Richardson, The Architect AND The Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce Building RICHARDSON'S LETTER SEAL Southern Regional i^ibrary Facility '•^fmr. THE CINCINNATI ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY SULLIVAN PRINTING WORKS CO. CINCINNATI Il.,>i,,i^l,,„ M, nihil A- I'o I Richardson, the Architect and The Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce Building Richardson's Letter Seal The Cincinnati AsTRONdMICAL SnCIF.l V I()I4 Illustrations Albany, City Hall 24 Albany. Senate Chamber IS Ames Memorial Library 18, 20, 21 Ames Town Hall, Xortli Haston, Mass.. 20 Ames, F. L. Gate Lodge 23 Ames. I'". L. Wholesale Store, Boston.. 25 Allegheny County Court House and Jail. 30 Arches, Details of Fourth Street "4 Arches, Details of Vine Street 112 Astronomical Observatory 114 Bank Rooms TS-TS-""^* Ban(|uet, Fall Festival Directors 86 Brattle Street Church Tower 13 ■'Bridge of Sighs," Pittsburgh 30 Brnokline, Drafting Room 39 Brooklino, Richardson's Library 29 Building Committee, B. M. C. . IDMO.S Business Men's Club Quarters 111(1-1(1/ Cliaml>iT of Commerce Building 36, 40 Chamlier of Commerce. Exchange Hall. 6,'> Chimney Piece, North Easton Library.. 18 Cincinnati College S0-S2 Corner Stone of Chamlier 62 Construction Views 56. 57, 73 Delegation to Louisville, Ky 86 Drafting- Room, Brookline 39 Eagles, Carved 41, ,S), I0'» Emblem of B. M. C 99 Entrance to Chamber of Commerce.... 61 Entrance to Fifth National Bank 60 Exchange Hall, 1890 65 Exchange Hall, Banquet 86 Exchange Hall from Gallery 67 Exchange Hall. Record Service 95 Exchange Hall, Rostrum 66 Fifth National Bank, Interiors 78, 7'* Fourth Street, 1833 and Later.. 43. 45, SO, 51 Fourth and \'ine. Corners, Views. .47-49. 85 Gate Lodge, North Easton, Mass 23 Glencairn Restaurant 76 Harvard Law School. .Austin Hall 26, 27 Hercules, Star Cluster 123 Historic Views, Fourth and Vine 43-51 "In Medieval Garb" Richardson 35 Letter Seal, H. H. R 3 Louisville & Nashville R. R.. General Freight Office 77 Marshall Field Wholesale Store. Chicago 33 Maxwell Tribute 98 Monogram H. H. R 32 Nebula, Great Spiral 116 Xebula, Network, in Cygnus 127 Oak Leaves and .-Xcorns, Carving, Trinity 17 Observatory Design, Garlier iS: Wood- ward 6, 114 Ol^lcers Long in Service of 'Change. . .94-96 Puri.s. Scliool of Imuc .\rls 11 I'hocni.x Insurance Olfice, later. Smith lV Nixon Hall 82 I'ike's Opera House, l''xterior 48, 50 Pike's Opera House, Interior 83 "Pink Milford" Quarries. Milford, Mass., 54 Pittsburgh Court House and Jail 30 Presidents of B. M. C 101-109 Presidents of C. of C 68-72, 87-93 Provident Savings Bank & Trust Co... 75 IJuarries, Granite. Mill'urd. Mass 54 Real Estate Managers 68-72 Record Service, Exchange Floor 95 Reflector, 60-inch, Mt. Wilson, Cal 119 Richardson. Henry Hobson 2 Richardson, "In Medieval Garb" 35 Richardson with Friends at Zoo 53 Richardson's Drafting Room, Brookline. 39 Richardson's Library, Brookline 29 Roof Construction 73 Roof Dormer. Fourth Street 109 Rostrum of 'Change 66 Senate Chamber, Albany, State Capitol, 18 Sever Recitation Hall, Harvard 22 Smith & Nixon's Hall, Exterior 82 Star Cluster in Hercules 123 Store, Wholesale, .\mes, Boston 25 Store, Wholesale. Marshall Field. Chicago 33 Superintendents of Chamber of Com- merce 94 Tablet in New Excliange Hall 63 Taylor, William Watts, Portrait 110 Telescope, Photographic 11'' Town Hall, North Easton, Mass 20 Trinity Church. Boston 14, 15 Union Central Life Insurance Co. Building 8S Union Savings Bank & Trust Co. Quarters 75 U. S. Post r)ffice and Customs House... 45 \'ine Street Arcade of Arches, Details.. 112 ArehMecTuTB S8 Urbin Planninc Library How Richardson Developed His Romanesque Style of Architecture. Hy De I.isi.e Stewart. Pages 9 35 Richardson and the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce Building. By A. O. El/.nek. 36 39 The Building, Historical Sketch of Its Inception, Its Erection, Its Dedication, and Its Destruction. By George Stuart Bradijury. 40-85 Happenings and Activities in the Chamber of Commerce Building 1889-191 i. 8693 By Charles B. Murray. Officers Long in the Service of 'Change. 94-9S The Business Mens' Club Quarters, 1903- 191 1. 99109 The Preservation of the Granite Arches and W^alls after the Fire. no 113 Thirty Years Progress in the New x'\stronomy, Plans for the Observ atory and Home of the Cincinnati Astronomical Society. Bv DeI.isle Stewart, President. 1 14-128 ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS PHOTOGRAPHS. 1778942 Dedicated to the Re-Erection of the Richardson Arches r t ^ Design of Observatory, by Garber & Woodward, Architects. Announcement: The jiurposes of this Bnokict arc To Provide fur the re-erection oi the i;reat Window Arches and other val- iiahle parts of the former Chamber of Commerce Building the crowning speci- men of Henry Hobson Richardson's Romanesque style of Architecture, and for so many years the pride and admiration of its owners, its occupants and all residents of Cincinnati. To Provide also, that these beautiful Arches shall fcjrm the walls of such Astronomical and .Vstrophysical Obser\atory and Home of the Society as is now required to carry out the specific jiurposes of its organization and of its Articles of Incorporation, namely : "Promoting the study of astronomy and the allied sciences; the advancement of knowledge in related lines of research; the estab- lishing and maintaining of astronomical and astrophysical instruments, equipments, real estate and buildings in the city of Cincinnati or its vicinity; and for the purpose of securing and administering trust funds for the permanent endowment of the astronomical and astro- pliysical researches of the Society and its members." To Provide further, for the securing the complete eqtiipment of powerful Photographic Telescopes, Spectroscopes, and all modern aids to scientific celestial research, for this Observatory. To Provide finally, the Permanent Endowment Fund, the income from which shall supplement the General Expense Fund, so that the Society may conduct its popular astronomical work and its scientific researches upon such ample, solid financial basis, as the leading American Observatories possess, a basis, worthy also of the historic astronomical interest of o\er seventy years on the part of citizens of our City, and in keeping with the new life, wide-spread interest and wonderful progress of the last few decades in the ennobling study of the Heavens. THE CIXCIXXATI ASTROXO^HCAL SOCIETY. DeLisle STEw^^RT, President. Wm. C. Cooder, Vice-President. Dr. C. T. P. Fexxel, Trustee. ^Iurr-W M. Shoemaker, Secretary. Joseph T. Harrison, Trustee. Dr. C. T. P. Fenxel, Treasurer. Dr. R. C. Heilebower, Trustee. RoiiERT C. Johnston, Tmstee. Alfred Kxight, Trustee. Clair H. X'ortox, Trustee. EXPRESSION OF APPRECIATION. To the Union Central Life Insurance Co., inircha.--crs of tlie Chamber of Commerce site, and to Henry Harig & Co., contractor.s for the removal of the walLs, the Astronomical Society is indebted for the gift of the granite arches and valuable wall material, for its careful handling from the walls, and for hauling and loading the same on the flat-cars at the Plum Street yards at their own expense. To the President of the Chamber, ^Ir. Walter A. IJraper, to the Municipal Art Society, thru its late lamented President, I\Ir. William Watts Taylor, and its other officers, to Air. G. H. Gest, Director of the Art Museum, and especially to Alessrs. Garber & ^^^oodward. architects, who after months of eftort and repeated conferences with these other officials finally secured the preservation of this choicest specimen of architecture, we wish here to express our full appreciation. To the Cincinnati Frog & Switch Co., who have allowed the Society the free use of a large storage lot. wc have been and still remain under deep obligation. To the Donors, more than four hundred in number, who with the Muni- cipal Art Society met the total cost of the freight and handling of the granite, and have joined in the later parts of our plans, we also express our indebted- ness. Without their timely interest and assistance, the saving of the Richard- son arches would have been out of the question. To Mr. A. O. Elzner, pupil of Richardson and Cincinnati architect, to Air. Charles B. Alurray, Superintendent, and Mr. George S. Bradbury, Chief Clerk of the Chamber for so many years, whose life-long association with and deep affection for the old building have added interest and historical value to important sections of this booklet, the Society can but express its great obligations. Air. Robert J. H. Archiable. Doorkeeper and Custodian of Exchange, has aided us effectively in the search for photographs. Former Presidents and many members have furthered our plans for the preservation and later restoration of the arches of their old home. We wish to thank all Officials of the Chamber of Commerce and Business Men's Club for their assistance and co-operation in the preparation of this Booklet. Houghton Alifflin and Company, Boston, \-ery gladl}" granted permission to reproduce the Portrait of the Architect and other illustrations, from Airs. A'an Rensselaer's "Richardson and His ^^'orks," from which also the material for the biographical sketch is largely drawn. "The American Architect" of New York has also allowed the use of several illustrations of his buildings from their Alonographs as well as one showing the Exchange floor in 1890. Our thanks are due to both of these Publishers. We are indebted to Air. A. O. Kraemer, Rombach & Greene, and Air. Wm. R. Biddle, and others, for many photographs of historic interest, and to Garber & Woodward, architects, for designs of the future Observatory. Special mention should be made of the Cincinnati Process Engraving Co. for their extreme care in preparing the half-tones, of The Chatfield & Woods Co., as dealers in fine papers, and of The Sullivan Printing \\'orks Co. for valued assistance in publishing this Booklet. The Cincinn.ati Astronomical Society. CINCINNATI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND MERCMANTS* EXCHANGE Caal Oehonct, mg« Gut m Freed, kdi ■■4'u»LiCi" otn. eOABO OF DiRECIOfiS GEOfiGE F DiETEfiLf, pBt". Roberta Colieo. i William T. JOHNSTON, tacas. TkOmaiC.ROmIll Aaminh S^hoea JAMES P. 0«(T.).i HENflr M, SROuSE. icc'- IIAfnC tXAAATMCMT LJICAHAH A a NOI<> CIUCIN N ATI June 9, 1914. L. If MEBBlE. hom. OVIC 4 INOUSIAIAL OtAT. eL■:^nAno FREUDENSTETN. MOA rOAflON DCrARAMtHT S W COFFMAN. i.TitOA ruke-asiAO AAEHT ■ elE address COMMERCE" TO WHOM IT MAY COHCERN: The Board of Dlreotorn of the Cin- cinnati Ohamber of Commerce and Uerchanta' Exchange, at a meeting held on June 2, 1914; passed the following resolu- tion: WHEREAS, In former years the Chamber of Commerce caused the Masterpiece of Richardson's Romanesque Architecture to be erected as its Commercial Home, and the same re- mained a prominent and beautiful adornment of our City, the pride of our members and of all our citizens, until its untimely destruction; and WHEREAS, the Cincinnati Astronomical Society has saved the great outer arches of this former Chamber of Commerce Build- ing, and now undertakes to re-erect them, virtually un- changed, as the walls of a building for scientific purposes; therefore be it RESOLVED , That the Board of Directors hereby expresses its hearty approval of a plan, which involves the preservation, in the permanent form which they deserve, of the most strik- ing architectural features of the building. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. How Richardson Developed His Romanesque Style of Architecture. By DeLisle Stewart. When, in December, 1884, after years of waiting and careful financial planning, the Chamber of Commerce of Cincinnati was ready to receive designs for its new commercial home, one of the architects who was asked to submit competitive tlrawings for the proposed structure was H. H. Rich- ardson, of Boston, ^^'hen all the designs were displayed and compared, Rich- ardson's was accejited. It is proi)er, in beginning the acc(.)unt and history of this liuilding. to take up briefly the life and career of thi^ man, to whom the Chamber, through its Real Estate Committee, entrusted the complete planning of its permanent home. < )n September 29, 1838. a son was born to Henry Dickerson Richardson and Catherine Caroline Priestley Richardson, at Priestley's plantation, St. James Parish, Louisiana. This was Henry Hobson Richardson. Pure English blood flowed in the \eins of both parents. The father, coming to New Orleans from Port Royal, Bermuda, at the age of ■sixteen, entered into business as a cotton merchant with the firm of Hobson and Company The mother was a granddaughter of the famous Doctor Joseph Priestley, the discoverer of oxygen, who. a refugee from a mob in Birmingham, England, fled, after the burning of his house and laboratory, to France in 1791, and later settled in Pennsylvania. His son, \\'illiam Priestley, moving from Pennsylvania to Louisiana in 1801. engaged in the raising of sugar-cane and became wealthy, worth se\'eral hundred thousand dollars: \\ illiam's daughter, Catherine Caro- line, born at the Priestley Plantation, married Henrv Dickerson Richardson, and was at the plantation when their first son. Henry Hobson, our future architect, was born, in 1838. About a year later, in 1839, Cincinnati saw the organization of its Chamber of Commerce: for in the Cinciiniati Dailv GiLCcttc of October 14. 18,i9. was printed the call, signed by seventy-six business men and firms, for a meeting of the merchants to be held in the hall of the Young Men's Mercantile Library Association Tuesday evening, (.Jctoljer l^th; <'n that evening and at an adjourned meeting on the following Tuesday exening. C)ctober 22nd. the Chamber of Commerce and Bciard of Trade was organized Boyhood and Education. The Richardson family li\ecl in Xew i )rle;ins. and Itcnry's boyhood was spent there ; at seven }ears he attended a public school for a few months, but after that was sent to the private school nf Mr. George Blackman. where liis systematic education was carried on until a vear after his father's death in 1854. A special early aptitude for drawing led his father to phu-e him under the best drawing master in the city : his exceptional ability in m;ithematics was a delight to his instructors and ]irophetic of the future. 9 Cincinnati Astronomical Society We nia\ picture this Louisiana household, of recognized \vorth. honored in the coniniunil_\- and of ample means, combininiij' the business outlook of the cotton merchant of New Orleans, with a close touch cm the affairs of great sugar plantations forty miles or so west of the city, where suninu-r-tinu- and winter holidays were spent. Four chil Iren, I lenr\-, William, a younger brother, and two sisters, grew up in tlii-> licune of culture and abundance. Henry was a healthy, happy lad, fond of outdoor life, excelling in the sports, later becoming a good horseman and an expert at the foils; he loved music, playing the f^ute, enjoyed the society of ladies, and was particularly neat and tasteful in his dress. An armv life was in prospect at first and a cadetship at West Point sought, but an impediment in his speech rendered him unfit for military service. Instead, a year was spent at the I'niversity of I^ouisiana, and he then went to Cambridge, Mass., to prepare for Harvard under a private tutor. Altho ahead in mathematics and fluent in [•'rench, he was back in the classics, which delaved his entrance; he matriculated with the class of '59, His college life was not unusual ; he did good average work, excelling notably in mathematics. Fellow-students recall him as unusuallv handsome, of genial, .social nature, fond of fine ckithes, making friends readily and loyal to tlu'ni, energetic and Architecture wa-^ his choice as a profession; when he so decided is not known, tho he inclined toward civil engineering on leaving his .Southern home for college. In his senior year he was pleased to learn that his step- father had decided to send him to Europe for a short time to study architec- ture : right after commencement he set sail with two classinates for a summer's travel in England, Scotland and Ireland, and liy early fall was in Paris pre- paring for entrance to the Ecolc des Beaux Arts. . Studies and Life in Paris, 1859-65. Entrance to this school is by rigid oral examination ; candidatt-s must be presented or vouched for by some one of the commissioned artists whose studios or ateliers are within or close by the school. Richardson joined the atelier of .M. Andre and almost immediately tried the entrance examinations; passing in some subjects, but failing in the stiff ciuestions of descriptive geometry, his entrance was delayed until the next fall. Steady preparatory work occupied him all this time; of the one hundred and twenty candidates sixty only were accepted, and he was eighteenth in rank among these. The examinations were public, entirely in French, and lasted a full month. The school is so organized that all the students attend the various general lectures covering the theoretical subjects; but the practical work is done at the ateliers. Subjects are announced in the main competition room of the school, but are studied and elaborated in the \ arious ateliers, whose members compete among themselves; and then the designs from all the ateliers are shown in general competition in the exhibition galleries of the school. So a double rivalry is excited — each student against those in the same studio; each studio against all the rest, to bring prizes and honors to their group, to their instructor and patron. Self is here forgotten and a generous helping hand given wherever it will count for success. Into such a strenuous, boister- ous, rough-and-tumble, yet cheerful and fraternal life Richardson entered in the atelier of M. Andre ; his choice of architecture as a profession was a serious Richardson's Romanesque Architixture one, and he devoted himself to it most earnestly. Money coming in regular remittances from New Orleans allowed him to live with ease and put all his etiforts into his studies. Civil War ; No Remittances ; Self-Support. The outbreak of the Ci\il \\ ar in .Vmerica hrout'lit about a complete re- versal of fortune ; remittances became irretrular, then ceased entirely. More modest quarters were taken and every sacrifice made to continue his studies. A brief trij) to Boston in 1861, with the ]:>rotests of his many friends against his going South, and no architectural work in sight in the North, caused him to return to Paris early in 1862 ; encouraged, also, by the family of Miss Hay- den, to whom he had become engaged during his college course, he was re- Mi iij' ■ m E. I.. D, lCon)li'';y of A. Lincoln Fechliehner.] School of Fine Arts, Paris. Ecole des Beaux Arts. Founded in 1648; nationally recognized in 1793. Reorganized under present name in 1815. solved to continue his education at the licole des Beaux ,\rts at whatever sac- rifice, to support himself by draughtsman's work in architects' ofifices, yet retain his connection with M. Andre's atelier and its ci>ntests as closely as possible. Thru this teacher Richardson secured a position with M. Labrouste, one of the chief government architects, under wb-om he designed a very im- portant Hospital for Incurables, with acconunodations for 2.000 patients, at a total cost of $2.(X)0,000. This designing was his day work at l.abrouste's house, and as best he ciiuld he studied and worked evenings with his fellows at the studio. Two or three times a week he sought instruction in painting at the studio of M. Leperre to complete that side of his artistic eilucation. That he met all expectations in this outside employment is certain, as he took part in very responsible construction work, that of various railroad stations under Hittorf, as well as the designing of the Legislati\'e Hall, residence for the Emperor and a palace for the Governor of Algiers. By this stress of doubled effort, by this practical training, was laid the foundation of future success ; a maturity of mind, an enthusiasm for and devotion to his profession, grew upon him, which in his former cnre-free circumstances were unknown. Cincinnati Astronomical Society The siege of New Orleans. wIktc liis nidtlK-r ami >istcrs wi-rc. wcit^hecl very heavily upon him, tlm he was powerless to aid them in any way ; his mother in her letters heggcd him to stay in Paris and continue his studies. Three years and a half of this intense struggle for his educatinn and to meet his expenses brought him to the time for his return home, in ( fctolier. 1865. Instead of a brief six or eight months of study which his stepfather's letter inentidiied in 1839, Richardson spent six and a h.ilf \ears in preparatii in. "A Chance" in America. The Xiirih, and Xew ^'cirk rather than I'oston, was his choice as a start- ing point. Here he sought work; his tine library gathered at college and in the early Paris days had already been sold, and he was without money. A brief partnership with a Piruoklyn liuildcr was dissolved after a few weeks; with his few books he occupied a small back parlor in a private home, working on such designing as he found t" dn. .\'e\\ s "\ lii^ mother's death came at this trying time; fellow artists befriended him: thru it all he was conluleiit of his abilitv to succeed when the chance shniild cniiie. A classmate, Mr. Rumrill, obtained permission f(ir him U< --ubmit designs, along with several well-known architects, for a Unitarian Church tn be built at Springtield, Mass. Much iip])iisition arose in the btiilding committee mer entrusting such imiiortant work to an untried man — one v.'ith no independent practice, no special training in church designing, and no American practical knowledge of building. Nevertheless the intrinsic merits of his plans carried the day; he himself was in Springfield, and in hi-- impatience tn learn the com- mittee's decision, was awaiting it in an outer room. When it was told him he burst into tears and exclaimed, "That is all 1 wanted — a cluuicc." And a chance was all he needed. Almost immediately he was commis- sioned to build the Boston and .\lhany Railroad Station at Springfield and shortly after the Grace Episcopal Church, West Medford. Mass In January, 1867, he married Miss Hayden and the\- resided at Clifton, Staten Island. While at work on these fir>t three commissions he occupied a room in the offices of Mr. Littell, architect, in Trinity Ihiilding, on Broadway In < )ctol)er, 1867, he entered into partnership with Mr. Charles Gambrill, an architect of well-established reputation, with ot¥ices at '> llanover Street and later at S7 Broadway. In just two years he had reached sell-sujjport, Ijeing then twenty- nine vears of age. His partner was especially helpful in business experience and practice, yet the artistic and creative talent of Richardson was not ham- pered l,)y this association; for ele\en years the lirm name of (kimbrill it Rich- ardson was employed. First Traces of a New Style. "It would not cost me a l)it of trouble to Iniild French buildings that would reach from here to Philadel])hia, but that is not what I want to do," was his frequent remark in these earliest New York days. Completely familiar with the French styles tho he was. his bold and self-reliant nature chose rather to work out some style peculiarly and \itally American. Xot all at once, but step by step, were fotmd the forms and materials for his use. Altho we may pick out the bold use of rock-faced granite in the Boston and Albany Railroad Station at Springfield as a hint of that feeling for "big- ness" so characteristic later ; or cite the novel use of boulders in the walls of the West Medford Episcopal Church as a proof of his artistic ability ; or see in the Agawam Bank of Siiringfield a foretelling of his later use of round Richardson's ko.