flNJVERSTY of CALIF AT sGELES XJBRAi^i AN ESSAY PRINCIPLE OF POPULATION; .-S A VIEW OF ITS PAST AND PRESENT EFFECTS HUMAN HAPPINESS; WITH AN INQUIRY INTO OUR PROSPECTS RESPECTING THE FUTURE REMOVAL OR MITIGATION OF THE EVILS WHICH IT OCCASIONS. BY T. R. MALTHUS, A. M. Late Fello-x of Jesus College, Cambridge, and Professor of History a)id Political Economy in the East-India College, HertforfcJiise. VOL, II. THE FIFTH EDITION, WITH IMPORTANT ADDITIONS. tttn - LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE-STREET. 1817. 4 37 f .r ' ."' <, Printed by W. CLOWES, Northomlx rUnd-court, Strand, London. CONTENTS THE THIRD VOLUME. BOOK II. OF THE DIFFERENT SYSTEMS OR EXPEDIENTS WHICH HAVE BEEN PROPOSED OR HAVE PREVAILED IN SOCIETY, AS THEY AFFECT THE EVILS ARISING FROM THE PRINCIPLE OF POPULATION. (Continued.) Chap. Pa & e XIII. Of increasing Wealth, as it affects the Condi- tion of the Poor 1 XIV. General Observations o . . . 27 BOOK IV. OF OUR FUTURE PROSPECTS RESPECTING THE RE- MOVAL OR MITIGATION OF THE EVILS ARISING FROM THE PRINCIPLE OF POPULATION. Chap. Page I. Of moral Restraint, and our Obligation to practise this Virtue 63 II. Of the Effects which would result to Society from the Prevalence of moral Restraint . . 84 Chap. IV CONTENTS. Chap. page III. Of the only effectual Mode of improving the Condition of the Poor 102 IV. Objections to this Mode considered 115 V. Of the Consequences of pursuing the oppo- site Mode 126 VI. Effects of the Knowledge of the principal Cause of Poverty on Civil Liberty 142 VII. Continuation of the same Subject 166 VIII. Plan of the gradual Abolition of the Poor- Laws proposed 1 75 IX. Of the Modes of correcting the prevailing Opinions on Population 198 X. Of the Direction of our Charity 211 XI. Different Plans of improving the Condition of the Poor considered 228 XII. Continuation of the same Subject 256 XIII. Of the Necessity of general Principles on this Subject 28 1 XIV. Of our rational Expectations respecting the future Improvement of Society 308 Appendix S25 ESSAY, E S SAY, 4c 4-c- BOOK II. CHAP. XIII. Of increasing Wealth, as it affects the Condition of the Poor. 1 HE professed object of Adam Smith's Inquiry is the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. There is another, how- ever, still more interesting, which he occa- sionally mixes with it the causes which affect the happiness and comfort of the lower orders of society, which in every nation form the most numerous class. These two subjects are, no doubt, nearly connected ; but the nature and extent of this connexion, and the mode in which in- vol. ii. b creasing 2 Of increasing Wealth, as it Bk. iii. creasing wealth operates on the condition of the poor, have not been stated with suf- ficient correctness and precision. Adam Smith, in his chapter on the wages of labour, considers every increase in the stock or revenue of the society as an in- crease in the funds for the maintenance of labour ; and having before laid down the position that the demand for those who live by wages can only increase in proportion to the increase of the funds for the payment of wages, the conclusion naturally follows, that every increase of wealth tends to in- crease the demand for labour and to im- prove the condition of the lower classes of society \ Upon a nearer examination, however, it will be found that the funds for the mainte- nance of labour do not necessarily increase with the increase of wealth, and very rarely increase in proportion to it; and that the condition of the lower classes of society does not depend exclusively upon the in- crease of the funds for the maintenance of Vol. i. book i. c. 8. labour, Ch. xiii. affects the Condition of the Poor. 3 labour, or the power of supporting a greater number of labourers. Adam Smith defines the wealth of a state to be the annual produce of its land and labour. This definition evidently includes manufactured produce as well as the pro- duce of the land. Now, upon the supposi- tion that a nation, from peculiar situation and circumstances, was unable to procure an additional quantity of food, it is obvious that the produce of its labour would not necessarily come to a stand, although the produce of its land or its power of import- ing corn were incapable of further increase. If the materials of manufactures could be obtained either at home or from abroad, improved skill and machinery might work them up to a greatly increased amount with the same number of hands, and even the number of hands might be considerably increased by an increased taste for manu- factures, compared with war and menial service, and by the employment conse- quently of a greater proportion of the whole population in manufacturing and commer- cial labour b 2 That 4 Of increasing Wealth, as it Bk. iii. That such a case does not frequently oc- cur will be most readily allowed. It is not only however possible, but forms the spe- cific limit to the increase of population in the natural progress of cultivation, with which limit, the limit to the further pro- gress of wealth is obviously not contempo- rary. But though cases of this kind do not often occur, because these limits are seldom reached ; yet approximations to them are constantly taking place, and in the usual progress of improvement the in- crease of wealth and capital is rarely ac- companied with a proportionately increased power of supporting an additional number of labourers. Some ancient nations, which, according to the accounts we have received of them, possessed but an inconsiderable quantity of manufacturing and commercial capital, appear to have cultivated their lands highly by means of an agrarian division of pro- perty, and were unquestionably very popu- lous. In such countries,though full of peo- ple already, there would evidentl y be room for a very great increase of capital and riches; but, Ch. xiii. affects the Condition of the Poor- 5 but, allowing all the weight that is in any degree probable to the increased production or importation of food occasioned by the stimulus of additional capital, there would evidently not be room for a proportionate increase of the means of subsistence. If we compare the early state of our most flourishing European kingdoms with their present state, we shall find this conclusion confirmed almost universally by experience. Adam Smith, in treating of the different progress of opulence in different nations, says, that England, since. the time of Eli- zabeth, has been continually advancing in commerce and manufactures. He then adds, " The cultivation and improvement of the country has no doubt been gra- dually advancing. But it seems to have followed slowly and at a distance the more rapid progress of commerce and manufactures. The greater part of the country must probably have been culti- vated before the reign of Elizabeth, and a very great part of it still remains un- cultivated, and the cultivation of the far greater part is much inferior to what it " might 6 Of increasing Wealth, as it Bk. iii. " might beV The same observation is applicable to most of the other countries of Europe. The best land would natu- rally be the first occupied. This land, even with that sort of indolent cultivation and great waste of labour which particularly marked the feudal times, would be capable of supporting a considerable population ; and on the increase of capital, the in- creasing taste for conveniences and luxuries, combined with the decreasing power of production in the new land to be taken into cultivation, would naturally and necessarily direct the greatest part of tlus new capital to commerce and manufactures, and oc- casion a more rapid increase of wealth than of population. The population of England accordingly in the reign of Elizabeth appears to have been nearly five millions, which would not be very far snort of the half of what it is at present; but when we consider the very great proportion which the products of commer- cial and manufacturing industry now bear to the quantity of food raised for human con- Vol. ii. book iv. c. 4, p. 133. sumption, Ch. xiii. affects the Condition of the Poor. 7 sumption, it is probably a very low estimate to say that the mass of wealth or the stock and revenue of the country must, inde- pendently of any change in the value of the circulating medium, have increased above four times. Few of the other coun- tries in Europe have increased to the same extent in commercial and manufacturing wealth as England ; but as far as they have proceeded in this career, all appearances clearly indicate that the progress of their general wealth has been greater than the progress of their means of supporting an additional population. That every increase of the stock or re- venue of a nation cannot be considered as an increase of the real funds for the main- tenance of labour will appear in a striking light in the case of China. Adam Smith observes, that China has probably long been as rich as the nature of her laws and institutions will admit; but intimates that with other laws and institu- tions, and if foreign commerce were held in honour, she might still be much richer. If trade and foreign commerce were held in 8 Of increasing Wealth, as it Bk. iii, in great honour in China, it is evident that, from the great number of her labourers and the cheapness of her labour, she might work up manufactures for foreign sale to a great amount. It is equally evident that, from the great bulk of provisions and the prodigious extent of her inland territor}', she could not in return import such a quantity as would be an)' sensible addition to her means of subsistence. Her immense amount of manufactures therefore she would either consume at home, or exchange for lux- uries collected from all parts of the world. At present the country appears to be over- peopled compared with what its stock can employ, and no labour is spared in the production of food. An immense capital could not be employed in China in pre- paring manufactures for foreign trade, without altering this state of things, and taking off some labourers from agriculture, which might have a tendency to diminish the produce of the country. Allowing, however, that this would be made up, and indeed more than made up, by the beneficial effects of improved skill and economy of labour Ch. xiii. affects the Condition of the Poor. 9 labour in the cultivation of the poorest lands, yet, as the quantity of subsistence could be but little increased, the demand for manufactures which would raise the price of labour, would necessarily be fol- lowed by a proportionate rise in the price of provisions, and the labourer would be able to command but little more food than before. The country would, however, ob- viously be advancing in wealth ; the ex- changeable value of the annual produce of its land and labour would be annually augmented ; yet the real funds for the maintenance of labour would be nearly stationary. The argument perhaps appears clearer when applied to China, because it is generally allowed that its wealth has been long stationary, and its soil cultivated nearly to the utmost a . In all these cases, it is not on account of a How far this latter opinion is to be depended upon it is not very easy to say. Improved skill and a saving of labour would certainly enable the Chinese to cultivate some lands with advantage which they cannot cultivate now, but the more general use of horses instead of men might prevent this extended cultivation from giving any encouragement to an increase of people. any 10 Of increasing Wealth, as it Bk. iii. any undue preference given to commerce and manufactures, compared with agri- culture, that the effect just described takes place, but merely because the powers of the earth in the production of food have narrower limits than the skill and tastes of mankind in giving value to raw materials, and consequently in the approach towards the limits of subsistence there is naturally more room, and consequently more encou- ragement, for the increase of the one species of wealth than of the other. It must be allowed then, that the funds for the maintenance of labour do not ne- cessarily increase with the increase of wealth, and very rarely increase in proportion to it. But the condition of the lower classes of society certainly does not depend exclu- sively upon the increase of the funds for the maintenance of labour, or the means of supporting more labourers. That these means form always a very powerful ingre- dient in the condition of the poor, and the main ingredient in the increase of popula- tion, is unquestionable. But, in the first place, the comforts of the lower classes of society Ch. xiii. affects the Condition of the Poor. 11 society do not depend solely upon food, nor even upon strict necessaries ; and they cannot be considered as in a good state unless they have the command of some conveniences and even luxuries. Secondly, the tendency in population fully to keep pace with the means of subsistence must in general prevent the increase of these means from having a great and permanent effect in improving the condition of the poor. And, thirdly, the cause which has the most lasting effect in improving the situation of the lower classes of society depends chiefly upon the conduct and pru- dence of the individuals themselves, and is therefore not immediately and necessarily connected with an increase in the means of subsistence. With a view therefore to the other causes which affect the condition of the labouring classes, as well as the increase of the means of subsistence, it may be desira- ble to trace more particularly the mode in which increasing wealth operates, and to state both the disadvantages as well as the advantages with which it is accompanied. In 12 Of increasing JVealth, as it Bk. iii. In the natural and regular progress of a country to a state of great wealth and po- pulation, there are two disadvantages to which the lower classes of society seem necessarily to be subjected. The first is, a diminished power of supporting children under the existing habits of the society with respect to the necessaries of life. And the .second the employment of a larger pro- portion of the population in occupations less favourable to health, and more exposed to fluctuations of demand and unsteadiness of wages. A diminished power of supporting children is an absolutely unavoidable con- sequence of the progress of a country towards the utmost limits of its population. If we allow that the power of a given quan- tity of territory to produce food has some limit, we must allow that as this limit is approached, and the increase of population becomes slower and slower, the power of supporting children will be less and less, till finally, when the increase of produce .stops, it becomes only sufficient to maintain, on an average, families of such a size as will Ch. xiii. affects the Condition of the Poor. 13 not allow of a further addition of num- bers. This state of things is generally accom- panied by a fall in the corn price of labour ; but should this effect be prevented by the prevalence of prudential habits among the lower classes of society, still the result just described must take place; and though, from the powerful operation of the preventive check to increase, the wages of labour esti- mated even in corn might not be low, yet it is obvious that in this case the power of supporting children would rather be nomi- nal than real ; and the moment this power began to be exercised to its apparent extent, it would cease to exist. The second disadvantage to which the lower classes of society are subjected in the progressive increase of wealth is, that a larger portion of them is engaged in un- " healthy occupations, and in employments in which the wages of labour are exposed to much greater fluctuations than in agricul- ture, and the simpler kinds of domestic trade. On the state of the poor employed in ma- nufactories with respect to health, and the fluctuations 14 Of increasing Wealth, as it Bk. iii. fluctuations of wages, I will beg leave to quote a passage from Dr. Aikin's Descrip- tion of the Country round Manchester: " The invention and improvements of ma- " chines to shorten labour have had a sur- " prising influence to extend our trade, " and also to call in hands from all parts, " particularly children for the cotton-mills. " It is the wise plan of Providence, that in " this life there shall be no good without its " attendant inconvenience. There are " many which are too obvious in these cot- " ton-mills, and similar factories, which " counteract that increase of population " usually consequent on the improved faci- " lity of labour. In these, children of a " very tender age are employed, many of " them collected from the work-houses in " London and Westminster, and trans- " ported in crowds as apprentices to mas- u ters resident many hundred miles distant, " where they serve unknown, unprotected " and forgotten by those to whose care " nature or the laws had consigned them. " These children are usually too long con- " fined Ch. xiii. affects the Condition of the Poor. 15 " fined to work in close rooms, often during " the whole night. The air they breathe " from the oil, &c., employed in the ma- " chinery, and other circumstances, is in- " jurious; little attention is paid to their " cleanliness; and frequent changes from " a warm and dense to a cold and thin at- " mosphere are predisposing causes to " sickness and debility, and particularly to " the epidemic fever which is so generally " to be met with in these factories. It is " also much to be questioned if society does " not receive detriment from the manner " in which children are thus employed " during their early years. They are not " generally strong to labour, or capable of " pursuing any other branch of business " when the term of their apprenticeship " expires. The females are wholly unin- " structed in sewing, knitting, and other " domestic affairs requisite to make them " notable and frugal wives and mothers. " This is a very great misfortune to them " and to the public, as is sadly proved by " a comparison of the families of labourers " in husbandry and those of manufac- " turers 16 Of increasing Wealth, as it Bk. iii. " turers in general. In the former we meet " with neatness, cleanliness and comfort; " in the latter with filth, rags and poverty, " although their wages may be nearly " double to those of the husbandman. It " must be added that the want of early re- " ligious instruction and example, and the " numerous and indiscriminate association " in these buildings, are very unfavourable " to their future conduct in life V In the same work it appears that the re- gister for the collegiate church of Manches- ter, from Christmas, 1793, to Christmas, 1794, shewed a decrease of 168 marriages, 538 christenings, and 250 burials. In the parish of Rochdale, in the neighbourhood, a still more melancholy reduction in pro- portion to the number of people took place. In 1792' the births were 746, the burials * P. 219. Dr. Aikin says that endeavours have been made to remedy these evils, which in some factories have been attended with success. And it is very satisfactory to be able to add, that since this account was written, the situation of the children employed in the cotton-mills has been further very essentially improved, partly by the in- terference of the legislature, and partly by the humane and liberal exertions of individuals. 646, Ch. xiii. affects the Condition of the Poor. 17 646, and the marriages 339. In 1794 the births were 373, the burials 671, and the marriages 199- The cause of this sudden check to population was the failure of de- mand and of commercial credit which oc- curred at the commencement of the war, and such a check could not have taken place in so sudden a manner without the most severe distress, occasioned by the sud- den reduction of wages. In addition to the fluctuations arising from the changes from peace to war and from war to peace, it is well known how subject particular manufactures are to fail from the caprices of taste. The weavers of Spitalfields were plunged into the most se- vere distress by the fashion of muslins in- stead of silks; and great numbers of work- men in Sheffield and Birmingham were for a time thrown out of employment owing to the adoption of shoe strings and covered buttons, instead of buckles and metal but- tons. Our manufactures, taken in the mass, have increased with prodigious rapidity, but in particular places they have failed; and the parishes where this has happened are in- vol. .ii. c variably 18 Of increasing Wealth, as it Bk. it variably loaded with a crowd of poor in the most distressed and miserable condition. In the evidence brought before the House of Lords during the inquiries which pre- ceded the Corn-Bill of 1815, various ac- counts are produced from different manu- factories, intended to shew that the high price of corn has rather the effect of lowering than of raising the price of manufacturing labour a . Adam Smith has clearly and cor- rectly stated that the money price of labour depends upon the money price of provisions, and the state of the demand and the supply of labour. And he shews* how much he thinks it is occasionally affected by the latter cause, by explaining in what manner it may vary in an opposite direction from the price of provisions during the pressure of a scar- city. The accounts brought before the House of Lords are a striking illustration of this part of his proposition ; but they cer- tainly do not prove the incorrectness of the other part of it, as it is quite obvious that, whatever may take place for a few years, the supply of manufacturing labour cannot * Reports, p. 5 1 . possibly Ch, xiii. affects the Condition of the Poor. 19 possibly be continued in the market unless the natural or necessary price, that is, the price necessary to continue it in the market, be paid, and this of course is not done un- less the money price be so proportioned to the price of provisions, that labourers are enabled to bring up families of such a size as will supply the number of hands re- quired. But though these accounts do not in any decree invalidate the usual doctrines re- specting labour, or the statements of Adam Smith, they shew very clearly the great fluctuations to which the condition of the manufacturing labourer is subjected. In looking over these accounts it will be found that in some cases the price of weav- ing has fallen a third, or nearly one-half, at the same time that the price of wheat has risen a third, or nearly onehalf ; and yet these proportions do not always express the full amount of the fluctuations, as it sometimes happens that when the price is low, the state of the demand will not allow of the usual number of hours of working ; and when the price is high, it will admit of extra hours. c 2 That 20 Of increasing Wealth, as it Bk. iii. That from the same causes there are sometimes variations of a similar kind in the price of task-work in agriculture will be readily admitted; but, in the first place, they do not appear to be nearly so consi- derable; and secondly, the great mass of agricultural labourers is employed by the day, and a sudden and general fall in the money price of agricultural day-labour is an event of extremely rare occurrence a . It must be allowed then, that in the na- tural and usual progress of wealth, the means of marrying early and supporting a family are diminished, and a greater pro- portion of the population is engaged in em- ployments less favourable to health and mo- rals, and more subject to fluctuations in the price of labour, than the population em- ployed in agriculture. These are no doubt considerable disad- vantages, and they would be sufficient to * Almost the only instance on record in this country is that which has lately taken place (1815 and 1816), occa- sioned by an unparalleled fall in the exchangeable value of the raw produce, which has necessarily disabled the holders of it from employing the same quantity of labour at the same price. render Ch. xiii. affects the Condition of the Poor. 2i render the progress of riches decidedly un- favourable to the condition of the poor, if they were not counteracted by advantages which nearly, if not fully, counterbalance them. And, first, it is obvious that the profits of stock are that source of revenue from which the middle classes are chiefly main- tained ; and the increase of capital, which is both the cause and effect of increasing riches, may be said to be the efficient cause of the emancipation of the great body of society from a dependence on the land- lords. In a country of limited extent, con- sisting of fertile land divided into large properties, as long as the capital remains inconsiderable, the structure of society is most unfavourable to liberty and good go- vernment. This was exactly the state of Europe in the feudal times. The landlords could in no other way spend their incomes than by maintaining a great number of idle followers ; and it was by the growth of capital in all the employments to which it is directed that the pernicious power of the landlords was destroyed, and their de- pendent 22 Of increasing Wealthy as it Bk. iii. pendent followers were turned into mer- chants, manufacturers, tradesmen, farmers, and independent labourers ; a change of prodigious advantage to the great body of society, including the labouring classes. Secondly ; in the natural progress of cul- tivation and wealth, the production of an additional quantity of corn will require more labour, while, at the same time, from the accumulation and better distribution of capital, the continual improvements made in machinery, and the facilities opened to foreign commerce, manufactures and fo- reign commodities will be produced or purchased with less labour; and conse- quently a given quantity of corn will com- mand a much greater quantity of manu- factures and foreign commodities than while the country was poor. Although, there- fore, the labourer may earn less corn than before, the superior value which every portion which he does . not consume in kind will have in the purchase of con- veniences, may . more than counterba- lance this diminution. He will not in- deed have the same power of maintaining a large Ch. x-iii. affects the Condition of the Poor. 23 ,a large family ; but with a small family he may be better lodged and clothed, and better able to command the decencies and comforts of life. Thirdly ; it seems to be proved by expe- rience, that the lower classes of society seldom acquire a decided taste for conve- niences and comforts till they become plentiful compared with food, which they never do till food has become in some de- gree scarce. If the labourer can obtain the full support of himself and family by two .or three days' labour; and if, to furnish himself with conveniences and comforts, he must work three or four days more, he will generally think the sacrifice too great conir pared with the objects to be obtained, which are not strictly necessary to hirn, and will therefore often prefer the luxury of idleness to the luxury of improved lodging and clothing. This is said by Humboldt to be particularly the case in some parts of South America, and to a certain extent prevails in Ireland, India, and all countries where food is plentiful compared with capital and manufactured commodities. On the other hand, 24 Of increasing Wealth, &s it Bk. iik hand, if the main part of the labourers time be occupied in procuring food, habits of industry are necessarily generated, and the remaining time, which is but inconsi- derable compared with the commodities it will purchase, is seldom grudged. It is under these circumstances, particularly when combined with a good government, that the lower classes of society are most likely to acquire a decided taste for the conveniences and comforts of life ; and this taste may be such as even to prevent, after a certain period, a further fall in the corn price of labour. But if the corn price of labour continues tolerably high while the relative value of commodities compared with corn falls very considerably, the la- bourer is placed in a most favourable situ- ation. Owing to his decided taste for con- veniences and comforts, the good corn wages of labour will not generally lead to early marriages; yet in individual cases, where large families occur, there will be the means of supporting them independently, by the sacrifice of the accustomed conve- niences and comforts ; and thus the poorest of Ch. xiii. affects the Condition of the Poor. 25 of the lower classes will rarely be stinted in food, while the great mass of them will not only have sufficient means of subsistence, but be able to command no inconsiderable quantity of those conveniences and com- forts, which, at the same time that they gratify a natural or acquired want, tend unquestionably to improve the mind and elevate the character. On an attentive review then of the effects of increasing wealth on the condition of the poor, it appears that, although such an in- crease does not imply a proportionate in- crease of the funds for the maintenance of mere labour, yet it brings with it advantages to the lower classes of society which may fully counterbalance the disad- vantages with which it is attended ; and, strictly speaking, the good or bad condition of the poor is not necessarily connected with any particular stage in the progress of so- ciety to its full complement of wealth. A rapid increase of wealth indeed, whether it consists principally in additions to the means of subsistence or to the stock of conve- niences and comforts, will always, ceteris paribus, 26 Of increasing Wealth , %c. 13k. iii. paribus, have a favourable effect on the poor ; but the influence even of this cause is greatly modified and altered by other circumstances, and nothing but the union of individual prudence with the skill and industry which produce wealth can per- manently secure to the lower classes of so- ciety that share of it which it is on every account so desirable that they should possess. CHAP. ( 27 ) CHAP. XIV. General Observations. IT has been observed, that many countries at the period of their greatest degree of populousness have lived in the greatest plenty, and have been able to export corn ; but at other periods, when their population was very low, have lived in continual po- verty and want, and have been obliged to import cor.n. Egypt, Palestine, Rome, Sicily and- Spain are cited as particular exemplifications of this fact ; and it has been inferred that an increase of population in any state, not cultivated to the utmost, will tend rather to augment than diminish the relative plenty of the whole society : and that, as Lord Kaimes observes, a country cannot easily become too popu- lous for agriculture ; because agriculture has the signal property of producing food in 28 General Observations. Bk. iii. in proportion to the number of con- sumers a . The general facts, from which these in- ferences are drawn, there is no reason to doubt ; but the inferences by no means follow from the premises. It is the nature of agriculture (as it has before been ob- served), particularly when well conducted, to produce support for a considerable num- ber above that which it employs ; and con- sequently if these members of the society, or, as Sir James Steuart calls them, the free hands, do not increase, so as to reach the limit of the number which can be sup- ported by the surplus produce, the whole population of the country may continue for ages increasing with the 'improving state of agriculture, and yet always be able to export corn. But this increase, after a certain period, will be very different from the natural and unrestricted increase of po- pulation ; it will merely follow the slow augmentation of produce from the gradual improvement of agriculture ; and popula- a Sketches of the History of Man ; b. i. sketch i. p. 106, 107. 8vo. 1788. tion Ch. xiv. General Observations. 29 tion will still be checked by the difficulty of procuring subsistence. The precise measure of the population in a country thus circumstanced will not indeed be the quantity of food, because part of it is ex- ported, but the quantity of employment. The state of this employment however will necessarily regulate the wages of labour, on which the power of the lower classes of people to procure food depends ; and ac- cording as the employment of the country is increasing, whether slowly or rapidly, these wages will be such, as either to check or encourage early marriages ; such, as to enable a labourer to support only two or three, or as many as five or six children. In stating that in this, and all the other cases and systems which have been consi- dered, the progress of population will be mainly regulated and limited by the real wages of labour, it is necessary to remark that practically the current wages of labour estimated in the necessaries of life do not always correctly represent the quantity of these necessaries which it is in the power, of the lower classes to consume; and that sometimes 30 General Observations. Bk. iii. sometimes the error is in excess and some- times in defect. In a state of things when the prices of corn and of all sorts of commodities are rising, the money wages of labour do not always rise in proportion ; but this appa- rent disadvantage to the labouring classes is sometimes more than counterbalanced by the plenty of employment, the quantity of task-work that can be obtained, and the opportunity given to women and children to add considerably to the earnings of the family. In this case, the power of the la- bouring classes to command the necessaries of life is much greater than is implied by the current rate of their wages, and will of course have a proportionably greater effect on the population. On the other hand, when prices are ge- nerally falling, it often happens that the current rate of wages does not fall in pro- portion ; but this apparent advantage is in the same manner often more than counter- balanced by the scarcity of work, and the impossibility of finding employment for all the members of a labourer's family who are able Ch. xiv. General Observations. 31 able and willing to be industrious. In this case, the powers of the labouring classes to command the necessaries of life will evi- dently be less than is implied by the cur- rent rate of their wages. In the same manner parish allowances distributed to families, the habitual prac- tice of task-work, and the frequent employ- ment of women and children, will affect population like a rise in the real wages of labour. And, on the other hand, the paying of every sort of labour by the day, the ab- sence of employment for women and chil- dren, and the practice among labourers of not working more than three or four days in the week, either from inveterate indolence, or any other cause, will affect population liKe a low price of labour. In all these cases the real earnings of the labouring classes throughout the year, es- timated in food, are different from the ap- parent wages ; but it will evidently be the average earnings' of the families of the labouring classes throughout the year on which the encouragement to marriage, and the power of supporting children, will depend, 32 General Observations. Bk. iii. depend, and not merely the wages of day- labour estimated in food. An attention to this very essential point will explain the reason why, in many in- V /stances, the progress of population does [ not appear to be regulated by what are \ usually called the real wages of labour ; and why this progress may occasionally be greater, when the price of a day's labour will purchase rather less than the medium quantity of corn, than when it will pur- chase rather more. In our own country, for instance, about the middle of the last century, the price of corn was very low ; and, for twenty years together, from 1735 to 1755, a day's labour would, on. an average, purchase a peck of wheat. During this period, population in- creased at a moderate rate ; but not by any means with the same rapidity as from 1790 to 1811, when the average wages of day-labour would not in general purchase quite so much as a peck of wheat. In the lat- ter case, however, there was a more rapid ac- cumulation of capital, and a greater demand for labour ; and though the continued rise , of Ch. xiv. General Observations. 33 of provisions still kept them rather ahead of wages, yet the fuller employment for every body that would work, the greater quantity of task-work done, the higher re- lative value of corn compared with manu- factures, the increased use of potatoes, and the greater sums distributed in parish allowances, unquestionably gave to the lower classes of society the power of com- manding a greater quantity of food, and will account for the more rapid increase of population in the latter period, in perfect consistency with the general principle. On similar grounds, if, in some warm climates and rich soils, where corn is cheap, the quantity of food earned by a day's la- bour be such as to promise a more rapid progress in population than is really known to take place, the fact will be fully ac- counted for, if it be found that inveterate habits of indolence, fostered by a vicious gbvernment, and a slack demand for la- bour, prevent any thing like constant em- ployment 3 . It would of course require high corn a This observation is exemplified in the slow progress VOL. II. D of 34 General Observations. Bk. in corn wages of day-labour even to keep up the supply of a stationary population, where the days of working would only amount to half of the year. In the case also of the prevalence of pru- dential habits, and a decided taste for the con- veniences and comforts of life, as, according to the supposition, these habits and tastes do not operate as an encouragement to early marriages, and are not in fact spent almost entirely in the purchase of corn, it is quite consistent with the general principles laid down, that the population should not pro- ceed at the same rate as is usual, cateris paribus, in other countries, where the corn wages of labour are equally high. The quantity of employment in any country will not of course vary from year to year, in the same manner as the quantity of produce must necessarily do, from the variation of the seasons ; and consequently the check from want of employment will be much more steady in its operation, and of population in some parts of the Spanish dominions in America, compared with its progress in the United States. much Ch, xiv. General Observations. 35 much more favourable to the lower classes of people, than the check from the imme- diate want of food. The first will be the preventive check ; the second the positive check. When the demand for labour is either stationary, or increasing very slowly, people not seeing any employment open by which they can support a family, or the w r ages of common labour being inadequate to this purpose, will of course be deterred from marrying. But if a demand for la- bour continue increasing with some rapi- dity, although the supply of food be un- certain, on account of variable seasons and a dependence on other countries, the po- pulation will evidently go on, till it is posi- tively checked by famine or the diseases arising from severe want. Scarcity and extreme poverty therefore may or may not accompany an increasing population, according to circumstances : but they must necessarily accompany a permanently declining population ; be- cause there never has been, nor probably ever will be, any other cause than want of food, which makes the population of a d 2 country 36 General Observations. Bk. iiii country permanently decline. In the nu- merous instances of depopulation which occur in history, the causes may always be traced to the want of industry or the ill direction of that industry, arising from violence, bad government, ignorance, &c, which first occasion a want of food, and of course depopulation follows. When Rome adopted the custom of importing all her corn, and laying all Italy into pasture, she soon declined in population. The causes of the depopulation of Egypt and Turkey have already been adverted to; and in the case of Spain, it was certainly not the numerical loss of people occasioned by the expulsion of the Moors, but the industry and capital thus expelled, which permanently injured her population. When a country has been depopulated by violent causes, if a bad government with its usual concomitant insecurity of property ensue, (which has generally been the case in all those countries which are now less peopled than formerly), neither the food nor the population can recover itself; and the in- habitants will probably live in severe want. But Ch. xiv. General Observations. 37 But when an accidental depopulation takes place, in a country which was before po- pulous and industrious and in the habit of exporting corn, if the remaining inhabit- ants be left at liberty to exert, and do exert, their industry in the same direction as be- fore, it is a strange idea to entertain, that they would then be unable to supply them- selves with corn in the same plenty ; par- ticularly as the diminished numbers would of course cultivate principally the more fertile parts of their territory, and not be obliged, as in their more populous state, to apply to ungrateful soils. Countries in this situation would evidently have the same chance of recovering their former number, as they had originally of reaching this number ; and indeed if absolute popu- lousness were necessary to relative plenty, as some agriculturists have supposed 3 , it would * Among others, I allude more particularly to Mr. An- derson, who, in a Calm Investigation into the Circum- stances which have led to the present Scarcity of Grain in Britain (published in 1801), has laboured with extra- ordinary earnestness, and I believe with the best inten- tions, to impress this curious truth on the minds of his a . . ,. _ countrymen, 4 tual Ch. ii. of moral Restraint. 93 tual state of things, such a restraint on the impulses of nature be found unavoidable, at what time can we be consistently released from it, but at that period, whatever it may be, when, in the existing circumstances of the society, a fair prospect presents itself of maintaining a family ? The difficulty of moral restraint will per- haps be objected to this doctrine. To him who does not acknowledge the authority of the Christian religion, I have only to say that, after the most careful investigation, this virtue appears to be absolutely neces- sary, in order to avoid certain evils which would otherwise result from the general laws of nature. According to his own principles, it is his duty to pursue the greatest good consistent with these laws ; and not to fail in this important end, and produce an overbalance of misery by a partial obedience to some of the dictates of nature, while he neglects others. The path of virtue, though it be the only path which leads to permanent happiness, has always been represented by the heathen moralists as of difficult ascent. To 94 Of the Effects on Society Bk. iv. To the Christian I would say that the Scriptures most clearly and precisely point it out to us as our duty, to restrain our passions within the bounds of reason ; and it is a palpable disobedinece of this law to indulge our desires in such a manner as reason tells us will unavoidably end in mi- sery. The Christian cannot consider the difficulty of moral restraint as any argu- ment against its being his duty ; since, in almost every page of the sacred writings, man is described as encompassed on all sides by temptations which it is extremely difficult to resist ; and though no duties are enjoined, which do not contribute to his happiness on earth as well as in a future state, yet an undeviating obedience is never represented as an easy task. There is in general so strong a tendency to love in early youth, that it is extremely difficult at this period to distinguish a ge- nuine from a transient passion. If the ear- lier years of life were passed by both sexes in moral restraint, from the greater facility that this would give to the meeting of kin- dred dispositions, it might even admit of a doubt, Ch. ii. of moral Restraint. 95 doubt, whether more happy marriages would not take place, and consequently more pleasure from the passion of love, than in a state such as that of America, the circumstances of which allow of a very early union of the sexes. But if we compare the intercourse of the sexes in such a society as I have been supposing, with that which now exists in Europe, taken un- der all its circumstances, it may safely be asserted, that, independently of the load of misery which would be removed, the sum of pleasurable sensations from the passion of love would be increased in a very great degree. If we could suppose such a system gene- ral, the accession of happiness to society in its internal economy would scarcely be greater than in its external relations. It might fairly be expected that war, that great pest of the human race, would, under such circumstances, soon cease to extend its ra- vages so widely and so frequently as it does at present. One of its first causes and most powerful impulses was undoubtedly an insufficiency of 96 Of the Effects on Society Bk. iv. of room and food ; and greatly as the cir- cumstances of mankind have changed since it first began, the same cause still continues to operate and to produce, though in a smaller degree, the same effects. The am- bition of princes would want instruments of destruction, if the distresses of the lower classes of people did not drive them under their standards. A recruiting serjeant al- ways prays for a bad harvest and a want of employment, or, in other words, a redun- dant population, fin the earlier ages of the world, when war was the great business of mankind, and the drains of population from this cause were, beyond comparison, greater than in modern times, the legislators and statesmen of each country, adverting principally to the means of offence and defence, encou- raged an increase of people in every possible way, fixed a stigma on barrenness and ce- libacy, and honoured marriage. The po- pular religions followed these prevailing opi- nions. In many countries the prolific power of nature was the object of solemn worship. In the religion of Mahomet, which was established Ch. ii. of moral Restraint . 97 established by the sword, and the promul- gation of which in consequence could not be unaccompanied by an extraordinary de- struction of its followers, the procreation of children to glorify the Creator was laid down as one of the principal duties of man ; and he, who had the most numerous offspring, was considered as having best answered the end of his creation. The prevalence of such moral sentiments had naturally a great effect in encouraging mar- riage ; and the rapid procreation, which followed, was partly the effect and partly the cause of incessant war. The vacancies occasioned by former desolations made room for the rearing of fresh supplies ; and the overflowing rapidity, with which these supplies followed, constantly furnished fresh incitements and fresh instruments for re- newed hostilities. Under the influence of such moral sentiments, it is difficult to con- ceive how the fury of incessant war should ever abate. J $&*f It is a pleasing confirmation of the truth and divinity of the Christian religion, and of its being adapted to a more improved vol. ii. h state 98 Of the Effects on Society Bk.iv. state of human society, that it places our duties respecting marriage and the procre- ation of children in a different light from that in which they were before beheld. Without entering minutely into the sub- ject, which would evidently lead too far, I think it will be admitted, that, if we apply the spirit of St. Paul's declarations respecting marriage to the present state of society and the known constitution of our nature, the natural inference seems to be, that, when marriage does not interfere with higher duties, it is right ; when it does, it is wrong. According to the genuine principles of moral science, " The method of coming at " the will of God from the light of nature " is, to inquire into the tendency of the *' action to promote or diminish the general " happiness V There are perhaps few ac- tions that tend so directly to diminish the general happiness, as to marry without the means of supporting children. He who commits this act, therefore, clearly offends against the will of God ; and having be- come a burden on the society in which he x Paley's Moral Philosophy, vol. i. b. ii. c. ir. p. 65. lives, Ch. ii. of moral Restraint. 99 lives, and plunged himself and family into a situation, in which virtuous habits are preserved with more difficulty than in any other, he appears to have violated his duty to his neighbours and to himself, and thus to have listened to the voice of passion in opposition to his higher obligations. In a society, such as I have supposed, all the members of which endeavour to attain happiness by obedience to the moral code derived from the light of nature, and enforced by strong sanctions in revealed religion, it is evident that no such marriages could take place ; and the prevention of a redundant population, in this way, would remove one of the principal encourage- ments to offensive war ; and at the same time tend powerfully to eradicate those two fatal political disorders, internal tyranny and internal tumult, which mutually pro- duce each other. Indisposed to a war of offence, in a war of defence, such a society would be strong as a rock of adamant. Where every family possessed the necessaries of life in plenty, and a decent portion of its comforts and h 2 conveniences, 100 Of the Effects on Society Bk. iv conveniences, there could not exist that hope of change, or at best that melancholy and disheartening indifference to it, which sometimes prompts the lower classes of people to say, " Let what will come, we " cannot be worse off than we are now/' Every heart and hand would be united to repel an invader, when each individual felt the value of the solid advantages which he enjoyed, and a prospect of change presented only a prospect of being deprived of them. As it appears therefore, that it is in the power of each individual to avoid all the evil consequences to himself and society resulting from the principle of population, by the practice of a virtue clearly dictated to him' by the light of nature, and expressly enjoined in revealed religion ; and as we have reason to think, that the exercise of this virtue to a certain degree would tend rather to increase than diminish individual happiness ; we can have no reason to im- peach the justice of the Deity, because his general laws make this virtue necessary, and punish our offences against it by the evils attendant upon vice, and the pains that Ch. ii. of moral Restraint. 101 that accompany the various forms of pre- mature death. A really virtuous society, such as I have supposed, would avoid these evils. It is the apparent object of the Creator to deter us from vice by the pains which accompany it, and to lead us to virtue by the happiness that it produces. This object appears to our conceptions to be worthy of a benevolent Creator. The laws of nature respecting population tend to pro- mote this object. No imputation, there- fore, on the benevolence of the Deity, can be founded on these laws, which is not equally applicable to any of the evils ne- cessarily incidental to an imperfect state of existence. CHAP. ( 102 ) CHAP, in. Of the only effectual Mode of improving the Condition of the Poor. JlxE who publishes a moral code, or sys- tem of duties, however firmly he may be convinced of the strong obligation on each individual strictly to conform to it, has never the folly to imagine that it will be universally or even generally practised. But this is no valid objection against the publication of the code. If it were, the same objection would always have applied ; we should be totally without general rules ; and to the vices of mankind arising from temptation would be added a much longer list, than we have at present, of vices from ignorance. Judging merely from the light of nature, if we feel convinced of the misery arising from a redundant population on the one hand, and of the evils and unhappiness, particularly to the female sex, arising from promiscuous intercourse, on the other, I do not Ch. iii. Of the only effectual Mode, $c. 103 not see how it is possible for any person who acknowledges the principle of utility, as the great criterion of moral rules, to es- cape the conclusion, that moral restraint, or the abstaining from marriage till we are in a condition to support a family, with a perfectly moral conduct during that period, is the strict line of duty ; and when revela- tion is taken into the question, this duty undoubtedly receives very powerful confir- mation. At the same time I believe that few of my readers can be less sanguine than I am in their expectations of any sud- den and great change in the general conduct of men on this subject : and the chief rea- son why in the last chapter I allowed my- self to supp ose the universal prevalence of this virtue was, that I might endeavour to remove any imputation on the goodness of the Deity, by shewing, that the evils arising from the principle of population were ex- actly of the same nature as the generality of other evils which excite fewer complaints ; that they were increased by human igno* ranee and indolence, and diminished by human knowledge and virtue; and on the supposition 104 Of the only effectual Mode of Bk. vf supposition that each individual strictly fulfilled his duty, would be almost totally removed ; and this without any general di- minution of those sources of pleasure, arising from the regulated indulgence of the passions, which have been justly consi- dered as the principal ingredients of human: happiness. .. If it will answer any purpose of illustra- tion, I see no harm in drawing the picture of a society, in which each individual is supposed strictly to fulfil his duties; nor does a writer appear to be justty liable to the imputation of being visionary, unless he make such universal or general obe- dience necessary to the practical utility of his system, and to that degree of moderate and partial improvement, which is all that can rationally be expected frorn the most complete knowledge of our duties. But in this respect there is an essential difference between that improved state of society, which I have supposed in the last chapter, and most of the other speculations on this subject. The improvement there supposed, if we ever should make ap- proaches Ch. iii. improving the Condition of the Poor. .105 proaches towards it, is to be effected in the way in which we have been in the habit of seeing all the greatest improvements effected, by a direct application to the in- terest and happiness of each individual. It is not required of us to act from motives to which we are unaccustomed ; to pursue a general good, which we may not distinctly comprehend, or the effect of which may be weakened by distance and diffusion. The happiness of the whole is to be the result of the happiness of individuals, and to begin first with them. No co-operation is required. Every step tells. He who per- forms his duty faithfully will reap the full fruits of it, whatever may be the number of others who fail. This duty is intelligible to the humblest capacity. It is merely, that he is not to bring beings into the world, for whom he cannot find the means of sup- port. When once this subject is cleared from the obscurity thrown over it by paro- chial laws and private benevolence, every man must feel the strongest conviction of such an obligation. If he cannot support his children, they must starve ; and if he marry 1Q6 Of the only effectual Mode of Bk. iv. marry in the face of a fair probability that he shall not be able to support his children, he is guilty of all the evils, which he thus brings upon himself, his wife and his off- spring. It is clearly his interest, and will tend greatly to promote his happiness, to defer marrying, till by industry and eco- nomy he is in a capacity to support the children that he may reasonably expect from his marriage; and as he cannot in the mean time gratify his passions with- out violating an express command of God, and running a great risk of injuring him- self, or some of his fellow-creatures, consi- derations of his own interest and happiness will dictate to him the strong obligation to a moral conduct while he remains un- married. However powerful may be the impulses of passion, they are generally in some de- gree modified by reason. And it does not seem entirely visionary to suppose that, if the true and permanent cause of poverty were clearly explained and forcibly brought home to each man's bosom, it would have some, and perhaps not an inconsiderable, influence Ch. iii. improving the Condition of the Poor. i07 influence on his conduct ; at least the expe- riment has never yet been fairly tried. Almost every thing, that has been hitherto done for the poor, has tended, as if with solicitous care, to throw a veil of obscurity over this subject, and to hide from them the true cause of their poverty. When the wages of labour are hardly sufficient to maintain two children, a man marries, and has five or six ; he of course finds himself miserably distressed. He accuses the in- sufficiency of the price of labour to main- tain a family. He accuses his parish for their tardy and sparing fulfilment of their obligation to assist him. He accuses the avarice of the rich, who suffer him to want what they can so well spare. He accuses the partial and unjust institutions of society, which have awarded him an inadequate share of the produce of the earth. He accuses perhaps the dispensations of Pro- vidence, which have assigned to him a place in society so beset with unavoidable distress and dependence. In searching for objects of accusation, he never adverts to the quarter from which his misfortunes ori- ginate. 108 Of the only effectual Mode of Bk.br * ginate. The last person that he would think of accusing is himself, on whom in fact the principal blame lies, except so far as he has been deceived by the higher classes of society. He may perhaps wish that lie had not married, because he now feels the incon- veniences of it ; but it never enters into his head that he can have done any thing wrong. He has always been told, that to raise up subjects for his king and country is a very meritorious act. He has done this, and yet is suffering for it ; and it cannot but strike him as most extremely unjust and cruel in his king and country, to allow him thus to suffer, in return for giving them what they are continually declaring that they particu- larly want. Till these erroneous ideas have been cor- rected, and the language of nature and reason has been generally heard on the sub- ject of population, instead of the language of error and prejudice, it cannot be said, that any fair experiment has been made wi^h the understandings of the common people ; and we cannot justly accuse them of improvidence and want of industry, till they Ch. iii. improving the Condition of the Poor. 109 they act as they do now, after it has been brought home to their comprehensions, that they are themselves the. cause of their own poverty ; that the means of redress are in their own hands, and in the hands of no other persons whatever ; that the society in which they live, and the government which presides over it, are without any direct power in this respect ; and that however ardently they may desire to relieve them, and whatever attempts they may make to do so, they are really and truly unable to execute what they benevolently wish, but unjustly promise ; that, when the wages of labour will not maintain a family, it is an incontrovertible sign that their king and country do not want more subjects, or at least that they cannot support them ; that, if they marry in this case, so far from ful- filling aduty to society, they are throwing an useless burden on it, at the same that they are plunging themselves into distress ; and that they are acting directly contrary to the will of God, and bringing down upon them- selves various diseases, which might all, or the greater part, have been avoided, if they had 110 Of the only effectual Mode of Bk. ir. had attended to the repeated admonitions, which he gives by the general laws of na- ture to every being capable of reason. Paley, in his Moral Philosophy, observes, that " in countries in which subsistence is " become scarce, it behoves the state to " watch over the public morals with in- " creased solicitude; for nothing but the " instinct of nature, under the restraint of " chastity, will induce men to undertake " the labour, or consent to the sacrifice of " personal liberty and indulgence, which " the support of a family in such circum- " stances requires'/' That it is always the duty of a state to use every exertion likely to be effectual in discouraging vice and promoting virtue, and that no tem- porary circumstances ought to cause any relaxation in these exertions, is certainly true. The means therefore proposed are always good ; but the particular end in view in this case appears to be absolutely criminal. We wish to force people into marriage, when from the acknowledged scarcity of subsistence they will have little a Vol. ii. c. jci. p. 352. chance Ch. iii. improving the Condition of the Poor. Ill chance of being able to support their chil- dren. We might as well force people into the water who are unable to swim. In both cases we rashly tempt Providence. Nor have we more reason to believe that a miracle will be worked to save us from the misery and mortality resulting from our conduct in the one case than in the other. The object of those, who really wish to better the condition of the lower classes of society, must be to raise the relative pro- portion between the price of labour and the price of provisions, so as to enable the labourer to command a larger share of the necessaries and comforts of life. We have hitherto principally attempted to attain this end by encouraging the married poor, and consequently increasing the number of la- bourers, and overstocking the market with a commodity which we still say that we wish to be dear. It would seem to have required no great spirit of divination, to foretel the certain failure of such a plan of proceeding. There is nothing however like experience. It has been tried in many different countries, and 112 Of the only effectual Mode of Bk. iv* and for many hundred years, and the success has always been answerable to the nature of the scheme. It is really time now to try something else. When it was found that oxygen, or pure vital air, would not cure consump- tions, as was expected, but rather aggra- vated their symptoms, trial was made of an air of the most opposite kind. I wish we had acted with the same philosophical spi- rit in our attempts to cure the disease of poverty ; and having found that the pouring in of fresh supplies of labour only tended to aggravate the symptoms, had tried what would be the etfect of withholding a little these supplies. ; In all old and fully-peopled states it is from this method, and this alone, that we can rationally expect any essential and per- manent melioration in the condition of the lower classes of people. In an endeavour to raise the proportion of the quantity of provisions to the number of consumers in any country, our attention would naturally be first directed to the in- creasing of the absolute quantity of pro- visions ; Ch. iii. improving the Condition of the Poo?\ 113 visions ; but finding that, as fast as we did this, the number of consumers more than kept pace with it, and that with all our ex- ertions we were still as far as ever behind, we should be convinced, that our efforts directed only in this way would never suc- ceed. It would appear to be setting the tortoise to catch the hare. Finding, there- fore, that from the laws of nature we could not proportion the food to the population, our next attempt should naturally be, to proportion the population to the food. If we can persuade the hare to go to sleep, the tortoise may have some chance of over- taking her. . We are not however to relax our efforts in increasing the quantity of provisions, but to combine another effort with it ; that of keeping the population, when once it has been overtaken, at such a distance behind, as to effect the relative proportion which we desire ; and thus unite the two grand desiderata, a great actual population, and a state of society, in which abject poverty and dependence are comparatively but little vol. ir. i known; 114 Of the only effectual Mode, fyc. Bk. iv. known ; two objects which are far from being incompatible. If we be really serious in what appears to be the object of such general research, the mode of essentially and permanently bet- tering the condition of the poor, we must explain to them the true nature of their situation, and shew them, that the with- holding of the supplies of labour is the only possible way of really raising its price ; and that they themselves, being the possessors of this commodity, have alone the power to do this. I cannot but consider this mode of di- mnishing poverty as so perfectly clear in theory, and so invariably confirmed by the analogy of every other commodity which is brought to market, that nothing but its being shewn to be calculated to produce greater evils than it proposes to remedy, can justify us in not making the attempt to put it into execution. CHAP. ( 115 ) CHAP. IV. Objections to this Mode considered. ONE objection which perhaps will be made to this plan is, that from which alone it derives its value a market rather under- stocked with labour. This must undoubt- edly take place in a certain degree ; but by no means in such a degree as to affect the wealth and prosperity of the country. But putting this subject of a market under- stocked with labour in the most unfavour- able point of view, if the rich will not sub- mit to a slight inconvenience necessarily attendant on the attainment of what they profess to desire, they cannot really be in earnest in their professions. Their bene- volence to the poor must be either childish play or hypocrisy ; it must be either to amuse themselves or to pacify the minds of the common people with a mere show of attention to their wants. To wish to better i 2 the 116 Objections to this Mode considered. Bk. iv^ the condition of the poor by enabling them to command a greater quantity of the ne- cessaries and comforts of life, and then to complain of high wages, is the act of a silly boy who gives away his cake and then cries for it. A market overstocked with labour, and an ample remuneration to each labourer, are objects perfectly incompatible with each other. In the annals of the world they never existed together ; and to couple them even in imagination betrays a gross ignorance of the simplest principles of political economy. A second objection that may be made to this plan is, the diminution of population that it would cause. It is to be considered, however, that this diminution is merely relative ; and when once this relative di- minution has been effected, by keeping the population stationary, while the supply of food has increased, it might then start afresh, and continue increasing for ages, with the increase of food, maintaining al- ways nearly the same relative proportion to it. I can easily conceive that this country, with a proper direction of the national in- dustry,. Ch. iv. Objections to this Mock considered. 117 dustry, might, in the course of some cen- turies, contain two or three times its pre- sent population, and yet every man in the kingdom be much better fed and clothed than he is at present. While the springs of industry continue in vigour, and a suf- ficient part of that industry is directed to agriculture, we need be under no appre- hensions of a deficient population ; and nothing perhaps would tend so strongly to excite .a spirit of industry and economy among the poor, as a thorough knowledge that their happiness must always depend principally upon themselves ; and that, if they obey their passions in opposition to their reason, or be not industrious and frugal Avhile they are single, to save a sum for the common contingencies of the mar- ried state, they must expect to suffer the natural evils which Providence has prepared for those who disobey its repeated admo- nitions. A third objection which may be started to this plan, and the only one which ap- pears to me to have any kind of plausibility, is that, by endeavouring to urge the duty of 118 Objections to this Mode considered. Bk. iv. of moral restraint on the poor, we may in- crease the quantity of vice relating to the sex. I should be extremely sorry to say. any thing, which could either directly or re- motely be construed unfavourably to the cause of virtue; but I certainly cannot think that the vices which relate to the sex are the only vices which are to be consi- dered in a moral question ; or that they are even the greatest and most degrading to the human character. They can rarely or never be committed without producing unhappiness somewhere or other, and there- fore ought always to be strongly reprobated : but there are other vices, the effects of which are still more pernicious ; and there are other situations, which lead more cer- tainly to moral offences than the refraining from marriage. Powerful as may be the temptations to a breach of chastity, I am inclined to think that they are impotent, in comparison of the temptations arising from continued distress. A large class of women, and many men, I have no doubt, pass a considerable part of their lives consistently with Ch. iv. Objections to this Mode considered. 