C\J LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class THE CHARTER OF THE City of Tacoma WASHINGTON ADOPTED OCTOBER 16, 1909 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF TACOMA STATE OF WASHINGTON FRAMED AND SUBMITTED BY THE BOARD OF FIFTEEN FREE- HOLDERS ELECTED JUNE 8, 1909, UNDER AND IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH SECTION 10, ARTICLE 11, OF THE STATE CONSTITUTION AND AN ACT OF THE LEGISLA- TURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, APPROVED MA3CH 4TH, A. D. 1895, ENTITLED " AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE CITIES OF THE FIRST CLASS TO ALTER, CHANGE, REVISE, ADD TO OR REPEAL THEIR RESPECTIVE CHARTERS;" AND FILED BY SAID BOARD WITH THE CITY CLERK ON THE 7th DAY OF AUGUST, 1909, Submitted to and Adopted by the Voters of the City of Tacoma at a Special Election held on the 16th day of October, A.D. 1909. TACOMA. WASH. Allen a Lamborn Printing Co. 1909 THE CHARTER OF THE City of Tacoma PREAMBLE. We, the people of the City of Tacoma, a city of the first class of the State of Washington, under the authority of the Constitution and Laws of the State of Washington, do hereby adopt, publish and declare this to be our City Charter. ARTICLE I. NAME, BOUNDAMES, POWERS, BIGHTS AND LIABILITIES. Section 1. Name, Boundaries and Wards— Th^ municipal corporation now existing and known as the ''City of Tacoma," shall remain and continue to be a body politic and corporate, under the same name and vdth the same boundaries, divided into the same wards, as now existing (except as in the next section of this Charter provided), with power and authority to change its boundaries in the manner authorized by law. Sec. 2. Boutidaries Extend to Middle of Sound.— In addi- tion to said boundaries, the powers and jurisdiction of the City of Tacoma are hereby declared to extend over any and all tide- lands intervening between any part of the heretofore existing boundaries of the City and the waters of Commencement Bay and Puget Sound, and over said waters to the middle line of said Bay and Sound, in every manner and for every purpose that such powers and jurisdiction could be exercised if such tide- lands and waters had been specifically included within the City limits prior to the adoption of this Charter, the City of Tacoma hereby adopting and availing itself of all of the powers and jurisdiction conferred by Chapter III, Laws of Washington, 1909. Sec. 3. Rights and Liahilities.— (a) By the name of the ''City of Tacoma," the City shall have perpetual succession and shall own, possess and hold all property, real and personal, here- tofore owned, possessed or held by the City of Tacoma, and 228616 4 THEI CHARTER OF THE CITY OF shall assume, manage and dispose of all trusts in any way con- nected therewith; (&) Shall succeed to all the rights and liabilities and shall acquire all benefits, and shall assume and pay all valid bonds, legal obligations and indebtedness of said City of Tacoma; by that name may sue and defend, plead and be impleaded in all courts and places, and in all matters and proceedings ; may have and use a common seal and alter the same at pleasure ; may pur- chase, receive, hold and enjoy, or sell and dispose of real and personal property. Sec. 4. Powers.— Tlae City of Tacoma shall have power— First— To provide for general and special elections for ques- tions to be voted upon, and for the election of officers ; Second — To provide for levying taxes on real and personal property, for corporate uses and purposes, and to provide for the payment of all the debts and expenses of the corporation; provided, that all taxes, whether general or special, exclusive of assessments for street improvements and construction of sewers, shall not exceed one and five-tenths per centum (1.5%), in any one year, of the assessed valuation on the property of said City, except as provided in Sec. 6 of this Charter. Third— To control the finances and property of the corpora- tion, and to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, such lands and other property as may be necessary for corporate uses, and to dis- pose of any such property as the interests of the corporation may from time to time require ; Fourth— To borrow money for corporate purposes on the credit of the corporation, and to issue negotiable bonds therefor, on such conditions and in such manner as prescribed in this Charter ; Fifth— To issue bonds in place of, or to supply means to meet, maturing bonds or other indebtedness, or for the consolida- tion or funding of the same ; Sixth— To purchase or appropriate private property within or without the corporate limits for corporate uses, upon making just compensation to the owners thereof, and to institute and maintain such proceedings as may be authorized by the general laws of the State for the appropriation of private property for public use; Seventh— To lay out, establish, open, alter, widen, extend, grade, pave, plank, establish grades, or otherwise improve streets, avenues, alleys, sidewalks, wharves, parks, and other public grounds, and to regulate and control the use thereof, and to vacate the same, and to authorize or prohibit the use of elec- TACOMA, WASHINGTON « tricity at, in or upon any of the said streets, or for other pur- poses, and to prescribe the terms and conditions upon which the same may be used, and to regulate the use thereof ; Eighth— To change the grade of any street, highway or al- ley, within its corporate limits, and to provide for the payment of damages to any abutting owner or owners who shall have built or made other improvements upon such street, highway or alley at any point opposite to the point where such change shall be made in reference to the grade of such street, highway or alley as the same existed prior to such change ; Ninth— To authorize or prohibit the locating and construct- ing of any railroad or street railroad in any street, alley or public place in the City, and to prescribe the terms and condi- tions upon which any such railroad or street railroad shall be located or constructed; to provide for the alteration, change of grade, or removal thereof; to regulate the moving and oper- ation of railroad and street railroad trains, cars and locomotives within the corporate limits, and to provide for the protection of persons and property against injury in the use of such railroads or street railroads, and to fix the rate of fare; Tenth— To provide for making local improvements and to levy and collect special assessments on property benefited thereby, and for paying the same or any portion thereof ; Eleventh— To acquire by purchase or otherwise, lands foi- public parks within or without the limits of the City, and to improve the same; Twelfth— To construct and keep in repair bridges, viaducts, and tunnels, and to regulate the use thereof; Thirteerith— To determine what work shall be done or im- provements made at the expense, in whole or in part, of the owners of the adjoining, contiguous or proximate property, or others specially benefited thereby ; provided, the manner of mak- ing and collecting asse^ments therefor shall be as prescribed in this Charter; Fourteenth— To provide for erecting, purchasing, appropri- ating or otherwnse acquiring water works, gas works or electric light plants within or without the corporate limits of said City, to supply said City and its inhabitants with water and light, or to authorize the construction of same by others, and to regu- late and control the use and price of the water or light so sup- plied ; Fifteenth— To provide for lighting the streets and all public places, and for furnishing the inhabitants of the City with gas or other lights, and to erect or otherwise acquire, and maintain 6 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF the same, or to authorize the erection and maintenance of such works as may be necessary and convenient therefor, and to reg- ulate and control the use thereof ; Sixteenth — To establish and regulate markets, and to pro- vide for the weighing, measuring and inspection of all articles of food and drink offered for sale thereat, or at any other place within its limits, by proper penalties, and to enforce the keep- ing of proper legal weights and measures by all vendors in the City, and to provide for the inspection thereof ; Seveniieenth— To erect and establish hospitals and pest- houses and to control and regulate the same; Eighteenth— To erect and establish work-houses and jails and to control and regulate the same, and to provide for the working of prisoners confined therein; Ni7ieteenM—To provide for the establishment and main- taining of reform schools for juvenile offenders; Twentieth— To provide for the establishment and mainten- ance of public libraries, and to appropriate annually not ex- ceeding ten per centum of all moneys collected for fines, penal- ties and licenses, for the support of a City library which shall, under such regulations as shall be prescribed by ordinance, be open for use by the public; Tioenty-first-To regulate the burial of the dead and to establish and regulate cemeteries within or without the corporate limits and to acquire land therefor by purchase or otherwise ; to cause cemeteries to be removed beyond the limits of the corpora- tion, and to prohibit their establishment within two miles of the boundaries thereof; Twenty -second— To direct the location and construction of all buildings in which any trade or occupation offensive to the senses or deleterious to public health or safety shall be carried on. and to regulate the management thereof, and to prohibit the erection or maintenance of such buildings or structures, or to the carrying on of such trades or occupations within the limits of the City or within the distance of two miles beyond the bound- aries thereof ; Tiventy-third— To provide for the prevention and extin- guishment of fires, and to regulate or prohibit the transportation, keeping or storage of all combustible or explosive materials with- in its corporate limits, and to regulate and restrain the use of fire-works ; Twenty- fourth— To establish fire limits and to make all such regulations for the erection and maintenance of buildings or other structures within its corporate limits, as the safety of TACOMA, WASHINGTON 7 persons or property may require, and to cause all such buildings and places as may from any cause be in a dangerous state, to be put in safe condition ; Tice7ity-fifth— To regulate the manner in which stone, brict and other buildings, party walls and partition fences shall be constructed and maintained; Twenty-sixth— To deepen, widen, dock, cover, wall, alter or cliange the channels of waterwaj^s and courses, and to provide for the construction and maintenance of all such works as may be required for the acc^j 'imodation of commerce, including canals, ferries, slips, public landing places, wharves, docks and levees, and to control and regulate the use thereof ; Tiventy-seventli—To control, regulate or prohibit the an- chorage, moorage and landing of all water crafts and their car- goes, within the jurisdiction of the corporation ; Twenty -eighth— To fix the rates of wharfage and dockage, and to provide for the collection thereof, and to provide for the imposition and collection of such harbor fees as may be consis- tent with the laws of the United States: Twenty-mnth — To license, regulate, control or restrain wharfboats, tugs and other boats used about the harbor or with- in its jurisdiction : Thirtieth— To require the owners of public halls or other buildings to provide suitable means of exit; to provide for the prevention and abatment of nuisances, for the cleaning and purification of water courses and canals, for the drainage and filling up of ponds and private property within its limits, when the same shall be offensive to the senses or dangerous to health ; to regulate and control and to prevent and punish the defile- ment or pollution of all streams running through or into its cor- porate limits, and for a distance of five miles beyond its corpor- ate limits, and on any stream or lake from which the water sup- ply of said City is taken, for a distance of five miles beyond its source of supply; to pro\ade for the cleaning of areas, vaults, and other places within its corporate limits, which may be so kept as to become offensive to the senses or dangerous to the health, and to make all such quarantine or other regulations as may be necessary for the preservation of the public health, and to remove all persons afflicted with any infectious or contagious disease to some suitable place to be provided for that purpose ; Thirty- first— To declare what shall be a nuisance and to abate the same, and to impose fines upon parties who may create, continue or suffer nuisances to exist; 8 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF Thirty -second— To license, regulate and restrain the selling or giving away of malt, vinous, fermented, intoxicating or mixed liquors, and to revoke a license or refuse to issue a license to any person to deal in the same, and to prescribe limits within which no license for the sale of such liquors shall be granted ; Thirty-third— To grant license for any lawful purpose, and to fix the amount to be paid therefor, and to provide for revok- ing the same; provided, that no license shall be granted to con- tinue for longer than one year from the date thereof ; Thirty -fourth— To regulate the carrying on within its cor- porate limits of occupations which are of such a nature as to affect the public health or the good order of s^d City, or to dis- turb the public peace, and which are not prohibited by law, and to provide for the punishment of all persons violating such reg- ulations, and all persons who knowingly permit the same to be violated in any building or upon any premises owned or con- trolled by them; Thirty -fifth— To restrain and provide for the punishment of vagrants, mendicants, prostitutes, and other disorderly persons; Thirty -sixth— To provide for the punishment of persons guilty of disorderly conduct and of practices dangerous to the public health or safety, and to make all regulations necessary for the preservation of public morality, health, peace and good order within its limits, and to provide for the arrest, trial and punishment of all persons charged with violating any of the ordinances of said City; but such punishment shall in no case exceed the punishment provided by the laws of the State for misdemeanors ; Thirty -seventh— To project or extend its streets over and across any tide-lands within its corporate limits, and along or across the harbor areas of said City, in such manner as will best promote the interests of commerce; Thirty-eighth — To regulate or prohibit the sale or other dis- position of opium, cocaine and other narcotics and drugs of a like or similar nature, and to suppress and prohibit the smoking of opium and the use of cocaine and other narcotics of a like or similar nature, except upon prescription of regular licensed and practicing physicians of good standing; Thirty -ninth— To regulate and prevent domestic and other animals from running at large; to license, tax, regulate and re- strain the keeping of dogs within the City limits ; and to author- ize the distraining, impounding and sale of the same for the penalty incurred and the