 Frances. Views of Society and Manners in America. Svohfmor N.Y. Ib2l 2802 WYATT, Thomas. Memoirs of the Generals, Commodores and other Commanders, who distinguished themselves in the American Army and Navy during the Wars of the Revolu- tion and 1812, 82 engs. on steel from original medals, 8vo hf elf Phila. 1848 2803 Sir Thomas. The Poetical Works of, 12mo cth Bost. 1854 2804 WYCKOFF, William H. A Sketch of the origin of the Bible Societies, 12mo cth N.Y. 1848 2805 WYCHERLEY, Congreve, Vanbrugh and Farquhar. The Dramatic Works of, with biographical and critical notices by Leigh Hunt, new edit. 8vo cth Lond. 1849 280G WYNNE, James. Lives of Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of America, 12mo cth N.Y. 18.'^ 2807 YOUNG, Edward. Night Thoughts, with Life, Critical Dis- sertation, and Notes, by George Gilfillan, 8vo cloth N.Y. 1854 2808 Andrew W, The American Statesman, a Political History, exhibiting the orgin, nature and practical operation of Constitutional Govt, in the U. S. Appendix, 8vo clh N.Y. 1855 2809 Alexander. Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, from 1602 to 1625, 2d ed. 8vo cth Bost. 1846 2810 Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1623 to 1636, 8vo cth Bost. 1846 2811 John. Lectures on the Chief Points in Controversy, between Protestants and Catholics, 8vo Lond. 1836 2812 YOAKUM, II. History of Texas, from its first settlement in 1635, to its annexation to the United States in 1846, 2 vols, with Appendix, 8vo cth N.Y. 1856 2813 YAUD, James. Spanish America and the United States, or Views of the actual Commerce of the United States with the Spanish Colonies, 8vo bds Phila. 1818 2814 ZOOLOGICAL Notes and Anecdotes, 12mocth Lond. 1852 2815 ZILLA, a Poem, in three Cantos, ]2mo bds N.Y. 1830 2816 ZAKE FA, a Tale, and other Poems, by the author of "The Prophecy," &c., 12mo cth Lond. 1844 136 ADDENDA. 2817 AUTOBIOGRAPHY of Creighton, Gifford, Elwood, 2 vols 18mo cloth Lond. 1830 2818 A COLLECTION of Letters and Essays in favor of Public Liberty, 1st vol 12mo boards Lond. 1774 2819 ATHENAEUS Literally Translated, by C. D. Yonge, 3 vols 12mo cloth Lond. 1854 2820 AMERICAN Musical Miscellany, a collective of songs, set to Music, 18mo sheep Northampton 1798 2821 A NEW Practical System of Reason, 18mo paper 2822 AMERICAN Satires and other Poems, containing The Paradise of Fools, 12mo Bait. 1841 The Quacks of Religion, by L. A. Wilmer, Phila. 1841 American Bards and Modern Poems, by Gorham A. Worth, 1819 The Dwarf, a Dramatic Poem, by James Reed, N.Y. 1839 The Pioneers of Western New- York, a Poem, by W. H. C. Hosmer, Geneva 1838 Cairo, a Poem, by George H. Calvert, Bost. 1840 Childe Martin, an Epic Poem, N.Y. 1840 The Loco's Lament, Bost. 1841 The Wyoming Monument, No Slur Else— Slur a Dancing, Poem, N.Y. 1840 Humbugs of Speculation, a Satyrical Poem, 11 Poems in 1 vol. 12mo half morocco. 2833 ADVENTURES of Harry Franco, 2 vols. 12mo cloth, N.Y. 1839 2834 AUBERTEUIL, M. Hilliard. Essais Historiques et Politi- ques, Sur la Revolution de L'Amerique, 8 vols, boards Paris 1782 2835 BOWDEN, John. A Second Letter of, to the Rev. John Stiles, View of Episcopacy, 8vo New Haven 1789 2836 BOSTON Almanac for 1851, and Boston, Vicinity of, 2 vols. 18mo cloth, 137 2837 BIBLE, 48mo, morocco tucks, Phila. 1832 2838 BAYLEY, Peter. Poems of, 18mo sheep Phila. 1804 2839 BACON'S Essays, 12mo cloth Lond. 2840 BLACKWELL, Anna Jacques, by George Sands, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1847 2841 BIDWELL, W. H. The Eclectic Magazine, edited bv, 8vo cloth N.Y.' 1853 2842 BROWN'S Grammar, 12mo sheep N.Y. 1849 2843 BARRETT'S Drama of Exile, 12mo boards N.Y. 1845 2844 BLUNT, J. Speeches of, 8vo cloth N.Y. 1843 2845 BIRKBECK, Morris. Notes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois, with map, 8 vo hulf calf 2846 BOUDINOT, Elias. The Age of Revelation, or the Age of Reason, shown to be an Age of Infidelity, 8vo half morocco Phila. 1801 2847 BLAKE, J. L. Biographical Dictionary, royal 8vo sheep, N.Y. 1839 2848 BIGELOW Papers, 12ma cloth Bost. 1853 2849 CONGRESSIONAL Debates, 1831-'2-'3, 2 vols 8vo sheep Washington 1831 -'3 2850 CENSUS. Statistics of the United States for 1850, 4to half Russia, Washington 1850 2851 CLIFTON. Poems of, 18mo calf N.Y. 1800 2852 CHARLEMAGNE on the Church delivered, an Epic Poem, by Lucien Bonaparte, 2 vols. 18mo half roan, Phila. 1815 2853 CALVERT, George H. Comedies, by, 12mo cth Bost. 185G 2854 COXE, A. Cleveland. The Impossibility of the Immaculate Conception, 12mo cloth Phila. 1855 2855 CAMPBELL, Thomas. Remarks on the Life and Writings of Shakspeare, 21 mo paper 2856 CHRISTIE, Robert. Military and Naval Operations in the Canadas, from 1807 to 1815, 12mo half calf, Quebec 1818 2857 COMMINES, Phillip De. Memoirs of, 12mo, cloth 2858 CLARK, McDonald. Poems of, 12mo cth N.Y'. 1836 2859 COFFIN, Charles. The Lives of Major Thomas, Col. Knowl- ton, Scammel, and Major Dearborn, 1 vol 12mo cth N.Y. 1845 2860 COLLOT'S Interlianear French Reader, 18mo, hf roan Phila. 1837 2861 CAMPBELL, Walter. The Old Forest Rangers, 8vo cth N.Y. 1853 2862 COUSIN, M. Victor. Lectures on the True. Beautiful, and Good, 8vo cth N.Y. 1854 2863 CASTLE Builders, The. 12mo cth N.Y. 1855 2864 COLUMBUS and Yespucius, 18mo cth N.Y'. 1847 2865 COMENIUSS, John Amos. Visible World, trans, by Charles Hoode, 18mo hf bound N.Y. 1810 2866 CURWEN, Samuel. Journal and Letters of the late, from 1775 to 1784, 8vo cth. N.Y. 1843 18 138 2862* COOPER'S Novels. 16vols 12mocth N.Y. 2863* Novels. 