beAcl)A AT) (Truth the Life of Hi/lory.) CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY AT LOUGH FEA, AND ANTIQUITIES OF IRELAND. LONDON: PRIVATELY PRINTED AT THE CHISWICK PRESS. 1872. LIBER LIBRUM APERIT. JHE books whofe titles appear in the following catalogue, relating folely to Irifh literature, have been collected almoft entirely within the laft twenty years. It need fcarceiy, however, be obferved, that they do not by any means pretend to be a perfect collection of the great number of works which have from time to time been printed on the hiftory of the fifter kingdom. It is a library of a far lefs comprehenfive character, relating, in the firft place, to Irifh hiftory and antiquities, together with a lefs perfect collection of authors who have written on Ireland, in illuftration more parti- cularly of its progrefs and improvement. Indeed, the 2000264 vi Preface. collector of this Irim library would not have committed the catalogue to the prefs, but for the opinion of more than one gentleman well verfed in the hiftory of Ireland, who perfuaded him that it would be deferable to do fo, confidering, perhaps with the too partial judgment of friends, that the library was of a fomewhat rare and un- common character, and deferved therefore to be permanently remembered, even after it may have been difperfed by the hammer of the auctioneer a fate, however, which the owner has endeavoured to avert, by making it an heir- loom in his family. All thofe who have had any experience in cataloguing books will, I am fure, agree that it is no eafy tafk to do fo with precifion, and will, therefore, make allowance for the writer, if he has not always fucceeded. He has endeavoured (imply to ufe the alphabetical order, arranging the library under the names of the authors, where they are attainable, as well as under the fubjects to which they relate, anonymous works have, however, generally been placed Preface. vii i under "Ireland;" thofe relating to the Church, under "Church of Ireland; " the Civil War tracts of the feventeenth century, under "Rebellion " and "Revolution ; " and " Union Traffs" under that title. And for more complete refer- ence, an index of names, places and fubjects, not appearing in the primary alphabetical order, has been added ; fome notes illustrative of the rarer books and editions are appended ; for many of thefe the writer muft not forget to record his obligations to the Rev. Dr. Reeves, of Armagh, whofe name, indeed, is afTociated with almoft every work which has of late years iflued from the prefs in connection with the true hiftory and antiquities of Ireland. Ev. PH. SHIRLEY. LOWER EATINGTON PARK, January I, 1872. CATALOGUE OF THE IRISH LIBRARY AT LOUGH FEA. BERNETHY (John). Scarce and valuable Trads and Sermons. 8vo. London, 1751. Relating to Proteftant diflent in Ireland. ABSENTEES. A Lift of the Abfentees of Ireland, and an Eftimate of the yearly value of their Eftates and Incomes fpent abroad. (See Prior.) 8vo. Dublin, 1767. ACADEMY. Tranfa6Hons of the Royal Irifli Academy for Pro- moting the Study of Science, Polite Literature, and Anti- quities, 24 vols. 410. with Index to vols. i.-xv. by Nicholas Carlifle (1813). Dublin, 1787-1856. Proceedings. 10 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1841-1870. Charter and Statutes. Reprint, 4to. Dublin, 1837. Catalogue of Mufeum. By Sir William Wilde. The Irijh Library, ADAIR (Patrick). A true Narrative of the Rife and Progrefs of the Prefbyterian Church in Ireland [1623-1670]. 8vo. Belfajl, 1866. ADAMNAN (St.) Scotus Vita S. Columbae [A&t. SS. Hib. per J. COLGANUM, torn. ii. p. 336]. -- et [Florilegii infulae fan&orum, per Tho. MESSINGHAM, P- - et with copious notes and annotations by William Reeves. Count Montalembert, in a letter to Lord Dunraven, Paris, z Nov. 1866, writes : " One of thefe copies is for Dr. Reeves, whofe addrefs I do not know, and to whom I beg you to fend it, with the renewed expreflion of my gratitude and admiration for his beautiful volume on St. Columba, which you gave to me, and without which I never mould have been able to write the greateft part of the third volume of the Monks of the Weft." - Life of St. Columba or Columbkille, patron of Derry and Founder of lona, tranflated from the original Latin. I2mo. London, 1860. AGNEW (Rev. David), C. A. Henri de Ruvigny, Earl of Galway, a Filial Memoir with a prefatory life of his Father le Marquis de Ruvigny. . 4-to. Edinburgh, 1864. AGRICULTURE. The advantages to the people of Ireland by raifing flax and flax feed. I2mo. Dublin, 1732. - Agricultural Traces printed between 1729 and 1745, as follows : i. Method for raifing Italian Broccoli, &c., and Burning of Clay, by Stephen Switzer. 8vo. Dublin, 1729. "Lough Fea. Agricultural Tra&s, continued. 2. The prefent ftate of the Tillage in Ireland, by Sam. Pierfon. 8vo. Dublin, 1730. 3. Further confiderations for the Improvement of the Tillage in Ireland, by S. Pierfon. 8vo. Dublin, 1728. 4. Confiderations on Agriculture. The feveral methods pra6Hfed in different parts of Ireland. By Rye of co. Cork. 8vo. Dublin, 1730. 5. An Account of Saffron. 8vo. Dublin, 1732. 6. InftruUon for managing Bees. 8vo. Dublin, 1733. 7. On the Manufa6hzres, Tillage, &c. in Ireland, printed on Irifh paper, made by Mr. Randal at Newbridge, near Leixlip. 8vo. Dublin, 1739. 8. Thoughts on the Tillage of Ireland. 8 vo. Dublin, 1 738. 9. On the Inlargement of Tillage (by Tho. Dawfon, LL.B.) 8vo. Dublin, 1741. 10. The Neceflity of Tillage and Granaries. 8vo. Dublin, 1741. n. The Farmers' Letters to the Proteftants of Ireland (16 Letters). 8vo. Dublin, 1745. Agricultural Traces, 1829-1843. 1. Hints on the Syftem of Road Making. I2mo. Dublin, 1829. 2. Plan of a Labour Rate, by J. L. W. Naper. I2mo. Dublin, 1830. The Irijh Library, Agricultural Tra6ts, continued. 3. On thorough Draining, by F. Filgate. I2mo. Dublin, 1840. 4. Dire&ions for the Cultivation of Flax. I2mo. Dublin, 1843. Agricultural Surveys of the Irifh Counties. [&iStatiftical.] AINSWORTH (William Francis). An Account of the Caves of Ballybunian, County of Kerry, with fome mineralogical details. 8vo. Dublin, 1834. ALEMAND (Louis Auguftin). Hiftoire Monaftique d'Irlande. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1690. Afterwards enlarged by Captain John Stevens, and published under the title of" Monafticon Hibernicum," or the Monaftical Hiftory of Ireland. ALEXANDER (James). An Amufing Summer Companion to Glanmire, near Cork. 8vo. Cork, 1814. ALLINGHAM (William). Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland, or the New Landlord. I2mo. London, 1869. ALMON (John). The Peerage of Ireland, a Genealogical and Hiftorical Account of all the Peers of that Kingdom. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1768. ANDERSON (Chriftopher). Hiftorical Sketches of the Native Irifti and their Defcendants, illuftrative of their paft and prefent ftate with regard to literature, education, and oral inftru&ion. Second Edition, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1830. ANGEL (John). A General Hiftory of Ireland in its ancient and modern ftate ; collected by a gentleman during his travels through the principal parts of this kingdom ; additions by John Angel. 2 vols. I2mo. Dublin, 1781. Lough Fea. 5 ANGLESEY (Henry W. Paget, firft Marquis of). Addrefles from different parts of Ireland prefented to the Marquis of Angle- fey, including His Excellency's Anfwers. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Dublin^ 1831. ANKETELL (Rev. John). Poems on feveral fubje&s. 8vo. Dublin^ 1793. ANNESLEY (James). The Trial at Bar between Campbell Craig, Leflee of James Annefley, PI. and Richard, Earl of Anglefey, Deft. 8vo. London, 1744. [ANNESLEY (James).] Fortune's Favourite, Memoirs of the many Hardfhips and Sufferings of " Jacobo Anglicano." 8vo. London^ 1744. ANNESLEY (James). The Cafe of the Honourable James Annefley, Efq., humbly offered to all lovers of truth and juftice. 8vo. 1756. With a MS. lift of Subfcriptions. ANTHOLOGIA HIBERNICA, or Monthly Collections of Science, Belles Lettres, and Hiftory. 4 vols. 8vo. Dublin^ 1793-4- ANTRIM, Account of the County of, by Richard Dobbs. Anno 1683. Original MS. ARCH JEOLOGI A, Antiquarian Tracls from the Archseologia, relating to Ireland. 1. Pownell, Thomas. On the Sepulchral Monument at New Grange. 4to. 1770. 2. Obfervations on the Round Towers of Ireland and Scotland. 4to. 1779. 6 The Irijh Library, ARCH-ffiOLOGiA, continued. 3. Mr. Ledwich on the Ship Temples in Ireland. 410. 1 784. 4. Dr. Pococke, Account of Antiquities found in Ire- land. 4to. 5. The Rev. Thomas Harmer on the Round Towers of Ireland. 4to. 1788. 6. Defcription of a Cromleach in the County of Kilkenny. 4to. 1807. 7. Infcription mentioned in the Survey of the County of Kilkenny, by W. Tighe, Efq. 4to. 1811. 8. Mr. Crofton Croker's Account of Subterranean Cham- bers in the County of Cork. 4to. 1829. 9. Capt. W. Mudge, R.N. Defcription of an Ancient Structure dug out of Drumkelin Bog, co. Donegal, 1833. 4to. 1833. 10. Defcription of the Province of Connaught. Anno 1612. 4to. 1857. n. On fome Difcoveries of Stone Implements in Lough Neagh, Ireland. By John Evans, Efq. 410. 1868. 12. Mifs Stokes's obfervations on two ancient Irifti works of art known as the Breac Moedog, or Shrine of St. Moedog of Ferns, and the Soifcel Molaife, or Gofpel of St. Molaife of Devenifh. 410. 1871. Lough Fea. ARCHDALL (Mervyn). Monafticon Hibernicum, or a Hiftory of the Abbeys, Priories, and other Religious Houfes in Ireland. 4to. London^ 1786. The author's interleaved copy with his corrections anfl additions in his own hand-writing is preferred in the Library of the Royal Irifti Academy. See LODGE. ARCHDEKIN (Ricardus). Vitae et Miraculorum San&i Patricii Hiberniae Apoftoli, Epitome. Cum brevi notitia Hiberniae, et prophetia S. Malachiae. 8vo. Lovaine^ 1671. ARMAGH. Seafonable advice to the Freeholders of the County of Armagh, by a Brother Freeholder. Letter from a Gentleman in the County of Armagh, occafioned by the late Robbery of the Northern Mail. Dublin^ 1753. Jus Primatiale Armacanum per Hug. MacMahon. Ancient churches of. By Will. Reeves. Hiftory of. By James Stewart. Record of. By Edward Rogers. ARTICLES OF RELIGION, agreed upon by the archbifhops and biftiops, and the reft of the Clergye of Ireland, in the Con- vocation holden at Dublin, in the year of our Lord 1615. Sm. 4to. London^ 1629. Generally known as Ufsher's Articles. ATLANTIS (The). A Regifter of Literature and Science. 4 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1858-1863. ATKINSON (A.) Ireland in the Nineteenth Century. 8vo. London^ 1833. 8 The Irijh Library, [ATTERBURY (Francis),] D.D., Dean of Carlifle. Afterwards Bifhop of Rochefter, fome proceedings in the Convocation, A. D. 1705, faith fully reprefented. \_Anon.~\ 4to. London^ 1708. Dedicated to the members of the Irifti Convocation. At pp. 25-29 is Archdeacon Percivale's and Rev. Francis Higgins' account of the Irifli Convocation, which drew forth a reply from Dr. Ralph Lambert, in the form of a letter which is printed in " Partiality Detected." By Dr. Charles Trimnell. P. 87. ATTWOOD (William). The hiftory and terms of the dependency of Ireland upon the imperial crown of the Kingdom of England, rectifying Mr. Molineux's State of the cafe, &c. 121110. London^ 1698. He alfo wrote, anonymoufly, " An anfwer to Mr. Molyneux his cafe of Ireland's being bound by als of parliament in England ftated." London, 1698. Lough Fea. ACON (Thomas). A compleat Syftem of the Revenue of Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1737. BAGATELLE (The). A Magazine. Nos. 1-13, all publifhed. Fol. Cork, 1821. Many of the articles are by John Windele. [BAILIE (Robert),] A.M., Principal of the Univ. of Glafgow. A Review of Do&or Bramble [Bramhall] his faire Warning againft the Scotes Difciplin. By R[obert] B[ailie of] G[lafgow]. 4to. Delf. 1649. BALE (John). Odes, Elegies, Ballads, Pi&ures, Infcriptions, Sonnets, partly taken from the faded flowers, a garland not yet publifhed. I2mo. Dublin. BALLADS. Street Ballads, Popular Poetry, and Houfehold Songs of Ireland. I2mo. Dublin, 1864. and 2nd Ed. I2mo. Dublin, 1865. The firft edition was fuppreffed in confequence of fome of the fongs being copyright; they were omitted in the fecond edition. BALLARD (John). Guaging Unmafked ; for the ufe of the revenue officers in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1783- c io The Iri/h Library, BALLINGARRY (co. of Tipperary). Perfonal Recollections of the Infurrection at Ballingarry, by P. Fitzgerald. izmo. Dublin, 1861. The Fugitives ; a Narrative of the Adventures, &c. of Meffrs. Doheny and Stephens. I2mo. Cork. BALSH (William S.) Ireland as I faw it j the Chara&er, Condition, and Profpe6ts of the People. 8vo. New Tork, 1850. BANDON. Excurfions from Bandon in the fouth of Ireland, by a plain Englimman. I2mo. London, 1825. [BANIM (John and Michael).] Tales by the O'Hara Family. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. The Boyne Water, a Tale. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. Chaunt of the Cholera. Songs for Ireland, by the Author of the O'Hara Tales. I2mo. London, 1831. BANK. Traits relating to Banks in Ireland. 1. Reafons, &c. by Henry Maxwell. 2. Anfwer to the above, by Hercules Rowley. 3. Second Letter by Henry Maxwell. 4. Second Anfwer by Hercules Rowley. 5. Remarks on the Letters of Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Rowley. 6. Letter to the Gentlemen of the Landed Intereft, &c. 7. Letter to a Member of Parliament. Lough Fea. n Bank Tra BELFAST. The Directory of Belfaft and Province of Ulfter for 1868. 8vo. Belfajl, 1868. BELING (Richardus). Fragmentum Hiftoricum; or, the Second and Third Books of the War of Ireland, from 1642 to 1647. [Defiderata curiofa Hibernica, vol. ii. p. 151.] Vindiciarum Catholicorum Hiberniae libri duo, Philopatre Irenaeo auftore. 8vo. Paris, 1650. Two copies, one of which has a cancelled leaf, being a duplicate of fig. Ai, with the following heading in addition to the above title: "Seu Nunciaturas reverendi Joannis Baptiftae Rinuccini Archiepifcopi Ticinenfis fynopfis." The authorfhip has been afcribed by fome to Father Callaghan. See le Pere BRICASSIER. Annotationes in R. B. F. Joannis Poncii opus, imper- feftum quidem, mendifque (quod dolendum eft) haud quaquam purgatis Parifiis editum anno MDCLIII, perutilis et quae in illo fcripta funt re and the " Introduction to Human Knowledge," annotated by G. N. Wright. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. Life and Letters. See Frafer Alexander Campbell. BERMINGHAM (Thomas). The Social State of Great Britain and Ireland, confidered with regard to the labouring- popula- tion. 8vo. London, 1835. i8 The Irijh Library^ BERNARD (Nicholas) The whole Proceedings of the Siege of Drogheda in Ireland, with a thankful remembrance of its wonderful delivery. Sm. 41.0. Dublin, 1736. The Penitent Death of a Woefull Sinner [John Atherton. Bp. of Waterford], who was executed at Dublin, the 5th of Dec. 1640. I2mo. London, 1651. The Life and Death of the moft Rev. Doctor James Ufsher, late Archbp. of Armagh, publifhed in a Sermon at his funeral, April 17, 1656. I2mo. London, 1656. BESSBOROUGH, (John William Ponfonby, 4th Earl of). Notices of the Viceroyalty of the late Earl of Befsborough. 8vo. Dublin, 1847. BETHAM (Sir William). Ulfter King-of-Arms. Irifh Antiquarian Refearches. Vol. I, [2 parts in i], 8vo. Dublin, 1827. The early part of this book was kept in type till a confiderable portion was printed, of which there is evidence in the references to pages many fheets fubfequent to thofe in which the firft mention is. The Life of St. Patrick in the Appendix, printed from the Book of Armagh, is a wretched fpecimen of editorial qualification. Hiftorical and Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Fleming of Slane. (Privately printed), fol. Dublin, 1829. The Gael and Cymbri ; or, an Inquiry into the Origin and Hiftory of the Irifh, Scoti, Britons, and Gauls, and of the Caledonians, Pi6ts, Welfh, Cornifh, and Bretons. 8vo. Dublin, 1834. BICHENO (James Ebenezer). Ireland and its Economy j being the Refult of Obfervations made in a Tour through the Country in the autumn of 1829. 8vo. London, 1830. Lough Fea. 19 BIGELOW (Andrew). Leaves from a Journal, or, Sketches of Rambles in North Britain and Ireland. 8vo. Edinburgh -, 1824. BINDON (David). An Eflay on the Gold and Silver Coins current in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin^ 1729. - (Samuel H.) Notices of MSS. relating to Ireland, in the Burgundian Library at Bruflels. Dublin^ 1847. BINGLEY (William). An Examination into the Origin of the Difcontents in Ireland, and the true Caufes of the Rebel- lion. &c. 4to. London^ 1799. BINNS (Jonathan). The Miferies and Beauties of Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. London^ 1837. BIOGRAPHY. Biographical Anecdotes of the Founders of the late Irifli Rebellion. 8vo. London^ 1801. Biographical Illuftrations. A volume of Portraits in illuf- tration of Irifti biography. Fol. [BiRCH (Thomas), D. D.] An Inquiry into the fhare which King Charles I. had in the Tranfa&ions of the Earl of Glamorgan, afterwards Marquis of Worcefter, for bringing over a body of Irifli Rebels to affift that king in 1645, and 1646. \Anon^\ 8vo. London^ 1756, Second Edition. The firft edition was in 1 747. [BIRCH (Thomas), D. D.] The Life of the Hon. Robert Boyle, prefixed to the works of Robert Boyle. 20 The Irijh Library, [BLACK (A. and C.)] Pi&urefque Tourift of Ireland. Eighth Edition. I2mo. Edinburgh, 1868. BLACKER (William). Prize EfTay on the Management of Landed Property in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1834. An Eflay on the Improvement in the Conftitution of Small Farms. 8vo. Dublin, 1834. (Beaver Henry), M. A. Brief Sketches of the parifhes of Booterftown and Donnybrook, in the County of Dublin. Two Parts. i2mo. Dublin, 1860-61. BLAKE (John A.), M.P. The Hiftory and Pofition of the Sea Fifheries of Ireland, and how they may be made to aftbrd in- creafed food and employment. (Privately printed). 8vo. Wat erf or d, 1868. [BLENNERHASSET (T).] Conditions to be obferved by the Britifh Undertakers of the Efcheated Lands in Ulfter, confifting in three principal parts, viz. I. What the Britifh Undertakers mail have of his Majefties Gift. II. What the faid Undertakers mail for their parts performe. III. In what manner the fame performance mall be. [See Ware's Writers, p. 333.] Sm. 410. London, 1610. BOGAERTS (Felix). Dympne d'Irlande, legende du feptieme fiecle. 8vo. Antwerp, 1840. BOGS. Reports of the Commiflioners appointed to inquire into the nature and extent of the bogs in Ireland, and the practi- cability of cultivating them. Four Reports in 3 vols. fol. London, 1810-1814. Lough Fea. 21 BOLTON (Sir Richard), Lord Chancellor of Ireland. A ivftice of peace for Ireland, confifting of two bookes. Fol. Dublin, 1638. BONNE Y (Henry Kaye), D. D. The Life of the Right Rev. Father in God, Jeremy Taylor, D. D., Bifhop of Down, Connor, and Dromore. 8vo. London, 1815. BOATE, Botius, or Bootius, (Gerard), M. D. Ireland's Naturall Hiftory, being a true and ample Defcription of its Situation, Greatnefs, Shape, and Nature ; of its hills, woods, heaths, bogs j of its fruitfull parts and profitable grounds, with the feverall way of manuring and improving the foil, &c. Written by G. B. late Do&or of Phyfick to the State in Ireland, and now publifhed by Samuel Hartlib Efq., for the common good of Ireland, and more efpecially for the benefit of the adventurers and planters therein. [With a preface by Arnold Boate]. I2mo. London, 1652. And [Part i] Natural Hiftory of Ireland, by feveral hands. 