costs of the proceedings, or to author- ize their destruction; ' TACOMA, WASHINGTON 9 Fortieih — To grant franchises, but which in no event shall be exclusive, for a term of not more than twenty-five years, and under such proper restrictions and reservations as the interests of the City may require; Forty- first — To prohibit the stringing of wires for electrical purposes over and above or ujider the streets or alleys of the City; to require all electrical w^ires and apparatus to be placed underground in a safe and proper manner, and to require any and all poles erected for electrical or other purposes within the City to be removed ; to lay down, own, manage and charge track- age for the use of street car tracks over any bridge or bridges or any other public place in the City of Tacoma ; Forty -second— To create such offices not herein provided for as the needs of the City require; to establish and regulate the salary of all its officers, except when otherwise provided for ; and such other powers and privileges not herein specifically enumer- ated as are incident to municipal corporations of like character and degree not inconsistent with the Constitution and general laws; Forty -third— To establish stands for hacks and other vehi- cles for hire, and to regulate the charges of hacks and other ve- hicles carrying passengers, freight or baggage for hire, and re- quire a schedule of such charges to be posted in every hack or other passenger vehicle; Forty -fourth— To provide for naming streets and number- ing houses; for regulating and preventing the erection of signs and awnings and the exhibition of banners, flags and placards across or over streets or sidewalks, and for regulating or sup- pressing public criers, advertising, ringing of bells and other noises ; Forty- fifth— To regulate all parades and processions, and to determine what parades or processions upon the streets shall be unlawful, and to declare the same a nuisance ; Forty-sixth— To fix the price of water, light and power furnished to inhabitants of the City by any person or corpora- tion other than the City, and to regulate the supply or use there- of, whether by persons or corporations now holding franchises or hereafter obtaining franchises; Forty -seventh— To order an enumeration of the inhabitants of the City and provide the manner of taking said enumeration ; Forty -eighth— To include in the annual tax levy a provision for an amount, to be fixed by the Council, to be levied for the maintenance of museums. 10 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF Sec. 5. Acquire and Own Puhlic Utilities.— The City of Tacoma shall have power to construct, condemn and purchase, purchase, acquire, add to, maintain, conduct and operate water- works within and without its limits for the purpose of furnish- ing the City and the inhabitants thereof and any other person or persons doing business therein, with an ample supply of water for all uses and purpose?, public and private, with full power to regulate and control the use, distribution and price thereof; to construct and maintain systems of sewerage with full jurisdic- tion and authority to manage, regulate and control the same with- in and without the limits of the corporation ; to construct, con- demn and purchase, purchase, acquire, add to, maintain and op- erate works, plants and facilities for the preparation and manu- facture of all such stone or asphalt products or compositions or other materials which may be used in street construction or main- tenance, together with the right to use the same and also to fix the price of and to sell the same for use in the construction of municipal improvements of the City ; to construct, condemn and purchase, purchase, acquire, add to, maintain and operate works, plants and facilities for the purpose of furnishing the City and the inhabitants thereof and any other person or persons doing business therein, with gas, electricity and other means, power and facilities for lighting, heating, fuel and power purposes, public and private, with full authority to regulate and control the use, distribution and price thereof; to authorize the con- struction of such plant or plants by others for the same pur- poses, and purchase such power from others, when delivered within the City, for its own use and for the purpose of selling to its inhabitants and other persons doing business within the City, and to regulate and control the use and price of electrical power so supplied; to construct, condemn and purchase, pur- chase, add to, maintain and operate cable, electrical or other rail- ways within the corporate limits of the City for the transporta- tion of freight and passengers, with full authority to regulate and control the use and operation thereof, and to fix, alter, reg- ulate and control the fares and rates to be charged thereon ; And for the purposes aforesaid, it shall have power to take, condemn and purchase, purchase, acquire and retain water from any public or navigable lake or water course, percolating or subterranean water, or any under-flowing water within the State, and by means of acqueducts or pipe lines conduct the same to the City, and the City is hereby authorized and empowered to erect and bifild dams or other works across or at the outlet of any lake or water course in this State for the purpose of storing TACOMA, WASHINGTON 11 and retaininjor water therein up to and above highwater mark, and for all the pui*poses of erecting such aqueducts, pipe lines, dams or water works or other necessary structures in storing and retaining water as above provided, or for any of the pur- poses provided for by this section, the City shall have the right to occupy and use the beds and shores up to high water mark of any such water course or lakes and to acquire the right by pur- chase or by condemnation and purchase, or otherwise, any water, water rights, easments or privileges named in this section or necessar\^ for any of said purposes ; provided^ that no such dam or other structure shall impede, obstruct or in any way interfere with public navigation or other public uses of such lake and water course; provided, furiher, that should private property be necessary for any such purposes or for storing water above high water mark, the City of Tacoma may condemn and purchase, or purchase and acquire such private property; All or any of the powers in this section enumerated may be exercised by the City of Tacoma, and the necessary elections held, bonds or w^arrants issued or funds created, in the manner as now is or may hereafter be provided by the laws of the State of Washington. Sec. 6. lAmit of Debt.— The City may borrow money to be used for strictly municipal purposes, and may incur indebted- ness in other ways for said purposes, but it shall not for any purpose become indebted in any manner to an amount exceeding one and one-half per centum on the taxable property in the City, without the assent of three-fifths of the voters in the City voting at an election to be held for that purpose, nor in cases requiring such assent shall the total indebtedness of the City at any time exceed five per centum of the value of the tax- able property in the City, to be ascertained by the last assess- ment made for City purposes: provided, that the City with such assent may become indebted in a larger amount not exceeding five per centum additional for the purpose of supplying the City and its inhabitants with water, artificial light, and sewers, when the works for supplying such water, light and sewers are owned and controlled by the City. Sec. 7. Refunding Indebtedness.— To secure any existing indebtednCvSs of the City or any indebtedness about to be incur- red, the City may, by ordinance adopted in the manner provided in this Charter, authorize the issuance of the bonds of the City therefor, and pledge the faith and property of the City for the payment of such bonds, and direct the time and manner of the issuance of the same, and the time and manner of the payment 12 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF of both principal and interest thereof, and may from time to time authorize the refunding of any indebtedne'ss of the City. No bonds shall be sold until they have been advertised for sale at least thirty (30) days preceding the day of sale, nor shall any bonds of the City be sold for less than par and accrued interest, or for a longer time than twenty (20) years. Sec. 8. Enumeration of Powers Not Exclusive.— The City shall also have all powers, privileges and functions which, by or pursuant to the Constitution of this State, have been or could be granted to or exercised by any City of the first class; it be- ing the intent hereof that the specification of particular powers by any other provision of this Charter, shall never be construed as impairing the effect of the general grant of powers of local government hereby bestowed. Sec. 9. Exercise of Powers.— AW the powers of the City shall, except as otherwise provided in this Charter, be exercised by the elective officers, subject to distribution and delegation of such powers as provided in this Charter or by ordinance not in conflict herewith. ARTICLE II. OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES. Sec. 10. Classification of Service.— AW persons in the ser- vice of the City shall be classified as follows: Class A. Elective Officers, embracing a Mayor, four Coun- cilmen and Controller, each of whom shall be elected at large by the qualified electors of the City. Class B. Appointive Officers, embracing City Clerk, City Attorney, City Engineer, Chief of Police, a Fire Chief, and such other Chiefs or Superintendents of departments as the Council shall, by ordinance passed in the manner provided in this Char- ter, create or establish. Class C. Clerks and Assistants, embracing all persons em- ployed in a clerical capacity or as assistants to officers. Cla^ D. Employees, embracing all other persons in the ser- vice of the City not otherwise classified. Sec. 11. Qualifications of Ofjicers.—^o person sh?ll be eligible to any elective office of the City while holding any other office under the City Government, or any office or employment in the State, county or school government, or in the park commis- sion (except that the Mayor and C'ouncilmen shall also be Com- missioners of Departments as in this Charter provided). Nor shall any person be eligible to any elective office of the City who at the time of his election is not a citizen of the United States TACOMA, WASHINGTON 13 and a qualified elector according to the laws of the State of Washington and the Charter, nor unless he shall be, at the time of his election, at least twenty-five years of age, and shall have been for three years immediately preceding such election a citi- zen of the City of Tacoma. Sec. 12. Restrictions upon. Officers and Employees.— ^o of- fieer, elective or appointive, clerk, assistant or employee of the City shall hold any office or employment in the State, county or school government or in the park commission. No person shall be elected or appointed to any office, position or employment, th6 compensation of which was increased or fixed by the Council while he was a member thereof, until after the expiration of at least one year from the date when he ceased to be a member of the Council. Sec. 13. Further Restrictions.— 'No officer of the City, whether elective or appointive, nor any Clerk, Assistant or Em- ployee, shall be directly or indirectly interested in any contract with the City, or with any Department, Board, Officer or Em- ployee thereof, nor become security for the performance of any contract or contracts made with or for the City, or upon any bonds given to the City. The violation of the provisions of this section by any such Officer, Clerk, Assistant or Employee shall be sufficient ground for removal from office. Sec. 14. Terms of Elective Officers.— ThQ terms of all elec- tive Officers, except as otherwise provided herein, shall commence at ten o'clock A. M., on the first Tuesday of May, following their election, and except as otherwise provided herein, shall be for four years and until their successors are elected and qualified; provided, however, that, of the four Councilmen first elected un- der this Charter, the term of the two receiving the highest num- ber of votes shall be for four years, and the term of the other two shall be for two years, and the term of the Controller first elected under this Charter shall be for two years. Sec. 15. Yacaiwies—When—Hoio Filled.— li a vacancy occur in the office of Mayor, Councilman or Controller, the Coun- cil shall appoint an eligible person to fill such vacancy until the next general municipal election, subject to the provisions of Article XV. of this Charter. Any vacancy shall then be filled by election for the unexpired term. Vacancy shall exist when an elective officer fails to qualify for ten days after notice of his election, dies, resigns, is removed from office, removes from the City, absents himself continuously therefrom for more than three months, is convicted of a felony, or judicially declared incom- petent to transact business. 14 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF Sec. 16. Removal of Mayor or Councilmem.— In case of misconduct, inability or wilful neglect in the performance of the duties of his office, the Mayor or any Councilman may be re- moved from office by the Council by a vote of four members, but he shall be given an opportunity to be heard in his defense and shall have the right to appear by counsel and to have process issue to compel the attendance of witnesses who shall be required to give testimony, if he so request. In such cases the hearing shall be public and a full and complete statement of the reasons for such removal, if he be removed, together with the findings of fact as made by the Council, shall be filed by the Council with the City Clerk and shall be and become a matter of public rec- ord. Sec. 17. Office Hours.— It shall be the duty of each of the elective officers of the City to maintain regular office hours ^t the City Hall. The Council shall by ordinance fix the office hours of all other Officers, Clerks, Assistants and Office Employees. Sec. 18. Salai-y of Mayor.— The salary of the Mayor shall be Four Thousand Dollars per annum, payable in equal month- ly installments. Sec. 19. Salary of Counoilme7i.—The salary of each Coun- cilman shall be Thirty-six Hundred Dollars per annum, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 20. Salary of Controller.— The salary of the Control- ler shall be Twenty-four Hundred Dollars per annum, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 21. Salaries of Other Officers,, Clerks, ^^c— Except as herein otherwise provided, the Council shall by ordinance fix the compensation of all salaried Officers, Clerks, Assistants and Employees, and until such compensation has been fixed by ordi- nance as aforesaid, the same shall remain as now provided. Sec. 22. Removal Terminates Salary. — In case of removal of any Officer, Clerk, Assistant or Employee his right to salary or compensation shall thereupon cease. Sec. 23. Appointment by Couneil.