119 with the laws of chastity ; but I believe there will be found very few, who pass through the ordeal of squalid and hopeless poverty, or even of long continued em- barrassed circumstances, without a great moral degradation of character. In the higher and middle classes of so- ciety, it is a melancholy and distressing sight to observe, not unfrequently, a man of a noble and ingenuous disposition, once feelingly alive to a sense of honour and in- tegrity, gradually sinking under the pressure of circumstances, making his excuses at first with a blush of conscious shame, afraid of seeing the faces of his friends from whom he may have borrowed money, re- duced to the meanest tricks and subter- fuges to delay or avoid the payment of his just debts; till ultimately grown familiar with falsehood and at enmity with the world, he loses all the grace and dignity of man. To the general prevalence of indigence, and the extraordinary encouragements which we afford in this country to a total want of foresight and prudence among the common 120 Objections to this Mode considered. Bk. iv. common people a , is to be attributed a con- siderable part of those continual depreda- tions on property, and other more atrocious crimes, which drive us to the painful re- source of such, a number of executions b . According to Mr. Colquhoun, above twenty thousand miserable individuals of various classes rise up every morning without know- ing how or by what means they are to be Mr. Colquhoun, speaking of the poor-laws, observes, that " In spite of all the ingenious arguments which have " been used in favour of a system, admitted to be wisely " conceived in its origin, the effects it has produced incon- " testably prove that, with respect to the mass of the " poor, there is something radically wrong in the execu- " tion. If it were not so, it is impossible that there u could exist in the metropolis such an inconceivable " portion of human misery, amidst examples of munifi- " cence and benevolence unparalleled in any age or coun- " try." Police of Metropolis, c. xiii. p. 359. In the effects of the poor-laws, I fully agree with Mr. Colquhoun ; but I cannot agree with him in admitting, that the system was well conceived in its origin. I at- tribute still more evil to the original ill conception, than to the subsequent ill execution. b Mr. Colquhoun observes, that " Indigence in the " present state of society may be considered as a principal " cause of the increase of crimes." Police of Metro- polis, c. xiii. p.352. supported Ch. iv. Objections to this Mode considered. 121 supported during the passing day, or where, in many instances, they are to lodge on the succeeding night \ It is by these unhappy persons that the principal depredations on the public are committed: and supposing but few of them to be married, and driven to these acts from the necessity of supporting their children ; yet still it is probably true, that the too great frequency of marriage amongst the poorest classes of society, is one of the principal causes of the temptations to these crimes. A considerable part of these un- happy wretches will probably be found to be the offspring of such marriages, educated in workhouses where every vice is propagated, or bred up at home in filth and rags, with an utter ignorance of every moral obligation b A still greater part perhaps consists of per- sons, who, being unable for some time to get employment owing to the full supply of labour, have been urged to these extremities by their temporary wants ; and, having thus lost their characters, are rejected, even when their labour may be wanted, * Police of Metropolis, c. xi. p. 313. * Id. c. xi. xii. p. 355, 370. by 122 Objections to this Mode considered. Bk. iv. by the well-founded caution of civil so- ciety a . When Police of the Metropolis, c. xiii. p. 353, et seq. In so large a town as London, which must necessarily en- courage a prodigious influx of strangers from the country, there must be always a great many persons out of work ; and it is probable, that some public institution for the relief of the casual poor upon a plan similar to that pro- posed by Mr. Colquhoun (c. xiii. p. 371) would, under very judicious management, produce more good than evil. But for this purpose it would be absolutely necessary that, if work were provided by the institution, the sum that a man could earn by it should be less than the worst paid common labour; otherwise the claimants would rapidly increase, and the funds would soon be inadequate to their object. In the institution at Hamburgh, which appears to have been the most successful of any yet esta- blished, the nature of the work was such, that, though paid above the usual price, a person could not easily earn by it more than eighteen pence a week. It was the deter- mined principle of the managers of the institution, to reduce the support which they gave lower than what any industrious man or woman in such circumstances could earn. (Account of the Management of the Poor in Ham- burgh, by C. Voght, p. 18.) And it is to this principle that they attribute their success. It should be observed however, that neither the institution at Hamburgh, nor that planned by Count Rumford in Bavaria, has subsisted long enough for us to be able to pronounce on their per- manent good effects. It will not admit of a doubt, that institutions Ch. iv. Objections to this Mode considered. 123 When indigence does not produce overt acts of vice, it palsies every virtue. Under the continued temptations to a breach of chastity, occasional failures may take place, and the moral sensibility in other respects not be very strikingly impaired ; but the continued temptations which beset hopeless poverty, and the strong sense of injustice that generally accompanies it from an ig- norance of its true cause, tend so powerfully to sour the disposition, to harden the heart and deaden the moral sense, that, generally speaking, virtue takes her flight clear away from the tainted spot, and does not often return. Even with respect to the vices which re- institutions for the relief of the poor, on their first esta- blishment, remove a great quantity of distress. The only question is, whether, as succeeding generations arise, the increasing funds necessary for their support, and the in- creasing numbers that become dependent, are not greater evils than that which was to be remedied; and whether the country will not ultimately be left with as much men- dicity as before, besides all the poverty and dependence accumulated in the public institutions. This seems to be nearly the case in England at present. It may be doubted whether we should have more beggars if we had ao poor-laws. late 124 Objections to this Mode considered. Bk. iv. late to the sex, marriage has been found to be by no means a complete remedy. Among the higher classes, our Doctors' Commons, and the lives that many married men are known to lead, sufficiently prove this ; and the same kind of vice, though not so much heard of among the lower classes of people, is probably in all our great towns not much less frequent. Add to this, that abject poverty, parti- cularly when joined with idleness, is a state the most unfavourable to chastity that can well be conceived. The passion is as strong, or nearly so, as in other situations ; and every restraint on it from personal respect, or a sense of morality, is generally re- moved. There is a degree of squalid po- verty, in which, if a girl was brought up, I should say, that her being really modest at twenty was an absolute miracle. Those persons must have extraordinary minds in- deed, and such as are not usually formed under similar circumstances, who can con- tinue to respect themselves, when no other person whatever respects them. If the children thus brought up were even to marry Ch. iv. Objections to this Mode considered. 125 marry at twenty, it is probable, that they would have passed some years in vicious habits before that period. If after all, however, these arguments should appear insufficient ; if we reprobate the idea of endeavouring to encourage the virtue of moral restraint among the poor, from a fear of producing vice ; and if we think, that to facilitate marriage by all possible means is a point of the first conse- quence to the morality and happiness of the people ; let us act consistently, and be- fore we proceed, endeavour to make our- selves acquainted with the mode by which alone we can effect our object. CHAP, ( 126 ) CHAP. V. Of the Consequences of pursuing the opposite Mode. IT is an evident truth that, whatever may be the rate of increase in the means of sub- sistence, the increase of population must be limited by it, at least after the food has once been divided into the smallest shares that will support life. All the children born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to this level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the deaths of grown persons. It has appeared indeed clearly in the course of this work, that in all old states the mar- riages and births depend principally upon the deaths, and that there is no encourage- ment to early unions so powerful as a great mortality. To act consistently therefore, we should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavouring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mor- tality ; Ch. v. Of the Consequences, &$c. 127 talitj; and if we dread the too frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction, which we compel nature to use. Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country, we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and parti- cularly encourage settlements in all marshy and unwholesome situations a . But above all, we should reprobate specific remedies a Necker, speaking of the proportion of the births in France, makes use of a new and instructive expression on this subject, though he hardly seems to be sufficiently aware of it himself. He says, " Le nombre des naissances " est a celui des habitans de un a vingt-trois et vingt- t( quatre dans les lieux contraries par la nature, ou par " des circonstances morales : ce mcme rapport dans la plus " grande partie de la France, est de un a 25,25f . & 26." Administ. des Finances, torn. i. c. ix. p. 254. 12mo. It would appear therefore, that we had nothing more to do, than to settle people in marshy situations, and oppress them by a bad government, in order to attain what poli- ticians have hitherto considered as so desirable a great proportion of marriages and a great proportion of births. for 128 Of the Consequences Bk. iv. for ravaging diseases ; and those benevo- lent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they were doing a service to man- kind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders. If by these and similar means the annual mor- tality were increased from 1 in 36 or 40, to 1 in 18 or 20, we might probably every one of us marry at the age of puberty, and yet few be absolutely starved. If however, we all marry at this age, and yet still continue our exertions to impede the operations of nature, we may rest assured that all our efforts will be vain. Nature will not, nor cannot, be defeated in her purposes. The necessary mortality must come, in some form or other ; and the extirpation of one disease will only be the signal for the birth of another perhaps more fatal. We cannot lower the waters of misery by pressing them down in dif- ferent places, which must necessarily make them rise somewhere else : the only way in which we can hope to effect our purpose, is by drawing them off. To this course na- ture is constantly directing our attention by Ch. v. of pursuing the opposite Mode. 129 by the chastisements which await a contrary conduct. These chastisements are more or less severe, in proportion to the degree in which her admonitions produce their in- tended effect. In this country at present these admonitions are by no means entirely neglected. The preventive check to po- pulation prevails to a considerable degree, and her chastisements are in consequence moderate : but if we were all to marry at the age of puberty, they would be severe indeed. Political evils would probably oe added to physical. A people goaded by constant distress, and visited by frequent returns of famine, could not be kept down but by a cruel despotism. We should ap- proach to the state of the people in Egypt or Abyssinia ; and I would ask, whether in that case it is probable, that we should be more virtuous ? Physicians have long remarked the great changes which take place in diseases ; and that, while some appear to yield to the efforts of human care and skill, others seem to become in proportion more malignant vol. xi. k and 130 Of the Consequences Bk. iv. and fatal. Dr. William Heberden pub- lished, not long since, some valuable ob- servations on this subject deduced from the London bills of mortality. In his preface, speaking of these bills, he says, " the gra- " dual changes they exhibit in particular " diseases correspond to the alterations, u which in time are known to take place " in the channels through which the great ** stream of mortality is constantly flowing *." In the body of his work, afterwards, speaking of some particular diseases, he observes with that candour which always distinguishes true science : " It is not easy to give a satis- " factory reason for all the changes which " may be observed to take place in the 1* history of diseases. Nor is it any dis- " grace to physicians, if their causes are " often so gradual in their operation, or so " subtile, as to elude investigation V I hope I shall not be accused of pre- sumption, in venturing to suggest that, a Observations on the Increase and Decrease of dif- ferent Diseases. Preface, p. 5. 4to. 1801. k Id. p. 43, 4to. 1801. under Ch. v. of pursuing the opposite Mode. 131 under certain circumstances, such changes must take place ; and perhaps without any alteration in those proximate causes, which are usually looked to on these occasions. If this should appear to be true, it will not seem extraordinary that the most skilful and scientific physicians, whose business it is principally to investigate proximate causes, should sometimes search for these causes in vain. In a country which keeps its population at a certain standard, if the average number of marriages and births be given, it is evi- dent that the average number of deaths will also be given ; and, to use Dr. Heberden's metaphor, the channels, through which the great stream of mortality is constantly flowing, will always convey off a given quantity. Now if we stop up any of these channels, it is perfectly clear, that the stream of mortality must run with greater force through some of the other channels ; that is, if we eradicate some diseases, others will become proportionally more fatal. In this case the only distinguishable cause is the damming up a necessary outlet of mor- k 2 tality. 132 Of the Consequences Bk. iv tality \ Nature, in the attainment of her great purposes, seems always to seize upon the -weakest part. If this part be made strong by human skill, she seizes upon the next weakest part, and so on in succession; not like a capricious deity, with an inten- tion to sport with our sufferings, and con- stantly to defeat our labours ; but like a kind, though sometimes severe instructor, with the intention of teaching us to make all parts strong, and to chase vice and misery from the earth. In avoiding one fault we are too apt to run into some other; but we always find Nature faithful to her great object, at every false step we commit, ready to admonish us of our errors, by the infliction of some physical or moral evil. If the prevalence of the preventive check to population in a sufficient degree were to remove many of those diseases, which now afflict us, yet be accompanied by a consi- derable increase of the vice of promiscuous intercourse, it is probable that the disorders * The way in which it operates is probably by in- creasing poverty, iu consequence of a supply of labour too rapid for the demand. and Ch. v. of pursuing the opposite Mode. 133 and unhappiness, the physical and moral evils arising from this vice, would increase in strength and degree ; and, admonishing us severely of our error, would point to the only line of conduct approved by nature, reason and religion, abstinence from mar- riage till we can support our children, and chastity till that period arrives. In the case just stated, in which the po- pulation and the number of marriages are supposed to be fixed, the necessity of a change in the mortality of some diseases, from the diminution or extinction of others, is capable of mathematical demonstration. The only obscurity which can possibly in- volve this subject, arises from taking into consideration the effect that might be pro- duced by a diminution of mortality in in- creasing the population, or in decreasing the number of marriages. That the re- moval of any of the particular causes of mortality can have no further effect upon population than the means of subsistence will allow, and that it has no certain and necessary influence on these means of sub- sistence, are facts of which the reader must be 134 Of the Consequences Bk.iv. be already convinced. Of its operation in tending to prevent marriage, by diminishing the demand for fresh supplies of children, I have no doubt; and there is reason to think, that it had this effect in no inconsi- derable degree on the extinction of the plague, which had so long and so dread- fully ravaged this country. Dr. Heberden draws a striking picture of the favourable change observed in the health of the people of England since this period ; and justly attributes it to the improvements which have gradually taken place, not only in London but in all great towns ; and in the manner of living throughout the kingdom, particularly with respect to cleanliness and ventilation*. But these causes would not have produced the effect observed, if they had not been accompanied by an increase of the preventive check ; and probably the spirit of cleanliness, and better mode of living, which then began to prevail, by spreading more generally a decent and useful pride, principally contributed to this * Observations on Increase and Decrease Of Diseases, p.S5. increase. Ch. v. of pursuing the opposite Mode. 135 increase. The diminution in the number of marriages, however, was not sufficient to make up for the great decrease of mor- tality, from the extinction of the plague, and the striking reduction of the deaths in the dysentery*. While these and some other disorders became almost evanescent, consumption, palsy, apoplexy, gout, lunacy, and the small-pox, became more mortal b . The widening of these drains was neces- sary to carry off the population which still remained redundant, notwithstanding the increased operation of the preventive check, and the part which was annually disposed of and enabled to subsist by the increase of agriculture. Dr. Haygarth, in the Sketch of his bene- volent plan for the extermination of the casual small-pox, draws a frightful picture of the mortality which has been occasioned by this distemper, attributes to it the slow progress of population, and makes some curious calculations on the favourable ef- fects which would be produced in this a Observ. on Inc. and Dec. of Diseases, p. 34. b Id. p. '36, et seq. respect 136 Of the Consequences Bk. iv. respect by its extermination \ His conclu- sions, however, I fear, would not follow from his premises. I am far from doubting that millions and millions of human beings have been destroyed by the small-pox. But were its devastations, as Dr. Haygarth supposes, many thousand degrees greater than the plague b , I should still doubt whe- ther the average population of the earth had been diminished by them. The small- pox is certainly one of the channels, and a very broad one, which nature has opened for the last thousand years, to keep down the population to the level of the means of subsistence ; but had this been closed, others would have become wider, or new ones would have been formed. In ancient times the mortality from war and the plague was incomparably greater than in modern. On the gradual diminution of this stream of mortality, the generation and almost uni- versal prevalence of the small-pox is a great and striking instance of one of those changes in the channels of mortality, which ought Vol. i. part ii. sect. v. and vi. * Id. 3. viii. p. 164. to Ch. v. of pursuing the opposite Mode. 137 to awaken our attention and animate us to patient and persevering investigation. For my own part I feel not the slightest doubt, that, if the introduction of the cow-pox should extirpate the small-pox, and yet the number of marriages continue the same, we shall find a very percepticle difference in the increased mortality of some other diseases. Nothing could prevent this effect but a sudden start in our agriculture ; and if this should take place, it will not be so much owing to the number of children saved from death by the cow-pox inocula- tion, as to the alarms occasioned among the people of property by the late scarcities % and to the increased gains of farmers, which have been so absurdly reprobated. I am strongly however inclined to believe that the number of marriages will not, in this case, remain the same ; but that the gradual light, which may be expected to be thrown on this interesting topic of human a The scarce harvests of 1799 and 1800. The start here alluded to, certainly took place from 1801 to 1814, and provision was really made for the diminished mor- tality. inquiry, 138 Of the Consequences Bk. iv. inquiry, will teach us how to make the ex- tinction of a mortal disorder a real blessing to us, a real improvement in the general health and happiness of the society. If, on contemplating the increase of vice which might contingently follow an attempt to inculcate the duty of moral restraint, and the increase of misery that must necessarily follow the attempts to encourage marriage and population, we come to the conclusion, not to interfere in any respect, but to leave every man to his own free choice, and re- sponsible only to God for the evil which he does in either way ; this is all I contend for ; I would on no account do more ; but I contend, that at present we are very far from doing this. Among the lower classes of society, where the point is of the greatest importance, the poor-laws afford a direct, constant and syste- matical encouragement to marriage, by re- moving from each individual that heavy responsibility, which he would incur by the laws of nature, for bringing beings into the world which he could not support. Our pri- vate benevolence has the same direction as the Ch. v. of pursuing the opposite Mode. 139 the poor-laws, and almost invariably tends to encourage marriage, and to equalize as much as possible the circumstances of mar- ried and single men. Among the higher classes of people, the superior distinctions which married women receive, and the marked inattentions to which single women of advanced age are exposed, enable many men, who are agreeable neither in mind nor person, and are besides in the wane of life, to choose a partner among the young and fair, instead of being confined, as nature seems to dic- tate, to persons of nearly their own age and accomplishments. It is scarcely to be doubted, that the fear of being an old maid, and of that silly and unjust ridicule, which folly sometimes attaches to this name, drives many women into the marriage union with men whom they dislike, or at best to whom they are perfectly indifferent. Such mar- riages must to every delicate mind appear little better than legal prostitutions; and they often burden the earth with unneces- sary children, without compensating for it by 140 Of the Consequences Bk. iv. by an accession of happiness and virtue to the parties themselves. Throughout all the ranks of society, the prevailing opinions respecting the duty and obligation of marriage cannot but have a very powerful influence. The man who thinks that, in going out of the world with- out leaving representatives behind him, he shall have failed in an important duty to so- ciety, will be disposed to force rather than to repress his inclinations on this subject ; and when his reason represents to him the difficulties attending a family, he will en- deavour not to attend to these suggestions, will still determine to venture, and will hope that, in the discharge of what he conceives to be his duty, he shall not be deserted by Providence. In a civilized country, such as England, where a taste for the decencies and com- forts of life prevails among a very large class of people, it is not possible that the encouragements to marriage from positive institutions and prevailing opinions should entirely obscure the light of nature and rea- son Ch. v. of pursuing the opposite Mode. 141 sou on this subject; but still they contri- bute to make it comparatively weak and indistinct. And till this obscurity is re- moved, and the poor are undeceived with respect to the principal cause of their poverty, and taught to know, that their fu- ture happiness or misery must depend chiefly upon themselves, it cannot be said that, with regard to the great question of marriage, we leave every man to his own free and fair choice. CHAP. ( 143 ) CHAP. VI. Effects of the Knowledge of t lie principal Cause of Poverty on Civil Liberty. IT may appear, perhaps, that a doctrine, which attributes the greatest part of the sufferings of the lower classes of society exclusively to themselves, is unfavourable to the cause of liberty, as affording a tempting opportunity to governments of oppressing their subjects at pleasure, and laying the whole blame on the laws of na- ture and the imprudence of the poor. We are not however to trust to first appear- ances ; and I am strongly disposed to be- lieve that those who will be at the pains to consider this subject deeply will be con- vinced, that nothing would so powerfully contribute to the advancement of rational freedom, as a thorough knowledge gene- rally circulated of the principal cause of poverty ; and that the ignorance of this cause, Ch. vi. Effects of the Knowledge, &$c. 14$ cause, and the natural consequences of this ignorance, form at present one of the chief obstacles to its progress. The pressure of distress on the lower classes of people, together with the habit of attributing this distress to their rulers, ap- pears to me to be the rock of defence, the castle, the guardian spirit of despotism. It affords to the tyrant the fatal and un- answerable plea of necessity. It is the reason why every free government tends constantly to destruction ; and that its ap- pointed guardians become daily less jealous of the encroachments of power. It is the reason why so many noble efforts in the cause of freedom have failed ; and why al- most every revolution, after long and pain- ful sacrifices, has terminated in a military despotism. While any dissatisfied man of talents has power to persuade the lower classes of people that all their poverty and distress arise solely from the iniquity of the government, though perhaps the great- est part of what they suffer is unconnected with this cause, it is evident that the seeds of fresh discontents and fresh revolutions are 144 Effects of the Knowledge of Bk. iv. are continually sowing. When an esta- blished government has been destroyed, finding that their poverty is not removed, their resentment naturally falls upon the successors to power ; and when these have been immolated without producing the de- sired effect, other sacrifices are called for, and so on without end. Are we to be surprised that, under such circumstances, the majority of well-disposed people, finding that a government with proper restrictions is unable to support itself against the re- volutionary spirit, and weary and exhausted with perpetual change to which they can see no end, should give up the struggle in despair, and throw themselves into the arms of the first power which can afford them protection against the horrors of anarchy ? A mob, which is generally the growth of a redundant population goaded by resent- ment for real sufferings, but totally ignorant of the quarter from which they originate, is of all monsters the most fatal to freedom. It fosters a prevailing tyranny, and en- genders one where it was not ; and though, in Ch.vi. the principal Cause of Poverty, 8$c. 145 in its dreadful fits of resentment, it appears occasionally to devour its unsightly off- spring ; yet no sooner is the horrid deed committed, than, however unwilling it may be to propagate such a breed, it imme- diately groans with a new birth. Of the tendency of mobs to produce ty- ranny Ave may not perhaps be long without an example in this country. As a friend to freedom, and naturally an enemy to large standing armies, it is with extreme reluc- tance that I am compelled to acknowledge that, had it not been for the great orga- nized force in the country, the distresses of the people during the late scarcities % en- couraged by the extreme ignorance and folly of many among the higher classes, might have driven them to commit the most dreadful outrages, and ultimately to involve the country in all the horrors of famine. Should such periods often recur, (a recur- rence which we have too much reason to apprehend from the present state of the country,) the prospect which opens to our view is melancholy in the extreme. The a 1800 and 1801. vol. ii. l English 146 Effects of the Knowledge of Bk. iv. English constitution will be seen hastening with rapid strides to the Euthanasia foretold by Hume, unless its progress be inter- rupted by some popular commotion ; and this alternative presents a picture still more appalling to the imagination. If po- litical discontents were blended with the cries of hunger, and a revolution were lo take place by the instrumentality of a mob clamouring for want of food, the conse- quences would be unceasing change and unceasing carnage, the bloody career of which nothing but the establishment of some complete despotism could arrest. We can scarcely believe that the ap- pointed guardians of British liberty should quietly have acquiesced in those gradual encroachments of power which have taken place of late years, but from the apprehension of these still more dreadful evils. Great as has been the influence of corruption, I cannot yet think so meanly of the country gentlemen of England, as to believe that they would thus have given up a part of their birthright of liberty, if they had not been actuated by a real and genuine fear that Ch. vi. the principal Cause of Poverty, #c. 147 that it was then in greater danger from the people than from the crown. They ap- peared to surrender themselves to govern- ment, on condition of being protected from the mob ; but they never would have made this melancholy and disheartening sur- render, if such a mob had not existed either in reality or in imagination. That the fears on this subject were artfully exaggerated and increased beyond the limits of just ap- prehension, is undeniable; but I think it is also undeniable that the frequent declama- tions which were heard against the unjust institutions of society, and the delusive ar- guments on equality which were circulated among the lower classes, gave us just rea- son to suppose that, if the vox populi had been allowed to speak, it would have ap- peared to be the voice of error and ab- surdity, instead of the vox Dei. To say that our conduct is not to be re- gulated by circumstances, is to betray an ignorance of the most solid and incontro- vertible principles of morality. Though the admission of this principle may some- times afford a cloak to changes of opinion l 2 that 148 Effects of the Knowledge of Bk. iv. that do not result from the purest motives ; yet the admission of a contrary principle would be productive of infinitely worse consequences. The phrase of " existing circumstances" has, I believe, not unfre- quently created a smile in the English House of Commons ; but the smile should have been reserved for the application of the phrase, and not have been excited by the phrase itself. A very frequent repe- tition of it has indeed, of itself, rather a suspicious air; and its application should always be watched with the most jealous and anxious attention ; but no man ought to be judged in limine for saying, that existing circumstances had obliged him to alter his opinions and conduct. The country gentlemen were perhaps too ea- sily convinced that existing circumstances called upon them to give up some of the most valuable privileges of Englishmen ; but as far as they were really convinced of this obligation, they acted consistently with the clearest rule of morality. The degree of power to be given to the civil government, and the measure of our submission Ch. vi. the principal Cause of Poverty, fyc. 149 submission to it, must be determined by ge- neral expediency; and in judging of this ex- pediency every circumstance is to be taken into consideration ; particularly the state of public opinion, and the degree of igno- rance and delusion prevailing among the common people. The patriot who might be called upon by the love of his country to join with heart and hand ia a rising of the people for some specific attainable ob- ject of reform, if he knew that they were enlightened respecting their own situation, and would stop short when they had at- tained their demand, would be called upon by the same motive to submit to very great oppression rather than give the slightest countenance to a popular tumult, the mem- bers of which, at least the greater number of them, were persuaded that the destruc- tion of the Parliament, the Lord Mayor and the monopolizers, would make bread cheap, and that a revolution would enable them all to support their families. In this case it is more the ignorance and delusion of the lower classes of people that occasions the oppression, 150 Effects of the Knowledge of Bk. iv. oppression, than the actual disposition of the government to tyranny. That there is however in all power a con- stant tendency to encroach is an incontro- vertible truth, and cannot be too strongly inculcated. The checks, which are neces- sary to secure the liberty of the subject, will always in some degree embarrass and delay the operations of the executive go- vernment. The members of this govern- ment feeling these inconveniences, while they are exerting themselves, as they con- ceive, in the service of their country, and conscious perhaps of no ill intention towards the people, will naturally be disposed, on every occasion, to demand the suspen- sion or abolition of these checks ; but if once the convenience of ministers be put in competition with the liberties of the people, and we get into a habit of relying on fair assurances and personal character, instead of examining, with the most scru- pulous and jealous care, the merits of each particular case, there is an end of British freedom. If we once admit the principle, that Ch. vi. the principal Cause of Poverty, S?c. 151 that the government must know better with regard to the quantity of power which it wants, than we can possibly do with our li- mited means of information, and that there- fore it is our duty to surrender up our private judgments, we may just as well at the same time surrender up the whole of our consti- tution. Government is a quarter in which liberty is not n^r cannot be very faithfully preserved. If \ e are wanting to ourselves, and inattentive to our great interests in this respect, it is the height of folly and unrea- sonableness to expect, that government will attend to them for us. Should the British constitution ultimately lapse into a despot- ism, as has been prophesied, I shall think that the country gentlemen of England will have much more to answer for than the ministers. To do the country gentlemen justice, however, I should readily acknowledge that in the partial desertion of their posts as guardians of British freedom, which has al- ready taken place, they have been actuated more by fear than corruption. And the principal reason of this fear was, I conceive, the 162 Effects of the Knowledge of Bk. iv. the ignorance and delusions of the common people, and the prospective horrors which were contemplated, if in such a state of mind they should by any revolutionary movement obtain an ascendant. The circulation of Paine's Rights of Man, it is supposed, has done great mischief among the lower and middling classes of people in this country. This is probably true ; but not because man is without rights, or that these rights ought not to be known ; but because Mr. Paine has fallen into some fundamental errors respecting the principles of government, and in many important points has shewn himself totally unacquaint- ed with the structure of society, and the different moral effects to be expected from the physical difference between this coun- try and America. Mobs of the same de- scription as those collections of people known by this name in Europe could not exist in America. The number of people without property is there, from the physi- cal state of the country, comparatively small ; and therefore the civil power, which is to protect property, cannot require the same Ch. vi. the principal Cause of Poverty, tyc. 153 same degree of strength. Mr. Paine very justly observes, that whatever the apparent cause of any riots may be, the real one is always want of happiness ; but when he goes on to say, it shews that something is wrong in the system of government, that injures the felicity by which society is to be pre- served, he falls into the common error of attributing all want of happiness to govern- ment. It is evident that this want of hap- piness might have existed, and from igno- rance might have been the principal cause of the riots, and yet be almost wholly un- connected with any of the proceedings of government. The redundant population of an old state furnishes materials of unhap- piness, unknown to such a state as that of America ; and if an attempt were to be made to remedy this unhappiness by dis- tributing the produce of the taxes to the poorer classes of society, according to the plan proposed by Mr. Paine, the evil would be aggravated a hundred fold, and in a very short time no sum that the society could possibly raise would be adequate to the proposed object. Nothing would so effectually counteract the 154 Effects of the Knowledge of Bk. iv. the mischiefs occasioned by Mr. Paine's Rights of Man, as a general knowledge of the real rights of man. What these rights are it is not my business at present to ex- plain ; but there is one right which man has generally been thought to possess, which I , am confident he neither does nor can pos- . sess a right to subsistence when his labou r will not fairly purchase it. Our laws inderjd say that he has this right, and bind the j so- ciety to furnish employment and food to those who cannot get them in the reg\ liar market ; but in so doing they attempt c to reverse the laws of nature ; and it is in con- sequence to be expected, not only that they should fail in their object, but that the poor, who were intended to be benefitted, s should suffer most cruelly from the inhuir t an de- ceit thus practised upon them. The Abbe Raynal has said, that ' u Avant " toutes les loix sociales Thomme avoit le " droit de subsister \" He might.with just as much propriety have said th ^t, before the institution of social laws, eve) ry man had a right to live a hundred years. Undoubl- a Raynal, Hist. de Indes, vol. x. s. x. p. 32fi, 8vo. edly Ch. vi. the principal Cause of Poverty, &;c. 155 edly he had then, and has still, a good right to live a hundred years, nay a thou- sand, if he can, without interfering with the right of others to live ; but the affair in both cases is principally an affair of power, not of right. Social laws very greatly increase this power, by enabling a much greater number to subsist than could subsist without theni, and so far very greatly enlarge le droit de subsister ; but, neither be- fore nor after the institution of social laws, could an unlimited number subsist ; and be- fore, as well as since, he who ceased to have the power ceased to have the right. If the great truths on these subjects were more generally circulated, and the lower classes of people could be convinced that by the laws of nature, independently of any particular institutions, except the great one of property, which is absolutely necessary in order to attain any considerable produce, no person has any claim of right on society for subsistence, if his labour will not pur- chase it, the greatest part of the mischievous declamation on the unjust institutions of so- ciety would fall powerless to the ground. The poor are by no means inclined to be visionary 156 Effects of the Knowledge of Bk. iv. visionary. Their distresses are always real, though they are not attributed to the real causes. If these causes were properly ex- plained to them, and they were taught to know what part of their present distress was attributable to government, and what part to causes totally unconnected with it, dis- content and irritation among the lower classes of people would shew themselves much less frequently than at present ; and when they did shew themselves, would be much less to be dreaded. The efforts of tur- bulent and discontented men in the middle classes of society might safely be disregard- ed, if the poor were so far enlightened re- specting the real nature of their situation, as to be aware that by aiding them in their schemes of renovation, they would prbba- bh T be promoting the ambitious views of others, without in any respect benefitting themselves. And the country gentlemen and men of property in England might se- curely return to a wholesome jealousy of the encroachments of power; and instead of daily sacrificing the liberties of the subject on the altar of public safety, might, with- out any just apprehension from the people, not Ch. vi. the principal Cause of Poverty, 8$c. 157 not only tread back all their late steps, but firmly insist upon those gradual reforms, which the lapse of time and the storms of the political world have rendered neces- sary, to prevent the gradual destruction of the British constitution. All improvements in governments must necessarily originate with persons of some education ; and these will of course be found among the people of property. What- ever may be said of a few, it is impossible to suppose that the great mass of the people of property should be really interested in the abuses of government. They merely submit to them from the fear that an endea- vour to remove them might be productive of greater evils. Could we but take away this fear, reform and improvement would proceed with as much facility as the re- moval of nuisances, or the paving and lighting of the streets. In human life we are continually called upon to submit to a lesser evil in order to avoid a greater ; and it is the part of a wise man to do this rea- dily and cheerfully ; but no wise man will submit to any evil, if he can get rid of it without 158 Effects of the Knowledge of Bk. iv. without danger. Remove all apprehension from the tyranny or folly of the people, and the tyranny of government could not stand a moment. It would then appear in its proper deformity, without palliation, with- out pretext, without protector. Naturally feeble in itself, when it was once stripped naked, and deprived of the support of pub- lic opinion and of the great plea of neces- sity, it would fall without a struggle. Its few interested defenders would hide their heads abashed, and would be ashamed any longer to support a cause, for which no human ingenuity could invent a plausible argument. The most successful supporters of tyranny are without doubt those general declaimers, who attribute the distresses of the poor, and almost all the evils to which society is sub- ject, to human institutions and the iniquity of governments. The falsity of these accu- sations, and the dreadful consequences that would result from then* being generally admitted and acted upon, make it abso- lutely necessary that they should at all events be resisted; not only on account of the immediate Ch. vi. the principal { ^ause of Poverty, fyc. 159 immediate revolutu )nary horrors to be ex- pected from ti mo vement of the people acting under such it npressions (a conside- ration which must ; at all times have very great weight) ; but a lso on account of the extreme probability t hat such a revolution would terminate in a 1 nuch worse despotism than that which it had destroyed. On these grounds a genuine fi fiend of freedom, a zealous advocate for tl le real rights of man, might be found amonj 2; the defenders of a considerable degree oi ? tyranny. A cause bad in itself might be su pported by the good and the virtuous, merel} T because that which was opposed to it was much worse ; and because it was absolutely necessary at the moment to make a choice I between the two. Whatever therefore may be the intention of those indiscriminate accusations against governments, their real effect" undoubtedly is, to add a weight of talents and princip les to the prevailing power, which it never would have received otherwise. It is a truth, which I trust has been s uffi- ciently proved in the course of this w ork, that under a government constructed u pon Uhe 160 Effects of the Knowledge of Bk. iv. the best and purest principles, and executed by men of the highest talents and integrity, the most squalid poverty and wretchedness might universally prevail from an inatten- tion to the prudential check to population. And as this cause of unhappiness has hitherto been so little understood, that the efforts of society have always tended rather to aggravate than to lessen it, we have the strongest reasons for supposing that, in all the governments with which we are ac- quainted, a great part of the misery to be observed among the lower classes of the people arises from this cause. The inference therefore which Mr. Paine and others have drawn against governments from the unhappiness of the people, is pal- pably unfair; and before we give a sanction to such accusations, it is a debt we owe to truth and justice, to ascertain how much of this unhappiness arises from the principle of population, and how much is fairly to be attributed to government. When this distinction has been properly made, and all the vague, indefinite and false accu- sations removed, government would remain, as Ch. vi. the principal Cause of Poverty, fyc. 361 as it ought to be, clearly responsible for the rest; and the amount of this would still be such as to make the responsibility very considerable. Though government has but little power in the direct and immediate relief of poverty, yet its indirect influence on the prosperity of its subjects is striking and incontestable. And the reason is, that though it is comparatively impotent in its efforts to make the food of a country keep pace with an unrestricted increase of popu- lation, yet its influence is great in giving the best direction to those checks, which in some form or other must necessarily take place. It has clearly appeared in the for- mer part of this work, that the most despotic and worst-governed countries, however low they might be in actual population, were uniformly the most populous in pro- portion to their means of subsistence ; and the necessary effect of this state of things must of course be very low wages. In such countries the checks to population arise more from the sickness and mortality con- sequent on poverty, than from the prudence and foresight which restrain the frequency vol. ii. m and 162 Effects of the Knowledge of Bk. iv. and universality of early marriages. The checks are more of the positive and less of the preventive kind. The first grand requisite to the growth of prudential habits is the perfect security of property ; and the next perhaps is that re- spectability and importance, which are given to the lower classes by equal laws, and the possession of some influence in the framing of them. The more excellent there- fore is the government, the more does it tend to generate that prudence and eleva- tion of sentiment, by which alone in the present state of our being poverty can be avoided. It has been sometimes asserted that the only reason why it is advantageous that the people should have some share in the go- vernment, is that a representation of the people tends best to secure the framing of good and equal laws ; but that, if the same object could be attained under a despotism, the same advantage would accrue to the community. If however the representative system, by securing to the lower classes of society a more equal and liberal mode of treatment Ch. vi. the principal Cause of Poverty, fyc. 163 treatment from their superiors, gives to each individual a greater personal respeclabilty, and a greater fear of personal degradation; it is evident that it will powerfully co-ope- rate with the security of property in ani- mating the exertions of industry, and in generating habits of prudence ; and thus more powerfully tend to increase the riches and prosperity of the lower classes of the community, than if the same laws had ex- isted under a despotism. But though the tendency of a free con- stitution and a good government to diminish poverty be certain ; yet their effect in this way must necessarily be indirect and slow, and very different from the direct and im- mediate relief, which the lower classes of people are too frequently in the habit of looking forward to as the consequence of a revolution. This habit of expecting too much, and the irritation occasioned by dis- appointment, continually give a wrong di- rection to their efforts in favour of liberty, and constantly tend to defeat the accom- plishment of those gradual reforms in go- vernment, and that slow melioration of the m 2 condition 164 Effects of the Knowledge of Bk. iv. condition of the lower classes of society, which are really attainable. It is of the very highest importance therefore, to know distinctly what govern- ment cannot do, as well as what it can. If I were called upon to name the cause, which, in my conception, had more than any other contributed to the very slow pro- gress of freedom, so disheartening to every liberal mind, I should say that it was the confusion that had existed respecting the causes of the unhappiness and discontents which prevail in society; and the advantage which governments had been able to take, and indeed had been compelled to take, of this confusion, to confirm and strengthen their power. I cannot help thinking there- fore, that a knowledge generally circulated, that the principal cause of want and un- happiness is only indirectly connected with government, and totally beyond its power directly to remove ; and that it depends upon the conduct of the poor themselves ; would, instead of giving any advantage to governments, give a great additional weight to the popular side of the question, Ch. vi. the principal Cause of Poverty, fyc. 165 by removing the dangers with which from ignorance it is at present accompa- nied ; and thus tend, in a very powerful manner, to promote the cause of rational freedom. CHAP. ( 166 ) CHAP. VII Continuation of the same Subject 11 . 1 HE reasonings of the foregoing chapter have been strikingly confirmed by the events of the last two or three years. Per- haps there never was a period when more eiToneous views were formed by the lower classes of society of the effects to be expected from reforms in the government, when these erroneous views were more imme- diately founded on a total misapprehension of the principal cause of poverty, and when they more directly led to results unfavour- able to liberty. One of the main causes of complaint against the government has been, that a considerable number of labourers, who are both able and willing to work, are wholly out of employment, and unable conse- quently to command the necessaries of life. * Written in 1817. That Ch. vii. Continuation of the same Subject. 167 That this state of things is one of the most afflicting events that can occur in civilized life, that it is a natural and par- donable cause of discontent among the lower classes of society, and that every eifort should be made by the higher classes to mitigate it, consistently with a proper care not to render it permanent, no man of humanity can doubt. But that such a state of things may occur in the best-con- ducted and most economical government that ever existed is as certain, as that go- vernments have not the power of com- manding with effect the resources of a country to be progressive, when they are naturally stationary or declining. It will be allowed that periods of pro- sperity may occur in any well-governed state, during which an extraordinary sti- mulus may be given to its wealth and po- pulation, which cannot in its nature be permanent. If, for instance, new channels of trade are opened, new colonies are pos- sessed, new inventions take place in machi- nery, and new and great improvements are made in agriculture, it is quite obvious that while 168 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk. iv. while the markets at home and abroad will readily take off at advantageous prices the increasing produce, there must be a rapid increase of capital, and an unusual stimulus given to the population. On the other hand, if subsequently these channels of trade are either closed by accident or con- tracted by foreign competition ; if colonies are lost, or the same produce is supplied from other quarters ; if the markets, either from glut or competition, cease to extend with the extension of the new machinery ; and if the improvements in agriculture from any cause whatever cease to be progressive, it is as obvious that, just at the time when the stimulus to population has produced its greatest effect, the means of employing and supporting this population may, in the natural course of things, and without any fault whatever in the government, become deficient. This failure must unavoidably produce great distress among the labouring classes of society ; but it is quite clear that no inference can be drawn from this distress that a radical change is required in the go- vernment ; and the attempt to accomplish such Ch. vii. Continuation of the same Subject. 169 such a change might only aggravate the evil. It has been supposed in this case, that the government has in no respect by its conduct contributed to the pressure in question, a supposition which in practice perhaps will rarely be borne out by the fact. It is unquestionably in the power of a go- vernment to produce great distress by war and taxation, and it requires some skill to distinguish the distress which is the natural result of these causes, from that which is occasioned in the way just described. In our own case unquestionably both descrip- tions of causes have combined, but the former in a greater degree than the latter. War and taxation, as far as they operate directly and simply, tend to destroy or retard the progress of capital, produce and population ; but during the late war these checks to prosperity have been much more than overbalanced by a combination of circumstances which has given an extraor- dinary stimulus to production. That for this overbalance of advantages the country cannot be considered as much indebted to the 170 Continuation of the same Subject, Bk. iv. the government, is most certain. The go- vernment during the last twenty-five years has shewn no very great love either of peace or liberty ; and no particular eco- nomy in the use of the national resources. It has proceeded in a very straight-forward manner to spend great sums in war, and to raise them by very heavy taxes. It has no doubt done its part towards the dilapida- tion of the national resources. But still the broad fact must stare every impartial observer in the face, that at the end of the war in 1814 the national resources were not dilapidated ; and that not only were the wealth and population of the country considerably greater than they were at the commencement of the war, but that they had increased in the interval at a more rapid rate than was ever experienced before. Perhaps this may justly be considered as one of the most extraordinary facts in history ; and it certainly follows from it, that the sufferings of the country since the peace have not been occasioned so much by the usual and most natural effects to be expected Ch. vii. Continuation of the same Subject. 171 expected from war and taxation, as by the sudden ceasing of an extraordinary sti- mulus to production, the distresses conse- quent upon which, though increased no doubt by the weight of taxation, do not essentially arise from it, and are not di- rectly therelore, and immediately, to be relieved by its removal. That the labouring classes of society should not be fully aware that the main causes of their distress are to a certain ex- tent and for a certain time, irremediable, is natural enough ; and that they should listen much more readily and Avillingly to those who confidently promise immediate relief, rather than to those who can only tell them unpalatable truths, is by no means surprising. But it must be allowed that full advantage has been taken by the po- pular orators and writers of a crisis which has given them so much power. Partly from ignorance, and partly from design, every thing that could tend to enlighten the labouring classes as to the real nature of their situation, and encourage them to bear 172 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk. iv. bear an unavoidable pressure with patience, has been either sedulously kept out of their view, or clamorously reprobated ; and every thing that could tend to deceive them, to aggravate and encourage their discontents, and to raise unreasonable and extravagant expectations as to the relief to be expected from reform, has been as sedulously brought forward. Jf under these circumstances the reforms proposed had been accomplished, it is impossible that the people should not have been most cruelly disappointed ; and under a system of universal suffrage and annual parliaments, a general disappoint- ment of the people would probably lead to every sort of experiment in government, till the career of change was stopped by a military despotism. The warmest friends of genuine liberty might justly feel alarmed at such a prospect. To a cause conducted upon such principles, and likely to be at- tended with such results, they could not of course, consistently with their duty, lend any assistance. And, if with great diffi- culty, and against the sense of the great mass Ch. vii. Continuation of the same Subject. 173 mass of petitioners, they were to effect a more moderate and more really useful re- form, they could not but feel certain that the unavoidable disappointment of the peo- ple would be attributed to the half-mea- sures which had been pursued ; and that they would be either forced to proceed to more radical changes, or submit to a total loss of their influence and popularity by stopping short while the distresses of the people were unrelieved, their discontents unallayed, and the great panacea on which they had built their sanguine expectations untried. These considerations have naturally pa- ralyzed the exertions of the best friends of liberty ; and those salutary reforms which are acknowledged to be necessary in order to repair the breaches of time, and improve the fabric of our constitution, are thus ren- dered much more difficult, and conse- quently much less probable. But not only have the false expectations and extravagant demands suggested by the leaders of the people given an easy victory to government over every proposition for reform, 174 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk. iv. reform, whether violent or moderate, but they have furnished the most fatal instru- ments of offensive attack against the con- stitution itself. They are naturally calcu- lated to excite some alarm, and to check moderate reform ; but alarm, when once excited, seldom knows where to stop, and the causes of it are particularly liable to be exaggerated. There is reason to believe that it has been under the influence of ex- aggerated statements, and of inferences drawn by exaggerated fears from these statements, that acts unfavourable to liberty have been passed without an adequate ne- cessity. But the power of creating these exaggerated fears, and of passing these acts, has been unquestionably furnished by the extravagant expectations of the people. And it must be allowed that the present times furnish a very striking illustration of the doctrine, that an ignorance of the prin- cipal cause of poverty is peculiarly unfa- vourable, and thai a knowledge of it must be peculiarly favourable, to the cause of civil liberty. CHAP. ( 175 ) CHAP. VIII. Plan of the gradual Abolition of the Poor Laws proposed. IF the principles in the preceding chapters should stand the test of examination, and we should ever feel the obligation of en- deavouring to act upon them, the next in- quiry would be, in what way we ought prac- tically to proceed. The first grand obstacle which presents itself in this country is the system of the poor-laws, which has been justly stated to be an evil, in comparison of which the national debt, with all its mag- nitude of terror, is of little moment a . The rapidity with which the poor's rates have increased of late years presents us indeed with the prospect of such an extraordinary proportion of paupers in the society, as would seem to be incredible in a nation a Reports of the Society for bettering the Condition of the Poor, vol. iii. p. 21. flourishing 176 Plan of the gradual Abolition Bk. iv. flourishing in arts, agriculture and com- merce, and with a government which has generally been allowed to be the best that has hitherto stood the test of ex- perience*. Greatly as we may be shocked at such a prospect, and ardently as we may wish to remove it, the evil is now so deeply seated, and the relief given by the poor-laws so widely extended, that no man of humanity could venture to propose their immediate abolition. To mitigate their effects however, and stop their future increase, to which, if left to continue upon their present plan, we can see no probable termination, it has been proposed to fix the whole sum to be raised at its present rate, or any other that might be determined upon ; and to make a law, that on no account this sum should be exceeded. The objection to this plan is, that a very large sum would be If the poor's rates continue increasing as rapidly as they have done on the average of the last ten years, how melancholy are our future prospects ! The system of the poor-laws has been justly stated by the French to be la plaie politique de VAnghterre la plus dexorante. (Comite de Mendicite.) still Ch. viii. of the Poor-Laws proposed. 17f still to be raised, and a great number of people to be supported ; the consequence of which would be, that the poor would not be easily able to distinguish the alteration that had been made. Each individual would think that he had as good a right to be supported when he was in want as any other person ; and those who unfortunately chanced to be in distress, when the fixed sum had been collected, would think them- selves particularly ill used on being ex- cluded from all assistance, while so many others were enjoying this advantage. If the sum collected were divided among all that were in want, however their numbers might increase, though such a plan would not be so unfair with regard to those who became dependent after the sum had been fixed, it would undoubtedly be very hard upon those who had been in the habit of receiving a more liberal supply, and had done nothing to justify its being taken from them ; and in both cases it would certainly be unjust in the society to undertake the support of the poor, and yet, if their num- bers increased, to feed them so sparingly, vol, in. n that 178 Plan of the gradual Abolition Bk. \r. that they must necessarily die of hunger and disease. I have reflected much on the subject of the poor-laws, and hope therefore that I shall be excused in venturing to suggest a mode of their gradual abolition, to which I confess that at present I can see no ma- terial objection. Of this indeed I feel nearly convinced, that, should we ever become so sufficiently sensible of the wide- spreading tyranny, dependence, indolence and unhappiness which they create, as se- riously to make an effort to abolish them, we shall be compelled by a sense of justice to adopt the principle, if not the plan, which I shall mention. It seems impossible to get rid of so extensive a system of sup- port, consistently with humanity, without applying ourselves directly to its vital prin- ciple, and endeavouring to counteract that deeply-seated cause which occasions the rapid growth of all such establishments, and invariably renders them inadequate to their object. As a previous step even to any considerable alteration in the present system, which would contract or stop the increase Ch. vin. of the Poor-Laws proposed. 179 increase of the relief to be given, it appears to me that we are bound in justice and honour formally to disclaim the right of the poor to support. To this end, I should propose a regula- tion to be made, declaring, that no child born from any marriage, taking place after the expiration of a year from the date of the law, and no illegitimate child born two years from the same date, should ever be entitled to parish assistance. And to give a more general knowledge of this law, and to enforce it more strongly on the minds of the lower classes of people, the clergyman of each parish should, after the publication of banns, read a short address, stating the strong obligation on every man to support his own children ; the impropriety, and even immorality, of marrying without a prospect of being able to do this ; the evils which had resulted to the poor themselves from the attempt which had been made to assist by public institutions in a duty which ought to be exclusively appropriated to parents ; and the absolute necessity which had at length appeared of abandoning all n 2 such 180 Plan of the gradual Abolition Bk. iv. such institutions, on account of their pro- ducing effects totally opposite to those which were intended. This would operate as a fair, distinct and precise notice, which no man could well mistake ; and, without pressing hard on any particular individuals, would at once throw off the rising generation from that miserable and helpless dependence upon the government and the rich, the moral as well as physical consequences of which are almost incalculable. After the public notice which I have proposed had been, given, and the system of poor-laws had ceased with regard to the rising generation, if any man chose to marry, without a prospect of being able to support a family, he should have the most perfect liberty so to do. Though to marry, in this case, is, in my opinion, clearly an immoral act, yet it is not one which society can justly take upon itself to prevent or punish ; because the punishment provided for it by the laws of nature falls directly and most severely upon the individual who commits the act, and through him, only more re- motely Ch. viii. of the Poor- Laws proposed. 