\iANKs(juE Architecture arches: or in the Worcester High School, with its many colors of brick and tile and slate, a reflection of Richardson's love of color and decoration ; yet it is not initil we come to his Brattle Scjuare Church tower (now First Baptist Church), Boston, that we realize the direction of his progress. Brattle Street Tower In the tower of this church, commissioned in July, 1870, we find Richardson's first approach to Romanesque work. This scjuare, lofty tower, re- sembling an Italian canijianile in outline, rests upon fotir piers, supporting four great round- arches; with slightly accentuated corners, and broken only by a few narrow window openings, the tower rises well beyond the gable of the church to very large belfry windr)ws, also round- arched ; next a slightly projecting cornice, then a frieze of ^culjituied figures round the finir sides ; a line of small arches, seven to a side ; a little space of solid wall. and. over all, the roof cornice, sloping roof and tall finial. The orna- mental frieze, after models by Bartholdi in Paris, was a happv idea of Richardson's, and was carved bv Italian workmen after the stones were in place. The joyotis Wedding service, at the moment of the placing of the ring, shows in the photograph. The parents bringing their infant fur Baptism. boys and girls receiving the Coiiiinitiiion. the peaceful Death of the aged grandfather, are shown in the other three jianels. Their material is a light colored st(ine, and the angel's trumpets are gilded. The r<>nf is of red tiles. The tower and church are built of a warm yellow-tinted pudding-stone which is streaked with darker iron-stains that relieve monotony and accent the trimmings The ^vhole color effect is both rich and animated. .\n arcade of round arches fcirms a \-estibule adj .iml designs, and the original drawings would hardly be recognized in the ci pnipK-lcd building. In the centr;il tower ]ierhai»s the greatest variations are found. Its first design had ne\er really pleased him. and he kept studying o\er its form without finding a satisfactory solution. One day while ill in bed he was looking over some photographs sent him by his friend La Farge, for ]X)Ssible suggestions. The instant he saw the tower of the old cathedral at Salamanca he exclaimed, "This is what we want." That gave him the idea, and within a short time the final designs were in the hands of the contractors. ( )iily l)y such incessant, painstaking revision of design, and by tiie rejection and rebuilding of unsatis- factory parts until they came up to his ideals, was the success of Trinity secured. The compact ground-plan, altho not new in America, had been untried in so large a church. Trinity showed that great architectural beauty and right ecclesiastic effect could be secured by its use. (piite as well as with tlie "long- drawn aisle." In extreme length, west to east, it measures one hundred and sixty feet ; across the trancepts one hundred and twenty feet : from center to center t)f the four great piers fifty-twii feet. It has seats for fifteen hundred people. From the ground line to the highest stone in the building is one hun- dred and fifty feet, and to the topmost point of the finial is two hundred and eleven feet. A Color Church. To the impression of pleasing nia^siveness and grandeur in jjroportions is added the element of contrasting colors. Yellowish-gray Dedham granite laid up in rock-faced ashler contrasts w-ell with the reddish-brown Long- meadow freestone for trimmings and cut-stone work. Surface decorations of alternating squares and other geometric figures in dark and light stone, like the mosaic work of earlier centuries, enliven some parts of the w^alls. The gray slate of the lower roofs is relieved by red terra-cotta trimmings, and the tower roof is covered with semi-glazed red Akron tiles. All these colors har- monize and give brightness and life to the exterior. The panel of oak leaves and acorns, near the western entrance, gives an idea of the naturalness of the i6 Richakuson's Romanesque Akchitectire stone-carvers' work in enriching the exterior. Kvans & Tombs, Boston, were much encouraged and brought out as modelers and carvers in wood and stone by Richardson. Several panels of fish and flowers, painted by John La Farge, were ex- hibited in 1865. and so admired by Richardson that he exacted from the artist a promise to do decorative work for him in the first important building at his disposal. In 1876 La Farge was called on to redeem his promise and undertook not only to design the interior decorations and supervise the work, but made himself responsible for all exjienditures. purchasing the colors and emplo}"ing all assistants. Shortness of time and lack of funds allowed only the tower and side-walls to be adorned with figures, while the vaulted ceilings and other parts were plain tinted. With the large unbroken wall spaces at his disposal, with complete freedom from classical restraints, with true artis- tic enthusiasm and great self-devotion, it is not strange that the frescoes pro- duced a decided impression with the public and were thought to be unsur- passed in this country at that date. The prevailing color of the interior walls was red. while the four great piers were a dark bronze-green, with gilded capitals and bases. Oriental decorations of many colors in geometric designs fill ceiling spaces and form borders about the windows and the numerous arches. Inside as well as outside Trinity deserves the name given it by its architect — "A Color Church." The completed Trinity expresses clearly and properly its religious pur- pose, with an aspect of dignity and sturdy masculine strength. The whole structure shows a vital unity and balance in emphasis — the tower does not crush out the lower roofs but dignifies them. To the beauty of its form is added the pronounced yet harmonious eftect of contrasting colors. From each direction the eye sees a different picture, a varied setting for the one central tower : there is no monotony in the rough-hewn surfaces, every hour their lights and shadows differ ; a closer look shows details of moderate ornamenta- tion, elegant and appropriate. However or whenever one might come upon such a building, it would impress and please him. On his return from Paris his brother had said he would give him five years to stand at the head of his profession. In about that lime he had gained the commission to build Trinity Church in competition with the leading archi- tects of the country. So his brother's exi)ectation was almost literally fulfilled. His own architectural ideas became more definite as the walls of Tr.nity rose. His time of experiments is passed, he has found the forms his eager brain can fashion and the implements his energetic hands can mold into the desired shapes. Xow with this completed example of a new type of archi- tecture to his credit, he stands in advance of his profession. Trinity being finished, he is a leader. Richardson moved his home from Staten Island in 1874 to Brookline, a suburb of Boston, so that he could give his constant attention to this work. His home became his office also, when in 1877. the partnership with Mr. Gam- brill after becoming less strict, ceased. Oak leaves and acorns. Exterior stone can-ings. i8 RlCHAKnSON's I\()MANI:SQIFIC Architkcture Advisory Architect, Albany State Capitol. In 1876 Richardson received aj)pi)intment (in an Advisory Board of Archi- tects to consider and report ujion the completion of the New York State Capitol at Albany. Begun in 18()8, it was less than half finished in 1875. and its completion was impossible under its first architect or on tlie ori_L(iiial plans which were in a Roman Renaissance style. This Board consisting; of h'idlitz, Olmsted and Richardson advised its completion in the Romanesque style and later prepared detailed plan> to that effect. Altho a return was ordered later by the Legislature, to a modified Renaissance style, some interior parts wholly after Richardson's designs deserve mention. The Senate Chamber as originally planned was one hundred feet long by sixty feet broad, with a height of fifty feet. By treating the ends as lobbies, divided ofl:' liy massi\"e arcatles, and placing the visitors' galleries above them, he reduced the size to one more suitable for the thirty-two senators. These changes added greatly to the beauty as well as to the convenience of the Cliamlier. The colijr eftects and rich furnishings comljined with the archi- tectural scheme make it one of the most individual rooms of modern times. The columns are of dark red-brown granite, the capitals of whitish marble and the arches of Sienna marble, (iray marble forms the rails and Sienna marljle the balusters in the slightly projecting balconies between the columns. Panels of Mexican onyx frameil in bands of yellow Sienna marble cover the walls on a line e\en with the balconies. The carved oak ceiling-beams have a depth of four feet. The use of Romanesc(ue arches for this interior decoration is noteworthy. It drew the attention of art circles in England at the time and caused favorable comment. It was finished in ISSl. The go\ernor's room and the court of appeals room with its gre;it marlde fireplace, are Richardson's work also. The design uf his great stairway was completed later but he did not live to see it finished. The W^inn Memorial Library at W'oburn, Mass., gained in competition in March, 1877, was the first of se\eral liljraries for small towns. An art-mus- eum is connected with and partly merged into the larger library, but is under a separate octagonal pointed roof. Two contrasting materials alternate in the stones of the arches, and in the checkered or "]Marquetry-work" decorations. Car\-ed stonework and roof ornaments are abundant. This picturesque exter- ior shows plainl}- a further study of ;\uvergnese surface-decorations. His later libraries were more cunipactlv arranged and less ornate. Ames Memorial Buildings. A few months later a chance came to design a smaller library at North Easton, Mass. This is plainer and the parts group together I)etter. An enor- mous single arch Doorway attracts attention, and with a line of five arches above it, makes an interesting front. Irregular ashler forms the lower half of the wall of the wing and is laid up in pleasing \ariety of sizes and rough surfaces. The sloped foundation walls add strength to the general appearance. The interior woodwork is in butternut with delicate carving and turned dec- oration. The carved Fireplace in the reading room is a wonderful piece of work, displaying native leaves and fiowers, and indicating the Memorial pur- poses of the building. '9 CixcrxNATi Astronomical Socikty Oakes and 01i\cr Ames were leadin.y: sh(i\el manufacturers of Nurtli Easton and Boston, whcj became interested in 1805 in the buildinjj; of tlie Union Pacific Railway across the continent. Oakes Ames as a National Con- iijrcssman from 1863 to 1873, was a member of llu- Cuinmittee i in Railroads. In 1864 President Lincoln urged Mr. Ames tn put ilirii the rcail. and after II (/) g T3 O .2 o " c n 0, -o E ^ . c t3 O O o ■= t 1^ o weighing,' the matter nearly a year he decided ti > Imilil it. He put in a million of his own money and pledged all tlie remainder ut his resources for that jnir- pose. His friends in and out of Cointed roof of stone. The nearly unbroken wall of the first story buttresses the arcade of arches and supplies space within for the ascending stairway. Above, each exposed tower face has a very tall, narrow window with its u])[ier section round-.arched. Cincinnati Astronomical Socii-ty The Signs of the Zodiac form the panels of the Frieze, arranged by Calen- dar months. The flowing Urn of Aquarins, the Waterman, its wavy sym- bol ^ , and Jaii'y make the panel close in l)y the roof, 'i'lie li\ely open- mouthed I'ish of Pisces, its symbol X , and Feb. are next, and join with the Head of Aries the Ram T , and March, in ornamenting the southeast face. The angry Head of Taurus, the Bull, H . for .If'ril. and the chubby Boy-faces of the Twins Castor and Pollux of Ccmiiii. n , and May, follow on the east side. So from left around to right, thru the circle of the Signs, 55 , Si , "i; , ^ _ ti\, , / , we come to the Sea-goat, Capricornus, ^J , for Dec. Here the frieze reaches the sloping roof again. l'ni(|ue decorations; vet apjiropriate as typifying the imjjortance of the calendar months in civic affairs. They may also express someone's personal interest in traditional astronom^■. ICilir/.-ty nf Ilnuvh>.<,u. M-f'Iiit i- Co) Sever Recitation Hall, Harvard College. Commissioned 1878. Deep red brick with lighter Longmeadow stone trimmings. Dignified massive building. No strong Romanesque features. From the street below, this tower forms a beautiful picture, with fore- ground of rough ashler retaining-wall, stray boulders and weatherworn ledges. With its setting of arches to left and arched windows to right and in contrast with the darker brick of the building, it stands out an architectural gem. Only one with true artistic spirit could compose such a picture. Sever Recitation Hall, Harvard. In 1878 l^^ichardson designed Sever Hall, a classroom and recitation build- ing, located in the college yard along with many older rectangular structures of red brick and some showy semi-Gothic later ones. Unable without discord to introduce strong Romanesque features, he contented himself with very few moderate uses of them. The material is red brick tending to crimson, with minor trimmings of lighter Longmeadow stone. The brick is laid up six courses of "stretchers" to one of "headers," .giving life and variety to even plain stretches of wall. Richardson's RoMANES(,>iiE Ar( hitectuhk The roof is of red tiles and the few ornaments are carved in brick of a slightly different hue. The doorway with its round-arch is only moderately empha- sized by the roll-mouldings of brick. Two half-towers, midway from center doorway to either end, relieve the rectangular look. The windows are all square topped and so grouped as to avoid monotony. It is a well-])lanned, compact, useful building, not monumental in idea or ornate. Its size and harmonious colors give a strong impression. Richardson was particularly pleased that his Alma Mater selected him for this work. For college ties and friendships seemed intensified with him thru long absence and struggle, and he often spoke of how college life had widened his possibilities and enriched him with friends. Rustic Gate Lodge, for Mr. Frederick L. Ames, at country-seat, North Easton, Mass. Fantastic field boulders form the walls. Cut stones of many colors make up the great arches. Gate Lodge at North Easton. Popular attention was attracted toward a curious rustic Gate Lodge at the country seat of JMr. Frederick L. Ames, more than to some other of Rich- ardson's works. One New York architect said he "would rather have had the credit for having built this Gate Lodge than any other building in this coun- try." Still another comment on it was, "Fantasy of a Titan." Of all the boulders that could be gathered together, there were none too big. too rough, or too abnormal to claim a place in its walls. Porches, alcoves, balconies are alike odd and irregular. Ashler about the windows and doors is made as inconspicuous as possible. A refinement is given to the whole building by the enormous arches that span the roadway. Cut stones of many colors, all of local origin, make up their graceful curxes. Within are rooms of the lodge proper, a suite of bachelor apartments and storage rooms for plants in winter. The owner was widely known for his interest in horticulture, outside of his manufacturing business. Cincinnati Astronomical Sociktv City Hall at Albany. What an a])t expression of ci\ic aullinrii) ihe great tower of this City Hall is! J low stron full corps of assistants, he had thirty men in all working on the detailed plans. That no time might be lost he arranged to have their meals served in the dining-room adjoining, and with his aids worked day and night to be ready for the letting of the contracts. The plans were in Pittsburgh and submitted on July 1st. The sealed bids for construction were ready by August I'lth, and on September 11th, Xorcross Brothers were awarded the contract for Court House and Jail of pink Milford granite. The ground-plan is a rectangle 209 feet frontage by 301 feet in depth, with an inner court-yard, 70 by 145 feet, having corridors giving access to all the rooms. The first floor contains the county offices. Eleven court rooms and the large law-library occupy the second floor. Minor court rooms and clerks' rooms use the third floor, and some attic s])acc. A requirement of all the light possible for the offices was met by making the window openings large, and receiving light from the court-yard as well. Ledges and cornices on which soot might collect were expressly undesirable, so that the exterior is strik- ingly plain. 3' ClXClXNATI AsTROXdMICAI. SoCll-TY Pure Romanesque features arc used — entrance arches, secuml ami tliinl story arched-windows, roof dormers, and, doniinatincf all, the f^reat square tower risintj far above the sloi)inyf roofs. Fi\-c Moors of this tower arc fding- vaults for ])ulilic docunu-nts. reaolu-cl hy ek'\alors. Altho made n--c of in this way, the ornamental and artistic \alue of this tower is far beyond its utili- tarian. It apjiropriatel}- ex])resses the authority of law ,iud ihe place of jus- tice in the community. It ,s;i\'es a linish to the whole -iructnre. When the design was sulmiitted, a iiostile critic likened the tower to a "grain elexator" on top of an otherwise beautiful building, and said it would destroy the archi- tectural effect. How untrue this criticism ])ro\ed, was >lio\\n in ]io])ular ap])roval of it and in its being co])ied almost unchanged, in three other places before its own completion. It conxincingK- shows the creati\e character of Kich.ardson's talent. It seems a prophecy and forerunner of today's sky- scr.-qiers in the arrangement of its surface decorations. It rises o\-er 2.50 feet in height abo\e the street. A street at the rear of the Court House is spanned by a massise arched bridge leading to the jail. .More se\'ere in treatment w illi fewer wall o|)enings, the Jail is strongly Romanesepie — fortress- like in its austerity. The precarious state of Richardson's health is slmun in an understanding with the County Commissioners that in case of his death the completion of it would be put into the hands of his executors and not of strangers. The Court House w.'is the largest of Richardson's buildings, massive and imposing, plain and sensible in all its arrangements. Its corner-stone was laid October 13, 1885, forty-nine \ears after the corner-stone of the preceeding Court House had been laid. It was dedicated September 24, 1888, on the Centeiuiial of the founding of Alleghen\- Connt\-. Marshall Field Building, Chicago. This wholesale store building was commissioned in April, 1885, and if com]i;ired with his other business structures shows ])rogress toward sim- plicity in design. It covers an area .S25 feet l)y 190 feet and has a height of 125 feet. The material is red Missouri granite in the lower parts and red sand- stone above. The lower arched windows einbrace several floors. Double the number of arches make the second line. The uiii)ermost i:)i)enings are not arched but ha\e twice the number below and are eft'ectively grouped. The roof is not visible. Decoration is sparing vet enough to reliex'e bareness. It is a massix'e lousiness block and shows well the adaptabilitv of the Romanesque arch to windijw openings of such buildings. The color effect is very Ijeautifnl. ^^^m^^^^^^^Q^^^^M ifci;^r.'..:..'3i'5— •.•J..:rJJ,i,'i.;;i,rj;j ^ Monogram H. H. R., Harvard Law School. fSee pane 26] 32 Richardson's Romanesque Architi.cture ^«^3iii 11 n II ^M M Aa 21 31 2i ?T i^ 9 ^ .^ -) [l curtesy of Marshall Field c' Co.] Marshall Field Wholesale Store Building, Chicago. Commissioned April, 1885. Red Missouri granite below, rock-faced. Cut red sandstone above. Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. In June, 1885, Mr. Richardson gained by competition the commission to build the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. How the Architect conceived the plan and had the designs worked out by his artists, will be told in the next few pages by one of his pupils, Mr. A. O. Elzner, who himself aided in preparing the sketches at Brookline. Details of the building project and a full description of the Chamber are given in the Historical Sketch by Mr. George S. Bradbury, Clerk of the Board of Real Estate Managers during the erection, as well as Chief Clerk of the Chamber during the entire existence of the Building. So that it only remains here to speak of the Cincinnati building as the crown of Richardson's Romanesque work. To its preparation he brought his ripest experience ; in purpose, there was added to the purely commercial requirements, the artistic and monuinental possibilities which Mr. Richardson prized so highly. In his treatment he made central the great and dignified hall where the merchants should assemble, provided upper and lower floors for revenue, and clothed it all in an outer garb of beautiful arcades of arches and massive towers, expressing solidity, repose, symmetry, dignity, and a moderate adornment : most worthily has it been called a masterpiece of architecttire. 