-The City Clerk and City Attorney shall be appointed by the Council, and commis- sioned by the Mayor. Sec. 24. Appointments Confirmed hy C oimcil. —JJpon. the appointment by the Commissioner of the appropriate depart- ment, and confirmation by the Council, the Mayor shall commis- sion all other appointive officers ar; in this Article defined. Sec. 25. Appointment of Clerics. Assistants, Etc.—JJpon the appointment of the Commissioner of the appropriate depart- ment, the Mayor shall commission all Clerks and Assistants and TACOMA, WASHINGTON 15 Employees; except day laborers and unskilled workmen, who shall be employed by the Commissioner of the appropriate de- partment. Sec. 26. Oaths.— "Kwery officer shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, take, subscribe and file with the City Clerk, an oath or affirmation to supi>ort the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Washino^ton, and to faithfully perform the duties of the office upon which he shall be about to enter. Sec. 27. Bonds.— li any Officer, Clerk, Assistant or Em- ployee, is required by law or by this Charter or by ordinance to give bond, he shall not be deemed qualified for his office or em- ployment until such bond has been duly approved and filed. All such bonds must be approved by the Mayor and Controller, and the Controller shall be the custodian thereof, except as to the bond of the Controller, which shall be approved by the Mayor and Commissioner of Finance, and the Mayor shall have custody thereof. AVithin ten days after the election or appointment of any such Officer, Clerk, Assistant or Employee has been legally made or declared, he shall deliver such bonds to the City Clerk in the penal sum and with such surety or sureties as shall be so re- quired, conditioned that he will faithfully and impartially per- form the duties of his office or employment. Bonds of surety, guaranty, indemnity or insurance com- panies, which are organized and empowered by law to give such bonds, shall be deemed equivalent to ordinary official bonds exe- cuted by such officers and signed by other sureties. No such bond shall be held to be void because of any defect in form, recital, conditions or substance, nor shall any principal or surety be discharged from liability thereon because of any such defect : but every bond intended as an official bond or an em- ployee 's bond under this section shall hold and bind the parties to it to the full extent contemplated by the law. Charter or ordi- nance requiring the same. Any Officer, Clerk, Assistant or Employee who shall accept any office or employment to which he may be elected or appoint- ed, shall be held bound in the penal sum of any bond required by Charter, ordinance or by law to be given by him for the faith- ful and impartial performance of the duties of his office or em- ployment whether in fact siich bond be given or not. A reasonable charge by a surety company for qualifying upon such bonds may, when approved by the Commissioner of Finance, be paid by the City upon appropriation by the Council. 16 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF Sec. 28. Shall Receive no Commission or Profit.— 'No of- ficer, Clerk, Assistant or Employee shall receive any commission, money or thing of value, or derive any profit, benefit or advan- tage, direct or indirect, from or by reason of any dealings with or services for the City by himself or others, or from or by reason of any alterations, improvements or repairs required or done by authority of the City, except his lawful compensation as such Officer, Clerk, Assistant or Employee and except his share of the public benefit. No Officer, Clerk, Assistant or Employee shall accept direct- ly or indirectly, from the holder of any public utility franchise in the City, any frank, free ticket, free service, or other service upon terms more favorable than those granted to the public gen- erally. This prohibition shall not extend to nor be construed to prohibit the City from requiring from or receiving from any person or corporation owning or operating or applying for a franchise, to construct or operate any street car line within the City, free transportation for any of the Officers, Clerks, Assist- ants or Employees of the City while in the actual discharge of their duties, such free transportation to be furnished to the prop- er Officers of the City for distribution to such employees; nor shall this prohibition be construed to apply or extend to tele- phone service or use by the City of poles, wires or conduits re- quired from any telephone company by the terms of any fran- chise which has been or may hereafter be granted by the City. Any violation of this section shall be ground for removal. Sec. 29. Religious or Political Opinions Not to Affect Ap- pointments.— All appointive officers and employees of the City shall be selected or appointed with reference to their qualifica- tions and fitness, and for the good of the public service. No ap- pointment to position under the City government shall be made or withheld by reason of any religious or political opinions or affiliations or political services, and no appointment to or selec- tion for or removal from any office or employment, and no trans- fer, promotion, reduction, reward or punishment shall be in any manner affected by such opinions, affiliations or services. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be ground for re- moval from office of the party guilty thereof. Sec. 30. Official Books, Records, Etc.— {a) All books, records and papers of every office, department, board or com- mission are City property and must be kept as such by the proper officers or employees during their continuance in office, and then delivered to their successors, who shall give duplicate receipts therefor, one of which shall be filed with the City Clerk. The TACOMA, WASHINGTON 17 failure to deliver such books, records and papers shall be a mis- demeanor. (b) Certified copiers or extracts from the books, records and files shall be ^iven by the Officer, Board, Commission or Em-, ployee havinsr the same in custody, to any person demandino: the same and payinpr for such copies or extra^ except in pursuance of an appropriation; prox'^ided, always^ that where a fund has been created to be ex- pended for a specific purpose, the same may be paid as therein provided by order of the Council or proper Board or Officer hav- ing charge of such specific fund. Sec. 40. Structures on Streets. — The Council shall not al- low or permit the erection of any house, building, booth, stan«l, or like structure, in any street, avenue or alley, within the limits of the City ; provided, that this section shall not apply to drink- inof fountains. 20 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF Sec. 41. Power to Establish Offices.— The Council shall, consistent with the provisions of this Charter, create any office, position or employment that may in its opinion be necessary or expedient, and fix the salary and duties thereof. It may at any time abolish the same, whereupon the salary attached thereto shall cease. Sec. 42. Monthly Statements.— The Council shall cause to be printed each month in pamphlet form a statement of all re- ceipts and expenditures of the City, by Departments, and a sum- mary of its proeeedinors during the preceding month, and furnish printed copies thereof to the Public Library, the daily newspa- pers of the City, and persons who shall apply therefor at the office of the City Clerk. Sec. 43. Exercise of Certain Poiuers. — The powers of the City enumerated in Sec. 4 of Article I. of this Charter shall be exercised by Ordinance adopted in the manner provided in this Charter. Sec. 44. Vote on Appoinimeiits.— All votes upon appoint- ments shall be by roll call, and the ayes and nays shall be record- ed. The vote of at least three members shall be necessary for appointment. Sec. 45. Vdte on Salaries.— The fixing of salaries of ap- pointive officers and employees shall be by Ordinance, and at least four votes shall be required for the passage of such Ordi- nance. Sec. 46. Official Newspaper.— The Council shall annually let the public printing to the lowest and best bidder, who shall give a bond to the City in such sum as may be fixed by the Coun- cil, to well and faithfully perform the contract, should he re- ceive the contract for doing the City printing; and it shall be the duty of the Council, after having let the contract for the City printing to designate the new^spaper published by the party receiving said contract as the official newspaper of said city. All Ordinances, Resolutions, Notices, and Assessment Sales, and oth- er Proceedings, Statements, doings or matters of the City requir- ed to be published shall be published therein. Sec. 47. Vacation of Streets^ Change of Grade, Appropria- tion of Private Property. — All proceedings for the vacation of any street, highway or alley, or any part thereof, or for the change of grade thereof, by the Council, and all proceedings for the appropriation of private property for use by the City, shall be had and conducted as is now or may hereafter be provided by general law. TACOMA. WASHINGTON 21 ARTICLE IV. MAYOR. Sec. 48. Mayor Chief Executive.— The Mayor shall be the chief executive oflficer of the City of Tacoma ; shall be ex-officio a member of the Council, and it shall be his duty to participate in all proceedinfrs of the Council, and he shall have a vote on all questions cominof before the Council. Sec. 49. Have Supervnsion of Department Sy Officers and Employees.— He shall vigilantly observe the official conduct of all public officers and take note of the fidelity and exactness, or the want thereof, with which they execute their duties and obli- crations. especially in the collection, custody, administration and disbui-sement of the public funds and property, and the books, records and official papers of all Departments, Boards, Officei-s and persons in the employ or service of the City, shall at all times be open to his inspection and examination; and a failure or refusal of any such Officers, Clerks, Assistants or Employees to exhibit books or papers or records so required shall be ground for removal. He shall take special care to see that the books and records of said Departments, Boards, Officers and persons are kept in legal and proper form; and any official defalcation or wilful neglect of duty or official misconduct which he may dis- cover, or which shall be reported to him, shall be laid by him be- fore the Council and the Grand Jury or Prosecuting Attorney of Pierce County, in order that public interests shall be protected and the person in default be proceeded against according to law. He shall from time to time give the Council information in ^^Tit- ing relative to the state of the City, and shall recommend such measures as he may deem beneficial to its interest. He shall take care that this Charter, the laws of the State, and the Ordinances of the City are duly enforced within the City and its jurisdic- tion. He shall have a general supervision over all the depart- ments and public institutions of the City, and see that they are honestly, economically and lawfully conducted. He shall, with the aid of the Commissioner of Public Safety, take all proper measures for the preservation of public order and the suppression of all riots and tumults, for which purpose he is authorized and empowered to use and command the police force. Sec. 50. Sign Contracts and Other Instruments.— The May- or shall sign all deeds, contracts, bonds and other instruments requiring the assent of the City. He shall see that all contracts and agreements with the City are faithfully kept and performed, and to that end shall, when so directed by the Council,, cause le- gal proceedings to be commenced and prosecuted in the name of 22 THE3 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF the City against all persons or corporations failing to fulfil their agreements or contracts, either in whole or in part. He shall sign all complaints, answers and replies in any suit in which the City is made a party. Sec. 51. Appoint Experts. — The Mayor shall have power, with the approval of the Council, to appoint experts to examine the affairs of any Officer or Department of the City whenever he shall deem it necessary. Sec, 52. Employ Fublic Acoouiitant.—^ldQ Mayor shall era- ploy for a stipulated compensation at the beginning of each fis- cal year, a certified public accountant, who shall examine at least once each year the books, records and reports of the Treasurer and of all Officers and Employees who receive or disburse City moneys, and the books, records and reports of such other Officers, Clerks, Assistants, Employees and Departments as the Mayor or Council may direct ; and make quadruplicate reports thereof, and present one each to the Mayor and Commissioner of Finance, and file one with the City Clerk and one with the City Controller. Such accountant shall have unlimited privilege of investigation and examination under oath or otherwise of Officers, Cleric, As- sistants and Employees ot the City; and every such Officer, Clerk, Assistant and Employee shall give all required assistance and information to such accountant, and submit to the account- ant such books and papers of his office as may be requested, and the failure or refusal so to do shall be ground for removal of such Officer or Employee so refusing. The Council shall pro- vide for the payment of the services of such accountant, by Ordi- nance. Sec. 53. General Powers.— The^ Mayor shall have and exer- cise such pcwers, ]")ierogatives and authority as are conferred by the provisions of this Charter, or as may be conferred upon him by the Council, or by the general laws of the State, not incon- sistent wiih ^he general purposes and provisions of this Charter. ARTICLE V. EXECUTIVE AJSTD ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS. Sec. 54. Distribution.— Tlcvo, executive and administrative powers, authority and duties of the City of Tacoma, not other- wise provided for, shall be distributed among five Departments, as follows: i^ir^^— Department of Public Affairs, Health and Sanitation. /S^ecow?— Department of Public Safety. T/itrcZ— Department of Public Works, Streets, Improvements and Property. TACOMA, WASHINGTON 23 Fourth— Deipartment of Light and Water. jPi/f/i.— Department of Finance. Sec. 55. Commissioners of Departments — Bonds. — The !Mayor shall be the Commissioner of Public Affairs, Health anl Sanitation, The Council at its first regular meeting after the election of its members shall designate by majority vote one Councilman to be Commissioner of Public Safety; one to be Commissioner of Public Works, Streets, Improvements and Prop- erty ; one to be Commissioner of Light and Water ; and one to be Commissioner of Finance. Provided, however^ that if the Coun- cil is unable to agree upon such designation, the Mayor shall have the authority to make such designation. Each Commissioner, except the Commissioner of Finance, shall give a bond to be approved and filed as in this Chartei' provided, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties as such Commissioner. Each Commissioner shall, once each month on the day to be designated by the Council, submit to the Council a statement of all receipts and expenditures of his department and a summary of its doings for the preceding month. Sec. 56. Council May Change Designations.