LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OK" Mrs. SARAH P. WALS WORTH. Received October, 1894. Accessions Afo.LftT Cfes M). ?lrsr*$s foftJTIESITT] SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE, OR THE ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY, GEOLOGY, BOTANY AND METEOROLOGY, . ; o t PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE BY M. M. RODGERS, M. D., AUTHOR OF "AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY," "PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN," &C. ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS, & A COPIOUS GLOSSARY. Nature maintains uniformity in the operation of all her laws, and produces nothing by chance : whenever, th- refore, we observe an apparent exception to this prin- ciple, it is due to deficiency of knowledge or error in conclusion. And who- tver pi'actically disregards this truth, and rests his hopes upon contingent events, will be compelled to correct his error at his own cost. ROCHESTER: PUBLISHED BY ERASTUS DARROW, CORNER OF MAIN & ST. PAUL STREETS. 1848. ;l/J^ JOEHUC: Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, BY ERASTUS D ARROW, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Northern District of New York. BESTON & FISHER, PRINTERS, Reynolds' Arcade, Rochester. TO HON. ZADOC PRATT, THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR. PREFACE No apology ought to be required for the appearance of a work like this : the importance of the subjects discussed should secure at least an impartial examination. But from the humiliating consciousness which the author feels of his own inability to do justice to so difficult a task, he is induced to say something by way of explanation, in order if possible, to put himself upon friendly terms with his readers. The importance of an enter- prise, however, furnishes no reason to an incompetent person for at- tempting its prosecution. If, after the book has passed the trial of the public prosecutors in be- half of science, the critics, they shall decide against it, the author has no alternative, but must plead guilty: neither will he claim indulgence on the ground of its being the first offence, or plead, in extenuation of his fault, his ignorance of the law in relation to the case. But a sincere desire, (augmented by personal considerations,) to aid in the diffusion and cultivation of science, has induced him to make au effort, which may not be regarded by liberal minds as altogether in- excusable. The practice of issuing crude and imperfect books, is a fault quite too prevalent at the present day : there are already too many mere alphabets of science, abridgements, and books of learning made easy ; their tendency is to make conceited and superficial scholars, without the labor of personal observation and patient study. But the elements of any science may be so explained and arranged, as to give a synopsis which may be of much service to the student ; and when these elements are learned, he has laid the foundation for future advancement by his own observation. Plainness and brevity have been studied, and technical language avoided as much as possible ; a glossary has been appended which explains such technical terms as 1* VI PREFACE. .were indispeusible. It is needless to say, that a treatise on science cannot be entirely divested of all difficulties, and couched in language which is at once simple and expressive. It was deemed better to give the rudiments of each sciencej in a separate systematic treatise, than to intersperse them through the whole book without order or method. A reader will profit more to have the principles given in this way, that he may apply them himself, than he will to have a perfect system of agriculture made up of them all, with- out systematic arrangement. Another advantage of such a book is that the general reader may ob- tain the first principles of Chemistry, Geology, Botany or Meteorology, without reading a large amount of agricultural science, which, to him, may be of little use. The author is aware that an amount of matter is embodied in thi.s book sufficient to make, when extended and amplified, several such volumes: but nearly all books contain much by way of explanation and speculation, that could well be omitted. Some things may be found in the book which do not appear to have any direct connection with practical agriculture; but a little observation shows that the science* discussed all have such a connection and relation, that to omit any prin- ciple would destroy the harmony of the whole system. The best authorities have been consulted, so that whatever may be open to criticism must be judged by their testimony. It is desirable that the agricultural community, for whose more special use the book is designed, may be disposed to favor the enterprise: with all its faults, therefore, it is respectfully committed to them and the public; with no claims except to their forbearance, and no means of propitiating their favor, beyond its own merits. M. M. RODGERS Rochester. August. 1848. AUTHORITIES CONSULTED, KANE'S CHEMISTRY, FOWNE'S SILLIMAN'S " TURNER'S " LIEBIG'S AGRICULTURAL " LYELL'S GEOLOGY, HITCHCOCK'S " COMSTOCK'S " GRAY'S BOTANY, WOOD'S " EATON'S " MULLER'S ELEMENTS OF PHYSICS AND METEOROLOGY,. BOUSSINGAULT'S METEOROLOGY, BRANDE'S ENCYCLOPEDIA, LARDNER'S LECTURES ON SCIENCE, ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANICA, JOHNSTON'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, BOUSSINGAULT'S RURAL ECONOMY, THAER'S PRINCIPLES OF AGRICULTURE, PETZHOLDT'S LECTURES ON AGRICULTURE, COLMAN'S EUROPEAN AGRICULTURE, GARDNER'S FARMER'S DICTIONARY, REPORT OF THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF N. YORK, TRANSACTIONS OF THE N, Y, STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. THE Author acknowledges with pleasure, the valuable assist- ance of several scientific and practical gentlemen, to whose names he is permitted to refer viz: CHESTER DEWEY, M. D., Professor Chemistry, Geology, &c- JOHN J. THOMAS, Esq. L. WlTHEREL, A. M. P. BARRY, Esq. L. B. LANGWORTHY, Esq. AARON ERICKSON, Esq. D. D. T. MOORE, Esq. 1C., GOODSELL, Esq. Several of the above named gentlemen have examined por- tions of the manuscript of this book, and made such sugges- tions and corrections as they thought necessary. They should not, however, be held responsible for any state- ment which may appear to be erroneous, or for the selection* and arrangement of the topics discussed. M.. M. E. INTRODUCTION. AGRICULTURE is doubtless one of the oldest, most honorable and important pursuits among civilized nations. Without it the food of man must have been limited to the flesh of wild animals and the spontaneous productions of the earth : Com- merce could not exist to any extent; the arts and sciences would be almost unknown ; and society could not advance in improvement beyond a refined state of barbarism. But the culture of the soil enables men to produce more of the neces- sary food than they require, so that a part only are required in this pursuit, while the remainder are enabled to turn their talents and ingenuity to some other useful calling, the products or services of which are given to the agriculturist in exchange for food. This is the origin of the division of labor, which is at the foundation of all political economy and true governmental policy : this division and subdivision of labor is adopted more extensively the more a nation becomes enlightened and pros- perous. Without such distribution of pursuits, little wealth could be accumulated by nations or individuals. In order that every man should be independent of the services of all 12 INTRODUCTION. others, he must manufacture and produce every thing with his own hands which in the social and civilized state of society, he receives from them : this would so occupy his time and talents that he could only produce the bare necessities of a primitive life: his food must be obtained by hunting, fishing and digging roots, his clothing, the skins of animals, his shelter, a rude hut, and his only beverage" water. From this mode of living, also, the earth must soon contain more inhabitants than could subsist on its spontaneous food, and part must die of starvation. The art of agriculture has been known and successfully practiced by some of the oriental nations from remote ages. The Chinese appear to have a good practical knowledge of soils, and have, by industry and skill in agriculture, sustained a population of an almost incredible number: and, although they are supposed to be but little removed from barbarism, they are said to excel all other nations in the amount of food which they produce from a given space of soil. That the ancient Romans had an amount of practical know- ledge equal to most nations of the present day, is evident from the following passages from Virgil's Georgics. Thus in his first Georgic he alludes to the rotation of crops, the art of manuring and burning land. " Yet shall thy lands through easier labor rear Fresh crops by changeful produce year by year, If rich manure new life and nurture yield, And ashes renovate the exhausted field. Thus interchanging harvests, earth repair; Nor lands unplowed, meantime no profit bear. Much it avails to burn the sterile lands, And stubble, crackling as the flame expands; Whether earth gain fresh strength or richer food, Or noxious moisture, forced by fire exude; Whether it draw through many an opening vein, Juice to fresh plants that clothe anew the plain, Or brace the pores, that pervious to the day, Felt the prone sun's intolerable ray, To piercing showers the expanded fissure close, And the chill north that blisters as it blows." INTRODUCTION. 13 Again in the second Georgic we have evidence that they studied the nature of, and adapted various crops to different qualities of soils. " Now learn the soils, the nature of each field, What fruits their varying strength and virtue yield; Know first, the ungenial hill and barren land, Where sterile beds of hungry clay expand, And thorns and flints deface the rugged earth, Demand the long lived plants palladian birth." In the other three Georgics we learn that the Romans understood horticulture, gardening, the management of do- mestic animals and bees, and the extermination of noxious weeds and insects. Limited as were their mechanical means, and their knowledge of chemistry, geology and botany, still their skill and success would seem to exceed that of agricultu- rists of the present day ; and in fact we may almost believe that the practical knowledge of farming has retrograded since that time. If this is the case, it cannot be because science has been detrimental to modern practice, but is rather owing to their close observation of nature, and their attentive indus- try. It is no argument against the art of culture being conducted on scientific principles : the success of practical men is due to the discovery and carrying out of these principles, although they may be ignorant of them, and may not recog- nize them as such. The idea that the farmer requires nothing but practice and experience to ensure success, is as erroneous as to suppose the school teacher requires no knowledge of arithmetic or grammar. Not a blade of grass can be made to grow without perfect conformity to the laws of nature, and still the farmer arrogates to himself the credit of success in an operation, the philosophy of which he neither does, nor desires to understand. The failures of practical men in attempting to apply some new principle, are owing to want of knowledge and skill in combining science with practice, and not to any discrepancy 2 14 INTRODUCTION. in facts. It must be admitted that many of the processes of successful farming are not yet explained, and many things, true in theory, are not, as yet, demonstrated in practice, but this does not justify the conclusion that nature is not entirely consistent with herself. Men have been too much disposed to consider certain phenomena as " mysterious and past finding out," and thus have ended their investigations. But the time has arrived when the application of science is the only means of any great success in agriculture ; and those who reject this light must be content to plod their way through life like one groping in darkness, be considered as wanting in intelligence and enterprize, to accomplish but little and barely subsist, while the scientific farmer reaps abundant harvests. However strong the prejudice may be against what is absurdly called "book farming," the old empyrical system cannot, in a country where the population is dense, the soil becoming exhausted, and manures scarce, maintain a successful competition with one which is conducted upon scientific principles. No art or profession presents more points of contact with the various branches of natural science than that of agriculture ; and in no pursuit is education regarded as of less importance. While in all the learned professions and many mechanical arts, education is considered indispensible, the farmer whose knowledge consists of reading, writing, and a few empyrical dogmas of his ancestors, is supposed to be abundantly quali- fied for his calling. Trained and educated in all the old and established practices of his fathers, he is sceptical upon all that is written, and slow to adopt any new improvement in practice. An ancient philosopher being asked what things were most propei for boys to learn, replied, " Those things which they intend to practice when they become men." Now inasmuch as agriculture involves the same branches of knowledge as INTRODUCTION. 15 most other arts and professions, it follows of necessity that the farmer requires the same education and discipline of mind as those do who practice law, medicine, engineering, and the mechanical arts. Agriculture should not be looked upon as the end of life, but only as a means of securing the necessary food for subsis- tence: this, as well as all other pursuits, should be adopted with the view of enabling men not only to improve and beautify the earth, but to cultivate the moral, intellectual and social powers, and to fulfil according to their capacity, their proper station among their fellow men. It should not tend to make men mere machines, who toil for the sole purpose of gratifying grovelling and depraved appetites ; but it should elevate and refine to the highest degree of perfection, all the better faculties of our nature. A large part of the farming community already recognize the utility of the natural sciences in the cultivation of the soil. Some elementary books have been written which have been favorably received by the farming public. Among the natural sciences, Geology has received more attention than any other among this class of men. The connection of this science with agriculture is so apparent to every one who learns but the rudiments of it, that it needs only to be intro- duced, (in treatises which are plain and well arranged,) to be studied and applied in practice. It teaches the origin and nature of all the various soils and rocks, and all great physical changes which are taking place from natural causes on the earth, and beneath its surface. Botany is also of much importance: and indeed the agricul- turist and horticulturist are the only persons to whom the study and practical application of its principles are indispen- fitble. It teaches the characters, habits and localities of nearly one hundred thousand different species of plants; it treats T.6 INTRODUCTION. also of their physiology, and explains many of the most interesting processes of vegetation. Chemistry is the key which unlocks the great laboratory of nature, and shows us how she performs her complicated processes, and produces all her wonderful phenomena. Meteorology investigates all the facts and phenomena per- taining to weather, climate, seasons, temperature, storms, lati- tude, altitude, winds, &c. Zoology treats of the habits, localities, depredations and uses of all the objects of the animal kingdom. Comparative anatomy and physiology constitute a branch of zoology which treats of the form, structure, functions, differences and pecu- liarities of all the organs of animal bodies. It is the -basis of all knowledge relative to breeding, rearing, feeding, and curing the diseases of animals. Natural Philosophy treats of the properties and dynamic forces of light, air, water, and the mechanical powers, and their application to machinery and other practical purposes of life. Besides these, many other branches of knowledge are indispensible to the education of the accomplished agricultu- rist. The study of astronomy, geography, architecture, politi- cal economy, algebra, geometry, a knowledge of the lan- guages, general literature, and the fine arts to some extent, and in fact we might say, a complete collegiate course, belongs as much to the farmer as to the professional man. But the means by which this amount of preparatory educa- tion is to be attained by farmers' sons, are not yet provided. Various plans for agricultural schools have been proposed, none of which have been successful in this country. Where such schools have been established and endowed with compe- tent instructors, library and apparatus, the number of pupils have been a mere fraction of the young men who were destined for agricultural pursuits. While a few are ambitious of high attainments, the great mass are indifferent, or preju- INTRODUCTION. 17 diced against what they suppose to be only an innovation. In this way the schools fail for want of patronage, and young are deprived of their education for want of schools. But if we are not yet prepared to sustain agricultural schools, some other plan may be available. The teachers of common schools may be educated in scientific agriculture, so as to be able to instruct all such pupils as are designed for this pursuit, in at least the elements of the most necessary branches. In this way the germs of science will be planted and a taste excited, which will lead ultimately to a thorough and systematic course of study. This plan, though limited and imperfect in its operation, has the ad/antage of giving to boys, early impressions, and a preference for those studies, which, if proper books are acces- sible, may be pursued in connection with practice in after life. A plan has been proposed for securing the agricultural educa- tion of teachers, which is to establish a professorship of agri- cultural science in the State Normal School. By this means teachers could be educated, who would be competent to teach the science to the extent required in the schools of farming communities. Every farm should be considered a chemical laboratory, and every farmer a practical chemist and philosopher : farming would then be honorable and lucrative. Education would give to the cultivator of the soil that dignified confidence and polish which he has a right to possess, and which he now " too often ridicules or envies in men in other pursuits. No- reason exists why rural pursuits should alienate their votaries from the rest of mankind, and give rise to those jealousies and suspicions with which they look upon men of other occupa- tions, or fill the mind with that dogged arrogance which is always the offspring of ignorance. ' The profits of productive farming would, when conducted 2* IO INTRODUCTION. scientifically, enable the farmer to accumulate wealth, and enjoy all the comforts and luxuries of refined life. Every community could be made up of the best society, every family could have its fine library and its accomplished sons and daughters: farmers' sons need not leave the favorite pursuit of their fathers, and go into the learned professions, from the erroneous conclusion that they were more honorable or profitable. Farmers' daughters need not despise the delightful and healthful employments of the dairy, the kitchen, or the loom, and seek elevation in the miserable pursuits and fashions of the city. Nothing conduces more to the elevation and refinement of the mind than the study of nature ; the man who holds fre- quent communion with nature, and studies and obeys her laws, is always made a better and happier man. The more we explore the mysteries of nature, the more are we humbled with the reflection, that to our finite view, only a small part of her works are comprehensible. And when, after years of patient toil, we fancy we have learned most of her laws, we still find the great Author has only opened to our view new vistas to more extensive and unexplored fields of knowledge. " Nature is always perfect and unvarying, but man's knowledge is progressive ; consequently in every advance he arrives nearer the truth, yet as far from knowing all nature and her laws as he is from infinity. Exact knowledge consists in those things which can be seen and demonstrated, while in all knowledge of inference there is progression. Opinions, which are often the result of imperfect knowledge, are liable to change, and the mind is never advanced by adopting the opinions of others; for by that means man is never made a thinking being, but rests upon authority In all sciences, the acquisition of new truths exhibits in a new light, the beautiful and harmonious operation of the laws of nature." INTRODUCTION. 19 Besides the benefit of mental discipline derived from the study of nature, for which agriculture opens as wide a field as any other pursuit, the charms of rural life are unalloyed by the reflection of ill-gotten gain, and uncontaminated by immoral influences. The farmer has no occasion to review with remorse, a life of injustice to his fellow men, or mourn the loss of fortunes accumulated by an occupation almost necessarily dishonest. The lawyer looks upon his briefs pre- pared for unjust causes, the physician upon the emaciated forms of his patients, and the speculator upon the wealth amassed from the ruined fortunes of others, with the humilia- ting consciousness that they have not, in all cases, returned an equivalent for what they have received. But the cultivator of the soil may pursue his calling with the cheering reflection, that an all bounteous Providence has rewarded his efforts, and through him bestowed means of happiness upon his fellow men. The reminiscenses of rural life and scenes are always pleasant: who would not wish to return to the bounding and joyous days of youth, which were spent among woodland scenes, green fields, along the river's shore, on the sunny hill's side, or in the silence of the cool ravine, where every object lent enchantment to the scene, afforded pleasure without alloy, and prepared the mind for the admiration of nature and study of her laws in maturer years. What haunts so sacred, what objects so linked to our affections, as those associated with rural life in childhood. Who that appreciates the quietude and smiling plenty, the balmy air and variegated landscape of the country, would not prefer it to the crowded noisy streets, the pestiferous atmosphere and demoralizing influences of the city. It is in the country alone that man enjoys the beauties of nature, as she spreads them out before him in all their wild luxuriance, or as she patiently smiles beneath the improving hand of cultivation. 