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In a prettily got up volume of handy size will be found the very flower of Latin lyrical poetry. A delightful pocket companion for the classical scholar, the book will also be found of the greatest value to teachers for awakening in the student a genuine love for the best poetry PRICES: Paper, 6d. Net. Cloth, is. Net. Leather, 2s. Net. Postage, Id. Each. <© <© <® <® <© <© QOWANS & GRAY, Ltd., London & Glasgow. GowANs's Art Books, No. 15. The Masterpieces of Raeburn CARSON & NICOL, PRINTERS, GLASGOW. BLOCKS BY HISLOP & DAY, EDINBURGH. 57 Portrait of HiiMself Portrait de l'Aktiste Selbstbildnis (^National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh) T. R. Annan &= S(?>is, Photo. General Sir David Baird {Lord Abercromby) T. &= R. AfiHun &' Sons, Photo. General Sir W. Maxwell of Calderwood {Lord Leith) T. &> R. Anuau dr' Sons, Fhoto. Lauy Carmichael (Sir T. D. Gibson Carmichael, Barf.) T. &r K. Annan &= Sons, Photo. Sir John Sinclair, Bakt., of Ulbster (.V/r /. Tollemache Sinclair, Bati.) T. 6^ R. Annan ^^ Sons, Fhoio. Sir Walter Scott, Bart. (_Duke of Buccieuch) T. &" R. Annan &> Sons, Photo. Sir Walter Scott, Bart. {Earl of Home) T. c^ R. Annan Ss" Sons, Photo. 58 Lady Miller of Glenlee (Trustees of late A. IV. Miller) T. Sons, Photo. 23 Professor Andrew Dalzel (Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh) T. &' R. Annan df Sons, Photo. 24 Professor Dugald Stewart {Mr. E. G. Fraser Tytler) T. &= R. Annan &= Sons, Photo. Dr. Nathaniel Spens {Royal Company of Archers, Edinbur^Ji) T. <5r» R. Annan &= Sons, Photo. Alexander Adam, LL.D. {^National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh) T. &> R. Annan if Sons, Photo. Captain George Makgill of Kembach {Mr. IVm. Thorium') T. .V R. Annan &• Sons, Photo. 28 Rev. John Thomson, R.S.A. {Mr. A rchibald Stirling) T. &> R. Annan &> Sons, Photo. John Wauchope, W.S. {^National Gallery of Scotland, EdinhirgJi) T. &- R. Annan &= Sons, Fhoto. Francis Horner {Scoiiish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh) r. c^ R. Annan &= Sons, Photo. James Wardrop of ToRbANEHiLL {Mr. J. C. Wardrof) T. &" R. Annan d^" Sons, Photo. General Sir Ronald Ferguson, G.C.B. (.]/;►-. R. C. Munro Ferguson, M.P.) T. ds' R. Annan £r» Sons, Photo. Robert Ferguson of Raith, M.P. {_Mr. K. C. Munro Ferguson, M.P.) T. &- R. Annan &^ Sons, Photo. 59 K ?> e^ ^ ^ < . ^ c 3 cJj 35 Mks. Ferguson of Raith and her Childken {Mr. /?. C. Munro Ferguson, M.P.) T. •^ R. Annan &^ So/is, Plioto. Mrs. Campbell of Possil {Mrs. At her ton) T. &= R. Annan &' Sons, Photo. 37 Miss Fraser of Reelig {Mr. Wiliiatn Beattie) T. d^ R. Annan &= Sons, Photo. 38 George Chalmers of Pittexckieff {Dunfermline Town Council) T. &> R. Annan &' Sons, Photo, 39 Mrs. Ha.miltum ok Kames {National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh) T. <5r» R. Annan <5r* Sons, Photo. Mrs. Stewart of Physgill (Mr. A". Johnston Steivart') T. &> R. Annan i^ Sons, Photo. Adam Rolland of Gask {National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh) T. ^^ R. Annan &= Sons, Photo. Mrs. Campbell of Park {Mrs. Atherton) T. &> R. Annan &» Sons, Photo. Mrs. Campbell of Ballimore {^National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh) T. &* R. Afinan dr* Sons, Photo. William Ferguson of Kilrie {Mr. R. C. Munro Ferguson, M.P.) T. cS-= R. Annan £-= Sons, PJwto. John Tait of Harvieston Jean Tait de Harvieston AND HIS Grandson et son petit-fils JoHANN Tait von Harvieston unu sein Enkel {Mrs. Fiifiian) T. tS-' R. Annan d-^ Sons, Photo. 46 Miss E. M. Gibson Carmichael (Sir T. D. Gibson Carmichael, Bart.) T. o-^ R. Annan &' Sons, Photo. 47 Miss Cunningham Graham {William Beat He) . (2r^ R. Annan •^ Sons, Photo. 48 Mrs. James Campbell {Mr. Lionel B. C. L. Muirhead) T. &= R. Annan dr» Sons, Photo. 49 Mrs. George Kinnear {Lord Kinnear) T. i5^ J?. Annan 6^ Sons, Photo. 60 50 Mrs. Scott Monckieff {Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh) T. &" R. Annan &= Sons, Pkoto. Mrs. Bai.four (.Urs. Beitli) T. &^ R. Annan d-^ Sotts, P/iofo. Miss Margaret Law {Mr. John A. Holmes) T. <5r= R. Annan &= Sons, Photo. ERR A TA The title of the picture on page 52 should "be Miss Janet Law, not Miss Margaret Law; and the name of Mr. John A. Holmes should be spsUed Holms throughout. 53 Mrs. Urquhart (Ari Gallery, Glasgow) T. &> K. Annan Sons, Photo. Mr. Adam {Mr. IV. A. Coais) T. d-^ R. Annan &^ Sons. Photo. S6 Mrs. Adam (Mr. If. A. Coats) T. &= R. Annan Cr' Sons, Photo. Alexander Bonnar {National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh) T. £r= R. Annan ^r' Sons, P/iolo. Mrs. Bonnar {Xational GaL'cy o/ Scotlatid, EdinburgJi) T. £r= R. Annan df Sons, Photo. 59 Neil Gow {Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh) T. &> R. Annan <&* Sons, Photo. 6o Master Hay (Mr. /o/m A . Holmes) &= R. Annan &= Sons, Photo. Portrait of a Lady Portrait de Dame BiLDNIS EINER FrAU (Mr. John A. Holmes) T. &r- R. Annan &> Sons, Photo. 62 Portrait of a Clergyman Portrait dun Pasteur BlLDNIS EINES GeISTLJCHEN (Mr. JV. A. Coats) T. «S-= A'. Annan