6 vols 12n.o, cth N.Y. 2864* CALVIN, John. Commentaries of, 23 voU 8vo cloth Lond. V.D. 2S65* Institutes, 3 vols Bvo cth Lond. 2866* Tracts, 2vols 8vo cth 2867 DE TOCQUEVILLES Democracy in America. 2vols 8vo shp N.Y. 1843 2867* DEFENCE of Dramatic Poetry, being a Review of Mr. Collier's view of the immorality and profanity of the Stage. This copy has inserted on the fly-leaf some old newspaper cuttings, 12mo cf Lond. 1678 2868 DOCTOR, Syntax. The Tour of, in search of tho Pictur- esque, illustrated by Alfred Crowquill, 18mo cth Lond. 1845 2S69 DANA, Richard H. The Buccaneer, 18mo paper Lond. 1844 2870 DISTINGUISHED Men of Modern Times, Lives of Dante to Raleigh, 12mo cth Lond. 1838 2871 ESPY, James P. Report on the Meteorology to the Surgeon General of the United States Army folio paper 2872 ENCYCLOPEDIA Americana, 1st vol 8vo sheep Phila. 1843 2873 EXTRACTS in Prose and Verse, 12mo bds, Annapolis, 1808 2874 ENGLISH Annual, The, 8vo full mor Lond. 2875 ECKERMANN. Conversations Avith GoBthe, from the Ger- man, 12mo cth Bost. 1839 2876 ENGLISH Protestant Tracts, 2 vols 12mo calf Lond. 2877 FENELON'S Lives of the Ancient Philosophers, 18mo cloth gilt Lond. 1840 2878 FKENEAU, Philip. Collection of Poems, 18mo boards N.Y. 1815 2879 FLETCHER, G. Parliamentary Portraits, 1st vol 12mo cth 1847 2880 GARRETTSON, Freeborn. The Experience and Travels of, iSmo calf Phila. 1791 2881 GIL BLAS, 12mo cth N.Y. 2882 GCETHE & SCHILLER'S Select Minor Poems, 12mocth Bost. 1839 2883 GRIMKE, Sarah :\I. Letters on the Equality of the Sexes, and the Condition of Women, 18mo bds Bost. 1838 2884 GILFILLAN, George. The Poetical Works of Goldsmith, Collins and Warton, 8vo cth N.Y. 1854 2885 GERMAN Reader, 12mo shp Bost. 1836 2886 HOOKER, Theodore. A Survey of the Church Discipline, Avherein the way of the Church of New England is war- ranted out of the World, 4to calf Lond. 1648 2887 HUNTINGTON, Susan. Memoirs of. 18rao cloth Lond. 1839 139 2888 HART, John S. The Female Prose Writers of America, Avith Portraits, Biographical Notices and Specimens of their Writings, Svo cth, gilt edge Phila. 1852 2889 HAYVVAKDE, Richard, Prismatics by, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2890 HOUSSx^YE, Arsene. Men and Women of the Eighteenth Century, 2 vols 12mo cth N.Y. 1852 2891 HOME Evangelization, 12mo cth N.Y. 2892 HOLLEY, O. L. A Description of the City of New York, 18mo cth N.Y. 1847 2893 HOYT, Ralph. A Chaimt of Life, and other Poems, 8vo bds N.Y. 1844 2894 HOOPER, Johnson J. The Widow Rugby's Husband, 12mo paper Phila. 1853 2895 HALL, S. C. The Vernon Gallery of British Art, illustrated with 67 fine Steel Plates, folio, full mor Lond. 2896 IVIMEY, Joseph. John Milton, his Life and Times of, Re- ligious and Political Opinions, with an Appendix by, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1833 2897 HIVING, Washington. Life of George Washington, vols 1 and 2, 2 vols 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 2898 Vol 3, Svo cth N.Y. 2899 JACQUELINE, Pascal. Convent Life at Port Royal, 12mo cloth N.Y. 1854 2900 JOHNSON, Parnell, Gray and Smollett. Poetical Works of, 8vo cth N.Y. 1855 2901 JAUFFROY, Theodore. Philosophical Essays, 18mo cth Edinburgh, 1 839 2902 KOTZEBUE, Augustus Von. Sketches of the Life and Liter- ary Career of, 18mo sheep N.Y. 1801 2903 KELLY, Walter K. The History of Russia, 2d vol 12mo cth Lond. 1855 2904 KENDRICK, N. C. Echoes, or Leism-e Hours with the German Poets, 12mo cth Rochester, 1855 2905 LOWNDES, W T. Bibliographer's Manual of English Liter- ature, containing an account of 50,000 rare, curious and use- ful Books, published in or relating to Great Britain or Ireland, from the invention of Printing, with bibliographical and criti- cal notices, collations, and the prices at which they have been sold in the present century, 4 vols Svo, fine clean copy, hf mor mbld edges, very scarce Lond. 1 834 2906 BRUNET, J. C. Manuel du Librairie et de L'Amateur de Livres, 5 vols Svo hf calf, mbld edges, best edition Paris, 1842-44 2907 LONGFELLOW, H. W. Voices of the Night, and other Poems, 18mo paper London, 1844 2908 LAFAYETTE. Memoirs, Correspondence and Manuscripts of, vol 1 Svo cth N.Y. 1837 2909 LOWELL, James Russell. The Vision of Sir Launfal 12mo cloth Boston, 1851 2910 LIVINGSTON, Anne, Hume S. Sacred Records, l'2raobds Phila. 1817 140 2311 LOW, Samuel. Poems of, 2 vols, N.Y. ISOO; Cannon, James, Facts, Feelings and Fancies of, N.Y. 1835; McKinnon, John D., Descriptive Poems bv, N.Y. 1802, in 1 vol 12mo hf mor 2912 L'UNIVERSE, Jasson. "indo-Chine, &c., by M. Dubois de Jangisnv, 8vo hf elf Paris, 1850 2913 MAKCY, Randolph B. Explorations of the Red River of Louisiana in 1852, with map, 2 vols 8vo cth 2914 MAYO, W. S. Romance Dust, 12mo cth N.Y. 1851 2915 MORSE, Jedediah. Report to the Secretary of War of the U. S. on Indian Affairs. 8vo sheep New Haven, ] 822 2916 MATTHEW, Paris. Chronicle, 2 vols 12mo cth, Lond. 1855 2917 MOXTALEMBERT, Count De. The Life of Saint Eliza- beth, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 2918 MILTON^S Prose Works, 2 vols roval 8vo Phila. 1845 2919 :M0RGAN Lewis H., League of 'Iroquois, 8vo cloth Rochester, 1851 2920 MINUTES of the Common Council of Philadelphia, from 1704 to 1706, Svo hf elf Phila. 1847 2921 MO WATT, Anna Cora. Autobiography of an Actress, 12mo 2922 MINIATURE Library of Poets, 30 vols 48mo cut gilt edges 2923 NEW-ENGLAND. The Present State of, with respect to the Indian War, 18mo bds Lond. 1833 2924 NORTON, John. Memoir of John Cotton, 18mo cth N.Y. 1842 2925 NOBLE, Louis L. The Course of Empire, Voyage of Life, and other Pictures of Thomas Cole, bv, 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 2926 NEW-JERSEY Historical Society. Proceedings of the, vol 4, 1849-50 2926* OBSERVATIONS on the Genus Unio, by Isaac Lea, 4to bds illus vol 5 ' Phil. 2927 OLCOTT, Harriet R. The Torchlight. 