ELRY ;iTY . V <^ \,i^ :.-^\ c^~ %ift Wmtation of J|eref ortisl)ire MADE BY EGBERT COOKE, CLARENCIEUX, EDITED BY FREDERIC WILLIAM WEAVER, M.A, LATE DP:MY <»l- MAGDALEN COLLEGE, OXKOKD. Editor of " The Visitatwns of the County of Somemi in luJl, 1573." EXETER : Privately printed for the Editor by WILLIAM POLLARD, AND Co., NORTH STREET, 1886 fOAM STACK at Preface. Date. Bi/ lolumi 'made. 1569 Cooke 1569 Cooke 1586 Cooke 1586 Cooke 1586 Cooke (loitJi additions) 1586 Cooke 1586 Cooke 1586 Cooke 1634 St. Georqe The following is the list of the Visitations of Herefordshire, as it appears in Sims's "Manual for the Genealogist," p. 107. Where, deposited. Coll. of Arms, MS. D. 12. Cains Coll., Cainb., MS. 553, art. 7. B.M., Harl. MS. 1159. B.M., Harl. MS. 1442. B.M., Harl. IMS. 1545. B.M., Ada. MS. 19,815. Coll. of Arms, A^iiict. MS. 115. Coll. of Arms, Philipot MSS. 20 C, 21 P. Coll. of Arms, MSS. C. 25, C. 28. Other MSS. containing Herefordshire Pedigrees are given in the same book, pp. 207-8, among which is "Pedigrees from the Visitation of 1569," Harl. MS. 615, f. 20. The above list may be supplemented and corrected by the following extract, taken from Dr. Marshall's " Notes on the Heralds' Visitations."' (See" The Genealogist," N.S., Vol. ii., No. 0, p. 150.) HEREFOEDSHIRE. " No Visitation of this County has been printed. Visitations wtn-e taken " by Cooke in 1569 (College of Arms, D. 12, G. 9.) " by St. George in 1634 (College of Arms, C. 25.) " and by Sir Henry St. George in 1683 (College of Arms, K. 6.) "Sims, ISToble and Gutch say it was visited in 1586, and the latter also notes ^' Visitations of 1615 and 1619, but I have met with no evidence of these assertions. " Noble asserts that the 1683 Visitation was prohahly in the possession of the Earl " of Egmont, but I am not aware that any copy of it now exists, except in the Office " of Arms." It is improbable that there was a Visitation of Herefordshire, in 1586, and indeed no such Visitation seems to be known to the College of Arms ; the only indication of such a Visitation that I have met with is in Harl. MS 1442. The fly-leaf of that MS. is entitled " Herefordshire, 1586." The MS. 144 iv VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. is a transcript either by Wythie, Peason, or Vincent (cf. Harl. Catalogue in the B.M.). It has additions by Sandford, Rouge Dragon, in 1C76, and by others. On ff". 2*'' and 8* of Harl. MS. 1442 occur the arms of the following families, entered at the Visitation of Hereford, 1G34. Samuel uud Fran. Awbrey (tm arms (jiven.) James Jkrrell of i5iforil, 1634. lilauey. Bmce of the Noke 1634. Will Bridges of Bosbury, \). Sr. Rich, St. George. Carpenter, entered 1634, vide London. CoUes, 1634, ye .'«anie in com. Wore, and Warw Cre&well. Dauncer. Paul Delaliay of Urrey, 1634. Gray, a Pat., p. Sr. Jo. Borough, 1635. Hodson, 1634. Hopwood, in ye vellum Iwok of Certiticiitcs. King, ent. 1634. Kirle, Kt., Baronett Lillo, 1634. Lisle, 1634. Harden of Marden, Heref. Fran. Pemher of Uollinghill, 1634. Sr. Edw. Powell, Kt. and Bur. 1634. Tho. Shiham of Webley, Heref. Skipe, Bp. of Hereford, 1634 ont. Watkius of Hdsh., ent. 1634. Wednester, see ye pat. in Mr. Morgan's small book of coats and creasts {only a plain sluM.) Williams, 1634. Younger, 1634. I have chosen Harl. MS. 615, which seems to me the best authority (outside the College) for the Visitation of 1569. The MS. contains G I pedigrees of Herefordshire families ; 60 belonging to Worcestershire ; 62 to Gloucestershire ; and 82 to Shropshire. The transcript was made at the charge of Alexander Evesham, of whose death there is an account on folio 1. This account is written in a later hand than the MS., but whether it is the same " later hand " as that appearing in some of the pedigrees is doubtful. " In the year of our Lord Ciod 1592 dyed Alexander Evesham and in 28th day of desciuber he dyed in the house of the I^dy Stafford at Westmester and was buryed VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. v on the South Syde of the Chorch of Seint Margrott his hed lyeth just agiiynst tlie end of the pew of the left hand ; he was the sonu of William Kveshani of Wellington in the County of Hereford which William dyed in the yeare of our Lord God 1584 and wjjs buryed in the Chorch of Seint Jainsses in niarke lane in londone he lyes buryed on the north syde of the Chorche, Thys wrytten by me Epiphanyius Kveshaui in the yeure of our Lord god 1592 whos soule Resteth with Gode. Amen." The pedigrees of Hackluit (1st portion) and Haworthe, and all tliA Evesham pedigrees are in a later baud, as are also some minor additions, which are noted as they occur. The latest date (lo9G) in the M8. is to be t'ouml in the pedigree of Blount, this shews that the additions cannot have been made by Alexr. Evesham, for he died in 1592. The arms are in trick, in some cases coloured, as are also the Crests. Folio 2 contains the arms of Evesham, elaborately drawn and coloured. There is a MS. in the Bodleian Library, Oxford (Ashmolean, S'.i I ), which contains pedigrees from the Visitation of Worcestershir*^, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire, taken in loGO. I have very carefully collated Harl. 015 with Ashmolean 831, and have noted the differences as they occur. The MSS. seem to be quite independent of each other. The Pedigrees in Ashmolean MS. 831 are written in a small secretary- hand, probably by Ralph Brooke. The arms are tricked. Between the 2nd and 3rd pages is fixed a smaller sheet of paper, on which by another old hand is written an index. This MS. contains the pedigrees found in Harl. MS. G15, with the following eleven exceptions: Breynton. Dabyton. Evesham. HaAVorthe. Monington of Sarnsfield. Myntryche. Xott. Tompkins. Welford. Whitney. Winston of Llangarren. Forty-seven pedigrees of Herefordshire families, taken from various sources, are given in the Rev. C. J. Robinson's " Mansions and Manors of Herefordshire." I have made use of these, and have referred to the book under the letter li. I take this opportunity of thanking Mr. Robinson for other notes, which he has kindly sent me. Great confusion is made by the transcribers between the names Hereford- vi VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. shire (spelt Herfordshire) and Hertfordshire. An example of this occurs in Berry's " Sussex Genealogies," p. 1 0, where for Acorne Berry in co- Hertford, read Aconhury in co. Hereford. In many cases of doubt and difficulty, I have consulted Harl. MSK. 1442 and ir)45, and have given additions and corrections from both of them. MS. 1545 is much more valuable than MS. 1442, which contains numerous mis-spellings, &c. MS. 1545, f. :i, is heacvi.s Cartwright Thomas Havard Rowland Rys William Rawlyns Walter Carideii Richard Partridge John Mayland John Gibbs Henery Dudston and Thomas Church Aldermen of ye sayd cittyc of Heretford ye aforcsayd vissitation bogining at the ftirst leafe in this liooke and ends at the 32. 100 leafe(s) following (y(! rest of ye descents) are collections and ad«littion8 as occasion hath offered them to me and have added R. MUNDY." Then follow these 31 pedigrees in the following order : Chippenham. Sebome. Welford. Pichard. Scrooi)e and Harford. Pateshall. Dauntesey. Tompkins. Moretou. SkiUl. Knyll. Blaney. Phillipps. Haekluit, Barrow. Hayday. Hayward. Capell. Apparry. Delabere. Gemons. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. vii Waniecombe. Prise. Downes. Dabyton. Crofte. Rowdou, Glluiam (Guiflhii). Maynston. Walwyn. Harper. On f. 32^ occur the words " Here ends the Vissitation." At the end of the 15G9 Visitation I have added eighteen pedigrees belonging to the end of the xvi or the beginning of the xvii century, and, in each case, have noted the Harl. MS. from which the transcript is taken. I beg to thank all those who have helped me during the progress of this work, and hope that it may be found a useful addition to the Antiquarian Literature of the County of Hereford. " "^ke (Bioto of Children arc their Jfitthcrs.'' F. W. WEAVER. Milton-Clevedon, October, 1886. VllI VISITATION OF HP:REF0R1)SHIRE, 1569. Stt&^a^ nf ^tii^vtts. Abington of lirockhampton Abraliall of Abrahall Aj)liarrv of J'oston Aphany of Moiclianipton IJarrow of Ihillingham Baskervilc of Fjinlisley Berington of Herefopl IJIeyiKiV of Kinslmm Blount of (lieiidon Btxlt'Dliani of Rotlierwas Boyle of Bidncy BreyiitoTi of Stiotton Sugwas Bridges of tlu' Ley Bro'ii\vi(']i(! (if HcMvford Buighill of Tliinghill ('ajtcll of How Cajiell Cecil of Alterynnis Chabnor of Mousel(\v Cliniubers of Little Mavcle Chijipenham of Hereford Clarke of Hereford Clynton of Castleditch Croft of Croft Castle Dabyton of Kedinarley Daunsey of llrinsop Delabere of Kiniiersley Downe of Little Hyde Edwin of Wistaston Elton of Ledbury Evesham of Wootton (4 pedigrees) Farley of Bosbury Gernons of Oarnons Goniond of By ford Gray of Upton Bishop Guillini of Fawley Hackluit of luiton (2 pedigrees) Harft)rd of Boslniry Harper of "Wellington Hawkins oi Sherington Haworthe of ] jiirghope Havwapde of Bodenham 35- 2 2 3 Heydey of Noxe Hopton of Hopton Knyll of Knyll 44 45 46 5 Maynston of Llangarren 47 6 7 8 10 Minors of Treago jNIonington of Sarnsfield Monington of Lawton Morton of Evesbach &9 48 49 51 11 81 83 Mylbourne of Tillington 37 Myntryche of Cradley Nott of New pjid ,90 52 53 12 Pateshall of the Ford 54 13 14 Pembridge of Manscll Gamage ... PhilliiK'K of I^oininster 55 56 15 Pryce of Portham 58 16 17 Pychard of Cradley Pye of iSadlel)OW 59 91 84 Rowdon of Rowdon 60 85 Rudhall of Rudhall 93 19 St. ( )wen of Gemeston 94 85 Scndamore of Honi Lacy 62 19 Sebome of Sutton 64 20 Skull of Much Cowanie 65 22 Smyth of Credenhill 95 23 T(»mpkins of (Jarnstrudenell of (Stolce Mandeville) Bouckinghshire {she d. 1544-) 1 John Abraliall=f=Anne, doughter to Watkin Vaughau {let. 50, 1544- ) of Hergerst (m Kington. ) John. Abrehall of=[=Blanche, doughter Abrehall in the County of Here- ford, Esquier {d. 1592.) to Thomas Walwin of Helling (m Much March). Thomas, 2 Sonne. Georg<% 3 Sonne. 1 Elizabethe, mar. to ... John Abrahall, sonne and heire, [mar. to Frauncis da. of Tho. Percy, Kt.]^ (he was bur. at toy 21 June 1621). Edmonde, 2 sonne. Sybill, mar. toRoulande Hunt of Hereford- Anne, mar. to Philipe Norgou {Morgan). Elynor. Margarett. ^pljarrg or ^arrn (OfPostonin VoiPcJiurch R. 272-4.) Harl. 615, if. 15^ 16, le''. Arms. —Quarterly. 1. Parry, Arg. a fess between three lozenges Az. within a bordure of the last ; 2. Waterton, Barry of six Erm. and Gu. over all three crescents Sa. ; 3 Delahay, Arg. a sun Gu. ; 4. Thunder, Arg. a fess between tioo {three /) trumpets Sa. Roger de Moubrey, mar.=7= [ ] Added in the later hand. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569 I John de Moubrey. I John Moubrey. Elizabeth, mavied to=f= Adam Newmarche. j - I Roger New- marche,mar. =Elizabethe, doughter to Roger Blowniester. William Waterton.=pElizabethe. (2) Jo^n. \ Katherin. I Blanche, mar. to Sir Robart Challons [sic, but probably a mistake of the nopyid. Auk 831, omits this Blanch altogdhrr.] Henry Ap Jones=^(^<;a, d. of Jevan Huglie^ Waterton, mar. =i=Margarett, doughter and one of theires of Henry. H Thomas Delahay de Urry Delahey {in Peter- churdi R. 232 n) in the county of Hereforde. (i.) Henry Myle,=f=Alys, doughter and one Sonne of Myle Ap Henry. of theires of Symond Mylborne. Thomas Ai>=f= Agnes, doughter to Henry {d 3 j Roger Bodenham of Dec. 1522). \ Rotherwas. B Vide page 5. {Elinor, d. «?«eryton (o/=f-Margartt, dougliter Hereford Ede, co. Heref. Gent.)* to Thomas Barton {of Weohley).*' {2.John.Y {3. William' of ReadiiKj, CO. Berls, gent. =Eh'z., d. of Rich. Lane of Choidseye, CO. Berks.)* Thomas Beryton=pdoughter {s. and h.)* {of to John Hereford). Parker. William Beryton= of the cite of Hereford. =Elizabeth, doughter to John Blounte. 1 Robart, 2 Sonne. {3. TJiomas^ Ash 831). ( 1. Thomas^Joliany d. of of Strete- ley, CO. Be)-7iS, Gent. Rich. Wyer of Readinge, Yeoman. -] — I 2. Walter. 3. Ch-isto- 2>lier. Alyce.=Rich. Bid- locl'e of Arbetfelde, CO. Bei'ks, Esq. Marye.==Thos. Buck- lande of Readinge, Yeoman. I r^ 1 — Tliomas, Margarett. Alycj s. andh. ' 1 1 1 1 — \ — ; 1 1 Eiizahetli. Jane. Anne. Kathertn. Maryn. Bridgett. All nmnari'ied. 4 ) ^ Additions from Blakeway's Shropshire Pedigrees (MS. in Bodleian liibrary). ^ This is a correction by the later hand. ^ Added in the later hand. * These additions are from the Visitn. of Berks 1566 (Harl. MS. 5867). Ed. by Walter C. Metcalfe, F.S.A., and printed in the Genealogist, New Series, Vol. I. No. i. p. 2. • This is altered by the later hand into what seems to be Dmcnton. C 10 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. Vide B page 9. I John Beryton»f=Elynor, doughter to {of Stoke Lacij Ji. 260.) RoulandWyimesley {uf Winsh'ij in Hojh', IL lU.) {Anne.