181 motely and feebly, on the society. When Nature will govern and punish for us, it is a very miserable ambition to wish to snatch the rod from her hands, and draw upon ourselves the odium of executioner. To the punishment therefore of Nature he should be left, the punishment of want. He has erred in the face of a most clear and precise warning, and can have no just reason to complain of any person but him- self when he feels the consequences of his error. All parish assistance should be de- nied him ; and he should be left to the un- certain support of private charity. He should be taught to know, that the laws of Nature, which are the laws of God, had doomed him and his family to suffer for disobeying their repeated admonitions; that he had no claim of right on society for the smallest portion of food, beyond that which his labour would fairly purchase ; and that if he and his family were saved from feeling the natural consequences of his imprudence, he would owe it to the pity of some kind benefactor, to whom, therefore, he ought to be bound by the strongest ties of gratitude. If 182 Plan of the gradual Abolition Bk. iv. If this system were pursued, we need be under no apprehensions that the number of persons in extreme want would be be- yond the power and the will of the bene- volent to supply. The sphere for the ex- ercise of private charity would, probably not be greater than it is at present ; and the principal difficulty would be, to restrain the hand of benevolence from assisting those in distress in so indiscriminate a man- ner as to encourage indolence and want of foresight in others. With regard to illegitimate children, after the proper notice had been given, they should not be allowed to have any claim to parish assistance, but be left entirely to the support of private charity. If the pa- rents desert their child, they ought to be made answerable for the crime. The infant is, comparatively speaking, of little value to the society, as others will immediately supply its place. Its principal value is on account of its being the object of one of the most delightful passions in human na- ture parental affection. But if this value be disregarded by those who are alone in a capacity Ch. viii. of the Poor- Laws proposed. 183 capacity to feel it, the society cannot be called upon to put itself in their place; and has no further business in its protection than to punish the crime of desertion or in- tentional ill treatment in the persons whose duty it is to provide for it. At present the child is taken under the protection of the parish % and generally dies, at least in London, within the first year. The loss to the society is the same ; but the crime is diluted by the number of people concerned, and the death passes as a visitation of Providence, instead of being considered as the necessary consequence of the conduct of its parents, for which they ought to be held responsible to God and to society. The desertion of both parents, however, is not so common as the desertion of one. When a servant or labouring man has an illegitimate child, his running away is per- * I fully agree with Sir F. M. Eden, in thinking that the constant public support which deserted children re- ceive is the cause of their very great numbers in the two most opulent countries of Europe, France and England. State of the Poor, vol. i. p. 339. fectly 184 Plan of the gradual Abolition Bk. iv. fectly a matter of course ; and it is by no means uncommon for a man who has a wife and large family to withdraw into a distant county, and leave them to the parish ; in- deed I once heard a hard-working good sort of man propose to do this, as the best mode of providing for a wife and six chil- dren a . If the simple fact of these frequent desertions were related in some countries, a strange inference would be drawn against the English character; but the wonder would cease when our public institutions were explained. By the laws of nature, a child is confided directly and exclusively to the protection of its parents. By the laws of nature, the mo- ther of a child is confided almost as strongly and exclusively to the man who is the fa- ther of it. If these ties were suffered to re- main in the state in which nature has left them, and the man were convinced that the " That many of the poorer classes of the community " avail themselves of the liberality of the law, and leave " their wives and children on the parish, the reader will " find abundant proof in the subsequent part of this " work." Sir F. M. Eden on the State of the Poor, vol. i. p. 339- woman Ch. viii. of the Poor- Laws proposed. 185 woman and the child depended solely upon him for support, I scarcely believe that there are ten men breathing so atrocious as to desert them. But our laws, in oppo- sition to the laws of nature, say, that if the parents forsake their child, other persons will undertake to support it; or, if the man forsake the woman, that she shall still meet with protection elsewhere ; that is, we take all possible pains to weaken and render null the ties of nature, and then say that men are unnatural. But the fact is, that the so- ciety itself, in its body politic, is the unna- tural character, for framing laws that thus counteract the laws of nature, and give premiums to the violation of the best and most honourable feelings of the human heart. It is a common thing in most parishes, when the father of an illegitimate child can be seized, to endeavour to frighten him into marriage by the terrors of a jail ; but such a proceeding cannot surely be too strongly reprobated. In the first place, it is a most shallow policy in the parish officers ; for, if they succeed, the effect upon the present system 186 Plan of the gradual Abolition Bk. iv. system will generally be, the having three or four children to provide for, instead of one. And in the next place, it is difficult to conceive a more gross and scandalous profanation of a religious ceremony. Those who believe that the character of a woman is restored by such a forced engagement, or that the moral worth of the man is en- hanced by affirming a lie before God, have, I confess, very different ideas of delicacy and morality from those which I have been taught to consider as just. If a man de- ceive a woman into a connexion with him under a promise of marriage, he has un- doubtedly been guilty of a most atrocious act, and there are few crimes which merit a more severe punishment ; but the last that I should choose is that which will oblige him to affirm another falsehood, which will probably render the woman that he is to be joined to miserable, and will bur- den the society with a family of paupers. The obligation on every man to support his children, whether legitimate or illegiti- mate, is so clear and strong, that it would be just to arm society with any power to enforce Ch. viii. of the Poor- Laws proposed. 187 enforce it, which would be likely to answer the purpose. But I am inclined to believe that no exercise of the civil power, however rigorous, would be half so effectual as a knowledge generally circulated, that chil- dren were in future to depend solely for support upon their parents, and would be left only to casual charity if they were deserted. It may appear to be hard that a mother and her children, who have been guilty of no particular crime themselves, should suffer for the ill conduct of the father ; but this is one of the invariable laws of nature ; and, knowing this, we should think twice upon the subject, and be very sure of the ground on which we go, before we presume syste- matically to counteract it. I have often heard the goodness of the Deity impeached on account of that part of the Decalogue in which he declares that he will visit the sins of the father upon the children ; but the objection has not perhaps been sufficiently considered. Without a most complete and fundamental change in the whole constitution of human nature ; without 188 Plan of the gradual Abolition Bk. iv. without making man an angel, or at least something totally different from what he is at present ; it seems absolutely necessary that such a law should prevail. Would it not require a perpetual miracle, which is perhaps a contradiction in terms, to pre- vent children from being affected in their moral and civil condition by the conduct of their parents ? What man is there, that has been brought up by his parents, who is not at the present moment enjoying something from their virtues, or suffering something from their vices ; who, in his moral character, has not been elevated in some degree by their prudence, their justice, their benevolence, their temperance, or de- pressed by the contraries ; who, in his civil condition, has not been raised by their re- putation, their foresight, their industry, their good fortune, or lowered by their want of character, their imprudence, their indo- lence, and their adversity? And how much does a knowledge of this transmission of blessings contribute to excite and invigorate virtuous exertion? Proceeding upon this certainty, how ardent and incessant are the efforts Ch. viii. of the Poor-Laws proposed. 189 efforts of parents to give their children a good education, and to provide for their future situation in the world ! If a man could neglect or desert his wife and chil- dren without their suffering any injury, how many individuals there are, who, not being very fond of their wives, or being tired of the shackles of matrimony, would withdraw from household cares and difficulties, and resume their liberty and independence as single men ! But the consideration that children may suffer for the faults of their parents has a strong hold even upon vice ; and many who are in such a state of mind, as to disregard the consequences of their habitual course of life, as far as relates to themselves, are yet greatly anxious that their children should not suffer from their vices and follies. In the moral government of the world, it seems evidently necessary, that the sins of the fathers should be visited upon the children ; and if in our over- weening vanity we imagine, that we can govern a private society better by endea- vouring systematically to counteract this law, lam 190 Plan of the gradual Abolition Bk. it. I am inclined to believe, that we shall find ourselves very greatly mistaken. If the plan which I have proposed were adopted, the poor's rates in a few years would begin very rapidly to decrease, and in no great length of time would be com- pletely extinguished ; and yet, as far as it appears to me at present, no individual would be either deceived or injured, and consequently no person could have a just right to complain. The abolition of the poor-laws however is not of itself sufficient ; and the obvious answer to those who lay too much stress upon this system is, to desire them to look at the state of the poor in some other coun- tries where such laws do not prevail, and to compare it with their condition in Eng- land. But this comparison, it must be acknowledged, is in many respects unfair ; and would by no means decide the question of the utility or inutility of such a system. England possesses very great natural and political advantages, in which perhaps the countries, that we should in this case com- pare Ch. viii. of the Poor- Laws proposed. 191 pare with her, would be found to be pal- pably deficient. The nature of her soil and climate is such, that those almost universal failures in the crops of grain, which are known in some countries, never occur in England. Her insular situation and ex- tended commerce are peculiarly favourable for importation. Her numerous manufac- tures employ nearly all the hands that are not engaged in agriculture, and afford the means of a regular distribution of theannual produce of the land and labour to the whole of her inhabitants. But, above all, through- out a very large class of the people, a de- cided taste for the conveniencies and com- forts of life, a strong desire of bettering their condition (that master-spring of public prosperity), and, in consequence, a most laudable spirit of industry and foresight, are observed to prevail. These dispositions, so contrary to the hopeless indolence re- marked in despotic countries, are generated by the constitution of the English govern- ment, and the excellence of its laws, which secure to every individual the produce of his industry. When, therefore, on a com- parison 192 Plan of the gradual Abolition Bk. iv. parison with other countries, England ap- pears to have the advantage in the state of her poor, the superiority is entirely to be attributed to these favourable circumstances, and not to the poor-laws. A woman with one bad feature may greatly excel in beauty some other, who may have this individual feature tolerably good ; but it would be rather strange to assert, in consequence, that the superior beauty of the former was occa- sioned by this particular deformity. The poor-laws have constantly tended to counter- act the natural and acquired advantages of this country. Fortunately these advantages have been so considerable, that though weakened they could not be overcome ; and to these advantages, together with the checks to marriage, which the laws them- selves create, it is owing that England has been able to bear up so long against this pernicious system. Probably there is not any other country in the world, except perhaps Holland before the revolution, which could have acted upon it so com- pletely for the same period of time, without utter ruin. It Ch. viii. of the Poor- Laws proposed. 193 It has been proposed by some to establish poor-laws in Ireland ; but from the de- pressed state of the common people, there is little reason to doubt, that, on the esta- blishment of such laws, the whole of the landed property would very soon be ab- sorbed, or the system be given up in despair. In Sweden, from the dearths which are not unfrequent, owing to the general failure of crops in an unpropitious climate and the impossibility of great importations in a poor country, an attempt to establish a system of parochial relief such as that in England (if it were not speedily abandoned from the physical impossibility of executing it) would level the property of the kingdom from one end to the other, and convulse the social system in such a manner, as absolutely to prevent it from recovering its former state on the return of plenty. Even in France, with all her advantages of situation and climate, the tendency to population is so great, and the want of fore- sight among the lower classes of the people so remarkable, that if poor-laws were esta- vol. vii. o blished, 194 Plan of the gradual Abolition Bk. iv. blished, the landed property would soon sink under the burden, and the wretchedness of the people at the same time be increased. On these considerations the committee de Mendicit6,a.t the beginning of the revolution, very properly and judiciously rejected the establishment of such a system, which had been proposed. The exception of Holland, if it were an exception, would arise from very particular circumstances her extensive foreign trade and her numerous colonial emigrations, compared with the smallness of her territory, together with the extreme unhealthiness of a great part of the country, which occasions a much greater average mortality than is common in other states. These, I con- ceive, were the unobserved causes which principally contributed to render Holland so famous for the management of her poor, and able to employ and support all who applied for relief. No part of Germany is sufficiently rich to support an extensive system of parochial relief; but I am inclined to think, that from the absence of itthe lower classes of the people Ch. viii. of the Poor-Laws proposed. 195 people, in some parts of Germany, are in a better situation than those of the same class in England. In Switzerland, for the same reason, their condition, before the late troubles, was perhaps universally superior. And in a journey through the duchies of Holstein and Sleswick belonging to Den- mark, the houses of the lower classes of people appeared to me to be neater and better, and in general there were fewer in- dications of poverty and wretchedness among them, than among the same ranks in this country. Even in Norway, notwithstanding the dis- advantage of a severe and uncertain cli- mate, from the little that I saw in a few weeks' residence in the country, and the in- formation that I could collect from others, I am inclined to think that the poor are, on the average, better off than in England. Their houses and clothing are often supe- rior ; and though they have no white bread, they have much more meat, fish and milk than our labourers ; and I particularly remarked, that the farmers' boys were much stouter and healthier looking lads than those of the o % same 196 Plan of the gradual Abolition Bk. iv. same description in England. This degree of happiness, superior to what could be expected from the soil and climate, arises almost exclusively from the degree in which the preventive check to population ope- rates ; and the establishment of a system of poor-laws, which would destroy this check, would at once sink the lower classes of the people into a state of the most miserable poverty and wretchedness ; would diminish their industry, and consequently the pro- duce of the land and labour of the country ; would weaken the resources of ingenuity in times of scarcity ; and ultimately involve the country in all the horrors of continual famines. If, as in Ireland, Spain, and many of the southern countries, the people are in so degraded a state, as to propagate their species without regard to consequences, it matters little whether they have poor-laws or not. Misery in all its various forms must be the predominant check to their increase. Poor-laws, indeed, will always tend to aggravate the evil, by diminishing the general resources of the country ; and in Ch. viii. of the Poor- Laws proposed. 197 in such a state of things can exist only for a very short time ; but with or without them, no stretch of human ingenuity and exertion can rescue the people from the most extreme poverty and wretchedness. CHAP. ( 198 ) CHAP. IX. Of the Modes of correcting the prevailing Opinions on Population. IT is not enough to abolish all the positive institutions which encourage population ; but we must endeavour, at the same time, to correct the prevailing opinions which have the same, or perhaps even a more powerful effect. This must necessarily be a work of time ; and can only be done by circulating juster notions on these subjects, in writings and conversation ; and by en- deavouring to impress as strongly as possible on the public mind, that it is not the duty of man simply to propagate his species, but to propagate virtue and happiness ; and that, if he has not a tolerably fair prospect of doing this, he is by no means called upon to leave descendants. Among the higher ranks of society, we have not much reason to apprehend the too great Ch. ix. Of the Modes of correcting, %c. 199 great frequency of marriage. Though the circulation of juster notions on this subject might, even in this part of the community, do much good, and prevent many unhappy marriages ; yet whether we make particular exertions for this purpose or not, we may rest assured that the degree of proper pride and spirit of independence almost invari- ably connected with education and a cer- tain rank in life will secure the operation of the prudential check to marriage to a considerable extent. All that the society can reasonably require of its members is, that they should not have families without being able to support them. This may be fairly enjoined as a positive duty. Every restraint beyond this must be considered as a matter of choice and taste ; but from what we already know of the habits which prevail among the higher ranks of life, we have reason to think that little more is wanted to attain the object required, than to award a greater degree of respect and of personal liberty to single women, and to place them nearer upon a level with mar- ried women ; a change, which, indepen- dently 200 Of the Modes of correcting the Bk. vr. dently of any particular purpose in view, the plainest principles of equity seem to demand. If, among the higher classes of society, the object of securing the operation of the prudential check to marriage to a sufficient degree appear to be attainable without much difficulty, the obvious mode of pro- ceeding with the lower classes of society, where the point is of the principal import- ance, is to endeavour to infuse into them a portion of that knowledge and foresight, which so much facilitates the attainment of this object in the educated part of the community. The fairest chance of accomplishing this end would probably be by the establish- mant of a s}stem of parochial education upon a plan similar to that proposed by Adam Smith a . In addition to the usual subjects of instruction, and those which he has mentioned, I should be disposed to lay considerable stress on the frequent expla- nation of the real state of the lower classes of society, as affected by the principle of * Wealth of Nations, vol. iii. b. v. c. L p. 187. population, Ch. ix. prevailing Opinions on Population. 201 population, and their consequent depend- ence on themselves for the chief part of their happiness or misery. It would be by no means necessary or proper in these ex- planations to underrate, in the smallest degree, the desirableness of marriage. It should always be represented as, what it really is, a state peculiarly suited to the nature of man, and calculated greatly to advance his happiness and remove the temptations to vice ; but, like property or any other desirable object, its advantages should be shewn to be unattainable, except under certain conditions. And a strong conviction in a young man of the great desirableness of marriage, with a conviction at the same time that the power of sup- porting a family was the only condition which would enable him really to enjoy its blessings, would be the most effectual mo- tive imaginable to industry and sobriety before marriage, and would powerfully urge him to save that superfluity of income which single labourers necessarily possess, for the accomplishment of a rational and desirable object, instead of dissipating it, as 202 Of the Modes of correcting the Bk. iv. as is now usually done, in idleness and vice. If in the course of time a few of the sim- plest principles of political economy could be added to the instructions given in these schools, the benefit to society would be almost incalculable 3 . In some conversa- tions * Adam Smith proposes, that the elementary parts of geometry and mechanics should be taught in these parish schools ; and I cannot help thinking, that the common principles by which markets are regulated might be made sufficiently clear, to be of considerable use. It is cer- tainly a subject that, as it interests the lower classes of people very nearly, would be likely to attract their atten- tion. At the same time it must be confessed, that it is impossible to be in any degree sanguine on this point, re- collecting how very ignorant in general the educated part of the community is of these principles. If, however, political economy cannot be taught to the common peo- ple, I really think that it ought to form a braneh of University education. Scotland has set us an example in this respect, which we ought not to be so slow to imi- tate. It is of the utmost importance, that the gentlemen of the country, and particularly the clergy, should not from ignorance aggravate the evils of scarcity, every time that it unfortunately occurs. During the late dearths, half of the gentlemen and clergymen in the kingdom richly deserved to have been prosecuted for sedition. After inflaming the minds of the common people against the farmer Ch. ix. prevailing Opinions on Population. 203 tions with labouring men, during the late scarcities % I confess that I was to the last degree disheartened, at observing their in- veterate prejudices on the subject of grain; and I felt very strongly the almost absolute incompatibility of a government really free with such a degree of ignorance. The de- lusions are of such a nature, that, if acted upon, they must at all events be repressed by force ; and it is extremely difficult to give such a power to the government as will be sufficient at all times for this pur- pose, without the risk of its being employed improperly, and endangering the liberty of the subject. We have lavished immense sums on the farmers and corn-dealers, by the manner in which they talked of them or preached about them, it was but a feeble antidote to the poison which they had infused, coldly to observe that, however the poor might be op- pressed or cheated, it was their duty to keep the peace. It was little better than Antony's repeated declaration, that the conspirators were all honourable men; which did not save either their bouses or their persons from the attacks of the mob. Political economy is perhaps the only science, of which it may be said that the ignorance of it is not merely a deprivation of good, but produces great positive evil. 1$00 and 1801. We 204 Of the Modes of correcting the Bk. iv. poor, which we have every reason to think have constantly tended to aggravate their misery. But in their education and in the circulation of those important political truths that most nearly concern them, which are perhaps the only means in our power of really raising their condition, and of making them happier men and more peaceable subjects, we have been miserably deficient. It is surely a great national disgrace, that the education of the lower classes of people in England should be left merely to a few Sunday schools, supported by a subscription from individuals, who can give to the course of instruction in them any kind of bias which they please. And even the improvement of Sunday schools (for, objectionable as they are in some points of view, and imperfect in all, I cannot but consider them as an improve- ment) is of very late date a . The arguments which have been urged against instructing the people appear to me to be not only illiberal, but to the last degree feeble ; and they ought, on the con- a Written in 1803. trary, Ch. ix. prevailing Opinions on Population. 205 trary, to be extremely forcible, and to be supported by the most obvious and striking necessity, to warrant us in withholding the means of raising the condition of the lower classes of people, when they are in our power. Those who will not listen to any answer to these arguments drawn from theory, cannot, I think, refuse the testimony of experience ; and I would ask, whether the advantage of superior instruction which the lower classes of people in Scotland are known to possess, has appeared to have any tendency towards creating a spirit of tumult and discontent amongst them. And yet, from the natural inferiority of its soil and climate, the pressure of want is more constant, and the dearths are not only more frequent, but more dreadful than in England. In the case of Scotland, the knowledge circulated among the common people, though not sufficient essentially to better their condition by increasing, in an adequate degree, their habits of prudence and foresight, has yet the effect of making them bear with patience the evils which they suffer, from being aware of the folly and 206 Of the Modes of correcting the Bk. iv. and inefficacy of turbulence. The quiet and peaceable habits of the instructed Scotch peasant, compared with the tur- bulent disposition of the ignorant Irish- man, ought not to be without effect upon every impartial reasoner. The principal argument that I have heard advanced against a system of national edu- cation in England is, that the common people would be put in a capacity to read such works as those of Paine, and that the consequences would probably be fatal to government. But on this subject I agree most cordially with Adam Smith a in thinking, that an instructed and well-in- formed people would be much less likely to be led away by inflammatory writings, and much better able to detect the false declamation of interested and ambitious demagogues, than an ignorant people. One or two readers in a parish are sufficient to circulate any quantity of sedition ; and if these be gained to the democratic side, they will probably have the power of doing much more mischief, by selecting the passages a Wealth of Nations, vol. iii. b. v. c. i. p. 192. best Ch. ix. prevailing Opinions on Population. 207 best suited to their hearers, and choosing the moments when their oratory is likely to have the most effect, than if each indivi- dual in the parish had been in a capacity to read and judge of the whole work him- self; and at the same time to read and judge of the opposing arguments, which we may suppose would also reach him. But in addition to this, a double weight would undoubtedly be added to the obser- vation of Adam Smith, if these schools were made the means of instructing the people in the real nature of their situation ; if they were taught, what is really true, that without an increase of their own industry and prudence no change of government could essentially better their condition ; that, though they might get rid of some particular grievance, yet in the great point of supporting their families they would be but little, or perhaps not at all benefitted ; that a revolution would not alter in their favour the proportion of the supply of la- bour to the demand, or the quantity of food to the number of the consumers ; and that if the supply of labour were greater than 208 Of the Modes of correcting the Bk. vr. than the demand, and the demand for food greater than the supply, they might suffer the utmost severity of want, under the freest, the most perfect, and best executed govern- ment, that the human imagination could conceive. A knowledge of these truths so obviously tends to promote peace and quietness, to weaken the effect of inflammatory writings and to prevent all unreasonable and ill-di- rected opposition to the constituted autho- rities, that those who would still object to the instruction of the people may fairly be suspected of a wish to encourage their ig- norance, as a pretext for tyranny, and an opportunity of increasing the power and the influence of the executive government. Besides explaining the real situation of the lower classes of society, as depending principally upon themselves for their hap- piness or misery, the parochial schools would, by early instruction and the judi- cious distribution of rewards, have the fairest chance of training up the rising ge- neration in habits of sobriety, industry, in- dependence and prudence, and in a proper discharge Ch. ix. prevailing Opinions on Population. 209 discharge of their religious duties ; which would raise them from their present de- graded state, and approximate them, in some degree, to the middle classes of so- ciety, whose habits, generally speaking, are certainly superior. In most countries, among the lower classes of people, there appears to be something like a standard of wretchedness, a point below which they will not continue to marry and propagate their species. This standard is different in different countries, and is formed by various concurring circumstances of soil, climate, government, degree of knowledge and civilization, &c. The prin- cipal circumstances which contribute to raise it are liberty, security of property, the diffusion of knowledge, and a taste for the conveniences and the comforts of life. Those which contribute principally to lower it are despotism and ignorance. In an attempt to better the condition of the lower classes of society, our object should be to raise this standard as his^h as possible, by cultivating a spirit of inde- pendence, a decent pride, and a taste for vol. ii. p cleanliness 210 Of the Modes of correcting, 8$c. Bk.i*. cleanliness and comfort. The effect of a good government in increasing the pru- dential habits and personal respectability of the lower classes of society has already been insisted on ; but certainly this effect will always be incomplete without a good system of education ; and indeed it may be said that no government can approach to perfection, that does not provide for the instruction of the people. The benefits derived from education are among those, which may be enjoyed without restriction of numbers ; and as it is in the power of governments to confer these benefits, it is undoubtedly their duty to do it. CHAP. ( 211 ) CHAP. X. Of the Direction of our Charity. AN important and interesting inquiry yet remains, relating to the mode of directing our private charity, so as not to interfere with the great object in view, of meliorating the condition of the lower classes of peoples by preventing the population from pressing too hard against the limits of the means of subsistence. The emotion which prompts us to relieve our fellow-creatures in distress is, like all our other natural passions, general, and in some degree indiscriminate and blind. Our feelings of compassion may be worked up to a higher pitch by a well- wrought scene in a play, or a fictitious tale in a novel, than by almost any events in real life : and if among ten petitioners we were to listen only to the first impulses of our feelings without making further inquiries, we should p 2 undoubtedly 212 Of the Direction of on?- Charity. Bk. iv. undoubtedly give our assistance to the best actor of the party. It is evident therefore, that the impulse of benevolence, like the impulses of love, of anger, of ambition, the desire of eating and drinking, or any other of our natural propensities, must be regu- lated by experience, and frequently brought to the test of utility, or it will defeat its in- tended purpose. The apparent object of the passion be- tween the sexes is the continuation of the species, and the formation of such an inti- mate union of views and interests between two persons as will best promote their hap- piness, and at the same time secure the proper degree of attention to the helpless- ness of infancy and the education of the rising generation ; but if every man were to obey at all times the impulses of nature in the gratification of this passion, without regard to consequences, the principal part of these important objects would not be at- tained, and even the continuation of the species might be defeated by a promiscuous intercourse. The apparent end of the impulse of be- nevolence Ch. x. Of the Direction of our Charity. 213 nevolence is, to draw the whole human race together, but more particularly that part of it which is of our own nation and kindred, in the bonds of brotherly love ; and by giving men an interest in the happiness and misery of their fellow-creatures, to prompt them, as they have power, to mitigate the partial evils arising from general laws, and thus to increase the sum of human happi- ness ; but if our benevolence be indiscri- minate, and the degree of apparent distress be made the sole measure of our liberality, it is evident that it will be exercised almost exclusively upon common beggars, while modest unobtrusive merit, struggling with unavoidable difficulties, yet still maintaining some slight appearances of decency and cleanliness, will be totally neglected. We shall raise the worthless above the worthy ; we shall encourage indolence and check in- dustry ; and in the most marked manner subtract from the sum of human happiness. Our experience has indeed informed us that the impulse of benevolence is not so strong as the passion between the sexes, and that, generally speaking, there is much less 214 Of the Direction of our -Charity. Bk. iv. less danger to be apprehended from the indulgence of the former than of the latter ; but independently of this experience and of the moral codes founded upon it, we should be as much justified in a general in- dulgence of the former passion as in follow- ing indiscriminately every impulse of our benevolence. They are both natural pas- sions, excited by their appropriate objects, and to the gratification of which we are prompted by the pleasurable sensations which accompany them. As animals, or till we know their consequences, our only business is to follow these dictates of na- ture ; but as reasonable beings, we are under the strongest obligations to attend to their consequences ; and if they be evil to ourselves or others, we may justly consider it as an indication, that such a mode of in- dulging these passions is not suited to our state or conformable to the will of God. As moral agents therefore, it is clearly our duty to restrain their indulgence in these particular directions ; and by thus carefully examining the consequences of our natural passions, and frequently bringing them to the Ch. x. Of the Direction of our Charity. 215. the test of utility, gradually to acquire a habit of gratifying them only in that way, which, being unattended with evil, will clearly add to the sum of human happiness, and fulfil the apparent purpose of the Cre- ator. Though utility therefore can never be the immediate excitement to the gratification of any passion, it is the test by which alone we can know, independently of the revealed will of God, whether it ought or ought not to be indulged ; and is therefore the surest criterion of moral rules which can be collected from the light of nature. All the moral codes, which have inculcated the subjection of the passions to reason, have been, as I conceive, really built upon this foundation, whether the promulgators of them were aware of it or not. I remind the reader of these truths, in order to apply them to the habitual direc- tion of our charity; and if we keep the criterion of utility constantly in view, we may find ample room for the exercise of our benevolence, without interfering with the great purpose which we have to ac- complish. One 216 Of the Direction of our Charity. Bk. iv. One of the most valuable parts of charity is its effect upon the giver. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Supposing it to be allowed that the exercise of our benevolence in acts of charity is not, upon the whole, really beneficial to the poor; yet we could never sanction any endeavour to extinguish an impulse, the proper gra- tification of which has so evident a tendency to purify and exalt the human mind. But it is particularly satisfactory and pleasing to find that the mode of exercising our charity, which, when brought to the test of utility, will appear to be most beneficial to the poor, is precisely that, which will have the best and most improving effect on the mind of the donor. The quality of charity, like that of mercy, " is not strained ; " It droppeth as the gentle rain from Heav'n " Upon the earth beneath." The immense sums distributed to the poor in this country by the parochial laws are improperly called charity. They want its most distinguishing attribute; and, as might be expected from an attempt to force that which loses its essence the moment it ceases to Ch. x. Of the Direction of our Charity. 217 to be voluntary, their effects upon those from whom they are collected are as pre- judicial as on those to whom they are dis- tributed. On the side of the receivers of this miscalled charity, instead of real relief, we find accumulated distress and more ex- tended poverty ; on the side of the givers, instead of pleasurable sensations, unceasing discontent and irritation. In the great charitable institutions sup- ported by voluntary contributions, some of which are certainly of a prejudicial tend- ency, the subscriptions, I am inclined to fear, are sometimes given grudgingly, and rather because they are expected by the world from certain stations and certain for- tunes, than because they are prompted by motives of genuine benevolence ; and as the greater part of the subscribers do not interest themselves in the management of the funds or in the fate of the particular objects relieved, it is not to be expected that this kind of charity should have any strikingly beneficial influence on the minds of the majority who exercise it. Even in the relief of common beggars, we 218 Of the Direction of our Charity. Bk. iv. we shall find that we are often as much in- fluenced by the desire of getting rid of the importunities of a disgusting object, as by the pleasure of relieving it. We wish that it had not fallen in our way, rather than re- joice in the opportunity given us of assisting a fellow-creature. We feel a painful emo- tion at the sight of so much apparent misery ; but the pittance we give does not relieve it. We know that it is totally inadequate to produce any essential effect. We know be- sides, that we shall be addressed in the same manner at the corner of the next street ; and we know that we are liable to the grossest impositions. We hurry there- fore sometimes by them, and shut our ears to their importunate demands. We give no more than we can help giving without doing actual violence to our feelings. Our charity is in some degree forced ; and, like forced charity, it leaves no satisfactory impression on the mind, and cannot therefore have any very beneficial and improving effect on the heart and affections. But it is far otherwise with that volun- tary and active charity, which makes itself acquainted Ch. x. Of the Direction of our Charity. 219 acquainted with the objects which it relieves ; which seems to feel, and to be proud of the bond that unites the rich with the poor ; which enters into their houses, informs itself not only of their wants, but of their habits and dispositions ; checks the hopes of clamorous and obtrusive poverty, with no other re- commendation but rags ; and encourages, with adequate relief, the silent and retiring sufferer, labouring under unmerited diffi- culties. This mode of exercising our cha- rity presents a very different picture from that of any other ; and its contrast with the common mode of parish relief cannot be better described than in the words of Mr. Townsend, in the conclusion of his admirable dissertation on the Poor-Laws. Nothing in nature can be more disgusting than a parish pay-table, attendant upon which, in the same objects of misery, are too often found combined, snuff, gin, rags, vermin, insolence and abusive language ; nor in nature can any thing be more beautiful than the mild compla- cency of benevolence hastening to the humble cottage to relieve the wants of " industry 220 Of the Direction of our Charity. Bk. iv. " industry and virtue, to feed the hungry, " to clothe the naked, and to soothe the "sorrows of the widow with her tender " orphans ; nothing can be more pleasing, " unless it be their sparkling eyes, their " bursting tears, and their uplifted hands, " the artless expressions of unfeigned gra- " titude for unexpected favours. Such " scenes will frequently occur, whenever " men shall have power to dispose of their " own property/' I conceive it to be almost impossible that any person could be much engaged in such scenes without daily making advances in virtue. No exercise of our affections can have a more evident tendency to purify and exalt the human mind. It is almost exclusively this species of charity that bless- eth him that gives ; and, in a general view, it is almost exclusively this species of cha- rity which blesseth him that takes ; at least it may be asserted that there are but few other modes of exercising our charity, in which large sums can be distributed, with- out a greater chance of producing evil than good. The Ch. x. Of the Direction of our Charity. 221 The discretionary power of giving or withholding relief, which is, to a certain extent, vested in parish officers and justices, is of a very different nature, and will have a very different effect, from the discrimina- tion which may be exercised by voluntary charity. Every man in this country, under certain circumstances, is entitled by law to parish assistance ; and unless his disqualifi- cation is clearly proved, has a right to complain if it be withheld. The inquiries necessary to settle this point, and the ex- tent of the relief to be granted, too often produce evasion and lying on the part of the petitioner, and afford an opening to partiality and oppression in the overseer. If the proposed relief be given, it is of course received with unthankfulness ; and if it be denied, the party generally thinks himself severely aggrieved, and feels resentment and indignation at his treatment. In the distribution of voluntary charity nothing of this kind can take place. The person who receives it is made the proper subject of the pleasurable sensation of gra- titude; and those who do not receive it cannot 222 Of the Direction of our Charity. Bk. iv. cannot possibly conceive themselves in the slightest degree injured. , Every man has a right to do what he will with his own, and cannot, in justice, be called upon to render a reason why he gives in the one case, and abstains from it in the other. This kind of despotic power, essential to voluntary cha- rity, gives the greatest facility to the selec- tion of worthy objects of relief, without being accompanied by any ill consequences; and has further a most beneficial effect from the degree of uncertainty which must necessarily be attached to it. It is in the highest degree important to the general happiness of the poor, that no man should look to charity as a fund on which he may confidently depend. He should be taught that his own exertions, his own industry and foresight, are his only just ground of dependence ; that if these fail, assistance in his distresses can only be the subject of rational hope; and that even the foundation of this hope will depend in a considerable degree on his own good conduct, and the consciousness that he has not involved him- self in these difficulties by his indolence or imprudence. That Ch. x. Of the Direction of our Charity. 223 That in the distribution of our charity we are under a strong moral obligation to in- culcate this lesson on the poorly a proper discrimination, is a truth of which I cannot feel a doubt. If all could be completely relieved, and poverty banished from the country, even at the expense of three- fourths of the fortunes of the rich, I would be the last to say a single syllable against relieving all, and making the degree of dis- tress alone the measure of our bounty. But as experience has proved, I believe, with- out a single exception, that poverty and misery have always increased in proportion to the quantity of indiscriminate charity, are we not bound to infer, reasoning as we usually do from the laws of nature, that it is an intimation that such a mode of distribution is not the proper office of be- nevolence ? - The laws of nature say, with St. Paul, " If a man will not work, neither shall he " eat/' They also say that he is not rashly to trust to Providence. They appear in- deed to be constant and uniform for the express purpose of telling him what he is to 224 Of the Direction of our Charity. Bk. iv. to trust to, and tl*at, if he marry without a reasonable prospect of supporting a family, he must expect to suffer want. These inti- mations appear from the constitution of human nature to be absolutely necessary, and to have a strikingly beneficial tendency. If in the direction either of our public or our private charity we say that though a man will not work, yet he shall eat ; and though he marry without being able to sup- port a family, yet his family shall be sup- ported ; it is evident that we do not merely endeavour to mitigate the partial evils arising from general laws, but regularly and systematically to counteract the obviously beneficial effects of these general laws themselves. And we cannot easily con- ceive, that the Deity should implant any passion in the human breast for such a purpose. In the great course of human events, the best-founded expectations will sometimes be disappointed ; and industry, prudence and virtue not only fail of their just reward-, but be involved in unmerited calamities. Those who are thus suffering in spite of the best-directed Ch. x. Of the Direction of our Charity. 225 best-directed endeavours to avoid it, and from causes which they could not be ex- pected to foresee, are the genuine objects of charity. In relieving these, we exercise the appropriate office of benevolence, that of mitigating the partial evils arising from general laws ; and in this direction of oui charity therefore we need not apprehend any ill consequences. Such objects ought to be relieved, according to our means, liberally and adequately, even though the worthless were in much more severe distress. When indeed this first claim on our be- nevolence was satisfied, we might then turn our attention to the idle and improvident ; but the interests of human happiness most clearly require, that the relief which we afford them should not be abundant. We may perhaps take upon ourselves, with great caution, to mitigate the punishments which they are suffering from the laws of nature, but on no account to remove them entirely. They are deservedly at the bot- tom in the scale of society ; and if we raise them from this situation, we not only pal- vol. ii. q pably 226 Of the Direction of our Charity. Bk. ir. pably defeat the end of benevolence, but commit a most glaring injustice to those who are above them. They should on no account be enabled to command so much of the necessaries of life, as can be obtained by the wages of common labour. It is evident that these reasonings do not apply to those cases of urgent distress arising from disastrous accidents, uncon- nected with habits of indolence and impro- vidence. If a man break a leg or an arm, we are not to stop to inquire into his moral character before we lend him our assist- ance; but in this case we are perfectly consistent, and the touchstone of utility completely justifies our conduct. By af- fording the most indiscriminate assistance in this way, we are in little danger of en- couraging people to break their arms and legs. According to the touchstone of utility, the high approbation which Christ gave to the conduct of the good Samaritan, who followed the immediate impulse of his benevolence in relieving a stranger in the urgent distress of an accident, does not, in the Ch. x. Of the Direction of our Charity. 227 the smallest degree, contradict the expres- sion of St. Paul, " If a man will not work, " neither shall he eat/' We are not however, in any case, to lose a present opportunity of doing good, from the mere supposition that we may meet pos- sibly with a worthier object. In all doubtful cases it may safely be laid down as our duty to follow the natural impulse of our benevo- lence; but when, in fulfilling our obligations as reasonable beings to attend to the con- sequences of our actions, we have, from our own experience and that of others, drawn the conclusion that the exercise of our benevolence in one mode is prejudicial, and in another is beneficial in its effects; we are certainly bound, as moral agents, to check our natural propensities in the one direction, and to encourage them and ac- quire the habits of exercising them in the other. Q 2 CHAP. ( 228 ) CHAP. XL Different Plans of improving the Condition of the Poor considered. IN the distribution of our charity, or in any efforts which we may make to better the condition of the lower classes of society, there is another point relating to the main argument of this work* to which we must be particularly attentive. We must on no account do any thing which tends directly to encourage marriage, or to remove, in any regular and systematic manner, that ine- quality of circumstances which ought al- ways to exist between the single man and the man with a family. The writers who have best understood the principle of po- pulation appear to me all to have fallen into very important errors on this point. Sir James Steuart, who is fully aware of what he calls vicious procreation, and of the misery that attends a redundant popu- lation, recommends, notwithstanding, the general Ch. xi. Different Plans of 'improving } 8$c. 229 general establishment of foundling hospi- tals ; the taking of children under certain circumstances from their parents, and sup- porting them at the expense of the state; and particularly laments the inequality of condition between the married and single man, so ill proportioned to their respective wants a . He forgets, in these instances, that if, without the encouragement to mul- tiplication of foundling hospitals, or of public support for the children of some married persons, and under the discou- ragement of great pecuniary disadvantages on the side of the married man, population be still redundant, which is evinced by the inability of the poor to maintain all their children ; it is a clear proof that the funds destined for the maintenance of labour cannot properly support a greater popula- tion ; and that, if further encouragements to multiplication be given and discourage- ments removed, the result must be, an in- crease somewhere or other of that vicious procreation, which he so justly reprobates. Mr. Townsend, who in his Dissertation * Political Economy, vol. i. b. i. c. xiii. on 230 Different Plans of improving the Bk. iv. on the Poor-Laws has treated this subject with great skill and perspicuity, appears to me to conclude with a proposal, which violates the principles on which he had rea- soned so well. He wishes to make the benefit clubs, or friendly societies, which are now voluntarily established in many parishes, compulsory and universal ; and proposes as a regulation that an unmarried man should pay a fourth part of his wages, and a married man with four children not more than a thirtieth part a . I must first remark that the moment these subscriptions are made compulsory, they will necessarily operate exactly like a direct tax upon labour, which, as Adam Smith justly states, will always be paid, and in a more expensive manner, by the consumer. The landed interest therefore would receive no relief from this plan, but would pay the same sum as at present, only in the advanced price of labour and of commodities, instead of in the parish rates. A compulsory subscription of this kind would have almost all the bad effects of the a Dissertation on the Poor-Laws, p. 89, 2d edit. 1787. present Ch. xi. Condition of the Poor considered. 231 present system of relief, and though altered in name would still possess the essential spirit of the poor-laws. Dean Tucker, in some remarks on a plan of the same kind, proposed by Mr. Pew, observed that, after much talk and reflec- tion on the subject, he had come to the conclusion, that they must be voluntary associations, and not compulsory assem- blies. A voluntary subscription is like a tax upon a luxury, and does not necessarily raise the price of labour. It should be recollected also, that in a voluntary association of a small extent, over which each individual member can exercise a superintendence, it is highly probable that the original agreements will all be strictly fulfilled, or, if they be not, every man may at least have the redress of withdrawing himself from the club. But in an universal compulsory subscription, which must necessarily become a national concern, there would be no security whatever for the fulfilment of the original agreements ; and when the funds failed, which they certainly would do, when all the idle and dissolute were 232 Different Flans of improving the Bk. iv. were included, instead of some of the most industrious and provident, as at present, a larger subscription would probably be de- manded, and no man would have the right to refuse it. The evil would thus go on increasing as the poor-rates do now. If indeed the assistance given were always specific, and on no account to be increased, as in the present voluntary associations, this would certainly be a striking advan- tage; but the same advantage might be completely attained by a similar distribu- tion of the sums collected by the parish rates. On the whole therefore, it appears to me that, if the friendly societies were made universal and compulsory, it would be merely a different mode of collecting parish rates ; and any particular mode of distri- bution might be as well adopted upon one system as upon the other. With regard to the proposal of making single men pay a fourth part of their earnings weekly, and married men with families only a thirtieth part, it would evi- dently operate as aheavy fine upon bachelors, and a high bounty upon children ; and is therefore Ch. xi. Condition of the Poor considered. 233 therefore directly adverse to the general spirit, in which Mr. Townsend's excellent dissertation is written. Before he intro- duces this proposal, he lays it down as a general principle, that no system for the relief of the poor can be good, which does not regulate population by the demand for labour 8 ; but this proposal clearly tends to encourage population without any reference to the demand for labour, and punishes a young man for his prudence in refraining from marriage, at a time, perhaps, when this demand may be so small, that the wages of labour are totally inadequate to the support of a family. I should be averse to any compulsory system whatever for the poor; but certainly if single men were compelled to pay a contribution for the future contingencies of the married state, they ought in justice to receive a benefit proportioned to the period of their privation ; and the man who had contri- buted a fourth of his earnings for merely one year, ought not to be put upon a level P. 84. with 234 Different Plans of improving the Bk. iv. with him who had contributed this propor- tion for ten years. Mr. Arthur Young, in most of his works, appears clearly to understand the principle of population, and is fully aware of the evils, which must necessarily result from an increase of people beyond the demand for labour and the means of comfortable sub- sistence. In his Tour through France he has particularly laboured on this point, and shewn most forcibly the misery, which re- sults in that country from the excess of population occasioned by the too great divison of property. Such an increase he justly calls merely a multiplication of wretchedness. " Couples marry and pro- " create on the idea, not the reality, of a " maintenance ; they increase beyond the " demand of towns and manufactures ; and " the consequence is, distress, and numbers " dying of diseases arising from insufficient " nourishment \" In another place he quotes a very sensible passage from the report of the committee of * Travels in France, vol. i. c. xii. p. 408. mendicity, Ch. xi. Condition of the Poor considered. 235 mendicity, which, alluding to the evils of over-population, concludes thus, " II fau- " droit enfin necessairement que le prix de " travail baiss&t par la plus grande con- " currence de travailleurs, d'ou resulteroit " un indigence complette pour ceux qui " ne trouveroient pas de travail, et une " subsistence incomplette pour ceux monies " auxquels il ne seroit pas refuse." And in remarking upon this passage, he ob- serves, " France itself affords an irrefra- gable proof of the truth of these senti- ments ; for I am clearly of opinion, from the observations I made in every pro- vince of the kingdom, that her popula- tion is so much beyond the proportion of her industry and labour, that she would be much more powerful and infinitely more flourishing, if she had five or six millions less of inhabitants. From her too great population she presents in every quarter such spectacles of wretchedness, as are absolutely inconsistent with that degree of national felicity, which she was capable of attaining, even under the old government. A traveller much less at- " tentive 236 Different Plans of improving the Bk. iv. " tentive than I was to objects of this kind " must see at every turn most unequivocal " signs of distress. That these should exist, " no one can wonder, who considers the " price of labour and of provisions, and " the misery into which a small rise in the " price of wheat throws the lower classes \" " If you would see," he says, " a dis- " trict with as little distress in it as is con- " sistent with the political system of the " old government of France, you must as- " suredly go where there are no little pro- " prietors at all. You must visit the great " farms in Beauce, Picardy, part of Nor- " mandy and Artois, and there you will " find no more population than what is " regularly employed and regularly paid ; " and if in such districts you should, con- " trary to this rule, meet with much dis- " tress, it is twenty to one but that it is in " a parish, which has some commons which " tempt the poor to have cattle to have " property and in consequence misery. " When you are engaged in this political " tour, finish it by seeing England, and Travels in France, vol. i. c. xvii. p. 469. " I will Ch. xi. Condition of the Poor considered. 237 " I will shew you a set of peasants well " clothed, well nourished, tolerably drunken " from superfluity, well lodged and at their " ease ; and yet amongst them, not one in a " thousand has either land or cattle V A little further on, alluding to encouragements to marriage, he says of France. " The predo- " minant evil of the kingdom is the having " so great a population, that she can neither " employ nor feed it ; why then encourage " marriage ? Would you breed more peo- " pie, because you have more already than " you know what to do with ? You have " so great a competition for food, that your " people are starving or in misery ; and " you would encourage the production of u more, to increase that competition. It " may almost be questioned, whether the " contrary policy ought not to be em- *' braced ; whether difficulties should not " be laid on the marriage of those, who " cannot make it appear that they have " the prospect of maintaining the children " that shall be the fruit of it ? But why " encourage marriages, which are sure to Travels in France, vol. i. c. xvii. p. 471. " take 238 Different Plans of improving the Bk. iv. " take place in all situations in which they " ought to take place? There is no, in- " stance to be found of plenty of regular " employment being first established , where " marriages have not followed in a propor- " tionate degree. The policy therefore, at " best, is useless, and may be pernicious/' After having once so clearly understood the principle of population, as to express these and many other sentiments on the subject, equally just and important, it is not a little surprising to find Mr. Young, in a pamphlet, entitled, The Question of Scar- city plainly stated, and Remedies considered, (published in 1800,) observing, that " the " means, which would of all others perhaps " tend most surely to prevent future scar- " cities so oppressive to the poor as the pre- " sent, would be to secure to every country " labourer in the kingdom, that has three " children and upwards, half an acre of " land for potatoes ; and grass enough to " feed one or two cows a . * * * * If each " had his ample potatoe-ground and a cow, " the price of wheat would be of little more * P. 77. " consequence Ch. xi. Condition of the Poor considered. 239 " consequence to them than it is to their " brethren in Ireland/' " Every one admits the system to be " good, but the question is how to en- " force it." I was by no means aware that the excel- lence of the system had been so generally admitted. For myself I strongly protest against being included in the general term of every one, as I should consider the adop- tion of this system as the most cruel and fatal blow to the happiness of the lower classes of people in this country that they had ever received. Mr. Young however goes on to say, that " The magnitude of the object should make " us disregard any difficulties, but such as " are insuperable : none such would pro- " bably occur, if something like the follow- " ing means were resorted to. " I. Where there are common pastures, " to give to a labouring man having " children, a right to demand an allotment " proportioned to the family, to be set out " by the parish officers, &c, * * * and a " cow bought. Such labourer to have both "for 240 Different Plans of improving the Bk. iv. " for life, paying 40s. a year till the price of " the cow, &c, was reimbursed : at his " death to go to the labourer having the " most numerous family, for life, paying " shillings a week to the widow of his " predecessor. " II. Labourers thus demanding allot- " ments by reason of their families to have " land assigned and cows bought, till the " proportion so allotted amounts to one " of the extent of the common. " III. In parishes where there are no " commons, and the quality of the land " adequate, every cottager having " children, to whose cottage there is not * within a given time land sufficient for a " cow, and half an acre of potatoes, as- " signed at a fair average rent, subject to " appeal to the sessions, to have a right to " demand shillings per week of the pa- " rish for every child, till such land be as- " signed ; leaving to landlords and tenants " the means of doing it. Cows to be found " by the parish under an annual reimburse- " ment\" P. 78. " The Ch. xi. Condition of the Poor considered. 241 " The great object is, by means of milk " and potatoes, to take the mass of the " country poor from the consumption of " wheat, and to give them substitutes " equally wholesome and nourishing, and " as independent of scarcities, natural and " artificial, as the providence of the Al- " mighty will admit V Would not this plan operate, in the most direct manner, as an encouragement to mar- riage and a bounty on children, which Mr. Young has with so much justice reprobated in his travels in France ? and does he se- riously think that it would be an eligible thing to feed the mass of the people in this country on milk and potatoes, and make them as independent of the price of corn and demand for labour as their brethren in Ireland ? The specific cause of the poverty and mi- sery of the lower classes of people in France and Ireland is, that from the extreme sub- division of property in the one country, and the facility of obtaining a cabin and pota- toes in the other, a population is brought 8 P. 79- vol. ii. it into 242 Different Plans of improving the Bk. iv. into existence, which is not demanded by the quantity of capital and employment in the country ; and the consequence of which must therefore necessarily be, as is very justly expressed in the Report of the Com- mittee of Mendicity before mentioned, to lower in general the price of labour by too great competition ; from which must result complete indigence to those who cannot find employment, and an incomplete subsist- ence even to those who can. The obvious tendency of Mr. Young's plan is, by encouraging marriage and fur- nishing a cheap food, independent of the price of corn, and of course of the demand for labour, to place the lower classes of people exactly in this situation. It may perhaps be said, that our poor- laws at present regularly encourage mar- riage and children, by distributing relief in proportion to the size of families ; and that this plan, which is proposed as a substitute, would merely do the same thing in a less ob- jectionable manner. But surely, in endea- vouring to get rid of the evil of the poor- laws, we ought not to retain their most per- nicious Ch. xi. Condition of the Poor considered. 243 nicious quality ; and Mr. Young must know* as well as I do, that the principal reason why poor-laws have invariably been found ineffectual in the relief of the poor is, that they tend to encourage a population, which is not regulated by the demand for labour. Mr. Young himself, indeed, expressly takes notice of this effect in England, and ob- serves that, notwithstanding the unrivalled prosperity of her manufactures, " popula- " tion is sometimes too active, as we see " clearly by the dangerous increase of " poor's rates in country villages V But the fact is, that Mr. Young's plan w r ould be incomparably more powerful in encouraging a population beyond the de- mand for labour, than our present poor- laws. A laudable repugnance to the re- ceiving of parish relief, arising partly from a spirit of independence not yet extinct, and partly from the disagreeable mode in which the relief is given, undoubtedly deters many from marrying with a certainty of falling on the parish ; and the proportion of births and marriages to the whole popula- a Travels in France, vol. i. c. xvii. p. 470. r 2 tion 244 Different Plans of improving the Bk. iv. tion, which has before been noticed, clearly proves that the poor-laws do not encourage marriage so much as might be expected from theory. But the case would be very different, if, when a labourer had an early marriage in contemplation, the terrific forms of workhouses and parish officers, which might disturb his resolution, were to be exchanged for the fascinating visions of land and cows. If the love of property, as Mr. Young has repeatedly said, will make a man do much, it would be rather strange if it would not make him marry ; an action to which, it appears from experience, that he is by no means disinclined. The population, which would be thus called into being, would be supported by the extended cultivation of potatoes, and would of course go on without any reference to the demand for labour. In the present state of things, notwithstanding the flourish- ing condition of our manufactures and the numerous checks to our population, there is no practical problem so difficult, as to find employment for the poor ; but this dif- ficulty would evidently be aggravated a hundred Ch. xi. Condition of tlie Poor considered. 