BALTZFLI.S I'ICTIONARY OF MUSICIANS BALTZELL'S DICTIONARY OF MUSICIANS CONTAINING CONCISE BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF MUSICIANS OF THE PAST AND PRESENT WITH THE PRONUNCIATION OF FOREIGN NAMES BY W. J. BALTZELL REVISED AND CORRECTED TO MAY 1. 1914 WITH A SUPPLEMENT OF OVER TWO HUNDRED NAMES BOSTON OLIVER DITSON COMPANY NEW YORK CHICAGO Chas. H. DiTsoN & Co, Lyon & Healy Copyright MCMXI, by Oliver Ditson Company Copyright MCMXIV, by Oliver Ditson Company EDITOR'S NOTE The present work has been prepared in response to many inquiries and a frequently expressed need for a concise dictionary in one volume, compact in size and moderate in price, that shall include biographical sketches of eminent musicians and persons connected with musical work, past and present, with special attention to Americans. No attempt has been made to present lengthy sketches of the great masters, as there is abundant material in the larger diction- aries and the many biographies now on the market. The aim has been rather to gather data about musicians, especially contem- poraries, who are not mentioned in the books previously published. This material has been taken from magazine and newspaper articles, clippings from various sources and from available works of reference. When possible, data have been secured direct from the subjects of the sketches. These latter have been made as concise as possible, yet sufficiently comprehensive to show the main facts in a musician's career, those which contributed toward musical development, such as early environment, education (both literary and musical), various fields of professional activity, com- positions, literary works, etc. The Editor and the Publisher are greatly indebted to Miss Marguerite Barton, of Boston, who rendered valuable assistance in gathering the material upon which the sketches were based and in preparing the first draft of the manuscript. Care has been exercised to include onh^ authenticated dates. When the available material did not agree the Editor has chosen the date most inherently probable. In the case of Russian com- posers, when possible, dates have been made to conform with the calendar as used by Western Europe, instead of the " old style " followed in Russia. It will be esteemed a favor if readers will call our attention to positive errors. With the best intentions in preparing the original manuscript, and the utmost care in proof-reading, errors may have been made. The Editor. Boston, Mass., November, 1910. 334621 NOTES ON PRONUNCIATION OF NAMES OF FRENCH COMPOSERS RULES FOR PRONUNCIATION VOWELS a as in fat. i as in pine. a as in fate. as in not. a as in father. 6 as in note. a as in fair. 6 as in move. e as in met. 6 as in or. e as in mete. *6 6 as in err. u like u in quip, almost whistled; i as in in. German u. * 6 has a rounder sound than the 6 in or, and is followed by the French nasal n. CONSONANTS g as in gap. z as in zoo. fi Uke first n in onion. r is usually trilled in French, except s as in see. at the end of some words. An accent (d') after a consonant in French names indicates that this is to be sounded. The preceding phonetic table gives the approximate sounds of the French letters as nearly as the English language will permit. It is impossible to reproduce the exact shades and differences of vowel sounds, or of the nasal sounds, of the French language. They can be learned only from a competent, native instructor; and, even so, great care must be exercised in the choice of a teacher, — that he be not a provincial, but one who is a native of Tours or of Paris. The chief peculiarity of French pronunciation, as opposed to English, is the absolute absence of any stress or emphasis upon any syllable of a word. The less emphasis (or accent, as it is termed in French) used, and the more evenly the syllables are pronounced (all of even length, and weight, and pitch) the purer the pronun- ciation. It is for this reason that the purest French is that spoken in the towns of Tours, Chinon, Loches, Amboise, and a few others, in the old province of la Touraine, now known as the department of Indre-et-Loire. There the language is spoken by everyone with- out the least syllabic emphasis and without any drawling. While in other respects the language as spoken in Paris by the educated classes is excellent, yet the Parisians have a tendency to drawl their words somewhat. However, since Paris society sets the style in speech, as in all other things French, so Parisian French is considered to be super-excellent. Apart from their other peculiarities of accent, Americans and English are readily recognized by their sing-song, inordinate drawling way of speaking. This is well exemplified by the word ^'Trocadero,'' pronounced (EngUsh) Trocade'ro, while in French it is Tro-ca-da-ro^— all the syllables of even pitch and equal length, without any emphasis. The syllables, therefore, of all these names should flow rapidly from one to the other, without any syllabic stress whatever, and without dwelling upon any final syllables. In the case of the phonetics (o-a) for ois, oit, they must be pronounced smoothly like one composite vowel (wah). As a general rule final consonants are never pronounced (except the letters c, f, I) save in some names of foreign origin. When a final s is preceded by an e it is sounded, as well as the final s in names from the Catalan, Basque, and Spanish. "Gil Bias," for example, the Parisian newspaper, is pronounced zhil'- blas' — both the I and the s being sounded, because of Spanish origin. Formerly II was pronounced as in William. This is no longer the custom, and the sound of y is given to II; Ih (Paladilhe) takes the same sound. J, ge, and gi, have the sound of zh. Gn is like n in onion. S, between two vowels, is pronounced like z. Ch has always the sound of sh, save in some words of foreign origin. Difficult sounds to acquire are the so-called nasal combinations of an, am, en, em, in, im, ain, aim, on, om, un. From following printed phonetics many have treated these as guttural sounds and pronounced them as ang, ong, etc., while others have gone to another extreme and placed them in the nose. As a matter of fact they are semi-nasals; that is, the letter n is not plainly pro- nounced, but it is sketched, as it were, by projecting it towards the upper pharynx, or towards the nasal cavities (but not in them), in the same way that'the covered or head tones are correctly pro- duced in singing. In like combinations the letter m is treated in the same way and has the same sound as the letter n. Finally, too much attention cannot be given to the practice of speaking on the lips, with the lips, and with a forward forma- tion for all the syllables. It is only by observing this recommen- dation that a fluent, pretty, and accurate accent can be obtained. It is the only way to acquire the letter u, that most difficult vowel for English speakers — by the forward, whistling position of the lips. Arthur de Guichard. NOTES ON PRONUNCIATION OF NAMES OF RUSSIAN COMPOSERS {Including other Slavonic Nationalities) As a rule the emphasis lies upon the penult; for example, David'off . Exception is made when the first syllable (or syllables) has a definite meaning as in Glazounoff, where glaz means 'Hhe eye." Another exception is when the final syllable ^'off" does not indicate the genitive, like the French ''de," but is part and parcel of the name itself; for example Rachman'inoff, from rachmannyi, meaning "heavy, awkward"; or Reb'ikoff, from rebyonok, "a child.'' In many names ending in "eff " or ''ev" the pronunciation is not that of the English short ''e," but about that of '^off"; for example: Alabieff is pronounced A-la-byoff, three syllables; Soloviev is Sol-o-vyoff; but Taneiev is Tan-e-yeff. The ending '' vitch," ''witsch," means ''the son of," if it occurs, as it always does, in a man's forename or Christian name; it is then not emphasized. In a family name, however, the emphasis changes from the antepenult to the penult; for example, Gabrilov'- ich, Gregorov'ich. The i in a diphthong (ia, ie), has the force of y; for example, Liadov is pronounced Lya'doff; Liapounoff becomes Lya'pounoff; Taneiev, Tane'yeff; Scriabine, Skrya'bin. CONSTANTIN VON STERNBERG. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Accomp. Accompaniment op. Opera b. Born orch. Orchestra bar. Baritone org. Organ Cath. Cathedral orgt. Organist capellm Capellmeister pf. Pianoforte ch. Church Philh. Philharmonic CoU. College pst. Pianist comp. Composed Roy. Quartet compr Composer Conductor Royal condr. sch. School Cons. Conservatory- Soc. Society d. Died sop. Soprano dir. dram Director Dramatic symph . Symphony, Symphonic Theatre instr. Instrument Univ. University harm. Harmony via. Viola mus. Music vln. Violin Mus. B. Bachelor of Music vlt. Viohnisfc Mus. Doc. Doctor of Music Op. Opua BALTZELL'S DICTIONARY OF MUSICIANS ABBEY Abbey, John, org. builder, b. Whilton, Eng., Dec. 22, 1785; d. Versailles, Feb. 19, 1859. Trained under Davis and Russell; went to France at invi- tation of Seb. Erard; improved French organs by English mechan- ism; among many orgs, built first in Paris Opera. Left sons E. and J. in same business. Abbott, Emma, dram. sop. h. Chicago, Dec. 9, 1850; d. Salt Lake City, Jan. 5, 1891. After early struggles as concert singer and guitar player, was assisted by Clara Louise Kellogg; studied under Erani in N. Y., San Giovanni and Delle Sedie in Europe; debut, London, May, 1876; Ameri- can d^but, N. Y,, Feb., 1877; won great success in Europe and America. Abeille (ab-a-ye), Johami Christian Ludwig, pst., orgt., condr., compr. b. Bayreuth, Ger., Feb. 20, 1761; d. Stuttgart, Mar. 2, 1838. Composed 3 operas, harpsichord and chamber music, and school songs. Abel (a-bel), Karl Friedrich, last viola da gamba player, compr. h. Cothen, Ger., 1725; d. London, June 20, 1787. Trained by father. Christian Ferdinand (at court of Cothen, 1720- 1737) and at the Thomasschule, Leipzig, by J. S. Bach; lived in Lon- don after 1759; gave concerts there with J. C. Bach; composed concertos, sonatas, etc., and works (many un- published) for viola da gamba. J. B. Cramer a pupil. Abel, Ludwig, vlt., compr., condr. h. Eckartsberge, Thuringia, Jan. 14, 1835; d. Neu-Pasing, near Munich, Aug. 13, 1895. Pupil of Ferd. David; leader of Munich orch.; teacher at Royal School of Music; composed violin method, studies, etc. ACKTE Abert (a-bert), Johann Joseph, compr. b. Kochowitz, Bohemia, Sept. 21, 1832. Educated as chorister at Gastdorf, at Leipa monastery, pupil at Prague Cons, under Kittl and Tomaczek; member of Stuttgart court band, 1852-1888, condr. 1867- 88; composed symph., symph. poem Columbus, 5 operas, songs, etc. Son Hermann mus. historian. Abranyi (a-bran'-ye), Komel, cowpr., writer, b. Szent Gyorgz Abranyi, Hungary, Oct. 15, 1822; d. Bu- dapest, Dec. 20, 1903. Pupil of Chopin and Kalkbrenner; founded first Hungarian music journal 1860; prof, at Nat. Mus. Acad., Pesth; promoter of national music; com- posed songs, choruses, etc., in na- tional vein. Son Emil (b. 1880), composer. Abt (abt), Franz, compr. h. Eilenburg, Ger., Dec. 22, 1819; d. Wiesbaden, Mar. 31, 1885. Son of a clergyman, studied music instead of theology, at the Thomasschule, Leipzig, and at Leip. Univ.; capellmeister at Bern- burg, Zurich, and Brunswick, 1841- 1882; visited America, conducted choral society concerts, 1872; retired 1882. Composed over 500 works, forgotten pf. pieces, 2 operas, 7 secu- lar cantatas, many songs and part- songs, distinguished for melodic facility rather than depth. Some songs, as Wenn die Schwalben heim- wdrts ziehn, are so popular that they have become veritable folk-songs. Son Alfred (1855-1888) conductor. Ackte (ak-taO, Aino, dram. sop. h. Helsingfors, Finland, Apr. 23, 1876. Mother, Emmy Stromer, popular opera singer, and father, condr. and teacher, first trained her; she studied under Duvernoy, Paris Cons., 1894- 1897, winning 3 prizes; d6but Oct. ADAM AGRICOLA 1897, at' Parifci Opera; member Paris Opera, and 1904 of Metropolitan, N. Y. Adam (ad-on), Adolphe Charles, opera compr. b. Paris, July 24, 1803; d. there. May 3, 1856. Studied at Paris Cons, under Boieldieu; founded Theatre National; was ruined by Revolution of '48; succeeded father (Louis) as teacher Paris Cons. 1848; composed graceful ballets and 48 sparkling light operas; Le postilion de Longjumeau (1836) still widely popular; Le brasseur de Preston and Le roi d'Yvetot deserve revival; published essays. Souvenirs d'un mu- sicien, and Derniers souvenirs. Adam (ad-on), Louis, pf. teacher, b. Miittersholtz, Alsace, Dec. 3, 1758; d. Paris, Apr. 8, 1848. Taught himself harp, vln., and composition; formed own pf. style from study of German masters; taught pf. Paris Cons. 1797-1842, Kalkbrenner and Herold among pupils; published pf. music and method. Adam de la Halle [or Hale], (ad-on d^- la-al'), trouvere. b. Arras, abt. 1240; d. Naples, 1287. His works, chan- sons, etc., of great historical value, especially Le jeu de Robin et de Marion, an early forerunner of comic opera. Adamowski (a-dam-of'-ski), Josef, 'cel- list, h. Warsaw, Poland, 1862. Pupil of Fitzenhagen and Tchaikov- ski (in comp.); member of Bost. Symph. Orch. 1889-1907. His wife, Antoinette Szumowska (tsu-mof- ska), pst. b. Lublin, Poland, Feb. 22, 1868. Pupil of Strubel, Michal- ovski in Poland, and of Paderewski in Paris; first Boston appearance 1895; successful concert-player, es- pecially delicate and sympathetic. Timothee, vlt. h. Warsaw, Mar. 24, 1858. Studied Warsaw Cons, and Paris Cons, under Massart; success- ful concerts in Europe and America; member Bost. Symph. Orch. 1895- 1907; condr. of popular summer concerts; leader of Adamowski Quar- tet (varying members) and of A. Trio (with his brother Josef and the latter's wife) . Adams, Charles R., dram. ten. b. Charlestown, Mass., 1848; d. W. Harwich, Mass., July 3, 1900. Pupil of Barbieri; sang in opera in Berlin, Vienna, London, and N. Y.; after 1879 taught in Boston. Adams, Stephen, see Maybrick, Michael. Adams, Thomas, orgt., compr. h. Lon- don, Sept. 5, 1785; d. there, Sept. 15, 1858. Pupil of Busby, superintend- ent of Apollonicon Concerts, orgt. at several churches; composed vol- untaries, fugues, etc., and anthems. Adler (ad'-ler), Guido, writer. h. Eibenschlitz, Moravia, Nov. 1, 1855. Educated Vienna Cons, under Bruck- ner and Dessoff; teacher at Vienna Univ. and Prague; founder, with others, of Vierteljahrschriftfur Mu^ik- wissenschaft, 1884; editor of Denk- mdler der Tonkunst in Oesterrdch. Adler, Vincent, pst., compr. b. Raab, Hungary, Apr. 3, 1826; d. Geneva, Jan. 4, 1871. Studied with his father and with Erkel in Vienna and Paris; prof, at Geneva Cons. 1865; composed pf. music. Aegidius (e-jid'-ius), Johannes, theor- ist. Spanish Franciscan friar about 1270; wrote Ars musica. Agazzari (a-gat-za'-re), Agostino, com- pr. b. Siena, Dec. 2, 1578; d. there, Apr. 10, 1640. Influenced by Viadana; composed masses, motets, etc., one of first to give instructions about execution of figured basses. Agostini (a-gos-te-ne), Paolo, compr. b. Valerano, 1593; d. Rome, Sept., 1629. Pupil of Nanino; among first to employ large numbers of voices in divided choirs; composed ch. mus. which combines marvelous contra- puntal skill with real beauty. Agramonte (a-gra-mon'-te), Emilio, condr., singing teacher, h. Puerto Principe, Cuba, Nov. 28, 1844. Studied in Spain and Paris, singing with Roger, Selva and Delle Sedie; teaching and conducting choral societies in N. Y. since 1868. Agricola (a-gri'-co-la), JohannFriedrich, orgt:, writer, h. Dobitz, Saxony, Jan. 4, 1720; d. Berlin, Dec. 1, 1774. Studied under J. S. Bach; court composer to Frederick the Great; successor of Graun as director of AGRICOLA ALDRICH Royal Chapel; wrote music of no lasting value, and critical works of some historical interest. Agricola, Martin, theorist, h. Sorau, Saxony, 1486; d. Magdeburg, June 10, 1556. Music teacher and cantor at Magdeburg; wrote many treatises of great value to higtory of instru- ments and notation. Agujari (a-go-ya'-re), Lucrezia (lo- cra-tsi-a), sop., known as La Bastar- della. b. Ferrara, 1743; d. Parma, May 18, 1783. Pupil of Lambertini; debut Florence 1764; extraordinary success throughout Italy, owing to wonderful range (up to C in altis- simo) . Ahna (a'-na), Heinrich Karl Hermann de, vlt. b. Vienna, June 22, 1835; d. Berlin, Nov. 1, 1892. Pupil of Mayseder and Mildner; debut Vien- na, 1847; leader Berlin Royal Orch., 1868; teacher Royal High School for Music; member Joachim Quartet. Sister Eleonore, dram, mezzo sop. (1838-1865). Alabieff (a-la-byof), Alexander Alexan- drovitch, compr. h. Moscow, Aug. 16, 1787; d. there, 1852. Composed many songs in melodious, popular style, of which The Nightingale is especially well known. A. L., see Lehmann, Amelia. Alard (al'-ar'), Jean Delphine, vlt., compr. b. Bayonne, Mar. 8, 1815; d. Paris, Feb. 22, 1888. Pupil of Habeneck at Paris Cons.; teacher there 1843-1875, Sarasate among pupils; leader royal orch.; published vln. method, etudes, concertos, etc. for vln.; edited Les maitres classiques de violon. Albani (al-ba-ne), [pseud, of Mile. Marie Louise Cecile Emma Lajeu- nesse], dram. sop. b. Chambly, Canada, Nov. 1, 1850. Daughter of a harp professor, she was taught singing at convent, and sang in cathedral choir in Albany, N. Y. Studied with Duprez in Paris and with Lamperti in Milan; debut Messina 1870; first London appear- ance 1872. Has sung with great success in opera throughout Europe and in U. .S., in a repertory which varies from Lucia to Isolde; is an especial favorite in London and England, where she has sung in many oratorios, at festival concerts. Albert (d'al'-bar), Eugen Francis Charles d', pst., compr. b. Glasgow, Apr. 10, 1864. Son of Charles Louis Napoleon d' Albert (1809-1886), com- poser of dance music and teacher of dancing. Eugen at first father's pupil; elected to scholarship at Nat. Training School, London, studied there under Pauer, Prout, Stainer and Sullivan; early compositions produced at concerts; having won Mendelssohn Scholarship, went to Vienna, studied with Richter, and Liszt at Weimar; married Teresa Carreno, and after divorce, 1895, singer Hermine Fink; now having repudiated all English antecedents, lives in Germany, except for occa- sional successful concert tours. Dis- tinguished as pianist by great breadth and nobility of style, es- pecially in interpreting Beethoven; as composer, fluent and earnest, but lacking in marked individuality; composed symphony, 2 pf . concertos, chamber music and 11 operas. Alberti, Domenico, compr., voc, pst. b. Venice, 171-, d. 1740. Pupil of Lotti; won fame as a singer and harpsichord player, and wrote a number of operas in the prevailing style and sonatas which were popular with dilettanti. He is credited with the invention of the so-called Alberti bass, an accompaniment figure much in use in his time and later. Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg, orgt., teacher, h. Klosterneuberg, Austria, Feb. 3, 1736; d. Vienna, Mar. 7, 1809. Studied under Emmerling; court orgt. Vienna, 1772; had dis- tinguished career as teacher; among his pupils were Beethoven, Hummel, Weigl, and Seyfried. Very few com- positions are printed but his theo- retical work Griindliche Anweisung zur Komposition, 1790, is widely known. Aldrich, Henry, compr. b. Westmin- ster, 1647; d. Oxford, Dec. 14, 1710. Scholar, architect, dean of Christ Church, collected large mus. hbrary, wrote theoretical works, composed many anthems and services, as well as glees and catches. ALDRICH ALYPIOS /Udrich, Richard, author, musical critic. b. Providence, R. I., July 31, 1863. His father a gifted musical ama- teur; showed aptitude for music as a boy; educated at Providence High School and Harvard College, gradu- ated 1885; studied music there with Prof. J. K. Paine; 1888-89 in Europe for study, giving much atten- tion to music; entered journalism, Providence Journal, 1885, acting as musical critic; 1889 in Washington, D. C, private secretary to U. S. Senator Dixon, music critic for Washington Star; in 1891 joined the staff of New York Tribune and, with other work, acted as assistant to H. E. Krehbiel until Oct. 1902, when he became regular musical critic for the Times, a position he still fills (1910); translated Lilh Lehmann's Meine Gesangskunst (English title How To Sing); wrote A Guide to Parsifal, a Guide to the Ring of the Nibelung; contributor to various magazines. Alembert (al'-on-bar'), Jean le Rond d', theorist, h. Paris, Nov. 16, 1717; d. there, Oct. 29, 1783. Wrote works on mus. theory according to Ra- meau, investigations in acoustics, history of mus., and mus. articles in his monumental Dictionnaire Ency- clopedique, 1751-72. Alfven (alf'-ven), Hugo, vlt., compr. b. Stockholm, 1872. Pupil at Stock- holm Cons.; under government aid, studied with Cesar Thomson, at Brussels. Composed 2 symphonies, choral works, songs, etc. Alkan (aF-kon), [pseud, of Charles Henri Valentin Morhange], pst., compr. h. Paris, Nov. 30, 1813; d. there. Mar. 2^, 1888. Pupil at Paris Cons, of Zimmermann 1819-1830, winning many prizes; pf. teacher in Paris after 1833. Pubhshed 2 con- certos, several sonatas and other pf. pieces, among them etudes of amaz- ing technical difficulty. Allegri (al-la'-gre), Gregorio, compr. h. Rome, 1584; d. there, Feb. 18, 1652. Pupil of Nanini, member of Papal Choir, composed Miserere in 9 parts, which was performed annually at Sistine Chapel, (written down from memory by Mozart in 1770). Allen, Charles N., vlt. h. York, Eng., 1837; d. Boston, April 7, 1903. Studied under Saenger in Paris; first vlt. Paris Grand Opera; in Boston after 1871; organized Beethoven Club; joined Mendelssohn Quin- tet, 1877; member of Philharmonic Orch. Bost., of Harvard Mus. Ass'n, Boston Symph. Orch. H. K. Hadley among pupils. AUitsen, Frances, compr. h. 1849; d. London, Oct. 1, 1912. Gained schol- arship at Guildhall School of Mus., studied there under Gadsby, win- ning prize for orchestral composi- tion; debut as concert singer, Lon- don, 1882; since failure of voice has composed exclusively; published many charming songs. Almenrader (al-men-ra'-der), Karl, bas- soon virtuoso, h. Ronsdorf, near Dusseldorf, Oct. 3, 1786; d. Bie- brich, Sept. 14, 1843. Self-taught; prof, at Cologne Mus. Sch.; mem- ber of orchestras at Frankfort and Biebrich; made improvements in his instrument, wrote treatise on it and method and mus. for it. Alpheraky (al-fe-ra'-ky), Achilles N., compr. h. Charkov, 1846. Com- posed charming pf. mus., mazurkas and characteristic oriental pieces, and more than a hundred songs. Alvarez (al-va-rez), [pseud, of Albert Raymond Gourron], dram, tenor, h. Bordeaux, France. After military service as bandmaster, studied, at 22, with A. de Martini in Paris; debut in Paris, 1892; first London appearance, 1893; first American appearance, Boston, Feb. 7, 1899; later at Paris Opera, where he has created many roles. Alvary (al-va'-ry). Max [pseud, of M. A. Aschenbach], dram, tenor, h. Diissel- dorf. May 3, 1858; d. Datenberg, Thuringia, Nov. 7, 1898. Son of celebrated painter; pupil of Stock- hausen; debut, Weimar, 1881; great success, especially in Wagner roles; member Metropolitan Opera, N. Y. 1884-1889, 1891. Alypios (a-lip'-ios), Greek writer, about 360 A. D. Chief source of informa- tion about vocal and instrumental notation of Greek scales. AMATI ANSCHtJTZ Amati (a-ma'-ti), celebrated family of violin-makers, founders of Cremona School. As a whole, their violins mark advance on the Brescia School in beauty of shape and delicacy of tone. Andrea (abt. 1530-Apr. 10, 1611), eldest, pupil of Brescia mak- ers, originated improvements on their work; very few of his violins are extant; they are small, graceful, clear in tone but not strong. His brother Nicolo (fl. 1568-1635) made basses chiefly. Andrea's sons, An- tonio (1550-1638) and Geronimo (1551-1635), improved on their fa- ther's work; Geronimo especially seems to have designed his violins with particular care for geometrical accuracy and graceful beauty; they are sometimes larger than his father's and have a similarly sweet tone. His son, Nicolo, b. Sept. 3, 1596; d. Aug. 12, 1684, most famous even in his own day, increased still further the grace of outline and added the needed power and intensity of tone; he made, also, some vioHns on a larger model (known as grand Amatis) and beautiful tenors and 'cellos. Though his son Geronimo (1649-1740) was an inferior maker, Nicolo's work was carried on to perfection by his pupils Andrea Guarnerius and Antonio Stradivarius. Ambros (am'-bros), August Wilhelm, historian, b. Mauth, near Prague, Nov. 17, 1816; d. Vienna, June 28, 1876. Nephew of Kiesewetter; stud- ied law and entered government ser- vice; wrote pamphlet on aesthetics and history of music from begin- nings to time of Palestrina, a remark- ably accurate and authoritative work, unfortunately unfinished at his death; prof. Pcague and Vienna Cons.; composed some music. Ambrose, Saint, b. Treves, 333; d. Milan, Apr. 4, 397. Bishop of Milan from 374; arranged revised mode of singing service for Milan Cathedral about 384; had much influence in development of orderly ritual in Western Church; introduced antiph- onal singing and established a plain- chant, which cannot now easily be distinguished from Gregorian; wrote many beautiful rhythmical hymns, but not the Te Deum to which his name is often attached. Amiot (a'-mi-6), writer, h. Toulon, 1718; d. Pekin, 1794. Jesuit priest, missionary to China. Translated and wrote works on Chinese music. Anderton, Thomas, compr. h. Bir- mingham, Apr. 15, 1836; d. Edg- baston, Sept. 18, 1903. Teacher of mus.; conducted singing classes and orchestral concerts; 1874 became editor of paper, gave mus. lectures, wrote cantatas, John Gilpin's Ride, Wreck of the Hesperus, etc., and songs. Anerio (a-na'-rio), Felice (fe-le'-che), compr. h. Rome, abt. 1560; d. there, abt. 1630. Pupil of Nanini; suc- ceeded Palestrina as compr. to Papal Chapel, 1594; composed masses, motets, madrigals, etc. Anger, Joseph Humfrey, orgt., compr. b. Ashbury, Eng,, 1862. Mus. train- ing under private teachers; Mus. Bac. Oxford 1889; orgt. Bristol, 1891 at Ludlow, and musicmaster in King Edward VI School there; 1893 head of theory dept. Toronto Cons., orgt. Ch. of the Ascension; works include Psalm 96, madrigals, pf. pieces; auth- or of Treatise on Harmony. Anglebert (ongl^-bar'), Jean Baptiste Henri d*, clavecinist, compr. h. abt. 1628; d. Paris, Apr. 23, 1691. Pupil of Champion; chamber musician to Louis XIV; 1689 published Pieces de Clavecin, collection of contempo- rary airs for harpsichord and org., with preface which gives valuable in- formation about playing ornaments of the time. Animuccia (a-ni-mo-che'-a), Giovanni, compr. b. Florence, abt. 1500; d. Rome, 1571. Pupil of GoudimeJ; predecessor of Palestrina at the Vati- can and also in the movement to- ward greater clearness in music ; from Laudi, hymns of praise which he composed for Oratorio of St. Philip Neri, modern oratorio takes its name, and A. gets title " Father of Oratorio." Anschiitz (an'-shiitz), Karl, condr. b. Koblenz, Feb., 1815; d. New York, Dec. 30, 1870. Son of Johann Andreas (1772-1856, pst., condr., compr.); pupil of Friedr. Schneider; director of school founded by father; ANSORGE conducted in London and New York where he made an attempt at Ger- man opera in 1862. Ansorge (an'-sor-ge), Konrad Eduard Reinhold, pst. b. Buchwald, Silesia, Oct. 15, 1862. Pupil at Leip. Cons.; of Liszt, 1885; many successful tours in Eastern Europe and Amer- ica; teacher in Klindworth-Schar- wenka Cons, in Berlin; comp. pf. pieces. Antipov (an-te-poff'),Constantine, com- pr. b. Jan. 18, 1859. Aprile (a-pre-le), Giuseppe, contralto, b. Bisceglia, Apulia, Oct. 29, 1738; d. Martina, 1814. Pupil of Avos; sang in principal theatres of Germany and Italy after 1763; taught singing in Naples, Cimarosa among pupils; composed songs, and a method, with solfeggi, still valued. Apthorp, William Foster, critic, h. Boston, Mass., Oct. 24, 1848. Pupil of J. K. Paine at Harvard, and of B. J. Lang; taught pf. and harmony; wrote dramatic and mus. criticisms for several magazines and papers, especially Boston Transcript (1881- 1903); edited program-books of Bost. Symph. Orch. 1892-1903; pub- lished essays, translations, etc.; removed to Europe 1903. He con- tributed much by pleasant and witty writings to the development of mus. interest and mus. culture in Boston. Wrote Hector Berlioz, Autobiography and Musical Grotesques, Musicians and Music Lovers, By the Way, The Opera, Past and Present, etc. Aptommas, John, harpist, b. Bridg- end, Eng., 1826; d. March 19, 1913. Thomas, his brother, also harpist. h. Bridgend, 1829; in N. Y. 1851-56. Both remarkable players and teachers; composed for harp; wrote history of the harp. Arban (ar'-bon), Joseph Jean Baptiste Laurent, cornet player, b. Lyons, Feb. 28, 1825; d. Paris, Apr. 9, 1889. Teacher at Paris Cons. 1869- 1874; inventor of several wind instruments; wrote method and arrangements. Arbuckle, Matthew, cornet player, h. 1828; d. New York, May 23, 1883. Came to America about 1853; leader ARENS of military bands in Troy and Wor- cester; went to front with 24th Mass.; asst. of P. S. Gilmore in concerts and in Peace Jubilee; band- master in N. Y. Arcadelt, Jacob, compr. b. Nether- lands, abt. 1514; d. Paris, between 1570 and 1575. One of the Nether- land musicians who taught in Italy; singingmaster at St. Peter's, 1539; member of Papal Choir, 1540-1549; went to Paris with Duke of Guise, 1555; published while in Italy five books of madrigals on which fame chiefly rests; in Paris composed masses and church music; well- known Ave Maria attributed to him, probably not correctly. Archer, Frederick, orgt., condr. b. Oxford, England, June 16, 1838; d. Pittsburg, Oct. 22, 1901. Taught by his father; also student in London and Leipzig; concert orgt. and con- ductor in London; orgt. Brooklyn, 1881, and N. Y.; founded and edited Key- Note, 1885; conductor of Bost. Oratorio Society 1887; founder of Pittsburg Orch. and con- ductor, 1896-1898. Excellent orgt., composed method, works for org., songs, etc.; by innumerable concerts did much to popularize good music, both for organ alone and for orch. Archjrtas (ar-ke'-tas), wafAemafiaan. fl. Tarentum, abt. 400-365 B. C. Dis- ciple of Pythagoras, probably first to fix ratio of the third; extant writings only fragmentary. Arditi (ar-de'-ti), Luigi, impresario, b. Crescentino, Piedmont, Italy, July 16, 1822; d. Brighton, England, May 1, 1903. Studied at Milan Cons.; at first violin player; com- posed overture and opera, 1841, 1842; debut as director of opera, 1843; went to Havana, 1846; brought Havana Opera Co. in 1847-50 to N. Y. and other Am. cities, con- tributing much to early growth of interest in opera; after 1858, con- ducted in London and toured with many companies in many capitals. Composed vocal and pf. pieces; II Bacio, waltz-song, universally known. Arens (ar-enz), Franz Xavier, condr. h. Neef, Prussia, Oct. 28, 1856. Came to America at 11 as immigrant; in midst of hard work studied mus. ARENSKY ARNE with his father and Singenberger in Milwaukee; then with Rhein- berger, Wiillner, and others in Ger- many; conducted in Cleveland and Indianapolis; vocal teacher in N, Y. since 1896; founded (1900) People's Symph. Concerts, a successful at- tempt to give good orch. concerts, with simple instruction, at low rates. Arensky (a-ren-ski), Anton Stepano- vitch, compr. b. Novgorod, July 30, 1862; d. Terioki, Finland, Feb. 25, 1906. Son of a physician; pupil of Johannsen and Rimsky-Korsakov at St, Petersburg Cons.; prof, of harmony and comp. Imperial Cons. Moscow 1883; member of Council of Synodal School of Church Mus.; conductor, succeeding Balakirev, of Imperial Court Choir, 1895-1901; instructor at St. Petersburg Cons. Composed 3 operas, cantatas, songs, 2 symphonies, chamber music (pf. trio especially well-known). Supe- riority appears chiefly in chamber mus. and songs; operatic style is said to be a compromise between declamatory and melodic; church mus. rather florid; often made effective use of folk-tunes. Ariosti (a-ri-os'-te) , Attilio, compr. h. Bologna, 1660; d. there, abt. 1740. Composed opera Dafne, 1686, at Venice; conducted court theatre, Berlin; went to London, 1716; wrote Muzio Scevola with Bononcini and Handel; outshone by Handel, was honorably dismissed from Itahan opera, 1727, and withdrew to Italy. Composed 15 operas, 2 oratorios, and possibly volume of cantatas. Aristides (ar-is-ti-des), Quintilianus, writer, fl. Greece, abt. A. D. 160. One of most satisfactory writers on Greek music; author of treatise in three books in which the theory of the Aristoxenean School is presented in detail. Aristox'enos, writer, h. Tarentum, abt. 354 B. C. To him we owe almost entirely our knowledge of ancient Greek music. He came in con- tact with Socrates, was pupil of Xenophilus, the Pythagorean, and of Aristotle. "His services to music consisted in, firstly, the accurate de- termination of the scope of musical science lest it should on the one hand degenerate into empiricism or on the other hand lose itself in mathe- matical physics; and, secondly, in the application to all the questions and problems of music of a deeper and truer conception of the ultimate nature of music itself. By these t\Vo discoveries he accomplished a revolution in the philosophy of the art." (H. S. Mac ran. The Harmon- ics of A., Oxford, 1902.) Armes, Philip, orgt. b. Norwich, Aug. 15, 1836; d. Durham, Feb. 10, 1908. Son of a singer, chorister at Norwich and Rochester Cathedrals; asst. orgt. at latter under J. L. Hopkins; orgt. at Chichester and Durham; introd. mus. at Univ. of Durham and was professor there; composed 3 oratorios, services, etc. Armstrong, Nellie, see Melba. Armstrong, William Dawson, teacher, compr. b. Alton, 111., Feb. 11, 1868. Studied under Clarence Eddy, G. M. Garrett, Chas. Kunkel, E. R. Kroeger, and others; has held vari- ous positions as orgt. and teacher in St. Louis and Alton; composed a large number of works in nearly all forms, orchestra works in MS., and 2 operas, The Specter Bride- groom (presented in St. Louis) and Claudia. Amaud (ar-no), Abbe Francois, theor- ist, h. Aubignan, July 27, 1721; d. Paris, Dec. 2, 1784. Wrote essays on various subjects, ardently sup- ported Gluck in partisan war about his reforms. Ame (arn), Thomas Augustine, compr. b. London, Mar. 12, 1710; d. there, Mar. 5, 1778. Learned to play harpsichord and vln. by secret prac- tise; having gained father's consent, he began open career by setting to mus. Addison's Rosamund; married Cecilia Young, favorite opera singer, 1736; set to music Comus, As You Like It, Tempest, adapted for English use Metastasio's Artaserse; composed and arranged in all music for about 50 pieces. Chiefly distin- guished for many charming songs, notably the Shakespearean lyrics and Rule Britannia (the Finale of Alfred, 1740). His sister, Susanna Maria, afterwards Mrs. Gibber, was a ARNOLD ATTENHOFER famous actress. His son, Michael (1741-1786), was also a composer of dramatic music and songs. Arnold, Samuel, compr. b. London, Aug. 10, 1740; d. there, Oct. 22, 1802. Educated as chorister under Gates and Nares; remarkable early talent for composition; wrote about 40 operas, oratorios, etc.; most impor- tant work editing Cathedral Music, collection of services by Enghsh composers. Amoldson, Sigrid (seegree), dram. sop. b. Stockholm, Mar. 20, 1883. Daugh- ter of Oscar A. tenor (1843-1881); pupil of M. Strakosch; d^but, 1886, Moscow; prima donna in St. Peters- burg, London (as successor of Patti, 1888), Paris, Budapest, and the Netherlands, New York, 1893; then in Paris. Artchibousheff (ar-chib'-oo-shoff), Nich- olas Vassilievitch, pst., compr. b. Tsarskoye-Selo, Mar. 7, 1858. Law- yer as well as musician; studied with Soloviev and Rimsky-Korsakov. Arthur, Alfred, singing teacher, b. Pittsburg, Oct. 8, 1844. Pupil in Mus. School, Boston, of Baker, Arbuckle, etc., at Bost. Cons, of Eichberg; choirmaster, conductor of Vocal Society, director of school of music in Cleveland; composed 3 operas, vocal studies, etc. Artdt (ar'-to). Marguerite Josephine Desiree Montagney, dram. sop. h. Paris, July 31, 1835; d. Berlin, Apr. 3, 1907. Daughter of Jean Desire Montagney (Sept. 23, 1803-Mar. 25, 1887), who was also called Artot, as were his brother, Alexandre (1815- 1845), and their father, Maurice (1772-1829), all musicians. Mar- guerite was pupil of Mme. Viardot- Garcia; concert debut Brussels, 1857; opera debut, Paris, 1858, where she was engaged at Meyerbeer's request; toured as star throughout Europe, especially successful in Italian opera. Her voice from mezzo soprano be- came after persistent practise of high enough register for the great soprano parts. Asanchevski (az-an-choff'-ski), Michael Paulovitch von, compr. b. Moscow, 1838; d. there, Jan. 24, 1881. Studied composition at Leipzig under Haupt- mann and Richter and piano at Rome with Liszt; lived in Paris, 1866-70; director 1871-76 St. Peters- burg Cons, to which he gave valu- able library; retired 1876; published sonata for pf. and 'cello, trio, etc. Ascher (ash'-er), Joseph, compr. b. Groningen, Holland, June 24, 1829; d. London, June 4, 1869. Pupil of Moscheles; court pianist to Empress Eugenie; fashionable pianist and composer of drawing-room pieces which were extremely popular, es- pecially song Alice, Where Art Thou ? Ashton, Algernon Bennet Langton, pst., compr. b. Durham, Eng., Dec. 9, 1859. Pupil 1875-79 at Leipzig Cons, of Jadassohn and Reinecke and at Frankfort, 1880-81, of Raff; prof. Royal Coll. Mus., London, 1885; has written mus. of almost every kind. Asioli (a-se'-o-li), Bonifacio, compr. b. Correggio, Aug. 30, 1769; d. there, . May 18, 1832. Of inconceivable precocity in composition; took les- sons of Morigi at Parma; lived in various Italian cities; prof, of coun- terpoint and censor at new Milan Cons. 1808; composed 7 operas, masses, songs, symph., etc.; wrote also several remarkably accurate and clear text-books on harmony and counterpoint. Biog. by Conti. Astorga (as-tor'-ga), Emanuele, Baron d', compr. b. Palermo, Dec. 11, 1681; d. Prague, Aug. 21, 1736. Son of insurgent Sicilian nobleman who was executed in 1701; pupil of F. Scarlatti and further trained in music, by the assistance of a powerful patroness, at monastery in Astorga, Spain, whence he obtained title; led a life of romantic adventure in courts of Parma, Vienna, and Spain; com- posed opera Dafne, famous Stabat Mater for 4 voices, and many beau- tiful cantatas. Attenhofer (a-ten-h6'-fer),Karl, teacher, condr. b. Wettingen, Switzerland, May 5, 1837; d. 1911. Pupil of D. Elster, and of Richter and others, at Leipzig Cons.; condr. of various choral unions; composer of choral music, songs, etc. ATTWOOD AVISON Attwood, Thomas, compr. b. London, Nov. 23, 1765; d. Chelsea, Mar. 24, 1838. Chorister under Nares and Ayrton; studied in Italy (by assist- ance from George IV, then Prince of Wales) under Cinque and Latilla and in Vienna under Mozart; orgt. at St. Paul's and Chapel Royal; orig- inal member Philharm. Soc; friend of Mendelssohn. Composed music for 21 plays, famous church music, numerous popular songs and glees. fiuheT (o-barO, Daniel Francois Esprit, compr. h. Caen, Jan. 29, 1782; d. Paris, May 12, 1871. Son of a painter who had gone into trade after the Revolution, he refused to follow any line but that of his talent. His first dramatic music, resetting of Julie, attracted attention of Cher- ubini who assisted his further de- velopment. First opera to gain public performance was Le Sejour d' Amour, 1813, but success was first won by La Bergere Chdtelaine, 1820. Increasing skill in clever treatment of light comic opera style is shown in series ending with Le Magon, 1825. With first grand opera La Muette de Portid (Masaniello), 1825, he at- tained greatest height; in this work, says Apthorp, he brought all the brisk, nimble dash of his style to bear on a tragic subject. He outdid himself, showing unwonted dramatic fire, picturesqueness in orchestra- tion, skilful handling of choral masses. The old forms are there, but managed with dramatic ap- positeness. This opera, with Ros- sini's William Tell and Meyerbeer's Robert le Diable, changed the reper- toire of the Paris Opera; the produc- tion in Brussels was the signal for revolutionary riots which ended in separation of Holland and Belgium. Most popular opera at home and abroad was Fra Diavolo, 1830. For many years A. composed about one opera a year, most frequently to libretti by Scribe, sustaining his powers at a remarkable level of graceful tunefulness and pohsh. He succeeded to Gossec's chair in the Academy, 1835; followed Cherubini as director of Cons. 1842. Audran (o-dron), Edmond, compr. b. Lyons, April 11, 1842; d. Tierceville, Aug. 17, 1901. Son of Marius Pierre, operatic tenor and song composer (1816-1887); pupil at Ecole Nieder- meyer, Paris, with prize for com- position; orgt. at Marseilles, 1861; composed a mass, motet and songs", but is known as composer of many successful examples of opera-bouffe, 37 in all, of which the best known to Americans are Olivette and La Mas- cotte; Le Grand Mogol, Les Noces d' Olivette, La Cigale et la Fourmi, Miss Helyett, and La Poupee were especially popular both in French and English versions. Auer (ou'-er) , Leopold, vlt. b. Veszprim, Hungary, May 28, 1845. Pupil at the Prague and Vienna Cons.; of Joa- chim, 1863-65; conductor in Diissel- dorf and Hamburg 1863-67; since 1868 at St. Petersburg as solo vio* linist to the court, prof, at Cons, and occasional conductor of Im- perial Mus. Assn. Exceptionally fine violinist, with noble style and ex- tended repertoire; teacher of Mischa Elman and Kathleen Parlow; Tchai- kovski's concerto dedicated to him. Augustine, Saint, writer, b. Tagaste, Numidia, Nov. 13, 354; d. Hippo, Algeria, Aug. 28. 430. Bishop of Hippo, one of the fathers of the Latin Church, friend of St. Ambrose. His writings give valuable informa- tion about the condition of music in the early church and especially about Ambrosian chant; his work en- titled De Musica treats of rhythms only. Aulin (ou-lin) , Tor, -vlt. b. Stockholm, Sept. 10, 1866. Pupil of Emile Sauret and Ph. Scharwenka in Berlin; since 1889 concertmaster Royal Opera, Stockholm; founded famous Aulin Quartet, 1887; distinguished virtuoso. Aus der Ohe (ous'-der-6-e) , Adele, pst. Father professor in Hanover Univ.; pupil under Kullak at age of 7 by advice of Von Biilow; played with orch. in Berlin at age of 10; pupil of Liszt from 12 to 19; American debut, 1886. Successful career as concert pianist of unusual strength and power. A vison, Charles, compr., writer, b. New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1710; d. there, May 9, 1770. Pupil of Geminiani, organist AYLWARD BACH in Newcastle, 1736; composer of instrumental music, concertos and sonatas; author of Essay on Musical Expression, 1752, pamphlet which was strongly and successfully assailed by W. Hayes; edited Marcello's Psalms with English words. Mentioned in Browning's Parleyings. Aylward (al'ward), Theodore, compr. b. about 1730; d. London, Feb. 27, 1801. Organist in London; prof, in Gresham College, 1771; asst. director of Handel Commemoration, 1784. Composed glees and catches very popular in his day, and some unpub- lished church music. Bach (bak). Distinguished family of musicians bearing this name were descended from Hans Bach who hved at Wechmar about 1561; his son, Veit (d. 1619), was fond of music and Veit's son, Hans (b. about 1580; d. Dec. 26, 1626), was a professional musician, the real founder of the family. The sons of Hans settled in different towns, Johannes (1604- 73) in Erfurt, Heinrich (1615-92) in Arnstadt, and Christoph (1613- 61) at first in Erfurt, and later in Arnstadt. Almost all the members of the family were musicians; even those who at first turned to law or some other study ended their lives in musical service; some were vio- linists, more were organists, two at least, Johann Michael (1648-1694) and his nephew, Johann Nikolaus (1669-1753), experimented in instru- ment making and made improve- ments in pianoforte construction; almost all of them were, to a greater or less extent, composers. In private life the family seems to have been characterized by devotion to a high standard of moral purity and quiet dignity — an attitude maintained with remarkable consistency. This mood found most frequent expres- sion in the composition of church music of a lofty elevation and of organ and piano music of conspicu- ous clearness and intellectual inge- nuity. For detailed acfcounts of all the Bachs, see Philipp Spitta's Johann Sebastian Bach, 3 vols.: Grove's Dictionary, Vol. I; Eitner s Quellen- Lexikon. The most noted will be mentioned here in alphabetical order. Bach, Johann Christian. There were two of this name of whom the earlier (1640-1692) was the son of Johannes in Erfurt. The later, b. Leipzig, 1735; d. London, Jan. 1, 1782, was known as the Milanese or English Bach. He was eleventh son of Joh. Sebastian; after his father's death he lived with brother Karl Philipp Emanuel in Berlin, studying piano playing and composition. He went to Milan, became pupil of Martini and was organist at the Cathedral there 1760-1762; in Italy he com- posed sacred music and some operas. In 1762 he went to London, where he gave subscription concerts in partnership with Abel, 1765-1782; married Cecilia Grassi, the singer; composed several successful operas in light Italian style, and elegant, brilliant pianoforte works. Bach, Johann Christoph. There were several of this name: One (1645- 1693) was son of Christoph and twin brother of Joh. Ambrosius, a violinist, who devoted himself with his uncle Heinrich to church music at Arnstadt. Another (1671-1721) was a brother of Joh. Sebastian, a pupil of Pachelbel, and organist at Ohrdruf. Another (1685-1735) was the son of Joh. Aegidius (1645-1717) of Erfurt, both directors of the town music. The most famous, b. Arnstadt, De«. 8, 1642; d. Eisenach, Mar. 31, 1703, was the son of Heinrich of Arnstadt and uncle of Joh. Sebastian. He was the greatest of the older generation, one of the most famous organ players and contrapuntists of his day, and was highly regarded as an individual by all; as a composer he was neglected by contemporaries outside of his family, but he is now considered of great importance for his individuahty in solving problems, his high sense of form, and depth of expression. There are extant of his some instrumental works and 9 motets. BACH BACH Bach, Johann Sebastian, b. Eisenach, Mar. 21 (or 22)', 1685; d. Leipzig, July 28, 1750. Grandson of Chris- toph who was town musician to Count Schwarzburg and prominent in town music at Arnstadt; son of Joh. Ambrosius (1645-1695), vioUn- ist, who settled in Eisenach in 1671, and of Elizabeth Lammerhirt of Erfurt. At the age of ten, both parents having died, Seb. went to Ohrdruf where he lived and studied with his brother Johann Christoph; this elder brother is reputed to have been harsh, denying to the eager youth access to a volume of music, and taking away from him a copy which he had made in secret by moonlight. After the death of this brother Seb. went on his own responsibility to Liineberg where he became a chorister and received free instruction in other branches; he paid great attention to the work of the organist Bohm and walked often to Hamburg to hear Reinken; he also walked to Celle where he had an opportunity to hear French music in the royal chapel. By similar persistence and application he in- creased his skill on the violin and pianoforte, as well as in composition. After a few months at Weimar, he became organist at Arnstadt in 1703. In 1705, having walked to Liibeck to meet Buxtehude, he overstayed his leave of absence in his enthusi- asm, until the church authorities at Arnstadt were angry. Further ap- pointments followed: in 1707 he was organist at Miihlhausen; in 1708 court organist at Weimar, in 1714 concertmeister there; in au- tumn vacations he made many professional tours to other cities, Kassel, Halle, and Dresden (where he challenged the French organist Marchand who, at the last moment, refused to meet him); in 1717 he was made capellmeister and director of chamber music to Prince Leopold of Cothen; in 1723 he succeeded Kuhnau as cantor at the Thomas- — schule, Leipzig, and became organist at two principal churches there, without entirely severing his con- nection with Cothen. He remained at Leipzig 27 years, with frequent visits to Dresden and a memor- able one to Potsdam at the request of Frederick the Great, whom he amazed by his skill in improvising. He became blind in 1749. His char- acter was like that of his family in general, one of conspicuous upright- ness, cheerful simplicity and marked singleness of purpose. He married twice: first, in 1707, his cousin Maria Barbara Bach, daughter of Johann Michael; and secondly, in 1721, Anna Magdalene Wulken. His home life was always happy and he took pleasure and satisfaction in the edu- cation of his 13 children and the (frequently musical) pleasures of his domestic circle. Beside his own sons he had many distinguished pupils among whom were Krebs, Agricola, Kirnberger, Marpurg and Vogler. Always eager to embrace every opportunity of hearing great contemporaries (he twice journeyed to Halle in vain attempts to meet Handel), he was in every way inde- fatigably industrious. Before 1717 he was chiefly occupied in writing organ music; during the time at Cothen he composed instrumental music, concertos, suites, etc. and the Wohltemperirtes Clavier, 1722, 1724; the Inventions and Sym- phonies for clavier, 1723; in the Leipzig period he wrote almost all of the more than 200 extant church cantatas. The St. John Passion was performed in 1724, the Matthew in 1729, the B minor Mass between 1732 and 1738. All of his music commands admiration by the dis- play of masterly contrapuntal skill, by the fertility and dexterity of his methods; but his is more than the skill of the juggler, in that he really combines the different parts into an organic whole which has a definite meaning of its own. By the '' con- stant application of matchless tech- nic to the highest artistic ends," he is able to find the " right word for every occasion," so that he completely satisfies people of the most dissimilar tastes. The skill of all his successors rests on knowledge of his works, and their charm is still inexhaustible. Historically also his music is of vast importance; he settled the dispute between the old church modes and the modern har- monic scales; his w^orks represent BACH BAERMANN a fusion of both systems, but the modern one predominates. More- over he required " equal tempera- ment " for instruments with fixed intonation, and had a great influ- ence on the technic of piano playing by introducing a new system of fingering. He was appreciated by his contemporaries as an organist only; it was not until 1829 that Mendelssohn drew general attention to his compositions. The Bach- Gesellschaft, founded in 1850 by Schumann, Jahn, and others, issued a definitive edition of his complete works in 146 volumes. Bach, Karl Philipp Emanuel, b. Wei- mar, Mar. 8, 1714; d. Hamburg, (Sept.) Dec. 14, 1788. Called the Berhn or Hamburg Bach, son of Joh. Sebastian. Studied law at Frank- fort and Leipzig Universities, but abandoned it for music in which he had been thoroughly instructed JDy his father. He entered the service of Frederick the Great in 1738, and continued therein until 1767 when he succeeded Telemann as director of church in Hamburg. He was one of the most brilliant composers of a period which prized brilliance more than profundity. His instru- mental music is especially valuable because it shows the origin of the modern forms which Haydn and Mozart were to bring to perfection. He composed a great number of works in almost every form. Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann. b. Wei- mar, Nov. 22, 1710; d. Berlin, July 1, 1784. The eldest and ap- parently the most talented son of Joh. Sebastian, trained by his father and, in violin playing, by Graun. He distinguished himself in mathe- matics at Leipzig Univ. and held posts as organist and musical director at Dresden and Halle. In 1764 he was dismissed from his post because of his dissolute habits and died in want. He was a brilliant organ- player, a profound theoretician, a famous improviser, a skilful and fluent composer and at the same time the one black sheep of his race. Most of his compositions exist in manuscript only. (See, especially, Eitner's Lexikon.) Bache, Francis Edward, compr. b. Edgbaston, Birmingham, Sept. 14, 1833; d. there, Aug. 24, 1858. Showed unquestionable talent as a child; studied under Bennett and in Leipzig under Hauptmann and Plaidy. Composed before untimely death 2 operas, concerto, trio, etc. His brother, Walter, pst. b. Edg- baston, Birmingham, June 19, 1842; d. London, Mar. 26, 1888. Studied piano and theory with Stimpson and with Plaidy, Moscheles, Reinecke, and Richter. Pupil in Rome, after 1862, of Liszt of whom he became ardent disciple and whose works he largely introduced to English public. Prof, of pf. at Royal Acad. Mus. Bachmann (bak'-man), Georges, compr. b. about 1848; d. Paris, Dec. (?) 1894. Composed many light pf. pieces. Backer - Grondahl (bak'-er-gren-dal'), Agathe Ursula, pst., compr. h. Hoi- * mestrand, Norway, Dec. 1, 1847; d. Christiania, Aug., 1907. Pupil of Kjerulf and Lindemann, of Kullak, Von Billow, and, later, of Liszt; married 1875 O. A. Grondahl, of Christiania (b. 1847), singing teach- er; toured successfully in Scandi- navia, London, and Paris. Com- posed charming songs, pf . pieces, etc. Backhaus (bak-hous), Wilhelm, pst. b. Leipzig, Mar. 26, 1884. Pupil of A. Reckendorf at Leipzig Cons, and of d' Albert; won Rubinstein Prize for pf. playing, 1905; prof, of pf. at Manchester (Eng.) Royal Coll. of Music; remarkably popular with London audiences; taught at Son- dershausen, summer, 1907, 1908; concert tour U. S., 1912. Badarczevska (ba-dar-chef'-shka), Tek- la, compr. b. Warsaw, 1838; d. there, 1862. Composed "salon" pf. works, popular in their day, now practically forgotten, except La Priere d'une vierge (The Maiden's Prayer). Baermann (bar^-man), Carl, pst. h. Munich, July 9, 1839. Grandson of Heinrich Joseph (1784-1847), friend of Weber and Mendelssohn, and son of Karl (1820-1885), both clarinet players of distinction; studied under Lachner and Liszt; d^but at 15; teacher in Royal Mus. Sch. in Munich; came to America in 1881; BAI BALAKIREV has attained high rank as teacher in Boston, among pupils being C. H. Morse, Mrs H. H. A. Beach and F. S. Converse; his few pubhshed works, mostly for pf., are worthy expressions of his sound, conserva- tive spirit. Bai [or Baj], (baM), Tommaso, com- pr. b. Crevalcuore, about 1650; d. Rome, Dec. 22, 1714. Tenor singer and maestro in Vatican choir; fol- lower of Palestrina; composed Mis- erere sung alternately with those of Allegri and Baini in Holy Week. Bailey, Lilian, see Henschel, Mrs. Georg. Bailey, Marie Louise, pst. b. Nashville, Oct. 24, 1876. Studied 1889 with C. Reinecke in Leipzig Cons., win- ning scholarship; later with Leschet- izky; debut at Gewandhaus 1893; played with Damrosch orch., and toured successfully in U. S. and Canada; made home in Vienna. Baillot (ba-yo), Pierre Marie Francois de Sales, vlt. b. Passy, Oct. 1, 1771; d. Paris, Sept. 15, 1842. Remark- able early talent; first instruction from Italian Polidori; in 1780 pupil of Sainte-Marie, who insisted on severe taste and exactness; in 1783 studied under Pollani; 1791 through influence of Viotti became first violin at Th. Feydeau, Paris; 1791-1795 seems to have neglected music for small government appointment; pro- fessor at new Cons. 1795; after further study with Catel, Reicha and Cherubini, he made tour to Russia and later others to England, Holland, Switzerland and Italy; in 1821 leader of orch. at Grand Opera; 1825 solo player in royal band. He had many distinguished pupils, notably Habeneck, Mazas, the two Danclas, etc. Composed many works, chiefly very difficult vln. pieces, preludes, quartets, etc.; his chief works are L'art du violon (1834) and Methode de violon, pub- lished jointly with Rode and Kreut- zer, still standards. Baini (bae-ni), Giuseppe, compr., writer. b. Rome, Oct. 21, 1775; d. there, May 21, 1844. Pupil of his uncle Lorenzo, and of Jannaconi whom he succeeded 1817 as maestro of St. Peter's; composed Miserere sung in turn with those of Allegri and Bai at Sistine Chapel. He lived entirely in spirit of 16th century music and his chief work is life and criticism of the works of Palestrina (1828), not wholly accurate by standards of modern scholarship. Baker, Benjamin Franklin, teacher, b. Wenham, Mass., July 16, 1811; d. Boston, Mar. 11, 1889. Sang in churches in Salem, Portland, and Boston; 1841 succeeded Lowell Mason as teacher of music in public schools; was vice-president Handel and Haydn Society; established Boston Music School; edited Boston Alusical Journal; composed cantatas, part-songs, etc. Balakirev (ba-la'-ke-reff), Mili Alexei- evitch, compr., pst. b. Novgorod, (Dec. 31, 1836, O. S.) Jan. 2, 1837; d. St. Petersburg, June 24, 1910. Early youth passed in the country, where Oulibishev, author of Life of Mozart, instructed him in music; went at age of 20 to St. Petersburg where he met Glinka, and the younger composers, Cui, Mous- sorgski, Borodin and others. B. became the peculiarly influential center of a small group, some of whom were older than he in years, to whom he gave instruction in analysis of older masters and counsel in appreciation of the new — espe- cially Schumann, Liszt, and Berlioz. He also exerted a great influence toward "national" music, by col- lecting folk-songs and by urging use of characteristic rhythms and ideas. In 1863 B. founded a free school of music; before retirement in 1872 he was director Russian Musical Society, and director of singers at Imperial Chapel. His own works are few in number; the principal ones are symph. poems Thamar and Russia, overture and music to King Lear, symph. in C rnajor, two series of songs, and pf. pieces nearly all of which demand the ability of a virtuoso — most not- able being the fantasia Islamey. " His romances are distinguished by pure and large melodies, by elegant accompaniments, often by passion knd great interest." [Cui.] " He is an orchestral magician; he suc- ceeds, by harmonious wedding of BALATKA BANTOCK timbres, in giving changing and sur- prising color to sound. He excels m the descriptive poem, the instru- mental tale." [Bruneau.] Though he has written nothing for the stage, his most remarkable compositions are those with a definite program, as the symph. poems and Lear. Balatka, Hans, condr. b. Hoffnungs- thal, Moravia, March 5, 1827; d. Chicago, Apr. 17, 1899. Pupil of Sechter and Proch at Vienna; came to America 1849; founded and con- ducted Milwaukee Musikverein, conductor of Chicago Philh. Soc. 1860, and various societies in Mil- waukee, St. Louis and Chicago; dis- tinguished among pioneers of music in the West. Baldwin, Samuel Atkinson, orgt , compr. h . Lake City, Minn . , Jan . 25, 1 862 . At 12 moved to St. Paul where he was 15; studied in Europe 1880-84 (with one year at home) at Dresden Cons, with G. Merkel, Nicod6, Risch- bieter, and Wiillner; orgt. Chicago 1885-89; orgt. dir. of choral ass'n, St. Paul 1889-95; orgt. in New York 1895, in Brooklyn since 1902; head of dept. of mus. in Coll. of City of N. Y., 1907, where he gives semi- weekly recitals; compositions include songs, anthems, ISth Psalm for voices and orch., cantata Triumph of Love, concert overtures, suite for orch., and symphony. Balfe, Michael William, compr. b. Dublin, May 15, 1808; d. Rowney Abbey, Hertfordshire, Oct. 20, 1870. Son of William (died 1823), a danc- ing master; he first learned to play the violin for dancing as a pupil of Meadows and O'Rourke (Rooke); articled pupil of C. E. Horn in London; played in theatre band; went to Italy 1825 where he studied with Paer and Federici; in Paris Rossini engaged him as baritone in Italian opera and he Bang in London and Paris with success until about 1833; after 1835, he composed operas, managed, and conducted them in London, Paris, and Berlin; retired to country 1864. First dramatic composition was ballet La Perouse 1827; first English opera Siege of Rochelle 1835; his suc- cesses thereafter were almost con- tinuous; he wrote about 30 operas, the one most widely known to-day being The Bohemian Girl, first pro- duced 1843. Macfarren (quoted in Grove) says B. possessed quick- ness of ear, readiness of memory, executive facility, fluent invention, remarkable and experienced com- mand of orchestra, and, on the other hand, want of conscientiousness; that in his music, however, " the element which makes it evanescent is that which also makes it popular." Banister, John, vlt. h. London, 1630; d. there, Oct. 3, 1679. Taught rudi- ments by his father, sent to France by Charles II; leader of the King's band 1662; first musician to estab- lish successful concerts in London, holding them at his own house every af te rnoon 1 67 2- 1 678 . Composed mu- sic to " Circe," songs, and lessons for violin. Son John (1677-1735) distinguished violinist in days of first Italian operas. Henry Charles (1831-1897) successful teacher of harmony and instructive writer. Banti-Giorgi (ban'-ti-ge-or'-gi) , Brigida, dram. sop. h. Crema, Lombardy, 1758; d. Bologne, Feb. 18, 1806. Discovered singing in street caf6, she was engaged for Paris Op6ra, where she made debut; 1799-1802 made great success in London; Sac- chini, Piozzi, Abel all tried to teach her in vain; she remained to the last a natural singer, learning parts by ear, but singing them with great effect; favorite in England 1789- 1798, when succeeded by Mrs. Billington. (See article by C. Lozzi, Rivista Musicale Italiana, 1904.) Bantock, Granville, compr. b. London, Aug. 7, 1868. Pupil of F. Corder at Royal Acad, of Music 1889 winning Macfarren Scholarship; while still a student he had works performed; editor of New Quarterly Music Review 1893-96; tour of the world as conductor of Gaiety Th. Com- pany 1894-95; conductor of various companies and orchestras, in New Brighton, near Liverpool, where he effected great improvements, at Ant- werp and Birmingham; principal Sell, of Mus. Birmingham and Mid- land Institute since 1900; succeeded Edward Elgar as professor in Bir- mingham University 1908; has al- ways shown himself hospitable to BARBIERI BARNETT work of young composers, and to those of British composers. His own compositions, cantatas, large choral works, symphonic poems, pf. pieces, etc. are usually of marked oriental coloring (often dealing with Eastern subjects) and of romantic tone; he combines a remarkably sure orches- tral technic with subtlety of feel- ing for tone, color and great poetic sensibility (Newman); he prefers the looser forms of program music. Barbieri (bar-bi-a'-ri), Francesco Asen- jo, compr. b. Madrid, Aug. 3, 1823; d. there, Feb. 17, 1894. Pupil Madrid Cons., clarinetist in theatre orch., chorusleader at opera; secretary and chief director of society for encourag- ing the Zarzuela, the distinctly na- tional Spanish type of operetta, of which he wrote 75; edited coll. of 15th century songs; critic and teacher at cons., promoter of good concerts. Bardi, Giovanni, Count of Vernio. b. 1534; d. 1612. Patron of music in Florence in 16th century, at whose house took place the earliest per- formances of opera; may have writ- ten words for some. Bargiel (bar'-gel), Woldemar, compr. b. Berlin, Oct. 3, 1828; d. there, Feb. 23, 1897. Son of Adolf (died 1841) teacher of music and of di- vorced wife of Fr. Wieck, so he was Clara Schumann's step-brother; trained by parents and at Leipzig Cons, by Hauptmann, Moscheles, Gade, etc.; teacher at Cologne; director 1865 of society for promoting music at Antwerp; teacher at Berlin Hochschule 1875. Careful if not romantically inspired composer of the school of Schumann; works in- clude pf. pieces, orchestral works, and choral works, especially settings of 13th and 23d Psalms. Barnard, Charlotte Alington [known as ClaribelJ, song compr. b. Dec. 23. 1830; d. Dover, Jan. 30, 1869. Taught by Holmes; married Chas. C. Barnard, 1854; composed over 100 popular songs — Five o'clock in the morning, I cannot sing the old songs, etc. Barnard, D'Auvergne, compr. b. Isling- ton, London, Apr. 24, 1867. Though not of musical parents, early showed gifts as choir boy in Temple Church; trained there by E. J. Hopkins; self-taught as pianoforte player, gained many appointments as ac- companist; began composition at 19; soon after became widely known as compr. of songs Bid Me to Love and Plains of Peace; under various pseudonyms has written over 100 songs and 200 pianoforte pieces; of dance music under name " Clo- thilde," most popular perhaps is waltz Whisper and I shall hear. Bamby, Sir Joseph, compr. h. York, Aug. 12, 1838; d. London, Jan. 28, 1896. Son of Thomas, organ- ist; himself organist and choir- master at age of 12; entered Royal Acad, of Mus. 1854; organist at several London churches; director of Barnby's Choir, inaugurated by Novello 1867-1872; conducted daily concerts also for Novello 1874-75; conductor London Mus. Society 1878-86; precentor at Eton 1875- 92; principal Guildhall School 1892; conductor Royal Choral Society. Wrote very large number of hymn tunes, services, part-songs, etc., more or less uninspired; chiefly of im- portance for introducing works of Bach and Gounod into England; he also conducted first performance of Parsifal 1884. Gained widest reputation as a choral leader, and maintained his high standard every- where by force of character and per- sonality. " Of his music sweetness rather than strength is its salient characteristic. Technically it is masterly. . . . He will be known as the composer of the most popular part-song ever written, Sweet and Low ." {Monthly Mus. Record 1896.) Bamett, John, compr. b. Bedford, Eng., July 1, 1802; d. near Chelten- ham, Apr. 17, 1890. Of Prussian- Hungarian parentage. Son of Ber- nard Beer, watchmaker, second cousin to Meyerbeer; showed marked ability as singer as child; articled at 11 to S. J. Arnold; debut on stage 1813; taught also by Horn and Price; from 1825-1831 com- posed several musical farces, best of which was The Pet of the Petticoats; 1834 published collection of songs; produced successive operas. The Mountain Sylph 1834 first English BARRETT BATTISHILL opera in style of Weber, extremely successful, Farinelli 1839, etc.; taught singing after 1841. His nephew John Francis, compr. h. London, Oct. 16, 1837. Studied Royal Acad. Mus. winning scholar- ship twice; d6but 1853; studied with Moscheles, Plaidy, and Haupt- mann at Leipzig Cons.; played at Gewandhaus 1860. Composed suc- cessful cantatas, The Ancient Mari- ner 1870 and many others for English festivals, also symph., pf. pieces, etc.; published Musical Reminis- cences and Impressions 1908 (?). Barrett, William Alexander, writer, b. Hackney, England, Oct. 15, 1836; d. London (?), Oct. 17, 1891. Chor- ister and organist; writer on church music; author of Life of Balfe; joint editor with Stainer of Diet, of Mus. Terms; editor of Monthly Mus. Record and of Mus. Times for 1887. Barth (bart), Karl Heinrich, pst., teacher, h. Pillau, Prussia, July 12, 1847. Pupil of father, of Steinmann and of Von Billow, Tausig, etc.; teacher at Stern Cons., Berlin, 1868, and at Royal High School 1871. Ad- mired in solo concerts in Germany and England and also in trio con- certs with De Ahna and Hausmaun. Bartlett, Homer Newton, compr. b. Ol- ive, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1845. Precocious talent; pupil of S. B. Mills, Braun, Jacobsen, etc.; organist at various N. Y. churches; has composed a great many songs and pf . pieces, a cantata, sextet, etc. His work is always skil ful, often brilliant (especially in or- chestration) ; at its best, as in A Love Song, I Hear the Brooklet's Murmur, etc., it is original, rich, and sincere; best known work for piano, Polka di Concert. Bartlett, James Carroll, compr., tenor. b. Harmony, Maine, June 14, 1850. Entered N. E. Cons. 1869 where he studied singing under O'Neill, pf . and theory under Stephen Emery; later a pupil of Guilmette and Shakespeare ; 1875-76 went on first professional tour with Camilla Urso; was musical director for Edwin Booth and Bar rett; singer and teacher in Boston; orgt. at Worcester; composer of graceful, singable songs. Basil, Saint, b. Cesarea, 329; d. there, 379. Bishop in Cappadocia; said to have introduced congregational singing and antiphons which Am- brose learned from him. Bassani (bas-sa-ne), Giovanni Battista, vlt., compr. b. Padua, about 1657; d. Ferrara, 1716. Pupil of Castro- villari; maestro at Bologna Cathe- dral; distinguished violinist, teacher of Corelli; composer of 6 operas, sonatas, suites, etc. Bassford, William Kipp, pst., orgt. h. New York, April 23, 1839; d. 1902. Pupil of S. Jackson; successful con- cert tours as pianist; organist, com- poser and teacher in N. Y. Bassi (bas-se), Luigi, dram, baritone. h. Pesaro, 1766; d. Dresden, 1825. In Prague 1784-1806, and again, after stay in Vienna, in 1814; director of Dresden Opera under Weber; B. was singer for whom Mozart wrote Don Giovanni. Bateson, Thomas, compr. h. England, about 1575; d. Dublin (?), Mar. or April, 1629 (30) . Organist at Chester Cathedral 1599 and after 1608 of Trinity Cathedral in Dublin; re- ceived mus. degree from Trinity College late in life, being the first mus. graduate there. His fame rests on two sets of madrigals for 3, 4, 5, and 6 voices, which give him a high place among Elizabethan composers. Batiste (ba-test), Antoine Edouard, orgt. b. Paris, Mar. 28, 1820; d. there, Nov. 9, 1876. Son of a come- dian, page in chapel of Chas. X; after 1830 went to Cons, where he won four first and four second prizes and in 1840 the 2d Prix de Rome as Halevy's pupil; appointed deputy teacher at Cons, while still a student; held many classes; also orgt. at St. Nicolas des Champs and notably at St. Eustache 1854-1876. Educa- tional works, introd. to solfeggio method, etc., of great value; organ compositions, once popular, are not now so highly rated. Battishill, Jonathan, compr. b. Lon- don, May, 1738; d. Islington, Dec. 10, 1801. Chorister under W. Sav- age and his articled pupil; assistant of Dr. Boyce at Chapel Royal; BATTMANN BEACH harpsichord player at Covent Gar- den, married Miss Davies, singer; with M. Arne composed Almena; later when organist in different churches, composed several anthems and many favorite catches and songs. Battmann (bat'-man), Jacques-Louis, orgt. h. Maasmiinster, Alsace, Aug. 25, 1818; d. Dijon, July 7, 1886. Orgt. at Belfort and Vesoul; wrote method and works for harmonium, works for piano, and treatise on harmony. Bauer (bou'-er), Harold,- pst. b. Lon- don, Apr. 28, 1873. Son of an Eng- lish mother and German father, he first studied vln. with his father and Pollitzer; d^but as vlt. London, 1883; after successful tours for 9 years, settled in Paris, 1892, where by persistent application with some instruction from Paderewski he gained extraordinary technical abil- ity as pianist; in 1893-94 he toured Russia and since then has continued remarkably successful throughout Europe and America (including South America); his first appear- ance in America was with the Boston Symph. Orch. Dec. 1, 1900. Baumbach (boum'-bak), Adolph, compr. b. Germany, 1830 (?); d. Chicago, 1880. Piano pieces and a collection of q\iartets for church choir. Baumf elder (boum'-felder), Friedrich, pst. b. Dresden, May 28, 1836. Pupil of Otto and Joh. Schneider, and at Leipzig Cons, of Moscheles, Hauptmann, etc.; composer of brilliant salon music; director at Schumann Smgakademie in Dresden. Bausch (boush), Ludwig Christian August, vln. -maker, b. Naumburg, Jan. 15, 1805; d. Leipzig, May 26, 1871. Maker and repairer of violins, especially famed for his bows, in Dresden, Dessau, Wiesbaden, and Leipzig. Sons Ludwig (1829-1871) at first in N. Y. then in Leipzig and Otto (1841-1874) continued busi- ness, now owned by A. Paulus at Markneukirchen . Bayer (by-er), Josef, vlt., compr. b. Vienna, Mar. 6, 1852. Educated at Realschule, Handelsakademie, and Vienna Cons.; capellmeister at Vienna Opera; has composed a great deal of dance music and several operettas and opera-ballets. Bazzini (bat-ze'-ne), Antonio, vlt., compr. b. Brescia, March 11, 1818; d. Milan, Feb. 10, 1897. Pupil of Camisoni; played in principal towns of Italy, France and Spain; lived in Germany 1841-45; 1873 prof, of comp. at Milan Cons.; director 1882. Composed opera Turandot, sacred cantatas, symph., overtures, Saul and King Lear, and vln. pieces. Works show graceful Italian spirit deepened by German influence. Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney (Mrs. H. H. A.), compr. b. Henniker, N. H., Sept. 5, 1867. She inherits musical ability from her mother's family and mathematical accuracy from her father's; has the gift of absolute pitch; from early childhood was remarkably precocious in memory for tunes and interest in them. Lessons on the piano began with her mother at the age of six and were continued at eight in Boston under E. Perabo, J. W. Hill, and C. Baermann; she studied harmony with Prof. Hill in 1881-82, and studied counterpoint, fugue, and instrumentation by herself, making her own translations of Gevaert and Berhoz. First public appearance in Boston 1883; played with Bost. Symph. Orch. Mar. 28, 1885; since marriage with Dr. H. H. A. Beach 1885 she has played only rarely in public. She began to compose as a mere child; her first large work was a mass in E flat 1892; then followed Eilende Wolken, a scene from Schil- ler's " Mary Stuart "; Festival Ju- bilate for chorus and orchestra, for the dedication of the Woman's Build- ing at the Chicago World's Fair, 1893; the Gaelic symphony 1896; a violin sonata 1896; there are also many pf. compositions and songs. Goetschius says " the saHent char- acteristics of Mrs. Beach's style [are] strong, passionate conception and powerful emotional impulse tem- pered and controlled by never- faihng command of the means of expression, hand in hand with an exquisite sense of melodic and rhyth- mic beauty." In larger works her technical skill often leads to an BEAUMARCHAIS BEETHOVEN overweight of elaborate detail; she is at her best in the smaller forms (songs and pf. pieces) where her delicate sense of melody finds charm- ing and sincere expression. Beauxnarchais (bo-mar-sha), Pierre-Au- gustin-Caron de, librettist, b. Paris, Jan. 24, 1732; d. there. May 19, 1799. Dramatist from whose plays were drawn libretti for Mozart's Marri- age of Figaro and Rossini's Barber of Seville. Beaumont (b6-m6n), Paul, compr. b. Mayence, Jan. 13, 1853. Son of flute- player in orchestra; showed early inclination for music; entered at 14 office of B. Schott's Sons, publish- ers, who assisted him in his educa- tion and have published many of his works; compositions largely for piano, many of them for young players. Beck, Johann Heinrich, vlt. h. Cleve- land, Sept. 12, 1856. Studied at Leipzig Cons., viohn, and composi- tion with Reinecke and Jadassohn; after return to Cleveland estab- lished violin school and works in large forms, overtures to Lara and to Romeo and Juliet, music-drama Salammho, etc., all unpublished, per- formances of which from Ms. have excited great admiration. Becker, Albert Ernst Anton, compr. b. Quedlinburg, June 13, 1834; d. Berlin, Jan. 10, 1899. Pupil at Quedlinburg of Bonicke and in Berhn of Dehn; teacher of comp. at Scharwenka Cons.; composed many works for orch. with vln. and with org., songs (Fruhlingszeit), and especially symph., grand mass, and oratorio Selig aus Gnade, and a Reformations-Cantata. Becker, Hugo, 'cellist, h. Strassburg, Feb. 13, 1864. Son of Jean (1833- 1884) eminent violinist; pupil of father, and on 'cello of Griitzmacher, De Swert and Piatti; first appear- ance Leipzig; solo 'cellist in Frank- fort opera 1884-86, and teacher in Cons, there when not engaged on numerous and successful tours as soloist and as member of Frankfort Quartet led by H. Heermann; first appeared in Boston, Jan, 12, 1901, with Bost. Symph. Orch. ; 1909 teacher at Roy. High Sch., l^erlin. Playing is described as of " classic nobility," Bedford, Herbert, see Lehmann, Liza. Beer, Jakob Liebmann, see Meyerbeer, Giacomo. Beethoven (ba'-to-ven), Ludwig van, compr. h. Bonn, Dec, 16, 1770 (gave date himself as 1772); d. Vienna, Mar. 26, 1827. Grandson of Ludwig, bass singer and capellmeister in electoral band; son of Johann, tenor singer, and of Maria Magdalene Laym (nee Keverich). B. was edu- cated in common schools until age of 14, after which he received no regular instruction; about 1780 a friend, Zambona, taught him Latin, French, and Italian, and helped him in other branches. His musical edu- cation was more thorough; at first his father taught him violin and piano playing with great strictness and severity; after 1779 he was the pupil of Pfeiffer, music director and oboist; he learned to play the organ from Van den Eeden and from his successor Neefe. In 1782 B. became Neefe's deputy as organist; in 1783 cembalist for rehearsals of the opera orchestra; in 1784 assist- ant organist; and in 1788 he also played 2d viola in orchestra of theatre and at church under Reicha's leadership. In 1787 he went to Vienna and excited much interest as a pianist; Mozart, hearing him, foretold that he would have a great future. About 1790 his home life became very miserable because of the death of his mother and the bad habits of his father; he had made, however, some good friends, notably Count Waldstein, who gave him early encouragement, and the refined and cultured family of Von Breunings. In 1792 the elector sent Beethoven to Vienna for study. Dissatisfied with instruction he re- ceived from Haydn, the impatient Beethoven took lessons from Schenk at the same time, without Haydn's knowledge. He also took regular lessons in counterpoint, etc. from Albrechtsberger, whose strict for- malism disapproved of the student's originality; he also received " hints " on vocal style from Salieri and on BEETHOVEN BELICZAY quartet writing from Aloys Forster, In 1795 he first played in public in Vienna, and until the end of his life he lived there, with occasional trips to other cities and frequent excursions to the country. Events are not many in his later years; after about 1800 he was increasingly troubled by deafness which became, about 1816, so bad that his playing and conducting were most un- pleasant. After 1818 he was the guardian of his brother's son, an apparently worthless youth whose incapacity, wildness, and ingratitude caused his uncle serious distress of mind. His first years in Vienna were prosperous, but after about 1810 his affairs did not go so well, though he was never, it seems, as near actual want as some of his expressions have led biographers to think. Beethoven was short, thick- set, and very strong. He was unceremonious in manner, often brusque and rude, easily irritated by real or fancied slights and often boisterous over his own practical jokes. He seems to have been unpopular with his fellow-musicians, but he made good friends among the members of the Vienna aristocracy, who bore with his strange ways. As a player, he was chiefly remark- able for the fertility of his ideas in improvisation and for depth of ex- pression. He was an indefatigable worker and his many note books (one of which he had always with him) bear witness to the number of his ideas and to their slow and pains- taking development. Beethoven's works have been divided by Von Lenz into three periods, according to their style, not according to strict chronology. The first period, extending roughly to 1800, includes the works which are hke those of his teachers and contemporaries, — the earlier string quartets, piano sonatas, etc. The second period, up to about 1815, was the freest and fullest; the works here include the third to the eighth symphonies, Fidelio, Eg- mont, Prometheus, pf. concertos in G and E flat, vln. concerto, the great- est sonatas, etc. During this period B. was unhampered by illness and family cares and his originality and powers of execution had full play. Fidelio, first produced in 1805, was practically rewritten for its per- formance in 1806 and again for 1814. The third period includes the ninth symph., the Missa Solemnis, the great string quartets, etc.; this is a period of struggle in his life, and, in his music, of loftiness and eleva- tion which at times seem almost too great to be contained. The notable characteristics of his music as a whole are inexhaustible originality of musical idea, and power of mighty expression coincident with a regard for the existing sonata form. To his contemporaries B. was a daring innovator because of the freedom of his modulations and his habit of fusing into one whole the different parts of a movement or a work, and of introducing new material in unusual places, and, moreover, be- cause he regarded music preemi- nently as a vehicle of expression rather than as an exhibition of skill. To his successors, however, he belongs to the " classic " age, because although he filled the con- ventional forms more deeply than any other with noble thought, he still did so with constant regard to the form. He represents the great- est achievement on both sides, con- sideration for purity of form, and expression of high thought. Behnke (ban'-ke), Emil, teacher, b. Stettin, 1836; d. Ostende, Sept. 17, 1892. Lived in London; taught and wrote about voice training and voice production, wrote Mechanism of the Human Voice (1880) and other books. Behr (bar), Franz, compr. b. Liibtheen, Mecklenburg, July 22, 1837; d. Dres- den, Feb. 14, 1898. Under pseudo. William Cooper, Charles Morley, Francesco d'Orso, pubUshed many popular and instructive pf. pieces. Behrend (bar'-end), Arthur Henry, b. Danzig, Oct. 2, 1853. Composer of songs. Beliczay (be-li'-chay), Julius von, com- pr. b. Komorn, Hungary, Aug. 10, 1835; d. Pesth, Apr. 30, 1893. Originally an engineer; studied with Joachim, Hoffmann and Krenn; BELLERMANN BENDIX taught mus. theory at Acad, of Mus. Pesth. Composed mass, symph., string quartets, etc. Bellermami) Johann Friedrich, writer. b. Erfurt, Mar. 8, 1795; d. Berlin, Feb. 4, 1874. Wrote works explan- atory of theory and practise of music among the Greeks. His son, Johann Gotfried Heinrich, compr. b. Berlin, Mar. 10, 1832; d. Potsdam, Apr. 10, 1903. Pupil of Grell and at the Royal Inst, of Church Mus.; teacher of singing; prof, of mus. at Berlin Univ. Composed many vocal works and wrote theoretical and historical works and articles. Bellini (bel-le'-ni), Vincenzo, opera- compr. b. Catania, Sicily, Nov. 1, 1801; d. Puteaux, near Paris, Sept. 23, 1835. [Many authorities give these dates as Nov. 3 and Sept. 24, respectively.] Son of organist, who gave him first lessons; sent by nobleman to Naples Cons.; his first opera produced 1825 while still a student; 1826 Bianca e Fernando, written on commission, had success at Naples and II Pirata in 1827 excited enthusiasm at Milan and all over Europe — a result partly due to singing of Rubini for whom tenor part was composed. After La Stran- iera and Zaira, a flat failure, in 1829, his version of Romeo and Juliet, / Capuletti ed i Montecchi (1830) was followed by his masterpieces La Sonnambula and Norma in 1831. The former is the work most fre- quently heard nowadays; the part of Amina has been a favorite with debutantes; the simphcity of the plot and the extreme tunefulness of the music are the qualities most praised. In 1833 B. went to London and to Paris where he received assist- ance and advice from Rossini; he produced there in 1834 / Puritani. He was an eager and hard worker. Pougin says: " His complete igno- rance of theoretical rules and of the resources which a clever musician may gain from them, his almost absolute lack of knowledge of form and his naive and still almost affected disdain for it, were the very reasons for his creating for himself a special form, which, although awkward and lacking in movement and variety, was essentially personal." The modern auditor, however, is not compensated for the monotonous lack of ingenuity in his orchestration by the tender sweetness of his melo- dies, though singers of the Italian School will long delight in his arias. Bemberg (ban-bar') , Herman, compr. b. Paris, Mar. 29, 1861. Son of consul from Argentine Republic; pupil at Paris Cons, of Dubois and Massenet; has written songs, a cantata, comic opera Le Baiser de Suzon and opera Elaine, produced London 1892 and N. Y. 1894. Benda, Georg, compr. h. Jungbunz- lau, Bohemia, June 30, 1722; d. Kostritz, Nov. 6, 1795. Son of Hans Georg; pupil of father and of brother Franz (1709-1814) violinist and com- poser; 2d violin in royal band in Berlin; capellmeister to Duke of Gotha; traveled to Italy, Paris, and Vienna. Composed church and instrumental music, 5 operas, and 4 melodramas, (i.e., plays where spoken words are accompanied by music). Rousseau may have in- vented the form but B. brought it to success. Other brothers Johann (1713-1752) and Joseph (1724-1804) both violinists; son Friedrich Lud- wig (1746-1792), composer. Bendall, Wilfred Ellington, compr. h. London, Apr. 22, 1850. Pupil of Lucas and Silas, and at Leipzig Cons.; now living as teacher and composer in London; has written operettas, songs, etc. Bendel, Franz, pst., compr. b. Schon- linde, Bohemia, Mar. 23, 1833; d. Berlin, July 3, 1874. Pupil of Proksch and of Liszt for five years; visited America as pst. for Peace Jubilee; teacher in Berlin. Com- posed pf. pieces, concerto, trio, etudes, etc. Bendix, Max, vlt. b. Detroit, Mar. 28, 1866. Pupil of Jacobsohn, but after 15 his own master; left family and supported himself by odd jobs at theatres and concerts in Philadel- phia; in Damrosch orch., N. Y., 1887; concertmeister of Germania Orch.; concertmeister for Thomas 1888-1896; organized Max Bendix Quartet; since 1896 teaching and solo playing in New York; Chicago 1909; returned N. Y., 1913. BENDIX BENNETT Bendix, Otto, jyf. teacher, b. Copen- hagen, July 26, 1845; d. San Fran- cisco, March 1, 1904. Pupil of Ree, Gade, Kullak, and Lisz^. After 1880, settled in Boston, taught at N. E. Cons.; founded Cons, in San Francisco. His brother Victor Emanuel, fst., compr. b. Copen- hagen, May 17, 1851. Pupil of Gade; teaching pf. in Copenhagen, and conducting choral society. Com- posed pf. pieces, and 3 symphonies. Bendl, Karl [Karel], compr. b. Prague, April 16, 1838; d. there, Sept. 20, 1897. Pupil of Bla^ok and Pitsch at Organists' School; chorusmaster in opera at Amsterdam, 1864; con- ductor of choral soc. Composed 5 operas, choruses, pf. music all tending to expression of Czech senti- ments; with Smetana and Dvorak he gained recognition for the Czech in art. Benedict, Sir Julius, compr. b. Stutt- gart, Nov. 27, 1804; d. London, June 5, 1885. Son of Jewish banker; pupil of Abeille, then of Hummel, pupil and protege of Weber 1821- 1824; conductor at Vienna 1823 and at Naples; after visiting Paris, settled in London 1835; conducted there operas, concerts, and festivals; came to America with Jenny Lind in 1850; knighted 1871. Com- posed in almost all forms, successful operas, especially Brides of Venice 1843 and Crusaders 1846, sym- phony, cantatas, pf. pieces, etc. Walker (History of Miisic in Eng- land) says " works of Balfe . . . and Benedict are all far more worthy of name of opera than any work of Bishop and his contemporaries." Benevoli (ben-e-vo'-H), Orazio, compr. b. Rome, 1602; d. there, June 17,1672. Pupil of Ugolini (some say of Nanini) ; resided in Vienna 1643-^5; maestro di cappella at various churches and finally 1646 at Vatican. Composed great deal of church music, chiefly remarkable for skill and ingenuity in managing a great many parts; for example, a mass and hymn in 56 parts (vocal and instrumental), and a mass for 48 voices in' 12 choirs. Bennet, John, compr. b. Lancashire (?) 16th century. [1570-1615.] His madrigals are included in famous English collections from 1599-1614; admiration of posterity for his charming work has not made it possible to discover any details of his life. Bennet, Theodore, see Ritter, Theo- dore. Bennett, George John, compr. b. Andover, Hants, Eng., May 5, 1863. Studied at Royal Acad, of Mus. under G. A. Macfarren and others and in Germany under Kiel, Barth, Rheinberger, and Bussmeyer. Teacher at Royal Acad., organist at several places, now at Lincoln Cathedral; conductor Lincoln Festi- vals. Composed serenade, overtures, trio, pf. pieces, etc. Bennett, Joseph, writer, b. Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England, Nov. 29, 1831; d. Purton, June 12, 1911. Organist at Westminster Chapel, etc.; author of many English libretti, analyses for programs of Philh. Soc, Monday and Saturday Popular Con- certs 1885-1903; edited Concordia; contributed to various journals, wrote several books {History of Leeds Festival, etc.); critic on London Daily Telegraph, 1870-1905. Bennett, Sir William Stemdale, compr. b. Sheffield, Apr. 13, 1816; d. London, Feb. 1, 1875. Son of Robert, organist at Sheffield and composer; grandson of John, lay clerk at Cambridge, where B. lived after father's death in 1819; member of King's College Chapel Choir 1824; pupil at Royal Acad, of Mus. of Lucas, Crotch, Holmes, and Cipri- ani Potter; played concerto of his own at Acad, concert at age of 17; in 1836 in response to invitation from Mendelssohn whom his playing had interested and by the financial aid of the firm of Broadwood he went to Leipzig for a year; there he met both Schumann and Mendels- sohn; 1849 founded Bach Soc; 1856-1866 conductor of Philh. Soc; 1856 prof, of mus. at Cambridge; 1866 principal of Royal Acad.; 1871 knighted. Cornposed pf. music (3 concertos, caprice for pf. and orch., sonata, studies, etc.) of a character remarkably consistent with the gen- ius of the instrument; cantata The May Queen and oratorio The Woman BENOIST BERINGER of Samaria, songs, anthems, etc. — on the whole very Httle for one of his ability. '' The character of all his art [was] that of high finish of form and grace of expression, not without deep feeling at times, but marked in general rather by a calm and placid beauty, and appealing to the fancy, the sentiment, and the intellect, rather than to the more passionate emotions." [Grove.] Benoist (b^-no-a), Frangois, orgt. b. Nantes, Sept. 10, 1794; d. Paris, May 6, 1878. Pupil of Paris Cons. 1811-1815; Grand prix de Rome 1815; orgt. at Chapel Royal; prof, of organ at Cons.; 1819-1872, chefdu chant at Op6ra; pensioned 1872. Wrote 2 operas, ballets, organ works. Benoit (b^-no-a), Pierre-Leonard-Leo- pold, compr. b. Harlebecke, Bel- gium, Aug. 17, 1834; d. Antwerp, Mar. 8, 1901. Studied at Brussels Cons, under F^tis; wrote opera and music to melodramas; theatre- condr. 1856; won government grant 1857; after study in Germany conducted at Paris; after 1867 director Antwerp Cons. He wrote many songs and pf. pieces and many large choral works, Lucifer and De Oorlog (War) being perhaps best known. His scores are large, sometimes majestic through mere weight; their real grandeur and impressiveness is sometimes marred by B's " blind nationalism," his desire to free himself from all out- side influence; he worked for many years to establish a school of Flemish composers, although there seem to be few distinctive traits. Berber, Felix, vlt. b. Jena, Mar. 11, 1871. Pupil at Dresden Cons, and of Brodsky at Leipzig Cons.; 1889 in London; 1891-96 concertmaster at Magdeburg, 1898-1902 at Ge- wandhaus, Leipzig; 1904 teacher in Royal Acad, in Munich. Berens (ba'-rens), Hermann, pst. b. Hamburg, Apr. 7, 1826; d. Stock- holm, May 9, 1880. Pupil of father Karl, flutist (1801-1857), of Reis- siger, and Czerny; went to Stock- holm 1847; founded Quartet Soirees, conducted at court and theatres, taught comp. at Academy. Com- posed opera, overtures, chamber His technical work, Neueste Schule der Geldu- figkeit, Op. 61, is much used. Berger, Francesco, pst. b. London, June 10, 1835. Pupil of L. Ricci, Lickl, Hauptmann and Plaidy; prof, of pf. at Guildhall School and Royal Acad.; director and secretary of Philh. Composed one opera, masses, part-songs, and First steps at piano- forte. Berger, Ludwig, pf. teacher, h. Berlin, Apr. 18, 1777; d. there, Feb. 16, 1839. Pupil for harmony of Giirr- lich, for pf . of Clementi with whom he traveled to St. Petersburg, to Stockholm and London 1815; in- fluenced by Field; taught in Berlin, after 1815, among others Taubert, Henselt, Fanny and Fehx Mendels- sohn, wrote pf. studies of value and considerable music of various kinds. Berger, Wilhelm, compr. b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 9, 1861; d. Meiningen, Jan. 16, 1911. German parentage; left America when only a year old; studied 1878-82 in Berlin Hochschule with Kiel; lived in Berlin as teacher; 1903 capellm. at Meningen and com- poser, chiefly of choral works and chamber music, popular Lieder. Bergmann, Karl, condr. h. Ebers- bach, Saxony, 1821; d. New York, Aug. 16, 1876. Pupil of Zimmer- mann and Hesse. Came to America 1850 with Germania Orch., which he later conducted till 1854; also con- ducted Handel and Haydn 1852- 54; and Philh. Orch., N. Y. 1855- 1876 (1855-66 alternately with Eis- feld), and Germ, chorus " Arion." Introduced much important music to America; Theodore Thomas's tastes and talents developed under B's influence (Krehbiel, in Grove). Bergonzi (bar-gon-tsi). Carlo, vln.