ini THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES r^-' EXTRACTS THE RECORDS OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. A.D, 1528-1557. EDINBUEGH: PRINTED FOR THE SCOTTISH BURGH RECORDS SOCIETY. MDCCCLXXI. Colston y Son, Printers, Edinburgh. Ezf\4 V, 2 THE SCOTTISH BURGH RECORDS SOCIETY. COMMITTEE. The Right Hon. the Earl of Glasgow, Lord-Clerk Register of Scotland. The Right Hon. the Lord Provost of Edinburgh. The Hon. the Lord Provost of Glasgow. William Chambers, Esq. of Glenormiston, LL.U. Anderson Kirkwood, Esq., LL.D., Glasgow. Alexander B. M'Grigor, Esq., LL.D., Glasgow. Arthur Mitchell, Esq., M.D., LL.D., Edinburgh. Thomas Dickson, Esq., Curator, Historical Department, General Register House, Edinburgh. SECRETARY — James D. Marwick, Esq., LL.D., Town-Clerk of Glasgow. TREASURER— T. B. Johnston, Esq., 16 So. St Andrew Street, Edinburgh. The value of the early Records of the Burghs of Scotland, as throwing light upon national life and manners, explaining national institutions, and illustrating social progress, has been fully recognised, and can scarcely be exaggerated. Some of the Book Clubs, which have contributed so much to the elucidation of Scottish History, have already directed their attention to these Records. The Spalding Club has given the country a peculiarly in- teresting and valuable series of Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Aberdeen, while the Maitland Club has published notices from the Records of Dysart, and Extracts from the Burgh Records of Glasgow, Prestwick, Edinburgh, and Canongate. Apart, however, from what has been done in regard to Aberdeen, it cannot be said that much more has been affected than merely to break ground in the direction of investigating and publishing Extracts from the Burgh Records of Scotland; and as nothing more is now to be hoped for from the Book Clubs which still exist, this Society has been formed for the special purpose of undertaking the work. Besides Extracts from the Burgh Records, copies of the Charters of Burghs and illus- trative Extracts from contemporary local Records will be given, as far as may be considered desirable. The Extracts from the Records of each Burgh will, as far as the Committee consider expedient, be issued separately, and without adhering to any prescribed order. 979641 [ 2 ] The Annual subscription is One Guinea, payable in advance, on the first day oi January. The first subscription was payable on ist January 1868. A payment of ^11, IIS. will entitle any Member to a Copy of the Eleven Volumes which have been issued, and to the one which will be ready this year. These are : — I. The Ancient Law.s and Customs of the Burghs of Scotland; edited by Protessor Cosmo Innes. 2-5. Four Volumes of Extracts from the Burgh Records of Edinburgh; edited by Mr J. D. Marwick, LL.D. These Volumes embrace the following periods: (i) 1403-1528; (2) 1529-57; (3) 1557-71; -ind (4) 1573-89- 6. Charters and Documents rel.'^ting to the City of Edinburgh, i 143-1540; edited by Mr J. D. Marwick, LL.D. 7, 8. Two Volumes of Extracts from the Burgh Records of Aberdeen; edited by the late John Stuart, Esq., LL.D. These Volumes embrace the following periods: (i) 1625-42 ; and (2) 1 643-1 747. 9. Charters AND Extracts FRO.M the Burgh Records of Peebles, 1165-1710; edited by William Chambers, Esq. of Glenormiston, LL.D. 10, II. Extracts fko.m the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow; edited by Mr J. D. Marwick, LL.D. These Volumes embrace the following periods : (i) 1573-1642; and (2) 1630-62. 12. Miscellany of the Scottish Burgh Records Society; edited by Mr J. D. Marwick, LL.D. The Volume contains: (i) Report by Thomas Tucker to the Commissioners for Appeals as to the Trade and Shipping of Scotland in 1656 ; (2) Reports made to the Convention of Royal Burghs in regard to the state and condition of the Royal Burghs in Scotland in 1692; and (3) a Collection of the Setts of the Royal Burghs made by the Convention in 1708. The Corporation of Glasgow having authorised the transcription and printing, for its own purposes, of its oldest Charters and other Muniments, and having agreed to allow the Scottish Burgh Records Society to print copies for the use of its Members, the first Volume of the collection, extending from the foundation of the Burgh in 11 75-11 78 till 164S has been completed, and will soon be ready for delivery. The Corporation of Stirling has ordered the transcription of the oldest Records of that Burgh, selections from which, with transcripts of its Charters and Muniments, are being prepared. [3] _ Arrangements are also in progress for proceeding with similar volumes relating to Perth and Dunfermline. The death of Sir William Gibson-Craig, Lord Clerk Register ; Sir James Lumsden of Arden ; Dr Laing ; and Dr Stuart, who took a warm interest in the Society from its commencement, created vacancies in the Committee, which were supplied by the appoint- ment of the Earl of Glasgow, Lord-Clerk Register; Lord Gifford, Lord Curriehill, Dr Anderson Kirkwood, Dr A. B. M'Grigor, Dr Arthur Mitchell, and Mr Thomas Dickson. Lord Curriehill has since died, and Lord Gifford has been compelled, by the state of his health, to resign. The Society has also to deplore the loss, by death, of Dr John Hill Burton, who had long been one of its most distinguished and useful Members. In the execution of the work to which the Society thus addresses itself, and which is of great local as well as national importance, the Committee hope to receive substantial assistance from the larger Burghs whose Charters and Records may be from time to time published. Meanwhile, the Committee will be glad to receive from Town-Clerks and other custodiers of public documents such information as they can give in regard to original documents in their possession, illustrative of the constitution and early history of the municipal institutions of the country, and to communicate with such Burghs as may be desirous to co-operate with the Committee in publishing selections from their earliest Records. February, 1883. [4] COMMITTEE. The Right Hon. the Eari, of Glasgow, Lord- Clerk Register of Scotland. The Right Hon. the LORD PR0V08T of Edin- burgh. The Hon. the Lord Provost of Glasgow. William Chambers, Esq. of Glenormiston, LL.D. Anderson Kirkwood, Esq., LL.D., Glasgow. Alexander B. M'Grigor, Esq., LL.D., Glasgow. Arthur Mitchell, Esq., M.D., LL.D., Edin- burgh. Thomas Dickson, Esq., Curator of the Historical Department, General Register House, Edinburgh. SECRETARY— James D. Marwick, Esq., LL.D., Town-Clerk of Glasgow. TREASURER— T. B. Johnston, Esq., i6 So. St Andrew Street, Edinburgh. MEMBERS. LIBRARIES. Her Majesty's General Register House. The Royal Scottish Academy. The Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. The Faculty of Advocates. The Society of Antiquaries, Edinburgh. The Bodleian Library, Oxford. The Dundee Free Library. The Liverpool Free Public Library. The Mitchell Library, Glasgow. The Society of Advocates of Aberdeen. The Society of Solicitors in the Supreme Courts of Scotland. The Society of Writers to Her Majesty's Signet. The University of Aberdeen. The University Library, Cambridge. The University of Edinburgh. The University of Glasgow. The University of St Andrews. BURGHS. The Corporation of the City of London. The Convention of the Royal Burghs of Scotland. (Two copies.) Aberdeen. Dysart. Irvine. Peebles. Ayr. Edinburgh (two copies). Kirkcudbright. Perth. Cupar. Glasgow (two copies). Kirkwall. Rothesay. Dunbar. Haddington. Lanark. St Andrews Dundee. Inverary. Leith. Selkirk. Dunfermline. Inverurie. [ 5 1 Robert Adam, Esq., City Chamberlain, Edinburgh. Edward Adamson, Esq., M.D., Rye, Sussex. John Allan, Esq., Town-Clerk of Banff. G. L. Alison, Esq., Dundee. Sir Alexander Anderson, Aberdeen. Robert Anderson, Esq., Glasgow. Thomas Anderson, Esq., Glasgow. The Duke of Argyll, K.T. W. Rae Arthur, Esq., Glasgow. Sir James Bain, Glasgow. John M. Balfour, Esq., W.S., Edinburgh. Mark Bannatyne, Esq., Glasgow. Donald Beith, Esq., W.S., Edinburgh. Sir Charles W. Blunt, Bart., London. Thomas Bosworth, Esq., London. The Earl of Breadalbane. John Clerk Brodie, Esq., W.S., Edinburgh. A. J. Dennistoun-Brown, Esq., Balloch Castle The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, K.G. George Burnett, Esq., Lyon King of Arms, Edinburgh. Sir James Horn Burnett of Leys, Bart. The Marquis of Bute. Robert Carfrae, Esq., Edinburgh. The Baron Cathcart. Charles Chalmers, Esq. of IMonkshill. William Chambers, Esq. of Glenormiston, LL.D., Edinburgh. Robert Chambers, Esq., Edinburgh. George C. Christie, Esq., Stirling. G. T. Clark, Esq., Merthyr-Tydvil. J. Gilchrist Clark, Esq. of Speddoch. Sir T. E. Colebrooke of Crawford, Bart., M.P. William Collins, Esq., Glasgow. James Colston, Esq., Edinburgh. Michael Connal, Esq., Glasgow. James Copland, Esq., General Register House, Edinburgh. W. H. Couper, Esq., Town-Clerk of Leith. Dr Cowan, Glasgow. James Cox, Esq., Clement Park, Lochee, Dundee. James T. Gibson-Craig, Esq., W.S., Edinburgh. John Craig, Esq., Glasgow. The Earl of Crawford and Balcarres. J. Knox Crawford, Esq., S.S.C, Edinburgh. Andrew Cunninghame, Esq., Town-Clerk Depute, Glasgow. Donald Davidson, Esq., Inverness. George Dempster, Esq., Ormiston Hall, Tranent. Thomas Dickson, Esq., Edinburgh. Colin Dunlop Donald, jun., Esq., Glasgow. [ 6] Sir George H. S. Douglas of Springwood Park, Bart. W. J. Duncan, Esq., late Manager of the National Bank of Scotland. Robert Dundas, Esq. of Arniston. Sir Walter Elliot, K.C.S.I., Wolfelee. A. Falconer, Esq., Mossbank, Glasgow. Sir James Falshaw, Bart., Edinburgh. Thomas Field, Esq., Edinburgh. J. S. Fleming, Esq., Cashier of the Royal Bank of Scotland. George B. Forbes, Esq., Sheriff-Clerk of Banff. Sir William Forbes of Craigievar, Bart. David Forsyth, Esq., Town-Clerk, Elgin. Patrick Allan Fraser, Esq. of Hospitalfield, Arbroath. Adam Fyfe, Esq., S.S.C, Edinburgh. Thomas L. Galbraith, Esq., Town-Clerk, Stirling. William Galbraith, Esq., Glasgow. William Gemmill.^Esq., Glasgow. Andrew Gilmour, Esq., M.D., Linlithgow. The Earl of Glasgow, Lord-Clerk Register of Scotland. James Gordon, Esq., Sheriff-Substitute of Banffshire. John Graham, Esq., London. Sir Alexander Grant, Bart., Principal of the University of Edinburgh. Sir George Macpherson Grant, Bart., of Ballindalloch and Invereshic. J. D. Grant, Esq., Dundee. George Gray, Esq., Town-Clerk, Rutherglen. John Greig, Esq., Edinburgh. J. Wyllie Guild, Esq., C.A., Glasgow. The Earl of Haddington. James Hamilton, Esq., Glasgow. Ale.xander Harris, Esq., Depute Town-Clerk, Edinburgh. George Harrison, Esq., Edinburgh. William H. Hill, Esq., Glasgow. Robert Hutchison, Esq. of Carlourie. Right Hon. John Inglis, Lord Justice-General. Charles Innes, Esq., Solicitor, Inverness. George A. Jamieson, Esq., C.A., Edinburgh. James A. Jamieson, Esq., W.S., Edinburgh. T. B. Johnston, Esq., Edinburgh. The Rev. Mr Keith, Burham Vicarage, Rochester. Messrs Henry S. King & Co., London. James King, Esq., Glasgow. Anderson Kirkwood, Esq., LL.D., Glasgow. Alexander Laing, Esq., LL.D., Newburgh. Hugh Lamberton, Esq., Glasgow. John Lang, Esq., Glasgow. William Lindsay, Esq., Leith. Josiah Livingston, Esq., Edinburgh. R. A. Macfie, Esq., Ashfield Hall, Neston. (Two copies.) [ 7 ] John iVI'Clure, Esq., Glasgow. Alexander Macdonald, Esq., 99 Renficid Street, Glasgow. Alexander B. M'Grigor, Esq. of Kernock, LL.D., Glasgow. A. K. Mackenzie, Esq., Manager of the Commercial Bank of Scotland. John \V. Mackenzie, Esq., W.S., Edinburgh. A. Kirk Mackie, Esq., S.S.C, Edinburgh. Peter MacLagan, Esq. of Pumpherston, M.P. Duncan M'Laren, Esq., Edinburgh. Sir Dudley Coutts Majoribanks of Guisachan, Bart., M.P. Sir Theodore Martin, C.B., London. James D. Marwick, Esq., LL.D., Town-Clerk of Glasgow. Sir J. Matheson of Lews and Achany, Bart., M.P. Wellwood H. Maxwell, Esq. of Munches. Duncan Menzies, Esq., Architect, Edinburgh. Grsme Mercer, Esq. of Gorthie. William White-Millar, Esq., S.S.C, Edinburgh. Peter Miller, Esq., Edinburgh. John Milne, Esq., Edinburgh. The Earl of Minto. Arthur Mitchell, Esq., M.D., LL.D., Edinburgh. Right Hon. Lord Moncreiff, Lord Justice-Clerk. Sir G. Graham Montgomer)' of Stanhope and Kinross, Bart. John J. Muirhead, Esq., Edinburgh. , Thomas Murray, Esq., Banker, Wigtown. Thomas Graham Murray, Esq., W.S., Edinburgh. John Murrie, Esq., Banker, Stirling. Robert W. Mylne, Esq., C.E., London. James Napier, Esq., Maryfield, Bothwell. Robert Paterson, Esq., Architect, Edinburgh. R. W. Cochran-Patrick, Esq. of Woodside, B.A., LL.B., M.P. G. H. Pattison, Esq., Sheriff of Roxburgh and Selkirk. John Dick Peddie, Esq., R.S.A., M.P., Edinburgh. John Pullar, Esq., Perth. W. Stevenson Purves, Esq., LL.B., &c.. Advocate, Edinburgh. Major Ramsay of Barra. Archibald Reid, Esq., Town-Clerk of Perth. William Reid, Esq., W.S., Edinburgh. Robert Renwick, Esq., Glasgow. James Robb, Esq., Glasgow. The Earl of Rosebery. Robert Ross, Esq., Glasgow. The Earl of Rosslyn. The Baron Ruthven. James Salmon, Esq., Architect, Glasgow. The Baron Saltoun. The Earl of Seafield. Sir Charles Farquhar Shand, Edinburgh, late Chief-Justice of Mauritius. [8] John Sime, Esq., Accountant, Edinburgh. Thomas Barker Simpson, Esq., London. William Skinner, Esq., Town-Clerk of Edinburgh. John A. Smith, Esq., M.D., Edinburgh. J. Guthrie Smith, Esq., Sheriff of Aberdeen and Kincardine. J. Guthrie Smith, Esq., Royal Exchange, Glasgow. R. M. Smith, Esq., Edinburgh. The Earl of Stair. R. R. Stodart, Esq., Lyon Clerk-Depute, Edinburgh. The Earl of Strathmore. The Duke of Sutherland, K.G. Patrick Don Swan, Esq., Provost of Kircaldy. A. C. Swinton, Esq. of Kimmerghame. James Turnbull, Esq., Edinburgh. John Ure, Esq., Lord Provost of Glasgow. John Veitch, Esq., Professor of Logic and Rhetoric in the University of Glasgow. John Webster, Esq., Advocate, Aberdeen. Archibald Weir, Esq., M.D., Great Malvern. The Earl of Wemyss and March. The Earl of Wharncliffe. Alexander Whyte, Esq., Edinburgh. William Wilson, Esq., Glasgow. John P. Wright, Esq., Edinburgh. Alexander Young, Esq., W.S., Glasgow. Robert Young, Esq., S.S.C, Elgin. Robert Younger, Esq., Edinburgh. The Earl of Zetland. TABLE THE CONTENTS. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. C. R. — Council Records of the City. 0. R. Adv. Lib. — Volume of Extracts from the Records of the City, preserved in the Advocates' Library, and marked 34 : 4 : 9. Register of Burgesses, &c. — Register of Burgesses and Guild Brethren of the City, commencing 17th May 14S7, and ending 12th February 1579. Lib. Stat. Burg. — Liber Statutorum Burgi de Edinburgh. A collection of Acts relatuig to the Police of the Burgh, extending from 8th October 1529 tiU 19th October 1531. This collec- tion forms the second part of a volume titled on the back " Court of the Dean of GuUd," — "Burgh Court, 1529-1531." John Foular's Protocol,— Protocol Books of John Foular, Notary-Public of the Burgh, extending from 9th March 1500 to 3d October 1534 ; 4 volumes. V. Strathauchin's Protocol. — Protocol Books of Vincent Strathauchin, Notary-Public of the Burgh, extending from 7th December 1507 to 16th September 1553 ; 4 volumes. John Stevenson's Protocol. — Protocol Book of John Stevenson, Notary-PubUc of the Burgh, extending from 2d December 15J7 to 6th June 1549. Inventory of City Charters.— Inventory of the Writings in the Chai-ter-House of the City ; 6 volumes. Reg. Mag. Sig.^Registrum Magni SigiUi, in the General Register House, Edinburgh. A. P. S. — Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. (Record Edition) ; 11 volumes. Balfour's Practicks. — Practicks, or a System of the more Ancient Law of Scotland, compiled by Sir James Balfour, of Pettendreich, late President of the Court of Session, 1754. TABLE OF THE CONTENTS. PREFACE. 1528, September 26. Ship pertaining to the town to be sold, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 100.] 1 — October 2. Grant to Sir John Tyndale of an altarage in St Paul's Hospital, \Ih.fol. 110.] 1 — — — Notarial instrament on behalf of Sir John Tyndale as to that grant, \John Foidar's Protocol, Vol. IT. fol. 25.] 2 — — 6. Assessors of the Council, \C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 3.] - - 3 — November 11. Proclamation as to holding AlhaUow fail-, [lb. fol. 81 ; C.R. Vol. I. fol. 32.] 3 1528-9, Februaiy 24. Act prohibiting the regi-ating of fowls, \C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 83.] - 3 — — 28. Treasurer of past year to pay over balance in his hands ; present treasurer to redeem two booths held in wadset, [lb. fol. 101.] 3 — — — Annual owing to the Preaching Friars furth of lands at thefleshmarket, [/i./o/. 110.] - - - . 4 1529, April 13. Notarial insti-ument as to payment for silks and other merchandice purchased for the Earl of Murray, [Vincent Straihauchin's Protocol, Vol. LL. fol. 93.] - 4 — September 24. Persons coming from towns suspect of pestilence not to be received, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 212.] . . - 5 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAOK 1529, October 8. Acts anent ale, bread, candles, stable-keepers, poultry and wildfowls, fish, weapons in booths, browsters and regraters, and the meal market, [Lib. Stat. Burg, fol. M, 55 ; C.B. Adv. Lih.fol. 39, 40, 42, 83, 184.] 5 — — 10. Act prohibiting bickeiings, \Lih. Stat. Bwrg. fol. 55 ; C.ll. Adv. Lib. fol. 184.] 8 — — — Margaret Clapane banished for buying oysters to regrate contrary to the statutes, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 55.] - 8 — — — William Cawder banished for buying wild meat contrary to the statutes, [/6.] ---... 9 — — — Janet Brown banished for her demerits, [i5.] - - 9 — — — Surety for Agnes Turner keeping the statutes, [75.] - 9 — — 15. Certain regi-aters banished, [76. yb^. 56".] - - - 9 — — — Two persons prohibited from buying or selling oats, or holding stables, [76.] - - - - - - 10 — — — Allan Blair banished for coming to the town furth of St Andrews, being a suspect place, [76.] - - 10 — — 17. Sentence of banishment against a breaker of the statutes relaxed, [76.] - - 10 — — — Act proliibiting persons dwelling beyond the Forth from coming, or bringing merchandise, to the town, [76.] 10 — — — Sentence of banishment against Margaret Clapane, re- laxed, [76.] II — ^ — Obligation by Besse Penny to keep the statutes, [76.] 1 1 — — 20. Sheriff-court held before the bailies ; John Dougall ban- ished for theft ; sentence of banishment against Cristane Reynaldson for rergi-ating relaxed, [76. Z'^. 56".] 11 — — — Act anent the measui-es for selling oats and meal [76. ; C.B. Adv. L\h. fol.\%1^^ 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS. iu F4GE 1529, October 20. Oats to be sold hi the daily market, [Lib. Stat. Bury. fol. 56^,; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. Gi.] - - - 12 — 21. Sureties for two persons keeping the statutes as to the selling of oats and hay, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 56 .] 12 — 23. Surety for another person keeping these statutes, \Ib.fol. 56^] - - 13 — — Act prohibiting the inliabitants to harbour any per.son coming into the town, [/&.] - - - - 13 — — A regrater discharged from selling fowls in time toe ome, [76.] -------- - 13 — — All measures to be brought to the Tolbooth and marked, \Ib.;C.R.Adv.L[b.fol.\G1'\ - - - - 13 — _— Certain persons prohibited from buying meal to regrate, {Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 56'=.] - - - 14 — — — Two persons banished for their demerits, [76.] - - 14 — November 13. Act anent the regraters of fish, [76. fol. 57 ; C.B. Adv. Lib. fol. 6^.] ------- 14 — — A beggar and a street singer banished, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 57.] 14 — — — Janet Heriot ordained to cease from begging and to work for her living, [76.] - - - - - - 14 — 23. Ann Brown prohibited from coming to the meal market ; Andrew Gibson banished for regrating the king's money ; persons discharged from buying or selling of butter, [75.] ------- 15 — — — No ale to be brought furth of Leith for two months, [lb. ; C.B. Adv. Lib. fol. 133.] - - - - 15 — — — Luke Jamieson banished for regrating herring ; David Scott banished for his demerits, [Lib.Sfat.Burg.fol.57.] 15 — — — Surety for keepuig statutes anent buying and selliug of oats, [Tb.] 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1529, November 23. Pestilence still in St Andrews ; all persons to reveal sickness in their houses, [Lib. Stat. Burg.fol. 57.] - — — David Scott scoirrged and banished for disobeying the statutes, [76.] - - — — — Robert Andei-son scourged and banished for theft, [76.] - — — — No indweller to pass beyond the Eorth to buy cloth, or to harbour any person from that district without licence, [76./0?. 58; C.7?. ^ffo. 7i6./o?. 213.] - — December 15. Act as to hucksters, \Lib. Stat. Burg.fol. 58 ; C.R. Adv. Lib.fol. 26.] - - — — — Act as to the weight and price of bread, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol.5S;C.R. Adv. Lib.fol. i1.] . . . . — — — Thomas Mereleys allowed to come from the mure to his own house uncleansed, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 58.] — — — Act as to price of ale, [76.] --.... — — 22. Pledges for certain hucksters keeping the statutes, [76.] 1529-30, February 11. Persons from St Andrews not to be harboured for danger of pestilence, [76.] -...-.. — — 15. Two persons banished for regi-ating butter, [76.] — — — A woman banished for reset of theft, [76. yb?. 59.] - — — IG. Margaret Borthik banished for " commone pikere," [76.] — — — Obligations by browsters to keep the statutes, [76.] — — 18. Sheriff-coiu-t held before the provost and bailies; Mai'garet Cok convicted for breaking the statutes anent pestilence, and for reset of theft, [76.] — — 20. Obligation by a browster to keep the statutes, [76.] — — — Arche Clerk banished for his demerits, [76.] - - - — — — Proclamation against repau-ing to, or buying gear from, a fair at St Monans where infected persons are, [76./ C.B. Adv. Lib.fol. 213.] — — 26. Browsters accused of breaking the statutes, ordained to IG 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 TABLE OF CONTENTS. v PAGE 1529-30, February 26. .find surety for keeping same; sureties found for certain browsters, [Lib. Stat. Burg.fol. 59, CO.] - 20 Two vagabonds banished for their demerits, \Ih.fol. 60.] 20 — — — Obligation by a browster to observe the statutes, \Ih. fol. 59.] 20 — — — Sureties for browsters keeping the statutes, [/i.] - - 21 — — 28. Act against outlandsmen buying meal and causing dearth, \Ih.fol.^^;C.R.Adv.L{h.fol.^i.:\ - - - 21 1530, March 28. Obligation by William Achinson to deliver certain goods on his next homecoming in Scotland, [ Vincent Strath- aucUn's Protocol, Vol. II., fol. WO.] - - - 21 — — 31, Seal of Cause to the bonnetmakers, \OrigirMl Seal of Cause in tlie jMSsession oftlie Incorporation of Bonnetmakers^^ 22 — April 1. Sheriff-court held before the provost and bailies ; certain browsters convicted of breaking the statutes, and suerties procured for future observance, \Lib. Stat. Burg.fol. 60-62.] 24 — — 2. Sureties for browsters keeping the statutes, [76. /o?. 62]- 25 — — — Sureties for corn and hay sellers keeping the statutes, [76.] 25 — — 3. A goldsmith to be paid for making a silver candlestick, [C.B. Adv. Lib. fol. 111.] 25 — 5. Stable-keepers convicted for regi-ating com and hay con- traiy to the statutes, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 62.] - 25 — — Sureties for browsters keeping the statutes, [lb. fol. 63.] 26 — — 26. Act against lepers coming amongst clean persons, [76. fol. G3 ; C.B. Adv. Lib. fol. 2U.] - . - - 26 — — — Act against hucksters selling eggs ; regraters and huck- sters to have licence of the provost, [Lib. Stat. Burg, fol 63; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. U.] - - - - 26 — — — No servant woman to leave her service to be a browster or huckster and take a house without licence of the vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE 1530, April 2G. provost ; no browster to have bi-ewing utensils in hire, [Lib. Stat. Burg./ol. G3 ; C.R. Adv.Lib./ol. 64, 18-t.] 27 — 30. Janet Anderson ordained to use no injurious language against Thomas Wauchope or his spouse, [Lib. Stat. Burg./ol. 63.] - 27 May 5. Obligation by William Ker as to selling fish in the mai-- ket, [Ib./ol. 64.] - - 27 Margaret Thomson accu.sed, [lb.] - - - - 27 12. Act against brokers of wool, hydes, and skins being in the market, [lb. ; C.R. Adv. Lib.fol. 64.] - - 27 — — William Barton fined for regi-ating fowls and attempting to slaughter the informer, [Lib. Stat. Bur g.fol. 64.] 28 — 14. Adam Robertson banished for stealing a pot, [75.] - 28 25. Acts as to the pestilence ; persons to reveal sickness ; clothes not to be taken in pledge or bought ; persons or goods from St Andrews not to be received ; swine to be kept in their houses ; streets and closes to be cleansed ; houses to be set to honest persons and not to vagabonds ; persons who have been in infected houses to reveal the same, [Ib.fol. 64, 65. ; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 205.] -------- 28 — — Obligation by Margaret Smith not to use injurious words to the vicar of St Cuthbert's Kii-k, [Ib.fol. 65.] 29 — Act prohibiting servants to take from any person clothes to wash amongst their household's clothes, [lb. ; C.R. Adv. Lib.fol. 214.] ----- 30 — — — Isobell Forsyth to be burned on the cheek and banished for not revealing sickness, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 65.] 30 — June 4. Isobell Cattal to be burned and banished for not reveal- ing sickness, [lb.] - - . - - 30 — — 18. Three women banished for their demerits, [//'.] - - 30 TABLE OF CONTENTS. viii PAGE 1530, June 21. Decree arbitral betwixt the websters, and the walkers and shearers, [iVotarial instrument in the possession of the Incorporation of Bonnetmahers.\ - - 31 — — 25. Four persons ordained to be punished for not revealing, [Lib. Stat Burg. fol. %5.'] - - - 35 — July 1. Patrick Gowanlok and othere ordained to be banished for breaking the statutes anent pestilence, and goods to be escheat, {lb. fol. 66 ; G.R. Adv. Lib.fol. 170.] - 35 — — 16. Piece of waste land given to the provost of the College K\xk,[C.E.Adv.Lib.fol.U2.-] - - - - 3G — August 2. David Duly to be hanged for not revealing sickness, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 66 ; C.E. Adv. Lib. fol. 170.] 36 — — — William Miller to burned on the cheek and banished for not reveaUng sickness, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 67.] 37 — — — David Duly having fallen from the gibbet, his sentence commuted to banishment, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 66 ; C.Ii. Adv. Lib.fol. 170.] .... - 37 — — — Burning of William Millar dispensed with till he be clean ; meantime to be banished, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 66.] 37 — — 3. Pei-sons who have passed out of the to'mi to stay at the port and inform the officers before coming in, [lb.'] - 37 — — — Act as to cleansing the gear belonging to infected persons, [lb. fol. 67.] - 38 — — 17. The bailies to visit persons who have been infected and ascertain that gear has been cleansed, [/5.] - - 38 — — — Obligations by two cleansed persons that no danger will come through them, [lb.] - - - - - 39 — — 30. Pei'sons and gear to be cleansed of new ; poor vile persons to be removed from the town, [lb.; G.R. Adv. Lib.fol. 211.] 39 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1530, September 2. — 9. 30. — October 4. — 6. 26. Two persons baiiLshed for tlieir demerits, [Lnb. Stat. Burg.fol. 67.] -..--.- 39 Heii'ship goods of John Young delivered to a chaplain in pledge for a loan, \JoJm Foular's Protocol, Vol. IV. fol. 89.] 39 Landlords to remove " husseis," vile persons or vagabonds furth of their houses ; such persons also to leave the town, [Lib. Stat. Burg.fol. G7.] - - - - 40 Persons who shall be allowed to get wool to cai-d or spin, to brew ale, [76.] ..----. 40 No huckster to sell goods for fifteen days without licence, [Ih.fol. 68.] • - 40 Cleansed persons not to come within St GUes' Kirk without licence of the provost and bailies, [/6.] - 41 Act ordaining persons to reveal sickness in their houses ; persons leaving houses at night to be provided with a light; no person to take cloth in pledge, [/S.] - - 41 Patrick Gowanlok restored to his former freedom and privileges, [76.; C.i?. ^cfo.2>i6./o;. 170.] - - 42 Katryne Heriot, convicted of theft and breaking statutes anent the pestilence, to be drowned, [Lib. Stat, Burg. fol. 68.] 43 Margai'ct Baxter banished for resetting a common thief, [76.] - - 42 Three women banished for contravening statutes anent pestilence, [76.] ...... 42 Price of ale fixed, [76. /o;. 9.] .... 42 Acts as to revealing sickness to be observed during the session of the year to come, [76.] - - - - 43 Burgh Court held before the Bailies ; Marion Clerk to be TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1530, October 26. — November 10. — December 15. 1530-1, January 4. March 22. 1531, May. 19. July 1. ■13 44 drowned for contravening the statutes anent pestil- ence, [Lib. Stat. Burg.fol. 69.] - . . . Sureties for the browsters keeping the statutes, \Ih. fol. 69-73.] Pestilence in Leith ; no suspect person of that town to repair to, or have dealings with, inhabitants of Edinburgh ; servants not to take other than their masters' clothes to wash, [lb. fol. 73 ; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 214.] 44 Proclamation as to cleansed goods and clothes lying in St Eokis Chapel, [lb.] ...... i5 Sureties of the browsters who have broken the statutes to be poinded, [Lib. Stat. Burg.fol. 74.] - - - 45 John Andei-son ordained to cease selling ale in Leith, [76.] 46 Browsters who have broken the statutes ; and browstei-s who have found sureties, [lb.] . - . - Notarial instrument taken on requisition to fulfil a contract of marriage, [ Vincent Strathauchin's Protocol., Vol. II., fol. 128.] Obligation by master of High School to make his pupils perfect grammarians, [C.R. Vol. I., fol. 38.] Decree arbitral betwixt the websters and the walkers, shearers and bonnetmakeris, [Extract from the Burgh Court Book, in the possession of the Incorporation of Walkers,] ........ A baxter fined for baking insufficient bread, [C.R. Vol. I., fol. 38.] - - 50 Act as to persons failing to appear in court when warned by the officers, [Lib. Stat. Burg. fol. 77 ; C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 170.] 50 b 46 47 48 48 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1531, August 12. — October 1 9. — — 20. — November 22. 1531-2, January 24, — March 24. 1532, March 27. — May 29. — June 18. — September 12. — — 19. — — 25. — October 5. — November 24. — — 29. 1532-3, February 12. Notarial instrument referring to the making of a window in a dwelling-house, [JoJm Foular's Protocol, Vol. IV., fol. 117.] Obligations by browsters to keep the statutes, \_Lih. Stat. Burg, fol.n-li.] Seal of cause to the Tailors, [Printed copy of Seal of Cause in the possession of the IncorporoMo7i of Tailors.^ Act as to grinding wheat at the mills, [C.^. Vol. I., fol. 38.] Obligation by a fiesher as to selling sheep skins, [76.] Tenants of the Burgh-muir ordained to complete thair kilns and barns, [!l>.] ------ Tenants of the Burgh-muir not to have other than the lots fallen to them, [76. /o^. 39.] . - - - Discharge by the websters for an annual payable to them by the walkers, shearers, and bonnetmakers, [Extract from the Acts of the Burgh Court, in the possession of the Incorporation of Walkers.] - - - Contract with two Frenchmen for constructmg the cause- way of the town, [C.P. Vol. I., fol. 38.] Gift to Sir David Purdom of the altarage of St Nicholas in St Giles Kirk, [lb. fol. 39.] - - - . Three hundred men armed for war to be furnished to the king's army against the English, [76. fol. 38.] Grant to Gilbert Lauder ofthe lands of Petravye in Fife, [76.] 58 Price of malt, [76.] 59 Grants to the chaplain of St Roks kii'k of part of the lands of the Burgh-muir, [76. yb^. 39.] - - - 59 Multure to be paid for the grinding of malt, [76.] • - 59 The candlemakers ordained to extent and bear charges with the fleshers, [76.] 60 50 51 52 55 56 56 5G - 56 57 58 58 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1532-3, Marcli 8. — — 12. 1533, — 37. — May 27. — August 13. •■>■'> — September 17. 1533-4, January 9. — March 17. — — 19. — — 21. 1534, August 4. — October 6. 1534- 5, March 12. — 17. ' 1535, May 26. Grant to Sir Walter Turnbull, chaplain, of the prebend of St John'.s altar in St Giles' kirk, [C. R. Vol. I., fol. 39.] 60 The bonnetmakers ordained to pay extent to the websters, and the walkers and shearers, [/&.] - - - - GO Multure to be paid by a tenant of the Burgh-muir, [lb. fol. 40.] - - - 60 Freighting of ships, [C./?. ^(/u. Zt6./o?. 136.] - - 60 Freighting of a ship, [76.] 61 Seal of cause to the Skinners and Furriei-s, [Notarial co}yij in the possession of the Iticorporation of Skinners and Furrier s.'\ - - - - - - -01 Seal of cause to the Cordiners, [Original seal of Cause in the possession of the Incorporation of Cordiners.^ - 64 Freighting of a ship, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 137.] - - 06 Grant by the commissioners of cei-tain burghs to the men of Middleburgh, [C.^. FoZ. /.,/o?. 39.] . - - 66 Resolution by commissioner of certain burghs that all the burghs should send commissioners to meet in Edinburgh yeai-ly, [/6.] - - - - - - 67 Assignment to the chaplain of St Roks' kirk of the parts of the Burgh-muir formei-ly granted to him, [-76.] - 67 Gift to a chaplain of the chaplainry of St Eloyis' altar in St Giles' kirk, [lb.] ------ 68 Act as to loosing arrestment of ■wool, [lb.] - - - 68 Gift to Sir David Lawson of a chaplainry in St Anthony's kirk, Leith, [Ih.] - - - - - - - 68 Two millers feed to the farmers of the common mills [lb.] 68 Gift to Pati'ick Barron of the office of water baUie of Leith port, [lb.] - - 69 Gift of the prebends of two altars in St Giles' kirk ; a pre- TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1535, May 26. — July 28. — — 31. — August 7. — September 3. — October 7. — — 15. — November 16 — December 29. 1635-6, January 8. _ — 9. bendary leaving the land for heresy, \C.R. Adv. Lib. fol.\\\.] - - Auditors ordained to audit certain accounts, \Ih. >^- 3.] Gift to a chaplain of St Dyonei's altar in St GUes' kirk, \Ih.fol. 111.] ....... Gift of our Lady altar in St Paul's Work, [/i.] Act anent the selling of wool and other merchandice to strangers, \lh. fvl. 133.] ------ Justice Courts held by the town, \Ih. ful. 1 70.] A woman sentenced to death for shiughter; execution deferred, [Ib.fol. 170.] _ . . . - A woman, confessing theft, ordained to be burned on the cheek and banished, [76.] Cautioners for meal sellers keeping the statutes, [Ih. foim.} Acts of Parliament as to the making of burgesses ordained to be observed, [Ih.fol. 26.] . . . . Act as to the weight and price of bread, [Ib.fol. 68.] Act as to accompanying the provost from the kirk to his house on certain days [Ib./ol. 4.] - Duty to be paid for admission as burgesses ; burgesses who have remained furth of the town contrary to the acts declared to have lost their freedom, [Ib./ol. 2G.] Persons who have not lands to be stented by their gear for making the causeway, [/S./o/. 149.] Act anent bread, [Ib./ol. 68.] Act against regraters buying and selling wild meat, [Ib./ol. 67.] -------- Act anent the selling of bread, [//)./o/, 68.] 69 69 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 73 TABLE OF CONTENTS. — — 23. 153G, May 31. 1535-6, January 9. Frice ot ale, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol 83.] . - . . — February 26. Act against bickerings ; vagabonds ordained to remove from the town, [/6. yy^. 185.] - . - - — — 27. Keepers of ports appointed, [iS.] — March 17. A propine granted to the Queen ; stent to pay the same, and for common works ; fore mail to be taken upon four booths to redeem other three booths lying in wadset, [76. yb;. U8 ; C.E. Vol. I.J'ol. 74.] - Masters of work appointed, ]G.R. Adv. Lib./ol. 3.] - Extent roll of £20,000 granted by the three estates to tlie king for sustaining his expenses in France, [76. fol. 149.] Act as to the letting of the stands in the flesh-house, [lb. fol. 101] -------- — June 16. Act as to the selling wool, hyde, skins, and cloth, and mail to be taken therefor, [lb. fol 81.] - - - — July 8. Production of a writing subscribed by the king ordaining the provost and bailies to forbid the raising of the price of black cloth, [lb. fol. 71.] — August 8. Vagabonds who cannot pay their debts to be banished [lb. fol. 185.] ...--.- — — "30. Obligation by Ewfanie Adamson as to an anual payable to the town furth of her land, [G.R. Vol. I., fol. 37.] - — September 22. Seal of cause to the Cordiners, [Original Seal of Cause in the possession of the Incorporation of Cordiners] October 7. What beggars shall be allowed to remain in the town, [C.E. Adv. Lib. fol. 185.] — Vagabonds, nightwalkers, and players at dice and cards, ordained to remove furth of the town, [76.] — — — Act anent the weight and price of bread, [76. fl. 68.] 73 73 73 74 74 74 75 76 76 77 77 78 80 80 80 xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE 1536, October 7. Meal sellers within the town to have their place in the meal market by themselves, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 69.] 80 1536-7, January 10. John Jackson appointed common lockman of the town, \lh.fol. 3.] 80 — — 27. Elizabeth Forbes and her spouse decerned by the bailies to pay an annual due to the sisters of the Sciennes, \Ih.fol. 111.] - - - 81 — — 31. Act fixing tlie proportions of the contributions by Inver- keithing and Kinghorn towards tlie taxation of Edinburgh, {Ib.fol. 148.] - - - - - 81 — March 1. Tenants of the Burrow-muir ordained to gi-ind so much malt at the common mills ; sureties for certain of the tenants, \G.R. Vol. I.Jol. 73.] ... - 82 — — — Offer to lease a vault at the Nether Bow ; offer to purchase a piece of land outwith the West Port ; the vault and land, and also the vacant acres of the Muir ordained to be rouped, [76.] ----- 83 — — — Protest by Patrick Flemying as to conditions of taking the common acres, [/6.] ------ 83 — — 3. Twelve parts of the Burrow-muir rouped and feued, [76.] 83 — — — A piece of waste land outwith the West Port louped and sold, \Ih.fol. 74.] -----.. 85 — — — A vault at the Nether Bow leased for a booth, [76.] - 85 — — 23. Agreement with Mr Adam Miire, master of the grammar school, \C.R. Adv.Lib.fol. 3.] - . . - 85 1537, April 10. Land lying betwixt the Sciennes and the Burrow-loch feued to the Sisters of the Sciennes, [lb. fol. 111.] - - 85 — June 16. Cramers not to come within the Tolbooth to sell merchan- dice [Ib.fol. 185.] 86 ■ — July 26. Surety for a person making amends whenever requii-ed. TABLE OF CONTENTS. xv PACK 1537, July 26. for " loissing" wool after it was shippit, [C.R. Vol. /., fol. 34.] . - 86 — December 22. Farmers ordered to receive multure for malt gi'ound at the mills ; farmers also ordaiued to keep malt dry, {lb.; C.R. Adv. Lib.Jol.lOl.] - ... 80 1538, May 22. Act cancelling a previous delivei-ance by which a farmer of the common mills was discharged of arrears of mail, [C.R. Vol. I.Jol. 32.] -.-... 87 — June 13. Appointment of a keeper of the market of wool, hyde, and skins, \C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 4, 71.] - - - - 87 — — 26. rieshers to be poinded for the mail of the flesh-house stands, [Ih.fol. 101.] - 88 — July 8. A woman, convicted for "trublance," to be put in the irons, and thereafter banished, [lb. fol. 170.] - - 88 — — 9. She being fugitive, her banishment to be declared at the Cross, [lb.] - 88 — — — Another woman ordained to be exhibited on the scaffold, and afterwards banished, [Tb.] - - - - 88 — — 10. Acts made in preparation for entry of the Queen ; — Beggars to be kept within their bounds and closes ; red to be removed ; meal market to be removed from the Hiegait ; grass market to be changed ; coal sellers to sit at the entry to the Blackfriars, [Ib./ol. 189.] - 88 — — 17. Further preparations for the Queen's entry: — Twelve persons to be arrayed Ln gowns of velvet ; arraying of craftsmen ; all the other inhabitants to be in their best clothing, and no vUe persons to be in their com- pany ; work upon the Cross to be completed ; cause- way to be kept clean ; beggars found in the burgh to TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1538, July 17. 18. — September 24. — December 10. — — 14. — — 18. 1538-9, January20. — — 29. — February 8. 1539, March 26. — May 21. — June 17. — July 15. be scourged ; certain persons appointed to attend to furnisliLQgs and order ; propine to be delivered to the Queen ; Mr Henry Lauder appointed to welcome her, [C.B. Adv. Lib. fol. 189.] 89 Certain persons to be on horseback at the entry of the Queen ; liveries to be furnished to twelve seriands, [Ib.fol. 190.] -.--.--. 91 Sundry acts anent the pest, [7i./o?. 214.] - - - 91 Neighbours authorised to apprehend wild meat which regraters refuse to sell at certain prices, [Ih./ol. 65.] 92 No person to have firlot measures in the meal market except the gatherer of petty customs, [Ib.Jvl. 162.] - 92 Regraters prohibited from selling wild meat, [Ib./ol. 65.] 92 Act proclaimed at the Cross prohibiting regraters from selling wild meat, excepting those who have links in tack ; regraters also prohibited taking links in lease in time to come, [lb.] ------ 92 Waste ground in Swift's Wynd liought as a place for a fishmarket,[/6./o;. 126; C.^. IW. /.,/oZ. 41.] - 93 Act anent having weapons in booths, [C.B. Ad. Lib. fol. 184.] - - 93 A vault to be wadset to raise money for bigging the Nether Bow, [C/?. Vol. I., fol. 41.] - . . 93 Decreet obtained by a baxter for the crop of the mill land, \_G.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 107.] - - - - 94 Flesh ers ordained to pay two years' stand dues, [C. B. Vol. L , fol. 41.] - - - - 94 Persons alleging themselves burgesses ordained to make residence in the town, and comply with other regu- lations, and if not, to be treated as unfreemen, [lb.] 94 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAOI 1539, August 6. Part of the Nether Bow to be wadset to the treasurer for payment of sums disbursed in bigging it, {C.R. Vol. I., fol. il.] 95 — — — Extent of 100 merks to be raised for furnishing a ship to seek certain robbers, [lb.] 95 — — 20. Weight and price o{ hread, [C.B. Adv. Lib. fol Q8.] - 95 — September 30. The maUs of certain lands of the Muir to be wadset, and the booths to be fore-mailed, to raise money for pay- ment of sums due to the late treasurer, [C.B. Vol. I., fol 42.] 95 — October 11. Hours for beginning wheat market, and for unfr'eemen buying, [C.B. Adv. Lib. fol. 69.] - - - - 9G — December9,12. Regraters banished for breaking the statutes, [/J.y'oi 170.] 96 — — 18. Proceedings of the town council and the commissioners of certain burghs in regard to changing the staple to the town of Antwerp, [C.B. Vol. I., fol. 42.] - - -96 — — 20. Two deacons of crafts accused of making insurrection and convocation, [Th. fol. 41.] 97 1539-40, Januaiy 31. Convicted persons having no goods to make " assythment," ordained to be put in the irons, [C.B. Adv. Lib. fol. 170, 185.] 98 1540, June 23. Egyjitians banished furth of the town, [/6./o^. 185.] - 98 — July 13. Common booths to be fore-mailed, and a land purchased with the fore-mails, [C.B. Vol. I., fol. 43.] - - 98 — — 14. A house and land at the east entry of St Giles Kirk sold to the town, [76.] -----.. 99 — — 16. Occupiers of common booths to be warned to pay fore- mail for five yeara, [/i.] ------ 99 — — 31. Fore-mails received from certain persons, and discharges gi'anted to them, \Jhi\ ...... 99 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1540, August 25. ^ — 27. — September 3. 15-iO-l, January 10. — February 17. March U. 15U, April 2. 30. — May 5. 20. Grant to Symon Preston, provost, of the office of common clerk for life, [£ey. Mag. Sig. Lib. 27, No. 95.] - 100 Royal proclamation of the preceding grant, \Ib.'\ - - 101 Vagabonds and others having no craft ordained to leave the town, [GJt. Adv. Lib.fol 185.] - Two persons imprisoned for shipping unfreighted goods, \C.B. Vol. I.,fol. 43.] ----- Petty customs to be paid by certain persons for goods passing out of the haven of Leith, [/6.] - - - Two decreets obtained before the Lords of Session with reference to the payment of petty customs, [/6.] Act of Parliament as to waste and iiiinous houses at Leith Wynd, and forbidding the slaying of flesh on the east side of the wynd, [A.P.S. Vol. II.Jol. 374.] Act of Parliament as to removing the Meal Market from the High Gait, [76.] . . - - Act of Parliament anent the selling of bread and flesh, [76. /oZ. 378.] ------- Act of the Town CouncU and the commissioners of certain burghs as to the staple and downgetting of an imposition in France, \QJi. Vol. I.,fol. 44.] Freighting of ships ; Middlebm'gh fixed on as the staple port ; obligation by Leonard Cornelius to pass there with liis ship, [/6.] ----- Letter from the King as to merchants having power to pass to whichever port they please ; votes of the Town Council and community found to be in favour of Middleburgh, [lb.] Kegraters prohibited from being in the markets at certain hours, [C.R. Adv. Lib.fol. iil.] - - - -107 102 102 102 103 - 104 - 104 105 105 - 105 - 106 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1541, June 20. — July 9. — — 14. — August 23. — — 29. — October 15. — — 27. — November 8. 1541-2, January 20, — March 1. 1542, May 28. — October 4. 1543, April . — July 20. Obligations with reference to unentered goods and a ship not freighted, [C.5. To?. 7.,/o;. 45.] - - -107 Money borrowed from the king to be applied towards "bigging"ofthepark, [76.] - - - - -107 Obligation by the town to repay a sum lent by the king to the Burghs to aid in downgetting of the customs exacted in France, [/6.] - - - - - - 108 Offer by Commissioner from Middlebm-gh to deliver sealed articles of agreement within a month, [7 J.] - - 108 "Writing by the king requiring the town to pass to the port of Vei-e and no other port in Flanders, [lb.] - - 108 Gift of victual and waste land to the nuns of the Burgh- muir, [Tb.] - - - 109 Price of malt fixed, [C.B. Adv. Lib.fol 69.] - - - 109 Ground at the Grayfriar Port feued from the Sisters of the Sciennes ; a piece of gi-ound at the Common Muir gifted to them, [C.B. Vol I.,fol. 46.] - - 109 Agreement with reference to an annual payable out of a land at St Giles' Kii-k jiurchased by the town, [75.] 110 Feu of lands of Grottel to be passed under common seal, [75.] ---.-.. Decree of the Lords of Council and Session as to escheat of goods of persons who have committed slaughter, \Balfour's Practicks, p. 52.] - Persons who have pig-styes, middings, or tar-barrels on the street ordered to remove the same, [C.R. Adv. Lib.fol. 185.] Gift of an altarage and chaplainry in St GUes' Kii-k to Sii- Jolin Wilson, [lb. fol. III.] - Agreement between the Bonnetmakers and Walkers, 110 110 111 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAOE 1543, July 20. [Official Extract in the possession of the Incorpora- tion of Bonnetmakers.^ - - - - - -111 — October 2. Fee granted to a person for keeping the kirk and cleaning the pavement, [G.B, Adv. Lih.fol. 4.] - - - 112 — — 19. A person feed to make and mend the causeway, [76.] - 112 — — 24. Act as to measuring of wine, [76. ^Z. 162.] - - - 112 — — 27. A glass- Wright feed to uphold the whole glass and windows in St Giles' Kirk, \Ih.fol. 4.] - - - - - 112 — November 23. Act of the town council with reference to agi-eement be- tween the Walkers and Shearers and the Bonnet- makers, [76. fol. 38 ; Official Extract in the possession of the Incorporation of Eonnetmakers.^ - - - 113 — — — Act as to walking of cloth, [C.^. ^(Zi;. ii6.yb^. 40.] - - 114 — December 18. Price of Romany wine, [76. /o^. 70.] - - - 114 — — 19. No wine to be bought in Leith till the town sets the price thereof, [76.] - - 114 1543-4, January 21. Acts passed anent the pest, [76. /oZ. 214.] - - - 114 — — 23. Act against the sending of goods to the port of Burnt- island to be loaded, [76. /o^. 137.] - - - -114 — — 31. Measures used by taverners to be of a cei-tain kind and marked, [lb. fol. 162.] 115 — February 25. Prices of wines, [76. ybZ. 70.] - . - . . ng 1544-5, March 23. No pei'son except a freeman to buy malt in the market, and to brew and not regrate the same, [76. fol. 65.] 116 1545, June 1. Persons having pleas to be ready in the Tolbooth at eleven hours, [76./o;. 171.] 116 — — 9. Price of bread baked by baxters outwith the Burgh, [lb. fol. 68.] - - 116 _ — — Price of ale, [76. fol. 67.] 116 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1545, June 9. No person to brew or sell ale unless admitted by the provost and registered Ln the town's book, [C.R. Adv. Lih.fol. 67.] 117 — October 2. Extent granted for supplying and sustaining of tbe West and Middle Borders, [/6./o?. 149.] - - - -117 — — Fowls and rabbits to be sold in tbe market and not privately ; as to sellers of tame fowls ; time at which buksters attend in the market, [76. /oZ. 67.] - 118 — Oct.Nov. &Dec. Acts anent the pest and cleansing, [Ih.fol. 214.] - - 118 — December 23. Nightly watch appointed, [76. /o?. 185.] - - - -118 — Act as to the selling of malt, [Ibfol. 65.] - - - 119 Manner of freighting ships, [Ib.fol. 137] - - - 119 Act as to the prices of strangers goods arriving in Leith, [76.] 119 Prices of wines lately come in a ship ; two persons appointed to distribute same, [76.] - - - - 120 Acts anent the cleansing of clothes, [76.214.] - - - 120 Acts anent measures, [76. fol. 162.] and pi-ice of wine.s, [Ih.fol. 70.] - - - - - - - - 120 Act forbidding the breaking bulk and weighing of certain goods in Leith ; to be first brought to Edinburgh and offered to the neighbours, [76. /oZ. 133.] - - -120 Persons contravening the statutes as to goods in Leith, [76. 102] 121 No person to hold open tavern except burgesses and gild brethern ; none of them to have false measures, {lb. fol. 70.] 121 Act anent the rule at the West Port, [lb. fol. 214.] - 121 Act anent infection of pest, [76.] 121 Act forbidding the carrying away of meal to the English, [lb. fol 69.] 121 1545-6, January 4. — — 26. — February 10. — — 27. — March 2. 1546, April 2. — — 13. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1546, April 20. — May 30. August 6. — 11. — 16. October 8. — 12. Tallow not to be sold to strangers, nor to be used for other jiurposes tban candlemaking, [C.R. Adv. Lib.fol. 40.] 