12mo cth N.Y. 1850 2928 OBSERVATIONS on Poetry and Music, 18mo sheep Dublin, 1769 2929 ONIS, Louis De. Memoir upon the Negotiations between Spain and the United States, Avhich led to the Treaty of 1819, translated for the Spanish by Tobias Watkins, Svo bds Bait. 1821 2930 OSGOOD, Frances Sargent. Wreath of Wild Flowers from New-England, 12mo cth Lond. 1842 2931 POE, Edgar A. Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, 2 vols 12mo cth Phila. 1840 2932 Edgar A. Tales by, 12mo paper N.Y. 1845 2933 PORTER, Jane. Thaddeus of Warsaw, 12mo cth N.Y. 1856 2934 PASSION Flowers. 12mo cth Bost. 1854 2935 PRAED, W. K. Lillian.andotherPoems,12mocth N.Y. 1853 2936 PROTESTANT Controversial Traits, contaiiung the Dis- cussion between Steinbacher and Bergjezebel. — Speech of the Rev. Hugh McNeil — The Jesuits Exposed — O'Conneli Refuted by Rev. William Barnes — O'Conneli and the Wes- leyans — Protestantism the Parent and Guardian — Our Country Safe from Romanism, by the Rev. Thomas Brainerd, 10 tracts, 1 vol 8vo hf calf 141 2937 PARK, E. A. Writings of Prof. B. B. Edwards, with a Memoir, 2 vols 12nio ctli Bost. 1853 2938 POWELL, Thomas. Poems of, 18mo paper Loud. 1845 2939 POMPEII, and other Poems, 12mobds Bost. 1848 2940 PUBLIC Characters, from 1798 to 1810, being the Biography of upwards of 500 Public Characters. 10 vols 8vo calf Lond. The piiblisliers say in the Preface, that the American Characters have been furnished by a native of the U. S., who has appeared in a public capa- city in Europe, and is -well known in England, as a man of letters. In- timately acqiiainted with the lives, habits, and pursuits of the gentlemen 1 alluded to, he may be said to have painted from life. 2941 PATENT Office Reports— Annual Report of the Commis- sioner of Patents for 1847-8, 2 vols 8vo cloth, Washmgton, 1847-'8 2942 Agricultural for 1851-'2-'3, 3 vols 8vo cth Washington, 2943 Mechanical, 1850-T-'2-'3, 3 vols 8vo cth Washington 2944 • Arts and Manufactures, part 1, Washington, 1849 2945 Commerce of British North America, Washington, 1829-'51 2946 Report on Finances, 1849-'50, 1851-'2-'3-'4, 3 vols 8vo cth 2947 California Messages arid Correspondence, Washington, 1850 2948 Annual Messages and Documents, 1849-'50, 18o0-'ol, 1853-'4, parts 1 and 2, 4 vols 8vo cth Washington 2949 Report on Light-houses, 8vo cth Washington, 1852, 2950 Andrews, Report on Colonial and Lake Trades, 1852 8vo cth Washington, 1853 2951 Report on the Principal Fisheries of the American Seas, 8vo cth Washington, 1853 2952 REED, W^iUiam B. Reprint of the Original Letters from Washington to Joseph Reed, during the Revolution, 8vo paper Phila. 1853 2953 Joseph. Life and Correspondence, 2 vols 8vo paper, 2954 REED, Esther. Life of, 12mo cth Phila, 1858 2955 RHODE Island Historical Collection, vol 3, 8vo cloth Providence. 1635 2956 RICHARDS, W. C. A Day in the N. Y. Crystal Palace, 12mo paper, N.Y. 1853 2957 RICKEY, Anna S. Forest Flowers of the West, 12mo cth gilt edge, Phila. 1851 2958 READ, Thomas Buchanan. Poems by, 12mo bds Bost. 1847 2959 RANKE, Leopold. The History of the Popes, vols 2 and 3, 12mo cth Lond. 1848 2960 REPORT of the Trenton Trial, Decern & Hendrickson, vs. Shotwell, 8vo bds Phila. 1834 2961 ROMAINE, Robert. Life and Adventures of, 12mo cloth, Bost. 1856 142 2962 ROGERS, Henry. Reason and Faith, and other Miscella- nies, r2mo cth Bust. 1853 2963 ROLLING Ridge. The Sequel to, 18mo cth Bost. 1844 2964 REGISTER of Debates, 23d Congress, 1st Sess., 3 vols 8vo Washington, 1833-'4 2965 ROMAN Cathoiie Tratcs, a Collection in ]3vols, 8vo half calf V.D. 2966 RANLETT. Wm. H. The Architect, port folio, paper 2967 SCHUYLKILL Fishing Company. An authentic Historical Memoir of the, Svo cth ' Phila. 1830 2958 SACRED History. Outlines of, 18mo hfbd Phila. 2969 ST. AUGUSTINE. Confessions of, 18mo cloth Oxford, 1847 2970 SHAW, Thomas B. Outlines of English Literature, 12mo cloth Phila. 1852 2971 SMITH, R. C. English Grammar, r2mo half bound Phila. 1846 2972 Horace. Gaities and Grayities, 2 yols 12mo hf calf Phila. 1825 2973 SPORTING Scenes and Sundry Sketches, being the Miscel- laneous Writings of J. Cypress, Jr. 2 yols 12mo cloth N.Y. 1842 2974 SIMMS, W. Gilmore. Egeria, 12mo cth Phila. 1853 2975 SULLY. Memoirs of the^Duke of, yol I, 12mo cloth Lond. 1856 2976 ST. JON.\THAN. The Lay of a Scold, 12mo boards N.Y. 1838 2977 SIMMONS, J. W. The Maniac's Confession, 12mo bds Phila. 1821 2978 SAYOUS. A Memoirs et Correspondance de Mallet du Pan 8yo paper Paris, 1854 2979 SPENCER. J. A. Pycrofts Course of Reading, 18mo cth N.Y. 1854 2980 SCOTT, Sir WaUer. The Complete Works, yols 1 and 6, Svo cloth 1833 2981 THOMWELL, James H. Discourses on Truth, 12mocth N.Y. 1855 2982 TRACY, Joseph. The Great Awakening. A History of the Revival of Religion in the time of Whitetield, 8vo cth Bost. 1842 2983 THOREAN, Henry D. Walden, or Life in the Woods, 12mo cloth ' Bost. 1854 2984 THE Winkles, or the Merry Monomaniacs, an American Pic- ture, 12mo cth ' N.Y. 1855 2985 TESTAMENT, 12mo shp N.Y. 1828 2986 THOUGHTS on the Importance of raising \ip New Order of Missionaries, 12mo cth N.Y. 1838 2987 TAPPAN, Wm. B. Poetry of Life, r2mo cth gilt edge Bost. 1848 2938 THOMSON, James. The Seasons, with the Castle of Indo- lence, 18mo calf N.Y. 1817 143 2989 TRANSACTIONS and Collections of the American Antiqua- rian Society, vol 1, 8vo bds Worcester, 1820 2990 THE Charity. A Discourse by Mr. Hague, 18mo cth Bost. 1841 2991 Doctrine of Life, 18mo bds Bost. 1843 2993 Constitutions of the Sixteen States, 12mo Newburgh, 1800 2993 Echo, with other Poems, with Illustrations, 8vo calf Bost. 1791 2994 THORNTON, Henry. An Inquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain, 8vo bds Phila. 