20 INTRODUCTION. Agriculture is an honorable, a delightful and a glorious pursuit: the first man who lived on earth was an agriculturist, -and agriculture must exist till the last man leaves it. But all labor is honorable: the GREAT FIRST CAUSE works, nature works, and every man who enjoys her fruits, ought to hold it honorable to work. When shall the glorious time dawn, that intelligence and true philanthropy shall annihilate the selfish distinction which pride has made between labour and idleness? May that auspicious day soon arrive when the worthless distinctions between mental and physical labour shall cease to exist, which separates man from his fellow man, and all the tenants of earth meet as equal sovreigns of our common inheritance. NATURAL SCIENCE. NATURAL SCIENCE embraces all the objects of the material creation, from the minutest insect, plant or particle of dust, to the most vast of the celestial spheres. This great field of knowledge is divided into Natural Philosophy and Natural History. Natural Philosophy elucidates the laws which gov- ern the phenomena of the material world, and is divided into Chemistry and Physics. Chemistry treats of phenomena which depend upon a change in the constitution of bodies: Physics treats of the dynamical properties and phenomena of bodies, which do not depend on a change in constitution or elements. Natural History treats of the character and properties of individual objects : these are divided into three great natural groups called kingdoms, viz. the animal, the vegetable and the mineral kingdom. Natural objects are distinguished also into two great classes termed animate- organic and inanimate- inorganic. All the individuals of each of the primary divi- sions, are again divided or grouped into Classes, Orders, Ge- nera and Species. The dividing line between organic life and inanimate mat- ter, is not well defined; between the lowest form of organic life and the most perfect and symmetrical crystal of the mine- 22 NATURAL SCIENCE. ral kingdom, however, the distance must be almost immeasura- bly great. Passive motion or change, is the peculiar attribute of inorganic matter: it can neither enjoy life, nor be subject to death : but life and organization are inseparable, to this combination, birth and death, are the necessary and invaria- ble terms of existence. PART I. CHEMISTRY CHAPTER I. THE science of Chemistry has for its object the investigation of the properties of all elementary and compound substances, their relations and combinations, the agencies by which their changes are effected, and the laws which govern them. The basis on which this science rests, is facts and experiment; and as it is purely a demonstrative physical science, no hypotheti- cal or speculative views can be practically made of any ser- vice to its advancement and application. Every change which takes place in the elementary consti- tution of matter in the universe, whether effected by natural causes or by the operations of art, involves a fixed chemical law, and is due to chemical action. Chemistry consists of two distinct branches, viz. Analysis and Synthesis. Analysis consists in decomposing a compound body and separating its elements. Synthesis consists in uni- ting simple bodies so as to form a compound substance. The forces which preside over and cause all chemical changes, are, attraction, light, caloric, electricity and magnetism. The rela- tive importance of these several forces cannot be exactly esti- mated in the present state of the science : the question as to 24 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. their individual nature, or identity with electricity, remains unsettled. The science of chemistry, which has achieved greater tri- umphs over matter, and conferred more practical knowledge of nature upon civilized man than all other sciences com- bined, has gradually grown out of the superstitious art of Alchemy. Modern chemistry, instead of alluring its votaries into a fruitless search after the "philosopher's stone," crowns their investigations with results which tend to the advancement of civilization and the increase of human comforts and happi- ness. Its objects are not limited to the study of abstract laws alone ; but also to the improvement of the useful arts, the cure of disease, the production and preparation of food, the study of the laws of organic life, and finally to every thing- affecting our physical relations to the material universe. PROPERTIES OF BODIES. CAPILLARITY. Capillarity is the force by which small tubes and porous substances absorb and raise fluids above the surface of that in which they are immersed. This force depends upon the cohe- sion of the molecules, or ultimate atoms of the fluid for each other, and the attraction of the solid body for those of the fluid. If we dip the end of a small tube open at both ex- tremities, into a fluid, it will be observed to rise slowly above the surface of the surrounding mass : if one corner of a sponge be dipped into water and allowed to remain, it will by virtue of its capillarity in a little time be saturated ; the water hav- ing been raised by this force against the antagonizing force of gravity. CHEMISTRY. 25 COHESION. Cohesion is the force by which the particles of a homogene- ous body are held together and resist separation. Caloric is the opposing or antagonizing force of cohesion. " The three different forms which matter assumes, viz. solid, liquid and gaseous, are determined by the degree of the cohesive force existing among the elementary particles." This force is great- est in solids, less in fluids, and least in gases. In gases this force is negative or absent, the particles having a tendency to repel each other. The globular form of the drops of liquids depends upon this force. It is easy to conceive that if cohesion were to be suspended, all solids as well as fluids would assume the gaseous form ; the repulsive tendency beingt henu ncontrolled. This can be effected to a certain extent by means of heat : heat overcomes the cohesive power of solids and changes them to liquids : but when the heat is removed, they are again changed to solids by cohesion, as in the case of melted iron : bodies naturally liquid, as water and mercury, are volatilized by heat, and as- sume the gaseous form. The cohesive force acts at insensible distances. DIVISIBILITY. Matter is capable of being divided into inconceivably small particles. We have, however, no means of determining the question of its infinite divisibility. We can easily imagine that the minutest particle which can be produced by mechanical means, must still have extension, form and weight, and would be divisible, (had we instruments sufficiently delicate,) into other particles, and these again into others, and so on until they totally disappeared from the limit of our conceptions. But we cannot by any process whatever annihilate or destroy the least particle of matter. The particles of hydrogen gas, which is itself fourteen times lighter than common air, would, individually present an idea 3 26 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. almost inconceivable. And still this gas is material, and must be made up of an aggregate of particles. A single grain of gold used in gilding silver wire, is made to cover a surface of 1400 square inches, and still the gold upon the millionth of a square inch when examined by the microscope, is distinctly visible. A square inch of gold leaf may be divided into one billion and four hundred millions of particles, and still retain all the characters and color of a large mass. Chemical action may be supposed to carry the process of division to a much higher attenuation than mechanical means. A single drop of solution of indigo colors 1000 cubic inches of water, and yet this coloring matter is an aggregate of distinct particles. The fineness of particles has an important effect on the chemical action of one body upon another. Perhaps a more definite idea may be given by the following example. The author had the pleasure of examining with Professor Dewey's improved microscope, some fossil infusoria, which were so small that they appeared like perfectly impalpable powder, and not the least gritty between the teeth. These minute particles of dust when subject to the greatest magni- fying power of the instrument, proved to be the shells of in- fusoria resembling in shape the sow-lug and trilobite, and ap- parently from three to four inches in length and one inch in width. And still, minute as they were, they must have had when living, all the organs and machinery of animals of large size. GRAVITY. The term gravity, in natural philosophy, signifies weight : it is that force or attraction in nature which causes all bodies to move towards the earth when not prevented by some other force. The gravitating force of a body is in proportion to the quantity of matter which it contains. The force of gravity in- creases in falling bodies, in proportion as they approach the earth. Bodies of the same bulk, do not always possess the CHEMISTRY. 27 same gravity or weight, owing to difference in density : thus lead weighs about twelve times as much as cork, bulk for bulk, that is, it contains twelve times as much matter, and hence it has twelve times the gravitating force. What this gravitating force is, has not been determined ; all we know in relation to it is, its effects. Specific gravity, de- notes the weight of any body, compared with some other body of equal bulk, which is taken as a standard and is reckoned at unity. Water is taken as the standard of specific gravity for solids and fluids, while atmospheric ah- is the standard from which the weight of the gases is estimated. DENSITY. By density, is understood, the compactness of bodies, or the number of ultimate particles contained in a given bulk : bodies which contain the most particles are most dense, that is, their particles are in the closest proximity to each other. Rarity, or porosity is opposed to density. Density does not depend upon the peculiar kind of matter of which a body is composed, but only upon the proximity of its particles. This is apparent, from the fact that the lava ejected from volcanoes, if cooled on the surface of the earth, produces a stone sufficiently light and porous to float upon water, while if cooled under great pressure at a distance below the surface, it forms a dense heavy rock like granite. ELASTICITY. Elasticity is the property in bodies, which causes them to resume their original form and bulk, after being bent, com- pressed or condensed. Most solid and hard bodies possess this quality in some degree : glass, ice, ivory, 6 - is the thread-like part which sup- ports the anther at its summit: the pollen is a fine yellow dust of various forms contained within the cells of the anther, until dis- charged through its pores into the air. The pistil consists also of three parts, viz: the ovary, the style, and the stigma. The ovary is the base of the pistil which contains the young seeds, and which ultimately be- comes the fruit Fig. 6, d. The style is a prolonged column arising from the ovary, and supporting the stigma at its top. Fig. 6, e. The stigma is the upper extremity of the style, usually of a globular form: ii may be either simple or compound, according to the structure of the ovary and style. Fig 6, f. The ovules are minute globular bodies in the cells of the ovary, which become the seeds of the matured fruit The placenta is a fleshy ridge within the cells of the ovary, from which the ovules are developed, and to which they are attached. There are several other secondary and minute parts, be- longing to the flower, which it is not necessary or practicable to describe here, as it would only burthen the memory with technical terms which would convey but little useful know- ledge. 100 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. Fig. 7. THE FRUIT. The ultimate object of the whole vegetable organization appears to be the production of fruit; which is the agent through which the reproduction of the species is accomplished. After the seed is perfected in annual plants, they soon wither and die : the flower always precedes the fruit, and is neces- sary to its development and perfection. The fruit consists of two parts, viz: &e pericarp and the seed, or the seed-covering and the seed: the pericarp is wanting in some plants, but the seed is essential in all. In the coniferous plants, as the pine, spruce, &c., the seed is naked and destitute of the pericarp. The PERICARP is the part which envelops the seed, whatever be its substance or struc- ture. Fig. 7. In the peach and plum, this is a fleshy, pulpy substance, in the oak and Fi S' 8 - walnut, a dense hard shell : (fig. 8.) thus the structure and composi- tion of the pericarp varies in dif- ferent plants, from a soft watery pulp to a dense shell. The pro- cess of the ripening of fruit con- sists of certain chemical changes produced by the action of light, heat and air, and perhaps other agents. Pericarps have received specific names, according to their Fig. 9. form and structure: that of the pea and bean is called a pod, that of the walnut and but- ternut is called a nut, that of the apple and pear, a pome, that of the currant and whor- tleberry, a berry, &c. Fig. 9. This figure represents the pericarp, or seed capsule of the cenothera. BOTANY. 101 THE SEED. The seed contains the rudiments of a new plant, and is the final product of all the complicated and beautiful processes of vegetation. The essential parts of the seed are, the integu- ment a, the albumen and the embryo. The integuments are composed of several distinct layers, which constitute the immediate coverings of the other parts. The albumen lies next to the integuments, constituting the principal bulk of some seeds ; it is a whitish substance, com- posed mainly of starch, which, by the chemical changes which it undergoes during the process of germination, serves to nourish the embryo plant. The embryo comprises all the rudiments of the new plant: it consists of three parts, viz : the radicle, the plumule, and the cotyledon. The radicle is the part which forms the root, the plumule Fig. 10. forms the ascending portion of the plant, the cotyledon is the bulky part of seeds, and forms the first leaves of young plants, which lin the garden bean, cucumber, &c., are I thick, fleshy and oval, when they first rise above the surface of the ground: these ! support the plant and perform the function of leaves until the proper leaves are formed. [This figure shows an embryo with its plumule and radicle developed from the cotyledon: a, radi- cle; b, plumule; c, cotyledon.] GERMINATION OF SEEDS. Germination consists of the first chemical changes and vital action, which take place when a new plant is about to be produced. " When the seed is planted in a moist soil, at a moderate temperature, the integuments gradually absorb water, soften *9 102 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. and expand. The water is decomposed, its oxygen combines with the carbon of the starch which has been stored up in the tissues. Thus, losing a part of its carbon, the starch is con- verted into sugar for the nourishment of the embryo, which now begins to dilate and develop its parts. Soon the integuments burst, the radicle descends, seeking the damp and dark bosom of the earth, and the plumule rises with expanding leaves, to the air and light. The conditions requisite for the germination of the seed are, heat, moisture, oxygen, air and darkness." [Wood. Fig. A. [Fig, A. This cut represents a young dicotyledonous plant, with its radicle, a, developed; its cotyledons, c, c, appear in the form of large succulent leaves; the plumule is just appearing as a minute point between the cotyledon*.] THE ROOT. The root constitutes the basis of the plant : it serves two purposes in the vegetable economy, first to fix the plant BOTANY. 103 mechanically in the soil and retain it in its position, secondly to absorb from the soil those inorganic elements which are necessary for its food. The general direction of the root is downwards ; but the roots of various plants grow at all angles from the horizontal to the perpendicular : the principal perpen- dicular axis is called the tap root. The number and extent of the roots must correspond with those of the stalk and leaves of the plants, in order to supply their demand of food from the soil. Roots do not usually extend to great depths, but keep within the limit of that portion of soil which supplies their proper nutriment. Roots are distinguished from stems and branches by the absence of stomata, buds and pith, and by the presence of absorbing fibres. The stock, or main body of the root, sends off i\\Q fibrils, or minute, slender branches of the root, the delicate, tender extremities of the fibrils are called spongioles: these arc the growing points, and the organs which absorb from the soil the earthy part of the food of all plants. If some trees, as the willow or currant, be inverted in the soil, the branches are changed to roots, while the roots put forth leaves in the air, and the plant grows. Roots are of several different forms, which have received Fi s- llt specific names for the sake of convenience. Ramose, or branching roots, are those which send :off many ramifications in various directions, like the branches of a tree: such are the roots of the oak and elm. Fig. 1 1 . 104 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. Fig. 12. Fusiform, or spindle shaped roots, consist of a fleshy stock, tapering downwards to its extremity, sending off fibrils, which are its true roots: such are the raddish, carrot and parsnep. Fig. 12. The napiform root is a variety of the fusiform, in which the neck or, upper part swells out, so that its' diameter equals or exceeds its length. The turnip and turnip- raddish are examples. Fig. 13. Fibrous roots are made up of numerous small thread-like roots, attached directly to the stalk, without any neck or main root : such are the roots of most grasses. Fig. 14. Fasciculated roots differ from the fibrous in having some of their fibres thickened and fleshy, as in the dahlia and peony. Tuberous roots consist of fleshy, roundish knobs or tumors, Fi s 15 - at or near the extremity of the stalk, as in the orchis : " the potato was formerly classed among tubers, but as it uniformly bears buds, it is classed among stems." Fig 15. Granulated roots consist of many small rounded bulbs connected together by fibres, as in the common wood sorrel. Fig 16. Fig. 16. BOTANY. 105 Besides these varieties of roots, there are several others which are peculiar, and distinguished by not being necessa- rily fixed in the soil. Aerial roots are those which grow from some part of the plant above the surface of the soil in the open air. Some creeping plants, as the ground ivy, send forth these roots from their joints. The screw-pine also sends off roots which are several feet in length before they reach the ground. Such roots are often seen in the common maize. Floating roots belong to plants which float upon the surface of water. The water-starwort is said to float upon the surface until flowering, when it sinks and takes root in the mud till its seeds ripen. The epiphytes, or plants fixed upon the branches of other species, derive their nourishment mostly from the air: such are some species of moss. Parasites are those plants which grow upon other plants ; and some of whose roots are said to penetrate their tissues and subsist upon their juices; while the roots of others are aerial, and derive their food from the air : such are the mistle- toe and dodder. Roots are divided again into three varieties, viz: annual, biennial and perennial, according to their duration. Annual roots are those which live only one year, and must be raised from the seed, sown every spring, as beans, peas and cucumbers. Biennial roote_are those which live two years and do not blossom the first season, but they produce flowers, fruit and seeds the second year, and then die : such are the beet, cab- bage and carrot. Perennial roots live several years, some of them, as forest trees, live to a very great age: the grasses, dandelion and asparagus are other examples. 106 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE ROOT. The internal structure of the root and stem are similar : the fibrils are composed of vascular tissue, inclosed in a cellular epidermis, which, however, does not extend to the ends of the fibrils; these ends are naked and spongy, hence they are called spongioles, and have the power of absorbing large quan- tities of water. The growth of the root takes place by layers upon its surface and the addition of matter at the extremities. The fact is considered established, [Johnston,] that the spuigioles absorb gaseous as well as aqueous matters, when in contact with them. The root absorbs only from its spongioles ;-> from these it is carried by the vessels of the fibrils to those of the main roots, and thence into the stem and to all parts of the plant. 1. Both organic and inorganic substances, in a state of solution in water, enter the circulation of plants. 2. The roots have the power of selecting such substances as are necessary for their food, and of rejecting those that are^njurious to their healthy growth. 3. Roots possess the power of excreting certain matters which are in excess, or are unnecessary or injurious to them. 4. Roots have the power of modifying the fluids as they pass through them. [Johnston.] THE STALK OR STEM. The part of a plant which rises above the surface of the soil, which constitutes the principal axis, and is intermediate between the roots and branches, is called the stem. The direction of the stem is generally vertical, but in some plants it is oblique or horizontal. Stems, like roots, may be annual, biennial or perennial. Plants are divided into kerbs, shrubs, and trees, according to the size and duration of the stem. Herbs are plants with annual roots and annual stems, which do not become woody: such are the grasses, mints, most flowers, <&e. Shrubs have perennial, woody stems and roots, divided into BOTAN1T. 107 numerous branches near the ground, and do not attain the size of trees : such are the alder, whortlebeny, lilac and haw- thorn. Trees have perennial, woody stems and roots, do not branch off near the ground, and attain a great size : examples, elm, oak and pine. The distinguishing property of the stem is the production and development of luds. Buds are of two kinds, viz: the leaf -bud and the flower-bud. The leaf-bud consists of delicate layers of cellular tissue, or embryo leaves, covered by hardened crusty scales. The "flower-bud consists of the rudiments of the new flower. There are several subordinate organs, which are little more than appendages to the stem, and which it is unnecessary to describe. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE STEM. Plants are divided into exogenous and endogenous. The exogenous are those which grow by accumulation, or layers of matter from the outside. This class includes nearly all forest trees and most shrubs and herbaceous plants of tem- perate climates. The endogenous plants are those which grow from the inside, or by accretion of matter within that already developed. Most of the bulbous plants of temperate regions, all the grasses, and the palms, cane, showing tte exist only in the upper surface, the storoata, c, >c. lower surface being in contact with the BOTANY. 117 Tlio veins which carry the latex, or nutricious fluid of the leaf, "having reached the edge of the leaf, double back upon themselves," spread through the lower surface, and are again collected, and returned through the leaf-stalk into the bark. Fig. 35. [Fig. 35 shows a magnified section of the leaf of the lily: the upper surface, a, consists of flattened cells of the epidermis, arranged in a single layer; beneath this, b, is the more compact part of the paren- chyma, consisting of a layer of oblong cells placed in such a position that their longer axis is perpendicular to the leaf's surface. Next below is the parenchyma of the lower surface, c, composed of oblong cells arranged longitudinally, and so loosely compacted as to leave larger spaces between. Lastly, d, is the epidermis of the lower sur- face, with stomata, e, e, opening into air chambers, f.] FUNCTIONS OF THE LEAF. The functions of the leaf are, exhalation, absorption, respi- ration and digestion. The ultimate end of these functions is to produce the necessary changes on the crude sap brought up from the roots, and to convert it into the latex, which is the proper nutrition of the growing plant : this ftuid is to the plant what the arterial blood is to the animal system. Exhalation in plants is the throwing off of the excess of water in the sap, so as to leave it in a more concentrated form, and consequently better adapted to nutrition : exhalation takes place through the stomata, and is different from mere evapo- ration, which depends upon the state of temperature and air. Exhalation is supposed to cease during darkness. Absorption is performed mainly by the roots, in nearly all plants : when, however, these are defective or wanting, the leaf 118 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. assumes the vicarious office of absorption. The invigorating effect of a shower of rain oil the leaves of parched and wilted plants, is seen long before the water could have reached the roots and have been carried up to the leaves : this effect must be produced, therefore, by the absorption of moisture by the leaf. This action takes place mostly from the lower surface of the leaf. Respiration in plants consists, as in animals, in the absorp- tion of oxygen from the air, and the giving off of carbonic acid. It is performed mainly by the leaves, but is performed to some extent by other parts also : it continues without inter- mission by day as well as by night, during the life of the plant Respiration is most active during the processes of germination and flowering: a constant supply of oxygen, and the daily presence of light, are indispensable to the growth and vitality of the plant Digestion comprises all those changes which the mineral, aqueous and gaseous matters undergo after entering the plant, until they are assimilated and become a part of the organism. " It consists in the decomposition of carbonic acid by the green tissues of the leaves, under the stimulus of the light, the fixa- tion of the solid carbon, and the evolution of pure oxygen." [Wood. INFLORESCENCE. Inflorescence is the term used to indicate the peculiar arrangement of flowers upon the stem and branches of plants ; also their successive development in different parts of the same plant Flowers are said to be terminal and axillary, in regard to their position on the stem. Terminal flowers are placed at the end or summit of the branch or flower stalk. Axillary flowers are placed in the angle formed by the branch or leaf-stalk, and the primary central stem, or larger lateral braaches. BOTANY. 119 The peduncle is the flower-stalk, or that part of the stem which is attached to and supports the flowers : it may be simple or branching, and it may be entirely absent, rig 36 [Fig. 36 shows a papilionaceous flower with its peduncles-3 A scape is a flower-stalk, or peduncle, which springs imme- diately from the root, in those plants which are called stemless, as the sarracenia, hyacynthus, &c. A rachis is the main axis, or stem, of a compound peduncle, along which are arranged the flowers, as in the currant, grape, grasses, plantain, &c. A flower is said to be solitary, when a single terminal or axillary flower is developed, as in the erythronium and con- volvulus. The successive evolution of flowers is distinguished into two varieties, viz : the centripetal and centrifugal. In centripetal inflorescence, the blooming of the flower com- mences at the circumference and proceeds towards the centre, as in the mustard, carrot, &c. In centrifugal inflorescence, the blossoming commences at the terminal or central flower, and advances laterally to the circumference, as in the elder, pink and sweet-william. These two modes of inflorescence are sometimes combined in the same plant. [Gray.] There are several varieties of centripetal inflorescence, which 120 SCIENTIFIC AGRICUJLTURE. arc designated by specific terms ; as the spike, raceme, amcnt, spadix, corymb, umbel, head, panicle and thyrse. Of centrifugal inflorescence, there are also several varieties, as the cyme, fascicle, whorl, or verticil, &c. Fig 37. [Fig. 37 represents a head of oats showing an example of a panicled flower.] Tendrils, CHAPTER" IV. GENERAL REMARKS. THE dissemination of seeds is a subject not unworthy o* allusion. It is known to botanists, that nearly all plants have particular localities to which they are indigenous. But, by various means, they have become more or less distributed over different and distant parts of the earth. Some seeds, as those of the thistle and dandelion, are furnished with a little plume or wing, by means of which they are wafted by winds to great distances, and thus sown in a soil and locality where the species was never before known. Some seeds are furnished with hooks or burs, by means of which they attach themselves to the clothing of men and animals : seeds are also eaten by animals and birds, carried to great distances, voided undigested and without injury to their vitality, germinate wherever they are deposited. Many seeds are so protected by a thick dense pericarp, that they make long voyages, being carried along by the current of streams, or the ebbing and flowing of tides, until they reach a distant country, and perhaps even another continent, and there propagate and establish their species. They are carried also by ships and other conveyances engaged in commercial transportations, as well by accident as by design for the purpose of cultivation. Many seeds retain their vitality after boiling, digestion in alcohol, and being buried in the earth for 11 122 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. centuries. Dr. Lindley mentions a remarkable instance of the longevity of raspberry seeds, which, as proven by circum- stances, must have been 1,600 years old, and were found thirty feet below the surface of the earth. Oily seeds are more liable to putrify and lose their vitality than others. The blooming of flowers was thought, during the dark and middle ages, when the human mind was blinded by the grossest superstition, to be emblematical of something con- nected with religion: thus when the time of the blossoming of a flower fell on the birthday of a saint, or on the day of a martyrdom, that flower was consecrated or dedicated to such saint or martyr. Plants exhibit many phenomena which seem to be connec- ted with atmospheric conditions and changes : thus it is said a storm may be predicted by the folding or opening of certain flowers ; also that a clear sky, thunder, wind, &c, may be fore- told by the various other phenomena observed to take place in the different organs of plants. Some plants are capable of enduring a high degree of heat: those of the tropics sustain a temperature which would be intolerable to animals for a great length of time : others are found immersed in the waters of boiling springs, and in a state of thrifty vegetation. Every country exhibits a flora, or botanical character, pecu- liar to itself. The influence of light and heat on the growth of plants is seen to be powerful and important. In the polar regions, where almost perpetual winter reigns, the vegetation is rigid, scanty and stinted : the centre of the frigid zone, in fact, is totally destitute of vegetable life. After passing the arctic circle, we find a few species of mosses, lichens and ferns, and a few shrubs. The only country in this zone where the grains can be successfully cultivated, is Lapland. The tem- perate zone produces most species of useful nutrient plants, such as the grains, berries, fruits and grasses, as well as valu- able timber trees. The torrid zone produces every variety of BOTANY. 123 vegetation from the equator to the poles: this variety depends upon the altitude at which they are found; the low land pro- duces the most luscious fruits and stately trees, with a vast variety of flowers and spices. As vegetation ascends the mountain heights, even under the equator, it assimilates, according as the climate becomes less congenial, to that of the colder regions, in the same way as when receding from the equator towards the poles. Plants, like animals, are liable to various diseases : no inorganic body can be said to suffer from disease, although they are subject to decomposition and disintegration, they are not capable of diseased action, because destitute of vitality, which i^ indispen- sable to such a process. Plants may become diseased from a deficiency or excess of food, air, light, water, heat, or from cold, noxious vapors, external injuries, insects, parasites and hereditary organic or functional debility. They are also liable to diseases peculiar to old age and excessive action, in the same manner as animals. Thus they suffer from anemia,* or want of fluids, like aged persons: they sometimes labor under dropsy, from deficiency of light, and from other causes they suffer and die from dry mortification* Lastly, plants are liable to disease and death from poisoning and contagion. The economical uses of plants are well known, and require only a passing notice : forest trees, and some parts of other plants, are indispensable in the arts: cereals, fruits and roots, are used as food for both man and beast : the grasses, lichens, mosses and herbs serve as food for animals: various plants, and the substances derived from them, are also used as medicines. Plants designed for medicinal purposes should be collected at a time when the whole vitality and forces are not engaged in the growth of the plant and maturity of the flower and seed : herbs should be gathered soon after flowering, or when the seed is nearly ripened : roots, if annual, should be * Terms proposed by the author. 124 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. gathered after the stem and foliage are withered in autumn, or before the old root begins to decay in the spring: barks possess more strength if taken after the descent of the sap has ceased, and the cambium has become hardened into wood and bark. Some remarks on the collection and preparation of plants for herbariums, and upon botanical analysis, classification and nomenclature, might be made; but they would be of little service, as they would anticipate a step in the science which lies beyond the limits of this treatise. * PART IV. METEOROLOGY. CHAPTER I. METEOROLOGY is the science which treats of all the various phenomena which take place in the atmosphere. " Under the term meteorology, it is now usual to include, not merely the accidental phenomena to which the name of meteor is applied, but every terrestrial as well as atmospherical phenomenon, whether accidental or permanent, depending on the action of heat, light, electricity, and magnetism. In this extended signification, meteorology comprehends climatology and the greater part of physical geography ; and its object is to deter- mine the diversified and incessantly changing influences of the four great agents of nature now named, on land, in the sea, and in the atmosphere." [Brande.] A meteor is any phenomenon of a transitory nature, which appears in the atmosphere. The various conditions and changes which take place in the air incessantly, with respect to heat, cold, moisture, dryness, &c., are called weather. Observations have been made in all ages of the world upon these phenomena, in order to explain their causes and foretell the changes of weather. But there are so many conditions to be considered, and so many influences which probably can never be under- 126 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 4 stood, that there is little certainty in all the theories and weather tables which have been formed. Although many of the meteorological phenomena are somewhat well understood in their individual nature, still, when they are combined, their operation is exceedingly complex, and the number of their changes almost infinite. Records of past changes of weather have long been kept, but it has been found by observation and comparison of the results of different seasons and years, that few data are obtained, on which to ground any prognostications of the future. Some individuals have, by long and close observation, attained some apparent accuracy of judgment in relation to the phases of the weather; but their conclusions were not of a nature to be systemized and transmitted to posterity ; so that, if any real attainment has been made in this way, it has always been lost with the observer. "The registers which are kept in different observatories, prove, contrary to popular belief that the changes of weather are in no way whatever dependent on the phases of the moon." Although the ever varying and endless changes of weather are all the necessary results of fixed laws, yet it is doubtful whether these laws will ever be sufficiently understood to enable us to reduce our knowledge respecting them to demon- strative ccertainty. CLIMATE. Climate, in its most extended signification, embraces all the modifications of atmospheric temperature and conditions, and the principal causes on which they are dependent: besides temperature, it includes humidity, dryness, winds, barometrical conditions, purity of air, &c. The principal causes which tend to modify climate are, latitude, altitude, direction in which the sun' sprays fall upon the earth, configuration and aspect of the land, its proximity and relation to the sea, direction of the wind, density of the atmosphere, number of rays of the sun METEOROLOGY. 127 which are absorbed, amount of vegetation, character of the soil, and state of agriculture. But among all these causes none have so important an influence on determining the climate of a country as latitude and altitude. The degrees of heat are not always equal for the same latitude; thus at Rome, in latitude 63 north, the mean temperature is the same as that of Raleigh, North Carolina, in latitude 36 north. Lines passing through points on the surface of the earth at which the mean annual temperature is the same, are called isothermal lines. These lines do not pass round the earth in a direct course like the parallels of latitude, but they vary so as to assume a tortuous direction. The isochimenal lines, or lines of equal cold, or equal winter, vary much more than the lines of equal summer. The reason why latitude affects the temperature of a climate, is because it varies the obliquity of the sun's rays in relation to the earth. This, however, is not the cause of the difference in the length of day and night at different places. The following table from Muller shows the length of the longest day for the different latitudes. Polar Elevation. Length of longest day. 12 hours. 1644 / 13 3048' 14 4922' 16 6323' 20 " 6632' 24 " 6723' 1 month. 7339' 3 90 6 " Altitude has an important effect on determining the mean temperature on all places, whatever may be their latitude. The temperature diminishes from the surface upwards as far 128 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. as man has ever ascended, and probably beyond this point to the very limit of the atmosphere. The interior of the earth is supposed to be yet in a fluid state from the effects of heat ; the solid outside crust constituting only y^ part of its whole diameter: at 50 to 40 feet below the surface, invariable tem- perature prevails; that is, there is always an equilibrium, so that the mercury in a thermometer would remain stationary at this depth, whatever might be the temperature above in the open air. This point would be at the surface if the tem- perature of the air was always the same. The increase of cold upwards from the earth is at the rate of 1 F. for every 100 yards. The snow line, or line of perpetual congelation, varies less in proportion to latitude than altitude : thus it will be seen by the table below, that this line is much lower at the equator than in higher latitudes in proportion. Table of Snow Lines from Mutter. Coast of Norway, 2,340 feet above sea level. Iceland, 3,042 " " Alps, 8,801 " " " " MtEtna, 9,441 Himmalayas, 14,625 " x Mexico, 14,625 " " " " Quito, 15,600 " " " " There are three reasons given by Dr. Brande, why the cold increases as we ascend, viz: 1. The absorption of the sun's rays in the denser strata of the atmosphere near the surface of the earth. 2. Radiation of caloric from the earth. 3. The ascending current of air. Configuration of the land varies the climate of a country : a plain is hotter than an uneven surface, all other conditions being equal. The sand on the desert plains of Africa some- times attains a temperature of 122 F. The side of a moun- tain or hill, which faces the sun, is warmer than the opposite METEOROLOGY. 129 side, for the plain reason that its rays strike upon it more vertically. Proximity or distance from the ocean is another cause which varies climate. Small islands and peninsulas have milder winters and fresher summers than the interior of conti- nents in the same latitude. The refrigerating effect of winds blowing from the polar seas is felt in countries at great distances : the reverberation of winds among mountains also increases the cold and heat of certain localities. The other causes upon which climate is dependent, are considered in another place. The - following table from Muller, shows the mean temperature of several different places. 130 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. Table showing the mean temperature of several places during several years, part of one from Mutter's Phys. and Me'ty. ** OOi l 4 * 00^ *O^ CO_ O^ ^ fO^ O^ 00^ CC^ C^ CO^ ir^ CO^ ^ ^ CO I r-H I I rH r-l <>l tuunjny T I IO O -t- OD OO i I CO i I O5 i ( r-(OOO5COiO co o . i- O5 00 "^ GO OO O O5 O CO fe: . M ^ COlOJ>.iOOi COCO-^Ci 00 CD iO i t r- lOSlOCOOOi IOOO5i-HOiO r ScO(:?-C^a>'CO J^lCO^^lO^CO'^f-HOO lV ^CO^ H (Mr-lr-t 1 rf * ' . S ,0 o g j. rf g | o . 132 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. EXPLANATION OF THE CUT. This cut is designed to show the latitude and altitude at which some of the most important plants flourish in the greatest perfection. It shows also the latitude in which various winds prevail, the latitude where there is little or no rain and also where there is almost constant rain. The scale of miles on the left hand of the cut shows the height of the mountains, the elevation at which plants grow on their sides, and the line of perpetual snow. On the right hand are the degrees of latitude. The locality of plants, as shown by the table, nrj not perhaps strictly accurate in all cases; but they approximate correctness sufficiently near for all ordinary calcu- lations. METEOROLOGY. 133 INFLUENCE OF AGRICULTURE ON THE CLIMATE AND THE ANNUAL FALL OF RAIN, The question, wlietlier the clearing away of forests and the labors of the agriculturalist have had any influence in lessening the annual quantity of rain and the quantity of water in streams, as well as in modifying the climate, is one of considerable interest and importance. The clearing away of forests, so as to allow^of free evaporation of water from marshes, and per- mit the access of the sun's rays to the soil, most certainly has a tendency to equalize the distribution of heat, if it does not actually raise the mean annual temperature. The mean tem- perature of the whole earth, however, was much higher formerly than at present. The tillage of the soil, by rendering- it loose, and exposing a greater surface to the action of heat and air, favors evaporation, and in this way makes a cold, wet soil, dry and warm. It also increases the capacity of the soil for heat, and favors nocturnal radiation and the formation of dew : but perhaps this fact goes about as far to sustain one side of the question as the other. It is a fact universally admitted by geologists, that the level of the waters of the earth have every where undergone a change. The instances are numerous, in which rivers, lakes, seas and marshes, have been greatly diminished or totally dried up; this may be one of those phenomena which is evident to all, but which is nevertheless difficult clearly to explain. Islands have risen out of the sea, coasts have been left dry by the receding of the waters, and the beds of large rivers have become dry arable soil. This has of course been in some instances owing to the actual elevation of portions of land by some subterranean force: and it is also true that portions have been submerged by similar causes. But these causes are insufficient to account for the general drying of streams and diminution of rains in cleared agricultural dis- tricts. " In felling the trees which covered the crowns and slopes of mountains, men in all climates seem to be bringing 12 134 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. upon future generations two calamities at once, a want of fuel and a scarcity of water." [Humboldt.] The rainy season is less regular in countries where the soil is dry and naked, than where it is moist and covered with dense forests or luxuriant vegetation. In some parts of South America, which are clothed with ancient and large forests, rain is falling almost incessantly : but in the same country, where there are wide extended plains and little vegetation, it seldom or never rains. Boussingault states, that when he was in Payta, in South America, the inhabitants informed him it had not rained there in seventeen years. The conclusions to which he arrived on this subject, part of them sustained also by Humboldt and Dr. Hitchcock, are as follows. 