. ; . - V; - AND THE 11 /r TS LlTTLJI CAPITAL, FUUil CllUtCIJ OK T11K 1'RIUUY OF TANRIIXiK. To face Title. THE HISTORY OF TANRIDGE PRIORY, SURREY; AND SOME ACCOUNT OF THE Ojiamma COMMONLY CALLED THE AUSTIN CANONS. BY MAJOR ALFRED HEALES, F.S.A., F.R.S.L., HON. F.R.I.B.A. LONDON : PRINTED BY ROWORTH & CO. LIMITED, NEWTON STREET, HIGH HOLBORN. 1885. PREFACE. ON the occasion of a visit by the Surrey Archaeological Society to Tanridge, the Council asked me to supply some account of the Priory : subsequent research was necessary in order to present the subject in a complete form for the purpose of publication ; then occurred the suggestion that some account of the Inhabitants of the Priory would be desirable as a supplement ; that led to notes respecting the Austin Canons, who (like other monastic bodies) have been very much neglected by English writers ; and so a ten-minutes' Paper expanded into the present Work. STREATII AM ; October, 1885. LIST OF AUTHORITIES AID WORKS QUOTED FROM OR DIRECTLY REFERRED TO. Manuscript. Assize Rolls ; Surrey, 43 Henry III, M j ~ I 5. Augmentation Office ; Deeds of Sale of Fee-Farm Rents. Miscellaneous Books, No. 105. No. 244. No. 406. Bodleian Library ; Laud MS. 723. British Museum ; Additional MS. 2044. 6167. 6168. 6169. Cotton MS.; Cleopatra, C. vn. C. ix. Tiberius, III. Vespasian, D. i. F. ix. Harleian MS. ; 1777. 4785. 4786. Inquisition ad quod damnuni, 24 Edw. Ill ; Surrey, No. 21. post mortem, 12 Edw, I ; No. 49. 28 Edw. I ; No. 69. Ministers' Accounts, 28 & 29 Henry VIII ; Surrey, No. 108. VI LIST OF AUTHORITIES AND WORKS. Patent Roll; 13 Edward I, m. 1G. 30 Edward I, m. 3. 25 Edward III, m. 12. Pedes finium; 10 Heury III, Surrey, No. 74. 19 No. 181. 47 Case 2, No. 177. 4Q )> > Winchester Diocesan Register ; Asser. Fox. Langton. Orleton. Stratford. Wayneflete. JVodelok. JVykeham. Printed Works. ACTS OF PARLIAMENT : 27 Henry VIII, cap. 27 ; cap. 28. BERINGTON ; Literary History of Middle Ayes. BIRCH & JENNER; Illuminations in British Museum. BRAYLEY ; History of Surrey. Calendar of Letters and Papers, temp. Henry VIII. (Record Off. Publ.) CASSAN ; Lives of Bishops of Winchester. Constitutions of Pope Clement V. (Basle Ed., 1476.) Cox, J. C. ; How to write History of Parish. CUTTS ; Turning Points of English Church History. DIXON ; History of Church of England from Abolition of Roman Jurisdiction. DUCANGE ; Glossarium. DUGDALE ; Monasticon Anglicanum. FOSBROOKE ; British Monachism. Foss ; Judges of England. Fox ; English Monks and Monasteries. LIST OF AUTHORITIES AND WORKS. Vll GODWIN; Handbook of Archceology. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPS ; Archaeological Dictionary. JAMESON; Legends of the Monastic Orders. LYNDWODE ; Provinciate. MAITLAND ; Dark Ages. MANNING & BRAY ; History of Surrey. MIGNE; Patrologice cursus ; S. Augustin. Originalia, 30 Edward I. (Record Off. Ed.) Piers Ploicmarfs Crede. (Early English Text Society.) Surrey Archaeological Society ; Collections, Vol. Ill, vSnrtees Society ; Priory of Hexftam, Vol. I. TANNER ; Notitia Monastica. Taxation by Pope Nicholas IX. (Record Off. Ed.) TAYLOR, ISAAC ; Transmission of Ancient Books. WALCOTT ; Church and Conventual Arrangement. WEAVER ; Funeral Monuments. WILKINS ; Concilia. 8 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND THE AUSTIN CANONS. Br MAJOR ALFRED HEALES, F.S.A., F.B.S.L., HON. A.R.I.B.A. ON commencing the study of local topography one looks first to the work of the old County Historian, especially in Surrey where we possess a book of high eminence on account of the vast research by its authors, which becomes fully manifest only to the compara- tively few archaeologists who themselves enter on such researches ; but very generally some additional facts remain to be gleaned. In the case of Tanridge Priory, the history given by Manning and Bray is limited to half a folio page, with the addition of a list of Priors. Their notes from the Winchester Diocesan Registers are full and careful, but further and fuller information, chiefly obtained from other sources, was still obtainable and will aid in furnishing the reader with what may fairly be termed the first attempt at a history of the Priory. It seemed to the Writer that it would supply a desirable sequence to the history of the Priory if he gave some account of those who dwelt there, how they lived and occupied themselves, and by what rules they were bound ; and more especially, because so very little is generally known respecting monastic life in England that the sub- ject is practically a new one: there exists no special history of any of the Monastic Orders in this country, and there seems to have been little written by other authors than Dugdale and Fosbroke, whose works are rather of a general than a special nature. In the limited space which is here fairly available for the purpose, it would have been absurd to attempt to give any general history of the Order, but the endeavour B2 2 TANBIDGE PRIORY, AND has been rather to contribute some notes towards a sub- ject which one may hope will some day receive a merited attention. Only five years ago, it was remarked by an archaeologist of much research and learning, 1 that the English Abbeys or Priories whose history can be said to be exhaustively written, could certainly be counted on the fingers of both hands ; a round dozen would cover them now. In the following pages, the names of places and persons are spelt as they are spelt in the document therein re- ferred to, and the dates of the years are given as com- mencing on the first day of January ; thus, instead of printing 12th March, 1308-9, it is put according to modern reckoning, 1309. At the end will be found an Appendix of original documents, selected from the rest on account of their importance, or as illustrative of the forms used in such cases. It may also be noted that the authorities here given were directly referred to ; in the case of any being taken through the medium of Manning and Bray the fact is so stated. OF THE PRIORY. THE Charitable Institution known by the name of Tanridge Priory (now commonly spelt Tandridge, with the supplemental d interpolated) was not originally monastic. The earliest existing record, which dates pro- bably not very long after the foundation, speaks of it as the Hospital of St. James, in the Ville of Tanregge, with 3 priests, in perpetuity there serving God, and Confraters of the said Hospital. 2 The nature of the institution was more nearly what we understand by the modern French " Hospice" an asylum, or refuge, for the poor and needy a home for those in want or sickness, served by the devotion of its staff, as distinguished from an Act of Parliament, God- less, workhouse where the object, but too generally, is a 1 J. Chas. Cox, How to write the History of a Parish. 2 In these preliminary remarks, it seems unnecessary to note the Authorities which are fully referred to in the subsequent pages, THE AUSTIN CANONS. 3 provision in the most stinted way against actual physical starvation: it was for the support and maintenance of the sick and poor, and wayfarers needing refuge. Whether in consequence of the insufficiency for the purpose, of the funds provided, or from what other cause, and how or under what authority, there is no means of knowing, but the fact is clear that, within little more than a quarter and certainly less than half of a century after the foundation, the Hospital of St. James became a Priory of Canons Regular of the Order of St. Augustine, which Canons were commonly, for brevity's sake, called Austin Canons. In certain legal proceedings in 1306 it is spoken of as Collegiate, 1 and so in 1309 ; 2 in 1461 it is called the Priory of St. James, Tanrigge. 3 The subsequent history of the Establishment, so far as it is practicable to be traced, will be seen by the present account deduced from the various and scattered records now existing: but a few of the more note- worthy points may be indicated as a preface. The property of the House given at the time of its foundation, sometime about the year 1200, received occasional accretions, but apparently not to any very large extent, for we find that at the time of the Disso- lution of Monasteries, between three and three and a-half centuries afterwards, the income was still quite moderate, though sufficing for the maintenance of the five Canons of the House : it does not appear that the number ever exceeded five. In 1263, an arrangement was made under which they bound themselves to provide a Chaplain, being one of their number, to celebrate daily for the benefit of a contributor and his family: and, nearly a century later, in 1351, a further gift was made to the House towards the support of a Canon-Chaplain to celebrate Divine Service daily for the Souls of all faithful departed, for ever. Perhaps it was in consequence of the limited number of Canons (which, assuming five to have been usual, 1 Winchester Register, JVodelok, fol. 40 r. 3 Ibid., fols. 101 v and 110. 3 Winchester Register, Wayneflete, I, fol. 68*, 4 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND would upon the decease of the Prior have left but four, who, unless unanimous, were therefore not unlikely to be evenly balanced in votes), but it repeatedly happened that, when there occurred a vacancy of the Head of the Priory, the Chapter of the House demitted to the Bishop their right of election, and requested him to undertake the duty of appointment to the vacancy, for that turn. On other occasions, whether from want of skill and care in fulfilling the formalities legally requisite, or whether from any desire on the part of the Diocesan to gradually acquire a permanent right of nomi- nation one cannot tell ; but the circumstance repeatedly did happen that when the election of a new Prior came before the Bishop for confirmation, he pronounced that the election was void for informality, and himself made the appointment ; though, perhaps as a matter of policy, he appointed the individual who had been, as he stated, invalidly elected. And such appointments frequently turned out ill, as in the cases of John Hansard, who was, or became, incompetent to perform his office, and Philip de Wokingham, whose neglect and desertion of his office ultimately led to his deprivation. No other or more grave charges were at any time made against any Prior or member of the House : this should be borne in mind. The Priory appears to have gone on its way steadily and quietly, as it should have done, without drawing upon itself any special attention ; when called upon to appear in General Chapter it gave a proxy to some other Prior, and so appeared by its representative : the Prior was sometimes summoned to attend and take part in the Convocation of the Diocese. Ultimately the Priory was suppressed, under the Act for the robbery and destruction of Religious Houses having an income under 200 per annum, 1 which was so easily passed that it almost immediately led to the robbery and destruction of all the others; and the property which had been during many centuries de- voted by men of religious mind for Divine Service and I Act 27 Henry VIII, cap. 28. THE AUSTIN CANONS. religious purposes, was in a few years squandered by the monarch upon his profligate pleasures. The actual date of the foundation of the Priory is not known, but we can by a comparison of records and facts fix the period approximately. In a Deed dated the 17th June 12 17, 1 Odo de Danmiartin is referred to as the Founder, but not as being then deceased. The fragmentary pedigree of the Dammartin family 2 given by Manning and Bray 3 (from records to which they refer), states that Odo, son of William de Dammartin, lived in the reigns of Henry II (1154 to 1189) and Richard I (1189 to 1199) dates which give a range of very nearly half a century; but it appears from another source that he was living at least as late as 1218. One of the witnesses to the next-mentioned Deed was living in 1198, while the Deed itself is, from internal evidence, prior to the Deed which we have placed after, and which was certainly executed between 1210 and 1222. We may therefore reasonably assume the date of foun- dation, as a matter of probability, to have been some- where about the year 1200. 4 The earliest existing record, as so frequently happened in early documents, has no date ; it contains a grant for endowment of the Hospital of St. James in Tanregge, and the priests or confraters there serving God ; and is evidently subsequent to the Deed of Foundation, 5 It runs to the following effect : To all Sons of Holy Mother Church to whom the 1 Cartulary of Merton Priory : Cotton MS. Cleopatra, C. vii, fol. 86, referred to post. 2 The family probably took its name from a place named Dammartin, now represented by a village about 35 miles N.E. from Paris. 3 Manning and Bray, History of Surrey, II, p. 324. 4 Odo de Dammartin was one of the witnesses to the endowment of Newark Priory (Dugdale, VI, p. 383), which Manning and Bray show WM prior to 1204. (Manning and Bray, III, p. 110.) 6 Referred to in Tanner's Notitia Monastica, and printed in Dugdale's Monasticon, VI, p. 604, from a MS. which he mentions as formerly in possession of Sir William Howard. I venture to reprint it in order to make my work complete in itself, so far as lies in my power. (Vide Appendix, I.) 6 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND present writing may come, Odo de Dammartin, son of William de Dammartin, Health. Be it known to you all that I have given and granted, and by this my present charter have confirmed, for the health of the souls of myself and my wife and my children, and for the souls of my father and mother, and my predecessors and successors, to God and the Hospital of St. James in the Ville of Tanregge, and three priests in perpetuity, there serving God, and Confraters of the said Hospital ; all my land at Warlinggeham, in pure and perpetual alms, for the support and maintenance of the sick and poor, and wayfarers needing a refuge ; together with a wind- mill, with all its pertinents without restriction; in crofts, pictlakes, 1 woods, plain, meadows, pastures, cornlands, ways, waters, marshes, hedges, enclosures, in common pastures, and in all liberties ; To have and to hold entirely, peaceably, and free from all service and secular exaction due from me to the heirs of William de Hammes, 2 viz. xx shillings sterling and 2 gilt shoes of the price of six pence, or the sum of six pence annually, at two terms, that is to say, at Easter ten shillings and the shoes, and at the feast of St. Michael ten shillings, without fraud ; and saving service so much as pertains to the fourth part of a knight's fee ; for all services and demands. And I and my heirs are bound to defend and warrant the aforesaid land and gift and confirmation against all men and all women. 3 These being Witnesses Ealph, Chaplain of Rigate ; Henry, Chaplain; Hamon de Turbeville; Ralph Pimpe; Luke de Laundecote ; Peter de Perefricht ; William de Danmartin; Graland and Baldric, brothers; Peter de 1 Pictlakes : evidently the same as Pightell, or Pightle ; any small enclosed piece of land. (Halliwell.) 2 William de Hamme obtained from the Abbey of Chertsey the grant of their Manor of Hamme, to him and his heirs for ever, at a rental of 20s. per annum. Chertsey Leiger (Manning and Bray, III, p. 214). 3 Ihis will be noted as an illustration of the well-known fact that women's rights in respect to land were far more extensive than they have become in more recent times. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 7 Thaleuurthe; Ralph de Turneham; Ralph, parcarius; John Bolle ; Nicholas de la Dene ; and many others. Another gift was made by the same liberal donor, a copy of which is also printed by Dugdale, and is to the following effect: Know all men present and future, that I, Odo de Dammartin, son of William de Darnmartin, have, for my soul's health, given to God and the Hospital of St. James at Tanregge, all my relics and 2 silver cups to make a chalice and the vestments and all books and all other things of my chapel. Moreover, I have given to the aforesaid Hospital ix oxen, and one bull, and a sow and farrow, which are at Sue vie ( South wark), reckoned at the value of xn oxen ; which I have allotted to the said Hospital to be taken from the best of the oxen of my land. And that this my gift may be valid and assured I have confirmed it by my present Charter and seal. These being Witnesses : Robert, Chaplain ; William, Chaplain; Thomas de Wllst, Prior of Merton; Ralph Dean ;* and many others. 2 Thomas de Wllst was installed as Prior of Merton on the llth November, 1218, and died previous to 12th September, 1222, on which day Letters Patent for the election of his successor were granted, and we are thereby enabled to fix the date very closely. The document, previously referred to, in which Odo is spoken of as the Founder, is a Charter granted by Walter, Prior of Merton, the predecessor of Thomas, and is therefore necessarily antecedent to the last- mentioned Charter, and possibly to the first ; but, perhaps, more probably coming between the two. It is dated the 17th June, 1217; and runs to the following effect: WALTER, prior of Merton and the Convent of the same place, to all the faithful of Christ who shall inspect these present letters, send greeting in the Lord. Be it known 1 A Ralph de Dene is mentioned in a Fine, 7 Henry II, 1161; and on his inheritance, 10 Richard I, 1199. (Manning and Bray, II, 228.) 3 Dugdale, Monasticon, VI, p. 604. (Vide Appendix, II.) TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND unto you all, that moved by the impulse of Divine piety, we have received and admitted, specially, into the frater- nity of our house of Merton, Sir Odo de Dammartin the founder, and all the brothers and sisters, and all the benefactors of the Hospital of St. James of Tanridge ; so that they shall have a share and mutual participation with ourselves, in all the prayers, alms-deeds, fastings, vigils, disciplines; in the celebration of Masses, in the ordinances and observances of religion, and in all other good acts and benefits, which are or shall be done in our House and in all our Religious Houses, for ever. In testimony of this fraternity we have caused our seal to be appended to the present writing. Farewell. Given in the year of our Lord 1217, on the 15th Kalend of July. 1 The next record is that of a Charter executed by Odo, son of Odo de Danmertin, presumably after his father's death ; whereby, for the health of his soul and the souls of his father and mother and ancestors and successors, he gave to God and the Hospital of St. James of Tan- regge and the Brothers there serving God, a half-acre of land called "le Brome" in the Ville of Chepsted, which Alfrid " Soxere " held of him ; together with the houses thereon : and he warranted it, &c. Witnessed by William de Danmertin, Robert Burnerd, Ralph de Pip r ., Robert son of Pagan, William de St. John, Peter de Talewrth, Adam de Talewrth, Eustace de Wlkest, William de Novatra, and many others. The MS. (which is an early collection of such matters) gives a drawing of the seal and counterseal to this Charter. Odo is represented on horseback, in chain mail, with a long sword and small heater -shaped seal bearing 2 f esses and a chief vair: legend, "Sigill: d Martin." The seal is circular. On the smaller counterseal is a shield bearing, vairy of 5, and on a chief a label of 3 points extending across the shield : legend " S. Evdonis de Danmartin " interrupted in 4 places by a leopard's head. 2 1 Cotton MS. Cleopatra, C. vii, fol. 86 ; No, 177. (Vide Appendix, III.) 8 British Museum, Add, MS, 2044, fol. 114, (Appendix, IV.) THE AUSTIN CAKONS. 9 The next document is a final Concord or agreement made in the King's Court at Westminster, between the Prior of Tanridge and others, in the octave of the Purification of B. Mary, in the 10th year of King Henry III (1226), at Westminster, before Martin de Patershill, 1 Thomas de Muleton, 2 Thomas de Heiden, 3 Robert de Lexinton, 4 and Warin son of John, 5 Justices, and others of the King's faithful subjects there present: between John de Wauton, by Thomas de Grava on his behalf, and Alice, wife of the said John, by William de Kingestuu on her behalf; and on the other part Thomas, 6 Prior of Tenrugg : concerning four score acres of wood with pertinents in Tenrugge about which was a suit between them in the said Court. It was agreed that the said John and Alice should give up and quit claim for themselves and the heirs of Alice, to the said- Prior and his successors and the Church of Ten- rugge, all right and claim which they had in the said four-score acres of wood with pertinents in perpetuity. And in consideration the Prior, for himself and his 1 Martin de Pateshull was, in the year 1217, appointed by King Henry III to be a Justice, and thenceforward was remarkable amongst his colleagues for his singular activity : he was appointed to be Arch- deacon of York in 1226, and Dean of St. Paul's two years later, but died 14th November, 1229. (Foss, Judges of England.} 2 Thomas de Muleton was a member of a Lincolnshire family, and \vns Sheriff for that county during three years : he got into difficulties twice with King John during his troubled reign, but became Justice and Chief Justice under King Henry III, and died about 1240. (Foss.) 3 Thomas de Heyden, called "Clericus noster" in Letters Patent, 4 John (1203). He acted as a Justiciar from the 3rd to llth Henry III. (Foss.) 4 Robert de Lexinton, a cleric, was a person of eminence, and acted as a Justice from 1220 till 1243, and died in 1250. He undertook the defence of various military posts, and enjoyed much royal favour. (Foss.) Warin, son of Fitz-Joel, is mentioned as one of the Justices Itinerant in 1224 and 1225. (Foss.) 6 The name of Thomas as Prior at this date has not previously been recorded \ the first Prior whose name is given by Dugdale, or Manning and Bray, is Walter who was installed in 1306, eighty yearn later. 10 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND successors, gave up to the said John and Alice and her heirs in perpetuity, the right to which the Prior was entitled by grant of Odo Danmartin the Elder, of mast 1 for 30 hogs in their wood, and also the right of chase with 13 dogs and 6 harriers or greyhounds, in the warren thereof, to which the Prior was entitled by gift- of Odo Danmartin the younger. 2 A final Concord was made in the King's Court at Bermundsey, in the quindena of St. Michael in the 19th year of King Henry III (1235), before William of York, 3 William de Insula, 4 Ralph of Norwich, 5 and Hugh de Playz, 6 Justices Itinerant : between Gillebert Oisel and Richalda his wife, plaintiffs, and Adam, 7 Prior of Tenrigge, defendant, concerning 16 acres of land with pertinents in Tenrigge. Whereon a Post Mortem Assize was held in the said Court. The said Gillebert and Richalda acknowledged the said land and pertinents to belong to the Prior and his Church of Tenrigge. And for this acknowledgment, fine, and concord, the Prior granted to them 9 acres of land with pertinents, namely those 9 acres of land which Robert de Shortehal lately held : To hold to them and the heirs of the said Richalda, of the Prior and his successors and the said Church in perpetuity, at an annual rental of 12 pence at the feast of St. Michael, for all service and demand. And moreover the Prior gave them half a mark of silver. 8 1 Mast, fruit of beech and oak trees. 3 Pedes finium ; 10 Henry III ; Surrey, No. 74. (Appendix, V.) Unfortunately neither of the grants here referred-to are extant. 3 William of York was Bishop of Salisbury ; Justice Itinerant from 1227 to 1251, in which year he died, and was buried in his own cathe- dral. (Foss.) 4 William de Insula obtained a good position under King John, and became a Justice Itinerant in 1224, and continued as such for nine years. (Foss.) 5 Ralph of Norwich rendered considerable service to King John in Ireland ; was a Justice of the Bench from 1230 to 1234. (Foss.) 6 Not mentioned by Foss. 7 This is the first time in which the name of Adam as Prior of Tanridge has appeared in print. 8 Pedes finium, 19 Henry III ; Surrey, No. 181. (Appendix, VL) THE AUSTIN CANONS. 11 By the Assize Rolls for the County, in the 43rd year of King Henry III (1258 and 1259), it appears that a trial took place upon a complaint that the Prior had enclosed a certain public pond in Warlingham where the people of the place had been accustomed to water their cattle, to the manifest injury of all. Which being proved, the Sheriff ordered the removal of the enclosure in sight of the Jury. And the Prior, who was present, was condemned for the transgression. 1 In 1262-3 a final Concord was made in the King's Court at Geldeford, in the 15 days after St. Hilary in the 47th year of King Henry III. Before Martin de Littilbyry, 2 Walter de Bersted, 3 Geoffrey de Leukenore, 4 and Richard de Hemington, Justices Itinerant. 5 Between Humphrey, 6 Prior of Tanrigge, plaintiff, and Thomas de Warblington, defendant; concerning a messuage, 14 acres of land, and 12 acres of pasture, with pertinents in Tannerigge. And upon the suit before the Court the said Thomas acknowledged the tenements and per- tinents to belong to the Prior and his church; that they should have them, of his gift, to hold to the Prior and his successors and church, of the said Thomas and his heirs, in free, pure, and perpetual alms, in perpetuity ; and he warranted it accordingly, and free from all secular service and demand, against all men. And moreover the said Thomas, in addition, granted for himself and his heirs, to the Prior and his successors and church, a yearly payment of 20 shillings by equal 1 Assize Rolls, Surrey; 43 Henry III, M j I 5, m. 5 d. - Martin de Littilbyry or Littlebere, held an Assize in Kent in 1247 and became a Justiciar in 1261, and continued till 1272. (Foss.) 3 Walter de Berstede was Sheriff of Kent in 1257: in 1262 Con- stable of Dover Castle and Gustos of Cinque Ports : Justiciar from 1262 to 1266. (Foss.) 4 Geoffrey de Leuknore was Justice Itinerant, &c. from 1255 to 1276. (Foss.) 5 Richard de Hemington was a Justiciar from 1268 till 1270. (Foss.) 6 The present is the first occasion in which the name of Humphrey, as Prior, is recorded. 12 TANRJDGE PRIORY, AND half-yearly instalments, viz., at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and at the Lord's Nativity : with power, in the case of default in payment, to distrain upon all the cattle 1 of the said Thomas and his heirs, which might be found on or in their lands and tenements in the Manor of Tenrigge, for full payment of all arrears. And the Prior undertook, for himself and his successors and church, to provide a Chaplain, being one of their Canons, who should every day celebrate in their church, at the Altar of B. Mary, for the souls of the said Thomas and his predecessors and heirs. 2 In the 10th year of King Edward I, 20th November, 1281 to 1282, the King, by writ addressed to the Barons of the Exchequer, acquitted the Prior (to whom the manor had been given temp. Richard I) of the 15th due on account of their Manor of Westhall, in Warlingham, which had been granted on lease by John Hansard, late Prior, 3 to Charles, Parson of Collesdon (who was thus accepted as the responsible person). 4 On the 28th January, 1283-4, being the 12th year of Edward the 1st, King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Duke of Aquitaine, there was issued a writ to the Sheriff of the County of Surrey commanding him to en- quire by Jury whether it would be to the detriment of the King or others, if he granted to his beloved in Christ the Prior and Convent of Tanregg, permission to receive in perpetuity as a gift from William de Aegstede (Oxted) one carucate of land with its per- tinents, situate at Aegstede, and in the fee of Roland de Aegstede; by the King himself, at Holodenlyn. The 1 Calalla, apparently here used for cattle, not chattels =-- goods. 2 Pedes finium, 47 Henry III ; Surrey, case 2, No. 177. (Appendix, VII.) 3 John Hansard was Prior on 2nd April, 1324, to 4th September, 133J. 4 Manning and Bray, II, p. 429 : no authority for either of these statements is printed ; but considering the general exactness with which the references in this work are specified, and the immense re- search given to its materials, we may (even in the study of archaeology, in which every material fact ought to be vouched by n, direct reference to the original authority) accept it as a fact. THE AUStlN CANONS. 13 Inquisition found that there would be no injury to the King or others, Eoland and his heirs performing the due and accustomed service. 1 Thereupon a charter was executed by Eoland de Okested (Oksted, or Aegstede), who, for himself and his heirs, granted and confirmed to the Prior and Convent of Tenregg, with the King's grace and of the gift of William de Okstede, admission to the lands and tene- ments, in his fee, in the ville of Okstede, to hold of him and his heirs and assigns, but subject to the perform- ance of all due and accustomed service ; as in a chiro- graph between them fully appeared. In witness he set his seal on the Thursday after the feast of St. Edmund the Confessor, in the King's 13th year. 2 The Letters Patent, or Licence in Mortmain, were granted by the King on the 7th June following. 3 In the year 1291, when the taxation of Pope Nicholas IX was compiled, the Prior of Tanridge held property in Tanrugg and Warlingham which was assessed at the annual value of 2 : 6s. 8d., upon which the tithe was 4s. 8d. 4 Not very long afterwards we find that the Arch- bishop of Canterbury was stopping at Tanridge, whence, on the 14th March 1296-7, he issued a mandate 1 Eschaets 12 Edw. I, No. xlix. (Brit. Mus., Add. MS. 6168, fols. 26 and 27.) J Inquisition post mortem, 12 Edw. I, No. 49. (Appendix, VIII.) The Charter is attached to the above Inquisition. The particular date intended is not certain. The decease of St. Edmund the Con- fessor is commemorated on the 20th November, on which day the regnal year commenced ; the Thursday before the 20th Nov., in the King's 13th year, would be the 16th November ; but if the reference be to the feast of the Translation (the 9th June), the date would, as seems most pro- bable, be the 7th June, which was the .same day as that on which the Licence in Mortmain was granted : though, as a general supposition, it would seem unlikely that all requisites were not obtained long before the completion of the formalities attending the grant of Letters Patent ; and if so, the earlier date must be assigned. In the British Museum, Add. v MS. 6168, fols. 26 and 27, being ex- tracts from the Eschaets, the reference is given 12 Edw. I, No. xlix. * Patent Roll, 13th Edward I, m. 16. * Taxation by Pope Nicholas IX ; Record Off. Ed., p. 206. 14 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND (dated 2nd Ide of March), addressed to the Official for Surrey, directing him to cite the Clergy of certain Deaneries to appear before him in Carshalton Church, but for what purpose is not stated. 1 By authority of a Writ dated the 1 6th November, 1299 (27th Edward 1), an Inquisition ad quod damnum was held, and the Jury found that it would not be to the damage of the King or others if Licence were granted to Henry de Guldeford to give to the Prior and Convent of Tenrugge the advowson of the Church of Croweherst to hold to them and their successors in per- petuity. Also that the said Advowson, together with 5 acres of land in Croweherst formerly belonged to Adam de Chiveningge and Robert de Stanegrave who enfeoffed the said Henry de Guldeford thereof. And it was found that the said 5 acres of land, together with the said Advowson, were held of Reginald de Chelesharn free of any service ; and that the said Church was worth yearly, in all issues, One hundred shillings. 2 The next step was the payment of a fine to the King for his Licence, and we accordingly find the record in the 30th year 'of the King's reign (1301 and 1302) of the payment of 10 for the purpose. 3 And after the lapse of a further time the Licence in Mortmain was granted, in 1302, enabling Henry de Guldeford to grant to the Priory the Advowson of Crawehurst (Crowhurst). The Patent recites the Statute forbidding the entry into possession by Religious of any fee so that it would fall into mortmain, except with licence from the King and the capital lord of the fee from whom it was held by fine. But that, notwith- standing, the King had, upon application of the Prior through the venerable Father, Walter, Bishop of Coventry and Lychfeld, the Bang's Treasurer, granted to Henry de Guldeford permission to give and assign the Advow- son of the Church of Crawehurst to the said Prior and 1 Merton Cartulary, fol. Clij, v. (No. 356.) 2 With Inquisitions post mortem, 28 Edward I, Surrey, No. 69. 5 Originalia, 30 Edward J, rot. 13 (Record Office Ed.). THE AUSTIN CANONS. 15 Convent to have and hold to him and his successors in perpetuity ; and to the said Prior and Convent that they might receive and have and hold the same accordingly. Desiring that neither the said Henry nor his heirs nor the said Prior and Convent nor their successors should be molested on account of the said Statute. But saving to the capital Lords of the fee their due and accustomed service for the same. Given by the King, at Westminster, the 14th November. 1 The legal proceedings leading to the appointment, on the 4th June 130G, of Walter de Pedeleshurst to be Prior, are of considerable interest, as showing the extreme care and systematic manner in which such matters were transacted, even in a Monastery such as this where the number of Canons seems never to have exceeded five. From the records in the Bishop's Register we learn what was done. The Canons in Chapter having (no doubt after the usual Conge* d'eslire) elected Walter de Pedeleshurst (described as a Canon of the Collegiate Church of Tanrugge) to be their Prior, their Proctor, Brother Thomas de Woldham, one of the Canons, appeared before the Bishop at his Manor of Merewelle on the kalend of June, viz., the third juridical day after the feast of the Holy Trinity (3rd June), 1306, and exhibited their Proxy under Seal ; the Elect being also personally present. Then was read a Certificate of the Archdeacon of Surrey to the effect that citation, with due publication thereof, of all opposers to appear in canonical form at this time and place, had been made : and the proceedings were adjourned till the morrow. At that time the Elect and Proctor appeared personally as before, and no one appeared in opposition, though waited for a sufficient time; whereupon an order was made precluding them from opposition. The proceedings were then adjourned till the first juridical day after the feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle (llth June), at the latest, to proceed witli the business. 1 Patent Roll, 30 Edward I, m. 3. (Appendix, IX.) C 16 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND Which day being coine, the Elect and the Proctor of the Chapter again appeared before the Bishop, and the matter being propounded by John de Tyccheseye, and the various instruments read, and two Witnesses pro- duced (viz., Brothers Thomas de Woldham and John de la Pende, both Canons of the said Church), being sworn and examined, and the Decree and other instruments relating to the Election being carefully examined, the Bishop found the said Election to be in manywise defective, and, putting his words by the mouth of Master Peter de Grunvull, his Official, made his Decree to the following effect : It appeared by the instruments touching the election, that the same was evidently defective, although the probable fitness of the person was shown ; and he declared it to be void for informality, and that in consequence thereof the right to fill the vacancy devolved upon him ; and at a further sitting of the Court on the same day, in the Chapel at Merewelle, he, by his pontifical authority, preferred the said Brother Walter de Pedeleshurst to the Priory, desiring to suit the Priory with him rather than with any other person. This Sentence was followed by a Decree in the usual form for the induction and installation of the new Prior, dated at Merewell on the ides of June (13 June), 1306, and the second year of the Bishop's consecration. On the same day, Letters were formally addressed to Thomas de Woldham (who is here mentioned as the Precentor of the Priory) and the Convent, announcing the appoint- ment and enjoining obedience according to the Rules of the Order : this also was dated at Merewelle. 1 The Bishop, by virtue of his office and duty, made a Pastoral Visitation of the Convent on the Thursday after the feast of St. Edmund the King and Confessor, the 21st November, 1308: arid a month later made an. Ordinance concerning matters to be reformed, which, as will be seen by the following abstract of the document, in fact, simply required a careful observance of certain 1 Diocesan Register, IFodelok, fols. 40 v. to 41 r. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 17 of the Rules of the Order which we may assume were not sufficiently rigidly observed, though, it will be noted, he made no direct complaint of laxity: so far, therefore, the document presents a strong testimonial to the good conduct of the House, for had there been any serious cause for blame it must necessarily have formed the ground and basis of matters to be reformed, especially as it had no further publicity. The Bishop's Ordinance is directed to the Prior or his deputy, and the Convent : referring to the recent Visitation, he states that various things were found needful of correction, as appeared in the following orders: In the first place he ordered, enacted, and commanded that Divine Service both by day and night be celebrated with fit ceremony every day, with Masses such as, whether by writing or by oath, they were bound to celebrate for benefactors, viz., one Mass of St. Mary, by note; and another by note, which is called the High Mass, to the observance of which they were bound by the Rule ; and any one absent without reasonable cause and without special licence of the Prior should be subject to a fast on bread and water. Also, following the footsteps of Othobon, Legate of the Apostolic See to England, it was directed that the Canons professed and in priest's orders, frequently confess to the Prior or some other of the Order with his licence, and celebrate Divine Service in places appointed for the purpose and hitherto usual. Also that a Sub- prior be unanimously appointed according to ancient custom. That silence be carefully observed amongst them in times and places in accordance with their Rules ; and the outer door be closed at due hours, and kept closed. He ordered that no one in any way presume to go out of the premises without licence of the Prior, nor that the Sub-prior himself, as accustomed amongst the Brothers, should give licence of exit without just and reasonable cause ; and that then the person going out should have a fit companion provided for him by the Prior; and that he should return without any delay 18 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND beyond the time fixed. That none of the Brothers be engaged in such matters as he chose, but in such as might be most useful. The Bishop prohibited the Canons from wearing clothing different from and unfit for their Order, and directed that they should only wear such as the Rules, and propriety of Religion, required; and with the pro- vision that all wore a uniform habit. They were not to have curtains round their beds in the dormitory, but each, lying alone, might be seen by any one passing. He ordered that the infirm Brothers be visited according to their wants and to the Rules, and their needs be supplied by brotherly kindness, and in due and accustomed benevolence, more in future than usual hitherto. He further prohibited the Brothers from sitting at table with unfit secular persons, or eating either with domestics or external persons, or waiting till after the refection of the Brothers, or taking food in other places. Also the taking of food or drink after bed-time, or being in the refectory or elsewhere without reasonable cause, except in the usual and accustomed hours. Also he ordered that none of them hold converse with any suspected woman, or one who might be suspected, whether secular or religious, or in any manner going to the house of such person, lest from this cause a public scandal be raised. He specially com- manded that twice in the year, in grand Chapter, and before the Brothers (according to the requirements of the Holy Fathers), the Prior and Cellarer should render a full account of their administration, and strive to their utmost therein for the welfare of the Monastery. And that, according to ancient custom hitherto in use amongst them, and to the rule of the Order, there be provided food and drink, clothing and other necessaries, according to the means of their church; and that if any- thing be unlawfully alienated, it be recalled to the best of their power, and that the more important matters of business be under the seal of the House and by common assent; and that their woods be not cut down, nor trees disposed of without their unanimous consent, and except THE AUSTIN CANONS. 19 for express and reasonable cause, approved by the majority. These Injunctions he sent under his patent seal, affecting them and every of them jointly and severally, and to be diligently and faithfully observed in future by virtue of their obedience ; and he directed the same to be read in full chapter 4 times a year, viz., on the first Sunday in Advent, on Mid-lent Sunday, on the feast of the Ascension, and within the Octave of the Nativity of Blessed Mary the Virgin, fully, distinctly, openly and publicly, lest any one pretend ignorance of them. Given at Essher, 13th kalend of December (20th December), in the above-mentioned year of our Lord, and of his own consecration the fourth. 1 On the 20th December, 1308, the Bishop addressed letters to the Prior or his deputy notifying that he had issued a Commission to Brother Laurence of Gloucester, Professor of Sacred Theology, and Brother Adam of Salisbury, Monk of St. Swithin, Winchester, in his (the Bishop's) place, and with power of canonical coercion, to enquire as to things which in his late Visitation he had found requiring correction ; and commanding the Brothers by virtue of their obedience to amend all those things relating to the state of the House which he had enjoined, both as to temporalities and spiritualties. Dated at Farnham, the 7th kalend of December (25th November), 1308. 2 The Visitation was accordingly held on the morning of the 5th ferial day after the feast of St. Andrew (6th December, 1308), in the Chapter House of the Priory, in presence of the Prior and Cellarer and the whole Convent. In the first place, the Decree of the Bishop and the various Articles contained therein were carefully ex- plained. Secondly, the Canons were asked for a Certifi- cate of an account required by the Mandate on a given day. And as they had not certified, judgment on account of that disobedience was reserved to the Bishop. 1 Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fols. H8 v. to H9 r. (Appendix, X.) 1 Ibid, fol. 97 r. (Appendix, XI.) 20 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND Thirdly, it was enquired whether the Cellarer had rendered an account, and it appeared that, from the time of the foundation of the House to the present time, neither the present Cellarer nor any other had ever rendered any account. So that he did not know the value of the House, nor the amount of annual rents or proceeds from the Grange, nor the amount of seed yearly sown of any kind of grain, nor the proceeds of the corn, nor the quantity of corn to be provided yearly, nor grain for making beer, nor the supplies to the household : nor, indeed, did the Prior, Cellarer, or any one else know how much was necessary. Fourthly, they caused the Cellarer to render an account before the Prior and Convent, and beginning from the first year of his administration, which w r as found to contain so many omissions and untruths as would take many days to go through : therefore a new one, commencing at the last year of his administration and for one year, was made by Simon de Schirford as a pattern for future accounts. Fifthly, the said Adam with William de Schire, Canon, their Bailiff, by order of the said Laurence, inspected part of the woods and noted which of the old oaks there might, without loss to the House, be sold for a value of 20 marcs, for the purchase of corn and payment of debts. In the sixth place, be- cause their secular officers were heavily taxed, a schedule of their future charge was adjoined to the present return. Seventhly, it was appointed that the Bishop be super- visor of extrinsic things, and Sir William de Schire receiver of all things within the Priory, as contained in a Schedule, and the state of the House and the order for account appearing in a marginal schedule. Eighthly, all those things about which discord existed were reduced to concord by the said Laurence. Ninthly, he enjoined them to enter in their Martyrology the Bishop's Statutes and Ordinances ; and dismissed them in peace ; and wrote to Sir Robert de Strangave to permit Sir William de Schyr to rest in the House. 1 1 Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 96 v. (Appendix, XII.) Of what other Priory William de Schyr was a Canon, and Sir Robert de Strangave Prior, does not appear, THE AUSTIN CANONS. 21 The ^Bishop's Commissary also issued an exhorta- tion to the Brethren to avoid contention and strife, but rather to bear contumely from any of the Con- fraters and let the offender be corrected by the Prior, or other acting for him, in the presence of all the others in chapter; and if on the third reproof he did not amend, he be punished by withholding his ration, and if the fault be repeated the penalty be increased until he amended. But this order was not intended to inhibit the Prior or other from correcting any delinquent Brother, only observing moderation in all things. Also he ordered that the Brother to whom was committed the charge of kitchen expenses, should render a full account of his administration every week. Also that the secular officers in charge of granges and granary, and those appointed to take care of the live stock, should be bound to render accounts on oath of their administration and receipts and outlay, and account faithfully for the proceeds from the animals ; which account they should be bound to furnish to the Prior or Brother in charge of the temporalia. All the premises he ordered to be strictly observed, and to be recited with the Bishop's Decree before them all in chapter, four times a year. Given at Tanrugg on the day of St. Andrew the Apostle (30th November), 1308. 1 On the vacancy in the office of Prior occurring by the resignation of Brother Walter, admitted as of force by the Bishop in his Chapel at Essher on the 4th Ide of March (12th March), 1309, the latter at the same time and place issued a Licence to the Brethren and College of Tanrugg to harmoniously elect, in fear of God and observance of the laws of the Order, a new Prior to fill the vacancy. 2 About the latter part of the month of February following, the Bishop issued a similar Commission for Visitation as to certain things relating to his recent Visitation, addressed to Master Philip de Barton, Arch- 1 t)iocesan Register, Wodclok, fol* 96 r, (Appendix, XIII.) Ibid., fol. 104, J:} TANRIDGE PRIORY, AKt> deacon of Surrey, 1 and Laurence of Gloucester, Monk of St. Peter's, Professor of Sacred Theology; noting that their censures should be solemnly observed. 2 Apparently, the Cellarer did not take heed to the Ordinances of the Bishop, for, on the 4th February 1309 following, the Bishop issued Letters to the House to the effect that for various reasons seen at the Visitation he had removed Brother Henry from the Office of Cellarer and supervisor of extrinsic affairs as assistant to Brother William de Shyre, who for the benefit of the Monastery had been appointed to be Receiver. He therefore com- manded the Prior and Convent by virtue of their obedience not to permit the said Brother Henry, thus removed from the administration of the temporalities, to interfere therewith, or to leave the bounds of the Monastery until further orders ; and to substitute the said William de Shyre in the office of Cellarer. This seemed an arbitrary interference with the Monastery, since William de Shyre was an outsider. The Bishop further directed them to appoint Brother John de Gotham, or some one else of the College fit for the purpose, to be joined with the said William in looking after affairs within the limits of the Priory and in assist- ing him with advice in the administration of the Church. Dated at Merewell, 2nd none of February (4th February), A.D. 1309, and of his consecration the 4th. 3 The Bishop's next proceeding w r as no doubt, under the circumstances, a very wise one : having deprived Henry de Pechain (for such we find was his surname) of his office of Cellarer, he banished him to another House of the same Order at Newark. But he went beyond banishment, for in the Letters which the Bishop addressed to the Prior and Convent of Newark, after reciting that he had for due and lawful reasons touching the honour of religion and the good of his soul, removed 1 Archdeacon of Surrey from about 1300 till his death about 1320. (Cassan, Lives of the Bishops of Winchester, I, p. 90.) The name, as written, is probably an abbreviation of the name Philip of Bath. 3 Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 103 r. 8 Ibid., fol. 101 v. (Appendix, XV.) THE AUSTIN CANONS. 23 the said Henry from Tanrugg ; they were commanded to receive him favourably whilst he should dwell with them, and to provide him with a room and necessaries at the cost of the former Priory; but that he should not be permitted to leave the place, or hold intercourse with secular persons, except with the special leave of the Prior or Sub-prior, and should be looked after by two of the Brothers of mature age and honest conver- sation, to whose charge he should be specially deputed. These directions to continue in force until further orders. Dated at Essher, the 4th of the ides of March, 1308 (10th March, 1309). 1 A few days later, viz., on the 24th March, 1309, the Bishop gave directions to the Prior and Convent of Newark as to the treatment of the offender, viz., that he was to be kept in solitary confinement, and to fast every Friday on bread, beer, and soup, and on other days to content himself with the same with the addition of one dish for his ration ; not to leave his room except for unavoidable or reasonable cause, nor be permitted to celebrate the Divine Office, nor to talk with any person whether secular or religious, except in the presence of his keeper or some other of them. For this the Prior and Chapter of Tanrugg were to pay twelve pence per week. Obedience to these orders was most particularly enjoined. Given at Newark, the 9th kalend of April (24th March), 1308. 2 After two months the Bishop relaxed the severity of the punishment, and sent letters to the Prior of Newark to the effect that, as the offender had borne his sentence patiently and with humility, he should be released from imprisonment and be permitted to accompany the Convent in choir, dormitory, refectory, and other places within the walls under the care of a guardian to be appointed for the purpose ; but on no account to be permitted to leave the Monastery. Dated at High Clere, 6th kal. of June (27th May), 1309. 3 1 Diocesan Register, IVodelok, fol. 103 r. (Appendix, XVI.) Ibid., fol. 105 v. (Appendix, XVII.) > Ibid., fol. 108. (Appendix, XVIII.) 24 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND This was followed, two months later, by Letters from the Bishop, addressed to the Prior and Convent of Newark, reciting that the punishment of Henry de Pecham had been borne patiently, with all humility and great contrition, and his amendment was manifest; in consequence of which his punishment had been relaxed ; and directing them to permit him to return freely to Tanrugg, to which Monastery authority had been granted to receive him. And the Bishop further men- tioned that he had forwarded letters to that Monastery to pay them 12 pence for every week that the culprit had been resident at their House. Dated at Essher, the 17th kal. of August (16th July), 1309. 1 On the same date as the letters above mentioned, Letters were addressed to the Prior and Convent of Tanrugg; reciting that the Bishop had at his late Visitation thought proper to remove the offender to Newark for punishment and ordered that a payment of 12 pence per week should be made on that account: that at the instance of the Prior and Convent of Newark, and their testimony to the contrition and devoutness with which the punishment had been borne, he had relaxed its infliction, and now ordered the Priory of Tanridge to receive the said Brother Henry back to their cloister, but that he should not be permitted to interfere in either their intrinsic or extrinsic affairs. 2 Presumably in the month of May or June, 1309, but the date is not stated, the Bishop sent Letters to Newark stating his intention to prefer Thomas of St. Alban to the Priory of Tanrugg the preferment to which fell to him for this turn, but which could not be done unless by their special licence : he asked and required of them to absolve the said Thomas from his obedience to them, and to grant him their Letters Patent to that effect and to permit his transfer to Tanrugg. 3 This was followed by Letters (not dated, but appa- 1 Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 112. (Appendix, XIX*) 2 Ibid. (Appendix, XX.) 3 Ibid., fol. 108 r. (Appendix, XXI.) THE AUSTIN CANONS. 25 rently early in June) addressed to tUe said Thomas of St. Alban, reciting that the Priory of Newark had, with the consent of the Chapter, and in legal form, released him from all subjection and obedience to that Monastery, and granted him special licence by Letters Patent to pass to Tanrugge ; and that he, the Bishop, to whom the preferment fell for this turn, had preferred him to the Priorate of the latter Monastery ; and commanding him to attend on the Tuesday following, at Essher, to do and receive in the premises according to rule. 1 On the 17th June the Bishop proceeded to the next step, and issued letters addressed to the Precentor and Convent of the Collegiate Church of Tanrugg, reciting the vacancy caused by the resignation of Brother Walter de Hetfeld, late Prior, and that they had by unanimous consent and assent submitted to his ordina- tion, and that he, with the concurrent assent of their patron, should provide a fit Prior to dwell there; whereby the right fully devolved upon him, and he had accord- ingly preferred Brother Thomas de St. Alban, Canon of the Monastery of Newark, to be Prior. And he enjoined and commanded them by virtue of their obedience to attend to and obey him as their Prior, as taught and required by the Rules of the Order, and the observance of which he would enforce. Given at Essher, the 15th kal. of July (17th June). 2 The same day the Bishop directed Letters to the. Archdeacon of Surrey, reciting the appointment, and that the same had been made with submission and consent of the Canons ; and commanding him to induct the said Thomas de St. Alban into corporal possession of the Priory, and instal him according to custom. 3 In the 4th year of King Edward II (1310 or 1311) the King's Eschaetor for the County of Surrey held an Inquisition with reference to the statement that the Prior of Tanregge had appropriated to himself and his 1 Diocesan Register, Wodclok, fol, 109 r. (Appendix, XXII.) * Ibid, fol. 110. 3 Ibid. 2G TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND House 5 acres of land with pertinents in Okestede of the gift and grant of Henry atte Donne, of Warlingham, a Brother of the said House in the time of the King, the father of the present King (i.e. temp. Edward I), and after the publication of the Statute of Lands and Tenements in Mortmain, without obtaining the royal licence. The Jurors found that the said Prior held the said 5 acres of land as parcel of a carucate of land granted in the time of the said King (Edward I) when an Inquisition was held by his Eschaetor. 1 Some further difficulty about this property arose a few years later. We next come to some records respecting the Priors. Another Visitation of the Monastery was made by Master Laurence of Gloucester, Monk, Professor of Sacred Theology, with the Bishop's Official, when they found that the Priory, through the incapacity and negli- gence of the Prior, was in such a state of collapse that they could scarcely get on or recover : whereupon the Bishop, on the 22nd November, 1312, directed them to depute Sir Charles, Rector of the Church of Colesdon, a provident and discreet man, to be coadjutor of the Prior ; that without his advice and assent nothing should be done in relation to the administration of the temporalities ; that he should daily eat with the Brothers in the refectory and sleep in the dormitory, and look after things except spiritualities. Also that Brother John de Pende, a con- canon, should be the deputy Cellarer, acting in all things with the advice and assent of the said Sir Charles. Providing that the Common Seal should be carefully kept under triple keys, one of which to remain in the care of the Prior, another with the Rector, and the third with the Sub-prior. The Bishop in accordance with this arrangement made by his Commissary commanded them, by virtue of obedience, to carefully observe these things, and all things which the said Sir Charles, in his ministra- tion respecting the temporalities, might determine ; and desiring that neither he nor they, without the approval 1 Inquisition ad quod damnum, 4 Echv. II, No. 6. (Add. MS. 6168, fol. 233.) THE AUSTIN CANONS. 27 of the Bishop, should proceed to make any alienation. He commanded that the Prior (to whom he interdicted the use of any seal) should be content with one only servant. The present Letters he directed to remain in the care of the said Sir Charles. Dated at Suthwerk, the 10th kal. of December (22nd November), 1312, and of his consecration the 8th. 1 Upon the Priory becoming vacant by the death of Henry de Pecham, the Bishop, on the 16th kalend of April, 1323 (17th March), issued a Decree addressed to the Official of the Archdeacon of Surrey, reciting that John Hansard, a Concanon of the House, had been (as alleged) canonically elected, upon licence of the patron sought and granted. That the Bishop intended to pro- ceed to the examination of the election, on the 5th juridical day after the feast of the Annunciation of Blessed Mary, in the Conventual Church of Suthewerk, and further to proceed as incumbent upon him therein. He therefore commanded the Official to cite or cause to be cited peremptorily all opposers in special (if any), and all others in general, to appear at that time and place before him (the Bishop), or his Commissary, and state their objections against the person elected or the form of election; and at that time or by prorogation the business would be continued. Dated at Suthewerk. 2 Accordingly, on the Wednesday after the feast of the Annunciation, being the 30th March, in the Conventual Church of Suthewerk, the Bishop proceeded with the business of the Election of Brother John Hansard, elected by the Precentor and Con canons to fill the vacancy. The certificate by the Archdeacon of Surrey of the publication of the Citation was read, and the petition of the Precentor and Concanons, by their Proctor lawfully constituted, praying the Bishop to proceed with the business, as also their election pursuant to letters, from the patron of the House, giving licence to elect ; and proclamation was made at the door of 1 Diocesan Register, IVodelok, fol. I7o. (Appendix, XXIII.) 2 Diocesan Register, Stratford, fol. 3. (Appendix, XXIV.) 28 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND the Church that any one desiring to object to the person elected or to the form of election should appear and propound his objection ; and, none appearing, the Bishop appointed the following Saturday to proceed in the matter. On which day and place the said Proctor and Elect appeared, and no objection was made; and all submitted entirely to the Bishop's decision. But the Bishop held that the election and form of election was in many respects null and altogether invalid, wherefore the duty of providing the Church with a Prior devolved upon him, plena jure, for this turn ; and he made an appointment for the Elect and the Proctor of the House to attend at the same place on the Monday following, to do and receive in the matter as justice might require. Afterwards, 011 the Monday, at the sitting of the Court, the Bishop preferred the said Brother John Han- sard to the Priory, by a formal Decree, and committed to him its administration as well in spiritualties as in temporaries ; and on 2nd April issued a mandate, ad- 1 dressed to the Official of the Archdeacon of Surrey for the induction, and also letters to the Precentor and Concanons announcing the appointment and enjoining obedience as required by the Rules of the Order. 1 These forms are highly interesting, for we find that the various steps required to be taken, and the extreme care with which the election, confirmation, and induction of a Prior, however small the Priory might be, were con- ducted, and with the same care and legal precision, and the exact forms and even formulary as were customary upon the election, confirmation, and installation of a Bishop ; and here it may be noted that, though monastic institutions under ecclesiastical sanction and control do not now subsist in the English Church, yet, in reference to the Episcopate, the same forms are systematically observed at the present day, and the very wording of the various documents (merely translated into English) are still used as they have come down to us, and have been in use during eight hundred or a thousand years. 1 Diocesan Register, Stratford, fol. 3. (Appendix, XXV.) THE AUSTIN CANONS. 29 The question as to the acquisition by grant of Land at Okestede without Licence in Mortmain, again cropped up. Upon an Inquisition ad quod damnum, held in the 1 9th year of King Edward II (1325 or 1326), the Jury said that the King's Eschaetor for the County of Surrey had legally found, upon a certain Inquisition held before himself, ex officio suo, that the Prior of Tanrugge had appropriated to himself and his House, 5 acres of land, with their pertinents, in Okstede, of the gift and grant of Henry att Donne of Warlyngham, made to the House in the time of the King, the father of the pre- sent King, subsequent to the publication of the enacted Statute of Lands and Tenements in Mortmain, without obtaining Licence of the King. But they said that the said Prior was seized of the said 5 acres of land, as par- cel of a carucate, from the time of their gift and assign- ment until the Eschaetor took the same into the King's hands by virtue of the said Inquisition. 1 This is just the same property with respect to which Inquisitions had been held in the same King's 4th year and in the time of his predecessor, showing the uncertainty preva- lent in such matters. The appointment of John Hansard as Prior seems to have been an unfortunate one, for although no fault was charged against him, he appears to have become quite incapable of the due rule and management of the House, whether from the effect of age or else from lack of the requisite ability ; and the Bishop, in consequence either of an appeal to him, or, at all events, from information received, caused Letters to be addressed on a day occur- ring between the 25th March and the 25th June, 1330 (the precise date of which is left blank in the record but apparently was the 3 1st May 2 ), to Sir Laurence de Rus- tynton, wherein he recited that he had lately visited the 1 Inquisition ad quod damnum, 19 Edward II, No. 6. (Brit* Mus., Add. MS. 6167, fol. 415.) (Appendix, XXVII.) 2 Diocesan Register, Stratford, fol. 51. The entry says : 4< Dat apud Essh'e, ij ktn (blank), anno Dni miltio CCC mo t'cesimo, et cons nre vij: " the 7th year of his consecration ended on 25th June. He was at Eshor ou 2nd kalend of June 1330. (Appendix, XXVI.) 30 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND Prior and Brothers of tlio House, and for certain lawful causes had interdicted the Prior from administration of the goods of the House until he (the Bishop) should issue further directions. The Bishop now deputed Sir Laurence to be Co-adjutor to the said Prior, directing that without his counsel and assent neither the Prior nor anyone else should in any way meddle in the goods of the House ; and committed to him until further order the care and administration of the said goods. Given at Essh'e ij kal. (blank) 1330, and of his consecration the 7th. At the same time and place Letters were written to the Prior, informing him of the appointment of the Co- adjutor. 1 The incapacity of Prior John Hansard, however, became still more pronounced and led to a Canonical Visitation of the House by the Bishop, on the 4th September, 1335, when the Prior, on account of bodily weakness and personal incapacity, freely resigned his rule ; whereupon his cession being admitted and canoni- cally accepted, the Canons placed the vacant appoint- ment in the hands of the Bishop, to fill up. The Bishop appointed Brother Philip de Wokingham, of the Monas- tery of Newerk, a professed Canon of the same Order, and in priest's orders, a prudent and discreet man, and very circumspect in temporal and spiritual matters ; the licence of the Prior of Newerk being first obtained. A Decree to that effect was accordingly made in the presence of Master John Lowe, Professor of Civil LaAv ; Henry de London, Rector of the Church of Withihame, in the Diocese of Chichester ; and William dc Alresford and John de Beautre, Notaries Public by Apostolic authority. - Perhaps it was through the incapacity of John Hansard, but at all events during his incumbency, the Manor of Westhall, in Warlingham, given to the Priory at some antecedent period, was granted on lease, to Charles, Parson of Collesdon, whereby the Priory was, 1 Diocesan Register, Stratford, fol. 51. (Appendix, XXVI.) 2 Diocesan Register, Orlefon, I, fol. 26 r. (Appendix, XXVIII.) THE AUSTIN CANONS. 31 it would appear, deprived for the time of any benefit from it ; for we find (as stated by Manning and Bray) that the King, by writ to the Exchequer, did quit the Priory of Tandridge of the 15th due on account of the Manor. 1 The appointment of Philip de Wokingham to be Prior, proved unfortunate; instead of striving to remedy the mischiefs which the incapacity of his predecessor had necessarily caused to the House, he deserted his flock and went no one knew whither ; and, it must be presumed, they needed him and applied to the Bishop for aid ; since we find that, on the 17th January, 1341, a Decree was issued by the Ordinary, addressed to the Official or Commissary General directing him to cite the Prior, and admonish him to residence, under pain of the law. The decree is prefaced by a note of the duty of prelates to rule the Lord's churches and feed his flock, and use all diligence to preserve them by the laws and powers of the church from inroads of the ravenous wolf ; it sets forth that he (the Bishop) had received a serious complaint from the Canons of the Priory that Brother Philip, their Prior, had absented himself (se fraudulenter absentavit) and for no little time deserted them without due licence, or reasonable or honest cause, and resided in unknown places. Lest, therefore, from dereliction of governance of the church, its discipline and straight rule should be shipwrecked (quod absit\ he strictly enjoined and commanded his Commissary, by virtue of his obedience, to enquire after the Prior in places where he was believed to be likely to be found, and, if possible, personally serve him with this Citation and Monition ; otherwise by his Proctor if he should have appointed any in the said church, and among his family and friends publicly ; and admonish him to return to his church and cure, within the time fixed by 1 Manniug and Bray, Vol. II, p. 429. The date stated is the 10th Kdward I (1282), which is clearly an error, as the writ refers to John Hansard as the late Prior: he held the office from 132.5 to 133o. Probably it should be the 10th year of King Edward III (not 1st), 1336 or 1387. The authors give no reference to the authority for their statement, P 32 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND the ecclesiastical canons, and diligently rule the same. And further, that the Official should certify by his Letters Patent to the Bishop the reception of the Citation within 5 days of its receipt. Dated at Esshere the 17th day of the month of January, 1340-1, and the 8th of the Bishop's translation. 1 This Citation was followed on the 28th July by another, addressed to the Official, in which the former document was recited, and then the fact that the Prior had been diligently sought, but in vain, and that he Imd left no proctor in the church, and that the Decree had been thrice published amongst his family and friends, calling upon him to return within the time limited by the canons, and diligently rule, which he had neglected to do, as appeared by Letters certificatory. In such default, the Bishop now directed that the Prior should be peremptorily cited to appear before him or his Com- missary in Winchester Cathedral on the 7th juridical day after the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and show reasonable cause, if he had any, why ho should not be deprived, and further to do and receive as under canonical sanction the business might require. The day of the receipt of this Citation to be duly certi- fied at the said time and place. Given at Farnham the 28th July, 1341, and the 8th year Of the Bishop's trans- lation. 2 The Citations having proved ineffectual, the Bishop issued a Commission to his Official to proceed with the Deprivation, in which was recited that the original Citation had been served in the church on the 21st January, then on the 8th March, and finally on the 29th June ; without effect. The Bishop therefore committed to his Official his authority, for this occasion, for the de- privation. Dated at Waltham, 22nd September, 1341. 3 The Sentence is dated two days later, viz. : on the 6th kalend of October. It recites the complaint made, the 1 Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 108. (Appendix, XXIX.) 8 Ibid. (Appendix, XXX.) ' Ibid., fol. 108 v. (Appendix, XXXI.) THE AUSTIN CANONS. 33 Monition to the absent Prior, and its triple publication in default of any other practicable form of service, and the peremptory Citation and non-appearance, and the final adjournment to this day, when in default of appearance he was pronounced contumacious ; and in pain of such contumacy, and duly weighing the said circumstances, the Bishop pronounced by Definitive Sentence that the said Philip be amoved and deprived of his church ; and decreed that those to whom the election of a future Prior belonged might proceed to an election. Given by the Official of the Diocese in the Consistorial Place in Winchester on the 6th kalend of October (26th September) in the year of our Lord 1341, the tenth of the Indiction, and the seventh year of the pontificate of Pope Benedict the 12th. There being present the dis- creet men Messieurs John de Enham and John de Ware, advocates in the said Consistory, and Messieurs Roger Bryan and Roger Scolys by apostolic authority notaries public &c. ; and witnesses &C. 1 The great formality and precision with which the whole proceeding was carried out will be specially noted, as well as the great care with which the final decree was delivered and attested, and the several forms in which the date is specified after the custom usual only in matters of more than ordinarily grave importance. The Convent thereupon proceeded to fill up the va- cancy by the election of the religious man, brother John de Merstham, a Canon of their Church; and on the Monday being the day after the feast of St. Martin (i. e. on the 12th November), before John de Wolveleye, the Commissary of the Bishop, specially deputed in this matter, and in the parish church of I arnham (under the direction of Adam de Wambergh, Official of Winchester and Commissary General), all persons desiring to object to the election, either by reason of form or the person elected, having been cited and called and none appear- ing or opposing, any future opposition was declared to be excluded. The Decree of Election and 5 other letters 1 Diocesan Register, Orlcton, I, fol. 108 p. (Appendix, XXXII.) 34 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND under seal of the Convent being exhibited by their Proctor lawfully constituted, there were produced two witnesses to the full facts of the Election, viz. Brother John de Sontynge, Canon of the Church, and Sir William, Chaplain of the parish church of Tanrugge, who being admitted as witnesses were sworn and examined ; and the business was adjourned to the following day in the Chapel of Farnham Castle, there to do and receive as unto right and justice might appertain in the premises. On which day and place the Elect and the Proctor attended before the Commissary General, and the Petition and all other documents relating to the election being read and considered, the Commissary proceeded to a Final Decree in the name of the Bishop, reciting the election to the vacancy and pronouncing that all the requisites for the election of a fit person had been fulfilled and canonically celebrated; and (the Grace of the Holy Spirit having, been invoked) he confirmed the election, fully commit- ting to the Elect the cure and administration of the said Church ; and the Canticle Te Deum laudamus being solemnly sung, and all other things accustomed in such cases being performed, the elected Brother John made the accustomed acknowledgment of obedience to the Bishop. 1 This formal Decree was followed by Letters from the Bishop to Brother John de Merstham, the new Prior, re- citing the vacancy by the deprivation of Brother Philip de Wokyngham, late Prior, and the subsequent elec- tion ; and confirming the Elect in the Priory, and fully committing to him the pastoral cure and administration thereof, with firm hope that, by Divine Grace, the Priory might through his faithful ministry increase in prosperity. Dated at Farnham the 13th November in the year of our Lord 1341, and in the eighth of the Bishop's translation. 2 The series of documents was completed by a Com- mission addressed by the Bishop to the Prior of Reigate 1 Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 109. (Appendix, XXXIV.) a Ibid., fol, 109 v, (Appendix, XXXV.) THE AUSTIN CANONS. 35 and perpetual vicar of the parish church of Walkenestede. It recites that Master William Inge, Archdeacon of Surrey de facto and not de jure, being under the greater excommunication for notorious excesses, defaults, and offences, and so publicly pronounced in this and the adjoining dioceses; he therefore directed the Commis- sioners to instal the said Brother John de Merstham in the Choir and place in the Chapter hitherto assigned to the priors. Dated at Farnharn the 13th November above mentioned. 1 Archdeacon William Inge, who was thus superseded, became Archdeacon of Surrey in 1327, but before long came into collision with the Bishop from whose fault does not appear ; and thenceforth was engaged in con- stant litigation with him and his successor. The Arch- deacon was suspended in 1332, for non-appearance to a Citation in a suit respecting a Vicarage, and in 1334 was excommunicated, but the sentence was over-ruled by the Archbishop, on appeal ; in the following year he was again excommunicated, and his appeal to the Arch- bishop was unsuccessful : towards the end of the year 1339, we find him still under excommunication. 2 Upon an Inquisition on the death of Hugh le De- spenser, who died in the year 1350, 3 respecting all knights' fees, &c., held by him of the King in capite, and taken at Croydon, it was found that three knights' fees in Chelsham and Warlingham, which were held in domain of the said Hugh, by Andrew Pendrell, John Redmigersh, and the Prior of Tanrugge, were of the value, from all sources, of Ten pounds per annum. The shares of the several occupants are not stated. 4 On the 13th February, 1351-2, an Inquisition upon the death of John de Warlynham was held, and the Jurors found that the Manor of Tanrugge was charged from old time with an annual payment to the Prior of 1 Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 109 v. (Appendix, XXXVI.) 2 Ibid., fols. 23 v and 81. 3 Manning and Bray, II, p. 123. 4 Inquis. pott mortem, Hugh le Despenser. (Add. MS. 6169, fol 157.) 36 TAtfRiiXSE PRIORY, Atft) Tanridgc of xxs. viijrf. payable at the feasts of Easter and St. Michael, by equal portions, as appeared by a fine levied in the Curia Regis. And they found that the perquisitions of the Court there were worth xijV. per annum. And that John de Warkyngton ( ? War- lyngham) died on the xiij day of February, &c. And they found that John Warblynton ( ? Warlyngham), 1 son of the said John deceased, was the next heir, and of the age of 6 years. 2 An Inquisition was held at Croydon on the 14th April, 1351 (25th Edward III), when it was found that it would not be to the damage of the King or others if Licence were granted to Walter de Mestham, Parson of the Church of Lymenesfeld to grant to the Prior and Convent of Tanrigge two messuages, one hundred and forty 3 acres of land, 14 acres of meadow, 13 acres of wood, and two shillings and eight pence rents in Tan- rigge and Wolkenstede; to hold to them and their successors in perpetuity, towards the support of a Canon-Chaplain to celebrate Divine Service daily for the souls of all faithful departed, for ever. It was also found that all the said tenements were held of John Forester of Wolkenestede by the service of Twenty-four shillings per annum, for all service, and payments of 3s. 4d. to the Prior of Merton, and 3s. 4d. to Katherine, Widow of John de St. John of Nagham. Further, that John Forester, Robert de Stangrave, and the heir of Hugh le Despencer were mesne lords between the King and the said Walter. And that the messuages, lands, meadow, and wood, were worth 10s. per annum beyond the rent resolute, and no more. 4 Consequent upon this finding, Letters Patent were on the 3rd May following granted by the King, in 1 The variations of spelling of the name are presumably clerical errors. 3 Inquisition, 25 Edward III, No. 54. (Brit. Mus., Add. MS, 6167, fol. 416.) (Appendix, XXXIII.) 8 This would appear to be a clerical error for one hundred and four score, which is the quantity stated in the Patent. 4 Inquisition ad quod damnum, 24 Edward III, Surrey, No, 21. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 37 consideration of a fine of 40s. The quantity of "land" is definitely stated as 180 acres, and the celebration of Divine Service is specified as to be performed in the Priory. 1 Upon the resignation of Prior John de Merstham in 1380, Richard French was elected as his successor, but, on the 8th May following, a Commission to enquire into the regularity of the election was issued : 2 however, he died while holding the office, on 9th December, 1403, 3 and was succeeded on 14th March following by William Sonderesh, though the Bishop again declared the elec- tion void, but himself appointed the elected person to the office. 3 There is an account of the Rents payable to the Priory at the Feasts of St. Michael, the Lord's Nativity, Easter, and St. John, in the 9th year of King Henry IV. His reign began on the 30th of September, so that it is not clear whether, as probably was the case, it was intended to express Michaelmas in his 8th year, and the other feasts in his 9th year, viz. A.D. 1407-8 ; but whether the date was that year or the next matters little. The account was taken at "Le Barwe" in the parish of Oxstede, and refers to manorial rents and heriots and reliefs when they might happen. They refer also to the Manor of Berstede; and state the amounts receivable at the Manorial Cpurt at Okstede, which (apparently) included St. Peter's pence there (2 pence halfpenny) and amounted to thirty-six shillings and nine pence, with the addition of 12 pence fees of Court. Out of this gross receipt was a payment to the Abbot of Battle of 12 pence for the half-year from Michaelmas to Easter. Also various returns of rents and payments on account of property at Tanrugge, amongst which may be noted a Collection for the Pope of 3s. 6d., for St. PetePs pence Id., and in aid of the Sheriff of the County 4d.; at Wolk- stede, Chepstede, and the Court of Chelsham, all in 1 Patent Roll, 25 Edward III, p. 1, m. 12. ' Diocesan Register, Wykeham, II, pt. 3, fol. 186 r. Ibid., I, fol. 844 v. 38 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND Surrey ; Holyndene, Chydyngstone, and Edenbridge in Kent ; Long Sutton in Hampshire ; Hertfyld, including a small payment to the Warden of Pevensey Castle, and the Court of Wythyhamme, &c., in Sussex. And Rents at le Berwe in the parish of Oxstede (where part of a rental included 4 men's labour every autumn, pre- sumably at a bederipe), at Berstede, Tanrugg, Wolkested, Worlingham, and Herfeld, in Surrey, Sondressche in Kent; subject to a rent of 10s. per annum payable on a lease granted by the Prior of Merton (for meadows called Mertonemede and Mertonefeld) ; and some other holdings: the payments to the lord of Henedene pur- suant to a Placitum, were 3d. and 1 cock and 1 hen or 5d., and for another croft 9d. and 1 cock or 3d. 1 Among the Harleian Manuscripts, there is an early transcript of a Rental of the Priory, dated 1431 and 9th Henry VI, and stated to be, at the time of making the copy, in custody of Richard Bostocke of Tanridge, gent. The amounts are arranged in 4 columns, so as to show at a glance what is receivable each quarter of the year. The following is, briefly, the list : Jolm Stoket for lands called Pecies, late of William at Pire, paying thence to Lord, beside a heriot, and suit of Court a tribus septim* in tres Sepf a quarterly rent of ix d . John at Hethe for lands called le Gore, late of John Whynn, late William at Hethe, with returns at same terms, and suit of Court, heriot and relief and homage, and quarterly rent vij d . ob. Thomas Wilkin, land late Richard Wilkin, late Elie Aaron, with suit of Court, heriot, and as may happen, and quarterly iij d . Henry at Mille, tenement called Smythes, late Benedick la SenT, suit of Court, heriot, &c., and quarterly vi d . John Chawre, Sen 1 "., land called Techele, &c., and quarterly ij*. ob. Richard at Yard, Sen 1 ., tenement called Fortes, late Walter Melwards, in alternate quarters ij d and j d . 1 I am indebted to Granville Leveeon Gower, Esq., F.S.A., for the loan of a copy of this Rental, but, unfortunately, the reference to the original in the Record Office is lost. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 39 Richard Cowper, 2 tenements called Gardyners and Braces, late held by William Northampton, quarterly TJ d . ob. John Crowhurste, Jun r ., tenement called Skynners, late held by Robert Stonehurste, quarterly iiij d . ob. John Crowhurste, Sen 1 "., tenement called Sawnders, late held by William Pire, quarterly iij d . Edmund Mathewe, tenement called Combers, late held by Stephen Mathew &c., quarterly iij d . Richard a Yard, Sen r ., holds parcel of that tenement, per annum j d . Same Richard, 3 tenements called Pawles, Bugles and Carbonell, late held by Richard Mowsherste, quarterly v d . Lawrence Clerke, field of land containing 3^ acres late held by Richard Cowper, next Moultredens, quarterly vj d . Same Lawrence Clerke, tenement called Eliotts, late held by Richard Yerde, Sen'., quarterly iij d . John Champyn, tenement called Howewots, late held by John Lysinae, half yearly j d . John Pakke, tenement called Oteweyes, late held by William Butcher (Note in margin In manus Dni), quarterly ij d . Richard at Berne, tenement called picards, late held by Richard Cowper, half-yearly j d . A footnote in another hand, is subjoined, that This rentall above recited was made by the Pryor then of Tanridge, and in the same rentall is also contained the other rents of the aforesaid farm rents then belonging to said Pryor. 1 In 1452 the Bishop granted to William Wiltshire, a Canon Regular of the Priory, Letters Testimonial to the effect that, although one Walter Lathum had affirmed to the contrary in a Suit in Court, he the said William was in the year of our Lord 1441 and of King Henry VI the 19tn, duly professed of the Order of St. Augustine in this Priory, and under obedience to Brother John Fremyngham at that time Prior; and from that time till the date of the present letters continuously, regularly, 1 Rental of the manor: Harleian MS. 4785, fol. 1. The same MS. contains rentals of the manor of Bursted, otherwise Oxsted, for the year 4 Henry VIII, April 1512 to 1513, amounting to xxiiij*. vd. ; and another dated 18th December, 20 Elizabeth, when the receipts were 40 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND and laudably remained, and was so held and notoriously reputed. In witness of which things the Bishop set his seal at his Manor of Essher, on the 4th July, 1452, and of his consecration the 5th. 1 Thenceforward, for a long period, no event appears on record beyond the documents connected with the suc- cession of Priors, who were elected, confirmed, and in- ducted (as mentioned in the subsequent list of Priors), and who held rule over the House ; these were John Fremyngham, who was Prior in 1452. John Hamond, who resigned about 1458. 2 John Graunesden, whose election was confirmed by the Bishop on- 15th May, 1458, and in whose time the House seems to have been in serious financial difficulties, for we find that on the 14th October, 1461, a Sequestration was granted by the Bishop to Nicholas Assheton, Justice of the King's Common Bench, John Hamond, a canon regular of the Priory of St. James, Tanrigge, and William Gaynsford and John Elynbrigge, literates (two well-known Surrey names); in which he recites tHat after an enquiry, made under his authority, by his Chancellor Master William Darsset, Doctor of Laws, he, on account of the waste of goods of the Prior} 7 , committed to them the seques- tration and care of the fruits, returns, and pervenients thereof. Given at his palace of Wolveseye, under seal, the 14th October, 1461, and of his consecration the 15th. 3 This Prior resigned in 1463. 4 John Odierne was appointed by the Bishop to be Sub-prior, 4 and died in 1464. 5 William West, who was appointed by the Bishop, 22nd December, 1464, 5 and resigned 1467. 6 John Kyrton, elected 16th April, 1467, resigned in 1469, whereupon the usual Sequestration was granted, on the 10th April, 1469, to Master Hugh Heghstale, 1 Diocesan Register, Wayneflete^ I, fol. 15* v. (Appendix, XXXVII.) 2 Ibid., I, fol. 90 v. 3 Ibid., I, fol. 68*. 4 Ibid,, fol. 108 v. 5 Ibid., foL 135 v. Ibid., fol. 154. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 41 Rector of Blecliyngle, 1 and Brother Robert Haysant, a Canon of the Order. 2 Robert Mitchell, the next Prior, was cited to attend in Convocation in 1470 and in 1472, and again in 1474 ; 3 and so, in 1478, was William, his successor, 4 and in 1495, Robert, the next Prior after him. 5 On the 9th July, 1499, John Barnarde, describing himself as Canon and President of the Chapter, addressed Letters to the Bishop, in which he stated as follows : Consequent upon the voluntary resignation of Sir Robert Michell, late Prior, 6 the Members of the House conventually and capitularly assembled on this day, at the hour of 9. in the forenoon, in the Chapter House, and the Canons John Barnarde (himself) as President, Bartholomew Alleyn, William Danne, and William Ehneden, having a voice in the election of Prior, and being the only persons by Law or custom in any way entitled to vote ; and they appointed the 1 1th hour of the same day for the purpose of the election. At which hour the Mass of the Holy G-host was solemnly sung in their Church, and the bells were rung for them to assemble in Chapter. They then having assembled in the Chapter House, invoked the Grace of the Holy Grhost by devoutly singing the hymn, " Veni Creator Spiritus." The President made the usual admonition and protestation, and the " Quia propter" constitution of the General Council was read and explained. Hav- ing consulted together they resolved to proceed per viam compromissi, and nominated their Ordinary, the Bishop, as their compromissary to elect some person to be their Prior ; and they humbly petitioned the Bishop to accept 1 Hugh do Ileghstalc was instituted Rector of Bletchingly, 19th April, 1451, and died in 1476. (M. and B., II, p. 315.) 3 Diocesan Register, Wayncflete, I, pt. 2, fol. 96*. (Appen- dix, XXXVIII.) 3 Diocesan Register, Wayneftete, II, fols. 142, 150 r, and 156 v. 4 Diocesan Register, Langton t fol. 15 v, at foot. 5 Ibid., fol. 56 r. 8 Robert Michell was appointed by the Bishop on the 13th July, 1499, to be Prior of Reigate, but did not long hold that appointment, for on the 19th November following he was elected Prior of St. Mary Overy. 42 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND the burthen of such election. This document was given under their Common Seal, in Chapter, and attested by Simon Watson, Clerk, of the Diocese of York, Notary Public ; in the presence of Masters John May, Bachelor in Degrees, Perpetual Vicar of the parish church of Ledered (Leatherhead), and John Richardson of the Diocese of Carlisle, Notary Public. The Bishop on receipt of this document accepted the position, and nominated Sir Robert Wodd, a Canon Regular, to be Prior. 1 Robert Wodd, or Wode, did not long hold the ap- pointment, for in July following, being less than a twelvemonth, he was nominated by the Bishop to be Prior of the Priory of St. Denis, near Southampton ; 3 and on the 9th July, 1500, John Barnarde, Bartholomew Alyn and William Danne, Canons, addressed a letter to the Rev d . Father and Lord, the Lord Thomas, by Divine Permission Bishop of Winchester, their most singular lord (domino nostro singulari), to the effect that the Priory, being now vacant by the free resignation of Sir Robert Wode, late Prior, made to the Bishop, and by him accepted, they empowered the Bishop to nomi- nate a Prior for them, they renouncing for this turn all their right and power of election. Given under their Common Seal at their Chapter House On this day. 3 On the llth August following, the Bishop, having accepted the submission, nominated to the Office Sir John Forster, a Canon Regular of the Order. Dated at Merewell. 3 Robert Mitchell seems to have returned, for we find him mentioned on the Court Rolls from 1521 to 1524 : 4 he resigned on 24th February, 1524, and was succeeded on 21st February, 1525, by John Lyngfeld, the last Prior. 8 Among the Harleian Manuscripts is a little volume of post-octavo size, containing a collection of forms of legal 1 Diocesan Register, Langton, fols. 51 and 52, 2 Ibid., fol. 54. 3 Diocesan Register, Langton, fol. 55. 4 Harleian MS. 4785. 6 Diocesan Register, Fox, V, fol, 95. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 43 documents, or Formulare, dating towards the latter part of the 15th century, amongst which is the form of a Corredy granted by John, Prior of Tanridge, and the Convent of the same. The number of Priors named John is curious: there were four successively within a few years in the middle of the loth century, viz: John Fremyngham, who died in 1441 ; John Haniond, who resigned in 1460 and was succeeded by John Graunesden, who resigned in 1463 ; his successor John Odierne, Prior or Sub-prior, died in 1464, and John Kyrton, who was elected in 1467, resigned in 1469. The grant might have been made by either of these, but more probably by John Forster, who was nominated to be Prior on the llth August, 1500, which would fairly coincide with the probable date of the Manuscript in which the form is preserved. A corredy was a grant in the nature of a provision for life made by a corporate body to some individual, presumably for an adequate valuable consideration, but the nature or value of the consideration is not usually stated. Such grants were very frequently made by monastic houses, and generally no doubt to their ultimate advantage, but in many cases so improvidently that various monasteries became, for the time at least, seriously impoverished : in fact, corredies were by no means an unimportant item in monastic affairs. But as it might seem to be somewhat wandering from the present limited subject if we went further into details upon this point, we limit ourselves to the document before us, which furnishes a fair example of a corredy. The Prior and Convent by this Indenture made by the unanimous assent and consent of all the Chapter of the House gave and granted for certain considerations (not specified in this formulare) and confirmed to A. B., esquire, the following corredy. Food and drink for himself at the Prior's table, as that of a Canon, with accustomed service and attendance, and allowance for one servant ; a room, and a smaller room, and a latrine, all situated within the precincts of the Priory, in the part called " le ffermery;" and there to be always 44 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND entertained ; and to be provided with a supply of under- wood for fireing delivered at the door ; one loaf of con- ventual white bread, a quart of beer, and 2 candles of twelve to the pound, for use in his rooms, or elsewhere as he pleased ; together with a daily supply from the orchards and gardens of the Priory ; and, at will, free entrance and exit without impediment. The Priory moreover undertook to maintain and repair the said rooms at their expense, and to keep up the corredy during the life of the said A. 13., under penalty of twenty pence, with power to him and his heirs to enter and distrain for the same. 1 In fact board and lodging for life, for so much down. Early copies of various Court Rolls are preserved, chiefly of the Manors of Breysted or Bersted, 2 in Oxted, but as they relate only to parts of the property of the Priory, and moreover run to a very considerable length, it would not seem worth while to give them much space here ; but they may be enumerated as follows : 1502, Michaelmas (18 Henry VII), Court Rolls of John ffoster, Prior of Tanregg, of the tenants of Breysted. 1503, May 8 (18 Henry VII), relating to Breysted. 1505, May 8 (20 Henry VII), relating to Gars ton. 1507, June 7 (22 Henry VII), Tanrigg. 1507, Dec r . 7 (23 Henry VII), Bersted and Tanrigg. 1508, May 16 (23 Henry VII), Bersted and Tenrigg. 1512 or 1513 (4 Henry VIII), relating to Bursted otherwise Oxsted ; giving a total rental of xxiiijs. \d. 1521, Feb. 28 (12 Henry VIII), Robert Michel], Prior of Tanrigg, relating to Bersted. 1521, Nov r . 12 (13 Henry VIII), Bersted. 1524, May 19 (16 Henry VIII), Bersted. 1525, June 8 (17 Henry VIII), Court Rolls of John Lyngfeild, Prior of Tanrigg, relating to Bersted. 1526, Oct. 22 (18 Henry VIII), Bersted. 1527, Nov r . 8 (19 Henry VIII), Bersted. 1529, April 13 (20 Henry VIII), Bersted. 1529, Oct. 11 (21 Henry VIII), Bersted. The MS. also gives the rental of Bersted on 18th December, 1577 (20 Elizabeth), amounting to xixs. i 1 Harleian MS. 1777, fol. 43. f Harleian MS. 4785, fols. 3 to 16. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 45 In 1522 (14 Henry VIII), an Order was made for an annual grant by the Spiritualty for the King's personal expenses in France for the recovery of the Crown of the same, and the list of contributors was headed by the Lord Legate with 4,000, followed by the Archbishop of Canterbury with 1,000. We find that Tanrigge was put down for 20 (the same as Reigate), which would indicate that its property was assumed to bring in a fairly good amount of revenue. 1 It appears to have been customary to let various parts of the Property on lease ; no example of such a docu- ment seems to be now extant, and indeed the chances against the preservation of a long-expired Lease are very great under any circumstances, but especially in such a complete disturbance of legal ownership as took place at the Dissolution of Monasteries. But we find noted in the Ministers' Accounts 2 the following Leases granted within the period of a few years, from which the usual practice of the House may be assumed : On the 21 st Sept r ., 1516, the Priory granted a lease of the Rectory of Crowhurst, with all its pertinents, to John Gaynesford and Edward Lee, Clerk, for the terra of the life of the said John Gaynesford, at a rent of 2 : 13s. 4d. per annum. 1521, Feb. 27. Lease of the Manor of Sentie, in the parish of Hartfelde, Sussex, to John Haywarde, for 16 years at a rent of 4. 1522, Jnno 28. The Manor of Godstone, and all lands, tene- ments, meadows, and pastures in the parish of Blechiuglye to William Barhour, for 31 years at 4 : 6s. 8d. per annum. 1523, Sept. 16. Sowthelonds, in Tanridge, and 5 cows, to George Topsell, for 4 years, at 3 : 16s. 8d. 1527, March 26. Land called Thomlyn's Londs, in Oxstedd, to Henry Cowper, for 21 years, at a rent of 2 : 10s. Od. 1531, March 20. Tenement called Botelers, in the parish of Tanridge, to Richard Topsell, for 21 years, from Michaelmas 1531, at a rent of 4. On the same day, a lease of lands called Chamberlouds, Scott's Croft, Myllfelde, Harteslonde, and Downlonds, in Tauridge, to Alice Huntley, for 40 years, at a rent of 2 : 10s. Od. 1 Record Office, Calendar of Letters and Papers, temp. Henry VIII (edited by Brewer) ; Vol. Ill, p. 1048. 8 Ministers' Accounts, 28 and 29 Henry VIII, Surrey, No. 108 (Augmentation Office). 46 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND On 12th August following : Moiety of Rectory of Godstonc to Robert Darby, for 7 years, at 3 : 11s. 8d. 1534, Oct. 31. Manor of Rokesnest, to Thomas Banco, for 21 years from Michaelmas following, at 9 : 6s. 8cl. 1535, Oct. 26. Two tenements and certain lands and closes in Oxstede, to Thomas Aleyne, for 30 years, at 3 : 16s. 8d. There were also the following Leases about the same period, but of which the precise dates are wanting : Land called Studmerhill in Tanrygge, let to John Sqnycr at 2s. Land called Dirgefelde, let to John Holmann at 5s. 8d. Twenty acres of land, called Le Olde Purke, to John Lyntoune, at 4s. Lands called Conny Pytches, Downe Londe, and Ovesnet, to William Dyxon, at 7s. Lands called Lullinge, and Goodweye Londs, to John Pope, at 45s. 4d. A tenement and 14 acres of land at Barowe with 12 acres of pasture, called Robyns Grove and Multrydene, to Richard Holman, at 35s. 8d. A tenement and certain lands called Bakers, let to John Marten, at 28s. Rents of land, tenements and cottages at Godstoue, let to William Barbour, as Farmer, at 16s. 8d. Rent of a field called Priorsfelde, at Godstone, let to William Harlyng, at 6s. 8d. Farm of certain lands called Brownes, at Chepstede, in tenure of Richard Cadingtonne, at 15s. A Tenement, with all lands, meadows, feedings and pastures, at Westhall in Warlyngham, to William Comporte, for 26 years, at 4 : 13s. 4d. The Prior was summoned to attend a Meeting of Con- vocation in the year 1529, 1 which tends to show that his House at that time was not unimportant. In the 27th year of King Henry VIII, 15th April, 1535-6, was passed the Act for the Suppression of all Monasteries which had not lands worth above 200 per annum, whereby after reciting the (asserted) daily use and commission commonly in such little and small Abbeys, Priories, and other Religious Houses of Monks, Canons, and Nuns, where the congregation of such Eeligious Persons was under 12 in number, "to the High Dis- 1 Record Office, Calendar of Letters and Papers, temp. Henry VIII (Edited by Brewer) ; Vol. IV, p. 2697, THE AUSTIN CANONS. 47 pleasure of Almighty God, and Slander of good religion, and to the great infamy of the King's Highness and the Realm;" and with the object that the inhabitants should be compelled to live in one of the greater Monasteries ; it was enacted "That His Majesty shall have and enjoy "to him and his Heirs for ever, all and singular such "Monasteries, Priories, and other Religious Houses of "Monks, Canons, and Nuns, of what kinds of Diversities "of Habits Rules or Order soever they be called or "named, which have not in Lands, Tenements, Rents, " Tithes, Portions, and other Hereditaments, above the " clear yearly value of Two Hundred Pounds;" together with their lands granted (on lease) within a twelve- month previously, and all and singular their Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Services, Reversions, Tithes, Pensions, Portions, Churches, Chapels, Advowsons, Patronages, Rights, Entries, Conditions, and all other Hereditaments to them or any of them, appertaining or belonging (every kind of property, in fact, which could be suggested),, to have and to hold unto the King's Majesty, and his heirs and assigns for ever, to do and use therewith his and their own wills, to the pleasure of Almighty God and to the Honour and Profit of this Realm. The Act orders that the King shall have all Monasteries, Abbies, and Priories, which at any time within one year next before the making of this Act had been given and granted to His Majesty by any Abbot, Prior, Abbess, or Prioress, under their convent seal, or that had otherwise been suppressed or dissolved ; show- ing that the process had already commenced, without even the semblance of right which was then conferred. 1 It would bo difficult to suggest a much better non sequitur than the reasons given for the confiscation, or a more impudently dishonest pretence for sacrilege. At what exact date sacrilegious hands were laid upon 1 Statutes at Largo; 27 Henry VIII, cap. 28. Tho Court of Augmentations which Parliament established at the same time, but by another Act (cap. 27), was in fact a Commission, with special and extensive powers for dealing with the income and disposing of the property itself and handing over the proceeds to the King. E 48 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND the Priory does not appear, but it was evidently very soon after the passing of the Royal Robbery Act, for the earliest Ministers' Account, being for the year from Michaelmas 1536 (the King's 28th year) to Michaelmas in the following year, refers to a former account not now in existence. The formal surrender, if any, is not extant. Upon the Suppression thus effected, a Pension was granted to John Lyngfeld, the last Prior, who had held the Office for some time. The King desiring to provide a reasonable annual pension or suitable promotion for him ad victum et exhibitionem suam and for his better support : therefore with the advice and consent of the Chancellor and the counsel of the Court of Augmentations of Revenue of the Crown, gave and granted to the said John an Annuity or annual pension of 14 sterling, to have and receive to him, or his assigns, from the feast of the Annunciation of B. Mary the Virgin last past, for the term of his life, or until he should be presented by the King to one or more ecclesiastical benefices, or other suitable promotion, of the same clear value ; such pen- sion to be paid by the King's Receiver of such Revenues, by equal payments on the feasts of St. Michael and the Annunciation of B. Mary the Virgin. This order is signed by Richard Ryche, and dated at Westminster, 2nd July, 28th Henry VIII (1536). 1 Evidently, at a date very shortly after the Dissolution, an account of the revenue of the House was prepared, by which it appears that the total gross receipts amounted to four score and six pounds, seven shillings, and ten- pence half -penny ; upon which the charges and payments amounted to 7 : 10s. llfd.; so that there remained a net income of 78: 16s. lOf d., besides something from the Priory of Esborne, the account of which was wanting. 2 Very soon after the date of the Account, the King, not content with the vast revenue which he had obtained from the confiscated income of Monastic property, pro- 1 Augmentation Office, Miscellaneous Books, 244, No. 127. (Appendix, XL.) 2 Augmentation Office, Miscellaneous Books, 406, p. 49. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 49 ceeded to sell the property itself, in order to raise money for his profligate expenditure. On the 2nd January, 1537-8, he granted to John Rede, son and heir of William Rede, late of Wey- bridge in the County of Surrey, Esquire, deceased, All the House and Site of the late Monastery or Priory, suppressed and dissolved by authority of Parliament; and all the Church and Bell-tower, and Cemetry: to- gether with all messuages, houses, edifices, barns, stables, granges, dovecotes, mills, kitchen gardens, orchards, gardens, waters, ponds, vivaria, land and soil, as well within as without, and nigh and adjoining the site limits, circuit, bound and precinct. And also all the domains and Manors of Tanrigge, Oxsted, Garston in Blechinglye, and Westhall in Warlingham, with their men and entire pertinents, in the County of Surrey. And also the Manor of Sentye, in Hertsfelde, with its members and pertinents in the County of Sussex, whether parcel of the late Monastery or belonging or pertaining thereto. As also the Rectories and Vicarages of the parish churches of Tanrigge, Crowherste, and Wawensted 1 otherwise Godstone, with their men, and all pertinents, in the County of Surrey; together with their Vicarages and everything in any way belonging to them ; and all and all manner of messuages, houses, edifices, barns, lands, glebes, pensions, portions, tithes, oblations, fruits, pervenients, profits, and emoluments whatsoever of the said Rectories of Tanrigge, Crow- hurste, Wolkensted otherwise Godstone, or otherwise belonging or pertaining thereto. Also all other domains and manors, and all and singular messuages, tofts, mills, gardens, cottages, lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, moors, marshes, fields, brueria, underwoods, revenues, returns, services, rents of fees, rents, annuities and returns, and rents of tenements and leases, customs, villans and their offspring, knights' fees, wards, mari- tages, eschaets, reliefs, heriots, Courts leet, view of frank- pledge, and all matters which pertain or belong to view 1 Also spelt Wolkensted, Walkinsted, and Walkamstede, 50 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND of frank-pledge, assize, assize of bread, and services; goods and chattels, waviats and goods and chattels of outlaws and fugitive felons and of all convicts and felons de se, and deodands; waters, ponds, running streams, wardinote, common fisheries, turbary, and other liberties, jurisdictions, franchises ; rectories, privi- leges, vicarages, advowsons, donations, nominations, presentations and rights of patronage of churches and vicarages, chaplains, chantries, hospitals and other ecclesiastical benefices whatsoever, pensions, portions, annuities, all kind of tithes, oblations, fruits, per- venients, obventions, commodities and all other the King's (so called) possessions, interests, and heredita- ments whatsoever, both spiritual and temporal, whether general or special, and by whatever name called, taxed, known, or reputed, situated lying or being in villes, meadows, bounds, parishes, or hundreds of Tanrigge, Oxsted, Crowhurste, Wawensted otherwise Godstone, Blechinglye, Warlingham, and Ghepsted, or elsewhere in Surrey ; in the parish or hamlet of Hertf eld, Sussex ; the ville or parish of Chedingstone, Kent ; the hamlet or parish of Longesutton, Hants ; and elsewhere in the Kingdom of England and Wales or the Marches. As fully and entirely as John Lyngfelde, late Prior, and his predecessors on the 4th February in the King's 27th year, or previously, when monasteries were dissolved by Parlia- ment begun at London 3rd November in his 21st year and adjourned to Westminster with divers prorogations till 4th February in his 27th year. 1 Which lands and pos- sessions were of the clear annual value of 69 : 8s. O^d. To hold to him and his male heirs, of the King and his heirs and successors, in capite, by military service, viz., the 20th part of a knight's fee, and the annual pay- ment of 18 : 10s. OJd. in the name of an annual tithe, according to the decision of the Court of Augmentation of the Revenues of the Crown ; from Michaelmas (last ?) 1 The Act 27 Henry VIII, cap. 28, gave to the King all monas- teries (with their property of all kinds) which had not lands producing a rental of above 200 per annum : it refers to suppressions having already taken place. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 51 for all services, return, exactions, and demands what- soever. The Patent gave, in default of heirs male of the Grantee, a remainder to Henry Eede, brother of the said John Rede, and his heirs male ; with remainder to Anthony Rede, son of the said William Rede and his heirs male; and in default to Thomas the brother of Anthony ; and, failing him and his heirs, to the said John and his heirs and assigns for ever. And the Grant was warranted against all persons, and free from all returns, fees, annuities, concessions, incum- brances, and all other charges, except as above men- tioned, and also excepting an annual payment of 37s. 4d. in respect of certain lands and tenements in Oxsted, to the Lord of Borowghe and his heirs of his Manor of Oxsted; and free from a return of 14s. per annum to Nicholas Care we, Knt., and his heirs, payable to his Manor of Bletchinglegh, and from 3s. 4d. payable to the Prior of Merton, and 17s. 6d. to the Archdeacon of Surrey for Procurations, and 12d. to the Abbat of Battle, and 13s. 4d. to John Skynner, Gentleman, for life (payable at the Court of the said Prior), and 40s. for fee to Henry Compord (receiver of the late Priory) for his life; and except 12 per annum payable to 2 Chaplains for their stipends as Chaplains 1 of the Churches of Crowhurste and Tanrigge. And also all profits arising from such grants; from the feast of the Annunciation of B. V. Mary last past. Free from any account. And it was further granted that he should have Letters Patent under the Great Seal of England, without fee to the great or small Hanaper of the Chancellor. Given at Westminster on the 2nd January in his 29th year by the Bang with the authority of Parliament. 2 No aoubt there was great difficulty in ascertaining the full particulars of the properties of the vast number of Monastic foundations, which were seized by the authority of the King, with the assent of a Parliament composed 1 Vicars, * Harleian MS. 4786. 52 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND of persons who were some of them subservient to the despotic and ruthless tyrant who ruled the British nation, many venal, but probably not a few culpable only from deficiency of moral courage to do that which they felt right. In some cases, it may fairly be pre- sumed, there were Abbots, or Priors, or minor officials, within whose province the knowledge was contained, who, from whatever motive, furnished very full parti- culars from which the Commissioners appointed by the Crown to form " the Court of Augmentations of the Revenue of the Crown," in other words, to collect, get in, and manage the property and spoil of the Abbeys, Priories, Chantries, Free Chapels, and similar endow- ments given freely for the purposes of Divine Worship and works of religion and charity, but now sacrilegiously diverted from the service of God to profligate, heartless prodigalities. 1 In the present case there arose a difficulty, of no great importance, but illustrative of the abundant difficulties which thus occurred, and which had to be overcome, if overcome at all, by means of influence, moral or other- wise. John Eede thus, " by waie of purchas and eschaunge," obtained Letters Patent under the Great Seal dated 2nd January (1537-8), 29th Henry VIII, with a clause of exoneration whereby he was discharged of payment of a certain rent thereon, or else promised recompence from the King's Majesty for the same, as by the said Letters Patent ; and he had also obtained an Indenture, bearing date the 27th January in the same year, made by the King, of the one part, and the said John Rede and Sir Thomas Cromwell, Knt., guardian of the said Thomas Rede during his minority, of the other part, and it appearing that a rent-charge of 23s. Id. was pay- able out of the tenement and lands called Seynt Tie (being parcel of the possessions of the Priory in the 1 It is a noteworthy fact that while for every other English monarch, no matter what were his or her faults, failings, weaknesses, or inca- pacities, apologists have been found, no one has yet attempted to palliate those of King Henry VIII. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 53 County of Surrey), to the Provost and Scholars of Kynge's Colledge in Cambridge, as belonging to the Manor of "Withyham in the County of Sussex. The Court therefore declared that the said John Eede ought to be discharged of the said rent or else to have recompence from the King for the same : and it plainly appeared the said rent had not been paid to the said Provost and Scholars since the time of making the said Letters Patent, though the same was chargeable on the said tenement and lands called Seint Tie ; but that the said John Rede ought to be exonerated therefrom. There- fore the Chancellor and General Surveyors of the Court of Augmentations and Revenues of the King's Majesty's Crown, on the 4th June, in the 3rd year of King Edward VI (by the grace of God Kynge of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, Defendour of the Faith, and of the Churche of England and also of Ireland, in earth the supreme hedd), ordered that the said Provost and Scholars and their successors and farmers should have and enjoy the said yearly rent of 23s. Id., to be payable from the said tenement and lands, together with all arrearages of the same due to them since the making of the said Letters Patent, and be paid by the owners and possessors of the said tenement and lands without any let or denial. And, in consideration thereof and because the said John Rede was deceased, it was ordered and decreed by the said Chancellor and General Surveyors that the heirs male of the said John Rede and other issue (as in the Letters Patent) that he and they should have from the King the said sum yearly, by the hands of the General Receiver of the said Court, being of the King's money and revenues remaining in his hands at the feast of St. Michael the Archaungell yearly; together with the arrearages of the same 23s. Id. due since the making of the said Letters Patent. 1 From the Ministers' Accounts we learn what were the possessions of the dissolved Priory and their value. The Accounts are stated to be an Account of all Bailiffs, 1 Augmentation Office, Miscellaneous Books, No. 105, fol. 72 b. 54 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND Farmers, and other Ministers of King Henry VIII, from all and singular domains, manors, villages, possessions, and Monastic and Priorie hereditaments in Surrey belonging or in any way pertaining to the Priory lately suppressed and dissolved by authority of Parliament, existing in the hands of the King ; viz., from the feast of St. Michael the Archangel in the 28th year of the said King, till the same day in the year following, being one entire year 1 (Michaelmas, 1536, to Michaelmas, 1537). In the case of Tanridge the Account was rendered by Francis Mores, Bailiff and Collector of rents there during such time ; and, briefly, runs to the following effect : The Accountant stated that there were no arrears as shown in the preceding account. 2 In Tanryg there were the following rents : Lands called Turneys Lands held by Henry Tomer by rental made and renewed by the Seneschal on 20 October, 28 Henry VIII, at per ann. ... ijs. ijd. Harwards Lands 3 held by Robert Hey ward at Luxfords Lands, held by Christopher Luxford at Hethe Lands held by William Hethe at Comport's Lands 4 held by John Comport at... Plawes' Holding, held by John Plawe at vjrf. xvjrf. xxrf. xviijc?. ob. Standfords, held by Edmund Standford at ... Studmerhill, in the tenure of John Squyer by inden- ture, at ... ... ... ... ... ... ijs. Dirgefelde, in the tenure of John Holmaun by inden- ture, at vs.'ivd. Le Olde Parke, 20 acres, in the tenure of John Lyn- tonne, by indenture, at ... ... ... ... iiijs. Conny Pytches Downe Londe and Ovesuet, in the tenure of William Dyxon, by indenture ... vijs. Lullinge and Goodweye Londs, in tenure of John Pope, by indenture, at ... ... ... ... xlvs. iiijcf. Annual charges on the following property in Oxstedd: Welbeck Croft, freehold of Maurice Welbeck ... ijs. Ball's Londs, freehold of Robert Genys ... ... iijs. 1 Ministers 1 Accounts, 28 and 29 Henry VIII, Surrey, No. 108. (Appendix, XLI.) 2 No earlier account can now be found. 3 This may be the property called Ho we wots in the Rental of 1431. * Possibly that called Combers in the rental of 1431. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 55 Le Londs, freehold of John a Lee iij*. viijcf. Cowpers, tenement, garden, and 1 acre of land, free- hold of Henry Cowper ... ... ... ... viijrf. Crowhurst, land, freehold of same ... ... ... xviije?. Holmes Land, freehold of Thomas Holmdenne ... ijs. vj< Cokes land, freehold of Richard Coke ... ... xijrf. Alynslonde, freehold of Thomas Aleyue ... ... xijc?. Brokyslonde, freehold of John Boke ... ... viijrf. Avys, freehold land of William Smythe ... ... ij*. vjrf. Pyrres, freehold land of John Ownsted ... ... iijs. Barowe ; rent of tenement and 14 acres of land, and at Robyns Grove and Multrydenne, 13 acres of pasture let to Richard Holman, hy Indenture xxxvs. viijcf. Bakers ; tenement and certain land let to John Marten, by Indenture ... ... ... ... xxviijs. Rents of divers tenements at Holm in Oxsted : Prestfelde, lands let to John Loke, at will ... ... xxxs. Tenement in which John Foster lately lived ... vijs. Phelipps, at Barowe ; tenement in which William Grene lately lived ... ... ... ... xiijs. iiijd. Charges on property and rent in Godstone : Charged on certain lands, tenements and cottages there, by William Barbour, of Godstone, lessee by Indenture ... ... ... ... ... xvis. viijy Dixou in a foot-note to p, 20. Dixon, History of the Church of England, II, p. 36. 90 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND Corporations, e.g., Durham, Winchester, Worcester, Rochester, Carlisle, and Ely; and so in the new chap- ters of Chester, Peterborough, and Westminster. Many new Canonries and Prebends were filled by the appoint- ment of former monks. The Bishops of most of the new Sees, such as Oxford, Peterborough, Gloucester, and Bristol, had previously been Abbots, Priors, or Provincials. At Canterbury, although the head of the House was deprived, 110 less than twenty -nine of the Convent were appointed to offices under the new founda- tion, -and all the rest received pensions or promotions. 1 And finally, we may again refer to the fact that, at the General Chapter of Austin Canons, held at Leicester in 1513, King Henry VIII himself, and his Queen Catherine, the Princess, the Cardinal Wolsey, the ex- Queen of France, and her husband the Duke of Suffolk, and many others, were enrolled as associates of the Order; 2 affording the strongest proof they could very well have given of the high esteem in which they held the Austin Canons. THE PRIORS OF TANRIDGE. THOMAS. The earliest Prior 3 of whom we find mention was named Thomas, who held that office on the octave of the Purification (9th February), 1225-6, when a Concord was entered into in a Law Suit. 4 ADAM. Prior Thomas was, presumably, succeeded by Adam, who, in the autumn of 1235, entered into a Concord in a Law Suit. 6 HUMPHREY. Humphrey apparently was the successor of Adam; we find him mentioned as Prior in a pro- 1 Dixon, II, p. 225. 2 Cotton MS. Vespasian, D. 1. 3 These three earliest Priors have not hitherto been recorded. The list and particulars given by Manning and Bray are very good and full, but now considerably supplemented in the present monograph. A few of the dates differ slightly from those given by Dugdale. 4 Pedes finium, 10 Henry III ; Surrey, No. 74. (Appendix, V*) 6 Pedes finium, 19 Henry III ; Surrey, No. 181. (Appendix, VI.) THE AUSTIN CANONS. 91 ceeding before the Justices Itinerant ended in January, 1262-3. 1 WALTER. Walter de Pedeleshurst was appointed 4th June, 1306, by the Bishop, on lapse, having first vacated his election for want of due form. 2 On the 12th March, 1309, the resignation of Prior Walter was' admitted by the Bishop : 3 in the proceedings on the appointment of his successor, on 17th June following, 4 he is spoken of as Walter de Hetfeld. It seems improbable that this was another Walter. THOMAS. Thomas de St. Alban, a Canon of Newark, from which Priory he was transferred by the Bishop in May or June, was appointed 4th June, 1309, by the Bishop, on lapse, the House not having elected according to the Bishop's mandate dated 15th March, 1309. There was a mandate to induct him 17th June. On 22nd November, 1312, Charles (de Seggeford), Rector of Colesdon, was made his coadjutor, the Priory having been much wasted by his simplicity or negligence. 5 He resigned in 1322. 6 HENRY. Henry de Pecham appears to have been possessed of abilities which raised him to a position which his merits do not seem to have justified. Up to the 4th February, 1309, he was Cellarer and Supervisor of extrinsic affairs, as assistant to William de Shyre, who had been specially placed in the House to manage its business: 7 but on that day the Bishop removed him from his office, and on 10th March transferred him to Newark Priory, and on the 13th March gave directions as to his custody in solitary confinement and on short allowance. 8 Two months later the imprisonment was remitted, on 1 Pedes finium, 49 Henry III ; Surrey, Case 2, No. 177. (Appen- dix, VII.) 2 Diocesan Register, Wodelok, 40 v to 41 v. 3 Ibid., fol. 104. 4 Ibid., fol. 110. 5 The various documents in reference to this transaction are entered in the Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fols. 108 r, 109 r, and 110. 6 Diocesan Register, Asser, 22 v. 7 Diocesan Register, JVodelok, fol. 101 r, 8 Ibid., fols. 103 v. and 105 r. 92 TANRIDGE PRIOKY, AND account of the patience and humility with which he had borne his punishment ; J and at another interval of two months he was permitted to return to Tanridge, but still with certain legal disabilities. 2 Apparently, he con- tinued in the House from this time without any further complaint and acquired the respect of his Brethren, for we find that on the 10th February, 1323, they elected him as Prior, and though the election was declared void for irregularity, the Bishop on the 31st March following appointed him to the Office; 3 but too late, for he died soon afterwards, and on the 17th March, 1324, a Citation issued for the election of a new Prior to fill the office vacant by his decease. 4 JOHN. John Hansard, a Canon, was elected, but the election was judicially declared by the Bishop to be invalid, and the appointment thereupon devolving upon him, he appointed the said John Hansard to the Office: the proceedings lasted from the 17th March to 2nd April, 1324. 5 Whether from age or lack of ability, he became incapable of managing the affairs of the House, the Bishop about the end of May, 1330, inter- dicted him from doing so, and appointed one Laurence de Rustyngton. 6 Becoming worse, he on 4th September, 1335, resigned his Office to the Bishop, who was making a visitation of the House. 7 PHILIP. On 4th September, 1335, when Hansard resigned, the Canons placed the appointment in the Bishop's hands, and he appointed Philip de Wokyngham as his successor. He was previously a Canon of the same Order at Newerk, in Priest's Orders, and described as a prudent and discreet man, and very circumspect in temporal and spiritual matters. 7 To him the Bishop, on the 17th December, 1338, granted Letters of Adminis- 1 Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 108. 2 Ibid., fol. 112. 3 Diocesau Register, Asscr, fol. 22 v. 4 Diocesan Register, Stratford, fol. 3. 5 Ibid. (Appendix, XI.) 6 Diocesan Register, Stratford, fol. 51. (Appendix, XXVI.) 7 Diocesan Register,. Orhton, I, fol. 26 r. (Appendix, XXVIII.) THE AUSTIN CANONS. 93 tration to the Goods of John de Walden, in accordance with the wish expressed by the deceased in his last illness. 1 But he neglected his duties to the House, and a Citation was on 17th January, 1341, issued against him on complaint of non-residence, but he could not be found, and the Citation was otherwise served ; and in the end, on 24th September, 1341, the Bishop decreed his deprivation. 2 JOHN. John de Merstham, a Canon, was elected on 12th November, 1341, and the judicial proceedings took place before the Bishop's Commissioners, in. Farnham Church, and his election was confirmed on the following day. 3 He resigned in 1380. 4 RICHARD. Richard French was elected, and a Com- mission to enquire into the regularity of the election was issued 8th May, 1380. 4 He died 9th December, 1403. 5 WILLIAM. William Sonderesh was elected 14th March, 1404; but, on presenting himself to the Bishop to be confirmed, the Bishop declared his election void, and collated him on his own authority the same day. 5 (The Bishop's Registers, 1415-1446, are lost.) JOHN. John Fremyngham was Prior in 1441. . JOHN. John Hamond resigned about 1458. 7 JOHN. John Graunesden, Canon of the Priory or Conventual Church of the Holy Trinity in London, was elected ; and on loth May, 1458, was confirmed by the Bishop. 7 He resigned 1463. s JOHN. John Odierne (perhaps from Odiham, Hants), 1 Diocesan Register, tt'ykcham, II, fol. 69. 2 Diocesan Register, Orlcton, I, fol. 108. (Appendix, XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXII.) 8 Ibid., fols. 109 and 109 r. (Appendix, XXXIV, XXXV, XXX VI.) 4 Diocesan Register, Wykelutm, II, pt. tf, 186 v. 1 Ibid., I, 344 r. This appears by a casual mention in Letters Testimonial, Diocesan Register, Waynejlcte, I, fol. 15* r. 7 Diocesan Register, fl'ttyncfiete, I, fol. 90 r, 8 Ibid., 108 v. 94 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND the fourth successive Prior of the name of John, had previously been the Sub-prior; he was appointed by the Bishop, to whom the Convent had given up their right of election. 1 He was nominated on 14th July, and the election was confirmed on 16th July, 1463. 2 He died 1464. 3 WILLIAM. William West, a monk of the House, was appointed by the Bishop, by a like devolution of the power, 22nd December. 1464. 3 He resigned 1467. 4 JOHN. John Kyrton, Canon of Sand elf ord Priory, Berkshire, was elected by the Convent 16th April, 1467, and confirmed by the Bishop at Southwark, on the 5th June; 4 resigned 1469; and on. 19th April in that year a sequestration was granted to Hugh Heghstall or Hextall, Rector of Blechingly. 5 ROBERT. Robert was cited to attend in Convocation in 1470, 1472, and 1474. WILLIAM. William was cited to attend in Convo- cation in 1478. 7 ROBERT. Robert was cited to attend in Convocation in 1495 : 8 and Sir Robert Mitchell was cited to Convo- cation in 1499. He resigned this Priory upon his appointment by the Bishop on the 13th July of that year, to be Prior of Reigate; and on 19th November following was elected Prior of St. Mary Overie. (But see post.) ROBERT. Sir Robert Wodd, or Wode, was nominated by the Bishop, at the request of the Chapter, on 9th July, 1499. 9 He was cited to attend in Convocation in 1500 ; and on 18th July, 1500, the Bishop nominated him to be Prior of St. Denys near Southampton, in which 1 Diocesan Register, Wayneflete, I, fol. 108 v. 2 Ibid., fols, 126 v. to 127 v. 3 Ibid., 135 v. 4 Ibid., 154. 5 Diocesan Register, Waynflete, Vol. I, pt. 2, fol. 96. 6 Ibid., fols. 142 and 156 v. 7 Diocesan Register, Lang ton, fol. 15 v, at foot. 8 Ibid., fol. 56 v. 9 Diocesan Register, Langton, fol. 51, et seq. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 95 office lie was confirmed on 3rd August following, and took the Canonical Oath of obedience to the Bishop on the 15th of the same month. 1 JOHN. The Convent empowered the Bishop to fill the vacancy, and he accordingly on llth August, 1500, appointed Sir John Forster, a Canon of the Order. 2 He was cited to attend in Convocation in 1510, 1512, and 1523, 3 and is mentioned in the Court Rolls of Bersted and Tanridge Manors from Michaelmas 1502 to 1513. 4 ROBERT. Robert Mitchell appears to have again become Prior of the House. He is mentioned in the Court Rolls of Bersted from 28th February, 1521, to 19th May, 1524. 5 He resigned on 24th February, 1525. 6 JOHN. On the resignation of Robert Mitchell, the House commissioned John Farent, LL.D., John Lacy, Prior of Merton, and John Lyngfeld, a Canon of St. Mary Overie, to appoint to the vacancy; and they ap- pointed the said John Lyngfeld on the 21st February, 1524-5. 6 He is named on the Bersted Court Rolls from June, 1525, to llth October, 1529 : 7 in the latter year he was summoned to attend Convocation. 8 Upon the Dissolution of the House the King, on 2nd July, 1536, granted him a pension of 14 per annum. 9 I am indebted to Mr. Baigent for searches in the Diocesan Registers at Winchester, and copies of the important documents there, which are printed in the Appendix; my own time not permitting me to undertake this part of the work: in order to insure accuracy, these and the other documents printed in the Appendix have, since setting up in type, been collated with the originals. 1 Diocesan Register, Langton, fol. 54. 2 Ibid., fol. 55. 8 Diocesan Register, Fox, II, fol. 144; III, fol. 20 v\ V, fol. 16 . 4 Court Rolls of Bersted, Harl. MS. 4785, fols. 38. 5 Harl. MS. 4785. 6 Diocesan Register, Fox, V, fol. 95. 7 Harl. MS. 4785, fols. 1316. 8 Letters and Papers, Hen. VIII : Record Office Publ., IV, p. 2651. 9 Augmentation Office, Miscellaneous Books, 244, No. 127. (Appendix, XXXVII.) H APPENDIX. LIST OF DOCUMENTS. I. Deed of Gift by Odo, son of William de Dammartin, to the Hospital of St. James in the Ville of Tanregge. (Dugdale's Monasticon, VI, p. 604.) II. Further Gift by same to same. (Dugdale's Monasticon, VI, p. 604.) III. Charter by Walter, Prior of Merton, in favour of Benefactors to the Hospital of St. James of Tenrigge. (Cotton MS. Cleopatra, C. vii, fol. 86.) IV. Gift by Odo, son of Odo de Danmertin, to the Hospital of St. James of Tunregge. (Harleian MS. 2044 [Randall Holmes' Collections], fol. 114.) V. Concord in the Curia Regis, between John and Alicia de Wanton and the Prior of Tenrugge. (Pedes finium, (10) Henry III, Surrey, No. 74.) VI. Concord in the Curia Regis, between Gillebert and Richalda Oisel and the Prior and Church of Tenrigge. (Pedes finium, (19) Henry III, Surrey, No. 181.) VII. Concord in the Curia Regis, between the Prior of Tanrigge and Thomas de Warblington. (Pedes finium, (47) Henry III, Surrey, Case 2, No. 177.) VIII. Permission by Roland de Oksted for Grant by William de Oksted to the Priory. (Inquisition post mortem, 1 2 Edward I, Surrey, No. 49.) IX. Licence in Mortmain for Henry de Guldeford to grant to Prior and Convent of Tanrigge the Advowson of Crawe- hurst Church. (Patent Roll, 30 Edward I, m. 3.) X. Injunctions, 20th December, 1308, consequent on Visitation. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fols. 148 v to 149 v.) 98 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND XI. Commission of Enquiry as to conformity with Injunctions : 25th November, 1308. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 97 v.} XII. Report of Commission : 5th December, 1308. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 96 t?.) XIII. Ordinance to avoid Strife: 30th November, 1308. (Win- chester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 96 v.) XIV. Further Commission for Visitation (1308). (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 103 #.) XV. Deprivation of Henry de Pecham of Office of Cellarer, and appointment of another in his place: 4th February, 1309. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 101 v.) XVI. Order for Banishment and Imprisonment of Henry de Pecham, late Cellarer: 12th March, 1309. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 103 v.) XVII. Orders to Priory of Newark as to Treatment of Prisoner: 23rd March, 1309. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wode- lok, fol. 105 t>.) XVIII. Order for Amelioration of Punishment : 27th May, 1309. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 108.) XIX. Permission for Him to return to Tanridge: 16th July, 1309. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 112.) XX. Order for Payment for Expenses of Prisoner: 16th July, 1309. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 112.) XXI. Letters of Request to the Prior of Newark to permit Thomas de St. Alban, one of his Canons, to leave the Priory,' in order to become Prior of Taurugge. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 108 .) XXII. Licence for the Transfer, &c. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 109 t>.) XXIII. Appointment of Coadjutor for Temporal Affairs : 22nd No- vember, 1312. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 175.) XXIV. Proclamation of Election of John Hansard to be Prior: 17th March, 1324. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Strat- ford, fol. 3.) THE AUSTIN CANONS. 99 XXV. Process of the Election; Mandate for Induction; and Monition of Obedience : 31st March, 1324. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Stratford, fol. 3.) XXVI. Commission of Coadjutor to Prior : 31st May, 1330. (Win- chester Diocesan Register, Stratford, fol. 51.) XXVII. Inquisition ad quod damnum, for gift by Henry att Donne to the Priory of 5 acres at Okstede. (British Museum, Add. MS. 6167 [Symm's Collections], p. 415.) XXVIII. Episcopal Visitation of the Priory when John Hansard resigned and Philip de Wokyngham was appointed Prior : 4th September, 1335. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 26 v.) XXIX. Commission to cite Prior Philip for Non-Residence: 17th January, 1341. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Orle- ton, I, fol. 108.) XXX. Citation of same "by ways and means:" 28th July, 1341. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 108.) XXXI. Commission for Deprivation for Non - Residence : 22nd September, 1341. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 108 v.) XXXII. Sentence of Deprivation: 26th September, 1341. (Win- chester Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 108 v.~) XXXIII. Inquisition post mortem, of John de Warblyngton, who died on 13th February, 1351. (Inquis. P. M., 25 Edw. Ill, 1st Nos., No. 54. [Add. MS. 6167, fol. 416.] ) XXXIV. Process of Election of John de Merstham to be Prior, the morrow of St. Martin, 1341. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 109.) XXXV. Confirmation of the Election: 13th November, 1341. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 109 t>.) XXXVI. Mandate for Installation : 13th November, 1341. (Win- chester Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 109 r.) XXXVII. Letters Testimonial to William Wiltshire: 4th July, 1452. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wayncflete, I, fol. 15*t>.) 100 TANRIDGE PKIOKY, AND XXXVIII. Sequestration of Income of the Priory : 14th October, 1461. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wayncftete, I, fol. 68*.) XXXIX. Episcopal Sequestration on Vacancy: 10th April, 1469. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wayneflete, I, fol. 96*.) XL. Grant of Pension to Prior on Dissolution of the Priory : 2nd July, 1536. (Augmentation Office, Miscel. Books, Vol. 244, No. 127.) XLI. Ministers' Accounts : year ending Michaelmas, 29th Henry VIII (1537). (Ministers' Accounts, 28-29 Henry VIII, No. 108.) THE AUSTIN CANONS. 101 I. DEED OF GIFT BY ODO, SON OF WILLIAM DE DAMMARTIN, TO THE HOSPITAL OF ST. JAMES IN THE VILLE OF TANEEGGE. (Dugdale's Monasticon, VI, p. 604.) Universis sanctae matris ecclesiae filiis ad quos praasens scriptum pervenerit, Odo de Dammartin, filius Willielmi de Daramartin, salutem. Noverit universitas vestra me dedisse et concessisse et hac present! carta mea confirmasse, pro salute animae meae et uxoris meae, et puer- orum meorum ; et pro animabus patris et matris meae ; et antecessorum et successorum meorum, Deo et Hospitali S. Jacob! in villa de Tanregge, et tribus presbyteris in perpetuum ibidem Deo servientibus, et confratribus ejusdem Hospitalis, totam terram meam de Warlinggeham, ad suscipiendum et sustentandum infirmos, et pauperes, et peregrines, hospitio indigentes in liberam et puram elemosinam; cum molendino ad ventum, et cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, sine aliquo retinemento, in crof tis, in pictlakes, in bosco, in gravis, in piano, in pratis, in pascuis, in semitis, in viis, in aquis, in maris, in sepibus, in clausturis, in com- munions pasturis, et in omnibus libertatibus ; habendam et tenendam libere et quiete, finaliter, ab omni servitio et exactione seculari quod debeo haeredibus Willielmi de Hammes ; scilicet xx s sterlingorum et due calcaria deaurata de pretii sex denariorum, vel sex denarios annuatim ad duos terminos ; scilicet ad Pascha decem solidos et calcaria ; et ad festum S. Michaelis decem solidos, sine calumpnia ; et salvo servitio quantum pertinet ad quartam partem feodi unius militis pro omnibus servitiis et demandis. Et ego et heredes mei debemus defendere et warantizare prasfatam terram et donationem atque con- firmationem contra omnes homines et omnes foeminas. His testibus, Radulfo capellano de Rigata, Henrico capellano, Hamone de Turbeville, Radulfo Pimpe, Luca de Laundecote, Petro de Perefricht, Willielmo de Danmartin, Gralaudo et Baldrico fratribus, Petro de Thaleuurthe, Radulfo de Turneham, Radulfo parcario, Johanne Bolle, Nicolao de la Dene, ct pluribus aliis. II. FURTHER GIFT BY SAME TO SAME. (Dugdale's Monasticon, VI, p. 604.) Sciant presentes et futuri, quod ego Odo de Dammartin, filius Willielmi de Dammartin, dcdi pro salute animae incac, Deo et Hospitali 102 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND S. Jacobi do Tanrcgge, omnes reliquias meas, et duos cifos argenteos ad calicem faciendam, et vestimenta, et omnes libros, caeteraque omnia capellae mese. Insuper, dedi praefato Hospital! ix boves, et unum taurum, et suem cum porcellis, quas sunt ad Suevic' in computatione xii bourn ; quos divisi eidem hospital!, habendos de melioribus bovibus terrse meae. Et ut haec donatio mea rata sit et stabilis, earn prassenti carta mea atque sigillo confirmavi. Hiis testibus, Rob. capellano, Will, capellano, Thoma de Wllst priore de Meretuna, Radulfo decano, et pluribus aliis. III. CHARTER BY WALTER, PRIOR OF MERTON, IN FAVOUR OF BENE- FACTORS TO THE HOSPITAL OF ST. JAMES OF TENRIGGE. (Cotton MS. Cleopatra, C. vii, fol. 86.) W[ALTERUS], Prior Meriton 1 ejusde loci c'vet ? , univ'sis Xpi fidelibus $sntes lifas insp c t r is, sf t in dno. Novit uni^sitas vra, nos divine pietatis intuitu, Dnm Odone de Dammarti fudatore t oes fres t sorores 1 oes Benefactores Hospitalis sci Jacobi de tenrig in frnitate dom 9 nre de M?eton, spatr suscepisse t cocessisse in ipi pte 1 comuione noBcum liant I oib3 o?onib5 Elemosinis, Jejuniis, Vigiliis, Disciplinis, in Missar celebratonibj, in Religionis 1 Ordinis observatonib5, t I oib5 Aliis Bonis 1 Beneficiis que i domo nra t in Omnibus Domibus Religiosis fueri 1 in ppetuu fient. In huj 9 frnitatis testimoniu sigillu nrm ^sonti scripto duximus apponendO. Vatt. Dat anno dni M.CC.xvij , xv fel Julii. IV. GIFT BY ODO, SON OF ODO DE DANSIERTIN, TO THE HOSPITAL OF ST. JAMES OF TUNREGGE. (Harleian MS. 2044 [Randall Holmes' Collections], fol. 114.) Sc. 1c. Ego Odo de Danm a ti fit Odonis de Danmertin dedi 1 p Salute aia mee et p aiab3 pris et mris mee et ancesl et successorf meorf Deo et hospitali Sci Jacob de Tiiregge et fribj ibide deo 1c. dimidia acr fre v 5 . le Brome in villa de Chepsted, qm Alfrif Soxere tenuit de me cu domib5 qm h* cum ipa Pra : feend et tenenda 1c : et ego warantij. tc : tesP Witt de Dainertin, RoBt Burnard, Radulf de Pi'p r , RoBt fil Pagani, Witt de Sco Jotic, Pet Talewrth, Ada de Talewrth, Eustachio do Wlkest, Witt de NovaPra, et pluribj aliis. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 103 V. CONCORD IN THE CURIA REGIS, BETWEEN JOHN AND ALICIA DE WAUTON AND THE PRIOR OF TENRUGGE. (Pedes finium, (10) Henry III, Surrey, No. 74.) Hec est finalis concordia fca in Cur Dni Regis apud Westm in OctaB Purificacois Beate Marie anno Regni Regis Hen? fit Regis Johis, decimo ; coram Martino de PaPhitt, Thorn de Muleton, Thorn de Heiden, RoB de Lexinton, Warino fit Johelis, Justic, 1 aliis Dni Regis fidelibj tuc ibi $sentib3 ; InP Johm de Wauton 1 Alicia uxore ejus petntes p Thoma de Grava positu loco ipius Johis ad luc a n vl pdu 1 p Wittm de Kingestun positu loco ipius Alic ad luc a n vt pdu. Et Thoma Priore de Tenrugg tenente, de q a P viginti acris bosci cu ptin in Teurugge. Undo placitu fuit inP eos in ead cur, scit qd fJdci Johs 1 Alic remiserut 1 quietu clamav'ut de se 1 heredib3 ipius Alic, ipi Priori 1 successorib3 suis 1 ecctie de Tenrugge totu jus 1 clamiu quod habuert in ^dcis quater viginti acris bosci cu ptin imppetuu. Et pro h a c remissoe quieta clamancia fine t concordia pMcus Prior remisit de se 1 successoribj suis eisd Johi 1 Alic 1 heredil:>3 ipius Alic pessona ad triginta porcos q a ra huit in bosco eorunde Johis 1 Alic ex dono Odonis Danmartin senioris. Et chaciam cu tresdeci canib3 t sex leporariis, quam huit ex dono Odonis Danmarti Junioris, in warenna eorundu Johis 1 Alic 1 hrdu ipius Alic imppetuu. VI. IK THE CURIA REGIS, BETWEEN GlLLEBERT AND RlCHALDA OlSEL AND THE PRIOR AND CHURCH OF TENRIGGE, (Pedes finium, (19) Henry III, Surrey, No, 181.) Hec est final concordia fca in Cur diii Reg apd Bermundes a die Sci Mich in tres septim, anno Regni Reg Henr fit Reg Joh decimo nono ; cora Witto de Ebor, Witto de Insula, Rado de Norwic, 1 Hug de Play3, justic itifiantil)3, 1 aliis dni Reg fidelib3 tuc ibi f?sentib3. InP GilleB Oisel 1 Richald ux ejus petentes, 1 Adam Priore de Tenrig tenente, de soxdeci acr Pre cu ptin in Tenrig. Undo assisa mortis antecess sumonita fuit inP eos in eadem cur, scit qd p\lci GilleBs 1 Richalda recogno^ut totam ^dcam PrS cum ptin esse jus ipius Prioris 1 Ecctie sue de Tenrig. Et f hac recognicbne, fine 1 concordia, idem Prior cocessit p\lcis GilleB 1 Richalde nove acr Pro cu ptin de ead Pra, scit illas nove acr Pre quas Robs de Shortehat quonda tenuit. Habend 1 tonend ipis GilleB 1 104 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND Richaldo 1 hedib3 ipius Richalde de p\lco Priore 1 succ suig t ecctia pdca inppetuu. Reddendo inde aunuati duodcci don ad festu Sci Mich p omi Ivico 1 exaccone. Et pPea idem Prior dedit p\lcis Gillefc ct Richaldo dimid marc argeti. VII. CONCORD IN THE CURIA REGIS, BETWEEN THE PRIOR OF TANRIGGE AND THOMAS DE WARBLINGTON. (Pedes finium, (47) Henry III, Surrey, Case 2, No. 177.) Hec est final concord fca in cur dm Reg apud Geldeford a die Sci Hillar in quindecim dies, anno regni Reg Henr fit Reg Johis q a d*gesio septio ; coram M a rtiuo de Littilbyr, WalPo de Bersted, Galfrido de Leukenor, Rico de Hemington, Justic Itifiant, 1 aliis dni Reg fidelib5 tuc ibi j?sentib3. InP Humfrid Priore de Tanrigge quer, t Thomam de Warblington inpediente, de uno mesuag, q a tuordeci acr Fre t duodeci acr past r e cu ptineuc in Tannerigge. Unde placitu warant carte sum fuit inr eos in eadem cur, sett qd ^dcus Thorn recogn ^dca tenemta cu ptineuc esse jus ipius Prioris t ecctie sue de Tannerigge ut ilia que idem Prior 1 ecctia sua pMca hnt de dono ipius Thorn. Hnd T; tenend eide Priori successor suis 1 ecctie sue ^dce de pMco Thorn 1 fiedib3 suis in lib?am pnram 1 ppetuam elemos inppetuum. Et p'dcus Thorn 1 heredes sui warant acquiet t defeudent ^dco Priori successor suis 1 ecctie sue pMce, pMca tenemta cu ptin ut puram t perpetuam elemos suam, liBam 1 quieta ab omni seculari Ivico 1 exaccoe, cont a omes homes inppetuu. Et p'Pea ide Thorn concessit p se 1 hedib5 suis qd ipi deceVo reddent singut annis ^dco Priori succ suis t ecctie sue pMce, viginti solidos ad duos Pminos, sett medietate ad festu Nativit Sci Johis Bapt, 1 alPam medietate ad Natale Dni. Et si ita contingat qd p\lcus Thorn vt hedes sui in solucoe ^dco^ denar ad aliqd Pminu defeclt, beue licebit eidem Priori succ suis t ecclie sue j^dce, dist'ng?e p^dcm Thorn 1 hed suos p omiiia catalla sua in omnib3 Pris 't tenemtis suis in maflio de Tenrigg inventa, usq3 ad plenam soluconem denar qui a retro ffiint. Et ^dcus Prior concessit p se succ suis 1 ecctia sua pMca, qd ipi decePo invenient quondam canonicum suu capettm qui in ecctia sua pMca ad altare Be Marie, p aiab3 ipius Thorn antecesso 1 hed suo^, quolibet die divina celebrabit. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 105 VIII. PERMISSION BY ROLAND DE OKSTED FOR GRANT BY WILLIAM DE OKSTED TO THE PRIORY. (Inquisition post mortem, 12 Edward I, Surrey, No. 49.) Pateat univ'sis hoc sc'ptu visur vi auditur qd ego Kolandus de Oksted, concessi t j? me t hredibus mei? cofirmavi . . P'ori de Tenregg 1 eiusdm loci conventui, ingressu in Pris et tenemt cu ptifi q a s petut de gra dni Reg? recipe de dono Witti de Oksted de feodo meo. In villa de Oksted. Hnd 1 tend de me 1 nredibus meis vi meis assig*tis faciendo inde m t nredibus meis omia fvicia inde de jure debita t cosueta, j>ut in sc'ptis inV nos ad mod cirog a ph c'fectis plenius c'tinet r . In cui 9 rei testimou p^senti sc^to sigillum meum apposui. Dat die Jovis pxia ante festum Sci Edmudi C'fessor, Anno r' Reg? Edward cio decio. LICENCE IN MORTMAIN FOR HENRY DE GULDEFORD TO GRANT TO PRIOR AND CONVENT OF TANRIGGE THE ADVOWSON OF CRAWEHURST CHURCH. (Patent Roll, 30 Edward I, m, 3.) Pro Priore \ li oraib3 ad quos 'tc, saltm. Licet de comuni consilio de Tanriggc.) regni nri statflimns qd n5 liceat viris religiosis sen aliis ingredi feodu alien jus ita qd ad manum mortuam deveniat sine licencia nra 1 capitalis dni de quo res ilia immediate tenet 1 " ; p finem, tamen quem dilcus nobis in Xpo Prior de Tanrigge fecit nobiscum coram vefiabili pre WalPo Coventr 1 Lych Epo, Thes nro, coucessimus et licenciam dedimus, quantum in nobis est, Hen? de Guldeford qd ipe advocacoem occtie de Craweburst dare possit 1 assignare ^fatis Priori t Conventui ejusdem loci, tenendam 1 hendum sibi t successoribus suis imppetuu. Et eisd Priori et Conventui qd ipi advocacbem illam j?dco Henrico recipere possint tenendam t fiendam sibi 1 successoribus suis pMcis, sicut p^dcm est tenore jJsenciu, similit r licenciam dedimus spatem, Nolentes qd idem Heuricus vel herodea sui aut j^dci Prior 1 Conveutus seu succossores sui, rbno Statuti ^dci p nos vel heredes nros inde occonent 1 in aliquo, vel g*vent r . Salvis tamen capitalibus dnis feodi illius viciis inde debitis et consuetis. la cujus lc. T. R. apud Westni xiiij die Novembr, 106 TANEIDGE PRIORY, AND X. INJUNCTIONS, 20xn DECEMBER, 1308, CONSEQUENT ON VISITATION. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fols. 148 v to 149 .) Tanrugge. Fr H[enricus, pmissione divina Winton epus,] dilcis filiis . . P'ori de Tanrugg' nre dioc, vl ejus vices gerenti^ t ejusd loci Conventui, saltm, gram 1 bn. Nup nos die Jovis px post $n Sci Edwardi Regf 1 Confessorf, anno Dni MCCC mo octavo, vos et moii vrm put uro pastorali incumbit officio visitantes/queda inP vos correcoe digna repim , que sub for* que subsequit r , decrevim corrigenda. In pijnis, ordinamus, statuim 9 1 jtaipimus, qd divinu officiii, tarn de die o, a de nocte, cu oi sollempnitate, qua convenit, de cePo celebret 1 ", saltim q. singlis dieb5, cum missis ad quas p scriptu, vl p juramentu tenemiui, j? bnfactorib5 celebrenf, vidett missa una de Sea Maria cu nota, t alfa cum nota, que dicif missa major ad qua tenei ex observancia regulari, 1 quicuqj ad dcas missas celebrandas p bnfctorib5 sive alias cu nota ffiint intitulati, nisi p se, seu suppoitas personas ipas celebrafint/ volumus eodem die in pane et aq a jejunant t nicho per alios misso celebret 1 " antedce, ne ppf eo maliciam, divinu officiii subt a hat r , 1 nullus ab officio divino, absq^ ca ronabili 1 legia se absentet, 1 tune de sui p'oris licencia spali. Item, vestigiis bone memorie dni Ottoboni dudum Ap ce Sedis legati in Angt inherentes/ statuendo ut sup a ftaipiimis, g, canoici int vos pfessi 1 in sa?docio constituti frequenP confiteant r suo priori, vl alteri ejusd ordinis de ijpius licencia, 1 divina celebrent in locis ad hoc deputatis 1 hacten 9 cosuetis. Item, ^cipim g, supp'or scdm anteg,* consuetudine, inP vos usitatam in vro collegio de vro cpnsensu unanimi p^ficiaf. P*Jcipim eci5 q. silenciu inP vos locis t temporib3 scdm regula vram de cePo artius observed, 1 q. hostia claustri, horis debitis, claudant r 1 clausa eisdem tempib3 custodiant 1 ". Item, j^cipim , cj nullus absqj licencia sui p'oris claustnim vl mon exire quoquo modo p^sumat, nee supior ille ita de facili ut consuetu est frem alique licenciet ad exeund absq^ ca justa 1 ronabili, 1 tune sic exiens, honestum comitem p p'orem s l adjunctu fieatj t limitato sibi tempe redeat sine mora. Item, pVpim Ut s a , q n8s frum f>ut covenit augeat r q a cici ? ad id facultas se optulerit, 1 ydonei valeant repiri. Inhibem 9 ecia ne quis vrm decePo utat r veste aliq a ordiui suo dissimti 1 indecenti, 53 tali qu regla vra t religionis honestas exigit 't requirit, pviso q. omi sit m'tus uniformis, Inhibem 9 ^ ne qui vrm cortinas heant in domitorio circa lectos, 33 ita jaceaut singti ut videri valeant a quolibet transeunte. Item, ordinam 9 1 statuend ^cipimus, q. infirmi confres vri scdm eo^ indigenciS 1 vram regulam visi- tent r , 1 scdm f a terne humanitatiB debitu decefo pcurenf, ac elemosina THE AUSTIN CANONS. 107 debita 1 consueta, plus solito fiat in fut r m. Item, inhibem 9 ne decefo, fribj existentibj in mesa inhoneste psone seculares refectoriii ing e diant r , t comedant, sive sint domestici, sive ex a nei 53 exsp c tent usq^ post refecom fratnim, vl loc 9 ali 9 p eo refeccoe eis decePo deputef. Item, inhibem 9 , ne comessacoes 1 potacoes post cubitu frum, quisq, a vrm teneat in refectoris, vel alibi, u c de cosuetudle, absq^ ronabili ca reficiat r , n l horis debitis et cosuetis. Item, statuendo p'cipim , q, null 9 frum cu muliere susp c ta, vl de q a possit fieri suspicio, sive seculari, sive religiosa, locis 1 tempib3 susp c tis colloq'u fceat, n c ad domu ipius, quoquo m accedat, ne ex hoc scandalu in pplo oriat r . Item, statuim 9 ordinam 9 1 p'cipim 9 qd quolibet anno semel admin 9 statu mon vri in capitlo pu ce cor frib3, put statuta sco patru exigut, prior 'I celarius, qui p tempe fSint ostendant, 1 de administ a coe sua reddant plena? roem, t circa exofiacom eris alieni, in quo mon obligat 1 , in q a ntu est possibile laborent, t coinodu mon vri pcurent decePo put possunt. Item, statuimus ordinam 9 1 jicipim , q scdm antic^ a consuetudinem hacten 9 inP vos usitata, t vVi ordinis regulam in esculentis t poculentis, vestib3 t aliis n a cciis, jux a facultates eccie vre voB provideat r , t si que illicite alienata ffiint, p virib3 revocent r , 1; majora negocia monaster vri, ac sigillu vrm cbe de voluntate 1 assensu majoris 1 sanioris ptis conventus, tractent 1 ", efceanf, fiat 1 decePo pcurent r , 1 ^ nemora vra nllaten 9 psternant 1 ", n c arbores in eisdem dentur nisi de c'sensu unanimi, t ex ca ronabili vobis p'mit 9 ex^ssa, 1 p majorem pte vri collegii approbata. P7missa oia 1 singla voB mittim sub sigillo iiro patent signata, p vos 1 quelibet vrm q a ten 9 vos cojunctim, 1 divisim tangut, sou taug?e poPunt in fut r m, in virtute see obedie diligeuP t fidelif observanda 1 quolibet anno q a ter, vidett, qlibet q a terio anui semel coram vot in pleno capitlo vro, scilicet, in p'ma Dnica Adventus Dni, t in Dnica medie Q a dragesime, 1 in &> Ascencois Dnice, ac ecia infra octaB Nativit Be Marie vir$ plene, disticte 1 apte, publice recitauda, ne quis vrm sup ^missis vl eoji aliquib3 seu aliquo, ignorancia ^tendere. Valeat quoquomodo. Dat apud Essher', xiij fet Decembr, anno Dni sMco. Cons ore, q a rto. XL COMMISSION OF ENQUIRY AS TO CONFORMITY WITH INJUNCTIONS: 25iu NOVEMBER, 1308. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 97 v.) Commissio de Tanruggc. Fr Il[enricus] lc, ditcis fit, p'ori de Tanrugg' nrc dioc, vl cjus vices gerenti, 1 ejusd loci con. Saltm, gram 108 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND t bn. Ad Vminand felicP, ac modestiori quo poPim 9 , p honorc religionis, ea qne in vro mon, nup in nr* visitacoe invenim y corrigenda, religiosis viris, Fr Laur de Glouc, sacre theologie pfessori, 1 fri Ad Sa monacho Sci Swithi Wint, comittimus vices nras, cu coficois canoice ptate. eosd ad vos ftaenciafr dirigendo, vofcq^ 6ib3 & singlis in virtute see obedic p\5ipim 9 1 mandam 9 , q a tin 9 eis singlis que emendacom status domus vre contig?e pofunt ac in oibj, que ex pte nra vot> injungent quo ad tempalia 1 spualia, plenius peatis 1 humiliP intendatis. Vatt. Dai apd Farnh'to, vij kt Decembr, anno 1c [MCCC mo octavo]. XII. REPORT OF COMMISSION : STH DECEMBER, 1308. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 96 v.) Acta ejusdem. Md 5 fres L[aurencius] 1 Ad [am] feria quiuta px ante ffii Sci And?, anno Dm MCCC mo Octavo, mane in capitulo de Tarugg' cora p'ore, celerar et toto coventu ^misso fbo Dei, p^o J ex- hibfiut dec e tum dni H[enrici] Dei gr* Wint epi, 1 iltd in singlis suis articlis diligenci 5 * exposfiut. Scdo.^ qsiert ab eis certificator mandatf dci pat's sup c'poto redd cit a certu die. Et quia n5 certificarut pena tante inobedie debita dni Wint epi arbit*o, reservart. Tertio^ iuq'siert an celerari comp reddiderit et invefiunt q, a tempe fundacois dom 9 n c tepe celer nuc existent^ n c alPius iinq. a comp reddebaf. Ita q. nesciebat valore dom 9 , sm a reddit anni nee exitu cuj^cunq^ g a ngie, n c suma seminis sem per annu in quocunq^ gefle g a ni, nee exitu cuj cuq^ tass bladi, n c sm a blad ad furniend p annu, nee ad brae, nee lifcacoes famulo^, nee aliud sciebant prior, celerarius vl alii qd ad statum ptinere debuit. Quarto ^ fe6"unt celerariu reddle comptu coram prioret conventu 1 inci- pientes a p'mo anno sue administ a cois, tot invenert negligencias 1 falsi- tates, qd vix infra spaciu multo^ die illu compotu Pmiuassent, io seqnti die incepunt ab ultimo anno sue administ a cois, t inventis falsitatib^ detestabilib3 fecerut p manus Simouis de Schirford ordinem compoti unius anni pro exemplo reddendi comp f> fut u o. Quiuto^ dcs fr A [dam] cum W[illelmo] de Schire, canonico t eorum ballio per ordinacoem dci L[aurencii] viderut ptem nemo^ 1 invenerut qd possunt vend?e in loco que viderunt de vefibj quercub5 ad valorem viginti marca p empcoe bladi 1 debitis acquitand 1 hoc absq^ dampnu dom . Sexto ^ quia ministri eo^ sectares numq^ 4 p talt vl juramentu ffirut ofiati, eos ofiarut p ut m q^ 1 sup hoc et aliis ordinacoem fec\mt in for* que sequit r in sedula THE AUSTIN CANONS. 109 huic adjuncta. Septimo^ ordinarut diim Henr' tang* supvisore re ext'nseca, et dnm Wilfm de Schire receptorem olm spectanciu [infra] prioratum t hoc sub for* in q a dam sedula contenta 1 status aute dom 9 1 ordinacoem comp apparent in q a dam cedilla lafali. Octavo ^ ipis exis- tentib3 in dissencoe, dcs L[aurencius] omes reduxit ad concordia. Nono r' injunxit eis oi q*rter' anni in vro capitlo pu ce recitanda Dat apd Tanrugg' die Sci And? apli, anno Dni MCCC mo octavo, 110 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND XIV. FURTHER COMMISSION FOR VISITATION (1308). (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 103 v.) Commissio de Tanrugge. Fr H[enricus] 1c, ditcis filiis . . priori et convent de Tanrugg', nre dioc, saltm te. PropP queda visitacom iiram apud vos mip fcam contingencia, dilcos noB in Xpo, Magros Pfim de Barton, archm nrm Surr, 1 Laur de Glouc, monachu Sci Pet 1 ej 9 de (sic) sacre theologie pfessore, vot> destinam 9 canoice Pminanda, q'b3 in h tt c pte vices ni^s comitt, cu cofccois canoice ptate. VoB injungentes, q a tifi eisd in hiis 1 aliis, que penes vos inveflint corrigeda, peatis sicut not. Scientes cj censuras quas tulerit in rebelles, faciem 9 auctore Dno inviolabiliP observari. Dat tc. [MCCC Octavo.] l XV. DEPRIVATION OF HENRT DE PECHAM OF OFFICE OF CELLARER, AND APPOINTMENT OF ANOTHER IN HIS PLACE : 4TH FEBRUARY, 1309. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 101 r.) . . Priori et conventui de Tanrugge. Saltm, gram 1 bn. Cum nos visitacois nre officiu, int vos jur' dioces nup exWntes, frem H[enricum] tuc celerariu vrm, multis roib3 id poscentib5 ab officio suo ^dco amov'im 9 t eundem supvisore re^i ext'nseca^, in subsidiu fris Witti de Shire que p titilitate mofi vri, vrm ordinavim 9 receptore deputav 9 im 9 , quousq^ a d in hac pte dux'im statuend. Voletes, quod s c p nos gestU ^ semiplene, plenariu sorciat' effcm, voB mandam 9 in virtute see obedie firmiP injun- gentes, q a t 9 p^dcm frem Henr, que tenore ^senciu ab oi admist a coe tem- paliu certis ex cais absolvim 9 , a ^dca cur celerar amoventes, ipm de tem- pali administ a coe intmitPe nllaten pmittatis, n c cepta vri p'orat exire, quousq^ aliud a nobis riueritis in mandatis. Dem vero frem W[illelmum] de Shyre in officio celerar loco suo substituatis. Frem Johm de Goth a m, vel aliu vri collegii ad hoc ydoneu f> gerenda cura rejs inf a limites p'oratus existenciu |^fato Witto adjugentes, ut vices gerat receptoris, et de consilio ejusd fris W[illelmi] ad utilitate vre eccie admlstret. Sic' vos hntes in ^missc ut flito de negligencia redargui minime valeatis. Dat apd M^ewett, ij non Febr, anno Domini mitto CCC mo Octavo. Cons fire, q^to. 1 The succeeding entry in the Register is dated 1st March, 1308-9, and is written with the same ink. THE AUSTIN CANONS, 111 XVI. ORDER FOR BANISHMENT AND IMPRISONMENT OP HENRY DE PECHAM, LATE CELLARER: 12TH MARCH, 1309. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 103 v,) Littera pro fratre H. de Pecham, canonico de Tanrugge. Frater H[enricus] tc, dilcis fit . . Priori t convent' de Novo loco, saltm, tc. Quia frem H[enricum] de Pech a m, canoicum de Tanrugg' certis, 1 legittimis ex cais, honore religiois, t sue aie salute contingeutib3 a domo sua pMca, duxim emittend vofc firmit injungendo madam 9 , q a tin 9 visis j?sentib5, ipm ad temp ? , apud vos, sumptib3 p'orat 9 de Tanrugg' ^dci moraturu, benigni 9 admittatis, ita, cj in certa cafla cu n a cciis vite tin moram t a hat n c s 1 certum locum exire liceat aut cu secularibj nere t a ctatu, nisi, de p^ris aut suppWis licencia spali, t p visum duo confrum vro etatis mature 1 cofsacois honeste, quos auctoritate nra ipi 9 custodie continue deputetis. P?missa vice nra, effcualiter exequetes, quousq^ a d a nofc sr hiis hQitis in mand. Dat apd Essher, iiij Id M a rcii, anno Dni miltio CCC mo Octavo. XVII. ORDERS TO PRIORY OF NEWARK AS TO TREATMENT OF PRISONER : 23RD MARCH, 1309. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 105 r.) Pecham. Frater Henricus tc, dilcis . . Priori et conventui do Novo loco, saltra, gram et bn. Cum nos nup visitacois nre officiu jure dioces in p'oratu de Tanrugge nre dioc ex'centes, Frat 1 Henrico de Pech^ ejusdem p'orat 9 canoico, suis deflitis id poscentibus p ale ipius salute, penitenciam injunxim 9 infrascptam, usq^ ad lire volutatis bnplacitu apud vos pagendam^ vidj cj in secreta, 1 separata cank, solus absq^ socio sub custodia duo cocanoico^ vrojs, bone opinionis et etatis mature ipm frem Heiir vicissim custodiencium, et claves ipius cafle deferencium, comoret r , 1 (j idem in qualibet sexta feria, singlis ebdomadabus, in pane cervisia 1 potagio tin, jejunet ; aliis vero diebus du apud vos remanserit, pane, cervisia, et potagio cu uno ferculo tmm sit contentus, n c cepta canta ^dco exeat quoquo modo, nisi ca inevitabilis 1 ronabit, hoc exposcat, n ecia divina infra dcm tempus celebrare quovis modo p'sumat, seu cu aliqua psona seculari scorsum, sive religiosa, nisi in ftaencia custodu ipius, seu alterius eod, p vos ut $mitti r deputadojs, colloquiu heat quoquo modo, p cujus ncciis, sb for* q* ^mittit r , eid p vos minisfndis, siuglia ebdomadabus, ^ diu inP vos I TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND mora t a xerit, duodecim denar a . . Priore t capitlo de Taurugg' pMcis:' vofc sol vend, duxim 9 statuend. Vobis mandamus in virtute see obedie 1 sub pe a districcois canoice, firmiP injugendo, q a tin 9 dcm frem Henr devote admittentes, eide cantam, 1 custodia, ac cePa, n a ccia, juxta forma supius exftasam exhibere, nllaten 9 omittatis. TaliP in ^missis vos fintes, ne sup inobediencia, fraude, seu ncgligencia, vos redargfie, quoq modo nos contingat in fut u m. Vatt. Dat apud Novu locum, ix kt Aprit, anno Dm milto CCC rao octavo. Cons nre, quarto. XVIII. ORDER FOR AMELIORATION OF PUNISHMENT : 27iH MAY, 1309. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 108.) Littera priori de Novo loco pro fratre Henrico de Pecham directa. Saltm, gram t bn. Quia intellexim 9 q, fr H[enricus] de Pekh a m, apud vos de mandato nro moram t a hens, pniam s 1 impoita, cu humilitate sustinuit pacienP, ita ^ in eo, certa sue emendacois indicia ja appent, voB manda[m] 9 q a t 9 ipm, liBantes a cafla in q a detinet r , pmittatis eunde seq* Convent in choro, dormitorio, refectorio, cefisq^ locis inf a clausu, sub certo custode p vos sue custodie deputando, sic ^ claustr no exeat, quousq^ tc. Vat. Dat apud Alt Cler, vj kt Junii, anno Dni miltio CCC mo nono. XIX. PERMISSION FOR HIM TO RETURN TO TANRIDGE : 16TH JULY, 1309. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 112.) Pecham. FraP H[enricus] tc, dilcis filiis . . Priori t Conventui de Novo loco nre dioc, saltm, gram 1 bn. Cum pnia, nedu, scdm q a ntitate excessus, 33 ecia scdm penitentis contricom, jux a p^sidentis arbit'um, pvide sit moderand, 1 si necesse ffiit penitus relaxand, ac nos p tras vras intelleximus, quod Frater Henr de Pech a m, canoicus de Tanrugge, que vobis alias t a nsmisimus, pniam s 1 certis decais, p nos impoitam, sub certa for* inP vos pacturus, pacienP, 1 cu oi humilitate et contricoe magna, in eadem pagenda, se gessit, ita cj. certu sue emendacois indicium penes vos oms appet manifeste. Nos igit r devocoe ^fati fris Henrici, sic ut ^mittit r penitentis, t laudabile testimonio, quod de ipsius vita phibetis, consideratis ^ volentes pniam per nos eide impoitam, ex cais ^missis relaxare/voB mandam 9 q a tinus, ipm cu suo p'ore, ad mon de Tanrugg' t locu pp'u redire libe pmittatis. Cui ad dcm mon redeund lifcam in THE AUSTIN CANONS. 113 Dno tenore j?sencf concedim 9 facultate. Scientes insup g, nre occurrit bn mernorie, q a liP p suis necessariis, q a mdiu inP vos mora feit, vofc singlis ebdomadabj, duodecl den a suo p'ore de Tanrugg' solvend, duxim 9 ordiaare, sup cuj 9 pecuie solucoe, voB celeriP faciend . . Priori suo memorato, Iras nras monatorias, destinavim 9 . Dat apud Essher', xvij kt August!, anno Dai MCCC mo nono. XX. ORDER FOR PAYMENT FOR EXPENSES OF PRISONER : 16in JULY, 1309. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 112.) Littera . . Priori et conventui Novi loci pro fratre Henrico de Pech a m directa. Fr H[enricus] 1c, dilcis filiis . . Priori t conventui de Tanrugg', saltm, gram [1 biT]. Cu nos alias frem H[enricum] de Peck a m, cocanonicu vrm, cui suis deflitis id poscentib3 in ultra visitacoe ura, qua nup inP vos ex'cuim , pniam injuxim 9 salutare, . . Priori 1 con- ventui de Novo loco nre dioc, p hi 9 pnia sub certa for a inP eos pagenda, duxim 9 destinare, p suis necessariis minist a ndis eid, singlis ebdomadab3 a vot> duodeci denar solvend q a mdiu iuf eosd mora fef it, eisdem statu- entes. Et nos ad instancia . . prioris t conventus Novi loci de ipius cotricoe 1 devocbe animi, in eadem penitentia pagenda, laudibile testi- moniii phibenciu, penitencia eid impoitam, ja duxim 9 relaxarer' vobis manda 9 1 districte monem 9 in Dno, q a t 9 dcm frem Henr, in? vos benigne admittentes, habita computacoe solerti sup ipius rnora inP canoicos monasterii Novi loci, juxta jitactam taxacbm iiram celeriP p ipius fris H[enrici] n a cciis satisfaciatis eisd, ita $ p\extu bi 9 ipos de voB imposteji noB conquer' noa contingat, 1 ipm sicut frem claust a lem, tractetis, ita qd de vris int'nsecis vl ext'nsecis negociis ut baits vl obedienciarius nllaten 9 se intmittat, quousq^ de ipius gestu laudabili inP vos in monasPio vro recepim 9 fidem pleniore. Dat apd Essher', xvij kt August!, anno Dm miltio CCC mo uono. XXI. LETTERS OF REQUEST TO THE PRIOR OF NEWARK TO PERMIT THOMAS DE ST. ALBAN, ONE OF HIS CANONS, TO LEAVE THE PRIORY, IN ORDER TO BECOME PRIOR OF TANRUGGE. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 108 v.) Littera priori de Novo loco pro fratre Thoma de Sancto Albano directa. Fr II[enricus] tc, dilco fit . . Priori do Novo loco nre dioc, 114 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND saltm, gram t bn. Quia from Thoma do Sco Albano c5canoicu vrm in p'ore monasterii do Tanrngg' nro dioc, put not> iucubit ista vice, licet iuvitu ffacere intendim 9 , quod absq^ licencia vra spali fae volutatis fire non existit, cu n c ipe abso^ vofc in hoc licite valeat cosentir', vos attente requirim 9 t rogam 9 , q a t 9 dcra Thoma, ab obedia t subjeccoe, qua, domui vre est astrictus absolventes, eid hi 9 j&xioni nre consenciendi, 1 ad dcm Mon de Tanrugg' t a nseundi, licencia p vr^s patentes tras concedere velitis spalem. Vatt. Dat tc. XXII. LICENCE FOR THE TRANSFER, &c. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 109 t?.) Littera directa fratri Thome de Sancto Albano. FraP H[enricus] 1c, dilco filio fri The de Sco Albano, saltm, gram t bn. Cum constet not p^re tuu Mon de Novo loco, de consensu conventus ejusdem, ab 6i subjeccoe et obediencia quibus moii ^dco astrictus extiPas, in for a juris te absolvisse, 1 ad Mon de Tanrugge nre dioc t a nseundi, licenciam p suas tras patentes concessisse spalem, ac nos te in p^rem Mon de Tanrugg' $dci put not ista vice incubit ^fife decrev'im 9 , dno cocedente^ Tibi mandamus, q a tin y hac instanti die M a rtis mane apd Essher' ad nos dirigas g?ssus tuos, factur' et recept(> in jmiissis, quod ordo postlat rois. Vah Datlc, 1 XXIII. APPOINTMENT OF COADJUTOR FOR TEMPORAL AFFAIRS: 22ND NOVEMBER, 1312. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wodelok, fol. 175.) Tanrugge. Frater H[enricus] tc, dilcis filiis . . Prior t conventui de Tanruggh', nre dioc, salute 1c. Cum nup p discretes viros Magrm Laurenciu de Gloucest, monachu, sacre pagine pfessorem, 1 . . Offic nrm, p 5 oratu vrum tarn in capite q a m in membr, manda^imus visitari : lidemo^ visitacois officiu, debite ex'centes, invenissent p'oratu ^dcm, p simplicitate 1 negligenciam Prioris qui de dilapidate ex Stis cais suspectus hebatur in tantu collapsum qd vix adivide fcm est ratu 1 g a tum fentes. VoB in v'tute obediencie firmif injugendo mandam , q a tin ea que p ipos ibid ordinata sut inviolabiliP observantes, omia que ^fatus dns Carolus, in hiis que ad minist^coem respiciut temporale p vra utilitate rite dul'it, ordinand, studeatis efficaciP adimplere quoadusq^ dux'im 9 alif providend : nolum ? tamen qd ipe vl vos, sine nro bnptito 1 assensu ad aliquas alienacoes faciendas inPrim pcedatis. Volum 9 ^ 1 mandam 9 qd dcus Prior cui usum cuj'cumq^ sigilli ad mutuu cont a hendu inPdicim,uno sololviente sit contentus. Presentes aute Iras penes dcm dnm Carolu volum remafie. Dat apud Suthwerk', x ktn Decembr, anno Diai miltimo CCC mo duodecimo. Cons nre, octavo. XXIV. PROCLAMATION OF ELECTION OF JOHN HANSAKD TO BE PBIOR; I?TH MARCH, 1324. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Stratford, fol. 3.) Johes 1c, dilco filio . . offic archi Surr, saltm gram 1 bn. Vacante nup p'oratu de Tanrigg' nre dioc p morte Hen? de Pech a m ultimi prioris ejusdem. . . Supp'or 1 ejusdem loci cocanonici, Frem Jofem Hansard dee dom 9 concano cu in p'orem dee ecctie de Tanrigg' ; licencia eligendi a dci p'oratus patrono, petita p'mit 9 1 optenta, concordir 1 cano ce , ut aslit r , eleg?unt. Cum g' ad exaiaconem negocii etccois memorato q'nto die juridico post instans fm Annuc'Bte M e in ecctia conve 15 de Suthe- werk nre dioc, favente Dno, fced?e intendam 1 ulPius quod nro incumbit offico pag?e in hac pto ? Vobis firmiP injugendo mandam 9 q a ti citetf seu citar' fac' pemptor? oppoitorem vl oppoitores si qui sint noiati in sjpe, ac oms alios in gefle, in ecctia dei p'orat qui so voluerint oppose cont* dci electi psona seu etccbis forma pMce, ipam etccbm palam 1 pu " denu- ciando, qd copeant cor nofc vl . . comissar nostr die 1 loco p\lis, ^cise 1 pemptor', .ppoitnr' t ostensur', quicq'd ppofte vl obiSe volfiint cont* electi psonam ut pMicif vl otccbia forma, si eibi viderint oxpedire factur'^ 116 TANKIDGE PRIORY, AND ulrius in dco nego cum c'tinuaconc et progacone die sbsequenciu, qnod cano ce dictavcrint sancfones. De die recept tc. Dat' apd Suthenvcrkf, xv jmo kf n Aprit, anno Dni MCCC ino xxiiij to . (sic pro xxiij .) XXV. PROCESS OF THE ELECTION; MANDATE FOR INDUCTION; AND MONITION OF OBEDIENCE: 31sT MARCH, 1324. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Stratford, fol. 3.) Process of the Election. Acta cor nob Jofcne, pmissione dla Wynton eps, in ecctia con u do Suthewerkf nre dioc, die Veflis px p 9 fm Anne Be M e anno Dni Mittio CCC mo xxiiij to in nego etccois de fre Johne Hansard cocano co p'oraP de Tanrigg' nre dioc, p ^centore 1 cocano 008 ejusdem dom 9 in pWem dee dom 9 nuc vacantf, nnp celebrate, electo. Lecta tra c\ificat' offic dni arcfti Surr p qnam constabat oppoitores quoscuq^ q 1 c' a dcm etcm sen elccois forma de eo fcam so oppofle ant dicTe volflint, ad dcos diem 1 locu coram noB vl comiss' nostr pemptor fuisse vocatf, p^cise t peto quicq'd diSe, ppofle aut obiSe voluerint cont a dcm etcm sen etccois forma cum effectu ppoitur' t ostensnr', ulPi 9 q factur' 1 receptur' cu c'timiacoe t progacone diejs sequenciU quod cano ce dictav'int sanctones. Precetorq^ 1 cocanonici de Tanrigg' j?dci, p frem Jotim de Pende dee dom cocano cu , ad psequend dee etccois negm per eosd pcur tie c'stitutu ac dco etco pso^compen 1 '?, ac exhibitis p eunde pcur pcuratorio suo, decreto etccois p eos celebrate 1 pitate quada copmissar facta de eligendo eis p'orem dee dom 9 , n c non quada tra a patno dee dom 9 de licencia eligendi ab eo petita 1 opteta ; factaq^ pu * pclamacoe ad hostiu ecctie con 1 " 1 ^dce qd siq 1 essent q cont a dcm etcm seu etccois forma de eodem Jofine fcam quicq* di& aut ppofle voluerint, qd cor nob tune coperent ppoitur' q'cq'd ppofte volSint in hac pte ipisq^ sepi ^conizatis 1 diuci exsp c tatis, nlloq^ cSpente nee aliq'd c' a dcos etcm t etccois forma dicente vl ppo 10 , nllis eciam instructoribus in hac pte pductis, nee aliqs pdu& volentc se nichil in dco nego di& vl ppofle qvism, factaq^ publica 06 decreti t exhibito^ jidco^ de c'sensu etci t f>cur j^fat ^ ^figim 9 dcis pcur t etco diem Sabbti ,px tune seqn loco q p'us ad faci d ~ ulrius in dco etccois nego cor nob, quod justicia suadebit. Quib5 die t loco, dcis pcur 1 etco ut p'us compen tib 3, ^conizatis ecia oppoitorib3 hi qd ppoffent c' a dcos etcm 1 etccois forma quicq'd diSe aut p.pofie voluerint, nlloq^ licet lie |^coni- zato 1 diuci 9 exp c tato quovism cSpente, jtalusaq^ via dcis oppoitoribj 1 omib3 aliis viam quicq* ulfi 9 in hac p te pponedi p decretu, dcoq, decreto f>pV i pi us ineptitudine 1 nllitatem in eodem contentf, mltiplicif THE AUSTIN CANONS. 11 7 ipugnato, tand iidem etcus 1 pcur cor nob in judico, pso* 1 *? constituti, dee etccoi de ipo etco fte 1 6i juri rone ejusdem ipi eico copetenti vl cope- tituro, ac pcessui cora nob hito, pure simp r 1 absolute resignarut ordi- nacoi 1 gre nre in hac pte totalif submittetes. Et quia nob constat dcam elcom 1 etccois forma mltiptr fuisse 1 esse iillam 1 010 invalidam- pttatem eidem ecctie de p j ore pvidendi nob rite 1 tie fuisse et esse hac vice pleuo jure devoluta:'' pnuciam 9 in hiis sc'ptis ptestantes expVse eid ecclie de p'ore p. vid?e, put ad nos ptinet hac vice pleno jure, pfigim 9 ^ dco etcto 1 pcur die Lune px tune seqn loco quo p i us ad facrl" 1 recipi d ~ in code nego quod justicia suadebit. Postmod vero die Lune adve te loco quo p'us p^bunali sedentes, dcm frem Johm Hansard in p j ore dee ecctie pfecim 9 sb hac for*. IN DEI NOIE, AMEN. Nos Johannes, pmissione dm Wynton epus, cum ad nos pvidendi p'oratui de Tanrigg' nre Wynton dioc de p'ore sit cano ce hac vice devoluta pttas, Nos volentes quate cum Deo possum 9 pvid?e ipi p^ratui de te fre Joline Hansard, ipius ecctie concano co , in oblvancia regular! exjfese pfesso 1 in sac^doco c'stituto, pvidem 9 1 te in p'orem ecctie de Tanrigg' memorate, admis- t*tom ta in spualib5 q^ in tpra b 5 t' com t tetes. Mandate of Induction. Johnes pmissione dia Wynton Eps, ditco filio . . Offic archi Surf, saltm gram 1 bn. Quia nos frem Jofeem Hansard ecctie de Tanrigg' nre dioc cocano cu , in oblvancia regulari ex^sse pfessum t- in ordine saSdocii constitutu, ipi ecctie pvidendi p'oratui Stis de causis 1 legis ad uos hac vice jpttate tie devoluta $fecim 9 in p'orem^ vob comittimus 1 mandan/ q a tin 9 eund frem Johem Hansard in corpalem poss'one dei p'orat 9 , juriu 1 ptinenciaj^ sua, inducatis 1 defendatis inductu. ContMeores vero 1 rebelles, si qui ffiint, in hac pte p censura ecctiastica compescendo. Dai apd Suthewerkf , iiij 10 non Aprit, anno Dni MCCC mo xxiiij to . Monition of Obedience. Jofcncs, pmissione dia Wynton epus, ditcis filiis . . Precentori 1 cocano" 3 * de Tanrigg' ur'e dioc, saltm gram 1 bn. Quia nos frem Jofiem Hansard, ecctie vre de Tanrigg' p\lce, in oblvancia rcgulari ex^sse pfessum 1 in ordine sac^docii constitutu, ipius ecctie jure nob pvidendi de p'ore dci loci hac vice pttate lie devoluta, cano ce |?fecim ? in p'oremr' vob injugim 9 1 mandam 9 q*tiu 9 eidem fri Johi tanq*m pk)ri vro sitis in omib3 intendentes pariP 1 obedientes, put ordis vri regula docet, exigit ac requirit^ Scientes qd snias quas rite tulerit in rebelles, ratas nebim 9 1 faciem 9 auctore Dno inviolabilit ob?vari. Dat apd Suthewerkf , iiij u Non Aprit, anno Dni miltimo CCC^xxiiij* . Et cons nre, p'mo. 118 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND XXVI. COMMISSION OF COADJUTOR TO PRIOR: 31sT MAY, 1330. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Stratford, fol. 51.) Jons lc, ditco filio diio Laur de Rustyngton, saltm, gram t fcn. Priore 1 frlb5 domus de Tanrigg' nre dioc p nos nup, modo debito visitatis, tis 1 legis de cais admistracom bono dee dom p'ori inrdixim memorato, don aliud de statu suo duxW 9 ordinand. To igit r de cuj 9 fidelitate 1 industria fiduciam reportam 9 , coadjutorera dco p'ori inPim deputam 9 . Nolentes qd sine consilio 1 assensu tuo, p j or seu q l vis aliua de bonis dee dom 9 aliquatr intmittat, custodiamq^ 1 admitracom bono dec dom 9 tibi tanq a m coadjutori legio, donee aliud ordina^im 9 , comittim p ffeentes. In cujus tc. Dat apud Essh?e, ij ktu [Junii], anno Dni miltio, CCC mo ^cesimo. Et cons nre, vij. Eisdem die, loco t anno sc ! pt fuit p'ori ^dco qd intend?et eidem Laur tanq*m coadjutori suo legio I bac pte. XXVII. INQUISITION ad quod damnum, FOR GIFT BY HENRY ATT DONNE TO THE PRIORY OF 5 ACRES AT OKSTEDE. (British Museum, Add. MS. 6167 [Symm's Collections], p. 415.) Juratores dicunt qd licet Escaetor dni Regis in Comitatu Surr? p quandam Inquisicoem coram ipso ex officio suo captam invenerit qd Prior de Tannigge appropriavit sibi 1 domui sue quinq^ acras terre cum ptin in Okstede ex douacone 1 concessione Hen? att Donne de War- lyngham fcis domui pMce tempore dni Regis pris dni Regis nunc, post publicacoem Statuti de terris 1 tentis ad manu mortuam non ponend editi, licencia ipius dni Regis sup hoc non obtenta. Dicunt tamen qd idem Prior de pMcis quinq^ acris terre, tanquam de pcella dee carucate a tempore donationis 1 assignacois earundem sei^tus fuit quousq^ p^dcus Escaetor p\lcas quinq^ acras terre p virtutem Inquisiconis ^dce cepit in manu dni Regis. In cujus rei testimofl lc. XXVIII. EPISCOPAL VISITATION OF THE PRIORY WHEN JOHN HANSARD RE- SIGNED AND PHILIP DE WOKYNGHAM WAS APPOINTED PRIOR: 4TH SEPTEMBER, 1335. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 26 v.) M d . qd iiij u die mensis Septebr, anno Dni, mitto, CCC m xxxv to . THE AUSTIN CANONS. 119 Ven pr dns A [dam] Di gra Wynton epus in domo caplari Priorat 9 de Tanmgge, ordis Sci August!, sue dioc, psonalit constitut 9 , ipm prioratu in capite t in mebr ex sui officii debito cano ce visitav*, 1 sbsequenP ibide de exffesa c'ssu fris Jonis Hansard, tuc ej 9 de p'orat 9 prioris, qui pp sui corpis debilitate t sue insufficiecia psone, coram eodem pre ejusde p'orat 9 regimini pure 1 sponte cessit^ cefo^ onm 1 singto canoico dci p'orat 9 jux a effcm cessionis hi 9 p ipm prem admisse t canonice acceptate^ de fre Pno de Wokyngh a m in monasPio de Noro [Loco] eo^de ordinis et dioc canoico ex^sse pfesso t in ordine safdotali c'stituto, viro utiq^ pvido 1 discrete, 1 in spualibj 1 tepalib3 pftmu c^uspecto, de c'ssu 1 licencia p'oris sui de Novo Loco tuc ibide p^sent / dco prioratui de Tannigge t fribj inibi Deo Ivientibj, pvidit, 1 ipm ejusde pWat 9 1 frm |?dcoji in p'ore ^fecit t pastore sub hac forma. IN DEI NOMIE, AME. Nos Ada pmissione divina Wynton Epus, admissa cessione religiosi viri fris Johis Hansard nup . . p'oris de Tanrugge ordis Sci August! nre dioc in manib3 nris sponte fca, 1 potestate ad pvidend eidem domiu de psona ydonea in p j ore 1 pastore ejusde ab eode Johe t omib5 aliis 1 singtis frib3 ej^sde p'orat 9 nob ex|isse concessar / Xpi noie invocato relig viru frem Phm de Wokyngh a m in mo a sPio de Newerk(> dci ordis expose pfessum 1 in ordie safdotali c'sti tu viru pvidu 1 discrete, ac in spualibj 1 tempalib3 c'cumspectu, dee domui de Tanrugge 1 cano cis inibi Deo vientib3 in p'ore ^ficimus 1 pastore. Act sunt h, anno, die 1 loco p\lcis. Pfsentib3 Magris J[ohanne] Lowe, juris civit pfessor' 1 Hen? de Lond r ecc e de Withihame, Cic dioc ; ac Wilto de Alresford' 1 J[obanne] de Beautre, aptica auc a te no a riis publicis test, 1c. XXIX. COMMISSION TO CITE PRIOR PHILIP FOR NON-RESIDENCE : 17TH JANUARY, 1341. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Orlcton, I, fol. 108.) Ada, 1c. Magro A[de] de Wambergh' . . offic nri comissar geflali, saltm, g* 1 bn. Licet ^lati ad regend ecc M dl poscit grege dnicu pasce t a lupi rapacis invasionib5 f>teg?e, juraq^ 1 facilitates ecctie illesa Ivare, cu omi vigilantia teneat r . Fr tn Pfis p'or ecc e conven 1 " do Tanruggo' nro dioc put ex dilco fit cano co ^ ejusde ecc* g*vi qrela recipim 9 , minisriu s j iu eade creditu pinpendes, ecctiam et grege eibi comiss 9 curaq^ 1 regime ut'usq^ pp'a teifii* 6 p nomodica tepa deSuit 1 absq^ licencia debita, sou ca ronaftli vel honesta, ab ecctia p\lca so fraudulent absentavit 1 in locis incognitis demorat r hucusq^. No igit r discipline 1 recti regiiniB gub?nacto in dca ecc' 120 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND dcrelicto, naufragetT, qd absit, ibidem rcligio, ipac^ ecctia paciat r aliqua in suis facult.-itibj lesioue, m' 9 piclis remeeliis oportunis q a ntu cu do possum duxim occ r rend. Q*obre vobis in v'tutc obcdie f'miP injugedo madam 9 q a t frem Phm p'ore p\lcm in locis ubi ^isimilius credit' inveniri diligenP, queretes, ipm si psonaliP iuvenire poPitis in pp'a psona, alioquin in ecc a p\lca cora pcure suo si que dimiserit, ac notis familiarib5 t amicis suis, t'ne citaconis ac monicois edco pub 08 ppoito citetf eude, ac moneate 1 efficaciP inducatis eunde qd, sb pe a juris ad ecc a t cura sua ^dict, ihf a temp ? a canoib3 limitatu, redeat, ac Si c'ca easde regend diligenP intendat. De die v recep nis ^s' m , citaconu ac moniconum vra, modo 1 forma ea^ 1 an dcus hi 9 monicoi pere neglex'it, nos post lapsum dci tepis 6"tif p Iras vras patent ha^ lie continetes. Dat apd Essh?e, xvij die mens Januar, anno Dni MCCC mo xl, t t a nstonis nre, octavo. XXX. CITATION OF SAME "BY WAYS AND MEANS:" 28iH JULY, 1341. (Winchester Diocesan Eegister, Orleton, I, fol. 108.) Adam, tc. Magro Ade lc. ut s a saltm, gram t bfi. Cu nup audita qrela g a vi relig viro^ ac dilco filio^ cano c S ecc e conven 1 " de Tanrugge nre dioc, qd fr Pfis dee ecctie p'or minisPiu s 1 in eade creditu pinpendes, ecctiam 1 grege s 1 comiss curacy 1 regime ut'usq^ pp j a tem'Ji* 6 deluit, 1 absq^ licencia debita seu ca ronafcli vl honesta ab ecctia pMca se fraudulenP absentav* 1 in locis incognitas p tempa nomodica morabat^ t ne discipline t recti regimis gub?nacto in dca eccHa derelicto naufrageret r , quod absit, ibide religio ipaq^ ecc a paPet 1 ' aliqua in suis faculta b 5 lesione, voB at dederim 9 in mandatis q a tf frem Pfeni p^re p'dcm in locis ubi \ 9 isimili 9 cred?etur inveniri diligenP qreretis, 1 ipm, si personaliP invenire potmssetis, in f>p*a psona, alioq'n in ecc a ^dca, cora pcure suo, si que dimilit, ac notis familiarib3 1 amicis suis, t'ne citaconis ac monicois edco pub ce ppoito, citaretis eunde ac & moneretis 1 efficaciP indu&tis, qd sb pena juris, ad ecctiam t cura sua predict inf a temp a canoib3 limitatu rediret, ac S c'ca easdem regend diligenP ut tenetur ; et vos dcm Pfim p : ore auc a te mandati nri j^dci, diligenP qsitu t psonaliP non invetu, in ecc a ^dca nullo pcure ipius inveto, cora notis familiarib3 1 amicis suis, trine cita 1 " 8 ac monicois edco pub ce ppoito, citastis monuistf t efficaciP induxistis quod sb pe a juris ad eccam t cura p\lictf inf a tempus a canonib3 limitatu rediret 1 c'ca easdem regend intenderet diligenP, quibus quidem moniconib3, ide Pfis 010 pere neglexit, put p tras vras THE AUSTIN CANONS. 121 tificator sup hoc not directas liqt evident, volentes igit r dee ecc e inde- pni ti pspiSe, 1 juris ordine qui in hac pte requirit 1 obs?vare. VoB f 'mit injugendo madam 9 , q a t dcm Phm diligent qrentes, ipm si psonaliP inveire poPitf in pp'a psona alioquin ipius pcurem si que dimi^it, necno ipm Phm in ecc a ffaca cora notis familiaribj 1 amicis suis pub ce citaconis edco ppoito, citetis seu citori faciat(> pemptor qd c'peat cor not> vl nro comissar in ecc a nra Catfe Wynt. vij die juridico post fin exalta 1118 See Crucis, cam si quam feeat dcus Pfes ronabile, q^e ad ejus p'vacoem t amocoem ab eccfta ^dca minime pcedi debeat ppoitur', ulrius q3 fcur' 1 recepttir' juxta cano cos sanccoes, quod naf r a 1 q a litas hi negocii exigit 1 requirit, 1 ecia sniam diffinitiam p'vacois 1 amocois sue ab ecctia si n 1 ' canoicu qd obstare poPit auditur 9 . Et de die recep nis fsentium ac cita nil vre modo q^ 1 for* ejusde, nos vl dcm nrm comissar dcis die t loco tif ' p 1. vras pat ha^ iiem continetes. Dat apd Farnh^, xxviij die Julij, anno Dni Mitto CCC mo xl p'mo, 1 t a tonis nre, viij. XXXI. COMMISSION FOR DEPRIVATION FOR NON-RESIDENCE: 22ND SEPTEMBER, 1341. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 108 v.~) Adam, 1c, discrete viro . . offic nro, saltm, gram 1 bn. Cum nup f r Phs p'or ecctie conven 1 ' de Tanrugg' nre dioc, minisftu sibi in eade creditu pinpendes, ecciiam 1 grege sibi comiss cura t regime ut'usqj fp'a teflitate p nomodica tepa notorie deluisset, 1 absq^ licencia debita seu ca ronafcli vl honesta, ab ecctia pMca se fraudulenV absentasset t in locis incognitis morat 9 fuisset, nos indepni u dee ecctie f>spi5e ac hi 9 pictis obviare cupietes, ipm frem Pfim auc*te diligenP ubi \ 9 isimiliP credebaf inveke qsitu t n5 invetu in ecc* p'dca, xxj die mens Januarii, t sbsequeV, viij die mens M*rcii, 1 postea penultlo die mens Junii px ^teritf nullo pcure ipius invento cora notis familiarib5 1 amicis suis t'ne citaconis ac moniconis edco pub ce f>poito fecissem 9 citari mom' t efficacif induci, qd sb pena juris ad ecctiam 1 cura sua p\lictf inf* tempus a canonibua limitatu rediiss5, 1 c'ca easde regencl diligt-P intendisset, 1 JJfatis Phs p'or hi 9 monicoi pere neglexisset hucusqj, ad cognoscend 1 pce d " in nego pMco jux ejus qlitate 1 nafam, 1 ipm Philippu a dcis p'oratu 1 ecc* privand 1 amovend 1 ulfius faciend in toto nego antedco, quod jurf f8it 1 ronis, voB comittim 9 , vices nras, cu coticonis canoice potestate. Dat apud Walth*m, xxij die mens Sept, anno Dni mitto CCC mo xlj, 1 fust nre, viij. 122 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND XXXII. SENTENCE OF DEPRIVATION: 26TH SEPTEMBER, 1341. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 108 v.) IN DEI NOIE, AMEN. Cum fr Phus p l or ecc c conven 1 " de Tanrugge Wynt dioc, ministiu sibi in eade creditu pinpendes, ecciiam 1 grege sibi com'ss, curaqj 1 regime ut'usq^ pp'a temi 10 p nomodica tepa deserens, 1 abs% licencia debita, ab eade se fraudulent absentas nee vales psonaliP inveiri nulloq^ pcure p eum dimisso, fuisset auct a te vefiabii pris dni Ade, Dei gra Wynt epi, loci diocesani, in ecc a pMca, ac cora notis familiarib3 1 amicis suis t'ne citacois ac monicois edco pub ce ppoito, qd sb pena juris ad ecc am 1 cura sua predict inf a temp 9 a canonib3 limitatu rediret, 1 c'ca easdem regend diligenf? intenderet, legie citat 9 monit 9 t efficaciP inductus. Et qr hi 9 monicoi inf a semestr' tempus pere neglexit, adhuc postea non vales psonaliP inveiri, n c aliq pcure p eum dimisso, citacois edco cora notis familiarib3 1 amicis suis ac in ecc a j?dca pu ce fpoito, cam ronabile si qua heret q^e ad ejus p'vacoem 1 amocoem ab ecc a ^dca minime pcedi deberet, ppoitur' factur' t receptur', quod nat u a 1 qualitas hi 9 negocii exig?et 1 requireret, t S sniam diffinitiva amocois 1 pVationis ab eadem ecc a si q'd canonicu n5 obviaret auditur'; auc*te dci pris, ad tas die 1 locu c'petetes, pemptor 1 p termino pemptor cora ipo vl suo comissar leie citat 9 , quib3 die 1 loco, vidett, vij die juridico post fm Exaltaconis See Cnicis in ecc a Cath Wynt, dco Pfto cor not . . offic 1 comissario dci pris in dco nego spaliP deputato p t'bunali sedetib3 lie Pconi3ato, 55 nullo modo copente, ipm usq^ in pxm die jurid extuc px sequete in code loco duxini exp c tand, quib3 die 1 loco ipm Phm ut p l us cora nobis p t'bunali sedetibs legie ^coni3atu 1 no compente, iPu usq^ in px'm die juridicu extuc px sequuturu in loco pMc"b, ad ide quod p'de faciend duxifi exp c tand. Quib3 die 1 loco, vidett, vj ktn Octobr, anno Dni MCCCxlj. Nos offic 1 comissar antedcus dcm Pfem adhuc sepius 1 Pco p ) coni3atu diuci 9 expectatum coram nobis compere no curate, pnuciamus contumate, 1 in pena hi 9 contumacie, ponderatis ^missis, ipm Phm ab eadem ecc ft amovem , destituim 9 1 privamus, amotu destitute 1 privatu esse, snialit 1 diffinitie pnuciam 9 1 ab eade fore, 1 movenct, 1 spoliand, t ad eleccoem fut r i p'oris in eade, p eos ad quos hi 9 electio, ptifte dinoscif pcedend dec^vimus in hiis s'cptis. Lat p dnm offic Wynton in loco cosistor Wynton, vj ktn Octobr, anno Dni MCCC.xlj. Indiccoe x a , pont dni Bndci p a pe xij, anno vij. P7sentib5 disc? viris, magris Tha de Enh*m 1 Jofee de Ware dci c'sistor advocatis ; Magria Kog?o Bryan 1 Rog?o Scolys auc a te ap * no^iis pub cis 1c. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 123 XXXIII. INQUISITION post mortem, OF JOHN DE WABBLYNGTON, WHO DIED ON 13xH FEBRUARY, 1351. (Inquis. P. M., 25 Edw. Ill, 1st Nos., No. 54. [Add. MS. 6167, fol. 416.] ) Jurator. * * * dicunt qd p\lcum manerium de Tanrugge oneratur ab antique Priori de Tanrugg iu xx 8 viij d annui reddif , solvend ad Festa Pasche t Sci Mictiis p equales porcones, ut patet p finem in Curia Dni Regis inde levatu 1 ostensum. Et dicunt qd pquisiP Curie it>m valent per annu xij d . Et dicunt qd p\lcus Joftes de Warblyngton, obiit xiij die Februarii, 1c. Et dicunt qd Jofees de Warblyngton, filius p\lc Johis defuncti,est heres ejusdem proquinquior 1 etatis sex annoru,tc. In cuj rei testimon, to. XXXIV. PROCESS OF ELECTION OF JOHN DE MERSTHAM TO BE PRIOR, THE MORROW OF ST. MARTIN, 1341. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 109.) Act coram noB Jofie de Wolveleye, veftabit pris dni Ade, Dei gra Wynton Epi, in nego elecconis de fre Jofte de Mersth 8 ^! cano co ecctie conven l ~ de Tanrugg' Wynton dioc in p'ore ej 9 de ecctie jam vacantis (ut dicit r ) celebrate comissar spaliP deputato in ecc a procfe de Farnh a m die Lune in crastino Sci M^tiui, anno Dni mitto, CCC mo xlj, vidett cu constaret noB p litPas c\ificator magri Ade de Wambergfi, offic Wynton, comissar gffat omnes t singles si qui ffiint qui dee eleccoi seu electo se oppofle volflint ad dcos die 1 locu fuisse citatos quicq'd obiSe volfiint in dee elecconis forma vl elci psona oppositur' fcur' 1 receptur' quod juris ffiit et ronis, fcaq^ pub 01 pclamcoe si qui se c' a dee elecconis forma vl elci psona ppofte seu c' a dicere volflint in forib5 ipius ecctie do Farnh a m, t ipis sepius j^conizatis 1 diuci expoctatc, nulloq^ oppositore seu c' a dcore c'pente, omnibus 1 singlis in gfle quicq a m in hac pte ppo di vl c' a dicendi via ^cludim 9 p decretu. Exhibitc q^ decreto dee elecc'onis 1 quiuq^ aliis tris sb sigitt convet 9 , p from RoBtum Scotenye ipius ecc e c'ven 1 " cano cu convent ejusde pcurem tratorie constitutu, ac pductis p eundc duob5 instructorib5 p informac^e pleniori elecconis pdee, vidett fro Jofie de Sontynge ejusde ecc e cano co ,1 dno Witto capetto ecc e pro 1 ' de TanruggeV quib3 admissis juratis 1 exaiatf ^figimc eleo 1 pciiri ^dcis scdm die juridicu post festu Sci M*rtini j^dcm ad c'pend cor dco pre in capella 124 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND cast 1 sui do Farnh'm, ad faci d " 1 recipi d ~ sup ^missis quod juris fflit 1 ronis. Quib3 die 1 loco, electo t pcure p\lcis coi" nob Ada, mifacoe divina Wynt epo, p tfbunali sedentib3 p a liP c'pen b } dcisq^ 1 depositoil)3 dco instructo^ ad ipius peticoem pcuris publicatis, hitis 5 discussionib3 sup exhibitis 1 pductis toci elec nis negocii s a sc'pti, sbsequenP c'cluso in eode tande ad finale pnuciacoem dci negocii pcessimus in hunc modu. IN DEI NOMIE, AMEN. Nos Adam, mifacoe divina Wynton Epus, auditis 1 intellcis nJitis cause 1 negocii elecconis de religioso viro fre Johe de Mersth a m, cano co ecc conven l ~ de Tanrugge ordinis Sci Aug?tini nre dioc in p'ore ejusde ecctie jam vacantis elco uup fee 1 cora noB sufficient examinate 1 discusse, q3 invenimus dcam eleccoem de psona ydonea conc u rentib5 omnil)5 que de jure requirunt r in hac pte rite 1 canonice celebrata, ipam eleccoem, invocata Spus Sci gra, c'^mam 9 , eide electo curam 1 administ a coem dee ccctie plenarie coniittendo, q a quidt: pnunciacoe p Magrm Jofiem de Wolveleye de mandato dei pris tea, canticoq^ Te Dm laudam 9 solepniP decantato, aliis q3 pactis p eunde prem in talib3 c'suetis, dcus fr Johes, elect obediam dco pri ^stitit con- suetam. XXXV. CONFIRMATION OF THE ELECTION: 13iH NOVEMBER, 1341. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 109 v.~) Adam, te. Religioso viro filio in Xpo ditco fri Johi de M?sth*m, canouico p^rat sive ecc e conventuat de Tanrugg', ordinis Sci Augusti nre dioe, saltm, gram 1 bn. Vacante nup dco p'oratu sive ecc* p p'vacoem 1; amocoem fris Phi de Wokyngh a m, nup p'oris ejusde, elec- eoem de [te] in p'orem ejusde ecctie sive p'orat 9 elco concordiP celebrata, pontificali auc a te conf'mam 9 legittie pcedentes, 1 te in priore ejusde p'orat 9 sive ecctie jfaicim 1 pastore cura 1 administ a coem ejusde tibi plenarie comittedo, firma coucepta fiducia qd gra divina t l assistente f>picia dca ecctia sive p'orat 9 p tuu minisPium fructuosu salut(> pspitatf votiva suscipiet incrementa. In cuj 9 1e. Dat apud Farnh*ni, xiij die mensf Novebr, anno Dni MCCC mo xlj, t trnstonis nre, viij. XXXVI. MANDATE FOR INSTALLATION: 13iH NOVEMBER, 1341. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Orleton, I, fol. 109 v.) Adam, tc, dilcis filiis . . p'ori de Reygate t ppetuo vicario ecc e pro r de Walkenestede nre dioc, saltm, gram t bu. Cu magr Witts Inge, THE AUSTIN CANONS. 125 ar'diatum Surr nre dioc p\Ice de fco 1 non de jure occupas et eide de fco incumbens sit t a diu est fuit majorum excoi nu sniis p suis notoriis excessib3 1 dettis et criminibus rite 1 legie p nos innodatus, 1 j? sic excoi to pu oe in dioc lira I aliis diocesibj cdvicinis nuciat 9 , ad installand put moris est in p'oratu sive ecc a conven 11 de Tanmgg' dee dioc frem Jofiem de Mersth a m in p'orem ejusde ecciie sive pWat 9 p p'vacoem t amocoem fris Phi de Wokyngh 9 ^! nup p^ris ipius vacantis, electu t p nos canonice c'PmatQ, ac ad assignand eide stallu in choro 1 locu in caplo hactenus p i orib3 qui p tempo fuerunt assignatf, n c non ad faciend 1 ex'cend que in ^missis t circa ea nccia ffiint sive optima 1 ad c'pescend, c' a dcores t rebelles si qui ffiint in hac parte, voB 1 cuilib3 vrm insolidu coinittim 9 vices nras cu cohconis canonice po te . Dat apud Farnh a ra, xiij die mens Novembf 1 , anno Dhi s a dco. XXXVII. LETTERS TESTIMONIAL TO WILLIAM WILTSHIRE : 4TH JULY, 1452. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wayneflete, I, fol. 15* v.) Littcra testimonialis quod quidam f rater Willelmus Wiltshire fuit ordinem Sancti Augustini canonice professus. Universis Xpi fidelib3 ftaentes Iras inspecturf vl auditurf, Wiltus miseratione dia Wynton Epus, saltm et fidem indubiam ^sentib3 adhib?e. No^it unv'sitas vra qd fr Wiltus Wiltshire, canoicus regularis p ! orat 9 de Tanrigg' in coin Surr, nre dioc, c'tra quern frem Wiltum, quidam WalPum Lathum querala in q a dam curia ut dr aiRrmavit, fuit anno Dni MCCC mo xlj, anno r. r. Hen? Sexti post conquestu, XIX in ordine Sci Augustini in dco p'oratu rite et ex^sse pfess 9 ac sub obedia fris Jofeis Fremyngham ejusd loci p'oris a tuc usq^ ad temp 9 date p^sentiu cotinue regularif 1 laudabilP con^sat 9 ac p tali tent 9 t habit 9 ac notorie reputat 9 . In quo^ oim 1 singtm fidem 1 testm sigillu nrm ^sentib3 duxim apponend. Dat in raafiio nro de Essher' q r to die mens^ Jut, ano Dni Mitto CCCC mo qulq a gesimo scdo. Et lire cons, aiio quinto. XXXVIII. SEQUESTRATION OF INCOME OP THE PRIORY : HTII OCTOBER, 1461. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Waynfletc, I, fol. 68*.) Sequestracio fructuum Prioratus de Tanrigge. Wittus tc, ditcto not in Xpo, Nicho Assheton justic de coi banco dni Sri regis, dno 126 TANRIDGE PRIORY. AND Joni Hamond canoico regti p'orat 9 Sci Jacob! do Tanrigge, ord Sci Augt, lire dioc, Witto Gaynsford 1 Johl Elynbrigge tratis, saltm tc. Cum nos ex officio nro legle pcedentes, oes et singles fruct 9 , roddit 1 pvent 9 , ad prioratu pMcm pertin sive spectantes, j?pP dilapidacoem bono ejusd priorat 9 cor ditco not) in Xpo Magro Wittmo Darsset, legu doctore cancellario nro in quadam inquisicoe p eund Magrm Wittura inibi auc a te nra nup fact notorie comptam, ac justas 1 legias causas nos in hac pto movetes Bequest a vim , justicia id poscente. Vofc c'jutim 1 divis comittim 9 1 mandam 9 firmiP iujugetes q a tin 9 sequestra nrm hj y oibus et singlis quo^ infest in hac pte publicantes, diet fruct 9 , reddit 9 1 pvent 9 sub arto t tulo custodiatis seu custodiri faciatis sequesto sicuti de eisd not> volflite respond^e. Dat in palacio nro de Wolveseye sub nro sigillo, xiiij die Octobr, a Dni MCCCClxj, t lire cons, a quinto decimo. XXXIX. EPISCOPAL SEQUESTRATION ON VACANCY : IOTH APRIL, 1469. (Winchester Diocesan Register, Wayneflete, I, fol. 96*.) Sequestracio fructus Prioratus de Tanrigge vacantis. Decimo die mensf Aprilf a Dni MCCCC. lxix, directa fuit sequest a cio bono^ t fructuu p'orat 9 de Tanrigge p resignacoem fris Johis Kyrton, ult 1 p'orf iBm vacant^ Magro Hugoni Heghstale rectori ecctie de Blechyngle ac fri RoBto Haysant canoico ord Sci Augustini ad recipiend 1 salvo custodiend fruct 9 1 reddit 9 ejusd priorat 9 , dca vacacoe durante cu clausulc n a ciis ut in forma. XL. GRANT OP PENSION TO PRIOR ON DISSOLUTION OP THE PRIORY: 2ND JULY, 1536. (Augmentation Office, Miscel. Books, Vol. 244, No. 127.) Rex Omit53 ad quos tc, salutem ; cum nup prioratus de Tanrege in ConJ nro Surr auctoritate pliamenti iam sup^ssus 1 dissolutus existit, unde quidam Jofies Lyngfeld tempore dissolucois illius 1 diu antea prior inde fuit ; Nos volentes ronabilem annualem pencbem sive pmocoem condignam eidem Johl ad victum 1 exhibicoem suam melius sustinend provider! ; Sciatis igit r qd nos in consideracoe p^misso^ de gra nra spiali ac ex ^ta sciencia 1 mero motu nris p advisamentum 1 consensum Cancellarii 1 consilii Curie nre Augmentacionu revencionu Corone THE AUSTIN CANONS. 127 ore, dedim 9 concessim 9 ac p Rentes damus 1 concedim 9 eidem Johi quandam Annuatem sive Annualem pencoem quatuordecim libra sterlingo hend 1 ammatim pcipiend easdem quatuordecim libras j^fato Jofei 1 Assign suis a festo Annuflciacois Be Marie Virginis ultimo ffPito ad ftm'nu vite ipius Jofeis vel quousq^ idem Johes ad unii vel plura beneficia eccliastica, sive aliam pmocoem condignam, clari annui valoris quatuordecim libra aut ultra, p nos pmotus ffiit tarn p maims Thesaurarii Curie nre $dce p tempore existen do thesauro nro in manib3 suis de revencoifcj p\lcis remanere contingen qm p mauus Recepto^ pticulariu revencionu f?dca de eisdem revencoib5, ad festa Sci Micftis Archi 1 AnuSciacois Be Marie Virginis p equales porcoes omio soluend Eo qd exp^ssa mencio 1c. In cujus rei 1c. Ricm Ryche. T. apud Westfi Scdo die Jnlii A xxviij H. viij. Comitatus Surr XLI. MINISTERS' ACCOUNTS : YEAR ENDING MICHAELMAS, 29TH HENRY VIII (1537). (Ministers' Accounts, 28-29 Henry VIII, No. 108.) COMPA OMIU ET SINGULORU ballivorum Firmariorum, ac omnium aliorum ministratorum domini Regis, nunc Henrici Octavi, de omnibus et singulis dominiis maneriis, villis, villatis, necnon omnimodis aliis pos- sessidnibus et heredit quibuscumque, uupcr ad diversa Monasteria et Priorat in Comitatu predicto dudum virtute et auctoritate Parliamenti suppressa et dissoluta spectan sive quovismodo pertineii in manibus dicti domini Regis modo existen, videlt a festo Sancti Micfiis Archi Anno Regni dicti domini Regis vicesimo octavo, usque idem festum Saucti Michis Arcfii ex tune proximu sequen Anno Regni ejusdem Dni Regis vicesimo nono, scitt p unu Annu integrum. TERR. ET POSSESSIONES NUPER PRIORAT. DE TANRYGE PERTINBN. Officiu Cott Com pus Francisci Mores batt ac Cott Reddus iBm p Redd. tempus j?d. K 128 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND Arreragia. Nulla; sicut continet? in pede ultimi Compi Anni pro* preceden. Redd Assis Sed r Compm de ij s. ij d. de Reddu Assis unius tenti cu Redd et et certamm terrarum iBm vocat Turneys Landf, q firm* in Henricus Torner liBe tenet sot ad festa Annunciacionis Tamyge. beate Marie Virginis et Sancti Micnis Arclii equaltr, prout p quoddam Rentale inde factum et renovatum per Senescallum iBm vicesimo die Octobris Anno Regni Regis Henrici octavi vicesimo octavo, penes Auditorem remanen consimili modo apparet. Et de ij s. j d. oB, de Reddu Assis certarum terraru vocat Harwardc Londe q Robert Heyward lite tenet, sot ad e t. Et de vi d. de redd assis certarum terrarum vocat Luxfordf Landf q Christo- forus Luxford liBe tenet, sol ad e t. Et de xvj d. de reddu assis certaru terr vocat Hethe Londf q Wittmus Hethe liBe tenet, sot ad e t. Et de xx d. de reddu assis certarum terrarum voc Comportf Lande q Johes Comport liBe tenet, sot ad e t. Et de xviij d. de reddu assis certarum terrarum voc Plawes tenement, q Jofees Plawe liBe tenet, sot ad e t. Et de ix d. de reddu assis certarum terr voc Stand- fordf q Edmundus Stanforde liBe tenet, sot ad e t. Et de ij s. de reddu certarum terrarum vocat Studmerhitt in tenura Jonts Squyer p Indenturam, sot ad e t. Et de v s. iiij d. de reddu certarum terrarum vocat Dirgefeld(> in tenura Jofiis Holmann per Indenturam, sot ad e t. Et de iiij s. de reddu xx acrarum terr nuncupatarii Le Olde Parke in tenura Joins Lyntonne p Indenturam, sot ad e t. Et de vij s. de reddu certarum terrarum vocat Couny Pytches Downe Londe et Ovesnet [defaced] in tenura Wirhni Dyxon p Indenturam, sot ad e t. Et de xlv s. iiij d. de reddu certarum terrarum iBm vocataru Lullinge et Goodweye Londf in tenura Joftis Pope p Indent, sot ad e t. Sm a Ixxiij s. viij d. ob. Redd Assis cum Et de ij s. de reddu Assis exeun de uno crofto Redd et Firma vocat Welbeckf q Moricius Welbeck liBe tenet, sot in Oxstedd. ad e t. Et de iij s. de reddu Assis exeun de terr voc Ballf Londf q Robertus Genys liBe tenet, sot ad e t. Et de iij s. iij d. de reddu assis exeun de terr voc le Londf q, Johes a Lee liBe tenj, sot ad e t. Et de viij d. de reddu assis exeun de uno tento cum gardino et una acra terr vocat Cowpers q Henricus Cowper liB tenet, sot ad e t. Et de xviij d. de reddu certaru terr vocat Crowhurst q Henricus Cowp liBe tenet, sot ad e t. Et de ij s. vj d. de reddu assis certaru terraru vocatar Holmf Lande q Thomas Holmdenne liBe tenet, THE AUSTIN CANONS. 129 sot ad e t. Et de xij d. de reddu assis certaru terraru vocat Cokes q Ricus Coke HBe tenet, sot ad e t. Et de xij d. de redd assis certaru terraru vocat Alynslonde q Thomas Aleyne liB tenet, sot ad e f. Et de viij d. de reddu Assis certaru terraru voc Brokyslonde q Johes Broke liBe tenet, sot ad e t. Et de ij s. vj d. de reddu assis certaru terr voc Avys q Witts Smythe liBe tenet, sot ad e t. Et de iij s. de reddu assis cert terr voc Pyrres q Johes Ownsted liBe tenet, sot ad e t. Et de xxxv s. viij d. de firma unius tenti et xiiij acrar terr apud Barowe cum xiij acr pastur ibidem vocat Robyns Grove et Multrydenne sic dimiss Rico Holman p Indenturam, sot ad e t. Et de xxviij s. de reddu unius tenti et certaru terraru ibidem vocat Bakers dimiss Johl Marten p Indenturam, sot ad e t. Sm a iiij ti. iiij s. ix d. Redd div's tent Et de xxx a. de reddu cert terr iBm vocat Prestfelde ad Holm in ad volun dimiss Jofei Loke, sot ad e t. Et de vij s. de Oxsted. reddu unius tenti in quo Johes Foster modo inhabitat, sot ad e t. Et de xiij s. iiij d. de reddu unius tenti voc Phelipps apud Barowe in quo Wittmus Grene modo inhitat, sot ad eosdem term. Sm a 1 s. iiij d. Redd assis cu Et de xvj s. viij d. de reddu assis certaru terr tent et redd et firm in cotag iBm p Wittm Barbour firmariu de Godstone Godstone. virtute Indenture 35 recept de divers tent iBm, sot ad eosdem terminos. Et de vj s. viij d. de reddu sive firma unius campi iBm vocat Priorsfelde dimiss Wittmo Harlyng p Indenturam, sot ad eosdem terminos. Sm a xxiij s. iiij d. Firm* cert terr in Et de xv s. de firma cert terr ibidem vocat Brownes Chepstede voc in tenura Rici Cadingtonne per Indenturam, sot ad Brownes. eosdem terminos. Sm* xv s. Redd assis in Et de ij s. de reddu assis exeun de uno tento iBm Edenbrydge in vocat Alchornes q Andreus Cole liBe tenet, sot ad Com Kane. eosdem terminos. Sm* ij s. Redd assis in Et do vij s. x d. do reddu assis iBm p ann, so ad e t. Chyddington in Com Kane. Sm.* vij e. x d. K2 130 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND Redd assis in Et de xij s. de reddu assis ifcm exeun de cert terr Longsutton in voc Chobhammes q Thomas Byflete lifce tenet, sot Coin South. ad e t. Sm* xij s. 4*quis Cur. De aliquo proficuo provenien de perquis Cur ifcm hoc anno tent, non r eoque nulla talia casualia hoc anno accidebant, per Sacraraentum dci Compt. Sm a nutt. Vendic bosc. Nee r de aliquo proficuo provenien de vendic bosc hoc anno, non eoque nutt bosc sive subbosc vend fuit infra dictum tepus, p sacrin 53. Sm a nutt. Sm a To 118 Ofiis xiij ti. viij s. xj d. ofc. de quibus, Redd Idem computat in Reddu annuatim Resolute dno Borowgh Resolut. exeuii de terr in Oxstede ad xxxvij s. iiij d. p annu. Et sic in allocatione hmoi pro uno anno integro finite ad festum Sci Micfeis Archi dco anno xxix no xxxvij s. iiij d. Et in Reddu annuatim resot Nicholao Carewe militi pro terr in Blechinglie p annu xiiij s. Et in Reddu resoluto priori de Mertonue pro terris ibidem per annum iij s. iiij d. Et in Reddu annuatim Resot dno Regi pro terr in [blank in Roll] p annu xxxiiij s. v d. ot> q a . Et in reddu annuatim resoluto Abbati de Bello ad Maneriu suum de Brodeham p annum xij d. Sm a iiij ti. x s. j d. ofc q a . Procur et Et in denar sot Arclnno Surr pro procur et sinodat ecctie de Sind. [blank in Roll] hoc anno ut in anno preceden xvij s. vj d. Sm a xvij s. vj d. Feoda Et in feodo dci computan batt ac Cott Redd omniu terr et et vad. tentorum dci nup Prioratui ptinenciu ex discrecione Comission dni Rf hoc anno ut in preceden xl s. Et in stipendio Clici Auditoris scriben hunc compm prout Cticis Auditorum dni Rf ducatus 53 Lancastr alloc consuevit. Et sic in allocacione ij s. Et in feodo Johis Skynner Senescatt Cur iBm, hoc anno ut in annis preceden xiij s. iiij d. Sm* Iv s. iiij d. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 131 xlij s. xj d. oft q* di. Expens Et iu denar dco computan alloc pro expens Senescatt Cur, Senesc et aliorum officiariorum dni Rf ibidem existencium per dcni Rentat ut p3 bitt de pticul remanen xx s. Sm a xx s. Et in denar p dcm Comput lifcatf Johi Mores } Receptori dni Regis Augmentacionu Lifcacio Revencionu corone ejusdem dni Rf in denar. Com Surr pred de exit officii sui hujus anni debit ad festum Sancti Michis Archi, dco a xxix Rf pred ut p3 bitt man ejusd receptor sign. Sm a xlij s. vj d. ob. q. di. Sm a oim Alloc et lifcac pd, xj ti. v s. xj . ofe di q*. Et defct xlij s. xj d. ofc q a di. Qui exofiant 1 hie eoque Jofees Reade eandem sumam de pte exit premiss debit ad festum sancti Micnis Arcni Anno Regni Regis predci vicesimo nono, virtute et vigore frarum dni Rf patencium, quarum dat est secundo die Januarii Anno Regni Regis predci xxix no quarum quidem Ifarum effect in Compo Receptor de eodem anno verbatim irrotut. Et c. Quietus est. Terr dnicat. Compus Nich~i Carue firmarii iBm p tempus predictum. Arreragia. Nulla [Here occur some words erased at the time.] Sm a nutt. Firma. Sed r Compm de xxv ti. vj s. viij d. de firma terrarum. Sm* xxv ti. vj s. viij d. Sm a firme xxv ti. vj s. viij d. de quibus exofiat* hie de xij ti. xiij s. iiij d. de ultima medietate hujus anni Eoq^ predcus Johes Reade eandem smam recepit de firmar ibidem, virtute et vigore pMcarum trarum dni Rf patencium ad festum Sancti Michis Archi infra tempus hujus Compi. Et deBt xij ti. xiij s. iiij d. Qui exofiant 1 hie eoq^ ofiaut* in Compo Receptor iBm de codem anno, Et sic 132 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND Manerium de Compus Thome Bance firm iBm p tempus p\J. Rokesnest. Arreragia. Nulla [Here occur some words erased at the time.] Sm* nutt. Finn* Sed r Compm de ix ti. vj s. viij d. de reddu sive firma Manerii. mafia ibidem cum omnibus et singulis suis ptinen vocat Rokesnest unacii quad*m domo vocat le Tyle howse in tenura Thome Bance, p Indenturam sigitt Conven de Tanrege sigitt, dat ultimo die Octofcr anno Regni Regis Henrici Octavi vicesimo sexto, hendum, tenendum et gaudendum a festo Sancti Micnis Arcni sequen datam ejusdem Indenture usq, ad fine xxj annorum, Reddendo inde annuatim ut supra ad festa Annuciac beate Marie virginis et Sancti Micfeis Arcni ut p3 Indenturam. Sm a ix ti. vj s. viij d. Sm* firme ix ti. vj s. viij d. de quibus exofiat* hie de iiij ti. xiij s, iiij d. de ultima mediet firme predce Eoque predcus Johes Reade eandem Summam recepit de firmario ibidem virtute et vigore predcarum trarum dni Rf 3 patencium, ad festum Sancti Micm's Archi infra tempus hujus Compi. Et dett iiij ti. xiij s. iiij d. Qui exoflant r hie Eoque oflantur in Compo Receptoris ibidem de eodem anno. Et sic Firm de Sowthlonde. Comjpus Georgii Topsell firm iBm p tepus pM. Arreragia. Nulla, sicut p3 in pede ultimi compi anni prox preceden. Sm a nutt. Firma. Sed r compm de Ixxvj s. viij d. de Reddu sive firma unius mesuagii sive tend in Tanredge vocat Sowthlondf cum s ptinen in tenura dci Computan p Indenturam sigillo Conven de Tanridge sigitt, dat decimo sexto die Septembr Anno Regni Regis Henrici octavi xv ; hendum tenendum et gaudendum omnia dca premissa una cu firma quin^ vaccaru, ad terminu viginti iiij or annorum, Reddendo inde annuatim ut supra ad festa Sancti Michis Arcni et Annunciacionia beate Marie Virginis ut 3 Indenturam. Sm* Ixxvj s. viij d. Sm* firme Ixxvj s. viij d. de quibus exofiatur hie de atxxviij s. iiij d. Ecx^ predcus Jotes Reade eandem THE AUSTIN CANONS. 133 Sinam recepit de firmar' ifcm virtute predcarum frarum dni Rf patenciu, ad festum Sci Mictiis Archi infra tempus hujus Compi. Et defct xxxviij s. iiij d. Qui exofiantur hie Eoq^ ofianf in Compo Receptor ibidem de eodem anno. Et sic Firma de Chamber- Compus Alicie Huntley firm ifcm p tempus $d. londes Downlandf et Scott 6 Crofte. Arreragia. Nulla, sicut p3 in pede ultimi Compi anni prox preeeden. Sm a nutt. Firma. Sed f compm de 1 s. de Reddu sive finna certaru terr vocataru Chamberlondf , Scott 6 Croft, Myllfelde, Harteslande, et Downelondf, jacen in Tanridge predca, in tenura dci Computan p Indent sigillo Conven de Tanridge sigitt, dat vicesimo die Marcij anno regni Regis Henrici octavi vicesimo primo; hendum tenendum et gaudendum ad finem et terminum xl annoru, Reddendo inde annuatim ut supra ad festa Annunciacionis beate Marie Virginis et Sancti Michis Arcni ut p dcam Indenturam plenius p3. Sm a 1 s. Sm a firme 1 s. de quibus exofiat 1 hie de xxv s. de ultima medietate hujus anni Eoq3 predcus Jones Reade eandem Sumam recepit de firmario iBm vigore predcarum Irarum dci dni Rf paten, ad festum Sancti Micnis Arcni infra tempus hujus compi. Et deBt xxv s. Qui exofianf hie, Eoq^ ofiant 1 in Compo Receptoris ibidem de eodem anno. Et sic Tenementum Compus Ric"i Topsell firmar i&m p tempus p\lcm. vocat Botelers. Arreragia. Nulk [an erasure] p3 in pede ultimi Compi anni pi preceden. Sm a nutt. Firma. Sed r Compm de iiij ti. de reddu sive firma unius tefiti vocat Botelers in pochia de Tanridge predca in tenura dci Computan p Indenturam eigillo conven de Tanrige predca eigitt, dat 134 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND viceimo die Marcij Anno Regni Regis Henrici octavi xxj ; hendum, tenendum et gaudendum a fcsto Saucti Michis Archi q erit in anno diii M'CCCCCxxxj" 10 usq^ ad tcrminu xxj annor, Reddendo indc annuatim ut supra ad festa Annunciacois beate Marie virgiuis et sancti Michis Archi. Sm* iiij li. Sm a firme iiij ti. de quibus exonaf hie, de xl s. pro ultima medietate hujus firme Eoq^ dcus Johes Reado eandem sumam recepit de firmar ifcm virtut diet litter dni Rf ad dcm festum Sci Michis Archi infra dcm tempus. Et debet xl s. Qui exoflanf hie, eoq^ ofiant r in compo Recept ifem de eodem Anno et Firma de Compus Henrici Cowp' firm it>m p tep ^d. Thoinlyns Laudf. Ai'reragia. Nulla, sicut p3 in pede ultimi Compi anni prox preceden. Sm a nutt. Firma. Sed r compm de 1 s. de reddu sive firma unius tenti et certaru terraru vocal Thomlyns Lande jacen infra pochiam de Oxstedd in tenura dci Henrici Cowper sic sibi dimiss p Indent sigillo Conven de Tanridge sigillat, dat xxvj 10 die Marcij anno Regni Regis Henrici Octavi xviij, hendum tenendum et gaudendum ad finem et terminu xxj annorum, Reddendo inde annuatim ut supra ad festa Annunciac beate Marie et Sci Michis Archi. Sm a 1 s. Sm a firme 1 s. de quibus exofiatur hie de xxv s. de ultima medietate hujus anni Eoque dcus Johes Reade eandem. Smam recepit virtute predcarum Irarum dni Rf ad festu Sci Michis Archi infra dcm tempus. Et defct xxv s. Qui exofiant r hie, eoq^ ofiantur in Compo Receptoris ibm de eodem anno. Et sic Duo tenementa Compus Thome Alyn firm ifcm p temp 9 in Oxstede. THE AUSTIN CANONS. 135 Arreragia. Nulla,!sicut continetur in pede ultimi Compi anni pieced. Sm a nutt. Firma. Sed r Compm de Ixxvj s. viij d. de reddu sive firma ij ni tenementorum et certarum terrarum et claus in teunra Thome Aleyne sic sibi dimiss p Indenturam sigillo Conven de Tanridge predca sigitt, dat vicesimo sexto die Octobr anno Regni R(> Henrici Octavi vicesimo septimo, hendum ad terminii xxx anuor, Reddendo inde tit supra ad festa Pasche et Sci Micm's Arclii equatr. Sm a Ixxvj s. viij d. Sm a firme Ixxvj s. viij d. de quibus exoat r hie de xxxviij s. iiij d. de ultima mediet finne predce 60% dcus Jofces Reade eandem smam recepit de firmario ifcm vigore pred Irarum dni Rf ad festum Sci Michis Arcni infra tempus hujus Compi. Et deBt xxxviij s. iiij d. Qui exofiant r hie, Eo% onant r in Compo Receptoris ibidem de eoclem anno. Et e. Dimid pars Rector Compus Rob"ti Darby firiri ifcm p tempus predcm. de Godstone. Arreragia. Nulla, eicut cont in pede ultimi Compi anni prox pre* ceden, Sm a nutt. Firma. Sed r Compm de Ixxj s. viij d. de firma dimidie ptf Rectorie de Godstone unacQ decima pte omniu et singuloru graii infra pochiam de Wolkhamstedd in teuura dci RoBti Darby per Inden- turam sigillo Conven dci imp Priorat Sigiir, dat xij mo die August! Anno Regni Regf Henrici Octavi xxij do , fiendum ad terminu septem aunoru, Reddendo inde p annu ut sup* ad festa Natat Dni et Nativitatf Sancti Johis Bapte equis porcion. Sm* Ixxj s. viij d. ex 1 . Sm* Ixxj s. viii d. de quibus exoflatur hie de xxxv s x d. de ultima medietatc hujus anni, Eoq^ predcus Johea Reade eandem sniam recepit de finnar ibidem virtu to predcarum traruna dni Rf ad festum Sci Micm's Archi 136 TANRIDGE PRIORY AND infra tempus hujus Compi. Et deBt xxxv s. x d. Qui exofiant* hie, Eoque ofianf in Compo Receptor ibidem do cod anno. Et e. Mane? de God stone als Blechinglye. Compus Will~ Barbol firma? iBm p temp 9 Arreragia. Nulla sicut cont in pede ultimi Compi anni px preceden. Sm a nutt. Firma. Sed ? Compm de iiij ti. vj s. viij d. de finna mam'i de God- stone cum omnibus terr tentis prat et pastuf infra poch de Blechinglye in tenura predci Wittmi Barbour p Indentur Sigillo Conven dci nup Priorat sigitt, dat xxviij vo die Junij Anno Regni Regis Henrici Octavi xiiij* , hendum ad terminu xxxj* annoru, Reddendo inde annuatim ut supra ad festa Sancti Michis Archi et Annunciacionis beate Marie virginis equis porcionibus solvend ut in dca Indentura plenius continetur. Sm a iiij u . vj s. viij d. Sm a firme iiij ti. vj s. viij d. de quibus exo9at r hie de xliij s. iiij d. de ultima medietate hujus anni Eoq^ dcus Johes Reade eandem smam recepit de firmario iBm virtute predcarum trarum dni Rf patencium ad festum Sci Micfeis Arcfei infra dictum tempus. Et deBt xliij s. iiij d. Qui exofiant r hie, Eoqj ofiant r in Compo Receptoris iBm de eodem anno. Et e. Rectoria de Crowhurst. Arreragia. Compus JoJiis Gaynsford militf et Edwardi Lee Ctici firmar iBm p tempus predictum. Nulla, sicut continet r in pede ultimi compi anni ceden. Sm a nutt. pre- Pinna Rector. Sed r Compm de Iiij s. iiij d. de Reddu sive firma Rector iBm cu omnibus suis ptinen in tenura diet Computan p Indentur sigillo Conven de Tanridge sigitt, dat xxj mo die Septembris anno Regni Regis Henrici viij^ octavo, hendum a dat pre- aenciu usq^ ad finem et terminu vite naturaJ predci Jom's Gaynsforde; THE AUSTIN CANONS. 137 Reddendo inde annuatim ut supra ad festa Natalis Dni Annunciacionis beate Marie Virginis, Sancti Johis Bapte et Sancti Micfeis Archi equatr. Sm a liij s. iiij d. el*. Sm* finne liij s. iiij d. de quibus exofiaf hie de xxvj s. viij d. de ultim* mediet hujus anni, Eoq^ dcus Jofees Reade eandem smam de firmar iBm vigore ^d litter dni Rf ad dcm festum Sci Michis Arcni. Et deBt xxvj s. viij d. Qui exofiant 1 hie, Eoq^ ofiant 1 in Compo Recept ifcm de eodem anno. Et sic Firma sit 9 ma&i in Compus JoJiis Haywarde firm ifcm p temp 9 ^d. Hartfelde de Senty in Com Sussex. Arreragia. Nulla, sicut p3 in pede ultimi Compi anni prox preceden. Sm a nutt. Finna. Sed r Compm de iiij ti. de firma situs manerii de Sentie in pochia de Hertfelde in Com Sussex in tenura Jonis Heyward p Indenturam sigillo Conven de Tanridge sigiit, dat xxvij mo die Februarii anno Regni Rf Henrici Octavi xij mo ; hendum ad terminu Ixj annorii, Reddendo inde ut supra ad festa Natat Dni et Annuciacois beate Marie Virginis equaltr. Sm a iiij ti. Sm a finne iiij ti. de quibus exofiat r hie de xl s. de ultima medietate hujus finne, Eo% predcus Johes Reade eandem suinam recepit de finnar ibidem virtute predcarum trarum dni R(> patenciu ad festum Sancti Micnis Arcfei infra tempus hujus Compi. Et deBt xl s. Qui exofiant r hie, ofiant' in Compo Receptoris i&m de eodem anno. Et eqj. Westhall in Compus Wilti Comporte firmar ifem p temp j?d. Warlyngham. Arreragia. Nulla, sicut cont in pede ultimi Compi anni \>\ preceden. Sm nutt. 138 TANRIDGE PRIORY, AND THE AUSTIN CANONS. Firma. Sed r Compm de iiij ti. xiij s. iiij d. de firma unius tenti cu omnibus terr pratis pascuis et pastur, cu omnibus et singulis suis ptinen in tenura Wittmi Comporte p Indentur sigillo Conven de Tanridge sigitt, dat [blank in Roll], hendum ad termini! xxvj annomm, Reddendo inde annuatim ut supra ad iiij or anni terminos usuat ut in dicta Indentura ad largum plenius continetur. Sm* iiij ti xiij s. iiij d. Sm a firme iiij ti. xiij s. iiij d. de quibus exo8at r hie de xlvj s. viij d. de ultima medietate hujus finne, Eoq^ predcus Johes Reade eandem sfnam recepit de firmar ifem vigore predcarum trarum dni Rf patenciu ad festum Sci Mich Arclii infra tempus hujus Compi. Et dett xlvj s. viij d. Qui exofiant r hie eoq^ oflantur in Compo Recept ifem de eodem anno. Et e- INDEX Aaron, Elie : tenant, 38. Abbeys in England : history of few yet written, 2. Abbots, on Dissolution, appointed Bishops, Deans, or Canons, 89. Absence : of Prior, 31, 66 ; of Canons only by licence and with companion, 17. Accounts : rendered twice a year at least, 18, 68, 106 ; by Prior and Cellarer, 18 ; none rendered prior to 1308., 20 ; of kitchen expenses weekly, 21, 108; granges and animals, on oath, 21, 108. Acquittance to Westhall Manor, 12. Act of Parliament for Dissolution of Monasteries, 47, n., 50 and n. Adam : Prior, 1235., 10, 90, 102, bis, 108. Adam of Salisbury, Monk of Winchester : a Commissioner for Visitation, 19, 107. Aegstede (Oxted, or Okestede), William de : licence for grant to Priory, 12, 13. Aegstede (Oxted, or Okestede), Roland de : owner of land, 12. Alban, Thomas de St., Canon of Newark : appointed by the Bishop Prior of Tanridge, 2, 45, 112, 113, bis. Alchornes : tenement in Edenbridge, 55, 128. Aleyne, Thomas : lessee and freeholder in Oxted, 46, 55, 57, 128, 133, 134. Alfrid Soxere: holding land and houses in Chepsted, 8, 101. Alleyn, or Alyn, Bartholomew: a Canon, 41, 42. Almoner, duties of, 72. Alresford, William de, Notary Public: witness to Bishop's decree, 30, 118. Altar of B. Mary: mentioned in 1262., 12. Alyn, Thomas : see Aleyne, Thomas. Alynslonde, 55. Appendix of original documents, 97. Appointment of Prior: by Chapter, 4; demission to Bishop, 4. Archbishop : appeal by Archdeacon of Surrey against suspension, 35. 140 INDEX. Archdeacon of Surrey: certificate of citation, 15, 27; induction of Prior, 25, 28; Commissioner for Visitation, 21, 109; procurations to, 51, 56, 129; excommunicate, 35, 124; Philip de Barton, 21, 109 ; William Inge, 35, 123. Assheton, Nicholas, Justice of King's Common Bench : a sequestrator, 40, 124. Auditor : of Duchy of Lancaster, 56, 129 ; salary of clerk of, 56, 129. Augmentations : establishment of Court of, 47, n. ; sale by order of, 50, 53 ; Kings Receiver, 56 ; granted pension to Prior, 48, 125. Augustine, St., Canons Regular of the Order of : see Canons Regular. Augustine the Great, St., Bishop of Hippo : institutor of Orders of Monks and Canons, 61. Austin Canons : Canons Regular of the Order of St. Augustine, com- monly so called, 3, 60. Avys : land in Oxted, 55, 128. Baigent, Mr. F. J. : all records from Diocesan Registry for this work supplied by him, 95. Bailiff, accountant and collector, 56. Bailiff of the House, 20. Bakers : tenement and lands, 46, 55, 128. Baldric : witness, 6, 100. Ball's Londs, in Oxted, 54, 127. Bance, Thomas : lessee of Rokesnest Manor, 46, 57, 131. Banishment of Canon to another Priory, as a punishment, 23, 110. Barbour, William : lessee of Godstone, &c., 45, 46, 55, 57, 128, 135. Barnarde, John : Canon, President of Chapter on vacancy, 41, 42. Barrow (Barowe, Le Barwe, or Borowghe), at Oxted : account of rents, 37, 38, 51, 56, 129 ; land called Robyn's Grove and Multry- dene, 46, 128 ; land and tenement, 55, 128. Barton, Master Philip de, Archdeacon of Surrey : Commissioner for Visitation, 21, 109. Barwe, Le : see Barrow. Battle Abbey : payment to, 51, 56, 129. Battle, Abbot of : receipt for Oxsted, 37. Beautre, John de, Notary Public : witness to Bishop's Decree, 30, 118. Bederipe : part of tenure of land at Oxted, 38. Beer made in 1308., 20. Bells rung to assemble Chapter, 41. Benedict XII, Pope : Constitutions for Regular Canons, 62. INDEX. 141 Benedictine Houses numerous, 70. Bermondsey : Curia Regis held at, 10, 102. Berne, Richard at : tenant, 39. Bersted, or Berstede, Walter de: Justice Itinerant, Sheriff of Kent, &c., 11 and n., 103. Berstede : see Bursted. Bishop : interference in affairs, 22 ; appointing Prior by demission or on void election, 4, 28, 30 ; residence at Esher, 23, 24, 25, 30, 32,39; Farnham, 19, 32, 33, 34; Merewell, 15, 16, 22, 42; Waltham, 32 ; Wolveseye, 40. Bishops as visitors of monastic houses, 64. Bittlesden Priory, Bucks : formulated confession, 89. Blechyngle, or Blechinglegh, or Bletchingly : Hugh Heghstale, Rector, 40, 41, w., 125; lands in, 45, 50, 56, 57, 129, 135; Garston in, 49. Boke (or Broke) : freeholder, 55, 128. Bolle, John: witness, 7, 100. Books given by Founder, 7, 101. Borradaile, Rev. R. H. : occupier of present house on site, 78 and . Bostocke, Richard, of Tanridge : possessor of rentale, 38. Botelers : tenement in Tanridge, 45, 57, 132. Braces : tenement called, 39. Breysted : see Bursted. Brodeham Manor (belonging to Abbot of Battle), 56, 129. Broke (or Boke), John : freeholder, 55, 128. Brokyslonde, 55, 128. Brome, Le : land in Chepsted, 8, 101. Brownes : land at Chipsted, 46, 55, 128. Bryan, Master Roger : Notary Public, 33, 121. Bugles : tenement called, 39. Bull given by Founder, 7, 101. Burnard, Robert : witness, 8, 101. Bursted : rents at, 38. Bursted Manor, otherwise Oxsted : value, 39. Business of Priory under seal and by common assent, 18, Butcher, William : tenant, 39. Byflete, Thomas : freeholder, 55, 129. Cadingtonne, Richard : lessee, 46, 55, 128. Cambridge, King's College : payment to, 53. Canonical form of election of Prior, 15. 142 INDEX. Canonical Hours observed, 79. Canons Regular of the Order of St. Augustine, 1 ; called Austin Canons, 3, 60 ; established in llth century, 62 ; title fixed 1139, 62 ; sometimes called Confraters, 2, 6 ; general nature of commu- nities, 60 ; number of Canons various, 70 ; Rules, vide Rules ; private life little known, 1, 59, 60 ; duties and austerities, 75, 79 ; dress, 74, 75, 76 ; tonsure, 76 ; chapters, 63, 64 ; occupations, 83, 84 ; legal business, 83 ; kept horses and servants, 63, n., 71 ; hunting, 63, n. ; portrait of mitred Prior, 70 ; sites selected for Priories, 76 ; early notices, 60 ; popular fallacies, 79 ; King Henry VIII and Cardinal Wolsey members of the Order, 65, 90 ; number of Priories at the Dissolution, 69. Canterbury, Archbishop of : stopping at Priory, 13, 85 ; contribution towards war in France, 45. Capital, carved : only fragment remaining, 77 and n. Carbonell : tenement called, 39. Cardinal Wolsey : Brother of the Order, 65 ; his titles, 66 ; his Rules for the Order, 66, 90. Carewe, Nicholas, Knt. : Lord of Manor of Bletchinglegh, 51, 56, 129, 130. Carne, Nicholas : lessee, 57. Carshalton Church : clergy cited there, 14. Carue, Nicholas : see Carewe, Nicholas. Catalla, cattle, 12, n. Catherine of Aragon, Queen : Sister of the Order, 65, 90. Celebration of Divine Service daily, 3, 36. Cellarer : as accountant, 18, 71 ; to render accounts twice a year, 18 ; account at Visitation, 19, 20, 107 ; accounts untrue, 20, 107 ; in fault, 22 ; imprisonment of defaulter, 79 ; deputy appointed 26, 114. Chalice given by founder, 7, 101. Chamberlain : duties of, 72. Chamberlonds : land in Tanridge, 45, 57, 132. Champyn, John : tenant, 39. Chaplain, One of the Canons necessarily a, 3, 12; grant towards support, 36. Chaplain, Henry, 6; of Crowhurste, 51. Chaplain of Tanrigge, 51 ; of Farnham Church, 122 ; of Rigate (Ralph), 6, 100. Chapter of the Order : General, 64 ; at Leicester, 65, 90 ; " Quia propter" Constitution, 41 ; attendance by proxy, 4. INDEX. 143 Chapter, Grand : held twice a year, 18, 63 ; penalty ordered by, 69. Chapter of Priory, 63 ; held daily, 68 ; assembled by bell, 41 ; Latin or French spoken in, 69; seal, 15, 42; Prior elected by, 4, 15; its president during vacancy of priorate, 4 ; correction of Canons, 21 ; Injunctions read in, 18. Charitable object of the Foundation at Tanridge, 2, 6. Charities of Monasteries, 73, 84. Charles, Parson or Rector of Collesdon: manor leased to him by Priory, 12 ; co-ad jutor of Prior, 26 ; having key of seal, 26 ; lessee of Westhall Manor, 30. Charters granted to the Hospital, 5, 6, 7, 8. Chase granted by Founder to Priory, 10, 102. Chawre, Senior, Thomas : tenant, 38. Chelesham, Reginald de : land held of him, 14. Chelsham, Knight's fees at : inquisition respecting, 35. Chepsted, or Chepestede : see Chipsted. Chertsey Abbey : grant of Manor of Hamme by, 6, n. Chipsted : gift of land in Ville of, to the Hospital, 8 ; receipts from, 38, 55, 128 ; land called Brownes, 46 ; grant at Dissolution, 50. Chiveningge, Adam de : feoff or of land at Crowhurst, 14. Chobhammes, lands at Long Sutton, 55, 129. Chronicles of national and public events : kept only by Monasteries, QO Q9 oZ, oo. Church of Priory : Altar of St. Mary, 12, 103 ; church tower and cemetery granted at Dissolution, 49. Church Service provided by Monasteries for the public, 85. Chyddington, Kent (? Chydynstone, Sussex, which see), fee-farm rent, 55, 128. Chydynstone, Chedingstone, or Chiddingstone, Sussex : receipts from, 37, 38, 50. Cirencester, Prior of : mitred, 70. Citation of opponents to election of Prior, 15, 27. Citation of Prior: for non-residence, 31, 32, 119: to attend in Con- vocation, 41. Clement VI, Pope : Constitutions for Regular Canons, 62. Clerc, High: Bishop at, in 1309., 23, 111. Clerke, Laurence : tenant, 39. Clochia : short cloak, 75 and n. Cloisters of the Priory, supposed site of, 78. Clothing of Canons : see Rules. Co-ad jutor of Prior appointed, 26, 29, 118, 117. L 144 INDEX. Cock and hen : in payment of rent, 38. Coffin-lids remaining on the Priory grounds, 78. Coke, Richard : freeholder, 55, 1 28. Cokes land, in Oxted, 55, 128. Colchester : judicial murder of Abbot, 88. Cole, Andrew : tenant, 55, 128. College : Priory sometimes so called, 3, 15. Collesdon, Charles, Parson or Rector of : Manor leased to him, 12, 30 ; co-adjutor of Prior, 26, 113 ; had key of seal, 26. Combers : tenement called, 39 ; land, 54, n. Commissary of Bishop : giving directions, 26 ; in legal proceedings, 34. Commission by Bishop for Visitation, 19, 21, 106. Commissioners of King at Dissolution, 56, 58. Compord, Henry : Receiver, 51. Comport, John : tenant, 54, 127. Comport's land in Tanridge, 127. Comporte, William : lessee, 46, 58, 136, 137. Compromissary appointment of Prior, 41, 42. Concanons : see Canons. Concord in Curia Regis, 9, 10, 11, 102, bis, 103. Confession by Canons to Prior, 17, 105. Confirmation of election of Prior, 34, Confraters : members of Priory so called, 2, 6, 70. Conge d'eslire, on election of Priors, 15, 27. Conny Pytches : land leased, 46, 54, 127. Constitutions : see Rules. Convocation : ecclesiastical taxation through medium of, 85. Convocation of Province of Canterbury : Prior of Tanridge summoned to, 46. Convocation of Diocese : Prior summoned to, 4. Corredy : nature of, 73, n. ; granted by Prior, 43 ; form, 43, 83 ; rooms and provisions granted under, 43; penalty for default, 44; frequently granted improvidently, 43, 73 and n. Court Rolls of Breysted, or Bersted, in Oxted, 44. Coventry and Lychfeld, Walter, Bishop of: the King's Treasurer, 14, 104. Cowper, Henry : freeholder, 55, 57 ; lessee of land in Oxted, 45, 127, 133. Cowper, Richard : tenant, 39. Cowpers: tenement, 55, 127. Cows: lease of (with lands), 45. INDEX. 145 Cromwell, Knt., Sir Thomas : guardian of Thomas Rede, minor, 52. Crowhurst, Croweherst, or Crawehurst : advowson granted to Priory, 14, 104; rectory leased by Priory. 45, 136; grant at Dissolution, 49, 50, 58; land there belonging to Priory, 14, 55. Crowhurst, Chaplain of, 51. Crowhurste, Junr., John : tenant, 39. Crowhurste, Senr., John : tenant, 39. Croydon : inquisition post mortem, held at, 35 ; ad quod damnum, 36. Curia Regis : Concord in, 9, 10, 11, 102, bis, 103. Curtains round bed forbidden to the Canons, 18, 105. Daily performance of Divine Service in the Priory Church, 3, 36. Dammartin family and pedigree, 5, 6, 7. Dammartin, Odo de, son of William : Founder of the Priory, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 100, bis, 101, 102 ; witness to an endowment of Newark Priory, 5, n. Dammartin, Odo, or Eudo, de, son of Odo : benefaction to the Hospital, 8, 10, 101, 102. Dammartin, William de, father of Odo the Founder, 100. Dammartin, William de, son of Founder: witness to Deed, c. 1200, 6, 100. Dammartin, William de: witness to Deed, 13th cent., 8, 101. Dammartin : village near Paris, 5, n. Danmartin or Danmertin, Odo de : see Dammartin. Danne, William : a Canon, 41, 42. Darby, Robert : lessee of moiety of Godstone Rectory, 46, 57, 134. Darssett, Master William, D.C.L. : Bishop's Chancellor, 40, 125. Dates of years as. in modern reckoning, 2 ; of foundation of Tan- ridge, 5. Debts owing by Tanridge Priory in 1308., 20. Deed of Endowment of Tanridge, earliest existing, 5. Dene, Nicholas de la: witness, 7, 100. Dene, Ralph : witness, 7 and n. Denis, Priory of St., Hants : Prior of Tanridge translated to, 42. Deprivation of Office of Prior for non-residence, 32, 120 ; of Cellarer, 22. Despencer, Hugh le : inquisition on death of, 35 ; mesne lord, 36. Divine Service daily, 3, 86. Dirgefeld : land, 46, 54, 127. Discords put an end to, 20. Dissolution of the Priory : income at time, 4, 74 ; pension to last Prior, 125. L2 146 INDEX. Donne, Henry atte: grant of land by, 26, 29, 117. Door, outer: closed at due hours, 17. Dormitory : curtains round beds in, forbidden, 18. Downlonds, in Tanridge, 45, 46, 57, 127, 132. Dyxon, William : lessee, 46, 54, 127. Edenbridge : receipts from, 38, 55, 128. Election and confirmation of Prior : licence to elect, 21 ; proceedings, 15, 41, 70; extreme care, 15 ; election made by Chapter, 15, 45 ; their proxy, 15, 27, 28, 34 ; citation of opponents, 15 ; adjourn- ments, 15; election void for informality, 4, 16, 28, 37, 114; appointment demitted to Bishop, 30. Eliotts: tenement, 39. Elmeden, William : Canon, 41. Elynbrigge, John : sequestrator, 40, 125. Endowment of Tanridge : earliest existing Deed of, 5. Enham, Master John de : Advocate in Winchester Consistory, 33. Enham, Thomas de, Advocate in Winchester Consistory : witness, 121. Eschaetor for Surrey: inquisition by, 25, 29, 117. Esher, Essher, or Esshere : Bishop at, 23, 24, 25, 30, 32, 39, 106, 112, bis, 113, 117, 119, 124. Eudo, or Odo de Dammartin, son of Founder, and benefactor, 8. Excommunication of Archdeacon of Surrey, 35. Exit without licence forbidden, 17. Expenses of imprisoned Canon, 23. Farnham : Bishop's residence at, 19, 32, 34, 107, 120, 123, 124. Farnham Castle : Chapel of, 123. Farnham Church : legal proceedings there, 33, 122. Fasting, and as a penalty, 17, 79. Fermery, Le : rooms within precincts, 43. Fine for licence in mortmain, 14. Food: according to means, 18; taken at meal times only, 18; not with external persons, 18, 106. Forester, John : holder of tenements, 36 ; mesne lord, 36. Forster, John: Prior, 1500., 42, 43, 44, 94. Fortes : tenement, 38. Foster, John: tenant, 55, 128. Foundation at Tanridge for charitable objects, 3 ; by Odo de Dam- martin, 5. France; contribution of spiritualty towards war in, 45, INDEX. 147 France, Mary, Queen of : Sister of the Order, 65, 90. Fremyngham, John: Prior, 1441., 39, 40, 43, 93, 124. French or Latin to be spoken in Chapter, 69, 82. French, G. R. : Paper on Crowhurst Church, 58, n. French, Richard : Prior, 1380., 37, 93. Friars and Monks : distinction, 86 ; conduct of Friars conducing to he Dissolution, 86. Gardyners : tenement, 39. Garston (meadow), in Berated, 44. Garston (meadow), in Blechinglye, 49. Gaynsford, or Gaynesford, John : lessee of Crowhurst Rectory, 45, 58 and n., 135. Gaynsford, William : sequestrator, 40, 125. Geldeford or Guildford, Curia Regis held at, 103. Genys, Robert: freeholder, 54, 127. Ghost, Holy : Grace invoked at election of Prior, 41 ; Mass of Holy Ghost sung at election of Prior, 41. Gifts of relics, chalice, and cattle, by Founder, 7. Glastonbury : judicial murder of Abbot of, 88. Gloucester, Lawrence de, Monk of St. Peter's, Professor of Sacred Theology : Commissioner for Visitation, 19, 22, 26, 107 bis, 108, 109, 113. Godstone, otherwise Walkenestede : Manor (otherwise Blechinglye, sed?), 45, 49, 50, 135; land and tenements, 36, 46, 55, 128; perpetual vicar, 35; rectory, 46, 57, 134; grant at Dissolution, 49, 50. Goodweye Londs : land, 46, 54, 127. Gore, Le : lands, 38. Gotham, John de : appointed deputy receiver, 109. Graland : witness to Deed, c. 1200., 6, 100. Graunesden, John : Prior, 1458., 43, 93. Grava, Thomas de : solicitor, 9, 102. Grene, William : tenant, 55, 128. Grunvull, Master Peter de : Official of Bishop, 16. Guildford, Curia Regis held at, 103. Guldeford, Henry de : licence to grant advowson of Crowhurst, 14, 104. Guyot de Provins : Satire on Monastic Houses, 60, n. Hamme, Manor of, 6. Hammcs, William de : land charred with payments of money and shoes, 6 and n., 100. 148 INDEX. Hamond, John : Prior, 1458., 40, 43, 93 ; Canon, continuing a, 125. Hanaper, Great and Small: fees, 51. Hansard, John, Sub-Prior, afterwards Prior: elected Prior, 1.323., 27 ; election void, but appointed by Bishop, 28, 115, 116 ; incompetent and interdicted, 4, 29, 30 ; resigned, 30, 118 ; lease granted by, 12. Harlyng, William: lessee, 46, 55, 128. Ilarteslonde, in Tanridge, 45, 57, 132. Hartfelde : see Ilcrtfyld. Harward's lands : in Tanridge, 54, 127. Haysant, Robert, Canon: a sequestra tor on vacancy, 41, 125. Haywarde, John : lessee of Manor of Sentie, 45, 58, 136. Heghstale, Master Hugh : Rector of Blechyngle, a scquestrator on vacancy, 40, 41, n., 125. Heiden, or Heyden, Thomas do : Justice, 9 and n., 102. Remington, Richard de: Justice Itinerant, 11 and n., 103. Henedene : payment to lord of, 38. Henry : Chaplain, witness to Deed, 6, 100. Henry de Pecham : Prior, 1323., 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 91 (see further, Pechani). Henry VIII, King : conduct undefended, 52, n. ; Brother of Order of St. Augustine, 65, 90. Herfeld, Surrey : accounts with, 38. Heriot, relief and homage, 38. Hertfyld, Hertsfelde, or Hartfelde, Sussex : receipts from, 38 ; Manor of Sentie in, 45, 49, 136 ; lauds in, 50, 58. Hethe, John at : tenant, 38. Hethe, William: tenant, 38, 54, 127. Hethe lands in Tanridge, Heyward, Robert: tenant, 54, 127. History : preservation solely through Monasteries, 82 ; materials for early printed histories obtained from them, 83. Holm : tenements in Oxsted, 55. Holman, John : lessee, 46, 54, 127. Holman, Richard: lessee, 46, 55, 128. Holmdenne, Thomas: freeholder, 55, 127. Holmes Land, 55, 127. Holodenlyn, or Holyndene : King Edward I at, 12; receipts from, 38. Horses kept by Canons, 71. Hospice : Foundation originally of that nature, 2. Hospital of St. James, Tanregge : Priory first so called, 2, 6, 7, 8, 100, 101 ; objects, 2 ; soon became Priory, 3, INDEX. 149 Hospitality of Monasteries, 80. Hostellar: duties of, 72. Howard, Sir Henry : former possessor of earliest deed, 5, n. Ho we wots : tenement, 39, 54, n. Humfrey: Prior, 1262., 11, 90. Hunting by Canons forbidden, 63, n., 67 and n. Huntley, Alice: lessee of land in Tanridge, 45, 57, 132. Imprisonment of a Canon, 23, 110, 111. Income : in 1407-8., 37 ; Rentale, 37, 38, 39, 44 ; at Dissolution, 4. Induction of Prior by Archdeacon, 25. Infirm Brothers: care of, enjoined, 18. Inge, Master William, Archdeacon of Surrey : excommunicate, 35, 123. Injunctions by Bishop to Tanridge Priory, 17, 18, 19, 105 ; to be recited at intervals, 18, 21, 106 ; to Merton Priory, 64, n. Innocent II, Pope: Order at Lateran Council, 1139., 62, Inquisition : held by Eschaetor, 25, 117 ; ad quod damnum, 14, 16, 29 and n., 36 ; post mortem, 13, 35, 122. Instruments on election of Prior, 16. Insula, William de : Justice Itinerant, 10, 102. James, St., Hospital of, in Tanregge : Priory first so called, 2, 6. John: name of many Priors, 43 ; Hansard, 1323., 12, 27, 92 ; de Mers- tham, 1341., 33, 34, 37, 93 ; Fremyngham, 1441., 39, 40, 43, 93 ; Hamond, 1458., 43, 93; Graunesden, 1458., 43, 93; Odierne, 1468., 40, 43, 94 ; Kyrton, 1469., 40, 43, 94 ; Forster, 1500, 42, 43, 44, 94; Lyngfeld, 1524., 42, 44, 48, 50, 95. John, St., Widow of John de, 36. John, St., William de : witness, 8. Jury on inquisition relating to mortmain, 26, 29. King : charge payable to, 56 ; his Receiver of Augmentations, 56. Kingestun, William de : solicitor, 9, 102. King's College, Cambridge : payment to, 53. Kitchen expenses: account weekly, 21. Kitchener: 'duties of, 72. Kyrton, John: Prior, 1469., 40, 48, 94, 125. Lancaster: fees of Auditor of Duchy, 56, 129. Lathum, Walter : affirmation in suit in court, 30, 124, Latin or French spoken in chapter, 69, 82. 150 INDEX. Lauudecotc, Luke Precentor, Seneschal. Oisel, Gillcbert and Richalda: litigants with Tanridge Hospital, 10, 102. 153 Okested, see Oxted. Oksted, Roland de : grant to Priory, 104. Oksted, William de: grant to Priory, 12, 13, 104. Order to receive penitent Canon back, 24. Ordinances made on Visitation, 1308., 17, 18, 19, 108. Organ : playing by layman permitted in Priory Chnrch, 68. Oteweyes : tenement called, 39. Othobon: Legate of Apostolic See, 17, 105. Overy, Priory of St. Mary : Robert Mitchell, Prior of Tanridge. translated to, 41, n. Ovesnet : land, 46, 54, 127. Ownsted, John : freeholder, 55, 128. Oxen given by Founder, 7, 101. Oxted, Okested, Okestecle, or Aegstede : land at, granted to Priory, 12, 104, 117; lease, 45, 46, 57, 133; Welbeck Croft, 54; Mortmain question, 26, 29; manor and court, 37, 38, 39, 44, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 129. Pagan, Robert, son of : witness to Deed, 8, 101. Pakke, John : tenant, 39. Parke, Le Olde : land, 46, 54, 127. Pastoral Visitation by Bishop, 16. Patents granting properties at Dissolution, 51, 52, 73. Patershill, or Pateshull, Martin de : Justice, 9 and n., 102. Pawles : tenement called, 39. Pecham, Brother Henry de : cellarer, 21, 109; deprived, 22, 109; banished and imprisoned, 22, 110, 111 ; forbidden to celebrate, 23 ; punishment mitigated, 23, 111; permitted to return, 24, 111; appointed Prior, 1323., 91 ; death, 27, 92. Pecies : lands called, 38. Peckham, Archbishop : Constitutions for Monastic Orders, 64. Pedeleshurst, Walter de: Prior, 1306., 15, 16, 91. Penalty for absence from High Mass without licence, 17. Pende, John de la, Canon : witness at election of Prior, 16 ; appointed deputy-cellarer, 26, 114; as Proctor for Priory, 115. Pendrell, Andrew : laud owner, 35. Pension to Prior at Dissolution, 48, 125. Perefricht, Peter de : witness to Deed, 6, 100. Peter's ponce, 87. Peveusey Castle, payment to Warden of, 38. Phelipps, tenement at Barowe, 55, 128. 154 INDEX. Philip de Wokyngham: Prior, 1335., 30, 92; and sec Wokyngham, Philip de. Picards : tenement called, 39. Pictlake : meaning, 6, n. Piers Plowman's Crede ; reference to Monastic life, 60, n., 67, n. Pimpe, Ralph : witness to Deed, 6, 100. Pip r ., Ralph de: witness to Deed, 8, 101. Pire, William : tenant, 39. Pire, William at : tenant, 38. Pitanciar : officer of a Priory, 72. Plawe, John: tenant, 54, 127. Plawe's holding in Tanridge, 127 Players forbidden entrance to Priory, 68. Playz, Hugh de : Justice Itinerant, 10, 102. Pond at Warlingham illegally enclosed, 11. Poor, The : relief by Monasteries, 73. Pope, Collection for the, 37. Pope, John: lessee, 46, 54, 127. Precentor: duties, 72; head, during /vacancy of priorate, 25, 27, 115, 116; Thomas de Woldham, 1306., 16. Prestfelde: land in Ox ted, 55, 128. Pretences for dissolution of Monasteries, 47. Prick-song in Choir forbidden, 67. Prior: qualifications and duties, 18, 21, 70; see Election-, in default of due election appointed by Bishop, 4, 16, 24, 28, 37, 114, 115; obedience to, 25; attending Convocation, 41, 46; two in England mitred, 70 ; power of correction, &c., 17, 21 ; care of seal of Priory, 26, but interdicted, 27 ; incompetence or desertion (only recorded faults), 4,31, 33 ; co-adjutor appointed, 26 ; pension at Dissolution, 48, 125. Prior of Reigate : commissioner for installation of Prior, 34. Prior, Sub- : position and duties, 71 ; presided at election of Prior, 70 ; had key of Priory seal, 26; gave licence of exit, 17, 105; election, 17 ; afterwards Prior, 40. Priories in England : history of very few yet written, 2 ; officers, see Prior, Sub-prior, Almoner, Cellarer, Chamberlain, Gardener, Hostellar, Kitchener, Pitanciar, Porter, Precentor, Refectioner, Sacristan, Seneschal^ Treasurer. Priors : Thomas, 1226., 9, 90, 102 ; Adam, 1235., 10, 90, 102, bis, 108 ; Humfrey, 1262., 11, 90, 103 ; Walter de Pedeleshurst, 1306., 15, 16, 91 ; Walter de Hetfeld, 1309., 91 ; Thomas de St. Alban, INDEX. 155 1309., 24, 25, 91, 112, 113, bis; Henry de Pecham, 1323., 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 91, 92, 109, 110, 111 (see Pecham, Henry dc) ; John Hansard, 1323., 12, 27, 92, 114, 118, and see Hansard, John ; Philip de Wokyngham, 1335., 30, 92, and see Wokyngham, Philip de; John de Mersthnm, 1341., 33, 34, 37, 93, 122; Richard French, 1380., 37,93; William Sonderesh, 1404., 37,93; John Fremyngham, 1441., 39, 40, 43, 93, 124; John Hamond, 1458., 43,93; John Graunesden, 1458., 43, 93; John Odierne, 1463., 40, 43, 94 ; William West, 1464., 40, 94 ; John Kyrton, 1467., 40, 43, 94, 125; Robert, 1470., 94; William, 1470., 94; Robert Mitchell, 1495., 41 and n., 42, 44, 94, 95; Robert Wodd, 1499., 42, 94; John Forster, 1500., 42, 43, 44, 94; John Lyngfeld, 1524., 42, 44, 48, 50, 95, 125. Priors, on Dissolution ; many appointed Bishops, Deans, or Canons, 89. Priorsfelde, Godstone : field, 46, 55, 128. Priory Church : see Tanridge Priory. Priory of Tanridge, 1, 2; and see Tanridge. Prison orders relating to a Canon, 23. Proceedings at election of Prior, 41. Proctor of Precentor and Canons, 27, 28, 34. Property of the Priory, in 1200., 3, 100 ; in 1291., 13 ; value unknown to cellarer, 1308., 20; Tauridge, Crowhurst, and Godstone Churches, 49 ; Cbelsham and Warlingham, 35 ; grant by Walter de Mersthain, 36, 101 ; value of, in Tanridge and Wolkenstede, 36 ; at Dissolution, 3, 4, 48, 74 ; property of all dissolved Monas- teries granted to the King, 47. Proxy of Chapter, under Seal, 15. Pyrres, land at Oxted, 55, 128. Pytches, Conny : land, 46. "Quia propter" Constitution of General Council, 41. Ralph, Chaplain of Rigate : witness to Deed, 6, 100. Ralph: Dean, 101. Ralph, Parcarius : witness to Deed, 7, 100. Reade, John : see Rede. Reading : judicial murder of Abbot of, 88. Recreation in moderation, 68. Rede, Anthony : grantee in remainder, 51. Rede, Henry : grantee in succession, 51. 156 INDEX. Rede (or Reade), John : grantee of House and site at Dissolution, 49, 51, 52, 58, 56, 77, w., 180, 131, 182, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137. Rede, Thomas : grantee in remainder, 51, 52. Rede, William, of Weybridge : father of grantee of House, 49, 51. Redmigersh, John : holder of Knight's fees, 35. Refectioner, duties of, 72. Reforms needed from time to time, 65. Reigate : Chaplain of (Ralph), 6, 100 ; Prior of, commissioner of Bishop, 34, 123; contribution towards war in France, 45; Robert Mitchell, Prior of Tanridge, translated to, 41, n. Relics given by Founder, 7, 101. Reutale in loth century, 37, 38, 39, 44. Richard French: Prior, 1380., 37, 93. Richardson, John, of Diocese of Carlisle, Notary Public : present at election of Prior, 42. Rigate, Ralph, chaplain of : witness to Deed, 6. Robert: chaplain; witness to Deed, 7, 101. Robert: Prior, 1499., 41, 94. Robert Mitchell : Prior, 1470., 41 and n., 42, 44, 94. Robert Wodd, or Wode, Sir: Prior, 1499., 42, 94. Robyn's Grove: land at Barrow, 46, 55, 128. Rodondella : a cloke, 75 and n. Rokesnest Manor, 46, 57, 131. Rules of Order of Austin Canons: by St. Augustine the Great, 17 ; subsequent constitutions, 62 ; generally, 59, 60, 61 ; Wolsey's code, 65, 82, entered in Marty rology, 83 ; unity, and life in common, 61, 62 ; few fixed rules, otherwise each house self governing, 59 ; religious duties, 61, 64, n. ; attendance at High Mass, 17 ; performance of Divine Service, 67 ; abstinence, 61 ; food only in refectory, 68; silence, 17, 68, 105; behaviour, 62 ; accounts kept and periodically rendered, 68 ; absence only by leave, 66, 105 ; recreation, 68 ; hunting forbidden, 63, n., 67, n. ; and sporting dogs or birds, 67 ; clothing, 18, 62, 63 and n., 64, n., 66, 67 and n. ; tonsure, 67. Rustynton, Sir Laurence de: co-adjutor of Prior, 29, 117. Ryche, Richard : signing Order of Court of Augmentations, 48, 126. Sacrilege : pretences for, 47. Sacristan: duties of, 72. St. John, William de: witness to Deed, 8, 101. Sale by King : through Court of Augmentations, 50. INDEX. 157 Salisbury, William of York, Bishop of: Justice Itinerant, 10 and n. Sawnders : tenement called, 39. Schire, Schyr, or Shyre, William de : Canon (of some other House), Bailiff: appointed receiver, 20, 22, 107, 108; cellarer, 22, 109; inspecting timber, 20. Schirford, Simon de : preparing form of account, 20, 107. Schools, Free: instituted by Monasteries, 82; only partially con- tinued by name of Grammar Schools, 82. Scolys, Master Roger: Notary Public, 33, 121. Scotenenye, Robert, Canon : Proctor of Priory, 122. Scott's Croft, in Tanridge, 45, 57, 132. Seal of Chapter, 15. Seal of Priory, 18, 42, 106; requisite for important matters, 18; kept under triple keys, 26, 114; use interdicted, 27. Seneschal of the House, 68, 127 ; of Court, 56, 129 ; duties, 54, 71. SenI, Benedick l^p tenant, 38. Sentie, or Seynt Tie, Manor in Hartfelde, Sussex : lease of, 45, 136 ; grant at Dissolution, 49, 52, 53, 58. Sequestration : on vacancy, 40, 125 ; on account of dilapidations, 40, 74, 125. Servants kept by Canons, 71. Seynt Tie : vide Sentie. Sheriff of County : payment for, 37. Shoes, as part of rent-charge, 6. Shortehal, Robert de : land-holder, 10, 102. Shyre, William de : see Schire, William de. Silence observed, according to Rules, 17, 105. Singing : rules for, 67. Site (see Tanridge Priory} granted at Dissolution to John Rede, 49. Skynner, John : payment to, 51. Skynner, John: Seneschall of Court, 56, 129. Skynners : tenement called, 39. Sraythe, William: freeholder, 55, 128. Smythes : tenement so called, 38. Sonderesh, William: Prior, 1404., 37, 98. Sondressche, Kent : accounts with, 38. Sontyuge, John de : Cunon of Tanridge, 34, 122. Sotulares : boots, 75 and n. Souls of faithful departed, daily celebration for, 3. Southwark, Bishop at, 114, 115, 116; and see Suthewerke. Sow given by Founder, 7, 101. 158 INDEX. Sowthelouds, or Sowthloncls, in Tanridge : lease of, 45 ; rent of, 57, 131. Spiritualty : contribution to war expenses in France, 45. Spoliation of Monastic Houses, 52. Squyer, John : lessee of land, 46, 54, 127. Standford, Edmund: tenant, 54, 127. Standford's land, in Tanridge, 127. Stanegrave, Robert de: feoffor of land at Crow hurst, 14. Stangrave, Robert de : mesne lord of land, 36. Stoket, John : tenant, 38. Stonehurst, Robert : tenant, 39. Strangave, Sir Robert de: Head of some other House, 20, 108. Student sent to University, 69. Studmerhill: land in Tanridge, 46, 54, 127. Sub-Prior : see Prior, Sub-. Suffolk, Charles, Duke of : Brother of the Order, 65, 90. Suppression or dissolution of Monasteries, 45, 46, 87, Ji. Surrender of Monasteries : enforced by violence, 88 ; Abbot of Reading judicially murdered for refusal, 88. Surrender of Tanridge Priory : apparently 1536., 48. Surrey, Archdeacon of: certifying due citation, 15 ; Commissioner for Visitation, 21, 109: to induct new Prior, 25, 115; procurations payable to, 51, 56, 129; excommunicate, 35, 124. Surrey, Eschaetor for County of: holding Inquisition, 25,29, 117; Receiver of Augmentations, 126, 130. Suthewerke Conventual Church : proceedings there on election of Prior, 27, 101, 114, 115. Sutton, Long, Hants: receipts from, 38, 50, 55, 129; Manor Court, 55, 129. Talewrth, Adam and Peter de : witnesses to Deed, 8, 101. Tandridge, modern spelling of Tanridge. Tannerigge : see Tanridge. Tanregge : see Tanridge. Tanridge, spelt variously : Tandridge (modern), Tannerigge, Tanregge, Tanrigge, Tanrugge, Tanryg, Tenrugg. Tanridge Church : belonging to Priory, 49, 50; Sir William, Chaplain, 34, 122 ; stipend, 51. Tanridge Manor: early mention, 12, 44; annual payment to Priory, 122 ; at Dissolution, 49. Tanridge Priory (and see Priors and Canons) : history hitherto slight, 1 ; date of foundation, 5 ; Grant of Fraternity to, 36, 101 ; then INDEX. 159 called Hospital of St. James, 2, 6, 100; called a Priory in 1226, 9 ; spoken of as a College, 3, \i> ; dedicated to St. James, 77 and n. ; provision for Chaplain, 3, 12 ; chapel and altar of B. Virgin, 77 ; church, bell-tower, cernetry, and site, granted at Dissolution, 49, 77 ; site of cloisters, 78 ; ponds and vivaria, 49, 50, 76 ; small capital of pillar preserved, 77 ; engravings of, 1, 77 ; coffin-lids, 78 ; buildings utterly destroyed, 76 ; paving tiles, 77 ; leases granted, 45, 46, 47 ; whether surrendered, not known, 48 ; Arch- bishop of Canterbury there in 1296., 13 ; contribution towards wars in France, 45 ; dissolved in 1536., 48 ; property at Dissolution, 4, 74, 126. Tanridge Priory : Canons bound by Rules of Order, 59, 60, 61 ; number always small, 3, 41, 70 ; directed to be kept up, 69 ; clothing according toRule, and uniform, 18, 80, 105, and see Rules; all to be present at High Mass, 17; those in priest's orders to celebrate at appointed places, 17 ; one to be a chaplain, 3, 12; grant for chaplain, 36; to confess to prior, 17, and see Chapter of Priory ; coffins, 78 ; charged with expenses of banished Canon, 23 ; corredy, as selected precedent, 83 ; Canons, 33, 34, and see Priors and Officers; church, bell-tower, and cemetry, granted at Dissolution, 49 ; Altar of B. Mary, 12. Tanridge, Ville : mentioned at foundation of Priory, 2, 6 ; land, 9, 11, 13, 45, 102 ; granted to Priory, 36, 38 ; tenements called Botelers, Chamberlonds, Downlonds, Hartelonde, Myllfelde, Scott's Crofte, 45, 57 ; Studmerhill, 46. Tanrigge : see Tanridge. Tanrugge : see Tanridge. Tanryg: see Tanridge. Taxation: by Pope Nicholas IX, 13 ; towards wars in France, 45. Techele : land so called, 38. Te Deum laudamus : sung at election and confirmation of Prior, 34, 70, 123. Tenrugg : see Tanridge. Testimonial, Letters : granted to Canon, 39. Thaleuurthe, or Talewrth, Peter de : witness to Deed, 6, 100. Thomas: Prior, 1225., 9, 90, 102. Thomas de St. Alban : Prior, 1309., 24, 25, 91. Thomas de Wllst, Prior of Merton : witness to Deed, 7. Thomlyn's Londs in Ox ted : lease of, 45, 57, 133. Timber: cut down only by assent of Chapter, 18, 106; by assent of Bishop's Commissioners, 20, 107. Topsell, George: lessee, 45, 57, 181. M 160 INDEX. Topsell, Richard : lessee, 45, 132. Torner, Henry: tenant, 54, 127. Treasurer : duties of, 72. Turbeville, Hamon de : witness to Deed, 6, 100. Turneham, Ralph de : witness to Deed, 6, 100. Turneys Lands, in Tanridge, 54, 127. Tyccheseye, John de : taking part in election of Prior, 16. Tyle House, Le: lease of, 57, 131. Veni Creator Spiritus: sung at election of Prior, 41. Vestments given by Founder, 7, 101. Via compromissi : Prior appointed by, 41, 42. Visitation of Monastic Houses, 64; of Tanridge Priory, by Bishop, 16, 31, 105, 118; ordinance thereon, 16; by Bishop's Commis- sioners, 19, 21, 26, 105, 109; by Vicar-General, 68. Walkenestede, Walkamstede, Walkinsted, Wawensted, Wolkenstede, Wolkestede, or Wolkhamstedd, (otherwise Godstone) : grants to Priory, 36, 46, 55 ; at Dissolution, 49, 50 ; Perpetual Vicar, 35, 123 ; tithes, 57, 134. Walter, Prior of Merton : charter given by him and the Priory, 7, 101. Walter de Hetfield: Prior, 1309., 91. Walter de Pedeleshurst : Prior, 1306., 15, 16, 91. Waltham, Bishop's, Hants : Bishop's residence, 32, 120. Waltham, Essex : Prior of, mitred, 70. Wambergh, Adam de : Official of Winchester and Commissary-General, 33, 118, 119, 122. Warblington, Thomas de: litigant with Priory, 1262., 11, 103. Warblynton, probably Warlynham, Warlingham. Ware, Master John de : Advocate in Winchester Consistory, 33, 121. Warin, son of Joel (or Fitz-Joel) : Justice 1226., 9 and n., 102. Warkyngton, probably Warlynham, Warlingham. Warlingham, Warlynham, Warlinggeham : land given for endowment, 6, 13, 100 ; inquisition as to knight's fee, 35 ; pond enclosed by Priory, 11 ; Garston, 49. Warlingham, Manor of Westhall : claim, 12; lands, 46, 136 ; inquisi- tion, 26, 29 ; leased, 30. Warlynham, John de, Senr. and Junr. : inq. post mortem, 35, 36, 122. Warranty of land given for endowment, 6. Washing by Canons, or men appointed, 66. Water, Holy : received after compline, 68. INDEX. 161 Watson, Simon, of Diocese of York, Notary Public : present at election of Prior, 42. Wauton, John and Alice de : litigant with Hospital, 1226., 9, 102. Wawensted (otherwise Godstone) : grant at Dissolution, 49, 50. Welbeck Croft : land in Oxted, 54, 127. Welbeck, Maurice : freeholder, 54, 127. West, William: Prior, 1464., 40, 94. Westhall Manor, in Warlingham: claim in respect to, 12; leased to Rector of Collesdon, 30; lands in, 46, 136. Westminster: Curia Regis held at, 9, 102; Patent dated at, 104; Order of Court of Augmentations dated at, 48, 126. Weybridge : Rede family, of, 49. Whynn, John : tenant, 38. Wigram, Mr. Percy : possessor of still existing capital, 77, n. Wilkin, Richard : tenant, 38. Wilkin, Thomas : tenant, 38. William, Chaplain : witness to Deed, c. 1220., 7, 101. William, Sir : Chaplain of Tanridge Church, 34, 122. William de Dammartin : father of Founder, 5, 6, 7. William de Dammartin, son of Founder : witness to Deed, c. 1200., 6 ; witness to Deed 13th cent., 8. William Sonderesh : Prior, 1404., 37, 93. William West: Prior, 1464., 40, 94. Wiltshire, William, Canon : Letters Testimonial granted to him by Bishop, 39, 124. Winchester, Bishop of : Injunctions to Merton Priory, 64, n. ; Injunc- tions to Tanridge Priory, 105, 108. Winchester: Consistory held there, 19. Withihame : Henry de London, Rector of, 30, 118. Withyham Manor, Sussex, 38, 53. Wlkest, Eustace de: witness to Deed 13th cent., 8, 101. Wllst, Thomas de, Prior of Merton: witness to Deed c. 1220., 7, 101. Wodd, or Wode, Sir Robert: Prior, 1499., 42, 94. Wokyngham, Philip de, of Newark Priory : prudent and circumspect, 30, 118 ; appointed by Bishop to be Prior of Tanridge, 30, 92; commission to cite him, 118; citation, 119; deprived for desertion of duty, 4, 80, 31, 34, 120, 121, 123, 124. Woldham, Thomas de, Canon : proxy for chapter on election of Prior, 1306., 15, 16. Wolkenestede : ) W lkhamstedd:} Sec 162 INDEX. Wolsey, Cardinal : a Brother of the Order, 65, 90 ; his titles, 66 ; his Rules for the Order, 66, 82. Wolveleye, John de : Commissary of Bishop, 33, 122, 123. Wolveseye Palace, Bishop at, 40, 125. % Women : endowment warranted against claims by, 6 ; forbidden on premises, except in Church, 66 ; if suspected, converse with them forbidden, 18, 106. Woods not to be cut without common assent, 18. Worlingham: see Warlynham. Wythyhamme, Sussex : payment to Court of, 38, 53. Yard, Sen r . : Richard a, or at ; tenant, 38, 39. York, William de : Justice Itinerant, 1235., 10 and n., 102. PRINTED BY KOWORTH AND CO. LIMITED, NEWTON STREET, HIGH HOLBORN.