1807 2995 TENCH, Captain Watkins. A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson, in New South Wales, 4to calf Lond. 1793 2996 Letters written in France to a Friend in London, 1794-5. Correspondence between Gen. Sir Henry Clinton and Lieut-Gen. Earl Cornwallis, relative to the Operations in Virginia and North Carolina, in 1 vol tvo calf Lond. 1783 2997 TASSO. The Jerusalem Delivered, trans, by J. H. Wiffen, 12mo cth Lond. 1854 2998 THORPE, T. B. Our Army at Monterey, 12mo cth Phila. 1847 2999 THE Poet, and his Song, 12mo bds Charleston, 1848 3000 Gift, 12mo full mor Phila. 1842 3001 THACKERAY, Wm. M. The Paris Sketch Book, 2 vols— 12mocth N.Y. 1853 3002 TRESCOT, Wm. Henry. The Diplomacy of the Revolu- tion, an Historical Study, 12mo cth N.Y. 1852 3003 THE Mormons, I2mo cth Lond. 3004 THWACKIUS, Herman. Fragments of the History of Bawlfredonia, containing an account of the Discovery and Settlement of the Great Southern Continent, 8vo bds 1819 3005 TAYLOR, Henry. Philip Van Artevelde, a Dramatic Ro- mance, 12mo hf mor 2 vols in 1 Bost. 1835 3000 T. Life of Benjamin Robert Hayden, 2 vols 12mo cth N.Y. 1853 S007 Henry. Notes from Life. 12mo cth Bost. 1853 3008 TENNENT, Wm. Life of, [8mo cth N.Y 1847 3009 THE TOKEN, 1829 and 1833, 2 vols 12mo Bost. 3010 TYSON, Job. R. Letters on the Resources and Commerce of Philadelphia, 8vo full mor 1852 3011 TARLETON, Lieutenant Col. A History of the Campaigns of 1780-1, in the Southern Provinces of North America, with maps, 4tocf Lond. 1787 3012 TRANSACTIONS of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, vol 9, new series, 4to boards Phila. 1846 144 3013 UTOPIA, or the Happy Republic, a Philosophical Romance by Sir Tbomas Moore, 12mo cth Lond. 1838 3014 UPHAM, Thomas C. American Sketches, 18mo hf roan N.Y. 1819 3015 UNITED States Literary Gazette, vol 1 and 2, from April 1824 to April 1825, 4to Bost. 1825 3016 States Review, vol 1 and 2, 8vo half calf N.Y. 1827 3017 UPHAM, C. W. Life of Washington, 2 vols 12mo cth Lond. 1852 3018 UNIVERSAL Biographical Dictionary. 12mo cth Phila, 1841 3019 VIRGINIA. Historical Register, No. 2, April, 1849 3020 VERMONT, State Papers, &vo cf Middlebury, 1823 3021 VOICES from the Kendiiskeag, 12mo cth Bangor, 1848 3022 VAN Schaack, Peter. The Life of, embracing selections from his Correspondence and other Writmgs, during the American Revolution, and his Exile in England, 8vo cth N.Y. 1842 3023 VESTIGES of Natural History, 12mo cth N.Y. 1854 3024 VERPLANCK, Gulian C. The Connection of Morals and Learning, 12mo hf mor N.Y. 1834 3025 VERDICTS. 12mo cth Lond. 1852 3026 VALENTINE, D. T. Manual of the Common Council of the City of New York, 1850-'l-2-'3-'4 and '6, 6 vols l2mo cth N.Y. 3027 WALLACE, Horace Binney. Art, Scenery and Philosophy in Europe, l2mo cth Phila. 1855 3028 Literary Criticisms and other Papers, 12mo cth Phila. 1856 3029 WILSON'S Specimens of the British Critics, 12mo cth Phila. 1846 3030 WAYLAND, Francis. The Elements of Political Economy, 12mo cth Bost. 1846 3031 WHARTON, Eliza. The Coquette, oi the History of, 12mo cth Bost. 1855 3032 WEISS, Charles. History of the French Protestant Refugees, 2 vols ]2mo cth N.Y. 1854 3033 WEIMAR, Bernard Duke of Saxe. Travels through North America in 1825 and 1826, 2 vols in 1, 8vo hf cf Phila. 1828 3034 WASHINGTON, Life of, for Youths, ]2mo cth Phila. 3035 WALPOLE, Horace. The Castle of Otrante, Reeve Clara, The Old English Baron, in one vol 48mo, cth gt Lond. 3030 WHITTIER, J. G. Ballads and other Poems, 18mo paper Lond. 1844 3037 WEBSTER, Pelatiah. Political Essays, 8vo calf Phila. 1791 3038 WESTMINSTER and Foreign Quarterly Review. Jan. 1851, July, Sept. and Oct. 1852, 5 Nos. 145 Ancient Spanisli Works, Chiefly Relating to America. 3039 ANTONIO, Nicolao. Bibliotheca Hispana, sive Hispanorum' qui usquam unquamque sive Latina sive popiilari sive alia qiiavis lingua Scripto aliqiiid consignaverunt Notitia, 2 vols fol Romae, 1672 3040 Nic. Bibliotlieca Hispana Yetus et Nova, sive His- panorum Scriptorum qui ab Oct. Aug. 2evo ad A. D. 1684 lloruerunt, Curante F. P. Bayerio, 4 vols fol, uncut, fine copy, paper Matriti, 1783-'88 3041 MEXICO Conquistada. Poeraa Heroyco, por Don Juan de Escoiquiz, Canonigo de Zaragoza, 3 vols 8vo, paper, uncut Madrid, 1798 3042 CONDE, Jose Ant. Historia de la Dominacion de los Arabes en Espana, 3 vols 8vo, a leading work, translated into various languages Mad. 1820 3043 CLADERA, Cristobal. Investigaciones Historicas sobre los Principales Descubrimientos de los Espanoles en el Mar Oceano en cl siglo XV. v XVI., sm. 4to, map, pap. uncut Mad. 1794 3044 SARMENTO, D. Andres. Themis, Justicia para Todos, Obs, sobre la Jurisprudcncia, &c., Bvo pap. broken Mad 1856 Valencia, 1794 3045 ZARATE, D. Aug. Histoire de la Deconverte et de la Con- quete du Perou. traduite de I'Espagnol par S. D. C , 2 vols r2mo, plates and maps, old calf Paris, 1716 3046 CALIFORNIA. Noticias de la Provincia de Californias en tres Cartas de un Sacerdote religioso de Valencia, 12mo, (por F. L. S.,) corrects the errors of Venegas, 0. Rich., sheep 3046* another copv in parchment. 