1. "That extensive destruction of forests lessens the quan- tity of running water in a country. 2. " That it is impossible to say precisely whether this dimi- nution is due to a less mean annual quantity of rain, or to more active evaporation, or to these two effects combined. 3. " That the quantity of running water does not appear to have suffered any diminution or change in countries which have known nothing of agricultural improvement. 4. "That independent of preserving running streams, by opposing an obstacle to evaporation, forests economize and regulate their flow. 5. "That agriculture established in a dry country, not covered with forests, dissipates an additional portion of its running water. 6. "That clearings of forest land of limited extent may cause the disappearance of particular springs, -without our being therefore authorised to conclude that the mean annual quantity of rain has been diminished. 7. " That in assuming the meteorological data collected in intertropical countries, it may be presumed that clearing off the forests does actually dimmish the mean annual quantity of rain which falls." CHAJPTER IL THE philosophical principles upon which the phenomena of rain are immediately dependent, are not yet well settled : rain. is supposed, however, by many of the best writers, to depend upon the action of electricity for its origin. All causes which have a tendency to reduce the temperature of the air, cause a precipitation of moisture. When the aqueous vapor which is held in suspension by the air becomes condensed by cold, the minute vesicles coalesce and form drops, which by their gravity descend through the air, which is no longer capable of sus- taining them. The drops of rain are said to be from one twenty fifth to one third of an inch in diameter : when they descend through a stratum of dry air, they are partly dissipated by evaporation. This accounts in part for the fact that there is less rain on plains than on mountains. The same latitudes have not the same quantity of rain! this, like climate, is modified by various local circumstances, as altitude, proximity to the sea, direction and prevalence of winds, agricultural condition, forests, &c. The quantity of rain which falls during the year is greatest at the equator, and diminishes as we leave this point and approach the poles. The quantity also which falls during the night and during the day, varies at different places : in Europe more rain falls during the day than during the night time; while in South 136 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. America more falls during night thaji during day. The mean quantity of rain is less as we ascend above the sea level : it is more in the same latitudes where the mean temperature is 68 F., than at any point above or below this. Rains become less periodical and regular as we leave the equator. The mean annual quantity of rain in Europe, between latitudes 35 and 50 north, (and probably the same would be nearly true of similar latitudes in the United States,) is from 25 to 45 inches. The mean quantity, as shown by the report of the Regents of the University of New York to the Legislature, for the last ten or fifteen years, as measured at thirty different places in this state, is 35.84 inches. Of these various estimates, 43.65 was the greatest number of inches, which fell at " Erasmus Hall," Long Island: the smallest number was 28.14, which fell in St. Lawrence county. We see from tables in Bous- singault's work, that most falls in autumn and least in spring: we see also that most falls in July and least in March of any months in the year. This table is from the record kept ly L. Wetherell, Esq., at the Rochester Collegiate Institute. Greatest annual mean temperature for 13 years, ending with 1847, 3999 Least do. - 25 46 Greatest mean temperature of one year, - - 48 60 Least " " " - - 43 71 Highest heat, July, 1845, - - 102 Lowest " Feb., 1836, 8 below zero. Most rain in one month, Oct., 1846, 6.79 inches. Least " " " Jan., 1837, 0.16 DEW AND FROST. All bodies in nature are constantly undergoing a change of temperature : however hot or cold a body may be, it is eon- METEOROLOGY. tinually giving out heat,^ither by radiation or by contact, or it is receiving and absorbing heat from other bodies. Upon the principle that heat tends to seek an equilibrium, by means of radiation and absorption among bodies, the production of dew and frost may be accounted for. During the absence of the sun, a great quantity of heat is dissipated from the surface of the earth by ladiation: by this means, when the night is clear, the temperature is considerably lowered : when, however, the earth is overhung by a canopy of clouds, they radiate in return, or reflect, and thus maintain an almost uniform temperature. When the clouds are absent, all the heat radiated by the earth is lost in the upper regions of space, and the surface is reduced in temperature many degrees below the atmosphere. " The stratum of air which lies in contact with the surface of the ground is then cooled by contact, and a portion of the watery vapor which it had possessed in the elastic form, is deposited as liquid water. If the temperature of the air be itself low, and the night very clear, the cooling may proceed so far that the drops of dew at the moment of their deposition shall be frozen, and thus form frost." [Kane.] The fact is familiar to most observers, that dew and frost are formed only in clear starlight and still nights, and then only on the surface of good radiators. The cooling of the earth's surface by the loss of radiant heat, is prevented by a covering of snow or any other sub- stance which intercepts its passage, and no dew or frost is formed. Thus plants may be protected against frost by covering them with a blanket or layer of straw : the same end may be attained by raising large fires by means of damp straw, brush, where sunshine is deficient, and in fields which bavo a northern aspect Power of retaining heat. As heat always tends to seek an equilibrium, it follows that after the sun has disappeared, and his rays cease to shine on a particular part of the earth, the amount of heat which it has absorbed above that of the air is gradually given off again to the latter, until their temperature is equal, or until the air becomes the coldest, as in frosty nights. A peat soil cools more quickly than clay, and clay more quickly than sand. This difference must have an influ- ence on the growth of crops. In cold, wet soils, the property of radiating heat slowly compensates in some degree for the injury done (o plants by these conditions. It also prevents the formation of dew and frost, as soon as would otherwise be the case. On the contrary, soils which radiate heat faster promote the formation of dew by becoming cooled below the dew point sooner, and in this way compensate in some small degree, for deficiency of rain. The absorbing, as well as radiating power of the soil, may be increased by a top dressing of soot, charcoal, muck, or some dark colored manure. The principle of absorption and radia- tion as dependent upon color, holds true in relation to plants, as well as to soils: and, if all other conditions are favorable, the light colored, (white straw,) crops should be cultivated on dark colored soils, and the dark colored, (green straw,) crops on the light colored soils* The study of the mechanical and physical properties of soils is of more importance than has generally been supposed. These have now been discussed as fully as limits would admit, and we conclude the subject by stating finally, what are the ultimate uses and relations of the soil to plants. * This idea is original with the author, so far as he knows : whether of any value or not, others may judge and decide. 176 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. First, the soil serves as the foundation for upholding and giving mechanical support to the vegetable structure. Secondly, it absorbs light, heat, air and moisture, which are indispensable to healthy vegetation. Thirdly, it supplies both the organic and inorganic elements required by the plant as food. Fourthly, it is a chemical laboratory, in which these ele- ments are constantly being prepared to be taken into the plant by its roots. CHAPTER IV. TILLAGE. ALL operations upon the soil for its improvement and prepa- ration for crops, may be included under the two heads of tillage and stercology, or manuring. Tillage includes the operations of draining, irrigation, paring and burning, rotation of crops, fallow, extirpation of weeds and insects, ploughing, ribbing, lapping, laying in beds, scarifying or grubbing, subsoil ploughing, trenching, rolling, harrowing, hoeing, spading, &c. The objects of tillage are, 1. To loosen the soil and render it permeable to air, water and the roots of plants. 2. To bring up the subsoil and mix it with the surface. 3. To incorpo- rate manures with the soil. 4. To allow free access of the heat and light of the sun. 5. To pulverize the coarse and compact portions. 6. To destroy weeds and insects. V. To bury green crops designed for manures. 8. To render wet soils dry and arable. .9. To supply a sufficiency of water to dry soils. 10. Tojix movcable and light blowing soils. 11. To clear the soil of roots ami stones. 12. To cover seeds with soil "after sowing. t -. .5^%*$**" ^. The following operations are described by Colman, and are, part of them, peculiar to the agriculture of Europe. Lapping consists in turning a furrow upon an unploughed surface, so that when the field is finished, it is only half ploughed. 178 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. Ribbing resembles lapping, except that two furrows, instead of one/ are turned upon the same unploughed space. Stitching or laying in beds consists in turning two furrows* back to back, and then ploughing alternately on either side, until the bed is from 5 to 60 feet wide, and leaving deep fur- rows between all the beds. Trench ploughing consists in making a deep furrow, by ploughing one furrow directly in another. Subsoil ploughing consists in breaking up and loosening the subsoil with a plow for that purpose, and without inverting the surface. Scarifying or grubbing differs from harrowing only by being performed with a cultivator or similar instrument, which goes deeper into the earth than the common harrow, for the purpose of pulverizing the soil, and bringing up roots and stones to the surface. The other operations of tillage need not be described, as they are common and well understood. There can be no question that much of the success of productive agriculture depends upon the perfection of tillage. A perfect tillage requires the combination of patient labor, mechanical imple- ments of the best construction, and skill in the operations. A poor soil well tilled may produce better crops than a good soil without tillage. Thorough tillage, by mixing and pulveri- zing the soil sufficiently, is a means of saving manures and greatly increasing the return of the harvest: it is not, however, true, as once supposed, that tillage will supercede the neces- sity of all manures ; it only compensates for part of the manure requisite, and facilitates the operation of that which is applied. The Chinese, and some nations of Europe, have, by a perfect svstem of tillage, rendered barren soils fertile, and caused fertile soils to vield harvests of almost incredible amount. flCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 179 IRRIGATION. Irrigation has been practiced by the Chinese and Egyptians from the remotest antiquity. In countries where rains seldom fall, and the ground becomes dry and parched, irrigation is of immense value. It consists in taking water from lakes, sewers, running streams or reservoirs, and causing it to flow over the land by means of small canals or furrows, then by proper out- lets to carry it off again. It is confined, according to Colman and Johnston, almost exclusively to meadow lands. The benefits of irrigation in a country where rain falls fre- quently and abundantly, are the same as those of manuring. When the water used holds in suspension any organic matters, they subside while the water remains on the fields, and leave a visible layer of manure on the surface, after the water is drained off. An example of the fertilizing effects of irrigation is seen in the lands along the banks of the Nile and Ganges. But the effects of irrigation with water that contains no organic sediments, must be considered the same as that of rains. Run- ning water furnishes to plants some gasses, which are absorb- ed, and in this way are beneficial. Crops of young and ten- der plants should be irrigated by pure water : it may be re- peated every two or three weeks when there is any want of rain, and the water be allowed to lie on the field only three or four days. It is thought by English Agriculturists to be inju- rious to meadows to flood them immediately after mowing. Warping is a process similar to irrigation: the object of this, however, is more especially to obtain the sediments of muddy streams, &c. ; the water should never be allowed in either process to remain on the field until stagnated. Irriga- tion is most beneficial on land which is well drained beneath, so as to allow the water to penetrate the subsoil, and not stand too long on the surface. Meadow lands are sometimes water" ed in the winter to prevent the injurious effects of frost upon the roots of the grass. Irrigation is not practiced to much ex- 180 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE, tent in the United States; and the remoteness of many farms from streams, as well as the expense attending the operation, will prevent its universal application, even where it would be beneficial. PARING AND BURNING.* Paring and Burning is much practiced in many parts of Europe, particularly in Great Britain; but, so far as we are informed, it is but little practiced in the United States. It is done mostly upon sward, peat and turf soils. The operation consists in removing, with a plow or spade, a slice from the surface, from one- to three inches thick : this is piled up in small heaps along with other combustible matters, such as brush, weeds and decayed wood ; these, when sufficiently dry, are fired and allowed to smoulder and burn slowly until the whole is reduced to ashes. The ashes are then spread evenly over the surface of the soil. The quantity of ashes which is sometimes obtained in this way at a single burning, is stated by Colman to be 2660 bushels, or about 77 tons per acre. The benefits of paring and burning are, 1. It disentegrates and reduces to fineness, some stones and hard clay. 2. It de- stroys insects, with their eggs and larvae. 3. It reduces vege- table matter to ashes and gases, which are available for the immediate food of a crop of plants. There are some objec- tions to this process, which ought to be stated, as it involves some principles not wholly understood. One objection is that it consumes too much of the vegeta- ble and organic matters of the soil: another is the amount of labor required in the operation. The benefit however, of par- ing and burning upon cold, moist, sour, peat and turf soils, is unquestionable. The lime and potash produced, serve to neu- tralize acids in the soil, and the iron, if it contain any, is brought to a higher degree of oxydation. On light, sandy, gravelly soils, where vegetation is thin and * This operation is very little practiced in America. SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 181 there is little organic matter present, this practice is injurious. The process of burning, according to Boussingault, ought to cease after the organic matters are reduced to a blackish ash ; for when carried beyond this, so that incineration is complete and a red ash is left, it may materially injure, if not render the soil barren. DRAINING. The draining of wet lands has become one of the most im- portant branches of mechanical agriculture. An excess of water in the soil prevents the access of air, reduces the tem- perature, favors the formation of frost, fogs and mildew, and renders tillage difficult or impossible. Soils may be rendered too wet in various ways, as, by the tides of the sea, by the setting back of rivers, by permanent springs in the soil, by small subterranean streams, and by the compact and retentive nature of the soil or subsoil. The advantages of draining, and the various modes by which it is best accomplished, are well described by Johnston and Colman, from whose works the fol- lowing facts in relation to the operation are derived. 1. It carries off all stagnant water, and gives a ready escape to the excess of what falls in rain. 2. It prevents the ascent of water from below, either by capillary attraction, or springs. 3. It allows the water of rains to penetrate, and find a ready passage from the soil, instead of washing the surface. 4. The descent of water through the soil is followed by fresh air, which occupies the space just left by the water. 5. The soil after thorough draining becomes looser, more friable and easily broken ; this is especially true of stubborn clays, which in practice become altogether another soil. 6. By freeing the soil from the excess of water, it becomes warmer, and thereby advances the crop to an earlier harvest: thus it is "equivalent to a change of climate" 7. When the autumn is wet, drain- ing carries off the superabundance of water, and prepares the land for sowing fall crops, which would otherwise be retarded, 16 182 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. or altogether prevented. 8. In its consequences it is equiva- lent to an actual deepening of the soil. 0. In wet soils, bone?, wood-ashes, rape dust, nitrate of soda, and other artificial ma- nures are almost thrown away. 10. He who drains confers a benefit upon his neighbors also. 11. It produces a more salu- brious climate, and conduces greatly to the health and moral happiness of the whole population. Several different modes of draining are practiced in Great Britain, which are worthy of notice some of them arc also known and practiced in the United States. The, process of draining by open ditches is the rudest, and was doubtless the first form of draining. Covered drains were next substituted, of various construction. One form of these is made by dig- ging a ditch, and then filling it with straw or faggots, and cov- ering it over with the earth which was thrown out. Another form is excavated so as to taper to a point at the bottom, and having a shoulder left at the height from the bottom which it is desirable to cover the waier-course. This is then covered by an inverted sod, which rests on the shoulders; after which the earth thrown out in excavating is returned, and the surface levelled. Another process is by the mole plow : another by filling the bottom of a ditch with small stones of uniform size. Two other forms, called in England tile and pipe drains, are constructed by means of tile and pipes made of brick clay, and are said to form water-courses which are both cheap and durable. FALLOWING. "By fallowing, it has been known in all ages that the produce of the land was capable of being increased. How is this in- crease to be accounted for t We speak of leaving the land to rest, but it can really never become wearied of bearing crops. It cannot, through fatigue, lie in need of repose. In what, then, does the efficacy of naked fallowing consist?" (Johnston.) Some agriculturists reject the practice of fallowing as use- SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 188 less, upon the supposition that all the objects accomplished by it, may be also by the application of manures. The proposal to substitute manures, is of course equivalent to an admission that fallow is beneficial to the soil. Now if any change takes place in the soil while lying in fallow, we must first know what that change is before we can determine whether manures will affect the same change : and in order to know this, we must have an exact analysis of the soil, before the fallowing begins, and at the end of its term ; this will show what new elements are formed, and what old ones are decomposed. If, tlven, we have a manure which will furnish to the soil all the elements which were formed by chemical action during fal- low ing, it will fulfil the same indication. But in either case, an analysis of the soil is requisite before the fact can be estab- lished : and inasmuch as those who discard fallowing, have made no such analysis, they have made no demonstration of the truth of their position. And until farther facts are de- veloped by chemical experiment, it may be fairly questioned, whether, on all soils, and under all circumstances, fallow can be dispensed with. The benefits to be derived from allowing land to lie in naked fallow are enumerated by Johnston as follows : 1. In strong clay soils, fallow affords opportunity for destroy- ing weeds, which it is difficult to extirpate while the land is continually bearing crops. 2. The weeds and herbage which spring up during summer, afford an abundant crop for green manure : they should be ploughed under before their seeds ripen. 3. Land which is continually cropped, becomes ex- hausted of certain elements within the depth to which their roots extend. By leaving the soil at rest, the rains which fall and circulate through it, equalize the distribution of the solu- ble substances which it contains. The water which in dry weather, ascends by capillary attraction from below, brings up Baline compounds and deposits them as it evaporates. 