245 hundred fold, under the circumstances here supposed. In Ireland, or in any other country, where the common food is potatoes, and every man who wishes to marry may obtain a piece of ground sufficient, when planted with this root, to support a family, prizes may be given till the treasury is exhausted for essays on the best means of employing the poor ; but till some stop to the progress of population naturally arising from this state of things takes place, the object in view is really a physical impossibility a . Mr. Young has intimated, that, if the people were fed upon milk and potatoes, they would be more independent of scar- cities than at present ; but why this should * Dr. Crumpe's Prize Essay on the best means of finding employment for the people is an excellent treatise, and contains most valuable information ; but till the ca- pital of the country is better proportioned to its popula- tion, it is perfectly chimerical to expect success in any project of the kind. I am also strongly disposed to be- lieve that the indolent and turbulent habits of the lower Irish can never be corrected, while the potatoe system enables them to increase so much beyond the regular demand for labour. be 246 Different Plans of improving the Bk. iv. be the case I really cannot comprehend. Undoubtedly people who live upon pota- toes will not be much affected by a scarcity of wheat ; but is there any contradiction in the supposition -of a failure in the crops of potatoes ? I believe it is generally under- stood that they are more liable to suffer damage during the winter than grain. From the much greater quantity of food yielded by a given piece of land when planted with potatoes, than under any other kind of cul- tivation, it would naturally happen that, for some time after the introduction of this root as the general food of the lower classes of people, a greater quantity would be grown than was demanded, and they would live in plenty. Mr. Young, in his Travels through France, observes, that, " In dis- " tricts which contain immense quantities " of waste land of a certain degree of fer- " tility, as in the roots of the Pyrenees, " belonging to communities ready to sell " them, economy and industry, animated " with the views of settling and marrying, " flourish greatly ; in such neighbourhoods " something like an American increase " takes Ch. xi. Condition of the Poor considered. 247 " takes place, and if the land be cheap " little distress is found. But as procrea- " tion goes on rapidly under such circum- " stances, the least check to subsistence " is attended with great misery ; as wastes " becoming dearer, or the best portions " being sold, or difficulties arising in the " acquisition ; all which circumstances I " met with in those mountains. The mo- " ment that any impediment happens, the " distress of such a people will be propor- " tioned to the activity and vigour, which " had animated population a . M This description will apply exactly to what would take place in this country, on the distribution of small portions of land to the common people, and the introduction of potatoes as their general food. For a time the change might appear beneficial, and of course the idea of property would make it, at first, highly acceptable to the poor ; but as Mr. Young in another place says, " You presently arrive at the limit, " beyond which the earth, cultivate it as " you please, will feed no more mouths ; a Travels in France, vol. i. c. xvii. p. 40Q. " yet 248 Different Plans of improving the Bk. iv " yet those simple manners, which instigate " to marriage, still continue ; what then is " the consequence, but the most dreadful " misery imaginable ? \" When the commons were all divided, and difficulties began to occur in procuring potatoe-grounds, the habit of early mar- riages, which had been introduced, would occasion the most complicated distress ; and when from the increasing population, and diminishing sources of subsistence, the average growth of potatoes was not more than the average consumption, a scarcity of potatoes would be, in every respect, as probable as a scarcity of wheat at present ; and, when it did arrive, it would be beyond all comparison more dreadful. When the common people of a country live principally upon the dearest grain, as they do in England on wheat, they have great resources in a scarcity ; and barley, oats, rice, cheap soups and potatoes, all present themselves as less expensive, yet at the same time wholesome means of nourish- ment ; but when their habitual food is the * Travels in France, vol. i. c. xvii. p. 409. lowest Ch. xi. Condition of the Poor considered. 249 lowest in this scale, they appear to be ab- solutely without resource, except in the bark of trees, like the poor Swedes ; and a great portion of them must necessarily be starved. The wages of labour will always be re- gulated by the proportion of the supply to the demand. And as, upon the potatoe system, a supply more than adequate to the demand would very soon take place, and this supply might be continued at a very cheap rate, on account of the cheap- ness of the food which would furnish it, the common price of labour would soon be re- gulated principally by the price of potatoes instead of the price of wheat, as at present ; and the rags and wretched cabins of Ireland would follow of course. When the demand for labour occasion- ally exceeds the supply, and wages are re- gulated by the price of the dearest grain, they will generally be such as to yield something besides mere food, and the com- mon people may be able to obtain decent houses and decent clothing. If the con- trast between the state of the French and English 250 Different Plans of improving the Bk. iv. English labourers, which Mr. Young has drawn, be in any degree near the truth, the advantage on the side of England has been occasioned precisely and exclusively by these two circumstances ; and if, by the adoption of milk and potatoes as the ge- neral food of the common people, these circumstances were totally altered, so as to make the supply of labour constantly in a great excess above the demand for it, and regulate wages by the price of the cheapest food, the advantage would be immediately lost, and no efforts of benevolence could prevent the most general and abject poverty. Upon the same principle it would by no means be eligible that the cheap soups of Count Rumford should be adopted as the general food of the common people. They are excellent inventions for public institu- tions, and as occasional resources ; but if they were once universally adopted by the poor, it would be impossible to prevent the price of labour from being regulated by them ; and the labourer, though at first he might havemore to spare forother expenses, besides food. Ch. xi. Condition of the Poor considered. 251 food, would ultimately have much less to spare than before. The desirable thing, with a view to the happiness of the common people, seems to be, that their habitual food should be dear, and their wages regulated by it ; but that, in a scarcity, or other occasional distress, the cheaper food should be readily and cheerfully adopted a . With a view of ren- dering this transition easier, and at the same time of making an useful distinction between those who are dependent on parish relief and those who are not, I should think that one plan, which Mr. Young proposes, would be extremely eligible. This is " to " pass an act prohibiting relief, so far as " subsistence is concerned, in any other " manner than by potatoes, rice and soup ; " not merely as a measure of the moment, * It is certainly to be wished that every cottage in England should have a garden to it well stocked with vegetables. A little variety of food is in every point of view highly useful. Potatoes are undoubtedly a most valuable assistance, though I should be very sorry ever to see them the principal dependence of our labourers. " but 252 Different Plans of improving the Bk. iv. " but permanently \" I do not think that this plan would necessarily introduce these articles as the common food of the lower classes ; and if it merely made the transition to them in periods of distress easier, and at the same time drew a more marked line than at present between dependence and inde- pendence, it would have a very beneficial effect. As it is acknowledged that the introduc- tion of milk and potatoes, or of cheap soups, as the general food of the lower classes of people, would lower the price of labour, perhaps some cold politician might propose to adopt the system, with a view of underselling foreigners in the markets of Europe. I should not envy the feelings which could suggest such a proposal. I really cannot conceive any thing much more detestable than the idea of knowingly condemning the labourers of this country * Question of Scarcity, &c. p. 80. This might be done, at least with regard to workhouses. In assisting the poor at their own homes, it might be subject to some practical difficulties. to Ch. xi. Condition of the Poor considered. 253 to the rags and wretched cabins of Ireland, for the purpose of selling a few more broad cloths and calicoes a . The wealth and power a In this observation I have not the least idea of al- luding to Mr. Young, who, I firmly believe, ardently wishes to improve the condition of the lower classes of people ; though I do not think that his plan would effect the object in view. He either did not see those conse- quences which I apprehend from it ; or he has a better opinion of the happiness of the common people in Ireland than I have. In his Irish tour he seemed much struck with the plenty of potatoes which they possessed, and the absence of all apprehension of want. Had he travelled in 1800 and 1801, his impressions would by all accounts have been very different. From the facility which has hitherto prevailed in Ireland of procuring potatoe-grounds, scarcities have certainly been rare, and all the effects of the system have not yet been felt, though certainly enough to make it appear very far from desirable. Mr. Young has since pursued his idea more in detail, in a pamphlet entitled, An Inquiry into the Propriety of ap- plying Wastes to the better Maintenance and Support of the Poor. But the impression on my mind is still the same ; and it appears to be calculated to assimilate the condition of the labourers of this country to that of the lower classes of the Irish. Mr. Young seems, in a most unaccountable manner, to have forgotten all his general principles on this subject. He has treated the question of a provision for the poor, as if it was merely, How to provide 254 Different Plans of improving the Bk. iv. power of nations are, after all, only de-f sirable as they contribute to happiness. In this point of view, I should be very far from undervaluing them, considering them, in general, as absolutely necessary means to attain the end; but if any particular case should occur, where they appear to be in direct opposition to each other, we cannot rationally doubt which ought to be preferred . Fortunately, however, even on the nar- rowest political principles, the adoption of such a system would not answer. It has always been observed that those, who work chiefly on their own property, work very in- provide in the cheapest and best manner for a given num- ber of people. If this had been the sole question, it would never have taken so many hundred years to resolve. But . the real question is, How to provide for those who are in want, in such a manner as to prevent a continual accumu- lation of their numbers r and it will readily occur to the reader, that a plan of giving them land and cows cannot promise much success in this respect. If, after all the commons had been divided, the poor-laws were still to continue in force, no good reason can be assigned why the rates should not in a few years be as high as they are at present, independently of all that had been expended in die purchase of land and stock. dolently Ch. xi. Condition of the Poor considered. 255 dolently and unwillingly when employed for others ; and it must necessarily happen, when, from the general adoption of a very cheap food, the population of a country increases considerably beyond the demand for labour, that habits of idleness and tur- bulence will be generated, most peculiarly unfavourable to a flourishing state of manu- factures. In spite of the cheapness of la- bour in Ireland, there are few manufactures which can be prepared in that country for foreign sale so cheap as in England : and this is in a great measure owing to the want of those industrious habits which can only be produced by regular employment. CHAP. ( 256 ) CHAP. XII \ Continuation of the same Subject. 1 HE increasing portion of the society which has of late years become either wholly or partially dependent upon parish assistance, together with the increasing burden of the poor's rates on the landed property, has for some time been working a gradual change in the public opinion respecting the benefits resulting to the la- bouring classes of society, and to society in general, from a legal provision for the poor. But the distress which has followed the peace of 1814, and the great and sudden pressure which it has occasioned on the parish rates, have accelerated this change in a very marked manner. More just and enlightened views on the subject are daily gaining ground ; the difficulties attending a legal provision for the poor are better un- a Written in 1817- derstood, Ch. xii. Continuation of the same Subject 257 derstood, and more generally acknow- ledged ; and opinions are now seen in print, and heard in conversation, which twenty years ago would almost have been considered as treason to the interests of the state. This change of public opinion, stimu- lated by the severe pressure of the mo- ment, has directed an unusual portion of attention to the subject of the poor-laws ; and as it is acknowledged that the present system has essentially failed, various plans have been proposed either as substitutes or improvements. It may be useful to inquire shortly how far the plans which have already been published are calculated to accom- plish the ends which they propose. It is generally thought that some measure of importance will be the result of the present state of public opinion. To the permanent success of any such measure, it is abso- lutely necessary that it should apply itself in some degree to the real source of the difficulty. Yet there is reason to fear, that notwithstanding the present improved vol. ii. s knowledge 258 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk. W. knowledge on the subject, this point may be too much overlooked. Among the plans which appear to have excited a considerable degree of the public attention, is one of Mr. Owen. I have already adverted to some views of Mr. Owen in a chapter on Systems of Equality, and spoken of his experience with the respect which is justly due to it. If the question were merely how to accommodate, support and train, in the best manner, societies of 1200 people, there are perhaps few persons more entitled to attention than Mr. Owen : but in the plan which he has proposed, he seems totally to have overlooked the nature of the problem to be solved. This pro- blem is, How to provide for those who are in want, in such a manner as to prevent a conti- nual increase of their numbers, and of the proportion which they bear to the whole society. And it must be allowed that Mr. Owen's plan not only does not make the slightest approach towards accomplishing this ob- ject, but seems to be peculiarly calculated to effect an object exactly the reverse of it, that Ch. xii. Continuation of the same Subject. 259 that is, to increase and multiply the number of paupers. If the establishments which he recom- mends could really be conducted according to his apparent intentions, the order of na- ture and the lessons of providence would indeed be in the most marked manner re- versed ; and the idle and profligate would be placed in a situation which might justly be the envy of the industrious and virtuous. The labourer or manufacturer who is now ill lodged and ill clothed, and obliged to work twelve hours a day to maintain his family, could have no motive to continue his exertions, if the reward for slackening them, and seeking parish assistance, was good lodging, good clothing, the mainte- nance and education of all his children, and the exchange of twelve hours hard work in an unwholesome manufactory for four or five hours of easy agricultural labour on a pleasant farm. Under these temptations, the numbers yearly falling into the new esta- blishments from the labouring and manu- facturing classes, together with the rapid increase by procreation of the societies s 2 themselves, 260 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk. ir. themselves, would very soon render the first purchases of land utterly incompetent to their support More land must then be purchased, and fresh settlements made; and if the higher classes of society were bound to proceed in the system according to its apparent spirit and intention, there cannot be a doubt that the whole nation would shortly become a nation of paupers with a community of goods. Such a result might not perhaps be alarming to Mr. Owen. It is just possible indeed that he may have had this result in contemplation when he proposed his plan, and have thought that it was the best mode of quietly introducing that community of goods which he believes is necessary to complete the virtue and happiness of so- ciety. But to those who totally dissent from him as to the effects to be expected from a community of goods ; to those who are convinced that even his favourite doc- trine, that a man can be trained to produce more than he consumes, which is no doubt true at present, may easily cease to be true, when cultivation is pushed beyond the bounds prescribed to it by private pro- perty;* Ch. xii. Continuation of the same Subject. 261 perty ; a the approaches towards a system of this kind will be considered as approaches towards a system of universal indolence, poverty and wretchedness. Upon the supposition then, thatMr.O wen's plan could be effectively executed, and that the various pauper societies scattered over the country could at first be made to realize his most sanguine wishes, such might be expected to be their termination in a moderately short time, from the natural and necessary action of the principle of population. But it is probable that the other grand objection to all systems of common pro- perty would even at the very outset con- found the experience of Mr. Owen, and destroy the happiness to which he looks forward. In the society at the Lanerk Mills, two powerful stimulants to industry and good conduct are in action, which would be totally wanting in the societies proposed. At Lanerk, the whole of every man's earnings is his own ; and his powei of maintaining himself, his wife and chil- dren, in decency and comfort, will be in " See vol. II. c. x. b. iii. p. 431. exact 262 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk. iv. exact proportion to his industry, sobriety and economy. At Lanerk, also, if any workman be perseveringly indolent and negligent, if lie get drunk and spoil his work, or if in any way he conduct himself essentially ill, he not only naturally suffers by the diminution of his earnings, but may at any time be turned off', and the society be relieved from the influence and example of a profligate and dangerous member. On the other hand, in the pauper establish- ments proposed in the present plan, the industry, sobriety and good conduct of each individual, would be very feebly in- deed connected with his power of main- taining himself and family comfortably ; and in the case of persevering idleness and misconduct, instead of the simple and ef- fective remedy of dismission, recourse must be had to a system of direct punishment of some kind or other, determined, and enforced hy authority, which is always painful and distressing, and generally in- efficient. I confess it appears to me that the most successful experience, in such an establish- ment Ch. xii. Continuation of the same Subject. 263 ment as that of Lanerk, furnishes no ground whatever to say what could be done towards the improvement of society in an establish- ment where the produceof all the labour em- ployed would go to a common stock, and dismissal from the very nature and object of the institution, would be impossible. If un- der such disadvantages the proper manage- ment of these establishments were within the limits of possibility, what judgment, what firmness, what patience, would be required for the purpose ! But where are such quali- ties to be found in sufficient abundance to manage one or two millions of people ? On the whole then it may be concluded, that Mr. Owen's plan would have to en- counter obstacles that really appear to be insuperable, even at its first outset; and that if these could by any possible means be overcome, and the most complete success attained, the system would, without some most unnatural and unjust laws to prevent the progress of population, lead to a state of universal poverty and distress, in which, though all the rich might be made poor, none of the poor could be made rich, not even 264 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk. iv. even so rich as a common labourer at present. The plan for bettering the condition of the labouring classes of the community, published by Mr. Curwen, is professedly a slight sketch ; but principles, not details, are what it is our present object to con- sider; and the principles on which he would proceed are declared with sufficient dis- tinctness, when he states the great objects of his design to be, 1. Meliorating the present wretched con- dition of the lower orders of the people. 2. Equalizing by a new tax the present poor's rates, which must be raised for their relief. 3. And giving to all those, who may think proper to place themselves under its protection, a voice in the local manage- ment and distribution of the fund destined for their support. The first proposition is, of course, or ought to be, the object of every plan pro- posed. And the two last may be considered as the modes by which it is intended to ac- complish it. But Ch. xii. Continuation of the same Sitbject. 265 But it is obvious that these two propo- sitions, though they may be both desirable on other accounts, not only do not really touch, but do not even propose to touch, the great problem. We wish to check the increase and diminish the proportion of paupers, in order to give greater wealth, happiness and independence to the mass of the labouring classes. But the equalization of the poor's rates, simply considered, would have a very strong tendency to increase rather than to diminish the number of the dependent poor. At present the pa- rochial rates fall so very heavily upon one particular species of property, that the persons, whose business it is to allow them, have in general a very strong interest in- deed to keep them low ; but if they fell equally on all sorts of property, and parti- cularly if they were collected from large districts, or from counties, the local distri- butors would have comparatively but very feeble motives to reduce them, and they might be expected to increase with great rapidity. It may be readily allowed, however, that the 266 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk. iv. the peculiar weight with which the poor's rates press upon land is essentially unfair. It is particularly hard upon some country parishes, where the births greatly exceed the deaths, owing to the constant emigra- tions which are taking place to towns and manufactories, that, under any circum- stances, a great portion of these emigrants should be returned upon them, when old, disabled, or out of work. Such parishes may. be totally without the power of fur- nishing either work or support for all the persons born within their precincts. In fact, the same number would not have been born in them, unless these emigrations had taken place. And it is certainly hard therefore that parishes so circumstanced should be obliged to receive and maintain all who may return to them in distress. Yet, in the present state of the country, the most pressing evil is not the weight upon the land, but the increasing proportion of paupers. And, as the equalization of the rates would certainly have a tendency to increase this proportion, I should be sorry to see such a measure introduced, even if it Ch. xii. Continuation of the same Subject. 267 it were easily practicable, unless acccompa- nied by some very strong and decisive li- mitations to the continued increase of the rates so equalized. The other proposition of Mr. Curwen will, in like manner, be found to afford no security against the increase of pauperism. We know perfectly well that the funds of the friendly societies, as they are at present constituted, though managed by the con- tributors themselves, are seldom distributed with the economy necessary to their per- manent efficiency ; and in the national societies proposed, as a considerable part of the fund would be derived from the poor's rates, there is certainly reason to expect that every question which could be in- fluenced by the contributors would be de^ termined on principles still more indulgent and less economical. On this account it may well be doubted, whether it would ever be advisable to mix any public money, derived from assess- ments, with the subscriptions of the la- bouring classes. The probable result would be, that in the case of any failure in the funds 268 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk. vt. funds of such societies,arising from erroneous calculations and too liberal allowances, it would be expected that the whole of the deficiency should be made up by the as- sessments. And any rules which might have been made to limit the amount applied in this way would probably be but a feeble barrier against claims founded on a plan brought forward by the higher classes of society. Another strong objection to this sort of union of parochial and private contribu- tions is, that from the first the members of such societies could not justly feel them- selves independent. If one half or one third of the fund were to be subscribed from the parish, they would stand upon a very different footing from the members of the present benefit-clubs. "While so consi- derable a part of the allowances to which they might be entitled in sickness or in age would really come from the poor's rates, they would be apt to consider the plan as what, in many respects, it really would be, only a different mode of raising the rates. If the system were to become ge- neral, Ch. xii. Continuation of the same Subject. 269 neral, the contributions of the labouring classes would have nearly the effects of a tax on labour, and such a tax has been generally considered as more unfavourable to industry and production than most other taxes. The best part of Mr. Curwen's plan is that which proposes to give a credit to each contributor in proportion to the amount of his contributions, and to make his allow- ance in sickness, and his annuity in old age, dependent upon this amount ; but this object could easily be accomplished without the objectionable accompaniments. It is also very properly observed, that " want of employment must rurnish no " claims on the society ; for, if this excuse " were to be admitted, it would most proba- " bly be attended with the most pernicious " consequences/' Yet it is at the same time rather rashly intimated, that employ- ment must be found for all who are able to work ; and, in another place, it is observed, that timely assistance would be aiforded by these societies, without degradation, on all temporary occasions of suspended labour. On 270 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk. ir. On the whole, when it is considered that a large and probably increasing amount of poor's rates would be subscribed to these societies ; that on this account their mem- bers could hardly be considered as inde- pendent of parish assistance ; and that the usual poor's rates would still remain to be applied as they are now, without any pro- posed limitations, there is little hope that Mr. Curwen's plan would be successful in diminishing the whole amount of the rates and the proportion of dependent poor. There are two errors respecting the ma- nagement of the poor, into which the public seem inclined to fall at the present moment. The first is a disposition to attach too much importance to the effects of subscriptions from the poor themselves, without sufficient attention to the mode in which they are distributed. But the mode of distribution is much the more important point of the two; and if this be radically bad, it is of little consequence in what manner the sub- scriptions are raised, whether from the poor themselves or from any other quarter. If the labouring classes were universally to contribute Ch. xii. Continuation of the same Subject. 271 contribute what might at first appear a very ample proportion of their earnings, for their own support in sickness and in old age, when out of work, and when the family consisted of more than two children ; it is quite certain that the funds would become deficient. Such a mode of distribution im- plies a power of supporting a rapidly in- creasing and unlimited population on a limited territory, and must therefore termi- nate in aggravated poverty. Our present friendly societies or benefit-clubs aim at only limited objects, which are susceptible of calculation ; yet many have failed, and many more it is understood are likely to fail from the insufficiency of their funds. If any society were to attempt to give much more extensive assistance to its members ; if it were to endeavour to imitate what is partially effected by the poor-laws, or to accomplish those objects which Condorcet thought were within the power of proper calculations ; the failure of its funds, however large at first, and from whatever sources de- rived, would be absolutely inevitable. In short, it cannot be too often or too strongly- impressed 272 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk. iv. impressed upon the public, especially when any question for the improvement of the condition of the poor is in agitation, that no application of knowledge and ingenuity to this subject, no efforts either of the poor or of the rich, or both, in the form of con- tributions, or in any other way, can possi- bly place the labouring classes of society in such a state as to enable them to marry ge- nerally at the same age in an old and fully- peopled country as they may do with per- fect safety and advantage in a new one. The other error towards which the public seems to incline at present is that of laying too much stress upon the employment of the poor. It seems to be thought that one of the principal causes of the failure of our present system is the not having properly executed that part of the 43d of Elizabeth which enjoins the purchase of materials to set the poor to work. It is certainly desi- rable, on many accounts, to employ the poor when it is practicable, though it will always be extremely difficult to make peo- ple work actively who are without the usual and most natural motives to such exertions ; and Ch. xii. Continuation of the same Subject. 273 and a system of coercion involves the ne- cessity of placing great power in the hands of persons very likely to abuse it. Still however it is probable that the poor might be employed more than they have hitherto been, in a way to be advantageous to their habits and morals, without being prejudi- cial in other respects. But we should fall into the grossest error if we were to imagine that any essential part of the evils of the poor-laws, or of the difficulties under which we are at present labouring, has arisen from not employing the poor ; or if we were to suppose that any possible scheme for giving work to all who are out of employment can ever in any degree apply to the source of these evils and difficulties, so as to prevent their recurrence. In no conceivable case can the forced employment of the poor, though managed in the most judicious manner, have any direct tendency to pro- portion more accurately the supply of la- bour to the natural demand for it. And without great care and caution it is obvious that it may have a pernicious effect of an opposite kind. When, for instance, from vol. ii. T deficient 274 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk. iv. deficient demand or deficient capital, la- bour has a strong tendency to fall, if we keep it up to its usual price by creating an artificial demand by public subscriptions or advances from the government, we evi- dently prevent the population of the coun- try from adjusting itself gradually to its di- minished resources, and act much in the same manner as those, who would prevent the price of corn from rising in a scarcity, which must necessarily terminate in in- creased distress. Without then meaning to object to all plans for employing the poor, some of which, at certain times and with proper re- strictions, may be useful as temporary mea- sures, it is of great importance, in order to prevent ineffectual efforts and continued disappointments, to be fully aware that the permanent remedy which we are seeking cannot possibly come from this quarter. It may indeed be affirmed with the most perfect confidence that there is only one class of causes from which any approaches towards a remedy can be rationally ex- pected ; and that consists of whatever has Ch. xii. Continuation of the same Subject 275 has a tendency to increase the prudence and foresight of the labouring classes. This is the touchstone to which every plan proposed for the improvement of the condi- tion of the poor should be applied. If the plan be such as to co-operate with the lessons of Nature and Providence, and to encourage and promote habits of prudence and fore- sight, essential and permanent benefit may be expected from it : if it has no tendency of this kind, it may possibly still be good as a temporary measure, and on other ac- counts, but we may be quite certain that it does not apply to the source of the specific evil for which we are seeking a remedy. Of all the plans which have yet been pro- posed for the assistance of the labouring classes, the saving-banks, as far as they go, appear to me much the best, and the most likely, if they should become general, to effect a permanent improvement in the con- dition of the lower classes of society. By giving to each individual the full and entire benefit of his own industry and prudence, they are calculated greatly to strengthen the lessons of Nature and Providence ; and a t 2 young 276 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk. iv. young man, who had been saving from four- teen or fifteen with a view to marriage at four or five and twenty, or perhaps much earlier, would probably be induced to wait two or three years longer if the times were unfavourable ; if corn were high ; if wages were low ; or if the sum he had saved had been found by experience not to be suffi- cient to furnish a tolerable security against want. A habit of saving a portion of pre- sent earnings for future contingencies can scarcely be supposed to exist without ge- neral habits of prudence and foresight ; and if the opportunity furnished by pro- vident banks to individuals, of reaping the full benefit of saving, should render the practice general, it might rationally be ex- pected that, under the varying resources of the country, the population would be ad- justed to the actual demand for labour, at the expense of less pain and less poverty ; and the remedy thus appears, so far as it goes, to apply to the very root of the evil. The great object of saving-banks, bow- ever, is to prevent want and dependence by enabling the poor to provide against contingencies Ch. xii. Cotitiw* 1 * * 1 fthe same Subject. 277 contingencies themselves. And in a na- txxval state of society, such institutions, with the aid of private charity well directed, would probably be all the means necessary to produce the best practicable effects. In the present state of things in this country the case is essentially different. With so very large a body of poor habitually de- pendent upon public funds, the institutions of saving-banks cannot be considered in the light of substitutes for the poor's rates. The problem how to support those who are in want in such a manner as not continu- ally to increase the proportion which they bear to the whole society will still remain to be solved. But if any plan should be adopted either of gradually abolishing or gradually reducing and fixing the amount of the poor's rates, saving-banks would es- sentially assist it; at the same lime that they would receive a most powerful aid in return. In the actual state of things, they have been established at a period likely to be particularly unfavourable to them a pe- riod of very general distress, and of the most 278 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk. iv. most extensive parochial assistance ; and the success which has attended them, even under these disadvantages, seems clearly to shew, that in a period of prosperity and good wages, combined with a prospect of diminished parochial assistance, they might spread very extensively, and have a consi- derable effect on the general habits of the people. With a view to give them greater encou- ragement at the present moment, an act has been passed allowing persons to receive parish assistance at the discretion of the justices, although they may have funds of their own under a certain amount in a saving-bank. But this is probably a short- sighted policy. It is sacrificing the prin- ciple for which saving-banks are esta- blished, to obtain an advantage which, on this verv account, will be comparatively of little value. We wish to teach the la- bouring classes to rely more upon their own exertions and resources, as the only way of really improving their condition ; yet we reward their saving by making them still dependent upon that very species of Ch. xii. Continuation of the same Subject. 279 of assistance which it is our object that thev should avoid. The progress of saving- banks under such a regulation will be but an equivocal and uncertain symptom of good ; whereas without such a regulation every step would tell, every fresh deposition would prove, the growth of a desire to become independent of parish assistance ; and both the great extension of the friendly societies, and the success of the saving-banks in pro- portion to the time they have been esta- blished, clearly shew that much progress might be expected in these institutions under favourable circumstances, without resorting to a measure which is evidently calculated to sacrifice the end to the means. With regard to the plans which have been talked of for reducing and limiting the poor's rates, they are certainly of a kind to apply to the root of the evil ; but they would be obviously unjust without a formal retraction of the right of the poor to sup- port ; and for many years they would un- questionably be much more harsh in their operation than the plan of abolition which I have ventured to propose in a preceding chapter. 280 Continuation of the same Subject. Bk.ir, chapter. A t the same time, if it be thought that this country cannot entirely get rid of a system which has been so long interwoven in its frame, a limitation of the amount of the poor's rates, or rather of their propor- tion to the wealth and population of the country which would be more rational and just, accompanied with a very full and fair notice of the nature of the change to be made, might be productive of essential be- nefit, and do much towards improving the habits and happiness of the poor. CHAP. ( 281 ) CHAP. XIII. Of the Necessity of general Principles on this Subject* IT has been observed by Hume, that of all sciences there is none where first appear- ances are more deceitful than in politics 8 . The remark is undoubtedly very just, and is most peculiarly applicable to that de- partment of the science, which relates to the modes of improving the condition of the lower classes of society. We are continually hearing declamations against theory and theorists, by men who pride themselves upon the distinction of being practical. It must be acknowledged that bad theories are very bad things, and the authors of them useless and sometimes pernicious members of society. But these advocates of practice do not seem to be aware that they themselves very often come under this description, and that a great * Essay xi. vol. i. p. 431. 8vo. part 282 Of the Necessity oj &m eral Bk. ir. part of them may be classed aiong the most mischievous theorists of their time. When a man faithfully relates any facts, which have come within the scope of his own observation, however confined it may have been, he undoubtedly adds to the sum of general knowledge, and confers a benefit on society. But when from this confined experience, from the manage- ment of his own little farm, or the details of the workhouse in his neighbourhood, he draws a general inference, as is frequently the case, he then at once erects himself into a theorist ; and is the more dangerous, because, experience being the only just foundation for theory, people are often caught merely by the sound of the word, and do not stop to make the distinction between, that partial experience which, on such subjects, is no foundation whatever for a just theory, and that general expe- rience, on which alone a just theory can be founded. There are perhaps few subjects on which human ingenuity has been more exerted than the endeavour to meliorate the con- dition Ch. xiii. Principles on this Subject. 283 dition of the poor ; and there is certainly no subject in which it has so completely failed. The question between the theorist who calls himself practical, and the ge- nuine theorist, is, whether this should prompt us to look into all the holes and corners of workhouses, and content ourselves with mulcting the parish officers for their waste of cheese-parings and candle-ends, and with distributing more soups and potatoes ; or to recur to general principles, which shew us at once the cause of the failure, and prove that the system has been from the beginning radically erroneous. There is no subject to which general principles have been so seldom applied ; and yet, in the whole com- pass of human knowledge, I doubt if there be one in which it is so dangerous to lose sight of them; because the partial and im- mediate effects of a particular mode of giving assistance are so often directly opposite to the general and permanent effects. It has been observed in particular dis- tricts, where cottagers are possessed of small pieces of land, and are in the habit of keeping cows, that during the late scar- cities 284 Of the Necessity of general Bk. ir. cities some of them were able to support themselves without parish assistance, and others with comparatively little a . According to the partial view in which this subject has been always contemplated, a general inference has been drawn from such instances, that, if we could place all our labourers in a similar situation, they would all be equally comfortable, and equally independent of the parish. This is an inference, however, that by no means follows. The advantage, which cottagers who at present keep cows enjoy, arises in a great measure from its being peculiar, and would be considerably diminished if it were made general. A farmer or gentleman has, we will sup- pose, a certain number of cottages on his farm. Being a liberal man, and liking to see all the people about him comfortable, he may join a piece of land to each cot- tage sufficient to keep one or two cows, and give besides high wages. His labourers See an Inquiry into the State of Cottagers in the Coun- ties of Lincoln and Rutland, by Robert Gourlay. Annals of Agriculture, vol. xxxvii. p. 514. will Ch. xiii. Principles on this Subject. 285 will of course live in plenty, and be able to rear up large families ; but his farm may not require many hands : and though he may choose to pay those that he employs well, he will not probably wish to have more labour- ers on his land than his work requires. He does not therefore build more houses ; and the children of the labourers whom he em- ploys must evidently emigrate, and settle in other countries. While such a system continues peculiar to certain families or certain districts, the emigrants would easily be able to find work in other places ; and it cannot be doubted that the individual labourers employed on these farms are in an enviable situation, and such as we might naturally wish was the lot of all our labour- ers. But it is perfectly clear that such a system could not, in the nature of things, possess the same advantages, if it were made general ; because there would then be no countries to which the children could emigrate with the same prospect of finding work. Population would evidently increase beyond the demand of towns and manufac- tories, 286 Of the Necessity of general Bk. iv. tories, and the price of labour would uni- versally fall. It should be observed also, that one of therreasons why the labourers who at pre- sent keep cows are so comfortable, is, that they are able to make considerable profit of the milk which they do not use them- selves ; an advantage which would evi- dently be very much diminished, if the system were universal. And though they were certainly able to struggle through the late scarcities with less assistance than their neighbours, as might naturally be expected, from their having other resources besides the article which in those individual years was scarce ; yet if the system were uni- versal, there can be no reason assigned why they would not be subject to suffer as much from a scarcity of grass and a mortality among cows a , as our common labourers * At present the loss of a cow, which must now and then happen, is generally remedied by a petition and subscription ; and as the event is considered as a most serious misfortune to a labourer, these petitions are for the most part attended to ; but if the cow system were universal, Ch. xiii. Principles on this Subject. 287 labourers do now from a scarcity of wheat. We should be extremely cautious therefore of trusting to such appearances, and of drawing a general inference from this kind of partial experience. The main principle, on which the society for increasing the comforts and bettering the condition of the poor professes to pro- ceed, is excellent. To give effect to that master-spring of industry, the desire of bettering our condition a is the true mode of improving the state of the lower classes; and we may safely agree with Sir Thomas Bernard, in one of his able prefaces, that whatever encourages and promotes habits of industry, prudence, foresight, virtue and cleanliness, among the poor, is beneficial to them and to the country ; and whatever removes or diminishes the incitements to any of these qualities is detrimental to the state, and pernicious to the individual b . universal, losses would occur so frequently, that they could not possibly be repaired in the same way, and families would be continually dropping from comparative plenty into want. a Preface to vol. ii. of the Reports. k Preface to vol. iii. of the Reports. Sir 288 Of the Necessity of general Bk. iv. Sir Thomas Bernard indeed himself seems in general to be fully aware of the difficul- ties, which the society has to contend with in the accomplishment of its object. But still it appears to be in some danger of falling into the error before alluded to, of drawing general inferences from insufficient experience. Without adverting to the plans respecting cheaper foods and parish shops, recommended by individuals, the beneficial effects of which depend entirely upon their being peculiar to certain families or certain parishes, and would be lost if they were general, by lowering the wages of labour; I shall only notice one observation of a more comprehensive nature, which occurs in the preface to the second volume of the Reports. It is there remarked that the ex- perience of the society seemed to warrant the conclusion, that the best mode of re- lieving the poor was, by assisting them at their own homes, and placing out their children as soon as possible in different employments, apprenticeships, &c. I really believe that this is the best, and it is cer- tainly the most agreeable, mode in which . occasional Ch. xiii. Principles on this Subject. 289 occasional and discriminate assistance can be given. But it is evident that it must be done with caution, and cannot be adopted as a general principle, and made the foun- dation of universal practice. It is open exactly to the same objection as the cow system, which has just been noticed, and that part of the act of the 43d of Elizabeth, which directs the overseers to employ and provide for the children of the poor. A particular parish, where all the children, as soon as they were of a proper age, were taken from their parents and placed out in proper situations, might be very comfort- able ; but if the system were general, and the poor saw that all their children would be thus provided for, every employment would presently be overstocked with hands, and the consequences need not be again repeated. Nothing can be more clear than that it is within the power of money, and of the exertions of the rich, adequately to relieve a particular family, a particular parish, and even a particular district. But it will be vol. ii. u equally 290 Of the Necessity of general Bk. iv. equally clear, if we reflect a moment on the subject, that it is totally out of their power to relieve the whole country in the same way ; at least without providing a regular vent for the overflowing numbers in emi- gration, or without the prevalence of a particular virtue among the poor, which the distribution of this assistance tends ob- viously to discourage. Even industry itself is, in this respect, not very different from money. A man who possesses a certain portion of it, above what is usually possessed by his neighbours, will, in the actual state of things, be almost sure of a competent livelihood ; but if all his neighbours were to become at once as industrious as himself, the absolute portion of industry which he before possessed would no longer be a security against want. Hume fell into a great error, when he as- serted that " almost all the moral as well " as natural evils of human life arise from " idleness ;" and for the cure of these ills required only that the whole species should possess naturally an equal diligence with that, Ch. xiii. Principles on this Subject. 291 that, which many individuals are able to attain by habit and reflection a . It is evi- dent that this given degree of industry possessed by the whole species, if not com- bined with another virtue of which he takes no notice, would totally fail of rescuing society from want and misery, and would scarcely remove a single moral or physical evil of all those to which he alludes. I am aware of an objection, which will, with great appearance of justice, be urged against the general scope of these rea- sonings. It will be said that to argue thus is at once to object to every mode of as- sisting the poor, as it is impossible, in the nature of things, to assist people indivi- dually, without altering their relative situ- ation in society, and proportionally de- pressing others ; and that as those who have families are the persons naturally most subject to distress, and as we are certainly not called upon to assist those who do not want our aid, we must necessarily, if we act at all, relieve those who have children, and thus encourage marriage and population, a Dialogues on Natural Religion, part xi, p. 212. tr 2 I have 292 Of the Necessity of general Bk. iv. I have already observed however, and I here repeat it again, that the general prin- ciples on these subjects ought not to be pushed too far, though they should always be kept in view ; and that many cases may occur, in which the good resulting from the relief of the present distress may more than overbalance the evil to be apprehended from the remote consequence. All relief in instances of distress, not arising from idle and improvident habits, clearly comes under this description ; and in general it may be observed, that it is only that kind of systematic and certain relief, on which the poor can confidently depend, whatever may be their conduct, that violates general principles in such a manner as to make it clear that the general consequence is worse than the particular evil. Independently of this discriminate and occasional assistance, the beneficial effects of which I have fully allowed in a preceding chapter, I have before endeavoured to shew, that much might be expected from a better and more general system of education. Every Ch. xiii. Principles on this Subject. 293 Every thing that can be clone in this way has indeed a very peculiar value ; because education is one of those advantages, which not only all may share without interfering with each other, but the raising of one person may actually contribute to the raising of others. \i\ for instance, a man by education acquires that decent kind of pride and those juster habits of thinking, which will prevent him from burdening society with a family of children which he cannot support, his conduct, as far as an individual instance can go, tends evidently to improve the condition of his fellow-la- bourers ; and a contrary conduct from ig- norance would tend as evidently to de- press it. I cannot help thinking also, that some- thing might be done towards bettering the situation of the poor by a general improve- ment of their cottages, if care were taken, at the same time, not to make them so large as to allow of two families settling in them ; and not to increase their number faster than the demand for labour required. One of the most salutary and least pernicious checks 294 Of the Necessity of general Bk. ivy checks to the frequency of early marriages in this country is the difficulty of procuring a cottage, and the laudable habits which prompt a labourer rather to defer his mar- riage some years in the expectation of a vacancy, than to content himself with a wretched mud cabin, like those in Ireland \ Even the cow system, upon a more con- fined plan, might not be open to objection. With any view of making it a substitute for the poor-laws, and of giving labourers a right to demand land and cows in proportion to their families ; or of taking the common people from the consumption of wheat, and feeding them on milk and potatoes ; it ap- pears to me, I confess, truly preposterous : Perhaps, however, this is not often left to his choice, on account of the fear which every parish has of increasing its poor. There are many ways by which our poor-laws operate in counteracting their first obvious tendency to increase population, and this is one of them. I have little doubt that it is almost exclusively owing to these counteracting causes, that we have been able to per- severe in this system so long, and that the condition of the poor has not been go much injured by it as might have been expected. but Ch. xiii. Principles on this Subject. 295 but if it were so ordered as merely to provide a comfortable situation for the better and more industrious labourers, and to supply at the same time a very im- portant want among the poor in general, that of milk for their children ; I think that it would be extremely beneficial, and might be made a very powerful incitement to ha- bits of industry, economy and prudence. With this view however, it is evident that only a certain portion of labourers in each parish could be included in the plan ; that good conduct, and not mere distress, should have the most valid claim to preference ; that too much attention should not be paid to the number of children ; and that uni- versally, those who had saved money enough for the purchase of a cow, should be pre- ferred to those who required to be furnished with one by the parish a . One * The act of Elizabeth, which prohibited the building of cottages, unless four acres of land were annexed to them, is probably impracticable in a manufacturing country like England ; but, upon this principle, certainly the greatest part of the poor might possess land; be- cause 296 Of the Necessity of general Bk. iv. One should undoubtedly be extremely unwilling not to make as much use as pos- sible of that known stimulus to industry and economy, the desire of, and attach- ment to, property : but it should be recol- lected that the good effects of this stimulus shew themselves principally when this pro- perty is to be procured or preserved by personal exertions ; and that they are by no means so general under other circum- stances. If any idle man with a family could demand and obtain a cow and some land, I should expect to see both very often neglected. It has been observed that those cottagers, who keep cows, are more industrious and more regular in their conduct, than those who do not. This is probably true, and what might naturally be expected ; but the inference that the way to make all people industrious is to give them cows, may by no means be quite so certain. Most of cause the difficulty of procuring such cottages would always operate as a powerful check to their increase. The effect of such a plan would be very different from that of Mr. Young. those Ch. xiii. Principles on this Subject. 297 those who keep cows at present have pur- chased them with the fruits of their own in- dustry. It is therefore more just to say that their industry has given them a cow, than that a, cow has given them their in- dustry ; though I would by no means be understood to imply that the sudden pos- session of property never generates indus- trious habits. The practical good effects, which have been already experienced from cottagers keeping cows R , arise in fact from the sys- tem being nearly such as the confined plan which I have mentioned. In the districts where cottagers of this description most abound, they do not bear a very large proportion to the population of the whole parish; they consist in general of the better sort of labourers, who have been able to purchase their own cows ; and the peculiar comforts of their situation arise more from the relative than the positive advantages which they possess. * Inquiry into the State of Cottagers in the Counties of Lincoln and Rutland, by Robert Gourlay, Annals of Agriculture, vol. xxxvii. p, 514. From 298 Of the Necessity of' general Bk. iv. From observing therefore their industry and comforts, we should be very cautious of inferring that we could give the same industry and comforts to all the lower classes of people, by giving them the same pos- sessions. There is nothing, that has given rise to such a cloud of errors, as a confu- sion between relative and positive, and be- tween cause and effect. It may be said, however, that any plan of generally improving the cottages of the poor, or of enabling more of them to keep cows, would evidently give them the power of rearing a greater number of children, and, by thus encouraging population, vio- late the principles which I have endea- voured to establish. But if I have been successful in making the reader comprehend the principal bent of this work, he will be aware that the precise reason why I think that more children ought not to be born than the country can support is, that the greatest possible number of those that are born may be supported. We cannot, in the nature of things, assist the poor in any way, without enabling them to rear up to manhood Ch. xiii. Principles on this Subject. 299 manhood a greater number of their children. But this is, of all other things, the most de- sirable, both with regard to individuals and the public. Every loss of a child from the consequences of poverty must evidently be preceded and accompanied by great misery to individuals ; and in a public view, every child that dies under ten years of age is a loss to the nation of all that had been expended in its subsistence till that period. Consequently, in every point of view, a decrease of mortality at all ages is what we ought to aim at. We cannot however effect this object, without first crowding the population in some degree by making more children grow up to man- hood ; but we shall do no harm in this re- spect, if, at the same time, we can impress these children with the idea, that, to possess the same advantages as their parents, they must defer marriage till they have a fair prospect of being able to maintain a family. And it must be candidly confessed that, if we cannot do this, all our former efforts will have been thrown away. It is not in the nature of things that any permanent and general 300 Of the Necessity of general Bk. iv. general improvement in the condition of the poor can be effected without an increase in the preventive check ; and unless this take place, either with or without our efforts, every thing that is done for the poor must be temporary and partial : a diminution of mortality at present will be balanced by an increased mortality in future ; and the im- provement of their condition in one place will proportionally depress it in another. This is a truth so important, and so little understood, that it can scarcely be too often insisted on. Paley, in a chapter on population, pro- vision, &c, in his Moral Philosophy, ob- serves, that the condition most favourable to the population of a country, and at the same time to its general happiness, is " that " of a laborious frugal people ministering " to the demands of an opulent luxurious " nation a ." Such a form of society has not, Vol. ii. c. xi. p. 359- From a passage in Paley's Natural Theology, I am inclined to think that subse- quent reflection induced him to modify some of his for- mer ideas on the subject of population. He states most justly Ch. xiii. Principles on this Subject. 301 not, it must be confessed, an inviting aspect. Nothing but the conviction of its being ab- solutely necessary could reconcile us to the idea often millions of people condemned to incessant toil, and to the privation of every thing but absolute necessaries, in order to minister to the excessive luxuries of the other million. But the fact is, that such a form of society is by no means necessary. It is by no means necessary that the rich should be excessively luxurious, in order to support the manufactures of a country ; or that the poor should be de- prived of all luxuries, in order to make them sufficiently numerous. The best, and in every point of view the most advan- tageous manufactures in this country, are those which are consumed by the great body of the people. The manufactures which are confined exclusively to the rich justly (ch. xxv. p. 539), that mankind will in every coun- try breed up to a certain point of distress. If this be allowed, that country will evidently be the happiest, where the degree of distress at this point is the least ; and consequently, if the diffusion of luxury, by producing the check sooner, tend to diminish this degree of distress, it is certainly desirable. are 302 Of the Necessity of general Bk. iv. are not only trivial, on account of the com- parative smallness of their quantity, but are further liable to the great disadvantage of producing much occasional misery among those employed in them, from changes of fashion. It is the diffusion of luxury there- fore among the mass of the people, and not an excess of it in a few, that seems to be most advantageous, both with regard to national wealth and national happiness ; and what Palev considers as the true evil and proper danger of luxury, I should be disposed to consider as its true good and peculiar advantage. If, indeed, it be al- lowed that in every society, not in the state of a new colony, some powerful check to population must prevail ; and if it be ob- served that a taste for the comforts and conveniencies of life will prevent people from marrying, under the certainty of being deprived of these advantages ; it must be allowed that we can hardly expect to find any check to marriage so little prejudicial to the happiness and virtue of society as the general prevalence of such a taste; and consequently, that the extension of luxury Ch. xiii. Principles on this Subject, 303 luxury in this sense of the term is par- ticularly desirable, and one of the best means of raising that standard of wretchedness alluded to in a former chapter. It has been generally found that the middle parts of society are most favourable to virtuous and industrious habits, and to the growth of all kinds of talents. But it is evident that all cannot be in the middle. Superior and inferior parts are in the na- ture of things absolutely necessary ; and not only necessary, but strikingly benefi- cial. If no man could hope to rise, or fear to fall in society ; if industry did not bring with it its reward, and indolence its punish- ment ; we could not expect to see that animated activity in bettering our condi- tion, which now forms the master-spring of public prosperity. But in contemplating the different states of Europe, we observe a very considerable difference in the rela- tive proportions of the superior, the middle and the inferior parts ; and from the effect of these differences it seems probable, that our best-grounded expectations of an in- crease 304 Of the Necessity of general Bk. iv. crease in the happiness of the mass of hu- man society are foimded in the prospect of an increase in the relative proportions of the middle parts. And if the lower classes of people had acquired the habit of propor- tioning the supplies of labour to a stationary or even decreasing demand, without an increase of misery and mortality, as at pre- sent, we might even venture to indulge a hope that at some future period the pro- cesses for abridging human labour, the pro- gress of which has of late years been so rapid, might ultimately supply all the wants of the most wealthy society with less per- sonal effort than at present ; and if they did not diminish the severity of individual exertion, might, at least, diminish the num- ber of those employed in severe toil. If the lowest classes of society were thus di- minished, and the middle classes increased, each labourer might indulge a more rational hope of rising by diligence and exertion into a better station ; the rewards of indus- try and virtue would be increased in num- ber; the lottery of human society would appear to consist of fewer blanks and more prizes ; Oil. xiii. Principles on this Subject. 305 prizes ; and the sum of social happiness would be evidently augmented. To indulge however in any distant views of this kind, unaccompanied by the evils usually attendant on a stationary or de- creasing demand for labour, we must sup- pose the general prevalence of such pru- dential habits among the poor, as would prevent them from marrying, when the actual price of labour, joined to what they might have saved in their single state, would not give them the prospect of being able to support a wife and five or six chil- dren without assistance. And undoubt- edly such a degree of prudential restraint would produce a very striking melioration in the condition of the lower classes of people. It may be said perhaps, that even this degree of prudence might not always avail, as when a man marries he cannot tell what number of children he shall have, and many have more than six. This is cer- tainly true ; and in this case I do not think that any evil would result from making a certain allowance to every child above this vol. ii. x number; 306 Of the Necessity of general Bk. iv. number ; not with a view of rewarding a man for his large family, but merely of re- lieving him from a species of distress which it would be unreasonable in us to expect that he should calculate upon. And with this view, the relief should be merely such as to place him exactly in the same situation as if he had had six children. Montesquieu disapproves of an edict of Lewis the Four- teenth, which gave certain pensions to those who had ten and twelve children, as being of no use in encouraging popula- tion 8 . For the very reason that he disap- proves of it, I should think that some law of the kind might be adopted without danger, and might relieve particular indi- viduals from a very pressing and unlooked- for distress, without operating in any re- spect as an encouragement to marriage. If at some future period any approach should be made towards the more general prevalence of prudential habits with respect to marriage among the poor, from which alone any permanent and general improve- ment of their condition can arise ; I do not Esprit des Loix, liv. xxiii. c. xxvii. think Ch. xiii. Principles on this Subject. 307 think that the narrowest politician need be alarmed at it, from the fear of its occasioning such an advance in the price of labour, as will enable our commercial competitors to undersell us in foreign markets. There are four circumstances that might be ex- pected to accompany it, which would pro- bably either prevent, or fully counterba- lance, any effect of this kind. These are, 1st, the more equable and lower price of provisions, from the demand being less frequently above the supply. 