3047 HERNANDI, Francisci. (Medici at que Historici, Phil. II.) Opera, de Historia Plantarum Novae Hispania?, 3 vols fol shp clean fair copy, large print and margins Matriti, 1790 3048 • another copy the same. 3049 HISTORIADORES PRIMITIVOSde las Indias Occidenta- les que junto, traduxo en parte y saco a luz, ilustrados con eruditas notas y copissos Indices Don Andres Gonzalez Bar- cia, tomo 1 fol shp. Although only the 1st volume of "this valuable collection," (O. Rich,) it contains six of the most im- portant narratives of the early discovery of America, which are in themselves complete. Madrid, 1749 3050 GARCILASO de la Vega. Commentaries Reales, que tratan de el Origen de los Incas dal Peru, I. & II. partes, fol sheep, sound copy of the famous chronicler Mad. 1722-'23 3051 de la Vega. Another copy of above, ex lib D. J. Lopez Ayllon y Gallo, shp 3052 de la Vega. La Florida del' Inca, Historia del Ade- lantado, Hernando de Soto y de Otros Caballeros, Espanoles, e Indies, fol shp ' Mad. 1723 19 146 3053 GARCILAS.O de la Vega. La Florida del' Inca, another copy, same edition, fol sliccp, good condition. 3054 . La Florida, a third copy, same edition, line portrait of do Soto inserted, parchment. 3055 SOTO:\L\YOR, Jnan de Villagutierre. Historia de la Con- quista de la Provincia de el Itza, Reduccion, y Progresses de la de el Lacandon y Otros Nacioncs de Indios barbaros fol sheep, rare and complete, according to Rich Mad. 1701 3056 Another copy of above, parchment. 3057 DE SOLIS, Antonio. Historia de la Conquista dft Mexico, fol. parchment, Madrid 1732 3058 Historia de la Conquista de la Mexico, 4to parchment, good condition, Madrid 1790 3059 The same. 30G0 The same. 3061 GARCIA, Gregorio. Origen de les Indios de el Nuevo Mun- do. e Indias Occidentales, fol., parchment, Madrid 1729 3062 The same. 3063 The same, uncut, gilt top, 3064 The same, paper. 3065 3066 3007 3068 TEATRO Mexicano. Descripcion breve de los successes exemplaies, Historicos, Politicos, Militares, y Religiosos del Nuevo Mundo Occidental de las Indias. Dispuesto por el R. P. Fr. Augustine de Vetancurt, Mexicano, etc., fol., parch- ment, Mexico 1698 3069 DIZIONARIO, Storico. Geografico dell'America Meridion- ole di Giandomeuico Coleti della cnmpagnia di Gesu, 2 to!., Venezia, 1776, paper. The work of a Jesuit Missionary from personal observation. 3070 INSTRUCCION reservadr del Reyno de N. E. Que el Exmo Sor, Yirrey Conde de Revilla Gigedo Dio a su successor el Exmo. Sor. Marques de Braneiforte. fol., sheep, gilt. Manuscript dated Mexico 1494 3071 TEATRO della Santa Iglesia Metropolitana de la muynoble Ciudad do Ins REYES, Clamada Communcmente Lin)a. Dis- pr.so el R P. F. Diego de Cordova, fol. parchment. Manu- script, Lima. 3072 HERN AND A. Triumphos de la Fe, y gloria de las Armas Espanolas. Poema Heroyco. Conquista de Mexico, Por Don Erancisco Ruiz de Leon, small 4to parchment. Mad. 1755 3073 The same, parchment. 3074 The same, paper. 3075 The same, sheep. 3076 EL ORINO(^.0 illuslrado, y Defendido, Historia Natural, Civil, y Geographica de este Gran Rio. Escrita por el Padre Joseph Camilla, J.C, 2 vol. small 4to, sheep, Madrid 1745 147 3077 ULLOA, D'ANTONIO, (Commendador De Ocana,) Noticias Americaoas, Enlretenimientos Fisico-Historicos sobre la America meridional, y la Septentrional Oriental, small 4to parchment Madrid, 1792 3078 liOTURINI Benadiici, Lorenzo, Idea de nna Nueva Histnria Genera], de la America, Septentrional, Fundada sobre Figura?, Geroglificos, &c. &c., de Autores Indies, small 4to, slip gilt. — See a most interesting note. Rich. Bib. Am. Nova, Madrid, 1746 3079 ACUEROS. P. F. Pedro Gonzales De. Descripcion Histo- rial de la Provincia, y Archipelacro de Chiloe en el Reyno de Chile y Obispado dc la Concepcion, small 4to shep, map, Madrid, 1781 3089 LAS CASAS, P'ray Hartolome, Previssima Rolacion de la Destruycion de l-is Indias, small 4to — A Complete Collection of all the Tracts of Lis Casas, Rich. Seville, 1552 3081 RELACION del Viage Hiciemn los Capitanes Barholome Garcia de Noctal y Gonzalo de Nodal, al Estrechos de Maga- lanes, y San Vincente, small 4to shp Madrid, 1766 3082 RELACION Historica de la Vida, del Padre Fray Junipero Serra, y de las Missiones que fundo en la California, Septen- trional y. Monterey, Escorita per el R. P. Frrncisco Palon, Guardian del Colegio de S. Fernando de Mexico, small 4to A very curious Work, containing much information respect- ing California, with a map. Rich. Mexico, 1787 3083 ALCEDO, Dionysio de (y'Herrera). Avsio Ilistorico, Politico, Goegraphico, con lat Noticias mas particulares del Peru, Chile, N. Granada, &c., small 4to gilt edges- Presentation copy to the King of Spain, with Autograph of Alcedo, red velvet clasped. Madrid, 1740 3084 NAVAKRETE, Don Martin Fernandez dc. Colleccion de los Viages y Descubrionientos, que hiceron per mar los Es- panoles desde fines del siglo XV. con varios documentos in- editos concernientes a la historia de los Espanoles en Indias. 5 vols fol paper Madrid, 1825-37 Navarrete is the enterprising and industrious compiler whom Washington Irving credits solargeh- in his Life of Columbus. His labors rescued from obli- vion the rarest records of American discovery. The copy is on large strong paper, uncut 3085 BIBLIA. Ad Vetustissima Excmplaria nunc rcccns Casti- gata, Romaeque revisa. Illustrated on almost every page, with original and curious cuts, sp. shp. 8vo Lugduni, 1573 3086 MARCl Antonini Imperatoris, De rebus suis. Versione in- super Latina Nova, Ac Comment, T. Gatakeri. From Li- brary of D. A. De Barcia, with Autograph. 