— Tho. Council may change such designations, except that of Department of Public Affairs, Health and Sanitation, by Ordinance or by Res- olution, whenever it shall determine that the public service re- quires such change. Sec. 57. CoitTicil Assign DuHes.— The Council shall deter- mine and assign the duties of the several departments, not in- consistent with the provisions of this Charter and not otherwise provided herein; shall prescribe the duties of appointive offi- cers and employes ; may assign particular Officers and Employees to one or more of the departments may require an Officer or Em- ployee to perform duties in one or more departments, and may make such other rules and regulations as may be deemed neces- sary or proper for the efficient and economical conduct of the business of the City. Sec. 58. Commissioner Have Supervision.— The Conunis- sioner for each of the departments shall have the supervision and control of all of the affairs and property belonging to such department, except as otherwise provided in this Charter, or by Ordinance, subject to such regulations as may be pre- scribed by the Council. Sec. 59. Commissioner Purchase Supplies,— The Commis- sioner for each of said Departments shall make such purchases of materials and supplies for his Department as may be author- 24 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ized by the Council or by general ordinance passed in the man- ner provided in this Charter, but he shall make no purchase of any material or supplies of an amount or value in excess of Five Hundred Dollars, except upon written contract and after advertising for competitive bids for furnishing such materials or supplies, by causing notice inviting sealed proposals there- for to be posted conspicuously in the office of such Commis- sioner and published in the Official Newspaper for not less than five days. Said notice and advertisement shall invite sealed proposals to be delivered at a certain day and hour at the office of such Commissioner for furnishing materials or supplies, and shall contain a general description of the materi- als or supplies to be furnished, the time within which the same must be furnished, the amount of bond to be given by the contractor, and shall refer to specifications on file in the office of said Commissioner for full details and description of such materials or supplies. All proposals shall be made upon print- ed forms prepared by the Commissioner of such Department, and furnished gratuitously upon application, with a form for the affidavit provided for in Section 117, of this Charter, print- ed thereon; and each bid shall be accompanied by an affidavit as provided in said section. On the day and hour specified in said notice inviting sealed proposals, all bids shall be delivered to the Commissioner by the bidder or his agent within the two hours named in the advertisement, and the award on said bids shall in all cases be made to the lowest and best bidder, and in the manner, so far as applicable, as set out in Section 118 of this Charter. Sec. 60. Contracts— How Executed.— AW contracts enter- ed into by the Commissioner of any Department shall be execut- ed in triplicate, on behalf of the City, by the Mayor, and coun- tersigned by the Controller; one of which copies shall be filed with said Commissioner, one with the Controller, and the other delivered to the contractor. Sec. 6L Bonds of Contractors.— The performance of every contract entered into by the Commissioner of any Department on behalf of the City, shall be secured by a reasonable bond, the amount of which shall be fixed by the Commissioner in his advertisement for bids, except as otherwise, provided in this Charter. All bonds required by this Section shall be approved by the Controller before acceptance, and filed in the Control- ler's office. Proi^ided, that, in case of any contract for work, labor or material, Or for work, labor and material, for Avhich if the same TACOMA, WASHINGTON 25 were done or furnished for a private party, a lien could be tak- en, the contractor shall, in the bond given thereon, also provide for the protection of all laborers, mechanics, sub-contractors and material men. and all persons who shall supply such contractoi: or sub-contractor with pro\'isions or supplies for the carrying on of such work, all just debts, dues and demands incurred in the performance of such work as required by law, which bond shall be in an amount and executed with such sureties and condition- ed as provided in Section 121 of this Charter, and shall be filed in the office of the Controller. ARTICLE VI. DEPARTMENT OF HELU^TH AND SANITATION, Sec. 62. Commissioner Have Supervision— Appointments. —The Commissioner of Public Affairs, Health and Sanitation shall have general supervision of the Department of Health and Sanitation. He shall appoint and, as Mayor, shall commission a Health Officer. City Chemist, Market and Pure Food Inspector, and Plumbing Inspector, subject to confirmation by the Coun- cil. Said Officers shall be classed in Class B of the City service for all the purposes of this Charter. He shall also appoint and, as Mayor, commission all such other Inspectors, Clerks. Assistants and Employees as may be provided by the Council by Ordinance for the efficient administration of this Depart- ment of the City Government. Such other appointees shall be, unless othervnse provided by Ordinance, classed in Class C of the City service for all the purposes of this Charter. Sec. 63. Authority of Commissioner and Inspector.— ^2i\\\ Commissioner shall have general supervision over the sanitary condition of the City, and shall have power to compel owners of property to keep the .same free from anything filthy, obnoxious or dangerous to health. He, or any authorized Inspector of his Department, shall inspect, when called upon by any person, or when in his or their opinion it seems necessary, all provisions, meats, fish, fruit, vegetables, bread, flour, pork, whis- k\^ beer. wine, milk and water, and all liquids and any and all things offered for sale to be used as food or drink, and shall have the right to enter for the purpose of making such examination and inspection, any place or building where any provisions, fruits, vegetables, whisky, beer, wine, milk or other liquids are kept for sale: and no person shall be permitted to sell or dis- pose of anything pronounced by said Commissioner as unfit to be u«ed for food or drink, and all such articles or things shall be seized and destroyed by said Commissioner. 26 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF Sec. 64. Qualifications of Health Officer, Etc.— The Health Officer shall be a graduate of a reputable medical college and shall have practiced medicine for at least five years. He shall have been a resident of this City for at least two years next pre- ceding- his appointment, and shall be licensed to practice medi- cine in this State, and shall have his license filed with the County Clerk of Pierce County, in accordance with general law. Such Health Officer shall devote as much time as is necessary to the duties of his office. The City Chemist shall be a person skilled and qualified for the efficient and capable performance of the duties usually appertaining to such office. The Plumbing In- spector shall be a plumber of five years' practical experience and regularly licensed under the laws of this State. Sec. 65. Power of Arrest.— The Commissioner of Public Affairs, Health and Sanitation, and all regularly appointed Em- ployees of the Department of Health and Sanitation shall have the right and power to arrest any person or persons who may violate any of the rules and regulations of thej Department. It shall also be the duty of any Police Officer or Policeman to ar- rest any person or persons guilty of such violation. Sec. 66. Council Make Ordi'imnces.-The Council shall make all Ordinances and regulations which may be necessary or expedient for the preservation of the public health and the sup- pression of disease. Sec. 67. Duties of Physicians and Householders. — Every person in the City shall promptly report in writing to the De- partment of Health and Sanitation, every patient whom he shall have sick of an infectious, contagious or communicable disease dangerous to public health : and every householder, upon reasonable notice from said Department, that an occupant of his or her house is suffering from any infectious, contagious or communicable disease, dangerous to the public health, shall forthwith adopt such preventive means and regulations as said Department shall prescribe. Every person who shall fail to re- port such case of sickness as required herein, and every house- holder who shall fail to comply with the rules, requirements and regulations of said Department, shall be subject to such fines and penalties as the Council may by Ordinance prescribe. Sec. 68. Harhor Master— Appointment and Duties.— The Commissioner of Public Affairs, Health and Sanitation shall ap- point, and, as Mayor, commission a Harbor Master ,who shall have supervision over the harbor and wharves within the City lim- its, under the general direction of said Commissioner. He shall recommend to said Commissioner any health regulation that i). TACOMA, WASHINGTON 27 his judgment may be required within the harbor limits of the City. He shall see that proper lights are established and main- tained on the wharves and in the harbor, look after buoys and anchorage for vessels. The Harbor blaster shall recommend to the Commissioner of Public Works such improvements and things necessary to be done, and to the Commissioner of Safety such police regulations as in his judgment may be required. He shall have such other power and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by Ordinance. ARTICLE VII. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Sec. 69. Cmnmiss'icnier Have Supervision— Appointments. —The Council shall, by Ordinance, provide for the establish- ment and maintenance of a Police Department, a I]ire Depart- ment, a Free ^lunicipal Employment OiBce, the office of License Inspector, and the office of Building Inspector. The Commis- sioner of Public Safety shall have supervision and control of these Departments and Offices, and upon the appointment of the Commissioner, the Mayor shall commission a Chief of the Po- lice Department, a Chief of the Fire Department, a Superintend- ent of the Employment Office, a License Inspector, and a Build- ing Inspector, subject to confirmation by the Council. police department. Sec. 70. Duties of Chief of Police.— The Chief of Police shaU be the head of the Police force of the City, and all Police- men shall be under his immediate direction and command. All Policemen shall, while in office, be considered the deputies of the Chief of Police, and shall have the same power as the Chief in regard to the execution and service of process and arresting offenders with or without warrant within the City limits. The Chief of Police must execute all process issued by the Police Justice or any committing Magistrate of the City; he must at- tend regularly upon the Police Courts of the City and the meet- ings of the Council; he shall make arrests for breach of the peace, for commission of crime or misdemeanor, with or without warrant, as a peace officer may do under the laws of the State of "Washington ; he shall exercise vigilant control over the peace and quiet of the City ; he shall have supervision over the City Jail, unless othenvise provided by Ordinance. He shall keep a correct record of all arrests made by him or any policeman, showing the time when and the cause of complaint upon which such arrest was made ; and shall submit in writing, at least once each month, a full report to the Commissioner of Public Safety. 28 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF He shall perform such other duties and have such other power's as shall be provided by Ordinance. Sec. 71. Appaintmenii of Police Officers.— Vpon appoint- ment by the Commissioner of Public Safety, the Mayor shall commission such Captains, Sergeants and other sub-officers as the proper organization of the police force may require, includ- ing a Public Morals Officer. Such Police Officer shall be class- ed in Class C of the City service for all the purposes of this Charter, Sec. 72. Appointment of Policemen.— JJpon appointment by the Commissioner of Public Safety, the Mayor shall commis- sion such number of Policemen as may from time to time be provided for by the Council by Ordinance, Such Policemen shall be classed in Class D of the City service for all the pur- poses of this Charter. Sec. 73. Police Matron — Appm7ii\ment of. — Upon the re- commendation in writing of not less than twenty women, resi- dents of the City in good standing, a Police Matron shall be ap- pointed by the Commissioner of Public Safety and Commis- sioned by the Maj^or. She shall be subject to the Commissioner of Public Safety, and shall have such powers and rights and perform such duties as are now or may hereafter be provided by law. Sec. 74. Police Jnsfice— Powers— Salary.— \^\i\Yin ten days after the election of Justices of the Peace in the City of Tacoma under the general law, the Mayor shall appoint one of the Jus- tices so elected, a Police Justice of the City, who shall have such powers and jurisdiction and perform such duties as Police Jus- tice as are now or may hereafter be provided by the general law of the State or by Ordinance passed in the manner provided in this Charter. The salary^ of such Police Justice to be fixed in addition to his salary as Justice of the Peace, shall be fixed by the Council by Ordinance, and such additional salary shall be paid wholly out of the funds of the City in equal monthly installments. The salary shall be as now fixed by Ordinance until ehaneed by Ordinance adopted in the manner provided in this Charter. FIRE department. Sec. 75. Appointmeitt of Officers, Etc.—JJipon appoint- ment of the Commissioner of Public Safety, the Mayor shall commission such Assistant Chiefs, Captains and other sub-offi- cers as the proper organization of the Fire Department may require. Such appointees shall be classed in Clas§ C of the City service for all the purposes of this Charter, TACOMA, WASHINGTON 29 Sec. 76. Appointmeni' of Firemen:— JJpon appointment by the Commissioner of Public Safety, the ^layor shall commis- sion such number of Firemen as may from time to time be pro- vided for by the Council by Ordinance. Such firemen shall be classed in Class D of the City service for all the purposes of this Charter. Sec. 77. Pawers of Chief.— The Chief of the Fire Depart- ment shall have immediate control and manaorement of all fire engines and fire apparatus belonging to the City, and all mem- bers and employees of the Fire Department shall be under his immediate control and command. He shall submit in writing, at least once each month, to the Commissioner of Public Safety, a statement of the nimiber of men employed, their compensation, condition of his Department, and such other things as may be necessary to apprise him of the condition of the Fire Depart- ment. He shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as shall be provided by Ordinance. LICENSE INSPECTOR. Sec. 78. Duties of.