f Of y%%S\ Division of Agricultural Sciences UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA i 15 j. The AUTORADIOGRAPHY of PLANT MATERIALS ALDEN S. CRAFTS • SHOGO YAMAGUCH CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL Experiment Station Extension Service UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS JUL 2 1964 U&RARY MANUAL 35 Price $1.75 The work described here was supported by The Atomic Energy Commission under contract AT (11-1) -34 Project Nos. 9 and 38. The AUTORADIOGRAPHY of PLANT MATERIALS ALDEN S. CRAFTS • SHOGO YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA • DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES THE AUTHORS: A. S. Crafts is Professor of Botany and Botanist in the Experiment Station, Davis; Shogo Yamaguchi is Assistant Research Botanist in the Department of Botany, Davis. >F CALIFORNIA PAV55 CONTENTS Preface 3 Chapter I. Introduction 4 SECTION A: METHODS Chapter II. Methods of Autoradiography 7 Chapter III. Autoradiography: Interpretation of Results .... 34 SECTION B: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Chapter IV. Mechanism of Translocation 39 Chapter V. Evidences for Mass Flow in the Phloem 42 Chapter VI. Comparative Movement of Tracers 52 Chapter VII. Root Absorption and Xylem Transport 62 Chapter VIII. Comparative Movement of Tracers Via Shoot and Root 71 Chapter IX. Effects of time and Dosage on Transport 82 Chapter X. Interaction of Herbicidal Molecules 87 Chapter XI. Symplastic and Apoplastic Movement 96 Chapter XII. Studies on Herbicide Movement in Woody Plants. . . 104 Chapter XIII. Translocation in Grasses and Coffee Plants .... 113 Chapter XIV. Translocation of Some Amino Acids In Two Barley Varieties 120 Chapter XV. Role of Formulation Additives in Absorption and Translocation of Herbicides .... 126 Chapter XVI. Conclusions 133 Glossary of Terms 136 Literature Cited 138 Unless otherwise noted, all illustrations of mounted plants and their autographs in this publication show autographs on top and mounts below. JUNE, 1964 PREFACE liant autoradiography is a new and revolutionary scientific technique, and the authors of this publication are proud and grateful that they have been able to contribute to it by developing the freeze- drying method of plant preparation and by discovering refinements in technique that make critical studies on intact plants possible. The ability to study distribu- tion patterns of labeled tracers in such plants has resulted in research of out- standing importance, and it is these techniques and studies which are the sub- ject of the present volume. The work described herein provides strong evidence for a mass-flow type of mechanism to explain food and tracer movement in plants. This evidence, to- gether with the new anatomical informa- tion furnished by electron microscopy, provides a picture of the mechanics of solute and water movement in plants as illuminating to botanists as were the data supplied to animal workers by the blood circulation studies instituted by Harvey and extended by others. Botanists have struggled for 100 years trying to rationalize the structure- function relations of the phloem of plants. This tissue, ramifying throughout the organized plant body and extending within microns of the apical meristems, provides for the distribution of foods to all liv- ing cells. Evidence for a correlated movement of solutes and solvent throughout this tissue system has been strengthened by autoradiographic studies on whole intact plants. Evidence from the electron microscope indicates that the last ser- ious barrier to acceptance of this mech- anism - the nature of the protoplasmic strands that traverse the sieve plates - has been removed; Esau and her students have demonstrated that these strands, in the functioning condition, are tubular. Interpretations presented throughout the volume and stressed in chapters III and XVI are derived not only from the autoradiographic studies but also from observations of plot work and physiologi- cal information gleaned from the litera- ture. This is the result of the broad field of study undertaken at the Univer- sity of California at Davis, and the con- stant attempt being made to integrate lab- oratory research and field studies. It is sincerely hoped that plant physiologists will find satisfaction in the use made of their science in the field of herbicide mechanism, that researchers in weed sci- ence will find elucidation of some per- plexing problems of herbicide physiology, and that agriculturists will be aided and encouraged by the valuable informa- tion obtained from modern isotope techni- ques. The writers wish to acknowledge with gratitude the help from colleagues and students, including Charles McCarthy, Barbara Kean, Douglas Steward, Otto Ander- son, Mahmood Clor, Myra Mihajlovic, Ches- ter Foy, Henry De Stigter, Fred Slife, Joe Key, Bernard Forde, Jose Pereira, George Mason, Ri chard Hull, and Fred Boyd. We also appreciate the donation of labeled compounds by the following organi- zations: Am Chem Products, Inc., American Cyanamid Co. , Chipman Chemical Co. , Dia- mond Alkali Co., Dow Chemical Co., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. , Geigy Agricul- tural Chemicals, Naugatuck Chemical Divi- sion of the U. S. Rubber Co. , Pineapple Research Institute , Rohm and Haas Co. , Spencer Chemical Co. , Stauffer Chemical Co. Davis, California December 19, 1963 SECTION A -- Methods Chapter I. Introduction A, icquainting young people with some of the exciting discoveries that man has made in the exploration of his world is both a privilege and a challenge for the teacher. On several occasions it has been our pleasure to explain to young people what botany is and what botanists do - and always these young people are eager to learn more of the world of plants and of useful products of forest and range and cultivated field. The story of photosynthesis, the process by which plants capture the sun's energy and utilize it to produce chemical products essential to the whole biological world, is always thrilling to the scientifically inclined. A description of the processes of absorption and translocation by means of which plants are able to acquire min- erals from their environment and utilize them to develop their own bodies is sti- mulating to students with aptitudes for chemistry or engineering. And, finally, to describe the history of early research on transpiration, the rise of sap in tall trees, and the movement of food in plants, is always to awaken interest in those who like mechanics. In these days of higher specializa- tion, it is well to remember that the food we eat and the clothes we wear are largely the result of the coordinated activities of whole plants. Therefore, research which seeks a complete picture of plant functions through study of the integrated activities of particulates, organelles, and grosser plant structures, is of the first importance. This volume describes discoveries that have filled many gaps in our knowledge of whole-plant function, and documents a new technique for the study of plants. In all probability plants originated as single cells in the sea. The first cell involved a staggering number of structure- function relationships, and modern higher plants have all of these relationships plus countless more. It is through the development of diverse struc- tures and their impact on plant function that many plants in the sea grew huge, that certain sea plants invaded the land, and that, on land, plants have been able to live in the tropical and the polar re- gions, in the osmotic concentration of saline lakes, and in montane environments. Botanists were early intrigued by the great variety of form found in plants; later they delved into the functions of these myriad structures; now they pursue structure to its ultimate molecular state as they study the fundamental chemical and physical bases of function. In these studies one of the most useful of the newer tools is the radioactive isotope. By using isotopic labeling, innumerable natural and synthetic compounds may be converted to tracers that enable the biochemist and plant physiologist to ex- plore areas beyond the reach of older methods. The use of naturally-occuring radio- active isotopes in medicine is well known. The wider use of artificially-produced isotopes awaited their large-scale pro- duction in accelerators of various designs. By using neutrons to bombard elements, E. Fermi and his associates had contributed many new isotopes to science by the mid- 19 30's; by the end of 1935 about 100 artificial radioactive elements had been discovered. Since then, the development of the cyclotron has resulted in produc- tion of many radioactive isotopes, and by 19H7 over 1,000 induced radioactive iso- topes were known. The attainment of the self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction with uranium marked another milestone in the field of artificial radioactivity. Ruben and Kamen (1940, 1941) repor- ted the discovery of carbon- 14 in 1940- 41, but this useful isotope was not gener- ally available until an inexpensive method of production by the use of the uranium reactor was perfected. By 1947 the Uni- ted States Atomic Energy Commission Price List No. 2 listed 74 radioactive isotopes and the price of a millicurie of carbon- 14 as barium carbonate was down to $50.00. Today there are a great number of radioactive isotopes available for re- search, and progress in their application in a multitude of uses has been rapid. In addition to carbon- 14 with its extreme- ly long half- life of about 5,000 years, sulfur- 35 , chlorine- 36 , phosphorus- 32 , calcium-45, and zinc-65 have proved very useful as tracers in plant physiological research. These materials have enabled scientists to make outstanding advances in such fields as photosynthesis, respi- ration, ion uptake and transport, trans- location of organic nutrients, and in the synthesis and use of labeled compounds of physiological activity, including enzymes, co- factors, growth regulators, and inhi- bitors . When used on plants dried in the fro- zen condition, autoradiography gives an accurate picture of the distribution of a given tracer in a plant that was intact at the time of treatment and subject to no more drastic treatment than the appli- cation of a droplet of solution to a leaf or stem, or inclusion of the tracer in the culture solution around the roots (Crafts and Yamaguchi, 1960b). So far as the authors have been able to determine, radioactive tracers in the quantities used have no deleterious effect upon the plant tissues because of their radioac- tivity. On the other hand, stimulators or inhibitors of growth, or physiologi- cal agents that cause chlorosis, inhibi- tion of oxygen evolution, cessation of mitosis, or contact injury, seem to be unchanged in their activity by radioacti- vity of tracer elements included in their composition. Here it should be emphasized that autoradiography is only one method for studying plants; for a complete record of plant behavior, counting, extraction, chromatography and other methods should be used. When long-lived tracer elements are used it is possible to autograph plants and then to carry out more accurate quantitative determinations upon them. When short-lived tracers are used, paral- lel treatments may be made so that count- ing or chromatography can be carried out while autoradiographs are being exposed. And, finally, where a detailed determina- tion of the exact locus of uptake and transport is desired, histoautoradiography (autoradiography of sectioned materials) can be used to pinpoint the channels of transport and the final site of action of a labeled compound. While the autograph of a treated plant gives a complete picture of the distribu- tion of a mobile compound in the plant, quantitative interpretation of the picture obtained must be made with caution. As explained by Yamaguchi and Crafts (1958), the autographic image ranges from a light trace to an opaque black area. Foy (1958) found a close correlation of intensity with counts within the range of visible differences. Beyond the first opaque im- age, no further estimate of quantity of tracer can be made from a given autograph. By using different exposure times on the film, varying intensities of image may be had. Counting on the plant materials may also be used to determine radiation den- sity. With most plant materials, incin- eration or extraction is not necessary; by construction of a standard self-absorp- tion curve and standardization of tech- nique, quite accurate counting can be done on ground plant materials (Foy, 1960). The techniques used in plant autora- diography are relatively simple; they are easily taught, and equipment is relatively inexpensive. The screen trays, the vacuum chamber, the plant press and the materials used in the final exposure of the X-ray films are easily obtained and rather simply fabricated. The original steel vacuum tank (Yamaguchi and Crafts, 1958, fig. 14) has recently been supplemented by tanks of light metal, and the original simple wooden press has been replaced by a steel screw press. Additionally, the original sponge rubber separators used in the autographing bundle may be replaced with polyethylene sponge sheets, and the plywood separators with aluminum sheets. Other such improvements will be explained later in this publication. Results obtained by autoradiography are striking, and often exciting: evi- dence has been produced for hydrolysis of esters (Crafts, 1959a), for apoplastic and symplastic movement of assimilates and tracers (Crafts, 1961b), for general vs. localized distribution of compounds in plants (Yamaguchi and Crafts, 1958, fig. 10 vs. fig. 17), for a correlation of tracer movement with food movement, and for widely differing patterns of dis- tribution of different tracer molecules. As new labeled compounds are synthesized their behavior in the plant can readily be studied, and in the field of pesticide research the role of translocation in systemic action can be rapidly determined. Thus new and valuable information is con- stantly being supplied by scientists working with isotopic labeled compounds. Indeed, use of labeled tracers in plants is proving to be one of the major advan- ces in scientific technology. The technique of interpreting plant autoradiographs has made rapid strides. Just as the physician studying X-rays may find evidence of injuries, abnormali- ties, malignancy, and disease, so the investigator studying plant autoradio- graphs has learned to recognize many sig- nificant signs of important physiological processes. The bypassing of mature leaves by tracers undergoing symplastic movement in the phloem, the intense labeling of buds, shoot tips, and root tips, the inter- interaction of one compound upon movement of a second labeled compound, the rela- tion of acre-petal to basipetal movement in stems, the accumulation of some com- pounds and the fixing of others in non- living tissues, and finally, the faint labeling of untreated leaves by compounds that characteristically migrate from phloem to xylem - all are examples of the types of response that lend themselves to such interpretations. Other techniques are also relevant in plant studies: the evolution of C1402 from tracer- treated plants, the de- termination of metabolic products of tra- cer denaturation by chromatography, and the use of 0-^02 to study disturbed paths of metabolism in pesticide-treated plants, are some examples. Histoautoradiography is useful in studying the increase of various constituents in developing tissues and cells. We have found its application to problems of uptake, distribution, and metabolism very difficult. The point which we wish to emphasize here is the great usefulness of gross autoradiography in studying the initial penetration, the rapid translocation, and the ultimate dis- tribution of various compounds in plants. Chapter II. Methods of Autoradiography PLANT MATERIALS A: .lmost any plant species that lends itself to greenhouse culture can be used for autoradiography. Where it was desir- able to use small intact plants, the authors grew them from seed in nutrient culture. The seeds may be germinated in moist, washed sand or on cheese cloth suspended above a culture solution. As soon as the roots are long enough (usual- ly 2-3 inches) the seedlings, held in holes in wide corks by cotton, are arran- ged in culture jars (fig. 11,1) or, if details of the root systems are desired, are attached with masking tape to filter paper supported by glass plates (fig. II, 2). Barley, oats, corn, bean, cotton, soybean, nutgrass, sugar beet, tomato, Bermudagrass , rye grass, quackgrass, alfalfa, Zebrina pendula and Tradescantia fluminensis have proved convenient, Zeb- rina has hypos tomatous leaves, so that cuticular vs. stomatal absorption can be readily studied; tradescantia comes in a number of variegated varieties and has been used to study translocation from green vs. chlorotic leaves (Crafts, 1961 b). Both are very easily propagated in the greenhouse, their growth can be readi- ly regulated by the nutrient level provi- ded, and they endure long periods of relative inactivity without loss of leaves when nutrients are depleted; they grow readily in soil, sand, or water cul- ture. Woody plants have been used both in the greenhouse and in the field (Clor, 1959; Leonard and Crafts, 1956; Yamaguchi and Crafts, 1959). Seedlings of oaks and coffee have been grown and treated in the greenhouse. Large shrubs and trees have been used in the field, and here careful handling of the labeled compounds is es- sential. (In working in state and na- tional forests, permission should be ob- tained from the proper authorities before using isotopes). In treating plants for autoradiogra- phy, thought should be given to convenient film sizes. The standard 10 x 12-inch X-ray film is very convenient and seed- lings of many plants lend themselves to these proportions. When larger plants are needed, two 10 x 12-inch films can be placed end to end to accommodate a plant that is 24 inches long, or can be placed side to side to give an area 12 x 20 in- Fig. II, 1. Solution cultures of bar- ley, cotton, and soybean. Culture solu- tions have been reduced to a volume of 100 ml each in preparation for root treat ment with a labeled tracer. Fig. II, 2. Culture of Zebrina pendula roots on filter paper. Plants are grown to proper size (left). Transfer to paper is made by floating roots in water, inserting paper-covered glass sheet, tipping tray to leave roots on paper, fastening plant to glass-backed paper with masking tape (center), and inserting in darkened glass cylinder (right) which contains culture solution. ches. A 14 x 17-inch film commonly used for chest X-rays is also available. PL/WT CULTURE Convenience of culture is often a factor in the selection of plant species for experimental use. One-pint jars are very useful, and careful control of solu- tion level, with the upper portion of the root system being exposed, may eliminate the need for forced aeration; such aera- tion is to be avoided in cultures having tracer applied via the culture solution, as the resultant splattering causes conta- mination. Plants which have proved useful here are red kidney bean, soybean, barley, cotton, corn, wild buckwheat, field bind- weed, tradescantia, and zebrina; undoubt- edly many other species will do as well. In starting an experiment, two or more times the required number of seeds is used, and at the time of transfer to culture jars rigorous selection is made in order to have uniform material. Care- ful examination for uniformity of vigor and development and equality of root growth reduces replication to a minimum. Where series experiments are performed using concentration, dosage, time, locus of treatment, or similar factors as vari- ables, single plants are often used with perfectly satisfactory results. In transferring plants from sand to culture jars, roots 2 or 3 inches long are preferable - if shorter, roots may be too small to be handled conveniently; if longer, they become intertwined and break when separated. Figure II, 3, shows bean cultures in the most convenient stage for establishment. Plants may be treated at any stage of development. Bean plants (Phaseolus vul- garis var. Red Kidney) usually have the primary leaves fully expanded 11 to 14 days after planting; barley commonly re- quires 14 to 20 days to reach a proper stage for treatment. Under greenhouse conditions the culture solution may not require replenishing. If the treatment period is to be over 10 days the culture solution should be renewed just prior to treatment . Nutrient-solution culture assures uniformity of plant growth, ease of har- vest, freedom from root breakage and con- venient control of inorganic nutrition. Hoagland's formula has been used in our work; barley grows well in full strength solution; beans and cotton do best in half-strength solution. Iron is added as Fe2S04« FILTER PAPER CULTURE Filter paper culture is used to study details of root structure or accur- ate location of a tracer in roots follow- ing foliar application. Barley, zebrina, and rape plants have been employed, and others would probably be suitable. Plants for these cultures are started as usual, then transferred to culture solution and grown until the roots are 3 to 4 inches long. At the time of transfer to filter paper culture, filter paper of double or treble thickness is taped to long glass sheets that fit the culture jars. These culture plates are then partially im- mersed in a flat container of water, the Fig. II, 3. Bean plants at proper stage for transfer from sand to water culture, plant to be mounted is placed in the water, and the roots are spread in the proper position. The culture plate is then slowly raised from the water, leav- ing the roots adhering to the filter paper, and the base of the plant is af- fixed to the culture plate with masking tape. When the roots have been properly arranged, the culture plate carrying the plant is carefully lowered into its cul- ture jar and enough culture solution added to come to within an inch or two of the root tips. The solution continues to moisten the filter paper by capillary action, and must be replenished to make up for loss from plant transpiration. The culture jar should be covered with aluminum foil, and a sheet of alu- minum foil (split so as to surround the plant stem) is used to close the jar on top. If the culture is to be maintained for an extended period, the filter paper should be sterilized in a 1 per cent sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 min- utes and thoroughly rinsed; this will restrain bacterial and fungal growth. TREATMENT LABELED COMPOUNDS Organic compounds labeled with C^ 4 , S 35 , or Cl 3 ^ are satisfactory for auto- radiography. The inorganic isotopes P32 9 Ca.^ 9 Znb5, Fe59 s As?? , and others, are also adaptable for autoradiographic use. 1 Although most manufacturers of labeled compounds provide materials of high puri- ty, purity cannot be taken for granted; purity and specific activity may be as- sayed by paper chromatography, autoradio- graphy of the chromatograms , and GM counting, direct or after extraction. For ascending chromatography, 1 ul volumes of stock or treatment solutions are spotted 1 inch from the edge of Whatman #1 filter paper measuring 10 x 16 inches, and the paper is joined into a cylinder and placed in a glass vessel measuring 6 x 18 inches. A solvent system useful for several herbicidal compounds is isopropanol-NHL|Ac 20 per cent in water glacial acetic acid, 79:20:1. Fifty to 100 ml of solvent are required and devel- opment time at 72 degrees Fahrenheit is 18 to 24 hours. Counting is done on 1 jul samples of stock or treatment solutions slowly pipetted onto discs of lens paper in plan- chets. One-minute counts are usually adequate . For most purposes, a specific activi- ty of 0.5 to 1.0 mc/mmole is adequate for autoradiography. With highly toxic com- pounds, such as the chlorophenoxy acids, a higher activity ranging to 10.0 mc/- mmole may be required if physiological injury is to be kept to a minimum and a satisfactory autograph obtained. Where a number of compounds are being used com- paratively it is best to standardize the specific activity; here, the compound having the lowest activity determines the dosage. An alternative method for using compounds of differing specific activity is to vary the exposure time of the treated plants on the film, using an inverse relation between activity and time. Many labeled compounds are available for autoradiographic use. Isotopes or labeled compounds, or both, are sold by several chemical companies, by a number of organizations specializing in work with isotopes, and by the United States Atomic Energy Commission at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. These materials are distrib- uted in various quantities; common pack- aged quantities are millicurie lots and 50 microcurie quantities, although P 3 ^, Cl4-barium carbonate, and other materials may be obtained in much greater quantities In plant autoradiography individual doses often range from 0.5 uc to 0.05 juc; these doses correspond to 0.5 jumole to 0.05 Aimole of a material having 1 mc per mmole (a common specific activity). Figure II, 4, gives the range of activity for Cl4« containing compounds. VOLUME Application for many of the treat- ments reported herein is in the form of a 10 Ail droplet. Volumes may vary, but if too great in a given application the solution may run and cover an undefined 1 See GLOSSARY, page 136, for description of technical terms and trade names used in this publication. 