4to calf London, 1697 3087 LUCANI, M. Annei. Pharsalia, diligentissimc per Versel- lanum recognita, fol. Lugduni, per honestu viru Joanne Marion, M. CCCCCXIX. parch. The comment in black letter. 148 3088 LIVII, T. Pat. Historic! Clarissimi Opus, Cum Epitome L. Fiori, Cum ]M. Ant. Sabellici ad Livianse Hist. Quaint Vignettes, tbl Paris, I. Parui, 1533 3089 LUCANI, M. Aimei, Cordubensis. Pharsalia, Cum Com- ment, omni. boni vicer, small, Ibl. Mediolani per Uldericum Scinzenzeler. Vellum, solid and clean. 1491 3090 CICERONIS, M. T. Orationum Volumen primum, Aldus. Vellum, sound, 12mo Venetiis, 1518 3091 De Officiis, addito Catone Majore, Laelio, Paradoxis and Somnio Scipinonis, juxta Recens-Gravianam, cum notis, J. Minellii, 18mo vel back Lipsia, 1733 3092 STOCK, C. W. Practica Civilis in Germania. Franc, 1608. Practica Criminalis. and P. Ludwigi Daemo nologia. l'2mo stmpt. parcht. 1607 3093 ANCILLA Pietatis, or the Hand-Maid to Private Devotion, presenting a Maimell to her Mistresse furnished with In- struction, Hymns, and Prayers, by Daniel Featley, 18mo. old calf Lond. 1628 3094 LA CONDUITE des Francais justiliee a '1 egard de la Nou- velle Ecosse, par le Sieur D. L C. Avocat en Parliament, Utrecht, 1756. Also Lettre? dun Francois a un HoUandois touchant leures possessions duns L'Amerique. 12mo., 3095 MEZERAY, (Sr. de). Histoire de France avant Cloris I'Orig- mal des Francois, r2mo calf scarce, Amst. 1688 3 096 LE BRUN, (Pierre). Histoire Critique des Pratiques Super- stitieuses qui ont Seduit les Peuples, et Embarrasse les Scavans. 3 vols. 12mo Paris 1732 3097 CAGLIOSTRO, Compte. (Josepli Balsamo ) Abrege de la Vieetdes actions de, qui peut servir de Guide pour connoitre la Nature des Francs-Macons. ]2mo Liege, 1791 3098 HISTOIRE des Edits de Pacitication, et des moyen^ que les Pretendus Reformez ont employez pour le obtenir, par le Sr. Soulier, Prestre. 12mo ' Par. 1682 3099 DISSERTATION Historique et Theologique, sur I'infaiilibil- ite des Papes, par Dom Matbiea, petit didier, l2mo Luxmb. 1725 3100 JOURNAL Historique du Concile d'Embrun, par Mr. * * Bachelier de Sorbonne, 2 vols in 1, 12ino 1727 3102 FEDERALISTE, ou Collections de quelques Ecrits en faveur de la Constitution propose aux Etats Unis, par M. M. Hamil- ton, Madisson et Gay. 2 vols 8vo, paper, very same Ancient Dutch Church Theology. 3103 AALST (Gerardus Van). De Parabel van den Zaajer, 12mo elf Amst. 1748 3104 Geestelyke Mengel Stoflen, 2 vols. 12mo paper Amst. 1744 3104»ALARDIN (Kasparus). De Geluksaligheyd van den Weg der Recgtueerdige, 12ino bds Amst. 1738 3105 APPLEIUS. J. C, V^rvlog van Aanmerkingen, 8vo paper Groning. 1762 149 3106 BARUETH, J. Boet-Bazuin Geblazen in Neerlands Kerke, 2 vols. 12mo paper Rot. 1748 3107 BEAUSOBRE, 1. Predicatien van den Brief aan den Ko- meinen, 2 vols. 8vo paper Amst. 1777 3108 BEELS, L. Jubel-Preek by ene Uitbreiding, 4to hf slip Amst. 1749 3109 'Smenschen Uittersten, 4to paper Amst. 1748 31 10 Groot Vermogen van Weinige Vromen, Svo paper Amst. 1731 3111 BERIGTEN en Brieven voorgelezen op de Maandelijksche Bedestonden van het Nederlandsch Zendeling-Genootschap, Svo paper Rot. 1821 3112 BIERMAN, J. Predikatie, r2mo paper Utr. 1711 3113 Heilige Keurstoft'e, 12mo paper Utr. 1794 3114 BOERS, Carel. De Gelijkenis van den Yerloren ZoonVerk- laard en Opgehelderd, Svo paper Utr. 1776 3115 BONNET, G. Vooreidzelen tot Verklaaring van Solomons Prediker, Svo paper Utr. 1792 31 16 BOSCH, B. Leerredenen, Svo hf bd Amst. 1786 3117 BOUMAN(D) De Werkzaamheden van Goods Gunstgenoteii, 12mo, parch. Dort. 1728 3118 (D.) Den Staat der Ware (lenade Gods in tde Ziel, 12mo paper Amst. 1749 3119 BRINCKMAN, (C.) Beknopte Opheldering, van N Testa- ments, 5 vols Svo, paper Dort. 1776 3120 Brink, (A.) Over den eezsten brief van den Apostel loannes Svo paper Amst. 1806 3121 BRINKMAN, (C ) Twaalf Leer Reedenen, Svo Tvvol. 1779 3122 BROUVVER, Petrus. Leerredenen over Paulus Brieveii, aan Timotheus, 2 vol Svo Dort. 1775 3123 Petrus De XXV Psalm, &.C., &c., in Leerredenen, Svo paper Dort. 1769 3124 BROWN, J. Het Leven des Geloof», I2mo, paper Leyd, 1736 3125 BUUR'I' (Adrian). Korte verklaring van den XXV PLalm, 8 vo paper Amst. 1778 3126 (Adrian). Beschouwende Godgeleerdheid, 6 vols Svo paper Amst. 1776 3127 BUNDEL van Godgeleerde Oeffeningen, 12 vols. 12mo, vol. 9 wanting, vellum Amsr, 1757 3128 BUSSING (J. C,) Salomons Wyze Lefsen, 12mo, half bound Amst. 1764 3129 BYLER (H. C. Van.) Heiiige MenglestotVen, &c., 12mo, paper, Gronig. 1730 3130 CLARISSE (T. A.) De Wegder Zaligheid in Jesus Christus Svo paper Amst. 17S8 3131 (T. A) Leerredenen Over Paulus Brie faan den de Kolossen, 5 vol. Svo paper Utr. 1784 3132 Do do another copy. 150 3133 COCCEJI (JOH ) God-geleerdheid verdedigt en Opengelegt, 12mo Amst. IG84. vel 3134 COMRIE, (Alex.) Het A. B. C. des Geloofs, 6cc., 4to paper Leid. 1751 3135 Verhaiideling van da Eigenschappen des Zaligtna- keiuleii Geloofs, 4t(), bds Authors autograph, Leiden 1844 3136 COSTERIUS, (F.) Nederlandts Vlock en Zegen, 12mo parch, broken Hoorn,1693 3137 CRAMER, (.1. A.) Lvdende Emmanuel. 5 vcls Svo paper Dort. 1773 3138 CRUCIUS, (J.) Onesimus, Verklaririg over Philemon, 12mo parchment Harlem, 1649 3139 CURTENINS, (Petrus.) Leerredenen over den Heidleber- genschen Catechismus, 5 parts, Svo paper, Leyed. 