— It shall be the duty of the License Inspector to make recommendations to the Commissioner of Pub- lic Safety in reference to all applications for licenses submitted to the Council; he shall be vigilant in seeing that the terms of all such licenses issued are complied with; he shall at all times have authority to inspect all licenses issued, except as otherwise provided in this Charter, and to examine the building, place, or premises where the privileges granted by any license are being exercised ; he shall have the power and authority to enforce com- pliance with the terms of all licenses issued. He shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as the Council shall prescribe. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Sec. 79. Duties of Superintendent.— The Superintendent of the Free ^lunicipal Employment Office shall keep in touch with labor conditions in Tacoma and the surrounding country, and shall be diligent in seeking to obtain work for the unem- ployed. He shall inspect and supervise all licensed employment agencies in the City. He shall notify those seeking employment whether or not strike conditions prevail at the place where thev intend going. He shall ^ also require all licensed employment ofi^ices in the City to give similar notice. Failure to do so will be sufficient ground for the revocation of their licenses. He shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as the Council may prescribe. 30 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BUILDING INSPECTOR. Sec. 80. Duties of. — Tlie Council shall by Ordinance pre- scribe the duties of the Buildings Inspector. Until such Ordinance is passed his powers and duties shall be governed by Ordinances now existing. ARTICIiE YIII. DEPABTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, STREETS, IMPROVEMENTS AND PROPERTY. Sec. 81. Commissioner Have Supervision.— The Commis- sioner of the Department of Public Works, Streets, Improve- ments and Property shall be known as the Commissioner of Public Works. He shall have the supervision and control of all streets, public works, ways, public places, buildings, and im- provements, except as otherwise provided in this Charter or by Ordinance adopted in the manner provided in this Charter. Sec. 82. Clerks and Employees.— There shall be appointed in the manner provided in the Charter, a Chief Clerk of the Commissioner of Public Works, a City Engineer, and all such other Clerks, Assistants and Employees for said Department as may, in the opinion of the Council, be or become necessary to the efficient administration of said Department. Sec. 83. Diities of Chief Clerk.— The Chief Clerk of the Commissioner shall keep a record of all of the transactions of the Department. He shall cause the publication of all notices authorized by this Article or by any Ordinance to be published in connection with any of the affairs or business of the Depart- ment. He shall perform such other duties as the Commissioner of said Department shall prescribe. Sec. 84. Commissioner Have Charge of Improvements. — Subject to the direction and control of the Council and Laws of the State of Washington and Ordinances of the City, the Com- missioner of Public Works shall have charge of and superintend all local improvements. He shall also have charge of and super- intend such other public works of the City as may by Ordinance be assigned to his Department. Sec. 85. Commissioner Custodian of Maps, Etc.— The Com- missioner of Public Works shall have possession of and keep all maps, surveys and field-notes relative to surveys and plats of the City and of streets and public places thereof, and all plans, specifications, contracts, books, documents, papers, machinery, tools and appliances belonging to the City and pertaining to matters, by this Charter or by Ordinance of the Council, as- signed to said Department of Public Works, Streets, Improve- ments and Property, and all other property belonging to the TACOMAl, WASHINGTON 31 City not otherwise provided for in this Charter. He shall file such data and furnish such information as may be required by the Council. Sec. 86. Other Duties and Powers.— T\iQ Commissioner of Public AVorks shall have special charge and control, subject to such Ordinances as the Council may adopt, of all improvements of the harbor and water front, and control of all streets, high- ways, roads, bridges, wharves, ferries and public places belong- ing to the City or dedicated to public use, and of the improve- ment and repair thereof, except as otherwise provided in this Charter; of all sewers, drains and cesspools, and all work per- taining thereto, or to the drainage of the City; of the cleaning and sprinkling of streets and of repairs upon streets; of the construction and repair of public buildings and the making of public improvements for the City under his authority, and of the repair of such improvements. He shall have exclusive au- thority to prescribe rules and grant permits in conforimty with the ordinances of the City, for the moving of buildings through the streets, the building or placing of cellars or vaults under the streets or sidewalks, and the construction of steps or other ap- proaches to buildings ; the putting up of signs and awnings ; the location of steam boilers, the laying do^\Ti and construction of railroad tracks in the streets ; the erection of telephone and tele- graph poles and wires; the construction of drains and sewers; the laying doi^Ti and taking up of gas, steam and water pipes, pneumatic or other tubes and pipes, and sewers and drains, and determining the location thereof and prescribing such rules as shall prevent unnecessary damage to the streets by reason of the laying of said pipes, tubes and sewers, and which shall pre- vent interference vnih. such systems : the use of the streets or any portion thereof in front of a building during its construction or repair, or for any other purpose than such as ordinarily and properly belongs to the public from the dedication thereof to public use. He shall have full power to regulate and control, subject to the ordinances of the City and the powers delegated by this Charter and the Council to other Commissioners having peculiar and special charge of any public places, of the anchor- age of vessels in the harbor of the City, the manner of using the streets, sidewalks, wharves, harbors, parks and public places, and to prevent and remove obstructions therefrom, and to cause the prompt repair of streets, sidewalks and public places when the same may be taken up and altered. He is authorized to collect, by suit or otherwise, in the name of the City, the ex- pense of such repairs from the person or persons by whom such 32 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF sidewalk or street Avas injured or torn up. He shall regulate, subject to the requirement of the Commissioner of Public Af- fairs, Health and Sanitation and the Ordinances of the Council, the construction of sinks, gutters, wells, cesspools and privy vaults, and compel the cleaning and emptying of the same, and regulate the time and manner in which such work shall be done. CITY KNGINEER. Sec. 87. Qualifications, Duties, Powers.— ^o person shall be eligible to the office of city Engineer who is not a civil engineer of practical experience. He shall do all civil engineering and surveying required in the prosecution of all public works assign- ed to the Department of Public Works, and in the prosecution of all local improvements done under the direction of the Com- missioner of Public Works, and shall do and perform any and all other work that ^may be required of him by the Council, whether the same pertains to said Department or any other of the Administrative Departments of the City ; he shall certify the progress and completion of all such work, and do such other work in connection with the Department of Public Works as he may be directed to do by the Commissioner of said Department. He shall possess the same power in the City in making surveys, plats and certificates, as is or may be from time to time given by law to the County Engineer, and his official acts, and all plats, surveys and certificates made by him shall have the same validity and be of the .same force and effect as are or may be given by law to those of the County Engineer. Sec. 88. Engineer's Charges.— The Council shall by Ordi- nance, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works, establish such charges as may be proper for the ser- vices to be performed by the City Engineer other than for thj City, not inconsistent with the laws of the State, and may, upon like recommendation, change and adjust the same. Said Engineer may require such charges to be paid in advance to the Clerk of the Commissioner for any official act or service demand- ed of him, and the money received for such service shall be turn- ed over to the Treasurer and placed to the credit of the general fund. Duplicate receipts shall be given for such fees or charges, one of which shall be filed with the Controller. Sec. 89. Plats of Additions— Surveys, Monuments.— The Council shall regulate and provide the manner in which addi- tions to the City shall be subdivided, laid out and platted, and may cause an official map of the City to be made and kept for public inspection, which map, certified by the City Engineer, shall be prima facie evidence that the lines as they appear are TACOMA, WASHINGTON S3 correct: and all surveys made by the City Engine*^** at the in- stance and expense of the City or private parties shall be offi- cial surveys, and a minute thereof shall be kept by the City En^neer as a part of his official records, and shall be prima facie evidence of their own correctness, and the City shall have power to prevent the sale of any real property not subdivided as aforesaid, and a plat whereof is not made and filed as herein provided, and to compel the establishment and maintenance of monuments, and to pass any and all Ordinances necessary or expedient for earrj^ing: any of the provisions of this section into effect, and to fine or imprison, or both, for a violation thereof; and when the boundary or existence of any public street, alley, square or easement is in doubt, and the land claimed by a priv- ate party, the City may file a bill in equity to determine thtj rio-ht thereto. STREET IMPROVEMENT, Sp:c. 90. Applications for—Cmincil's Authority to. — All applications for establishing or changing the grade of any street or streets, the improvement of public grounds or buildings, the laying out, establishing, opening, vacating, closing, straighten- ing, widening or improving of any street, road or highway, or for the construction of any bridge or viaduct, or laying out or opening of any new street through public or private property, and for all public improvements which involve the necessity of taking private property for public use, or where any part of the cost or expense thereof is to be assessed upon private prop- erty, shall be made to the Commissioner of Public Works, and such work or improvement shall not be ordered or authorized until after he shall have reported to the Council upon said ap- plication. But before any work or improvements as above con- templated shall be commenced, the Council, when recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, shall pass a resolution ordering that said work be done, provided, that all applications for the purpase of changing the grade or of making any im- provement of any street, avenue or alley within the City, shall be signed by the owners of more than one-half of the property abutting on said street, avenue or alley; provided, fiofther, that the Council may, without petition or recommendation, have pow- er to order the improvement of any street, avenue or alley, or any part thereof, of the building of any bridge or viaduct, by a vote of four members of the Council. Sec. 91. Survey— Resolution— Remonstrance. — Upon the adoption or passage of any resolution by the Council for the im- provement of any street, avenue or alley, or for the construe- S4 the; charter of the city of tion of any bridge or viaduct, the Commissioner of Public Works shall cause a survey, diagram and estimate of the entire cost thereof to be made by the City Engineer ; said diagram and estimate shall be filed in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works for the inspection of all persons interested therein. The Clerk of said Commissioner shall forthwith cause a notice of such filing to be published daily for five days in the official newspa- per ; such notice shall contain a copy of the said resolution pass- ed by the Council, and must specify the street, highway, avenue, or alley, or part thereof proposed to be improved, and the kind of improvement proposed to be made, together with the estimated cost and expense thereof, and also a general description, suffi- cient for identification, of the property to be charged Avith the expense of making such improvement, and that if sufficient re- monstrance be not made before the expiration of fifteen days af- ter the date of the last publication, said improvement will be made at the expense of the owners of the lots and parcels of land described in said notice, as hereinafter provided; but if withir^ fifteen days after the final publication of said notice the per- sons owning one-half or more of the lots or parcels of land to be taxed for said improvement shall file with the Clerk of the Com- missioner of Public AVorks a remonstrance against said improve- ment, grade or alteration, the same shall not be made at the ex- pense of the lots so described, unless the Council, by a vote of four members thereof, order said improvement made notmth- standing said remonstrance. Sec. 92. Consent to Improvement, When— Cost Limit.— li no remonstrance be made and filed as provided in the last precedinsr section, then the owners of the lots and parcels of land describe 1 in said notice shall be deemed to have consented to such improve- ments ; or if such remonstrance has been made and filed, and the Council has ordered such improvements to be made or work to be done, the -expense thereof shall be charged to the property described in said notice in the manner as hereinafter provided, and the Commissioner of Public Works shall, at his earliest con- venience, and within six months thereafter, establish the pro- posed grade or make the proposed improvement; provided, that no improvement shall be made when the estimated cost thereof shall exceed fifty per centum of the assessed value of the prop- erty to be assessed. Sec. 93. Cost and Expense of —How Assessed.