33 CixciNNATi Astronomical Socikty In tracing- the (IcxclnpuK'nl nf lii> Ki im:iiK-s(|iR- style in these puhlio Iniihlintjs, the most important ha\e been described and illustrated. Several otlier li!)raries. a dozen or more railway stations, mostly on the Boston & Alban\ Raih-dad, and nxer t\\ent_\- residences were also of his desiy-n. but a briel' sketch like this cannot include them in detail. Disease at Last is Victor. Richardson had a line ])hysi(|ue and \ er_\- strcm^;' cnnstitntinii as a yimiii,' man. h'^llnwing his return fruin I'aris he was in the best of health for several \ear.v, ii'ainin^- graduall)' in weight. As a chronic disease developed later, he was kept at home or even in l^ed at times. Finally he became so very fleshy that line wondered how he could possibly get abmit as In- did. \\-[ his most di>tincti\e characteristic was his immense energy and \ italit_\ nnt ahjnc ph_\^ical, but an intense mental activity as well. flow he did enjov life! 11 i^ linine was a nn ist hospitable one. I'Viend^ and guests were constantly at his table. "This is the way 1 rest" he used to sav when his table was filled with guests and con\-ersati(in was at its height. Mis Monday night dinners for assistants and former ])upils kept all in tnuch with each other. He was a frequent \ isitMi- in iH.stnn homes, giving great pleasure and fully enjoying these friendships. J-A en in his many hurried trips to other cities he planned in advance, to meet old friends. Yet for several years he had been under the constant care of physicians and knew that his days might be short. His recovery after serious attacks was rapid and his full strength returned promptly. In the autumn of 1885, however, gravest fears were felt, and i m his recovery, journeys and social visits were forbidden. In March, 188f), a sever attack of tonsilitis came on and was followed by a renewal of his chronic troulile. Early in .'\pril he went to New York and on to Washington for a rest "as an itualid" but became so ill that he returned home. I'nr two weeks he was conlined to his room with great pain and restlessness, but never lost his spirits or hope, and kept up his inter- est in the work going on below in the offices. Even on the day of his death, April 27, 1886, he talked confidently to his doctor of his tasks, and of his wish to live at least two \ears more to complete the work begun. His passing away toward midnight was without pain, and peacelul. The shock to his friends was very great and his loss seemed to the public like a national misfortune. His chise friend, Dr. Phillips Brooks conducted the funeral service in Trinity Church, lie had not yet reached the age of forty-eight, being taken away in the \ery prime of life. The completion of his unlinished contracts went on without delay in the hands of his pupils and executors, Messrs. Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, who carried out faithfully the plans of their master and teacher. The Pittsburgh buildings and Marshall Field wdiolesale store, Chicago, were about half fin- ished. The Chamber of Commerce designs had received their final revision at his hands, and the first bids for construction were awaited: the old Post- oflice was still standing, Init its remo\al ])egan about a month after his death. 34 KlrllARDSON's KciMANRS()UE AkcIHTKCTIRK Stimulus to American Architecture. The perioil in which he bej^aii his work was (iiie utterly lacking in a style fit for ])roniiiient or public buildings, and one when the call for such buildings was especially great. The rapid growth (if towns and cities in America called for larger municipal buildings, and the few which he Iniilt intliienced the con- struction of scores, if not hundreds, of others. The American public was unbiased toward any other style and free to accept that which he worked out. He did in America what would have been impossible in Euroj^e. His work touched a popular chord and there was hardly a town or hamlet intu which his fame had net gone, and his loss felt. Altho the classic styles have come forward into prominence with passing years, displacing his tnedieval type, yet the effects of his inspiring career remain in our national architecture. No man ever came nearer to perpetu- ating his name in an architectural style than did Henry Hobson Richardson in his Romanesque style. The Boston Society of Architects passed resolutions a few days after his death, which fittingly characterize his life: "In his brilliant career, which is now brought ti i a close, we recognize the rare union of well nigh all the qualities on which true success in the prac- tice of architecture depends. He had the instinct for form, proportion and color, the genius for orderly arrangement an Art ('-> , Ctju inuntt] The Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, Vine Street view. The fine proportions and symmetry of the building are shown to advantage in this photograph. It was taken from the east at the distance of the Harrison building, and across the sites of the old Pike's Opera House and Seasongood building. Con- struction sheds of the Sinton Hotel appear in the foreground. Date, 1905. 36 THE OLD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUtLDING OF CINCINNATI, H. H. RICHARDSON, ARCHITECT By a. O. Elznek The oUi Clianilicr ni Ciminiorce ISuildiny. which was -lestn ived In- i'lre, was the work of 11. 11. Richardson, architect, of Boston. Mr. Richardson died just after the completion of the drawings and speci- tications — in fact, hefore the bids for the construction were received ; aufi, therefore, did not live to see the erection of this buildinj^, which has been called his masterpiece, at least one of se\eral \vhich rank perhaps equally great with this one. The story of the conception of this design might be made an interesting nne: The building committee that was charged with the task of selecting an architect resorted to competition, having in\ited the leading architects of Cincinnati, as well as Mr. Richardson, wdio at tliat time had reached practically the zenith of his fame and was easily accounted the foremo-^t architect of the countr}'. ^Ir. Richardson at once attacked the problem with his characteristic dis- regard of precedent. The motif of the design was so bold and so simple, and yet so stately and dignified, that it challenged to the utmost his ingenuity to jiroduce a plan which wrndd reconcile the commercial requirements of the building with the artistic sjiirit nf the design, which was cost upon such a high plane of excellence that sucli a reconciliatii.m at first seemed almost hopeless. Some of his friends, fearing that the success of t!ie competition might be en- dangered by his determined insistence upon sacrificing valuable floor space to the stern recjuiren:ents of his design, ])re\ailed upon him, in fact to submit an alternative scheme which, according to their ideas, would more fully satisfy the demands of the commercial element. This he tlid most reluctantly, and was correspondingy elated when notified of the acceptance of his real design. The question in\olved in this imint \\-as one which called for square towers instead of the Ijeautiful round ones, as well as tiie other one of tlis- pensing with the strong l)attcr or outward sloping face of the foundations, a feature wdiich imparted the wonderful sense of st.aliilitv to this massive struc- ture. It has been charged tiiat Richardson took the niotit of tiii^ design from some well-known ancient buildings and was not fairly entitled to the credit for originalit}-. There is altsolutely no justificati in in tliis cliarge, as there is no truth in it. There was no building anywhere which couhl lia\c >er\ ed as a model. In fact, if we were to try to fnid any p.articular -onrce of insjMration we would be more apt to look among the aqueducts of the ancient Romans, which stretched across the valleys in m;iiestic -ircides. In these cases tlie scheme of design chefly consisted of large, massive arches Ijelow, surmounted by a tier of smaller ones, and these in turn being crowned bv an ;ircaile n had chietiv 37 Cincinnati Astronomical Socikty to do with the sense of solidity aiul dignity and repose, all i>\ which arc <|iiali- fications demanded by such an organization as a Chamber of Cdnimerce, rep- resenting, as it does, the solid and substantial business interests of a city. A t'haniber of Coninierce is an institntiim ciitirch different frum anv iithers in a niuniciijality : and it was kichardsim's aim, therefore, U> design a building which wnuhl ha\e an unmistakable indi\idualitv unfortunate to note that it too often ha])]iciis that a design is ad>(_■, and that it might be easily mistaken for any nne nf a dnzen or nmre uses r.athcr than the one for which it was intended. Mr. kich.ardson's first skettli Uiv thi' C'li.imber uf Cmnnicrcc was just as simijle as the design itself, lie used a <)-l'. pencil and d;islu-il (y Co.] The great Drafting Room at Brookline. Mr. Richardson seated. Mr. E'.zner drawing C. of C. designs. "The Coops." In a few years after his death the World's Fair at Chicago presented a wuiulerful opportunity for architects to utilize and apply the lesson which Richardson had taught Iheni, namely, that i;i k id design of all kinds is based upon fundamental principle--. It may be asserted that Intt fur this lessoti, the World's Fair would ne\ er ha\e achieved the fatne w hicli it did architecturally til such a proniiunced degree. The influence whiclt tliis h;id. subsequently, upon the entire artistic dexeh ipment ii obtaining snt'ticient sul)scri])tioiis toward a building project met w itii f.iiliire, the re])ort of the Hoard of Officers of date Septemlier S, 1S69. says: "It is a work, however, which the members of the Board hope their successors will not lose sight of, and that in due lime we shall have a place of meeting which will not be a discredit to tlie i)n1)lic spirit and enterprise of the community which we represent." On October 20, 1869, a lire in the College lUiilding drove the Chamber of Commerce to seek other f|uarters, and. s])eaking of tlii^ niisfortnne, the rejjort of the Board r)f Officers, vSe])tember, 1870, expresses the hojic th.nt "This calamity, which caused us some temporary inconvenience, would result in a revival of an effort on the part of our mcml)ers to provide a Iniildiiig expressly for the use of the Chaml)er which sliould in every way be adapted to its wants — be in keeping, in style, with the wealth of our community, and commensurate with the progress of the times." Tlf:: Secretary's report of September 12. 1S76, says: "The imperative and growing need of a Chamber of Commerce and Merchants' Exchange Building must l)e apparent to all interested in this body. It is hardly necessary to call attention to the inadequate proportions and the general imperfections of our present quarters (Smith & Nixon's Hall) except for the purpose of keeping alive the interest that has been manifested in favor of a new building. The lease on the premises now occupied expires January 1, 1880, or within three . years and four months, and it is to be hoped that active measures will be inaugurated looking to the erection of an appropriate building at an early day, and that they will l)e successfully carried out." And so it is re\ealed by the records that through the inter\ening years from 1866 to 1S8,\ an eveiitfid, stirring ])eriod in its iiistor\-, when the Cham- ber of Commerce reached the zenith of its prosperity and influence, the achievement of a building a permanent home for the organization — was ever present in the min members. As the years advanced, with the growth of the organization, there were increasing activities to this end, stimulated by its growing need of additional space and facilities for its dail)- sessions. I''r(_iin l)eing a tenant of leased rptartcrs the Chamber would l)ecome the possessor of its own pro])erty, an liiu' edifice, uitli the pride c ii jkis- sessit)ii in their hearts, the devotion and loyalty of its memljers were rewarded, and the dreams and amliitions of years had lieconie an acconi])lishetl reality. The Site of the Building — How It Was Acquired. Tile ^riiiind u]i (."li:im- ber. This commission was composed of Messrs. Aljihonso Taft, \\ illiani S. Grocsbcck, Christian Moerlein. William Dennisoii and John W . v'^te])henson. -Xegotiations with the (jo\enimeiit for the purclirise of this ])roperty began in Februarw 1879, when tiie .\ssociation on the 14tii day of that luonth, adopted a resolution, which authorized the api)ointmerit of a committee of five, which included the President of the Ch.inihcr. t^ \ isit Washington, to confer with the Secretary of the Treasury, ;uid to procure if possible the necessary legislation favorable to the sale of the Post Office property. This committee was composed of President ^\'illiam N. Holjart. M. E. Ingalls, Richard Smith, Benjamin Eggleston and Thomas vSherlock. Their mission to Washington ha\ing been successful, and the sale having been authorized by joint resolution of Congress wdiich was passed by the Senate, February 20, 1879, by the House of Representatives, February 22, 1879, and signed by the President of the United States, l''ebrnary 27, 1879, and the \aluation of the property having been appraised by the commission, the negotiations were thcren])on approved by the Chamber, which on March 17. 1879, passed a reso- lution authorizing M. E. Ingalls, Richard Smith, Briggs Swift, Theodore Cook and William .\. ilobart a committee to conclude a contract with the Secretary of the Treasury in liehalf of the Chamber for the purchase of the Post CJffice propert}- at a [jrice not to exceed $100,000. (Jf this committee, appointed to \isit \\ ashingtoii, Messrs. Ingalls, Swift and Cook were unable to attend, ;ind as a substitute for them .Xmor .Smith, Jr., and S. II. Burton were appointed. In its negotiations this committee reached an agreement with the Secretary cif the Trea^ur_\- on the l)asis of $100,000, with the condition .added, that if Congress, in the meantime, should disajjprove of the sale at the aj)- praised value, the agreement would become null and void. As no unfavorable action was yet taken by Congress, the Secretar\- of the Treasury was notified in vSeptemlier, 1880, that the Chamber was ready to enter into a formal cijntract, and in December, 1880, I'resident Henry C. Urner and Richard Smith visited Washingtcpii on behalf of the Chamber, "to aid in the completion of the contract which, before their return, was signed by the Secretar_\- of the Treasury, i in the ]iart of the ( ic ixernment. and subsec|uently by the President of the Chamber of Commerce." Under the terms of this contract, $40,000 in four-per-cent (jovernmenl l)onds were deposited bv the Chamber with the Secretary of tiie Treasury in 1881 to lie held as securit\- for the faithful ])crformance of the contract. 44 History of Chamber ok Commkrck Building The terms and c(iniliti of purchase were ex])resse(! in the afuresaid con- tract, which was dated December 10, 1880 Funnal possession of the jjroijerty was given when the Government entered ujjon the occupancy of the new Post Office and Government Ruildini:; in Fifth Street, and a deed was executed to the Chamber of Commerce 1)\ l);iiiiel Ab-iiiniiiL;, then Secretar\- of the Treas- ury, hearing date December 12, 1885. ICopyrri^h! l>l?nlr. hy Rombach b' Croetn-, hy ^f'rdul />(-rwivsiOHl United States Postoffice and Customs House, corner Fourth and Vine Streets, Completed 1857, Demolished 1886. Corinthian Style. James R. Wilson, Architect. In the selection of a .site for the jiroposed building, it may be of passing interest to relate the activities which antedatcii the purchase of the i'ost ()ftice property. In August, 1878, a published notice appc.ired in the daily press that the Board of Officers of the Chamber would receive ])roposals for the sale or lease of property suitable in size and location for tiie erection of a Chamber of Commerce building, the retjuirement being the jiroperty offered should be located within the business territory boiuided 1)\- Main Street on the east, Plum Street on the wot. Sixth Street on the north, and Third Street on the south. In resjmnse to tiiis ad\ erti>enient ten proposals were received for sites, as follows : 45 Cincinnati Astrumimicai, Socucty Proposals for Site — August, 1878. No. 1— lohn Shillito— Offers the Premises ;il 1{)M()5 W . I'mirlli Street, measurino- 70 x 150 feet, valued at .-^i id nilO.OU Mr. ShillitM will donate Jimido.OO $ ,S0.(X)0.(X1 Ground rent at ,S4.(K)() ])er ;innuni, valued at 6()()(H).0() Total $Mo.(H)l)00 No. 2— D. K. Este Estate— S. W. Cor. Fifth and \ine Streets: 100 feet on Vine Street liv S4l/, feet on i'iilh Street $oUU,UUU UU Additional 40 feet on i'if'th .Street 60.000.00 Total $360,nnn.on No. .1 — Pike's Opera House — Lease nf Premises for 5 \'ears ;it per annum ,$ 8..S00.00 Space — 128'/x70j/> and fi>ur (.'unnniltee Rooms. No. 4 — 1). T. Wright— East side ^f I'lhii and I'.enliani Allev— UKI X _'t)0 '(20,000 square leet ) '. . .$ 05,UUU UU No. 5 — Arlington Hotel — Fifth Street between Main and S\-ea- more, 94J^ x 99>4 (9,384 square feet) ! . . .$ 75.000.00 No. 6 — |. K. Smith — North side of Fourth Street, between .Main and W alnut, perpetual lease (\?,.\M square feet) $100,000 00 Cash Payment 33,000.00 Total $133,000.00 No. 7— J. H. Barker— S. W. Cor. Fourth and h'.Im Streets, 100 feet on Fourth, 168 feet on Elm, 135 feet on .\Ici''arland, con- taining 19,740 square feet $130.()0()()0 No. 8 — National Theatre — East side of Sycamore, north of 'iMiird, 100x204 (approximately 25,000'square feetj. Lease with privilege of purchase at 8% on Ijasis of. . .$ 75,000.00 Stibject to ground rent, $800 per annum, value 13.333.00 Total $88^333700 nr will sell at ($20,000 ea si i, hal.ince in 10 pay- ments of $5,000 each ;it 7 per cent i)er annum j.. 70,000.00 Ground rent 13,333.00 Total $83,33100 or will sell .at ($.30,(XX) cash, balance in 5 aimn.-il ])ayments at '> per cent per annum j $ 65,000.00 Ground rent J^3,333.()0 Total $78,333.00 No. 9 — Robert Cooper — S. ^\'. Cor. Seventh ;ind Lodge, 154 feet on Seventh bv 100 feet on Lodge (ai)proximately 16,000 square feet) .' .' $ 70,000.00 No. 10 1). K. Este Estate — S. \V. Cor. Fourth and Sycamore, 100 feet on Fourth bv 90 feet on Sycamore, annual ren- tal, $3,600, value ....'. $ 60,000.00 N. W. Cor. Sixth and \'ine Streets, prominently mentioned, but no proposition made, 100x200 (20,000 s<|uare feet). Reported term,s — ground rent of $14,000 per annum, \-alue (withotit jirivilege of purchase) $233, 333. (X) |6 History of Ciiammi.u hi' C(immi:rct. Building ( )f the foregoing proposals that of tlie southwest corner of Fourth and Ehii Streets, having a frontage of 100 feet on Fourth Street, 168 feet on F,Im Street and 135 feet on McFarland Street, at a valuatirni of $1,30,000, met with the greatest favor, and subsequently, after extended consideration and con- ferences with the owners, the purchase of this site was unanimously approved bv the Bnard of Ofificers December 3, IN/X, .-nul rccnmmeiided to the Associa- tion Januarv 29, 1879. While action on this proposition was pending, the Post Office site at Fourth and \'ine Streets came into prominence, in view of its ultimate abandonment by the ('iii\crninent upon completion iif the new Post Office and Federal l.niilding. A resolution presented to the Chamber Februar\- 14, 1879, authorized the appointment of a committee of five mem- bers, including the President, to visit Washington for the jiurixise of opening {Photo, by Kraenu) 1 < ; ( The northeast corner of Fourth and Vine 1894. Cincinnati Gazette, 1856, later, Hammond Building to 1902. Present Ingalls Building erected 1003. the negotiations with the Goxernment w hich ultiniatch' led to the ])urclia'^e ol the site at Fourth and \'ine Streets, as before related, and superseded the ttu"- ther consideration of the Fourth and Flni Street site. The action of the Board in favoring the site at Fourth and J^lm Streets carried with it the appointment of a committee of leading members ein])owered to consult architects and secure plans and estimates for a new building forthwith, and sul.isequently another committee was appointed to prei)are a financial plan and to take into consideration the legal aspects of the case — whether its present charter g;ive the Chamber of Commerce authority to purchase land and erect a building and to finance it by the issuance of stocks or lionds, if the same should be necessary. From these preliminary steps ma_\- be traced the zeal, the earnest- ness, the activity and, indeed, the possibility of a building at l-'ourth anl ( )rrKc lot. wliirli was admittedly the most central, valuable and attractive site in the city, a Icadiui,^ real estate investor and capitalist had pmposed to erect or remodel a building on the site at the northwest corner of Sixth and Vme Streets, with the rights of perpetual occupancy by the Chamber of adequate premises tree of rent, in exchange for the relinquislimenl and transfer of its contract with the L'nited States Government for the property at Fourth and \ine Streets. 'Phis proposition was not seriously considered as it was not in li.innony with the sjjirit which had prevailed among the members in the years past, nor in strict faith with the Government, which had yielded out of special considera- tion to the Chamber of Commerce as a semi-public body, representative of the commercial and industrial interests of Cincinnati and the nhi., V.illry, and one of the leading and most influential organizations i.if the country. [ Flwto. hy Krili-nli-r Art Co.] The southeast corner of Fourth and Vine, 1889. Sprague (1854) later called Seasongood Building on corner. Pike's Opera House. Chamber of Commerce rented Pike auditorium from November, 1881 to January, 1889. The proposal to enlarge the site accpiircd at l''cjurlh and \'ine Streets l)y the purchase of an additional i5 feet adjoining the property on the west at a valuation of $175,000 was recommended to the .Association, but this was unpopular and was defeated by a vote of members taken May 19, 1884. As an historical side-light upon the growth and prosperity of early Cin- cinnati, and the value of real estate in the vicinity of Fourth and \'ine Streets, we quote from the preface of a siuall volume entitled, "Cincinnati in 1826," edited by B. Drake and E. D. Mansfield — Printed by ^Morgan, Lodge & Fisher. Cincinnati. The preface says — "The almost unexampled rajiidity with which the late humble village of Cincinnati has advanced to the rank and oinilence of a city, has excited a wide- spread and increasing interest throughout the countrw in relation both to its actual condition and the future prospects." 48 History ov Chamber of Cummkrck Building The article states that the square l>ouiuled b}- Third and Fourth Streets and \'ine and Race Streets, upon which Judge Burnet resided, could be obtained for about $25,000, and advances the opinion that "no one can doubt that in ten years it may be sold for double that sum." The population of Cincinnati in 1826 was 16,230. The Financial Plan. The nucletis of a building fund originaU-d from the ordinary accumu- lations, in the ten years prior to 1879, at which date there were assets of $40,000, invested in U. S. 4% reg. bonds. These were deposited with the Government in 1881 as security for the purchase of the Post Office prop- erty, and when, in 1885, the Secretary of the Treasury was ready to execute Ronihiicli ^' Groeiiel The northwest corner of Fourth and Vine. 1904. Eckstein Building, Erected 1856, later called Big Four and Western Union Building. German National Bank erected 1905. Shadow of Chamber of Commerce shows roof turrets. a deed for the lot at Fourth and \'inc Streets, the bonds were sold b_\- the Government and the proceeds, $49,125, apj)Iied to the purchase price. But it was not until 1882 that a successful financial jilan was devised, under which an ample fund was raised to begin the ])reliminary and active construction of the building. By the end of the fiscal year, .