1791 3140 ■ Complete in 5 vois Svo with a posetic address by D. Bleecker, paper, Leyd. 1790 3141 (Petrus). Predikatie over den Brieor, aan den Ephesiers, Svo Amst. 1770 3142 (Petrus). Over den Heidelberg Catechism, ^vo ealf Leyd. 1790 3143 (Petrus). Oratio Inauguralis de Divino Codice Unico Verae Sap. Fonte., and other Tracts, 4to, Amst. 1754, with Autograph ol Peter S Curtenius, N.Y. 1756 3144 (Petrus). In den Brieven Van Paulus aan den Corin- then, 4;o. parchment Amst. 1769 3145 D'ARVRIEUX (R). Reis naar den Grooten Emir, Svo paper Utr. 1780 3146 DITTOX(H). Christelijen Godsdienst.Svohf cf Graven, 1779 3147 DODDRIDGE (P ) Kristelijke Oprechtheid en Eensgezind- heid, Svo Leid. 1753 3113 (P.) Over du Wedergeboorte, Svo hf shp Amst. 174fi 3149 D'OUTREIX (J.) God's Beluiging tegen Israel, 12mo p.iper Leid. 1742 3150 (J.) korte Schets der Godly ke Waarheden. 12mo parchment Amst. 1700 3151 (J.) Over Psalm XXIII, 12mo Dort. 1721 3152 (J.) Bibelse Keur-StolTen, 12mo paper, Amst. 1702 3153 (J.) De Godvrugtige Bidder en l)ankzegger, 12mo l)ort. 1714 3151 (J.) Over Psalm 119, 12mo parchment, broken, Amst. 1700 3155 DRIESSEN (A.) Evangelische Zedekunde, 12mt» parchment Utr 1717 3156 (A) Verhandling en Predication, 4to Amst. 1731 3157 DUBOSC, (P.) Leerredenen Over den B-ief van den H. Paulus aan den E fezeren, 2 vols Svo paper, Utr. 1775 3157* 3 vols Svo paper, Utr. 1777 3158 DUBOSC, (P.) I^eer-redonen over Verscheiden Texten der Helige Schrift, 4to paper Leid. 1746 3159 DURHAM, (Jac.) De Sleutel van't Hooglied Salomons, 12rao Gronig, 1739 151 3160 DUYKERUIS, (J.) Kerkelyke Historio, 1 vol 18mo bds Amst. 1586 3161 BETRACHTINGEN over het Lytlen van Jesus Christus, r2mo paper 3162 ELGEHSMA, (F.) De Herders Israels, parchment broken, I.eeswarden, 1664 3163 ELGERSMA, (F.) Leere van de H. Drie-eenigheyt 8vo parchment broken, Leen. 1689 3164 EMDRE, (S. Van.) Bybles Huis Hoek, 8vo paper Utr. 1786 3165 EMDRE, (S. Van.) Katcchismus of Gesprekken, 2 vols Utr. 1790 3166 ENS, (J.) Over Jesaias, ]2mo paper Lyeyd. 1764 3167 EIVALD, (W.E.) Betrachtingen, 4.vols 12mo, paper, Amst. 1735 3168 ELGERSMA, (F.) Leere Vande V. Drie-eenig Heyt, r2mo vel. Leew. 1789 3169 ELGERSMA, (F.) Heylige Meditatien. r2mo vel. Leew. 1696 3170 Zeengen dor Verdrukkinge, 12mo Leew. 1683 3171 ELSNER, (J.) De Groote, Gelukzaliheid der Ware Christe- nen, 12ino parch. Rot. 1746 3172 ESPAGNE, | (Johan d') Alle Werkenin twee delen. (bd in one) 12mo parch Utr. 1678 3173 FRANCKEN (iEgidius.) Over het Heilig Gebruile des Or- gels, 8vo calf Dort. 1743 3174 (JE.) Stellige God-Geleertheyd, 3 vols. 12mo, parch- ment Rot. 1757 3175 FRUYTIER (L) Salomons Raad aan de lengt, 12mo parch- ment Rot. 1740 3176 Do do paper 3176 GEULINGS (A.) Ethica of Zeden-Konst, r2mo vellum, Dort. 1690 3178 GOLTZIES (D.) Alder-Laasto Dingen, 12mo half bound, Work. 1720 3179 GROOT (J. de). Verzameling Van Leer-reedenen, 12mo Utr. 1759 3180 HAACK (Petrus.) Ilet Leven Van Paulus den Apostel, 6 vol. 8vo ])aper Amst. 1797 3181 HAGEN (P. Vander.) Predicatien over 32d Psalm, Sic, 4t(), parchment Amst. 17737 3>82 (P. Vander.) Predicatie, 4to parchment 3183 HAAS (G. de.) Over de Openbaring Van Johannes, 3 vols. 8vo pajier Haarlem 1804 3184 (G. de.) Verhandelmg over de Toekomende Waereld, 8vo paper Amst. 1798 3185 HANDLEIDING voor Schoolleeraars ton Platten Lande, 8vo paper Leyd. 1808 3186 HILLENIUS (J.) Predikatien, 12mo Leewe. 1755 3187 HULSIUS (P.) Verklaringe in het O. and N. Testament, 4to Rot. 1726 152 3188 HULSHOF (A.) Kerkelyke Reden voeringen, 4 vols. 8vo paper Amst. 1795 3189 HISTORIE of TcgenwoorcUge Staat van Alle Volkeren, 8vo paper Amst. 1781 3190 HAMESLVELD, L. Van. Historisch Boekjen van den Bijbel, 18mo bds Amst. 1800 3191 HEYMBERG. C. Van. Moses en Aron, 12mo A-ellum Kauffl710 319C! HAIvVOORD, B. Scheie van Christus, 12nio parch (H enrich Bosert Zyn Boek Amst. 1722 3193 KENGHEL, D. Van, and others. Sermons, i2mo Utr. 1711 3194 HOXERT, Yanden. De Natiir vmi Christus Koningryk, r2nio vellum Leid. 1742 3195 HOUTE, Wm. Van. Over Psalm 146, 12mo parch. Levden 1736 3196 HOFFMAN. J. Predicatien, 12mo Dort 1712 3197 HOUTEX, F. Van. De Zaligheidt der Dooden die in den Heere Sterven, r2mo paper Dort 1727 3193 JAXSSOXIUS^ J. H. Op. den Wish naar den Hemel,12mo Gronig. 1760 3199 JABLOXSKI, D. E. Predikatien, 2d and 3d vols. 12mo paper Amst. 1741 3200 KIST, E. Leerredenen Over Yerschillende Onderwerpen, 2 vols. 8vo Dort 1791 3201 Zedenleer des Christendoms, 2 vols. 8vo Dort 1850 3203 KIXG, P. Der Eerste Christensche Kirke, 12mo Amst. 1762 3204 KOTZBUE, A. V. De Hussiten voor Xaumberg, 12mo Amst. 1805 3295 KXIBBE, D. Den Briefen des Aposteles Pauli aan den Colossensem end Korinthus. 2 vols. 4to Dort 1702 3200 RUMPEL, J. W. Vaderlandsche Gedenkstukken, 8vo paper Leyd. 1783 3207 Klinkenberg. J. Van Xeys. Onderrays in den Godsdienst, 6 vol, 8vo, paper (one volume wanting) Amst. 1780 3208 EACH, A. Het Raatzet Gazigte van Jesiah de Phropheet, 4to bds Amst 1793 3209 LAXGENES, H. Bybel StolTen, 4to 2d vol Ench 1735 3210 LAMPE, F. A. Werke 5 vol. 12mo, parch. Amst. 1725 3211 4 vol 12mo paper 3212 LE ROY, Daniel. De Vier I^aatstc Uit-eindeii der Menschen door, 12mo Rot. 1736 3213 LOSLIUS, F. Gumal de Lina, 3 vols 12mo, paper Amst. 1810 3214 LEEIUV, Isaak Van. Over het Gelsof Brief den Judas, 8vo parch Amst. 1784 3215 LEYDEKKER, M. De Verborgentheid des Geloofs, &c., 4to paper Amst 1729 153 3216 LOO, J. Van. Leerredenen, 2 vols 8vo, paper Utreeht, 1785 3217 L., N. S. V. De Godsdienstige Christen, 2 vols, 12mo Amst. 1743 3218 LAMPE,A. Over den 45 Psalm, 2 vol 12mo bds Dort. 1720 3219 GROEN, C. Een Kerkganger, 12mo, paper, Rot. 1729 3220 GRIBIUS, P. Over Job. 4to Delft. 1731 3221 MARTINET, J. F. Katechismus der Natiiur, 4vol 8vo hf bd Amst. 1782 3222 MIILLER, P. L. S. Kort Ontwerps van de redelyke Oogm- erkens Gods, 8vo paper Amst. 1762 3223 MOBACHIUS, J. Predikatien, 4to Amst. 1748 3224 MOTTZER, (C.) Leerede. Over Eph. 62 vols., 8vo. Utr. 1784 3225 MUNTINGHE (H.) De Psalmen. 