4to. Dublin, 1755. alfo in [Alex. THOM'S] Collection of Traces and Treatifes, &c. Vol. I. Part I. (8vo. Dublin, 1860.) Hiftoire naturelle d' Irlande : traduit de 1' Anglois. I2mo. Paris, 1666. BOOKER (Moore), A. M. Two letters concerning the Methodifts. 8vo. Dublin, 1751. A letter to the Rev. Mr. M B r concerning the Methodifts. 8vo. Dublin, 1752. BOPHIN (Lord). Se-e Colonel John Burke. 22 'The Irijh Library, BORLASE (Edmund) M. D. The Reduction of Ireland to the Crown of England, with the Governours fmce the Conqueft by King Henry II. anno 1172. A brief account of the rebellion in 1641 ; alfo the original of the univerfitie of Dublin, and the colledge of phyficians. 8vo. London, 1675. Accompanied by manufcript notes of the period. [ BORLASE (Edmund) M.D.] The Hiftoryof the execrable Irifh Rebellion trac'd from many preceding A6b, to the grand eruption, the 23rd of October, 1641, and thence purfued to the A6t of Settlement, 1662. \_Anon.'} Fol. London, 1680. According to Anthony a Wood, much of this work is taken from one by Sir John Temple, The Irifh Rebellion, 1641. Dr. Nelfon is exceedingly fevere upon its author, by whom it was written in defence of his father and colleague, Sir Wm. Parfons. [BoswELL (J. W.).] The Antiquities of Killmaclcumpfhaugh, in the county of Rofcommon. (A fquib.) 8vo. Dublin, 1790. BOUILLON (Francois). Hiftoire de la Vie et du Purgatoire de St. Patrice, mife en Franois par F. Bouillon. I2mo. Troyes, f. a. Hiftoire de la Vie et du Purgatoire de S. Patrice, arche- vefque et primat d'Hybernice. I2mo. Paris, 1651. BOULLAYE-LE-GOUZ (le Sieur de la). Les Voyages et Obfer- vations en Europe, Afie, et Afrique. 4to. (large paper,) Parts, 1657. Tour in Ireland, A, D. 1644, edited by T. Crofton Croker. 8vo. London, 1837. Lough Fea. 23 B OULTER (Hugh), D.D. , Archbp. of Armagh. Letters to Several Minifters of State in England, and fome others ; containing an account of the moft interefting tranfations which pafled in Ireland from 1724 to 1738. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1769. BOULTER'S MONUMENT j a Panegyrical Poem, facred to his memory, [by Samuel Madden]. BOURK. (John). Hiberniae Merlinus for the year of our Lord 1683. I2mo. Dublin, 1683. BOURNE (Hannah Maria), O'Donoghue, prince of Killarney ; a Poem. I2mo. Dublin, 1830. BOWDEN (Charles Topham). A Tour through Ireland. I2mo. Dublin, 1791. BOYLE (Right Hon. Henry). An Account of the Life, Chara&er, and Parliamentary Conduct of the Rt. Hon. H. B., Speaker of the Houfe of Commons. 8vo. Cork. The Lives of Richard, Earl of Cork, and his Sons, and of Charles, Earl of Orrery, extracted from Bayle (with MS. note). Fol. BOYLE (Hon. Robert). His Works : to which is prefixed the Life of the Author, (by Thomas BIRCH). 6 vols. 4to. London, 1772. BOYSE ( Jofeph). A Vindication of the Rev. Mr. Alexander Ofborn in reference to the affairs of the North of Ireland. Sm. 4to. London, 1690. BRABAZON (Wallop). The Deep Sea and Coaft Fifheries of Ireland, with fuggeftions for the working of a Fifliing Company : illuftrated by William Cooper. 8vo. Dublin, 1848. 24 The Irijh Library ^ BRADY (William Maziere), D.D. Clerical and Parochial Records of Cork, Cloyne, and Rofs. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1864. The Alleged Converfion of the Irifh Bifhops to the Reformed Religion, &c., difproved. 8vo. London, 1866. The Irifh Reformation, or the Alleged Converfion, &c. 5th. ed. 8vo. London, 1867. The firft four editions are identical except in the title page. The fifth is greatly enlarged. The following replies fpeedily enfued on the publication of the early editions : The Church of Ireland before the Reformation, by T. W. ROE. A Letter to the Archbifhop of Dublin, by W. LEE. The Irifh Epifcopal Succeflion examined, by A. T. LEE. Narrative in proof of the uninterrupted defcent, &c., by W. H. HARDINGE. St. Patrick's Succeflbrs, who are they ? by R. NUGENT. The Epifcopal Succeflion in Ireland, by N. J. MORAN. The McGillycuddy Papers ; a Selection from the Family Archives of the McGillycuddy of the Reeks. 4to. London. 1867. State Papers Concerning the Irifh Church in the time of Queen Elizabeth. 8vo. London, 1868. Eflays on the Englifh State Church in Ireland. 8vo. London, i86g. BRAMHALL (John), D. D., Archbp. of Armagh. His Works, with a Life of the Author, and a Collection of his Letters. 8vo. 5 vols. Oxford (Library of Anglo-Cath. Theology). 1842-45. The editor Rev. A[rthur] H[addon] has prefixed the Life from Kippis Biographia Britannica, with additional notes, inftead of Archbifhop Vefey's memoir which accompanied the Dublin folio of 1676. Lough Fea. 25 BRAMHALL (John). A review of Dr. Bramble, late Biftiop of Londonderry, his Faire Warning againft the Scotes Difciplin, by R. B. G. [. e. Robert Bailie]. BRENAN (M. J.), O. S. F. An Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of Ireland, from the Introdu6Hon of Chriftianity into that Country to the year 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1840. BRERETON (Sir William). Travels in Holland, the United Provinces, England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1634-1635 : Edited by E. Hawkins. (Chetham Society). 4to. London, 1844- BREWER (James Norris), The Beauties of Ireland. 1. p. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825-6. The third volume never publifhed. BREWER (John Sherren), M. A. and Bullen (W.) Calendar of the Carew Manufcripts preferved in the Archiepifcopal Library at Lambeth, relating to Ireland, 1515-1603. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. London, 1867-7- BRIDGES (Sir Egerton). A Biographical Peerage of Ireland, in which are Memoirs and Characters of the moft celebrated perfons of each family. 12 mo. London, 1817. BRISACIER (Le Pere). Le Janfenifme Confondu dans 1'Advocat du s r Callaghan, avec la Deffence de fon Sermon fait a Blois le 29 Mar. 1651, contre la Refponce du Port Royal. [4 parts in I.] fm. 410. Paris, 1651. E 26 The Irijh Library r , BRISACIER (Le Pere). Cenfure de Monfeigneur 1'Archevefque de Paris centre le livre intitule " Le Janfenifme Confondu." Dec. 29, 1651- This violent attack on Father Callaghan appears to have been called forth by the publication of the celebrated " Vindiciae Catholicorum Hiberniae," ufually attributed to R. Beling, but which Brifacier fays was by Callaghan. At the end of part 3 is a moft abufive fatire upon Cal- laghan, by Poncius, an Irifti Jefuit. BROOKE (Henry). The Interefts of Ireland confidered, ftated, and recommended, particularly with refpe& to Inland Navigation. 