\ugust ,il, 1886, this fund had grown to the generous proportions of $491,649.99, which in- cluded $100,000 paid for the real estate at Fourth and \'ine Streets. The financial plan formulated to raise the necessary building ftmd was devised and prepared by Henry C. Urner, then President of the Chamber of Commerce, and was based upon the issuance of Certificates of Membership 49 Cincinnati Astr(in(imic.m, Sociktv t(i all in(li\i(lual members of record who wished to participate in the iilaii. 'i'his ])rovision was incorporated in the constitution as amended March 14, 1882, and, hrietly stated, pro\ idi-d thai ti i ,dl prr-rnl nuMnhers ;it that date wli" wished to accept the conditions of tiie plan, a Certillcate of .\lend)ershi]) would be issued uiion the ])ayment of $100, if ap])lied for within two inuld be $250: between Janu- ray 1, 1883, and January 1, 1884, the initiation fee would be $500. anl(K hv Hfimbiic'i it Groene] South side of Fourth Street, near Vine, in 1890. Pike's Opera House, Home of Chamber of Commerce, 1881-89. Distinctive, cast'.e-like Chamber of Commerce. The fact that the Certilicates of .\lend)ership thus ])ro\ided for. were trans- ferable from one ])erson to another, if didy elected, inii)arteil to the certificate a marketable or salaljle \alue, and gave members the right to sell and transfer their certificates, if they should wish to retire, and the annually increasing amount of the initiation fee from $100 to $250, to $500. and to $1,000, gave a financial advantage to the purchasers of certificates at $100 o\er those who came after, and this provision was a stimulus wdiich brought into the Chamber a large number of members. W ith the exce|)tion of a small ntimber, nearl\- all members of the Chamber at the date March 14, 1882, availed themsel\-es of the opportunit}- to ])urc]iase certificates at $100. There was a large influx 5° HlSTOKV OK ChaMHKR OF COMMERCE BtMI.DINX of new members during the remainder of 1882 at the initiation fee of $250, and at the increased fee of $500, effective January 1, 188.3, there was a single mem- ber taken in at that price before the By-Laws were again revised and amended March 13, 1883, whereb>- the admission to membership I)y the payment of an initiation fee was eliminated. This, in effect, was a ])ractical limitation of the membership, as thereafter members were admitted only by transfer of certifi- cates. Under this certificate plan the meml)ersliip of tiie Chaml)er f)f Commerce increased from about 1.175 on September 1. 1881, to a total of 2,275 on March 13, 1883, of which number 2,184 were certificate members ami 91 non-certifi- cate members. It mu>t be stated the certificate jilan was not com])ulsory. [I'ho'.n. by Kraemir Art Co.] Fourth Street, looking west from Vine, in 1Q02. Through this successful plan, and the accumulations from annual dues and other sources of re\"enue, the assets and resources of the Chamljer. during the period of four years, increased from $44,301.22 on August 31, 1881, to $438,448.77 on August 31, 1885, and $491,(49.99 on August 31, 1886, which included $100,000 paid the United States Go^. ernmont for the Post Office property. The foregoing embraces the financial program that brought \itality and success to the building enterprise. Besides the immediate resources here men- tioned, the funds were materially increased from the earnings and investments of the accumulated moneys unemployed before the building operations began. 51 Cincinnati Astronomicai, Socikty In order to make further financial provision for the cwin|)Ktii m of tlic building-, the Association, at a special meeting held December 24, 1880, author- ized the Board of Real Estate Managers to issue bonds of the Chamber of Commerce to an amount of $150,000 to bear four per cent interest, redeem- able after ten years, and payable in twenty years from date of issue, rnder this authcjrity, the bonds were issued, bearing date January 1, 1888, and w ere sold at par, yielding $150,000, and accrued interest. The bonds were issued in denominations of $500 each, signed by Levi C. Goodale, President, and W il- liam R. Hutton, Secretary, and bore the countersignature of Henry C. Irner as the Trustee, to whom the mortgage upon llu- C'li.iiuher of Commerce build- ing ;ind lot, was executed, as security for the holders of the bonds. While by the issuance of the bonds, sufficient funds were raised to practi- cally COm[)lete the building, there yet remained the necessity (^f meeting the cost of carxing and furnishings, which had not been included in the original estimates; and to provide for this emergency the Board of Real Estate .Man- agers, together with the President and Vice-Presidents, were authorized in March. 1889, to negotiate loans of $75,000, which was known as the I'"lo;iting Debt. Additional to the foregoing resources, the building fund was further increased by a bequest of $5,000 from the estate of the late James A. Frazer, a \'alued member of the Chamber and a leading merchant of our city. This was held in trust until the building was begun, and yielded $6,661.35. Mr. Frazer died July 22, 1879. in recognition of his public spirit and generosity, the Board of Directors, in 1881, procured a life-sized portrait painting of him, which for thirty years adorned the walls of the Chamber, it was destroyed by the fire of January 10, 1911. A similar portrait of Josiah Lawrence, a char- ter member of the Chamber of Commerce of 1839, and a prominent merchant and manufacturer of his day, which also hung in the Ivxchange Hall for many years, was seriously damaged by the fire. I'rior to this period of financial success, which we have here briefly re\ iewed, the question of finances and the failures to raise sufificient funds for the purposes of erecting a building, had been for years the main cause of repeated discouragement. In the year 1868 a subscription fund was started, with the ever-present hope of a new building in view, when the aggregate of $100,000 was subscribed, and here the project was temporarily dropped. Again in 1869, when the Chamber was rendered homeless by fire, a new l)uilding was agitated, and a subscription list opened that reached the hand- some total of $225,000, to which the Chamber of Commerce itself sul)scrihed $20,000, but this also failed for want of further support. During the period immediately after the Chamber had purchased the Post- office property there were several unsuccessful attempts to improve the financial status, in \-iew of the approaching necessity ot providing funds to meet the payment of the Ijalance of the contract when it should become due the Government. In April, 1879, a j)lan was devised for the soliciting of sub- scriptions from members in amounts not less than $100, each member so con- tributing to be entitled to an annual rebate of $6 on his dues to the Chamber, but this plan did not meet with general approval. Another plan was devised in 1881 whereb}- it was sought to raise additional funds to pay for the Post- office lot by a form of assessment against each active member, the amount of $2.50 monthly for a period of eighteen months, but this plan was voted down by the Association ; and thus it was one failure after another, until the cer- tificate plan of March 14, 1882, was established and led to ultimate financial success. 52 History of Chambkr of Commkrck Building The Competition for Plans. The securing of designs ami plans lor the lunliling was accomplished by a conipetitii:>n. governed by uniform speciticatiuns and rec|uirements. Six architects, all eminent in the profession, were selected and invited hy the Board of Real Estate Managers to submit plans, for which comjiensation was made. The selected architects were James W. McLaughlin, .'^anniel llanna- ford, and A. C. Nash, of Cincinnati; II. H. Richardson, of Brocikline, Mass.; George B. Post, of Xew York City, and Burnham & Root, of Chicago, to each of whom $500 was to be paid. Architects from (ithcr cities were admitted to the competition U])on the same terms and conditions as the selected architects, with the exception that they were not to be compensated for the ])lans thus I ( oiir/rsv of Mrs. II. C. Lrnrr] H. H, Kii-haril-on O. Von Mohl Pitts H.Burt Eilw . Giiepiier W in.Wortliiiistoii K. J. Hortoii M r. Sliepli'V. Ho.~tiiii \V.\V. Taylor A. . I. Clark Reubeti H. Wardor Sir A. T."i;oshom Henry C. (Truer Leopold Markbreit Herman (i<»epi>er .Uihn Chtireh Henry P. Bnyileii .lohn L. stettinius ciKi-. L. Miti-hell .lohn V. Li wi- Richardson with Cincinnati friends at the "Zoo" Club House. Annual dinner of the Hengstenberg Lunch Table, in May, 1885. submitted, unless selected as the most meritoricius. These architects who entered the competition were Charles Crapse}-, I'Mwin Anderson, ami 11. E. Siter, of Cincinnati ; Samuel J. F. Thayer, F. M, Clark, .\. C. l-"\ erett, and E. M. Wheelwright, all of Boston: Bruce Price, of Xew N'ork City, and .\1. ]■'.. Beebe & Son, of Buffalo, N. Y. 53 Cincinnati Astroxomkai. Socikty 5* History of Chambkr of Commkrce Building There were in all thirteen separate sets of designs and plans entered in the competitiiin, which clijsed June 1, 1883, of which number two were juint designs, one submitted by Messrs Anderson and Siter, of Cincinnati, and the other by Messrs. Everett and Wheelwright, of Boston. All of these designs were of great merit and uriginality, and, including the successful Richardson design, were displayed on the floor of "Change f!. riniln.l "Tlie plan of the building is strictly utilitarian, the aim being to obtain the greatest practical advantages for its distinctive purposes that can be had within reasonable limits of outlay. In considering what is reasonable in this respect, the structure has been regarded as one of permanent character, and the probal)ilities of an enlarged popu- lation and an advancing standard of civilized requirement have not liecn overlooked. ■'.\s to light, tlic object has been to make as large window space as shall be consistent with due stren.gth of walls, and liy resorting to special expedients, of which the result will be that the great hall and all the ofticcs receive Hoods of light, while not a single room in the building lacks direct ligiu througliout the outer walls, in excess of ordinary rules. "As to architectural effect, with the atmospheric difticulties of the locality in view, the design lias been to provide a building the char- acter of which should depend on its outlines, on the massing and accentuation of the main features representing its leading purposes, and on the relation of the openings to the solid parts. Although, under your requirement, as great preponderance of openings is neces- sary, the intention has been to produce that sense of solidity requisite in dignified, monumental work, l)y a careful study of the piers and by a perfectly quiet and massive treatment of the wall surfaces. 56 History of Chambkr of Commfrcf. Bi-ri.Dixr, "The construction is fire-proof througliont. The outer walls are of Longmeadow brown stone, backed with lirick, except in tlic l)ase- ment. where the walls are of solid red granite. "A free treatment of Romanesque has lieen followed throughout as a style especially adapted to the requirements of a large civic Iniild- ing: for while it maintains great dignity, together with a strong sense of solidity, it lends itself at the same time most readily to the require- ments of utility, especially in the matter of light. To strengthen this feeling of dignity, and to express the civic character of the building, the corners have been emphasized, and a monumental treatment fol- lowed throughout. The drawings are so complete that a further description of the exterior seems unnecessary. "An alternative design is submitted whicli has practically the same arrangement throughout as the first design. This design does away with the round towers on the corners, and lirings the walls out to tiie limit of the lot. By this means the area of the great hall is increased, giving with its lobliy an area i>f 11.184 square feet." (,. (lurii, I'holo.] Construction. Completion of the Great Arches, 1887-1888. It is noted that Air. Richardson's design contemplated the use of Long- meadow brown stone for tlie tip])er superstructure and red granite in the basement walls, hut in the sul)>e(|ucnt sijeciticatii iiis X.h\> \va-~ ciianged and granite was substituted for the exterior walls thrnughout, the "pink Milford" granite being used instead of the brown stone. In the selection of the pink Milford granite, the Board was assisted in reaching this decision by a trip to Pittsburgh to view the new dainty l)iiildings in that cit_\- then being built of this beautiful granite. 57 CiNCixxATi Astronomical Socikty 111 the altcriiati\ c ili'siLjn referred tn, the ecirners of tlie luiililini;' were treated in a squared-tower etteet, hut it is known tliat Mr. 1\i>har(lsc)n'.s artistic preference was for the design witli the round corners, and il was this design, one of great heauty and liannoiiy, which was cliosen h_\ tiie Hoard of i'ieal Estate Managers, June 8, 1885, hy unanimous vote. In his address at the Dedicatory ICxercises, January 30, hSS'^ .\lr. I lenry C. L'riier, in speaking of tlie Richardson design, said: "In di-cidin.i; upun the character ijf the IniiUliiig, tlic matter of first necessity was to provide for the utilitarian purposes to which it was to be applied. Principal of these was a proper provision lor a great hall for tlic daily sessions of the Association and apartments for its other uses. .Spaces were also to lie provided from wliich rents could be derived. After suitable provision for tliesc purposes had been made in the design, it was the intention to construct a Ijuildin.y of enduring materials, wdiich should assure it against the accidents tlial ofttimes work to the destruction of l)uildings, and to build in such massive mold that it should resist, as far as possible, the assaults of time itself. Added to these considerations ivas the desire tliat in its arcliitectural form and proportions tlie building should lie of noble simplicity in outline, rich in adornment, suitalde and serviceable in .genuine vital art. clear in its structural expression, and jiractically representative of the uses and purposes of the organization wliich built it, and that it should stand for all time as a suitable contributicju to the architecture of the city from its chief commercial organization, whose members had been so largely the cause of tlie city's prv)sperity — a prosperity in which tliey have abundantly sliared. "This was the problem to whicli the architect addressed himself W'ith the enthusiasm and compelling will of genius. In conversation he many times said to me that tlie designing of tliis building presented to liim more interestin.g architectural features than had l)een in any work which he had ever undertaken. He had. he said. desi,gned many for public use and for private use, but never had he had such a task ))eforc him of joining those uses, and of constructing an edifice which should not only be adapted to both, but which should show by- its exterior its chief inner purpose, which was to be, as he expressed it, the home of a great civic organization. "How well he carried out these thoughts, and in what noble pur- pose they have culminated, the liuilding itself will tell more eloquently than can any human tongue long after we who today celeiirate its completion by dedicating it to practical use shall have passed away." A Short Description of the Building. A descriptioti of the Intilding from the purely artistic or technical stand- point will be left to the pen of tlie j)rofessional architect, and in the limits of this sketch we will make but brief reference to the physical structure, as it a])peals to the layman and the ])assing admirer. In its general treatment and etteet it was massive and monumental, with outer walls of great depth, built of rough hewn granite, rising eight stories above the street le\el. and terniin;iting in a tall-])ointed roof of red tile, whicli ascended sharply to a height of 75 feet above the eaves, the rounded tower ctifects at the four corners of the building being treated iti the same manner with lower conical roofs. Rising above the cornice were five dormer win- dows on the Vine Street front, and a single and larger dormer window on each of the Fourth Street and Burnet Street fronts. The dominating feature (jf the exterior of the bnililing was the clusters or arcades of .grace- fully arched windows, three stories in height, a group of five on the Vine Street elevation of the building, and a group of three each on the Fourth Street and Btirnet vStreet elevations. These sujierli arched windows were surmotmted by a dotil.ile story of smaller arched windows, jdaced in pairs over 58 History of Chamber of Com.mkrck Brii.inxG each of the main arches lielow. and were Hanked (in either side l)y tlie niunded corner towers, the walls of which, from the second to the fifth floor level, were void of window openings — a feature which lent to the whole an imposing efifcct of strength and dignity. The granite of which the building was constructed was from the quarries of Xorcross Brothers, and was known technically as Worcester granite, or "pink Milford," owing to its delicate tinge of that color on its freshlx" cut faces. The building was richly embellished with i-arvings above the lines of the second floor, mainly on the arches and capitals of the large window clusters on the Fourth Street and \'ine Street elevations, and also on the smaller window o])enings above the fifth floor. The large durmer win- dows on the Fourth Street and Burnet Street fronts were ornamented with eagles carved in granite, two on each dormer. The stone carving was done by Evans & Tombs, of Boston {sub-contracti>rs), from original designs by the architects, and cost in the aggregate $29,780.60. But a description of this kind, and indeed even photographs of the building, give but an inadequate and superficial idea of its quiet beauty and impressiveness. It should be seen to be fidly grasped and appreciated. Of its interior we will speak but briefly. Below the Fourth Street level there was a basement, divided into two large rooms, the front room extending under the Fnurth Street sidewalk, known as the Restaurant, and the rear one, known as the Bank Room, facing on \'ine and Btirnet Streets. Below this was the subbasement, in the south half of which was located the power and electric plant. The main entrance to the building was at the extreme west of the Fourth Street front, a few steps above the sidewalk, and (ipened into a roomy corridor 22 feet wide, from the center of which rose the main staircase, and on either side of which were located the elevators. This main corridor ran throtigh to Burnet Street by a descending stairway, and was intersected midway by a broad corridor leading from the \ ine Street entrance of the building. The first floor was divided into two large rooms, one north nf the Vine Street entrance and one to the south, both i truction of these floors. By this means the grand Exchange Hall was kejjt cntirelx' free of cohunns or other obstructions. On top of these trusses, \\hich spanned the building from east to west, was built the iron construction on which rested the tile roof. The dormer windows admitted light to the attic, and on the west slope of the roof was a large glass skylight. 59 CiNXINXATI ASTROXOMICAL SoCIKTY An open area or li,L;lit well, facing to the west, apprnximatin.i;- 22 l)y 40 feet in size, admitted li,i;lu and air tn the interior ronnis and stairway halls above the frinrth floor. The l)nildini4' \\;is steam-heated and ])rovided with an elaborate s\steni ol \entilation. operated liy ;i lartje rotary Ian in the attic dri\en by an electric motor, which forced fresh heated air thronfjjh ducts to the main parts of the building-, 'IMie outside air su])]die(l to the fan was cleaned and i)uriiied by passing tliron!,di large cloth bags and tlien heated o\ er steam coils. The Supervising Architects — The Construction of the Building. The tirni of ."^heijley, (!<: Coolidge, of i'.oston, all of whom were con- nected \vith Air. Richardson's office, succeeded to his business after his death in April, 1886, and were ap]iointed the official architects of the building, to carry out Mr. Richardson's ])lan. [Photo, by Rombiuh & Croene] Entrance to Bank on Fourth Street, August, 1906. Mr. .\. I ». l'",lzncr. of L'incinii.ati, at that time in the ser\ice of .\Ir. Rich- ardson, had much to do with the pre])aration of the working plans and was appointed by him to sn])er\ ise the erection ol the building. Ujion completion of the foundations .\lr. h'Jzner decided to enter U])on the practice of his pro- fession, and was succeeded li_\- .Mr. I). C. Hale, who as representative of the architects was in constant attendance u])on the work until its coni])letion. t)0 History of Chamber of Commerck Buildin'g On the completion of the working plan^ and specifications in January, 1886, proposals for the erection of the biiihling as an entirety and for the dif- ferent branches of the work were in\ited. and opened May 17, 1886. but as the lowest of these largely exceeded the estimates, the bids were deemed unsatisfactory by the Board and were rejected. That the work might jiroceed without further delay, bids were taken for the excavations and foundations, including the demolition of the old Post Office building. This wurk was awarded to Patrick Murray, a local contractor, at SviO.ZSl, which aniovuit was later reduced by changes in the specifications. While this work was progressing, proi)osals were again in\ited, and received December 21, 1886, for the erection of the entire superstructure above the foundations, and the contract for this work, not including the stone carv- ing, was awarded under date of Januar\- 1. 1887, tn tlie firm of Norcoss Broth- ers, of Worcester, Mass., at their bid of $526,446, the contract calling for the completion of the building in eighteen munths fmni the date they were given possession. Main Entrance. To Corridors, Stairways and Elevators. The active work on the foundations began May 31. 1886, with the demo- lition of the abandoned Post Office building. This work and the laying of the massive foundations were completed and ready for the superstructure about May 1, 1887, when the contractors for this work took charge. The corner stone was laid June 18, 1887, and tliat date the work atlvanced rapidly, and the building was completed and thrown open to the members and the public on the occasion of its dedication, January 29 and 30, 1889. The period of actual construction of the building and fotmdations approxi- mated two years and eight months. There were no serious delays or inter- ruptions on account of strikes or other disturbances. 