3 vols. Svo. Leyd. 1742 3226 MIGHAELIS (D. J.) 2d vol. Svo. Grav. 1779 3227 MERG DER AKADEMISCHE VERHANDELINGEN. 10 vols. 12mo Amst. 1739 3228 MEYER (F.) Over Abraham's Offerhande. 12mo. Amst. 1757 3229 MOLENAAR (S.) Melk wit de Catechismus. 12mo. Amst. 1725 3230 MOLENAAR (S.) Ofte de Catechismus, 12mo. Amst. 1751 3231. MARTINUM ([.) Predicatien. 12mo. Gronig. 1647 3232 MOONEN, A. Stefanus de Diaken. 2 vols 12mo paper Der. 1696 3233 NAHYNES, G. J. Over Paulus aan de Philippensen, 2voIs Svo paper Amst. 1780 3234 NAHYNS, P. Kortbegriss des Religie, 12mo, paper Dort. 3235 G.J. Leerreden. Svo paper Rot. 3770 3236 NATUURKUNDIG Schoolboek, Svo, paper Leyd. 1792 3237 NYLOR, J. Predikaatsien, 12mo parch broken Gron 1702 3238 OUBOTER, B. Verklaaring vane rcnige Schriftuur plaatzen, 2 vols Svo paper Amst. 1791 3239 OTTO, J. Taschenbuch fur Kanflente, 12mo boards Ber. 1814 3240 POST Elizabeth .Maria. Voor Eenzaamen, Svo paper Berlin, 1814 3241 POLLIUS, (Magdalena,) Stigtelyke, Mongeldigten, 8vvo Lecwer, 1745 3242 RAMBACM, (J. J.) Over Christus in Gethsemani, 4to paper, Amst. 1763 3243 ROTTERDAM, (Over Plaetzen des Onden Testaments. 4to paper, Amst. 1751 3244 RAMBACII, (J. J.) Vergameling Over den Kingen, 12mo Nym. 1737 3245 REDDINGIUS, (G. B.) Over den Heidelbergschen Catechis- mus, 3 vols 8vo paper Gronig, 1806 3246 ROYAARDS, (H.) De Waare Aart van Jesus, Koningrijk, Svo paper, Utr. 1799 154 3247 MEfi, (G.) De Godireesende Koopman, 12mo half calf 3213 RAHLIiJEN, (R.) Hand-Boeck over den Heiligen doop, &c., Proalt, 1790 3249 RUL.EUS, (H.) Kerck Heylingingh, 18mo parchment, Amst. 1670 3250 SCHAGEN (M.) Boelstoffen en Bedestonden, 8vo parch- ment Utr. 1740 3251 SCHULZ (F.) Der Groote Onowenteling in Frankrijk, 8vo paper Anist. 1798 3252 SCHUTTE (Rutger.) Heilige laar boeken, 3 vol. 8vo paper Amst. 1779 3253 SCIIArHT (J. H.) Spoedige Bekeenng, 8vo half sheep Amst. 1762 3254 STUART (M.) Brief van Jakobus in Leerredenen, 2 vols 8 vo, 2nd missing, paper Amst. 1804 3255 STEEX.MEIJER (J.) Leerredenen, 2 vols. 8vo paper, Amst. 1783 3256 SPANHEI.M (F.) Versaraeling van Predikaatsien, 12mo parchment Lrid. 1688 3257 SWARTTE (J.)Waraheidiat Sink der Sabbathen, 12rao Leid 1727 3258 SERRURIER (F.) Intree-reeden te Amsteldam, 8vo paper, Amst. 3259 SANDYK (D. V.) De Bekommerde Christen, 12mo paper Amst. 1746 3260 TEN BRINK (R. A.) Leerrede, 2 vols, paper Utr. 1785 3261 THEMMEN(\V.) Leerrenen, r2mo parehment Gronig 1764 3262 TURRETIN (F.) Predicatien, 12mo parch. Amst. 1696 3263 THEMMEN (W.) Werke, 3 vols. 4to, paper broken Dort. 1764 3264 TREVIARIUS (L. G.) Da Waarheit in Jezus, &c., 2 vols 4to Gron. 1737 3265 VERHANDELING van den Heidelberg Catechism, 4 vols. 8 vo, green parchment Utr. 1783 3266 VANHUIZEN (P.) Warechristen, 12mo cloth Gron. 1728 32G7 VERNET, J. Christelyke Anderwys, 5 vols, 8vo, paper Horn, 1768 3268 VADERLAXDSCHE Histoire Verkort, r2mo paper Amst. 1758 3269 WILLIMSEN. J. Een Graagtrow van J. Christus, 4to pap. Mid. 1779 3270 YERMEER, J. Oeffeningen, 4to paper Utrecht, 1737 3271 WESTERHOUT, M. Jesuswandel, 12mo paper 1743 3273 WATTS, I. Van't verstand, 8vo, paper Grav. 1762 3274 Zedekunde in Voorheelden an Verhalen,2 vols 8vo Amsi. 1808 3275 MANUSCRIPT Sermons, 8 vols, 4to. paper. 3276 LOT of Books. 3277 do 3278 do 3279 do 32S0 do T"'"""'-'"-'--^-^-^^ kAi^A^AikAikAAAA*^ Monday Afternoon, May 23d, and Fire Fol- lowing' Days at 4 o'clock. €ntixt OA.T_zVLOaUE OF THE OF THE LATE REP. RPlfS W. GRISWOLD, D. D., L. L. D., Forming an Exti-aorJinary Collection of Rare, Choice, Valuable and Curious Books in nearly every tlcpartment of Literature ; particularly rich in Poetical Works and biography. Ancient and Modern, and in Civil and Ecclesiastical History, including many that are very Choice and Scarce relating to America.' Also, Early Printed Books, &c., &c., gathered by the late owner during many years, and compris- ing a vast variety of IMPORT- ANT BOOKS that cannot now be obtained through the ordinary channels. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION, (BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTOR,) On Monday Afternoon, May 23d, 1859, ^iHti Five Follotving Hays, COMMENCING, EACH DAY, AT 4 O'CLOCK. BY BA^lSraS, ISlERA^^IlSr & CO. ^ ^' ^^ ROOMS, No. 13 'PAUjCj, ^ \ '^ The Books will be on exhibition four days before the Sale. ;8®" Gtemlemen who are unable to attend the Sale may have their orders to purchase executed by the Auctioneers. ^FW^FfTfTW^FV'V'WV^T^PP^FVTW i^Tf »>f ff f ff fff f -lot -it&fi litiAi ,r»£%r' *><*«> tS' >b«gul'. I (11 in (I ... ilv UM. UIJ .(! J ..I ..!! .11 I] i}{\Hl UVSt fJixNi fiooir >MJOJ i >' > 4 ,1v^ .^ -^jV -AilKH Li .oifl. .fcMCOvi ^i\i^. -?. (T^ '^.-^ ^^ •us adl aiul-i : >i!;i' ti->Ju»!>X9 »«e|].->iuq nl Biabio il90i 4va/l Ynin sla.^ sdl bnjiJ£ u4 oiiliilu ?:£ uJ .-.- u-jlu: >> 7 t n ffyfy» n »i m > n >i m i>> nv »»»>< * < k » » < ^^t^ m f f » '» » t f f t»< f »f ** o^ i r* i <» »< .() » 7, AnijiAif, .K\jyiAH MM r^ iri^rh ill' .n.y^w -i n-^flTY^ f^^^ ^F IIUJil e;ii»iU cl.lci.ilj; / 111 Jijoiii) U'CCC o\jinl j: n Jt n.liii.-> 1 1 1 f' .--li;;' cnl t ojj Lii* ,C>llCI J' llK-UlcimA Ollj lIK-lt CU I'oV? Sn _(5IC»llf>5/|lll'Ll lisiiuiiiJ. cf.i\ umi Jui.-v '"1 cJul III l>!iio atl lliv/ oltnlw < l^-JlU'lJ lu/:, oil] .ij /lOlJii MUpjtt ll>' l'»:ll rti! J'^l'l COM ii ".'Iflt '..> "^R 'M mum :/;m[] :mhm\m mihwm *i^>!'i«> !i->ilJ tJViiil iijii;> 6li;<^ aill f>ilrjJJii .luiiuii;j 01(7/ jtOihaM t^ ,^;:uilii -^ •"■•■•■• ■•■-■••■ 'i-l ;■ A ,• '•'Li m '*. ".^L i^.ie ^ # ^•WK >v%»V