AUGUSTA E. STETSON THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES POEMS BY AUGUSTA E. STETSON, C.S.D. POEMS WRITTEN ON THE JOURNEY FROM SENSE TO SOUL BY AUGUSTA E. STETSON, C.S.D. ILLUSTRATIONS IN PHOTOGRAVURE FOURTH EDITION G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK AND LONDON fmtcfcerbocher 1921 COPYRIGHT, 1910 BY AUGUSTA E. STETSON COPYRIGHT, 1920 BY AUGUSTA E. STETSON FOURTH EDITION Printed in the United Stales of America THESE POEMS I DEDICATE TO &eberent> AS A STUDENT TO THE TEACHER, AS A FOLLOWER TO THE LEADER. AS A CHILD TO THE MOTHER. , 626178 LOVE LEADS US ON, UNTIL NIGHT BE GONE, AND WE WAKE IN THE MORNING LIGHT; LOVE'S VOICE OF CHEER, HUSHES EVERY FEAR. AND HER FACE IS REVEALED TO SIGHT. PAGE SING THE SONG OF GLADNESS 17 COMMUNION 21 THE DOVE AND THE STAR 29 THE EVERLASTING ARMS 32 PRAISE TO GOD 35 CHILDREN, HAVE YE ANY MEAT?.. . . 38 FLEE AS A BIRD 42 LOVE'S ROD AND LOVE'S STAFF 45 HOMEWARD 48 LOVE WATCHES OVER ALL 50 FRIEND, Go UP HIGHER 53 LEAD Us TO THE INFINITE 58 9 Contents PAGE THOU ART NOT FAR FROM THE KING DOM 60 MESSAGE 64 REPLY TO THE CHRISTMAS POEM .... 66 LETTER TO OUR BELOVED LEADER FROM HER LAMBKINS 69 STAND FIRM 71 To MY DEAR STUDENTS AND CHURCH MEMBERS 74 DOVE OF PEACE 77 THE SUNLIGHT OF LOVE'S PRESENCE 79 WHEN LOVE DOTH GUIDE 82 THE DAWNING DAY 85 WOLEEWIN 87 COULD YE NOT WATCH? 90 SPIRITUAL SENSES 93 10 Contents PACK THE BIRDIE'S GREETING TO OUR LEADER 96 INSCRIPTION 100 HARVEST SONG 101 THE FATHER'S VOICE 103 CAN GOD FURNISH A TABLE IN THE WILDERNESS? 105 LIGHT THE TORCH (with Music}. ... 108 DIVINE GUIDANCE 1 10 GARNERING 112 LOVE'S LULLABY (with Mtisic] 116 THE SONG OF LOVE (with Music).. . 118 RETROSPECTION 123 PSALM OF GRATITUDE 128 HOME 130 ii ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, BOSTON, MASS. THE MOTHER CHURCH AND ITS EX TENSION 7 THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, BOSTON, MASS. THE MOTHER CHURCH OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 17 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, NEW YORK CITY . . .100 Music, "LIGHT THE TORCH" . 108 Music, "LOVE'S LULLABY" . 116 Music, "THE SONG OF LOVE" 118 POEMS BY AUGUSTA E. STETSON, C.S.D. &ing tfje &ottg of OUR PRA YER IN STONE Written at the completion of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass., 1894. CHILDREN of the Blessed, Sing the song of gladness ! Ring the loud hosannas ! Christ to earth again is come. Raise the voice to praise him ! Bid the world adore him ! While we follow listening to the voice that calls us home. Has the path been thorny ? Roses, with their fragrance Cheered us, as we followed in "the way" our Saviour led. 17 tfjc g>ong ot When we, Israel's children, Hungered in the desert, How the hand of Love supplied the ever-living bread ! When athirst and weary, Faint and heavy laden, Following through the wilderness of sin and sense, our Guide, Then we heard the summons, Falter not, but come ye! Drink the ever-living waters, which in me abide ! Bread of Life to strengthen; Waters to refresh us, Flowing ever freely from the ever-living Fount. Mother-love to counsel, Mother-voice to cheer us, 18 &>ing tije &ong of labnea* Mother-smile to beckon from the valley to the Mount. Could we fail or falter, While the loving Saviour Every want supplied, and every tear drop wiped away, Every murmur silenced, Every shadow lessened With the power of Love divine, revealing God's bright day? As we catch bright glimpses Of the Eternal Real, As we lose the echo of sorrow, sin, and care Brighter gleams God's glory. Chant again the story ! Christ is come to human ken, his temple to prepare. 19 tl)e g>ong of Sing for joy ye ransomed ! "Prayer in stone" appearing Bids us trim our lamps, and wait the Bridegroom's midnight call. Sing, for Christ is with us ! Israel's Shepherd leads us! Love is come to reign forever, crown Her Lord of all ! 20 Communion Communion service at The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass., June 7, 1895. TWAS Sabbath morn. The city lay In the embrace of dawn, which, As it blended with approaching day, Revealed cathedral dome, and lofty spire Of many a church, where people con gregate To worship God. At length, Its radiance rested on a temple, made Of stone, symmetrical and white, Which towered in silent speech and Voiceless prayer, piercing the sky ; as if To point beyond the finite view, 21 Communion And lead the worn and weary unto Christ. The joyous birds joined in the silent anthem, "God is good;" 1 And whispering leaves were hushed, As if in prayer, And as the dewdrop Glistened on the lily's breast ; And flashed its varied hues, it voiced the message "God is good." The crystal waters, Touched by hand unseen, sparkled From lake and fount, and Pure and smiling, turned their faces fair For Love's impress, and murmured, 1 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. 22 Communion "God is Love." Eternity's great organ seemed to wake The world to prayer and praise. Anon, upon the breath of morn, were borne Sweet silvery chimes, floating on Pulseless air, like voice from Mother-heart, calling to children dear, And tremulous with love and blessings, Prayed the Shepherd, Christ, to show Her how to go across the hillside's Steep and rugged way, And safely lead his sheep. Well the disciples knew the Voice, calling to feast of Love, and thronged the temple door, Eager for Word of God, and Christ, the bread. The thirsty pressed for drink 23 Communion From "little book" the key to Heavenly wealth, God's Holy Word, Revealing Truth and Love, hid since The world began, but now illumed Through "Science and Health." As deep within the heart was heard The promise, "Whoso eateth of this Bread, shall hunger not, nor shall They thirst again, who drink My blood," a peace descended, and the Singers rose and gave to listening wor shippers The chant, "The righteous shall go in." A holy hush bade human sense "Be still," and Christ was felt, Sweeping with touch divine across the Harp of thousand strings, attuning To Life and Love. Then rose the Readers, calm and strong 24 Communion In Christ, and prayerful, trusting God to feed His people in green Pastures, and to lead beside still Waters, through the Comforter and Word. To hearts attuned to Love, this Holy hour seemed like the gate of Heaven, which, ajar, disclosed The smile of Christ, calling in Tender accents, "Come to me." Bowed in humble prayer, pros trate Before the Christ, and listening For his voice, a heavenly benediction Fell upon the heart, and tearful Gratitude went up to God for Her who gave to all the Guide To Life divine, who clasps again The sinner's hand who turns The straying footsteps to the 25 Communion Light, and leads once more the Way to God, as did the Christ of yore. Communing thus, a sacred Presence filled the place, and Heavenly messengers brought Peace and hope to struggling pilgrims, Kneeling there for bread, And waters pure, from Spirit fount. Love rose to temple dome, And filled each humble heart With incense from God's altar. And the song was heard again, "Peace on earth, good will to men," Sung by unseen choirs there, As they knelt in silent prayer. 'Twas as if the chord of love, Swept by Master hand above, Thrilled the meek and lowly heart, Bidding care and fear depart. 26 Communion Then was caught the low refrain, "I am with you once again," I have given the bread and wine, I am Christ, and ye are mine. Hush ! within this holy place, Love false concepts will efface; Turn ye all from gold and dross, Gaze upon the radiant cross ! Holy Spirit, break the bread, Till each hungry heart be fed ! Drink the wine, so freely poured By the ' ' Comforter, ' ' adored ! Then, with power of love, reveal How the Christ the sick doth heal ! Hear the Saviour bid you go Out into a world of woe, Loving all, as I love you, Each the healing work will do, And, forgetting harsh offense, Yield to Love in penitence. 27 Communion Then will love for God and man, Light the earth with rainbow span. The faithful rose to follow Christ's Command, to heal the sick and sinful, and To overcome the sense of self and sin. 28 JBobe anb tfje s>tar AS the sunset crimson faded Into amber hues one day, And the gathering twilight deepened Till it merged in sombre grey; While I lingered in the gloaming, From my heart went up a prayer, And I lost the sense of shadows, As I bowed in silence there. Soon I felt a tender presence Touching me with influence mild, And a white-winged dove descended, Cooing softly, Peace, my child. While I wondered what the meaning Of this dove, with wings unfurled, Once again I heard its message, Rise above this sin-bound world ! 29 Xtjc Qobc anb tljc ss>tar Rise and soar on Hope's bright pinions ! Tarry not in shadows dim ! Preen your wings of aspiration ! Chant Love's holy vesper hymn ! See ! Upon the blue empyrean Shines the star of faith's clear light, Beckoning with its twinkling radiance, To a world more fair and bright. Look again! Behold Hope's star-beam Brightly flashing in the blue, While the star of Love appearing, Speaks of heavenly joys to you. Constellations gild the heavens, Brilliantly they flash afar, Breathing words of holy promise In the language of the star. Thus the dove soared just beyond me, Beating with its wings the air, 30 Bobe anb tfjc Leading me to heights celestial, And I followed gladly there; Till I learned the lesson taught me By the dove and star that night, And the darkness of the gloaming Fled, before the diamond light. Thus we wander in the twilight Of this mortal life, and fear, Till the dove of Peace descending, Guides us to the glad Soul sphere. There the light dispels the shadows; Glorious beams of Truth appear, And the raptured vision shows us God, and man, and heaven are here. Cberlasting ON the bosom of Love we are resting, Love's arm doth our being enfold, And the heart of Omnipotence pulsates To measures of Love untold. Thus we dwell in divine Everpresence, Our Father and Mother God, We walk with the saints in glory, And tread where our Master trod. As we rest in the Mother-love, holy, As we list to the Mother-voice, sweet, We hear the chant of the angels Who traverse the unseen street. And listening, we lose the echo Of sorrow, and sin, and sense, Till the clouds become thin and thinner, That conceal the vast immense. 32 And oft as we patiently linger, And pray for spiritual sight, A rift in the cloud discloses A world of wondrous light. They are faint, faint glimpses only, And though mists soon hide the gold, That rift reveals marvellous beauty, Of Life, Love and Truth, untold. The eyes that behold this vision, Seen through the matter veil, Are steadily fixed on the real, Till spiritual sight shall prevail; And bursting the clouds, disclose heaven, The haven of rest long sought, The refuge for earth's weary wanderers, Whom Love to their home has brought. 3 33 e anp Jtleat? Christ Jesus. THE voice of the Master was heard by the men, As he spoke from the shore, on the morning, when He found them weary, yet toiling on With their nets, by the morning dawn. Cast your nets on the other side! How the sweet voice echoed over the tide! How their faith and love arose once more, As they filled their nets, and pulled for shore ! As they saw the fire of coals, they said : His love has prepared the fish and bread. 38 Cfjtlbren, #?afae fie Oh! the blessed Master taught them there, To leave their nets and forsake their care, And prove the power of the Word. The gentle voice of Love divine Called to his children, "Come and dine!" The feast he prepared was at their feet, But they made no move to come and eat. They knew it was Jesus whom they saw, And their hearts were filled with love and awe. Then his mighty love appeared again ; He took the bread and gave to them, And also the fishes he passed to eat, As they knelt there at the Master's feet. 39 Cfjiforen, J^afce ge llnpiHeat? To-day he speaks to his followers few: Are you feeding my lambs as I fed you, Are you showing your love by breaking the bread, By healing the sick and raising the dead? Lovest thou me? then feed my sheep, And God who works with you, His pro mise will keep, The blinded eyes will waken to see That error had bound them ; That Truth has set free. The prodigal, feeding on husks, will arise, As over the sea the Master cries, Have ye aught to eat, my children dear, Why toil all night in doubt and fear? Cast your net on the other side, And in my promise, safe abide; Then draw it in, and you shall find The riches deep of Truth, or Mind. 40 Cijtlbren, Christ's wondrous power is a mine of wealth, He gives us love, and joy and health. He fed the lambs on the mountain steep ; Go thou and feed his wandering sheep. He went on the mountain and called them in, From the hill of vice, and the valley of sin. Go thou far out on the mountain steep, And shepherd, and feed his beloved sheep. Jflee a* a For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah lv., 9. FLEE as a bird, from the snare of the fowler ! Flee to your mountain, ye faithful ones, flee; Preening your wings, soar beyond earth's illusions, Wing your flight far above sin's surg ing sea! Losing the sound of time's turbulent billows, Lashed into discord by sorrow and fear; 42 Jf Ice as a Flee from the snare of the merciless fowler, Rise till the heights of your mountain appear ! Fold not your wings, till you see the sure haven, Rest not on hill top, contented to stay; Faint, yet pursuing, press onward and upward, Love goes before you, illuming the way. Soon you will lose in Love's ratified ether, Memory of fowler, and arrow and snare; Thoughts which are mortal will fade as the dewdrop, Under the sunlight of God's loving care. 43 Jflec ag a 2Bt Soon will the power of divine Ever- presence Wing every thought to your con sciousness born ; Error will vanish like mist on the mountain, Gone like a dream when you wake in the morn. Then in the light of Mind's radiant effulgence, Gilding the mountain, our wings we may fold, While Love's potent pinions impel us forever, As infinite glories we raptured behold. 44 's! &ob anb lobe'* &taff THOU wouldst not be God, if my prayer were not heard, For Thou know'st how my human with anguish is stirred, How my heart crieth out for Thy love and Thy grace, As, through tears, I look up to behold Thy dear face. Thy smile dawns upon me, like soft summer rain Upon theparched flow'ret, reviving again ; Or, like evening vespers when twilight appears, To whisper Love's presence and dis sipate fears. 45 Uotie's &o& anto Down the vista of years I gaze, till I pray For Thy power to sustain me with grace for to-day. Then earth's hopes and earth's idols, earth's cross and earth's care, Flee like phantoms before the sweet pressure of prayer. Oh! travail and anguish that rend our flesh veil ! O dear Christ, whose power doth ever prevail ! Oh ! eye of the Mother-love, ear of Most High, That hears the lone mountain lamb's piteous cry. The heat of the furnace has melted the gold Which awaits the impress of the Fash ioner's mould; 46 ILobe'sf &ob anb Hobe'tf Oh ! soon may the gold lose its seeming, and fade, Till His glorified substance my being pervade. Now, Spirit, or Truth, I perceive Thine idea, The perfect reflection of Love doth appear, The image long looked for, and long vainly sought, Appears, Love's true likeness, by God's wisdom wrought. And now I respond to omnipotent Love The deluge is over, returned is the dove. The face of the Father I ever behold, As His perfect ideas forever unfold. 47 Arise, and let us go again to our own people, and to the land of our nativity, from the oppressing sword. Jeremiah xlvi., 16. ARISE ! let us stand in the strength of our God! Let us slumber no more in the dream ; Let us go to our people, the home of our birth, Our heavenly dominion redeem ! Let us dare to resist all attacks of the foe, With our weapon of warfare the Word! Till the enemy falters and falls at our feet, With his broken, defeated sword. Oh ! great is our God, He delivers His own, He carries the lambs in His arms, 48 He tenderly shields them and guides and supports, Oh ! His mighty love, error disarms. He turns back the tide, that else might submerge, He speaks to the raging waves, "Peace;" His voice you may hear, if you list to His call, And your sorrow and sighing will cease. Arise, then, ye prostrate! no longer bow down To idols of matter, or gold ! Arise in the strength of your Christ, and return To your people, your Shepherd, and fold! 4 49 Hobe JGSatcfje* <0ber 1 GAZED upon a sin-bound world, By fear and care oppressed, Asleep in error's thrall. I asked, "What meaneth this?" I heard, "God is Omnipotent; This is a dream, it is not real, Love watches over all." The soft voice spake so tenderly, It seemed so near to me, And like an angel's call, I listened, till I heard again, "God is Omnipotent, this is a dream,* Love watches over all." And then I heard the brooklet sing, And birds in matin song, 50 bcr 811 Chant, " Ne'er did sparrow fall Without its Father's notice, for Love watches over all, Love watches over all." I saw the lily droop her head, Beneath the sultry heat Of noonday Sol ; A raindrop fell with cooling kiss, And whispered, "Love hath sent you this, Love watches over all." I saw strong manhood yield to fears, And age o'ercome with many years, And heard them cry, "I fall." And then I heard the voice again, Like angels, in one grand amen, "Love watches over all." Uobc Mlatdjcs tubentg anb Cfjurcj) JJlembers FEAR not, little flock, 'tis your Father's good pleasure, To give you the kingdom," the robe and the ring. Fear not the mad foe, who beholding ' your triumph, Pursues to destroy with the merciless sting. Take heart, the avenger cannot over throw you ; The Cause is the Lord's, and the victory sure; 74 Bear Press on in the race for immortal dominion, Nor turn back to idols resist and endure. Then raise high the standard of Truth, as you follow Your Shepherd, who leads to life's pastures immense; He folds, and protects from the wolf, and the prowler, Who lure to o'erthrow in the valley of sense. Awake to your birthright ! And, guided by wisdom, Communing with Spirit, the quicken ing dove, 75 Co 4ttp Bear You will soar, as a bird, beyond each sin-barbed arrow, And rest, safe in joyous omnipotent Love. 29obe of Written after reading the poem entitled, "Signs of the Heart," by Mary Baker G. Eddy. (The Christ ian Science Journal, July, 1899.) ODOVE of the white wings, Soaring so near; O sign of the great Heart Which banishes fear; O Love, which is Infinite, Seal us thine own ; And lead us to worship The Father alone! O Heart of the Motherhood, Brooding above, Soft voicing Thy message Through Love's chosen love, 77 Qobc of $)eace Hear gratitude voiceless And prayers without speech, Which soar like the dove, Heaven's portals to reach. Oh! fill us with meekness To sit at her feet, Who teaches the pathway To Love's blest retreat, Who leads Israel's army In paths Jesus trod, The highway of holiness, Leading to God. IN the secret of Love's presence, 'Neath the covert of Her wings, While the tempest rages wildly, And the dove no message brings ; 'Mid the thundering of error, And the lightning flash in sky, I am waiting in the darkness; Watching till the clouds roll by. Faintly gleams the light through shadows ; Rifts within the clouds appear; While the lull of angry tempest Falls upon the listening ear. Soon the sunburst of Love's presence, Radiant, joy inspiring, strong, 79 Sunlight of Uobc's Fills the heart with bliss and beauty, Wakes the Jubilate song. Dreams and shadows flit and vanish, Mortal concepts fade apace; Earth is rilled with light and glory ; Everywhere God's smile we trace. Could we see through Spirit's concept, Could we hear through Spirit's sense, There would be no angry tempest ; There would be no shadows dense. Through the wilderness we journey, Meeting fears, a spectral band ; And like children, faint with terror, Cry, "O Father, take my hand!" Close the dear Love ever hovers, Never absent ever near, Hears our call, and folds, and soothes us, Wipes away each falling tear. 80 Hwnligfrt of Hobe'g $res;ence Can we falter, can we ever Fear to meet earth's phantoms grim, Since with tender care God watches Over all who trust in Him ? Joys immortal are our birthright; Life eternal spans our sky ; Love is victor; Truth has triumphed; Clouds and tempests have rolled by. 81 Hobe 2@otfj (gutbe Reply to a poem entitled, "Satisfied," written by Mary Baker G. Eddy. (The Christian Science Journal, February, 1900.) WHEN Love doth guide, And we abide In Her, our Life, The dove of peace, Brings quick release, From sin and strife. Alone with God Our Master trod Gethsemane; Nor turned awhile, To gain the smile Of Pharisee. 82 Hobe Botij Shall we forsooth, Forsake our Truth, When foes appear? God mighty is, And we are His; Love has no fear. Love, like the light, Puts hate to flight, And envy's darts; She wings Her own, Doth joy enthrone In humble hearts. The Nazarene Of humble mien, Won victory's crown; Love's labors blest, He found sweet rest Beyond hate's frown. 83 ILoUc Dotfj Love's welcome voice, (Her holy choice) Bids mortals rise From sin's dark night To see the light Of Paradise. All praise to God, For her who trod The wine-press, lone; Whose cup of woe Did overflow Sin to atone. Let anthems tell, Let chimes of bell Proclaim the Bride! Love, robed in light, Is radiant, white, And "satisfied." January 25, 1900. 84 DEAR Love, as we near Thee, how thin seems the cloud Which hides from our vision Thy face, like a shroud! In Thy light we see light; in Thy love and grace, Heaven's portals swing open, we see face to face. False concepts no longer form images grim, Which lure, and deceive, and conceal from us Him Whose Life is our life, and whose likeness we trace In Love's mirrored love, on humanity's face. 85 JDatoning Love dissipates terror, and bids phan toms flee; She calls to earth's wanderers, "Love careth for thee." She sings Her sweet lullaby, ' ' Mother is near, Now rest on my bosom, there is nothing to fear." O heart of the Mother-love, God with us here, Our paeans of gratitude rise, full and clear. For Thy chosen Way-shower, holy and true, Who leads past the hill-crest, till heaven we view. 86 VHoleetetn Name o' a cottage on an island off the coast of Maine. WOLEEWIN! Woleewin! O haven of rest, Thy manifold beauties can not be expressed ; Thy sheltering protection from tumult and care, Thy peaceful seclusion inviting to prayer. Thy bulwarks, resisting the storm- crested wave, Thy towering beacon, alluring to save; Thine arms, ever open, thy smile, ever sweet, Woleewin, Woleewin, O peaceful retreat. 87 ffiBoleetoin When weary contending with sense and with sin, The heart sighs for respite, for heaven within, When the human cries out for the rest and the goal, When the sea surges over the struggling soul, When the carnal opposes the Christ, till we pray That earth's night may give place to God's radiant day, Then Woleewin ! Woleewin ! thy silence and peace Invite to communion, and bid tumult cease. As thine arms enfold all who enter thy door, 88 May they lose the last echo of error's mad roar; May they look through thy windows, an^i gazing afar, Catch a glimpse of the real in the type of a star, Till the spiritual sense shall roll back the cloud, The flesh-veiled vision which hangs like a shroud; And Love shall reveal God's world to their view, Dear Woleewin, sweet haven, adieu, adieu ! 89 Coulb genot OTatclj? Could ye not watch with me one hour? Christ Jesus. B 1 i RAVE wrestler for the prize of Life eternal, Treading alone earth's rugged paths to light, Art thou so weary of thy self-denials, So tired of thy crosses and thy trials ? List ! to the voice of Christ across the sea, Can'st thou not watch one hour more with me? Can'st thou not suffer, calm in tribu lation, Knowing that Christ himself before thee goes, 90 Coulb Leading thee to thy heavenly habitation, Beyond this storm-tossed dream of nain and woes? O soldier, sleep not on thy sword, but watch thee One little hour, until thy Christ appears ; And the "Well done; ye faithful, blessed are ye Who steadfast onward press" shall hush thy fears. There is no royal road to heavenly treasure; The pathway does not lead through human pride; But meekness, faith, and love, must fill the measure We humbly offer to the Glorified. Coulb He notlZlatcij? O patient watcher with thy heavenly Leader, One little hour longer pray and wait ! And thou shalt find the meek and earnest pleader, Faith crowned, triumphant, opens heaven's gate. 92 Spiritual THERE'S an eye beyond the human, That beholdeth only good, That sees God's vast creation And man's real brotherhood; That looks on things supernal, Rejoicing in the light Which revealeth perfect Wisdom, Omnipotence and might. There's an ear beyond the finite, Which hears only words of peace, Which lists to sweetest harmonies That never, never cease; Which hears the constant melody Of soul-reviving Life, And nothing knows of finite sense, Of sin and human strife. 93 Spiritual There's a sense that tastes the real, And sees that God is good ; Whose delights are rare unfoldings Of the blessed Fatherhood ; Whose silent speech, the thought of God, Expressed in His idea, Has sweetest taste of Life and Love, And never taste of fear. There's a Power, a mighty Presence, Which sustains immortal man, Which he feels is Life eternal, For he knows man ne'er began. Forever with the Father, He feeleth joy and rest, Unfoldeth, as the lily On the water's peaceful breast. There's a sense beyond the finite, Which inhales God's atmosphere, 94 Spiritual And smells the sweet aroma Of Love's flowers ever near; Which wanders in His garden, Drinking in the perfumes rare, And nothing knows of planting, Of watering, nor of care. Thus seeing, hearing, taste, and smell, And feeling, are divine ; And prayers, like censers' perfumes rise, "O Father, we are Thine." Then, turning from the mortal, And gazing on the goal, We lose our finite sense of self, And find our sense in Soul. 95 Ptrbte's Greeting to Heaber Verses sent with caged canary to Mrs. Eddy. IF a little bird may say What is in his heart to-day, I would say, "A song of glee Motherhood of God for thee." If you ask, "Why come you here?" I will say, "Your home to cheer, Life, Love, Truth, the whole day long Is the burden of my song." At the early morning dawn I will sing, "Our Christ is born." And when dawn fades from our sight, I will sing, "Let there be light." 96 JSirbte's (Greeting to ur ILeaber I will sing a tend'rer song And its glad refrain prolong, I will trill, Life, Truth and Love, Echoing the choirs above. As the sun sinks in the West I will sing, "Beloved, rest." When the twilight hour draws near I will softly sing, "Good cheer." And when shadows chase the light I will sing, "There is no night," Then will darkness flee away As I sing, "Behold God's day." If I listen, I shall hear, ' ' Birdie, you are God's idea, Sent to chant your merry lay Lovingly to cheer my way." 98 i^trbtc's Greeting to >ur Heafcer Then how blithely I will sing Praises to our Saviour King, Join with you the matin song, Sing with you the whole day long ' ' God is Love and God is good, Birdie, and God's Motherhood." Hymn of gratitude repeat As I rest in Love's retreat. 99 A TRIBUTE OF LOVE AND GRATITUDE To OUR LEADER AND TEACHER THE REVEREND MARY BAKER EDDY DISCOVERER AND FOUNDER OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE AND AUTHOR OF ITS TEXT BOOK SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES Inscription on First Church of Christ Scientist, New York City. 100 Written during the erection of First Church of Christ, Scientist, New York City, 1903. SING a psalm of victory, Children of the King! Let your harvest home-song Strengthen upward wing ! Sing, till mount and valley Echo gladsome strain ! Till earth's weary wanderers Sound the grand refrain ! Sing a sweeter, stronger Hymn, of Love's great power! Ring out glad hosannas In this triumph hour! 101 Tell in song the story, Christ has come, to bring Life to sin-blind mortals, Health to wounded wing ! Church of Christ uprising, Silent voice of Love, Steadfast, calm, majestic, Type of Church above ! Sing ye true and faithful, Valiant, brave, and strong ! Ring the chimes from tower, Hymns of praise prolong! Love's sweet harvest home-song Vintage bells resound ; God is in His temple, And His own are crowned. 102 Jf atfjer'si O'ER the billowy waves of fear Hark ! the Father's voice I hear. Child of my most tender care, Fear no foe, no earthly snare, I am all in all to thee, Truth and Love hath made thee free. O'er the sobbing sea of woe Comes a voice, so sweet and low, All is joy and rest and peace, Let thy weary yearning cease, Dry thine eyes, thou art not sad, Truth and Love hath made thee glad. In the grass, the flower, the tree, Speaks the Father's voice to me. 103 Jfatfjer'* \Joice I am Thy eternal wealth, I am Thy eternal health, Thou art rich for thou art Mine, And the whole of heaven is thine. 104 r Can r r r J j Et L_ LL L_ 1 > h ' 1 1 r? r I r r I rTr * I [' I am long-ing for the day Promised by our Lord^ Light the torch and ^ a tempo '1. to 5. f--4-4 111. ~~ > t y * ' ^-^ lead the way^_ Fa -ther - Mo- ther CoS^l, >-*- " r r '- home in r ' r f r Mind. 1 tto 5. I 1 6. ^ L f f i 1 M= \ 9 J a tempo = f == f= i ^ ^ i ** ~v i ^=5 Published by G. Schirmer, New York JLigfyt tfje J r r = moth - er - love house-top , the dream on your era - die of a j j \ i II V \ watch o - ver ir.oun - tain and nap-a-bye peas - ant and you, stream; through, kings. Un - der your High - er and In your sweet 'Cod is the n J J 1 1 r r d ' slum - her - robe, high - er, love, slum-bcr Love's Fa - ther and Slid a d ^ -1 J J. ^ J i J^PJ w . c r r r ' [Jf 1 1 | 1 i i i i y J J ' pre-cious one, soon you will Lul-la-by Mo-ther of j j 1 . rest, fly hear: an; 1 Lul - la - by, In - to the ( "Cod and His This is Christ's | | ' J ~* r r i sleep -a - bye, ream-land on an-gels and mes-sage to 1 J j J in your soft Cove's Lul- la mo-thcr are great and to J J L j- -ti nest. - by near." small ^ ' * *~ =H t i i - P P i i >- f f r \ p 1 J- 4 F ' 1 p 1 Published by G. Schirmer, New York J J . 6. Love clothes the F^~I j IT lil - y ir ra - dian rrt = Ah te, Love feeds th rl dn 1 L r j: f i J J 'I T f ^ J. ' i f f- IT r b^=J! 1 r r J r r 1 1 I--Y-H it i- j i lamb-kins and guards throughthe night, Love brood-etb r r J j o - ver each jLj J j i,j 4 j) -' j J |J J J I *p-jf S 3 ^ J J \& *' ^ : j j. j) J J J - t r 1 F F U 1 4 : ^-f 4= 1= ' ffi J Jjij. i j ^ i - r i !*! ham - let and hall, Love rev - er fail - eth, but car - eth for all. TT IJ J J J i 1 II i J- li P fc i < 9 * nt ^ f =^=^ P F f F 1 p F 1 a L^ p i 1=111 [" llullabp Lullaby, baby-bye, cradled in blue, Sleep on and dream on your nap-a- bye tfvough; In your sweet slumber Love's Lullaby hear; "God and His angels and mother are near." Lullaby, lullaby, mother-love sings Over the cradle of peasant and kings, "God is the Father and Mother of all," This is Christ's message to great and to small. Love clothes the lily in radiant white, Love feeds the lambkins and guards through the night, Love broodeth over each hamlet and hall, Love never faileth, but careth for all. 117 g>ong of Hotoe 1 THE song of love to you I sing, It is carried by dove on tireless wing, It sings of heav'n and joy and peace, And chants the anthem of war's release. It is borne on the breath of the angel choir, It is heard in the echo of harp and lyre; It is love, not human but divine, Which Love is winging from me to mine. The song of love to all I sing, To the peasant meek and the regal king 1 Music composed by the author and published by G. Schirmer, New York. 118 The Song of Love Andante con moto Words and Music by Augusta E. Stetson C. S. D. ff car-ried by peas - ant Lord of dove meek lords tire - less wing. and the re - gal king and the King of kings, It sings of Whose reign is U . nit - ing in *n r heav'n and joy and peace, And chants the an -them of ruled by wrong and might, Or by Truth and Love^ the Christb great bat - tie plan All na - lions, with love_ for Published by G. Schirmer, New York mf religioso ^sostenuto^ war's re - lease. 'It. is borne on the breath of the an - gel choir, It is heard in the law of right. I sing the song of the Prince of Peace, And a - wait the God and man. Let war for ev - er cease on earth, Let the new ere - M mf religioso sostenuto Oli , fit- e cresc. ffr PO ^mpo j e-cho of harp and lyre; It is love, not hu - man but hour of Love's re - lease From bonds of hate, and fear, a - ted world give birth To chil-dren of God; let the wel Jiii.i> J^T^j iJl'i > i & O i F^ r^ ^ i fi* P-i -^ i ^v di - and - kin \ H . \f-i ; / y .J^-Etf : as^ *r rf^ 1 H "' r F -" r~^ i ' f 1 L ' z ^ L ^~ f" L p ir r vine, which Love strife, To the reign is wing -ing from me to mine, of Christ with end - less life. With pae-ans of praise to Christ, our King of Whose reign is ruled by wrong and might, Or by Truth and Love, the law of right. I sing the song of the Prince of Peace, And await the hour of Love's release From bonds of hate, and fear, and strife, To the reign of Christ with endless life. To all I sing, this hour brings The Lord of lords and the King of kings, Uniting in Christ's great battle plan All nations, with love for God and man. Let war forever cease on earth, Let the new created world give birth To children of God ; let the welkin ring With paeans of praise to Christ, our