6i CixcixxATi Astronomical Socikty The Corner Stone — The Copper Box. The corner stone of the building, aruinul wliich is clustered the seuliincnt and traditions of the structure, was laid on Saturday, June 18, 1887, at 11 :3(1 a.m. There were no fcjrmal exercises prepared for the occasion. In the absence from the city of President nicken!("ii)er b'ir^t \ ice-President Levi C. Goodale officiated as rejiresentative of tlie P.nard of Directors, and Messrs. llenrv C. Trncr and janu- M. ('.lemi, nicnibcrs (if the Real Estate i'.d.-ird, and Colonel Sidney D. .Maxwell. Superintendent c.f the Chamber of Cnni- merce, were the of^ciats in attenrlance. The corner stone was laid in the extericir wall of the round corner ot the building, facing Fourth and \'ine Streets, and immediately under the -.ill stone of the center window, and was just above the sidewalk Ie\el. The stone measured 4 feet long, 2 feet 8 inches high, and 2 feet 8 inches in the wall, and into the top of the stone a hole was cut, 14 inches square by 10 inches deep, to receive the copper box. On the outside face of the stone was a chiseled panel, into which the date had l)een cut in Kouian lettering. MHIMPii." " . --W: .'■ l*dir:^ aiP-^.» -^j ^moB(M urU^^p H^Q ivw-'i^HJittHil ^m J^^^te^Hi^^t.strf-'tM^^iAtflMiHftdidH 1^^^^^ ^!ss^^^^*^^ ^Hfli^^ The Cornerstone. Following the tire of lanuary 10. 1911, the Chamber of Commerce ]iarted with its ownershij) in the pro]ierty. and the building was demolished to make way for another strncture to be erected upon the site b}- the Union Central Fife Insurance Company, into which new building the Chamber of Commerce, bv virtue of an agreement with company dated Julv 15, 1911, took per- manent quarters tjn the second and third floors, under a form of lease termin- able at the o])tion of either ]:)arty to the agreement at tlie end of any ten-year period, upon the pa\nieiit by the lnsur;ince Company to the Chamber of Commerce the sum of SOOO.OOO, the lixed value oi the leasehold. ']"he corner stone was removed from the walls of the old building Thurs- day laniiarv 18, 1912. and the copper bo.K imbedded in it for nearly twenty- live years was taken out intact. The box measures 13j2 by 13>i by 9)-2 inches, and contains annual reports and ])rinte(l documents of the Chamber, records of an historical character, jiapers and documents of the time relating to the commercial and linancial ;icti\ities of the city. 62 HisTORV 01-" Chambkk (IF C(iMMi:i«'K BriLiHXG To preserve this xaluahle relic tdr all time, the eci])per Ixix, with its con- tents tindisturbed, was subsequently placed in a niche built in the walls of the present Exchange Hall of the Chamber of Commerce, cm the second floor of the new building of the Union Central Life Insurance Ccim[)any. where it now reposes. Its resting place is marked with a brdiize tablet apprdpriately inscribed. [Phnln. by L.mglfy] Bronze Tablet on wall of Exchange Hall. Contains Copper Bo.\ from old Corner -stone. Design by C. J. Barnhorn. The Cincinnati Price Current. Mr. Charles B. .Murra\. eilitur .and pro- prietor, in its weekly issue of Januar_\' 24, 1889. in cunnnentinL; upnn the then approaching dedication of the building, said : "Tlie membership of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce may congratulate itself on securing so desirable a place for its business purposes, as also upon the comparative ease with which the necessary funds were secured, and tlie moderate encumbrance of indebtedness remaining to burden the future. Not only is the building an eminently desirable one for its utility of arrangement, but it is a grand monument of the progressive enterprise of a thrifty community, and as such it will lie contemplated with special pride tiy every citizen. The mem- bership of the Chamber represents every interest of importance in this great cominercial and manufacturing center, not alone confined to industrial callings, but embracing the political and economic elements, art and music, and everything that goes to make it a thoroughly liberal and representative institution in the community." 63 CiN'cixNATi Astronomical Socikty l-'oUowing arc the proi^Tains of the dcdicati iry exercises: Tuesday Evening, January 29, 1889, 8 to 11 O'Clock. Pronu-nade Concert by tlie C'iiicinnati t'lraiid ( )rchestra, Michael Brand, Conductor, lleld in the I'.xchan.i,^' ll;ill of the New lUiilding. Wednesday Morning, January 30, 1889. Procession of Alenihers frcni I lie ( )ld Exchange to the N'ew Pinilding, lU O'clock A. :\I. Musical Program hy the Orchestra, from 10 to 11 O'Clock A.M. Formal Exercises of Dedication, held in l-'xchange llall. at 11 O'clock A. Al. Call to Order By President Thomas Morrison. .Music. Prayer By Rev. B. W. Chidlaw. D.D. Music. Address B_\- llem-y C. I'rner, on hehalf nf ihe Board of l-ieal Estate Managers, on |)eli\ering the Keys of the New Building. Music. l-vesponse and Reception of the Ke_\s B\- Thomas .Morrison, President of the Chamljer of Coiumerce. Dedicatory Hymn (wurds composed by Col. Sidney D. .Maxwell), .\ir, "Old Hundred" Orchestra and Audience. ( )ration By General I-'.d ward E. Noyes. Music. Address of Welcoiue to \'isiting Representatives from i >ther Commercial Bodies B\ Ih in. Amor ."^m it h, jr.. .\la\ <>r of Cincinnati. Music. Addresses by X'isiting Delegates. Music. Adjournment. Wednesday Evening, January 30, 1889. Banquet at Scottish Rite Cathedral, 8 O'Clock ]'. M. Program of Toasts. Toastmaster, C. M. HoUoway. The Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce Response by President Thomas Morrison The Northwest Response by Mr. John Johnston, of Milwaukee The South Response by Mr. George S. Kinney, of Nashville The West Response by Mr. Charles H. Dodd, of Portland, Oregon New York Response by Mr. B. S. Clark, of New York Chicago. .Response by Mr. George F. Stone, Secretary, Chicago Board of Trade Baltimore Resiionsc by Mr. William S. Young, of Baltimore St. Louis Response by .Mr. .Alex. Euston, of St. Louis After the regular program of toasts, Air. J. C. Kl.itider. being called upon, extended greetings froiu the city of Philadel])hia. and there were also brief informal remarks by General Alichacl Ryan, lion. Samnel E. Hunt, Ex-Gov- ernor R. B. Bullock of Georgia, Col. L. C. \\'eir. Chairman Banquet Com- mittee, and Air. E. N. Roth, of the St. Nicholas 1 Intel, the b.-mquet caterer. 64 History of Chamber of Commkrce Building' The Dedication of the Building. O God. our Father, now we raisu Our hearts to Thee, in grateful praise, For all the mercies from above, Which Thou hast sent us in Thy love. In all this house, help us to see How Thou dost frame our destiny: And let Thy benediction come. And rest upon this business home. Within these walls of strength and grace, Alay honor find a dwelling place; May justice reign; may truth abide; May right prevail and wisdom guide. Hear us. our Father, as we pray For blessings on our work to-day; Bless membership and guest, and lie Our help throughout eternity. Words Composed by Sidney D. Maxwell. Exchange Floor, 1890. lCuurli-s\ of Anu-rkiiii Ai-chiU,t. .V. I'.l The dedicatory exercise.'^ which marked the completion and opening of the new Iniilding began with a promenade concert and reception to members of the Chamber of Commerce and invited guests on the evening of Tuesday, January 29, 1889, and continued the next day, Wednesday. January 30, with formal ceremonies of dedication, which took place in the Exchange Hall, commencing at 11 a.m., this having been preceded by a procession of mem- bers who marched from former quarters in the Pike Building, headed b\- a band of music, to the new building. The dedication concluded the s;ime evening with an elaborate banquet held in the large dining hall of the Scot- tish Rite Cathedral, on Broadway. While marked with simplicity and dignity, the dedication of the building, taken in its entirety, was withotit question the most elaborate and imposing function of this character which had ever taken place in the history of Cin- cinnati. At the evening reception and promenade concert a large and notable gathering of people was present. On this memoraljle occasion the gre;it 65 CixcixNATi Astronomical Socikty buildiiii^ was lij^hled frDiu within l)y its Ihousaiuls of electric lii,rhts, and with- out by reflectors and calcium lights placed on the surroundinsf buildincfs. The entire arrans^emcnts were admirably planned and executed ; the interior deco- rations and illnminatit)n of the fi;raiul Exchange Hall were brilliant and beauti- fid. It was an event in the commercial and social life of Cincinnati, a scene of great animation and beauty, and one which was deepl\- impressed U])on the memory of those who were present. The singing of the hymn was an iniprcssi\c e\ent. The air was familiar to all. It was a grand chorus of two thousand male voices, such an one as is heard but once in a lifetime. A melody, made sacred by many generations' use, not only filled the spacious hall and its approaches, but swept in great volume to the crowded thoroughfares below, and the passing throng paused to listen, and the windows of the adjacent buildings were suddenly peopled with interested hearers, as the business men of a great city solemnly recog- nized God in his dealings with men, and invoked his blessing on the work of their hands ami oard was entrusted ami delegated (By-Paws, Article \'I), the "General snpcrvisii)n, manaMCiuent and control of all matters pertaining to the real estate that is or may l)c owned Ijy the Asso- ciation and the buildiiifr to lie erected there- on (except, after constrnction. snch parts i>f said bnilding as may be occupied by the Association for its own uses), and of tlie Real l*'.statc and Building Fund." It was further enipi iwered ".At its own discretion to procure and a|)prove plans lor. and estimates of the cost I if, the construction of the bnilding to be erected upon the real estate that is or may be owned by the .Association." And if the estimate of the cost of the btiild- ing exceeded the amount of the Building l-'und it was the duty of the Board to devise some tinancial ])lan for raising the aninunt necessary anil submit the same fur the appro\;il (if the Assi iciatii 'ii. In other words, the entire cuntrol and man- agement of the real estate, the securing of plans and selection of an architect, the making of contracts, the erection nf the building, the tinancial affairs of this department, and the ])ermanent care of the structure after its erec- tion were all vesteil in the Board of Real Estate Al.anagers. Each member of the Board was tmder bond in the sum of $50,000 and served without compensation. .Vt the annual election in September, 1883, the first Board of Real Estate ^Managers to take hold under the newly adopted By-Laws was elected. Tliis anur years). John CarUsle (three years). A. Hickenlooper (two years). Seth C. Foster (one year). 1884-85 W. W. Pealiody, President. John Kyle (four years). Henry C. Urner (three j-ears). John Carlisle (two years). A. Hickenlnnper (one 3'ear). 1885-86 Edwin Stevens, President. James M. (ilenn (four years). John Kyle (three years). Henry C. Urner (two years). John Carlisle (one j'ear). 1886-87 A. Hickenlooper. President. John Carlisle (four years). James M. Glenn (three years). John Kyle (two years). Henry C. Urner (one year). 1887-88 Levi C. Goodale, President. Henry C. Urner (four years). John Carlisle (three years). James M. Glenn (two years). John Kyle (one year). 1 888-89 Thomas Morrison, President. *John Kyle (four years). Henry C. Urner (tliree years). John Carlisle (two years). James M. (ilenn (one year). 1889-90 Lee H. Brooks, President. Samuel Bailey, Jr. (four years). C. M. Holloway (three years). Henry C. Urner (two years). John Carlisle (one year). t 1890-91 Lowe Emerson. President. John Grubb (four years). Samuel Bailey, Jr. (three years). C. M. Holloway (two years). Henry C. Urner (one year). *John Kyle died March 2(1, 1889, C. M. Holloway elected to lill the vacancy April 23, 1889. fBoard of Real Estate Managers abolished May 20. 1891. 6q 1 H'-njiimin Stitilin] Henry C. Urner. Elected 1883. Re-elected 1887. Served eight years. [ Hi'ujiiyniti Studio] James M. Glenn. Elected 1885. Served four years. Andrew Hickenlooper. President, 1886-1887. Elected 1883. Served two years. President Ex- officio for a year. Total service of three years. ClXClXXATI ASTKONOMK'AU SllCIKTV [ liiniiimi)! Stlliiio] Captain C. M. Holloway, Elected April 23, 1889, to fill vacancy caused by death of John Kyle. Served two years, five months. John Grubb. Elected 1890, four-year term. Serv- ed one year, to the time when the Board was abolished. Edwin Stevens. President, 1885-1886. President Ex- officio for the year. After the liuililiuL;' was ci uniilcU-d and U-n- aiitcd, it was the opinion of the members of the J'.oard of 1890-91 that its mission haviny been fidTdled. and its duties performed, there was no lonj^'er an_\' imjjortant reason for the further enntinuance nf the i'mard d Keal Instate Manaffers, ith^landinj^- llie \>y- Law.s gave the I'.M.ird a iiermanent existence. Ibnvever, on its own reeommendation, the .\ssociation, at a s|)ecial election held May 20. 1891. voted to amend the By-Laws, wherel)y the P.oard of l\e;il l-'.statc Managers wa.s there- after alnilislu'd and its ofliciai existence ended. I )f the \ariou> Hoards of Real Estate Man- agefN which served through the ])eriod of nearly eight years, from ISS,^ to 1891, it is Imt justice til reciird tlie iiuahiable ancl distin- guislied serxices rendered the Cliamber of Commerce by the officials and nieml)ers who coiu])osed these Boards. 'i'Jieir i)ainstaking and conscientious labors in the interest of the Associatimi were marked witii rare fidelity and de\-otiiin ti' the trusts and responsii)itities which rested ii]iiin them. in the exacting .-ind difficult work of the Hoard, with its multiplicity of intricate details, the greatest h.irmony and unanimity of thougjtt and action prevailed. No body ot men O'ldd lia\e been actuated by fmcr moti\es, ;ind none more loyal and . B. Collicrl Bank Room Corner Vine and Baker Streets. The Union Savings Bank & Trust Co. May 10, 1890, to January 1, 1901. The Provident Savings Bank and Trust Company. Leased January 1, 1901, for ten years. Moved to Seventh and Vine, Sept. 1010. To defray the cost of car\-ing and furui^hinL; of the building, whicli were not included in the original estimates and for which no financial provision had been made, authority was given by the Board of Directors in March, 1889. to increase the indebtedness by temporar}- loans not to exceed in amount S75.000. the members of the Board of Real Estate Managers, together with tlie Presi- dent and Vice-Presidents of the Chamber, to give promissory notes in their individual capacity for this amotnit, which were to be liquidated out of the surplus income of the Association as rapidh' as ]ios>ible. This obligation was known as the floatinsj debt of 875,000. CixcixxATi Astronomical Socikty On August 31, 1889. the outstanding lial)ilitics of the Chamber of Com- merce were : Chamber of Commerce bonds of January 1, 1888, total issue 8150,000 Floating Debt (Call Loans) 75,000 Total Debt $225,000 After this date the floating debt was reduced by amounts of 525,000 in 1890 and S30,000 in 1891, and paid off by the balance of $20,000 in 1892. On August 31, 1892, the remaining liability of the Chamber of Commerce was the outstanding bonds of January 1, ISSS, §150.000. And this was the only burden of indebtedness left for the future to care for, against which was the new building and the lot on which it stood, a property authoritatively valued at one million dollars. The Glencaim Restaurant. The Misses Stewart, Proprietors. The North Basement Rooms. The Fire of January 10, 1911 — The Destruction of the Building. A Valedictory. For twenty-two years the building stood, an elucjuent, glowing expression in stone of all that is beautiful and dignified in architecture, a credit to the enterprise and the spirit of its builders, a monument to the genius of the great architect who designed it. Overtaken by an untimely fatality, with a destiny unfulfilled, this beauti- ful structure, the achievement of years, was partly destroyed by fire and col- lapse of the interior, on the night of Tuesday, January 10, 1911, and in an incredibly short space of time lay prostrate in ruins. For an account of the disaster we quote from the annual report of the Secretary dated January 16, 1911 : "The fire originated on the seventh floor roar, in the kitchen quarters of the Business Men's CU;1>. tenants of the Ijuilding, and was discovered about 7:30 o'clock p. ni. Before tlie Fire Department could respond, the fire spread rapidly and communicated with the attic or eighth floor, which was also partly occupied by the club. In some manner the fire here came in coiUact with the vita! parts of the struc- tural iron trusses, which held the upper floors of the building in sus- 76 History of Chambkr oi- Commkkck Buiuhxg pension, and, according to the theories advanced, the trusses, under the effect of the great heat to which they were exposed, bent and con- tracted sufficiently to draw away from their wall bearings and fall in collapse, carrying all before them, seven of the fourteen trusses going down in the destruction, together with the roof and the greater part of the interior construction. The entire exterior walls, with the excep- tion of two dormer windows on the V'ine .Street front, were left standing intact. Happily, the office and library of the Chamber, located in the Fourth Street end of the liuilding, were untouched by fire, and all the important records and valuable collection of books and pamphlets were preserved. "A deplorable result of the fire was the loss of six lives. Two men in the employ of the building, three connected with tenants of the building, and one a reporter on a morning paper, were all caught in the tailing structure and went down to their doom. "The Chamber of Commerce has suffered a heavy financial loss, which has not yet been calculated. The building was of magnificent, substantial fireproof construction, and the prol)abiIily of its destruc- [Coiirtt.i!/ o; Brent Anioltl] Office of General Freight Agent, L. & N. R. R. Seventh Floor, Northeast Corner, No. 39. tion by fire unthought of. As a result the line of insurance was relativelj- small compared to the loss suffered. The insurance carried on the building was $90,000, on furniture and fixtures $5,000, and on boilers and machinery §10.000, an aggregate of $105,000. and the destruction of the building will represent a total loss from an insur- ance standpoint. "The Chamber of Commerce Building was the pride and admira- tion of all Cincinnatians. and no local disaster in years has lieen accompanied with such universal sorrow and regret as the burning of our beautiful building. Its destruction came as a shock to the whole community. It was a noble structure, built of enduring granite, graceful and massive in outline, enriched with carvings; greatl)' admired for its architectural charm, it was acknowledged one of the most beautiful and impressive edifices in the country." Immediately following the fire the work of removing the wreckage in a search of the bodies buried there, went on uninterruptedly, day and night. until the last bodv was taken from the ruins the twelfth dav after the fire. 77 Cincinnati Astronomical Socikty The adjustment of the insurance, based updii a report of experts a]i|Hjiiitc(l to jointly represent the underwriters and the Chanil)er in estimaiinn' thi' proi)- erty loss, was soon eiTected a> a total loss, and the full .inioinil of tlu- insur- ance, $105,000, collected. Our story is now soon ended. FolUiwinj;^ the rejiort of an .\d\isory Com- mittee, to which had been referred the several (|uestions whicli confronted the C'hamher after the fire, as to the final ami wi^csl disposition to he made of the property, several alternative propositions were ])repared by this Committee and submitted to a referendum xote of the membership, which resulted in an expression faxoraldc to the leasinii: of the iiro])iTty, on stipulated terms, to such financial interests as would erect a new imildiufi^ u])on the site and provide for ])erm;incnt ((uarters therein of the Chamber of Commerce, and this was the disposition of the properly as finallv eiVected and briefiy rt'l;itcd elsewhere in this sketch. [From an old Photograph] The Fifth National Bank, 1893-1904. West half of ground floor front, sublet from C. H. & D. R. R. Whole ground floor occupied as Joint Railway Offices under management of C. H. & D., 1889-1894. In the carrying out of this a.Ljreement the old building was demol- ished to make way for a new one: the stroni; and graceful walls of granite were removed, and in a few short months, liy the end of Fel)ruar\-, 1912, the Chamber of Commerce Building was no more. While in this disposition of the property the (|uestions of finance and expediency were strongly emphasized and ]da}ed an imj)ortant part in the final determination, yet there was a well defined opposition to the course adopted, many members favoring the rebuilding of the structure on modern lines, which was held as feasible and pr;ictic;ible from lioth an artistic and architectural, as well as a commercial, standpoint. History of Chamber ok Commerck Building By many members of the Chamber of Commerce and citizens of our city, the tearing down of the old building, was jjrofoundly deplored. In the o])inion of many loyal members, its removal was considered unnecessary and unwise — a seeming disregard of the time-honored traditions of the body, which found expression and lodgement in the building, around which clustered the pride and affection of its members. And thus the Chamber of Commerce P.uildini.;- pa>>ed inlw lii-~tiir\-. A Sketch of the Origin of the Chamber of Commerce: Its Meeting Places. (1839-1889.) Tlie Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce had its origin at a meetintr of merchants who assembled at the rooms of the Young Men's Mercantile Library Association on the evening of October 15. 