- maker at Cremona, about 1716-55; best pupil of Stradivari, whose models he imitated; especially dis- tinguished as a 'cello-maker. Son Michel Angelo, nephews Niccolo and Carlo all makers of no importance. Beringer (ba-ran-zha), Oscar, pst. h. Furtwangen, July 14, 1844. Pupil until 19 of elder sister, then at Leipzig Cons, of Plaidy, Moscheles, and Reinecke, and at Berlin of Bf RIOT Tausig and Weitzmann. Teacher of pf. playing in Berlin and London, since 1894 at Royal Academy, published some pf. music and very valuable technical exercises, also Recollections (1908) . Brother Robert (b. 1841) also pst., and lecturer. Beriot (ba-ri-6), Charles Auguste de, vlt. b. Louvain, Feb. 20, 1802; d. Brussels, Apr. 8, 1870. Pupil of his guardian, Tiby, a provincial teacher; precocious public performance of Viotti concerto at age of 9; went to Paris, 1821, and studied " under advice of " Viotti and Baillot; brilliant success in Paris, Brussels, and London until 1830; concert tour for five years throughout Europe with Malibran, who became his wife in 1836. After her sudden death the same year, he retired until 1840. In 1842 refused offer of professorship at Paris Cons., and accepted one in 1843 at Brussels Cons., which he kept until failure of eyesight in 1852; became totally blind in 1858. Violinist of the modern French-Belgian school, of brilliant technic and facility. Compositions, once very popular (seven concertos, various dtu)s hril- lants for pf. and vln., etc.) are pleas- antly melodious, but superficial in style; he wrote also a method and exercises. Vieuxtemps one of his pupils. Son Charles (b. 1833) pst. Berlioz (bar-li-oz'), Louis Hector, com- pr. b. La Cote St. Andr^, near Grenoble, Dec. 11, 1803; d. Paris, Mar. 8, 1869. Son of a country doctor, forbidden to think of music as a career, he received almost no training; had studied Catel's Har- mony and learned to play flageolet before coming to Paris in 1822 as medical student. Despite violent opposition from his parents, who finally stopped his allowance, he gave up medicine for music, and, after some lessons with Lesueur, he was admitted to Paris Cons, in 1823. There he combined personal dislike for the director, Cherubini, with the romanticist's deep scorn for con- ventional methods and academic theories. After a continuous strug- gle for seven years against opposi- tion from every side added to extreme poverty (he supported BERLIOZ himself at one time by singing in the chorus of a theatre), his heroic per- sistence was rewarded when, in 1830, his cantata La mort de Sardanapale won him the Prix de Rome. During eighteen months' stay abroad, he composed Sym- phonic fantastique, Lelio, La captive, and planned the overtures to Lear and Le corsair. He married in 1833 Henrietta Smithson, an Irish actress, whose career was soon after ended by an accident; and B. had another seven years of struggle gaining liveli- hood for self and family by writing criticisms and musical essays. In scant spare time he composed Harold en Italie, Symphonie funebre, Rom4o et Juliette, opera of Ben- venuto Cellini, the Requiem, and several songs. After separation from his wife, having by this time begun to receive some money for his works, he trav- eled in Germany, Russia, and Eng- land — appreciated everywhere but in Paris. The works of this period are Le traite d'instrumentaiion, La damnation de Faust, and Tristia. His Te Deum for the exhibition 1855 at last aroused some recognition from Paris, and in 1856 B. was elected to the Academy; in 1859 made librarian of Cons. He married singer Marie Recio, but end of his life, despite success of opera Beatrice et Benedict, was lonely and sad; Les Troy ens, 1863, which he considered his mas- terpiece, had only a short run. His critical writings are still of value for sound judgment and strik- ing expression; Memoires is one of the great autobiographies. His inter- est in literature revealed by the titles of his works is shown, too, by his preoccupation with the intellectual meaning, the idea to be expressed by the music. He is chiefly remark- able, however, for the great rich- ness and variety of his orchestral " color ". effects. Philip Hale says {Modern French Songs): "He was the inventor, the creator of the modern orchestra, and there is nothing in the history of music more remarkable than the courage, the audacity, the imagination of this man, who was without marked melodic gift, without a thorough technical education, and without BERNACCm BIBER practical mastery of any one im- portant instrument. He shaped the future of orchestral expression." Bemacchi (ber-nak'-ki), Antonio, sin^r- er. b. Bologna, about 1690; d. there, Mar. 1756. Pupil of Pistocchi; gained fame in Italy; sang in Lon- don 1717 and returned " esteemed best singer in Italy " 1729; revived the custom of adorning singing with roulades, thus openly sacrificing expression to technical execution; after about 1730 taught in Italy, among others. Raff, Mancini, and Guarducci. Bernard (bar-nar'), [Jean] Emile [Au- guste], compr. b. Marseilles, Nov. 28, 1843; d. Paris, Sept. 11, 1902. Pupil at Paris Cons, of Marmontel, Reber, and Benoist, winning prizes for pf ., counterpoint, and org. Organ- ist at Notre-Dame des champs. Serious, meditative composer of works in various forms, suite for violin and piano. Divertissement for wind instruments, etc. Bernard!, Francesco, see Senesino. Bemhard der Deutsche [or Bernardino], orgt. at St. Mark's, Venice, 1419-45; reputed inventor of organ pedals, but since evidence has shown that pedal organ existed in Frankfort in 1418, B's credit is limited to having introduced them in Italy. Bertini (ber-te'-ni), Henri- Jerome, pst., compr. b. London, Oct. 28, 1798; d. Meylan, near Grenoble, Oct. 1, 1876. Taken to Paris in infancy, taught by father, and brother Benoit Auguste (b. 1780; date of death un- known) pupil of Clementi; played in public at 12; repeated successful tours from Paris to Germany and Eng- land until retiring in 1859. Many compositions distinguished from su- perficiality then in vogue ; chief work of value his technical studies. Berwald, William Henry, compr. , teacher. b. Schwerin-Mecklenburg, Dec, 1864. Studied at Munich and Stuttgart under Rheinberger and Faisst; conducted orch. in Russia for two years; came to U. S. 1892; profes- sor pf. and theory at Syracuse Univ. Has published pf. pieces, songs, part- songs and anthems. Besson (bes'-s6n), Gustave Auguste, instr.-maker. h. Paris, 1820; d. there, 1875. Early in 1838 began series of inventions improving valves, bore, etc., of wind instruments; greatest invention, 1859, Prototype System, by which perfection of tone is secured for bass instruments by the mechanical process of construction. Best, William Thomas, orgt. h. Car- lisle, Eng., Aug. 13, 1826; d. Liver- pool, May 10, 1897. Son of sohcitor, pupil of cathedral organist Young; abandoned original intention of becoming civil engineer in 1840 and devoted himself to study of organ. Various appointments in and near Liverpool; after about 1860 was much in demand as solo player, at London Monday Popular Concerts, at Albert Hall, at Handel Festivals, etc.; went to Sydney, Austraha, 1890; retired 1894. Remembered as brilliant solo player, who early insisted on Bach and older masters; wrote org. mus.. Art of Organ Play- ing; edited many classics for org. Bettini, see Trebelli. Bevan, Frederick Charles, orgt. b. London, July 3, 1856. Pupil of Willing and Hoyte; several church appointments; after studying sing- ing with Schira, Deacon, and Walker, became 1877 gentleman of Chapel Royal; composed several popular songs. Bevignani (bev-in-yan'-e), Enrico, con- dr. b. Naples, Sept. 29, 1841. Pupil in composition of Albanese and Lillo; produced successful opera Caterina Bloom, 1863; conductor in London since 1864, at Covent Garden since 1870; also in Russia and at Metropolitan, N. Y. Beyer (bf-er), Ferdinand, compr. b. Querfurt, July 25, 1800; d. May- ence, May 14, 1863. Composer of easy pf . music of the sort apparently which pleases the young person by facile tunefulness, without any real idea; many opera transcriptions. Biber (be'-bar), Heinrich Johann Franz yon, vlt., compr. h. Warten- burg, Bohemia, Aug. 12, 1644; d. Salzburg, May 3, 1704. Ennobled by Emperor Leopold, 1690; also in service of Archbishop of Salzburg; BIEDERMANN BISHOP apparently skilful performer, judg- ing by technical difficulty of his writings, and a composer of more artistic and deeper feeling than any German contemporary. Biedermann (be'-der-man), Edward Julius, orgt. b. Milwaukee, Nov. 8, 1849. Son of A. Julius who taught him; after study in Germany has held various appointments in N. Y. and has taught there. Biehl (bel), Albert, compr., teacher, b. Rudolstadt, Germany, Aug. 16, 1833. Has published songs, pf. pieces, and especially valuable technical exer- cises. Billema (bil-la-ma). Carlo, pst., compr. b. Naples about 1822, and his brother Rafifaele (1820-1874) both brilliant psts. and composers of salon music. Billings, William, compr. h. Boston, Oct. 7, 1746; d. there, Sept. 29, 1800. Apprentice to a tanner, with slight general education and no musical training, he was led from his work by genuine enthusiasm for music; published in 1770 New England Psalm Singer and in 1778 Singing Master's Assistant, both works of some influence in fostering an early interest in original music; it is said that he introduced use of pitch-pipe and that he first used violoncello in church in N. E. Elson says: " One can forgive Billings his hundreds of errors of harmonic construction because of his devotion to his chosen art and to his country." Billington, Elizabeth [Weichsel], dram, sop. b. London, about 1768; d. Venice, Aug. 25, 1818. First taught by father, clarinet player, and later by Joh. Chr. Bach; appeared in concerts as child; in 1784 married James Billington, double-bass play- er; dramatic debut in Dublin; 1st appearance in London, 1786; sang there, except for two seasons in Italy, until 1817 when she retired. Though a poor actress, her personal beauty and wonderful voice with range of 3 octaves brought her great success. Binchois (ban-sho-a), Egidius [or Gilles de Binch], compr. h. Binche, near Mons, about 1400; d. Lille, 1460. At first a soldier, then in holy orders where he rose to some prominence. Known as a composer of secular songs, usually in 3 parts, of the school of Dufay. Bird, Arthur, pst., compr. b. Cam- bridge, Mass., July 23, 1856. Pupil of Haupt, Loeschhorn and Rohde, Berlin, 1875-77; orgt. and teacher at Hahfax, N. S. 1877-81; pupil of H. Urban 1881, and of Liszt 1885-86; successful concert 1886, in Berlin where, with exception of one visit to America, he has since lived; won Paderewski Prize 1901. Works in- clude symph., 3 orchestral suites, an opera Daphne, pf. pieces, etc. Bischofif (bish'-of), Hans, pst., teacher. b. Berlin, Feb. 17, 1852; d. Nieder- schonhausen, near Berlin, June 12, 1889. Pupil of Kullak and Wuerst; teacher at Kullak and Stern Cons.; conductor Monday concerts of Sing- akademie; edited works by Kullak, compositions by Bach, etc. Bischofif (bish-off), J. W., orgt., compr. b. Chicago, 1850; d. Washington, D. C., June 2, 1909. Blind from infancy; educated at Wisconsin Institute for the Bhnd, and at Fond du Lac; musical talent, inherited from accom- plished father, trained by W. W. Ludden and Carlo Bassini for sing- ing and Creswold of London for org. ; orgt. at 1st Cong, church in Wash- ington, D. C.,from 1875; especially successful as teacher of singing; composed about 150 songs, piano pieces and anthems. Bishop, Sir Henry Rowley, compr. h. London, Nov. 18. 1786; d. there, Apr. 30, 1855. Pupil of Bianchi; early talent for writing; first con- spicuous success Circassian Bride 1809; compr. and director at Covent Garden, King's Theatre, Vauxhall; conductor Philharmonic Society; professor at Edinburgh and Oxford. Composed or arranged about 125 works, including abridgments of Rossini and others, music for Shakes- peare's plays. Also famous for glees and songs, whether single or in larger works, notably Home, Sweet Home in Clari (1823). Wife Anna (1814- 1884), daughter of singingmaster Riviere, appeared as singer in London; eloped with harpist Bochsa BISPHAM BLAZE 1839 and toured almost all the rest of her life in America and remote lands. Bispham, David Scull, singer. h. Philadelphia, Jan. 5, 1857. At first an amateur, singing in private per- formances at church, and local oratorios; studied with Vannuccini, Lamperti and Shakespeare 1886- 1889; debut London 1891; after 1897 member of opera companies in London and New York; has sung all the leading baritone roles; and has been very successful, too, in giving concerts of an individual artistic quality; distinguished as a singer who is also an excellent actor. Bitter, Karl Hermann, writer. b. Schwedt-on-Oder, Feb. 27, 1813; d. Berlin, Sept. 12, 1885. Studied law and finance ^t Berlin and Bonn Univ., held various official positions culminating in that of Minister of Finance 1879-1882. Many Hterary works, biographies of the Bachs, studies on Mozart, Gluck, Handel, etc. Bizet (be-za), Georges [real name Alexandre Cesar Leopold], compr. b. Paris, Oct. 25, 1838; d. Bougival, near Paris, June 3, 1875. Pupil at Paris Cons. 1848-1857, piano with Marmontel, harmony with Zimmer- mann, composition with Hal^vy; won Prix de Rome 1857; wrote various operas, Vasco di Gama (not performed), Les pecheurs de perles (1863), Lajolie fille de Perth (1867), Djamileh (1872), none of which was a great success. In orchestral music — overture to Patrie, incidental music to Daudet's L'Arlesienne and suites formed from it, the suites Roma and Jeux d'enfants — he was more successful at the time, and the popularity of these works and of his too few songs has increased. With Carmen, produced Mar. 3, 1875, he reached greatest height; opera was not at first successful, but frequent statement that Bizet's death was due to its failure seems to be a senti- mental exaggeration. His music is essentially dramatic in its sharpness of outline, sense of contrast, and in the definite appropriateness of char- acterizing phrases. He was thor- oughly modern in his appreciation of tone values and orchestral color and in his technical skill. Blake, Charles Dupee, orgt., compr. b. Walpole, Muss., Sept. 13, 1847; d. Boston, Nov. 23, 1903. Pupil of J. C. D. Parker, J. K. Paine, and others; orgt. at Boston; composed pf. music, songs, opera, etc. Blanc (blon), Claude [called Claudius], compr. b. Lyons, March 20, 1854; d. there, June 13, 1900. Pupil of Duprato, Bazin, and Massenet at the Paris Conservatory; 1st har- mony and accomp. prize 1875; 2d Grand prix de Rome, 1877; director School of Music, Marseilles, 1887- 89; chorusmaster Paris Op^ra; com- posed operatic works and songs. Blangini (blan-je'-ne), Giuseppe Marco Maria Felice, singer, teacher, b. Turin, Nov. 18, 1781; d. Paris, Dec. 1841. Choir boy at Turin Cathedral 1789; pupil of Ottani; precocious 'cellist and composer; at Paris 1799 became fashionable teacher; pro- duced operas in Paris, Munich and Kassel; chapelmaster to Princess Borghese, music director to King Jerome; height of demand as teacher in Paris after 1814; prof, at Cons.; lost prestige after 1830. Wrote 30 operas, 174 romances, etc., and auto- biography, *SoMvewirs (1834). Blass (bias), Robert, dram. bass. Pupil of Stockhausen at Frankfort; debut in Lohengrin at Weimar; sang at Bremen, London, 1899, Dresden 1900, and New York 1900. Blauvelt, Lillian Evans, sop. h. New York, March 16, 1873. Played vio- lin in public at a^e of eight; at fifteen became pupil of Bouhy in N. Y. Cons.; after 1889 sang in concerts in France, Belgium, and with conspicuous success in Russia; dramatic debut Brussels 1891; sang in concerts with increasing success in U. S., Italy, and England where she first appeared in drama in 1903; married W. F. Pendleton 1899; she has a pure, clear voice, which she uses intelligently. Blaze (blaz), Francois Henri Joseph [called Castil-Blaze], writer, b. Cav- aillon, Dec. 1, 1784; d. Paris, Dec. 11, 1857. Taught by his father; went to Paris to study law, became pupil at Cons, but gave up practise of law for musical criticism in 1820; BLECH BLUMENFELD beside influential contemporary com- ment as critic for the Journal des debats and the periodicals, he wrote several books mostly relating to the history of the opera and attendant arts in France, translated words of many German operas, arranged con- siderable music and composed 3 operas and smaller pieces of no great distinction. Blech (blek), Leo, compr. h. Aix-la- Chapelle, Apr. 21, 1871. After try- ing a business career, studied music for one year at Hochschule in Berlin under Rudorff and Bargiel; con- ductor at Aix Theatre 1893-96, with lessons from Humperdinck in vaca- tion; 1 899- 1 908 capellm . at Prague ; achieved European fame in 1902 by one-act opera Das war Ich; has also written symph. poems, choruses, etc. and 3 operas ( Versiegelt). Blind Tom [Thomas Greene Bethune], musical phenomenon, b. near Co- lumbia, Georgia, about 1849; d. Hoboken, N. J., June 17, 1908. Parents slaves of James N. Bethune, whose name he took; blind and idiotic from birth, about 1860 he displayed remarkable powers of playing and improvising on the piano; he is said to have repeated difficult music after one hearing and to have supplied secondo parts to new airs; gave many concerts and exhibitions. Bliss, Philip Paul, compr. h. Clearfield Co., Pa., July 9, 1838; d. Ashtabula, O., Dec. 29, 1876. Few advantages of schooling, worked on farms and lumber camps; after three seasons at Genesee Normal Acad, of Music under Perkins and Zundel, he became music teacher; held conventions with G. F. Root in Chicago and the West after 1865; after 1874 associated with D. F. Moody as evangelist; wrote a great many stirring revival hymns, Pull for the Shore, Hold the Fort, etc. Blockx (bloks'), Jan, compr. h. Ant- werp, Jan. 25, 1851. Pupil of Callaerts and Benolt in Flemish Mus. Sch. and of Brassin; also studied at Leipz. Cons.; in 1886 he became teacher of harmony at Antwerp Cons, and in 1902 director; also director of Cercle artistique and other musical societies; has composed Flemish songs, chamber music, etc. but is chiefly known for a series of successful operas, Milenka, Princesse d'auberge, Thiel Uylen- spiegel, and La fiancee de la mer which have gained for him a wider and wider circle of admirers. He is one of the promoters of Flemish " national " music, but his own works are liberally modern. Bloomfield-Zeisler (zls'-ler), Fanny, pst. b. Biehtz, Silesia, July 16, 1866. Parents moved to Chicago 1868; taught by Ziehn and Wolfsohn and appeared in public 1876; Mme. Essipoff having heard her play advised her to go to Leschetizky, with whom she studied 1878-1883; married Sigmund Zeisler 1885; since 1883 she has played constantly at concerts in all parts of U. &., with frequent tours in England and Germany; her virile force, highly developed technic, and musicianly comprehension have made her tours invariably successful. Blow, John, compr. h. N. Colling- ham, Nottinghamshire, 1648; d. Westminster, Oct. 1, 1708. One of first set of choristers at Chapel Royal at its reestablishment 1660; while a chorister studied under Hingeston and Chr. Gibbons and composed anthems; orgt. at West- minster Abbey 1669-1680 when he gave up post to Purcell, possibly voluntarily; resumed it 1695-1708; master of children and orgt. at Chapel Royal 1674; held other appointments (see Grove); prolific composer of more than 100 anthems, many for special occasions; pub- lished (1700) collections of airs for harpsichord and Amphion Anglicus, collection of songs, etc., a masque (1687) and fourteen services. His fame has been overshadowed by that of his pupil, H. Purcell, and much of his music has not been printed. Blumenfeld (blo-men-felt), Felix Mikh- ailovitch, pst. h. Kovalevska, Rus- sia, Apr. 23, 1863. Studied 1881-85 at St. Petersburg Cons, under Stein; taught there since 1885, prof. 1895; since 1898 director St. Petersburg Opera; distinguished performer, BLUMENSCHEm BOELLMANN compr. of songs, and music for pf. and pf . and orchestra, which, though skilful and touched by national feel- ing, is said to be lacking in variety and personality. Brother Sigismund (b. Dec. 27, 1852) also pst. and compr. of pf. music. Blumenschein, William Leonard, compr. h. Brensbach, near Darmstadt, Dec. 16, 1849. Father vlt. in orch. and compr. of dance music, mother excellent singer; family moved to Pittsburg, Pa., 1851; B. sang in choir and concerts, studied vln., guitar, cabinet org., and pf.; at Leipzig Cons. 1869-72, pf. and theory under Paul, Richter, and Reinecke, directing under Ferd David; taught pf. and singing in Pittsburg with success; now orgt. and condr. of Philharmonic Society in Dayton, O.; has conducted vari- ous societies, and was chorusmas- ter of Cincinnati Festivals under Thomas 1891-96; has composed chiefly in smaller forms, pf. pieces, songs, and protestant ch. music, with considerable success. Boccherini (bok-ke-re'-ne), Luigi, com- pr. b. Lucca, Feb. 19, 1743; d. Madrid, May 28, 1805. Taught by father and Abb6 Vannucci; played 'cello in theatre orch.; became famous as player and compr. from early travels with vlt. Manfredi in Italy and southern France; after great success in Paris 1768, went to Madrid and became compr. to Infanta; 1787-97 compr. to Fr. Wilhelm II of Prussia; at his death B., having fallen from favor, in Spain where he lived in increasing poverty (except for a short period under patronage of Lucien Bona- parte) until his death. B. composed 467 instrumental works, mostly for two or more instruments, and some vocal works; chiefly remarkable as a contemp. of Haydn with whose chamber music B's bears compari- son in charming simplicity and facile melody, though it lacks force and sense of contrast. His Minuet is well known. Bochsa (bok'-sa), Robert Nicolas Charles, harpist, compr. b. Mont- medy, Aug. 9, 1789; d. Sydney, Jan. 6, 1856. Son of Carl (d. Paris, 1821), oboe player and music seller; pupil of father on flute and clarinet; ap- peared in public at 7, opera per- formed before he was 16; pupil at Paris Cons, of Catel and Mehul, and on the harp of Nadermann and Marin whose instructions he soon outgrew, as he " revolutionized " harp playing; harpist to Napoleon and to Louis XVIII; fled from France before charge of forgery, gave lessons in London, to Parish- Alvars, Chatterton, etc.; prof, of harp and secretary Roy. Acad, of Mus. from which post he was dismissed; managed annual concerts in London; eloped 1839 with Anna Bishop; extensive tours in Europe and America. Prolific composer, chiefly of works for harp of transient popularity. Bock, see Schroder-Devrient. Bocquillon (bok-i-yon), see Wilhem, G. L. Boehm (b6m), Joseph, vlt. b. Pesth, Mar. 4, 1795; d. Vienna, Mar. 28, 1876. Pupil of father and of Rode: played in Vienna, toured Italy; prof, at Vienna Cons. 1819-1848; mem- ber imperial band 1821-1868; chiefly famous as teacher of Ernst, Hellmes- berger, L. Straus, Joachim, and Auer. Boehm, Theobald, flute player, b. Munich, Apr. 9, 1794; d. there, Nov. 25, 1881. Court musician at Vienna and composer of works for his instrument; chiefly famous for inventions in construction of flutes and other wind instruments; his systehi increases mechanism and alters tone of flute, but makes its accurate range wider and its tones more even. Boekelman (b^'-kel-man), Bemardus, pst. b. Utrecht, Holland, June 9, 1838. Pupil of his father, and at Leipzig Cons, of Moscheles, Richter and Hauptmann, and at Berlin of Weitzmann and Von Biilow; since 1866 teaching in New York, and at Farmington, Conn. Composed for pf. and edited analytical edition of Bach, printed in several colors, which is very valuable. Boellmami (bo-el-man'), Leon, orgt., compr. b. Ensisheim, Alsace, Sept. 25, 1862; d. Paris, Oct. 11, 1897. BOETHIUS BOITO Pupil of Gigout at Niedermeyer School; orgt. at Ch. of St. Vincent de Paul; remarkable org. player; composed music in almost every form, all graceful, clear, pure in style; best known single comp. Variations symph. for 'cello and orch. Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus, writer, b. Rome, about 475; d. there (?), 524. Counsellor of Theodoric, executed for treason; philosopher and mathematician ; wrote treatise De Musica on Greek music, chief source of information during Middle Ages. Bohlmann (boF-man), Theodor Hein- rich Friedrich, pst. b. Osterwieck am Harz, June 23, 1865. Studied with Earth, Klindworth, d'Albert, and Moszkowski; successful concert tours in Germany; prof, at Cin- cinnati Cons, after Sept. 1890. Bohm (bom), Carl, pst., compr. b. Berlin, Sept. 11, 1844. Pupil of H. Bischoff, Mmes. Reissmann, and Geyer. Composer of salon music; hving in Berlin. Boieldieu (bo-a-er-di-6), Frangois Adri- en, compr. b. Rouen. Dec. 15, 1775; d. Jarcy, Oct. 8, 1834. Son of an unhappy marriage between an archbishop's secretary and a milliner; taught exclusively by Broche, orgt. at cathedral, pupil of Martini, whose brutal treatment caused his pupil to run away to Paris; after being brought back B. composed opera to words by his father, produced in Rouen, and several successful songs; operatic career in Paris began with Les deux lettres 1796; after great success of Le calife de Bagdad 1800, and of some chamber music, B. was made prof, of pf. at Paris Cons. 1800; as a result of a jest from Cher- ubini about his " undeserved " suc- cess, he submitted to instruction from Mehul and probably from Cherubini, the marked results of which appeared in Ma tante aurore 1803; possibly as result of unhappy marriage with the dancer Mafleuroy, B. spent 8 years in Russia, as conductor of Italian opera; returned to Paris 1811, brought out Jean de Paris 1812 and La dame blanche, his master- piece, 1825. He had been prof, of comp. at Paris Cons, since 1820; retired in 1828, but failure of Les deux nuits 1828 and temporary cessation of pension due to change in government forced him to resume teaching 1834. One of greatest French comprs. of opera comique; especially in later period, his char- acteristic touches, poetic grace, and freshness of melody are such that Elson calls him " a French Mozart." Son by second wife, Adrien Louis Victor (Nov. 3, 1815-July 9, 1883), pupil of father, composer of several successful comic operas, mass, etc Boise (bois), Otis Bardwell, orgt. b. Oberlin, O., Aug. 13, 1844. Edu- cated at public schools of Cleveland; orgt. at 14; pupil in Leipzig of Hauptmann, Richter, and others, and in Berlin of Kullak; later ad- vised by Liszt, orgt. in Cleveland, and N. Y.; teacher in N. Y. and from 1888 to 1902 in Berlin; Brock- way and Huss among pupils; prof, in Peabody Cons., Baltimore; com- posed orch. works, harmony method; author of The Masters of Music, d. Baltimore, Dec. 2, 1912.' Boito (bo-e-to'), Arrigo, compr. h. Padua, Feb. 24, 1842. Son of an Italian painter and a Polish mother, brother of an architect and critic; studied at Milan Cons, under Maz- zucato with so little success at first that he narrowly escaped dismissal; composed with Faccio very successful cantata, of which the score is lost; apparently for lack of initiative self-confidence B. gave up music for critical and literary work in Paris and Milan until 1868 when the managers of La Scala offered to produce his Mefistofele. The work was hastily completed and its pro- duction was the occasion of an almost riotous demonstration; the work is undoubtedly original and has moments of tremendous force; it differs from Gounod's Fav^t in that it includes both parts of Goethe's poem, and its great length is not justified by intensity of sustained interest or by technical mastery of effects. In a revised form the opera had considerable success at Bologna and Milan in 1875. It is said that Boito has completed two other operas, Nerone and Orestiade, neither of which has ever been performed; BONAWITZ BORDOGNI the greatest admiration is expressed by those who have heard portions of the works, but their characteristics are wrapped in a curious mystery. B., under anagram Tobia Gorrio, has pubHshed charming poems and has written several admirable librettos — notably those of Verdi's Othello and Falstaff. Bonawitz (vitz), Johann Heinrich, compr. b. Diirkheim-on-Rhine, Dec. 4, 1839. Pupil at U6ge Cons.; after sojourn in America gave concerts in London and Paris 1861-66; con- ducted Popular Symphony Concerts in N. Y. 1872-73, and after failure of that undertaking gave concerts with some success throughout U. S. Produced two operas in Philadel- phia 1873, 1874, and since 1876 has lived in Europe. Bonci, Alessandro, operatic tenor, h. Casena, Italy, 1874?. Educated in the Rossini Conservatory at Pesaro, under Pedrotti and Felice Coen; in three years he was called to the position of solo tenor in the church of Santa Maria, in Loreto, one of the most prominent churches in Italy with an exceptionally high musical standard; after six years of hard work he com- pleted his studies and became the leading tenor at the Royal Theatre in Parma; from this place he went to a theatre in Milan and finally to the famous La Scala Theatre in the same city. His European tours in- cluded all the leading cities; he also won great success at Buenos Ayres, and later at the Manhattan and MetropoHtan Opera House, New York. In the season of 1910-1911 he made a concert tour of the United States. Bononcini (bo-non-che-ne), [Buonon- cini], Giovanni Battista, opera compr. Son of G. M. Bononcini (1640-1678) church compr. b. Modena, 1660, date and place of death uncertain, probably Venice in 1750; pupil of his father and Colonna, and Buoni ('cello); 1690 at Vienna as court 'cellist; Rome 1694 producing his first opera; at Vienna 1699-1703; Berlin 1703-05; again at Vienna and various Italian cities; in London as rival to Handel 1716-1731; falling into the hands of an alchemist he was swindled out of his fortune and never recovered his once high posi- tion; lived at Vienna and Venice until his death. He is credited with 22 operas, a number of church works, madrigals and divertimenti. Bontempi, Giovanni Andrea Angelini, compr. h. Perugia, about 1630; d. Bruso, July 1, 1705. Adopted name B. from his godfather; artificial soprano, asst. capellmeister to Hein- rich Schutz in Dresden; 1690 back to Perugia; wrote 3 operas, 2 theoret- ical works and a history of music. Booth, Josiah, org., compr. h. Cov- entry, March 27, 1852. Studied at Coventry and Oxford and at Roy. Acad. Mus. London, under Brinley Richards and Macfarren; org. at Banbury 1867, orgt. at Crouch End 1877. Boott, Francis, compr. h. Boston, June 24, 1813; d. Cambridge, Mar. 1, 1904. Attended school in Waltham; grad. Harvard 1831; never in active business; hved abroad after 1847; studied comp. with Picchianti in Florence; composed, under name Telford, mass, Miserere, songs ( Here's a Health to King Charles, etc.). Borch, Gaston, compr., 'cellist, b. Guines, France, March 8, 1871. Father prominent in mining and en- gineering affairs; received instruction in languages, and in music under Massenet, in Paris, and under Grieg in Norway; conductor of the Phil- harmonic Society of Christiania and of the Musikverein, Bergen; came to the United States and became (1910) a member of the faculty of the Pennsylvania College of Music, Philadelphia; compositions include three operas, symphony, piano con- certo, orchestral works, piano pieces, songs and choruses, about 150 num- bers in all. Bordese (bor-da'-ze), Luigi, compr. b. Naples, 1815; d. Paris, Mar. 17, 1886. Studied at Naples Cons.; failed as dramatic composer; after 1850 taught singing and composed innumerable songs, vocalises, wrote 2 methods. Bordogni (bor-don'-yi), Giulio Marco, singer, b. Gazzaniga, 1788; d. Paris July 31, 1856. Pupil of Mayrj BORDONI BORWICK d^but at Milan 1813; singer in Paris 1819-33; teacher at Cons. 1819-24, 1830-56, Sontag among pupils; published vocalises, etc. Bordoni, Faustina, see Hasse, F. Borodin (bo-ro-din'), Alexander Por- phyrievitch, compr. b. St. Peters- burg, Nov. 12, 1834; d. there, Feb. 27, 1887. Illegitimate son of Prince of Imeretia; brought up with every advantage; student of medicine and science; army surgeon; professor of chemistry, founder of School of Medicine for women and lecturer there. In 1862 B., then merely an amateur, became one of the circle influenced by Balakirev; in 1877 visited Liszt and described him vividly in letters afterwards pub- lished. He began to compose his 1st symph. in the same year that he met Balakirev and before his untimely death he had composed a second symph., part of a third, 2 quartets, a suite, the symph. poem In the Steppes of Central Asia, several songs and an opera Prince Igor, finished after his death by llimsky- Korsakov and Glazounov. His best- known works are the symph. poem and the quartets. His songs are full of national feeling; in his oper- atic work, however, he did not follow his " school " in their extreme fondness for recitative. Borowski, Felix, compr. b. Mar. 10, 1872, at Burton, Eng. Father, a Polish nobleman who fled to England during the Polish rebellion, was his first teacher on the piano and violin; after a general education at private schools in London and Tunbridge Wells he began the study of the violin with Jacques Rosenthal and later with Adolf Pollitzer in London, musical theory with Dr. Charles W. Pearce; in 1888 he went to the Cologne Conservatory (Germany), where he studied theory and com- position with Gustave Jensen, violin with Georg Japha and piano with Ernst Heuser; on his return to England he was first a violin teacher at Aberdeen, and during this time brought out his first published com- positions, the mazurkas in C major and C minor; in 1894 he located in London devoting his time principally to composition, the most striking v/ork of the period being A Rus- sian Sonata which attracted the attention of Grieg. In 1897 he ac- cepted the position of professor of composition in the Chicago Musical College, and has resided in that city up to the present time (1910); in addition to the composition classes he taught violin for several years and has conducted the classes in history of music. He has been Chicago critic for the N. Y. Musical Courier, of the Chicago Evening Post and is now (1910) connected with the Record- Herald, and at one time prepared the program notes for the Theodore Thomas Orchestra. Com- positions cover various branches: Marche Triomphale and two suites for orchestra, and two pieces for string orchestra; Suite in E minor, two sonatas, and small pieces for the organ; for the piano, a Russian Sonata, seven Preludes and more than 60 smaller works; for violin, a number of pieces of which Adora- tion is the best known; six songs; a concerto for piano and orchestra in D minor and a string quartet in A minor are still in manuscript. Bortnianski (bort-nyan'-ski), Dimitri Stepanovitch, compr. h. Gloukoff, 1752; d. St. Petersburg, Sept. 25 (Oct. 8), 1825. Studied with Galup- pi and followed him to Italy by aid of Empress Catherine; composed operas in Italy; but on return to Russia in 1779 became director of the choir in St. Petersburg (which became " imperial choir " in 1796), for which he composed 45 psalms and a mass; he first reduced Russian church music to system, and made his choirs famous by care in select- ing remarkable voices and training them to great skill. Borwick, W. Leonard, pst. b. Wal- thamstow, Essex, Feb. 26, 1868. Son of Alfred, amateur 'cellist and friend of many musicians; first lessons at age of 5; later pupil of Bird and Clara Schumann; debut Frankfort 1889; since then popular in London concerts; American tour, 1911; he is said to be especially great as a player of Liszt and Saint- Saens. BOSSI BRADBURY Bossi, Enrico Marco, orgt.. compr. b. Salo, Apr. 25, 1861. Son of orgt.; studied at Liceo Musicale, Bologna, and at Milan Cons, under Pon- chielli and Fumagalli; orgt. at Como, teacher at Naples; teacher, director, and conductor at Venice, 1902-12 director of Liceo Musicale; made early attempts at dramatic composition, but boldness and sever- ity of his style is better shown in numerous cantatas, org. pieces, and oratorio Le Paradiso Perduto. He is considered the most proficient performer on the organ in Italy. Bottesini (bot-tes-se'-ne), Giovanni, double-bass player, compr. b. Crema, Dec. 24, 1823; d. Parma, July 7, 1889. Son of clarinet player; singer in choir; entered Milan Cons, at age of 11, studied harmony and comp. with Basili and Vaccai, d. bass with Rossi; traveled with Arditi; member of orch. at Havana many years; conductor at Paris, 1855-57, in London 1871, and at numerous other places (conducted 1st performance of Aida at Cairo). Composed 6 operas, an oratorio, quartets; had marvelous skill as a virtuoso. Boucher (bo-sha), Alexandre Jean, vlt. b. Paris, Apr. 11, 1778; d. there, Dec. 29, 1861. Appeared at court at age of 6, and at concerts at 8; 1787- 1805, solo vlt. to Charles IV of Spain; later gave concerts through- out Europe; successful both because of his really fluent playing and because of his cheap methods of advertisement; he called himself " L' Alexandre des violons." Bouhy (bo-e), Jacques, Joseph Andre, singer, teacher, b. Pepinster, Bel- gium, June 18, 1848. Pupil at Liege and Paris Cons.; debut at Paris 1870; created many impor- tant parts, among them Escamillo in Carmen; 1885-89 head of N. Y. Cons.; returned to stage 1890 but is now (1910) teaching in Paris. Bourgault-Ducoudray (bor'-go-dii-ko- dra), Louis Albert, compr. b. Nantes, Feb. 2, 1840; d. Vernouillet, July 4 1910. Finished legal studies 1859 entered Cons., as pupil of A. Thomas won Prix de Rome in comp. 1862 has written 3 operas {Thamara, Paris 1891), orchestral pieces, Stabat Mater, etc.; chief work has been study of early primitive music and revival of it; has published collection of Greek folk-lore and written about it; lecturer on history of music at Cons, since 1878. Bouval (bo-var), Jules Henri, compr., orgt. b. Toulouse, June 9, 1867; pupil of Dubois and Massenet at the Paris Conservatory; 1st prize for harmony 1889, honorable mention for Prix de Rome 1893; organist of St. Pierre de Chaillot; composer of dramatic works, ballets and songs. Bovy, C. S., see Lysberg, C. S. Bowman, Edward Morris, orgt., theorist. h. Barnard, Vt., July 18, 1848. Pupil of Wm. Mason and J. P. Morgan; orgt. in St. Louis; studied in Berlin with Bendel, Rohde, Haupt, and Weitzmann and in Paris with Batiste; again in St. Louis, with period of study in England; founder of Amer. Coll. of Musicians; orgt. in N. Y., professor at Vassar 1891- 1895; condr, of various choirs in N. Y. and Brooklyn; has translated and prepared for English use Weitz- mann 's Manual of Music Theory. Boyce, William, orgt., compr. b. Lon- don, Feb. 7, 1710; d. Kensington, Feb. 7, 1779. Chorister at St. Paul's; articled pupil of M. Greene, later pupil of Pepusch; held various org. appointments in London; com- posed many fine anthems, serenatas and odes; increasingly deaf from early years, after 1769 he devoted himself to editing Cathedral Music, collection of services by English masters. Brackett, Frank H., compr. h. Fall River, Mass., Apr. 8, 1859; studied at Harvard University under John K. Paine, and under John W. Tufts; commenced professional work as singer, organist, and composer in 1881, filling positions as organist in Boston, Somerville, Dorchester, and other suburbs; compositions num- ber about 300, including piano pieces, songs and anthems; lives at Ash- mont, a suburb of Boston. Bradbury, William Batchelder, compr. b. York, Me., Oct. 6, 1816; d. Mont- clair, N. J., Jan. 7, 1868. Pupil of 6I(A6A S. Hill, L. Mason, and at Leipzig of Hauptmann and Moscheles. Taught, wrote, conducted conventions, made pianos, composed 2 cantatas, edited collections of music which {The Key- note, The Jubilee, etc.) were enor- mously popular. Braga (bra-ga), Gaetano, 'cellist, b. Giulianova, June 9, 1829; d. Milan, Nov., 1907. Pupil of Ciandelh for 'cello, Mercadante for comp. at Naples Cons.; lived and played in many capitals; friend of Rossini and others but died in poverty; composed 3 unsuccessful operas, a method, and several smaller pieces, of which Angel's Serenade most popular. " He wrote with much intelligence but more feeling." Braham, John, fenor. b. London, 1774; d. there, Feb. 17, 1856. Son of poor Jews (real name probably Abraham) ; pupil of Leoni; debut 1787; later pupil of Rauzzini, second debut 1796; after period of success on the Conti- nent, he enjoyed career of great popularity in England 1801-1826; composed several operas and wrote f)arts for himself in many others; ost fortune in speculations; many songs still popular, as Death of Nel- son; toured America 1840. Brahms (brams), Johannes, compr. b. Hamburg, May 7, 1833; d. Vienna, Apr. 3, 1897. Son of Johann Jacob (1806-72), oontrabassist at Ham- burg theatre, he studied with his father and Cossel until he was ten, then with Marxsen pianoforte and some theory. He appeared in public in 1849, at a concert of Wachtel's and at one of his own. Touring through North Germany with Rem- enyi in 1853 he met Joachim who introduced him to Liszt and Schu- mann, both of whom greeted him enthusiastically, S. in a famous article Neue Bahnen (New Paths). From 1854-1858 B. was court con- ductor at Lippe-Detmold, then he returned to Hamburg where he stayed except for occasional concert trips until 1860 when he went to Wintertiiur. In 1862 he moved finally to Vienna; he conducted at the Singakademie for one season and at the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde for three, 1872-75; the rest of his life BRAHMS with some holiday trips and increas- ingly rare public appearances was taken up by composition. The early accounts of his playing describe it as fluent and briUiant, but later, perhaps from lack of care, it became incoherent and blurred. Schumann's enthusiasm for his early pf. pieces was not shared by all, and there was much discussion about them and about the first pf. con- certo, which B. brought out himself in Leipzig in 1859. The early chamber music, two orchestral sere- nades (1860), the German Requiem (1865, and with added movements 1868), Variations on a theme by Haydn made his name familiar to audiences, so that his first sym- phony (not produced until 1876) Was awaited with great eagerness. Its appearance caused a renewal of discussion; B. was accused of imi- tating Beethoven, and praised for continuing the master's work. He was also used, with some injustice, to support the cause of absolute music against the ardent Wagner- ites. His later orchestral works, Akademische and Tragische over- tures, the 3 other symphonies, 3 other concertos, later chamber music have placed him beyond question among the great masters. His songs once declared " un vocal " are uni- versally recognized as expressing the soul of the poetry. Present discus- sion of him is between those who complain of lack of color, of the appreciation of the sensuous quali- ties of music, a dry formalism and those who exalt the intellectual con- tent, the purity of form, originahty of scheme, and technical skill. His admirers find broad and deep emo- tional feeling, an impersonal passion subordinated to a lofty sense of form. To Hadow, Brahms fulfils the desire for " a composer who while he maintains and develops the harmonic traditions of the Romantic School shall even more devote him- self to the restoration and evolution of musical structure, who shall take up the classical form where Bee- thoven left it ... . and raise it to a fuller organization." So Hun- eker calls him " the greatest con- trapuntist after Bach, the greatest architectonist after Beethoven." BRAMBACH Brambach (bram-bak), Kaspar Joseph, compr. b, Bonn, July 14, 1833; d. there, June 20, 1902. Studied under A. Zur Nieden and Ferd. Hiller and at Cologne Cons., where later he taught; director and teacher at Bonn. Composed secular cantatas Fruhlingshymnus, Prometheus, etc., pf. concerto, and chamber music. Brandeis (bran-dls), Frederick, pst., compr. b. Vienna, July 5, 1835 (or 1832?); d. New York, 1899. Pupil of J. Fischhof, Czerny, Rufi- natscha, and of Meyerhofer in N. Y.; debut N. Y. 1851; toured as pst., various positions as orgt. Several comp. for orch. and chamber music. Brandt (brandt), Marianne [pseud, of Marie Bischof], dram, contralto, b. Vienna, Sept. 12, 1842. Pupil of Frau Marschner at Vienna Cons, and of Viardot-Garcia in Paris; d^but Graz 1867; Berlin 1868-86; sang Kundry in Parsifal 1882, alter- nating with Materna; 1886-1890, N. Y.; then taught in Vienna. At her best during Berlin period, com- pass of voice so extensive that she sang both soprano and contralto parts. Brassin (bras-san), Louis, pst., compr. b. Aix-la-Chapelle, June 24, 1840; d. St. Petersburg, May 17, 1884. Son of baritone, who changed name from De Brassine, nephew of Drouet, flute player; pupil at Leipzig Cons, of Moscheles; teacher 1866 at Stern Cons, in Berlin, at Brussels Cons. 1869-78, and at St. Petersburg Cons. 1878-84. Appeared early in public, and made tours with brothers Leopold (1843-1890) pst. and Ger- hard (b. 1844) vlt. Louis composed Ecolemoderne du piano, pf. etudes, transcriptions, 2 operas, etc. Braun, Mrs. A., see Brema, Marie. Bree (bra), Jean Bernard van, vlt., compr. b. Amsterdam, Jan. 29, 1801; d. there, Feb. 14, 1857. Pupil of Bertelmann; orch. player at Am- sterdam; founded " Cecilia " 1840; director of music-school; composed 3 operas, masses, cantatas, chamber music. Breitner (brit-ner), Ludovic, pst. b. Trieste, Mar. 22, 1855. Studied at Milan Cons, and with Rubinstein BREWER and Liszt; composed music to Wilhelm Meister, song cycles, etc.; established and conducted Phil- harmonic Society in Paris; visited America in 1900; Stern Cons., Berlin, 1909; Peabody Cons., Baltimore,1912. Brema (bra-ma), Marie [pseud, of Minnie Fehrmann], dram, mezzo sop. b. Liverpool, Feb. 28, 1856. Father of German origin, mother from Virginia; early taste for music not cultivated until after marriage to A. Braun 1874; after study with Henschel, debut at Monday Pop. Concert 1891 under name of Bremer; dram, debut same year; first appeared at Bayreuth 1894; since then has sung Wagnerian roles with success in Eng., America, and Paris; has created parts in many operas and oratorios, chiefly at English festivals where her rich voice has made her a great favorite. Breslaur (bres-lowr), Emil, teacher, h. Kottbus, May 26, 1836; d. Berlin, July 27, 1899. Studied at Stern Cons.; teacher at Kullak's Acad.; founder and director of Piano- Teachers' Seminary; editor of Kla- vierlehrer, and author of several important books on pf. playing and pf. literature. Breval (bra-val'), Lucienne [pseud, of Bertha Agnes Lisette Schilling], dram. sop. b. Berlin, Nov. 4, 1869. Pupil of Warat, Obin, Giraudet at Paris Cons., where she took first prize for opera 1890; debut 1892, Paris Opera, where she has since sung, except for season at Opera Comique in 1901; in America 1900, 1902. Breville (bra-vil'), Pierre Onfroy de, compr., condr. h. Feb. 21, 1861. Pupil at the Paris Conservatory and of Cesar Franck; studied for the bar and a diplomatic career; music critic Mercure de France 1898-1901 ; teacher at Schola Cantorum; com- positions include orchestral and choral works, masses, motets, songs, piano and organ pieces. Brewer, John Hyatt, orgt., compr. b. Brooklyn, Jan. 18, 1856. Boy soprano in several churches, pupil Navarro (harm.) and Buck and others (org.); various positions as orgt. in N. Y.; active member of BRIDGE BRONSART many musical societies; has con- ducted several choral societies; teaches singing, org., and theory. Has composed church and organ music, glees, songs, and choral works, suite for orchestra (Ms.). Bridge, Sir John Frederick, compr. h. Oldbury, near Birmingham, Dec. 5, 1844. Chorister in Rochester Cathe- dral, where his father became lay clerk in 1850, articled to John Hopkins, orgt.; held various org. appointments at Windsor (where he was pupil of J. Goss), at Manchester, and finally at Westminster Abbey as deputy 1875 and in full 1882; in consequence of this office he had charge of the music for Queen Victoria's jubilee 1887 and King Edward's coronation 1902. He took degree Mus. Doc. at Oxford 1874; was knighted 1897 and has received many honorary titles. He taught at Owens College while in Man- chester, is Gresham Prof., prof, at Univ. of London, examiner in sev- eral colleges. Composed oratorios, anthems, etc., collected " Abbey Chants," wrote Primer of Counter- point, etc. "His works show the vivacity of his mercurial tempera- ment." [Grove.] His brother, Joseph Cox B., orgt. b. Rochester, Aug. 16, 1853. Pupil of Hopkins, and pupil and assistant of brother at Manchester; Mus. Doc. Oxford 1885; since 1877 orgt. at Chester Cathedral; prof. mus. Durham Univ. 1908; revived Chester Fes- tivals, founded Chester Mus. Soc. Composed festival cantatas, sym- phony, pf. music, songs, and part- songs. Brink, Jules ten, compr. b. Amster- dam, Nov. 4, 1838; d. Paris, Feb. 6, 1889. Pupil of Dupont in Brussels, Richter in Leipzig; director Lyons 1860-68, after that in Paris; wrote symphonic poems, one-act opera, etc. Brisson (bris'-son), Frederic, pst. h. Angouleme, Dec. 25, 1821; d. Orleans, June or July, 1900. Pupil of Garandet; an elegant pianist, a distinguished performer on har- monium, for which he wrote much; published, beside operetta and organ method, more than 150 slight pf. pieces. Bristow, George Frederick, compr. b. Brooklyn, Dec. 19, 1825; d. New York, Dec. 13, 1898. Studied in London with Macfarren; condr. Harm. Soc, Mendelssohn Union, orgt. in several churches, head of mus. dept. N. Y. public schools, original member and condr. of N. Y. Philharmonic. Composed opera Rip Van Winkle 1855, a cantata Niag- ara, and symphonies, quartets, etc. Made an early stand for American music. Britton, Thomas, amateur, b. Higham Ferrers, or WelHngborough, North- ampton, about 1651; d. London, Sept. 27, 1714. Known as " Musical Small-coal Man," because he dealt in coal; 1678 established weekly concerts over his shop and a musical club for practise, both frequented by aristocratic and famous people, Handel, Pepusch, etc. Also known in book collecting circles. Brockway, Howard A., compr., pst. b. Brooklyn, Nov. 22, 1870. Studied pf. with Kortheuer and in Berlin 1890-1895 with Barth and O. B. Boise; conducted concert of own works Berlin, 1895; teaching in New York, and Peabody Conserva- tory, Baltimore. Equipped by un- usually thorough training, he has composed early in difficult forms, symph., symph. ballad, romanza for vln. and orch., etc. Sylvan Suite for orch. best known. Brodsky, Adolf, vlt. b. Taganrog, Russia, Mar. 21, 1851. Studied at Vienna Cons. 1862-63 with J. Hell- mesberger, of whose quartet he became a member; studied also with Laub in Moscow, where he taught at Cons.; condr. at Kieff 1879; taught at Leipzig Cons. 1882-83, in N. Y. 1891-94, in Berhn 1894, at Manches- ter Royal Coll. of Mus., of which he became director in 1895. Broekhoven (brek-ho-fen), John A., teacher, theorist, b. Beek, Holland, in 1852. Prof, of harmony and coun- terpoint at Cincinnati Coll. of Music; has written text-books. Suite Creole for orch., overture Columbia, etc. Bronsart, Hans von [really B. von Schellendorf], condr. b. Berlin, Feb. 11, 1830. Studied at Berlin BROSCm Univ., lessons in theory from Dehn, piano with Kullak and Liszt; con- ducted " Euterpe " Leipzig; " Gesell- schaft der Musikfreunde " BerHn; is "Hofmusikintendant" Berlin; comp. opera Der Corsdr, symph., well- known pf. concerto. His wife Inge- borg (nee Starck) pst., compr. b. St. Petersburg, Aug. 2i, 1S40; d. Mun- ich, June 17, 19L3. Pupil of Henselt and Liszt; first concert at 12; mar- ried Hans von B. 1862; composed 3 operas, pf. music in all forms. Broschi (bros-ke). Carlo, see Farinelli. Broustet (bro-sta), Edouard, pst. b. Toulouse, Apr. 29, 1836. Studied with Stamaty, Litolff, and Ravina; after tours to St. Petersburg, Spain, and Portugal, settled in Toulouse where he has composed pf . concerto, chamber music, pf. pieces. Brown, Obadiah Bruen, teacher, b. Washington, D. C, July 2, 1829; d. Maiden, Mass., Mar. 5, 1901. Pupil in Boston of Zerrahn, Parker, David Paine; in Leipzig of Lobe and Plaidy; teacher in several Mass. state normal schools, orgt. in Bos- ton; director of music, public schools, Maiden; edited several collections for school use, composed choruses, anthems, etc. Bruch (briik), Max, compr. h. Cologne, Jan. 6, 1838. Mother (nee Almen- rader), a singer, guided his education; first lessons in theory from Breiden- stein at Bonn; having gained four- year scholarship at Frankfort-on- Main, studied under Hiller, Rein- ecke, and Breuning; taught and brought out first operetta at Cologne ; produced opera Loreley on libretto written for Mendelssohn at Mann- heim 1863; has held various posi- tions as director at Coblenz, of Stern Singing Soc. Berlin, of ^^iverpool Har- monic Society, of Orchesterverein at Breslau; married singer Emma Tuc- zek 1881; came to America 1883, brought out Arminius at Boston by Cecilia Society. Has composed several cantatas of epic nature, Odysseus, ArminiuS', Achilleus, Frithjof; his Fair Ellen a favorite with choral societies; songs; 4 vln. concertos, of which the 1st, in G, is very popular; pieces for 'cello (nota- bly Kol Nidrei a Hebrew melody). BRUMEL His music is marked by clearness and purity of melodic idea and unusual skill in combinations of vocal and orchestral masses. Bruckner (brok-ner), Anton, orgt., compr. h. Ansfelden, Austria, Sept. 4, 1824; d. Vienna, Oct. 11, 1896. Earliest lessons from father, a village school-master; while orgt. at Linz Cathedral after 1855 he studied in Vienna with Sechter and Kitzler; 1867 orgt. in Vienna and prof, at Cons., 1875 lecturer at Univ.; 1869 and 1871 played in France and England as org. virtuoso. His compositions include a string quartet, 3 grand masses, a Te Deum, 8 symphonies, and 3 movements of a 9th. He lived, even in the capital, the simple life of a villager, dis- tressed by the violent hostility which his works aroused, but never permitting this to move his earnest persistence. He was a devoted adherent of Wagner's theories and in his symphonies he aimed to apply them to absolute music. Much of the hostility which he encountered was due to the fact that he was regarded probably against his wish as the sjonphonist selected by the Wagnerites to oppose Brahms. Viewed apart from their contemporary critical quarrel, his music appears as a somewhat uneven combination of passages showing power, nobility, and imagination with passages of tedious length and heavy and pedantic dryness. Briill (briil), Ignaz, pst., compr. b. Prossnitz, Moravia, Nov. 7, 1846; d. Vienna, Sept. 17, 1907. Pupil of Epstein, Rufinatscha, and Dessoff; successful concerts in Vienna and other cities, notably in London in 1878; teaching in Vienna after 1872; opera Das goldene Kreuz, Berlin 1875, had wide success in other cities; has composed 9 other operas, a symph., an overture, 3 concertos, etc. Brumel (brii-mel'), Anton, compr. b. about 1.480; d. about 1520. Pupil of Okeghem; lived at courts of Dukes of Sora and Ferrara; com- posed at least 15 masses, motets, and other sacred music; said by contemporaries to have excelled by BRUNEAU BULL industry rather than genius; wrote a comp. in 8 parts, each in different church mode. Bmneau (brii-no), [Louis Charles Bon- a venture], Alfred, compr. b. Paris, Mar. 3, 1857. Of musical parents; studied at Paris Cons, 'cello with Franchomme, comp. with Massenet; critic for Gil Bias and Figaro; . conductor Opera Comique 1903. Has composed overture, 3 choral symphonies, 2 collections of songs, and a Requiem mass beside the 5 operas which are his chief works. Of these Le reve, L'Attaque du mou- lin, Messidor and U Ouragan are on texts either written by Zola or based on his works, the last two being in prose. Music at first w^s considered very difficult and harsh, because of effort made at accurate dehneation of characters, which is strikingly suc- cessful ; each work has a characterized and influential setting, hke the storm in U Ouragan, which gives atmos- pheric unity. Has published also 3 volumes of acute musical criticism. Brunner (broo-ner). Christian Trau- gott, orgt., condr. b. Briinlos, Erzge- birg, Dec. 12, 1792; d. Chemnitz, Apr. 14, 1874. Organist and con- ductor of choral societies; composed instructive pf. pieces, variations, etc. Bucalossi (boo-ca-los'-si), Ernest, cornpr. Composed from early years; pupil at Royal Acad. Mus.; in 1881 succeeded his father as conductor at London theatre; conductor with traveling company; compr. of popular dance music, notably La Gitana waltz. Buck, Dudley, orgt., compr. b. Hart- ford, Conn., Mar. 10, 1839; d. Oct. 6, 1909, at Orange, N. J. Pupil of Babcock, at Leipzig Cons, of Plaidy, Moscheles, Hauptmann, and Rietz, at Dresden of Schneider, and at Paris; organ appointments in Hart- ford, Chicago, Boston (where his recitals as orgt. of Music Hall Ass'n had great influence), and in N. Y.; asst. condr. of Thomas Concerts, N. Y.; director of Apollo Club; retired from all but theoretical and comp. work 1902. Composed ora- torios Golden Legend, Light of Asia, cantatas Legend of Don Munio, Cen- tennial Meditation of Columbia (for Exposition 1876), several excellent short sacred cantatas, songs, anthems, org. pieces. His music shows skill, intelligence, freedom from pedantry, and much of the elements of popu- larity. Has had wide influence in extending respect for American music and in training younger men, Chad- wick, Gleason, Eddy, Neidlinger being his pupils. Buhlig, Richard, pst. b. Chicago, 1880 of German parents. Went to Vienna 1887 as pupil of Leschetizsky. Debut 1900, London 1905, in the U. S. 1907. Thoughtful and serious artist, of unusual executive ability. Bull, John, orgt., compr. b. Somerset- shire, about 1563; d. Antwerp, Mar. 12 (13?), 1628. Pupfl of Blitheman; orgt. at Hereford Cathedral and 1591 of Chapel Royal; Mus. Doc. Oxford 1592; Gresham Prof, of Mus. 1597; in service of Prince Henry 1611 although Roman Cath- oHc; 1613 left England without leave under questionable circumstances, and in 1617 became orgt. at Ant- werp Cath. Comp. anthems and music for org. or virginal " unequal in character, and generally more ingenious than beautiful." So brill- iant a performer that he has been called " the Liszt of his age." Bull, Ole Bomeman, vlt. b. Bergen, Feb. 5, 1810; d. Lyso, near Bergen, Aug. 17, 1880. Father, physician, who disapproved of musical career, but uncle and other members of family eager amateurs; lessons from Paulsen and Lundborg, but mainly self-taught; abandoned study of theology at Univ. of Christiania to conduct mus. society there; at Paris 1831, by hearing Paganini inspired to great efforts, which with poverty brought on illness; 1832 he reappeared in public and thereafter had great success in Europe and especially in the U. S,; 1848 founded national theatre in Bergen; 1870 again in U. S., where he married a second time, and where he lost a considerable fortune in an attempt to found a colony for his poor countrymen. Technical skill was fairly amazing and gave adequate expression to the patriotic spirit of the North in his compositions, which were the only ones he played. BULLARD BURMEISTER Bullard, Frederic Field, compr. h. Boston, Mass., Sept. 21, 1864; d. there, June 24, 1904. Gave up study of chemistry; studied 4 years with Rheinberger in Munich; taught in Boston after 1892; pubhshed many expressive songs, anthems and vig- orous part-songs, some of which. Stein Song, etc., are very popular. Biilow (bii-lo), Hans [Guidojvon, pst., condr. b. Dresden, Jan. 8, 1830; d. Cairo, Feb. 12, 1894. Taught pf. and harmony at 9 by Wieck and Eberwein; studied law at Leipzig Univ., counterpoint with Haupt- mann; adopted Wagner's radical theories after performance of Lohen- grin at Weimar; followed him to exile and learned conducting from him; pupil of Liszt at Weimar; first tour 1853 in Germany and Austria; held various appointments as teacher (Stern Cons. 1855, etc.); court pst., and condr. in several places, notably Meiningen, where he brought the orch. to height of excellence 1880-85; married 1857 Cosima Liszt (later the wife of Wagner) from whom he separated 1869; married actress Marie Schan- zer 1882; gave 139 concerts in America 1875-76. His wonderful power of intellectual analysis of music not ' only appeared in his finished playing but is preserved in his admirable critical editions, as those of Beethoven's sonatas and such pianoforte arrangements as that of Tristan and Isolde. His phenomenal memory enabled him to do justice to the largest possible repertoire; he also set the fashion of conducting without score. His playing seems to have been a tri- umph of careful analytical prepara- tion combined with an apparently spontaneous emotional expression. Bungert, August, compr. h. Miilheim- on-Ruhr, Mar. 14, 1846. Pupil of Kufferath and at Cologne Cons.; music director at Kreuznach; fur- ther studies in counterpoint with Kiel in Berlin 1873-81; living in Italy since 1882. Has written pf. quartet which took prize in Flor- ence 1878, comic opera produced Leipzig 1884, etc.; his great works are two dramatic cycles not yet completed based on the Iliad and the Odyssey, after Wagnerian models; Odysseus Heimkehr, first part pro- duced 1896, excited considerable comment. Buonamici (bu-o'-na-me'-che) , Giusep- pe, pst. b. Florence, Mar. 12, 1846. First taught by uncle Ceccherini; by Von Biilow and Rheinberger at Munich Cons. 1868-70; teacher there 1870-73; conductor of choral soc. in Florence, and founder of trio society and teacher there; his great- est work is editing of Beethoven sonatas and composition of technical studies based on difficulties in Beethoven. Son Carlo, b. Florence, June 20, 1875. Pupil of mother and father, and.of Van Zeil at Wurzburg; came to Boston 1896, as teacher and concert pianist ; 1908, with Felix Fox, founded Fox-Buonamici School. Buranello, see Galuppi. Burdett, George Albert, orgt. h. Boston, June 17, 1856, Trained under J. W. Hill, and Paine at Harvard where he was graduated with " highest musical honors" in 1881; studied in Germany under Haupt in Berlin and at Han- over; since 1895 orgt. at Central Ch., Boston; founder of Am, Guild of Orgts., first dean N. E. Chapter; published anthems, organ music, and pf. pieces. Burgmiiller (burg-mii Her), Johann Friedrich Franz, compr. b. Regens- burg, 1806; d. Beaulieu, France, Feb. 13, 1874. Composer of pf . music mainly for young people and useful early studies Brother Norbert (1810 -1836), composer of great promise but immature achievement. Burgstaller, Alois, dram, tenor, h. Holz- kirchen, Sept. 27, 1871. Pupil of Kniese; Bayreuth 1894-1901; Metro- politan, N. Y., 1902-08, first Parsifal in N. Y. 1904. Burmeister (bur-ml-ster), Richard, com- pr., pst. b. Hamburg, Dec. 7, 1860. Studied with Liszt in Weimar, Budapest or Rome 1880^1883; teach- er in Hamburg Cons; director of pf. at Peabody Conservatory, Balti- more, 1885-1897; then in New York, now in Europe; a brilliant pianist and compr. of skill; has written symph. poem, etc., re-scored BURMESTER BUSSLER Chopin's F minor concerto, added orch. part to Liszt's Concerto Pathe- tique, etc. Burmester, Willy, vlt. b. Hamburg, Mar. 16, 1869. First pupil of father, later of Joachim; brilliant player of virtuoso class; made debut when a child; has toured since 1886; in 1890 conductor at Sondershausen; greater success on the Continent than in England or America. Bumand, A. B., see Strelezski, Anton. Bumey, Charles, writer, b. Shrews- bury, Apr. 12, 1726; d. Chelsea, Apr. 12, 1814. Pupil on org. of Baker and Arne; orgt. at various provincial stations; Mus. Doc. Ox- ford 1769, F. R. S. 1773; composed music for few dramas, sonatas, can- tatas, etc., adapted The Cunning Man from Rousseau's Devin du village. Chief works are Present State of Music in France and Italy, Present State of Mu^ic in Germany, the Netherlands, etc., which are accounts of his own tours, and his General History of Music, in 4 volumes, 1776-89, which contains much information and reflects ad- mirably the 18th century point of view. Burrowes, John Freckleton, writer, b. London, Apr. 23, 1787; d. there. Mar. 31, 1852. Pupil of Horsley; for 40 years orgt. in London; com- posed forgotten instrumental music; wrote much used Piano Primer. Burton, Frederick Russell, compr. b. Jonesville, Mich., Feb. 23, 1861; d. Sept. 30, 1909, Lake Hopatcong, N. J. Graduated at Harvard 1882; organizer and condr. of Choral Society at Yonkers, N. Y.; mus. crit. N. Y. Sun; composer of Hiawatha, dramatic cantata based on actual Indian themes, as result of special study. Busby, Thomas, writer. h. West- minster, Dec, 1755; d. London, May 28, 1838. Pupil of Knyvett and Battishill; orgt. at Newington. Composed oratorio The Prophecy on Pope's Messiah and music for other odes and some plays; wrote several musical articles and essays. Dictionary of Mu^ic, History of Music (compiled from Hawkins and Burney), and 3 volumes of Concert- room and Orchestra Anecdotes, of much interest about contemporaries. Busch (bush), Carl, compr. b. Bjerre, Denmark, Mar. 29, 1862. Studied at Cons., vln. with Tofte, comp. with Hartmann and Gade; played in orch. and studied in Paris under Godard and Gounod; settled in Kansas City 1889; established Phil- harmonic Orch. there; composed works for orchestra, symphonic rhapsody, symphony, vln. music, the dramatic cantatas League of the Alps, King Olaf, and songs. Busnois (bii-no-a), Antoine, compr. b. Picardy, France; d. Bruges, Nov. 6, 1492. Pupil of Okeghem, musi- cian in service of Charles the Bold; cited as authority by contemporary theorists; 2 magnificats, a mass, and some secular songs are extant. Busoni (bu-zo'-ni), Ferruccio (fer-ru- chi-o) Benvenuto, pst., compr. b. EmpoH, near Florence, Apr. 1, 1866. Father played clarinet, mother (Anna Weiss) pianist gave him first les- sons; debut Vienna at age of 9, studied there with Hans Schmitt and in Graz with Remy (Meyer); at 17 so successful in Italy that a medal was struck in his honor by Florence and he was elected a member of Accademia Filarmonica at Bologna; 1886 Leipzig; teaching Helsingfors 1888; at Moscow 1890, after taking Rubinstein prize; at Boston, Mass. 1891-93; in 1894 located in Berlin; 1908-1909 at Vienna, with occa- sional tours; 1913 director Liceo Musicale, Bologna; opera Die Brautioahly Hamburg, Apr. 13, 1912. Bussler, Ludwig, theorist, b. Berlin, Nov. 26, 1838; d. there, Jan. 18, 1901. Son of Robert, painter, author, and statesman, grandson of Karl, singer; choir boy under Von Hertzberg; taught theory by Dehn and Grell, instrumentation by Wie- precht, teacher of theory at Berlin. Theatre conductor there; musical critic for National Zeitung. Has written many useful books on har- mony and composition, several of which have been translated into English. BUTT Butt, Clara, contralto, b. Southwick, near Brighton, Eng., Feb. 1, 1873. Pupil of Rootham at Bristol; 1889 of J. H. Blower at Royal Coll. of Mus., where she gained scholarship; d^but London 1892; studied with Bouhy at Paris 1895; voice of great depth and beauty and commanding stage presence have made her much in demand for festivals and concerts ; many compositions written for her, among them Elgar's Sea Pictures. Married, 1900, R. Kennerley-Rum- ford, baritone, h. London, Sept. 2, 1870. Pupil of Henschel, Beume, and Sbriglia; d^but London 1893; known as fine, really artistic singer. Butterfield, James Austin, compr. b. Hertfordshire, Eng., May 18, 1837; d. Chicago, July 6, 1891. Taught by father, a 'celHst, learned to play vln. before 10; sang in Harm. Soc. of town, where he studied mus. of Handel's and other oratorios; at 15 deputy leader of orch.; parent's refusal to allow him to follow music drove him to U. S., where he settled in Chicago at 19; taught vln. and singing; induced parents to emigrate; pub- lished journal in Indianapolis; taught in Chicago 1867-80, conducted Chi- cago Jubilee 1873; 1880 director of Norwich (Conn.) School of Vocal Art; 1888 returned to Chicago; composed many popular songs (When You and I were Young, Maggie, etc.), conven- tion singing books, cantatas, notably the spectacular Belshazzar. CADY Buxtehude (bux-te-hu-da), Dietrich, orgt., compr. h. Helsingor, Denmark, 1637; d. Lubeck, May 9, 1707. Father Johann, orgt. died 1674, may have been his teacher; 1668 became orgt. at Marienkirche, Lubeck, and held the post until his death; 1673 organized Abendmusiken, concerts on Sunday afternoons in Advent of concerted pieces for chorus and orchestra and organ works. These concerts were deservedly famous and widely influential (Bach walked 50 miles to hear them). As composer, he is important for having developed purely instrumental music, even before Bach, in his organ works and clavier pieces. Many of the clavier pieces are lost; two vols, of organ works published by Spitta; also wrote a large number of vocal works. Byrd, William, compr. b. London, Eng., 1542 or 1543; d. there, July 4, 1623. Said to have been pupil of Tallis; orgt. at Lincoln Cathedral about 1563; shared post of orgt. at Chapel Royal with Tallis; and these two also held patent for selling and publishing music; held his position and estates, by singular favor, although he and his family, as Catholics, were in constant danger of prosecution. Composed madri- gals, masses, and services for the Catholic ritual as well as a collection of music for the virginal, published in the Fitz William Virginal book and in Lady Nevill's work. Cabezon, Felix Antonio de, orgt., harp- sichord player, b. Madrid, Mar. 30, 1510; d. there. May 24, 1566. Blind from birth, yet eminent per- former; chamber musician to Philip II; arranged works of other men for his instruments; edition of his works by Pedrell include ricercari, motets, exercises, chiefly for organ. Caccini (ka-che'-ni), Giulio [known as Giulio Romano], compr. b. Rome, about 1550; d. Florence, Dec, 1618. Pupil of Scipione della Palla in singing and lute playing; served Duke of Tuscany as singer after 1578; followed GaUlei in composing for single voice; then composed solos in recitative form, performed with great success in houses of Bardi and Corsi in Florence; then, after some detached dramatic scenes, col- laborated with Peri in producing the first real opera, Euridice, 1600; in treatise Le Nuove Mu^iche C. ex- plains theory of recitative on which was based the new form of which he was, though not the inventor, an early supporter. Cady, Calvin Brainard, teacher, h. Barry, 111., June 21, 1851. His father was a pioneer minister in the West, so that the boy's early education CADMAN CALLCOTT was in the old-fashioned country singing school and convention choruses; graduated from Oberhn (Ohio) Conservatory of Music, 1872; went to Leipzig and studied with Plaidy, Paul, Richter, and Papperitz ; taught music in public schools of Oberlin 1870; teacher of piano and harmony, Oberlin Conservatory, 1874; prof, of music, University of Michigan, 1880-88; in charge of work with children and teachers, Chicago Conservatory of Music, 1888-1894; hves in Boston, head of School of Music Education, and also lectures on musical pedagogy at Institute of Musical Art, New York and Teachers' College, Co- lumbia University, Author of a course in Music Education, in three volumes, and Student's Reference Work; was a charter member of the Music Teachers' National Associa- tion, founded in 1876. The main object of his professional labor is " to establish music as a genuinely educational subject and to bring out its correlation with other major subjects of study." Cadman, Charles Wakefield, compr. h. Johnstown, Pa,, Dec, 24, 1881; moved to Pittsburg 1884; musical education under Pittsburg teachers, Walker, Steiner, Oehmler and Von Kunits, with advice and criticism from Emil Paur; first published compositions, semi-popular style, in 1898; became interested in the music of the American Indians and spent considerable time among them, securing material for use in com- position and in a lecture recital American Indian Mv^ic Talk; organ- ist East Liberty Presbyterian Church and musical critic of Pittsburg Dis- patch; contributor to musical peri- odicals; published works include The Vision of Sir Launfal, male voices. Four American Indian Songs, song cycles The Morning of the Year, Sayonara, Three Moods for orchestra, organ pieces, songs, part-songs and piano pieces, Cafifarelli (kaf-fa-rer-h), [pseud, of Gae- tano Majorano], singer. b. Bari, Naples, Apr. 16, 1703; d. Santo Dorato,- near Naples, Feb. 1, 1783 [Eitner; others give Nov. 30, 1783]. Son of peasants, adopted name C. in gratitude to Caffaro or Cafaro, who first aided him; studied five years with Porpora; debut Rome 1724, followed by brilliant success in Italy and Paris; appearances in London 1737-38 seem to have been disappointing; purchased dukedom and title of Santo Dorato; rival of Farinelli whom some say he excelled in slow airs and chromatic scales; many stories are told of his ridiculous vanity and presumptuous pride. Caldara (kal-da'-ra), Antonio, compr. b. Venice, aboift 1670; d. Vienna, Dec. 28, 1736. Chorister at St. Mark's; pupil of Legrenzi; held various posts in Italy and Spain before becoming vice-capellmeister in Vienna under Fux; composed dignified church music, showing florid tendency of times; very pro- lific, having written 36 oratorios, 66 operas, besides smaller works. Caldicott, Alfred James, compr. b. Worcester, Eng., Nov, 26, 1842; d. near Gloucester, Oct. 24, 1897, Chorister Worcester Cath., articled pupil of Done; studied at Leipzig Cons, under Moscheles, Hauptmann, etc.; orgt. in Worcester, teacher of harmony at Royal Coll., and director at Albert Hall and theatres in London; composed cantatas (Widow of Nain 1881), operettas, part-songs. Caletti-Bruni, see Cavalli, Francesco. Calkin, John Baptiste, orgt., compr. h. London, Mar. 16, 1827; d. Apr. 15, 1905. Pupil of father James C. ; orgt. and precentor in several churches; teacher at Guildhall School of Music; composed anthems, glees, etc. Callaerts (kal'-lar-ts') , Joseph [Jacques], orgt. b, Antwerp, Aug, 22, 1838; d. there. Mar. 3, 1901. Pupil of Lem- mens at Brussels Cons.; orgt, at Jesuit College 1851-56; later of cathedral at Antwerp and teacher of org, at music school; composed comic opera, sym- phony, cantata, masses, etc. Callcott, John Wall, compr. b. Ken- sington, Nov. 20, 1766; d. Bristol, May 15, 1821. Son of builder, first intended to be surgeon; learned music from observation and ac- quaintance with Henry Whitney, orgt. at Kensington, Arnold, Cooke and Sale, without receiving any CALV^ CAMPANINI regular instruction; member of orch. of Academy of Ancient Music; com- posed for Catch Club in 1789, win- ning all four prizes offered by them; studied instrumental music under Haydn 1791; Mus. Doc. Oxford 1800; began a dictionary, published Musi- cal Grammar 1806; mind failed 1807; chief works glees. His son William Hutchins C. (1807-1882) also compr., chiefly of anthems, and his grandson William Robert Stuart C. (1852-1886) orgt. of great promise. Calve (kal-va), Emma, dram. sop. h. Aveyron, 1864 [1866?]. Real name de Roquer; daughter of simple peas- ants; educated at convent in Mont- pellier; left at 15, renouncing relig- ious aspirations to help support family; after study in Paris under Puget's direction, made concert d^but at charity concert, Nice, 1881, in place of Cruvelli; d^but Brussels 1882; after year's study with Marchesi made Paris d^but at Th. Italien, Dec. 16, 1884; sang at Op^ra Comique 1884-86 and in Milan without great success; after more study in Paris with Mme. Laborde, created Santuzza in Cav- alleria Rusticana 1890, returned to Opera Comique, singing her great part, Carmen, first in 1892; ap- peared in London and New York 1893, toured Russia and Spain 1894-95; created parts in La Navar- raise .1894 and Sapho 1897; not only singer of wide and well-founded popularity, but actress of unusual originality, as is shown in Carmen and Marguerite; retired 1913. Cambert (kon'-barO, Robert, compr. h. Paris, 1628; d. London, 1677. Pupil of Chambonnieres; orgt. at St. Honore, intendant of music to Anne of Austria; composed La pastorale, first French opera after Italian fashion, 1659; when Perrin received letters patent for establish- ing national opera in 1669 Cambert was associated with him; composed Pomone 1671, and other works; after 32 years, driven from France by intrigues of Lully, he became master of music to Chas. II of England, Camp, John Spencer, orgt., compr. b. Middletown, Conn., Jan. 30, 1858. Graduated Wesleyan Univ. 1878; studied mus. with Parsons, Shelley, Buck and Dvorak; dir. Hartford (Conn.) Philh. Orch.; orgt. and choirmaster 1st Cong. Ch., Hartford; founder Guild of Organists; com- posed cantatas, orch. works, string qt., pf. and organ pieces, songs, anthems and services. Campagnoli (kam-pan-yo-li), Barto- lomeo, vlt. b. Cento, Sept. 10, 1751; d. Neustrelitz, Nov. 6, 1827. Pupil of Dair Ocha, Guastarobba, and Nardini; led various bands in Italy, finally conductor at Gewand- haus, Leipzig, 1797-1815; gave suc- cessful concerts in Italy; friend of Cherubini. Campana (kam-pa'-na), Fabio, compr., singing teacher, h. Leghorn, Jan. 14, 1819; d. London, Feb. 2, 1882. Educated at the Liceo in Bologna; produced several unsuccessful operas; settled in London about 1850; taught singing there and produced operas Almina 1860 and Esmeralda 1869 which seem to have been successful more because of the casts than the music. Campanari (kam-pa-na'-ri), Giuseppe, dram, baritone, h. Veneto, Italy, 1859. First a 'cellist in orch. at La Scala, Milan, and in Boston Symph. Orch. until 1893, when he definitely became opera singer; member of Hinrichs Opera Co., of Metropolitan after 1899; successful in many concerts; now living in New York. His brother, Leandro, vlt. b. Rovigo, Oct. 20, 1857. Studied at Milan Cons.; after European tours, made American debut with Bost. Symph. Orch. 1881; teaching and playmg as member of orch. in Boston until 1887; teacher in Cincinnati College of Music 1890-97; director and concert-conductor at Milan; has written text-books and songs. Campanini (kam-pa-ne'-ni), Italo, dram, tenor, b. Parma, June 29, 1846. d. Vigatto, near Parma, Nov. 22, 1896. Studied at school of Griffini, and at Cons, of Parma; debut, 1869, Odessa; after study with Lamperti, won success at production of Lohen- grin at Florence 1871; sang in London 1872-1882; toured America, lived several years in New York. CAMPRA Campra (kon-pra), Andre, opera compr. b. Aix, Dec. 4, 1660; d. Versailles, July 29, 1744. Pupil of Guillaume Poitevin; master of music Toulon Cathedral 1680, at Aries 1681, at Toulouse, 1683-1694; thence he went to Paris, filling several church appointments, leaving to begin a secular career as opera com- poser; conductor Royal Orchestra 1722; he wrote 18 works for the stage, a number of cantatas and motets. Cannabich, Christian, vU., condr. b. Mannheim, 1731; d. Frankfort, Feb. 22, 1798. Son of Matthias, flute player; pupil of Stamitz and in Italy of Jommelli; leader of orch. at Munich 1765; condr. at Mann- heim 1775; by bringing this orch. to then unequalled height of exactness he raised standard of expressive power; friend and admirer of Mozart; successful teacher; compr. of some popular symphonies and quartets. Cantor, Otto, compr. b. Kreuznach, Prussia, 1857. Pupil of Lux, Mann- stadt, and Rupp; living in London; compr. vocal music. Capocci (ka-pot'-chi), Gaetano, orgt. b. Rome, Oct. 16, 1811; d. there, Jan. 11, 1898. Pupil of Sante Pascoli, Flora van ti, and Cianciarelli; orgt. at S. Maria Maggiore, and, after 1855, director at the Lateran; published large amount of facile, conventional church music. His son Filippo, also orgt. b. Rome, May 11, 1840; d. Rome, July 25, 1911. Learn- ed org. and harmony from father whom he succeeded at the Lateran 1875; under influence of Guilmant developed technique to degree which won him fame; compositions, original, and modern in idea, consist of organ works and an oratorio. Capoul (ka-pol), Joseph Amedee Vic- tor, dram, tenor, h. Toulouse, Feb. 27, 1839. Pupil at Paris Cons, of R^vial, and Mocker under whom gained 1st prize in light opera; d^but 1861 at Op^ra Comique, where he stayed untiri872; sang in Eng- land 1871-75, and Am. 1879-80; prof, of operatic singing in Nat'l Cons. N. Y.; now stage director at Paris Opera. CARL Caracciolo (ka-ra-chi-o'-lo) , Luigi Maria, compr., teacher. h. Andria, Bari, Aug. 1, 1847; d. London, July 22, 1887. Pupil of Cesi, Conti, and Mercadante at Naples Cons.; teacher in Dublin 1878-1881, and London; comp. opera and many popular songs ( Un sogno fu! etc.). Carestini (ka-res-te'-ni), Giovanni [\3all- ed Cusanino], singer, b. Monte Filatrano, Ancona, about 1705; d. there, 1760. At age of 12, Cusani family at Milan became patrons, hence his stage name; debut Rome 1721; sang at various places in Italy until 1733, when he made English debut. Engaged by Handel from 1735 when he left England to retirement in 1758; sang with brill- iant success at Venice, Berlin, St. Petersburg, etc. Voice at first soprano, became strong, deep con- tralto of wide range. Carey, Henry, compr. b. about 1690; d. London, Oct. 4, 1743. Reputed son of Marquis of Halifax; mostly self-taught, though he had lessons from Linnert, Roseingrave, and Geminiani; taught and wrote music for farces, and also words to some for which Lampe wrote music — chiefly burlesques and ballad operas; claim that he wrote God save the King has never been proved or disproved; his greatest work is charming, original ballad, Sally in our Alley. Carissimi (ka-ris'-se-me), Giacomo, com- pr. b. Marino, near Rome, about 1604; d. Rome, Jan. 12, 1674. Maestro at Assisi 1624-28, and at S. Apollinare, Rome, 1628-1674; among his pupils were A. Scarlatti, Kerll, Bernhard, M. A. Charpentier; though many of his works are lost, it is known that he contributed largely to the development of recitative with a more expressive and varied accompaniment than that of his predecessors; his cantatas show that he transferred to church music the pathetic emotional style of dramatic music; his fluent melo- dies are among the earliest examples of characteristic Italian song. Carl, William Crane, orgt. b. Bloom- field, N. J., Mar. 2, 1865. Pupil of S. P. Warren, Mme. Schiller (pf.) CARMICHAEL CARY and Guilmant; orgt. in N. J. and N. Y.; founder of Am. Guild of Orgts.; successful concert player; compiled collection of org. mus. Carmichael, Mary Grant, pst., compr. b. Birkenhead, Eng. Studied under O. Beringer, W. Bache, Hartvigson, and Prout; excellent accompanist; composed many songs, The Stream song-cycle, Snow Queen operetta; translated Ehrlich's Celebrated Pian- ists and other works. Caron (ka-ron), Rose [Lucile, nee Meviniez], dram. sop. b. Monerville, France, Nov. 17, 1857. Married before entering Paris Cons, in 1880; studied there until 1882, taking minor prizes, also with Sasse in Brussels; debut Brussels 1882; from then to 1900 sung there and in Paris; 1902 prof, of singing at Cons. Carr, Frank Osmond, compr. b. York- shire about 1857. Mus. Doc. Oxford 1891; composed farces and success- ful comic operas Morocco Bound 1893, His Excellency 1894 (book by W. S. Gilbert). Carre (kar-ra), Albert, director, h. Strassburg, June 22, 1852. Studied at Strassburg Lycee; actor in Paris; director of several Paris theatres, finally 1898 of Opera Comique, where he has brought forth a dis- tinguished series of new and im- portant operas. Carreiio (kar-ra'-nyo), Teresa, pst. h. Caracas, Venezuela, Dec. 22, 1853. Father, Minister of Finance, her first teacher; afterward studied with L. Gottschalk in New York, with G. Mathias in Paris, and with Rubinstein; after debut and tour at age of 9, gave concerts until about 1875 when she went on the stage; on tours with opera com- panies, she played, sang, and, at one time, conducted; resumed work as concert pst. 1889; married E. Sauret 1872, G. Tagliapietra 1892, E. d' Albert 1895, and A. Tagliapietra 1902; composed Venezuelan national anthem, string quartet and piano pieces; known as a strong, virile performer, with masterly technic; E. A. MacDowell her pupil. Daugh- ter Teresita Carreiio Tagliapietra, also pst., debut 1906. Carrodus, John Tiplady, vlt. b. Braith- waite, Yorkshire, Jan. 20, 1836; d. London, July 13, 1895. Father violin player and leader of amateur society; C. for 6 years pupil of Molique; member, for many years leader, of Co vent Garden orch.; also leader of Philharmonic Orch.; leader, with Wilhelmj, at Wagner Festival 1877; excellent teacher, at National Train- ing School for Mus., etc.; recitals in England and S. Africa; pioneer of classical mus. in Eng. Carulli (ka-rul'-le), Ferdinando, guitar player, b. Naples, Feb. 10, 1770; d. Paris, Feb., 1841. Self-taught, he worked out modern methods of guitar playing, and attained remark- able technic; lived in Paris after 1808, teaching, playing; composed more than 300 pieces, and method Caru'so (ka-ru-zo), Enrico, dram. s^. b.Muhlheim,Junell,1818; d. Brussels, June 23, 1896. Pupil of brothers Johann Hermann K. (1797- 1864) and Louis K. (1811-1882) and of Hartmann, David, and Mendels- sohn; condr. male chorus at Cologne 1841-44; teacher of royal family in Brussels; after 1871 prof, counter- point and fugue at Cons.; wrote symphonies, concertos, and other pf. music and Praktische Chorschule; son Maurice (b. Jan. 8, 1852), able writer, editor of Guide Musical. Kuhe (koo'-6), Wilhelm, pst. b. Prague, Dec. 10, 1823. Studied with Proksch, Tomaschek, and Thalberg; settled in London 1845; promoter of annual Brighton Festivals 1870-82; 1886- 1904 prof, at Royal Academy; com- posed graceful pf . music, operatic fantasias, etc.; published RecoUcc- Lions, 1896; d. London, Oct. 8, 1912. Kuhlau (koo'-lou), Friedrich [Daniel Rodolph], compr. b. tJlzen, Han- over, Sept. 11, 1786; d. Copenhagen, Mar. 12, 1832. Taught harmony by Schwenke at Hamburg; went to Copenhagen 1810 to escape conscrip- tion; taught pf. and theory, was royal chamber musician, court com- poser; produced popular operas, music to Heiberg's Elverhoe, pf. concertos, sonatas, and sonatinas which are still much admired and valuable, especially for beginners. Kuhnau (koo'-nou), Johann, compr. h. Geising, Saxony, Apr. 6, 1660; d. Leipzig, June 5, 1722. Pupil of Hering and Albrici at Dresden Kreuzschule; oantor at Zittau; 1682 went to Leipzig, where he was orgt. at St. Thomas's; 1701 mus. dir. of Univ., and cantor, preceding Bach; wrote books on musical theory, motets, etc.; greatest clavier compr. before Bach; memorable as first compr. of sonata as a piece in several movements, not collection of dance tunes; his Biblische Historien nebst Auslegung in seeks Sonaten also early example of program music. KULLAK LACHNER Kullak (kooF-lak), Theodore, pst., teacher, b. Krotoschin, Posen, Sept. 12, 1818; d. Berlin, Mar. 1, 1882. Student of medicine, and at same time of music with Agthe and Dehn; later studied in Vienna with Czerny, Sechter, and Nicolai; 1846 court pst. in Berlin; 1850 with Stern and Marx founded Berlin Cons., later Stern Cons.; 1855 founded own school, where many famous pupils (Schar- wenkas, Sherwood, JViees, Stern- berg, etc.) were trained; composed much effective pf. music and valu- able instructive works, notably School of octave-playing. Son Franz, teacher. b. Berlin, Apr. 12, 1844. Studied with father, Wieprecht, and Liszt; 1867 taught pf . and orch. in father's academy, which he directed from 1882 until its closing in 1890. Kunkel, Charles, compr., pst., teacher. b. Sippersfeld, Germany, July 22, 1840. Early study directed by his father (who came to the U. S. in 1848), later he was a pupil of Gott- schalk and Thalberg; with his brother Jacob, he won special recognition for ensemble playing; located at St. Louis, Mo. where he still lives (1914); his list of compositions is a large one; probably the best-known piece is his Alpine Storm; wrote also under the nom de plume Carl Sidus; at the death of his brother in 1882, he became head of the publishing busi- ness of Kunkel Bros, and editor of Kunkel' s Musical Review; author of Royal Piano Method. Kunkel, Jacob, pst., compr., pub. b. Kleiniedsheim, Germany, Oct. 22, 1846; d. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 16, 1882. Musical education mainly directed by his brother Charles; founder of publishing house of Kunkel Bros., St. Louis, and of Kunkel' s Musical Review; composed drawing-room pieces which had considerable popu- larity. Ktmz (koonts), Conrad Max, compr. b. Schwandorf, Dec. 30, 1812; d. Munich, Aug. 3, 1875. Studied with Stuntz at Munich; founded with others and conducted Munich Lied- ertafel; composed many very popular vocal quartets, and 200 Canons for pf., short technical studies. Kwast (kvast), James, pst. h. Nijkerk, Holland, Nov. 23, 1852. Taught by father, by Bohme, at Leipzig Cons, by Reinecke, Richter, etc., at Berlin by Kullak and Wuerst, and at Brus- sels by Brassin and Gevaert; 1874 teacher at Cologne Cons., 1883 at Hoch Cons., Frankfort; composed concerto, trio, and other pf . mus. Labitzky (la-bit'-ski), Joseph, compr. b. Schonfeld, Bohemia, July 4, 1802; d. Carlsbad, Aug. 18, 1881. Pupil of Veit at Petschau; 1st vln. Marien- bad orch. 1820, of Carlsbad orch. 1821; toured S. Germany with own orch.; after study with Winter in Munich, leader of Carlsbad orch. 1835, and later went with this band to England, Russia, etc.; composed dance music in style of Strauss. Sons August (1832-1903), coridr., associate director with father, and Wilhelm, vlt., lived in Canada. Lablache (la-blash), Luigi, bass, b, Naples, Dec. 6, 1794; d. there, Jan. 23, 1858. Pupil of Valesi at Cons, della Piet^ de'Turchini; 1818 d^but at San Carlino Th., Naples; married Teresa Pinotti; appeared at Messina, Palermo, Milan 1817-22, Venice, Vienna, finally Paris, and London 1830, after which he was recognized as greatest bass of time; sang con- tinually in Paris and London until retirement in 1856. Voice remark- able for range of 2 octaves (Eb to e'b), for flexibility, volume, and bell- like quality; though of enormous bulk, was admirable actor; greatest part Leporello in Don Giovanni. Lachner (lak'-ner), Franz, compr. b. Rain, Upper Bavaria, Apr. 2, 1803; d. Munich, Jan. 20, 1890. Pupil of father, orgt., of Ett in Munich, and of Stadler, Sechter, and Weigl in Vienna, earning his living mean- while as orgt. and vlt. ; intimate with Schubert, acquainted with Beetho- ven; capellmeister at Vienna, and LACK LAMOTHE founder of Philh. concerts, capellm. at Mannheim 1834, at Munich 1836, general court director there until retirement 1862; wrote 4 operas, 8 orch. suites, 8 symph., etc. Bro- thers Ignaz, condr., compr. (1807- 1895) and Vincenz, compr. b. Rain, July 19, 1811; d. Carlsruhe, Jan. 22, 1893. Studied with father and with brothers; succeeded Ignaz as orgt. at Vienna 1831 and Franz as court capellm. Mannheim. 