121 Nightly watch appointed ; guard to attend upon the pro- vost ; town council agree to take a part for defence of the town, \R. fol. 4, 186.] - - - - - 122 Fish not to be sold to regraters,[76.yo?. 6C.] - - - 122 Custom and duty of ships and prizes arriving in Leith, \G.R. Vol. I.Jol. 47.] - 123 Price of victual and other goods taken in prize, \G.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 137.] 123 Price of wines, [76. /o;. 70.] -123 Wine measures to have the town's mark, [Ih.fol. 162.] - 123 Price of oats and hay to be sold by stable keepers, \Ih. fol. 76.] . - - 123 Pricesof maltaudale, [/6./o?. 67.] - - - -124 Obligation by sellers of wild fowls as to prices, [76.] - 124 Priceof wines, [76./)^. 70.] 124 — — — Market of bear and oats to be held in the place of the old Fish Market, [76. /o;. 69.] - - - - -124 — — Regi-aters, huksters, &c., to find sui-eties to keeji the statutes, {Ih.fol. 65.] ------ 124 — — — Price of ale, [76. /o?. 67.] - - - - - -125 — December 10. Price of wines, [76. /o^. 70.] 125 — — 14. Unlaws to be taken from the persons who have broken the statutes anent the prices of wines and applied to the reparation of the high altar, [75. ] - - - 1 25 — — — Stable keepers find sureties to keejj the statutes, \Ib. fol. 76.] --------- 125 — — 20. Act as to quantities in which strangers goods brought within burgh are to be sold to freemen, [Ih.fol 27.] 125 30. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1546, December 30. Persons clischarged from the town till the pest be re- pressed, [C.H. Adv. Lib.fol. 214.] - - . . 126 1546-7, January 5. Wines bought, and two baUies appointed to distribute the same, [lb. fol. 70.] - 126 — — 14. Order by the Lord Governor and Lords of Council to take proceedings against regraters for causing dearth of fowls, (fee, [Original m-der in the Archives of the City ; Inventory of City Cliarters, Vol. I., fol. 109.] - - 126 — — 26. Prices of wines and ii-on lately inbrought, [C.S. Adv. Lib. fol. 70.] - - - 127 1547, April 5. Statutes against tavern keepers who are not burgesses or guild brethren to be put to execution ; tavern keepere to be poinded for duties to St Anthony's altar, [lb. fol. 27.] -.---.._. 127 — — — Price of butter ; hour at which it is to be bought by huk- sters in the market, [lb. fvl. 76.] - - - . 127 — — — Crames not to be set at the Cross except upon the market day, [lb. fol. 187.] - - - . - 127 — — — Caimsof stones, (fee, on the street ordered to be removed,[76.] 127 — June 17. Price of Biudeaux wine, [Ib.fol.'iQ.^ - - . . 127 — July 11. Order by the Lord Governor as to proceedings awainst Adam Liddle for slaughter, [Original order in tJie Archives of the City ; Inverttory of City Charters Vol. I., fol. no.] ------' 128 — — 15. Officers ordaiiied to visit theii- quarters, [C.B. Adv. Lib. fol. 214.] ^ ; - 128 — — 20. Iron brought into the port of Leith to be taken to the Over Trone and weighed, [76. _/b/. 138.] - - 128 — — 23. Ships not to be entered unless a bailie be present • the bailies and council to fix prices, [//*.] . . - 128 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1547, July 29. Skijipoi-s in Leitli ordaiiieil toappowand soo tljoir froight- iny; modified conform to time of peace, [CJf. Vul. I., fol. 78.] 129 — August T). Treasuiw aiul otliois to lix the price of goods brought in by sti-angers to tlie jiort of Leith ; goods to be sold to the highest bidder, and the bahmee above the fixed price delivered to tlio treasurer for the common woi'ks, [O.R. Adv. Lib. fol. \Z8.'\ 129 — — Goods bought by John Hamilton ; price to bo paid to the merchant, and the balance to the treasurer, [//).] - 130 October 7. Market of bear and oats to be held in the place of the Old Fishmai'ket ; mai-ket of malt to bo hold above the Tolbootli ; maltmen within bin-gh not to buy from outlandmaltmen, [/7)./o?. G9.] - - - - 130 _ — Prices of malt, ale, [Ib./uL C7.] and bread, [lb. fol. 68.] 130 — — 12. Ports and walls of the town to be repaired ; two porters to bo set to each of three ports, and the i-emainder to be closed ; portei-s to be well armed, and to find surety tliat tliey sliall not be absent, or take extortions fi'om passei-s, [Ih.fol ISC] 130 — — — Act ordaining that thei"o be a nightly watch of twelve able men well armed ; to bo punished if negligent ; duties of those aj>j)ointed to watch, [/ft.] - - - - 131 1547-8, January 3. A nightly watch appointed, [lb.'] ----- 131 — — — Goodsbroughtinby asliipoi-dainedtobesold, [/6.yb?. 138.] 132 — February 1. Prices of malt and ale, [/6./y/. G7.] - - - -132 _ _ S. Pricoof oats, [//'./>/. 70.] 132 — — 17. Neighbours failing to watch ordained to pay for one in their place ; keys of the ports to be delivered to the bailies, [lb. fol. 186.] 132 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxv VXQIt 1547-8, Mai-di 13. Winos lately brought in French sliiiis not to be sold for eig}it days; price of wines from that date, [C'.Ii. Adv. Lib./ol. 70.] 132 — — 22. A merchant contravening the statutes against breaking buIkinLcith, [7ft./o;. 173.] - - - - -132 1548, April 8. Butter, cheese, eggs, i-c, to be sold in the market and not privately, [lb. fol. 7G.] ------ 133 — — 19. Persons able to handle and shoot artillery not to pass out of the burgh without licence, [76. /oZ. 187.] - -133 — May 4. A merchant unlawed for breaking the statutes, [/J. /o/. 173.] 133 — June 14. Daily watch of twenty-four men appointed to be set at the ports, [76. /oi. 187.] ----- - 133 — — 20. Pi-ices of wines, [76.yb;. 77.] ------ 134 — — — Prices of bread and oats, [7J./o;. 68, 7G.] - - -134 — — 21. Bailies to pass through the town and see that certain statutes are kept, [Ib.ful. 4.] 134 — — 28. Bread to be furnished by the baxters to the army, [76. fol. 42.] - - 134 — July 5. Baxters in the burgh having bread on hand which the army refuses to receive, outland baxters charged not to bring bread to the market for three days, [76.] - 13-5 Unlaws of maltmen and ale, [lb. fol. 170.] - - . l.3.g Agreement as to appraisement of heirship good.s, [John Stevenson's Protocol, p. 14.] - - - - -13.5 Notarial instrument, on behalf of Piobert Malville and others as to homicide committed by him, [76./o/. IG.J 137 Act as to procedure in actions depending before the town, [C.B. Adv. Lib. fol. 171.] 140 Persons refusing to come to assizes when warned, ordained to be poinded for the unlaw, [76. /o/. 173.] - -140 d — 6. — 25. August 5. October 1.5, ;xvl TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE 1548, October 15. Four persons appointed to pass to Leitli, to make prices of cei'tain prize goods, [Ih.Jul. 139.] - - 140 — — — Fleshers forbidden to lioard tallow ; candlemakers not to bnjr material in hurt of the occupation of Cordiners ; candles bought in the burgh and taken furth thereof to be escheat, [C.7?. 4f/y. Zj'&./oZ. 41.] - - -140 — — — Filth ordered to be removed from the streets, [/i.yb?. 18V.] 141 — — — Women quarelling on the High Street ordered to be punished, [lb.] ------- 141 . — — — Act as to using water in the wells, [/&.] - - - - 141 _ _ Priceof ale, [/6./yZ. 67.] 141 — November 2. Goods arriving in Leith to be valued before bulk is broken, [76. /oZ. 139.] ----- - U2 — — A person guilty of breaking bulk, [Ib./ol. 173.] - - 142 _ — 3. Officers' fees in time of, [76 /o?. 214.] - - -142 — 7. TJnfreemen ordained not to buy merchandise except fi-om freemen or, [lb. fol. 71.]- - - -142 — 20,21. Oathsofmaltmenas to keeping the statutes, [7/). /o?. 173.] 142 — 21. Tavern keepers to be burgesses and giuld brethcrn, and to pay their duties to St Anthony's altar, [lb. fol. 77.] - 142 — — 23. Maltmen to be punished for breaking prison, [76. /o^. 173.] 143 — — Act as to regraters and fruit seller.?, [7J. /o?. 7G.] - - 143 — 24. Filth on the streets or in burned and fallen down lands to be removed, [7?;. /_<;. 187.] - - - - -143 December 1. Lint bought in Leith to be weighed at the over trone, [Ih.fol. 138.] - - - - - - - 143 7. Prices of wine, [C.R. Adv. Lib. fol. 77;] and bread, [Ib.ful. G8.] 144 11. Order by the Privy CouncU as to the price of wine, [OWg'twrtZ order in the archives of the city. Inventory of City Charters, Vol. I. fol. no.] - - . - - 144 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1548-9, February 1. 1549, May 24. — August 3. — — 30. 1549-50, January 30, — March 13. 1550, June 28. July 1. — 30. August. 25. September 11. — IG. October 9. - — 11. Agreement -with John Little as to the selling of goods brought by him to Leith, [C.B. Adv.Lib.fol. 138.] - 145 Obligations to pay certain sums to the common good for the profit of goods brought to Leith, [/6.] - - 1 45 Filth, etc., ordained to be remo\'ed from common streets, {Ib.fol. 187.] -------- 145 Consent by the Town Coimcil to the feuing of a laud per- taining to a chaplainry of which they were patrons, [Tb. fol. no ; C.R. Vol.I.fol. 76.] - - - - 146 Price of wine ; to be sold openly, {C.R. Adv. Lih.fol. 70.] 147 A burgess losing his freedom, \Ih.fol. 26.] - - - 147 Price of wine, [Ib.fol. 77.] - - - - - 147 Price of flesh ; to be sold in the market, [Ib.fol. 41.] - 148 Fish market to be held in the Fish Market G\o&e,[Ibfol. 6G.] 1 48 Price of bread, [Ib.fol. 68.] - - - - . - 148 Act as to the laying down and removal of filth, [76. /o^. 187] 148 Act as to the making of burgesses and gild brethren, [Register of Bunjesses, etc., Vol. I.fol. 29.] - 148 Division amongst the burghs of a taxation, [lb. fol. 148.] 149 Price, etc., of bread, [Ib.fol. 68.] - - - - - 149 Price of malt, [Ib.fol. 69.] ------ 159 Venders of wine who are not gild brethren discharged, [Ib.fol. 77.] -------' 1.50 Gild_ court ; act as to privileges of daughters of buro-esses &c., [Register of Burgesses, etc.. Vol. I.fol. 30.] . 1.50 Letters by the Lord Governor ordaining a Commission of Justiciary to be made under the Great Seal in fevour of Francis Tennant, provost of Edinburgh, [Original Letters in the archives of the city. Inventory of City Cliarters, Vol. I.fol. .39.]- - - - . . j^^q xxviii TABLE OF CONTENTS. PASS 1550-1, February 24. Butter market to be beld in the flesh Louse, [C.Ji. Adv. Lib.fol. 76.] 151 — — — Price and weight of bread, [76. yb?. 68.] . - - . 151 — — 25. Proclamation as to merchants sailing to France, Flandere, and other parts with merchandice, [Tb.fol. 27.] - 152 — March 13. Seriands to put decrees to execution within forty-eight hours ; duties of oflicers and seriands as to apjj raising of goods, and as to sasines and breives, waiting upon the provost and bailies, and division of profits, [Ib.fol. 5.] 153 — — — Merchants calling on any person to buy goods and passing to another booth to be fined, [^Ih.fol. 27.] - - 154 — — — No person to set gear or boards on the hiegait, in booth doors or passages, except on market days, [lb. Jul. 188.] 154 1551, April 7. No person to buy goods arriving at Leith till the price is fixed, or to buy more than will sustain his own house- hold, [Ib.fol. 133.] 154 — — 10. Price of bread, [/6.>^. 68.] ..--.- 154 — — — An Englishman fined for cutting goods in small pieces and selling the same in Leith, [Ib.fvl. 173.] - - 155 — May 4. An Englishman put in ward for selling goods in small, [7ft.] 155 — — 11. Treasurer to jiay fee to the ofiicer of the haven of Leith, [Ib.fol. 5,103.] 155 — — — Ofiicer of the haven and port of Leith ordained to keep the measures of victual and salt, and uplift the duties thereof, [76. /oZ. 103, 162.] 155 — — 27. Measurers of victual and salt in Leith chosen, and the measures delivered to the farmer of the " wild adventures," [Ib.fol. 162.] .... 1,56 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 9. 10. 1551, October 7. Unlaws and duties of wrongs done to the town to be collected and distributed by the council, Adv. [Ub.fol 102, 173; C.E. Vol. Il.fol. 1.] - - 156 All the seriands discharged for failing in the execution of their duties, and the bailies ordained to receive others, [G.R. Vol. Il.fol. 1 ; C.E. Adv. Lib.fol. 5.] - - 156 Acts passed by the provost, bailies, and coimcil anent bread, malt, meal, fish, poidtry, stablekeepers, hay, oats, candle, tallow, vagabonds, fleshers, candlemakers, malt, middings, assizes, stands on the hie gait, maltmen, tavern keepers, and regraters, [C.E. Vol. II. fol. 1-4 ; C.E. Adv. Lib.fol. 5, 39, 41, 64, 68, 69, 76, 83, 173.] 157 — — — Act ordaining the neighbours to keep the above acts, [C.E. Vol. II fol. 4.] 161 — — 12. Three regi'aters apprehended ; a common regrater decerned to be put in the irons, [C.E. Vol II., fol. 4.] - - 161 — December 10. Eed, filth and stones ordered to be removed from the streets immediately, [76.] 162 1551-2, January 26. Burgesses sons after marriage to pay extents, or to pay custom as unfreemen, [76.] - - - - - 162 — — — Booth doors of unfreemen to be shut up, [76.] - - 162 — February 10. Prices of flesh and malt, [7J.] - - - - -162 1552, April 8. — May 11. — — 27. Price and weight of bread, [76. yb?. 5.] - - - - 163 Customs to be paid by unfreemen, [75.] - - - - 163 Officer of Leith ordained to keep the measures of salt and victual, and to uplift the profits thereof, [76.] - - 163 Workmen of Leith admitted and their fees fixed, [76. ; C.E. Adv. Lib.fol. L] 163 Measurers of victual and salt to be chosin by the council and judges ; common measures to be delivered to the farmer of " wild adventures," [C.R. Vol. II., fol 5.] 164 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1552, May 27. June 17. — July G. — — 15. — August 19. — September 2. — — 9. — — 17. October 7. A stone dike at tbe kirk-yard to be taken down, [CJf. Vol. IL,fol. 5.] ------ - 164 Weight of bread; a person fined for having light bread, [/6.] 164 New weights to be made and delivei-ed to the weighers, [Ib.fol. 6.] - - - 164 Hours for selling wool in the market, [/ft.] - - - 165 Bailies ordained to give in their account of the extent of the Gallows raid, [/ft.] - - - - - -165 No person to wash clothes at the Burgh Loch ; burumen not to take any " bum" from wells, [/ft.] - - 165 A person fined for breaking the statute against burgesses buying goods in Leith, [/ft.] - - - - - 165 Price and weight of bread ; prices of malt, ale, and flesh, [Ib./ol. 6, 7.] - - - - - - - - 165 Price and weight of bread, [/ft.yii?. 7.] - - - - 1G6 Goods brought to Leith to be weighed at the trone ; pay- ment of duties to customer, [/ft. yo^. 8.] - - - 166 Goods declared to be escheat for not being entered in the town's books, [/ft.] - - - - - - -167 Wages of the keepers of the ports, [Ib./ol. 9.] - - 168 Workmen and pioneers of the shores of Leith decerned to obey the ofiicers of the town, [/ft.] - - - - 168 Goods in an unfreighted ship declared to be escheat, [/ft.] 169 An indweller in Dieppe ordained to prodvice his right whereby he is free and owes no custom, [/S.] - - 169 Articles and ordinances concerning the common weal of the burgh produced by James Henderson, [/ft.] - 169 Proposals by James Henderson to the town of Edinburgh, [Orighuil proposals in the arcldves of the city. Inven- tory of City Charters, Vol. I., fol. lO^i.] - - -170 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1552, October 7. Acts relative to bread, malt, ale, meal, and candle, [C.H. Vol. II.,/ol. 10.] ------- 173 — — — Ratification of acts made last year anent fish, poultry, stables, hay, oats, tallow, vagabonds, fleshers, middings, assizes, stands on the High-gait, stoups of taverns and regraters, [76.] - - - - - 173 Statutes as to the duties of the burgh officers, [Ib./ol. 10, 11.] 173 Assessors to have power to advise and vote with the council, [Ib./ol. 11.] - - - - - - 174 Contract for making stalls of the choir, [76.] - - - 174 Bellman and clock-keeper to have a key of the steeple door, [Jb./ol 12.] - -174 Dean of guild to be relieved of sum in contract for bigging of the choii-, [/&.] - - - - - - - 175 Extent to be gathered to furnish the town's part of the soldiers -who are to pass to France, [/6.] - - - 1 75 1552-3, January 21. Sureties for paying expense of freeing merchants detained prisoners ill England, [Ib./ol. 13.] - - - - 175 Licence to a prebendary of the choir to pass to England and France to get better knowlege of mu.sic, [lb.] - 17G Treasurer to pay expenses of commissioners to Stirling and LiiiUthgow, [Ib./ol. 12] . - - - - 176 Commissioners appointed to agree upon the town's .share of certain taxations, [/6. yb?. 13.] - - - . 176 Act as to the ringing of the common bell, [Ib./ol. 14.] - 177 Occupiers of booths to have weapons therein, and to assist the officers in preserving the peace, [lb.] - - 177 Brewsters warned against having caldrons in hu'e, [lb.] - 177 Treasurer to pay a sum to the Prebendaries of Corstor- phin, [lb.] - - - - - - 178 — — 10. — — 21. — November 3. — — 9. — December 9. — — 2.3. 26. 28. February 1. — March 4. — 13. — 15. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1552-3, March 17. — — 18. 1553, April 14. — — 20. — May 25. — — 20. — June 9. — — 30. — July 13. — August 4. — September 2. — October 7. 11. PAGE Black Friars to be paid for tbeir bell, [C.R Vol. Il.fol. U.J178 Persons granting deductions to tbe farmers or tacksmen of the common good ordained to refund the same, llh.fol. 15.] - - 178 Act as to the weight and price of bread, [76.] - - 178 Treasurer to pay for making the almery of the common bell, [/&.] - 179 Treasurer to p.ay the school mail, [76.] - - - - 179 Act as to the selling of butter and cheese in tlie markets, [76.] --------- 179 The counoil desii-ed by the crafts to reform an act of the Convention as to the choo.sing of officers, [76.] - - 179 Treasurer to pay a fee for service in the choir, [76. fol. 16.] --------- 180 Act as to weight and price of bread, [76.] - - - 180 Malt to be sold at a certain price, [76.] - - - - 180 Council to remove furth of booth occupied by theu' clerks, [76. /o?. 170.] .----.. 180 Treasurer to pay expenses of commissioner to Convention of Burghs ; also rent of booth occupied by the clerks, [76.] 180 Money to be fui-nished to complete the bulwark, [76.] - 181 Acts passed as to bread, malt, (fee. ; swine to be kept in houses and not allowed to be at large ; fullers not to water their cloth on the streets ; certain acts of previous years ratified, [76. ybZ. 18-19.] - 181 Butter, cheese, and eggs to be sold at certain prices, \Ih.fol. 19.] 182 Parties who, in repairing their lands, injure their neigh- bour's property ordained to reform tlie same, and to TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1553, October 11. to St Giles' work, [C.R. Vol. II. 13. 27. — — 31. — November 8. — — 29. — December 1. 182 182 pay a sum fol. 19.] - - - - Auditors of accounts cboseu, \IhJ\ Ratification of acts as to " colouring " of unfreemen's goods, being partners with men of Leith, and buying of goods from strangers, [76. _/b?. 20.] - - - 182 Sureties for certain fleshers, [/6.] - - - - 183 Prices to be taken for sawing of timber, [/6] - - 183 Council to convene and consult upon the common afiairs, under certain penalties, [Ib.fol. 21.] - - - 183 Treasurer to pay rent of school-house, [/6.] - . - 183 Freighting of ships to France, [/S.J . - - - 184 Freemen not to make any indweller of Leith his factor, [/6.] 184 Treasurer to pay expenses of messenger to Dundee, &,c., [76.] 1 84 Timber to be delivered to the Friars Minoi-s, [76.] - - 184 Prices of wild meat, tame fowls, and wines, \Ih.fol. 21, 22.] 184 Rent of music school to be jiaid, [76. /oZ. 22.] - - - 185 — — — Part of extent paid by Inverkeithing, [76.] . - . 186 — — — Rent of clei'k's chamber to be paid, [76.] - - - 18G 1553-4, January 3. Protest on behalf of the deacons of crafts as to the election of seriands, [76.] ---...- 186 — — — A seriand made a burgess, [76.] - - - - - 186 — — — A seriand elected by the council, [76.] - - - - 186 Treasurer to pay the dean of guild for the burgesship of the Lord Governor's servitor, [76.] - - • - 187 Brewsters to buy their malt in the market only, at the town's price, [76. /oZ. 23.] 187 A person taking stones from gi'ound at the Greyfriar's port, ordered to full up ground with earth and not to break it in future, [76.] ------ 188 — 8. — 15. — 25. — February 9. 16. xxxiv TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAG£ 1553-4, February IG. Treasiu-er to pay the dean of guild dues of a burgessliip made at request of the Provost's wife, [C.-R. Vol. Il.fol. 23.] 188 — 21. Unlaws to pertain to the bailies unless otherwise provided for, [76.] 188 — — — Chest with four keys to be made for preserving the evi- dents of the town ; protest by the deacons of crafts that they will not be responsible for documents^ having no key, \Ihi\ - - - - - 188 — — 28. Treasurer to pay dean of guild dues on the making of a burgess at the request of Lord Huntly, [Ib.fol. 24.] 189 — — — Aperson found guUty of speaking irreverentlyin judgement in presence of the bailies and councU, [/6.] - - 189 — — — Claim by the deacons and craftsmen to have a vote in the election of seriands, [/i.] 189 — March 9. Dean of guild to pay to the Blackfriars a sum of money, [Ib./ol. 25.] 191 — —20. Act as to entering of ships, [76. /o?. 26.] - - -192 1554, April G. A watch appointed, [lb.] 192 — _ 27. Music school to be repaired, [76. /o?. 27.] - - -192 — May 25. Burgh Loch to be built up to hold in water, [76.] - - 192 — June 8. A person hii-ed to sing in the choir, [76.] - - - 192 — — — Cowgate port to be kept open, [/6.] - - - 193 — — — Heritors of the Friar wynd to mend the causeway, [76.] - 193 — — 15. Treasurer to pay rent of provost's house as part of his fee, [Ib.fol. 28.] -------- 193 — — — Quarriers to take stones from the Burghmuir on certain conditions, and sell the same at certain prices, [76.] - 193 — — — Treasurer to pay the expenses of a play, [76.] - - - 193 — — — Council consent to repair the dike ai-ound Arthur Seat, SaUsbxiry, and Duddingston crags, [76.] - - - 194 — — — Three craftsmen found guilty of assault, [76.] - - 194 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1554, June 27. Treasurertopayfur making tie playing-p]ace,[C.i?. Fo?.//., /«;. 29.] - 195 — July 6. Treasurer to pay men for keeping tlie tolbootli stair, and also a sum to a taverner, [/6.] - - - - - 195 — Treasurer to make a sluice for holding in the water of the North Loch, [lb.] - - 195 — Shops to be removed from the High gait, [Tb.] - - 195 — — 20. Sacristan of St Giles to supply kii-k with light and water and attend to the ringing of the bells, [Tb.] - - 195 — — — Treasui-er to pay for completing the play-field in Green- side, [Ib.fol 30.] 196 — — — A pension gi-anted as a reward to the builder of stalls in the choir, [lb.] 196 — AugustlS. Ti'easurer ordained to pay certain sums to the workmen who completed the play-field, and to minstrels, [Ib.fol. 31.] 197 Materials for the music school to be furnished, [lb.] - 197 — September Persons to be chosen to vote for members of council when absent, [Ib.fol. 46.] 197 — — Sir Robert Carnegy to be paid for downgetting of customs in France, [lb.] - - - - - - 197 — — 20. Timber arriving in Leith to be delivered to the wrights, coopers, and builders at the town's price, [lb.] - - 198 — — 28. A late provost found not entitled to remain at a meeting for choosing the council and leets, [lb.] - - - 198 Acts passed relative to bread, malt, iScc. ; ratification of certain acts passed in the previous year, [75./oZ.32, 33.] 1 98 Treasurer to pay for furnishings supplied for the play, [lb. fol. 33.] 198 19. Proclamation of a weaponsha wing on the Burghmuir, [7Z>.] 199 — Making of defamatory and blasphemous ballads prohibited, [Ib.fol. 34.] 199 October 9. — — 12. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1554, October 19. Four additional seriands to be chosen, [G.E. Vol. IL,/ol. 34.] 200 — — — Flesbers warned to keep tbe statutes as to the price of flesh, [lb.] - ..... 200 — — — Act as to stands on the gait ; certain goods not to be sold thereon, [lb.] 200 — — — Persons using unjust weights and measures to be punished, [lb.] 201 — — • — Four seriands elected by the council, [lb. /ol. 35.] - 201 A pereon decerned to make amends to the bailies for accusing them of oppression, [lb.] - . - - 202 Act as to convening the council ratified, and collector of unlaws named, [lb. Jbl. 36.] - - - . . 202 Proclamation as to ai-mour required at the weaponshaw- ing, [lb.] . 202 . Act as to bringing home of bullion, [lb.] - - - 203 Strangers to sell their goods in forebooths on the High gait, and to freemen only, [Ib.fol. 37.] - . - 204 Streets ordained to be lighted at night, [lb. fol. 38.] - 204 Licence to an Englishman to brew soap, [lb.] - - 205 Foitr persons decerned by the provost and bailies to remain in ward tUl they pay their customs ; protest by the baron bailie of Holyrood house, [lb.] - . . 205 PropLnes to the Queen and the Provost, [lb.] - - . 205 Building of the tolbooth to be begun, [Ib.fol. 39.] . 206 Farce to be played before the Queen, [lb.] - - - 206 Treasurer to pay for goblets bought to propLue the Queen with, [lb.] - - 200 — — — Obligation as to loan to Monsieur Dosell, [Tb.] - - 206 1554-5, January 15. Commissioners appointed to authorise payment of expenses of certain actions before the Court of Session, [/?>.] - 207 — — 26. — — 30. — November 2. — — 3. — — 14. — — 16. — — 23. — — 24. — December 12. — — 24. — — 28. — — 29. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1554-5, January 18. Burgesses not to be partners with indwellei-s of Leith or Canongate or with an unfreeman, not to appoint such persons their factors, and not to freiglit ships with them, [C.B. Vol. II.,fol. 40.] - - - - 207 — — — Ships arriving at Leith not to be entered in the books till they are lying in the haven, [lb.] - - - - 207 — — — Goods not to be sent to Burntisland to be loaded in ships, [lb.] 208 — — — Two seats to be made in the Tolbooth for sei-ving the Courts, [75.] ------.. 208 — — — A burgess and guild brother to be entered in the books of the date he was sworn, [lb.] - - - . 208 — — — Treasurer allowed the price of velvet delivered to the council house, [76.] --.... OOS — Febniai-y 1 . Duty of the gmldi-y granted to a person gratis ; protest by the deaa that he be not prejudiced, [Ib.fol. 41.] Treasui-er to pay for engraving the arms on the "cowpis" presented to the Queen and M. Dosell, [76./o;. 42.] ---....' Protest against the provost and bailies being judges La a cause at the instance of the treasurer; objection repelled, [Ih.fol. 43.] 208 The New-haven to be rejmired, [lb.] - - - . 209 Extent to be taken from the town to purchase timber for the haven, [Ih.] 209 Proceedings as to a case at the instance of the treasurer, [Ib.fol.U.-] -------! 210 Gift of consei-vatory in favour of George Hakheid presented by him, [lb.] - - - - . -210 Gates of the park dyke to be repaired, [76,] - - - 210 13, — 15. 208 208 — — 16. 27. — March 1. xxxviii TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAOK 1554-5, March 12. Grammar school to be repaired, [C.R. Vol. JI.,fol. 44.] - 210 — — — Gift of the guild seriandship and procuring of bread to beadrels ; licence to any person to collect alms for the ■wife and children of the last possessor of these offices, [Ib.fol. 45.] 210 — — 14. Protest by treasurer as to writings under the seal of cause being signed by the clerk ofcoui-t, [76.] . - - 211 — — — Resignation of a councillor, and a successor appointed, [76.] 211 — — — House to be built at the North Loch ; causeway to be cut, {lb.} 211 — — 22. Timber to be bought in Norway and other parts for bigging the New-haven, [Ib.fol. 111.] - - -211 — — — Reisignatiou of a councillor, and election of his successor, [lb.] 212 1555, — 28. Gift of a beadralship in the hospital of St Mary's Wynd, [75.] 212 — — 29. Resignation of a guild officer, and appointment of his successor, [75.] - 212 — — — Market cross rouped and set at a yearly rental ; tenant to build booths at liis expense, [76.] - - - - 212 — April 20. Proceedings to be taken for supporting the poor, and for expelling sturdy beggari?, [Ib.fol. 47.] ... 213 — — 24. Place of cloth market to be changed, [76.] . . - 214 — — 27. Surety for a burgess of Lanark, [75. /o^. 49.] - - -214 — May 4. Gift of a beadsmanship of St Paul's Work, [7J.] - - 214 — _ 10. Commissioners appointed to the Convention of Burghs, [75.] 214 — — — Protest as to Burgh-loch injuring adjoining land, [75.] 214 — — — Money lent to Monsieur Dosell to be applied for ; neigh- bours who advanced the money to be repaid, and the balance applied towards repairhig the New-haven, [75.] 214 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxxix FAGS 1555, May 16. Obligation by tlie Queen Dowager and Regent for pay- ment of the balance of M. Dosell's loan, [Original Obligation in tlie Archives of the City. Inventory of CityCliarters,Vol.I.fol.lU.] - - - -215 — — 17. Water in Biirgb-locli not to be let out ; slaps to be built up, [C.B. Vol. ll.fol. 49.] 215 — — — Acquittance of tbe town's extent for building of forts, and the Queen's obligation for balance of M. Dosell's loan, presented and put in charterhouse, [/i.] - - - 215 — — — Act as to the making of burgesses, [/6.] - - - - 216 — — 24. Skipjjers ordained to receive in their ships such merchants only as are admitted by the bailies and council, [/6.] 216 — — 27. Protest on behalf of the deacons of crafts against the acts of the Commissioners of burghs hurting their privileges, [76.] ---.-.. 216 — — 28. Commissioners appointed to the Convention of Royal Burghs ; protest by the deacons of crafts against the appointment hurting theii- privileges, [/&.] - - 216 — — 31. Common seal to be hung to a wi-iting consented to by Pai-liament, [/S./o^. 50.] 217 — June 1. Two persons appointed to make alterations of the e.xtent of burghs, [76.] 217 — — 3. A master of a shif) ordained to receive certain merchants in his vessel, [iJ.] 217 — — 7. A similar ordinance, [7i.] .-.-.. 218 — — 13. A lodging taken for the gi-ammar school, \Ih. fol. 51.] - 218 — — 14. Treasurer ordained to complete the shore and bulwark, [TJ.] 218 — — — Alexander Stevinson appointed to sing in the choir, [76.] 218 — —21. Gift of a beadsmanship in St Paul's Work, [76.] - -219 xl TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1555, June 22. — — 28. — July 4. — 19. — 25. August 12. September 6. — Octobei" 4. — — 8. — 13. — — 18. — — 24. 25. Musicians to be paid for plaj'ing during the time of Parlia- ment, &c., [C.B. Vol. Il.fol. 51.] - - - - 219 Timber inbrought to the Newhaven, [lb. fol. 52.] - - 219 Masters of work appointed to the bigging of the New-haven, [lb.] 219 Two offenders forgiven in respect of good service done in capturing a pirate, [lb.] - - - - - -219 Treasurer to procure stones for the bulwark, [76.] - - 220 Officer to be paid for passing to Aberdeen and appre- hending a criminal, [lb. fol. 53.] - . - - 220 Gable window in St GUes' Kirk liable to fall down, [lb. fol. 54.] ------.- 220 Musicians to be ])aid for playing before StGUes, [lb. fol. 55.] 220 13. Disbursement for banquet made to the King of Denmark's ambassador, [lb. fol. 5G.] - - . . . 220 — Keeper of Cowgate port appointed, [76.] ... 220 25. Office of treasurer found not to have right to a burgesship yearly, [Ib.fol. 57.] - - - . - - 221 Money to be borrowed from certain neighboure and lent to the Queen upon pledges, [lb.] - - - . 221 Statement as to money in the bailies' box ; protest by Francis Tennand as to proving his allegation, [76.] - 221 Dean of guild and treasurer bound for repayment of money borrowed from the neighboui-s, and the Council bound to release them, [Ib.fol. 58.] - - 222 Keys of charterhouse and documents delivered by former dean of guild to his successor, [76.] - - . - 222 Pledges for money lent to the Queen dispensed with, and her obligation to be received, [75.] ... 222 Act as to convening of the CouucD, [Ib.fol. 59.] - - 223 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xli 1555, October 26. Right of giving a freedom of guildry granted to the pro- vost, [C.R. Vol. Il.fol. 59.] - - ■' - - 223 — November G. Act of 15th January as to actions ratified, and other persons appointed to order payment of money, [76. fol. 60.] ...----. 223 — — 8. Act as to the duties of a prebendary and master of the music school ; treasurer to pay Iiis hou-ie mail, [/6.] 223 — — — Letter from the Queen as to the appointment of a water .baiUe, [76.] - - - - - - - 224 — — — Acts passed relating to bread, mUk, ale, meal, candles, oats, haj^ aud fish, [76. /o^. 61-2.] - - - - 224 — — Ratification of certain acts formerly passed, \Ih.fol. 62.] 224 — 23. Treasurer to pay for vessels got for the Queen and for two banquets, [76.] -.-... 225 — — — Ti-easurer to deliver clotlies to a person for alms, [76.] - 225 — — — Loft of the iron liouse to be mended and floored, [76.] - 225 December 6. Claim against a maltmau for taking his malt from tlie common mills to Cramond mill, \Ih.fol. 63.] - - 225 — 11. Committee to take order with stall-keepers and fruit sellers, [76.] -------- 226 Farmer of wild adventures ordained to pay the whole sum contained in his assedation, [76.] - - - 226 A customer of the wild adventures to be paid for his services, [76.] - - - 226 Presents to be given to the Queen and M. Dosell, and also to the provost, \Ih. fol. 64.] - - . . 227 20. Act of the Privy Council as to ships coming from places where the pest is, \Original act in the Archives of (lie City. Inventory of City Charters, Vol. I. fol. 214.] - - - 227 / — — 13. 16. xlii TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1555, December 21. Wheat sent past tlie common mills without licence of the fai-mer to be escheat, [C.B. Fol II. fol. G4.] - - 228 — Letter by the Queen authorising the Town Council to change the place for holding markets, [Original Letters in the Archives of the City. Inventory of City Charters, Vol. I. fol. 19.] - - 228 1555-6, January 8. Licence to stall-keepers to sell their wares at certain places, [C. A". TV. //./(-;. G5.] - - - - -229 — — 10. Robert Quhyntin to be paid his expenses to Norway and wage for overseeing the work at the Newhaven, [/6.] 230 — — 11. Act of the Privy Council as to the prices of bread, ale, flesh, fish, wild meat, and other victuals, {^Extract act in the Archives of the City. Inventory of City Charters, Vol. I. fol. 215.] ------- 230 — — 15. Two persons appointed to receive the poor folk's bread and money and to order the same, \G.Ii. Vol. II., fol. 65.] - - - 232 — — — A wright made burgess in consideration of his having been injured while engaged in the town's work ; another person made burgess and gild brother, at request of Murray of Blackbarony, [76.] 232 — — 17. Burgh-loch to be allowed to run furth, [Ih.fol. 66.] - 232 — — — Treasurer to pay an additional sum for furnishing coals to the Lords, [Ih.] - - 233 — — — Persons thirled to the common mills ordained not to pass to other mills with their malt, [76.] - - - 233 — — 20. Commissioners appointed to attend a Convention of Burghs ; protest by the treasurer against choosing a craftsman as a commissioner ; protest in name of the visitors of crafts, [7?>.] -.---. 233 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xliii PAGE 234 1555-6, January 23. Answer by tlie commissioners of Ediubui-gh to an article given in in tbe Queen's name, [G.R. Vol. Il.fol. 66.] — — 24. Three commissioners appointed to convene with the rest of the burghs, and eudeavour to obtain discharge of acts as to bullion, fish, and wine ; protest in name of the crafts against any other articles being given in to the Queen, \Ih. fol. 67.] ----.. — — 25. Craftsmen desire to dispense with an act of parliament made in hurt of tlieii- privileges, [/i.] — — 27. Ratification of appointment of commissioners, and grant of money authorised ; three dissentients, [75.] - — — 31. Alexander Scott to be paid for singing in the choir and playing on the organs, [/6.] — February 7. Treasurer to pay expenses of the provost and others to Sth-liug ; price of wine delivered to the Queen and M. 11 ; and expenses of Robert Quhyntin in Nor- way, \_Ib.fol. 68.] - — — — Custody of the keys of the charterhouse, [76. /o^. 69.] — — 24. Weaponshawing appointed to be held on the Burgh Muir [^•] — — — Act as to the prices of bread, malt, and ale, [lb. fol. 70.] - — March 20. Office of water baUie desired by Alexander Barroun, son of the last officer, [76. yb^. 71.] - - - . — — — Two writings by the Queen, presented in fovour of John Little, of the office of water bailie, [76.] — — 24. Act by the baUies, assessors, council, Nositors and bur- gesses, ordaining that the office of water bailie be yearly changed at Michaelmas, [76. /o^. 72.] - - 238 1556, April 1. West end of Burgh loch to be buUt up, [lb. fol. 73.] - 239 — — — Ratification of acts as to the baxters, [76.] - - . 2■^9! 235 236 236 236 236 237 237 237 238 238 lEv TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGK 1556, April 1. Ratification of act made as to the dowutaking of shops in the High Street, [C.L'. Vol. II. fol. 73.] - - 240 — 10. Hector Blacader ordained to pay a sum for refusing to pass with the " pece" to the procuration to St. Giles' work ; he being a burgess is ordained to be put in the book, and his duty paid ; statute as to persons in future refusing to procure with St. Giles' "pece"; statute as to burgesses and guild brethren being entered in the books, [76.] . . _ . . 240 — — 20. Act as to the prices of bread, ale, and malt, [lb.'] - - 240 — — 24. Treasurer to advance iOOO marks to the bigging of the Newhaveu, [lb. fol. 74.] 241 — — . — Ten pounds delivered to the master of the French school, [lb.] 241 — ' — 27. Treasurer to take up the rests of the baUies accounts ; to furnish a green cloth and cushions to the council house ; and to be allowed expenses of tJie baUies and others to Stu'ling, [Ik] 241 — — — Letter from the Queen charging the town council to appoint John Little to the office of water bailie ; Alexander Barroun desires that the writing should be registered ; the crafts desii-e the writing to be obeyed, [lb. fol 75.] ... - .941 — 28. Protest by Alexander Barroun, against the office of water bailie being given to any other person, [75.] - - 242 — — Bonnetmaker desiring to have a vote with the crafts [75.] - 242 — — Protest as to the voting of the crafts in the election of a water bailie, [lb.] ------- 242 — — The bailies, assessors and council, decline to give their TABLE OF CONTENTS. xlr PAGE 1556, April 28. particular votes in writing in regard to the office of water bailie, [C.R. Vol.II.fol. 75.] - - - - 243 — May 2. Letter from the Queen commanding the council to elect John Little to the office of water bailie, votes of the provost, bailies, councO, and community thereaneut, [75.] 243 — — 7. Letter from the Queen again commanding the council to appoint John Little to the office of water baUie, \Ib. fol. 76.] 244 — — 8. Letter from the Queen to the provost, charging liim to deprive certain members of the council from their offices for disobedience of her commands as to election of a water bailie, [76.] - 244 — — — Office of water bailie given by the council to John Little at the Queen's command, and that during her pleasure, [Ih.] 245 — — 11. Common seal deposited in the charterhouse, [Ih.ful. 77.] 245 — — 15. A boy put in the Tolbooth for stealing the Queen's silver plate, [Ih.] 245 — — — Persons appointed to receive poor folks bread, and distribute same, [/i.] - - 246 — — — John Little sworn to exercise the office of water bailie faithfully, [/.] ----.._ 246 — — — Treasurer ordained to big up the door of the iron house, and to make the weights to the Trone, [76.] ... 246 — — 30. Writing by the Queen declaring her will to be that John Little shoidd hold the office of water bailie for life, [Ih.fol. 78.] 246 — — — Treasurer to pay for candle furnished to the high alter, [/J.] 247 xlvi TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1556, June 5. Extent of tbe Burghs for 1000 merks granted to the Queen, [en. Vol. II. fol. 78.] - - - -247 Quarriers of the Burghmuir to serve the farmers of the common mills with stones, [/6. /ul. 79.] - - - 248 Wells to be made deeper and prepared for gathei-ing water, [lb.] - - - - ... 248 — August 14. Harlots ordained not to wear a particular kind of clothing, [Ib.foL 80.] -------. 248 A farmer of the common mills to build another mill on certain conditions, [Ib.Jvl. 81.] - - - - 249 E.vtent upon the whole Burglis for payment of expenses of downgetting of customs in France, [/i.] - - 249 Consent by the provost, bailies, and deacons of crafts to the raising of an extent on the town, [Ib./ol. 82.] - 251 Puljut to be furnished for reader in Magdalene Chapel, [lb.] 251 22. Inquiry to be made as to persons who took down certain images, [76.] - - - - - - - -251 Letter from the Queen as to persons ■who issued certain odious ballads and rhymes, and took down the images [lb. fol. 83.] - - - 252 Expenses of a messenger to St Andrews and the Borders to be paid, [76. ] 252 Acts passed relative to bread, malt, ale, candle, tallow, fleshei's, oats, hay, stable keepers, meal, and measures, [lb. fol. 84-5.] ....... 252 — Act as to removal of filth of animals slain by the fleshei-s within burgh, [lb. fol. 84.] - - - - - 253 21. Queen to be con.sulted as to prices of newwines,[76.y((/. 80.] 253 26. Act as to convening of council ratified, with an alteration, [/■?'.] 253 — 19. July 29. — — 2f — September 2. — 16. — 23. October 1. 16. TABLE OF CONTENTS. xhii 1556, October 30. — November 2. — — 3. — — G. — — 7. _ — 10. — — 18. — 28. — December 2. 9. 11. — 16. Key of the " little dowket " above St Thomas' aisle delivered to David Rowane, [C.R. Vol. Il.fol. 86.] 253 Contract for execution of work at the Newhaven, [76.] - . - 253 A ton of wine to be presented to the Queen, \Ih.fol. 87.] 254 Penalty incun-ed by Adam Foularton for not riding about the town's common, [/6.] - - . . 254 Gift of a beadralship of St Mary's Wynd, [76.] - - 254 An assesssor discharged of his office for speaking un- pleasant language to the Queen Regent ; protest by him against this decree, [76.] ----- 255 An a.ssessor appointed in place of the one who was discharged, \Ih. fol. 88.] - - - - - 255 Rent of grammar school to be paid, [76.] - - - 255 Common seal to be affixed of new to an instrument, the old seal being decayed, [76.] ----- 256 A burgess and guild brother made at the request of the Queen, [76.] -------- 256 Extent on the Burghs for theii- part of a general tax, \Ih.fol. 89.] 256 Claim for payment of duty paid by a burgess and guUd brother, [76.] -------- 257 Propines to the Queen and Provost, [76.] - - - 257 Passage at the West Port to be made free, [Ih.fol. 90.] 258 Proclamation as to accounts of the burgh, [76.] - - 258 Inquiry to be made as to ability of inhabitants, and the quantity of theii' substance and goods, [76.] - - 258 Act as to persons who are to keep taverns or vent wines, [Ih.fol. 91.] -------- 259 Wells to be repau-ed and overiseers appointed, [76.] - - 259 xlviii TABLE OF CONTENTS. — 22. — February 5. 1556, December 16. Bailies not to pay extent in respect of their labour in collecting same, [C.R. Vol. Il.fol. 91.] - - 269 — — — Musicians to be paid for playing througb the town, \IhJ\ 260 — — 23. Presents to be given to the ushers of the Queen's chamber door for obtaining their " benevolence," [76.] - - 260 — — 30. Servants with torches to accompany the provost, [/&.] - 260 1556-7, January 9. James King to be paid for his labours in connection with the inquiry ordered on 11th December, [76.] - - 260 — — 20. Drytapsters discharged from using ale, \Ib. fol. 92.] - 260 Rent of a chamber in the High Street to be paid, [7S.] 261 An altar to be repau-ed and an aisle made [-/&.] - 261 Landward flesliers discharged from privileges conferred upon them, [7i.] .-..._. 261 Act as to the poor folk's bread, [7S.] - - - - 261 Nightly watch to be kept ; all persons to carry lights after a certain hour, [76.] 261 Freedom of the biu'gh renounced by Janet Richardson, [Ih.fol. 93] - - - - - - - - 261 ] 3. Gift of a beadmanship of St Paul's Work, [Ih.] - - 261 26. Extents not to be added to without the consent of the council and deacons, [75.] - - - - - 262 Protest by the dean of guild as to producing the guild book, [lb. fol. 94.] - 262 A person ordained to desist from selling aqua vitse, [76.] 262 Rent and annuals of the Hospital of St Paul's Work to be collected, [lb] 262 Gift of a beadmanship of St Paul's Work, [lb.] ■ - 262 Act of the councU, and letter by the Queen, as to payment of extents by the crafts, [lb.] - - - - - 263 — — 12. — March 17. — — 20. — — 24. APPENDIX. Act passed by the provost, with consent of his con noil, for keeping clean the ha.venoiLeith., [C.B., Adv. Lib., foL 133.] 265 Act of Parliament in regard to maltmakers, 17th June 1535, [A. P. S., Vol. II. p. 351, s. 42.] 265 Act of ParHament as to prices at which craftsmen and others are to sell tlieir goods, 17tb June 1535, [Ib./p. 351, s. 43.] 266 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. I. — The Accounts of the Town Treasurers : — 1. Account of Alexander Park, Treasurer, from November 1552 to November 1553, 269 2. Account of Robert Grahame, Treasurer, from November 1553 to November 1554, ------.. 280 3. Account of John Pi-eston, Treasm-er, from November 1554 to November 1555, 290 4. Account of Archibald Grahame, Treasui-er, from November 1555 to November 1556, . 3ig II. — The Accounts op the Deans of Guild : — 1. Account of James Carmicbael, Dean of Guild, from October 1552 to October 1553, 328 2. Account of John Symson, Dean of Guild, from October 1553 to October 1554, -------.. 3^3 3. Account of James Carmichael, Dean of GuUd, from October 1554 to October 1555, - - 350 4. Account of James Barron, Dean of GuQd, from October 1555 to October 1556, - - 362 h PREFACE, PREFACE. FOEMER Volume of " Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh " contains all that is known to exist of what may be termed the Burghal Legislation of the Scottish capital previous to May 1528. The present volume com- prises the sequel of that legislation till the commencement of the regular series of the Council Records in 1551. The two volumes thus contain all the acts and ordinances of the civic aiithorities, so far as preserved, prior to the commencement of the second half of the sixteenth centmy ; and these are now given in chronological order. This second volume also contains extracts from the subsequent Records of the Burgh, and selections from the Accounts of the Treasurers and Deans of Guild of the City, so far as these are still in existence, down to 1556-57. The continuous records of the Council, which commence in 1551, set forth details of municipal administration of great local interest and value, but too voluminous to be given in fuU with a due regard to the objects of the present publication. A Avide dis- cretion, in selecting and curtailing the materials since that date, has therefore been exercised ; but when doubt existed as to the propriety liv' PEEFACE of giving a passage, it has usually been inserted. Other sources of information as to the internal history of the City previous to the Reformation being so meagre, those interested in the subject are not likely to find fault with what may even be considered unnecessary fulness of detail. The materials for the present volume have been mainly gathered from the several sources described in the preface to the first volume, with the following additions : — (1.) A volume titled on the back, "Court of the Dean of Guild," " Burgh Court, 1529-1531." The first part of the volume consists of minutes of the Dean of Gi;ild Com-t, from 29th April 1529 till 19th June 1557, but these are of little general value or interest, and it has not been considered expedient to put these in the present collection. The second part is intituled, " Liber Statutorum Burgi de Edinbm-gh, de mandato Magistri Ado Ottirburne prepositi ballivorum et counsulum eiusdum," and contains a series of acts relating to the police of the burgh, extending from 8th October 1529 till 19th October 1531. The whole of the series is included in this collection. (2.) A volume titled on the back, " Accounts of Bailies and Town Treasurers from 1552 to 1567 ;" and, (3.) A volume titled, " Dean of Guild's Accounts from 1552 to 1567. The first of these volumes of Accounts consists of two parts sepa- rately paged. In the first part are recorded the intromissions of the BaUies of Edinburgh with extents or taxations imposed on the inhabi- tants, for various national and local pm-poses, between the years 1540 PREFACE. Iv and 1566 : and the second part contains the accounts of the intromis- sions of the Town Treasurers with the common good or proper revenues of the Bui'gh, for the ten years from Martinmas 1552 to Martinmas 1562; two accounts of David Symer, master of work, for taking down the old Tolbooth and building the new Tolbooth, 1561-64 ; and the Town Treasurers' accounts from Martinmas 1563 to 22d February ] 566-67. The second volume contains the accounts of the Deans of Guild, from Michaelmas 1552 to Michaelmas 1567, with the exception of the years 1558-59, and the period from Michaelmas 1559 to May 1560. The accounts both of the Treasurer and Dean of Guild for the years 1552-53 are printed nearly at length ; and copious extracts are given from the accounts for the years 1553-54, 1554-55, and 1555-56, — unnecessary repetitions or detads alone being excluded. The style and structure of the originals are thus exhibited, while every material fact illustrative of social and civic Hfe in Edinburgh three centuries ago is faithfully given. The work of transcribing these accounts, and of carefuUy collating the proof sheets with the originals, was readily undertaken by Mr Eobert Adam, City Accountant, whose intimate acquaintance with the numerous and varied accounts in the archives of the City pre-eminently fitted him for such a work. To Mr Adam, therefore, the Editor offers his best acknowledgment for a willing co-operation which has largely added to the interest and value of the present volume. The two volumes of Extracts now published bring down the Ivi PREFACE. selections from the records of the Burgh to within four years of the date at which the doctrines of the Eeformation were formally recognised and established by Parliament. These four years were momentous years for Scotland ; and it would be interesting to see from the contemporary records of the Burgh in which many of the most important events connected with the Eeformation took place, how far the changes then in progress are reflected in the municipal administration. Doubtless, many of the Magis- trates and Councillors of the day were active promoters of that movement which more than any other has influenced the subsequent history of the country, and moulded the character of its people. The action of these men during such a crisis, even in the conduct of ordinary public business, is not without interest. Still more interesting must it be to discover from authentic records, — the very phraseology of Avhich photographs as it were the incidents they narrate, — ^how the fabric of the old religious institutions succumbed to the innovating vigour of the new doctrines. The Council records and accounts of the Burgh contain many curious details illustrative of this portion of national history, and selections from them are being made with a view to early piiblication in a third volume. Since the completion of the th'st volume of Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Edinbm'gh, there has been issued a volume containing charters and documents relating to the City, from 1143 till 1540 ; and the Corporation has authorised the preparation of a second volume, which will probably contain its charters and muniments previous to the date at which King James VI. succeeded to the PREFACE. Ivii English crown. These two volumes of charters, and the three volumes of Extracts from the Records, when completed, will nearly exhaust, for historical purposes, the materials in the archives of the City during the period over which those volumes may extend. It has therefore been considered expedient to postpone the historical preface to the present collection, and to make it applicable to all the volumes published and projected with reference to Edinbirrgh. A table of contents, stating the source from which every extract in the present volume is taken, is prefixed. Chronological hsts of the Lord Provosts, Magistrates, and Officers of the Burgh ; of the Constables and Governors of the Castle ; of the Sheriffs of the County of Edinburgh ; of the Parliaments and General Councils of Scotland; of the Provincial Councils of the Scottish Clergy; and of the Conventions of the Royal Burghs of Scotland, held at Edinburgh, — in continuation of those given in the previous volume, — will be appended to the next volume of Extracts from the Records of the Burgh. A glossaiy and general index applicable to the three volumes wiU also accompany that volume. J. D. MARWICK. 