1839, in response to a pub- lished call, signed by seventy-six firms and in(li\'i(luals, a])pearing in the Ciiiciiiiiati Pailv Gaccttc of the previous day. '^hi^ wa^ the initial meeting. [Photo., Roniback a^ Grm-tu-] The Fifth National Bank, August, 1906. The bank occupied entire front room on ground floor after April, 1904. Quarters remodeled and elegantly finished in marble. out of which grew the Cincinnati Chamljer of C\)mmorce. At this meeting a temporary organization was eft'ected, and Robert Buchanan. F,sq., was made Chairman and Charles Dufifield Secretary. A Committee on Organization was appointed, which presented resolutions faxoriiig the formation "of a Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade, tor the purpose of establishing uniform regulations and unison of action in the promotion of its mercantile interests," and recommending the appointment of a committee of fifteen "to draw up a code of regulations for the government of sucli a body." This resolution was adopted, and an adjourned meeting was held on Tuesday even- ing, October 22, 1839, at 7 o'clock, at which the first Constitution of the 79 CiN'cixxATi Astronomical Society Chamber was adopted, and on the 29th of October, 1839, an election for the first ofificers of the newly formed body was held, which resulted in the election of Griffin Taylor, President: R. G. Mitchell, Peter Nef¥, S. I'.. iMudley, John Reeves, Thomas J. Adams and Jacob Strader, Vice-Presidents; Henry I'tockcy, Secretary, and B. W. llewson, Treasurer — these ofificials to serve until the regular annual meeting to be held in the January following. At a meeting on the evening of Tuesday. November 5, 1839, by-laws were adopted, and the newly fledged Chamber of Commerce was now fully organized and ready for business. The first regular annual meeting \\;i> held Januar_\ 14, 1840, when the foregoing Board of Officers was re-elected, with ilie exception of Jacob Strader, who was succeeded l^y Samuel Trevor. Tile \'iiung Men's Mercantile Library .Association, furmed .\pril 18, 1835, started the ni(i\enient which establi-~liecl the Chamber of Commerce. Men must ;u'ti\i' in the ijl)rar\-, fcinneil the cipmniittce en the preamble an.d resolu- \Frnm an nJd Painting] The Old Cincinnati College Building. Erected 1815, Mr. Isaac Stagg, Architect. Burned to the ground January 19, 1845. On the Site of the Present Mercantile Library Building. Chamber of Commerce organized in Library Rooms here in October, 1839. Merchants' Exchange Room opened here May, 1844, by Library Directors. tidii. which being signed and pub]i^hed in ()ctciber, 1839, cnnstitutcd the call fur tliat lir-t meeting in the l,ibrar_\- rcKims. Tiie Chaml)er of Commerce thus organi.'ed. held monthly and cjuarterly meetings, l)ut no dailv sessiotis. .\ Mc.Tch;iiU>' E-xchange Room where steamboat arrivals and departitres, freight nunements by river, canal and railroads, arrivals at the leading hotels, could l)e recorded daily in books kept for the ])itr]KTse, was urgetith- ref|uested Ijy ntimerous merchants in the winter of 1843. The Library directors under- took the entire management, securing enough subscribers to defra\- tiie added expense. May 1, 1844, the Exchange Room was opened in the Library. Regular dail}- 'Change hours were not maintained in the next two vears, but the records of cominerce were consulted by the indi\idual stibscribers during library hours, and were regarded of such high statistical \alue that they were 8o HisTnK\ UK Chamber of Commf.rci; Buildinx maintained by the directors until September 1. 1846. when thev were trans- ferred to the Chamber of Commerce. At this date both bodies had jtist re- turned to the Cincinnati College, rebuilt after the fire. The first name adopted by the newly organized body was "The Cincin- nati Chamber of Commerce." By its charter, under an act of incorporation dated March 23. 1850. the official title and name of the organization became the "Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce and Merchants' Exchange." and this has remained unchanged to the present day. [I'lii'lo.. Romb<2th C-' Groi'iif] The Cincinnati College. Built 1846. Tom down September, 1902. On site of Mercantile Library Building, Walnut Street. Home of Chamber of Commerce July, 1846 to October, 1869. Additional charter privileges were granted by act of the Legislature, April 3, 1866, and the provisions of the Revised Statutes of Ohio relating to boards of trade and chambers of commerce (Sections 3827 to SSM. inclusive.) were accepted by the Association March 12. 1883. by which acceptance the Chamber virtually abandoned its previous charter and became a corporation under the laws and constitution of Ohio ; a cojjy of this acceptance was duly certified to and filed with the Secretary of State. Closely related to this sketch of the formation of the Chamber is the story of its various meeting places through a jieriod of fiftv vears. from its infancy in 1839 to its achievement of 1889. when its members marched proudlv into their own home and building. 8i CiNcixxATi Astronomical Society 'I'hc early meetings of the Chamljcr during- the peridil ni h> forniatinn in 1839 and 1840 were held in the rndins of the Young AlenV Mercantile Library Association, in the Cullege llnilding, rk l)usiness. He conceived the necessity and usefulness of an organized business body and called a meeting of the packers of that day to consider the formation of a Chanilier of Commerce. Interior of Pike's Opera House. Quarters of the Chamber November, 1881, to January, 1889. The meeting was held in the counting room of Miller & Lee, corner of Sycamore and East Court Street, in 1835, and was attended by John C. (iroes- beck, Aaron G. Gano, William Thoms, 1. X. Row en, William Irwin. Charles Duffield, Charles Clark.son, S. S. Schooley, K. J. Aliller and R. W. Lee. Mr. Lee relates that the plan was well received at this and subsequent meetings, but the project met with difficulty in finding a suitable meeting place in the upper part of the city, in the neighborhood of the canal, which in those earlv days was an important means of transportation, and the center of the packing industry. Mr. Lee reviews the efforts made to secure quarters on the second floor of a building occupied by one John Thompson, and used as an oyster house, at the northwest corner of Main and North Court Streets, and this room, measuring 25 by 90 feet, Thompson agreed to let the pro])osed organi- zation use for its meeting place witlmut charge, looking to an enlarged patronage of his oyster house as sufficient ci im])ensation . 8', ClXClXN'ATI ASTROXOMICAL SoCIKTY From Mr. Lee's letter we (|unte the following;: "At the ad.ioiinu-d niortiiiK; at Mr. Cirofsl)(.-cl<'.s CDiiiUing room I handed in my report recommending the establishing a Chamber of Commerce, with books of record of arrival of boal.s, their cargo and prices of produce, etc. The report was seconded and adopted, and the name given to the organization was the "Canal Produce F.xchange.' "A subscription paper was opened, and over one hundred mer- chants joined, each paying $3 per year. This fund furnished news- papers and prices current and paid other expenses. Reports were made of arrivals of steam and canal boats and their cargoes, arrival of hogs, flour and whisky, with sales and prices — in other words, a regular Chamber of Commerce was establislied. "1 am under the impression that Robert lUichanan, Esq., was our first President after we organized; of this 1 am not entirely certain. Jones Dulfield, brother of Charley, was our first Secretary. "Thus was established the first Chamber of Commerce of Cin- cinnati. This organization was kept up during the years 1835, 1836 and a part of 1837, when the merchants down town thought the place of meeting too far north and too far up-town. Mr. Thompson took charge of the room, its papers, etc.. collected money to pay ofif all demands against the Chamber, and then it ceased to act." Carved Eagle. The four granite eagles, from the Fourth Street and Baker Street roof dormers, were presented to the Park Commission. They are now mounted on piers in Eden Park, where the main drive passes under the concrete bridge. Whether uur present Chamber of Commerce was tlie direct outgrowlli of this earlier body is not defitiitely asserted, although from a similarit\- ni names and interests it seems highly probable that, if it was not a direct suc- cessor, it was at least closely related to it. From close observation of condi- tions it may be safely concluded that out of the "Canal Produce Exchange" was evolved that organization of broader scope, of larger interests, of more enduring material— the CINCIXN.\TI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. History of Ciia.mhi;u m' Cummkrci'; Building CASS GILBERT Architect 11 East Twenty-Fourth Street New York Richardson was a man of l)ig mind and big figure; everything al)Out him was big, but with it all his manner was so genial and kindly and delightful that visitors involuntarily yielded themselves to his infectious enthusiasm. He v/as one of the greatest personalities that I remember to have met. Few men have left such an im- pression upon their day and gen- eration. Trained in the most formal architectural school in the world, his work always evidenced a high sense of organized plan- ning and yet was expressed with freedom and vitality which was anything but academic. Richardson's memory is held in reverence in England and in France, particularly in England, as it is in America, and Cincinnati does wisely to preserve such frag- ment as it possesses of the expres- sion of liis genius. Very trul}- yours. CASS GILBERT, Tanuarv 26, 1914. Tliis luiidern skyscraper, a repro- duction of the Italian Rennaissance style, erected on the site of the former Chamber of Commerce, represents the progress of Ameri- can building methods and business requirements during the past three decades. • Associated with Mr. Cass Gilbert in the erection of this building, was the firm of Garber & Woodward, Architects, of this city. ,/■ 11 [Courtesy of Union Central Life Insurance Co.] The Present Home of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce and Merchants' Exchange. Quarters Dedicated June 26, 1913, Union Central Life Insurance Building. 85 Testimonial Banquet to the First Fall Festival Directors, October 16, 1900, Exchange Hall, beautifully decorated. [Courtesy of Capt. Thos. P. Egau\ Large delegation from 'Change and Business Men's Club starting for Louisville, Ky., to attend the Fourteenth Annual Convention of the Ohio Valley Im- provement Association, October, 1908. 86 Happenings and Activities in Chamber of Commerce 1889-1911 Bv Charles B. Murray Superintendent of the Chamber iSgi-igi 1 Fur the ])urposes nf the nii:i\eineiit and oJiject which have furnished occasion for scmic mention of happenings in the Cincinnati Cham- ber of Commerce, to appear in connection with specific statements concerning the Xew Home of the organization, which the Association came into possession of in January. 1889, it i- deemed sufficient to limit the record to the period covered b}- the life or existence of the Building, which came to an unexjiected ending in January, 1911. This structure and its par- ticular meaning in this community represent the prime features of the efifort which this work- contemplates. The Chamber of Commerce Building had an individuality of character, among the special charms within our city. Not only in its struc- tural cliaracteristics, hut in its ]iurposes and uses, it stood apart from other notable features of the locality. Its purposes represented pro- vision for pri.imoting deeds of enterprise and impetus ti) the ambitions of the citizens, includ- ing advancement of developments in the shap- ing of affairs in earlier days. Its uses were for accomodating and promoting such pur- poses — notably as an Exchange for trade operations, with facilities for securing knowl- edge of market conditions and of other features aftecting the interests of those having relations to current acti\ities, locally and ntherwise; and also the collection, recording and dissemi- nation of information relating to productixe, commercial and financial interests in whicli it^ members were specifically concerned, and at the same time contributing to the general w el- fare. Its membership, through deliberations and actions of its officials and otherwise, cum- manded a position of influence in passing upon matters of public nattire. It ser\ed in adjust- ment of disputes and dift'erences arising be- 87 'Thrn. C .l/,ir,,vn<| Joseph R. Brown. President, 1891-1892. [ /i(' )ijii m i n St It ilio \ Brent Arnold. President, 1892-1893. I Bcnjiimiii Studio Michael Ryan. President, 1893-1894. CiNXiNNATi Astronomical Society \ f^crijnmin Studio] James M. Glenn. President, 1894-1895. I l>f->i!u>nin Studio] Maurice J. Freiberg. President, 1895-1896. [ Benjamin Studio] J. Milton Blair. President, 1896-1897. UvccMi its mcnihcrs ami cithers. It acted in t'stal)lishiii,<;- ajjjiropriate rules and regulations t^nverning business operations, and in efforts \i of lading and uniform classifications of freight : questions relating to the interests of the muni- cipality in the Cincinnati vSouthern Railway lease; protest of citizens against outrages suf- fered by Jews in Russia, permitted by that government ; tribute to Air. E. A. Ferguson, in recognition of his wise and effective devotion to the work of securing the construction of the Cincinnati Southern Railway; endorsement of the plans of the Greater Park League for secur- ing to Cincinnati an extension of the park sys- tem in a manner to bring enlarged attractions 89 l''t'u'himnt Slititi< William McCallister. President, 1897-1898. /'• ■: '■'. nun Studio] Robert H. West. President, 1898-1899. IF. -\; v John H. Allen. President, 1899-1900. yttfrs] ClNClNXATl ASTRONOMICAI, SoClKTY !/■. M. .Sowers) James T. McHugh. President, 1900-1901. 1 I^t)ir in such essentials; i-nlertaiimu'iit 'il a (k'k'jiatiiin nf Shio l\i\er. X'arious other all.'iirs 111 juiblic coiiccni recei\ed consider;itif visit- ors of prominence and distinction in the world's activities and endeavors, covering a wide extent of interests and of connection with affairs of civilization, in this and other coun- tries. These incidents aft'orded features >>{ entertainment and of instruction for member- of the Association and of the community. It was a meeting place for discussion of ])ublic questions and measures, particularl_\- such a~ had relation to the interests of the locality ami its people. It served in plans of commemora- ti\e nature, and social functions. Its most distinct instance of this latter kind was incident to the completion and dedication of the Build- ing. Another, the grand public demonstration and banquet in celebration of the founding of the city of Cincinnati as an incorporated muni- cipality. The banquet and testimonial to the Fall Festival Directors in 1901 was a brilliant aft'air. Samuel Bailey, Jr. President for'l904. titiJio] H. Lee Early. President for 1905. [ l^tnjaTniti Studio] L. L. Sadler. President for 1906. 91 Cincinnati Astronomicai, Socikty 1 lirni.ntlin Slu,lto\ W. A. Bennett. President for 1907. Thomas P. Egan. President for 1908. ; liciljattiu: Stiuli' Charles E. Roth. President for 1909. Members of the Chamber of Commerce have not been devoid of enjoyment of occasions furnishing opportunities for fun and frolic. I pini (le]jarture from the Smith & Nixon Hall t(i the Pike Building, in 3881, dignity and (k'Cdrnin were set aside. The doings inside the hall were at a high pitch when the writer arrived at the street entrance, where he was greeted by a member who had just emerged from within, s;i}iiig, "If you go in }'ou will be siirry, and if \i>n don't you will be a coward." Later the memljers formed in procession for a march to the new (luarters, being decorated with Hour and dihcr e\idences of unusual nature. Departure from the Pike Hall for the New Home, in 1889, w^as orderly, under s])ecific arrangements. At the close of each year there was generally an irrepressible and uncontrol- lable impulse for frolic on 'Change, excepting 111! occasions where orderly entertainments were arranged for. These instances were minierous, and generally of entertaining nature. « In some occasions printed programs were furnished, and the jiroceedings somewhat elabdrate and fiin-])ri Mlucing. (Jtiite a niiniljcr I if such arrangements and frolics occurred in the Exchange Plall of the Chamber of Com- merce Building. As an illustration of some year-end doings in tlie Chamber of Commerce, it may lie men- tioned that at the close of 1908, the younger members effected plans for an entertainment, in tile Kxchange Ilall, which included music, roller-skating, and other features of di\'ersion. At the opening of the jiroceedings, and actitig in accordance with the jdans of the committee in charge, some remarks were offered by the su])erintendcnt, in which, among other things, he said : 'A\'c have reached the joy season of the year, which impels us to take notice. And there is nothing in the doings of the human family that outranks in merit that which i^- done by one for the joy of another. It is also the season for forgetfulness of lines of distinc- tion between youthful days and those over on the declining side of life's career. It is the sea- son when persons old in years may throw off for tln' time being the mask that Old Time has jilaced upon them — so that men and boys may mingle and join, come together, in spirit and otherwise, all as boys, in sharing in those tilings which belong more especially to the 92 Happi-.vixcs on 'Chancf., 1889-1911 sphere of the l)ii_\-s. hut \vh(jse tentacles never reach a time of relimiui^hment imtil the day of final accounting. * * * "We are citizens of a city and localit}' cum- bining so much of those elements which pro- mote enjoyment, health, and prosperous re- ttirns for industrial effort, that we ha^'e a right to regard such features of the situation as unexcelled in the entire breadth of our great country, ilen with life objects in view are attracted toward our city, and when once es- tablished here rarel_\- remove to other locali- ■^-■1p^ -^ H* ^ "We are ncjw- assembldl in the liall of the Chamber of Commerce, an exchange room in \\hich important activities of men are dailv centered, and which is the home of a bodv whose standing for dignity, for influence in the aftairs not only of the membership, the citv, and locality. 1nit of the State and of the Nation, takes rank with the best of organized bodies, anywhere. * * * Its service in the gen- eral welfare has been distinctive, and will so continue. Its characteristics of soberness, of earnestness and eliecti\"eness of purpose, its solidity, and its position of dignity among the influential bodies of the region and of the country, are typified in the massive walls and impressi\-e architecture of this home, which the membership has created. This liuilding: is a monument to tlie spirit of enterprise and commercial integrit\- displayed by men wiser and broader in their understandings of the pri\-ileges, ptirposes and infltiences r)f life's ef- forts than are those who measure the value of results only by the . therefore, my agreeable privilege to announce that the gates to the held of entertainment will now open, and the fun witliin these walls will surely find its way gratefully to the hearts of all who are here — we will not say, be they old or young, for the old are young for the moment, and the voung are as old as the old.'" [Benjitmiu Sttuiio] James J. Heekin. President for 1910. Walter A. Draper. President for 1911-1912-1913. [ 1^' 'ijiimin StHtiio\ George F. Dieterle. President for 1914. 93 Cincinnati Astronomical Socikty OFFICERS LONG IN THE SERVICE OF 'CHANGE. [L,L,ul,, l'h„l„ William Smith. Superintendent, 1854-1871. Sidney D. Maxwell. Superintendent, 1871-1891. Tlu- \\v>\ superiiitfmk'iit wa.s .\li'. .V. i'calnuly, who served Iruiii 184() to 1849. .\lr. Kichard Smith was superintendent and secretary also from 1849 to 1854, when his Ijrothcr, William, liecamc tlic superintendent. Mr. William Smith was re-elected tn this (irfui- idr sexcntccu successive terms, scv iii;.; until Novemljer 1. 1871. Mr. Sidney 1). Ma.wvell, hiwyer. a ne\\>pa])er c(irres])on(lent and military secretary durins.'; the war, liecame assistant city editor on the Ciiiciiuuiti Cia;:cttc in 1868. In 1871, Col. Maxwell was chosen .sui)erintendent of the Chamhcr, and was so successful in cunductins^ its affair,s and in advancing jjuhlic enter- prises, that he was honored with re-election for twenty consecutive years. In addition to tiie endless detail and statistical work of his office, he entered fully into the ])roject of the Richardson Imilding, to the sarrificp of liis health, and an ox'erstrain resulting therefrom le his \ciliintary retirement in No\ember, 1891. The tribute, which the Chamlier. thru a s]iecial committee prepared anil caused to be beautifully engrossed in cokirs by a lijcal artist, and presented to Colonel Maxwell on his retirement, so truly and clearly sets forth the honor and influence c;)f the superintendent's positinu in general, as to merit ])nb- lication in fidl. Charles B. Murray. Superintendent, 1891-1911. { F^ in 1912-1,1, Mr. Wisser became chief clerk in charge of the statistics. In 1882, .Miss Margaret .\. Daly entered the office as stenographer to Superintendent Maxwell, at whose suggestion she had learned shorthand from Benn Pitman. Ftjr six years at the Pike's Opera House location, and during the entire existence of their own building, she remained a \alued assistant in the office, answering the constant stream of inquiries, taking care of all ordin;iry corresjinndence and the orderly filing of records. To the Com- mittees of .\rl)itratiim and .\ppt-als. wlmse hearings, awards and findings she reported for years, her accurate knuwledge of the by-laws and methods of ])ro- cedure made her services itnaluable No one is more deserving of mention here than .Miss Daly, who, tlm never a designated official, served the Chamber with marked ability and faithfulness, with rare tact, ever cheerfully, for more than thirt\- \ears. She resigned in 1914. [Vouiii; c-' Carl] Robert J. H. Archiable. Doorkeeper and Custodian of Ex- change. In the service from 1869. 96 {Vonug ir-* Carl] Gustav G. Wisser. Chief Clerk, Statistical Department. Entered the service 1876. Long in the Service of Change CINCINNATI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND MERCHANTS EXCHANGE To THE President of the CiNcixNATi Chamber OF Commerce Dec. 7th, 1891. AND Merchants' Exchange. The committee honored by yciur a|ii>' lintniciit ti 1 prepare a ])a])er ai)pro- priate to the resignation of Culimel Sidney IJ. Ma.xwell fmm !iis pusition as superintendent, respectfully su1)mits the following report ; .