=Johu Mompnei/ [o7' Rumwy] of Luhley, co. Wore. See Vmt. of Wore. 1682, p. 81.) William Bery-=pHloug}iter ton, {of Wins- ley and Stoke Lacy), temp. H. 8, niar. to Ids 1 wiff,, doughter to Sir Edwartl Lacon. to Jolm Kettelby2 {of Coth- eridge).^ {2 wife.) Hunifrey^=f» {of Bisk- opston) 2 8one,niar- ied dough- ter and one of theires of William Gomond. 1 Thomas, 3 Sonne {of Much Cow- ame.) {='Mai'y, d. of Tho8. Skull.)^ Richard lieryton {of Stolce=f Lacy), maried doughter and heire of Blount of Gryndon. John, mar. Joys doughter to John Kettelby.2 {Thoina8.=Bai/nard of CO. Wilt8.Y John. I {Thomas, who sold Stoke Lucy.) [Sicille baynnixl doughter of Robert Baynaixl of Lackam, com. Wiltshr. firet maried to Robert White aud after to Thomaa Berytou, com. Hereford.]* IBkgn^^ {Of Upper Kinshaiii, R. 165.) Harl. 615, ff. 65^ 66. Arms : — Blayney. Giu a clievron Or, a chief. Erm. John Blayney. *=f=pnizabethe, doughter to Richard I Wigmore of Lugton {Liicton). Richard=j=.Jane, doughter to Sir Harle. Blayney. | {Sir John Harley, Ash 831.) A * Additions from Blukeway's Shropshire Pedigrees (MS. in Bodleian Library). * For a pedigree of the Kettleby family of co. Glos., from co. Line. See Harl. Soc, xxi, 260. ^ Humphrey probably built the Court in Bishopston. According to Robinson (p. 29) he had 2 sons, John (who d. uumar.) and Thomas who mar. Joyce K., was twice H.S., and died 5 Feb, 1613. * This is added in the later hand. ^ "John Blayney of MiUneth by indenture of covenats did mary a" 29 H. VI." {Aih. 831.) VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRt; 1509. 11 Thomas Blayncy.=f=Jone, doughtor to Griffithc Meredithe Vaimhan^ of raduorshire. Elynor, Dorathe to to John Robard {RohcrU , a Knyll. Had. 1545.) Alyce. Anne. Mary. Jone, to John Store. John Bleyney of=|=Katherin, doughter to Eliziibethe, Kathcrin, over Kynsain in the conty of Here- ford. Lowrens Lodlowe in mar. to Rob- mar. to Morys the conty of Salopye. art Coterell. Apprys. 1 Jolm. Anne. Elizabethe. Elynor. For a continuation of this Pedigree, see Burke's Commoners (1838), iv. 632. IBbunt (Of Grendon Warren, R. 222 ped.) Harl. 615, fif. 33^, 34. Arms : — Quarterly. 1 and 4. Blount. Barrrj nebule of six Or and Sa. 2 and 3. Bridges. ... On a cross Sa. a leoparcFs liecid Arg. in tlie, first quarter a trefoil slipped ... James Blount {of (r?*enc?ow=j=doughter to Roger Parker Warren, co. Hd.) of Lelynghall. Roger Blount=pElizabethe, doughter to Sir {of Grendon). {Robert) a Whitney, Knight. ( Walter Blount of=j=Mar{jt. d. and h. Thomas Blount=i=doughter and heire of Eldersfield,co.Worc. \ of Thos.Clynton.) {of Grendon and v|/ Bromyard. ) {See Harl. Soc, xxi. 23.) Richard a bruges of Bridge {Bridge Solers.) "Walter Blount=f=Peryn, doughter to of the house of Gryndon. Thomas a barton of {Barton in) Webley. ^ For Vaughan of Tretower, Hergest and Clyro, sea Hist, of the Co. of Brecon hy Theoph. Jones 1805, ii. 605, and Vaughau pedigree {post). 12 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. Thomas Blount=p«Mary, doughter to [David Bedo of Hereforde. Lloyd of Montgomeryehire,]^ Roger Blount=|=i.vlaiy, doughter to Edmonde^ Blount=Kutherin {d. 1S84), 2 Sonne {of ' William Beryngton of penbridg in the doughter to Henry Grendon.) ofWyne8lo\ve(HYw^- county of Here- Broce of Noke (i5rac« ley in Hope u Din- forde (d. J 578.) of the Noke^ in Pern- tnore. ) bridge. ) T 1 Richard {d. 1621) 1 sonne [mar. Racliell, Thomas, Elizabethe. da. to Richard Smith of Upton in com. 2 sonne. Woster.]^ r- ~l [Anne," firste da., 4 yeare an" 1596.]^ [Elizabethe,* 2 da., 2 years an» 1596.]^ {=Walto2) Brahazon, hr. of E. {=Bichd. Clarke of Wellington, of Meat li.) IBrtnnton ( Of Stretton Sugican. R. 262. ) Harl. 615, ff. 29^ 30. Arms : — ]5reynton. Arg. a chevron bettoeen three martlets Sa. over all a hendlet sinister, Roger Breynton. (Iioberf,'j' Ilarl 15 Vk) I r-. -• William.-f= , J Thomas Breynton,-f=T»Thoma.s Burghill of=pAnne, doughter doughter to Brad- docke. Riciiard. Lyttill Thynghill in the countj' of Hereford, J^uier. John. to Henry Pavy of Somersett- shire. Rowlande, Sonne and heire, being 14 olde. William, 2 Sonne, being 13 yere olde. (iylbert, 3 Sonne, being 12 yere olde. — — , r- John, Anne. 4 Sonne, being 10 vote olde. ter to John Lynche. I I I Jone. Mergery. Phillipe. Richard, 2 Sonne. Marv. Jone. {Of Eoxc Caj>eU. R. 150.) Harl. 615, ff. 27^ 28. Arms : — Capell impaling Washboume. Capell, quarterly. 1 and 4. Capell. Cheqtiy Or and Az. on a jew Gu. three mascles Arg. 2 and 3 Per /ess Arg. and Vert, three leeks cmirvterchanged. Washboume, guarterh/. 1 and 4. Washboume. Arg. oh a Jess between six martlets Gu. three quaf re foils Arg. 2 Emi. a rJiief Ixirn/ sinister of tfix Or and Gu. 3 Gil. a fess and in chief two mtdlets Arg. (WilliamC(jipel.=Y=Alice, d. and coh. of ^^ I Riciiard Gyhons. \ r ^ J Thomas, living 1450. ^ i r -J George Caijell. -pdoughter of Scudamore. A > Duneumb's Herefordshire, ii 354, 366. See also Harl. 1545, £. 16^. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRK 1569. ir "William Capell of=j=Margartt, tloughtor of Whittin^'ton Howe Capell. {(if iyof,('r><-I{ope, c.o. lid. and)- of Panley {Paiiiiflei/, Glm.) Thomas Capell, soniui, ami lieire {d. 1559.) E(lwarde=f=Alyce, doughter to Capell. {William, d. s.p. Nov. 10, 1577).'^ I Roger, 2 Sonne. Edwarde, 3 Sonne. William, 4 Sonne. John, 5 Sonne. Godyer ( Goodi/ere, Ash. 831.) Cristofer,^ 6 Sonne. 1 Ciystian, 7 Sonne. Richard Capell of Howe=f=Mylbor()Ughe, doughter to Anthonny SybelL Capell in the conty of Hereforde {buried, at Led- Imvy, May 4, 1601.)'^ Washebornne of Bosbery in the conty of Hereforde {mar. at Bosbury 1568.) I — (1. Richa h. 1569. 1. Richard ,=j=Elecnora, d. of Thos. Clarl.-e of Hereford. ~1 — I — I 2. Anthony, h. 157^. 3. Edicard, h. 1578. 4. Ror/er, h. 1580. ~i — rT— 1 Joyce, h. 1576.=Edw. Hall. Alice, b. 1577. Mary, h. 1583. Ann,h. 1586, d. 1600. Thomas of ffo/r=f=Syh/l, d. of Malnlhi. 1 Dorothy. Capel, liviny 1640. Sir John Kyrle, Bt. Benedieta. 1. Kyrle, o.s.p. 2. Ed/card, sold How Cax>el circ. 1677. Frances. Elhior, h. 1626. 1 — I Phi/ippa. Hester, h. 1632. ) (Imi or ^ttsilt {Of Alter ynnis in Walterstone. R. 282.) HarL 615, ff. 28^ 29. Arms : — Quarterly. 1 and 4. Cecil. Barry of 10 ; over all six escutcheons, 3, 2 and 1, charged with as many liims rampt. {no colours yiven). 2. Thomas. Per p)ale Gn. and Az. an oak tree ppr. supported on the sinister side by a lion ramp. Arg. 3. Echington. Sa. a plate between three castles Arg. Crest : — Cecil. A garb Or. banded Ga supported by two lions rampd. the dexter Az. the sinister Arg. * For a pedigree showing his descendants, see Harl. Soc. xxi, 36 (Qlos.), and Sir Thos. Phillipps' Pedigrees, which bring Christopher's descendants down to 1796; and Duncumb's Herefordshire, iL 354, 366, from which the additions - are taken. D 18 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. ^Turbervile was Loi'd of Coijtiffe and Kynhvoell. Robert ScycAlt, son of Sr. De Turbervile of Coi/tijfe. Sir Tu'jis (le Valence, K. , son of ,Sr. Tei/ns de Va- lence in France. Adam, son of Robert. Gilbert, son of Sr. Tiens de Valence. John St/silt, Sim of Adam. J , Yeban Wi/nfton (Harl. See. xxi. 188.) Sicilt. (2.) Gilbert.'-f{d. of John I Wyiuston \ Abrahidl, Kt.) Thomas Scycilt {mar.^Maud, h. to (/.) John caled Wyniton. . I circa 1450.) Philip Scytcilte. Watkins Wynston Gilbert. {of Excyas, co. Hd, ) L Maud, d. of Philip Ivan. David Sycill, 2 Sonne, {d. loU-) I , Richaixl^-^Marjjiirtt, d. of PhilliiH) Seycille. j Vaughan of Tillpglast*.^ 1 John. I Thomas'^ Wyndon. \ , 1 Piiillipe=pMa\vde, d. Seycille. of Thomas. Wathins^Muwd, d. of Wynstun. Meredith Ap Muryan. Riciiard Sysill {d. 1587.) John Seycille-^Mawdc, or Eliz., d. of ^ {d. lool.) 1. «wfer=f=Sir William=^. Mildred, to Sr. John Clieeke. I Sr. Tho. Secill, Kt. Sycill, Kt., Lord treso- rer, 1591 (b. 13S'p.l520) {Baron of Bni-ley.) d. to Sr. Anthony Cooke, Kt. Thomas Sycille, maried the doughter of Dighton {of CO. Wore.) Watkins Wynston. Philipe, 3 Sonne. -T~l Alyce, maried to Elexander. Ma wde, maried to William Morgon. I Elizabethe. Jane. William Seycille of Hall Regis,=^01yve, d. of Steven Ap Henry otherwise called in Walshe Allt of ^loryngton {Morehampton). yv ynys {tiviny I084.) \ • H \ 1 JNIawde. Anue. Katherin. Maijiartt. J one. N.B. — That part of the above pedigree wich is iu itilics and is not enclosed in brackets is from Ashmoleiin MS. 831. * For the Turberville family, see the very full i^edigrees in Clark's " Gerfealogies of Morgan and Glamorgan," pp. 447-463. ' This generation is missed out in HarL See. xxi. 180. 8 See Sir Thos. Phillipps' Glamorganshire Pedigiees, 39. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 19 (fljipptnbam {0/ Hvrc/onL) Harl. 615, ff. 48M9. Arms : — Chippenham. Gu. on a c/tcvron, between three dolphins embowed, their tails in their mouths, An/, an Ermine spot Sa. Henry Chippenham. =j= Nycholas Chippenham (o/^Elizabethe, doughter to Hughe Roicsmane, Harl. 15J^5.) Harman (of Wales, Harl. 1545,) , T- : -^ -, William Chippen- HenryChippenham,=j=Mary, doughter to Wm. Sybill, mar. ham, 2 sone. of the cyte of Here- ford, mar. Burghill of Litell Thin- to Ricliard giU(m Withinjton.) Foxall. Elizabethe, mar. to ThomasAtkinson of Notingham (Harl. 1545 makes Eliz. sister to Henri/.) Clgttton (Of Cast led itch in Eastnor. I?. 110 ped.) HarL 615, ff. 11'^ 12. Arms : — Quarterly. 1 and 4. Clynton. Paly of six Or and Az. a clievron, Erm. 2 and 3 J^er pale indented Az. and Or. Ivo de Clynton,=j=(^^??fts*, h. to Sr. John Ivo de Clintone in the 9 Arms:— Paly of six Knight. Penrys,^ Ash. 831.) I Ivo de Clynton (^^=1= 9 Ed. l,Ash. 831.) John Clynton. =f= of E. 1, and Agnes, doughter to John Pen- res. a fess.... Robert de Penres, sone Arms : — Per pale in- and heire to Sir John dented, penres the 6 of K 2. Robart Clynton. =f doughter. Robert de Penres, Arms: — Ditto. Knight, sone and heire to John penres decimo of E. 3. * For Penrice of Penrice in Qower, see Clark's " Genealogies of Morgan and Glamorgan," p. 499. D' 20 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, U69. A -J John= Clynton. =Alys, doughter to Richard Whitington of Starton {Stanton, Ash. 831.) Williaiii=y=Eliza1)ethe, doughter to Clynton {d. 1536.) I Margarett Clynton, r-r Sybill Clynton. Anne Clynton. Foulke Walwyn, Escjuier {Fitzwaren, HarL 1545.) Sir John Clynton and Williiun iiis sunne 49 yeie of his raigne of E. 3. Wilh'ani r('st. Thomas Clyu-^ ton of Estnor in the county of Hereford, Esquier (d. 1575.) "Margery, dough- ter to Richard Tracy of To(t(/^ Plfjott, (if £rtt>t- hur. 21 nor, hur. May, 8 Mail, 1577.) 1501.) Frauncis Clynton, sonne and heire. 1 Saniuell Clynton, seconde sonne {o.a.p.) Margarett, niaried to James Chauncy of Asheburton in the county of Hert'forde ( utd. 12 Aiiij. 1505.) Mylborjwe, niaricd to Gabriel 1 Rede'(/.vvA 1013, shr d. 1614) __l Elizabethe, maricd to AVilliam Holme {md. 20 Ap. 1567.) (Ivo Clynton, bap. 12 June 1676, living 1602, o.s.p.) William, R. 189 n. Mary ,2 maried to Edwarde Hygyns {of Eantnor, md. 21 Am 1. 1563, for their des- cendants, see It. 110, ped.) Croft {Of Croft Castle. Ji. 81 ped,) Harl. 615, fF. 7^, 8. Arms: — Quarterly. 1 and 4. Croft. Quai-terly, indented pei- fet^s Az. and An/, in the first quarter a lion passant (juardunt Or. 2 and 3. Skull. Gu. a bend between six lions^ heads erased Arg. Crofte : — "His crest a wy verne dragon, volant Sa. wounded behind the lift legg g., tayle as nowed.*-^ Sir Hughe Croft, Knight. * Reed of Bronsill in Eastnor, see R 109. " She mar. 2 Richard Skinner of Ledbury (d. 1608), see Skinner ped., R 235. ^ This is wiitten in the later hand. VISITATION OF liKREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 21 Sir llugho Croft, Knight. "William Croft, maryed= {/winr/ 14S3.) =Margarett, doughter to Walien {Waleyn, Ash. S-Jl) {Wnlwi/n.) Sir Richard= Crofte,somie of AVilliain {d. 1500.) Anne, maried to Sir Thomas Blount [of Kinlet.) =Elynor, dough-=Sir Ilugho tcr to Sir John Mertymer, Bare. Knight, {MorrhiKW, Ash. 831.) Richard Croft, maryi'd Agnes doughter to Fox {he (L 1501). Agnes, niari'jd to Domallon (Philip Dom nlfuii of lirochhamjiton, bia: nt Bvcm- i/anJ. ) Elizabethe, to John Wetingtou ( WliitiiKj- ton, Ash. ■831.) John, Joys, maried to Thomas Mylles (of Avenhtirij) (Myll, Ash. 831.) Jane, to Sir Ed ward e Darell (of TJttli'coto, Wilts.) 1 Kobart. I Sir Ed\varde= Croft, maried (d. 15. 'A) Thomas Croft, maryed(o.s-p.). =Joys, dougliter and soule heire to Sir Walter Scoule of the Holte in Wos- tershir (5/.-«//, Ash. 831.) 