King! 119 121 Jvctrospcction * Wntten in Bombay > India, in early youth. SITTING and musing alone to-night, While the moonbeams reflect their shimmering light, And the waters below, in silver sheen, Like the streets of our heavenly home, I ween ; While the twinkling stars, with their radiance bright, Talk of angel forms in the world of light- I dream, and the waters whispering low, Tell of childhood, and friends of long ago. I yield me to memory, and once more tread Those childhood paths, which with joy I sped, 123 Retrospection And I sit again on my father's knee, And list to the tales he told to me. I gaze on his face, so young and fair, And can see no trace of age or care ; So I sit as a child, on my father's knee, And list to his loving words to me. Dear mother appears, what word so sweet ; Again as of yore, I kneel at her feet, And learn from her lips the words of Truth, As she taught me of God, through child hood and youth. I hear her speak in her gentle tone, Of our dear Redeemer, who trod alone The winepress, and suffered to set men free From sin, and from death in Gethse- mane. 124 Retrospection I am clasped to her heart, as in youth, she pressed Her little one to her loving breast ; And I feel her heart with joy beat wild; As she hopes, and prays, for her darling child. Then I pass my hand through her rich brown hair, But can see no thread of silver there. And so to-night as a child, I rest In a beautiful dream, on my mother's breast. The dream is o'er, I wake from the past, Too bright, too beautiful far to last ; My heart is sad, and I hush a sigh, As my thoughts to my distant parents fly.' Oh ! deep in my soul lies a fervent prayer Of thanks to God, for His tender care, 125 Retrospection For my parents, spared to me so long, Till I chose the right, and shunned the wrong. My father dear, as I think of thee, Time has furrowed thy cheek I see; Thy step is less firm, and thine eye has less light, But thy heart is as youthful, thy smile is as bright. And there as in childhood, again I would rest, On my noble, loving father's breast. Dear saintly mother has felt Time's hand, He has touched her lightly with his wand, And as I look on her beautiful hair, Some threads of silver I notice there. But her heart has resisted the storms of time, And is loving, and brave, as in youthful prime. 126 If efforts to render me worthy your care Are crowned with fruition, in answer to prayer, Then I will reward you, and comfort always, And thus my Creator will honor and praise. Oh ! love is abiding, enduring for aye, And gratitude wipes every tear-drop away. Thus love and deep thankfulness, offerings meet, I lay as a tribute, dear ones, at your feet. 127 of <@ratttube Written during a terrible storm in mid-ocean. roaring winds and the wild A dashing waves, The tempest in all its force, Appal me not, for above it all, I can hear my Father's voice. I list to His words with a calm sweet trust, For He oft to my heart doth speak; And I hear Him say, Fear not, I am near To all who My mercy seek. 128 $3galm of (gratttube Enveloped in clouds, mid fury-lashed waves, Whicii threaten my faith to o'er- whelm ; The voice of my Father brings courage and calm, As with strong hand He steadies the helm; In all of the dangers and trials of life, In sorrow, temptation and pain, When feeling my weakness, I call upon Him, I never implore in vain. So I'll walk by faith at my Father's side, As I journey on life's highway; And looking to Him for strength and aid, I shall ne'er from His presence stray. 9 129 Home Written in England. r T~ 1 HERE is a spot of earth supremely 1 blest, A dearer, brighter place than all the rest, Where loved ones dwell, and in com munion sweet, Spend blissful hours in home's calm retreat. O home ! how glad it lingers on the tongue ! Thy dear delights how often I have sung! Thy hallowed joys, how often I recall, And on the page of memory trace them all! 130 In wandering through this world of joy and woe, As they in quick succession come and go, May memory often to my dear ones turn, As home's sweet joys within my bosom burn ! I see thy sacred walls, and press the hand Of each loved member of that house hold band. Oh ! may I soon return to ' ' Home Sweet Home," Nor long in foreign lands a stranger, roam. As pants the thirsty hart for cooling streams, Or weary wanderer, in the desert dreams tyomt Of babbling brooklets, hastening to the sea, So I, dear home and loved ones, sigh for thee. Added in 1901. O wanderer, longing for thy heavenly home, Where'er in arid wastes thy footsteps roam ; One "Home, Sweet Home," must ever be thy goal, The Mother, Home and heavenly rest of Soul. 132 t This book is DUE on the last date stamped below 3ro-8,'49 (65572)470 UNIVERSITY OF ( \UFORNIA UC SOUTHERN RE IONA U A 001247443 3 I