4. Some subsoils require to be turned up and exposed to the action of 184 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. the air for some time, before they can be safely mixed with the surface soil. 5. The soil often contains more or less organic matter which is inert, or decays so slowly as to be almost unavailable to vegetation : by leaving this to decompose and become fitted for the food of plants, the crop which fol- lows will grow more luxuriantly and yield more abundantly. 6. The nitrates, which are very favorable to vegetable growth, are more rapidly formed when the land lies in naked fallow than when covered with crops. 7. The fragments of rocks of various kinds are disintegrated and decomposed faster during fallow than during cropping. 8. The saline and other sub- stances, such as ammonia, magnesia, the nitrates, &c., which are brought down by rains, accumulate in the soil during fal- low. 9. The clay, oxide of iron, and organic matter of the soil, have the power of extracting ammonia from the air; and this is the more rapid, the greater the extent of surface which is uncovered and exposed to the passing air. 10. The light soils sometimes become too loose to afford sufficient mechani- cal support to the roots of crops, and require time to settle together and resume their cohesion and compactness. No doubt the period usually allowed to land to lie in fallow may in many cases be very much abridged, and in some cases altogether dispensed with. Whenever follow is beneficial, it must be ascribed to some one or more, if not all the above causes combined. ROTATION OF CROPS. By rotation of crops, is implied, the alternate production of different plants in regular succession on the same land. Expe- rience has shown that the same crop cannot be produced successively on the same field for an indefinite period of time. The grasses and forest trees seem to present an exception to this principle : but it must be observed that the grasses are mowed or pastured down before arriving at maturity, for, if they were allowed to perfect their growth and ripen their SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 185 seeds, tho same result would follow as in other crops. And with regard to forest trees, it has been observed that where an oak forest has been cut down, a growth of pine will succeed; and where a pine forest has been cleared away, a growth of oak will spring up in its place : where beech and maple are cut, poplar and basswood often succeed them. Thus it appears that the soft and hard woods alternate with each other. The reasun formerly given for the necessity of rotation was, that all plants throw off certain matters or excrements by their roots, which prove injurious to another crop of the same kind of plants j but which are beneficial rather than injurious to crops of a different kind. This beautiful theory originated with the distinguished bota- nist, Decandolle, and explains, apparently, in an easy and satis- factory manner, all the reasons for the necessity of rotation of crops. The simplicity and high authority of this theory obtained for it, for many years, an unquestioned assent; and the only objection which lies against it now is, that it is not supported by a. single fact The objections to it are, 1. That plants do not excrete so great an amount of noxious matters as supposed by Decan- dolle. 2. No evidence exists of their injurious effects upon the plants from which they are excreted. 3. There has been no demonstration of their nutritive effects on other plants. This theory, then, must be abandoned, and we must look for one which is supported by facts: and if one cause be found adequate to explain all the effects produced, we are not bound to seek for another. The necessity of rotation does not depend upon there being too much, but too little, of some particular elements in the soil. (Johnston.) All plants require certain elements for food, and these are indispensible to their growth and maturity : one plant requires them in certain proportions and another requires these and others besides, in quite different proportions. *16 186 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. "If we assume, [says Petzholdt,] that the utility of the rota- tion of crops depends exclusively upon the circumstance that all cultivated plants withdraw from the soil unequal amounts of certain ingredients for their nutrition, all the observed facts are at once satisfactorily explained, and the possibility of deter- mining the rotation of crops, or of avoiding it altogether, if desirable, made evident." It is useless to remark, that no plant can vegetate in a soil which does not contain all the elements which it requires for its food. Some species of grass contain, and therefore require for their growth, a large amount of silica : a soil which contains no silica cannot produce them. A soil may contain just enough silica for one crop, but not enough for a second, so that a second could not be produced; but a crop of some other plant requiring much less silica, might be grown upon it as successfully as the grass before. " A single crop of wheat may deprive the soil so completely of one of its mineral constituents, that another crop of wheat could not grow upon it; and yet this soil may contain abundant mineral constituents for the production of a good crop of clover or turnips." An analysis of a soil and the ashes of plants desired to be produced upon it, will determine negatively, whether it is eligible to their growth: but the only positive proof is a trial of the crop upon the soil. All plants draw certain mineral elements from the soil, but do not all equally exhaust its fertility. All knowledge respect- ing the application of manures, and the adaptation of certain plants to particular soils, is based upon these facts. The necessity for rotation may sometimes be obviated by allowing the land to lie in fallow for a year, after which the crop may be successfully repeated. Manuring may also sometimes answer the same purpose; but as a general rule in practice, however it may be explained in theory, a judicious rotation is beneficial. SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 18 Boussinganlt states that ho saw in South America, fields on which good crops of wheat were said to have been produced annually for more than two centuries ; and also that potatoes arc cultivated continually on the same soil. It is stated also by Colman, that onions yield more and more abundantly the oftener they are grown on the same field. These statements either contain some hidden fallacy, or they prove that the fields in question contained an inexhaustible amount of the elements necessary to the plants produced ; for they do not, nor were they designed to prove, that rotation is unnecessary. It is unquestionable that a perfect system of agriculture, and the maximum production of all crops, requires a system of alternation, regulated according to circumstances, and in accordance with the principles of Chemistry. A valuable end to be obtained by rotation is the destruction of certain weeds and the insects which inhabit them. The following table shows a system of rotation which is practiced in Pennsylvania. First year Grass or clover. Second " Pasture. Third " Indian corn. Fourth " Oats or barley (manured.) Fifth Wheat. Sixth " Grass (plastered.) The tables below are from Colman, and show some courses of rotation practiced in England. First year Turnips (manured.) Second " Barley. Third " Clover. Fourth Wheat. 0)i a Clay Soil. First year Swedes turnips and Mangel Wurtzel. Second " Wheat and beans, (i. e., part of land in each.) 188 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. Oil a Clay Soil continued. Third year Clover. Fourth " Wheat and oats. Fifth " Vetches, rye and turnips. Sixth Wheat. On a Sandy Soil. First year Swedes and Mangel Wurtzel. Second " Barley. Third " Clover. Fourth " Oats. Fifth " Cabbage and potatoes. Sixth " Wheat. On a Limestone Soil. First year Rye and turnips. Second " Barley. Third " Clover. Fourth Oats. Fifth " Turnips. Sixth " Wheat The table below is from Mr. J. J. Thomas' Prize Essay : it gives three courses, which are said to be well adapted to the State of New York. First Course. First year Corn and roots, well manured. Second " Wheat sown with 15 Ibs. clover seed per acre. Third " Clover one or more years, according to fertility and amount of manure at hand. Second Course. First year Corn and roots with manure. Second " Barley and Peas. Third " Wheat, sown with clover. Fourth " Clover, one or more years. SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 189 Third Course. First year Corn and roots, with manure. Second " Barley. Third " Wheat, sown with clover. Fourth " Pasture. Fifth " Meadow. Sixth " Fallow. Seventh " Wheat. Eighth " Oats sown with clover. Ninth " Pasture or meadow. It will be evident, on a little reflection, that no definite rules can be given, and no set of tables devised which shall apply to all soils and under all circumstances. The frequency of any crop in the course of rotation, must, therefore, be determined by a consideration of the character of the soil and subsoil, the amount of manure applied, and the other crops which come in the course.* * " In wheat farming districts and with the wheat farmer, who depends for his sales and profits solely upon wheat and wool, the following rota- tion with slight variation, is often adopted. Divide all the available land into three, six or nine enclosures: let one-third be always in wheat, one-third in pasture and meadow, and one-third in summer crops well manured, which may be followed with wheat the same fall, or may be put in barley the next spring, and fol- lowed with wheat and well clovered in all cases. The general practice is, to summer fallow the clover after spring pasturing. There should be about one sheep to the acre of all the available land ; the manner of cropping the fallow is important. Others make a four years' rotation, letting the clover lay two years, one for pasture and one for meadow. On this system no more ealtle should be kept, or butter and cheese made, or corn, oats or potatoes grown, than is required for the farm use; everything is made subser- vient to the wheat crop." L. B. Langworthy. CHAPTER V. STERCOLOGY.* MANURES. ALL agents used by the Agriculturist to preserve or restore the productiveness of the soil, are properly called manures. All soils, after being long cultivated and subjected to the ex- hausting- influence of continual harvests, become deficient in mineral and organic elements, which must be replaced artifi- cially or total barrenness will ensue. Manuring is the process by which this end is accomplished, and for it, there is no substitute. If the supply be less than the crops require, the soil increases in barrenness : if it just replaces what lias been removed by the crops, the fertility remains the same: if more be added than the crops require, the fertility of the land is increased. *A NKW TERM STERCOLOGY, Mr. Editor: I wish to propose, through your paper a new term, which I think will supply a deficiency in agricultural language. We have no generic term which embraces in its signification, the science or art of enriching the soil. 1 therefore propose the term STERCOLOGY, which is compounded from the word stercus, which means manure, and logos, a discourse. Although hardly general enough in its strict meaning, this word may, by a little extension, be understood to embrace everything under the head of manuring, enriching, ameliorating or amending the soil. And although words are only the signs of ideas, and technical language should not be used unnecessarily, still a systematic division of any branch of science into parts embraced under generic heads is always convenient. Yours, respectfully, M. M. RODGERS." Genesee Farmer, August, 1847. SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 191 The remains of plants, together with the excrements and car- m of animals, if returned to the soil before decomposition, must contain all the mineral, organic and gaseous elements,, which the plants derived from the soil or the atmosphere. These must pass through the different processes of decompo- sition, before they assume their original gaseous and earthy forms, and become again available for the food of plants. The whole science of manuring consists in supplying to the soil, those indispensible elements which have become exhaust- ed. The richest manure may be applied to a failing soil, and if it lacks a particular element which the crops require, and which the soil does not contain, the soil grows barren notwith- standing the manuring. Farm-yard manure, probably contains the greatest number of elements necessary to fertility ; but par- ticular plants require special manures. Manures operate beneficially on the soil in several ways. 1. By serving directly in some instances as the food of plants. 2. By causing chemical changes in the soil, by which other substances are prepared to be taken up as nutriment by their roots. 3. By neutralizing noxious substances in the soil which prevent the growth of vegetation. The operation of lime on a cold, sour, peat soil, or one which abounds in sulphate of iron, is an example of this principle. 4. Manures change, accord- ing to their bulk and texture, the mechanical properties of soils, 5. They may change more or less, according to their various properties, the physico chemical character of a soil, in relation to light, heat, air and water. Sand, used upon a clay soil, for the purpose of rendering it more loose and friable, would be as properly a manure, as farm yard, or any other variety. Clay used to ameliorate a sandy soil, is also in effect a manure. Manures have been classified in various ways, according to their supposed operation and nature. The most simple and convenient division, and one which is usually adopted at pre- 192 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. sent, is that which arranges all of them into three classes, viz: animal, vegetable and mineral manures. The first class includes all substances of animal origin : the second includes all those of vegetable origin; and the third, all those derived directly from the mineral kingdom. O ANIMAL MANURES.* Animal substances are better fertilizers than those of veget- able origin, on account of their chemical constitution and the facility with which they decompose : they furnish more manure in proportion to their bulk, and act more promptly and rapidly. The properties and value of these substances are given mostly on the authority of Johnston and Boussingault. The flesh of animals, after and during its decomposition, is a rich and active manure: the lean flesh acts more energetically than the/a. Blood is similar in its properties to lean flesh ; it is sometimes applied as a top dressing in the form of dried powder, and sometimes mixed with other matters, to form composts. The scraps of skin among 1 the refuse of curriers' shops are also used as manure. Wool, hair, horns and hoofs found in large quantities among the refuse of various manufactories, contain large proportions of carbon and nitrogen, as do most animal substances, and are therefore highly concentrated manures. The refuse of fisheries, soap and candle factories, slaughter houses, kitchens, sugar manufactories, &c., all contain matters rich in those elements which characterize good fertilizers. Animal charcoal, which is to be obtained in considerable quantities at sugar refiners' shops, in a state of mixture with blood and lime, is a manure of considerable value. Bones are valuable on account of both the organic an.d mineral matters which they contain, The bones of different * See tables at the end of the chapter. SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 193 animals differ somewhat in composition: phosphate of lime constitutes the largest proportion of the matter of dry bones ; the amount is from forty to sixty per cent of their weight Eight pounds of bone dust are equal in phosphates to 1000 pounds of hay or wheat straw. The value of bones is not dependent alone on the phos- phates, but partly upon the gelatine and other organic matters which enter into their composition : these latter operate in the same way as the other organic tissues of animals. Bones are prepared for manure by boiling, by maceration in sulphuric acid and water, and by grinding; the last of which methods is thought on all accounts to be preferable. In soils deficient in phosphates, bones are of great value ; and from the compara- tively small quantity of phosphates which most crops require, the effect of a large manuring with bone dust is manifest upon the land for. many years: " 260 pounds of bone dust, (less than six bushels,) are sufficient to supply all the phosphates con- tained in the crops which are reaped from an acre during an entire fourshift rotation of turnips, barley, clover and wheat Some lands remember a single dressing for fifteen or twenty years.'* (Johnston.) The prolonged effect of bones is due to the organic as well as mineral matters. Bones should not be ground too fine: they are particularly applicable to turnip crops and pasture lands : the milk of cows contains about half a pound of phos- phates to every ten gallons ; hence the necessity of these salts in the soil of pastures. Animal tissues, when used as manures, ought to be well covered with earth, or ploughed under, in order to facilitate their decomposition, and at the same time prevent the escape of the gases formed during this process. Solid excrements of animals, Night soil, or human ordure, is a highly valuable fertilizer. It is best prepared for use by mixture with powdered charcoal, half burnt peat, or scil which is rich in vegetable matter : quick lime has been used for the 194 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. same purpose ; but, although it destroys the odor, it dissipates at the same time a large portion of its ammonia. During the decomposition of night soil, an evolution of carbonic acid, ammonia, sulphuretted and phosphuretted hydrogen takes place. After the escape of these gases, the odor ceases, and the remainder, when dried, constitutes what is sold in large cities under the name of poudrette. The odor of recent night soil may be destroyed, and the volatile elements retained, by adding to it gypsum or dilute sulphuric acid. This manure is used in the form of compost, and as a top dressing in the form of poudrette. The excrements of horned cattle are more valuable and enduring in their operation than those of the horse and sheep. It ferments more slowly on account of its smaller quantity of nitrogen; hence it retains its virtue longer, and produces a more lasting effect on the soil. It is colder in its nature than that of the horse, which is owing partly to the amount of water it contains, and partly to its peculiar constitution. The excrements of the horse abound more in nitrogen com- pounds than those of cattle. Even where both are fed upon the same food, those of the horse are more valuable than those of the cow. It begins to heat and ferment in a short time, and in two or three weeks, according to Johnston, loses nearly half its original weight. On account of this rapid fermentation and the consequent loss of volatile matters, it should be mixed as soon as possible with charcoal, peat, sawdust, or earth rich in vegetable matters, or be sprinkled with gypsum or dilute sulphuric acid. For the same reason, this kind of manure ought, contrary to popular opinion, to be spread upon and ploughed into the soil before any signs of fermentation take place ; unless it is mixed with some other matters to form com- posts. Erom its tendency to ferment and develop heat, it is . admirably adapted to enter into all composts. An additional SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 105 quantity of water prevents too rapid fermentation and pre- serves the virtues of this manure to a considerable extent The excrements of the hog are said to be a rich manure ; but they have a strong and unpleasant odor, and often impart a rank taste to the crops upon which they are used: for this reason it has been advised not to use them on crops, particu- larly of roots, which are designed for food. They are colder and less inclined to ferment than those of the cow, and should be combined with other manures or made into composts. The excrements of sheep form a richer and more fermentable manure than those of the cow : they are said to be most bene- ficial on soils which contain much vegetable matter, which absorbs the volatile matters which would otherwise pass off during fermentation. The value of all animal manures depends much upon cir- cumstances, viz : the food upon which the animal is fed ; the age and condition of the animal ; the amount of labor he per- forms; the length of time and manner in which the manure is kept Since, then, their value is affected by so many condi- tions, it is evident that no general conclusions can be drawn, which shall not be liable to exceptions; and no set of analyses can furnish tables which shall in all eases agree. The following tables may be relied upon as being as nearly correct as can be obtained, and sufficiently so for all practical purposes. Excrements of birds. These are among the most powerful fertilizers. The excrement of pigeons is said to be particularly valuable to flax crops, for which it is held in high esteem in some parts of Europe. This, like most other manures, loses much of its value by being allowed to ferment without the admixture of some other matters to retain its volatile elements. The principal value of this, as well as the excrements of all birds, which have been analyzed and used as manures, is dependent mainly on the large proportions of ammonia and phosphates which they contain. The excrements of hens, 196 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. geeso, turkeys and ducks, are of less value than those of the pigeon. Guano is the excrements of sea fowls, and is an earthy sub- stance of a grayish brown color: it is mostly found in Africa and South America. It is found on the islands and coasts of those countries, in latitudes where the weather is so dry that decomposition has proceeded slowly, and it has consequently accumulated in large quantities. Guano is said to be efficacious as a manure, applied to almost any crop : it is, however, accord- ing to Johnston, more advantageous to root crops than to grain or grass crops. It is conveniently applied as a top dressing, mixed with gypsum, wood ashes or powdered charcoal. Two or three hundred pounds to an acre is sufficient for a single dressing. The urine of men and animals is the most valuable and the most neglected of all manures. That of the cow and hog is said to be more valuable, because it contains more solid soluble matter than that of any other domestic animal. The efficacy of urine as a manure is due to the large quantity of