2dly, the removal of that heavy burden on agricul- ture, and that great addition to the present wages of labour, the poor's rates. 3dly, the national saving of a great part of that sum, which is expended without return in the support of those children, who die pre- maturely from the consequences of poverty. And, lastly, the more general prevalence of economical and industrious habits, par- ticularly among unmarried men, which would prevent that indolence, drunkenness and waste of labour which at present are too frequently a consequence of high wages. x 2 CHAP. ( 308 ) CHAP. XIV. Of our rational Expectations respecting the future Improvement of Society. IN taking a general and concluding view of our rational expectations respecting the mitigation of the evils arising from the prin- ciple of population, it may be observed that though the increase of population in a geometrical ratio be incontrovertible, and the period of doubling, when unchecked, has been uniformly stated in this work ra- ther below than above the truth ; yet there are some natural consequences of the pro- gress of society and civilization, which ne- cessarily repress its full effects. These are, more particularly, great towns and manu- factures, in which we can scarcely hope, and certainly not expect, to see any very material change. It is undoubtedly our duty, and in every point of view highly desirable, to make towns and manufac- turing Ch. xiv. Of oar rational Expectations, fyc. 309 turing employments as little injurious as possible to the duration of human life ; but, after all our efforts, it is probable that they will always remain less healthy than country situations and country employ- ments ; and consequently, operating as positive checks, will diminish in some de- gree the necessity of the preventive check. In every old state, it is observed that a considerable number of grown-up people remain for a time unmarried. The duty of practising the common and acknowledged rules of morality during this period has never been controverted in theory, however it may have been opposed in practice. This branch of the duty of moral restraint has scarcely been touched by the reasonings of this work. It rests on the same foundation as before, neither stronger nor weaker. And knowing how incompletely this duty has hitherto been fulfilled, it would cer- tainly be visionary to expect that it would be completely fulfilled. The part which has been affected by the reasonings of this work is not therefore that which relates to our conduct during the period 310 Of our rational Expectations Bk. if. period of celibacy, but lo the duty of ex- tending this period till we have a prospect of being able to maintain our children. And it is by no means visionary to indulge a hope of some favourable change in this respect ; because it is found by experience that the prevalence of this kind of pru- dential restraint is extremely different in different countries, and in the same coun- tries at different periods. It cannot be doubted that throughout Europe in general, and most particularly in the northern states, a decided change has taken place in the operation of this prudential restraint, since the prevalence of those warlike and enterprising habits which destroyed so many people. In later times the gradual diminution and almost total extinction of the plagues, which so frequently visited Europe in the seven- teenth and beginning of the eighteenth centuries, produced a change of the same kind. And in this country, it is not to be doubted that the proportion of marriages has become smaller, since the improvement of our towns, the less frequent returns of epidemics Ch. xiv. respect i?ig future Improvements. 311 epidemics arid the adoption of habits of greater cleanliness. During the late scar- cities it appears that the number of mar- riages diminished a ; and the same motives, which prevented many people from marry- ing during such a period, would operate precisely in the same way, if, in future, the additional number of children reared to manhood from the introduction of the cow-pox, were to be such as to crowd all employments, lower the price of labour and make it more difficult to support a family. Universally, the practice of mankind on the subject of marriage has been much su- perior to their theories ; and however fre- quent may have been the declamations on the duty of entering into this state, and the advantage of early unions to prevent vice, each individual has practically found it necessary to consider of the means of sup- porting a family, before he ventured to take so important a step. That great vis mtdicatrix reipublicte, the desire ot bettering our condition, and the fear 01 making it worse, has been constantly in action, and a 1800 and 1801. has, 312 Of our rational Expectations Bk. iv, has been constantly directing people into the right road, in spite of all the declama- tions which tended to lead them aside. Owing to this powerful spring of health in every state, which is nothing more than an inference from the general course of the laws of nature irresistibly forced on each man's attention, the prudential check to mar- riage has increased in Europe; and itcannot be unreasonable to conclude that it will still make further advances. If this take place without any marked and decided increase of a vicious intercourse with the sex, the happiness of society will evidently be pro- moted by it ; and with regard to the danger of such increase, it is consolatory to remark that those countries in Europe, where mar- riages are the least latest or frequent, are by no means particularly distinguished by vices of this kind. It has appeared, that Nor- way, Switzerland, England and Scotland are above all the rest in the prevalence of the preventive check ; and though I do not mean to insist particularly on the virtuous habits of these countries, yet I think that no person would select them as the coun- tries Ch. xiv. respecting future Improvements. 313 tries most marked for profligacy of man- ners. Indeed, from the little that 1 know of the continent, I should have been inclined to select them as most distinguished for contrary habits, and as rather above than below their neighbours in the chastity of their women, and consequently in the vir- tuous habits of their men. Experience therefore seems to teach us that it is pos- sible for moral and physical causes to coun- teract the effects that might at first be ex- pected from an increase of the check to marriage ; but allowing all the weight to these effects which is in any degree pro- bable, it may be safely asserted, that the diminution of the vices arising from indi- gence would fully counterbalance them ; and that all the advantages of diminished mortality and superior comforts, which would certainly result from an increase of the preventive check, may be placed en- tirely on the side of the gains to the cause of happiness and virtue. It is less the object of the present work to propose new plans of improving society, than to inculcate the necessity of resting contented 314 Of our rational Expectations Bk. iv. contented with that mode of improvement which is dictated by the course of nature, and of not obstructing the advances which would otherwise be made in this way. It would be undoubtedly highly advan- tageous that all our positive institutions, and the whole tenour of our conduct to the poor, should be such as actively to co-operate with that lesson of prudence inculcated by the common course of human events ; and if we take upon ourselves sometimes to miti- gate the natural punishments of impru- dence, that we could balance it by increas- ing the rewards of an opposite conduct. But much would be done, if merely the in- stitutions which directly tend to encourage marriage were gradually changed, and we ceased to circulate opinions and inculcate doctrines, which positively counteract the lessons of nature. The limited good, which it is sometimes in our power to effect, is often lost by at- tempting too much, and by making the adoption of some particular plan essentially necessary even to a partial degree of suc- cess. In the practical application of the reasonings Ch. xiy. respecting future Improvements. 315 reasonings of this work, I hope that I have avoided this error. I wish to press on the recollection of the reader, that, though I may have given some new views of old facts, and may have indulged in the contempla- tion of a considerable degree of possible im- provement, that I might not shut out that prime cheerer hope; yet in my expecta- tions of probable improvement and in sug- gesting the means of accomplishing it, I have been very cautious. The gradual abo- lition of the poor-laws has already often been proposed, in consequence of the prac- tical evils which have been found to flow from them, and the danger of their becom- ing a weight absolutely intolerable on the landed property of the kingdom. The es- tablishment of a more extensive system of national education has neither the advantage of novelty with some, nor its disadvantages with others, to recommend it. The practi- cal good effects of education have long been experienced in Scotland ; and almost every person who has been placed in a situation to judge, has given his testimony that edu- cation appears to have a considerable effect in 316 Of our rational Expectations Bk. iv. in the prevention of crimes % and the pro- motion of industry, morality and regular conduct. Yet these are the only plans which have been offered '; and though the adoption of them in the modes suggested would very - powerfully contribute to for- ward the object of this work and better the condition of the poor^ yet if nothing be done in this way, I shall not absolutely de- spair of some partial good resulting from general effects of the reasoning. If the principles which I have endea- voured to establish be false, I most sincere- ly *hope to see them completely refuted; but if they be true, the subject is so import- ant, and interests the question of human happiness so nearly, that it is impossible .* * Mr. Howard found fewer prisoners in Switzerland and Scotland than in other countries, which he attributed to a more regular education among the lower classes of the Swiss and the Scotch. During the number of years which the late Mr. Fielding presided at Bow-street, only six Scotch- men were brought before him. He used to say, -that of the persons committed the greater part were Irish. Pre- face to vol. iii. of the Reports of the Society for bettering the Condition of the Poor, p. 32. they Ch. xiv. respecting future Improvements. 317 they should not in time be more fully known and more generally circulated, whe- ther any particular efforts be made for the purpose or not. Among the higher and middle classes of society, the effect of this knowledge will, I hope, be to direct without relax- ing their efforts in bettering the condition of the poor ; to shew them what they can and what they cannot do ; and that, although much may be done by advice and instruc- tion, by encouraging habits of prudence and cleanliness, , by discriminate charity, and by any mode of bettering the present condition of the poor which is followed by an increase of the preventive check ; yet that, without this last effect, all the former efforts would be futile ; and that, in any old and well-peopled state, to assist the poor in such a manner as to enable them to marry as early as they please, and rear up large families, is a physical impossibility. This knowledge, by tending to prevent the rich from destroying the good effects of their own exertions, and wasting their efforts in a direction where success is unattainable, would 318 Of our rational Expectations 13 k. i v. would confine their attention to the proper objects, and thus enable them to do more good. Among the poor themselves, its effects would be still more important. That the principal and most permanent cause of po- verty has little or no direct relation to forms of government, or the unequal division of property; and that, as the rich do not in reality possess the power of finding employ- ment and maintenance for the poor, the poor cannot, in the nature of things, possess the right to demand them ; are important truths flowing from the principle of popula- tion, which, when properly explained, would by no means be above the most ordinary comprehensions. And it is evident that every man in the lower classes of society, who became acquainted with these truths, would be disposed to bear the distresses in which he might be involved with more pa- tience ; would feel less discontent and irri- tation at the government and the higher classes of society, on account of his po- verty ; would be on all occasions less dis- posed to insubordination and turbulence; and Ch. xiv. respecting future Improvements. 319 and if he received assistance, either from any public institution or from the hand of private charity, he would receive it with more thankfulness, and more justly appre- ciate its value. If these truths were by degrees more ge- nerally known (which in the course of time does not seem to be improbable from the natural effects of the mutual interchange of opinions), the lower classes of people, as a body, would become more peaceable and orderly, would be less inclined to tumul- tuous proceedings in seasons of scarcity, and would at all times be less influenced by inflammatory and seditious publications, from knowing how little the price of labour and the means of supporting a family de- pend upon a revolution. The mere know- ledge of these truths, even if they did not operate sufficiently to produce any marked change in the prudential habits of the poor with regard to marriage, would still have a most beneficial effect on their conduct in a political light ; and undoubtedly, one of the most valuable of these effects would be the power, that would result to the higher and 320 Of our rational Expectations Bk. iv. and middle classes of society, of gradually improving their governments % without the apprehension of those revolutionary ex- cesses, the fear of which, at present, threatens to deprive Europe even of that degree of liberty, which she had before ex- perienced to be practicable, and the salu- tary effects of which she had long enjoyed. From a review of the state of society in former periods, compared with the present, I should certainly say that the evils re- sulting from the principle of population have rather diminished than increased, even under the disadvantage of an almost total ignorance of their real cause. And if we can indulge the hope that this ignorance will be gradually dissipated, it does not * I cannot believe that the removal of all unjust grounds of discontent against constituted authorities would render the people torpid and indifferent to advantages, which are really attainable. The blessings of civil liberty are so great that they surely cannot need the aid of false co- louring to make them desirable. I should be softy to think that the lower classes of people could never be animated to assert their rights but by means of such illu- sory promises, as will generally make the remedy of re- sistance much worse than the disease which it was intended to cure. seem Ch. xiv. respecting future Improvements. 321 seem unreasonable to expect that they will be still further diminished. The increase of absolute population, which will of course take place, will evidently tend but little to weaken this expectation, as every thing depends upon the relative proportion be- tween population and food, and not on the absolute number of people. In the former part of this work it appeared that the coun- tries, which possessed the fewest people, often suffered the most from the effects of the principle of population ; and it can scarcely be doubted that, taking Europe throughout, fewer famines and fewer dis- eases arising from want have prevailed in the last century than in those which preceded it. On the whole therefore, though our fu- ture prospects respecting the mitigation of the evils arising from the principle of po- pulation may not be so bright as we could wish, yet they are far from being entirely disheartening, and by no means preclude that gradual and progressive improvement in human society, which, before the late wild speculations on this subject, was the object of rational expectation. To the laws vql. in. y of 322 Of our rational Expectations Bk.iv. of property and marriage, and to the ap- parently narrow principle of self-love which prompts each individual to exert himself in bettering his condition, we are indebted for all the noblest exertions of human ge- nius, for every thing that distinguishes the civilized from the savage state. A strict inquiry into the principle of population obliges us to conclude that we shall never be able to throw down the ladder, by which we have risen to this eminence ; but it by no means proves, that we may not rise higher by the same means. The structure of society, in its great features, will pro- bably always remain unchanged. We have every reason to believe that it will always consist of a class of proprietors and a class of labourers ; but the condition of each, and the proportion which they bear to each other, may be so altered, as greatly to im- prove the harmony and beauty of the whole. It would indeed be a melancholy reflection that, while the views of physical science are daily enlarging, so as scarcely to be bounded by the most distant horizon, the science of moral and political philo- sophy Ch. xiv. respecting future Improvements. 323 sophy should be confined within such nar- row limits, or at best be so feeble in its influence, as to be unable to counteract the obstacles to human happiness arising from a single cause. But however formidable these obstacles may have appeared in some parts of this work, it is hoped that the ge- neral result of the inquiry is such, as not to make us give up the improvement of hu- man society in despair. The partial good which seems to be attainable is worthy of all our exertions ; is sufficient to direct our efforts, and animate our prospects. And although we cannot expect that the virtue and happiness of mankind will keep pace with the brilliant career of physical disco- very; yet if we are not wanting to ourselves, we may confidently indulge the hope that, to no unimportant extent, they will be in- fluenced by its progress and will partake in its success. y 2 APPENDIX APPENDIX, IN the preface to the second edition of this Essay, I expressed a hope that the detailed manner, in which I had treated the subject and pursued it to its consequences, though it might open the door to many objections, and expose me to much severity of criticism, might be sub- servient to the important end of bringing a subject so nearly connected with the happiness of society into more general notice. Conforma- bly to the same views I should always have felt willing to enter into the discussion of any serious objections that were made to my prin- ciples or conclusions, to abandon those which appeared to be false, and to throw further lights, if I could, on those which appeared to be true. But though the work has excited a degree of public attention much greater than I could have presumed to expect, yet very little has been written to controvert it; and of that little, the 326 APPENDIX. the greatest part is so full of illiberal declama- tion, arid so entirely destitute of argument, as to be evidently beneath notice. What I have to say therefore at present, will be directed rather more to the objections which have been urged in conversation, than to those which have appeared in print. My object is to correct some of the misrepresentations which have gone abroad respecting two or three of the most important points of the Essay; and I should feel greatly obliged to those who have not had leisure to read the whole work, if they would cast their eyes over the few following pages, that they may not, from the partial and incorrect statements which they have heard, mistake the import of some of my opinions, and attribute to me others which I have never held. The first grand objection that has been made to my principles is, that they contradict the original command of the Creator, to increase and multiply and replenish the earth. But those who have urged this objection ha\e cer- tainly either not read the work, or have directed their attention solely to a few detached pas- sages, and have been unable to seize the bent and spirit of the whole. I am fully of opinion, that it is the duty of man to obey this command of his Creator ; nor is there, in my recollection, a single APPENDIX. 327 a single passage in the work, which, taken with the context, can, to any reader of intelligence, warrant the contrary inference. Every express command given to man by his Creator is given in subordination to those great and uniform laws of nature, which he had pre- viously established ; and we are forbidden both by reason and religion to expect that these laws will be changed in order to enable us to execute, more readily any particular precept. It is undoubtedly true that, if man were enabled miraculously to live without food, the earth would be very rapidly replenished : but as we have not the slightest ground of hope that such a miracle will be worked for this purpose, it becomes our positive duty as reasonable crea- tures, and with a view of executing the com- mands of our Creator, to inquire into the laws which he has established for the multiplication of the species. And when we find, not only from the speculative contemplation of these laws, but from the far more powerful and im- perious suggestions of our senses, that man cannot live without food, it is a folly exactly of the same kind to attempt to obey the will of our Creator by increasing population without re- ference to the means of its support, as to attempt to obtain an abundant crop of corn by sowing it on the way-side and in hedges, where it can- not 328 APPENDIX. not receive its proper nourishment. Which is it, I would ask, that best seconds the bene- volent intentions of the Creator in covering the earth with esculent vegetables, he who with care and foresight duly ploughs and prepares a piece of ground, and sows no more seed than he expects will grow up to maturity, or he who scatters a profusion of seed indifferently over the land, without reference to the soil on which it falls, or any previous preparation for its reception ? It is an utter misconception of my argument to infer that I am an enemy to population. I am only an enemy to vice and misery, and con- sequently to that unfavourable proportion be- tween population and food, which produces these evils. But this unfavourable proportion has no necessary connexion with the quantity of absolute population which a country may contain. On the contrary, it is more fre- quently found in countries which are very thinly peopled, than in those which are populous. The bent of my argument on the subject of population may be illustrated by the instance of a pasture farm. If a young grazier were told to stock his land well, as on his stock would depend his profits and the ultimate suc- cess of his undertaking, he would certainly have been told nothing but what was strictly true : and APPENDIX. 320 and he would have to accuse himself, not his advisers, if, in pursuance of these instructions, he were to push the breeding of his cattle till they became lean and half-starved. His in- structor, when he talked of the advantages of a large stock, meant undoubtedly stock in proper condition, and not such a stock as, though it might be numerically greater, was in value much less. The expression of stocking a farm well does not refer to particular num- bers, but merely to that proportion which is best adapted to the farm, whether it be a poor or a rich one, whether it will carry fifty head of cattle or five hundred. It is undoubtedly ex- tremely desirable that it should carry the greater number, and every effort should be made to effect this object: but surely that farmer could not be considered as an enemy to a large quantity of stock, who should insist upon the folly and impropriety of attempting to breed such a quantity, before the land was put into a condition to bear it. The arguments which I have used respecting the increase of population are exactly of the same nature as these just mentioned. I believe that it is the intention of the Creator that the earth should be replenished*; but certainly * This opinion I have expressed, page 491 of the 4to. edit, and p. 79/ vol. iii. of this edit. with 830 APPENDIX. with a healthy, virtuous and happy population, not an unhealthy, vicious and miserable one. And if, in endeavouring to obey the command to increase and multiply, we people it only with beings of this latter description and suffer accordingly, we have no right to impeach the justice of the command, but our irrational mode of executing it. In the desirableness of a great and efficient population, I do not differ from the warmest advocates of increase. I am perfectly ready to acknowledge with the writers of old that it is not extent of territory, but extent of population that measures the power of states. It is only as to the mode of obtaining a vigorous and efficient population that I differ from them ; and in thus differing I conceive myself entirely borne out by experience, that great test of all human speculations. It appears from the undoubted testimony of registers, that a large proportion of marriages and births is by no means necessarily connected with a rapid increase of population, but is often found in countries where it is either stationary or increasing very slowly. The population of such countries is not only comparatively ineffi- cient from the general poverty and misery of the inhabitants, but invariably contains a much larger proportion of persons in those stages of life, APPENDIX. 331 life, in which they are unable to contribute their share to the resources or the defence of the state. This is most strikingly illustrated in an in- stance which I have quoted from M. Muret, in a chapter on Switzerland, where it appeared, that in proportion to the same population, the Lyonais produced 16 births, the Pays de Vaud 1 1, and a particular parish in the Alps only 8 ; but that at the age of 20 these three very dif- ferent numbers were all reduced to the same*. In the Lyonais nearly half of the population was under the age of puberty, in the Pays de Vaud one-third, and in the parish of the Alps only one-fourth. The inference from such facts is unavoidable, and of the highest importance to society. The power of a country to increase its re- sources or defend its possessions must depend principally upon its efficient population, upon that part of the population which is of an age to be employed effectually in agriculture, com- merce or war ; but it appears with an evidence little short of demonstration, that in a country, the resources of which do not naturally call for a larger proportion of births, such an increase, so far from tending to increase this efficient a Page 271, 4to. edit, and p. 472, vol. i. of this edit. population, 332 APPENDIX* population, would tend materially to diminish it. It would undoubtedly, at first, increase the number of souls in proportion to the means of subsistence, and therefore cruelly increase the pressure of want ; but the numbers of persons rising annually to the age of puberty might not be so great as before, a larger part of the pro- duce would be distributed without return to children who would never reach manhood, and the additional population, instead of giving additional strength to the country, would essen- tially lessen this strength and operate as a con- stant obstacle to the creation of new resources. We are a little dazzled at present by the po- pulation and power of France, and it is known that she has always had a large proportion of births: but if any reliance can be placed on what are considered as the best authorities on this subject, it is quite certain that the advan- tages which she enjoys do not arise from any thing peculiar in the structure of her popula- tion ; but solely from the great absolute quan- tity of it, derived from her immense extent of fertile territory. Necker, speaking of the population of France, says that it is so composed, that a million of individuals present neither the same force in war, nor the same capacity for labour, as an equal number in a country where the people are APPENDIX. 333 are less oppressed and fewer die in infancy . And the view which Arthur Young has given of the state of the lower classes of the people at the time he travelled in France, which was just at the commencement of the revolution, leads directly to the same conclusion. According to the Statistigue Ginerale et Farticulilre de la France, lately published, the proportion of the population under twenty is almost -$ ; in Eng- land it is probably not much more than -Jg. \ Consequently Necker sur les Finances, torn. i. ch. ix. p. 263, 12mo. b I do not mention these numbers here, as vouching in any degree for their accuracy, but merely for the sake of illustrating the subject. Unfortunately there are no data respecting the classifications of the population of different countries according to age, on which any reliance can be placed with safety. I have reason to think that those given in the Statistigue Gene'rale were not taken from actual enumerations ; and the proportion of the popula- tion under 20, mentioned in the text for England, is en- tirely conjectural, and certainly too small. Of this, how- ever, we may be quite sure, that when two countries, from the proportion of their births to deaths, increase nearly at the same rate, the one, in which the births and deaths bear the greatest proportion to the whole popu- lation, will have the smallest comparative number of per- sons above the age of puberty. That England and Scotland have, in every million of people which they contain, 334 APPENDIX. Consequently out of a population of ten mil- lions England would have a million more of persons above twenty than France, and would upon this supposition have at least three or four hundred thousand more males of a military age. If our population were of the same de- scription as that of France, it must be increased contain, more individuals fit for labour than France, the data we have are sufficient to determine ; but in what degree this difference exists cannot be ascertained, with- out better information than we at present possess. On account of the more rapid increase of population in England than in France before the revolution, England ought, ceteris paribus, to have had the largest proportion of births ; yet in France the proportion was yt or -gV, and in England only -^o". The proportion of persons capable of bearing arms i has been sometimes calculated at one-fourth, and some- times at one-fifth, of the whole population of a country. The reader will be aware of the prodigious difference between the two estimates, supposing them to be appli- cable to two different countries. In the one case, a population of twenty millions would yield five millions of effective men ; and in the other case, the same popu- lation would only yield four millions. We cannot surely doubt which of the two kinds of population would be of the most valuable description, both with regard to actual strength and the creation of fresh resources. Probably, however, there are no two countries in Europe in which the difference in this respect is so great as that between one-fourth and one-fifth. numerically APPENDIX. 335 numerically by more than a million and a half, in order to enable us to produce from England and Wales the same number of persons above the age of twenty as at present ; and if we had only an increase of a million, our efficient strength in agriculture, commerce and war, would be in the most decided manner diminished, while at the same time the distresses of the lower classes would be dreadfully increased. Can any rational man say that an additional popula- tion of this description would be desirable, either in a moral or political view ? And yet this is the kind of population which invariably results from direct encouragements to marriage, or from the want of that personal respectability which is occasioned by ignorance and despotism. It may perhaps be true that France fills her armies with greater facility and less interruption to the usual labours of her inhabitants than England; and it must be acknowledged that poverty and want of employment are powerful aids to a recruiting serjeant ; but it would not be a very humane project to keep our people always in want, for the sake of enlisting them cheaper; nor would it be a very politic project to diminish our wealth and strength with the same economical view. We cannot attain in- compatible objects. If we possess the ad- vantage of being able to keep nearly all our people 336 APPENDIX. people constantly employed, either in agri- culture or commerce, we cannot expect to re- tain the opposite advantage of their being always at leisure, and willing to enlist for a very small sum \ But we may rest perfectly assured that while we have the efficient population, we shall never want men to fill our armies, if we propose to them adequate motives. In many parts of the Essay I have dwelt much on the advantage of rearing the requisite population of any country from the smallest number of births. I have stated expressly, that a decrease of mortality at all ages is what we ought chiefly to aim at; and as the best criterion of happiness and good government, instead of the largeness of the proportion of births, which was the usual mode of judging, I have proposed the smallness of the proportion dying under the age of puberty. Conscious that I had never intentionally deviated from these principles, I might well be rather sur- prised to hear that I had been considered by some as an enemy to the introduction of the vaccine inoculation, which is calculated to at- This subject is strikingly illustrated in Lord Selkirk's lucid and masterly observations " On the present State of the Highlands, and on the Causes and probable Conse- quences of Emigration," to which I can with confidence refer the reader. tain APPENDIX. 337 tain the very end which I have uniformly con- sidered as so desirable. I have indeed inti- mated what I still continue most firmly to be- lieve, that if the resources of the country would not permanently admit of a greatly accelerated rate of increase in the population (and whether they would or not must certainly depend upon other causes besides the number of lives saved by the vaccine innoculation) a , one of two things would happen, either an increased mortality of some other diseases, or a diminution in the proportion of births. But I have expressed my conviction that the latter effect would take place ; and therefore consistently with the opinions which I have always maintained, I ought to be, and am, one of the warmest friends to the introduction of the cow-pox. In making every exertion which I think likely to be effectual, to increase the comforts and di- minish the mortality among the poor, I act in the most exact conformity to my principles. Whether those are equally consistent who pro- a It should be remarked however, that a young person saved from death is more likely to contribute to the crea- tion of fresh resources than another birth. It is a great loss of labour and food to begin over again. And uni- versally it is true that, under similar circumstances, that article will come the cheapest to market, which is ac- companied by fewest failures. vol. ii. z fess 338 APPENDIX. fess to have the same object in view, and yet measure the happiness of nations by the large proportion of marriages and births, is a point which they would do well to consider. It has been said by some, that the natural checks to population will always be sufficient to keep it within bounds, without resorting to any other aids ; and one ingenious writer has remarked that I have not deduced a single ori- ginal fact from real observations, to prove the inefficiency of the checks which already prevail*. These remarks are correctly true, and are truisms exactly of the same kind as the asser- tion that man cannot live without food. For, undoubtedly as long as this continues to be a law of his nature, what are here called the natural checks cannot possibly fail of being ef- fectual. Besides the curious truism that these assertions involve, they proceed upon the very strange supposition, that the ultimate object of my work is to check population ; as if any thing could be more desirable than the most rapid increase of population, unaccompanied by vice and misery. But of course my ultimate object is to diminish vice and misery, and any * I should like much to know what description of facts this gentleman had in view, when he made this observation. If 1 could have found one of the kind, which seems here to be alluded to, it would indeed have been truly original. checks APPENDIX. 339 checks to population, which may have been sug- gested, are solely as means to accomplish this end. To a rational being, the prudential check to population ought to be considered as equally natural with the check from poverty and pre- mature mortality which these gentlemen seem to think so entirely sufficient and satisfactory ; and it will readily occur to the intelligent reader, that one class of checks may be substituted for another, not only without essentially diminish- ing the population of a country, but even under a constantly progressive increase of it a . On the possibility of increasing very consi- derably the effective population of this country, I have expressed myself in some parts of my work more sanguinely, perhaps, than expe- rience would warrant. I have said, that in the course of some centuries it might contain two or three times as many inhabitants as at pre- sent, and yet every person be both better fed and better clothed b . And in the comparison of the increase of population and food at the beginning of the Essay, that the argument might not seem a Both Norway and Switzerland, where the preventive check prevails the most, are increasing with some rapidity in their population; and in proportion to their means of subsistence, they can produce mort males of a military age than any other country of Europe. k P. 512, 4to. edit. p. 117, vol. iii. of this edit. z 2 t 340 APPENDIX. to depend upon a difference of opinion respect' ing facts, I have allowed the produce of the earth to be unlimited, which is certainly going too far. It is not a little curious therefore, thattt should still continue to be urged against me as an argument, that this country might contain two or three times as many inhabitants ; and it is still more curious, that some persons, who have allowed the different ratios of increase on which all my principal conclusions are founded, have still asserted that no difficulty or distress could arise from population, till the productions of the earth could not be further increased. I doubt whether a stronger instance could readily be produced of the total absence of the power of reasoning, than this assertion, after such a concession, affords. It involves a greater ab- surdity than the saying that because a farm can by proper management be made to carry an additional stock of four head of cattle every year, that therefore no difficulty or inconve- nience would arise if an additional forty were placed in it yearly. The power of the earth to produce subsist- ence is certainly not unlimited, but it is strictly speaking indefinite ; that is, its limits are not defined, and the time will probably never ar- rive when we shall be able to say that no fur- ther labour or ingenuity of man could make further APPENDIX. 341 further additions to it. But the power of ob- taining an additional quantity of food from the earth by proper management, and in a certain time, has the most remote relation imaginable to the power of keeping pace with an unre- stricted increase of population. The know- ledge and industry, which would enable the natives of New Holland to make the best use of the natural resources of their country, must, without an absolute miracle, come to them gradually and slowly ; and even then, as it has amply appeared, would be perfectly ineffectual as to the grand object ; but the passions which prompt to the increase of population are always in full vigour, and are ready to produce their full effect even in a state of the most helpless ignorance and barbarism. It will be readily allowed, that the reason why New Holland, in proportion to its natural powers, is not so po- pulous as China, is the want of those human institutions which protect property and encou- rage industry ; but the misery and vice which prevail almost equally in both countries, from the tendency of population to increase faster than the means of subsistence, form a distinct consideration, and arise from a distinct cause. They arise from the incomplete discipline of the human passions ; and no person with the slightest knowledge of mankind has ever had the hardihood to affirm that human institutions could 342 APPENDIX. could completely discipline all the human passions. But I have already treated this subject so fully in the course of the work, that I am ashamed to add any thing further here. The next grand objection which has been urged against me, is my denial of the right of the poor to support. Those who would maintain this objection with any degree of consistency, are bound to shew, that the different ratios of increase with respect to population and food, which I at- tempted to establish at the beginning of the Essay, are fundamentally erroneous ; since on the supposition of their being true, the con- clusion is inevitable. If it appear, as it must appear on these ratios being allowed, that it is not possible for the industry of man to produce sufficient food for all that would be born, if every person were to marry at the time when he was first prompted to it by inclination, it follows irresistibly, that all cannot have a right to support. Let us for a moment suppose an equal division of property in any country. If under these circumstances one half of the so- ciety were by prudential habits so to regulate their increase, that it exactly kept pace with their increasing cultivation, it is evident that the individuals of this portion of society would always remain as rich as at first. If APPENDIX. 343 If the other half during the same time married at the age of puberty, when they would pro- bably feel most inclined to it, it is evident that they would soon become wretchedly poor. But upon what plea of justice or equity could this second half of the society claim a right, in virtue of their poverty, to any of the posses- sions of the first half? This poverty had arisen entirely from their own ignorance or impru- dence ; and it would be perfectly clear, from the manner in which it had come upon them, that if their plea were admitted, and they were not suffered to feel the particular evils resulting from their conduct, the whole society would shortly be involved in the same degree of wretchedness. Any voluntary and temporary assistance, which might be given as a measure of charity by the richer members of the society to the others, while they were learning to make a better use of the lessons of nature, would be quite a distinct consideration, and without doubt most properly applied ; but nothing like a claim of right to support can possibly be maintained, till we deny the premises ; till we affirm that the American increase of population is a miracle, and does not arise from the greater facility of obtaining the means of subsistence a . In a It has been said that I have written a quarto volume to prove, 344 APPENDIX. In fact, whatever we may say in our declama- tions on this subject, almost the whole of our conduct is founded on the non-existence of this right. If the poor had really a claim of right to support, I do not think that any man could justify his wearing broad cloth, or eating as much meat as he likes for dinner ; and those who assert this right, and yet are rolling in their carriages, living every day luxuriously and keeping even their horses on food of which their fellow-creatures are in want, must be al- lowed to act with the greatest inconsistency. Taking an individual instance without reference to consequences, it appears to me that Mr. God- prove, that population increases in a geometrical/ and food in an arithmetical ratio ; but this is not quite true. The first of these propositions I considered as proved the moment the American increase was related, and the second proposition as soon as it was enunciated. The chief object of my work was to inquire what effects these laws, which I considered as established in the first six pages, had pro- duced, and were likely to produce, on society ; a subject not very readily exhausted. The principal fault of my details is, that they are not sufficiently particular; but this was a fault which it was not in my power to remedy. It would be a most curious, and, to every philosophical mind, a most interesting, piece of information, to know the exact share of the full power of increase which each existing check prevents ; but at present 1 see no mode of obtaining such information. win's APPENDIX. 345 win's argument is irresistible. Can it be pre* tended for a moment that a part of the mutton which I expect to eat to-day would not be much more beneficially employed on some hard- working labourer, who has not perhaps tasted animal food for the last week, or on some poor family, who cannot command sufficient food of any kind fully to satisfy the cravings of hun- ger ? If these instances were not of a nature to multiply in proportion as such wants were indiscriminately gratified, the gratification of them, as it would be practicable, would be highly beneficial ; and in this case I should not have the smallest hesitation in most fully al- lowing the right. But as it appears clearly, both from theory and experience, that, if the claim were allowed, it would soon increase beyond the possibility of satisfying it ; and that the practical attempt to do so would involve the human race in the most wretched and universal poverty ; it follows necessarily that ourconduct, which denies the right, is more suited to the present state of our being, than our declama- tions which allow it. The great Author of nature, indeed, with that wisdom which is apparent in all his works, has not left this conclusion to the cold and speculative con- sideration of general consequences. By making the passion of self-love beyond comparison stronger 346 APPENDIX. stronger than the passion of benevolence, he has at once impelled us to that line of conduct, which is essential to the preservation of the human race. If all that might be born could be adequately supplied, we cannot doubt, that he would have made the desire of giving to others as ardent as that of supplying ourselves. But since, under the present constitution of things, this is not so, he has enjoined every man to pursue, as his primary object, his own safety and happiness, and the safety and hap- piness of those immediately connected with him ; and it is highly instructive to observe that, in proportion as the sphere contracts and the power of giving efFectuat assistance increases, the desire increases at the same time. In the case of children, who have certainly a claim of right to the support and protection of their pa- rents, we generally find parental affection nearly as strong as self-love : and except in a few anomalous cases, the last morsel will be divided into equal shares. By this wise provision the most ignorant are led to promote the general happiness, an end which they would have totally failed to attain, if the moving principle of their conduct had been benevolence*. Benevolence indeed, as the * In saying this let me not be supposed to give the slightest APPENDIX. 347 the great and constant source of action, would require the most perfect knowledge of causes and effects, and therefore can only be the attri- bute of the Deity. In a being so short-sighted as man, it would lead into the grossest errors, and soon transform the fair and cultivated soil of civilized society into a dreary scene of want and confusion. But though benevolence cannot in the pre- sent state of our being be the great moving principle of human actions, yet, as the kind corrector of the evils arising from the other stronger passion, it is essential to human hap- piness ; it is the balm and consolation and grace of human life, the source of our noblest efforts in the cause of virtue, and of our purest and most refined pleasures. Conformably to that system of general laws, according to which the Supreme Being appears with very few excep- tions to act, a passion so strong and general as self-love could not prevail without producing much partial evil : and to prevent this passion from degenerating into the odious vice of slightest sanction to the system of morals inculcated in the Fable of the Bees, a system which I consider as ab- solutely false, and directly contrary to the just definition of virtue. The great art of Dr. Mandeville consisted in misnomers. selfishness, 348 APPENDIX. selfishness*, to make us sympathize in the pains and pleasures of our fellow-creatures, and feel the same kind of interest in their happiness and misery as in our own, though diminished in degree ; to prompt us often to put ourselves in their place, that we may understand their wants, acknowledge their rights and do them good as we have opportunity ; and to remind us conti- nually, that even the passion which urges us to procure plenty for ourselves was not implanted in us for our own exclusive advantage, but as the means of procuring the greatest plenty for all ; these appear to be the objects and offices of benevolence. In every situation of life there is ample room for the exercise of this virtue : and as each individual rises in society, as he advances in knowledge and excellence, as his power of doing good to others becomes greater, and the necessary attention to his own wants less, it will naturally come in for an increasing share among his constant motives of action. a It seems proper to make a decided distinction be- tween self-love and selfishness, between that passion, which under proper regulations is the source of all ho- nourable industry, and of all the necessaries and conve- niences of life, and the same passion pushed to excess, when it becomes useless and disgusting, and consequently vicious. In APPENDIX 349 Iii situations of high trust and inPuerce it ought to have a very large share, and in all public institutions it should be the great moving prin- ciple. Though we have often reason to fear that our benevolence may not take the most beneficial direction, we need never apprehend that there will be too much of it in society. The foundations of that passion on which our preservation depends, are fixed so deeply in our nature, that no reasonings or addresses to our feelings can essentially disturb it. It is just therefore and proper that all the positive precepts should be on the side of the weaker impulse ; and we may safely endeavour to in- crease and extend its influence as much as we are able, if at the same time we are constantly on the watch, to prevent the evil which may arise from its misapplication. The law, which in this country entitles the poor to relief, is undoubtedly different from a full acknowledgment of the natural right ; and from this difference, and the many counter- acting causes that arise from the mode of its execution, it will not of course be attended with the same consequences. But still it is an approximation to a full acknowledgment, and as such appears to produce much evil, both with regard to the habits and the temper of the poor. I have in consequence ventured to suggest 350 APPENDIX. suggest a plan of gradual abolition, which, as might be expected, has not met with universal approbation. I can readily understand any objections that may be made to it on the plea, that, the right having been once acknowledged in this country, the revocation of it might at first excite discontents ; and I should therefore most fully concur in the propriety of proceeding with the greatest caution, and of using all pos- sible means of preventing any sudden shock to the opinions of the poor. But I have never been able to comprehend the grounds of the further assertion, which I have sometimes heard made, that if the poor were really convinced that they had no claim of right to relief, they would in general be more inclined to be dis- contented and seditious. On these occasions, the only way I have of judging is to put myself in imagination in the place of the poor man, and consider how I should feel in his situation. If I were told that the rich by the laws of na- ture and the laws of the land were bound to support me, I could not, in the first place, feel much obligation for such support ; and, in the next place, if I were given any food of an infe- rior kind, and could not see the absolute ne- cessity of the change, which would probably be the case, I should think that I had good reason to complain. I should feel, that the laws had been APPENDIX. 351 been violated to my injury, and that I had been unjustly deprived of my right. Under these circumstances, though I might be deterred by the fear of an armed force from committing any overt acts of resistance, yet I should consider myself as perfectly justified in so doing, if this fear were removed ; and the injury, which I believed that I had suffered, might produce the most unfavourable effects on my general dis- positions towards the higher classes of society. I cannot indeed conceive any thing more irri- tating to the human feelings, than to experience that degree of distress, which, in spite of all our poor-laws and benevolence, is not unfre- quently felt in this country ; and yet to believe that these sufferings were not brought upon me either by my own faults, or by the operation of those general laws which, like the tempest, the blight or the pestilence, are continually falling hard on particular individuals, while others en- tirely escape, but were occasioned solely by the avarice and injustice of the higher classes of society. On the contrary, if I firmly believed that by the laws of nature, which are the laws of God, I had no claim of right to support, I should, in the first place, feel myself more strongly bound to a life of industry and frugality ; but if want, notwithstanding, came upon me, I should con- sider 352 APPENDIX. sider it in the light of sickness, as an evil inci- dental to my present state of being, and which, if I could not avoid, it was my duty to bear with fortitude and resignation. I should know from past experience, that the best title I could have to the assistance of the benevolent would be, the not having brought myself into distress by my own idleness or extravagance. What I received would have the best effect on my feelings towards the higher classes. Even if it were much inferior to what I had been accus- tomed to, it would still, instead of an injury, be an obligation ; and conscious that I had no claim of right, nothing but the dread of absolute famine, which might overcome all other con- siderations, could palliate the guilt of resistance. I cannot help believing that, if the poor in this country were convinced that they had no claim of right to support, and yet in scarcities and all cases of urgent distress were liberally relieved, which I think they would be ; the bond, which unites the rich with the poor, would be drawn much closer than at present ; and the lower classes of society, as they would have less real reason for irritation and discon- tent, would be much less subject to these uneasy sensations. Among those who have objected to my de- claration, that the poor have no claim of right to APPENDIX. 353 to support, is Mr. Young, who, with a harsh- ness not quite becoming a candid inquirer after truth, has called my proposal for the gradual abolition of the poor-laws a horrible plan, and asserted that the execution of it would be a most iniquitous proceeding. Let this plan however be compared for a moment with that which he himself and others have proposed, of fixing the sum of the poor's rates, which on no account is to be increased. Under such a law, if the distresses of the poor were to be aggra- vated tenfold, either by the increase of numbers or the recurrence of a scarcity, the same sum would invariably be appropriated to their relief. If the statute which gives the poor a right to support were to remain unexpunged, we should add to the cruelty of starving them the in- justice of still professing to relieve them. If this statute were expunged or altered, we should virtually deny the right of the poor to support, and only retain the absurdity of saying, that they had a right to a certain sum ; an absurdity on which Mr. Young justly comments with much severity in the case of France \ In both cases a The National Assembly of France, though they dis- approved of the English poor-laws, still adopted their principle, and declared, that the poor had a right to pe- cuniary assistance ; that the Assembly ought to consider VOL. II. 2 A such 354 APPENDIX. cases the hardships which they would suffer would be much more severe, and would come upon them in a much more unprepared state, than upon the plan proposed in the Essay. According to this plan all that are already married, and even all that are engaged to marry during the course of the year, and all their children, would be relieved as usual ; and only those who marry subsequently, and who of course may be supposed to have made better provision for contingencies, would be out of the pale of relief. Any plan for the abolition of the poor-laws such a provision as one of its first and most sacred duties ; and that, with this view, an expense ought to be incurred to the amount of 50 millions a year. Mr. Young justly observes that he does not comprehend how it is possible to regard the expenditure of 50 millions as a sacred duty, and not extend that 50 to 100 (if necessity should demand it), the 100 to 200, the 200 to 300, and so on in the same miserable progression which has taken place in England. Travels in France, c. xv. p. 439* I should be the last man to quote Mr. Young against himself, if I thought he had left the path of error for the path of truth, as such kind of inconsistency I hold to be highly praiseworthy. But thinking, on the contrary, that he has left truth for error, it is surely justifiable to remind him of his former opinions. We may recall to a vicious man his former virtuous conduct, though it would be use- less and indelicate to remind a virtuous man of the vices which he had relinquished. must APPENDIX. 355 must presuppose a general acknowledgment that they are essentially wrong, and that it is necessary to tread back our steps. With this acknowledgment, whatever objections may be made to my plan, in the too frequently short- sighted views of policy, I have no fear of com- paring it with any other that has yet been ad- vanced, in point of justice and humanity ; and of course the terms iniquitous and horrible " pass by me like the idle wind, which I regard not." Mr. Young, it would appear, has now given up this plan. He has pleaded for the privilege of being inconsistent, and has given such reasons for it that I am disposed to acquiesce in them, provided he confines the exercise of this privi- lege to different publications, in the interval between which he may have collected new facts. But I still think it not quite allowable in the same publication : and yet it appears that in the very paper, in which he has so severely condemned my scheme, the same arguments, which he has used to reprobate it, are applicable with equal force against his own proposal, as there explained. He allows that his plan can provide only for a certain number of families, and has nothing to do with the increase from them 3 ; but in allowing this, he allows that it does not reach a Annals of Agriculture, No. 239, p- 219. 2 a 2 the. 356 APPENDIX. the grand difficulty attending a provision for the poor. In this most essential point, after reprobating me for saying, that the poor have no claim of right to support, he is compelled to adopt the very same conclusion ; and to own that " it might be prudent to consider the " misery to which the progressive population " might be subject, when there was not a suf- " ficient demand for them in towns and manu " factures, as an evil which it was absolutely " and physically impossible to prevent." Now the sole reason why I say that the poor have no claim of right to support, is the physical impossibility of relieving this progressive popu- lation. Mr. Young expressly acknowledges this physical impossibility ; yet with an incon- sistency scarcely credible still declaims against my declaration. The power, which the society may possess of relieving a certain portion of the poor, is a consideration perfectly distinct from the general question ; and I am quite sure I have never said that it is not our duty to do all the good that is practicable. But this limited power of assisting individuals cannot possibly establish a general right. If the poor have really a natural right to support, and if our present laws be only a confirmation of this right, it ought certainly to extend unimpaired to all who are in distress, to APPENDIX. 357 to the increase from the cottagers as well as to the cottagers themselves : and it would be a palpable injustice in the society, to adopt Mr. Youngs plan, and purchase from the pre- sent generation the disfranchisement of their posterity. Mr. Young objects very strongly to that pas- sage of the Essay a , in which I observe that a man, who plunges himself into poverty and de- pendence by marrying without any prospect of being able to maintain his family, has more reason to accuse himself than the price of la- bour, the parish, the avarice of the rich, the institutions of society, and the dispensations of Providence; except as far as he has been deceived by those who ought to have instructed him. In answer to this, Mr. Young says that the poor fellow is justified in everyone of these complaints, that of Providence alone excepted ; and that, seeing other cottagers living com- fortably with three or four acres of land, he has cause to accuse institutions which deny him that which the rich could well spare, and which would give him all he wants h . I would beg Mr. Young for a moment to consider how the " Book iv. c. iii. p. 506, 4to. edit. vol. iii. p. 106, of this edition. u Annals of Agriculture, No. 239, p. 226. matter 358 APPENDIX. matter would stand, if his own plan were com- pletely executed. After all the commons had been divided as he has proposed, if a labourer had more than one son, in what respect would the second or third be in a different situation from the man that I have supposed ? Mr. Young cannot possibly mean to say that, if he had the very natural desire of marrying at twenty, he would still have a right to complain that the society did not give him a house and three or four acres of land. He has indeed expressly denied this absurd consequence, though in so doing he has directly contradicted the declara- tion just quoted*. The progressive population, he says, would, according to his system, be cut off from the influence of the poor-laws, and the encouragement to marry would remain ex- actly in that proportion less than at present. Under these circumstances, without land, with- out the prospect of parish relief, and with the price of labour only sufficient to maintain two children, can Mr. Young seriously think that the poor man, if he be really aware of his situation, does not do wrong in marrying, and ought not to' accuse himself for following what Mr. Young calls the dictates of God, of nature and of revelation? Mr. Young cannot be un- * Annals of Agriculture, No. 239, p. 214. aware APPENDIX. &>9 aware of the wretchedness that must inevitably follow a marriage under such circumstances. His plan makes no provision whatever for altering these circumstances. He must there- fore totally disregard all the misery arising from excessive poverty ; or, if he allows that these supernumerary members must necessa- rily wait, either till a cottage with land becomes vacant in the country, or that by emigrating to towns they can find the means of providing for a family, all the declamation, which he has urged with such pomp against deferring mar- riage in my system, would be equally appli- cable in his own. In fact, if Mr. Young's plan really attained the object, which it professes to have in view, that of bettering the condition of the poor ; and did not defeat its intent by en- couraging a too rapid multiplication, and con- sequently lowering the price of labour; it cannot be doubted that not only the supernu- merary members just mentioned, but all the labouring poor, must wait longer before they could marry than they do at present. The following proposition may be said to be capable of mathematical demonstration. In a country, the resources of which will not per- manently admit of an increase of population more rapid than the existing rate, no improve- ment in the condition of thepeople, which would tend 360 APPENDIX. tend to diminish mortality, could possibly take place without being accompanied by a smaller proportion of births, supposing of course no particular increase of emigration*. To a per- son who has considered the subject, there is no proposition in Euclid, which brings home to the mind a stronger conviction than this; and there is no truth so invariably confirmed by all the registers of births, deaths and marriages, that have ever been collected. In this country it has appeared that, according to the returns of the Population Act b , the proportion of births * With regard to the resources of emigration, I refer the reader to the chapter on that subject in the Essay. Nothing is more easy than to say that three-fourths of the habitable globe are yet unpeopled ; but it is by no means so easy to fill these parts with flourishing colonies. The peculiar circumstances which have caused the spirit of emigration in the Highlands, so clearly explained in the able work of Lord Selkirk before referred to, are not of constant recurrence; nor is it by any means to be wished that they should be so. And yet without some such circumstances, people are by no means very ready to leave their native soil, and will bear much distress at home, rather than venture on these distant regions. I am of opinion, that it is both the duty and interest of govern- ments to facilitate emigration; but it would surely be unjust to oblige people to leave their country and kindred against their inclinations. "The Returns of 1801. to APPENDIX. 361 to deaths is about 4 to 3. This proportion with a mortality of 1 in 40 would double the population in 83 years and a half a ; and as we cannot suppose that the country could admit of more than a quadrupled population in the next hundred and sixty-six years, we may safely say that its resources will not allow of a perma- nent rate of increase greater than that which is taking place at present. But if this be granted, it follows as a direct conclusion, that if Mr. Young's plan, or any other, really suc- ceeded in bettering the condition of the poor, and enabling them to rear more of their chil- dren, the vacancies in cottages in proportion to the number of expectants would happen slower than at present, and the age of marriage must inevitably be later. "With regard to the expression of later mar- riages, it should always be recollected that it refers to no particular age, but is entirely com- parative. The marriages in England are later than in France, the natural consequence of that prudence and respectability generated by a better government; and can we doubt that good has been the result ? The marriages in this country now are later than they were be- fore the revolution ; and I feel firmly persuaded, a Table iii. p. 238, 4to. edit. ; and Table ii. p. 168, vol. ii. of this edition. that 36:5 APPENDIX. that the increased healthiness observed of late years could not possibly have taken place with- out this accompanying circumstance. Two or three years in the average age of marriage, by lengthening each generation, and tending, in a small degree, both to diminish the prolifickness of marriages, and the number of born living to be married, may make a considerable differ- ence in the rate of increase, and be adequate to allow for a considerably diminished mortality. But I would- on no account talk of any limits whatever. The only plain and intelligible mea- sure with regard to marriage, is the having a fair prospect of being able to maintain a family. If the possession of one of Mr. Youngs cottages would give the labourer this prospect, he would be quite right to marry ; but if it did not, or if he could only obtain a rented house without land, and the wages of labour were only suffi- cient to maintain two children, does Mr. Young, who cuts him off from the influence of the poor- laws, presume to say, that he would still be right in marrying ? * The lowest prospect, with which a man can be jus- tified in marrying, seems to be the power, when in health, of earning such wages as, at the average price of corn, will maintain the average number of living children to a marriage. Mr. Young APPENDIX. 