10 Bellevue Chescent, Edinbuegh, December 1871. EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 1528—1557. EXTRACTS RECORDS OF THE BDRGH OF EDINBURGH. 26 September 1528. J. HE quhilk day, the baillies and counsale consentis that the schip callit Q»hair the the Portingall Bark pertenand to the towne be sawld to thame that will gif the schip. maist penny thairfore to the maist availl. — (Amangs tlie lowse leifles. — Tr.) 2 October 1528. The quhilk day, the baillies and counsale and communitie, with consent [St Anne's of ane noble and mychtie lord Kobert Lord Maxuell pro vest of the said burgh, Hospital of gevis and grantis to Sir Jhone Tyndale, chaiplen, the seruice and alterage of 8t S' ^^'^■ Anne alter foundit [be] vmquhile a reuerend father in God Thomas bischop of Aberdene in our Lady hospitale of St Paule besyde the Trinity College, with all and sundry landis, rents, possessiouns, offerands, annuel! fermes and dewteis, and specially the land of Betschele with thair pertinents, to be bruiket and joysit be him for all the dayes of his lyfe. — (In the lowse leiffes. — Tr.) A EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1528. Pro domino Johaiine TyndaiU. Secundo die mensis Octobiis anno Domini J*' v= xxviii, hora 3" post mcrediem, indictione 2 ^, iiontificatus Clcmentis Pape septimi anno qninto, per- sonaliter accessit honorabilis vii-, Johannes Mauchane, vnus balliuorum burgi de Edinbiirgh ad Hospitale et locum sancti Pauli prope Collegium sancte Triuitatis, et ibidem dictus balliuus, nomine prepositi, balliuorum, consilium, et com- miinitati dicti burgi, patronorum seruicii et capellanie fundate per quondam Tliomam episcopum Aberdonensem, dedit et deliberauit dictum seniicium et capellaniam discreto viro, domino Johanni Tyndale, capollano, per delibera- tionem sibi domino Jolianni libri calicis et vestimentorum siimme altaris dicti loci, ac clauorum eiusdem, ac eundem dominum Johanncm in huius- modi seruicium et capellaniam, cum omnibus et singulis terris annuis redditibus, emolumentis, firmis, proficuis, et pertinentiis (^arimdem, inucstiuit et instituit, vt moris est in talibus fieri consuete, et adeo libere sicut predecessores sui eundem seruicium et capellaniam possidebunt et gaudebunt tempo- ribiis transactis, secundum tenorem fundacionis eiusdem desuper confecte, et petiit instriimentum : Testibus, Eduardo Litill, Johanne Mariorybankis, Alexandro Adamson, Jacobo Barbour, Johanne Brovne, et Willelmo Adam son. [On the second day of the month of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundi-ed and twenty-eight, at the thii-d hour after noon, in the second indiction, and in the fifth year of the pontificate of Pope Clement the Seventh, personally appeared an honourable man, John Mauchane, one of the bailies of the Burgh of Edinburgh, at the Hospital and place of St Paul, near the College of the Holy Trinity, and thei'e the said bailie, in name of the provost, bailies, councdlors, and community of the said Burgh, pati'ons of the sei'vice and chaplainry founded by the late Thomas, Bishop of Aberdeen, gave and delivered the said service and chap- lainrv to a discreet man, Sir John Tyndale, chaplain, by delivery to the said Sir John, of the book, chalice, and vestments of the high altar of the said place, and keys of the same, and invested and instituted the said Sir John in the same service and chaplainry, with all and sundry lands, annualrents, emoluments, fermes, profits, and pertinents of the same, as use is to be done in like cases, and as freely as his predecessors possessed and enjoyed the same service and chaplainry in times past, according to the tenor of the foundation of the same made thereupon, and asked instruments : Witnesses, Edward Litill, John Marjory bankis, Alexander Adamson, James Barbour, John Browne, and William Adamson.] 1528.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 3 6 Octoher 1528. (In the lowse leifFes, at the held court after Michaelmes 6 Octobris 1528, is [Assessores contenit : — assessores consiKj Mr Adum Otterburn, Mr Francisciis Bothwell, Mr <=°°*""-] Jacobus Lindsay, Mr Jacobu.s Fowles, four in numnier.) 14 November 1528. It is diuisit and ordanit be the baillies and counsale, forswamekill as this Proclamatio. present fair of Alhallomes sail hegyn at this toun on Mononday nisttocuni and ^ "^ ^'^' to continew quhill Mononday viij dayes thairafter at evin, quhairfore we chairge straitly and commaudis in oiu- Souerane Lord the Kingis name, prouest and baillies of this burgh, that na mauer of personis cummaud to this tonne or passand fra the samyn in the tyme of the said fair nane molest nor triibill ane vther for awld feid nor for new vnder the payne of law, and at nane heir wappoims in the tyme of the said fair except the ofEceris of the burgh, cai:iitane of the castell and his follns ; and als commandis and chairges that na schereff gkiififes be tayne within this towne fra na mauer of persoun fra this present fair during the tyme thairof hot as wes tayne or the ftiir begyunith. — (In the lowse leiffes. — Tr.) 14: Fehruarij \52?,-^. It is statute and ordanit that na maner of persoun regratouris man nor Regratouris woman within this burgh regraitt nor sell wylde fowlis nor tayme nor vther '^ ^rgeit. stufe fra this hour furth vnder the payne of banesing of the towne, and quhair thai can be apprehendit other be the ofiSceris or any vther mediat persoun thai sail be banist this towne and thair wylde meitt and tayme that thai haif escheitt to the officeris, and that all maner of persouns that takis wylde meitt, or land men that bringis wylde meitt or tame, to this towne, sail be frie to sell thame daylie at the cors on quliat pryce thai and the byare can agrie thair- vpon, and that na vther persoun occupie nor vse the samyn vnder the payne foresaid. — (The same statute 24 Januarij 1527. — Tr.) 28 February 1528-9. The quhilk day, the baillies and counsale decernis and ordanis Mungo Lowsmgoftwa Tennent, thesaurer of this yeir bygaue, till content pay and delyuer till Jhone Purves, thesaurer, the sowm of twa hundi-eth merkis restand in his hands of the commoun guid of the said last yeir he wes thesaxirer, and dischairges him EXTRACTS FEOM THE RECORDS [1528-9. Lowauig of twa buithes. tliaiiof be this present writt now and for euir ; and als ordanis the said Jhone Purves thesaurer till content and pay incontinent till Michaell M'Quhen for the commoun huith qiihilk he hes in wedsett of the guid towne, for redemptioun of the samyn, the sowm of fiftie pundis, and to William Rynd for ane vther buith quhilk he hes in wedsett thre scoir punds, and to resaue ower thair rycht of the said twa buithis with all lettres and euidents maid to thame thairvpoun, quhilk sowmes beand payit be the said Jhone Purves thesaurer sail be thankfully allowet to him in his compts, kepand this writt and precept for his discharge and warrand. — (lu the lowse leifies. — Tr.) [Annual owing (Ane act qubairin mentioun is maid of ane vj s. viij d. aiinuell awand to the to Friars Prea- prgirig Predioatoxiris furth of the landis of William Lyndsay, burges, lyand at the nether end of the Flesche Merkat on the sowth syde of the Kingis streitt. — In the lowse leifFes. — Tr.) Pro Georgeo Mayn. 13 Afril 1529. Decimo tertio die mensis AiJrilis, anno Domini j™ v" sxix"°, indictione secunda, pontificatus domini nostri Clementis Pape septimi anno vj'", in mei notarij pnblici et testium subscriptorum presentia, personaliter constitutus Johannes Mauchane qui ex suo propria confessione confessus est prout sequitur in vulgari — [On the thirteenth day of the month of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand five liundred and twenty-nine, in the second indiction, in the sixth year of the pontificate of our lord Pojse Clement the Seventli, in presence of me, notary-public, and witnesses subscribing, compeared personally John Mauchane, who, of his own proper confession, confesses as follows in the common tongue] : — Johne Mauchane grantis him wele content and thankfuUe pait be the deliuerans of George Mayn of the some of iij'=-^ vj libris xj s. iiij d. vsuale money of Scotland, in the name and behalf of the Erie of Muray, for certane silkis and vther merchandice coft and ressauit be the said Erls facttouris fra the said Johne Mauchane within the tovne of Edinburgh, and herefor quitclames and dischargis the said George his airis executouris and assignais and als the said Erie his aires executouris and assignais for now and euirmar. but fraud and gile : And in takin hereof the said John Mauchane hes dcliuerit till the said George the said Erles obligatione, quhilk contenit the said some, and als 1329.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 5 the said Johne discharge all actis maid befor the provest and baillies of Pro Georgeo the said burgh till him be the said George of the said sovme, [and] consentis ^'^^' that the samyn be of nane avale, force, nor effect in tyme cuming, hot the saymn tilbe put furth. Super quibus dictus Georgeus petiit instrumenta ; Acta erant hec in taberna Nicholaij Carnecros liora sj ante merediem, Testibus Patricio Linlithgow, Johanue Lakprevik, et Willelmo Ogilvy. [UpoQ which the said George asked instruments. These things were done in the tavern of Nicholas Carnecros, in the eleventh hour before noon. Witnesses, Patrick Linlithgow, John Laprevik, and William Ogilvy.] 24 Sep{e7nber 1529. (The lyke statute [12 Maij 1.502] that nane of certane townes suspect of pest [Pest.] repair heu- nor be harbereit. — Tr.) 8 October 1529. It is statute and ordanit be the provest bailies and counsall that na Broustamg. broustar na dry tapstar within this burgh tak apone hand to sell ony derrar aill fra Monunday furth at nixt cummys na xvi d. the galloun, and at it be gud and sufficient aill of the price forsaid commonlie tilbe sauld till all the Kingis liges, vnder the pane of viij s. for the first fait, the secund fait deling of thair aill, and the thrid fait to bring thar caldrone or kettellis to the cros and ding thame throw with ane puncioue and spane tliame fra the operatione for yer and day. Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest bailies and counsall that all Baxtarria. baxtaris within this burgh baik thar breid gud and sufficient stuff weill bakin and di-yit, and at the ij d. laif wey xviij vncis, and the brovne breid efferand tharto, vnder the pane of ane wnlaw the first fait, and fra thine furth deling of thar breid. And at na hukstar within this toune tap nor sell ony ciuhite breid in for buthis fra Monimday furth vnder the pane of eschaeting of the breid and bannasing of thaim the toune ; and at ilk baxtar half bot ane buth to sell his breid in allanerlie, and his awin merk apone his breid. Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest bailies and counsall that all CandQ- maner of parsonis candilmakaris within this burgh that thai mak thair candill '"''''"■"-'■ EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1529. Candil- makaris. that thai sell till our Souerane Lordis legis of giid and sufficient stuff baith weyk and tallone and sufficient werkmanschip, and at thai sell the pund thaii-of commonlie for vj d. the rag weyk and v d. the lib. the hardis weyk, at thai half thair ballandis and wechtis baith les and mar, and be redy till sell the samyne in pundis and half pundis in houssis and vtouth gif thai pas apone the hie gait, vnder the pane of viij s. for the first fait, and the secund fait eschaet of thair stuff, and the thrid fait spanyng of thar operatione ; and quhen thai pas throw the tovne that thai be honestlie tursit vnder the panis forsaid ; and at na candilmaker melt thair tallone on the foirgait vnder the said panis. stabillaris. Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest bailies and counsaU that aU maner of stabillar within this burgh half thair stabilis weill and sufficient fur- nest with hek and mangear, with sufficient lokis for the durris for sure keiping of the horsis that stabillis with thame, and sail sell thar best corne that wilbe meill till all our Souerane Lordis legis for vj d. the pek, and the secundar for V d. the pek, and at thai sell the stane of hay for iiij d. the stane, under the pane of viij s. for the first fait, the secund fait escheat of the stuff, and the thrid fait spanyng fra thair operatione ; and at thai tak na stabUl fee fra the personis that lugis with thame, thai byand thar corn and hay fra the said stabillaris ; and at na maner of personis except stabillaris by nor sell ony aittis or hay to sell and regrait to the Kingis liegis vnder the pane of eschaeting of the stuff and bannasing of the toune. Pultre and wyld foule. Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest bailies and counsall for the commoune weill of this burgh and all our Souerane Lordis liegis reparand tharto, that all maner of personis that sellis jiultrye duelland within this burgh or vtouth reparand tharto with syk stuff to sell in tyme cummyn that thai bring thar stuff forsaid, pultre and wyld meit, opinlie to sell at the merkat cors, and nocht to be haldin in covert under cloikis or gounis nor yit in thar housis, bot commonlie tilbe sauld till all thair Souerane Lordis liegis ; and euery day heirfor to be ane merkat day at the merkat corse and nane vther place ; and at thai begin thar merket betuix viij and ix houris befor none and sa con- tinew quhill xij houris, and at twa howris efternone and to continew quhill v houris at evin in winter and quhill vij houris in somei ; and the strangeris bring- and syk stuff to the merkat and out dueUaris till haif the merkat dalie siklyke ; 1529.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 7 and at na nycbtbowr man or woman by fra the strangeris priiialie or oppiulie PiJtre and to sell or regrait agane ony maner of wyld foull or tayme, nor at nane pas ^^ " ^■ out of the toune to by ony wyld foull or tayme to regrait agane be the space of vj milis, vnder the pane of bannasing of the toune and escliaet of thar stuff that beis fund with thame ; and at nane of the saidis regratoris he sene in the merkat amangis byaris and sellaris of wylde or tayme vnder the saidis paynes. Item, it is statute and OJ-danit be the prouest bailies and counsall that na Fysche. maner of persone man nor woman regrait nor by ony fische to tap nor sell agane to the nychtbouris of the toune nor to our Souerane Lordis liegis quhiU xij houris be struildn, and fra ane hour efter none quhill vj hoiuis at eviu, vnder the pane of bannasing of the toune ; and at na syk personis pas out the toune to the portis or vther placis to by ony fysche to regrat agane vnder the said payne. Item, that na maner of parsone man nor woman regratouris of fische, eggis, Regratouris. butter, cheis, frute or vther syk stuff hald ony maner of burdis or cramis to sell eyklike stuf apone the hie gait nor vnder staris bot in thar awin house fi-a this tyme furth vnder the jDane of bannasing of the tovne, and at nane of the saidis regratouris be sene in the merkat amangis byaris or sellaris on to the tyme of the saidis houris of xij at none and quhill vj bom-is at evin be past wnder the pane of bannasing, and at na regratour by ony butter or cheis bot on the merkat day and nocht quhill xij hours be strakin at none, vnder the pane of bannasing. Item, because in tymes past thar has bene slauchteris and murthoraris The statute to committit within the to\Tie in defalt of the ofRciaris and nochtbouris that rysis r^dy ^^buthi^^ uocht to resist and pvnis the samyue, to the gret sclander and diffamatioune of the toune makand it to be fre to all syk mischeiffis. Heirfor it is statute and ordanit that euery merchand and craftisman haiffand thair foir buthis that thai half in thair said buthis ane ax or twa or thre efter as thai half seruaudis, and to cum incontinent to the provest or bailies reddy to fortefy and manteine thar ouer men and justice ; and quha that has nocht the said wappinnis fra Monunday furth nixt to cum and is nocht reddy to cum to thair ouer men incontinent as said is, to pay to the commone werkis of the tovne xl s. for the first fait, and for the secund fait gif he be ane man of substans to pay x li. to the commone werkis of the tovne, and for the thrid fait tyne his fre- EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1529. The statute to dome. And gif he be ane man that has nocht substanfs and may nocht pay the redy ui buthis. Said wnlawis, to tyne his fredome for yeir and day and forther induring the townis will. The MeiU Market. That na brous- Item, it is statut and ordanit be the prouest bailies and coimsall tliat na toiilris be thoiiT leaner of broustaris nor regratouris be tholit within this tovne hot thai that ar kend honest and substancious personis, fra Monuuday fm-tht nixt to cum, bot thai that sail be admittit be the provest bailies and connsall, vnder the pane of bannasing of the toune. Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest bailies and counsaU that na maner of personis man nor woman that bringis ony meill to this market within this tovne stryk vp the samyne quhill ix houris befor none, and at na persone house the samyne within houssis quhill iuj efter none be strykiu ilk day, vnder the pane of eschaet tharof, and at na metteris of meill mak ony metting tharof within this toune bot at the awnaris of the said meill met the samyne thar self till all our Souerane Lordis liges, vnder the pane of bannasing, and at na per- sonis man nor woman regrait nor by meQl to sell the samyn agane in smaUis vnder the said panis of bannasing. Anent bikkeringig. Kegraiteris banist. 10 Octoler 1529. It is statut and ordainit be the prouest baUies and counsall, forsamekle as thar has bene gret bikkyrringis betuix barnis and followis in tymes past, and diuers thar throw hurt in perrell of thar lyffis, and gif sik thingis be vsit thar man diuers barnis and iunocentis be slane and diuisione arys amangis nycht- bouris tharthrow, heirfor we charge straitlie and commandis in our Souerane Lord the Kingis name, the prouest and bailies of this burgh, that na sic bikkyi-. rangis be vsit in tymes to ciun ; certifing that and ony persone be fund bikkyi-- rand that thar faderis and masteris sail ansuer and be accusit for thar deidis, and gif thai be vagabondis thai to be scurgit and bannist the toune. It [is] statut and ordainit be the prouest bailies and counsall of this toune, forsamekle as it wes statut that na maner of persone man nor woman regraite nor by ony fysche to tap nor sell agane to the nychtbouris of this toune nor nane vthir our Souerane Lordis liegis quhill xij houris be strikin, and fra ane 1.5-29.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 9 liour efter none quhill vj houris at evin, vnder the pane of bannasing, noclit- Regiaiteris withstanding !Margret Clapane has contempnandlie brokin the said statut and coft osteris this day to regrait agane, in contrar the said statutis maid therapone, quharfor the prouest bailies and counsall bannasis the saidis ilargret Clapane this tonne indurand thai- willis, and nocht to cum tharintill in the mein qnhill vnder the pane of bannasing for all the dayes of hir lyif, and till removf within xxiiij honris vnder the said pane. The quhiUi day, it was statut and ordanit be the prouest bailies and coun- Banist for sail of this tovne that na maner of parsone man nor woman duelland within ,^yiJ° '^ this tovne by fra ony strangearis priuatlie or oppinlie to sell or regrat agane ony maner of wjdd foule or tayme, vnder the pane of bannasing of the tovne and eschaite of thar stufe that beys fundin with thame, nochtwithstanding William Cawder has contempnantlie brokin the said statutis, and coft eertane pluveris and vther wild meit incontrare the said statutis, quharfor the saidis prouest and bailies banisis the said William this tonne enduring thar willis, and nocht to cum tharintill vnder the pane of bannasing for all the dayes of his lyff, and till remouf within xxiiij houris. Jonet Broune for hir demeretis is bannist this toune for all the dayes of Jonet Broune hir lyf, and neuir to cum tharintill wnder the pane of deid, and to remouf in- continent vnder the said pane. The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest, Robert Henrysone is becuming Eeiaxatione. souirte for Agnis Turnour that scho sail obserf and keip the statuttis of the Tumour. toune, and at scho shall by na aittis to tap nor regrat agane till our Souerane Lordis liegis in tyme to cum, efter the forme of the said statutis, vnder the pane of XX li. 15 Octoler 1529. The quhiUc day, forsamekle as it wes statut and ordanit be the prouest Agnes bailies and counsall that na maner of personis man nor woman suld by aittis Aikon^Home or hay to sell and regrait agane to the Kingis liegis hot allanerlye stabillaris, Jonet Bell, » o •} ' Male Persone vnder the pane of eschaet of the stuf and bannasing of the tovne, as the and Criscan statutis maid tharapone proportis, quhilkis war opinly proclamit at the merket EejTiaUisone cors, neuertheles Agnes Turnour, Alisone Home, Jonet Bell, ^lale Peirsone 10 EXTRACTS FEOM THE RECORDS [1529. AUane Blair convict. Agnes and Cristiane Eeynaldsoun has contempnandlie brokin the said statutis, and bannist.' ^' coft corn and aittis in greit to regrait agane, quharfor the saidis provest bailies and counsall bannesis the saidis Agnes Turnour, Alisone Home, Jonet Bell, Male Peirsotie, and Cristiane Eeynaldsone this tovne indnrand the provest bailies and counsallis will, and nocht to cum in the tovne in the meyatyme vnder the payne of banaasing for euer quhill thai obtene licens, and to devoyd within xxiiij houris. Gelis Murray The quhilk day, the provest bailies and counsall ordanis that Gelis Eiacat "^ '*"'' Murray and Cristiane Blacat dccist and cess fra all maner of bying or sell- spanit fra by- j^g of aittis Or balding of stabillis to regrait the samyne in tyme to cum, bot ° ' spanis thame fra the said occupatione for all the dayis of thar lyf, vnder the pane of bannasyng. The quhilk day, forsamekle as it was statute and ordanit that na per- soune suld cum furth of Sanctandrois nor na vther suspect placis to this tovne vnder the pain of deid, nochtwithstandiag Alane Blair has contempnandly dissobayit the samyn and cummyn to tliis toune furth of the said tonne of Sanct- androis, and has incurrit the said panis, quharfor the provest bailies and counsall has dispensit with his lyf, and has bannist him this toune for all the dayis of his lyf, and nocht to cum within the samyn in the meyntyme vnder the pane of deid. 17 October 1529. The quhilk day, in presens of the provest, Alexander Spens is becummyn souerte for [Elizabeth Fullertown] that scho sail obserf and keip the statutis of this tovn and nocht to by fische to regrait agane quhill the houris be strykin that is contenit in the statutis, vnder the pane of xx 11.. quharfor the provest and bailies relaxis hir that was bannist the tovn for brekin of the statutis, and admittis hir to cum till hir awin hous as scho was obefor. It is statut and ordanit, forsamekill as the prouest bailies and counsall of this tovne are suirKe aduertiste that the pestilens is spred in diuers tonis and pairtis beyound the waltir, quharthrow it is gret dangeir to resaif ony personis duelland in ony pairtis beyond the said waltir of Fortht, that tharfor we command and charge in our Souerane Lordis behalf, the prouest bailies and counsall of this toune, that na maner of parsone duelland beyond the said waltir bring ony merchandice or repair within this burgh, nor that nane maner of parsone Eelaxatio. [Fullerto^\^l.] Anent the pestUens. 1529.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 11 chielland in this toune resset ony sik personis or thar gudis, wnder the pane of Anent the pvnisione of thar personis and hannysiug of this tovne for enir ; Certifying all thame of Dunde, Sanct Johnestoune, Cowper, and all vther the tovnis of the northt syde, that we will nocht that thai cum to this nist fair of Hellomes, nor that thai bruk the fredome tharof for this yeir, excepand alwayis the fair of nolt and sheip. The quhilk day, forsamekill as Margret Clapane was banist this toune of Relaxatione befor for the breking of the statutis in the bying of fische to regrait agane, and cikplne. remanit furtht of the toune at the tounis wyll, quharfor the prouest bailies and counsall relaxsis tlie said Margret, and admittis her till cum till her awand hous within this toune ; and scho oblices hir to obsarf and keip the statutis of the toune and nocht to faill tharintill, wnder the pane of bannasing for euer. The quhilk day, Besse Penne oblissis hir neuir to by butter nor cheis nor Obiis Besse stuff to regrait agane in tyme to cum, and to of the tovne wnder the pane of bannasing for euer. othir stuff to regrait agane in tyme to cum, and to obserf and keip the statutis ^'^^ 20 October 1529. Curia vicecomitatis Burgi de Edinburgh, tenta coram balliuis ejusdem, in [Sheriff Pretorio dicti burgi, xs™° Octobris anno I" V" xxix°- [In the Sberifl-Court of the Burgh of Edmburgh, held before the bailies of the same, m the Tolbooth of the said burgh, ou the twentieth of October, in the year one thousand five hundred and twenty-nine.] ASSISA. Johne Henrisone. George Bird. Williame Richmond. Eobert Cuming. David Lausone. Roule Donaldsone. Henry Eussaule. Robert Henrisone. George Crag. George Yettis. Henry Heriot. Johnne Dougall indytit and accusit for the airt and pairt of the thiftuis [Johu Dougaii steling and conceling fra Walter Scot furth of his maling in the Dene, in '^'""^'' J harvist at last wes, of xxij schavis of here, for the quhilk cause he was bannist this tovne induring the prouest and bailies wiU, and nocht to crmi tharintill quhill he optene licence, vnder the pane of bannesing for euer, quit of the twa stowkis of aitis quhar thai war standand on the fold, and for the thifte fra the said 12 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1529. Kelexatio. Keyiieldsoun. Mettis and messouris to sell aittis or meill. [John Dongaii Waltir of ane stouk of jjeis and ane vtlier of aitis, and for the thiftis fra Thome ^"^ ■■' Home and his uichtbonris of ane boll of here, and for the thift of ane furlot of aitis quhilk was dicht in Richert Joysis barn. The quhilk day, forsamekle as Cristiane Reynaldsoun was bannist the tonne for byiiic; and regrating of aittis and breking of the statutis of the tovne, and now the provest and bailies raovit of pite has relaxit the said Cristiane to the fredome of the tovne, and William Elphinstone is becummyn souerte and cautioun that scho sail obserf and keip the statutis and nocht to fait in tyme tecum, vndcr the pane of xx" lib. It is statut and ordanit be the provest bailies and counsall that na manor of personis, stabUlaris and sellaris of meill, man or woman, within tliis burgh, tap or sell aittis or meill bot with ane sufficient lele mesour pek and ferlot, and at the samyn be brynt with the commoun merkyn irne of the tovne, vnder the payne of breking of the Ivme, and ane vnlaw of viij s. for the first fait, and the secund fait spanyng, and at thai cum to the Tolbuth with thar pekkis and furlottis to merk the samyn. It is statute and ordanit be the provest bailies and counsall that in tyme to cum thar be ane dalie merket of aittis haldin apone the hill vnder the wall foment Alexander Andersonis land ; and tharfor chargis that na stabiliar nor vther tak upone hand till by aittis quhill thai be present and sett dovne in the said merket, vnder the j^aiu of ane vnktw to be tane of tham that dois in the contrar, but fauouris ; and all personis that bringis ony aittis to this tonne to sell, that thai present and sell the samyn in the said merket and nane vther place within this toune. 21 Octoher 1529. The quliilk day, in presens of the prouest and bailies Thorn Schort is be- cuming souerte for Alisone Home his moder, that scho sail keip the statutis of the toime and nocht to by aittis to sell agane wnder tlie pane of xx lib., quhar- for scho wes rclaxt till the fredome of this toune efter scho wes beunest the samyne for breking of the said statutis. The merket for aittis and horse corn. Relaxatione. Alisone Home. The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest, Gilbert Skeill is becummyn Relaxatione. Skeiihs wife, souertc and cautioun for his wif, that scho sail obey and vnderly the statutis of 1529.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBUEGH. 13 the toime and uocht to iutromet nor by aittis nor hay till sell and regrait a > ^ c without duellar of this burgh pas beyond the waiter of Forthe without spcciall hcence loence. ^^ ^^^^ prouest, vnder the pane of bannasing for yeir aud day ; and als that na maner of persone induellar within this bm-gh nor vtheris by ony maner of clath, wou nor lyning nor yarne nor wther sililik stuf, beyond the waiter of Forthe to bring to this tovne, wnder the said pane of bannasing ; and inlykwyse that na maner of persone man nor woman duelland within this burgh resset house nor barbery ony maner of persone duelland beyond the waiter of Forthe without leif of the prouest of the toune, vnder the said pane of bannasing. 15 December 1529. statuta anent The quhilk day, the prouest bailies and counsall statutis and ordanis that na tourS^ maner of wxtar man nor woman witliin this burgh tap nor sell buttir nor chese 1529.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURaH. 17 nor eggis iu tliar liousis nor vthout fra this tyme furth, bot thai that cummis to Statute anent the prouest and gettis leif fra him tharto ; and to find souerte that thai sail keip "^'^ °"^^^' the statutis of the toune in tyme to cimi. wnder the pane of bannasing. The quhilk day, the provest bailies and counsall statutis and ordanis that Baxtaris the lang fage of quheit breid sauld be vnfriemen on the merket dais be guid and sufficient stuf weill bakin aud diyit, and at thai keip the wecht and pais of the ij d. laif and iiij penny laif of qulieit breid of the wecht of Leith ; and als ordanis that the fowattis of Mussilburgh and vtheris sauld be vnfremen apone the merket dayis be weill bakin and dryit gude and sufficient stuf, and at thai keip the pais of the ij d. laif aud iiii d. laif of quheit breid of the wecht of Leith, vnder the pane of eschaet of the samyne ; and at na hukstar sell nor tap ony of the saidis fagis nor fowattis within thar housis in tyme to cum, vnder the said payne ; and als ordanis that quhat persone that baikis ony aitt laiffis that thai be gude stuff and fresche, and at the penny laif tharof wey the penny laif wecht and thrid part wecht of quheit breid, \Tider the said pane ; and at the dekin and raasteris of the baxtaris tak Thome Aruot officiar, or ony vthir ofiiciar thai pleise \vith thaim dalie quhane thai lyk to put this act tUl executione. The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsall has considerit the desyre The desyre of of Thome IMureleis till cum in to liis awin house of the mure with liis self wyf j^'^g™*^ ^'"^'^" and barnis andguddis, vnclengeit, the prouest bailies aud counsall has consentit tharto, he beand oblist apone his lyf heretage and gudis that na scaitli nor infectione sail cum within his house nor throw the wnclengeing of liis gudis in tyme to cum, and to remane be himself sv dayis efter his hame cummyn. The quhilk day, it is statnt and ordanit, forsamekle as the provest bailies statute of the and counsall of this toune ar aduertist that the statutis of the aill is nocht kepit, ** ' bot the samyn sauld for xx d. and ij s. the gallone, quhai-for we command and charge in our Souerane Lord the Kingis name, prouest and bailies of this burgh, that na maner of persone tap nor sell ony derrar aill fra this hour furth na for xvj d. the gallone, according to the first statute maid therapone, certifying thaim that the prouest will pas with the bailies in propir persone, and quhar he findis ony breking of the said statute thai salbe spanit aud put fi-a ony brewing or tapping of aill quhill the nixt terme of Michaelmes, and banist the toune gif thai failye. c 18 EXTRACTS PROM THE RECORDS [1529. Plegis of the wxtaris. Statuta pro Infirinitate. 22 December 1529. The quliilk day, in presens of the prouest, Johne M'Gichane is beciuning souertie his land and guidis that he sail obserue and keip the statut maid apone ■wxtaris anent the bying and selling of bnttir cheise and eggis and all vther sick- lik stuf, efter the forme of the said statut, and nocht to falye tharintill vnder the jjane of xx li. The samyn day, Mastir Thomas Marioribank is becuming inlikwise souertie for Besse Yallowleys that sclio sail obserue and keip the said statut in all thingis efter tlie forme of the samyn, vnder the pane of xx li. 11 February 1529-30. We do yow to wit, forsamekill as the nychtbouris of Sanctandrois ar reparand to thar tovne and yit pairt of (hous infeckis) [the houssis infekit] in the samyn, quharthrow mair dangeir apperis now in tlie spreing in the yeir than in the sesion of winter, quharfor we charge yow straitlie and commandis in our Souerane Lord the Kingis name, provest and bailies of this burgh, that na maner of persone induellar within this burgh hous nor barbery ony persone of Sanctandros witliin thar hou.'liiliiio (Jowpiir, iJoliiio Kniik, fluliiii- Hayiio, iukI 'riiDimm 'I'Iioiikjhoiiii, iiiid tlic lail' of tliu inaiHlcryH of tiiilycor di'iifl. williiii lliiH Itni'^li, anil pri'Mriil. till wh Uiair Hiipplii'iiliinin, cniiUinand ocitaiio MlaliiliM, arliriiliH iiiiil rciiliH, ilynyMyl, Ih' lliaiii li> Ih^ alllriiiyL bo \vh, for tlio loviii>< of (Joil Almyxlily, llm liuiionr of llio rcaliii(\ tlio vvoisliypo ami pi'ofl'yt of tliyH f^iui (oviio, innl llir prol'fyl. of all oino mdvciiuu" lonlyH lioj;iH, Hiiil vtlioriM ii-|)rraiil (liairtu, iiml in oxampi'il nf vlliniH, ami i\>r tli(< af^nioiita- lioim of ilyiiyiio Homiiu' iil. tlio alti^r of SmiioI. An, Mitnal, williiii oiir ('i>ll(' and porMt'iiiro till I'ynalo end, liiat I'm Ihyn fnrtlit ail niiiiu'r of pi'iuitin [thatj Nail lio tayno at tho mU\ craft wall Hlmid in iiryntiscliypc for llio wpaoo of Hovyn yoriw, and na Icmm, without diNponNalionn of {\h> prinripidl niaislorys of thi> Haiti oraft, and NptuMidyo in laiioiirM of tho Honys of tho siiid vrnil, and ilk prontis till pay at IiIm t-ntry to tho ro|iaralionis and wpliald ofdyuyno NoniiiHi at thairsaid ftltar, or oiiy proutin l)o nott apoun tho lailycoi Imnl, Irn shillin>;is, itoni, that ua niaiNtor roHail" ano Mortaind that lu'H noi'ht liono prontiN within this UMij^h with ano froo niaistor of tho said craft, without ho pay luu slii!linj;is to tho said 1 -,:!!.] OK 'I'lIK l;UI!.(;il oK KDrNBLTRGH. r,3 iiltiir. find tliaf, lie [l)cj liimd prenl.'m to tlie rnaistcr that rcHaKfiH liym for [f^'^il "f 9'"'"'' , ,. . , , 1 . , , , , . J 1 , t" til" TailnrH. I uric certiine or yeri.s, fw the nayd rnai.slcr and lie can agyrc. Item, that nanc of tliir HaidvH jircntiHsiH be resHaiiit, witlioirt the dckyn, th(^ four kyr-k iiiaiHicryH and the cha|>hi,n(^ that HayH praycrH, till ho for- the tyrne, he prcHcnt for lili put the saidyH prcriti.sHiH in thair [jrentis huk, and inak the itideiitnrin of thaii- conditiouris arnangys tharne, under the payne of twenty schillingyH, till he p;iyt till !>anct Ocly.H werk, and twenty (o the reiiarationn of the said altar of Hanct An vnforgcvyn ais oft us thai hiek oriy [innct oC the Haid act. Item, that nowthir lliir prentisis, nor nane vther persoun of the said craft, be sufieryt till H(;tt w[) hnyth within this said Burgh, nor vvyrk of the said craft, hot with arie fre maisler of the Hurnyne, without he be sworn niaister, and fund suliicient, hahyll and worthy thaii'to in practik and vtherywayis, and admyttyt thairto first bo the sworn rnaistcrys of the said craft prineifndl, ami maid fre man and burgess of (liesiiid Iiurgh, and than for his wpsct till j)ay fyf jaandys to the rcparati(nins and wphald of dyuync scruiee at thair said altar with an honest dennar to the sworno maistoryis thairof. Item, that na fro maistor of the said tailyeor craft fie anc vther craftis man of ane vther craft to wyrk in his buytli, under pain of ten Hchillingys till he [)ayit to Santt Gclys work, and ten schillingys to Sa,ritt Annys altar, als oft as ony maistor wses the samync. Item, that na vnfreman of the said craft cum within the fredome of this tovvne that has ane buyth without th(; frcdorne of the sarnyn(,', till tak ony work or stuff furth of the samyne till wyik it, owder schappin or wnschappin, it sail be lesum till the (lekyn and maisler-ys of the said or.ift for the tymc till tak the samyne werk fia thame, and gyf it Ijo made work, the price thairof till cum to the rcpar- alioun of thair said altar of Hanct An, and gyf it be not maid, na fro maistor of the said craft till mak the sarnyne to the persouns that the said stuf [iert,(!nyH to, and take his j)ricc thairof, h(;ca,UHe the saidis vnfremen riowthir seottis, lottis, walkis nor wnrdis wilJiin fiur said fredome Iti^m, tliat na, hurgoss, na fre man witliiri this burgli, lord na lard, resa,if ane vnfreman of the said ciaft in ttiair houses nor lugenys till wyrk quyetly or oppynly, in defraude of the said craft, without the j)ricys thairof be payit to the said dekyn and rnaistcrys, to the i-eparatiouns of thair said altar, and rpihay doys in the con- trar, that ofliciaris of this gud tovne pas with the saidis dekyn and mais- tcrj'H, and mak thame oppync dun-is, and deliver the stuf that they fynd 54 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1531. [Seal of Cause wrocht and vn wrought, being in the saidis vnfremens handy s for the tyme, to the saidis dekyn and maisterys, and till remayne with thame quhill the pricys thairof be payit to the reparatioun of thair said altar, and gyf ony burgesses, lordis, lardis, or vthir fremen, induellars, or vnfremen within this burgh, uses the resett of sic vnfremen of the said craft in tyme cummyn, thai sail pay vnforgevyn twenty schillingys to Santt Gelys Werk, for ilk tyme thai be fund in thair forsaidys houses and lugenys, fra the first charge be gevyn be ane ofi'ycyar of this gud tovne, and to pay the officiaris for thair lawbouris, and ten schillingys to the said altar, for the costys and skayth it susteays thairupon. Item, that [na] maister of the taUyeour craft ressaif nor resset ane vther maisterys servand nor prentis of the said craft within this burgh, without he haue maid compt and raknyn with the maister he cumys fra, and that he be contentyt thairof, vnder the payne of ten schillingys to be payit to the said altar quha dois the contrar vnforgevyn. Item, gyf ony fre- maister of the said craft within this burgh brekis ony manys stuf vnordourly, or womanis, and spillis the samyne in his defalt of werkmanshype, the persoun that aw it sail cum to the dekyn and maisterys of the said craft for the tyme, and plenye thairupon, it beand seyn be ane certane of the said sworne mais- terys, that the werkman thairof has falyeit in ony punct, the said dekyn and maisterys sail cause the said man till recompens the complenyear thairof, of the skayth he has sustenyt thairthrow, and that thair be certane maisterys of the said craft be sworn apon all sic caissis, or thai decerne in the samyne, that thai sail lelely and treuly, without feid, fawour, or prejucUce of party, depone and deUuer in the samyne, and cause the complenyear till be payit of his skayth. Item, that na maister sail haue forman in his bnyth till wyrk, bot ane allanerly within this fredome. Item, that na maister sail dissobey the dekyn and maisterys for the tyme, in the gatheryn in of the dewteis to thair said altar, vnder the payne of twa punddis of walx till be payt to the said altar als oft as thai dissobey vnforgevyii. Item, gyf thair be ony fremaister of the said craft that bydis away fra the quartar comptis, thai being lawfully warnyt be the seruand of the said craft, he sail pay ane pund of walx vnforgevyn, without he haue ane releuand excusatione, and that it be oppynly knawn. Item, gyf ony maister of the said craft dissobeys the dekyn and the maisterys in ony thing that is for the commone weill of the samyne, quhairthrow they will not obey, 1531.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBUEGH. 55 without an officiar of this gud tovne be brocht to thame till pund for the [Seal of Cause samyue, thai sail pay twa schilliugys to the officiar for his feys, and ane pund of walx with the dewteis that are awyn. Item, that ilk maister haldand butht within this burgh of the said craft, sail pay his wkly penny to the reparationis of the enhornamentys of the said altar, and susteyne the prestis meit thairof, as it cummys about, and that the said kyi-k-maister, and ane certane of the principall maisterys of the said craft that sail happyn till be for the tyme, sail haue fuh'etui-e, leif and preuilige, with ane officiar of the tovne till pas with tham for till pund and distrenye, gyf neid be, for the takyn, rasing, and in- bringyn of the forsaids dewteis to the sustentatione and uphald of Godls seruice, as said is, but danger, stop, or impedyment. And attour, gyf it sail happyn ony maister or freman of the said craft, efter that he be maid maister to the samyne, abstrak him and disuse his said craft, and thairefter returne agane to the occupying of the samyn craft, that he sail pay all maner of dewteis bypast, sa he be thollyt till wyrk at the said craft, or ellis till pay his new upsett agane. Quhilkys statutis, articulis and reulis, with preuUygys aboue writtyn, we the saidis prouest, baleis and counsall for ws and our successors, gj'ffys and grantis to the saidis dekyn and maisterys, and affirmys, ratifys, approvis and confirmys the samyne, in all punctis and articulis to the saidis dekyn and maisterys, to be brukyt and josyt be thame and thair successors of the said craft, in perpetuall memoriaU in tyme cummyn for euer mayr. And this tiU all quhom it efferys we mak knawyn be the tenor of thir oure letteris. In witnessing of the quhilk thing to thir our present letteris, om-e commone seill of cause of our said burgh we haue gert append, at Edinbm-gh, the twenty day of the moneth of October the yeir of God ane thousand fyve himdreth and thretty ane zeris. 22 Novemher 1531. The quhilk day, the provest baillies and counsale statutis and ordanis, for Myinis, bax- the commoun weUl of thair myinis and for stancheing of pley betuis the fer- ^^"'' y^™"''' moraris and baxsteris, that in tyme to cum quhair ony baxsteris hes in the said myinis ony quheit Hand to gi'ynd and will nocht cast on and grynd the samyn at all tymes quhen the myinis ar rady thairto, that it sail be lefuU to onye vther that is nixt to that rowme till cast vp his quheit and grynd his gyrst without 50 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1531. Myliiis, bax- steris, fymor- aris. Fleschouris. Kyllis and bamys. stop or impedyment to be maid to him be that persoun that had his quheit lyand in the mylnis because he wald nocht grynd the samyn, sua that the saidis mylnis stand nocht idill for fait of stuf, and als the said prouest baillies and counsale assignis to the saidis fermoris ane of the saidis mylnis quhilk is werst to grynd malt vijovm continuallie, ay and quhill the hors myln be biggit. 24 January 1531. The quhilk day, in presens of the provest baillies and counsale, Jhonne Lawsoun fleschour comperit and gi-anttit that he sauld and deliuerit to Alex- ander Mauchane the xj scheip skynnis and oblist him to warrand the said Alexander thairof at all handis as accordis vpoun the law. and als the said Jhonne obUssis him of his awin consent neuir till by onye skinnis till sell agane to ony merchand vther nor his awin slauchter, vnder the pane [of] banissing the toun. 24 March 1531. The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale ordanis all the personis that hes tane aikerris of the Borrowmure, quhilkis ar oblist till big killys and barnys, that tliay compleit and mak thair sadis kyllis and bamys sufficientlie for making of malt betuix this and Sanct Gelys day nixt to cum, vnder the pane of fourtye pundis to be tane of thame that faillis thaii-intiU, to be applyit to the commoun warkis of the toun, but fauouris. 27 March 1532. The tenants of The quhilk day, the provest baillies counsale and dekynnis dissasenttis e mure. ^^^^ ^^^ persoim quhilk hes gottin akerris of the Borrowmure change or haue ony vther aker of thair mure bot the samyn that is falhn to thame of before be cawill, and als that na man bruke na mair bot ane pairt allanerlie. 29 3Iatj 1532. [Websters and The tweutynync day of the moneth of Maij the yeir of God ane thousand Sherars and five hundreth thrctty and twa yeris, the quhilk day, in presens of the provest Bonnet- baillies and counsall sittand in jugement comperit the dekin kirkmasteris and brethir of the craft of Wobstaris on that ane pairt, the dekin heidisman and 1532.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBUROH. 57 bretliir of the \\'alkaris Scheraris and Bonetinakaris ou that vtlier pairt, and [Websters and thare in presens forsaid the saidis dekin heidismau and brethir of the saidis suerais and Walkaris Scheraris and Bonetmakaris contentit and paiit to the saidis dekin and Bonnet- brethir of the "\^"obstaris the sovme of ten pundis vsnall money of Scotland for the annuell of xiij s. iiij d. quhilk thai war decernit to pay yeirlie to the saidis Wobstaris, efter the forme of the decreit and act of the tovne maid thainipon of the dait the nyneteyne day of Maij the yeir of God j™ 7"= and xxxj yeris, quhilk ten pundis the saidis dekin and bretliir of ^\'obstaris grantit thame till half ressauit fra the saidis Walkaris Scheraris and Bonetmakaris for the said annuell of xiij s. iiij d. yeirlie eftir the forme of the said act, and grantis the said merk of annuell lauchfully redemyt fra thame, and tharfor for thame and thare successouris renimcis all richt and titill of richt that euir thai had to the said xiij s. iiij d. yeirlie, and quytclamis and dischargis the saidis Walkaris Scheraris and Bonetmakaris and thare successouris thairof now and for euir, promittand nenir till clame nor thar successouris tharfor in jugement nor vtouth jugement in na t}'nies tocum ; and the saidis pairtiis craftis- men oblissis thame ilkane till vtheris that nane of thame sail portm-b nor iniure ane another nouthir in word nor deid in preuc nor in pert in tyme tocum \aidir the payne of that persone that dois in the contrair to be ryalii pvnist be the avise and sicht of the provest baillies and counsaU of this tovne to the rigour but fauouris. Extractum de libro actonuu curie cousilij Burgi de Edinburgh per me Johanem Foular notarium publicum ac communem scribam dicti Burgi, sub meis signo et subscriptione manualibus, ac sub sigillo commune ad causas predicti Burgi, in fidem robur et testimonium omnium et siugulorum premisso- rum. [Extracted from the book of the Acts of tlie Court of tlie Council of the Biu'gh of Edinburgh, by me, John Fouhir, notary public, and common clerk of the said Burgh, under my sign and subscription manual, and under the common seal of caiises of the foresaid Burgh, in faith, strength, and testimony of all and sundry the premises. Jo. Foular.] 18 June 1532. The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in New calsaj-. jugement, it is appoynttit and finallie concordit betuix the said provest baillies and couDsallon that ane pairt, Jhonne Mayser and Bartrahame Foliot, franche- H 58 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1532. New calsay. men, calsay makaris on that vtlier pairt, in this maner, that is to say, The saidis Jhonno and Bartrahame oblissis thame till mak and big the calsay of the toun. and sail wyn the stanys thairof in the querrell. and sail drcs thame and lay thame in the calsay, and the gude toun till furnis sand and carye the stanys to the calsay, and to mak the red and carye the samyn away, and sail content and pay to the saidis calsay makaris for ilk scottis rude, that is to say vj elnis of lenth and vj elnis of breid, xxx schillingis Scottis, and this threttie schilling is to be payat oulklie or als sone as thai haue wrocht and mett the said rude. 12 September 1 532. The gyft of The quhilk day, in the presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Gilbert Nichoiace Lauder, procuratour and in the name and behalf of Sir Gilbert Lauder, renuncit *^'*'^- and puiclie and simplie resignit the altcrage and seruice of Sanct Nichoiace alter, scituat within the College Kirk of Sanct Geyll, in the handis of the jirouest baillies and counsale as patronis to the samyn, and incontinent the said prouest baillies and counsale gaif the said alterage to Sir Dauid Purdome, Ije the de- liueriug of ane bouet as vse is, efter the fouudatioun. 