1836-1873; condr. of German opera London 1842, opera in Frankfort 1848; lived in Carlsruhe after 1873, taught in Cons, after 1884; composed popular part-songs (Alt Heidelberg, etc.). Lack (lak), [Marie] Theodore, pst., compr. h. Quimper, Finistere, France, Sept. 3, 1846. Studied at Paris Cons, with Bazin and Mar- montel; since 1863 teaching in Paris; officer of Acad. 1881, of public in- struction 1887; published large num- ber of educational and technical works of all degrees of difficulty, and salon pieces noteworthy for charm of melody and individuality. Lacombe (la-konbe'), Louis [pseud, of L. Trouillon], compr. b. Bourges, Nov. 26, 1818; d. St. Vaast-la- Hougue, Sept. 30, 1884. Studied at Paris Cons, with Zimmermann; 1st prize 1831; 1832 tour as pst.; 1834-39 in Vienna, pupil of Czerny, Seyfried, etc.; after 1839 in Paris, teaching, composing popular pf. music, 3 operas (La Madone only prod, during his life), prize melodrama with choruses Sapho, 2 dram, symph. (Manfred, Arva), etc.; wrote essay on Philosophie et musique. Lacome (la-com'), Paul [properly Paul Jean Jacques Lacome de TEstalenz], compr. b. Houga, Gers, France, Mar. 4, 1838. After study in native place, came to Paris where his operetta won prize; composed several popular operettas (La m^arechale Chaudron, Les quatrefillesAymon, etc.), works for wind instruments, pf. trio, org. mus. and songs (notably Estudiantina). Lafont (la-fon), Charles Philippe, vlt. b. Paris, Dec. 1, 1781; d. near Bag- neres-de-Bigorre, Aug. 14, 1839. Studied with uncle Bertheaume, Kreutzer, and Rode; after many concert tours, chamber musician at St. Petersburg 1808; court vlt. in Paris 1815; 1816 contest with Paganini at Milan; 1831-39 long tour with pst. Herz; composed 7 vln. concertos, about 200 vocal romances, 2 comic operas, etc. Lalo (la-lo), Edouard [Victor Antoine], compr. b. Lille, Jan. 27, 1823; d. Paris, Apr. 22, 1892. Vln. pupil at Lille Cons, of Baumann; 1st in Paris in Armingaud-Jacquard quartet; composed operas Fiesque (never per- formed), La jacquerie (finished by Coquard, perf. 1895), Le roi d' Ys (1888, most notable for power and characterization); 2 vln. concertos (especially Symph. espagnole for vln. and orch.). Rhapsodic norvegienne, etc. ; ballet Namouna from which two orch. suites were arranged; notable especially for orchestration of delicate and picturesque originality. Lambert, Alexander, pst. h. Warsaw, Nov. 1, 1862. Pupil of father Henry, at Vienna Cons, of Epstein, at Berlin of Urban in comp.; after concerts in New York 1881, in Germany and Russia, pupil for few months of Liszt; came to America 1884; gave concerts until 1892; 1888 director N. Y. Coll. of Mus.; compositions for pf. and technical works. Lambillotte (lan-bi-yof), Louis, writer, compr. b. Charleroi, Hainault, Mar. 27, 1797; d. Vaugirard, Feb. 27, 1855. Orgt. at Charleroi and Dinant; mas- ter of chapel of St. Acheul at Jesuit Seminary; became Jesuit 1825; com- posed 4 masses and other church music; published Antiphonaire de St. Gall with notes, and essays on plain song. Lamond', Frederick A., pst. h. Glas- gow, Jan. 28, 1868. Pupil of brother David; orgt. at Laurieston; studied at Raff Cons., Frankfort, with Max Schwarz, etc., then with Von Billow and Liszt; debut Berlin 1885; Glasgow and London 1886; Russia 1896, Paris 1899, U. S. 1902; es- pecially distinguished as player of Beethoven; gives recitals entirely of B's sonatas. Lamothe (la-mot), Georges, compr. b. 1837; d. Courbevoie, near Paris, Oct. 15, 1894. Skilful organist; compr. of popular dance music. LAMOUREUX LANNER Lamoureux (la-mo-r^), Charles, condr. b. Bordeaux, Sept. 21, 1834; d. Paris, Dec. 21, 1899. Studied at Paris Cons, with Girard, etc., winning 1st prize 1854; solo vlt. at Th. Gymnase, then at Op6ra; with Colonne, Adam, and Pilet founded society for cham- ber music 1860; founded Soc. de I'harmonie sacree 1873, which gave excellent performances of old and new oratorios; sub-condr. Concerts du Cons. 1872-77; condr. of Opera Comique 1876-77; of Opera 1877-79; founded 1881 Nouveaux Concerts, known as Lamoureux Concerts, especially important for presentation of many works of new French school and contemporary Germans; 1887 managed 1st perf. of Lohengrin in Paris. Lamperti (lam-par'-ti), Francesco, singing teacher, b. Savona, Italy, Mar. 11, 1813; d. Como, May 1, 1892. Studied at Milan Cons., where he taught 1850-75; then gave private lessons; published books and exer- cises on singing; followed old Italian method, aiming at pure tone pro- duction; among many famous pupils are Albani, Sembrich, Campanini, Cruvelli, Artot, Wm. Shakespeare. His son, Giovanni Baptista L., also singing teacher, h. 1840; d. Berlin, March 18, 1910. Known as the " Younger Lamperti," and an expon- ent of his father's methods. Taught first in Milan, then in Paris, and later in Dresden; Sembrich one of his pupils; wrote solfeggi and vocalises, and The Technics of Bel Canto, origi- nally in German, translated into English 1905. Landowska (lan-dof'-ska), Wanda, pst., harpsichord player, b. Warsaw, 1877. Pupil of Michalowski at Conserva- tory and of Urban and Moszko wski ; has pla,yed much in European cities, specializing on the harpsichord; lives in Paris, author of Bach et ses inter- pretes (1906) and La musique an- cienne (1908). Lang, Benjamin Johnson, pst., condr. b. Salem, Mass., Dec. 28, 1837; d. Boston, Apr. 3, 1909. Studied with his father, F. G. Hill, Jaell, Satter, and Liszt (1885); orgt. in Boston at Old South Church and King's Chapel, and for Handel and Haydn Soc. 25 years; condr. of H. and H. Soc. 1895-96, of Apollo Club 1868- 1901, of Cecilia Society 1874-1907, of Chickering Production Concerts 1904; teacher of Apthorp, Foote, Nevin, etc.; of great importance to musical life in Boston as organizer of these societies and as condr. of important and new works (from Bach's B minor Ma^s to Elgar's Gerontius) and as organizer of special productions such as concert per- formances of Parsifal 1891 and 1903; at his best as choral condr. and in executive accomplishment. His daughter Margaret Ruthven, compr. h. Boston, Nov. 27, 1867. Studied with father, and, in Munich, vln, with Drechsler and Abel, comp. with Gluth in Munich and Chadwick in Boston; composed 2 overtures, arias with orch., performed by American orchestras, but is most successful in smaller works for pf . and songs, many of which have been published. Lange (iang'-a), Gustav, compr. b. Schwerstedt, near Erfurt, Aug. 13, 1830; d. Wernigerode, July 19, 1889. Studied with A. W, Bach, Grell, and Loeschhorn; composed several hun- dred effective pf . pieces, which have been very popular. Langey (lang'-e), Otto, 'cellist. b. Leichholz, Oct. 20, 1851. Studied with Specht, Ullrich, Cabisius, and Fritze; 1877 played in London under Halle and Richter; directed operas and concerts; since 1889 teaching in N. Y.; issues Langey Tutors, special studies for different orch. instru- ments. Langhans (lang'-hans), Friedrich Wil- helm, writer, b. Hamburg, Sept. 21, 1832; d. Berlin, June 9, 1892. Pupil of David and Richter at Leipzig Cons, and of Alard at Paris; vlt. at Leipzig Gewandhaus; after liying in several cities, settled in Berhn 1871; teacher of hist, of mus. at Kullak's Cons. 1874, at Scharwenka Cons. 1881; composed unimportant vln. music, wrote valuable hist, works, chiefly Geschichte' der Musik des 17, 18, und 19 Jahrhunderts, as continua- tion of Ambros's history. Lanner, Joseph [Franz Karl], compr. h. Oberdobling, near Vienna, Apr. 12, 1801; d. there, Apr. 14, 1843. Self-taught in vln. and comp.; led LARA quartet in which Joh. Strauss played viola; organized orch. for which he composed dance music and with which he gave concerts in Austria; alternately with Strauss condr. at court balls; originated modern Vien- nese waltz; his dance music deser- vedly popular in his day, full of national gaiety and personal charm. Lara (la'-ra), Isidore de, compr. b. London, Aug. 9, 1858. Real name said to be Cohen; studied at Milan Cons, winning 1st prize for comp. at 17; composed love songs which won great drawing-room popularity; after 1892 known as opera compr., chiefly of Messaline which had suc- cess at Monte Carlo and London 1899, and New York 1902, with Calve in leading role. Lassen (las'-sen), Eduard, compr. b. Copenhagen, Apr. 13, 1830; d. Weimar, Jan. 15, 1904. Moved to Brussels at 2; studied at Cons, there, winning Prix de Rome 1851; 1857 Liszt brought about production of his opera in Weimar; Lassen suc- ceeded Liszt as court capellmeister 1861-95; produced Tristan und Isolde 1874, first time outside Munich; composed 2 other operas, 2 sympho- nies, music to several plays, notably to Goethe's Faust, Te Deum, etc. Lasso, Orlando di [Roland de Lattre, Orlandus Lassus], compr. b. Mons, Hainault, 1532; d. Munich, June 14, 1594 [other dates are b. 1520 or 1530; d. 1595]. As boy chorister at Mons said to have been thrice kidnapped because of beautiful voice; visited Sicily, Milan, Naples, Rome, where he was director of mus. at St. John Lateran 1541 or 1551; visited Eng- land about 1554; then settled in Antwerp until 1556 or '57, when he became director of chamber mus. for Duke of Bavaria; remained at Munich until death, except for visits to Italy and France (to court of Charles IX, 1571). Composed about 1600 sacred pieces and 800 secular ones; his sons published Magnum, opv^s musicum (motets and madrigals) in 1604; complete edi- tion under editorship of Haberl and Sandberger for Breitkopf and Hartel, begun 1894, will fill 60 volumes; Seven Penitential Psalms possibly LAVOIX most famous work; " genius towered above that of all his contemporaries except Palestrina; L. exhibited the greater breadth and fertility, though he was not as essentially ideal in purely ritual music; his warmth of human sympathy made his impress upon progress wider." [Pratt.] Laub (loub), Ferdinand, vlt. b. Prague, Jan. 19, 1832; d. Gries, Tyrol, Mar. 17, 1875. Studied with Mildner at Prague Cons.; played in pubhc regularly after age of 9; went to Vienna, Paris, and London; concert- master at Weimar 1853; at Berlin, concertmaster of court orch., leader of quartet, teacher at Stern Cons.; at Moscow 1866-74, prof, at Cons., 1st vln. in Musikgesellschaft; re- markable for powerful playing of large repertoire; composed solo pieces, well-known Polonaise, etc. Lavallee (la-val-la), Calixa, pst. b. Vercheres, Canada, Dec. 28, 1842; d. Boston, Mass., Jan. 21, 1891. Pupil of father, of Marmontel and Bazin at Paris Cons.; debut at 10; solo pst. with Gerster's first Ameri- can tour; settled in Boston; promi- nent in Mus. Teachers' Nat'l Ass'n; gave recitals of American composers' works; composed 2 operas, oratorio, symph., and many smaller works; best known pf. piece The Butterfly. Lavignac (la-vi-nyak), [Alexandre Jean] Albert, writer, h. Paris, Jan. 22, 1846. Carried off many prizes as pupil at Paris Cons., where he be- came teacher of solfeggio 1881, and prof, of harmony 1891; valuable works on solfeggio and on musical dictation; widely known for La mu^sique et les mu^sidens, of which it has been said that it is the one book for a student to own if he can have but one, and for Voyage artistique a Bayreuth (transl. as The Music Dramas of R. Wagner) one of best thematic and literary guides to the operas of Wagner; M vesical Education (1902), Les gaietes du Conservatoire; associate editor Dictionnaire encyclo- pedique, to be issued by Conservatory at Paris. Lavoix (la-vo-a), Henri Marie Francois, writer, b. Paris, Apr. 26, 1846; d. there, Dec. 27, 1897. Called "L. fils" to distinguish from father, custodian LAWES LEGRENZl of numismatics at Paris Nat'l Li- brary; grad. Paris Univ.; studied harm, and counterpoint with Cohen; librarian Nat'l Library after 1865; contributor to Revue et gazette musi- cole; author of Les traducteurs de Shakespeare en musique, and his- . torical works, especially Histoire de V instrumentation, and Histoire de la musique. Lawes, Henry, compr. h. Dinton, near Salisbury, Dec, 1595; d. London, Oct. 21, 1662. Pupil of Coperario; 1625 epistler and gentleman of Chap- el Royal; music teacher in family of Earl of Bridgewater; reinstated in all positions at Restoration 1660; wrote music for Milton's Comu^ and other masques, paraphrases on the psalms, and Ayres and Dialogues for 1, 2, and 3 voices; admired by con- temporaries as singer as well as compr. Lazarus, Henry, clarinet player, h. London, Jan. 1, 1815; d. there, Mar. 6, 1895. Pupil of Blizard and Chas. Godfrey, Sr.; debut 1838; 2d clar. at Sacred Harmonic Concerts; 1840, on death of Wniman, 1st clar. there, at opera, and at important concerts and festivals; prof, at Royal Acad, and at Military School of Music; re- tired 1891; composed clar. pieces. Lebert (la'-bert), Siegmund [pseud, of S. Levy], teacher, b. Ludwigsburg, Dec. 12, 1822; d. Stuttgart, Dec. 8, 1884. Studied at Prague Cons, with Tomaschek, D. Weber, and Proksch; taught in Munich; 1856-57 with Faisst, Stark, Brachmann, and Spei- del founded Stuttgart Cons.; pub- lished, with Stark, Grosse Klavier- schvle, edited classic pf. works; had many famous pupils, but method is no longer in favor. Lebrun (le-bran), Paul Henri Joseph, compr. b. Ghent, Apr. 21, 1861. Pupil at Ghent Cons, of A. Samuel and Ch. Miry; Prix de Rome 1891; succeeded Miry as teacher of theory at Ghent; director of Orph^on at Cambrai, and of Cercle artistique; composed opera La fiancSe d'Abydos, prize symph. and other orchestral works, choruses, etc. Leclair (16-klar), Jean Marie, vU. h. Paris, May 10, 1697; d. there, Oct. 22, 1764. Ballet dancer at Rouen; balletmaster at Turin; Somis, at- tracted by his compositions, induced him to study vln.; in Paris after 1729 obtained insignificant post at opera and royal orch.; after 1736 private teacher and compr.; murdered, for no discovered reason; compositions, notably 48 sonatas for vln., are of great value, equaling in originality and charm and exceeding in diffi- culty most contemporary works. Lecocq (le-kok'), Alexandre Charles, compr. h. Paris, June 3, 1832. Pupil at Paris Cons, of Bazin and Halevy, winning 2 prizes; 1857, with Bizet, won prize offered by Offen- bach for opera buffa; after repeated failures, period as teacher and orgt., won success with Fleur de the 1868, closely followed by La fille de Mme. Angot and Girofle-Girofla; com- posed over 40 comic operas in style of Offenbach, skilful but never deep in construction, full of delightful gaiety and spirit. Le Couppey (le-ko-pa), Felix, pst. h. Paris, Apr. 14, 1811; d. there, July 5, 1887. Studied at Paris Cons, with Dourlen; asst. teacher there 1828, prof. 1843, substitute for Herz 1848; wrote instruction books for pf. A B C du piano, Ecole du mecan- isme, De V enseignement du piano (Advice to Young Teachers). Lefebure-Wely (le-fa-bur-va'-li), Louis James Alfred, orgt. b. Paris, Nov. 13, 1817; d. there, Dec. 31, 1869. PupU of father, orgt. at St. Roch, and successor at 14; pupil at Paris Cons, of Benoist for org., Berton and Halevy for comp., and privately of Adam and Sejan; orgt. at Made- leine 1847-58, at St. Sulpice 1863- 69; remarkable orgt., especially for original improvisations; compr. of almost all styles, notably of fan- tasias-for org., offertories, an O Salu- taris, etc.; notable player on and compr. for harmonium. Legrenzi (le-grent-zi), Giovanni, compr. h. Clusone, near Bergamo, about 1625; d. Venice, May 26, 1690. Pupil of Pallavicino; orgt. at Ber- gamo, maestro di cappella at Ferrara, director Cons, dei mendicant! at Venice, later maestro at St. Mark's, where he reorganized and enlarged orch.; composed operas, motets, and LEHMANN LEMOINE instrumental music of various kinds; strengthened orch. accompaniment, composed early chamber music, es- pecially vln. sonatas. Lehmann, Amelia, see under Leh- mann, Liza. Lelunann (la'-man), George, vlt. b. New York, July 31, 1865. Studied at Leipzig Cons, with Schradieck, Hermann, Jadassohn, etc., and at Berlin with Joachim; traveled as soloist and leader of quartet; leader Cleveland orch. 1886-89; teaching in N. Y.; 1907 in Berlin; critic for Musical America, etc. ; author of True Principles of Art of Violin Playing. Lehmann, Lilli, dram. sop. h. Wtirz- burg, May 15, 1848. Pupil of mother Marie, prima donna at Kassel; debut at Prague; engaged at Danzig, Leipzig 1870, and life en- gagement at Berlin Opera 1876; sang Bayreuth 1876; appeared Lon- don in 1880 and successive seasons; broke Berlin contract to stay in America where she sang 1885-92; after illness reappeared at Bayreuth 1896; has since then sung in Amer- ica; married Paul Kalisch, tenor, 188S; great dramatic artist, espe- cially in Wagner operas; published Meine Gesangskunst, 1902. Lehmann, Liza [real name Elizabetta Nina Mary Frederika], compr. b. London, July 11, 1862. Daughter of painter Rudolf L. whose wife, also compr., nee Amelia Chambers, com- posed and arranged many songs under initials A. L. Liza studied with mother, Randegger, Rannkilde, MacCunn, etc.; debut as concert singer 1885, followed by success until marriage to Herbert Bedford (b. 1867), compr. of opera and several arias for voice and orch.; compr. of song-cycle In a Persian Garden, and other cycles and songs. Visited U. S. in 1909, 1910. Le Jeime (le-zhen), Claude, compr. b. Valenciennes, 1540 [or 1528]; d. Paris, Sept. 23, 1564. Lived in Paris; compr. to the king for a short time; beside French songs his chief composition is setting of psalms (occasionally to melodies used by Goudimel) with simple and beautiful accompaniments, work much used in Switzerland and Germany. Lekeu (1^-k^), Guillaume, compr. b. Neusy, Belgium, Jan. 20, 1870; d. Angers, Jan. 21, 1894. Pupil at Verviers Cons, and in Paris of Franck and d'Indy; composed symph. poem Hamlet, fantasia for orch., sonata for vln. and pf., trio, and unfinished pf. quartet of singularly poetic promise. Lemaire (le-mar'), Jean Eugene Gaston, compr. b. Sept. 9, 1854. Pupil of the Ecole Niedermeyer; music critic 1888; compositions include orches- tral works, ballets, pantomimes and operettas, piano pieces and songs. Lemare (le-mar'), Edwin Henry, orgt. h. Ventnor, Isle of Wight, Sept. 9, 1865. Student and fellow at Royal Acad., and fellow of Royal Coll. of orgts.; several appointments at Car- diff, Sheffield, and London; 1902-04 orgt. and director at Carnegie Hall, Pittsburg; returned to London; dis- tinguished as performer, especially in producing orchestral effects; com- positions for org. Lemmens (lem'-mans), Jacques Nico- las, orgt. b. Zoerle-Parwys, Belgium, Jan. 3, 1823; d. Castle Linterport, near Malines, Jan. 30, 1881. Pupil of father, of Van der Broeck, at Brussels Cons, of Fetis, winning 1st prize, at Breslau at gov't expense of A. Hesse; 1849 prof, at Cons.; teacher of many famous pupils (Mailly, Callaerts, etc.); after mar- riage 1857 to Helene Sherrington (b. Oct. 4, 1834), singer (pupil at Brussels, concert singer in England, in opera after 1860), L. lived in Eng- land; 1879 opened training school for church orgts. and choirmasters at Mechlin; many valuable composi- tions, method, notable for influence toward bettering of org. and in- creasing interest in Bach. LemtOine (le-mo-an), Henri, pf. teacher, publisher, b. Paris, Oct. 21, 1786; d. there, May 18, 1854. Pupil at Cons. 1798-1809; very successful pf. teacher; 1817 succeeded to publishing business of father Antoine Marcel L. (1763-1817), guitar and viola player, th. condr. at Paris. Henri pubhshed educational pf . works, an elementary method, simple harmony, etc.; pub- lishing business continued by his son Achille Philibert L. (1813-1895), and grandsons Henri L. and Leon L. LENEPVEU LESSMANN Lenepveu (\^-n6-v6), Charles Ferdi- nand, compr. b. Rouen, Oct. 4, 1840; d. August, 1910. In Paris as law stu- dent, studied solfeggio with Savard; prize cantata induced him to study with A. Thomas at Cons., where he won Prix de Rome 1865; opera Le Florentin, accepted 1867, performed 1874 without success; Velleda in London 1882; also composed several works (cantata, hymn, ode, etc.) on Jeanne d'Arc; teacher of harmony at Cons. 1880, prof. 1894; more suc- cessful as teacher than as compr. Leo (la'-o), Leonardo, compr. b. San Vito degli Schiavi, Brindisi, 1694; d. Naples, Oct. 31, 1744. Pupil at Cons, della Pieta de' Turchini of Provenzale and Fago (probably not directly of Scarlatti and Pitoni); 2d maestro at Cons, and 1st at Cathedral; 1st orgt, at royal chapel 1725; master at Cons, di San Ono- frio, where he taught Piccinni, Jom- melli, etc.; beside about 60 operas, full of brilliant life and humor, com- posed masses and church music (notably a Miserere); advance over other Neapolitans in sureness of harmonic effects. Leonard (la-6-nar), Hubert, vlt., teacher, h. Bellaire, near Liege, Apr. 7, 1819; d. Paris, May 6, 1890. Pupil of Rouma at Liege, of Habeneck at Paris Cons.; vlt, at theatres, at Opera Comique and Opera; after successful tour in Germany, where he first played Mendelssohn's concerto, became prof, at Brussels Cons. 1848-1867; then taught in Paris. Composed 5 vln. concertos, other vln. mus.; wrote several methods and studies, espe- cially in double-stopping. Leoncavallo (la-on-ca-val'-lo) , Ruggiero, compr. h. Naples, Mar. 8, 1858. Pupil at Naples Cons, of Cesi for pf., of Ruta and L. Rossi for comp.; first opera Chatterton not at first success- ful; gave singing lessons and played at caf6 concerts; 2-act opera Pagli- acci produced Milan 1892 made him famous at once; later operas are Medici (1st of trilogy, written before Pagliacci), La Boheme, Zaza, Der Roland (composed under commis- sion from, almost in collaboration with. Emperor William III of Ger- many); skilful in appreciating and bringing out an effect, he depends somewhat too much on superficial brilliancy; in the almost perfect union of dramatic force and realistic truth of Pagliacci he touched by far his highest point, Leroux (le-ro), Xavler Henri Napoleon, compr. b, Velletri, Italy, Oct. 11, 1863. Studied at Paris Cons, with Dubois and Massenet, winning sev- eral prizes, finally Grand prix de Rome 1885; prof, of harm, at Cons, after 1896; composed incidental music to Cleopdtre, Les perses, operas Astarte, La reine Fiammetta, etc., and some church music. Leschetizky (les-che-titz-ki) , Theodor, pst., teacher, b, Lancut, Austrian Poland, June 22, 1830. Taught by his father in Vienna, by Czerny and Sechter; noticed as pst. 1845 while still student of philosophy at Univ.; after professional tours, taught at St. Petersburg Cons. 1852-1878; after that teaching in Vienna; mar- ried to Annette Essipoff 1880-92; composed some pf. pieces and one opera; renowned as teacher of Pad- erewski, Siloti, and very many others; method, expounded by his assistant Malwine Bree in Ground- work of L. Method, consists in per- fect control of each finger independ- ently of others, and careful intellec- tual analysis of music to be played; aims to develop individual artist by adaptations of method to his needs. Leslie, Henry David, condr. b. London, June 18, 1822; d. Llansaintfraid, Wales, Feb. 4, 1896. Studied with Chas. Lucas; 'cellist in Sacred Har- monic Soc; secretary 1847 and condr. 1855-61 of Amateur Mus. Soc; condr. of choir formed by J. Heming, afterward called Leslie's Choir, 1855^78 and 1885-87; choir took 1st prize Paris 1878, and gave many successful concerts; L. was condr. Herefordshire Philh. Soc. and director of short Uved Nat'l Coll. of Mus.; composed several oratorios, cantatas {Judith, Holy rood, etc.) and large number of part-songs. Lessmann, W. J. Otto, editor, b. Rii- dersdorfer, Jan. 30, 1843. Studied with Ritter, Von Biilow, Kiel, etc.; taught at Stern Cons, and at Tausig's acad.; head of pf. school of own; director of mus, dept. at school in LESUEUR LIEBLING Charlottenburg; owner and editor 1881-1907 of Allgemeine Musik- Zeitung; composed several songs. Lesueur (le-sii-er), Jean Frangois, compr. b. Drucat-Plessiel, Feb. 15, 1760; d. Paris, Oct. 6, 1837. Choris- ter at Amiens Cath.; at 14 became master of mus. at Seez Cath., and then held similar position at Paris, Dijon, Tours, finally 1786 maitre de chapelle at Notre Dame; had some instruction from Roze and advice from Sacchini; at Notre Dame he gave elaborate performances of de- scriptive and dramatic mus. ; defended himself in several pamphlets; 1788- 1792 spent in retirement; inspector of Cons. 1795-1820; prof. 1817; maitre de chapelle to Napoleon and Louis XVIII; composed 5 operas {Ossian ou les hordes most famous), cantatas, masses, etc.; teacher of Berlioz (of whose descriptive " pro- gram " mus. his was forerunner), A. Thomas, Elwart, IJounod, and many others. Levi (la'-ve), Hermann, condr. b. Giessen, Nov. 7, 1839; d. Munich, May 13, 1900. Studied with V. Lachner and at Leipzig Cons.; director at Saarbriicken, Rotterdam, Carlsruhe, and Munich 1872-1896; famous condr. of Wagner operas, led 1st perf. of Parsifal at Bayreuth 1882; resigned 1896 on account of mental disease. Leybach (h'-bak), Ignace, pst., orgt. b. Gambsheim, July 17, 1817; d. Toulouse, May 23, 1891. Studied with Pixis, Kalkbrenner, and Chopin; orgt. at Toulouse Cath.; distinguished pst., composed much salon music; music for org. and for harmonium, L' Organiste pratique, etc. Liadov (lya'-doff), Anatol Constan- tinovitch, compr. h. St. Petersburg, May 11, 1855. Studied with father, and with Johannsen and Rimsky- Korsakov at Cons., where he taught harmony, etc., after 1878; also teacher at Imperial Chapel; capell- meister there till 1869; after 1894 condr. mus. soc. concerts; with Balakirev and Liapounov investi- gated folk-songs for Geogr. Soc; compositions chiefly for pf . mostly in characteristic style of Russian school, with occasional humorous touches. Liapounov (lya'-poo-noff), Sergius Michailovitch, compr. h. JarosTav, Nov. 30, 1859. Studied at Nijni- Novgorod and with Klindworth and Hubert at Moscow Cons.; asst. director Imperial Chap. 1894-1902; collected folk-songs with Liadov and Balakirev for Geogr. Soc; composed symphony, ballade for orch., con- certo for pf., and many smaller pf. works; edited collection of national songs. Lichner (hkh'-ner), Heinrich, condr., compr. b. Harpersdorf, Mar. 6, 1829; d. Breslau, Jan. 7, 1898. Studied with Karow, Dehn, Baum- gart and Hesse; cantor, orgt., condr. of Sangerbund at Breslau; prolific but not original compr. of psalms, songs, pf. pieces, etc. Lichtenberg (lich'-ten-berg), Leopold, vlt. b. San Francisco, Nov. 22, 1861. Pupil of Beaujardin, Lambert, and Wieniawski, both in U. S. and in Brussels; after season with Thomas in N. Y., toured for 3 years in Europe and America; member Bost. Symph. Orch.; head vln. dept. National Cons, in N. Y. since 1899. Liddle, Robert William, compr. h. Dur- ham, Mar. 14, 1864. Chorister at Durham; pupil of Dr. Armes; orgt. at N. Berwick and at Southwell Minster since 1888; compr. of church music and songs. Lie (le), Sigurd, compr. h. Norway, May 23, 1871; d. Christiania, Sept. 30, 1904. Studied at Leipzig Cons.; condr. in Bergen; after study in Berlin, condr. of choral soc. in Christiania; good vlt. and compr. of great promise, shown in a symph., several orch. and chamber works, songs, and pf. pieces. Liebling (leb'-ling), Emil, pst. b. Pless, Silesia, Apr. 12, 1851. Pupil of KuUak, Ehrlich, Dachs, and Liszt; came to America 1867, 1872 and finally 1875; teaching, playing, etc. in Chicago; valued contributor to several journals; excellent teacher; successful in lectures with pf. illus- trations where wide repertoire is of value; compr. of pf. mus. Liebling (leb-ling), Georg, pst. h. Ber- lin, Jan. 22, 1865. Studied with Kul- lak, Urban, and Dorn; taught at LIND LISZT KuUak's Acad. 188(>-85; after tour of Germany, with Liszt at Weimar for 2 years; debut in Berlin 1884; since then virtuoso; compr. of orch. overture, concerto, pf. mus., etc. Lind, Jenny, soprano, b. Stockholm, Oct. 6, 1820; d. Wynd's Point, Mal- vern, Eng., Nov. 2, 1887. Studied under Berg and Lindblad at Court Th. school; debut 1838; after fur- ther lessons from Manuel Garcia in Paris, sang at Opera 1842, but was not engaged; debut Berlin 1844 fol- lowed by triumphal tour through Germany; London debut 1847; be- came concert singer 1849; toured U. S. 1850-52, married O. Goldschmidt ; after living quietly in Dresden, went to London 1856; last public perf. 1870; known as " Swedish Nightin- gale "; by sensational advertising treating of her many private virtues, her success in Eng. and U. S. was unreasonably inflated; voice is de- scribed by discriminating critics as bright, sure, and of a certain " thrill- ing" quality. Lindblad (lint'-blat), Adolf Fredrik, compr. b. Lofvingsborg, Sweden, Feb. 1, 1801; d. there, Aug. 23, 1878. Studied with Zelter in Berlin; Hved in Stockholm after 1827; directed a music school until 1861; composed numerous songs with Swedish na- tional feeling, which were made pop- ular by singing of his pupil, Jenny Lind. Lindpaintner (lint'-pant-ner), Peter Joseph von, compr. b. Coblenz, Dec. 9, 1791; d. Nonnenhorn, Lake of Constance, Aug. 21, 1856. Stud- ied with Winter, and, while th. director at Munich, with Gratz; after 1819 director at Stuttgart where he made orch. famous; composed about 21 operas {Der Vampyr best known), music to Faust, to Schiller's Song of the Bell. Lindsay, M., compr. b. Wimbledon, Eng. Composer of songs and ballads, somewhat in style of "Claribel"; Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead, and Bridge are well known; now Mrs. J. Worthington Bliss. Linley, Thomas, compr. h. Wells, Eng., 1732; d. London, Nov. 19, 1795. Studied with Chilcot and Paradies; conducted oratorios at Drury Lane; 1775 composed, with son, music for Duenna by Sheridan, his son-in-law; 1776 became part owner and man- ager of Drury Lane Th.; composed music for many plays, madrigals, etc. Three daughters Elizabeth Ann L. (Sheridan's wife), Mary L., and Maria L., all singers. Son Thomas L., vlt., compr. b. Bath, 1756; drowned, Grimsthorde, Lincolnshire, Aug. 7, 1778. Studied with Boyce and with Nardini at Florence, where he became friend of Mozart; vlt. in Bath con- certs; collaborator with father. Lipinski, Karl Joseph, vlt. b. Radzyn, Poland, Oct. 30 (or Nov. 4), 1790; d. Urlow, near Lemberg, Dec. 16, 1861. Had only few lessons from father; 1810 concertmaster, 1812-14 leader at Lemberg Th.; 1817-18 played with Paganini, but in 1829 they met again as rivals, 1839-61 concert- master in Dresden; distinguished for broad tone and skilful double stop- ping; compositions. Military con- certo, etc., are no longer played. Listemann (list'-g-man), Bemhard [Friedrich Wilhehn], vlt. b. Schlot- heim, Thuringia, Mar. 25, 1839. Studied with Ullrich, David, Vieux- temps, and Joachim; concertmaster Rudolstadt 1859-67; came to Amer- ica with brother Ferdinand L., vlt. (b. 1841); traveled with De Meyer; leader Thomas orch., N. Y. 1871-74; founder, condr. Boston Philharmonic Club, of Bost. Philh. Orch. 1879-81; concertmaster Symph. Orch. 1881- 85; founder of L. quartet and L. concert co.; 1893, head of vln. dept. Chicago Coll. of Mus.; removed to Boston 1907; returned to Chicago 1910. Liszt (list), Franz, pst., compr. b. Raid- ing, near Odenburg, Hungary, Oct. 22, 1811; d. Bayreuth, July 31, 1886. Son of Adam L., steward in service of Prince Esterhazy; pf. pupil of his father; after first pubhc appearance at 9, several noblemen contributed sums for future education; at Vienna 1821-23 pupil in pf. of Czerny, and in comp. of Salieri and Randhart- inger; highly praised by Beethoven and many others; 1823 at Paris, refused admission to Cons, as for- eigner, continued comp. with Reicha and Paer, took no more pf. lessons; 1824/25 played with great success LISZT in London; 1825 operetta Don San- cho produced in Paris; 1825-27 tours in Eng. and Switzerland; 1827 death of father made his support necessary for family and 1827-39 he hved in Paris, where he was in demand as teacher and player and where he was one of brilliant artistic circle includ- ing Lamartine, Victor Hugo, George Sand, Berlioz, Chopin, etc.; beside the influence of these individuals and the general romantic movement, he was much interested in Saint-Simon- ism but, apparently, never joined its numbers; at this time occurred his union with Countess d'Agoult (Daniel Stern); 1839^7 traveled widely over Europe establishing position as greatest of pf. virtuosos in long series of extravagant suc- cesses; 1849-51 lived in Weimar, as conductor of Court Theatre; here he accomplished much for modern music by performing new works, and with the Princess of Sayn-Wittgen- stein made his house and Weimar musical center; period of greatest teaching and most important com- position; 1859 left Weimar because objections were made to Cornelius's Barber of Bagdad; friendly relations were afterward established so that from 1861 till death he divided time between Pe§th, Weimar, and Rome; at latter city his early fondness for church reasserted itself and 1879 he was admitted to the minor orders of the priesthood and gained title Abbe. As a man L. was distin- guished among artists for breadth of taste, and deep and real sympathy for fellows expressed in most prac- tical ways. As pst. he was greatest that ever lived; his playing was re- markable for " quiet brilliance of rapid passages," for beauty of feeling as well as for amazing skill; Wagner said of it that it was " production, not reproduction," As teacher, he was often severe, always inspiring; results must not be judged without remembering that visitors at classes were sometimes allowed, and that, apparently, many of these claimed to be pupils. As conductor, he was as marvelous as at the piano in interpreting the real intention and ideas of the composer; to his catho- licity of taste many owed encourage- ment; among works which he LLOYD brought out at Weimar are Wagner's Lohengrin, Tannhduser, and Flying Dutchman, and works by Berlioz, Schumann and Schubert. As com- poser for pf., much of his work transfers to pf. orchestral effects, sometimes at a loss artistically; his transcriptions, however, never err in spirit, seldom in taste; for the voice he wrote 5 masses, 9 oratorios (2 unpublished), church music and some great songs. Gollerich, in his book Franz Liszt (1908), gives a full catalog listing both published and unpublished works. Some of the figures are as follows: Orchestral works, original and arrangements, 69; chamber music, 47; pf. and orch., 16; pf., original and arrangements, 822; melodramas, 8; organ, 47; part- songs, 31; songs and ballads with orchestra, 18; songs with piano, 90. His greatest achievement as compr. is invention of form known as " sym- phonic poem," much used by later comprs.; his own Dante and Faust symphonies, Episodes from Lenau's Faust, etc. illustrate his need of the exterior suggestion of a program and his " transformation " of themes. His literary works, except those relat- ing to Wagner, have only incidental interest; the Life of Chopin is un- trustworthy, the Mu^ic of the Gypsies unscientific. Litolff (lit'-olf), Henri Charles, pst., publisher, h. London, Feb. 6, 1818; d. Bois le Combes, near Paris, Aug. 6, 1891. Son of Alsatian vlt.; pupil of Moscheles; debut at Covent Garden at 12; cast off by family for marriage, wandered on Continent, giving suc- cessful tours; after separation from 1st wife, lived and played in several cities; married widow of Meyer, pub- lisher in Brunswick, whose business he took over; published Collection Litolff, first cheap, trustworthy edi- tions of classics; 1860 left business to adopted son Theodor, and de- voted himself to composition in Paris; composed several operas (Heloise et Abelard, Les templiers), overtures, concerto-symphonies, brill- iant and characteristic pf. pieces. Lloyd, Charles Harford, orgt., condr. h. Thornbury, Oct. 16, 1849. Mus. B. at Oxford 1871, Mus. Doc. 1891, founded Univ. Mus. Club; orgt. at LLOYD LOGIER Gloucester Cath. 1876, at Christ Church, Oxford 1882; condr. Three Choirs festivals 1877, 1880; 1882 condr. Choral Soc. Oxford; taught Royal Coll. Mus. 1887-92, at Eton 1892; composed several cantatas and part-songs, of real melodic originality. Lloyd, Edward, tenor, b. London, Mar. 7, 1845. Chorister at Westminster Abbey under J. Turle; voice turned to tenor without breaking; chorister at Cambridge and Wells; gentleman of Chapel Royal 1869-71; after that devoted to festival and concert ap- pearances until retiring 1900; in U. S. 1888; distinguished for singing Wagner selections and for creating many new parts, such as those in The Redemption, Mors et Vita, The Golden Legend, The Dream of Ger- ontius. Lobe (l6'-ba), Johann Christian, teacher, compr. b. Weimar, May 30, 1797; d. Leipzig, July 27, 1881. Pupil on flute of A. Riemann and E. A. Miiller; soloist at Gewandhaus 1811; mem- ber Weimar orch. 1811-42; founded mus. school; in Leipzig as editor of Allgemeine Musik Zeitung 1846-48, and of other journals; author of books on theory and composition, and of Musikalische Briefe, Aus dem Lehen eines Musikers, interesting for critical comments and sketches of contemporaries. Locatelli (loc-a-tel'-li), Pietro, vlt. h. Bergamo, 1693; d. Amsterdam, Apr. 1, 1764. Studied with CoreUi at Rome; after much traveling, gave regular concerts in Amsterdam; per- formed marvelous feats of technic, especially in double-stopping; com- posed sonatas for flute, sonatas, caprices, and concertos for vln., for trio, and for quartet. Locke, Matthew, compr. b. Exeter, Eng., 1632; d. London, Aug., 1677. Chorister at Exeter Cath., pupil of E. Gibbon and possibly also of W. Wake; compr. to Charles II, and after conversion to Roman Catholi- cism, orgt. to Queen Catherine; com- posed music for Davenant's and Dryden's plays and alterations of Shakespeare; music for Macbeth 1672, long supposed to be his, is now claimed, but without absolutely final proof, as work of Purcell; wrote " consorts " for several instruments, airs, etc., and pamphlets against Salmon, who proposed discarding clefs in notation. Loeffler (lef'-ler), Charles Martin [Tor- nov], vlt., compr. b. Miihlhausen, Alsace, Jan. 30, 1861. Pupil in vln. of Leonard, Massart, Joachim, in comp. of Guiraud and Kiel; played in Pasdeloup's orch., in Prince Der- vier's at Nice and Lugano, where he was associated with Cesar Thomson; came to N. Y. and to Boston, where he was 1st violin at Boston Symph. Orch. 1882-1903; teaching (A. Hart- mann his pupil) and comp. in Boston; composed songs, symph. poems (La mort de Tintagiles, Les veillees de V Ukraine, Avant que tu ne t'en ailles, Villanelle dudioble, A Pagan Poem), sextet, octet, works for wind instru- ments and for vln. He has " certain affinities with the French school [in poetry as in music] whose essential traits are finesse, a passion for the recondite, a scrupulous avoidance of too definite, too facile patterns, an exquisite mastery of harmonic and orchestral color; yet he is himself a potential force of singular potency [the potency of a] refined inspiration and vivid individuality." [L. Gilman.] Loeschhom (lesh'-hom), Carl Albert, pst., writer. ' b. Berlin, June 27, 1819; d. there, June 4, 1905. Studied with L. Berger, Grell, and A. W. Bach at Royal Inst, for church music, where he taught pf. after 1851; gave cham- ber concerts in Berlin, published excellent pf. music, and many valu- able studies for pupils of all grades, and guide to pf. literature. Logier (l6'-zhi-a), Johann Bemhard, inventor, h. Kassel, Feb. 9, 1777; d. Dublin, July 27, 1846. Flute pupil of Weidner, taken to England at ten by a gentleman; flutist in regimental band, orgt. at Westport, Ireland, bandmaster, music-seller and th. director in Dublin; invented chiro- plast, machine for holding hands in proper position at pf.; 1823-26 in Germany on invitation of gov't to explain invention from which he made fame and money; 1826 re- opened Dublin shop; published meth- ods and explanations of system and few compositions. LOW LUDWIG Low (lev), Joseph, pst. b. Prague, Jan. 23, 1834; d. there, Oct. 5, 1886. After successful tour 1854, lived in Prague 1856 to death, whence he sent forth nearly 500 light pf . pieces, many of them melodious and espe- cially adapted to use of children. Loewe (le'-va), Johann Carl Gottfried, compr. b. Lobejiin, near Halle, Nov. 30, 1796; d. Kiel, Apr. 20, 1869. Taught by father and by Tiirk, at Francke Inst., Halle, where L. received royal stipend; entered Halle Univ. and Naue's Singakademie; prof, and cantor at Stettin 1820-1866, with many and frequent trips to other parts of Germany, to England, etc.; composed 1 opera, 17 oratorios, but chiefly ballads for voice and pf.; practically established ballad as artis- tic form by infusing it with dramatic feeling and applying principle of leading motive. Logroscino (16g-ro-she-no) , Nicola, com- pr. b. Naples, about 1700; d. there, 1763. Pupil of Durante; collaborator with Leo 1738; compr. of great number of successful operas; 1747 taught music at cons, in Palermo; superior to predecessors in comic feeling; reputed, apparently without just cause, inventor of concerted - number at close of act. Lolli (lol'-le), Antonio, vlt. b. Ber- gamo, about 1730; d. Palermo, 1802. Self-taught; leader at Stuttgart, favorite of Empress Catherine, St. Petersburg, 1773-78, in Paris 1779 and thereafter in Spain, Austria, Germany, and England; wonderful performer, but ignorant of other qualities necessary to a musician. Longhurst, William Henry, compr. b. Lambeth, London, Oct. 6, 1819; d. Harbledown, near Canterbury, June 17, 1904. Chorister at Canterbury Cath. under Skeats, Elvey, and Jones; lay clerk there, asst. orgt. and orgt. 1873 to retirement 1898; Mus. Doc. 1875; composed oratorio, cantata, services, etc. Loomis, Harvey Worthington, compr. h. Brooklyn, Feb. 5, 1865. Studied with Dvorak at N. Y. Nat'l Cons., where he won scholarship, and also with Mme. Schiller; composed very successful music pantomimes which have been given by amateurs and at special performances in N. Y.; written incidental music for plays, songs, duets, and a cantata for chil- dren; lectures on Indian music and transcriptions of it. Lortzing, Gustav Albert, compr. h. Berhn, Oct. 23, 1801; d. there, Jan. 21, 1851. Son of actor, an actor himself in small parts; except for few lessons from Rungenhagen, musically self-taught; singer Leipzig Th. 1833-44, condr. of opera there 1844 and again 1849; capellmeister Berlin Th. 1850; his operas did not bring him appreciation or a liveli- hood; yet they were successful and distinguished for humor and melodi- ousness, and some still hold the stage (notably Czar und Zimmermann, Der Wildschutz, Regina). Lotti, Antonio, orgt., compr. b. Venice, about 1667; d. Venice, Jan. 5, 1740. Son of court capellmeister at Han- over; pupil of Legrenzi at Venice; produced opera at 16; chorister 1687, 2d orgt. 1692, 1st orgt. 1704-36 at St. Mark's; visited Dresden 1717-19; composed some 20 operas in older style of Handel's predecessors, and much distinguished church music {Miserere is performed every Maundy Thursday at St. Mark's). Lucca (look'-ka), Pauline, dram. sop. h. Vienna, Apr. 25, 1841; d. Paris, Feb. 28, 1908. Early remarkable for beautiful voice; pupil of Usch- mann and Lewy; member of chorus at Vienna opera 1856-59; prinia donna at Olmiitz, Prague, Berlin 1861-72; in America 1872-74; there- after sang in London, Madrid, St. Petersburg, Vienna, where she lived after retiring 1890; married Baron von Rhaden, and after divorce Major von Wallhofen; very remarkable voice, with range of 2^ octaves, and unusual powers of real characteriza- tion, made her especially admired in operas of Meyerbeer, Auber, Halevy, etc. Ludwig (lood'-vig), August, editor, compr. b. Waldheim, Saxony, Jan. 15, 1865. Studied at Cologne Cons, and Munich Cons.; remarkable for attempt to complete Schubert's " Unfinished " symphony by adding two movements, Philosophen Scherzo LULLY LUTHER and Schicksals Marsche, performed Berlin 1892; compr. of other orch. works, songs, etc.; editor Neue Ber- liner Musik Zeitung 1894-97; author of Geharnischte Aufsdtze iiber Musik. LuUy (lul'-li), Jean Baptiste de, compr. h. Florence, 1633; d. Paris, Mar. 22, 1687. Learned violin and guitar from Franciscan monk; at 13 in service of Mile, de Montpensier in whose kitchen he was one day playing and being overheard was transferred to her private band; expelled for satire; after some in- struction from Mertu, Roberdet, and Gigault, became member of King's band; 1652 director of small band which echpsed the older; 1653 as court composer, composed masques, etc.; 1672 obtained letters patent from king for Academic royale de musique (which stiU exists as Grand Opera); the similar privilege granted 1669 to Perrin and Cambert was revoked, so L. '' stole " the credit of originating the opera; his first work Les fetes de V Amour et de Bacchus 1672,- and the 19 succeeding ones {Thesee, Psyche, Armide, etc.) rank as the first French operas; in- troduced accompanied recitative and established French standard of cor- rect declamation; strong sense of dramatic effectiveness and gift for rather sweet melodies enabled him to make success and to have high standard despite certain monotony of rhythm and thinness of orchestration. Lumbye, Hans Christian, compr. h. Copenhagen, May 2, 1810; d. there. Mar. 20, 1874. Compr. popular dance music, called " the northern Strauss "; condr., until 1865, of orch. with which he made frequent tours; galops, marches, etc. very popular with orchestras of the sixties. Lunn, Louisa Kirkby, mezzo sop. b. Manchester, Eng., Nov. 8, 1873. Pupil of Greenwood and of Visetti at Royal Coll. of Mus., with Bouhy in Paris; debut as student 1893 led to engagement at Covent Garden until 1896; with Carl Rosa Co. 1897- 99; married W. J. K. Pearson; since 1901 at Covent Garden; 1902 at Metropolitan, N. Y., in various con- certs, and again 1904 as Kundry in English performance of Parsifal by the Savage Co. Lupot (lii-po), Nicolas, vln.-maker. h. Stuttgart, 1758; d. Paris, Aug. 13, 1824. Of family of makers; his grandfather Laurent (1696-1762) worked at Luneville and Orleans; his father Francois was at Stuttgart 1758-70, then at Orleans; Nicolas made vlns. before he was 20; prob- ably worked for Pique, opened shop in Paris 1798; without attempting originality, copied Stradivarius vlns. and 'cellos, sometimes making sets of 5 for quintet; called " French Stradivarius "; succeeded by son-in- law Gand. His brother Frangois (1774-1837), maker of bows. Lussan (lus-son), Zelie de, dram. sop. h. New York, 1863. Pupil of her mother; concert debut 1879, opera debut with Boston Ideals 1885-88; with Carl Rosa Co. in Eng. 1889; greatest parts Carmen and Mignon; with a brilliant but not great voice, won by piquant charm of personality; appeared in vaudeville 1908. Lussy (liis-si), Mathis, writer, b. Stans, Switzerland, April 8, 1828; d. Jan. 21, 1910. Studied with Businger and Nageli; instead of studying medicine in Paris, taught pf. there after 1847; chiefly known as author of Exercises de mecanisme, Traite de V expression mu^icale, Histoire de la notation mu^icale (with E. David, which took Paris Acad, prize 1882), and a Short Treatise on Musical Rhythm. Luther (looth-eer), Martin, reformer, compr. b. Eisleben, Nov. 10, 1483; d. there, Feb. 18, 1546. Relation to music consists in reforms there as in other matters of religious practise; after leaving the Wartburg, issued Formula missae, objecting to long graduals; order for German mass, compiled with capellmeister C. Rupff and cantor J. Walther, first used 1524, calls for German creed and certain German hymns; L. himself sang and played flute; aside from his wide influence in spreading Prot- estant hymns in Germany, he wrote words to several and music to few; although all claims for him as compr. have been denied, it seems sure that he wrote chorale Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott and probably some 11 others. LUZZI MACDOWELL Luzzi (loot'-zi), Luigi, compr. b, Olevano di Lomellina, Mar. 28, 1828; d. StradeUa, Feb. 23, 1876. At first medical student at Turin; composed 3 operas (2 performed), symphony, funeral march, pf. music, hymns, many inspired songs. [Baker.] LvoiBf or Lwofif (Ivof), Alexis Feodor- ovitch, compr. b. Reval, June 6, 1799; d. estate near Kovno, Jan. 7, 1871. Maj.-gen. and adj. to Em- peror Nicholas; succeeded father as director of Imperial Chapel 1837-61; excellent vlt., organized successful string quartet; made collection of chants of Greek ritual; composed 4 operas, vln. concerto, caprices for vln., and church music but especially the Russian national hymn God Save the Czar, written 1833; retired 1867. Lynes (llns), Frank, orgt., compr. b. Cambridge, Mass., May 16, 1858; d. Bristol, N. H., June 24, 1913. Studied at N. E. Cons., and with Lang and Paine, and at Leipzig with Reinecke, Richter, Jadassohn; filled various organ positions in Boston; compositions include successful songs, piano pieces, choruses, etc. Lysberg [originally Bevy, known as Bovy-Lysberg], Charles Samuel, pst., compr. b. Lysberg, near Geneva, Mar. 1, 1821; d. Geneva, Feb. 15, 1873. Studied with Chopin and Delaire in Paris; teacher of pf. at Geneva Cons.; composed an opera given at Geneva 1854, and popular light pf. pieces, such as Le reveil des oiseaux, Le chant du rouet, romantic sonata U Absence. M Maas (mas), Joseph, tenor, b. Dart- ford, Kent, Jan. 30, 1847; d. London, Jan. 16, 1886. Chorister at Roches- ter Cathedral; pupil of J. L. Hopkins, Mme. Bodda-Pyne, andSangiovanni; d^but London 1871; in opera 1872; member Kellogg's Opera Co. in Amer- ica, of Carl Rosa's in Eng.; not a very good actor, he was more popular at concerts and festivals, where his fin- ished style placed him in first rank. Maas, Louis Philipp Otto, pst., compr. b. Wiesbaden, June 21, 1852; d. Boston, Mass., Sept. 18, 1889. Studied at Leipzig Cons, with Rei- necke and Papperitz; and with Liszt; taught at Leipzig Cons. 1875-80; came to Boston 1880; condr. Philhar- monic concerts 1881-82; teacher at N. E. Cons.; composed symph. On the Prairies, inspired by tours in West, overtures, suites, pf. concerto, etc. MacCarthy, Maud, vlt. b. Clonmel, Ireland, July 4. 1884. Lived in Sydney, New South Wales; pupil of Arbos from 9 to 15, for two years after d^but in 1894; after successful concerts in London, played in U. S., in New York 1898 and with Boston Symph. Orch. 1902, 1903; tours in Germany, Scandinavia, and Italy; gave up violin playing for theosophy about 1905. MacCunn, Hamish, compr. b. Green- ock, Scotland, Mar. 22, 1868. Studied at Royal Coll. of Mus. under Hubert Parry; overture Land of Mountain and Flood brought him into notice 1887; 1888-94 prof, at Royal Coll.; condr. of Carl Rosa Co. for some years, and of various light opera companies; composed operas (Jeanie Deans, etc.), several over- tures; music almost entirely on Scotch subjects, full of individual Scotch feeling. Macdougall, Hamilton Crawford, orgt., teacher, b. Warwick, R. I., Oct. 15, 1858. Pupil in Boston of J. C. D. Parker, S. B. Whitney, B. J. Lang, and in London of E. H. Turpin and Royal Coll. teachers; orgt. in Provi- dence and Brookline; since 1900 prof, of music at Wellesley College; 1908- 09 and 1910-11 special lecturer on music at Brown Univ.; extension lectures (public) on music, Provi- dence, 1910. Composed music for women's voices and pf. (Studies in Melody Playing) ; contributor to periodicals. MacDowell, Edward Alexander, pst., compr. b. New York, Dec. 18, 1861; d. there, Jan. 23, 1908. Studied with Buitrago, Desvernine, and Teresa Carrefio; at Paris Cons. 1876-79 MACFARLANE MACKINLAY with Marmontel and Savard. at Frankfort with Heymann and Raff; chief teacher of pf. at Darmstadt Cons.; 1882 played for Liszt at Weimar and by L's influence and that of Raff M's works were played at Allgemeiner Deutscher Musik- verein at Zurich; after 4 years in Wiesbaden, he lived in Boston, Mass. 1888-1896; prof, of music at Colum- bia Univ. N. Y. 1896-1904; 1905 afflicted with brain disease from which he never recovered; an excel- lent teacher and individual player. As compr. ranks among highest in America, though he protested against distinctions by nationality; follower of Raff's romanticism; composed symph. poems Hamlet and Ophelia, Lancelot and Elaine, Lamia, In Oc- tober, and most notable Indian Suite, in which he used native airs and in which his orchestration is at its best; more distinguished as compr. for pf. of four imposing sonatas, Tragica, Eroica, Norse, and Keltic, many groups of very charming short sketches, each ex- pressing the mood of some scene or some poem; same exquisite expres- sion of mood marks his songs, for many of which he wrote the words. Macfarlaney William Charles, orgt., compr. b. London, Oct. 2, 1870. Parents moved to New York 1874; M. was chorister in Christ Church, New York, 1880-85; studied music with his father and S. P. Warren; gave org. recitals New York, 1886, and later in many other cities; orgt. Danbury, Conn., and various New York churches; Temple Emanu-El 1898, St. Thomas's Episcopal 1900, both of which positions he now holds (1910); condr. Yonkers Choral Society 1902; city orgt., Portland, Me., 1913; founder of Amer. Guild Org.; compositions include org. mus., cantata The Message from the Cross, songs, anthems, and part-songs. Macfarren, Sir George Alexander, compr., writer, h. London, Mar. 2, 1813; d. there, Oct. 31, 1887. Pupil of his father, George M., dramatist, of Lucas and of Potter at Royal Acad. Mus., where he became prof. 1834 and principal 1876; failing eyesight, re- sulting in bhndiiess, did not interfere with his teaching; prof, of mus. at Cambridge Univ. 1875; knighted 1883; works include 9 performed operas, 4 oratorios, 6 cantatas, 8 symphonies, much church music, chamber music, songs, etc.; wrote Rudiments of Harmony, Lectures and Addresses and several other studies. Life by H. C. Banister. His wife Natalia {nee Andreae), singer, teacher, translator of songs, librettos, etc. His brother Walter Cecil, pst. b. London, Aug. 28, 1826; d. there, Sept. 2, 1905. Chorister at West- minster Abbey under Turle; studied at Royal Acad, with his brother, Holmes, and Potter; taught there 1846-1903, conducted concerts 1873- 80; director Philharmonic Soc; suc- cessful concert pst.; composed several overtures, pf. sonatas and other pieces, part-songs, etc.; edited pf. works of Mozart, sonatas of Beetho- ven, and series of Popular Classics. Macirone. (ma-ki-ro'ne), Clara Angels, pst. h. London, Jan. 20, 1821. Taught at Royal Acad, by Potter, Lucas, Holmes, and Negri; teacher there and at schools for girls; condr. of local society; compr. of church music and many successful part- songs. Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Campbell, compr. b. Edinburgh, Aug. 22, 1847. Of musical family, father and grand- father both vlts.; studied with Ulrich and Stein at Sondershausen Cons.; played in band there; at Royal Acad, on King's Scholarship, pupil of Sainton, Jewson, and Lucas; 1865-73 played vln., taught, con- ducted at Edinburgh and elsewhere; 1878-88 chiefly in Florence, with occasional seasons of conducting in England; 1888 principal Royal Acad.; 1892-99 condr. Philharmonic Soc; knighted 1895; composed for pf. and violin, several operas (His Majesty, Colomba, The Rose of Sharon), can- tatas (The Cotter's Saturday Night, etc.), 2 Scottish Rhapsodies for orch., a Scottish concerto for vln.. La belle dame sans merci ballad with orch., London Day by Day suite; best work marked by strong national feeling, and individuahty. MacKinlay, Mrs. J., see Sterling, An- toinette. MACY MAITLAND Macy, James Cartwright, compr. b. New York City, June 27, 1845. Family belongs to the early colonists of Massachusetts and New York; early education received from par- ents; in 1857 he entered the Elmira (N. Y.) Academy; wl an the Civil War broke out he enlisted and served throughout the conflict; took up the study of music again 1866-70, and began composing; his long list of works includes pieces for the piano and other instruments as well as all the vocal forms, songs, school songs, part-songs, anthems, cantatas, oper- ettas, etc.; his translations and adap- tations of opera librettos, foreign songs, etc. are notable as part of his work during many years' connection with American musical publishers, especially Oliver Ditson Company, of Boston; wrote two plays, The Buckeye arid Two Lives, successfully given in many of the large cities; author of Young People's History of Mu^ic. Maelzel (meFtsel), Johann Nepomuk, inventor, b. Ratisbon, Aug. 15, 1772; d. at sea on voyage to America, July 21, 1838. Son of org. builder; in Vienna 1792,. taught mus. and con- structed automatic trumpeter and Panharmonicon for which Beetho- ven wrote orch. battle piece Vittoria; M. made ear-trumpets for Beetho- ven and others; adapted idea of Winkel, of Amsterdam, into metro- nome in 1816; traveled far, exhibit- ing his inventions. Maggini (ma-zhe'-ni), Giovanni Paolo, vln.-maker. b. Botticino Marino, Aug. 25, 1580; d. Brescia, about 1632. Apprenticed to Gasparo de Said; early vlns. resemble his master's and are often too much decorated; later ones are more individual and are of value especially because of well- chosen wood, cut in a way of his own. Son Pietro Santo also dis- tinguished maker. Mahillon (ma-e-yon), Charles Victor, writer, h. Brussels, Mar. 10, 1841. In firm with father as manufacturer of wind instruments; editor Echo Musical 1869-86; honorary custodian museum of instr. at Brussels Cons, since 1876; author of valuable catalogue, of Elements d'acoustique musicale et instrumentale, etc. Mahler (ma'-ler), Gustav, compr., condr. b. Kalischt, Bohemia, July 7, 1860. Pupil at Vienna Univ., and at Cons, of Epstein and Bruckner; condr. at several theatres, capellmeister at Kassel 1883-85, and at Prague as Seidl's successor, where he gained wide knowledge of scores by Wagner, etc.; asst. of Nikisch at Leipzig 1886- 88; director of opera at Pesth 1888- 91, thoroughly reforming it; capellm. at Hamburg 1891-97; since 1897 di- rector of Vienna Opera, 1898-1900 condr. of Gesellschaft concerts; condr. at Covent Garden 1892, and at Metropolitan (N. Y.) 1907-09; remarkably strong and individual as condr.; composed operas and can- tatas, but chiefly nine symphonies of imposing architectural construction and individuality of content. Maillart (ma-e-yar), Louis [called Aime], compr. b. Montpellier, Mar. 24, 1817; d. Moulins, May 26, 1871. Studied at Cons, with Elwart, Leborne, and Guerin; Prix de Rome 1841; of his 6 operas, cantatas, etc. surviving work is Les dragons de Villars. Mailly (ma-e-vi), Alphonse Jean Ernest, orgt. h. Brussels, Nov. 27, 1833. Studied with Girschner at Brussels Cons., where he became teacher of pf. and org. 1868; praised by Berlioz as virtuoso; composed sonatas, etc. for org., and orch. works; living at Brussels (1910). Mainzer (min'-tser), Abbe Joseph, teach- er, h. Treves, Germany, May 7, 1807; d. Manchester, England, Nov. 10, 1851. Educated at cathedral maltrise, ordained priest 1826; ex- iled during Polish revolution, went to Brussels, to Paris 1834, where he taught popular classes and edited Chronique musicale, to London and Manchester 1847, where he estab- lished people's singing classes, wrote Music for the Million, edited M's Mus. Times which became present Musical Times of London. Maitland, John Alexander Fuller, writer, b. London, Apr. 7, 1856. Educated at Camb. Univ.; critic for Pall Mall Gazette, Guardian, and Times; author of Eng. Music in XI X Century, lives of Joachim and Schumann, etc.; editor of Fitzwilliam MALHERBE Virginal Book, of revised ed. Grove's Dictionary, translator of Spitta's Bach, etc. Malherbe (mar arbe), Charles Theodore, compr., writer, b. Paris, Apr. 21, 1853; d. Cormeilles, Oct. 6, 1911. Pupil of Danhauser, Wormser, and Massenet; Danhauser's secretary on tour of public school inspection 1880-81; asst. archivist to Paris Opera 1896, archivist 1899; editor of Menestrel, contributor to other journals; compr. of unimportant music, author of books on Wagner, notes on several operas, Histoire de la seconde Salle Favart, etc.; editor of works of Rameau. Malibran (mal-i-bron), Maria Felicita, dram, contralto, b. Paris, Mar. 24, 1808; d. Manchester, England, Sept. 23, 1836. Daughter of Manuel Garcia; played child's part in opera at Naples at 5; after few lessons from Panseron, pupil of her father; debut London 1825 followed by improve- ment and success in New York; un- happy marriage to Malibran lasted only a year; 1827 reappearances in Paris and London established posi- tion as chief singer of time; reputa- tion and prices which she commanded increased steadily; 1836 married De Beriot, the vlt,, with whom she had been associated since 1830; early death caused by fall from horse and over-exertion; charm seems to have been peculiar timbre of her voice (recognized as defective in middle registers) , and great force of . indi- vidual fascination; subject of many romantic anecdotes. Mailing, Otto Valdemar, compr. h. Copenhagen, June 1, 1848. Studied with Gade and J. P. E. Hartmann; condr. of choral societies; orgt. in Copenhagen; teacher of theory at Cons.; compr. of symph., overture, and other orch. works; Danish choruses, national pf. pieces, etc. Mancinelli (man-chi-ner-li), Luigi, compr., condr. h. Orvieto, Feb. 5, 1848. Pupil in 'cello of Sbolci at Florence, with few lessons in comp. from MabeUini; 'cellist in theatre orch. in Florence and Rome where he became condr. in an emergency; principal of Bologna Cons. 1881-86; condr. in London 1886-88, at Madrid MARBECK 1888-95; afterwards in London and at Metropohtan, N. Y. Manney, Charies Fontejni, compr. b. Brooklyn, Feb. 8, 1872. Chorister and soloist in Brooklyn; studied theory with Wm. A. Fisher in N. Y., and after coming to Boston, in 1898, with Wallace Goodrich and P. Goet- schius; composed anthems, songs, pf. pieces, and sacred cantatas. Manns (mans), August [Friedrich], condr. h. Stolzenburg, near Stettin, Mar. 12, 1825; d. Norwood, London, Mar. 1, 1907. Pupil of Urban; clari- net in bands at Danzig and Posen, vlt. in Gungl's orch. at Berlin; condr. in Berlin, Cologne, and finally 1855 at Crystal Palace, London, where he changed wind band into full orch. and conducted Saturday concerts 1856-1901, where he introduced and made known many valuable works. Mara (ma'-ra), Gertrude Elisabeth, soprano, b. Kassel, Feb. 23, 1749; d. Reval, Jan. 20, 1833. Daughter of musician. Schmeling, learned to play vln. alone; taken at 9 as prodigy to Vienna and to London where she was taught singing by Paradies; under instruction of J. A. Hiller at Leipzig she became first great German singer; engaged for life at Dresden; married unworthy 'cellist Mara; 1780 escaped or released from tyran- ny of King Frederick II, went to Vienna, Munich, and Paris, where she sang in rivalry with Todi; 1784- 1802 won great popularity in London, singing at Handel Festival and other concerts; retired to Moscow, lost all her property in fire 1812; taught in Italy, failed totally on last appear- ance in London 1819; voice of re- markable range, stage presence al- ways hampered by disease contracted in childhood. Marbeck [or Merbecke], John, compr., orgt. h. 1523; d. Windsor, about 1585. Chorister and orgt. at Wind- sor; condemned to death as heretic and narrowly escaped burning 1544; under Edward VI, free to declare opinions, published (1550) Booke of Common Praier Noted, in which plain chant was adapted to the new ritual; published also commentaries and a few hymns; escaped later per- secutions and held position as orgt. MARCELLO MARETZEK Marcello (mar-chel'lo), Benedetto, compr. b. Venice, July 24, 1686; d. Brescia, July 24, 1739. Venetian nobleman, of high education, pupil of Lotti and Gasparini; lawyer and gov't official at Venice, Pola, and Brescia; his greatest work is musical setting for one to four voices of Giustiniani's paraphrases of Psalms I-L; also poet of distinction and author of satirical essay 11 teatro alia moda. March, Mrs. G. E., see Gabriel, Virginia. Marchand (mar-shon), Louis, orgt. h. Lyons, Feb. 2, 1669; d. Paris, Feb. 17, 1732. Orgt. at Versailles; exiled 1717, became court orgt. at Dresden to king of Poland; chal- lenged to competition with J. S. Bach, fled from the ordeal and re- turned to Paris where his brilliant talents brought him renown and income as teacher; died in want. Marchant, Arthur William, orgt., compr. b. London, Oct. 18, 1850. Mus. Bac. Oxford 1879; held several posi- tions as orgt. in England, in Denver, Col., 1880-82; after 1895 at Dumfries, Scotland; composed services, an- thems, songs, etc.; written Primer, 500 Fugue Subjects and Answers, Voice Culture. Marchesi de Castrone (mar-ka'-zi-de- kas-tro'-na) , Salvatore [properly S. de C. Marchese della Rajata], baritone, teacher, b. Palermo, Jan. 15, 1822; d. Paris, Feb. 20, 1908. Student of law and music under Raimondi, Lam- perti, etc. ; after exile 1848 made debut New York; after study with Garcia had success in London; after mar- riage sang in England and on Conti- nent and taught in several places with his wife; compr. of some songs, translator of libretti, author of vocal method and vocalises. His wife Mar- chesi de Castrone, Mathilde, teacher. b. Frankfort-on-Mam, Mar. 26, 1826. Daughter of merchant Graumann, after the loss of whose fortune she adopted music as profession; studied in Vienna with Nicolai and in Paris with Garcia; 1849 success as concert singer in London; married 1852; taught at Vienna Cons. 1854-61, at Paris 1861, at Cologne Cons. 1865- 68, at Vienna Cons, again 1868-78, then privately until 1881, when she finally returned to Paris; famous teacher of pure style of song, she has had many famous pupils, lima de Murska, Gerster, Melba, etc.; pub- lished many vocalises, a method, and reminiscences Marchesi and Music. Her daughter Blanche, Baronne Cac- camisi, asst. of mother, concert singer of some success in England; operatic debut Prague 1900; recitals in U. S. 1899, etc. Marchetti (mar-ket'-ti), Filippo, compr. b. Bolognola, Feb. 26, 1831; d. Rome, Jan. 18, 1902. Student of music from 12th year; pupil of Conti at Naples 1850-54; 1st and 2d operas, 1856, both successful; after period of ill success, moved to Milan 1862, where his Romeo e Giulietta was successful 1865, although Gou- nod's was given at same time; Ruy Bias, best work 1869, followed by unsuccessful works; after 1880 teach- ing; principal Reale Accad. di Santa Cecilia in Rome 1881, dir. Liceo there 1885. Marchettus of Padua, theorist, living in Cesena about 1270; d. about 1320. In service of Rainier, Prince of Monaco, living at Cesena and Ve- rona; wrote 2 treatises, important in history of notation; his system of amplifying current methods was so complex that it was abused as foolish by contemporaries. Marenzio (ma-rent'-seo), Luca, compr. b. Coccagha, about 1556; d. Rome, Aug. 22, 1599. Studied at Brescia with Contini, in service of Sigismund III of Poland, and of Cardinal Aldo- brandino; maestro and cantor at papal chapel; unsurpassed as compr. of madrigals of which he published about 15 books; great effect on con- temporary English music. Maretzek (ma-ret'-zek). Max, impre- sario, b. Briinn, Moravia, June 28, 1821; d. Pleasant Plains, Staten Island, N.Y., May 14, 1897. Studied with Seyfried in Vienna; condr. in Germany, France, London, and after 1848 in New York, Mexico, and Havana; composed 2 operas (Ham- let, The Sleepy Hollow, N. Y., 1879); wrote Crotchets and Quavers, and Sharps and Flats, accounts of own experiences. MARGIS Margis (mar-zhi), Alfred, compr. b. Colombes, near Paris, Oct. 30, 1874. Pupil of Chavagnat, etc.; early talent shown in Valse hleue composed at 19, while in military service; then followed series of successful popular dances and songs Valse mauve, Christmas valse, music to several plays, revues, etc., and songs Roses de France, etc. Marie (ma-re), Gabriel Prosper, condr. b. Paris, Jan. 8, 1852. Studied solfeg- gio, pf. and harmony at Paris Cons.; pst., drummer, and chorusmaster at Lamoureux concerts; chef d'orch. at several theatres and at Guilmant con- certs at Trocadero; composed works for orch. and for string instr. Mario (ma'-reo), Giuseppe, Cavaliere di Candia, dram, tenor, b. Cagliari, Sardinia, Oct. 17, 1808; d. Rome, Dec. 11, 1883. After 10 years in Turin military service, became offi- cer in Piedmontese guard; in Paris 1836, popular amateur, was per- suaded to go on stage, and after brief study with Bordogni and Pon- chard, made debut 1838; went over to Italian opera 1840; sang with Tamburini, Lablache, and chiefly with Grisi, whom he married; re- tired 1867; noted not only for ex- quisite singing but for rare beauty of voice and distinguished presence. Marks, James Christopher, compr. b. Armagh, Ireland, May 4, 1835; d. Clifton, July 17, 1903. Chorister at Armagh Cath. under R. Turle; deputy orgt. there; orgt, and choir- master at Cork 1860; condr. Cork mus. soc; compr. of oratorios, ser- vices, etc. Son, same name, b. July 29, 1863; orgt. at Cork, compr. of anthems, services, part-songs, etc.; removed to New York, orgt. there. Marmontel (mar-mon-tel'), Antoine Frangois, compr., teacher, b. Cler- mont-Ferrand, July 18, 1816; d. Paris, Jan. 17, 1898. Pupil at Paris Cons, of Zimmermann, Dourlen, Halevy, and Lesueur; 1837 teacher of solfeggio, 1848-87 of pf.; among pupils were Bizet, d'Indy, Dubois, and many others; pf. music is chiefly instructive. Etudes de mecanisme, etc.; writings on pf. playing and teaching, Les pianistes celebres, Virtu- oses contemporains, etc. MARSTON Marpurg (mar-poorg'), Friedrich Wil- hehn, theorist. b. Marpurgshof, near Seehausen, Nov. 21, 1718; d. Berlin, May 22, 1795. Secretary to Gen. Rothenberg at Paris (1746-49); acquaintance of Rameau; lived at Berlin and Hamburg; director of lottery at Berlin 1763; critical writ- ings distinguished for moderation and good taste; wrote treatises on composition, church music, Abhand- lung von der Fuge (exhaustive treat- ment of subject, his greatest work), Historisch- Kritische Beitrdge, his- tory of organ, method for pf., etc. Marschner (marsh'-ner), Heinrich Au- gust, compr. b. Zittau, Aug. 16, 1795; d. Hanover, Dec. 14, 1861. Early admired as singer and pst.; in Leipzig as law student was per- suaded to become musician and studied with Schicht; invited to Vienna 1817, is said to have been aided by Beethoven; production of operas at Pressburg led to appoint- ment at Dresden 1823 as joint condr. with Weber and Morlacchi; capell- meister Leipzig 1826-31, at Han- over 1831-1859, when he retired. Most famous operas are Der Vampyr, Der Templar und die Jiidin, Hans Heiling (greatest); among German romantic comprs. M. is usually placed next to Weber, with whose works his show great similarity; orchestration is brilliant and effec- tive, and his flow of melody unceas- ing both in operas and in ballads and choruses, some of which are still popular. Marsick (mar-sik), Martin Pierre Joseph, vlt. b. Jupille, Belgium, Mar. 9, 1848. Studied at Liege Cons, with Desire-Heynberg, at Brussels Cons, with Leonard, at Paris Cons, with Massart, and at Berlin with Joachim; debut at Con- certs populaires 1873; prof, of vln. at Paris Cons. 1892-1900; long artistic tours in Europe and in U. S. 1895-96; faultless but not emotion- ally moving as performer. Marston, George W., orgt., compr. b. Sandwich, Mass., May 23, 1840; d. there, Feb. 2, 1901. Studied with J. E. Tufts in Portland, Me., and on two trips to Europe; lived in Portland as teacher of pf., organ and harmony (H. A. Norris among MARTEAU MASCAGNI pupils); composed church music, songs (Could ye come back to me, Douglas, Marguerite, etc.). Marteau (mar-to), Henri, vlt. b. Rheims, Mar. 31, 1874. Son of . musical parents; pupil of Bunzl, then of Leonard; 1884 debut in Vienna; 1885 chosen by Gounod to play at Joan of Arc centenary; studied at Paris Cons, with Marsick, winning 1st prize 1892; came to U. S. 1893, 1898, 1906, played in Russia 1897-99; prof, at Geneva Cons. 1900; succeeded Joachim as head of viohn dept. in Berlin Hochschule 1908; one of the great artists of his generation; especially noteworthy for absence of affectation combined with great ability and wide range of expressive power. Martin, Sir George Clement, compr., writer, b. Lambourne, Berkshire, Sept. 11, 1844. Pupil of J. Pearson and Stainer; orgt. to Duke of Buc- cleugh, master of choristers at St. Paul's, London, 1874, deputy orgt. 1876, orgt. 1888; teacher of org. at Royal Coll.; composed services, Te Deum for orch., arranged also for military band, Te Deum sung at Queen's Jubilee on steps of St. Paul's; knighted 1897. Martini (mar-te'-ni), Giovanni Battista [or Giambattista, known as Padre M.], compr., theorist, h. Bologna, Apr. 24, 1706; d. there, Oct. 4, 1784. Pupil of father, vlt., Predieri, and Riccieri; maestro di cappella at church of San Francisco; took orders 1729; aided by Perti and Zanotti became author- ity on music, mathematics and his- tory; largest library of time; con- sulted as teacher by great contem- poraries, Gluck, Mozart, Gretry, etc.; compr. of church music, author of history of ancient music, etc. Martucci (mar-toot'-chi), Giuseppe, pst., compr. h. Capua, Jan. 6, 1856; d. J'^ne 1, 1909. Studied with father, trumpet player; after debut as child pst., studied at Naples Cons, under Cesi, Serrao, and L. Rossi; profes- sor there 1874, director of Societa del Quartetto and other concerts ; director of Liceo, Bologna, 1886, and of Cons, in Naples 1902; composed 2 symph., pf. concerto, chamber music and pf. pieces; distinguished as virtuoso. Marty (mar-te'), Eugene Georges, compr. b. Paris, May 16, 1860. At Paris Cons, took Grand prix de Rome 1882; director vocal ensemble classes Cons. 1892-1904; chorus- master Eden Th. 1892, Grand Op^ra 1893; condr. Opera Comique 1900; since 1901 at Cons.; composed symph. poem Merlin enchante, over- tures, pantomimes, operas, songs, etc. Marx, Adolf Bemhard, theorist, b. Halle, May 15, 1795; d. Berlin, May 17, 1866. Gave up legal position for music; pupil of Tiirk and Zelter; with Schlesinger founded Berliner Allgemeine Mu^ik Zeitung (1824-30), which helped cause of German mus.; lecturer, prof, and mus. director at Berlin Univ.; with KuUak and Stern founded Stern Cons. 1850; retired 1856; wrote Die Lehre von der mus. Komposition, Beethovens Leben und Sclmffen, Gluck und die Oper, and Erinnerungen. Marzials (mar'-tsi-al), Theophile Jules Henri, compr. h. Brussels, Dec. 21, 1850. Pupil of M. L. Lawson in London, where he was made supt. of mus. dept. at British Museum in 1870; good baritone singer; compr. of several popular songs {Twicken- ham Ferry, Three Sailor Boys, That Sweet Story of Old, etc.). Marzo (mart'-so), Eduardo, compr. h. Naples, Nov. 29, 1852. Pupil of Nacciarone, Miceli, and Pappalardo; came to New York as pst. 1867; con- ducted opera companies, accom- panied Mario, Sarasate, and others; orgt. in New York; teacher, singer, composer chiefly of church music, songs, compiler of vocal works. Mascagni (mas-can'-yi) , Pietro, compr. b. Leghorn, Dec. 7, 1863. Became pupil of Soffredini in secret, against father's wishes; befriended by uncle, and later by Count Florestano; pupil of Ponchieili and Saladino at Milan Cons. ; conducted several small opera companies, finally settling as teacher and condr. of local society at Cerig- nola; 1899 won prize offered by Sonzogno, Milan publisher, for one- act opera with his Cavalleria Rusti- cana (perf. 1890); this brought him at once universal renown; the dra- matic force and intense emotionalism of the music have been called cheap MASCHERONI MASSE sensationalism by later cooler judg- ment, but the work is still popular, and has had influence in encouraging one-act works and developing a somewhat crude realism in music; later operas have been less and less successful; they are L'Amico Fritz 1891, / Rantzau 1892, Roicliff 1894, Zanetto and Silvano 1895, Iris 1898, Le maschere 1901, Arnica 1905, Yso- hel, 1912; dir. of Cons, at Pesaro 1895- 1903, when delayed return from tour in U. S. caused him to be replaced. Mascheroni (mas-ker-o'-ni), Angelo, compr. b. Bergamo, about 1856; d. there, April, 1905. While studying law, took lessons of Boucheron; capellmeister 1883 at Pordenone, 1885-1893 at Rome; chosen 1894 by Verdi to conduct first perf . of Falstaff at Milan and in other cities; com- posed opera Lorenza 1901. Mason, Lowell, teacher, h. Medfield, Mass., Jan. 8, 1792; d. Orange. N. J., Aug. 11, 1872. Self -taught^ directed church choir at 16; clerk at Savannah 1812-27, teaching, conducting mean- while, under influence of F. L. Abel, with whom M. made collection of psalm tunes published 1822 with- out his name as Handel and Haydn Society's Collection of Church Music; came to Boston 1826, as director of music at three prominent churches; 1827 pres. and condr. H. and H. Soc; 1832 with Webb estabhshed Acad- emy of Music (for popular classes and concerts); 1838 taught in public schools; also established teachers' conventions in several places; re- moved to New York 1851; influence of his classes, collections, and manuals was very wide and largely promoted increase of good music taste. His son Mason, William, pst., teacher, b. Bos- ton, Mass., Jan. 24, 1829; d. New York, July 14, 1908. Pupil of H. Schmidt in Boston (where he played in 1846), of Moscheles, Hauptmann, and Richter in Leipzig, of Drey- schock in Prague, and of Liszt in Weimar; after appearances abroad, returned to U. S. 1854; made first tour of pf. recitals alone; founded chamber music concerts in N. Y. with Theodore Thomas; honorary Mus. Doc. Yale 1872; long and successful career as teacher of Sherwood, Riv^-King, Mathews and many others; author of valuable pf. methods. Pianoforte Technics and Touch and Technic; his playing was distinguished for remarkable accu- racy and delicacy of touch; influen- tial in introducing in America works of Brahms and Schumann; Memories of a Musical Life contains many anec- dotes of his great contemporaries. Mason, Daniel Gregory, writer, b. Brookline, Mass., Nov. 20, 1873. Graduated Harvard 1895; studied music in Boston, N. Y., and Paris; composed pf. music; wrote From Grieg to Brahms, Beethoven and his Forerunners, The Romantic Com- posers, The Orchestral Instruments and How to use T/iew (1909); edited Masters in Music 6 vols. 1903-06; contributor to Outlook and Scribner's as well as to musical periodicals. Mason, Luther Whiting, teacher, h. Turner, Me., Apr. 3, 1828; d. Buck- field, Me., July 14, 1896. Self- taught; supt. of public school music in LouisviUe and Cincinnati; in- vented ^ " National System " of graded instruction by charts and books; 1865 reformed music in Bos- ton primary schools; 1879-82 supt. of school music in Japan, where such music is now called " Mason-song." Massart (mas-sar), Lambert Joseph, vlt. b. Liege, July 17, 1811; d. Paris, Feb. 13, 1892. Pupil of Delavau who persuaded town of Liege to send him to Paris; there refused admission to Cons, as foreigner, became pupil of R. Kreutzer; fine but shy per- former; prof, at Paris Cons. 1843- 1890; among rnany famous pupils were Wieniawski, Sarasate, Marsick, Loeffler, etc. Wife, nee Louise Aglae Masson (1827-1887), teacher of pf. at Cons. Masse (mas-sa), Felix Marie [called Victor], compr. h. Lorient, Mar. 7, 1822; d. Paris, July 5, 1884. Studied at Paris Cons, with Zimmermann and Halevy; Grand prix de Rome 1844; after publishing successful Melodies and Romances, composed operas, of which Les noces de Jeannette 1853 was by far most successful; La reine Tapare and Miss Fauvette and others well received; 1860-1876 chorusmas- ter at Op^ra; 1866-80 prof, of comp. at Cons.; member of Institute 1872. MASSENET Massenet (mas-se-na), Jules Emile Frederic, compr. b. Montaud, near St. Etienne, May 12, 1842. Studied at Paris Cons, with Laurent, Reber, Savard, and A. Thomas; 1st prize pf. 1859, fugue and Prix de Rome 1863; prof, of comp. at Cons. 1878- 1896; 1878 member of Academy; compr. of several orch. suites, pf. concerto, oratorios {Eve, La terre promise, etc.), incidental music to several plays, and about 20 operas, of which the most noted are Don Cesar de Bazan, Le Cid, Herodiade, Esdarmonde, Thais, Manon, La Navarraise, Le Jongleur de Notre Dame; introduced orch. accompani- ment to connecting dialogue in Manon; otherwise music, though skilful, often charming, and always popular, contains neither the force nor individuality which promises permanence; d. Aug. 13, 1912. Matema, Amalie, dram. sop. h. St. Georgen, Styria, July 10,. 1847. Daughter of schoolmaster; debut Graz about 1864; after marriage with actor Karl Friedrich, appeared in operetta in Vienna, finally at Vienna Opera 1869; from then until retirement 1897 sang all great Ger- man roles, especially Briinnhilde; first Kundry in Parsifal 1882; sang in N. Y. 1882, at Wagner Festival 1884, and several seasons at Metro- politan after 1885; possibly "greatest of German women singers." [Lahee.] Mathews, William Smythe Babcock, writer, b. New London, N. H., May 8, 1837. After study at home, in Lowell, and Boston, taught pf. at Macon, Ga., and other Southern towns; frequent contributor to Dwight's Journal and to Chicago papers after settling there 1867; edited magazine Music, largely col- ored by his personal opinions, but none the less interesting; wrote Out- lines of Musical Form, How to Under- stand Music, Popular Hist, of Mus., The Masters and their Music, 100 Years of Music in America, Mu^ic, Its Ideals and Methods, The Great in Music; and several other instructive works; d. Denver, Apr. 1, 1912. Mathias (ma-ti-a), Georges Amedee Saint Clair, pst., compr. b. Paris, Oct. 14, 1826; d. Pontoise, Oct. 14, 1910 Family German. Studied with Sav- MAimEL ard, Bazin, and Halevy at Cons., and with Kalkbrenner and Chopin; prof, at Cons. 1862-87; composed symph., overtures, useful pf. Etudes, etc. Mathieu (ma-ti-e), Emile Louis Victor, compr. h. Lille, Oct. 16, 1844. Studied at Louvain, at Brussels Cons, with Fetis, Dupont, twice winning 2d Grand prix de Rome, 1867-73 prof, at Louvain Mus. School, 1881-98 director; 1873-74 chef d'orch. at Th. du Chatelet, Paris; since 1898 director of Ghent Cons.; compr. of several operas, can- tatas, 3 grand Poemes lyriques et symphoniques for which he wrote the text. Mattel (mat-ta'-i), Tito, compr. b. Campobasso, near Naples, May 24, 1841. Pf. pupil of Maggoni, Thal- berg, etc.; prof, at Sta. Cecilia Accad. in Rome at 11; after tours in Europe, settled in London 1865; condr. at Her Majesty's Theatre; composed 2 operas, ballet, and much brilliant pf. music; d. London, March 30,1914. Mattheson (mat'-te-son), Johann, writer, h. Hamburg, Sept. 28, 1681; d. there, Apr. 17, 1764. Of extraor- dinary versatihty, student of law, of languages, orgt., pst., singer, actor, and ambassador; sang and conducted at harpsichord at Hamburg opera; benefactor of Handel until their quarrel; 1715-28 director and cantor at cathedral where he contributed to development of church cantata; retired because of deafness; several compositions, none extant; impor- tant for many writings, chiefly for biographies of contemporary musi- cians and Der vollkommene Kapell- meister. Maunder, John Henry, orgt., compr. b. Chelsea, London, Feb. 21, 1858. Studied at Royal Acad.; orgt. at Sydenham and Forest Hill; accomp. for Sims Reeves and others; trained choir for Henry Irving's Faust; composed operetta, cantatas, {From Olivet to Calvary, etc.) several anthems, services, etc. Maurel (mo-rel), Victor, baritone, b. Marseilles, June 17, 1848. Studied at Paris Cons, with Vauthrot and Duvernoy; debut 1868 at Op^ra; after seasons in Italy, Spain, Amer- ica, St. Petersburg, etc. returned to MAYBRICK MEHUL Opera 1879-1894 (1883-84 he man- aged with Corti vain attempt to revive Italian Opera in Paris); at Op^ra Comique 1894-1904, with occasional appearances as actor; published L Art du chant and Dix ans de carrier e; greatest roles are Don Juan, Rigoletto, and logo in Verdi's Otello; distinguished for excellence of dramatic impersonation even after voice became worn; teacher in New York 1909. Maybrick, Michael, baritone [under pseud. Stephen Adams], b. Liver- pool, Jan. 31, 1844. Studied org. with Best, pf. with Plaidy and Moscheles, harm, with Richter at Leipzig, and singing with Nava at Milan; successful in English, Ameri- can and Canadian concerts, especially in own songs, of which several are very popular ( Nancy Lee, Blue Alsa- tian Mountains, etc.). Mayer (ma-yar), Charles, pst. b. Konigsberg, Mar. 21, 1799; d. Dresden, July 2, 1862. Studied with mother and in St. Petersburg with Field, whose playing his closely resembled; after tour to Paris with father, clarinetist, 1814, became suc- cessful teacher in St. P.; after tour to Stockholm, Copenhagen, etc., settled in Dresden 1850; composed about 900 pieces, chiefly for pf . ; Polka bohemienne, once very popular, Ma- zurka in F sharp maj. included by Klindworth in 1st ed. of Chopin's works. Maylath (mi'-lat), Heinrich, pst. b. Vienna, Dec. 4, 1827; d. New York, Dec. 31, 1883. Studied with his father; after Continental tours, lived in Russia, and after 1867 in New York; compr. of instructive pf. music and excellent concert pieces. Mayseder (mf-za-der), Joseph, vlt., compr. b. Vienna, Oct. 26, 1789; d. there, Nov. 21, 1863. Studied with Suche and Wranitzky; debut 1800; 2d vln. in Schuppanzigh quartet; member of court orch. 1816; solo vlt. court opera 1820, imperial chamber virtuoso 1835; though he was a fasci- nating player in elevated style, he never went on tours, seldom gave con- certs, after 1837 never played in pub- lic; many distinguished pupils; about 63 compositions, dignified in style. Mazas (ma-zas), Jacques Fereol, vlt. b. Beziers, Sept. 23, 1782; d. there, 1849. Studied at Paris Cons, with Baillot, 1st prize 1805; member of orch. at Italian opera; traveled in Europe, returning to Paris 1829-37; director of music school at Cambrai 1837^1; wrote effective compo- sitions for vln., duets for stringed instruments especially valued, meth- ods for vln. and viola, and 3 operas. Mead, Olive, vlt. h. Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 22, 1874. Studied vln. early, with Eichberg and later with Kneisel; played with considerable success at many concerts, with Boston Symph. Orch. 1898, 1899, 1900, 1904; leader of Olive Mead Quartet. Mees (mas), Arthur, condr. b. Co- lumbus, O., Feb. 13, 1850. Studied in Berlin with KuUak, Weitzmann, and H. Dorn; condr. Cincinnati May Festival chorus, and of societies in N. Y., Albany, etc.; 1896 chorus condr. to Thomas Orch.; writer of program notes N. Y. Philharmonic 1887-96, and Chicago Orch. 1896- 97; condr. Worcester Festival 1908; Cecilia Soc, Boston, 1912; published Choir and Choral Music (1901). Mehlig (ma'-lig), Anna, pst. h. Stutt- gart, June 11, 1843. Pupil of Lebert and of Liszt; debut about 1866; very successful especially in England and in America 1869-70; since marriage to Falk of Antwerp has lived in partial retirement. Mehul (ma-ul), Etienne Nicolas, compr. b. Givet, Ardennes, June 22, 1763; d. Paris, Oct. 18, 1817. Son of a cook, learned to play org. from blind orgt. and was made orgt. at convent at 10; became novice at monastery of Lavaldieu in order to take lessons of Hauser, whose deputy he became 1777; pf. pupil of Edelmann in Paris after 1778; inspired by performance of Iphigenie en Tauride 1779, be- came disciple of Gluck who per- suaded him to turn to operatic comp.; after first success at Th. Italien with Euphrosyne et Coradin in 1790, M. produced 24 operas in 17 years, of which Stratonice, Uthal, and especially Joseph are note- worthy; also composed several polit- ical chants; inspector of Cons, and member of Academy 1795; though MEINARDUS MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY his symphonies were unimportant, his operatic overtures (that to Le jeune Henri, for example) are supe- rior to those of contemporaries; operas as whole show ingenuity, skill, re- finement, and individuality in orches- tral combinations and force of dra- matic feeling carefully expressed in accordance with the theories of Gluck; his inspiration was not always equal to his ability. Meinardus (ml-nar'-dus), Ludwig Sieg- fried, compr., writer, h. Hooksiel, Oldenburg, Sept. 17, 1827; d. Biele- feld, July 10, 1896. On advice of Schumann, turned from 'cello play- ing to composition; studied at Leip- zig Cons., privately with Riccius, with Liszt and with Marx; condr. at Glogau; pf. teacher Dresden Cons. 1865-74; lived in Hamburg vmtil 1887, when he became orgt. at Biele- feld; composed oratorios {Simon Petrus, Luther in Worms, etc.), choral ballads, etc., orch. and cham- ber music; wrote autobiography, books on Mattheson, Mozart, history of German music. Melba, Nellie [pseud, of Nellie Arm- strong, nee Mitchell], dram,, sop. h. Melbourne, Australia, May 19, 1859. Early instructed in music, but father objected to professional appearance; after marriage in 1882 to Capt. Arm- strong, studied with Mme. Marchesi in Paris for one year; debut Brussels 1887 was followed by briUiant suc- cesses in London, Paris, St. Peters- burg, Italy, and America (where she sang first in New York 1893), and Australia 1902; her voice is remark- ably even throughout its range of 2^ octaves, unusually flexible, and brilliant and silvery in tone; her repertoire includes the Italian roles, many French ones {Juliette is one of her favorites), Elsa being the only Wagnerian one. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (men'-del-son bar'-tol-dy), Jacob Ludwig Felix, compr. h. Hamburg, Feb. 3, 1809; d. Leipzig, Nov. 4, 1847. Grandson of philosopher Moses Mendelssohn and son of banker (who added Bar- tholdy to name in memory of his brother-in-law), removed to Berlin 1812, where Felix and sister Fanny showed early talent for music; taught by their mother and L. Berger on pf., Henning vln., and Zelter theory; Felix played at con- cert 1818, entered Singakademie 1819; weekly Sunday gatherings at father's house gave him remarkable opportunities to hear his own com- positions played by small orch.; taught by Mme. Bigot on first visit to Paris 1816; met many of great contemporaries on second visit 1825; 1826 composed overture to Mid- summernighV s Dream; studied at Berlin Univ.; 1824 had lessons from Moscheles; 1829 produced Bach's St. Matthew Passion at Berlin Singa- kademie and thus revived interest in Bach's works; 1829 made his first trip to London, where he brought out his first symphony; trip to Scotland, where he received impressions ex- pressed in Hebrides Overture, Scotch symph., etc.; after long visit to Italy and to Paris, again in London; on return to Berlin failed to get position as' condr. of Singakademie; 1833-35 town musical director at Diisseldorf, conducting Lower Rhenish Festival 1833, Cologne 1835, and making 3d trip to London; 1835 became condr. at Gewandhaus Concerts in Leipzig, position in which he attained very great influence on musical life of all Europe; 1837 married C^cile Char- lotte Sophie Jeanrenaud, with whom he lived a singularly happy life; 1843 with others founded Leipzig Cons, and drew to it such teachers as Hauptmann, David, and Schu- mann; Fr. Wilhelm IV of Prussia repeatedly tried to draw M. to Ber- lin, where he lived for a while in 1841, 1842 as Royal Mus. director and in 1845, but he seems never to have been as happy or as successful there as in Leipzig; he made in all ten trips to London, where he was most popu- lar; his death followed shortly after that of his sister Fanny and is said to have been hastened by that shock. M. was a conductor of rare power and discernment, a performer of surprising ability and expressiveness, a generous critic and teacher, and an individual of very great personal charm, much of which appears in his published letters. A versatile compr., he wrote oratorios St. Paul and Elijah, overtures, music to Antigone, First Walpurgis Night, Midsummer^ night's Dream, Athalia, OEdipus in MENTER Colonos, 4 symph., vln. and 2 pf. concertos, chamber mus., of which the pf. trios rank high, many pf. pieces, notably Songs without Words and many brilhant concert pieces; songs, part-songs, psalms, etc., comic opera Son and Stranger, and parts of opera Lorelei. Menter, Sophie, pst. b. Munich, July 29, 1848. Daughter of 'cellist Joseph M. (1808-1856); studied at Munich Cons, with Leonhard, Schon- chen, later with Lebert, Niest, Von Bulow, Tausig, and Liszt; after suc- cessful tour, appeared at Gewandhaus in Leipzig 1867; studied further with Tausig and Liszt; married 'cellist Popper 1872, divorced 1886; taught at St. Petersburg 1880-87; after that made her home in Tyrol, playing occasionally in concerts. Mercadante, Giuseppe Saverio Raffaelle, compr. h. Altamura, Sept. 17, 1795; d. Naples, Dec. 17, 1870. Studied with Zingarelli at Naples; early in- strumental works won praise from Rossini; after success of L'Apoteosi d'Ercole 1819, composed series of operas for different Italian cities; 1833 maestro di cappella at Novara, 1839 at Lanliano; 1840 director of Naples Cons.; 1862 became blind; composed masses and cantatas, hymn to Garibaldi, funeral symph. to Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti; most notable opera II Giuramento. Merkel, Gustav Adolf, compr. b. Oberoderwitz, Saxony, Nov. 12, 1827; d. Dresden, Oct. 30, 1885. Studied with Schneider and Otto and to some extent with Schumann and Reissiger; orgt. at Dresden; taught in Cons, there .after 1861; condr. of Singakademie 1867-73; compositions almost all for org., of great nobility, especially sonatas and fugues. Mersenne (mer-sen'), Marie, writer, b. Oize, France, Sept. 8, 1588; d. Paris, Sept. 1, 1648. Franciscan monk; received full orders 1613; taught philosophy at Nevers; studied mathe- matics and music in company with Descartes, etc., at Paris; wrote sev- eral treatises of which most impor- tant is Harmonie universelle, describ- ing contemporary instruments and theories, etc. METHFESSEL Merulo [properly Merlotti], Claudio, [called da Correggio], orgt., teacher. h. Correggio, April 8, 1533; d. Parma, May 4, 1604. Studied with Menon and Donati; orgt. at Brescia; 2d orgt. 1557 and 1st orgt. 1556-86 at St. Mark's, Venice; publisher there; court orgt. to Duke of Parma; re- nowned as player; compositions (toccatas, etc.) of importance as showing change to newer style which culminated in Frescobaldi. Merz, Karl, teacher, h. Bensheim, near Frankfort, Sept. 10, 1836; d. Woos- ter, O., Jan. 30, 1890. Studied with father and Kunkel; came to U. S. 1854; taught in Lancaster, Pa., Oxford and Wooster, O.; 1873 editor of Cleveland Musical World; col- lected essays, Music and Culture, show thoughtful analysis. Messager (mes'-sa-zha), Andre Charles Prosper, condr., compr. h. Montlu- 9on, France, Dec. 30, 1853. After studying at Niedermeyer school, became pupil of Saint-Saens; orgt. in several churches; condr. at Opera Comique 1898; '' artistic director " at Covent Garden, London, 1901-07; Paris Opera 1907; completed score of Bernicat's Francois les bas bleus and has composed long series of comic operas (La basoche, Les p'tites Michu, Veronique most successful) which, though lacking in originality, are able and pleasing. His wife, nee Dotie Davis, was pupil of Barnett and Silas in London and of Messager in Paris; under pseud. Hope Temple, composed operetta The Wooden Spoon and songs. Metastasio (met-a-staz'-eo), Pietro Antonio Domenico Bonaventura [real name Trapassi], poet. b. Rome, Jan. 3, 1698; d. Vienna, Apr. 12, 1782. Power of improvisation as child at- tracted patronage of Gravina, who educated him and changed his name; court poet at Vienna after 1730; librettos so much in demand that some were set by 30 different comprs. ; used by Gluck, Handel, Mozart (La clemenza di Tito) and others; also composed and sang. Methfessel (met'-fessel), Albert Gottlieb, compr. b. Stadtilm, Thuringia, Oct. 6, 1785; d. Heckenbeck, near Gan- dersheim, Mar. 23, 1869. Chamber m:etra musician at Rudolstadt; court cap- ellmeister Brunswick 1832-42 when he retired; composed an opera and an oratorio; published in Liederbuch and Liederkranz many songs for male chorus which are still popu- lar. Brother Friedrich M., compr. (1771-1807); relative Ernst M.,condr. (1802-1878) must not be confused with condr. of same name at Winter- thur (1811-1886). Metra (ma-tra), Jules Louis Olivier, condr., compr. b. Rheims, June 2, 1830; d. Paris, Oct. 22, 1889. Son of actor and actor himself; pupil of Roche; vlt., 'cellist, double-bass player in Parisian theatres; after short time as pupil of Elwart and A. Thomas at Paris Cons., conducted orch. at several theatres and balls at Op^ra Com., Folies-Bergeres and Op^ra; composed operettas, ballets, and very popular waltzes (Le tour du monde, La bague, etc.). Meyer (mi'-er), Leopold von [sometimes de], pst. b. Baden, near Vienna, Dec. 20, 1816; d. Dresden, Mar. 5, 1883. Pupil of Fischhof and Field; d^but 1835; long tours through Europe and America; played chiefly his own briUiant but empty com- positions; of great ability but much given to extravagant posing; famous waltz Souvenir de Vienne. Meyer-Helmund (ml'-er-heF-munt), Erik, compr. b. St. Petersburg, Apr. 25, 1861. Pupil of father, Kiel, and Stockhausen; successful concert singer; compr. of charming songs, some to own words, of 3 operas, and a ballet; hves in Berlin. Meyer-Olbersleben (mi'-er-ol'-bers-la- ben). Max, compr. b. Olbersleben, near Weimar, Apr. 5, 1850. Pupil of father, MuUer-Hartung, Liszt, Cor- nelius, Rheinberger, and Wiillner; taught at Weimar 1876, Wiirzburg 1877, where he conducted Liedertafel; director 1896 of Deutscher Sanger- bund; dir. Cons. Wiirzburg; compr. of 2 operas, but chiefly of choruses and songs with pf. or orch. accomp, Meyerbeer (ma'-yar-bar), Giacomo [real name Jakob Liebmann Beer], com- pr. b. Berlin, Sept. 5, 1791; d. Paris, May 2, 1864. Of Jewish descent; name changed to Meyer- beer as condition of inheritance; MIKULl pupil on pf . of Lauska and Clementi, in theory of Zelter, Bernh. Weber, and 1810-12 of Abt Vogler at Darm- stadt; in Vienna, after hearing Hum- mel play, he spent several months in retired practise, after which his debut was successful; discouraged by failure of early operas, went to Venice to study, where he won earliest successes by imitations of Rossini {Emma di Resburgo, etc.); II cro- ciato in Egitto is transitional; 1824- 31 he produced no opera; after long study of French opera and assimila- tion of contemporary spirit, pro- duced Robert le Diable 1831 (great success and great financial aid to Op^ra) ; then followed Les Huguenots 1836 (probably the greatest), Le prophete 1849, L'Etoile du Nord 1854, Dinorah 1859, and U Africaine 1865; after 1842 he was music director in Berlin, where he conducted his own works, brought out Weber's Eury- anthe and Wagner's Rienzi and Der fliegende Hollander. M's operas are extraordinarily skilful in orchestral color and dramatic effectiveness much of which is due to the brilliant librettos of Scribe; his music is not always of even quality or interest; his style adapts itself so remarkably to each change of subject that there is almost a total lack of the feeling of individuality; one feels with Meyerbeer, as with Scribe, a pref- erence for dramatic effect, for " jugghng with contrasts " rather than for artistic truth. Middelschulte, Wilhelm, orgt., compr. b. April 3, 1863, at Werwe, West- phaha. Pupil at the Inst, for Church Music in Berlin of Haupt, Loeschhorn, Commer, and Schroeder; orgt. Berlin 1888, Chicago 1891; since 1894 orgt. for Thomas Orches- tra with important church positions; compr. of valuable org. music. Canon and Fy^u£ in D min., concerto for org. and orch. on a theme of J. S. Bach, Canon-Fantaisie on Bach and Fu^ue on four Bach themes, and Toccata on Einfeste Burg. Mikuli (mi-koo'-li), Carl, pst., compr. b. Czernowitz, Bohemia, Oct. 20, 1821; d. Lemberg, May 21, 1897. Student of medicine at Vienna, of music with Chopin and Reicha at Paris; after successful tour in Russia, MILANOLLO MOIR became director of Lemberg Cons. 1858; founded own music sciiool 1888; edited Chopin's works with emendations received directly from C; own pf. compositions imitate C's style; published also French and Polish folk-songs, etc. Milanollo, Maria, vlt. h. Savigliano, near Turin, July 19, 1832; d. Paris, Oct. 21, 1848. From 1838 to her death played in concerts with her sister Domenica Maria Teresa, vlt. b. Savigliano, Aug. 28, 1827; d. Paris, Oct. 25, 1904. Teresa had lessons from Caldera and Mora at Turin, and some in the course of various tours from De B^riot and, under a pseudonym, from Habeneck; both sisters had brilliant success in concerts in France, Germany, Hol- land, and England; T. retired after marriage to Parmentier, 1857, to Toulouse and 1878 to Paris. Mililotti, Leopoldo, singing teacher, h. Ravenna, Aug. 6, 1835. Studied and taught in Rome ; composed, with brother Giuseppe (1833-83), 2 oper- ettas. Millard, Harrison, compr. b. Boston, Mass., Nov. 27, 1830; d. Sept. 10, 1895. Member of church choir and Handel and Haydn Soc. chorus; after study in Italy, sang tenor on tour through Great Britain with Cather- ine Hayes; taught singing, composed in N. Y. after 1856; composed opera (never performed), mass, church music, and over 350 songs. Millocker (mil'-16k-er), Karl, compr. b. Vienna, May 29, 1842; d. Baden, near Vienna, Dec. 29, 1899. Pupil at Vienna Cons.; capellmeister at Graz, at Harmonie Th., Vienna, and, after 1869, at Th. an der Wien; composed pf. pieces, published monthly in Musikalische Presse, and long series of lively, deservedly pop- ular operettas, of which Der Bettel- student attained widest notice. Mills, Robert Watkin, baritone, h. Painswick, Gloucestershire, Mar. 4, 1856. Studied at Royal Acad, with Holland, at Milan with Blasco, and in London again with Barnby, Ran- degger, and Blume; d^but 1884; favorite at oratorios, festivals, and concerts; has sung in Australasia, Canada, and U. S. since 1894. Mills, Sebastian Bach, pst. b. Ciren- cester, England, Mar. 13, 1838; d. Wiesbaden, Dec. 21, 1898. Pupil of father. Potter, and Sterndale Ben- nett, of Moscheles, etc., at Leipzig Cons, of Liszt; while orgt, at Ro- man Catholic Cath. at Sheffield, appeared as pst. in Leipzig; 1859 d^but in New York was so successful that he made his home there; great influence, by teaching and playing, on musical interest in N. Y.; com- posed graceful works for pf . Missa, Edmond Jean Louis, compr. h. Rheims, June 12, 1861. Studied at Paris Cons, with Massenet; Prix de Rome 1883; teacher and compr. in Paris; composed since 1886 series of operas performed in Brussels and Paris, Juge et partie, Ninon de Len- clos, Muguette, etc. Mocquereau (mok-ke-ro), Dom Andre, editor, b. La Tessouale, near Cholet, France, June 6, 1849. Educated at Paris; 'cello player under Dancla; member of order of Benedictines at Solesmes 1875; teacher of choral singing there; under Dom Pothier studied Gregorian music; 1889 founded Paleographie musicale, pub- lication under his editorship of facsimiles of old Mss., with trans- cription into modern notation and valuable essays, some of which have been reprinted separately; 6 parts have appeared. Moffat, Alfred Edward, compr. b. Edinburgh, Dec. 4, 1866. Studied with Bussler in Berlin; lives in Eng- land and Germany; composed sev- eral cantatas, school songs; published collections of folk-songs, English and Scotch; arranged classical works. Mohr (mor), Hermann, compr. h. Nienstedt, Oct. 9, 1830; d. Phila- delphia, May 26, 1896. Studied at Eisleben; founded Luisenstadt Cons, at Berlin; taught in Phila. at Zeck- wer's Cons, after 1886; composed cantatas, pf. pieces, and especially choruses for men's voices. Moir, Frank Lewis, compr. b. Market Harborough, England, Apr. 22, 1852; d. Deal, July 14, 1904. Studied painting at S. Kensington; won scholarship in Nat'l Training Sch. of Music; composed opera, church services, and many songs. MOLIQUE Molique (mo-lek), Wilhelm Bemhard, vlt., compr. b. Nuremberg, Oct. 7, 1802; d. Kannstatt, May 10, 1869. Pupil of father, of Spohr (for a few lessons), of Rovelli at Munich; mem- ber of th. orch. at Vienna, leader royal orch. at Munich 1820, at Stuttgart 1826-49; after that in London until retirement 1866; serious and re- strained player, compr. chiefly for vln. of some uninteresting works and of really distinguished and valued con- certos. MoUenhauer (moF-len-how'-er), Emil, vlL, condr. b. Brooklyn, Aug. 4, 1855. Son of Friedrich, vlL; at 9 appeared at Niblo's Garden, N. Y.; member of orchestras at Booth's Th., Thomas's, Damrosch's, Bijou Th. (Boston), Boston Symph. 