1 Sybill, to Sir llerbert (of co. George Mourn.) (ieorge, a prest (It. of Snpcij 1523.) Elynor, maried to Thomas Scryven (of I roydeslcii, Salop. ) Elizabeth, married to James Vaug- han (of llar- il>\if.) J Anne, maried to John Harle (mar. 1502 to John Harh'ij of Biamjdon Ijiian.) Richard Croft^Katherin, doughter to (d. 1562.) I Sir Richard Herbert of Mongomery. Richard, dyed sans yssue. Joys, maried to Sir Henrye Owen (of Mid- hurst, Sicssex.) Margarett, maried to John Apryce (o/ Clun, Saloj}.) Thomas Croft. John Croft, died at Bolyn ( fJoulofpie, o.s.p.) Edwarde, died at Bolyn (Bou- logne, o.s.p.) to Joys, maried Sir Thomas gam^ age^ (of Coytij, co. Glam. ) Sir James= Croft (d. 1590.) =Alys, '^doughter to Richard Warnecombe (of Iciwjton.) Anne, maried to Thomas Dallaway (Ddaioarre, Ash. 831.) 1 Sybill, maried to Edwarde Randolf, seconde to John Hastings. ^ For the Gamage family, see Sir Thos. Phillipps' Glam. Pedigrees, 4, 44, See also a very full and interesting account of the family in Clark's " Genealogies of Morgan and Glamorgan," p. 388. " Ash, 831, says that Alice was widow of Wm. Wigmore and had a son Thos, Wigmore. 22 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. I EJwaide Croft, Sonne and heire maried Anne, doughter and heir(; of Drowne of Suff'. {he d. 1601, she d. 1675 ) .^ John, seconnde James, thirde Sonne. Frauncis f<);the Sonne. Elynor {d. 1569), married to John Scudamor ( of Horn Lacy.) Herbart .Croft {eldest SMI.) Margarett {d. 1609), maried to William Rudhall {E. 35, 2U.) Riciiard {bap. 8 Aug. 1560.) Mary. — I Alys. JBabntun {Of Bedinarley, co. Worcester.) Harl. 615, ff. 42^ 43. Abms : — Dabitot. Per pale Git. and Or three roundels counterehanged. William- Dabyton. John Dabyton. =j=doughter. I Edwarde Dabyton=^Anne, doughter of Rede Maryle Lee Dabytot. to Daunsey. I 1 1 1 John Osborne, Sybill. Eliza be the. Dabyton. 2 sonne. This family also appears in the Visitns. of Worcestershire, see Sims' Index, p. 308. For an early pedigree of this family, beginning with — Galfrid de Abbetott miles Dom's de Rudmerley, and ending with — Wm. Dabbetott, H. 7^Margaret, see HarL Soa, xii. 136 (Warwickshire). VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 23 launs^g {Of Brimop. R. ^5 ped.) Harl. 615, ff. 56^ 57. Arms : — Quarterly. 1 and 4. Dauncey. Barnj wavi/ of six, Arg. and Gu. 2. Delamare. Qr three bars danceitee Gu. 3, Cry toft al. Criktoft. Az. on a cross engrailed Sa. jioe escallops Arg. ( JoJm Dauntesei/. I Sir John 16 R. 2. ) I iHarl. 1545. Walter. John Daunsey {op cos. Wilts and Hd.) John Daunsey.=f=doughter and one of tlieiresof Cry toft. ^ Thomas Daunsey {2 E. /F.)=|= John Daunsey .=f=doughter of Pary of New {Eliy..= Walter Apliarnj.) Court {in Bacton. R. 19.) {Anne. ) {Blanch. =Giles Welford of Wis- taston. ) John l)aunsoy=jpJane, doughter and heire of Brynsoppe j to Nycholas Delanier of in the conty of Hereforde(i?i5'. p.m. 28 Sep. 15S3) Woodhampton {in Little Hereford) in the conty of Hereford {Imj. p.m. 36 H. 8.) 1 See Robiusou's Castles of-Hdsh., 106-108 24 YLSITATIOX OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. Thomas Dauiisey,= Bonne uiid lieire, mariod {il. 1578). 'Sybill, d()ii<,'liter John Daunsey of=Margarett, doughter to to John Scuda- Wcmbton in the Thomas a Morgon of more of Hame conty of Hereford Arkston^ in the conty of {Hoin Lucy.) (Wehfoii in Mad- Hereford {Arkeston in ley.) Kingston.) William, 2 Sonne. James, 3 Sonne. 1 Thomas. 4 Sonne. : 1 Symonde, 5 Sonne. Ricliard, 6 Sonne. John, 7 Sonne. I -^ -r John Daunsey,^Elynor, doughter to Abington,^ after to. Uizabethe. son and heire. Sir Thomas {James, Ash. 831) IJasker- ville I Jane. Thomas Daunscy, soneand lieire {o.s.p.) \tVcihtxt (Of Kinnei'sleij and Tibberton. See Hurl Soc. (Glos.) xxi. 40. J Harl. 615, ff. 10^ 11. ■'^RMS : — Quarterly of six. 1 and 6. Delabere. Az. a bend cottised between six maHlets Arg. 2. Kynardislej'. Az. a lion rampant between seven crosses crosslet Arg. 3. Chabnor. C^u. on a chief Arg. three martlets Sa. 4. Barre. Gu. three fxirs compoinj Arg. and Sa. 5. (/ Pciiibn'dgc.) Barry of six Or and Az. a Umd Gti. Crest : — Oid of a ducal coronet Or a plume of feathers party per pale Arg. and Az. Sir Richard Delabere of Kvnardislev. Sir Kynard=f=Jone, doughtei"=Sir William Delabere. to Sir Thomas Barre, and one of theires of her brother Sir John. Catysby {of CO. North ton, 2 hus. Harl. 1545.) John Delabere of Web- ley. A doughter, mar. to Blounte of Kynlett. {Sibyl, ux. Walter Bufford, Harl. 1545.) 1 . . . mar. to Corne- waill of Burton. 1 For pedigree of Morgan of Arkeston, see Clark's " Genealogies of Morgan and Glamorgan," p. 258. ' Ric. Abingdon of Brockhampton (Harl. 1545.) VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 25 Sir Ricliard=f=Elizabothe,i doughter to William Morrys Delabere, niav. I Thomas DeIa-=douyhter to here, sone and Sir Thomas heire, sans Inglefelde. yssue. {Norrri/s, Glos. Visit. 1623, p. 49.) 1 (A dou. =Thox. Bi'.rinfjton, Harl 15/^5. r George Delabere,'=i=SybilI, doiiijliter to Thomas mar. Wahvin of Helling [Hellens in Much Murcle.) T I 1 Richard, Thomas, sans yssue. 3 sone, sans yssue. 1 James, sans yssue. Sanacre, sans yssue. William, Richard sans yssue. Delabere, died sans yssue. 1 Sanacre {d. l'''>51), mar. Elizabcthe doughter to Sir James Baskervile. William, {Only dan. and h. sans Elizabeth. vssue. =Sir Michael? Lyster,A.-, 781. E 26 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 15G9. John Uowiie,=i=Aime, doughter to John Hyde of alfi. Dovnes. Tewkesbury and one of his heires. Jone, doughter of-f* William Downe, als.^Wizabethe, doughter of Cromp, 2 wiff. I — John. Downes, mar. J John Wamecombe. Jone. Frauucis Downe, als.'y^Elizabethe, doughter of William Downes of Lyttill I Duke of Castill Jordeyn (Castill hyde, mar. in Junlan, Had. 15J^.) I 1 7~l 7T 1 1 Thomas, sone, and Edwarde, Edmonde, William, Anthony, Katherin. heire {of Hyde Par- 2 sone. 3 sone. 4 sone. 5 sone. m, Harl. 1U2.) AfiMet (Blt0U {Of Ledbury. R. 168.) Hurl. 615, fl-. 46^ 47. -Elton. Pdly of nix Or and Ou. on a beml Sa. three mullets oftliefirat. William Elton {descciided of Elton of^{Sybi'llj d, of Royar WiUe Elton in com. Center, Harl. 1545.) I of Dymock, Glots.) V V {John Elton,Cano7i of Sai'tim, Arch- dcacvn of Hd.) 1. Margarett,-^ William Elton^2. Margery, doughter of doughter to I {of Ledbury, d. John Carewe. 1558, bur. at I Ledbury.) J Leyghton of Plashe {co. Salop, by Dorothy d. of Sir Tho8. Lacon.) Anne, mar. Elizabethe, to Rychard mar. to Wyllason. Richard Seybome. Anthony»^Alyce, doughter Elton of Ledbery in the county of Here- ford {d. 1587.) ( n 1. Ambrose Elton. to John Scuda- more of Kent- churche in the conty of Hei-e- ford {see pedi- gree R. 155.) rn n Rowland, SybelL 2 sone. — — Anne. Peter, 3 Sonne. 2. Ambrose Eltow^Jane, d. of Sr. Edw. S. Thomas Elton, Doctor of ... of the hasell in com. Hd. {in Led- bury.) Aston of Tichsall in com. Staff. Kt Elton, s. and h. 19 daughters, living 1618. 1 ) N.B. — See A Genealogical Account of the Mayo and Elton families, by Rev. C. H. Mayo; London, Cbas. Whittingham, and Co., Cliiswick Press, 1882. See also pedigree of Elton in Sir Thomas Phillipps' Genealogia, 1840-1871. 1 Additions from Harl. MS. 1545, 1 44. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 27 {Of WooUon in Wellington. R. 285.) Harl. 615. ff. 13^ U. \^AU the Evesham jJedir/rees are in the later hawf.] Arms : — Evesham. Az. on a bend Or. three Muors^ heads couped at the shoulders Sa. Crbst : — A Moor's head couped at tlie shoidders ppr. ivearing " a moriscoe tuck," Or. Evesham, T Evesham.' I Evesliaiu. Willm. Evesliam, lield the mantion house of Wootton=f= in the p'ishe of Wellington and com. of Hereford. | I Robert Evesham. Joane Evesham maried to 4. Thorn as Evesham, held the Chantry ground against ye churche of Welling- ton, 4 son, and had issue, Hughe, &c. (see 4th Pedigree.) ^ — I 3. Edmond Evesham of Burghope and of the courte of Wel- lington, 3 son, had issue divers sons and doghters {see 3rd Pedigree.) William Evesham, held= the mantion house on the south side of ye churche in ye parishe of Welling- ton, and died 1567 at ye age of 90 yeres. Thomas Hill= of Felton in the countye of Hereford, had ij wy ves. I =Ales, doghter of Willm. Evesham first wife to Tho- mas Hill, and died sans issue, buryd at Felton. =Margery, eldest doghter and one of the coheires of John Rode^ of Pembridge in the com. of Here- ford, she died 1562 of the age of 95 yeres. " Rode bereth Argent ij quaterfoillies slipt Vert a chef. Sa." 2, Watkin Evesham of Crednill, Lyde and Moorton, 2 son, had is- sue one son and 3 dogh- ters {see 2nd Pedigree.) Richard Farley, son and=7= Joane, doghter of heier of John Farley of Wellington's Hall in Wellington, seconde son of {John, Harl. 15 45'', Farley, of Bosbury 1591. Willm. Evesham, mar. to Richard Farley and have issue 1591. Hurafrey Farley. E' 1 (Eodd. R.24:2'ped.) 28 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. A -J William Evesham of Wellington,^ held the mantion aforesaid after his father, he died in London 1 2 of June 1584, of thage of 65 yeres, buried in St. James Churche in Mark Lane. John Evesham eldest son, maried Margett Webbe of Gloster, living 1591. I r -" Robert Evesham, 1591. Ales Evesham to Robert Wil- shire, living in London 1591. John^ Evesham the younger, of London. Jane, doghter of Alexander Haworthe of IJurghope hall in the pish, of Wellington, she died iu child bed ye yere after the vysting of the Erles of Northebld. and Westmerland, buryed in Harden. James Evesham, di(Hl young, buryed in Wellington. Alexander^ Evesham of London, holdeth- the mantion house called Sutton Courte 1591. — ;-T Richard Evesham of Lon- don. Wiilm. Evesham, christened by the name of John, and died young, buried at Sutton. 1 Mergeret Eveshan, died young. 1 Humfrey 1 JohnEvesliara, 1 Blainche, 1 Margery r Robert Epiphan Evesham, borne with Evesham Evesham Evesham Evesliam died Blainche, died of Lon- of Lon- of Lon- of Lon- young. young, buried at Marden. don, 1591. don, 1591. don,1591. don, 1591 This crest or badge was coufirmed to Willni. Evesham, father to Alexander and to his posteryty for ever by Sir Gylbert Dethick, Knight, ala. Garter principal] King at Armes and regestered in hia books of confirmations 1578. Crest; — A Moor's head side-faced ppr. in a helmet Or. Here Willm. evesham cinarterethe father and mother's cote [viz., Evesham aud Rode given in trick colored with the crest.] 1166. 1204. 1208. 1218. 1270. 1281. 1286. 1287. [On f. 13'' occur these notes.] Adam Evesham was Abbot of Evesham Abbey 13H. 21 jjuniiz-n. •? Water Evesham was Abbot of Evesham 6 of K. John | '^'^^ ^^ ^« « Chronicle. Water Evesham, elected Archbushop of Canterbury 10 K, John, by records of the tower. Thomas Evesham, examined and subscribed his name to a charter of pryveledges confirmed to the Abbot of Evesham 3 H. 3, the wch. charter is in the hands of Alexander Evesham. Helias Evesham, Abbot of Evesham 55 H. 3. Per Bale's Chronicle. John Evesham, Knight of the Rodes 10 E. 1. Per liecords of ClerkenwelL Hughe Evesham, Doctor of Phissick 15 E. 1. Per Bale's Chronicle Hughe Evesham, a Cardinall 16 E. 1. Per Bale's Chronicle. ^ This Alexander traveled Fraixnce, Norway, &c., and after lyved in Courte. The foresaid crest was coufirmed also to the said Alexander Evesham and his posterity by the said King at Armes 1578. * This John Evesham hath traveled to Egipt and to the Est and West Indies and many other parts of the world. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 29 1288. 1342. 1342. 1347. 1350. 1352. 1354. 1360. 1361. 1366. 1324. 1500. 1537. 1560, 1591. John Evesham, com. Norhampton, witness to a dede made to Wilhn. by tlie grace of Qod Abbot of Evesham 17 E. 1, which dede was made by Sir Robert de Danever, Knight, and the copy remayning in the hands of Alexander Evj^lmm l.'iOl. Dom. Thomas Evesliam of Weston Underegge held the same nianer in ye com. of Uloster 17 E. 3, as by inquisicion recorded in the tower. Copies remayning with Alexander Evesham 1591. John Evesham his son, 40 yeres of age at the dethe of his father by the same records. William Evesham of London '21 E. 3, by like inquisition. Alice Evesham, his first sister, niaried to ... Shepperd of NeMieiton, com. Worster, and had issue Emma, lo yeres old, muried to Ricluud Higon of wike nere preshore {Perihore, CO. Wore.) as by the like inquisition, 25 E. .'5. Editha Evesham, his 2 sister, maried to ... Ileynes of Nethcrton and had issue Emma of, 3 yeres old at the tyme of the same inquisicion. Symon Evesham, Clark, gave lands to ye churche of Stanlack, com. Oxford, as by inquiss. 27 E. 3. John Evesham, lyved 29 E. 3, scda. pai-s per record of ye tower. John Evesham, witnes to a dede 34 E. 3, as in Renold Chaniberlen's boke, fo. 185. Thomas liuche [or ? linclie] of Evesham of 30 yeres old, found next heir to Wm. Evesham of London afore named, 26 E. 3, as by inquisition. John Evesham escheU)r of Oxfordsh. 