19 September 153 ■?, To furneismen The quhilk day, the provest baillies counsale and dekynnis of craftis con- king .agaiiis ^ senttis and granttis till furnys thre hnndreth men, weill abulyeit at all poynttis Ingiand. f^j. -^yeyr, till our Soueraue Lord, to pas with his Graces armye aganis his inimeis of Ingiand at all tymes quhen His Grace requyris thame thairto. 25 September 1532. Nota.— Tlie The quhilk day, the prouest baillies counsale and communitie granttis till PettranT°in Grilbcrt Lauder the landis of Petravye in Fyfe in few, as thay that ar patronis Fyfe the to the samyn quhilk now Sir Gilbert Lauder chaiplane of Sanct Nycholace alter, o'miys. .^^ augmentatioun of the rentale of the said chaiplanrie, viz. for xxvj meilds, that is vj merkis mair nor it wes wont till gyf, to be brukit and joysit be the said Gilbert and his airis. induellaris within the toun of Edinburgh, and granttis till his charter thairof thair commoun seill in the best forme can be maid. 1532.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBUKGH. 59 5 October 1532. Maister James Lawsouu prouest. The prouest baillies and counsalo de- The laid of cernis and oixlanis all the maltmen and makaris of malt within the jurisdictioun ^ue i*x fy™ of this toun to sell thair malt to all oure Souerane Lordis lieges, browstaris and lottis. vtheris. for xxxij s. the laid, and the laid to contene nyne fyrlottis. 24 November 1532. The quhilk day, the prouest baillies counsale and communitie, movit of Nota.— Sanct deuotioun, hes for the honour of God and his blissit moder the Virgen Marie the mure!^ "" and the hallye confessour Sanct Rok, foj- sufferage and prayerris to be done in Sanct Eokis kirk on the Borrowmure for the saullis that lyis in the said kirk and ku'kyaird, hes gevin and gTanttit and lie thir presentis gevis and granttis till Sir Jhonne Young chaiplane of the said kirk and to his successouris during the prouest baillies counsale and commimiteis will, all and hale tlire akerris of thair laudis of thair Burromure with ane vther aiker of land to big yaird and houssls vjjoun, and ordauis ane baillie and vtherris of the counsale till pas ken and assing the said Sir Jhonne the saidis akerris of land, he and his succes- souris v]3haldand the said kirk in sclatis watterticht glaswyndois and all vther necessour thingis as efferis. 29 November 1532. The quhilk day, the prouest baiUies and counsale hes statute for the com- Quhat mwiter moun Weill of this gude toun, and for till eschew and ceis murmure and discord ™* ' **'^ ^''^ betuix the maltmen duelland within the fredome of the burgh and vtheris reparand to thair commoun luylnis anent the paying of thair multer for grynd- ing of thair said malt, that in tyme to cum all maner of persouis maltmen or vtheris that gryndis ony malt at thair commoun mylnis sail pay for ilk thre bollis of malt groundin ane pek of multer malt to the gude toun or fyrmouris of the samyn, with ^'ther dewiteis to the myllaris as vse and wont hes bene in tymes bigane, and gyf ony maltmen bringis thair gyrst to the mylnis to grynd and gryndis ane pairt thairof and lattis ane vther pairtly vngrouud. that malt that is vnground sail pay siclike multer to the gude tonu or firmoris as the vther malt that is ground, sua that the mylnis ly nocht idille. GO EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1532-3. 12 February 1532-3. ^^^^^''°"''- The quhilk day, the prouest bailHes and counsale decernis and ordanis the makaris. brether of the Candilmakaris till extent and beyr all portable charges with the breder of the Fleschouris that salhappiti within this burgh in tyme to cum, ay and quhill the saidis Candilmakaris obtene sufficient discharge be sentence that thay sould nocht stent with thaine, and that without preiudice of onye rycht of the saidis Candylmakaris ; and ordanis thame to pay to the Flescheouris for thir twa last extenttis xl s. 8 31arch 1532-3. The jjatrouage The quliilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale gevis and granttis the JhonS'aiter pi'ebend of Sanct Jhonis alter, scituat within thair College Kirk of Sanct Geyll, the townys, uow vacand in thair handis as patronis of the samyn be chmissioun and resig- natioun thairof be Sir Robert Steill last prebendare of the samyn, with all and sindrye hberteis commoditeis and proffittis pertenyng thairto ony maner of way, to Sir Walter TurnbuU cliaiplane. as the vse lies bene in sic caissis. 12 March 1532-3. [Bonnetmak- The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the Bonet- Waikl°'^''*mi'' '^I'l^firis pay the half of the extent all tymes to cum to the Wobstaris till help Shearers'] and suplc thame, and the vther half to the Walkaris and Scheris, and to begyn and pay v s. at this terme. Fermon'ans inulter. [Ship freighted.] 27 March 1533. The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, William Glen grantit that he maid in his barn and kyllis through the quhilkis he hes the akerris of the Bm-romwre fyve makings of malt sen Mertymes that last wes, illi tyme ane chalder, quhairfor thai ordane the said William Glen till con- tent and pay to the saidis fyrmoraris for ilk thre bollis of malt that he hes maid sen Mertymes ane pek, and siclyke in tymes cumming. 27 May 1533. Jacques Lyunie hes lattin his schip callit the Mary commonly to fraucht to the niclitbouris of the towne for thair gnids to be furit in Flanders, for the \nn.] OF THE BTJRGH OF EDINBURGH. 61 fraucht of xv s. vj d. greit, the serpleth of the well and skyn and clayth efieraud [SWp thairto, and this fraucht is maid after the forme of the acts of parhameut ■''""•^'■^''^'•J and statutes of the towne maid thairvpoun, the port oppin and the nychtbouris first seruit, and the guidis to be layit frie on the schore, soliifo decano x s. Jehan Russell frainchemaa maister of the Pitty Pansy hes payit to the dene of gild viij s. for his schip to the kirk werk, howbeit scho wes nocht frauchtit hot hes laidnit hir with his awin guidis in the samyn. Item, sum hes quliair thai payet x s.. sum xij s- — (In the lowse leifl". — Tv.) 13 August 1533. The quhilk day. Symon Kychertsoun hes laltin his schip callit the Bark [Ship of Haddingtouu commonly to frawcht to the nychtbouris of the town for thair f''eig'it'='i] guidis to be furit in Flanders, for the fraucht of xx s. greit, the serpleth well slg'n and all vther guidis owerheid, frie of aU expenssis except prymegilt, and the clayth and vther guidis efferand thairto, and that the boitt and all the schip be frie before the caipstok, and this frauchting, etc. 22 August 1533. Till all and sindry quhais knauledge thir present letteres saltocum, the [Seal of cause provest baillies and counsale of the Burgh of Edinburgh greting : Witt youre „" *]^ and Fur- vniuersiteis that the day of the dait of thir present letteres comperit before ws ners.] sittand in iugement the kirkmaisteris and the laif of the maisteris and brether of the Skynnar craft and Furroiu' craft of the said bm'gh, and present till ws counsaly gaderit thair bill of suppiicatioun of the quhilk the tenour followis : — My lordis provest baillies and worthy counsale of tliis guid toun, vnto your richt houorabill discretionis humlie menis and schewis the kirkmaisteris and the laif of the maisteris of the Skynnar craft and Furrour craft within this burgh viz., Wniiam Akinheid kirkmaister, Stevin Bell, Henry Cranstoun, Eobert Huchesoun, Henry Lille, Johnne Gibsoun, William Loch, Thomas Bischop, Johnne Huchesoun, William Scott, Piobert Haithwy, James Ramsay, Thomas Clerksouu, George Hammiltoua, Johnne Park, Audro Romannos, Johne Watsoun, William Coldane, William Watsoun, William Wallange, Adam Wricht, Thomas Quhite, James M'Lcllane, Thomas Hervy, James Ander- soun, Johnne Auld, Johne Fairlie, Thomas Wischart, James Forat, 62 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1533. [Seal of cause James HuchesouD, skynnaris ; the names of the furrouris, Robert Bischop ners and Fur- tlekiQ, Dauid Ferry, Johnne Craig, Archibald Loiche, Alexander Duncaue, ners.] William Duncane, Adam Makcalyeane, Thomas Singiltoun, William Carnys, Dauid Younger, Walter Somervell, Thomas Andersoun, Matho Cant, and Eicliart Henrisoun, that quhare, first, for the loving of Almichty God, the honour of the realme, the worschip and proffit of this gude toune and all oure 8ouerane Lordis lieges and vtheris reparand thairto, and in exempill of vtheris and for the augmentatioun of divyne seruice at the altare of Sanct Cristofer our patrone of the samyn altare situate within youre College Kirk of Sanct Geill of the said burgh, we desire that we micht haue thir statutis, articulis, and rewlis eftir following grantit and gevin till vs be youre autorite quhairthrow gude rewle and giding may be had amangis ws of the sadis craftis, baith maisteris and seruandis, and oure suc- cessouris thairof in all tymes tocum, becaus it is said be commoun autorite that multitude but rewlis makes confusioun, and for till eschew the vice thairof, and to be eschewit in tyme tocum, we desir thir rewlis eftir followand : In the first, that sen all incresment of vertew practikis and knaulege standis in gude begyuning and foundment, and fra thinf urth to continew in vertew and perseuerance to finale end, that fra thynefurth na manor of personis of the saidis craftis of skynnaris and furroris be sufferit to set vp buth nor pull skynnis within this burgh without he be first freman and burges of the samyn, fundin sufficient and abill in werkmanschip and vthirwayis, and admittit thairto be the provest baillies and counsale and sworne maisteris of the craftis, and than for his vpsett to pay, gif he be ane skynneris son burges within this burgh ten schillingis, and gif he be ane vthir mannis son to pay for thair vpsett the sowme of fyve pundis vsuall money of Scotland, to the reparatioun and vphalding of divyne seruice at oure said altare ; and at na manor of maisteris of the saidis craftis tyest hous [or] berbery any vtheris maisteris prentice or servand ; and gif ony dois in the coutrar he sail pay ane pund candill of walx, and thaireftir als oft as the fait happennis at the discretioun of the provest baillies and counsale the persoun falctand to be pvnist ; and at ilk maister haldin buth within this said burgh of the saidis craftis sail pay his oulklie penny to the reparatioun of the ornamentis of oure said altare and sustene the preistis meit thairof as it cumis about : Item, that na fals stuff" be sauld till our Souerane Lordis liegis 1533.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 63 vnder the [lane of half ane pund candill of waL^ to oiire said altare als oft as it [Seal of cause beis ouretane ; and at the fals stuff be present to the provest baillies and coun- ^"^,3 1^^^ °' sale, and thai to remeid and reforme the samjTi as thai sail think expedient for Furriers.] the tyme ; and gif ony personis of the saidis craftis intromettis or withhaldis the gudis of the said altare or craftis. and snstenis plcy thairintill, he to pay and de- liuer the samyn with the expensis of his proper gudis gif he be fundin in the fait ; and at the saidis kirkmaisteris and principal! maisteris of the saidis craftis that sail hapi)in to be for the tjine may half full faculte leif and preuUege, with ane officar of the tovne to pas with thame for to poynd and distrenye gif ueid be for the taking rasing and inbriuging of thir dewiteis forsaid to tlie snsten- tatioun and \73halding of Goddis seruice as said is, but danger stop or impedi- ment, and that all the maisteris of the sadis craftis that takkis ony persoun in prenteis with thame sail pay to the reparationn of the said altare the sowme of twenty schillings : Quharfore we humlie beseik youre lordschip and wisdomes, sen we ar twa craftis and vnite cure self in cherite togiddir to tlie vphalding of Goddis seruice and for the honom- of this gude toune and proifit of all oure Souerane Lordis liegis, and sen thir oure sempill desiris and petitionis ar resouable and conforme to equite and are consonant to the gude reule honour and polecy according to the vsis and consuetudis of grete townis of honour of vthir realmes and provinces, that ye wald grant to vs thame ratify it approvit and confermit be yow vnder youre commoun sele of cans, in perpetuall memo- riall of gude reule to be had in tyme tocum, with yom'e ansuer heirapoun we humilie beseik : The quhilk suppUcatioun and desiris before expremit beand red in iugement, and we thairwith beand ripelie avisit, we t'locht the samyn consonant to ressoun, and thairfore ratifj'is approvis and confermes the samyn for ws and our successouris als lang as thai salbe sene expedient speidfull and profEtabill for the commoun profifit to the provest baiUies and counsale of this burgh that sail happin to be for the tyme ; and this till aU and sundry quham it efferis we mak it knawn be thir oure letters. In witnes of the quhilk thing we have gart append to thir presentis our commoun seall of cans. At Edin- burgh, the twenty-twa day of the moneth of August, the yeir of God ane thousand fy ve hundreth threty and thre yeris. Hec est vera et indubitata copia principalis litere, statutorum communitati Pellipariorum et Foderatorum burgi de Edinburgh per prepositum G4 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [153:3. [Seal of cause balHuos et coinmimitatem eiiisdem eiis concessis, et per eosdem roborate ners and "" ^t confiniiate sulj eorum communi sigillo, fideliter eopiate et collationate Furriers.] pgj. jj-,e notaiium publicum subscriptum nil aJdito vel remoto quod facti substanciam mutaret aut iutellectum variaret, sub meis signo et subscriptioue manualibus. Ita est, Andreas Eicbartsoun notarius publicus uianu propria premissa asseruit. [Tliis is a true aud undoubted copy of the principal letter of statutes to the community of Skinners and Furriers of the burgli of Edinburgh, granted to them by the Provost, Bailies, aud Community of the same, and by them ratified and confirmed under their common seal, faithfully copied and collated by me, notary-public subscribing, under my sign and subscription manual, nothing being added or taken away which could change the substance of the deed or vary its meaning. So it is. Andrew Richartsoun, notary public, certifies the premises witli his own hands.] 17 September 1533. . [Seal of cause Till all and sindry qubais knaulege thir present literis sail tocum, the diners f""^ prouest ballies couDsale communite and dekynnis of craftis of the burgh of Edinburgh greting in God euirlesting, Wit youre vniuersiteis that the day of the date of thir present lettres comperit before ws sittand in jugement the dekyn kirk ruaisteris and brether of the craft of Cordinaris within the said burgh, videlicet, Thomas Mureleyis dekin, James Litiliolinne, Kichart Nicholson, Eobert Borg, and the remanent of the haill brether of the said craft, and pre- sentit before ws thare bill and supplicatioun in maner and forme as efter fol- lowis, that is to say ; To yow my lordis provest bailies and worthy counsale of this gude town, humlie menis and schawis your dailie seruitouris the dekyn kyi-kmaisteris and brether of the Cordinaris within this burgh, that quhair it is weill kend to all your wisdomis how for the lowing of God and vj-jhalding of de'nyne seruece we mak grete reparatioun and expens at oure altare of Sanctis Crispine and Crispiani situat within your College Kirk of Sanct Geill, and has na lowing to vphald the samyuand dalychaplanc thairatbot oure ouklie penny gaderyt amangis the brether of the said craft, cpihillds ar hot a few nommer, to the regarde of vther greit craftis within this burgh, quhilk has grantit to 1533.] OF THE BUEGH OF EDINBURGH. G5 thame ouklie one tlie merket day ane penny of all stuf belannjing thare craftis f^'^'';' "f cause brocht fra landwart Canongait or vtber placis to be sauld within this burgh, diners.] for sersing of the gudnes and fynes tharof, sua that oure Souerane Lord and his liegis be nocht begylit tharewith anent the vnsufficientnes of the samyn, and to that effect oure said Souerane Lord of his special] grace has direct his wiit- tingis to yow praying yow effectuislye and als chargeing that ye grant and geve syklike priuelege and fredome to the dekyn and maisteris of oure said craft of Cordinaris within this burgh that we may ouklie on the merket day haue and tak ane penny to the reparatioun of our said altare and vphalding of dewyne seruice tharat of all barkit leddir and maid stuf belauging oure craft that beis brocht fra landwart Canongait or vther partis to be sauld within this said burgh, for sersing of the gudnes fynes and warkmanscliip of the samyn, sua that oure Souerane Lord and his liegis be nocht begylit tharwyth as saidis ; Beseking heirfor youre lordschippis and wisdomes that ye wald grant ws be your autorite till haue and tak ouklie on the merket day ane penny of ilk dakyr of barkit leddir, and of ilk stand of maid stuf belanging till oure said craft, that beis brocht fra landwart Cannongait or vther pairtis to be sauld within this burgh to the reparatioun of oure said altar, siklyke as vther craftis within tills burgh has, sen it is for the commoun weill and with the grace of God we sail do sua for the honoure of God and vphalding of devyne seruice at oure said altare and for the vniuersale weill of ome Souerane Lordis liegis, that youre lordschippis salbe contentit tharof, with your deliuerance heirintill humlie webeseik; and als the saidis dekin and maisteris producit oure Souerane Lordis lettres vndir his signet and subscri])tioun manuall of the date at Striuelyug the secund day of Merche, and of his rigne the tuenty yeir desyrand and chargeand ws till consent to the samyn. The quhilk supplicatioun and bill beand opinlie red before us in jugement, and thairwith we beand ryple avysit in all poynttis and artiklis contenit thairintill, fyndis the samyn consonant to resoun and for the commoim weill of all oure Souerane Lordis liegis of this burgh and vtheris reparand tharto, and tharfor we consent gevis and grantis for ws and oure suc- cessoiiris to the saidis dekyn kirkmaisteris and brethk of tlie said craft of Cordinaris now present and thare successouris in all tymes tecum full faculte and fredome that thai ouldie on the merket day haue and tak ane penny to the reparatioun of thair said altare of Sanctis Crispin and Crispiuiani I 66 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1533. [Seal of cause and vplialding of dewyne seniice tb.arat, off ilk dakyr of barkyt ledtlir and sik- diners.l ^J^^ ^f ilk stand of maid stuf belangand thare craft that beis brocht fra land- wart Cannongait or ony vther pairtis to be sauld within this said burgh, for sersing of the gudnes fynes and waiknianschiij of the said stuf, swa that our said Souerane Lord and his liegis be nocht bcgylit tharwytht anent the insuffi- cientnes of the samyn, conforme to the command and desyre of our Souerane Lordis lettres and writtingis direct to ws thairapou, and syklike as vther craftis has within this said burgh, dischargeing thaim and thair successouris of ony takin of sik pennes fra onypersone dueUand within this burgh ; and tliis to all and sindry quham it efferis or may efFeir we mak it knawin be thir presentis. In witnes of the quhilk thing we haue to thir present lettres hungin oure commoun seill of cans, at Edinburgh the xvij day of the moneth of September, the yeir of God ane thousand fif hundreth thi'etty and thre yeris. 9 January 1533-4. [Freighting of Henry Cairnis hes lattin his schip, callit the Jhone, commonly tiU fraucht till ^^v-] the nychtbouris of the towne for thair guidis to be furit in France, for the fraucht of V souse and xlv sowse the mortchau'ge, frie of all vther expenssis except prymegilt, and that the owerloft be frie, and als sone as the said schip passis till the raid that the maister and the haill kippage remayne still intill her for suir keping of the same quhill scho depairt, and that the said schip be weill furnist with ankers and cabills and vittale to sustene thame in the menetyme, and gif ony skayth cummis to the merchandis or thair guidis in thair default in the nocht fiilfiUing of the tliingis aboue written, the said maister to refound and pay the same to the merchandis, and forther this frauchting is maid after the forme, etc., soluto decano xiiij s. 17 March 1533-4. The toiui and The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale of the burch of Edin- bun-oS^^"^ ° burch, togedder with thair commissaris of burrois vnderwrittin, viz., Dauid Eook and Henry Richertsoun for Dundie ; Alexander Lindesay, Adam Eamsay, for Perth ; Dauid Grahame and lames Lausoun for Sanctandrois ; Walter Cousland and Duncan Patersoun for Strieiding ; granttis till pay the sowme of 1533-4.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 67 iiij=- 1 li. greit to the men of Myddilburch and that the burrois be stentit for The toun and ■ 1 commissaris of the samyn. ^u„ois. The quhilk day, it is auisit and concludit be the prouest baillies and Commissaria counsale of the burch of Edinburch, togedder with the commissaris of the ° ^^°^- burrois of Dundie, Perth, Sanctandrois, Strieuling, that all the burrois within this realme sail send thair commissaris to this toun, and convene the morn efter Sanct lames day in somer and thair till avise and decerne anent all maner of thingis center the commoun weill of burrois and of merchandis, and to find remeid for taxationis and stenttis that may happen to cum aganis thame, and that ilk burch bring with thame sic articUs and writingis in quhat things thai ar hurt in, sua that reformatioun and help may be put thair vntill for the vni- uersale weill ; and quhat toim sendis nocht thair commissioun the said day for the effect aboue written sail content and pay to thame that comperis the sowme of fyve pundis but fauouris ; and this is ordanit to be done yeirlie in all tymes to cum sua it be thocht expedient be the saidis commissaris at thair metmg. 19 March 1533-4. The quhUk day, Alexander Spens ane of the bailies of the burgh of Edin- Nota— Sanct . Rokis akerris. biu-gh, with ane certane of the counsale of the toun, past at the command of the prouest and baUlies of the said burgh and, be the virteu of ane act gevin the xxiiij day of Nouember the yeir of God j™ v" xxxiij yeris, assignit and lemyt to Sir Jhonne Young chaiplane, and his successouris, tlire akerris of land of thair Burromwre, betuix the landis of James Makgill on the west pau't and William Heudirsoun on the eist pairt, Braidis burne on the south pairt, and the commoun passege of the said mwre on the north pairtt, and till ane aker of land till big his hoas and yaird vpoun betuix the land of Dauid Urouer on the cist pairt and the litUI syke on the west pairt, the landis of Thomas Borthrane on the south pairtt, and the kirk and kirkyaird of Sanct Koke on the north pairt, till be broukit and joysit peciablie be the said Sir Jhonne and his successouris induring the said prouest baillies counsalis and communiteis will, efter the forme and teuour of the said act gevin thair- upoun, the said Jhonne and his successouris vphaldand the said kirk watter- tycht in sclatis glassin windois and all vther necesser thingis as efferis, conforme to the said act. 68 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1533-4. 21 3Iarch 1533-4. s^'' f Fi °^ '^^^ quliilk day, the prouest baillies couasale and cotnmunitie gevis and alter. granttis [to] chaiplane, the chapellanrie of Sanct Eloyis alter witliin Sanct Gelys kii-k. vacand now in thair handis as patronis to the samyn be the deces of vmquhile Sir Daiiid Frissell, with all and sindry landis annuell renttis and proffittis perteuaud thairto. 4 August 1534. WoU arreistit. The qiihilk day, in presens of the prouest and baillies, Alexander Mow- ansuer™"*^^ ^ bray desyrit the arreistment maid vpoun \aj polkis of woll to be lowsit, and offerrit soucrtie till do thairfor as accordis vpoun the law, and the prouest ansucrit that he could nocht lowse the arreistment for sundry caussis, ane wes the said woll wes pakit vtouth this burgh in the laird of Nudreis place, and thairfor it apertenit to the King as escheit, and als the said woll is vnfremennis guddis and thairfor thay sould nocht vse the samyn in merchandice bot the samyn sould be sauld to fremen and to merchandis, thridlie the dewtie and customes thairof wes nocht payit to the toun. 6 Octoher 1531. Ane alterage The quhilk day, the prouest baillies counsale and communitie gevis and disnomt be the granttis to Sii Dauid Lausoun the chaiplanrie and seruice of the Magdalen prouest. alter in Sanct Anthonis kirk in Leyth, vacand in thair handis be deceis of vmquhile Sir Jhonne Henrisoun last chappellane thairof, with all and sundrye proffittis, etc. for all the dayis of his lyfe, efter the forme of the fundatioun, etc. 12 March 1534-5. Villa Myllaris. The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Jhonne Cvnynghame and Dauid Myllar ar feit myllaris to the sclait myhi to the fir- moraris of the commoun mylnis fra Witsounday furth for ane yeir to cum, and thay to pay thame sic feis and dewteis as vse is, and thay ar oblist and sworne to be leill and trew to the fermoraris, and to tak thair leill multer, and to keip and deliuer the samyn, and to lay on stanys and to mak the coggis. and do all thingis apertenyng to thame and quhen thai faiiye. 1534-5.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. G9 17 Marcli 1534-5. The quliilk day, the prouest, Maister James Lawsoun, Symon Prestoun, Patrik Bm- William Vcldert, Jhonne Mauchane, baillies, Maister Frances Bothuell, Kobert tamie!^''"''' Logane, Hew Douglas, Thomas Scott, Gilbert Lauder, George Kant, Alexander Spens, Maister Dauid Ireland, WiUiam Eynde, Allane Mosraan, Thomas Bynde, William Aikinheid, George Leith, George Burt, Alexander Young, Henry CranstouQ, Dauid Gillaspye, Robert Symsoun, James Litiljlionne, Thomas Myrraleis, James Wallace, masoun, Patrik Vrye, Jhonne Kyle, Andro Edzer, William Elphinstoun, William Raa, and James Vr, quhilkis personis aboue writtin gevis and grantis till Patrik Barroun the office of watter baillierie of thair port and havin of Leyth, with all and sindrye proilittis and dewiteis per- tenyng thairto for all the dayis of his lyfe, and granttis to him thair commoun seill thairupoun, etc. 26 31ay 1535. Gevis till Sir William Cady the prebend of St Androis altare in Sanct Donatio Geillis kirk as vacand, becaus Mr AncU'o Jhonestoun last prebendar left the And^re. ' land for heresy. The same tyme, disponit to Sir Jhone Wilsoun the prebend at St Eloys St Eloyes alter in St Geillis Kirk.— (In ane lowse leiff.— T/-.) ^'^■ 28 May 1535. The auditoures of compts, the provest and baillies, Mungo Tennent [Auditors of thesaurer, Jhone Purves dene, Mr Frances Bothwell, NicoU Cairnecors, Hew '^'^°°™'>*] Dowglas, Gilbert Lawder, Mr Jhone Chisholme, Mr Dauid Irland, William Aikinheid, Allane Mosman. The quhilk day, it is diuisit and ordanit that tliir auditouris of compts aboue^vl■ittin begynand resaif the compts of this towne, in the first Robert Henrysouns compt and fiite the samyn, and thairafter William Adamesouns compt, and syne the compt of the calsay and taxt. and swa furth ay and quhill the compts of the towne be compleitly endit. — (lu aue lowse leifl'. — Tr.) 70 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1535. Donatioun of St Dyoneis chaiplenry and our Ladyes in St Paulea wark. That nane sell guids frie on buirde. 28 July 1535. The quhilk day, in iDresence of the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, Sir James Barroun chaiplane of St Dyoneis altare situat within the College Kirk of St Geill resignit his said chaiplenry in the said prouest and baillies hands as patrones to the sarayn, quhilk gaif the said chaiplenry with all proffitts thairof to Sir Jhone Ker chaiplane, after the forme of thair fun- datioun. The sam tyme, the seruice and chaiplenry of our Lady altare gevin be thame to Sir James Barroun. This in St Pawls wark. — (In ane lowse leiff.— yn) 31 July 1535. The quhilk day, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that na maner of persoun nychtbour within this burgh sell till ony straynger woll hyde skynis clayth or vther merchandice frie on burde, and spe- cially woU, without it be vnderstandin that the samin be lang lyand besyde thame, and nocht to be coft of new in the mercatt nor vtherwayes to that effect, vnder the payne of fyve li. to be tane of thame that dois in the contrar, to be applyet to the kirkwark or commoun werk of the towne, but favoures. — (In the lowse leiffis. — Tr.) 7 August 1535. (Tlie towne haldis mony justice courts as Justice Depiitts, and sum as Justice and ScherefTs. In the convict bulk, begynand in June 1535. — Tr.) 3 September 1 535. (Katherein Mayne convict to deid for airt and pairt of the slawchter of Alex- ander Cant hLr husband, the dome gevin, and executioun deferrit quhill scho wer licbter. In tlie convict buik of that daitt. — Tr.) Confessioun of (Ane Marioun Lokai-t, confessand tbift, adiugeit to be brunt on tbe cbeik and *^^^- banist.— TV.) 7 October 1535. [Meal sellers.] (Ane greitt nummer meill sellarcs fyndand cawtioun to keip the towne statutes vnder tbe payne of xx s. ; and ane Bessie Hendersoun oblist nocht to be fund in the meill merkat metting meUl, vnder the pane of banesing, of Mr awhi consent. In tbe convict buik end.— Tr.) [Justice Courts.] Executioun supersedit. 1535.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. ' 71 15 October 1.535. It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and connsale that the acts Burgesschip of parliament maid anent the making of burgessis be obseruit and kepit in all tymes to cum, that is to say, that na burges be maid fra this tyme furth bot in pvesens of the prouest baillies and connsale in jugement ; and als ordanis that oppin proclamatioun be maid chargeing all persouns quhilkis ar maid bur- gessis before that thai cum and remane personallie within this towne and hald stob and staik within the samyn, and to beir all portable chairges of this burgh as vthers nichtbouris dois, within xl dayes nixttocum, vnder the jjayne of tyn- Burgessis sale of thair fredome ; certefeing thame that and thai compeir nocht within the ^^^ '° *"*''' ° _ _ ^ chairges. said xl dayes that thai sail be haldin to pay thair customes and dewteis till the towne as vnfremen dois within the samyn. — (In the end of the said bulk. — Tr.) 16 November 1535. The prouest baillies and coimsale ordanis the deykin and brether of the Paice. baxters within this burgh till baik thau- breid sufficient stufe weill baikin and dryit ; and at the ij d. laif wey xvij vnce, and the broun breid efFerand thar to, and at the land breid wey xxxviij vncesthe iiij d. laif, guid sufficient and fresche stufe. — (In the convict buLk end. — Tr.) It is statute and ordanit [be] the provest baillies and counsale that all Prouest nichtboures within this towne, merchandis and craftismen, as thai ar of power, <=o"™ying- till furnis cortise till pas and convoy the provest fra the kirk till his awin hows after evin sang in the haly dayes of Yule, New Yeir day, and Vphaly day, vnder the payne of xviij sliilHngis to be tane of thame that wanttis cortise, and at euery deykin haif power till poynd his craft for the samyn. — (In the end of ane convict buik. — Tr.) 29 December 1535. It is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies counsale and deikins of BmgessJs craftis, that euery man that beis maid burges and freman in this guid towne dewty. frae this tyme sail pay to the dene of gild for his fredome and burgesrie the EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1535. Burgessis dewty. Absents tyiuiig thair fredome. sowm of ten pund, vnforgevin, except burges bairnis till bruik thair awld priuel- egeis ; and that cuery craftisman that wald be bnrges to that eifect to be maid maister and frie to his craft and nocht ellis, he to pay to the dene of gild the sowm of iyve pund for his fredome, without favouris. And als decernis and ordanis that all thai persouns quhilks wer maid burges of before, and remanis fiirth of the towne contrar the act maid the xv of October last, tyll haif tynt thair fredome, because thai come nocht to remayne within the towne efter the forme of the said act, and ordanis the customeris of the towne and kepers of the ports of the samyn till tak custome of all guids brocht in be thame within this towne fra this tyme furtb as for ane vnfreman. Extent to the calsayes. [Bread.] Nana within the burgh to haif to sell or pas furth to meitt piiltre. December 1535. It is statute and ordanit that euery riche man within burgh that hes na fre land of his awin, till stent be his geir with the vther persouns that hes land, for till pay the calsaymakeris for the making of the calsay.^(Iii the end of the couvict bulk. — Tr.) 8 January 1535-6. [An act anent bread, similar to that on 16 November 1535, passed of this date.] 9 January 1535-6. It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baiUies and counsale, forswamekill as thair is ane exorbitant derth rissin vjjoun wylde meitt of all sortis, be the regratouris indwelleris within this towne that will nocht suffer the persouns that bringis wyld meitt and tayme to the merkatt to sell the same thairself, bot will by thame to regraitt, aganis the commoun weill of this burgh, quhair- fore it is statute and ordanit, as said is, that na maner of persouns man nor woman within this burgh, tak vpoun hand to by or sell ony maner of wyld meitt or tayme fra this tyme furth, vnder the payne of banesing of the towne ; and that nane of thame pas nor send owtwith the town to meitt or stop ony persoun cummand to the mercatt with ^iclyk stufe, vnder the payne of xl s. to be tane of thame that attempts or dois in contrar, bot favouris. — (lu the end of a con- vict buik.— T^r.) 153.3-G.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 73 That all baxteris within this burgh baik thair breid guid and, etc., and the Paice. ij d. laif to wey sviij vnces, and broiin breid efferand thairto, vnder the pane of ane vnlaw the first fait, and fra thine fiu'th deling of thair breid ; and at na buksteris nor tapstcris within this burgh sell ony quheitt breid in foir buithis Huksters, fra Mononday furth, vnder the payne of cscheting of thair breid and banesing '''P^'*^''-'*- the towne of thame ; and that ilk baster half bot ane buith to sell his breid in Buithis. allanerlie, and his mark putt on his breid. (Maister Adame Otterburnes act.s, price xvj the galloun. In the end of a con- Aill. vict huik.—Tr.) 26 Fehruary 1.535-(i. The prouest baillies and counsel!, with consent of [the] dekin[is] of craftis, Bikkerares. hes statute and ordanit, for eschewing of greitt inconvenients that may occure hcrethi'ow in tyme cuming, that na manor of personns young nor awld, childer nor bairnis nother of burgessis nor craftismen within the towne, pas till ony bikkerings in tymes to cum nother haliday nor werk day ; and that ilk deikin of craft chairge the brether and maisteris of the samyn, ilk ane till ansuer for thair seruands, that nane of thame pas till bikkerings, vnder the pane of scurgeing of thame and banesing of the towne, and siclyk ilk merchand till ansuer for thair bairnis and seruands, vnder the saidis paynis ; and that all vagabunds that hes na maisteris pas remoue and devoyde thame furth of this Viigabunds. towne, vnder the pane of the putting in presone and thairafter pvnist and banist the towne. — (In ane convict buke. — Tr.) 27 Fehruary 1535-6. Item, it is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies and counsale, for Portis. eschewing of new infectioun throw the cuutrie, and als for furth balding of vagabunds theiffis and misdoares furth of this burch, that thair be twa honest persouns eikit and adiunit to the ports, ane thairof to the Nether Bow and the vther to the West Port, and to begyn on Mononday nixttocum, and ilk ane of thame to half xvj d. daylie wage to be inbrocht and collectit be the officeris daylie fra the nychtbouris, viz. ilk nychtbour that vsit before to pas to the port be himself to gif viij d. , and swa the saidis persouns to be daylie K 74 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1535-6. Portis. payit of the said waige be the nychthourii?, and nane of the nychtbouris that may pay to be owersene, and that the officeris be sworne that thai sail nocht owerse ony nychtbouris that may pay. 17 March 1535-6. toThrQuISe '^^^ quhilk day, George Henrison, president, Jhonn Carkettill, William and ane extent Litill, and Alexander Adameson, baillies, Jhonn Purves, dene of gild, Jhonn ^ ■ Mawchan, Robert Logane, Hew Douglas, Nicoll Carnecros, Mongow Tennent, Williame Sym, Alexander Belches, George Cant, James Makgill, Mr Danid Irland, Jhonn Marioribanks, Andrew Mowbray, George Mayne, Alexander Spens, James Jhonston, dckyn of the hammermen, James Stirk for the walkeris, James Fillem for the wobstaris, Jhonn Andersoun for the furrouris, Lancelot Barbom- for thair craft, Edward Biseitt for the fleschom-is, Jhonn Frieland for the cordinaris, Jhonn Boyes for the baxteris, William Coldane for the skynnaris, Thomas Archour for the tailyeouris, and Jhoun Ryade for the goldsmythis, consentis and grantis to geve to the Quenis grace fourty tunnis of wyne in ]iropyne, and als consentis that ane vniuersall taxt and stent be maid of j'" pundis to pay the saniyn, and to furneis the fleschehous with and vther commoun warkis of the tovne ; and als consentis that thair be foir maill tane vpoun foure of thair commoun bnithis, viz. Jhonn Youngis buith, Jhonn Rentoims, Robert Adamesouns and Williame Ryndes for the space of vij yeris, and that to redeme thair vther thre buythis that is lyand in wedsett, viz., tua fra Michell M'Quhen and ane fra Jhonn Adamesouns airis. 23 3Iarch 1535-6. Maisters of ^^^^ president baillies and counsale hes devyset and ordanit Alexander commoun Speus and Alexander Belsches coniunctly and seuerally to be thair maisters of wark to thair calsay and commoun werk of the towne, and hes ordanit ilk ane of thame to half for thair lawbouris v li. in the yeu\ — (In the lowse leiff.— r^) 1535. The Extent of twenty thowsand pund grantit to our Souerane Lord be the thre Estaitts for sustening of his honorabill expensis in the pairtes of France in anno Domini jm v"^ xxxv, off the quhilk the Clergy pays x™ li. the 1535-6.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBUKGH. 75 Barrouns x"" merks aud the Burrowes v™ merks, quhilk v™ merks being equallie devydit amangis the burrowis extendis to ilk ane of thame as efter folio wes : — Edinburgh viij'^ xxxiij li. vj s. viij d. Aberdene . Striueling iiij^^ iiij li. vij .s. vj d. Dimdie Linlythqw . 1 li. xij s. vj d. Perth Kothsay xxij li. xs. Banff Dunbartane xxviij li. ijs. vj d. Dunfermeling Eenfrew xxxiij li. XV s. CraiU Kuglem xxij li. xs. Forfare Air . Ixxviij li. XV s. Brechein . Irwine xlv li. Moutros Dunfreis Ivj li. vs. Elgein Glasqw iij^ vij H. X s. Innernes . Kirkcudbrycht xxxiij li. XV s. Aberbroth . Wigtoun xxxiij li. XV s. Sanctandrois Quhithome . xxxiij li. XV s. Cowjjare . Lanerk xxviij li. ijs. vjd. Culaue ledburch . xxxiij li. XV s. Fores Selkrig . xxij li. XS. Name Hadingtouu J'jli. vs. Thane Northbervik sjli. vs. Dysart Dunbar xxij li. X s. Kirkcaldy . Lawder xxij li. xs. Peblis iij<= XV li. iij*^ xxj li. ij'^ xlvij li. xxij li. xxxiij li. xxij li. xvj li. ___lvjli. iiij'" x li. xxxiij H. Ivj li. xlvli. rii. uij^^ X li. sjli- xxviij H. xjli. xvj li. xx3dx li. xxij li. xxij li. xvij s. vj d. xs. xs. XV s. xs. xvij s. vj d. V s. XV s. vs. V s. ij s. vj d. V s. xvij s. vj d. vij s. vj d. xs. X s. (This in the begynning of the Convict Buik begynnand in Junij 153.5 qubair thair is ane vther roll of ane generall extent of vj™ IL, the buiTOwes jm li. deuidit neirly the same ordour, bot it is reviu. — Tr.) 31 Mmj 1536. The quhilk day, George Henrysoun president, William Adamesoun and Flesche Williame Litill baillies, Nycoll Carucors, Kobert Logane, Gilbert Lawder, ^'anJi^. Symoun Prestoun, Jhone Mawchane, J hone Fowlar, Alexander Belsis, Wil- liam Lawder, Williame Dyck, Mr Dauid L-land, Mungo Tennent, Androw 76 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1536. Fieaoiie Mowbray, William Vdwart, William Sym, Edward Kincaid, Alexander Spens, Alexander Adamsone, Her.ry Scot, Symouu Marioribankis, Patrik Flemyng, Patrick Tennent, William Symsoun, George Cant, James Lytil- johne, George Leiclie, Henry Cranstoun, William Johnestoun, William Cliamblet, James Stark, Thomas Rynd, Thomas Boys, and vtheris men of guid, beand gatherit in the Tolbuith, deligentlie auisit yit as of befoir with the standis in thair fleschous, has ordanit and finalie deliuerit that ilk flescheour sail pay yeirlie for thair stand in thair said fleschehous the sowme of xl s. ; and ordanis the saidis standis to be offerit to the saidis flescheouris on the samyn price, and gyf thai refuis till tak thame on the price foirsaid, the president baillies and men of gude abonewiitten, all in ane voce, ordanis that the saidis fleschehons be set the tane halff thairof to land flescheouris and the tother halff for victuall quhcit and meill, to the maist avale that can be gottin thairfoir, and ordanis the saidis flescheouris till g}'f thair ansuer in this matar on Fryday uixtocum ; and the deakin and maist pairt of thame ar wairnit apud acta and preseutlie offerit the saidis standis to the saidis flescheouris on the samyn pryce, quhilk at that tyme thai refuisit, quhairvjioun the president askit actis. — (Ill aue lowse leifl'. — IV.) 16 June 1536. [Selling of The quhilk day, the president baillies and counsale hes devysit and ordanit wo , C.J ^j^^^ ^jj ^j^^ ^^jj j^y^l skinnis and claith be brocht to the new wark, and thair to be sauld, and intill nane vther place, and till tak for ilk stane of woU ane pemiy for the maill by the custome, and ordanis the thesaurar till gar dycht and clenge the standis and mak the north gavill thairof clois with rauchtcris till keip the woll that is left \Tisauld, and till cans [mak] weyis brodis and to gar mak viij stanis wecht and vther small wechtis, and to fall to the samyn incon- tinent that it be redy agane Mononday nixtocum till bring the woll to the samyn. — (On ane leiS". — Tr.) 8 July 1536. [Raising of the The quhilk day, in presens of my lord Maxwell, provest of Edinburgh, c'liiyth.] baillies and counsall of tlie samyn, Robert, Abbott of Halyrudhous, the- saurer to our Souerane Lord, produceit ane writting subscryuit with the lords hands and dcsyrit the samyn till be insert in thair buikis, of the 153G.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 77 quliilk the tenour followes: — The lords vnderstands that the Kings grace [Kaising of the DriCGS of and all the lieges of his realme hes instantlie ado with blak veluott satyne ciaytk] dammes and all sorts of blak clayth, als weill Frainche clayth Flanders clayth as Scottis clayth ; and thairfore ordanis the prouest and baillies of Edin- bui'gh to command and chairge all merchants and vthers persouns haifand sic stufe within this towne and Leyth, and all vther pairts of this realme, that na man of thame tak on hand to raise the pryce of ony of the stiiffis foresaidis for the occasioun that is now ado darrer nor it hes bene done coft and sawld in tyme bygane, vnder the payne of escheting of the moveabill guids if ony of thame that dois in the contrair ; and at oppin proclamatioun be maid at the mercat croce of this bmgh that ony persouu that can find or preif that ony merchant dois in the contrair heirof , or hydes geir vnsawld for the pryce that wes in tyme bygane, that the said persoun sail haif the quarter of the escheitt for his lawbouris, vpoun the quhilk the said thesam'er askit instrumentis. Testibiis omnibus balliuis cum diuersis aliis. — (This in the end of the convict bulk. — Tr.) 8 August 1536. It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale, that in tyme Vagabumls, to cum that all maner of vagabunds and husseyis that beis convenit before ''ettouns. thame for ony maner of dettis awand to thair creditoures, and hes na thing to pay, that thai be banist the towne. 30 Aiigust 1536. Ottirburn, prouest. The quhilk day, in the presens of the prouest and Vffla. Ane baillies sittand in jugement, Ewfame Adamsoun, the relict of vmquhile James me"rkt"furth Feutoun, byndis and oblesis her faythfullie, forsamelde as the said provest °f Robert baillies and counsall wairnit hir to be decernit to vphald the land and housis the'^mst silie of pertenyng to hir heretablie, lyand on the eist pairt of the kirk yaird, that the ^^^ ^^^ '"^'^' toun mycht he anserit for the annuel awand to thame furth of the said land, or ellis that scho wald get ane vther persoun that wald v^ihald the samyn, and to ansuer for the saidis annuelis efter the forme of ane act maid thairvpoun the xviij day of August instant, and could get nane, heirfoir scho oblesis hir faytlifidlie as said is that scho sail mak resignatioun of all and haill the said land befoir and behynd vnder and aboue with the pertinentis, except the hous 78 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [153G. ViUa. Aiie scho diielHs intill, in ane of the baillies handis of this burgh for sesing merkis furth heretablie to be gevia till Henrie Scot and his airis, the tovn payand hir thair- of Robert gf^gj. ^j^g govme of ten merkis, fyre in hand and vther fyve at Witsonday nixt ; the eist side of and for lieretablo infeftment to be maid till him be the said Ewfame, the said etc ^ ^"'^' Henrie Scot oblesis him and his airis faythf ullie that incace, as God forbid, the land happynis to decay and fall doun, sua that the said land be nocht poyndable for the annuell awand furth of the samyn to tlie tovn in that behalf, the said Henrie Scot oblesis him and his airis that he sail renonce quytclame discharge and resigne in ane of the baillies handis of the said tovn his annuellrent of ten merkis awand ycirlie till him furth of the said land, for heretable infeft- ment to be maid to the said tovn and thair successouris, in the sickerest forme that can be devysit. 22 Septeviber 1536. [^*P^°i-'^*"^T Till all and sindiy quhais knawlege thir present letteres salcum, Robert Lord Maxwell, ane of the regentis of this realme the tyme of oure Souerane Lord the Kingis absence, and provest of the burgh of Edinburgh for the tyme, George Henrisoun, William Adamsoim, Johnne Carkettiil, and William [Littil] baillies of the said burgh for the tyme, counsale and communite of the samyn, greting in God euirlesting. Wit ye ws, at the instance and requeist of Thomas Mureleyis dekin for the tyme of the Cortlinare craft of the said burgh, Eichart Nycholsoun, Eobert Borg, Johne Wilsoun, Johnne Freland, Johnne Prestoun, and Robert Dikesoun, maisteris of the said craft, and vtheris thair brethir and maisteris of the Cordinaris of this toun, and for incresment of the commoim weill of this burgh, policy of the same and agmentatioun of devyne seruice, to haue gevin and gi-antit to thame and thair successouris Cordinaris within this toun thir priuilegis under writtin : — that is to say, all manor of prentesis to be tane to the said craft sail stand in prentischip for the space of sevin yeris and nay les, without dispensatioune of the principall maisteris of the said craft, and speciallie in fauoris of the sonis of the said craft, and ilk prenteis to pay at his entre to the reparatioun and vphalding of de^'yne seruice at thair said altar tuenty schillingis vsuall money of this realme ; and that nodir thir prentisis nor nane wtliir persoune of the said craft be sufferit to set wp buith within this said burgh without he be fundin sufficient, habill, and wourthy in practik and wthii' ways, and admittit thareto be the kirk- 1536.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 79 maister and sex maisteris of the craft, and maid burges and freman of the said [Seal of cause burgh, and bring his tiket thairupone, and than for his wpset to pay fyve pundis, *' °^ ^"'^ except biirges sonis of this toune to pay fyfty schillingis, to the reparatioun and wphalding of devyne seruice at thare said altar ; and that ilk seruand sail pay his wkly halfpenny to the wphalding of devyne seruice as said is, and gif ony maister of the said craft cumis noclit to the quartar comptis four tymes in the yere als oft as thai be, thai being lauchfullie •warnit be thare seriand thareto, thay sail pay twa pundis of wax, unforgeviu, without thai haue ane lauchfuU impedi- ment, and the saidis twa pundis walx to be deliuerit to thare said altar withiu twa dayis efter the fait be notourly knawin befoir the said maisteris of the foir- said craft ; and that na maner of maister of the said craft fyst hous berbery resaue nor gif him laubouris to ony wther maisteris prenteis nor seruand, wnder the pane of paying of twa pundis of wax to thare said altar, wnforgevin ; and that ilk maister haldand buith within this burgh of the said craft sail pay his wkly penny to the reparatioun of the ornamentis of thare said altar, and sustene the preistis meit thareof as it cumis about ; and that the said kirkmaister and ane certane of the priucipale maisteris of the said craft that sallhappin to be for the tyme, saU haue full faculte leif and priuilege with ane officiar of the toun to pas with thame, poynd, distreynye gif neid beis, for the taking raysing and in- bringing of thir deviteis foirsaidis to the sustentatioun and wphalding of Goddis seruice as said is, but danger stop or impediment; and als that the dekyn sail haue power to poynd for the preistis meit, that is to say aucht penneis on the day, gif neid beis, and gif thair be ony fre maister of the said craft that makis impediment in the paying of his said dewiteis, quhairthrow ane officiar of this gude toun may be haldia to poynd him, he sail pay the officiaris fee for his laubomis alsweiU the principale dewiteis that he is awand to the said altar ; and gif ony maister of the said craft disobeis the kkkmaistare that salbe for the tyme, to pay twa pundis of wax for ilk tjTne he disobeis, wnforgevin, to thare said altare : The quhilkis articulis statutis and rewlis we haue ratifiet apprevit and corufermit, and be thir presentis for ws and oure successouris ratifies and apprevis and als confermis the samyn, in all punctis and articulis, to the saidis maisteris and thare successouris of the said craft in perpetuall memorial! in tyme to cum for evirmair ; and this to aU quliome it efferis we mak it knawin be the tenoure of thir oure letteres. In witnes of the quhilk thing, to thir oure present letteres 80 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1536. [Seal of cause oiire commoiin seill of cans of oure said bnrgh we liaue gart append, at Edia- or iners.j |jyj,g|j ^|^g tweutj-twa day of September the yere of God ane thousand live hundreth thretty and sex yeris. 