urea, ammonia and phosphates, and consequently of nitrogen, which it contains. Recent urine generally exerts an unfavorable influence on growing vegetation ; it is most beneficially applied after fermentation has fairly commenced, and before it reaches the final stage of the process. (Johnston.) Decomposition is attended with a diminution of urea, and an increase of ammonia. It is important that the urine collected should be fermented in tightly covered cisterns to prevent the escape of volatile matters : it has been proposed to add gyp- sura, sulphate of iron, or sulphuric acid, to the fermenting urine, in order to fix the ammonia; the mixture of vegetable mold with it has been also recommended as equally effective and more economical. The loss of manure in waste urine in densely populated countries and large cities, is immense, as is shown by the following calculation. SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 197 [If we allow the quantity of urine voided by each indvidual to be COO pounds yearly, the city of Rochester, which contains 30,000 inhabi- tants, would furnish yearly 1,200,000 pounds, or 540 tons. This, esti- mated at the price of guano would be worth $21,600. Now if we esti- mate the number of horses and cows of the city to 500 of each, and that each animal voids as much urine as two persons, the amount would be 80,000 pounds, or 40 tons, which would be worth $1,600. Here then is a loss, if we reckon guano at $40 per ton of $23,200: or of manure enough to produce, in addition to the ordinary crop, over 16,000 bushels of wheat in a single year. These calculations may not be correct, but they approximate this point sufficiently for our purpose.] VEGETABLE MANURES. Organic vegetable matters in various conditions, constitute the largest part of manure in use. The form in which they are prepared and applied has an important influence on their fertilizing effect. The principal difference between dry and green vegetable matter is, that the latter decomposes more rapidly and therefore acts more promptly. Unripe plants fur- nish a more valuable manure than ripe ones. Straw and chaff, when ploughed into the soil dry, are slow in decomposing, and act more slowly than when previously fermented. The question of applying straw without previous decomposition, is, in practice, only a question of time. It is doubtless true that it furnishes about the same amount of manure in both cases ; but in the one case it has a more speedy and powerful, and in the other a more prolonged effect Saw dust, is a cheap, and on some accounts a valuable ma- nure : it ferments slowly in the soil, and cannot, therefore, be much relied upon the first year or two. It is beneficial in ab- sorbing gases and liquid manures, and its effect is felt gradually by the soil as decomposition proceeds : . it is also beneficial to stiff clay land by rendering it more loose and light Dry leaves and decayed wood, operate as manures in a man- ner similar to saw dust ; they are however better fitted by decomposition in compost heaps. *17 198 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. Oil calces, from cotton and linseed exhausted of their oils, are valuable as fertilizers ; but their value for fattening animals perhaps exceeds that as a manure, and may prevent their direct use for this purpose. Peat, is used with benefit on soils which are deficient in organic matters : it decomposes slowly, especially if sour or applied alone to a wet soil containing little lime. Its action, when properly decomposed and prepared, is the same as that of other vegetable matters : it usually contains more or less mineral and gaseous matters, which have their own peculiar operation ; but these are not to be considered as affecting the vegetable character of peat as a manure. On account of the slowness with which it decays, it should be mixed with lime, gypsum, wood ashes, or some vegetable matter which decom- poses rapidly, such as farm-yard manure : swamp muck and humus are similar in properties to peat. Tanners' bark, is used as a manure, but is liable to the same objection as peat 'in respect to its slow decay: it is bes^ brought into a state of fermentation by mixture with lime and farm-yard manure in composts. Soot, is a complicated substance, as will be seen by refer- ence to the table : it contains many things necessary to vegeta- tion, and is a manure of some value ; but experiment has not yet determined its precise character and operation. Charcoal, on account of its power of absorbing gases and destroying offensive odors, is a valuable addition to the soil : its operation is not so direct as that of some other manures; that is, it is not so useful on account of any element which it furnishes to plants, as by the intermediate office which it per- forms of absorbing and retaining in the soil those volatile mat- ters which plants require, and which would otherwise escape and be lost. It is beneficial as a top dressing, and as an in- gredient in composts : it evolves carbonic acid in its decompo- sition, and is in this way directly useful to plants. Its power- SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 199 ful antiseptic properties render it very beneficial to young and tender plants ; by keeping the soil free of putrefying sub- stances which would otherwise destroy their spongiolos and prevent their growth. Farm-yard manure. The manner and state in which farm- yard manure should be applied, has been a subject of much experiment and controversy. The conclusions of Johnston ia relation to this subject, appear rational and satisfactory. This kind of manure is made up of the solid and liquid excrements of animals together with straw and hay, some of which are in a state of decomposition, and the remainder fresh and un- changed. The question as to which condition these manures should be used in, must depend upon circumstances. If the object is to furnish the greatest amount of organic matter to the soil, the sooner the manure is applied after it is made, the better this object is accomplished. On compact clays, the mixture of straw and coarse manure is beneficial, as it renders them looser and lighter, while the products of decomposition are more completely retained in the soil than they would be in a loose one. But coarse manures render loose soils more loose, and lose more of their elements in decomposing : for these reasons, compact fermented manures are preferable in such soils. For manuring crops which grow rapidly and attain maturity in a short time, well fermented manures and fine composts are felt more immediately and powerfully than re- cent ones. Such crops as turnips, buckwheat, clover, and many garden vegetables, might nearly attain maturity before decomposition would be sufficiently advanced in new and coarse manures to render them beneficial. When it is desired to force and quicken the growth of a crop, a well fermented, or fine heating manure should be used; such as rich compost, bone dust, or the excrements of the horse and sheep. Top dressing for pastures, meadows and turnip crops, should usually be of the same kind as these just named. But farm. 200 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. yard manure is not subject to any special law, but is to be used according* to its quality and condition, and adapted to circum- stances. Vegetable substances are all similar in their nature and operation, and are modified by conditions and circum- stances. They are all subject to the same laws, and their relative value depends on their constitution and adaptation to each particular case. GREEN MANURES. By green manures, is understood those plants which are grown for the purpose of being ploughed in and mixed with the soil before being harvested or used as food for animals. This plan of manuring is by no means of recent origin ; it was known and practiced among the Romans. The plants most in use for this purpose in the United States are red clover, buck- wheat and grass in the form of green sward. Several other plants are used in Europe, viz., rape, lupine, vetches, rye, tur- nip, carrot and beet tops, borage, spurry, sea weeds and fresh water plants. The advantages of green manures, according to Johnston, are, 1. They undergo decomposition sooner than dry vegeta- ble matter, and consequently become sooner available for the food of succeeding crops. 2. The nitrogen and carbon which they contain, if allowed to decay in the open air, are lost ; while if the plants had been buried, before decay, these gases would have been mostly retained in the soil for the use of suc- ceeding crops. 3. By ploughing in a crop of plants, the or- ganic matter is more equally distributed through the soil than could be done by any other means. 4. Green manures are available where other manures are scarce, and in soils deficient in organic matter. 5. The plants used as green manures, bring- up towards the surface by their roots, matters which had sunk into the soil too deep to be of much service. 6. It restores to the soil all it took from it, in a more soluble and available con- SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 201 dilion ; and in addition to this, those gases also which the plants extracted from the air during growth. 7. A green crop yields more manure than the same crop could do in any other form. 8. A grain crop is greater on the same field when green, than when fermented manures are used. The best plants for green manures are those which grow the fastest, produce the most vegetable matter, and with the smallest expense. Sufficient seed should be sown, that the plants may coyer the ground completely; the crop should be ploughed in before the time of full blowing, because the flowers give off nitrogen, which is wasted in the air. Agriculturists agree that a seconJ and third crop of green plants still continue to improve the soil; but there must be a limit, beyond which this practice cannot be carried with benefit and profit Green manuring might perhaps secure a field against barrenness for an indefi- nite period of time, providing nothing was ta!*en off: but if a crop was occasionally carried away, in must of course be im- poverished to the amount of what is taken off in mineral matters. It is probably true that lands in a state of nature, which are covered with forest trees or other vegetation, never become barren. The soil may in time become deficient in a particular mineral element which the incumbent plants require ; but when these die out, others immediately spring up by a natural rotation, and, requiring elements slightly different from the first, grow as luxuriantly as they did. Thus one race of plants succeeds another, each in turn exhausting the soil of certain elements, and leaving it richer in others. The question may arise, What becomes of the mineral elements, which are lost, if nothing is taken off the soil, since they do not escape into the air? The probability is, they sink down deeper and deeper into the soil in the form of soluble salts, until beyond the resell of the roots of plants. 202 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL BY PASTURE. Pasture may be either temporary or permanent Tempo- rary pasture consists in laying down a field to pasture for one, two or three years, or more. The soil is benefitted by pasture in several different ways. The roots of the grass which remain furnish a large amount of organic matter, which, to a soil poor in this constituent, is of great benefit. Land which lies several years will be more benefitted than when it lies but a single year; but the first year enriches it more than any succeeding one. The result to the land will be nearly the same, whether the grass be mown or eaten off by the stock, " That farming is the most economical, where the land will admit of it, which permits the clover or grass to occupy the land for a single year only." Permanent pasture consists in the suspension of grain crops, and the occupation of the land by grass or clover, for an indefi- nite period of time. Besides the benefit which the soil derives from the organic matters left in it, some of its mineral con- stituents are, by the action of air, moisture, and the roots of the grass, brought into a more soluble state to be used by succeeding crops. Another advantage of pasture, especially on stiff clay soil, is that it renders it more loose and friable. On dry, sandy soils, pasture is beneficial, by retaining the moisture longer, and also the dry organic matters and fine sand upon the surface, which would otherwise be blown away by the winds. Insects perform a part in improving pasture lands, which is by no means insignificant. They subsist upon the organic matters of the soil, which, they bring into a minute state of division and deposit on the surface as they ascend by night through their holes. They furnish also, considerable organic matter, which is rich in nitrogen, by the death and decay of their own bodies. Thus these earth worms and insects, in the lapse of a few years, furnish a vast amount of the richest manure without the SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 203 smallest expense. The time which land may lay in pasture and still increase in richness, must have a limit, and this depends upon the quality of the soil and the kinds of grass which occupy it. The soil will require an occasional top dressing, or the pas- ture will deteriorate: on account of the exhaustion of certain elements in the soil, grasses, as well as forest trees and other plants, tend to a natural rotation; one species, after flourishing a few years, begins to decline and finally dies out, and is replaced by another, and this, in time by another, and so on, indefinitely. All pasture lands whatever, which are arable, can, after a series of years, be subjected to grain crops; and this in most cases would doubtless be expedient. This how- ever, must be determined in each particular case, by an appre- ciation of all the circumstances and conditions. CHAPTER VI. MINERAL MANURES. MINERAL manures are divided, for the sake of convenience? into saline and earthy ; the former including pure salts whose composition is exactly known, such as common salt and car- bonate of soda ; and the latter including the various earthy matters used to ameliorate the soil, such as lime, wood ashes, and marl. The mineral manures are all supposed to have a specific mode of action, which is "peculiar to each respectively: the theory of their action, however, as fertilizers, cannot, for want of space, except in a few cases, be detailed. But few, comparatively, of the known mineral fertilizers are in common use, and those only will be described. SALINE MANURES. Carbonate of soda. This salt, according to Johnston, is beneficial on lands abounding in sulphate of iron, or overgrown with mosses and other noxious vegetation ; and also as a top dressing to fields of young grain, and wherever wood ashes would be useful. It is said to be peculiarly beneficial to the strawberry. From forty to sixty pounds may be applied to an acre, either in powder mixed with other manure, or in solution. Sulphate of soda, or Glauber's sail, has been used with much benefit on fruit trees, rye, beans, beets, and some other crops. The quantity used should be at least one hundred SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 203 pounds per acre, cither in solution or in powder just before a rain. [It must not be inferred, that this, or any other manure, because it is recommended for a particular species of plants, is not therefore adapted to the growth of others; but those only are mentioned, upon which they have been tried sufficiently to warrant a conclusion as to their efficacy.] Sulphate of magnesia, or epsom salts, is said to be useful to young crops of wheat, clover, peas and beans: one or two hundred pounds to an acre should be used. Sulphate of lime, or gypsum. This salt of lime, usually called "plaster," has been long known and much employed as a fertilizer on almost all crops and soils. It requires much water for its solution. The beneficial operation of gypsum is supposed to depend upon several circumstances. This, like all the sulphates, furnishes sulphur, which is important in the nutrition of plants, especially those of the liguminous order. Gypsum prevents the escape of ammonia which is deposited in the soil by rain, and evolved by the decomposition of ani- mal and vegetable matters. In soils deficient in lime, it supplies this element in an available state for their nutrition. It has been thought to operate most beneficially on red clover and Indian corn. Nitrate of soda is on some accounts a good fertilizer; it has not come into general use, and is not as well understood in its relations to soils and to plants as it should be. Several results are theoretically attributed by Johnston to the action of the nitrates on vegetation. 1. They give a dark green color to the leaves. 2. They hasten and sometimes prolong the growth of vegetation. 3. They increase both the straw and the grain of the cereals. 4. They impart a saline taste to hay and straw, which causes cattle to eat them with more avidity. 5. Grain which has been manured with the nitrates yields more bran and less flour than those manured with other salts The nitrates increase the oat crop ; they should not, however, 18 206 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. be used for any crop on land which is already disposed to produce too much straw. They are exceedingly soluble, and are for this reason not so beneficial on loose, light soils, because more easily washed away than on close, compact soils : for the same reason they produce little effect after the first year. They furnish a large amount of nitrogen, and are most bene- ficial to poor soils which are deficient in organic matters. Chloride of sodium, or common salt, has been used with yarious results as a fertilizer. Plants require for their growth both of the elements of common salt, viz, chlorine and soda ; and in soils which are deficient in one or both of these ele- ments, there can be no doubt as to its efficacy ; but in a soil which contains them in sufficient quantity in a soluble state, it cannot be expected that this salt will be of any service. It is most likely to prove beneficial on lands lying remote from the sea, and which, consequently, would be more apt to require it. This salt is of more benefit to green crops than cereals; and also to hasten and increase the growth of the herbage of plants than the seeds. The chlorides of lime and magnesia contained among the refuse of chemical manufactories, are also used as manures with good effects. The chlorides are destructive to both ani- mal and vegetable life, when used in large quantity; they have consequently been used to destroy weeds, worms and insects in the soil. The silicate of potash and soda, and the various salts of ammonia, are, without question, powerful fertilizers, particu- larly on the grasses; but they are not in general use, on account of their high price, as well as doubtful reputation among those practical men who have not tested them. EARTHY MANURES. Wood ashes. The ashes of wood and all other vegetable matter, contain various proportions of several different salts, all of which are necessary to the growth of plants. The following SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 207 table presents an analysis of the ashes of the red beech and oak, by SprengeL Red Beech. Oak. Silica, 5.52 26.95 Alumina, 2,33 Oxide of Iron, 3.77 8.14 Oxide of Manganese, 3.65 Lime, 2o.OO 17.38 Magnesia, 5.00 1.44 Potash, 22.11 16.20 SooX 3.32 6.73 Sulphuric Acid, 7.64 3.36 Phosphoric Acid, 5.62 1.92 Chlorine, 1.84 2.41 Carbonic Acid, 14.00 15.47 100. 