40 E. 3, as per Renold Chaniberlen's boke, fo. 300. Evesham, prior of Woster and buryed in the northe pt. of Woster churche, by Urso Abtot (no date given. J Thomas the son of John Evesham of goldicote in the com. of Woster gave lands in the 18 yere of Edward the second 1324. The dede reniayneth in the co'rte of augmentacion. John Evesham, witnes to a dede of lands by evesham, sans date, remayning there also. Willm. Evesham, lyved in Wellington about A° 16 H. 7, 1500, and 22 H. 7, as ye records of the rolles at London. Willm. Evesham, his son, lyved there 29 H. 8, 1537. Willm. Evesham, his son, lyved there 3 P^liz., 1560. John Evesham, his son, lyveth 33 Eliz. 1591. Hail. 615, f. 15. Arms : — Az. on a hencl Or three Moors^ heads couped at the shoulders Sa., in the chief point a crescent Arg. for difference. I Joane Evesham. Robert Evesham. William Evesham,= held the mantiou house of AVotton in AVellin"toii. Thomas Eves- ham, 4 sone, maried. Edmond Evesham, 3 son, mar. Watkin Evesham, 2 son, mar. 1 Willm. Evesham, eldest son, mar. ]\Ieigery the coheires of John Rode of Pembrid<'e. 30 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. RichiinlEvosliain of Kenchurche had a lame foote and mar. r" Thomas, Evcisham of Kentchurche, com. Hereforde, a wryter in the Chancery, 1591. I Richard Bayly. Elizabethe, maryed=| to Hary Baylye of \ lower lyde. — I Jane, mar. to ... of London. 1 Marye, mar. to Katheryn, maryed= to Morvan of over lyde ( Morgan y iSims' Index, j). 122.) Amye, mar. to Badan {Anne, ux. Badam, Harl. 1545.) I Joyse, mar. to John Hawlins of over lyde, lyvuig 1591. ! Hawlins, 1591. "T—^ Susan, to Wm. Hering of Wel- lington. Anne Bayly. Roger Bayly. Thomas Bayly. John. 1 Hughe. 1 Mathew, to Willm. Wallton of Welling- ton, liv- ing 1591 (sic.) 1 Water. E!)e CtjirtJ !l?ob3se of ebrsfjam. Harl. 615, ff. 15^ 16. Aems :~rAz. on a f>end Or fhrefl Moor^ heads couj^ed at the shoulders Sa. in the chief point a mullet Anj. jor dij^erence. Joane Evesham. Willm. Evesham. William Evesham=f" of Wellington. 1 Robert Evesham, 5 son. 1 Thomas Evesham of Wel- lington, 4 son. Edmond=f= Evesham of Wel- lington, 3 son. James Evesham. Thomas Eves- ham of Lon- don, 1591. Watkin Evesham of Moor- ton, 2 son. 1 Richard Eves- ham, died upon a voiadge at sea. Wiilm., eldest son, mar. !Mer- gery, doght. and one of the co- heires of John Rode. 1 Anne Evesham. Elizabethe Evesham. Margery, Evesham. Mawde Evesham. Water Evesham. Thomas Evesham of London, the younger, 1591. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 31 Efje Jotorrtfj %}omt of (fHbc0i)am. Harl. 615, flf. 16", 17. Arms : — As before, hut with a martlet An/ in tlie chief point for difference. William Evesham= of Wellington. I 1 1 Joane Robert Tliomas= Evesham. Evesham, Iwesham, 5 son. 4 son. Evesham. Edmond Watkin Evesham, Evesham, 3 son. 2 son. Hughe Evesham of Barrs=j- Courte joyning to Here forde, lyving 1591. 1 Evesham. Evesham. Wniiam Evesham, eldest son, &c. Evesham. {Of Garnons in Mansell Gamage. R 195, ped.) HarL 615, ff. 20^ 22. Arms :— Quarterly. 1 and 4. Garnons. Arg. two lions statant inpcUe, the one in chief Gu. the other Or icithin a hordare Az. 2 and 3. Parry. Arg. on a fees betioeen three lozen^ges within a bordure Az. a midlet of the field. Walter Gernon.=p John Gernon. Robert Gernon. = 32 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. John Gernon. Roger Gtrnon.^ lon.^^ Margery Gernon. Johni Gernon {1272,' Harl. 1545.) William (ieruon, sans yssuc. "William Gernone (25* F. 3, Harl. 1545.) Richwrd Gemons.* Henry Griffithe, mar. doughter to Whitney. Sir Thomjis Straclliii;4, Kniiiht. ' William Gemons,* mar. {living 12 Hen, IV.) -Agnes, doughter Wynston and heire to Wil- of Trevyn liam Greueway.2 (in WaU tersione. ) Myle Api=Jane, Henry. J doughter to Richard-pTone, doughter and William=[-Agnes, G onions. one of tlicires of William Chamber- lev n. Gylbert. doughter to Watkin Ap=r»Elizabethe, r- Henry, maried dough tor to Thonia.s Dauncev. John Gernons.3=f»Margartt, dough- ter to William Gilbert Alis, doughter-f=Ky colas Gemons of and heire to Watkin Ap- henry. Genion in the County of Hereforde {H. S. of HcUh. 1597, d. 1608.) John,* secounde son, maried Mer- gerye, doughter to Carey n {Cancar- dim,^ R. 192.) T c Elizabethe, maried to John Penkridge (Pembndge, HarL 1545.) ^ Harl. 1545 makes these brothers. ' The Greenways were of Stretton Sugwas, see R. 262. ' His deed to James Gomond and John Baylie A° 5 H. 7 [Ash. 831.) * For his descendants, see Harl. Soc. xxi, 63. ' Carwardeu or Came (Harl. 1545). For Carwardine pedigree, see Visit, of Wore. 1682 (Metcalfe), p. 28. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 33 Thomas, scconilc sonno, marittl. Jolm. Uristofer. ~r-[ James, 3 soune. Richard, 4 Sonne. _ — P-, Chi'istofor, 5 sonno. Raulf, 6 Sonne, 1 — I — James, 7 Sonne. Andrew, 8 Sonne. John, sonne= and heire, mar. to Ger- nons. I Robart, firest Sonne {living 1608.) =Elizabethe, doughter to StevinCole. 1 Jone, maried=j= to Thomas Carpenter, 2 to William Hyde. 1 — I Katherin. Mary. 1 Paule, seconde Sonne. I ISIary Car- penter, mar. to Thomas Webl^e by Carpenter. rn Elynor, mariod Walter Dryver. to Elizabethe, mar. to John Hyde. Jane, maried to liarthol- mew Mason. ( Wni. Ger-=^Joiie, d.of nous of Bla-cknew, mil Block- more. Wafki/n or Walter Winston, Enq. Mabell, da. ami coll., mar. Thorn. Clarke, Recorder of Herefford. Karl. 1545. John, theirde sonne. Alys. Jone. Sybill. Judithe. — I Sara. William Gemons de Malmeshull Gamage, sans date. John le Smythe de Maddeley did relcivse to Richard de Gernons and Isabel! his syater, vicesimo nono E. 1. William Gernon de Malmeshull Gamage did coufyrme to William sone of Roger and Sycille hia wiff. septimo decimo E. 2. Roger, sone to Richard de Malmeshull Gamage and William my Sonne, chapelleyn, the «*•' of E. .3. William, sone to John Gemons, did give to .., A° tricessimo quinto E. 3. Richard Gernons the 6 of Richard the 2. William Gernon, duodecimo H. 4. William Gemons, H. 5, sexto. Roger, sone to William Gernons the elder, sexto H. 5. Mergerj-e Gernon widowe of Roger sone of William GJernon of Malmeshull Gamage, sans date. John Pemberdge Lord of MalmyshuU Gamage did release to William Gemons de Garnons, 2 of H. 6. Arms: Gernons, as above. Henry Oldecastell ar. to Richard Gernons did confirne to Richard Peere and John Walshe th© yonger and to William Gernon and Agnes his wiff, vicesimo sexto H. S. Richard Gemons de Malmeshull Gamage, E. 4 primo. Arint: Gernons, as blazoned. John Gemons, sone and heire of Richard, did confirme to James Gomond and John Bayly the xxiiii day of Octobers the 5 of Henry the 7, and sealed with these armes. Armt : Gemons, as above. For a Pembrokeshire branch of the Gemons, see Dwnn's Visitns. of Wales, i, 159. {Of Bijford. R.59,ped.) Harl. 615, ff. 63", 64. Arms : — Gomond. Arg, afe^s engrailed heticfen three muUetSy pierced, Gu. John Gomonde.=p= -A 34 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. John, 2 Sonne. John Gomon(le.-|» John Gomond=fHloughter of of Byfonl, liarton. Wiiliuni, 3 Sonne, Kaulf, niariedAnne,dough- 4 soune. ter to Richard Ste- vins. James. Anne. 1 John. Jone,^ mar. to Mychell Showell (tnc) {Nicholas Shoicell, Ash. SSI.) Katherin, base" douglitei- to Sir Jolm Piyce, Knidit. •James Gomonde^Mar^rtt, doughter of Byford in the conty of Here- ford. to Nychohis Wal- win of Longwarde. 1 Anne,* mar. to Mychel Showell {sic). John Gomond, sone and heire. Guyllamett, a doiighter. r" \ 1 {2. James. 3. John. Anm.) Aslu 831. For a continuntion of the above pedigree, see R. 59. ffiuilUm {Of Fawhy. R. 122.) Harl. 615, ff. 40^ 41. Arms : — Gwillim. Sa. a nacfs head etxised Or hettceen three gautUlets Ary. ( Davied Glim, of Lison=j=doughter {LeiDSon in Llanyarren) of {Lusonvy Hurl. 1540.) Hottell a}) Thomas of Perthir^ co. Monnu HopJiin of Whit-'^ Catherine, d. of Hugh church. CO. Hd. JhiiUley of Hadnoch\ Rolpert'j'Mawl, d. and h. of Lewis Powell. I VauyJian-hen of Merthyr. I B ' Joane, ux. Nicholas Showell of co. GIos., 2. to John Nott of Sheldesley Beauchamp, in co. Worcester (Harl. 154S.) ' Anne to Richmond, als. Webb (Harl. 1545 and Ash. 831}, for i>edigree of Richmond, als. Webb, see Sir Thomas Phillipps' Pedigrees (privately printed) 1840-18ri. VISITATK^N OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 35 A -J John Olhn. of=jf=Johaii, dou^'hter Faley in the conty of Here- forcie. rn Thomas, 2 sonne {of Kintfs C(q>el, see R. 183.) Roger, 3 sonne. of Robert Poelli of Wliitcherch {co. Hereford.) Thomas Powellf Alice, d. of Titos. of Whitchurch, living tJl^- apBohert ofPant- glax. I Katlierin, niaried to Thomas Harp. Bhmche. Anne. Walter=^Eliz.,d. John GUm.=j=Mary, tloughter of of Faley, John BurfekF of Lvn'^ell Ar. Thomas, sone andheire(o.is-.^>. 1604.) —r-T' Jone. Jane. Sybell. Powell. William, 4 Sonne n r Anne. Mar^'. of Sr TJto. Herbert. 2 dam. ) Jane, maried to John Guat- kin. —r-\ Alyce. Sybell. Hacktiit^ Harl. 615, fif. UK Added, ill the same hand as the Evesham pedigrees. Hughe de Hackluite=f of Eton Roster in Hereford sh. {in Leo- minster) [Sheriff in 1377.) I Thomas=}=doughter and Oldcasell.'^ heir to Pen- bridge. 2. mar. to Sr. Jo. Norbury. r- Waltere Hackluite.=j=Elizabethe, da. and one of I theires of Tho. Oldcastell. A ^ For pedigree of Powell of Whitchurch, see Clark's Genealogies of Jlorgan and Qlamoi^gan, p. 265, from which the additions - are taken 3 Burghill of Thinghill. * Oldcastell 0/ Oldcastle* in Almeley. Peter Oldcastell John. I Sr. Richard. Sir John Oldcastell, 2. Thomas.=f=Alice,d.andh.of Pembridge. ShemBr.2. John Catherine. • Ld. Cobham. | Merbui-y of Weblev {he was living IJ^IS.) =Tho8.Bromwicli , -^-L , [Thomas.] Eliz.=Walter Hackluit (rf letton. Jane.s5=Wbitney. See Robinson's Castles of Herefordsh, App. 1. 36 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, U69. A (laughtere, mar. Richard Ap Henry. A clauf,'litere, mar. Ivlward Cornewall. Thomas. Richaitle=^Maulde, da. Hackluit, mar. to Roger Vaughan. Ralfe de=^l8Jibi'll(!, da. and one theires of Hackluit. Tlionias de Corbete of CawUethe.^ Henry Hacklute. # [Here connected with the next ped.] I r Waltere. r— r Johne. —r~\ Richai-d. William. [— r Johne. -T~l Anne. Gyles. Ralfe. Leonard. Henrye. Thomas. Eleonore. HacktutiJ {0/ E'ltoH in Letnuiufter. R. 175.) Harl. 615, if. 14^ 15. Armh : — Quarterly of nine. 1. Hackluit. Gn. three hcUchetg Or. 2. !Milb()urne. (hi. a cherron l/eticeen three escallops Anj. 3. Eynsfortl. Gu. frettij Eiiik 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Furuivall. Ar(j. a head between six maiilets Gu. on flie bend a crescent Or for difference. Verdon.T Ora/retteGu. Ix)vetot.J Anj. a Uan ram^xtnt pei' fees Gu. and Su. liaskervile. Arourne, see MijIIk) it ) •H<: I ie( lUjree. ) Thomas Hacklute.=j=Margarett, doughter and heire of Robert Augniondisham. John, Sonne- and heire, mar. Sibell Hacklute. •Elynor, doughter to Knyll. 1 — John, seconde Sonne, sans yssue. Thomas Reblde (-fffi-=Sibill, dough- hold, Ash. 831, and ter to Thomas Harl. 1545.) Hacklute. Elizabethe Hacklute. Alys Hacklute. Elizabethe, doughter to Richard=Thomas Hack-^ Threntain of Rossyter, sans lute of Yetton yssvLG (Trenthcun of lioeester, CO. in the County Stap. See Visit, of Stafs. 1583, of Hereford {d. ejl. H. S. GrazeJn-ook, ]x UO.) 1586.) {Georfje, d. 1538, R. 234.) =Fortune, doughter to Sir Robart Ac- ton Knight {of Rihford in co. Wore. Harl. 151,5.) Henry sonne and heire, 8 yeres {J)a]p. 8 Jane 15GI, he sold Eaten between 1613 and 1630.) 1 Elizabethe. 38 VISITATION OF UKREFORDSHIRE, 1569. Harforb {Of Doshury. R. 33.) Harl. 615, ff. 44^ 45. Abms : — Harford and Scroope. Sii. ttco hmch Anj. on a canton Az. a Ixiud Or. Crest : — Harfoid. Oiit of flames, Gu. a dragon's head Or fin' looihif/ front his mouth Ixdween two icings expanded Az. Richard, Lord Scrope, mar. Blanche"^ doughter to Delapole Erie of Suff. Robart, Lorde={=doughter and lieire of the Stt'win Scropo,2eonne=^Mely8eunt, Scroj )0, inar. Tyi)toft, of wlioiii the Ixmle Typtoft is descended (IJfntf'ntnit of Irfl'ind, d. 1400.) nU (Sec G. P. iScrojje's Hist, of Castle ComltCy 50.) doughter to the Lord Typtoft Ste\vin=j=Jane, doughter to Scrope. j Richard Byngham. doughter of Mul- bery {2 icife.) =Sir John=7=Margarett, doughter to Scrope, Knight. Sir Walter Wrotesley ( Visit, of Staffs. 1583, p. 152.) John Hareford-f-Anne, dough- of liosbery in tlie conty of Herfonl, I2s- qu'er {d. 30 Awj. 1559, a't. 57.) Mary, niaried to John Webbe of Shakenfoixl (Sha- Mngford, Harl. 1545.) ter to Sir John Scrope of Cas- tyllconibe {co. WUfs.) Richanl Scroi)e, AniXiony^Aune, d. Scrope {of Colwall, CO. Ed.) of Viver ( Viiier) of CO. Wilts. A Vide p. 39. — ' ; Jane, luaried to Willliam Scudamore of Thruxton. ^lathawe, maried to Thomas Cave of Mortdu uppon luge {see jMidigree in R., ji. 213.) ' 1 Anne, maried to John Abur- fourthe {Aher- ford,Ash.831.) Richard Harf orde= of Bosbery in the said county Esquier ( o.s.p. 1578.) =Katherin, doughter to "William Parsay in the county of Northamp- ton (P«j/o//, ^6-A. <55i) {Purfoy, Harl. 1545.) Xathanyell, 2 Sonne. Henry, 3 sonne, 1 Anthony, 4 Sonne {d. 1590, hur. at. Colwidl.) VISITxVnON OF HEREFORDSIIIKE, 1569. 