7 October 1536. It is statute be the prouest baillies and counsale that na beggares be fund in tliis towne hot thai that ar borne within the same, and thai to be impotent febill or awld and waik persouns that may nocht lawbour for thair leving, vnder the jiayne of byrning of thair cheiks and banesing the towne. — (In ane convict bulk. — Tr. Item, that na vagabunds that hes na occupatioun nor maister to serue quhairby thai may leif and haif thair sustentatioun, and that na maner of nycht- wallvers, dysares, cairters, remayne within this town, certefeand thame that ony sic persouns be fundin within this towne thai sail be putt in firmance and presoun vnto the tyme that inquisitioun be tane of thair gyding and maner of conversatioim, and gif thai be fund culpabill to be banist or pvnist vther wayes in thair persouns according to thair demerits ; and that nane berbery siclyke persouns, but incontinent schaw the provest and baillies thaii-of, vnder the samyn paynes. Owtland pake The twa penny laif ordanit to wey xxvi vnce, and the iiij d. laif lii vnce, .and ^vithin j^mj ^i^f,^ thair be bot ij, iiij, vi d. and viiij d. breid ; this of the breid baxteris owtwith the burgh. The baxteris inwith the burgh ; thair breid, thair ij d. laif to wey xsiiij vnce. — (In a convict buik end. — Tr.) Vagabunds, cairteris, dysares, nycht walkers. Mem. Lokman. That thai that ar sellares of meill that dwellia within this towne or in the suburbs of the same haif thair place in the meill merkat be thame selff and cum nocht neir the strayngeris. — (In the convict bulk end. — Tr.) 10 January 1536-7. The quhilk day, the bailUes and coimsale hes feyit Jhone Jaksoun, com- moun lokman of the tovrae, for ten merks money to be paid to him yeirly with ane yeirly lufferay and garmond at Yule of quhyte and blak colouris 1536-7.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 81 with the airmis of the towne, worth fyve merk vsuall money of the reahne, Lokman. the entrie of the said Jhoiie being at the Feist of Natiuity of our Lord last bypast. — (On ane lowse leiff. — Tr.) 27 Januanj 1536-7. The quhilk day, the haillies, sittand in jngement. decernis and ordanis [Convent of Elizabeth Forbes and Robert Arrok of that ilk hu- spous for his cntres to con- tent and pay to the priores and convent of the Sisteris of the Senis the sowme of tene merkis ij s. xj d. ob de claw of all termes bygane to Witsounday nix- tocum of thair yeirlie annuale of sewin merkis vj s. ob, awing to the saidis priores and convent be the said Elizebeth and vmquhile Mr Henry Spittale hir spous. and now be the said Robert Arrok, for his entrenssis, of the twa tene- mentis pertening to the saidis Elizebeth and vmquhile Mr Henry, lyand at the est end of Sanct Gehs kirk and at the Nether Bow, be wertew of the said priores aith referrit thairto be the said Robert Orrok takand the mater vpoun him for himselff and bis said spous, and thairfoir ordanis the samyn to be payit within certaine [termej of law. 31 January 1536-7. The quhilk day, in presens of the baillies and counsale sittand in juge- [Supplication ment, Marcus Suentoun burges of Innerkething, in name and behalff of Ihe keithinj?.] baiUies and commwnitie thairof, presentit to the saidis baillies and counsale aue bill of supplecatioun gevin in to the Lordis of our Souerane Lordis Counsale be the saidis baillies and commwnitie of the burch of Innerkething, with the saidis lordis deliuerance thairvpoun, off the quhilk the tennour foUowis : My Lordis of Counsale, vnto your lordschipis bumle menis and schavis we your seruitouris tlie baillies and commwnitie of the burch of Innerkething, that quhair in all tymes bygane quhen ony taxt accourit we and the iuhabitaris of the burch of Kingorne wer ay ordanit to support and help the toun of Edinburgh to pay thair pairt of the said taxt, and quhen thai wer taxt to ane hundreth pund we war ordanit to pay iij li. thairof, and Kingorne xlij, howbeit our burch in all tymes bygane payit yeirlie to the Kingis Grace vj or vij° hundreth pundis striviling of custwme, and now it is dekeyit and fallin in povertie and pais nevir ane penny, and thah is nocht attour thre men thairin that may pay ane penny of taxt at this tyme, howbeit we are now taxt to L 82 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [133G-7. [Supplication xxv li., and Kingorne bot to xvlL, and thai haif xxiij grcit boittis and nyne keitbing.j schippis and ar ful of ryches, and we full of povertie and may nocht at this tyme pay the taxt put vpoun ws without oure vtir heirschip, heirfoir we beseik youre lordschipis for the caussis aboue writing put remeid to ws anent the payment of the said taxt, and tak cognitoun quhethair our burch [or the burch] of Kingorne [are] richear, and quhilk of ws may gudly pay maist, and according thairto taxt and extent ws and tharefter our power and sub- stance, or ellis gyf command to the provest and baillies of Edinbiu-gh to do the samyn according to iustice, and your ansuer we beseik. Heir followis the saidis lordis delyuerance of the said supplicatioun : Apud Edinburgh penul- f imo Januarij anno etc. v<= xxxvj°. The lordis refferris this mater to the taxtaris of Edinburgh and to the provest baillies tliahof and counsale. Be wertew of the quhilkis deliuerance the saidis baiUies and coimsale of this burch of Edin- burgh haweand consideratioun perfyte cognitioun and knawlege of the pre- missis, powertie of the said toun of Innerkething, and ryply awyset, decernis and extentis the samyn to xvj li. viij s. of the yiij" xxiij li. vj s. viij d. of the extent of this said burch of Edinburgh, that is to say twa pundis of the j"'li., and extentis the said towne and burgh of Kingorne to xxiiij li. viij s. of the said extent of this burch of Edinburgh, that is to say thre pund of the j"^ li. 1 March 1536-7. The thyiie The quhilk day, the president baillies and counsaU decernis and ordanis townys akeris that euery man havand aikeris of thair commoun mure mak samekill malt be kyliis, and yoiv, and grynd the samyn at thair conmioim mylnis sua that thair multer thairof be worth be yeir v li., the saidis persones being alwayes bundin and thirlit to the saidis commoun mylnis and to grynd all thair malt and cornys thairat, vnder the paynis conteuit in the actis andstatutis of the tovne, sua thair be na laufull impediment, quhilk multer salbe jjayit fra Witsonday nixttocum furth, and to fjTid soilerty heirfoir piesentlie or within viij dayes nixt heirefter ; and for keping of the premisses thir persones vnderwrittin, havand pairtis of the saidis commoun mvre and aikeris thairof, lies fundin souerteis as foUowes, viz. Dauid Hereof souerty for William Loche, and the said William souerty for the said Dauid, Alexander Adamesoun souerty for his brother Wdliam Adame- soun, the said William souerty to releve him, Mr Adam Otterburn souerty for 1536-7.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 83 Mr John Chepmnn, and the said Mr John souerty to releve him, John Watt i^'e thyrie ' .i-r. 1 1 !• lii •! iii'ilter of the souerty for John bcott, and the said John souerty to releve nim, and tlie said tuwnys akeris John Watt souerty for Deme Bartoun that the premissis salhe fulfillit in maner jj^'';'^"'^ foirsaid, William Symson souerty for Alexander Wilkesoun, Patrik Barroun souerty for Anthoyne Brussett, James Lauerok souerty for William Doby, and the said William souerty for the said Thomas be thair landis and gudes, Nicoll Carnecros souerty for James Mckgill. The quhilk day, in presens of the president baillies and counsall, James Basseudenis Bassentyne offeris for the north voultt of the Nether Bow to be his buyth "^ '°''^' the sovme of tuenty merkis vsuall money of this tovne, and v merlds of yeirlie maill being maid sikker thairof. The quhiUv day, in presens of the president baillies and counsall, Jhonn Scottis y.aird Scott offerit for the pece land lyand outwith the West Poirt, betuix his landis west Poirt. on the west pairtt and the wall of this tovne on the eist pairt, the landis of James Lawson on the south pairtt and the landis of Jhonn Gilpatrik on the north pairtt, the sovme of ten merkis in handis to half the said pece land in fie and heretage frie for ever. The quhilk day, the president baillies and counsall ordanis to roupe the J^°[^J^?''" north wolt of the Nether Bow desyi-it be James Bassenden to be ane bnith, and loupitt. the pece land lyand outwith the West Poui desyiit be Jhonn Scott, and quha that offeris maist thairfor to the tovnis proffeit and vtilitie to haue the same ; and ordanis to roupe the vacand commoun aikeris of the mvre desyrit be Jhonn Carkettill, and quha willis geve maist penny thairfor salbe hard, etc. The quhilk day, in presens of the president and baillies sittand in jugement, Ij^j^"*"^^''"' comperit Patrik Flemyng eldare, and offerit him rady to fulfill the actis and Aikeris." statutes of the tovne maid vpoun the persones that tuke the commoun aikeris at the first taking thaii'of, and gif forther be statute that he be nocht hurt, and for remeid, [etc.] 3 March 1536-7. The quhilk day, in presens of the president baillies counsall and dekynnis '^^j^^^J^^j ^^^ underwi-itten, that is to say, Nicoll Carnecors, president, Patrik Barroun of Bwnowin\Te Spittelfield, Symoun Prestoun, William Vddart and George Cant, baillies, ^;'] ';?^^^^J;s^'i Andrew Edyear dekyn of the tailyeouris, Anthoyne Brussett dekyn of the lame. 84 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1536-7. The xij borbonris, James Johnston dekyn of the smythis, Thomas Myrreleis dekyn of BurroOTDvre the cordinaris, James Kill dekyn of the wobsteris, William Chamlot dekyn of setttoMak^jUi t]ie -^valkeris, Archibald Leche deltyn of the furrouris, Thomas Rynde dekyn of the goldsmythis, James Caruour dekyn of the wiichtis, William Adamesoun, William Littill, Alexander Adamesoun, Eduard Kyncaid, John Carkettill, Mongow Tenuend, Jhonn Purves, William Dik, Robert Watsoun thesaurer, Hew Douglas and Maister Dauid Treland, comperitt James Makgill and Robert Grahame and offerit for tuelf pairts of the commoun mvre that mycht be fund vacand be the tovne the sovme of viij" merkis, and thair culd nocht be sa mony fund vacand to geve proportionally for thame as efferis to the said sovme revartand tliairof as wantis of the saidis pairtis, for heretabill infeftment to be maid to thame in few ferme be the tovne of the saidis pairts, and obleist thame coniunctlie and seueralie for payment of the said sovme efferand to the pairtis to be gevin to thame ; and thairfoir the saidis president baillies counsall and communitie, havand consideralioun of the polecie and dyueris vtlieris actis necessar to be done within the tovne at onr Souerane Lordis and the Quenis graces hame cumming, dyueris consultationus and contractis being had of befoir quhairvpoun the said polecie and actis suld be maid, and als havand consideration that thair was littill or nane of thair commoun gude befoirhand to do the same, sua that it behuifit to set aue pairt of thair commoun mvre quhilk was maist proffitable and leist skaith to the tovne and commoun gude thairof, the saidis xij partis of thair commoun mvre being roupit opinlie throw the tovne dyueris tymes and nane comparand that offerit samekill for the same as the saidis Robert and James offerit in hand, attour ane yeirly few of v s. for ilk aiker, and thairfoir with consent and assent hes gevin and grantit and be thir presentis gevis and grantis to the said James MakgiU and Robert Grahame equalie be equal diuisioun, and to thair airis and assignyes, in few forme heretablie, all and syndry the saidis tuelf partis of aikeris of the landis of thair commoun mvre for the said sovme of viij*^ merkis in hand, and ane yeirlie few of v s. to be payit to the tovne for ilk aiker thairof, efter the forme and tennour of thair infeftmentis to be maid to thame thairvpoun vnder the commoun seill of the tovne, quhiUds the saidis president baillies counsall and communitie oblesis thame and thair succcssouris to geve in dew forme as efferis. 1536-7] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 85 The qnhillc day, tlie president baillies counsall and commnnitie hes gevin The tov-nis and gi-antit to Jhonn Scott the pece land pertening to the tovne lyand within oiuwith'the the fredome thairof outwith the West Poirt, betuix the landis of James Lawson '^^'est Port on the south pairt. the landis of Jhonn KUpatrik and Jonet Hillis his spous .scott. on the north, the wall of the said poirt on the eist pairt, and the landis of the said Jhonn Scottis on the west pairtt, for the sovme of ten markis in hand vsuall money of Scotland alanerlie, cfter the tennour of the infeftment tobe maid to him thairv^ioun, quhilk pece land was dyneris tymes rowpit throw the tovne and offerit to thame that wald geve maist thairfoir, and nane comperit that offerit samekill, and thairfoir the saidis president haUlies counsall and commu- nitie grautis to the said Jhonn Scott thair commoun seill thairvpoun in dew forme as eiferis, etc. The quhilk day. the president baillies counsall and communitie hes gevin Bassenden and grantit to James Bassenden the north wolt of thair Nether Bow to be his voUat the buith in tynie ciuumyng, and ordanis the said James Bassenden to be rentalit Nether Bow. thairintill conforme to vtheris haifand the commoun buithis, and that for the sovme of tuenty merkis payit be the said James to the tovne of foir maill, and thairefter for payment of ane yeirlie maill in tyme cumming of v merkis vsuall money of Scotland, tobe payit to the thesaurer of the tovne for the tyme. 23 March 1536-7. - (On ane lowse leiif, 23 Martij 1536, is contenit tlie appoyntment betuix the [Mr Adam towne and jNIr Adam Mwre, maister of than* Grammer Schole, quhairin is contenit "J^^"'^' ™''''^''6r . ' ^ of grammar that the said j\Ir Adame renunces all bygane peusiouus and actis made in his favour, school.] for the quhilk thai gif him xx merk yeirly quhOl be be provydit to ane benefice ■worth XX li. yeirly, and sail pay him xx 11. for all bygane pensiouns, oblissand thame and than- successouris to [pay] the said peusioiui of xx merk as said is, and to gif thair commoun seill thairvpotm. — Tr.) \0ApriU537. The quhilk day, NicoU Catrnecors president, Symon Prestoun, George [Feu of laud to Cant, Patrik Barroun, baUlies, counsale and community vnderwrittin, sittand in |^'*''''^n °^ ^^^ jugement, that is to say, Adame Otterburne, of Eeidhall, knycht, Mr James Fowlis of Colintoun, Hew Dowglas, William Adamesoun, Robert Logane, 8G EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1537. CraiLes in the Tolbuith. [Feu of land to Alexander Adamesoun, Alexander Belsclieis, Mr Dauid Irland, Gilbert Lawder, Senis.] Jbone Purves, Jhone Steuinsoun deykin of the flescheouris, Thomas Mereleis deikin of the cordineris, James Jhonestoun deykin of th.e smythis, James Caruour deykin of the wrichtis, Kychert Young for the goldsmythis, Stephin Bell and Henry Cranstoun for the skynners, James Kyi deykin of the wob- steris, William Cbamlott deykin of the walkeris, and Henry Lilly, consentit that the land lyand betuix the Seynis and the Borrowloch pertening to the fredome of this towne wer sett in few to the Sisteris of the Seynis, conform to the appunctuament to be maid with thame thairvpomi, for the vtility and proffeit of the towne. — (On ane lowse leiff. — Tr.) 16 June 1537. It is statute and ordanit be the baillies and counsall that na maner of Cramers tak vpoun band tiU cum within the Tolbuith to sell ony maner of merchandice, nor sett stands thairin, in tyme cuming, vnder the payne of xl s. als oft as thai failpe thairin, till be taikin but favouris, and ordainis the officeris to poynd and distreynyie for the sam gif neid beis. 26 Mly 1537. The quhilk day, in presens of the baillies sittand in Jugement, Jhone Sleitb grantit and confessit that he loissit the pok of forest woll pertening to Mungo Tennend efter that the samyn wes scbippit and stowit in his schip, and referrit him in the townis will for the fait committit be him aganis thair priuelege aud fredome thairthrow ; and in presens afoirsaid, Dauid Ferry is becumin souertie to enter the said Jhone, quhat tyme the toun requiris him, to mak sufficient mendis for the said failye according thairto, and Kobert Quhippo becumis souertie to releif the said Dauid Ferrie at all handis, ilk ane of thame vnder the pane of j" li. 22 December 1537. Fermoraris, The quhilk day, the president baillies and counsaU, sittand in jugement maltmen, dccernis and ordanis the fermoraris of thair commoun mylnis to tak and multer. , , . . ressaue in all tymes cuming fra the maltmen, of ilk thre boUis of vngrundin malt ane pact of grundin malt for the multur of the samyn, conforme to the ViUa. 1537.] OF THE BUEGH OF EDINBURGH. 87 vse and wount, and ordanis ane just pect brunt and selit. with the touu to be Fennoraris, deliuerit to tlie saidis fermoraris efFerand to the maltmenis mesour for matting muiter. ' of the malt and ressaving of thair said multur ; and attour ordanis the said fermoraris to keip the flure of the malt mylnis dm'ing thair tymes chy for conserving of the malt that beis mett thahvpoun, or ellis to mak ane claith to lay vpoun the samyn to the effect foii-said. — (This on ane lowse leiflu — Tr.) 22 May 1538. The quhilk day, Mongo Tennand, Williame Sym, baillies, Nicholl Cam- Dischargeing cors, dene of gild, Thomas Vddart, thesaurer, Mr Hew Eig, Maister Thomas geving of the Marioribankis, assessouris, Symou Prestoun, George Cant, Robert Watsoun, formes of the . . . myhiis. Mr Dauid Irland, James Carmichaell, Henry Lillie of the counsall, and Williame Adame.soun, elder, sittand in jugement, disassentis to the pronuncia- tioun of the forme and minute of act maid in fauouris of Walter Scott the xiiij day of Maij instant, for allowance to him of xl li. be Robert Watsoun thesam-are, for the tyme of the rest awing be the said Walter of the males of the commoun mylnis to tlie guid toun, and als cassis annuUis and decernLs the said minute and forme of act efter the tenour of the samyn of nane availl force nor effect and to be cancellat in tymes cuming, and inhibitis the clerkis to gif fm'th ony copye to the said Walter thairof, becaus the said Williame Sym, baillie, in quhais name the said minute wes formet, declaret at the making thahof he disassentit to the geving furth or pronimciatioun thairof vnto the tyme the counsale had avisit and decernit thairv^roun. 13 June 1538. It is statute and ordanit be the baillies and counsale, for the commoun Ajie persoun Weill of the merchants and all fremen of this towne, that the mercatt woU hyde the mercats of clajiih and skynnis repairand thairto be obseruit and keipit be James Andersoun """'^^ ^^'^^ ^"'^ for this yeir to cum, swa that the buithis quhairin the said merchandice ar kepit be haldin close lokkitt, and na sek oppinit in buith nor in merkatt quhill vj houris in the morning, and thairafter eueiy freman may bye thairof as thai think expedient ; and that nane forestalleris strayngeris nor vnfremen vse the fredome of this gude towne ; and als oft as the said James fiudis ony manor of persoun vnfremen strayngeris or forestalleris byand merchandice contrair to 88 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [153S. Ane persoun the tcnour lieirof, to aduei'teis the nixt nychtbouris or officeris of the gude thTmercats oF towne for the tyme, swa that the saidis merchandice may be withhaldin and woll hyde and coft be the fremen and nychtbouris according to thair fredome ; and thairfore the saidis baillies and counsale ordanis ane precept to be maid to the said James Andersoun of the sowme of iiij li., to be payit be the thesam-er for his lawbouris and diligence taikin and to be done anent the keping of the said merkatt ; and the said James swore to serue Icillie and trewlie and keip the said merkatt but feid favour frawde or gyle during the tyme foresaid. Po3mding for flesohe stand- mailis. Assythments modefeit. Beggares. 26 June 1538. The (juhilk day, the baillies and counsale, sittand in jugement, ordanis the officeris to pas poynd and distrenyie all and siudrie the flescheouris occupyaris of the standis of thair flescheous, ilk persone for the sowme of xl s. for the male of thair saidis standis of the termes of Mertymes and Witsounday last bypast awing be thame to the gud toun, and that thai appryse the guidis to be poyndit be thame with all deligence, and mak reddy penny thairof for payment to be maid to the thesaurar of the saidis males of the termes forsaidis. — [This on ane lowse leiff.— Tr.) 8 July 1538. (Ane Agnes Wriclit being convict for trublance, assytbment is modiliet and decernit be the baillies and counsale that scho be putt in the irnis at the croce, or ellis aboue the croce on the skaffald, that all the pepill may se, and oppin proclama- tioun to be maid of the cans thairof, and thairafter till be bauist. — Tr.) 9 July 1538. (Thaii'after becaus scho was fugitiue, the ofHceris ordanit to seik and apprehend, and gif scho culd nocht be gottln the officeris to pas to the croce and declair hir banLst, and the cans thaii'of. The lyke assythmeut anent ane Helena Halliburtoun, to be putt on the said skaffald, with ane ressouu of paper about hir heid declaring the cans, and to be banist. — Tr.) 16 July 1538. It is statute and ordanit be the baillies and counsall, that ilk seriand pas in his quarter and warne and charge ane honest man of ilk close or twa, and 1538.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 89 failyeing of ane honest persoun in ane close to pas to the next and swa forther- Beggares. wart, to compeir before thame at 4 afternone to resaue certane chairges till be geviu thame anent the kcping of beggares within thair bounds and clossis, vnder the payne of v li. till be taikin of thame that failyeis heirin, but favouris, and as thai will ansuer to the Kingis Grace thairvpoun. Item, that the red besyde James Makgill be removit with all diligence Rea. vjTOun the townis espenssis to fulfill the waistis at the West Port, and that the persouns that laid the samyn be callit swa that the samyn expenssis may be recoverit vpoun thame. Als that the litster treyes beneth the Over Bow be Litster treyis. removit alyke wayis incontinent. Item, that tlie mcill merkat be removit of the hie gaitt and place vsit MeiU merkat. thairto, and vtheris victuallis alykewayes, and sawld at the fute of James Aikmanis close. Item, that the gres mercat aboue the Tolbuith be chayngeit, and in tyme cres merkat cuming that the gres be sawld at the fute of the kirk yaird. Item, that the gi-es at the Nether Bow and mercatt thairof be remouit and vsit in tyme cuming at the hill and entrie to the Blackfreiris ; and als that the cole sellares sitt Coiilis. thair with thair coiilis alykwayes for selling thairof. — (In the convict bulk. — Tr.) 17 July 1538. Entrie of the Queues Grace. Item, it is deuysit for the honour of the Aray in Kingis Grace and the guid towne at the entiy of owre Souerano, that thair be s°™™- 12 persouns accowterit and arrayit in gownis of veluott with thair pertinentis, viz., foure thairof in purpour, vtheris foure in tanny, and vtberis foure in blak veluott ; That ar to say,Maistcr Jhone Chepman, Andrew Murray, Jhone Carket- till, and Maister Thomas Marioribankis iu purpour ; William Adamsoun, William Littill, Gilbert Lawder, and Alexander Mawehane in tanny ; Symoun Prestouu, George Henrysoun, Alexander Adamsoun, and Maister Hew Rig in blak, as thai will ansuer to the Kingis Grace thairvjjoun. — (Ibid. — Tr.) It is devysit be the prouest baillies and counsall that euery deykin pas Craftis aray- wi-itt and gif in bill swa mony of his craft as will be cled in Fransche clayth '"s- to thair gownis, with dowbletts of veloutt, satyne, dammes, or silk, honest hois, and vtheris abulyements of thair persoun efferand thairto, and that the remanent M 90 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1.538. Craftis aray- iiig. [Inlialtitaiits arrajing.] [Croce.] Calsay baldiii; clene. [Beggars.] [Furnishings and order.] of the craftis bu in tliair lionest amy. and cum nocht quhair tlie provcst bailiies and counsall ar to the said entric, hot pas to tliair plesure. Item, that na maner of persoun of quhat cstaitt or degre he be of be sene in cumpany with the proncst bailiies and connsale at the entre of the Queuis Grace, except sa mony as beis gevin in bill and chairget speciallie, other per- sonallie or at thair dwelling place, vnder the payne of banesing the towne for yeir and day. and ay and quhill thai obtcne owre Souorane Lordis licence and dispensatiouu ; and that all vthcr inhabitants [ofj this towne bayth men and wemea be in thair best clething in tyme of the said entry, and haif thame honestlie as efferis. and be on the stairis or v^wun the hicgaitt and latt na vyle persouns be in thair company, and that o])pin proclamatiouu be maid heirof. Item, the provest bailiies and counsale ordanis Robert Hector to com- ploitt the wark taikin on hand be him %iionn the croce at the entrie of the Queuis Grace and to haif the samyn weill [lutt to poynt vpoun Fryday the ix of Julij instant at 4 afternone, vnder the payne of [blanJc], and as he will ansucr to the Kings Grace at his vtter chairge. Item, that all uychtbourcs liaiffand foir tenements dicht the calsay foment the samyn to the niiddis of the calsay, and remouc all filth and staynes thairfra the morne be none, vnder the payne of si s. till be taikin of thame that failyeis, but fauoures ; and that thai liald the said caLsny fra thine furth clene quhill after the entrie of the Quenis Grace; and that o[ipin jiroclamatioun be maid heirof be the bclmau. Item, that oppin proclamatiouu be maid yitt as of befoir that quhatsmncuir beggare beis fiuul lieirafter within tliis burch or ony pairt thairof sail be taikin scurgeit and bryut on the cheik, but mercy, according to the said act maid of before. Item, it is devysit that thir persouns following, viz., James Bassenden Alexander Spens, for the Nether Bow ; Robert Graham, William Tod, for the Trone to ansucr ; Patrik Lindsay, Jhone Purves, George Lcche, for the Croce to ansuer ; Robert Hector, Robert Watsoun for the Tolbuith to ausuer ; Maister Dauid Ireland, William Symsoun, and Jhone Symsoun, for the Over Bow to an.sucr ; the Archideue of Sanctaudrois, William Loch and James Hill, for the West Port to ansuer ; Dauid Lindsay and Robert Bischope, and awaitt vpoun the grathing of thair rowmes in skaffetting personages and ordour 1538.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBUHGH. 01 thairof. ilk anc for thair awiu rowme, and quhat cxpenssis thai luak thaii-vpoun [Furmshings ordanis Thomas Vddart thesaurcr to ansuer thame at all tymes as he or his chaplane beis requyrit, qiihilkis cxpenssis sail be gevin in to him in writt, and this to be done with avyso of the said Dauid Lindsay anent all ordour and furnesiug. Item, it is devysit that xvj or thairby of the maist honest men of giud of Propyne. this towne pas and dolyucr the propyne within ane howre after the Quenis grace cuming to the Abbay or thairby. Item, it is devysit that Maister Henry Lawder be the persoun to welcum the Quenis grace in sic abulyemont. and with the words in Fransche, as sail be devysit with avyse of Maister Adame Ottcrburne, Maister James Fowlis and Dauid Lyndsay. — (Ibid. — Tr.) 18 July 1538. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the persouns abouewrittia [Horsemeu.] (quhair is namet 37 persouns), till be on horsback with fute mautill, veluos harnesing, and swa mony as ar ordanit for the paill till half thair veluos gownis, and the remanent to be in gowne of silk aganc the Quenis grace entrie at sic place as sail be devysit. The baillies and counsall ordanis Thomas Vddert, thesaurcr, to perfm-ncis [Seriands.] to xvj persouns till be seriands at the entrie of the Quenis grace, thairof the 7 commoim ofBceris and the remanent, viz. James Andersoun, William Wilkyne, Rowc Donaldsoun, Jhone Nicolsoun, scruand to George Fothring- hame, Patrik Darling, Eowie Walderstoun, Jhone Arnott, Alexander Punfray, and Walter Lamb, ane lufray in manor following, that is to say, ane coitt of blak with slevis iudentit berand the townis airmis, ane pair of blak hois, and to ilk ane of the said 7 officeris ane marabas bonet with ane quhyte fedder worth xvj s., or the said xvj s. to bye the same, quhilk being delyuerit sail be thank- fully allowet to him in liis nixt comptis, kepand this precept for his warrand. (Tliir actis [16tli, 17tli, and IStli July] were maid for the lionorabill entrie of the Quone. — Tr.) 24 September 1538. (Syadrie acts anent the pest, il.iitit 24 Septenibris 1.538. — Tr.) 92 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1538. Regatouris, wylde mett. Furlotts in the lueill merkatt. Regratouris, wyld meitt. To bring to merkett. 10 December 1538. It is statute and ordanit be the proiiest and baillies that gif ony niclit- boures apprehendis ony wyld meitt in ony the regratoures handis quhilkis thai refuis to sell of the pryces contenit in our Souerane Lords lettres, viz. the pair fatt cunings for xl d., and vtheris that ar nocht verray fatt for ij s. or xxviij d. the inaist, the lakkest sort for xvj d. or xx d. the pair, ane pair of pairtriks ij s. viij d., a pair of pluvares xvj d., a quhap tbat is greitt xij d., a blakcoik xij d., a littUl quhape vj d., a mure fowie viij d., a widcoik viij d., a wyld guis iij s. iiij d., a wyld duke x d., ane teill iiij d., that it be lefull to the apprehendare to withhald the said wyld meitt vnto the tyme the officeris be aduerteist thairof and to incur na skayth thairtlirow. — (In a convict bulk. — Tr.) 14 December 1538. It is statute and ordanit be the prouest and baillies that na maner of regratouris, meiU sellares, nor vtheris persouns, haif furlotts to mett in the meill merket except allanerly the gatherer of the pitie customes in tyme cuming, and gif neid beis ordanis the officeris to serche and seik the merkett, and gif thai fynd ony pcrsone vsand furlotts of thair awin and takand ijrofititt thairfore, to tak the samyn furlotts and delyuer thame to the said gatherer, vnto the tyme the provest and baillies avyse for punitioun thairfore. — (In ane convict buik. — Tr.) 18 December 1538. It is statute and ordanit be the prouest and baillies, and als at the desyre of Jhonne M'Cullo catour to our Souerane Lord, dischairges aU and sindry the persouns, regratoures of wyld meitt, that nane of thame be thame selffis nor vtheris sell nor by to forestall or regraitt owtwith this burgh or within the samyn quhatsumeuir wyld meitt, vnder the pane of banesingthe towne, vnto the tyme thai haif command and chairge in the contrair ; and that it be lefull to all and sindry persouns to bring to the merkett be thame selff the wyld meitt, seU and dispone thairvjjoun with the byaris as thai can convene thairvpoun. 20 January 1538-9. Regratomis TJig qubilk day, in presens of the prouest and baillies, Alexander Purves foreatSTeris. be oppiu proclamatiouu at the merket croce commandit and chairgeit all maner 1538-9.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 93 of regratoures witliiu this burgh to desist and ceis yit as of before fra ony Eegratouris maner of forestalling or bying ony wyld meitt fra this horn- furth, bot that fo^estSleris. the persouns that bringis the said wyld meitt sell the same in our said merkett oppinly, swa that our Souerane Lordis lieges may be fm-nist, exceptand aUanerlie thai that hes links in taks for this yeir bypast, and that thai sell thair best cunings for iiij s., and the secundare efferand to thair gudenes, oppinly in the merkett and in na priuate places ; and attour that na regratoures nor vtheris Taks of links, persouns within burgh tak ony Hnks in taks or assedatiouus fra Fostronis evin furth, bot at the warrenders of links bring thair awin cvnings to the merket and sell the samyn oppinly thahin and no priuatlie, and gif the said regratouris failyeis in the premissis till be banist this toune tor eub. 29 January 1538-9. The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale following, that ar to say, Fisohe mer- Symoun Prestoun prouest, Kobert Bruce, Alexander Spens, Jhonne Fouller, *^'''''' William Sym, baillies, William Adamsoun, Nichole Carnecors, Alexander Adamsoun, Robert Logan, Jhonne Pmves, Eobert Grahame, Archibald Wniiamsoun, William Loch, Andro Edyer, Jhonne Achinsoun of the counsale, William Vddert, George Kaut, Jhonne Lytill, Edwart Kincaid, and George Leith, men of gude, consenttis and granttis to by the waist pertenyng to Jhonne Jhonstoun [sone and air] to Adam Jhonstoun hand in Swyftis wynde quhair thair fische merkatt is now sett, to the samyn effect that the fische mercatt may be con- tinewit thairupoun, and to gyf to the said Jhonne heritable stait and sesing of fiyve merk annuell of Eobert Adamsonis buth in thair buthraw thau-for, ay and quhill thay redeme the samyn be payment of ]'■= merkis, and the said Jhonne to resing his said waist ad remanentiam, with chartour gevin thairupoun 6^ eflferis. 8 Februari/ 1538-9. [An act aneut having " wappouns in buithes," similar to that of 8th October Wappoung in 1529, passed of this date.] I'^i"^- 26 3Iarch 1539. The quhUk day, the baillies and counsale, sittand in jugement, thinkis ex- The north pedient that thau- north volt of the Netherbow be wedset to James Bassanden Netheibow and his spous vpoun ane reuersioun contenand the sowme of j'^ merkis, to the sett to Bassendeiu. 04 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1538. The north volt of the Netherbow Bett to Bassenden. effect that the money thairof may big the said Bow, and for continewing of the wark thairat, because it is knawin and vnderstaud to thame that thair is na vther commoun gnde nor better way till do the samyn, and thau-for the said jjrouest baillies and counsale consenttis to the said alienatiouu and wedsetting, and granttis thair infeftment thairto vnder thair commomi seill in dew forme, with clause of warrandice as efferis. Mylne land. Villa flesche- ouris stok male. Statute maid for burgessis remanyng furth of the toun. 21 May 1539. (Ane act quhair George Gibsoun baxter gatt decreitt aganis ane Walter Scott for V fiirlotts qiiLeitt for the crop of the mylue land at the my Luis. — Tu the court bulk.— rr.) 17 June 1539. The quhilk day, the prouest baillies comisale dekynnis and men of gude fol- lowing, etc., thinkis expedient and deliueris that the dekyn and brether of the fleschouris content and pay to the gude toun and thesaurer thairof, ilk persoun for his stand for tua yeris by2)ast xl s. for ilk yeir, conforme to the first act of the setting thairof maid thau'upoun, and als ratefeis and apprevis the said act efter the tenour of the samyn, and decernis it till haue effect for the saidis yeris past. 15 Jnhj 1539. The quhilk day, the prouest baillies counsale and men of gude merchanttis for the tyme hes statute and ordanit that all maner of personis allegeand or pretendand thame to be fre and combiu-gessis of tliis burgh in vsing of the pri- ueleges thairof compeir and enter thame selffis within xl dayis nixt heir- efter within the biu'gh, to remane and mak residence thairintill, scott lott waird and walk with the vtheris nychtbouris comburgessis of this burgh ; certefeing thame that gyf thay failye heirintill thay in all tymes efter saU be reput and haldin as vofremen, and als dischargit, the said xl dayis being past, of thair priuelege and fredome gyf thay ony haue, and tretit as efferis vnfremen in tyme coming ; and that oppin proclamatioun be maid heirof at the mercat croce of this burgh for thame that comperis nochl efter the said xl dayis. 1539.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBUEGH. 95 6 August 1539. The quhilk day, the baillies counsale and dekynnis of craftis vnderwrittin, Analeing of that ar to say, Symon Prestoun prouest, Alexander Spens, Jhonne Fouller baillies, bow. Jhonne Purves, William Adamsoun, Archibald Williamsoun, Jhonne Achesoun, Thomas Vddert, Gilbert Lauder, William Loch, Edward Kincaid, Henry Heriot for the baxsteris, Arthur Litiljhonne for the cordineris, Jhonne Fairlie for the skynnaris, William Smeberd for the hammermen, George Leith and Daiud Ferrie, consenttis that forsamekle of the Netherbow as is vnanaliit of befoir be now wedset to Robert Grahame thesaurer for payment of tbe sowmes debursit be him in biging thairof. gyf the samyn extendis to iiij'= merkis, and in case he has nocht debursit sa mekle to resaue the supei-plus to the commoun weill, becaus it is vnderstand to thame that thair is na vther commoun gude to pay him thair-nath. And als consenttis that ane extent of j"^ merkis, with the quhilkis James Coittis schip wes furnyst with to seik certane rubbaris of thair schippis, [be rasit], and that amangis the merchanttis and craftismen that vssis mer- chandise, for payment thairof to Nichole Carnecors quhom fra the samyn wes borrowit. 20 August 1539. (The owtlands breid ordanit to wey the ij d. laif xix vnce, and tbe iiijd. laif [Breatl ] xxxviij vnce. The towne breid ij d. laif xvij vnce, and iiij d. laif xxxiiij vnce. — Ti:) 30 September- 1539. Symoun Prestoun provest. The quhilk day, the prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis for the commu- Wedsetting nitie thinkis expedient and consenttis that the male of thair landis of the mwre ^^y^^of occupeit be James M'Gill and Robert Grahame, extending to xix merkis be yeir M'GiU and or thairby, be analiit and wedset, and the money to be gottin thairupoun to be landis. gevin for outquytting of thair buthis being wedsett ; and thairefter the hale buthis be foremaillit for certane yeris, that the foremale be gottin thahof to be gevin to the said Robert Grahame in payment of the sowmes awin be the gude toun to him the tyme he wes thesaurer, and in case the males of the lancUs fore- said occupeit be him can nocht be wedset, and na persoun fundin to tak the saymn. the said Robert to be infeft thairintill, according to the sowmes debursit be him, vpoun ane reuersioun contenand the samyn sowmes in the commoun forme. 96 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1539. Quheitt. Regratouria. Anent the staple to Antuerpe. 11 Ocfoher 1539. It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies aud connsale that the quheitt mercat begyn on ilk mercat day at ix hoiu-is, and thairafter that na vnfrcman presume to by quheitt thairin quhill xj houris, be strikkin, bot allanerlie the fremen nychtboures and baxtcris of the giud tonne. 9 and 12 December 1539. (Ajie niimmer of regi'atouris breking the statutes ar banist and their banisement publist in dew forme. In ane convict buik. — Tr.) 18 December 1539. The quhilk day, in presence of the prouest baillies counsale and men of gude of this burgh of Edinburgh, that ar to say Symoun Prestoun, prouest, James Carmychell. William Eynde, Jhoune Achesoun, William Sym, baillies, Jhonne Fouller, Eobert Grahamo, Eobert Watsoun. Andrew Mowbray, James Makgill, Eobert Bruce, of the counsale, Jhonne Dougall, thesaurer, Jhonne Purwes dene of gild, William Adamsoun, Alexander Adamsoun, William Vddert, Gilbert Lauder, Patrik Tennand, Mongow Tennand, Thomas Vddert, Jhonn Fairlie, with the men of gude, with the commissaris of the burrois following, viz., Thomas Meinzes prouest of Abirdene, and Alexander Gray, for the burgh of Abirdene ; James Wedderburn, Henry Wedderburn, and Thomas Forster for Dunde, Jhonn Cristesoun, William Pittillo, and Thomas Flemying for Perth ; Maister William Arthur, and Jhonne Mwtto for Sanct- androis, convenit be command of om- Souerane Lordis letteris directt anent thair conventionn this day, to treit and avise anent tte stappill desyrit be the tonne Antuerpe to be with thame in tyme cuming, Comperrit Maister William Thomsouu, channoun in oure Lady Kirk of Antuerpe, schawand and declarand in presence foresaid that, be the letteris direct to this said toun of Edinburgh be the said toun of Antuerpe and Lordis thairof, he had credence be toung to schew the saidis commissaris of burrois. viz., that quhat priuelegis the burrois of this realme havand thair staipill in Antuerpe desyrit thairfor to thair natioun of the said toun of Antuerpe wald be granttit to thame sendand thair tua com- missaris to that effect, sua that the samyn hurt nocht the commoun weill of Antuerpe, nochtwith standing and attour the articlis send with him in special], 1539.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 97 and that the said burgh of Antuerpe and Lordis thairof desyrit effectnislie the Anent the cuming and confluence of the natiouu of Scotland and merchantis thairof to Autuerpe. tliair port to fulfil thair de.'^yris ressonable, nocht liurtand the said toun of Antuerp thairfor. The quliilk day, the hale commissaris of burrois desyrit the copie of the stajiie. articlis, and delay to schew the samyu ilk ana to thair comiuunitie of the burgh that constitute thame, and in speciall the burgh of Abirdene and commissaris thairof declarit thay on na wyse wald consent to changeing of the stapill vnto the tyme thay had the copye of the priuelegis conteuit in the articlis, and delay to consult with thair nychtbouris of thair burcli thairupoun ; and the commis- saris of Dunde declarit thair coramissioun wes nocht extendit to consent to ony change of stapill and conformyt thame thairfor to thair commis.sioun and to thair nychtbouris of Abirdene ; the commissaris of Perth and Sanctandrois offerit thame rady to consult with the prouest baillies of this burgh for the commoun weill of the merchanttis, and desyrit the copye of the saidis articlis to the effect forsaid and dilatioun to avise with thair nychtbouris. The quhilk day. the prouest baillies counsale and men of gude of this Staple. burgh of Edinburgh abouewrittin consenttit to the change of thair stapill con- forme to the Concorde to be tretit and priuelegis to be granttit with the con- senttis of this burgh and Antuerpe thairupoun. being alwayis vnoblist or bundin to remane with Antuerpe at stapill bot to be fre euer thairof to pas quhair plessis thame and beis best tretit in all tymes cuming. 20 December 1539. The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in insun-ectioun jugement, Alexander Spens baillie allegit that in sa fer as James Vr tleschour, be KyiUocli dekyn of thair craft, persewit him, nocht havand actioun of his awin, and in ane fensit cowrt in presens foresaid tuke speche vpoun him without leif, and that als William Smeberd, in declaring of thir wordis following, ane greit part of the craftis and dekynnis being present at the bar: — We will defend oure nycht- bouris of the craftis and dekynnis anent the complaynttis gevin in aganis the said Alexander be Andro Galloway and Dauid Kinloch, — that thairby the and Gallow- 98 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1539, Insurrectioim saidis clckjiinis and compleneris maid insurrectioun and convocatioun coutrair be Kyidoch to tbe actis of parliament, and thairfor protestit thay miclit be accusit thair- and Gallon-- upoun in tyme cumming, and in presens foresaid tbe saidis dekynnis allegit tbat tbay come to persew iustice and uocbt to mak insurrectioun and conventionis. Distrublance pvnesing. 31 January 1539-40. It is statute and ordanit be tbe prouest and baillies, tbat becaus tbair is dyiiers pure persouns convict of distrublance and bes na guids to assytb tbe pairty and pay tbe dewtcis to tbe towne, tbat tbairfore quben sic persouns ar convict, and lies nocbt to mak assytbment, tbat tbai be putt in tbe irnis at tbe croce during tbe townis will. — (lu ane convict bulk. — Tr) Egiptianes. The passege to Sanct Gelys kirk caUit our Lady steppis. 23 June 1540. Forswamekill as Jhonn Auny, Egiptiane, and liis complices committit art and part of tbe fellown and crewall slawcbter of Tbomas Ricbertsoun, sone to Dauid Ricbertsoun burgess of tbis burgb, and obtenit remissioun, and bad na guids to mak assythement to tbe pairty tbairfore, qubairfore at command of oure Souerane Lords lettres tbe said Jbone and all vtheris tbe Egiptianes in tyme coming ar decernit banist tbis towne, and neuir to cum tbairin in ony tyme cuming, vnder tbe payne of scurgeing tbame tlu-ow tbe samyn ; and certi- ficatioun maid be oppin proclamatioun tbat and ony of tbame wer apprebendit witbin tbis bvu-cb tbai suld be scurgeit and vtberwayis pvnist as accordis. — (Ibid.— r*-.) 13 Juhj 1540. Tbe qubilk day, tbe prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis for tbe communitie tbinkis expedient tbat tbe commoun butbis be foremalyt, to tbe effect tbat witb tbe males tbairof, in sa fer as may be gottin, tbe land pretenyng to James Prestoun at tbe kirk end and eist entres tbairto mycbt be bocbt for tbe Weill and policie of tbe kirk and gude toun, and consenttis to gyf xvij^^ merkis to tbe said James for bis said land, in consideratioun of tbe yeirlie males tbairof comptand x li. for tbe merk and x merkis mair in tbe bale extends to sa mekill. 1540] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 99 14 July 1540. The quhilk day, in the presens of the prouest baillies counsale and com- '^'^'^y eteppia. munitie sittand in jugement, comperit James Prestoun and consentit and wes contentit to resaue the sowme of xvij"^ merkis for his hous and land at the eist entres of thair College Kirk of Sanct Geill, and to resing the samyn in the townis handis ad remanentiam, and warrand the samyn land to thame annuell fre at all handis, except for ane annuell rent awand thairof yeirlie of sex merkis to the kirk, and viij merkis annuell rent awand thairof yeirlie to Jhonne Mal- come, as thay pleis devise best thairintill. 16 Juhj 1540. The prouest baillies and counsale, sittand in jugement, ordanis ane of the Buithia baillies and officiaris pas to the nychtbouris occupearis of the commouu buthis pertenyng to the gude toun, and warne and charge ilk ane of tlie nychtbouris allegeand thame to haue the samyn in rentale to deliuer content and jiay of fore male of thair buthis to the avale of fyve yeris to cum, to the effect that with the samyn James Prestonis land at the eist end of the kirk may be bocht, and mak ane entres to the kirk for the honour of God and policie of the gude toun ; certefeing euery ane of the saidis personis that hes the saidis buthis and thay refuse till do the samyn, thair builhis salbe rowpit and set at Mertymes nixt to cum to thame that will gyf maist male be yeir thairfor ; and alsua gyf thay refuse to warne thame to flyt at Mertymes nixt to cum, sua that the gude toun may dispone vpoim thair buthis to the maist avale of thair com- moun gude. 31 Juli/ 1540. The prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis granttis thame to haue resauit The names of fra WUliam Symsoun curatour to Jhonne Wicht, maister Dauid Boithuell, p^yit the fore- Eobert Adamsoun, Jhonne Eentoun, William Kynd, William Aikinheid, "^•'''p'^s Henry Lyllie, Jhonne Kyle, George Heryott, Alane Mosmau, Richert Young, renteUit. Alexander Auchinlek, Jhonne Gibsoun, Stevin Bell, Archebald Harwye, fore- male gevin to James Prestoun for the passege to the kirk ; and discharges the saidis personis thairof during the said space prouiding that thay and ilk ane of thame compeir euerilk Mertymes evin dming the samyn space and pay thair xij d. in the tolbuith, conforme to thair rentell and to auld vse and con- suetude thairof, but prciudice of thair rentale in tymes cuming. 10() EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1540. 25 August 1540. Giant to VNIUERSIS et singulis ad quoriiiu noticias presentes litere peruenerint, ton, provost, of balliui coDsulcs et conimunitas Burgi de Edinburgh salutem in Domino sem- coLmllrc'ierk peternam: Noueritis nos pro bono et fideli seruicio nobis et reipublice dicti nostri for life. burgi per houoraliilem viruin, Symonem Prestoun huiusmodi burgi prepositum modernum, multipliciter facto et impenso, dedisse concessisse et hac present! scripto nostro coniirmasse. necnon dare concedere et hac present! scripto nostro confirmare prefato Symoni Prestoun preposito, nostrum officium clericatus dicti burgi, cum vniuersis et singidis suis feodis deuoriis proficuis et pertinentiis, pro toto tempore vite sue, cum potestate per se aut alios plures vel vnum idoneos notarios et scribas deputandos. pro quibus respondere tenebitur, dictum officium exercendi, ac cum feocUs deuoriis et pertinentiis eiusdom, iutromittendi leuandi et eadem recipiendi, adeo libere beue et in pace sicuti aliqui communis scribe dicti burgi per antea huiusmodi officium exercerunt, feoda proficua deuoria et perti- nentia quecunque eiusdem receperunt leuarunt, aut eiusdem gaudebunt : Fa- cieudo iude nobis et successoribas nostris qui pro tempore fuerunt dictus Symoun Prestoun, pro toto tempore vite sue, et eiusdem notarii deputate sufficientes et idonei vnus aut plures, scripta et seruicia que scribe communis et clerici dicti nostri burgi facere et probere sol it in curiis et aliusmodi consueti fuerunt. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum commune dicti burgi presentibus est ajipcnsum apud dictum burgum vicesimo quinto die niensis Augusti, anno Domini millesimo quingeutesimo qiiadragesimo. [To ALL AND SUNDRY to whose knowledge tbe present letters shall come, the Bailies, Councillors, and Community of the Burgh of Edinburgh, greeting in God everlasting. Know ye us, for the good and faithful service done and rendered in many ways to us and the commonwealth of our said burgh, by the honourable man Symon Prestoun, present provost of the said burgh, to have given, granted, and by this our present writing to have confirmed, and also to give, grant, and by this our present writing to confirm to the said Symon Prestoun, provost, our office of clerk of the said burgh, with all and sundry the fees, duties, profits, and per- tinents, for the whole term of his life, with power by himself or others, his de- puties, more or one, fit notaries and clerks, for whom he shall be held responsible, to exercise the said office, and to intromit with, uplift and receive the fees, duties, and pertinents of the same, as freely well and in peace as any other com- l.jiO] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 101 nion clerks of the said burgh formerly exercised the said office, or received and Grant to uplifted the fees, profits, duties, and pertinents whatsoever, or enjoyed the same, j^^f ^^^ Rendering therefor to us, and our successora who shall be for the time, the said office of com- Symon Prestouu, for the whole time of his life, and the same notaries depute sufficient j^j^ and capable, one or more, the writings and service which the common clerk,and the clerks of our said burgh, have been used and wont to render and perform in courts and otherwise. In witness whereof, our common seal of the said burgh is appended to these presents, at the said burgh, the twenty-fifth day of the month of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and forty.] 