8vo. Dublin, 1759. ([Henry]). The Tryal of the Caufe of the Roman Catholicks. 8vo. Dublin^ 1761. and, Fourth Edition, I2mo. Dublin, 1762. BROOKE (Charlotte), [daughter of the laft.] Reliques of Irifh Poetry, tranflated into Englifh Verfe, with Notes, and the Originals in the Irifh character. 410. Dublin^ 1789. See Memoirs of. By Seymour, A. C. BROOKE (William G.) The Irifh Church A61, 1869, with an Introductory Statement of its Provifions. I2mo. Dublin, 1869. The Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) A6t, 1870, with Introduction and Notes Explanatory. I2mo. Dublin^ 1870. [BROWN (John)]. Occafional Suggeftions relative to Ireland and the Church of Ireland, from 1818. [dnon.] Privately printed. 410. Aberdeen, 1838. Lough Fea. 27 BROWN (J. L.). The four Kellys of Connaught : Memoir of Military Comrades. Sm. 410. Lahore, 1857. BROWNE (Peter), D.D., Bifhop of Cork. Of Drinking in Re- membrance of the Dead; being the fubftance of a Difcourfe to the Clergy of the Diocefe of Cork. [2 parts in I.] I2mo. London, 1713-15. [A Brief Examination of the Bifhop of Cork's Difcourfe of Drinking to the Memory of the Dead. By a Country Curate of Ireland. I2mo. London, 1714.] [Remarks upon the Lord Bifhop of Cork's fecond part of Drinking in Remembrance of the Dead. By a Country Curate. I2mo. Dublin, 1715.] A Difcourfe of Drinking Healths ; wherein the great evil of this prevailing cuftom is fhewn. I2mo. London, 1716. BROWNE (Arthur), LL.D. A Brief Review of the Queftion, whether the Articles of Limerick have been violated ? I2mo. Dublin, 1788. BROWNE (A. Dillon). Debate on the firft Reading of the Pro- tection of Life [Ireland] Bill. 8vo. London, 1846. BRYAN (James Butler). A Practical View of Ireland, from the Period of the Union, with Plans for the permanent Relief of her Poor, and the Improvement of her Municipal Organiza- tion. I2mo. Dublin, 1831. BUCK (Victor de). L'Archeologie Irlandaife au Convent de Saint Antoine de Padoue a Louvain. 8vo. Paris, 1869. 28 'The Irijh Library, BUDGELL (Euftace). Memoirs of the Life and Chara&er of [Charles] the late Earl of Orrery, and of the Family of the Boyles, &c. 8vo. London, 1732. Memoirs of the Lives and Chara6ters of the illuftrious Family of the Boyles, particularly of the late eminently learned Charles, Earl of Orrery. Third Edition, 8vo. London, 1737. BULLINGBROOKE (Edward), LL.D., Vicar General of Armagh. Ecclefiaftical Law : or, the Statutes, Conftitutions, Canons, Kubricks, and Articles of the Church of Ireland ; with a Commentary. 2 vols. 4to. Dublin, 17 70. BUNTING (Edward). The Ancient Mufic of Ireland, arranged for the Pianoforte, &c. 4to. Dublin, 1840. BURDY (Samuel), A. B. The Life of the late Reverend Philip Skelton, with fome curious Anecdotes. 8vo. Dublin, 1792. And [prefixed to the Works of Philip Skelton.] BURGES (John). An Eflayon the Waters and Air of Ballifpellan, with their various Properties and Ufes, joined with Rules of Conduct for the Rich and Poor in drinking the Waters, and the proper Exercifes neceflary there. I2mo. Dublin, 1725. BURKE, feu de BURGO (Thomas M s). Officia propria San&o- rum Hiberniae. I2mo. Dublin, 1761. BURKE, feu de BURGO (Thomas M s). Hibernia Dominicana, five Hiftoria Provinciae Hiberniae ordinis praedicatorum. 4to. Col. Agr. [Kilkenny], 1762. Lough Fea. 29 BURKE, feu de BURGO (Thomas M s). Cum Supplemento. 1772. The fupplement was intended to vindicate Rinuccini, the papal nuncio, from the charges forwarded to Rome againft him by the Confederate Roman Catholics of Ireland. See the " Irilh Literary Inquirer" for Sept. 23, 1865. BURKE (Colonel John). Cafe of the Children of Colonel John Burke, commonly called Lord Bophin. Fol. 1711. BURKE (Rt. Hon. Edmund). Works and Correfpondence. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1852. Speeches. Edited by James Burke. 8vo. Dublin, 1862. BURKE (Sir John Bernard), Ulfter king-of-arms. A Genealogi- cal and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. Imp. 8vo. London, 1858. BURKE (Oliver J.). The Abbey of Rofs, its Hiftory and De- tails. 1 2 mo. Dublin, 1868. BURROWES (Peter). Select Speeches of the late Peter Burrowes, Efq.,at the Bar and in Parliament. Edited, with a Memoir, by W. Burrowes. 8vo. Dublin, 1850. BURNET (Gilbert), D.D. Bifhop of Salifbury. La vie de Guil lme Bedell, Eveque de Kilmore : traduite de 1'Anglois par L. D[u] M[efail]. I 2 mo. Amft. 1687. " This is not a mere verbal tranflation of Burnet's life : There are feveral variations, abridgments, and fome few additions, fuch as prove the author to have been not only a man equal to his tafk, but likewife ac- quainted with the matter which he handles." MS. note by Archd. H. Cotton. 30 The Irijh Library^ BURNET (Gilbert), D.D., Bifhop of Salifbury. The Life of William Bedell, Bifhop of Kilmore. [Anon.} 8vo. London, 1685. This copy is enriched by the copious MS. notes of Thomas Bedell of Hoxton. Second Edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1736. Third Edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1758. This edition contains on a printed flip after the contents of the volume the celebrated exclamation of the Romifh prieft Edmund Farrily, at the funeral of the Bifhop, " O fit anima mea cum Bedello" which was com- municated by Mr. Bedell Stanford, hufband of the Bifhop's great grand- daughter. BURTON (Richard). The Hiftory of the Kingdom of Ireland. I2mo. London, 1693. New Edition. 4to. Wejlminfter, 1811. In the Bodleian Catalogue it is entered under : BURTON (Richard or Robert) alias Nath. Crouch. Nathaniel Crouch, a bookfeller, publifhed a number of works under the name of Burton, but he is fuppofed to have written them himfelf. BURTON (Nathaniel) LL.D. Hiftory of the Royal Hofpital of Kilmainham, near Dublin. 8vo. Dublin, 1843. BUSH (J.). Hibernia Curiofa ; or, a Letter from a Gentleman in Dublin to his friend at Dover, giving a general view of the manners, cuftoms, difpofitions, &c. of the inhabitants of Ireland. \^Anon.'\ I2mo. Dublin, 1764. (Part 2 contains a defcription of the Caves of Dunmore, co. Kilkenny not found in the edition printed in London.) Another Edition. 8vo. London, f. a. Lough Fea. 31 BUTLER. Some Account of the family of the Butlers, but more particularly of the late Duke of Ormond, the Earl of Oflbry, and James, Duke of Ormond. 8vo. London, 1716. BUTLER (James). The cafe of James Butler, Efq., refpe&ing his connexion with the Houfe of Ormond. 8vo. London, 1770. BUTLER (Alban). The Lives of the Irifti Saints, extracted from his writings. 8vo. Dublin, 1823. BUTLER (Richard), Dean of Clonmacnois, and Vicar of Trim. Annals of Ireland from the year 793 to 940, tranflated from the Scriptores Hiftorias of the Rev. Dr. O'Conor. I2mo. Trim, 1843. Some Notices of the Church of St. Patrick, Trim. I2mo. Trim, 1837. Another Edition. I2mo. Trim, 1840. Some Notices of the Caftle and Ecclefiaftical Buildings of Trim. Fourth Edition, I2mo. Dublin, 1861. BUTLER (Harriet), nee Edgeworth. A Memoir of the Very Rev. Richard Butler, Dean of Clonmacnois, and Vicar of Trim. [By his widow.] (Privately printed.) 4to. Edinb. 1862. BUTT (Ifaac), LL. D. The Irim People and the Irifh Land j a Letter to Lord Lifford. 8vo. Dublin, 1867. BYRNE (Patrick). Autobiography of Patrick Byrne (the Irifh Harper). MS., with printed cuttings relating to him. 8vo. 1864. 32 The Irijh Library, AIRD (James). The Plantation Scheme, or the Weft of Ireland as a Field for Inveftment. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1850. [CALEDON (Catherine Alexander, Countefs of Cale- don, wife of the fecond Earl)]. Friendly advice to Irifli Mothers on Training their Children. I2mo. Armagh ) 1839. [CALDWELL(Sir James)]. Debates relative to the Affairs of Ire- land, in the years 1763 and 1764, taken by a Military Officer. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1766. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London^ 1779. [CAMPBELL (Thomas), LL.D. Chancellor of St. Macartins of Clogher.] A Philofophical Survey of the South of Ireland, in a feries of Letters to John Watkinfon, M.D. 8vo. London^ 1777. A Letter to the Duke of Portland, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, upon the Linen Board, Excife Laws, &c. 4to. Dublin, 1782. Strictures on the Ecclefiaftical and Literary Hiftory of Ireland, from the moft ancient times, till the Introduction of the Roman Ritual. [With MS. notes by Mr. Charles O'Conor?] 8vo. Dublin^ 1789. CAMPBELL (W. G.). The Apoftle of Kerry ; or, the Life of the Rev. Charles Graham. Second Edition, I2mo. Dublin^ 1868. Lough Fea. 33 CAMPBELL (George). The Irifh Land. A Vifit in the Spring. A Vifit in the Autumn. I2mo. London, 1869. CAMPION. See Hanmer (Meredith). CANE (Robert). Williamite and Jacobite Wars in Ireland, [an unfinifhed work]. 8vo. Dublin, n. d. CANONS. See Conftitutions, &c. CAPTAIN ROCK IN LONDON, or the Chieftains Gazette for the years 1825 and 1826. 4to. London. CAPTAIN ROCK, or the Chieftains Gazette for the year 1827. 8vo. London. CARD (Henry). Hiftorical Outlines of the Rife and Eftablifh- ment of the Papal Power, addrefled to the Roman Catholic Priefts of Ireland. 8vo. Margate, 1804. CAREW (Rev. P. J.). An Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of Ireland, from the Introduction of Chriftianity to the commencement of the 13th century. 8vo. Dublin, 1835. CAREY (M.). Vindiciae Hibernicae ; or Ireland Vindicated, an attempt to develope and expofe a few of the multiferous errors, &c. refpeting Ireland. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1823. The firft edition was printed at Philadelphia, in 1819. Vindiciae Hibernicae ; or Ireland Vindicated. Third Edition, enlarged and improved. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. CARLETON (William). Traits and Stories of the Irim Peafantry. Third Edition, 2 vols. 12 mo. Dublin, 1834. Traits and Stories of the Irifh Peafantry. Second Series. Second Edition, 3 vols. i2mo. Dublin, 1834. F 34 The Irijh Library, CARLETON (J. W.). A Compendium of the Pra&ice at Elections of Members to ferve in Parliament. Fifth Edition, I2mo. Dublin, 1865. CARLINGFORD. A pi6turefque Handbook to Carlingford Bay, and the Watering Places in its vicinity. I2mo. Newry, 1840. CARLISLE (Nicholas). A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland. 4to. London, 1810. CARLISLE HOWARD (George Wm. Fred.), yth Earl of Carlifle. The Vice-Regal Speeches and Addrefles, Lectures and Poems of the late Earl of Carlifle. Edited by J. S. Gafkin. 8vo. Dublin, 1865. CAROLAN (Neal), formerly parim prieft of Slane and Stackallen, &c., in Meath. Motives of Converfion to the Catholic Faith, as it is profefled in the Reformed Church in England. Sm. 4to. Dublin, 1688. CARON (Raymundus). Loyalty aflerted, and the late Remon- ftrance or Allegiance of the Irifh Clergy and Layty, confirmed and proved by the authority of Scriptures, &c. Sm. 4to. London, 1662. Remonftrantia Hibernorum contra Lovanienfes ultra- montanafque cenfuras de incommutabili regum imperio fubditorumque fidelitate, &c. Fo. [London,~\ 1665. Nearly the whole impreffion of this very rare work is faid to have been deftroyed by the Fire of London in 1666. Second Edition. " Juxta Exemplar Londinenfe, anni M. 1665. Fo. [Paris?] 1731. Lough Fea. 35 CARR (John). The Stranger in Ireland, or a Tour in the Southern and Weftern parts of that Country, in the year 1805. 4to. London, 1806. CARROL, (James). A Narrative of the Popifh Plot in Ireland, for the murdering the Proteftants there, &c. Fol. London, 1681. CARTE (Thomas). An Hiftory of the Life of James Duke of Ormonde from his birth in 1610, to his death in 1688. 3 vols. Fo. London^ 1736. The third volume is " A Collection of Letters written by the Kings Charles I. and II., The Duke of Ormond, &c.," it has the date 1735. A Collection of Original Letters and Papers concerning the Affairs of England from 1641 to 1660, found among the Duke of Ormond's Papers. 2 vols. 8vo. London^ 1739. CARTE AND CAREW PAPERS. Report upon the Carte and Carew Papers in the Bodleian and Lambeth Libraries, by Thomas Duffus Hardy, and J. S. Brewer. Imp. 8vo. London^ 1864. CARVE (Thomas). Itinerarium R.D. Thomae Carve Tipperari- enfis, facellani majoris in fortiflima ]uxta & nobiliflima legione ftrenuiflimi Domini Colonelli D. Walteri Devereux fub fac. Caefar. Majeftate ftipendia merentis. 2 vols. i6mo. Mogunt, 1640-1. and nova editio, tres partis in uno volumine comple&ens. 8vo. London, 1859. One of two copies only, printed on vellum. 