10 Autoradiography with Carbon-l4 Fig. II, k. Range of activity (shaded region) most useful for autoradiography with carbon-14. Range runs from 14-days exposure for a solution producing 3 counts per minute, to 1 day for a solution pro- ducing 4200 counts per minute. Activities outside this range may be used, but are i nconvenient . area. Treatments are usually placed with- in a lanolin ring about 0.5 cm in dia- meter; under warm weather conditions, the lanolin is thickened with dry starch or water so that it will not flow. Where a larger dose is desired, high specific- activity tracer may be used; another method is to apply several drops at intervals, allowing time for drying or absorption of droplets between applica- tions . STOCK SOLUTIONS Because only a few micrograms of chemicals may be used in one experiment, it is convenient to store the original compounds in stock solutions involving, often, several milligrams of the compound, and to make up treatment solutions from these by dilution. Because some labeled compounds break down as a result of self- irradiation, our practice is to prepare them in stock solutions in acetone and to store the solutions in sealed ampules in a refrigerator (fig. II, 5). The com- pounds are weighed on a microbalance using micro-weighing dishes and a micro- spatula, or on an analytical balance hav- ing a special support to hold the con- tainer (fig. II, 6). To weigh, set the balance at approximately the desired amount, remove container top and care- fully transfer tracer to the aluminum boat until the balance tips. Weigh the amount in the boat, dissolve in the proper volume of solvent and store in an ampule. From the stock solution, small aliquots may be taken with a micropipette to make up treatment solutions. Some stock solutions may be made up in alcohol, some in acetone, some in water, etc. , depending upon the solubil- ity of the compounds. If not objection- able, 50 per cent alcohol is preferred over aqueous solutions because droplets of the alcoholic solvent do not adhere to the walls of the container, nor does this solvent support bacterial growth. If a stock solution is to be kept in a stoppered tube the stopper should be thoroughly coated with high-vacuum sili- cone grease to prevent loss of solvent. Stock solutions are usually made up to 50 uc per ml in quantities of 1 to 2 ml and labeled with the name of the chemi- cal, its specific activity, its concen- tration in ppm, its weight and number of microcuries per unit volume, the name of the solvent, and the date; stock solutions are also often made up to solute concen- tration of 10~lM, or 100 yumole/ml. Stock solutions are kept in a test-tube holder stored in a refrigerator. TREATNENT SOLUTIONS Two aspects of the treatment solution are important: the quantity of chemical in the treatment dose, and the intensity of the radiation in the treatment dose. Where penetration and translocation with a minimum of physiological response (growth regulation, toxicity) are being studied the tracer should be at the maxi- mum specific actiyity obtainable. For example, if 2,4-D" (radioactive 2,4-D, MW 221) of a specific activity of 10 mc per mmole is used and the treatment dosage is to be 0.05 /uc per treatment in 10 wl of solution, the treating solution should contain 1.105 yug per 10 jul or 110.5 /ig per ml. Applied at a rate of 1.105 jug per treatment 2,4-D will cause a slight but perceptible formative effect on young cot- ton plants, leaf malformations may be de- tectable on bean seedlings, but barley, oat, and zebrina plants will show no effect. Such dosages are not injurious - 11 ig. II, 5. Ampules of C' H -1abe1ed phenylacetic acid (standing in block) and barium carbonate (right side of block) as received from distributor. Stock solutions in acetone are stored in ampules (in pint jar, right). they do not inhibit uptake and distri- bution within 24 hours and plants will recover from them in time. If 2,4-D* having a specific activity of 1.0 mc per mmole is used, the same microcurie dose involving 11.05 ug per treatment will cause drastic formative changes in cot- ton, severe changes in bean, but no de- tectable changes in barley. Where only minor injury may be involved, if pene- trability is low it may be necessary to increase dosage of the chemical. For ex- ample, a compound having the same molecu- lar weight as 2,H-D and having a specific activity of 0.5 mc per mmole, 0.10 >uc in 10 Jul, will involve H4.2 jug - sufficient to bring about greater penetration and to cause drastic injury if the compound has the same toxicity as 2,4-D. If toxicity is low, there may be little or no injury. Experience indicates that a dosage of 0.1 umole per treatment in 10 pi of treatment solution usually assures ade- quate penetration. If the specific acti- vity of the compound is lower than 1.0 mc per mmole, exposure time on the film may be lengthened to compensate for the lower activity. When making comparative tests using labeled compounds the radioactivity of the various treatments and the chemical dosage should be uniform. Under these conditions, the researcher is limited by the lowest specific activity among the compounds being used. In studies invol- ving a large number of labeled compounds we have used treatment solutions stand- ardized at 0.5 mc per mmole; a specific activity of 1.0 mc per mmole gives more satisfactory results. In preparing treatment solutions from stock concen- trates, unlabeled compounds of comparable purity are used, and these are used in making all tracer solutions to the common 12 Fig. II, 6. Support for tracer con- tainer used in weighing. specific activity. It is most convenient to make two stock solutions, one of the labeled compound and one of the unlabeled; these are mixed to give the required spe- cific activity and then diluted to treat- ment strength. Self-filling micropipettes are handy for preparing treatment sol- utions, and solutions of the desired vol- ume can be made by careful calculation. Using 2,4-D" as an example, and starting with a stock solution containing 1.105 mg per ml of the labeled material: if the treatment solution is to contain 0.05 fjc per 10 pi with a specific activity of 0.5 (instead of 10.0 as in the previous case ) , to prepare 1 ml of treatment sol- ution would require 100 pi of the stock solution plus 100 pi of a stock solution of unlabeled 2,4-D containing 19 times 1.105, or 20.995 mg per ml. After evapo- ration of the volatile solvent these ali- quots, totaling 2,210 jug or 10 yumole of 2,4-D, are made up to 1 ml with the sol- vent used for the treatment solution. The authors usually use 50 per cent alco- hol containing 0.1 per cent Tween 20, but the choice of formulating materials de- pends upon the labeled compounds being used and the specific requirements of the problem. Preparation of 1 ml of treatment solution in the above example is a matter of the requirements of the experiment; 10 pi of each stock solution could be made to 100 pi of treatment solution if desired. Recent work on surfactants (Jansenj et at. , 1961) indicates the need for more research UDon these important formulating materials. Occasionally, small treatment vol- umes are desired - as in a case where treatments were made to single leaves of bennudagrass. Here, the leaves were fastened in a horizontal position and 2 Ml droplets of stock solution of sever- al labeled herbicides were used. If sur- factant is called for, droplets in 50 per cent alcohol may be applied and allowed to dry prior to application of the tracer solutions . PREPARATION OF TREATMENT SOLUTIONS In preparing treatment solutions, a clean working space covered with heavy wax- lined disposable paper is needed. Also needed are proper stock solutions, a box of facial tissue, aluminum foil for wrapping waste facial tissue, culture tubes 10 x 75 mm, a test-tube support block, silicone stopcock grease, 50-ml beakers, medicine droppers, a slender tipped pipette, a set of self- filling micropipettes, a 1/4-oz. capacity syringe bulb to fit the micropipettes, and a grad- uated 1/10-ml pipette fitted with a con- trol made from a 2-ml syringe (having a barrel lubricated by lanolin) attached by a thick-walled rubber tube (fig. II, 7); the 1/4-oz. syringe bulb should be per- forated on top with a red-hot needle. (By careful manipulation of the finger tip on the perforation one soon learns to fill and empty the pipette at will). The 1/10 ml pipette is used to transfer the stock solutions to the 10 x 75 mm Fig. II, 1. Equipment for treating plants with radioactive tracers. Wooden block holds 10 x 75 mm test tubes, a 20 x 150 mm test tube of washing solvent, and a l/4-oz. syringe bulb and pipette stand- ing in a 20 x 1 50 mm tube of washing sol- vent. Self-filling micropipettes are in front; a l/10-ml pipette with a 2-ml attached syringe is immediately behind them. 13 test tubes for dilution to treatment solution strength. Pipettes should be rapidly rinsed with 95 per cent alcohol and blown dry after each use; traces of phenoxyacetic acids are removed by flush- ing with hydrochloric acid. Facial tissue may be used to take up the rinsing alcohol; when a particular operation or treatment is finished, all such tissue should be wrapped in aluminum foil and placed in a proper container for disposal. In all transfer and washing oper- ations, care must be taken to avoid spillage, to avoid formation of bubbles at the pipette tip, and to apply all sol- utions and washing alcohol to the sides of the containers. The bursting of bub- bles and dropping of solutions from pip- ettes causes splattering and is bound to result in contamination. Sealed ampules should be wrapped with masking tape, scored with a file and opened with care, using pliers and rubber gloves (fig. II, 5). If acetone is used as a diluent for storing solutions of labeled compounds the ampule is opened to allow the acetone to vaporize, and the chemical is then dissolved in 95 per cent ethyl alcohol and transferred to the treatment solution container, using a slender-tipped pipette. With care, one may transfer the original solution plus washings and still use only one-half the volume of the final treatment solution; water is then added if the final solvent is to be 50 per cent alcohol. Formulation is done in this way because the chlorc- phenoxy compounds are slowly soluble in 50 per cent alcohol, but are rapidly sol- uble in 95 per cent alcohol. Surfactant, if used, should be made up as a stock solution and added before bringing the treatment solution to final volume. Some compounds require special sol- vents. EPTC has been dissolved in methyl cellosolve as a carrier; this solvent is apparently of low phytotoxicity. For root treatment, EPTC has been dissolved in a mixture of equal volumes of Tween 20 and acetone and then dispersed in the culture solution. The butoxyethanol ester of 2,4-D is not sufficiently soluble in 50 per cent alcohol; it has been handled in pure acetone as a solvent with the container's stopper (which is coated with silicone stopcock grease) taped in place. The treatment solution is kept in the refri- gerator, and solvent lost during storage is replaced by bringing the level back to a predetermined mark on the container. Water and water-alcohol, acetone-water, and other mixtures and solvents have been used in preparing treatment solutions of some 25 labeled compounds. Volatile sol- vents such as pure acetone and viscous oils as solvents are to be avoided be- cause they make it difficult to handle and clean the equipment. TREATMENT METHODS Selection of the treatment area is important. Leaves or stems may be treated by applying solution to a small area, to several areas, or by spray or multi-droplet application. Figure II, 8, left, shows single-droplet treatments on barley and bean, and, right, multiple- drop treatments on soybean and cotton; figure II, 9, shows treatment on the phloem tissue on the side of a tree trunk, For study of phloem translocation from leaves, a 10 ul droplet over the midrib close to the base of the leaf gives the best results; application to a leaf tip or on spots around the edges of a leaf is much less effective (Crafts, 1956a). Treatments are best made on a sunny day in the greenhouse or field, or under illumination in control cabinets. If dark treatment is used to show lack of translocation when photosynthesis is lacking the starch and sugar content of the leaves should be determined, as some species evidently continue to export foods for several days after being placed in the dark; others cease movement with- in 24 hours and studies on coffee plants indicate that about 96 hours are required to deplete carbohydrate reserves in their leaves . Temperatures should also be watched. Below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, absorption and translocation by beans may be slow, while that by barley is faster. Temper- atures around 80 degrees Fahrenheit are more satisfactory for transport studies; above 90 degrees Fahrenheit evaporation of the treatment droplet is rapid, but repeated application of solvent, or enclosure of the plant in a high-humidity 14 W0 ■wi^ ^Bj ^^HBBBj '■V^^L fc ^__^BBB KB^BlttB^. pi * • . I w -jH j -' bYbotbI iP^f ^BB ft! BJ ; ^B BFV Fig. II, 8. Single-droplet treatments on barley (left), bean (center); multiple- drop treatments on soybean and cotton plants (right) with lanolin rings and dams used to localize droplets. chamber, will prolong treatment time. For treatment with labeled compounds via the roots, plants are most easily handled by growing them in nutrient cul- ture. Beans, barley, soybeans, and simi- lar plants do well in one-quart Mason jars. The quantity of labeled tracer used to treat a leaf will usually suffice to treat roots if only 100 ml of culture solution is used at treatment time. In- jury to roots should be avoided. Small barley and oat seedlings have been successfully treated when their roots were contained in 4 ml of solution in 12 x 75 mm culture tubes. When held for treatment times of up to 8 days, 2 ml sufficed to keep the plants thrifty. Three-week-old barley plants starting to tiller were treated by holding the roots in 250 ml of culture solutions contain- ing the labeled tracer. Root treatments of a variety of types have been carried out in volumes between these extremes. Extensive replication is not usual- ly required in plant autoradiography. Where the degree of difference is not very great in the independent variable of an experiment, four replicates are often used; where wider differences are involved three or two plants may be used, and where time series are used and trends can be followed only one plant per variable may be used. In all experiments control plants should be included, as an untreated plant frequently produces a faint image due to volatile substances given off during film exposure. (Such effects must be taken into consideration in interpret- ing the images produced by treated plants. ) Treatment time may vary from a min- ute to a month or more, depending upon the objective of the experiment. At approxi- mately 80 degrees Fahrenheit in the greenhouse, 2,U-D' : treatment of a bean plant on a sunny day may result in move- ment into the stem within one hour, and into the roots within 3 hours. Movement of MH >: in barley may be into roots in 3 hours, and may continue for 2*4 hours or more; movement into zebrina may be slower but thorough if sufficient time is allowed. Twenty- four hours proved sufficient time for appreciable movement of several tracers in woody stems and young woody plants (Yamaguchi and Crafts, 1959). 15 Fig. II, 9« Treatments on phloem tis- sue of a tree trunk. The effects of local accumulation are important in the use of labeled tracers. The pattern of distribution usually develops quite fully in 4 to 16 days. Some compounds remain mobile, how- ever, and redistribute from mature to young growing-tissues for even longer periods. With 2,4-D, accumulation in parenchymatous tissues along the trans- port route may limit the extent of dis- tribution; with amitrole, maleic hydra- zide (MH), and dalapon, accumulation is transitory and redistribution in the sym- plast persists for many days. Migration of a tracer from phloem to xylem and vice versa may be an important factor in determining the fina^ distribu- tion pattern. MH and dalapon" are known to move laterally in stems; hence, when the primary leaf of a bean is treated and sufficient time is allowed, the op- posite leaf will show an image. Potas- sium and phosphorus distribute this way in many plants, while 2,4-D*, amitrole* and calcium- H 5 do not show the same trans- fer pattern. After plants have been treated by droplet application (figs. II, 8, 11), the treated area should be covered with masking tape (fig. II, 1H). This may be done at any time after the droplet has dried but is usually done just prior to the start of the freeze-drying process. Covering of the treated spot prevents contamination during mounting of the plants and gives a permanent record of the locus of treatment. Finally, all plants should be clearly labeled with labels that can survive the freeze-drying process; small cardboard labels attached with string, or masking tape tags with code numbers in pencil are satisfactory. PREPARATION FOR AUTOGRAPHY Freeze-drying has proved essential in studies where labeled tracers are employed to study absorption and trans- location (Crafts, 1956a; Pallas and Crafts, 1957; van der Zweep, 1961). Treated spots are cleansed with facial tissue to remove lanolin rings and, in the case of foliar applications, are covered with masking tape to prevent con- tamination when mounting the dried plants, Following leaf and root treatments, roots are removed from the culture jars and rinsed under running water. (Conta- mination of the unexposed portions of the root systems with the culture solution must be avoided. ) Roots are thoroughly rinsed with tap water, placed on sheets Fig. II, 10. Apparatus for treating with a volatile labeled compound. 16 of facial tissue to drain, and plants are then placed in the drying tray. If plants have had root treatment via the culture solution, the roots must be wrapped individually in waxed paper or facial tissue to avoid contamination. The screen drying- tray should be placed on a sheet of stiff aluminum foil bent up to a height of about 5 inches on all sides to hold in the CO2 from the dry ice. Plants are arranged in the tray by alternating the position of tops and roots; as plants are added, pulverized dry ice is poured over them through a 1/2-inch mesh screen covering the tray (fig. II, 15). When full, the tray is placed in the precooled metal freeze-dry tank (figs. II, 12, 13). The tank is then closed, placed in a deep freeze set at -15 degrees Centigrade and then hooked up to a vacuum pump. Only enough dry ice to freeze the plants should be used, as excessive ice prolongs the freeze-drying process and may fracture leaves. After removing plants from the culture medium, processing should be done quickly to avoid wilting, which prolongs the drying process. When this process was first used, calcium hydride lumps were placed in the bottom of the vacuum tank to hasten dry- ing; the spent material had to be re- moved each day. We now find that a high capacity 1/2 horsepower vacuum pump, pro- tected by two large-capacity vapor traps connected in parallel and a smaller one in series, extends drying time slightly but eliminates the need for the dessicant. Figure II, 16, illustrates the inside arrangement of the deep- freeze box now in use by the authors. The temperature con- trol is set to maintain -15 degrees Centi- grade. Defrosting is accomplished during Fig. II, 11. Droplet application to leaf of Bermudagrass. The stem is fastened with masking tape, the leaf taped into a horizontal position, a band of lanolin ap- plied to prevent creeping of the solution, and a droplet of treating solution applied, 17 c a> (L) i_ U (/) • >* E +j D Q- 3 E U O 4-< — ■eg +J •i- o U +J 03 (D -C O) O 1_ E 0) 3 -Q =J .Q O 3 0J 1- > I 0) >v C l- O XI o tt) JI N ••- •— +-> < •»-> 1_ 0) > o o 18 Round the corner by 3/16" ALUMINUM VACUUM TANK Fig. II, 13* Structural details of the aluminum freeze-dry vacuum chamber. A. Gasket groove, 3/16-inch deep and 3/8-inch wide. B. Corner of groove is rounded so that rubber gasket can be flared around the corner in the groove. Corner is rounded by 3/16-inch on the line of the hypotenuse; in- side corners of the vacuum-seal plate are similarly rounded. C. Skids on the bottom may be of aluminum (or other metal) 1/4 x 1/U inch, and at- tached entire length of tank, about 1 inch from edge. D. Runners inside tank are 1/8- inch thick and 3/8-inch wide; they are placed exact- ly in the middle of the side walls. Runners must support a tray weighing 2 to 5 pounds. End wall has no runners. E. Vacuum-seal face is 1-11/32 inches wide; this allows an extra sealing surface of 1/8-inch on the inside of rubber gasket when lid is secured. Center of bolt shaft should be about 29/64-inch in from outer edge of the face. F. Vacuum- releasing device. This consists of a 1/2-inch section of 1/ 8-inch water pipe welded over an 1/8-inch hole on a 3/4- inch section of 3/4-inch water pipe. The hole through the tank should be same diameter as inside diameter of 3/U-inch section so that hole can be used as housing for retaining something to soften the stream of air coming in from the vacuum release (vacuum-release valve is attached to the opening). G. This arc should have an upward inclination of about 10 degrees. H. This arc should be about 30 degrees. I. Short arrow represents a distance of about 3/U-inch from top surface of tank to base of the "arm." Outside overall dimensions of the tank are not given because they vary with the thickness of material selected. Total length from the back end to the vacuum-seal plate should not exceed 15 inches. 19 Fig. II, 14. Treated areas on barley and bean leaves covered with masking tape after droplets have been absorbed. slack periods, as automatic defrosting would allow fluctuation in temperature and possible thawing of plants. If the door of the deep freeze has to be left open for extended periods while freeze- drying is in progress, blocks of dry ice applied to the vacuum tanks will hold them at the required freezing tempera- ture. Each vacuum tank is equipped with a vacuum-release mechanism consisting of a short pipe welded into the chamber, to which a 1/8-inch stopcock is attached with a piece of thick-walled pure gum rubber tubing (the stopcock should be lubricated with low- temperature silicone lubricant). Vacuum must be released slowly to avoid shattering the plant materials and to avoid too-rapid a tem- perature rise of the chamber and its contents . One of the most difficult problems in the use of the vacuum tanks has been that of securing a tight seal between the lid and the tank. The lid has a routed groove (fig. II, 12, 13) into which is fitted a gasket of silicone rubber which retains its elasticity at -15 degrees Centigrade; if the groove is properly designed (fig. II, 13) the Fig. II, 15« Plants (left) folded to fit the screen tray in which they are to be killed and f reeze-dried . Center tray has received the pulverized dry ice; tray on the right is ready to place in the deep-freeze chamber. Aluminum foil retains the cold CO2 atmosphere and assures even freezing. 20 gasket should stay in place indefinite- ly. Silicone grease is sometimes used on the smooth face of the tank to which the gasket is applied to lessen conden- sation and ice formation. If the stud- bolts that hold the lid in place are tapped into the face of the tank, a speed wrench may be used to secure the lid in place and to remove it when open- ing the tank. The rubber tubing used in the vacuum line (fig. II, 16) has an inside diameter of 13/16-inch and walls 7/16- inch thick. It is soft and flexible at -15 degrees Centigrade and is slipped over the pipes, which are smooth but need not be tapered; the tubing is pure gum, has high elasticity, high tensile strength, and is long-lived. (A manifold to connect two or more tanks to the pump and pressure gauge was made of standard 3A-inch water pipe fittings, smoothed to take the rubber tubing . ) The large vapor (FLO) traps are de- signed to fit into one-gallon Dewar flasks, each having the capacity to trap about a pound of water. When in use the flasks are charged daily with small lumps of dry ice and covered with soft insula- ting material. About a pint of methanol or commercial acetone is poured over the lower one-third to one-half of the dry ice, causing a uniform condensation of moisture in the trap. Traps may be cleaned out each time the vacuum tanks are opened; the trap flask is held under run- Fig. II, 16. Arrangement of freeze-dry chambers in the deep-freeze box, showing vacuum hoses, moisture traps, and vacuum pump. 21 ning water until the ice melts free enough to be taken out - if a trap flask is allowed to warm up gradually when loaded with ice the expanding ice will cause the flask to burst. Traps may be cleaned at any time without releasing the vacuum by clamping the rubber tube connections between the tanks and traps, thus releasing the vacuum in the traps, and melting the ice under running water (individual tanks may be isolated for servicing by placing clamps on the rubber vacuum tube). After replacing traps, clamps should be released slowly until the vacuum has been reestablished. The third small trap is used as in- surance against the possible loss of the dry ice in the larger traps. Because it traps little or no moisture during normal operation, the dry ice in this trap lasts longer and provides a safety trap. If moisture passes all three traps and reaches the vacuum pump the oil will appear cloudy in the window; when this occurs the oil must be changed and the pump cleaned of all moisture before fur- ther use. These operations can be per- formed conveniently if traps are connec- ted to freezer tanks and pump with suf- ficient lengths of flexible tubing. Experience has proved that freeze- drying of plants is not successful unless the vacuum is below 2 mm of mercury. A range of 500 to 200 microns of vacuum has proved effective; the equipment pictured in figure II, 16 has reached 20 microns under freeze-drying conditions, and the pump now in use will bring the vacuum within this range in about 10 minutes. Use of silicone stopcock lubricant on the vacuum chamber lids and on all tube connections has helped in attaining such results. Freeze-drying in a vacuum tank pro- ceeds quite differently than does drying under unfrozen conditions. Thin leaves dry rather rapidly, but succulent stems and inner leaves of grasses dry more slowly and at different points: drying starts at the leaves, nodes and roots, and progresses along the stems. A par- tially freeze-dried plant may be com- pletely dry in some regions and scarce- ly starting to dry in others. Different plants require different drying times. Small cereal seedlings, young bean, and cotton seedlings and similar plants may dry completely in 7 to 10 days; large cereal plants, zebri- na stems, and similar succulent tissues may require from 2 to 3 weeks. Storage of frozen plants in freezer compartments of refrigerators (approximately -12 degrees Centigrade) for 2 days, followed by normal freeze-drying, resulted in a longer drying time in the case of bean plants; similar treatment of cucumber plants had no effect. The nature of the drying of leafy plants suggests that water molecules escape via the stomata, and hence high vacuum is essential to rapid drying. Bark samples from treatments of 24 hours or more have been dried in the open air. Samples of thin bark may be pressed flat between screens and dried in the open air, or in a forced- draft drying oven; a sheet of paper should separate the cambium side of the bark from the screen. With thick bark, it is best to pare away the outer part, leaving live inner tissue from 1/8-inch to 1/16-inch thick; this tissue may be dried between screens. Since the removal of the bark from the tree damages the transloca- tion system and there is a slight move- ment of fluids, a slight artifact results (Leonard and Crafts, 1956; Yamaguchi and Crafts, 1959). MOUNTING DRIED PLANTS When the drying process is complete plant materials should be removed from the vacuum chamber, remoistened slightly (fig. II, 17) and mounted on white, sized paper, using casein or polyvinyl glue. Remoistening facilitates separation of plants that have dried in a single screen tray and helps avoid shattering the leaves, which are quite fragile when first removed from the vacuum chamber. Remoistening is most easily done in a closed chamber or covered pan with the plants resting in a screen tray which is open below to a standing-water surface. At 72 degrees Fahrenheit, barley plants are adequately humidified in 1 to 2 hours; large bean plants require 3 to 4 hours; and cotton plants may need 6 or 8 hours. Humidifying time can be shortened by using warm water, but condensation inside the humid chamber should be avoided. 22 Fig. II, 17. Screen trays holding f reeze-dn'ed plants are placed in enam- eled pans (left) with water below, and are then covered with sheet plastic. Re- moistening helps keep plants from fractur- ing when handled. When plants are sufficiently moist they should be removed from the moisten- ing chamber, arranged on a sheet of white, sized paper, and glued down. For routine work the plant may be tacked down by glu- ing the main leaves and the roots and other organs (fig. II, 18); where mounted plants are to be used in demonstrations, all plant parts should be glued down (this is time consuming and not ordinari- ly done). The treated leaf should always be mounted with the treated side down, and information from the label on the plant should be copied on the lower edge of the mount. The mounted plants should not be dry enough to be brittle at the time of pressing. Pressing consists of covering the exposed side of the mounted plant with a piece of wax paper or alumi- num foil, placing this covered face against a hard flat surface such as ply- wood or Masonite, backing the mount with several thicknesses of dry felt, and sandwiching a whole series so that all faces are against hard surfaces and all backs are against felt. A heavy (3/H- inch) piece of plywood is then placed on each side of the bundle and the whole placed in the press. Fig. II, 19, shows a simple wooden press; fig. II, 20, shows a press built from a screw-jack. Pressure should be great enough to compress the stems and completely flatten the face of the plants - a force of 50 or more pounds per square inch may be re- quired; plants should be left in the press overnight or, preferably, for 24 hours (during which time the plant must dry thoroughly). After plants are re- moved from the press the thin cover sheets should be removed from the faces; these should peel off easily, but if there is trouble in removing them, Saran- wrap (or other plastic wrapping material) should be tried next time. Fig. II, 18. A freeze-dried Tropaeol urn maj us plant placed for mounting. Fig. II, 19 wooden bars. Press made of 2" x 2 1 23 On removal from the press the plant should be flat, smooth, and dry, and the thickness of stems, veins, etc. should be impressed into the mounting paper (fig. II, 21) due to the deforma- tion of the felt backing. If sap (from incomplete drying) is squeezed from suc- culent stems, buds, or young grass leaves onto the paper, the contaminated areas should be carefully cut out and the mounting repaired. It is advisable to dry the plants so that this does not occur, but occasionally one may misjudge the drying; in such cases it is best to excise blotched areas, as they usually show in the final autograph. AUTOGRAPHING After removal from the press, the mounted plant materials may be allowed to stand in the laboratory to equilibrate with the atmosphere; they are then ready for exposure on the film. The authors use Kodak Royal Blue Medical X-ray film, a double-coated film either side of which may be placed against the mounted plant. In the dark room, the mounted plant is inserted with its face against the film, inside the folder in which the film is packed (fig. II, 22). It is advisable to pencil-mark each film to help in matching Fig. II, 20. Screw-jack press. Aluminum sheets or plywood boards may be used as press plates; plant mounts should be backed with blotters to allow for the thickness of the stems and leaves. Fig. II, 21. Back view of a plant mount showing how backing with blotters allows the thickness of the plant mater- ial to be pressed into the mounting paper. films and plants after the films are de- veloped; in large experiments, radioactive ink can be used on the mounts. To prevent the control plant (without radioactive material) from producing a pseudoauto- graph from natural labile emanations, we have used a Saranwrap covering - this has kept out such emanations while permitting passage of 50 to 60 per cent of the beta particles. Fig. II, 22. Inserting the mounted plant beneath the X-ray film in its fol- der. Exposure bundle of plants and films is shown on the right. 24 Fi of C k hours. ig. II, 23. Autoradiography of a mounted plant having an unusually high content '^. Film exposure times were (top left to bottom right) 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2 and When all plants are so placed, the folders should be arranged with the film side against a separator of plywood with aluminum foil, or aluminum sheet of 1/32- inch thickness; this is to give the film a firm flat backing. With the folder on top of the separator film side down, a piece of 1/4-inch sponge rubber or poly- thene foam should be placed on the upper side to back the plant mount; the next folder should then be placed mount side down against the foam, and another sepa- rator put on top to back the film. The films and plants are sandwiched between separators and foam sheets until all plants are included after which stiff boards (1/4-inch plywood boards will do) are placed on both sides of the bundle and elastic belts are cinched around to hold plants and films firmly together; the bundle (fig. II, 22) is then placed in a light-tight box and left for the proper exposure time. If plywood sheets are used for sepa- rators in the autoradiograph bundle they 25 should be covered with aluminum foil, as bare plywood may cause a pseudoautograph. A single thickness of aluminum-covered 1/4-inch plywood and 1/4-inch sponge rub- ber sheets provides adequate shielding between successive mounts when Ca 1 ^, S35, Cl36, or d^ are being used; P32 and Zn^o require more shielding - such as several aluminum-covered separators and several 1/4-inch sponge rubber sheets. Equiva- lent stocks of newspapers will do for extra shielding. Normal exposure of the plants on the film is 2 weeks, but exposure may be varied to bring out different features of the autograph. Figure II, 23, shows a bean plant that was exposed to a large amount of d 1 ^, allowed a time period of several hours before being freeze- dried, mounted and autographed. Expo- sures on the six films were as follows: top left to right bottom: 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1 , 2 , and 4 hours . DEVELOPMENT When exposure is complete, the bundle is opened, the films are removed, clipped in hangers and developed (following in- Fig. II, 24. Developing and fixing tanks, sink, and film rack for drying X-ray f i 1ms . structions in the Eastman Kodak Company's publication, The Fundamentals of Radio- graphy), Optimum developing temperature is 68 degrees Fahrenheit, and develop- ment time is based on this; if this tem- perature cannot be maintained, develop- ment time must be changed accordingly, as explained in the above publication. We have used Kodak liquid X-ray developer and replenisher, and Kodak liquid fixer and replenisher, with complete satisfac- tion. Plastic and stainless steel devel- oping, fixing, and washing tanks are available in sizes to fit the needs of the operation. An acetic acid stopbath is used between developer and fixer. The standard recommended development time for the Royal Blue X-ray film pro- duces a dense gray background; we use only one-half this time as we want only a faint background for easy viewing - also, a dense background makes photo- graphic reproduction difficult. In removing films from the bundle in which they are exposed it is best to keep the plants and separators in the ori- ginal order until the films have been pro- cessed - thus, if any stray marks or radio images appear they can be traced to their source. Sponge rubber sheets and separa- tors occasionally become contaminated but such contamination can be readily detect- ed if the development bundle is kept in order. By careful planning one may save considerable time in the developing and fixing of films. We develop four at a time for 2.5 minutes. The films are placed carefully into the developing tank in order; after development, they are removed and dipped for 1 minute each in a stop-bath, then placed in the fixative and while there (for a period of approxi- mately 10 minutes) four more are placed in the developer. Washing requires an hour, and drying usually requires 4 to 5 hours (fig. II, 24); after washing, each side of the film is wiped carefully with a wet sponge to remove dust or debris. When dry, each film is reinserted in its folder with the plant upon which it was exposed; for future use, it is advisable to put in a piece of the sized mounting paper at the same time. In photographing, this backing with shiny white paper will give the image maximum contrast. Material 26 from each experiment can be stored in a manila folder, and several experiments can be combined in each empty file box. REPRODUCTION In photographing autographs and mounts we use an easel as illustrated in figures II, 25, 26. The great contrast between the background of the autograph and the white backing of the mount pre- sents a problem in reproduction. If the autograph and plant are to be photographed together, it is advisable to have a set of evenly exposed X-ray films, that have been developed, fixed and dried, to place over the plant mounts. The film used with each plant-autograph pair should be lighter Fig. II, 25. Easel used in photo- graphing plants and autoradi ographs . Glass cover is raised for placing mounts and films in position. The chain and treadle enable operator to open or close the cover and to snap easel into position with the foot while holding cover with both hands. than the background of the autograph - without such matching, different exposures must be used for plant mount and autograph or the latter will be much darker than the mount. The plants and autographs are placed on the padded surface of the easel (figs. II, 25, 26) and the glass front is closed to hold them in place. Reflected incident light from two or more photoflood lamps, placed on each side of the easel, gives satisfactory results. The easel used by the authors can be placed in a horizontal position while the plants and autographs are arranged; after clamping the cover- ing glass in position the easel is ro- tated into a vertical position for photo- graphing. A view camera is used for black and white photos, and a 35 mm camera is used for Kodachrome. By using a black curtain, with an aperture for the camera lens, glare on the glass of the easel can be avoided. Panatomic-X 4x5 inch film is used for making negatives, and Kodabromide paper is used for printing. Exposure is judged by a light-meter read- ing of the blank grey areas of the auto- radiograph. Fig. II, 26. Easel in position for photographing enclosed materials. 27 STORING OF PLANTS AND AUTORADIOGRAPHS For future reference, the usual 10 x 12-inch mounts and films can be stored in an ordinary steel filing case. Each plant mount and its autographic film is kept in the film folder; the folders are grouped into manila folders, one for each experiment, and the folders labeled and stored in the filing case. The double-length films and mounts illustrated in figures X, 1 to 4 , are laid horizon- tally in a filing case drawer; the 14 x 17 inch films and mounts are stored in special filing cabinets made for stor- ing X-rays in hospitals. Freeze- dried plants require no spe- cial care in storage. We have plants stored for 10 years that look as well as they did when first stored; those in which Cl4_ labeled compounds were used still produce autoradiographs indistinguishable from the originals. During storage over several years many compounds sublime into the covering materials; when this occurs, the mounted plants may be re-autographed, and placed in new folders; new backing sheets for the films should be used. The discarded folders and paper should be handled as contaminated materials. These plants may be ground and counted to quan- tize the autoradiographs if desired. The plants may be extracted and chromato- graphed to study breakdown of the labeled compounds . HARVEST I NG, MOUNTING AND DRYING OF DIFFICULT PLANT MATERIAL Not all problems involving autoradio- graphy can be handled by the routine green- house and laboratory methods described. In some cases, plants growing wild or in the field are required; these may include shrubs or full-grown trees. Any plants, herbaceous or woody, large or small, in the greenhouse, the field, or in a wild state, may be submitted to treatment with labeled compounds followed by autoradio- graphic analysis of absorption and trans- location processes. Large melon and cucumber plants have been grown in the greenhouse with their roots cultured on dark cloth over which the culture solution flowed slowly and constantly (de Stigter, 1961). These plants were freeze-dried, mounted (fig. II, 27), and autographed on 14 x 17- inch film, the foliar portion on one film (fig. II, 28) and the roots on another (fig. II, 29). The problem being studied involved compatibility of grafts, and radiographic analysis was critical in its solution. With woody plants, cross-sections of stems and rings of bark removed from tree trunks have been used (Leonard and Crafts, 1956; Yamaguchi and Crafts, 1959). Such samples may be air-dried or oven-dried if the sampling techniques are designed to minimize artifacts - for example, in taking cross sections, the original cut should be at the base of the stem and subsequent cuts should be made toward the tip. In taking bark samples, simul- taneous ringing in two positions with removal of the bark sample between cuts reduces the error of sap movement during the sampling process. Stem tips and small tree seedlings (Clor, 1959) have been used effectively. The tree seedlings were grown and treated in the greenhouse; they were oven-dried, mounted and autographed whole. Care should be taken to avoid excessive pres- sure during the exposure of the mounted plant on film as deformation of the film will cause a pseudoautograph (fig. 11,30). In work on grape vines in the field, samples have included leaves, stem sec- tions, and stem tips; occasionally bark samples are taken at a time of year when bark will peel. In the case of large leaves such as grape, a section of the leaf involving the midrib and a centi- meter or two of tissue on each side may be used; this section can be examined to distinguish between areas of accumula- tion - for example the veins, interveinal areas, or leaf margin. In the case of the grape studies whole shoots were taken to the laboratory and sampled consistently from base to tip, taking cross sections of each internode and portions of each leaf. Samples were fastened to heavy filter paper with narrow strips of tape, freeze-dried, mounted (using casein glue), pressed, and autographed. Stem sections from large woody plants, cut with a fine-toothed band saw, air-dried, sanded smooth, mounted and 28 Fig. II, 27. Mounted cucurbit plant ready to autoradiograph. autographed have also given satisfactory results. (A vacuum dust-catcher should be used to avoid contamination from the dust, and a dust mask should be worn.) This work has been limited to plants treated with small doses of C^- labeled compounds . Large herbaceous plants are difficult to handle, but excellent results have been obtained with tobacco, cabbage and sugar beets. With the latter, sections approxi- mately 2 mm thick were removed, placed on filter paper, frozen with dry ice, dried in the vacuum tank, mounted, pressed and 29 Fig. II, 28. Autor adiograph of plant in fig. autographed. Both cross- and longitudinal sections have been prepared successfully. Plants with complex, fragile leaves have been placed between sheets of light filter paper, rolled into open rolls, treated with pulverized dry ice and freeze-dried in the usual fashion (fig. II, 31). After remoistening, the freeze- dried plants are carefully unrolled, arranged on mounting paper and pasted down; thus, complicated leaf structures may be preserved through the freeze- drying process. 30 Fig. II, 29. Autoradiograph of the root system of plant in fig. II, 27. 31 m Fig. II, 30. Pseudoautographs of the stems of a woody plant mount caused by excessive pressure in the exposure bundle, The only radioactivity in these samples was in the four blurred tips. '^'Fig. II, 31. A tray of freeze-dried tomato plants, and one plant spread out on the filter paper in which it was rol led. 32 HEALTH HAZARDS IN HANDLING LABELED COMPOUNDS With care in handling, health hazards from using C^ 4 , S35 } and Cl36 in the quan- tities used in autoradiography are neg- ligible. Protective materials such as lead bricks, special aprons and film badges are not required, but rubber gloves and good hood facilities are needed. Radiation can be detected at the outer surface of the glass tubes in which the labeled materials are shipped, but can be eliminated by dilution when stock solu- tions are made up. Treatment solutions in bacterial culture tubes show no detec- table radiation on the outer surface. Because spillage may occur in trans- ferring the labeled compounds during weighing, the area over which this is done should be protected with wax-surfaced paper or aluminum foil (distance of trans- fer may be minimized by the arrangement shown in figure II, 6). Transfer and weighing should be done in a closed weigh- ing room, and all motions should be slow and careful. Some labeled compounds are sticky, some are fine powders that adhere to all surfaces, and some are liquids. To faci- litate handling, the total amount of the compound is dissolved in a given volume of solvent and made into a stock solu- tion. Rubber gloves must be worn and work must be done under a hood. Portions of the stock solution may be transferred to small ampules and sealed, using a pip- ette with syringe control for such trans- fers. Stock solutions are kept in a re- frigerator; those having volatile com- pounds or solvents are kept in sealed ampules, while others may be kept in test tubes with corks coated with silicone grease and fastened with masking tape or cellophane tape. In handling the more hazardous mat- >32 65 erials, such as P^ or Zn D0 , shielding should be used; rubber gloves and hood or glove boxes are necessary. Storing of such materials requires shielding; containers holding C^ 1 *- labeled compounds in quantities of several millicuries should be shielded. Film should be stored well away from radioactive chemi- cals; storage in a separate room is advisable. 33 Chapter III. Autoradiography: Interpretation of Results A autoradiography is unique as a method for studying plants, as it allows the researcher to investigate processes occurring inside the intact plant. Plow- ever, because the Lnages obtained indi- cate distribution processes and chemical reactions inside living cells or within organized cell systems, interpretation of autoradiographic data is an important phase of the over-all method. In the uptake and distribution of pesticides or tracers by plant foliage, a number of processes are involved. These processes include the penetration of the cuticular layers, either on leaf surfaces or within the stomatal chambers; they also involve the migration of ions or molecules from the epidermal wall to the chlorenchyma and conducting cells of the vascular systems. They require the passage of the molecules across the cell wall-cytoplasm interface that represents the external surface of the living plant body, and they include the movement of the molecules through living cells from epidermis to chlorenchyma to border par- enchyma and into the sieve tubes of the phloem. Finally, they involve rapid transport from treated leaves and stems to remote regions of shoots and roots. It has been proposed (Crafts, 1961a; Crafts and Foy, 1962) that in traversing the cuticle chemicals follow two routes: one lipoid, through which non-polar com- pounds move by diffusion, and one aqueous (made up of micropores) through which polar compounds may come into contact with the water continuum of the plant and move by diffusion or convection into the cell wall-cytoplasm interface. Inside the cuticle the moving molecules encoun- ter the primary pectin-cellulose phase of the epidermal or chlorenchyma cell-wall system, and here they must move through a highly aqueous medium. Having tra- versed this medium, the molecules come in contact with the outer surface of the cell protoplast, a living membrane of lipo-protein composition having an energy supply enabling it to move and accumulate some molecules against a gradient. Two terms introduced by Munch (1930) are extremely useful in considerations of the entry and translocation of molecules in plants. These are "symplast", the sum of the interconnected living protoplasm of the plant, and the "apoplast", the non-living cell-wall continuum that sur- rounds and contains the symplast. The concept of the symplast implies that all of the living cells of a higher plant are united into a continuum by means of proto- plasmic connections, a fact now recognized by most plant scientists. Symplastic mov- ment of substances is defined as movement confined to the living body of the plant. In contrast, apoplastic movement is move- ment via the interconnected non-living cell-wall and xylem phases. Symplastic movement is capable of carrying labeled sugar, derived from Cl^-labeled urea, from the leaf where the urea is applied, to the utmost extremities of the shoot tip and of the root system and even into root hairs (figs. Ill, 1, 2). It has been proposed (Crafts, 19612?) that the sieve tubes of the phloem are a 34 ramifving, integrated system of conduits, permeable to longitudinal movement and constituting a functional part of the symplast system. The tracheary elements of the xylem compose a specialized per- meable system of conduits constituting a functional part of the apoplast complex. Evidence from autoradiography indicates that some tracer molecules enter and move in the symplast system with ease, while others move much less freely. The substi- tuted urea and symmetrical triazine herbi- cides seem unable to enter and move in the phloem along with the assimilate stream. In contrast, most water-soluble compounds enter roots with ease but some, notably 2,4-D and benzoic acid, are moved to the foliar portion of the plant slowly and in small amount. These contrasting behaviors pose some extremely challenging problems both to plant physiologists (with respect to the mechanics of solute uptake and movement) and to agricultural technologists who wish to employ these mechanisms in using agricultural chemicals. The contrasting and unpredictable beha- viors of many new chemicals pose a con- stant problem to those engaged in the use of pesticides and mineral nutrients, and this field is one in which plant autoradiography seems capable of making, some outstanding contributions. Early work with Cl 1 *- labeled 2,4-D, in which treated plants (killed by quick- freezing and dried between hot, dry blot- ters) gave indications of phenomenal and unprecedented rates of transport, was soon found to involve an artifact (Crafts, 1956a; Pallas and Crafts, 1957). The fact that the opposite leaf of treated bean plants receiving this treatment had labeling of the veins (fig. Ill, 3) led to the answer to this problem of trans- port. Theoretically, if 2,4-D* was being exported from one primary leaf with the assimilates it should not enter the oppo- site leaf via phloem. Critical studies Fig. Ill, 1. Root of zebrina grown on filter paper, as shown in Fig. II, 2. Fig. Ill, 2. Autoradiograph of root shown in fig. Ill, 1. This plant was leaf- treated with C^-labeled urea; C lZ +02 released by hydrolysis has been converted to sucrose and moved in the transport system to the roots. 35 ±w 111,3 2 4.-D, 4V7../UH 14 Rll Ki»a(V SCAN. iD«oo US 3Hw. Fncut-Kiuie «u blotti* - {tea*. 111,4 Rep Ki»mcv Bcan. I Dhop OS 3 • ■ - r *m • f J Ol O > "o > c ■!-> c a; E -4-> <0 c • ..- a» -o N J- c * e 31 •-- C C E -!< ■»-» — •1— * %j Compara f 2,4-D ^ 1^ > c • Fig. plant in 53 VI, 2 \ \ < / I I * ■ V I I VI, 3 I// I M 54 Amitrole" moved throughout roots and showed high accumulation in root tips; it bypassed one mature leaf, as did 2,4-D*. MH" moved effectively throughout the plant and was present in medium intensity in two mature leaves; again this is evidence for migration to the xylem. Urea" is rapidly hydrolyzed by urease in rape leaves; the Cl^C>2 is synthesized to sugars, and chromatography shows the labeled compounds in roots to be sucrose. Mature leaves on this plant were bypassed; apparently sucrose is retained within the symplast. Monuron" apparently failed to enter the symplast; its distribution in- dicates apoplastic movement only, in treated leaves of tomato (Haun and Peter- son, 1954), rape, barley (Crafts, 19592?) and several other plants. The more extensive movement of 2,4-D in the rape plant may be accounted for by two facts: the plants were young and actively growing, and the treatment time was 2.5 days - a shorter time than in the case of the zebrina. An additional study was made using barley plants grown in nutrient cultures in a greenhouse. When they were at a stage in which there were four expanded leaves, 2,4-D ft , IAA*, amitrole*, MH", urea*, and monuron* were applied to leaf 1 on two plants and to leaf 4 on two plants. Dosage was 0.5 juc per plant of solutions standardized at 0.5 mc per mmole; treatment time was 27 hours. Figure VI, 2, 3, show the mounted plants and autographs of this experiment. Fig. VI, 2. Barley plants given 27- hour treatments with 2,4-D* (left 4 plants plants); IAA* (center 4 plants); amitrole* (right 4 plants). Of the four plants re- ceiving each chemical, the left-hand pair were treated on leaf 1, the right hand pair on leaf 4. Dosage, 0.05 AJC, volume 10 ajI, specific activity, 0.5 mc per mmo 1 e . Fig. VI, 3. Barley plants given 27- hour treatments with maleic hydrazide- (left 4 plants); urea''' (center 4 plants); monuron''" (right 4 plants). Of each group of four plants the left-hand pair were treated on leaf 1; the right-hand pair on leaf 4. Dosage 0.05 >uc, volume 10 jul, specific activity 0.5 mc per mmole. It is apparent that the first four com- pounds constitute a mobility series, in- creasing in mobility in the order given above. It is evident from the autographs that the older leaves provide nourishment for the roots, whereas the youngest expanded leaf provides for its own nour- ishment and exports to the younger leaves and inflorescence. Even in the case of MH* there is little evidence for leakage into the xylem, as the mature leaves show only in the case of the treatments on leaf 1. Amitrole* moved from leaf 1 to younger leaves, but bypassed all mature leaves . Autographs of the urea* treatment indicate that urea is hydrolyzed during penetration, and that the C02" is rapidly incorporated into assimilates of which the principal constituent is sucrose which moves in the assimilate stream to regions of growth where food utilization is active. In the autographs of Leaf 4 it is apparent that accumulation is high in the interca- lary meristem and in the root tips, and low in the intermediary mature tissue. Monuron* is not split by urease; it failed to move out of the treated leaves, and showed apoplastic movement only. Fig. VI, 4. Barley plants treated with dalapon* on leaf 3 (left) and leaf 6 (right). Dosage was 0.1 yuc per treatment. 55 Figure VI, 4, shows results of a similar experiment with dalapon* on some- what older barley plants. Evidently this compound moves freely in the phloem; it also migrates to the xylem and shows apo- plastic distribution, particularly from treatment on the older leaf. Noticeable also is the fact that dalapon* does not accumulate in the mature roots of the barley plants. Since most of our work with labeled tracers had utilized whole intact plants where both absorption and translocation are involved, it seemed important to carry out tests in which these processes could be distinguished. To study absorp- tion uncomplicated by rapid transport, a test using cubes of potato tuber tissue was employed. Cubes were cut 1-1/2 inches square and placed on filter paper saturated with water in a metal container; a loose lid of cardboard was used as a cover. Lano- lin rinp;s about 7.0 mm in diameter were centered on the tops of the blocks and treatments were made using 10 jul per drop- let in each ring, with 0.05 uc per appli- cation with solutions standardized at 0.5 mc per mmole. The chemicals used were 2,4-D*, amitrole*, MH*, urea*, monuron*, and IAA* ; treatment times were 2 , 4 , 8 , and 16 days. Each chemical was applied to two tuber blocks; at the end of the treatment time one block was split ver- tically and a 2 mm slice through the middle of the treatment was taken. The second block had three 2 mm horizontal slices removed, starting at the top. All slices were freeze-dried, mounted, pressed and autographed. In mounting, the three horizontal slices were inverted so that the autograph faces represented location of the chemicals at levels of 2, 4, and 6 mm in the tuber block. Figure VI, 5, shows the autographs and the tuber slices for the 2,4, and 8-day tests (the verti- cal slices are on the left and the hori- zontal slices starting from the left are arranged in the order of 2 mm, 4 mm, and 6 mm) . In this storage parenchyma tissue in which phloem transport is not involved, the same mobility relation holds for 2,4-D*, IAA*, amitrole*, and MH*. 2,4-D* moved for the first two periods and then seemed to be immobilized. IAA* moved through the first three periods though not rapidly - in 16 days it had moved along the isolated phloem strands, pre- sumably in phloem parenchyma because the sieve tubes were blocked (Crafts, 1933). Amitrole" continued to move slowly and by the 8th day the diameter of the occupied circle in the 2mm slice was about 2.5 cm. The MH" moved even farther, reaching the borders of the slice at the 2mm and 4mm level. Urea in this non-green tissue in the dark was apparently hydrolyzed and the C02* lost to the atmosphere. Monuron* showed typical apoplastic movement, tra- veling rapidly to the outer borders of the slices, where it accumulated as a^ result of evaporation of the aqueous medium. This is especially noticeable in the ver- tical slices, which show increasing con- centration from the lower to the upper region as a result of the fact that the blocks stood on a water film from which movement caused by evaporation was upward and outward toward the exposed surface. The experiments with potato tuber tissue show that differences in mobility between chemical compounds are not the result of differences in phloem transport per se but are differences in the ability of the molecules to migrate through rela- tively undifferentiated tissues such as the mesophyll of the leaf, the parenchyma of the root cortex, and the parenchyma of the vascular tissues. Apparently, paren- chyma cells have different affinities for these tracer molecules; 2,4-D" seems to be absorbed with avidity and retained. This probably explains its failure to move from roots. IAA" moves a bit more freely; ami- trole* moves relatively freely but is re- tained within the symplast; MH* is freely mobile. In whole plants it even leaks from phloem to xylem and ascends to the foliage in the transpiration stream; there is evidence that P32 may do this and thus circulate in plants (Biddulph, et at., 1958). If 2,4-D* can be retained by the chlorenchyma of the leaf it may be absorbed from phloem along the transloca- tion route ; this probably explains its limited distribution. When the assimilate stream is moving rapidly, as in the case of the plants used in experiments on leak-' age from roots, transport may be effective in moving 2,4-D into roots. When it is slow, the tracer is all absorbed and re- 56 tained within the treated leaves and stems and none reaches the root. These conclusions have important implications in the use of 2,4-D for controlling perennial weeds; the recom- mendation of treatment at the early flower bud stage probably relates to the physiological condition when root carbo- hydrates are low (Weise and Rea, 1962), photosynthesis is high, and translocation rapid. Dosage of 2,4-D must pass through a maximum; Weise and Rea found this to be 1 pound per acre for field bindweed. The reason is that increasing dosage brings about increasing penetration, and trans- location in the assimilate stream in- creases up to a point where contact in- jury impairs the source and transport stops". Optimum dosages for treatment of perennials with 2,4-D may vary widely because of differences in cuticle thick- ness, toughness of leaves, partition ef- fects, saturation levels, and specific sensitivity to phytotoxicity , but opti- mum treatment levels have been found for many weed species. MECHANISM OF ESTER TRANSPORT In order to throw some light on the problem of how esters of the phenoxy herbicides move in plants, isopropyl esters of 2,4-D labeled on the carboxyl- carbon and on the alcohol chain with Cl4 were synthesized. When applied to cotton and barley plants (Crafts and Foy, 1959, Crafts, 1959a) it was shown that the es- ter is hydrolyzed during penetration of the leaf because the alcohol label was • • Fig. VI, 5. Tuber slices (lower) and autoradiography (upper) of potato tuber blocks treated for 2, 4, and 8 days with, top to bottom, 2,4-D*, ami trole*, MH*, urea*, monu- ron*, and IAA*; no replication. Slices on the left of each treatment were taken verti- cally, those in the number 2, 3, and 4 positions are horizontal samples from another treated block taken 2, 4, and 6 mm from top surface. 57 subject only to apoplastic movement with- in the leaves, whereas the carboxy- labeled 2,4-D ion moved to the crown of the plant via the phloem just as did the ion from 2,4-D* acid treatment. Szabo (1963) has shown that hydrolysis of 2,4-D esters may take place in a solution in contact with the exterior leaf surface of some plants. Labeling of molecules in different positions has proved extremely valuable in biochemical studies on metabolic path- ways in plants; it was useful in studies on 2,4-D metabolism as employed by Wein- traub, et at., (1952a, b) ; it proved useful in this study on 2,4-D ester transport in plants, and has many more uses in studies on the uptake, distribution, and meta- bolic fate of herbicides in plants. COMPARATIVE MOVEMENT OF LABELED TRACERS IN POTATO TUBER CYLINDERS As new labeled compounds became available, it seemed desirable to study their movement into and through tissues of different types. Since movement of labeled compounds through parenchyma tis- sue may play an important role in their subsequent distribution in the plant, studies were made using cylinders of potato tuber tissue. Twelve Cl^-labeled compounds plus P32 were applied to the upper ends of potato tuber cylinders within lanolin rings. Movement was deter- mined by removing slices from the centers of the cylinders, freeze-drying, mounting and autographing. Table VI, 1, presents data on the penetration of the compounds into the cylinders. Tissue from the tuber cylinder not used for autograph slices was freeze- dried, ground and extracted. From 96 to 97 per cent of the activity of 2,4-D* was extracted in alcohol and from one- fifth to one-sixth of the activity in the extract was not partitionable into chloro- form - this was not 2,4-D*, and chromato- graphic studies indicated it to be a com- plex of 2,4-D adsorbed to an alcohol- extractable substance or in weak conjuga- tion; the amount of this substance was constant from 2 through 16 hours. Studies on the amitrole* content of the dried potato tissue showed decreased extract ability in alcohol with time; chromatography showed decreasing activity in the spot coincident with amitrole* with time. Only about 10 per cent of the alcohol-extracted activity was free ami- trole*. A major fraction of the extrac- ted activity remained near the origin and was associated with a dark-colored sub- stance ; this substance remained constant with time, being present at zero time. The other major fraction of the extract- able activity was found in the extract from the residue of the treated samples and of the control ( time ) , after par- titioning with chloroform. Mi*" was largely extracted with alco- hol and the extract chromatographed as a spot coincident with stock MH-Cl^. This compound seems to be almost completely immune from breakdown or conjugation. Monuron" showed a drop in extracta- bility, with time from 100 per cent at zero time to 91 per cent after 4 days. Monuron"" was readily freed from movement interference by dark-colored materials ; when the front was e luted and the eluate co-chromatographed with stock monuron*"* on reversed phase paper, the only spot of significance was monuron*"". Small amounts of simazine" moved into the potato tissue; simazine-Cl^ decreased with treatment time from nearly 100 per cent at zero time to about 25 per cent at 16 days. The remaining activity oc- curred in three other spots with lower Rf values; one of these was associated with dark-colored materials, and a third spot was coincident with a radioactive impurity present in the original sima- zine". Alcoholic extracts of IAA*-treated tissue showed no IAA-C14 after 4 days. COMPARATIVE UPTAKE AND DISTRIBUTION OF TRACERS APPLIED TO ROOTS Because tracers applied to leaves are subject to such wide differences in dis- tribution in plants it seemed logical to study comparatively the uptake by roots. Following a preliminary trial with barley seedlings growing in small culture tubes, an extensive test using 2,4-D*. IAA*, amitrole*, MH*, urea*, dalapon , monuron*, simazine*, and P32 was set up. Each plant used was growing in 4 ml of culture solution and dosage was standardized at 58 0.037 mc per plant. The following were the treatment times: 1/2-hour, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 16 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 4 days, and 8 days. The roots were rinsed and the plants freeze- dried, mounted and autographed (Crafts and Yamaguchi, 1960a). Figures VI, 6, 7, 8, show the results of this experiment. The 2,4-D*, monuron*, simazine*, and IAA* were absorbed sufficiently in 30 min- utes to give strong images of the roots. In 2 hours amitrole* and P32 had also entered the roots sufficiently to give good autographs. Monuron* and simazine* started moving upward in 2 hours and by 8 hours the tops were all labeled. In 16 hours, amitrole*, dalapon*, and p32 had concentrated sufficiently in tops to autograph well; monuron* and simazine* continued to accumulate. p32 built up to high concentrations in tops and roots so that in 2, 4, and 8 days the images of the roots became broad and blurred (this results from the high- intensity radiation of P 32 ). After 4 days very little 2,4-D* TABLE VI, 1 Penetration of Labeled Compounds into Median Slices From Potato-tissue Cylinders Compound Penetration (millimeters) Days Average penetration 2 4 8 16 2 2 1 3 1 5 1 5 1.25 3.75 5 5 5 6 5.25 5 6 5 5 5.25 2,4-D 7 7 7 6 6 8 7 8 6.75 7.25 Sodium benzoate .... 8 6 8 7 7.25 IAA f 5 8 6 10 10 8 11 10 8.0 Sodium pheny lacetate . . 9.0 9 11 15 20 13.5 IAA 1 10 12 11 10 15 20 20 18 14.0 P320i+ 15.0 12 15 20 23 17.5 MH 10 23 15 34 20 45 35 55 20.0 39.0 t Penetration in symplast t Penetration in phloem strands § Penetration in apoplast 59 VI. 6 \ VI. 7 \ j \ S II # c 1 60 and urea" had entered the tops, and after 8 days these tracers and IAA" were still in lew concentration in the foliage. Urea" was still low in intensity in the roots; IAA"" and 2,4-D* were concentrated in roots. From these studies it seems obvious that even though different tracer mole- cules enter leaves and roots at different rates and attain different distributions, the patterns of movement reflect the two basic mechanisms - that is, symplastic movement via parenchyma cells and phloem, and apoplastic movement via cell walls Fig. VI, 6. Comparative uptake and trans The tracers in each set as follows, left to monuron*, dalapon--'-, simazi ne*, P 32^ anc | IAA* each plant with roots in k ml of Hoagland's series, left to right: l/2 hour, 1 hour, 2 and xylem. Although different molecules such as 2,4-D, IAA, monuron and simazine enter roots rapidly, it does not follow that they migrate into and move in the xylem with ease. 2,4-D and IAA, which are avidly accumulated by living paren- chyma, were the slowest to enter the xylem of roots and move to tops; monuron and si- mazine, which follow an apoplastic pattern, moved most rapidly to the tops. Just how these latter molecules are able to tra- verse the root cortex, endodermis and pericycle so rapidly is unknown; they must enter and cross living cells in order to do this. location of nine tracers by barley plants, right: 2,4-D*, amitrole*, MH*, urea-, . All tracers except P32, Cl^-labeledj solution with 0.037 wc of tracer. Time hours. Fig. VI, 7. Comparative uptake and translocation of nine tracers by barley plants. Chemicals and conditions same as in fig. VI, 6. Time series, left to right; k hours, 8 hours, and 16 hours. - V / M r ) s K [ r Fig. VI, 8. Comparative uptake and translocation of nine tracers by barley plants. Chemicals and conditions same as in fig. VI, 6. Time series, left to rightj 2 days, k days, and 8 days. 61 Chapter VII. Root Absorption and Xylem Transport MOVEMENT OF 2,4-D" ABSORBED BY ROOTS leaving determined to our own satis- faction the nature of the mechanism re- sponsible for the translocation of 2,4-D" applied to leaves, it seemed important to study uptake and distribution by root absorption. Accordingly, plants of bar- ley, bean, cotton and zebrina were grown in nutrient cultures; when they had de- veloped a number of leaves per plant they \3SfUi m 3SO„l 3.1, j) were treated by adding 2,4-D* to the cul- ture solution at a rate of 1.25 pc per 250 ml, each plant having its roots limi- ted to 250 ml. The 2,U-D* had a specific activity of 5.0 mc per mmole. Treatment time was 10 days; at the end of this time the roots were rinsed in tap water and the plants freeze-dried and autographed. Figure VII, 1, shows barley plants and Fig. VII, 1. Autoradiography (left) and plants (right) of barley grown 10 days in 250 ml of solution containing 1.25 juc of Cl^-labeled 2,4-D. 62 TABLE VII, 1 Radioactivity Recovered from Culture Solutions In which 2,4-D*-treated Cotton Plants Were Grown Radioactive counts per minute at various time intervals t Replication 0-2 days 2-4 days 4-8 days 8-16 days 1. . . 2,235 13,165 2,378 1,254 2 . . . 1,948 12,944 3,990 1,358 3 . . . 1,875 10,760 7,700 1,120 4 . . . 2,602 10,892 2,103 921 5 . . . 1,928 8,660 2,728 845 6 . . . 2,332 14,524 3,428 1,304 7. . . 2,744 16,635 4,280 440 Average 2,238 12,511 2,801 1,035 ' Activity is shown as counts per minute per plant within given time intervals. Plants were transferred to new cul- ture solution at the end of each interval. Dosage 0.5 jjc of 2,4-D s ' { was applied to upper surface of one cotyledon. autographs from the experiment. In the 10-day period, 2,4-D* had accumulated on or in the roots but not much had translocated to the tops. Bean and zebrina plants apparently translocated none at all, barley translocated enough to show traces in the leaves, and cotton plants showed clear but faint images. This indicates that 2,4-D is not readily moved from roots to tops of plants, and may provide a reason why 2,4-D, when used in the soil, must be applied pre-emergence so that the compound comes in contact with the roots as soon as they emerge from the seeds; the results may also help explain why a high dosage of 2,4-D is required when it is used to kill grown plants. LOSS OF 2,4-D" TO THE CULTURE MEDIUM In 1951, Clor observed that when one of two cotton seedlings growing in a com- mon culture jar was treated on a lower leaf with 2 ,4-D the other plant showed 2 , 4-D symptoms within about 2 weeks (Crafts, 1956a, fig. 1). To further check this phenomenon, barley, bean, cotton and zebrina plants were grown in water culture, with cotton seedlings included in the culture jars of barley, bean, and zebrina. Barley, bean, cotton, and zebrina plants in the cultures were treated with 2,4-D* at 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 juc per plant, leaving the cotton seedlings untreated to serve as indicators of 2,4-D" leakage. All plants were freeze-dried and autographed after 24 hours. A similar set was left for 15 days in the case of barley, 20 days for bean, cotton, and zeb- rina. In all cases faint autographs were obtained for the 24-hour treatment times, and somewhat darker autographs for longer treatment times. The untreated cotton test plants in the latter experiment showed 2,4-D symptoms, and significant counts of the 2 , 4-D* concentration in some culture solutions were recorded. Clor (1959) has confirmed these results, as shown in tables VII, 1, 2. It seems obvious from these experi- ments that 2,4-D* is absorbed by leaves of plants, that it moves to the roots and, under some conditions, may leak from the 63 roots into the culture medium. Later experiments have shown that maleic hydra- zide will do this but that amitrole and sucrose will not; this indicates that roots respond differently to different compounds. Experiments cited in chapter VI prove that roots also respond differ- ently to different compounds applied to them via the culture medium. TRANSLOCATION OF LABELED HERBICIDES IN XYLEM AS INDICATED BY ACTIVITY OF GUTTATION FLUID In order to further study the com- parative responses of plants to a number of herbicides, an experiment was set up to find out if these compounds are altered during their absorption by roots and translocation to tops via the xylem. Barley seedlings were grown in culture solution in small tubes and, after the solutions containing the chemicals were introduced, guttation fluid was collected and droplets from ten plants were pooled to provide enough for chromatography. The plants were covered with bell jars in order to obtain sufficient fluid; at the end of the collection period the plants were freeze-dried, mounted and autoradiographed. Each plant was in a tube containing 4 ml of culture solution, and dosage was 0.05 /uc per plant. The collection period was from 4 to 6 days. The effects of the herbicides on plants were recorded at time of harvest. Plants treated with amitrole* and MH* were still guttating, those treated with 2,1-D*, monuron* and simazine* had stop- ped. In general, 2,4-D* stunted the plants, amitrole* caused chlorosis on the lower halves of the first leaf, and on the whole second leaf; MH* had no visible ef- fect at the time and concentration used; monuron* reduced the size and growth- rate of all plants (the leaves were light green and wilted at the tips); simazine* had effects similar to those of monuron*". 2 , 1-D* was absorbed by roots but moved slowly to the tops. MH* accumu- lated slowly in roots but moved to tops in somewhat greater amount than did 2,4-D*. Amitrole* moved to tops in even greater amounts, the images attaining a dense black tone. All plants treated with mon- uron*, and simazine* were heavily labeled throughout, with a noticeable tendency for accumulation at the leaf tips in old leaves in contrast to young. This dis- tribution pattern, a reverse of that of 2, 1-D*, MH*, and amitrole*, is an indica- tion of apoplastic movement. Guttate was chromatographed from all collections. In the case of 2, 1-D* treat- ment there was no spot at the normal Rf of 2, 1-D* as shown on the control; there was a small, faint image at the solvent front and this corresponded with a similar spot on the control, indicating a small impur- ity in the 2, U-D* - this impurity came through in the exudate, whereas 2, 1-D* did not. Amitrole* produced spots in all replicates and these corresponded to the amitrole* spot on the control; evidently it came through the plant unchanged. In the case of MH* some replicates produced no spots; three separate replicates gave faint images of the Rf value of the ori- ginal compound. All replicates from the monuron* experiment gave images of moder- ate density; one replicate gave the strongest spot of all the samples. In the case of simazine*, chromatography of the original compound gave three distinct spots on the control; three replicates from the treated plant samples produced the same three spots. Here, there did not seem to be any relation between the volume of guttate and the image density on the chromatograph, TABLE VII, 2 Radioactivity Recovered from Culture Solutions In which 2,1-D*-treated Bean Plants Were Grown Radioactive counts per minute at various time intervals t Replication 0-2 days 2-6 days 6-11 days 1 . . . 220 1,268 286 2 . . . 18U 928 116 3 . . . 195 1,151 366 4 . . . 312 1,016 325 5 . . . 378 1,38H 223 + Activity as counts per minute per plant within given time intervals. Plants were transferred to new culture solutions at the end of each interval. Dosage 0.5 juc of 2,4-D* applied to the upper surface of one primary leaf. 64 2,4-D* failed to come through the plants, but the other four compounds traversed the roots and tops and appeared in the gutta- tion fluid. There was no evidence for metabolic change of any compound despite the fact that they must have moved through the living cells of the endodermis. These observations confirm evidence from many sources that herbicides in general are stable compounds and that they probably cause their characteristic effects with- out being altered in the process. THE MECHANISM OF ACCUMULATION OF 2,4-D BY ROOTS The evidence presented above, and the work of Blackman (1955, 1957), indi- cates that 2,4-D accumulation by roots may be reversible. To study this, ex- cised root systems of nutrient-grown barley plants were exposed to varying concentrations of labeled 2,4-D in aer- ated culture solution. After a 6-hour absorption period, concentration of 2,4-D* in the roots was from two to four times that of the external solution. A time series showed that under the temperature conditions of the experiment (approxi- mately 70 degrees Fahrenheit) absorption was rapid and reached its maximum in 30 minutes. From washing and exchange experiments conducted at this time it seems that 2,4-D is rather loosely bound and can be readily removed by leaching. However, not all of the absorbed 2,4-D* came off so easily - possibly, some is adsorbed to the outer root surface and some is held metabolically by parenchyma cells of the root cortex. Recent studies in which DNP (dini- trophenol) treatment was used in connec- tion with the uptake of 2,4-D* by roots throw more light on the subject. Where barley roots had absorbed 2,4-D* from a solution of 0.1 jumole per 100 ml for 4 days, DNP applied simultaneously at 1 x 10~ 4 M caused a slight release to the tops; at 1 x 10~3 a large release to the tops occurred. With bean plants in a similar 2,4-D* solution, 1 x 10" 5 M DNP released some 2,4-D* to the stem, and 1 x 10- 4 released considerably more; a similar response was found in soybean. Figure VII, 2, shows plants and auto- graphs from these experiments. Since DNP is known to uncouple oxi- dative phosphorylation, thus reducing energy supply to the cells, it seems that 2,4-D accumulation in roots is an active process; lowering the energy supply and membrane integrity apparently allows 2,4-D to move across the cortex and endo- dermis and enter the xylem (apoplast) of the stele along with the transpiration stream. Current studies with high dosages indicate that 2,4-D applied to roots in injurious amounts will bring about the same free movement into tops. Figure VII, 3, shows an experiment with a 2-hour absorption time, the roots of the plant on left having been in a solution having 0.1 juM concentration, and those of the plant on the right in a solution having a 10.0 /jM concentration per 20 ml. Fig- ure VII, 4 shows a similar experiment with a 24-hour exposure time. Monuron* and simazine*, being less subject to active accumulation by living cells, can apparently pass through the root with little restraint. Hence, these compounds readily move through roots and stems and accumulate in leaves where, if in suffi- cient concentration, they enter green cells and block oxygen evolution in photo- synthesis (Crafts, 1961a). The plants in this experiment were alive at the end of the 24-hour absorption period; evidently 2,4-D* was being metabolized and lost from the leaves. DINITROPHENOL EFFECTS ON HERBICIDE TRANSPORT Many tests on the uptake of herbi- cides by roots and translocation to tops have proved that there is a wide variation in distribution. Although 2,4-D* is highly accumulated by roots with little or no movement into tops, monuron*, sima- zine*, calcium* and phosphorus* are rapid- ly translocated following a short accumu- lation period. Experiments with DNP proved that this respiration inhibitor, when used at a concentration of around 10-4 m $ would affect roots in such a way that 2 ,4-D* was released for transport to the foliar region of the plant. Repetition of the above tests with sufficient replication to assure signifi- cant results proved that DNP at 10"^ M will allow for transport of 2,4-D* to the tops of soybean plants, and that it has a slight but detectable effect in barley and little effect in bean. At 65 10-3 m concentration it has a strong re- leasing effect on 2,4-D* in all three species, but it also produces injury symptoms; at 10-5 m DNP, soybean is the only species tested that gives a detec- table difference - and it is at the lower limit of significance. DNP had no effect upon the movement of amitrole* from the roots of soybean at 10- 4 M; MH* movement was slightly inhib- ited in soybean and barley, as was P32 and Ca 1 ^ movement in barley; monuron* transport was unaffected in soybean and barley. Figure VII, 2, shows a 6-hour treatment of soybean plants cultured in Hoagland's solution with 2,U-D*, at 1/2 yumole per 100 ml, with DNP at lO" 4 M compared with no DNP. In a series of barley cultures, sodium benzoate* at Fig. VII, 2. Effect of di ni trophenol on the movement of 2,4-D* from roots of soy- beans. Left, soybean cultured 6 hours in 2,4-D* solution at 0.1 pmole per 100 ml. Right, soybean cultured 6 hours in 2,4-D* at 0.1 ;umo1e per 100 ml plus DNP at 10"^ M, 66 L s * * I 'I 'ym**s VII. 3 Fig. VII, 3. Effect of high concentration of 2,4-D* on movement through the root system. Left, bean plant cultured in a solution of 2,4-D* at 0.1 jumole; right, the same plant in a solution of 2,4-D* at 10 juM concentration per 20 ml. Treatment time, 2 hours. Fig. VII, 4. Bean plant in a solution of 2,4-D*. Effect of high concentration of 2,^-D* on movement through the root system. Plants and treatments as shown in fig. VII, 3 } but with a 1-day treatment. The lower concentration of tracer in leaves may result from decarboxylation of the 2,4-D*, f rom translocation back to the roots, or from both. 1/10 jumole in 100 ml for 4 days showed no upward movement; 2,4-D* at the same dosage shows detectable movement; monu- ron* shows strong upward transport but no response to DNP; p32and Ca 1 ^ show strong upward movement inhibited by DNP; MH* shows weak upward movement slightly enhanced by DNP, but accumulation in the roots is noticeably reduced. Figures VII, 5, 6, 7, show these results. Sodium azide affects 2,4-D movement, as does DNP. Repeated trials with bean, barley, soybean and buckwheat failed to give any positive results when DNP was applied with 2,4-D-, 2,4,5-T* or monuron* to leaves. Apparently, movement from cor- tex to stele in roots is governed by dif- ferent factors than is migration from cuticle to symplast in leaves; the com- parative behavior of the substituted urea and triazine herbicides when applied to leaves and roots substantiates this be- lief. Trials with sodium fluoride proved that this inhibitor has no effect on 2,4-D* uptake by roots or movement from roots within the concentration range of 10-2 m to 10-4 m in soybean. Other metabolic inhibitors are being tested. FIGURES VII, 5, 6, AND 7 FOLLOW. | } | 67 Fig. VII, 5- Effect of DNP on the uptake and transport of sodium benzoate* (left), and 2,*+-D* (right). Plant on left in each set of three plants is the control, other two were treated for 1 day with DNP at 10"^ M. DNP had no effect on sodi benzoate-, but released 2,4-D* for movement to tops. the urn 68 Fig. VII, 6. Effect of di ni trophenol on uptake and transport of maleic hydrazide* (left), and monuron''' (right). Plants and treatments as in fig. VII, 5» MH», like 2,4-D", was released to the tops; there was no observable effect on monuron-'' movement. 69 Fig. VII, 7. Effect of di ni trophenol on uptake and transport of P^ 2 (left), and Ca^5( right) . Plants and treatments as in fig. VII, 5- DNP apparently inhibits the uptake and movement of these inorganic elements. 70 Chapter VIII. Comparative Movement of Tracers via Shoot and Root MOBILITY OF FOUR TRACERS IN BARLEY APPLIED TO LEAVES AND ROOTS X ^o compare leaf and root application and to detect root leakage in barley, an experiment using 2,4-D*, IAA*, amitrole*, and simazine* was carried out. To study initial absorption, translocation and re- distribution, the plants were given 1-day, 4-day, and 16-day treatment times. To test for root leakage, three plants were grown in a single culture jar; two re- ceived applications on their leaves, and one was left to indicate leakage. In the foliage treatments, 2,4-D* moved very little below the root crowns even in the 16-day period, while IAA" was appreciably more mobile, giving light images of roots from the leaf treatments at 4 days and similar images in 16 days. MH* was quite mobile, giving heavy images after 1 day and continuing to move even up to 16 days; there was ample evidence that MH* retrans located within the plants during the 16-day treatment period. Simazine" failed to move basipetally from the treated spots on the leaves at any treatment time; movement in foliage was wholly apoplastic. The untreated test plants were free of tracer except in the MH* leaf treat- ments; the roots of the test plant pro- duced a light image in 4 days; after 16 days the whole plant was labeled. In root treatments, 2,4-D* failed to leave the roots, while IAA" moved upward in 4 days producing an image of medium intensity; in 16 days the whole plants were heavily labeled. MH* failed to leave the roots in 1 day; light images of tops were produced in 4 days; in 16 days, larger tops were thoroughly labeled. but only at low intensity. Simazine" moved to the tops, and produced intense images in all treatment times. Figure VIII, 1, shows the 1- and 16-day plants and autographs of the 2,4-D*, IAA*, and simazine" experiments. Bean and barley plants were next treated by leaf application with 2,4-D*, amitrole*, MH*, dalapon*, P32, Zn65 s and Ca 1 ^ using treatment times of 1, 4, and 16 days. In this experiment the relative mobility of 2,4-D*, amitrole*, and MH* was consistent with previous tests. Dala- pon* proved very mobile; like MH*, it migrated from phloem to xylem and thus the untreated opposite leaves of bean were lightly labeled. From leaf treatment as shown by figure VIII, 4, right, dalapon entered the roots but failed to accumu- late. Resembling MH*, it probably leaked into the ambient culture medium and migra- ted to the xylem - as evidenced by the labeling of untreated mature leaves. Be- cause grass roots are unable to produce shoot buds, and hence are not vegetatively reproductive from root tissue, this re- sponse to dalapon may explain its selec- tivity against grasses; in grasses, kill- ing of stems and buds is all that is necessary to destroy the plant. p32 and Zn65 proved to be phloem- mobile in barley and bean; they trans lo- Fig. VIII, 1. Autoradiography (top) and mounted plants (bottom) showing the distri- bution of 2,4-D- (a, d), IAA* (b, e), and simazine* (c, f) applied to leaves (left) and roots (right) of barley plants. Top row (a, b, c) 1 -day treatment times; bottom row (d, e, f) 16-day treatment times. Dosage 0.1 ajc applied to the 4th leaf in each case; 1 .0 ajc in 200 ml of solution to roots of 3 plants in the root treatments. ^ 71 72 cated freely and redistributed to young leaves in the 16-day period. Ca^S was mobile only in the apoplast; like monuron* and simazine* this element produced a strong pattern of apoplastic movement in leaves but failed to move out via phloem even in 16 days. Figures VIII, 2, 3, show the plants and autographs from the 1- day part of this experiment; figure VIII, 4, illustrates the evidence for leakage Fig. VIII, 2. Plants (below) and autoradiography (above) of bean treated for 1 day with (left to right) 2,4-D*, amitrole*, MH*, and dalapon* Th^ 2,4-D*-treated plant shows symplastic movement only; the other three display both symplastic and apoplas- tic movement. 73 of MH* and dalapon* in the U-day trial with bean. COMPARATIVE MOVEMENT OF 30 LABELED TRACERS IN BARLEY AND BEAN PLANTS As it became apparent that each new labeled compound has a characteristic translocation pattern in plants, it seemed reasonable that a standardized test using autoradiography as the princi- pal tool could be devised to give infor- mation concerning the pattern. Thus, a technique was designed using leaf and root application to barley and bean seed- lings, with treatment times of 1, 4, and 16 days. Some twenty-seven organic com- pounds and three mineral elements have now been run through this test. The fol- lowing paragraphs summarize the results ; table VIII, 1. gives the distribution patterns in quantitative terms and figures VIII 5, 6, 7, illustrate the results of 16-day trials with 2,4-D*, MH*, amitrole*, dalapon* and Zn&5, ALANAP" In the leaf of bean, Alanap* moves in both the apoplast and symplast. Phloem movement to roots is weak and there is no circulation via the xylem. In barley, uptake by the leaf is strong with medium phloem movement to roots and no recirculation. Uptake by bean roots is strong and transport via xylem is medium with no re- distribution. Uptake by barley roots is low with some transport to the tops, but there is no accumulation. AMI BEN : : Uptake and movement by bean leaf is syrnplastic, with medium-strong trans- port to roots and no retransport via the xylem. In barley leaf, uptake is medium with appreciable movement to the roots. Uptake by bean roots is strong with no movement to tops via the xylem. Uptake by barley roots is medium, with only traces reaching the tops. AMITROLE" This compound enters the bean leaf readily and moves in both symplast and apoplast (fig. VIII, 2). Transport to roots and buds is strong, and there is no recirculation via xylem. Barley leaves absorb this compound freely, and it moves freely to roots with a bit of recirculation. Bean roots absorb amitrole* in mod- erate quantity and transport it to the tops in increasing amounts with time. It is re trans located from mature leaves to the buds via phloem. Barley roots absorb and transport amitrole* in moderate quantity; the amount moved increases with time. AMMONIUM THIOCYANATE" This compound pene- trates the leaf of bean and moves in both apoplast and symplast. Phloem movement is limited to traces in epicotyl and hypo- cotyl in 4 and 16 days. Barley leaves absorb and move this compound in apoplast and symplast, and it is transported to roots in low concentra- tion. Bean roots absorb and transport am- monium thiocyanate* through the stem to the leaves. Barley roots also absorb and trans- locate this compound, but in small quan- tities . ARSENATE As?7 ± s a short-lived isotope, but we were able to obtain satisfactory autographs in coffee seedlings. As 7 7 entered the mature leaf and moved sym- plastically in fair concentration through the stem and into the roots; absorbed by roots, it concentrated to a high level. It also ascended the stem in medium amount, and there was light but thorough labeling of the leaves. There was no evi- dence of redistribution via the phloem. ATRAZINE " Bean leaves absorb this com- pound and it moves freely in the apoplast but not at all in the symplast. Barley leaves show only apoplastic movement of atrazine* from the region of application to the tips, with no syrnplas- tic movement. Roots of bean absorb atrazine* and transport it to the top of the plant via xylem. Roots of barley absorb and transport this compound in the same way. There is no evidence of retransport via phloem. BARBAN" This compound shows strong apo- plastic movement in the bean leaf, no syrnplastic movement, and no redistribu- tion. Barley leaves absorb and translocate barban* in the apoplast, but only slightly in symplast. 74 Fig. VIII, 3- Plants and autoradiography of bean treated for 1 day with (left to right) P32, Zn°5, and Ca^5. p32 anc j Zn°5 show symplastic move- ment only; Ca^5 shows apoplastic movement only. Bean roots absorb barban* in large amounts, but move it to the tops in small quantities only. Barley roots absorb fair quantities of barban*, but transport only a small amount. DACTHAL" Bean leaves show little tendency to move this chemical via either symplast or apoplast; it is present in stem and roots in traces only. Dacthal* is also only slightly mobile in barley leaves and is present in roots in traces only. Roots of bean accumulate Dacthal" to high concentration, but move very little beyond the hypocotyl. Roots of barley neither absorb nor translocate Dacthal* in large quantity. DALAPON" Bean leaves absorb and trans- locate dalapon* principally via symplast into the stem, but only traces stay in the roots (fig. VIII, 2, H), Traces in 75 opposite leaves indicate migration from phloem to xylem and retransport via xylem. Barley leaves absorb and move dala- pon* rapidly, but this compound does not accumulate in roots. Bean roots absorb dalapon* only in small quantities; this moves into the stem but reaches the leaves in traces only. Barley roots likewise absorb and move dalapon* in small quantities. 2,4-D" This compound is readily absorbed by bean leaves and distributed throughout the stem via the symplast. There is no movement in the apoplast and no retrans- port. Concentration in the roots is med- ium (fig. VIII, 1, 2, 5). Barley leaves absorb and transport 2,4-D* readily via symplast, not via apoplast. Bean roots absorb 2,4-D* to high con- centration, but move little into the stem and none into the leaves. Barley roots absorb much 2,4-D*, but transport little. 2, *J-DB" This compound is very immobile in bean. It labels the treated spot on the leaf, but scarcely moves beyond this. In barley leaf, 2,H-DB* moves little beyond the treated leaf. 2,4-DB* is strongly absorbed by bean roots, but moves through the stem at very low concentration and labels the leaves very little. Barley roots absorb 2,4-DB* strongly and move a little to the tops. DURASET" This compound penetrates the bean leaf and produces a pattern of apo- plastic movement; only traces arrive in the stem and roots. Barley leaves are heavily labeled near the treated spot, but only a small quantity of Duraset* reaches the roots. Bean roots absorb Duraset*, but fail to move much to foliage. Barley roots absorb Duraset", and appreciable quantities reach the tops in 4 to 16 days. EPTAM :c This compound readily penetrates the bean leaf; it moves acrope tally along the veins (not via the apoplast). Basi- petally, it moves only in traces, possi- bly because of loss in the vapor form. Barley leaves shew high concentra- tion of Eptam* in the treated spots, and little moves to roots. Absorbed by bean roots, Eptam* moves quite readily along the stem and into the leaves. There is no redistribution. Barley roots absorb only limited quantities of Eptam*; it moves to leaves in small amounts only. ETHYL, ETHYL- N- BUTYL THIOLCARBAMATE" An analogue of Eptam, this compound is, if anything, less mobile in bean; it penet- rates the leaf and moves acropetally in the veins, but moves to stem and roots in traces only. In barley, this compound enters the leaf but scarcely moves beyond the treated spot. This compound is absorbed in quan- tity by roots of bean and moves in fair amounts through the stem and into the leaves. Barley roots accumulate only a small concentration of this compound, and it moves to the leaves in like quantities. MALE I C HYDRAZIDE" This is the most free- ly mobile compound that we have studied. It is absorbed by bean leaves and moves acropetally via the apoplast, basipetally via the symplast and phloem. It is pre- sent throughout stems and leaves and tends to recirculate, as shown by its presence in opposite leaves (figs. VIII, 2, 4). MH* is also very mobile in barley. From the leaves it moves throughout tops and roots of treated plants, showing high concentration in young leaves. Absorbed in medium quantities by bean roots, MH* moves through the stems and appears in leaves in lew quantities. Barley roots absorb medium quanti- ties of MH*, but pass it to the foliage in traces only. MONURON" This compound enters the bean leaf readily and moves acropetally in the apoplast; it seems unable to enter the symplast and hence is missing from the rest of the plant. Monuron* moves in the barley leaf only from the region of application to the tip; no basipetal movement takes place (fig. VI, 3). Monuron* is readily absorbed and translocated by bean roots; with time, it builds up to high concentration throughout the plant. Barley roots also absorb monuron* 76 Fig. VIII, k. Bean plants and autoradiographs after treatments with MH* (left) and dalapon* (right). Treatment time k days. Leaves opposite treated ones show as a result of leakage of tracers from phloem to xylem. Dalapon fails to accumulate in old roots. and transport it to leaves where it ac- cumulates to high levels (fig. VII, 6). PENTACHLOROFH ENOL" Tested in bean onlv, this compound moves along the midrib and side veins from the treated spot toward the leaf tip; it shows no movement toward the main stem. In root application it accumulates to a medium concentration in the contacted roots, moves in only a light trace through the stem and petioles, and does not reach the leaves. N-PROPYL. DI-N-PROPYLTHIOL CARBAMATE" An- other Eptam analogue, this material is similar in distribution to the latter. In bean leaf it is absorbed and moved acropetally in the veins, basipetally its movement takes place only in traces. Barley shows apoplastic movement of this compound in the treated leaf, but it moves to roots in traces only. Bean roots absorb this compound to fairly high concentration but move it to foliage in moderate amounts only. 77 Barley roots absorb and move this compound in small quantities. 3-CH LOROPHENY L- ALPHA PROPIONIC ACID" In bean leaf, this compound is readily ab- sorbed. It moves acropetally in veins, basipetally in the symplast, concentrates in the bud, and reaches the root in med- ium to large quantities. In barley leaf, this compound moves both via the apoplast and the symplast; it goes into the other leaves and reaches the roots in low amounts. Absorbed in medium quantities by bean roots, this compound moves through the stem and into the leaves in traces only. Barley roots absorb only small amounts of this compound and move it in traces. PROPYL, ETHYL- N- BUTYLTHIOL CARBAMATE" This third analogue of Eptam is promising in field trials. Absorbed and moved acro- petally in veins of bean leaf, it is trans- located in small to trace amounts. In barley, this compound moves in the apoplast, but scarcely enters and moves in the symplast. The roots were almost de- void of label. In bean roots this compound is ab- sorbed to high concentration, and it moves in medium amount through stem and leaves. In barley likewise, it is taken up and moved to foliage in medium amounts. SIMAZINE" The bean leaf absorbs simazine* and moves it acropetally in the apoplast; no simazine" enters or moves in the sym- plast. The barley leaf likewise absorbs and moves simazine" via apoplast, but not via symplast. Applied to bean roots, simazine* enters and moves readily throughout the stem and leaves. In barley also, simazine 5 '' enters roots and moves freely to foliage. There is no sign of recirculation, as shown in figure VIII, 1. SODIUM ACETATE- This metabolite is read- ily absorbed by the bean leaf and it moves acropetally in veins, basipetally in the symplast; here, it traverses the stem and reaches the roots in fair quan- tity. It does not transfer to xylem nor appear in the opposite leaf. In barley, sodium acetate" enters and moves freely throughout the foliage and roots, where it may occur in high concentration . This compound is absorbed strongly by bean roots, moves lightly into stems, and fails to reach the leaves. In barley it is strongly absorbed by roots, and reaches the leaves only in traces. SODIUM BENZOATE" This compound enters the bean leaf and traverses the lamina in the veins; it moves to stems in low amounts and reaches roots in low concen- tration. In barley leaves, sodium benzoate* is strongly absorbed. It reaches the other leaves in low concentration, and appears in the roots in medium amounts. In bean roots it is strongly ab- sorbed; it moves in stems in traces, but fails to reach the leaves. In barley it builds to high concen- tration in roots, but reaches the leaves in small quantities only (fig. VII, 5). 2,^,5-T" This compound shows only sym- plastic movement in the bean leaf. It moves in moderate amount in the stems, but reaches the roots in low concentra- tion. In barley, this compound is high in concentration in the treated leaf, but reaches the roots in traces only. In bean roots, 2,4,5-T* enters in medium amount, moves in small amount, and fails to reach the leaves. In barley, 2,4,5-T* is absorbed slowly with time and builds to medium concentration in 16 days; however, it reaches the foliage only in traces from root absorption. 2,4,5-T BUTOXYETHANOL ESTER- This heavy- ester compound of 2,4,5-T" is absorbed slowly. It builds to high concentration in the treated leaf where it moves acro- petally in the leaf veins and basipetally in the symplast. It reaches the stem in medium to high quantities and the roots in medium quantities. In barley it moves both acropetally and basipetally in the treated leaf. It enters the other leaves, particularly the young ones , and reaches the root in small to medium quantities. In bean, the compound enters roots in moderate amount, but moves in the stem in traces only and fails to reach the leaves. 78 VIM, 5 VIII, 6 Fig. VIII, $. Autoradiography of bean plants after 16-day treatments with 2,4-D* (right) and ami t role*'' (left). The amitrole treatment shows redistribution of the tracer from old to young leaves as the plant grows. Fig. VIII, 6. Autoradiography and plant mounts after 16-day treatments with MH* and dalapon*. Redistribution is prominent; leakage is shown by the labeling of the opposite primary leaf. In barley root, absorption is medium; the compound moves to leaves in low to trace amounts. TRICHLOROPROP IONIC ACID" This compound enters the bean leaf readily, translocates acropetally in the veins and basipetally in the symplast. It moves through the stem and into the roots in medium to small quantities . In barley it moves in both direc- tions in the treated leaf, infiltrates the untreated leaves, and moves into roots in medium quantities. In bean roots it builds to high con- centration, but moves in stems in small to trace amounts; it fails to reach leaves in 1 and 4 days, and reaches them in tra- ces only in 16 days. In barley roots it accumulates to medium quantities and moves to tops in small quantities. IND0LE- 3- ACETIC ACID" In barley, IM* enters the leaves more freely than 2,4-D* and moves into roots at low concentration from leaf treatment. Applied to roots it is strongly accumulated and moves into tops in medium concentration. It has no tendency to migrate from phloem to xylem - at least not in a mobile form. Figure VIII, 1, shows the 1- and 16-day results in barley. PHOSPHORUS P32 enters the leaf rapidly, moves symplastically through petiole, epi- cotyl and hypocotyl, and concentrates in the terminal bud and in root tips (figs. VII, 7; VIII, 3). CALCIUM Ca45 enters the leaf in large amounts and moves strongly in the apo- plast; it moves scarcely at all in the symplast. It does not reach the petiole or stem, and it stays in the same location for 16 days or more (figs. VII, 7; VIII, 3). ZINC Zn65 enters the leaf rapidly, does not move in the apoplast, moves about like p32 i n the symplast, and accumulates in the terminal bud and root tips (figs. VIII, 3, 7). It retrans locates freely, moving into young leaves as they grow; in the stem it attains highest concentra- 79 c -~* CO • — « Q- E •^ C 4-> ID V L. CD O (4- C •- u 10 <*_ l- M- o> u U 0> fl> Q- l_ l/l ^ 1- *■» M TJ O *— i V C r-i ^- >— i 0) V => XI U h- ■D (/I 0) C Ol I- ro 0> L. 4J 0) •M > (S (D a. V C L. O (/> (D 4-> O — O 3 — i/> Iff 0) C £g (0 — ' l_ 'A l p 3 8" P O P 613 p p CO .o w p a) p (A "3 HJ •5! ! 3 •AS + +. + fc fc ^ + H + ~ ~ + + ~ ~ ,> + 0+ + + + + PPO+ + + + + P + o + o + + ooo O O I I I + O -f + + U ++ + f_ + £. + u u u u u + + + + + P+ + + + \ + + ±>+£>+ + ±>pppp\ I I o I + o + + + + + +• + fci -f k + u u u u u + + + + + + + + + I++P+P++PPPPPI I I + + + ■¥ •¥ ++ + + + + •♦■ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -♦■ + + + + + + + ■•■ + + + + + I I I P++ 0+ OOPP+ OPPP++ OPP+PO+ + + + + o+ + U + + u ~ ~ t* •*■ + ~^^F< + ..*-. f< + k _ P+ + P+ OOP++ O P P P I + OPP+PO + + + + „ + + + + + o + + + + + P+ OOP++ O+PP I ♦ OOP+-PO+ + + + + O + + p S3 rH CO 0. i U + {-> + ^ k + + k £■•++■ k + k ++ ^ + P+ + P+ OOP++ OPOP++ OOP+PO+ + + + + o + I + + + + ♦ o + oo++ o + oo++ o+ + + o++ o+ OOOO++ oo + + F* + + H + + + ~ + ~ + ~ h> + + 0+ 0+ + P+ + + O+ + +OOP+ + + o++ o+ + + OP oSSe cm cm a W CM J CM H O CV.N o c II I M o 03 rH XI II (0 >» nj (4 bo +j X! bo T3 •h •H rH O TO II U + •H c • * o a> ■H o o. aj o c U b 10 *-> 1 -H X) m (0 u x: n> • ii a. > rH O H u (0 «H C p 1 C o •• o a. c (0 rH COO) 4» U 6 o I roph orop re at m 0) > OH P 0) 0) rH x: o Mh rH x: o uh +-• 4-i u o-h m >> 0) O o (13 m i u v CO H J ■t— • "r tig of radioactive 2,4-D having a speci- fic activity of 1.2!+ mc per mmole with a treatment time of 2 hours. This test proved that 5 ;ug or more of this formula- tion was required to produce a satisfac- tory autograph. This amount is 0.028 juc, a quantity just sufficiently radioactive to provide labeling of a bean or barley plant of a size to fit a 10 x 12-inch X-ray film. We now use 0.10 jac as a standard dosage for survey work with new chemicals . A comprehensive time series was next conducted, using an arithmetical series from 1/4 to 144 hours (Crafts, 1956a). Because of the killing and drying methods used, autographs showed the artifact of xylem movement (Crafts, 1956a, figs. 10 through 14). By correlating stem bending with tracer distribution they did prove however that approximately 3 hours were required for absorption and movement into roots from the primary leaf of bean; about 6 hours were required for transport into apical buds. Since these early tests, many experi- ments have included a series of exposure times so that a clear picture of the time relations of tracer uptake could be ob- tained. The tests described in this chap- ter include 1-, 4-, and 16-day treatment times designed to provide evidence on initial uptake and rapid distribution (1 day), continued uptake and distribution (4 days), and pattern of redistribution in time (16 days). Figure IX, 1, shows a time series involving MH* treatments on barley leaves for periods of 3, 9, and 27 hours. Placed on leaf 2 of these plants, MH* moved into roots quite rapidly but into tops more slowly. The droplets of formulated MH*, containing 0.05 uc per treatment in 50 per cent ethyl alcohol and 0.1 per cent Tween 20, dried in about 30 minutes; move- ment into the leaf and around the plant continued for hours. Drying of the drop- lets evidently does not stop the uptake of applied molecules, and their ultimate destination depends upon their mobility through the living symplast. These tests prove that tracers formu- lated with surfactant may continue to move through cuticle and into living leaves for days after application. This is par- ticularly well illustrated in figure IX, 2, which shows zebrina treated with 1.0 mc per leaf for 1 and 20 days. Applica- tions were made to the upper surfaces of hypostomatous leaves, and the slow con- tinued uptake of 2,4-D* proves that these molecules may traverse the cuticle and move through leaf, stem, and roots for prolonged periods, providing they are formulated so as to contact the leaf sur- face from a liquid film. THE EFFECTS OF DOSAGE UPON TRANSLOCATION Early plot work with 2,4-D indicated that there was a dosage optimum with this herbicide when used as a systemic toxicant on perennial weeds. When our autoradio- graphic studies proved that 2,4-D*, and other systemic herbicides, move through the plant in the assimilate stream with food materials, it was postulated that high dosage, resulting in rapid-contact injury, might knock out the phloem- 82 \ / j I / . • Fig IX, 1. Transport of MH* in barley 2. Dosage was 0.05 Aic; specific activity utions were dry after 30 minutes. transport system and hence prevent sys- temic distribution. In order to check this hypothesis, a dosage-series experi- ment was designed to explore a range of dosages covering all normal application rates for seven herbicides. The dosage series used was 0.02 Jumole, 0.05 jumole, 0.1/jmole, 0.2 AJmole, 0.U jumole and 0.8 jumole per application applied to one primary leaf of bean. The same amount of chemical dissolved in 100 ml of culture solution was used to treat root systems of individual culture solu- tion plants. The results of this experi- ment were interpreted as follows. 2,^-D ; : All dosages caused stunting and deformation of the plants. The labeling in the hypocotyls increased from 0.02 jumole through . 1 /jmole and then de- after 3, 9> and 27 hours; treatment on leaf 0.5 mc per mmole. Droplets of treating sol- creased. It was assumed then that dosage of 2,^-D on bean should not exceed this amount for optimum results. The root treatment showed a regular increase in concentration with dosage, and a consis- tent reduction in size of the trifoliate leaves that developed during the treat- ment. Swollen tips of treated roots had high labeling; there was little accumu- lation in the hypocotyls. Subsequent treatments at 10 jumole per 20 ml culture solution per plant resulted in increasing transport from roots to tops (figs. VII, 3, U). This last dosage is roughly equi- valent to the actual absorption of around 2 pounds of 2,4-D acid per acre of bean plants - a dosage which would be used only to control a perennial weed by soil application. It is considerably above the dosage range used in pre-emergence applications for controlling seedlings of annual weeds. 83 3 W«« X I JO itSR.™ IB Ik O* if^ 3.1.1 s^f-M n Jo» l-Cyu ^( ►*"*•. Fig. IX, 2. Translocation of 2,4-D* in ze (right). Tracer from this formulation in 50 apparently continued to move into the plants leaves. DALAPON" This compound showed a consis- tent movement from treated leaf to bud and expanding trifoliate leaf, increasing with increasing dosage. No optimum was observed. Dalapon* moved through the roots into hypocotyls and terminal buds to high levels. Concentration was high in root tips, but only medium in older roots. MONURON" This compound showed strong apo- plastic movement in bean leaves, the in- tensity of labeling increasing with dosage, brina after 1 day (left) and after 20 days per cent alcohol and 0.1 per cent Tween 20 long after drying of treatment solution on There was no symplastic movement into the stem and roots; a slight trace appeared in trifoliate leaves and buds at dosages of 0.4 and 0.8 umole. Monuron* enters roots and moves in the transpiration stream very readily. At 0.02, 0.05 and 0.1 AJmole dosages, the primary leaves showed more labeling than the trifoliates; at the higher dosage rates all leaves were black. The shoots were much inhibited through the dosage range of 0.2 to 0.8 pmole, follow- ing the series in intensity. Concentra- tions in roots were medium to high through 84 the series; in hypocotyls, lew to high. Figure IX, 3, shows the results of this treatment for 1 day; figure IX, 4, shows the 4-day results. AMITROLE" Both symplastic and apoplastic movement occurred in bean with amitrole*. Concentrations were high in buds at all dosage levels; there was no growth inhi- bition. Concentrations were high in root tips at all levels; opposite primary leaves had light labeling at dosages of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 wmole. Amitrole* applied to roots showed a graded series of concentrations with dosage ranging from medium to high; in hypocotyls, the range was from low to high There was no inhibition of shoot growth, and buds showed accumulation to higher levels than subtending internodes. 2,4,5-T" This compound had little tenden- cy to move in the apoplast, and its sym- plastic movement was less than that of 2,4-D*. Inhibition of buds and trifoliate leaf growth followed the dosage level, as did tracer concentration in the buds. As with 2,4-D*, the level of tracer in roots from leaf treatment was low, and was inde- pendent of dosage; hypocotylar concentra- tions followed the series, but were not high at any level. In root uptake, 2,4,5-T* concentra- tions in roots and amounts translocated to tops follow the dosage series. Move- ment up the hypocotyl increased with dosage and both primary leaves carried the label at 0.8 /umole dosage. MALEIC HYDRAZIPE* This compound is very mobile in plants, and distribution patterns in leaves are both apoplastic and symplastic. MH* concentrates in the young leaves and buds and varies from light to Fig. IX, 3. Autoradiography showing results of treating bean plants with a dosage series of monuron for 1 day. Dosages, left top to right bottom, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.8 umole; there is increased uptake with increased dosage. 85 Fig. IX, 4. Autoradiography showing results of treatments as in fig. IX, 3, but left for k days. The higher dosages inhibited growth from the second day until the fourth. medium in the hypocotyls. MH* was present in the roots from light to medium through the dosage series and some reached the opposite leaves, indicating transfer from phloem to xylem. MH* enters roots and moves upward in the transpiration stream. Concentration in the primary leaves increased through the dosage series, being higher in the young leaves and buds than in stem and primary leaves. This indi- cates symplastic movement from the pri- mary leaves after arrival in the transpi- ration stream. In conclusion, only 2,4-D showed an optimum dosage; 2,4,5-T penetration limits the amount of this chemical that enters the symplast. Monuron does not enter the symplast. Amitrole penetrates slowly and translocates fast and apparently does not build up to a toxic concentration. The same relation may explain the lack of an optimum for dalapon and MH. Solubility, penetration rate, speed of transport, in- herent toxicity, and accumulation in the symplast all enter into this problem. Within the range of dosages and the series of compounds used, 2,4-D seems to be the only herbicide that causes acute injury to the transoprt system. . 86 Chapter X. Interaction of Herbicidal Molecules SYNERGISM, ANTAGONISM, INTERACTION X .he terms "synergism" and "antagon- ism" are often used in reports and dis- cussions of herbicidal action. These terms, while convenient, have little basic meaning in terms of chemical mech- anism; we choose to use the term "inter- action" to express both concepts, and we realize the need to study such responses by chemical and physiological means. In studies on large zebrina plants growing with their roots spread on filter paper saturated with culture solution (fig. II, 2), it was shown that amitrole* moved throughout the stem and root system and accumulated in root tips in a 4-day treatment period (fig. X, 1). Labeled sucrose formed from the Cl402 from urea* showed a similar distribution (fig. X, 2). On the other hand, labeled 2,4-D moved into the upper portion of the root system but did not reach the lower growing re- gions (fig. X, 3). The question natural- ly arises as to whether this failure to move is the result of accumulation of 2,4-D* along the route of transport, or whether it is caused by some physiologi- cal effect on the phloem. To answer this question 2,4-D* was applied to similar zebrina plants, and 4 days later amitrole* was applied to some plants, while urea* was applied to others. In all cases the autographs produced were similar to the original 2,4-D* autographs: they showed little or no tracer in the root tips (fig. X, 4). This indicated that 2,4-D* was having an effect on the phloem and was inhibiting distribution of the ami- trole* and the sucrose* from urea*. EFFECT OF 2,4-D ON PHLOEM Because application of 2,4-D before application of amitrole* inhibited distri- bution of the latter in zebrina, it was decided to explore the dosages and pre- treatment times that effectively block the phloem. Three experiments were con- ducted: one in which 2,4-D and amitrole* were applied to one primary leaf of bean, one in which 2,4-D was applied to one pri- mary leaf and amitrole* applied to the opposite leaf, and one in which 2,4-D was applied to roots and amitrole* to one pri- mary leaf. Dosage was varied through the series - 1/100 jumole, 1/10 Aimole and 1 yumole. Each experiment in which leaf application was made involved application of both chemicals at the same time, appli- cation of 2,4-D 24 hours before the ami- trole* and application of 2,4-D 48 hours before the amitrole*. The most obvious response followed application of amitrole* 48 hours after the 1.0 umole dosage of 2,4-D. In this case the amitrole* was limited to the bud, primary leaves, and epicotyl; none reached the hypocotyl and roots (fig. X, 5). The 1-day interval at 1.0 umole dos- age showed a slightly lower transport of amitrole* to the roots; all other dosages and time intervals showed no effect. In- hibition was greater where both applica- tions were made to the same leaf, and the there were no differences where roots were treated. This experiment suggests that only when dosage is high, and only when an appreciable time interval is left between application of 2,4-D and application of a second tracer, is there inhibition of phloem transport of the second tracer. These tests also prove that 2,4-D will inhibit translocation of a separate tracer 87 ;vt ATA. 3*-*n */•• ' °*°* LS 4D * , ' , • P»i»"-t>«'W- •»....*» TAP wtTta (Ut-TlMl. ONI MONTH. Fig. X, 1. Translocation of ami trol e* in zebrina over a 4-day treatment time. The tracer has undergone a thorough distribution by symplastic movement (for method of cul- ture see fig. II, 2). 88 ( f LXVI U««*. 25.1 T*m wAtu em-Timt, ow nttmt. Fig. X, 2. Translocation of C as sucrose- derived from urea-' in zebrina over a 4-day period. All active sinks are labeled including root hairs (see fig III, 2). 89 applied after the 2,4-D has had time to act. Presumably not only the movement of a second tracer, but movement of the 2,4-D and of foods and all other consti- tuents of the assimilate stream is blocked. This may well be a key to the toxic action of 2,4-D on whole plants. Eames (1949, 1950) found that 2,4-D caused phloem collapse in nutsedge and bean, and Muni (1959) showed that 2,4-D applied in lethal concentration to both susceptible and resistant species of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants caused tissue proliferation, formation of galls and adventitious roots, and crushing of the phloem. Continued action also resulted in plugging of the xylem and complete disorganization of the vas- cular tissues. In the zebrina plants, stoppage of transport occurred in the more mature vascular tissues of the stem and older roots. This is a somewhat different case than those studied by Muni, as the action of 2,4-D here is more subtle. The re- searcher may well ask if there is a key to this puzzle in the known physiology of phloem. Anatomical (Esau, 1953) and physio- logical (Crafts, 19612?) work on phloem indicates that the sieve tubes (the spe- cialized conduits through which rapid transport takes place) are highly spe- cialized elements (Esau and Cheadle, 1961). Starting much like normal young parenchyma cells, they soon go through a series of characteristic and unique devel- opmental changes and become longitudinally permeable conduits through which assimi- lates apparently move in a stream. This highly permeable functional period may last for only a short time in the case of protophloem sieve tubes, longer in the case of metaphloem elements, and even longer for secondary sieve tubes - possi- bly through a single, or, in a few cases, two annual functioning cycles. Eventual- ly, however, every sieve tube enters a period of reduced functional activity, dies, and becomes obliterated, that is, crushed, or at least nonfunctional. This period of senescence may start after a few days, a few weeks, or many months of functioning, and it represents the final stage of maturation. Usually, senescence of sieve tubes is characterized by callosing of the sieve plates, increased thickening, and constriction of the sieve- plate protoplasmic connections. Recent studies with the electron microscope indicate the possibility, long questioned by plant physiologists (Crafts, 196 Lb), that the protoplasmic connections of sieve plates actually constitute intervacuolar tubules (Esau and Cheadle, 1961). If this proves true for many species, the accretion of callose in the form of cylinders around these sieve-plate connections may very well constitute the mechanism by which sieve tubes are grad- ually closed off as they become oblitera- ted. And when subject to injury by cut- ting of the phloem, by virus invasion, or by use of heat or inhibitors, this con- striction of the sieve-plate connections may be the means by which phloem exuda- tion is rapidly checked and by which translocation is hindered and stopped. J. L. Key (1962) found that high inhibitory concentrations of 2,4-D de- crease the ascorbate activity of cells and cause a shift in the oxidation state, and that low stimulatory concentrations cause increase in ascorbate activity and an opposite shift in the oxidation state (chart X, 1; Crafts, 1963). It is pos- sible that this shift in the oxidation- reduction state of the phloem tissues may trigger the reaction that results in a hastening of sieve-tube maturation and obliteration. This would explain both the subtle decrease in transport capa- city brought about by intermediate con- centrations of 2,4-D in phloem, and the more obvious tissue proliferation that causes crushing and death in the younger roots brought about by high amounts of 2,4-D. Again, it becomes evident why the exact physiological state of a plant is so important in determining the extent of damage that results from 2,4-D treatment - and the capacity of shoot buds from roots and rhizomes for vegetative reproduction takes on added significance with respect to the individual susceptibility of weed species. 2,4-D PRETREATMENT AND INHIBITION OF AMITROLE-Cl^ TRANSLOCATION In our autoradiographic translocation studies, 2,4-D always lagged behind ami- trole in extent or distance of distribu- 90 ►■ oj *_j^r-« y LXVI 2,4-6. li.i^ I,* idiwp LS *0*Y3. Fmm- ZESRINA. TAP WATE" CULTUMK, ON* mowtm. Fig. X, 3. Restricted distribution of 2,4-D* in zebrina in k days. Many roots are unlabeled, and some are labeled in their more mature regions; root tips and root hairs are free of C^. 91 i i LXVl *.*-». IU M **« iPm* LS *8*v«. Fig. X, k. Restricted distribution of amitrole* applied k days after a 2,4-D* application. Some roots are unlabeled and labeling is weak in some; root hairs lack Oh. 92 - JL * ' Fig. X, 5. Results of 2,4-D application on translocation of amitrole*. Left, 2,4-D applied 2 days before the amitrole-; center, 1 day before; and right, 2,4-D and ami trole'-' applied simultaneously. tion, regardless of plant species. Later- al movement and absorption by the tissues surrounding the vascular tissue were thought to be the cause. To investigate this, it was decided to pretreat with 2,4-D and to compare 24- hour distribution patterns of amitrole- Cl^ as affected by these pretreatments . Dosages of 1/100, 1/10 and 1.0 micromole of 2,4-D acid at 2210 ppm (1/100 micro- mole per microliter) in 50 per cent ethan- olic solution were used for pretreatments of 0, 1, and 2 days on a primary bean leaf or through the culture solution of 100 ml in pint jars. One-tenth per cent of Tween 20 was incorporated in 2,H-D and ami trole* solutions, and 27 bean plants in primary leaf stage were used. The lowest dosage applied to the leaf in no way affected the distribution of ami trole* of 1-day treatment time. With higher dosage the simultaneous application of 2,4-D with ami trole*, whether to the same or the opposite leaves, resulted in a distribution essentially unaltered because of 2,4-D. But with 1- and 2-day pretreatments with 2,4-D on one leaf, and with amitrole-Cl 1 * treatment on the same or the other leaf, this distribution pat- tern showed much less movement to the major sinks, the root tips and the stem, tip. Also, the stem traced much darker than in the case of amitrole translocation alone because the amitrole* penetrated the cortex and epidermis; seemingly, the total amount of amitrole-Cl 4 translocated was not much altered by 2,4-D pre treatment of either of the paired leaves, although the distribution pattern was altered (fig. X, 5). 93 CU > o o < 2C bO 2 -h c CU «H • 4-> TJ < O (0 ^ U V O > P. -H 4-» TJ Sh i 8 bO C P." CO U 0) CO TJ > -i •H O 4-» rd 4h Pi O CU 4n x: •H -P O O P. P. O O h TJ a co rd cu 3 e co at co 0. 60 CO +-> c*h CO O CO •H c 4-> o •H P. +J rd CX-H 3 3 u O CO CO •H (fl Q > +i <3 " CO Cl, £ *-» PL, O bO C o • Pl- +-» a) a> > •H 4-> rd S P. o co o a) ClH cu ■»*- a> 4-> > H-> C o O rd o H CU Dh « a i J- CNJ o +-> •(- 4- +J 03 O -C < o 4- o cu TJ o TJ •• c co < rd C < •H 2 CO 0) x: x: cu a V MP •• G "H O < >,x: Pi z CO w CX OS t»H O o •H TJ CU >> <3 •M (TJ E N +J CO G co CO rd TJ cu cu r-l cu •H •h ex o TJ +J rd o . -»- c CU -H O 4-> ^rd Pi > •H >> x: CU «H co o c 4-» +J >> w H O x: <+n < f0 a. o c o •H rd O Pi +J a) G -H CU Ol O -M C CO o O G O C -H •H -M a CU 3 CO TJ rd cu CU U U CJ TJ C G ►H (0 CU G O •H x: ■M -* 3 Pi -H H 3H bO Uh CU -H O • 3 TJ CO TJ •H CU O G O fO »H 3 CU TJ O •*-» CU O Pi Pi a 2 O TJ O wee X) P. o CU C •M «H nj x: cu O. CO *-s CO ffl G O CU o x: f< «h a o +j o c o G -H 3 O •— ' TJ TJ E O CU >» u O cu a) ex c CO 3 ro o x: x x: X +-» 2 G CU rd CU W x: o.e- CU +J +J M-» (X ^ H 4J >H -H rd XJ 3OrdC0>XlCU-t-' £h G O -H »H »H H ;$ co -h £4 -h x: O QOrdgrd-HObO G CO H CU M-< TJ cu O •H w CU -M rrj >» G O > O rd CU •h »h x: H S £ E > ex cu (X cu >>-h <-• O cu 4-» N -M TJ rd 4-» H G O C -M >^ < CU fd rd co O I cu Ch M C G O •rH O •H CJ TJ •H CO •H +-» Q) rd X rd (O TJ rd Mh •H cu O CU X £ Pi O C O cu O E c TJ •H N*/ •H TJ •M rd a> C U TJ to -z_i l9 tt- , ->oz UJ < Vt O Z Q -> UJ<0u<333UJOOuj< u..s,< ; a.->.-».<,cp,o.z,Q,-». u 2 UJ > o 2 -I < Z a 3 © Z o -I u. o to UJ ■ VERY INTENSE RADIOACTIVITY £53 MEDIUM INTENSITY HD LIGHT INTENSITY * IMAGE AT BARK SURFACE E3 PERIOD OF GROWTH FLUSH O TREATED SPOT 107 simmer when leaves have fully expanded and are mature enough to absorb actively yet are not too heavily cutinized. Weather conditions should be favorable, with mod- erate temperatures and adequate humidity. In seasons of low rainfall such periods may last a few weeks or only a few days; in extremely dry periods there may be no such time and chemicals will be ineffec- tive, as was shown by the failure of chem- ical treatment of mesquite in Texas and parts of Arizona during a succession of dry years. Continued spray programs on many spe- cies have proved that, in contrast to blue oak, arroyo willow - which thrives only in moist habitats - may be treated suc- cessfully from the time leaves expand in spring until late autumn. Several ever- green species may be treated in late win- ter or early spring while the previous season's leaves are still green and ac- tive, and at a time when soil moisture is amply available. Toyon and wedge- leaf ceanothus are two such species With the introduction of amitrole, translocation studies soon proved this herbicide to be highly mobile in plants. Because its mode of action does not nec- essarily involve growing tissues it may be used as a translocated chemical during summer, when soil moisture may be rela- tively unavailable. Under conditions common in the American West, this consid- erably extends the period when woody plants may be controlled. COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON TRACER UPTAKE AND TRANSPORT IN WOODY PLANTS With the demonstration that differ- ent labeled tracers show different and characteristic behaviors in plants (pages 71 to 81) , it became apparent that an ex- tension of these studies of woody plants should open new paths to control of these weeds (Yamaguchi and Crafts, 1959). Ac- cordingly, studies were set up to examine comparatively the uptake and distribution of 2,4-D*, 2,4,5-T*, amitrole*, maleic hydrazide*, monuron*, and urea*. Table XII, 1, shows the molecular weights and concentration of treatment solutions of chemicals used in these comparative studies. Three tree species were used - manza- Table XII, 1 Molecular Weights and Concentrations Of Chemicals Used in Treating Woody Plants Chemical MW Concentration, ppm 2,4-D 221.0 2,500 2,4,5-T 255.5 2,890 Amitrole 84.5 956 MH 112.0 1,267 Urea 60.0 679 Monuron 198.0 2,240 nita, toyon, and buckeye (Aesculus eali- fornica)\ the first two are evergreens, while buckeye is a deciduous species blossoming in early summer. Applications were to the active phloem of the trunk after removal of the outer bark (fig. II, 9). The autographed materials consisted of rings of bark and strips of wood taken in the region of treatment (fig. XII, 2), sections of stem (fig. XII, 1), and shoots. Experiments were carried on for 1 year. Figure XII, 3, shows a graph of the combined results of the whole test on toyon. In this study, 2,4-D* and 2,4,5-T* moved downward in March, April, and May in buckeye; in March, April, May and June in manzanita, and June through August in toyon. In March and April the movement was mostly or entirely downward in manza- nita and buckeye. From May until midsum- mer the downward movement gradually low- ered and upward movement became prominent, especially in manzanita and buckeye. In late summer, fall and winter, movement in these two species came to a standstill, probably because of water stress. Season- al trends were similar in toyon, except that some upward movement occurred throughout the year. Toyon, unlike man- zanita and buckeye, grew at the bottom of a canyon where water was available and root growth could have continued through- out the summer months and into the fall. Amitrole* movement downward was gener- ally less than that of the phenoxyacetic acids, and was somewhat inconsistent. 108 Movement was most extensive in manzanita and continued from January to July; down- ward movement during these months was equal to, or less than, upward movement - from August through December movement was predominantly upward. In toy on, downward movement of ami- trole* was less than that of the phenoxy compounds and occurred mostly from Feb- ruary to April. In buckeye, movement was also restricted and took place mainly in June. Amitrole* had a strong tendency to fix in the xylem tissues and movement was only in the upward direction; this was true of all three species. Maleic hydrazide* and urea* had simi- lar distribution patterns. They moved downward 12 inches or more in manzanita during January and February and again in May; upward movement was even more erratic. MH* and urea* are both highly water sol- uble; the treated spots in many cases were low in radiation intensity; probably these compounds diffused readily along the apo- plast and were flushed up the xylem in low concentration in the transpiration stream. This indicates, in contrast to 2,4-D*, 2,4,5-T* and amitrole*, a very low tissue- retention and relatively free mobility. In toyon and buckeye, MH* and urea* were almost completely carried away. In the January treatment of toyon, light images of radiation from MH* and urea* were found at the outer surface of the bark up to 6 inches or more above the treated spots. Transpiration was low at this time, and apparently tracers were carried laterally from the vascular chan- nels across phloem and cortex and depos- ited at the surface where water loss by evaporation was occurring. Later, when transpiration increased, tracers were probably dissipated over so much area that they could not be detected by the autora- diographic method. Evidently, free mobi- lity of a tracer in such tissues is an indication of lack of retention by living cells. Monuron* showed essentially no down- ward movement in these tree trunks. Up- ward movement was moderate in toyon, less in buckeye, and almost lacking in manza- nita; even the treated spots were faint. This compound apparently moved with great freedom in the apoplast and was largely carried away to the tops of the trees in the transpiration stream; it did not en- ter the phloem and move in a downward direction. Following the studies on tracer movement in tree trunks, an experiment was set up using toyon and manzanita seedlings (Yamaguchi and Crafts, 1959). Here, chem- icals were confined to single small plants so that the distribution of each could be determined. Applications were made to stems in two ways: by making a small cup of aluminum foil around the stem and fill- ing it with treatment solution, and by cutting away the outer bark (as had been done in the previous study) and treating by means of an aluminum foil cup which surrounded the bared area (fig. II, 9, right). The cups were sealed in place with lanolin and 60 microliters of treat- ment solution were used in each treatment. Autographs of these plants show the distribution obtained by this method (fig. XII, 4, 5). The autographs also showed one consistent difference between the treatment on old tree trunks and on young seedlings: a predominance of up- ward movement in the young plants. The young trees were growing rapidly and they might be compared with the older trees during their spring flush of growth. In both cases 2,4-D* showed movement both upward and downward; in the seedlings, downward movement was much less prominent. Removal of outer bark considerably enhan- ced absorption of the tracers in toyon. LATERAL MOVEMENT OF TRACERS IN WILLOW Knowledge of the relative mobility of different compounds both longitudinally and laterally in woody stems is needed in order to interpret the distribution of pesticides in plants treated via the foli- age and via the roots. To obtain infor- mation on these processes, experiments were performed with willow stems of 3/4- inch diameters. The autographs of the phloem and xylem tissues immediately above and below treated spots show that monuron*, MH*, and amitrole* move princi- pally upward. Although such movement could have occurred only in the xylem, evidence for presence of the tracers is present in both tissues. In the case of 2,4-D* there is evidence for both upward movement in the xylem and downward move- 109 Fig. XII, k. Toyon shoots treated on the stem with 2,4-D* Shoot on the left was treated by applying tracer solution through a cut in the bark; shoot on right was treated by application of tracer to the intact bark. 110 Fig. XII, 5- Toyon shoots treated with monuron". The left-hand shoot was intact, the right-hand shoot was treated through the cut bark. In contrast to leaves in fig. XII, k, the very young leaves here are lighter than the old - an indication of apoplas- tic movement of monuron*. Ill merit in phloem, and both tissues contained the tracer. This confirms the evidence presented by Stout and Hoagland (1939) for rapid lateral movement of tracers across the cambium. When cuts were made across the bark at positions 1 inch apart and treatment was applied between the cuts, all four compounds moved upward; none moved downward. This proves that the tracers penetrated into the xylem and moved in the transpiration stream; because the phloem was blocked by the cut below the treatment no downward movement of 2,4-D* occurred. Autographs were made of stems from which the bark was pried loose over a distance of 4 inches and then pressed back and bound in place with masking tape. The autographs, when compared with those of treatments on stems with intact bark, show- ed that there is almost no difference be- tween movement of monuron* and MH* through stems in which the bark was separated and through intact stems. In the case of ami- trole*, there was labeling in the phloem and xylem and upward movement in xylem only. The results with 2,4-D* are most illuminating. Here, movement took place in the phloem in both directions but was strongest in the downward direction. In the xylem there was little upward move- ment; below the treated spot there was little evidence of tracer in the region where the bark was lifted, and there was a strong labeling below this region. Evidently the downward movement took place in the phloem, but in the regions of in- tact bark lateral movement to the xylem was very rapid. Separation of the bark (phloem) from the xylem evidently injur- ed the symplast so that even though the tissues were bound together again later- al movement was inhibited. This is a complementary picture to the one obtained by Stout and Hoagland (1939) for movement via the xylem. These studies show that movement may take place in three distinct ways: (1) upward in the transpiration stream (aque- ous continuity in the apoplast), (2) down- ward by way of the phloem (specialized channels of the symplast), and (3) later- ally via the cell walls (apoplast) from phloem to xylem and viae versa , and into living parenchyma (accumulation). The more polar compounds bypass the symplast and move via the apoplast and the special- ized xylem conduits; the more lipophilic ones are absorbed and moved in the sym- plast. These studies show clearly the possible relations between the three above modes of transport. It is well to keep in mind that all applications, prac- tical and experimental, are to the apo- plast. Much knowledge of transport phenomena in woody plants has been acquired, and already some of it has been applied to field practice. Meanwhile there is much room for more studies and for amplifica- tion of our knowledge of tree physiology through autoradiography. Already, hun- dreds and thousands of acres are sprayed in various tree- farming and range-manage- ment operations, and in the future millions of acres will be sprayed annually. Thanks to such practices, utilization of our for- est and range lands will be greatly im- proved. 