27 August 1540. JACOBUS Dei gracia Rex Scotorum, omnibus probis hominibus siiis ad Royal confir- quos presentes litere peruenerint salutem : Sciatis nos quandam donationem et cedin" grant. literam factam per balliuos consules et communitatem burgi nostri de Edin- burgh dilecto nostro Symoni Prestoun preposito eiusdem, de officio clericatus communis dicti nostri burgi, cum omnibus feodis proficuis et deuoriis eidem per- tinentibus, pro toto tempore vite sue, de mandato nostro visam lectam inspectam et diligenter examinatam, sanam, integram, non rasam, non cancellatam, nee in aliqua sui parte suspectam, ad plenam intelleixsse sub hac forma : Vniuersis et singulis ad quorum noticias presentes litere peruenerint, [etc., as in the above gift, dated 2.5 August 1540.] Quamquidem donationem et literam in omnibus suis punctis et articulis condicionibus et modis ac circumstanciis suis quibuscunque, in omnibus et per omnia, forma pariter et effectu vt premissum est, approbamus ratificamus ac pro nobis et nostris successoribus pro perpetuo confirmamus ; saluis nobis et nostris successoribus seruiciis per clericos communes dicti burgi nostri in huius- modi officio clericatus ante presentem nostram confirmationem nobis debitis et consuetis. In cuius rei testimonium presentibus Uteris nostris confirmacionis magnum sigillum nostriun apponi precepimus, apud Sanctam Andream, vice- septimo die mensis Augusti anno, Domini millesimo quingentesimo quadi'a- gesimo, et regni nostri vicesimo septimo. [James, by the grace of God King of Scots, to all his good men to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. Know ye that a certain gift and letter made by the bailies, councillors, and community of our burgh of Edinburgh to our beloved Symon Prestoun, provost of the same, of the office of common clerk of our said burgh, 102 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1540. Eoyal coufir- with all the fees, profits, and duties belonging to the same, for the whole time of his maticjn of pre- jj£g^ jj^g y^y ^^j. command, been seen, read, inspected, and carefully examined, being whole, entire, not erased, not cancelled, nor suspected in any part of it, in this form : — To ALL AND SUNDRY to whose knowledge the present letters shall come, etc., as in above gift. Which gift and letter, in all its points and articles, conditions and forms, and circumstances whatsoever, in all and by all, according to the form and effect as is premised, we approve, ratify, and for us and our successors for ever corn- firm : Reserving to us and our successors the services used and wont to us by the common clerks of ouv said burgh in the said ofiice of clerkship before our present confirmation. In witness whereof we have commanded our gi-eat seal to be affixed to our present letters of confirmation, at St. Andrews, the twenty-seventh day of the month of August, in the year of oiu* Lord one thousand five hundred and forty, and in the twenty-seventh year of our reign.] Vagabounds. LVilla,eith. Villa, Leith. 3 September 1540. It is statute and ordanit be tlie prouest baillies and counsall that all maner of vagabounds, sorneris, and all ^'theris liavand ua craft quliairvpoun thai may leiff, remoue thame furth of this towne within viij houris nixt heirafter, vnder the payne of scurgeing thame throw this towne, cutting thaii- lugs, and banesing the samyn for all the dayes of thair lyves. 10 January 1540-1. The quhilk day, the prouest and baillies sittand in jugement, decernis and ordanis Jhonne Kar and Patrik Loch in Leyth to remane in waird within the tolbuth ay and quhill thay lose thair hering and guddis confessit scliippit be thame in the Ly till Vnicorne within the schore and bavin of Leyth, nocht fraucht- and the saymn -svithin the toun as vse and consuetude hes bene in tymes bygane, and the said Jhonne protestit for remeid. 17 February 1540-1. The quhilk day, the prouest and baillies sittand [in] jugement, Thomas Eichertsoun duelland beyond the brig of Leith confessit that he become souertie to Eobert Watsoun, thesaurer of the gud toun, for payment of pittye customes of all guddis awing to the toun and passing out of thair bavin of Leith in his boit to Jhonne Sandis schip at this vayege, and of his awin consent to gyf in writ 1540-1.] OF THE BUEGH OF EDINBTJEGH. 103 the hale guddis and names of the awneris thairof send furth of the said havin Villa, Leith. to the said schip, sua that the said thesaurer may resaue his dewiteis for the gude toun and pittye customes thairof. The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and connsale, sittand in jugement, de- Villa, Leith. cernis and ordanis Florence Cornetoun, induellar in Leyth, to content pay and deliuer to Eobert Watsoun, thesaurer of this burgh of Edinburgh, for his petit customes of viij lastis hering and ane half confessit be him enterrit in our Souerane Lordis customaris bukis of this burgh, and passand furth of thair port of Leith in this vayege, the sowme of (blank), because he confessit that thair wes sa monye lastis pertenyng to him and enterit in the Kingis customaris bukis of the burgh and ladyn furth of the havin of Leith, quliilk sowme the said Florence i^ayit to the said thesaurer in jugement. The quhilk day, in presence of the prouest [and] baillies sittand in juge- villa, Leith. ment, Florence Cornetoun allegit that he had payit his petit customes clamyt fra him be Eobert Watsoun thesaurer for viij lastis and ane half hering ladyn furth of thair port of Leith, and pertenyng to him in the Kingis fi-e burgh of An- struther, and. thairfor sould nocht pay the samyn petit' customes double to the gude toun. The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, thay villa, Leith. decerne and ordanis Jhonne Kar induellar in Leyth to content pay and deliuer to Eobert Watsoun. thesaurer of this burgh of Edinburgh, for fyve lastis hering confessit ladin and had fm-th of this [Port] of Leyth at this vayege for his petit customes thairof awin to the gude toun xxx s., quhilk sowme he instantUe payit in jugement. (Memorandum — Thair wes tua decretis obteuit before the Lordis of SessiouD be the toun tbis day aganis the thre personis aboue expremyt, viz. Thomas Eichert- soun, Florence Cornetoun, and Jhonne Kar, that ane decernyng thame to pay thair customes on the yond syde of the brig, and that vther that the toun is juges to thame as the decretis projiorttis maid vpoun thair supplicatioiiis gevin in againis the toun allegeand thame fre of payment of customes, and that the gude toun sould nocht be juges to thame thairaneut, etc.-' — Tr.) 1 Both these decrees are printed in the burgh, Vol. I. pp. 210-11. volume of Charters relating to the city of Edin- 104 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1540-1. 14 BfarcJi 1540-1. Act of Parlia- Item, tuichinn; the reparationis and inendina; of clifformyteis within the ment. Forpo- , r -r. t i f i • i- i • zi • • • i licyinEdin- town ot ilidmburgh, and speciauG quhair thair is commoun passagis and en- burgh, teressis, quhairby all strangearis and vtheris our Souerane Lordis Jiegis passis and repassis, it is thocht expedient, and als it is oixlanit, that the provest, baillies, and counsale of Edinburgh gar warne and charge all maner of personis that hes ony landis biggings and waistis vpoun the west syde of Leith Wynde, that thai within yere and day big and repare honestlie thair saidis waistis and ruynous housis, and that thai begin to the samin within thre monethis, and that thai end the samyn within yere and day, or ellis sell the samin to vtheris to be biggit within the said space ; and to charge thame that ar knawin personalie and all vtheris be oppin proclamatioun at the merket croce of Edin- burgh, with certificatioun to tliame and thai failye the saidis provest and baillies sail caus the saidis landis tenementis and waistis to be apprisit and sail sell the samin to ony that will by thame and pay the prices thairof to tlie awnaris, and giff na man will by thaim it salbe lefull to the saidis provest and bailies to cast doun the saidis waist landis and with the stuff and stanis thairof big ane honest substantious wall fra the port of the Nether Bow to the Trinite College ; and it sail nocht be lefull in tymes cuming to ony maner of persoun to persew thame nor thair successouris thairfor nor pretend ony rycht or enteres thairto in tyme tecum, nowthir for the jirincipale land nor for anuellis awing furth thairof. And becaus the est syde of the said wynde pertenis to the abbot and convent of Halyrudhous, it is ordanit that the baillies of the Cannongait gar siclik be done vpoun the said est syde. And als becaus of the vilite that cumis be slaying of flesche be the flescheouris, duelland on the est syde and temyng of interellis of beistis, generand corruptioun, it is therefor ordanit that the samin be forbidden be the provest and baillies of Edinburgh and Cannon- gait, vnder the pane of confiscatioun of all sic flesche slane be thaim in maner forsaid. Act of Parlia- Item, becaus the merkett of mele aud vtheris wittalis off the town of Edin- ment. Anent ^j^irgh^ jg commoun vpouu the hie gaitt to the sicht of all maner of personis ket of Edin- strangearis and vtheris, and that ane multitude of vyle vnhonest and meserable "''^ ■ creatouris convenis to the said merket daily to gett thair sustentatioun and 1540-1.1 OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 10.5 leving ; tharefore it is thocht expedient that the said meile merkett be removit Act of Parlia- of the hie gaitt in sum honest ganand and convenient place quhair the nycht- the meie mer- bouris of the said toun and vtheris the Kingis liegis may convene for selling j'*'*'^^^ ^'^"'' and bying of sic vittales in tymes to cum. [Parliament of this date passed two acts (1-540, §§ 42 and 4-3) anent the selling of bread and flesh, in the same terms as the acts 1.526, §§ 2 and 3, printed in Vol. I., pp. 228-9.] 2 April l.'i41. The quhilk day, the prouest, balllies, and counsale of the burgh of Edin- st^v^x. burgh, with the commissaris of burrois vnderwrittin, that ar to say, the comissaris of Aberdene, Perth, Striueling, Linlithqu, Dunde, comperand anent the materis concerning the commoun v?eiU of the liaill burroLs in the Tolhuth of Edinburgh, and in speciall anent their stapill : Consentis and thinkis at the nixt mercat to pass to the port and toun in Flandaris of the Dukis landis that will gyf and grant to thame maist and greitast priuelegis ; and gyf it war the Kingis Grace plesour erar to Myddilburgh nor Campheir, sua that the toun of Campheir grantit nocht nor gaif thame larger priue- legis nor Myddilburgh. And anent the doungetting of the sij. d. and new Doxm^etting impositioun maid in France thairof upon Uk frank, consenttis that gif ane ?j Prince. greit personage be directit fra the Kingis Grace to the King of France for doungetting of the saidis xij d., that they sail extent thairfor as efferis ; and gyf ane personage of les degi-e beis directit, consenttis till do thairin as the burgh of Edinburgh, thay being referrit thairto ; and thinkis expe- dient till advertice oure Souerane Lord for expeditioun in the mater, because it concernis the hale burrois and commoun weill thairof 30 April 1541. The quhilk day. the provest baillies [and] counsale ordanis the skipparis of FraucMing ot Leyth and all vtheris frauchtit be the gude toun to Flandaris at this vayage stapui'at" to pas to the port of jNlyddilburgh with thair schippis and guddis and that MyddUburgh. they tak na mair fraucht bot samekle as thay ar frauchtit for in the townys bukys, that is to say fra Scotis men xx s. greit the mortcharge and xxj s. greit the lycht guddis, and the Flemyngis xvj s. greit the mortcharge and o lOG EXTRACTS FEOM THE RECOEDS [1541. Frauchting of xvij s. greit tbe Ij'clit guddis, as tliay vnW ansuer to the gude toun, vnder the stapiu at P'^ne of tynsale of thair frauchtis and pvnisching of thair personis at thair re- Myddilburgh. tui-njTig. becaiise the men of gude with the prouest baillies and counsale con- vcnit vijoiin the stapill vpoun this vayege hes declarit and found expedient to pas to the said port of Myddilburgh, and souertie foundin for the priuelege and gevin be James Henrisoun in the said townys name ; and the skipperis consentit to the fraucht aboue expremyt. Villa. The quhilk day. in presence of the prouest baillies and counsale Leonard Cornelius oblissis liim to pas with his schip to the port of Myddilburgh at this vayege and lose the guddLs at the samyn port under the pane of ane hun- dretli pundis greit to be payit to James Henrisoun in the townis name to be fmih cummand to thair commoun gude. Eex, villa, staple. 5 3Iay 1541. The quhilk day, the provest baillies counsale and communitie sittand in judgement, my Lord Cardinale of Sanctandois etc. producit cure Souerane Lordis lettir of the tenour following direct to him under his graces signet and subscriptioun : Cousing we greit you weill : forsamekle as we vnderstand that thair is pairt of oure burgh of Edinburgh coact and constrene ane vther mair pairt of oure merchanttis to pas by thair fre will and plesour to havynnis and townys quhair thay like and constrenis als the skipparis in semblable maner, oure will is heirfor and we pray yow that ye call before yow oure prouest of Edinburgh and communitie of the samyn and gif ye fynd ony constrenyeing of oure merchanttis and skipparis by thair awin fre will that ye in oure name relax and discharge the samyn and gyf thame fredome to pas quliair evir thay pleis best, conforme to oiu-e priuelege granttit vnto thame like as we haue written to the Duke of Arscott Erie of Berre of the samyn. This ye failye nocht till do as youre singular traist is in yow and for eschewing of murmure that may rise heirupouu gif ye leif this \aidone ; and God keip yow. Writtin at Striveling vnder oure subscriptioun and signett the thrid day of Maij and of oure regnne the xxiij yeir. And efter the articlis gevin in before in the name of the toun of IMyddilburgh wes agane red and lang tretit of the staple in presens of my Lord Cardinale, the prouest 1541.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBUEGH. 107 baillies counsale and communitie than present desyrit my said Lord Cardinale Rex, vuia, to deliuer and pronunce his mynde as he had found in the mater conforme to ^"^^ ®' the saidis letteris ; to the quhilk the said Lord declarit that he fand the votis of the prouest bailhes counsale men of gude and communitie halelie applyit to the toun of Myddilburgh and fand na contradictioun amangis the hale nycht- bouris hot he tua personis, that is to say Hew Douglas and Gilbert Lauder than instant than present ganesayand, and declarit he sould aduertise oure Souerane Lord as he had found in the mater. 20 May 154L It is statute that na regratoures be sene in the butter merkat, cheis merkat, Regratoures. meUl mercatt, fische mercatt, nor byand ony vther stufe in the mercats before 12 houris at none, and fra 2 houris after none r[uhill 6 houris at evin, vnder the payne of escheitting of the stufe that thai by and birning of thair cheik als oft as thai be fundin for the first fait, becaus thai haif bene swa oft dischargeit and forbeiris nocht. 20 June 1541. The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest and Archibald Williamsoun Salt escheit, losit vn- enterrit. baillie sittand in jugement, Nicholace de Atro put him in the townis will and '°'^'' ™ become in the samyn for losing of his schip laidnyt with salt vnenterrit, and dis- ponyng and selHng of the samyn, nocht makand price with the ofiiciaris of the toun thairof, according to the actis of perliament, and efter the laidnyng of his said schip the samyn nocht beand frauchtit with the toun as vse is, and William Adamsoun younger is becumin souertie that the said Nicholace sail fulfill the said will. 9 July 1541. The quhilk day, the prouest baillies aud counsale sittand in jugment, Biging of the oblissis thame and thah successouris to content and pay to oiu- Souerane Lord •'^'^ ' or ony vtheris to quhome his Grace plcissis gyf command, the sowme of j" merkis betuix this and ^^'itsounday nixt tocum for the sowme of j™ merkis now bor- rowit fra his Grace be thame, and resauit fra his Grace's thesaurer for expe- ditioun of the bigging of the park. 108 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1541, 14 July 1541. Rex, ViUa. The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale of this burgh of Edin- burgh oblissis thame and thair successouris to content and pay to our Souerane Lord the sowme of ij" li., vsuale money of this realme, betuix this and Mertymes nlxt to cum, for the tua thousand pundis lent be his Grace for the hale burrois, and deliuerit to my Lord Cardinale for expeditioun and doungetting of the cus- tome and new impositioun of xij d. throw all the pairttis of France, new taikia fra the merchanttis of this realme of ilk frank waryt. 2?, August IU\. y'"*! *^y'^'',''" The quhilk day, in the presens of the provest baillies counsale and men of gude and dekynnis for the communitie, comperit James Henrisoun, and offerrit as ane of the commissaris direct fra the toun of Myddilburgh in thair names to find souertie within this burgh vnder the pane of x"" li. to deliuer the articlis superaddit to his last articUs ellis confirmyt vnder thair seill to the gude toun within ane moneth, and to that effect that the saymn salbe obseruit in tymes cuming vnder the said pane that the souerteis salbe haldin to rispond for the falye gyf ouy beis and the pauis to be applyit couforme to his articlis, and thairby allegit that the commissaris of the Veyr, viz., Symon Patersoun and Blaister Gelys Bras offerrit nocht to fynd sic souertie, and thair- for desyrit thair wisdomes to considder the priuelegis and commoditeis gevin in be thame baytli and as thay find for the common weill to do thairiutill. 29 August 1541. Rex, vUia, Prouest baillles and counsale of oure burgh of Edinburgh, we gi-eit yow kin'As writiiic Weill : Forsamekle as we haue auisit and considerrit the questioun anent the to the toime. rcparing of oure burrois and merchandis towert the pau-ttis of Flandaris, that the haill merchandis of oure realme except ane pairt of yow ar con- discendit tiU pas to the toun of Veyr and na vther pairttis as toun and port maist convenient to thame, and we think it oure honour and commoun weill of oure burrois that the hale natioun pas to ane place, and rather to the Veir than ony vther, as maist commodius and convenient to thame and plesour to ws in satifactioun of oure freindis : Heirfor we pray yow in our 1541.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 109 niaist effecteous maner that sen we ar nocht of myncl to hiu't the libertie Rex, villa, granttit to yow of before for yowr awin weill, and in contemplatioun of this oure khigis writing speciall desyre, ye will coudiscend and grant glaidlie till pas and repair with the *^" t*"^ toime. laif the merchanttis of oiire realme to the port and toun of Veyr and nane vther, qnhair ye sail be weill resauit and tretit with commoditeis and proffittis mair than hes bene in tymes bipast, and that ye solist and induce the remanent of oure said burrois till satifie ws in this behalf to the effect aboue written ; with certificatioun and we fynd yow wilfuU and of vther mynd at this t}Tne we ar determyt to prouide remeid vther wayis. And forther, we haue ordanit oiu-e familier counsalaroris, the clerk of our register and Maister Henry Sincler persoun of Glasgow, tUl declair yow our mynd in this behalf to quhom ye sail gyf fernie credence. Gevin vnder oure signet, and subscriuit with our hand, at Striuehng the xxix of August, and of oure regnne the xxviij yeir. 15 October 15 il. The quhilk day, the prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis of craftis [Nuns of the thinkis expedient and consenttis to gyf xiiij bolhs beyr and quheit, togidder ^"''=^ "^^""'^ with thair pece waist land be eist the nunnys of the Burro mwre, to thame for thair croft within the wallis of this burgh. 27 October 1541. It is statute that all maltmen dwelland within this burgh sell thair malt Maltmen. commonelie fra this houre fmih to all our Souerane Lorchs lieges for xxxvj s. the laid mesm-e vsit and wont, and na derrare; with certificatioun to thame and thai failyie thairin thai will strik vp thaii- girnellis and mak the samyn patent to all persouns of that pryce. 8 November 1541. The quhilk day, the baillies counsale and dekynnis consenttis and thinkis Senys, expedient to tak fra the the Sisteris of the Senys thair arrable croft lyand with- in the wallis of the toun be eist the Grayfreir Port heretablie in fewferme, and till pay thairfor yeirlie fowrtene bollis victuell, that is to say viij bollis quheit and vj bollis beyr, mercat gude and mercat mett, at ane terme for payment of vie- 110 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1541. Senys. tuell and fermes vsit and wont, and als to gyf to the said systeris the pece grene of thair commoun mwi-e now foundit about with dike as the saniyn is ellis limitat. 20 January 1541-2. Maio'ome " "^^^^ quhilk day, in the presens of the prouest and baillies sittand in juge- ment, comperit Jhonne Malcome on that ane pairt, with WiUiam Elphinstoun his curatonr, end aggreit with the gude toun anent the viij merkis annuel! quhilk the said Jlionne audit to haue of the gude toun be ressoin of the hous bocht fra James Prestoun at the eist end of the entres to thair kirk, quliilk wes detbound to the said Jhonne of before the doun casting thairof, in this maner that the gude toun sail pay to the said Jhonne the ane half of the avale and sowme, viz., coniptand xvij merkis for the merk betuix this and Pasche nixt to cum, and that vther half at Witsounday nixt thairefter, and that precepttis be direct heiriipoun, or ellis that he be termelie ansuerit be the thesaurer of the samyn quhill the said payment be maid, and he till renunce his rycht at the making of this letter payment ordourlie as efferis. 1 March 1541-2. Kirk, Grottell The bailKes counsale and dekynnis consenttis that the few of the landis of Grottell set be Sir ] Walter Scottis for 1 commoun seill, etc. 28 3Iay 1542. Decree.— Gif ony man committis slaughter within Edinburgh, and beis appre- Hob. Ormes- jigndit and convict thairfoir, the escheit of his moveabill gudis aucht and sould toun, the ' .... ... Kingis dona- pertauc to the burgh and communitie of Edinburgh, ratione criminis com- BurghT/'^* missi infra hurgum. But gif ony persoun committis slauchter within the Edinburgh, gamin burgh, and is fugitiue and denuncit rebell for non-compeii'ance to underly the law thairfoir, in that cais his escheit aucht and sould pertane to the King, becaus in this cais his escheit fallis not be reasoun of crime com- mittit within the burgh, but by reasoun of his non-compeirance.^ 1 This decree seems to have settled a question witli her daughter, Catherine Menzies, was con- raised in 153.1, in the of Alison Rouch, who, victed of the mui-der of Alexander Cant, husband Prebendrie Grottcll Set be Sir Kichert Lausoun thair prebeuder to Alexander Scott sone of Walter Scottis for the augmentatioun of iij merkis yeirlie, be past vnder thair 154-2.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. Ill 4 Odoher 1542. It is statute and ordanit be, etc. , That all maner of persouns haifand Cmvig, ony cruvis for swyne at thair stairis and sydewallis foment the hie streitt or in ^'j. baire'liis. commoim venelli.s, and siclyke that hes middings and fuilyie collectit, or hes tarbarrelHs in the hie streitt, remoue the samyn incontinent within six dayes nixt heirafter, vnder the payne of xviij s. till be taikin but favour and applyit to the calsy ; certefeand thame and thai failyie thairin, the said xviij s. sail be tayne of ilk ane of thame and applyit to the said calsay, and thair said cruvis cassia downe and destroyit with all rigour, thair fuilyie disponit vpoun, and thair tar barrell heidis strikin vp. April 1543. (In the lowse leiif dattit at Aprile 1543 Ls contenit quliair tbe towne gaif the [St James' the alterage and cliaplenry of Sanot James altare m St Geillis kirk to Su' Jbone '^^^ ^^^i^, l Wilsoun.— Tr.) 20 July 1543. The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest and baillies sittand in iuge- [Bonnet- ment, comperit James Stevinsoun, bonetmaker, in his awin name and in name Walkers.] and behalff of the hale brethir of the Bonetmaker craft within this burgh, and protestit that thai and the brethir of the Walker craft within the said burgh micht be equale brethir togidder, ilkane to heir vtheris comptis and giff and ressaue comptis, ilkane of vtheris, anent all materis concernying the wele of thair saidis craftis and dewiteis thairof ; and in presens foresaid, the saidis brethir of the Walkaris grantit and consentit to be evinlie brethir to the saidis Bonetmakeris in all and sindry materis concernyng thair occupationis, efter the tennour and conforme to than* sele of cans maid betuix the saidis occupationis of the said Catherine. By gift, dated 3J Sep- should be taken on the claim, and that for that tember 1536, the King granted Alison's escheat purpose the rights and evidents of the town to David Wood. The provost of Edinburgh should be submitted to the said Lords. A me- remonstrated against this gift, however, and morandum in the archives of the city be.ars that claimed the escheat in virtue of the town's the escheat, in this case, passed from the town, right by royal charter ; but the King, by an in consequence of the King's request, and the order dated 6th September 1536, refused to re- fact that Alison and Catherine were put to the cognise the claim, and required his gift to be horn not by reason of their being justified, but given effect to, — consenting that, for the time to by reason of their being fugitive from the law. come, the judgment of the Lords of Council [Inventory of City Chartcrs,Yo\.l., -pp. ^9-W\.^ 112 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1543. [Bonnet- thairv|TOun : qnliarapon the saidis pairteis hinc indc askit actis. Extractiira Waliiers.] ^^ Vihvo actorum curie consilii burgi de Edinburgh per me Vincentium Strathauchin, notarium pubhcam sub meis signo et subscriptioue nianualibus. [Extracted from the book of tlie acts of the court of Council of the Burgh of Edin- burgh by me, Vincent Strathauchin, notary jDublic, under my sign and subscription manual.] V. Strathauchin. 2 Octoler 1543. Keping of the The proucst bailHes and counsall hes geviu and grantit to Rycbart Phun- bar the sowm of fyve merk fie for the ycir to cum, to awaitt day lie in thair kirk and to ordour the pure folk, and for clengeing of the paythment and doand sic vthcr scruice for the honour of the townc as pleisis the proucst and dene of gild to devyse, and ordanis the dene of gild to ansuer him of the said fie. (In the convict bulk end. — Tr.) 19 October 1543. c.ilsay maker. The prouest baillics and counsall hes feyit Moreis Crawfurd to mak beitt and mend thair calsay, and for euery ruid he sail half payit him sxvj sbillingis viij d., he makand the sam suflicient as efferis, and ordanis him to begyn at the Over Bow and discend toward the West Port. (Ibid. — Tr.) 24 Octoler 1543. Wyne It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale, that all mesouris. nichtbourcs in tyme cumming sendand for wyne to ony taverne half thair wyne. " pjnts of just mcsurc merketfc with the townis merk, and that the samyn haif ane talpoun as vse is in vther pairts, and that the taverner sett to thair stopis to the pvnscheoun held and fill the samyn, and that na resaviug of wyne be fundin in tyme cuming be the taverneris chopins in the nycbtboures pynts, and that ilk nychtbour cans mak Ins stowpe in this maner be Jlione Maxtoun. 27 October 1543. [St Giles Thomas Watsoun, glasin wrycht, is feyit be the provest baillies and coun- ^ ' sail, with avyse of the dene of gild, to v]:)hald the haill glas and wyndois of thair kirk of St Geill yeirlie, and to furneis glas laid and tyn during his lyfe- 1543.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 113 tyme, and the said dene and his successouris to furueis irne and skalfatting and [St Giles support of leiding and conveying of ledderis, for the quhilk the said dene and his successouris sail pay to the said Thomas vj merMs yeirlie for all the dayis of the said Thomas lyvetyme. 23 November 1543. The quhilk day, the prouest haillies and counsale sittand in judgement, According of anent the complentis gevin in be the kirkmaisters and bretliir of the Walkers ^^^ Bonne™ and Scheirars on that ane pairt and the kirkmasters and brethir of the Bonet- makeria. makers on that vther pairt, anent the ingathering of thair dewteis for v|ihald of thair alter, helping of thair commoun box, the making of the ornaments of thair alter, vsing of thair standartis, in passing of thame in processioun, anent thair equale lirethirheid, for vtter extinctioun of pley and controuersie that hes bene amangis thame in tyme bj'past, decernis and ordanis that in all tymes camming the saidis crafts and brethir thaii-of stand in equale brethirheid, and to that effect till pas in all processioims as brethir togidder and haif equale standartis, and that thair be bot ane commoun box betuix baith the saidis craftis quhilk sail haif four keyes, twa thairof keipit be twa of the principale and maist honest brethir of the Walkers, and the vther twa be [twa] of the principale and of the maist honest brethir of the Bonetmakers, and the said box to be keipit be ane of the saidis crafts ane yeir, and be that vther craft in the nixt yeir, and sua furth in tyme cumming, quhilk box for this first yeir salbe in the keip- ing of the saidis brethir of Bonetmakers ; and quheu the said box beis oppinnit that thair be four of ilk ane of the saidis twa crafts attour the four keipars of the keyes present thairat, swa that it be vnderstand that nane of thair money be disponit by the consentis of bayth the saidis crafts, and gif ony of thame dois in the contrair that craft sail pay ten pund to the reparatioun of thair altare by than- ouklie dewiteis. And als ordanis that ane of the brethir of Walkers and ane of the Bonetmakers, incontinent with all diligence collect and inbring all restis awand be quhatsumeuii- brethir of crafts and inputt in the said box, togidder with all the money now being in bayth thau- boxis and handis. and to pas ouklie or quarterlie in tyme cumming, and ingather thaii- dewteis togidder for vphald of than- alter ; and ordanis that all the vest- mentis and ornamentis of thair alter presentlie maid and to be maid of thair p 114 EXTRACTS FEOM THE EECORDS [1543. and Bonnet- makeris. According of commoun geir haifF thair dowble merkes following, viz. ane scheris for the mark of the brethir of Walkeris and Schereris and ane carde for the mark of the hre- thir of Bonnetmakers. Extractum de libro actorum curie consilii burgi de Edin- burgh sub sigillo communi ad causas eiusdem, anno, mense, die prescriptis. [Extracted from the book of the acts of the court of the Council of the burgh of Edinburgh, under the common seal of the same, in the year, month, and day foresaid.] J. Brounhill. Walkeris. Romany v/yne. "Wjne in Leyth. Laidning in Brynt Hand. It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsall that na maner of walkar dwelland within this burgh in tyme to cum that walkis ony hewitt clayth, that thai draw nocht the saymn on na sort vnder the pane of spayning of thame fra the occupatioun for yeir and day induring the provest and baiUies will. — (In a convict bulk end. — T7:) 18 December 1543. It is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies and counsale, that all sortis of Romany wyne fra this day furth be sawld commounlie till all our Souerane Lordeis liegeis witliin tliis towne, be all nichtbures that lies the samyn to sell, for ij s. the pynt and na darrer, vnder the payne of escheitt, and specialHe that Mimgo Tennent sell his Romany wyne of the sam pryce. 19 December 1543. It is statute and ordanit that na maner of persoun within this biirgh pas to Leyth for bying of wyne in tyme cuniing vnto the tyme the gude towne first sett the pryce thairvpoun accorcUng to the acts of parliament, and thah'after that ilk taverner be warnit to haif thair pairt as efferis. 21 January 1543-4. (Syndrie acts anent the pest, daitit 24 Septembris 1538, ibid. [i.e. in a convict bulk] ; and immediatlie thairafter writtin, daittit 21 Januarii 1543. — Tr.) 23 January 1543-4. It is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies and counsale, that nane of the nychtboures of this burgh in tyme cuming send ower ony of thair guids to the port of Brynt Hand to be laidin thair, vnder the payne of tynsale of thair 1543-4.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 115 fredome ; and in swa far as certane of the nyclitboures hes ellis send ower thair Laidning in guids and thairwitli laidin Jhone Aichinsouns schip in the said port, ordanis the said nychtboures to gar lose thair gnids fm-th of the said schip agane, vnder the payne of tynsale of thair fredome, becaus it is vnderstand cleirlie to the saidis provest baillies and counsale that sic laidning in that poirt is expres in contrail- thair coramoun weill, in hurt of thair fredome, and greitt skayth to the customes and payment thairof. — (In a convict biiik end.— T;-.) 31 January 1543-4. The provest baillies and counsale havand consideratioun of the greitt Stowppis. frawde be the taverneris and vthers be thair wrang mesures and mettage, and for eschewing thairof in tyme cuming, hes statute and ordanit that all nycht- bures within this burgh in tyme cuming fra this day furth haif stowppis of mesour with tawponis in the hals, merket with the townis merk as vse is in vther pants, quhilk mark is devysit and gevin to Jhone Maxtoun to be kepit and vsit be him in tyme to cum as he will ansuer to the guid towne, and that nane tak vpoun hand to mak or feynyie the said mark and stowpis for broking of guid ordour fra thyne furth, vnder the payne of spayning fra the occupatioun, bot that ilk nychtbour cum to the said Jhonis buith at the held of Halkerstouns wynd quhen thai haif ueid, and gett the same done be him and na vthers, as he will ansuer thairfore, and als that all taverneris within this burgh in tyme cum- ing sett the said stowppis of mesour to the pvnscheoun heid, and fill the same thairat, swa that na wyne be resauit be inmetting with taverneris stowppis, and that ilk nychtbour cans mak his stowppis in this maner be the said Jhone Maxtoun, vnder the payne of escheitt of thair stopis thai are fund in vtherwayes, to be applyitt to the baUlies vse that apprehendis the same, and vnder payne of xl s. to be taikin of the tavernares gif thai failyie for thair pairt.— (In ane con- vict bnik.— ^r.) 25 February 1543-4. It is statute and ordanit be the provest baiUies and counsale, that in tyme prycea of cuming that thair be na clarett nor quhyte wyne be sawld darrer than xvj d. 17^®- the pynt, als that the Eomany wyne be sawld na darrer than for ij s. the pynt, commoiUy. 116 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1543-4. Pryces of and that the saidis wynis be nocht sawld priuatly bot commonly till all our T^be Bawid Souerane Lordeis lieges, vnder the payne of escheitt of all the wynis being in the commonly. taverue quhalr sic wynis ar sawld or in hiddillis. — (lu the convict bulk end. — Tr.) 23 March 1544-5. Maltmen. j(; jg statute and ordanit that na maner of persoun by ony malt in this merkett without thai be fremen of this towne, and to brew to serue the Quenis grace Heges, and nocht to regraitt the samyn, vnder the payne of escheitt of the stufe in the hyaris hands gif thai can be apprehendit doand in the contrair. — (Revin leiff.— :Z'r.) 1 June 1545. Compering at It is statutc and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale, that all T] ouns. maner of persouns that hes ony pleyis to persew or defend before the saidis prouest and baillies, that thai be reddy in the tolbuith betuix xj houris befoir none, with certificatioun and the compleiner be nocht reddy and gif in his bill at that hour he sail nocht be hard for that day, and gif the defendai-e be reddy to ansuer at the call he sail be vnlawet and pay his vnlaw, without favour, according to the lawes of the burgh, and gif the persewer and defender be jDuir and may nocht pay the vnlaw thai sail be pvnist in thair persouns. — (In tlie end of a convict bulk. — Tr.) 9 June 1545. Ereid merkatt. It is statute and Ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale, that all maner insufficient. ' of baxteris dwelland outwith this burgh baik thair breid guid and sufficient stufe Weill baikin and dryit, and at thair ij d. laif wey xxj vnce, and the iiij d. laif xlij vnce, vnder the pane of escheitt of the samyn, and at nanc bring breid to the merkatt to sell bot penny breid, iiij d. breid, vj d., viij d., and xij d. breid, vnder the pane of escheitt of the samyn, and at nane bring insufficient stufe to the merkatt to sell, vnder the said paine. — (In the convict bmk end. — Tr.) AiB, price. That ua maner of browster nor dry topster within this burgh sell ony darrer aills nor now is sawld, viz. for ij d. the pynt, vnder the pane of banessing the towne, 1545.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 117 That na maner of browster nor dry topster, nor vther regratoiir within this towne, brew tap nor sell aill nor ony stufe fra Mononday fiirth without thai be admittit be the prouest, and regestrat in the biiiks of the towne, vnder the pane of p\Tiissing at the rigour that attempts in the contrair. 2 October 1545. (In the hinderend of the Convict Bulk, begynnand in Junij 1535, is the Taxt Roll following, insert as foUowes ^ : — Tr.) The extent of xvj" li. grantit be the Thre Estaitts of Scotland for sup- [Extent.] pleing and siLstening of the West and Middill Bordouris, viz., viij™ till be payit be the Spirituality, v™ iii= xxxiij li. vj s. viij d. be the Barrouns of the realme, and ijm vj"^ Ixvj li. xiij s. iiij d. be the Burrowes, till be devydit particularlie ilk ane their awin pairt, conform tiU the auld stent and rolhs, as after followes : Edinbm'gh, j™ merk Sterling, Ixvij li. Linlithqw, Eossay, Dumbartane, Kanfrow, KugUn, Air, Ii-wyne, Dumfreis, Glasgw, Kirkcudbright, Quhithorne, Lanerk, Jedburgh, Selkii-k, vijs. xs. vid. xlli. xviij li. xxij li. viij s. vi d. xxvij li. xviij li. Ixiij h. xxxvj li. xlvjli. Hiij li. xxvij li. xxvij li. xxij U. viii s. vi d. xxvij li. xviij li. Aberdene, ij' Iij H. Dundie, iij ^xxxvijH. ixs. vijd, Perth, j<: iiij"'" xviij U. Banff, x\'iij li. Dnnfermling. xx^^ili. Carrale, xviij li. Forfare, xiijli. xs. Brechane, xlvli. Montrose, iij^^ xij li. Elgein, xx:\t[j li. Innernes, xlvli. A rbroth, xxxvj li. Sanctandi'ois, iiij^^li. Cowper, iij'=^ xij li. Culane, ixli. Forais, xxij li. viij s. vi i 1 This Roll probably has reference to the extent gr.anted by the Act of Parliament 1545, c. 3. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, Vol. II., p. 460. It has accordingly been inserted in this volume of the above date. 118 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1545. [Extent.] Hadingtoun, iiij"^ j li. Nortlibervik, ix li. Dunbar, xviij li. Lawder, xviij li. Peblis, xviij li. Sumiua lateris, jmiij^lj li. vij s. x d. The haiU sowme exteadis till ii" vi'= iiii" xv 11. xiiij s. vij d Name, ix li. Tayne, xiii li. Dysart. xxxj li. x S. Kirkcaldy, xviij li. Sumrua lateris, j^iij'^xliiijli, vijs.ixd. (In tlie same bulk immediately hereafter is ane taxt roll of xijcli. gi-antit be the burrowes, bot the leili' hi meikle reivin. — Tr.) October 1545. [WUd fowls, That na persoun by fra strayngers repairand to the towne with fowlis &c , to be sold -^vyicig qv tame to sell agane bot suffer all to ciun to the merkett to be com- in the market.] •' ° mouly sawld to all our Souerane Ladeis liegis, vnder the payne of banesing or vther pvnitioun at the will of the provest bailhes and counsale. Item, that na wyld fowlis or cvnings be kepit in houssis but that thai be presentit to the merkatt, vnder the payne of escheitt. Huksters Eggis, butter, cheis. [Pest.] Watche. Item, that the sellares of tame fowlis dwelland in this towne remane and sitt be thame selfif, and that na hukster repair in the mercatt with fowlis eggis butter or cheise afoir 12 houris at none and vj houris at evin, or gif arlis quyetlie afoir the said houris, vnder the pane of banesing to the byar and escheitt of the stufe. — (October 1545 and 1546. In the end of a convict bulk. — Tr.) October, 27 November, and 1 December 1545. (Acts anent the pest and clengeing contenit in ane convict buik, begynand 1535, and end thairof, ar in October 1545 and 1546. Siclyke 27 Nouembris 1545, primo Decembris Uib.—Tr.) 23 December 1545. The provest baillies and counsale hes devysit that ane baillie nychtlie, ilk ane ansuerand for his quarter, with foure persouns by the officeris of twa quarteris, makand aucht in the haill, walk nychtlie fra thyne furth quhill 1545.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 119 Candilmes nisttocum for eschewing of vagabunds nycht walkeris theiffis and of Watche. thame that happinis to cum of the Mwre in this tyme of pest to infect the towne, and Patrik Flemyng consentis to begyn. 1545. Item, that na malt maker sell his malt derrare than the beir is sawld ex- [Malt.] cept he tak ij s. betuix the ane boll and the vther, and that thai gif the laid of malt with siclyke mesour and heippis as the awld vse hes bene, vnder the payne of escheitt of the said malt. 4 January 1545-6. It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale, that the FrawchtiBg of dene of gilde, present and to cum, qulien he frawchtis ony schips, tak with him ^<=^P^- certane of the counsale to sufficient nummer, or ellis frawcht the schips in jugement, and als that he tak souerty of the skipper that he sail resaue the nychtboures guids of this towne befoir ony vtbers atid sail resaue na vthers qubill thai be first seruit, and that na mak frawcht Ue tane at the port nor is specifeit in the buikis. Item, it is statute and ordanit, etc., that the thesaurer, present and to Thesaurer. cum, quhen ony strayngeris arryvis with thair schips at this port of Leyth, tak fj^^^^ °* souerty at thair entres gevin that thai sail nocht sell thair guids hot to fremen ; guids. and that the pryces of thau- guidis be maid according to the act of parliament ; and tak with him certane of the counsale as sail be namet to him quhen the said sti'ayngeris happinis to cum ; and that na nychtboures, merchants or vtheris, in tyme cuming quheu ony sic strayngeris cumis, mak ony priuate pactioun or bying of the strayngers gudis and merchandice that happinis to aryve at this port, vnto the tyme the said thesaurer and counsale mak pryces thairof conforme to the said act of parliament, vnder the payne of escheitt of the guidis that the merchand byis, to redound to the byare, and the sellare to be payit ; and gif the guidis be nocht resauit, he that makis the conditioun and pactioun by the towne to pay xx li. to the towne. 120 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1545-6. Prycea of the Item, it is Statute and ortlanit that the clarett and qiihyte wynis laitlie triiiutioun ' cum in the schip callit the Carvell of FUssin, the skipper Geilis Bukhorne, be thairof. sawld commonly for xviij d. the pynt, and Romaneis for xviij d. the pynt ; and anent the hiiding in the said schip at this tyme the pryces foUowes, as the guid towne and the merchants hes this day appoyntit, viz., the Burdealx wyne xxxviij li. the twn, the Romany xix li. the steik, Orleanis wyne xlj li. the twn, the irne with the trone wecht vj s. the stayne, and that euery merchant be ansuerit accordinglie. Adame Mawchane and William Mwreheid to pas for resaving of the guids, and thai to distribute the sam amangs the mer- chants and tavernares, and to resave the money and mak the merchantis pay- ment and all the wairing. Item, that the wyne Osay be sawld for ij s. the pynt, vnder the payne of ss li. 5 January 1545-6. [Cleansing.] (Acts anent the clengeing of claythis, to serche, and quliat place ilk quarter suld be clengeit and thair gudis placeit. — Tr.) 26 January 1545-6. [Stoups.] (This act [31 January 1543, anent stowppis] ratefeit be the provest baillies and counsale and deykinis. — Tr.) [Wines.] (The wynes ordanit to be sawld for xviij d. the pynt, quhyte wyne and claret, vnder the payne of x li. — Tr.) 10 February 1545-6. striking vp The i^rovcst baillies and counsale hes statute and ordanit that na nychtboiir Cyth "* of this burgh, in tyme cuming, pas to Leyth and caus ony strayngers strik vp Weying thair. ony dry wair guids or to brek bowk thau'of , hot to suffer the samyn to be brocht to this burgh and first sene with the thesaurer as vse Ls, and thairafter the nychtboures to be ansuerit gif thai lyke to bye as efFeris, vnder the payne of x li. to be taikin of the nychtbouris that failyeis heirin, to be applyit to the com- moun guid or kirk wark ; nor yitt that nane mak weying of lint, irne or siclyke guidis in Leyth other oppinly or priuatly, and tliat ojipin proclamatioun be maid heirvjioun at the merkat croce and on the schore of Leyth. — (In a convict buik end. — Tr.) 1545-6.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 121 In jiresens of the proiiest baillies and counsale, Eobert Craig become in the c™g "i townis will for metting of certane canves bocht be him within the towne of Leytih fra the Frensheman that last arryvet, in hurt of the fredome and priuelege of the guid towne. The sam day, in presens of the provest baillies and counsale sittand in [Scott.] jugement, Eobert Scott referrit him in the townis will for vjistrikin of his geir and offerring thairof to sell in the said towne, and Frances Tenneud for ful- filling of the will, etc. (Edward Patersoim in will for the lyk fait. — In the convict bulk end. — Tr.) [Paterson.] 27 February 15-15-6. It is statute and ordanit be, etc., that na maner of persoun hald oppin Tavemera. taverne within this burgh in tyme cuming hot thai that ar burgessis and gild- brether and payis dewty to St Anthonis altare ; and als that nane of thame haif fals mesures to sell thair wyne with, vnder the jiane of v li. to be taikin of thame that beis apprehendit havand the said fals mesouris, and als of breking of the samyn. 2 March 1545-6. [Of tHs date, an act with reference to the pest was passed " anent the reiile at [Pest.] the West Port."] 2 April 1546. [Of this date, an act with reference to the pest was passed, " anent spynning and cairding anent new infectioun."] 13 April 15iG. Item, it is statute and ordanit be, etc., that na maner of persoun be Meffl. sufiTerit to cary away fm-th of the towne in laids the meill that cumis to the merkett, and becaus it is careit to furneis owre awld innemeis, and that the porteris stop the samyn. 20 April 1546. It is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies counsale and deykins that riescheours, na flescheouris nor vthers persouns within this burgh sell ony talloun to c^alSakers strayngers inhabiterLs of ony vther townis owtwith this burgh, hot to the Q 122 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [154G. Flescheours, nychtboui'is thairof, and to the candilmakers, and that na freman vther nor Candilmakers. ^ho Said candilmakeiis by ony talloun mair nor to liis awin vse, and that nane of the candilmakers be thair self nor be thair sernands of thair awin consents carry ony candill owtwith the towne to sell in landwart, nor that thai melt in talloun of thair awin nor of vthers to sell by the vse of thair candilmaking, vnder the pane of escheitt of the stufe als oft as thai are apprehendit doand in the contrair, and payment of the sowm of v. li. to the commoun warks and banessing of the towne. — (Anent the brekares of the foresaid statute. In the con- vict buik end. — Tr.) Watche. Prouest. 30 May 1546. It is deuysit be the prouest baillies and counsale for the commoun weill of this burgh, that thair be ane watche nychtlie fra thine fnrth of x persouns and ane officer at the leist, and that the said officer haif dowbill waige and remane with thame ; and that the said watche begyn in the quarter quhair it left. And als it is devysit that thair be xv persoims for ane certane space to pas with the provest weill bodin with jak, gavilling and halbart, or siclyke lang wapoun, and xij heirof to be furnist be the merchants, and quhair ane nierchaut may nocht furnis that twa tak the chairge of ane man, and the crafts to furnis thre amangs thame all, and ilk ane of the xv to haif xx d. in the day for thair waige. Attour the prouest baillies counsall and deykins hes faythfullie oblist thame be vphaldiug of thair hands to tak trew afald pairt for the defence of the guid towne and nychtbouris thairof in tyme cuming in all thair actiouns lefull and honest. rische, Kegratouris. 6 August 1546. It is statute and ordanit be the prouest and baillies that the officeris warne all bringares of fische or any of fresche fische and salt, to be sawld in this birrgh in plane merkett, that nane of thame sell thair fische greitt or small to regratouris, vnder the payne of escheitt of the fische, and that this statute be proclamit. 1540.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 123 11 August 1546. The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest and baillies, comperit Maister The custome Thomas ]\Iarioribankis and William Kar and become souertie for William scMppi^and' Forster capitane of the Lyoun, to ansuer the fermoraris of the wyld aventuris prissis arriving on the morne anys in the day, of foure bollis ry for the excis bollis of ane Assys. Bollis. before the mast and ane vther behind of the tua prissis of victuell takin be the said Lyoun, and siclike to ansuer thame of foure bollis salt for the excise bollis of vther tua prissis ladyn with salt taikin be the said schip, and siclike to ansuer thame of viij d. for ilk chalder, bayth of the cornys and salt cum in the saidis prissis, as dewtie apertenyng to the gude toun be ressoun of thair fredome and rycht. 16 August 1516. The pryces of the victualls and vthers guids laitUe cum in be the pryses Pryce of cer- takin be the Cristopher and hir company to the niimmer of sex weirmcn, maid gudia^"^^''^^ be the provest baillies and counsale : — In the first the boll of quheitt watter mett, XXX s. ; the boll ry watter mett, xx s. ; item, the j c. waynescott, xx li. ; item, the j c. daUlis, xv li. ; the scoir lynt, viij li. ; the stayne walx, xiij s. iiij d. ; the last assis, xij li. ; the last tar, xij li. ; the last pik, xij li. 8 October 1546. (The wynis to be sawkl for xij d. the pynt. — Tr.) [Wines.] It is statute, etc., that na maner of taverneris sell thair wynis in tyme [Wine cuming with ony chopin hot with the cliopin that hes the towiiis merk, and ™*'''^^'"®''J that the samyn be just haill and sound, vnder the payne of ane pvnscheoun of wyne to be taikin of thame that failyeis heirin but favouris, and the chopin or chopins that ar fundin fals and iniust to be brokin. 12 October 1546. Item, anent the staibleris, the maist pairt thairof comperand vjjoun the Staiblers. 12 of Octobris anno vt supra, consentit to sell thair best aits for hors corne for ix d. the pek, and the secundare for viij d. the pek, and the stayne of hay fra thine furth for vj d., vnder the payne of ane vnlaw. — (In ane convict buik end— Tr.) 124 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1546. Malt- That all maltmen within the fredome of this burgh sell thair malt fra thine furth to om- Souerane Ladeis lieges, and that thai tak na mair hot 3 li. 12 s. for the ix furletts grundin malt, vnder the payne of escheitt of the stufe that beis fuudin sawld darrer nor the said pryce; and certefeand all owtland maltmen that thai kepe the same statute quhUk is maid with consent of the maltmen of this burgh or maist pairt thairof, and gif the owtland maltmen failyeis heirin the provest and baillies sail purches lettres to persew thame to the vtter rigour. Aill. And that thairby the browsteris brew thair aill guid and stark and suffi- cient for iiij d. the pynt, certefeand thame and thair aiU be nocht fundin stark Weill maid and gude of the pryce foresaid the samyn sail be delt. [Sellers of >vild fowls.] In presens of the provest and baillies sittand in jugement, James Lokky and William Bartilmo, sellares of all maner of wyld fowlis, of thair awin frie will hes consentit that in tyme cuming quhill St Androis day ni.^t that thai sail sell thair wyld meitt of the pryces vnderwrittin till all our Souerane Ladeis lieges repairand within this burgh, viz., etc. — (In tlie convict buik end. — Tr.) Malvasie, Romany, Osay. 30 October 1546. That all taverneris within this burgh sell thair Malvysie that thai now haif for ij s. the pynt, and the Eomauy and Osay for xvij d. the pynt, vnder the payne of escheitt of the pece that rynnis and beis fuudin \4herwayes darrer sawld. Beir and aittis. (That tiie merkatt of beir and aittis be lialdin fra thine furth in the rowme of the awld fisclie merkatt. — Tr.) Regratours, Brows ters, Huksters. October 1546. Item, that na maner of regratouris, hukestares, caik baxteris, topsteris or browsteris be sufferit within this towne without thai be mareit folks, wedois, and thai persouns fynd souerty to be actit in the buiks that thai sail keip the statutes of the towne, vnder the pane of xl s. to be tane of thame swa oft as thai failyie. — (In the end of ane convict buik. — Tr.) 1546.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 12.5 That na aill be sawld darrer than xxxij d. the galloun fra Mononday Am. furth, vnder the payne of xx s. for the first fait, and the secund fait of spayning fra the operatioun (Octobris 154G and 15-18. lu the end of the convict bmk. — Tr.) 10 December 1546. It is .statute be the baillies and counsel!, anent the pryces of wynis, that Rens, ua taverueris within this burgh tak vpoun hand to sell ony darrer wynes fra MXy^e! thine furth nor after foUowes ; that is to say, the Kens wyne xx" d. the pynt, Burdeaulx the Romany xvj d., Malvasy ij s., clarett and quliyte wyne, Burdeaulx, for xij d. the pynt, vnder the payne of x li. for the first fait, and for the secund fait discharging of thame that seUis the said wyne. 14 December 1546. The provest baillies and connsale decernis and ordanis that the vnlaw of Vnlawes of X li., contenit in the statutes laitlie maid anent the pryces of wynes, be takin of thame that hes brokin the said statutes selland thair wynes darrer nor the said statute beris ; and als ordanis that the said vnlaw be apply it to the repa- ratiouu of the hie altare ; and the baillies vplift the same fra the saidis brekares of the statutes and delyuer the samyn to the dene of gild to that effect ; and the saidis provest and baillies hes fundin that thir persouns following hes brokin the said statute and incurrit thairby the paynes of x li. contenit thairin, viz., James Mawchane for selling of Kens wyne darrer than xxd., William Fischear for selling of Romany darrer nor xvj d., George Cairnys, etc. (The staibleris to the nummer of xix personis callit in and fund souerteis to [stablers.] keip the statutes, vnder the payne of xls. — Tr.) 20 December 1546. It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale, anent SeUing of (blank) for strayngeris in selling of thair guids inbrocht be thame within iriJkiis'.^'^^ this burgh to fremen of burrowes: In the first, all silkis and cla}i;h to 1)0 sawld in haill steiks ; item, worsetts siclyke to be sawld in steiks ; and all vther merchandice that is to be mesurit with elne to be sawld in steiks and nocht cuttit ; item, clowes cannell mases granis mugallis saffroun and siclyke, 126 EXTEACTS FKOM THE RECORDS [1546. Selling of strayngers guidis. [Pest.] Distributing. Ventin". [Order by the Lord Gover- nor, etc., as to regraters.] that the samyn be sawld in grossis or at the leist nocht half dusonis ; item, at vther gi'ossis merchandice to be sawld in grossis and half grossis ; item, sewing silk, sewing gold, sewing sylver, to be sawld in punds ; item, irne to be sawld in thowsands ; item, mader to be sawld in polks ; item, allum to be sawld in cark ; item, hemp to be sawld in polk ; item, wynes to be sawld in tun and half tun, and generallie all vther merchandice accordingly. 30 December 1546. (The men of weir cum fra Sanct Androis and vagabiindis dischargeit the town qidiill the jiest be repressit, vnder the payne of deid. — Tr.) 5 January 1546-7. The wynes that ar cum in laitlie with the merchand of Burdealx coft for xxvj li. the tun, and namit to distribute the samyn thir persouns : — William ]\Iureheid, George Hoppringill, baillies. Item, that thai delyuer nane of the said wjTies to ony of this burgh bot to thame that ur bayth burges and gild, and that nane vther be sufferit to sell and vent wynes bot burgessis and gild brether, and that the dene of gild cers bhe samyn. 14 January 1546-7. Ai^ud Edinburgh xiiij Januarij anno, etc., xlvj. The quhilk day, my Lord Gouernour and Lordis of Counsale vnderstanding the grete oppressioun committit daily be ane certane regratouris in Edinburgh, raisaud all wyld mete capoimis cunnyngis hennis and sic stufe necessar for furnyssing of our Soue- rane Ladyis liegis resortand to Edinburgh to ane sic exhorbitand derth that neuir sic was vsit in this real me, quharby all our Souerane Ladyis liegis ar bevelie oppressit be the saidis regratouris : Tharefore ordanis the provest and bailies of Edinburgh to call the said regratouris befor thame, alswele thai that ar presentlie in ward as vtheris within the toun, and gifF thame ane assis of commoun oppressioim ; and gif thai be convict to do justice upoun thame with all rigour in example of vtheris to committ siclik crimes in tyme tocum. James G A. Erle of Ergyll. George Dowglas. 1546-7.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBUEGH. 127 26 January 1546-7. The pryces of wynes inbroclit laitlie be Eduarcl Patersoun : In the first Prycea of the tun of Kocbell quhyte wyne xxij li., the tun of claret Burdealx xxvij li., the ^^g.*^^ ^^ Eomany xvj li. the pece, the Osa the pece xvij li., the AUacant the pece xxij li., the irne the stayne vj s. 5 AprU 1547. The provest baillies and counsale ordains the dene of gild to gif up to GUd brether. euery ane of the baillies the names of the taverneris that dwellis within his ^y^^^^'^^^'^^- quarter, quhilkis taverneris the said dene of gild affermis ar nocht gild brethir, and^tliairfore ordauis the saidis baillies euery ane in his quarter as said is to putt the statutes maid that nane suld vent wyne within this burgh except gUd brethir to executioun in all poynts conform to the teuour thairof, and als ordanis the saidis baillies to poynd the taverneris for the dewty awclit to St Anthone, and the maister of the felowschip to pas with thame. It is statute and ordanit that na maner of persouns, strayngeris huiksteris Butter. nor vthers, sell ony butter within this burgh except for xij s. the stayne quhiU the X day of May nixttocnm, and that na huiksteris by ony butter in the mercatt quhill xj houris afoirnone be strikin, vnder the payne of escheiting of the butter. — (In the convict bulk end. — Tr.) It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that na Crames at the maner of cramers nor vthers sett thair crames in tyme cuming at the Croce, '^°°^' except vjjoun the mercat day, vnder the pane of xl s. to be tane of euery persoun als oft as thai failyie, and the ane half thaii'of to be gevin to Edward Littill baiUie and the totlier half to be applyet to the kirk warkes. It is statute, etc.. That all maner of persouns within this burgh that hes Red, fawids. ony cairnis of staynis, fawids, or vther red, on the hie gaitt, that lies compleittit thair wark or than nocht prepairand haistely to big that thai remoue the samyn of the hie gaitt, vnder the payne of xl s. 17 June 1547. (The Burdealx wyne statute for x d. the pynt. — Tr.) [Wyne.] 128 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1547. 11 July 1547. [Order by the GUBERNATOR : Prouest and bailleis of the burHi of Edinburgh we Lord Governor . _ . . as to proceed- greit jow hertHe wele : Forsamekle as we wrait to yow of befoir desyring yow Adam'Liddie ^° superseid all calling and preceding crymenalie aganis Adame Liddale, for for slaughter.] the slauchter of vmquhile William Quhit, quhil he wer habill to travell to tlie tolbuith without danger of his lif be his woundis ; at the desyre of the quliilkis writtingis ye haif supersedit the said Adame bot quhill Tyisday uixtocum ; Heirfor we exhort and prayis yow rycht effectuislie, and als requires and chargeis yow and siclik our Souerane Ladeis iustices iustice clerkis and thair deputis, that ye and thai desist and ceis fra all calling and proceding aganis the said Adame Liddall for the said slauchter vnto the last day of Julii instant, that in the meintyme it may be knawn quhither he de or mend of his woundis, ye takand sufficient cautioun and souertie that the said Adame sail nocht eschew nor be taken away be his freindis in the meintyme in hindering of justice, dischargeing yow the saidis provest and bailleis and our saidis our Soue- rane Ladeis iustice iustice clerkis and thair deputis all vtherwayis of all pro- ceding aganis the said Adame for the said slauchter, and of your and thair offices in that pairt respectiue be thir our letteres quhill the said day. Sub- scriuit with our hand and vnder our signet, at Linlythgow the xj day of JuUi, the yeir of God j" v'= and xlvii yeiris. Jambs G. 15 July 1547. [Pest] [In an act concerning the pest the Town Council ordain " officeris to visy thair quarters." — Tr.'\ 20 July 1547. Ime weying. It is statute and ordanit that all irne that beis inbrocht to this port of Leyth be brocht vp to the Ovir Trone and weyit thairat ia tyme cuming, vnder the payue of escheitt of the irne that beis fimdia weyit in Leyth or vthers pairts by the said trone. 23 July 1547. Schippg Item, it is statute and ordanit be the baillies and counsale that in all tymes cuming thair be na scliips enterit in thair bulks be the fermoreris with- out thair be ane balllle or ma thairat, and that the baHlies and counsale mak the pryces of thai guids to be enterit conform to the act of parliament. 1547.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 120 29 July 1547. The quhllk day, the j^rovest aud baillies sittand in jugement ordanis to Skipperk pas and charge William Logane, Robert Smalum, Jhonn Logane and William modekhig Rychartsone, skijiperis in Leith, to compeir befoir thame the Tewisday nixtto- °^ fraucht. cum to heir and se thair frauchting modefeit as efferis for the tyme of peas, conforme to the actis of thair frauclitingis laitlie maid and insert in the tovnis biiikis thairvpouu, with certificationn that quhither thay compeir or nocht thair fraiichtiugis wilbe modefeit, and that conforme to the tyme of peax opinly proclamit, and inhibitioun put to thame to resave mair fraucht nor is modefeit ; and siclike to warne Archibald Penycuke, Hans Andersoun, Walter Patersoun, Archibald Dawson, James Lychtman, Andrew Eobertsoun, GUbert Brovne, Nicolas Cavy, to the effect foirsaid, and to warne thame personalia gif they can be apprehendit, and failyeing tharrof be oppin proclamatioun on the scliore of Leith. 5 August 1547. It is statute- and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that the Auent the thesaurer, with Symon Prestoun fermorer, William Mureheid baillie, and cuming m^at* Alexander Adamesoun, according to the act of parliament maid vpoun the Leyth of making of pryces of guidis of the guidis that ar inbrocht to thair heavin of ' ° Leyth. incontinent after the entres gevin be the straynger of ony guidis inbrocht, mak pryces with the said straynger of the saidis guidis, and putt the samyn in inuentare, and produce the samyn afore the counsall, and that Henry Cranstoun, ane of the couusale for the craftis, and after him aue of the twa that beis yeirlie for the craftis on the counsale, be callit to the effect gif ony of the craftis hes ado with sic guidis as ar convenient for thame and beis inbrocht, and swa beand tlmt the haill guidis be offerit and sett to thame that biddis maist thairfore, attour the pryces maid, and the superplus and owercum be delyuerit to the thesaurer for the bigging and repairing of the commoun warks of the towne, and that the merchants and craftis be seruit efferand to it that thai haif ado with for the samyn excrescence and according to the pairt of the superplus that is sett vpoun the haiU, and na mair to be taikin fra thame, and this to be obseruit in tyme cuming be consent be the prouest baillies maist of the connsale, and of Henry Cranstoun, Henry Lillie, James Jhonestoun, comperand for the haill craftis be thir foresaidis per.souns or sic vthers honest persouns to ba namit thairto yeirlie in tyme cuming. B 130 EXTRACTS FEOM THE RECOEDS [1£47. of'thM'^'t'' ^^ presens of the prouest baillies and counsale sitlancl in jugement, Jlione act. Hammiltoun lies boclit all the merchandice and guidis pertenand till James Patersoun quhilk come hame in the schip of Alexander Low in the Vere callit tlie Jhone. payand tliairfore till the thesaurer of the towne, till he applyit till the commoim werkes, for the superplus of the said merchandice and guidis, the sowm of fourty crownis of wecht of the sone, and till the merchand that the guidis peitenis to, beand in the said schip, the pryces contenit in ane tikkett maid and specifeit be William Mureheid baillie, as the samyn proports, and for sikker and suir payment till be maid bayth to the said thesaurer for the said superplus and als the said merchand for the said merchandice, within the tei-me of sex daysnixt and immediatlie followand after the daitt heirof, the said Jhone Hammiltoun and Symoun Prestoun arbecumin souerteis coniunctlie and seuerallie but fraud or gyll. 7 October 1547. Breid mercatt. It is statute, etc, that in all tymes cuming, for the commoun weill of this Malt mercatt. Maltmen. burgh and all our Souerane Ladeis lieges resortand thairto, that the mercatt of beir and aittis he haldin in the rowme of the awld Fische Merkett, and siclyke that the merkett of the malt to be brocht on the merkett dayis'to the towne be owtland maltmen be haldin ahoue the Tolbuitli besyde the Meil Merkett, and als that na maner of maltmen dwellaud within this burgh by ony malt fra ony owtland maltman other within the towne or owtwith gTundin or vngrundin, vnder the i>ayne of x li. to be lane of the brekares of this statute, and the samyn applyit to the commoun weill. [Malt, Ale, (The ix fuilett.s grandin malt 3 li. 8 s. The aill 4 d. '' -I The 4 (.1. laif to wey 20 vnces, the strayngeis breid 24 vnce. That ilk baxter haif bot aue buith till sell his breid allanerly and his inerk to be putt on the samyn, and na breid [bot] 2 d. 4 d. vj d. and 8 d. — Tr.) 12 October 1547. Ports. Item, it is statute and ordainit be the baillies and counsale that the thesaurer pas and vesy the faltis of ports and wallis of the towne, and to re- forme the samyn incontinent, and big vp all slappis and interessis except the 1547.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 131 ports, and that tliair be twa porteris sett to ilk port of tlii'e ports, viz., the Nether Porta. Bow, West Port and Kirk of Feikl port, and the remanent of the ports to he stekit and closit ; and the said porteris remane continually at the said ports fra the oppining of thame, and that the wikket of the West Port stand oppin quhill sevin houris at evin, and the wikket of the Netherbow quhill viij hoiu-is, and the saidis wikkets oppinit at 6 houris in the morning ; and that thair be at euery port ane luge quhair the porter may sitt watterticht ; and that the greitt port be steikit fra 12 houris at none quhill ane after none, the wikket alwayes standand oppin ; and attour that the key is of the ports be delyuerit to the baiilie of that quarter to be in his keping fra the closing of the said ports to the oppining of thame in the morning. Item, it is statute and ordainit that the said porters be weill airmit with Porters, jak, steilbonet and halhert or Jedburgh stafe, and to fynd souerty that they sail nocht be absent fra the said ports bot remayne continually and dyne in thair lugeis, and that thai sail tak na estortiouns for the entrie and owtpassing of ony [tersoun, and gif the said porteris failyeis in ony wyse in thair office to be pvnist in thair persouns other be banist or prisonit at the discretiouu of the baillies and counsale. Item, it is statute and ordanit that thair be xij abill men chosin to watche Watche. nychtlie weill airmit with jak, steill bonet and halbert or Jedburgh staf, and thai to convene at the Croce and enter to the watches at 8 houris at evin and re- mayne quhill the oppining of the ports, and that thair be twa chairget thair nycht about to chek the said watches, and gif ony of the said watches beis fundin absent slepand or drinkand during the said tyme to be pvnist as the said prouest baillies and counsale thinks expedient ; and that the said watches apprehend all misdoares. idill men or men that lies na maister, and putt thame in prisone quhill the counsale may avyse of thair pvnition, and that the saidis watches trubill nor cummer na trew man or woman vnder the payne of deid. 3 January 1547-8. It is statute and ordanit be the baillies and counsale and thocht expedient w.atihe. be thame that thair be nychtlie fra tliine furth ane watche, and the baiilie that wakis to caus warne swa mony per.sonis of his quarter as he pleissis for that 132 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1517-8. Watche. Vpbringing of strayngeris guidis. [Malt, ale.] Stablers. Watche. Ports. nycht to watclie be thame selffis or vther sufBcient persouns in thair names and behalf, sufficientli(; bodiu with wappouns, and to convene nychtlie in the tol- buith at 8 houris at evin vnder the pane of xl s. The baillies and counsale ordanis George Gordoun to cart and bring vp his guids inbrocht be the schip callit the Fleying Hairt and contenit thau-in, on his espenssis, to this burgh, except apillis wynes and vnyeouns, and that he sell the samyn vpbrocht guids to the fremen of the towne conforme to the pryces maid thairvpoun, and the .saidis aipillis wynes and vnyeouns on the schip boddum and scliorc of Leyth to the fremen of thLs towne siclyke. 1 February 1547-8. (Tlie ix furletts malt 1 s. Aill v d. the qiiait. In the end of a convict hmk.—Tr.) 8 February 1547-8. (Staiblers to sell thair aitts for 6 d. tbe pek. — Tr.) 17 February 1547-8. (Auent watches as iu this last act [3d January 1547] with additioun gif the nychtbouris failye, to pay to the officeris of that quarter xij d. to furneis ane man to watche in thair place that nycht vnder the payne of xl s. And the keyis of the portis to be delyuerit to the baillies of the quarter fra the closing quMll opinning, and the baillies namet.) 13 Blarch 1547-8. Selling of the It is Statute and ordanit, etc., that na maner of taverners nor vthers wynes. within this burgh sell ony of the new wynes laitlie cumin in the Fraynsche schips quhili viij dayes be run, and fra thine furth the samyn new wynes and awld wynes be sawld for xiiij d. the pynt, vnder the pane of x li. vnforgevin. 22 llarch 1547-8. For making In preseus of the prouest baillies and counsale, comperit Lucas Otow Leyth*° "^^ '" merchant, of the schip callit Sanct Bartilmo, and become in the townis will anent the breking of the statutes of the towne, and of the chairge gevin to him be the baillies commandand him to bring vp his haill guidis diy wairis and 1547-8.] OF THE BURGH OF EDmBTJRGH. 133 all vtlier staipill guidis to this burgli, and nother to brek bowke nor to niak For making mercliandice nor blok tliairof in Leyth qidiill it first come to the towne, becaus Le^^. he confessit the blok making and selling of his battery in the said towne of Leyth or that he come to this burgh, and that his marrow delyuerit ane pece vcluott to James Barroun, and the said James Barroun is become souerty for fulfilling of the said will quhen the guid towne pleissis to declair the samyn. butter, kc] 8 April 1548. It is statute and ordanit, etc., that all maner of persouns bringares of [SeUing of^ butter cheis eggis or sic stufe to this burgh to sell, that thai present thair haill stufe to the mercat, and putt nane thairof in houssis nor in vther priuate places, vnder the payne of escheitt of the stufe that beis apprehendit nocht brocht to the mercat and sawld oppinly thair as said is ; and siclyke that na maner of regratoui-is huksters by ony stufe as said is in houssis or vther priuate places or it be presentit to the mercatt, vnder the payne of balding of thame that failyeis iu warde be the space of xlviij homis, and for the nixt fait put- ting of thair persouns in the irnis at the Croce be the space of 4 houris, and the thrid fait banesing of the towne. -'to 19 April 1548. It is statute, etc., for certane consideratiouns moving thame, that na Artailyery. maner of persouns dwelland within the said burgh that can handill and schute ony maner of artailyery pas f urth of the said burgh without licence of the saidis provest and baillies vnder the payne of escheitt of thair moveabill guidis, and neuir to half regres within the said towne in tyme cuming. 4 May 1548. The said Lucas [vide act, dated 22d March 1547] vnlawet in 40 s. Merchandice in Leith. 14 June 1548. It is devysit be the provest baillies and counsale and thocht expedient Watche. that thair be daylie ane watche in day fra 4 houris in the morning to 8 liouris at evin of xxiiij men, xij thairof to be at the Nether Bow and vj to the Kirk of Feild port, and the vthers to the West Port, and ordanis swa mony 134 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1548. Watche. honest nychtbouris burgessis craftismen and vthers of the towne, begynnand at the sowtheist quarter and thairafter round about, to be wairiiit be the officeris to enter at the said hour be thame selffis or ane sufficient man weill bodin in feir of weir with jak and halbart for thame ; certefeand sic persouns as beis wairnit and comjieris nocht at the said hour ilk persoun to pay v s. and to be poyncUt thairfor ; and thairafter ordanis the porteris nocht to opin the ports in tyme cuming quhill the watche be sett. Wyne. [Breid, aitts.] Eaillies. Breid to the army be the baxters. 20 June 1548. It is statute and ordanit that all taverneris and vtheris ventares of wyne within tliis burgh sell thair wynes, viz. , clarett and quhyte wynes commonly for xij d. the pynt, vnder the payne of escheitt of the pvncheoun that is rynnand, and siclyke that na persouns ventares of wyne by ony siclyke wynes to be eawld agane bot sic as thai may sell the same for xij d. the pynt, vnder the payne of v li. — (lu tLe convict buLk end. — Tr.) (The 4 d. laif 22 vnce, strayngers breid 26 vnce. paice. Aitts 8d. tlie pek. — Tr.) 21 June 1548. Hnkstares to keip the same The prouest sittand in jugement ordanis that euery baillie of this towne pas throw the same his day about and se gif the statutes be kepit in all poynts anent vjne breid oattes hay candill and i^ultre, conform to the statutes. — (In the convict bulk end. — Tj:) 28 June 1548. In presens of my Lord Dunkeld, my Lord Kothes, Galloway, my Lord Dun- fermling and my Lord Setoun, and als in presens of the prouest baillies and coun- sale, the baxters of Ihis burgh consentit to furneis vj m breid in the day to the camp, and that as the paice beis gevin to thame be the counsale of tins burgh, and quhateuir the paice beis the fyf t pairt thairof to be defalket, and that to be for the carriages, and the carriage of this breid to be furnist be the prouest and Robert Hathwy ; and twa commissaris to be direct to convoy the said breid to the campt, and gif it beis reft be the way my Lord Thesaurer to ansuer thairfore, 1548.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBUEGH. 135 and thai twa commissaris to caus it be resauet and delyuer the money thair- Breid to the fore, and gif ony of the said bieid beis nocht of the paice to be gevin be the '^^J^'; ""^ counsale, that haill burding to be escheitt to the said provest and Kobeit Hathwy, and on Sonday agane viij hours the breid and hors to be reddy to carry the samyn. and that the said provest and Robert Hathwy haif ij'^ crownis avanceit to tharae aforehand ; and thairefter the saidis provest baiUies and counsale beand avysit, ordanis the saidis baxters to mak thair bieid. and that the iij d. laif to wey xv vnce, and ordanis that than- suld be na rther breid sawld quhill the returning of the army — (lu the convict buik end. — Tr.) 5 July 1548. We do yow to wit : Forswamekill as the provest and baillies of this burgh Prodamatio. ar suirlie informit and knawes that the baxters of this burgh has ane greitt Breid to the nunimer of breid baikin quhaivwitb the army sukl haif bene furnist, quha campt. refusis to resaue the samyn, thairfore I command and chairge that all owtland baxters bring na maner of breid to the merkatt withia this burgh nor sell nane within the samyn, vnto the tyme that tlu-e dayes be gane, that the saidis baxters of this burgh putt of thair breid now baildn ; and ordanis the saidis baxters of this burgh sell thair breid conform to the statutes thairof. 6 July 1548. (Vnlawes of the maltmen vli., aill xl s., quliilk is statute to be tane by the [Maltmen, vn- Burrow vnlaw. — In ane convict buik. — Tr.) 25 July 1548. Die vigesimo quinto mensis Julii anno Domini 1™ V^ xlviii", indictione ^^° '^altero sexta, pontificatus domini Pauli pape tercii anno xiiii'" : In mei notarii publici rina Young, et testiuni subscriptorum presencia pcrsonaliter constituti providi viri Walterus Hennco Wat- ... . . son, et Joneta Y oung tutor legitimus ut asseruit Katerme 1 oung pro se et nomine dicte Henryson. Katerine ab vna, et Henricus Watson pro se et nomine Jonete Henrison eius sponse ab altera, concordarunt penes subscripta bona prout sequitur in vulgari, videlicet: — [On tlie twenty-fifth day of tlie month of July, in the year of oui- Lord one thousand five hundred and forty-eight, in the sixth indiction, the fourteenth year of the pontificate of Pope Paul the Third : In presence of me notary public and 136 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1548. Pro Waltero witnesses underwritten, personally appeared honourable men, Walter Young, tutor- rina Young at-law, as he asserted, of Katherinc Young, for himself and in name of the said Henrico Wat- Katherine, on the one part, and Henry Watson for himself and in name of Jonet HeniTson. Henrison, his spouse, on the other part, and agreed concerning the underwritten goods as follows in the common tongue, namely : — ] The said Walter Young, tutor forsaid for himself and in name and behalf of the said Katerine his pupill, uammit and chesit Jhone Hart induellar of the Canogate besyde Edinburgli, and Thomas Boyis baxtar and burges of Edin- burgh, for thaim on that ane part, and the said Henry Watson for himself and the said Jonet his spous, nemmit and chesit James Brown of the West Port, and Mychaell Henrison baxter, burgessis of Edinburgh, for thaim on the vther part, to apprise the arschip gudis wnderwrittin pertenyng to the said Katrine threw the deceis of vmquhill Jhone Young hir fader, now presentlie beying in the saidis Henry and Jonet handis and possessioun. Quhilkis personis and appresarris for- saidis respectiue with consent of baith the saidis parteis wer sworn in thar pre- sens to lelyle and trewlie apprise the samyn gudis, and the parteis inlykwys to abyde thairatt and appresit the samyn as foUowis : In the fyrst ane gray hors to X merkis, ane blak bonet lynit with taffytye, and ane pair* of blak hoys to xvi s., ane blak Spanye cloyk of France blak to iiii libris, ane schort coitt of Inglis grene to x s., ane dowblott of blak fustane to xii s., ane sark v s., ane lynnyng burdclath and ane towell, iii s. vi d., ane buyrd and form stule and rowndale xlviii s., ane langsadiil v s., ane irne chymnay with i-akkis cruke tangis and speitt xlvs.,ane stand bed with bowster schcittis blankettis cod couerlet and rufe Hi s., ilk pund wecht of the best brasin pott gardyng chandlar and pan to xv d., ilk pund wecht of tin of the best chargeour seruice plaite conterfutt dysche trunscheour quart pynte and chopyn stowpis of tyn to xx d., the best kyst to xvi d., ane meit almarye to xiiii s., ii tubbis xii d., ane bathsket with windinclaith syf ryddill sek and peyk x s., ane harro sled hemmis and carsadill iiii s., ane ryddyng sadiU and ane laid sadill to xx s., ane irne graip and ferlott viis., ane flesche fatt ane qnheill and ane pair of cardis to vs. And thairefter the said Walter Young protestit in name and behalf forsaid that the said apprysing hurt nocht nor did na pi'eiudice to the said Katerine and him iucais thai mycht preif ony mair airschip gudis quhilk audit to per- tene to the said Katerine threw hir said faderis deceis or yit vther better 1548.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 137 arschip gudis than the forsaidis giulis abon appresit, bott that thai mycht call P/o Waitero tbairfore tyme and place competent as law will. And thairefter the said Henry rina Young, for himself and the said Jonet his spous offerit liim than presentlie reddye Hennco Wat- .... . . son, et Joneta to deliuer the saidis arschip gudis abon appresit to the said Walter tutor Henryson. forsaid he fyndand him sufficient cautioun thairfore that in cais ony skaith or danger hapinit tharthrew in tyme cumyng that the samyn be imputt to the said Walter and nocht to him or his said spoils, or that thai be nocht oblist to ansuer thairfore fra this tyme furth. Super quibus dictus Walterns et Henricus nominibus quibus supra hinc inde petiierunt a me notario instru- mentnm. Acta infra locum habitationis dicti Henrici situatum extra portam occidentalem burgi de Edinburgh in suburbanis eiusdem horam circiter xii in meridie anno ut supra : Testibus Joanne Henryson, Alexandre Mason, et magistro Thoma Young notario publico. [Upon which the said Walter and Henry, in the names foresaid re.spectively, asked from me a notarial instrument. Done within the dwelling-house of the said Henry, situated without the Westport, of the burgh of Edinburgh, in the suburbs of the same, about the twelfth hour of noon, in the foresaid year. Witnesses, John Henrison, Alexander Mason, and Mr Thomas Young, notary public] J. Stewinson. 5 August 1548. Die quinto mensis August! anno Domini j" v'^ xl octauo, indictione sexta, pm Roberto pontificatus domini Pauli pape tertii anno xiiii'" : In mei notarii publici et M^iuUe, Lau- testium subscriptorum presencia personal iter constituti prouidi ^dri Laurenlius Angustino de Ovile et Augustinus Polleciar mercatores Francie, insequentes pro tempore ^"'^"^"'0^° ia exercitum Gallorum contra Anglos in partibus Scotie, mihi notario publico subscripto nationis Scotie sermonem Gallicanam intelligenti exposuerunt et attestabantur, verbis gallicis prout sequitur in effectu, quod secundo die mensis instautis Augusti, horas inter nonam et decimam a meredie, motis et excitatis contcntionibus ac verbis rixosis infra domum prouidi viri Eoberti Mailvile burgensis burgi de Edinburgh in Scotia, inter quondam Joanne de Schane, gallum, natum in ciuitate Lugdunensi situatum super riuo nuncupato Eon in Francia, et Joannem de Cargyllyng, etiam gallum natum in ciuitate vocata le Schevyng jacente in Britannia infra Galliam et episcopatum diui Pauli, dictum Cargyllyng petiisse a dicto Schane decern solidos monete Gallicane per eum s 138 EXTEACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1548. Pro Roberto ut asscruit eidem debitos, cui dictus Schane respondens dixit se nihil eideai Maluile, Lau- i i -^ . i . • i i ■ i i ■ • j i rentiodeOviie, c'euere : Itaque ea occasione verbis inter eosdem vitro citroque nabitis tandem Augustino dictum Cargyllyng ajiprehenso candelabro existente super tabula prefati eorum coliegis. Eoberti idem in dictum Joannem de Schane proucisse quod fortuitu cicidit super dictum Robertum quo viso dictus Schane simul atque dictus Eobertus huiusmodi ictum accepit candela tunc extincta pugionem suum nudum eduxit domumque dicti Eoberti egrediens ilHco reuertebatur ad eiusdem cubicuhim in eadem apprehenso per ipsum in sua manu vocato sermone scoticana ane jedwart stajf gallice ane Jefflyng exclamans verbis gallicis in effectu quis est qui me vult : Cui prefatus Schane simulatque huiusmodi verba audiuit euse et pugione suis evaginatis irrumpebat in dictum Cargyllyng (auimo ut astantibus consta- bat) eundem percutiendi : Itaque dum hec agerentur alius nomine Joannes Barron raercator et gallus se inter dictos Schaae et Cargyllyng ne invicem vulnera infligerent immiscuit: Interea prefatus Schane existimans se percussurum dicto Cargyllyng prefatum Joannem Barron ictu sui gladii mortifico percussit letaleque vulnerans eidem inpigit quo expiravit : Certifi- cantes vlterius dictus Lam-entius de O^ale et Augustinus Polliciar prefatum Eobertum Malvile Scotum eorundem hospitem pro temjjore, omnino innocentem ac inculpabilem dicti homicidii ac omnem suam curam et diligentiam adhibuisse ad idem impedientem chctum quod Barron horam circiter vndecimam noctis sub silentio, antequam supremum vite habitum emisisset sue mentis compotentis existentem prefatum Eobertum sue mortis ac vuhieris concorditer prorsus innocentem declarasse, prout similiter Joannes Schavage capitaneus cuiusdam navis regis gallorum ut asseruit, Joannes de Poschye mercator, et Duncanus Hoge, dictum Eobertum innocentem ut supra attestabantur, ac eundem de- functum ut premittitur dicta hora idem declarasse, necnon Laurentium de Ovile et Augustinum Polliciar similiter innocentes dicte sue mortis attestabautm- et defunctum idem declarasse, ac dictum Joannem de Schane sibi vulnus lethale predictum incussisse, cui veniam sue mortis vive vocis oraculo donauit, ac [non] prefato Cargyllyng. Super quibus prefatus Eobertus Laureutius, Augustinus, Joannes de Cargylling, et Joannes de Mywn nomine et ex parte dicti Joannia Schane petiierunt hiucinde respectiue instrumcntum. Acta infra domum habitationis dicti Eoberti, situatum in burgo Edinburgeusi, horam cu'citer primam post meridiem anno ut supra : Testibus domino Dauid Lawson sacel- 1548.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBFRGH. 139 lano Scoto sermoneni g.allicanara intelligenti, Joanne Scliavage, Joanne Mason, Pro Roberto mercatori, Aurelense, Mertyno Barra, Sebastiano Mynnett, Joanne Poschye, reutiodeOviie, et Duncano Hoge Gallis. J. Stewinson. r^ugustmo ° Polliciar ac eorum collegia. [On the fifth day of the month of Atigust, in the year of oui- Lord one thousand five hundred and forty-eight, the sixth indiction, tlie fourteenth year of the jjontiiicate of our lord Pope Paul the Third : In presence of me notai-y public and witnesses, under- written personally appeared honest men, Laurence of Ovile, and Augustine Polleciar, French merchants in the train of the French army against the English now in Scotland, and set furtli and certified in French to me notary public subscribing of the Scotch nation understanding the French tongue, to the following effect, that on the second day of this present August, between nine and ten hours before noon, there arose disputes and opprobrious words within the house of an honest man, Robert Mailvile, burgess of the burgh of Edinburgh, in Scotland, between the deceased John of Schane, a Frenchman, born in the city of Lyons on the river Rhone in France, and John of Cargyllyng, also a Frenchman, born in the city called Schevyng, lying in Britanny within Fi'ance and the bishopi-ick of St Paul, the said Cargyllyng having asked from the said Schane, ten shillings of French money which he owed him, as he alleged, to which the said Schane answered that he owed him nothing : By reason of which words had between them on both sides, Cargyllyng seizing a candlestick on the table of the said Robert, threw it at the said John of Schane, but by chance it sti'uck Robert, which being seen both Schane and Robert struck one another, the candle being then extinguished, and Schane drawing his unsheathed dagger went out of the house of the said Robert and immediately returned to the said chamber, holding in his hand what is called " ane jedwart staff" and in French " ane jifflyng," shouting in French who " is he who dare follow me?" Which words the said Schane hearing, he drew his sword and dagger and iiished on the said Cargyllyng with the intention as appeared to the bystanders of wounding him : While these things were done a certain John Barron, a French merchant, lest Schane and Cargyllyng should wound themselves, threw himself between them. In the meantime the foresaid Schane, fearing to be wounded by the said Cargjdlyng, struck the said John Barron with his sword, by which he mortally wounded him, whereupon he expired ; moreover the said Laurence of Ovile, and Augustine Polleciar certified the said Robert Malvile Scotchman, their host for the time, to be innocent and not guilty of the said homicide, and that he used all his care and diligence to prevent the same ; and the said Ban-on about the eleventh hour at the dead of night, before he expired, 140 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1548. Pro Roberto Maluile Laii- rentiodeOvile, Augustino PoUiciar ac eorum collegis. [Anent actions depending before the town.] AsHyasis. Vplifting of pryssea. Huirding of talloun. being of sound mind, freely declared the said Robert to be innocent of his death and wound ; as likewise John Schavage, captain of a certain ship of the French king, as he alleged, John of Poschye, merchant, and Duncan Hog attested the said Robert to be innocent as aforesaid ; and as the said deceased had declared as aforesaid at the said hour, declared and attested also Laurence of Ovile and Augustine Polliciar like- wise innocent of his death ; and the said John of Schane to have inflicted on him the mortal wound, and not the said Cargyllynge. Whereupon the said Laurence, Augustine, John of Cargyllynge, and John of Mywn, in name and behalf of the said John Schane, asked respectively a note. Done in the house of the said Robert situated within the burgh of Edinburgh, about the first hour afternoon in the foresaid year. Witnesses, Su' David Lawson, chaplain, a Scotchman understanding the French tongue, John Scliavage, John Mason, merchant of Orleans, Martin Barra, Sebastian Mynnett, John Poschye, and Duncan Hoge, Frenchmen.] 15 October 1548. Item, that all maner of persouns indwellares within this towne and vthers that hes ony acticuns depending afoir the towne or to be persewit, that thai present thame thair claime.s and ■\i;her writtings that thai ar to produce that day before x hoiiris, and delyuer the samyn to the clerks in the burgli, certe- feand thame that dois nocht the samyn that thair claimes nor vther writtings sail nocht be resauet for that day. Item, becaus the prouest and bailHes hes bene euill seruit in tymes past quhen they had ado with assyssis or inqneists, and that the nychtbonris thairof refuissis to cum quhen thai wer chairgeit, thairfore it is statute that all sic persouns that ar wairnit to assyssis or inqueists be the officeris and refuissis to cum, that thai sail be poyndit for the vnlaw of sviij s., but favouris. The prouest baillies and covmsale ordanis Alexander Park, Frances Tennend, Eobert Hathwy, and Michaell Lochmylne, to pas after none to Leyth and visy the guidis inbrocht in the prysses bocht be Patrick Loch, and to mak pryces thairof with the said Patrik. Item, that nane of the flescheoures keip thair talloun of ony greitt quantitie to ly lang besyde thame, bot requirit and refusand to dispone and sell the same to Ije vsit and to serue the nychtbouris, thai to incur the said pane of escheitt of the stufe, v U. to the commoun werke and banesing. 1548.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 141 Item, that the said candilmakeris of thair awin consents by na kitchein CandUmakers. fie nor paynsche tawche in hurt of the occupatioun of cordiners in tynie cuming, vnder the said payne. Item, that quhatsumeuir persoun that happinis to awaitt vpoun canells TaUoun. talloun that is hocht within this burgh and had furth thairof be ony maner of persoun, that the samyn sail be escheitt and the apprehendare officiar thairof sail haif the samyn for his travell. That all persouns haiffand fiiilyie and middings in the hie gaitt and MiJdlngg, commoun streitts tak the samyn away betuix this and Setterday nixttocum with certificatioun and thai failyie the baillies will dispone thairvpoun and caus the samyn be careit away ; and siclyk that euery nychtbour on euery Setterday at evin mak clene foment thair awin hous bayth in the Hie gaitt and Kow- gaitt and vineUis, after the awld vse, for keping of the towne clene, vnder the pajTie of viij s. to be tane als oft as thai failyie. That na maner of wemen within this burgh speciallie the frute sellares be Bairdrie. fund on the hie gaitt flyting with vthers or with the officeris of the burgh or vsing of ony maner of baii-drie, certefeing thame that beis apprehendit that thai sail be putt in to the govis and thair haldin sex homis ; and ordanit the thesaurer to big the samyn govis to the efl'ect foresaid and for stancheing of vnhonesty and vther vyle tilings vsit be the frute sellares on the hie gaitt that the baillies provj'de sic convenient places for thame as they can devyse. That na maner of persouns ledares of burne tak the sam furth of the Bume wellis within this burgh hot to pas to the Loch and vthers convenient places quhair p^y^gi^gB thai vse ; and siclyke that na paynsches be weischein nor dycht at ony wallis hot dichting. priuatlie in houssis vnder the payne of pvnissing of thair persouns at the dis- cretioun of the provest baillies and counsale. October 1548. [Of this date an act was passed as to the price of ale in the same terms as the Ale. act in October 1546.] 142 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1548. Offering of guidis. Breking of bowlk. [Officers.] Vnfi'emeii tying. [Maltmen.] [Anent tavernors.] 2 November 1548. For.swamekill as thair is ane act of pai-liament maid for staynclieing of greit derth of guidis inbrocht be strayngeris and vthers to this port of Leyth, that the provest and baillies of Edinburgh suld mak pryces of all guidis as ar inbrocht at the said port bayth strayngeris and vtheris, thairfore it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that in tymes cuming all maner of persouns, inbringers of guidis at this port of Leyth pryse guidis or vthers after thai enter thair guidis in the towuis buikis that thai offer the samyn to the towne to mak pryces of, and nocht to brek bowlk of the samyn vntu the time the samyn be done, vnder the paynes bayth oontenit in the saidis acts of parliament and townis priueleges of Edinburgh. Patrick Loch become in will for his fait in hurting the townis priuelegeis, in hying of certane pryssis and brekmg bowlk thairof, laitlie tayne be James Litster and his company in weir. 3 November 1548. (Oificeris lies during the pest, and that tliai mak na warning to the tolbuith and of ansuering thame of bowets and candills. — Convict bulk end. — Tr.) 7 November 1548. It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that na vn- fremen dwelland within this burgh or ovvtwith the samyn by on mercat dayes or vthers within this burgh ony maner of hyde woll skyn or siclyke merchan- dice, except it be fra fremen and burgessis of the said burgh, vnder the payne of escheitt of the stufe that beis apprehendit bocht as said is, the twa pairt thairof to the commoun guid, and the thrid to the apprehendare. — (In the con- vict buik end. — j^V.) 20 and 21 November 1548. (The aytbis of maltmen tane gif thai brak the statutes or nocht. — Tr.) 21 November l.')48. That na maner of persoun hald opi)in tavern hot thai that ar burgessis and gild brether and payis thair dewty to St Anthones altare, and for obser- 1548.] OP THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 143 uiiig heirof ordanis all the haillies, or ony tw ox- sloppis in the vtlier lionest men of the burgh, at the requeist of Mare, Drowiar and "Regent of park dike. ^^j^jg j-grjiQ^^ moder to our Souerane Lady the Quenis grace, comperand be my lord of Dunfermeling and Sir Johnne Campbell of Lauder knycht hir gracis maister houshald, consentit to big on thair expens the haill sloppis in the park dike circulit about Arthour Sett, Salisborie and DutUngstoun Craggis, vnder protestatioun that the samin preiugit nocht thame anent the calsay stanis quhilk thai wer in vs to gett furth of the saidis cragis quhen thai had ado thairwith. Villa, The provest baiUies and counsale sittand in jugement anent the supplica- yn oaris. ^Jquu gevin in be Maister James Watsoun, makand mentioun that quhair befoir the Feist of Yule lastbypast the maist pairt of the paintouris craftismen of this burgh being furth of the samin in Hammiltoun in the Gouernoris seruice with licence of my Lord of Dunfermeling, causit Dauid Werkman cum to the samin burgh and payntit the haill rufe of the said Maister James hous and laitlie within thir viij dayislastbipast causit the said Dauid as of befoir, with tollerance of the said Abbot Dunfermling, to cum to this burgh for perfiting and ending of the syd wallis of his said hous and causit him enter thairto ; and vpoun WecUns- day lastbipast quhen the said Dauid wes payntand the said Maister James hous traisting na harme trubill nor impediment to haif bene done to him thairin, nochttheles Johnne Cunynghame dekyn of the wrychtis, Dauid Grahame masoun, Walter Bynnyng jjaintour, with thair complicis without ony maner of commissioun powar or autorite of the prouest and baillies of this burgh come to the said Maister James hous and thair maisterfulle and on force be way of deid tuke the said Dauidis haill warklomis and wes bringand thame away with thame togidder with the said Dauid to haif as the said Maister James belevit impresonit his body quhilk thai had nocht failyeit to haif done in cais he had nocht chansit to cum in in the menetyme and efter his cuming stoppit thame thairin, for the quhilk thai gif the said Maister James 1554.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 195 diners and sindry iniurius wounddis and said plainlie thai suld cum with foir ViUa. hammeris and strik vp the durris of his hous and tak him perforce fm-th of *^ °"™' the samin in hie contemption of all auctorite and lawis, as at mail- lenth is contenit in the said supplicatioiin, quhilk being red in presens of the saidis pro- uest and baiilies, baytli the partes referrit thame to the declaratioun of the said Dauid Werkman, quliilkis jugis being riplie auisit with his declaratioun fand the narratiouu foirsaid of verite and thau'for decernitt that the saidis persouis had failyeit and done wrang thairintdl and assignis this day viij dayis to modife ana amendis for wrang done to the saidis provest and baiilies and to the said Maister James. 27 June 1554. The baiilies counsale and dekinnis sittand in jugement ordanis the the- Precept of the saurar Robert Grahame to content and pay to the maister of wark of the makar pi^'^„p]^ce of the playing place the sowme of xxiiij li. for compleiting thairof. 