— The cost and expense of malring any improvement shall be assessed upon the adjoining, contiguous, or proximate lots or parcels of land TACOMA, WASHINGTON 35 benefited thereby, or upon any other property benefited thereby, in the following manner: The Commissioner of Public Works shall examine all the property embraced in said assessment district and ascertain and determine what benefits will result to each and every lot anl parcel of land; and after such examination and determination shall make out an assessment roll, charging the lots, blocks and parcels of land in said assessment district which have been bene- fited by said improvement to the extent of their proportionate part of such cost and expense and in an equitable manner in proportion to the special benefits resulting to each lot and parcel ; and in no case shall the amount so charged against any lot or parcel be in excess of the benefits resulting thereto. And in making said assessment, when said Commissioner of Public Works finds and determines that an assessment by the front foot will result in charging said lots and parcels of land equitably and fairly in proportion to the benefits resulting to each respectively, he may apportion such cost and expense in accordance with the number of lineal feet of said real estate or lots of land fronting on said improvement as aforesaid. The amount apportioned to be paid on each lineal foot fronting on said improvement shall be paid by the adjoining, contiguous or proximate property, as fol- lows : Lots abutting endwise upon any street to be improved shall be assessed the full amount as determined by their foot frontage ; any lot or parcel of land lying directly and lengthwise along the line of improvement at any street corner or intersection shall be assessed one-half of the amount as determined by its frontage,and the remaining one-half assessed upon the lots to the center of the block; if the land be unplatted and belong to the same person or persons, then the first twenty-five feet lying directly and lengthwise along the line of improvement shall be assessed onc- half the amount as determined by its frontage, and the remain- ing one-half to the depth of one hiuidred and fifty feet from the proposed improvement; provided, however, that if the parcel of land fronting along said proposed improvement and belonging to any one person or persons shall be less than twenty-five feet, the said strip shall bear one-half of the expense of said im- provement as determined by its frontage, and the remaining one- half assessed upon the balance of said property to the depth of one hundred and fifty feet: and proiHded fuHher, that any par- cel of land in Y or triangular shape, the angle of which is ad- joining, contiguous or proximate to the line of improvement, shall be considered as a lot having twentv-five feet front on the 36 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OP improvement. And provided, that the several amounts charged against said lots respectively shall in no case be in excess of the benefits resulting to the same from such improvement. And whenever the manner of making such assessment by the front foot as herein specified shall not result in a fair and equitable division and apportionment of such costs and expenses upon the benefited property, in proportion to the special benefits resulting to each lot or parcel of land, and in all cases where the improve- ment shall consist of the construction of a bridge or viaduct as a separate improvement, then the said Commissioner of Public Works shall not make said assessment in that manner, but shall adopt such a plan or manner of dividing and apportioning the said costs and expenses and charging the same upon the several lots and parcels of land in the assessment district benefited by said improvement, as Avill be fair and equitable, and will make the charges against each lot and parcel of land respectively pro- portionate to the benefits resulting to each and so that in no case shall the charge against any lot or parcel of land be in excess of the benefits resulting thereto. Sec. 94. Assessment Roll— Contents.— Tl[ie Commissioner of Public Works shall make out and certify to the Council, an assessment roll which shall show and exhibit in separate columns, first, the name of the owner of each separate lot, piece, parcel or subdivision of land separately assessed, if known to him; if the name of the owner be unknown, the word ''unknown" shall be written opposite the number of such subdivision of land; second, a brief description, by lot and block, or otherwise, of each subdivision of land; third, the assessment number of each sub- division of land separately assessed ; fourth, the amount assesed separately to each of such subdivisions; fifth, a diagram show- ing the street, highway or alley proposed to be improved, and the lots or parcels of land to be assessed for such improvement ; such diagram shall be marked with the numbers corresponding with the assessment number of each subdivision of land. Sec.95. Filing Assessment Roll— Notice o/.— Upon receiv- ing said assessment roll, the City Clerk shall forthwith give notice by publication for at least five days in the official news- paper, that the assessment roll is on file in his office, the date of filing the same, and that the same is open for public inspection, and said notice shall state a time within which the Council will meet to hear appeals of parties aggrieved by such assessment. Sec. 96. Appeal— Tim^— Manner.— Tlie owner of land m said assessment district, whether named or not in the assessment roll, may, within ten days after the first publication of the notice TACOMA, WASHINGTON 37 provided for in the last preceding section, appeal to the Council from said assessment or assessment roll; said appeal shall be in writing, briefly stating the objections to the said assessment or assessment roll, and be filed with the City Clerk. Sec. 97. Hearing— Judgment Final, Except. — At the time appointed for hearing appeals from said assessment, the Council shall hear and decide upon all objections which shall have been filed by any party interested to the regularity of the proceeding .a making said improvement or in levying said assessment, or to the correctness of the amount of said assessment, or of the amount levied upon any particular lot or parcel of land ; ejid if the proceedings are found by them to have been regular, they shall correct any errors which may be found in the assessment, and shall pass an order approving and confirming said pro- ceedings; and said assessment as so corrected by them, and their decision and order shall be a final determination of the regular- ity, validity and correctness of said assessment, and of the amount thereof levied upon each lot or parcel of land, and shall bar all persons appearing and objecting or failing to appear from any further recourse in law, except by an appeal therefrom to the Superior Court in the manner prescribed by law. Sec. 98. Payment of Assessment, Time, Interest. — The Council must provide in said order approving and confirming such assessments within what time the same may be paid to the Treasurer; and all such assessments not paid to the Treasurer within such time shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum until paid. Sec. 99. Bids— Contracts in TFnfm^.— Before entering in- to any contract for any improvement, the Commissioner of Pub- lic Works shall invite sealed bids for such improvement as provided by this Charter, and such contract shall be made in writing. Sec. 100. Lien of Assessment. — All such assessments shall be liens upon the property assessed, and all such liens shall relate back to and take effect as of the time of the first publication of the notice of the proposed improvement provided for in Section 91 hereof. Sec. 101. Treasurer Collect.— The Treasurer shall be col- lector of all such assessments for improvements, both before and after delinquency. Sec. 102. Demand far Payment Unnecessary. — No demand shall be necessary for any such assessment, but it shall be the duty of every person whose property is assessed for improve- 38 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ments as herein provided, to pay all such assessments levied upon such property before the same become delinquent. Sec. 103. Warrant for Collection— Notice of Boll.—TliQ City Clerk shall, within five days after the confirmation of any assessment for improvements made by the Council, certify and annex to the assessment roll a copy of the order of confirmation, and issue and annex to said roll a warrant directing the City Treasurer to receive and collect the assessments therein named, and deliver the same to the Treasurer, and shall also certify the amount of such roll to the Controller. The Treasurer shall forth- with give notice by three weekly insertions in the official news- paper of the City, that such assessment roll is in his hands, that the assessments are payable, and the date at which interest ac- crues if they remain unpaid. Sec. 104. Warrant to Sell—hy Conttvller— Sale.— Within five days from the expiration of the time limited for the pay- ment of such assessments, the Treasurer must return the im- provement assessment roll to the Controller, designating thereon the assessments paid and those unpaid. The Controller shall, upon receipt of said roll, credit the Treasurer with the amount of assessments collected thereon and deliver said roll to the City Clerk, who shall thereupon issue and annex thereto a warrant directing the City Treasurer to sell all the lots and parcels of land described in said roll, and upon which assessments are levied, whether in the name of a designated 0A\Taer or in the name of an unknown owner, to satisfy all delinquent and unpaid as- sessments upon said roll, with interest, penalty and cost. On the day of the commencement of the sale of said real property in pursuance of such warrant, a penalty of ten per cent, on the prin- cipal amount of every unpaid assessment on said improvement assessment roll shall accrue to such assessment in addition to the interest thereon, and must then and thereafter be collected therewith. Sec. 105. Warrant as Execution— Sale— Notice o/.— Such warrant shall, for the purpose of making sale of said real prop- erty on which assessments are delinquent and unpaid, be deemed and taken as an execution against said real property for the amount of said assessments with interest, penalty and costs, and the Treasurer shall, within sixty days from the receipt thereof by him, commence the sale of said real property, and continue such sale from day to day thereafter, until all the lots and par- cels of land described in said assessment roll on which any such assessment is delinquent and unpaid, are sold. Such sales shall take place at the front door of the building in which the Council TACOMA, WASHINGTON 39 hokls its sessions. The Treasurer shall give notice of such sales by publishinor a notice thereof once a week, for three consecutiv weeks in the official newspaper of the City. Such notice shall contain a list of all lots and parcels of land upon which such assessments are delinquent, with the amount of the asseasment, interest, penalty and costs to date of sale, including costs of ad- vertising due upon each of such lots or parcels of land, together with the names of the owners thereof, or the words "unknown owner" as the same may appear on said improvement assessment roll, and shall specify the time and place of sale, and that the several lots or parcels of land therein described, will be sold to satisfy the assessment, interest, penalty and costs due upon each. Sec. 106. Time of Sale— Sales to City.— AW. of such sales shall be made between the hours of ten o'clock A. 'M. and three o'clock P. M. Each lot or parcel of land shall be sold separate- ly and in the order in which the same appears on the improve- ment assessment roll, commencing at the head thereof. If there be no bidder for any lot or parcel of land of a sum sufficient to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, Avith interest, penalty and costs, the Treasurer shall strike the same off to the City for the whole amount he is required to collect by such sale. Sec. 107. Higliest Bidder— Disposition of Surplus.— XW. lots and parcels of land sold for delinquent improvement as- sessments, shall be sold to the highest bidder; and whenever any sucli lot is sold for more than the sum sufficient to satis- fy the delinquent assessment, A\dth interest, penalty and costs, the surplus shall be kept by the Treasurer in a separate fund, and thereafter the owner or his legal representatives shall, on application to the Council, be entitled to a warrant therefor. Sec. 108. Resale.— li. any bidder to whom any lot or parcel of land is stricken off does not pay the assessment, interest, pen- alty and costs before ten o'clock A. M. of the day following the day of such sale, such lot or parcel of land must then be resold, or, if the assessment sale is closed, be deemed to have been sold to the City, and a certificate of purchase shall be issued to the City therefor. Sec. 109. Custodian of Cerifific^tes—Sale of.— The Con- troller shall be the custodian of all certificates of purchase for lots or parcels of land sold to the City; and shall at any time within three years from the date of any such certificate, and before the redemption of the lot or parcel of land therein de- scribed, sell and transfer any such certificate to any person who will pay to him the amount for which the lot or parcel of land therein described was stricken off to the City, with the inter- 40 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF est subsequently accrued thereon, and the Treasurer may, if so authorized by the Council, sell and transfer any such certifi- cate in like manner after the expiration of said three years from the date of the certificate. Sec. 110. Betum of Treasurer. — Within ten days after the completion of the sale of all the lots and parcels of land described in such improvement assessment, and authorized to be sold as aforesaid, the Treasurer must make return to the Controller of said assessment roll, with a statement of his do- ings thereon, showing all lots and parcels of land sold by him, to whom sold, and the sum paid therefor. Sec. 111. Purchaser's Lien— Interest.— The purchaser at improvement assessment sales acquires a lien on the lot or parcel of land sold for the amount paid by him at such sale, as well as for all delinquent taxes and improvement assessments and all costs and charges thereon, whether levied previously or sub- sequently to such sale subsequently paid by him on the lot or parcel of land, and shall be entitled to interest thereon at the rate of twenty per cent, per annum from the date of such payment. Sec. 112. Redemption — Certificate— Deed.— ^Yery lot and parcel of land sold for an improvement assessment shall be subject to redemption by the former owner, or his grantee, mortgagee, or heir, within three years from the date of the certifi- cate of purchase, on payment to the Tl*easurer for the pur- chaser of the amount the same was sold for, with twenty per cent, interest per annum, together with all taxes and improve- ment assessments, and costs and charges thereon, as per state- ment made by the Controller, paid by the purchaser on such lot or parcel of land since such sale, with like interest thereon. And on such redemption being made, the Treasurer shall give to the redemptioner a certificate of redemption therefor, and pay over the amount received from such redemptioner to the purchaser or his assigns, on an order from the Controller. Should no redemption be made within the period of three years, the Treasurer shall on demand by the purchaser or his assigns, and the surrender of the certificate, execute to him a deed for the lot or parcel of land therein described : provided, that no such deed shall be executed until the holder of said certificate shall have notified the owner of said lots or parcels of land that he holds said certificate and that he will demand a deed therefor ; and if, notwithstanding said notice, no redemp- tion be made within ninety days from the service of said notice, said holder shall be entitled to said deed. Said notice may be TACOMA, WASHINGTON 41 given by pei-sonal service upon said persons, or by publication in a weekly newspaper published in said City for the full three weeks. Such notice and return thereto with the affidavit of the person claiming said deed, stating that said service was made, shall be filed with the Treasurer. Such deed shall be executed only for the lot or parcel of land named in the certificate, and after payment of all subse- quent taxes and improvement assessments thereon. The deed shall be executed in the name of the City of Tacoma, shall re- cite in substance the matters contained in the certificate, the notice to owner and that no redemption has been made of the property within the time allowed by law. Such deed shall be signed and acknowledged by the Treasurer as such. The deed shall be prima facie evidence that the property was assessed as required by law, that the improvement assessment was not paid, that the property was sold as required by law, that it was not redeemed, that notice had been given and that the person executing the deed was the proper officer; and the deed shall be conclusive evidence of the regularity of all other proceedings from the assessment inclusive up to the execution of the deed. Sec. 113. Separate Fund.— AW. moneys received or col- lected by the T'reasurer upon assessments for improvements of streets, highways or alleys, shall be kept as a separate fund, and in nowise used for any other purpose whatever, except for the redemption of warrants drawn against such fund. Sec. 114. Payment of Assessment.— ^\iQn&NQv before sale of any lot or parcel of land the amount of any assessment for improvements thereon, with all interest and costs accrued thereon, shall be paid to the Treasurer, he shall thereupon mark the same paid, with the date of payment thereof on the as- sessment roll: and whenever after sale of any lot or parcel of land for any assessment the same shall be "redeemed," he shall thereupon enter the same redeemed with the date of such redemption on such record. Such entries shall be made on the margin of the record opposite the description of such lot or parcel of land. Sec. 115. Day's Work or Contract— Cost Limit.- All pub- lic work authorized by the Council to be done under the super- vision of the Commissioner of Public Works shall be done by day's work or by contract, at the discretion of the Council, provided, that if within the time for filing a remonstrance a majority of the resident owners within the assessment district file a petition designating the manner of making the improve- ment, whether by day's work or contract, then the improve- 42 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ment must be done as requested in said petition ; and p)wuied, further, that in no case shall the cost of any improvement au- thorized by the Council to be done exceed the estimated cost of the City Engineer. But before awarding any contract au- thorized by this Article, the Commissioner of Public Worts shall cause notice, inviting sealed proposals therefor, to be posted conspicuously in his office and published for not less than five days. Sec. 116. Sealed Proposals.— Said advertisements and no- tice shall invite sealed proposals to be delivered at a certain day and hour at the office of the Commissioner of Public Works, for furnishing the materials, and for the work to be done, the materials for the proposed work, or for doing said work, or both, as may be deemed best by him, and shall contain a general de- scription of the work to be done, the materials to be furnished, the time within which the work is to be commenced and when to be completed, and the amount of bond to be given for the faith- ful performance of the contract and shall refer to plans and specifications on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works for full details and description of said work 'and ma- terials. Sec. 117. Proposals— Form, Affidavit— Bids.— All propos- als shall be made upon printed forms prepared by the Com- missioner of Public Works and furnished gratuitously upon ap- plication, with a form for the affidavit hereinafter provided for printed thereon. Each bid shall have thereon the affidavit of the bidder that his bid is genuine and not sham or collusive, or made in the interests or on behalf of any person not therein named, and that the bidder has not directly or indirectly in- duced or solicited any bidder to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that the bidder has not in any manner sought, by collusion, to secure to himself an advantage over other bidders. Any bid made with- out such affidavit, or in violation thereof, shall be absolutely void, and also any contract let thereunder. If at any time discovery shall be made that a contract has been let to a bidder who has violated or evaded this oath, the contract shall be cancelled and no recovery shall be had there- on, and the Commissioner of Public Works shall at once proceed as before to award a new contract. All proposals offered shall be accompanied by a check certified by a responsible bank, payable to the order of the Clerk of the Commissioner of Pub- lic Works, for an amount not less than five per cent, of the ag- TACOMA. WASHINGTON 43 gregate of the proposal, and no proposal shall be considered unless accompanied by such check. No person, corporation or firm shall be allowed to make, file or be interested in more than one bid for the same work. If, on the opening of said bids, more than one bid appear in which the same person, corporation or firm is interested, all such bids shall be rejected. Sec. 118. Opening Bids— Award— Checks.— On the day ancLat the hour specified in said notice inviting sealed proposals, all bids shall be delivered to the Commissioner by the bidder or his agent within the two hours named in the advertisement. No bid not so delivered to the Commissioner of Public Works shaU be considered. Each bid as it shall be received shall be numbered and marked "filed" by him, and authenticated by his signature. At the expiration of the two hours stated in the ad- vertisement. Avithin which the bids will be received, the Com- missioner of Public AYorks shall in open session open, examine, and publicly declare the same, and an abstract of each bid shall be recorded in the minutes of the Commissioner of Public Works by the Clerk. The Commissioner of Public Works shall compare the bids with the record made by the Clerk, and shall thereupon at said time, or at such other time, not exceeding ten days thereafter, award the contract to the lowest bidder, except as otherwise herein provided. Notice of such award shall forthwith be post- ed for five days by the Clerk of the Cbmmissioner of Public Works in some conspicuous place in the office of the Commis- sioner. He may reject any and all bids, and must reject the bid of any party who has been delinquent or unfaithful in any for- mer contracts with the City, and all bids other than the low- est regular bid, and on accepting said lowest bid shall thereupon return to the proper parties the checks, corresponding to the bids so rejected. If all bids are rejected, the Commissioner shall return all the checks to the proper parties and again invite sealed propos- als, as in the first instance. The check accompanying the accept- ed bid shall be held by the Clerk of the Commissioner of Public Works until the contract for doing said work, as hereinafter provided, haus been entered into, whereupon said certified check shall be returned to said bidder. If said bidder fails or refuses to enter into the contract for said work, as hereinafter provided, then the certified check accompanying his bid, and the amount therein mentioned, shall be forfeited to the City and shall be col- lected and paid into the general fund. Neither the Commissioner 44 THE! CHARTER OF THE CITY OF of Public Works nor the Council has the power to relieve from or remit such forfeiture. Sec. 119. Colliisive Bids.—li at any time it shall be found that the person to whom a contract has been awarded has, in presenting bid or bids, colluded with any party or parties for the purpose of preventing any other bid being made, then the contract so awarded shall be null and void, and no recovery shall be had thereon, and the Commissioner of Public Works shall ad- vertise for proposals for a new contract. Sec. 120. Contracts— City Attorney Draw— Triplicates. — All contracts shall be drawn under the supervision of the City Attorney, and shall have attached thereto detailed specifications of the work to be done, which shall be referred to and made part of the contract; the manner in which it shall be executed, and the quality of the supplies and the material to be used. Every contract let by the Commissioner of Public Works shall be signed by the Mayor and other contracting party, and coun- tersigned by the Controller. All contracts shall be executed in triplicate, one of which with the specifications and drawings, if any, of the w^ork to be done, and materials to be furnished, shall be filed with the Commissioner of Public Worl^ ; one, with said specifications and drawings, shall be filed with the Con- troller, and the third, with said specifications and drawings, shall be delivered to the contractor. Sec. 121. Bonds— Amount i—Si(^reties — Justification.— At the same time with the execution of said contract, the contract- or shall execute a bond to the State of Washington, with two or more sureties, or with a surety company as surety, condition- ed that such contractor shall faithfully perform all of the pro- visions of said contract, and holding said City of Tacoma harm- less from all loss or damage caused to any person or property by reason of any carelessness or negligence in the maldng of said improvement, and pay all laborers, mechanics, sub-contractors and material men, and all persons who shall supply such con- tractor or sub-contractor with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work, all just debts, dues and demands in- curred in the performance of such work; which bond shall be approved by the Controller and filed in his office. Such bond shall be in an amount equal to the full contract price agreed to be paid for such work or improvement, except that the Council shall have power by general Ordinance to fix and determine the amount of such bond, provided, that the same shall, in no event, be fixed for a less amount than twenty-five per cent, of the contract price of such improvement, and the TACOMA, WASHINGTON 45 Council may by such Ordinance provide that said bond shall be payable to the City of Tacoma and not to the State of Wash- ington. In case of sureties on such bond, other than a surety com- pany, the justification of such sureties shall be upon a form to be printed upon said bond, which justification shall be the same as bail upon arrest, but when the amount specified in the bond exceeds Three Thousand Dollars and there are more than two sureties thereon, they may state in their affidavit that they are severally worth amounts less than that expressed in the bond, if the whole amount be equal to two sufficient sureties. Sec. 122. Failure to Perform Contract on Time.— The con- tract for work shall specify the time within which the work shall be commenced and completed as was specified in the notice in- viting proposals therefor. In case of failure on the part of the contractor to complete his contract within the time fixed, or within such extension of time as may have been granted there- on by the Council prior to the time fixed for completion of the woik in the contract, his contract shall be void and the Council shall not pay or allow him any compensation for work done by him under said contract. Sec. 123. Unfinished Contracts.— li the contractor does not complete his contract within the time limited therein, said Commissioner of Public Works may re-let the unfinished portion of said work, after pursuing the formalities hereinbefore pre- scribed for the letting of the whole. Sec. 124. Comm^issioner Has Supervision. — The work in this Article provided for must be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of said Commissioner of Public Works, and all materials and supplies furnished must be in accordance with the specifications and be to his satisfaction. When any contract shall have been completed and accepted by him, he shall so de- clare, and thereupon he shall deliver to the contractor a certifi- cate to that effect. Sec. 125. Prohibition on Commissioner and Employees. — Neither the Commissioner of Public Works, nor any person em- ployed in his Department, nor any other Officer or Employee of the City, shall be interested directly or indirectly in any con- tract for work, labor, supplies or materials entered into under the provisions of this Article, nor shall he or any other officer or employee of the City be allowed to receive any gratuity or advantage from any contractor, laborer or person furnishing labor or material for the same. Any contract made in violation of any of the provisions of this Section shall be void, and the 46 THE CELA.RTBR OF THE CITY OF receipt of such gratuity shall be cause for immediate removal from office or from employment of the person receiving it. SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE. Sec. 126. General System.— The Commissioner of Public Works shall devise a general system of sewerage and drainage, to be approved by the Council, which shall embrace all matters relative to the thorough, systematic and effectual drainage of not only surface water and filth, but also of the ground on which the City is situated, to a sufficient depth to secure dr\^ness in cellars and entire freedom from stagnant waters, and in such manner as best to promote the cleanliness and healthfulness of the City, and shall report to the Council in reference thereto, and shall, from time to time, make to the Council such recom- mendations upon the subject of sewerage and drainage as he may deem proper. Sec. 127. Control Construction.— ^aid Commissioner of Public Works shall prescribe the location, form and material to be used in the construction and repair of all public sewers, man-holes, sinks, cesspools or other appurtenances belonging to the sewer system and of every private sewer emptying into a public sewer and determine the manner and place of connection. Sec. 128. Sewers — Plans, Diagram, Map. — Before any pub- lic sewer shall be contracted for or built the City Engineer shall cause to be prepared the necessary plans for the work and a profile showing the grades of the street and sewer, and the depth of each sewer below the surface of the street, and a diagram shoAving the property benefited by such sewer, and the total frontage thereof; and when such sew^er is completed he shall cause a map to be prepared, showing the size and location of man-holes, basins and branches of house connections, and other appurtenances. Sec. 129. Council Order Construction.— The Council may, upon the recommendation of said Commissioner of Public Works, by Ordinance passed by the affirmative vote of four members of the Council, order the construction of any sewer or drain, or au- thorize the purchase of any personal property or the acquisition by purchase or condemnation of any real estate which may be necessary for the construction of any sewer or the making of any improvement provided for in this Charter. Sec. 130. Agreement as to Damages.