1884-88; condr. of Germania and Boston Festival Orch. (which gave concerts throughout U. S. with distinguished soloists), of Apollo Club after 1901, of Handel and Haydn Soc. after 1899. MoUoy, James Lyman, compr. b. Corno- lore, Ireland, 1837; d. 1910. Member of English bar; amateur musician; compr. of songs (Love's Old Sweet Song, etc.), editor of Irish melodies. Mondonville (mon-don-vel'), Jean Joseph Cassanea de, vlt., compr. b. Narbonne, Dec. 25, 1711; d. Belle- ville, near Paris, Oct. 8, 1772. Added wife's name, de M., to his, Cassanea; successful vlt. at Lille and at Con- certs spirituels in Paris; 1744 in- tendant of la chapelle du roi at Ver- sailles; director of Concerts spirituels 1755-62; composed motets and operas which were successful only because they were supported by French party in the Guerre des bouffons. Moniuszko, Stanislaus, compr. h. Ubil, Russia, May 5, 1820; d. Warsaw, June 4, 1872. Pupil of Freyer in Warsaw and Rungenhagen in Vienna; teacher and orgt. in Wilna; capellnieister 1858 and later prof, at Cons, in Warsaw; published many songs, church and organ music, and 15 operas in national style of Poland. Monk, Edwin George, orgt., compr. h Frome, Somersetshire, Dec. 13, 1819 d. Radley, near Oxford, Jan. 3, 1900 Pupil of father, of H. and G. Field, after org. appointments in England and Ireland, studied with G. A. MONTE Macfarren; precentor and music- master at Radley; Mus. Doc. Oxford 1856; orgt. at York Cathedral 1859- 83; pubhshed anthems, etc., and edited several volumes of chants pointed, for Anglican service. Monk, William Henry, orgt. h. Lon- don, Mar. 16, 1823; d. Stoke New- ington, London, Mar. 18, 1889. Pupil of Adams, Hamilton, and Griesbach; orgt. in London; choir- master, orgt. 1849, and teacher of vocal music 1874 at King's Coll., London; prof, at School for Indigent Blind 1851, in National Training Coll. 1876; in Bedford Coll., London, 1878; mus. editor of Parish Choir, of Hymns Ancient and Modern, Scottish Hymnal, etc. Monsigny (mon-se-ni), Pierre Alex- andre, compr. h. Fauquembergue, near St. Omer, Oct. 17, 1729; d. Paris, Jan. 14, 1817. Abandoned early studies to become clerk and maitre d'hotel to Duke of Orleans; 1754, inspired by performance of La serva padrona, began lessons in har- mony with Gianotti and in five months produced successful Les aveux indiscrets; operas (notably Aline, Le deserteur, Felix) ended in 1777; government positions lost in Revolution, but pensioned by Op^ra Com.; inspector at Cons. 1795-1802; member of Academy 1813; works charmingly melodious, without re- markable skill. Montagnana (mon-tan-ya'-na), Dom- enico, vln.-maker. b. about 1700; d. Venice (?), 1740. Probably pupil of Stradivari, with whom he worked and whose vlns. his resemble in a general way, without being copies; especially remarkable varnish; also made violas; all his instruments val- uable. Monte (mon'-te), Philippe de [or de Mens], compr. h. Mons or Malines, about 1521; d. Vienna (?), July 4, 1603. At Antwerp 1557 about at end of Lassus' residence there; capell- meister to Maximilian II and Rudolf II at Vienna and Prague; treas. and canon at Cambrai, but apparently did not live there; published 30 books of madrigals, 2 of masses, and 7 of motets, a few of which have been reprinted. MONTEVERDE MORLEY Monteverde [or Monteverdi], Claudio Giovanni Antonio, compr. b. Cre- mona (baptized May 15), 1567; d. Venice, Nov. 29, 1643. Viola player in orch. of Duke Gonzaga at Mantua and pupil in counterpoint of Ingeg- neri, maestro to the duke; early works, canzonets and madrigals, show inipatience of conventional restraint and desire for new progres- sions; 1603 became maestro to duke; 1607 produced first opera, Orfeo; 1613 maestro at St. Mark's, Venice; after 1637, when first opera house opened in Venice, M. composed many successful operas; almost none of his works are extant; remarkable as compr. who, by novel progressions in his madrigals, etc., established modern music despite opposition of adherents of older polyphonic school, the principles of which, as illustrated in older church music, suffered unduly from his success; in dramatic music his innovations were enlarg- ing orch., inventing new combina- tions, using tremolo of strings, mak- ing freer and more dramatic recita- tive. Moody, Charles Henry, orgt. b. Stour- bridge, Worcestershire, Mar. 22, 1874. Pupil of T. W. Morgan; orgt. at Tenbury, Wells, Wigan, Coventry, and since 1902 at Ripon Cath.; condr. of choral soc. and festival choirs at Wigan, Coventry, Ripon; lecturer on mus.; published Festival Magnifi- cat, Mus. and Emotion, Evolution of Ecclesiastical Mus., Choir Boy in the Making and, under pseud. Coulthart Brajrton, songs. Moody, Fanny, soprano, h. Redruth, Nov. 23, 1866. Pupil of Mme. Sainton- Dolbv; d^but with Carl Rosa Co. 1887; after 1894 sang in Italian opera at Covent Garden and Drury Lane; gave costume recitals; successful in concerts in England and provinces; married 'Southcote Mansergh, bass, whose stage name is Charles Manners; they have given many concerts together, and opera presentations in English. Moore, Graham Ponsonby, pst., writer. b. Ballarat, Australia, Apr. 14, 1859. Pupil of Kullak at Berlin Cons, and of Scharwenka and Moszkowski; prof, at Royal Coll. Mus., London, and examiner for R. A. M.; compr. chiefly for pf. (C oncer tstiicke, studies, nocturnes, archaic dances, etc.). Morales (mo-ra'-l6th), Cristofero [Cris- tobal], compr. b. Seville, Jan. 2, 1512; d. Malaga, June 14, 1553. Member of Papal Chapel 1535-40; maestro di cappella, Toledo, 1544^5, singer at Malaga Cath. 1551; prob- ably returned to Seville 1552; com- posed 16 masses, several motets and magnificats, some of which are sung annually in Papal Chapel. Morgan, George Washboume, orgt. h. Gloucester, England, Apr. 9, 1822; d. Tacoma, Wash., July, 1892. Pupil of J. Amott; orgt. in several churches in England, and after 1854 in New York; gave concerts on Bos- ton Music Hall organ. Morgan, John Paul, orgt. b. Oberlin, O., Feb. 13, 1841; d. Oakland, Cal., Jan., 1879. For many years in New York as orgt. and compr., chiefly of org. and church music; translated Richter's Manual of Harmony; his wife made English versions of words to many songs and cantatas. Morhange, see Alkan. Morlacchi (mor-lak'-ki), Francesco, compr. b. Perugia, June 14, 1784; d. Innsbruck, Oct. 28, 1841. Studied with Mazzetti, Caruso, Zingarelli, and Martini; after writing church music, he turned to opera, 1803, with such success that in 1810 he became capellmeister of Italian opera at Dresden; wrote more operas, masses, and oratorios; one of those who are said to have combined Italian and German qualities. Morley, Charles, see Behr, F. Morley, Thomas, compr. h. London, 1557 or 1558; d. there, about 1602. Pupil of W. Byrd; Mus. Bac. Oxford 1588; orgt. at St. Giles's and at St. Paul's; gentleman of Chapel Royal 1592; license to print granted 1598; composed canzonets or short "ayres" for 3 or 4 voices, madrigals, harpsi- chord pieces in Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, settings of some Shakespeare songs, etc.; wrote first treatise on music published in England, A plaine and easie introduction, and a book of Consort lessons; highly praised by MUCK MUSIOL advance in instrumental writing; his first improvement was substitution of more dignified and refined min- uets; later he developed resources of the orchestra so that the whole effect is much richer than in Haydn's symphonies, although M. never attained the depth and nobility of Beethoven. His operas were at first in the simple Italian style, then after attempting to imitate the French opera as reformed by Gluck, in Figaro and Don Giovanni he attained a style of his own never equalled for mixture of dignity, grace, exquisitely comic feeling, and beauty; he com- bines Italian vivacity with German poetic truthfulness within his own personality. Muck (mook), Karl, condr. b. Wiirz- burg, Oct, 22, 1859. Early lessons from father, chancellor and amateur mus.; studied philosophy at Heidel- berg and Leipzig, music at Leipzig Cons, under Richter and Reinecke; condr. at Zurich 1880-81, Salzburg 1881-82, Brunn 1882-84, Graz 1884- 86, Prague 1886 -92, and, since 1892, court capellmeister at Berlin Royal opera; conductor of Boston Symph. Orch. 1906-08, again 1912-, and at Bayreuth 1901, 1902, '04, '06. Mtiffat, Georg, conipr. b. Schlettstadt, about 1645; d. Passau, Feb. 23, 1704. Sudied LuUy's style in Paris; orgt. Salzburg Cath,, then to Bishop of S., then capellmeister to Bishop of Pas- sau; published instrumental sonatas, concbitos, some 50 dance pieces for 4 and 8 vlns., etc., together with instruc- tions in playing string instruments. Miiller, Carl Christian, compr., teacher. b. Meiningen, Germany, July 3, 1831. Parents cultivated musical amateurs; showed decided musical bent at an early age and was given instruction in piano playing and harmony by members of the ducal orchestra. In 1854 he came to New York and connected himself with a firm of piano makers, later joining the theatre orchestra of Barnum's Museum, of which he became leader. In 1864 he turned his attention to teaching, making a specialty of the piano and harmony; member of the faculty of the New York College of Music; some of his pupils have risen high in professional circles. Com- positions include nearly all forms: two overtures, an Idyl, a Suite in G minor, a symphony in D minor, a Sccna for tenor and orchestra, and other pieces for orchestra; in cham- ber music, a sonata for violin and piano and three string quartets; pieces for piano solo and with other instruments, three sonatas, preludes and postludes for the organ, songs, quartets and anthems; some of the large works have been performed by the Manuscript Society and by Theodore Thomas. He translated Sechter's treatise The Correct Order of Fundamental Harmonies, a valu- able work of reference in musical theory. Lives in New York City (1910). Muris (mii-ris'), Johannes de, theorist. Disciple of Franco; trained at Ox- ford; author of treatise Speculum musiccB in 7 books, on theory and practise of music; large claims have been made for him, but influence appears to have been rather con- servative than innovating. Murska, lima di, dram, soprano, b. Croatia, 1836; d. Munich, Jan. 16, 1889. Pupil of the Marchesis in Vienna; debut Florence 1862; had great success in almost all capitals; America 1873-76; voice was brilhant, with range of nearly 3 octaves; taught in N. Y. for short time, but retired to Munich some years before her death. Musin (mii-zan), Ovide, vlt. h. Man- drin, near Liege, Sept. 22, 1854. Studied at Liege Cons, with Heyn- berg and Leonard, and with latter at Paris Cons., where he also taught a year; successful tours around the world; taught at Liege Cons, after 1897, prof, after 1898; teaching in N. Y. 1908-10. Musiol, Robert Paul Johann, compr., writer, b. Breslau, Jan. 14, 1846; d. Fraustadt, Oct. 18, 1903. Studied at Seminary of Liebenthal, Silesia; teacher and cantor at Rohrsdorf, near Fraustadt, 1873-1891; author of Catechismu^ der Mu^ikgeschichte, editor of several music lexicons, biographies of Fritze, Korner, and Hugo Briickler; contributed to peri- odicals, etc. NACHBAUR NAUMANK N Nachbaur (nak'-bour) , Franz, tenor . b . Schloss Giessen, near Friedrichshafen, Mar. 25, 1835; d. Munich, Mar. 21, 1902. Pupil of Pischek while at Stutt- gart Polytechnic; chorister at Basle; sang at Lun^ville, and, after study with Orth and Lamperti, at Mann- heim, Hanover, Prague, Darmstadt, Vienna, finally at Munich 1866-90; created part of Walther in Die Meis- tersinger; great repute in Germany. Nachez (na-shez'), Tivadar, vlt. h. Pesth, May 1, 1859. Studied with Sabatil, Joachim at Berlin, and Leonard at Paris; from headquar- ters in Paris made successful Conti- nental tours; settled in London 1889, where he is popular as concert player; composed concertos, Hun- garian rhapsodies and dances, etc. Nadaud (na-do), Gustave, compr. b. . Roubaix, France, Feb. 20, 1820; d. Paris, Apr. 28, 1893. Distinguished compr. of chansons, of which he published some 15 volumes, usually to his own words; also wrote 3 op- erettas (Ledocteur Vieuxtemps, etc.). Nageli (na'-g6-H), [Johann ?J Hans Georg, compr., publisher, b. Wetzi- kon, near Zurich, May 16, 1773; d. there, Dec. 26, 1836. Publisher at Wetzikon of editions of Handel and Bach, and new works by Clementi, Cramer, and Beethoven, into whose sonata, Op. 31, No. 1, he interpolated four measures; founder and president of association for cultivation of music ; held popular singing classes, com- posed songs {Lied vom Rhein, Life let us cherish), choruses, etc. Nanini (na-ne'-ni), Giovanni Maria, compr. h. Vallerano, about 1540; d. Rome, Mar. 11, 1607. Pupil of Goudimel ; maestro at Vallerano, and 1571-75 at Sta. Maria Maggiore at Rome; founded music school where Palestrina and nephew, Bernardino, taught; member of choir 1577 and maestro 1604 at Sistine Chapel, where a Christmas motet of his is annually sung; composed madrigals and psalms distinguished even for that great period. Napravnik (na-prav'-nek), Eduard Franzevich, compr., condr. h. Bejst, Bohemia, Aug. 24, 1839. Son of teacher, early orphaned; studied at Prague org. school and with Kittl, and at school for psts., where he later taught; 1861 condr. of Prince Yusu- pov's private orch. at St. Petersburg; 1863 orgt. at opera, 1867 2d con- ductor, and 1869 conductor; 1869- 81 conducted concerts of Mus. Soc; carried further Liadov's reforms, including native works in opera repertoire, etc.; compr. of several operas, overtures, Russian and Bo- hemian songs, etc. Nardini (nar-de'-ni), Pietro, vlt. b. Fibiana, 1722; d. Florence, May 7, 1793. Studied at Leghorn and with Tartini at Padua; soloist in Stutt- gart court orch. 1753-67; lived with Tartini at Leghorn 1767-70; direc- tor of mus. for Duke of Tuscany; L. Mozart praised sentiment and taste of his playing; composed con- certos, sonatas, solos, duets, quar- tets, and trios, 6 of each, of some interest but old-fashioned. Nares, James, orgt., compr. b. Stan- well, Eng., April [baptized Apr. 19], 1715; d. London, Feb. 10, 1783. Chorister in Chapel Royal under Gates, Croft, and Pepusch; deputy orgt. Windsor; orgt. of York Cath. 1734 and of Chapel Royal 1756, where he became master of children 1757; took prize for catch, published harpsichord lessons, catches, and (most important) 20 anthems. Naumann (nou'-man), Emil, writer, b. Berlin, Sept. 8, 1827; d. Dresden, June 23, 1888. Studied with Schny- der von Wartensee, with Mendels- sohn, at Leipzig Cons., and at Bonn Univ.; mus. dir. at court church in Berlin 1856; Ph.D. Univ. Berlin; lecturer on hist, at Dresden Cons. 1873; wrote on opera (against Wagner), on special periods of his- tory, and Die Tonkunst in der Kvl- turgeschichte (greatest work, trans- lated as History of Mu^.; admirably clear and readable, though not always trustworthy in dates, etc.)- NAVA NEUENDORFF Nava (na'-va), Gaetano, singing teacher. b. Milan, May 16, 1802; d. there. Mar. 31, 1875. Son of guitar player and compr.; after college education, pupil of Federici at Milan Cons., where he taught harmony and sing- ing after 1837; Santley among pupils; believed in development as opposed to forcing; wrote method, several books of vocalises and church music. Navratil (nav-ra'til), Karl, compr, b. Prague, April 24, 1867. Pupil of Ondricek and Adler; composed in larger forms, operas, symphony, 5 symph. poems, concertos for pf. and vln. Nedbal, Oskar, viola player, h. Tabor, Bohemia, Mar. 26, 1874. Pupil of Dvorak and Bennewitz at Prague Cons.; member of Bohemian Quar- tet (with K. Hoffmann, Suk, and Wihan) 1891-1906; condr. Bohemian concerts in Vienna and London, of Prague Philharm. Soc. until 1906; composed for own instrument. Neefe (na-f6), Christian Gottlob, orgt., compr. b. Chemnitz, Feb. 5, 1748; d. Dessau, Jan. 26, 1798. Studied law at Univ. of Leipzig, but influ- enced by J. A. Hiller composed operettas, and 1777 became condr. of traveling co.; orgt. at Bonn after 1782, where he was Beethoven's teacher; accomp. and manager at Bonn 1788-94; then condr. at Dessau; last years in great poverty; wrote and arranged several operas, composed church mus., etc. Neidlinger (nid'-ling-er), William Har- old, compr. h. Brooklyn, July 20, 1863. Pupil of Dudley Buck and C. C. Miiller; after some years abroad (he taught singing in Paris), settled in Chicago; later in New York; compr. of 2 operas, and many admirable songs. Neitzel (nit'-zel). Otto, pst., writer, h. Falkenburg, Pomerania, Julv 6, 1852. Studied at KuUak's Acad, and at Berlin Univ.; concert tour with Lucca and Sarasate; condr. at Strassburg 1878-81 ; taught at Strass- burg Cons., Moscow Cons. 1885, at Cologne since 1887; lectured in U. S. 1906; critic for Kolnische Zeitung, author of Fiihrer durch die Oper, compr. of several operas. Neri (na'-ri), Filippo, compr. h. Florence, July 21, 1515; d. Rome, May 26, 1595. Holy orders 1551; for his lectures in oratory of San Girolamo and later at Sta. Maria, Animuccia and Palestrina com- posed Laudi spirituali from which developed the " oratorio "; N. organ- ized seminary 1575; canonized 1622. Neruda [or Norman Neruda], Wilma, see Halle, Lady. Nessler, Victor E., compr. b. Balden- heim, Alsace, Jan. 28, 1841; d. Strassburg, May 28, 1890. While student of theology, studied mus. with Stern and produced successful opera (Fleurette 1864) and turned to music; after further study in Leipzig, was chorusmaster and condr. at several theatres there; composed 12 operas, of which Der Rattenfdnger von Hameln and Der Trompeter von Sdkkingen have been extremely pop- ular, especially in Germany; though he had certain gift of popular melody, never attained any original heights. Nesvadba (nes-vad'-ba), Joseph, condr., compr. b. Vyskef , Bohemia, Jan. 19, 1824; d. Darmstadt, May 20, 1876. Student of philosophy at Prague, where he produced opera Blauhart; condr. at Carlsbad, Olmiitz, Graz, Prague, Italian opera at Berlin, Ham- burg; after 1864 court capellmeister at Darmstadt; compr. of Bohemian songs and dances. Ne§vera (nesh-va'-ra), Joseph, compr., choirmaster, b. Proskoles, Bohemia, Oct. 24, 1842. Choir director at Prague, Koniggratz, and Olmiitz Cath.; compr. of 3 operas, sym- phony, septet, much vln. and pf. music, and distinguished church mus. Neuendorff (noi-en-dorf), Adolf, condr. h. Hamburg, June 13, 1843; d. New York, Dec. 4, 1897. Came to U. S. 1855; pupil of Matzka, Wein- lich, and Schilling; debut as pst. 1859; vlt. in N. Y. theatre and in Brazil; condr. in Milwaukee and N. Y., in. Acad, of Mus., of Phil- harmonic Soc, and (after period of concert direction in Boston, of con- ducting Juch Opera Co. and of living in Vienna) of Metropolitan Orch.; composed operas, songs, etc.; of importance because of early introduction of Wagner's music in NEXJKOMM NICHOLL U. S. and Mexico; first performance of Lohengrin and Walkilre during his term as condr. at Stadt Theatre, N. Y., 1867-71; gave Wagner Festivals with Th. Thomas. Neukomm (noi-kom), Sigismund, Ritter von, compr. h. Salzburg, July 10, 1778; d. Paris, Apr. 3, 1858. Pupil of Weissauer, M. Haydn, and J. Haydn, who took great interest in him; condr. German opera at St. Petersburg 1807; later in Paris, friend of Cherubini, pst. to Talley- rand; ennobled for Requiem on Louis XVI; court director to Dom Pedro of Brazil 1816-21; traveled with Talleyrand; lived alternately in Paris and London where he was extremely popular until eclipsed by Mendelssohn in 1837; composed about 1000 works, oratorios, masses, operas, org. and pf. pieces, all now forgotten. Neumann (noi-man), Angelo, tenor. b. Vienna, Aug. 18, 1838; d. Prague, Dec. 19, 1910. Debut 1859; sang at Cracow, Pressburg, and Vienna, 1862-76; managed traveling Wag- ner opera company, and operas in Leipzig, Bremen, and Prague; set- tled in Bremen; since 1885 in Prague as director of Landestheatre; author of Reminiscences. Neupert (noi'-pert), Edmund, pst., compr. b. Christiania, Apr. 1, 1842; d. New York, June 22, 1888. Pupil at KuUak's Acad.; teacher there, at Stern Cons., at Copenhagen Cons. 1868, at Moscow Cons. 1881; after 1883 in N. Y., where he was known as excellent teacher, and concert performer; wrote useful Technical Studies, Studies in Style, etc. Nevada [pseud, for Wixom], Emma, dram. sop. h. Alpha, near Nevada City, Cal., 1862. Pupil of Mme. Marchesi; d^but London 1880; sang in prominent Italian cities, Paris 1883, alternate nights with Patti 1885, etc.; married Dr. Palmer 1885; voice light, of moderate power, especially effective in staccato and chromatic passages. Nevin, Arthur Finley, compr. h. Apr. •27, 1871, at Edge worth, Pa. Father, Robert P., was prominent locally as a musician and composer of political songs, and later as editor and pub- lisher of the Pittsburg Times and Sunday Leader; educated in the New England Conservatory of Music and in Berlin, where he studied composition with O. B. Boise; early works were the comic operas The Economites, referring to the social- istic community near Pittsburg, and The Candy Man, produced by amateurs; in 1906 he completed his grand opera Poia, based on a legend of the Blackfeet Indians, among whom Nevin lived for two years gathering material; this opera was first given in Pittsburg, Jan. 16, 1907; produced in Berlin, April 15, 1910; other compositions are Auf Wiedersehen, Lorna Doone suite, From Edgeworth Hills. Nevin, Ethelbert Woodbridge, pst., compr. b. Edgeworth, Pa., Nov. 25, 1862; d. New Haven, Conn., Feb. 17, 1901. After study in Dresden, pupil of Lang and Emery in Boston, and of Von Billow, especially of Klindworth, and Bial at Berlin; taught in Boston; abroad again 1892 in Paris, Berlin, and Italy, teaching and composing; had great talent for composition in smaller forms for pf. and charming songs; Narcissus probably his best known piece. Nevin, George Balch, compr. b. Ship- pensburg. Pa., March 15, 1859. Educated at State Normal School, and at Lafayette College, Easton, Pa.; pupil in music of Julia E. Crane and Louis Arthur Russell; filled several good choir positions as baritone soloist; compositions in all vocal forms; has been especially successful in church music; some of his well-known pieces are Bells of Shandon, Song of the Armorer, the Christmas cantata Tlie Adoration, and the Easter cantata The Cruci- fied; Nevin is not a professional musician, and lives at Easton, Pa. Niccolini, see NicoUni. Nicholl, Horace Wadham, compr. b. Tipton, near Birmingham, Mar. 17, 1848. Pupil of father and orgt. S. Prince; orgt. at Dudley, at Stoke-on-Trent, at Pittsburg, U. S., after 1870, and at N. Y. 1879; taught in Pittsburg and 1888-95 NICHOLS at Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn., with Boekelmann; editor org. dept. Freund's Music Trades Review, contributor to Courier and other periodicals; composed symphonies, symph. poems, cycle of 4 oratorios, widely-known org. pieces, etc. Nichols, Marie, vlt. b. Chicago, Oct. 16, 1879. Pupil of E. Mollenhauer in Boston, of Halir in Berlin, and Debroux in Paris; debut Boston 1899; played with Bost. Festival Orch. 1899-1901, with Berhn Phil- harmonic 1903, concerts in London and Paris 1903, and with Boston Symph. Orch. 1905; made long concert tours of U. S. Nicode (ni-ko'-da), Jean Louis, pst., compr. b. Jerczik, near Posen, Aug. 12, 1853. Pupil of father, Hartkas (orgt.), and of Kullak, Wiierst, and Kiel at Kullak's Acad.; taught in Berlin and established Nicode concerts; after concert tour through GaHcia and Roumania with Mme. Artot, prof, at Dresden Cons. 1878-85; director Philharmonic Concerts 1885-88; dir. Dresden Neustadt Chorgesangverein after 1893; both as pst. and condr. he is keen and appeciative interpreter; compositions strong and sound, mostly in larger forms, symph. poems. Das Meer symph., 1888, for chorus and orch., full of daring imagination, and Gloria, 1906, for large orch., chorus of men and boys, in 6 long movements. Nicolai (ni'-ko-ll). Otto, compr. h. Konigsberg, June 9, 1810; d. Berlin, May 11, 1849. Pupil of father in pf. playing, and, after he had run away at 16, of Zelter and Klein in Berlin, under protection of Justizrath Adler; while orgt. to Prussian embassy at Rome, 1833, studied Italian mus. under Baini; capellmeister at Vien- na Th. 1837-38, when he returned to Rome; court capellm. Vienna 1841-47; founder of Philharmonic Soc; capellm. Berlin opera and Dom- chor 1847; composed 5 operas whteh had great popularity in Italy, where N. was taken for native, two of which were revised for German stage (Der Tempter and Die Heimkehr des Verbannten); work on which fame rests is fresh, humorous Die lustigen NIEMANN Weiber von Windsor (The Merry Wives of Windsor), brilliantly pro- duced May, 1849, which has had great success. Nicolini (nik-o-le'-ni), [or Niccolini], Giuseppe, compr. b. Piacenza, Jan. 29, 1762; d. there, Dec. 18, 1842. Studied at Naples with Insanguine; after 1793 brought out about 48 operas; maestro at Piacenza Cath. 1819; and thereafter chiefly devoted to church music; comp. 40 masses, about 100 psalms, etc. Niecks, Frederick [orig. Friedrich], writer, h. Diisseldorf, Mar. 3, 1845. Vln. pupil of Langhans, Griinewald, and Auer; debut at 12; from 13-21 member of concert orch. and student in private and at Leipzig Univ.; 1868 orgt. and viola player in quar- tet in Dumfries, Scotland; contrib- utor to Monthly Mus. Record after 1875; became prof. mus. at Edin- burgh Univ. 1891; distinguished lect- urer and writer; author of Diet, of Mu^. Terms, Chopin as Man and Musician, Programme Music in the Last Four Centuries. Niedermeyer (ne'-der-ml-er), Louis, compr., teacher, b. Nyon, Switzer- land, Apr. 27, 1802; d. Paris, Mar. 13, 1861. Pupil of Moscheles, Forster, Flora vanti, and Zingarelli; intimate with Rossini; taught and composed songs in Geneva; in Paris after 1823, except for two years in Brussels; produced 4 operas all unsuccessful {Adieu a la France from Maria Stuart is familiar); re- organized Choron's institute for church music, now under gov't subvention as Ecole N.; founded with Ortigue journal La maUrise and published Methode d'accomp. du plain chant, harshly criticized; com- posed church music of some value. Niemann (ne'-man), Albert, dram, tenor, h. Erxleben, near Magde- burg, Jan. 15, 1831. Singing at Dessau in small parts, when dis- covered and taught by F. Schneider and Nusch, a baritone; after sing- ing at Hanover, and further study with Duprez in Paris, sang at Halle,. Stuttgart, Hanover, and other towns, finally at Berlin 1866-89 when he retired; of heroic build and voice, selected by Wagner for Tannhduser, NIKISCH NOSKOWSKI Paris, 1861, and for Siegmund in Trilogy, Bayreuth, 1876, and sang all Wagner parts in U. S. 1886-88. Nikisch (nik'-ish), Arthur, condr. b. Szent Miklos, Hungary, Oct. 12, 1855. Father bookkeeper to Prince Lichtenstein; very precocious musi- cal ability; appeared as pst. at 8; pupil at Vienna Cons, of Dessoff, Schenner, and Hellmesberger; prizes for vln. playing and sextet; 1874 vlt. in court orch., 1878 2d condr. under A. Neumann at Leipzig Th. and 1882 first condr., attaining great distinc- tion; 1889-93 condr. Boston Symph. Orch.; director and condr. Budapest opera 1893-95; condr. Leipzig Ge- wandhaus 1895; later, visiting condr. Berlin Philh., Hamburg Philh., and in St. Petersburg; he gained much admiration in Paris and London 1897 and following years as virtuoso condr. ; one of first to conduct habit- ually without score. Nilsson, Christine, dram, soprano, b. Sjoabel, near Wexio, Sweden, Aug. 20, 1843. Pupil of Baroness Leu- hausen, F. Berwald, and Wartel in Paris; d^but Th. Lyrique 1864 and sang there till 1866, at Paris Opera 1868-70; in America 1870-72, 1873- 74; has been very popular on Conti- nent and in London, where she gave farewell concert 1888; voice was not powerful but skilfully managed and her acting (especially of Marguerite in Faust) was restrained and effec- tive; living in Paris (1914). Nohl (nol), Carl Friedrich Ludwig. b. Iserlohn, Dec. 5, 1831; d. Heidel- berg, Dec. 15, 1885. Entered pro- fession of law after study at Bonn, Heidelberg, and Berlin; 1858 turned to music; pupil of Dehn and Kiel; prof, at Munich 1865-68, lecturer and prof, at Heidelberg after 1872; edited and wrote many valuable works on Beethoven (life, letters, contemporary judgments, etc.) and on Mozart, etc.; almost all trans- lated. Nordica, Lillian, dram. sop. [real name Lillian Norton] . b . Far mington , Me . , May 12, 1859. Pupil of John O'Neill, and at N. E. Cons.; concert debut Boston 1876; traveled in Europe as soloist with Gilmore's Band 1878; pupil of Sangiovanni in Milan; operatic debut Brescia 1879; sang in Berhn, St. Petersburg and other cities; Paris Opera 1881; after marriage to F. A. Gower and his disappearance in balloon, did not sing until 1887, in London, where she appeared regularly until 1893; at Metropohtan, N. Y., from 1893- 1908, with some interruptions; 1894 at Bayreuth; 1910 great success in Paris as Isolde; 2d husband Z. F. Doeme, 3d G. W. Young; voice of considerable power constantly devel- oped, so that she was able to under- take difficult Wagnerian parts; suc- cess in concerts. Nordraak (nor'-drak), Rikard, compr. b. Christiania, June 12, 1842; d. Berlin, Mar. 20, 1876. Pupil of Kiel and Kullak; collected and edited Norwegian folk-music; had great influence on Grieg; composed incidental music to Bjornson's plays, pf. mus., etc., with Scandinavian characteristics. Norris, Homer Albert, compr. b. Wayne, Me., 1860. Pupil of Mars- ton, Turner, Emery, and Chadwick at N. E. Cons, and of Guilmant, Dubois, Godard, and Gigout in Paris; orgt. at Lewiston and Port- land, Me., at Ruggles St. Bapt. Ch., Boston, and since 1904 at St. George's, New York; author of Practical Harmony on French Basis and Art of Counterpoint; very suc- cessful teacher of harmony, almost only American who has not fol- lowed the more voluminous Leipzig and Munich methods; compr. of about 50 songs, to words by Kipling and other modern poets, of cantata Nain and Flight of the Eagle, pas- sages from Walt Whitman for soprano, tenor, and baritone, on very modern and original theory of progressions. Noskowski (nos-koff-ski) , Sigismund, compr. b. Warsaw, May 2, 1848; d. Aug., 1909. Pupil at Warsaw Inst.; invented music notation for blind; pupil of Kiel and Raif at Berlin; condr. at Constance; direc- tor of mus. soc. and prof, at Cons., Warsaw; composed symphonies, symphonic poem, variations, over- ture, quartet, ballet, operas, and pf. mus., national in character. NOTKER Notker [called Balbulus], monk, compr., writer, b. Elgg or Jonswill, 830; d. St. Gall, April 6, 912. Chiefly distin- guished for development of sequences (some of his still extant) and for 4 treatises, one on plain song, the others on theory and organs; some attribute these writings to N. Lab- .beo, monk at St. Gall in the tenth century. Nottebohm (not'-t6-bom), Martin Gus- tav, writer, b. Liidenscheid, near Arnsberg, Westphalia, Nov. 12, 1817; d. Graz, Oct. 29, 1882. Studied at Berlin with Berger and Dehn, at Leipzig with Schumann and Mendelssohn, at Vienna with Sechter; taught pf. and comp. at Vienna; edited Beethoven's sketch books and carefully investigated many details of his career; com- piled thematic lists of works of Beethoven and Schubert ; coeditorof works of Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, etc. Nourrit (nor-ri), dram, tenor, b. Paris, Mar. 3, 1802; d. Naples, Mar. 8, 1839. Son of Louis N. (1780-1831), also tenor; pupil of Garcia; d^but Opera 1821; father's successor as leading tenor there 1825; teacher at Cons. 1827-37; mortified by engagement of Duprez as associate artist, left Paris in depression and committed suicide; extraordinarily skilful as singer and actor and very popular; created Robert in Robert le Diable, Rdoul in Les Huguenots and many other parts. Novacek (no'-va-chek), Ottokar Eugen, vlt., compr. b. Fehertemplom, Hun- gary, May 13, 1866; d. New York, OBRECHT Feb. 3, 1900. Pupil of father, Dont, Schradieck, and Brodsky; Mendels- sohn prize at Leipzig Cons. 1885; member of Gewandhaus Orch., of Brodsky Quartet, of Bost. Symph. Orch. 1889-92, of Damrosch Orch., N. Y., 1892-93, of Metropolitan Opera orch., sometimes playing vln., sometimes viola; retired from playing because of illness 1899; composed 3 string quartets, pf. con- certo, caprices for pf. and vln., etc.; mus. distinguished by striking originality of idea and harmonic development. Novello, Vincent, publisher, h. London, Sept. 6, 1781; d. Nice, Oct. 9, 1861. Chorister in Sardinian Chapel under Webbe; deputy orgt. to Webbe and Danby, orgt. at Portuguese em- bassy, and at Roman Catholic Chapel, Moorfields; pst. to Italian Opera; founder and occasional condr. Philharmonic Soc; founder firm Novello, Ewer & Co., publishers, edited and published many valuable collections; firm carried on by his sons ; daughter Mary married Charles Cowden Clarke, friend of Keats; daughter Clara Anastasia (b. Lon- don, June 10, 1818; d. Rome, 1908), very successful concert and oratorio singer in England and Germany; re- tired to Italy 1860. Novoviejski (no'-v6-vi-ey'-ski), Felix, compr. b. Wartenburg, 1875. Stud- ied at Stern Cons., Berlin, at Church Music School, Ratisbon, and at Meis- terschule, Berlin^ where he won Meyerbeer prize; has composed 2 symphonies, an overture, and 2 oratorios. o Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley, compr. b. Ealing, Middlesex, July 20, 1830; d. Edinburgh, Oct. 26, 1903. Pupil of Elvey, Moscheles, etc., at Leipzig Cons., of Schneider in Dresden, of Breidenstein at Bonn ; 1865-91 prof, of mus. at Univ. of Edinburgh; holder of many honorary degrees; remarkable org. player, compr. of songs, anthems, etc.; promoter of music in Edinburgh, especially of ** Reid " concerts. Obrecht [also written Hobrecht, Ober- tus], compr. h. Utrecht, 1430; d. Ferrara, 1505; capellmeister 1465 at Utrecht (where he taught Erasmus); 1483-85 director of school of singing at Cambrai, 1489-1500 at Bruges; made trip to court of Lorenzo the Magnificent at Florence, possibly for a time in service of Duke of Ferrara; 1492 master at Antwerp Cath., where he was highly honored; prolific compr. of chansons and OCHS ONSLOW masses, earliest compr, of passion music; follower of Okeghem in school of extremely elaborate counterpoint. Ochs (oks), Siegfried, condr. b. Frank- fort-on-Main, Apr. 19, 1858. At first student of medicine ; pupil at Berlin Hochschule of Kiel and Urban; benefited by friendship of Von Bulow ; condr. of Philharmonischer Chor, which has grown into largest sing- ing society in Berlin, where many new works are brought out; teacher and contributor to periodicals; com- posed operas {In N amen des Gesetzes) , choruses, canons, etc. Ockenheim, see Okeghem. Odington, Walter of [or Walter of Evesham], writer, b. about 1250; d. about 1316. Benedictine monk; author of treatise De speculatione musiccB on notation, instruments, and descant; later life apparently concerned with mathematics and astronomy; first to emphasize major triad as real consonance. Oesten (est'-en), Theodor, pst., compr. h. Berlin, Dec. 31, 1813; d. there. Mar. 16, 187a Pupil of Politzki, Bohmer, Rungenhagen, Schneider, etc.; played other instruments; pop- ular as- teacher and of great vogue as compr. of graceful and sentimental pieces (Les premieres violettes, etc.). Offenbach (of'-fen-bak), Jacques, compr. b. Cologne, June 21, 1819; d. Paris, Oct. 5, 1880. Name origin- ally Levy ; son of Jewish cantor; pupil of Vaslin in 'cello playing at Paris Cons.; member of Opera Comique orch.; composed song parodies of La Fontaine; 1849 condr. at Theatre Frangais and won recognition by composition of Chanson de Fortunio for Musset's Chandelier; produced several small pieces without much success; 1855-66 managed Bouffes- Parisiens Th. for himself, where he brought out many works; 1872-76 manager of Th. de la Galte; 1877 trip to America; composed about 90 operas in 25 years; established Pari- sian burlesque opera as type of light, gay spirit and pleasant melody, though music is often carelessly con- structed; most noted works are Orphee aux enfers, La belle Helene, La grande duchesse de Gerolstein, and Les contes d'Hoffmann. Okeghem (ok'-6-hgm), [also written Ockenheim, Okekem, etc.], Jean de, compr. b. Termonde, E. Flanders, about 1430; d. Tours, 1496 [Grove]. 1443-44 chorister at Antwerp Cath. ; pupil of Dufay and possibly of Binchois; compr. to Charles VII at Paris; maltre de chapelle to Louis XI, traveling in Spain and Flanders; founder of later Netherland school, marked by greater freedom of thought and extreme ingenuity of counterpoint; as teacher O. had high reputation; through Josquin Depres and other pupils traditions of school widely spread. Olitzka, Rosa, dram. alto. b. Berlin, Sept. 6, 1873. Pupil of Artot and Hey; concert debut Berlin, where father was cantor at Jewish syna- gogue; operatic d6but Briinn 1892, engaged there; at Hanover 1892-93, at London after 1893; m N. Y. 1895. Oliver, Henry Kemble, compr. b. Beverly, Mass., Nov. 24, 1800; d. Boston, Aug. 10, 1885. Boy singer in Park St. Ch., Boston; graduated Dartmouth Coll., 1818; after teach- ing in Salem, was adjutant general of Mass., supt. of cotton mill, mayor of Lawrence, and later of Salem; state treas.; orgt.; founder, director of clubs in Lawrence and Salem; composed many old familiar hymn tunes (Federal St., Hudson, etc.). Olsen, Ole, compr., condr. h. Hammer- fest, Norway, July 5, 1850. Studied at Trondhjem and at Leipzig; after graduating he located in Copen- hagen as teacher and condr.; his compositions include works for or- chestra, piano pieces and songs; they are delicate in style and show the influence of Norwegian folk music. Ondriczek (on'-dri-chek), Franz, vlt. h. Prague, Apr. 29, 1859. Pupil of father and member of his dance orch.; studied at Prague Cons, and at Paris Cons, with Massart; 1st prize 1879; after two years more in Paris, played in Berlin and Bohemia; since has played successfully in Con- tinental and American cities. Onslow, George, compr. b. Clermont- Ferrand, France, July 27, 1784; d. there, Oct. 3, 1852. Pupil on pf. of ORTH OUSELEY Hiillmandel, Dussek, and Cramer, and in comp. of Reicha; member of Institute 1842; wrote 3 comic operas of moderate success, and great amount of chamber music, in which he took great dehght, playing 'cello in amateur quartet; of longest life have been string quintets, some with double-bass part, written for Drago- netti. Orth (ort), John, pst., teacher, b. near Annweiler, Bavaria, Dec. 2, 1850. Came to Taunton, Mass., when in- fant; pupil of father, orgt. at 12, studied in Boston 16-20; studied in Germany for 5 years, pf. with Kul- lak, Lebert, Pruckner, Deppe, and Liszt, and comp. with Faisst, Kiel, etc.; since 1875 teaching in Boston; composed graceful pf. music. Mar- ried, 1883, pupil Lizette E. Blood, compr. (d. Boston, Sept. 14, 1913), under name L. E. Orth, of Songs from Mother Goose, Songs for Sleepy- time, Mother Goose Songs without Words (70 piano pes.), On the White Keys (an Introduction to the Piano), The Three Bears (operetta), three light operas, over 300 piano teach- ing pieces and various songs. Osborne, George Alexander, pst., teacher, h. Limerick, Ireland, Sept. 24, 1806; d. London, Nov. 16, 1893. Self-taught until 18; in Brussels taught crown prince; in Paris after 1826; pupil of Pixis and Fetis, later of Kalkbrenner; at same time inti- mate with Chopin, Berlioz, etc.; after 1843 taught in London; com- posed popular pf. music (La pluie des perles, etc.), duets for vln. and pf.; wrote on great contemporaries for Mus. Ass'n and periodicals. Osgood, George Laurie, compr. b. Chelsea, Mass., April 3, 1844. Grad- uated 1866 from Harvard, where he directed glee club and orch.; pupil in Germany of Sieber, Haupt, and Franz, and in Italy of Lamperti; concert tour in Germany and with Thomas in America; condr. of Boyls- ton Club; taught successfully in Boston 1872-1906; now living (1910) in Florence; published Guide in the Art of Singing. Otto, Ernst Julius, compr. b. Konig- stein, Saxony, Sept. 1, 1804; d. Dres- den, March 5, 1877. Pupil of Weinlig at Dresden, of Schicht at Leipzig, also studying at Univ.; taught at Blochmann Inst., Dresden, cantor and director at churches; condr. of Liedertafel; created cycles of songs for male voices {Gesellenfahrten, Soldatenleben, etc.), wrote many good songs, chiefly in collection Ernst und Scherz. Oudin (o-dan), Eugene Esperance, bari- tone, b. New York, Feb. 24, 1858; d. London, Nov. 4, 1894. Graduate at Yale, member of bar; chorister and director of church music in N. Y.; practised law, manufactured stained glass; returned to music • after Chicago concert, 1886; member of McCaull Opera Company; suc- cessful in London in opera (created Templar in Sullivan's Ivanhoe) and in concerts; later sang in St. Peters- burg; married, 1886, Louise Parker, also singer. Oulibichef (ou-lib'-i-sheff), Alexander de, writer, h. Dresden, Apr. 2, 1794; d.. Nijni Novgorod, Feb. 2, 1858. Son of ambassador, himself a diplo- matist; amateur vlt.; editor of St. Petersburg Journal 1812-30; wrote Nouvelle biographic de Mozart 1844, containing some new and valuable material; depreciation of Beethoven called forth Lenz's defense Beethoven et ses trois styles, to which O. replied with Beethoven, ses critiques et ses glossateurs, in which he maintains disapproval of extravagance of B's later works. Ouseley (ozley). Sir Frederick Arthur Gore, compr., theorist, h. London, Aug. 12, 1825; d. Hereford, Apr. 6, 1889. Son of ambassador and Orientalist; graduated at Oxford, Mus. Doc. 1854; prof, of mus. at Oxford Univ. 1855; ordained priest 1855 and appointed precentor at Hereford Cath.; vicar and warden of school at St. Michael's, Tenbury which he founded and endowea; excellent orgt. and theorist, author of treatises on Harmony, Fugue, etc.; English ed'r Naumann's History of Music; comp. oratorio, songs, a few glees, and many dignified church comp.; raised standard of music at Oxford; edited collection of Cathedral Services and, with Monk, Anglican Psalter Chants. PACHELBEL PAGANINI Pachelbel (pa-ker-bel), Johann, orgt., compr. b. Nuremberg [baptized Sept. 1], 1653; d. there, Mar. 3, 1706. Studied with Schwemmer, and at Altdorf and Ratisbon; at Vienna pupil and deputy of J. K. Kerll; positions at Eisenach, Erfurt, Stutt- gart, Gotha, and "Nuremberg; com- posed toccatas, chaconnes, and, especially, elaborate chorales; musi- cal ancestor of J. S. Bach; developed chorale playing. Pacher (pa'-ker), Joseph Adalbert, compr. b. Daubrawitz, Moravia, Mar. 29, 1816; d. Gmtinden, Sept. 3, 1871. Studied with Preyer and Halm; taught in Vienna many years; published more than 60 '' salon " pieces. Pachmann (pak'-man), Vladimir de, pst. b. Odessa, July 27, 1848. Pupil of father, amateur vlt., of Dachs at Vienna Cons.; after appearance in Russia 1869 worked by himself for eight years, and, after appearing in Germany, for two more; since then has won great praise in Europe and America; his many tricks of manner and eccentricities of behavior on the stage do not keep him from playing with exquisite taste and expres- siveness; Chopin is his specialty and he is probably the greatest of all Chopin players; retired 1912; lives in Paris. Pachulski (pa-kul'-ske), Heinrich, pst. b. Lasa, Russia, Oct. 16, 1859. Studied with Strobl and Zelenski at Warsaw, with Taneiev, N. Rubin- stein, and Pabst at Moscow Cons.; teacher at Moscow after 1886; composed orch. suite, pf. sonata, studies, arrangements of Tchaikov- ski's works. Pacini (pa-che'-ne), Giovanni, compr. h. Catania, Feb. 17, 1796; d. Pescia, Dec. 6, 1867. Studied with Marchesi and Mattel at Bologna, with Fur- lanetto at Venice; 1813-1834 pro- duced about 40 operas; because of failure of last opened music school at Viareggio, afterward moved to Lucca; 1840-67 produced Saffo, his best opera, and about 40 more; com- posed many masses, cantatas, etc.; popular imitator of Rossini. Paderewskl (pad-ref'-ski), Ignaz Jan, pst., compr. h. Kurilowka, Podolia, Poland, Nov. 18, 1860. Pupil of Roguszki at Warsaw Cons.; 1879-81 teaching at Warsaw Cons.; pupil of Urban and Kiel at Berlin, and, after teaching at Strassburg, of Leschet- izky at Vienna; after 1887 a trium- phant virtuoso; victim of much extravagant and indiscriminate ad- miration, often justly criticized by musicians for forcing of tones, he yet remains preeminent for exquisite delicacy, even crescendos, and tre- mendous force and commanding power; compr. of various pf. pieces, sonata, Op. 21, pf. concerto, opera Manru (Dresden 1901, New York and Boston 1902), and symphony 1909; opera Sakuntala not yet pro- duced; compositions, especially those in larger forms, are interesting enough to justify their ambition; established P. Fund, prizes for Aijierican com- posers, 1900. Lives in Switzerland. Paer (pa'-er), Ferdinando, compr. b. Parma, June 1, 1771; d. Paris, May 3, 1839. Pupil of vlt. Ghiretti; condr. at Venice 1791; 1797-1802 at Vienna, 1802-1807 at Dresden; after 1807 at Paris as matt re de chapelle to Napoleon, condr. Opera Comique, at Th. Italien 1812-27; member of Academy 1831; condr. royal cham- ber music 1832; composed about 40 operas of conventional Italian smoothness, without depth (best is Camilla, prod, at Vienna, where P. may have been influenced by Mo- zart); unsuccessful rival of Rossini in Paris. Paesiello, see Paisiello. Paganini (pag-a-ne'-ne), Niccol5, vlt. b. Genoa, Oct. 27, 1782; d. Nice, May 27, 1840. Son of shopkeeper; pupil of Servetto and Costa; debut 1793; pupil of RoUa and Ghiretti; 1797 tour in Lombardy; 1798 ran away from severe father and filled his time with concerts, gambling, PAGE PALESTRINA and love affairs; 1801-04 did not appear in public, and to this period refer the false stories of his imprison- ment, of his charming of jailer by- playing on one string and of his league with the devil; after year of prac- tise appeared, 1805, exciting great enthusiasm; 1805-08 court vlt. at Lucca; after 1808 traveled in Italy and other lands, Berlin 1829, Paris and London 1831; partial retire- ment after 1834; the nervous ec- centricities natural to him now in- creased by illness and dissipation and fostered by cheap fondness for display; but amazing technic sur- passed that of any other player; ex- tended compass of vln. and added to its brilliance by developing use of stopped harmonics; tone was pure but lacking in richness; composed caprices, sonatas, variations, etc., many of which are too difficult for any but players of first technical rank. Page, Nathaniel Clififord, compr. b. San Francisco, Oct. 26, 1866. Pupil of E. S. Kelley; located in New York City, 1910; composed music to Cat and the Cherub (London, 1899), Moonlight Blossom (London, 1899), and Japan- ese Nightingale (New York, 1903); edited collection of Irish Songs, etc. Paine, John Knowles, compr., teacher. b. Portland, Me., Jan. 9, 1839; d. Cambridge, Mass., Apr. 25, 1906. Pupil of Kotzschmar at Portland, of Haupt, Teschner, and Wieprecht at Berlin Hochschule; organ concerts in Berlin and U. S. 1861; 1862 in- structor, 1873 asst. prof., 1875 prof, at Harvard Univ. (first to hold chair of music in American college); did much to raise music to level of other arts in education and, by recitals and lectures outside classes, to ex- tend knowledge of good music as part of general culture; among pupils were Foote, Converse, Clayton Johns, and many others; composed mass, symphony, music for (Edipus Tyr annus and Birds, Columbus March and Hymn for World's Fair, symphonic poem, cantatas, and opera Azara given in concert form only, Boston, Cecilia Soc, 1907; of wide influence in American musical life; his own music is moderately con- servative, seldom of striking origi- nality. Paisiello (pai-si-eF-lo), Giovanni, compr. b. Taranto, Italy, May 9, 1741; d. Naples, June 3, 1816. Pupil of Presta and at Naples Cons, of Dur- ante, Cotumacci, and Abos; taught there 1754-59; composed successful operas 1763-1776; 1776-1784 at St. Petersburg, 1784-99 at Naples, maes- tro di cappella to Ferdinand IV, whose favor he lost during Revolution; 1802-03 in Paris under Napoleon, 1803 again at Naples; on a nominal salary only after 1815; compr. of over 100 operas, distinguished even at time for charm of melody; his Barbiere di Siviglia was so popular that it hindered vogue of Rossini's at first. Paladilhe (pa-la-de-ye'), Emile, compr. b. Montpellier, June 3, 1844. Pupil at Paris Cons, of Marmontel, Benoist, and Halevy; Grand prix de Rome 1860; by opera Le Passant 1872 and song Mandolinata won recognition; after several unsuccess- ful operas wrote Patrie 1886, after Sardou's play, which has had great success; member Academy 1892, Palestrina (pal-es-tre'-na) , Giovanni Pierluigi da [Pierluigi family name], compr. b. Palestrina, near Rome, 1526; d. Rome, Feb. 2, 1594. Noth- ing known of early youth; orgt. capellmeister at Palestrina 1544-51; master of boys and capellmeister at St. Peter's, Rome, 1551-55; although not a priest, and having a wife and children, admitted to Papal chapel 1555, but was dismissed in few months and later in same year made capellm. at St. John Late ran (for which church he wrote famous Improperia) , at Sta. Maria Maggiore 1561; again at St. Peter's 1571. When the Council of Trent (1545-63) tried to estabhsh standard in church music, P's Mass of Pope Mar cellus, previously published, was used to illustrate the reforms urged; these reforms included greater regard for clearness and proper accent of Latin words, restriction of elaborated music phrases for same purpose, discarding of secular tunes (even indecent popular airs had been used as bases for masses) ; Sixtus Vs ^wish to make P. maestro of Sistine Chapel was frustrated by refusal of singers to serve under layman; asst, of Pope Gregory XIII in revision of PALLONI PAREPA-ROSA liturgy, but most actual work done by pupil Giudetti; of historical sig- nificance as most important figure in later Netherland school — the individ- ual who more than any one else made counterpoint a means of expression instead of an end in itself — P's music •».is also to those who deplore ^he operatic, emotional element in church music, the ^eai of lofty and dignified expression. Palloni (pal-lo'-nI),Gaetano, orgt., sing- ing teacher, b. Cammerino, Italy, Aug. 4, 1831. Studied with CeUini at Fermo; orgt. there, 1854; pupil of Mabellini at Florence; teaching sing- ing there. Palmer, Horatio Richmond, teacher. b. Sherburne, N. Y., Apr. 26, 1834; d. Nov., 1907. Studied with father and in New York, Berlin, and Flor- ence; 1857 head of music dept. Rushford Acad.; in Chicago, edited Concordia; conducted various ass'ns. New Church Choral Union (mam- moth chorus); dean of Summer School of Music at Chautauqua, N. Y.; many collections. Song Queen, Song Herald, etc., useful in popular classes. Palmer, Mrs. R., see Nevada, Emma. Panofka (pan-off '-ka), Heimich, sing- ing teacher, b. Breslau, Oct. 3, 1807; d. Florence, Nov. 18, 1887. Pupil of Strauch and Forster in childhood, later of Mayseder and Hoffmaim in Vienna; played there, in Munich, Berlin, finally, 1834, in Paris, where, after some lessons from Bordogni, founded unsuccessful school of sing- ing; asst. condr. in London, where he taught singing 1844-1852; 1852 returned to Paris; after 1866 taught in Florence; vln. compositions are of less value than his methods of sing- ing and vocalises. Panormo, Vincenzo Trusiano, vln.- maker. b. Monreale, near Palermo, Nov. 30, 1734; d. London, 1813. Name may be derived from Palerm.o; worked in Cremona, perhaps with Bergonzi, and in Milan; in Paris 1750-72, 1783-89, in London 1772- 83; made many vlns. somewhat hke Bergonzi's or Stradivari's, of rather large model, with rich tone; several sons also makers. Panseron (pon-s^-ron), Auguste Math- ieu, teacher, writer, b. Paris, Apr. 26, 1796 [1795]; d. there, July 29, 1859. Pupil of father and at Paris Cons, with Berton and Gossec; Grand prix de Rome 1813; accom- panist to Opera Comique; teacher of solfeggio at Cons. 1826, vocalisa- tion 1831, and singing 1836-59; com- posed many charming songs, sol- feggi. Art of Singing, Art of Compo- sition, Mois de Marie; A B C of Music is a well-known work. Panzner, Carl, condr. h. Teplitz, Bohemia, Mar. 2, 1866. Pupil at Dresden Cons.; capellmeister at theatres in Sondershausen, Elber- feld, Bremen, Leipzig, and 1899 of Bremen Philharmonic. Papini (pa-pe'-nl). Guide (gue-do), vlt. h. Camagiore, near Florence, Aug. 1, 1847. Pupil of Giorgetti; d^but 1860; after tours in Europe, taught at Dublin Royal Acad, of Mus.; founded classical concerts there; then in London; wrote mus. for vln. and 'cello and vln. method. Papperitz, Benjamin Robert, orgt., compr., writer, b. Pirna, Dec. 4, 1826; d. Leipzig, Sept. 29, 1903. Student and teacher of philology; pupil of Hauptmann, Richter, and Moscheles at Leipzig Cons., where he taught harm, and counterpoint after 1851; also orgt. in Leipzig 1868- 99; published org. and vocal mus. Paradies (pa-ra-de'-es), [or Paradisi], Pietro Domenico, compr. b. Naples, 1710; d. Venice, 1792. Pupil of Porpora; opera compr. in Italy and for some years after 1747 in London, where he was sought as pf . and sing- ing teacher of Mara, Thomas Linley, and others; composed also for harp- sichord. Parent (pa-ron), Charlotte Frances Hortense, pst. b. London, Mar. 22, 1837. Pupil of Mme. Farrenc at Paris Cons.; 1st prizes, harmony 1855, pf. 1857; founded school for pf. teachers, Paris; wrote method with exercises; edited Repertoire encyclopedique du pianiste. Parepa-Rosa, Euphrosjme, dram. sop. h. Edinburgh, May 7, 1836; d. Lon- don, Jan. 21, 1874. Daughter of Demetrius Parepa, Baron de Boyescu, PARISH-ALVARS PARRY and Elizabeth Seguin, singer and P's first teacher; d^but Malta at 16; sang in Italy, Spain, London, 1857; America 1865, '67, 71; married manager Carl Rosa 1867; Parepa Rosa Co. especially successful in America, in Eng. and Italian operas; as a singer P. was more successful in oratorio than in opera. Parish- Alvars, Elias, harp player, b. Teignmouth, Eng., Feb. 28, 1810; d. Vienna, Jan. 25, 1849. Of Jewish descent; pupil of Dizi, Labarre, and Bochsa; tours on Continent and in England 1831-47, except for two years in Orient; 1847 chamber harp- ist to Emp. of Austria; composed concertos, fantasias, etc. for harp, seeking new effects and strange melodies {Voyage d'un harpiste en Orient contains Greek, Bulgarian, Turkish and other Eastern music). Parker, Henry, compr., writer, h. Lon- don, Aug. 4, 1845. After study with Plaidy, Moscheles, and Richter at Leipzig and with Lefort in Paris, returned to London, where he taught singing, composed, and conducted; has written an opera, Jerusalem (chorus and bass solo), songs, etc., and The Voice: Production and Im- provement. Parker, Horatio William, compr., teacher. h. Auburndale, Mass., Sept. 15, 1863. Pupil of his mother, of Emery, Orth, and Chadwick, and of Rheinberger and Abel in Munich; teacher at Cathedral Schools, Garden City, L. I., and at N. Y. Nat'l Cons, under Dvorak; orgt. in N. Y. and at Trinity Ch., Boston, 1893-1901; prof, music at Yale Univ. after 1894; compr. of symphony, overtures, church and chamber mus., pf. pieces, and songs, but chiefly of cantatas {Idylle, The Kobolds, Dream King and His Love, Holy Child) and oratorios Hora Novissima, N. Y., 1893, Boston, Cin- cinnati, and Worcester, Mass., festi- vals and at Three Choirs Festival, Worcester, Eng., 1899, as first Ameri- can composition, and Legend of St. Christopher, also given in England; music possesses a certain " ascetic " quality that makes it interesting to musicians ; at his best reaches heights of dignified beauty. Parker, James Cutler Dumi, orgt., writer, h. Boston, June 2, 1828. Studied law in Boston and music in Leipzig; in Boston after 1854; organized Parker Club 1862, fore- runner of Cecilia Soc; orgt. Trinity Ch. 1864-91, of Handel and Haydn Soc; prof. Boston Univ. Coll. of Mus.; examiner N. E. Cons.; com- posed cantatas, ch. mus.; translated Richter's treatise on harmony. Parkina [pseud, of Elizabeth Parkin- son], sop. h. May, 1881. Pupil of Mrs. Layton of Kansas City and Mme. Marchesi; d^but and engage- ment Op^ra Com., Paris, 1902; Covent Garden 1904, Australia 1905. Parmentier (par-man-ti-a), Mme., see Milanollo, Teresa. Parratt, Sir Walter, orgt. h. Hudders- field, Feb. 10, 1841. Pupil of father; appointment as orgt. at 11, and later ones at Wigan, Magdalen Coll., Oxford (and condr. of various socie- ties), and since 1882 at St. George's Chapel, Windsor; 1883 prof. Royal Coll. Mus.; Mus. D. Oxford 1894, succeeded Sir Hubert Parry as prof, mus. Oxford Univ. 1908; master of mus. and orgt. to Victoria and Edw. VII; composed anthems, etc., contributor to Grove's Diet.; ex- traordinary performer. (See Musical Times, 1902.) Parry, Sir Charles Hubert Hastings, compr., writer. h. Bournemouth, Eng., Feb. 27, 1848. Pupil of Elvey; while at Eton, took Mus. B. at Oxford, where later he studied with Bennett and Macfarren, with lessons outside from Dannreuther and Pier- son; compr. chiefly of choral music of original depth and sincerity (setting of Shelley's Prometheus 1880, oratorio Job 1892, etc.); choragus 1883, and prof, of mus. 1900-1908 Oxford Univ.; 1894 director Royal Coll. Mus.; has written Studies of Great Composers, Evolution of The Art of Mus., Seventeenth Century in Oxford His- tory of Music; critical works through- out are distinguished by clear treat- ment that makes them intelligible even to lay readers; his music, on the other hand, seems to appeal more to trained ears; it is note- worthy for elaborate development of PARSONS themes, conciseness of form, and, in choral works, for faithfulness of accentuation and great power of climax. Parsons, Albert Ross, orgt. b. San- dusky, O., Sept. 16, 1847. Pupil of Ritter in N. Y., Moscheles, Reinecke, etc. at Leipzig Cons., of Tausig, KuUak, etc. at Berlin; orgt. in N. Y. since 1871; translator of Wagner's Beethoven, Lessmann's Liszt, edited KuUak's works of Chopin; composed songs, etc. Pasdeloup (pa-d4-l6), Jules Etienne, condr. b. Paris, Sept. 15, 1819; d. Fontainebleau, Aug. 13, 1887. Pupil at Cons, of Laurent and Zimmer- mann; repetiteur there in solfeggio 1841, teacher of pf. 1847-50, of ensemble singing 1855-68; founded society of Cons, pupils 1851 for giving symphony concerts; 1861, with same orch., opened Concerts populaires, where he gave admirable concerts, including many new works, until 1884; unsuccessful manager of Th. Lyrique 1868-69; tried to revive concerts in vain 1886. Pasmore, Henry Bickford, orgt., teacher. b. Jackson, Wis., June 27, 1857. Studied voice, and organ with J. P. Morgan in Oakland, Cal., with Jadassohn, Reinecke, and Unger- Haupt in Leipzig, with Shakespeare and Cummings in London; orgt. in San Francisco, and prof, of singing at Univ. of Pacific; composed march, overture, masses, songs, etc. Pasquini (pas-que'-ni), Bernardo, orgt. b. Massa di Valdinevole, Tuscany, Dec. 8, 1637; d. Rome, Nov. 22, 1710. Pupil of Vittori and Cesti and teacher of Durante and Gasparini; orgt. Sta. Maria Maggiore; chamber musician to Prince Borghese; com- posed 2 operas, oratorio, pieces for clavichord. Pasta (pas'-ta), Giuditta [nee Negri], dram. sop. b. Saronno, near Milan, Apr. 9, 1798; d. villa on Lake Como, Apr. 1, 1865. Pupil of Asioli at Milan Cons.; d^but, 1815, followed by unsuccessful appearances in Italy, London, and Paris; after further study with Scappa, reappeared Ven- ice 1819, and, after 1822 in Paris and 1824 in London, was very successful in both cities and again in Italy; PAUER after retiring in 1829^ reappeared St. Petersburg 1840, and London 1850, with no success; voice was strong but heavy and often not clear when she first began to sing, but unusually penetrating and ex- pressive. Patey, Janet Monach [nee Whytock], contralto, h. London, May 1, 1842; d. Sheffield, Feb. 28, 1894. Pupil of Wass, Mrs. Sims Reeves, and Pin- suti; member of Leslie's choir; on provincial tour married John P., bass, (1835-1901); succeeded to Mme. Sainton-Dolby 's position as leading contralto at the chief Eng- lish concerts and festivals. Patti, Adelina Adela Juana Maria, soprano, b. Madrid, Feb. 10, 1843. Pupil of father Salvatore P., tenor, and her mother Caterina Chiesa, dram, sop., of half-brother E. Barili, and of Maurice Strakosch, husband of her sister Amalia, under whose direction she sang at concerts in N. Y. in early fifties, making operatic debut there in 1859; debut London 1861, Paris 1862; 1861-84, '85, '87 at Covent Garden; voice of remark- able compass, flexibility and sweet- ness; especially good as Rosina in II Barhiere; as concert singer has also won praise, even on last of several farewell tours 1906; married Marquis de Caux 1868, Ernest Nicolini 1886, and Baron Cederstrom 1899; lives at Craig Y Nos, in Wales. Pattison, John Nelson, pst. b. Niagara Falls, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1845; d. July, 1905. Pupil of Liszt, Thalberg, Hen- selt, Von Billow, Haupt; concert pst., on tours with Parepa-Rosa, Kellogg, etc.; composed Niagara, symph. for orch. and military band; many agree- able pf. pieces. Pauer (pow'-er), Ernst, pst., teacher. b. Vienna, Dec. 21, 1826; d. Jugen- heim. May 9, 1905. Pupil of Dirzka, Mozart's son, Wolfgang A. M., and Sechter, and of F. Lachner in Munich; director mus. societies at Mayence 1847-51; success of per- formances in London led him to settle there 1851; 1859-64 prof, at Royal Acad. Mus., and 1876 at Nat'l Training Sch., 1883 at Royal Coll. Mus.; 1861 began series of historical recitals of pf . music in chronological PAUL PENFIELD order, and. 1871 lectures on hist, of pf. mus.; these and his pubhshed collections, Alte Claviermusik, Old English Composers, etc., have won conspicuous praise; primer on Musical Forms, etc., and some com- positions; retired to Germany 1896. His son Max, pst. b. London, Oct. 31, 1866. Pupil of father, of V. Lachner; prof. Cologne Cons. 1887, at Stuttgart Cons. 1897; successful concert player, compr. of pf. pieces, arranger of Mozart and Haydn symphonies. Paul (powl), Oskar, writer, b. Frei- waldau, Apr. 8, 1836; d. Leipzig, Apr. 18, 1898. Student of theology at Leipzig Univ. and of music at Cons, with Hauptmann, Richter, and Plaidy; after living elsewhere, returned to Leipzig as lecturer 1866; translated Boethius, wrote Lehrhuch der Harmonik, and authoritative Geschichte des Claviers; founded Musikalisches Wochenblatt. Paumann (pow'-man), Conrad, orgt. b. Nuremberg, about 1410; d. Munich, Jan. 25, 1473. Blind from birth; adopted and educated by burgher Grundherr; orgt. Nurem- berg 1446, at Munich after 1467; wrote (1452) Fundamentum organ- isandi, with exercises, one of ear- liest attempts at purely instrumental comp. Paur (powr), Emil, condr. h. Czerno- witz, Bukovina, Aug. 29, 1855. As ' father's pupil on vln. and pf., ap- peared at 8; studied at Vienna Cons, with Dessoff and Hellmesberger; vlt. in court orch. 1870; condr. at Kassel 1876, Konigsberg, Mannheim 1880, Leipzig Stadt Th. 1891, Bost. Symph. Orch. 1893-98, of N. Y. Philharmonic 1898-1903; director Nat'l Cons. N. Y. 1899-1903; condr. of concerts, Berlin, Madrid, and London, of Pittsburg Symphony Orch. 1904-10; Berlin Roy. Op., 1912-13; as condr. aims rather to bring out emotional content of music than to make clear structural form. Pajnie, John Howard, dramatist, b. New York, June 9, 1792; d. Tunis, Apr. 10, 1852. While schoolboy and student at Union Coll., edited and published periodicals; d^but on stage, N. Y., 1809; lived in London and Paris 1809-1832, where he knew prominent men of the time; wrote words to Home, Sweet Home in text of Clari, or the Maid of Milan (music by H. R, Bishop, after Sici- lian air); returned to U. S. 1832; consul at Tunis after 1841. Peace, Albert Lister, orgt. b. Hudders- field, Eng., Jan. 26, 1844; d. Mar. 14, 1912. Very precocious; orgt. at 9; pupil of Horn and of Parratt; orgt. at church in Glasgow 1866, 1870 at Univ., 1879 at cathedral; 1875 Mus. Doc. Oxford; 1897 succeeded Best at St. George's Hall, Liverpool; compr. of cantata and org. mus.; edited Scottish Hymnal 1885. Pearce, Charles William, compr., writer, h. Sahsbury, Dec. 5, 1856. Pupil of Aylward, Hoyte, E. J. Hopkins, etc.; Mus. Doc. Cambridge 1884; orgt. Salisbury and London; prof, of organ and comp. 1882 and dean 1892 Trinity Coll., London; exam- iner Cambridge 1888-91; lectured on plain song, etc.; composed choral and church music, organ pieces, exercises in vocal training. Pearsall, Robert Lucas de, compr. b. Clifton, Mar. 14, 1795; d. Schloss Wartensee, Lake Constance, Aug. 5, 1856. Practised law until 1825 when, abroad for his health, studied music with Panny, and later with Ett at Munich; 1842 settled at Wartensee; composed madrigals and choral works (O who will o'er the downs so free? , Sir Patrick Spens, in 10 parts, etc.); part editor of old Catholic song book, writer of essays (study on fifths and octaves, etc.). Pearson, H. H., see Pierson. Pease, Alfred Humphries, pst., compr. b. Cleveland, O., May 6, 1838; d. St. Louis, Mo., July 13, 1882. Pupil of KuUak, Von Billow, Wuerst, and Wieprecht at Berlin; after 3 years' study in America, went on long pf. tours; composed concerto, Andante for orch., etc.; works per- formed by Thomas Orch. Pendleton, Mrs. W. F., see Blauvelt, Lillian. Penfield, Smith Newell, orgt. h. Ober- hn, O., Apr. 4, 1837. Pupil of Flint in N. Y., of Moscheles, Hauptmann, PEPPERCORN PERSIANI etc. in Leipzig; founder of Mozart Club and Cons, at Savannah, Ga., of Arion Cons., Brooklyn; orgt. in N. Y. since 1882; composed string quintet, anthems, pf. mus., songs, etc. Peppercorn, Gertrude, pst. b. West Horsley, Surrey, Dec. 1, 1878. Pupil at Royal Acad, of Matthay; gained several prizes; appeared in Edin- burgh about 1895; great success in London, Nov. 1907; in U. S. 1908. Pepusch (pa'-push), John Christopher, compr. b. Berlin, 1667;d. London, July 20, 1752. Pupil for one year of Kling- enberg and Grosse; early talents hampered by poverty; appoint- ment at Prussian court 1681-97; vlt., cembalist, compr. at Drury Lane Theatre, London, after 1700; with others founded Acad, of Antient Mus.; director of Lincoln's Inn Theatre, where he composed and arranged music for many plays {Beg- gar's Opera, etc.); orgt. at Charter- house; published treatises on har- mony and ancient music, on which he was authority. Perabo (par'-a-bo), Johann Ernst, pst. b. Wiesbaden, Nov. 14, 1845. Family moved to N. Y. 1852; studied at Hamburg with Andersen, and at Leipzig Cons, with Moscheles, Richter, etc.; after giving concerts in West, settled, 1866, in Boston, where he has since been known as performer and able teacher, compr. of pf. music and songs. Pergolesi (par-go-la'-zi) , Giovanni Bat- tista, compr. b. Jesi, near Ancona, Jan. 3, 1710; d. Pozzuoh, near Naples, Mar. .16, 1736. Pupil at Naples of Greco, Durante, Feo, and Matteis (vln.); early operas not suc- cessful; composed 30 sonatas for 2 vlns. and bass, and mass; produced La serva padrona 1732, only surviv- ing opera, for many years standard of amusing intermezzo, and during the contest of tastes in Paris, was regarded as typifying all character- istic traits of Italian music; at first production it was not more suc- cessful than other operas and P. retired in disappointment; Stabat Mater often sung, composed just before death. Peri (pa'-rl), Jacopo, compr. b. Florence, Aug. 20, 1561; d. there, about 1630. At house of Bardi, he, with others, in endeavor to reestab- lislj declamation of Greek drama, discovered modern recitative; Cac- cini made earliest application of discovery, but Peri's Dafne, 1594, was first work really worthy of name of opera; (Cavalieri's Rap- presentazione di anim,a e di corpo was first performed in public); P's Euridice, 1600, was his greatest success, and apparently his final attempt in operatic form. Perkins, Henry Southwick, condr. b. Stockbridge, Vt., Mar. 20, 1833. Pupil in Boston of Baker, Wether- bee, etc.; pres. Iowa Normal Acad. Mus. 1867-71, prof. mus. Iowa State Univ. 1867-68; pres. of Kansas Normal Acad. 1870-74; founder Chicago Nat'l Coll. of Mus. 1890; conducted many festivals, conventions, etc. ; edited song books. Perosi (pa-ro'-ze), Lorenzo, compr. b. Tortona, Italy, Dec. 23, 1872. Studied with Saladino, and at Milan Cons., and at Haberl's school for church music in Ratisbon; maestro di cappella at Imola, and 1897 at St. Mark's, Venice; chorus director at St. Peter's, Rome, since 1898 priest; compr. of trilogy of ora- torios La passione di Crista, per- formed 1897 with sensational suc- cess; honorary maestro Papal Choir 1898; has composed 15 masses, org, mus., and other oratorios' (La trans- figurazione, Mose); especially popu- lar in Italy, but even there later works arouse less enthusiasm. Perry, Edward Baxter, pst. b. Haver- hill, Mass., Feb. 14, 1855. Blind from youth; pupil of J. W. Hill, and in Germany of Kullak, Mme. Schumann, Pruckner, and Liszt; gave some 1200 concerts in 10 years; originated the lecture recital; author of Descriptive Analyses of Piano Works, etc., helpful if sometimes over-sentimental interpretations; has done much to increase appreciation of good music. Persian! (par-si-a'-ne), Fanny, dram, sop. h. Rome, Oct. 4, 1812; d. Passy, May 3, 1867. Pupil of father, Niccolo Tacchinardi; married, 1830, PESSARD compr. Giuseppe P. (1804-1869); debut Leghorn 1832; engaged at various Italian cities; after debut in Paris, 1837, and London, 1838, won great success in both capitals, until 1848; sang in 1858 but with less success; voice was thin, liable to sharpness, but managed with per- fect finish; Donizetti wrote Lucia for her. Pessard (pes'-sar'), Emile Louis For- tune, compr. b. Montmartre, May 28, 1843. Studied at Paris Cons, with Bazin, Laurent, Carafa, etc.; Grand prix de Rome 1866; inspector of singing in Paris schools, director of music at establishment of Legion of Honor, prof, of harm, at Cons, since 1881; composed several operas (Capitaine Fracasse, La dame de trefle, etc.) and pf. pieces of value. Petersilea (pa-ter-sir-ea), Carlyle, pst., teacher, b. Boston, Mass., Jan. 18, 1844; d. Tropico, Cal., June 11, 1903. Studied with father, with Moscheles, Hauptmann, etc. at Leipzig Cons.; played in Germany; founded P. Acad, of Mus., Boston, 1871; pf. teacher N. E. Cons. 1886; went to California 1892; published technical exercises, method, etc. Petrucci (pe-trut'-che), Ottaviano dei, printer, b. Fossombrone, June 18, 1466; d. there. May 7, 1539. Estab- lished at Venice 1491; 1498 received sole privilege for 20 years of print- ing music; 1513 at Fossombrone, similar privilege within Papal States for 15 years; used two impressions, printing first lines and then the notes; his works beautiful examples of earliest typography, many of them extant in great libraries, chiefly masses and motets. Petschnikoff (petch'-ni-kof), Alexan- der, vlt. b. Jeletz, Russia, Feb. 8, 1873. Pupil of Hrimaly; precocious talent at Moscow Cons, gained dis- tinguished patronage for him; tours in Germany 1875-76, to America, London, etc.; skilful player, .but with some mannerisms. Pfeififer (fa-far), Georges Jean, pst. b. Versailles, Dec. 12, 1835; d. Feb. 14, 1908. Pupil of mother (who was a pupil of Kalkbrenner), of Maleden and Damcke; success in PHILIDOR Paris and London playing own con- certos; also composed symph., symph. poem, songs, and several operas (Le legataire universel, 1901, much the best); also partner in pf. firm of Pleyel, Wolff & Co., as was his father. Pfeil (pfll), Heinrich, editor, h. Leip- zig, Dec. 18, 1835; d. there, April 17, 1899. Self-taught; at first book- seller; edited Sdngerhalle 1862-87, Dorfanzeiger 1891-96; composed male choruses, wrote small treatises on hist, of mus. etc. Pfitzner, Hans Erich, compr. b. Mos- cow, May 5, 1869. Pupil of father, condr. at Frankfort, and of Kwast and Knorr, at Hoch Cons, there; taught Coblenz Cons. 1892-93; condr. of Mayence Th. 1894-95; 3d capell- meister Mannheim 1895-96; teacher at Stern Cons. 1897, dir. Stuttgart Cons. 1907; condr. at Berlin Th.; operas Der arme Heinrich, 1895, and Die Rose vom Liebesgarten, 1901, very successful, have given him distinctive position among younger extreme German comprs.; with modern skill, he preserves a romantic attitude. Phelps, Ellsworth C, orgt. h. Middle- town, Conn., Aug. 11, 1827. Self- taught; orgt. and teacher New London 1840, Syracuse, New- York, and Brooklyn since 1857; over 30 years teacher in public schools; composed sacred opera David, symph. Hiawatha, pieces for mili- tary band, etc. Philidor [properly Danican], Francois Andre, compr. h. Dreux, Sept. 7, 1726; d. London, Aug. 31, 1795. Of musical family, several members of which played wind instr. in royal band (name P. was given to great uncle by Louis XIII); pupil of Campra; at first distinguished as chess player at Aix and in London 1749, and author of book on chess; 1754 recalled to Paris; 1759-1796 produced about 25 operas (Le mare- chal, Tom Jones, Ernelinde, etc.); extremely popular but no longer played; P. was first to introduce unaccompanied quartet, and first to be called forward after presenta- tion of opera. PHILIPP PIRANI Philipp (fil-ip), Isidor Edmund, pst., teacher, b. Budapest, Sept. 2, 1863. Pupil at Paris Cons, of Mathias (1st pf. prize 1883) and later of Heller, Saint-Saens, and Ritter; played in London 1890, has appeared regu- larly at Paris concerts; established chamber concerts 1890, concerts of wind instruments 1896-1901; prof, at Cons, since 1893; published pf. mus., effective arrangements and valuable studies based on Chopin, Beethoven and Bach. Phillips, Adelaide, dram. alto. b. Stratford-on-Avon, Eng., 1833; d. Carlsbad, Oct. 3, 1882. Family came to Boston 1840; pupil of her mother as dancer, appeared 1842; by subscription, started by Jenny Lind, studied with Garcia and in Italy; debut Milan 1854; sang Boston 1854, N. Y. 1856 (Am. operatic debut), 1861 Havana, Paris, Spain, etc.; member Boston Ideal Co. from 1879; last stage appear- ance 1881. Piatti (pe-at'-te). Carlo Alfredo, 'cellist. b. Bergamo, Jan. 8, 1822; d. Cro- cetta di Nozzo, near Bergamo, July 19, 1901. Son of vlt. Antonio P. (1801-1878); pupil of great-uncle Zanetti, and at Milan Cons.; debut 1837 with own concerto; played in th. orch. and on roving tours, on one of which he played with Liszt; 1844 went to Paris and London, where, 1849, he became 'cellist at Italian op. and at Popular Concerts; retired 1898; master of 'cello as Joachim of vln.; very many pupils; compr., especially of 6 sonatas for 'cello. Piccini [Piccinni], (pit-che'-ne), Nicolo, compr. b. Bari, Jan. 16, 1728; d. Passy, near Paris, May 7, 1800. Pupil at Naples Cons, of Leo and Durante; early operas successful despite vogue of Logroscino's; La cecchina, 1760, most popular; 1762 wrote 6 operas in one year; dis- couraged by preference of public for work of Anfossi's, P., after illness, produced / viaggiatori at Naples; 1776, on invitation, removed to Paris and produced Roland, 1778; supporters of Italian opera used P., against his wish, as leader in pamphlet war against Gluck and his reforms (dramatic declamation and more consistent, elaborate orches- tration); also forced into rivalry with Sacchini; principal teacher in mus. school; at Revolution returned to Naples, where he spent four years under arrest for political reasons, and, though later feted and pen- sioned in Paris, lived in great poverty. Piccolomini, see Pontet, Henry. Pieme (pi-ar'-na), Henri Constant Gabriel, compr. b. Metz, Aug. 16, 1863. Studied at Paris Cons, with Marmontel, Cesar Franck, and Mas- senet; Grand prix de Rome 1882; fol- lowed Franck as orgt. of Ste. Clo- thilde 1890-98; composed several operas (Tabarin, etc.), and music for plays, symph. poem with chorus L'An mil, cantata Croisade des enfants widely produced, numerous songs and pf. pieces; influences of Franck and Massenet contend in his music. Pierson [originally Pearson], Henry Hugo, compr. b. Oxford, Apr. 12, 1815; d. Leipzig, Jan. 28, 1873. Pupil of Attwood and Corfe, and of Rinck, Tomaschek, and Reissiger; prof, at Edinburgh Univ. 1844; lived after 1845 in Vienna, Hamburg, and Leipzig; composed several operas, oratorios (music to Faust), songs and part-songs {The Mariners of England, etc.). Pinsuti (pin-su'-ti), Ciro, teacher, compr. b. Sinalunga, Florence, May 9, 1829; d. Florence, Mar. 10, 1888. Member of Roman Accademia Filarmonica at 11; taken to England, became pupil of Potter and Blagrove; 1845- 47 pupil of Rossini at Bologna; after 1848 taught in London, at Royal Acad, after 1856; Grisi, Patti and Mario among pupils; brought out several operas in Italy, received many honors there; also composed English and Italian songs. Pirani (pi-ra'-ni). Eugenic, pst., compr. b. Bologna, Sept. 8, 1852. Studied at Bologna with GoHnelli, at Berlin with Kiel and Kullak, at whose Acad, he taught 1870-80; after ex- tended tours, lived in Heidelberg and Berlin after 1895; 1905 in New York; composed symph. poem, bal- let, concert studies, etc. piSTOCcm Pistocchi (pis-tok'-ki), Francesco An- tonio Mamiliano, teacher, compr. b. Palermo, 1659; d. Bologna, May 13, 1726. Chorister at Bologna; f)recocious compr. (first work pub- ished at 8); pupil of Perti, Vas- tamigli, and Monari; operatic singer after 1675; capellmeister in Ansbach 1696; soon after return to Bologna 1700, founded first systematic school of singing; composed operas, ora- torios, Scherzi musicali (songs), duets, etc. Pitoni (pl-to'-ni) , Giuseppe Ottavio, com- pr. b. Rieti, Mar. 18, 1657; d. Rome, Feb. 1, 1743. Chorister at Rome and pupil of Foggia; maestro di cap- pella at Terra di Rotondo, at Assisi, at Rieti, and at Collegio di S. Marco, Rome, and at same time in several churches, finally 1719 at St. Peter's; taught Durante, Leo, and Feo; composed masses on popular airs, very many services (enough for one year at St. Peter's), and many motets, not published until after his death. Pitt, Percy, compr. b. London, Jan. 4, 1870. Educated in France, studied music in Leipzig 1886-88, with Rein- ecke and Jadassohn, and in Munich 1888-91 with Rheinberger; chorus- master Motet Concerts in London 1895, orgt. at Queen's Hall 1896, adviser and occasional condr. Covent Garden 1902; excellent program analyses; composed incidental mus. to Paolo and Francesca, Flodden Field, and Richard II, overture, suites, an oriental rhapsody, coro- nation march, songs for voice and orch. Pizzi (pit'-ze), Emilio, compr. h. Feb. 2, 1862. Pupil of PonchieUi and Bazzini at Milan Cons.; took prizes at Milan and Bologna for operas, at Florence for quartets; director music school at Bergamo and maes- tro di cappella 1897 ; composed operas especially for Patti, Gabriella (Bos- ton, 1893) and Rosalba. Plaidy (pla'-dl), Louis, pf. teacher, h. Wermsdorf, Saxony, Nov. 28, 1810; d. Grimma, Mar. 3, 1874. Pupil of Agthe on pf. and Haase on vln.; member of Leipzig Orch.; studied pf. technic; 1843 invited PLEYEL by Mendelssohn to teach at Cons.; private lessons after 1865; very remarkable gift for teaching technic benefited many pupils; his Tech- nische Studien is still standard; also pubhshed Der Klavierlehrer (the pf. teacher's guide). Plangon (plon-son), Pol Henri, dram, bass. h. Fumay, Ardennes, June 12, 1854. Pupil of Duprez and later of Sbrigha; debut Lyons 1879; Grand Op^ra, Paris, 1883-93; London for 13 seasons; favorite there and in N. Y. Planquette (plon-ketO, Jean Robert, compr. b. Paris, July 31, 1848; d. there, Jan. 28, 1903. Pupil of Du- prato at Cons.; composed songs and saynetes for cafes-concerts; first oper- etta 1874, and thereafter consider- able success as opera compr., es- pecially with Les cloches de Corne- ville, 1877, very popular in England and America as The Chimes of Nor- mandy; also composed Surcouf, The Old Guard, Paid Jones, etc. Plante (plon-ta), Francis, pst. h. Orthez, Basses-Pyrenees, Mar. 2, 1839; d. Perigueux, July, 1898. Pupil at Paris Cons, of Marmontel, 1st prize 1849; pst. in trios with Alard and Franchomme; pupil at Cons, again, 1853, under Bazin for comp.; after ten years' retirement, in which he developed his style, reappeared, 1872, as most finished pst.; pubhshed only transcriptions. Playford, John, publisher, h. London, 1623; d. there, about Nov., 1686. Wrote Introduction to the Skill of Munich, a few songs; published nearly all English music 1648-85, among others Hilton's Ayres, Campion's Art of Descant, The whole booke of Psalms, etc. Son and successor Henry, b. May 5, 1657; d. about 1710. Published music of Purcell and Blow; apparently retired about 1706 or '07. Pleyel (pli'-el), Ignaz Joseph, compr. b. Ruppertsthal, near Vienna, June 1, 1757; d. near Paris, Nov. 14, 1831. Pupil of Wanhal and for five years of Haydn; then in Rome and Vienna; capellmeister at Strassburg min- ster, position which he lost for politi- cal reasons; condr. of Professional PODBERTSKY Concerts in London 1791-92; went to Paris 1795, where, in 1797, he established pf. factory, still flourish- ing as firm of P. Wolff et Cie.; pro- lific instrumental compr. of some 29 symph., septet, sextet, five books of quintets, 45 quartets, concertos, sonatas, etc. Podbertsky (pod-be rt'-ski), Theodor, compr. b. Munich, Nov. 16, 1846; d. there, Oct. 5, 1913. Director of Munich Mannergesangverein; liv- ing in Furstenfeldbriick since 1887; composed popular part-songs. Am Chiemsee, Friedrich Rotbart, Meeres- stUle und gluckliche Fahrt. Pohl (pol), Carl Ferdinand, writer. b. Darmstadt, Sept. 6, 1819; d. Vienna, Apr. 28, 1887. Gave up position as orgt. because of ill health; in London 1863-66 in research which is foundation of Mozart and Haydn in London; 1866 librarian and archiv- ist to Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna; began life of Haydn, of which one vol. (in 2 parts) was pub- lished; to be completed by Mandy- czewski. Pohlig, Karl, condr., compr. b. Tep- litz, Feb. 10, 1864. Pupil of Liszt at Pesth and Rome; capellm. at Graz, Hamburg, London (Co vent Garden), Koburg, and Stuttgart 1900 -07; went to Philadelphia 1907 to become dir. of the Philadelphia Symph. Orch. ; has written works for orchestra, songs and choruses. Pole, William, writer, b. Birmingham, Apr. 22, 1814; d. London, Dec. 3, 1900. Prof, of civil engineering at Univ. Coll., London, 1859-76; orgt. in London; Mus. Doc. Oxford 1864; examiner for Lond. Univ. 1876-90; composed some mus.; chiefly known for analyses, critical essays. The Story of Mozart's Requiem, and sug- gestive Philosophy of Music, con- tributor to Grove's Dictionary. Polko, Elise [nee Vogel], writer, h. Wackerbarthsruhe, near Dresden, Jan. 13, 1822; d. Munich, May 15, 1899. After studying with Garcia appeared at Frankfort as mezzo soprano; after marriage appeared in concert only; lived in various Ger- man cities; author of many novels PORGES in which appear characters of musi- cal hist. ; best known are sentimental Mu^ikalische Mdrchen. Pollini (pol-le'-ni), Francesco Giuseppe, pst. b. Laibach, 1763; d. Milan, Sept. 17, 1846. Pupil of Mozart and Zinga- relli; prof, of pf. at Milan Cons.; dis- tinguished performer; probably origi- nator of writing pf. mus. on 3 staves in his 32 exercizi in forma di toccata, in which he was followed by Liszt and Thalberg; composed toccatas, sonatas, variations, etc., pf. method, Stabat Mater, etc. Ponchielli (pon-ki-eF-le) , Amilcare, compr. h. Paderno Fasolare, Cre- mona, Aug. 31, 1834; d. Milan, Jan. 16, 1886. After study at Milan Cons., was orgt. and bandmaster; 1856 produced opera / promessi sposi, most successful in revised version, 1872; after that continued success with 9 others; maestro of Piacenza Cath. 1881; most success- ful opera Gioconda (Milan 1876, London, N. Y., and Boston 1883); ranked next to Verdi by Italians. Popper, David, 'cellist. b. Prague, Dec. 9, 1843. Pupil of Goltermann at Prague Cons.; after successful tours in Germany^ 1868-73, became soloist at Vienna Opera; married pst. Sophie Menter, 1872 (divorced 1886); for a number of years he held no official position, for various lengths of time being in London, Paris, St. Petersburg, Vienna, Berlin, etc.; since 1896 prof, in Budapest Cons.; recognized all over Europe as among finest 'cellists; has written for 'cello (popular Sarabande and Gavotte, suites, concertos), string quartets, and monumental Violon- cello School; d. Aug. 7, 1913. Porges (por'-g^s), Heinrich, writer, h. Prague, Nov. 25, 1837; d. Munich, Nov. 17, 1900. Pupil of C. Miiller, Rummel, and Zwonaf; editor with Brendel of Neue Zeitschrift fiir MusiJc 1863; 1867 called to Munich by Ludwig II, editor of Suddeutsche Presse, teacher at Royal Sch. and Royal Music director after 1871; organized P. Gesangverein 1886; intimate with Cornelius and Wag- ner, and the latter's champion in many pamphlets and articles. PORPORA Porpora (por-por'-a), Nicol6 Antonio, compr. h. Naples, Aug. 19, 1686; d. there, Feb., 1766. Pupil of Gae- tano of Perugia and Mancini at Cons, di San Loreto; maestro di cap. to Portuguese ambassador; early opera, Berenice, praised by Handel; opened singing school about 1712, where he had many very famous pupils (Farinelli, Senesino, Tosi, etc.); about 1721 virtuoso to Prince of Hesse-Darmstadt; 1725 teacher at Venice, and while there tried un- successfully for favor at Vienna; at Dresden, 1728, singing master to princess and maestro at opera, in which position he was bitter rival of Hasse, who (1724) had deserted P. for lessons from A. Scarlatti; 1729 -1736 intermittently in London, where he directed opposition to Handel without great success; then lived in Venice, Vienna (where he taught Haydn), again at Dresden (where Hasse began to gain ground against him); returning to Naples about 1755, became maestro at the cathedral and at Cons, di San Ono- frio; died in poverty; operatic music of conventional florid style; clavi- chord music (fugues, etc.) of some originality; greatest as teacher of singing. Porter, Frank Addison, teacher, b. Dixmont, Me., Sept. 3, 1859. Pupil at N. E. Cons. 1879-84 of Turner, Emery, Chadwick, etc., at Leipzig of Hofmann, Freitag, etc.; prof, of pf. at N. E. Cons, since 1884; supt. of normal course there since 1892; pub- lished System of finger technic, noc- turnes, mazurka, etc. Portugal [or Portogallo] da Fonseca, Marcos Antonio, compr. b. Lisbon, Mar. 24, 1762; d. Rio de Janeiro, Feb. 7, 1830: Pupil of Borselli, an opera singer, and Orao, maestro at cath.; accompanist Madrid opera 1782; after study in Italy, produced successful operas (II Molinaro, L'As- tuto, 1790); court condr. at Lisbon; then in Italy producing operas in various cities to 1799 {Fernando nel Messico, masterpiece according to F^tis); 1800 at Lisbon, 1810 followed royal family to Brazil, continued posi- tion there; some success in Germany and England, but most of his 40 op- eras were popular in Italy and Spain. PRAGER Potter, Philip Cipriani Hambly, pst., compr. h. London, Oct. 2, 1792; d. there, Sept. 26, 1871. Studied with father, Attwood, Callcott, Woelfl, etc.; debut as pst. and compr. 1816; studied comp. with A. Forster at Vienna, where Beethoven gave him advice; prof, of pf. at Royal Acad. Mus. 1822; principal there 1832, resigned 1859; composed sona- tas, concertos, two books of praise- worthy studies; distinguished condr. of Madrigal Soc. and admirable performer. Pougin (p6-zhan), Arthur [real name Francois Auguste Arthur Paroisse- Pougin], writer. h. Chateauroux, Aug. 6, 1834. Son of actor; pupil of Alard and Reber at Paris Cons.; th. vlt.; condr. at several theatres; member Opera Comique orch. 1860- 63; since then critic for several papers (Menestrel, of which he became chief editor after 1885, Le Thedtre, etc.); author of musical articles in Larousse's Diet, universel, author of supplement to Fetis's dictionary, etc., and, beside many articles, of biographies of Bellini, Auber, Ra- meau, Verdi, etc. Powell, Maud, vlt. h. Peru, 111., Aug. 22, 1868. Mother an amateur compr.; pupil of Wm. Lewis in Chicago, of Schradieck in Leipzig, of Dancla in Paris, and, after play- ing in London, of Joachim in Berlin; debut there and in New York 1885; leader Maud Powell String Quartet 1894; very distinguished and skilful player. Married H. Godfrey Turner, 1907. Pradher [rightly Pradere], (pra-dar), Louis Barthelemy, pst., compr. b. Paris, Dec. 18, 1781; d. Gray, Haute-Saone, Oct., 1834. Pupil of Gobert and Berton at Cons., where he became pf. prof. 1802; among pupils Herz, Dubois, etc.; retired 1827; published operas and much pf. mus. (sonatas, rondos, fantasias, etc.). Prager (prag'-er), Ferdinand Christian Wilhehn, teacher, h. Leipzig, Jan. 22, 1815; d. London, Sept. 1, 1891. Son of vlt. Heinrich Aloys P. (1783- 1854); pupil of Hummel and Pape; teacher in The Hague and London PRATORIUS PROCH after 1834; English correspondent for Schumann's Neue Zeitschrift, sup- porter of Wagner, influential in calling W, to London 1855; compr. of symph. poems, pf. mus. (Crepus- cule, etc.), author of Wagner as I knew him. Pratorius, Michael, compr., writer. b. Kreuzberg, Thuringia, Feb. 15, 1571; d. Wolfenbuttel, Feb. 15, 1621. Capellmeister at Liineburg, orgt. and capellm. to Duke of Bruns- wick, prior of Monastery of Ringel- heim; prolific compr. of 15 volumes of Polyhymnia, 16 of Musae Sioniae, etc.; chiefly distinguished as author of Syntagma musicum, 1615-20, treatise, partly in Latin, partly in German, on ecclesiastical music, on all known instruments (with very valuable woodcuts) and styles of compositions. Pratt, Silas Gamaliel, compr. h. Addi- son Vt., Aug. 4, 1846. Pupil of Bendel, Kullak, Wiierst, and Kiel, and on later trip, 1875, of Dorn and Liszt; organized Chicago Apollo Club 1871; gave symphony con- certs, concerts of own works, his opera Zenobia 1882; pf. prof, at N. Y. Metropolitan Cons. 1890; removed to Pittsburg 1907; com- posed 2 operas, 2 symphonies, can- tata, suites, part-songs, etc., ar- ranged spectacle The War in Song. Pratt, Waldo Selden, writer, teacher, b. Philadelphia, Nov. 10, 1857. Grad- uated at WiUiams College 1878; Johns Hopkins Univ. 1878-80; Mus. D. Syracuse Univ. 1895; asst. dir. Metropol. Museum, N. Y., 1880-82, registrar Hartford Theol. Seminary 1888-95; teacher of elocution Trinity Coll. 1891-1905; lecturer on mus. hist, at Smith Coll. since 1895, at Mt. Holyoke 1896-99, at Inst. Mus. Art, N. Y., 1905; orgt. and condr. of choral soc. in Hartford; prof. mus. and hymnology at Hartford Theol. Seminary since 1882; Mus. Ed. Century Dictionary, etc.; author of Mus. Ministries in the Church, 1901, and valuable text-book Hist, of Mus. 1907. Prentice, Thomas Ridley, pst. h. Paslow Hall, Ongar, Essex, July 6, 1842; d. Hampstead, July 15, 1895. Pupil of W. and G. A. Macfarren at Royal Acad.; taught there; gave Monthly Popular Concerts at Brixton 1869-74; orgt. 1872; pf. prof. Guild- hall Sch. 1880, at Blackheath Cons. 1881; organized twopenny concerts for working classes; most valuable work The Musician, notes on pf. instruction books; composed can- tata, anthems, pf. mus., etc. Prescott, Oliveria Louisa, compr., writer. b. London, Sept. 3, 1842. Pupil at Royal Acad. Mus. and of Lindsay Sloper, Macfarren, etc.; successful teacher of harmony; author of clear, useful text-book. Musical form, compr. of 2 symph., overtures, pf. concerto, etc., psalms, cantata Lord Ullin's Daughter, songs, etc. Prevost (pra-v6), Eugene Prosper, com- pr., condr. h. Paris, Aug. 23, 1809; d. New Orleans, Aug. 30, 1872. Pupil at Paris Cons, of Seuriot, Jelen- sperger, and Lesueur; Grand prix de Rome 1831; produced several suc- cessful operettas; condr. at Havre, at New Orleans 1838-1862, then at Bouffes Parisiens and the Champs Elysees; later compositions unsuc- cessful; returned to New Orleans 1867. Preyer, Carl A., compr., teacher, b. Pforzheim, Germany, July 28, 1863. Began musical instruction under a local teacher at the age of 9, contin- uing at Stuttgart, at Vienna under Navratil, and in Berlin under Urban and Barth; began his professional career in 1884; after coming to the United States he became successive- ly professor of music in Baker Uni- versity, Baldwin, Kas., 1889-91, and at University of Kansas, Law- rence, 1893, with which institution he is still connected (1910). His compositions number about fifty niainly for piano and voice; among his works for piano are a number of fine technical studies which have been well received by teachers; Mus. Doc. Baker University 1909. Proch (pr6k), Heinrich, compr. b. Bohmisch-Leipa, Julv 22, 1809; d. Vienna, Dec. 18, 1878. Studied vln. and law; capellmeister in Vienna at theatre, at court opera 1840-70, of comic opera 1874; many PROUT PURCELL famous pupils (Tietjens, Materna, etc.); compr. of very popular lieder (Von der Alpe tont das Horn, etc.). Prout, Ebenezer, compr., theorist, h. Oundle, Northamptonshire, Mar. 1, 1835; d. London, Dec. 5, 1909. Pf. pupil of Salaman, otherwise self- taught; orgt. in several places; prof, of pf. Crystal Palace Sch. of Art 1861-85; prof, of harmony and comp. at Nat'l Training School 1876, at Royal Acad. 1879, at Guild- hall Sch. 1884; prof. mus. at Dublin Univ. 1894; editor Monthly Mus. Record 1871-74, critic for Academy and Athenceum; editor of some of Handel's oratorios, with additional accomp. ; most distinguished as writer of primer on Instrumentation, and of series Harmony, Counterpoint, Double Counterpoint, Fugue, Mus. Form, Applied Forms, and The Orchestra. Pruckner, Dionys, pst. b. Munich, May 12, 1834; d. Heidelberg, Dec. 1, 1896. Pupil of Niest and of Liszt; settled in Vienna 1855; prof. Stuttgart Cons. 1859, to reputation of which he largely contributed; court pst. 1864; excellent teacher. Prudent (prii-don), Emile, pst. b. Angouleme, April 3, 1817; d. Paris, May 13, 1863. Adopted by piano tuner in childhood; pupil at Paris Cons, of Le Couppey, Zimmermann, and Laurent; first performance at concert with Thalberg, whom he closely imitated and nearly equaled; successful tours in Germany and England, admired as teacher and performer in Paris; compr. of tran- scriptions and salon music, brilliant but now out of fashion. Puccini (poo-che'-ne), Giacomo, compr. h. Lucca, June 22, 1858. Great- great-grandfather, grandfather, and father all compr. of church music, great-grandfather notable theorist; student at Milan Cons., on pension from queen, under Ponchielli; first opera, Le Villi, successful 1884; revised the next year; second, Edgar, 1889, failure; better success with Manon Lescaut 1893; first triumph with La Boheme 1896; Tosca 19C0, continued success, and Madam But- terfly, though hissed at first per- formance, Milan, 1904, has since been successful, not only in Italy but almost everywhere else,- London 1905, New York and Boston, English version. P. is one of most popular of contemporary composers; he differs from Mascagni and other Italians in seeking for more than mere sensa- tion, and from followers of Wagner in not endeavoring to establish any abstract truth; his orchestration shows brilliant technic and vari- ety; his melody, typically Italian in its fluency and somewhat obvious emotionalism, is modern in its psy- chological truth, so far as is possible with his librettos, which have often been disconnected melodramatic scenes rather than artistic creations. Pudor (poo'-dor), Heinrich, writer, b. Dresden, Aug. 29, 1865. Son of Johann Friedrich P. (1835-1887), proprietor of Dresden Cons. 1859-87; succeeded father at Cons, until 1890, when he sold out to E. Krantz; prolific writer, at first extravagant, but more restrained in later works; wrote Die alten und die neuen Wege in der Mu.s., etc. Pugnani (poon-ya'-nl), Gaetano, vlt. b. Turin, Nov. 27, 1731; d. there, June 15, 1798. Pupil of Somis and Tartini; leader court orchestra Turin 1752; long tours after 1754 to Paris and London, where he conducted opera orch. and produced opera; 1770 at Turin established vln. school; among pupils Viotti, Polledro, etc.; composed 9 concertos (only 1 pub- lished), chamber music. Pugno (pii-no), Stephane Raoul, pst. b. Montrouge, Seine, France, June 23, 1852. Pupil at Niedermeyer Sch. and Paris Cons., winning 3 first prizes, pf. 1866, harmony '67, organ '69; orgt. in Paris since 1896; prof, of harmony 1892-96, and of piano 1896-1901 at Cons.; since about 1893 has been distinguished as per- former, especially of classical music; successful concerts with Ysaye in Paris, London, and U. S.; playing notable for smooth tone, intense expression, combined with force; compr. of oratorio, ballets, etc. Purcell, Henry, compr. h. West- minster, London, 1658; d. there, Nov. 21, 1695. Called " the young- er"; father, also Henry P. (d. Aug. PYNE 11, 1664), gentleman of Chapel Royal after Restoration, master of chor- isters, Westminster Abbey, member of King's band; after early death of father, Henry was chorister at Chapel Royal under Cooke and Pelham Humfrey, who is said to have shown him the French style of music; early a compr.; pupil in composition of Blow; copyist at Abbey 1676-78, 1688-90, orgt. there 1680 (unsupported tradition gives Blow credit for resigning in pupil's favor); orgt. at Chapel Royal 1682; composed anthems and songs from early age, '* lessons " for harpsi- chord; sonatas, fantasias, etc. for sev- eral instruments; incidental music for plays (the so-called "operas" are mostly detachable songs); of these the most notable are Dido and jEneas (probably 1688-90), Dio- clesian 1690, Dryden's King Arthur 1691. Reckoned as greatest English compr.; there have been frequent editions of his works, but no accu- rate ones until foundation of Purcell Society 1878, 16 volimies published up to 1908. Chief characteristics of music are " fondness for austere melody, relieved by strongly marked rhythm, delight in moving basses and skill in handling ground bass, love of 'false relations,' beside general technical ingenuity com- bined with direct passionate expres- sion." [Grove.]; unfortunate for English music that he had no im- mediate successors. (Biography by W. H. Cummings.) QUINAULl Pyne, John Kendrick, orgt. b. London, Aug. 21, 1810; d. there. Mar. 2 (4?), 1893. Son of James Kendrick, tenor (1785-1857); pupil of Crotch at Royal Acad.; orgt. at Bath Abbey from 1839. Son James Ken- drick, orgt. h. Bath, Feb. 5, 1852, Pupil of father and S. S. Wesley; orgt. at Bath, etc., finally at Man- chester Cath. 1876; prof, at Manches- ter Royal Coll. Mus. 1893; in Phila- delphia 1875; compr. of services, etc.; well-known recital orgt. Pyne, Louisa Fanny, dram. sop. h. England, Aug. 27, 1832; d. London, Mar. 20, 1904. Pupil of Smart, appeared with sister at early age; debut on stage, Boulogne, 1849; sang in London 1849-54, U. S. 1854-56, again in England estab- lished, with Wm. Harrison, H.-P. Opera Co., giving English operas; ' after marriage to F. Bodda, baritone, in 1868, retired from stage; devoted to teaching. Pythagoras, mathematician, b. Samos, Greece, about 582 B. C; d. Meta- pontum, about 500. Though he wrote no books, his disciples, Euclid, Ptolemy, etc. preserved his doc- trines which he is thought to have gained in the Egyptian esoteric schools where he spent several years; in music he counted only the oc- tave and the fifth as consonances (fourth being fifth below); third and sixths consequently dissonant intervals. Quantz, Johann Joachim, flute player, h. Oberscheden, Hanover, Jan. 30, 1697; d. Potsdam, July 12, 1773. Played double-bass at 8; at 10, as apprentice to uncle, town musician at Merseburg, studied clavichord with Kiesewetter, and learned other instruments; member of town orch. at Dresden; studied counterpoint with Zelenka and Fux at Vienna; 1718 oboist in royal orch. at Dresden, later played flute there, after study- ing with Buffardin; and resumed position after trip to Italy, Paris, and London; teacher of Frederick the Great, when crown prince, and after his accession 1740, chamber musician and compr.; invented second key and sliding top for flute; wrote method and composed about 300 concertos and 200 sonatas and other pieces. ' Qimjault (ke-no'), Jean Baptiste Mau- rice, singer, actor, d. Gien, 1744. At Th. Frangaise 1712-18, tragedian there until 1733; wrote more than 20 interludes, ballets, etc. (a 4-act ballet Les amours des deesses, 1728, had considerable success in Paris). RACHMANINOFF RAMEAU R Rachmaninoff (rak-man'-^-nof), Sergei Vassilievitch, pst., compr. b. Nov- gorod, Russia, Apr. 2, 1873. Studied at St. Petersburg and Moscow Cons., pf. with Siloti and theory with Arensky; gold medal 1891; after con- cert tour in Russia, and appearance at London Philharmonic, 1899, ap- pointed pf. prof, at Maryinsky Inst, f orgirls, Moscow 1893 ; American tour 1909-10; has composed opera Aleko, Fantasia, Bohemian Caprice, etc. for orch., pf. concerto, two sympho- nies, Elegiac trio, some songs, and pf . music (Variations, Musical moments, Preludes, etc.), which contains novel and varied harmonic effects, well worth the effort of overcoming the considerable technical difficulty. Radecke (ra'-d6-k6), Albert Martin Robert, compr. b. Dittmannsdorf, Oct. 31, 1830; d. Wernigerode, June, 1911. Studied at Leipzig Cons.; mem- ber Gewandhaus orch.; condr. Singa- kademie. dir. City Th.; gave concerts in Berhn, mus. director of court theatre there 1863-87, court capell- meister 1871, director of Stern Cons. 1883-88, of Royal Inst, for Church Mus. 1892; compr. orch. works, espe- cially excellent pf . trios and songs. Raff (raf), Joseph Joachim, compr. b. Lachen, Lake of Zurich, May 27, 1822; d. Frankfort-on-Main, June 25, 1882. Son of orgt., educated at Wiirttemberg and in Schuryz; be- came school-teacher, continuing alone study of comp., pf. and vln.; on Mendelssohn's recommendation some pf. pieces were published 1843; devoted himself to composition; until 1850 in Cologne, Wiesenstetten, and Stuttgart, though encouraged by liiszt and Von Biilow, many chances of success failed; 1850 in Weimar, where he wrote articles for Neue Zeitschrift and where Liszt produced opera Konig Alfred; after 1856 in Wiesbaden, in demand as teacher; symphony An das Vater- land won prize Vienna 1863; director of Hoch Cons, at Frankfort 1877; much work done to earn living; of the rest, though symphonies, etc. are frequently of some melodic charm and are worked up with great care, the inherent weakness of his ideas has caused them already to disappear from programs. Raif (rif), Oskar, pf. teacher. h. Zwolle, Holland, July 31, 1847; d. Berhn, July 29, 1899. Studied with father, Carl R., and Tausig; prof, of pf. at Royal High School, Berlin, after 1875; a specialist in technic known as the " dumb thumb " sys- tem; composed pf. concerto, sonata, etc. Raimondi (ra-mon'-di), Pietro, compr. b. Rome, Dec. 20, 1786; d. there, Oct. 30, 1853. Pupil of La Barbara and Tritto at Naples; lived as teacher and successful opera compr, in Genoa; a director of th. at Naples 1824-33; prof, of counterpoint at Naples Royal Cons. 1825-32, at Palermo Cons. 1832-52; maestro di cappella, St. Peter's', Rome, 1852-53; composed fugues, requiems, masses, oratorios, 3 of which were produced simultaneously in Rome, 1852, as a feat of contrapuntal skill. Ramann (ra'-man), Lina, writer, h. Mainstockheim, June 24, 1833; d. Munich, March 30, 1912. Pupil of Frau Brendel at Leipzig; founded normal mus. sem'y Gliickstadt, 1858, and with Ida Volkmann school at Nuremberg, 1865; wrote Grundriss der Technik des Klavier spiels, his- torical essays, and biography of Liszt, 1880-93; edited L's works. Rameau (ra-mo), Jean Philippe, theor- ist, compr. b. Dijon, Sept. 25, 1683; d. Paris, Sept. 12, 1764. Of musical family and precocious ability; studied at Jesuit Coll., Dijon; 1701 sent to Italy, but did not care for prevaihng styles; played vln. in traveling opera company and was orgt. in several places, finally at Lille, since his teacher Marc hand in jealousy kept him from Paris; after four years obtained posi- tion in Paris and published, 1726, Nouveau systeme de musique theo- rique; after writing songs, etc. for plays, composed opera Samson, which RANDEGGER READING was rejected; Hippolyte et Aricie, 1733, not very successful, but with Les Indes galantes, 1735, and Castor et Pollux, 1737, he was launched on career of success. In opera marked advance over LuUy in dramatic sincerity and larger conceptions; he gives richer and more expressive orchestral backgrounds, with special part for each instrument, and more frequent solos for wood-wind; not happy in composing for voice and hampered by theory that any libretto would do; in mus. theory, he first re- duced study of chords to a systematic basis and established satisfactorily the science of " equal temperament "; his is preeminently the " reflecting, calculating genius of a philosopher." Randegger (ran-dezh-er), Alberto, sing- ing teacher, b. Trieste, Apr. 13, 1832; d. London, Dec. 17, 1911. Pupil of Lafont and Ricci; condr. at several Italian cities; prod. 2 operas; went to London 1854; singing teacher at Royal Acad. 1868 and at Royal Coll. : conducted Italian opera 1857, Carl Rosa Co. 1879-85, Norwich Festival 1881-1905; composed dram, cantata Fridolin, 2 soprano scenes, Medea, Saffo, psalms, etc.; author of valu- able Primer of Singing. Randolph, Harold, pst. b. Richmond, Va., Oct. 31, 1861. Father a lawyer and writer; both parents good ama- teur musicians; began to study music at about eight years of age, and re- ceived bulk of musical education at the Peabody Conservatory, Balti- more; began professional career at sixteen, and filled various positions as organist and choirmaster up to 1906, when he retired from church work; director of Peabody Conservatory since 1898; has appeared as pianist with most of the principal American orchestras and chamber music organ- izations; first pianist entirely Ameri- can-taught to achieve wide public recognition; reorganized the Con- servatory and greatly enlarged its scope. Rappoldi (rS,p-p6r-de), Edouard, vlt. b. Vienna, Feb. 21, 1839; d. Dresden, May 16, 1903. Pupil in Vienna Cons, of Jansa, Bohm, and Sechter; vlt. in court orch.; leader at Rot- terdam; condr. at Liibeck, Prague, etc.; teacher at Berlin Hochschule 1871-77; leader of opera orch. and head teacher vln. at Dresden Cons. 1877-98, where he retired. Wife, Laura, nee Kahrer, pst. b. Mistel- bach, near Vienna, Jan, 14, 1853. Pupil at Vienna Cons, and with Liszt. Rauchenecker (row'-ken-ek-er), Georg Wilhelm, condr., compr. h. Munich, Mar. 8, 1844; d. Elberfeld, July 17, 1906. Pupil of Th. Lachner, Baum- gartner, and Walter; vlt. at Lyons; director at Avignon Cons., at Win- terthur; condr. Berlin Philharmonic 1884, and mus. dir. Elberfeld after 1889; composed 3 operas and success- ful string quartets. Ravel (ra-velO, Maurice, compr. h. Ciboure, Basses-Pyrenees, Mar. 7, 1875. Pupil at Paris Cons., pf. with De B^riot, harmony with Pessard, 1892-95, comp. with G. Faure, 1897- 1900; as applicant for Prix de Rome, 1905, is said to have been victim of favoritism; has composed Shehera- zade overture. The Toys' Christmas for orch., quartet which has been widely played; his music is of " radi- cal harmonic structure, ingenious detail, and pervasive imagination." Ravenscroft, Thomas, compr. b. Lon- don, 1593; d. London, 1635. Choris- ter at St. Paul's under Pearce; Mus. B. Cambridge 1607; his Pammelia, 1609, first collection of part-songs, rounds, etc. printed in England; issued other collections, Deutero- melia, Melismata, Discourse (on nota- tion), and Whole Booke of Psalms " by sundry authors." Ravina (ra-vi-na), Jean Henri, pst., compr. b. Bordeaux, May 20, 1818; d. Paris, Sept. 30, 1906. Entered at Paris Cons., studied with Zimmer- mann, Laurent, Reicha, and Leborne; 1st pf. prize 1834, 1st harmony 1836; teacher 1835-37; long concert tours, composed salon music Douce pensee; Cdlinerie, Etudes de style et de per- fection. Reading, John, compr. Three of this name: 1. Vicar at Lincoln Cath., master of choristers 1670; orgt. Winchester Cath. 1675-81, at W. Coll. 1681-92, when he died. 2. Orgt. at Chichester Cath. 1674^1720. 3. b. 1677; d. Sept. 2, 1764. Orgt., master of choristers, Lincoln, and REAY REICHA orgt. after 1707 at several London churches; one of these is supposed to be compr. of tune Adeste fideles. Reay, Samuel, teacher, b. Hexham, Eng., Mar. 17, 1822; d. Newark, July 22, 1905. Chorister at Durham; pupil of Henshaw and Stimpson; orgt. in several places; song school- master of Newark Parish Ch. after 1899; condr. Newark Philharmonic Soc. ; compr. of anthems and services, editor of Songs and ballads of North- ern England. Reber (ra-bar), Napoleon Henri, compr. b. Miihlhausen, Alsace, Oct. 21, 1807; d. Paris, Nov. 24, 1880. Studied with Reicha and Lesueur at Paris Cons., where he was prof, of harmony after 1851, of comp. 1862; inspector of branch cons. 1871; member of Academy 1853; composed chamber mus., ballet, operas (Le pere Gaillard, 1852), noteworthy orchestral works (4 symphonies, suite, scenes lyriques Roland) ; wrote useful Traite d' harmonic. i^ebi^ek (ra'-bl-ch6k), Josef, vlt. b. Prague, Feb. 7, 184€; d. Berlin, Mar. 24, 1904. Pupil at Prague Cons.; vlt. in Weimar court orch.; leader at theatres Wiesbaden and Prague; director Warsaw, condr. Pesth, Wiesbaden; capellmeister Berlin Philharmonic 1897-1903; composed symph. in D minor. Rebikoff (ra-bf-kof), Vladimir Ivano- vitch, compr. b. Krasnoyarsk, Si- beria, June 1, 1866. Studied at Moscow Cons., at Berlin with Mlihler, and at Vienna; lived in Odessa, in Kishineff, where he founded branch Mus. Soc, then in Moscow; early compositions simple and pleasing; later ones, chiefly for pf. (Melomimiques, Esclavage et liberte, etc.), are experiments in un- conventional forms and unusual consonances, imitations, etc. Redhead, Richard, orgt. h. Harrow, Eng., Mar. 1, 1820; d. Hellingley, Sussex, Apr. 27, 1901. Chorister at Magdalen Coll., Oxford, where he was pupil of Vicary; orgt. in London 1839-1901; composed services, an- thems, etc., for Anglican Church, and compiled collections of hymns, chants, etc. Reeves, John Sims, tenor, h. Wool- wich, Sept. 26, 1818; d. Worthing, Oct. 25, 1900. Early played org., vln., 'cello, oboe, and bassoon; pupil of Cramer, Callcott, Hobbs, and Cooke; debut as baritone Newcastle- on-Tyne, 1839, sang tenor in London 1842; after further study with Bor- dogni and Mazzucato, appeared Milan 1846 as leading tenor; very popular in England, especially, in both opera and oratorio; " his operatic career was more or less overshadowed by the great place he made for himself in oratorio," at Handel Festival, 1857, in Eli and Naaman (written for him) and many new works; farewell concert 1891, but reappeared under pres- sure of need in 1893, and 1896; published reminiscences My Jubilee. Reger (ra-ger). Max, compr. h. Brand, Bavaria, Mar. 19, 1873. Pupil of Lindner and H. Riemann at Sonders- hausen and Wiesbaden, where Reger taught, 1895-96; after military ser- vice and severe illness finally settled in Munich 1901; prof, of harmony and counterpoint at Royal. Acad, and condr. of Porgesscher Gesangverein, Leipzig, 1908; compr. of great origi- nality and contrapuntal skill; ex- treme in disregard of established limitations of form and key; he has composed songs, variations, sonatas (some for vln. alone), org. works, and Sinfonietta and Serenade for orch. Rehberg (ra-berg), Willy, pst. h. Morges, Switzerland, Sept. 2, 1862. Pupil of father, Friedrich R., of Hegar, Weber, and Freund at Zurich, and at Leipzig Cons., where he later taught; condr. concerts of court orch. and Singakademie at Alten- berg 1888-90; teacher of pf. at Geneva Cons.; after 1890 capell- meister of Geneva orch.; composed sonata, gavotte, etc., for pf. Rehfeld (ra'-felt), Fabian, vlt., compr. b. Tuchel, W. Prussia, Jan. 23, 1842. Studied with Zimmermann and Griinwald; Royal chambei- musician, Berlin, 1868;. concertmaster court orchestra 1873, professor 1903; compr. for vln. Reicha (ri'-ka), Anton, theorist, compr. h. Prague, Feb. 27, 1770; d. Paris, May 28, 1836. Pupil of uncle REICHART Joseph R. [or Rejcha], compr. and vU.; flute player Bonn orch., where Beethoven played viola; pf. teacher Hamburg 1794-99; lived in Vienna 1801-08, intimate with Beethoven and circle; Uved in Paris after 1808; produced operas, taught (Elwart, Dancla, etc. among pupils); prof, counterpoint and fugue at Cons. 1818; member Academy 1835; com- posed chamber music (some for horns, etc.) and wrote theoretical works, clear and successful, but now out of date. Reichardt (rik'-ardt), Johann Friedrich, compr. b. Konigsberg, Nov. 25, 1752; d. Giebichenstein, near Halle, June 27,1814. Pupil of C. G. Richter and Veichtner; student of philosophy at Leipzig; capellmeister to Frederick the Great 1775; founded Concerts spirituels, for which he wrote pro- grams; journeys to London and Paris 1786; dismissed by F. Wilhelm II, 1794; inspector of salt works at Giebichenstein; capellmeister to Jerome Napoleon; his numerous Singspiele affected German opera by establishing national character; as song compr. he marks transition between earlier comprs. and Schu- bert; also wrote passion music, anthems, etc.; instrumental works of no great importance. Reichmann (rik'-man), Theodor, dram, baritone, b. Rostock, Mar. 15, 1849; d. Marbach, Lake of Constance, May 22, 1903. Studied in Berhn, Prague and with Lamperti in Milan; sang at Magdeburg 1869, Berhn, Cologne, Munich, etc.; at Vienna Court Opera 1882-99; created Am- fortas in Parsifal, Bayreuth, 1882; N. Y. 1889-91; after 1893 again in Vienna. Reimann (ri'-man), Heinrich, orgt. b. Rengersdorf, Mar. 14, 1850; d. Chariot tenburg, May 24, 1906. Pupil of father at Glatz Gymnasium, Bres- lau Univ.; resigned positions as teacher and school director; con- ducted choral societies; critic and writer; asst. librarian Royal Library, Berlin, orgt. to Berlin Philharmonic until 1875; teacher of org. and theory at Scharwenka-Klindworth Cons, until 1894; orgt. at Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church 1895; critic for REINKEN Allgemeine MiLsik Zeitung, compr. of org. mus,, author of biog. of Schumann, etc. Reinagle (ri'-nagle), Alexander Robert, orgt., compr. b. Brighton, Aug. 21, 1799; d. Kidhngton, near Oxford, Apr. 6, 1877. Of musical family; teacher, orgt. at Oxford; wrote instruction books for vln. and 'cello; composed hymn tune St. Peter. Reinecke (ri'-nek-S), Carl Heinrich Carsten, pst., compr., condr. b. Altona, June 23, 1824; d. March 10, 1910, at Leipzig. Pf . pupil of father; after 1843 made tours in Scandinavia and Germany; friend of Mendels- sohn and Schumann at Leipzig; pst. to Christian VIII; after some years in Paris, taught at Cologne Cons. 1851; was director Barmen 1854-59; dir. and condr. Singaka- demie, Breslau, 1859-60; condr. Gewandhaus, Leipzig, 1860-95; also prof, of pf. and comp. at Leipzig Cons. 1860-1902, where he had many famous pupils, Joseffy, Maas, etc.; leader in Leipzig for 25 years; works, especially those for pf., and chamber mus., show skill in con- struction and considerable romantic feeling; settings for women's voices of Dornroschen, Schneewittchen, etc., also noteworthy; besides concertos for 'cello, vln., harp, operas, can- tatas, overtures, etc., contributions to English and German periodicals. Reinhold (rin-holt), Hugo, compr. b. Vienna, Mar. 3, 1854. Chorister at court chapel; pupil of Bruckner, Dessoff, and Epstein at Cons.; suite for pf . and strings, minuet and fugue for orch., and string quartet have at- tracted notice, as well as songs and pf. music. Reinken (rin'-ken), Johann Adam, orgt., compr. h. Wilshausen, Lower Alsace, Apr. 27, 1623; d. Ham- burg, Nov. 24, 1722. Pupil of Scheidemann at Hamburg 1654-57; orgt. at Deventer 1657-58; then assistant and successor, 1663, to Scheidemann; distinguished per- former whom Bach walked from Liineberg to hear; wrote Hortus musicus (2 vlns., via., bass). Partite diverse, toccata, variations, and fugue; other works burned by direction of his will. REINTHALER Reinthaler (rin'-ta-ler), Carl Martin, compr. b. Erfurt, Oct. 13, 1822; d. Bremen, Feb. 13, 1896. Pupil of G. A. Ritter, and of Marx, in sing- ing of Geraldi and Bordogni in Paris and in Rome; teacher of singing, Cologne Cons., 1853; mus. dir., orgt. at Cathedral; condr. of Singakademie and Liedertafel at Bremen; compr. of 2 operas, widely popular oratorio Jephtha, famous Bismarck- Hymne, symphony, and choral works. Reisenauer (ri'-zen-ou-er), Alfred, pst. b. Konigsberff, Nov. 1, 1863; d. Libau, Oct. 31, 1907. Pupil of Kohler and Liszt; d^but with Liszt 1881; after studying law in Leipzig, reappeared with brilliant success 1886; prof. pf. at Leipzig Cons. 1900; in America 1904; special characteristics not spectacular ex- hibition, but sympathetic interpre- tation of varied comprs.; at his best with Schumann and Liszt. Reissiger (ris'-sig-er), Carl Gottlieb, compr. b. Belzig, near Wittenberg, Jan. 31, 1798; d. Dresden, Nov. 7, 1859. Pupil of Schicht at Leipzig; appeared as singer and pst. at Vienna; stud. comp. with Winter at Munich; tour of Italy 1824 to examine conservatories and submit plan; after teaching at Berlin Inst, for Ch. Mus., organized The Hague Cons. 1826; dir. German Opera at Dresden; court capellmeister; com- posed some 10 operas (overture to Die Felsenmuhle was popular), ora- torio, masses, many sonatas and rondos for various instruments. Reissmann (ris'-man), August, writer. b. Frankenstein, Silesia, Nov. 14, 1825; d. Berlin, Dec. 1, 1903. Pupil of Jung, Baumgart, Richter, etc.; in Weimar with Liszt 1850-52; lived in Halle, in Berhn 1863-80, where he lectured at Stern Cons., in Leipzig, Wiesbaden, and again Ber- lin; wrote biographies of Schumann, Schubert, Haydn, Weber, etc.; books on opera and history (Geschichte des deutschen Liedes), edited Gathy's lexicon, and Mendel's; composed operas, ballet, oratorio, etc. Rellstab (reF-stab), Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig, writer, b. Berlin, Apr. 13, 1799; d. there, Nov. 27, 1860. Son RESZKE of Johann Carl Friedrich R., printer, lecturer, critic (1759-1813); artillery officer, teacher of mathematics and history in military school; retired from army 1821; critic on Vossische Zeitung; author of satires against Sontag and Spohr, for each of which he was imprisoned; edited mus. paper /m, etc., 1839-41; contributed to others' biographies of Liszt, etc.; well known as novelist, author of " 1812." Remenyi (re-men'-yl), [real name Hoff- mann], Eduard, vlt. h. Heves, or Miskolcz, Hungary, July 17, 1830; d. San Francisco, Cal., May 15, 1898. Pupil at Vienna Cons, of Bohm; played in America; after advice from Liszt, 1853, solo vlt. to Queen Victoria, and, 1860, to Emperor of Austria after amnesty (he was exiled in '48); after 1865 began series of long successful tours, Paris 1865, 1875, London 1877, even around the world; transcribed for vln. Field's nocturnes, Chopin's waltzes and other pf. music; of great tech- nical skill, brilliance, and vigor of execution at his best, but uneven in achievement as he was wandering by nature; gave Brahms his start as accomp., first discovering his genius. Renaud (re-no), Maurice, baritone, b. Bordeaux, 1862. Studied at Paris Cons.; sang at Brussels 1883-90; Op^ra Comique, Paris, 1890-91; at Op^ra since 1891; N. Y. 1906-10; of wide repertoire; sings and acts with great intelligence and so much care that at times he is accused of lack of spontaneity. Rendano (ren-da'-no), Alfonso, pst. h. Carolei, near Cosenza, Calabria, Apr. 5, 1853. Studied at Naples and Leipzig Cons, and with Thalberg; popular as performer in London and Italy; composed considerable salon music. Reszke (resh-ka), Jean de, dram, tenor, h. Warsaw, Jan. 14, 1852. Studied with Ciaffei, Cotogni, and Sbriglia; debut 1874, London 1875, and engagements in Italy and Paris as baritone; debut as tenor Madrid 1879; 1st tenor at Paris Op^ra 1884-89; sang in London after 1887, and in New York after 1895; retired REYER to Paris 1902, where he teaches singing; remarkable singer, whose repertoire finally included Wagner- ian operas as well as French and Italian. Brother Edouard, dram, bass. b. Warsaw, Dec. 23, 1855. Pupil of Jean, Ciaffei, Steller, and Coletti; debut Warsaw 1876; at Th. Itahen, Paris, 1885-98; followed Jean in English and American engagements and into retirement, Reyer (ra-yar), [properly Rey], Louis Etienne Ernest, compr. b. Mar- seilles, Dec. 1, 1823; d. Toulon, Jan. 15, 1909. While in government office at Algiers, composed mass and songs; studied mus. in Paris with aunt, Mme. Farrenc; prod, sym- phonic ode 1850; member of Acad- emy 1876; composed operas La statue 1861, Sigurd 1884, SalammbS 1890, latter two successful; choruses and church music; highly ranked as compr. of richly colored music in school of Berlioz, and as critic and essayist. Reznicek (rez'-ni-chek), Emil Nicolaus, Freiherr von, compr. h. Vienna, May 4, 1861. Studied law at Graz, music at Leipzig Cons.; theatre capellmeister in several places, finally at Mannheim 1896-99; founded concerts for small orch. at Berlin, where he has Hved since 1902, con- ducting also in Warsaw and Russia; teacher at Klindworth-Scharwenka Cons. 1906; composed overtures, symphonies, etc., and operas (not- ably Donna Diana, Till Eulenspiegel) . Rheinberger (rin'-berger), Joseph Ga- briel, compr. b. Vaduz, Liechten- stein, Mar. 17, 1839; d. Munich, Nov. 25, 1901. Pupil of Herzog, Leonhard, and J. J. Mayer at Royal Sch. of Mus., Munich, where he taught 1859; orgt. at court ch., condr. Oratorio Soc; r^petiteur court opera 1865-67; court capellmeister 1877; teacher in Royal Acad, from 1867 till death; renowned every- where as teacher (Chadwick, Parker, and Goodrich among many Ameri- can pupils); composed operas {Die sieben Raven, etc.), cantatas and oratorios (Christophoru^, etc.), over- tures, concertos (2 for org.), and especially 20 org. soriatas, which combine great skill with ideas of greater smoothness and beauty. I RICHTER Rhodes, Mrs., see Hardelot, Guy d*. Richards, Henry Brinley, compr., pst. h. Camarthen, Wales, Nov. 13, 1817; d. London, May 1, 1885. Pupil at Royal Academy, King's Scholar 1835, '37; concert pst. and teacher in London; composed pf. mus., songs, notably popular God bless the Prince of Wales, military marches, Albert Edward, etc. Richardson, Nathan, teacher, h. S. Reading, Mass., July 31, 1827; d. Paris, France, Nov. 19, 1859. While pupil in Boston composed popular march Gen. Taylor's Own, etc.; pupil in Leipzig of Moscheles, etc., in Dresden of Willmers, and espe- cially at Prague of Dreyschock; after return to America published Modern School for Pf.; publisher and mus. seller in Boston; despite increasing ill health, for which he journeyed to Smyrna and to Paris, pubhshed New Method for pf. 1859. Richter (rik'-ter), Ernst Friedrich Eduard, theorist, compr. h. Gross- Schonau, Saxony, Oct. 24, 1808; d. Leipzig, Apr. 9, 1879. Student of theology at Leipzig Univ.; music pupil of Weinlig; asst. of Haupt- mann at Cons. 1843; condr. of Singakademie 1843-47; orgt. at vari- ous churches, finally, 1868, director and cantor at Thomaskirche; beside skilful compositions, wrote widely known Text-book of Harmony 1853, of Counterpoint 1872, of Fugue 1859. Son Alfred, b. Leipzig, Apr. 1, 1846. Taught at Cons. 1872-83; lived in London, then again in Leipzig; published additional exer- cises, etc. to father's Harmony. Richter, Hans, condr. b. Raab, Hun- gary, Apr. 4, 1843. Chorister in court chapel, Vienna; pupil of Sechter and others at Cons., learn- ing pf . and French horn; horn player in th. orch., Vienna; copied Die Meistersinger for Wagner at Lucerne 1866-67; chorusmaster Munich Opera; court condr. under Von Bulow 1868-69; condr. of first per- formance of Lohengrin, Brussels, 1870; capellmeister at Pesth Nat'l Th. 1871-75, at Vienna Opera 1875- 1900, 1st capellm. 1893; condr. of Vienna Gesellschaft concerts^ 1884-90; 1900-1911 condr. of Hall^ RIEDEL RIMBAULT Orch. at Manchester, England, and of annual concerts in London; con- ducted 1st performances of the Ring 1876 and subsequent Bayreuth fes- tivals; Lower Rhine and Birming- ham festivals after 1885; remark- able mastery due to complete knowledge of technic of every instru- ment. Riedel (re'-del), Carl, condr., compr. h. Kronenberg, Oct. 6, 1827; d. Leipzig, June 3, 1888. Revolution of '48 turned him from silk dyeing to music; after study with Carl Wilhelm and at Leipzig Cons., organized, 1854^ Riedelverein for per- formance of ancient church music; pres. 1868 of Allgemeiner deutscher Musikverein, and of Wagnerverein ; edited works of Schiitz, Frank, Eccard, etc.; published collections of old Bohemian and German songs. Riego (re-a'-go), Teresa del, compr. b. London. Musical studies carried on chiefly at West Central Coll. of Mus., London, pf. and comp. under Sewell-Southgate, also studied vln. and singing; composed about 75 songs, sacred and secular, including cycles; pf. works in Mss. Riemann (re'-man), Carl Wilhelm Julius Hugo, writer. h. Gross- mehlra, near Sonde rshausen, July 18, 1849. Pupil of Frankenberger, Barthel, and Ratzenberger, of law, philosophy, and history at Berlin and Tubingen, and, after war of 1870, at Leipzig Cons.; Ph.D. Gottingen 1873, with mus. thesis; teacher and lecturer at Bielefeld, Leipzig, Cons, of Hamburg, Sonders- hausen, and Wiesbaden; 1895 again univ. lecturer at Leipzig; beside numerous compositions, chiefly for pf., has written on history of nota- tion, history of theory, pf. playing (notably Guide to Art of Phrasing), series of musical catechisms {Instru- mentation, Bach's well-tempered Clav- ichord, etc.); edited works of Ra- meau, Friedemann Bach, etc.; com- piled Opern- Handbuch, Musik-Lexi- kon (1882; 7th ed. 1909), of great value. Riemenschneider (re'-men-shni-der) , Georg, condr. b. Stralsund, Apr. 1, 1848. Studied with Haupt and Edel; theatre condr. Liibeck and Danzig; orch. condr. Breslau; com- posed opera and symphonic "pict- ures " Julinacht, etc. Ries (res), Ferdinand, pst., compr. b. Bonn, Nov. 29, 1784; d. Frankfort- on-Main, Jan. 13, 1838. Son of Franz (1755-1846), music director to Elector Franz at Bonn, and friend of Beethoven; pupil of Beethoven at Vienna 1801-05, and of Albrechts- berger; after living in Paris, tour- ing in Germany, Scandinavia, and Russia, teaching and playing in London 1813-24, he retired; lived at Frankfort after 1830; though good pst. and compr. of operas, sympho- nies, chamber mus., etc., he is chiefly known for intimate biog. of Beetho- ven. Brother Hubert, vlt. b. Bonn, Apr. 1, 1802; d. Berlin, Sept. 14, 1886. Pupil of Spohr and Haupt- mann; leader royal orch. Berlin 1836; teacher Kgl. Theatreinstru- mentalschule 1851-72; author of excellent methods and exercises. His son Franz (b. 1846), excellent vlt.; 1st prize Paris Cons. 1868; gave up playing because of health; head of music publishing firm, Ries and Erler, Berlin. Rietz (retz), Julius, 'cellist, condr., compr. b. Berlin, Dec. 28, 1812; d. Dresdeji, Sept. 12, 1877. Son of royal chamber musician Johann Friedrich; brother of Eduard (1802- 1832); friend of Mendelssohn, foun- der Berlin Philharmonic; pupil of Schmidt, Romberg, and Ganz; mem- ber th. orch. Konigstadt; condr. at Diisseldorf, as asst., 1834, and suc- cessor, 1835, of Mendelssohn; at Liepzig, condr. at th. 1847-54, at Gewandhaus 1848, prof, of comp. at Cons.; condr. of opera and court chapel, Dresden, 1860, and director of Cons.; edited works of Mozart, Beethoven, and complete works of Mendelssohn, to whose period belong R's compositions, operas, concertos, choruses, etc. Rimbault (rim-bolt), Edward Francis, writer, h. London, June 13, 1816; d. there, Sept. 26, 1876. Pupil of father, Stephen Francis R. (1773- 1837), orgt., of Samuel Wesley, and Crotch; gave lectures on English music history from 1838; founded, with Taylor and Chappell, Mus. Antiquarian Society, for pubhcation RIMSKY-KORSAKOV RITTER of old English mus. 1840; edited publications of Antiquarian, Motet, Percy societies. Cathedral Chants, some of Handel's works; wrote histories of org., of pf., etc. Rimsky-Korsakov (rim'-ski-kor'-sa- koff), Nikolas Andreievitch, compr. b. Tikhvin, prov. of Novgorod, May 21, 1844; d. St. Petersburg, June 21, 1908. While student at Naval Inst, at St. P. studied 'cello with Ulich and pf. with Kanille; officer in navy until 1873 (coming to U. S. in 1862); began serious study of music with Balakirev of whose circle he became influential member; prof. comp. St. P. Cons. 1871-1905, when he resigned to be reinstated in a few months, then served until death; inspector of marine bands 1873-84, director of Free Sch. of Mus. 1874- 87, and condr. of its concerts until 1881; asst. condr. Imperial Orch. 1883, and one of condrs. of Russian Symph. Concerts 1886-1901; he composed operas {Mlada, etc.), many orchestral works, 3 symphonies {Antar is No. 2), overtures, sym- phonic poems (Sadko, etc.), suite for orch. (Scheherazade), chamber mus., pf. pieces, songs, choruses (By the Waters of Babylon, etc.), and edited 2 collections of folk-songs; most admired in Russia as compr. of operas dealing with local mythol- ogy; he is best known elsewhere as compr. of orchestral music rem^ark- able not for form but for an almost oriental richness of color (attained in earlier works by skilful handling of limited orch.), by variety of me- lodic effects, and insistent rhythms. Rinck, Johann Christian Heinrich, orgt. h. Elgersburg, Thuringia, Feb. 18, 1770; d. Darmstadt, Aug. 7, 1846. Pupil of several orgts., finally of Kittel (pupil of J. S. Bach); town orgt. Giessen, 1790; orgt. and teacher Darmstadt 1805; made tours through Thuringia; one of foremost players of time; besides large Orgelschide, wrote many Chorol- vorspiele, etc. Rinuccinl (rin-u-che'-ne), Ottavio, li- brettist, b. Florence, 1562; d. there, 1621. Wrote words for earliest operas. Peri and Caccini's Dafne, Peri's Euridice, and Monteverde's Arianna a Nasso. Risler (ris-lar), Joseph Edouard, pst. b. Baden-Baden, Feb. 23, 1873. Pupil of Dimmer and Dubois at Paris Cons. 1883-90, and of d'Albert and Stavenhagen; rep^titeur at Bay- reuth 1896, '97 and at Paris Op^ra for performance of Meister singer; 1906 member of Conseil superieur at Paris Cons.; of impeccable technic, specially praised for soft- ness of touch and statue-hke repose. Ritter, Alexander, vlt. b. Narva (or Reval), Russia, June 27, 1833; d. Munich, Apr. 12, 1896. Pupil of Franz Schubert in Dresden, of David and Richter at Leipzig Cons.; leader at Meiningen, Weimar, and Wiirzburg where he founded music business; member of Meiningen orch. under Von Bulow; later in Munich; composed 2 operas (Derfaule Hans, Wem die Krone), symph. poems (Erotische Legende, etc.); an enthusi- astic radical whose influence on others (R. Strauss, etc.) was through philos- ophy and poetry rather than music. Ritter, Frederic Louis, teacher. h. Strassburg, June 22, 1834; d. Ant- werp, July 22, 1891. Studied with Schletterer, Hauser, and J. G. Kastner; taught in Lorraine; went 1856 to Cincinnati where he organ- ized Cecilia voc. soc. and Phil- harmonic Orch.; in New York 1861, condr. of Sacred Harmonic Soc. and Arion; 1867-95 prof, of mus. at Vassar Coll.; wrote Hist, of Music, Mus. in Eng., Mus. in America; composed unimportant symphonies, concertos, psalms, etc. Ritter, Hermann, teacher, b. Wismar, Sept. 16, 1849. Teacher at royal mus. school at W^iirzburg; note- worthy for introduction of a larger viola alta, with fuller and less nasal tone, sort of revived tenor, con- structed after rules of violin-making; use of instr. spread by many pupils; author of history of viola alta, theory of mus. and of aesthetics, illustrated mus. hist. Ritter, Theodore [pseud, of T. Bennet], pst., compr. b. near Paris, Apr. 5, 1841; d. Paris, Apr. 6, '1886. Pupil of Liszt; successful performer; com- posed pf . pieces, dramatic scenes (Le paradis perdu, Mephistopheles) and two unsuccessful operas. mvt-KING Rive-King (re'-va-king), Julie, pst., compr. b. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 31, 1857. Pupil of Wm. Mason and S. B. Mills, of Reinecke and Liszt; d^but Leipzig 1874; compositions include Impromptu, Polonaise hero- 'ique, etc.; has played with almost every orch. and under every condr. in America. Lives in Chicago. Robjohn, W. J., see Florio, Caryll. Robyn, Alfred G., compr. b. St. Louis, Apr. 29, 1860. Son of Wm. R. (" who organized first symph. orch. west of Pittsburgh." Hughes.); orgt., suc- ceeding father; solo pst. with Emma Abbott Co.; composed sacred and secular songs and successful comic operas {The Yankee Consul, etc.); removed from St. Louis to Brooklyn, 1910; orgt. and teacher there. Rochlitz (r6k'-litz), Johann Friedrich, writer, h. Leipzig, Feb. 12, 1769; d. there, Dec. 16, 1842. Studied music with Doles at Thomasschule, theology at Univ.; wrote novels touching music; founded Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung 1798, editor to 1818, contributor to 1835 (one of first to recognize Beethoven's great- ness); director of Gewandhaus con- certs after 1805; wrote Fiir Freunde der Tonkunst, collected essays, bio- graphical studies, etc. Rockstro [originally Rackstraw], Wil- liam Smyth, writer, b. North Cheam, Surrey, Jan. 5, 1823; d. London, July 2, 1895. Pupil at Leipzig of Men- delssohn, Hauptmann, and Plaidy; taught pf. and singing in London; lived at Torquay; orgt. Babbacombe; lectured at Royal Acad, after 1891 , taught plain song at Royal Coll. Mus.; wrote Practical Harmony, lives of Handel, Mendelssohn, Jenny Lind, General History of Music, History of Music for Young Students; History of the Boehm Flute; com- posed madrigal, O too cruel fair, sacred cantata; edited psalter, with accomp. Rode (rod'), Jacques Pierre Joseph, vlt.^ h. Bordeaux, Feb. 16, 1774; d. Chateau-Bourbon, near Damazon, Nov. 25, 1830. Pupil of Fauvel and Viotti; debut Paris 1790; leader of 2d vlns. at Th. Feydeau 1790-94; solo vlt. Opera 1794-99; tours in Holland, Germany, and to London; ROGERS prof, at Cons. 1795; solo vlt. to Napoleon 1800, to Emp. Alexander of Russia 1803-08, having gone there with Boieldieu; after further tours in Germany, etc., lived in Berlin before retiring to Bordeaux; Boc- cherini wrote concertos for him in Spain 1799, Beethoven finished sonata Op. 96 in Vienna; final ap- pearance in Paris 1828 a failure; compositions include concertos, quar- tet, etc. no longer popular; but a Method (written with Baillot and Kreutzer) endures, as do his 24 Caprices en forme d' etudes. Roder (re-der), Martin, compr. b. Berhn, Apr. 7, 1851; d. Cambridge, Mass., June 10, 1895. Studied at Berlin Hochschule ; chorusmaster at Milan Th. 1873-80; organized Choral Soc. there; after some ex- perience as opera condr., taught singing in Berlin, at Scharwenka Cons. 1881-87; prof, at Royal Acad. Mus. in Dublin 1887-92; director vocal dept. N. E. Cons., Boston, after 1892; composed 3 operas {Vera only one produced), 2 mysteries, symphonic poems, songs; also wrote essays in German and Italian. Roeckel (rek'-el), Joseph Leopold, pst., teacher, b. London, Apr. 11, 1838; d. 1908. Studied with father and with brother Eduard, with Eisen- hofer and Gotze; prolific song compr., also wrote cantatas {Fair Rosa- mond, Ruth, etc.), baritone scena Siddartha; used pseud. Eduard Dom; married Jane Jackson, pst., teacher, compr., under pseud. Jules de Sivrai. Rogers, Clara Kathleen, soprano, h. Cheltenham, Eng., Jan. 14, 1844. Daughter of John Barnett, compr. Pupil of parents, of Gotze, after 1860 of Moscheles, Richter, etc. at Leipzig Cons., of Sangiovanni at Milan; debut Turin 1863, under stage name Clara Doria; sang in Italy, London, in U. S. with Parepa-Rosa Co., with Maretzek Co. 1872-73; married Henry M. Rogers, Boston, 1878; wrote songs. Philosophy of Singing Rnd My Voice and I (1910). Rogers, James Hotchkiss, orgt., compr. h. Fair Haven, Conn., Feb., 1857. Pupil of J. M. Towne, C. Eddy; in Berlin with Loeschhorn, Ehrlich, Haupt, and Rohde, and in Paris ROHDE ROPARTZ with Guilmant, Widor, and Fissot; orgt, in Burlington; la.; since 1883 in Cleveland, O., as orgt., teacher, dir. of Rubinstein Club; compr. of Lenten cantata The Man of Naza- reth, Easter The New Life, songs, pf. and org. pieces, anthems, etc, Rohde (ro'-da,), Eduard, compr., teacher. b. Halle-on-Saale, 1828; d. Berlin, Mar. 25, 1883. Choirmaster St. Georgenkirche; singing teacher at Sophien Gymnasium; compr. of ex- cellent motets, cantata Schildhorn, and an elementary text-book for pf. Rolla, Alessandro, vlt. h. Pa via, Apr. 22, 1757; d. Milan, Sept. 15, 1841. Studied with Renzi and Conti; court soloist at Vienna, leader of ducal orch. at Parma; maestro, solo vlt. to Eugene Beauharnais, prof, at Cons, at Milan; teacher of Paganini; com- posed ballet, concertos, etc. for vln. Romberg, Andreas Jakob, vlt. h. Vechta, near Munster, Apr. 27, 1767; d. Gotha, Nov. 10, 1821. Son of Ger- hard Heinrich R. (1745-1819), clari- net player and mus. dir.; debut at 7; on tour with cousin Bernhard R. 1784; soloist Concerts spirituels Paris 1784; member Bonn orch. 1790-93; after tours in Italy and unsuccessful attempt to produce compositions in Paris, succeeded Spohr as capell- meister, Gotha, 1815; composed 8 operas, Das Lied von der Glocke and other cantatas, psalms, etc. His cousin Bernhard Romberg, 'cellist. b. Dincklage, near Munster, Nov. 12, 1767; d. Hamburg, Aug. 13, 1841. Son of Anton (1742-1814), bassoon- ist, brother of Gerhard; went on tour throughout Europe with An- dreas; prof, at Paris Cons. 1800-03; soloist in Berhn court orch. 1805, capellmeister 1815-19; composed 9 concertos, caprices, etc. on national airs, operas, etc. Ronald, L., see Russell, Landon. Ronconi (ron-ko'-ni), Giorgio, baritone, singing teacher, b. Milan, Aug. 6, 1810; d. Madrid, Jan. 8, 1890. Son of Domenico R. (1772-1839), tenor; established music school at Cordova 1863; taught in New York 1867. Rontgen (r4nt'-g6n), JuUus, 'pst. b. Leipzig, May 9, 1855. Son of Engel- bert (1829-1897), vlt.) pupil of Hauptmann, Richter, Plaidy, etc., and of F. Lachner in Munich; d^but Stuttgart 1875; teacher Amsterdam Mus. Sch. 1878; condr, of concerts of Soc. for Promotion of Mus. 1886- 1898; one of founders of Amster- dam Cons.; popular as player and teacher; composed chamber music, symph., ballad for orch., edited 14 altniederldndische Volkslieder. Root, George Frederick, teacher, compr. h. Sheffield, Mass., Aug. 30, 1820; d. Barley's Island, Aug. 6, 1895. Taught flute playing by father, learned other instruments easily; in music store in Boston 1836, mem- ber Boston Academy chorus, pupil of G. J. Webb; 1850 studied in Paris; Flower Queen, first cantata by American compr., published over pseud. G. Friedrich Wurzel; 1853 opened Normal Music Institute; 1858 member of publishing firm Root and Cady in Chicago; compiled alone or with others many collections of part-songs Academy Vocalist, Sabbath Bell, etc.; most widely known as prohfic compr. of Civil War songs (The Battle-cry of Freedom, JvLst before the battle, mother. Tramp, tramp, tramp, the boys are marching) and songs of religion and sentiment (The vacant chair. Knocking, knock- ing, etc.). R. was pioneer in writing of cantatas, war songs, and gospel hymns; in his autobiography Story of a Musical Life, he says: " I am one who, from such resources as he finds within himself, makes music for the people, having always a particular need in view." His son Frederick Woodman R., singing teacher, b. Boston, Mass., June 13, 1846. Pupil of father, B. C. Blodgett, and Wm. Mason; orgt. in Chicago; after study in Europe 1869-70, edited Song Messenger. Rooy, Anton van, see Van Rooy. Ropartz (ro-parts), J. Guy, compr., condr., critic, writer, h. Guingamp, June 15, 1864, Studied for the bar; pupil of Dubois and Massenet at the Paris Conservatory, and later of Cesar Franck; dir. of Conservatory at Nancy 1894; wrote orchestral and choral works, incidental music for plays, chamber music, piano and organ pieces and songs. RORE Rore^ Cipriano de, compr. b. Mechlin or Antwerp, 1516; d. Parma, Sept. 1565. Pupil of Willaert; in service of Duke of Ferrara; asst. and suc- cessor 1563 to Willaert as maestro at St. Mark's, Venice; soon after chorusmaster to • Duke of Parma; published first book of madrigals 1542, various later ones, motets, and 3 masses; " he went much beyond his master and his school in the free and dexterous use of chromatic tones and harmonies, and his style has a novel richness and geniality." [Pratt.] Rosa, Carlo [real name Carl August Nicolas Rose], impresario, h. Ham- burg, Mar. 21, 1842; d. Paris, Apr. 30, 1889. Made early tours as vlt.; after study at Leipzig and Paris Cons., concertmaster at Hamburg 1863-65; on concert tour 1867, met and married Parepa, singer; opera company they organized played successfully in U. S. and in London; after Parepa's death 1874, R. con- tinued as Carl Rosa Co. seasons of English opera in London and prov- inces. Rosellen (ro-zel-lan), Louis Henri, pf. teacher, h. Paris, Oct. 13, 1811; d. there. Mar. 20, 1876. Pupil of Prad- her, Zimmermann, Fetis, Hal^vy, etc. at Paris Cons., and of H. Herz; r6p6titeur in solfeggio at Cons.; pub- lished useful Manuel des pianistes, and over 200 pf . pieces, very popular in their day. Rosenhain (ro'-zen-hin), Jakob, pst. h. Mannheim, Dec. 2, 1813; d. Baden- Baden, Mar. 21, 1894. Pupil of Schmitt and Schnyder von Warten- see; tour as prodigy at 9; lived at Frankfort, Paris, and Baden-Baden; accompanied Paganini 1830; dis- tinguished teacher and able per- former; compr. of operas, sym- phonies, pf. concertos and other orch. works, pf. mus., and songs. Rosenthal (ro'-zen-tal), Moritz, pst. h. Lemberg, Dec. 18, 1862. Pupil of Galoth who left him to work out own technic, of Mikuli, and Joseffy; debut Vienna 1876, followed by tour; pupil of Liszt 1876-86, at both Weimar and Rome, at same time studying philosophy at Vienna University; after 6 years without ROSSINI public appearance, he played at Liszt Verein in Leipzig, in America with Kreisler 1888-89, where he gained first great success; following seasons in Europe have been marked by increasing enthusiasm; his tech- nic is prodigious, and he is some- times accused of displaying it at the cost of good taste; others claim that he gives adequate artistic expres- sion to a virile temperament, quite free from sentimentality. Rossi, Countess, see Sontag, Henriette. Rossini (ros-se'-ni), Gioacchino Antonio, compr. b. Pesaro, Feb. 29, 1792; d. Ruelle, near Paris, Nov. 13, 1868. Father town trumpeter and mother amateur singer; pupil of A. Tesei at Bologna and of Mattei for composi- tion, giving himself further training by copying scores; 1st opera pro- duced Venice 1810; first serious opera Tancred 1813, followed by L'ltaliana in Algeri, so firmly established his reputation that he agreed to supply 2 operas a year to Barbaja at Naples; besides this contract, composed Barber of Seville (Rome 1816) in three weeks; jealousy for Paisiello's work on same subject made first performance a failure, but the sec- ond was a triumph; wrote for Bar- baja in Milan and Naples about 28 operas; cool reception of Semira- mide, Venice, 1823, made him go to London where he gained fortune from concerts and lessons; after five months went to Paris as director of Theatre Itahen; R. became thor- oughly French and produced for Paris Op^ra, 1829, his French opera William Tell; thereafter fell into inexplicable inactivity, writing prac- tically nothing else but the Stabat Mater 1832; married singer Isa- bella Colbran, later Olympe Pelis- sier. As a man he was brilliant, witty, cynical, pleasure-loving; in music he differed from his Italian forerunners in his use of full accom- paniments in place of older recitativo secco, in development of orchestral variety, especially in horn parts, in composition of cadenzas (not leav- ing them to singers); he falls short of later composers in idealism; he wrote quite frankly for popularity both with singers and audience, sup- plying voice parts of originality and ROTOLI RUBINSTEIN brilliancy; his great fertility in in- vention of melody led to too great facility and frivolity; but just these * qualities when they are appropriate, as in the Barber of Seville, make a masterpiece. Rotoli (rot-o-li), Augusto, compr. b. Rome, Jan. 7, 1847; d. Boston, Nov. 26, 1904. Pupil of Lucchesi; chor- ister at St. Peter's; condr. and founder of choral soc; teacher of princess; maestro of royal chapel of Sudario 1878; vocal instructor New England Cons, after 1885; choir- director at St. James Church, Bos- ton, after 1896; compr. of Roman Mass, many songs, and secular comp.; successful teacher. Rouget de L'Isle (ro-zha-de-lel), Claude Joseph, compr. b. Lons-le-Saunier, Jura, May 10, 1760; d. Choisy-le- Roi, June 26, 1836. Composed French national hymn, La Marseil- laise, 1792, while military engineer at Strassburg; later in Paris com- posed Chant ' du combat, etc., 25 Romances and 50 Chants frangais. Rougnon (ro-non), Paul Louis, compr. h. Poitiers, Aug. 24, 1846. Student at Paris Cons. (1st prize counter- point and fugue 1870) where he became prof, of solfeggio 1885; composed 2 operas, pf. studies and pieces; author of Dictionnaire mus- ical des locutions etrangeres. Rousseau (ro-so), Jean Jacques, theor- ist, h. Geneva, June 28, 1712; d. Ermenonville, near Paris, July 3, 1778. Though not trained in music, soon after coming to Paris he copied music for living, wrote articles on music for the Encyclopedic, pam- phlets on notation, and entered the Guerre des bouffons on the side of Italian music; his Lettre sur la musique franqaise went so far as to deny all musical or melodic possi- bilities to the French language; his own opera Le devin du village prod, at Fontainebleau 1752 and Paris 1753 was simple pastoral; his Pygmalion nib is accompanied declamation. Rousseau, Samuel Alexandre, compr. b. Neuve-Maison, Aisne, June 11, 1853; d. Paris, Oct. 1, 1904. Pupil at Paris Cons.; Prix de Rome 1878; chef d'orchestre at Th. Lyrique after 1892; maltre de chapelle at Ste. Clothilde; chorusmaster Soc. des Concerts; critic for U Eclair; prof, of harmony at Cons.; composed operas which had not striking suc- cess {La cloche du Rhin, etc.), masses, psalms, etc. Rowbotham, John Frederick, writer. b. Edinburgh, Apr. 18, 1854. Stud- ied at Oxford, at Stern Cons., Berlin, Paris, Vienna, etc.; author of History of Music [as far as trou- badours]. How to write music cor- rectly. Private life of great composers, The troubadours and courts of love. Roze, Marie Hippolyte [ne'e Ponsin], soprano, b. Paris, Mar. 2, 1846. Pupil of Mocker at Cons., 1st prizes in singing and opera 1865; debut Opera Com., 1865, led to en^ge- ments there and at Op^ra until 1870 when she went to the war; there- after she sang in London; married Henry Mapleson; in America 1877; member Cari Rosa Co. 1883-89; Car- men favorite part; after 1890 teach- ing in Paris; farewell tour 1894. Rubini (ru-be'-ne), Giovanni Battista, tenor, b. Romano, near Bergamo, Apr. 7, 1795; d. near there, Mar. 2, 1854. Pupil of father Rosio; debut Pavia 1814; sang at Naples, Vienna, Milan, Paris, success mounting to triumph during last three engage- ments; 1832-43 alternately in Lon- don and Paris; went with Liszt to Berlin 1843; retired with fortune 1845; his methods influenced comprs. of period, Rossini, Donizetti, and es- pecially Bellini; a poor and indiffer- ent actor, he was master of every kind of ornament and of simple melody. Rubinstein (ro'-bin-stin), Anton Gre- gorovitch, pst., compr. b. Wech- wotynecz, Bessarabia, Nov. 28, 1829; d. Peterhof, near St. Peters- burg, Nov. 20, 1894. Pupil of his mother and Villoing; played with teacher in Paris; on advice of Liszt studied with Dehn in Berlin; in Vienna and Hungary 1846-48, teaching and playing; in St. Peters- burg, composed several Russian operas (Dimitri Donskoi, etc.); fur- ther tours in Western Europe 1854- 58; condr. of St. P. Music Soc. 1859; founder of Cons., director 1862-67 and later 1887-90; con- ducted Philh. Soc. and Choral Soc. RUBINSTEIN RUSSELL Vienna 1871-72; 1867-70 in Europe, 1872-73 in America his triumphs as pst. were continuous; as pst. his technic rivaled even Liszt's, but his playing was even more note- worthy for its variety of emotion and almost magic charm. His great ambition was to be known as a compr., and he wrote songs, many pf. pieces, quartets and sonatas, 6 symphonies (of which the 2d, Ocean symph., has 7 movements), mus. character pieces, overtures, 5 pf. concertos, vln. concerto, 2 for 'cello, operas and oratorios (Feramors, Der Damon, Dos verlorene Parodies, Nero, etc.). His compositions suffered be- cause of his lack of sympathy for contemporary movements; he ad- mired classical form and disliked works of Wagner, Liszt, and Berlioz; but beside this his lack of ability to criticize his own work left much of it tedious; his smaller works, notably the songs and some of the pf. pieces, attain greatness; the larger ones, with the exception of the D minor con- certo, seem to be passing from sight, though some critics, among them Saint-Saens, hold that " when we have passed over the fashion of ex- treme modulation, when we have ignored the strivings after effect and complication . . . . " we may come back to his strong simplicity. Rubinstein, Nikolai Gregorovitch, pst. [brother of Anton R.]. b. Moscow, June 2, 1835; d. Paris, Mar. 23, 1881. Pupil at Berhn of Dehn and KuUak; founded 1859 Moscow Mus. Soc. which estabHshed Moscow Cons., 1866, of which R. was director until death; conducted concerts in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and 1878 in Paris; as pst. resembled his brother; distinguished as teacher of Taneiev, Siloti, Sauer, etc. Riibner (riib'-ner), Cornelius, pst. h. Copenhagen, Oct. 26, 1853. Pupil of Gade and Reinecke; condr. Carlsruhe Philharmonic Soc. 1892- 1904; appointed prof, of mus. at Columbia Univ., New York, March 1904, to succeed E. A. MacDowell. Ruckers, harpsichord makers at Ant- werp. Hans, Sr., d. about 1642, had four sons: Franz, b. 1576; Hans,. Jr., b. 1578; Andries, b. 1579; and Anton, b. 1581; of whom 2d and 3d were especially noted; Andries Jr. (1607-1667), also maker; instru- ments of this family are scarce, but all of a singularly sweet, pure tome; many of them very elaborately painted, inside and out. Riickauf (ruk'-ouf), Anton, compr. h. Prague, Mar. 13, 1855; d. Schloss Alt-Erlaa, Austria, Sept. 19, 1903. Pupil at Prague Organ Sch. and of Proksch (at whose institute he taught), on gov't stipend, studied with Nottebohm and Navratil in Vienna, where he lived; aided in song comp. by his friend Gustav Walter; wrote about 80 songs, modern in feeling, for both voice and pf . Rudersdorfif (roo'-ders-dorf), Hermine, dram. sop. h. Ivanowsky, Ukraine, Dec. 12, 1822; d. Boston, Mass., Feb. 26, 1882. Pupil of Bordogni and Micherout; concert singer in Germany 1840; after 1841 opera at Carlsruhe, Frankfort, Breslau, Ber- lin, and London 1854-65; married Dr. Kiichenmeister 1844; sang at Boston Jubilees 1871-72; remained there as teacher (Emma Thursby among pupils) , and as concert singer. Rumford, Robert Henry Kennerley, see under Butt, Clara. Rununel, Franz, pst. b. London, Jan. 11, 1853; d. Berlin, May 3, 1901. Pupil of Brassin at Brussels Cons., 1st prize 1872; tour in Holland with Ole Bull and Minnie Hauck 1877-78; American tours 1878, 1886, 1898; taught in Berhn at Stern Cons.; lived for some time at Dessau; distin- guished pst. and comp. for pf . Russell, Henry, baritone, compr. b. Sheerness, Dec. 24, 1813; d. Maida Vale, London, Dec. 7, 1900. Studied in Bologna, with Rossini in Naples; singer in London 1828 and Canada 1833; orgt. in Rochester, N. Y.; gave concerts in U. S. and England; composed many famous songs, A life on the ocean wave, Cheer, boys, cheer (official army and navy songs), Woodman spare that tree; success in dramatic songs. The maniac, etc.; 2 volumes of memoirs. Son Henry, singing teacher, impresario. Covent Garden and Boston Opera Co. Son Landon, b. London, June 7, 1873, compr., under pseud. Landon Ronald, RUSSELL SAFONOFF of many popular songs; pst. with L' Enfant prodigue 1891, condr. at Drury Lane Th. 1896; 1910 director of Guildhall School of Music, succeed- ing Wm. H. Cummings. Russell, Louis Arthur, teacher, writer. b. Newark, N. J., Feb. 24, 1854. Pupil of Warren and Miiller in New York, of Tours, Shakespeare, and Henschel in London; orgt. in New- ark 1878-95; condr. Schubert Vocal Soc, etc.; founder of Newark Coll. of Mus. where he is director, teacher of singing, pf., and theory; author of Embellishments of Music, The Commonplaces of Vocal Art, English , Diction for Singers and Speakers. Rust, Wilhelm, orgt., editor, h. Des- sau, Aug. 15, 1822; d. Leipzig, May 2, 1892. Pupil of uncle W. C, and Schneider; in Berlin, teacher, orgt., condr, of BachVerein 1862-74, teacher of theory Stern Cons.; 1878 in Leipzig, orgt. at Thomaskirche, teacher in Cons., 1880 cantor at Thomasschule; composed motets and choruses; distinguished co- editor of works of Bach, publ. by Bach Gesellschaft. Ruthardt (root'-hardt), Adolf, pf. teacher, h. Stuttgart, Feb. 9, 1849. Student at Cons, there; teacher in Geneva 1868-85, at Leipzig Cons, since 1886; wrote Das Klavier: ein geschichtlicher Abriss, Chormeister- Biichlein (biographies) and some volumes of Eschmann's Wegweiser, Ryan, Thomas, clarinet and viola player, b. Ireland, 1827; d. New Bedford, Mass., Mar. 5, 1903. Came to U. S. 1844, studied in Boston; original member of Men- delssohn Quintet Club formed in 1849 (other members A. and W. Fries, F. Riha, and Lehmann), and only member who persisted during 40 years of the club and its wide tours; published Recollections of an old musician 1899. Ryder, Thomas Philander, orgt. h. Cohasset, Mass., June 29, 1836; d. Somerville, Mass., Dec. 2, 1887. Pupil of G. Satter; orgt. at Tremont Temple, teacher, successful choral director, gifted accomp.; popular piano transcriptions of Old Oaken Bucket, Nearer my God to Thee, etc. Saar (sar), Louis Victor Franz, compr., critic, b. Rotterdam, Dec. 10, 1868. Pupil of Rheinberger and Abel at Munich Cons, and of Brahms in Vienna; accompanist to New York Opera 1892-95; teacher of counter- point and comp. at Nat'l Cons. 1896-98, at Coll. of Mus., Cincin- nati 1909; critic for Staats-Zeitung and New York Review; comp. for pf. and many songs. Sacchini (sa-ke'-ne), Antonio Maria Gasparo, compr. b. Pozzuoli, near Naples, July 23, 1734; d. Paris, Oct. 8, 1786. Son of fisherman; aided by Durante, studied with him, Fiorenza, and Manna at Cons, in Naples; success of early operas so great that he rivaled Piccini in Rome; after Alessandro nelV Indie 1768, director of Cons, in Venice; lived in London 1772-82, producing several operas; fled for debt to Paris, where he produced remodeled operas and two new ones Dardanus and CEdipe d Colone; in later works influenced by Gluck; operas care- fully, effectively composed, obsolete because lacking in originality. Sachs (saks), Hans, mastersinger. b. Nuremberg, Nov. 5, 1494; d. there, Jan. 19, 1576. Wrote some 5000 poems and tales, composing numer- ous melodies; most important of Nuremberg mastersingers; shoe- maker by trade; represented by Wagner in Die Meister singer. Safonofif (saf-6n'-of), Wasili, condr. h. Istchory, Caucasus, Feb. 6, 1852. Pupil of Zaremba, Brassin, and Les- chetizky at St. Petersburg Cons., where he taught 1881-85; teacher 1885 and director Moscow Cons. 1889-90; Goedicke and Lh^vinne his pupils; condr. in various cities, St. Petersburg Imperial concerts 1890, Vienna, New York Philhar- monic 1904-1909; conducts with- out baton, with great skill and the force of magnetic personality.* SAINTON SALMON Sainton (san-ton), Prosper Philippe Catherine, vlt. b. Toulouse, June 5, 1813; d. London, Oct. 17, 1890. Studied with Habeneck at Paris Cons., 1st prize 1834; member Op6ra and Cons, orchestra; taught Toulouse Cons. 1840-44, at London Royal Acad, after 1845; leader Philharmonic 1846-54, of Sacred Harmonic Soc. after 1848, at Covent Garden, etc.; composed vln. con- certos, solos, etc. His wife Sainton- Dolby, Charlotte Helen, contralto. b. London, May 17, 1821; d. there, Feb. 18, 1885. Pupil of Mrs. Mon- tague and at Royal Acad, of Ben- nett, Crivelli, and Elliott; d6but Philharmonic concert 1841; sang on Continent; from time of her marriage 1860 to 1870 leading singer in concert and oratorio; Mendels- sohn wrote contralto part in Elijah for her voice and dedicated songs to her; 1872 opened vocal academy; also composed cantatas and songs. Saint-Saens (san-sons'), Charles Camille, compr. b. Paris, Oct. 9, 1835. Pre- cocious pst.; pupU at Cons, of Stam- aty, Maleden, Hal^vy, and Benoist; 1st organ prize 1851; orgt. St. M^ry 1853, Madeleine 1858-77; pf. teacher at Niedermeyer Sch.; resigned all positions 1870; as pst. and orgt. has long held enviable reputation in Europe (America 1906); has com- posed for stage La princesse jaime, Samson et Dalila (Weimar 1877), Les barbares (1901), etc., several can- tatas, five pf. concertos, three violin concertos, chamber music, and many pieces for pf., beside symphonic poems, by which he is most widely known, Phaeton, Le rouet d' Omphale, La jeunesse d' Hercule, and Le danse macabre; has published essays Har- monie et mdodie, Portraits et souve- nirs, Essai sur les lyres et cithares; dryness of which his music is often accused is due partly to foUowdng of scholastic formulas, which his great skill enables him to do; vivid roman- tic coloring in his symph. poems. Salaman, Charles Kensington, pst. h. London, Mar. 3, 1814; d. there, June 23, 1901. Studied with Rimbault and C. Neate, and after London d^but 1828, with Herz in Paris; taught in London after 1831; gave annual orchestral concerts, founded chamber concerts, Mus. Soc, and Mus. Ass'n; lived in Munich, Vienna, and Rome 1836 and 1846; contrib- utor to Times, Concordia, etc.; com- posed songs (/ arise from dreams of thee), music for Jewish synagogue, etc. Saleza (sa-la'-za), Luc Albert, dram, tenor, h. Bruges, B^arn, Oct. 18, 1867. Won 1st prize in singing and opera at Paris Cons. 1888; debut Op^ra Com. 1888; sang at Nice, Grand Op^ra, Paris, Monte Carlo, New York 1899-1901. Salieri (sal-e-a'-rl), Antonio, compr. h. Legnano (Verona), Aug. 19, 1750; d. Vienna, May 7, 1825. Studied with brother Francesco, vlt., and Simoni, orgt., and with Pescetti and Pacini at Venice; taken to Vienna by Gassmann for whom he acted as substitute and whom he succeeded as Italian opera condr. and chamber musician; intimate pupil of- Gluck who helped him bring out Les Dan- aides at Paris (at first announced as joint production, but G. gave S. full credit after success); next success with Tarare, revised as Axur, rk d' Ormus; court capellmeister Vienna 1788-1824; composed about 40 operas, skilfully written both for voice and instruments, none of which survived. Salmon, Alvah Glover, pst., compr. b. at Southold, N.^ Y., Sept. 23, 1868. His father was in business, but pre- vious generations included members who attained literary and musical distinction; he began the study of music at six years of age and made a number of appearances in various parts of the U. S. as a boy pianist; graduated from the New England Conservatory 1888, and later studied in St. Petersburg; since his return to the U. S. has given piano recitals and lecture recitals on Russian music before the leading conservatories, colleges and musical clubs in various parts of the country; his composi- tions include about 100 numbers in different forms, although the major- ity of his published works are for the piano; he has also edited many pieces for American publishers, and contributed to the leading musical magazines; teacher in Boston for a number of years; New York 1909. SALOM^ SANDBERGER Salome (sa-l6-ma), Theodore Cesar, orgt. b. Paris, Jan. 20, 1834; d. St. Germain, July, 1896. Studied at Paris Cons, with A. Thomas and Bazin; 2d Prix de Rome 1861; r^p^titeur of solfeggio at Cons. 1872-73; 2d orgt. at La Trinity; maltre de chapelle at Lyc^e St. Louis, professor at Coll. RoUin; comp. symphony and org. mus. Salomon, Johami Peter, vlt. b. Bonn, Jan., 1745; d. London, Nov. 25, 1815. Member of Elector's orch. at Bonn; concertmaster to Prince Henry of Prussia; in London after 1781 dis- tinguished as quartet player and orchestral leader; founded London Philharmonic Soc. 1813; gave series of concerts 1786; persuaded Haydn to visit London 1791 and 1794; H. wrote several symphonies and last quartets for S., and began The Creation at his suggestion; S. com- posed opera Windsor Castle 1795. Salter, Mary Turner, compr. b. Peoria, III., March 15, 1856. Parents musi- cal but not professionals; began career as singer when a child; studied singing with Alfred Arthur, of Cleve- land, O., and Dr. Schilling, of Burling- ton, Iowa; in 1876 went to Boston, studied at N. E. Cons., with O'Neill and Mme. Rudersdorff ; sang in Port- land, Me., with Annie Louise Cary and in Ole Bull's concerts in Boston; held church positions in Boston, New Haven and New York; taught sing- ing at Wellesley College; married Sumner Salter; lives at Williams- town, Mass.; has composed about one hundred songs, some of them very successful. Salter, Sumner, orgt., compr. b. Bur- lington, Iowa, June 24, 1856. Grad- uated at Amherst Coll.; studied music in Boston; editor of Pianist and Organist, N. Y. 1895-97; director of music at Syracuse, N. Y., 1881- 1886; Atlanta, Ga., 1886-1889; Cor- nell Univ. 1900-1905; Williams Coll. 1905; composed church music, songs, etc. Samara (sa-ma'-rS,), Spire, compr. b. Corfu, Nov. 29, 1861. Studied at Athens with Stancampiano and at Paris with Delibes; composed several operas which have been successful in Paris and Italy, notably Flora mirabilis 1886; realistic La martire 1894 and Mile, de Belle Isle 1905 fairly successful. Samarofif, Olga [nee Hickenlooper], pst. b. at the military post of San Antonio, Tex., Aug. 8, 1881; her grandmother, Mrs. L. P. Grunewald, in her younger days a concert pianist of Munich, and later in New Orleans, was her first teacher; later she studied in Paris with the elder Marmontel and Widor; in 1895 she entered the class of Delaborde in the Conservatoire, the first American woman to be ad- mitted to the piano classes; from Paris she went to Berlin and studied under Jedliczka; her general educa- tion was received from private teachers and in the Convent du St. Sacrement, Paris; professional career began in New York, Jan. 18, 1905, with the N. Y. Symphony Orchestra; she has had three American, three London, and one Continental season, about 300 concerts and recitals up to season of 1909-1910, appearing with the leading orchestras; married Sto- kovski,condr. Cincinnati Orch., 1911. Sammartini (sam-mar-te'-ne), Gio- vanni Battiste, orgt. h. Milan, 1704; d. 1774. Orgt. in 2 Milan churches; maestro di cappella at convent 1730- 70; teacher of Gluck; sometimes called (Riemann says " most un- justly ") forerunner of Haydn in composition of symphonies (S. wrote 24) and chamber mus. Samuel, Adolphe Abraham, compr. h. Li^ge, July 11, 1824; d. Ghent, Sept. 11, 1898. Studied at Cons, at Li^ge and Brussels, where he won Grand prix de Rome 1845 and where he taught harmony after 1860; founded Brussels pop. concerts 1865 and annual festivals 1869; director Ghent Cons. 1871; composed 5 operas, 5 symphonies, symphonic fragment Roland d Roncevaux, a *' mystic " symph. with chorus ChristiLs, over- tures, etc.; wrote Cours d' harmonic. Sandberger, Adolf, compr., editor, b. Wurzburg, Dec. 19, 1864. Studied at Royal Schools at Wurzburg and Munich, at Univ. of W, and Berlin; Ph.D. 1887; custodian mus. dept. Munich Library, lecturer at Univ.; prof, of mus. Prague Univ. 1898, Munich 1900; edited works of Lassus, SANDERSON SAUIUET is general editor of Denkmaler der Tonkunst in Bay em and ed, of some vols., compr. of overtures, symph. poems, etc., author of life of Cornelius, essays on Chabrier's Gwendoline, Lassus, Haydn's quar- tets, etc. Sanderson, Sibyl, dram, soprano, b. Sacramento, Cal., Dec. 7, 1865; d. Paris, May 16, 1903. Early ability; pupil at Paris Cons, of Massenet, and also of Sbriglia and Marchesi; d^but The Hague 1888; at Op^ra Com. 1889; Massenet wrote Esdar- monde and Thais for her, Saint-Saens Phryne; in New York 1894 and 1898 with Grau Co.; retired 1897 after marriage to A. Terry, who died shortly after, but returned to stage 1901; of rare beauty, an exquisite though light voice, she charmed rather by her own personality than through art. Sandoni, Mme., see Cuzzoni. Santley, Sir Charles, baritone. b. Liverpool, Feb. 28, 1834: Pupil of Nava in Milan, of Garcia in London: d^but at Pavia 1856, London 1857, stage d^but 1859; member of Carl Rosa Co. 1875; visited America 1871 and 1891, Australia 1899; especially distinguished in Elijah, Faust, Fly- ing Dutchman (which he first sang in English); composed some church music, published reminiscences Stu- dent and Singer 1892, The Art of Sing- ing and Vocal Declamation, 1908; knighted 1907. SapeUnikofif (sa-peF-nl-kof), Wassili, pst. b. Odessa, Nov. 2, 1868. Pupil of Kessler and of Brassin and Sophie Menter at St. Petersburg Cons., whither he was sent by town on A. Rubinstein's advice; debut 1888 Hamburg; widely successful tours. Saran, August Friedrich, condr. b. Altenplathow, Saxony, Feb. 28, 1836. Studied with Ehrlich and Robt. Franz; studied theology at Halle, teacher, army chaplain, supt. at Zehdenick, Brandenburg; condr. of choral soc. at Bromberg; arranged old German songs; wrote pampflet on Franz. Sarasate (sa-ra,-sa'-t6), Pablo de [in full P. Martin Meliton S. y Navas- cuez], vlt. b. Pamplona, Spain, Mar. 10, 1844; d. Biarritz, Sept. 20, 1908. Precocious appearance in Spain; pupil of Alard at Paris Cons, where he won 1st prize 1857; career of long successful tours, to the East and to America several times, 2d 1889 with d' Albert; Lalo, Bruch, and Saint- Saens all wrote works for him; note- worthy for purity of tone, flexi- bility of style, accuracy and firmness of technic; his own compositions Zigeunerweisen, .Iota aragonesa and 4 books of transcriptions for vln. of Spanish dances; not so remarkable for technical dexterity as for irre- sistible swing with which he played, especially own compositions. Sarti, Giuseppe [called "il Domeni- chino"], compr. b. Faenza, Dec. 28, 1729; d. Berlin, July 28, 1802. Pupil of Padre Martini; orgt. at Faenza; opera II re pastore (Venice 1753) led to call to Copenhagen as opera- director and royal condr.; dismissed 1775 for political reasons; director of Cons, at Venice; maestro at Milan Cath. 1779; teacher of Cheru- bini, compr. of successful operas; last 18 years of life in St. Petersburg with exception of few years before 1793 when he founded mus. sch. in the Ukraine, where he developed Italian opera, composed Te Deum and other works for court choir; prolific compr. but of the little that was published the most is now obsolete. Sauer (sou'-er), Emil, pst. h. Ham- burg, Oct. 8, 1862. Pupil of his mother, of N. Rubinstein at Moscow, and of Liszt at Weimar 1884-85; successful virtuoso since 1882; direc- tor of Klavier-Meisterschule at Vienna Cons. 1901-07; living in Dresden; composed 2 pf. concertos, Suite moderne for pf., smaller pf. works and songs; also wrote Meine Welt: Bilder aus dem Geheimfache meiner Kunst und meines Lehens 1901; played in America 1899 and 1909; of wonderfully fluent technic himself, he is also admirable teacher; works are skilfully composed, but are not profound in idea. Sauret (s6-ra), Emile, vlt. b. Dun-le- Roi, Cher, France, May 22, 1852. Pupil at Paris Cons, and of De B^riot at Brussels Cons.; appeared 1866, SAWYER SCARLATTI first in England, then in France, Italy, America 1872, 1874-76 (later, 1877, 1895); teacher Kullak's Acad. Berlin 1880-81, at Royal Acad. Mus. London 1891-1903, at Chicago Mus. Coll. 1903-06; now teaching privately in Geneva; married Teresa Carreno 1872, later divorced; com- posed considerable music for vln. and has written valuable method; playing graceful and elegant, of French school. Sawyer, Frank Joseph, orgt., writer. b. Brighton, Eng., June 19, 1857; d. Brighton, May, 1908. Pupil at Leipzig Cons, of Richter and others; pupil and asst. of J. F. Bridge; Mus. Doc. Oxford 1884; orgt. at Brighton and condr. until 1896 of choral and orch. soc; prof, sight singing Royal Coll. Mus.; gave recitals, lectures on hist, of org., dance, etc.; composed oratorio, cantatas, Concertstiick, Romance, etc., technical pf. exer- cises; author of Primer on Extempori- sation. Sax, Antoine Joseph [called Adolphe], instrument maker, b. Dinant, Nov. 6, 1814; d. Paris, Feb. 4, 1894. Pupil of Bender at Brussels Cons, on flute and clarinet; invented improvements in clarinet; 1842 invented saxophone, metal wind instr. with single-reed mouthpiece and conical bore; instrs. encouraged by Berlioz and other musicians; added saxhorn and sax tromba; teacher of saxophone Paris Cons. 1857. Sbriglla (sbril'-yia), Giovanni, singing teacher, b. Naples, 1840. Pupil of De Roxas at Naples Cons.; debut as operatic tenor 1861; sang in Italy, in New York with Patti, in Havana, etc.; distinguished teacher of sing- ing in Paris; reformed voice of Jean de Reszke from baritone to tenor, taught Plan9on, Nordica, Sanderson, etc. Scalchi (skS,l'-kl), Sofia, dram, mezzo sop. h. Turin, Nov. 29, 1850. Par- ents both singers; pupil of Bocca- badati; d^but Mantua 1866; sang at various Italian cities, in England 1868-90; first appeared in America 1882; married LolH 1875; voice of fine quality and such range that she could take mezzo sop. and contralto parts Scaria (ska'-ria), Emil, dram. bass. b. Graz, Sept. 18, 1840; d. Blasewitz, near Dresden, July 22, 1886. Pupil of Netzer, Gentiluomo, and Lewy; debut Pesth 1860; after few months' study with Garcia in London 1862, was engaged at Dessau, Leipzig, Dresden, and Vienna Opera after 1872; first Wotan in Wagner's Ring Bayreuth 1876, and Gurnemanz in Parsifal 1882. Scarlatti, Alessandro, compr. h. Tra- pani, Sicily, 1659; d. Naples, Oct. 24, 1725. Nothing known of early life and training; conducted first known opera Rome 1680; maestro to Queen Christina of Sweden, to Viceroy at Naples 1694; asst. to Foggia, maestro at Sta. Maria Maggiore, Rome, 1703, and successor 1707-09; maestro at royal chapel, Naples; teacher at 3 conservatories there; among pupils Durante, Leo, Hasse, Porpora, etc.; dir. Sta. Maria Maggiore, dir. to Cardinal Ottoboni in Rome; in Naples again after 1709; composed over 100 operas and 200 masses; founder of Neapolitan school of opera; broke up the monotony of continued recitative by using recita- tive both with and without full accomp. and by introducing formal aria; established popular type of overture in three movements, the 2d slow; within these forms his own work is entirely lacking in diversity; it has " grace, suavity, dexterous neatness of articulation." His son Domenico Scarlatti, compr., harpsichord player, h. Naples, Oct. 26, 1685; d. there, 1757. Pupil of father and Gasparini; arranged and composed operas; chosen to compete with Handel 1709, he equaled H. on harpsichord, but not at org. ; maestro at St. Peter's, Rome, 1715-19; maes- tro al cembalo Italian Opera, London, 1719-20; court cembalist at Lisbon 1721-54 (except 1725-29); returned to Naples, where gambling reduced his family to poverty, which Fari- nelli relieved; in- his harpsichord music used new effects, gained by crossing hands, by broken chords, by displaced accents, etc., which contributed largely to beginning of technic; style of his works also is modern in its freedom from formal construction. SCHARWENKA SCHILLINGS Scharwenka (shar-ven'-kS,), Ludwig Philipp, compr. b. Samter, Posen, Feb. 16, 1847. Pupil of Wiierst at KuUak's Acad., Berlin, and of H. Dorn; teacher of theory and comp. at Kullak's 1870; with brother Xaver founded Scharwenka Cons. 1881; went with X. to New York 1891, but continued own cons, with Gold- schmidt 1892 until it was joined with Klindworth Cons. 1893; com- posed many pf. pieces (Ldndler, Album polonais, choral works, 2 symph., suite, symph. poem, etc. His brother Franz Xaver Schar- wenka, pst., compr. b. Samter, Jan. 6, 1850. Pupil of KuUak and Wuerst at K's Acad., where he taught 1868- 74; after successful debut 1869, gave annual concerts of chamber and orchestral music; founded Scharw. Cons, with Philipp 1881; director till 1891, then established S. Cons, in New York; 1898 director of Scharwenka-Klindworth Cons., and ieacher of pf.; as pst. remarkable for combination of great power with repose and rich, singing tone; as compr. he shows power, strong sense of rhythm, and Polish national color, in symph., 4 pf. concertos (of which 1st is widely praised), chamber music, Polish dances, etc. for pf., and one opera, Mataswintha (Weimar 1896, N. Y. 1897). Visited U. S. 1910. Scheel (shal), Fritz, condr. b. Liibeck, Germany, Nov. 7, 1852; d. Philadel- phia, March 12, 1907. Condr. of juvenile orch. at 10, vln. pupil of David at Leipzig; concertmaster Bremerhaven City Orch.; director Chemnitz; at Hamburg 1890 alter- nated with Von Billow at subscrip- tion concerts; 1893 conducted at World's Fair; then in San Francisco; first condr. of Philadelphia Orch. 1900 until death, building up and establishing orch. ; condr. of Orpheus Club and Eurydice Chorus. Scheidemann (shf-de-man), Heinrich, orgt. b. Hamburg, about 1596; d. there, 1654. Pupil of father, Hans, and his successor; also pupU of Sweelinck at Amsterdam; associated with Praetorius in contributing to Himmlische Lieder, one of which, Frisch auf und lasst uns singen, was popular; teacher of Weckmann and Reinkcn; other works not extant. Scheldt (shidt), Samuel, orgt. b. Halle- on-Saale, 1587; d. there, Mar. 14, 1654. Pupil of Sweelinck at Am- sterdam; orgt. and capellmeister at Halle; composed mostly for voice, but wrote also chorale preludes (one of first to develop chorales in elabo- rate style) ; famous work Tahulatura nova, 1624, org. fantasies, and church pieces; in technic, extended use of pedal. Schein (shin), Johann Hermann, compr. b. Griinhain, Saxony, Jan. 29, 1586; d. Leipzig, Nov. 19, 1630. Soprano at Electoral Chapel at Dresden; studied at Schulpforte and at Leipzig Univ.; capellmeister Weimar 1615; cantor Thomasschule Leipzig 1616; composed Cantional, choral melodies for Lutheran ch., Venus Krdntzlein, songs in 5 parts, concerted instr. pieces; style notably smooth and masterly. Schelling (shel-ling), Ernest Henry, pst. h. Belvidere, N. J., July 26, 1876. Precocious appearance in Philadelphia 1880; pupil of Mathias, Moszkowski, Pruckner, Leschetizky, Paderewski, etc.; has played since 1901 in Europe, N. and S. America; court pst. to Duke of Mecklenburg- Schwerin; compr. symph., symph. legends, chamber music, pf. concerto and small pieces. Schikaneder (shi-kan-a'-der), Emanuel Johann, librettist, b. Regensburg, April 9, 1751; d. Vienna, Sept. 21, 1812. Tragedian, singer in traveling troupe; met Mozart in Salzburg; when manager in Vienna, wrote Zauberflote, for which M. composed music; success of opera lifted him only temporarily from poverty ; also wrote texts for Winter, Haibel, etc. Schilling, Bertha, see Breval, Lucienne. Schillings (shil-lings) , Max, compr. b. Duren, Rheinland, Apr. 19, 1868. Studied with Brambach and Von Konigslow at Bonn and at Munich; trainer of chorus at Bayreuth; chief condr. of Stuttgart Court Opera and concerts of court orchestra 1907; composed operas, Ingwelde 1894, Der Pfeifertag 1896, Moloch 1906; fantasia for orch., orchestral accomp. for declamation of Hexenlied, etc.; accused of imitating Wagner, he is strongly defended by admirers, who SCmNDLER SCHOENEFELD claim for him individuality of style, pure " aristocratic " melody, har- monic skill and care above other moderns, extreme regard for modu- lation, and deep personal feeling. Schindler (shint-ler), Anton, writer. b. Medl, Moravia, 1796; d. Bocken- heim, Jan. 16, 1864. Vlt., capell- meister at German Opera, Vienna, and later at Mtinster and Aix-la- Chapelle; about 1817-27 intimate friend and helper, living in same house with Beethoven, whose biog- raphy he wrote 1840. Schira (she'-rS,), Francesco, condr., teacher, b. Malta, Sept. 19, 1815; d. London, Oct. 15, 1883. Studied at Milan Cons.; produced 1st opera there; conducted at Lisbon and taught in Cons.; after 1842 in Lon- don as condr. of Princess's Th.; at Drury Lane 1847 and 1852, and at Co vent Garden 1848-52; after that gained renown as teacher of singing; composed some 10 operas and other vocal music. Schlesinger (shla'-sing-er), Sebastian Benson, compr. b. Hamburg, Sept. 24, 1837. Came to Boston at 13, where he studied with Dresel; Ger- man consul at Boston; later living in Paris; compr. of over 100 songs and pf. pieces. Schmitt (shmit), Aloys, pst., teacher, h. Erlenbach, Bavaria, Aug. 26, 1788; d. Frankfort-on-Main, July 25, 1866. Father a cantor, who taught him; studied comp. with Andr^; lived in Frankfort after 1816, except for short time in Berlin and Hanover; wrote valuable method, delicate Etudes, etc., as well as chamber and orch. music. Schmitt, Hans, pf. teacher, h. Koben, Bohemia, Jan. 14, 1835; d. Vienna, Jan. 15, 1907. At first oboe player; pf . pupil of Dachs when 25 at Vienna €ons., where he won medal, and later taught, having classes in pf. expres- sion 1875-1900; composed many re- markable works for pf. instruction, notably 300 studies without octaves, pedal studies, etc.; wrote a valuable work on The Pedals of the Piano. Schnecker (shnek'-er), Peter August, orgt., compr. b. Hesse-Darmstadt, Aug. 26, 1850; d. N. Y., Oct. 3, 1903. Came to America 1865; pupil of S. P. Warren, N. Y., and at Leipzig Cons. 1874 of O. Paul and Richter; orgt, in N. Y. after 1872; written more church music than almost any other American (org. mus. and cantatas for church), songs, and vln. works, etc., beside numerous transcriptions. Schneider (shnl'-der), Johann Chris- tian Friedrich, compr. h. Alt-Walt- ersdorf. Saxony, Jan. 3, 1786; d. Dessau, Nov. 23, 1853. Son and pupil of orgt. Johann Gottlob S. (1753-1840); student at Leipzig Univ.; also pupil of Unger; orgt. Leipzig 1807, of Thomaskirche 1812; opera condr. 1816, director Stadt Th. 1817; in Dessau court capellmeister 1821, organizer of Liedertafel, found- er of School of Mus. 1829 (closed 1854); R. Franz among pupils; conducted at many festivals; com- posed oratorios popular at time. Das Weltgericht, Die Silndflut, etc., 23 symph., overtures, etc.; pf. works collected. Schnorr von Carolsfeld (shnor-von-ka'- rols-felt), Ludwig, dram, tenor, b. Munich, July 2, 1836; d. Dresden, June 21, 1865. Son of painter; studied at Leipzig Cons., and with J. Otto and Devrient; debut Carls- ruhe 1858; tenor at Dresden after 1860; created part of Tristan, Munich, 1865, his wife Malvina (1825-1904) singing Isolde. Schnyder von Wartensee (shni'-der von var'-ten-sa), Xaver, teacher, compr. h. Lucerne, Apr. 16, 1786; d. Frank- fort-on-Main, Aug. 27, 1868. Stud- ied with Kienlen in Vienna; after fighting in 1815, taught at Yverdun, and after 1817 at Frankfort; wrote charming vocal music, opera For- tunat, cantatas, part-songs, etc., 2 symphonies, and published System der Rhythmik. Schoenefeld (she-ne-felt), Henry, pst. b. Milwaukee, Oct. 4, 1857. Studied at Leipzig with Papperitz, Richter, Schradieck, etc., and at Weimar with Lassen ; after tour in Germany settled in Chicago; from 1879 in Chicago as pst., teacher, condr. of Germania Mannerchor; 1904 removed to Los Angeles; composed Three Indians, ode with orch., 2 symph. {Rural, etc.), 2 overtures {In the Sunny South containv negro melodies), vln. sonata, etc. SCHOLTZ SCHUBERT Scholtz (sholts), Hermann, pst., compr. b. Breslau, June 9, 1845. Pupil of Brosig, Riedel, Plaidy, and at Munich of Von Biilow and Rhein- berger; taught at Royal Sch. Mu- nich, 1870-75; since 1875 in Dresden; composed pf. concerto, trio, pas- sacaglia, ballade, etc. for pf.; edited Peters's Ed. of Chopin's and Heller's etudes. Scholz (sholts), Bemhard E., compr. h. Mayence, Mar. 30, 1835. Studied with E. Pauer at Mayence and Dehn at Berlin; teacher at Royal School, Munich, 1856-59; court capellmeister Hanover 1859-65; after seasons in Florence and Berlin, condr. of Breslau Orch. Soc. 1871-83, succeeded Raff 1883-1908 as director of Hoch Cons., Frankfort, where he made his way in face of intriguing opposition ; composed songs, chamber music, symph. (Malinconia), choral works, requiem, etc. Schradieck (shra'-dek), Henry, vlt. b. Hamburg, Apr. 29, 1846. Pupil of father, of Leonard at Brussels Cons., of David at Leipzig; leader of orch. at Bremen; teacher Moscow Cons. 1864-68; leader of Philhar- monic concerts, Hamburg, of Gewand- haus Orch., Leipzig, 1874-82, teach- ing at Cons.; prof. Cincinnati Cons. 1883-89., and, after season in Ham- burg, prof, at Nat'l Cons., New York, at Broad St. Cons., Phila., and 1910 Institute of Applied Music, New York ; compr. of valuable technical exercises. Schroeder (shred-er), Alwin, 'cellist. h. Neuhaldensleben, near Magde- burg, June 15, 1855. Pf. pupil of father and brother Hermann (b. 1843), vln. pupil of De Ahna at Berlin Hochschule, self-taught as 'cellist; 1st 'cellist in orchestras in Leipzig, and Hamburg; 1881 succeeded broth- er Carl (b. 1848) at Gewandhaus, in th. orch., and at Cons.; member of Petri Quartet; member Boston Symph. Orch. 1886-1903 and 1910, of Kneisel Quartet 1891-1908, of Hess- Schroeder Quartet 1908-10. Schroeder-Devrient (shr^-dar-d^-vri- ant), Wilhelmine, dram. sop. b. Hamburg, Dec. 6, 1804; d. Coburg, Jan. 26, 1860. Father baritone, mother actress Sophie Schroder, she acted herself until 17; pupil of Mozatti at Vienna; debut there 1821; great success, especially in revival of Fidelio, 1822; married actor C. Devrient 1823, divorced 1828; at Court Opera, Dresden, 1823-1847, except for visiting sea- sons in other capitals; her voice was not remarkable or very well man- aged, but her abilities as actress were great. Schroeter (shr^-ter), Christoph Gott- lieb, orgt., theorist, h. Hohenstein, Saxony, Aug. 19, 1699; d. Nord- hausen, Nov., 1782. Pupil at Kreuz- schule, Dresden, student of theology at Leipzig; copyist for Lotti 1717; after travel in Germany and Eng- land, lectured at Jena Univ.; orgt. at Minden, after 1732 at Nord- hausen; composed seven sets of cantatas for church year, other church music; wrote on general bass ("first to represent major and minor triads as sole fundamental chords ") and description of hammer action for keyed instruments, on which invention of pf. is based; claims this invention in work pub- lished 1763, ten years after death of Silbermann, who is usually supposed to have established invention of Cristofori. Schubert (shu-bart), Franz Peter, compr. h. Lichtenthal, near Vienna, Jan. 31, 1797; d. Vienna, Nov. 19, 1828. Son of schoolmaster, one of 19 children (brother Ignaz gave him lessons and Ferdinand took care of him); sweetness of soprano voice secured him attention at Convict School and Court Chapel, where he was taught harmony by Rucziszka; taught in lowest class of father's school 1813-16; released 1817 from this by friend F. von Schober, with whom he lived thereafter (except 1819-21); taught music to daugh- ters of Count Esterhazy 1818; ac- quainted with Beethoven during his last illness 1827; concert of his own works early in 1828; repeated efforts to gain some lucrative position always failed; though appreciated by contemporary musicians and to some extent by the public, he was underpaid by his publishers and always struggling against poverty. Began to compose very early, and fertility of production increased as SCHUCH SCHUMANN life lasted; during last year wrote 10th symph., mass in E flat, Miri- am's Song, quintet, quartet, 3 sonatas, and songs later published as Swan Songs; Sir Geo. Grove, whose article on S. in his Dictionary is the standard in English, describes him as a " bom bourgeois, never really at his ease except among his equals and chosen associates; with them he was genial .... even boisterous . . . Simplicity curi- ously characterizes his whole life." He composed 17 operas, of which 7 were performed and of which Die ZwUlingshriider, Alfonso und Estrella, Fierabras, are at least familiar names; the incidental music to Rosamunde is well known from orchestral suite; 6 masses, several psalms, hymns, occasional cantatas, Miriams Siegesgesang, etc.; chamber music (octet, quintets, trios), pf. mus. (sonatas, waltzes, impromptus, etc.); 7 overtures, vln. concerto; 10 symphonies, of which one is known as the Unfinished; several hundred songs. Most admired for sym- phonies and songs. The symphonies are praised for their romantic emo- tional expression; Schubert's great innovation was " the introduction of the song into the sjmiph.", most notably in the Unfinished symph. in B min.; the fluency and fertility of his invention command admira- tion but his work is condemned for diffuseness, lack of firmness and originality in harmonic structure. For the best of the songs there is little but praise; he wrote three kinds of songs: the simpler Lied, like those of his predecessors; a more dramatic and original variety in which the changing emotions of the poems are followed throughout; and declamatory ones. Among so many, inevitably some songs are of inferior quality; sometimes this was due to lack of care, sometimes to poor words. At his best, in such songs as Who is Sylvia? The Erl King, etc., S. shows perfect dramatic appropriateness combined with sheer loveliness of melody, unequaled by any other composer. Schuch (shook), Ernst, condr. b. Graz, Nov. 23, 1847. Vln. pupil of Stoltz and Dessoff; mus. dir. at Breslau, Wiirzburg, Graz, Basle, etc.; at Dresden court condr., court council- lor, general dir. ; married Clementine Proska (b. 1853), singer at Dresden since 1873. Schulhoff (shool'-hof), Julius, pst., compr. b. Prague, Aug. 2, 1825; d. Berlin, Mar. 13, 1898. Pupil of Kisch, Tedesco, and Tomaschek; d^but Dresden 1842; after playing in Leipzig, lived in Paris, where he gave concerts; friend of Chopin; long tours in Europe 1849-53; taught in Paris, Dresden, Berlin; compositions all for pf., good salon music, include sonata, 12 Etudes, caprices waltzes, etc.; not to be confounded with J. Schulhof, compr., in Pesth. Schumann (shoo-man), Georg Alfred, compr. b. Konigstein, Saxony, Oct. 25, 1866. No relation to Robert; pupil of father (city mus. director), of Fischer, Rollfuss, etc. at Dresden, and of Reinecke, Zwint- scher, etc. at Leipzig Cons.; director Danzig Gesangverein 1891-96, of Bremen Philharmonic 1896-99, of Berlin Singakademie 1900; his chief compositions are cantata Amor und Psyche, overture LiebesfrUhling, or- chestral variations on choral, Toten- klage for chorus and orch., Ridh, an oratorio. Schiunann, Robert Alexander, compr. h. Zwickau, Saxony, June 8, 1810; d. Endenich, near Bonn, July 29, 1856. Son of publisher and book- seller, who had made some transla- tions from English; showed mus. abihty at school, organizing band of his fellows; after death of father, 1825, mother insisted on his study- ing law at Leipzig Univ. and at Heidelberg; supported by teacher Wieck, gained permission to be musician; maimed his hand per- manently by use of a machine for finger development; studied com- position with Dorn, and composed early pf. works. In 1834 with others founded Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik, which he edited until 1844 and which was published until 1908; in this paper he wrote acutely and gener- ously of his contemporaries and introduced Brahms and others to general notice; here too started the device, afterward transferred to his SCHUMANN SCHttTT music, of writing under several names, Florestan, Eusebius, etc., as members of " Davidsbiind," a society of defence against Philistines; S's essays for the journal were later issued in separate volumes. Having fallen in love with his teacher's daughter, Clara Wieck, whose father refused his consent, S. had to go through the unpleasant ordeal of asserting his right in the courts; he married after long delay in 1840. Nervous troubles, loss of memory, etc., drove him from Leipzig to Dresden, and thence to Diisseldorf, where he was not successful as director of choral society; after concert tour with wife in Holland, morbid moods increased, until, after an attempt at suicide, 1854, he was confined in an asylum at Bonn. S> composed curiously almost all his works in one form at one time; his pf. works before his marriage, songs in years immediately after, then symphonies (3 in one year), then chamber music and at the end, less successfully, choral works. All his works are marked by strong personality and tinged with the romantic ideal of close union between art and life. In his pf. mus. many of the titles {Carnaval, for example) suggest more or less definite pro- grams; yet with this modern color is combined a polyphony based on admiration and study of Bach; it is distinguished for " beauty of phrases, variety of accompaniment, audacity of discord." [Hadow.] In the songs and less directly in the chamber music (besides 3 quartets for strings, notably lovely one in A minor, 3 pf. trios and pf. quintet, these, too, have titles Mdrchenerzdh- lungen, Fantasiestilcke) , his music is always uttering a message of sig- nificance. " He marks an epoch because for the first time details of form are not so much derived from established rules as freshly gener- ated by the necessities of the idea." [Pratt.] His orchestral works con- sist of 4 symph., 4 concert over- tures, concertos and concertstiicke for pf. and for vln., etc.; choral works are Paradise and the Peri, Das Gliick von Edenhall, etc., and opera Genoveva. In these larger forms, though they contain passages of rare beauty there is a lack of sustained nobility which keeps them below the highest. Schumann, Clara Josephine, pst. b. Leipzig, Sept. 13, 1819; d. Frankfort- on-Main, May 20, 1896. Daughter and pupil of Friedrich Wieck; first appearance in pubhc 1828; played at Leipzig 1830, tours 1832, Paris 1839, with brilliant success; married Robert Schumann 1840; after S's death, lived in Berlin and Wies- baden, again appearing at concerts; taught at Hoch Cons. Frankfort 1878-92; as player she had as wide renown as any woman ever gained; her specialty lay in a soft, lingering finger pressure; her compositions are earnest and original both in idea and in harmonic treatment; she edited, also, her husband's complete works. Schumann-Heink (hink), Ernestine, [nee Roessler], dram, contralto, b. Lieben, near Prague, June 15, 1861. Studied in Graz with Marietta Leclair; ddbut Dresden 1878; sang Dresden until 1882 when she married Heink and went to Hamburg; ap- pearances as guest at Paris, London; Bayreuth 1896 increased fame; 1899- 1904 Berlin court opera; first ap- peared in N. Y. 1898, at Metropoli- tan irregularly until 1902, at Man- hattan 1906; season of comic opera with Edwards' Love's Lottery 1904; concerts 1907, etc.; became an Amer- ican citizen 1908; strong, deep voice and excellent dramatic power. Schuppanzigh (shoop-pan'-zig), Ignaz, vlt. h. Vienna, 1776; d. there, Mar. 2, 1830. Organized and conducted Augarten concerts; as member of Prince Rasumovsky's quartet played quartets of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven (the last under the compr's own direction); quartet went on tours to Germany and Russia; S. member court orch. 1824, director German opera 1828; com- posed for vln. solo. Schiitt (shtitt), Eduard, pst, b. St. Petersburg, Oct. 22, 1856. Pupil at St. Petersburg Cons, of Petersen • and Stein, and at Leipzig Cons.; condr, Akademischer Verein, Vienna; has composed pf. concerto, serenade for strings, opera, variations for two SCHttTZ pf. and very many pf. works of un- equal value; at the best brilliant and difficult. Schiitz (shutz), Heinrich, compr. b. Kostritz, Saxony, Oct. 8, 1585; d. Dresden, Nov. 6, 1672. Chorister in court chapel at Kassel; entered as law student Marburg Univ.; Landgrave Moritz sent him to Venice where he studied with Gabrielli 1609- 12; court orgt. Kassel; capellmeister at Dresden (acting 1615, actual appointment 1617); during confusion at Dresden during 30 Years' War, frequently acted as court condr. at Copenhagen; conditions at Dresden were so confused that the greater part of S's activity lay elsewhere. S. first brought into Germany the new ideas and is important as pred- ecessor of Bach and as compr. of Daphne, 1st German opera (written on same libretto by Rinuccini that Peri had used), produced at Torgau 1627; also wrote several Passions, motets which tend to dramatic oratorio form, chorales, etc. Schjrtte (shiit'-ta), Ludwig Theodor, pst., compr. b. Aarhus, Jutland, Apr. 28, 1848; d. Berlin, Nov. 10, 1909. Druggist before 1870; after that pupil of R6e, Neupert, Gade, etc., of Taubert and Liszt; taught at Hor^k's Inst. Vienna 1887-88; later lived at Berlin; composed about 110 pf. works, Nordische Volkstim- men, Amorinen, etc., concerto, song cycle, opera Der Mameluk, burlesque operetta Circus-Damen, and Hero. Scontrino (skon-tre'-no), Antonio, compr. b. Trapani, May 17, 1850. Pupil of Platani, and at Palermo Cons.; after tours as contra-bass player, and study in Munich, taught and played in Milan; teacher of comp. Palermo Cons. 1891; since 1892 at Mus. Inst, in Florence; com- posed mus. to d'Annunzio's Fran- cesca da Rimini, several operas, Sinfonia marinaresca, overtures, vln. works, etc. Scriabine (skrya-ben), Alexander Ni- colaievitch, compr. b. Moscow, Jan. 10, 1872. Pupil of Safonoff and Taneiev at Moscow Cons.; gold medal 1892; after bringing out many compositions on European tours, taught pf. 1898-1903 at Moscow SEIDL Cons.; now devoted to comp.; has produced 2 symph., RSverie for orch., concerto, 3 sonatas, studies, etc. for pf.; widely spoken of as brilliant pst. and compr. of individuality, though delicacy of pf . pieces suggests Chopin, and general orchestral style suggests Wagner. Visited U. S. in 1907. Sechter (sek'-ter), Simon, teacher, b. Friedberg, Bohemia, Oct. 11, 1788; d. Vienna, Sept. 10, 1867. Studied with Kozeluch and Hartmann; teacher at Inst, for Blind 1811; court orgt.; prof, harmony and counter- point Vienna Cons, after 1851; Henselt, Bruckner, and Vieuxtemps among pupils; masterpiece Grund- satze der musikalische Komposition; composed much church music but published little. Seeboeck (sa-bek), W. C. E., pst. b. Vienna, 1860; d. Chicago, 1907. Pupil of Epstein and Nottebohm in Vienna, and of Rubinstein; traveled in Europe and East; came to Chicago 1881; accompanied Apollo club, taught, composed innumerable songs and 2 operas; delicate and ingenious per- former. Seeling (saMing), Hans, pst. h. Prague, 1828; d. there. May 26, 1862. Went to Italy 1852, thence on tour to the East, living in turn after 1857 ii. Italy, Paris, and Germany; performer of excellent style and continued success; composer of brilliant pf. pieces, Lorelei, Memories of an Artist (arranged later for orch. by MuUer- Berghaus). Seidl (sidl), Anton, condr. h. Pesth, May 7, 1850; d. New York, Mar. 28, 1898. Studied at Leipzig Cons.; chorusmaster at Vienna Opera under Richter; recommended by R. to Wagner whom he assisted with pro- duction of Ring, etc., until 1879; condr. Leipzig opera 1879-82; condr. of Neumann's touring Wagner Opera Co. 1882-83; condr. Bremen ope 'a 1883-85; at Metropolitan, N. Y.. 1885-1892, 1895-97, supplementary German opera 1895; of Philharmonic Concerts in N. Y. and on tours with orch. ; 1897 condr. at Covent Garden and at Bayreuth; not an academi- cally trained condr., his complete devotion (especially to Wagner's music), his great gifts, and mastery SEIFERT SEROV of orchestra made him very power- ful; most important in estabhshing admiration for Wagner in U. S. Seifert (si'-fert), Use, -pf. teacher, b. Romhild, Thuringia, Feb. 9, 1852. Studied with Blassmann, Merkel, Nieode, etc. at Dresden Cons., where he now teaches; orgt. at Dresden; known for editions of older instruc- tive pf. music, compositions for pf., songs, and widely used pf. method. Seiss (sis), Isidor Wilhelm, pst. b. Dresden, Dec. 23, 1840; d. Cologne, Sept. 25, 1905. Pupil of Wieck and J. Otto, and at Leipzig Cons, of Hauptmann; teacher at Cologne Cons. 1871; condr. Mus. Gesellschaft; made very interesting transcriptions of Haydn quartets, editions of Beethoven's dances, etc.; fine critic, as well as tasteful compr. chiefly of instructive pieces. Selby, Bertram Luard, orgrf. b. Ightham, Kent, Eng., Feb. 12, 1853. Pupil at Leipzig Cons, of Reinecke and Jadassohn; orgt. Salisbury Cath. 1881-83, in London, Rochester Cath. since 1900; composed incidental music to Helena in Troas 1886, a musical duologue, Weather or no, 1896, orchestral Idyl, quintets, pf. pieces, songs, etc. Selmer, Johann, compr., condr. b. Christiania, Norway, Jan. 20, 1844; d. Venice, July 22, 1910. After pre- liminary studies he spent two years at the Paris Cons, under Thomas; at Leipzig 1872-74; returning to Norway he succeeded Svendsen as director of the Christiania Musical Society; compositions include num- bers for orchestra, choral works, transcriptions of folk-songs and many songs; his works belong to the music school with a realistic tendency. Sembrich (sem'-brik) Marcella [stage name of Praxede Marcelline Kochan- ska; Sembrich is mother's maiden name], dram. sop. h. Wisniewczyk, Galicia, Feb. 15, 1858. Pupil in vln. and pf. at Lemberg Cons, of Stengel (whom she later married), also of Epstein at Vienna; discovered the value of her voice and became pupil of Rokitansky, and Lamperti; d^but Athens 1877; after study of German opera with R. Lewy, engaged at Dresden 1878-80, at London 1880- 85; first appearance in N. Y. 1883, sang there 1898-1900, 1901-1909, when she formally retired; on con- cert tours of wide range, from St. Petersburg to Spain and San Fran- cisco, and in operas where genuine soprano is required, she has every- where won ardent admiration for the exquisite quality of her voice (which is compared to Patti's) and at the same time for her deeply in- telligent artistic mastery. Senesino (sen-e-ze-no), [stage name of Francesco Bemardi], dram, mezzo sop. b. Siena, about 1680; d. there, about 1750. Pupil of Bernacchi at Bologna; first sang at Dresden; 1719 engaged by Handel for London where he appeared in several of Handel's and Bononcini's operas 1720-28, 1730-33, then at rival house under Porpora 1733-35; returned to Siena with for- tune ; voice of less wide compass than Farinelli's, but quite its equal in clear, flexible tone, and in simple expressiveness. Senkrah [pseud, of Arma Loretta Hark- nes], vlt. b. Williamson, New York, June 6, 1864; d. Weimar, Sept., 1900. Pupil of Hilf, Wieniawski, and Mas- sart; 1st prize Paris Cons. 1881, concert tours since 1882; married Hoffmann, of Weimar, 1888; com- mitted suicide. Serafino (se-ra-fe'-no), Santo, vln.- maker. h. Udine, 1678; d. Venice, 1735. Pupil probably of Tyrolese maker, later, by own statement, of Amati; as early as 1710 he was settled at Venice; shape of instru- ments like Stainer's or Amati's, seldom varied; closely resembles work of Ruggeri; wood of ex- traordinary beauty, with remarkable red varnish. Grandson Giorgio, also maker at Venice 1742-47; inferior imitative work. Serov, Alexander Nikolaievitch, compr. b. St. Petersburg, Jan. 23, 1820; d. there, Feb. 1, 1871. Lawyer by pro- fession, holding government offices till 1868; had lessons on 'cello from Schuberth; after some early composi- tions, in 1850 turned to mus. criti- cism, in which he showed violent par- tisanship for Wagner, etc.; composed grand operas to his own librettos. SERVAIS SHEPARD Judith 1863, Rogneda 1865, and 3 unfinished {Power of Evil completed by Soloviev, produced 1871); lect- ured at Moscow and St. Petersburg universities; operas especially ad- mired for natural quality of national life. Servais (sar'-va), Adrien Frangois, 'cellist, b. Hal, near Brussels, June 6, 1807; d. there, Nov. 26, 1866. Pupil of father and at Brussels Cons. of Platel; played in theatre orch.; concert debut Paris 1834; after playing in London and further study spent 12 years in tours; prof, at Brussels Cons, after 1848; composed 16 fantasias, 3 concertos, caprices and duets on operatic airs with Gre- goir and Vieuxtemps. Son Joseph (1850-1885), also 'cellist; member Weimar orch., prof, at Brussels Cons. Sevcik (sef-chik), Otokar Joseph, vln. teacher, b. Horazdowitz, Bohemia, Mar. 22, 1852. Pupil of father, A. Sitt, and Bennewitz; concertmaster Salzburg and 1873 Vienna; teacher at Kiev 1875-92; 1892-1909 at Prague Cons.; 1909 Vienna Con- servatory; his original system has produced many notable pupils, Kubelik, Kocian, Marie Hall, etc.; method, published in 4 books, fol- lows system of stopping of semitones by same fingers on each string; in later book technic of bow carried out in minute detail. Seyfried (sl-fred), Ignaz Xaver, Ritter von, compr. h. Vienna, Aug. 15, 1776; d. there, Aug. 27, 1841. Gave up study of law; mus. pupil of Mozart, Kozeluch, Albrechtsberger, and Von Winter; capellmeister at Vienna theatres 1797-1826; compr. of many unimportant works; edited Beethoven's exercises, Albrechts- berger's theoretical works, etc.; contributor to Allgem. Zeitung and Cacilia. Sgambati (sgam-ba'-te), Giovanni, pst., compr. b. Rome, May 18, 1843. Pupil of Aldega, Barbieri, Nata- lucci, and Liszt; gave orchestral concerts; produced Beethoven's Eroica and Liszt's Dante symph. in Italy;, after concert tours in Italy and Germany, taught, since 1877, at pf. school connected with Accad. di S Cecilia; admirer of Wagner, who recommended him to publisher 1876; composed symph., widely known quartet in D flat, quintets, requiem, exquisite pf. music {Pikces lyriques, Melodies poetiques, etc.). Shakespeare, William, singing teacher. b. Croydon, Eng., June 16, 1849. Chorister and orgt. when a boy; pupil of Molique, at Royal Acad, of Bennett, as Mendelssohn Scholar at Leipzig Cons, of Reinecke, and at Milan with Lamperti for voice especially; fine tenor singer, popular in Eng. concerts, etc. after 1875; prof. Royal Acad. 1878-86; distin- guished as teacher; published Art of Singing 1898, '99, revised 1910. Sharpe, Herbert Francis, pst. b. Hali- fax, Yorkshire, Mar. 1, 1861. Stu- died at Nat'l Training School, where he was Queen's Scholar; debut Lon- don 1882; prof. Royal Coll. Mus. 1884, examiner of Associated Board 1890; organized trio concerts 1899- 1902; composed comic opera, over- ture, pieces for flute or vln. and pf., songs, etc. Shedlock, John South, writer, b. Read- ing, Eng., Sept. 29, 1843. Graduated at London Univ. 1864; pupil of Lii- beck and Lalo; taught and played in London; critic for Academy 1879; for Athenceum 1901; lectured Royal Acad.; published many articles, useful book on Pianoforte sonata, origin and development. Shelley, Harry Rowe, compr. b. New Haven, Conn., June 8, 1858. Pupil of G. J. Stoeckel at Yale, of Dudley Buck, Vogrich, and Dvorak; orgt. in New Haven, Brooklyn, and N. Y.; teacher of theory and comp. at Metropolitan Coll., N. Y.; composed opera, cantatas (The inheritance divine, Death and life), ballads, songs, and excellent church and org. music. Shepard, Frank Hartson, orgt. b. Bethel, Conn., Sept. 20, 1863. Pupil of E. Thayer, and, after several appointments as orgt., of Zwint- scher, Jadassohn, Reinecke, etc., at Leipzig, where he was orgt. of Eng. church; orgt. and founder of music school at Orange, N. J.; author of How to Modulate and Harmony Simplified, in which he develops the theory of " attendant chords "; d. Orange, N. J., Feb. 15, 1913. SHEPARD SILOTI Shepard, Thomas Griffin, orgt. b. Madison, Conn., Apr. 23, 1848; d. Brooklyn, 1905 (?). Pupil of G. W. and J. P. Morgan; orgt. in New Ha- ven, at various churches since 1865; instructor of Yale Glee Club; condr. New Haven Oratorio Soc, of Apollo Club, teacher of theory, org., etc.; compr. of cantata, anthems, offer- tories, etc. Sherwood, William Hall, pst., teacher. b. Lyons, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1854; d. Chicago, Jan. 7, 1911. Pupil of his father, of Wm. Mason, etc., and for five years in Europe of Kullak, Weitzmann, Deppe, Liszt, etc.; d^but BerHn; after 1876 gave con- certs in U. S., then taught at N. E. Cons., Boston, and in N. Y.; after 1889 in Chicago head of pf. dept. at Cons., 1897 of Sherwood Piano Sch.; head of music department Chautau- qua, N. Y.; teacher of Clayton Johns and A. Whiting; compositions, all for pf., include suites, Scherzo caprice, etc.; eminent American vir- tuoso, especially remarkable for wide range, intelligent use of tech- nical ability, and reposeful reser- vation of power. Shield, William, compr. b. Whickham, Durham, Mar, 5, 1748; d. London, Jan. 25, 1829. Pupil of father and of Avison; after apprenticeship to shipbuilder, became condr. in Scar- borough th.; vlt. in opera orch., London 1772, 1st viola 1773-1791; compr. to Co vent Garden 1778-91, 1792-97; resigned from theatre 1807; master of royal music 1817; author of popular songs {The Thorn, The Ploughboy, etc.), Introd. to harmony, Rudiments of thorough-bass, and about 40 farces, operas, etc., into which he frequently interpolated famous songs of others; melodies vigorous, refined; English favorite. Sibelius (si-ba'-lius), Jean, compr. b. Tavastehus, Finland, Dec. 8, 1865, Pupil of Wegelius at Mus. Inst., Helsingfors, and of A. Becker and K. Goidmark; teacher of theory at Inst, and Orchestra School, Helsing- fors, after 1893; for a time enjoyed gov't pension; composed Finnish opera The Maiden in the Tower, said to be first nat'l opera, 2 sym- phonies, symph. poems, Der Schwan von Tuonela,En Saga Lemminkdinen, Finlandia, etc., and songs; note- worthy for use of folk-songs, per- sistent repetition of single notes and of 5-4 rhythms. Sieber (se'-ber), Ferdinand, singing teacher, b. Vienna, Dec. 5, 1822; d. Berlin, Feb. 19, 1895. Pupil of Misch and Ronconi; sang in opera; taught in Dresden 1848-54, then in Berlin; composed over 100 works, including very many valuable vocalises and exercises as well as songs; compiled catal(^ of 10,000 songs, arranged accordmg to voice. Sieveking (se'-v6-king), Martinus, pst. b. Amsterdam, Mar. 24, 1867. Studied with father, F. Coenen, and with Rontgen at Leipzig Cons.; played with success in Paris, London, and U. S. 1895. Silas (se'-laz), Eduard, pst., compr. h. Amsterdam, Aug. 22, 1827; d. Lon- don, Feb. 8, 1909. First appearance as prodigy at Amsterdam, 1837; studied with Grua, Lacombe, Kalk- brenner, and at Paris Cons, with Benoist and Halevy; orgt. in Eng. 1850; prof, harmony at Guildhall Sch. and at London Acad. Mus.; compositions, which have made way in face of adverse criticism, include mass (prize, Belgium, 1866), oratorio Joash, pf. concerto. Mythological pieces for orch., many pf. pieces; opera and theoretical works unpub- lished. Silcher (sil'-ker), Friedrich, compr. h. Schnaith, Wurttemberg, June 27, 1789; d. Tubingen, Aug. 26, 1860. Pupil of father and orgt. Auberlen;. taught at Stuttgart; mus. dir. Univ. Tubingen after 1817; by his Samm- lung deutscher Volkslieder and Choral- buch, did much to advance German popular singing; some of his song>* therein have become folk-songs (Aennchen von Tharau, Ich weie nicht was soil es bedeuten); publishea harmony method. Siloti (sM6'-te), Alexander, pst. h. Charkov, Russia, Oct. 10, 1863. Studied at Moscow Cons. 1875-81 with Zwereff, N. Rubinstein, and Tchaikovski; debut Moscow 1880, followed by great success in Leipzig; after further study with Liszt, 1883-86, at Weimar, prof, at Moscow Cons. 1887-90; concert tours; condr. SIMPER SLAUGHTER Moscow Philharmonic 1901-02, St. Petersburg, etc.; American tours 1898, 1903. Simper, Caleb, orgt. b. Barford St. Martin, Wiltshire, Sept. 12, 1856. Orgt. in Worcester 14 years; manager for E. J. Spark; living in Barnstable; compr. of many simple anthems (/ will feed my flock, He is risen), and of some prize hymn tunes. Sinding, Christian, compr. b. Kongs- berg, Norway, Jan. 11, 1856. Stud- ied at Leipzig Cons, with Reinecke, and at Dresden, Munich, and Berlin; orgt. and teacher at^ Christiania; composed for orch. symphonies, pf. concerto, symph. poem, pf. quartets and quintet, vln. sonatas, and many pf. pieces (Variations, Romance, CharacterstiXcke, very popular Frilh- lingsrauschen, etc.); technical ability is fluent and sure, his ideas, though not deep, are melodious and often interestingly national in flavor, and his treatment of them is modern. Singelee (san-zhe-la), Jean Baptiste, vlt. b. Brussels, Sept. 25, 1812; d. Ostende, Sept.' 29, 1875. Composed many works for vln., especially fan- tasias on operatic airs, and several concertos. Daughter Louise (1844- 1886) was singer, and his brother Charles (1809-1867) was also vlt. Singer, Otto, pst. h. Sora, Saxony, July 26, 1833; d. New York, Jan. 3, 1894. Pupil at Kreuzschule, Dres- den, at Leipzig Cons, of Moscheles, Hauptmann, etc., and of Liszt; taught in Leipzig, Dresden, in New York at Mason and Thomas Cons. 1867-73, in Cincinnati Coll. of Mus. 1873-1893, then again in N. Y.; also condr. May Festivals at Cincinnati; composed cantatas (Landing of Pil- grim Fathers, etc.), symphonies, con- certos, Symphonic fantasia, etc. His son Otto, condr., compr. h. Dresden, Sept. 14, 1863. Early youth spent in U. S. A. where he studied with his father; then in Germany with Kiel, Joachim and Rheinberger. Condr. Heidelberg Liederkranz, 1888; suc- cessor to Zollner as teacher Cologne Cons, and dir. Mannergesangsvereins 1890; in Leipzig 1892; later settled in Munich. Especially skilful in transcr. for piano complicated mod- ern orchestral scores. Sitt, Hans, vlt. h. Prague, Sept. 21, 1850. Son of vln. -maker, Anton S.; pupil at Prague Cons, of Bennewitz, Mildner, etc.; leader th. orch. Bres- lau 1867, capellmeister there, in Prague 1870-73, and in Chemnitz 1873-80; condr. at Nice; founder of popular concerts at Leipzig, teacher in Cons., viola player in Brodsky Quartet, condr. Bach Verein 1885- 1903, Singakademie, and concerts at Altenburg; composed concertos for vln. and viola, solos, etc. which have been well received. Sivori (si-vo'-ri), Ernesto Camillo, vlt. b. Genoa, Oct. 25, 1815; d. there, Feb. 18, 1894. Debut at 6 as pupil of Restano; later studied with Costa and Paganini, whom he imitated and whose works he interpreted well; almost constant tours after 1827 to England, to U. S. 1846-48, etc. ; style somewhat cold and devoid of feeling. Sjogren (sha-gren'), Johann Gustav Emil, compr. b. Stockholm, June 16, 1853. Studied at Stockholm Cons, and at Berlin with Kiel and Haupt; orgt. in Stockholm since 1891; compr. of pf. music, vln. sonatas, and espe- cially of songs, not exclusively Scan- dinavian in feeling. Skroup (shkroop), Franz, compr. h. Vosicz, Bohemia, June 3, 1801; d. Rotterdam, Feb. 7, 1862. Student of law and music at Prague; condr. Bohemian Th., Prague, and at Rot- terdam opera after 1860; brought out works of Wagner; as compr., es- pecially of songs, attained great pop- ularity (national hymn Where is My Country ?), and of first national Bohe- mian opera (DrdTenik); with Sme- tana accomplished deliberately the emancipation of national art by developing national color; Skroup initiated movement. Brother Jan Nepomuk (1811-1892), chorusmaster, capellmeister, condr., singing teacher at Prague. Slaughter, Walter A., compr. h. Lon- don, Feb., 1860; d. there, Apr. 2, 1908. Pupil of A. Cellier and Jacobi; condr. of several London theatres; compr. of several success- ful musical comedies, An Adamless Eden, A French Maid; music to Thackeray's Rose and Ring, etc. SLIVmSKI SMITH Slivinski (sli-vin'-ski), Joseph von, pst. b. Warsaw, Dec. 15, 1865. Studied at Warsaw with Strobl, at Vienna with Leschetizky for four years, at St. Petersburg with A. Rubinstein; debut 1890; played in England and America 1893 (again in 1900 and 1901); playing remarkable for ac- curacy, strength, spirit, and variety. Smallwood, William, orgt., compr. b. Kendal, Eng., Dec. 31, 1831; d. there, Aug. 6, 1897. Studied with Camidge and Phillips; orgt. Kendal 1847-97; compr. of instructive pf. pieces (Flowers of Melody, etc.), anthems, etc.; author of widely sold Piano- forte Tutor. Smart, Sir George Thomas, compr. b. London, May 10, 1776; d. there, Feb. 23, 1867. Chorister in Chapel Royal under Ayrton ; pupil of Dupuis and Arnold; vlt. at Salomon con- certs; condr. of concerts at Dublin, knighted there; original member Philharmonic Soc; condr. of its con- certs 1813-44; director City Con- certs 1818; orgt. 1822, and compr. 1838, at Chapel Royal; gave lessons in singing until over 80; edited Gib- bons' madrigals, etc., published 2 vols, of sacred music, collection of glees (Squirrel and Butterfly's Ball, well known) ; as condr. he introduced several important works into Eng- land (Beethoven's Mount of Olives); influential in engaging Weber to bring out Oberon in Eng.; Weber died at S's house. Smart, Hemy, orgt., compr. h. London, Oct. 26, 1813; d. there, July 6, 1879. Pupil of father Hemy (1778-1823, brother of Sir George), and Kearns; orgt. at several London churches after 1836; blind after 1864; dis- tinguished orgt., composed much for his instrument; also wrote can- tatas (Bride of Dunkerron, King Rene's Daughter, etc.); especially noteworthy as compr. of part-songs (Waves' Reproof, Ave Maria, Night Sinks on the Wave, etc.). Smetana (sme'-ta-nS,), Bedrich, compr. h. Leitomischl, Bohemia, Mar. 2, 1824; d. Prague, May 12, 1884. Pf. pupil of Proksch and Liszt; opened mus. school Prague 1848; condr. Philharmonic Soc. at Gothenburg, Sweden, 1856; after concert tour in Sweden and Germany, condr. Nat'l Bohemian Th., Prague, 1866-74, when he became deaf; continued composition under increasing diffi- culty until he became insane, 1882; in asylum April, 1884; beside many works for pf., songs, etc., composed for orch. (Wallenstein's Lager, series of 6 symphonic poems, Md vlasl, *' My Country"), and 8 operas (Die verkaufte Braut, Libu^a, Der Ku^s, etc.), quartet Aus meinem Leben (mus. autobiography); greatest of Bohemian composers, real creator of artistic Bohem. mus. and of later school (Dvorak and Fibich). [Lives by Wallek, Ritter, and Hostinsky.] Smith, Alice Mary, compr. h. London, May 19, 1839; d. there, Dec. 4, 1884. Studied with W. S. Bennett and G. A. Macfarren; married F. Meadows White 1867; comp. 5 cantatas (Ode to the Northeast Wind, etc.), symph., overtures (Endymion, Ma^qu£ of Pandora), quartets, clarinet concerto, songs, duets (O That We Two Were Maying, etc.); possibly most distin- guished of English women comprs. of her period. Smith, Edward Sydney, compr. b. Dorchester, July 14, 1839; d. Lon- don, Mar. 3, 1889. Studied with Moscheles, Plaidy, etc. at Leipzig Cons.; teacher in London after 1859; composed showy but not very difficult pf. mus. (Le jet d'eau, The Spinning Wheel, etc.); some- times used pseud. Victor Delacom:. Smith, Gerrit, orgt. h. Hagerstown, Md., Dec. 11, 1859; d. July 21, 1912. Grad. Hobart College; pupil Stutt- gart Cons., of E. Thaver. W. H. Sherwood, Haupt, and Rohde; orgt. at Buffalo while still studying; since at Albany and New York; prof, of music at Union Theological Semi- nary; pres. Mss. Soc; distinguished concert orgt.; compr. cantata David and smaller works, chiefly songs and pf. pieces. Smith, Wilson George, pst., compr. b. Elyria, O., Aug. 19, 1855. Studied at Cincinnati with O. Singer 1876- 80, at Berlin with Kiel, P. and X. Scharwenka, Moszkowski, etc. 1880- 82; teaching in Cleveland since 1882; composed many brilliant pf. works, Hommage di Grieg, h Schumann, d SMYTH SPALDING Chopin, etc., in wliich he skilfully follows the masters in question; teaching works, Scale playing, etc., are valuable. Smyth, Ethel Mary, compr. b. Lon- don, Apr. 23, 1858. Pupil at Leipzig Cons, and of H. von Herzogenberg; comp. chamber mus., serenade for orch., overture Antony and Cleo- patra, Solemn Mass (London 1893); operas Fantasia (Weimar 1898) and Der Wald (Dresden 1901, London 1901, '02 and New York Metropoli- tan 1903), Les naufrageurs (Leipzig and Prague 1906). Sodermann (se-der-man), August Johan compr. h. Stockholm, July 17, 1832; d. there, Feb. 10, 1876. Pupil of Leipzig Cons.; condr. Stockholm Th. after 1862; composed about 60 works, operettas Wedding at Ulfasa, incidental music to Jungfrau von Orleans, part-songs {Brdllop, quartet for women's voices, popular in Ger- many), mass (said to be greatest work), songs to words of Bellman; ''compositions, though thoroughly Swedish, are not national." [Grove.] Sokolov (sok-o-loff'), Nicholas Alex- androvitch, compr. h. St. Peters- burg, Mar. 26, 1859. PupU of Johannsen and Rimsky-Korsakov at St. P. Cons.; teacher of theory at Imperial Chapel 1886, at Cons. 1896; composed string quartets, symphonies, works for vln., pf., and voices, music to Shakespeare's Winter's Tale and to A. Tolstoi's Don Juan. Soloviev (sol-o-vyof), Nicolai Theo- pemptovitch, compr., critic, h. Petro- sadovsk, pro v. of Olonetz, Russia, May 9, 1846. Pupil of Zaremba at Imp. Cons.; prof, of harmony and mus. hist, at St. Petersburg Cons.; counsellor of state; critic and editor of lexicon; composed operas {Cor- delia 1885), overture on a national theme, symph. poem Russes et Mongols; completed Serov's Power of the Demon. Somervell, 'Arthur, compr. h. Wind- ermere, Eng., June 5, 1863. Studied at Berlin Hochschule, and at Royal Coll. Mus. with Parry and Stanford; government inspector for England, Wales, and Scotland; Mus. Doc. Cambridge 1903; composed many graceful songs, orchestral ballads and cantatas, Helen of Kirkconnell, Forsaken Merman, Seven Words from Cross, few orchestral works. Somis (so-mis'), Giovanni Battista, vlt. b. Piedmont, 1676; d. Turin, Aug. 14, 1763. Pupil of Corelli; court soloist and condr. at Turin; teacher of Giardini, Leclair, and Chabran; comp. sonatas for vln., 'cello, and pf. Sontag, Hemiette Gertrude Walpurgis, dram. sop. h. Coblenz, Jan. 3, 1806; d. Mexico, June 17, 1854. Child actress; pupil at Prague Cons, of Pixis, Triebensee, Czeska, etc.; sang at Vienna; created title part in Euryanthe 1823; great success in Leipzig, Berlin, and Paris, where she defeated Catalani, breaking Berlin contract 1827; married Count Rossi in London 1828; retired from stage 1830, continued success in concerts, returned to stage 1848, singing with unfailing fortune in London, Paris, New York, 1852, and Mexico. Soubies (so-bes'), Albert, writer, b. Paris, May 10, 1846. After admis- sion to bar, studied comp. at Cons, with Savard and Bazin; revived Almanach des spectacles 1874-79; critic for Le soir, contributor to Menestrel, etc.; has written series of histories of music in separate coun- tries (Russia, Portugal, etc.), histories of opera and comic opera chiefly in Paris, and work on Wagner. Sousa, John Philip, condr., compr. b. Washington, D. C, Nov. 6, 1854. Pupil of J. Esputa and G. F. Ben- kert; condr. traveling company at 17; vlt. in Offenbach's Co. 1877; director Philadelphia Church Choir Pinafore Co.; leader of U. S. Marine Corps band 1880-92; condr. of own band with which he has been on extended tours; compr. of several comic operas (The Bride-elect, El Capitan, etc.), and many stirring military marches, which have been very popular. Spalding, Albert, vlt. b. Chicago, Aug. 15, 1888. Studied with Jean Buit- rago in New York, with Chiti in Florence (where he appeared at private concert at 10); passed examination for professorship at Bologna Cons, at 14; after further study with Lefort in Paris, debut SPALDING there 1906; continued success in Europe 1907, '08 and in New York 1909. Spalding, Walter Rajmiond, teacher, b. Northampton, Mass., May 22, 1865. Graduated Harvard 1887, A.M., with honors in music, 1888; also studied in Paris and Munich; master of classics and mus. at St. Mark's School, Southboro, 1889-92; orgt. at Emmanuel Ch., Boston, 1887-88, orgt. and choirmaster 1898- 1900; teacher 1895, asst. prof, after 1903 of harmony at Harvard, made prof, in 1907; influential in raising standard of school mus.; author of Tonal Counterpoint (with Foote) and Modern Harmony. Spanuth, August, compr., critic, editor. b. Hanover, March 15, 1857. Began musical education at an early age and made first public appearance at seventeen ; studied composition with Raff and piano with Carl Heymann; made American debut as pianist in 1886; teacher in Chicago Musical College 1887-1893; then located in New York City as private teacher and musical critic for New Yorker Staats Zeitung; removed to Berlin 1906; teacher in the Stern Conser- vatory and editor of Signale fur die niusikalische Welt; published works consist of piano pieces, songs, studies; editor of the Liszt piano volumes in The Musicians Library. Spark, William, compr. b. Exeter, Eng., Oct. 28, 1823; d. Leeds, June 16, 1897. Chorister at Exeter Cath. ; articled pupil of S. S. Wesley; orgt. at Leeds, founder Leeds Mus. Soc; Mus. Doc, Dublin, 1861; editor Organists' Quarterly Journal; com- posed oratorio, org. mus., wrote Memoirs of Wesley and H. Smart, Musical Memories, Musical Remi- niscences; also published cantatas, anthems, etc. Speidel (spl'-del), Wilhehn, pst. b. Ulm, Sept. 3, 1826; d. Stuttgart, Oct. 13, 1899. Pupil of father (teacher and chorus director), and at Munich with Wanner, Kuhe, and I. Lachner; taught at Thann, and Munich 1848-54; mus. dir. Ulm; at Stuttgart, condr. Liederkranz 1857, part founder of Cons., teacher there, except 1874-84 when he had SPITTA his own Ktinstler und Dilettanten- schule fur Klavier; composed cho- ruses, symphony, sonatas, etc. Spicker, Max, condr., teacher. b. Konigsberg, Aug. 16, 1858. PupU for five years of L. Kohler, and at Leipzig Cons, for one year under Wenzel, Richter, etc.; theatre condr. at Heidelberg, Ghent, etc.; condr. Beethoven Mannerchor, New York, 1882-88; dir. Brooklyn Cons. 1888- 95; later teacher of harm, and counterpoint at Nat'l Cons., N. Y.; composed suite, cantata, and many songs. Spiering (sper'-ing), Theodore B., vlt. b. St. Louis, Sept. 5, 1871. Studied with Schradieck at Cincinnati, and four years with Joachim at Berlin; founder and leader S. Quartet of Chicago, which gave admirable concerts 1893-1905; with Thomas Orch. 1892-96; dir. of S. Vln. Sch., Chicago, 1899-1902, of Chicago Mus. Coll. 1902-05; gave concerts in Europe 1905-06; located in Berlin 1907; concertmaster Philharm. Soc, N. Y., 1909-10; returned to Berhn. Spindler (spind'-ler), Fritz, pst., compr. b. Wiirzbach, Nov. 24, 1817; d. Niederlossnitz, near Dresden, Dec. 26, 1906. Studied theology first; pupil of Fr. Schneider; successful teacher in Dresden after 1841; com- posed over 300 pieces for pf. (Frisch- es Leben very popular), 2 symph., pf. concerto, string quartet, etc. Spinney, Walter, orgt., compr. h. Salisbury, Mar. 26, 1852; d. Leam- ington, June 21, 1894. Of musical family, father and brothers orgts., sister pst.; articled pupil of Richard- son at Salisbury Cath.; orgt. at parishes of Salisbury, Doncaster, Leamington, succeeding brother Frank S. (1850-1888); issued col- lections The organ library and The vesper bell, which contain some origi- nal works. Spitta, Johann August Philipp, his- torian, b. Wechold, Hanover, Dec. 27, 1841; d. Berlin, Apr. 13, 1894. Student of philology at Gottingen; teacher at several gymnasia; co- founder of Bach Verein at Leipzig; 1875 prof. mus. hist. Berlin Univ., teacher and director 1882 in Hoch- schule; author of exhaustive and SPOHR authoritative life of J. S. Bach (trans, in 3 vols.), hfe of Schumann origin- ally for Grove's Diet., 2 collections of essays; contributions to periodicals, esp. to Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Musik- wissenschaft, which he founded, with Chrysander and Adler; edited works of Buxtehude, began those of Schiitz (finished by brother Friedrich, b. 1852). Spohr (spor), Ludwig, vlL, compr. b. Brunswick, Apr. 5, 1784; d. Kassel, Nov. 22, 1859. His father, a physi- cian, was amateur flute player, his mother, a singer and pst., was S's first teacher; pupil at five of Riemenschneider, Dufour, and at Brunswick of Maucourt and Hart- ung; member of ducal orch. and at duke's request pupil of F. Eck, with whom he went to St. Petersburg; 1803 again in orch.; 1804 successful first tour; 1805 leader at Gotha, married Dorette Scheidler, harp- player; on tour with her 1807, 1809; condr. 1st mus. festival in Germany, Frankenhausen 1809; condr. in Vienna 1812-15; after tour of Italy, where he played with Paganini, opera condr. Frankfort 1817-19; 1820 visited England, first to conduct there with baton; court condr. at Kassel 1822 until retirement 1857; conducted at several festivals, visited -England 1839, but could not get lea Ye to conduct his Fall of Babylon at Norwich 1842; besides several works for pf., harp, and songs, com- posed 11 operas {Faust, Jessonda much the best), oratorios (Das jiingste Gericht, etc.), 9 symphonies (some with titles, Die Jahreszeiten, Irdisches u. Gottliches im Menschen- leben); several overtures, and 15 vln. concertos (8th a Gesangsszene) , which are still played; wrote also valuable Violin School and Auto- biography, full of self-content and strange criticisms; as condr., among first to appreciate Wagner. Spontini (spon-te'-nl), Gasparo Luigi Pacifico, compr. b. Majolati, An- cona, Nov. 14, 1774; d. there, Jan. 24, 1851. Son of peasants, who intended him for priesthood; ran away to a friendly uncle; pupil of Sala and Tritto at Cons, in Naples;- early operas won advice from Pic- cini; composed at Rome, Venice, STAINER etc.; in Paris after 1803 friendship with poet Jouy and admiration for Mozart changed style; La V estate, brought out at Opera through influence of Empress Josephine 1807, won prize offered by Napoleon; married daughter of Erard; di- rector of Italian Opera 1810-12, dismissed on charge of " financial irregularity," declined offer of rein- statement 1814, when he became court compr. to Louis XVIII; as compr. to Friedrich Wm. II, had great success at Berlin; difficulties there, however, led to retirement 1841 as narrow escape from disgrace; operas (especially La Vestale, Fer- nand Cortez, Olympic) are planned with fine breadth, but details do not carry out plan; his technical knowledge of harmony and instru- mentation was defective and his melody lacked lightness and variety. Stadler, Maximilian, compr., writer, b. Melk, Lower Austria, Aug. 4, 1748; d. Vienna, Nov. 8, 1833. Son of baker, educated at Jesuit College, Vienna; entered Benedictine Order 1772; priest, abbot at Lilienfeld 1786, Kremsmiinster 1798; during residence at Vienna, friend of Haydn and Mozart; compr. of much church music; ardent de- fender of authenticity of Mozart's Requiem (Verteidigung der Echtheit . . . 1826). Stainer, Jakob, vln.-maker. h. Absam, Tyrol, July 14, 1621; d. there, 1683. Possibly pupil of Herz, an org. builder, but probably pupil of some of many obscure makers of his dis- trict; went to Italy 1646, where he had chance to examine Italian models, though he was probably never pupil of Amati; vln.-maker to court of Austria 1669; accusa- tion of heresy destroyed prospects; died in debt and insane; greatest German maker; vlns. are heavy in form (" clumsy " ace. to Hdrt), later ones somewhat improved in design and varnish; all have moderately strong, clear tone. Stainer,* Sir John, compr., orgt. b. London, June 6, 1840; d. Verona, Mar. 31, 1901. Chorister at St. Paul's; pupil of Bayley, Steggall, and Cooper; positions as orgt., Univ. orgt. Oxford 1860; Mus. Doc. STAMATY STASNY there 1865; orgt. St. Paul's 1872- 88; prof, of mus. at Oxford 1889, of org. and harmony at Nat'l Training School; principal there 1881, prof, after School became Royal Coll. 1883; gov't inspector 1882; knighted 1888, and other distinctions ; composed oratorios Gid- eon, Crucifixion (most popular), cantatas (Daughter of Jairus, etc.), many services, etc. {Sevenfold Amen is well known), all marked by dignity and feeling which he showed as orgt.; wrote manuals Harmony, Organ, Mu^ic of the Bible and Dufay and His Contemporaries. Stamaty (sta-ma-te), Camille Marie, pst. b. Rome, Mar. 23, 1811; d. Paris, Apr. 19, 1870. At first em- ployed at gov't office; pupil of Kalkbrenner; at first concert, 1835, appeared as pst. and compr.; after further study with Mendelssohn returned to Paris, where he was suc- cessful as teacher; Gottschalk, Saint- Saens among pupils; wrote valuable Rhythme des doigts, and many etudes, sonatas, and a pf. concerto; " at a time when others were seeking easy successes, he was distinguished for purity of style and elevation of thought." [Rapin.] Stamitz (sta'-mitz), Carl, vlt. b. Mann- heim, May 7, 1746; d. Jena, 1801 (buried Nov. 11). Son of Johann Wenzl Anton S., vlt. (1717-1761); pupil of father and of Cannabich; member Electoral Orch. ; leader orch. of Due de Noailles in Paris 1770-85; after tours in Germany and resi- dence in St. Petersburg, condr. academical concerts at Jena after 1800; composed operas Der verliebte Vormund and Dardanus, 70 sym- phonies, duets for vln., 'cello, etc.; one of very first to cultivate symph. as form; disputes priority with Haydn. Stanford, Sir Charles Villiers, compr., condr. b. Dublin, Sept. 30, 1852. Of musical family; pupil of Sir Robt. Stewart, A. O'Leary, E. Pauer; student at Cambridge; orgt. Trinity CoU. 1873-92, condr. C. Univ. Mus. Soc. 1874-93; after study with Reinecke and Kiel, took M.A., Camb., 1877; Mus. Doc. at both Univ.; prof, of comp. and condr. at Royal Coll. Mus. after 1883; prof. mus. at Cambridge since 1887; condr. Bach Choir 1885, Leeds Philharmonic Soc. 1897; com- posed several operas (Canterbury Pilgrims, Shamu^ O'Brien), remark- able choral works (The Revenge, Phaudrig Crohoore, etc.), 5 sym- phonies, notably an Irish one, music to Tennyson's Queen Mary, and smaller instrumental works; edited coll. of Irish airs; especially skilful in use of orchestral colors. Stanley, Albert Augustus, orgt., teacher, h. Manville, R. I., May 25, 1851. After study in Providence, pupil of Reinecke, Richter, etc., in Leipzig at Cons, and privately; orgt. Provi- dence 1876-88; prof. mus. Univ. of Michigan since 1888; composed symph. The Soul 's awakening, symph. poem Attis, ode for Providence cen- tennial, songs, church music, etc. Stark, Ludwig, teacher, h. Munich, June 19, 1831; d. Stuttgart, Mar. 22, 1884. Studied philosophy at Univ., mus. with I. and F. Lachner; co- founder Stuttgart Cons. 1857, where he taught harmony, history, and singing until 1873; condr. S. Sing- verein; edited with Lebert Grosse Klavierschule, with Faisst Lieder- schule, and other valuable instruc- tive works. Stasny (staz'-ne), Ludwig, compr., arranger, b. Prague, Feb. 26, 1823; d. Frankfort-on-Main, Oct. 30, 1883. Pupil Prague Cons.; military condr. 1846-68; condr. Frankfort Palmen- garten after 1871; produced 2 operas; made orch. arrangements of Wagner operas, etc.; composed dances based on or imitated from folk-tunes. His Stasny (staz'-ne), Carl Richard, pst., teacher, b. Mayence, Mar. 16, 1855. Early showed aptitude for music, and at 8 began lessons in pf. playing; entered a course in civil engineering which he gave up at 17; on the advice of Raff the father sent young Stasny to Vienna to study with Ignaz Briill; two years later he went to Kruger at Stuttgart, and in 1879 to Weimar with Liszt, where he remained for two years; in 1878 he began a series of concert tours which lasted until 1885, and took him to all the important cities of STAUDIGL STENHAMMER Europe; teacher at the Hoch Cons., Frankfort, 1885-1891, where he made a special study of Schumann's works with Clara Schumann; in 1891 he came to the N. E. Cons., Boston, and is still, 1910, connected with that institution. Staudigl (stou'-digl), Joseph, dram, bass. b. Wollersdorf, Lower Austria, Apr. 14, 1807; d. Michaelbeuern- grund, near Vienna, Mar. 28, 1861. Student of medicine; member of opera chorus at Vienna, then chief bass; court singer 1831; distinguished in concert hall as well as on stage; hisane after 1856. Son Joseph, bari- tone, b. Vienna, Mar. 18, 1850. Pupil of Rokitansky at Vienna Cons.; singer at Carlsruhe. Stavenhagen (sta'-ven-ha-gen), Bern- hard, pst. b. Greiz, Reuss, Nov. 25, 1862. Pupil at Berlin Meister- schule of Kiel, at the Hochschule of Rudorff, of Liszt 1885-86; Mendels- sohn Prize, Berlin, 1880; after brilliant tours in Europe and U. S. 1894-95, court condr. at Weimar 1895-98, at Munich 1898; director Royal Academy 1901-04; now in Weimar; distinguished player, espe- cially of Liszt's works; compr., also, of pf. pieces, Norse songs, pf. concerto, etc. Stcherbatcheff (stcher'-bat-chof), Nico- las de, compr. h. Russia, Aug. 24, 1853. After spending some time in Rome and elsewhere (pupil of Liszt at Weimar) became closely connected with young Russian school; composed 2 Idyls and Sere- nade for orch., several charming pf. pieces (Feeries et pantomimes), and 3ongs to Russian and German words. Steane, Bruce Harry Dennis, orgt., compr. b. Camberwell, London, June 22, 1866. Chorister at 8, asst. orgt. at 12; held various posi- tions as orgt. and choirmaster; very numerous services, anthems, and org. pieces, and sacred cantata Ascension. Steggall, Charles, orgt. b. London, June 3, 1826; d. there, June 7, 1905. Studied at Royal Acad, with Ben- nett; prof . there of org. and harmony 1851-1903; Mus. Doc. Camb.; orgt. Lincoln's Inn Chapel after 1864; composed services, edited psalter, Hymns, Ancient and Modern. Son Reginald, compr. b. London, Apr. 17, 1867. Pupil at Royal Acad, and org. professor there since 1895; compositions (mass, symph., 2 scenas Elaine and Alcestis) show him to belong to advanced modern school, Steibelt (sti-belt), Daniel, pst. b. Ber- hn, 1765; d. St. Petersburg, Sept. 20, 1823. Studied with Kirnberger; pubhshed sonatas and gave concerts in Saxony, etc., before coming to Paris 1790; superseding J. D. Her- mann and Pleyel became favorite pst. and teacher; opera Romeo et JwZie^te successful 1793; leaving Paris for debts, etc., 1797, won renown in London; German tour 1799 included disastrous challenge to Beethoven; brought out Haydn's Creation, Paris, 1800, and revisited city 1805-08; after further tours, condr. of opera in St. Petersburg 1810; his pf. music is of melodramatic style {U Or age, finale of 3d concerto, was played • widely); also composed operas. Steinbach (stin-bak), Fritz, condr. b. Grunsfeld, Baden, June 17, 1855. Pupil of brother Emil (b. 1849) and at Leipzig Cons, where he won Mozart Scholarship; 2d capellmeis- ter, Mayence, 1880-86; court condr. Meiningen 1886-1902; condr. and dir. of cons, at Cologne 1902; compr. of septet, 'cello sonata, and other works. Steingraber (stin'-grab-er), Theodor, publisher, b. Neustadt-on-Orla, Jan. 25, 1830; d. Leipzig, Apr. 5, 1904. Founder of firm in Hanover, in Leipzig since 1890; under pseud. Gustav Damm, wrote pf. method, and editions of pf. works. Stengel, Mme. W., see Sembrich, Marcella. Stenhammer, Wilhelm, compr. b. Stockholm, Feb. 7, 1871. Son of Ulrik, song compr.; pupil at Stock- holm Cons., and of H. Barth in Berlin; director Philharmonic Soc. 1898, condr. Royal Th. 1900 in Stockholm; member Aulin Quartet; after some smaller works, gained distinction by Prinzessan och Sven- nen, festival cantata, etc.; 2 operas 1898, 1903 have been successful; also composed choral works, sonata, songs, etc. STERLING STEWART Sterling, Antoinette, contralto, b. Ster- lingsville, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1850; d. Hampstead, London, Jan. 9, 1904. Studied with Abella, Mme. Mar- chesi, Viardot-Garcia, and Manuel Garcia; church singer in Brooklyn; after concert d^but, London, 1873, had great success in oratorio and concerts; married J. Mackinlay 1875; gave series of concerts in America 1875; "essentially a ballad singer "; Lost Chord and other songs written for her; son published A. S. and Other Celebrities 1906. Stem, Leopold Laurence, 'cellist, b. Brighton, Eng., Apr. 5, 1862; d. London, Sept. 10, 1904. Student of chemistry; studied music with Piatti, and at Leipzig with Klengel and Davidoff; tour 1886 with Patti; brought out DvoMk's concerto 1895; toured U. S. and Canada 1897-98; after that appeared but rarely; married Nettie Carpenter, vlt., 1891, and Suzanne Adams, singer, 1898. Sternberg, Constantin Ivanovitch von, pst., compr. h. St. Petersburg, July 9, 1852. Studied with Moscheles, Coccius, Richter, etc. at Leipzig Cons., with KuUak, Dorn, etc. at Berlin Akademie, and with Liszt in vacations; condr. and chorusmas- ter Leipzig 1867-69; condr. Wiirz- burg, Mecklenburg (where he was dir. of Acad, and court pst.); after tours in Germany, Russia, Asia Minor, U. S., 1880-85, became direc- tor of Atlanta Coll. of Mus. 1885-89; director of S. Sch. of Mus. in Phila. since 1890; compositions for pf. show skill and knowledge of the genius of the instrument. Stevens, Richard John Samuel, compr. b. London, Mar. 27, 1757; d. there, Sept. 23, 1837. Chorister at St. Paul's under William Savage; orgt. at Temple Church 1786 and Charter House 1796; prof, in Gresham Col- lege 1801; composed harpsichord sonatas, edited Sacred Music but i^ chiefly noted as compr. of remark- able glees; prizes from Catch Club 1782 and '86; among favorites are Ye Spotted Snakes, Blow, blow, thou winter wind, and Sigh no more. Stevenson, Frederick, orgt., compr. h. Newark, Nottinghamshire, Eng., Sept. 16, 1845. Father and mother musical, the latter a fine singer; sang in parish choir as a boy, studied org. with Thirtle and Reay; attended St. John's Coll., H^irstpierpoint, sang in choir; 1867-1883 orgt. in London and suburbs; studied harmony with Macfarren, counterpoint with Bridge; conductor of three choral societies, prof, of voice and theory Blackheath Cons.; 1883 came to U. S. as pre- centor of St. John's Cath., Denver; later orgt. and choirmaster St. Mark's Ch., dir. of Denver Cons.; 1894 removed to Los Angeles, Cal., where he is orgt. and choirmaster of St. John's, Christ Church and Jewish Temple, dir. of choral clubs; has written in many forms, sacred and secular choral works, part-songs, anthems, songs, and a few pieces for orchestra and military band. Stewart, Humphrey John, compr., orgt. h. London, Eng., May 22, 1856. Boy chorister, and church organist at the age of 11; education carried on under private teachers, during which time he served as organist of several English churches; came to the United States in 1886, locating at San Francisco, where he was or- ganist of several churches; for sev- eral years organist of Trinity Church, Boston, from which city he returned to San Francisco, where he now (1910) resides; organist of St. Domi- nic's church, and of two Jewish synagogues, condr. Handel and Haydn Society. Compositions in- clude three comic operas. Bluff King Hal (1889), His Majesty (1890) and The Conspirators (1900); The Na- tivity, oratorio (1888); Mass in D minor (1907); music drama Monte- zuma (1903) produced as a forest play by the Bohemian Club of San Francisco; orchestral suite, Scenes in California (1906); incidental music to many plays, songs, piano and violin pieces, part-songs and church music; won the gold medal for composition A. G. O., 1900, Kimball Prize of the Chicago Mad- rigal Club (1907); Mus. Doc. Uni- versity of the Pacific; music critic San Francisco Examiner and Even- ing Post. Stewart, Sir Robert Prescott, orgt. b. DubHn, Dec. 16, 1825; d. there. Mar. 24, 1894. Chorister and orgt. at STIEHL STRADIVARI Dublin; condr. Univ. Choral Soc; Mus. Doc. Dublin 1851; prof. Dublin Univ. 1861, at Royal Irish Acad. 1872, condr. of Philharmonic 1873; knighted 1872; composed several important odes, cantatas, and many deservedly popular glees; lectures and writings are of value. Stiehl (stel), Heinrich Franz Daniel, orgt b. Lubeck, Aug. 5, 1829; d. Reval, May 1, 1886. Studied with Lobe, and at Leipzig Cons, with Moscheles, Gade, and Hauptmann; orgt. and condr. Singakademie at St, Petersburg 1853-66; tours in Ger- many, Italy, and England, condr. at Belfast; after 1880 orgt. and condr. at Reval; many compositions for orch., chamber music and 2 operas. Stock, Frederick, condr. b. Nov. 11, 1872, at Jiihch, Germany. Father, a bandmaster in the German army, was his first teacher; entered Cologne Conservatory in 1886, graduating as violinist; while a member of the Mu- nicipal Orchestra studied composi- tion under Humperdinck, ZoUner and Franz WiiUner; came to the U. S. in 1895, joined the Chicago Orches- tra, becoming assistant conductor to Theodore Thomas in 1899; from 1903-1905 he conducted all of the orchestra concerts outside of Chicago and on Thomas' death succeeded to the conductorship; compositions in the large forms include overtures, a symphonic poem, symphonic varia- tions on an original theme, played in Chicago, Pittsburg, and at the Wor- cester Festival in 1906, a symphony in C minor, produced at Chicago, Dec. 31, 1909, and afterward at the Cincinnati Festival 1910; Stock is also conductor of the Musical Art Club (vocal), of Chicago. Stockhausen (stock'-hou-zen), Julius, baritone, teacher, b. Paris, July 22, 1826; d. Frankfort-on-Main, Sept. 22, 1906. Son of Franz, compr. and harpist (1792-1868), and concert singer Margarete Schmuck (1803- 1877); studied at Paris Cons, and with Manuel Garcia; favorite con- cert singer; condr. Philharmonic and Singakademie at Hamburg 1862-67; condr. Stern Gesangverein at Berlin 1874-78; teacher of singing at Hoch Cons., Frankfort, 1878-79, and 1882-98; then gave private lessons; published method; beauty of voice and care for interpretation made him wonderful singer of Schu- bert's and Schumann's works. Stojowski (sto-yofs'-ki), Sigismund Denis Antoine, jpst. b. Strelzy, Poland, May 14, 1870 [Riemann. Paris Cons, documents Apr. 8]. Studied at Cracow with Zelenski and at Paris Cons, with Diemer and Delibes; 1st prizes pf. and comp. 1889; later pupil of Paderewski; teacher at Inst, of Mus. Art, N. Y., 1906-1911; has composed orchestra suite, symph., pf. concerto, studies, and sonatas for pf. and vln. Storace, Stephen, compr. ■ h. London, Jan. 4, 1763; d. there, Mar. 19, 1796. Studied vln. with father and at Cons, of San Onofrio, Naples; traveled with sister Ann Selina, singer (1766- 1817), in Italy, lived in Vienna, where he knew Mozart; produced 2 operas in Vienna, and, after 1787, many in London (The Haunted Tower, No Song, no Supper, etc.); often intro- duced work of other comprs. into operas; pleasant melodies, with orch. accomp.; much influenced by Mozart. Story, Emma Eanies, see Eames, Emma. Stradella (stra-del'-la), Alessandro, compr. h. Naples, 1645; d. Genoa, June, between 6 and 16, 1681. Dates, places, and details of biog- raphy are all obscure; unauthenti- cated story that he eloped with a Venetian lady whose lover hired a man to murder S.; the assassin, fascinated by S's music, advised him to flee; a second murderer fol- lowed him to Genoa and there killed him; subject of Flotow's opera Stradella; said to have been fine singer and harpist; composed about 150 works, operas, oratorios (San Giovanni Battista best known), can- tatas, madrigals, etc., fluent, but not deep; his Serenata contains sub- jects which Handel used in Israel in Egypt: familiar Pieta Signore, attributed to S., probably by Rossini. Stradivari (stra-di-va'-ri), or Stradi- varius, Antonio, vln.-maker. h. Cre- mona, 1644; d. there, Dec. 18, 1736. Pupil of Amati; began to sign vlns. with own name 1666; early instr. on Amati model, of rather poor mate- rials; from 1684-1700 carried on STRAKOSCH series of experimental alterations in shape and in cuttings; " Long Strad " first made 1690; final period after 1703, attained highest point ever reached in vln .-making, care- fully looking after smallest details himself, and making slight variations apparently to meet variations in material; his varnish also varies in color and defies analysis, the secret of it having been long sought in vain; many instruments are named Messie, Dolphin, Pucelle, etc.; S. also made 'cellos and violas; author- itative life is that by W. H., A. F., and A. E. Hill (London, 1902). Strakosch (stra-kosh'), Maurice, im- presario, h. Lemberg, 1825; d. Paris, Oct. 9, 1887. Pf. pupil of Sechter in Vienna; taught in N. Y. 1845-60; after 1856 managed opera troupe; organized opera season at JParis 1873-74; European agent for Patti (who was his sister-in-law) and for other singers; managed theatre Rome 1884-85; published Souvenirs d'un impresario 1887. Brother Max (d. 1892) managed in jVmerica while Maurice was in Eng.; joined him in Rome. Strauss (strous), Johann, I, compr. b. Vienna, Mar. 14, 1804; d. there, Sept. 25, 1849. Son of keeper of beer garden and dance hall; having run away from apprenticeship to bookbinder, became pupil of Poly- schansky and Seyfried; member of dance hall orch., of Lanner Quartet 1823; deputy condr. of L's orch.; organized own orch. 1826, compos- ing first waltzes at this time; after concert tours, bandmaster 1st Vienna Militia reg't 1834; further tours took him as far as Paris and London 1837-38; condr. court balls in Vienna 1845; " father of the waltz," com- posed over 150 waltzes, quadrilles and marches, in which by fire and spirit and by skilful orchestration he raised dance mus. to high level. His son, Strauss, Johann, II, compr. b. Vienna, Oct. 25, 1825; d. there, June 3, 1899. Against wishes and without knowl- edge of father pupil of Drechsler; as condr. of restaurant orch. at Hietzing won great success; after father's death made tours with united orchestras; condr. St. Peters- burg 1855-63, of Vienna court balls STRAUSS 1863-70; after 1870 composed sev- eral charming operettas Die Fleder- maus, Zigeunerbaron; called " The Waltz King"; composed Blue Dan- ube, Wine, Woman, and Song, etc.; music has never been surpassed in its kind for popularity or for merit. His brothers, Joseph (1827-1870), deputy condr. for Johann 1853; later condr. of own orch.; also successful compr. of dance music; Eduard (b. 1835) followed Johann, as court ball condr. 1870; also compr. Strauss, Richard, compr. h. Munich, June 11, 1864. No relation to Viennese dance compr.; son of Franz, horn player in court orches- tra; pupil in comp. of F, W. Meyer while still at gymnasium; preco- cious as compr. ; condr. at Meiningen succeeding Von Billow 1885; after travel in Italy, 3d capellmeister Munich 1885-89; asst. to Lassen, court capellm. at Weimar 1889-92; journey to Greece and Egypt to recover from illness 1892; married singer Pauline de Ahna 1894; court capellm. Munich 1894, and at Berlin 1899; visited London 1897 and as condr. 1903; came to America 1904, gave concerts with Philadelphia Orch., with Wetzler Orch. in N. Y., and conducted other orchestras. His works include a few pf. pieces, sonata for vln. and pf., 'cello and pf., concerto for vln., quartet, etc., many very beautiful songs and some larger choral works (Wanderers Sturm- lied, Taillefer, etc.), 2 symph., 8 symph. poems, Av^ Italien 1886, Don Juan 1889, Macbeth 1891, Tod und Verkldrung 1890, Till Eulenspiegels lu^tige Streiche 1895, Also Sprach Zarathustra 1895, Don Quixote 1898, Ein Heldenleben 1899; Burleske for pf. and orch.; Sinfonia Domestica; incidental mus. for pf. to Enoch Arden; 4 operas Guntram 1894, Feuersnot 1901, Salome 1905, Elektra 1909, Der Rosenkavalier, 1911. Early works follow classical forms and tra- ditions, not without individuality. Later, somewhat under influence of Alexander Ritter (more in directions of general culture than in music) he turned to freer modern forms, with Av^ Italien; he has carried on the Berlioz-Liszt idea of poetic or program music to a greater degree STREABBOG SULLIVAN of realistic effect, at times, as in Don Quixote, even to the grotesque ; he endeavors to express not only moods and emotions, but psycho- logical states of mind and systems of abstract thought. Not an inventor of especially beautiful or long sus- tained melodies, he is a complete master of the resources of the modern orchestra, which he has extended by some new devices and the adop- tion of some new instruments (heckelphone, etc.). Though he is capable of producing passages of great beauty, e. g. songs. Tod und Verk., his unusual skill seems at times to have led him into mere piling up of effects, just as his extraordinary audacity, his ambi- tion to present the whole of life, his sense of contrast, have led him to over insistence on the merely ugly, as in the Heldenleben and Elektra and the merely trivial, as in the Sinf. Domestica. Streabbog, see Gobbaerts. Strelezki (stre-let-ski), Anton [pseud, of A. B. Bnrnand], compr. b. Croydon, Dec. 5, 1859. Studied at Leipzig Cons, and with Clara Schumann; compr. of some very popular pf . music. Strong, George Templeton, compr. h. New York, about 1855. Son of Geo. T., once pres. of N. Y. Phil- harmonic; pupil at Leipzig Cons.; teacher at N. E. Cons. 1891-92; obliged to resign because of ill- health; living in Switzerland; compr. of 2 symph. (No. 2 Sintram, several times performed, shows brilliant instrumentation), symph. poems. Haunted Mill for chorus and orch., etc. Strube (stroo'-be), Gustav, vlt., compr. h. Ballenstedt, Harz, Mar. 3, 1867. Pupil of father, member of local orch.; studied at Leipzig Cons, with Hermann, Brodsky, Reinecke, and Jadassohn; member Gewandhaus Orch.; prof. Mannheim Cons.; mem- ber Boston Symph. Orch. since 1891; condr. summer popular concerts, asst. condr. Worcester Co. Mus. Ass'n; has comp. suite for vln. and pf., 3 overtures, 2 symph. poems, 2 vln. concertos, 2 symphonies, etc. many of which have been played by Boston Symph. Orch, Sucher (sook'-er), Rosa [nee Hassel- beck], dram. sop. b. Velburg, Upper Palatinate, Feb. 23, 1849; d. Apr. 5, 1908; debut at Treves; sang at Konigsberg, Berlin, and Danzig; engaged for Leipzig Stadt Th. by Josef Sucher (1844-1908), whom she married 1877; went to Hamburg with husband 1879; and to Berlin Opera 1888-1898 (Josef retired from post at Berlin 1899); extraordinary range of repertoire, but notable for Isolde, Eva, and Kundry; sang at Bayreuth 1886 and 1888; and in N. Y. under Damrosch 1894; retired 1903. Sudds, "William F., compr., writer, b. London, Mar. 5, 1843. Parents moved 1850 to Gouverneur, New York state; self-taught in vln., 'cello, guitar, and cornet; band- master in Civil War; later studied at N. E. Cons, with Thayer and Eichberg; many published pf. pes. and songs, teacher at Gouverneur. Suk (sook), Josef, compr. b. Kfecovic, Bohemia, Jan, 4, 1874. Studied with father and at Prague Cons, with Bennewitz and Dvorak, who later became his father-in-law; 2d vln, in Bohemian Quartet from 1892, with Hoffmann, Nedbal, and Wihan; compr. overtures, serenade, chamber music, suite Ein Mdrchen, and 2 symphonies. Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymour, compr. h. London, May 13, 1842; d. there, Nov. 22, 1900, Chorister at Chapel Royal under Helmore; first Mendels- sohn Scholar at Royal Acad, Mus,, pupil of Goss and Bennett; studied at Leipzig with Moscheles, Haupt- mann, etc; orgt. in London; condr. Promenade concerts at Covent Gar- den 1878-79; principal Nat'l Train- ing School 1876-81; knighted 1883; composed songs (Lost Chord, The Long Day Closes) , oratorios ( Prodigal Son, Golden Legend) , incidental music to Tempest and Merchant of Venice, a grand opera, Ivanhoe, 1891; great popularity, however, rests on long series of comic operas produced chiefly at the Savoy Theatre, many of them to words by W. S. Gilbert, among which may be named Trial by Jury 1875, H. M. S. Pinafore which had unequaled popularity in England and U. S. (whither S. SUPP^ SZUMOWSKA came 1879), Pirates of Penzance 1880, Patience 1881, Mikado 1885; The Emerald Isle, completed by E. German, 1901; distinguishing feat- ures of these operettas are unity of spirit between compr. and libret- tist, unfaihng gaiety and variety of rhythm and melody, and at same time refinement of educated musical taste. Suppe (soop-pa), Franz von [real name Francesco Ezechiele Ermenegildo Cavaliere Suppe Demelli], compr. b. Spalato, Dalmatia, Apr. 18, 1820; d. Vienna, May 22, 1895. Played the flute and composed early; while student of philosophy at Padua, studied mus. with Cigala and Ferrari, later at Vienna Cons, with Sechter and Seyfried; theatre condr. at Pressburg, Baden, and Vienna 1865- 95; produced great number of operet- tas and musical farces and burlesques; chiefly known out of Germany by Fatinitza 1876, Boccaccio 1879, and overture to Poet and Peasant. Surette, Thomas Whitney, lecturer. b. Concord, Mass., Sept. 7, 1862. Studied with A. Foote and J. K. Paine (grad. Harvard 1891); orgt. at Concord, musicmaster at Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., orgt. choir- master at Baltimore; since 1896 lecturer on mus. for Amer. Univer- sity Extension Soc; lectured at Univ. of Oxford, Eng. 1899, 1905, regularly appointed there 1907; author of valuable syllabi on various periods of mus. hist.; operetta Pris- dlla; or, the Pilgrim's Proxy 1889, very popular. Sussmayer (siis'-ma-er), Franz Xaver, compr. h. Schwanenstadt, Upper Austria, 1766; d. Vienna, Sept. 17, 1803. Pupil of Salieri, pupil and friend of Mozart; capellmeister Nat'l Th., Vienna, 1792, court opera 1794; compr. of several operettas {Der Wildfang, etc.); wrote instru- mentation for airs in Mozart's Titus. Svendsen (svent'-sen), Johan Severin, vU., compr. condr. h. Christiana, Sept. 30, 1840; d. Copenhagen, June 13, 1911. Bandmaster in army, wan- dering vlt., studied at Leipzig Cons, with David, Hauptmann, etc.; toured Scandinavia and England; member Paris orchestras 1868-69; concert- master Leipzig Euterpe concerts 1871; visited New York and married an American 1871; condr. Christiania concerts 1872-77, 1880-83; court condr. Copenhagen 1883; condr. Royal Theatre there since 1896; works remarkable for individuality and entire lack of " national " char- acteristics, include songs, chamber mus., concertos for vln. and 'cello, two symphonies, Carnaval a Paris, Rhapsodies norvegiennes, etc. Sweelinck (sva'-link), Jan Pieter, compr. b. Amsterdam, 1562; d. there, Oct. 16, 1621. Pupil of Jacob Buyck, and of his father Pieter (d. 1573), orgt.; successor of father at church, composed psalms, masses, sacred and secular songs; complete works published by Amsterdam Soc. for Promotion of Mus.; chief work was establishment of true organ fugue with development from single subject; said to have been first to employ pedal in fugal part. Swert (svart), Jules de, 'cellist, b. Louvain, Aug. 15, 1843; d. Ostende, Feb. 24, 1891. Pupil of Servais at Brussels Cons.; after long tours, concertmaster Diisseldorf 1865; 1st 'cellist Weimar 1868; royal concert- master, 'ceUist, prof, at Hochschule, Berlin, 1869-73; traveled, hved in Wiesbaden and Leipzig; director Ostende Mus. Sch. 1888; prof, at Cons, of Ghent and Bruges; com- posed operas, symphony, fantasias, etc. for 'cello. Sydenham, Edwin Augustus, orgt., compr. b. Somersetshire, Oct., 1847; d. Scarborough, Feb. 18, 1891. Chorister at Stratford-on-Avon; pupil at Leipzig Cons.; orgt. at several places, finally at Scarborough; teacher, compr. of anthems, pf . and vln. pieces. Szarwady, see Clauss-Szarvady, Wil- helmine. Szekely (she'-ke-le), Imre Emeric, pst. b. Matyfalva, Hungary, May 8, 1823; d. Pesth, April, 1887. Studied at Pesth; after many long concert tours, with especial success in London, settled finally in Pesth after 1852; taught, composed works for orchestra and pf. (concertos, Etudes, etc.). Szumowska, Antoinette, see Adamow- ski, Mrs. Joseph. TALLIS TARTHa Tallis, Thomas, compr., orgt. h. be- tween 1520 and 1529; d. London, Nov. 23, 1585. Orgt. at Waltham Abbey until 1540; gentleman of Chapel Royal under Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, and Elizabeth; joint orgt. with his pupil Byrd, with whom he also obtained privilege of printing music and ruled paper 1575; composed services, prayers, responses, etc., and song in 40 parts for 8 five- part choirs. Tamagno (ta-man'-yo), Francesco, dram, tenor, b. Turin, 1851; d. Varese, Aug. 31, 1905. After slight instruction at Cons, sang in choruses, and after military service made debut at Palermo 1873; selected by Verdi to create Otello at Milan 1887; thereafter of universal fame, sang successfully at European capitals and in U. S. 1890, 1893; especially remarkable for power of voice and physique. Tamberlik (tam'-ber-lik), Enrico, dram, tenor, b. Rome, Mar. 16, 1820; d. Paris, Mar. 15, 1889. Left study of law to study singing at Bologna with Guglielmi and Borgna; debut Naples 1840; sang in Spain, London 1850-64, winters at St. Petersburg, Paris, Spain, and America; settled in Madrid after 1877 as manufac- turer of arms. Tamburini (tam-boo-re'-ni), Antonio, dram. bass. b. Faenza, Mar. 28, 1800; d. Nice, Nov. 9, 1876. Pupil of father, Boni, and Asioh; debut Cento 1818; sang in Italy for im- Sresario Barbaja at Naples and lilan 1824-32; at Th. Italien, Paris, 1832^1, with Grisi, Rubini, La- blache, etc.; alternate seasons in London; 10 years in Russia; retired 1859. Taneiev (tan-e'-yef), Sergei Ivanovitch, pst., compr. b. Russia, Nov. 25, 1856. Pupil at Moscow Cons, of N. Rubinstein, Hubert, and Tchai- kovski; tour with Auer 1876; after two years in Paris, prof, of harmony and instrumentation Moscow Cons. 1878, of pf. 1880-88, of free comp. 1883-87; director and condr. of ensemble classes 1885-89; prof, of counterpoint 1888, of fugue 1891, of mus. from 1897; as pst. first to play Tchaikovski's C min. con- certo and other works; as compr. of operatic trilogy Oresteia (St. Peters- burg 1895), symph., 6 pf. quartets, etc. remarkable as contrapuntist; author and translator of books on counterpoint. Tans'ur, William, compr. b. Dun- church, about 1700; d. St. Neots, Oct. 7, 1783. Orgt. and teacher in several places in Surrey and Leicestershire; composed Compleat Melody (many editions of this popular psalm collec- tion have varying titles), Melodia Sacra, Psalm-singer's Jewel, etc., and wrote New Musical Grammar and Dictionary 1756. Tapper, Thomas, author, teacher, b. Canton, Mass., Jan. 28, 1864. Grad- uated at Am. Coll. of Musicians of Univ. of State of N. Y.; studied in Europe; rnarried pst. Bertha Feiring Maas; editor The Musical Record and Review 1903-1904, Musician 1904r-1907; lecturer; instructor Inst. Mus. Art, N. Y.; author of Chats with Music Students, Natural Course inMu^., The Music Life, First Studies in Music Biography, etc. Tappert, Wilhelm, writer, h. Ober- Thomaswaldau, Silesia, Feb. 19, 1830; d. Siidende, near Berhn, Oct. 27, 1907. Schoolmaster until 1856; pupil at Kullak's Acad, and of Dehn; in Berhn after 1866; editor Allgem. deiUsche Musikzeitung 1876-80; there- after on staff Musikalisches Wochen- hlatt; author of Wagner- Lexikon (coll. of terms of abuse against W.), Wandernde Melodien, works on old notation, etc., also pubhshed ar- rangements of old German songs and pf. studies. Tartini (tar-te'-ni), Giuseppe, vlt. b. Pirano, Istria, Apr. 12, 1692; d. Padua, Feb. 16, 1770. Studied theology and law, with eager desire for vln.; secret marriage led to charge of abduction before which TAUBERT TELEMANN he fled to monastery at Assisi, where for two years he studied mus. with Cernohorsky; after appearing at Padua, so influenced by hearing Veracini at Venice that he retired again to Ancona, where further study by himself led to better knowl- edge of intonation and discovery of combinational tones; solo vlt. and condr. Padua 1721; chamber musi- cian in Prague 1723-25; again in Padua, where he founded vln. sch. 1728; Nardini, Laboussaye among pupils; works consist of very many concertos and sonatas for vln. and other instruments; (famous Trillo del diavolo, supposed to have been produced in rivalry with devil, one of posthumous works); " style united finish of Corelli with greater vigor, passion, and daring, and he excelled in double-stopping and other efi'ec- tive devices." [Pratt.] Taubert (tou'-bert), Carl Gottfried Wil- helm, pst., compr. b. Berlin, Mar. 23, 1811; d. there, Jan. 7, 1891. Pupil of Neithardt, L. Berger, and B. Klein; student at Berlin Univ.; taught in Berlin; accoinp. at court concerts 1831; condr. opera and symph. concerts 1842, court capell- meister 1845; 1st capellm. 1869; re- tired 1870; composed 5 operas, music to Tempest (very successful), Othello, and other plays, 4 symph., and smaller works, popular Kinderlieder, etc. Tauscher, Mme., see Gadski, Johanna. Tausig (tou'-sig), Karl, pst. b. War- saw, Nov. 4, 1841; d. Leipzig, July 17, 1871. Pupil of father Aloys T. (1820-1885), who was pupil of Thal- berg, and compr.; pupil of Liszt from age of 14 (1855-59); debut Berlin 1858 at orchestral concert under Von Biilow; gave orch. con- certs in Vienna 1862; opened school for advanced pf. playing in Berlin 1866; composed some pf. music, but is especially noted for editions of dementi and other older writers, arrangements of Bach, pf. edition of Meister singer, Daily Studies, etc.; surpassed even Liszt in wonderful brilliancy of technic, but despite remarkable sense of style never quite equaled him in interpretation. Taylor, Samuel Coleridge-, see Cole- ridge-Taylor, Samuel, Tchaikovski (chl-kof'-ski), Peter Ilyitch, compr. b. Wotkinsk, province of Wjatka, May 7, 1840; d. St. Peters- burg, Nov. 6, 1893. As a child dis- played no especial mus. ability; entered gov't service; 1855-58 pf. lessons from Kiindinger, sang in choir under Lomakin; attempts at composition led him to give up ser- vice 1863 to enter St. Petersburg Cons., where he was taught by Zaremba (theory), A. Rubinstein (comp.), Ciardi (flute), and Stiehl (organ); taught theory at Moscow Cons. 1866-77; contributor to jour- nals 1872-74, and thereafter devoted to composition; married 1877 and separated from wife after few weeks; same year formed friendship with Frau von Meek, who out of her riches gave him generous pension that he might be free to create; 1887- 89 tours as condr. in Germany; 1890 lived in Florence; 1891 conducted in Paris and New York, 1892-93 in Germany and England, where Camb. Univ. gave him degree; composed 11 operas (Eugen Onegin, Pique Dame best known), cantatas, songs, 6 symphonies (No. 6 is the " Pathe- tique), 7 symph. poems {Tempest, Manfred, Francesca da Rimini, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Fatum, Le Voie- vode), 3 pf. concertos, 1 vln. concerto, 3 string quartets, trio, etc., some pf. works, and songs. Most widely known of Russian comprs., but con- sidered by Russians as less charac- teristically national than any other. His music is marked by bold modula- tions, strong rhythms, and gorgeous- ness of orchestral coloring, by which he expresses intense personal emo- tions; he is quite romantic in the warmth of his feeling, brilliancy of imagination and lack of reserve; " his real contribution to the history of music lies in his modification of symphonic form in obedience to a poetic idea." [Newman.] Remark- ably detailed life by brother Modest T. has been translated into German by Juon, and, in part, into English by Rosa Newmarch. Telemann (tel'le-man), Georg Philip, compr. b. Magdeburg, Mar. 14, 1681; d. Hamburg, July 25, 1767. Self-taught in all but rudiments; composed opera at 12, conducted TEMPLE THEILE church music at 14; student of law and languages at Leipzig Univ.; orgt. 1704, and mus. dir. at Neukirche; concertmaster at Eisenach 1708, capellmeister there 1709 until death, though he never lived there; capell- meister Frankfort 1712; mus. dir, to town of Hamburg after 1721; more widely known and rated higher in his day than his friend and con- temporary J. S. Bach; composed fluent and correct works, operas, overtures, sonatas, etc. Temple, Hope, see Messager, Mme. Andre. Temina (ter-ne'-nS), Milka, dram. sop. b. Begizse, Croatia, Dec. 19, 1864. Pupil of Gansbacher; debut at Leip- zig 1883; sang at Ganz, Bremen, Munich 1890, New York after 1896, (sang Kundry in Parsifal there 1903), Bayreuth 1899; one of most power- ful of great Wagnerian singers. Terpander, Greek musician, b. Antissa, Lesbos, 7th cent. B. C, Called " father of Greek music "; developed lyric forms. Terry, Mme., see Sanderson, Sibyl. Tesi-Tramontini (ta'-z6-tra-mon-te'-ni) , Vittoria, singer, b. Florence, about 1695; d. Vienna, 1778. Pupil of Redi at Florence and Campeggi at Bologna; d^but Bologna; sang in Handel's Rodrigo 1709; Agrippina 1719, etc.; engagements in Venice and Dresden 1719, Venice and Naples 1719-38; for many years in Madrid with Farinelh; in Vienna 1749. Thalberg (tar-barg), Sigismond, pst, b. Geneva, Jan. 7, 1812; d. Naples, Apr. 27, 1871. Natural son of Prince Moritz Dietrichstein who had him educated at Vienna; pupil of Hummel and Sechter, but greatly indebted to Mittag, bassoon player; early appearances as pst. and compr. ; first tour, 1830, won triumph in Paris 1835, withstood rivalry of Liszt 1836; went to Brazil 1855, to North America 1856, retired to Naples 1858-62, again on tours to Paris, London, and Brazil in 1863, then again in retirement; compr. of concerto, sonata, nocturnes, etudes, many operatic fantasias; developed use of 3d staff with melody between chord passages; as virtuoso he was remarkable for breadth and power as well as delicacy, especially for ability to bring out an air strongly, facility in crossing hands, etc.; yet playing is said to have lacked expres- siveness of Chopin's and Liszt's. Thayer, Alexander Wheelock, writer. b. South Natick, Mass., Oct. 22, 1817; d. Trieste, July 15, 1897. Graduated at Harvard 1843; asst. librarian there 1843-49; in Germany 1849-51 collecting material for Beethoven biog., writing to D wight's Journal, etc.; staff N. Y. Tribune after 1852; after 1854 lived in Europe (except 1856-58 in Boston); attached to American Embassy at Vienna 1862, consul at Trieste after 1865; pub- lished chronological list of Beetho- ven's works, Ein kritischer Beitrag zur B. Literatur and 3 vols, of Life of B. translated into German by Deiters (1866-78); Vol. IV not com- pleted; new ed. by Deiters cut short by his death; life based on most thorough and faithful use of sources. Thayer, Arthur Wilder, compr., condr. b. Dedham, Mass., Aug. 26, 1857. Pupil of Guilmette, Adams, Chad- wick, and Zerrahn; condr. of choral societies in Lowell, Salem, Worcester, Providence; supt. schools in Ded- ham and Milton; mus. dir. Newton churches. Thayer, Whitney Eugene, orgt. b. Mendon, Mass., Dec. 11, 1838; d. Burlington, Vt., Jan. 27, 1889. Pupil in Boston and later in Ger- many of Haupt and Wieprecht; assisted at opening of Boston Music Hall organ 1862, where he was orgt. later; editor Organist's Journal, Choir Journal, condr. Boston Choral Union, etc.; gave free org. recitals in Boston 1869; orgt. N. Y. 1881-88. Theile (ti'-la), Johann, compr. h. Naumburg, July 29, 1646; d. there, June 24, 1724. Gamba player in Leipzig; studied with H. Schiitz; capellmeister to Duke of Holstein 1673; wrote Adam und Eva for opening of Hamburg Opera 1678; capellm. to Duke of Brunswick, later at Merseburg; taught Zachau and Buxtehude; composed also Christmas oratorio, a German Pas- sion, Noviter inventum opus mu^., etc. (20 masses), and opus secundum THIBAUD (sonatas, etc. for various instru- ments) ; called " father of counter- point " by his contemporaries. Thibaud (ti-bo), Joseph Jacques, vlt. h. Bordeaux, Sept. 27, 1880. Pupil of father; then at Paris Cons, of Marsick; 1st prize 1896; solo vlt. in Colonne's orch.; later, through many concert tours, became known as a distinguished artist. Thibaut (ti-bo), Anton Friedrich Justus, writer, b. Hameln, Jan. 4, 1774; d. Heidelberg, Mar. 28, 1840. Prof, of jurisprudence at Univ.; author of Ueher Reinheit der Tonkunst (Engl, as Purity in Musical Art) of which there have been many editions; it is opposed to romantic theories. Thiele (te-la), Friedrich Ludwig, orgt. b. Harzgerode, near Bernburg, Nov. 18, 1816; d. Berlin, Sept. 17, 1848. Studied with A. W. Bach at Royal Inst, for ch. mus., Berlin; orgt. Paro- chial church there after 1839; vir- tuoso performer and compr. for his instrument. Son Felix Richard T. (1847-1903), compr. of Deutschen Flaggenliedes. Thoma (to'-mS), Rudolf, teacher, b. Lehsewitz, near Steinau-on-Oder, Feb. 22, 1829; d. Nov., 1908. Studied at Royal Inst, for ch. mus., Berlin; cantor at Hirschberg 1857, Breslau 1862; founder of singing isociety and director of mus. school; Royal mus. dir. 1870; composed 2 operas, 2 oratorios, church music, etc. Thomas, Arthur Goring, compr. h. Ralton Park, Sussex, Nov.' 21, 1851; d. London, Mar. 20, 1892. Did not begin study of music until 1874, when he was pupil of E. Durand in Paris; 1876-79 studied with SuUivan and Prout at Royal Acad. Mus., London; operas Esmeralda 1883 and Nadeshda 1885, cantata Swan and Skylark, and other compositions (psalm, choral ode, vocal scenes, songs, suite, vln. sonata, etc.) were of such a quality as to cause deep regret at the shortness of his career, Thomas (to-ma'), Charles Louis Am- broise, compr. b. Metz, Aug. 5, 1811; d. Paris, Feb. 12, 1896. Son of a musician; pupil at Paris Cons, of Zimmermann, Kalkbrenner, Dour- len, and Lesueur; 1st prizes pf. 1829, harmony 1830, Grand prix de THOME Rome 1832; produced 9 works in Paris 1837-43, then only one in five years, after which he reappeared with Le Caid; however not until Mignon, 1866, did he attain distinc- tion; Hamlet, 1868, was also popular, but Mignon seems the only one des- tined to hold its place in general repertoire; member of Acad. 1851, prof, of comp. at Cons. 1852, and director there 1871; also composed songs, occasional cantatas, and very popular male choruses (Le chant des amis, Le carnaval de Rome, etc.); " style is characterized by great dramatic truth, by striking versa- tility in handling characters and situations, and by thorough mastery of orchestration. Had his gift of real musical invention been greater, he would have ranked among the best opera writers." [Pratt.] Thomas, Theodore, condr. h. Esens, East Friesland, Oct. 11, 1835; d. Chicago, Jan. 4, 1905. Vln. pupil of his father; public appearance at 6; family emigrated 1845 to New York; member of N. Y. orch.; went on concert tours as soloist after 1851 with Jenny Lind, Grisi, etc.; founded Mason and Thomas Soirees of chamber music with Wm. Mason; played in orchestras, occasionally conducting until 1861; 1864 organ- ized orch. of his own for Symphony Soirees which continued with some interruptions to 1878; 1866 started summer concerts with programs far in advance of anything previously given in N. Y.; tour of orch. 1869; disbanded 1876; director Cincin- nati Festivals after 1872, of Cin. Coll. of Mus. 1878-80, of Brooklyn Phil- harmonic 1862, '63, '66-68, 73-91, of N. Y. Philharmonic 1877-78, 79- 91, of Am. Opera Co. 1885-87 of World's Columbian Exposition 1893 and of Chicago Orch. from 1891 till death; at various times condr. of choral societies; remarkable influ- ence on music in U. S. especially in developing wide taste for orchestral music of best kind. Thome (to-ma), Franbis [Francois Luc Joseph], compr. b. Port Louis, Mauritius, Oct. 18, 1850; d. Paris, Nov. 16, 1909. Studied at Paris Cons, with Marmontel and Duprato; 1st prize counterpoint 1870; teacher THOMSON in Paris; compr. of ballet (Djelma), pantomimes (L' Enfant prodigue), mystery {V Enfant Jesus), symph. " ode, romances, many popular simple pf. pieces (Le simple aveu, etc.); and some songs. Thomson (ton-son), Cesar, vlt. h. Liege, Mar. 17, 1857. Studied with father and at Liege Cons, where he won gold medal at 1 1 ; pupil of Vieux- temps, Leonard, Wieniawski, and Massart; very successful in Spain and Italy; chamber musician Baron von Derwies at Lugano; capell- meister Bilse's orch. at Berlin; teacher at Liege Cons. 1883-97, at Brussels Cons, since 1898; many concert tours in Europe and America (1894-95); as teacher and player his influence tends to establishment of technic of very high order (his own work, especially in double- stopping, is remarkable); on the side of expression, especially in comparison with Ysaye, he is called cold, lofty, ascetic. Thuille (tii-e-ye), Ludwig Wilhelm Andreas Maria, compr. b. Bozen, Tyrol, Nov. 30, 1861; d. Munich, Feb. 5, 1907. Studied at Innsbruck with Pembaur, at Munich with Baermann and Rheinberger; teacher of pf. and theory there after 1883, prof. 1890; first attracted notice by sextet; later composed operas (Lo- betanz 1898, Gugeline 1901), songs, etc.; author, with R. Louis, of Harmonielehre. Thursby, Emma, sop. h. Brooklyn, Nov. 17, 1857. Pupil of Meyer, Erani, Mme. Rudersdorff, and in Milan of Lamperti and Sangiovanni; American concert debut 1875, fol- lowed by series of concerts with Gihnore and church appointment in New York; European tour with Maurice Strakosch 1878, 1881-82 very successful; living in N. Y.; voice not very large, but of great charm and admirably managed. Tichatschek (ti-ka-chek), Joseph Aloys, dram, tenor, h. Ober-Weckelsdorf, Bohemia, July 11, 1807; d. Blase- witz, near Dresden, Jan. 18, 1886. Son of weaver; went to Vienna to study medicine, but became pupil of Cicimera; member of theatre chorus and chorusmaster; sang at TINEL Graz, Vienna, and Dresden court opera 1838 until 1872 when he was pensioned; created Rienzi 1842, Tannhduser 1845. Tieffenbriicker, see Duififopruggar. Tiehsen (te'-sen). Otto, compr. h. Danzig, Oct. 13, 1817; d. Berhn, May 15, 1849. Studied at Royal Acad., Berlin; especially known as song compr.; wrote also opera Annette, Christmas cantata, a 6-part Kyrie and Gloria. Tiersot (ti-ar-s6), Jean Baptiste Elisee Julien, writer, b. Bourg, Bresse, France, July 5, 1857. Studied with Savard, Massenet, and Cesar Franck at Paris Cons., where he became asst. librarian in 1883, librarian 1909; contributor to Menestrel and other periodicals; author of Histoire de la chanson populaire en France, Rouget de Lisle, Hector Berlioz et la sodete de son temps; Ronsard et le musique de son temps, etc.; editor of works of Gluck, Adam de la Halle, etc. Tietjens (tet-yens), Therese Johanne Alexandra, dram. sop. h. Hamburg, July 17, 1831; d. London, Oct. 3, 1877. Debut Hamburg 1849; sang at Frankfort, Vienna 1856, London 1858-71, with Lumley at Her Majesty's Theatre, at Drury Lane, Co vent Garden, and Haymarket; sang in Paris 1863 and America 1875; as an actress, she was earnest but lacking in magnetism; her style of singing was noble and pure and became greater as her voice increased in flexibility. Tinctoris, Johannes [real name Jean de Vaerwere], writer, compr. h. Poper- inghe, about 1446; d. Nivelles, 1511. Maestro to Ferdinand of Aragon at Naples; sent to France to engage singers, he stayed there; became canon at Nivelles; wrote earliest dictionary of mus. terms (about 1475), book on counterpoint, and various points of theory; composed mass and chansons. Tinel (ti-nel), Edgar, compr. h. Sinay, Belgium, Mar. 27, 1854. Pupil of father, an orgt., and at Brussels Cons, of Brassin, Dupont, Gevaert, Kuf- ferath, and Mailly; 1st prize pf. 1873, Grand prix de Rome 1877; TIRINDELLI TORELLl director of Inst, for Sacred Mus. at Mechlin; inspector of state mus. schools 1889; prof, of counterpoint and fugue at Brussels Cons. 1896; dir. Cons. 1909; oratorio Franciscus, 1888, widely produced because of its great height of originality (marred by prolixity), masses, motets, pf. pieces, songs, etc. have followed; author of Le chant gregorien. TirindeUi (ti-rln-d6l'-li), Pietro Adolf o, vU. h. Conegliano, May 5, 1858. Studied at Milan Cons, and with Boniforti, later with Griin in Vienna, and with Massart in Paris; prof, at Liceo Benedetto Marcello, Venice, 1887, director 1893; condr. of orch. there; prof, at Cincinnati Coll. of Mus.; composed operas and suc- cessful songs. Titl (tetl), Anton Emil, compr. b. Bernstein, Moravia, Oct. 5, 1809; d. Vienna, Jan. 21, 1882. Capell- meister at Vienna Burgtheater after 1850; composed operas (Die Burg- frau, Das Wolkenkind), overtures, mass, etc. Tomaschek (to'-mS,-sh6k), Wenzel Johann [Vaclav Jan Toma§ek], compr., teacher, h. Skutsch, Bo- hemia, Apr. 17, 1774; d. Prague, Apr. 3, 1850. Pupil of Wolf at Chrudim; gave mus. lessons while studying law at Prague Univ.; finally devoted himself to music teaching in Prague; Dreyschock, Tedesco, etc. among pupils; good pst. and orgt., compr. of symph., pf. concerto, cantatas, songs, sonatas, etc., for pf., of remarkably finished style, unfortunately obscured by contemporary Beethoven, meetings with whom he records in his autobiography, which appeared in periodical Lihussa for 1845; mus. said to have influenced Schumann. TombeUe (ton-beF), Fernand de la [real name Antoine Louis Joseph Gue3n-and Femand Fouant de la T.], compr. b. Paris, Aug. 3, 1854. Studied at Cons, with Guilmant and Dubois; teacher of theory at Schola Cantorum; won Chartier Prize for chamber mus.; composed much org. and church mus. and orch. suites. Impressions nationales, Tableaux musiciens, and operetta. Tomllns, William Lawrence, teacher. b. London, Feb. 4, 1844. Pupil of G. A. Macfarren and Silas; in America after 1869; condr. Chi-« cago Apollo Club 1875-98; organ- ized children's choruses and wage- earners' concerts; trained 1500 children for World's Fair chorus; vocal teacher; author of Children's Songs and How to Sing Them; since 1898 devoted to training school- teachers; organized Nat'l Training Sch, for sch. mus. teachers, Chicago, 1903; later removed to London. Topfer (t6p'-fer), Johann Gottlob, orgt., writer, h. Niederrossla, Thuringia, Dec. 4, 1791; d. Weimar, June 8, 1870. Studied with Schlomilch and with Destouches, Riemann, and A. E. Miiller; teacher at Weimar Gymnasium and Seminary 1817; town orgt. Weimar 1830; wrote authoritative works on org. con- struction Die Orgelbaukunst, etc., also Theoretischpraktische Organisten- schule, Choralbuch, cantata Die Or- gelweihe, and various compositions for instrument. Topliff, Robert, orgt. h. 1793; d. London, Apr. 27, 1868. Bhnd; orgt. at South wark; edited Selection of Melodies of Tyne and Wear, Script- ure Melodies, etc.; composed sacred songs {Consider the Lilies, Heaven Our Home, etc.). Torchi (tor'-ki), Luigi, writer, b. Mor- dano, Bologna, Nov. 7, 1858. After graduation from Cons., studied with Serrao at Naples, and with Reinecke, Jadassohn, and Paul at Leipzig; prof. mus. hist. Pesaro 1885-91, of mus. hist. 1891, and comp. 1895 at Bologna, where he is also pres. of Philh. Acad.; compr. of symph., operas, church music, but better known as author of contributions to mus. hist., many of which have appeared in Rivista mu^. itoliana; editor of U Arte mus. in Italia (mus. of 17th and 18th cent.). Torelli (to-rel'-li), Giuseppe, vlt. b. Verona, about 1660; d. Ansbach, 1708. Studied at Bologna, church vlt. there; after concert tour in Germany, concertmaster at Ans- bach after 1703; helped, with Corelli, to establish form of con- certo grosso, in which solo instrument TOSI TROUTBECK is set off by accomp. of others; T, long considered inventor of the form, but, although his were published before Corelli's, C. had used the form earlier; T. is, however, originator of solo vln. concerto; instrumental works are all sonatas or concertos. Tosi (to'-zl). Pier Francesco, singing teacher. h. Bologna, 1647; d. London, 1727. Pupil of father, a compr.; after singing with success in Italy and Dresden, settled in London 1692; gave concerts and lessons; noted for one book, Opinioni de' cantori . . . . o sieno osser- vazioni sopra canto figurato, in Eng- lish as Observations on Florid Song. Tosti, Francesco Paolo, singing teacher, compr. b. Ortona, Abruzzi, Apr. 9, 1846. Pupil at Naples of Pinto, Conti, and Mercadante; asst. teacher there until 1869; taught in Rome, London after 1875, where he taught royal family and became prof, at Royal Acad. 1894; pub- lished coll. of Canti populari abruz- zesi and many Italian and English songs (Non m' ama piu, etc.). Tourjee (toor-jaO, Dr. Eben, teacher, h. Warwick, R. I., June 1, 1834; d. Boston, Apr. 12, 1891. Chiefly self- taught; sang and played org.; opened mus. store in Fall River, and organ- ized classes in pf., voice, and org.; orgt. and choirmaster at Newport; founded Mus. Inst, at Greenwich 1859; in Germany 1863, took lessons of A. Haupt and studied conserva- tory system; founded Providence Cons, and N. E. Cons., Boston, 1867; first to establish class teaching and conservatories in U. S.; also influen- tial in peace jubilees, and in public school music. Tours (toorz), Berthold, vlt., editor, b. Rotterdam, Dec. 17, 1838; d. Lon- don, Mar. 11, 1897. Studied with father, orgt., Verhulst, and at cons, of Brussels and Leipzig; after two years in Russia, settled in London 1861; adviser to publishers Novello, Ewer & Co. after 1870, and editor of many works and arrangements for them; author of Primer of Violin, compr. of services, anthems, etc. Tourte (toort), Frangois, bow maker. h. Paris, 1747; d. there, Apr., 1835. Of family of bow makers; effected such radical reforms that he is prac- tically creator of modern bow; paid attention to selection of wood (ren- dering it flexible and permanently curved), length, and method of at- taching hairs, etc.; improved bow had great importance in develop- ment of modern vln. technic. Tozer, John Ferris, orgt., compr. h. Exeter, Nov. 8, 1857. Chorister Exeter Cath.; pupil of Angel and Wood; Mus. Doc. Oxford 1896;" orgt. and amateur tenor; holds position in Exeter Bank; composed psalms, cantata King Neptune's Daughter, pf. pieces, and songs, of which Lead, kivdly light is best known; ed. coll. of sailors' songs. Trebelli, Zelia [stage name of Z. Therese Caroline GuiUemin or Gillibert], dram, mezzo sop. h. Paris, Nov. 12, 1838; d. Etretat, Aug. 18, 1892. Pupil of Wartel; debut Madrid 1859; successful in Germany and London after 1862; marriage to Bettini, 1863, soon followed by separation; tour to U.S. 1884; excellent actress, had voice of great flexibility and brill- iancy. Treville (tra-ve-yeO , Yvonne de, sop. h. Galveston, Aug. 25, 1881. Appeared in Boston 1898; after singing in New York with Castle Sq. Opera Co., studied with Mme. Marchesi in Paris 1900; sang in Madrid 1901, Op^ra Comique, Paris, 1902, Stock- holm Opera and St. Petersburg Opera 1903, Cairo 1904. Trot^re, H. [pseud, of Henry Trotter], compr. h. London, Dec. 24, 1855. Compr. of popular songs {In Old Madrid, The Deathless Army, Love Can Wait, etc.);d. London, Apr. 10, 191 j;. Troutbeck, Rev. John, writer, h. Blen- cowe, Cumberland, Eng., Nov. 12, 1832; d. London, Oct. 11, 1899. Graduated at Oxford 1856, took orders 1855, precentor Manchester Cath. 1865, minor canon Westmin- ster 1869; wrote Primer of Mus. for Schools, Primer for Ch. CJioir Train- ing, compiled Westminster Hymn- book, and translated librettos of Bach's Christmas Oratorio, Gluck's two Iphigenias and Orpheus, Wag- ner's Flying Dutchman and several others. TROWBRIDGE TYE Trowbridge, John Eliot, compr. h. Newton, Mass., Oct. 20, 1845. Parents good church choir singers; studied organ with B. C. Blodgett, piano with Junius W. Hill; salesman of musical instruments, teaching after business hours; organist in Boston and suburbs, principally Newton, where he still (1910) resides; pianist to Musical Association of Newton conducted by the late Eugene Thayer, and gained experi- ence in the training of large bodies of singers,which he afterwards turned to account as conductor of choral societies and composer of choral works; published compositions in 1870, the first of a long series of suc- cessful works on large and small forms, over one hundred in number, including two oratorios, two can- tatas, Mass in E, operetta, anthems, quartets, songs, etc.; d. Feb. 24, 1912. Truette, Everett E., orgt., compr. b. Rockland, Mass., 1861. Graduated at New England Cons. 1881; Mus. Bac. Boston University, 1883; studied in Europe, 1883-1885, with Haupt, Guilmant, and Best; from Jan., 1885, he was orgt. and choir- master at various Boston churches and now serves the Eliot Congrega- tional Church, Newton, a suburb of Boston; he has been active as a recitalist, especially in inaugurating organs; has been successful as a teacher, many of his pupils filling responsible positions in Boston and vicinity; a founder of the Amer. Guild of Orgts.; composer of organ works and anthems. Tua (too'-a), Teresina [properly Maria Felicita T.], vlt. b. Turin, May 22, 1867. Pupil at Paris Cons, of Mas- sart; 1st prize 1880; brilliant success on Continent, in England (after 1883), and America 1887; married Count Franchi-Verney 1891, with- drew from concerts until 1895. Tuckerman, Samuel Parkman, orgt. b. Boston, Feb. 11, 1819; d. New- port, June 30, 1890. Pupil of C. Zeuner; orgt. and choirmaster St. Paul's Ch., Boston, 1840, and after trip to England, where he received degree Mus. Doc. at Lambeth and studied in various cathedrals; one of first to play on Mus. Hall Organ, Boston; gave many lectures and re- citals; composed church music. Tiirk, Daniel Gottlob, orgt., teacher, h. Claussnitz, Saxony, Aug. 10, 1750; d. Halle, Aug. 26, 1813. Pupil in harmony of Homilius; and in vln. of Hiller while at Leipzig Univ.; theatre vlt.; cantor and teacher at Halle 1776-1787, mus. dir. of Uhiv. there 1779, orgt. 1787; Karl Lowe his pupil; published org. method, im- portant Clavier schule, books for beginners, sonatas, sonatinas, etc. Turle, James, orgt., teacher, b. Somer- ton, Somerset, Eng., Mar. 5, 1802; d. London, June 28, 1882. Asst. orgt. Westminster, orgt. and choirmaster 1831-1875; condr. of Antient Con- certs 1840-43; musicmaster at sch. for Indigent Blind 1829-56; com- posed church music, compiled, with Bridge, Westminster Abbey Chant Book, edited with Taylor People's Music Book, wrote Art of Singing at Sight; very famous as teacher. Turner, Alfred Dudley, pf. teacher, h. St. Albans, Vt., Aug. 24, 1854; d. there, May 7, 1888. Pupil of J. C. D. Parker and Mme. Schiller at N. E. Cons., where he taught; Porter and Denude his pupils; composed smaller pf . pieces and valuable octave studies. Turpin, Edmund Hart, orgt. h. Not- tingham, May 4, 1835; d. London, Oct. 25, 1907. Studied with Hullah and Pauer in London; orgt. at Not- tingham, London, after 1857; Mus. Doc. Lambeth 1889; editor Mus. Standard for some years after 1880; editor Mus. News; condr. various societies; compr. of Song of Faith, oratorios, anthems, symph., and chamber music. Tye, Christopher, orgt., compr. b. Westminster, about 1508; d. Mar., 1572. Chorister and gentleman of Chapel Royal; orgt. Ely Cath. 1541- 62; Mus. Doc. Cambridge 1545; translated chapters 1-14 of Acts of Apostles into verse and set them to mus.; also published services and anthems in strong, sincere style; much admired by contemporaries; revival of Eng. church music after upheaval of Reformation attributed to him. UGOLINI VAN BREE u Ugolini (oo-go-le-ni), Vincenzo, compr. b. Perugia, about 1570; d. there, May 6, 1638. Pupil of Nanini in Rome, maestro at St. Peter's 1620-26; teacher of Benevoli; compr. of 2 books of madrigals, 4 of motets, masses, psalms, etc., in style of Palestrina. Ulibisheff, see Oulibischeff. Upton, George Putnam, writer, b. Boston, Oct. 25, 1834. Graduated from Brown University 1854; in journalism in Chicago after 1855, on staff of Tribune since 1861; founder of Apollo Club; besides critical work which has done much to develop mus. taste in the West, has written several books: Woman in Mus., and a full series Standard Operas, Can- tatas, Oratorios, Symphonies, also Concert Guide, Musical Memories, etc., giving useful summaries. Urban (or'-ban), Heinrich, vlt., compr. h. Berlin, Aug. 27, 1837; d. there, Nov. 24, 1901. PupU of Ries, Laub, Hellmann, etc.; teacher at KuUak's Acad, after 1881; noted theorist; composed Friihling symph., 3 over- tures, vln. concerto, vln. pieces. songs. Brother Friedrich Julius U. (b. 1838), singing teacher in Berlin. Urso, Camilla, vlt. h. Nantes, France, June 13, 1842; d. New York, Jan. 20, 1902. Father orgt. and flute player; began vln. at 6, gave concert at 7; at Paris Cons, pupil of Mas- sart; came to America 1852 and played throughout country with great success, at first with Sontag, Alboni, and then alone; after mar- riage to F. Lu^re did not appear until 1863; after that gave concerts chiefly in West and South of U. S.; very distinguished player, who did a great deal toward arousing en- thusiasm for vln. among American women. Urspnich (or'-spruk), Anton, pst., compr. b. Frankfort-on-Main, Feb. 17, 1850; d. there, Jan. 11, 1907. Studied with I. Lachner and Wallen- stein. Raff, and Liszt; teacher of pf. at Hoch Cons.; at Raff Cons. Frank- fort since 1887; composed opera Der Sturm (after Shakespeare's Tempest), comic opera, symph., pf. concerto, chamber mus., sonata and other small pf. works. V Vaccai (vac-ca-I), Niccolb, compr. b. Tolentino, Papal States, Mar. 15, 1790; d. Pesaro, Aug. 5, 1848. Stud- ied with Jannaconi at Rome and with Paisiello at Naples; produced 1st opera 1815; dissatisfied with success on stage, became singing teacher at Venice, Vienna, Paris, and London; prof, of comp. and censor at Milan Cons. 1838^4; 3d act of his Giulietta e Romeo was gen- erally substituted for that of Bellini's Capuleti ed Montecchi; composed several other operas, etc., and good method of singing. Valentini (val-en-te'-nl), Pietro Fran- cesco, compr. h. Rome, about 1570; d. there, 1654. Studied with Nanini; composed some operas and motets, but is chiefly known as compr. of especially learned canons, of one of which 2000 solutions are possible. Valle de Paz (val-la-da-paz), Edgardo del, compr., writer, h. Alexandria, Egypt, Oct. 18, 1861. Of Italian parentage; pupil of Cesi and Serrao at Cons, at Naples; since 1890 pf. prof, at Royal Inst, at Florence; founder and editor of La nuava musica 1896; comp. symph. suites, notable pf. sonata, etc. Van Bree (van-bra), Jean Bernard, vlt., compr. b. Amsterdam, Jan. 29, 1801; d. there, Feb. 14, 1857. After study with Bertelmann, member of th. orch., Amsterdam; director Felix Meritis Soc. 1829-1857, founder of Cecilia, dir. Mus. School of Soc. for VAN CLEVE VEccm Promotion of Mus.; composed 3 operas, 2 melodramas, masses, over- tures, cantata, etc. Van Cleve, John Smith, pst., teacher. b. Maysville, Ky., Oct. 30, 1851. Blind from 9th year; pupil of Noth- nagel in Columbus, O., of Lang and Apthorp in Boston and of Stein- brecher in Cincinnati; taught at Inst, for Blind, at Columbus and at Janesville, Wis.; critic and teacher Cincinnati 1879-97; after a period in Chicago, moved to Troy, O.; now in New York (1914); published poems, lectures on mus., etc. Van den Eeden (van-den-a'den), Gilles, orgt. d. Bonn [buried, June 20], 1782. Court compr. at Bonn; retired 1780; first teacher of Beethoven. Van den Eeden (vS,n-den-a'den), Jean Baptiste, compr. b. Ghent, Dec. 26, 1842. Pupil at Ghent and Brussels Cons.; prize for comp. 1869; dir. mus. sch. at Mons; composed oratorio {Jacob van Artevelde, etc.), symph. poem La lutte au X VI sibcle, etc. Vanderstraeten [Van der Straeten], (van- diir-stra-ten) , Edmond, writer, h. Oudenarde, Belgium, Dec. 3, 1826; d. there, Nov. 25, 1895. Studied philosophy at Ghent, counterpoint and comp. at Brussels with Bosselot and Fetis, whose secretary he be- came; held life position in Royal Library and made several trips to Germany and Italy to report on musical questions; compositions are of no importance compared to La musique a Oudenarde avant le XIX sik^le in 7 vols., and other authori- tative works, the results of careful research in archives. Van der Stucken (van-der-stoo'-ken), Frank Valentin, condr. b. Fredericks- burg, Texas, Oct. 15, 1858. Went to Antwerp 1866; pupil there of Benoit, at Leipzig of Reinecke, Grieg, and Langer; capellmeister Breslau 1881-82; in Rudolstadt with Grieg and in Weimar with Liszt 1883; director Arion Soc. New York 1884 (taking soc. on tour in Europe 1892), of concerts of " novelties " and of American comprs., in N. Y. 1885-88, of Cincinnati Cons, and Orch. 1895, dean of Cin. Coll. of Mus. 1897-1903; resigned 1908 and removed to Europe; composed songs, choral works, music to Shakespeare's Tempest and orchestral pieces Idylle, Pax TriumpKans, symphonic prolog (he first used the term) William Ratcliff; work both as compr. and condr. shows power, full command of widest modern forces and methods, and originality of idea. Van Dyck (van-dik), Ernest Marie Hubert, dram, tenor, b. Antwerp, Apr. 2, 1861. Studied law first, was journalist at Brussels and Paris; pupil in mus. of Callaerts, Demast, Wicart, and Bax; sang at Lamou- reux concerts, Paris, 1883-88, sing- ing Lohengrin for first time in Paris at concert performance, and other Wagnerian parts; sang and acted the role at Bayreuth 1888; then engaged at Vienna, Paris Opera 1888 for about ten years, at St. Petersburg, London, and in America (where he first sang in Chicago 1899). Van Rooy (van roy), Anton [Antonius Maria Josephus], dram, baritone. b. Rotterdam, Jan. 12, 1870. Boy chorister; then in cigar business; studied with Stockhausen at Frank- fort; first successes in concert; sang at Bayreuth 1897, London 1898, New York 1899; Wotan one of great parts. Van Westerhout (van ves'-ter-6t), Niccolo, compr. h. Mola di Bari, Italy, Dec, 1862; d. Naples, Aug. 21, 1898. Studied with Arienzo at Roy. Cons. Naples; taught harmony there after 1897; composed 5 operas, symph., vln. concerto, excellent pf. pieces, etc.; theatre in Mola named for him. Van Zandt, Marie, dram. sop. h. New York, Oct. 8, 1861. Pupil of Lamperti; debut Turin 1879; sang in London, Paris 1880-85; tours throughout Europe and America 1890; back at Opera Comique 1896; voice light, but sweet ; on one or two occasions it has failed her, and caused reversals in otherwise suc- cessful career; Mignon her great part. Vecchi (vec'-ke), Orazio, compr. b. Modena, 1550; d. there, Feb. 19, 1605. Canon and archdeacon of Correggio; maestro at Modena Cath. and at ducal court; composed can- zonets, madrigals, etc., but most notably Amfiparnasso, " commedia VECSEY harmonica," series of 5-part madri- gals accompanied by pantomime (1597), early step in direction of operatic music. Vecsey (vetchy), Franz von, vlt. b. Budapest, Mar. 23, 1893. Father vlt., mother pst.; pupil of Hubay; debut as infant prodigy Budapest; played in Berlin 1903, and England 1904; later in U. S. especially praised by Joachim. Veracini (v6-ra-che-ni), Francesco Maria, vlt. h. Florence, about 1685; d. near Pisa, 1750. Appearance at Venice had great influence on Tar- tini's style; soloist at I^ondon Italian opera 1715-17; chamber virtuoso at Dresden and at Prague; again in London 1735-36, success of his opera Adriano did not counterbalance his envy of rival, Geminiani; retired 1747; compositions, 24 vln. sonatas, etc.; rather modern in feeling. Verdelot (var-d€-lo), Philippe, compr. d. before 1567. Lived at Florence 1530-40; singer at St. Mark's, Venice ; composed several books of madri- gals, motets, and masses. Verdi (var'de), Fortunio Giuseppe Fran- cesco, compr. h. Le Roncole, near Busseto, Italy, Oct. 10, 1813; d. Milan, Jan. 27, 1901. Son of work- ing people; org. lessons from local orgt. whom he succeeded at 11; while employed in distillery at Busseto, lived in house of musical people, took lessons of one, Provesi, and became leader of local Philhar- monic Society; refusal of authorities to admit him to Milan Cons, (they did not find evidence of talent for music) sent him back to Busseto where he conducted an orchestra in face of opposition; 1838, two years after marriage to Margherita Barezzi moved to Milan; failure of first opera and death of wife and two children came close together; first success was Nahucco 1842, followed by / Lom- hardi 1843 and the triumph oiErnani, 1844; then after several minor works came Rigoletto 1851, Trovatore and Traviata 1853, Un hallo in maschera 1859; with Laforza del destino 1862, and Don Carlos 1867, and markedly in A'ida (written for Khedive of Egypt, 1st performed at Cairo 1871), he turned away from earlier style VIADANA which was the purely lyric Italian manner to one with more attention to richness of orchestration and appropriateness of music; between 1871 and 1887, Verdi wrote no dra- matic works, only the Manzoni Requiem 1874; in 1887 with Otello and 1893 with Folstaff he achieved the only adequate operatic settings of Shakespeare, and also wrote with an entire truthfulness of dramatic expression, an elaborateness of in- strumentation, and an absence of empty ornament surprising in a man so old and so successful in other styles; question of the influ- ence of Wagner on these later works is still debated, but the influence seems to have been limited to seri- ousness of attitude and careful orchestration rather than in adapt- ing of leit motif or subordination of voice parts. In still widely pop- ular earlier operas he shows a fer- tility of melody scarcely equaled by any one except Rossini, which overbalances the extreme thinness of his orchestration. Vere (var), Clementine Duchene de [de Vere-Sapio], sop. b. Paris. Pupil of Mme. Albertine-Baucarde at Florence; debut there at 16; after concert success in Europe, returned to stage 1896; came to U. S. 1899 with troupe managed by her hus- band, Sapio; sang in N. Y. 1897, etc.; strong, brilliant soprano; Lucia one of favorite parts. Verhulst (var-hoolsf), Johannes Jo- sephus Herman, compr. b. The Hague, Mar. 19, 1816; d. there, Jan. 17, 1891. Studied at local Cons, with Volcke, at Cologne with Klein, and at Leipzig with Mendels- sohn; condr. Euterpe concerts, Leip- zig; Royal Mus. Dir. at The Hague 1842; condr. of concerts of Soc. for Promotion of Mus. at Rotterdam; organizer of great Dutch festivals; condr. of Diligentia 1860-86 and Cecilia concerts at The Hague; re- tired 1886; composed symph., 3 overtures, 7 festival cantatas which give him high rank among Dutch comprs.; friend of Schumann. Viadana (ve-a-da'-na), Ludovico da [properly L. Grossi], compr. b. Via- dana, near Mantua, 1564; d. Gual- tieri, May 2, 1645. Member of viArdot-garcia VINCENT monastic order; maestro at Mantua 1594-1609, and after 1644, in the meantime at Fano and Venice; to his Cento Concerti, 1602, used to be attributed use of basso continuo, but figured bass occurs in works of Banchieri 1595; V. was, however, first to use the term, and first to use bass as necessary part of church con- certo, distinctly in style of modern melodic comp. Viardot-Garcia (vi-ar-do garthi'-a), [Michelle Ferdinande] Paulme, dram, mezzo sop. h. Paris, July 18, 1821. d. Paris, May 18, 1910. Daughter of Manuel del P. G. with whom she early went to America; pf. lessons in Mexico and after return to Europe of Meysenberg and Liszt; studied comp. with Reicha; concert debut Brussels 1837; stage d^but London 1839; sang at Theatre Italien, Paris, 1839, until marriage with director Viardot 1841; then long tours in Europe; created Fides in Le ProphHe, 1849, and Sapho, 1851, at Paris Opera; sang Orphee and Alceste in revival of Gluck's operas at Paris 1859, and Brussels 1861; retired 1863; taught Paris Cons. 1871-75; among pupils Artot, A. Sterling, M. Brandt; com- posed operas, vocalises, etc. Daugh- ters Louise Heritte-V., teacher of singing, and compr. ; Mme. Chamerot V. and Marianne V., concert singers. Son Paul vlt. and writer. Vidal (vi-dal), Louis Antoine, writer, h. Rouen, July 10, 1820; d. Paris, Jan. 7, 1891. Pupil of Franchomme on 'cello; great work Les instruments d archet, 3 volumes, with illustra- tions, giving accounts of bow instru- ments, famous makers, virtuosi, of music printing, and catalogs of cham- ber music. Vidal, Paul Antonin, compr. b. Tou- louse, June 16, 1863. Won Grand prix de Rome at Paris Cons. 1881; teacher there of solfeggio since 1894, of pf. accomp. since 1896; condr. of Sunday concerts and 1896 chef d'orchestre at Paris Opera; com- posed ballets, pantomimes, comic operas (La maladetta, etc.), oratorio Le noel, orch. suites. Vierling (ver-ling), Georg, compr. b. Frankenthal, Palatinate, Sept. 5, 1820; d. Wiesbaden, June 1, 1901. Pupil of father, orgt., of Neeb, Rinck, and Marx; orgt. at Frankfort-on- Oder 1847; condr. Liedertafel at Mayence 1852-53; founder and condr. Berlin Bach-Verein; resigned 1859; composed chiefly cantatas and other choral works {Hero und Lean- "der) Roma noblis, for 6-part chorus, symphony, overtures. Vieuxtemps (vie-ton), Henri, vlt. h. Verviers, Belgium, Feb. 20, 1820; d. Mustapha, Algiers, June 6, 1881. Pupil of father, instr. maker and tuner, Lecloux (with whom he made tour at 8), of De Beriot at Brussels; while playing in Paris, Germany, Austria, and London, took lessons in comp. from Sechter in Vienna and Reicha in Paris; tours in Russia 1838-39, America 1844-45 (again in 1857 and 1870); vlt. to Czar and prof, at St. Petersburg Cons. 1846- 52; prof, at Brussels Cons. 1871-73; paralysis of left side ended career 1873; as player he was fond of dra- matic effects and was remarkable for perfect intonation; with De Beriot, founder of modern school of playing; compositions, especially eix concertos, are popular. Vilbac (vfl-bak), Alphonse Charles Renaud de, pst., orgt. b. Mont- pellier, June 3, 1829; d. Brussels, Mar. 19, 1884. Pupil at Paris Cons, of Lemoine, Halevy, and Benoist; Grand prix de Rome 1844; orgt. at St. Eugene, Paris, after 1856; nearly blind; composed much cheap mus. besides operas Au clair de lune, Almanzor, method and pleasant pieces for pf . Villoing (virioing), Alexander Ivano- vitch, pf. teacher, h. St. Petersburg, 1808; d" there, Sept., 1878. Teacher of Anton and Nicolas Rubinstein; author of Ecole pratique du piano with clever exercises, and of concerto and pf. pieces. Vincent, Charles John, orgt., compr. b. Houghton-le-Spring, Durham, Eng., Sept. 19, 1852. Pupil of father, chorister at Durham Cath. under Armes; studied at Leipzig Cons.; various appointments as orgt.; head of firm of music pub- lishers in London; examiner for Trinity Coll.; composed oratorio vmci Ruth, cantatas, overtures, songs; wrote First Principles of Mus., Choral Instructor for Treble Voices, etc. Vinci (vin'-che), Leonardo, compr. b. Strongoli, Calabria, 1690; d. Naples, 1732, Studied with Greco at Naples Cons.; maestro at Royal Chapel, Naples; entered monastery of Broth- ers of the Rosary 1728; as opera compr. noteworthy for simple dra- matic emotion and quality of ac- comp.; most noted operas are Ifigenia in Tauride, Didone abban- donata, Alessandro nelV Indie; said to have been poisoned. Viotti (ve-ot'ti), Giovanni Battista, vlt., compr. b. Fontaneto da P6, Ver- celli, Italy, May 23, 1753; d. London, Mar. 3, 1824. Son of blacksmith; without teaching played so well that he was sent to Pugnani at Turin; member of royal orch.; after 1780 made tours to Germany, Russia, London, and Paris, with great suc- cess; irritated at lack of attention at one of his concerts, gave up play- ing and devoted himself to teaching (Rode and Baillot were pupils) and direction of Italian opera with Leon- ard until the Revolution; after living in London and Hamburg, settled in Paris again; director of Op^ra 1819- 22 when he resigned; as composer of nearly 30 concertos, sonatas, etc., teacher and performer, he is leader of modern vln. music; " the first to apply to the vln. concerto the full system of sonata form and the new resources of orchestration." [Pratt.] Virdung (vir-doongh') , Sebastian, orgt. [Dates not known.] Priest; orgt. at Basle; author of important early illustrated work Mv^ica Getutscht, etc., Basle, 1511, describing mus. instruments of period and giving tab- lature of lute and flute. Visetti (vi-set'-tl), Alberto Antonio, condr., teacher, b. Spalato, Dalma- tia, May 13, 1846. Studied at Milan Cons, with Mazzucato; conducted concerts at Nice; condr. to Empress Eugenie in Paris; at fall of Empire became director of vocal dept. in London Nat'l Training School; wrote History of Art of Singing, translated into Italian HuUah's Hist, of Mod. Mv^. and Hueffer's Studies. VOGLER Vitali (vi-ta'-16), Giovanni Battista, compr. b. Cremona, about 1644; d. Modena, Oct. 12, 1692. Pupil of Cazzati; via. player in ch. in Bologna; 2d maestro to Duke of Modena after 1674; important compr. in sonata form before Corelli. Vittoria, Tomaso Ludovico da [properly Tomas Luis de Victoria], compr. b. Avila, Spain, about 1540; d. Madrid, about 1613. Pupil at Rome of Escobedo and Morales; maestro at German Coll. 1573, at San ApoUinare 1575; vice-maestro at Royal Chapel, Madrid, 1589-1602; contemporary and friend of Palest rina; published hymns (before P's), motets, and masses (especially noteworthy is a requiem); style closely resembles that of Palestrina, but is, neverthe- less, not merely imitative. Vivaldi (vi-val'-di), Antonio, vlt. b. Venice, about 1680; d. there, 1743. Son of vlt. at San Marco; early ordained priest and called " il prete rosso " because of red hair; in service of Elector of Darmstadt; director after 1713 of Venetian Cons, della Pieta, and vlt. at St. Mark's; wrote about 25 operas and many vln, con- certos, of which Bach arranged 16 for clavier, 4 for org. and one for four claviers and string orch. Vogl (vogl), Johann Michael, tenor. b. Steyr, Aug. 10, 1768; d, Vienna, Nov. 19, 1840. Law student at Vienna; under persuasion of Siiss- mayer joined opera co. at Court Th. 1794^1822; first to introduce to public songs of Schubert who was his friend and companion. Vogler (vog'-ler), Georg Joseph [known as Abt v.], compr., orgt. b. Wiirz- burg, June 15, 1749; d. Darmstadt, May 6, 1814. Pupil of Padre Martini at Bologna, and of Vallotti at Padua; entered holy orders in Rome; found- ed Tonschule, became court chap- lain and 2d capellmeister at Mann- heim; journeyed to Paris, Spain, and the Orient 1783-86; court condr,, founder of mus, school at Stockholm 1786-99; court capellm, and again founder of mus, school at Darmstadt; Meyerbeer and Weber his pupils; traveled with portable organ to illustrate his theories of simplifica- tion of instrument; wrote advanced theoretical works on harmony, choral VOGRICH VUILLAUME singing, etc., some 10 operas, much church and org. music. Vogrich (vog'-ritch). Max Wilhelm Carl, pst., compr. b. Hermannstadt, Transylvania, Jan. 24, 1852. Played in public at 7; pupil at Leipzig Cons, of Wenzel, Reinecke, Moscheles, etc.; long tours in Europe and S. America 1870-78, N. America with Wilhelmj 1878, Australia 1882-86; since 1886 living in N. Y.; produced 4 operas with his own librettos, oratorio, cantatas, mass, 2 symph., vln. con- certo, numerous pf. pieces. Vogt, A. S., orgt., compr., condr. b. Washington, Ont., Aug. 14, 1861; father an organ builder; showed early aptitude for music; organist at twelve; educated in public schools and abroad; early musical education begun under local teachers, contin- ued at New England Conservatory, 1881-82 under Dunham, Emery, and Buckingham, and at Leip- zig under Jadassohn, Ellengel, Reh- berg, Ruthardt and Reinecke; re- turned to Toronto in 1888; orgt. and choirmaster at Jarvis St. Baptist church, choir gaining splendid repu- tation during his incumbency up to 1906; teacher in Toronto College of Music 1888-92, Toronto Cons. 1892- 1913; director, 1913; conductor Men- delssohn Choir, of Toronto, one of the best in America; author of Mod- ern Pianoforte Technique (1900) ; com- poser of part-songs ; for several years music critic of Toronto Saturday Night. Vogt, Jean, pst., compr. b. Gross-tinz, Jan. 17, 1823, near Leignitz; d. Eberswalde, July 31 , 1888. Pupil of Bach and Grell in Berlin, and Hesse and Seidel in Breslau; made many concert tours; in 1861 he located in Dresden, in 1865 went to Berlin as teacher in the Stern Cons., and in 1871 to New York; returned to Ber- lin in 1873; most important work an oratorio, Lazarus. Voigt, Henriette [nSe Kuntze], pst. b. Leipzig, Nov. 24, 1808; d. there, Oct. 15, 1839. Pupil of Berger, and friend of Rochlitz, Mendelssohn, and Schumann. Volbach (vol-bak), Fritz, condr. h. Wipperfiirth, near Cologne, Dec. 17, 1861. Studied at Cologne Cons., at Heidelberg and Bonn, and at Royal Acad. Berlin with Haupt, Taubert, and Loeschhorn; teacher of hist, and Gregorian chant at Inst, for Ch. Mus. 1887; condr. Klindworth Cho- rus; condr. of choral societies in Mayence 1892; comp. symph. poems Ostern, Alt Heidelberg du feine, can- tatas, etc.; has written life of Handel and books on performing of H's works and on Gregorian chant. Volckmar (yolk'-mar), Wilhelm Valen- tin, orgt. b. Hersfeld, Kassel, Dec. 26, 1812; d. Homberg, near Kassel, Aug. 27, 1887. Ph.D. at Marburg; mus. teacher at Homburg Seminary after 1835; excellent performer and compr. of org. concertos, 20 sonatas, symph., method, and exercises. Volkmann, Friedrich Robert, compr. b. Lommatzsch, Saxony, Apr. 6, 1815; d. Pesth, Oct. 30, 1883. Org. and pf . pupil of father, a cantor; vln. and 'cello with Friebel, comp. with Anacker and K. F. Becker at Leipzig; encouraged by Schumann; taught at Prague 1839-42, and, except for 1854-58 at Vienna, at Pesth, part of the time at Nat'l Acad.; composed 2 symphonies, serenades for strings and overtures and smaller works for various instruments, many pf . works, 2 masses, sacred and secular songs, etc.; akin to Schumann in manner of writing, V. is most widely known for string serenades. Voss, Charles, pst. b. Schmarsow, near Demmin, Pomerania, Sept. 20, 1815; d. Verona, Aug. 28, 1882. After study in Berlin, became great favor- ite in Paris; composed much salon music and some serious concertos, etudes, etc. Vuillaume (vwe-yom), Jean Baptiste, vln.-maker. b. Mirecourt, Vosges, Oct. 7, 1798; d. Paris, Mar. 19, 1879. Worked with father Claude, at Paris with Chanot, and in partnership with Lete; after 1828 alone; enthu- siasm for old vlns. so hindered sale of his own that he manufactured almost perfect imitations of Strads. and of Duiffopruggar vlns. and 'cellos (theory that D. was perfector of vln. due to these forgeries); several inventions, octobasse, cont re-alto, p^dale sourdine, machine for making gut strings of equal thickness, etc. WACHS WAGNER w Wachs (vaks), Etienne Victor Paul, pst. b. Paris, Sept. 19, 1851. Stud- ied at Paris Cons, with Mass6, Mar- montel, and C. Franck; 1st prize org. playing 1877; orgt. at St. Mary; treatises on harmony and counter- point; comp. popular pf. pieces. Wachtel (vak'-tel), Theodor, dram. ten. b. Hamburg, Mar. 10, 1823; d. Frankfort-on-Main, Nov. 14, 1893. Son of livery stable keeper, whose business he carried on until voice was "discovered"; pupil of Fraulein Grandjean; debut in Hamburg, and, after further study in Vienna, sang in many cities, London 1862, Berlin 1865, Paris 1869, U. S. 1871 and 1875; brilliant l^ric tenor, good in French and Italian operas. Waelrant (wal'-ront), Hubert, teacher, h. Tongerloo, Brabant, about 1517; d. Antwerp, Nov. 19, 1595. Stud- ied with Willaert at Venice; founder of school in Antwerp 1547, partner of Laet as publisher; "as teacher he broke with old system of solmisation by hexachords, introducing new system of 7-tone names, bo, ce, di, ga, lo, ma, ni, called bocedisation or bobisation." Wagenseil (va'-gen-sll), Georg Chris- toph, compr. h. Vienna, Jan. 15, 1715; d. there. Mar. 1, 1777. Pupil of J. J. Fux; mus. teacher to Maria Theresa, teacher and compr. to her children; composed divertimenti, symph., sonatas, operas, etc. Wagner (vag'-ner), Cosima, b. Dec. 25, 1841. Daughter of Franz Liszt and Countess d'Agoult, who wrote over pseud, of Daniel Stern; after their separation, C. lived with Liszt's mother, then with mother of Hans von Billow, whom she married in 1857; visited Wagner and his wife on their wedding trip and again a year later; C. went to live with Wag- ner about 1864, and after her divorce from Von Biilow, in 1869, married W. 1870; her devotion and sym- pathy were a great support to him during his life; after his death she managed the Bayreuth festivals. Wagner, Richard [orig. Wilhelm Rich- ard], compr. h. Leipzig, May 22, 1813; d. Venice, Feb. 13, 1883. Son of Friedrich W., clerk of the police, and Johanna Rosina, nee Bertz; after death of Fr., widow married Ludwig Geyer, actor, singer, author and portrait painter who took her children to Dresden; Richard went to the Kreuzschule, and 1827, when family moved to Leipzig after death of stepfather, to Nikolai Gymnasium at Leipzig; took early interest in mythology, great tragedies, and in music, though he never learned to play on an instrument; after some independent attempts at comp., had some ineffective lessons from G. Miiller, and while student of philol- ogy and aesthetics at Leipzig Univ., studied comp. with Th. Weinlig and became familiar with scores of Beethoven and Mozart; symphony performed 1833; 1833 became chorus- master at Wiirzburg Th., where his brother Albert was singer and stage manager, here wrote Die Feen, not performed until 1888; 1834 condr. of Magdeburg Th., where two per- formances of his Das Liebesverbot ended its career; married Wilhelmine Planer 1836; condr. at Konigsberg 1837, at Riga 1837; 1839-42 lived in great poverty in Paris, compos- ing songs, arranging dances, etc., trying to get hearing at Op^ra, where, despite some help from 'Mey- erbeer, he got but little for the li- bretto for The Flying Dutchman. With the performance of Rienzi in Dresden 1842, began W's fame and his even greater troubles (he was there to superintend rehearsals); its great success led to performance 1843 of Der Fliegende Hollander, which was, however, too advanced to succeed. The remaining events of his life, briefly, are as follows: Became condr. at Dresden 1843 and produced Tannhduser there 1844; his Proposition for Nat. Th. having been ignored, W. became impatient and expressed some sympathy with May Revolution; as a result, he was obliged to leave Dresden 1849; lived WAGNER WALLNOFER in Zurich for 3 years, publishing many pamphlets {The Art Works of the Future, Judaism in Music, Opera and Drama, etc.), in which he ex- pounded many of the theories he later put into practise; 1855 con- ducted 8 concerts in London; 1860 Liszt produced Lohengrin at Weimar; 1861, after concerts in France, came three performances of Tannhduser in Paris which ended in practical riots; from 1861-64, W. gave con- certs in Russia and elsewhere; 1863 pubhshed poem of Das Ring der Nibelungen,^ in despair of a chance to produce it; at this juncture Lud- wig II came to the throne of Ba- varia and invited W. to live at Munich and superintend perform- ances of his works; Von Billow came to conduct, and it was at this time that his wife Cosima transferred her affections to W., who had separated from his wife in 1860; 1865, owing to protests of Ludwig's court against extravagant favors, W. left Munich for Switzerland, where he lived until 1872, when he moved to Bayreuth; Tristan and Die Meistersinger were produced at Munich in 1865 and '68; and there were preliminary perform- ances of parts of the Ring 1869, 70; W. societies, formed all over the world, raised money to build theatre at Bayreuth, where finally the com- plete Ring 1876, and Parsifal 1882, were performed; died while at Venice for health. The chief reforms which W. introduced into the opera are first, unity to which drama, music, and scenery all contribute, conse- quent subordination of singers, and removal of all separate numbers and opportunities for individual display; second, the expression by the ac- companying orchestra of the states of mind and soul of the characters, made clear by the use of leading motives, that is, short musical phrases identified with single ideas. Aside from these technical points, the music is the loftiest attempt yet made in the history of opera, for gen- eral depth of significance combined with rare beauty of tone. His son, Wagner, Siegfried Richard, compr. b. Triebschen, June 6, 1869. Studied architecture at polytechnic school; music with Kniese and Humperdinck; concert condr. in vari- ous places in Germany since 1893; at Bayreuth as assistant dir. since 1894, joint condr. since 1896; compr. of symph. poem Sehnsucht, and operas Der Bdrenhduter 1899, Herzog Wild- fang 1901, Der Kobold 1904, Stern- engehot 1908, Banadietrich 1909. Waldteufel (vald'-toi-fel), Emil, compr. b. Strassburg, Dec. 9, 1837. Pupil at Paris Cons, of Marmontel and Laurent; exhibitor in pf. manufac- tory; success of waltzes turned him to comp.; compr. to Empress Eu- genie, dir. of court balls; very popu- lar compr. of dances Espaha, Estu- diantina, etc. Walker, Edjrth, dram, contralto, h. Hopewell, New York, 1870. At first school-teacher; church singer; pupil of Orgeni at Dresden Cons., sang at Vienna Court Opera 1899-1903; at New York since 1903; developed her voice, naturally of great range, so that she now sings soprano parts. Walker, Ernest, orgt., writer, h. Bom- bay, July 15, 1870. Author of His- tory of Mus. in England; compr. of songs for 1, 2, and 4 voices, which are praised for delightful originality; successful settings to verses by W. E; Henley. Wallace, William Vincent, compr. b. Waterford, Ireland, June 1, 1814; d. Chateau de Bages, Haute Ga- ronne, Oct. 12, 1865. Vlt. in Dub- lin churches; after 1835 wandered to Australia, S. America, Mexico, U. S., etc. giving successful concerts; in London 1845-47, prod. Maritana, Matilda of Hungary; after 1853 chiefly in London and Paris; operas, especially Maritana, Lurline, The Amber Witch, etc., were very success- ful, as were also pf. nocturnes; operas full of fluent if somewhat ordinary melody, and rivaled Balfe's in popularity. Wallnofer (val'-n^f-er), Adolf, singer. b. Vienna, Apr. 26, 1854. Studied comp. with Waldmiiller and others, singing with Rokitansky; sang con- certs in Vienna as baritone; after 1880 sang tenor at Olmiitz, with Neumann's Wagner Co., at Bremen, and Prague, New York 1897-99, and Russia; composed 3 operas and many ballads {Schon Rohtraut, etc.). WALMISLEY WASIELEWSKI Walmisley, Thomas Forbes, compr. h. London, 1783; d. there, July 23, 1866. Pupil of Thomas Attwood; orgt. at St. Martin-in-the-Fields after 1810; composed many popular glees, of which he published 4 col- lections. Son Thomas Attwood W. (1814-1856), orgt., prof, of music at Cambridge, compr. of church music. Walther von der Vogelweide (val'-ter von-der v6'-gel-wI-dS), minnesinger. b. in Tyrol, about 1168; d. Wurz- burg, about 1230. Most famous lyric poet of mediaeval Germany; introduced as character in Die Meistersinger by Wagner. Walther ( val'-ter), Johann Gottfried, orgt., lexicographer, b. Erfurt, Sept. 18, 1684; d. Weimar, Mar. 23, 1748. Studied with Adlung, Kretschmar, and J. B. Bach; orgt. Erfurt 1702; town orgt. at Weimar 1707, court musician 1720; compr. of choral variations, preludes, fugues, etc.; chief work Musikalisches Lexikon, first encyclopedia of biography, terms, etc., 1732, a work whose value is greater than would appear from meagre mention of W's friend J. S. Bach; corrections prepared for the second edition were used by Gerber. Walthew, Richard Hemy, compr. b. Islington, London, Nov. 4, 1872. Pupil at Roy. Coll. Mus. of Hubert Parry; first gained notice by per- formance of own concerto, London, 1894; has comp. orch. suite, festival march, pieces for clarinet and pf., and music to Browning's Pied Piper of Hamelin. Wanhal (van-hal), Tohami Baptist, compr. b. Neu-Necnanitz, Bohemia, May 12, 1739; d. Vienna, Aug. 26, 1813. Son of peasant; at first self- taught, later studied in Italy; men- tally deranged for several years; compr. of numerous symph., sonatas (some with titles. Battle of Trafalgar, etc.), and chamber music; very pop- ular at time of Haydn despite super- ficiality of his music. Wareing, Herbert Walter, orgt. h. Birmingham, Apr. 5, 1857. Pupil of Swinnerton Heap, and at Leip- zig of Reinecke, Jadassohn, etc.; Mus. Doc. Cambridge 1886; vari- ous org. appointments; pf. prof, at Malvern Coll.; composed cantatas ( New Year's Eve, Wreck of the Hes- perus), overture, 10 concert pieces for vln. and pf., anthems, and services. Warren, George William, orgt. b. Albany, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1828. Self- taught; positions in Albany, Brook- lyn, and at St. Thomas's, N. Y.; composed church music and pub- lished Hymns and Tunes. Warren, Richard Henry, condr., compr., orgt. b. Albany, N. Y., Sept. 17, • 1859. Son of George WiUiam War- ren, orgt.; began study of music at an early age; orgt. and choirmaster in New York at various churches after 1877; 1907 at Church of the Ascension, which position he still holds (1910); condr. N. Y. Church Choral Society 1886-1895, 1903- 1907, and of series of orchestral con- certs 1905; condr. Yonkers Choral Society; has composed 6 operettas, cantata, orchestral works, string quartet, songs, anthems, etc. Warren, Samuel Prowse, orgt. b. Montreal, Feb. 18, 1841. Org. pupil of Haupt, pf. of Gustav Schumann, instrumentation of Wieprecht; orgt. at All Souls', N. Y. 1866-68, at Trinity 1874-76, at Grace Church 1868-74 and 1876-94; since 1895 1st Presby. at Orange, N. J., has given great many recitals throughout coun- try; compr. of church music, part- songs, org. and pf. mus. Wartel (var-teF), Pierre Francois, tenor, singing teacher, b. Versailles, Apr. 3, 1806; d. Paris, Aug., 1882. Studied at Choron's Inst., at Paris Cons, under Banderali, and Nourrit; (1st prize 1829); debut 1830; sang at Paris Op^ra for 15 years; after tours, taught in Paris; Trebelli among pupils. Wasielewski (va-si-e-lef'-ski), Joseph W. von, vlt. b. Gross-Leesen, near Danzig, June 17, 1822; d. Sonders- hausen, Dec. 13, 1896. Pupil at Leipzig Cons, of David, Hauptmann, and Mendelssohn and of David pri- vately; member of Gewandhaus Orch.; critic for Signale and other journals; concertmaster at Diissel- dorf under Schumann 1850-52; condr. singing society at Bonn; after Uving in Dresden, became town mus. WATSON WECKERLIN dir. at Bonn, 1869-1884, when he re- tired; taught history at Sonders- hausen Cons.; wrote lives of Schu- mann, Reinecke, etc., histories of vln., 'cello, and of instrumental music; composed vln. music and patriotic songs. Watson, William Michael, compr. b. Newcastle-on-Tyne, July 31, 1840; d. E. Dulwich, London, Oct. 3, 1889. Founded West End Sch. of Mus., London, 1883; composed cantata Aladdin, songs {Afloat, my country calls me, etc.), pf. mus.; wrote poetry; composed under pseudonym Jules Favre. Webb, George James, orgt. b. Rush- more Lodge, near Salisbury, Eng., June 24, 1803; d. Orange, N. J., Oct. 7, 1887. Orgt. at Falmouth, at Old South Ch., Boston, after 1830; co-founder and condr. Boston Acad- emy of Mus. 1836; pres. Handel and Haydn Soc. 1840; went to Orange 1870, and retired there, after teach- ing in N. Y. 1876-85; edited period- icals Mus. Library, Mu^. Cabinet, published Vocal Technics, etc., edited Young Ladies' Vocal Class Book, and similar collections; did much to establish popular interest in music and to extend public instruction. Webbe, Samuel, compr. b. Minorca, 1740; d. London, May 25, 1816. Pupil of Barbandt; master of music at Portuguese chapel in London; secretary to Catch Club 1784; li- brarian of Glee Club 1787; composed nine books of glees, 27 of them win- ning Catch Club prizes (Discord, dire sister, When winds breathe soft, etc.). His son Samuel W., Jr. (1770-1843), also composed catches, and held several positions as orgt. Weber (va'-ber), Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst, Freiherr von, compr. b. Eu- tin, Aldenburg, Dec. 18, 1786; d. London, June 5, 1826. Son of lieu- tenant, counsellor and judge; youth spent among wandering actors, etc.; pupil of his brother, of Heuschkel, of M. Haydn, and Kalcher, and of Abt Vogler in Vienna; private secretary to Duke of Wiirttemberg, gay life cut short by imprisonment and exile for insult to King; wandered to Mannheim, Darmstadt, Switzer- land, giving concerts; mus. dir. of opera in Prague 1813, worked bard to accomplish improved results; established a national opera at Dresden 1817; encountered difficul- ties as champion of German opera against Italian; composed cantata, a very popular concert piece. Invi- tation to the Dance, for pf. and orch., and songs; became widely known, however, only in 1821 with per- formance of Der Freischiitz at Ber- lin; EUryanthe followed 1823; Oberon was composed on order from London and brought out there 1826; after con- ducting 12 performances of the work W. died. He composed many works for pf . (of which he was distinguished player), some for orch., but is most important as opera compr. Keen, first hand knowledge of the stage enabled him to make his works dramatically effective, and he seems to have anticipated Wagner in de- sire to have all the arts contribute to one operatic whole. Depth of meaning and significance, and lofti- ness of expression are entirely lack- ing in his work; his melodies are often superficial and his accompani- ments heavy. His value lies in his power of presenting a romantic pict- ure, of suggesting the emotional setting of a folk-story, by ingenious details of orchestral color (he made several discoveries in wood-wind effects). He was the first thorough- ly German opera compr. and the first of the line of German roman- ticists. Weber, Gottfried, theoriM. b. Freins- heim, near Mannheim, Mar. 1, 1779; d. Kreuznach, Sept. 21, 1839. Lawyer, public prosecutor at Darm- stadt; amateur pst., 'cellist, and flute player; condr, soc. at Mannheim, founder of cons, there; opera direc- tor at Mayence; his Versuch einer Geordneten Theorie der Tonsetzkunst introduced system of indicating major chords by capital, minor by small letters, etc.; wrote other theo- retical books and articles; founded journal Cdcilia 1824. Weckerlin (vek'-ar'-lan) , Jean Bap- tiste Theodore, writer, b. Gebweiler, Alsatia, Nov. 9, 1821; d. Trottberg, May 20, 1910. Left business of cot- ton-dyeing 1844 to study at Paris Cons, v/ith Pcmhard and Halevy; WEELKES taught; joint dir. of Soc. Ste. C6cile; asst. librarian at Cons. 1869, librarian 1876-1909; published bibliog. cata- log 1885; success with one-act opera L'Organiste dans Vembarras followed by others; compr, of larger choral works; has written Histoire de V in- strumentation, Musiciana (interest- ing anecdotes and essays), collected Chansons populaires des provinces, etc. Weelkes, Thomas, compr. b, about 1578; d. Dec, 1623. Orgt. at Win- chester Coll. 1600, at Chichester Cath. 1608; Mus. Bac. Oxford 1602; published ballets and madrigals from 1598 to 1614, contributing As Vesta was from Latmos Hill Descending to the Triumphs of Oriana; part-writ- ing excellent and original. Wegelius (va-ga'-lius), Martin, condr., compr. b. Helsingfors, Nov. 10, 1848. Student of philosophy and condr. of academical choral society; pupil of Bibl at Vienna and of Rich- ter and Paul in Leipzig; condr. Fin- nish opera and mus. soc. at Helsing- fors, director of cons.; published overture, cantatas, songs, etc., Swed- ish text-book on harmony, and Course in Key Finding. Weidenbach (vl-den-bak), Johannes, pf. teacher, b. Dresden, Nov. 29, 1847; d. Leipzig, June 28, 1902. Pupil at Leipzig Cons., and teacher there from 1873. Weigl (vigl), Joseph, compr. b. Eisen- stadt, Hungary, Mar. 28, 1766; d. Vienna, Feb. 3, 1846. Son of orch. 'cellist and opera singer; studied with Albrechtsberger and Salieri; produced over 30 operas 1788-1825, mostly for La Scala, Milan; 2d court condr. 1825, and after that wrote masses, offertories, etc.; most popular opera Die Schweizerfamilie; long in repertoire. Weil, Oscar, compr., teacher, b. Co- lumbia Co., N. Y., 1839. Educa- tion carried on in private school at Albany, N. Y., after which he went to Leipzig, where he studied under Richter, Reinecke, and Plaidy, and at Paris, where he became closely acquainted with Stephen Heller; served in the War of the Rebellion in which he was wounded, and com- menced his professional career after the close of the war; compositions WEISS include four operas, many songs, duets, etc., and piano pieces; now (1910) lives in San Francisco. Weingartner (vin'-gart-ner), Paul Felix, condr., compr. b. Zara, Dalmatia, June 2, 1863. Pupil of W. A. Remy, won Mozart Prize at Leipzig Cons., and stayed with Liszt at Weimar; th. condr. at Konigsberg 1884, Danzig 1885-87, and Hamburg 1887- 89, Mannheim 1889-91; 2d capell- meister Berlin Court opera 1891-97; ill health obliged him to resign all but conducting of symph. concerts 1897; 1898-1908 conducted Kaim Orch. in Munich; 1908 succeeded Mahler as director of the Vienna Court opera; resigned 1911; conduct- ed concerts in America 1904, '05, '06; conducted Wagner operas, Boston, 1912; composed 3 operas (Sakuntala, Malawika, and Genesiu^), 3 sym- phonies, several symphonic poems {Konig Lear, Gefilde der Seligen), songs, sextet, etc.; has written Ue- ber das Dirigiren and Die Symphonic nach Beethoven; condr. of remarkable breadth, being able to bring out not only the intellectual structure of a work, but also its poetic significance. Wemlig (vin'-lig). Christian Ehregott, orgt. h. Dresden, Sept. 30, 1743; d. there. Mar. 14, 1813. Pupil of Homilius; orgt. at Leipzig, Thorn, and at Dresden, where he was also accomp. at Italian Opera; cantor at Kreuzschule 1785; composed so- natas, cantatas, etc. Nephew and pupil Christian Theodor W. (1780- 1842), was cantor at Bologna, Dres- den, and Leipzig; teacher of theory to Richard Wagner; wrote a Magni- ficat, and Anleitung zur Fuge. Weinzierl (vln-zerl), Max, Ritter von, compr. b. Bergstadtl, Bohemia, Sept. 16, 1841; d. Modling, near Vienna, July 10, 1898. Capellmeister at Vienna theatres, chorusmaster of Mannergesangverein; artistic dir. of singakademie; composed operettas {Don Quixote, etc.), psalm, oratorio, part-songs, etc. Weiss (vis), Julius, vln. teacher, writer. b. Berlin, July 19, 1814. Pupil of Henning and Rungenhagen; music selling business established by father descended to him in 1852; published instructive vln. pieces, critical works. WEITZMANN WESTPHAL Weitzmann (vltz'-man), Klarl Fried- rich, teacher, author, b. Berlin, Aug. 10, 1808; d. there, Nov. 7, 1880. Pupil of Henning, Klein, Spohr, and Hauptmann; chorusmaster and vlt. at Riga Th., at Reval 1836; leader of Imp. Orch., St. Petersburg, and ch. mus. dir. there; after study in libra- ries of Paris and London, settled in Berlin as teacher; friend of Liszt; wrote 3 operas, books of studies, on counterpoint, etc., on Greek mus., and, most notably, Geschichte des Klavierspiels und der Klavierliteratur (trans.). Wellings, Joseph Milton, compr. b. Handsworth, Staffordshire, Dec. 4, 1850. Compr. of a "sketch," The Dancing Master (produced London 1894), other larger works, and many popular songs (At the Ferry, Sortie Day, Only a Rose, etc.). Wendling (vend'-ling), Carl, vlt. b. Strassburg, Aug. 10, 1875. Pupil of Schuster at Strassburg Cons., of Joachim and Halir at Berlin; con- certmaster 1899-1903 at Meiningen and Stuttgart; of Boston symph. orch. 1907-08; of Festival orch. at Bayreuth; now at Stuttgart. Wenzel (vent'-sel), Ernst Ferdinand, pst. b. Walddorf, Saxony, Jan. 25, 1808; d. Bad Kosen, Aug. 16, 1880. While student of philosophy at Leip- zig was pupil of Wieck and intimate with Schumann; frequent contribu- tor to Neue Zeitschrift; taught pf . at Leipzig Cons. 1843-1880. Wert (vart), Jacob van [Jacques or Giaches de], compr. b. Netherlands, 1536; d. Mantua, May 23, 1596. Going to Italy when young, became maestro to Duke of Mantua about 1566, later at Ch. of Sta. Barbara; prohfic compr. of madrigals, motets, etc. Wesley, Samuel, orgt. b. Bristol, Eng., Feb. 24, 1766; d. London, Oct. 11, 1837. Son of hymn writer, and nephew of the famous Methodist; pupi^ of brother Charles W. (1757- 1834); amazingly precocious vlt. and orgt.; injury to head caused frequent attacks of nervous disease during his life and prevented work altogether after 1830; condr. Bir- mingham Festival; greatest Eng. orgt. of his day both in improvising and in playing works of Handel and Bach; influential in introducing ^yorks of latter to England; pub- lished edition of W ohltemperirte Kla- vier 1810; composed much church music, sonatas, marches for pf., etc.; wrote also Letters to Mr. Jacobs about Bach. His son Samuel Sebastian, orgt., compr. b. London, Aug. 14, 1810; d. Gloucester, Apr. 19, 1876. Chorister at Chapel Royal; orgt. at several London churches (at one time at 4 simultaneously), at Here- ford Cath. 1832-34, at Exeter Cath. 1835, at Leeds Parish Ch. 1842, Win- chester Cath. 1849, Gloucester Cath. 1865; condr, there of Three Choirs Festival; Mus. Doc. Oxford; one of best of Eng. church comprs.; wrote anthems (especially vol. of 12), ser- vices, songs, and glees; in every- thing his music was distinguished by exquisite appropriateness; his church music had good influence on contemporaries through dignity and loftiness of tone and its combination of old form with original harmonies. West, John Ebenezer, orgt., compr. h. Hackney, London, Dec. 7, 1863. Son of William W. and Clara soprano; studied at Royal Acad, with Bridge and Prout; orgt. and choirmaster at St. Mary's; adviser to Novello, Ewer & Co.; composed cantatas, incidental music to King Robert of Sicily, overture, org. music, etc. Westbrook, William Joseph, orgt. b. London, Jan. 1, 1831; d. Sydenham, Mar. 24, 1894. Pupil of Temple; several appointments as orgt.; condr. S. Norwood Mus. Soc. 1865-78; Mus. Doc. Cambridge 1878; founder, with Hammond and Crowdy, of Musical Standard; comp. oratorio, cantata, services, etc.; translated vln. meth- ods of Alard, De Beriot, and Dancla; wrote Organ Tutor, Alphabet of Mu^. Notation, etc. Westphal (vest'-fal), Rudolf Georg Her- mann, writer, b. Oberkirchen, Lip- pe-Schaumburg, July 31, 1826; d. Stadthagen, July 11, 1892. Stud- ied philology at Marburg; lecturer at Tubingen, prof, at Breslau, Jena, Moscow; after 1880 lived in Leipzig and Stadthagen; wrote many books on rhythm and metre, especially that of the Greeks; differed from other WETZLER WIDOR writers in conclusion that Greek music was polyphonic, an opinion which he himself finally abandoned. Wetzler (vetz'-ler), Hermann Hans, orgt., condr. b. Frankfort-on-Main, Sept. 8, 1870. Studied pf. with Clara Schumann, comp., etc. with B. Scholz, Knorr, and Humperdinck; came to N. Y. 1893; orgt. at Trinity Ch. 1897-1901; conducted orch. con- certs 1902, founded W. Symph. Con- certs (Lichtenberg condr.) 1903-05; since then in Hamburg. Composed for pf., concert overture, symph. poem. White, Maude Valerie, compr. b. Di- eppe, June 23, 1855. Studied with May and Rockstro, and at Roy. Acad., where she won Mendelssohn scholarship, and in Vienna; com- posed mass and pf. music, and is ranked very high among women comprs. in England because of songs (especially settings of Shelley), not only for beauty of music but because of regard to words. Whiting, Arthur Battelle, pst. b. Cam- bridge, Mass., June 20, 1861. Pupil of Sherwood, Chadwick, J. C. D. Parker, and at Munich Mus. Sch. of Rheinberger; after some years in Boston, settled in New York as pst. and teacher; gives frequent recitals and plays with Kneisel and other quartets; has given at Harvard and elsewhere illustrated lectures on chamber music; compositions (song- cycle Floriana, chamber mus., over- ture, suite for string orch. and horn quartet, fantasia for pf. and orch.), noteworthy for intelligent construction, show gain in expres- sive feeling; has published a book on the use of the piano pedals. Whiting, George Elbridge, orgt., compr. b. Holliston, Mass., Sept. 14, 1842. Played at Worcester, Hartford (where he founded Beethoven Soc), and at Boston; after study with G. W. Morgan in N. Y. and Best in Liverpool, and later with Haupt and Radecke at Berlin, taught at N. E. Cons., Boston, resigning 1897; at Cincinnati Coll. of Mus. 1878-83; again at N. E. Cons.; orgt. Church of Immaculate Conception, Boston, 1876-78, and 1883-1910; composed organ sonata and other pieces for the instrument, church music, masses, a festival Te Deum, cantatas, of which The Tale of the Viking and Henry of Navarre are best known, a symph., an overture and concerto. Wliitney, Myron William, bass. b. Ashby, Mass., Sept. 5, 1836; d. Sandwich, Mass., Sept. 19, 1910. Studied with Frost, Randegger, and Vannuccini; debut as oratorio singer, Boston, 1858; success in oratorio, sang also with Boston Ideal Co. in opera; retired 1900. Whitney, Samuel Brenton, orgt. b. Woodstock, Vt., June 4, 1842. Pupil of Wels in N. Y., of Paine in Cam- bridge; orgt. at Appleton Chapel, Cambridge, and at Ch. of the Advent, Boston, 1871-1908; one of earliest to establish boy choir in America; organized festivals of par- ish choirs; founded class in church music at N. E. Cons.; composed many services, processionals, etc. Wichtl (viktl), Georg, vlt. b. Trost- berg, Bavaria, Feb. 2, 1805; d. Bunz- lau, Silesia, June 3, 1877. Studied at Munich; member of Th. orch.; 1st vlt. in court orch. at Lowen- burg, Silesia; mus. dir. and capellm. there; retired on pension 1863; to Breslau 1870, then to Bunzlau; comp. opera, oratorio, melodrama, mass, and songs, orch. mus., con- certo, method, and many instructive pieces for vln. Wickede (vik'-6-d6), Friedrich von, compr. h. Domitz-on-Elbe, July 28, 1834; d. Schwerin, Sept. 11, 1904. Army officer, then official in post- office; pupil in mus. of J. Vieth; after 1872 composing in Leipzig and Munich; wrote opera, funeral march for Emp. Wm. I, overture Per aspera ad astra, and notable songs. Widor (vi'-dor), Charles Marie, orgt., compr. b. Lyons, Feb. 21, 1844. Son of orgt., pupil of Lemmens and F^tis at Brussels; orgt. at Lyons 1860-69, at St. Sulpice, Paris, 1870; prof, of org. at Cons. 1890, of coun- terpoint and fugue 1896; critic; elected member of Academy 1910; has composed operas, ballets (LaKor- rigane was popular), masses, psalms, symphonies for orchestra, etc., but most original works are 10 organ WIECK WILHELMJ "symphonies" {Gothique, etc.); wrote also Technique of Modern Orch. (sup- plement to Berlioz). Wieck (vek), Friedrich, pst., teacher. b. Pretzsch, near Wittenberg, Aug. 18, 1785; d. Loschwitz, near Dres- den, Oct. 6, 1873. Student of theology, private tutor, founder of pf. factory and circulating library of mus. at Leipzig; distinguished as pf. teacher; among pupils his daugh- ter Clara and her husband R. Schu- mann, Von Billow, Krause, etc.; after 1840 in Dresden taught singing also; published pf. studies, etc. Wlegand (ve'-gant), Josef Anton Hein- rich, dram. bass. b. Friinkisch- Krumbach, Odenwald, Sept. 9, 1842; d. Frankfort, May 28, 1899. In business in Paris, took lessons in singing; member of opera at Zurich 1870, Cologne, Frankfort 1873-77, Leipzig 1878-82, Vienna 1882-84, Hamburg 1884-90, Munich 1890-97; sang in America 1877, at Bayreuth 1886; became insane 1897. Wiehmayer (ve'-mi-er), Johann Theo- dor, pst. b. Marienfeld, Westpha- lia, Jan. 7, 1870. Pupil at Leipzig Cons, of JadassoTin, Reinecke and Coccius, and of M. Krause; debut Leipzig 1890; after tour in Sweden, settled as teacher in Leipzig, after 1902 at Cons.; now at Stuttgart; compositions for pf., special studies, Schule der Finger-Technik, Ton- leiterschule, etc. Wieniawski (vyen-yaf '-ski) , Henri, vlt. b. Lublin, Poland, July 10, 1835; d. Moscow, Apr. 12, 1880. Pupil at Paris Cons, of Clavel and Massart (1st prize 1846), and, after concerts , in Russia, of Colet in harmony; after long tours in Europe with brother Joseph, solo vlt. to Czar 1860-72; prof, at St. Petersburg Cons. 1862- 67; played in U. S. with Rubinstein 1872; prof, at Brussels Cons. 1874- 77; composed 2 vln. concertos. Le- gends (very popular), Phantasie on Faust, La carnaval russe, etudes, etc.; technical ability was very great; he was accused of lack of taste in dis- play of it and of falling short in mat- ter of expressiveness. His brother, Wieniawski, Joseph, pst. h. Lublin, May 23, 1837. Pupil at Paris Cons, of Zimmermann, Marmontel, and Alkan, after tour with Henri of Liszt at Weimar, and of Marx at Berlin; taught at Moscow Cons. 1865-69, and founded pf. sch. there; dir. Warsaw Soc. 1875-76; teacher in Brussels Cons. ; comp. pf . concertO; waltzes, polonaises, and mazurkas for pf.; d. Brussels, Nov. 11, 1912. Wietrowetz (vye'-tro-vetz), GabrieUe, vlt. b. Laibach, Carniola, Jan. 13, 1866. Studied with Casper and Joachim, winning Mendelssohn Prize at Berlin; debut Miinster 1885; tours in Europe; 1st woman to teach at Berlin Hochschule. Wih'tol, Josef, compr. h. Wolmar, Livonia, July 26, 1863. Studied at Mitau, at St. Petersburg Cons, with Jadassohn and Rimsky-Korsakov; prof, of harm, there since 1886, at mus. sch. since 1897; mus. editor of St. P. paper; composed symph. poem, dramatic overture, symph,, quartet, pf. pieces; named by Pougin among more original of modern Russians. Wilbye, John, compr. h. 1573(?). Prob- ably teacher of mus.; perhaps lute player; composed two sets of mad- rigals of exceptional charm; orgt. in London 1598; contributed to Tri- umphs of Oriana. Wild, Harrison M., orgt., condr. h. at Hoboken, N. J., Mar. 6, 1861. Educated at Dyrenfurth College; studied at Leipzig, with Zwintscher, Rust, and Richter; began professional work in Chicago at fourteen years of age; organist at Unity, Ascension, and Grace churches; conductor of Apollo Club and Mendelssohn Club, Chicago, and Mendelssohn Club, Rockford, 111.; lives (1910) in Chicago. Wilhelm (vil'-helm), Carl, compr. h. Schmalkalden, Sept. 5, 1815; d. there, Aug. 26, 1873. Pupil of Bott, Spohr, Andre, and A. Schmitt; di- rector of Krefeld Liedertafel for which he wrote Die Wacht am Rhein, first publ. 1854, for which he received pension 1870. Wilhelmj (vil-hel'-my), August Emil Daniel Ferdinand, vlt. b. Usingen, Nassau, Sept. 21, 1845; d. London, Jan. 22, 1908. Pupil of Fischer; debut at 8; introduced to David by Liszt, became D's pupil at Leipzig WILHEM WINDERSTEIN Cons., also studying with Haupt- mann and Richter; after further study with Raff, made tours to Switzerland 1865, then all over Europe, to America (1871-74, 1878), and 4 years' trip around the world 1878-82; leader Bayreuth orch. at production of Nibelungen Ring 1876; founded vln. sch. with Niemann at Biebrich-on-Rhine; 1894 prof, at Guildhall, London; arranged tran- scriptions from Wagner and pub- lished vln. school, Wilhem (vil'-em), [real name Boc- quillon], Guillaume Louis, condr. b. Paris, Dec. 18, 1781; d. there, Apr. 26, 1842. Left army to study mus. at Paris Cons.; applied method of "mutual instruction," in vogue in French schools, to teaching of mus.; 1819 organized system for mus. teaching in Paris schools; 1820 dir. of normal schools; 1830 from re- unions of pupils developed OrpJieons, popular societies for choral singing, quite new in France and still exist- ing; details of method published in many manuals. Willaert (vil'-lart), Adrian, compr. b. Bruges (?), Flanders, about 1480; d. Venice, Dec. 7, 1562. Pupil of Jean Mouton and Josquin Depres; in Rome 1516, and Ferrara; in service of Ludovic II of Bohemia; maestro at St. Mark's, Venice, after 1527; at his mus. school taught De Rore, Gabrieli, etc.; founder of Venetian school of comp., generally character- ized by richer, broader effects in place of puzzling detail; creator of style of writing for 2 choirs. WiUeby, Charles, compr. b. Paris, Aug. 4, 1865. Studied with Lam- perti; has written a number of suc- cessful songs. Williams, Charles Francis Abdy, writer. h. Dawlish, July 16, 1855. Edu- cated Sherburne and Cambridge; studied in Leipzig; compr. of music for Greek plays at Bradford Coll. 1895, 1898, 1900, hymns, anthems, etc.; author of lives of Bach and Handel, Story of Musical Notation, Story of Organ, and Story of Organ Music. Willis, Richard Storrs, compr., writer. b. Boston, Feb. 10, 1819; d. Detroit, May 7, 1900. Brother of N. P. Willis; composed for orch. while a Yale student; pupil of Schnyder von Wartensee and Hauptmann; jour- nalist in N. Y., editor of Mws. World and other magazines and compr. of Ch. Chorals, Student Songs, Waif of Song (patriotic songs), author of poems Pen and Lute. Wilm (vilm), Nicolai von, pst., compr, h. Riga, Mar. 4, 1834; d. Wiesbaden, Feb., 1911. Studied at Leipzig Cons, with Hauptmann, Plaidy, etc.; 2*1 capellmeister Riga 1857-58; teacher of pf . and theory at Imperial Nicolai Inst, at St. Petersburg 1860-75; Hved in Dresden, since 1878 in Wiesbaden; composed chamber mus., suites for pf., 4 hands, and popular pf. solos (10 Characterstiicke, etc.). Wilson, Grenville Dean, teacher, compr. h. Plymouth, Conn., Jan. 26, 1833; d. Nyack, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1897. Pupil of mother, Donheim, and A. W. Johnson; taught in Lenox, New York, Saratoga, and at Lasell Semi- nary, Auburndale, Mass.; in charge of mus. dept. Rockland Inst., Ny- ack, 1871; founder of Nyack Symph. j and Choral Societies; composed I many songs and popular pf. pieces (Chapel in the Mountains, etc.). Wilson, John, lute player, h. Favers- ham, Kent, Apr. 5, 1594; d. West- minster, Feb. 22, 1673. Mus. Doc. Oxford 1644; prof, of mus., Oxford, 1656-62; gentleman of Chapel Royal, J musician to Charles II; wrote Psal- 1 terium Carolinum, on sufferings of ' Charles, Cheerful Ayres, etc., music ' to some of Shakespeare's songs. Sigh 1 no more, etc.; identity with actor ' questioned. [Rimbault: Who wa^ I Jack Wilson?] j Wilson, Mrs. W., see Hopekirk, Helen. jWinderstein (vin-der-stin), Hans Wil- I helm Gustav, condr. h. Liineberg, Hanover, Oct. 29, 1856. Pupil of Schradieck, Hermann, Richter and Rust at Leipzig Cons.; member of Gewandhaus Orch., of private orch. at Nice 1880-84; vln. teacher at Winterthur Cons.; condr. at Nurem- berg; director of Kaim Concerts and Philh. Orch., Munich, 1893-96; or- ganized W. Orch., Leipzig, 1896, Philh. concerts there and at Halle; condr. Leipzig Singakademie 1898; composed few orch. and vln. works. WINDING WOLF-FERRARI Winding, August (Henrik), pst., compr. b. Taars, Denmark, Mar. 24, 1835. Studied at Copenhagen, with Rein- ecke and R6e, at Prague with Drey- schock, and with Gade at Copen- hagen; dir. of Copenhagen Cons.; compositions mostly for piano, and chamber music. Winkelmann (vin'-kel-man), Hermann, dram, tenor, h. Brunswick, Mar. 8, 1849; d. Jan. 19, 1912. Studied with Koch at Hanover; debut Sonders- hausen 1875; sang at Altenburg, Darmstadt, Hamburg, and Vienna after 1883; sang Parsifal at Bayreuth 1882. Another of same name, teacher at Raff Cons, and orgt. Frankfort. Winogradsky (ve-no-grad'-ski), Alex- ander Nicolaievitch, condr. b. Kiev, Russia, Aug. 3, 1854. Pupil of Soloviev at St. Petersburg Cons.; dir. Imp. Sch. of Mus. at Saratov 1884- 86; pres., dir., and condr. of Imp. Soc. of Mus. at Kiev after 1888; condr. Russian programs in Paris 1894 and 1896. Winter (vin'-ter), Peter von, compr. b. Mannheim, 1754; d. Munich, Oct. 17, 1825. Pupil of Abt Vogler; vlt. in Electoral Orch., dir. court theatre; court capellmeister at Munich after 1788; in frequent leaves of absence produced operas in Italy, Paris, and London; most successful operas were Das unterbrochene Opferfest 1796, Marie von Montalban 1798; his Labyrinth is sequel to Magic Flute of Mozart, whom W. violently dis- liked; mus. entertaining but not learned. Winterberger (vin'-ter-bar-ger), Alex- ander, pst. b. Weimar, Aug. 14, 1834. Studied at Leipzig Cons, and with Liszt; in Vienna 1861-69; pf. prof, at St. Petersburg Cons. 1869- 72; then in Leipzig; compr. of origi- nal pf. mus., songs, editor of Liszt's Technical Studies. Wirth (virt), Emanuel, vlt. b. Luditz, Bohemia, Oct. 18, 1842. Pupil of Kittl and Mildner at Prague Cons.; concertmaster Baden-Baden; teach- er at Rotterdam Cons., orch. leader 1864-77; viola player in Joachim Quartet, in place of Rappoldi 1877; prof, at Berlin Hochschule; remark- able vlt., has also acquired distinction in viola playing. Witek (vlt-6k), Anton, vU. b. Saaz, Bohemia, Jan. 7, 1872. Pupil at Prague of Bennewitz; 1894-1910 concertmaster of the Philharmonic Orch., Berlin; 1910 concertmaster Boston Symphony Orch.; has given many concerts in European music centers and is highly esteemed as a chamber music player; 1903 organ- ized Berlin Philharmonic Trio, with Joseph Malkin 'cellist and Mrs. Witek (nee Vita Gerhardt) a Danish pianist. Wohlfahrt (vol'-fart), Heinrich, teacher. b. Kossnitz, near Apolda, Dec. 16, 1797; d. Connewitz, near Leipzig, May 9, 1883. Studied with Haser at Weimar; cantor and tutor in va- rious towns; teacher at Jena and Leipzig; author of Kinder-Clavier- schule, Theoretisch-praktische Mod- ulationsschule, and instructive pieces especially for children. Wolf (volf), Hugo, compr. b. Win- dischgratz, Styria, Mar. 13, 1860; d. Vienna, Feb. 22, 1903. Self-taught, except for one year at Vienna Cons, whence he was dismissed for dis- obedience to rules; once thought of emigrating to America but aban- doned idea; 2d capellmeister at Salz- burg for short time in 1880; mus. critic for Wiener Salonblatt 1884-88; most fruitful period of life ten years after 1886; became insane in 1897 and had only brief periods of con- valescence after that; composed op- era Der Corregidor produced 1896, mus. to Ibsen's Fest im Solhau{], symph. poem Penthesilea, etc.; but widespread enthusiasm which has led to formation of Hugo-Wolf-Ve- rein, publication of life, letters, and his works rests upon his songs Mori- kelieder, Goethe-Cyclu^, Spanischeg Liederbuch, Italienisches Liederbuch, etc.; his songs carry the principle o^ absolute truth to the words to ex- treme; the accomp. fixes the mood, and explains the voice part. Wolf -Ferrari (v6lf-fer-ra'-re), Erman- no, compr. b. Venice, Jan. 12, 1876. Son of painter; self-taught until en- trance at Munich Sch. 1893 as pupil of Rheinberger; director since 1902 of Liceo Benedetto Marcello at Ven- ice; noteworthy opera compr. {La Sulamita, Cenerentola 1900, Le donne curiose, etc., and oratorio La vita nuova 1903; also chamber music. WOLFL WORMSER Wolfl (v^lfl), Joseph, compr. b. Salz- burg, 1772; d. London, May 21, 1812. Pupil of L. Mozart and M. Haydn; so distinguished ais pst. that he was called superior to Beethoven and Mozart; lived Warsaw 1792-94, Vienna 1794-98; tour to Paris 1801; on tour with EUmenreich, obliged on account of E's faults to flee to Brus- sels and London; published concer- tos, pf. works, operas. Wolle (wol'-la), John Frederick, condr. b. Bethlehem, Pa., Apr. 4, 1863. Educated at Moravian Coll. and Theol. Seminary; teacher of mus. 1879; orgt. 1881-84; pupil of Rhein- berger at Munich 1884-85; orgt. at Bethlehem 1885-1905, at Lehigh Univ. 1887-1905; organized Bethle- hem Choral Union 1882; conducted Bach Festivals, 1900, 1901, 1903; 1905-11 prof. mus. at Univ. of Cali- fornia; revived Bach Fest, 1912. Wollenhaupt (vol'-len-haupt), Her- mann Adolf, pst. b. Schkeuditz, near Leipzig, Sept. 27, 1827; d. New York, Sept. 18, 1863. Pupil of Knorr and Hauptmann at Leipzig; after 1845 taught and played in New York; European concerts 1855; composed about 100 effective works for pf . Wolstenholme, William, orgt. b. Blackburn, Feb. 24, 1865. Blind from birth; educated at Worcester College for Blind; studied mus. with Dr. Done; early appearances in Wor- cester; Mus. B. Oxford 1887; orgt., teacher after 1888 at Blackburn; American tour 1908; composed can- tata Lord Ullin's Daughter, songs, org. and pf . pieces. Wolzogen (volt'-zo-gen), [imd Neu- haus], Hans Paid, Freiherr von, writer, h. Potsdam, Nov. 13, 1848. Student of mythology and philology at Berlin; wrote in Potsdam; sum- moned by Wagner to edit Bayreuther Blatter 1877, published many the- matic guides to operas as well as pamphlets supporting theories of Wagner whom he ardently admired. Wood, Henry Joseph, condr. h. Lon- don, Mar. 3, 1870. Precocious pst. and orgt.; appeared as orgt. at ex- hibitions 1883 and '85; pupil of Prout, Macfarren, etc., at Royal Acad.; some success as compr. of songs, cantatas, etc.; condr. with Rousbey Co. 1890, asst. at Savoy under Cel- lier, condr. at several operatic per- formances; gave lessons in singing and held opera classes; 1895 gave Promenade Concerts with selected band, since 1896 Symphony Con- certs, at which most distinguished condrs. have appeared as guests; conducted in Paris, Berlin, and N. Y. 1904; as condr. less successful with sustained classical works than in modern compositions where his vivacity and force have sway. Wood, Mary Knight, compr. h. East- hampton, Mass., Apr. 7, 1857. Pu- pil of Lang, Parsons, Cornell, and Huss; songs are noteworthy for un- expected effects; Serenade, Ashes of Roses are popular; also wrote pf. trio. Woodman, Ra3ntnond Himtington, orgt., compr. h. Brooklyn, Jan. 18, 1861. Pupil of father, Buck, and Cesar Franck at Paris; asst. to father, orgt. on Long Island, and orgt. himself at Norwich, Conn., and in New York; editor of N. Y. Evangelist 1894-97; prof, of mus. at Packer Inst, since 1894; head of org. dept. Metropoli- tan Coll. of Mus. 1889; composed excellent works for pf ., org. and voice. Woodward, Rev. Herbert Hall, compr. h. at The Friars, near Liverpool, Jan. 13, 1847; d. London, May 25, 1909. Educated at Oxford and Cuddeston Theol. Seminary; priest at Wantage; minor canon Worcester Cath. 1881, precentor 1890; composed several services, Te Deum, and anthems (The sun shall he no more thy light, The radiant morn hath passed away), etc. Woolf, Benjamin Edward, critic, compr. b. London, Feb. 16, 1836; d. Boston, Feb. 7, 1901. Pupil of his father, with whom he came to America in 1839; org. pupil of W. R. Bristow, New York; condr. theatres in Bos- ton, Philadelphia, and New Orleans; dram, and mus. critic Boston Globe, Gazette, and Herald; compr. of sev- eral successful operettas (Westward Ho! etc.); author of play Mighty Dollar. Wormser (vorm-zar), Andre Alphonse Toussaint, compr. b. Paris, Nov. 1, 1851. Pupil at Paris Cons, of Mar- montel and Bazin; 1st prize for pf. WORK WYMAN playing 1872, Grand prix de Rome 1875; composed overtures and suites for orch., pf. works, ballets, and pantomimes (Diane et Endymion, and notably UEnfant prodigue 1890, which was also given in London 1891, and America 1893). Work, Henry Clay, compr. b. Middle- town, Conn., Oct. 1, 1832; d. Hart- ford, June 8, 1884. Self-taught; compr. of songs on Northern side of Civil War, with great earnestness of feeling and swing that made them at once popular; also wrote temper- ance songs (Father come home, etc.); best known song is Marching through Georgia. Wouters (vo'-tar), Frangois Adolphe, comjpr. b. Brussels, May 28, 1841. Pupil at Brussels Cons.; since 1871 prof, of pf. there; also orgt. and compr. of 3 solemn masses, 3 short masses, symph. overture, pf. studies, etc. Wojrrsch (voirsh), Felix von, compr. b. Troppau, Silesia, Oct. 8, 1860. Self-taught, except for some lessons from Chevallier in Hamburg; condr. of Singakademie since 1895 and orgt. at Altona, and condr. since 1903 of town sjonph. and Volkskonzerte; composed prolog to Dante's Divine Comedy, operas, oratorios and choral works (Passion music, Deutsche Heer- bann, etc.). Wrangell, Wassili Georgievitch, Baron, compr. h. St. Petersburg, June 25, 1862; d. there, Mar. 10, 1901. Court page (retired 1883), pupil of Johannsen at St. Peters- burg Cons. 1885-90; editor Nouvellist 1898-99; composed one symphony, a suite for orchestra, music to plays, songs, etc. Wranitzky (vran-it'-ski), Paul, vlt., compr. b. Neureisch, Moravia, Dec. 30, 1756; d. Vienna, Sept. 28, 1808. Studied in Vienna with Krauss; vlt. in Esterhdzy Orch. under Haydn; capellmeister Vienna sjonph. opera 1785-1808; composed operas, ballets, incidental mus., chamber mus., and 27 symphonies almost as popular as Haydn's at the time. Wrede (vra'-da), Ferdinand, compr. h. Brokel, Hanover, July 28, 1827; d. Frankfort-on-Oder, Jan. 20, 1899. Pf. pupil of Marschner, Methfessel, and Litolff; cantor at Frankfort, condr. of Singakademie, and public school singing teacher; compr. of choruses, etc. WiiUner (viil'-ner), Franz, condr. h. Miinster, Westphalia, Jan. 28, 1832; d. Braunfels an der Lahn, Sept. 7, 1902. Pupil of C. Arnold, Schind- ler, Kessler, Dehn, and Rungen- hagen, and at Brussels, Cologne, and other cities; pf. teacher at Munich Cons. 1856; town mus. dir. Aix-la- Chapelle 1858; conducted, with Rietz, Rhine Festival 1864, also those of 1882, '86, and '90; again at Munich condr. court chapel, dir. of choral classes in sch. of mus. 1867; condr. court opera and acad. con- certs 1869; court capellmeister and artistic dir. cons, at Dresden 1877; condr. Berlin Philharmonic 1883-84; of Giirzenich concerts at Cologne and dir. of cons.; composed some works for chorus, distinguished as teacher and condr. Wiillner, Ludwig, baritone, h. Miin- ster, Aug. 19, 1858. Son of Franz W. Educated at Munich, Berlin, and at Strassburg; Ph.D.; 1884- 87 teacher at Miinster and began to study music; 1889 began career as actor at Meiningen; 1895 made tours as reader, and in 1896 began ap- pearances as a lieder singer, in which his splendid intelligence and great gifts in interpretation have given him world-wide recognition; espe- cially noted as ballad singer and for his renderings of Brahms' songs. Wurm (vorm), Marie J. A., pst. b. Southampton, Eng., May 18, 1860. Pupil of Pruckner and Stark at Stuttgart, of Mehlig, Krebs, Raff, and Frau Schumann, and of Sullivan, Bridge, etc.; recitals in London, Berlin, Meiningen, etc.; compr. of concerto, quartet, sonata, etc. for pf.; teacher cons. Hanover. Wyman, Addison P., compr. h. Corn- ish, N. H., June 23, 1832; d. Wash- ington, Penn., Apr. 15, 1872. Teach- er of vln. in Wheehng, W. Va.; founder of mus. sch. at Claremont, N. H., 1869; compr. of pf. pieces such as Silvery Waves, Woodland Musings. YRADIER ZELTER Yradier (e-ra-di-a), Sebastian, compr. d. Vittoria, 1865. Works in Span- ish style. Ysaye (e-za-a'), Euglne, vlt. b. Liege, Belgium, July 16, 1858. Pupil of father, condr. and vlt. at Liege Cons., and at Brussels Cons, of Wieniawski and Vieuxtemps, and, with state aid, of Massart at Paris; leader in Bilse's Orch. Berlin until 1881; tours with A. Rubinstein; in Paris, friend of Franck; prof, at Brussels Cons. 1886-97; condr. of orchestra founded by himself (Societe des Concerts Ysaye) since 1894; as player, his technic is admirable, but subser- vient to warm emotional expression; some compositions not published, in- cluding 6 violin concertos. Zachau (tsa'-kou), Friedrich Wilhelm, orgt. b. Leipzig, Nov. 19, 1663; d. Halle, Aug. 14, 1712. Orgt. at Liebfrauenkirche after 1684; org. teacher of Handel; some org. pieces, chorals, etc. have been published by Breitkopf and Hartel. Zarembski (tsa-remb'-ski), Jules de, pst. b. Shitomir, Russian Poland, Feb. 28, 1854; d. there, Sept. 15, 1885. PupQ of Dachs and Liszt; pf. prof, at Brussels Cons, after 1879; has composed concert studies, Sere- nade burlesque, etc. Zarlino (tsar-le'-no), Giosefifo, theorist. b. Chioggia, Mar. 22, 1517; d. Ven- ice, Feb. 14, 1590. Member of Franciscan order 1537; studied with Willaert at Venice after 1541; maes- tro di cappella at St. Mark's 1565 till death; famous in his day as compr., but only few compositions extant {Modvlationes, Lectiones pro Mortuis) ; published Instituzioni Har- moniche 1558, and 2 later works, beside pamphlets on other subjects; he gives clear statement of prin- ciples of canon and elaborate coun- terpoint; was the first to work out distinction between the major and minor as types of harmonic structure, theory developed later by Haupt- mann and others. Zarzycki (tsar-tsits'-kl), Alexander, pst. b. Lemberg, Austrian Poland, Feb. 21, 1831; d. Warsaw, Nov. 1, 1895. Pupil at liCmberg and Paris; success- ful concerts on the Continent; condr. Warsaw Mus. Soc. 1870; dir. Cons. there after 1879; composed concerto, polonaises, etc. for pf. Zeckwer, Richard, teacher, b. Stendal, Prussia, Apr. 30, 1850. Educated at gymnasium, Stendal, and at Univ. of Leipzig; musical education at Leipzig Cons., under Moscheles, Hauptmann, E. F. Richter, Pap- peritz and Reinecke; grad. there, 1869; came to U. S. 1869; began teaching in PhUa. Musical Acad., 1869; became its prop'r 1876; organ- ist at Ch. of St. Vincent de Paul, Germantown, 1871-78; organist Ca- thedral, Phila., 1879-80; lecturer on acoustics before musical societies and at Franklin Inst., Phila.; also at Phila. Acad. Natural Sciences; composer of songs and piano com- positions, also of two overtures. Festival and Bride of Messina; author of A Scientific Investigation of Touch 1902. Zeisler, see Bloomfield-Zeisler, Fanny. Zelter, Carl Friedrich, condr. h. Ber- lin, Dec. 11, 1758; d. there. May 15, 1832. Son of mason and intended for same trade; but after study with Kirnberger and Fasch, became lead- er in Rellstab's concerts; member of Singverein (afterwards Singakad- emie), deputy condr., condr, 1800; organized Ripienschule for orch. practise 1807; also orgt. Berhn Lie- dertafel 1809, first of such male choral societies; founder of Roy. Inst, for Ch. Mus. 1819, dir. until death; noteworthy for large corre- spondence with Goethe, as theory ZEPLER ZOLLNER teacher of Mendelssohn, and for im- portant songs and part-songs; also wrote oratorio, requiem, etc., and biog. of Fasch. Zepler, Bogmnil, compr. b. Breslau, May 6, 1858, Graduated in medi- cine at Breslau; mus. pupil of H. Urban; parody on Cavalleria Rus- ticana called Cavalleria Berolina, 1891, attracted nptice; compr. of 2 or 3 other operettas, ballet, songs, etc. Zerrahn (zer-ran'), Carl, condr. b. Malchow, Mecklenburg, July 28, 1826; d. Milton, Mass., Dec. 29, 1909. Studied at Rostock with Weber, and at Hanover and Berlin; came to America 1848 as flute player in Germania Orch,; condr. of Handel and Haydn Soc, Boston, 1854-95, of Harvard Mus. Ass'n concerts, of Worcester Festival, Salem Oratorio Society, occasional festivals like Handel and Haydn and Peace Jubi- lees; teacher of harmony and con- ducting at N. E. Cons ; not so highly trained as Th. Thomas, he yet ac- complished much in accustoming audiences of U. S., esp. Boston, to good orchestral music and in de- veloping taste for it. Zichy (zitchy), Geza, Count, pst. b. Sztara, Hungary, July 22, 1849. Lost right arm at 17, but persisted, with lessons from Mayrberger, Volk- mann, and Liszt, until he became amazing virtuoso with left hand; lawyer, in public service, gives con- certs chiefly for charity; pres. of Hung. Nat'l Acad., intendant of Pesth Opera 1890-94; composed 2 operas, cantata, melodrama, studies and pieces for left hand. Zielinski, Jaroslaw de, pst., compr. b. Galicia (Austrian Poland), Mar. 31, 1847. Educated at gov't school, Lemberg, and military school, Vi- enna, at the same time studying music under Mikuli, Schulhoff, Ce- rutti and Frye; 1863-64 engaged in the Polish revolt against Russia; early in 1864 came to U. S., served in Mass. regiment until close of the Civil War; took up music as a pro- fession, lived in New York City, Grand Rapids. Mich., Detroit, and Buffalo, 1888-1910; moved to Los Angeles 1910; compositions for orch. and pf . ; has contributed many articles to magazines; article in Century Li- brary of Music on The Poles in Music. Zimmermann, Agnes Marie, pst. h. Cologne, July 5, 1845. Studied at Royal Acad., London, with Potter, Pauer, Macfarren, etc.; twice King's scholar; d^but London 1863, Leip- zig 1864; especially excellent in play- ing classical mus., some of which she has edited; composed vln. sonatas, pf. trio, songs, choruses, and nu- merous pf. works. Zimmermann, Pierre Joseph Guillaume, pf. teacher, h. Paris, Mar. 19, 1785; d. there, Oct. 29, 1853. Son of pf. maker; pupil at Cons, of Boieldieu, Rey, Catel, and Cherubini; 1st prize pf. 1800, harmony 1802; pf. prof, there 1816^8; among pupils were Alkan, Marmontel, etc.; composed songs and variations, romances, etc. for pf.; great work is Encyclopedic du pianiste (parts 1 and 2 pf . method, part 3 harmony). Zingarelli, Nicola Antonio, compr. h. Naples, Apr. 4, 1752; d. Torre del Greco, near Naples, May 5, 1837. Pupil of Fenaroli and Speranza at Cons, in Naples; produced 1st opera 1768, but had not much success be- fore Alsinda, Milan, 1785; wrote 27 operas before 1811 (most famous Giulietta e Romeo, Milan, 1796); maestro at Milan Cath. 1792, at Loreto, at St. Peter's Rome 1804; imprisoned and sent to Paris 1811 for refusing to conduct Te Deum at birth of Napoleon's son, was released by N.; dir, royal coll. of mus. at Naples 1813, maestro at Cath. 1816; Bellini, Mercadante, Morlacchi among pupils; composed operas and great deal of church music, 2 masses for every day in year, etc. Zollner (ts6F-ner), Heinrich, compr. b. Leipzig, July 4, 1854. First in- tended for law; pupil at Leipzig Cons, of Reinecke, Jadassohn, Richter, and Wenzel; mus. dir. DorpatUniv. 1878; condr. of several societies and teach- er at Cons., Cologne, 1885; took male chorus on tour to Italy 1889; condr. New York Deutscher Lieder- kranz 1890; dir. mus. Leipzig Univ. 1898, and condr. Paulinerchor; teacher of comp. at L. Cons. 1902, succeeding Reinecke; mus. critic of ZXJMPE Tageblatt; 1907 went to Berlin as teacher in Stern Cons.; 1908 at Ant- werp as dir. Flemish op.; composed many male choruses, cantatas, etc., as well as symph., orch. episode, etc. Zumpe (ts6m-pa), Hermann, condr., compr. b. Taubenheim, Apr. 9, 1850; d. Munich, Sept. 4, 1903. Teacher in Weigsdorf and Leipzig; played triangle in Stadt Theatre, pupil in music of Tottmann; helped Wagner in preparation of scores of Nibelungen Ring at Bayreuth 1873- 76; capellmeister in theatres at Salz- burg, Frankfort, Hamburg, etc., and after few years' teaching, court ca- pellm. at Stuttgart 1891; condr. Verein fur Klassische Kirchenmusik 1893; court capellm. Munich 1895 court capellm. at Schwerin 1897 resumed position at Munich 1900 composed operas, overture, songs. ZWINTSCHER Zumsteeg (tsom-stag'), Johann Rudolf, 'cellist, compr. b. Sachsenflur, Od- enwald, Jan. 10, 1760; d. Stuttgart, Jan. 27, 1802. Intimate with Schil- ler; diverted from sculpture by mus. lessons of Poh, etc.; court capellm. 1792; composed 8 operas and works for 'ceUo, but most notably 20 bal- lads; first of many comprs. to set music to Ritter Toggenburg, Leonore, and other ballads later treated by Schubert, Loewe, etc. Zwintscher (zvint'-sher), Bruno, pst. b. Ziegenhain, Saxony, May 15, 1838; d. March 4, 1905. Pupa of J. Otto and at Leipzig of Plaidy, Moscheles, Richter, etc.; teacher of pf. there 1875-1896 when he re- signed and went to Dresden to teach privately; his Technical School is a continuation of Plaidy's; also wrote School of Ornaments, ADDENDA Apthorp, W. F., d. Vevey, Switzerland, Feb. 19, 1912. Baermann, C, d. Newton, Mass., Jan. 17, 1913. Blockx, J., d. May 26, 1912. Bowman, E. M., d. Brooklyn, Aug. 27, 1913. Bronsart, H. von, d. Munich, Nov. 3, 1913. Buonamici, G., d. Florence, March 18, 1914. Chadwick, George Whitefield, Won Federation of Women's Music Club Prize, 1911, with Suite symphonique. Cowen, F. H., Published My Art and My Friends (Reminiscences), 1913. Engehnann, H., d. Philadelphia, May 5, 1914. Fiedler, A. M., Returned to Hamburg. Gaul, A. R., d. Birmingham, Sept. 13, 1913. Giorza, Paolo, d. Seattle, May 4, 1914. Hadden, J. C, d. Edinburgh, May 1, 1914. KoUing, C. W. P., d. Chicago, May 3, 1914. Korbay,F. A., d. London, March 9, 1913. Liebling, E., d. Chicago, Jan. 20, 1914. Marchesi, M., d. London, Nov. 18, 1913. Marty, G., d. Paris, Oct. 11, 1908. Maybrick, M., d. Buxton, Aug. 25 (26), 1913. Molloy, J. L.,. d. Wooleys, Hambledon, Feb. 4, 1909. Miiller, Carl Christian, d. New York, June 4, 1914. Navratil, Karl, d. Vienna, April 6, 1914. Nordica, Lillian, d. Batavia, Island of Java, May 10, 1914. Papml, G., d. London, Oct. 3, 1912. Parker, H. W., Won $10,000 prize, Metropol. Op. Co., 1911, with opera, Mona; Federation of Women's Clubs Prize, with aria Le crepuscule, 1911. Perkins, H. S., d.Chicago, Jan. 20, 1914. Puccini, G., Opera, Girl of the Golden West, produced, N. Y., Dec, 1910. Pugno, R., d. Moscow, Jan. 3, 1914. Rachmaninoff, S., Condr., St. Peters- burg Op., 1912. Saint-Saens, C, Oratorio, The Prom- ised Land, produced, Gloucester Festival, 1913. Schuch, Ernst Von, d. Dresden, May 10, 1914. Scriabine, A., Symph. poem, Prome- theus, 1913. Stanford, C. V., Published Musical Composition, 1913. Strube, G., Teacher of comp., Peabody Cons., Baltimore, 1913. Tinel, E., d. Brussels, Oct. 28, 1912. Wolf-Ferrari, E., Operas II segreto di Susanna and L'amore medico. SUPPLEMENT TO BALTZELL'S DICTIONARY OF MUSICIANS ALBENIZ Albeniz, Isaac, compr., pst. b. Cam- pred6n, Spain, May 29, 1860; d. Cambo les Bains, France, May 19, 1910. Educated at Barcelona, stud- ied music with grand-uncle, a pupil of Herz; played piano at 3 years of age; gave a concert at 4; taken to Paris and placed under Marmontel's instruction; 1868 entered Madrid Cons., studying with Mendizabal; ran away from home before he was 10 and gave concerts with much success; was robbed of all his earn- ings; returned to Madrid for a short period and then again left home; this time visited the West Indies and the U. S.; next at Leipzig, pupil of Jadassohn and Reinecke, then at Brussels Cons., under Brassin, Du- pont le jeune, and Gevaert ; after an interval of concert tours resumed his studies at Brussels and won a first prize; spent some time with Liszt at Weimar and Buda-Pesth; 1880 began a series of concert tours with great financial success ; tried his hand at managing a dramatic com- pany and lost fortune; 1883 devoted himself to composition, teaching, and concert work; wrote several operas, a number of songs, and nearly 300 piano pieces, filled with the Spanish rhythmic and melodic character. Alden, John Carver, compr., pst. b. Boston, Mass. Father a good ama- teur musician, mother a well-known amateur pst., a pupil of Webb; educated at Bridgewater Acad, and under a private tutor; studied piano and harmony with Franz and Car- lyle Petersilea, in Boston, piano with Plaidy and Paul, and harmony and theory with Papperitz and Paul in AMBROSE Leipzig; began teaching in Boston in 1880, later in New York, and then again in Boston; head of piano de- partment, Converse Coll., S. C, 1892, position he still fills (1914); compositions mostly piano pieces and songs, a few technical studies and anthems; author of several small works on pfte. -playing. Allen, Nathan Henry, orgt., compr. b. Marion, Mass., Apr. 14, 1848. Educated at High School, at Provi- dence, R. I., and Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass.; studied music at Providence; went to Germany in 1868 to train for the vocal profes- sion; on account of injury to voice turned to the organ; studied with Haupt and Grell, and, later, orches- tration with Van der Stucken, in New York; on return from Germany, 1871, orgt. at New Bedford, Mass., later moved to Hartford; in 1883 orgt. at Center Church, remaining there 23 years; 1906 removed to Worcester, Mass., where he now resides (1914). Much interested in the early history of music in America, particularly in New England, has written on the subject; about 100 published compositions, anthems and organ music, original and tran- scriptions. Ambrose, Paul, compr., orgt. b. Hamilton, Canada, Oct. 11, 1868; son of R. S. Ambrose. Educated in public schools and Collegiate Inst.; studied music with father; 1886 went to New York, studied piano with Parsons, composition with Klein, orchestration with Buck; Oct., 1886 orgt. Madison Ave. M. E. Church, AMBROSE ARONSON New York, 1890 of St. James' M. E. Church, position he still fills (1914); 1906 teacher of piano and history of music, American Inst. Applied Mu- sic, New York; 1904 dir. mus. dept. N. J. State Norm. Sch., Trenton, N. J., where he now (1914) resides; compositions include songs, piano pieces, anthems, and part songs. Ambrose, Robert Steele, orgt., compr. b. Chelmsford, Eng., 1824; d. Ham- ilton Ont., March 31, 1908. Father, grandfather, and great-grandfatl er were organists of the parish church; family emigrated to Canada, in 1834, locating near Guelph, Ont.; as a youth became orgt. at St. George's Church, Guelph; 1847 in Kingston as teacher, and finally as orgt. at St. George's Cath.; 1863 orgt. Church of Ascension, Hamilton, Ont., and dir. in Hamilton Ladies' Coll.; composed in various forms, best known by his sacred songs, particu- larly One sweetly solemn thought, pubHshed in 1876. Ambrosio, Alfred d*, compr., vlt. b. Naples, June 13, 1871; studied at Naples Cons., composition under Bossi; went to Nice, 1895; 1898 located in Paris, where he now lives; member of board of examiners for the Cons. ; organized string quartet which bore his name; composed about forty pieces for violin, best known being his Canzonetta; other compositions are for orchestra and piano; has pub- lished a concerto for violin. Op. 51. Andrews, Addison Fletcher, compr., tenor, b. Cavendish, Vt., April 2, 1857. Mother musically talented; educated at Dartmouth Coll. (1878), Columbia Law School (1880); stud- ied viohn with Godone, 1868-1870, singing with Tamaro, 1884-1886; self-taught in composition; tenor various churches and choirs, prin- cipally in New York City, 1878- 1903; reported for New York dailies (Tribune), and contributed verse to papers and magazines; opened church choir agency in New York City, 1892; compositions include songs, sacred and secular (0 for a day of Spring), anthems, part-songs, piano and violin pieces, a collection of children's songs. Andrews, J. Warren, orgt. h. Lynn, Mass., 1860. Studied music at early age, played organ at 12; in 1879 went to Newport, R. I., then to Cambridge, to Minneapolis, locat- ing in New York in 1896, at the Church of the Divine Paternity, his pubhc recitals being a feature of Lenten season; established Church Music School in 1900; founder A. G. O.; has given recitals in many of the leading American cities; com- positions for organ and choir are favorably known. Andrews, Mark, orgt., compr. h. Gainsborough, Eng., March 31, 1875. Father a fine amateur musician; dis- played musical talent as a child; studied with Ruck, sub-organist Rochester Cathedral; largely self- taught in composition; A. R. G. O. at age of 19; came to U. S. in 1902; orgt. at Montclair, N. J., conductor of local choral societies, and director of music in the high school; com- positions include anthems, songs, piano pieces, 2 organ sonatas, and a cantata The Visit of Socrates and Athene. Andrews, George Whitfield, orgt. h. Wayne, Ohio, Jan. 19, 1861. Parents good amateur musicians; pupil at Oberlin, O., Cons, and in Europe of Papperitz, Jadassohn, Rheinberger, Guilmant, and d'Indy; began pro- fessional work as orgt. and teacher at Meadville, Pa., 1879; Toledo, Ohio, 1881; 1882 instr. in Oberlin Cons.; 1892, prof, of organ and composition; 1901 conductor Ober- lin Musical Union, and later of con- servatory orchestra; compositions, mostly unpublished, are for organ, voice and orchestra; contributed to American History and Encyclopoedia of Music; received degrees A.M. (1900) and Mus. Doc. (1903) from Oberlin Coll. Aronson, Rudolph, compr., condr., im- presario, b. New York, Apr. 8, 1856. Parents good amateur musicians; educated in public schools of New York City, studied violin, piano and harmony with Leopold Meyer; 1874- 1877 with fimile Durand, Paris Cons. ; 1876 reported first Wagner Festival, at Bayreuth, for New York paper; ATJBERT BILSE 1877 inaugurated Sunday Night Concerts in New York; directed con- certs at Metropol. Concert Hall, 1880-1882; mgr. Casino Theatre, Popular Sunday Night Concerts; directed American tours of Marteau, Carreno, Kocian, and other virtuosi; 1902 visited Africa, guest of Sultan of Morocco; compositions, over 250 in number, include an operetta, a suite for full orchestra, and many pieces for small orchestra and for piano ; published Theatrical and Musi- cal Memoirs (1913); lives in New York City. Aubert, Louis-Franfois-Marie, compr. b. Parame, Feb. 15, 1877. Taught by father, an excellent musician; en- tered the solfege class of Lavignac at the Paris Cons, at the age of 10; boy chorister at the Madeleine and soloist at church festivals; musical and Uter- ary studies were carried on simul- taneously; in the Cons, teachers were Diemer, piano, Lavignac, harmony, Vidal, accompaniment, Godard and Lefebvre, ensemble, Faure, compo- sition; principal works are a Fan- taisie for piano and orchestra, Crepuscule d'automne (a cycle of six poemes) Nuit Mauresque, with orchestra; has also written a num- ber of choruses, secular and sacred; for the theatre his works are Chry- sothemis, a ballet (1904) and La foret bleue, an opera, produced in U. S. in 1913, at Boston. Baldwin, Ralph Lyman, orgt., teacher. b. Easthampton, Mass., March 27, 1872. First musical instruction from mother; orchestral player at 10 years of age; educated in pubHc schools of Easthampton, graduated Wilhston Sem., 1890; studied music in Boston, 1890-92, under Chad wick, Emery, Heindl, and Elson; orgt. at Easthampton, 1894, Northampton, Mass., 1896; 1899 superv. mus. in Northampton; 1900, asst. in summer school for mus. superv., at North- ampton, dir., 1904; superv. mus., Hartford, Conn., 1904, orgt., 4th Cong. Church, same city; condr. choral club, men's voices; composi- tions include sonata for the organ, Burlesca e Melodia for organ, an- thems, and songs. Bamabee, Henry Clay, basso. h. Portsmouth, N. H., Nov. 14, 1833. 1850 to 1854, in business, after that developed as a baritone and come- dian; sang in church choirs, Boston, nearly nineteen years; organized Bamabee Concert Co. about 1870; member Ideal Opera Co., 1879; one of three organizers of The Boston- ians (1887), remaining with that organization until his retirement in 1906; apart from his famous "cork leg" and special comedy sketches in the old Barnabee Concert Company, greatest role was the Sheriff of Not- tingham in Robin Hood; pubhshed My Wanderings, reminiscences of his career, 1913. Bergh, Arthur, compr., condr. h. St. Paul, Minn., 1882. Parents ama- teur musicians; educated in schools of St. Paul; studied viohn and piano at 5 years of age; moved to New York 1903; teacher of violin, har- mony, composition at N. Y. Inst. Mus.; with N. Y. Symph. and Metropol. Op. House orchestras for several years; 1911 dir. of city orch. to give educational concerts; moved to Boston, 1913; assisted in the organization of the Amer. Mus. Soc; compositions in nearly all forms, songs, anthems, part-songs, piano and violin pieces. The Raven, a melodrama. Bellincioni, Gemma, coloratura sopr. b. Como, Aug. 18, 1866. Pupil of father and Corsis; debut, 1881, at Naples; traveled with Tamberlik in Spain, and became one of the most celebrated prima donnas in Europe; married Stagno (tenor); created soprano role in Cavalleria Rusticana. Bilse, Benjamin, condr. b. Liegnitz, Aug. 17, 1816; d. there, July 13, 1902. Began music studies as a child; town musician 1843, brought orchestra to such perfection that in BLUMENTHAL BROUNOFP 1867 he took it on a concert tour to the Paris Expo.; 1868 located in Beriin and estabhshed a series of popular concerts which he con- tinued for nearly 20 years; retired to private life, in Liegnitz, in 1884. Blumenthal, Jacques (Jacob), compr. b. Hamburg, 1829; d. Chelsea, a suburb of London, May 17, 1908. Pupil of Henri Herz; composed a number of piano pieces, but is best known by his songs, some of which still have a hold on the pubhc. Bomscheinj'^Franz Carl, compr., vlt. h. Baltimore, Feb. 10, 1879. Studied vln. with his father and later entered Peabody Cons., studying vln. with Van Hulsteyn, harmony and com- position under Kahmer, Hamerik, and Boise; won composition prize for string qt., 1900; grad. 1902, and soon after entered the Cons, as teacher which position he still fills; has won prizes offered by choral organizations, and has writ- ten in various styles; published works include vln. concerto. Suite and smaller pieces for vln., songs, part-songs, cantatas (Djinns), pieces for piano, besides several large works still in manuscript; has acted as mus. crit. for Baltimore Evening Sun. Branscome, Gena, compr. h. Picton, Ontario. Began professional work in music while still a girl; studied composition with Borowski, in Chi- cago, and later with R. Ganz and Humperdinck; has written in many forms, but is best known by her songs; married John Ferguson Ten- ney, of New York City. Breithaupt, Rudolph Maria, teacher, author, h. Brunswick, Germany, Aug. 11, 1873. Mother a highly gifted piano player; educated in the local high school (Gymnasium), at the same time studying music; pst. of amateur quartet, played double bass in orchestra of pupils from the various gymnasia; first studied law at Jena, Leipzig, and Berlin, later theory of music with Paul, Riemann, and Kretzschmar, in Leipzig, with studies in psychology, etc.; 1897 decided on musical career; after a short period at the Leipzig Cons, under Teichmliller, Jadassohn, and Paul, carried on studies by himself; after a year in Vienna (1900-01) located in Berlin as writer on music, critic, teacher of piano play- ing; since 1903 has limited himself mainly to teaching; compositions comparatively few, principally songs, piano pieces and etudes; author of treatises on piano technic, Die natiirliche Klaviertechnik (1904), Schule des Gewichtsspieles (1906), Part II of the previous named book, issued in French, 1907, in English, 1909. Burleigh, Henry Thacker, baritone, compr. b. Erie, Pa., Dec. 2, 1867. Educated in public schools, grad. High School, 1887; sang in local churches; 1892 went to New York, entered Nat. Cons., completed a four years' course, studying sing- ing with Christian Fritsch, compo- sition with Rubin Goldmark, and Dvorak, and counterpoint with Max Spicker; teacher of singing during his last year at the Cons.; bar. at St. George's Church, 1894, and in 1902 at Temple Emanuel, positions which he still occupies (1914); com- positions mostly songs (Jean), some anthems, a set of piano pieces (From the Southland), and a volume of plantation songs. Brounoff, Platen, compr., condr. b. EHzabeth, S. Russia, 1863. Father journalist; educated in local gym- nasia; studied Warsaw Acad. Mus., graduating in 1882; St. Petersburg Cons. 1882-91, with Rubinstein, Rimsky-Korsakov, Gabel and Re- petto (singing); came to U. S. 1891, sang in opera, and located in New Haven; 1892 went to New York; dir. choral organizations; lectured on Russian music, Hebrew folk- songs, etc.; compositions in nearly ail forms, one opera, incidental dramatic music, cantatas, overture for orchestra, three suites for piano and orchestra, and songs; collected and arranged book of Hebrew folk- songs. ^ CALVOCORESSI CHASE Calvocoressi, Michael D., critic, b. Marseilles, Oct. 2, 1877. Parents were Greeks; in 1886 he went to Paris where he received his educa- tion; began music study in 1893, studied harmony with Xavier Le- roux; self-taught in composition; began musical criticism in 1902, con- tributing to various European papers ; 1909-10 mus. crit. for Gil Bias, later for Comedia illustre, at the same time serving as correspondent for the London Morning Post and con- tributor to the Musical Times; has attained distinction and popularity as a lecturer on musical subjects; translated many songs by Russian composers into English, French, and German; critical writings in- clude essays on Liszt, Russian music, Glinka, Moussorgsky, etc.; has translated Reger's Beitrdge zur Modulations and Rimsky-Korsa- kov's treatise on orchestration into French. Carpenter, John Alden, compr. b. Park Ridge, III., Feb. 28, 1876. His mother, Elizabeth Green Carpenter, was a fine musician and singer, and gave him his earliest instruction at the age of 5; later teachers were Amy Fay and W. C. E. Seeboeck, piano, theory J. K. Paine, Harvard Univ., Edward Elgar, and Bernhard Ziehn; degree of A.B., Harvard 1897; associated in business in Chicago with brothers, but devotes much time to composition ; published works include two volumes of children's songs, a number of songs of fine quality, and a sonata for violin and piano. Caplet, Andre, condr., compr. h. Havre, 1879. Began music study, piano and harmony, at 10 with Woollett, and violin with local player; while a youth first viohn in Havre orch., and coach for singers; entered Paris Cons, in 1896, with Leroux in composition; Grand prix de Rome, 1901; early showed re- markable aptitude for conducting; asst. to Colonne, resigned the Prize at the end of the second year, spent a year in Germany; after return to Paris became intimate friend of Debussy and did much to give the works of the latter public presenta- tion; came to Boston Opera House, 1911, as condr.; compositions include works for string and wind instru- ments, a piano quintet, Legende for harp and orch.. Septet for strings and women's voices, and piano pieces. Chaff in, Lucien Torrey Gates, orgt., compr. h. Worcester, Mass., March 23, 1846. Educated in public schools, and Brown University (A.B. 1867); studied music with Eugene Thayer and others; orgt. at Provi- dence, R. I., Buffalo, N. Y., Brook- lyn, Marble Collegiate Church, 1st Baptist, New York, at Morristown, E. Orange, and Newark, N. J., now (1914) at North Presbyterian, New York; opened many organs 1870-85; mus. ed. Buffalo Express, later Commercial Advertiser, New York; many years sec. Manuscript Soc, New York, member Am. Guild Org.; compositions include songs, anthems, cantatas, and pieces for organ and piano. Chase, Mary Wood, pst., author, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1868. Father prof, in Cornell Univ., mother musical; educated in public schools of Ithaca, N. Y., pupil N. E. Cons., Boston, 1884-87, studying piano, singing, theory; in Berlin, 1893-96, with Raif and Barth; began professional work in Boston, 1887; Winona, Minn., 1887-89; later in college at Russelville, Ky. ; asst. to Raif in Berlin, 1894-96; private work in Chicago, 1896-1903; co-dir. piano dept. sch. mus. 1903- 07; dir. Mary Wood Chase Sch., Chi- cago, since 1907; soloist with lead- ing orchestras; published Natural Laws in Piano Technic, 1910; con- tributor to leading musical maga- zines. CLIPPINGER DELLINGER Clippinger, David Alva, teacher of sing- ing, author, b. 1860. Parents excel- lent amateur musicians; educated in N. W. Ohio Normal Univ., Ada, O.; studied music at Ft. Wayne, Ind., composition with Gleason, at Chicago, and with Eugene Thayer; singing with F. W. Root, Lyman Wheeler, Randegger, Shakespeare, Henschel, and Behnke; began teach- ing in M. E. College in Ft. Wayne, Ind.; located in Chicago, 1887, as teacher of singing and choral condr. ; author of Development of the Sing- ing Voice, Systematic Voice Train- ing, Elements oj Voice Culture, Studio Notes; ed. Western Musical Herald. Constantino, Florencio, tenor, b. Bar- celona, Spain. Ran away from home, shipped on a steamer for Buenos Ay res; interested passengers by singing, and introduced to dir, " of opera house at Montevideo, who gave opportunity to study operatic roles, in which he appeared later in South American cities; after a time returned to Europe, making first success in Manon, at Nice; engaged for a time at St. Petersburg, later at Madrid, with appearances at Berlin and London; engaged for San Carlo Co., by Henry Russell, for tours of the United States, 1906; member of Manhattan Op. Co., N. Y., 1907-09; Boston Op. Co., 1910-12, leaving there to return to South America; voice lyric in quality. Copp, Evelyn Ashton Fletcher, teacher. b. Woodstock, Canada, 1872. Father, barrister, and mother, both musical amateurs; educated in private schools in Canada and abroad; musical edu- cation began in Canada at 5, con- tinued in England, and on the Con- tinent; pupil of Orlando Mansfield, Henrietta Schmidt, Oscar Bruckner, Riemann, Mme. Cornells Servain; began professional labors in Canada, 1894, teaching in private schools; worked out the Fletcher method of musical instruction and kindergarten work; N. E. Cons. Boston, 1897; since then has introduced her system widely in the U. S. and Europe; lives BrookUne, Mass Davies, Henry Walford, orgt., compr. b. Oswestry, Sept. 6, 1869. Father amateur musician; early displayed musical gifts, chorister St. George's Chapel, Windsor, 1882; 1885-1890 pupil and asst. to Sir Walter Parratt; 1890 won scholarship at Roy. Coll. Mus., studied under Parry, Stan- ford, and Rockstro; 1891 orgt. Christ Church, Hampstead; Mus. B., Cambridge, 1892, Mus. Doc, 1898; 1895-1903 prof, counterpoint Roy. Coll. Mus.; 1898, orgt. Temple Church, succeeding E. J. Hopkins, 1903 condr. Bach Choir; composi- tions in many forms, include quartet in Eb for piano and strings, two sonatas for viohn and piano, songs, part-songs, anthems, etc.; a mystery play, Everyman, attracted consider- able attention. Davis, Jessie Bartlett, contralto, h. near Morris, 111., August, 1860; d Chicago, May 14, 1905. Musical education mostly with Frederick W. Root, Chicago; became known in choir work until 1879; began oper- atic career as Buttercup in Pinafore; afterwards studied for grand opera, appearing with success as Siebel in Faust; member of the Carleton and American op. companies; after study in Paris, joined the well-known Bostonians with whom she remained for many years; 1880 married W, J. Davis, Chicago theatrical manager. Dellinger, Rudolph, compr., condr. h. Graslitz, Bohemia, July 8, 1857; d. Coswig, near Dresden, Sept. 24, 1910. Father a maker of wood- wind musical instruments, and wished the son to follow the trade; the boy's inclination lay in the direction of a musical career, and he was finally placed under the inrtruction of the director of the local cons.; later went to the cons, at Prague, where he managed to secure sufficient pro- fessional work to maintain himself for several years; clarinet player in DICKINSON ELMAN city theatre at Briinns; after several years of unsettled life in Austrian cities he came, 1883, to Hamburg; he remained here as condr. until 1893, going thence to Dresden as condr. until his death; composed eight operettas; also well-known song Komm herah, Madonna Theresa (Don Cesar). Dickinson, Clarence, orgt., compr. h. La Fayette, Ind., May 7, 1875. General education at Miami Univ., Oxford, O., and at Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111.; studied with Harrison Wild at Chicago, Rei- mann and Singer, Berlin, Guilmant, Vierne, and Moszkowski, Paris; orgt. and choirmaster, St. James P. E. Ch., Chicago; condr. Musical Art Soc, until 1909 when he went to New York as orgt. Brick Pres. Ch.; condr. Mendelssohn Glee Club, New York, and Bach Festival Soc, Montclair, N. J.; prof, sacred mus.. Union Theol. Sem., New York; composed songs, part-songs, church music, and pieces for the organ. Ditson, Oliver, mus. pub. b. Boston, Oct. 20, 1811 ; d. there, Dec. 21, 1888. As a youth with Samuel Parker, book- seller; 1834 formed firm Parker and Ditson, music publishers; 1840 acquired the business ; orgt. and choir- master Bulfinch St. Ch. ; liberal pat- ron of musical enterprises ; much of his success due to close relations with composers and artists; Oliver Ditson Company organized after his death, John C. Haynes, Pres. ; 1907 Charles H. Ditson, son of Oliver, became Pres. and sole owner. Douty, Nicholas, compr., tenor, b. Philadelphia, April 14, 1870. Mother a good singer and pst.; boy chorister in Philadelphia churches; educated in the public schools of Philadelphia; studied organ with Minton Pyne (St. Mark's Church), harmony and composition with other local teach- ers; discovered a tenor voice, and studied with Wilham Castle, Mme. Osgood-Dexter, Randegger, and Sbriglia; successful concert and ora- torio singer; compositions include songs, part-songs, pieces for the piano and organ. Duncan, William Edmundstoune, compr., author, b. Sale, Eng., Apr. 22, 1866. Father interested in folk- song, mother a good amateur pst.; educated at a local school, studied music with a pupil of Halle, and later, 1879-82, organ and counter- point with Dr. Coy; won a scholar- ship in 1883 at the Roy. Coll. Mus., London, studied composition with Parry, 1883-86, also organ with Sir George Martin, piano with Ernst Pauer, and violin and viola with Gibson and Gompertz, thus earning a place in the college orchestra; after leaving the college he remained in London as orgt., teacher, and music critic for London papers; 1893 returned to Sale, and organized Old- ham Coll. Mus.; now critic for Man- chester News and Leader; composi- tions in many forms, an opera, works for orchestra, a naval ode, for cho- rus and orchestra, sonata for piano, songs, organ pieces, and church music; author of History of Music , Life of Schubert, Story of Min- strelsy, Story of the Carol, and Melo- dies and How to Harmonize Them. E Elman, Mischa, vlt. h. Stalnoje, Kiev, Russia, Jan. 20, 1892. Father a schoolmaster; learned to play by ear; admitted to Imp. Mus. Sch. at Odessa, pupil of Fidelmann; 1903 went to St. Petersburg to study with Leopold Auer; played in public for the first time in Oct., 1904, in St. Petersburg, followed in the same month by a performance in Berlin; this began his career as a virtuoso; March, 1905, made his first appear- ance in London; in the U. S., New York, Dec, 1908; since that time has played in the various music centres of Europe and the U. S.; transcribed for the violin pieces from the older classical repertoire. ENESCO FISCHER Enesco, Georges, vlt. b. Cordaremi, Roumania, Aug. 7, 1881. Father a farmer; learned to play country tunes by ear on the violin; a traveling musi- cian taught the boy notation and he began to compose ; at 7 years old he was taken to Vienna, accepted by Hellmesberger as a pupil, and lived in his family for 4 years ; took first prizes for violin playing and harmony at 11; went to Paris, studied violin with Marsick, composition with Faure; in 1899 won first prize in violin playing; concert of his works given in Paris, June, 1897; Poeme Roumain produced by Colonne, Feb., 1898; made a fine reputation as a virtuoso throughout Europe; court vlt. to Queen of Roumania; other works are 2 symphonies, Symphonie con- certante for 'cello and orchestra. Pastorale fantaisie, 2 violin sonatas, a symphony for wood wind, Suite for orch., Op. 9. Erb, John Lawrence, orgi., compr., author, b. near Reading, Pa., Feb. 5, 1877. Educated in publicand pri- vate schools, Pottstown, Pa., studied music with local teacher ; in Metropol. Coll. Mus., New York, 1894-1899, pupil of Buck, H. R. Shelley, R. H. Woodman, H, W. Greene; began pro- fessional work, 1892, as orgt. and teacher, Pottstown, 1895, New York, 1897, 2nd Unitarian Church, Brook- lyn; 1905-1913 dir. Cons, of Music, Univ. of Wooster, O.; orgt. Chicago, 1913; has published JoAannes Brahms (a biography), 1905, Hymns and Church Music, 1910, Elements of Harmony and Elementary Theory, 1911; compositions include pieces for organ, piano, songs and anthems. Farnsworth, Charles Hubert, teacher, author, h. Cesarea, Turkey, 1859. General education at Robert Coll., Constantinople; studied music in a desultory way as a boy, but did not begin serious work until he was 18, taking up piano, organ, singing, composition, and school music, orgt. at Worcester, Mass., 1884; prof, of mus. State Univ., Colorado, 1888- 1900; Teacher's Coll., Columbia Univ., N. Y. City, 1900, position he still fills; author of Education Through Music, Teachers' Coll. Record, Teaching of School Music, Songs for Schools, articles in encyclopsedias and dictionaries; prominent in educa- tional work in music in U. S. Ferir, lEmile, viola-player, b. Brussels, July 18, 1873. Father an army officer; first studied painting; en- tered Brussels Cons., studying with Firket and Ysaye making the violin his instrument; won first prize 1891; member of Lamoureux Orch., Paris, 1892, Scottish Orch., Glasgow, 1893, Queen's Hall Orch. and Philh. Orch. London, 1896-1903; viola player of Kruse Quartet; 1903 came to Boston as principal viola player of the Symph. Orch.; member of Arbos, Boston Symph., and Hess-Schroeder Quartets. Finden, Amy Woodforde, compr. h. ChiU, where her father was British consul. Mother, a good pst., gave her first lessons; studied at Royal Acad. Mus. London, with Adolf Schloesser; began to compose at an early age, pubhshing a waltz at 15; married army officer, and lived in India, which gave material for much of her music; has written a number of successful song cycles. Fischer, Carl, publisher, b. Buttstaedt, Germany, Dec. 7, 1851 ; family inter- ested in the making of musical in- struments; as a young man became familiar with the business in Ger- many, Switzerland, France, and England; established musical instru- ment and music publishing house in New York City, 1872, paying special attention to band and or- chestra pubh cations; founded The Metronome, monthly journal for band and orchestra, 1885; Musical Observer, 1907. Fischer, Emil, basso, b. Brunswick, Germany, 1840. Both parents opera FLETCHER FRIML singers; first appeared at Gratz, 1857, in Jean de Paris; sang with success in opera houses of Bruns- wick, Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna, St. Petersburg, and Dresden, be- coming especially renowned in Wag- nerian roles; came to America, 1885; with the Metropol. Op. Comp., 1885-1898; in Holland and Germany, 1899, 1900, as singer and director; re- turned to New York, 1902; most famous roles, Hans Sachs, and Wotan. Fletcher, Alice Cunningham, ethnolo- gist, b. Boston, 1845. Educated in private schools; gathered mater- ial concerning music of the Omaha Indians in connection with eth- nological investigations for the Pea- body Museum, Cambridge, Mass.; published in book form with the assistance of John C. Fillmore, under the title A Study of Omaha Music; later works are Indian Story and Song from North America, 1900, and sections in reports on cere- monials. The Ha-Ko, and The Omaha Tribe; asst. in ethnology, Peabody Museum, since 1882, holder of Thaw Fellowship since 1891; special agent of the government in various investigations. Flesch, Carl, vlt. b. Moson, Hungary, Oct. 29, 1873. Father was a physi- cian; when he was 10 he was sent to Vienna to continue his studies; 1886-90 was a pupil of Griin at the Cons.; 189(>-94 he spent at Paris, in Marsick's class at the Cons.; 1894 won first prize and made his d^but shortly afterward at Vienna with great success; 1897- 1902 prof, in the Cons, at Bucharest and leader of a string quartet under the patronage of the Queen of Roumania; 1903-08 prof, at the Amsterdam Cons.; 1908 removed to Berlin; established his reputation as a virtuoso of the highest rank through a series of five historical programs covering the great works in the violin literature; visited the U. S., season of 1913-14; has edited studies by Kreutzer and Paganini. Forsyth, Cecil, compr. b. Kent, Eng- land, 1870. Studied with Oakeley, and later with Stanford at the Roy. Coll. Mus., London; compositions include an opera, concerto for violin and orchestra (1903), 4 orchestral studies on characters from Hugo's Les Miserahles, chamber music, pieces for solo voice and orchestra, 2 masses, and songs. Forsyth, Wesley Octavius, pst., compr. b. near Toronto, Canada, Jan. 26, 1862. Studied in Toronto, later with Zwintscher, Ruthardt, and Krause at Leipzig, and Epstein at Vienna; also with Arthur Friedheim; studied harmony, composition, etc., with Jadassohn, Schreck, orchestra- tion with R. Hofmann, at Leipzig; located at 'Toronto, where he is dir. Metropol. Sch. Mus.; mus. critic for The Week; compositions chiefly for piano and voice. Prelude and Fugue for organ, and two or three orches- tral pieces. Fremstad, Olive, sopr. b. Stock- holm. Parents both fine singers; began musical studies at an early age, appearing in public as pst. at 9; 7 years later parents came to the U. S., first locating in Chicago, then in Minneapolis, where she taught music; 1890 went to New York to study singing; 1893 studied with Lilli Lehmann; 1894 sang in Col- ogne, and made debut in II Trova- tore, Aug., 1895; 1896 sang at Bay- reuth; 1899 at Vienna Opera; studied at Milan, and in 1900 en- gaged at Munich Opera for three years; appeared at Covent Garden, London; New York debut, 1903, at Metropol. Op. House; created Salome at Metropol. 1907; voice has wide range and sympathetic quality. Friml, Rudolf, compr., pst. b. Prague, Dec. 7, 1881. Musical talent mani- fested itself at an early age; he played in pubhc at 3; began regular music studies at 7, under Juranek, piano, Forster, harmony, Dvorak, composition ; commenced professional career in 1900 as pst. on concert tour with KubeUk, with whom he traveled for four years; composi- tions include several ballets and operas {Firefly), piano concerto, in- strumental pieces and songs; Uves in New York. FUMAGALLI GILIBERT Fumagalli, Luca, pst., compr. b. Inzago, Italy, 1837; d. Milan, June, 1908. Studied at Milan Cons.; graduated at an early age in piano and composition; first took up the career of concert pianist in Italy and France; also appeared in Lon- don and visited U. S.; spent several years in Philadelphia as teacher in Cons.; after return to Italy brought out an opera, not very successful; located in Milan, devoting his time largely to teaching; examiner at the Cons.; edited Beethoven's so- natas for Ricordi; wrote a great many piano pieces in brilliant style, not especially difficult, or original, and fantasias on opera themes, an opera, and a Sinfonia Marinaresca, which has been highly praised. G Galston, Gottfried, pst. b. Vienna, Aug. 31, 1879. Studied music in Vienna Cons, under Schenner; 1894- 99 with Leschetizky; studied theory with Jadassohn, at Leipzig, 1899- 1900; general education in Vienna schools and higher institutions' of learning, 1885-1898; concert debut at Leipzig, 1900; since then has con- certized in all parts of the world; teacher of virtuosity class at Stem's Conserv., Berlin, 1904-07; honorary prof, at Imper. Acad., St. Peters- burg; devotes himself to concert work with the exception of teaching a few advanced pupils during sum- mer months at his home, Planegg, near Munich; author of Studien- buch (Berlin, 1911), notes on the in- terpretation of concert pieces. Gerhardt, Elena, lieder singer. h. Leipzig, Nov. 11, 1883. Began to study singing at 16, with Mme. Hedmont; made first pubUc appear- ance at 20; took up heder singing as a career, and won enviable distinc- tion in this line in the leading cities of Europe; made a few appearances in opera; visited the U.S., 1912, 1913. Gilbert, Henry Franklin Belknap, compr. b. Somerville, Mass., Sept. 26, 1868. _ Father, Benjamin F. Gilbert, a singer, orgt., and compr. of church music; mother, Therese A. Gilson, concert and church singer; educated in public schools of Cam- bridge, Somerville, and Reading, Mass.; studied violin with Emil MoUenhauer, harmony with George H. Howard, and composition with MacDowell, 1889-92; played violin in orchestras, musical editor for a Boston publisher; musical editor for E. S. Curtis' The North, American Indian, transcribing and arranging Indian songs from phonographic records; composed many songs, not- ably Pirate Song, orchestral pieces. Two Episodes, Americanesque, Com- edy Overture on Negro Themes, Negro Rhapsody (1913), etc., a few piano pieces, particularly those based on American Indian themes; compiler of 100 Folk Songs for Schools. Gilder, John Francis, compr. d. Bor- dentown, N. J., Dec. 9, 1908. Studied music with Donat Saar, Wm. Mason, Robert Goldbeck and others; accompanied PMme. Anna Bishop on tour from New York to San Francisco in 1873; published brilliant piano pieces in the drawing-room style, and songs, upwards of 100 in all. Gatti-Cassaza, Giulio, impresario, h. Ferrara, Italy, 1869. Began career as a civil engineer, which he aban- doned for music at the age of 25; soon after became manager of the Municipal theatre of Ferrara; dir. La Scala, Milan, 1898-1908, coming to New York, in the latter year, to succeed Heinrich Conried as manager Metropol. Op House, a position which he still holds (1914) ; married Frances Alda, opera singer, 1910. Gilibert, Charles, baritone, b. Paris, 1865(?); d. New York, Oct. 11, 1910. Studied with private teachers before entering the Cons., from which he graduated with honors; engaged at Opera Comique, at Brussels, Covent Garden; American debut, Dec. 18, 1900, at Metropol. Op. House, New York in Romeo and Juliet; after retirement pi Grau, returned to GLUCK GUNN Paris; 1906 engaged by Hammerstein for Manhattan Op. House, New York ; later with Metropol.; also successful in concert work, particularly in the French classic and modern repertoires. Gluck, Alma (Reba Fierson), sopr. b. Bucharest, May 11, 1884. Parents musical; education received in the U. S. in public schools of New York; studied singing with Buzzi-Peccia, and in 1913 was coached by Sem- brich; began professional activity at the Metropol. Op. House, New York, Nov. 16, 1909, with which company she is permanently con- nected; has been very successful in concert and oratorio. Gottschalg, Alexander Wilhelm, orgt., compr. h. Mechelrode, near Weimar, Feb. 14, 1827; d. Weimar, May 31, 1908. Pupil in music, 1842-47, of Topfer, in Weimar, and of Liszt; 1847 teacher at Tiefurt, 1870-1881 teacher at the Seminar, Weimar, and court org. ; 1874-1903 teacher of hist, mus. at the Cons.; editor of several musical papers; edited a large number of collections of organ music; com- posed church music, secular choruses, and pieces for organ and piano. Grainger, Percy, pst., compr. b. Brighton, Victoria, 1884. Father architect and engineer; mother fine amateur musician, and first teacher; gave a concert in Melbourne at 10, and by various engagements earned money to take him to Germany for study under Kwast, in Berlin, for six years; later studied with Busoni; recitals in all parts of Europe made him known as "the Australian pian- ist"; Grieg praised him for his interpretation of Norwegian music; compositions include works for or- chestra, chorus, and chamber music, Molly on the Shore, for strings (an Irish reel setting), and a number of pieces for piano. Greene, Herbert Wilber, teacher of singing, b. Holyoke, Mass. Father a tenor singer, and singing school teacher; educated in Holyoke public schools; musical education in New York, London, and Paris, under Rivarde, Shakespeare, and Sbriglia; taught in Albany, N. Y., 1873, New Haven, and Hartford, 1876-1883; New York, 1884; with C. B. Hawley founded the Metropol. Cons. 1886; 1898 began teaching privately; musi- cal editor Godey's Magazine, vocal editor Etude, Musician, lecturer on music for Board of Education, New York; compositions include an album of songs; edited Standard Graded Course of Singing. Griswold, Putnam, hass. b. Minne- apolis, d. New York, Feb. 26, 1914. Spent boyhood in Boston; later went to California; began music studies at 22; later went to Europe, was under the instruction of Randegger, Bouhy, and Emerich; was engaged for the Royal Opera, Berhn, and later at Covent Garden, London, and Metro- politan, New York, retaining perma- nent connection with the three com- panies; created principal roles in Stanford's Much ado about nothing, Nevin's P&la, Parker's Mona, and Leoncavallo's Maria; very success- ful in opera and concert. Grovlez, Gabriel, pst., compr. b. Lille, 1879; studied at Paris Cons., pupil of Diemer, Lavignac, and Faure; successful concert tours throughout Europe, teacher of pfte. at Schola Cantorum, Paris; condr. at Op4ra Comique, at San Carlos Th., Lisbon, and later at Theatre des Arts, Paris; compositions include two symphonic poems, Scene et ballet, for a piece adapted from the Chinese, a sonata for viohn and pfte., pieces for piano and more than 50 songs. Gunn, Glenn Dillard, pst., critic, h. Topeka, Kans., Oct. 2, 1874. Mother a gifted pst.; educated in public and private schools of Lexington, Ky., and Evansville, Ind., musical education under direction of mother; studied in Leipzig, 1894-99, under Zwintscher, Reinecke, Teichmiiller, Paul, Kretzschmar; began profes- sional activity as asst. to Teich- miiller 1897; located in Chicago, 1899, teacher in American Cons.; later with Chicago Mus. Coll. ; mus. critic Chicago Journal, 1902-05, Inter- Ocean, 1905-09, Tribune, 1909; lec- turer at Univ. Chicago, 1905; wrote biography of Wm. H. Sherwood, and many magazine articles. HACKETT HEKKING H Hackett, Karleton, critic, teacher of singing, b. Brookline, Mass., Oct. 8, 1867. Parents excellent amateur musicians; grad. Roxbury Latin School, 1887, studied at Harvard two years; went to Florence, studied with Vannuccini and Vanini, 1889- 93, with Henschel in London, 1896; located in Chicago, 1893, as teacher; dir. voc. dept. Northwestern Univ. Mus. Sch., Evanston, 111., 1895; 1896 head voc. dept. American Cons., Chicago, vice-pres. in 1905; mus. critic Chicago Evening Post, and contributor to the leading musical magazines of the U. S. ; pupils con- nected with several opera companies. Hall, Marie, vlt b. Newcastle-on- Tyne, Eng., April 8, 1884. Parents strolling musicians, the father a harpist; showed talent at an early age; first violin lessons from father, then with Hildegarde Werner, Max Mossel, and Johann Kruse, London, and two years with Sevcik, at Prague; first appearance in Vienna, 1903, with much success; toured England and the colonies, and the U. S., 1904-10; 1911, married Ed- ward Baring; lives in London. Hamlin, George, tenor, b. Chicago, 1874(?). He showed musical talent at an early age, but it was not until he reached the age of 16 that the fine quality of his voice induced serious study with local teachers, and, later, in Europe; from the time he entered the concert and oratorio fields to the present he has been unifornily successful and early won reputation as a tenor of the first rank among American artists; was first to introduce the songs of R. Strauss to the American pubHc; 1911 made operatic debut with Chicago Opera Co., in Herbert's Natoma. Hammond, William Gardiner, orgt., compr. b. Mellville, L. I., Aug. 9, 1875. Mother a well-trained musi- cian; educated in public schools; took charge of choir at Newport, R. I. at 15; studied piano at Newport and with Alexander Lambert and Aug. Spanuth, at N. Y.; orgt. and choirmaster at St. John's Chap., Newport; then at various churches in Brooklyn, 1903-12 at 1st Ref. Ch., from which he resigned to go abroad for special study; compositions in- clude secular choral works, an Easter cantata, and a large number of songs. Harwood, Basil, orgt., compr. b. Olveston, England, April 11, 1859. Educated at Oxford University, Mus. B. 1880, B. A. 1881, Mus. D. 1896; studied piano with J. L. Roeckel, organ with G. Riseley, theory with Dr. Corfe, at Oxford, and composition, for a short time, at Leipzig Cons., under Reinecke and Jadassohn; orgt. London, 1883- 87, at Ely Cath., 1887-92, and Christ Church Cath., Oxford, 1892- 1912; condr. Oxford Orch. Ass'n., 1892-98, Oxford Bach Choir, 1896- 1900; compositions include a Psalm for chorus and orchestra, church music, organ pieces, and songs. Hasselmans. Alphonse-Jean, compr., harpist, h. Liege, March 5, 1845; father a distinguished musician, dir. of theatre and Cons, at Strassburg; went to Paris at an early age and soon became very successful as a vir- tuoso ; made extensive concert tours in company with other artists; teacher of the harp at the Cons, in 1884, where his class became very popular, with many brilliant pupils to bis credit. Hekking, Anton, 'cellist, h. The Hague, Sept. 7, 1856. Studied with local teachers, then at the Paris Cons, under Chevillard and Jacquard; successful tour with Annette Essip- off; solo 'celhst Bilse Orch. in Berlin; with Philh. Orch., Berlin, 1882, 1884-88, 1898-1902; European tour with Ysaye, 1882; American tour, 1888, remaining in that coun- try (Boston and New York) until 1902; returned to Berlin. HEMPEL HUTCHESON Hempel, Frieda, sopr. b. Leipzig, 1885. Began music study as a child specializing on the piano; at 17 commenced vocal studies under Frau Nicklas-Kempner, in Berlin, and remained with her for three years, making a specialty of colora- tura work, for which her voice seemed specially adapted; debut in Berlin, 1905, in the role of the Widow Fluth in The Merry Wives of Windsor and the Queen in The Huguenots, this was followed by an engagement for five years at The Royal Opera in Schwerin; at the end of two years she was released from her contract by the personal request of the Emperor William and became a member of the Royal Opera at Berlin; 1911 appeared at the Metropol. Opera, New York, and in succeeding seasons; her reper- toire includes forty-six roles. Hertz, Alfred, condr. b. Frankfort, July 15, 1852. Pupil at Raff Cons.; condr. at theatre Halle, Altenburg, Elberfeld, Breslau (1895), New York, Metropol. Op. House, 1902, which position he still fills (1914); con- ducted Parsifal performances, 1903- 04. Hill, Edward Burlingame, compr., teacher, b. Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 9, 1872; father, prof, in Harvard Univ., a skilled amateur, as was also the mother; grad. Harvard Univ., 1894; studied piano with Lang, Arthur Whiting, and with Louis Breitner, at Paris; composition with J. K. Paine, and F. F. Bullard, at Boston, and Widor, at Paris; instru- mentation with Chad wick; taught pfte. and harmony, Boston, 1898- 1901; ed. Musical World, 1902-03; contributor to leading American musical magazines; mus. crit. for Boston Transcript; became instr. in music. Harvard Univ., 1908; published compositions include Jack Frost (pantomime for orch.), chorus for women's voices and orch., piano pieces, and songs. Holt, Hosea E., teacher, b. Ashburn- ham, Mass.; d. Lexington, Mass., Oct. 18, 1898. Educated in music at Boston; for several years he taught music in the Normal School at Bridgewater, Mass.; from 1868 to his death he served in the Boston public schools in a similar capacity; published sight singing methods for use in schools. Horn, Charles Edward, opera singer, compr. h. London, June 21, 1786; d. Boston, Oct. 21, 1849. Son of Karl Friedrich Horn (a German musician who settled in England and was orgt. of St. George's Chapel, Windsor); after several years of activity in London as singer and opera composer, came to New York, where, owing to loss of voice, he was forced to take up music teach- ing and opened a music-shop; 1843- 47 he spent in London, returned to the U. S., locating in Boston, where he was director of the Handel and Haydn Society; compositions include 26 light operas in English, 3 ora- torios, a cantata, and many small vocal pieces. Huhn, Bruno, compr., orgt. b. London, 1871. In his early youth he traveled extensively in Europe and the East; studied singing with Mme. Anna Lankow; 1891 came to New York, a.s orgt., and has since resided there; highly esteemed as teacher and coach for singers; has written many successful songs, sacred and secular, and choral works. Humiston, William Henry, compr. h. Marietta, O., Apr. 27, 1869. General education in Chicago pubUc schools and Lake Forest Coll., graduating in 1891; studied piano with Mathews and organ with Eddy, in Chicago; went to New York, 1894, studied coniposition with MacDowell; filled positions as organist and condr. of traveling opera companies; con- tributor to musical periodicals, writer of program notes for the N. Y. Philh. Soc. concerts, and asst. mus. crit. Evening Post; composed songs, works for orchestra, and several large choral pieces. Hutcheson, Ernest, pst., compr. h. Melbourne, Australia, 1877. First public appearance at the age of 5 with a tour of Australia; several years later at Leipzig, graduated 1890, studied under Zwintscher, KERKER KRAUSS Reinecke, and Jadassohn, and afterwards with Stavenhagen in Weimar; after completing studies he gave recitals in Berlin, and spent some years in concert work in Europe; teacher at Peabody Cons. Mus., Baltimore, 1900-1912; suc- ceeded William H. Sherwood, 1911, as head of the piano department at the Chautauqua Inst.; 1912 went to Berlin for a time, devoting him- self to teaching and concert work; among his best known pupils may be mentioned Olga Samaroff- Stokovski; author of the Elements of Piano Technic; Guide to Richard Strauss ^'Elektra"; compositions in- clude a concerto for piano, one for violin, an orchestral suite, a sym- phonic poem, piano pieces, songs, and arrangements for piano of orchestral scores (mainly Wagner's). K Kerker, Gustav, condr. b. Herford, Germany, Feb. 28, 1857. Parents both musical, and from them re- ceived earliest instruction; essayed conducting at the age of 16; con- ductor. New York Casino, in 1889, a position he filled for several years; 1906-1911, mostly in Vienna, in light opera work; has composed many musical comedies, the most successful being Belle of New York, Pearl of Pekin, and The Billionaire; a pleasing composer in his particular field; lives in New York. Knorr, Iwan, compr. h. Mewe, West Prussia, Jan. 3, 1853. Studied music at Leipzig Cons, under Rein- ecke and Richter; 1874 teacher at Charkov, Russia, 1878 dir. of theo- retical instruction at the Charkov branch of the Royal Mus. Soc; 1883 teacher of theory and composition at the Hoch Cons., Frankfort, 1908 was made dir.; among his pupils may be named the Englishmen, Cjo-il Scott, Percy Grainger, Roger Quilter, Algernon Ashton; composi- tions include three operas, and a number of works for orchestra and chamber music; has written text- book Aufgahen f.d. Unterricht i.d. Harmonielehre (1903), a biography of Tchaikovski, and analyses for Musikfuhrer. Koenen, Tilly, contralto, b. Island of Java. Parents returned to Holland, locating at Apeldoorn; the child showed musical talent, and first studied the piano with a view to a concert career; won first prize for piano playing at The Hague Cons., at the age of 18; a year later, after her voice showed its unusual quali- ties, she decided to devote herself exclusively to singing; considered one of the foremost lieder singers of Europe. Korngold, Erich, compr. b. Briinn, Austria, May 29, 1897. Father an accomplished musician and critic; showed remarkable musical apti- tude at the age of 4; began study of the piano and harmony at 5; began to write small compositions at 8; pupil of Zemlinski; composi- tions include a pantomime, Der Schneeman (1909), Don Quixote suite (1909), Trio for piano, violin and 'cello. Kotzschmar, Mary A. Torrey, teacher, author, b. Sacramento, Cal., 1852. Educated in private schools in Cali- fornia and Maine; studied music with Herman Kotzschmar, Portland, Me. (whom she afterward married), Virgil, in New York, Jedliczka in Berlin; 'began teaching in Kotzsch- mar Piano School, Portland, Me., 1867; published Half Hour Lessons in Music, 1907; contributor to lead- ing American musical and general magazines. Krauss, GabrieUe, sopr. h. Vienna, Mar. 24, 1842; d. Paris, Jan. 6, 1906. Pupil of Mme. Marchesi at the Vienna Cons.; 1860-68 engaged at the Vienna Opera; 1868-1887 with the Grand Opera at Paris; her best roles were the great dramatic parts in Aida, Norma, etc.; 1870 honorary member of the Society of Cons. Concerts, and 1880 an officer of the Academy, KREBS LAZARUS Krebs, Karl, mus. crit. b. Hanseburg, Prussia, Feb. 5, 1857; first took a scientific course and then turned to music, studying under Scharwenka and Barth, at the same time taking courses in the history and philosophy of music under Spitta and others ; 1 892 received degree Ph.D.; 1895 suc- ceeded Spitta as teacher of history of music at the Royal High School of Music ; mus. critic for Vossische Zeit- ung, Moderne Kunst, Deutsche Rund- schau and Der Tag; contributed val- uable treatises on the history of music to prominent German pubUcations. Kunwald, Ernst, condr. b. Vienna, Apr. 14, 1868. Father a lawyer; studied law, taking the degree Dr. Jur., then turned to music; first a pupil of Gradener, in composition, and Epstein, in piano; went to the Leipzig Cons, and entered the classes of Jadassohn; began his professional career in 1895 as conductor at Ros- tock, and several small German cities; made his first public suc- cess at Madrid, 1900-01, producing the Nihelungen Ring dramas; 1902- 1906 first conductor at Frankfort Opera; 1906, at the City Theatre, Nuremberg; guest condr., N. Y. Philh. Orch., 1906; 1907-1912 condr. Philh. Orch., Berlin; 1912 ccepted post of condr. Cincinnati Symph. Orch. Lachmund, Carl V., pst., teacher, b. Booneville, Mo., 1857. Went to Germany as a boy, received general education there; pupil at Cologne Cons, of Seiss, piano, in composi- tion of Jensen and Hiller; later studied in Berlin with Moszkowski and Scharwenka, and Krell in com- position (Paderewski a fellow-stu- dent) ; with • Liszt at Weimar for three years; appeared as pst. in leading German music centres, win- ning the appreciation of pubhc and critics; located in New York City as pst., condr., and teacher, founded Cons. Music, 1896; 1912, removed to Portland, Ore.; condr. string orch. for women; author of Retrospections of Three Years^ Study with Liszt, embodying verbatim lessons given to the Weimar class (in press, 1912); compositions include several over- tures, concert ^tude, Valse im- promptu, Op. 12, A Woodland Lul- laby, a New £tude Method, and songs. Lachaume, Aime, pst., dir. h. Paris; came to New York in 1890, where he resided for a time, later returning to Paris; has conducted light opera and musical comedy, and has com- posed pantomimes, and other in- cidental music; ranks high as an ensemble player. Lahee, Henry Charles, author. b. \ London, Eng., July 2, 1856. Father was a well-known composer and pianist; began music study at an early age; chorister in St. Michael's, Tenbury, under Sir F. A. G. Ouseley; traveled extensively, 1873-79; 1879 came to U. S. and engaged in busi- ness; 1891-98 secretary N. E. Cons., Boston; 1899 established Boston Musical Bureau; author Famous Singers, Famous Pianists, Famous Violinists, Grand Opera in America, The Organ and Its Masters, Grand Opera Singers of To-day. Lassalle, Jean Louis, baritone. h. Lyons, Dec. 14, 1847; d, Paris, Sept. 7, 1910. Entered Paris Cons., 1867; debut at Liege, 1869; after engagements at several French cities he was called to the Paris Opera, 1872-93; was also very popular in London; retired in 1894, and went into business, losing most of his savings; in 1901 began teaching, and became a professor of singing at the Cons, in 1903, which posi- tion he filled up to the time of his death; his singing was remarkable for beauty of voice and for charm of diction and phrasing. Lazarus, Gustave, compr. h. Cologne, July 19, 1861. Studied music at the local Cons., pupil of Seiss, Jen- sen, and Wiillner; located in Berlin, teacher at Scharwenka Cons.; 1899 succeeded Emil Breslaur as dir. LEEFSON LHEVINNE Berlin Cons, and Sem. for piano teachers; compositions include two operas, suite for orchestra, chamber music, works for chorus and orches- tra, part-songs, songs, and piano pieces. Leefson, Maurits, pst., condr. h. Amsterdam, Jan. 26, 1861. Studied music with his father, later with Ferd. Hiller, Isidor Seiss, and Franz Wiillner; condr. Liedertafel, Cologne, 1883-87; came to U. S. in 1887, and accepted position as teacher of pfte. in Philadelphia Mus. Acad., where he remained until 1899, when he founded the Leefson-Hille Cons, in Philadelphia, of which he is dir.; compositions include works for piano, male chorus, and songs. Lehar, Franz, compr. b. Komorn, Hungary, Apr. 30, 1870. Father bandmaster in the Austrian army; began to study violin at 5 at the Prague Cons.; studied composition with Fibich, and at 16 won recogni- tion from Dvorak and Brahms with two sonatas; 1888 solo violinist at Barmen-Elberfeld theatre; a year later returned to Austria and en- tered the military service as a musi- cian; 1890 became bandmaster at Losoncz, where he remained until the end of 1893, devoting much time to his first dramatic compositions ; 1894-96 bandmaster at Pola; his early operas did not meet with success, and he turned his attention to operetta in which he was to win world-wide fame with his tuneful waltz opera, The Merry Widow. Levy, Jules, cornet virtuoso, b. in London about 1840. Began the cornet at an early age, mostly self- taught; joined Godfrey's Band when still a young man, and appeared first as a soloist at the Princes^' Theatre in London, 1861; traveled over Eng- land and the Continent as a cornet virtuoso, coming to America in 1865; for more than thirty years, L^vy reigned supreme in his especial field, and was well known through- out America and Europe. Lewing, Adele, pst., compr. b. Han- over, Germany. Family musical, grandfather A. C. Prell, a well- known 'cellist; after graduating from local high school, made first public appearance at 14; later went to Leipzig studying with Reinecke and Jadassohn; decided to come to the U. S. and after a successful concert trip located in New York City; studied piano 3 years with Lesche- tizky and composition with Fuchs, in Vienna; compositions mostly for piano and voice; song, Fair Rohtraut, won Musical Record prize 1899; has written many lyrics. Lewis, Carrie Bullard, compr, b. Boston, Dec. 26, 1865. Parents musical, brother, Frederic Field Bullard, a well-known composer; educated in public schools of Boston; studied piano with mother, later with Wm. H. Sherwood and his wife; in Europe 1890-92; married Leo R. Lewis, prof. Mus. Tufts Coll., 1892; published under her own name and the pseudonyms, Carrie Bullard and Caryl B. Rich, three collections of children's songs, two operettas for children, secular and sacred songs, part-songs, and anthems. Lewis, Leo R., compr., educator, b. Woodstock, Vt., Feb. 11, 1865. Father a minister and principal of a small college; moved to Boston 1867; L. was educated in Boston pubhc schools. Tufts Coll., 1883-87, Harvard, 1887-89, with highest honors in music; studied music and languages in Europe 1889-92; in- structor in French, Tufts Coll., 1892; prof. Hist, and Theory Mus., Tufts Coll., 1895, still retaining work in French; edited a large num- ber of college musical publications, composed several cantatas and op- erettas for young people, a sonata for violin and piano, anthems, ser- vices, part-songs, etc.; with S. W. Cole, compiled valuable sight sing- ing method, Melodia and Harmonia. Lhevinne, Joseph, pst. h. Moscow, Dec, 14, 1874. Father was a mem- ber of the Roy. Op. Orch.; the boy studied in the Moscow Cons, first under Krisander, 1879-86, and from 1886-92 under Safonoff ; first appear- ance in pubUc at 8; in 1890 played the Emperor concerto of Beethoven, with Rubinstein conducting; began LIPKOWSKA LORET concertizing in 1892; 1895 won Rubinstein Prize for piano-playing; 1897-98 in military service; 1902-06 prof, in Moscow Cons.; first visit to the U. S. Jan., 1906; permanent residence, Wannsee, a suburb of Berlin. Lipkowska, Lydia, sopr. b. 1886, prov. of Poltava, S. Russia. Graduated from a girl's school at 17; entered St. Petersburg Cons.; two years later (1905) made debut at Imper Th., St. Petersburg; Paris debut in 1909, at the Chatelet and Opera Comique; Boston Op. Co., Nov., 1909-1911. Lohse, Otto, condr. b. Dresden, Sept. 21, 1859. Educated in the Dresden Cons., pupil of Draeseke, Wlillner, Richter (piano), and Fr. Griitz- macher ('cello); 1877-79 'cellist in Dresden Court Orch.; 1880-82 piano teacher in mus. sch. at Wilna; 1882- 89 condr. at municipal theatre, Riga; 1893-95 condr. Hamburg Th.; 1894 condr. German opera sea- son, London; 1895-97 in U. S.; 1897- 1904 condr. municipal theatre, Strass- burg; 1901-04 dir. German opera season, London; 1904 opera condr. at Cologne; composed an opera Der Prim wider Willen (Riga, 1890) and many songs; married Katharina Klafsky, soprano, 1895. Lombard, Louis, compr., author, b. Lyons, France, Dec. 15, 1861. Studied music at the Nat. Cons., Marseilles, being admitted at 9 years of age; came to the U. S. in 1876, played in orchestra, in con- certs, and filled positions as condr. of opera companies; in 1886 traveled in Europe for a time, and then re- turned to the U. S.; studied law at the Columbia Univ. but did not practice; went to Utica, N. Y., and founded a successful cons, of music; 1896 sold the school, went to New York City, and began financial oper- ations in Wall St. amassing a large fortune; 1899 married a daughter of Thomas Allen, a railroad builder and magnate in the Western States, and retired from business life; re- moved to Paris and shortly after purchased the famous Trevano Cas- tle, in Switzerland, where he gives orchestral concerts and opera repre«- sentations the greater part of the year, frequently appearing as condr. ; composed in nearly all forms, a grand opera, a light opera, many orchestral pieces and nearly one hundred songs; author of Observations of a Bachelor, Observations of a Traveler, Observa- tions of a Musician, The Art Melo- dious, The Vicious Virtuoso, pub- lished in four languages. Longy, Georges, oboist, h. Abbeville, France, 1868. Began the study of music at 5, piano, violin, and oboe; 1882 entered Paris Cons.; 1886 won first prize for oboe playing; 1887 member of Op. Comique Orch.; 1880 soloist with Colonne Orch.; 1895 reestablished a society for the culti- vation of chamber music for wind instruments; 1898 came to Boston as first oboist of the Boston Symph. Orch.; 1900 founded the Longy Club whose concerts of chamber music for wind instruments are much appre- ciated by music lovers in Boston and other cities. Lorenz, Edmund Simon, compr., au- thor, h. near North Lawrence. O., July 13, 1854. Educated in High School, Toledo, O., Otterbein Univ., O., Yale Divinity School, with graduate work in Germany; largely self-taught in music; began writing simple tunes for church and Sunday- school at 17, easy church anthems at 19; compiled a large number of books for Sunday-school and church use, which have had a large sale; pres. Lebanon Valley Coll., Penn- sylvania, 1887-89; owing to nervous breakdown was compelled to give up career in the ministry and educa- tional work; began publishing music for church and Sunday-school, 1890, at Dayton, O.; 1894 issued The Choir Leader, 1897 Choir Herald, and Der Kirchenchor, monthly choir magazines .for popular chorus choirs; has edited a large number of anthem collections, written cantatas and special services for religious occas- ions; lectured on church music before theolog. seminaries; author of Practical Church Music (1909). Loret, Clement, compr., orgt. b. Ter- monde, France, 1833; d. Bois LUNN MANNES Colombe, Feb., 1909. Son of orgt. and org. builder; studied at Brussels Cons., organ with Lemmens, and theory with Fetis; took first organ prize; orgt. at Paris churches, and enjoyed high repute as a teacher; compositions include etudes, organ music, pieces for piano, and songs; transcribed for organ Handel's con- certs for organ and orch. Lunn, Charles, teacher of singing, b. Birmingham, Eng., Jan. 5, 1838; d. London, Feb. 28, 1906. Studied singing in Italy; a fine singer, and later a successful teacher; lived and taught in Birmingham, 1867-95; after that, until his death, in Lon- don; author of an important con- tribution to the literature of singing. The Philosophy of Voice (1874, 10th ed. 1906). Lutkin, Peter Christian, compr., orgt. b. Thompsonville, Wis., March 27, 1858. Parents musical; educated in public grammar and private schools in Chicago; boy chorister; studied organ, and received appointment as organist, 1872; studied organ with Eddy, theory with Gleason; went to Berhn, 1881, studied piano with Raflf, organ with Haupt, composi- tion with Bargiel; entered Roy. High Sch. Music for a time; spent one year in Vienna with Leschetizky, followed by period in Paris where he studied piano composition with Moszkowski; returned to Chicago; was orgt. and choirmaster in Chicago churches; dir. theoretical dept. Amer. Cons. Mus.; dir. of Mus., North- western Univ., Evanston, 1891; dir. of choral societies; organized, 1909, North Shore Music Festival; lec- turer on church music at several theological seminaries; compositions mostly for church use; musical editor of M. E. Church hymnal; author of Music in the Church. M Macmillen, Francis, vlt. h. Marietta, O., Oct. 14, 1885. Began to study music at an early age, piano and violin, the latter with Bernhard Listemann, in Chicago; went to Berlin at 10 years of age, studied with Markees at the Royal High Sch. Mus.; 1900 with Thomsor at Brussels; 1902 shared first prize for violin playing, also won another prize for playing; played in public with success in Brussels and other cities of the Netherlands; London, 1903; in U.S., seasons of 190&-07, 1910-11. Manchester, Arthur Livingston, teacher, author, b. Burlington Co., N. J., 1862. Parents good amateur musi- cians; educated in public schools, and at Pennington Sem.; began music study at 8, orgt. at 13, also teaching; studied with Zeckwer and Gilchrist in Philadelphia, 1879-82; later singing with Frederick Bussman and F. H. Tubbs; dir, music at Beaver Coll., 1882-86; later Clarion State Norm. Sch. and Martha Wash- ington Coll.; assoc. ed. Etude, 1893- 96; ed. Musician 1896-1901; with Oliver Ditson Co. 1901-04; dir. music dept. Converse Coll. 1905- 1913; mus. dir. S. Atlantic States Mus. Fes.; 1913 dir. dept. of mus. S. W. Univ., Georgetown, Tex.; au- thor of Twelve Lessons on the Funda- mentals of Voice Production, State of Mu^ic Education in the U. S. Mandyczewski, Eusebius, historian, critic, h. Czernowitz, Aug. 18, 1857. Studied music with R. Fuchs and Nottebohm in Vienna; gave up his university course in 1880 and turned to music; 1887 chorus master to the Vienna Singakademie and archivist to the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde; teacher of theoiy of music at the Cons. 1897, 1900 of history of music; 1897 received the degree of Doctor of Music from Leipzig Univ. for his services to the complete edition of Schubert's works; musical ad- viser to the department of education; completed Pohl's Haydn, and re- vised the complete edition of Haydn's works. Mannes, David, vlt. h. New York, 1866; commenced music study at MANEN MATTIOH nine years of age; educated in public schools of New York; studied with de Ahna, 1891, with Halir, 1892-93, Ysaye, 1903; began professional work in New York, first with dance orchestra, then with theatre orches- tra, 1891 with New York Symphony Orchestra under Walter Damrosch, concert-master, 1900-12; organized Mannes Quartet; director N. Y. Music School Settlement and ad- viser to Music School Settlement for colored people, founded 1911; with Mrs. Mannes gives popular sonata recital series. Manen, Joan, vU. b. Barcelona, March 14, 1883; began study of music before he was 4, father, a skilled amateur, teaching him violin and piano; later studied with a pupil of Alard, and made a concert tour as a "wonder-child," coming in contact with many distinguished violinists and learning from them; has composed for violin and orches- tra, and two operas, Jeanne de Naples and Acte. Marshall, John Patten, compr., orgt. b. Rockport, ' Mass., Jan. 9, 1877. Educated in public schools of Rock- port and Gloucester; studied music at Boston, under Lang, Chadwick, MacDowell, Norris, and Wallace Goodrich; orgt. St. John's Church, Boston, 1896-1905, First Ch. 1909-; Prof. Mus., Boston Univ., 1903, which position he still fills (1914); dir. of music, Middlesex School, Concord, Mass., 1902-1912; lec- turer in music, Mass. Univ. Exten- sion, and Lasell Inst., 1911-12; pub- lished a syllabus of a Course in Musical History and Music Appre- ciation; compositions include songs and piano pieces. Martin, Hugh Whitfield (called Ric- cardo), tenor. Studied singing in New York, in Paris with Sbriglia, Escalais, Jean de Reszke, and Lom- bardi in Florence; debut at Muni- cipal Opera, Nantes, 1904, taking the name Richard, afterward changed to Riccardo; went to Italy to study; Italian debut at Vienna, Nov. 4, 1905; engaged at Odessa, 1905-06, and also at Lisbon during carnival season, 1905-07; engaged with San Carlo Op. Co. and sang with great success in American cities; first appearance in the U. S. at New Orleans, Nov. 27, 1906; engaged with Metropol. Op. Co., New York; Co vent Garden, London, season 1910. Mathews, Blanche Dingley, teacher. b. Auburn, Me., May 27, 1873. Parents musical; educated in public schools. Auburn and Lewiston; stud- ied music with local teachers; then with Barth in Berlin, MacDowell and Busoni in Boston, W. S. B. Mathews in Chicago; began pro- fessional activity in Chicago in 1901, gradually beginning to special- ize in the training of teachers; located in Denver, Col., 1910; com- piled Child's First Grade; author of Harmonic Ear Training. Matthay, Tobias Augustus, teacher, b. London, Feb. 19, 1858, Father a teacher of languages; began the study of music at 6, entered Roy. Acad. Mus. 1871; 1872 won Stem- dale Bennett Scholarship; studied under Bennett, Sullivan, and Prout in composition, piano under Mac- Farren; teacher of piano at Roy. Acad. Mus. 1876, prof. 1880; founded Matthay Pfte. Sch. of which he is dir.; has composed works for orch.; chamber music, songs and pfte. pieces {Elves, Love- Phases, Prelude and Studies, Op. 16); published Act of Touch, 1903, First Principles of PHe.- Playing, Some Commentaries on Piano- Playing, Relaxation Studies, Double Thirds, Scales, and Their Mastery, The Fore- Arm Rotation Principle, The Child's First Steps in Piano- Playing; in preparation (1913) The Laws and Teaching of Interpre- tation. Mattioli, Lino, compr., 'cellist, teacher of singing, h. Traversetolo, near Parma, Italy, 1853. Father a good amateur vlt.; M. was educated in the village school; entered the Royal Cons, at Parma, in 1865, completing an eight years' course in four, studying composition, piano, 'cello, and singing; in 1870 began profes- sional work as 'cellist in the theatres of various Italian cities, notably Genoa, Florence, Rome, and Milan; MATZENAUER MUGELLINI later made a concert tour through India; in 1882 played 'cello in quartet engagements in Italy with Joachim; 1883 came to New York as solo 'cellist in the orchestra of the Abbey-Grau Co.; in May, 1884, went to Cincinnati as 'cellist, and teacher of singing in the Coll, of Mus., where he is still engaged; among his pupils may be mentioned Mary Hissem de Moss, soprano, Carl Gantvoort, baritone, and Wm. Ebann, 'ceUist; well-known compositions are the songs Where Love Abides, Ave Maria, and Ber- ceuse and Danse montagnarde for 'cello. Matzenauer, Margarethe, contralto, b. Hungary. Father an orchestral condr.; mother an opera singer; began study of music as a child; debut as Puck in Oberon at Strass- burg, where she remained for three years; went to Hofoper at Munich, has sung at Bayreuth; with Metro- politan Op. Co., season 1911-12; at the close of the New York engage- ment went to the Stadt Th., Ham- burg, with privilege of visiting United States for two seasons; in addition to . her admirable work as a singer she is an actress of unusual force and intensity; married Ferrari-Fontana, operatic tenor, 1912. Mengelberg, Josef Willem, condr. b. Utrecht, March 28, 1871. Educated in local schools and under local musicians, later studied at the Cologne Cons., pupil of Wiillner, Seiss and Jensen; 1891 condr. at Luzerne, 1895 condr. Concertgebouw Orch., Amsterdam, 1898 also of the^ vocal society, Toonkunst; 1907 he added to his other professional work the direction of the Museum Concerts and the Cacilienverein of Frankfort; he is also a very capable pianist, and has a email number ^of compositions to his credit. Miersch, Paul Frederic Theodore, compr., 'cellist, h. Dresden, Jan., 1868. Son of Carl Friedrich Miersch, a portrait painter and scientist; educated in public schools of Dres- den; pupil at Royal Cons,, Munich, 'cello with Joseph Werner, composi- tion with Rheinberger, 1883-87; came to U. S. and located in Wash- ington, D. C, as teacher and soloist, 1888; N. Y. Philh. Club, 1891-92; solo 'cellist N. Y. Symph. Orch. 1898 to present (1914). 1892-98, in same capacity with Metropol. Op. House Orch.; compositions in- clude pieces for orchestra, 'cello and violin, 'cello and piano, and songs. Mildenberg, Albert, compr. h. Brook- lyn, 1877. Educated in Ecole de ville, Paris; studied music with Joseffy in New York, Joseph Jemain, in Paris, Martucci, and Carignani in Milan; dir. of mus. dept. of several schools near New York City; 1907-1909 in Paris, dir. Society symphonique; 1908 opera accepted for performance at Imper. Op. House, Vienna; 1909 director New York School of Opera; compo- sitions in all forms, principally vocal and operatic, and include three grand operas, four light operas, many songs (The Violet, Ich Hebe dich), and piano pieces {Intermezzo "Astarte," Waterways of Venice) . Morena, Berta, sopr. h. Wiirzburg, Germany, Jan. 27, 1878. Studied singing at Munich with Mme. Sophie Rohr-Brajnin, and with Mme. Regina de Sales, at London; debut at Munich Court Theatre, with which she is still connected; first American appearance at Metro- pol. Op., N. Y., March 4, 1908; sang with same company in later years. Mugellini, Bruno, pst., compr. b. Picena, Italy, Dec. 24, 1871; d. Bologna, Jan. 15, 1912. Favorite pupil of G. Martucci, under whom he studied, beginning in his sixteenth year; succeeded Martucci as director of the Liceo Musicale on the latter's death; he was highly esteemed as a pianist throughout Europe, partic- ularly in Berlin; his compositions include a symphonic poem for chorus and orchestra, Alle fonti del Clitumno (1889), a quintet, a sonata for 'cello and piano, and an opera, Catullo. MYER OLDBERG Myer, Edmund J., teacher, author, b. near Gettysburg, Pa., Jan. 21, 1846; father was a tenor singer; general education in Wyoming Sem., King- ston, Pa., and Dickinson Coll., Wil- liamsport. Pa., 1860-65; musical education in Philadelphia and New York; began professional activity in New York City, in 1878, as church and concert singer and teacher; teacher at Nat. Summer Sch., Lake Chautauqua; 1906 moved to Seattle, Wash.; author of Truths of Im- portance to Vocalists (1883), The Voice from a Practical Standpoint (1886), Voice Training Exercises (1887), Vocal Reinforcement (1891), Position and Action in Singing (1897), The Renaissance of the Vocal Art (1902), A Vocal Instructor; contributed to leading musical journals. N Newman, Ernest, critic, author, h. Liverpool, Nov. 30, 1869. Prepared for Indian Civil Service, then en- tered business, not commencing musical work until 1903, when he became a teacher at the Midland Inst., Birmingham; 1905 critic for Manchester Guardian, 1906 for Bir- mingham Daily Post; author of Gluck and the Opera (1895), Study of Wagner (1899), Musical Studies (1905), Wagner and Elgar in the Music of the Masters series (1906), Hugo Wolf (1907), Richard Strauss (1908), translation of Schweitzer's Bach (1912); he has in preparation, at the time of this writing a second volume of the Musical Studies, a new work on Wagner, and a history of music; during his business career he published several books deahng with financial questions. Noack, Sylvain, vlt. b. Rotterdam, Aug. 21, 1881. At first intended to become a pst. but decided to devote himself entirely to the violin when he was 14; first teacher was Andre Spoor; 1898 entered Amsterdam Cons., studied under Elderling and was a member of the Concertgebouw; won first prize at the Cons. 1900; 1903 teacher in the Cons.; 1905 located at Rotterdam, giving much time to chamber music and traveling as a virtuoso; 1906 concert-master Aix-la-Chapelle Orch.; 1908 second concert-master Boston Symph. Orch. Noble, Thomas Tertius, orgt., compr. h. Bath, 1867; studied music at an early age; appeared in public at 11; orgt. at Colchester at 14; 1889 entered Roy. Coll, Music, London, pupil of Parratt, Stanford, and Bridge; later studied with Rhein- berger, at Munich; 1890 asst. to Stanford, at Trinity Coll., Cam- bridge; 1893 orgt. at Ely Cathedral; orgt. York Minster, 1897-1913; 1913 accepted position at St. Thomas' Church, New York; founded York Symph. Soc, 1898; 1910 revived York festivals, for which he com- posed the Pageant Mu^ic; other compositions are incidental music to Aristophanes' Wasps, an opera, Kili- bergs, A Festival Cantata, Gloria Domino, pieces for organ, anthems, services, etc. Oldberg, Ame, pst., compr. h. Youngs- town, O., July 12, 1874. Studied music with American teachers; 1893, in Vienna under Leschetizky; later studied composition with Rhein- berger at Munich; 1899 returned to U. S. ; accepted position as teacher in school of music connected with Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.; compositions include 2 sym- phonies, 2 overtures, a theme and variations for orchestra, concertos for piano, organ, horn, chamber music, a song cycle for con- tralto' and orchestra, and pieces for piano. PARLOW RAINS Parlow, Kathleen, vlt. b. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1890. Mother played the violin; family moved to San Francisco; began study of violin at 5 years of age, gave concerts at 7; pupil of Henry Holmes, an Enghsh violinist, residing in San Francisco; played in London several times in 1905; through the patronage of cer- tain wealthy music lovers was en- abled to study with Leopold Auer, at St. Petersburg; 1907 played suc- cessful concert engagements in Bel- gium, Copenhagen, St. Petersburg, several German cities, and England; won great praise on her first tour of the U. S., season of 1910-11. Patten, Willard, compr. b. Milford, Me., May 26, 1853. Father a good amateur musician; studied music in Boston and New York, and later made extensive original studies and research; graduated from High Sch., and continued his literary studies privately; began professional career in Bangor, Me., produced an oper- etta in 1882; appeared in public as singer and conductor, organized the Handel Society; removed to Minne- apolis, 1883, becoming active as teacher, choirmaster and conductor; organized Philharmonic Club, 1898; compositions include an oratorio, Isaiah, an opera bouffe. La Fianza, a grand opera Pocohontas, to which he supplied the libretto, and other smaller works. Pratt, John Haraden, compr. b. Free- port, Me., Nov. 20," 1848. Father, Simeon P., was a teacher of country singing schools; 1869 went to Port- land, Me., and studied with G. W. Marston; 1873 removed to Cali- fornia to take up professional work in Oakland and San Francisco; 1876-78 studied harmony and coun- terpoint with John P. Morgan, then living in California; 1879 went to Leipzig and studied with Jadassohn, A. Richter, Wenzel, Coccius, and Zwintscher; 1881 returned to San Francisco; orgt. and teacher in San Francisco; active in educational musical work in his state; composi- tions mostly vocal. Presser, Theodore, music publisher, h. July 3, 1848, at Pittsburgh; clerked in a music store, studied music, taught several years, spent two years in study at Leipzig Conserva- tory; in 1883 in Philadelphia, estab- lished^n educational musical journal. The Etude, around which has since been built a large music publishing business. Proctor, George William, pst. h. Boston, Mass., Dec. 18, 1875. Father a musician; educated in the public schools of Boston; famous as a boy chorister; principal piano teacher was Leschetizky at Vienna; began professional career in the U. S., season of 1896-97; has played in most of the cities of the U. S., and with the leading orchestras and quartets; gave concerts in Europe; teacher of piano at the New England Cons., Boston. R Radoux, Jean Theodore, compr. h. Liege, Nov. 9, 1835; d. there. Mar. 20, 1911. Father was a gunsmith and a fine musical amateur; studied at the local cons., and with Halevy at Paris; 1859 won the Prix de Rome; applied himself dihgently to com- position and musical pedagogy; 1856, teacher of bassoon in Cons.; 1872 appointed dir.; composed 2 operas, 2 one act operettas, 2 oratorios, and several smaller choral works, as well as some important orchestral pro- ductions, many songs, and choruses; published Solfbges de concours, and a book on the life and works of Vieuxtemps; with Gevaert and Ben- oit he was responsible for the Belgian musical renaissance. Rains, Leon, bass. b. New York, Oct. 1, 1870. Sang in pubhc at 12 as a boy soprano; took up a business career, but continued musical and dramatic work after his voice had changed; studied with New York RECKENDORF RUNCIMAN teachers; scholarship, 1891, at Nat. Cons., New York; pupil of Oscar Saenger, three years; 1896 in Paris, with Bouhy; 1897 with Metropol. Opera Co., New York; continued summer study with Bouhy, and in 1899 engaged at Dresden Opera; also does some private teaching (Van Hoose, a pupil); has consider- able skill as a painter; lives in Dresden. Reckendorf, Alois, teacher, b. Tre- bitsch, Moravia, June 10, 1841; d. Leipzig, Apr. 10, 1912. Studied music at Leipzig Cons., 1865-67, having previously pursued scientific studies at Vienna and Heidelberg; teacher of piano and theory at Leipzig Cons. 1877-1912, Wilhelm Bachaus among his pupils; com- posed a few piano pieces and songs. Reed, William, orgt., compr. b. Montreal, Sept. 9, 1859. Mother was musical; educated at choir school of St. John the Evangelist, Montreal; Oxford Univ. 1878-82; musical education at Montreal and in England, studying organ, piano, violin and composition; began musi- cal career as orgt. of Ch. St. John the Evangehst, 1873; orgt. at Keble Coll., Oxford, during stay at Univ.; since 1882 orgt. in Canada, mainly in Montreal and Quebec, making his home in the latter city, as teacher and composer; has written much church music,, cantatas, anthems, etc., sec- ular part-songs, and organ music ; con- tributed articles to the musical press of the U. S. and Canada. Riviere, Jules, condr. b. Aix-en- Othe, Nov. 6, 1819; d. Colwyn Bay, England, Dec. 27, 1900. Educated in Paris; came to London as a protege of Jullien, and succeeded him as condr. at Covent Garden; was also mus. dir. of other organiza- tions and of concert series in the large provincial cities; pubUshed My Musical Life and Recollections, 1893. Rhys-Herbert, William, orgt., compr. b. Resolven, South Wales, 1868. Sang as a boy and filled an organ position while still in his youth ; studied piano with local teachers, and theory and organ with Dr. Karn, London Coll. Mus.; gained degrees Mus. Bac, later Mus. Doc. from Trinity Univ., Toronto; orgt. Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis, M. E. Ch., 1899-1911; 1911 went to the Ch. of the Redeemer; composed successful operettas, Sylvia, Nautical Knot, and Bulbul, and a cycle of sa- cred cantatas, Bethlehem, The Naz- arene, Bethany, Calvary, and Olivet. Rothwell, Walter Henry, condr. h. London, 1872. Father was English, mother Austrian, and a prominent pianist; began music studies at 9 in Roy. Acad., Vienna, piano, history of music, and composition; won first prize and gold medal at 16; after graduation continued studies with Epstein in piano, Fuchs in composi- tion, and Bruckner in harmony and counterpoint; later he went to Munich and studied with Thuille and Van Schillings; 1889 concertized in Austria and Germany as pst.; 1885 asst. condr. at Hamburg opera under Mahler; after engagements in several opera houses in Germany and Austria condr. at opera in Amsterdam, 1903; 1904 came to U. S. to conduct Parsifal for H. W, Savage and also gave first produc- tion of Madam Butterfly in U. S.; 1908 condr. St. Paul Symph. Orch. Ruffe, Titta, baritone, h. in Tuscany, spending boyhood in Rome; father an artist in iron and bronze, the boy following the same fine, even while he was a pupil at St. Ceciha Cons.; was told he had neither voice nor dramatic ability for an operatic career; later tutored by his brother, Ettore, he showed great promise; debut at the Costanzi Th., Rome, as the Herald in Lohengrin; first success was at Catania, as Renato in Un hallo in maschera; then fol- lowed engagements in various Euro- pean cities; with Metropolitan Opera Co., N. Y., 1912-13 and following season ; he is an ardent student of Shakespeare; family name is Titta. Runciman, John, critic. Since 1894 music critic for the London Saturday Review, editor and pubhsher of The Chord and the Musicians Library; au- thor of Old Scores and New Readings, a collection of essays which previous- ly appeared in various magazines. SAMMARCO SCHOENBERG Sammarco, Mario, baritone, b. Pa- lermo, 1872. Pupil of Cantelli, an opera singer; debut at a Milan theatre, going later to the famous La Scala; as his reputation became fixed he appeared in the leading European cities and in South Amer- ica; New York debut Feb. 1, 1907. Manhattan Op. House; he created a number of baritone roles, among them Franchetti's Germania, and Leoncavallo's Zaza; decorated by Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese rulers. Saunders, Joseph Gordon, teacher, b. London, 1837; died there, Jan. 17, 1912; Mus. Doc. Oxford Univ. 1878; a founder of Trinity College, London, teacher of pfte,, harmony, and condr. ensemble class; author of Examples in Strict Counterpoint and Fingering and Phrasing; composer of church music, studies for pfte. and organ, part-songs, etc. Scheidemantel, Karl, baritone. h. Weimar, Jan. 21, 1859. Educated in his native city, pupil of Bodo Borcher; 1878-86 attached to Court Theatre; studied with Stockhausen during summer of 1881-83; 1886 engaged at Bayreuth as Amfortas in Parsifal; the same year was engaged for the Dresden court opera; in 1909 he brought out, with success, a revised version of Mozart's Cosl fan tutte; pubhshed Stimmbildung, 1907-08. Schiller, Madeline, pst. b. London, 1851(?), d. New York, July 3, 1911. Pupil of Isaacs, Benedict, Hall6, and Moscheles; d^but at Gewand- haus, Leipzig; tours in England, Australia, and U. S.; married M. E. Bennett, of Boston; taught in that city for several years, and then again took up concert work until a severe illness left her with a dread for public appearance; removed to New York where she enjoyed a high reputation as a teacher Schott, Anton, tenor, b. Burg Stau- feneck (Swabian Alps), 1846; d. Stuttgart, Jan. 9, 1913; served in the army, including Franco-Prussian campaign, studied singing and made d^but at Munich, at the close of 1871; 1872-75 at Berlin Court opera as well as at Schwerin; 1877-80 at Hannover; 1882 member of Neu- mann's traveling Wagner Co.; 1883- 84 member of Metropol. Op. Co., N. Y., later went to Pacific Coast, remained there as teacher until 1902, when he returned to New York, soon afterward going back to Wiirt- emburg, Germany. Schmidt, Arthur P., music publisher. b. Altona, Germany, April 1, 1846; came to United States in 1866, locating in Boston where he entered the music business of George D. Russell and Co.; in 1876 he estab- lished a business of his own, which now has branches in New York and Leipzig; he has contributed largely to progress of music in the U. S. by the publication of the works of American composers, notably Mac- Dowell, Foote, Chadwick, Mrs. Beach and others. Schmitt, Florent, compr. b. Blamont (Lorraine), Sept. 28, 1870. Father was a musician, greatly interested in church music and hostile to Wagner; first studies in music at Nancy, under Hess, orgt. at Cathedral, and in harmony with Sandre, director of local Cons.; 1889 entered Paris Cons.; studied harmony with Du- bois, Lavignac, Massenet, and Faur6 ; 1900 won Prix de Rome; following his stay in Italy he traveled in Europe, North Africa, and Turkey, collecting impressions for his later works; now makes his home in Paris; his compositions show the influence of Chabrier and Debussy; important works are La Tragedie de Salome (1911) for orchestra, Psalm XL VI, a quintet for piano and strings (1909), piano pieces (Mus- iques intimes, Nuits Romaines, Luci- oles, Rhapsodies), songs with orches- tral accpt., and for four voices, Op. 39. Schoenberg, Arnold, compr. b. Vienna, Sept. 13, 1874. Studied music with his brother-in-law, Alexander von SCHUECKER SEVERN Zemlinsky; continued his studies alone, sedulously devoting himself to the works of Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven; later was deeply in- fluenced by Brahms, and in a less degree, by Mahler; 1902 went to Berlin as prof, of composition at the Stern Cons.; 1903-11 he was again in Vienna working at composition and bringing his compositions before the pubhc; in 1911 he returned to Berlin where he now lives; his first quartet, Verkldrte Nacht, was not well received at first but has gained in appreciation since then; his later works have aroused extreme oppo- sition in all cities where they have been performed, yet he has a small circle of enthusiastic followers; pub- lished a harmony text-book, Harmo- nielehre. Schuecker, Heinrich, harpist. b. Vienna, 1868; d. Boston, Apr., 1913. Father a member of the Imperial and Roy. Op., Vienna; educated in a local coll. ; studied at Vienna Cons, six years; came to Boston as harp soloist of the Symph. Orch., 1888, with which organization he was connected until his death ; teacher of harp playing at the N E. Cons., Boston; trained a large number of pupils. Scott, Cjrril Meir, compr. b. Oxton, England, Sept. 27, 1879. Studied piano in England; at 17 went to Frankfort, Germany, and studied composition, etc., at the Hoch Cons. under Iwan Knorr; belongs to the ultra-modern school of composers; has written in various forms, a symphony, 2 rhapsodies, Christmas overture, and other work for orchestra ; a sextet for piano and strings, Op. 26, string quartet. Op. 28, quintet for piano and strings. Op. 57, are among his chamber music works; La belle dame sans merci for soprano, bari- tone, and orchestra and Helen of Kirkconnel for baritone and orches- tra; his piano music is in the De- bussy style; has written charming songs, notably some settings of old English lyrics. Scott, Henri, bass. b. Coatesville, Pa., Apr. 8, 1876. Showed musical incli- nations at an early age, filled choir positions in Philadelphia churches, and studied with local teachers; later in New York, where he studied with Saenger; gained a fine reputation as an oratorio and concert singer, and also appeared in A'ida and Faust with a Philadelphia amateur opera company; after a concert tour with Caruso he was engaged by Hammer- stein for the Manhattan Op. Co.; when this was closed he went to Italy and was successful there in various operas; returned to U. S., and became a member of the Chicago Op. Co. Scotti, Antonio, baritone, b. Naples, 1866. Intended for the priesthood his fine voice attracted attention and he was drawn to the career of a singer; studied first with Mme. Paganini (niece of the famous violinist), and later with F. Lam- perti; debut at Malta in A'ida; ap- peared at Milan, Turin, and Verona; 1891 with Tamagno's company in S. America; returned to Europe, sang at Madrid, one year, three years in Russia; Co vent Garden, London, 1899; New York 1900-01; since then member of Metropol. Op. Co.; repertoire is large, especially strong in modern works. Seifriz, Max, condr. h. Rottweil, Oct. 9, 1827; d. Stuttgart, Dec. 20, 1885. Pupil of Taglichsbeck, at Hechingen, where S. became violinist of the ducal orchestra in 1841 ; 1849 viohn- ist at the city theatre, Ziirich; 1854 court conductor at Lowenberg; after the death of his patron, in 1869, he removed to Stuttgart, becoming court music director in 1871; com- posed a symphony, an overture, incidental music to Jungfrau von Orleans, and many part songs for men's voices; with Edmund Singer published a violin method. Severn, Edmund, vlt., compr. b. Nottingham, Eng., Dec. 10, 1862. Parents came to the U. S. in 1866; father a violinist and teacher, and in his mother's family were several viohnists; received general educa- tion in pubhc schools of Hartford, Conn.; studied violin with father, and in 1879, 1884-86 with Liste- SHACKLEY SLEZAK mann, Boston; studied with Wirth, in Berlin, 1888-90; self-taught in composition as a young man, stud- ied with Philipp Scharwenka in Ber- lin, 1888-90; and with G. W. Chad- wick, in Boston, 1890-91; began professional activity in Hartford as player and teacher; leader of own orchestra, 1879, condr. of various organizations; organized str. qt.; condr. of choral organizations; re- moved to New York, 1897; composi- tions for orchestra include an over- ture, symph. poem, concerto for violin, chamber music, pieces for violin, a cantata, and some piano pieces. Shackley, Frederick N., compr., orgt. h. Laconia, N. H., Oct. 25, 1868. Educated in public schools of Lewis- ton, Me.; studied music in Boston under Homer Norris, G. W. Chad- wick, S. B. Whitney, and Warren A. Locke; began professional work at Lewiston and Auburn, Me., 1885; orgt. St. John's Episc. Theol. Sch., Cambridge, Mass., 1892-94; orgt. Ch. Messiah, Auburndale, 1894-96; orgt. Ch. Ascension, Boston, Mass., since 1896; published compositions over 100, and include the cantata, A Song of Praise, many anthems, and sacred songs, organ arrange- ments of works of MacDowell, Tschaikowsky and others. Shepherd, Arthur, compr. h. Paris, Idaho, Feb. 19, 1880. Father and mother musical although without regular training; educated in local schools; musical education at N. E. Cons., Boston, Mass., 1892-97, piano with Carl Faelten, harmony with Benjamin Cutter, counterpoint and composition with Goetschius, and Chadwick; began professional career at Salt Lake City teaching piano, conducted theatre orch. and Salt Lake Symph. Orch. until 1908, when he came to Boston as teacher of harmony and counterpoint at N. E. Cons.; condr. several musical organizations; compositions include symph. poem, overture, and suite for orchestra, large choral works, a pfte. sonata and smaller pieces, songs, etc.; won Paderewski Prize with Overture joyeuse, Nat. Fed. of Women's Mus. Club Prize, with pfte. sonata, Op. 4, and song, The Lost Child. Singer, Edmund, vlt. b. Totis, Hun- gary, Oct. 14, 1830; d. Stuttgart, Jan., 1912; Pupil of EUinger and Kohne in Pesth; after a concert tour at the age of 11 went to Vienna and spent a year under Bohm; a series of concerts in Paris was very successful; 1846 solo vioUnist at Pesth Th.; again started on tours and settled in Weimar, 1854-56, as concertmaster; from that time until death, In Stuttgart as concertmaster and prof, of vln. at the Cons.; en- joyed great repute as a teacher; with Seifriz published a Violinschule. Sinigalia, Leone, compr. h. Turin, Aug. 14, 1868. Studied composition with Bolzoni at the Liceo Musicale Giuseppe Verdi; later continued his studies with Mandyczewski at Vienna; in this city he made the acquaintance of Goldmark and Dvo- rak, and was taken as a pupil by the latter; compositions include works for orchestra, chamber music for strings and for wind instruments, a concerto, a Rhapsody, and a Romance for violin and orchestra, sbngs, and choral works. Sleeper, Henry Dike, orgt. h. Patten, Me., Oct. 9, 1865; student at Har- vard, 1885-87; grad. Hartford Theol. Sem., 1891; studied music at Worces- ter, Mass., Hartford, Conn., Chi- cago, Philadelphia, and London; instr. mus. at Beloit Coll., Wis., 1891-94; prof, mus., Georgetown Coll. (Ky.) 1894-95; Univ. Wis- consin, 1895-98; instr. and prof. mus. Smith Coll., 1898 to present (1914); orgt. in various churches; composed music for organ and church service. Slezak, Leo, tenor. h. Schonberg, Austria, 1874. Showed musical talent as a boy; at 22 was well- known in Austria and Germany as an opera singer; won his first great success at Berlin, as Lohengrin, being engaged at the Royal Opera; 1900 was at Covent Garden; 1901-08 at Vienna; 1908 went to Paris to study with Jean de Reszke; first appear- ance in New York, Nov. 18, 1909; SMOLIAN SPINELLI also successful in concert engage- ments; his voice is unusually power- ful and fine in quality. Smolian, Arthtir, critic, b. Riga, Dec. 3, 1856; d. Leipzig, Nov. 5, 1911. Pupil of Rheinberger, Wiillner, and Barmann, at Munich; condr. at Kroll's, in Berlin, Basel, and Stet- tin, and of a choral organization in Leipzig, at the same time active as a teacher and critic for Leipzig papers; 1884-90 in Wiesbaden; 1890, teacher at Carlsruhe Cons., and critic for a local paper; 1901 critic Leipzig Zeitung, editor Musikfuhrer and Opernfiihrer, for which he wrote many most valuable analyses; also edited Neue Musikalische Presse, contributed musical articles to Brock- haus' Konversations-Lexikon; wrote Von Schwinden der Gesangeskunst (1903), Stella del Monte (after Ber- lioz memoirs); a well known con- tributor in late years to Signale; composed a number of pleasing songs and part-songs. Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore, historian, author, b. Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 6, 1873. Educated in public schools, Hoboken, N. J., Ger- man gymnasia, Univ. Heidelberg, 1893, Munich, 1893-97, studying principally psychology, aesthetics, and history of music; began study of piano at 5 years of age; while in Germany continued music studies at IQel, Frankfort with Kwast, composition at Munich with Sachs, instrumentation with Knorr at Frankfort, conducting at Sonders- hausen, 1898; pianistic career closed on account of injury to hand, and attention centered on theoretical subjects; chief of Division of Music, Library of Congress, since Aug., 1902; pubUshed a few compositions while in Germany; Mr, Sonneck's contributions to the history of the music of the U. S. and the bibliog- raphy of music are extremely valu- able; among them are Scheme for Classification of Music and Literature of Music, 1904, Francis Hopkinson and James Lyon, 1905 (two studies in early American music). Bibli- ography of Early Secular American Music, 1905, Early Concert Life in America, 1907, Early Opera in America, 1907, Catalogue of Dramatic Music in the Library of Congress, 1908, Report on the Star Spangled Banner, America, Hail Columbia, Yankee Doodle, 1909, Catalogue of full Scores of Orchestral Music in the Library of Congress, 1912; nearing completion (1913) is a very valuable Catalogue of 17th and ISth Century Opera Librettos in the Library of Congress; in addition to these books Mr. Sonneck has contributed about 100 important articles and essays on historical subjects to American and European musical magazines; pub- lished two volumes of verse, Seufzer, 1895, Eine Totenmesse, 1898. Spence, William Ramsay, orgt., compr. b. Montreal, Feb. 27, 1859. Father a stained glass artist, mother musi- cal; educated at St. John's Sch.; boy chorister in St. John's Ch.; studied music and became orgt. at St. John's, in 1878, holding position for 18 years, except a short time when he was at Trinity Ch.; 1896 orgt. at Brighton, Mass., a suburb of Boston; 1901 returned to Mon- treal, orgt. Ch. of the Advent; com- positions number about 150, songs, part-songs, anthems, pieces for piano, 'cello, violin, and organ, and a cantata, The Story of Bethlehem. Spencer, Allen, pst. b. Fair Haven, Vt., Oct. 30, 1870. Father was a great lover of music; educated in local schools; pupil of Edgar H. Sherwood at Rochester, N. Y., 1888- 89; with Wm. H. Sherwood 1889-92; studied counterpoint and compo- sition with P. C. Lutkin at Chicago, 1891-94; began recital work in 1891; teacher in American Cons., Chicago, since 1892; many concert engage- ments in the middle West, and a number of appearances with promi- nent orchestras, bringing out many novelties; has composed in many different forms but published very little; author of 40 Lessons to a Teacher of Beginners. Spinelli, Nicola, compr. b. Turin, July 29, 1865; d. Rome, Oct. 18, 1909. Studied at the Naples Cons, with Serrao and Palumbo; came before the public with opera / guanti gialli, and A ba^so porta, 1894, which SPROSS STRAUS was warmly received by the Italian public, and also in Rome. Spross, Charles Gilbert, compr. b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Jan., 1874. Father and mother good singers; educated in public schools of Pough- keepsie; studied music with local teachers, and later, piano, with Xaver Scharwenka, composition with Emil Gramm and Carl V. Lach- mund, in N. Y.; appeared in public as pst. at an early age; orgt. in Poughkeepsie, Paterson, N. J., Rut- gers Presb. Ch., New York, now at Paterson; accompanist for noted artists, Schumann-Heink, Melba, Mary Garden, Nordica, etc.; com- positions include a sacred cantata. The Word of God, anthems, part- songs, and over 50 songs, Will-o-the- wisj), The Wind, Ishtar, Jean, Yester- day and To-day. Spry, Walter, pst. h. Chicago, Feb. 27, 1868. Mother was musical; edu- cated in Chicago schools; teachers were August Hyllested, 1886-88, Clarence Eddy, 1888-89, Theodore Leschetizky, 1889-90, Ernst Ru- dorff, 1890-93, Samuel Rousseau, 1895-96; began professional career in Chicago in 1893; asst. to Wm. H. Sherwood, 1903-05; now dir. Walter Spry Piano Sch., Chicago; has written compositions in various forms, piano pieces, songs, and for orchestra; Essays for the Classroom, a pedagogic work is nearly ready for pubhsher (1914). Stair, Patty, compr., orgt. b. Cleve- land, O., Nov. 12, 1869. Family artistic, musical, and literary for many generations; educated in pub- lic and private schools of Cleveland; studied music at Cleveland Cons., with Franklin Bassett, 1882-92; began teaching, church organ work, and composition at 14; filled various appointments as orgt. in Cleveland; 1912 East End Bapt. Ch.; teacher in Cleveland Cons, since 1889; composi- tions include anthems, part-songs, songs, pieces for violin, piano and organ, small numbers for orchestra, one light opera; some of her well known pieces are Minuet (women's voices). Little Dutch Lullaby (wom- en's voices). These are they (anthem). Stokowski, Leopold, condr. h. Lon- don, Apr. 18, 1882. Father was a Polish exile, his mother an Irish woman; studied piano and violin as a child, and later learned several orchestral instruments; studied organ and filled position as orgt. at St. James, Piccadilly, London ; his talent for composition was developed under the instruction of Parry and Stan- ford, and at 14 he won a prize for a choral work to be performed at St. Paul's, London; came to U. S. in 1905 as oYgt. at St. Bartholomew's Ch., New York; after several years of service he resigned and went abroad, doing guest conducting at London and Paris; engaged as condr. Cincinnati Symph.Orch., 1909-12; 1912 resigned and soon afterward accepted post as condr. Philadelphia Orch.; 1911 mar- ried Olga Samaroff, pst. Stransky, Josef, condr. h. Bohemia, 1872. Father a professional musi- cian; studied at Leipzig under Jadassohn, *at Vienna under Fuchs and Bruckner; condr. at Prague for 5 years, at Hamburg Op., 7 years, and of Bltithner Orch. and Gura Op., Berlin; accepted conductorship of New York Philh. 1911-12, contract renewed for three years at the end of first season. Straube, Karl, orgt. b. Berhn, Jan. 6, 1873. Pupil of H. Reimann (organ), Riifer, and Alb. Becker; has been known as a virtuoso organist since 1894, making a specialty of his- torical programs; 1897 orgt. at Wesel; 1902 at St. Thomas Ch., Leipzig; 1903 dir. Bachverein; 1907 teacher of organ playing at the Cons.; 1908 made professor; edited Liszt's organ works, and other valu- able collections of organ music a new edition of Bach's organ works is'being issued under his supervision; in his concert work he has brought out many of Max Reger's compositions. Straus, Oskar, compr., condr. h. Vienna, Apr. 6, 1870. Studied com- position with Gradener at Vienna, and with Bruch at Berlin; theatre condr. 1895-1900 at Briinn,^ Tep- litz, Mayence, and Berlin; in the latter city he won fine success as condr. at von Wolzogen's t)ber- TAFFANEL TORRINGTON bretti Theatre, for which he wrote a number of hght musical pieces; more serious in style are an overture Der Traum ein Leben, a Serenade for string orchestra, a violin sonata, the comic operas, Der schwarze Mann and Columhine,Sind a number of operettas; has also written some piano pieces. Taffanel, Paul, condr., Uutist. b. Bordeaux, Sept. 16, 1844; d. 1908. Father, a music teacher and band- master in the French army, first instructor in flute, vioUn and piano playing; so rapid was his progress that at 10 he appeared with success in public as flute soloist; several years elapsed before he again played in concerts; he received much valu- able help from Guercy, a celebrated virtuoso; in 1858 he came under the instruction of Dorus, and in 1860 followed him to the Paris Cons., winning a first prize in flute playing; in 1862 won a first prize in harmony, and one in 1865 in counterpoint and fugue; 1862-64 in orchestra of Op^ra Comique, then in the Grand Op^ra orch., 1871 solo flutist; 1890 third condr., and in 1893 first condr., 1892-1901 condr. Soc. des Concerts; 1893 prof, of flute at the Cons, and in charge of the orchestral class; 1872 founded Soc. Classique, consisting of a quintet of strings and one of wind instruments, for performance of chamber music combinations. Taylor, Franklin, psi., teacher. b. Birmingham, Eng., Feb. 5, 1843. Taught by his mother, beginning lessons at 4; studied organ, with Bedmore, orgt. Litchfield Cath., substituting for his teacher at 12 years; went to Leipzig, in 1859, studied with Plaidy, Moscheles, Richter, and Hauptmann; fellow pupils were Sullivan, Grieg, Bache, Carl Rosa, etc.; studied with Clara Schumann; located in London, 1863, teacher Nat. Train. Sch. for Music, 1876; Roy. Coll. Mus. 1882; author of Primer of Pfte. -playing, Pfte.- Tutor for Beginners, Technique and Expression in Pfte. -playing, compiler of an extensive set of studies for pfte. ; contributor to Grove's Dictionary. Teichmiiller, Robert, teacher, b. Bruns- wick, May 4, 1863. Received his first musical instruction from his father, a pupil of Plaidy; studied 3 years at Leipzig Cons., but was forced to give up career as a vir- tuoso on account of a nervous affec- tion of the arm; devoted himself to teaching, in which he has been very successful; 1897 teacher in Leipzig Cons., 1908 made head of the piano dept. in Cons.; publications are mainly in the line of revisions of standard works in the teaching and concert repertoires. Teyte (Tate), Maggie, sopr. b. 1889, Scotch-Irish descent; studied with Jean de Reszk6 for five years; made d6but at Monte Carlo, in 1906; appeared in Paris as Melisande in Debussy's opera; with Chicago- Philadelphia Opera Co., 1911-1913; although she is small in point of physique her voice has surprising warmth and carrying power; has had fine success as a concert artist in U. S. Toscanini, Arturo, condr. b. Milan, Italy. Pupi] of the Cons, in that city; associated at La Scala, Milan, with Gatti-Cassaza, and accom- panied the latter to New York, in 1908; condr. Metropol. Op. House, since 1908; by many esteemed the best opera condr. of his time. Torrington, Frederic Herbert, orgt., teacher, b. Dudley, Eng., Oct. 20, 1837. Father was a physician; early showed musical inchnations, and commenced violin study at 7; began piano study a year later; 1852 articled pupil of Jas. Fitzgerald, organ, pfte., andchoirtraining; 1858orgt. atBewd- ley, also playing vln. in orchestras; 1859 located at Toronto, Can., as orgt. and choirmaster; remaining there 12 years; orgt. at King's Chapel, Boston, 1871-73, and a teach- er at the N. E. Cons.; 1873 returned to Toronto, as orgt. MetropoHtan Methodist Ch., until 1907; condr. Toronto Philh. Soc. for 20 years; founded Toronto Coll. Mus., 1888; composed church music and songs. VANNUCCmi WHELPLEY V Vannuccini, Luigi, teacher, b. Fojano, Dec. 4, 1828; d. Montecatini, Aug., 1912; taught by his father, a theatre director; studied at Florence Cons., receiving diploma as violinist; gave up that instrument and turned to the piano, meanwhile serving as a violinist in a theatre orchestra; 1848 condr. at Florence, later in other Italian cities in same capacity; finally took up the work of training singers with much success; com- posed masses, studies. songs, and vocal w Wallace, William, compr. b. Greenock, Scotland, 1860. Father a distin- guished surgeon; W. studied medi- cine at Glasgow Univ. and at Vienna; in 1888 went to London intending to make music his pro- fession; studied for a short time at the Roy. Acad. Mus., being pre- vented from completing his course there; compositions, mostly in large forms, and modern in style, include 2 symphonies, 6 symphonic poems, 4 suites, chamber music, vocal scenas, a cantata, song cycles, and songs; editor for a time of New Quarterly Musical Review; author of The Threshold of MusiCj&n inquiry into the development of the musical sense. Ware, Harriet, compr., pst. h. Wau- pun, Wis.; moved to Minnesota as a child; family musical and literary; received general education in an academy near St. Paul, from which she also graduated in piano; studied in New York with Dr. Wm. Mason; later in Paris with Stojowski, sing- ing with Juliana and other noted teachers; went to Berlin, studied piano with Mme. Griinwald, com- position with Hugo Kaun; began professional activity in New York City as a teacher of piano and sing- ing; from 1906-12 gave her time to teaching, composition, and concert playing; gave up teaching in 1912; pubhshed first compositions in 1906, compositions include a successful cantata Sir Oluf, and many songs (Boat Song, Hindu Slumber Song, Sunlight Waltz Song). Wamke, Heinrich, 'cellist, h. Wesse- biiren, Germany, Aug. 30, 1871. Father a violinist, brothers all musi- cians; began to study piano at 6, 'cello at 10; when he was 12 he en- tered Hamburg Cons., studied with Gowa, and made his first public ap- pearances in that city; from there he went to Leipzig and studied with Julius Klengel; d^but at Gewand- haus; has been with orchestras in Baden-Baden, Frankfort-on-the- Main, Kaim Orch. at Munich; 1905 came to Boston Symph. Orch. as first 'cellist; 1905-07, 'cellist in Boston Symph. Quartet/ Weidig, Adolf, compr., teacher, h. Hamburg, Germany, Nov. 28, 1867. Father a member of Hamburg Th. Orch.; educated in Hamburg schools; studied music in Hamburg Cons., under H. Riemann, Von Bemuth, and Bargheer; won Mozart Prize at Frankfort, 1888, for string quartet and songs; studied at Munich with Rheinberger and Abel; offered post of asst. condr. at the Royal Op., Munich, but came to the U. S., joining Theodore Thomas Orch. as vlt.; member of the Spiering String Qt,; 1893 teacher of theory of music and violin at American Cons., Chi- cago, later associate dir.; has taught many students, among them Grant- Schaefer, Mokrejs, Mrs. Gaynor, Clarence Dickinson; compositions include orchestral works. Overture to Sappho, Semiramis, etc., chamber music, pieces for the piano, violin, 'cello, songs, choruses. Whelpley, Benjamin Lincoln, orgt., compr. b. Eastport, Me., Oct. 23 1864. Educated at Boynton high school ; studied music in Boston, with A. D. Turner, G. W. Sumner, B. J. WHITE WOOLLETT Lang, and others, beginning in 1879; with Delaborde, in Paris, 1890; be- gan professional career in Boston, fill- ing various positions as orgt. ; at pres- ent (1914), orgt. Arlington St. Ch.; compositions include songs, pieces for piano, organ, violin, and 'cello. White, Carolina (Carolyn), sopr. b. Dorchester, Mass., Dec. 23, 1883. Studied singing with Weldon Hunt, of Boston; began concert work in Boston, 1906; went to Italy in 1907, studied with Sebastiani, at Naples, and made d^but at the San Carlo, Dec. 5, 1908, as Gutrune in Gotter- ddmmerung, afterwards appearing in modem Italian works; after a stay in Boston she returned to Italy for repertoire etudy, singing in Tosca, Madam Butterfly, La Gioconda, and other operas; 1910 joined Chicago Op. Co., created part of Minnie in Puccini's Girl of the Golden West; 1910 married Paul Longone, asst. dir. San Carlo Op., Naples^ White, Charles A., compr. of a number of popular songs {Marguerite, When the Leaves Begin to Turn) ; founder of a music publishing firm in Boston, in 1869, under the name, White, Smith and Perry; later Mr. Perry withdrew, and the firm became White, Smith & Co.; in 1890 the name was changed to White-Smith Publishing Co., and the business was incorporated under the same name in 1897. Mr. White died in Jan., 1892, and was succeeded by his son, the present head, D, L. White; the attitude of the firm toward Ameri- can music has always been encour- aging, and they now control the work of several prominent composers, notably C. W. Cadman. Williams, Frederich Arthur, compr. h. Oberlin, O., March 3, 1869. Mother a choir singer; educated in public schools of Cleveland and under a tutor at home; musical education, piano, vioHn, and trombone, rather desultory, owing to removal from Cleveland to a small village in Michigan; returned to Cleveland, studied piano and organ with James H. Rogers, later piano and compo- sition with Wilson G. Smith, organ with C. E. Clemens; 1899 with Wm. H. Sherwood; commenced profes- sional work in Cleveland, where he still lives, giving his time to teach- ing and composition; has published Wrist and Forearm Studies, Octave and Chord Studies, and many piano pieces especially designed for use in teach- ing (Processional March, Butterflies, Zephyr Waltz, At Evening. Williams, H. Evan, tenor, b. Mineral Ridge, O., Sept., 1867. Family Welsh, both father and mother were fine amateur singers; studied 4 years with Louise von Freihitzsch, 3 with James Sauvage, and 3 with J. D. Mehan; made debut at Worcester, Mass., Festival, 1896, and has since gained a commanding position in concert and oratorio work through- out the U. S.; his voice has a fine robust quality and extremely high range; lives at Akron, O. Witherspoon, Herbert, basso, b. Buf- falo, N. Y., July 21, 1873; grad. Yale, 1895; studied music while at Yale, and in New York, London, and Paris; sang in oratorio and church choir, 1896-98; in EngUsh grand opera, under H. W. Savage, 1898-1900; successful as concert and oratorio singer; 1908 engaged as basso with Metropol. Op. Co., New York; lives in New York. Wood, David Duffie, orgt, compr. h. Pittsburg, 1838. d. Philadelphia, March 27, 1911. Blind by accident at 3 years of age; learned to play flute as a boy; pupil at Penna. Inst, for Instr, Blind, Philadelphia; studied organ with Wilhelm Schnabel, 1851- 52; 1858 to time of death, instructor and head of mus. dept. at the Inst.; orgt. St. Stephen's P. E. Ch., Phila- delphia, 1865; to time of death com- positions mostly anthems and songs. Woollett, Henry Edouard Sanford, compr., author, b. Havre, Aug. 13, 1864, of English parentage. Studied music with local teachers, and then went to Paris, where he was a pupil, in piano and harmony, of Pugno, and for a short time, in composition, of Massenet; returned YORK ZIEHN to Havre and gave himself up to diligent study of the masters; he is largely self-taught in composition; made himself the leading musician in Havre; two noted pupils are Caplet and F4vrier; president Soc. de Ste. Cecile and Cercle de I'art moderne; founded Society d'enseigne- ment musical, an elementary school of music, in which over 200 pupils are given free instruction; compo- sitions in nearly all forms, several large choral works, a large amount of chamber musie, and piano pieces; a book of Etudes for piano, largely problems in rhythm and tonality; Histoire de la musique; Traite de prosodie for the use of composers. York, Francis L., orgt.^ teacher, h. Ontonagon, Mich., 1861. Graduated Univ. Mich., 1882, M.'A., 1883; studied with Guilmant, in Paris, 1892 and 1898; dir. Detroit Cons. Mus., position he still fills; orgt. Central M. E. Ch., Detroit; city musical historian, 1901; author Har- mony Simplified and Counterpoint Simplified; furnished report on Ameri- can conservatories to French gov- ernment. Zach, Max Wilhelm, condr. b. Lem- berg, Austria, Aug. 31, 1864. Par- ents cultivated musical amateurs; educated in grammar and Latin schools, Lemberg and Vienna; stud- ied music at Vienna Cons. 1880-86, vioUn; with Griin, harmony, counter- point, and composition under Grad- ener, Fuchs, and Kren; 1886 mem- ber of Boston Symph. Orch., as solo viola player; condr. of Pop. Concerts; 1907 condr, St. Louis Symph. Orch., which position he still fills (1914); has written some light piano music, songs, and pieces for children. Zandonai, Riccardo, compr. b. Sacco, Italy, 1883. Studied music under Gianferrai, dir. of Trento Cons.; 1889 at the Rossini Cons., Pesaro, under Mascagni; 1902 won prize in composition; 1908 produced first opera at Turin, Cricket on the Hearth; other works are Conchita, produced at Milan, 1911, and given in Boston, season of 1913-14; Meloenis, Milan, 1912; Ave Maria, for women's voices, strings and harp, Padre nostro, for chorus, orch., and org., and a Mediceval Serenade for solo 'cello, 2 horns, harp and strings. Zimbalist, Efrem., vlt. h. Rostov, Russia, 1889. Father condr. of an orchestra; began to play the violin at an early age, received regular instruction at 7, played Spohr con- certo in public at 9; began to study in St. Petersburg with Leopold Auer, in 1901^ and remained with him for a period of 6 years, inter- rupted by a serious illness; won Russian Govt, gold medal and a special prize of $900 for two years; made first real public appearance in BerUn, Nov., 1907, with Philh. Orch.; from Berlin he went to Lon- don and won immediate success; since then he has played in the leading music centres of Europe; in U. S, season of 1911-12; has com- posed a Suite internationale for vln. and orch. a Suite for vln. and pfte., and some songs. Ziehn, Bernhard, theorist, h. Erfurt, Thuringia, Jan. 20, 1845, d. Chi- cago, Sept. 8, 1912; education in local schools, where he also had in- struction in music; made thorough study of the works of the masters, upon which he based his future teaching; began professional work at Miihlhausen, in Thuringia; came to Chicago, 1868, and taught pfte. and theory; among his pupils are a number of prominent American musicians; Mme. Zeisler, John A. Carpenter, Arthur Dunham, Glenn Dillard Gunn, Wilhelm Middle- schulte, etc.; author of System der tJbungen fur Klavier spieler, Har- monie-und Modulationslehre, Manual of Harmony, 6 and 6 Part Harmonies and How to Use Them, Canonical Studies; contributed to Allgemeine Musikzeitung and Die Musik, r RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW OCT 9 19 96 20,000 (4/94) DATE DUE Music Library University of California at Berkeley