100. It will be seen by the table, that one kind of ash is richer in one element, and another in some other element : the value of each must be estimated accordingly. The ashes of the oak and beech, both contain more lime than they do potash, and would therefore be as efficacious on a soil deficient in lime, as on one deficient in potash. We see, then, that, contrary to popular opinion, the ucility of this manure does not depend solely upon the action of potash, but on several other elements also. Ashes, as a general rule, are used with benefit on the grasses, lugurninous and Indian corn crops. They may be mixed with an equal quantity of gypsum or bone dust, and applied to the amount of ten to thirty bushels to an acre; or, if the ashes have been leached, fifty, sixty, or a hundred bushels may be used to an acre. According to Johnston, only about one fifteenth part of the weight of ashes are immediately soluble ; their effects are therefore more permanent than those 208 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. of any of the soluble saline manures, being felt by the land for more than ten years. The following mixture is said to be nearly equal in efficacy for a year or two, to one ton of wood ashes. Crude potash, 60 pounds. Grystalized carbonate of soda, 60 " Sulphate of soda^ 20 Common salt, 20 " 160 Leached ashes are nearly destitute of potash, and cannot, of course, supply this substance to vegetation; they are said, however, to be of service to oat crops in particular, and are beneficial to clay soils. The ashes of coal, peat, turf, straw and cane are also valuable as fertilizers, according to their constitution and the crops to which they are applied. Crushed or pulverized rocks of various kinds could be used with the same benefit and in the same cases, according to their elementary composition, as other mineral manures: crushed granite would furnish a considerable amount of potash ; it is easily ground after being heated to a red heat. Crushed trap contains much lime, and is a good manure : crushed lavas are also valuable on most soils. Marl. The composition and other chemical characters of marl have been described : it consists of lime, clay, and often sand, shells, and other matters. The object and effect of marling are similar to those of liming land. Marl should be used according to its constitution ; clay marl should usually be put on sandy soils, and lime or sandy marl on clay soils. The best time for laying on marl is at the end of autumn, so that it may be pulverized by frosts during the winter Boussin- gault says, land which contains ten per cent, of carbonate of lime can dispense with marl. The effect of marl is not unlimited, but, like lime, requires SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 209 to be repeated once in 10 or 12 years. With regard to the quantity of marl which should be used to an acre, we must be governed by the same rational considerations as the use of all other manures ; viz., it should be applied where it is required, and in quantity equal to the demand of the soil. The opin- ions of practical men vary greatly on this subject : according to Johnston, ten or fifteen, to one hundred and twenty tons are used to an acre ; while Boussingault says, " allowing the broadest margin, and judging from the composition of the ashes of the plants of ordinary crops, we can see that the quantity of three and a half bushels of marl of the usual composition per acre, which is assumed as the average quantity to be laid on, is vastly more than can be absolutely necessary." This discrepancy has arisen partly from the extravagant notions about the virtues of marl, and partly from the nature of the marl and the soils to which it has been applied by dif- ferent experimenters. Chalk is much used as a fertilizer in some parts of Europe where it is cheap and abundant ; but, from its scarcity and price, it can never be expedient to use it in this country while we have such an abundance of lime in various other forms. When used, it is subject to nearly the same laws as lime and marl. Its composition varies ; some specimens contain more phosphate of lime, magnesia and silicates, than others. Ehren- berg has made the remarkable discovery, that chalk to a con- siderable extent, is composed of the shells or skeletons of ma- rine microscopic animals. Lime. The chemical and physical properties of lime have already been described, and it remains for us to examine briefly the principles of its adaptation to the soil as a fertilizer. Much discussion has been had, and many long essays written on this subject; but no chemist claims for this substance any excep- tion to general chemical laws, or attributes to it any action more specific than that of any other manure. There is no 18* 210 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. doubt that all our present knowledge of lime as a manure, can be expressed in a few known and plain principles: we do not assume that all is known about lime that may be known at some future time, but that the facts can be much more briefly and perhaps more clearly set forth than is done by most wri- ters on agriculture. Lime is perhaps the most important mineral used as a ma- nure. When applied to a soil entirely destitute of lime, the quantity will necessarily be larger than at subsequent periods. The quantity used must be determined, as in all other cases, by circumstances. No general rule can be given for its use, but each one must judge from the facts in the case and pro- ceed accordingly. Johnston says, "if we suppose one per cent to be necessary, then upwards of 300 bushels of slaked lime must be mixed with a soil six inches in depth, -to impart to an acre this proportion." On wet, peaty, marshy, or clay soils, more lime will be necessary than on dry, sandy and loose soils : on soils which contain much organic matters also, more may be used than on those nearly destitute of them. It is consider- ed better economy to apply lime in smaller quantities and at shorter intervals, than to use it in large quantities at more dis- tant period?. Caustic lime should be applied to marshy and clay soils im- mediately after slaking: when allowed to slake in the open air spontaneously, without the use of water, it is more mild, and better adapted to grass lands and young crops; but W 7 hen ap- plied to naked fallow and mixed with the soil, it may be used in either state. Burned lime is well adapted to the compost form of manures. As quick lime dissipates the ammonia of fermenting manures in the soil, it ought not to be applied at the same time, nor to come in immediate contact with them : it is best applied usually in the fall, or as long as possible be- fore the next crop is sown. These principles apply only to caustic lime : unburned lime, SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 211 marl, gypsum, chalk, and composts containing Urn?, may be applied at any time. Lime, in order that it may produce its full effect and most lasting benefit, should bo kept near the surface. This may be done by sub-soil ploughing, by which the lime is thrown up to the surface; and also by sowing deep rooted crops, which will reach it after it has sunk too deep to benefit others of shorter roots. The amount of lime in the soil gradually diminishes from several causes, when it is not occasionally replenished : it is removed to a small extent with the annual harvests, and by assuming new forms by chemical action ; a portion is also carried away in solution with the water which falls by rain and filters through both the surface and subsoil. The beneficial effects of lime, although more permanent, are not felt as soon as those of some other mineral manures : it is of little service on soils deficient in organic matter. The length of time which lime shows its effects upon the crops and soil, is, according to circumstances, from ten to thirty years. Its use is sometimes attended by unfavorable results when not judi- ciously used: light, loose soils are rendered too loose; and the growth of certain noxious weeds favored by its-presence : an ov(r-doso destroys too much organic matter, hardens certain soils, ^id injures the spongioles of young plants. It is said to operate injuriously upon flax, by causing tenderness of its cor- tical fibre. These remarks on the use of lime as a manure, are conden- sed from Johnston, who has given perhaps the best treatise on lime extant. As the subject is both important and interesting, it may be well to recapitulate briefly. Recapitulation. 1. Lime increases the fertility of soils deficient in this element. 2. It causes the soil to produce grain which yields more flour and less bran, and improves the quality of all other crops. 212 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 3. It increases the effect of other manures by hastening de- composition. " 4. It destroys noxious insects and worms. 5. It destroys noxious weeds and mosses, and gives rise to sweet grasses and herbage. 6. It prevents smut in wheat and other crops. 7. It hastens the maturity of the crop. 8. It neutralizes the acidity of sour soils and renders them productive. 9. It makes cold wet soils dryer and warmer. 10. It renders tight stiff clays loose and friable 11. It destroys noxious gases and promotes health. 12. It stiffens loose sandy soils. 13. It brings inert organic matters into a state of fermen- tation. 14. It causes the evolution of carbonic acid. 15. It serves directly as the food of plants. 16. It causes the formation of several salts in the soil. COMPOSTS. It was formerly supposed, that great advantage was derived from the combination of several different substances together, and forming what are called composts. The recipes for these compounds are numerous, and go to prove that the diswvcry of a good compost requires but little scientific or practical skill. AVhen a compost heap is made up of several materials which are all separately good manures, it follows of necessity that the resulting compound must be a good fertilizer. But it is impossible to supply any more in this way than if these seve- ral ingredients were applied to the soil separately. And a little knowledge of chemistry w^ill show that by this means, no new elements can be generated. Neither can any new pro- perty be developed which could not be done by their separate action. -We see that whenever a substance which has little or no fertilizing power, is in this way manufactured into a good SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 213 manure, it is done at the expense of some powerful fertilizer which is diluted by the mixture, and consequently loses just as much of its efficacy as the other gaiss. Thus, although this process serves to dilute and extend manures which are too powerful or too expensive, it absolutely supplies none. Now, although it is evident that this method does not aug- ment in the slightest degree, our quantity of available ma- nure, yet it has several advantages. Caustic lime and wqpd ashes are sometimes too strong for young and tender vegeta- tion ; and when this is the case, the object of their use is much better attained by mixing and diffusing them through some other substance, such as saw-dust, sand, barn manure or humus, or allowing them to lie in a heap together with any vegetable matters, such as leaves, straw, chaff, rotten wood or turf; or with animal matters; until decomposition is completed. Another advantage is, that a manure which is valuable and scarce, as guano, poudrette, and some chemical salts, may be extended by mixture so as to be applied to a much larger space than would be practicable if used singly. Thirdly, this mode enables the agriculturist to spread his manure on the soil more even and uniformly. And lastly, by making compost we are enabled to hasten the final decay of animal and vegetable matters, so as to gain considerable time. By mixing quicklime with barn manure, straw, leaves, &c., decomposition goes on more rapidly, and these substances are transformed to availa- ble manures in a comparatively short space of time. But much discretion is necessary in this respect, otherwise some valuable elements are wasted ; the object is to fix and retain the volatile elements and not to dissipate them. A great objection to composts is, the amount of labor retired in ma- king, turning, and transporting them to the fields. No definite formula can with any propriety be given for making composts, as the agriculturist must determine for him- self in each particular case, as to what elements his fields most 214 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. require, and also his time and the resources at his command. With these considerations, and an adequate knowledge of his business, he will be able to make a more judicious disposition of his manures than by the aid of any prescribed rules which can be laid down in books. CHAPTER VII. TABLE OF THE COMPARATIVE VALUE OF MANURES, FROM ANALYSES BY MESSRS. PAYEN AND BOUSSINGAULT. Kind of Manure. M ~ /: i- - fi > i i Nitrog 00 of ir Dry. en in latter. Wet. Q,ual'y ding to Dry. accor- state. Wet. Squival'nt Dry. i Wet Farm-yard manure, 79.3 1.05 0.41 100 100 100 100 Water from do. 99.6 1.54 0.06 78 2 127 68 Wheat straw, 19.3 0.30 0.24 15 60 650 167 Rye straw, 12.2 0.20 0.17 10 42.5 975 235 Oat straw, 21.0 0.36 0.28 18 70 542 143 Barley straw, 11.0 0.26 0.23 13 57.5 750 174 Wheat chaff, 7.6 0.94 0.85 48 212.5 207 47 Pea straw, 8.5 1.95 1.79 1001447.5 100 22 Buckwheat straw, 11.6 0.54 0.48 27 120 301 83 Dried potato tops, 12.9 0.43 0.37 22 92.5 453 108 Oak leaves, 25.0 1.57 1.18 80 293 125 34 Beech leaves, 39.3 1.91 1.18 78 294 102 34 Burnt sea weed, 3.8 0.40 0.38 20 95 488| 105 Oyster shells, 17.9 0.40 0.32 20 80 488J 125 Sea-side marl, 1.0 0.52 0.51 26.5 128 377 78 Oak saw-dust, 26.0 0.72 0.54 36 135 250 74 Oil cake of linseed, 13.4 6.00 5.20 307 1300 33 8 Refuse of cider apples 6.4 0.63 0.59 32 147 309 68 Cow's ordure, 85.9 2.30 0.32 117 80 84 125 Cow's urine, 88.3 3.80 0.44 194 110 51 1 91 Excrements of horse, 75.3 2.21 0.55 113 137.5 88 73 Urine of do. 79.1 12.50 2.61 641 652.5 15.5 15.3 Excrements of pig, 8.14 3.37 0.63 172J157.5 58 63 216 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. Kind of Manure. B. . |i Nitrogen in 100 of matter. dual')- accor- ding to state. Equivalent accord. do. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet Excrements of sheep, 63.0 2.99 Lll 153 277.5 65 36 Do. of goat, 46.0 3.93 2.16 201 540 5018.5 Poudrette, 12.5 4.40 3.85 225 962 44*10.3 Urine of public vats, 9.6 17.56 16.83 900 4213 111 2.3 Excrements of pigeons, 9.6 9.02 8.30 462 2075 21.5 5.0 Guano, 19.6 6.20 5.00 323 1247 31.5 80 Dried muscular flesh, 8.5 14.25 13.04 730 3260 13.5 3 Liquid blood, ,81.0 2.95 795 736 13.3 Fresh bones, 30.0 6.22 1554 6.5 Dregs of glue, 33.6 5.63 3.73 288.4 933.5 35 11 Sugar refiners' scum, 67.0 1.58 0.54 81 134 127 75 Horn shavings, 9.0 15.78 14.36 809 3590 12.3 3.0 Wood soot, 5.6! 1.31 1.15 67 287.5 149 35 TABLES OF ANALYSIS. Talks showing the relative proportions of inorganic com- pounds In the ashes of several cultivated plants. The tables are taken from Prof. Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry, and are supposed to be nearly correct: analysis of different varieties and qualities of the same plants, vary- slightly ; but still, for all practical purposes, the tables here given are sufficiently accurate, being probably as near the real constitution of them, as it is possible to obtain. ASH OF WHEAT. According to Sprengel's analysis, 1000 Ibs. of wheat leave 11.77 Ibs. of ashes, and 1000 Ibs. of straw leave 35.18 Ibs. of ash. after burning. This ash consists of Potash, Soda, Lime, Magnesia, Grain of Wheat. 2.25 Ibs. 2.40 0.96 0.90 Straw of Wheat. 0.20 -Ibs. 0.29 2.40 0.32 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 21T ASH OF WHEAT Continued. Grain of Wheat. Straw of Wheat. Alumina and a trace of Iron, 0.26 Ibs. Silica, 4.00 Sulphuric acid, 0.50 Phosphoric acid, 0.40 Chlorine, 0.10 11.77 Ibs. 0.90 Ibs. 28.70 0.37 1.70 0.30 35.18 Ibs. ASH OF BARLEY. 100 of grain of barley leaves 23.49 Ibs, 1000 Ibs. of straw 52.42 of ash. Grain. Straw, Potash, 2.78 1.80 Soda, 2.90 0.48 Lime, 1.06 5.54 Magnesia, 1.80 0.76 Alumina, 0.25 1.46 Oxide of iron, a trace 0.14 Oxide of manganese, 0.20 Silica, 11.82 38.56 Sulphuric acid, 0.59 1.18 Phosphoric acid, 2.10 1.60 Chlorine, 0.19 0.70 23.49 Ibs. 52.42 Ibs. ASH OF OATS. 1000 Ibs. of the grain of oats contain 25.80 Ibs. and of straw, 57.40 Ibs. of ash. Grain. Potash, 1.50 Soda, 1.32 Lime, 0.86 Magnesia, Alumina, 0.67 0.14 Straw. 8.70 0.02 1.52 0.22 0.06 19 218 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. ASH OP OATS Continued. Oxide of iron Oxide of manganese, Silica, Sulphuric acid, Phosphoric acid, Chlorine, Grain. Straw. 0.40 0.02 0,02 19.76 45.88 0.35 0,79 0.70 0.12 0.10 0.05 25.80 Ibs. 57.40 Ibs. 5.32 ASH OF RYE. 1000 Ibs. of rye straw contain 27.93 Ibs., and of grain 10.40 Ibs. of ash. Grain. Potash, Soda, 1.22 1.78 0.24 0.42 0.34 1.64 Lime, Magnesia, Alumina, Oxide of iron, Oxide of manganese, Silica, ).24 ) ).42 f Straw. 0.32 0.11 1.78 0.12 0.25 Sulphuric acid, Phosphoric acid, Chlorine, 0.23 0.46 0.09 22.97 1.70 0.51 0.17 10.40 Ibs. 27.93 Ibs. ANALYSIS OF PEAT BY BOUSSINGAULT. Silica, Alumina, Lime, Magnesia, Oxide of iron, Potash and Soda, 65.5 16.2 6.0 0.6 3.7 2.3 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 219 ANALYSIS OF PEAT, BY BGUSSINQAULT Continued. Sulphuric acid, 5.4 Chlorine, 0.3 100.0 ANALYSIS OF COAL ASHES BY BOUSSINGAULT. Argillaceous matter insoluble in acids, 62 Alumina, 5 Lime, 6 Magnesia, 8 Oxide of manganese, 3 Oxide and sulphuret of iron, 16 100 ASH OF THE BEAN AND PEA. 100Q Ibs. of seed and straw, dried, contain Field Bean. Field Pea. Seed. Straw. Seed. Straw. Potash, 4.15 16.56 8,10 2.35 Soda, 8.16' 0.50 7.39 Lime, 1.65 6.24 0.58 27.30 Magnesia, Alumina, 1.58 2.09 0.34 0.10 1.36 3.42 0.20 0.60 Oxide of iron, 0.07 0.10 0.20 Oxide of manganese, Silica, 0.05 1.26 2.20 0.07 4.10 9.96 Sulphuric acid, Phosphoric acid, Chlorine, 0.89 0.34 2.92 2.26 0.41 0.80 0.53 3.37 1.90 2.40 0.38 0.04 21.36 31.21 24.64 49.71 ASH OF THE TURNIP AND POTATO. 10,000 Ibs. of the roots, stalks and leaves, when taken before drying, contain 220 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. Potato. Turnip. Roots. Tops. Roots. Leaves. Potash, 40.28 81.9 23.86 32.3 Soda, 23.34 00.9 10.48 22.2 Lime, 3.31 129.7 7.52 62.0 Magnesia, 3.24 17.0 2.54 05.9 Alumina, 0.50 00.4 0.36 00.3 Oxide of iron, 0.32 00.2 0.32 01.7 Oxide of manganese, Silica, 0.84 49.4 3.88 12.8 Sulphuric acid, 5.40 04.2 8.01 25.2 Phosphoric acid, 4.01 19.7 3.67 9.8 Chlorine, 1.60 05.0 2.39 8.7 82,83 308.4 63,03 180.9 ASH OF THE CARROT AND PARSNEP. Carrot. Parsnep. Potash, 53.33 20.79 Soda, 9.22 7.02 Lime, 6.57 4.68 Magnesia, 3.84 2.70 Alumina, 0.39 0.24 Oxide of iron, 0.33 0.05 Oxide of manganese, 0.60 Silica, * 1.37 0.84 Sulphuric acid, 2.70 5.40 Phosphoric acid, 5.14 4.01 Chlorine, 0.70 1.60 66.19 82.83 ASH OF GRASS AND CLOVER. 100 Ibs. of dry hay and clover contain Rye Grass. Red Clover. Potash, Soda, 8.81 3.94 19.95 5.29 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 221 ASH OF GRASS AND CLOVER Continued. Lime, Magnesia, Alumina, Oxide of iron, Oxide of manganese, Silica, Sulphuric acid, Phosphoric acid, Chlorine, 7.34 0.90 0.31 27.72 3.53 0.25 0.06 27.80 3.33 0.14 3.61 4.47 6.57 3.62 52.86 74.78 The practical inferences from these tables are, first the kind of soil in which each will grow best, second the kind of inorganic matter necessaiy to be supplied artificially, third their nutrient properties, and the kind of stock they are best adapted to nourish. ;v The following table from " Liebig's Agricultural Chemistry," shows the relative proportions of potash, lime and silica in several cultivated plants. SILICA PLANTS. Oat straw and seeds, Wheat straw, Barley straw and seeds, Rye straw, Good hay, Tobacco, Pea straw, Potato tops, Meadow Clover, ills of Potash Salts of Magne- and Soda. sia and Lime. 34.00 4.00 22.50 7.20 s, 19.00 25.70 18.65 16.52 6.00 34.00 LIME PLANTS. 24.34 67.44 27.82 63.74 4.20 51.40 39.20 56.00 19* Silica. 62.00 61.50 55.30 63.89 60.00 8.30 7.31 63.40 4.90 222 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. Wheat. 37.72 Oats. 19.12 Barley. 20.70 Rye. 37.21 1.93 10.41 3.36 2.92 9.60 9.98 10.05 10.13 1.36 5.08 1.93 0.82 1.25 9 9 9 49.32 46.26 40.63 47.29 0.17 0.26 1.46 3.07 21.99 0.17 POTASH PLANTS Continued. Corn stalks, 72.45 6.50 18.00 Turnips, 81.60 18.40 Beetroots, 88.00 12.00 Potatoes, 85.81 14.19 The following table from Johnston, shows the composition of the ashes of several grains without the straw. Potash and soda, Lime, Magnesia, Oxide of iron, Oxide of manganese, Phosphoric acid, Sulphuric acid, Silica, 101.35 93.92 98.92 100 There appears to be some mistake in the figures of this table, as will be seen on adding up the columns ; but still, for want of a more accurate one we must take this as it is, being sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes. ASHES OF THE FAECES OF THE HORSE \ ANALYSIS OF JACKSON. Phosphate of lime, 5.00 Carbonate of do., 18.75 Phosphate of magnesia, 36.25 Silicic acid/ 40.00 100. URINE OF THE HORSE '. ANALYSIS OF YAUQUELIN. Carbonate of lime, 1.1 Carbonate of soda, Hippurate of do. .9 2.4 Muriate of potash, Urea, Water, .7 44-0 50.0 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 223 ASHES OF THE FAECES OF THE COW : ANALYSIS OF IIAIDLEN. Phosphate of lime, 10.9 Phos. magnesia, 10.0 Phos. iron, 8.5 Carbonate of potash, 8.5 Sulphate of lime, 3.1 Silicic acid, 63.7 Loss, 2.3 107.0 URINE OF THE COW : ANALYSIS OF BRANDE. Muriate of potash and ammonia, 1.5 Sulphate of potash, 0.6 Carbonate of potash, 0.4 Phosphate of lime, 0.3 Urea, 0.4 Water, 96.8 100 ASHES OF HUMAN FJ2CES ! ANALYSIS OF BERZELIUS. Sulphate of lime and phosphate of lime and magnesia, 67 Sulphate of soda and potash and phos. of soda, 5 Carbonate of soda, 5 Silicic acid, 11 Carbon and loss, 12 100 HUMAN URINE : ANALYSIS OF BERZELIUS. Urea, 30.10 Lactic acid ( ?) lactate of ammonia ( ?) extractive animal matter, 17.14 Uric acid, 1.00 Mucus, 0.32 Sulphate of potash, 37.01 Sulphate of soda, 3.16 Phosphate of soda, 2.94 224 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. HUMAN URINE Continued. Muriate of soda, Phosphate of ammonia, Phosphate of magnesia and lime, Muriate of ammonia, Silicic acid, Water, 1000 GUANO : ANALYSIS OF VOLKEL. Muriate of ammonia, 4.2 Oxalate, do. 10.6 Urate do. 9.0 Phosphate do. 6.0 Sulphate of potash, 5.5 Sulphate of soda, 3.8 Phosphate of ammonia and lime, 2.6 Phosphate of lime, 7.0 Oxalate of do. 14.3 Residue soluble in uric acid, 4.7 Loss, (water, ammonia and organized matter,) 32.3 100 BONES OF THE OX : ANALYSIS OF BERZELIUS. Animal matter, (gelatine,) 33.30 Soda with common salt, 1.20 Carbonate of lime, 11.30 Phosphate of do. 51.04 Fluoride of calcium, (?) 2.00 Phosphate of magnesia, 1.16 100 COAL SOOT I ANALYSIS OF BRACONNOT. Ulmic acid, 302.0 A reddish brown substance containing nitrogen, and yielding ammonia when heated, 200.0 Asboline, 5.0 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 225 COAL SOOT Continued. Carbonate of lime with a trace of magnesia, 146.6 Acetate of lime, 56.5 Sulphate of lime, 50.0 Acetate of magnesia, 5.3 Phosphate of lime, with a trace of iron, 15*0 Chloride of potassium, 3.6 Acetate of potash, 41.6 Acetate of ammonia, 2.0 Silica, 9.5 Charcoal powder, 38.5 Water, 125.0 100 WOOL, HAIR, HORN \ ANALYSIS OF JOHNSTON. Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and sulphur, Wool. Hair. Horn. 50,65 51.53 51.99 7.03 6.69 6.72 17.71 17.94 17.28 24.61 23.84 24.01 100 100 100 DRY OX BLOOD AND MUSCULAR FLESH I ANALYSIS OF PLAYFAIR AND BOECKMAN. Dry Flesh. Carbon, 51.83 * Hydrogen, 7.57 Nitrogen, 15.01 Oxygen, 21.37 Ashes, 4.23 100 Remark. We have, all through the course of this treatise, adhered to the principle that nature preserves a uniformity in 226 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. the execution of all her laws, and that she does nothing by accident. And whenever we find an apparent exception to this principle, it is evident that our knowledge is deficient or our conclusions erroneous. Hence, although plants may be made to maintain a transi- tory and sickly existence without all the usual elements, and to absorb both by their leaves and roots, substances unneces- sary and pernicious to their growth, still from the uniformity of the elements and their proportions, as shown by analysis of the plants and the soils in which they thrive best, we are com- pelled to conclude, that each and all of these elements, are in- dispensible to their healthy growth and maturity. And who- ever practically disregards this principle, and hangs his hope of success on some contingent circumstance, must correct his error at his own cost. CHAPTER VIII. ANALYSIS OF SOILS. THE agriculturist may, by long experience and close obser- vation of the character and productions of his lands, become acquainted with their general character and fertility, and also what plants are best adapted to them. But it is desirable that a more accurate knowledge of the elementary constitution and the relative proportions of those elements which constitute the food of plants, should be attained. The only direct and certain means of arriving at this result is chemical analysis. Without this process, it could only be known by a trial of various crops upon different soils, whether they were adapted to them or not: and, in order to determine the value of soils in this way, several crops and much labor might be lost in unsuccessful experiments. Analysis of plants shows with absolute certainty what sub- stances they have drawn from the soil and atmosphere for food; these substances vary in different plants, both in their nature and proportions: the same is also true in relation to the elementary composition of soils. No two plants and no two soils have precisely the same chemical composition. The absence of a single element in a soil may render it totally bar- ren for a particular crop, while it may produce some others in great abundance. A chemical difference in two soils, which might appear 228 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. insignificant, would, by experiment, be found to alter entirely their relative agricultural value. By referring to tables of the analysis of plants, and then analyzing the soil, we can see at once what plant the soil is adapted to produce. A soil containing all the organic and inorganic elements of a particular plant, may be supposed capable of producing the plant: but a soil deficient in one or more of these elements cannot be expected to yield a crop. A soil containing very little silica could not yield grass, but might still contain enough for a crop of turnips. . An exact analysis of the quality of a soil, with the quantity of each element, requires the skill of a practical chemist, and the apparatus of a laboratory: but the most important qualities of a soil may be determined by a few plain and simple experi- ments, which are easily made by any one, whether acquainted with chemistry or not The soil is made up, as before said, of various proportions of animal, vegetable, mineral, earthy and gaseous matters. As a general rule, the earthy part of the soil is estimated at from 90 to 96 per cent The salts of these earthy matters are in small quantities. The amount of vegetable matter varies greatly in different soils: in some, as in peat and muck soils, it constitutes from one half to three fourths of their entire weight ; while in sand and clay soils, it amounts to only from one to five per cent The principal bulk of all soils, (except peat, humus and muck soils,) is sand, clay and lime ; and on the proportions of these, their peculiar properties, both chemi- cal and physical, depend. The fertility of a soil is not depen- dent upon any one of these, but upon the proportions and state of mechanical division of all the other necessary elements. The mixture of sand and lime with the other elements, (except the alumina,) is usually entirely mechanical: in the various kinds of clay, the silex and alumina are often chemically com- bined, constituting a silicate of alumina. SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 229 The first process in the analysis of a soil is to weigh a given quantity with apothecaries' scales; it should then be spread out on a piece of clean paper and subjected to a heat not suffi- ciently high to burn the vegetable matters which it contains, until thoroughly dried : after drying, the soil should be again accurately weighed, and the second weight subtracted from the first, when the remainder will show the amount of water lost To find the amount of organic matter which it contains, put the dried soil into an earthen crucible and heat it over a fire to "redness, till the organic matter is burned out and the ash only remains ; after cooling, it should be again weighed, the loss by burning shows the amount of organic matter it con- tained, allowing a trifle for the charcoal which remains with the earthy part If a black soil loses nothing by burning, it probably derives it color from black oxide of iron or graphite. To detect humic acid, boil a small quantity of peat or muck in a solution of carbonate of soda, until it attains a brown color, then add muriatic acid till the solution has a distinctly sour taste, when brown flocks of humic acid will fall to the bottom. Ulmic acid may be obtained from the same soil, after the humic acid is separated, by digesting it over a gentle heat in a solution of caustic ammonia, and then adding muriatic acid as before ; brown flocks are precipitated, which are ulmic acid. To detect crenic and apocrenic acids, digest a quantity of soil in hot water until organic matter is dissolved out sufficient to give the water a yellow color. When this solution is evapo- rated to dryness, there remains a brown residue, which con- tains the soluble saline matters of the soil, some extractive matter, humic and ulmic acids, and the crenic and apocrenic acids: these four acids are all in combination with alumina and other bases. When this residue is dried at 220 F., the compounds of the humic and ulmic acids become insoluble, 20 230 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. while the compounds of the crenic and apocrenic acids remain soluble, and may be separated by washing in water. (Johnston.) To detect the presence of lime, take 100 grains of a soil and mix well with half a pint of cold water, and then add half an ounce of muriatic acid, stirring the mixture frequently : let it stand a few hours to settle, then pour off the water and fill the vessel with water to wash out the excess of acid ; when the water is clear, pour it off, dry the soil and weigh it; the loss from the first weight will show the quantity of lime sufficiently near for all practical purposes. (Gaylord.) To determine the amount of sand, take a given quantity of soil and boil it in water till it is thoroughly incorporated with it, then pour the whole into a glass vessel and leave it till the sand subsides: the clay remains in a state of mixture with the water, which should be poured off and the sand dried and weighed. If the sand contains lime, it may be separated by muriatic acid as above directed. The amount of clay may be very nearly ascertained by evaporating the water which was poured off of the said, the residue will be mostly clay. To detect the presence of oxide of iron, mix a quantity of soil with water, pour on muriatic acid and stir the mixture ; let it stand a few hours and dip a piece of oak bark into the solution, if the bark is colored brown or black, iron is present. " To detect the presence of other salts, boil a portion of soil in water, pour off the water and evaporate it, when the salts may be obtained in crystals. If the salt is a nitrate, it has a cool pungent taste, and ignites when thrown on coals of fire. If it be common salt, (muriate of soda,) it burns with a crackling noise, and is also known by its taste. Sulphate of soda puffs up by heat, gives off a watery vapor and leaves a dry white mass." These directions are sufficient to enable any one to make a SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. 231 rough analysis of a soil, which, although not strictly correct, may be of much service in determining the general character of a farm, when a rigid and exact analysis cannot be obtained. We give below two tables, one showing the composition of a barren, and the other of a fertile soil. Taking the mineral constituents of plants as a basis on which to predicate our rea- soning in relation to the productive value of soils, we see at once, that one of these tables shows a soil rich in all the elements of fertility, while the other exhibits one almost irre- deemably barren. ANALYSIS OF A NEW SOIL ON THE BANKS OF THE OHIO RIVER, POSSESSING GREAT FERTILITY. Quartz sand and silicates, 87.143 Alumina, 5.666 Oxides of iron, 2.220 Oxides of manganese, 0.360 Lime, 0.564 Magnesia, 0.312 Potash and soda, 0.145 Phosphoric acid, 0.060 Sulphuric acid, 0.027 Chlorine in common salt, 0.026 Humie acid, 1.304 Insoluble humus, 1.072 Organic matters containing nitrogen, 1.011 Carbonic acid united to the lime, 0.080 ANALYSIS OF A SANDY SOIL, UNFIT FOR CULTIVATION. Silica and quartz sand, 96.000 Alumina, 0.500 Oxides of iron, 2.000 Oxides of manganese, trace. Lime, 0.001 Magnesia, trace. 232 SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. ANALYSIS Continued. Potash, do. Soda, do. Phosphoric acid, do. Sulphuric acid, do. Carbonic acid, Chlorine, trace. Humic acid, 0.200 Insoluble humus, 1.299 Water, 100 Chemically considered, a soil must contain all the inorganic elements which plants require, and none that are injurious to them. If the addition of a certain manure render a soil more fertile, it is evident that the soil was deficient in one or more of those substances which it furnished. If the addition of a given manure or salt to a defective soil, fail to improve its fer- tility, it is because enough of this substance is already present, or because some other substance is wanting to render this application available. A soil may sometimes show more or less fertility for certain crops than analysis would indicate, on account of some mechanical and physical conditions : in this way the supply of certain elements may be cut off, although they are present in the soil : the deficiency of others may also be partially compensated by the same causes. CHAPTER IX. MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. Mechanical philosophy treats of the equilibrium and motion of bodies: its great object of inquiry is, into the causes which produce or prevent motion, and the manner in which it takes place. " That part of mechanics which relates to the action of - forces producing equilibrium or rest, in bodies, is called statics; that which relates to the action of forces producing motion is called dynamics" The practical value of this branch of science consists in the application of a few simple mechanical powers, either single or combined in some kind of machinery, in overcoming resistances, and producing and applying motion to useful purposes. " Power is the means by which a machine is moved and force attained ; thus we have horse power, water power, steam power, - - / .' *"*'. - - 239 Biennial roots, . - - 105 Buds, > - , if * ; * ,.. *v - 107 Bole, - * - 167 Blood, as manure, '*'' - * - 192 Bones, as manure, .... -..*>] 192 Calcium, - - - 162 Charcoal, animal * ; ' . - - 192 Chaff as manure, ' - ; - - - 197 Charcoal as manure, ' 198 Carbonate 'of soda* as manure, * ** 204 Chloride of sodium, or 'common salt, as manure, - 206 Chloride of lime and magilesia as manures, - - 206 Crushed rocks," as manure, - 208 Chalk as a' manure*, - - 209 Composts, - 212 Comparative value* of manures, table of - - 215 Chemistry, - * - ' - +' - 23 Capillarity, - ' 4; -.^J; * * - > * * iw** 24 Cohesfon, v 25 Combination, laws* of 'f - 80 Caloric, - - 84 Caloric, expansive power of - 34 Caloric, conductors of - 34 Caloric, specific, - 35 Caloric, capacity for 85 Caloric, radiant > ,' . *. - 9$ 268 INDEX. Caloric, latent, . . . . . 35- Caloric, transmission of . . . .36 Cold, 37 Carbon, t % . . . . .42 Carbonic acid, ..... 43 Carbonic oxide, . . . . .48 Carburetted hydrogen, . . . . 49 Cerine, ...... 61 Camphor, . . . . . 61 Caoutchouc, . . . .62 Coloring matter, ..... 64 Chlorophylle, ... .64 Colors, adjective . . . . . 65 Colors, substantive, . . . . .65 Carmine, . . . . . 65 Chlorine, ...... 65 Compounds derived from the inorganic elements of plants, 67 Caramel, ...... 71 Cleavage planes, ..... 75 Clay slate, ...... 86 Chalk, ...... 87 Coal, . . . . . . .87 Coal, varieties and origin of ... 89 Coal basin in Wales, . * . . .89 Class denned, ..... 93 Corolla, ...... 97 Calyx, ...... 98 Cotyledon, ...... 101 Cellular integument, . . . . 108 Cambium, ...... 109 Cryptogamous plants, . . . . 110 Chlorophylle, . . . . .111 Climate, ...... 126 Clouds, ...... 138 Corona, ...... 147 Clay, 166 D Divisibility, . . . . 25 Density, ...... 27 Diastase, . . . . . 68 INDEX. 269 Dip 75 Dyke, 76 Drift, Duramen, . . . . . .108 Dissemination of seeds, . . . . 120 Digestion, . . . . . .118 Day, longest in different latitudes, Dry leaves as manure, . . . .197 Decayed wood as manure, . ' . 197 Draining, its objects . ' . . . . 181 Draining, varieties of . . . 182 Dynamics, ...... 233 Dew, ...... 136 E Elasticity, . . . . . 27 Equivalent number, . . . . .31 Electricity, . . . \. *.* . ./*'. 3 ? Electricity, negative . , ' . . 38 Electricity, positive . . . . 38 Electricity, conductors of. . . .38 Electrical excitation, . . . . 38 Electrical repulsion, . . - Electricity, statical . . V;' 39 Electricity, dynamical . ,* . . 39 Eremacausis, . . . . . 44 Elementary bodies, . . . . .53 Elements, organic . . . . 57 Elements, proximate . . . .57 Elements, immediate . . . . 57 Extractive matter, . . . . .64 Escarpment, . . . ': -Jr ' . 75 Embryo, . . . v V- \.V . 94 Epidermis, . . * . . 96 Embryo, . . , . . .101 Epiphytes, . . . . . 105 Epidermis, . . . . . .108 Exhalation, . . . . . 117 Excrements of plants, theoiy of ... 185 Excrements as manure, . . . 193 Excrements, human . . .' .193 24 270 INDEX. Excrements of horned cattle, . . . 194 Excrements of the horse, . . . .194 Excrements of the hog, . . . . 195 Excrements of sheep, . . . .195 Excrements of birds, . . . . 195 Epsom salts as manure, .... 205 Earthy manures, ..... 206 Fire damp, . . . . . 49 Fermentation, . . . . .69 Fermentation, vinous, . 69 Fermentation, acetous . . . .70 Fault, 76 Formation, . . . . . .76 Fossil, ...... 76 Feldspar, composition of . . .87 Flower, . . . . . . 97 Filament, ...... 99 Fruit, ...... 100 Fibrils, . . . . . . 103 Fusiform roots, . . . . . 104 Fibrous roots, . . . . .104 Faciculated roots, . . . . 104 Floating roots, . . . . . .105 Flowers, terminal . . . . 118 Flowers, axillary . . . . .118 Flower, solitary . . . . . 119 Forests, their influence on climate and the fall of rain, 134 Frost, . . . * . . .136 Frost, cause of . . . . ^137 Fogs, . . . . . . ~ 138 Fire balls, ..... 148 Fallowing, . . . . . .182 Fallowing, benefits of . . . 183 Flesh as manure, . . . . . 192 Fat of animals as manure, . . . 192 Farm-yard manure, . . . . .199 Force defined, ..... 233 Friction, . . . . .237 INDEX. 271 Gravity, . . . . . . 26 Gravity, specific .' Galvanism, ..... 39 Gases, properties of . . . . .40 Gum, '.,.... 59 Gluten, .'..... 60 Geology, .... .73 Gorge, . .' . .76 Granite, . . J . . Greenstone, . .' . . . 83 Gneiss, ...... 85 Graphite, .... Genus, defined ..... 93 Germination, . . . . . .101 Granulated roots, . . . . . 104 Gale, . . 145 Gypsum, . ., ;. ^ ,_ . 165 Gelatine as manure, . *. . . .193 Guano, ...... 196 Green manures, ..... 200 Green manures, uses of . . 200 Glauber's salts as manure, . , jf .-; . 204 H History, natural . . t . . 21 Hydrogen, . . . . . .41 Hartshorn, spirits of . . . 51 Haematoxyline, . . . . .65 Hornblende slate, ..... 86 Hornblende, basaltic, composition of . . A * " 87 Herbs, 106 Hail, .... ,; . - . . . 140 Harmattan, . . - -;. ' j.'>, . 1^4 Hurricane, . . . . . .145 Halo, . . . , \ . . 147 Humus, . . . . . .168 Humus, its composition . . . . 169 Hair as manure, . . . . .192 Horns as manure, . . ..'. . 192 Hoofs as manure, . . * . * . 192 272 INDEX. I Isomeric bodies, ..... 58 India rubber, . . . . .62 Indigo, . . . . . . 64 Inorganic elements of plants, . . .65 Iodine, ...... 66 Idial section of the earth's crust, . . .79 Integument, . . . . . 101 Inflorescence, . . . . .118 Inflorescence, centripetal . . . . 119 Inflorescence, centrifugal . . . .119 Isothermal lines, . . . . . 127 Isochimenal lines, ..... 127 Ignis fatuus, . . . . . 147 Iron, ....... 159 Irrigation, . . . . . 179 Inclined plane, . . . . .234 j Joint, - 75 K Kaolin, . - 167 L Light, - 32 Light, nature of - 32 Light, reflection and refraction of 32 Light, origin of - - 33 Light, heating rays of 33 Lignine, 58 Lava, - 84 Limestone, primary 86 Latex, - .... 108 Liber, - 108 Leaf, - - - 111 Leaves, deciduous - 111 Leaves, evergreen - 111 Leaves, scattered - 111 Leaves, alternate - 111 Leaves, opposite - 111 INDEX. 278 Leaves, verticillate 111 Leaf, orbicular - 112 Leaf, eliptical Leaf, lanceolate - - - 1 1 2 Leaf, cordate - - 113 Leaf, sagittate - - 113 Leaf, reniform - , 113 Leaf, linear - - - - -113 Leaf, deltoul - 113 Leaf, acerose - 113 Leaf, pinnatified - - 113 Leaf, lyrate - 114 Leaf, connate - - 114 Leaf, digittate - 114 Leaf, stellate 114 Leaf, lobed - - - - 114 Leaf, compound - - 115 Leaf, sinuate - 115 Leaf, emarginate -' 115 Leaf, tubulate, - 115 Leaves, biternate 115 Leaves, ternate - 115 Lightning, 140 Lighting rods, - - 141 Lightning, conditions under which it is developed, - 208 Lime as manure, - - - - 209 Lime, mode of applying, - - - 210 Lever, - - - >. . 234 Latex, - - - - - - 117 M Myricine, ...... 61 Mordant, ...... 64 Miea slate, . . . . . 86 Mica, composition of . . . . .87 Midrib, . . . . . v 111 Meteorology, . . . ' **', ' +* . 125 24* 274 INDEX. Meteor, ...... 125 Mirage, . . . . . .149 Mists, . . . . . . 138 Monsoons, . . . . . .145 Manganese, . . . . . 159 Magnesium, . . . . .102 Magnesia, . . . . . 162 Marl, ....... 164 Manures, . . . . ". 190 Manuring, objects of . . . . .191 Manures, animal . . . . . 192 Mineral manures, . . . . .204 Marl as manure, ..... 208 Mechanical philosophy, . . . .233 Machinery, objects of . . . 234 Machinery, on regulating motion of . .235 Motion, species of . . . . 236 Machinery, obstructions to the action of . .237 Materials, strength of . . . 238 Materials, beams and columns .... 238 Materials, cylinder . . . . 239 Materials, metals, . . . . . .239 Materials, woods . . . . . 239 Materials, stone . . . . .239 N Nitrogen, ...... 45 Napiform roots, . . . . . 103 Nerves, . . . . . .111 Night soil, . . . . . 194 Nitrate of soda as manure, . . . .205 Oxygen, ...... 41 Oxalic acid, . . . . . .48 Organic bodies, mutual relation of . . 60 Oils, fixed ...... 62 Oils, volatile . . . . . 62 Organic elements, metamorphosis of . . . 70 Outcrop, ...... 75 Olivine, , . . 84 INDEX. 275 Order defined, ..... 93 Ovary, ...... Ovules, ...... Oil cake as manure, . . . . .198 Philosophy, natural, ... . . 21 Physics, \ * .$ . .21 Prism, . f . ; >' . . 33 Pyrogen, . , * r . . . 39 Phosphorus, . . . . 66 Phosphoric acid, *^ .$ . . .67 Primary rock, . . . . . 78 .Porphyry, . . . . .83 Plants, divisions of _ *' ... 92 Plants, classification of . .92 Plumule, . ...*-. . 94 Pistils, *^ . ' . " ,. * .97 Perianth, . .' .' *' . / . 97 Petals, . .. ' ./ '';-.- * . 97 Pollen, . "." V'. ... 99 Placenta, . V . ." . .99 Pericarp, . "/ ;' * : . . . 100 Parasitel, .* ' ? -* ^ '.. . . . 105 Perennial roots, . " .* ;" . 105 Pith, . . ; v* . ^, ' . . 107 Parenchyma, . . . * . . 116 Peduncle, . . . / ', / . .119 Panicle, . . . ; ; , " , . 120 Plants, curious phenomena of . /; . ',' > . . 122 Plants, locality of . . . ' . * ^ , .. 123 Plants, diseases of . . -^, ' ^* , . 123 Parhelia, . . . l .V * -^* 148 Potassium, . . . .. * *7 . IQI Peat, . . . . . * . ] . 167 Potter's clay, . . . : , ,* . 167 Pipeclay, . . . ^ . * ^, " . 167 Peat, composition of . . . -' . .168 Paring and burning, . . . . 180 Phosphate of lime, . . .. .193 276 INDEX. Peat as manure, . . . . .198 Pasture, improvement of the soil by . 202 Pasture, temporary ..... 202 Pasture, permanent .... 202 Power defined, . . . . .230 Pulley, ...... 234 Q Quartz, . . . . . .85 B Rarity, . . . . . .27 Resin, ...... 61 Rocks, classification of . . . .77 Rocks, aqueous ..... 80 Rocks, volcanic ... . . .80 Rocks, plutonic ..... 80 Rocks, rnetamorphic . . . . .80 Rock salt, ..... 88 Radicle, . . . ... .94 Rain tables, . . . . . 136 Rotation, courses from Colman, . . 187 Receptacle, . . . . . 97 Radicle, ...... 101 Root, 102 Ramose roots, . . . , .103 Root, functions of . . . . 106 Respiration, . . . . .118 Rachis, . . . . . 119 Rain, . . . . .135 Rain, its cause, . . . . . 125 Rain, its quantity, &c., . . . .135 Rainbow, . . . . . 148 Rainbow, inverted . . . . .148 Ribbing, . . . . . 178 Rotation of crops, . . . . .184 Rotation, objects of . . . . 185 Rotation, courses of . . . . .188 INDEX. 277 s Science, natural . . . . .21 Synthesis, ..... Spectrum, solar . . . . .33 Salts, properties of . . . . 56 Salts, acid . . . . . .* 56 Salts, neutral ' . * * * . . 56 Salts, basic . * . " . "*" . . . 56 Salts, double . . . 56 Salts, deliquescent, , . . . .57 Salts, effervescent, .... 56 Starch, ...... 58 Sugar, ...... 29 Stratification, . . . . .74 Seam, . . . . 75 Sulphur, . . . .66 Syenite, ...... 83 Serpentine, . ' \ . * , . . 84 Slate, talcose, , , . . . . 87 Species defined, < .V . . .94 Stamens, , . . . . 97 Style, ,.'" . * >. 5 . . 99 Stigma, . . * ' . . . 99 Seed, , 4 * .101 Spongioles, # . . . 103 Shrubs, . . . . . .106 Stem, exogenous . . . . . 107 Sap, . . . , - . . .108 Scape, . . *; ; . % * , "-. _ 119 Seeds, longevity of . . . v - .122 Snow line, . . . 128 Snow lines, table of . * * + ' . 128 Snow, . . . v v- 138 Snow crystals, system of ?.' .v '* . 139 Simoon, . . .*. . ; * 4 . 145 Sirocco, . ; . * .'^ . 145 Shooting stars, . . V ./ . 149 Silicon, . ./> . .-.* . .157 Sodium, . . . . . 160 Stalactites, . . . . . .165 Stalagmites, . . * V" ; * 165 278 INDEX. Spar, gypseous, . . . . .165 Stitching, . . . . 1%8 Scarifying, . . . . . .178 Soils, physical properties of . . . 171 Soils, weight of . . . .171 Soils, state of division of . . . 171 Soils, firmness and adhesiveness of . . .172 Soils, power of imbibing water . . . 172 Soils, power of containing water . . .172 Soils, power of retaining water, . . . 173 Soils, capillary power of . . . .173 Soils, their contractibility on drying, . .' 174 Soils, their power of absorbing gaseous matters, . 174 Soils, their power of absorbing heat, . . 174 Soils, their power of retaining heat, . . .175 Soils, their power of radiating heat, . . 175 Soils, their ultimate uses to plants, . . .176 Subsoil ploughing, . . . . 178 Stercology, . . . . . .190 Skins of animals as manure, . . . 192 Straw as manure, . . . . .197 Saw dust as manure, . . . . 197 Soot as manure, . . . . .198 Saline manures, ..... 204 Sulphate of soda as manure, . . . 204- Sulphate of lime, or gypsum, as manure, . . 205 Silicates of potash and soda as manures, . .206 Salts of ammonia as manure, . . . 206 Screw, . . . . . 234 T Tenacity, . . . . . .28 Tannin, ...... 64 Tertiary strata, . . . . .78 Transition rocks, . . . . . 78 Tissue, cellular . . . . .95 Tissue, woody . . . ... 95 Tissue, vasiform . . . .95 Tissue, vascular ..... 95 Tissue, laticiferous . . ... .96 Tendrils, . 120 INDEX. 279 Trade winds, -. . . ... . 144 Trachyte, ..... 83 Tap root, . . . . . .103 Tuberous roots, . . . . * 104 Trees, 107 Temperature, table of . . . . 130 Thunder, ...... 141 Thunder, cause of . . . . 141 Tornado, . . . . . .145 Tillage, varieties of . . . . 177 Tillage, objects of . . . .177 Trench ploughing, . . . . 178 Tanner's bark as manure, . . . .198 Top dressing for crops, . . . . 199 u Urine as manure, . . . . .196 Urine, waste and value of . . . . 197 V Vein, 76 Variety defined, ..... 94 Veins, ...... 112 Venation, . . . . . . 112 w Water, . . . . . .46 Wax, ...... 61 Wood, 107 Weather, ...... 125 Whirlwind, . . . . . .145 Warping, . . . . . 179 Wood ashes as manure, .... 206 Wheel and axle, . . . . , 234 Wedge, ...... 234 Winds, .... . . 142 Wool as manure, . . . , .192 x Xanthine, ..... 64 Yeast, .... 67829 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY