: THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES This book is DUE on the last date stamped below i 2 MAR 2 1962: 1962 REC'D MLD JUL 2 ? 19&/ : AUG 1 5 1980 : 01 r 1345 1954. DEC 7 Form L-9-5m-5.'24 TRIGONOMETRY AND DOUBLE ALGEBRA AUGUSTUS DE MORGAN OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE SECRETABY OF THE ROYAL ASTBONOMICAL SOCIETY FELLOW OP THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY AND PEOFESSOB OF MATHEMATICS IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. La seule maniere de bien trailer les elemens d'une science exacte et rigoureuse, c'est d'y mettre toute la rigueur et 1' exactitude possible. D'ALEJHBERT. Tant que 1'algebre et la geometrie ont et6 separees, leur progres ont ete lents et leurs usages bornes; mais lorsque ces deux sciences se sont reunies, elles se sont prgtees des forces mutuelles, et ont marche ensemble d' un pas rapide veis la per- fection. LAGRANOE. LONDON: PRINTED FOR TAYLOR, WALTON, AND MABERLY, BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS TO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, UPPER GOWER STREET AND IVY LANE, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1849. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY METCALFE AND PALMER. TRINITY STREET. Engineering & Mathe Scierces Library Q /\ PREFACE. \ M being in any sense a second edition of that which I published on the same subject in 1837. ^ It consists of two books. In the first, I have endeavoured to give the student who has a competent knowledge of arithmetic and algebra as much for instance as is contained in my works on those sub- jects, to which reference is made in various places ^ a view of trigonometry, as a branch of algebra and a constituent part of the foundation of the higher mathematics. In the second, I have given an ele- mentary view of algebra in its purely symbolic character, with the application of that geometrical basis of significance which affords explanation of every symbol. The term double algebra has not yet obtained cur- rency, though that of triple algebra has, of late years, been much employed. It means algebra in which each symbol stands for an object of thought having two distinct and independent qualities : just as the symbol of a straight line, to be perfect, must desig- nate both the length and direction of the line. I have not, after much thought, and some discussion, been able to fix on a better name of sufficient brevity. If, by the application of a somewhat startling adjec- tive to the word algebra, any of those who are still bewildered by an art in which impossible quantities, or quantities which are not quantities, are made objects of reasoning, should become aware that by slow degrees, and the union of many heads, the art has become a science, and the impossibilities possible, they, at least, will have no objection to the phrase. A. DE MORGAN. University College, London, Feb. 10, 1849. LIST OF SOME WRITINGS ON THE SUBJECT OF ALGEBRA, In which the peculiar Symbols of Algebra are discussed. London, 1685, folio. JOHN WALLIS. A Treatise of Algebra, both historical and practical. Reprinted in Latin, with additions, in the second volume of Wall-is' a Works, Lond. 1693, folio. Naples, 1687, folio. GILES FRANCIS DE GOTTIGNIES. Logistica Universalis. London, 1758, 4to. FRANCIS MASERES. A Dissertation on the use of the Negative Sign in Algebra. London, 1796, 8vo. WILLIAM FREXD. The Principles of Algebra.* Cambridge, 1803, 4to. ROBERT WOODHOUSE. The Principles of Analytical Calculation. Philosophical Transactions for 1806. M. L'ABBE BTJEE. Memoire sur les Quantites Imaginaires (Read June 20, 1805). See also the review of this in Vol. xn. of the Edinburgh Review, April ' - In the list which follows the preface, the ].riiit-v .has omitted a note of interrogation which foBowed the v?bj Play fair. Quantites Negatives, et des Quantites Pretendues Imaginairus. Dedie aux amis de T evidence. Cambridge, 1828, 8vo. JOHN WARREN. A Treatise on the Geome- trical Representation of the Square Roots of Negative Quantities. Philosophical Transactions for 1829. JOHN THOMAS GRAVES. 'An attempt to rectify the inaccuracy of some logarithmic formula;.' (Read December 18, 1828.) Philosophical Transactions for 1829. JOHN WARREN. 'Considera- tion of the objections raised against the geometrical repre- sentation of the square roots of negative quantities. (Read February 19, 1829.) The same volume contains JOHN WARREN. 1 On the geometrical representation of the powers of quantities, whose indices involve the square roots of negative quantities.' (Read June 4, 1829.) Cambridge, 1830, 8vo. GEORGE PEACOCK. A Treatise on Algebra. Cambridge, 1837, 8vo. Anonymous [OSBORNE REYNOLDS]. Stric- tures on certain parts of 'Peacock's Algebra,' by a Graduate. * An opponent not only of imaginary but of negative quantities. Perhaps this work suggested M. Buee's memoir. 1 have a letter in my possession from M. Bute to Mr. Frend, dated June 21, 1801, by which it appears that the former was desired by a gentleman in whose house he was living (as tutor, perhaps) to write a private reply to Mr. Trend's objections This letter evidently contains the germs of the views which he afterwards published. See the Annual Report of the Royal Astrono- mical Society for 1842. According to Dr. Peacock, M. Bfcee is the first formal niain- tainer of the geometrical signification of V 1. vi LIST OF SOME WRITINGS ON ALGEBRA. Philosophical Transactions for 1831. DAVIES GILBERT. ' On the nature of negative and of imaginary quantities.' (Read Novem- ber 18, 1830.) London, 1834, 8vo. Report of the Third Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. This volume con- tains George Peacock ' Report on certain branches of analysis,' a most valuable historical discussion on, among other things, the advance of algebra. I cite from it the following works, which I have either not seen, or cannot immediately obtain. Paris, 1806, ARGAND, Essai sur la maniere de representer la Quantites Imaginaires dans les constructions geometriques. Also papers or observations by FRANCOIS, ARGAND, SERVOIS, GER- GONNE, in the Annales des Mathematiques for 1813 (and I sup- pose the following year). Also a paper on the arithmetic of impossible quantities, by PLAYFAIR* in the Philosophical Trans- actions for 1778 ; with a Reply, by WOODHOUSE, in the same work for 1802, entitled ' On the necessary truth of certain conclusions obtained by aid of imaginary expressions.' London, 1836, 8vo. Anonymous [GEORGE PEACOCK]. A Syllabus of a Course of Lectures upon Trigonometry, and the Application of Algebra to Geometry. London, 1837, 8vo. A. DE MORGAN. Elements of Algebra. 2nd edition. London, 1837, 8vo. A. DE MORGAN. Elements of Trigonometry and Trigonometrical Analysis, preliminary to the Differential Calculus, .... Edinburgh Philosophical Transactions, Vol. XIV. Part 1. D[UNCAN] F[ORBES] GREGORY. ' On the real nature of Symbolical Algebra. (Read May 7, 1838). Ladies' Diary. London, 1839, 8vo. (small). THOMAS WHITE. 'On the algebraical expansion of quantity, .... and on the symbol V-l> which is usually considered* to denote impossible or imaginary quantity,' (at page 59). Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, Vol. VII. Part 2. A. DE MORGAN. ' On the Foundation of Algebra. (Read Dec. 9, 1839). Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, Vol. VII. Part 3. A. DE MORGAN. ' On the Foundation of Algebra, No. II. (Read Nov. 29, 1841). Paris, 1841, 8vo. M. F. VALLES. Etudes Philoso2>hiques sur la AY du calcul. Premiere Partie. No more yet published. Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, Vol. VIII. Part 2. A. DK MORGAN. ' On the Foundation of Algebra, No. III. (Read Nov. 27, 1843). Cambridge, 1842 & 1845, Svo. GEORGE PEACOCK. A Treatise on Algebra. Vol. I. Arithmetical Algebra. Vol. II. Symbolical Algebra and its applications to the geometry of position. London, 1843, 12mo. MARTIN OHM [translated by ALEXANDER JOHN ELLIS]. The Spirit of Mathematical Analysis, and its relation to a logical system. * The author supposes it to be indeterminate, because it can be expanded by help of a divergent series. The paper is marked 'received April 1816.' TABLE OF CONTENTS. THE REFERENCES ARE TO THE PAGES OF THE WORK. BOOK L TRIGONOMETRY. CHAPTER I. Preliminary Notions. Definition of trigonometry, 1 ; undulating magnitude, 1 ; periodic magnitude,. 2 ; suggested by angular magnitude, 2 ; gradual mea- surement of angle, 3 ; factors of 360, 3 ; circumference of circle, 4 ; IT, 4 ; multiplication and division by IT, 5 ; arc -f radius, 5 ; arcual measurement of angle, 5, 6 ; gradual and arcual comparisons, 6 ; gradual measurement of arc, 6. CHAPTER II. On the Trigonometrical Functions, and on Formula of One Angle. Axes, origin, projections, co-ordinates, abscissa, ordinate, 7 ; r, 0, x, y, 7 ; sign of r, x, y, 8 ; four quarters and their signs, 8 ; 6 and Innr + 0, 9 ; sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, cosecant, versed sine, coversed sine, 9 ; complement, supplement, opponent, completion, 10 ; trigonometrical functions as abstract numbers and multipliers, 10; curve of sines, &c., 11; fundamental equations, 11, 12; limits of value, 12; signs, 12, 13; negative sign of r, 13; initial and terminal values, 13; cosine even, sine odd, 13; tangent odd, 14 ; %nnr + and its rules, 14, 15 ; double value of functions, 16; 15, 18, 30, 45, 60, 72, 75, 16, 17; sin 6 -f 0, (1 - cos 6) ^ 0,' tan0 -^ 6, 17, 18; and 1 -^0 2 , 18; older system of definitions, 18, 19 ; arese of circle and sector, 20. viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. Formulas which involve two or more Angles. Extended notion of projection, 21 ; distinction of AB and BA, and consequences, 21 ; similar distinction as to angles, 21 ; signs of projections, 22 ; general investigation of cos(< + 0) and sin (< + 0), 23 ; connexion of the formulae, 24 ; cases of limited demonstration, 25, 26 ; collection of formulae, 26, 27 ; remarks on the formulae, 28, 29 ; cosine and sine of the sum of any number of angles, 29, 30 ; coswO and sinwO, 30, 31 ; trisection of an angle, 31 ; series for cos 9 and sinO, 32, 33; ditto for tan 6, 34; algebraic definition of trigo- nometry, 34 ; cos" 6 and sin" 6, 34, 35, 36. CHAPTER IV. On the Inverse Trigonometrical Functions. Functional notation, direct and inverse, 37 ; inverse trigono- metrical functions, 37, 38 ; examples in the use of inverse symbols, 38, 39, 40. CHAPTER V. Introduction of the unexplained Symbol *J \. Remarks on the evidence of V - 1 in this chapter, 41 ; connecting formulas of trigonometricals and exponentials, 42 ; De Moivre's theorem, 42 ; multiplicity of directions in 6 4- n, 43, 44 ; roots, particularly of unity, 45, 46; transformations of a + b V 1 and selection of meaning in tan" 1 (b -4- a), 46 ; extension of logarithms with Naperian base, 47 ; extension of the Naperian base, 48 ; isolated case of coincidence of logarithms in different systems, 48 ; the negative quantities which have real logarithms, 49 ; equivalents of De Moivre, 49 ; deduction of ordinary formulae from them, 49, 50 ; reduction of sin m cos"0 to a linear form, 50, 51 ; mode of finding 2 n cosn0a: n and 2a n sinn6x", 51, 52; connexion of <(x + y V 1) and 2 3 x3*x5, from which its separation into pairs of factors, 2.180, 3.120, 4.90, 5.72, 6.60, 8.45, 9.40, 10.36, 12.30, 15.24, 18.20, will be easily gathered. The above method of measurement may be called gradual (pronounced yrade-ual). But it is not the only method in use. There is another, which 1 shall call the arcual* method. To explain this method, it must first be shewn that circumferences * I have been in the habit of styling this the theoretical method, as being used in the theory of the subject : but I shall now adopt the term used in the text. 4 ELEMENTARY NOTIONS of circles are to one another as their diameters. Let it be granted that the circumference of a circle is greater than that of any inscribed polygon, and less than that of any circum- scribed polygon. Draw the circle whose radius is OA. Let BOA be the 2n th part of a revolution: so that 2 x BD and 2w x CA are the circumferences of the inscribed and circumscribed regular poly- gons of n sides. These circum- ferences are as BD to CA, or as OB to OC. Consequently, if the angle BOA be made small enough, or n great enough, the inscribed and circumscribed regular circumferences may be made as nearly equal as we please ; and either, therefore, as near as we please to the circumference of the circle, which lies between them in magnitude. Now take another figure like the preceding, but constructed on a different radius OB', and with all its letters accented. We know then that the two inscribed regular circumferences of n sides are to one another as OB' to OB', and also the two circumscribed circumferences. Let P and P', C and C', Q and Q' be the circumferences of the inscribed polygons, the circles, and the circumscribed polygons. Then the order of magnitude is always P, C, Q and P', C 1 , Q', and the ratios P : P and Q : Q' are always equal and constant (each being the ratio of the radii) while P and Q, and also P' and Q', can be made as nearly equal as we please. Hence it follows that C : C' is the same ratio as P:P and Q : Q'. Let P and Q be C-M and C+X; and let P and OJ be C" - M' and C" + N'. Then M, N, M', N', may each be made as small as we please; and C-M: C' - M' being always one ratio (that of the radii), the limiting ratio C : C' can be no other (Algebra, p. 157). The same follows from the same use of the ratio (7-f JV: C" + N'. The circumference being C, and the radius R, it follows that the fraction CR is the same for all circles. It is always denoted by 27r; that is, TT is always made to represent the fraction which expresses the ratio of the circumference to the diameter. An investigation of the value of TT, such as we can hereafter make, ELEMENTARY NOTIONS. a but of which at present we must assume the result, shews that it is nearly ^, very much nearer to f||, and expressed, as far as twenty places of decimals will do it, by 3-14159265358979323846. Its reciprocal is, to the same extent, -31830988618379067153. I leave the student to demonstrate the following rules, the con- venience of which is the formation of results by successive cor- rections, so that the point at which it is desirable to stop is pointed out by the value of the corrections. To multiply by TT, first take the multiplicand 3 times and one-seventh of a time, deduct its 800 th part, the 100 th part of the last, and 2 millionths of the multiplicand. Then add the hundred-millionth of the multiplicand, and 7 3 per cent, of that hundred-millionth. The result is as correct as if thirteen figures had been used in the ordinary multiplication. To divide by TT, take seven 22 ndi > of the dividend, one 8000 th , 3 millionths, and 7 hundred-millionths ; then deduct 2 thousand- millionths, and add the thousandth of the last. The result is as correct as if thirteen decimals had been used in the ordinary division. Let there be an angle of which the arc is s to the radius r, and s' to the radius r', the circumferences being c and c'. Then the angle is to four right angles (Euc. vi. 33) as s to c, and as s' to c'. Hence s : 2irr : : s' : ITTT' , whence - = . Or, to a r r' given subtending angle, arcs are to one another as their radii. Let there be another angle, having the arcs S and S' to the s S radii r and r'. Then the angles are as s and S, or as - and - r r ' or as - and . That is, any two angles being made central angles in any two circles, the fractions obtained from r- are rad. proportional to the two angles. For instance, the angle which has an arc 6 to the radius 17 is to the angle which has an arc 11 to the radius 8 as ^ to -g 1 . From this theorem is derived the arcual mode of measuring angles. Let the arcual angular unit be that angle which subtends an arc equal to the radius, and let all other angles be measured by the numbers of arcual units, or the fractions of an arcual unit, which they contain. Then we shall have the following n3 6 ELEMENTARY NOTIONS. theorem : The number of arcual units in any angle is the quotient of any arc which that angle subtends, divided by the radius. For if 9 be the number of arcual units in the angle which subtends s to the radius r, we have (Euc. VI. 33), o : 1 : : s : r, or 6 = - . fll'C When we write the equation angle = -j- , we understand by ' angle' an abbreviation of ' number of arcual units contained in the angle'. The number of arcual units in four right angles is circum- ference -f radius, or 2?r ; in two right angles, TT ; in one right angle, \TT. Since 180 degrees make TT arcual units, the arcual 180 unit is - - degrees, or 57-295779513; it is also 3437''74677 ; 7T and 206264"-806. It may be remembered, within the hundredth part of a second, as 57 degrees and three tenths, all but one- fourth of a minute and one-fifth of a second. This is 57 17' 44"-8. The degree, minute, and second, are severally the fractions 01745329, -0002908882, and -000004848137, of an arcual unit. The arcual unit being our usual reference, the degree may ge- nerally be considered as a small angle. Most of the theorems which I assert to be approximately true for small angles, are nearly true for an angle as small as a degree. The student must remember not to confound 2?r with 360, nor TT with 180, as is sometimes done, even by writers. That 2?r= 360 is true in a certain sense ; and so is 20 = 1, for 20 shillings are one pound. When a circle is divided into 360 equal arcs, each is called a degree of arc; and the degree of arc is divided sexagesimally. The radius is 57 47' 44''-8 of arc. On a great circle of the earth (the equator for instance, or a meridian), the second of arc is about 100 feet. CHAPTER IT. ON THE TRIGONOMETRICAL FUNCTIONS, AND ON FORMULAE OF ONE ANGLE. 4* LET two straight lines be drawn at right angles to one another ; let them be called axes, and their point of intersection, O, the origin. Let any line, OP, be drawn from the origin; and let \ N A PN, PM be drawn perpendicular to the axes. In the rectangle MOPN, ON and OM are called projections of OP upon the axes. The projections of OP are also called coordinates of the point P : and the coordinates are distinguished by the names abscissa and ordinate. Usually, a projection and a parallel to the other pro- jection are employed, as ON, NP : and then the projection is generally named the abscissa of P, and the parallel to the other projection, the ordinate of P. And generally the abscissa is taken upon the axis drawn horizontal in the page, and the ordinate parallel to the vertical axis. The letter x usually designates an abscissa, y an ordinate ; and the axes are called the axes of x and of y. A line terminating at 0, and indefinitely extended, revolves about O, setting out from one side of the axis of x, OA. "When it has described an angle 6, which may be of any magnitude, a distance r is taken off. This distance is always considered as 8 ON THE TRIGONOMETKICAL FUNCTIONS positive, when r is taken off on the revolving line : and as nega- tive, if taken off on the opposite side. Thus, the acute angle POA being 30, we may refer OP to a line which makes 30 with OA, and then we say that OP is positive. But when we say that OP is part of a line which makes 210 with OA, we call it negative. Again, one. particular direction of revolution is considered as positive, the other as negative. If the arrows designate the posi- tive revolution, then OP, being positive, makes an angle with OA, which may be called +30 or -330; but if OP be negative, it makes an angle + 210 or - 150. On the axes, each species of coordinate or projection has its proper algebraical sign. The starting-line of revolution is always taken as the positive side of the axis of x ; and the result of -f 90 of revolution as that of the axis of y. Thus ON is positive, ON' is negative ;* OH is positive, OM' is negative. The axes divide the plane into four quarters: and as a line, revolving positively, passes from to 90, from 90 to 180, from 180 to 270, and from 270 to 360, it is said to be in the first, second, third, and fourth quarters of space. But these might equally well be designated as the ++, +-, --, and -+ quarters of space. In this system, -I- f , + -, , - +, the first of each pair gives the succession -f + ; and these are the signs of the y projections of lines in the four quarters : the projection on the axis of y of a line in the first quarter of space, is + ; in the second, -f ; in the third, -; in the fourth, -. The second of each pair gives the succession + h ; and these are the signs of the x projections of lines in the four quarters. The algebraical combination of each of the pairs gives the succession + - + - ; and these are the signs * When the revolving line comes into the position ON\ is it negative? I answer, no: OA", as a projection, is considered as part of a line which makes an angle with, the starting-line ; and, on a line so described, is negative. But OJV , as a position of the line of revolution, is part of a line which makes 180 with the starting-iine ; and thus considered, it is positive. The same considerations apply to the other axis. A line may be considered as making with itself an angle or an angle ISO": whatever signs its parts have in the first case, the}- have the opposite ones in the second. AND ON FORMULAE OF ONE ANGLE. 9 of the arithmetical products or quotients derived from the two projections of a line in each of the four quarters. Everything that takes place in the first revolution is repeated in the second; and is repeated in an inverted order in the first negative revolution. In all that depends upon the direction in which an amount of revolution terminates, an addition or sub- traction of a whole revolution makes no difference whatever. But in all that depends upon the actual magnitude of the angle revolved through, an alteration by a whole revolution makes an effective difference. Measuring arcually, Itmr + 9 may most often be confounded with 9 when m is any integer, positive or negative ; but not always. The primary trigonometrical functions of an angle are the ratios of the projections to the revolving line, and to one another, direct and inverse : these ratios are independent of the length of the revolving line. Let x, y, r be the values, with their proper signs, of the abscissa, ordinate, and radius, or base, perpendicular, and hypothenuse. The six ratios - , - , - , - , - , - take each a r r x y x y name, the etymology of which cannot be explained till we come to exhibit the older definitions : at present they must stand for arbitrary sounds. Let 9 be the angle by revolving through which r has gained its position. is called the abbreviated into base r y. r rad. ordinate hyp- perpend. sine of 9 sin rad. hyp. y. X * y ordinate perpend. tangent of Q cotangent of 9 tan 9 C0t0 abscissa abscissa base base ordinate perpend. r x r y rad. hyp. secant of 9 cosecant of 9 sec# COS6C0 abscissa rad. base hyp. ordinate perpend. 1 - cos 9 1 - sinO versed sine of 9 coversed sine of 9 versfl covers 9 10 ON THE TRIGONOMETRICAL FUNCTIONS This table must be thoroughly learned. The terms base, per- pendicular, and hypothenuse, referring to the right-angled triangle in which the projections are sides, does not mean that what Euclid would call an angle of that triangle is always the angle in question. It is so when 6 is less than a right angle, or when the revolving line is in the first quarter. But in the second quarter, 6 is a supplement* of Euclid's angle ; in the third quarter it is an opponent ; in the fourth quarter it is a completion. All this, and many other things of which only hints are given, must be fixed in the mind by attentive consideration of all the phases of the figure of a line projected on the axes: no amount of description will supply the place of such consideration. It is important to remember that all the trigonometrical functions are purely abstract numbers. They are not angles, nor lines, any more than they are weights, or sums of money. They represent the fractions which lines are of lines, the ratios of lines to lines. Thus, the cosine of 60 is J : one-half of what ? Answer, one-half of a time : when the revolving line has described 60, the projection on the axis of x is one-half of the revolving line ; the last words in italics contain the assertion that cos 60 = . Thus the functions may be advantageously remembered by their effect as multipliers. The cosine and sine may be called projecting factors: multiplication by cos converts the projection on y into that on x. We may of course take a line which has as many linear units as a certain angle has of angular units, or as a sine or tangent has * The term, supplement has long been used to signify the detect from two right angles : thus 6 and TT Q are supplements. By opponents, I mean angles made by opposite straight lines with one straight line, in the same direction of revolution : thus 6 and IT + 6 are opponents. By completions, I mean angles which together make up a whole revolution : thus of and 2-n- 6 each is the completion of the other. Finally, the well-known term complement is arbitrarily used to denote the defect from a right angle : thus 6 and \ir are complements. AND ON FORMULAE OF ONE ANGLE. 11 of abstract units, and in this sense it may be permitted (to those who can do it without confusion) to talk of a line and angle being equal, or of a line equal to the sine of an angle. The frontispiece has curves constructed in this manner for each of the six principal functions. The origin is O, the axis of x is OA...: the abscissa is the angle, the ordinate on one curve is the sine, &c. The student may, when he has read a little further, detect for himself the curve of sines, of cosines, of tangents, of cotangents, of secants, of cosecants. There are eight trigonometrical 'functions, of which two are absolutely defined by formula?; namely, vers<3 = 1 - cos#, covers = 1 - sin#. Of the remaining six, we may predict that five independent equations exist among them : for one angle and one ratio of sides absolutely determine all the angles (and therefore all the ratios of sides) of a triangle, whensoever that given angle is a right angle or more. There are easily found more than five relations; but not all independent. First, there are the relations which obviously and necessarily follow from the algebraical form of the definitions, independently of the meaning of the symbols. These are cos, &c. \costfj \cosO) The following collection of formulae, either proved above, or 12 ON THE TRIGONOMETRICAL FUNCTIONS easily deduced, should be carefully remembered: cos o. seuf - i, cu sin0.cosec# = 1, 1 + tan 8 = sec 2 0, , COS0 cot0 = tan#. cot, C 14 ON THE TRIGONOMETRICAL FUNCTIONS it changes sign when is changed into - ; or sin (- 0) = - sin 0. Let two equal lines revolve, one positively and one negatively : it is clear from the elements of geometry, that whatever equal angles they may have described, the projections on x are the same, identically, and the projections on y differ in sign only. Hence, x f r is the same for both ; and y 4- r is not, but the difference is in sign only. The tangent is an odd function ; for tan(- 6) = sin(- 6) 4- cos (- 6) ~ - sm6 -f cos# = - tan0. The cotangent is also an odd function. The secant and versed sine are even functions; the cosecant is odd ; the coversed sine is neither The terms even and odd, as applied to functions in general, are suggested by the properties of the even and odd powers. If, and the length of the revolving line being given, we form a new angle thus, one or more right angles 0, it will readily be seen that the right-angled triangle made by the re- volving line is in all cases the same in form and magnitude. But two variations of position occur; sometimes the projections differ in sign from those of the original triangle ; sometimes they change name, the line which was x becoming y, and vice versa. An examination of all the cases will present the following table : Angle. Absc. Ordin. Conclusions. 6 x y \TT~Q y x cos(|7r-e) = sin0, sinQ7r-0) = cos0, tan(j7r-0) = cote, ITT + O -y x COS^TT -f 6) =-sin0, sin( J?r+0) = COS0, tan(i-7r + 0)=-cot0, 7T-6 -x y cos(?r-e) =-cos0, sin(?r- 0) =sin0, tan(7r-0) =-tanf>, TT + 6 -x -ycos(7r + 0) =-cos0, sin(7r+0) =-sin0, tan (TT~ 0) = tantf, '-TT-e -y -x cos(fTT-e) =-sine, sin(2-7r-e)=-cose, tan(-}7r-0) = cote, \ir-\ti y -x cos (|TT + 0) = sin0, sm(f/r-i 6)=-costf, tan(f7r-fe)=-cotf, ITT - x -y cos(2;r-0)=cos0, sin('27r-6) =- sin0, tan('>7r-0)='- tan*'. These transformations, it must be observed, apply to all values of 0. For instance, let 6 lie between Zv and 2?r; then \TT - lies between - TT and - - -. Draw the figure accordingly, and it will appear that the x of either is the y of the other, loth in sign and magnitude. The formulae therefore are universally true : AND ON FORMULAE OF ONE ANGLE. 15 but they may be best remembered by the supposition that 9 is a small angle, so that \ir-Q is in the first right angle, \TT + Q in the second, as also TT - 9, and so on. All the cases may now be contained in the following rule. According as the num- ber of right angles is even or odd, let the function remain, or let it be changed into its co-function (sine and cosine, &c. are co-functions). Then prefix the sign which the given function has when 6 is less than a right angle ; and lastly, write for the angle. For example, let it be required to simplify tan(f ?r + 6). There is an odd number of right angles; -|TT + 9 is in the fourth right angle, when 6 <|TT: in the fourth right angle the tangent is negative: accordingly, tan(f TT + 0) = - cotd. But in trans- forming cot(7r - 6), we see an even number of right angles, and an angle in the second right angle; accordingly, cot(7r-0) = -cot#. The following cases are so important that they should be remembered apart : The functions of complements are co-functions, sm(\7r - 0) = cos0, cos (TT - 6) = sin 0, Supplements have the same sine, sin(7r - 6) = smO. Opponents have the same tangent, tan(w + 6) = tan0. Completions have the same cosine, cos(27r - 0) = cos0, COS(|TT + 6) = - sin0, COS(TT - 0) = - COS0, sin(|7r + mr + 0, and (2? + 1) TT - #: all which have the 16 ON THE TRIGONOMETRICAL FUNCTIONS same cosine as 9 in the formulae Irmr -t- 6 and 2imr -6: all which have the same tangent as 6 in imr + 0: m being any integer, posi- tive or negative. To one sine there is but one cosecant; to one cosine there is but one secant; to one tangent there is but one cotangent; and vice versa. But in every other case a function has two functions of every other kind attached to it, with opposite signs. This appears, firstly, from what precedes : any sine, for instance, belongs to two angles, supplements, which have cosines, &c. opposite in sign. Supplements, opponents, and completions have their functions of equal value, and opposite signs, except in the three cases noted above. Thus, sin(7r + 0) = - sin6>, tan (277- - 0) = - ta.nO, &c. Secondly, from the equations in page 12, in which it appears that every determination of one function in terms of one other function requires an extraction of the square root, except when the functions are reciprocals. Thus, cosfl = + V(l - sin ! 0), tan0 = + when 6 is small). Hence, when 6 is small, cos# = 1 - \6* nearly. This, and sin0 = 0, are equations which are near enough to truth for most purposes of calculation, when is small. I now give an account of the method of defining the tri- gonometrical terms which was,* until very lately, universal. A given straight line, called the radius, revolves from a starting - line OA, as in our definitions ; but it must be of the same length for all angles, which need not be the case in ours. The arc de- scribed by the revolving extremity generally (though not always) takes the place of the angle, f Then BM was called the sine of the arc AB (sinus, bosom, the literal translation of an Arabic word: if BAB ' represent a bow (arcus), half of the string BB" comes against the breast of the archer). And OM is the cosine of AB : this word is an abbreviation of sine of the complement, or com- plemented sine ; it was long before OM was considered as any- thing but the sine of another arc, BA. And AM (once the sagitta, as occupying the place of the arrow) was the versed sine (or turned sine) of the arc AB. And A'L should have been called the coversed-sine, as being the versed sine of the comple- ment : but this term is only a recent invention for the completion * But not from all time ; for Rheticus, who gave the first complete trigonometrical table, and invented the secant and cosecant to complete it, used the method of ratios. t By constant attention to the arc of a circle, some writers have become unable to think of angle as a magnitude. AND ON FORMULAE OF ONE ANGLE. 19 of the system. Draw a tangent at A, and at A \ and produce V' A' OB to meet them in T and V. Then A T was called the tangent (as being drawn on the tangent) of AS; and A'V, the tangent of the complement, was called the cotangent of AS. Lastly, OT was called the secant of AS, as being on a line which cuts the circle ; and O V the cosecant. All these definitions are thus connected with ours : the old linear function, divided by the radius, in every case gives the modern numerical function. Denote the linear function by the word commencing with a capital letter; and let OS = r, L SO A = 6. Then we have MB OS Sin A B AT Tan AS cos - sin0 sin6>. Also OQ sin(0 + 0) = QM = RM + QR = NS + QR, = O^ r sin0+Q^Vcos0=OQ cos0 sin0+OQ sin# cos0, sin(0 -I- 6) - sin0 cos0 + cos0 sin#. In the second diagram, RQN is not 0, but TT - 0. And first, OQcos(0 + 0-27r)= OM= OS+ SM = OS + JtN = Q cos QONco sNOS+ OQ sin QONsmNQR; cos(0 + 6 - 27r) = cos QOA r cos NOS + sin D 26 FORMULA WHICH INVOLVE cos Q ON = cos (d - TT) = cos (TT - 0) = - cos 6 sin QON= sin (0 - TT) = - sin (TT - 0) = - sin0; cos NOS = cos (TT - 0) = - eos0 ; sin NQR = sin (TT - 0) = sin 0. Whence cos (0 + - 2?r) = (- cos#) (- cos0) + (- sin#) (sin0) ; or cos (0 + #) = cos0 cos0 - sin0 sin0. Again, OQ sin (040-27r)= QM = QR - RM= QR - NS = QN cos NQR - NO sin NOS = OQ sin QONcos NQR-OQ cos QO^.sin NOS, sin (0 + - 2?r) = sin Q O^V cos NQ R - cos Q ON . sin NOS = (- sin 0) cos (TT - 0) - (- cos 6) sin (TT - 0), or sin (0 + 0) = sin 6 cos + cos sin 0. The student should repeat the same process on various cases.] Observe that a complete proof of the cases of cos (0 -f 9} and sin (0 + 6) is also one of cos (0 - 6) and sin (0 - 0), independently of the substitution of - for 6. For cos (0 - 0) is cos (0 + 2?r - 0) or cos0 cos (277- - 0)-sin0 sin (27T-6) or cos cos + sin sin 0. And similarly for sin (0 - 0). From the table in p. 17, verify the first row by aid of the third and fourth : find the sines and cosines of 3, 12, 27, 33, 48, 63. From these the sines and cosines of all the multiples of 3 may be easily expressed. The only form of the preceding theorems which occurs among the fundamental equations is cos (0 - 6) = cosO . cos 6? + sin6> . sin$ or 1 = cos"9 + sin*#. A large collection of formulae may be deduced, as follows : 1. cos (0 + 6) = cos0 cos0 - sin0 sin0. 2. cos (0 - 0) = cos0 cos# + sin0 sin0. 3. sin (0 -f 6) = sin0 cosO + cos0 sinO. 4. sin (0 - 6) = sin0 co&O - cos0 sin0. 5. cos (0 - 0) -f cos (0 + 0) = 2 cos0 cos0. 6. cos (0 - 0) - cos (0 + 6) = 2 sin0 sin0. 7. sin (0 + 6) + sin (0 - 6) = 2 sin0 cos0. 8. sin (0 + 0) - sin (0 - 0) = 2 cos0 sin6>. TWO OR MORE ANGLES. 27 For write , and for 6 write ^-75 ; 2t 2t 6+0 0-0 9. cost/ + cos0 = 2 cos J! - . cos s-g . 2 2 , . + .0-0 10. cos0 - co30 = 2 sin - . sin *- - . 2 2 11. sin0 + sin^ = 2 sin 12. sin0 - sin0 = 2 cos 13 si "0 ~ sin ^ tan |(0 - 0) sin0 + sin6> + sin0 + sine tan (0 + 0) ' cos 0+ cos " :an ~T~ 14. ton0 + tan* = 5?-l^, tan - ' cos0cose' - tan0 cos0cose' si sin divide numerator and denominator by cos0 cos0, and 15. tan (0 0) = sin (^ A g ) = sin0 cos0 cos0 sin0 ^ cos (0 0) ~ cos0 cos0 + sm0 sin0 ' which also follow immediately from 14. 16. sin 20 = 2 sin0 cos 0, sin6> = 2 sin - cos - . 2 2 17. cos 20 = cos 2 - sin ! = 2 cos 2 -1 = 1-2 sin*0. 18. cos z = i + f cos 20, sin 2 e = i _ i cos 20. 19. l+cos0=2cos 2 ^, l-co S = 2sin s -, 1 " cosg a tan' - 214- cos0 2 ' 2 tan0 20. tan 20 = - 5- . 1 - tan 2 91 l-sin0 ITT 0\ 31. :: - 77. = tan 8 1 --- I. 1 + sm0 ^4 2/ 22. 4/ tan0 FORMULAS WHICH INVOLVE The following remarks may be made on these formulae. 5, 6, 7, 8. Remember these formulae thus : product of cosines = half cosine of difference + half cosine of sum, product of sines = half cosine of difference - half cosine of sum, sin greater x cos less = half sine of sum + half sine of difference, sin less x cos greater = half sine of sum - half sine of difference. The universal formulae are here expressed (the two last, at least) with some arithmetical limitation; by which the one most convenient for arithmetical operation may be selected. Thus at once we learn to write down sin5 cos 18 = sin 23 -f sin 13, sin50 cos4 =sin54 + ism46 . We have thus convenient substitutes for multiplication of sines and cosines by one another; of which much use was made before the invention of logarithms : We can also resolve any product of sines and cosines. Thus cos a sin b sin c = cos a { cos (b - c) - \ cos (b + c)} = {cos(6 - c - a) + cos(6 - c + a)} - $ {cos (b + c - a) + cos (b + c + a)} = J {cos (6 - c - a) + cos (b - c -f a) - cos (b -f c - a) - cos (6 + c 4- a)}. Or thus : cos a sin b sin c = {\ sin (b - a) + J sin (b + a)} sin c = i (2 cos (b-a-c)-% cos (6-a+c)} + { cos (6+a-c) - | cos (6+a-f c)}, the same as before. 9, 10, 11, 12. Remember these formulae thus: Sum of sines = twice sine of half sum x cosine of half difference. Difference of sines=twice cosine of half sumxsine of half direct* diff. Sum of cosines = twice cosine of half sum x cosine of half diff. Difference of cosines=twice sine of half sum x sine of half inverted diff. Most write the formula 10 as . + . 0-0 cos0 - cos0 = - 2 sin *-= sin ^-r . & 2> But whichever way it is written, no one will ever be expert in the use of trigonometrical formulae until cos (a - b) and cos (6 - a) prevent the instantaneous notion of perfect identity of value and sign : while sin (a - b) and sin (b - a) equally suggest sameness of value with difference of sign. Again, it is frequently desirable, * Direct, read in the order of reference ; inverted, read in the contrary order. When , 0, are mentioned in that order, 6 is the direct difference, 6 tf> the inverted difference. TWO OR MORE ANGLES. 29 after observing the effect of an interchange upon one side of an equation, to verify the sameness of the effect on the other side. Thus in 9, interchange of and produce no alteration in the first side: how is it seen that no alteration is produced on the second side ? By remembering that cos |- (9 - 0) and cos i (0 - 9) are the same. Again, interchange of and changes the sign of the first side of 10; and of the second also, since sin (9 - 0) and sin f (0 - 0) have different signs. A person tho- roughly practised in these considerations remembers the general character of the formulae 9-12, and makes the details correct by the habit of satisfying the above conditions. 15. Two angles differ by a right angle ; how are their tangents related ? If = + TT, tan0 = - cot0, or 1 + tan0 tan# = 0. This result, which is often wanted, is best remembered by the de- nominator in 15 : if tan (0 - 9) be infinite, we must have 1 + tan0 tan0 = 0. Prove the following formula : tan(0| YT | )x tan0 + tan VT + tang- tan0. tan yr. 1 -tan0 tan ty -tan YT tan# - tan# tan0 ' from which it follows that the sum of the tangents of the three angles of a triangle is equal to their product. Also the following : If j be the sum of the tangents of a set of angles, t v t 3 , &c. the sums of the products of every two, every three, &c.; then the tangent of the sum of those angles is ^ - t 3 + t b - ... divided by 1 -t t + t t - ... . This may best be proved by showing that if it be true for any number of angles, it remains true when one more angle is introduced. If there be any number of angles, and if S a be the product of all their cosines, and S, t the sum of all the products which have for factors the sines of n of them and the cosines of all the rest ; then the sine of the sum of those angles is S l -S 3 -\-S.,-... and the cosine of the sum is S - S 3 +S^~ ... . Suppose this proposition true for any one number of angles, and" let S a , S v &c. have the above meaning. Introduce one more angle, having a and b for its cosine and sine, and let T be now the product of all the cosines, and T n the sum of the products in which n are sines and the rest cosines. Now it is clear that D3 30 FORMULAE WHICH INVOLVE T is S a. Next, 7\ consists, first, of all the terms which compose S , each multiplied by b, and of those of S r each multiplied by a ; whence 2\ = S b + S^. And T 2 has all the terms in S l each multiplied by b, and all those in S t each multiplied by a ; whence T z = Sfi + S a a. And thus we show that T m = S,,^ + S m a. But if there be k angles in the first set, T^ +l is SJ), and S^ does not exist. But the law of connexion T i+l - S t b + oS^a still exists if we suppose S^ = 0. Now if the cosine and sine of the sum of the k angles be S -S t + S t - ... and S l -S 3 + S b - ..., then, after introduction of the new angle, the cosine and sine of the sum of the k + 1 angles are (S -S 2 + S t - ...)a- (S, -S 3 S b - ...) 6 or T - T 8 + T 4 - ..., (S,- S, + S s -...)a + (S -#.+ $-) & or Z\ - T 3 + T t - .... If then the theorem be true for k angles, it is true for k- 1 . But it is true for two angles ; for, and 6 being those angles, S is cos0 cos0, and S l is sin0 cos0 + cos0 sintf, and S t is sin0 sinO, S 3 is 0, S t is 0, &c. And cos (0 + 0) is S - S a + S t - ..., while sin (0 + 0) is S l - S 3 + S b - ... . Hence the theorem is true for three angles, hence for four, &c. The beginner had better proceed in one or two cases thus : cos (0 + I/' + 0) = cos (0 + i/<-) cos# - sin (0 + ^) sin# = (cos0 cosi^-sin0 sim/^) cos#-(sin0 cos^ + cos0 sini/r) sin^ =cos0 COST/*- cosO- (sin0 sini/r cos^4sin0 sin# cosY^sin^ sinO cos0) -V% + (*4-0)-(flr.-0)+.... If there be n angles, the number of products having m srnes is the number of distinct ways in which we can select m out of the angles, or the number of combinations of m out of : denote this by m n ; accordingly - 1 n - 2 - + ! m n stands tor n ... . 2 3 m If all the angles be equal, and each of them be 0, each term of S m is c""'"8 m , where c means cos# and s means sin#. Accordingly, S m becomes m,,c"""'s m , and we now have cos nO = c" - 2, t c n ^s s + 4 fl c*V - 6,,c"V + ... , sin n0 = l n c"-'s - 3 n c"- 3 s 3 + 5 n c n ''^ - 7 n c'^s 7 + ... . TWO OR MORE ANGLES. 31 Now the development of (c + s)" is c" + l n c n "' s + 2,,c n ~V + ... ; whence the following theorem : Develope (c + s)" by the binomial theorem, and put together the odd terms, 1st, 3rd, 5th, &c., and the even terms, 2nd, 4th, 6th, &c.; change the alternate signs in each lot, and the results are cos nO and sin nO. Thus we may at once write down cos 20 = c* - s", sin 20 = 2cs, cos 30 = c 3 - 3cs a , sin 30 = 3c s s - s 3 , cos 46 = c 4 - 6cV -f s 4 , sin 40 = 4c 3 s - 4cs 3 . The beginner should form some of these successively ; thus sin (30) = sin (16 + 6) = sin 20 . c + cos 20 . s = 2cs . c -f (c 2 - s 8 ) s = 3c 2 s - s" sin (40) = sin (30 + 0) = sin 30 . c + cos 30 . s = (3c ! s - s 3 ) c + (c 3 - 3cs 8 ) s = 4c s s - 4cs 3 , and so on. The question of finding the sine or cosine of the n^ part of an angle is now reduced to that of solving an equation of the th degree. For example, given the sine of an angle, b, it is required to find the sine of its third part. Here 6=3(1 - x*) x - z? = 3x - 4x s , x being the sine of the third part. Hence x is to be found from 4a; 3 - 3x + 6 = 0. For example, if the angle be 30, we have to solve 8x 3 - 6x + 1 = 0, which, by Horner's method, has '173648177867 for one of its roots, approximately; and this root is sin 10. There are three roots to this equation, all real : but three distinct problems are attempted, all soluble. For what we really ask, in the equation, is the sine of the third part of the angle whose sine is |. This last angle may be either 30, 360 + 30, 2 x 360 + 30, 3 x 360 + 30, 4 x 360 + 30, &c., or 180 - 30, 3 x 180 - 30, 5 x 180 - 30, &c. Look among the thirds of all these angles, and we find three angles having distinct sines, 10, 130, 250; or 10, 50, 250. And the three values of x are the sines of these three angles. 32 FORMULAE WHICH INVOLVE From the preceding theorem we can, and with tolerable ease, exhibit the algebraical series which cos0 and sin are equivalent (x\ n cos -j neither diminishes nor increases without limit when n increases without limit. Of this, a priori, we must be uncertain, for as X n increases, cos - increases towards unity, while the increase n of the exponent has a diminishing effect. Between the increase (y. \ 2" cos j , / x\ n for instance, is greater or less than I cos -I . But, taking n \ n l X so great to begin with as that - shall be between - |TT and + ^TT, we easily see by our formulaj that the duplication of n effects an increase. For xxx 1 -l- cos - cos - + cos - , x n n n x cos* - = > > cos - ; 2n 2 2 n I x^" I *\" or cos > cos - . \ 2n/ \ ml ( x 2 / x 4 cos- j , (cos- ) , &c. is a succession of increasing terms, of which no one exceeds unity: for (cos -) cannot exceed unity, unless cos ^ could be \ / n greater than unity. Accordingly, the preceding terms severally approach to some limit: let it be L. Now take the term which may represent any one of the terms already found in cosnd and sinnO; namely, n , . factors)... (cos 0)"- m (sin0) m . 2 o m Let nO = z, a fixed angle : but nevertheless n may be as great as we please, provided 6 be taken = 2 -f n. And as n increases without limit, diminishes without limit. Now take the term preceding, divide it by (cos#)", and at the same time multiply and divide it by 0, m times. It then becomes g - 9 nO-0 n9- (m + 1)0 J_ (sin^)" 1 ~~ ~ '" " "" ' ' TWO OR MORE ANGLES. 33 6 z-20 z - (m + 1) 9 /tan6>\ m ' 3 ...... When Q diminishes without limit, this, for every specific 22 2 z"* value of m, approaches without limit to a. - .-... . l m , or ^ - . 2 o >n 2,o.*.ni Next, after dividing both equations in page 30 by c" or (cos -] , perform the preceding compensatory operations on the several terms, and equate the limits of the sides of the equations (Algebra, page 157). We have then, cosz z 8 z 4 sinz z 3 z 5 L 2 2.3.4 L 2.3 These series will be found to be convergent (Algebra, page 186); and these equations themselves determine L. For if we make z = 0, the first gives cosO = L, or L = 1 : if we divide both sides of the second by z, and diminish z without limit, remembering that sinz f z has the limit 1, we also find L = 1. Our results then are (z being an angle in arcual units), z 8 z 4 z 6 z 8 cosz = 1 - 2 2.3.4 z* sm z = z - - -f 2.3 in which we see verification of the preceding assertions that cosz is an even function, and sinz an odd one that sin z = z and cosz = 1 - z a , nearly, when z is small. The readiest mode of calculation from these series is by throwing them into the forms z 2 r, 3 2 r, z 2 r, ^ r, z * r, smz = 2 {l - - {l - - {l - ^ {l - - {l - ...... , where { indicates that the preceding multiplier is a factor of all that follows. Thus, the calculation of cosl (or 5717'44"'8 in gradual units) is obtained to twelve decimal places (see the property of alter- nating series, Algebra, page 184) from 34 FORMULAE WHICH INVOLVE Turn 1 -f- 13.14 into a decimal fraction of 13 places, subtract it from unity, divide by 11.12, subtract from unity, &c., keeping 13 places throughout: the final result may be depended on to 12 places. Those who have mastery enough over algebraical division to divide the series for the sine by that for the cosine, will find z 3 2z 5 11 z 1 G2z 9 tans = z + 1- -f H + .... 3 15 315 2835 the law of the terms of which is too complicated for the beginner. Every one, however, should verify on the series, cos s z + sin*z = 1, cos's - sin*z = cos2z, 2 sinz cosz = sin2z. I said (page 2) that we should soon make it very evident that a purely algebraical basis might have been made for tri- gonometry. If we had chosen to call the preceding functions of z, namely z* z 3 z 3 1 -2 + "" Z -2^ + "" Z+ 3 + -' by the names of cosine, sine, and tangent of z, (and their reciprocals secant, cosecant, and cotangent), we might have investigated the properties of these series, and we should at last have arrived at all our preceding formula? of connexion; but with much more difficulty. I now go to the converse problem, in which it is required to express cos"0 and sin"0 by means of sines or cosines of 6, W, 30, &c. First, let there be n angles a, b, c, d, &c., and proceed as in page 28 with cos a cos b cose. Thus we have cosa cos6 = |- cos(a - 6) + -| cos(a -f- b) cosa cosft cose = \ cos (a - b - c) + J cos (a - 6 + e) -f cos (a + b - c) -f J cos (a + b + e), &c. The final divisor will be 2"~ 1 , the final number of cosines 2""'; and, looking at the manner in which the angles enter, we shall see the cosine of every choice out of + a b c d + ... In every term change the sign of every letter, which will not alter the value of any one cosine, add the results together and divide by 2, which will leave the whole unaltered, and we shall then have 2" for a divisor, 2" for the number of terms, and every variety of abcd ... among the angles. If we now make a, b, c, &c. TWO OR MORE ANGLES. 35 all equal to one another and to 6, we shall be able to subdivide all the choices furnished in 4 ... (n terms) into the following. One case of nO, taking all +, and one case of - nd, taking all - : ! cases of (n - 2) 6, with one only taken negative (giving (n - 1) 6 - 6), and as many with - (n - 2) 0, taking one only positive : 2,, cases of (n - 4) 0, taking two only -, and as many of - (n - 4) 0, taking two only 4 ; and so on. But at the last step there will be a separation between the cases of n even and n odd. If n be even, say = 2k, there will be at last k lt cases of {(n - k) - k} 0, or 00, taking k - and k + ; the case of k taken 4 and k taken - not being distinct from the former. But if n be odd, say = 2k + 1, then there are k n cases of {(n - k) - k} or 0, in which k are taken - ; and as many of - 6, in which k are taken 4. Accordingly, cos a cos b cos c... being now cos"0, we have 2"cos"0 = [cos04 cos(-0) 4 ! {cos(n- 2)04 cos - (-2)0) 4 2 n {cos (n - 4)0+ cos - (n - 4)0} 4 3 n {cos(n-6) 04cos-(n-6)0} 4 ... ending with k, t cos 09 if n = 2k, and with n (cos04 cos -0) if n = 2k+l~\. Collecting these, by help of cos (- a) = cos a, we have, for a final form, cosn0 = -^-A cosnO 4 n cos(w-2)0 + n - cos (w- 4)0 4 ... I on the condition that cos 00, when it occurs, is only to take half the coefficient indicated by the general law. The beginner may proceed thus, cos*0 = 4 \ cos 20 cos 3 = cos0 4 i(cos0 4 cos 30) = i (cos 30 4 3cos0) cos 4 = (cos 30 cos0 4 3 cos s 0) = | (cos 20 4 cos 404 3 4 3 cos 20) = i (cos 40 4 4 cos 20 4 f cos 00), &c. Now let be changed into ^7r-0, or cos"0 into sin"0. If we examine cosfm --A\, we begin by rejecting all the fours out \ 2 / of m, as indicative of complete revolutions; and the final form of this term depends on the remainder. Call 4k an even even- number, as it is the 2& th even number, 4k 4 2 an odd even-number, being the (2k 4 l) th ; 4&4 1 an odd odd-number, is it the (2k + l) th odd number; and 4k 4 3 an even odd-number, being the 36 FORMULAE WHICH INVOLVE, &c. (2k + 2) th . Then, for even even-numbers, the above is + cos^t ; for odd odd-numbers, + sin A ; for odd even-numbers, - cos A ; for even odd-numbers, - sin A. And m - 2 is of the class of even numbers, or of odd numbers, of which m is not, &c. We have then the four following formulae: n even even sin"# = j < cosnO - n cos(n- 2)0 + n cos(w-4)#~... > 1 f n 1 1 w odd odd sin" n odd even sin"# = - -1 cosnd - n cos(n-2)0 + n cos(n~4)6>-... I 2 \_ 2 J even odd sin"0 = - - t < sin ??0 - n sin(n-2)0 + n sin(-4)0-... I Of these the beginner should construct instances, as before. He may also try to prove the following theorems : S i n2 0- 2 = tan (45 +0)- tan (45 -0) ~ tan (45 + 6) + tan (45 - 6) ' tan<9 = cot0- 2cot2(?, 1-cos^ 6 1 + costf e = tan - ; = cot - . 2 sin^ 2 CHAPTER IV. ON THE INVEKSE TRIGONOMETRICAL FUNCTIONS. WE may now consider cosO, &c. as functions of 6, and accord- ingly, itself as a function of cos#, or of sin#, &c. If x = cos#, then 6 may be described as ' an angle whose cosine is x.' The continental writers denote this by angle (cosine = x), but in our country it is universally described by a symbol derived from a functional analogy. If 0a: denote a function of x, then (0a?) is denoted by 8 a:, 0(0 2 #) by 3 ar, and so on. On this notation 0~'a; should denote the function on which performance of gives x, so that (0~'#) = x, and l-tan0.tan0 \1 - tan0. . / 1 \1 TRIGONOMETRICAL FUNCTIONS. 39 or -f is one of the angles, &c. Let tan0 = x, tand = y, or let = tan" 1 *, = tarT'y, and substitute. The student may now employ himself on the following: smcos" 1 x = V(l-^ 8 )) tansec" 1 *^: VO^-l)* sin (2 sin" 1 *) = 2*i/(l-**), sin (3 sin' 1 *) = 3* - 4x*, sin (4 sin" 1 *) = (4x - 8* 3 ) A/(! - aJ*) <2x 3x x 3 tan (2 tan" 1 *) = - - s , tan (3 tan" 1 *) = -^ a j 1 * 1 o* taking acute angles, = tan" 1 1 + tan" 1 ^ = 4 tan" l - tan' 1 - tan' 1 & + tan' 1 sin" 1 * + sin'ty = sin" 1 (*V(1 - y cos" 1 * + cos" 1 ^ = cos" 1 {V(l - * 2 - y* + a^y 2 ) - zy}, /** + 1 cos tan" 1 sm cot" 1 * = \ / , cos . sin '. cos . sin" 1 * = *, \ x* + 2 V3 - 4* z - 3- 5 1 -** (6* 2 - 2) V(* 6 - 15* 4 + 15* 8 - 1) sm 2 cos ! tan 3 cot '* = 5 - J ^ - - - - - ' . x* (x* - 3)* This is a chapter on language; and some of the preceding examples are merely hard phrases to be construed from trigono- metry into algebra. But such transformations have an important use in calculation. If we wanted to calculate the value of the last-named function of * when * = 5'1761328, and had such trigonometrical tables as those of Hutton, hereafter described, it would be the easiest plan, beyond comparison^ to proceed by the first side. That is, we should find by the table the angle whose cotangent is 5*1761328, treble it, find the tangent of the trebled angle from the table, pass to the table of cosines with that tangent, find the angle to it, double that angle, and take the sine of the last. Thus sin cos" 1 * is, with tables, easier than V(l - 3?), and sin 2 sin" 1 * easier than 2*V(1 - #*) The following are a few instances of reduction to mixed trigonometrical forms : V(o* + & 2 - 25 cos<7) = Vl( t by - 2ab (1 + cosC)} 2v/ai.cosiossible quantity, shewed that, come how it might, the intelligible results (when such things occurred) of the experiment were always true, and otherwise demonstrable. I am now going to try some of these experiments : the student may rest assured that the new results of this chapter will, in the second book, be rendered demonstrative, upon a system which clearly defines -V/-1 ; or he may doubt it : but he must not think they are demonstrated here, though they will have strong moral* evidence in their favour. By giving precedence to the use of *J-1, under the above stipulation, the student will gain the advantage of familiarity with the language of double algebra, before he ap- proaches the difficulties. * It is almost impossible to discredit Woodhouse's remark ; " "Whether I have found a logic, by the rules of which operations with, imaginary quantities are conducted, is not now the question : but surely this is evident, that since they lead to right conclusions, they must have a logic." E3 42 INTRODUCTION OF Say that we suppose, from the above, The processes of algebra constantly lead to this result, and refuse every other; I mean those in which V~l is assumed to be something which, though unintelligible, is governed by the laws of algebra a fellow-subject of the other symbols, with a mask over his features. For instance, common multiplication will give (cos# + sin 0. -/-I) (cos0 + sin0 . V~l) = cos (0 + 6) + sin (040). V~l- Let fe denote cosfl 4- sin6 . V-l ; then fO x/0 =/(0 + 0), and (Algebra, p. 204) fd must be E 9 , where E is independent of 6. Accordingly, E 9 -l _ cosfl-1 sinO i ~e~ ~e~ T ' Diminish 6 without limit, and (p. 17, and Algebra, p. 266) log .8=0 + V-l. or E=d~ l , JS 9 =^' 1 ' 1 . If v ~* = cos 6 + sin 0.V~1 universally, then e v " = cosO - sin#. V~l whence 6 0v-i + e -ev-i e 07 " 1 - e" 6lv " 1 --- Had these forms been intelligible, they would have been the proper algebraical definitions of the cosine and sine of 0; and trigonometry would have been pure algebra in the ancient sense, and a very easy part of it. For assuming tan0 to be sin04-cos0, and sec -(-) = m and w being any positive or negative integers. Proceed in the same way with x + y-J-l, and we have It thus appears that there is, to the base e, an infinite number of systems of logarithms, corresponding to the values of m, and an infinite number of logarithms in each system, corresponding to the value of n. Two logarithms of one quantity, taken out of different systems, cannot generally be found equal. If, m and m' being two integers, we form the equation {let p = 6 + 27m, p 1 = 6 + 27m'} log r + p i/- 1 _ log r 4 p'-J- 1 1 + 2TO7T V- 1 ~ 1 + 2mVV- 1 ' clear it of fractions, and equate the possible and impossible terms, we get pm' = p'm and 2mV log r + ja = 2m7r log r -f p'. Substitute in the second the value of p' from the first, and we get (27TTO log r - p) (in 1 - m) = ; either then m' = m, and the systems are the same, or 27rm log r = p and 27rm' log r = p'. In these cases a logarithm of x + y V~ 1 or r , in each system is log r, the arithmetical logarithm of r. But, m and TO' being the indices of the bases, and n and ' those of the particular logarithms to those bases, this requires that r and 6 should be determined by + 27rn 6 + 27m' 6 + 27m w' - n rim - nm' or log r = -- , e = ZTT , -- ; m - m m - m so that, for two given systems, and two given values of n in those systems, there is one expression, and one only, which has the same logarithms in both. THE UNEXPLAINED SYMBOL V - 1 49 In ordinary algebra it is said that negative quantities have none but impossible logarithms. And this in the face of the result that, Ve being a, ^ is either + a or - a, so that - a has ^ for a logarithm. We can now show how these isolated cases of negative quantities with real logarithms arise. Let us solve the general question What expressions have real logarithms, what are they, and in what systems? The follow- ing equation is produced by multiplying both terms of the fraction by 1 - 2w7r -/- 1) log r + (6 + Imr) ^1- 1 1 + 2nnr V- 1 log r -f 2m7r(0 + 2mr') + 2mr - 2mir log r " "^ 1 ~A a a V~ ! L(x + This is a real quantity only when 2nnr log r = + Imr, in which case L (x + yj- 1) = log r (1 + 4mV) -f (1 + 4wV) = log r. If = TT, in which case y = and 2 is negative (# = re^" 1 = - r) we have 2n+l log (- r) = log r, whenever 2m?r log r = (2n + l)7rorr = e 8W This is precisely the case we might have anticipated : for 8 " +1 has two real (2m) th roots, one negative. But it appears that instead of the system being that of the base e, the base is g U2 "" rv -\ The complete illustration of this difficulty may be gathered from the second book. Returning now to the fundamental equations, let z stand for e^' 1 or cos0 + sin0 . V~ ! We have then 2 = cos0 + sin0. \]- 1, a" = cosnO + sinnJ-l,tf there) will be taken up in the reconversion of z"' z"" into cosine or sine. And if m be even-even, (7-1)'" is 1, and the result is in cosines; if odd-odd, it is V~ 1> anc ^ the result is in sines ; if odd-even, it is - 1, and the result is, we may say, in negative cosines, the sign of each term being changed ; if even-odd, it is - +10sin0 2 s sin 5 cos 6 = sin 60 - 4 sin 40+5 sin20 2 4 sin s 0cos 2 = sin70 -3 sin 50+ sin 30 + 5 sin 2 7 sin 5 cos 3 = sin 80 - 2 sin 60 - 2 sin 40 + 6 sin 20 2 s sin 5 cos 4 = sin 90 - sin 70 - 4 sin 50 + 4 sin 30 + 6 sin 2 9 sin 5 cos 5 = sin 100 - 5 sin 60 + 10 sin 20 2 w sin 5 0cos s = sinll0+ sin 90 -5 sin 70 -5 sin 50+ 10 sin30+ 10 sin & Let a 9 + !# + a^+ ... be a converging series, if extending ad infinitum (which it need not here do), and let it be the development of a known function of x, or are rea l quantities. In the second book I shall show this independently of all particular cases : at present we must be content with induction. The proposition is clear enough of sums, differences, and products, however varied ; and also when division enters, if we look at its reduction to multiplication by x-y^-l x y ' As to powers, we can thus reduce the form (x + for in this we see (re*'' I ) p+ *' M > or e" lo e '-* cos (q log r + p0) + e p lo * r - q9 sin (q log ; + pO) . V~l ; for e'^ ' we have e* cosy + z sin y.-J-l ; for log (x + y in which P and Q are real, then, by our first remark, ff)(x-y V~l) can be reduced to P - Q V~l> whence |{0O+y V-l)+0(*-yV-l)} and JV-1 {0(*+y V-l)-0(*-W-l)} are real, being P and - Q. "We have now to consider . V~l) an d (* cos^ - x A few principal examples will here be sufficient. Let x = (1 + x} n , the w' h power of which is rt sxin f . a; sin . . , * sin Q - T (l+2a; cos 0+ 2 )3" I l+a;cos0~ l+a:cos0 v (a;z) + (tfz" 1 ) ,, a; sine - ' = (1 4- 2x cos + a;*)*" cos n tan ' ; - - , 2 1 -)- x cos d> (xz) - <& (xz~ l ) ., _ _ ,.j n . a; sin yv Q ,, ' = (1 + 2a; cos -f a; 2 ) 5 " sin n tan' 1 - 2 V-l 1 + x . + x cos and these are the expressions for cos0 + a; 2 cos 20+ ..., nx sin0 + w a;* sin 20 + ... 2t 2 F3 54 INTRODUCTION OF The verification of such results will be useful practice. For instance, it is asserted above that (1 + 2* cos + x 8 ) cos 2 tan" 1 , x S1 " 9 = 1 + 2* cos + x* cos 20. 1 + x cos 9 Now cos 2 tan" 1 a =cos* tan" 1 a- sin* tan" 1 a = (1-tan 8 a) + (l + tan* a). The first side of the above is then Let n = - 1, and change x into - #. Show that cos (- tan" 1 - o) is 1 : -i/(l + s )j and that sin {- tan" 1 (- a)} is a + V(l + a *)> an l then show that the above expressions give 1 - x cos 9 1 - 2x cos + x* = 1 + a; cos + z 8 cos 20 + x s cos 30 + ... , - = x sin -f x 3 sin 20 + a? cos 30 + ... . 1 - 2x cos 9 + # 8 Verify these by the whole method, (fix being 1 + (1 - x). Also show the following, , Cos6 x* cos 20 y? cos 30 e* C(lStf cos (a; sin 0) = 1 + x cos + - - + - + ..., Z Z.O ^c cosff / /i\ ^ s i n 20 e* C(IS(/ sin (a; sm 0) = * sin -f - - + 1 Let 0o; = log (1 -f x). Then log (1 + x cos + x sin . V~l) -l og (1 .2, cos ) + tan- |log(l+2a: cos 0+a; z ) = ^ cos0- cos 20+ cos 30 -- cos 40+..., 2i o 4 # sin a; 2 . . , x 3 . . x* . tan" 1 - = x sm -- sin 20+ sm 30 -- sin 40+... . 1 + x cos 2 4 If a; be >- 1 and <+ 1, both these series are convergent, and there is no ambiguity in the first: but there is in the second. The second series, when convergent, has one definite value : which is it of all the values which the first side may bear? It must be the angle which lies between - \TT and + \TT : for when x passes from negative to positive through 0, the series does the same. When x is greater than unity, these series become divergent, THE UNEXPLAINED SYMBOL V-l. 65 and the student should avoid founding results upon divergent series, as the question of their legitimacy is disputed upon grounds to which no answer commanding anything like general assent has yet been given. But they may be used as means of discovery, provided that their results be verified by other means before they are considered as established. If x = 1, we have cos 29 cos 39 cos 49 /. 6\ log (2 cos -) = O Q A sin 29 sin 39 sin 49 and 6 must, in the second, lie between - ir and + TT. These series belong to a peculiar class ; they are convergent, but their cou- vergency is not easily established. Their extreme cases often present some algebraical peculiarity. If we divide both sides of the second by 9 and diminish 9 without limit, we have J = l-l + l-l-... (Algebra, p. 197). This is not the place, nor even the work, in which to discuss the peculiar character of these series. Let 9 = ir. The first of the equations becomes Mog (1 + z 2 ) = l-r 2 - iz 4 + . . . , as well known. But the second becomes 2C Off Ou tan" 1 x - x - r 4 ~ ? + o 5 / a remarkable series, both for its simplicity, and for the use to which it has been put. It is convergent when x > - 1, and not > + 1; and thus may be made effective when tan" 1 a; > - -JTT, and not > $TT. When x = 1, tan" 1 * = JTT, we have TT 111 4 =1 -3 + 5-7 + ...... ' being the first calculable form in which TT has been directly presented. But this series, though convergent, is very slowly so, (Algebra, page 184) and would require that we should cal- culate 500 terms before we could be sure of three decimal places. The following is more convergent, derived from ^ 111111 56 INTRODUCTION OF But it is best to resolve TT or some known fraction of it, into two or more angles whose tangents are known. Thus, tan-'i + tan- 1 ^ = $TT, (page 39), gives v \ !_!/!_ 1\ 1/1. i\_ 4 ~ 2 + 3 3 \2 3 + 3 3 J + 5 \2 5 + 3V which may be easily calculated, as follows. "Write p and q for and $ (divide by 4 and 9 at every step) : p = -50000000000 q = -33333333333 p 3 = -12500000000 q 3 = -03703703704 p* = -03125000000 q* = -00411522634 p 1 = -00781250000 q 7 = -00045724737 p 9 = -00195312500 q g = -00005080526 p 11 = -00048828125 q n = -00000564503 p 13 = -00012207031 q }3 = -00000062723 p" = -00003051758 q n = -00000006969 p" = -00000762940 q" = -00000000774 p M = -00000190735 q" = -00000000086 p n = -00000047684 q" = -00000000009 p K = -00000011921 p* = -00000002980 p" = -00000000745 p* 3 = -00000000186 p 31 = -00000000047 p 33 = -00000000012 p* = -00000000003 Now let (p n + q") 4- be denoted by r n . r t = -83333333333 r, = -05401234568 r b = -00707304527 r, = -00118139248 r, = -00022265892 r u = -00004490239 r ls = -00000943827 r 15 = -00000203915 r 17 = -00000044924 r, 9 = -00000010043 r xl = -00000002271 r^ = -00000000518 r S5 = -000000001 19 r n = -00000000028 r w = -00000000006 r sl = -00000000002 84063894899 05524078661 84063894899 iar= -78539816338 4 TT = 3-14159265352 which is correct, with the exception of the last place. THE UNEXPLAINED SYMBOL V-l. 57 The series for tan~ l x may be easily deduced from one among a number of forms which may best be considered together : as follows. We have seen a remarkable connexion between exponential* forms on the one hand, and trigonometrical forms on the other. Every trigonometrical function has an imaginary exponential one for its equivalent, and every exponential function an imaginary trigonometrical one. Many imaginary forms of one kind are real ones of the other; and the following is such recapitulation and addition as will put all the most useful transformations together. sin 9 = 2 V-l COS0 = ton f) _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V-l 1 + e-*"- 1 V-l e^' 1 + 1 ' e^TT = Iog(cos0 - sin6>.V-l).V-l = - Iog(cos0 + sin& sin' 1 a; = log{V(l - **) -x^-\}^-\ = - log(V(l - x*) + x* cos-'x = log [x - V( 2 - 1 )}. V- 1 = - log {x + V(^ 2 - 1 )} V- 1 log {x + V(*' + 1)1 = Sin -^^- } , log {x + V(* 2 - 1)} = cos-'^V V-i l _ 1 + tan0.V-l - sin 0. V-l ~ l-tan0.V-l 1 1 + X\/-\ 1 X e* = cos (zV-1) - sin (ar^-l )V-1, log a; = 2^-1 tan' 1 . V \l + a? Many of these transformations are hardly ever used in operation : but unless the student has them before his mind, he will be often at a loss to see the connexion of results which stand in the closest relation. The multiplicity of value of logo; (or rather \x, which might have been used throughout, as in page 47) is closely connected with that of sin"' x, &c. But the connexion was not very soon * Exponential; for the logarithm is only the inverse function of the exponential one. 58 INTRODUCTION OF noticed: and the following mode of investigating the series for tan" 1 a; was consequently faulty. Take the logarithm of both sides of e 2 ^ 1 = \ + tan -l 1 - a result evidently absurd, for while the first side increases from to oo , the second side goes through recurring periods. For instance, taking periods of convergency, while passes from 2?r - ^TT to 2?r + -J-7T, the series repeats itself for the period during which 9 passes from - ^TT to JTT. The error lies here, 2{tan0.i/-l + ...} is not any logarithm we please of e 2 ""'" 1 , but some one logarithm; some one case of 20. I \n n ) J When x = l, z*-2 cos0.a:+ 1 is 2 (1 -cos0) or 4 sin 2 ^-, so that * e A *l e *\ *l 2 ""\ *l (n-l)ir\ in t ^=48in*-.4sin'(- + - .4sm a - + ]...4sm* - + - - ' }. n \n n] \n n ) \n n / Extract the square root of both sides, and divide by 2 ; . . 6 . (0 7T\ . (0 27T\ . (6 (n-l)7T\ smG= 2" ' sin - sm - + - sm - + ... sin - + i - ' . n \n n) \n n/ \n n / On the second side there are n sines, or, exclusive of the first, n -I sines. If n - 1 be an even number we may pair these, the first and last, the second and last but one, &c. But if n - 1 be odd, this pairing will leave one in the middle, and n - 1 being odd, the middle number is %n, whence the middle factor is sin ( - + ) or cos - , which, observe, approaches unity \n 2n/ n as 9 is diminished without limit. Moreover, the last one is f I" 6 \\ (" e \ sin < TT - -- - 1 > or sm --- : I \n n/j \n n) the last but one is, similarly, sin ( --- }, &c. Hence the pair- \ n n/ ing just alluded to gives 60 INTRODUCTION OF . 6 . ITT 6\ . ITT 0\ . [lir Q\ . llir 0\ sm0=2' M sm- sin - + - sin sm + sin - - - ... n \n nj \n n/ \ n n/ \ n n/ a n factors in all, the last, a single one, being cos - , if n - 1 be odd. Divide both sides by sin (0 4- n}, and diminish 6 without limit. The limit of the first side is then that of sin#-sin- or x (sin#4-0)4- (sin- 4- ] ornxl4-l, n \ n n/ TT . , ITT . 3?r . n = 2 ' sin 8 - . sm 2 . sin 2 one for each pair, n n n and cos (0 4- n), if there, has the limit unity. Now observe that ,. a -I n . a-b a+b sm (a i 5) sm (a - o) = 2 sin - cos - . 2 sin cos 22 22 = (sin a + sin It) (sin a - sin 6) = sin 2 a - sin 2 b. Substitute from this theorem, divide sin0 above by n, and we have, dividing both sides by 6, and transferring n, n with the factor cos (0 4- n) at the end if n - 1 be odd. This second side is always sin n \ nl , ., ,. ., 0* or ' has the limit -^- 2 , sin 2 sin 8 ( ATT . - n \ n (see p. 18). If then we increase n without limit, we have This is a remarkable converging product from which sin# might be calculated. Whatever may be, the successive factors approach to unity, and therefore produce less and less effect. A large number of factors will give a close approximation. Let = kw, and we have the convenient form THE UNEXPLAINED SYMBOL V-l. 77-3153563 a- _ 4 16 36 64 100 ~2'4'16'36'64'" * 2 ~ 3 ' 15' 35 ' 63 ' "99 " This was once suggested as a mode of approximating to the value of TT ; it. proceeds too slowly for that purpose, but it answers another. If we take n factors, we see in the numerator the square of the product of the first n even numbers, but not the corresponding square of the product of odd numbers in the de- nominator. One odd number more is repeated once : thus in the denominator, taking 3 factors, we have 3.15.35 or 1 8 .3 2 .5 2 .7. Accordingly, the larger n is made, the more nearly is this equation true, /2.4.6... 2n \ 2 ,.7r 2.4... In (l.8.6...2n-ir (2n + 1) 2 i 1.3...2n-l= V(M7r) ' for (w-f|)7r and mr have nearly the same square roots, if n be very great. This, in common language, is true if n be infinite : I mean that it may be made as nearly true as we please, if n be large enough. If this last equation were absolutely true, this next one would follow, as I shall show, e But as the premise only approaches to truth as n increases, so it is also with the conclusion. Assume 1.2.3... n = n"n 2.4.6... 2w ((fmf Dmdmg again, ^^^^ = = V(njr) . 0(2) (0n) a Hence we get vi^o = ^ or /(2n) = w > i /?i standing for and i- 2 - 3 = V( 27r ) <>"" For n write n + 1, and divide by the former result, which gives //. 1\ /. l\ n = \l 1 + - .c. 1 + - . V \ / \ y .. . ^(wn) c n If be very great, this would give 1 = 1 x c x e very nearly (Algebra, p. 225), or c = e" ; so that 1.2.3 ... n = ^(l-n-n) . e"" . n" nearly, as asserted. This formula succeeds very well, on trial, and the first side is found greater than the second in about the proportion of 12w + 1 to 12;?. Returning now to the form sin&/7- = &7r (1 - 2 )..., for k write 2k, and we have . , But sin for = for /. 4&*\ /, ( T) I \1 JX _)(!-_)... a corresponding expression for the cosine. From these factorial expressions it is in our power to find series for the logarithms of trigonometrical functions. Let S n represent the series r" + 2-"4-3-" + 4-" + ... ad inf. It is easily seen that we have S n = I- 4 3-' + 5^ + ... + 2^ {1 + 2-" + 3-" + ..} or 1-" + 3^ + 5^ + 7^ + ... = (1 - 2-") S n . THE UNEXPLAINED SYMBOL V -1. 63 Values of S, t to a sufficient extent may be found in my Dif- ferential Calculus, p. 554. Now / 7c z \ log sin JCTT = log k-n- + log (1 - k*) + log f 1 - j + ... Expand the several logarithms, after the first, and we have k* k 6 k s log sin k^ = log kir - SJc 2 - S t -- - S 6 - S 8 - . . . , which is convergent when k<\, and very convergent when k < -J, and, for purposes of calculation, it need never be greater. Apply the same method to the expression for cos kir, and we have log cos k^ = - (2* - 1) SJP - (2 4 - 1) 4 -y- (2 s - 1) flUr - ..., 2t o which is convergent when k is less than . From these series we get logtanA;7r = logA7r+(2 8 -2)^ 2 T(2 4 -2)^| 4 +(2 6 -2) 6 | 6 + ... It will be observed, that &,-!, S^-l, &c. diminish very rapidly. We take advantage of this by throwing the series into the form log sin k-n- = "We have seen that trigonometrical language affords a brief mode of expressing, in language derived from obvious geome- trical ideas, complicated algebraical relations. The following is a striking instance: # . # xl n xl n x I x . x sin a; = 2 cos - sin- =2 cos - (2 cos -(2 cos -...1 2 cos sin sin x - 2" sin - cos - cos cos cos . . . cos . Increase n without limit, and sin a; x x x x x = cos - cos - cos - cos cos ... ad inf. x i 4 o lu >- Let x = %7r, and show that this is then only an abbreviated form of the following, 2 = V2 V(2 + V2) v~ 2 2 64 INTRODUCTION OF The student who is acquainted with the theory of equations may be enabled to express the logarithmic series in another form. The rest of this chapter is briefly given, and may be looked on as a succession of exercises. It appears from that sin ATT is formed from its radical factors after the manner of an algebraical expression, so that 1 - 4- . . . = may be con- sidered as an equation of infinite dimension whose roots are + TT, - TT, + 27T, - 2?r, &c. Write k for k 2 , and we have in A k * k * ~ 2^3 + ~ + an equation whose roots are Tr 2 , (27r) 2 , (3/T-) 2 , ... Hence we easily get the following theorems : ,&c. 2 2.3' m 2 .w 2' * P.m*.n* where in 2(1 -f P.m*.n s ), we understand that there is a term of the series for every possible combination of a product of three different integers. And by the known theorem for the reciprocals of powers of roots of an equation, we have, V n standing for Vl ~23 = ' F2 ~2i + 2. 3.4.5 = ' ^ ~ 2^3 + 27^5 ~ 2T77 = ' and so on. Calculation of a few of these results will give 21 2 3 1 2 5 1 V = - - V = V = 1 1.2'6' 2.3.4 '30'*42' and so on. Now V n is S^TT^" (page 62), and the fractions belong to a set which are called Bernoulli's numbers, and are denoted by B v JB 3 , b , &c., so that *"~ 2 1.2.3... 2 "-' n_i_i P-i R-i - i n-ooj. R -i JJ 3~3Oi x *5~41!' -"7~"30> * J ~66> x 'll~273O) -"l3~~6 all which will be found by continuing the above process. These numbers appear to follow no law, which exhibited as rational fractions ; but when exhibited under a law, as in 1.2.3.. .2n fill THE UNEXPLAINED SYMBOL V-l. 60 it would be thought very unlikely that they should be rational fractions. Substitution, and writing x for JCTT, now gives 2B l 2 3 a: 4 21B x" logsma; = losx- - x logcosa; = - 1.2 2 3 (2 4 ~ 1)21B S x 4 (2 6 -l)2 5 J9 5 8 - - --- - - - - -- * - ' - - 1.2 2 3 2 Next, we have log cos (a; -f A) - log cos re = log (cos A - tana;, sin h) = log cos h + log(l - tana; . tanA), log sin (a; -f- A) - log sin a; = log (cos A 4- cot a: . sin h) = log cosh + log(l + cota: . tank). From the series it is obvious that log cos A -f h diminishes without limit with h. Also it is easily deduced from page 17, that log(l + P tan A) f h, or P(tanA + A) - (P 2 tan% v 2A) + . .. has P for its limit when 7 is diminished without limit. Hence, dividing the preceding equations by h, the limits are - tana: and cota:. Perform the same process on each term of the series for log cos a: and logsina;: that is, change x into x + k; subtract the term unaltered, and divide by h, retaining only the limit; and thus deduce the equations cota: = x 1.2 1 a; a; 3 2a: 5 x 1 2x 9 a: 3 45 945 4725 93555 ^ I 3 " 1.2 1,2.3.4 17a: 7 62* 9 3 15 315 2835 p*V-l _(_ p-*V-l Take and thence, writing -x\j-\ for a:, show that - 1 x 2 2 2.3.4 63 CHAPTER VI. ON THE CONNEXION OF COMMON AND HYPERBOLIC TRIGONOMETRY. THE system of trigonometry, from the moment that -J- 1 is introduced, always presents an incomplete and one-sided appear- ance, unless the student have in his mind for comparison (though it is rarely or never wanted for what is called use),, another system in which the there-called sines and cosines are real algebraical quantities. This other system will serve to explain the connexion between logarithmic and trigonometrical functions. In the ordinary system, a given revolving line, of a unit length, has one extremity in a circle ; and on that circle every radius has its projections connected by the equation x* -f y 1 = 1. Suppose we take all possible points so placed that the projections of their values of r are connected by the equation x*-y*= 1. Those points are all that are in a curve of the following form, called the equilateral hyperbola, (a curve corresponding, among hyperbolas, to the circle among ellipses ; in fact the circle ought to be called the equilateral ellipse). The two lines towards which the branches of the curve approach without end, but which they never meet COMMON AND HYPERBOLIC TRIGONOMETRY. 67 (called asymptotes), are at right angles to each other, and midway between the principal axes. From any point P draw PK per- pendicular to an asymptote. Let OK = v, KP = w. Then it is easily seen that x = v cos 45 -f w cos 45 = f V2 ( + w), and that y = v sin 45 - w sin 45 - \ \J1 (v - w) : whence i- (v + w)* - \(v - wf = 1 or Ivw = 1. Now take one of the asymptotes and the curve that falls above it, and take two portions of the area standing on bases which are to one another as their initial distances from the centre ; that is, let OK KL :: OK 1 K'L'. Divide each of the bases KL, K'L' into n equal parts, and draw perpendiculars and inscribed rect- angles in the manner shewn in the figure. Let OK=v, KP = w, KL = t; each subdivision is - , the n ?n th subdivision ends at v + from the centre, so that the altitude n of the ??* th rectangle is 1 -^ 2 (v + ) and the area of the m th \ n r rectangle is But in the second area - is the same as in the first : there- fore the m th rectangle of the first is equal to that of the second ; and the sum of all the rectangles of the first is equal to the sum of all the rectangles of the second. Now the area KPQL is composed of the rectangles, and of curvilinear triangles : these last, put together, fall short of a rectangle having the subdivision of KL for its base, and the fixed excess of KP over LQ for its altitude. Therefore, as the subdivision diminishes without limit, the sum of the curvilinear triangles diminishes without limit: that is, the curvilinear area is the limit of the 68 ON THE CONNEXION OF COMMON sum of the rectangles. And as the limits of equal quantities are equal, the curvilinear areas KPQL and K'P'OJL are equal. The area KPQL, then, depends only on the ratio of OL and OK. Next, OK being v, let the area APDK (A being the vertex in the first figure) be A, and let v = (A). Put on an area QLEF equal to ADKP (or A) and let ADLQ be B; so that ADEF is A + B. Then, ADKP and QZ.EF being equal, we have OD : OK :: OL : OK Let OZ) = n, and this is m : =-^ , Sin6> = - , - " From this it may be deduced that in order to convert a formula of circular trigonometry into one of hyperbolic trigonometry, when no inverse functions enter, we have but to change cos# into Cos#, and sin0 into V-l Sin0. The following are a few of the results : Cos 2 6> - Sin 8 = 1 Cos (0 9) = Cos0 Cos0 + Sin0 Sin0 Cos 2 + Sin 2 ^ = Cos 20, Sin (0 0) = Sin0 CosO Cos0 Sin6 Cos"0 = ~ (Cosn(9 + nCos(n - 2) Q + n ^- Cos( - 4)0 + ..A 2 (_ 2 J Si n "0 = -^ {CosnO + nCos(w - 2)9 + ...... } (n even) Z Sin"0=-^ {Sin0 4- M Sin (w- 2)0 i- ...... } (n odd) 70 COMMON AND HYPERBOLIC TRIGONOMETRY. This is sufficient to illustrate the analogy which exists between the two systems. The advanced student may investigate the connexion of the conjugate hyperbola with the trigonometry in which the fundamental equation is Sin*0 - Cos 2 6> = 1. If we now take five independent equations from page 11, say tan#=- , tan#cot0 = l, cos0sec, sec#, cosec6>; and that, speaking of its operations merely, trigonometry is the treat- ment of the equation # 2 + /* = 1. Now as this equation might be supposed to arise from many different sources, it may be worth while to inquire how much of what precedes is due to this form, and how much to the application of this form to the circle, or to angular revolution. If we take the two following equations, 2 2V-1 we are not bound to either, by assuming y? -f y* = 1 : but if we take one, we must accept the other, as will appear on trial. And then we shall find that all the direct formulae of trigonometry follow, as soon as we require that x and y shall take the names of sin and cos : the inverse forms depend in some measure on the meaning of a. Let a take the form v ~ , and we then regain the application of angular revolution. CHAPTER VII. ON THE TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES. THE usual trigonometrical tables are given in conjunction with tables of logarithms ; and they more frequently give logarithms only than cosines, &c. themselves. When logarithms were in- vented, they were called artificial numbers ; and the originals, for which logarithms were computed, were accordingly called natural numbers. Thus, in speaking of a table of sines, to ex- press that it is not the logarithms of sines which are given, but sines themselves, that table would be called a table of natural sines ; and the logarithms of these would be called, not logarithms of sines, but logarithmic* sines. All trigonometrical tables with which the student is likely to meet, natural or logarithmic, are constructed as follows : 1. They include only the first right angle, or from to 90. If cos 96 be wanted, - sin 6 must be found ; or sin 6 in the table must have its sign changed. If cos 96 be wanted in mul- tiplication, &c., the logarithm of sin 6 must be used, and the effect of the negative sign must be properly attended to in tlie final result. 2. The arrangement is always what may be called semi-qua- drantal: the table goes only as far as 45, and that for the remaining half of the right angle is seen by turning the table upside down, or reading from the bottom of the page instead of the top. There is an imitation of this in the arrangement in page 17, in which y'3, which is both cos 30 and sin 60, is read as the former by the top and the right, as the latter by the bottom and the left. Open the table so as to get tangent * This leads to confusion in the minds of students, who learn some notion of mysterious identity between a number or fraction and its logarithm ; and write down '30103 = 2. The phrase is as in- correct as royal country would be for king of the country, or con- stabulary pariah for constable of the parish. 72 ON THE TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES. of 37 15', and there will be seen, reading from the top and down- wards, tangent of 37 15'; but reading from the bottom and upwards, cotangent of 52 45'. It would perhaps have been better if the sines had run on to 90, and then all the cosines W 7 ould have been in reverse readings : but the present mode is too firmly estab- lished to be shaken. In consulting the table inversely, for example, in searching for the angle which has 9-61723 for the logarithm of its sine, the student must not distinguish sine from cosine, nor tangent from cotangent, but must consider sines and cosines as one table, tangents and cotangents as one table, and must cast an eye on both, and get to 9-61723 as fast as he can. For want of this caution, some beginners will turn over page after page, until they come to 45, and then back again, perhaps to the very page that was first opened. 3. The trigonometrical tables in use were constructed on the system described in page 18, the radius being 10' or ten thou- sand millions. Hence the logarithm of the radius was 10, and that of most sines used 9 and a fraction, 8, 7, and even 6 occurring towards the beginning or end of some tables. This has never been altered; and the consequence is that every logarithm in the tables is too great by ten for us. For that which we call sin 9, is sin 6 10 10 of the tables. Hence, in all cases, Real Logarithm = Tabular Logarithm - 10. Thus, where the tables say 9-61628, we must* take out T.61628, or 9-61628 - 10: where they give 12-61628, we must take 2-61628. Some tables only increase by 10 where the characteristics are negative ; and give 9 for 1, but do not alter 0, 1, 2, &c. When the process is inverse, the logarithm should be made tabular before entering the table with it. Thus, for finding the angle whose sine is 2-41729, we should enter the table with 8-41729. * Many calculators prefer to consider the actual tables as if formed upon the fiction of always avoiding negative characteristics by increasing each of them by 10 ; and actually use the tables, making corrections in the results. For myself, I feel assured that the student should be taught by real logarithms, and left to find his own way to the other practice, which I much doubt his doing. ON THE TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES. 73 The tables* adopt various numbers of decimal places ; usually five, six, or seven. Five-figure tables are exact enough for or- dinary use : they may be considered as calculated to give results within the 10 th part of a minute, or 6". Those for whom five- figure tables are not sufficient, should use seven-figure tables : the six-figure tables are best for those who have much to do for which five figures is hardly correct enough. In every table we use the words argument, interval, function, and difference. The argument is a technical term for that with which we enter a table, and opposite to which we expect to find the value of a function of that argument. Thus, in one table angles and the logarithms of their sines are paired : if we have a specimen of either, and want to find the corresponding one of the other kind, that with which we enter is the argument, and the other its function. The interval of the tables is the difference between the successive values of the principal argument, which values are always equidistant. Usually, one minute is the tabular interval of angle ; that is, the tables furnish trigonometrical functions (or their logarithms) for 0, 0!', 02'...1, 11'...2...90: which I should describe as being of the class (!') 45; the table being really in two halves, one of which is only the reverse reading of the other. But there are tables of the following de- scriptions : (10") 45, (1") 45, (1") 3 (!') 45, &c. The differences of a table are the successive differences of the functions belonging to the equidistant arguments. Thus, if oppo- site to 0, 6 + h, 9 + 2h, 6 + 3h, &c. we have p, q, r, s, &c., the differences are q - p, r - q, s - r, &c., and q -p is technically called the difference of p, r - q the difference of q, &c. The use of these differences lies in what is technically called interpolation, which is the mode of solving this question : Given the tabular function for Q, d + h, 6 + 2 h, &c., required the proper function for 6 + a given fraction of h. If the several differences be equal, or very nearly equal, as q-p = r-q-s-r, &c. ex- actly or nearly, the differences only are wanted, and the differences of the differences, &c. may be neglected. In this case we may * Of ordinary tables, Hutton's (which have gone through many editions) are the best of seven figures ; Farley's, of six figures ; Lalande's (reprinted by Taylor and Walton), of five figures. H 74 ON THE TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES. be said to use interpolation of the jirst order ; and this is all that will be wanted here. The success of interpolation of the first order depends upon the following theorem : If (fix be a function of x, and k a small quantity, then, for every function of x, (x + k) is very nearly equal to fix +

- 2 sine cose) = V(l - sin 20), when e < JTT, both square roots must be taken positively; and we have cose = | V(l + sin 20) + | vt 1 - sin 26) ; cos 9 = ^ (1 + cos 20), sine = f V(l + sin 2e) - J V(* - sin 25) ; sin = VI C 1 - cos 2^). So that, either the sine or cosine of an angle being given. both the sine and cosine of its half can be found by two extractions of the square root. Now (page 26) we may assume that we start with the sine and cosine of 3, 6, 9, fully expressed for calculation. Thus we have (proceeding as directed in page 26), cos 30 = (V3 + 1) (Vo-1) + (V3 + 1) V(5 + V5) sin 8 V2 8 Hence the sines and cosines of all the multiples of 3 may be calculated first, as verifications of the process. Having de- termined sin V and cos 1', it is now possible, by the formulae sin (x + 1') = sin x . cos 1' + cos x . sin 1', &c., to calculate the sines and cosines of 2', 3', &c., up to 2700' or 45; which complete* the table of sines and cosines, from which the tangents, &c. may be calculated by division. Much shorter methods might be introduced, as before re- marked, from the calculus of differences. But even from common formulae, the above labour might be considerably reduced. I leave the student to prove the following formulae : \ *>/ \ sin(30+ 0) = cos - sin (30 - 0), cosectf = tan0 + cote, tan (45 + 0) = 2 tan 2e + tan (45 - 0), sec = tane + tan ^45 - fY, \ 2/ cosece = cote i tan - . m 78 ON THE TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES. From which we gather that when all sines and cosines up to 30 are calculated, the rest can be found, the sines by simple subtraction, the cosines by one multiplication only : that when the tangents are found up to 45, the rest can be found by simple addition : and that all the secants and cosecants can be found by addition only, from the tangents and cotangents. The student may also prove the following formula, which is often cited as a mode of verifying the tables, by instances selected at hazard, cos (36 + 0) + cos (36 - 6) = cos0 + sin (18 + 0) + sin (18 - 6). CHAPTER VIII. ON THE SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. THIS subject, in which (and in spherical trigonometry) trigonometry was first constituted a distinct branch of mathe- matics, is now of little importance in a general course of mathe- matics. It consists mainly in the finding of convenient formulae for the answer to the different cases of the following question : Given some parts of a triangle, to find the rest. This is called the solution of a triangle. But, in truth, the method given is not a solution of the problem, but a reduction of it to the solution of a right-angled triangle. And the maker of the tables it is who solves the right-angled triangle, rather than the user of them. The former registers, for every acute angle which consists of an exact number of minutes, all the proportions of the sides of a right- angled triangle which has that angle for one of its angles ; and thus gives all the factors necessary to convert any known side into another before unknown. The latter makes use of the register, calls himself the sole solver of the triangle, and learns an inaccurate conception of what he has been doing. Let the sides of a triangle contain a, b, c linear units; and let the opposite angles, gradually measured, be A, B, C. And first, let C be a right angle. By the formation of the register just alluded to, we have - = sinA = cosl?, a = c sinA = c cosB, c T = t&nA = cotJB, a = 6tan-4 = b cot-B, o But the following formulae should be remembered in words. side = hypothenuse into sine of opposite angle, side - hypothenuse into cosine of adjacent angle, hypothenuse = side by sine of opposite angle, hypothenuse = side by cosine of adjacent angle, side = other side into tangent of opposite angle, side = other side by tangent of adjacent angle. 80 ON THE SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. The following are the cases which occur, and the formulas of solution : Given a, 6 b a A 90 B. a sinB cosB ' c, b a = ^(c-b.ci 6), sinE = - , c A = 90 - B. c, A b = c cos^i, a = c sin^4, B = 90 - A. a, A a 7? 90 A. sin A ' b, A , . b B 90 A. cos A ' The following are the parts of one right-angled triangle with logarithms, for exercise in these formulae, previously to taking other examples : c = 128-4327, log c = 21086756, b= 66-1364, log 6- 1-8204405, a = 110-0951, logo = 2-0417681, A = 59 0' 21"-25, B = 30 59' 38"'75, log.sin^ = log.cosJ5 = 1-9330925, log.cos^i = log.sin B = 1-7117649, log.tan^i = log.cot B = 0-2213276, log.tan^ = log.cot A = 1-7786724. Special cases sometimes occur in which departures from these formulae may be advisable : as, Given b, A, where A is very small. Here c - b cos A is not an advantageous formula (page 75): but if we take , , (l-cos.4) . A - b = b - -- - = 2o snr , nearly, 2 since cos^4 is very near unity, we get the excess of c over b very accurately. We now proceed to triangles in general. Draw a perpendicular from the angular point of C upon c. If this perpendicular fall within the triangle, it is clear from the definition of a sine that it is b sin A, and also a sm. If the perpendicular fall outside the triangle, either A or B should have its external angle sub- stituted for it : but an internal and its external angle are supple- ON THE SOLUTION OF TKIANGLES. 81 ments, and have the same sines. Therefore, in all cases, ,. a sin^4 a b . . = bsmA, or - = , or-; - = - , ora:b::sinA:sinB. b sm smA smls Sides, then, are to one another as the sines of their opposite angles. The angles then being given (or rather, two of them being given, and the third found), the proportions of the sides are found, being those of the sines. I shall make this the fundamental formula from which all others are deduced, namely = b = c (j). sin A sin_B sinC Show that each of these three, a -sin A, &c., is the diameter of the circle circumscribing the triangle, found in Euc. IV. 5. The angles of a triangle being each less than two right angles, opponents and completions (page 10, note) cannot both be angles of any triangle : but supplements can, that is, one may be an angle of one triangle, and the other of another. When, therefore, an angle is determined by its cosine or tangent, there is but one such angle belonging to the solution : but when it is determined by its sine, there are two angles which may belong to the solution; that is, there may be two distinct solutions. Now take the expanded form of sin (A + B), square both sides of the equation, and substitute values for cos 2 ^t and cos'jB; this gives sin 2 (^4f B) = sin s ^4(l - sin a .Z?) + ( 1 - sin 2 ^4 ) sin s .B + 2 sin A sin_Z? cos A cosS =sinM -f sin 2 !? + 2 sin A sin.B cos(A -f ), if A, B, C be the angles of a triangle, we have A + .5 = 180 -C, sin (A + ) = sin C, cos(A + B) =- cosC; whence sin 2 C = &in*A + sin 2 .B - 2 sin A sin B cos C; divide* both sides by sin* C, for sin A -= sin C and sin B + sin C, write a + c, and b c, and then multiply by c 2 . This gives c 8 = a 2 + 6 s - lab cosC ..................... (2). * This process supplies the want of a theorem with which the student ought to be acquainted in its general form. Prove that if an equation be homogeneous with respect to a set of letters p, q, r, &c., that equation remains true if p, q, r, &c. be erased, and p, q', r, &c. substituted, provided that p' is to p as q' to q, and as r' to r, &c. 82 ON THE SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. Show that this proposition is the arithmetical representative of Euclid II. 12, 13; and that the introduction of the distinction of positive and negative quantity prevents our needing two pro- positions. As in page 39, we may express the above thus : - Ma-tysectaiT 1 v " ...(3). \ a + b I a-b The formula (2) may be proved thus : From the vertex of A draw a perpendicular upon a. In all cases it will be seen that each side of a triangle is the sum of the projections of the other two upon it, provided each projection be called positive or nega- tive, according as the angle of projection is acute or obtuse. Thus a = b cos C+ c cos B, b = c cos A + a cos C, c = a cos B + b cos A. Now > ON THE SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. 83 cos - gives sm^ = >J.s(s-ct)(s-b)(s-c)...(l), and similar forms for sin B and sin C. If p , p , p , be the perpendiculars let fall upon a, b, c, from the opposite vertices, we have p =5 sinC=c sinB, p=csmA = asinC,p=asmB = bs'mA...; "a * b r e and the area of the triangle is expressed by any one of the following seven equivalent forms: ap a bpi cp c ab sin C be sin A ca sin B T' T' T' 2 ' ~~2 ' 2 ' V{s (s - a) (s - b) (s - c)} or ps (8). _. . . b sin . a - b sin A - sin B The formula -- - gives r = ---. -. , a sin A a + b sin A + sin B v. * 1 1 A \ ab C or tan (A-B)= - cot- ...(9X + o 2 There are four circles which touch the three lines of a triangle : one, the inscribed circle of Euclid, touches the three sides; of the others, each touches one side and the other two sides pro- duced. Let p be the radius of the first, and p a , p ti p c , those of the other three. The area of the triangle is $ (pa ( pb + pc) or ps : whence p, now used, is the same as p of the preceding for- mula (6). Again, the area of the triangle is (p a b + p a c - /a a a) or ( - a) p a ; whence V-s (s - a) (s - b) (s - c) P- = > CCL. ' s- a 1111 Show that - + + - = - . Pa Pb PC P Let 4 denote the projection of a on b, with its proper sign, &c. Then a t - a cos C, &c., b = a a + c 4 , &c., and we have We can now treat all the cases of oblique-angled triangles. Of two given sides or angles, let the greater of the two, when there is one, be denoted by the prior letter of the alphabet 84 ON THE SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. 1. Given the three sides to find the angles. If one angle only be wanted, say A, take A ls(s- a) A l(s-V) (s-c) - ~ - -- preferring the first for the greatest angle, the second for the least. If all the three angles be wanted (or even two), take P = V{(s - a) (s - b) (s - c) -^ s} tan \A -p^r(s-a\ tan \B = p -=- (s - V), tan %C= p -f (s - c), which verify each other, since ^A+^-B + ^C- 90. This method was once much used. Since (a - c) (a + c) = -- ' from which determine a b and c b , and then use 2. Given two sides and the included angle (a, b, C), to find the rest. If all be wanted, calculate the angles by means of their half sum and half difference, thus, \A 4 *B = 90 - |C, tan (\A - \B} = i tan (90 - JC), sin C , sin (7 , . , Lastly, c = a - b - - , which ought to agree. sin A sin B If only the side c be wanted, take either . . 2 -Jab cos i(7 ., 2 '/aft sin iC c = (a + 6) cos sm ' = (a - 6) -r cos tan ' ; a -(-o a - o say, for reference, (a + b) cos S c and (a - 6) -- cos T c . Or thus, b a = 6 cos (7, p a = b sin (7, which find : c a = a -b a , tan -B = ^ , c - ^=, , c cos 5 which is a direct reduction of the solution to that of right-angled triangles. ON THE SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. 85 3. Given one side (c) and two angles, required the other sides. Calculate the third angle, and then use sin A , sin I? a = c -: ^ , o = c . -^ ; sin C sm C but if C be obtuse, use A 4- B instead of C. Or, in any case, A + B may be used, taking the cosine of the excess above 90 (which excess is easily found without pen and ink) when A + B is obtuse. 4. When two sides and an angle not included are given, (a, b, B), required the rest. a sin B First calculate A from sin A =- . b If a sin B > b, sin A > 1, and there is no solution. If a sin B - b, then sin -4 = 1, and A is a right angle, as is its supplement: there is this one solution only, and c = a cos B, C= 90 - B. But when a sin B < b, sin^i a). Then B > A, there cannot be any obtuse value of A, but both values of B may be used, and one solution belongs to each value. The following diagram will explain these cases. This double solution is, as might be supposed, indicative of the problem being one of the second degree. We have b 2 = c 8 + a* - lac cos B, c = a cos B J(W - a* sin 2 B). Here a sin B is p c , and -j(tf - o 2 sin 8 B) is b c with its sign, on the supposition that c is measured positively on the side of the acute value of B ; a cos B is a c ; and the above equation is only c = a c + b c , in which c has its proper sign. The consideration of this problem, and of its connexion with Euclid vi. 7, will be a useful exercise. The following table shews all the parts of a triangle and their logarithms for exercise. a = 15-236 loga = M828710 s - a = 3-098 log(s - a) = 0-4910814 b = 12-414 log& - 1-0939117 s - b = 5-920 log( - b) = 0-7723217 c = 9-018 logc = 0-9551102 s-c = 9-316 log( - c) = 0-9692295 s = 18-334 logs = 1-2632572 P s = 55-96866 logps = 1-7479449 a f b = 27-650 log(a + b) = 1-4416951 a - b = 2-822 log(a - b) = 0-4505570 6 +c = 21-432 log (b -f c) = 1-3310627 b - c = 3'396'log(6 - c) = 0-5309677 a . c - 24-254 log(a -f c) = 1-3847834 a - c = 6-218 log(a - c) = 0-7936507 ON THE SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. 87 8. T a TO T f log. sin. log. cos. log. tan. 1-9999530 2-1679268 1-8320262 1-9109937 T-7633479 0-1476458 1-7721922 1-9063714 1-8658208 T-8462647 1-8526583 1-9936064 1-6611649 1-9487989 1-7123661 1-4933102 1-9778520 1-5154583 1-4722989 1-9798951 1-4924039 1-2007551 1-9944564 1-2062988 1-6485379 1-9520365 1-6965016 1-8471366 1-8518083 1-9340361 1-7091283 1-9755783 1-5134140 1'3408970 0-6408380 1-6997390 0-2375348 1-4954464 0-4821746 4. =89 9 23-54 B = 54 33 25-12 =36 17 11-48 A = 44 34 41-77 B = 27 16 42-56 C = 18 8 35-74 - B) = 17 17 59-21 - (7) = 9 8 6-82 - (7) = 26 26 6-03 ? = 44 41 30-6 ?* = 59 12 50-4 = 70 57 53-6 = 77 7 15-5 - 59 56 28-9 = 71 45 50-9 p a = 7-347 logp a = 0-8661039 p b = 9-017 log^ ft = 0-9550632 p c = 12-413 log^ c = 1-0938647 b a = 10-006 logi a = 1-0002831 c a = 5-230 logc fl = 0-7184581 a, = 12-281 Ioga 3 = 1-0892424 c 6 = -133 Iogc 6 = 1-1230370 a c = 8-835 log a,. = 0-9462189 b c = -183 log b c = 1-2618385. Cases may occur in which the particular values of the data render special methods convenient. For instance, when a, b, C, are given, and C= 180 - (7,, C / being very small, we may proceed as follows: c 3 = a 2 + b 2 - 2ab cos (180 - C,) = a* + V + 2ab cos C, = (a + by - 4a& sin 2 1(7, = (a + by jl - 4fl ^ sin 2 \C\ . By the binomial theorem, *J(\ - x) -\ - -\x nearly, x being small. 2ab very nearly. But sin (7 = 2 sin C . cos CJ , or cos |-(7 ( being very nearly 1, we have sin i C, = i sin (7 , sin 8 C, = sin 2 (7, , very nearly : , 1 absin*C. c = a + o - r , very nearly. 2 a + b 88 ON THE SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. If the circumscribed circle be drawn, the angle of the radii drawn to the extremities of a, is the angle at the centre to which A is the angle at the circumference. There is, then, an isosceles triangle, in which r and r include either 2A, or 360 - 2 A, the third side being a. Consequently, a = 2r sin (A or 180 - A) : that is, 2r = a 4- sin A. The three sides of the triangle are then 2r sin A, 2r sin B, 2r sin C; and all the formulae become trigonometrical identities, if these be substituted for a, b, c. Thus, substitution in the formulae for sin 2 ^C gives us . t C _ (sin.5 + sinC*- sin A) (sin (74- sinA - sinJB) ~ 2~ 4 sin A which is always true when A -h B + C = 180. Shew that the line drawn from the vertex of A bisecting the side a is *J{\(V + c 8 ) - i 2 } or \ V{6 2 + c z + 26c cos A}. Also that the line bisecting the angle A is 2bc cos \A 4- (6 4- c). Shew that 16s (s -a)(s- b) (s-c) = 26V + 2c 2 o 8 + 2aW - a 4 - 6 4 - c 4 . BOOK II. DOUBLE ALGEBRA. CHAPTER I. DESCRIPTION OF A SYMBOLIC CALCULUS. THE object of this book is the construction of Algebra upon a basis which will enable us to give a meaning to every symbol and combination of symbols before it is used, and consequently to dispense, first, with all unintelligible combination, secondly, with all search after interpretation of combinations subsequently to their first appearance. In arithmetic and in ordinary algebra we use symbols of pre- viously assigned meaning, from which meaning, by self-evident notions of number, &c., are derived rules of operation. The student must understand by symbols, the peculiar symbols of arithmetic and algebra : strictly speaking, the written or spoken words by which meaning is conveyed are themselves symbols. And symbols must be explained by other symbols, except when they denote external objects or actions, in which case the symbol may be explained by pointing to the object present or the action taking place. Language itself is a science of symbols (namely, words) having meanings (which are described in the dictionary by words of the same or another language) and rules of combination (laid down in its grammar}. No science of symbols can be fully presented to the mind, in such a state as to demand assent or dissent, until its peculiar symbols, their meanings, and the rules of operation, are all stated. In this case we have but to ascertain first, whether the peculiar symbols be distinguishable from each other ; secondly, whether the meanings are capable of being distinctly apprehended, each symbol having either one only,- or an attain- able and intelligible choice; thirdly, whether the given rules 13 90 DESCRIPTION OF A SYMBOLIC CALCULUS. of operation be necessary consequences of the given meanings as applied to the given symbols. If these inquiries produce as many affirmative answers, the basis of the science is so far unobjectionable; and all intelligible conclusions which are drawn from a correct and intelligible use of the rules of operation, are true. But yet it may be imperfect. First, it may be incomplete in its peculiar symbols. There may be a want of symbols which those already in use suggest, but which are not made to appear. This is not the incompleteness to which algebra is most liable : it suffers more from its symbolic combinations growing much faster than the ordinary language in which they are, if possible, to be occasionally expressed. Secondly, it may be incomplete in its meanings. For example, it may be capable of applying, with the same symbols, to more subjects than its actual meanings take in. This is one possible incompleteness, of a very obvious character. Another, of a much less obvious character, and which probably nothing but actual experience of it would have suggested, is this : symbols, defined in a manner which makes them separately intelligible, may be unintelligible in combination ; their separate definitions may involve what, in the attempt* to combine them, produces con- * The student may be surprised at my saying that we should never have imagined such a result in algebra without actual ex- perience of it : for it may strike Mm immediately that in ordinary language AVG may have not merely unmeaning, but contradictory, combinations. But the answer is that we are so accustomed to contradictory combinations, used in some emphatic sense, that they are recognised idioms : it even happens that they express more and better meaning while they are fresh, and before use makes the contradiction wear off, than afterwards. When General Wolfe first used the expression ' choice of difficulties ', which was contradiction, choice then meaning voluntary election, he made those to whom he wrote see his position with much more effect than could have been produced a second time by the same words. Ordinary language has methods of instantaneously assigning meaning to contradictory phrases : and thus it has stronger analogies with an algebra (if there were such a thing) in which there are pre- organized rules for explaining new contradictory symbols as they arise, than with one in which a single instance of them demands an immediate revision of the whole dictionary. DESCRIPTION OF A SYMBOLIC CALCULUS. 91 tradiction. The second case may be a consequence of the first, or it may not : contradictory combinations may arise from limitation of meaning, and may cease to be contradictory under extended meanings ; or it may happen, either that no such abolition of contradiction is possible in the case thought of, or else that every extension of meaning which destroys contra- diction in one combination creates it in another. Thirdly, it may be incomplete in its rides of operation. This incompleteness may amount either to an absolute privation of results, or only to the imposition of more trouble than, with completeness, would be requisite. Every rule the want of which would be a privation of results, may be called primary : all which might be dispensed with, except for the trouble that the want of them would give, may be treated merely as con- sequences of the primary rules, and called secondary. Each of the three great objects of consideration, peculiar symbols, assigned meanings, and rules of operation, may then be defective, independently of the rest. Can we carry the defect so far as to imagine one or more of them to be entirely wanting ? The cases of absolute deficiency, which it may be worth while to notice here, principally to accustom the student to the idea of the separation, are as follows : 1. Meaning* and rides without peculiar symbols. Unques- tionably algebra might be deprived of its peculiar symbols, ordinary words taking their places. There is no more truth, no more meaning, and no more possibility of drawing consequences in (a a - 6 2 ) - (a - b) = a + b, than in ' the difference of the products of two numbers, each multiplied by itself, divided by the difference of those numbers, gives the sum for a quotient.' Before the time of Vieta, algebra had always been much retarded by the want of a sufficient use of peculiar symbols. 2. Peculiar symbols, and meanings, without rules of operation. In this case the only process must be one of unassisted reason, thinking on the objects which the symbols represent; as in geometry, which has its peculiar symbols (as AB, signifying a line joining two points named A and ). But no science 92 DESCRIPTION OF A SYMBOLIC CALCULUS. of calculation* can proceed without rules; and these geometry doesf not possess. 3. Peculiar symbols, and rules of operation, without assigned meanings. Nothing can be clearer than the possibility of dic- tating the symbols with which to proceed, and the mode of using them, without any information whatever on the meaning of the former, or the purpose of the latter. A corresponding process takes place in every manual art in which an assistant obeys directions, without understanding them. The use of such a process, as an exercise of mind, must depend much (but not altogether) upon the value of the meanings which we suppose are to be ultimately assigned. A person who should learn how to put together a map of Europe dissected before the paper is pasted on, would have symbols, various shaped pieces of wood, and rules of operation, directions to put them together so as to make the edges fit, and the whole form an oblong figure. Let him go on until he can do this with any degree of expert- ness, and he has no consciousness of having learnt anything: but paste on the engraved paper, and he is soon made sensible that he has become master of the forms and relative situations of the European countries and seas. As soon as the idea of acquiring symbols and laws of com- bination, without given meaning, has become familiar, the stu- dent has the notion of what I will call a symbolic calculus ; which, with certain symbols and certain laws of combination, is symbolic algebra : an art, not a science ; and an apparently * A calculus, or science of calculation, in the modern sense, is one which, has organized processes by which passage is made, or may be made, mechanically, from one result to another. A calculus always contains something which it would be possible to do by machinery. t Those who introduce algebraical symbols into elementary geo- metry, destroy the peculiar character of the latter to every student who has any mechanical associations connected with those symbols ; that is, to every student who has previously used them in ordinary algebra. Geometrical reasoning, and arithmetical process, have each its own office : to mix the two in elementary instruction, is injurious to the proper acquisition of both. DESCRIPTION OF A SYMBOLIC CALCULUS. 93 useless art, except as it may afterwards furnish the grammar of a science. The proficient in a symbolic calculus would na- turally demand a supply of meaning. Suppose him left without the power of obtaining it from without : his teacher is dead, and he must invent meanings for himself. His problem is, Given sym- bols and laws of combination, required meanings for the symbols of which the right to make those combinations shall be a logical consequence. He tries, and succeeds; he invents a set of mean- ings which satisfy the conditions. Has he then supplied what his teacher would have given, if he had lived? In one par- ticular, certainly : he has turned his symbolic calculus into a significant one. But it does not follow that he has done it in the way which his teacher would have taught him, had he lived. It is possible that many* different sets of meanings may, when attached to the symbols, make the rules necessary con- sequences. We may try this in a small way with three symbols, and one rule of connexion. Given symbols M, N, -f, and one sole relation of combination, namely that M + N is the same result (be it of what kind soever) as N + M. Here is a sym- bolic calculus : how can it be made a significant one ? In the following ways, among others. 1. M and N may be magnitudes, + the sign of addition of the second to the first. 2. M and N may be numbers, and + the sign of multiplying the first by the second. 3. M and N may be lines, and + a direction to make a rectangle with the antecedent for a base, and the consequent for an altitude. 4. M and N may be men, and + the assertion that the antecedent is the brother of the consequent. 5. M and N may be nations, and + the sign of the consequent having fought a battle with the antecedent: and so on. We may also illustrate the manner in which too limited or too extensive a meaning interferes with the formation of the most complete significant calculus. In (1), limitation to mag- * Most inverse questions lead to multiplicity of answers. But the student does not fully expect this when he asks an inverse question, unless he be familiar with the logical character of the predicate of a proposition. A always gives B : what gives B ? answer, A always, and, for aught that appears, many other things. 94 DESCRIPTION OF A SYMBOLIC CALCULUS. nitude is not necessary, unless ratio and number be signified under the term. In (2), if M (only) were allowed to signify number, N -f M would be intelligible, but M + N would be un- intelligible ; an impossible symbol of this calculus. In (3), (M +N) signifying the rectangle, (M ' + N) + P would be unintelligible at first: further examination would show that the explanation is not complete ; and that the proper extension is that M + N + P should signify the formation of the right solid (rectangular paral- lelepiped) with the sides M, N, P. But M + N + P -f Q will be always unintelligible, as space has not four dimensions. In (4), the extension of M and N to signify human beings, would spoil the applicability of the rule, unless the meaning of + were at the same time extended to signify the assertion that the antecedent was brother or sister (as the case might be) of the consequent. But when the symbols are many, and laws of combination various, is it to be thought possible such a number of co- incidences should occur, as that the same symbolic combina- tions (unlimited in number) which express truths under one set of meanings, express other truths under another? Could two different languages be contrived, having the same words and grammar, but in which the words have different meanings, in such manner that any sentence which has a true meaning in the first, should also have a true, but a different, meaning in the second? This last question may almost certainly be an- swered in the negative : the thousands of arbitrary terms which a language presents, and the hundreds of grammatical junctions, present a possible variety of combinations of which it would be hopeless to expect an equal number of coincidences of the kind required. But Algebra has few symbols and few combinations, compared with a language : more explanations than one are practicable, and many more than have yet been discovered may exist. And the student, if he should hereafter inquire into the assertions of different writers, who contend for what each of them considers as the explanation of -/-I, will do well to sub- stitute the 1 indefinite article. We can now form some idea of the object in view; and we must ask, first, what are the steps through which we have gone, DESCRIPTION OF A SYMBOLIC CALCULUS. 95 to arrive at algebra as it stands in the mind of the student who commences this book. They are, very briefly, as follows: Beginning with specific or particular arithmetic, in which every symbol of number has one meaning, we have invented signs, and investigated rules of operation. An easy ascent is made to general or universal arithmetic, in which general symbols of number are invented, the letters of the alphabet being applied to stand for numbers, each letter having a numerical meaning, kndwn or unknown, on each occasion of its use. And thus, omitting many circumstances which have no particular reference to our present subject, we arrive at a calculus in which the actual performance of computations is deferred until we come to the time when the values of the letters are found or assigned. Accordingly, whereas in particular arithmetic every computation is completed as it arises, or declared impossible, in universal arithmetic we have a calculus of forms of computation, in which each numerical computation is only signified, and not performed; the proviso, if possible, being annexed by a reasoner to every step of every process in which a chance of impossibility occurs. Out of a few cases of difficulty, there is selected one, which appears at first sight destined always to make the proviso above mentioned an essential part of most processes of universal arith- metic. It is the impossible subtraction; the constant appearance in problems of a demand to take the greater from the less, to say how many units there are in 6 - 20, for instance. An ex- amination of the circumstances under which such phenomena occur shows, inductively, that their producing cause is always this, that either in the statement of the problem, or in its treat- ment, some one quantity is supposed to be of a kind diametri- cally opposite to that which it ought to be. Simple number, the subject of abstract arithmetic, be it par- ticular or universal, fails to show any acknowledgment of a distinction which strikes us in almost every notion of concrete magnitude. Measure 10 feet from a givon point oa a given line: the command is ambiguous until we are told which of two directions to take. A sum of money in the concerns of A and Co. is incapable of being entered in their books until we know whether it be gain or loss. A weight is generally 96 DESCRIPTION OF A SYMBOLIC CALCULUS. of one kind, but not always: the weight of a balloon is a ten- dency in the direction opposite to that of most weights ; or rather, the word weight being by usage not allowed a double signification, we say a balloon has no weight, but something which is the direct opposite of weight. A time, one extreme epoch of which is mentioned, is not sufficiently described until we know whether it is all before, or all after, the epoch. And so on. In every one of these cases, the numerical quantity of a concrete magnitude, described by means of a standard unit, is not a sufficient description; it is necessary to specify to which of two opposite kinds it belongs. This specification must be made by something not numerical: number is wholly inadequate. The first suggestion would be, it might be thought, to invent signs of distinction : but universal arithmetic makes a sugges- tion which forces attention, before the necessity for distinction is more than barely perceived. Should we ever suppose that the result of a problem is gain, or distance in one direction, or time after an epoch, &c., when it is in reality, say 4 of loss. or of distance in the opposite direction, or of time before the epoch, &c., the answer always presents itself as 0-4, or m-(m + 4), or as some version of the attempt to take away 4 more than there are to be taken away. It is then judged con- venient (that the convenience amounts to a necessity is hardly seen at that period) to make - 4 the symbol of 4 units of a kind directly opposite to those imagined in 4, or + 4. And this is the first of the steps by which universal arithmetic becomes common, or single algebra. See Algebra, pp. 12-19 and 44-66, for more detail. This word single, as applied to algebra, is derived from space of one dimension, or length, in which it is always possible to re- present the effect of every intelligible operation of single algebra, and the interpretation of every result which admits of any interpretation at all. When we reckon time, gain and loss, &c., it is always possible to translate our reckoning into terms of length, as follows : DESCRIPTION OF A SYMBOLIC CALCULUS. 97 Take any point O, in a straight line, which call the zero-point, from which all measurement is to begin. Let OU represent the unit of any particular magnitude, and let magnitudes of one kind, say gains, be measured towards A, and losses towards B. Successive gains and losses may be taken off, and the final balance exhibited, by the compasses. As long as the result is always of one kind, so that an assumption to that effect would never render the processes of pure arithmetic unintelligible, the suc- cessive results always appear on one side of O: but the moment a result of the contrary kind appears, (which, unless the arith- metical computer were aware of it, and had provided accord- ingly, would leave him with an attempt at impossible subtraction on his hands,) it is indicated on the opposite side of O. The convention as to the meaning of -j- 1 and - 1, namely, that they shall represent units of diametrically opposite kinds, is a very bold one : not merely because it takes up signs which are originally intended for nothing but addition and subtrac- tion, and fixes another signification on them ; but because it still employs them to connect quantities, and ly a new kind of connexion. The signs in fact are used in two senses, the direc- tive, and the conjunctive. + (- 3) tells us, by virtue of -, what we are talking of, and by virtue of -f ( ) how we are to join what we talk of to the rest. As conjunctive signs, + means junction, or putting on what we speak of; and - means removal. Thus, if + and - in the directive sense indicate gain and loss, the question, What is ( _ 3 ) + (+S)-(-7) + (-4)-(+3)? is the following : A man loses 3, and gets a gain of 8, with the removal of a loss of 7, the accession of a loss of 4, and the removal of a gain of 3 : what is the united effect of all these actions on his previous property ? The answer is, the accession of a gain of 5, + (+ 5). The mere beginner is allowed to slide into single algebra from universal arithmetic in a manner which leads him to under- rate the magnitude of the change. I do not see that it can be otherwise : but, at this period, my reader may be made to observe that the process by which we shall pass from single to double algebra, is the surest and most demonstrative (perhaps K 98 DESCRIPTION OF A SYMBOLIC CALCULUS. the only demonstrative) mode of passing from universal arithmetic to single algebra. It is not until he can drop all meanings, collect the laws of combination of the symbols, and so form a purely symbolic calculus, and then proceed to furnish that calculus with extended meanings, that he becomes fully master of the change. But the close resemblances, which make the slide above referred to so easy, might make it doubtful whether he would be fit to take proper note of this case of reduction and restoration* until he has seen a more striking form of the same process, namely, that which is exhibited in the transition from single to double algebra. When the earlier algebraists first began to occupy themselves with questions expressed in general terms, the difficulties of subtraction soon became obvious, inasmuch as the greater would sometimes demand to be subtracted from the less. The science has been brought to its present state through three distinct steps. The first was tacitly to contend for the principle that human faculties, at the outset of any science, are judges both of the extent to which its results can be carried, and of the form in which they are to be expressed. Ignorance, the necessary pre- decessor of knowledge, was called nature ; and all conceptions which were declared unintelligible by the former, were supposed to have been made impossible by the latter. The first who used algebraical symbols in a general sense, Vieta, concluded that subtraction was a defect, and that expressions containing it should be in every possible manner avoided. Vitium ncyui was his phrase. Nothing could make a more easy pillow for the mind, than the rejection of all which could give any trouble ; but if Euclid had altogether dispensed with the vitiitm paral- * Algebra, al jebr e al mokabala, restoration and reduction, got its Arabic name, I have no doubt, from the restoration of the term which completes the square, and reduction of the equation by ex- tracting the square root. The solution of a quadratic equation was the most prominent part of the Arabic algebra. Alter the order of the words, and the phrase may well represent the final mode of establishing algebra ; reduction of universal arithmetic to a symbolic calculus, followed by restoration to significance under extended meanings. DESCRIPTION OF A SYMBOLIC CALCULUS. 99 telorum, his geometry would have been confined to twenty-six propositions of the first book. The next and second step, though not without considerable fault, yet avoided the error of supposing that the learner was a competent critic. It consisted in treating the results of algebra as necessarily true, and as representing some relation or other, however inconsistent they might be with the suppositions from which they were deduced. So soon as it was shewn that a particular result had no existence as a quantity, it was permitted, by definition, to have an existence of another kind, into which no particular inquiry was made, because the rules under which it was found that the new symbols would give true results, did not difier from those previously applied to the old ones. A symbol, the result of operations upon symbols, either meant quantity, or nothing at all; but in the latter case it was con" ceived to be a certain new kind of quantity, and admitted as a subject of operation, though not one of distinct conception. Thus, 1-2, and a - (a + b), appeared under the name of negative quantities, or quantities less than nothing. These phrases, in- congruous as they always were, maintained their ground, because they always produced a true result, whenever they produced any result at all which was intelligible: that is, the quantity less than nothing, in defiance of the common notion that all con- ceivable quantities are greater than nothing, and the square root of the negative quantity, an absurdity constructed upon an absurdity, always led to truths when they led back to arithmetic at all, or when the inconsistent suppositions destroyed each other. This ought to have been the most startling part of the whole pro- cess. That contradictions might occur, was no wonder ; but that contradictions should uniformly, and without exception, lead to truth in algebra, and in no other species of mental occupation whatsoever, was a circumstance worthy the name of a mystery. Nothing could prevail against the practical result that theorem! so produced were true ; and at last, when the interpretation of the abstract negative quantity shewed that a part at least of the difficulty admitted of rational solution, the remaining part, namely that of the square root of a negative quantity, was received, and its results admitted, with increased confidence. 100 DESCRIPTION OF A SYMBOLIC CALCULUS. The single algebra, when complete, leads to an unintelligible combination of symbols, V~l : n t more unintelligible than was -1 when it first presented itself; for there are no degrees of absurdity in absolute contradiction of terms. The use of ^/-l, which leads to a variety of truths (page 41), points out that it "must have a logic" (page 41, note). I now proceed (page 92) to collect the symbols and laws of combination of algebra, or to describe Symbolic Algebra. CHAPTER II. ON .SYMBOLIC ALGEBRA. IN abandoning the meanings of symbols, we also abandon those of the words which describe them. Thus addition is to be, for the present, a sound void of sense. It is a mode of combination represented by 1 ; when + receives its meaning, so also will the word addition. It is most important that tht student should bear in mind that, with one exception, no word nor sign of arithmetic or algebra has one atom of meaning throughout this chapter, the object of which is symbols, and their laws of combination, giving a symbolic algebra (page 92) which may hereafter become the grammar of a hundred distinct significant algebras. If any one were to assert that -f and - might mean reward and punishment, and A, B, C, &c. might stand for virtues and vices, the reader might believe him, or contradict him, as he pleases but not out of this chapter. The one exception above noted, which has some share of meaning, is the sign = placed between two symbols, as in A = B. It indicates that the two symbols have the same resulting mean- ing, by whatever different steps attained. That A and JB, if quantities, are the same amount of quantity ; that if operations, they are of the same effect, &c. The following laws are not all unconnected : but the unsym- metrical character of the exponential operation, and the want of the connecting process of + and x, pointed out in the last chapter, renders it necessary to state them separately. I. The fundamental symbols of algebra are 0, I, +, -, x, -f, (), and letters. In ( ) there is the best mode of expressing the peculiar case in which the symbol consists in position ; as in A s , in which the distinctive symbolical force of the form lies in writing B over A. K3 102 ON SYMBOLIC ALGEBRA. II. It is usual to call + and - signs, and them only : but in laying down the laws of symbolic algebra, the close connexion existing between + and - on the one hand, and x and -f on the other, requires that the latter should also be called signs. Let the former be called term-signs, the latter factor-signs. It is to insist on this connexion that I do not (for a while) introduce the more common synonymes for AxB and A^B, namely AB ,A and-. III. A symbol preceded by + or - is a term; by x or 4- a factor. In A*> A is the base, B the exponent. When an ex- pression consists of terms, let them be called co-terms ; when of factors, co-factors. IV. Let and 1 be a co-term and co-factor of every symbol, + and x being the connecting signs of the symbol, but either 4- or -, either x or -f, those of and 1. As seen in Thus and 1 are a kind of initial or starting symbols, the first of terms, the second of factors. It is seen that + and x, placed before a symbol, do not alter it : x A is A, having reference to 1 understood, as in 1 x A ; and + A is A, having reference to understood, as in Of A. V. Co-terms and co-factors which differ only in sign, are equivalent to term and factor 1. + A - A = 0, x A v A = l. The more usual form of the last is 1 x A -f- A = I. The starting symbol is frequently used in factors, but rarely in terms. The student is well accustomed to + A and - A, in abbreviation of + A and - A : but not to x A and 4- A for 1 x A and 1 -f A. But he must use the latter a little, if he would see the complete analogy of the term and factor signs. VI. A symbol is said to be distributive over terms or factors when it is the same thing whether we combine that symbol with each of the terms or factors, or whether we make it apply to ON SYMBOLIC ALGEBRA. 103 the compound term or factor. Thus, looking at A BCD and ABCD, we see the * of the first distributed in the second. VII. Term-signs are distributive over terms, and factor-signs over factors: as in at full length + (0 *A -) = + (0 + ^) + (0 - B), l^-(lxA^B) = l~(lxA)^(l^B). VIII. The tenn-signs of factors may belong, each one of them, to any factor of the compound, or to the compound. - A x - B = - (- A) x B = - (-) (A x B). IX. Like term-signs in combination produce +; unlike, -. Like factor-signs in combination produce x; unlike, -f. As in + (-A)=-A, -(-A) = +A, x(-rA)=-rA, +(rA)=xA. X. Terms and factors are convertible in order, terms with terms, factors with factors. As in XL Factors are distributive over the terms of any cofactor with the sign x. (The corresponding law for -=- factors can be deduced, and is not to be set down as fundamental). As in and x (B - C) 4- A = B -f A - C~ A. XII. The relations of the starting symbols and 1, a ex- ponents, are A" = 1, A 1 = A. XIII. The exponent is distributive over factors with x (the case of v is deducible). As in XIV. The operations of x and the exponential operation ( )( \ successively repeated with the same base, are reducible to the lower operations + and x performed with the exponents. As in A* x A c = A^ c , ^ B ) c = A** c . 104 ON SYMBOLIC ALGEBRA. Any system of symbols which obeys these rules and no others, except they be formed by combinations of these rules and which uses the preceding symbols and no others except they be new symbols invented in abbreviation of combinations of these symbols is symbolic algebra. Ordinary algebra contains all these symbols and all these rules, but its assigned meanings do not make all results significant. I now proceed to combined symbols, and to a sufficient amount of proof by instance, that one who admits these rules admits, as consequences, all the combinations of ordinary algebra. Let 1 + 1 be abbreviated into 2 ; 2 + 1 into 3 ; 3 + 1 into 4, and so on. Now introduce the abbreviations of A x B and A 4 B, namely, AB and . Jo "We have then A + A - 2 A ; for (iv), A + A is 1 x A + lx A or (xi) (1 + 1) .4 or 2.4. Similarly, A -f A + A = 3A. Again, 4.447 is f.4: for (x), 1x4x^4-7 is Ix447x.4, or .4x447, or (VII), (VIII), A x (x 4 4 7), or A ; (A-B)(C-D) is (xi) (A-B)C-(A-B)D, or, (xi) again, AC-BC-(AD-BD), or (vn), AC-BC-(+AD) -(- BD\ or (ix), AC- BC-AD + BD; A AC = ^TTT, for x A x C 4 (B x C) is (vn). xAxC+B^C, or Jo .oG (x), x A -4 B x (74 C, or (v), x A 4 B, or ; jQ .4x0 = 0; for(v) ^4x0 is A (+ B - B), or (xi) 4- AB - AB, which (v) is 0. A 1 From what precedes = is p This is an instance Jj + C Jj C 2*2 of the deducible part of (xi) ; it is xA -f (B+ C) = + ( The complete rule XI, in all its parts, fundamental and deducible, is this: A factor may be distributed over the terms of its eofactor, with its factor-sign or the contrary, according as the receiving eofactor is x or v. Thus f A -f (B -t- C) is V (A x B + A x C) ; ^ , C , AD CB ^ AD + BC -g ^ has been shewn to be , or (xi) - .-. ON SYMBOLIC ALGEBRA. 105 * is (xiv) ^ B+( - B) , or (ix) ^ B - B , or (v) A\ or (xn) 1. So that A-* = A ; and ^ = ^ B ^- c = ^ B - ; A z is ^ 1+1 , or A 1 A\ or ^ ; ^ 3 is AAA, &c. ^3 gives (^ty = ^f 1 = ^4 (xn), or A* A* A* = -4 ; - ^ x - .B is (VIII) -(-)A x ^, or + yf-B, or ^45; ^4 x (BC) is ^4 x (x B x (7), or (vn) ^ x (x 5) x (x C), or (IX) AxSxC. In this way the student must examine narrowly a large number of fundamental operations, satisfying himself that he could produce them from the rules alone, independently of every notion of meaning. The question is this, Might a machine, which could, when guided, make introductions and alterations by the preceding rules and no others, be made to turn one of the alleged equivalent combinations into the other. It will be exceedingly convenient to reserve the small letters a, b, c, &c. most strictly to signify pure combinations of the unit-symbol 1, with any term or factor-signs, as +2, -f, &c.: and to use the capitals A, B, C, &c. for other cases. With the exception of I shall use Greek letters only for angles. ( 106 ) CHAPTER III. ON AREAS AND SOLIDS. I MAKE the first example of significant algebra to be an application of symbolic algebra to the geometry of right areas (rectangles) and right solids (rectangular* parallelepipeds), be- cause the application is useful, and abounds in instances of the distinction between symbols which become significant under the meanings given, and those which are not significant. However clearly a student may see that the ordinary arith- metical proofs of the propositions in the second book of Euclid are not sound, except for lines which are commensurable with one another, yet, considering that every proposition which can be proved by such arithmetical proof must be true\ (as may be otherwise established) .for all lines whatsoever, it may be sus- pected that the mechanism of the arithmetical proof is really the mechanism of some sound and general proof. And so it turns out, namely, that one of the significant algebras is the method of proof desired. f and - are simple addition and subtraction; A, B, &c. are lines, if not otherwise specified, and it is easy to confine them to lines. Again, x in A x B makes the symbol mean the rect- angle under A and B ; the second x in A x B x C makes the symbol mean the right solid under A, B, C. The symbols 0, 1, 2, &c. are as in arithmetic : thus 2AB is twice a rect- * The length of this phrase is intolerable : and I am in the habit of using the following extension of the word right. As a right line is formed by the simplest and most direct motion of a point, so the term right area might be applied to that formed by the most direct motion of a right line, and right solid to the solid formed by the most direct motion of a right area. Accordingly, the rectangle and the rectangular parallelepiped would be the right area and right solid. f The perfect confidence which a mathematician puts in these proofs does not arise, as he knows, from their proving that their conclusions are true, but from their proving that they can (other- wise) be proved to be true. ON AREAS AND SOLIDS. 107 angle; *, after a symbol derived from I, meaning common mul- tiplication. Exponents, save only 1, (understood, xn.) 2, and 3, need not appear. Heterogeneous terms are insignificant when put together : thus AS + C, the area of a rectangle added to a length, is unmeaning : as an area, the length is nothing. Again, A -f S is merely the ratio of the two lines ; all the rules become true under this meaning, joined with the others. AB^ C is the other side (C being one) of the rectangle equal to the rect- angle under A and B. And ABC^D is the area of the base (D being the altitude) of a right solid equal to that under A, B, C. And ABC^DE is the altitude of the same, DE being the base. And A* or AA is the square on A; A 3 or AAA is the cube on A. It will be veiy easy now to establish that these meanings give truth to all rules which have significance : to see the follow- ing for instance. A (B - C} = AB -AC, or, between the same parallels, the rectangle under the difference of two bases is equal to the dif- ference of the rectangles under those bases. ABC=ACxB, or the remaining side (C being one) of the rectangle equal to the rectangle under A and B, is equal to the proportion of B, which is expressed by the numerical ratio of A to C. As far as -f and - are concerned, this system is that of pure arithmetic. And A*, ABCD (space not having four dimen- sions), are unintelligible. And we have instances of forms which are significant, while equivalent forms are insignificant. Thus ABCD -f E is unintelligible; there is no solid of four dimen- sions. But the equivalent form of symbolic algebra, A^Ex BCD is significant : it is such proportion of the right solid BCD as A is of E. Shall we then say A^Bx BCD = ABCD^E? Shall we say, in common algebra, _ 6 L _?L _e"- 1 +e-'"- 1 " + 2^4 '" ~ 2 Both questions are to be answered alike. Those who can, in common algebra, find a square root of - 1 , will be at no loss to find a fourth dimension of space in which ABC may become ABCD: or, if they cannot find it, they have but to imagine 108 ON AREAS AND SOLIDS. it, and call it an impossible dimension, subject to all the laws of the three we find possible. And just as V~l> m common algebra, gives all its significant combinations true, so would it be with any number of dimensions of space which the specu- lator might choose to call into impossible existence. The rules having been proved true, so far as significant, all results produced by none but significant steps are pure geo- metry. Thus (A + B) 2 = A 9 + 2AB + B* is Euclid II. 4: not an arith- metical representation, but the proposition itself. A 3 B 3 And = A 3 + AB + B*, significant when A > B, means _<4 JL> that the base of a right solid which equals the difference of two cubes, the difference of their sides being the altitude, is equal to the sum of the squares on the sides and their rect- angle. The student must not call this significant phase of algebra modern, though in its separated form it may be so. The su- periority of the Greek geometry over Greek arithmetic, in means of expression and demonstration, caused much of the notion on which the former is founded to find its way into the latter. It is from this mixture that we get the terms square and cube, as applied to a x a and a x a x a (numbers). Vieta, who so materially improved the symbolic language of algebra as to be rightfully considered the founder of its modern form, was so thoroughly possessed with the idea of linear, areal, and solid representation, that he would have written such an equation as XXX + A XX + BX = C, under the idiom XXX + AXX + B planum X = Csolidum, if he had used exactly our symbols. To have done otherwise, to have allowed B and C to be the same species of magnitude as X and A, would have appeared to him like asserting that two solids and an area could make a line. I should recommend the student to consider this algebra well, and, when he meets with any circumstance of ordinary algebra in which significance is difficult to conceive or absolutely unattainable, to try if he can imagine the corresponding case of the subject of this chapter. ( 109 ) CHAPTER IV. PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON DOUBLE ALGEBRA. IF, taking the rules of symbolic algebra, we were to ask for an assignment of meaning to (-1)^ which would make all those rules true of it, we should naturally be led to select for consideration the rule (XIT.) on which the symbolic character most depends. It is (-1)4 (-1)4 = (-1)W = (-l)' = _i, or - 1 = V-l x {V-l x 1}. Consequently, V~l must satisfy this condition, that twice successively applied to + 1 by the process of x (whatsoever that be) it has the effect of changing + 1 into - 1. There may be many significant algebras in which this is done. But the demand made by common consent is, that our completely significant algebra shall be an extension of the defective system with which we commence : meaning, that so far as that system goes, significantly, it shall be a part of the new system. It would not help us, with reference to the mathe- matics now established, if fifty completely significant systems were produced, unless in one or more of them the same story were told as in the old algebra, so far as this last tells any story at all. We must have, if possible (and I am to show that it. is possible), all that we do understand still understood in the same sense, with such enlargement of meaning as will give significance to symbols which we do not now understand. Ac- cordingly, + 1 and - 1 are still to signify diametrically opposite units. Let us then examine one of the usual systems of explanation, in which we have a distinct conception of two diametrically op- posed directions of measurement, and of no more. Let it be time. Can we form any notion of an operation upon time (+ 1 being an hour future measured from a certain aera) which being twice repeated, shall produce an hour past, (-1)? The answer L 110 PRELIMINARY REMARKS seems obvious : go back an hour, and then go back an hour. But a little consideration will show that this process cannot be represented by V-l. For then which however disappears in the result. How are we free from the imputation of applying reasoning to contradictory terms, seeing we do not profess that, when time is the basis of significance, ^-l has any meaning. I answer that, if time continue to be our basis of significance, we are unanswerably open to that impu- tation : but that, if we translate the terms of our problem, that is, substitute geometrical ones, and work a geometrical answer, our whole process is intelligible; and so many units of length as our geometrical answer contains, so many units of time does the answer to the original problem contain. Algebra takes cognizance only of units, not of what units they are, whether of length or time, &c. Each of its transformations is made in one way, Avhatever may be the magnitudes from which the units represented by its symbols are derived. A problem given in terms of one magnitude may be solved in terms of another, provided that every condition of the problem be faithfully pre- served. * The quotation which follows the words in italics is from the review of M. Buee's memoir on Imaginary Quantities, in vol. xn. (1808) of the Edinburgh Review. The earlier writers on this subject were much given to supposing the explanations of V 1 to be absolute, and to be a demonstrable part of ordinary algebra : the extension of meaning, or of the field of significance, was not distinctly announced, and I imagine, indistinctly conceived. Hence, as against M. Buee, there is an amount of propriety in the reviewer's remark. But, nevertheless, it is a striking instance of the con- fusion between ignorance and nature, alluded to in page 98. The- re-viewer ought to have seen that in pure arithmetic every part of his dictum, applies to negative quantities. L3 114 PRELIMINARY REMARKS This is a point which, to the beginner, may require some illustration. Suppose, then, we have this question : Two youths are aged 6 and 16 years ; when will one be twice as old as the other? Answer, in 4 years. Now propose it thus: Two youths have 6 and 16 apples ; when will one have twice as many apples as the other ? The data of the question are insufficient ; there is no connexion expressed or implied between the number of apples one may get, and that which the other may get. But there was a connexion between their increments of age, implied in the mention of time, and capable of being expressed. I did not say ' Two youths are aged 6 and 16 years, and for each year which one advances in age, the other advances a year also, required, &c.' ; because the words in italics are necessarily due to the mention of age. Now add to the second problem the condition that for each apple which either gets, the second gets one also, and we have the first problem, in which each 1 is derived from a year, faithfully rendered into another in which each 1 is derived from an apple : and the answer is, ' When each has got four apples'. It is a true method of finding the half of ten apples, or the half of ten years, to describe an equilateral triangle upon a line of ten inches, to bisect the vertical angle (Euclid I. 11), and to show that each of the segments of the base is 5 inches. The student must take care, in applying a complete significant double algebra to questions of non-geometrical magnitude, that he does not fall into an error analogous to that of supposing the equi- lateral triangle to be described upon the ten years, or the ten apples. The separation of essential from non-essential notions is a very important process to all who would think upon mathe- matical subjects. In the first problem we see that the answer is what it is, not because it is time of which we spoke, except so far, that between any two moments, all person's ages have received the same accession. The distance run over by persons in the same carriage would have done as well. The formation of symbolic algebra itself is a separation of the essential con- ditions of operation from the non-essential : the rejection of all meaning over and above the points of meaning on which trans- formations depend. ON DOUBLE ALGEBRA. 115 There is another instance of separation of essential notions which it will be necessary to use. In thinking of a process of arithmetic, for instance, there is the subject-matter of the science, and the mode of operation: these two things are dis- tinct, to those who can separate them. But there may be a difficulty in doing this : is it possible, for example, that we could think of addition without thinking of number or magni- tude, or thinking of more ? This point we shall try. The subject-matter of arithmetic is number ; its primary operation is counting or numeration. This counting proceeds from 0, which represents, and must represent, the state of the mind with respect to the number attained, before the counting begins. Memory (and, for high numbers, reductive modes of expression) save us from counting every time we produce number for use. Any one who had forgotten seven must begin as children do, first with none at all, put on one, put on another and say two, &c. until he comes to seven. Now let us suppose that he is to add seven to three, and that he has forgotten both seven and the total. He must proceed first by counting seven, and then by repeating the process of counting seven, with no alteration except substituting 3 in place of 0, to start from. Thus we have ln sevTn. ing } > add one > !; add another, 2; 6; add one, 7. Ina See e . Ven }' 3 > add one, 4; add another, 5; 9; add one, 10. Accordingly, a and b being two integers, the direction given in forming the arithmetical symbol a + b is ' proceed from a, first formed, in the same manner as you proceed from to form &.' Now if a and b stand for numbers, we must of course think of number in doing this. Nevertheless the description of the operation contains no numerical idea, except w r hen the subject- matter is numerical. It is only 'Do with X as you did with Y to make Z,' and every book of art, on any subject whatever, abounds with this species of direction. It is seen in our symbolic algebra : for B is + B ; so that in A + B it is seen that A only takes the place of 0. Again, let us think of arithmetical multiplication. Here the separation of notion of operation from notion of subject-matter is even more easily made. "What is 7 times 3 ? It is a number 116 PRELIMINARY REMARKS. which has a 3 for every unit which there is in 7. The direction then is, Substitute 3 for 1 in the formation of 7. In place of + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 write 0+3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3. Accordingly, a x b is always the result of substituting a for 1 in the formation of b, or of proceeding with a as we proceed with unity in forming b. This is seen in the symbols : for B is 1 x B ; and in A x B, A takes the place of 1. CHAPTER V. SIGNIFICATION OF SYMBOLS IN DOUBLE ALGEBRA. Tins particular mode of giving significance to symbolic algebra is named from its meanings requiring us to consider space of two dimensions (or area), whereas (page 111) all that ordinary algebra requires can be represented in space of one dimension (or length). If the name be adopted, ordinary algebra must be called single. I first commence with the mere description of the symbols, and then proceed to establish the rules in Chapter II. All the symbols which in single algebra denote numbers or magnitudes, in double algebra denote lines, and not merely the lengths of lines, but their directions. Thus two lines of the same length, but in different directions, or two lines in the same direction, but of different lengths, must have different symbols. Accordingly, each symbol is meant to convey a double signification : it describes the length, and direction, of its line. Two finite lines have the same direction, when they are parallel, and when they run in the same direction* on these parallels. Thus, A and B being points, AS and BA are not entitled to the same symbol : and if A, B, C, D be the points of a parallelogram in order, AB and DC have the same symbol, but not AB and CD. Thus AB = DC is true : AB = CD is not. The symbol has reference to one particular point, arbi- trarily chosen, but steadily kept to, which may be called the on'i/in. By X = 0, we mean that X has no length : it is the equal of a line, so to speak, which begins and ends at the origin. The line 1, is a line arbitrarily chosen as to length and direction, but steadily kept to. When 1 is drawn from the origin, the line in which it is, indefinitely extended both * The word direction is used in two different senses. Thus north and south are different directions on a line, and the line of north and south is one direction among lines out of an infinite number. 118 SIGNIFICATION OF SYMBOLS ways, is called the unit-line, Afterwards, and particularly with reference to symbols of the form A B , it will recal properties if we designate the unit-line as the axis of length, and the perpendicular to it as the axis of direction. Since A and are found from O by progress over certain lengths in certain directions, let us first describe the line we choose to call A, and then, proceeding from its extremity, let B be set off, commencing from the completion of A. Let the third side of the triangle, if we take the B which commences at the completion of A, or the diagonal of the parallelogram, if we take the B which commences from O, be denoted by A + B. Then the operative direction in page 115, is strictly applied to } a different subject-matter. To form A + B, we put A in the place of in + B. And just as in arithmetic 11 + 7 tells us how far we are from when 7 has been counted from and after 11, so here A + B is supposed to indicate how far we are from O, and in what direction, when -t- is joined to A. And since (A+B-B) is to be A + 0, or + ^4, or A, annexing - B must be equiva- lent to going over a line equal and opposite to B. And A- B represents the length from O, and direction attained, by going over, first A, and then an equal and opposite to B. And - B, standing alone, is - B, or a line equal and opposite to B from O itself. If A and B be in the same direction, A + B and A- B are as in single algebra: this will appear by following the above rules. And if we take the unit-line, it Avill appear that 1 + 1, or 2, is two units of length in that line ; 2 + 1 three units of length in the same; and so on. All the symbols derived from 1, represented by small letters (p. 105) are lines in the unit-line, continued both ways : this partly appears already, and will be seen further. It thus appears, that what we here denominate addition is truly not addition of magnitude to produce magnitude, but junction of effects to produce joint effect. It is the process of the seaman, when he represents himself as having only made ten miles (that is, on his way to port), when perhaps he has gone, on two tacks, IN DOUBLE ALGEBRA. 119 24 miles altogether; but his effective progress is only 10 miles. In this sense, describing two sides of a triangle, of 12 miles each, may be of no more useful effect than describing the third side of 10 miles. Nor is there, in one sense, the slightest objection to saying that 12 and 12 make 10. Let us now consider by what process 1 (OU) becotnes B. There is a change both in length and direction: the change of length is accomplished by altering OU in the ratio of OU to the length of B (or multiplying O U by the number of linear units in the length of JB). The change of direction is made by turning OU through the angle made by B with OU. Now substitute A in the place of 1 : multiply its length by the num- ber of units in B, and turn it through the angle made by B with OU. This process strictly follows the direction in page 116, and if we agree that the result shall be denoted by A x B, we have the following rule. The u length of Ay. B is the arithmetical product of the lengths of A and B, expressed in units ; and the angle of A x B with the unit-line is the sum of the angles of A and B. Before going further, the student must observe that we can invent a method of representing the duplicity of our symbols. Let letters placed within parentheses have their meaning in single algebra, and let (a, a) signify a line of units of length inclined at an angle a to the unit-line. Thus 1 is (1, 0), 2 is (2, 0), ince A x B f A -r B as follows : a cosa + icos/3/' Since A x B -f B is to be A, we have for the meaning of 120 SIGNIFICATION OF SYMBOLS or the division of this algehra consists in dividing the length of the dividend hy the length of the divisor for the number of units of length in the quotient, and subtracting the angle of the dividend from the angle of the divisor for the angle of the quotient. Observe that we need not, unless we please, use any negative number inside the parentheses : thus (- 2, a) is (2, a + TT) and (2, - a) is (2, 2?r - a), or (2, 4?r - a), &c. Per- haps at first it will be best to avoid negative quantities within these parentheses. The following are some examples : ,, 3 x 4 = (3, 0) x (4, 0) = (12, 0) ; = - 3 x 4 = (3, TT) x (4, 0) = (12, TT) = - 12, - 3 x - 4 = (3, TT) x (4, TT) = (12, 27r) = (12, 0) = 12. Hence it appears that in the unit-line, multiplication and division are precisely those of single algebra. But for all other directions except ( , 0) and ( , TT), lines of the same direction have not products in that or the opposite direction. Let AA, AAA, AAAA, &c., without any reference to ex- ponents, be called the second, third, fourth, &c. powers of A. And let >JA, ~J A, V 'A, &c., be lines of which the meaning is defined by ^A x ^A, -J A x '*] A x \J A, &c., being each equal to A, and they may be called the second, third, fourth. &c. roots of A. Then we have immediately AA = (aa, 2a), AAA = (aaa, 3), AAAA - (aaaa, 4), &c., ^A = fa, ? , &c. As explained in pages 43, 44, choice of values immediately com- mences, as soon as we have occasion to take a subdivision of an angle. Thus, since a + 2rmr may take the place of , we may infer, as in the pages cited, that ^A has two directions whose angles differ by IT, half a revolution ; that VA has three directions, indicated by angles differing by a third of a revo- lution; and so on. In fact that f /"/ a 2?T\ is any one of V , - +m ) , \ n n I IN DOUBLE ALGEBBA. 121 where m is any integer. Thus - 1 being (1, TT) we have for V-l either (l, ^ or (l, ^), or Ae square roots of unity are units* perpendicular to the unit line. If, to draw a distinction, we denote (1, |TT) by ^/~1, then -V-l will be denoted by (1, f TT). As yet, every symbol or combination of .symbols from the unit line, in obeying the laws of double algebra, obeys also those of single algebra; the code of the latter being merely a local chapter in the code of the former. But, for symbols in general, the theorems of algebra are assertions of a much wider kind. When we say in double algebra that (7 x 7 - 2 x 2) -f (7 - 2) = 7 + 2, we repeat in substance a proposition of arithmetic, the greatest difference being that our additions and subtractions are rather carryings forwards and backwards with the compasses than nu- merical efforts of mind. But in establishing (A A - SB) ~(A-S) = A + , we shall establish nothing less than the following geometrical theorem. If there be two given lines inclined at given angles to a line of standard length and direction, and if to the standard and each of them a third proportional be taken, and placed at an angle with the standard double of that made by the original : and if from the end of the first line so resulting, a line be drawn equal, parallel, and opposite to the second: and if the line joining the common intersection of the standard and given lines with the last found extremity of this last line be called a first result: and if from the extremity of the first given line two lines be drawn equal and parallel to the second line, in the same and opposite directions: and if the lines joining the common intersection before named with the last found extremities be called second and third results : then the second result is a fourth proportional to the third result, the standard, and the * Whatever may have been suggested by the considerations in page 109, the reader will see that double algebra is far from being founded on the assumption that V~ 1 denotes perpendicularity. If suggestion be foundation, it is more nearly founded on the separation of operation and quantity in arithmetical addition and multiplication. M 122 SIGNIFICATION OF SYMBOLS first result, inclined to the standard at an angle equal to the excess of that of the first result over that of the third result. The student should verify some general theorems of algebra by actual drawing: this would give him practice in the meaning of the terms. The unit line, produced both ways, might well be called the line of single algebra ; and the positive side of it the line of pure arithmetic. And it readily follows that all symbols of double algebra are capable of being expressed by symbols of single algebra, combined with V~l : or V-l is the only peculiar symbol of double algebra. To show this, first observe that a V~l is (a, 0) x (1, f TT) or (a, |TT), or a units of length perpendicular to the unit line. Let there be a line R, and let it be projected upon the unit line IV-l and its perpendicular into projections of a and b units of length. The first projection (a, 0) is properly represented by a: but NP is (b, |TT) or b V~l : NM is b; and R is a + 6 V-l, by the definition of +. Thus we have a representation of any line, by means of symbols from the unit line and */-!. Let R = (r, />), and let the projecting factors, by which a line at the angle p is converted into its projections, be called cosp for the unit line, and sin/> for the perpendicular. Remember that we here recommence trigonometry ; nothing out of my first book will be used in this second until it has been proved again as a consequence of double algebra. We may consider cosp and sin/j as by definition, the lengths of the projections of (1, />). Accordingly, by similar triangles, a = r cos p, b = r sin p, and R or (r, p) is r cosp + r sin/) . V~l- And ^ eri we nave (1, /)) = cos/) + sin/) . V-l, (r, p)=r (cos/) -f sin/> . V~l)- IN DOUBLE ALGEBRA. 123 I shall defer the consideration of the symbol () until it has been established that all the rules in Chapter II., except xil., XIII., xiv., are necessarily true of the above symbols. Re- member that the symbols in parentheses, as (a, ), are strictly those of single algebra, and can even be made those of pure arithmetic : and that those not in parentheses are always symbols of double algebra. Thus, at this moment, I have hardly a right to say 3x4 = 12: but in (3, 0) x (4, 0) = (3 x 4, 0), common arithmetic gives the right to say that 3x4 in the parentheses is 12 : so that 3x4 is (12, 0) or 12 of the double algebra. I. All the symbols have been made significant, except the exponential symbol () . The new symbols, V, &c., though made significant, must be deferred till we treat of exponents. II. III. The student may now freely use AB and -= for A x B and A -f- B. IV. In + A we see nothing but A, or rather a case of A, which may have an infinite number of positions, and + A is that one which begins at the origin. In A we only see injunction not to proceed from the second extremity of A in either direction. In common arithmetic, 7, for instance, written alone, might be the last 7 in 18 or any other number : but + 7 is the first 7 which is counted from : and 7 is a direction not to count beyond 7, either forwards or backwards. In 1 x A we have A described as the unit altered into the length of A, and made to turn through the angle of A : in A x 1 or A -f 1 we see A described with further direction, 1 being (1, 0), not to alter its length, nor its angle. In common arithmetic, 1x7 is unity altered into 7 ; and 7xlor7-flis7 unaltered. V. The definitions of - and -f were constructed to satisfy + A - A = 0, and x A -^ A = 1. VI. VII. Any case of VII. may easily be shown thus. The application of + or - to a compound term is a direction to let the result stand, or to change it into the opposite line. Now if we apply + to each of the simple terms, each of them stands, and therefore their compound stands, which is equivalent to applying the sign + to the compound. But if - be applied to each simple term, or if each be changed into its opposite, it will appear from common geometry that the compound is also 124 SIGNIFICATION OF SYMBOLS changed into its opposite; so that the sign - is applied to the compound. Again, in 1 -f- (1 x A -f JB) we see that the operations are -?, 27r-(a-/3)} But in 1 -f (1 x .4) 4- (1 -r B) we have, since as before. VIII. The application of a term sign affects only the angle : nor even that, unless the sign be - ; in which case a revolution through two right angles is produced. Now whether this alteration be made on a factor or on the whole compound, matters nothing; for whether the factor sign be x or -f , revo- lution through two right angles is of the same effect whichever way it is made. IX. The effect of + is merely permanence, that of -, oppo- sition. Thus, - (- A) is + A, for the line equal and opposite to the line equal and opposite to A must be A itself: other cases may be proved with equal ease. Again, (f A) or 1 -f (1 4- A), A being (a, a), is (1, 0) f- , -J, or -1 1 -^ - , - (- a) I , or (a, a), or 1 x A. X. The first part of this rule, that relating to terms, is obvious : + A -f JB is the diagonal of a certain parallelogram, of which + A and f S are sides ; and 4- B + A is the same diagonal. IN DOUBLE ALGEBRA. 125 Hence any two consecutive terms may be made to change places ; for A + B + C - D + E = (A + B) + (+ C- D) + E And if in any arrangement any two consecutive symbols may be made to change places, it follows that, by change after change, any one order may be converted into any other. As to the factors, it is plain that x and 4- each indicates two distinct operations, either of which is capable of being per- formed without the other. These operations are separately of the convertible character, and their joint result is the same : for instance, A x = (a, a) x (b, j8) = (db, a + /3) = (Jo, ft 4- a) = B x A, , ., XI. It may help us here, and elsewhere, to remark that there is no essential distinction between + and -, or between x and -K Thus A + B is A - (- B), or (a, a) + (b, ft) is (a, a) - (6, TT + ft). And A -f B is A x (1 -f- B). All cases of this rule may then be contained under A( + C) = A + AC. If any number of lines be multiplied by A, it is obvious that the products make the same angles with one another as the originals, since each angle made with the unit line is in- creased by a. Again, the lengths are all increased in the same proportion, their units being all multiplied by a. If then the sides and diagonal B, C, B 4- (7, be all multiplied by A, we have AB, AC, A(B + C), sides and diagonal of another parallel- ogram. Therefore A (B + C) = AB + A C. With the exception of what relates to exponents, we have now a right to affirm that symbolic algebra is truly rendered significant by the preceding definitions ; and that, so far, every identical equation of ordinary algebra is also an identical equa- tion of double algebra. And further, that all ordinary or single algebra is so much of the double algebra as relates to the symbols of lines taken in the unit line or its continuation. These consequences are inevitable, unless it can be shown, first, that some indispensable rule of operation is omitted in, and cannot 113 126 SIGNIFICATION OF SYMBOLS be deduced from, the rules in Chapter II.; and secondly, that such omitted rule, when brought forward, is found not to be a necessary consequence of the definitions in this chapter. But inevitable consequences are not always easily credible : particularly when very extensive and easily deduced consequences stand upon a very small basis of definition. And it is not easily credible that the whole of trigonometry should be capable of re -establishment as a consequence of these definitions, after throwing every part of the first book away except the defi- nitions of co&9 and sin#. A close examination of all the definitions and of all the demonstrations of the symbolic rules will show that nothing of geometrical theorem is assumed except the doctrines of parallel lines and similar triangles. Nevertheless, what amounts to an arithmetical demonstration of Euclid I. 47, can be immediately produced. It is seen that (1, 0) x (1, -6) = (1, 9-6) = 1. But (1, 9) = cos# -t- sin0. V~l and (1, - 9) - cos0 - sinfl.y'-l, and their product is cos . r cos9 + r sin0 . r sin# = rr, which is the arithmetical form of I. 47. Now it is undeniable that I. 47 is proved again (without reasoning in a circle) from parallels and similar triangles in VI. 31. There must be then, in our definitions, and in the operations which are performed in (cos0 -f sin0 V~l) x (cos0 - s,m9*/-l), something which amounts to such a deduction as is made in VI. 31. And this, it may be shown, is the fact. Take the wider question following. From (1, 0) x (1, 9) = (1, + 6), we have (cos0-f sin0.V~l) (cos0-f sin0.V-l) = cos(0+0) + sin (0 + 0).*/-l (cos0cos6> - sin0 sin0) + (sin0 cos# + cos0 sin6>). -/-I = cos(0 + 9) + sin (0 + 9) . ^-\. But a -i- b i/-l = d -f V y-1 gives a = d and b = 6', since equal and parallel lines have equal projections. Hence we have cos (0+, O^ :OQ::TC: VC VC = cos0 sin^. Therefore, using the geometrical designations as symbols of double algebra, OX= (cos6cos0, 0) = (cos0, 0) x (cos0, 0) = OQ x OP, - VT= (sin0 sine, TT) = (sin0, ATT) x (sin6, ^TT) = QB x PA, XT=(smJ- = cos cos 6 - sin0 sin#, RC = OP.QB + OQ.PA, or sin(0 + 0). ma), from which all the cases can be deduced. For A,(e, 0), we have l-fO^-l or 1. Hence for A we have \(A\) or \A. That is, 6 A must be our future way of ex- pressing \A ; and we have, as in ordinary algebra, A = e^ A . Again, (1,0) has for its logometer + 6^-1 ; therefore (1, 0) is fi*'" . But this is cos0 + sin0.^-l : therefore Here again occurs the difficulty of page 126. We get this fundamental equation on terms so cheap, that we suspect its goodness. And moreover, it cannot be always true, while e and the angular unit are both unnamed. The second side does not depend for its numerical value upon what number is, but only upon what angle it represents. The first side is dependent for its numerical value upon those of e and 0. If, for instance, we choose to halve the angular unit, so that the angle now containing units contains 20 units, the second side is unaltered. But cos 20 + sin 20.^-1 is e""' 1 , which is not 6 ^' 1 . Nevertheless it will be easy both to establish that some such equation must exist, and that a connexion exists between the base to be taken for the logarithmic system and the unit of angular measure. Having established all the fundamental rules, we may by the process in page 205 of the Algebra, interpreting the symbols as in the double system, show that any function which possesses the property fA xfE =f(A + S) must be of the form C A , where C is independent of A : and cos0 + sin 0.^-1 is such a function of 0. Accordingly we must have C 9 = cos0 + sin0y-l. This result only differs from the former in that C, which is quite arbitrary, takes the place of e^" 1 , which is wholly un- determined. Return to the first, and observe that it gives ^' 1 - cos 1 + sin !. ON THE EXPONENTIAL SYMBOL. 133 which is the relation that must exist between the angular unit and the base of the logarithms. If we were to make no appeal to common algebra, we should proceed with this equation to define the above relation, and in process of time we should arrive at the result that if the method of angular measurement be arcual, the base of the logarithms must be Naperian ; that is, that if angle 1 have an arc equal to the radius, s must be 1 1 1 + n-+o+- But as it may be unsatisfactory to leave such a point behind us, I will establish it on the following basis: the binomial theorem with a positive integer exponent, and the theorems that log (1 -;- x) 4- x and tan x -f x both have the limit unity when x is diminished without limit; with, of course, the ex- plained symbols of double algebra. And in assuming tan x -=- x to have 1 for its limit, we assume the arcual unit. Now (page 119) (1,0) + ~ P (/ 1\ R / / 1 \ 1 + ^-) Its logometer is H\[l + X=r-l . -tt I \ R I R or (l { -^ -r (r, p) is (- , ~ ^ , say (k, | - , -- 2 / I \l4A;sin/vJ X (l + ^] = ilog(l + 2&sin/j f **) 4 tan' 1 7 - 8 /- V-l. \ t ] 1 + A; sm/j And, J2 being (cosp + sin/>.\/-l) f k, we have m (l + ^) = P + Q V-l, where cos/j , P = - log(l = - log(l + 2k sin/, + *) + tan - 2A; A; 1 + Asin/a Now let the length of _R increase without limit, or let k diminish without limit. Then we have loe(l + 2& sin/> H Z; 2 ) log(l 4 2k sin/; 4 /,-*) - ~ = -- (2 N 134 ON THE EXPONENTIAL SYMBOL. and, taking that angle which diminishes without limit with its tangent, we have 1 _j & cos/> _ t k cos/) . k cos/> cos/> A; 1 + k sin/j 1 + k sin/> 1 + & sin/> 1 + & sin/j ' and the limit is cosp. Hence P has for its limit cos/>.2 sin/) - sin/> cosp, or : Q has \ sin/j.2 sin/> + cosp.cosp, or 1 ; and P + Qy'-l has V~l- If then the length of R increase without limit, (1 + V~l - -R) R has for its h'mit \(0+ 1 ^-1) or (1, 1), provided that the logometer used have an angle between - TT and + TT, and that the logarithms used be of the system which gives log (1 + x) -f x the limit unity. Let R = n*J-\, n being integer; then (1 \nV-l ff Ixnl^- 1 1+- or^l+- I has the limit (1, 1) : nj L\ / J but, as n increases without limit, (1 + 1 -f- n) n approaches the limit 1 + 1 + i -f ... (Algebra, page 225). Consequently we have / 11 V- 1 (1 + 1 + -+ + ...j = cos 1 + sm 1-V-lj or e has the value used for that letter in single algebra. We have now a completely significant system of algebra, and the whole contents of Book I. Chapter V. are established by demonstration, if that chapter be now inserted here. The symbol \R is the first in which multiplicity of meaning occurs ; a property which it communicates to 22 s . All the mean- ings of this last symbol, the distinction between the cases in which their number is infinite and those in which it is finite, &c., will be best seen by reducing JR S to another form. Let ON THE EXPONENTIAL SYMBOL. 135 since re^" 1 is r cos + r sin 0.^- 1 or (r, 6). Here (page 46) tan" 1 (b -f a) may be any angle with b ~ a for its tangent, in P which the cosine and sine have the sign of a and b ; and (a" f b*f is taken with a positive sign. First, it appears that when q is not = 0, that is, when the exponent is not a symbol of single algebra, the number of values is absolutely unlimited. But even in this case, when p is a rational fraction, the number of directions is no more than one for each unit of the denominator: and when p is an integer, there is only one direction (pages 43, 44). Next, when q = 0, we have f ? 61 (a + b V-l) p = <^ (a* + 6 2 ) 2 , p tan' 1 - j> , which has only one length, and as many directions as there are units in the denominator of p. If p be incommensurable, the number of variations of direction is infinite. The case of b = is discussed in pages 45, 46. The effect of the term qt/-l in the exponent, is the addition of %q log (a* + 6 2 ) to the angle, and the subtraction of q tan" 1 (b 4- a) from the logarithm of the length. The student should exercise himself in the reduction of different forms of J2 S to significance, first, by the complete process, next by the formular result. For instance, ^/-l v . Here >j-\ is any case of (1, 2nnr + ^TT), and its logometers are contained in (2m?r + \TT)^-\, or (2rmr + |TT, Imr + \TT). But for it is not worth while to distinguish Inir and 2nir + Ik-. n and k being any integers we please. This last is the logometer of the result required; therefore rVLl. / 1 A , 1 / 1 . Otherwise V- 1 = + 1 V~l = E or V-l*" 1 is any power of e"^, whose exponent is in the series ...-3, 1, 5, 9, &c. The following fallacy has before now been seriously proposed as an argument against the introduction of imaginary quantities 136 ON THE EXPONENTIAL SYMBOL. into ordinary algebra. Since 1"=1, I/' 1 = 1 : but 1 = s 2 ^' 1 , therefore ( 27rV ' 1 ) v " = 1 O r ~ 2 = 1, which is absurd. If we try 1 ' J ~ , we have XI = 2imr V-l, V-l XI = - 2?7r, which is the logometer of ~ 2 "" r . Accordingly, we admit the equation l v ~ l = ~ 2m7r , meaning that if m be any integer, positive or negative, e is one of the values of 1 . And if m = 0, this is 1. But this last 1 is not 7rV " : the first 1 is (1, 0), the second is (1, 2;r). How these should give different logometrical results, double algebra makes manifest enough. The logometric operation makes differences of form and value both out of differences of form ivithout difference of value. In the Rules xm. and xiv. it is demanded that the same logometers of each symbol shall be used throughout; otherwise the relations are not true. Does the neglect of any analogous regulation lead to errors in single algebra ? To try this, let us see if error may be produced. First take A*.A C = A** c , and observe that AP = XQ -I- R means P = Qs B . Use a particular logometer in A*, call it A^4, and another, \A + Zrmr V-l, in A c . The logometer of A*A C , thus taken, is Hence A B .A C = A* +c e 2 ""^ 1 , in which A* and A E+C are formed from the same logometer. A very simple instance of the truth of this equation will show that beginners may commit a mistake in ordinary algebra. Let j? = C = J, n = 1. Then we have A^A* = Ae^' 1 = - A. But it ought to be +[A. This beginner's mistake is like the following : V4 = + 2, V* = - 2, therefore V 4 V 4 = - 4 > or + 4 = - 4. The two different forms of .4* are formed from different logometers. Unity, when exhibited in the form 2 "" v ~ 1 , is formed from the logometer + 2tmr V-l : and a, exhibited as ae" m * " , is formed from the logometer loga + 2imr V-l. If we consider as primary that form of a symbol which takes its angle from the first positive revolution, or from inclusive to ITT exclusive, and if \ (1 -/ denote the primary logometer thence formed, and if \ m A denote the logometer loga -f ( + 2imr) -/-I, and A m B the value ON THE EXPONENTIAL SYMBOL. 137 of A* formed from it, we have the following equations: ^ B _ ^ B g 2m7T B ^-l A S = A B 2 t m -")' rBV - 1 j B A B ,< B 2(m+n-p)7TB'/-l / A -n \C ; c p C 2(m+n-*-Z)rCV-l -^m ^n = -^ E ' V-^m-^n^ = ** -l S > (A *) c = A BC g{ 2Cm- *) BC + 2 " c }' lV - 1 . V tii Jn k The following equation, ^~ = TT, very often found in y-i books of algebra, merely means, when brought to significance by adoption into double algebra, that TT >/-! is one meaning of \ (- 1). In former days, it was not uncommon to object to the equa- tion -/-I . *J-\ = - 1, on the ground that it should be V(- 1 x - 1) or A/1 or ! But it was hardly seen that, on this mode of reasoning, i n all cases. And moreover this last is true, if ^a be indefinite. For then it has two values ; and if in y'a.y'a, we are not bound to use the same value in both the first and second factor, then ^a . (x - y V-l) must be p - q\>-l. For the same operations, performed on the same lines, will produce the same resulting lines, by whatever symbols they are denoted. Change the positive and negative directions on the axis of direction, and also the positive and negative direc- tions of revolution. All the symbols of the unit line still repre- sent what they did before; but the lines which were a + b V~l and p -f q */-!, are now a- b 1/-1, and p - q -/-I. Therefore, the same operations on the same lines producing the same result, we have (a - b V~l) = P ~ 1 V~l : hut if the function should contain other double symbols, as a' + b 1 i/-l, &c. and if (a + b V-l, a'+ i'V-1, &c.) =p + q , say a, we pass successively through a, V-1> ~ a > -V~1> a i & c - If by addition of - TT, then we proceed through , - a*J-l, -a, a*J-l, a, &c. And similarly for other roots. The remembrance of the meanings of the symbols will save rules : whatever angle we add to x, we add the wi th part of that angle to its m th root. The same difficulty occurs in treating the equations (- x) = c it follows that p'"^ = /j""-/"", and because /3" 4 and /3"" are n' h roots, 7'"" = 7""", therefore 7 - 7' is an (wm) th root. But 7 P = 7* = 1, therefore 7 4- 7' is a jth root, or p and ?H, being prime to each other, 7 -f- 7' is both a _pth an d an (?n) th root, which cannot be. 8. If n be not a prime number, let P, Q, R, &c. be its prime factors, and let n = P v QiRr. . . Then if a be any P p th root, ft any Q 3th root, 7 any R r *h root, &c., a/37... * s an nth root. And all the n th roots can be thus found, and no more. First, (/37...)" or a"(B n ^"... is Ixlxl..., since n is a multiple of P p , and therefore a" = 1, &c. Therefore 0/37... t's an n'h root. Next, (by 7), no two such products can give the same th root, since P p , Q 9 , &c. are prime to each other. Thirdly, since there are P p P*** 1 roots, Q q Q 7 th roots, &c. the number of combi- nations of one out of each set is P p Q q ... or n. Therefore all the varieties of such products give n different n th roots, or all the n th roots and no more. Accordingly the whole question of finding roots has been re- duced to that of prime orders and power-of-prime orders. All the 360 th roots, for instance, are found whence the 2 3 t h 3 3th and 5 th roots arc" found. 9. Every order has some roots which belong to no lower order. If n be a prime number, this is the case with n - 1 ot 03 150 ON THE ROOTS OF UNITY. the roots (all except 1). If n be of the form P p , P being prime, any n lh root of a lower order than n must be (7) of the P p ~ ' order: for, P being prime, P* is the only form of common measure of P p and lower numbers, k not exceeding p - 1. Hence there are P" - P" l or P p ~ l (P - 1) of the P pth roots which are of no lower kind. Next, if n be P p Q q R r ... and if we take cifi-/... where a is one of the P*** 1 roots which are of no lower kind, &c. then apy... is an th root of no lower order. For (a/ty...)'" = 1 must give a m = 1, ft'" = 1, &c. : if a'" be not = 1, a'" = (/3-y. ..)""', and '" being a P^h root, so is (/*/...)""'. But this last is a (Q q R'. ..) th root, and PP and Q q R r ... are prime to each other. Therefore '" = 1, &c. Now since a m = 1, and is a P^ 11 , and no lower root, m has P p among its factors; since {3'" = 1, &c., m has Q q among its factors ; and so on. Hence m cannot be less than n, or P p Q q R r ...; while it is obvious that it may be n. Hence the number of n th roots which are of no lower order is P p - l Q q '\.. x (P - 1) (Q - 1)... : that is, (Arithmetic, p. 196) for every number less than n and prime to it, (1 included) there is an n ih root which is no lower root: and all the other M^ roots are lower roots. Let those nth roots which are no lower roots, be called prin- cipal* w th roots. Then there are 4 principal 12 th roots: for less than 12, and prime to it, we have 1, 2, 7, 11. Grant one principal root, and all above follows immediately. For if 1, a, *, a" ' be all different, and if we select a*, in which k is prime to n, then 1, a*, a 2 *, ( ' M) * are all dif- ferent, and embrace the whole of the first series in a different order. For the succession 1, k, 2k, ... (n - 1) k with each term divided by n, gives the same remainder in no two cases (Arithmetic, p. 195). But if Ik = I'n + r, aft = a r : and therefore, in the second series, we see nothing but the first series with its terms altered in order. Thus, if a be a principal 12 th root, * I would have said primitive nth roots, but Gauss has used this last word in connexion with the subject of roots. Moreover, it is not that these roots are primitive nth roots, so much as that 'nth' \s the primitive ordinal of these roots. ON THE ROOTS OF UNITY. 151 the principal 12 th roots are a, 5 , a 7 , ", and if we form the powers of these, dividing by 12 whenever it occurs, we have the 12 th roots, all of them, arranged in the following sequences : 1 a a* 1 a 5 a" 1 a 7 a* 1 a" a" 10. All the powers of an n th root are cyclical. Thus, if a be a principal root, we have cycle of n; for we have 1, a, ... a"" 1 , a"(=l), a"' 1 (= a), ...... But if be not a principal root, the cycle is in number sub-multiple of n. If, for instance, n being 12, a be a sixth ro.ot, we have a 6 = 1, 7 = , a* = a*, &c. The negative powers are only the same cycle repeated back- wards ; thus a~ l = a"" 1 , a' 2 = a"" 2 , c. The most convenient way of considering the roots is by arranging them in reciprocal couples, or from the beginning and end of the cycle. Thus, being a principal 12"' root, we distribute the 12 roots into 1 ; and a", or and "' : a" and ', or a 2 and er a ; a 3 and ~ 3 ; 4 and ~ 4 ; 5 and '''; and lastly, a, not a 6 and "*, for * = a" 6 , and each must be - 1. The student must remember not to couple + 1 and - 1. The cycles of couples have a reverse order, both in the couples and in their succession. Thus the double cycles of 12 th roots run thus: 1, a and a" 1 , a 2 and a" 2 , a 3 and a" 3 , a 4 and a" 4 , a 5 and " 5 , o 6 or -1, a 7 and a" 1 , which is a" 5 and a b , a 8 and 8 , which is we have the same function of a* ^/A, 4+1 V^, &c....a" +i ~ 1 V^4, or of the same quantities interchanged in order, which, as the function is symmetrical, makes no dif- ference. Hence the product is a real function of A ; and so of the rest. The product of the six factors in the example is y~ - x 3 . 17. If a, ft 7, ... be all or some of the th roots, and if (a, ft y, ...) be a function of a, ft y, ... capable of expansion into A + Ap + ... + A^a 1 ' 1 -, then * (a, ft y, . ..) + * ( s , 2 , y 2 , ...)+... + * (a"' 1 , /S"", y- 1 , ...) = nA v Returning to the mode of arrangement in (9), we see that if m and m' be two numbers which, divided by p, leave re- mainders r and r / , say qp + r and q'p + r 1 , the remainder of the product mm' is that of rm'. If then we take a, a 8 , ... until we get above p, and then reject the multiple of p, take only the remainder r, go on with ra, ra*, ... until we get above p again, and proceed as before, we really form the remainders of the successive powers of a. Thus, if we want to know the remainders of the powers of 2 divided by 11, we have but to form the series 2, 4, 8, (16, reject 11) 5, 10, (20, reject 11) 9, (18, reject 11) 7, (14, reject 11) 3, 6, (12, reject 11) 1, 2, 4, 8, &c. Now it is proved, in works on the theory of numbers, that if any prime number be taken, n, there are numbers less than n for which the powers, successively divided by n, yield all the n - 1 possible remainders before any recur. That one of these should always exist, is enough for our purpose : but, in truth, so many numbers (1 included) as are less than and prime to n-l, so many numbers less than n are there for which the powers yield all remainders before any recur. Thus, calling such num- bers primitive.* subordinates of n, and examining 19, a prime number, we find that 18 has 6 numbers below it, and prime to it. There are then 6 primitive subordinates of 19, and they * Gauss calls them primitive roots of the integer n : but this term would cause confusion, unless the analogies by which it is justified were introduced. ON THE ROOTS OF UNITY. 155 are 2, 3, 10, 13, 14, 15. That is, taking 14, 14 1 , 14 2 ... 14 18 , all yield different remainders when divided by 19; so that all the numbers 1, 2, 3, ... 18, are among those remainders. If then a be a principal 19* root of unity, all the 19'h roots, except 1, are contained in the set and no one twice. The advantage of this is, that if for a we write another, we only change the commencement of the cycle. Thus, if for a we write a 14 , we only remove the first and second above to the end. This is not the case when we write one for another in the more natural cycle a, a 2 , ... a"" 1 . Remember par- ticularly that the root 1 never enters this series. Let all the (n-l) th roots be known, and let w be one of them. Let us consider the expression 2 ., Hi"" 1 P = a + a w -f a or + ...... + a w , m being a primitive subordinate of n. Remember that u>"~ l =l. We see that change of a into a"' is here equivalent to multipli- cation by iv ; change of a into a"' 2 to multiplication by to" ; and so on. So that P"~ l is not aifected by writing any other root for a. Hence if P"" 1 be really constructed by multiplication, it will be found independent of a, or a function of w only; say Q. Hence P = Vfi can be expressed. Let the form of it em- ployed be called 0w. Do this for each root 1, w, w 3 , ...w"'*, iv being a principal (n-l)th root: and let a^ a 2 , a 3 , ... be the successive w th roots a"', ... We have then, taking the obvious equation when 1 is used for w, 0w = Oj 4- a f 0a> 2 = ttj+ fl 2 00)"- 2 = a l -f f/X 1 ' 2 + 3 w*^ + + a From which, by the property in (14), we find (n- !)! = -!+ 0f + 0w 2 + + (n - 1) a, = - 1 + w"- 2 0w + W 8(n - 2) 0a- 2 + + (n - 1) 3 = - 1 + w"" :< 0' 1 ' + t^ (n -^w z + + 156 OX THE ROOTS OF UNITY. Whence it appears that when n is a prime number, the n th roots can be expressed in terms of the (n-l)th roots, and are therefore algebraically determinable when the latter are so. Writers on this subject give methods of reducing the labour of the preceding : but as my object* is to show the possibility only of finding the w th roots when n is a prime number, and the (n - l) th roots are known, I shall content myself with giving at length the determination of the fifth roots ; 5 being a prime number and the 4 th roots known. One primitive subordinate of 5 is 2; and the succession is 2, 4, 3, 1. Hence, a being a fifth root other than 1, and w a fourth root, the fourth power of a z + a 4 w + aW + aw 3 is independent of a. Now, remembering that w 4 = 1, w b = tv, &c., the square of the preceding is (a 4 + a 8 + 2) + 2 ( 4 + a) w + (a 3 + a* + 2) w z + 2 (n s + 2 ) w 3 , and the square of this will be found, remembering that 1 + a + a* -f a 3 + a 4 = 0, to be - 1 + 4u) + 14w* - 16aA Let tc v w v . u- 4 , be the fourth roots, and Q lt &c. the values of the preceding. Then we have VQj = a* + a 4 a>j + a?u<* + ait>*, and similarly for the rest. If w l = V~l a ' 2 = - li w s = ~ V-l, H-\ = 1, we have Q! = - 15 + 20 V-l, Q 2 = 25, Q 3 = - 15 - 20 V-l, Q 4 = 1. We now proceed to discover which of the fourth roots is to be used; nothing being known except that we are to take the same form in all cases. With no restriction, there are 4x4*4x4, or 256 different systems of equations. One form is determined by the question : V^ 4 must be - 1 ; for a* + a 4 4 a 3 + a = - 1. Hence the form of Vl required is that of a principal fourth root moved through an odd number of right angles. Now in the case of a + b V~l, each form of the fourth root has all the properties of a principal form ; for no one of these fourth roots is a square root. And to a + I V~l & n( l a - b ^/-l cor- responding forms are such as p 4- q V~l and p - q V-l, sym- * The hint of this limitation of object is taken from the late Mr. Murphy's work on the Theory of Equations : but I have not thought it necessary to enter, even so far as Mr. Murphy has done, into the methods of reduction. ON THE ROOTS OF UNITY. 157 metrically disposed with respect to the axis of length. Take such a pair at pleasure, and move them in the same direction through an odd number of right angles, and we have a pair such as - p + q V~l and p + q V~l> which are symmetrically dis- posed with respect to the axis of direction : and such is the pair which must be chosen. Now if we extract the fourth roots of - 15 20 V~l hy the formula -i - we shall find them all contained in pq V-!> and (f q V-l) V-l> using like signs in the two terms for -15 + 20 V~l> and unlike signs for - 15 - 20 V-L And j = VM 5 + V5), q = Vi( - V5). Choosing a pair symmetrical with respect to the axis of direc- tion, we form the following equations: -p + q V~l = a 8 + * V~l - a a - a V"1| - V<5 = a* - a 4 + a 3 - a, p + q V-l = a* - a* V~l - a 3 + a V~l, - 1 = a* -f a 4 + a 3 -f a. Sum these as they stand, and then sum them after multipli- cation by - V-l, -1, V~l> 1 ; - 1, 1, - 1, 1 ; V" 1 . -1 - /-! 1. We thus obtain 2 = - i (V5 + 1) + I q V-l, a 4 = i (V5 - 1) + i^ V~l- 3 = -i(V5 + l)-i?v/-l, =i(V5-l)~ W-l, which are well-known values of the fifth roots. Changes of sign in p, or q, or both, have no other effect except different appor- tionment of the above expressions among the roots a, a*, a 3 , a 4 . The extraction of the square root of a + 6 V~l i s an operation to which Euclid's geometry is competent; it requires only the bisection of an angle, and the determination of a mean propor- tional, to obtain (V(a 2 + 6 ! ), -J tan" 1 6 -f- a} from {V( 2 + &*)> tan" 1 b -f a}. Hence it follows that wherever n is a prime number, and n - 1 is a power of 2, the formation of the nth roots of unity is a geometrical* operation, in the ancient sense. Euclid mastered * This is the discovery of Gauss, and is the most remarkable addition to the power of construction which the ancient geometry has received since the time of Euclid. P 158 ON THE ROOTS OF UNITY. the cases n - 3, n = 5; the next one is n = 17, and the next n = 257. The theory of the roots of - 1 is really contained in that of the roots of + 1. Since a: 2 " = 1 is solved both by x n = 1 and x n = - 1, it follows that all the nft 1 roots of - 1 are among the 2n th roots of + 1. If a be a principal 2n^ root of + 1, \ve must have a" = - 1, a 3 " = - 1, &c., and the n n^ roots of - 1 are seen in a, a 3 , a 5 , ... a 2 "" 1 . Speaking now of roots of - 1 only, we have the following theorems, answering to some of those in page 148. The student may make a complete list of analogous theorems. Every m th root is an {m(2n + l)}th root. Every odd power of an m th root is an m* root. If m and n be prime to one another, no m th root (except - 1, if both be odd) is an w th root: for a 2wi th root of + 1 would then be a 2n th root, which can only happen as to a square root. If a be a principal 2n th root of 1, it is a principal nth root of - 1. For in that case a, a 3 , ... a 2 "" 1 are all different, and only a" is - 1. And there are no other principal n* h roots of -1. Let a be a principal M* root of - 1, or 2n th root of + 1. Then a, a 3 , ... a 2 "" 1 are all different ; multiply each by a, and a 8 , a 4 , ... a 2 " are all different. Nor can any one of the first set be the same as any one of the second : for if a u = a 2W , we have a" = a 2n (*-'^ or - 1 = + 1, which is absurd. Therefore there are as many principal w th roots of- 1 as 2w th roots of + 1, and no more. The sum of the & th powers of the w th roots of - 1 is always 0, except where k is a multiple of w. The series a* -f a 3 * + . .. -f at 2 "- 1 )* is not altered by multiplying by a- k , except by removing the first term to the end: consequently it is except when a- k - 1, that is, except when k is a multiple of n. If it be an even multiple, the sum is n ; if an odd multiple, it is - n. Among the uses which may be made of the roots of unity, the following are remarkable. An expression may be formed, which goes through recurring periods of changes while x, of which it is a function, takes suc- cessive integer values. Let n x stand for (* + ft? + }^ n a, ft, &c., being all the n th roots of -f 1. Then as x changes through 0, 1,2,..., + 1, &c., S z changes through I, 0,0, ...1,0,... Thus fl^g represents the z fh payment of a rent of a, which ON THE ROOTS OF UNITY. 159 is due only every fourth year, the year after next being a year of payment. This is - <^ cos(:e - 2) - + cos(2# - 4) - + cos(3x - 6) - + cos(4a; - 8) ^ I , it v, & ^- J the coefficient of the imaginary part always vanishing in a sum of powers. . . a I TTX 37rx\ This is - 1 + COSTTX - cos - - cos - - . 4 \ 2 2 / Again, a/i x + a l n x _ l + a./i j .. z + . . . + a^n^^ represents an ex- pression which takes the cycle of values a , a v ... a, M as x passes through 0, 1, ... n- 1; and repeats the same while x changes through n, n + 1, ... 2n - 1: so that (fax = a r , when r is the remainder in the division of x by n. If n x be formed from the w th roots of - 1, the above represents an expression in which the second cycle is formed by changing all the signs, the third by restoring them ; and so on. If 0# be A + A^x 4 Aj? + ... a finite or infinite series, the roots of unity enable us* to give a finite form to A m + A nMl x + A nMtn x* + ...... First, suppose in < n : for x write ax, a being one of the /* th roots of 1, and multiply by """', forming a"" m 0az. Do the same for each root and add the results. The theorem on the sums of the powers of the roots then gives ~S,i"' m (hax _ A f*.' 11 i A ,>."*"* I ^ /^''" - * T -"wj+ji 3 ' T -" L nH--in X Divide by x m , and write \j x for x, and the required result is obtained. Ifm>n, say m-pn + k(k be defined by the relation that TH^ + 1)=0(TM, 3). That is, let the several definitions be derived from the solutions of 1) = (j)A + B, which gives A = B\ l) = B^. &c. This last gives a function not capable of finite representation under existing symbols, though we may commence with 01 = a, 02 = jg* 03 = J5 CBaj , &c. It is neither to be expected nor desired that any substitute should be adopted for A B ; but the more the mind accustoms itself to consider this as a function rather of log A than of A, the better. Any two convertible functions of x and y, (x, y) and ty (x, y) being given, as two consecutive members of a scale, the follow- ing condition of distribution must be satisfied, V' (*. (y =)} = W ( x > y ) V-^ (x, =)}, arid the scalar function must be" determined from \yr (x, y) = (A*, Ay), A. being a functional symbol. Every solution of this system is a chance for the invention of an algebra, in which, (x, y) being denoted by z + y and YT (x, y} by xy, and \ (\x, Ay) by x^ y or y x , all the laws of ordinary algebra remain good. In double algebra, the scalar function, in its most general form, is \R = (m -f n V-l) log r + (/* + "V" 1 ) e > SCALAR VIEW OF ALGEBRAICAL SYMBOLS. 165 the condition X (r, 0) = log r, which is necessary to the complete and unaltered inclusion of single algebra, gives m = l, n = Q. And it will be found on inquiry*, that the adoption of log r + (M + v v 1) is of no effect whatever, except what would in common algebra be called the choice of e (/wwv ~ lj instead of e"*' 1 for a base of angular exponentials. If a moment's hesitation should arise on the retrograde symbols of the scale, the reader may try the equation ABC=(A + B)(A + C), A 4 log (6 B + 6 C ) = log (6 A+B + 6 Atc ). When two successive operations have the required distribu- tive character, that character necessarily attaches to the next one, if formed from the scalar function. Thus, if A '"B be de- fined as \ (\A x \B), we have A '" (BxC) = \ {\A x (\B + XC)} = \ (X^t x \JB + \A x \C). But P x Q = \(XP 4- XQ) or \(P -f Q) = \P x \Q ; so that A'"(B xC) = \(\Ax \S) x\(\Ax X(7) = A'"S x A'"C, and so on for the rest. When the inverse scalar function is used, the regressive system has the same properties as the progressive one with the direct scalar function: for Hitherto I have said nothing of inverse operations. Let A n B be the inverse operation of A"B; so that A"B n B - A. And for A,B and A tl B use A - B and A- B. If any one of the inverse signs follow the rule of signs (p. 103), so does the next. That is, if for instance Q 3l/l (Q, 3lll A) give Q^'A or A, we have Q^(Q^A) = QfA - A. For A or X (A^B) = \A , \, = XQ 4/// (XQ 4// M) = \A, by hypothesis, * The complete investigation will be found in a paper " On the foundation of Algebra, Part in." in vol. viii. of the Cambridge Philosophical Transactions. 166 SCALAR VIEW OF ALGEBRAICAL SYMBOLS. or Q t/l ,(Q i/y A) is A. And conversely, if the rule of signs be true for Q 4/K -4 it is true for Q a ,,A. An algebra, similar to ours, requires but the following fun- damental basis. Two consecutive operations, A + B, A x B, convertible, so that A -f B = B + A and A x B = B x A, and having the second distributive over the first as in (B + C) x A = B x A + Cx A. A scalar operation, \A, having the property X (A x B) = \A + \B. One starting symbol, 0, wholly ineffective in its own operation, so that + = 0, + A = A, An inverse operation, seen in A - B, so that (A-B) + B = A; and giving - (0 - A) = A. Strictly speaking, one operation and its inverse, and the scalar function and its inverse, are sufficient for expression : thus \ (\A + \JB) is sufficient to express Ax B. And hence the whole system of scalar functions and starting symbols may be deduced. But the invention of two operations, followed by that of a scalar function, has been the order of discovery. The formation of a symbolic system on the seven operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, involution, evo- lution, and formation of a logarithm, is both redundant and unsymmetrical : but the redundancy is rich in means of ex- pression, and the reduction to symmetry is easy to one practised in the language of algebra as it stands. This last will be best seen by assimilating the notation more closely to that of common algebra. Let 0, /( 0,,, 0,,,, &c., be thus defined: 0, = 1, 0,, = e, O,,, = e , O v = s , &c., or ;i = \"0. Let n, = E", n /t = s ", &c. or n k = \ k n. Let the progressive symbols be -}, +,, +, &c. and x, x,, x,,, &c. thus connected; x is +,, x, is 4-,,, &c. Then, the convertible and distributive properties remaining, we have all theorems of ordinary algebra holding good, when any one suffix is placed below + x and all numerical coefficients. Thus (a + b) x,, (a + 6) = a x,, 6 + 2,, x,, a x,, b -f,, b x,, b SCALAR VIEW OF ALGEBRAICAL SYMBOLS. 167 means the following in ordinary language. The first side is e the second side is whence the equation may be easily verified. This chapter may serve to show the necessity of connecting successive operations by the scalar or logarithmic operation, and the ease with which it may be done without any permanent disturbance of established notation. THE EXD. >!etcalf< and Palmer, Printers, Cambridge. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material Uvthe library from which it was borrowed. P5TL INTERLtBRARY LOAN JUN 2 6 1991 TWO WEEKS FROM DATE OF R ECEIPT LIBRARY ,., U .f ^,?. U .^.!.?.f G J.9 NAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000165638 8 STACK JBL7P'