39 ( Vide p. 38. A Mari/.='Maiiion Motion. 2. Edmond.=(l. of Russell of CO. Hd. \ 'i. John. 1. Win! f rid, d. of Johiv^l. Nicholas Srro()p>;^=2. d. tf ... Norton of Siided {E. Tisted, Hcuds.) of Kitch iwtoltc in CO. Southton. Anne, d. and It., iu: Tlios. Bridgen J Karl. 1.545. of Westhmn in Etmex. > 1 Margaret. For another pedigree of the Wiltshire family of Scrope, see Marshall's Visit, of Wilts, p. 23. Harper (Of Wellington and Amberley in Marden. R. 205.) Harl. 615, fif. 53^ 54. Arms : — Quarterly. 1 and 4. Harper. Sa. a- chevron Arg. and a canton Erm. 2 and 3 \_Az. ?] on a cross engi'ailed Arg. five escallops Sa. John Harp of \Valington=fHiouglitcr and coheire ( Wellington) mar. of Criktofte. _i ^r- William Hari>er,=j=doughter of Eustace mar. Whitney. John Harper. =j=tloughter of Bewpere {Beaiqjre, Ash. 831.) William Harper. =j=Jane, doughter of John Whitington I of Panthley {Pauntleij, Glos.) 40 VISITATIOX OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. I 1 1 Thomas, Anthony, Alyes, mar. to John seconnde thinlo Wilton^ ( Welton, Sonne. sonne. Ash. 831.) Mai-geiv, mar. t<> Thomas Shapaift (ShqjJiam;^ A^h. 831.) I John Harper=j=Sybell, doughter of Thomas Walwin of Amerhiy. WilUam, sonne Nycohlas, 2 and heire is 22 sone, xxi yeres olde. yeres olde. I Kathcrin. of Longfonk' {in Lmjicardine.) John, 3 is PUizalxfthe. ^[ary. Henry, 4, 18 yeres — is 13 yeres olde. Alyce. olde. Anne. MargarcUt. 1 Margery. Hatokins {Of Shn'hujton in Pembridye. R. 224.) HarL 615, tf. 52^ 53. Arms : — Hawkins. Or, on oden-=f-dougliter of {William, Axh. ham {Boilenham fe Havard, Ash. 831.) 6yi)Wahvin of Longwardo (/w Luijirardine.) Jolui" Taylor. 1 ■Jone Prier. Richard Hay\varde.=pMargarett, doiighter to John Tayllor and heire. I Richardo=j=Jone, doughter to=Rowlande vnett Haywarde, Thomas Aphenry 1 husband. John Haywarde of Walliiigton,i=j=Joiie, doughter to als. Piiours Court in the eonty of Hereford {d. 29 Aji. 101 4.) Rycliard ^lortoii of Esbache {Eveshach.) Richard, 2 Sonne. 1 Thomas, 3 Sonne. {Juiin.=Jiiiie, d. of Lewis Boyle of Hereford.) John Le Hey ward de Bodenham, sans date. John Le Hay ward, sone to John Le Heywarde de Bodenham, the x*'' of E. 1, 1281. John Le Haywarde de Bodenham did confirme to Phillipe and Hugh his sone quarto decimo E. the Ithe 8 {iie). 1285. John IjQ Heyward de Bodenham did give to Phillip his sone quartodecinio E. the 1, 1289. John Le Hayward did give to Phillipe my sone and Hu'^he hLs brother A^ dom. 1310. John Le Hayward did give to Thomas his sone quarto decimo E. 2. 1320, John Le Hayward sone to John Le Haywarde de Bodenham did release to Thomas their brother quarto decimo of E. 2. 1320. John Le Heywarde the elder of Bodenham did confirme to Thomas Le Heyward de Bodenham and Alis his wiff. and Lourens their sone the 5 of E. 3. 1 330. Phellipe Le Heyward the elder did release to Thomas Hayward and his Heiiires the 5 of E. 3. 1330. Hughe Le Hejrwarde de Bodenham did confirme to Jone his wifF and to Hughe and John my sones 28 of E. 3. 1353. Arms: Heyward, as above. John Le Heyward de Bodenham the 2 of Richard 2. 1378. Arms: As p.=j=d. and h. of Kensimjford of Salop. William Hopton of Hopton, E>q.=f-d. and h. of Eijton of Eijtoit, I CO. Salojt. ) Nicholas Hopton. =|=douglitL'r to William Hopton of=f=]\Iiugarett, d. and one of theires to Hopton {of Hopton | John Hevyn^ of Clybery in the Solers, co.Horford.y \ conty of Salopie (//// hahd, d. and. coh. of Tho. Duicnton.y A r Thomas. I 1 1 Alice. 1 1 L John, •^ 1 (;^.) Richard T=Jono, doughter ( — — .•'.J). \ Hoiitiiu of to John Lang- V Edward. Marjcrij. J Hopton. ford. William Hygynsn Ixahel. William I j=Alyce, - ! 1 Jouc, mar. to John,'* 2 sonne, \' 1 Kathcrin, mar. to {of Tripl etoiv'' in doughter Raidf jNFas- maried Eliza- William Slade Leintwa) dine, co. of Rich- ton {Mason. y bethe, dough- {of Wotton CO. Hd.) ard Hop- ton. ter and heire to Thomas Sharp. Salop.) =j= 1 1 1 1 1 Thomaa. ! John. . „ 1 1 John 1 Richard John , 1 . 1 "NA'illiam {John Mastou, At>h. [ Katherin {to Hygyns. Hygyns. Higyiis. U igyns. as appereth by a dede thereof reniaynyng with water edwyn 1592.] (77ii« 7iote is uTitteii in the later hand.) ' R. mjikes liichard {=Ellen, d. and coh. of John Walwyn) .son of Hugh and father of SirThos. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 49 I Thomas Mon-= mf!,toii {of Sar- ncsjiehl, d. 17 Jan. 1551. Inq. p.m.) =Anne,^ dougli- ter of (Henri/) Tracy of (Tod- dii){/fon)G loster {livinri 1561.) Richard Moiiington {of SholMlon, livin(]1551.) 1 Jolin ^roii ingtou {oj Lawton, see vexf ped.) of Hard- wick, CO. Glos.) Richard Mon-=f Katheriii, iiigton, mar. (Lt't. Jfi in 1551.) Jolin, 2 Richard, Sonne. 3 soiuie. doughter to John Skid- mor of Horn Lacy. ;n . William, 4 Sonne. James Basker- vile, mar. to {of Wotton in Wellington.) =Elizabethe, 3=^Thomas'< mar. to Havarde of Here- ford. rn Nycholas, first Sonne. Edwarde, 2 Sonne. Gregrey, 3 Sonne. Jane. Anne, mar. to Lyngnyr-i {Lincjen.) — n ^lari^artt. Alys. (Anne, d. of= Richd. Se- borne of Sutton.) =Thomas, Sonne and heire (liv- ing 1609.) Anne, mar. to Richard Wigmore. Sybill, mar. to John Seborne. •-1 (1. Richd. Monington=^Ann, of Sr. Ed. Wintei"^ of Samesfield, oh. ante \ of Lidney, co. Glos.) 1645. si/ Margery, mar. to Roger Vaughan^ ofClerough(2're- lough, Harl. 1545.) ^0nin0t0n^ (Of Buttas in King's Pyon and Lawton^s Hope in Canon Pyon. R. 62, 160, 250, ped.) Harl. 615, ff. 45^ 46. Arms : — Quarterly, 1 and 4. Monington. Arg. a chevron between tJiree unicorns salient Sa. 2 and 3 Arg. on a bend Sa. three mullets Or. * For pedigree of Tracy, see Harl. Soc. xxi, 165. ' For pedigree of the Trye family, see Harl. Soc, xxi, 169. ^ R. (ped.) gives another dau. Margery as the wife of Thos. Havard, and Eliz. as the wife of Jas. Baskervile ^so does Harl. 1545.) * Richd. Lingen of Stoke Edith, who d. 1631, see R. 179. •'' Roger Vanghan of Elvro, co. Radnor, was Sheriff of Hereford 1636. See Clark's Genealogic--, p. 238. * For pedigree of Winter of Liduey, see Visit, of Glos. 16b2, 205. ' [Hugo de Monyton made a letter of attorney to Roger Pertriche of Dorston to deliver poces- sion to John Deveros John Clanvow (ace R. S4, 217) Kiiightes and others, of lands in Morton Jeffreyes A° 9 R. 2. 1385, as by a de descents of Welshe (or Walsh) of Sheldesley in Visit, of Worcester, 1569 {Ash. SSI), in which J. N.'s 1st wife is called Anne, d. of Jno. Welshe. For a continuation of tlie Walsh pedigree, see Visit, of Wore. 1682, p. 99. ^ Wm. Nott was bur. at Wellington in 1625 (R. 285). The maps vary, some spell the place New End, others New Inn. 54 VISITATION OF HEREFOEDSHIRE, 1569. f at^sljall {Of the Fcyrd in PuoUlleston. R. 7 ped.) Harl. 615, ff. 39^ 40. Arms : — Pateshall. Az. on a chevron Arg. between three body-hearts Or. as many escallops Gu. ( Rafe Pateshall, 35, 41, 46 of E. III. Rafe Pateshall, 5 H. 4- John, 17 H. 7. J ) Harl. 1645. John Pateshall (JS«c/i.^-doughter and heire ofHdsh. 1497.) of Wyn. William Pateshall^Sybell, doughter and heire of the Forde. I Gommonde of Byforde. I 1 Boger, "William, 4 sonno 3 Sonne. {mil proved at Hd. 1543.) Johu^ Pateshall of-y-Elynor, doughter to James the Forde {MP. fw Hdsh. 1557.) Tomkyns of Webley {ioill prd. at Hd. 1582.) James Pates- William Pateshall==Jane, doughter to Elex- hall, 2 Sonne. ©f the Forde in the ander Whitington^ of contyofHcreforde, Kotgrove in the conty gent of Hereforde, {Notgrove, CO. Glos.) Thomas. Margery, maried-^ to Anthony Ba rowe of Colling ton. Elynor. Notes an ff. 39'', 40. John Pateshall, gent, decimo septimo Henry the 7. Raulf Pateshall quarto E. the 3. Raulf Pateshall sexto of E. 3. Raulf Pateshall quarteragesimo primo of E. 3. Aitns as above. Raulf Pateshall tricesimo quinto A° of E. 3. Arms as above. John Pateshall did confirme by deede of A° of H. 6 the 20. 1 Called Raffe Pat«shull in Ash. 831. » See Harl. Soc. xxi, 269 (Glos.) VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 65 (Of Mansell Gamage. R. 193.) Harl. 615, tf. 59^ 60. Arms : — Pembridge. Barry of six Or. and Az. on a bend Gn. three mullets Arg. Rafo Pembridge. ( r" T~r Sr. Henry, Kt.=f=Eliz., d. of Godfrey Sr. Foidk. Gamage, Knt. — Sr. Richard. 1 Sr. John. I William.'Y'Enfamia, d. of Sr. Rafe Lint/en, Ki. I William Pen ibridge.=f= Margery, d. of Sir John Burley, Kt. Henry.=j=Margerett, d. of John Sarnfeld. I r 1. Eliz. d. of Sr.= John.=r2. Sibhell, d. of Geff. Grey. Roger Essaeh. John Pembridge.=f^ Agnes, d. of Hugh Ploiofeld. I r ' Thomas.=Y'Isabel, d. of Jeremy Joyce of ye forest of Deane. John Pembridge.=^Gathenn, d. of Thos. Bromwich of Stimfeld. Thomas. Walter.=^Joane, d. of Wm. Johan, dough =j=John Pem-=j=Elizabethe, William. Herbert, by tlie d. ter of {John) of Hancell. Gomonde. bridge of Mansell Gamasre. Vide p. 56. dougbter to Garlande, 2 wiff. I 1 I ^yi 1 John, o.s.p. Eliz.=j=Sr. Rotcland ,^ ^ John, Katherin, mar, to Margartt, I Moreton. ^ 2 sonne, Penor ( Venor, Ash. mar. to I ' J 83 1, 4' Harl. IoJ/jB.) Jemans Rich. MoHon q/ Mansell Gamage, ^ — {Jennons, Sybill, mar. to Coll- Harl. yar. l5Jf5.) 1 Addition from Harl. 1545, f. 52. 56 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. ( Virle \). 55. Aniic, mar. to Henry l^rle.i Th<)iiias=|=Jane, doiighter of William Pembriue. Daskervile of Netliwood (in ThoiiaJMnj.) John Pem- brige, sone and lioire (o.s.p.) James, 2 Sonne Thomas, 3 Sonne. William, 4 Sonne. Anthony,^ 5 Sonne. 1. John-=tl. of o.s.p. DclaJiaij. 1 2. Waltr.r= ofMaiwIl, O.fl.p. Jane. -Furtiina, d. of lUc. Tompkhus vf MoviiujUm. She mar. 2 Rob. Per- mit of Morton vjxm Ltujij. ) HarL 1545. ^billtpes {Of Leominster. R. 176.) HarL 615, flf. 50^ 51. Arms :' — Phillips. Or on a cheoron Qn, three eagles heads erased Arg. in tlie dexter duef a crescent. John Philliixjs [servant to Ze=j=donghter of Brocton {Brotighton, and. Lenuter in co. Hd.. Hart. I Harl. J 543) of Henley in conte 1545,) I Salopie. ' The Pearl family was connected with Acouburj' and Dewsall. See R. 4, 89. ' For a continuation of this jiedigree (through Anthony), see Visitn. of Glos. 1682, p. 133 (Fenwick and Metcidfe) and K. '.'^:> n. ■* In Harl. l.")4r), f. 13 anotlicr coat is given. — Sa. a feme betuxen Uiree pewits Ar, beaked and uwmhercd Or. Az. n fosse bdiccen three faicona close Ar. beaked and leygai Or. was granted to Phillips of Yarpole, co Hd., 14 June, 1579. * See pod. of Phillip of Baguell, Yorks. Harl. 1171, fo. 2. * Symonds in his Diary, p. 267, mentions a tomb in Leominster Church with this inscription — " Jho. Phillips ob. 1530 and Isabela ux. ejus." VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 57 I — Robart Yarpoole and) of Le lu- ster {Harl. 1545.) A .J Phillipos (q/W=Eliz;ibctiie, doughtor to John Pryce {of Cilia in Wdle^ Jiij Marrjt. , d. of Sir Edw. Crofte-i, I[aii. 154-5.) Elizabetlie, mar. to Thomas Noblett ( Ni/hk'ft, Harl. 1545.) — I — I Alyce. — liriirett. "T~i — r~ Erauncis Phillipos. Margery, mar. to Thomas Bra- sier. Erauncis^ Phillipos- of Lemstor in the county of Herefor99.) " 1 and 4. A chevron between 3 roses. " 2 and 3. Or on a chevron Gu. three eagles' heads erased Ar. " Thare was evidently therefore some connection between the two families. The father of Sr. Edward Phelipps who built iMontacute House wai Thomas Phelipps, who die I l=i88, aged 8S, and he was probably the same person as in 15:39 was Escheatur for the County of Hereford and is described in his ' compotus ' for that year to be <>f Leominster, and also tjuibe possibly during his residence there manied a namesake for his first wife, and his son E Iward quartered her paternal arras, though with what authority we cannot say." The following wills are extracted from the RegisI ers of the Princip d Registry of the Court of Probate. Will of Anne Phillips, widow of Richard Phillips of Hereford. Proved l.')42 (Spurt 8.) Will of Amey Phillipes of Cruckmeele, parish of Pountesbury, Salop', widow of William Phillipes. Speaks of Richard, Fabian, and Robert (the last two minors) sons of her late son William deceiised. Proved 5 Nov. l.o95. Will of Richard PhiHps of Brocton, co. Salop, yeoman, dated lO.Fune 158 5; spaaks of Richard, eldest son ; Frauncis and Robert other sons ; Eliz. an I Anne, daughters. Richd. and Robert, executors. Proved 29 Jan. 1588. Fabian Philipps of Middle Temple, Barrister, was a sojourner at O.'cford 1641. Born at Prestbury, Glos. 1601. "His father was Andrew. Philipps of an ancient family in Herefordshire, born to a good est;ite in Lempster a id near it and his mother was a Bagehott of a good family also and heir to one of her brothers ob. 1690." Wootl's Ath. Fasti, p. 3. * Francis Phelips, Auditor of the Exchequer, 1565. (Cal. St. Pap. Dom. Ser. I. 366.) * Margret, d. of Wm, Walter of Wymbleton (Ash. 831.) Harl. 1545 has Fabyan Phillips, a Councellor in the Marclies of Wales.