36 The Irijh Library, CARVE (Thomas). Lyra five Anacephalaeofis Hibernica in qua de exordio, feu origine, nomine, moribus, ritibufque Gentis Hibernicae fuccin6r,e tra&atur. Second Edition, fm. 410. Sulzbacb^ 1666. GARY (John). A Vindication of the Parliament of England, in Anfwer to a Book written by W. Molyneuxof Dublin, Efq., entitled The Cafe of Ireland being bound by A6ts of Parlia- ment in England, ftated. Second Edition, I2mo. London^ 1700. CASTLEHAVEN (Earl). The Memoir of James [Touchet] Lord Audley, Earl of Caftlehaven, his Engagement and Carriage in the Wars of Ireland from the year 1642 to the year 1651, written by himfelf. I2mo. London, 1680. The addrefs " To the Reader" was inferted after the book was finished, as appears by the catchword James at the foot of the dedication, and poftfcript at the end of Arthur Annefley's letter to him. This work was fo ftriftly fupprefled, that neither Lord Orford (in his Royal and Noble Authors) nor his late editor, could ever procure a fight of it. Wrangharis Cat. p. 166. Another Edition, " with an Appendix relating Wars abroad that he hath either feen or known ; with fome obfer- vations on the whole." I2mo. London, 1681- With a different dedication to the King. The Earl of Caftlehaven's Review of his Memoirs of his Engagement and Carriage in the Irifh Wars, enlarged and corre&ed, with an appendix and poftfcript. I2mo. London, 1684. Lough Fea. 37 CASTLEHAVEN T (Earl). The Earl of Caftlehaven's Memoirs of his Review of the late Wars of Ireland, with his own Engage- ment and Conduct therein. To which is added an Appendix and Poftfcript, the whole enlarged and corrected by himfelf. 8vo. Waterford, 1753. The Earl of Caftlehaven's Review of his Memoirs of his Engagement and Carriage in the Irifti Wars, with Lord Anglefey's Letter, containing Obfervations and Reflections thereon. 8vo. Dublin, 1815. One of 30 copies printed on large paper. CASTLEREAGH (Robert Stewart) Vifcount Caftlereagh. Memoirs and Correfpondence, edited by his brother Charles, Marquefs of Londonderry. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. CATALOGUE of Books in all Languages, Arts, and Sciences, that have been printed in Ireland, and publiftied in Dublin, from the year 1700 to the prefent time. 8vo. Dublin, 1791. of the Library of the late Right Hon. Denis Daly, to be fold May i, 1792. (Priced.) I2mo. Dublin, 1792. of the Library belonging to the Society of King's Inns, Dublin. 4to. Dublin, 1801. of a fele& Irifh Library, collected for the Right Hon. Robert Peel. 8vo. Dublin, 1823. of the Library of the late Edward O'Reilly, Efq., both printed books and MSS. (Priced.) 8vo. Dublin, 1830. of the Library of the Royal Dublin Society. 8vo. Dublin, 1850. 38 The Irijh Library, CATALOGUE of the Library of the late T. Crofton Croker, Efq., with a Memoir. 8vo. London, 1854. of Literary Collections and Original Compofitions of William Monck Mafon, Efq., in the departments of Irifti Hiftory, &c. (Priced.) 8vo. London, 1858. of the valuable Library of the late Rev. James H. Todd, D.D. [Priced and annotated by the Rev. Wm. Reeves, D.D.] 8vo. Dublin, 1869. of valuable Books juft imported from London, and to be fold by George Harrifon, Bookfeller in Corke. 121110. Cork) f. a. CATALOGUS Librorum quibus auta eft Bibliotheca Collegii S. S. Trinitatis Reginae Elizabeths juxta Dublin, 1853. 8vo. Dublin, 1854. CATHOLIC Univerfity Gazette, 1854-1855. Imp. 8vo. Dublin, 1855. CAULFIELD (Richard). Sigilla Ecclefiae Hibernicae Illuftrata. The Epifcopal and Capitular Seals of the Irifh Cathedral Churches. Illuftrated, 8vo. Cork, 1853. An unfinifhed work, the following Sees are contained in it, Cafliel, Emly, Waterford, Lifmore, Cork, Cloyne, Rofs, Limerick, Killaloe, Clonfert, and Kilfenora. Rotulus pipae Clonenfis ex originali, in Regiftro Ecclefiae Cathedralis Clonenfis aflervato. Sm. 4to. Cork, 1859. The Life of St. Fin Barre, firft Biftiop and Founder of the See of Cork. Sm. 410. Cork, 1864. Lough Fea. 39 CAVAN. A MS. Survey of Part of the County of Cavan, of the period of the Ufurpation. Folio, 1650 ? CAVENDISH (Right Hon. Sir Henry). A Statement of the Public Accounts of Ireland. 8vo. London, 1791. CELT, THE. A Weekly Periodical of Irifh National Literature, edited by a Committee of the Celtic Union. Folio, Dublin, 1857. CELTIC SOCIETY, The Works of. Imp. 8vo. 1. The Book of Rights, edited by John O'Donovan. Dublin , 1847. 2. Cambrenfis everfus, by John Lynch, edited and tranflated by Matthew Kelly. 3 vols. Dublin, 1848. 3. Mifcellany of the Celtic Society, edited by John O'Dono- van. Dublin, 1849. 4. The Battle of Magh Leana, and the Courtfhip of Momera, edited by Eugene Curry. Dublin, 1855. CERTANI (Giacomo). La Santita prodigiofa, vita di S. Brigida Ibernenfe. Sm. 410. Venice, 1677. Ibid. Sm. 410. Bologna, 1695. CHAP BOOKS. A Collection of Chap Books printed in Ireland, of which the following is a Catalogue, in 9 vols. i2mo. Vol. I. Adventures of Paul Pry. Dublin. Ball of Ballinafad. Waterford. Banks of the Lee. Waterford. Beggars and Ballad Singers. Dublin. Black-eyed Sufan. Waterford. 4 The Irijh Library^ CHAP BOOKS. Vol. I. continued. Buonaparte's Farewell to Paris. Waterford. Caroline of Edinburgh Town. Waterford. Colleen Dhas. Waterford. Crazy Jane. Waterford. Cruifkeen Lawn. Waterford. Cuflilamochree. Waterford. Dear Irifh Boy. Waterford. Diamond of the county of Tyrone. Waterford. Dream of Napoleon. Waterford. Dunleary Smugglers. Belfajl^ 1837. Eliza and William. Eelfajl. Emerald Ifle. Dublin. Fairy Boy. Waterford. Fanny in the Grove. Limerick. Green Hills of Tyrol. Waterford. Groves of Blarney. Waterford. Hannah Healy. Waterford. Highland Mary. Waterford. Irifhmen. Waterford. Joys of Kilfane. Dublin. Kathleen O'More. Waterford. Kilruddery Fox Chafe. Dublin. Lafs of Gowrie. Waterford. Life of Don Giovanni. Dublin. Little Mary. Waterford. Lofs of the Brave Volunteers. Waterford. Lough Fea, 4 l CHAP BOOKS. Vol. I. continued. Lovers' Dreams. Lovers' Miftake. Looney Mackwalter. Major McPherfon. March of the Valley. Nice little Jane from Ballinafloe. Nora Creinan. Paddy's Return to Ballinafad. Pretty Irifh Boy. Pretty Polly Hopkins. Regifter your Votes, my Lads. Royal Game at Cards. Royal Blackbird. Send round the Wine. Shuile Agra. Star of Slane. There's no luck about the Houfe. Voice of Labour. When my old Hat was new. Wedding of Ballyporeen. Young William. Waterford. Dublin. . Dublin. Dublin. Waterford. Waterford. Dublin. Waterford. Waterford. Dublin. Dublin. Dublin. Waterford. Dublin. Waterford. Waterford. Waterford. Waterford. Limerick. Dublin. Waterford. Vol. II. The Cottagers of Glenburnie, by Eliz. Hamilton. Belfajt. The Hiftory of Valentine and Orfon. Dublin. Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald. Dublin, 1849. G 42 The Irijh Library, CHAP BOOKS. Vol. II. continued. Abridgment of the Chriftian Do&rine. Dublin. Narrative of the Irifh Rebellion. Belfaft, 1844. . Life of St. Patrick. Dublin. The Gentle Shepherd, by Allan Ramfay. Belfajl, 1835. The Irifh Humourift. Bel/aft. Vol. III. A fhort Treatife on the Antiquity, &c. of the Scapular. Dublin. The Life and Adventures of Jeremiah Grant. Dublin, 1849. Life of Saint Terefa. Dublin. Hiftory of the Ifles of the Fairies. Dublin. The Cattle-keeper's Guide. Self aft, 1845. The Hiftory of Paul and Virginia. Dublin. The Life of Robin Hood. Dublin. Two Hiftorical Plays. The Battle of Aughrim, The Siege of Londonderry. Dublin. Vol. IV. The Life of Saint Columb-kille. Dublin. Ru {fell's Seven Sermons. Belfaft ! , 1833. Life and Actions of the moft notorious Irifh Highway- men, Tories, and Rapparees, by T. Cofgrave. Dublin. Mungo, or the Little Traveller. Belfaft, 1834. The Garland of Love. Belfaft, 1842. Arabian Nights' Entertainments. Dublin. Life of Andrew Jackfon, Prefident of the United States of America. Belfaft^ 1843. Lough Fea. 43 CHAP BOOKS. Continued. Vol. V. The Sorrows of Werter. Belfaft, 1844. An Hiftorical Catechifm, by Monfieur Fleury. Dublin. Billy Bluff and Squire Firebrand. Belfaft^ 1840. jEfop's Fables. Dublin. A complete Syftem of Domeftic Cookery. Dublin. The Travels of Lemuel Gulliver. Dublin. The Life of Frederick III. King of Pruffia. Bel/a/?, 1833. Vol. VI. Afcanius, or the Young Adventurer. Belfaft, 1841. The Dairyman's Daughter, by the Rev. Legh Rich- mond. Belfajt^ 1844. The Juvenile Budget, or Evenings at Home. Belfaft. Reflections on the Prerogatives of Saint Jofeph. Dublin. The Indian Cottage. Belfaji^ 1843. The Fortunate and Unfortunate Lovers. Belfaft, 1843. The Royal Hibernian Tales. Dublin. The Hiftory of Sufan Gray. Belfaft. Vol. VII. The Life of St. Mary of Egypt. Dublin. Bible Stories. BelfaJJ, 1840. The Life of Captain James Cook. Belfaft, 1835. The Life of Robinfon Crufoe. Dublin, 1852. Elegant Poems. Belfaji, 1835. The Reformed Coquette. Belfaft, 1844. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Vol. VIII. Life of Mary Queen of Scots, by W. Cunningham. Belfaji, 1847. 44 The Irijh Library, CHAP BOOKS. Vol. VIII. continued. The Life and Adventures of Lady Lucy. Belfaft^ 1835. The Life and Adventures of James Freney. Dublin. The Hiftory of the Seven Champions of Chriftendom. Dublin^ 1851. Arts' Mafterpiece, or the Cabinet of Secrets. Zfe^//?, 1843. The Univerfal Letter- Writer. Dublin. The Hiftory of Little Jack. Otley. Vol. IX. A New Academy of Compliments. Dublin. The whole Art of Legerdemain. Belfaft, 1844. Cinderella. Otley. Hell opened to Chriftians. Dublin^ 1845. The Life of Saint Francis. Dublin. Genuine Hiftory of Ireland, by Hugh Reilly. Dublin. Think well on't. Dublin. The Life and Actions of Robert Emmet. Belfa/i, 1842. CHATTERTON (Georgiana Lady). Rambles in the South of Ireland during the year 1838. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. [CHETWOOD]. A Tour through Ireland in feveral entertaining Letters, &c. by two Englifh Gentlemen. 8vo. London, 1740. CHEYNE (J ), M,D. Account of the Fever in Ireland by Dr. Francis Barker and J. Cheyne. CHEYNE (Alexander). Juftice for Ireland ; an Inquiry into fome caufes of the Infecurity of Life and Property in that Country. I2mo. Dublin, 1850. Lough Fea. 45 CHICHESTER (Sir Alexander Palmer Bruce). Hiftory of the Family of Chichefter, 1086-1870. Sm. 410. London, 1871. CHURCH COMMISSION. Appendix to the Report of Her Majefty's Commiflioners, and Papers prepared for the ufe of the Royal Commiflioners, " private and confidential," with MS. additions. 2 vols. fol. Dublin, 1868. CHURCH COMMISSION. Report of Her Majefty's Commiffioners on the Revenues and Condition of the Eftablimed Church, [Ireland]. Fol. Dublin, 1868. CHURCH CONGRESS. Authorized Report of the Church Congrefs held at Dublin, Sept. 29, Oa. 1,2,3,1868. 8vo. Dublin, 1868. CHURCH DISCIPLINE AND REGISTRY ACT, 1835. Correfpondence between the Archbifhop of Armagh and A. J. Stephens, Efq., Barrifter-at-Law, on the propofed Church Difcipline A 61. Sm. 4to. privately printed, London, 1835. CHURCH ESTABLISHMENT IN IRELAND. The Freeman's Journal, " Church Commiflion." I2mo. Dublin, 1868. CHURCH OF IRELAND. Papers relating to the Eftabliftied Church in Ireland, ordered by the Houfe of Commons to be printed, 2Qth July, 1807. Fol. 1807. - Papers relating to the State of the Eftablimed Church of Ireland, ordered by the Houfe of Commons to be printed, 26th May, 1820. Fol. 1820. Report of His Majefty's Commiflioners of Ecclefiaftical Inquiry, Ireland, ordered by the Houfe of Commons to be printed, I3th July, 1831. Fol. 1831. 46 The Irifh Library, CHURCH OF IRELAND. Firft, Second, Third and Fourth Reports of His Majefty's Commiffioners on Ecclefiaftical Revenue and Patronage, Ireland, ordered by the Houfe of Commons to be printed, 28th Auguft, 1833, ifth April, 1834, Qth May, 1836, loth July, 1837. 4 vols. fol. 1833, 1834, 1836, and 1837. Returns (bowing the Value of each Bimopric in Ireland, number of Livings, and number of Members of the Church and Proteftant Diflenters, (Captain Stacpoole's Report), ordered by the Houfe of Commons to be printed, 4th May, 1864. Fol. 1864. The National Synod of the Church of Ireland. The Synods of Armagh and Dublin, September, 1869, together with the Journal of the Houfe of United Synod. 8vo. Dublin, 1869. Journal of the General Convention, Firft Seffion, 1870, Second Seffion, 1870. 8vo. Dublin, 1870. The Conftitution of the Church of Ireland, being Statutes pafled at the General Convention, 1870, with the Charter of Incorporation. 8vo. Dublin^ 1870. Another Edition, edited by Alfred Lee, LL. D. 8vo. Dublin, 1871. Irifh Church Directory (compiled by James Charles). 9 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1862-1870. Lough Fea. 47 CHURCH OF IRELAND. Formulaire de la Confecration et De- dicace des Eglifes et Chapelles, felon 1'Ufage de 1'Eglife d'Irlande, traduit de 1' Anglois, par 1'ordre de my lord Eveque de Kildare, en faveur des Proteftans Fran9ois Refugies habit- ans a Portarlington, comtede la Reine. I2mo. Dublin^ 1702. With a letter from William King, Bifhop of Kildare, and afterwards Archbiftiop of Dublin, to the French Proteftant Refugees living at Port- arlington. Catalogue of Pamphlets and Tra&s on the Church of Ire- land, and fubjets conne