— '^md Commissioner of Public Works may, with the like approval of the City Coun- cil, agree with the owners of any real estate upon which it is deemed desirable to construct any sewer or other improvement relative to sewerag-e or drainage, upon the amount of damage TACOMA, WASHINGTON 47 to be paid to such o\\Tier for the purpose of such improvement, and for the perpetual use of said real estate for such purpose. Sec. 131. La)ids an Bay. —Said Commissioner of Public Works may, when authorized by Ordinance, construct such sewers, reservoirs and pumping works on lands and made-lands fronting the bay, as may be necessary to carry out the general system of sewerage for the City. Sec. 132. Condemnation of Private Property.— When upon the recommendation of said Commissioner of Public AVorks, the Council shall determine upon any improvement for the purpose of sewerage or drainage which necessitates the acquisition or condemnation of private property, and said Commissioner is unable to agree with the owner thereof upon the amount of compensation or damages to be paid therefor, or when such owner is in any way incapable of making any agreement with reference thereto, and in all cases in which said Commissioner shall deem it most expedient, the City Council shall have the right to cause condemnation of such property in the manner for the opening of any new street. Sec. 133. Expense Proportioned.— The cost of construct- ing any sewer shall be assessed by the Commissioner of Public AVorks upon the real estate benefited thereby pro rata, accord- ing to the frontage of said real estate upon the line of said sewer ; and the manner of collection of the same shall be as pro- vided for the collection of street improvement assessments; provided, that the construction of all trunk or main sewers and repair of all sewers shall be made at the expense of the City. Sec. 134. Sewerage Districts.— The Commissioner of Pub- lic Works shall have authority whenever he shall deem neces- sary, to create sewerage districts, in order to distribute equita- bly the assessment and cost of sewers upon property peculiarly benefited thereby. Sec. 135. Seiverage Bond.— The same bond shall be re- quired of a contractor who has contracts with the City for the construction of any sewer under the provisions of this Article, as is required in Section 121 of this Charter. AETICLE IX. depajrtment of light ^vnd water. Sec. 136. Scope of Department.— The Department of Light and Water shall embrace aU property, rights and obligations of the City in respect to the light plant, water plant and electri- cal power plant, now owned or hereafter acquired, whether sit- uated within or without the City limits. 48 THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF Sec. 137. Commissioner to Administer Depariimen\L— The Commissioner of Light and Water is charged with the admin- istration of said Department. Upon his appointment the Mayor shall commission such Officials^ Assistants, Clerks and Skilled Employees as may be necessary, and he may secure the services of electrical engineers and hydraulic engineers, special counsel and other experts, subject to the approval of the Council, and for such compensation as the Council may fix. Sec. 138. Separate Suh-Deparim.enis— Duties.— The Com- missioner of Light and Water shall, so far as is practicable, administer the lights, power, light works and electrical power plants, as one separate sub-department or entity, and the water plant as another separate sub-department or entity. To that end all contracts, records and muniments of title pertaining to each of said sub-departments, shall be assembled and carefully preserved as separate records. Accounts shall be kept separately of assets and liabilities, receipts and disbursements, of each sub-department distinct from the other. The revenues shall be so applied that as far as possible each sub-department shall be self-sustaining. The Commissioner shall also take care that the w^ater supply of the City is preserved from impairment and pollution, and seasonably augmented so as to assure at all times a supply of potable water adequate for the growing needs of the City. To that end he shall cause comparative investigations to be made of all available reservoir sites and sources of water supply, and report thereon to the Council with his recommendations. He shall at all times see that the City's water rights are fully protected and kept alive. He shall make all necessary investigations and recommenda- tions to the end that the City's lighting plant may be main- tained as a plant adequate to the needs of the City and its in- habitants. He shall report each month to the Council a statement of the receipts and disbursements of the two sub-departments separately, and annually shall make a detailed report as to the condition of each sub-department, with his recommendations as to their needs. He shall perform such other duties from time to time in connection with the Department and make such other reports as the Council may by Ordinance require. Sec. 139. Cortmiissioner Fix Bates — Coiincil Impose Fines. — The Commissioner shall, with the approval of the Council, expressed by Ordinance, fix rates and establish regulations for the use of light, power and water by consumers, and regulations TACOMA, WASHINGTON 49 for the orderly administration of the Department. The Council shall by Ordinance impose fines and penalties for the violation of any of saii regulations. ARTICLE X. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Sec. 14:0. Conimisswner Have Supervision — ex-Offlcio Tre 53 ARTICLE XII. Taxes 56 ARTICLE XIII. City Attorney 57 ARTICLE XIV. Civil Service 57 ARTICLE XV. Elections 59 ARTICLE XVI. Recall of Elective Ofllicers 69 ARTICLE XVII. The Initiative 71 ARTICLE XVIII. The Referendum 73 ARTICLE XIX. Franchises 74 ARTICLE XX. Harbor and Tide-Lands 81 ARTICLE XXI. Miscellaneous Provisions 82 ARTICLE XXII. Amendment of Charter 84 88 INBEX TO' CHARTER INDEX TO SECTIONS A Section. Appointments Confirmed by Council 24 Of Clerks, etc 25 Religious or Political Opinions not to effect 29 Council vote on 44 Appropriation of Money, how made 39 Appropriation of Private Property 47 Amendments to Charteir, how made 258 to 260 inc. B Boundaries of City 1 Boundaries Etxtend to Middle of Sound 2 Bonds of Ofiicers 27 Bonds of Contractors 61 Bonds, Continuing all Oflicial 254 Books, Records, etc 30 Building Inspector 80 c Classification of Service ' 10 Councilmen Removal of 16 Salary of 19 City Clerk, Appointed by Council 23 Clerks, etc., Appointment of 25 Council, Legislative Powers Vested in 33 President and Vice President of 34 Rules and Journal Public Record 35 Meetings of 36 Quorum of 37 City Clerk, Clerk of 37 Create Offices 41 Shall cause Monthly Statement to be Printed 42 Exercise Certain Powers 43 Vote on Appointments 44 Vote on Salaries 45 Shall Let Public Printing 46 Commissioners of Departments 55 Contracts, how executed 60 City Engineer, Qualifications, Duties, Powers 87 Charges of 88 Plats of Additions, etc 89 Controller Salary of 20 Duties of 157 Oath and Bond of 158 Deputies and Assistants 158 Have access to all books 159 Audit Claims 160 Designate Funds 161 Keep records 162 Keep list of warrants 163 CITY OF TACOMA, WASHINGTON 89 Controller— Cont'd. Section Countersign contracts 164 Annual report 165 Monthly report 166 General duties 167 Shall have notice of Revenue Ordinances and Appointments 168 City Attorney, Appointed by Council 23 Duties of 175 Shall keep records .• 176 Assistants 177 Special Counsel 178 Civil Service Board, Appointment of 179 Removal. Equipment, Clerk 180 Board make rules, etc 181 Classification of names 182 To whom provisions apply 183 Appointees, removal of 184 Penalties 185 Charter, amendments to, how made 258 to 260 inc. Charters, Continuance of Acts under former 251 Contracts, Continuing all former 254 Claims for injuries, relating to 257 D Debt, limit of 6 Duties. Officers etc., to attend to 31 Departments, distribution of executive and administrative 54 Commissioners of 55 Council may change designations 56 Council assign duties 57 Commfl'sioners have supervision 58 Commissioners purchase supplies 59 Department of Public Affairs, Health and Sanitation 62 to 68 inc. Denartment of Public Safety 69 to 80 inc. Department of Commissioner of Public Works 81 to 135 inc. Commissioner to have supervision of 81 Clerks and employees of 82 Duties of Chief Clerk of 83 Com.mlssioner in charge of improvements 84 Commissioner custodian of maps, etc 85 Commissioner's other duties and powers 86 Department of Light and Water 136 to 139 inc. Scope of department 136 Commissioner to administer department 137 Separate sub-departments 138 Commissioner to fix rates and Council to impose fines 139 Department of Finance 140 to 156 inc. Commissioner to have supervision 140 Bond of as Treasurer 141 Assistants, Clerks, etc 142 Estimates of expenses of City 1 43 Establish systematic accounting 1 44 Revenue, how controlled and paid 145 Duties of Commissioner as Treasurer 146 Bank deposits, bonds and securities 147 Tax Levy, how credited; Other duties 148 Commissioner eligible for one tenn only 149 90 INDEX TO CHARTHR E Section. Employees 10 Restrictions upon 12 Restrictions upon 13 Employment office 79 Elections 186 to 207 inc. General and Special 186 Voters, Qualifications, Registration 187 Nomination of Officers 188 Ballots ' 189 Ten days' notice of 190 First or primary election 191 Second election 192 Election, officers of 193 Clerks of 194 Oaths of officers 195 Inspector, Powers and Duties 196 Informalities in 197 Council to canvass vote '. 198 Oath of City Clerk on returns 199 Ballots, preservation of 200 Certificate as evidence 201 Special election 202 Election hours : 203 Other provisions by Ordinance 204 Election of first officers hereunder 205 Duty of present officers 206 Publication of expenses 207 Fire Department 75 to 77 inc. Franchises 229 to 247 inc. When effective 229 Submitted on twelve per cent petition 230 Unused franchises to be repealed 231 Extension only for unexpired term 232 Light and water franchises prohibited 233 No franchise without compensation 234 Railroads shall pave and repave 235 Railway to pay part of construction and repair of bridges etc 236 Franchise specifiy streets 237 Power to regulate rates and fares 238 Ordinance in plain terms 239 Railroad elevate or lower tracks 240 Franchise provide for safety 241 No exclusive franchise 242 Renewal of 242 No franchise leased except 243 No extension or enlargement except 244 Provision for common use of tracks; poles 245 Matters in Charter not to impair right of Council to insert other matters in franchise 246 Right of Ferriage reserved 247 G Grade of streets. Change of ^'^ CITY OP TACOMA, WASHINGTON 91 H Section Harbor Master 68 Harbor and Tide Lands 248-249 Streets extended to harbor line 248 Manner of sale or lease of City real estate 249 I Indebtedness, refunding of 7 Initiative, The Direct legislation ^ . . 216 Twenty per cent petition 217 Five per cent petition 218 Publication of Electoral Ordinance 219 Election , 220 Several Ordinances at onB election 221 Limit of Special elections 222 Repeal of Electoral Ordinance 223 Does not apply to Ordinance granting franchises 224 Council may make further regulations 225 L Liabilities of City 3 Limit of debt 6 Legislative powers 33 License Inspector 78 M Mayor, ^moval of 16 Salary of 18 Chief executive 48 Supervision of departments, etc 49 Sign Contracts, etc 50 Appoint experts 51 Employ Accountants 52 General Powers 53 N Name of City 1 Officers, Classification of services 10 Qualifications of 11 Restrictions upon 12 Restrictions upon 13 Terms of elective 14 Officers, Clerks, etc., to receive no commission or profit 28 Officers, etc., to attend to duties 31 Personally liable 32 Office hours to be fixed 17 Oaths of officers 26 92 INDEX TO CHARTER Section Ordinances, relating to 38 Ofllces, Council to establish. 41 Oflacial newspaper 46 Ordinances, ratification of former 250 P Powers of City 4 Enumeration of, not exclusive 8 Exercise of , 9 Exercise of certain 43 Public Utilities acquire and own 5 Private property appropriation of 47 Police department 70 to 74 inc. Duties of Chief of 70 Appointment of Police Officers 71 Appointment of Policemen 72 Matron .- 73 Justice — Powers — Salary 74 Property vested in City 252 Parks, relating to 256 Q Qualifications of Officers 11 R Rights and liabilities of City 3 Refunding indebtedness 7 Removal of Mayor or Councilmen 16 Records, books, etc 30 Recall of elective officers 208 to 215 inc. Applies to all elective officers 208 Petition and requirements of 209 Petition may be amended 210 Election under recall petition 211 Candidates 212 Incumbent removed 213 No recall petition for first 6 months 214 Incapacity of recalled officers 215 Referendum, The Mode of protesting against ordinances 226 Reference by the Ccnincil 227 Further regulations 228 Salaries 10-21 Council vote on 45 Mayor 18 Councilman 19 Controller 20 Other officers, etc 21 Removal terminates 22 Statements to be made monthly 42 - CITY OF TACOMA, WASHINGTON 93 Section Streets Change of grade of 47 Structures on 40 Extend to Harbor Line 248 Street Improvements Application for 90 Survey, resolution, etc 91 Consent to improvements 92 Cost, how assessed 93 Assessment roll, contents 94 Assessment roll, filing of 95 Assessment roll, appeal from 96 Assessment roll, hearing of 97 Assessment roll, payment of 98 Bids for; Contracts in writing 99 Lien of assessment 100 Treasurer to collect 101 Demand for payment unnecessary 102 Warrant for collection 103 Warrant to sell by Controller .' 104 Warrant as execution i 105 Time of sale; Sales to City 106 Highest bidder. Dispensation of Surplus 107 Resale 108 Controller custodian of Certificates 109 Return of Treasurer 110 Purchaser's lien, Interest Ill Redemption, Certificate, Deed 112 Separate fund 113 Payment of Assessment 114 Day's work or Contract 115 Sealed proposals 116 Proposals, Form, Affidavit, Bids 117 Opening bids. Award 118 Collusive bids 119 Contracts, How drawn ; . 120 Bonds, Amount, Sureties 121 Failure to perform Contract 122 Unfinished Contracts 123 Commissioner has supervision 124 Prohibition on Commissioner and employees 125 Continuation of 253 Sewerage and drainage General system 126 Commissioner to control construction 127 Plans, diagram and map of 128 Council order construction of 129 Agreement as to damages for 130 Lands on Bay for 131 Condemnation of private property for 132 Expense proportioned 133 Sewerage districts 134 Sewerage bond 135 Sinking Fund Board 150 to 156 inc. Members of 150 Quorum 151 Duties 152 Procedure before investment 153 Journal of proceedings 154 Vacancies, how filled 155 Bonds, how kept 156 94 INDEX TO CHARTER T Section. Terms of elective cfficers 14 Taxes, relating to 169 to 174 inc. Assessment, levy and collection 169 Board of Equalization 170 Appropriation for County 171 Library levy 172 Fiscal year 173 Assessments against City property . 174 Collection of unpaid 255 Tide Lands 248-249 V Vacancies in oflBce, when and how filled 15 Vacations of streets, etc., how made 47 w Wards of City 1 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. MAR 7 1936 i LD 21-100m-8,'34 GATLORO QBOS. MAK ERS SYRACUS YC 09692