=:d. of Walter of Wimbleton in co. Surrey. 58 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. (Of Porteham.) Harl. 615, ff. 62'' 63. Arms : — Pryce.^ Sa. on a chevron Arg. f>etween three leopard^ piceM Arg^ as many spear heads of ihe first on a chief of Vie second three cocks Ou. CrSst : — Ditto. A cock wings displayed Gu. combexl and collared Or. holding in his beak a rose Gil stallced Vert. ( 1. Philip^Elleii, d. of Win. Egerton. nering of Eglefeld. Man-^2. Sr. John Prior Kt. ' ^1 John. John Prior. I Phillij). Joane Prior.* I 8r. Rafe. Sr. Richd. Egerton of Ridley. ) Harl. 151,5. 'John Williams, als. Orom- well of London. Sir John Pryce of'^one, doughter Porteham in the to Williams of conty of Hereford. London. .1 Richard,^ 2 Sonne, mar. =Klizjibethe, doiij^liter John to William Wight- 3 Sonne, man of - Harowe of the lliU. William, 4 Sonne. Elynor, maryed to Thoniiv^ Warsvin('^. 15S0) of Longford. -" 1 Jone, mar. to Thoina.s Williims of Estradfyn in the county of Cax- dinaom (Cardii/tin, Harl. 15 J/).) Mary, mar. to Tho- ma.s Morgon of Lan- ver in the county of Monmouthe. Bartilmewe, 5 Sonne. 1 Ursula. Gregory,^ sonne and^Mary, doughter to Humfrey Conysby^ of Hampton heire, maryed. in the County of Hereford (Ae d. 1558.) John.=Y'An7i, d. and sole heiress of Sir Geo. Chute, Kt., by Mary d. and sole heire.-i Fromr, co. Hd. oh. 1528. Jotm of Paunton, tcill dated'^'Attee, d. and coh. of 4 July, prd. 22 Oct. 1551. Francis Slade, Esq. ^ ^ ^ 1. l)orothii,'^Rohert DowncM, Afargei^y, let. 4 tit'-^Urtjrgedela Downed, Eliz., ob. (lit. 6 in mar. in or hi- 1551, olt. 1508. M.I. 1651. forn 1560. at IJjt'n Frovie (xfr R. 26.) mar. in ur fjefare infans 1560. 1551. Mychall Went leorth.^Fninces, mar. Nov. 18, 1585 at lip's Frome. A quo Wenttvorth of Woolley, CO. York. • For this family, bee aii intvruHting book, " TLe Picanls or Pydiards of cos. Brecon, Hereford and Worcehter," London, Golding ;uul Lnwrence, 187S, from which the notes in this pedigree are tttken and the entries in ilaliet. The liegi^jters of Cradley l^egin in 1560 iind contain numeruus entries of the Pycbards. Mairiar/e. 1620. Will. rycli:iiis : — Quarterly. 1 and 4. Ruwdon. Sa. a gri^n segreant Or. 2. Lc Moigiie. Or. ,<. of Thos. Ofh Dl. IWh-ley.) Henry, sans yssue (/w^. p.m. 1543.) 1 Richard, sans yssue. I Mwarde. Morys. Cisselle. Elynor. Anne. 1 Frauncis. John Le Muyuu did give tu ... ^\n» date. Arnt». — Six martletti, tliree two and one. John Le Moyno did idve by thes |«re>««nt to Kaulf Moyne hi« »on sans date. — Anns. — tS'jt inartletH, three two and one. Hughe Lancaster did releane to Thonian Touley the xxvi'^'' of E. 1. Thomiuj of Townley Lorde of Kowdone and Alys his witt* the 3 of E. 2. Aruus. — A griihn seRreaut. Walter Le Wyue Lorde de PreHtoii [Proston Wynne, co. J/etrf'unl, tee H. J36) did uonfirme to Thomas and Joliu Hone t4i ThomaH Tonley Lorde of Kowdon, quarto of E. 3. Annt. — Erm. on a bend three njaillets. John Bonne of Tliouias of Towueley Lord of Kowdon the 4th of E. 3. Antu. — Aa the last. Richard Kowdon triceHinio quinto of E. 3. Arms. — Same aa Ust. John lielyou of Castell Ix>rde of Hryddenburg (Bredenbury) in the county of Hereford sexto of H. 5. Aiiiut. — On a bend eottised ..., 3 stags' heads cabuahed. William Rowdon the si^tth of Heniy the 5. Amu. — Same as last. Walter Rowdon did make his brother Richard liowdon of H. 7. Walter Rowdon did give to Jone widowe to James Rowdon fratries mei the 8 of H. 8. Jono Row don wift' tu James Rcjwdon of H. 8. Jonn Rowdon by liis will did. Amu. — As above. ^rubamor^ {Of Holm Lacy. It 11,2, ped.) HarL 615, tf. 9, 9^ 10. Arms : — Quarterly of six. 1. Scudamore. Gu. tftn^e stirrups Ifuthen-d and buckled Or. 2. Tregoz. Or. two bars gemel and in chief a lion jiOnsatU yuardant Gu. 3. Huutercombe. Erm. two (Mm ijcmel. 4. Osborne. A h-.nd cottisail between tico jisJies bendwute. 5. Packington. Fer chevron iSa. and Ary. in chief 3 inullett; Or. in base as many yarbs Gu. 6. Washbourne. Ary. on a fess between «ix martlets Gii. three qttatre foils of the field. Crbst : — Out of a dncal coronet Or. a lion's jamb Sa. Philipe Scudamoi-e otherwise=j=doughter and one of theires of John called Philipe evias. j H.undevcomb (Jluntercombe, Ash. 831.) * See Duncumb's Herefordshire, iL 70. ' Probably the Arnolds of co. Glos. and afterwards of Llanthony, co. Monm. See HarL Soc. xxi. 4. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 63 A -J Georgo Scudamove.=i=(loughter of Biirghill. T. Philipe Scudainore.= =doughter and he ire of Osbourne of London. — 'P "William Scudainoro seconde sonne (H. 21. ) William Scuda- moro, md. =AIys, doughter to Richard Mynors of Tveago [R.290,27cd.) Edwarde Scudamore. AnneScudamore, mar. to Jolin Sciidamore of Rolston. Sibill, doughter to=p=Johii Scudamoro of Home Lacy=^Jane, doughter to Watkiii Vaugiian of Herdmonde Browne. I Elizabethe, mar. to Thomas Xvcholas {Nu-olls, Ash. 831 ) Mawde Dansey. {Thos. Daansei/, Ash. 831.) (Thos. Browne, A.Ji. 831.) ' For Kyrle pedigi-ee, see R. 280. * For a pedigree of the Abington family, see Harl. Soc, xxi, 194 (Glos,), and petligree of Abidgton (ante.) 64 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. r Richard Vide p. 63. B 1 William, 8011110=1= Ursuelcy, doughter and one of theires and heire. of Sir John Pagington {Pakmgton, Ash. 831.) Scudamore, more, sonne 2 sono. and heire. T 1 1 1 John Scuda-=f=Elynor, doughter George, Roulande, Jon e, mar. to to Sir James of 3 smuc. 4 sone. Croftes {Sir Jan. Orofis of Orofts.) I ^T 1 Henry, soiine John, James, and heire. 2 sone. 3 sone. Thomas Scuda- more of Kent- churche {R. 155 ped.) Alys. Ursuley. ^^born^ {Of Sutton St. Ificholas. R. 26^.) Harl. 615, fT. 49'', 50. Arms : — Seborno. Barry wavy of ten Arg. and Az. over all a lion rampant Or. (John St'lHrrnc of^d. nf John Pairtjft^^ William Elton. 'j-Margery, doughter Sutton in com. Hd. I of Miirton. ) ,., Care we. Richard Seborne of Sutton-f=Eliziibethe, dough- {1. Anw^ to Rich. in the conty of Herefonl, Un to William El- Willistm, Axh. Gent. ton. 831.) Elizabethe Katherin* {ux.lingen.) {iix. lockard.) Sibbell, d. of Moninghii- of Samesft'ld. 1 1 1 Anne {nx. Ilojj- Elynor {iijr. Alyce, {ux. iniod 0/ Mydle- Monitigtfm. ) Geo. Scuda- ton.) more.) Catherine, vjc. Chivstopher lord Tenham of Kent. sjohn, Sonne ami heire {nf Sutt07l.) 1 Mary. -—-1 1 1 Ettz., nx. Mary, %ix. Thom. A dan. nx.Cas- IVellt^. Wi(/mo)-e. sey of Cassey Compton. 2. d. of Pen-'^ Christopher=l. Mai-y, d. of John Arnn- A dau. ux. Southcote rudock. Seborne. dell of Chidiock, co. Dmset. of co. Essex. * The additions in italict are from Harl. 154.5, f. 1^. • Mr. Robinson, p. 229, gives Katherine as the wife of Roger Hopwood of Milton in Pembridge. He died in 1623, hia wife in 1615, VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 65 {Of Much Cowarne.) llarl. 61 o, ff. 34'', 35. Arms : — Skull. Gu, a bond between six lions^ hcadf erased Am. Davye Skull of ]>recknoke=^ in AVallys. jNIyles Skull. Sir Walter Skull, 2 soune (o/= Tloltr in com. Worcestrr.y Williani=j=doughter of Walwyn of {Joyce, d. and sole h., nx. Skull. ^laxkxW {M acl, Marcle.) Si: Ed a: Croft,', Kf.y I (loughtor of=pJolni Skull. =j=Ma\V(lo, doiighter to Johu AVigmore Li"on. of Lugton in the conty of Hereford {Lucton, R. 180.) 1 Thomas Skull, 1 Sonne. L William Skull, a prcst. n Richard Skull uf MuciU!=i=duiighter of Cowarne in the county of Hereford. Yerwourthe.^ I Rowlande Skull, Sonne and heire, 28 yeres. William Skull, 2 Sonne, of the age of 26 yeres. John Skull, 3 sonn(! of the age of 24 yeres. 1 Margartt. * Additions from Harl. 1545, f. 10. See pedigree of Croft p. 21. * For Yerworth of Ipplopeii, Devon, from co. Monmouth, see Westcott'n Devon, p. 524. See also A'isitu. of Devon, 1564, p. 218, and Yisitn. of Wilts (Phillipp.i) 1C23. Yerworth marriages will also be found in Harl. Soe. xxL 186 (Glos.) and MetcaKe's Visit, of ArVorc. 1682, p. 10. K 66 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569 Sampktns (0/ Gnrnston in Weohley. R. 29-3 ped.) Harl. 615, ff. 07'", 68. Arms : — Tompkins, Ak. oh a rhfiTon, hfiwr/'u three cock pheoiiantx, cloMe, Or., Jones.- Dyfonl. Elizabetho, lircst maried toChapmnn (^/■Av^//•^///) and after to I'rowne (»»/ LeinthuU.) Elynor, mar. to .Tolm PaU'."- liull {of th<- Ford.) \Vm. Smoghe ( Snnfhjhe, Harl. 1540, of Weohley, n.) William Tomjjkins, sone and heire, maried Mary, dough ter of (Riclul.) Inki>cn of {lie teas horn 1522, and bur. at Dilwija 21 Jnuj- 1582, x.p.) Alyco, mar. to Ritlianl Setwin,' and after to I.,eananl IJinge-' {Kimi It.) Anne, mar. to John Partrige {of Wfohhi/.) Enttt {Of Castle Frome. R. 63.) Harl. 615, If. 37'', 38. Arms : — Quarterly. 1 and 4. Unett. Sa. a clu'oron Erni bet inem three lions^ heailx conped Arr/, 2. ... Sa. a bend between two 3. ... Or. on a fes.^ On. threi' iiixrfb'tx of the field. John Cladsall, maried (C//J'Asvr//=j=Hloughter and one of of Woodcofe, CO. Wore.) | theire« of Lacye.* ^ For a pedigi'ee of the Kettleby family of co. Glos. from co. Line, see Ifarl. xxi. 260. " Philip Jones of Edwin Loach, co. Wori;., he was bur. 23 Ang. 10 10, she wxs hiir. 22 Feb. ]604, bi>th at Edwin Loach. For a j^igree of their descendant*, see Metcalfe's Visitn. of Worcc.-4ter 1682, p. CO. •< Wynn, Harl. 1545. Biug, Harl. 1545. * For a pedigree of De Lacy of E^^'ias, Weobley and Ludlow, see Eyton's Antiquities of Shropshire, v. 240. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 67 A L. Siv "William Devereux=7=Kliz{il)otho, doujfhtor aiul {lirlu'i 1-Hl.) hciro of Clotlsall. (Itichanl) I?race=j=^]\largarett {colflr) {of Wkhe, Won:) Joughter to Sir William Devereux. -1 {Jcaii(',= colmr. =J(Uf. I Iff I/O n of WcHfhuh; CO. Hd.) John Uiiett.^=f=EIizabethe, dough tor and one of thciros of Brace. Margarett, niaried to Bromwicliy, sans yssuo. I Rowlande Unett. =donglitcr of Honjford of Sulftoii [Parisli of Mordiford.] Thomas Unett, Basse sone, 2 sone, mar. Jone doughter to Powell. Rowlande Unett=f='Jone, dougliterto of Gastill (Friini'', Tliomas Aphary Ai^h. 831.) of Postou. ( Richard Vnet of=fMa)'/==Howell' {livitnj J4oO) Ap-^^. Catherine, d. Huutlnj.y^ Thomas of the houe>c of of Grotto aj> Perthier' {in <•«>. Mon- Icor-hirofGla- mniith.) ntwgan.y William I'owellj^p- elilcst sdiino. Hopkvn* Pjwefl. William-f=(f/. of John Pye of the Vaughan. Mynde, co. Heref.)'- Reynolde John Vaughan=f=T'yziil {Lizaii, Ash Powell. John Vj of Taivervyn {TreV'jrwiii, Ilarl. 1.140.) So J) (lough ter of William Powell of Pt-rtliier. {of Llanrothal, CO. Heref.y aughan-T-('/. of Rich. Sciulamore of Rowlston.)* Thoma8=j=Elizabethe, fon.ed Sa. a icivern, winijs expanded Vert, pierced tlironijli ilir moutli witli a spear Sa. /leaded Ar9. ) 14^2. ( Anne, d. '/=j=(8. ) George (2.) Thoina.s=f=Elynor, doughter and heire to John Sipnond I {of Long- Walwyn, I A^iughan of Kynton, by doughter Gawnt-^ of \ford.) mar. | and heire to Grenewaye.^ Oxon. A Vidr ].. 70. . Edward W(dwgji=j=GJiristian, d. of Sgniond. Bridget, of Soutliam in Qh.s Jolin Stretford,^ of Glos- to John Wheler. I — I Wni. Sijmond. —r-r^ , p— , Barbara. George, elded John. ■■rd.) JIarl. G15, ff. 64'', 65. Arms : — Warnecomhe. iSu. on a fuss duiicettcc [Or.]' three demi liuius rampmd \nf the fii-fit^ (juftce [Aiy,] Ictareti as inani/ hesiudu, txich chanjed with an f'xcallop of the JirJd, in the chief point a crettcenf for difference. Crest : — 1 )ittf>. A raltrap Or. iiirirom-d irith n >n'riKnd Veii. Jolin Warnecomlje,=^ mar. ' Gylts Daniory of Cotherii)gtou, lo. Glos. Ste ped in HarL Soc. xxL 244. ■■' Coiourt- in bjaekets? !j)lied from Berry. VISITATION OF lIEREFORDSHIRK, 15C9. 71 I — Margartt, luariod to A Richard \Varne-=i=Anuc, doughtcr Elizabcthe, mar. combo of the cyte to Richard lirom- to William of Hereford. wiclie. Downes. 'Roijer Vij- chan of Ll'tlicved.) Wathin T/ioa. Vi/chnn. — »SV. Rogt'i: William Vi/chait of Brelouiit. Anno, mar. to Thomas Woode of London. Sihyl. ■■Roq<'i Wig- ) James'' War- necombe, 2 nwre. sone,Elynov, doughter to Hiot, =]\Iavy, doughter to John Corne- wall of TJurfordo. \k 1 Margartt, mar. to James Ba- romo (Daroice, A,sli. 8JJ, of Jjiil/ingltdiu.) Jone, niaried to Phillipe Scuda- more (nhe man'ied fird Wallt'.rKi/rle, see R. 280 'and ante p. 63.) John Warnecombe,= sone and licire, {jl. seised of Wintciroit in Leominster 6 E. VI., leaciiuj Jotiu his heir, thenS ijears old, R. 176.) ■n =Jane, dough- ter to John Scudamore {of Horn Lacij. ) {Joan.) William 1. William Wi< {of Shohdeu.) I =Alyce. ( M'trij, d. of K'/is- Eoans, als. Bit It ill of Northop in c.o. Flint. =Thomas Wigmorc {of Shoh- deu.) I Ed\vard(! Croft, iir.st .sone. Ri(luird,=EIizabethe, doughter •3 sonne, to John l>lount of mar. (4ryndon AVary and one of his heires {Grendon Warren.) =2. >Sir James a Croft. 1 .John Cn.fr, 2 .Sonne James Crofr, 3 Sonne ~; — I Frauncis Croft, 4 Sonne Warneconihi' WiMawde, doughter and Welf onl . hei re of Hen ry Harper . I 1 ' 1 — (3.) William Wol- 1. Gyles WclfortP-^lUanche, dough- (2.) James. Henry lord, mar. Alis, of Wostestou in doughter to Sir the con ty of Here- James Baskervile. f onle, Gent. ( WU- taston.) ter to John Dauncy of Bryn • sopo. AVilfordt Tn I 1 1 r , Thomas, =f=yo//edigree (see ante.) ^ There is an eiTor in the MS. which omits the sigu (=) of marriage Ixjtween Gyles and Blanche, and makes the 7 children, the chihlren of Wm. Welford. •"* The .-additions in italics are from Dnncumb's Hdsh., ii. ISi. V181TATI0N OF HEKEFORDSHIKE, 1569. 76 A .J Thomas Price, (d. 17S8.) J John, tmco. M.P. f(rr Hdsh. in reiyu ofQu. Anne. I L_ t? mns, all d. s.p. Mary.==Y'Tho8. Hayton, Esq. Thos. Ohute Hayton.=y'Lncinda, d. of Titos. Baijley of Hereford, Esq. T Wm. Chut(!=Charlolfe, d. of Henry A dau.=Joseph Smith of Hay/on. Uiictf of Murden. Worcester. miptncg {Of Whitney.) Harl. 615, ff. 60^61. Arms :■ — Whitney. Az. a cross chequy Or. and Gu. Crest : — Ditto. A hnlVs head couped, Sa. horned Arg. tipped Gu. [See My Ibo lime's pedegree to enlardge this.]! ( Sir Baldwin Whitney of=f=d. of Pilchard. Whitney in co. Hd. I Sir Enstace Whitney of Whitney, Kf.=j=d. of Clamcow. I 1 ' Sir Robert Whitney of WJtitney.=fd. of Russell. Sir Eustace Whitney=j=d. of Parr, of Whitney, Kt. d. ofThos. Ro{/ers=^Rohert Whitney=ConstaHce, d, of James Ld. Audley of Hereford. of Whitney. hy d. of Holland E. of Kent. 2 Joane, iw. Roger Vaughan of Hereford. . . , n.i' Wm. Harper of Wil- lington in co. Hd. ) ^ Mem. in the later hand. • From Harl. 1545. fo. 68 76 VISITATION' OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. I Sr. JoH.^ Whitneij, ( A -J Jamt'H Whit-' noy of Wliii- vey. -Blanch';, J^h . Morijan of Arkcsfuii. 1 Anne, lur.^ Hfiirij Car 11, L. IlnvHilon, KM. -Sr. Wm. Harbert of Troj/f, 2 huK banfl.'^ ) Robeit-f=6V^////, (I oP Sr.Chas. Har-^ AVhitney. Sr. Jos. Bcus- beii, Kt keroille. Sr. Thos. Har-^ bert. Robert-pElizjibethe, doughter of Morgan Whitney. Dagllin {Morgan ap Gwillimx.y J I 1 r William, Thonia.s, Nicliolas 2 Sonne. 3 sonne. Whitnev. — --I 1 1 Richard Margartt, iVnne, mar. to Whitney, mar. to Thomas Rob- 4 Sonne. William redge (Roberdg.)^ PoelL {0/ Su^ran in Eaton Bishop.) Harl. 616, ff. 55^ 56. Arms :— Willygon. Sn. n I'herron Arrj. t>etwwn three lions rampant, double tjneued Or. Crest : — A dcmidlon rampunl d<>ah/e i/iwHed pohj nf ''lijht S*.i. and Or. holding a irrcath of ... haws Ynrt. Robert Wyllisone.=fHloughter of Bellyngham. John Willisone.-fKlotighter of Eskett. I r -" Willysone, maryeert of Troy, f-ee Clark's *■ Genealogies of Morgau and Glamorgan," p. 290. ** Servant to Wm, E. of Pembrook, Harl. 1645. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 77 A .J John Willysone of=j=AIycia,* the Joughtor of Skype Sugwas ill the coun- ty of Ho ro ford. {i>f Norff., yMi. SSL) {^-ikipjx' <{t LctJInirji, .^r/' 1{. 170, ped.) Richard Willisone, now lyviug=j=Anne, the doughter of "William 15601 ( Feb, 157 J,. M.I. ill Madlcij Church.) Elton of I>edbery in the conty of Hereford. Allexander Denton of Hillesdon in=f=2Anne, doughter the county of Buckyngham. and lieire. I Janne, died younge. The following notes occur in Ash. 831. A tlbed of one Ro\)erh Willisson to Jtihn Bereford A" 10 H, 2. John Willisson did confirm to Alan de Chanipney A° 15 Ed. 4. mst0n (Of Llangarren.) Harl. 615, ff. 69^ 70. Arms : — Quarterly. 1 and 4. Winston. Per pale Gtt. and Az. a lion rampant An/, supporting on the sinister side a tree eradicated Vert. 2 and 3 , three towers [or casf/es] Arw hiir. four Cornish chomjh^ So. John Edwin (}f Win8tansonn,=j=Isabell, d. of fTremon in the pish, of Mariden in co. Hd. 17 E. 3, 1342. who lived 27 E. 3, 1362. Thomas Edwin of Winstan-=^Margerett, d. sonn, .') H. 4, 1409. of Preston. John Edwyn of=j=Margerett, d. of Wynstansonn. John Pavers. Richard Edwyn of=fsToane, d. of Walter Walter, Winstansonn. I Harman. a Clarke. T— I Henery. Raffe. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 87 A Walter Ed\viu=f=Margerott, d. of John EJwyii=»Margerett, Rauffe. John Rodo of Wiiistan- sonn, 17 H. 8. Wm. Spenser of (1)6 E. 3, CO. Sallop. 1475 (.s-ic.) his wife, 12 E. 3, of Pem- biidge, CO. Hd. I 2. Wm. Edwin={=d. of John 1. John Edwin of=T=Joane, d. of Hohner in CO. Hd. Evans of ye flcrue. Mariden in tlie pish, of Winstansonn I r-r Walter Edwin=j=Anne, d. of Wm. Ellis. of Holmer. Holland of Hurs- — ley. John. Elias. Mar^erett. John Edwin of Holmor. Walter Edwin Joane. of Holmer. I John, o.s.p. and coll. of John Rode. r Margt., d. and coh, nx. Wm. Evesham. Alexander. =j=d. of Tho. I Mathews of I 1 Kardley. Eliz. 1. Elinor, d.=j= Walter =Joane,^ ux. of Lawrance Willington of Burffhill. 1. Waiter. 2. John. Edwin (dc) Thom. of Mari- Carworthey den, of Thingyll, 1591. 2 wife. EIiz.=T=Thos. I Leycott. Catherin.=T=Wm. Meredeth •=r of Stanton. 1 rn Anne. 1 I rn rn rn 1 Anne, nx. John. Thomas. James. Thomas. John Wm. Price — — — — — of ye Vale. James. Roger. Wm. Richard. Allice. {Of Boshury.) Harl. 1545, f. 92^, Arms : — Per pale Sa. and Ar. Crest : — A boar's head couped paly of six as in fhe Anns. John Farley of Boshury, in co. HerefFord. . I . ... Farley, s. and h. 2. John Farley. =1= T Richard Farley, 1591.=f=Joane, d. of Wm Evesham of Wotton in com. Herefford. Humfrey Farley. ^ Joan, d. of Thos. Carwardine, R 205, 88 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. ®raii {Of Upton Bishop.) Harl. 1545, f. 111^ Arms : — {none gioen in MS.) Barry of six Ar. and Az., a laid of five points Gii. {See Duncumb's Herefordshire, by Cooke, III. pp. 126, 174-) Henery Lord Gray oi- Wilton, ob. 1397 at Nottingham. -^Eliz., cL of Lord Talbott. OefferyGray of-^Maud., d. of Sr. Walter Upton, in co, Hd., Esq. Welsh, Kt, Lord of Lyt- ton Bushei-d. Richard Lord Gray of Wilton. i Wm. Gray^Amy, d. and coh. of Raffe of Upton, Gryndon, 2 sonn of Sr. Esq. John Gryndon, Kt John Gray of^f-Anne, d. and h. of Upton, Esq. Thom. Maynston. Christoplier=j=Joane, d. of Wm. Abrahall of Eton, Gray of Upton, Esq. Esqr., by Eliz., d. of Wm. Aphowell of Barthyre {Perthyr), Esq. Wm. Gray==Anne, d. of Thomas of Upton. Walwyn. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 15G9. 89 Minora {Of Treayo, R pad. 296.) Harl. 1545, f. 80. Arms : — Sa. an ecujle dhplayed Or. on a chief Az. hordered Ar. a chevron between two crescents in chief and a rose in base of the second. Sir Roger Minors, Kt.=j=Joane, d. of Sr. Lawrance ljost(jck, Kt., 3 brotlu'i" of Dostock of co. Coster, Ricliard=j=Murgerett, d. arid coh. of Sr. John Furnivall, Minors. 2 brother to ye lord Furnivall. Roger Minors.=j=Margerett, d. and h. of John Delahay of Wallington. H. Phillip Minors".=7=AlIice, d. of Wni. ap Jenkin ap Yerworth. Jenkin Minors. =pEva. Joane, d. of \Vm. ap Thomas ap=j=Ricliard jVIinors of Tre.i'^^o in tlie parish of St. Itii ap howell glylough. "Wanncrs {Weonxirds) (IL K of lids h. 1500.) I 1 ; Joan, ux. Sr. Joano, nx. Edw. Jolni Morgan, ap Willm. ap Kt. Morgan. Catlicrin, ux. John Danbridgcoiut of CO. W'arw. 1 Allice, nx. Wui. Scudaniore of Horn lacy. 1. Roger. =" Allice, d. of Wm. Mill 3. Thomas Minors=j=Anne, d. of Wat- 2.Reignold, of CO. Glos. {he was of Treago {d. .!/. bar. at Duffeild, co. July l/J-JO.) Derby, in 1636.) kyn A'aiighan by ye d. of Sr. Jas. Baskervile, Kt. Richard Minors of-j=Anne, d. of Thom. Treago {d. 1560.) j Burghe. N 90 VISITATION- (JF HERKFORDSHIKE, 15G9. A .J Kicliai'd Minoi's of Tix-jigo^Catlicnn, d. uf Sr. K(jger {bur. .1] Jmi. /.'/!).'. ) Yaughaii of rortliamel,' Kt. 1 ; 3. Ift.'iiry Elinors of LoiidoJi, S(■l•^(•;nlt of vt! CariiiL;vs in (^Mi. KHz. 4. (T('ort,'(! M iiiois (if Noncsiicli in CO, tSur- 1— T' Win. Tlio s.f 1 1 Jane, ux. Aniu', ux. o.s.p. Jolin Pros- Win.Vaug- scr of CO. han of lan- ]>iecknock. ruthall in CO. ]\foii- lll'llltll. L'. Kicljard ;Mii)ors=|=Margci('tt, d. (»f 1. Kot,'('i-=f=d. of John HarU^y of IVnf^'arson ( Jrecu ill ye iiarin-h of (!ai- Uiiy ill CO. lid. T — r Nicliolas CiillxTt ^Minors of lancillow in >>( Tiva- co. H.l. uu. of l»ronipton Cas- tdl in CO. lid. TT 1 — I 1. Gilbert. 3. John. KHz. Constance. 1. Kowlund Thomas, 2, Kichaid. I. (Icor^'c. Alice. Mary. of Treayo. ^Iglbournt (Of Ti/'t'iiiffoii ill IJiinihill.) Harl. 1545, tf. Soi'-SO"^ ( 77// ji'iUijnv Is not cuntaimd in Ilai'l. MS. iilo, it is iiil rn't'ir, ,1 frviit Sir T/iob: P/if'llij>j>s' GcuL-al»iila, 1840-1871.) Arms : — Git. achccron Enn. bvla-. thnv ixrulliq,^ Araskervilc=f=Synion Mylbourno of Tillington, (l)>j Ann, d. anil coh. of Sr. John Blakett of Icomb, ro. GIos.) 1. Elizal)oth.==l. Thos. Moniugton. =2. John Wluttington of Paunt/''i/, (llox.^ 4. Joyce. 5. Callu'iinc. =Thos. Hyatt- of =Tlios. Barton of Lydney, Esq. Weobley, Esq. 7. Elinor. =John Moore of Bronisgrove, Esq. {of Douhiyn in co. Wore, Had. '1545.) 9. Margaret. =Thos. Baron of ijurford {liic/t. B/'shoji of Burford in CO. Ox., ob. s.p., Had. 1545.) 1 — and of Icomb (in right of his wife.) 2. Sibil. 3. Anne. --Rich. Hiuck- =Win. Rudhall, Inyt, Es(;[. Esq. G. Fleance (()/'=^=l. Jas. Whitney, I'^sq. lUanch.-') =2. Sr. AVm. llerbert of Troy. 8. Alice. =1. Henry Myles,* Esq. =2. Thos. Baskervile, Esq. ._! 11. Jane.==Sir Richd. 12. Jane. Cornwell of — ^o.s.p. Berington. 13. Juliana. 10. Agnes. =pThos. Walwyn of Helyns, Esq. Sibill.=Geo. Delabere. W {Of Sadlehorc in Much Dewcharch, R. 87. Fed.) Harl. 1545, f. 106b. Arms : — Erm. a Lend, lozojnjij, Gu. Crest : — A cross crosslet fifchee Gu. bdn-cim two win'js expanded Ar. Walter Pie of Sadlebow in co. Hd.=j=^Eliz., d. of Sr. John Sciidaniore {Sadlehone, Harl. 10Jf.o.) \ of Kentchiirch. A ^ See Harl. Soc. xxi. 269. * For a pedigree showing their descendants, see Harl. Soc. xxi. 254 (Glos.) ■* See Harl. Soc. xxi. 267. * Henry Myle (Apharry), see p. 4. t2 N^ 92 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. John als. Jenkin Pie=f=Eliz., d. of Edw. of Sadlcbow. Selwick. Robert Pie of Sadlebow. John Pie of=f=Anne, d. and h. of Rob, Minde, als. Andrew, sonn of Wm. Tregroes {in ap Andrews of Minde in Much Deic- co. Herefford. cJmrch.) I ~~ Jolni Pic Sadlebow. I 'd. of Vaugluin. 1. Anne,d. of-T-JohnPyeof Mynd.— 2. Eliz., d. of Sr. Robert Wliitney of Whitney, Kt. Sr. Richard Delabere, Kt. =3. Anne, il. of Bridges. Eliz., ux. Thoin. Catchniey of IJigeswere (n>. Ulos.){xrr Uarl. Soc, xxi. 24^.) (hiinth Pye= (if Saillibow {bur. 10 Jan. J 508.) Catherin, ux. Sr. John Vaughan of Whitland in Co. Carmarthen, Kt. h1, of Thorn. Walwin of Alaumore. Walter Pye=r*l. of Philli- of Mynde (hin: 2 Noc. 1576.) pott Price of Orcopp. Jolm=fd. of Pve. ]>odon- ham. RobertT'd. of Pye of ': Parrey Sadie- i of duless. bow. : Roger Pye=Td. of Kirle of Mynde of Walfonl (d. 31 Mar. {Walfonl) 1500.) Eliz., ux. Thorn. Evans, als. Her- bert. •T I Robert Pye-pBlanche, d. of of Sadlebow, Robert Pye of Mynde. Walter Pye. — r-TT-r-^ r— TT — Judithe. Walter. Joane. John. Mary. William. Allice. — n Thomas?. Robert. KB.— For an account of the Pye family, see Herald ami GenealogiBt, vol. v. * Both lines are given in Harl. 1545, VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 15G9. 93 llutiball {Of liiiflhal/, .w DnncumO'fi Hercfordshln'. hi/ Cooke III. 134.) Karl. 1545, f. 95''. Arms : — 1. Rudliall. Or. on a bend Az. three eathariiie wheds Ar. 2. Milborno. Gu. a chenrva hctw. three Cficallops Ar. 3. Eynsford. Gu. frelty Erm. 4. Furnival. Ar. a bond between six martlets Gu. (cresceut for difference.) 5c Vcrilon. Or. a fret Gu. 6. Lovetot. Ar. a lion ramp, j^er fess Gu. nml Sa. 7. Baskervilo. Ar. a chevron Gu. /jetween three roundels Az. {cresccid Or. for difference. ) 8. Blackcfc. Az. a bend, cotised betuy'i-m six crosi erosdefs Or. Crest : — A cubit arm in armour Gu. Iiohling a bunch of mari/hley.) Harl. 1545, f. 99. AlLMS : — 1. JJovvntoii. Ticn oiynn j'ij^aa hetirceii nine cross i-rnsslcts. 2. St. Owen. Barrij of six {Or. avd Gti.) 3. Oteby. Vt. a fe»>i Ar. in a chvf Gii. u c/iciruu Ar. 4. iJrewse. Az. a lion nnnjj. hetir. tan crostt crotstdetx Or. crtncned Gu. 5. Tirrell. A?., a lion runtp. Ar. a harder eiigr. Or. Sr. Kaufe ile St Owen, Kt r ' Sr. Robert ile St. Owen. Raufe {le=j-Maude d. and St. Owen. coh. of Sir John Oteby. John de St.=i=^Iarj,'erett, lady Owen. of "NVhitchurch. Joano, Countoa Delysle. IJaldwyn, K of lllanders. 1, John do St. Owen. 2. Raufe de St.«y^ulian, Owen. 19 E. 2. Robertus do S. Andrews, o.s.p. Rituife St. ( )wen of=i=Allice, d. and coh. of Sr. I'eeter Oernoston and l>ur- ton^ in CO. Hd. vel Peers de lUuse of co. 4 R 3, 16 E. 3, 50 E. 3. Olos. 1. John de St.=f=Joane, d. and h. of Sr. Hugh Owen of Ger- Tirrell, Kt., Ld. of Broniscroste neston and in co. Sallop, and Tirrell's Ct. Burton. in co. Hd. John de St.=j=Eliz., d. of Owen. Barkley. l^atrick de St. Owen, o.s.p. ^ Burton Court in Eardisland. 11. 104. VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. 95 I 1 — — 1. John dc==Ts!iboll, d. of 2. Tlioiiias, St. Owen. I'liilip liul- o.s.p. .roane, sistor=f=Ro<;er Downton and li., ob. 4 U. 4. uf J)ownt()n in CO. lid., Esq. Thomas l)ownton.--T=Margerett,, d. of Richard Lingon. I 1 1 1. Isabell, iix. Jolni 2. Elizubctli, ux. Jolin Cotes 3. -lane, niarid to Win. Wood, heaven^ of Clybery of Woodcoatcs in co. Sallop, 2. to Thoni. Acton of Alden- in CO. Sallop. Margerett, ux. Wni. Iloptou of lioi)ton in CO. Sallop, vide Sallop. vid(» Sall(»[) vj/ Jane, d. and coU , ux. Walter IJrougli- tou of Ih'ocktou in CO. Sallop 12 E. 4. ham, in co. Sallop, vide Sallop. 4^ John, o.s.p. Anne, ux. Sr. Hugh Sherley (,^/ie (f. 17 ,Sf.'p. 15 to. R 01.) ^mgtb (Of Cmlenhill.) Harl. 1545, ff. 40^ 101. Arm.s: — Ar. mi a moand Vf. a lion pasf. ri'. Hd., Eitq. Bred ward! no. Y Sir Roger Vaughan, Kt.=f=G hulls, d. of Sir T)avicl=Sr. Thos. ap Gam, Kt. Jankyu. I ' — I 1 1. Watkin A'alian Sir Roger Vaugliaii 3. Tlioina^ Vanglian of of Bredwarclen. of Talgarth, Kt. Hergest(«S'3i?. i6o,p«?.) Thomas Vahau of Bred warden. I Roger Vanglian of=[=d. of Talgarth, Esc^. Whitney Watkyn Vaughan of Hergest. Sr.Richd. 1. Thomas Vauirhan 2. Watkin=i=d. of Gwllm. James Vaughan Vaughan, of Tretour- {co. Vaughan. Kt. Brecon.) Vaughan of Hergest. of Poyter. H Walter Vaughan^ Henry Sr. William Vaughan Charles Vaughan^ of Bredwarden. Vauirhan. of Talgarth. of Hergest. Thon^as Vaughan. Christopher Vaughan of Tretour. Sr. Roger Vaughan, Kt. Walter Vaughan of Bredwarden. William Vau"han Rowland Vaughan, s.p. ' See Visit, of Dorset \m:> (Genealogist, N.S., Vol. iii. No. 11, p. 175.) '■' See Clark's Genealogies, 259. •* See Clark's Genealogies, 233-238. O 98 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569 Hall {Of Ldllinghall.) Harl. 1545, ff. 93, 94. Arms : — Per f ess Or. and Az. a fens hattelUe counter battellie betw. three fleur de lin all counterchanged. Crest : — Out of a mural coronet Or. a wolfs head Ar. charged on tlie neck with a fess embattled and counter embattled Gn. A confirmation of this Armos and guift of ye crest to Hunifrey Wall of lemster A" 1594 36 of Queene Elizabeth. John Wall of ifaintree=f=(l. and sole h. of Wall of hall in co. Sallop. liarton in co. Sallop. Roger Wall of^=y=<.l. of Cressett of Upton ffaintro hall. Cressett in co. Sallop. 1. William Walloffahi- t re hall. 'Eliz.j d. of Thoni. Arden of Billiiigs- Icy in CO. Sallop. r 2, Henry of Downton, in CO. Sallop, vide Sallop. 1— 3. John. i 1 4. Richard of Sutton in co. Sallop, vide Sallop. 4/ 1. John Widl=j=Kliz.,d. of MylesCressye of Kiiigsland | of ILinling in co. Hert- in CO. 11(1. ford hy Mary, d. and h. of Cleryo of co. York. (I/arpden,see Harl. Soc., x.\ii. ^\) 1 2. John of= faintre- Imll, vido Sallop. •Ann, d. of Tho. Purslow of Sid- bury in CO. Sal- lop. Eliz., U.K. Win. Weald of ffaintre. 1. John=j=-rane, d. Wall of I of John lining- I Unettof hall in lillin< CO. Hd. hall. Kllinor, ux. riiilip ap Thomas of lemster. 1 Huinfrey Wall- of leuLster and lawton Hd. in CO. 1 Maud, d. of Dorathey, nx. Rich. Peryn John Rea of of lemster in Kingsland in CO. Hd, CO. Hd. Ih'idgett, d. and h., ux. Arther Reading, sonn of Richd. Ren, d. 3. Hugh. Ellen. CO. Hd, {Prebendus in. co. Hd. de Pre'itine, Harl. of John I Sadler. {see It W.) John of Prestend and London=f=Allice, d. of Thorn. Anton {Prebendarlm, Harl. lJf42^ fo. 78.) Clarke of the Courte of Wards and Liveries. r- \ 1 r^ \ 1 1 John Weave]'. Thos. Geo. James. Jane. Anne. Cathcrin. ^ Tliiii pedigree ucciira in the Visit, of Londen 1568 (Harl. Soc. i. 35) fioui which the additiouij [1] are taken. 100 VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE, 1569. {(t/ Bi-Diiiijiinl.) Harl. 1110, f. 108 Arms : — aSV/. a bend hetwecu two eyhitg silcfr. Crest ; — Fur liis Crmst on a Ilealmc a wrvalh Ai: and Hit. an p(/le's heatl raztd Ar. mfh a crownr. ahonf tlw. ufc/i Or. niarUnled Gu. doubled Ar. This coatc cuiifiiuiud and the creiwt j,'iveu by R. C. Clareiiceux ... "Wed n ester uf Ihoiiiyard in the Co. of Heref. descended of auncieut family Ixuiriiig armes. John Weduester of l]roniyard. J Charles Wednester of Broniyanl, Estjuire". %nhn of ilamts* [XaiiU'R ill CAPITALS arc thow of Pedip-ees. ] * Abeifuiil, 38 ABWGTON, 2 Abiiigtoii, 8, 24, 40, 59, 60, (33, 79 ABRAHALL, -J Abrahall, 18, 78, 88 Abtot, 29 Acton, 37, 95 Agmondisham, 37, 80, 82 Aguilliam, 8, 63 Alexauder, 18 Andrews, 92 Anton, 99 APHARRY, 3, 5 Apharry, 15, 18, 23, 31, 32, 3(3, 43, 67, 79, 82, 83, 91 Ap Ivor, 68 Ap Jenkin, 40, 89, 97 Ap Jones, 4 Apleby, 99 A)) Meiick, 25 Ap Morgan, 18, 89 Ap HoweU, 3, 48, 88, 89 Ap Rice, 4, 11, 21 Ap Robert, 35 Ap Thouia.s, 34, 68, 82, 89, 98 Arden, 98 Arnold. 62 Arthur, Prince. 14 Arundell, 64, 81 Asherst, 85 Ashfeld, 13 Aston, 26 Atkinson, 19, 83 Aubrey, 93 Audeley, 7, 75 B Badam, 30 Bagehott, 57, 85 Baldwin, 8, 16 Ball, 9'5 Barneby^, 2 Baron, 91 Barre, 21, 24 Barrett, 59 Barroll, 96 BARROW, 6 Ban-ow, 54, 71, 83 Barton, 9, 11, 34, 91 BASKEUVILE, 7 Baskervile, 2, G, 13, 24, 25, 36, 37, 49, 56, 61, 63, 74, 76, 82, 89,91. 93, 96 Bayley, 6, 30, 32, 33, 7') Baynard, 10 Baynham, 77 - Beauchamp, 2, 72 Beaumont, 69 Beaupre, 39 Bebster, 96 Bellingham, 76 Belvell, 50 Bereford, 77 Berew, 93 BERINGTON, 8 Berington, 12, 25, 41. Berkeley, 15, 61, 62, 94 Bevel 1, 50 Bidle, 79 Binge, 66 Bingham, 38 Bishop, 46, 91 Bisley, 78 Blakett, 7, 37, 91, 93 Blakeway, 9 Bleke, 51 BLEYNKY, 10 BLOUNT, 11 Blount, 9, 10, 21, 24, 53, 81, 82 Blowmester, 4 BODENHAM, 81 Bodenham. 4, 67, 92 Bohun, 99 Bostock, 89 Boulling, 15 BOYLE, 83 Boyle, 6, 41, 43 Boys, 95 Brabazon, 12 BRACE, 12 Brace, 6, 12, 67 Braddock, 16 Bradshaw, 47 Brasier, 57 Bredwardine, 97 Brewse, 94 BREYNTON, 12 Breynton, 7 BRIDGES, 13 Bridges (Brugg), 2, 7, 11, 39, 48, 51, 82, 92 Bridlip, 9, Brockhampton, 2 Brocton, 56 Brome, 9 BROMWICH, 14 Bromwich, 5, 13, 14, 35, 55, 67, 71, 82, 93 Broughtoii, 56, 95 Browne, '2>, 44, 61, 63, 6io, 67 Brown inge, 81 Brudenell, 3 Bruge, 69 Bucke, 44 Buckland, 9 Bulfinch, 15 Bull, 47 Bullock, 9, 60 Burgh. 78, 89 BUHGHILL, 15 Burghill, 19, 35, 63, 99 Biirley, o5 Burnyvale, 81 Butler, 80 Byford, 66 Bythell, 95 CAPEL, 16, 42 Capel, 73, 85, 86 Carewe, 26, 64 Carpenter, 33 Can-, 78 Carwardine, 32, 67, 87 Cary, 76 Casholde, 53 Cassy, 37, 64 Catchmey, 92 Catesby, 24 Cave, 38 CECIL, 17 Cx4ABN0R, 84 Chabnor, 24 Challons, 4 Chamberlayne, 32 CHAMBERS, 85 Champney, 77 Chapman, 66 Chauncy, 20 Cheeke, 18 CHIPPENHAM, 19 Chute, 58, 74 Clanvowe, 48, 75, 81 CLARKE, 85 Clarke, 12, 17, 33 Clive, 50 102 INDEX OF NAMES. Clodsball, 66 Clopton, 78 Clough, 5 CLYNTON, 19 Clynt, 61, 91 Henley (Salop), 56, 96 Hentland, 63 Hereford, 1, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17, 19, 33, 41. 43, 48, 49, 70, 75, 83, 85, 93 Hereford Este, 9 Hergest, 3, 5, 11, 21, 63, 82, 97 Hevyn, 45, 95 Heyton (Sidop), 45 Hiilcsdon (Bucks), 77 Hiuton, 41 Holme Lacy, 8, 14, 22, 24, 25, 49, 58, 62, 71, 84, 89 Holmer, 87 Holt (Wore.), 21, 65 Hope under Dinmore, 10, 12, 58 Hoptou (Salop), 45, 95 Hopton Solers, 17, 45, 79 How Capel, 16, 17, 42, fo Howell, 47 Hull, 69 Hursley, 87 Icomb (Gloa.), 7, 37, 91 Ingeston, 78 Ipplepen (Devon), 65 Itohenstoke (Hants), 39 Ivington, 21 K Kenchester, 96 Kentchurcb, 4, 26, 30, 64, 91 Kilfodes, 78 Killing, 68 King's Capel, 35 Kingsland, 98 King's Pyon, 49, 73 Kingston, 24, 76 Kington, 3, 5, 69 Kinlet (Salop), 21, 24 Kiunersley, 24. Kinsham, 10, 11 Knill, 46 Kyre Wysird, 46, 80 L Lackham (Wilts), 10 Lanver (Monm.), 58 Lawton, 98 Lawton's Hope, 49 Ledbuiy, 17, 20, 26, 4?, iil, 52, 67, 77 Leigh (Wore.), 53 Leinthall, 66 Leintwardine, 45 Leominster, 35, 56, 57, 71, 98 Lewson, 34 Ley, 13 Lilliughall, 11, 98 Little Ashley, 51 Littlecite (Wilts), 21 Little Krome, 67 Little Hereford, 23 Little Hide, 25, 26 Little Malvern, 53 Little Marcle, 85 Llaheve<1, 71 Llaubedre, H lilancillow, 90 Llandair, 5 Llandefailog, o Llanfoyst, «2 Llaugarreu, 34, 47, 6S, 77 Llanrothrtl (Monm.), 68, 90 Llanthony (Honm.), 62 London, 28, 29, 80, 42, 44, 63, 99 Luugworth (or Longford), 34, 40, 43, 58, «» Ludlow, 45, 66 Lugton, 10, 65 liUgwardine, 40 LuUley (Wore.), lU, 11 Lyde, 27, 30 Lydney (GI0.1.), 49, 91 Lye (Wore), 69 Lytton Buaherd, 88 M Miuiley, 21. 33, 77 Maheii (Monm.), 82 Mansell Gamage, 31, 33, 51, 55 Marden, 28, 39. 49, 74. 7.5, 86 Marsh, tlie, 96 Mas^ington, 51 Mertliyr, 34 Michaelclmrch, 2 Michelgi"ove (Sussex), 13 Midhurst (Su.ssex), 21 Midleton (Salop), 53 Milborne. S. Andrew (Dorset), 51 •Milhom (Cumb.), 25 Milineth, 10 Milton (Pembridge), 64 Moningtou, .i6, 81 Montjicute (Somerset), 57 Montgomeiy, 21 Moore (Salop), 46 } Mordiford, 67 Morehampton, 5,6, 18, 82 I Moretou, 27 I Moreton Jefferys, 48, 78 Moreton-on-Lugg, 15, 38, 50, 56 64 Morton (Notts), 51 Morton (Somei-set), 80 Moiiseley, 84 Much Cowarue, 10, 65 Much Dewchurch, 91 Much Marcle, ;i, 25, 65 Mynde, 68, 92 N Nelthorpe (Oxon), 13 Netherton (Wore), 29 Netherwood, 7, 56, 60 New Court iBacton), 23 New End, 53 Newhaven, 79 Newton by Hope, 42 Noke, 6, 12 Nonesuch (Surrey) 90 Northop (Flint), 71 Nortciu, 14 Notgrove, 54 Nottingham, 19, 88 Noxe, 44 O Oldcostle, 35 Old Court, 4 Oroop, 92 Overton (Salop), 96 Pakington, 79 Pantglas, 35 Pauntley (Glos.), 17, 39, 42, 47. 82, 91 Paunton, 60 Pecheres, 2 Pembridge, 12, 27, 40. 64, 87, 96 Peucoyd, 7 Peugarson Green, 90 Penrice (Glam.), 19 Pershore (Wore), 29 Perther (Monm.), 3, 34, 68, 88 Peterchurch, 4, 14, 41 Peverell, 51 Pilletts (Wales), 90 Plash (Salop), 26 Pontrilas, 7, 13 Pontwilym, 8 Porteham, 58 Porthamel (Brecon), 90 Poston, 3, 4, .% 15, 79, 82 Pountesbury (Salop), 57 Powyck (Wore), 60 Poyter, 97 Prestbury (Glos.), 57 Presteign, 47, 66, 99 Preston Wynne, 62 Prior's Court, 43 Puddleston, 54 INDKX OV PLACES. 107 R Rjulnor, 83 K.amsbnry (Wilts), 82 Reading, 9 Redciistell, 06 Redmarley (Wore), 22 Renwick (Glos), 78 Rhodes, 41 Ribford (Wore), 37 Ridley, 58 Rocester (Staffs.), 37 Rockhill (Salop), 80 Rotherwas, 4, 81 Rowdon, (50 Rowley (Stivffs.), 79 Rowlstone, 63, 68 Rowsmayne, 19 Rudhall, 15, 93 Ryple Court (Kent), 50 S Sadlebovv, 91 St. David's, 96 St Guthlac's Priory, .^)S St. Maughan (Monm.), 68 St. Weonards, 89 Sapey, 21 Samsfield, 48, 55, 63, 64 Sarum, 26 Sevillo (Spain), 82 Shakenford, 38 Sheldesley (Wore), 34, o3, 74 Sherington, 40 Shobdon, 49, 71 Sidbury (Salop), 98 Skenfrith, 68 Snitterfield (Warw.), 73 Southani (G1..S.), 25, 69, 82 Soutlmaut, 77 Standish (Glos.), 78 Stanlako (Oxon), 29 Stanton, 20, 87 Stanton-on-Wye, 25 Stoke Edith. 49 Stoke Lacy, 8, 10 Stoke Mandeville, 3 Stowell (Glos.), 8 Stratton (Salop), 46 Streatley (Berks), 9 Stretton Sugwas, 12, 13, 32, 69 Suckley (Wore), 44, 59 Sufton, 07 Sugwas, 76 Sutton, 96 Sutton (>^alop). 98 Sutton Conit. in Sutton St. Nicholas, 13, 49, 64, 70 Swattlmni (Norf.), 84 T Talgarth, 97 Tedstone Delauicre, 79 Tewkesbury, 26 Thinghill, 15, 16. 19, 35, 87 Thornbury, 7, 56, 60 Thruxton, 38 Tibberton, 25. 63 Ticksall (Staffs.), 26 Tilleglas, 18, 82 Tillington, 36, 37, 41, 69, 90 Tirrell's Court, 94 Tisted, East (Hantsj, 39 Toddingt^n (Glos.), 20, 49 Treago, 63, 89 Tredegar, 82 Treguntei. 4 Tretower, 11, 97 Trevervyn, 68 Trewin. 32, 77 Tripleton, 45 Troy, 76, 91 Tupsley, 82 Twining (Glos.), 50, 51 Twynye, 13 U Underlev, 98 Upleadon, 41 Upton, 9, 44 Upton (Wore), 12 Upton Bishop, 88 Upton Cre.s.set (Salop), 98 Upton on Severn (Wore), 85 Urry Delahay, 44 Vale, The, 87 Valence, 18 Vowchurcli. '3 W Walford(froref.), 92 Walford (Salop), 50 Wallingtoii, 89 Walterstone, 17, 32, 77, 82 WatlesboH/Ugh (Salop), 71 Weare, 05 Webton, 24 Welford Castle, 74 Wellington, 12, 27, 28, 30, 39, 41, 43, 69, 75, 83 Wellington Heath, 43 Weobley, 9, 24, 35, 40, 54, 66 91, 94 Westbury (Glos.), 77 Westhani (Kssox), 39 Westhyde, 67, 78 Weston (Penibridge), 96 Weston-under-l<]dge ((jilos.), 29, Westou-under-Penyard, 44 Whitchurch, 34, 35, 48, 94 Whitlield (Glos.), 37 Whitland (Caruiar), 92 Whitnev, 75, 92 Wicho (Wore), 67 Wichenford (Wore), 2, 73 Wick (Wore), 70 Wickhambrook (Sufiolk), 6 Wigmoro, 45 Wike (Wore), 29 Wilton, 88 Wimbledon, .57 Win.sley, 10, 12 Wintercot, 71 Wistaston, 23, 50, 5^ 74, 86 Withington, 15, 19 Wodruauton (Wore), 80 Wolferlow, 98 Wonastow (Monm.), 68 Woodcote (Wore), 66 Wood cotes (Salop), !t5 Wooilhamptou, 23 Woolley (Vorks.). 60 Wootton (Wellington), 7, 27, 49, 87 Worcester, 29, 75 Wotton (Salop), 4") Wytley (Wore), 72 Yarpole, 56 Yetton (I'^aton), 3.' 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