363 Mr. Young has asserted that I have made perfect chastity in the single state absolutely ne- cessary to the success of my plan; but this surely is a misrepresentation. Perfect virtue is indeed necessary, to enable man to avoid all the moral and physical evils which depend upon his own conduct ; but who ever expected perfect virtue upon earth ? I have said, what I conceive to be strictly true, that it is our duty to defer mar- riage till we can feed our children ; and that it is also our duty not to indulge ourselves in vicious gratifications; but I have never said that I expected either, much less both, of these duties to be completely fulfilled. In this, and a number of other cases, it may happen that the violation of one of two duties will en- able a man to perform the other with greater facility ; but if they be really both duties, and both practicable, no power on earth can absolve a man from the guilt of violating either. This can only be done by that God, who can weigh the crime against the temptation, and will temper justice with mercy. The moralist is still bound to inculcate the practice of both duties; and each individual must' be left to act under the temptations to which he is exposed, as his conscience shall dictate. What- ever I may have said in drawing a picture pro* fessedly visionary, for the sake of illustration ; in 364 APPENDIX. in the practical application of my principles I have taken man as he is, with all his imperfec- tions on his head. And thus viewing him, and knowing that some checks to population must exist, I have not the slighest hesitation in say- ing, that the prudential check to marriage is better than premature mortality. And in this decision I feel myself completely justified by experience. In every instance that can be traced, in which an improved government has given to its sub- jects a greater degree of foresight, industry and personal dignity, these effects, under si- milar circumstances of increase, have invariably been accompanied by a diminished proportion of marriages. This is a proof that an increase of moral worth in the general character is not at least incompatible with an increase of tempta- tions with respect to one particular vice ; and the instances of Norway, Switzerland, England and Scotland, adduced in the last chapter of the Essay, shew that, in comparing different countries together, a smaller proportion of marriages and births does not necessarily imply the greater prevalence even of this particular vice. This is surely quite enough for the le- gislator. He cannot estimate with tolerable accuracy the degree in which chastity in the single state prevails. His general conclusions must APPENDIX. 365 must be founded on general results, and these are clearly in his favour. To much of Mr. Young's plan, as he has at present explained it, I should by no means ob- ject. The peculiar evil which I apprehended from it, that of taking the poor from the con- sumption of wheat, and feeding them on milk and potatoes, might certainly be avoided by a limitation of the number of cottages ; and I en- tirely agree with him in thinking, that we should not be deterred from making 500,000 families more comfortable, because we cannot extend the same relief to all the rest. I have indeed myself ventured to recommend a general im- provement of cottages, and even the cow system on a limited scale; and perhaps with proper precautions a certain portion of land might be given to a considerable body of the labouring classes. If the law which entitles the poor to support were to be repealed, I should most highly ap- prove of any plan which would tend to render such repeal more palatable on its first pro- mulgation: and in this view, some kind of compact with the poor might be very desirable. A plan of letting land to labourers under certain conditions has lately been tried in the parish of Long Newnton in Gloucestershire ; and the re- sult, with a general proposal founded on it, has 366 APPENDIX. has been submitted to the public by Mr. Est- court. The present success has been very striking ; but in this, and every other case of the kind, we should always bear in mind, that no experiment respecting a provision for the poor can be said to be complete till succeeding generations have arisen 8 . I doubt if ever there has been an instance of any thing like a liberal institution for the poor, which did not succeed on its first establishment, however it might have failed afterwards. But this consideration should by no means deter us from making such experiments, when present good is to be ob- tained by them, and a future overbalance of evil is not justly to be apprehended. It should only make us less rash in drawing our inferences. With regard to the general question of the advantages to the lower classes of possessing land, it should be recollected that such pos- a In any plan, particularly of a distribution of land, as a compensation for the relief given by the poor-laws, the succeeding generations would form the grand difficulty. All others would be perfectly trivial in comparison. For a time every thing might go on very smoothly, and the rates be much diminished ; but afterwards, they would either increase again as rapidly as before, or the scheme would be exposed to all the same objections which have been made to mine, without the same justice and consistency to palliate them. session* APPENDIX. 367 sessions are by no means a novelty. Formerly this system prevailed in almost every country with which we are acquainted, and prevails at present in many countries, where the peasants are far from being remarkable for their com- forts, but are, on the contrary, very poor, and. particularly subject to scarcities. With respect to this latter evil, indeed, it is quite obvious that a peasantry which depends principally on its possessions in land, must be more exposed to it than one which depends on the general wages of labour. When a year of deficient crops occurs in a country of any extent and diversity of soil, it is always partial, and some districts are more affected than others. But when a bad crop of grass, corn or potatoes, or a mortality among cattle, falls on a poor man whose principal dependence is on two or three . acres of land, he is in the most deplorable and helpless situation. He is comparatively without money to purchase supplies, and is not for a moment to be compared with the man, who depends on the wages of labour, and who will of course be able to purchase that portion of the general crop, whatever it may be, to which his relative situation in the society entitles him. In Sweden, where the farmers' labourers are paid principally in land, and often keep two or three cows, it is not uncommon for the peasants of 368 APPENDIX. of one district to be almost starving, while their neighbours at a little distance are living in comparative plenty. It will be found indeed generally, that, in almost all the countries which are particularly subject to scarcities and famines, either the farms are very small, or the labourers are paid principally in land. China, Indostan, and the former state of the Highlands of Scotland, furnish some proofs among many others of the truth of this observation ; and in reference to the small properties of France, Mr. Young himself in his Tour particularly notices the distress arising from the least failure of the crops ; and observes that such a defi- ciency, as in England passes almost without notice, in France is attended with dreadful calamities \ Should any plan therefore of assisting the poor by land be adopted in this country, it would be absolutely essential to its ultimate success, to prevent them from making it their principal dependence. And this might pro- bably be done by attending strictly to the two following rules. Not to let the division of land be so great as to interrupt the cottager essen- a Travels in France, vol. i. c. xii. p. 409- That coun- try will probably be the least liable to scarcities, in which agriculture is carried on as the most flourishing manufac- ture of the state. tially APPENDIX. 369 tially in his usual labours ; and always to stop in the further distribution of land and cottages, when the price of labour, independently of any assistance from land, would not at the average price of corn maintain three, or at least two children. Could the matter be so ordered, that the labourer in working for others should still continue to earn the same real command over the necessaries of life that he did before, a very great accession of comfort and happiness might accrue to the poor from the possession of land, without any evil that I can foresee at present. But if these points were not attended to, I should certainly fear an approximation to the state of the poor in France, Sweden and Ireland ; nor do I think that any of the partial experiments that have yet taken place afford the slightest presumption to the contrary. The result of these experiments is indeed exactly such as one should have expected. Who could ever have doubted that, if without lowering the price of labour, or taking the labourer off from his usual occupations, you could give him the produce of one or two acres of land and the benefit of a cow, you would decidedly raise his condition ? But it by no means follows that he would retain this advantage, if the system were so extended, as to make the land his principal dependence, to lower the price of labour, and, vol. ,11. -2b in 370 APPENDIX. in the language of Mr. Young, to take the poor from the consumption of wheat and feed them on milk and potatoes. It does not appear to me so marvellous, as it does to Mr. Young, that the very same system, which in Lincoln- shire and Rutlandshire may produce now the most comfortable peasantry in the British do- minions, should in the end, if extended without proper precautions, assimilate the condition of the labourers of this country to that of the lower classes of the Irish. It is generally dangerous and impolitic in a government to take upon itself to regulate the supply of any commodity in request ; and probably the supply of labourers forms no exception to the general rule. I would on no account therefore propose a positive law to re- gulate their increase; but as any assistance which the society might give them cannot, in the nature of things, be unlimited, the line may fairly be drawn where we please ; and with re- gard to the increase from this point, every thing would be left as before to individual ex- ertion and individual speculation. If any plan of this kind were adopted by the government, I cannot help thinking that it might be made the means of giving the best kind of encouragement and reward to those who are employed in our defence. If the pe- riod APPEXDIX. 371 riod of enlisting were only for a limited time, and at the expiration of that time every person who had conducted himself well were entitled to a house and a small portion of land, if a country labourer, and to a tenement in a town and a small pension, if an artificer (all inalienable), a very strong motive would be held out to young men, not only to enter into the service of their country, but to behave well in that service; and in a short time, there would be such a martial population at home as the unfortunate state of Europe seems in a most peculiar manner to require. As it is only limited assistance that the society can possibly give, it seems in every respect fair and proper that, in regu- lating this limit, some important end should be attained. If the poor-laws be allowed to remain exactly in their present state, we ought at least to be aware to what cause it is owing, that their ef- fects have not been more pernicious than they are observed to be ; that we may not com- plain of, or alter those parts, without which we should really not have the power of con- tinuing them. The law which obliges each parish to maintain its own poor is open to many objections. It keeps the overseers and church- wardens continually on the watch to prevent new comers, and constantly in a state of dis- 2 b 2 pute 372 APPENDIX. pute with other parishes. It thus prevents the free circulation of labour from place to place, and renders its price very unequal in different parts of the kingdom. It disposes all landlords rather to pull down than to build cottages on their estates ; and this scarcity of habitations in the country, by driving more to the towns than would otherwise have gone, gives a re- lative discouragement to agriculture, and a re- lative encouragement to manufactures. These, it must be allowed, are no inconsiderable evils ; but if the cause which occasions them were re- moved, evils of much greater magnitude would follow. I agree with Mr. Young in thinking, that there is scarcely a parish in the kingdom, where, if more cottages were built, and let at any tolerably moderate rents, they would not be immediately filled with new couples. I even agree with him in thinking that in some places this want of habitations operates too strongly in preventing marriage. But I have not the least doubt that, considered generally, its ope- ration in the present state of things is most be- neficial ; and that it is almost exclusively owing to this cause that we have been able so long to continue the poor-laws. If any man could build a hovel by the road-side, or on the neigh- bouring waste, without molestation; and yet were secure that he and his family would al- ways APPENDIX. 373 ways be supplied with work and food by the parish, if they were not readily to be obtained elsewhere ; I do not believe that it would be long before the physical impossibility of exe- cuting the letter of the poor-laws would ap- pear. It is of importance therefore to be aware that it is not because this or any other society has really the power of employing and support- ing all that might be born, that we have been able to continue the present system ; but be- cause by the indirect operation of this system, not adverted to at the time of its establishment and frequently reprobated since, the number of births is always very greatly limited, and thus reduced within the pale of possible support. The obvious tendency of the poor-laws is cer- tainly to encourage marriage ; but a closer at- tention to all their indirect as well as direct effects may make it a matter of doubt to what extent they really do this. They clearly tend, in their general operation, to discourage so- briety and economy, to encourage idleness and the desertion of children, and to put virtue and vice more on a level than they otherwise would be ; but I will not presume to say positively that they greatly encourage population. It is certain that the proportion of births in this country compared with others in similar cir- cumstances 374 appendix. cumstances is very small ; but this was to be expected from the superiority of the govern- ment, the more respectable state of the people, and the more general diffusion of a taste for cleanliness and conveniences. And it will rea- dily occur to the reader, that owing to these causes, combined with the twofold operation of the poor-laws, it must be extremely difficult tp ascertain, with any degree of precision, what has been their effect on population 3 . The only argument of a general nature against the Essay, which strikes me as having any con- siderable force, is the following. It is against the application of its principles, not the prin- ciples themselves, and has not, that I know of, been yet advanced in its present form. It may be said that, according to my own reasonings * The most favourable light, in which the poor-laws can posibly be placed, is to say that under all the circum- stances, with which they have been accompanied, they do not much encourage marriage ; and undoubtedly the re- turns of the Population Act seem to warrant the assertion. Should this be true, many of the objections which have been urged in the Essay against the poor-laws will t be removed ; but I wish to press on the attention of the reader, that they will in that case be removed in strict conformity to the general principles of the work, and in a manner to confirm, not to invalidate, the main positions which it has attempted to establish. and APPENDIX. 375 and the facts stated in my work, it appears that the diminished proportion of births, which I consider as absolutely necessary to the per- manent improvement of the condition of the poor, invariably follows an improved government, and the greater degree of personal respectability which it gives to the lower classes of society. Consequently allowing the desirableness of the end, it is not necessary, in order to obtain it, to risk the promulgation of any new opinions which may alarm the prejudices of the poor, and the effect of which we cannot with certainty foresee; but we have only to proceed in im- proving our civil polity, conferring the benefits of education upon all, and removing every ob- stacle to the general extension of all those privileges and advantages which may be enjoyed in common ; and we may be quite sure that the effect, to which I look forward, and which can alone render these advantages permanent, will follow. I acknowledge the truth and force of this argument, and have only to observe, in an- swer to it, that it is difficult to conceive, that we should not proceed with more celerity and certainty towards the end in view, if the prin- cipal causes, which tend to promote or retard it, were generally known. In particular, I cannot help looking forward to a very decided improvement 376 APPENDIX. improvement in the habits and temper of the lower classes, when their real situation has been clearly explained to them; and if this were done gradually and cautiously, and ac- companied with proper moral and religious in- structions, I should not expect any danger from it. I am always unwilling to believe, that the general dissemination of truth is prejudicial. Cases of the kind are undoubtedly conceivable ; but they should be admitted with very great caution. If the general presumption in favour of the advantage of truth were once essentially shaken, all ardour in its cause would share the same fate ; and the interests of knowledge and virtue most decidedly suffer. It is besides a species of arrogance not lightly to be encou- raged, for any man to suppose that he has pene- trated further into the laws of nature than the great Author of them intended, further than is consistent with the good of mankind. Under these impressions I have freely given my opinions to the public. In the truth of the general principles of the Essay I confess that I feel such a confidence, that, till something has been advanced against them very different in- deed from any thing that has hitherto appeared, I cannot help considering them as incontro- vertible. With regard to the application of these principles, the case is certainly different ; and APPENDIX. 377 and as dangers of opposite kinds are to be guarded against, the subject will of course ad- mit of much latitude of opinion. At all events, however, it must be allowed that, whatever may be our determination respecting the advan- tages or disadvantages of endeavouring to cir- culate the truths on this subject among the poor, it must be highly advantageous that they should be known to all those who have it in their power to influence the laws and institutions of society. That the body of an army should not in all cases know the particulars of their situation may possibly be desirable ; but that the leaders - should be in the same state of ignorance will hardly, I think, be contended. If it be really true, that without a diminished proportion of births a we cannot attain any per- manent improvement in the health and happi- ness of the mass of the people, and cannot secure that description of population, which, by containing a larger share of adults, is best calculated to create fresh resource's, and conse- quently to encourage a continued increase of a It should always be recollected that a diminished proportion of births may take place under a constant an- nual increase of the absolute number. This is in fact exactly what has happened in England and Scotland during the last forty years. efficient 378 APPENDIX. efficient population ; it is surely of the highest importance that this should be known, that, if we take no steps directly to promote this effect, we should not under the influence of the former prejudices on this subject, endea- vour to counteract it \ And if it be thought unadviseable * We should be aware that a scarcity of men, owing either to great losses, or to some particular and unusual demand, is liable to happen in every country ; and in no respect invalidates the general principle that has been ad- vanced. Whatever may be the tendency to increase, it is quite clear that an extraordinary supply of men cannot be produced either in six months, or six years; but even with a view to a more than usual supply, causes which tend to diminish mortality are not only more certain but more rapid in their effects, than direct encouragements to mar- riage. An increase of births may, and often does, take place, without the ultimate accomplishment of our ob- ject ; but supposing the births to remain the same, it is impossible for a diminished mortality not to be accom- panied by an increase of effective population. We are very apt to be deceived on this subject by the almost constant demand for labour, which prevails iu every prosperous country ; but we should consider that in countries which can but just keep up their population, as the price of labour must be sufficient to rear a family of a certain number, a single man will have a super- fluity, and labour would be in constant demand at the price of the subsistence of an individual. It cannot be doubted that in this country we could soon employ double the APPENDIX. 379 unadviseable to abolish the poor-laws, it cannot be doubted, that a knowledge of those general principles, which render them inefficient in their humane intentions, might be applied so far to modify them and regulate their execution, as to remove many of the evils with which they are accompanied, and make them less objectionable. There is only one subject more which I shall notice, and that is rather a matter of feeling than of argument. Many persons, whose un- derstandings are not so constituted that they the number of labourers, if we could have them at our own price ; because supply will produce demand, as well as demand supply. The present great extension of the cotton trade did not originate in an extraordinary increase of demand at the former prices, but in an in- creased supply at a much cheaper rate, which of course immediately produced an extended demand. As we cannot however obtain men at sixpence a day by improve- ments in machinery, we must submit to the necessary conditions of their rearing ; and there is no man, who has the slighest feeling for the happiness of the most nume- rous class of society, or has even just views of policy on the subject, who would not rather choose that the requi- site population should be obtained by such a price of la- bour, combined with such habits, as would occasion a very small mortality, than from a great proportion of births, of which comparatively few would reach man- hood. can 380 APPENDIX. can regulate their belief or disbelief by their likes or dislikes, have professed their perfect conviction of the truth of the general principles contained in the Essay ; but at the same time have lamented this conviction, as throwing a darker shade over our views of human nature, and tending particularly to narrow our pro- spects of future improvement. In these feelings I cannot agree with them. If, from a review of the past, I could not only believe that a fun- damental and very extraordinary improvement in human society was possible, but feel a firm confidence that it would take place, I should undoubtedly be grieved to find, that I had over- looked some cause, the operation of which would at once blast my hopes. But if the con- templation of the past history of mankind, from which alone we can judge of the future, renders it almost impossible, to feel such a confidence, I confess that I had much rather believe that some real and deeply-seated difficulty existed, the constant struggle with which was calcu- lated to rouse the natural inactivity of man, to call forth his faculties, and invigorate and im- prove his mind ; a species of difficulty, which it must be allowed is most eminently and pecu- liarly suited to a state of probation ; than that nearly all the evils of life might with the most perfect facility be removed, but for the per- verseness APPENDIX. 381 verseness and wickedness of those who influ- ence human institutions a . A person who held this latter opinion must necessarily live in a constant state of irritation and disappointment. The ardent expectations, with which he might begin life, would soon receive the most cruel check. The regular progress of society, under the most favourable circumstances, would to him appear slow and unsatisfactory ; but instead even of this regular progress, his eye would be more frequently presented with retrograde movements, and the most disheartening reverses. The changes, to which he had looked forward with delight, would be found big with new and unlooked-for evils ; and the characters, on which he had re- posed the most confidence, would be seen fre- quently deserting his favourite cause, either from the lessons of experience or the tempta- a The misery and vice arising from the pressure of the population too hard against the limits of subsistence, and the misery and vice arising from promiscuous intercourse, may be considered as the Scylla and Charybdis of human life. That it is possible for each individual to steer clear of both these rocks is certainly true, and a truth which I have endeavoured strongly to maintain ; but that these rocks do not form a difficulty independent of human in- stitutions, no person with any knowledge of the subject can venture to assert. tion 382 APPENDIX. tion of power. In this state of constant dis- appointment, he would be but too apt to attri- bute every thing to the worst motives; he would be inclined to give up the cause of im- provement in despair ; and judging of the whole from a part, nothing but a peculiar goodness of heart and amiableness of disposition could preserve him from that sickly and disgusting misanthropy, which is but too frequently the end of such characters. On the contrary, a person who held the other opinion, as he would set out with more moderate expectations, would of course be less liable to disappointment. A comparison of the best with the worst states of society, and the obvious inference from analogy, that the best were capable of further improvement, would con- stantly present to his mind a prospect suffi- ciently animating to warrant his most perse- vering exertions. But aware of the difficulties with which the subject was surrounded, knowing how often in the attempt to attain one object some other had been lost, and that, though so- ciety had made rapid advances in some direc- tions, it had been comparatively stationary in others, he would be constantly prepared for failures. These failures, instead of creating despair, would only create knowledge ; instead of checking his ardour, would give it a wiser and APPENDIX. 383 and more successful direction ; and, having founded his opinion of mankind on broad and general grounds, the disappointment of any particular views would not change this opinion; but even in declining age he would probably be found believing as firmly in the reality and general prevalence of virtue as in the existence and frequency of vice ; and to the last, looking forward with a just confidence to those improve- ments in society, which the history of the past, in spite of all the reverses with which it is ac- companied, seems clearly to warrant. It may be true that, if ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise ; but if ignorance be not bliss, as in the present instance ; if all false views of society must not only impede decidedly the progress of improvement, but necessarily ter- minate in the most bitter disappointments to the individuals who form them ; I shall always think that the feelings and prospects of those, who make the justest estimates of our future expectations, are the most consolatory; and that the characters of this description are hap- pier themselves, at the same time that they are beyond comparison more likely to con- tribute to the improvement and happiness of society \ a While the last sheet of this Appendix was printing (1807); I heard with some surprise, that an argument had been 384 APPENDIX. been drawn from the Principle of Population in favour of the slave-trade. As the just conclusion from that principle appears to ine to be exactly the contrary, I cannot help saying a few words on the subject. If the only argument against the slave-trade had been, that, from the mortality it occasioned, it was likely to unpeople Africa, or extinguish the human race, some comfort with regard to these fears might, indeed, be drawn from the Principle of Population ; but as the ne- cessity of the abolition has never, that I know of, been urged on the ground of these apprehensions, a reference to the laws which regulate the increase of the human species was certainly most unwise in the friends of the slave-trade. The abolition of the slave-trade is defended principally by the two following arguments : 1st. That the trade to the coast of Africa for slaves, together with their subsequent treatment in the West Indies, is productive of so much human misery, that its continuance is disgraceful to us as men and as Christians. 2d. That the culture of the West-India islands could go on with equal advantage and much greater security, if no further importation of slaves were to take place. With regard to the first argument, it appears, in the Essay on the Principle of Population, that so great is the tendency of mankind to increase, that nothing but some physical or moral check, operating in an excessive and unusual degree, can permanently keep the population of a country below the average means of subsistence. In the West-India islands a constant recruit of labouring negroes is necessary; and consequently the immediate checks to population must operate with excessive and unusual APPENDIX. 385 unusual force. All the checks to population were found resolvable into moral restraint, vice and misery. In a state of slavery moral restraint cannot have much influ- ence ; nor in any state will it ever continue permanently to diminish the population. The whole effect, therefore, is to be attributed to the excessive and unusual action of vice and misery ; and a reference to the facts contained in the Essay incontrovertibly proves that the condition of the slaves in the West Indies, taken altogether, is most wretched, and that the representations of the friends of the abolition cannot easily have been exaggerated. It will be said that the principal reason, why the slaves in the West Indies constantly diminish, is, that the sexes are not in equal numbers, a considerable majority of males being always imported ; but this very circumstance de- cides at once on the cruelty of their situation, and must necessarily be one powerful cause of their degraded moral condition. It may be said also, that many towns do not keep up their numbers, and yet that the same objection is not made to them on that account. But the cases will admit of no comparison. If, for the sake of better society or higher wages, people are willing to expose themselves to a less pure air and greater temptations to vice, no hard- ship is suffered that can reasonably be complained of. The superior mortality of towns falls principally upon children, and is scarcely noticed by people of mature age. The sexes are in equal numbers ; and every man, after a few years of industry, may look forward to the happiness of domestic life. If during the time that he is thus waiting, he acquires vicious habits which indispose him to marriage, he has nobody to blame except himself. But VOL. II. 2 c with 386 APPENDIX. with the negroes the case is totally different. The un- equal number of the sexes shuts out at once the majority of them from all chance of domestic happiness. They have no hope of this kind to sweeten their toils and animate their exertions ; but are necessarily condemned either to unceasing privation or to the most vicious excesses ; and thus shut out from every cheering prospect, we cannot be surprised that they are in general ready to welcome that death, which so many meet with in the prime of life. The second argument is no less powerfully supported by the Principle of Population than the first. It ap- pears, from a very general survey of different countries, that, under every form of government, however unjust and tyrannical, in every climate of the known world, however apparently unfavourable to health, it has been found that population, almost with the sole exception above alluded to, has been able to keep itself up to thelevelofthe means of subsistence. Consequently, if by the abolition of the trade to Africa the slaves in the West Indies were placed only iu a tolerable situation, if their civil condition and moral habits were only made to approach to those which prevail among the mass of the human race in the worst- governed countries of the world, it is contrary to the ge- neral laws of nature to suppose that they would not be able by procreation fully to supply the effective demand for labour; and it is difficult to conceive that a popula- tion so raised would not be in every point of view prefer- able to that which exists at present. It is perfectly clear therefore, that a consideration of the laws which govern the increase and decrease of the human species, tends to strengthen, in the most powerful manner, all the arguments in favour of the abolition. With APPENDIX. 387 With regard to the state of society among the African nations, it will readily occur to the reader that, in describing it, the question of the slave-trade was foreign to my pur- pose ; and I might naturally fear that, if I entered upon it, 1 should be led into too long a digression. But certainly all the facts which I have mentioned, and which are taken principally from Park, if they do not absolutely prove that the wars in Africa are excited and aggravated by the traffic on the coast, tend powerfully to confirm the supposition. The state of Africa, as I have described it, is exactly such as we should expect in a country, where the capture of men was considered as a more advantageous employment than agriculture or manufactures. Of the state of these nations some hundred years ago, it must be confessed, we have little knowledge that we can depend upon. But allowing that the regular plundering excursions, which Park describes, are of the most ancient date ; yet it is impossible to suppose that any circumstance which, like the European traffic, must give additional value to the plunder thus acquired, would not powerfully aggravate them, and effectually prevent all progress towards a hap- pier order of things. As long as the nations of Europe continue barbarous enough to purchase slaves in Africa, we may be quite sure that Africa will continue barbarous enough to supply them. h 2 C 2 1817. SINCE the publication of the last edition of this Essay in 1807, two Works have appeared, the avowed objects of which are directly to op- pose its principles and.conclusions. These are the Principles of Population and Production, by Mr. Weyland ; and an Inquiry into the Principle of Population, by Mr. James Grahame. I would willingly leave the question as it at pre- sentstands to the judgment of the public, without any attempt on my part to influence it further by a more particular reply ; but as I professed my readiness to enter into the discussion of any serious objections to my principles and conclu- sions, which were brought forward in a spirit of candour and truth ; and as one at least of the publications above mentioned may be so characterized, and the other is by no means de- ficient in personal respect; I am induced shortly to notice them. 1 should not however have thought it necessary to advert to Mr. Grahame's publication, which is a slight work without any very distinct ob- ject in view, if it did not afford some strange specimens APPENDIX. 389 specimens of misrepresentation, which it maybe useful to point out. Mr. Grahame in his second chapter, speaking of the tendency exhibited by the law of human increase to a redundance of population, observes, that some philosophers have considered this tendency as a mark of the foresight of nature, which has thus provided a ready supply for the waste of life occasioned by human vices and passions ; while " others, of whom Mr. Malthus " is the leader, regard the vices and follies of " human nature, and their various products, " famine, disease and war, as benevolent re- " med'tes by which nature has enabled human " beings to correct the disorders that would " arise from that redundance of population " which the unrestrained operation of her laws " would create a ." These are the opinions imputed to me and the philosophers with whom I am associated. If the imputation were just, we have certainly on many accounts great reason to be ashamed of ourselves. For what are we made to say ? In the first place, we are stated to assert that^- mine is a benevolent remedy for want of food, as redundance of population admits of no other in- terpretation than that of a people ill supplied with the means of subsistence, and consequently a P. 100. the 390 APPENDIX. the benevolent remedy of famine here noticed can only apply to the disorders arising from scarcity of food. Secondly; we are said to affirm that nature enables human beings by means of diseases to correct the disorders that would arise from a redundance of population ; that is, that man- kind willingly and purposely create diseases, with a view to prevent those diseases which are the necessary consequence of a redundant po- pulation, and are not worse or more mortal than the means of prevention. And thirdly, it is imputed to us generally, that we consider the vices and follies of man- kind as benevolent remedies for the disorders arising from a redundant population ; and it follows as a matter of course that these vices ought to be encouraged rather than reprobated. It would not be easy to compress in so small a compass a greater quantity of absurdity, in- consistency, and unfounded assertion. The two first imputations may perhaps be pe- culiar to Mr. Grahame; and protection from them may be found in their gross absurdity and inconsistency. With regard to the third, it must be allowed that it has not the merit of novelty. Although it is scarcely less absurd than the two others, and has been shewn to be an opinion no where to be found in the Essay, nor legitimately to APPENDIX. 391 to be inferred from any part of it, it has been continually repeated in various quarters for fourteen years, and now appears in the pages of Mr. Grahame. For the last time I will now no- tice it ; and should it still continue to be brought forward, I think I may be fairly excused from paying the slightest further attention either to the imputation itself, or to those who advance it. If I had merely stated that the tendency of the human race to increase faster than the means of subsistence, was kept to a level with these means by some or other of the forms of vice and misery, and that these evils were absolutely unavoidable, and incapable of being diminished by any human efforts ; still I could not with any semblance of justice be accused of considering vice and misery as the remedies of these evils, instead of the very evils themselves. As well nearly might I be open to Mr. Grahame's imputations of considering the famine and dis- ease necessarily arising from a scarcity of food as a benevolent remedy for the evils which this scarcity occasions. But I have not so stated the proposition. I have not considered the evils of vice and misery arising from a redundant population as unavoid- able, and incapable of being diminished. On the contrary I have pointed out a mode by which these evils may be removed or mitigated by re- moving or mitigating their cause. I have en- deavoured 392 APPENDIX. deavoured to shew that this may be done con- sistently with human virtue and happiness. I have never considered any possible increase of population as an evil, except as far as it might increase the proportion of vice and misery. Vice and misery, and these alone, are the evils which it has been my great object to contend against. I have expressly proposed moral re- straint as their rational and proper remedy; and whether the remedy be good or bad, ade- quate or inadequate, the proposal itself, and the stress which I have laid upon it, is an in- controvertible proof that I never can have con- sidered vice and misery as themselves re- medies. But not only does the general tenour of my work, and the specific object of the latter part of it, clearly shew that I do not consider vice and misery as remedies ; but particular passages in various parts of it are so distinct on the sub- ject, as not to admit of being misunderstood but by the most perverse blindness. It is therefore quite inconceivable that any writer with the slightest pretension to respect- ability should venture to bring forward such imputations ; and it must be allowed to shew either such a degree of ignorance, or such a total want of candour, as utterly to disqualify him for the discussion of such subjects. But Mr. Grahame's misrepresentations are not APPENDIX. 393 not confined to the passage above referred to. In his Introduction he observes that, in order to check a redundant population, the evils of which I consider as much nearer than Mr. Wal- lace, I " recommend immediate recourse to human efforts, to the restraints prescribed by Condorcet, for the correction or mitigation of the evil a ." This is an assertion entirely with- out foundation. I have never adverted to the check suggested by Condorcet without the most marked disapprobation. Indeed I should always particularly reprobate any artificial and unnatural modes of checking population, both on account of their immorality and their tend- ency to remove a necessary stimulus to in- dustry. If it were possible for each married couple to limit by a wish the number of their children, there is certainly reason to fear that the indolence of the human race would be very greatly increased ; and that neither the population of individual countries, nor of the whole earth, would ever reach its natural and proper extent. But the restraints which I have recommended are quite of a different character. They are not only pointed out by reason and sanctioned by religion, but tend in the most marked manner to stimulate industry. It is not easy to conceive a more powerful en- a P. 18. couragement 394 APPENDIX. couragement to exertion and good conduct than the looking forward to marriage as a state peculiarly desirable ; but only to be enjoyed in comfort, by the acquisition of habits of industry, economy and prudence. And it is in this light that I have always wished to place it a . In speaking of the poor-laws in this country, and of their tendency (particularly as they have been lately administered) to eradicate all re- maining spirit of independence among our pea- santry, I observe that, " hard as it may appear " in individual instances, dependent poverty " ought to be held disgraceful ;" by which of course I only mean that such a proper degree of pride as will induce a labouring man to make great exertions, as in Scotland, in order to prevent himself or his nearest relations from falling upon the parish, is very desirable, with a view to the happiness of the lower classes of society. The interpretation which Mr. Gra- hame gives to this passage is, that the rich " are " so to imbitter the pressure oi indigence by " the stings of contumely, that men may be " driven by their pride to prefer even the re- " fuge of despair to the condition of depend - a See vol. ii., p. 241, of 4th. edit.; p. 49-3 of the quarto edit. ; and voi. iii., p. 82, of the present edit. " ence!! APPENDIX. 395 " ence a ! !" a curious specimen of misrepre- sentation and exaggeration. I have written a chapter expressly on the practical direction of our charity ; and in de- tached passages elsewhere have paid a just tri- bute to the exalted virtue of benevolence. To those who have read these parts of my work, and have attended to the general tone and spirit of the whole, I willingly appeal, iftheyarebut tolerably candid, against these charges of Mr. Grahame, which intimate that I would root out the virtues of charity and benevolence, without regard to the exaltation which they bestow on the moral dignity of our nature ; and that in my view the " rich are required only to harden their hearts against calamity, and to prevent the charitable visitings of their nature from keep- ing alive in them that virtue which is often the only moral link between them and their fellow-mortals b ." It is not indeed easy to sup- pose that Mr. Grahame can have read the chap- ter to which I allude, as both the letter and spirit of it contradict, in the most express and remarkable manner, the imputations conveyed in the above passages. These are a few specimens of Mr. Grahame's a P. 236. b Ibid. misrepresentations, 396 APPENDIX. misrepresentations, which might easily be multi- plied ; but on this subject I will only further remark that it shews no inconsiderable want of candour to continue attacking and dwelling upon passages, which have ceased to form a part of the work controverted. And this Mr. Grahame has done in more instances than one, although he could hardly fail to know that he was combating expressions and passages which 1 have seen reason to alter or expunge. I really should not have thought it worth while to notice these misrepresentations of Mr. Grahame, if, in spite of them, the style and tone of his publication had not appeared to me to be entitled to more respect than most of my opponents. With regard to the substance and aim of Mr. Grahame's work, it seems to be intended to shew that emigration is the remedy provided by nature for a redundant population ; and that if this remedy cannot be adequately applied, there is no other that can be proposed, which will not lead to consequences worse than the evil itself. These are two points which I have considered at length in the Essay; and it cannot be necessary to repeat any of the arguments here. Emigration, if it could be freely used, has been shewn to be a resource, which could not be of long duration. It cannot therefore under APPENDIX. 397 under any circumstances be considered as an adequate remedy. The latter position is a mat- ter of opinion, and may rationally be held by any person who sees reason to think it well founded. It appears to me, I con- fess, that experience most decidedly contradicts it; but to those who think otherwise, there is nothing more to be said, thanthat they are bound in consistency to acquiesce in the necessary consequences of their opinion. These consequences are, that the poverty and wretchedness arising from a redundant popu- lation, or, in other words, from very Jow wages and want of employment, are absolutely irremediable, and must be continually increasing as the population of the earth proceeds ; and that all the efforts of legislative wisdom and private charity, though they may afford a wholesome and beneficial exercise of human virtue, and may occasionally alter the distribu- tion and vary the pressure of human misery, can do absolutely nothing towards diminishing the general amount or checking the increasing weight of this pressure. Mr. Weyland's work is of a much more ela- borate description than that of Mr. Grahame. It has also a very definite object in view : and although, when he enters into the details of his subject, he is compelled entirely to agree with me 398 APPENDIX. me respecting the checks which practically keep down population to the level of the means of subsistence, and has not in fact given a single reason for the slow progress of population, in the advanced stages of society, that does not clearly and incontrovertibly come under the heads of moral restraint, vice or misery ; yet it must be allowed that he sets out with a bold and distinct denial of my premises, and finishes, as he ought to do from such a beginning, by drawing the most opposite conclusions. After stating fairly my main propositions, and, adverting to the conclusion which I have drawn from them, Mr. Weyland says, " Grant- " ing the premises, it is indeed obvious that " this conclusion is undeniable V I desire no other concession than this ; and if my premises can be shewn to rest on unsolid foundations, I will most readily give up the inferences I have drawn from them. To determine the point here at issue it can- not be necessary for me to repeat the proofs of these premises derived both from theory and experience, which have already so fully been brought forwards. It has been allowed that they have been stated with tolerable clearness ; and it is known that many persons have con- Principles of Population and Production, p. 15. sidered APPENDIX. 399 sidered them as unassailable, who still refuse to admit the consequences to which they appear to lead. All that can be required therefore on the present occasion is to examine the validity of the objections to these premises brought for- ward by Mr. Weyland. Mr. Weyland observes, " that the origin of " what are conceived to be the mistakes and " false reasonings, with respect to the principle " of population, appears to be the assumption " of a tendency to increase in the human spe- " cies, the quickest that can be proved pos- " sible in any particular state of society, as " that which is natural and theoretically possi- " ble in all ; and the characterizing of every " cause which tends to prevent such quickest " possible rate as checks to the natural and " spontaneous tendency of population to in- " crease ; but as checks evidently insufficient " to stem the progress of an overwhelming " torrent. This seems as eligible a mode of " reasoning, as if one were to assume the height " of the Irish giant as the natural standard of " the stature of man, and to call every reason, " which may be suggested as likely to pre- " vent the generality of men from reaching " it, checks to their growth*." a P. 17. Mr. Weyland 400 APPENDIX. Mr. Weyland has here most unhappily chosen his illustration, as it is in no respect applicable to the case. In order to illustrate the different rates at which population increases in different countries, by the different heights of men, the following comparison and inference would be much more to the purpose. If in a particular country we observed that all the people had weights of different sizes upon their heads, and that invariably each individual was tall or short in proportion to the smallness or greatness of the pressure upon him; that every person was observed to grow when the weight he carried was either removed or diminished, and that the few among the whole people, who were exempted from this burden, were very decidedly taller than the rest; would it not be quite justi- fiable to infer, that the weights which the people carried were the cause of their being in general so short ; and that the height of those without weights might fairly be considered as the standard to which it might be expected that the great mass would arrive, if their growth were unrestricted ? For what is it in fact, which we really observe with regard to the different rates of increase in different countries ? Do we not see that, in almost every state to which we can direct our attention, the natural tendency to increase is repressed APPENDIX. 401 repressed by the difficulty which the mass of the people find in procuring' an ample portion of the necessaries of life, which shews itself more immediately in some or other of the forms of moral restraint, vice and misery? Do we not see that invariably the rates of increase are fast or slow, according as the pressure of these checks is light or heavy ; and that in consequence Spain increases at one rate, France at another, England at a third, Ireland at a fourth, parts of Russia at a fifth, parts of Spanish America at a sixth, and the United States of North America at a seventh ? Do we not see that, whenever the resources of any country increase, so as to create a great demand for labour and give the lower classes of society a greater command over the necessaries of life, the population of such country, though it might before have been stationary or proceeding very slowly, begins immediately to make a start forwards? And do we not see that in those few countries or districts of countries, where the pressure arising from the difficulty of pro- curing the necessaries and conveniencies of life is almost entirely removed, and where in con- sequence the checks to early marriages are very few, and large families are maintained with perfect facility, the rate at which the population increases is always the greatest? vol. ii. 2d And 402 APPENDIX. And when to these broad and glaring facts we add, that neither theory nor experience will justify us in believing, either that the passion between the sexes, or the natural prolifick- ness of women, diminishes in the progress of society ; when we further consider that the climate of the United States of America is not particularly healthy, and that the qualities which mainly distinguish it from other coun- tries, are its rapid production and distribution of the means of subsistence ; is not the in- duction as legitimate and correct as possible, that the varying weight of the difficulties at- tending the maintenance of families, and the moral restraint, vice and misery which these difficulties necessarily generate, are the causes of the varying rates of increase observable in different countries; and that, so far from having any reason to consider the American rate of increase as peculiar, unnatural and gigantic, we are bound by every law of induction and ana- logy to conclude that there is scarcely a state in Europe where, if the marriages were as early, the means of maintaining large families as ample, and the employments of the labouring classes as healthy, the rate of increase would not be as rapid, and in some cases, I have no doubt, even more rapid, than in the United States of America ? Another APPENDIX. 403 Another of Mr. Weyland's curious illustra- tions is the following : He says that the physical tendency of a people in a commercial and manufacturing state to double their number in twenty-five years is "as absolutely gone as the " tendency of a bean to shoot up further into " the air, after it has arrived at its full growth;" and that to assume such a tendency is to build a theory upon a mere shadow, " which, when " brought to the test, is directly at variance " with experience of the fact ; and as unsafe " to act upon, as would be that of a general " who should assume the force of a musket- " shot to be double its actual range, and then " should calculate upon the death of all his " enemies as soon as he had drawn up his " own men for battle within this line of as- " sumed efficiency 3 ." Now I am not in the least aware who it is that has assumed the actual range of the shot, or the actual progress of popula- tion in different countries, as very different from what it is observed to be; and there- fore cannot see how the illustration, as brought forward by Mr. Weyland, applies, or how I can be said to resemble his miscalculat- ing general. What I have really done is this (if he will allow me the use of his own me- P. 126. 2 d 2 taphor) 404 APPENDIX. taphor) having observed that the range of musket-balls, projected from similar barrels and with the same quantity of powder of the same strength, was, under different circum- stances, very different, I applied myself to consider what these circumstances were ; and, having found that the range of each ball was greater or less in proportion to the smaller or greater number of the obstacles which it met with in its course, or the rarity or density of the medium through which it passed, I was led to infer that the variety of range observed was owing to these obstacles; and I consequently thought it a more correct and legitimate con- clusion, and one more consonant both to theory and experience, to say that the natural tendency to a range of a certain extent, or the force impressed upon the ball, was always the same, and the actual range, whether long or short, only altered by external resistance; than to conclude that the different distances to which the balls reached must proceed from some mysterious change in the natural tendency of each bullet at different times, although no observable difference could be noticed either in the barrel or the charge. I leave Mr. Weyland to determine which would be the conclusion of the natural philo- sopher, who was observing the different velo- cities APPENDIX. 405 cities and ranges of projectiles passing through resisting media ; and I do not see why the moral and political philosopher should proceed upon principles so totally opposite. But the only arguments of Mr. Weyland against the natural tendency of the human race to increase faster than the means of subsistence, are a few of these illustrations which he has so unhappily applied, together with the acknow- ledged fact, that countries under different cir- cumstances and in different stages of their progress, do really increase at very different rates. Without dwelling therefore longer on such illustrations, it may be observed, with regard to the fact of the different rates of increase in different countries, that as long as it is a law of our nature that man cannot live without food, these different rates are as absolutely and strictly necessary as the differences in the power of producing food in countries more or less exhausted ; and that to infer from these dif- ferent rates of increase, as they are actually found to take place, that " population has a " natural tendency to keep within the powers " of the soil to afford it subsistence in every " gradation through which society passes," is just as rational as to infer that every man has a natural tendency to remain in prison who is necessarily 406 APPENDIX. necessarily confined to it by four strong walls ; or that the pine of the crowded Norwegian forest has no natural tendency to shoot out lateral branches, because there is no room for their growth. And yet this is Mr. Weyland's first and grand proposition, on which the whole of his work turns ! ! ! But though Mr. Weyland has not proved, or approached towards proving, that the natural tendency of population to increase is not un- limited ; though he has not advanced a single reason to make it appear probable that a thou- sand millions would not be doubled in twenty- five years just as easily as a thousand, if moral restraint, vice and misery, were equally removed in both cases ; yet there is one part of his argument, which undoubtedly might under certain circumstances be true ; and if true, though it would in no respect impeach the premises of the Essay, it would essentially affect some of its conclusions. The argument may be stated shortly thus ; that the natural division of labour arising from a very advanced state of society, particularly in countries where the land is rich, and great improvements have taken place in agriculture, might throw so large a portion of the people into towns, and engage so many in unhealthy occupations, that the immediate checks to po- pulation APPENDIX. 407 pulation might be too powerful to be overcome even by an abundance of food. It is admitted that this is a possible case ; and, foreseeing this possibility, I provided for it in the terms in which the second proposition of the Essay was enunciated. The only practical question then worth at- tending to between me and Mr. Weyland is, whether cases of the kind above stated are to be considered in the light in which I have con- sidered them in the Essay, as exceptions of very rare occurrence, or in the light in which Mr. Weyland has considered them, as a state of things naturally accompanying every stage in the progress of improvement. On either supposition, population would still be repressed by some or other of the forms of moral restraint, vice or misery ; but the moral and political conclusions, in the actual state of almost all countries, would be essentially different. On the one supposition moral restraint would, ex- cept in a few cases of the rarest occurrence, be one of the most useful and necessary of virtues; and on the other, it would be one of the most useless and unnecessary. This question can only be determined by an appeal to experience. Mr. Weyland is always ready to refer to the state of this country ; and, in fact, may be said almost to have built his system 408 APPENDIX. system upon the peculiar policy of a single state. But the reference in this case will en- tirely contradict his theory. He has brought forward some elaborate calculations to shew the extreme difficulty with which the births of the country supply the demands of the towns and manufactories. In looking over them, the reader, without other information, would be dis- posed to feel considerable alarm at the prospect of depopulation impending over the country; or at least he would be convinced that we were within a hair's breadth of that formidable point of non-reproduction, at which, according to Mr. Weyland, the population naturally comes to a full stop before the means of subsistence cease to be progressive. These calculations were certainly as appli- cable twenty years ago as they are now ; and indeed they are chiefly founded on observations which were made at a greater distance of time than the period here noticed. But what has happened since ? In spite of the enlargement of all our towns; jn spite of the most rapid increase of manufactories, and of the proportion 'of people employed in them ; in spite of the most extraordinary and unusual demands for the army and navy ; in short, in spite of a state of things which, according to Mr.Weyland's theory, ought to have brought us long since to the point APPENDIX. 409 point of non-repi*oduction, the population of the country has advanced at a rate more rapid than was ever known at any period of its history. During the ten years from 1800 to 1811, as I have mentioned in a former part of this work, the population of this country (even after making an allowance for the pre- sumed deficiency of the returns in the first enumeration) increased at a rate which would double its numbers in fifty-five years. This fact appears to me at once a full and complete refutation of the doctrine, that, as society advances, the increased indisposition to marriage and increased mortality in great towns and manufactories always overcome the prin- ciple of increase; and that, in the language of Mr. Weyland, " population, so far from having " an inconvenient tendency uniformly to press " against the means of subsistence, becomes " by degrees very slow in overtaking those " means." With this acknowledged and glaring fact before him, and with the most striking evi- dences staring him in the face, that even, dur- ing this period of rapid increase, thousands both in the country and in towns were pre- vented from marrying so early as they would have done, if they had possessed sufficient means of supporting a family independently of parish 410 AP*ES T DIX. parish relief, it is quite inconceivable how a man of sense could bewilder himself in such a maze of futile calculations, and come to a con- clusion so diametrically opposite to experience. The fact already noticed, as it applies to the most advanced stage of society known in Eu- rope, and proves incontrovertibly that the actual checks to population, even in the most improved countries, arise principally from an insufficiency of subsistence, and soon yield to increased resources, notwithstanding the increase of towns and manufactories, may I think fairly be consi- dered as quite decisive of the question at issue. But in treating of so general and exten- sive a subject as the Principle of Popu- lation, it would surely not be just to take our examples and illustrations only from a single state. And in looking at the other coun- tries Mr. Weyland's doctrine on population is, if possible, still more completely contradicted. Where, I would ask, are the great towns and manufactories in Switzerland, Norway and Sweden, which are to act as the graves of man- kind, and to prevent the possibility of a re- dundant population? In Sweden the propor- tion of the people living in the country is to those who live in town as 13 to 1 ; in England this proportion is about 2 to 1 ; and yet England increases much faster than Sweden. How is this APPENDIX. 411 this to be reconciled with the doctrine that the progress of civilization and improvement is al- ways accompanied by a correspondent abate- ment in the natural tendency of population to increase ? Norway, Sweden and Switzerland have not on the whole been ill governed ; but where are the necessary " anticipating altera- " tions," which, according to Mr. Weyland, arise in every society as the powers of the soil diminish, and " render so many persons un- " willing to marry, and so many more, who do " marry, incapable of reproducing their own " numbers, and of replacing the deficiency in " the remainder 3 ?'. What is it that in these countries indisposes people to marry, but the absolute hopelessness of being able to support their families ? What is it that renders many more who do marry incapable of reproducing their own numbers, but the diseases generated by excessive poverty by an insufficient supply of the necessaries of life ? Can any man of re- flection look at these and many of the other countries of Europe, and then venture to state that there is no moral reason for repressing the inclination to early marriages ; when it cannot be denied that the alternative of not repressing it must necessarily and unavoidably be pre- mature mortality from excessive poverty ? And a P. 124. is 412 APPENDIX. is it possible to know that in few or none of the countries of Europe the wages of labour, determined in the common way by the supply and the demand, can support in health large families; and yet assert that population does not press against the means of subsistence, and that " the evils of a redundant population can " never be necessarily felt by a country till it " is actually peopled up to the full capacity of " its resources a ?". Mr. Weyland really appears to have dictated his book with his eyes blindfolded and his ears stopped. I have a great respect for his character and intentions ; but I must say that it has never been my fortune to meet with a theory so uniformly contradicted by experience. The very slightest glance at the different coun- tries of Europe shews with a force amounting to demonstration, that to all practical pur- . poses the natural tendency of population to increase may be considered as a given quan- tity ; and that the actual increase is regu- lated by the varying resources of each country for the employment and maintenance of labour, in whatever stage of its progress it may be, whether it is agricultural or manufacturing, whether it has few or many towns. Of course this actual increase, or the actual limits of po- a P. 123. pulation, APPENDIX. 