\lthough Colonel Maxwell was an appointee of the board of directors, honored by their selection for twenty consecutive terms of service, yet liis relation to,' and intercourse with, the members of the Cham.ber has necessarily, in the discharge of his varied, exacting, perplexing duties, been so close and his work so acceptably performed that it is singularly proper that the sever- ance of those relations should be noticed by the memlier in a formal wav For one who is in an onerous, responsible position an(' ]jerforms his duties faithfully, mere money pay i-- nut always full compensation; the ex- pressed approbation of those'for whom the services are rendered becomes his larger, better, more appreciable ci iii^ideration. It is therefore most pleasant to embody in a few words an expression of the estimate of the labor that Colonel Maxwell has so efficiently rendered the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants' l^xchange and thrnugli it the business world at large. When twenty years ago he accepted the position then vacated by one who had long filled it fa'ithfully, he brought to it habits of work, acquired in trade, in study and in journalism, fortified by a high sense of its responsibilities, he properly appreciated the opportunities for usefulness the place aflforded,- — especially as it related to the current history of the commercial and industrial progress of our city, and entered upon his duties with conscientious purpose to sustain and promote, so far as came within the scope of his undertakings, the high reputatiijn and influence nur association had. This ptirpose embodied a sense of the dignity of the i>osition. ^\•ith its oft- times judicial characteristics; a steady ]mrsuit of a non-partisan course in executing the by-laws of the Chamber governing the Exchange ; a fixed intent to make the material aflforded by a well-organized system of statistics useful in showing the standing and growth of our city in art, industry and commerce — in short a determination to do that which he could in accordance with the sentiment so well expressed in the following verse from the appropriate hymn he contributed to the dedicatory exercises of this beautiful commercial home: "Within these walls of strength and grace May honor find a dwc'.ling place: May jnstice reign: nu'V truth alndc: May right prevail and wisdom guide." That he has aimed to act up to the inspiratiim of this sentiment iii the discharge of his duties in our behalf needs no declaration from your committee, not only is each memlier of the Chaml)er his witness, but there have come to him from many directions — from lousiness men at home and abroad, from sta- tisticians, from political economists, from legislators, from consuls — testimon- ials of high appreciation of his work, which must be not only truly acceptable to him but a gratifying assurance that his labors in our midst in the interests of commerce, have been well performed. In bearing this tribute to the ;iccept;iliility of the ser\ ices of our retiring su])erintendent, there reiuains for us to s;iy that his record is ours, and to extend our thanks and best wishes for his future ])rosperity, together with hopes that our Chamber will not flag in ettorts tn sustain the st.anihird for usefulness to which he has contributed so iiuportant a part. See next pape - 97 o 5 -o ^19 2 o J: .»- ^ — ■*-. (A ^ - ^ *2 ^'^'^^ q8 °^c/N■^^^^^' [F. .4, Xeuhuiter. Artist] The Business Men's Club Quarters 1903-1911 , THE DEDICATORY POEM. By J anus A. Grccii. Like to the poet's ship of pearl, Which still outgrew its narrow walls. .So we expanding year by year. Kind liere at last these lofty halls. They rise in beauty and in strength, -Adorned to please the artist's eye. With all exacting taste could choose. And all unstinted cash could l>uy. ****** Xo pent-up Utica for us! Plenty of elbow room to spare. Plenty of room in which to grow. Abundance both of light and air. .\bundance. too. of other things That to the inner man are dear; Hunger and thirst are banished quite And in their places rules King Good Cheer. This splendid place a symbol is Of progress all along the line; Xo bushel hides our beaming lights — Undimmed forever may they shine. Our past is full of good deeds done. Our future's full of hope and clieer; Oh, may we fight for civic right Through every day of every year. May, 1903 99 The Rotunda of Business Men's Club, 1906. The Lounging Room. loo Business Men's Club Quarters, 1903-1911 Club Beginnings. Twenty-four j-ouiig men. not one of them over twenty-two years of age, gathered for their first called meeting at the Grand Hotel, Saturday, Novem- ber 26, 1892, and there founded the "Young Men's Business Club" of Cincinnati. An Executive Com- mittee of six j-oung men, Frank G. Rush, Andreas K. Burkhardt, Robert H. AIcGee. J. E. Zimmerman. Frank F. Dinsmore, and J. E. Poorman, Jr., ap- pointed at a preliminary meeting, November 12tli. with Frank G. Rush, chairman, had met on Novem- ber 19th, and had already outlined plans of organiza- tion. On November 26th, all those interested met. formed the Club and elected permanent officers. On December 10th, the first monthly dinner, held in the Convention Hall of the Grand Hotel, was attended by over si.xty young men and was addressed b\' prominent speakers. "It is our object to imite the representative young men of Cincinnati and vicinity, engaged in the vari- ous mechanical, commercial and professional pur- suits, for the purpose of becoming better acquainted by frequent association; of rendering assistance to one another in many ways; and of having discussed at our meetings, b}' prominent citizens, such sidijects as will lead to our future success, and prepare us to take the places destined for us, hereafter, as leaiHng citizens," Thus reads the first letter inviting other 3"oun,g business men to co-operate in the founding" of the Club. The originators, who became the first perma- nent otflcers. were, Frank G. Rush. President; An- dreas E. Burkhardt, first Vice-President: J. E. Poor- man. Jr., second Vice-President; Robert H. McGee. Corresponding Secrefary; Frank A. McGee, Record- ing Secretary; J. E. Zimmerman, Treasurer; Execu- tive Committee: Frank F. Dinsmore, L. C. Goodwin. Millard W. Mack. Dr. C. G. Smith. R. H. Rahe, Chas. T. Greve. The Grand Hotel was the place of meeting from November, 1892. until October, 1897, when head- quarters were changed to the Pike Building. From April 1, 1898, to August, 1899, the Hotel Emery was the Club home; from August 24th to November ,50. 1899, the Pike Building was again used; the Her- schede Building tlien became headquarters until May, 1903, when the rooms in the Chamlier of Com- inerce were ready for occupancy. At first, no men over thirty years of age were eligible for member- ship. In 1896, the Club incorporated "to promote the best interests of Cincinnati," and in July, 1899. the name was changed to "The Business Men's CIul) of Cincinnati." George Puchta. President, 1901-1902. Edwin C. Gibbs. President, 1902-1903. ; HiHsm.lh I'liolo] William P. Deppe. Chairman, Building Committee. 101 ClNXlNXATl ASTKONCIMRAU SciClKTY \ Studio Grand I H. n. Crane, Building Committee. [SliHliurs, for all that stands for the good <'l Cincinnati's prosperity and business iiite'.;rit\'." I'rrsiclciii I'.ihviii C. Gibbs relumed he.irtkit th:iiiks |i> President Kllison's warm and cordial wel- come: "We fully appreciate the kind sentiment whicli causes you to extend to us the right hand of good-fellowship on this occasion, and we gratefully grasp that hand. How ])eculiarly fitting it is that the two foremost commercial bodies of this city should thus stand hand in hand. To me the omen is most significant, and most clearly predicts the forging of a strong bond between us. With mutual respect and confidence, we can boldly face the fu- ture, feeling assured tlial, as we work together in harmony, the increased growth and usefulness of each organization must follow. Concerted action on the part of two such bodies will accomplish the most momentous results. ICourU-sy nf Wm. R. fSuldle] The Ladies' Dining Rooms. The Banquet Room. '03 The BilUard Room. Courtesy of Henry Gnukiach. Jr.] [Courtesy of IVm. K. ISiddlc] The Business Men's Club Office, 1906. 104 BusixEss Mkx's Club Quarters, 1903-1911 "We are truly happy to find a permanent home in this great building, and sincerely trust that in the verj- near future the other commercial organizations of that city may also find lodgment under your broad and hospitable roof. "We are grateful for this reception, and extend to you a cordial invitation to now proceed with us to our new quarters in the floors above, and join us in our dedicatorj- exercises." The dedication e.xtrcises began at 12 o'clock witli prayer by the sole honorary memlier of the Cluli at that time. Rev. Charles Frederick Goss: "Our Father, we have climbed above the war of traffic in our city streets to make a silence in our hearts. We have been prompted to do this by that impulse which is common to humanity at all criti- cal events, because we are about to take possession of a new home for this Business Men's Club, and enter upon a new era of its existence. * * * * "We desire to see great palaces of industry and a reign of temporal prosperity; we long to see com- mercial supremacy of the Queen City of the West, but more than this and better than this, our hearts desire to see that day arrive when Justice may be enthroned in our courts. Integrity receive the scep- tre in our marts of trade. Righteousness be supreme in our city government, and Virtue crowned in our homes. To these great ends, first, last, and always, we pray that these business men may be consecrated; and to them and through them we dedicate these rooms, praying that Thou wilt help us to lie true to the great trusts of human life. .\men." After music. Mr. Deppe, for the Building Com- mittee, delivered the key of the new quarters and sketched the different steps in the securing of these rooms, calling special attention to the proud fact, "that the new quarters are the production of our own citizens, from the architect to the artists who placed the finishing touches on the walls." President Gibbs then accepted the key on behalf of the Board of Directors. After commenting on the faithful work of the Committee, the architects and contractors, and on the obstacles overcome, said: "Gentlemen of the Club, in accepting, in your name, these beautiful rooms, I most heartih' con- gratulate you. I feel assured that you will use them profitably and enjoy them to the utmost; here — "May honor find a dwelling place; May justice reign; may truth abide; May right prevail and wisdom guide." "The opening of these quarters marks an import- ant era not onlj' in the life of the Club, but in that of our city as well. Xine 3^ears ago, ten young men associated themselves together to discuss, at stated times, matters relating to the general interests of Cincinnati. The wildest dreamer of those ten men would not have ventured the prediction that, in nine years, the seed thus planted would grow to a menir bership of one thousand, and that the modest room 105 [HrlLimilh I'l,„l„] J. Gano Wright. Building Committee. ^::, ::,: Grand] James C. Hobart. President, 1903-1904. ■ '>l!ttiio Grand] Thomas J. Moffett. President. 1904-1905. Cincinnati Astronomical Sociktv C7^(ZH(/| Albert Bettint;cr. President, 1905-1906. ,ii,d\ Edward E. Shipley. President, 1906-1907. \Stur(ipiirti(ins. Anil yi-t tln' j^rowth of our dull has (inly lifcn in unison with the development of (luf city, and thriuiL'.h the puri.ils of our new home, winch \\ r toda_\- loi'niail\' open, I can see for us a licld of broader usefulness. Cincinnati is on the eve of a most glorious dawn. The warm sun of civic pride and progrcssivcness will rise ami shine as never before, and those who have been the archi- tects of the jiast will become tlu- builders of the future." After another piece of music, the V'ice-l'resident, \li II. I, \tkins, responded to the motto, "For the lloiioi" and ('.lory of Cincinnati." .\fter referring to the artistic beauty of their new home, he s.'iiusiness men, at this dedication of their new home, as lovers of their city, dedicated not only iheir new quarters, but the very best of their servici' and .ability 'For the Honor and Clory of Citicinnati.' " -\ new nation:il song, dedicated to the Club, was then read by its author. Prof. W. H. Venable, and accottipanied liy a brief patriotic address, national in its scope. Then followed the Dedication Foem, com- posed and read by James .Albert Creen. Moll, Julius h'leishtnatm, Mayor of the city, in welcoming other commercial Ijodies, spoke of the loyalt}' of the Club t.j the highest interests of the cit\', of its share in the recent civic awakening and toruard tnovement, and the propriety of celebratin,g in this |iublic w'.i\'. the occupation of its new qtiartcTS. The or.ation of the day was given by Lieutenant- C.overnor Harry 1,. Gordon. He spoke of the civic awakening in all great .American cities and of the way in which our city is making phenomenal pro.g- ress. He urged the Club to be at the front in every battle for the city's upbuilding, as in the past. .\fter the bancpiet in the evenin.g. ju,iii,/i Walter J. Wichgar. President, 1910-1911. Hon. J;>lin I., (irillhlis. ni In(li:ni;ip(ilis. in re- sponding to the toast, "The State of Indiana," spoke in praise of the architect of the new quarters: "I want to congratulate the Business Men's Club of Cincinnati upon its magnificent new home. There is something in splendid architecture which always appeals to us. Tlic architect is too often forgotten. He seldom finds his reward in popular applause, liut in the consciousness of work, beautifully and sin- cerely, and serenely and enduringly done. I want to pay my tribute to Mr. Hannaford, who conceived tliesc noble rooms, and wlio has made his concep- tion so instinctive with beamy and charm." His characterization of the people of these mid- (\\v Western States, and his eulogy of Abraham Lin- coln were unusually fine. He defined the kind of patriotism needed in times of peace as that wliich will rule our l)ig cities without corruption, specula- lion and exploitation. ".\merica should stand for justice and trutli, for mercy and valor, for high resolve and lofty achievc- nuiit. It should stand for the purest ideals in priv- ate life and public service, asking no questions, making no l^argains, and striking no lialances to ascertain what a thing will pay, Init anxit)us, only, to know if it is right." With a unanimous rising vote of tiianks to the speakers of the evening, the Business Men's Club adjourned. The Iiigh purpose and resolve manifested in the Dedication I'.xercises, given quite in detail above, reflect tile real life and spirit of tlie organization from its very beginning. The enlarged quarters meant increased activity for public good and civic betterment. Hundreds of acts, recommendations, journeys, deeds of encouragement, relief and sacri- fice, to the credit and good name of Cincinnati, fol- lowed from the day the Clul) took possession of its Home in the Chamljer of Commerce Building. -\ synopsis of the leading events in the Roster for l911 shows an average of about one important matter a week on which the Club declared itself, or in wliich it participated. Sinking b'und trustees, provided for by an amend- ment to the by-laws. September 8, 1905, to receive a specified sum from the quarterly dues of members, were cancelling in October of each year, a one- tenth ]iart of the Club bonds, issued to furnish the new quarters, the sum of $4,850 a year. By January, 1910, the membership was increased from 1,000 to l.ilKI. In 1910, plans for a merger with tlie Chamber of Coninierce. which been in the air for several years, took the definite form of a proposition worked out by the two boards of directors in conference. The combined .Association, with a membership lim- ited to 3,000, was to have the name "Chamber of Commerce and Business Men's Club," taking over loS Business Mf.x's Club Quaktkks. 1903-191] the property and assuming the assets and indelitc-d- ness of both organizations. On April 5, 191(1, the Chamber of Commerce directors approved the plan. A vote by the Business Men's Club stockholders un June 14th, gave 809 in favor and 47 against tlie merger. Following public meetings on 'Chan.yL- June 16th and 17th, a special election by ballot was set for June 30th. The campaign was one of wide- spread interest and excitement among members tit the Chamber of Commerce, and ended with tlie de- feat of the proposed merger by a vote of 228 in favor and 324 opposed. Total vote, 552. Following this decision, on July 1st, the Business Men's Club ap- pointed a Committee on New Quarters. "It is easy to see, hard to foresee," said Ben Franklin. While about 200 members and guests oi the West Cincinnati Business Association were hold- ing a banquet in the rooms of the Club, Janu.iry 10, 1911, a flame flashing up from meat broilers in tlie kitchen, set fire to greasj' soot in the flue. The fierce heat communicated in some way to light wooden partitions on the eighth floor and to very combustible materials and supplies stored thirt-. and in a very few minutes was beyond contrcil. Word passed to the banquet room warning everyljody to leave the building, was fortunately heeded and every guest reached outdoors in safety. Almost witliout warning, the hundreds of tons of weight of the sus- pended floors caused a giving away of the iron truss work, heated by these sudden flames in the attic. Twenty minutes after the fire began, came a col- lapse of the south half of the interior, carrying down everything from roof to basement, but leaving the north half almost intact. That six lives on!}' were sacrificed, was a marvel, whereas had it happened during certain business hours many hundreds niiglit have been caught bj- the unforseen danger. So January 10, 1911, closes the history of these quarters of the Business Men's Club, as tiie turn of later events proved. While the loss to the Club, above insurance, was about $35,000, the loss to the Chamber was far greater, possibly, $400,000, besides making" the sacrifice of the entire structure with its incomparable architecture and its wealth of associa- tion, a possibility. On February 3rd, the Clul) passed resolutions of sympathy with the Chamber over the loss of their building. Xearly eight years of tlu- Club's life and activity center about the upper floors of the Richardson Chamber of Commerce. Despite the unforseen ending, ma}' the memory of those years be ever pleasant ! ^^P"^^! ^H>/^H [ lU-njafttht Stttitw William E. Hutton. President, 1911-1912. Fourth St. Roof Dormer Details. Eagles. lOQ CiNCixxATi Astronomical Socikty iriu.ln. ;.v R„ym„ii,l\ William Watts Taylor. 1847-1913. "Master of Rookwood." MUNICIPAL ART SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI .\pril 10, 1913. Mk. \ )]-.], \^].v. Stewart, President. Cincinnati A.'itroiiomical Socict}', City. Dear Sir: In response to your suggestion I write tn assure you that the .Mnnici|>.-il An ,Si)cietv continues its interest in the jiroject tn use the arche> and nther material from the former Chaniher of Commerce in the erection of the pro- posed < )l)>er\ atcir\ . ( )nr contrihntion In that rml, made some time ago. mani- fested our interest in this matter and oiu' \ iew of the desirahility of ])reser\ ing Sfi important a ]iart of this representatix e work of a great architect. We are glad to know that the preliminary e\]>ense to linally seriu-e thi- material has heen met, and exjiress our cordial interest in your ellorts to carry the project to completion. It would embody in ;i new structure the most distinctive decoratix'e features of the original building and would constitute an important addition to our iHiblic architecture here. Yours very truly, W. \\". Tam.ok, Pn-sidriit. THE PRESERVATION OF THE GRANITE ARCHES AND WALLS AFTER THE FIRE. In the intcr\al hulwcen t!ie ?a'e of the L'hanihcr of C'unimcrcc [iroiuTty to the L'nicin Central IJfe Insurance Co. in jiil>', 1911, ami the clearinji; oft' (}f the site for the new skyscra])er, many attempts were made to have the outer walls preserved for re-erecti\ }Jr. Kessler and the Park P)Oard ; Oherlin College, thru Air. Cass Gilbert, investigated their adaptation for one of its new Iniildings, Ijut their great dimensions and the transportation cost prevented their use : sketches were drawn for an entr;incc office at the Zoo constructed fmrn the h'nurth Street arches and corner towers, and careful estimates had been made of the cost for Mr. Draper and officers of the Alunicijial Art Society; some interior jHilished marble bases, ccilunnis and arches were also lieing sought by the Art Aluseum; several good suggestions appeared in the public pres--, but the difficulty in all cases was the financial one. By November, 1911, fiu"tlier delay in reniip\ing the walls l)ecame impos- sible, and Harig & Co. found no alternati\'e but to have the upper parts of the stonework hauled ti) the Big-Four Railway, to use for purposes of track bal- last on their Indianapolis Division. About November 20, consultations were begun by officers of the Cincin- nati Astronomical Society, with Harig & Co., Garber & Woodward, the Union Central Life Insurance Co., Air. W. ^Y. Taylor and Mr. Gest of the Mtmicipal Art Society, and Mr. Draper of the Chamber of Commerce, with reference to placing all of the great arches and 'ither valuable ])ortions i if the Iniilding, at the disposal of the Society for later use as the walls nf an .\stronomical Observatory. Search for downtown vacant lots for storage gave no results except high rental prices and risk of cjuick removal in case of sale of the lots. Cost of drayage from Fourth and \'ine Streets was first inclndcil in the estimated cost, but later Harig & Co. agreed to assume this expense and place the material free on board the B. & O. flat cars at the Plum Street yards. This reduced the estimated cost from $5,000 or $8,000 down to a much smaller figure, more within the range of i)ossibility. The wreckers had by this time reached the tops of the largest arches at the southeast corner, and no time could be lost Finally, at a meeting (jf the ( )ptiniist L'lub, ."Saturday, 1 )ecember ind. Mr. \V. \\ . Taylor, wdio could not bear to see the fine .arches di>appear witlmut a last appeal, made an earnest plea for their preservation, and made an offer on the part of the Municipal Art Society to subscribe $300 frcim their accumu- lated funds, toward the cost of jilacing the material mi a storage Int. In response to this offer and ajjpeal, members of the ( )ptimist and Uueen Cit_\- Clubs added about $400 more to this V \ X, ^ o ^ -t; i < h- 1^ "j . ^ 5^ 7 7 ci ^ n' i < ■o •o Bj W U . — 4> lU 1/1 0) o-C S *^ O a; oJ ^ -^ £f=2 « bxi rt — . **-■ •3 * ''- c o c 3 6 Ul « C .. o (K o , C U. 0)-, o _ w w "J" H 0) E o. _o % >^ > m QJ O Q « — !U O oj . t: -^ ii ° a a E " ° t5 '- [/I >*- 3 ■2 fill. _ ° e 0.13 Qj E .. O C *^ 11 S^ ■/> «*- g a oj c "1 w Xi-" « S i_ c c c2 ■s o 5 W 3 -^ ^ o >*- g I- o O 0; 1-. "H e; -a 2S5 01 01 o O c I* o o £i 2f >.*- yi «! <1J rt , c E "^ .5 c ex « 01 n 01 rt b£ oj >i ui w g •^ 3 « OJ C *-- Q -^ I • ca (rt I- Vh rt o o O. V- ecu O. 01 is o 9 «-5-- o ex Q 2 O ■S Si •-MO.