112 Chapter XIII. Translocation in Grasses and Coffee Plants TRANSLOCATION STUDIES ON GRASS SPECIES B< because some grass species are high- ly important crops, and because some are obnoxious weeds, studies on certain of them were initiated early in our program. Our earlier studies were designed to elucidate the mode of action of certain herbicides. For example it has been shown that 2,4-D* moved about as readily in barley as in bean and hence that the se- lectivity of 2,4-D was not directly rela- ted to the uptake and transport of this compound (figs. VI, 2, 3; VIII, 1, 2). These studies proved, furthermore, that amitrole* moves more readily than 2,4-D* in barley, and that MH* moves very freely and actually migrates from phloem to xylem and hence may circulate. Monuron*, on the other hand, does not enter and move in the phloem (fig. VI, 3). Barley was used in these experiments as an ex- ample of a monocotyledonous species - one that has scattered vascular bundles and a unique nodal anatomy as contrasted with dicotyledonous species. Peterson (1958) applied droplets of 2,4-D* solution to all of the main leaves of barley plants in various stages of growth; a consistent change in the pattern of distribution occurred at about the four- to five- leaf stage, and far less 2,4-D* reached the root system than in treatment at earlier stages. Van der Zweep (1961), studying 2,4-D* movement in barley, also found restricted movement to roots after the three- to four- leaf stage. This restriction was not related to the change from vegetative to reproductive growth of the growing point; it was more probably the result of a shift in the activity of various sinks, those in the roots being superseded by the growing leaves and inflorescences. A more recent study on movement of Cl 1 *- labeled assimilates in wheat is that of Quinlan and Sagar (1962). In the early stages of development of the wheat plant assimilate from leaves on the main shoot was transported throughout the plant but accumulation occurred in meristematic regions. Assimilates produced by leaves of newly-formed tillers were distributed mainly to the meristematic regions of those tillers, although sometimes there was movement into the rest of the plant. In the later stages of development of each tiller the labeled assimilate was restricted to the tiller itself and to any very young tillers attached to it. After emergence of the head, the distri- bution pattern from the youngest and second-youngest leaves changed: movement was predominantly toward the head from the flag leaf and toward the roots from the leaf below the flag leaf. Quinlan and Sagar found little evi- dence for a block in the movement of as- similate from top to roots in the wheat plant. Crafts (1959&) found free move- ment of amitrole* from leaves to roots in barley, some restriction on the part of IAA*, and almost no movement of 2,4-D*; he concluded that the block was physio- logical, and that it was related to the avidity with which meristematic cells accumulated the latter two tracers. Quinlan and Sagar also found evi- dence for movement of labeled compounds from young into older leaves. While con- centrations were low, evidence for their presence is certainly definite (Quinlan and Sagar, 1962, plates 20a, b, d) . They attempted to increase and decrease transpiration rate and to prove that this 113 is related to xylem movement. While their methods should have changed the rate of water loss, even surrounding the leaf with water will not prevent loss if the leaf is in the light. Similar labeling of old leaves in our experiments has been attri- buted to the movement of degradation pro- ducts of assimilate metabolism in the transpiration stream. Instead of attempt- ing to stop transpiration in order to solve this problem, xylem sap should be analyzed for Cl 1 *- labeled compounds - organic acids, for example. The work described below was on the basic organic nutrition of different grass species as it is related to the growth of forage plants. Compounds labeled with Cl 14 were used and an attempt was made to discover how various plant parts fit into the economy of the plant as a whole. Earlier work with perennial ryegrass (Lo- lium perenne) had shown that the translo- cation of Cl^, introduced into the leaf as Cl 4 02 under photosynthetic conditions, was very rapid and that the isotope moved to all growth-centers of a plant in about an hour (Forde, 1959). A most striking feature of ryegrass is the absence of internodal elongation during the vegeta- tive stage. In the present study it was desired to contrast translocation in rye- grass with that in Bermudagrass (Cynodon daatylon) , which has internode elongation above ground by a nonstorage organ, quack- grass (Agropyron repens) which has inter- node elongation in a storage organ, the rhizome, and corn (Zea mays) which has vertical internodal elongation. (After initial investigation the last species was omitted because when at all mature it was inconvenient for this type of study.) Under controlled conditions (75 de- grees Fahrenheit and 70 per cent relative humidity) a 2 Jul drop of radioactive sol- ution was applied to the lamina of the leaf at a point between 1/2 and 1 centi- meter above the ligule (fig. II, 11). The compounds used were urea*, amitrole* and MH*. Carbon- labeled ammonium thiocyanate was used in one series but unless its name is mentioned, it can be assumed that only the first three compounds were used. Clor (1959) showed that urea" is rapidly split by the urease present in cotton to give ammonia and, under photosynthetic conditions, the products of normal Cl 1 ^ fixation by photosynthesis, the labeled compound translocated being sucrose. Urea* has a number of advantages over C1402 in application, the principal one being that urea* can readily be applied as an aqueous solution. The translocation pattern of the products of urea* breakdown is typical of phloem movement, with little xylem movement. In earlier studies ami- trole* had been found to move with the assimilate stream in the phloem, movement being typically from the point of synthe- sis of photosynthate (the source) to the point of utilization (the sink). Maleic hydrazide* follows this pattern to a con- siderable extent, but also has been shown to move in xylem to a marked degree after leaf application, presumably due to leak- age from the phloem to the xylem. Unless otherwise stated, plants in the translocation studies were grown in sand culture with periodic waterings with normal Hoagland's solution. Treatments lasted from 1 to 96 hours, after which time the plants were carefully harvested and killed with powdered dry ice. The frozen plant material was freeze-dried, mounted on paper, and an autoradiography was then prepared. After observing the translocation pattern in the whole intact plant, experi- ments were conducted in which parts of the plant were either blacked-out completely (using black paper screen) or defoliated. The radioactive solution was always ap- plied to a nonscreened or nondefoliated leaf. The purpose of these experiments was to see whether other sinks could be created by interfering with the production of photosynthate, thus modifying the trans- location pattern. EXTRACTION OF THE PRODUCTS OF UREA" APPLICATION Corn and ryegrass plants were treated with urea* using the methods described by Clor; after some hours (3 and 6 hours for corn; 3, 9, and 27 hours for ryegrass) plants were harvested, the treated spot 2. Work carried out by Bernard Forde and incorporated in a thesis for the partial satisfaction of requirements for the Ph.D. degree, University of California, Davis, California (Forde, 1963). 114 discarded, and the remainder of the plant divided into treated leaf, the rest of the shoot, and the roots. These fractions were homogenized in boiling 80 per cent ethanol and the supernatant, following concentra- tion by evaporating under reduced pressure, was spotted on chromatography paper. Urea* and sucrose* were spotted singly on the same paper and also on top of a spot of extract. The chromatograms were run in butanol-acetic acid/water (4/1/1.5) dried, and autoradiographed. With corn, sucrose was the predominant labeled compound ex- tracted (as evidenced from a comparison of the Rf of the known sucrose and the extract spot) , and urea* was not detected in any of the fractions isolated. With ryegrass it was found that some urea* could be detected in the extract from the treated leaf though it could not be detec- ted in the remainder of the plant, and sucrose was the main compound identified by cochromatography. Extracts from the treated ryegrass leaf were also run in two dimensions using first phenol/water (80/20) and, after drying, butanol/propionic acid/water (62 3/310/437). Following autoradiography the compounds detected in the 3- and 9- hour treatments were compared with the compounds detected from a red kidney bean plant treated with Cl 1 ^. Apart from the presence of urea* in the ryegrass extract, no marked qualitative or quantitative dif- ference could be detected between the urea* fixation pattern and a C1402 fixation pattern. Apparently it is safe to assume that the labeled products of urea* appli- cation translocated from the treated leaf, under photosynthetic conditions, are simi- lar or identical to those from normal photosynthesis . CORN EXPERIMENTS Young plants with about four mature leaves were used and the solution of labeled compound (including Tween 20) was applied as a drop to the youngest mature leaf, or to the next leaf below it. No consistent difference was discernible in the amount of translocation from either leaf. The Cl^ derived from urea* moved into the roots and into the meristematic regions in 3 hours, though in fairly small amounts. This pattern of phloem movement to the active sinks was accentuated after 6 hours and even more so after 24 and 48 hours. Amitrole* showed a similar pattern of movement, but moved more slowly than the compounds derived from urea*. The movement of MH* was somewhat ir- regular, but appeared to be slower than the sucrose* from urea*. There was also some evidence of xylem movement, as shown by the presence of the isotope in mature leaves. PERENNIAL RYEGRASS EXPERIMENTS Plants with about seven mature leaves on the main tiller were treated on the designated leaf with either labeled urea, amitrole, or MH for 3, 6, 12, 24 or 48 hours. The following leaves on different plants were treated at each of the times noted: the youngest mature leaf on the main tiller, the leaf two below the young- est mature leaf on the main tiller, the youngest mature leaf on a large side tiller and the youngest mature leaf on a small side tiller. In addition, one tiller was either shaded or defoliated 24 hours be- fore an unshaded or undefoliated young mature leaf was treated. Movement was rapid, with the first two compounds being largely restricted to the phloem and the third compound moving in both the phloem and the xylem. BERMUDAGRASS EXPERIMENTS Plants raised from cuttings and with the main stolon about 2-1/2 feet long were treated for 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours on one of a number of leaves. The plants were growing vigorously and had many side tillers. The following leaves were treated: the third mature leaf counting from the tip of the main stolon, the fifth mature leaf behind the main stolon tip, and a leaf inserted directly on the main stolon somewhere between at least two rooted nodes. Leaves were also treated on a large side tiller, on a small side tiller which was rooted below its point of attachment to the main stolon, and on a small side tiller not rooted below its point of attachment to the main stolon. Shading and defoliation experiments were made with all three chemicals for 12 and 48 hours following the pretreatment for 24 hours - that is, plant parts were shaded or defoliated 24 hours before treatment. The most striking effect was the 115 strongly polarized movement of compounds towards the growing point of the main stolon. Except where a portion of the stolon itself was meristematic proximal to the treated leaf, there was virtually no movement of C^ back towards the main root system. This effect is illustrated in figure XIII, 1. Where a small tiller on the main stolon was treated, it trans- located material strongly into the main stolon and some activity passed into all tillers progressing towards the stolon «is ti« Fig. XIII, 1. Autoradiography (above) and mounted plants (below) of bermudagrass; treatment with urea*. Plant on left was treated for 12 hours on a mature leaf inserted on the main stolon between two rooted nodes. Center plant had similar treatment on the sixth mature leaf from the tip of a minor stolon. Plant on right was treated for kQ hours on a mature leaf on the main stolon between two rooted nodes. 116 tip. Shading or defoliation for 24 hours before treatment did not appear to affect this pattern but it was found possible to reverse the pattern by shading or defolia- ting for 4 days before treatment with the isotope, with shading continued during period of treatment. Defoliation consis- ted of cutting off the laminae of all mature leaves 4 days before treatment and removing any regrowth 2 days before treat- ment and on the day of treatment. Figure XIII, 2, shows translocation of sucrose Fig. XIII, 2. Autoradiographs and mounted plants of bermudagrass; treatment, urea" for 48 hours. Plant on left had all but the treated stolon darkened for 4 days before and during treatment. Plant on right had all but the treated stolon defoliated 4 and 2 days before treatment, and again at time of treatment. 117 in a shaded and in a defoliated plant. QUACKGRASS EXPERIMENT Plants with well-developed rhizome systems were treated for either 12 or 48 hours with one of the three compounds. Leaves treated were as follows: the youngest mature leaf on the main tiller, the leaf two below the youngest mature leaf on the main tiller, the youngest mat- ure leaf on a medium-sized side shoot. Shading and defoliation treatments were also carried out. Translocation occurred fairly freely within a treated tiller and from a main tiller through a rhizome to a small tiller. However, little or no move- ment occurred in the reverse direction. There was strong movement of the deriva- tives of urea*, and of amitrole* into the young leaves, the roots, and into the actively growing rhizomes. In addition to phloem movement, MH* shewed consider- able movement in the xylem. Shading or defoliation of a single shoot 24 hours before treatment did not appear to greatly alter the pattern of movement. Peterson (1962) has studied the movement of ami- trole* and dalapon* in quackgrass. TRANSLOCATION STUDIES. ON THE INTERCALARY MERISTEM In earlier studies it had been found that when Cl 1 ^ was applied to an immature leaf of perennial ryegrass, the isotope moved strongly to the region of the inter- calary meristem but did not pass across it to the remainder of the plant unless the leaf was almost mature. In view of statements in the literature of this sub- ject about intercalary meristems being a block to translocation, an attempt was made to study movement of photosynthate in this region. A blockage or constric- tion might be caused by a partial or en- tire discontinuity in the phloem, or by metabolic activity in the area using photo- synthate before it has time to pass across the meristem, or by a combination of the two. To investigate anatomical constric- tion or blockage t serial transverse sec- tions were made of paraffin-embedded rye- grass material. Sections were made of the youngest mature leaf, and of all younger leaves, from their insertion into the main stem to a point about 7 mm above the level of insertion. The sections were stained with Shaman's tannic acid/iron alum stain which distinctly shows the phloem. The numbers of active phloem elements in the midrib and the lateral bundles on one side of the leaf were counted; an active phloem element was arbitrarily defined as one in which the blue stain was visible around the entire periphery of the cell, and one in which the cell was not crushed. The results indicate a considerable con- striction of the phloem in the region of the intercalary meristem, and marked de- crease in the numDer of phloem elements as compared with the more distal sections. In one midrib the number of phloem ele- ments decreased from about fourteen cells to three. Some bundles are represented in the meristem by procambium only, while higher up they contain protophloem, and yet smaller bundles are present higher up and absent in the meristematic region. These studies indicate that the re- striction of the phloem conduits in the region of the intercalary meristem may constitute a physical block. However, the dense labeling of this region with Cl4- labeled sucrose (derived from urea*) - in contrast to less intense labeling in more mature regions (fig. VI, 3) - seems to indicate an intense fixation of sugar by the growth processes, and this would slow down the linear rate of translocation. It seems likely that restricted phloem and high meristematic activity may both serve to block translocation in this region. TRANSLOCATION IN COFFEE PLANTS Translocation of a number of tracers in coffee plants has been shown to follow certain specific patterns (Pereira, Crafts and Yamaguchi, 1963). Amitrole* is high- ly phloem-mobile, quite readily moved via the xylem, subject to redistribution in the phloem, and absorbed slowly by roots. Dalapon* is readily phloem mobile, is slowly absorbed by roots, is retained by root tips but not by mature roots, and shows only restricted apoplastic movement in leaves. Maleic hydrazide* is readily trans- located with foods in the phloem, is somewhat restricted in the xylem, and is absorbed and transported to the xylem slowly by roots. MH* tends to leak from phloem to xylem and is readily redistri- buted from old to young leaves via phloem. 2,4-D* is avidly accumulated and retained by living cells, hence its distribution 118 in normal plants may be limited; only un- der optimum conditions of leaf penetration and food movement may it be moved from foliage to roots. 2,4-D* is not readily moved from roots to foliage via the xylem. Monuron* is non-phloem-mobile, but readily xylem mobile. It displays^ strong apop las- tic movement in leaves and moves readily through roots and into tops when applied to roots in the culture medium. The Cl 4 label of urea was readily moved via the phloem in coffee; it was transported from illuminated leaves, pro- bably in the form of sucrose. In shaded leaves, labeled urea moved mainly in the apop last. Calcium 1 ^ was not translocated via the phloem; it was readily absorbed by roots and moved via the xylem. It is accumulated in leaves and immobilized, showing no redistribution. Phosphorus 32 did not penetrate coffee leaves readily, hence its distribution via phloem could not be determined with certainty. Phos- phorus 32 was accumulated by roots and moved only slowly to tops. Zinc^S was less mobile in coffee than in barley and bean; it was less actively absorbed and moved by roots than was monuron. The translocation of pentavalent ar- senic as arsenic acid-As ' was studied in coffee. Leaves at various positions were given 4-day treatments by droplet application. Autographs showed the move- ment of small quantities both acropetally and basipetally from mature leaves. Ac- tive sinks in buds and small growing leaves and in root tips accumulated the tracer; all mature leaves were bypassed. Treatment via the culture solution resul- ted in movement to all mature leaves; most of the As 77 applied to roots was retained in these organs however. General distri- bution of As 77 resembled that of P32 and amitrole*. These studies with coffee reveal in- dividual idiosyncrasies of the different tracers, but also show patterns remark- ably similar to those established in bar- ley, bean, grass species, and zebrina. The repeated observation of the relatively free phloem mobility of amitrole, the re- stricted movement of 2,4-D as related to metabolic accumulation, the free phloem mobility and slow leakage to xylem of MH and dalapon, the lack of symplastic move- ment of monuron and calcium - these and many other characteristic behavior pat- terns have been found in coffee. Grad- ually there is evolving a consistent pic- ture of solute transport in plants indi- cating the existence of a source-to-sink pattern of distribution of foods and tra- cers via phloem in plants, a variable pat- tern of uptake rates by roots, a consis- tent view of root- transport mechanism re- lated to solute species, and a redistri- bution system keyed to the supply of needed nutrients to all living cells. Pesticide molecules foreign to plants fall into the various patterns, and their dis- tributions often provide keys to their local or systemic action. 119 Chapter XIV. Translocation of Some Amino Acids in Two Barley Varieties I, .n studies on the connion barley var- iety Atlas and a mutant Atsel selected from a dalapon- treated population of Atlas, Wijewantha and Stebbins (1964) found that adding arginine to the culture of the mu- tant barley in mineral solution culture shifted the expression of the phenotype of the mutant to almost normal. Since this implies uptake and distribution of the amino acid from the culture medium into the growing organs, it seemed useful to initiate a study using Cl 4 - labeled amino acids by the technique of autoradiography. Studies have been made using trypto- phan in a dosage series involving appli- cations of 0.05 umole, 0.2 umole and 0.8 umole of tryptophan-Cl 4 having a specific activity of 6.64 mc per /umole to both Atlas and Atsel barleys. One set of plants in this 1-day series indicated in- sufficient uptake for satisfactory com- parison; a second set which ran for 4- days proved satisfactory (fig. XIV, la,b) . This preliminary trial showed that trypto- phan was absorbed and translocated via both leaves and roots with about equal \H\ la Fig. XIV, la, lb. Autographs and mounted plants showing distribution of trypto- phan''- in Atlas (left) and Atsel barley (right) treated via the leaves (la) and via the roots (lb). Dosages in each treatment were, left to right, 0.05 pmole, 0.2 ^imole and 0.8 pmole per plant; treatment time was h days. 120 TABLE XIV, 1 Label Locations, Specific Activities and Exposure Times Of Amino Acids Used in Translocation Studies On Atlas and AtseT Barley Acid Label location^ Specific activity mc/mmole Exposure , days DL-arginine quanido 2.2 6.4 Glycine C-2 3.0 4.7 L-histidine uniform 9.3 1.5 DL-lysine C-l 8.95 1.5 DL-phenylalanine C-3 1.3 11.0 DL- tryptophan C-3 6.64 2.1 L-valine C-l 5.73 2.5 DL-valine C-l 6.05 2.3 ' Experimental time periods were 1, 4, and 14 days. Applications were made to leaves and roots. (Cf. chapter 8.) facility; of the various chemicals tested so far, tryptophan most resembles amitrole and is quite different from the phenoxy- acetic acids and the substituted ureas and symmetrical triazines. In application by both methods the resulting images show a good correlation between dosage and amount of tracer absor- bed and translocated. Comparing the images produced by the three dosages it seems that any dosage from 0.05 to 0.2 jumole would prove satisfactory. For the following comparative study with eight amino acids, a dosage of 0.1 umole was chosen. Table XIV, 1, lists the amino acids used and specifies the location of the labels and the specific activities. Treatments involved 0.1 jumole per plant, with exposure times on the films adjusted to give standard images. COMPARATIVE MOVEMENT OF EIGHT AMINO ACIDS IN TWO BARLEY VARIETIES ARGININE Uptake of this amino acid by barley leaves was strong, with rapid phloem movement and light apoplastic movement. GLYCINE Uptake of glycine by barley leaves was strong, with rapid and continued phloem movement into growing leaves and roots. Evidence for continuing distribu- tion in the 4-day plants was positive; in the 14-day plants labeling weakened in the young leaves, probably because of ex- haustion of supply of mobile tracer. In the 14-day plant, concentration was medium in mature roots and high in young roots. Apoplastic movement in the treated leaf was medium in intensity. Root application of glycine resulted in medium movement to tops in Atlas bar- ley, and light movement in Atsel. There was evidence for thorough distribution in the 1- and 4-day treatments; apparently the supply to the roots became exhausted in 14 days. L-HISTIDINE If adjustment of exposure time of the film to specific activity to give a constant image density (see table XIV, 1) is taken as a basis for compari- son, histidine was the amino acid most strongly absorbed by leaves. Movement via phloem to developing leaves and roots was very strong; there were indications 121 of continued distribution in the 1-day and 4-day treatments and of lowering availa- bility in the 14-day plants. The two bar- ley varieties had similar responses. Movement of histidine from roots to tops was of medium intensity, with evi- dence for complete distribution in the 1- and 4-day treatments. Evidently, roots of barley accumulate and hold a large part of the applied dosage within the first 4 days ; there seemed to be little more tra- cer in the tops after 14 days. DL-LYSINE Absorption and movement of ly- sine was second in intensity to histidine, with strong images of all leaves of both barley varieties. Continuous movement is evident in the 1- and 4-day trials; the tracer supply was evidently exhausted by the 14-day time period. Accumulation of translocated lysine in roots was high in the growing regions of the 1- and 4-day plants, and only medium in roots of the 14-day plants. Movement of lysine from roots to tops gave only light labeling; accumulation in roots was high - evidently release from symplast to apoplast was not free in the case of this amino acid. There is evi- dence for secondary movement via phloem in the 1- and 4-day plants. DL-PI-ENYLALANINE This amino acid resem- bles glycine in its distribution in bar- ley; absorption and movement are strong; prolonged movement is evident but not pro- minent; apoplastic movement in the treated leaves varied from medium to strong; availability as shown by the young leaves of the 14-day plants was limited by this time. Accumulation of phenylalanine by bar- ley roots was strong throughout the 14- day period; transport to the tops was medium to light; redistribution was not prominent in the short treatment periods and was lacking in the 14-day plants. The veins of the leaves of the plants treated via roots were prominently la- beled, indicating strong accumulation by phloem and border parenchyma cells. DL-TRYPTOPHAN Phloem movement of trypto- phan from treated leaves to tops and roots of barley was in the medium range; mature roots were lightly labeled; con- 1/ 2° {) 1> 1) jD — TJ *-> -I V CM w- *- L. - -C (0 > Cn=> •— l •»- XU X 01 V <*- — — O L. m i/i si I- c L 2 ■P C t a & xi S •5 6 •H 2 C 8 ■a w CM O 0> ID J" rH CM rH rH rH + + + + + +■ + + + + + + + + + 8 0) rH -q rH O 0) 0) .Q ITJ 4-1 £3 S'S I U •I •H (0 i 0) .5 W J. Q rH J. Q >) > > Q CM o> CO o l£> .3- d- CO rH rH rH CM r-t rH rH rH ♦ 4- + + ♦ H- 4- + + ■r + H- + H- 4- H- + + + 4- H- + 4- ♦ + + + + + 4- + + + + + + + 4- 4- + + + h + + ■► + + +J + + ■M C 8 + ■4- + 4- + T) + + H- + + + + + e ■M I J H- + + + + + + + + + + + + 4- + + H- + *» >> ii i— 1 1 -H 0) W + + + +-> + + + 4- + + + + <. + + + 4- + + + + + + 4- 4- + + + 4- + + + + 4- 4- + + + 4- + + + + + 4- + + + W a 3 5 >> i 4-> 0) I ■3 Ifl > J. I 1 j. s J. > J, a o Q a Q Q u It) T3 10 lb b0 •H O C a) M t, •H <-• w n 10 o ^ ^H ■M a- i^. • • o (0 -H c o o 1 •H ■M >. 10 10 H e o 3 *-> CO >, ^_ , nor in the 0.2 /umole dosage shown in fig- ure XIV, 12?. The avidity with which plant roots absorb, accumulate, and retain various compounds is an important pheno- menon and one of great interest to people engaged in application of pesticides through the soil. 125 Chapter XV. Role of Formulation Additives in Absorption and Translocation of Herbicides L .n the formulation of pesticides, carriers - such as water and oils - may largely determine the type of herbicidal action of a chemical. For example, if dinitro-ortho-cresol is dissolved in oil and applied to vegatation it has a general contact action, but when dissolved in water its sodium salt is highly selective. Surfactants also have important effects on spray action: sulfuric acid, a highly selective spray, may be made more general in its action by addition of Vatsol OT. Since the introduction of 2,4-D and other systemic herbicides it has been ob- served that inclusion of surfactants ap- preciably increases the effectiveness of these materials. Figure XV, 1, shows the penetration of a fluorescent dye into the upper halves of two pear leaves having open stomata when Vatsol OT was included in the solution (upper leaves); where stomata were closed, no penetration took place (lower leaves). Recently, addition of solublizing compounds of a surfactant nature has been found to greatly increase the herbicidal activity of the substituted ureas. Because of these effects the authors made a study of surfactants in an effort to throw some light on the ways in which these compounds may alter the uptake, distribution, and toxic action of herbi- cides. ROLE OF SURFACTANTS IN TRANSLOCATION In many of the early studies on the absorption and translocation of tracer molecules it was observed that inclusion of a surfactant in the treatment solution enhanced the uptake of the tracer (Mitch- ell and Linder, 1950a, b) . Although early thinking about this effect was al- most entirely in terms of increased wet- ting, the concept gradually evolved that in some way penetration of the cuticle was being increased. Studies on the lowering of surface tension of water by surfactants proved that a limiting value was reached around 30 dynes per square centimeter, and that increasing surfactant concentra- tion more than about 0.1 per cent by weight had little further effect on low- ering surface tension. Results of field trials with 2,4-D, dalapon, and other herbicides indicated that concentration Fig. XV, 1. Penetration of fluores- cent dye through the stomata of pear leaves. Dye solution included the surfac- tant Vatsol OT at 0.5 per cent. Upper pair of leaves had open stomata; the low- er pair had closed stomata. Treatment time, 2 minutes; apical halves of leaves immersed . 126 increases to approximately 1.0 per cent gave definite increases in herbicidal ac- tivity, particularly on perennial plants where both penetration and translocation were involved. TWEEN 20 Jansen, Gentner and Shaw (1961) have made a comprehensive study of the effects of surfactants on herbicidal ac- tivity. Working with 63 surfactants, in- cluding cationic, anionic, nonionic, am- pholytic and blended materials, and using these in conjunction with 2,4-0, dalapon, DNBP and amitrole on corn and soybeans , they found three characteristic types of action. Many surfactants caused progres- sive increase of herbicidal activity with logarithmic increases in concentration. Some surfactants caused a progressive su- pression of herbicidal activity with in- crease in concentration; others had no effect. Many surfactants showed marked phytotoxicity at high concentrations, and some were stimulating in the absence of herbicide at low concentration. Surfac- tant effects varied between the two spe- cies of test plants used and there were no obvious correlations between surfactant effects and surfactant structure. Jansen and his colleagues (1961) used Tween 20 (S-145), an anionic surfactant of very low phytotoxicity, as a standard. Webster (1962) has studied the effect of Tween 20 on the entry of 2,4-D into leaves of Kalmia augusti folia. He found that entry rate of 2,4-D into young leaves decreased with an increase in Tween 20 of two- fold to eleven- fold for a given 2,4-D dosage; with a two- fold increase entry of 2,4-D into old leaves was increased. In our early studies with labeled tracers we observed the increased wetting and penetration when 0.1 per cent Tween 20 was incorporated into the formulation of the treatment solution. In order to rule out wetting as a factor in our trans- location studies, we used 1/10 per cent Tween 20 in all of our aqueous and 50 per cent alcohol treatment solutions (Wein- traub et al. t 1950; Brown and Weintraub, 1950; Weintraub et al. t 1952a, b; Wein- traub et al. t 1954). Since we had used Tween 20 in most of our treatment solutions, it seemed ad- visable to study the effects of varying the surfactant concentration on the up- take of certain herbicides. Our first series of experiments used 2,4-D*; the second involved 2,4-D* and amitrole*. The first experiment used 2,4-D* at dosages of 1/10 /jmole, 4/10 jumole, and 8/10 ;umole each, in 20 ul of solution. Tween 20 concentrations were 1/10 per cent and 4.0 per cent. Treatment times were 1 day and 4 days; plants were beans and barley. The only factors resulting in differences were concentration of 2,4-D, and time; intensity of labeling with 2,4-D* increased regularly through the concentration series and formative effects increased with both concentration and time. These responses were more ap- parent on bean than on barley, but the difference in Tween 20 concentration pro- duced no effect visible in the autoradio- graphs of either plant. A second experiment compared 2,4-D* and amitrole* at the same micromolar dos- ages as in the preceding experiment. Treatment time was 4 days; the plant was nasturtium. Again, there were no differ- ences between the Tween 20 concentrations; the usual differences between 2,4-D* and amitrole* were expressed (fig. VIII, 2). Amitrole* was transported both symplas- tically and apoplastically ; 2,4-D* dis- tribution was entirely symplastic. Treat- ment in this experiment was to under- surfaces of leaves where there are numer- ous stomates. 2,4-D* caused the treated nasturtium leaf to turn yellow; amitrole* had no visible effect on the treated leaf within the 4-day treatment period. A third experiment examined the role of Tween 20 on uptake of 2,4-D* and ami- trole* by coleus plants (fig. XI, 3). Forty /ul volumes of 2,4-D* and amitrole* treatment solutions of 0.005M concentra- tion were applied to opposite leaves in the form of about twenty 2-/ul droplets; the whole group of plants was covered by a polyethylene bag to maintain high humi- dity and was left for 4 days. Tween 20 concentrations were 1/10, 1.0 and 4.0 per cent. One leaf in each pair was treated on the upper surface, which was free of stomates, the other was treated on the lower surface where stomates were numer- ous. Again there were no apparent differ- ences between responses to different Tween 127 20 concentrations; with 2,4-D* there were narked differences between applications to upper and lower surfaces, but such dif- ferences were not apparent in the case of amitrole*. It is apparent that with 2,4-D* much more tracer entered through the lower leaf surface, as is shown by the strong labeling of a side shoot above the treated leaf and by similar labeling of the stem on the side of lower surface treatment. Translocation was strictly symplastic when 2,4-D* was used. Amitrole* apparently moved through upper and lower leaf surfaces in about equal quantities; after entry there was considerable apoplastic movement, as in- dicated by the labeling of the untreated portions of the treated leaves and the intermediate-sized untreated leaves above the treated ones. But symplastic movement was also strong, as was accumulation in active sinks; this is apparent in the intense labeling of the young expanding leaves and of the buds at the upper end of and along the stem, and by the labeling of young growing roots. Old roots and stem tissue held an intermediate concen- tration of amitrole* - an indication of a lower accumulative avidity for this com- pound. A test on fair-sized cotton plants, in which Tween 20 was incorporated at con- centrations of 1/10 per cent and 4 per cent into 2,4-D* solutions of 2/10, 4/10, and 8/10 jumole dosages, likewise snowed no observable differences in uptake or movement due to the surfactant. A final test on the possible effect of Tween 20 on 2,4-D* absorption by soy- bean roots from the culture medium showed, if anything, a reduction in absorption be- tween 1/10 per cent and 4 per cent Tween 20 concentration. The 2,4-D* was present at 1.10 jumole in 100 ml of Hoagland's sol- ution. These tests with unlabeled Tween 20 and labeled 2,4-D and amitrole apparently indicate that this surfactant has no role in the uptake and distribution of systemic herbicides. However, a large amount of observational data from the field indi- cates an enhancement of uptake by surfac- tants. Possibly, the growing of the plants in the greenhouse, the single- droplet application within a lanolin ring, or some other part of our experimental procedure was responsible for our nega- tive results. SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE One of the common- est of surfactants is sodium lauryl sul- fate, an anionic surfactant which has long been readily available. When it was fi- nally produced in the S35_iabeled form, we used some in our standard test. Ap- plied to bean leaves at dosages of 1/10 umole, 4/10 pmole and 8/10 jumole of treat- ment solution of 0.01 M concentration, with and without Tween 20 in the formula- tion, it showed no tendency to penetrate (fig. XV, 2, left). In bean, cucumber, and cotton it showed no apoplastic move- ment in the treated leaf; in soybean and barley there was slight apoplastic move- ment in an acropetal direction from the treated spot. Applied to roots via the culture medium at 1/10 jumole, 4/10 wmole and 8/10 jumole per 100 ml of solution, it moved slightly into bean in one day; labeling increased through the above dos- age series. In cucumber and barley it was also moved in 1 day; in cotton and soybean it entered the roots but did not translocate to tops. In 4 days all the above species had faint to heavy labeling of the tops from root treatment (fig. XV, 2, 3, 4). In bean, where dosages were 1/10, 4/10, and 8/10 jumole per 100 ml, labeling increased in proportion to dosage (fig. XV, 2, right). In leaf treatments, incorporation of Tween 20 at 1/10 per cent concentrations had no effect on penetration of sodium lauryl sulfate , nor did incorporation- of unlabeled 2,4-D, When sodium lauryl sul- fate-S 35- treated plants were extracted and the extracts chromatographed there was no evidence for movement of the S35 from the position of treatment on the leaf; extracts from roots and stems of root-treated plants produced spots indi- cating that the S^ remained near the ori- gin. These spots correspond in Rf value to SOi^ion. S35 in sodium lauryl sulfate moved freely to the solvent front. C. L. Foy, using S35-iabeled sodium lauryl sulfate alone and in conjunction with dalapon on leaves of cotton plants, found that this surfactant penetrated the cuticle and moved toward the leaf tip (apoplastic movement) but not out of the leaf via the phloem. After 7 days the S35 label was found throughout the plant; Dr. Foy considered it probable that this 128 Fig. XV, 2. Leaf treatment (left) and root treatment (right) of bean plants with s35_i aDe i ec | sodium lauryl sulfate at 0.4jumo1e dosage for k days. The formulation was made up with 0.1 per cent Tween 20 in 50 per cent ethyl alcohol. 129 V Fig. XV, 3- Movement of s35_i a b e i ec | sodium lauryl sulfate in cotton (left) and barley (right) from 4-day treatment via roots. Dosage was 0.1 /umole; the solution contained 0.1 per cent Tween 20. 130 • -, A -' r Fig. XV, 4. Movement of S35-1abe1ed sodium lauryl sulfate in soybean and cucumber 131 was metabolized sodium lauryl sulfate, possibly sulfate^ ion. Dr. Foy also studied uptake of T-1947-Cl 1 *, a surfactant of low phototox- icity. This compound penetrated very slowly and moved only acropetally to the leaf tips; no Cl 1 * moved out of the leaf even in 7 days. Sodium lauryl sulfate- S 35 1 which was found to be intact in the leaf after 24 hours, moved predominantly in the veins; T-1947-C14 moved mostly in the interveinal regions. Moreover, T-1947-Cl 1 * accumulated in the lysigenous glands of the cotton leaf, as do the chloro- and methoxy-triazines ; sodium lauryl sulfate-S35 did not do this. These tests seem to indicate that sodium lauryl sulfate penetrated the leaf and was strongly retained in living cells in an altered form not mobile on chroma- tograph paper. To have enhancing action on a pesticide, such a material could act only in two ways - by increasing wetting, and by increasing penetration. Since the surfactant molecules did not move within the plant, it is difficult to see how they could affect the action of a chemi- cal at a site removed from the point of application. Thus the action of the two surfactants so far tested must consist of an enhancement of uptake through increased penetration. The lack of effect noted in these tests, using droplet application to leaves of greenhouse-grown plants, must result from the conditions of the experi- ment. Droplet application in effect is a very different treatment from spraying, which may cover the total foliage surface with a liquid film. 132 Chapter XVI. Conclusions a "ver 10 years of work with labeled tracers, using autoradiography as the principal tool, has resulted in pertinent contributions to man's understanding of fundamental plant physiology and of herbi- cidal action. It now seems certain that systemic distribution of foliage-applied compounds follows a source-to-sink pat- tern indicative of movement en masse of the assimilate stream via the phloem. The consistent bypassing of mature leaves, the high concentrations in young growing shoot tips, root tips, and intercalary meristems, and the reversibility of flow brought about by proper manipulation, all indicate a mass-flow type of mechanism. To best utilize such a mechanism the fol- lowing conditions should be met: a) For critical situations where sys- temic distribution of herbicides in per- ennial plants is desired, formulation of the phenoxy compounds in the emulsi- fiable acid or alkoxy aliphatic ester forms is essential. b) Formulations and dosages should be chosen to avoid rapid contact toxi- city to foliage, and to facilitate slow, ordered uptake. The dosage optimum for 2,4-D is lowest with light aliphatic esters, intermediate with amine salts, and higher with alkoxy esters and emul- sifiable acid formulations. c) Timing of application should be done on a physiological basis - that is, when leaf maturity, root growth and photosynthetic activity are all favor- able. d) Application procedures should meet the specific requirements of the weed being controlled. If there is a mixture of species, even the wisest com- promise on procedures might not give satisfactory results, and repeated treatments may be necessary. e) Activity of sink as well as source is essential; insufficient soil moisture for root growth may cause the most fa- vorable formulation of phenoxy compounds to fail. f) The use of amitrole, which is more mobile than 2,4-D and which does not re- quire active root growth for response, may be the answer to many of the prob- lems encountered with the phenoxy com- pounds. With amitrole, selectivity may constitute a problem, however, as some weed species are not susceptible to this herbicide. Autoradiographic studies have shown that 2,4-D brings about a disruption of the vascular tissues of treated plants. a) Where 2,4-D is being used, the dosage should be optimum; too high a dosage injures the source and too low a dosage will not kill the plant; too low a dosage may also block the phloem so that a repeat treatment may fail. b) Where two or more herbicides are being used in combination, 2,H-D should be applied at the same time or later than the other material. If applied before, it stops movement of all mater- ials into roots. Comparative mobility studies on many la- beled herbicides indicate that they move in the assimilate stream, and that entry into and removal from this stream are the principal factors affecting the amounts moved. 133 a) Requirements for translocation of the phloem mobile compounds are very much alike for all. Limitation of move- ment of the phenoxy compounds by accumu- lation or binding is substantial and can best be met by proper timing of appli- cation with respect to the physiologi- cal status of the plants. Plants reach- ing the optimum condition at different times should not be expected to respond favorably to a single common treatment. b) Because of differing requirements for different herbicides, application times and methods should fit the chemi- cal being used, the plants being spray- ed, and the relevant physiological fac- tors. c) The need for understanding the physical nature of the translocation process, the chemical nature of the compounds translocated, and the spe- cial requirements for effective dis- tribution, precludes the discovery by crude testing methods of new and revo- lutionary formulations or application procedures for using the well-known herbicides. Different herbicide molecules move into plant roots at different rates. Some, such as the substituted ureas and sym- metrical triazines, move through roots and into the tops quite rapidly; others, such as 2,4-D and maleic hydrazide, may move slowly. a) Where 2,4-D is used as a pre- emergence treatment, it must be applied so as to contact the roots of germina- ting seedlings. Urea and triazine herbicides may successfully be applied to young seedling growth. b) Formulation of 2,4-D for pre- emergence application in soil should allow for soil type and rainfall. The acid, low in solubility, is most per*- sistent; the aliphatic esters are inter- mediate; the amine or sodium salts are least persistent. c) The herbicide should come in con- tact with the emerging roots of the seedling weeds. In the absence of rain- fall, soil incorporation is necessary. The great differences in species suscep- tibility, observed in the use of herbi- cides in the field and confirmed by auto- radiography, result mainly from differen- ces in the reaction of living cells to herbicide toxicity at specific sites with- in the plant, not to differences in penetration or translocation. a) Differences in formulation will bring about differences mainly in tox- icity but not in selectivity. Selecti- vity of the newer foliar sprays, and of all soil-applied herbicides, is little affected by formulation. b) If dosage is varied through a sufficient range, most herbicides are selective. Broad spectrum selectivity is most desirable; compounds having narrow selectivities are hazardous to use. Autoradiographic studies have been carried out with labeled forms of the following herbicides : 2,H-D Propazine 2,4,5-T Prometone Amitrole Amiben Maleic hydrazide 2,3,6-TBA Dalapon EPTC Monuron Barban Simazine Dacthal 2,4-DB Alanap NH4SCN Arsenate Atrazine PCP Trietazine Ammonium thiocyanate 2 ,4 ,5-T-butoxy-ethanol ester Sodium trichloropropionate Applied to a monocotyledonous test plant (barley) and a dicotyledonous test plant (kidney bean) through leaves and roots and given 1-, 4-, and 16-day test periods, these twenty- four compounds have provided a broad picture of the uptake, transport and redistribution of herbicides by plants. These studies give invaluable information for designing formulations and application methods for herbicides and coupled with studies on herbicidal breakdown in plants and soils they pro- vide guidelines for the intelligent inter- pretation of residue data. Autoradiography of whole treated plants will undoubtedly become more wide- ly used as its advantages are increasing- ly recognized. The fact that treatment 134 normally consists of the application of microcurie amounts of a compound to an intact leaf, and that no further manipu- lation is needed during the normal treat- ment period, indicates the value of the method. Ready control of light, temper- ature, and humidity enables the researcher to study the effects of innumerable exper- imental conditions on the processes of absorption and translocation in plants. From our results to date we can see no effects of radiation per se on these pro- cesses; we conclude therefore that the labeled compounds used in our studies can be considered as nontoxic tracers so far as radiation effects are concerned. With such a convenient method avail- able there should be a bright future for studies using these tracer techniques. Additionally, a wide range of physiologi- cal investigations are indicated. Further studies on the division of labor between various plant organs (Bernard Forde, 1963) will undoubtedly challenge plant physio- logists. More work on the basic aspects of solute absorption by roots and foliage should be carried on using autoradiogra- phy. And translocation studies aimed at a final resolution of the 100-year-old controversy over mechanism should be pur- sued. When these studies have been made and the true mechanisms of transport pro- cesses have been elucidated, there remains the task of studying distribution patterns of inorganic nutrients, plant foods and agricultural chemicals in all of the major groups of plants. Only when knowledge from such studies is at hand will the plant physiologist and the agricultural consultant be able to prescribe fertilizer use, irrigation practices, hormone treat- ments and pesticide application with a satisfactory degree of certainty. Auto- radiography will be one of the tools that will eventually enable the agriculturalist to bring on those increases in production of food, feeds, and fiber needed to pro- vide for the world's expanding population. 135 Glossary of Terms u = micro mm = millimeter Aig = microgram cm = centimeter ul = microliter oz = ounce mc = mi lli curie MW = molecular weight ml = milliliter Rf = a term used in chromatography to designate the ratio of the distance moved by a solute to that moved by the solvent. As 77 , Cl 1 *, Ca 1 ^, C136, Fe59, p32, s35, Zn65 = radioactive isotopes of the designated chemical elements. * = radioactive. For example, 2,4-D* = radioactive 2, 4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. -Cl 4 = compounds labeled with carbon-14. For example, Cl^C^ = carbon- 14- labeled carbon dioxide; 2,4-D-Cl4 = carbon- 14- labeled 2,4-D. Carboxy-carbon labeling was used in this work. Cold 2,4-D = unlabeled 2,4-D ADP = adenosine diphosphate Alanap = N-1-naphylphthalamic acid Amiben = 3-amino-2,5-dichlorobenzoic acid Amitrole = 3-amino-l,2,4-triazole ATP = adenosine triphosphate Atrazine = 2-chlorK^4-ethylamincH-6-isoprcpylamino-s-triazine Barban = 4-chloro-2-butynyl tf-(3-chlorophenyl) carbamate Dalapon = 2,2-dichloropropionic acid Dacthal = 2,3,5,6-tetrachloroterephthalic acid, dimethyl ester DNP = dinitrophenol Duraset = N-meta-tolyl phthalamic acid 136 EPTC = ethyl N, N-di-n-propylthiol carbamate, Eptam IAA = indole- 3-acetic acid MH = maleic hydrazide Monuron = 3-(p-chlorophenyl)-l,l-dimethyl urea Simazine = 2-chloro-4,6-bis (diethylamino)-s-triazine TBA = 2,3,6-trichlorobenzoic acid 2,4-D = 2, 4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid 2,4-DB = 4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) butyric acid 2,4,5-T = 2,4,5-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2060 = ethyl, ethyl-n-butylthiol carbamate 1607 = n-propyl, di-n-propylthiol carbamate 2061 = propyl, ethyl-n-butylthiol carbamate T-1947 = polyoxyethylene polyol, a nonionic surfactant TWeen 20 = polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate, a nonionic surfactant of low phytotoxLcity. 137 Literature Cited ANDERSON, OTTO 1958. 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