413 pulation, must always be far short of the ut- most powers of the earth to produce food ; first, because we can never rationally suppose that the human skill and industry actually exerted are directed in the best possible manner towards the production of food ; and secondly, because as I have stated more particularly in a former part of this work, the greatest production of food which the powers of the earth would admit cannot possibly take place under a system of private property. But this acknowledged truth obviously affects only the actual quantity of food and the actual number of people, and has not the most distant relation to the question respecting the natural tendency of population to increase beyond the powers of the earth to produce food for it. The observations already made are sufficient to shew that the four main propositions of Mr. Weyland, which depend upon the first, are quite unsupported by any appearances in the state of human society, as it is known to us in the countries with which we are acquainted. The last of these four propositions is the follow- ing: "This tendency" (meaning the natural tendency of population to keep within the powers of the soil to afford it subsistence) " will have " its complete operation so as constantly to " maintain the people in comfort and plenty in " proportion 414 APPENDIX. *' proportion as religion, morality, rational li- " berty and security of person and property ap- " proach the attainment of" a perfect influence ". In the morality here noticed, moral or prudential restraint from marriage is not in- cluded : and so understood, I have no hesi- tation in saying that this proposition appears to me more directly to contradict the observed laws of nature than to assert that Norway might easily grow food for a thousand millions ofinhabitants. I trust that I am disposed to at- tach as much importance to the effects of mora- lity and religion on the happiness of society, even as Mr. Weyland ; but among the moral du- ties, I certainly include a restraint upon the in- clination to an early marriage when there is no reasonable prospect of maintenance for a family ; and unless this species of virtuous self-denial be included in morality, I am quite at issue with Mr. Weyland; and so distinctly deny his proposition as to say that no degree of religion and morality, no degree of rational liberty and security of person and property, can under the existing laws of nature place the lower classes of society in a state of comfort and plenty. With regard to Mr. Wey land's fifth and last proposition b , I have already answered it in a C. iii, p. 21. b Id. 22. note APPENDIX. 415 note which I have added, in the present edition, to the last chapter of the third book a , and will only observe here that an illustration to shew the precedence of population to food, which I believe was first brought forward by an anonymous writer, and appears so to have pleased Mr. Grahame as to induce him to repeat it twice, is one which I would willingly take to prove the very opposite doctrine to that which it was meant to support. The appre- hension that an increasing population would starve b unless a previous increase of food were procured for it, has been ridiculed by comparing it with the apprehension that increasing num- bers would be obliged to go naked unless a previous increase of clothes should precede their births. Now however well or ill-founded may be our apprehensions in the former case, they are certainly quite justifiable in the latter; at least society has always acted as if it thought so. In the course of the next twenty-four hours there will be about 800 children born in England and Wales ; and I will venture to say that there are not ten out of the whole number that come at the expected time, for whom clothes are not prepared before their births. It is said to be dangerous to meddle with edged tools a Vol. in. p. 46, et seq. b This I have never said ; I have only said that their condition would be deteriorated, which is strictly true. which 416 APPENDIX, which we do not know how 4:o handle ; and it is equally dangerous to meddle with illustra- tions which we do not know how to apply, and which may tend to prove exactly the reverse of what we wish. On Mr. Weyland's theory it will not be necessary further to enlarge. With regard to the practical conclusions which he has drawn from it in our own country, they are such as might be expected from the nature of the premises. If population, instead of having a tendency to press against the means of subsist- ence, becomes by degrees very slow in over- taking them, Mr. Weyland's inference that we ought to encourage the increase of the labouring classes by abundant parochial assistance to families, might perhaps be maintained. But if his premises be entirely wrong, while his con- clusions are still acted upon, the consequence must be, that universal system of unnecessary pauperism and dependence which we now so much deplore. Already above one-fourth of the population of England and Wales are regu- larly dependent upon parish relief; and if the system which Mr. Weyland recommends, and which has been so generally adopted in the midland counties, should extend itself over the whole kingdom, there is really no saying to what height the level of pauperism may rise. While the system of making anallowance from the APPENDIX. 417 the parish for every child above two is confined to the labourers in agriculture, whom Mr. Wey- land considers as the breeders of the country, it is essentially unjust, as it lowers without compensation the wages of the manufacturer and artificer : and when it shall become just by including the whole of the working classes, what a dreadful picture does it present ! what a scene of equality, indolence, rags and de- pendence, among one-half or three-fourths of the society! Under such a system to ex- pect any essential benefit from saving banks or any other institutions to promote industry and economy is perfectly preposterous. When the wages of labour are reduced to the level to which this system tends, there will be neither power nor motive to save. Mr. Weyland strangely attributes much of the wealth and prosperity of England to the cheap population which it raises by means of the poor-laws ; and seems to think that, if la- bour had been allowed to settle at its natural rate, and all workmen had been paid in pro- portion to their skill and industry, whether with or without families, we should never have attained that commercial and manufacturing ascendancy by which we have been so emi* nently distinguished. A practical refutation of so ill-founded an vol. ii. 2 e opinion 418 APPENDIX. opinion may be seen in the state of Scotland, which in proportion to its natural resources has certainly increased in agriculture, manufactures and commerce, during the last fifty years, still more rapidly than England, although it may fairly be said to have been essentially without poor-laws. It is not easy to determine what is the price of labour most favourable to the progress of wealth. It is certainly conceivable that it may be too high for the prosperity of foreign com- merce. But I believe it is much more fre- quently too low ; and I doubt if there has ever been an instance in any country of very great prosperity in foreign commerce, where the working classes have not had good money wages. It is impossible to sell very largely without being able to buy very largely ; and no country can buy very largely in which the working classes are not in such a state as to be able to purchase foreign commodities. But nothing tends to place the lower classes of society in this state so much as a demand for labour which is allowed to take its natural course, and which therefore pays the unmarried man and the man with a family at the same rate ; and consequently gives at once to a very large mass of the working classes the power of purchasing foreign articles of consumption, and of APPENDIX. 419 of paying taxes on luxuries to no inconsiderable extent. While, on the other hand, nothing would tend so effectually to destroy the power of the working classes of society to purchase ei- ther home manufactures or foreign articles of consumption, or to pay taxes on luxuries, as the practice of doling out to each member of a family an allowance, in the shape of wages and parish relief combined, just sufficient, or only a very little more than to furnish them with the mere food necessary for their mainte- nance. To shew that, in looking forward to such an increased operation of prudential restraint as would greatly improve the condition of the poor, it is not necessary to suppose extrava- gant and impossible wages, as Mr. Weyland seems to think, I will refer to the proposition of a practical man on the subject of the price of labour ; and certainly much would be done, if this proposition could be realized, though it must be effected in a very different way from that which he has proposed. It has been recommended by Mr. Arthur Young so to adjust the wages of day-labour as to make them at all times equivalent to the pur- chase of a peck of wheat. This quantity, he says, was earned by country labourers during a considerable period of the last century, when 2 e 2 the 420 APPENDIX. the poor-rates were low, and not granted to a$K sist in the maintenance of those who were able to work. And he goes on to observe that, " as the labourer would (in this case) receive 70 bushels of wheat for 47 weeks' labour, exclusive of five weeks for harvest; and as a family of six persons consumes in a year no more than 48 bushels ; it is clear that such wages of labour would cut off* every pretence of parochial assist- ance; and of necessity the conclusion would follow, that all right to it in men thus paid should be annihilated for ever \" An adjustment of this kind, either enforced by law or used as a guide in the distribution of paiish assistance, as suggested by Mr. Young, would be open to insuperable objections. At particular times it might be the means of con- verting a dearth into a famine. And in its ge- neral operation, and supposing no change of habits among the labouring classes, it would be tantamount to saying that, under all circum- stances, whether the affairs of the country were prosperous or adverse ; whether its resources in land were still great, or nearly exhausted ; the population ought to increase exactly at the same rate, a conclusion which involves an im- possibility. If however this adjustment, instead of being * Annals of Agriculture, No. 270, p. Q], note. enforced APPENDIX. 421 enforced by law, were produced by the increas- ing operation of the prudential check to mar- riage, the effect would be totally different, and in the highest degree beneficial to society. A gradual change in the habits of the labouring classes would then effect the necessary retarda- tion in the rate of increase, and would propor- tion the supply of labour to the effective de- mand, as society continued to advance, not only without the pressure of a diminishing quantity of food, but under the enjoyment of an increased quantity of conveniences and comforts ; and in the progress of cultivation and wealth the condition of the lower classes of society would be in a state of constant im- provement. A peck of wheat a day cannot be considered in any light as excessive wages. In the early periods of cultivation, indeed, when corn is low in exchangeable value, much more is fre- quently earned ; but in such a country as Eng- land, where the price of corn, compared with manufactures and foreign commodities, is high, it would do much towards placing the great mass of the labouring classes in a state of comparative comfort and independence; and it would be extremely desirable, with a view to the virtue and happiness of human society, that no land should be taken into cultivation that 422 APPENDIX, that could not pay the labourers employed upon it to this amount. With these wages as the average minimum, all those who were unmarried, or, being mar^ ried, had small families, would be extremely well off; while those who had large families, though they would unquestionably be subjected sometimes to a severe pressure, would in gene- ral be able, by the sacrifice of conveniences and comforts, to support themselves without parish assistance. And not only would the amount and distribution of the wages of labour greatly increase the stimulus to industry and economy throughout all the working classes of the society, and place the great body of them in a very superior situation, but it would fur- nish them with the means of making an effec- tual demand for a great amount of foreign commodities and domestic manufactures, and thus, at the same time that it would promote individual and general happiness, would ad- vance the mercantile and manufacturing pro- sperity of the country 8 . Mr. Weyland, * The merchants and manufacturers who so loudly cla- mour for cheap corn and low money wages, think only of selling their commodities abroad, and often forget that they have to find a market for their returns at home, which they can never do to any great extent, when the money APPENDIX. 423 Mr. Weyland, however, finds it utterly im- possible to reconcile the necessity of moral restraint either with the nature of man, or the plain dictates of religion on the subject of mar- riage. Whether the check to population, which he would substitute for it, is more consistent with the nature of a rational being, the precepts of revelation, and the benevolence of the Deity, must be left to the judgment of the reader. This check, it is already known, is no other than the unhealthiness and mortality of towns and manufactories \ And though I have never felt any difficulty in reconciling to the goodness of the Deity the necessity of practising the vir- tue of moral restraint in a state allowed to be a state of discipline and trial; yet I confess that I could make no attempt to reason on the subject, if I were obliged to believe, with Mr. Weyland, that a large proportion of the money wages of the working classes, and monied incomes in general, are low. One of the principal causes of the check which foreign commerce has experienced during the last two or three years, has been the great diminution of the home market for foreign produce. a With regard to the indisposition to marriage in towns, I do not believe that it is greater than in the country, except as far as it arises from the greater expense of maintaining a family, and the greater facility of illicit intercourse. human 424 APPENDIX. human race was doomed by the inscrutable ordinations of Providence to a premature death in large towns. If indeed such peculiar unhealthiness and mortality were the proper and natural check to the progress of population in the advanced stages of society, we should justly have reason to apprehend that, by improving the healthiness of our towns and manufactories, as we have done in England during the last twenty years, we might really defeat the designs of Provi- dence. And though I have too much respect for Mr. Weyland to suppose that he would de- precate all attempts to diminish the mortality of towns, and render manufactories less de- structive to the health of the children employed in them ; yet certainly his principles lead to this conclusion, since his theory has been com- pletely destroyed by those laudable efforts which have made the mortality of England a country abounding in towns and manufactories, less than the mortality of Sweden a country in a state almost purely agricultural. It was my object in the two chapters on Moral Restraint, and its Effects on Society, to shew thit the evils arising from the principle of population were exactly of the same nature as the evils arising from the excessive or irregular gratification of the human passions in general ; and APPENDIX. 425 and that from the existence of these evils we had no more reason to conclude that the prin- ciple of increase was too strong for the purpose intended by the Creator, than to infer, from the existence of the vices arising from the human passions, that these passions required diminu- tion or extinction, instead of regulation and direction. If this view of the subject be allowed to be correct, it will naturally follow that, notwith- standing the acknowledged evils occasioned by the principle of population, the advantages de- rived from it under the present constitution of things may very greatly overbalance them. A slight sketch of the nature of these ad- vantages, as far as the main object of the Essay would allow, was given in the two chapters to which I have alluded ; but the subject has lately been pursued with considerable ability in the Work of Mr. Sumner on the Records of the Creation ; and I am happy to refer to it as containing a masterly developement and com- pletion of views, of which only an intimation could be given in the Essay. I fully agree with Mr. Sumner as to the bene- ficial effects which result from the principle of population, and feel entirely convinced that the natural tendency of the human race to increase faster than the possible increase of the means of 426 APPENDIX. of subsistence could not be either destroyed or essentially diminished without diminishing that hope of rising and fear of falling in society, so necessary to the improvement of the human faculties and the advancement of human hap- piness. But with this conviction on my mind, I feel no wish to alter the view which I have given of the evils arising from the principle of population. These evils do not lose their name or nature because they are overbalanced by good : and to consider them in a different light on this account, and cease to call them evils, would be as irrational as the objecting to call the irregular indulgences of passion vicious, and to affirm that they lead to misery, because our passions are the main sources of human virtue and happiness. I have always considered the principle of population as a law peculiarly suited to a state of discipline and trial. Indeed I believe that, in the whole range of the laws of nature with which we are acquainted, not one can be pointed out, which in so remarkable a manner tends to strengthen and confirm this scriptural view of the state of man on earth. And as each indi- vidual has the power of avoiding the evil con- sequences to himself and society resulting from the principle of population by the practice of a virtue clearly dictated to him by the light of nature, APPENDIX. 427 nature, and sanctioned by revealed religion it must be allowed that the ways of God to man with regard to this great law of nature are completely vindicated. I have, therefore, certainly felt surprise as well as regret that no inconsiderable part of the ob- jections which have been made to the principles and conclusions of the Essay on Population has come from persons for whose moral and reli- gious character I have so high a respect, that it would have been particularly gratifying to me to obtain their approbation and sanction. This effect has been attributed to some expressions used in the course of the work which have been thought too harsh, and not sufficiently indulgent to the weaknesses of human nature, and the feel- ings of Christian charity. It is probable, that having found the bow bent too much one way, I was induced to bend it too much the other, in order to make it straight. But I shall always be quite ready to blot out any part of the work which is consi- dered by a competent tribunal as having a tend- ency to prevent the bow from becoming finally straight, and to impede the progress of truth. In deference to this tribunal I have already ex punged the passages which have been most ob- jected to, and I have made some few further corrections of the same kind in the present edition. 428 APPENDIX. edition. By these alterations I hope and be- lieve that the work has been improved without impairing its principles. But I still trust that whether it is read with or without these altera- tions, every reader of candour must acknow- ledge that the practical design uppermost in the mind of the writer, with whatever want of judgment it may have been executed, is to improve the condition and increase the happi- ness of the lower classes of society. FINIS. INDEX. The Roman Numerals refer to the Volumes ; the Figures to the Pages. A BRAM and Lot; their separation, an illustration of the cause which overspread the whole earth with peo- ple, i. 133. Abyssinia ; state of, with respect to the checks to popu- lation, i. 217, 218. excessive depopulation of, by war, i. 220 222. Africa, of the checks to population in different parts of, i. 203. great disposition of the country to population in ge- neral, i. 203. counterbalanced by the habits of the Negro nations. See the article Negro. state of Abyssinia, i. 217, 218. of Egypt, i. 226, 227. Agows, an Abyssinian nation, dreadful misery and penury of the, i. 219, 220. Agriculture, very great encouragements given to in China, i. 295297- powerful effect of these, i. 298, 299 (Agriculture, 430 INDEX. (Agriculture. Continued.) is the sole species of industry by which multitudes cart exist, i. 325, 326 in France, rather increased than diminished during the revolution, ii. 11, 12. statements respecting the present condition of, in that country, ii. 26, note. processes for abridging agricultural labour sometimes tend rather to diminish than increase the whole pro- duce, iii. 8, 9- the supposition erroneous, that a nation strictly pur- suing an agricultural system will always have more food than necessary for its inhabitants, ii. 381. where there is abundance of good land, and no diffi- culties impede either its purchase and distribution, or the foreign vent for raw produce, the profits of stock and prices of labour will be high, ii. '383. America, a practical instance of the agricultural system in a state the most favourable to the condition of the labouring classes, ii. 385, 386, 390, 391, 396. instances, where, under the agricultural system, the condition of the lower classes is very wretched, ii. 391396. effects resulting from a combination of the agricultural and commercial systems, ii. 420. advantages of such union, ii. 423 440. it is calculated to produce the highest national pro- sperity, ii. 441. Agriculture, the efficient cause of population rather than population of agriculture, iii. 45, 46 49. different effects of the agricultural and commercial systems, ii. 420, 421. state of England with respect to agriculture and com- merce in the middle of the last century, iii. 32. price of labour considered, in relation to this subject, iii. 32. See also the articles Bounties and Plenty. America, period in which population has doubled itself in the northern states of, i. ? in the back settlements, i. 7. very rapid increase of the English colonies in, ii. 192, 193. (America. INDEX. 431 (America. Continued.) actual population of the United States, ii. 194 196. hardships experienced in the first settlement of some of the English colonies, ii. 289 291. famine almost impossible there, ii. 213. America a practical instance of the agricultural system in a state the most favourable to the condition of the labouring classes, ii. 383 391, 396. yet the labouring classes in that country not much better situated than those of other countries, ii. 387, 388. See also the article Indians. Ancient or modern nations, question of the superior po- pulousness of, i. 356 360. Andaman Islanders, state of with respect to the checks to population ; scarcity of food ; i. 37, 38. Anderson, Mr. ; his erroneous proposition, that every in- crease of population tends to increase relative plenty, and vice versa, iii. 37, 38, note. Arabia Felix, practice and effect of polygamy in, i. 215, 216. Arabs. See the article Bedoneens. Ardour, want of, in the men, generated by the hardships and dangers of savage life, i. 53 55. Aristotle, saw clearlv the strong tendency of population to increase beyond the means of subsistence ; me- thods proposed by him to repress its redundance, i. 334, 338, 3S9- limiting the age of marriage, the number of children born, and the period of procreating, i. 335. his further observations on the necessity of regulating the number of children, i. 336, 337. points out an error in the measures taken to increase the population of Sparta, i. 338. Arts and manufactures necessary in countries, where the population is large, i. 326. Asia, checks to population among the modern pastoral tribes of (See the article Tartars), i. 170. enumeration of checks, i. 202. Augsburgh, proportion of its annual marriages to its po- pulation, i. 449. BANKS; 432 INDEX. B. BANKS ; the increased circulating medium wanted during the late scarcity, supplied principally by the paper of the country banks, ii. 320. this increased issue of paper rather a consequence than a cause of the high price of provisions, ii. 322. much better that the issue should have come from the country banks than the Bank of Eugland, ii. 323. great advantage may be derived in improving the con- dition of the poor, from the establishment of saving- banks, in which they might put their savings out to interest, iii. 275 277. Barbadoes, hardships experienced in the first settlement of the English colony there, ii. 290, 29 1 . Barbarism, extreme, of the inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego and of Van Diemen's Land, i. 36, 37 Bedoweens ; state of, with respect to the checks to po- pulation among them, i. 174, 182 186. Beggars, multitude of, in Tibet, i. 289- the relief given to common beggars often does not come under the appellation of charity, iii. 217, 218. Benefit clubs; plan of improving the condition of the poor by the compulsory and universal establishment of, considered, iii. 230- 233. Berlin, proportion of its annual marriages to its popu- lation, i. 451. Berne, proofs of the powerful operation of the preventive check to population in the town and canton of, i. 485, 486. Births; proportion of, to deaths, in Norway, i. 384. in different parts of Russia, i. 414, 415. in England and Wales, ii. 62, 81 88, 208. in France, ii. 32 34. in a North-American state, ii. 209. proportion of, to marriages, in England and Wales, ii. 67- the reason why the proportion of births to wed- dings increases, ii. 145, note. {Births. INDEX. 433 [Births. Continued.) proportion of, to the whole population in Russia, i.420. in France, before and during the revolution, ii. 13, 141719, note. in some parts of Scotland affected by years of scarcity and plenty, ii. 129, 130. in England and Wales, ii. 62. in different places of the middle parts of Europe, i. 456461. births in the Greek church in Russia for the year 1799, i. 439- a greater mortality naturally produces a greater pro- portion of births, ii. 469. See also the articles Fruitfulness and Registers. Boors, state of, in Russia, i. 435 437. Bounties on the exportation of corn considered, ii. 443. examination of the arguments of Dr. Smith in support of his assertion, that the fall of price happened in spite of the bounty, and could not have happened in consequence of it, ii. 453. first, that the extension of the foreign market so procured, is at the expense of the home market, ii. 453, 454. second, that the two taxes paid by the people, on account of the bounty, must either return upon the farmer by raising the price of labour, or diminish the whole market of corn by restraining the popu- lation of the country, ii. 455, 456. third, that as the money price of corn regulates that of all other home-made commodities, the advantage to the proprietor from the increased price is not real, ii. 457460. fourth, that the nature of things has stamped upon corn a real value, which no bounty upon exporta- tion, no monopoly of the home market, can raise, nor any competition can lower, ii. 460464. mode in which a bounty upon exportation operates, ii. 464 470. objection to a bounty ; under the most favourable circumstances, it cannot produce permanent cheap- ness, ii. 47 1474. vol. ii. 2 f Brahmens, 434 INDEX. Brahmens, practice of marriaae among, i. 283. Brandenburgh ; proportion of yearly deaths and births to the population, in the small towns and the villages of, i. 457- variations in the proportions of births to deaths and to marriages, at different periods, ii. 180. churmark of; proportion of its annual marriages to its population, i. 449, 451. its general mortality, i. 457, 459- variations in the proportion of births to deaths and to marriages, in different periods, ii. 179, 180. neumark of; general mortality in, i. 459. Brazil, Portuguese colony of; quick progress which it made in population, notwithstanding its ill manage- ment, ii. 191, 192. British isles ravaged for two centuries by the ancient northern invaders, i. 162, 163. variations in the proportions of births to deaths and to marriages, at different periods, ii. 181, 182. Brothers, younger, according to the Hindoo customs, cannot marry without disgrace before the eldest, i. 275. in Tibet all the brothers of a family associate with one female, i. 287. Bruce, (Mr.) polygamy defended by, i. 213 216. Burials. See Deaths. c. CAMPINE, in Brabant, brought into cultivation from the state of a barren and arid sand, iii. 55, 56. Canada, occasional famine among the nations of, i. 83. Cannibalism, among the American Indians and others, i. 7173,99, 100. had its origin probably in extreme want, i. 72. Casatshia tribe of Tartars ; state of, with respect to the checks to population among them, i. 177, 178. Catharine (Empress), beneficial changes effected by, in Siberia, i. 247249. Celibacy INDEX. 435 Celibacy powerfully inculcated in Tibet, i. 28G. Charity, indiscriminate, wherever it exists, will never want objects, i. 289. of the Direction of our Charity, iii. 211. benevolence, like other impulses, must be frequently brought to the test of utility, iii. 211. its pernicious effects if exercised indiscriminately, iii. 212 215. the effect of charity upon the giver is to purify and exalt the mind, iii. 2 1 6. contrary effect, of the sums distributed by the paro- chial laws, iii. 21 6. of the subscription given in some cases to the great public institutions, iii. 217. of the relief of common beggars, iii. 217, 218. opposite description of real charity : voluntary and active, in the relief of proper objects, iii. 219- produces daily advances in virtue, in those who practise it, iii. 220. the power of giving or withholding relief, vested in parish officers and justices, very different in its nature and effect from voluntary charity, iii. 221. beneficial consequences to the general state of the poor, of leaving charity to be voluntary, iii. 22 1 , 222. poverty and misery always increase in proportion to the quantity of indiscriminate charity, iii. 223. the poor must be left to the natural consequences of their conduct with respect to industry and mar- riage, iii. 224. calamities unmerited, or arising from the failure of well-founded expectations, are the genuine objects of charity, iii. 225. relief to the idle and improvident, in the severest distress, must be scanty, iii. 225. urgent distress, from accidents unconnected with indolence and improvidence, not within these rea- sonings, iii. 226. an opportunity of doing good, however, not to be lost from a mere supposed possibility of meeting with a worthier object, iii. 227- Chastity, reason why the disgrace attending its breach in (Chastity, 2 f 2 436 INDEX. (Chastity, reason why the disgrace, &c. Continued.) a woman should be greater than in a man, ii. 263, 264. the virtue of chastity has a real and solid foundation in nature and reason, iii. 88. consideration of the consequences arising to society from want of chastity, compared with those of other vices, iii. 1 18 125. Cheapness of provisions, extraordinary, in the southern parts of Siberia, i. 248, 249. Check, ultimate, to the increase of population, is the defi- ciency of the means of subsistence, i. 5, 17. the immediate checks, i. 17. 'these latter may be classed under the heads of preventive and positive checks (See those articles, and their references), ii. 18 32. all resolvable into moral restraint, vice, and misery, i. 20,21, 23,24. proportion in which the preventive and the positive checks prevail according to circumstances, i. 22. mode of operation of the general checks described, i. 24, 25. checks in the lowest stage of human society consi- dered, i. 36. among the inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego, i. 36. among the natives of Van Diemen's Land, and of the Andaman Isles, i. 37. among the inhabitants of New Holland, i. 38 49. among the American Indians, i. 50. in the islands of the South Sea, i. 95. among the ancient inhabitants of the north of Eu- rope, i. 132. among modern pastoral nations, i. 170. in different parts of Africa, i. 203. in Siberia, northern and southern, i. 233. in the Turkish dominions and Persia, i. 255. in Indostan and Tibet, i. 269 in China and Japan, i. 291. among the Greeks, i. 325. among the Romans, i. 342. in Norway, i. 363. (Checks INDEX. 437 (Checks to the increase of population. Continued.) in Sweden, i. 387. in Russia, i. 414. in the middle parts of Europe, i. 441. in Switzerland, i. 463. in France, ii. 2. in England, ii. 42. in Scotland and Ireland, ii. 105. the want of food is the most efficient cause of the immediate checks, ii. 196, 197. in modern Europe the positive checks prevail less, and the preventive checks more, than in past times, and in the less civilized parts of the world, ii. 217, 218. Children, sucking, buried alive with the mother at her death in New Holland, i. 45. difficulty of rearing children in a savage life, i. 46. frequent abandonment and destruction of them among the American Indians, i. 58, 59- in China bound to maintain their parents, i. 302. number of, annually exposed at Pekin, i. 316. where property is equalized, the number of children should be limited, according to Aristotle, i. 337, 338. every child that dies under ten years of age is a loss to the nation of all that had been expended in its sub- sistence, iii. 299- a specific relief might, without any ill consequence, be given for every child above the number of six, iii. 305", 306. See also the article Infanticide ; and for various parti- culars, respecting the mortality of children, the article Deaths. China, extent of the empire of, i. 307- the Moguls, after conquering its northern provinces, proposed in council to exterminate all its inhabit- ants, i. 171. its State with Respect to the Checks to Population, i. 291. estimate of the number of its inhabitants, i. 292, 293. small number of families in proportion, i. 293. ( China ; 438 INDEX. (China: its State with Respect to its Checks to Po- pulation. Continued.) causes of its immense population ; excellence of the soil ; i. 294, 295. very great encouragements given to agriculture, i. 295, 296. and to marriage, i. 300. effects of these last ; abject state of the poor ; i. 303 305. inquiry into the immediate checks by which this vast population is kept down to the level of the means of subsistence, i. S08. prudential restraints, i. 309. vicious intercourse of the sexes, i.,310. epidemic diseases, i. 311. exposure of children, and infanticide, i. 313, 314. frequent famines, wars, and internal commotions, i. 3)7 S2. Its state illustrative of the proposition, that an increase of the stock or revenue of a nation cannot always be considered as an increase of the real funds for the maintenance of labour, iii. 7 10. Chiriguanes, their rapid increase on settling in the moun- tains of Peru, i. 76. Christianity : the new light in which it has placed our duty with respect to marriage and population a pleas- ing confirmation of its truth and divinity, and of its adaptation to an improved state of society, iii. 9799- ... Cimbri, irruptions of, into the Roman Empire, i. 138 140, 152. Circulating Medium, how affected by bounties to the poor, ii. 318320. Civil liberty, Effect of the Knowledge of the principal Cause of Poverty on, iii. 142. this would powerfully contribute to the advancement of rational freedom, iii. 142. the pressure of distress on the lower classes, with their habit of attributing it to their rulers, the guardian spirit of despotism, iii. 143. a mob the most fatal of all monsters to freedom, iii. 144. (Civil INDEX. 439 (Civil liberty. Continued.) its tendency to produce tyranny, iii. 144. the degree of power to be given to government, and the measure of our submission to it, must be determined by general expediency, iii. 148, 149. constant tendency in all power to encroach, iii. 150. the country gentlemen of England, in diminishing their vigilance as guardians of freedom, dining the late war, actuated less by corruption, than by fear, arising from the ignorance and delusions of the common people, iii. 151, 152. erroneous principles of Paine's Rights of Man, iii. 152, 153. a man cannot possess a right to subsistence when his labour will not purchase it, iii. 154. absurd position of the abbe Raynal on this subject, iii. 154, J 55. the general circulation of true principles on this point would counteract the mischievous declamations on the unjust institutions of society, iii. 155. if the fear of the tyranny or folly of the people were re- moved, the tyranny of government could not stand, iii. 157. ill effect of general declamations imputing all the evils of society to human institutions, iii. 158. under the best government a great degree of misery might prevail from inattention to the prudential check to population, iii. 160. the influence of a good government is great in giving the best direction to the checks which are inevitable, iii. 161. grand requisites to the growth of prudential habits, iii. 162. powerful effects of a representative system of go- vernment in this respect, iii. 162, 163. mischievous consequences of the hopes entertained by the lower classes of immediate relief from a revolu- tion, iii. 163. a correct knowledge of the share attributable respec- tively to government, and to the poor themselves, of the unhappiness of society, would powerfully tend ( Civil 440 INDEX. (Civil liberty. Continued.) to promote the cause of rational freedom, iii. 164, KJ3. illustration of this truth by the events of the last two or three years, iii. 166 174. Civilized and savage life, comparative advantages and disadvantages of, i. 129, 130. Cleves, dukedom of; proportion of its annual marriages to it* population, i. 449- Climbing trees ; vast labour in, to which the natives of New Holland are compelled for the means of sub- sistence, i. 40. Colonies, new, settled in healthy countries where room and food were abundant, have constantly made a ra- pid progress in population, ii. 189- See also the article Emigration. Commerce : Of the Agricultural and Commercial Sys- tems, combined. See under the article Agriculture. Comma cial System : effects of, on the prices of corn, ii. 402 liable to be affected by foreign competition, ii. 403. and b s domestic competition, ii. 404. illustration of this point from the state of the cotton trade, ii.403 407. Commerce, liable to be affected by the indolence, in- dustry, or caprice of customers, and by the diminu- tion of demand occasioned by the progress of coun- tries in skill and capital, ii. 41 1 419- Condouet, M. : his system of equality a singular instance of attachment to principles contradicted by every daj's experience, ii. 221. observations on his statement of the difficulties to be expected in the progiess of his system, and on his plans for their removal ; with respect to preserving the same population, ii. 222. to a future excess of population, ii. 226. to the organic perfectibility of man, ii. 229. the attempt to controvert these paradoxes not useless, ii. 240. Corn : money price of corn increased by an increased (Corn. INDEX. 441 (Corn. Continued.) number of labourers receiving the same money wa- ges, i. 31. the price of corn in a scarcity will depend more upon the degree of consumption than on the actual deficiency, ii. 312, 3 IS. the consumption of corn diminished by high prices, ii. 313. the price of grain raised by bounties to the poor, during the late scarcities, ii. 314. causes which render the importation of corn necessary, ii. 443450. when corn-crops are unfavourable in one part of Eu- rope, it generally happens that they are more or less so in another, ii. 450, 451. objections to restrictions upon the importation of corn, ii. 475, 494499, 504507. in what cases such restrictions will apply, ii. 478, 479, 480. when a country is of such a size that it may be expected finally to produce its own food, restrictions on the importation of corn are proper, ii. 481, 482. so, where a country possesses such a soil and cli- mate that the variations in its annual growth of corn are less than in most other countries, ii. 484 491. and also, where a state possesses territory enough, not only to maintain, under actual cultivation, a po- pulation adequate to a state of the first rank, but also of sufficient unexhausted fertility to allow of a very great increase of population, ii. 491 494. beneficial results of restrictions on the importation of foreign corn in a country possessed of great landed resources, ii. 499 503. on the expediency or propriety of granting bounties on the importation of corn : see the article Bounties. See also the articles Argriculture, and Poor-Laws (under Poor). Cottages ; advantage to be derived in bettering the con- dition of the poor, from a general improvement of, iii. 293, 295 note. Coze-Pox. See the article Small-Pox. Cows ; plan of improving the condition of the poor by ( Cows. 142 INDEX. (Cows. Continued.) means of, and of potatoe-grounds, considered, iii. 238249- benefit derived by cottagers from keeping cows, arises from its being peculiar, and would be considerably diminished if made general, iii. 296 300. some advantage in bettering the condition of the poor might result from the adoption of this system upon a more confined plan, iii. 294, 295. Curtren (Mr.), his plan for meliorating the condition of the poor by equalizing the poor-rates, and giving the poor a voice in the management of the funds de- stined to their support, considered, iii. 264 274. D. DANTZIC, proportion of its annual marriages to its population, i. 449 Deaths; proportion of, to births, in Norway, i. 384. in different parts of Russia, i. 417 -419- in England and Wales, ii. 64 70. particularly between the years 1800 and 1810, ii. 8991. proportion of, to the population, in Norway, i. 364, 367. in Sweden, i. 388. in France, before and during the revolution, ii. 16, 17, note in different places of the middle parts of Europe, ii. 456 458. in Russia, ii. 165, 166. in different parts of that country, and average mor- tality, i. 417 419- average mortality in Scotland, ii. 106 108. dependence of the marriages upon the deaths, in the middle parts of Europe, ii. 442 445. proportion of infants dying in Russia within the first year, i. 420. the registers of Petersburg give a much greater mor- tality of female children than of male, i. 422. comparative mortality at different periods of life in that city, i. 423. general mortality there, i. 424. (Deaths, INDEX. 443 (Deaths. Continued.) prodigious mortality in the foundling-hospital of that city, i. 424, 425. deaths in the Greek church in Russia for the year 1799, i. 439- in countries which have been long tolerably well peo- pled, death is the most powerful encouragement to marriage, i. 455. no general measure of mortality for all countries taken together, if obtainable, could be of use, i.458. in single states, the mortality will depend greatly upon the proportion of the inhabitants of towns to those of the country, i. 459- nearest average measure, according to different writers, i. 459, 460. average mortality of villages, i. 389- a greater mortality naturally produces a greater propor- tion of births, i. 469- in a redundant population, every effort to repress a great mortality will be vain, iii. 126 141. the average number of deaths must always depend on the average number of marriages and births, iii. 131. See also the article Registers. Debauchery, very early and excessive, among the negro nations of Africa, i. 205. Deformed children generally exposed among the Ame- rican Indians, i. 59, 00. Degwessa and > Abyssinian countries, destroyed by war, Dembea, $ i. 221. Denmark, state of the poor in, iii. 197. Depopulation of the American Indians accounted for, i. 8994. Desolation, instance of a very extraordinary one among the American Indians by some epidemic, i. 66. Despotism destroys the preventive check to population, iii. 41 43. Diseases, may be generally considered as indications that we have offended against some of the laws of na- ture, iii. 67- a diminished malignancy and fatality of some diseases, have been observed to be attended with an equal increase of those qualities in others, iii. 129, 130. (Diseases 444 INDEX. (Diseases. Continued.) such an effect must, under certain circumstances, inevitably take place from the laws of population, iii. 131. case of the eventual extirpation of the small-pox by means of the cow-pox, considered, iii. 136, 1S7. Distilleries ; the consumption of grain in, c;umot be a cause of famine, but tends entirely in a contrary di- rection, i. 321, 322. Distress among the poor, causes of, ii. S07. its recurrence cannot be prevented by any sacrifice of the rich, ii. 309. Drought, effects of, in Abyssinia, i. 225, 226. Drowning of children, Chinese edict to prevent, 315, 316. Duthil, Scotch parish of, affords an extraordinary in- stance of tendency to rapid increase, ii. 115, 116. E. EAREEOIE societies in the South-Sea islands, i. 106, 114. Easter Island ; state of, with respect to the checks to population, i. 123, 124. Education, parochial; beneficial effects that would attend the establishment of a system of, in promoting among the lower ranks the prudential check to population, iii. 200. among the usual topics of instruction should be im- pressed just principles on the subjects of population and marriage, iii. 201. advantage of adding a few of the simplest principles of political economy, iii. 202. we have been miserably deficient in the instruction of the poor, perhaps the only means of really raising their condition, iii. 203, 204. the arguments against instructing them are extremely illiberal and feeble, iii. 204, 205. it has no tendency to create among them a spirit of tumult and discontent, iii. 206. (Education. INDEX. 446 ( Education. Continued.) would render them less likely to be led away by in- flammatory writings, ili. 206. would produce great positive good in inspiring them with just notions of the causes and the nature of their condition, hi. 207- such a plan would contribute to train up the rising ge- neration in habits of sobriety, industry, independence, and prudence, iii. 208, 209- would raise higher that standard of wretchedness be- low which mankind will not continue to marry and propagate, iii. 209- an attention to the education of the lower classes is the duty of government, iii. 218. See also iii. 293, 314. Egypt, the want of industry has occasioned the present low state of its population, i. 226 228, 229- immediate causes which repress it to the level of -sub- sistence ; oppression and wretchedness ; i. 230. plague and famine, i. 231, 232. Emigration of the ancient northern nations, accounted for, i. 164168. inhabitants of poor, cold, and thinly-peopled terri- tories, why prompted to, i. 166, 167- tends not to depopulate a country, but merely to in- crease the births, ii. 116, 117. a certain degree of it is favourable to the population of the country quitted, ii. 196. by no means an adequate remedy, but only a slight palliative, to a redundant population in the more cultivated parts of the world, ii. 287. in the first peopling of new colonies, the hardships in- variably greater than those suffered in the parent country, ii. 288. various instances, ii. 289 292. the establishment of colonies in the more thinly peo- pled regions of Europe and Asia would require great resources; examples, ii. 293, 294. a reason of frequent failures in colonization, is the unsuitableness of the moral and mechanical habits of the mother country to the new-settled one, ii. 293. (Emigration. 446 INDEX. (Emigration. Continued.) a new colony also at first is in the condition of being peopled beyond its actual produce, ii. 295. the class most affected by the redundance of popula- tion in a state, are the most unable to begin a new colony in a distant country, ii. 296. emigration not likely to be actively assisted by govern- ments, except where particular colonial advantages are proposed, ii. 297. even when made most easy, has not produced all the beneficial effects which might be expected, ii. 297. the social affections and prudential doubts, will ever be a powerful check upon its efficacy under the most favourable circumstances, ii. 298, 299' every resource arising from emigration must be of short continuance, ii. 300. as a partial and temporary expedient it is both useful and proper, ii. 302, 305. Encouragements, direct, to population, futile and absurd, i. 186, 187,210,211. the customs of some nations, and the prejudices of all, operate in this way, i. 210. the reverse, however, seems to be a public object in Tibet, i. 285. effect of encouraging the birth of children without pro- perly providing for their support, i. 339- positive laws for this purpose, enacted on the urgency of the occasion, and not mixed with religion, seldom calculated to succeed, i. 349- pernicious effects of any direct encouragements to mar- riage, i. 453455. England; Checks to Population in, considered, ii. 42. the preventive check prevails in a great degree, ii. 42. among the higher classes, ii. 43. men of liberal education, ii. 43, 44. tradesmen and farmers, ii. 44. labourers, ii. 45. servants, ii. 46. results of the returns under the population act ; pro- portion of annual marriages ; ii. 47, 48. proposal of taxes and fines on those who live single, (England. INDEX. 447 {England. Continued.) for the support of the married poor, improper, ii. 49, 50. annual mortality considered, ii. 50, 51. the void made by the great mortality of London, filled by the redundant births from the country, ii. 55, 60. annual proportion of births to the population, ii. 62. to the deaths, ii. 64. to the marriages, ii. 69- the registry of births and deaths more deficient in the former than in the latter part of the century, ii. 70, 71. calculations of the population from the births and deaths, not to be depended upon, ii. 73, 76. average proportion of births to deaths, ii. 208. increase of population in England, from 1800 to 1810, ii. 80, 81, 102. tables of population in England, from 1780 to 1810, ii. 95, 96. observations on the increase of population in England, ii. 97104. Epidemic, dreadful, like the small-pox, in New Holland, i. 47, 48. instance of a very extraordinary desolation by a dis- temper of this kind, among the American Indians, i. 60, 65. epidemics have their seldomer or frequenter returns ac- cording to circumstances, i. 167, note. their periodical returns in different countries, ii. 199- a redundancy of population is among the causes of them, ii. 201 203. a severe mortal epidemic is generally succeeded by an uncommon healthiness, ii. 205. countries where subsistence is increasing sufficiently to encourage population, but not to answer all its demands,, most subject to periodical epidemics, ii. 206, 207. Europe less subject to plagues and wasting epidemics now than formerly, ii. 208. they indicate that we have increased too fast for the means of subsistence, iii. 68. (Epidemic. 448 INDEX. (Epidemics. Continued.) effects of epidemics on registers of births, deaths, and marriages. See the article Registers. Equality, systems of; in all those proposed by different writers, the principle of population, and the difli- cultes arising from it, very insufficiently estimated, ii. 219. See the articles Condorcet, Godwin, Owen, Spencean System, and Wallace. Equalization of the poor-rates ; Mr. Curwen's plan for, considered, iii. 264 267. Errors ; important, on the relief and employment of the poor, iii. 270, 273. Europe; Checks to Population among the ancient Inha- bitants of the North of, considered, i. 132. successive migrations of the barbarians of, i. 137, 138. their destructive irruptions into the Roman empire, i. 138. into other nations (See further the article Germans), i. 147. the North not more populous formerly than at present, i. 151. error of describing it as a constant reservoir for the supply of other nations, i. 153, 154. cause which stopped the continuance of emigrations by land from the North, i. 160. these barbarians then spread themselves over other countries by sea, i. l6l, 162. again confined to their own by a similar cause, i. 163. objections to the supposition of these emigrations being caused by a redundant population, answered, i. 164166. other motives which might have prompted them, i. 166, 167. striking illustration which this period of history affords of the principle of population, i. 168. war and famine the principal checks in the countries above noticed, i. 169 Of the Checks to Population in the middle Parts of Europe (See the names of the different countries), i. 441. Europe. INDEX. 449 (Europe. Continued.) In modern Europe the positive checks less prevalent, and the preventive checks more so, than in past times, and in the less civilized parts of the world, ii. 217, 218. Evils, arising from the laws of nature, always borne more contentedly than those caused by the measures of a government, i. 410. Exactions' of the Turkish governors, a check upon popu- lation, i. 256 258. " Existing circumstances;" estimate of this phrase, iii. 148. Exposure of children ; frequent in China, from the want of means to rear them, i. 304, 31 6, 317. the permission of this practice tends to facilitate mar- riage, and encourage population, i. 3, 29, 330. practice of, among the Romans, i. 343, 344. F. FAMINE, among the savages of Florida, i. 71. sufferings of the Indians near Hudson's Bay, from, i. 82, 83. ravages of, in South America, i. 85 87. a principal check to population among the ancient na- tions of the north of Europe, i. 169. dreadful, in some of the negro nations of Africa, i. 209, 210. frightful picture of, in Egypt, i. 231, 232. frequent in Otaheite, i. 113. in China, i. 318 321. dreadful famines to which India has in all ages been subject, i. 279, 280. the consumption of grain in making spirits cannot be a cause of famine, but tends entirely in a contrary direction, i. 322. in Scotland, ii. 125, 126. the traces of the most destructive famines are soon ob- literated, ii. 198. periodical returns of famines and dearths, ii. 200. vol, xi. 2 g Famine. 450 INDEX. (Famine. Continued.) the increase of population can never absolutely pro- duce, but prepares the way for, famine, ii. 202, 203. reason why a famine seems almost impossible in Ame- rica, ii. 212, 213. See also the article Scarcity. Fecundity of the human species would not admit of any very considerable diminution, without being inade- quate to its object, iii. 78 81. See also the article Fruitfulness. Fertility, extraordinary, of some of the South-Sea islands, i. 103, 104. has probably been exaggerated, i. 126, 127* of the southern parts of Siberia, i. 298, 299. Fishing afforded a precarious supply of food to the American Indians, i. 50, 51. Flanders, though so often the seat of the most destructive wars, has always, after the respite of a few years, ap- peared as rich and as populous as ever, ii. 197, 198. Florida, famine among the savages of, i. 77. Food, want of, the most efficient of all the checks to population, ii. 196, 197- Formosa, island of; its state with respect to the checks to population, i. 125. Foundling-hospitals, in every view hurtful to a state, i. 404. management of, and mortality in, that at Petersburgh, i. 425 431. that at Moscow, i. 431, 432. pernicious nature of establishments of this kind, i. 433436. those in France, iii. 20, note. France overrun by the ancient Scandinavian nations, i. 161. State of, with Respect to the Checks to Population, ii. 1. . population of, undiminished, notwithstanding the losses sustained during the revolution, ii. 2. inquiry into the manner in which such a circumstance might happen, ii. 2. proportion of unmarried persons to the population, ii. 3. absolute population before the war, ii. 4. (France INDEX. 451 {France. Continued.) proportion of annual marriages, ii. 4, 5. losses during the war according to different estimates, ii. 810. increase of agriculture, ii. 11, 12. increased number of small farms, ii. 12. the means of subsistence have probably remained un- impaired, if they have not advanced, ii. 13. annual births probably increased during the revolution, and mortality of the stationary inhabitants decreased, ii. 13, 14, 15. statements in the Statistique Generate, &c. lately pub- lished, ii. 17 19, note. if the marriages have not increased, this will be ac- counted for by the extraordinary advance in the illegitimate births, ii. 18, 19. error of Sir Francis D'lvernois in reasoning on the effects of the losses sustained by the revolutionary contest, ii. 20, 21. the military strength, though not the numerical popu- lation, impaired by the revolution, ii. 21, 22 24. statements from the Analyse des Proces Verbaux des Conseils Generaux de Departement ; with respect to the population ; ii. 25, notes. -the state of agriculture, ii. 26, note. pressure of the land-tax, ii. 27, note. the hospitals, and charitable establishments, &c. ii. 28, note. general result of these statements, ii. 29, note. Highest average proportion of births to deaths, ik 32, S3 35. beneficial effects produced by the revolution in France, ii. 378, 379- destructive consequences which would attend the establishment of poor-laws in, iii. 193, 194. misery existing in, from an excess of population, iii. 234238. source of the advantages which it enjoys in respect to population, iii. 332 334. See also the article Paris. Friendly islands; state of, with respect to the checks to population, i. 11 9, 120. 2 g 2 (Friendly 452 INDEX. (Friendly islands. Continued.) occasional scarcity in, i. 127- Friendly societies. See the article Benefit Clubs. Fruitfulness of marriages, method of ascertaining it, ii. 133, 134, 135140. proportion of the born which lives to marry, ii. 141. consideration of the earliness of marriages, compared with the expectation of life, ii. 154. the proportion of births to marriages forms no criterion by which to judge of the rate of increase, ii. 160. the preventive check best measured by the smallness of the proportion of yearly births to the population, ii. 162164. rate of increase, and period of doubliug, which would result from any observed proportion of births to deaths, and of these to the whole population, ii. 165. Fruitfulness of marriages at Vevey in Switzerland, i. 481. estimate of, in different parts of Russia, i. 416. among the women of Scotland, ii. 118, 1 19 See also the article Fecundity. G. GALL A y an Abyssinian nation ; singular custom respect- ing polygamy in, i. 212. their massacres in war, i. 214. Garigana, a village of Africa; its inhabitants all de- stroyed by hunger, i. 224. Gelderland; proportion of its annual mortality to its population, and of births to deaths, i. 461. Geneva; calculation respecting the probability of life, and the mean life at, in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, i. 469- Germans, ancient; their destructive irruptions into the Roman empire, i. 138 140. their emigrations regular and concerted, i. 141 145, 149- their vast repeated losses, recruited by the power of population, i. 146 148. (Germans INDEX. 453 [Germans; ancient. Continued.) errors of Gibbon and Montesquieu on this point, i. i49_i52. their manners, as described by Tacitus, highly favour- able to the principle of increase, i. 155, 156. rapid succession of human beings among them, i. 157159- Germany; state of, with respect to a system of poor- laws, considered, iii. 194, 195. Godwin, Mr.; general character of his Inquiry concern- ing Political Justice, ii. 243. his system of equality impracticable, ii. 243, 244. his error in attributing all the vices and misery of society to human institutions, ii. 245. his estimate of the benefits attendant upon his system of equality visionary and false, ii. 246. opposite and dreadful picture presented by a ra- tional contemplation of the subject, ii. 247 257. places the difficulties arising from an excess of popula- tion at an immeasurable distance, ii. 244. these difficulties, on the contrary, of immediate oc- currence, ii. 252, 257. in the state of equality supposed by him, the principal laws which at present govern civilized society would be successively dictated by the most imperious ne- cessity, ii. 259- administration of property, ii. 260. institution of marriage, ii. 263. inequality of conditions, ii. 266, 267. thus the whole system would inevitably degenerate into a state of society not essentially different from the present, ii. 268. His argument respecting right to relief consideredj iii. 342. Gondar, prevalence of putrid fevers at, i. 217- Goths, their irruptions into the Roman empire, i. 140, 141, 143, 144. Government. See the article Civil "Liberty. Grahame, Mr., examination and refutation of his misre- presentations and objections to the principles de- veloped in this work, iii. 388 397. Grange, parish of, in Scotland, causes of the mortality in, ii. 128, 129. Greeks; 454 INDEX. Greeks ; ancient state of, with respect to the checks t& population, i. 325. their more equal distribution of property, and the di- vision of the people into small states, tended greatly to encourage their increase, i. 326, 327. their overflowing numbers found vent in colonization, i. 328. infanticide sanctioned by their legislators, i. 328, 329. measures proposed by Plato and Aristotle to prevent a redundancy of population (See their names), i. 330, 335. the positive checks among them, disease and wars, i. 340, 341. many of the colonies from ancient Greece in the course of one or two centuries rivalled, and even surpassed, their mother cities, i. 189, 190. Guiana ; disastrous failure of the attempt of the French, in 1663, to form at once a powerful colony in, ii. 291. H. HJLBERSTADT, principality of; proportion of its annual marriages to its population, i. 449- of its annual mortality to its population, and of births to deaths, i. 46 1. variations in the proportions of births to deaths and to marriages at hfferent periods, ii. 183, 184. Halle, town of ; proportion of its annual marriages to its population, i. 448. Heir male, considered as an object of the first import- ance in the ordinances of Menu, i. 269* Highlands of Scotland, probably more redundant in popu- lation than any other part of Great Britain, i. 151. ii. 215. History might be made more useful if it embraced sta- tistical subjects, i. 27 30. Holland, proportion of annual marriages and deaths in some villages of, i. 444, 445, 447. of annual births, to the population, i. 456, 457. the establishment of poor-laws in, considered, iii. 194. Holstein, INDEX. 455 Holstein, duchy of; comparative state of the poor in, iii. 195- Hospitals and charitable establishments; statements re- specting the condition of, in France, ii. 28, note. See the articles Lying-irir-hospitals, and Foundling-hos- pitals. Hudson's Bay, famine among the Indians in the neigh- bourhood of, i. 82. Hunters, tribes of, must be thinly scattered over the earth, i. 51. their support precarious, i. 84, 85. Husbands ; several attached to one woman in a certain tribe of Indostan, and in Tibet, i. 284, 287. I. ILLEGITIMATE births; proportions of, in France, before and during the revolution, ii. 10, 19, 20. case of illegitimate children considered in a plan of a gradual abolition of the poor-laws, iii. 182 189- Improvement in plants, animals, and man, Condorcet's theory of, examined, ii. 229 239- in the condition of the poor, different plans of, con- sidered (See under the article Poor), iii. 228. Of our rational expectations respecting the future im- provement of society, iii. 308. the unhealthiness of great towns and manufactures will always operate as a positive check to population, iii. 308. some extension of the prudential restraint from mar- riage is probable, iii. 310, 311. much good would be done by merely changing gra- dually the institutions tending directly to encourage marriage, and ceasing to circulate erroneous opinions on this subject, iii. 314. the beneficial effects that may result from the general reasonings of this work, unconnected with the adoption of any particular plan, iii. 315. methods in which these reasonings may operate advan- (Improvement 456 INDEX. (Improvement of society : of our rational expectation* respecting the future. Continued.) tageously among the higher and middle classes of society, iii. 317- among the poor, iii. 318. the evils resulting from the principle of population have rather diminished than increased in modern times, and may reasonably be expected still further to decrease, iii. 320. general conclusion on this subject, iii. 321 323. Increase of both plants and animals bounded only by th* means of subsistence, i. 2, 3. Indians, American ; state of, with respect to the checks to population among them, i. 50. their country very thinly peopled at the time of its dis- covery, i. 50, 5 1 . means by which their population was kept down to this scanty supply of food, i. 52. want of ardour in the men not peculiar to the Ame- rican Indians, but generated by the hardships and dangers of savage life, i. 53, 54. unfruitfulness of the women produced by their de- graded and wretched state, and other causes, i. 55, 5658. frequent abandonment and destruction of children, i. 59. the cause of the remarkable exemption of these people from deformities, i. 59^ polygamy allowed, but seldom practised, i. 60. marriages not early, i. 61. dangers attending mature age ; alternate gluttony and abstinence, i. 62. diseases, i. 63. dreadful epidemics, and contagious distempers, i. 64, 65. instance of a very extraordinary desolation by an epidemic, i. 65. their liability to pestilential diseases from the dirt of their persons, and closeness and tilth of their cabins, i. 66, 67, 68. perpetual and ferocious hostilities of the different nations and tribes, i. 69 7 1 . {Indians IKDEX. 457 (Indians, American. Continued.) rapid increase of them under favourable circumstances, i. 76, 77. The immediate checks to their population regulated by the means of subsistence, i. 77, 78. in a general view of the American continent, the po- pulation of the Indians seems to press hard against the limit of subsistence, i. 80. famine and scarcities among the savages of Florida, and in various other parts, i. 81 88. some fortunate train of circumstances necessary to in- duce savages to adopt the pastoral or agricultural state, i. 89. the causes of the rapid diminution of their numbers may all be resolved into the three great checks to population (See the article Checks), i. 91. their insatiable fondness for spirituous liquors, i. 92. their connexion with Europeans has tended to diminish their sources of subsistence, i. 93. their average population still nearly on a level with the average quantity of food, i. 94. education of the ruder tribes, i. 130. Indostan ; state of, with respect to the checks to po- pulation, i. 269- marriage very greatly encouraged, and a male heir con- sidered as an object of the first importance, in the ordinances of Menu, i. 269, 270. chastity however inculcated as a religious duty ; and, when strict and absolute, supersedes the obligation of having descendants, i. 271, 272. other circumstances which in some degree tend to counteract the encouragement to marriage ; divi- sion into classes, i. 273. difficulty in the choice of a wife, i. 274. an elder brother remaining unmarried, confines all the other sons to the same state, i. 275. manners and disposition of the women, i. 276. expedients among different tribes to prevent a nu- merous family, i. 281, 282, 283. Industry; the importation of, is of infinitely more con- sequence to the population of a country, than the importation of new inhabitants, i. 250. (Industry 458 INDEX. (Industry. Continued.) the springs of industry are destroyed by ignorance and oppression, iii. 43. industry cannot exist without foresight and security, iii. 42. if general and equal, would fail to yield the same ad- vantages to individuals, iii. 290, 291. Inequality of conditions Mould inevitably result from a state of perfect equality, ii. 266 268. Infanticide, in New Holland, i. 45. permitted in Otaheite, i. 107. contributes in general to increase the population of a country, i. 108. practised on the females only, by a particular tribe in India, i. 282. disadvantageous effect of a law relative to price of food in that country, ii. 388, 389. the money price of labour there, little more than half what it is in England, ii. 390. Chinese edict to prevent the drowning of children, i. 315,316. practice of, probably originated from the difficulty of rearing children in a savage life, i. 329. proposed in a wide extent by Plato, i. 332. practised in Italy, as well as in Greece, i. 343, 344. See also the article Exposure of Children. Ireland ; state of, with respect to the checks of popula- tion, ii. 131, 132. consequences which would attend the establishment of poor-laws in, iii. 193, 196. Iroquois, dreadful instance of a scarcity of provisions among a party of, i. 85. Islands ; the great barriers to a further increase of popu- lation in, not peculiar to them more than to conti- nents, though more obvious, i 95, 96. Israelites, on settling in a fertile district of Egypt, doubled their numbers every fifteen years, ii. 190- Japan ; INDEX. 