- o -a " o i; « o oj < 0, 3 JS 01 01 c « QJ C 1) e " w 3 -1 c o 1— 1 o Ul b£ O OJ D in rt 3 a; OIK en « . E •2 2 a e> and l)etter instruments followed rapidly, and in varying form and with numerous devices fur e.xact measurement, the telescope has continued to re\-eal more details of the forms, motions and distances of the hea\-enly bodies. For two centuries and a half the human eye at the telescope served as the sole means of recording astro- nomical data. The record of its discoveries and triumphs is truly marvelous! The refinement with which the ])Ositiiins of the heaxenly bodies are deter- mined, their past motic;>ns known, antl their future positions predicted by mathematical analysis, is almost beyond belief. But the human eye is not perfect. Xo two observers have eyes just alike; the right and left eye are unlike in alnmst e\ery jicrson; the state of health, amount of fatigue or wcjrry, age, strained jiusitinn in uliserving, all are factors in the correctness of one's \'isual rcci ird. A\'onderful as is the retina of the human eye, astronomers long Miught a sul)Stitute for it in a better recording medium for astronomical data — this substitute was at last fc.iund in the sensitive chemical film of the photographic plate. From the very first announcement of Daguerre's discovery in 1839, astron- omers attempted to make photographs of sun, inoon and lirighter stars, and with good success, considering the slowness and inconveniences of the early processes. But it was not until the perfecting of the gelatine dry-plate, in 1876, and its coming on the market ciimniercially, that the full ad\ antage of photography was revealed. Celestial Photography a Success with Dry Plates. The wonderful comet of 188J. which is remembered the world ii\er for its brightness and extensive tail. \\a> photographed at the Cape of Ciood Hope, South Africa. Its Ijrilliance was so great in sciuthern latitudes that Sir David Gill had a local photographer, Mr. Allis, strap his camera to the Observatory telescope and, by keeping the clockwork going, while sighting thru the eyepiece on the head of the comet, gi\'e a half-hour exposure. "President's Address before the Hh AiiiumI MfOting. -May 15. 19H. at Cincinnati Sufiety of Natnral History '15 ClNl-lNNAll ASTKONOMICAI. SoClKTY was encouraging; so he next tried an exposure of three hours. 'J'he resulting negative showed the CDUiet uji fuiely, and in addition showed mjriads of sharp star-images, from whicli Dr. Gill got the idea of charting the sky by lihotography. lie immediately undertook the charting of large regions of the southern sky by this new process, measuring the jjositions of the stars directly from the plates, and later publishing catalogs of their position and brightness. Copies of the comet picttire which he sent to Europe were seen by the Henri Brothers, of the National Observatory at Paris. The\- were just at that time re-charting some majis nf the zodiac near the Milky ^^'ay, where the stars are so plentiful. The}- resoK'ed to try ])h(it(>Lrrapliy instead of visual methods of registering the positions, and fnuud it a cumplete success. In 1SS7. so successful had the new ])lii itogra])hic method jiroved that an International Astro-phott)graphic As- sociation was fnrmcd by eighteen lead- ing obserx'atories of the wurld. tn co-ojierate in ])hotogra])liing the wlmle sky and cataloging tlie stars from these ])lates. v^uitable telesco])es were de- \ised. measuring instruments perfected and formulae for reduction worked out, so that the results wotdd form a har- monious and accurate census (jI the stars. As truly as Galileo began an epoch with his little telescope, just as surely did the entrance of the ])hotographic plate into astronomy inaugurate an- other epoch — a .\'rri' /:")'(;. Great Spiral Nebula in Constellation of the Hunting Dogs. Photo made by G. W. Ritchey with 60-inch Reflector, Mt. Wilson, Cal. Total exposure of 10 hours, 45 minutes. April 7-8, 1910. Advantages of Photography in Astronomy. The pliotogra])hic ])late lias Ijeen a most valuable assistant to the astron- omer in his researches for over thirty years because of certain very distinct adxantages which it possesses. These advantages deser\e mention. 1 The e\e tires after a \'ery short time of steady loc iking at any section of sky. Not so the plate ; it is tireless ; in less than an hour it records all tliat the eye can see in that same telescope. With each additional hour's exposure on the same region still fainter detail is addekill in measurement, rather than by any errors in the plates. Cincinnati Astronomical Sociktv 5 The i)Iatcs form a permanent record and liislory nf the sky. Ivicli plate is numbered, the exact times and all the nther conditions of the exposure are recorded. A card-index makes every ])late accessible lor examination, and frequentlx a luuidred or more plates, taken durinji^ the past thirty years, can be compared to trace the history of some new star, some strikinj"^ \ariable. some j)eculiar asteroid, or a newly discovered satellite of Saturn or Ju])itcr. While some discoveries are made from the immediate examination of a i)late, yet by far the greater ])art result from its later study. Some negatives taken l)y Rutherford from 1870 to 1880 on wet-plates ha\ e been measured, after st) many years, at the Columljia Uni\ersity Observatory with extremely \ aluable results. 6 Photographv allows the fullest possible use to be made of all clear weather in the taking of exposures. It avoids largely the making of difilTCult measures under physical discomfort, and tran>fers that w i irk to the comfort- able obser\atory measurement-room and laboratory. I'.conomy of ctTort also restilts, for parts of the examination work are handled by day-workers with regular office hours, and other part^ 1)\ the night-observers during spells of clotidv weather. Many women are occupied with this careful examination and measurement of plates who could not endure the >train of night-work. Deserved fame has come to some of these women who have made s])ecial studies of new or \arial)le stars, or in classifying s])ectra and I'ataloging the stars. So Completely ha\e these many ad\ant;iges been realized among astron- omers that nearly all of the old-established observatories ha\e adopted the l)hotograpbic methods. New observatories, made ]Kissil)le thru a revival of interest in the science, have been eipiipped in ,iii unexpectedly liberal niamuT with the newest, most improved and largest |)hotographic telescopes and cameras that opticians and instrument makers could dc\'ise. We could not now return to the ])urel_\' \isual nietliod. if we wished, an_\ more than we could now be satisfied with ("..ilileo's ]iriniitive telescope. The Spectroscope and a New Science — Astro-Physics. The same qualities which ha\e made the >ensiti\ e film so \;iIuabK' in recording the positions and relative brightness of the stars, ha\e made it indisi)ensal)le in the new science of .Astro-l'hysics. .\bout 1850 it was ])osi- ti\'ely declared by August Comte that it would be impossible for us ever to determine the nature of the heavenly bodies: that, whether compcjsed of matter like that which forms the earth or of some difi'erent kind, we might si)eculate Ijut we ciiuld nexer know. In 18- scope that the rings of Saturn are composed of separate meteoric particles and not of solid sheets of material. The spectrum lines declared by their displace- ment that the outside of the ring was moving 10 miles per second, wdiile the inside moved 12'.) miles per second. If solid the outside would, of course, move the faster. Keeler's discovery verified the mathematical theory in a novel way and took rank among the important steps in astronomical progress. The varying velocities of all parts of the sun's stirface and the clottd belts of the brighter planets are now investigated by this method. (jrowing out of these "motions-in-the-line-of-sight," or radial velocities, of the stars has come the discovery of spectroscopic binaries, a type of close dottble-stars with one star in rapid rotation about the other. They were dis- covered thru an alternate widening and narrcjwing of the lines of the star- spectrum — widening when one star is coming and the other receding, narr(_)w when one star swings past the other across our line of vision-. \Miere the components are imequal in brightness the broadened lines are brighter first on one side, then on the other. If one passes directly in front of the other, an eclipse occurs twice in each revolution and the star is a variable. Algol, "the Demon Star," known to vary in brightness, but unexplained for over a century, was foimd to have a dark or in\isible companion, which passed in front of the bright component and dimmed its light partly for nine hotirs out of a complete rotation period of sixty-nine hours. The radial motion of the visible star was thus led to betray the presence of a companion mass which gives off no light of its own. Nearly all these binaries recjuired the spectroscope for their discovery, for the com])ijner.t stars could not be separated visually. New Light on Old Researches. From the time Avhen Edmun.l Halley suspected the "proper motions" of some of the brighter stars, previous to 1718, the subject has been one of large interest to all astronomers. Such motions coidd only be detected by exact measurement of the angular distance from neighboring stars, and finding that these distances were changing. The Cincinnati Observatory has devoted its energies largely to this research for many years. The motions thus fotmd were in dift'erent directions on the celestial sphere and all at right-angles to the line drawn from the star to us. Xo motion toward us or from tis was discoverable by the "proper-motion" observers ^^"hen that most remarkable achievement of modern science the measurement of radial velocities, was effected by the spectroscope, the resulting motions along the line drawn from ClNCr.N.NATl ASTRONOM ICAt. SllCIKTY the star U' us, lUtcd in witli tlic "])ni])cr-iui itiMiis" already ulilainccl, and cuni- hined witli them to give the actual motions in space. Thus a l)y-i)ro(luct nl spectroscopy has proved of inestimable help in completing the older pro1)leni. From these combined results, giving the actual motions in space, discov- ery has been made that the moving stars fall into two main groups or star- streams, coming from widely separated regions of infinite S])ace, anil ahnul alike in chemical composition and in their motions. Still more recently it has been found that the dilVcrciit >])ectral ty])es jiavc different velocities, as the helium stars move thru space at the rate of four miles per second, hydrogen stars six miles, and solar stars about twelve miles jier second. Thus the hottest young stars ap])ear !■• \U'i\c slowest. ,ind cooler and older stars more ra]) That s])eed seem> in dexelop witii tlu' increased age of the star leads tn new s])cculations and place-- an iniTcased \'alne upim the sjicctrnscnjjic results. The Stereoscope. Zeiss Stereo-Comparator. The stereoscope is now applied to the examination of chart plates. Two negatives on the same region taken several years apart are placeil in the Zeiss ".'^tereo-comparator" and the star images brought into coincidence so they match. All the stars form one common held except such as have moved — the excejnional ones showing motion appear ])rojected in front or to the rear by the stereoscopic action. Their displacement can then be measured directly, without the need of reducing the positions of the thousands of stars which have no motion. The whole solar system is known to be inoving away from Sirius and in the direction of \'ega in Lyra at the rate of about a million miles a day, or twelve miles a second. Chart jjlates, taken on the same regions tweh'e to fifteen years apart, can now throw light u\>"\\ tlii^ problem of the solar motion when examined stereoscopically. Here aNo ph' itogra]ihy has come to aid in the solution of a very old |)rol)lem. Comet Photography and Halley's Comet. The lield-glass is ii>uall\ more satisfat'tory to use in looking at a comet than a very ])owerful telescope. It takes in a large area of sky and shows all of the comet at one time. The large telesco])e shows but one ])art at a time and is best for a study of details, as of the nucleus. In the same way the camera or photographic telescope has i)ro\ed its sujjcriority in depicting comets, because of the large area covered by the pl.ate. The telescope "fol- lows" on the comet itself, and tlie stars come out as trails, as the comet is moving among the stars, .since 1tation was only twenty to thirty minutes between the rising of the comet and tlu- dawn, which would log the plates: so that to secure an uninterrupted record of its changes would have required sixty or more stations around the glol)e. each taking a plate daily. The advan- tage of numerous instruments well distributed is self-evident. As a result there were very few hours in those months of its close proximity to the sun when some camera was not being exposed on the comet. It was lorighter, had a greater extent of tail, and was longer \ i^ihlc than in 18,vt. FJe-discovered at Thirty \'i:ahs' Phuc.kkss in the Xi:\v Astkonumv Heidelberg on Wolf's photographic plates, Ilalley's cnmet was iiiiilcr ohscrxa- tion over four months earlier in its journey than in 1835, owing to the ])hoto- graphic method and the present superior telescopic equipment, i'riccless records were tiuis secured which are being studied with care and patience. Cyanogen lines were re\ealed by the spectroscoiK'. Recent discoveries in radiation pressure and enianatinns gixe special \aluc tii all C(pnu-t phennniena. I /Vic. /I. . G. II'. R,hil,-y\ The Globular Star-Cluster in Hercules. Over 60,000 separate stars show in the original negative. Total exposure of eleven hours on three nights, June 6, 7, 8, 1910. N Stellar Photometry and Variable Stars. A rapid sketch nf the New Astrnnomy wnuld be incumplcte without a menticiU of studies in the brightness of the stars. As sunn as photographs began to be taken of sky regions the \alue nf the plate as a recorder of the relative brightness of stars was ap;)arent. The brighter the star and the longer the exposure, the larger its image is on the plate, luirly measures of bright- ness were based on the diameters of these images. Refractors and reflectors presented separate problems in the character of their star images. It was immediately recognized that the plate, with its sensitiveness to color so difier- ent than the eye, called for a photographic scale of magnitutles. Such a scale has been gradually perfected and connected for comparison with visual stand- ards. Some errors affecting visual observations ha\e met their solution thru the minute study of this photographic magnitude problem. \\'e know more about the human eye today because of these comparisons with the plates. In the study of variable stars the plate has proved of inestimable value. Up to 1885 there had been only al)out 250 such stars discovered visually. Since that date not less than 1.500 have been detected on the photographs. By bringing together several ]dates on a region and carefully examining them 1^1 CixciNXATi Astronomical Socikty ni.iiiy chans^cs in brightness have ai)])earel)nlar-cluster i)hotograi)hs IVofessor Bailey has found over 500 stars whose l)rightness changes regularly. A\'ithin a few hours some cluster variables go thru an increase and decrease of from two to six times in brightness. Hundreds of new variables connected with nebulae are now known, the variation of each l)eing checked on several different ])lates. While most stars shine with constant light, these variables form the exceptions. Many can be ohserxed \isually with small telescopes. A variety of photometers have been devised for accurately measuring their changes in brightness. By means of a polarizing eyejiiece or a sliding wedge of neutral tinted glass the light of the star is made to ecjual a coni])arison star (ir an arti- ficial point of light in brightness. .\ graduated circle rjr scale attached is read oft' and the figures reduced to decimals of magnitudes. The light-curve and period of each variable is worked out with exactness, and studies made to account for the light-changes. X'ariable star discovery has helped to add new life and interest to our science. The sun has even been foimd to be vari- able in its radiations to the amount of ten ])er cent, and within a ])eriod of a few days. \'ariable star research, visual anrl jihotographic, ])hotometric and spectroscopic, seems to have only begun. It is a field of great ])riiniise Satellites of Saturn and Jupiter Discovered. In 1898 several plates of Saturn were taken at Arequipa, Peru, on which \\ . \[. Pickering discovered a ninth satellite, which he named Phoebe. Allho lost track of for a few years, images of this satellite were found on over forty plates later — its existence confirmed and its orbit found to be retrograde. Evidences were wholly ]}hotogra])hic. until it was seen b\^ Dr. Barnard in the Yerkes 40-inch. In 1905 a tenth satellite was found on the same Saturn plates by Mr. Pickering. On ])lates taken at Lick Observatory Mr. Perrine discovered, in 1904-05, a sixth and a seventh satellite of Jupiter, both faint and remote from the jilanet. An eighth satellite of Jupiter was discovered on plates taken at Green- wich Observatory in 1908 by Melotte, making the fifth new satellite whose discovery- and observation was due solely In the photographic plate. Planetary Detail and Double Stars Still To Be Mastered The eye still serves best in depicting the surfaces and feature^; of the planets. To magnify the image enough to give a good size on the plate and secure the finer details meets with this oljstacle — lack of the planet's li.ght. The disturbances in our air cause frequent blurriness alternating with instants of good seeing. devices for eliminating the times of dis- turbed seeing and exposing the plate only during instants of great steadiness have been tried by Ritchey and others. Some jirogress has resulted, but com- plete success is still lacking. Micrometer measures of close doul)le-stars is still visual work. The size of all star images being greater on the negative than in the eye-piece makes the close pairs merge into a single image. ,\n enlarging lens near the focus causes loss of light and unduly prolongs exposure. For the present this work is well left to the visual observer. Observatories South of Equator. Desert and Mountain Stations. .\ development in branch stations of old-established observatories is an interesting phase of recent years. Of the 225 principal observatories of the world, we find about 130 in pAirope and 65 in America, mostly near large cities where the science has recei\ed most encouragement and has found governmental or private support. Stars within forty or more degrees of the South pole of the sky could not be studied except by going to South Africa, 124 Thirty Years' Progrkss ix the Xew Astroxomy Australia or South America. So observatory parties, supplied with instru- ments, have erected temporary stations on those continents or chosen perma- nent sites after careful tests of climatic conditions. About 20 observatories are now located in the Southern Hemisphere. Harvard has the Arequipa Station, in Peru, and one in Eg>"pt. Lick has its branch near Santiago, Chile. The Car- negie Institution has its work at San Luis, Argentine. Ann Arbor, Mich., has a joint director with the La Plata Observatory, Argentine, using similar instru- ments at both stations. From these stations, located at high altitudes and in desert climates, are sent home the develoijed jjlates which form the basis for research and measurement. A slightly different form of co-operation is shown in the reduction of Lick Observatory plates on Eros by Mr. Hinks at Green- wich. At Helsingford, Finland, in 60 degrees north latitude, plates are being taken of the north pole of the sky for measurement at the Columbia Universitv Observatory, Xew York. Dr. ^Barnard, of Yerkes Observatory, spent several month in Southern California photographing the ]\Iilky-\\'ay with the Bruce doublet whose permanent location is at Lake Geneva, ^^'is. The instances cjuoted show how observers living in less promising regions are able to com- plete their researches with plates made under the choicest climatic conditions elsewhere. !More and better astronomical work can be done in any localitv what- ever with the help of the photographic plate than can possibly be done without it. Wherever it has been given a fair trial it has met the requirements, and nowhere could the critical tests applied have been more severe than in the researches of the Xew Astronomy. In addition to the better results obtain- able by photographic instruments used locally, there is the advantage to be derived from brief expeditions with the instruments for special material, as well as the opportunity to secure plates for comparative study from obser\-a- tories in the most fa^•ored climates in the world. Why This Review of Astronomical Progress? In brief, we have seen that the photograj>hic plate is an untiring recorder of starlight ; that it maps large areas at a time : that myriad stars, the nebulae and the comets are quickly recorded ; that moving asteroids and satellites make trails which are readily detected ; that the sensitive film forms a basis for the most accurate and exacting measurements : that the plates form a permanent record and history of the sky ; that photography secures fuller advantage of all clear weather and a more economical division of observatory labors. The new-born science. Astro-Physics — made possible by the combined spectroscope and sensitive jilate — reveals the unity in composition of stm, far-off star and nebula with our own earth ; the spectro-heliograph has created a new solar-physics : the varying colors of the stars signify the stages in their evolution : radial motions are discerned and accurately measured ; actual motions of stars in space are thus derived in combination with ''proper motion" results ; hence, star-streams are discovered and velocity in space mcreasing with star-age : further, the stereoscope has been adapted to detect the motions of stars, and to assist in the comparative study of plates. Separate, yet related, liranches of the new science are comet study : dis- covery of nebulae, spiral or of great extent ; Milky-Way photography and study ; photometry and extensive variable star discovery ; novae, or new stars ; eclipse expeditions ; southern and mountain stations ; plate measurement with special instruments ; constant temperature devices for mirrors and spectro- scopes : chemical and physical related researches ; co-operative plans, between observatories or world-wide. Almost without limit these new sriecial ■sections have arisen in the past thirt)- years Why this review? With all this wonderful progress in astronomy and Astro-Physics going on in all parts of our own country, has not the time come to establish some branches of the photographic and spectroscopic astronomy near Cincinnati? It is a matter of pride and admiration that in all of these new researches American astronomers and astro-physicists have been in the 125 Cincinnati Astkono.mkai. Sociicty forefront. Many of these researches are hut hcLiun, and lu-w (lc|iartnu-iits are constantly arising. Is not Cincinnati to ha\e its jiarl with other localities in extending astronomical study with instruments of these most modern designs? The Cincinnati Astronomical Society, in presenting this hrief review of prog- ress in the New Astronomy to the men and women of this city, feels certain of an affirmative answer to these questions Localities differ in their way of encouraging the new .--cience, as a glimpse at the I