459 J. Japan; state of, with respect to the checks to popula- tion, i. 323. causes of its populousness, i. 323. various checks to its population, i. 324. Jidda, prevalence of putrid fevers at, i. 217. Jura, Scotch island of; overflows with inhabitants, in spite of constant and numerous emigrations, ii. 114. K. KALMUCKS, destructive wars of, i. 178. those who inhabited the fertile steppes of the Wolga ; their state, and inquiry into the checks to population among them, i. 193, 194. their rapid increase, i. 194, note, this was limited by want of pasture for their numerous herds, i. 195. by scarcity of subsistence for themselves, i. 196. by diseases, i. 197. was regulated by the season of scarcity, and not that of plenty, i. 197, 198. and in the same manner, by the recurrence of unfa- vourable periods, i. 200. check from their customs respecting marriage, i. 201. - promiscuous intercourse, i. 202. Kirgisien Tartars; state of, and inquiry into the checks to population among them, i. 190. their destructive predatory excursions, i. 19 1. national wars, and occasional famines, i. 192. L. LABOUR, difference between the nomimal and real price of, i. 30, 31, ii. 325. comparative wages of, in England and France, before the revolution, ii. 37, 38. (Labour, 460 INDEX. (Labour. Continued.) the real wages of labour check and regulate the in- crease of the labouring classes, ii. 381, 382. the payment of a considerable part of what ought to be the wages of labour, out of the parish rate?, a principal cause of the existing distress among the poor, ii. 366, 367- effects of high prices of corn and other commodities on the prices of labour, iii. 30, 31. effects of producing supernumerary labourers, i. 241, 242. reward of labour in China as low as possible, i. 303. an increase in the nominal price of labour may some- times only contribute to raise proportionally the price of provisions, without ultimately bettering the condition of the poor, ii. 307, 314, 324. its price, when left to find its natural level, is a most important political barometer, expressing the rela- tion between the supply of provisions, and the demand for them, ii. 325. a scarcity of provisions must naturally tend to lower, instead of to raise, the price of labour, ii. 326. to proportion the price of labour in a scarcity to the price of provisions, is of the same nature as a max- imum, and tends directly to famine, ii. 328. absurdity of the common declamation, " that the market price of labour ought always to be sufficient de- cently to support a family, and that employment ought to be found for all who are willing to work," ii. S50. if a demand for labour increase rapidly under an uncer- tain supply of food, the population will advance till positively checked by famine, or by diseases arising from severe want, iii. 35. estimate of the evil arising from a market rather under- stocked with labour, occasioned by the prevalence of a system of moral restraint among the poor, iii. 115. the wages of labour will always be regulated by the proportion of the supply to the demand, iii. 349, 350. See also the article Poor throughout. Land, INDEX. 461 Land, uncultivated ; the extent of, has no influence ou the state of distress among the poor, iii. 50. inconsiderate conclusions often drawn against the in- dustry and government of states, from the appear- ance of uncultivated lands in them, iii. 52 57- error of bringing under cultivation too great a quantity of poor land, iii. 57. Leipsic, proportion of its annual marriages to its popu- lation, l. 448. Leyzin, a village of the Alps ; proportion of births, and extraordinarily high probability of life, in, i. 471,474. Liberty. See the article Civil Liberty. Life ; calculation respecting the probability of, and the mean life at Geneva, in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, i. 469 probability of, in several great cities and some vil- lages, ii. 59 in Scotland, ii. 106, 107. extraordinarily high in a village of the Alps, i. 473, 474. mean life, and probability of life, in several parts of Switzerland, i. 482, 483. increased average duration of, m England and Wales, ii. 64. system of M. Condorcet with respect to the indefinite prolongation of human life, examined, ii. 228 232. longevity rare among the negro nations of Africa, i.205. Literary bachelors ; great number of, in China, i. 309. Liverpool, proportion of its annual mortality to its popu- lation, ii. 55. London, proportion of its annual mortality to its popula- tion, ii. 55 61. the void made by the great number of deaths, filled by the redundant births from the country, ii. 6l. the effects of the dreadful plague in 1666 were not perceptible fifteen or twenty years after, ii. 198. its effect in producing such improvements as have completely eradicated that disorder in, iii. 68, 134. error of Sir William Petty in predicting that it would contain above five million inhabitants in the year 1800, ii. 207. Love, 462 INDEX. Love, virtuous; its peculiar delights, and adaptation to the nature of man, iii. 72. improved state in which this passion would exist under a system, of moral restraint, iii. 88, 89* such a system would very greatly increase the sum of pleasurable sensations from the passion of love, iii. 94. Lying-in hospitals, probably rather prejudicial than other- wise, i. 404. M. MAGDEBURG II ', dukedom of; proportion of its annual marriages to its population, i. 449- variations in the proportions of births to deaths and to marriages at different periods, ii. 182. Mahometan Tartars, manners of, i. 175, 179- Mamelukes, their oppressive and destructive government, i. 228. Manchester, proportion of its annual mortality to its po- pulation, ii. 55. Manufactures ; attempts to employ the poor in, on any great scale, have almost invariably failed, ii. 346. the general increase of the manufacturing system, and the unavoidable variations of manufacturing labour, a principal cause of existing distress among the poor, ii. 366. unfavourable state of the poor employed in manufac- tories, with respect to health and other circum- stances, iii. 13 16. subject to variations from the caprices of taste, iii. 17 19. Marianne Islands ; state of, with respect to the checks to population, i. 124, 125. Marquesas Islands, occasional scarcity at, i. 127. Marriage; practice of, in Otaheite, i. 109, HO. the average age of marriage almost always nearer to the average age of death than marriage is to birth, ii. 144147. (Marriage. INDEX. 463 (Marriage. Continued.) extensive operation of the national check to early mar- riages, arising from the view of the difficulty attend- ing the support of a large family, ii. 284 286. very greatly encouraged in the ordinances of Menu, i. 269, 270. and in China, i. 300. apparent results in the former instance, i. 301, 302. in the latter, i. 303 308. any positive law limiting the age of marriage both unjust and immoral, ii. 368, 369. pernicious effects of any direct encouragements to marriage, i. 453 456. the prevailing customs, manners, and prejudices of society, operate injuriously in this respect, iii. 39 41. the practice of mankind on the subject has universally been much superior to their theories, iii. 311. origin of the prejudice in favour of an indiscriminate encouragement to marriage, iii. 96, 97- inference from St. Paul's declarations respecting mar- riage, iii. 98- limitations to the age of marriage, proposed by Plato and Aristotle, i. 332, 333, 335. the institution of marriage, or something nearly equiva- lent to it, would soon result from a state of perfect equality, and of unrestrained commerce of the sexes, ii. 263. the desire of marriage would not admit of any very considerable diminution, iii. 82. beneficial effects to be produced by later marriages under a system of moral restraint, considered, iii. 90, 91. this restraint among the poor themselves, the only effectual means of bettering their condition, iii. 102 114. consideration of the effect which might be produced by a diminished mortality, in decreasing the number of marriages, iii. 133. among the higher ranks, little more is wanted with regard to the prudential check to marriage, than an increased degree of respect and of personal liberty to single women, iii. 200. among the lower classes, the .same object would be (Marriage. 464 INDEX. (Marriage. Continued.) attained by the establishment of a proper system of parochial education (See the article Education), ii. 200. the prudential restraint from marriage has increased throughout Europe, iii. 510. See also the articles Fruitj'ulness, Prudential and Moral Restraint, and Polygamy. Marriages; proportion of, in Scotland, ii. 108. in Norway, small ; cause of this, i. 366 374. in the Pays de Vaud, very small, i. 484. proportion of, to the whole population, in Russia, i. 421 . in England and Wales, ii. 47- later in Scotland than formerly, ii. 111. proportion of, to births, ii. 141 162. in England and Wales, ii. 69. dependence of marriages on deaths, i. 442454. number of marriages in the Greek church in Russia for the year 1799, i. 439- of annual marriages in France before the war, ii. 4, 5. See also the article Registers. Maximum sometimes established in the Turkish domi- nions, i. 262. to regulate the price of labour by the price of provi- sions is of the same nature as a maximum, and both measures tend directly to famine, ii. 328. Meat ; a large subscription for the poor would only raise the price of, without enabling them to procure an increased quantity, ii. 308, 309- Menu, extracts from the ordinances of, i. 269 276. Mexico, frequent scarcity of provisions in, i. 86. quick progress which the Spanish colony made in popu- lation, notwithstanding its ill management, ii. 190, 191. cruelties of the first settlers, ii. 288, 289- Migrations of mankind, the early, considered, i. 1S3 136. of the ancient Germans, regular and concerted, i. 145 149. Miri, or general land-tax paid to the sultan; moderate in itself, but made oppressive and ruinous by the agents of government, i. 256 258. Misery, checks to population which come under this head, i. 23. the general consequence of vice, ibid., note. Mob, INDEX. 465 Mob, the most fatal of all monsters to freedom, iii. 144. its tendency to produce tyranny, iii. 14.3. the dread of it caused the late surrenders of the privi- leges of the people to the government, iii. 146, 147. Moguls, after conquering the northern provinces of China, proposed in council to exterminate all its inhabit- ants, i. 171, 172. their destructive wars, i. 181. Money cannot be made the means of raising the condition of the poor without proportionably depressing others, ii. 310. may confer particular, but not universal, assistance to them, iii. 289, 290. See also the article Banks. Moral code ; it is no valid objection against the publica- tion of one, that it will never be universally prac- tised, iii. 102. Moral restraint defined, i. 22, note. Of our Obligation to practise this Virtue, iii. 63. it is certainly the best of all the immediate checks to population, iii. 64. the opinions respecting population originating in bar- barous ages, have prevented us from attending to the dictates of reason and nature on this subject, iii. 65. the evil arising from excessive indulgence of the pas- sions, an admonition for their due limitation, iii. 65. the consequences of increasing too fast, though not so obviously connected with the conduct leading to them, are obligatory as to prescribing our duty, iii. 66. diseases are indications that we have offended against some of the laws of nature, iii. 67. thus epidemics point out that we have increased too fast for the means of subsistence, iii. 68. evil effects of an irregular indulgence of the passions, iii. 69- a diminution of the pleasure arising from their grati- fication, would however produce a much greater loss than gain to general happiness, iii. 71. peculiar delights of virtuous love, iii. 72. the passion between the sexes operates permanently upon human conduct, iii. 73. vol. ii. 2 h (Moral 466 INDEX. (Moral restraint: Of our Obligation to practise this Virtue. Continued.) has the most powerful tendency to soften and me- liorate the character, iii. 74. is strongest, and has most beneficial effects, where obstacles are thrown in the way of very early and universal gratification, iii. 75. the evil resulting from its irregular indulgence, must not be diminished by the extinction or diminution of the passion itself, iii. 76. in this and all the other passions, it is only the re- gulation or direction of them that is wanted, iii. 76. the province of reason is the government of the pas- sions, iii. 76, 77. the fecundity of the species too would not admit of any very considerable diminution, ii. 78 81. nor would the desire of marriage, iii. 82. the duty of moral restraint rests upon the same foun- dation as our obligation to practise any of the other virtues, iii. 83. Of the Effects which would result to Society from the Prevalence of this Virtue, iii. 84. removal of any imputation on the goodness of the Deity, for calling beings into existence by the laws of na- ture, which cannot by those laws be supported in existence, iii. 84, 80. the subjection of the passions a principal requisite to happiness, iii. 85. beneficial state of society exhibiting a great prevalence of the prudential check to population, iii. 85, 86. in such a condition, the period before marriage must be passed in strict chastity, iii. 87- purity of intercourse between young persons in these circumstances, iii. 88, 89- later marriages would prolong the period of youth and hope, and lead to fewer ultimate disappointments, iii- 90,91. the most eligible age for them must depend entirely on circumstances and situation, iii. 92. objection from the difficulty of moral restraint an- swered, iii. 93, 94. this system would very greatly iucrease the sum of (Moral INDEX. 467 ( Moral restraint. Effects which would result to Society from its Prevalence. Continued.) pleasurable sensations from the passion of love, iii. 94. might be expected to repress the frequency of war, iii. 95, 96. great strength of such a state of society in a war of defence, iii. 96 99. conclusion : the justice of the Deity unimpeachable, in making this virtue necessary by his general laws, iii. 100. This is the only effectual mode of bettering the condi- tion of the poor, iii. 102 114. consideration of the objection to this measure, that by endeavouring to urge this duty on the poor, we may increase the quantity of vice relating to the sex, iii. 115125. Vindication of the principles maintained on the subject of moral restraint, iii. 424 428. See also the article Prudential Restraint. Mortality ; order of, extremely variable, i. S64, 365. division of the states of Europe into classes in this respect, i. 462. has decreased in almost every town in Europe within the last 200 years, ii. 36, 31. annual mortality in England and Wales considered, ii. 5064. different proportions of, in towns and in villages, ii. 06, 57- See also the article Deaths. Moscow, management of the foundling-hospital at, i. 431, 432. Mowing; perfection of the art of, in Switzerland and Norway, i. 488. N. NATURE ; constancy of the laws of, the foundation of all human knowledge, ii. 232. Nayrs, their practice with respect to the commerce of the sexes, &c, i. 282, 283. Nedad, or putrid fevers of the Tropics, i. 217- 2 h 2 Negro 468 INDEX. Negro nations of Africa ; their habits, powerful checks to population, i. 204. constant wars, and want of industry, i. 204, 205. shortness of life among them, i. 205. practice of marriage, i. 206. great and constant exportation of slaves, i. 208. the population, notwithstanding all these circumstances, continually pressing beyond the means of subsistence, i. 208. practice of polygamy, and its effects considered, i. 2 1 3. diseases, i. 217- poverty, bad diet, and want of cleanliness, i. 219* dreadful instances of famine, i. 210, 220. Newbury ; proportion of its mortality to its population, ii. 55. New Caledonia, occasional scarcity at, i. 127, 128. New England, hardships experienced in the first settle- ment of this colony, ii. 290. New Holland; State of the Natives of, with Respect to the Checks to Population, i. 38. scarcity of food, i. 3941. cruel treatment of their women, and early union of the sexes, i. 42, 43, 44. a great part of the women without children, i. 45. sucking children buried alive with the mother at her death, i. 45. difficulty of rearing children, i. 46. wars between different tribes, and perpetual private contests ; manner of living ; and dreadful epidemic, i. 47, 48. still the population keeps up to a level with the average supply of food, i. 48, 49. Hardships experienced in the first settlement of the co- lony of Port Jackson, ii. 292. New Jersey, average proportion of births to deaths in, ii. 209, 210. New Zealand; state of, with respect to the checks to po- pulation, i. 98. perpetual hostility of the different tribes, and their can- nibalism, i. 98, 99101. the population, nevertheless, seldom repressed below the average means of suhsistence, i. 102. Nootka Sound, INDEX- 469 Nootka Sound, frequent scarcity of provisions at, i. 87, 88, 89- Ao/M of Europe. See the articles Europe and Germans. Northampton, proportion of its annual mortality to its population, ii. ,->5. Norway; State of, with Respect to the Checks to Popu- lation, i. 363. its mortality small, yet its population has not rapidly increased, i. 364, 365. the preventive checks proportionally great, i. 365. causes of the small number of marriages, i. 366. unfavourableness of the soil and climate, i. 368 373. the preventive check contributes considerably to the smallness of the mortality, i. 376 378. obstacles to improved cultivation of the land, i. 379382. recent advances, however, both in that respect and in population, i. 383, 384. the woods are cleared away too precipitately, without consideration of the probable value of the land when cleared, i. 380. this country might possibly have been better peopled formerly than at present, but the supposition not probable, i. 384, 385. Proportion of its yearly births to the population, i. 457. state of the poor better in many respects than in Eng- land, iii. 195. Norwich ; proportion of its annual mortality to its popu- lation, ii. 55. o. OBJECTIONS, general, to the principle and reasonings of this Essay, answered, iii. 325. first, that they contradict the original command of the Creator, to increase and multiply and replenish the earth, iii. 326. that the natural checks to population will always be sufficient, without resorting to any other aids, iii. 338. respecting the practicable increase of population, iii. 339. (Objections 470 INDEX. (Objections. Continued.) respecting the abolition of the poor-laws, iii. .342. that every practicable benefit may be obtained by im- proved measures of civil policy, without risking the danger of promulgating new opinions which may alarm the prejudices of the poor, iii. 373. respecting the feelings of despondency in some, who lament a conviction of the truth of the principles of this Essay, iii. 379383. Oheitahoo, temporary scarcity at, i. 127- Organic _ perfectibility of man; M. Condorcet's system respecting, unwarranted, ii. 229 240. Oscillations in population, in civilized and in savage life, i. 2a 33. Ostiacks, their disgusting mode of living, i. 236. Otaheite, its luxuriance extremely favourable to popula- tion, i. 104. some very powerful checks must be traced in the habits of the people, i. 106. enumeration of these; Eareeoie societies, i. 106, 107. infanticide permitted to all classes, i. 108. extensive debauchery and promiscuous intercourse, i. 108, 109. customs with regard to marriage, and changing of connexions, i. 109, 110. frequent and destructive hostilities, i. 1 10, 111. human sacrifices, and disorders, i. 1 12. even these checks have not always kept down the po- pulation to the level of the means of subsistence, i. 112, 113. mode of living of the different ranks, i. 113, 114. extraordinary depopulation since Captain Cook's last visit, i. 115, 116. the population at present repressed considerably below the average means of subsistence, i. 117* its fertility probably exaggerated, i. 126, 127. Outca.ts, in Indostan; wretched state of, i. 281. Owen, Mr.; benevolence of his intentions, ii. 274 examination of the principle of equality proposed by him, ii. 277282. Owen 1XDEX. 471 ( Owen, Mr. Continued ) observations on the system of equality proposed by him, ii. '280. his system for improving the condition of the poor considered, iii. 258 2(j.'j. P. PACHAS, their destructive extortion in their provinces, i. 257 202. Paine, Mr. ; erroneous principles of his Rights of Man, iii. 152 100. Paraguay, occasional scarcity of provisions in, i. 86. Paris, proportion of its annual marriages to its popula- tion, i. 451. of annual births and deaths to the population, in several villages around, i. 457. Parish pay-table, disgusting picture of, iii. 2iy. allowances, effects of, on population, iii. 31. Passions, evil effects of an irregular indulgence of, iii. 69- a diminution of the pleasure arising from their gratifi-. cation would produce a much greater loss than gain to general happiness, iii. 71- the passion between the sexes operates permanently upon human conduct, hi. 74. has the most powerful tendency to soften and me- liorate the character, iii. 74. is strongest and has most beneficial effects, where obstacles are thrown in the way of very early and universal gratification, iii. 75. the evil resulting from its iregular indulgence, must not be diminished by the extinction or diminution of the passion itself, iii. 76. in this and all the other passions, it is only the regula- tion or direction of them that is wanted, iii. 76, 77- Pastoral nations, modern ; state of, with respect to the checks to population (Sec the article Tartars), i. 170. enumeration of checks, i. 202. limits to the population of a conntiy strictly pastoral, i. 487. (Pastoral 472 INDEX. (Pastoral nations, modern. Continued.) natural excitement which it supplies to emigration, i. 489- See also the article Shepherds. Pauperism. See Poor. Pays de Vaud, various statistical particulars respecting, i. 470, 4/8 481, 483. Peasant, Swiss ; remarkable instance of one possessing a clear comprehension of the subject of population, i. 491494. Peasantry, Russian ; state of, i. 435 437- condition of, in France, improved since the revo- lution, ii. 38, 39. Perfectibility of man ; M. Condorcet's system respect- ing, examined, ii. 229 239. Persia, late marriages among the lower classes of people of, i.266. state of, with respect to the checks to population : the dreadful convulsions in, have been fatal to agri- culture, i. 267- small-pox, and other causes, i. 268. Peru ; quick progress which the Spanish colony made in population, notwithstanding its ill management, ii. 190, 191. cruelties of the first settlers, ii. 288, 289. Plague, its ravages in the Turkish dominions, i. 264, 265. a constant admonition to the people against their filth and torpor, iii.67- does not effectually repress the average of population, ii. 198. See also the article Epidemics. Plato, measures proposed by him to regulate popu- lation, i. 330. by encouraging, or checking it by means of honours and of marks of disgrace, i. 331. by burying the children of the inferior citizens, and all born imperfect, i. 332. by limiting the age of marriage and of bearing chil- dren, i. 333. lie thus evidently saw the strong tendency of popula- tion to increase bevond the means of subsistence, i. 333, 334. (Plato. INDEX, 473 (Plato. Continued.) inconsistencies in his plan observed by Aristotle, i. 334, 335. Plenty : On the prevailing Errors respecting this Sub- ject as connected with Population, iii. 27. error of supposing that an increase of population in any state not cultivated to the utmost, will tend to aug- ment the relative plenty of the whole society, iii. 27. an increase of population arising from the improving state of agriculture, very different from its unre- stricted increase, iii. 28, 29 34. if a demand for labour increases rapidly, though the supply of food be uncertain, the population will ad- vance till positively checked by famine, or diseases arising from severe want, iii. 35. scarcity and extreme poverty may or may not accom- pany an increasing population, but must necessarily accompany a permanently declining population, iii. 3537. the prejudices respecting population strikingly resem- ble the old prejudices about specie, iii. 38 40. ignorance, despotism, and oppression will constantly cause a low state of population, in spite of the birth of any number of children annually, iii. 41 43. agriculture may more properly be termed the efficient cause of population, than population of agriculture, iii. 44, 45. revenue the source of population, and not population of revenue, iii. 46 49- waste among the rich, or land remaining uncultivated, do not influence the average distress of the poor, iii. 50. inconsiderate conclusions often drawn against the ia- dustry and government of states, from the appear- ance of uncultivated lands in them, iii. 52 57- error of bringing under cultivation too great a quantity of poor land, iii. 57. the question is not whether the produce of the earth may be absolutely increased, but whether it may be increased so as to keep pace with an unchecked population, iii. 58 6l. Plough 474 INDEX. Plough in Syria, often only the branch of a tree, i. 259. Poland, an instance where, under the agricultural system, the condition of the lower classes is very wretched, ii. 391, 392. the reason of such wretchedness stated, ii. 392 396. Political economy, great importance of the diffusion of its principles ; they should at least form a branch of university education, iii. 202. Political Justice, general character of Mr. Godwin's work on, ii. 243. See the article Godwin. Polygamy allowed, but seldom used, among the Ameri- can Indians, i. 60. in some degree obligatory on the Mahometans, i. 187- its effect on population considered, i. 212 216. in some negro nations of Africa, sought by the wife and not the husband, i. 212. in the Turkish dominions, less productive even in indi- vidual families than monogamy, i. 264. tends to degrade the female character ; and, by being practised among the superior classes, renders it dif- ficult for the lower classes to obtain wives, i. 207? 208, 277. For the opposite custom, see the article Husbands. Pomerania, general mortality in, i. 459- proportion of second marriages, ii. 140. variations in the proportions of births to deaths and to marriages at different periods, ii. 180, 181. Poor; measures respecting their relief in Switzerland, and effect of these, i. 495. support of, in Scotland, ii. 120. remarks by Scotch writers, on the state of the poor in England, ii. 121, 122. principal causes of pauperism at the present crisis, ii. 366. Of Poor- Laws: those of England, though they may have alleviated individual misfortune, have spread the evil over a larger surface, ii. 306. causes why, notwithstanding the immense sum annu- ally collected for the poor, so much distress still exists among them, ii. 307. (Poor: INDEX. 475 f Poor : Poor- Laws. Continued.) a subscription for the poor would only increase pro- portionably the price of provisions, ii. 307. even if the produce of the country were augmented by that means, a more than proportionate increase of population would follow, ii. 308. no possible sacrifices of the rich could for any time prevent the recurrence of distress among the lower classes, ii. 309- the condition of some of the poor cannot be raised by means of money without proportionally depressing that of others, ii. 310. confirmation of these reasonings, from the late scarci- ties, ii. 311. the price of corn in a scarcity will depend more upon the degree of consumption than of the actual de- ficiency, ii. 312, 313. high prices certainly diminish consumption, ii. 313. the bounties to the poor during the late scarcities ope- rated very powerfully in raising the price of grain, ii. 314. effect of these also in increasing the circulating me- dium, ii. 318, 319- this increase principally supplied by the country banks, ii. 320. very great obstacles thus thrown in the way of return- ing cheapness, ii. 321, 322. these less, however, than if the increased circula- tion had come from the Bank of England, ii. 323. the scarcity fortunately followed by an abundant har- vest and a peace; a rapid fall of prices thus occa- sioned, ii. 323, 324. permanent bad consequences which would have fol- lowed from raising the wages of labour during the scarcity, ii. 324. the price of labour a most important political barome- ter, expressing the relation between the supply of provisions and the demand for them, ii. 325. a scarcity naturally tends to lower, instead of to raise, the price of labour, ii. 326. to proportion the price of labour to that of provisions (Poor: 476 INDEX. ( Poor : Poor-Laws. Continued.) is of the nature of a maximum, and tends directly to famine, ii. 328. an increase of population without a proportional in- crease of food, must lower the value of each man's earnings, ii. 331. ways in which the poor-laws tend to depress the gene- ral condition of the poor, ii. 332. - they weaken the disgrace which ought to attend de- pendent poverty, ii. 332, 333. have contributed to raise the price of provisions, to lower the real price of labour, and to generate a carelessness and want of frugality among the poor, ii. 334, 335. subject the whole class of the common people to a set of tyrannical laws, ii. 335, 336. if they had never existed, the mass of happiness among the common people would have been greater than it is, ii. 336. all systems of the kind tend in effect to create more poor, ii. 337- examination of the principle and operation of the fa- mous statute of the forty-third of Elizabeth, ii. 339- its due execution as a permanent law is a physi- cal impossibility, ii. 343. checks to the increase of the poor, from a spirit of in- dependence and pride among the peasantry, and from the contradictory operation of the poor-laws them- selves, ii. 343, 344. attempts to employ the poor on any great scale in ma- nufactures have almost invariably failed, ii. 346. this reasoning not to be applied against every mode of employing them on a limited scale, and with pro- per restrictions, ii. S49- absurdity of the common declamation on the subject of the poor, ii. 350. the inefficiency of the Poor- Rates, even aided by large charitable contributions, is a proof of the inadequacy of the Poor-Laws to accomplish the object for which they were enacted, and to fur- nish employ for the poor, ii. 351 355. (Poor : INDEX. 477 (Poor: Poor- Laws. Continued.) the great object to be kept in view is, to support the people through present distress, in the hope of bet- ter times, ii. 359. erroneous opinions concerning the distresses of the poor examined and refuted, ii. 360 368 380. Of increasing Wealth as it affects the Condition of the Poor (See the article Wealth J, iii. 1 26. Of the only effectual Mode of Improving the Condition of the Poor, iii. 102. almost all that has hitherto been done for the poor, has tended to throw a veil of obscurity over the causes of their distress, iii. 107. till such erroneous ideas have been corrected, it can- not be said that any fair experiment has been made with their understandings, iii. 108. they are themselves the principal authors of their own poverty, and the means of redress are in their hands alone, iii. 109. to urge people to marriage when they have little chance of being able to support their children, is rashly to tempt Providence, iii. 110, 111. to encourage marriage, and increase the number of labourers, have, in the experience of many centu- ries, constantly failed to improve their condition, iii. 111. it is time to try the contrary method, of withholding the supply of labour, and thus proportioning the population to the food, iii. 112. the absolute quantity of food to be still increased by every means, iii. 113. the result of these reasonings to be inculcated on the poor, and their true situation explained to them, iii. 114. Objections to the above Mode considered, iii. 1 15. first, a market rather understocked with labour, iii. 115. second, the diminution of population that it would cause, iii. 1 16. third, that by endeavouring to urge the duty of moral restraint, we may increase the quantity of vice re- lating to the sex, iii. 117- (Poor : 478 INDEX. (Poor: Poor-Laws. Continued.) Of the Consequences of pursuing the opposite Mode, iii. 126. every effort to repress a great mortality would be vain, iii. 128 152. "^Consideration of the effect which might be produced by a diminished mortality, in increasing the popula- tion, or in decreasing the number of marriages, iii. 133. of the consequence of a possible extirpation of the small-pox by means of the cow-pox, iii. 135. it is sufficient to leave every man to his free choice re- specting marriage, which however is very far from being the case at present, iii. 138. among the lower classes, the poor-laws and pri- vate benevolence operate as a direct encouragement, iii. 138. among the higher classes the existing manners, and in all ranks the prevailing prejudices, have the same tendency, iii. 139, 140. the want of employment for the poor not chargeable on the government, iii. 166 174. A gradual Abolition of the Poor-Laws recommended, ii. 369- plan for such gradual abolition, iii. 1 75. extraordinary proportion of paupers in this country, iii. 175. objection to a specific limitation of the rate to be raised for their relief, as a mode of diminishing their num- ber, iii. 176. in adopting a system for the gradual abolition of these laws, the right of the poor to support must be pre- viously and formally disclaimed, iii. 177, 178. objections to this disavowal, answered, iii. 342 et seq. measure for that purpose; future children born beyond a certain period, to be declared debarred from parish assistance, iii. 179- the liberty of marrying, at any age, on no account to be infringed, iii. 180. the sphere for the exercise of private benevolence would be less after such a regulation than now, iii. 182. (Poor: INDEX. 479 (Poor : Poor-Laws. Continued.) case of illegitimate children under these circumstances, iii. 182. not more eligible at present, iii. 182. frequency of their desertion by their parents, iii. 183, 184.' if no provision were made for them by the laws in such a situation, the ties of nature would be strong enough to retain the parents in their duty, iii. 185. pernicious customs of frightening the father of an illegitimate child into marriage by the terrors of a jail, iii. 185, 186. the most powerful obligation on every man to sup- port his children, would be the knowledge that they must depend solely on this support, iii. 186. objection that a mother and her children should not thus suffer from the misconduct of the father, an- swered, iii. 187 18Q. unoppressive extinction of the poor-rates by this plan, iii. 190. the superiority in the state of the poor in England exists in spite, and not in consequence, of the poor- laws, iii. 190. destructive consequences which would attend the esta- blishment of a system of parochial relief in many of the other countries of Europe, iii. 193 197- Objections of Mr. Young to the above plan, and his own plan for the relief of the poor, considered, iii. 353_383. Different Plans of improving the Condition of the Poor, considered, iii. 228. none must tend directly to encourage marriage, iii. 228. Sir James Steuart's plan, of a general establish- ment of foundling-hospitals, and of public sup- port to the children of some married persons, iii. 228, 229- Mr. Townsend's, of a compulsory and universal institution of benerit-clubs, iii. 230 233. Mr. Young's, by means of potato-ground and cows, iii. 234 249255. Count Rumford's, by means of soup-shops, iii. 2,30, 251. (Poor- 480 INDEX. (Poor. Continued.) Mr. Owen's plan, of establishments for the poor, iii. 258263. Mr. Curwen's plan, by equalizing the rates, and giving the poor a voice in the management of the funds destined to their support, iii. 264 274. plan for assisting the labouring classes, by saving- banks, iii. 275 280. Of the Necessity of General Principles on the above Subject, iii. 281. distinction between mischievous and genuine theory, iii. 283. advantage derived by cottagers from keeping cows arises from its being peculiar, and would be considerably diminished if made general, iii. 284 287. measure of relieving the poor at their own homes, and placing out their children as soon as possible, can- not be practised universally, iii. 288. the benefits conferred by money, and even by industry, are relative, and would fail if not confined to par- ticular instances, iii. 289- objection to these reasonings answered; in many cases the good from the relief of present distress may over- balance the probable evil from the remote conse- quence, iii. 290. great advantages might be expected from a better and more general system of education (See also the article Education), iii. 292. from a general improvement of cottages, iii. 293. from the cow-system, (iii. 234 et seq.) upon a more confined plan, iii. 294, 296, 297- objection that the above measures would encourage population, answered, iii. 298. effects of luxury on the state of society, and on popu- lation, considered, iii. 300. our best-grounded hopes of improvement in the gene- ral mass of happiness, founded on a diminution in the number of the lowest, and an increase in that of the middle classes of society, iii. 303. this to be brought about only by the prevalence of prudential habits respecting marriage among the poor, iii. 305. (Poor. INDEX. 481 (Poor: Of the Necessity of General Principles in Plans for their Relief. Continued.) a specific relief might be given for every child above the number of six without any bad effect, iii. 305. See also the articles Charity and Poverty. Population has a constant tendency to increase beyond the means of subsistence, i. 3, 5. this truth evidently seen by Plato, Aristotle, and other philosophers, i. 333, 334, 337, 338. period in which it doubles itself; in the northern states of America, i. 7- in the back settlements, i. 7. other possible periods, i. 8. increases thus in a geometrical ratio, i. 9- the increase of subsistence cannot exceed an arith- metical ratio, i. 9, 14. effects of these two ratios of increase when brought together, i. 14 16. population can only be kept down to its level by the strong law of necessity (See the article Checks), i. 7 propositions intended to be proved in the present Essay, i. 3335. the argument in favour of the slave-trade, deduced from the principle of population, examined and refuted, iii. 384387- distinction to be carefully made between a redundant population and a population actually great, i. 149, .150, 152. the measure of, regulated by subsistence, i. 188. can never increase with great rapidity but when the price of labour is very high, i. 253. General Deductions from a View of Society in ancient and modern States, ii. 189- comparatively rapid increase which has invariably taken place whenever the checks to population nave been in any considerable degree removed, ii. 189. instanced in the case of new colonies, ii. 189- the most destructive wars, plagues, and famines, have but a very temporary influence on the average popu- lation of countries, ii. 197- effect of a superabundant population in producing, or vol. ii. ~* (Population: 482 , INDEX. (Population: General Deductions from a View of So- ciety in ancient and modern States. Continued.) aggravating the ravages of epidemic disorders and famines, ii. 199,200. severe mortal epidemics generally succeeded by uncom- mon healthiness, ii. 205. no estimate of future increase or decrease can be de- pended upon from any existing rate, ii. 207. the only true criterion of a real permanent increase in any country, is the increase of the means of sub- sistence, ii. 212. countries are populous according to the quantity of human food which they produce or can acquire, and happy according to the liberality with which this food is divided, ii. 214. a country left to its own natural progress in civilization, could never be said to be free from distress for want of food, ii. 215. conclusion from the whole; the three propositions proved which were announced (i. 33 35) in the outset, ii. 216. On the prevailing Errors respecting Population and Plenty (See the article Plenty), iii. 27. Effects of Parish Allowances on Population, iii. 31. not regulated by the real wages of labour, iii. 32. an increasing population not always accompanied by scarcity and extreme poverty, iii. 35, 36. exposure of some prevalent prejudices, concerning population, iii. 39 59- Of the Modes of correcting the prevailing Opinions on Population, iii. 198. this can only be done by circulating juster notions on the subject, iii. 198. in the higher ranks, little more is wanted than an in- creased degree of respect and of personal liberty to single women, iii. 199 among the lower classes, the same object would be attained by the establishment of a proper system of parochial education (See the article Education), hi. 200. See also particularly the articles Encouragement , Im- provement, and Objections. Populousness INDEX. 483 Populousness of ancient or modern nations, question re- specting the superiority of, i. 556 361. Port Jackson ; hardships experienced in the first settle- ment of the colony of, ii. 292. Positive checks to population enumerated, i. 21,22, 23. Potatoe-ground ; plan of improving the condition of the poor by means of, and of cows, considered, iii. 238255. Poverty, miserable, among some of the negro nations of Africa, i. 218. abject, in China, i. S03 306. almost all poverty is relative, ii. 314. when hopeless, ceases to operate as a spur to industry, iii. 42. its powerful influence in producing vice of every sort, iii. 120124. effect of the knowledge of the principal cause of, on civil liberty. See the article Civil Liberty. Preventive check to population described, i. 18. if it do not produce vice, is the least evil that can arise from the principle of population, i. 19, 20. consequences when it does produce vice, i. 20, 21. moral and vicious branches of this check, i. 21, 22, 23. most prevalent in England, ii. 42, 43 47- more prevalent in the states of modern Europe than in past times or among uncivilized nations, and at pre- sent the most powerful of all the checks, ii. 217, 218. effectually destroyed by ignorance and despotism, iii. 43. those countries where it most prevails are at the same time most distinguished for chastity, iii. 312. Productions of the earth, observations on the periods of the increase of, i. 9 1 1 . particularly in Great Britain, i. 12 15. Prolijickness. See the article Fruitfulness. Property : an equal distribution of, highly favourable to the increase of population, i. 326. where it is equalized, the number of children should be limited, according to Aristotle, i. 337, 338. something like the present administration of property would result from a state of perfect equality, ii. 258 261. 2 i 2 Prudential 484 INDEX. Prudential restraint defined, i. 22, note. inattention to it would cause a great degree of mi- sery to prevail under the best government, iii. 160. foundation of our expectations respecting the extension of this check to marriage, iii. 309 313. See also the article Moral Restraint. Prussia ; general mortality in, according to different writers, i. 467, 459 46l. proportion of second marriages in Prussia and Silesia, ii. 140. See also the article Silesia, and names of other parts. Q. QUITO ; rapid progress which the Spanish colony there made in population, notwithstanding its ill manage- ment, ii. 190, 191. R. RAYNAL, Abbe ; his inconsistent reasoning in his comparisons of savage and civilized life, i. 83. his absurd position on the right of man to subsistence, iii. 154, 155. Redundant population, very distinct from a population actually great, i. 151, 158, 165, 166. cause why poor, cold, and thinly-peopled countries, tend generally to a superfluity of inhabitants, i. 165. Reform, erroneous views of, corrected, iii. 166- 174. Registers of births and deaths must always afford very uncertain data for estimating the population, ii. 76. those of the above description in England and Wales, more deficient in the former than in the lat- ter part of the last century, ii. 7 1 73. imperfection of registers of births, deaths, and mar- riages in Scotland, ii. 105, 106 109. in most countries the omission in the births and deaths is greater than in the marriages, ii. 133, 134. (Registers. INDEX. 485 (Registers. Continued.) Effects of Epidemics on Registers of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, considered, ii. 169. table on this subject, ii. 170. observations on the above table ; the number of mar- riages very nearly doubled in the year after a plague, ii. 171. fruitfulness of marriages after that period, ii. 175. variations in the proportions of births to deaths in the different periods, ii. 176. mortality after the plague, ii. 177- several examples of the continual variations in the pro- portions of the births and marriages, as well as of the deaths, to the whole population, ii. 179 184. the least variable proportion is that of the births to marriages ; and reason of this, ii. 185. effects of the common epidemical years, ii. 187. Representative system of government, its powerful ef- fect in favouring the prudential check to population, iii. 163, 164. Restraint. See the articles Moral and Prudential Re- straint. Restrictions on the importation of corn, in what cases ap- plicable, ii. 478 494. objections to such restrictions, ii. 475, 494 499> 504507. beneficial results of restrictions on the importation of foreign corn in a country possessed of great landed revenues, ii. 499 503. Retirement, religious ; frequent and strict, in Tibet, i. 286, 287- Revenue the source of population, and not population of revenue, iii. 46 49- Revolution ; mischievous effects of the hopes entertained by the lower classes of immediate relief from, iii. 163, 164. the circulation of just principles respecting popula- tion among them, would destroy such expectations, iii. 319- Right of the poor to support should be formally dis- claimed, iii. 177, 178. {Right 486 INDEX. (Right of the Poor to support, &c. Continued.) objections against this disavowal, answered, iii. 542353. " Rights of Man" erroneous principles of that work, iii. 152160. Roman empire, its fall occasioned by repeated inundations of barbarians from the north of Europe, i. 138 152. Romans ; State of, with Respect to the Checks to Popu- lation, i. 342. destructive ravages of war during their first struggles for power, repaired by the principle of increase, i. 344. practice of infanticide in early times, and its effect, i. 343, 344. the abolition of the comparative equality of property produced a great decrease in the number of citizens, 1.345. the jus trium liberorum ineffectual in adding to the po- pulation, i. 346, 347. vicious habits of every kind prevalent, i. 347, 348, 349- the Roman world not most populous during the long peace under Trajan and the Antonines, i. 350. question of the superior populousness of ancient or modern nations, i. 356. comparative efficacy of the preventive and the positive checks among the Romans, i. 3Gl. Rumford, Count ; his plan of improving the condition of the poor considered, iii. 250, 251. Russia ; State of, with Respect to the Checks to Popu- lation, i. 414. extraordinary results of the lists of births, deaths, and marriages, i. 414, 415. proportion of births to deaths in different districts, i. 415. of marriages to births, i. 416. of deaths to the population, i. 417 419- of births to the population, i. 420. of infants dying within the first year, i. 420. of ) early marriages to the population, i. 42 1 . {Russia : INDEX. 487 (Russia : State of, with Respect to the Checks to Po- pulation. Continued.) the registers of Petersburgh give a much greater mor- tality of female children than of male, i. 422. comparative mortality at different periods of life in Pe- tersburgh, i. 423. general mortality there, i. 424. management of its foundling-hospital, and mortality in this institution, i. 424 427 429- of that at Moscow, i. 430. pernicious effects of these establishments, i. 43 1 434. principal obstacle to a rapid increase of population, the vassalage of the peasants, i. 435. a very considerable advance both of cultivation and of population made during the reign of the late empress and since, i. 438. State of the population at different periods, i. 438, 439- births, deaths, and marriages, in the Greek church, for the year 1799, i- 439- Comparative proportion of the marriages and the deaths. i. 440. s. SACRIFICES, human, at Otaheite, i. 112. SY. Cergue, parish of; proportion of its marriages to births, and of the latter to the population, i. 477. of its births to deaths, i. 478. habit of emigration there, i. 479- St. Domingo, Indians of; neglected purposely to culti- vate their lands, in order to starve out their op- pressors, i. 92, 93. St. Paul, inference from his declarations respecting mar- riage, iii. 98, 99. Samoyedes, their mode of living, i. 237- Sandzvich Islands ; state of, with respect to the checks to population, i. 121, 122. occasional scarcities at, i. 127- Savage life, mode in which the oscillations in population are produced in, i. 27 32. (Savage 488 INDEX. (Savage life. Continued.) difficulty of rearing children in, i. 46. want of ardour in the men, generated by the hardships and dangers to which they are necessarily subject, i. 53. the general characteristic of savages, to despise and de- grade the female sex, i. 56, 57. the period of life shorter among savages than in civi- lized countries, i. 62, 63. savages are rendered liable to pestilential diseases by the dirt of their persons, and the closeness and filth of their cabins, i. 64 66. instances of the pressure of want in, i. 80 89- comparative advantages and disadvantages of savage and of civilized life, i. 129 131. See also the article Barbarism. Saving Banks ; their general benefits, iii. 275. their objects stated, iii. 276. the policy of giving persons parochial assistance, though they may have certain limited sums in saving banks, considered, iii. 278, 279- Saxony, ancient ; want of cultivation in, accouuted for, i. 665, 166. Scandinavians, ancient. See the article Goths. spread themselves by sea over various nations of Eu- rope, i* 16 1, 162. different prevalence of the preventive check to po- pulation in ancient and in modern Scandinavia, i. 163. Scarcity of food, the ultimate check to population, i. 3, 5, 17. illustrated, i. 25. horrid, in Tierra del Fuego and Van Diemen's land, i. 36, S7. in New Holland, i. 3841. various instances of, among the American Indians, i. 8188. among the New Zealanders, i. 102. among the inhabitants of the Marquesas and Friendly Islands, i. 127. among the Kalmucks who inhabited the fertile steppe of the Wolga, i. 196. (Scarcity INDEX. 489 ( Scarcity of Food. Continued.) among the negro nations of Africa, i. 208, 209. frequent in northern Siberia, i. 234, 235. in Sweden in 1799, i- 411. instances of, in Scotland, ii. 125 128. it may or may not accompany an increasing, but must necessarily a permanently declining, population, Hi. 3537. See also the articles Famine, and Poor-Laws (under Poor J. Scotland; State of, with Respect to the Checks to Population, ii. 105. imperfection of the registers of births, deaths, and mar- riages, ii. 105. average mortality, and probabilities of life, ii. 106, 107. proportion of marriages, ii. 108. marriages later in Scotland than formerly, ii. 111. the condition of the lower classes considerably im- proved of late years, ii. 109. this probably owing in part to the increase of the preventive check to population, ii. 109. different state of those parts where marriages are earlier, ii. 112. rapid tendency to increase in various districts, ii. 1 14 117. prolifickness of the women, ii. 118, 11 9. state of the poor, ii. 120. endemic and epidemic diseases, ii. 123. scurvy, rheumatisms, consumptions, fevers, and small-pox, ii. 123, 124. scarcities and famines, ii. 125. effects of these upon deaths, births, and marriages, in some parishes, ii. 126, 127 129- in general over-peopled, ii. 131. Romantic passion of the peasants, and its beneficial influence on the national character, iii. 90, note*, advantage of superior instruction possessed by the lower classes, and its beneficial effects, iii. 205, 206, 319, 320. See also the article Highlands. Scurvy, its inveteracy in Scotland, ii. 123. Self-love, 490 INDEX. Self-love, the principal source of improvement in the state of mankind, li. 248, 256, 322. distinguished from selfishness, iii. 348, note. Sensuality of all kinds strongly reprobated in the ordi- nances of Menu, i. 271,272. Shangalla negroes, singular custom respecting polygamy among, l. 211, 212, shortness of life among, i. 222, 223. Shepherds, what renders nations of them peculiarly for- midable, i. 134. difficulty of the transition from the pastoral to the agri- cultural state, i. 172. a certain degree of security necessary for this pur- pose, i. 184. See also the article Pastoral. Shetland Isles; increase of population there prejudicial, ii. 113. Siberia, Northern; State of, with Respect to the Checks to Population, i. 233. frequent scarcity of food, i. 234, 235. ravages of the small-pox, i. 235, 236. mode of living, i. 237. Southern : extraordinary fertility of the soil ; popula- tion, nevertheless, does not increase in the proportion which might be expected, i. 238. the great obstacle in this case is, the want of demand for labourers, and of a market for the produce, i. 242 245. a bounty upon children would not effectually increase the population, i. 246. means to be taken to produce that result, i. 246. beneficial changes effected by the late empress of Russia in this respect, i. 247 249- the introduction of habits of industry, still necessary, i. 250. unhealthiness, occasional droughts, and other circum- stances unfavourable to increase, i. 251 254. Silesia ; proportion of its annual mortality to its popu- lation, and of births to deaths, i. 461. See also the article Prussia. Sinclair, Sir John, notice of his Statistical Account of Scotland, i. 28, note. Sirt, INDEX. 491 Sird, prevalence of putrid fevers in, i. 217. Slavery, this condition unfavourable to the propagation of the species in the countries where it prevails, i. 352. checks to population which are peculiar to a state of slavery, i. 353, 354. Slaves ; great and constant exportation of, from Africa, i. 208, 209. practice of selling, in China, i. 310. the argument in favour of the slave-trade, deduced from the principle of population, examined and re- futed, hi. 384387- Sleswick, duchy of ; comparative state of the poor in, iii. 195. Small-pox, its ravages among the American Indians, i. 64, 66. among the Kalmucks who inhabited the fertile steppes of the Wolga, i. 197. in Persia, i. 268. dreadful in the northern parts of Siberia, i. 235, 236. in Scotland, ii. 124. its effects much increased by a superabundant popu- lation, ii. 203, 204. notwithstanding its destructive ravages, the average population of the earth probably not affected by it, iii. 136. consequences of its possible extirpation by means of the cow-pox, considered, iii. 137. See also iii. 311. Society Islands. See the article Otaheite. Solon sanctioned the exposing of children, i. 329* his probable motives for such permission, i. 329, 330. Son ; to have one born confers on a man spiritual benefits of the highest importance, according to the ordi- nances of Menu, i. 269, 270. Soups, cheap ; utility and value of such inventions esti- mated, iii. 250, 251. South America, ravages of famine in, i. 85, 86. South-sea Islands ; state of, with respect to the checks to population, i. 95. (Soutli-sea 492 INDEX. (South-sea Islands. Continued. some of the more considerable, but less known islands, i. 97, 98. New Zealand, i. 99 102. Otaheite and the Society Islands, i. 103 118. the Friendly and Sandwich Islands, i. 1 19. vice, including war, the principal check, i. 121, 122. Easter Island, Marianne Islands, Formosa, and others, i. 124, 125. the fertility of these islands probably exaggerated ; occasional scarcities in them, i. 126. the average population generally presses hard against the limits of the average food, i. 128. Spain, wretched state of the poor in, iii. 196. Spartan discipline considered, i. 131. Specie; old prejudices respecting, strikingly resemble those on the subject of population, iii. 33, 39 Speculation ; the late rage for wide and unrestrained, a kind of mental intoxication, ii. 241. Spencean System of equality ; absurdity of, exposed, ii. 280, 281, note. Spirits. See the article Distilleries. Spring loaded with a variable weight, the generative faculty compared to, i. 33, note. Statistics; many parts of, to which history might very usefully be made to extend, i. 27 30. Sterility; of women, among the American Indians, ac- counted for, i. 53 58. Steuart, Sir James ; his plan of improving the condition of the poor, considered, iii. 228, 229 ' Stock ; the profits of, will be high when there is abund- ance of good land, and no difficulties impede its purchase and distribution ; and there is an easy foreign vent for its raw produce, ii. 338. Submission ; the measure of, to government, ought to be determined by general expediency, iii. 149 Subscriptions in aid of the poor will not prevent a recur- rence of distress, ii. 307 309- Subsistence; the means of, the ultimate regulator and check to the increase of plants and animals, i. 3, 4. cannot be permanently increased faster than in an arith- metical ratio, i. 9, 14. (Subsistence. INDEX. 493 (Subsistence. Continued. the want of, is the most efficient cause of the imme- diate checks to population, ii. 196, 197- the general amount of population regulated in this respect by scarce seasons, and the recurrence of unfavourable periods, and not by plentiful or favour- able ones, i. 198, 200. countries are populous according to the quantity of human food which they produce or can acquire, and happy according to the liberality with which this food is divided, ii. 214. Suffolk, proportion of its annual births to its population, ii. 62. Sunday schools, ii. 204. Surplus produce ; proportion of, regulates the number of manufacturers, merchants, proprietors, and persons engaged in the various civil and military professions, ii. 397, 398. Sweden ; state of, with respect to the checks to popu- lation, i. 387- comparative efficacy of the preventive and the positive checks, i. 387, 388. large proportional mortality, i. 388. cause of this, i. 389' does not produce food sufficient for its population, i. 391393. affected in a peculiar manner by every variation of the seasons, i. 394. statement of average mortality, i. 394. proportion of yearly marriages, i. 395. the population of, is continually going beyond the ave- rage increase of food, i. 396, 397. the government and the political economists of, are nevertheless incessantly labouring to increase it more rapidly, i. 397. a supply beyond the effectual demand for labour could only produce misery, i. 398, 399- accusations against the national industry probably not well founded, i. 399, 400. the woods sometimes cleared away too precipitately, without consideration of the probable value of the land when cleared, i. 401. (Sweden: 494 index. (Sweden : State of, with Respeet to the Checks to Po- lation. Continued.) this country might possibly have been better peopled formerly than at present, but the supposition not probable, i. 402. political regulations impeding the progress of cultiva- tion, i. 403. measures of the government for the encouragement of population ; hospitals, &c, i. 404. rendering the commerce of grain free throughout the interior, i. 405. adoption of a law limiting the number of persons to each farm, i. 406. absolute population of the country ; recent increase, and periodical checks, i. 407, 408, 409. patience with which the lower classes bear the pressures of scarcity, i. 410. sickly seasons have in general arisen from unwhole- some nourishment, occasioned by severe want,i. 41 1, 412. the general healthiness has lately increased, i. 412. Proportion of yearly births to the population, i. 457. impossibility, or certain destructive consequences, of establishing the English system of poor-laws in this country, iii. 193. Switzerland ; State of, with Respect to the Checks to Population, i. 463. alarm which prevailed there some years ago concerning its depopulation, i. 463. statistical paper published at that time, exhibiting a continued decrease of the births, i. 464. this circumstance, however, not decisivcof a diminished population, i. 465. the mortality in the last period noticed extraordinarily small, and the proportion of children reared to pu- berty extraordinarily great, i. 465. prevalence of plagues in the former periods, i. 466. an actual increase of population had probably taken place, i. 466. the diminution of births not owing to the unfruitfulness of the women, but to the operation of the preventive check, i. 469- (Switzerland: INDEX. 495 (Switzerland: State of, with Re9pect to the Checks to Population. Continued.) limits to the population of a country strictly pastoral, i. 487. effect of the introduction of manufactures into some of the smaller cantons, i. 489- natural excitement to emigration, i. 490. if the alleged decrease did really take place, it must have improved the condition of the lower classes of people, i. 490, 491. effects of a redundant population seen in a clear point of view by some of the inhabitants of a particular district, i. 491 494. regulations tor the relief of the poor, i. 495. state of the poor there, iii. 195. agricultural improvements, i. 495. amount of the population at different periods, i. 496. Syria ; state of, with respect to the checks to population, i. 255260. See also the article Bedoweens. T. TARTARS; State of, with Respect to the Checks to Population; their general manners, i. 170. distribution of them according to the quantity of food, i. 173. manners of the Mahometan Tartars, i. 175. of the Usbecks, i. 175 177. the Casatshia tribe, i. 177, 178. other tribes, i. 178. general habits of the Mahometan Tartars, i. 179- heathen Tartars; the Kalmucks and Moguls, i. 181. Bedoweens, i. 182. tribes living in a more favourable soil ; the Kirgisiens, i. 189, 190. the Kalmucks who inhabited the fertile steppes of the Wolga, i. 194. Taxation, not the cause of the present distresses among the poor, ii. 360363. Theory, 496 INDEX. Theory, distinction between mischievous and genuine, hi. 81283. Tibet; State of, with Respect to the Checks to Popu- lation, i. 284. attachment of several males to one female, i. 284. to repress rather than to encourage population, seems to be an object of the government, i. 285. celibacy recommended by powerful motives, i. 286. religious retiremeut frequent and strict, i. 286, 287. all the brothers of a family associate with one woman, i. 287, 288. notwithstanding these excessive checks, the population is kept up to the level of the means of subsistence, i. 288, 289- multitude of beggars, i. 289- Tierra del Fuego : state of, with respect to the checks to population; scarcity of food, and want of every con- venience and comfort, i. 36. Tongataboo, occasional scarcity at, i. 127. Towns. See the article Villages. Townsend, Mr. ; his plan of improving the condition of the poor, considered, iii. 229 2S3. Turkish dominions ; State of, with Respect to the Checks to Population, i. 255. nature of the government, i. 255, 256. the miri, or general land-tax, rendered oppressive and ruinous by the pachas, i. 256. consequent misery of the peasants, and deplorable state of agriculture, i. 257, 259- destructive extortion of the pachas, i. 257 259, 26 1. a maximum in many cases established, i. 262. effect of the above measures in decreasing the means of subsistence, i. 263. direct checks to population ; polygamy, i. 263. unnatural vice ; plague, and the disorders which fol- low it ; epidemics and endemics ; famine, and the sicknesses which follow it, i. 264. late marriages among the lower classes, i. 266. Extinction of the Turkish population in another century, falsely predicted, ii. 207. UNFRUITFUL^ ESS, INDEX. 497 u. UNFRUITFULNESS of women among the Ameri- can Indians, accounted for, i. 53 58. Union of the sexes; early, in New Holland, i. 44. Unmarried persons ; proportion of, in the Pays de Vaud, i. 484. in France, ii. 3. those who live single, or marry late, do not diminish the absolute population, but merely the proportion of premature mortality, ii. 50. See also the articles Celibacy, Chastity, Restraint, and Marriage. Uncultivated land, neither injures nor benefits the poor, iii. 51, 52. Unnatural vice, its prevalence in the Turkish dominions, i. 264. Usbeck Tartars, manners of, i. 176. state of, with respect to the checks to population, i. 176, 177- Utility, the surest foundation of morality that can be col- lected from the light of nature, iii. 215. V. VALLEY, beautiful, in Norway, i. 390, note. Van Diemen's Land : state of, with respect to the checks to population ; scarcity of food, i. 37. Vassalage of the Russian peasants, the principal obstacle to a rapid increase of population among them, i. 435. Vice, checks (both preventive and positive) to population which come under this head, i. 23. Villages, average mortality of, i. 389. agricultural ; general proportion of their annual mar- riages to their population, i. 451. the general measure of mortality in single states will vol. ii. 2k (Villages, 498 INDEX. ( ['Mages. Continued.,) depend upon the proportion of the inhabitants of towns to villagers, i. 459 different proportions of mortality in towns and in vil- lages, ii. 56, 57- Virginia, failures and hardships experienced in the first settlement of the English colony there, ii. 289* Virtuous love, peculiar delights of, iii. 72. Vis medicatrix reipublica , the desire of bettering our condition, and the fear of making it worse, ii. 343, in. 311. w. WAGES (See Labour). Wallace, Mr., in his System of Equality, has very insuffi- ciently estimated the principle of population, and the difficulties arising from it, ii. 220. JVar ; maxims of, among the American Indians, i. 74, 75. among the New Zealanders, i. 98 100. excessive ravages of, in Abyssinia, i. 217, 218. the wars among the Grecian states were extremely bloody, i. 340, 341. wars do not depopulate much while industry continues in vigour, i. 350. this check to population has abated in modern Europe, ii. 217- a system of moral restraint might be expected to repress the frequency of war, iii. 96 98. great strength of such a state of society in a war of defence, iii. 99- Waste among the rich, does not influence the average distress of the poor, iii. 50. neither injures nor benefits the poor, iii. 50, 51. Waste lands ; the existence of, without other evidence, no ground of inference against the internal economy of a country, iii. 57 61. Wealth; Of increasing, as it affects the Condition of the Poor, iii. 1. {Wealth; INDEX. 499 (Wealth ; Of increasing, as it affects the Condition of the Poor. Continued.) an increase of the revenue or stock of a society, is not always a proportional increase of the funds destined for the maintenance of labour, iii. 2. case of this nature, when a nation adds what it saves from its yearly revenue to its manufacturing capital solely, iii. 3. the increase of wealth and capital rarely accompanied with a proportionately increased power of supporting an additional number of labourers, iii. 4. illustration of that point from a comparison of the early and present state of Europe, iii. 5,6, 7. every increase of national stock, not an increase of real funds for maintenance of labour, iii. 7, 10, 11. illustration from the example of China, iii. 7 10. state of the poor employed in manufactories with re- m spect to health, and other circumstances, iii. 13 16. an increase of wealth beneficial to the lower classes, though it. does not imply a proportionate increase of the funds for the maintenance of mere labour, iii. 25, 26. of the definition of wealth ; and of the agricultural and commercial systems. See under the article Agriculture. Weyland, (Mr.,) examination of his objections to the pre- mises developed in this work, iii. 397 424. Widozcers, a much greater proportion of, marry again, than of widows, ii. 155. Wife, difficulty in the choice of one, according to the ordinances of Menu, i. 275. Woman, the dictate of nature and virtue seems to be an early attachment to one, i. 6. cruel treatment of women among the natives of New Holland, i. 42 44. their degraded and wretched state among the American Indians, i. 53, 56. reason why the disgrace attending a breach of chastity in a woman should be greater than in a man, ii. 263265. character drawn of the women of Indostan, in the ordinances of Menu, i. 276. (Woman. 500 INDEX. . (Woman. Continued.) in a certain tribe on the coast of Malabar, several males attached to one woman, i. 282, 283. the same custom practised in Tibet, i. 284. Y. YOUNG, (Mr.,) his plan of improving the condition of the poor, considered, iii. 234 249 2.55. his objection to the plan proposed in this Essay for the gradual abolition of the poor-laws, and his own plan for the relief of the poor, examined, iii. 353 383. z. ZOROASTER teaches, that to plant a tree, to cultivate a field, to beget children, are meritorious acts, i. 266. Printed bj W. CLOWES, Northumberland-court, Strand, London 54C7 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ua. APR 2 1971 JL/N Z-i .M z fern apr 2 tan. i KEEKS N '(3Vf 51991 l Mi lo 1!)80 ftEC'DLD-UHL AC MAY 02 WW NOV 1019931 Form L9-Series 444 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A A 000 113 907 o 3 1158 00599 9965