6 Julij 1554. The prouest baiilies and counsale ordanis the thesaurer Robert Grahame Precept. to content and pay to the xxiiij men that keipit the tolbuith stair on the twa dayis bygane the sowme of v li. ; and siclik ordanis to pay to James Farsyde tavernar of the dayis bygane x s. The prouest baiilies and counsale ordanis the thesaurer to mak ane Anent the clows at the eist end of the north loch for balding in of the watter thairof. '^^o^^ loc*'' The prouest baiilies and counsale sittand in jugement, findis that the ADent choppis. choppis higgit on the hie gait outwith the sydwallis of the foudandis of this burgh brynt is the occasioim and caus of stopping of the samjTi foirlandis to be biggit, and for that caus and diners vther caussis ordanis all the saidis choppis to be removit at Mertymes nixttocum and that nane be biggit in tyme cummyng. (xx Augusti 1554. Proclamat apud crucem foralem, ac per sonum cam- pane in toto biii-go. King.) 20 July 1554. The prouest baiilies and counsale findis be the fundatioun and als be con- Anent the sent of Sir Henry Loch sacristane of Sanct Gelis queir that the said Sir aucht "^ '■^' 196 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1554. Anent the beUis. [Protestatio,] Young anent St Giles' Church.] Protest. Maister of Werk, play field. Mansioun. ViUa. to find and serue the .said kirk at all tymes neidfull lyoht of fyre and waiter to serue all the chaplauLs of tlie kirk and als to find stringis to all the bellis in- with the stepill, and siclik to watter and sowp the queir euery vlk anis ; and als anent the ringing of the bellis decernis, with consent of the said 8ir Henry, that in all tymes cummyng the grete bellis be nocht ronng fra tea houris at evin qaliill v houris in the mornyng ; and that he haif alanerlie for the xxiiij houris ringing vj s. viij d. without ony vther dewite and that the dewite of the thre bellis and deid bell be vsit of the auld vs. The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Johne Young askit instrumentis that Sir Henry Loch consentit and wes content to tyne his benefice of sacristane in Sanct GeUs Kirk in cais ony dosane of chaplanis of S'anct Gelis Kirk wald preif the kirk wantit fyre and watter in his dcfalt. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesairrar Eobert Grahame to pay to the maister of werk the sowm of xlij li. xiij s. iiij d. makand in the hale the sowm of ane hundreth merkis and that to complete the play field now biggand in the Grenesid. The provest baillies and counsale and dekynnis of crattis, vnderstandand that Andro Mansioun quha wes wrycht to the bigging of the stallis of the queir hes done his vtir devore and deligence thairin and hes completit the •samyn honestlie and substantiouslie and thair wes ane honest reward promist to him for his bontath and reward thairof ; thairfor the saidis prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis hes gevin and grantit and be the tenour heirof gevis and grantis to the said Andro and his assignais ane or ma ane yeirlie pensioun of ten merkis vsuall money of this realm tobe payit to him and tham be the dene of gild of this burgh for the tyme as ¥S is for the space of ten yeris nixt heir- efter begynnand the nixt termes payment at Mertymes nixt tecum, or ay and quhill the saidis prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis within the saidis ten yeris gif freilie to ane of the said Androis sonis or ony vther quhome to he sail pleis the samyn be gevin to ane benefice of ane lawit patronage of the yeirlie rent of ten pundis at the leist, or gif it salhappin sic ane benefice to vaik with- in the saidis x yeii'is and thairefter tobe oflFerit to the said Androis .sone or to himself tobe gevin to ane vther of hi.s chesing and refus the samyn he and his assignais foirsaidis to tyne his said pensioun and the samyn to expyre in 1554.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 197 the self ; and gif it salliappin the said Andro and his assignais tobe ansuerit of Mansioim. the said pensioun for the said space of x yeris he and thai than to renunce the samyn and frathinfurth nocht tobe ansuerit thairof nor yit na benefice to be gevin to his sone nor ony vtheris as said is, and als the said Andro acceptand the premissis for his reward and bontath as said is oblist him to serue the towne of Edinburgh in all thair commoun effaris and commoun werkis bayth in the towne kirk and vther placis on the townis expens, and gif ony small fait happynnis tobe in the werk of the said queir he to mend the samyn on his expens. 18 Aiigust 1554. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurer Robert Giaham Anentthe i'iir-111 r P^^y^^o place. to content and pay to the werkmen that completit the play feud the sowme of xxxiiij li. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurer Robert Graham to Precept, content and pay the xij menstralis that past afoir the convoy and the jjlaaris on Sonday last bypast xl s. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurer to furnis vj geistis Precept, and twa dosane dalis to the bigging of the sang scule ; and ordanis the dene of gild to mak the expensis on the geisting fluring and dure thairof. [September 1554.] It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that in all Anent the tymes cummyng gif thair be ony of the counsale absent quhen thair requiris ony voting that thair be sum vther chosin in his place to voit for that day and that tyme. The prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement findis that Sir vma, Robert Carnegy of Kynnand knycht aucht to be payit of the rest of the allegit '^^''"^sy- iiij' li. promittit to him be the prouest for the tyme for the doungetting of the xij deneris in France, the said Robert produceand and bringand hame the sufficient confermatiouu of the said doungetting of the saidis xij deneris con- form to the auld priuilege thairof. 198 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1554. Wrychtia, Villa. Tennand, Villa. 20 September 1554. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis in all tymes cummyng quhen ony schippis arry vis at this port of Leyth ladynnit with tymmer that thair be ana pairt thairof delyuerit of the townis price to the brethir of wrychtis and cowparis of this burgh be thair maister of wark for the tyme that thai may wirk the samyn, the biggaris within the biirgh for the tyme being seruit with thame of the said price. 28 September 1554. In preseus of the prouest baillies counsale and assissouris Francis Tennand, beand removit be tham and finding that he audit nocht to remane the tyme of chesing of the counsale nor littis becaus he wes nocht ane of the nowmer of the counsale nochtwithstanding that he allegit that he had bene prouest and suld nocht be remoififit, askit instrumentis that the saichs prouest baillies and coun- sale fand and declarit he wes removit for the caus foirsaid and for na offence that he evir did to the gude towne. [Acts anent breaJ, etc.] Batificatioun of certane statutis. 9 October 1554. [Of this date acts were passed relative to " breid," ' " cantlill," " stabillaris, aittis, hay," " middingis," " swyne,' terms similar to those of October 1551, 1552, and 1553.] malt," "aill," "meill," and " vagaboundis," in The i^rouest baillies and counsale ratifiis and approuis the statutis maid the vij day of October 1553 anent flescheouris, walkaris, butter, eggis, cheis, swyne, regratouris, standis on the gait, powltre, walpinnis in buithis, in the samyn forme as yai ar maid in all poyntis and ordains the samyn tube keippit, vnder the panis contenit thairin. Precept. Byimyng. 12 October 1554. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Robert Grahame to content and pay to Walter Bynnyng the sowme of v li. for the making of the play graith and paynting of the handsenyc and the playaris facis ; providand alwys that the said Walter mak the play geir vnderwrittin furth- cumand to the town quhen thai haif ado thairwith, quhilkis he hes now 1554.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 199 ressauit, viz., viij play hattis, ane kingis crowne, ane myter, ane fulis hude, ane Precept, septour, ane pair angell wyngis, twa angell hair, ane chaplet of tryvmphe. y^y"g- 19 October 1554. We do yow to wit : Forsamekle as our Souerane Ladeia moder and Regent Wappinschaw- of hir realm lies direct letteres to the provest and baillies of this burgh chairg- '"=' "' ing thame incontinent efter the sycht thairof that thai sett and proclame wap- pinschawingis to be haid within thair awin boundis and prefix and lymite ane convenient place within thair said burgh and jurisdictioun thairof within xl dayis nixt efter the presenting of the saidis letteres, efter the forme and tennour of the act of parliament maid thairupoun and vnder the panis contenit in the samyn ; and siclik that thai efter the wappinschawing proclame of new agane new wappinschawingis to be hakUn in maner foirsaid \i30un the premvni- tioun of XX dayis and fratliinfurth yeirlie twis in the yeir, as at mair lenth is contenit in the saidis letteres direct to the saidis prouest and baillies thairupoun ; Quhairfoir it is deuisit and thocht expedient be the saidis provest and baillies that ane wappinschawmg of the nychtbourhis of this burgh be maid the secund day of December nixt tocum at x houris befou- none vpoun the Borrow mure besyde the Sisteris of the Senis ; Thairfoir I command and charge in our Souerane Ladeis name and in name of hir Graceis moder quene and regent of this realme that all and syndry the inhabitaris of tliis burgh burgessis mer- chandis craftismen and vtheris faill nocht to cum the said day and place with thair armour and wappinnis to mak thair wappinschawing in thaii- best array in feir of weir conforme to the said act of parliament, vnder the pane of xl s. to be tane of ilk persone that failyeis heirin. The quhilk day, it is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies and coun- Anent sale : Forsamekle as the provest baillies and counsale vnderstandis that dyueris tymes bygane thair hes bene dyueris and syndry evill gevin personis dispittaris and dispeisaris of the jugis of the burgh and vtheris thair nychtburis that hes contrar the common lawis maid ballattis of defamatioun blasflematioun and detractioun and leif the samyn in secrete placis in writt patent to the commoun pepill quhairby dyueris personis honest men hes suspeckit vtheris be presump- 200 EXTEACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1554. Anent baJlettis. Officiaris, ViUa. Anent flesch- eouris. Proclamat, XX Octobris. Anent standis on the gait and stapill gudis. tioun and thairby hes maid discord alwayis the makaris thaii'of nocht beand kuawaud ; quhairfoir it is statute aud ordanit be the saidis prouest baillies and counsale that in tyme cuming na mauer of persone of quhatsumeuer degre he be of tak vpoiiu hand to mak ouey sic ballettis as said is ather prevatUe or oppinlie vnder the paneis contenit in the commoun hiw, certifiing all sic per- sonis that hes maid oney in tymcs bygane that the jugis sail mak deligence for getting of iuquisitioun thairof and that thai salbe pvnist conforme to the saidis law. The quhilk day, the provest baillies counsale and dekinnis of craftis vnderstandand that ibr the commoun weill of tliis burgh our Souerane Ladeis legeis reparand thairto, and for gud obseruing and keipping of the statutis of this burgh and punnesing of the braikaris thairof, neidfuU it is that thair be eleckit and chosin foure seriandis by the aucht seriandis now beand for the tyme for the space of ane yeir allanerlie and thai foure to half thair feis and be parti- cipant with the vtheris viij oflSceris all vtheris dewteis. Item, it is statute and ordanit becaus the Quenis grace and lordis of secrete counsale hes proclamat ane statute and ordinance twichiug the prices of flesche and hes commandit the provost and baillies of this burgh to caus the samyn be obseruit and keippit vnder the pane of tinsale of thair office and vtheris panis contenit thairin ; quhau'foir I warne all sic persouis as ar flescheouris that thai obay and keip the said statute after the tennour thairof, certifiand thame gif thai be fund culpabiU thairin or braikand the samyn that the saidis prouest and baiUies sail put and delyuer thame in the handis of the justice to be punist as oppressouris conforme to the said statute and lawis of the realm. It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that na maner of standis nor crames be set on the hie gait or in the buth duris or com- moun passageis in oney day of the vlk except on the Monunday alanerlie, and on the Monunday that thair be na standis on the hiegait with palyonis or coueringis aboun thame bot the cramis that salbe sett tobe ane burd on twa laych trestis without ouey couering aboun except gif it be weyt thai to couer thair gudis with ane plat couering vpoun the samyn ; and that thair be na sic gudis as followis sauld on the saidis cramis, viz. : — Franche clayth, Inglis 1554.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 201 clayth, Flanderis clayth, nor na hewit Scottis braid clayth except lynnyngis, na Anent standis silkis, worsattis, bunbaseyis, fustianis, canves, biikrem, Franche bonettis, Franche ^JJ^, H,^ hattis, all kyiid of spycery, comfettis, chamlettis, Holland claytb, serge, sewin gudis. silk, sewin gold, and siluer sayis, mader, irne, lint, hempt, walx, ais, pik and ter, battery, saip, steill, allum, Spanye skynnis and Burdeolis nor vther skynnis, nor na siclik stapill gudis, vnder the pane of viij s. for the first fait and fra- thinfurth eschete of sic stufe. Item, forsamekle as it is havyle mvrmurit be the commone pepill that the Anent the mesouris mettis and wechtis of this biii-gh, sik as eluandis stane wechtis pund JJJgg*\^^" wechtis and sic vther wechtis stowppis and vther mesouris, ar vniust, thairfor the prouest and baillies certifiis all nychtbouris that vs mettis wechtis or mesouris that thai will tak inquisitioun thairof, and quhair thair beis appre- hendit sic vniust fals mettis mesouris or wechtis that the awneris thairof salbe pvnist with all regour conform to the commone law. The provest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement anent the chesing Anent the and electing of the foure seriandis for ane yeir tocum conforme to the act maid ggriandiiT yesterday thairupoun, callit all personis that desirit tobe electit in the said ofSce, and thairefter compeirit Maister Alexander Logy, William Curie, William Nicoll, Kobert Scot, Patrik Barroun, Alane Purves, George Gourlaw and George Cranstoun, quhilkis viij personis beand thocht reasonabill to be electit to the said office the saidis provest baillies and counsale causit call the dekynnis of craftis to gif thair wottis in the chesing of foure of the saidis viij personis quha compeirand James Young in name of the remanent of the saidis dekinnis beand present desirit foure alanerlie tobe electit and the dekynnis to cheis ane thairof but woting, and thairefter the saidis provost bailhes and counsale reiplie auisit thairwith refuisit the samyn sayand thai wauld woit foure of the viij and cheis tham conforme to the ordour of the chesing of vther officeris of the burgh and desirit the saidis dekinnis to woit in that maner, and thairefter the saidis dekynnis rais and past away and disassentit to the woting or chesing of oney ma officeris nor is ellis and renuncit the act maid, yeisterday and protestit for remeid of law ; and thairefter the saidis provest baillies and counsale woittit electit and chesit the saidis foure, Maister Alexander Logy, Gorge Gourlaw, Alane Purves and William Nicoll to be the saidis foure seriandis fom-e ane 2 c 202 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [155i. Anent the foure new seriandis. Young. Baillits. yeir tocum quhilkis maid fayth to exerce tliair office liellie and trewlie, and ordanit tliame to compeir on (hlanlc) nixttocum and find sourte for thame as vs is. 26 Octoler 1554. The quliilk day, the counsale sittand in jugement anent the complaynt maid be the haill baillies vpoun William Young, candilmaker allegeand that thai enterand at xj hom'is or thairhy tlois samyn day in the tolbuith awatand vpoun the gaddering and convenyng of the counsale and beand passand vp and downe the counsalhous, the said William beand in ward for breking of the statutis of tlie towne maid anent candill, come to the bar and thair said to the saidis baillies with pervers countinance : Ye ar oppressouris and oppressis ws, quhilk allegeance the said William accusit of denyit, and thairefter the samyn beand sufficientlie proviu to the counsale be diuers personis bayth of the coun- sale and vtheris that wer present and hard the samyn, the said counsale ryplie avisit thairwith decernis for ameudis to be maid to the saidis baillies, that the said William remane in ward in the tolbuith quhill Sounday nixt tocum, and afoir the hie mes to cum furth of the tolbuith convoyit with the seriandis with ane walx candil of ane pund wecht and pas afoir the processioun, and efter his cumyng to the kirk to offer the said candill to SanctGelis lycht and thairefter sit downe on his kueis and ask the saidis foure baillies forgiffnes and the prouest for him self and the haill counsale, and thairefter to be convoyit agane to the tolbuith and remane thair indm-ing the prouest and baillies will. Penea con- sneles. 30 October 1554. The prouest bailUes and counsale ratifiis and approvis the act maid anent the convenyng of the counsale on Friday vlklie and vther tymes quhen thai salbe warnit, the penult day of Nouember last bypast, and nemmis Johne Symsoun coUectour to the vnlawis thairof. 2 November 1554. Wappinschaw- The quliilk day, forsamekle as the prouest and bailUes of this burgh laitlie "'^' of befoir causit proclame ane wappinschawin of the nychtborhis of this burgh to be maid the secund day of December nixttocum vpoun the Borrowmure, ■ 1554.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 203 conforme to the proclamatiouu maid tliairupoun, and that thai vnderstand Wappinachaw- that thair aucht na personis be ressauit and admittit in wappinschawing '"^' without thai haif lang wappinnis, sic as speiris, pLkis, and cuUieringis, quhair- for yit as of befoir I warne all maner of personis inhabitantis of this burgh that thai keip the said day of wappingschawing and by thair armour that thai other haif ane speir pik or ane culvering, certefeing thame that gif thai failye thai salbe nocht ressauit bot be vnlawit conforme to the said first proclamatiouu. (Proclamat quinto Novembris et anuo predicto.) 3 November 1554. The quhilk day, coramonit and aggreit with the provest baillies and counsale Anent of the burgh of Edinburgh be Sir Johnne Bellenden of Auchnowishill, knycht, " i'^"^^- justice clerk, and !Maister James Makgill of Kankelor nethir. clerk of register, in name and behalf of ane nobill and mychty lord Gilbert erle of Cassillis, lord Kennedy thesaurer to our Souerane Lady, haveand respect to the ackis of parli- ment maid be King James the Secund. Third and Ferd' anent the hame bring- ing of siluer be merchandis furth of vther realmes, because the merchandice passis nocht conform to the saidis ackis be sirpleth and vtheruis, and now takand consideratioun that mto the tjmie new prouisiouu be made be act of parliament the siluer can nocht be brocht hame conform to the foirsaidis ackis, thairfor it is aggreit, but preiudice of the act of parliament to be maid tliairupoun in tyme cuming, that the sek of wull passand custome sail bring hame ane vnce siluer, ten dosone clayth passand custome sail bring hame ane vnce siluer, twa hundreth skynnis, schorlingis, scaldingis, and futfallis and lambskynis excejitit. sail bring hame ane vnce siluer, ane last hydis customit sail bring hame four vnce siluer, ane last salmond thre vnce siluer, ane last hering customit sail bring hame ane vnce siluer, ane last kilhng twa vnce siluer, the pelit fische efferand thairto and all vther merchandice that passis furth of the cuntre customit being of the valom- of xx li. to bring hame ane vnce siluer, and that the personis quha hes had thair gudis past custome sen the last chekkir to bring hame inlykwis ; and the said siluer to be brocht 1 See Acts of Parliament of James I., 1436, c. 11 ; and James IV., 14S9, c. 14. Acts of the c. 7 ; James II., 1449, c. 37, 1456, c. 7 ; James Parliament of Scotland, Vol. II., pp. 23, 37, 46, III., 1466, c. 11, 1467, c. 8, 1463, c, 1, 1473, 86, 90, 92, 105, and 221. 204 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1554 Anent bulyeoun. hame as said is to be deliuerit to the maister cunyeour and the merchandis hame bringoui-is thairof to half thairfor fra the said maister cunyeour at the deliuer- ing of the samin as followis, viz. : for the vnce of the siluer of fines of Pareis siluer xviij s. vdij d., the vnce of the fynes of Eowane and Handwart xviij s., the vnce of the fynes of Lundoun xvij s., and gif ony of the said sihier be fynar or lawar of fynes thai to be payit thairfor according to the fynes thairof. Anent strangearis. 14 November 1554. The quhilk day, tlie prouest baillies and counsale understandand that strangearis frequentand at this port of Leyth and enterand thair gudis in the bukis of this burgli and bringand the saniyn thairto hes in tyme bygane hurt the fredome of this burgh in selling of thair merchandice in small to vnfremen and vtheris and hid the same in chalmeris of the hie gait ; and for eschewing heirof in tyme cuming it is statute and ordanit that all sic strangearis frequent- and to this port of Leyth bring thair gudis to this burgh and putt the samyn in ane foir buith on the hie gait and hald nane furth thairof in ony vther placis, and sell the samyn conform to the ordinance maid the xx day of December the yeir of God j'° v'' xlvj yeris, and that thaioppin nocht thair buith duris nor sell ony gudis quhill ix houris befoir none and than to continew quhill xij houris and than to steik the samyn quhill twa eftir none and at twa efter none to opin the samyn and hald thame opynnit quhill fom-e houris alanerlie ; and that thai sell nane of thair gudis to ony maner of personis bot to fremen and burgessis of this burgh for the first xx dayis eftir the inbringing of thair gudis to sell in thair buithis and frathinfm-th to sell the samyn at all houris to fre- men of borowis and nane vtheris, and this ordinance intemyit to Francis Vmghen and he chargit thairwith. Anent lanternia. 16 November 1554. The quhilk day, it is statut and ordanit be the provest baillies and coun- sale of this burgh, for eschewing of evill doingis of lymmaris wagaboundis and vtheris that passis within this burgh on the nycht, steillis and revis within the samyn, that thair be nychtlie fra this day furth quhill the xxiiij day of Februar nixttocum, lanternis and bowettis sett furth at v houris at e\'in and remane 1554.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 205 quliill ix liouris be the personis followiDg, viz. : that ilk barboiu' on the hegait, Anent ilk candalmakar on the hegait, ilk ypothecar, ilk tauernar, baxter, commoun *"'*^'"'- cuke, haif ane bowet or lantern induring the said space burnend foiranent thair buithis and tauernis ; and siclik that ilk browster in clossis and outwith haif ane bowet or lantern elikwys ; and siclik that all personis inhabitaris of clossis furnis bowettis and lanternis thair nycht about as thai salbe ordanit be the baiilies ; and siclik samoney foirlandis as the baillies tliinkis expedient haif ane lantern to be fm-nist thair nycht about ; and quhair it happinnis twa candil- makaris, barboris, ypothecaris, tauernaris, baxtaris, cukis, to be togidder dwelland that the baillie pit ane of thai twa lanternis to sic vther place as thai jjleis devys thairfoir, and the lanternis and bowetis to be furnist as said is nychtlie vnder the pane of ij s. to be collectit be the seriandis. 23 November 15.54. The prouest baillies and counsale grantis licence to Johnne Gaittis, Inglis- Gaittis. man, to brew saip within the fredome of this burgh for the space of ane yeir nixt heirefter, and to sell the samen to fremen of this burgh allanerlie in lastis half lastis barrellis half barrellis and ferykynnis. 24 November 1554. In presens of the prouest and baillies sittand in jugement, Michael Rynd vuia, Leyth. enterit Johne Wardlaw, James Litstar, James Bartane and Johne Oolle at the instance of the fermorar of the wyld auenturis ; and thairefter comperit William Craufurd baroun baillie to the abbot of Halyrudhous and de.syrit thame as induellaris on the north syde of the brig to be replegit to the said abbotis jurisdictioun and offerit cautioun, and the jugis fand that in respect that thai wer input for customes thai wer jugis to tham ; and the said William protestit for remeid ; and the saidis prouest and baUlies ordanit the saidis pairties to remane in ward quhill thai pay thair customes. 12 December 1554. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurer Mr Johne Prestoun Propine to by on the townis expenssis thre tunnis wyne and xx li. worth of walx to ^^e™®- propine the Quenis grace with at Yule nixt tocum ; and siclik the baillies and 206 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1554. Propine counsale orcknis the said thesaurer to by xij elnis weluot and half ane twn wyae ^^° ' to propine the prouest with agane Yule, sua it excedis nocht iij'''' li. 24 December 1554. Anent the The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurer Johne Prestoun tofbuith." * personalie present to begyn incontinent [efter] Yule to the bigging of the Tolbuith and sieving of the geistis of the over hous thairof. 28 December 1554. Anent the The prouest baiUies and counsale findis it necessar and e.'ipedient that the proirine ''^^^^ farsche and play maid be William Lauder be playit afoir the Quenis grace, and that scho be propinit to hir nether gift with sum cowpis of siluer. 29 December 1554. Precept, Park. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurer Master Johne oque e. Prestoun to content and pay to Alexander Park the sowme of xhj li. for the goblat dubill ourgilt bocht fra him to propine the Quenis grace with ; and siclLk to content and pay to Ogleir Coquele xvj crownis of the sone and ane half for ane vther goblat bocht fra him to the effect foirsaid. Ane thousand The prouest baiUies and counsale declarit that it wes thair will and mynd Monsieur " that the thousand pundis quhilk wes borrowit fra the nychtbouris of this town DosseU. and lent to Monsieur DoseU vpoun his obligatioun suld be done and lent for sik effaris as thai haif ado, of the quhilkis lennaris the names with thair sowmis respectiue followis, viz.. the firmoraris of the mylnis ij° merkis, the firmoraris of wyld auenturis ij° merkis, John Carkettill j" li., James Stevinsoun fifty pund, James Barroun xl li., Johne Dougall xl li., the baillies sxxv li., Alexander Park xxx li., Lowk Wilsoun xx li., Johnne Charterhous xx li., Johnne Symsoun xx li., Robert Grahame xx li., William Makmoran xx li., Johnne Patersoun xx li., Johnne Norvell xx li., Patrik Edzar xx li., James NicoU XX li., Johnne Moresoun x li., Alexander Alisoun xx li., Donald Maxwell xviij li., Adam Allane x li., Andro Vigholm xx li., Johnne Westoun xx H., James Carmichaell xx li., Eobert Flemyng xx li., William Gray xx li., Wil- liam Aikman x li., Maister Robert Glen xviij li., William Lausounxli., James lj.54.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 207 Aikman x li., Johnae Layng x li., Alexander Home x li., Richart Gray x li., Ane thousand James Sym xxiij li. x s. ; summa totalis ane thousand pund xiij s. iiij d. ; and Monsieur thairefter Eduard Hoip baillie deliuerit the obligatioun aboue specifet to James DosseU. Carmichaell dene of gild to be put in the charterhous to be kepit furthcumand to the personis foirsaid lennaris. 15 January 1554-5. The prouest baillies and counsale vnderstandand that thair is dependand vnia. afoir the lordis of counsale diuers grete actionis couceruyng the commone weill of this burgh and liberie thairof betuix thame and the towne of Leyth and Cannogait, and becaus at all tymes quhen neid is that money man be debursit in the saidis pleis bayth of the deducing of the proces and sic vther sowmes as salbe thocht expedient be the assyssouris to be gevin for the weiU of the said actioun the counsale can nocht be convenit togedder to consent thairto ; thairfor thai haif nemmit Johnne Sym baillie Johne Symsoun and Maister Johne Prestoun thesaurar to auis quhat sowmes of money thai and the asses- souris thinkis expedient to be gevin for the caussis foirsaid, and thai sowmes deuisit and ordaoit be thame to be gevin being payit be the said thesaurar be ane precept to be subscriuit be the saidis Johne Sym, Johne Symsoun, andony ane of the thre assissouris salbe allowit to him in his comptis alsweill as gif the samin had bene ordanit be the said prouest baillies and counsale. 18 January 1554-5. The prouest baillies and counsale lies statut and ordanit that na maner Auent of biu-gessis within this burgh in ony tyme cuming tak v^joun hand to be vnfremen. pairtynar with ony induellar of Leyth Cannogait or ony vthir vofreman nor that nane of the saidis burgessis mak ony of the saidis personis of Leyth Can- nogait and vther vnfremen thair factouris other inwith the realm or outwith the samin ony maner of way, or yit be frauchteris of schippLs with thame, vnder the pane of xl li., xx li. thaii-of tobe applyit to the commoun \verkkis and the vther XX li. tobe gevin to the officeris of the burgh apprehendaris of the persoun that brekkis this statut. The prouest baillies and counsale hes statut and ordanit that na schippis Anent the arriving at this port of Leyth in tyme cuming be enterit in the townis buikis ^"htpp"^ " 208 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1554-5. Anent the entering of schippis. Anent the Bruuteland. Thesaurar, ViUa. ViUa, Glen. Precept, thesaurar. VUla, Lindesay. Precept, Sym. Theaaurer, Cant. vnto the tyme the said schip or schippis be cuiniu in tlie havin and lying thairin. It is statut be the prouest baillies and counsale that nane of the nycht- bouris of this burgh in tyme cuming send ouir ony of thair gudis to the Brunte- land to be ladjoi thair in schippis vnder the pane of eschete of the samyn gudis or the avale thairof, becaus it is vnderstand cleirle be the saidis prouest baillies and counsale that sik ladynyng in the Brunteland is expres contrar thair com- mone weill in hurt of thair fredome and grete skayth to thair customes. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar to cans mak twa saittis in the vtir nether tolbuyth for serving of the sereff courte and vther courttis of commissioun. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Maister Robert Glen to be put burges and gild in the lokkit bulk of the dait that he wes sworn the tyme Francis Tennend wes prouest, gratis, at the requeist of my lord of Orknay. The prouest baillies and counsale allowis to Maister Johne Prestoun, thesaurar, the sowm of vj li. debursit be him for xviij cushingis of trype weluot deliuerit to the covmsalhous to the lordis of sessioun. 1 February 1554-5. The prouest baillies and counsale grantis at the requeist of the Quenis grace be hir writting direct thairupoun the dewyte of the gildry to Robert Lindesay, gratis, and the dene of gild protestit that the samyn preiuge nocht him nor that nawys he wer oblist to pay in the toun or kirk werkis effayris without it wer fund that he wer addettit to the town. 13 February 1554-5. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurer Mr Johne Pres- toun to pay to NicoU Sym for the graving and gilting of the armes of the twa cowpis quhilkis wer proponit to the Quenis grace and Monsieur Dosel, xl s. 15 February 1554-5. In presens of the prouest and baillies sittand in jugement, Walter Cant ansuerand to the clame gevin in vpoun him be Maister Johne Prestoun 1554-5.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBUKGH. L>()i> thesaurer be his prolocutoiiris Maister Johne Abercrummy and Maistcr Alex- Thesaurer, ander Sym quha protestit that thai incurrit na danger nor indignatioun in thair procnratioun in the said mater becaus thai wer chairgit thairto be the saidis prouest and baillies, protestit for all thair lauchfull defens in the mater and allegit that the saidis prouest and baillies culd be na jugis competent iu the said mater in respect as he allegit thai wer juge and pairty insafer as the said actioun wes persewit at thair thesaureris instance and giff ony proffitt redoundit thairby tlie sam wald cum to thame ; to the qnhilk Maister Richart Strang, prolocutour for the said thesaurer ansnerand allegit that the said allegiance audit to be repellit in respect of the said clame berand the half of the escliete gudis to be warit vpouu the commone workis and wald nocht nawis be applyit to the saidis prouest baillies nor na singular persoun within the burgh. And siclik the saidis INIaister Johne and Maister Alexander prolocu- tom-is foirsaidis allegit that the saidis prouest and baillies suld be ua jugis competent in the said caussis in respect that the sam wes foundit vpoun the ackis of jiarliament and letteres of the lordis rasit thairupoun and the said lordis aucht to be jugis thairto ; and the said Maister Eichart ansuerand thairto allegit that the samin aucht to be repellit in respect of the saidis letteres and als of ane justesceour grantit to the towne makand thame jugis to the execu- tioim of all ackis of parliament and lawis of the realm concernyng the priuelege of borrowis ; and thairefter the jugis riplie auisit thairwith findis thameself jugis in the said caus nochtwithstanding the allegeance maid be the said Walter and his prolocutouris quha protestit for remeid, and thairefter thai assignit this day viij dayis to the said Walter to gif in all his defens in writt aganis the said clame and the partiis ar warnit apud acta. The prouest baillies dene of gild thesaurer the maist pairt of the counsale Aneiittiie and dekynnis of craftis representing the communite vnderstandand that thai ar Newhavm. gretelie hurt in the wanting of thair havin callit the Newhevin, findis and thinkis expedient and als ordanis that the samyn be biggit as it wes of befoir, that thai tyne nocht thair fredome thairof nor priuelegis grantit to tham thairby. 16 February 15.54-5. Tlie prouest baillies dene of gild thesaurar and maist pairt of the counsale Anent the and dekynnis of craftis, conform to the act maid yesterday anent the bigging Newha'viu 2d 210 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1554-5. Anent the extent of Newhavin. Thesaurar, ViUa. Cant. Hakheiil, ViUa. Thesaurar, ViUa. Thesaurar. Anent tl'.e grammer skule. Craig, seriandus glide. of the Newhavin, findis that the towne at this tyme hes nocht commoun gude sufficient to the biggiiig thairof and thairfor consentis that thair be vphftit and tane of the haill towne ane extent of fyve Imndredth pundis to by tymmer with for the said havin, and that the samyn be collectit with the extent quhilk the town man now pay for thair part of the grete tax of xx" li. greit to the bigging of fortis in the bordouris. 27 February 1554-5. In presens of the bailHes sittand in jugenicnt, Maistcris Johne Abircrnnimy and Alexander Sym prolocutouris for Walter Cant anent the clame gevin in be Maister Johne Prestoun thesaurar aganis tharae allegit that it wes desirit and requcistit be the Justice Clerk and the Clerk of Register at the command of the Quenis grace that the said actioun suld ceis quhill the desicioun of the caussis betuix Leith Edinburgh and the Canogait, quhilkis allegance the saidis baillies declarit that thai knew nocht ; and thairefter the saidis prolocutouris acceptit the said clame gevin in vpoun tbame be the said thesaurar and protestit that thai mycht be hard to dispute the said actioun afoir the interloquitour gevin . . . 1 March 1554-5. In prcsens of the baillies and ane pairt of the counsale comperit Mr George Hakheid and presentit to tham ane gift maid to him vndir the priue seill of the office of conseruatry and rcquirit tham quhat thai wald chakge him lefulle with and he suld obey the samyn at his power. The baillies and ane pairt of the counsale ordanis the thesaurar Maister Johne Prestoun to cans big the yettis of the park dyk. 12 Blarch 1554-5. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Maister Johne Prestoun sa sone and as gudlie as he may cans big the grammer skule lyand on the eist syd of the Kirk of Feild wynd. The prouest baillies and counsale hes gevin and grantit and be the tenour heirof gevis and grantis to Robert Craig goldsmyth the office of gild seriand- schip and the procuring with the bred to the bedrellis of Sanct Mary Wynd 1554-5.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 211 now being in theii- handis throw tlie deceis of vmquhile Johne Nicolsoun alias Craig, Doctour Smyth last havear thairof , with all dweteis feis and profiitis thairof ^"^"''"^ induring the townis will allaneiiie quMlk Eobert maid faith to exerce the said oflice trewlie ; and James CarmichaeU dene of gild protestit that the geving of the saidis officis preiuge nocht him quha as he allegit had rycht to the geving of the saidis officis. The prouest baillies and counsale vnderstandand that vmqiihile Johne viUa aueut Nicolsoun alias Doctour Smyth decessit laitlie and wes ane of the gild seriandis Doctour and procurit to the bedderrellis of Sanct Mary Wynd and lies left his wiff and sex b^is.^ small bairnis in extreme povirte, thairfor grantis ane day licence ilk moneth to ony persoun tiiat ^vill procur almus throw the toun to the said wiff and baruis ay and quhill thai be brocht to perfectioun. 14 March 1554-5. In presens of the provest baillies and counsale, Maister Johne Prestoun Seiii of caus. thesaurer protestit that na writtingis gevin vnder the sele of caus in tymes P™testatio, bigane or yit tocum mak faj-th without thai be subscriuit be the clerk of court and for reductioun of thame that past without subscriptioun sen the act of parliament ' and thairupoun askit instrumentis. In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Eobert Grahame remittit Grahame, de his office and place of the counsale in thair handis, and thaireftir thai nemmit '^'"^'^°- and chesit in his place jSIaister Archibald Grahame his sone. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Maister Johnne Thesaurar, Prestoun with auis of the Maister of werk Maister James Lindesay and Alex- ^'^''• ander Bruce to caus big ane hous at the eist end of the north loch and als to cut Maister John Thorntoun calsay quhen tyme requiris. 22 March 1554-5. The baillies and counsale findis expedient that thair be twa hundreth Aueut the pundis of the vo li. gaderit to the bigging of the Newhavin dehuerit to Alex- 'J-Mmer to tb.. Newhavin. 1 1540, o. 37. Acts of the rarliaraents of Scotlaud, Vol, II., p. 377. 212 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [155-4-5, Carmi<;haol, consilii. Anent the ander Josse and Eobert Quhyntin to by tymmer thairwith in the partis of Nor- tymmer to the i ii • i- i • i • i i • ■ Newhavin. waj and vtliir partis quhair tuai ar now to pas to, to tlie Digging of the said havin, viz. : j'' xl li. to the said Alexander and Ix li. to the said Eobert, quhilkis acceptit vjioim tham to by the samyn tymmer as thai suld get informatioun thairupoun ; and the saidis baillies and counsale oblist to reward tham thairfor accordinghe. In presens of the bailHes and counsale James Bannatyne, allegeand that he mycht nocht avait vpoun the effaris of the towne as he aucht to do as ane of the counsale, remittit his place of the counsale in the jugis and counsalis handis, quha incontinent nemmit elecldt and chesit Eichart Carmichaell thairto. 28 March 1555. The baillies counsale and dekinnis sittand in jugement hes gevin and grantis to Jonet Ilarvy the relict of vmquhile Johnc Blyth tlie beddcrellscheip of Sanct Mary Wynd now waikand in thair handis throw the deceis of vmqu- hile Agnes Furd with all proffitis emolumentis and pertinentis thairof during all the dayis of hir liftyme. Donatio viiius loci hospitalis S. Mary Wyjicl. Harvy. The gift of the gild seriandschip to Robert Drowmond. Anent the setting of the Croce. 29 March 1555. In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Eobert Crag remittit in the handis of the saidis prouest baillies and counsale his office of gild seriand- scliip quhilk thai had gevin to him ofbefoir frele tobe disponit on be thame ; and thaireftir the saidis provest baillies counsale and dckynnis gaif and grantit the samin to Eobert Drowmond with all jjroffittis and dewyteis pertenyng thairto induring the townis will allanerlie, quhilk Eobert maid faith to exerce and vs the said office. The quhilk day, Archibald Dowglas of Kilspyndy prouest, Johnne Sym, Eduard Hoip baillies, Eobert Lyudesay, Alexander Bruce of the counsale, James Young, Patrick Duraham, James Forret, Andro Elphinstoun dekinnis, vnderstandand forsamekill as the Mercat Croce and rowme thairof beand rowpit threw the towne to se quha wald big the samyn in buith or buithis on thaii- expens and tak the samyn in rcntale of the towne for ane yeirlie proffit. 1555.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 213 comiierit diuers personis amangis the quhillds comperit William Hnchcsoun Anent the and he offerit yeirlie thairfor tuelf merkis, and becaus nane bad mair the croce^ " * "^ personis aboue writtin consentit that the said William suld big the said rowme of the Croce of the bieid as it is now and nocht to mak the samyn brader, nor yit to hoik it hower nor the calsay, and to mak the wallis thairof substantious and the werk elikwys and set thelang stane as it is now, and to mak the interes to the heid thairof for proclamationis as it is now without impecUment, and the interes to the buith or biiithis tobe just of the calsay and without ony stoppis ; and the said WUliam tobe rentalit yeirlie thairin on Mertymes evin and his airis efter him for the said yierlie dewtie alanerlie ; and thaireftir the said William band and oblist him and his airis to big the said Croce in buith or buithis as said is on his awne expens, and to begyne the first termes pay- ment of the said xij merkis yeirlie at Mertymes nixt tocom, and als sail iufeft the towne in his landis lyaud in Grayis Clois for sure payment of the said xij merkis yeirlie and the towne to poynd the buith or buithis tobe biggit as said is nochttheles ; and James Adamsoun baillie, James Carmichaell dene of gild, Maister Johne Prestoun thesaurar, Kichard Carmichael, James Broun, Wil- liam Lausoun, Johne Litill of the counsale, Thomas Ewin and Johne Hammiltoun dekynnis, disassentit to the j^remissis and thairupoun askit instrumentis. 20 A'pril 1555. The proucst baillies and counsale for support of the pure and expelling of Anent the the sturdy stuburn beggaris furth of this burgh hes dewisit that the persouns P"^'-^- following, viz., Maister Thomas M'Calyeane, James Bannatyne, Alexander Guithry, Johne Symsoun, Maister Johne Prestoun, devis sic ordour for support- ing of the puris and expelling of the sturdy beggaris as thai can think best ; and als that the saidis personis nem vtheris burgessis of the burgh to tak the painis vpon the perfytting and ordering of sic ordinances and statutis as thai sail mak for the effect ; and gif oney maner of sic sturdy beggaris salhappin to resist or disobay the ordinance and command to be gevin to thame that the saidis personis or oney of thame or the personis to be nemmit and chosin be thame as said is correct and punis the saidis sturdy beggaris and expell thame furth of this burgh. 2U EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1555. 24 April 1555. Anentthe The proucst baillies counsale and dekynnis thinkis expedient and als c ay merca . Qj.^|j^jj^g ^1^^^ ^j^g dayth market of lynnyng and wollin now being aboue the tolbuth be haldin in tyme oummyng induring thair will betuix the ovir Nether Bow and the Freii- Wynd heid on atlier syde of the trans of the Hie gait. Bawty, Smyth, villa, Regina. 27 April 1555. In presens of Maister James Lyndesay and Eduard Hoip baillies, Johne Bawtie burges of this burgh is becumin souertie for William Smyth allegit burges of Lanark that the viijx" frankis worth of guidis hambrocht be the said William furth of France in the schip of Dauid Thomsonn salbe furthcumand to the Quenis grace and the town in cais he preve nocht himself freman of Lanark as vtheris burgessis thairof ar, and the said William oblist to relief the said Johne heirof. 4 May 1555. Donatio loco The prouest baillies coimsale and dekynnis gaif and grantit to Kobert SaS'^Pauii Spottiswod the beidmanschip now vacand in thair handis be the deceis of Spottiswod. Bartilmo Farnlie of Sanct Paulis werk with all proffittis and oblationis thairof for all the dayis of his liftyme. A nent the borrowis. Protestatio, Lausoun. Anent the j" li. lent to M onsieur Dosell. 10 May 1555. The prouest baillies and maist pairt of the counsale nemmit Johne Sym- soun, Maister Johne Prestoun, William Ker and James Barroun to convene the morn with the commissinaris of borrowis to consult vpoun the weill of the hail borrowis. In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale. Johne Cowttis in name of Johne Lausoun of Hieriggs protestit for remeid of law insafer as he had com- plenit to tham anent the Brorrow Loch quhilk drownit ane grete pairt of his land and culd get na remeid as he allegit thairof. The prouest and the maist pairt of the counsale ordanis James Carmichael dene of gild to deliuer to Eduard Hoip baillie Monsieur Dosellis obligatioun maid of the j'" li. lent be the nychtbouris of the towne to him ; and als ordanis the 1555.] OF THE BUEGH OF EDINBURGH. 215 haill baillies of thair consentis to get tlie collectour of tbe grete extent of xx'" li., Auent the j'" viz., the laird of Lethingtonis acquittance of the townis pairt of the said extent Monsieur extending to j"^ ij' 1. merkis in pairt of payment of the said j™ li. and the Quenis ^°'"^'l- grace or Monsieur Dosellis securite for payment of the rest thairof extending to ij" 1. merkis. And als ordanis the saidis baillies to ingadder thair extentis of thair quarteris of the extentis quhilk is now to be coUectit agane this day viij dayis and mak compt thairof, and pay the lennaris of the said j° li. of tbe first and reddiest thairof; and als ordanis that the said ij° 1. merkis to be payit be the Quenis grace or Monsieur Dosell as said is to complelt the said j™ li. be applyit to tbe bigging of the Newhavin becaus samekUl of the v'' li. extent grantit to the bigging thau-of is tane to compleit the j" li. lent as said is, and als the saidis baillies oblist tham to pay tbe saidis j™ li. to the lennaris thairof betuix tliis and this day viij daj'is ; and incontinent thairefter the said James Carmichael dene of gild dehuerit the said obligatioun to the said Eduard Hoip, bailie. 16 May 1555. Kegina : We, Marie, Quene dowriare and regent of Scotland be thir pre- [ObUgation by sentis grantis ws to be awand to the provest bailies counsale and communite balance of M. of Edinburgh the soume of ane huncb-etb thre scoir vj li. xiij s. iiij d. money of ^^^^^ll's loan.] Scotland of the rest of ane thowsand pundis lent be thame to IMonsieiu* Dosell, etc., and sensyne acceptit be ws to pay, quhilk rest in compleit payment of the said hale sonme we faithfullie promitt to content and pay to thame and thair successouris betuix and the (blanl;) day of (blank) nixt to cum be thir presentis. Subscriuit with our hand, at Halyruidhous, the xvj day of Mali the yeir of God j'" v'= fifty five yeiris. Makie K. 17 May 1555. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanit that nane of this burgh burgessis Anent the thairof lat furth the Borrow Loch, vndir the pane of tinsale of thair fredome and pvnissing of thair personis at the will of the jugis, and that the slojspis quhilkis ar maid in the dike thairof be biggit v]} be the thesaurar. In presens of the baillies and counsale, Eduard Hoip deliuerit to James Anent the Carmichael dene of gild to be put in the charterhous the acquittance of the 21G EXTRACTS FROM THF RECORDS [155S Anent the taxt. Anent the making of burgessis. Anent salaris. townis extent of the grete extent of xx™ li. grantit to the bigging of the fortis extending to viiij" xxxiij li. vj s. viij d. and tlie Quenis grace obligatioun of the twa Inmdreth 1. merkis restand vnpayit of the j" li. lent be the nychtbouris of the towne to Monsieur Dosell. The prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, vnderstandand that in all tymes bygane this burgh and burgessis thairof hes bene gretumlie de- fraudit and abusit be the ressauyng burgessis outlandis men nocht beand maryit nor haifFand famele nor sufficient substance aud vsand thame seU' sua vnhonestlie that the haill towne hes bene eschamyit thairby ; thairfor in tyme cummyng ordanis that na manor of persone be ressauit nor admittit burges within this bnrgh except honest habil qualyfyit men and that thai be maryit duellaud within the burgh haiffand sufficient substance with stob and staik, and that na burgessis be maid except on the counsale dayis in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale. 24 May 1555. The baillies and counsale ordanis in tyme cummyng thaii- be na teket deliuerit nor subscriuit to ouy persone to saill to France, Flanderis nor vther pairtis hot in this maner, viz. : that the haill merchandis that purpos to saill in ane schip convene and compeir in the Tolbuith in presens of the baillies and counsale, and ane act tobe maid of samony as thai pleis admitt, and that act tobe send to the skyppar of the schip and he to ressaif thai personis and na vtheris. 27 May 1555. In presens of the prouest baillies and ane pairt of the counsale compei-it James Stirk for the haill dekynnis of craftis of this burgh and protestit that quhat wer done be commissaris of borrowis now being convenit at this parlia- ment preiuge nor hurt nocht thame anent thair priuilegis, and gif ony thing wer done that hurt thame protestit for remeid of law. 28 May 1555. Anent the ipj^g proucst baillies and counsale and dekynnis sittand in jugement nemmit and coustitut William Craik, Johnne Sym, Johnne Symsoun, James Barroun, James Carmichaell and Maister James Lindesay coniunctlie and seuerale com- Protestatio, Craftis. 1555.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 217 missinaris to convene this instant day or ony vtlier day oi- dayis lieirefter with Aueut the the haill commissinaris of borrowis to treit and commons vpoun the commone Weill of borrowis and conclude vpoiin effairis as thai and the rest of commissin- aris of borrowis can aggre on, and generals all and siudry vther thingis to do vs and excers that to the office of commissinaris in sic caissis ar knawin to pertene. In presens of the prouest baillies and connsale, Thomas Ewene dekin of Protestatio, the goldsmythis for himself and the remanent dekyuuis of craftis protcstit ia "^ 'y"'^^- cais the commissionaris specifiit in the act aboue writtin did ony thuig quhilk myclit preiuge thair priuilege that thair grant to the said commissioun preiugit nocht tham thairanent, and thairupoim askit instrumentis. 31 3Iay 1555. The prouest baillies and connsale ordanit the commoun seill to be hungin Commmm to the appoyntment maid betuix the Quenis gi-ace and hir moder and my Lord Duke in the late parliament becaus the haill thre estatis had consentit thairto in this parliament and selit and ordanit the samyn to be selit. 1 June 1555. In presens of the baillies and counsale, William Craik beand chosin ane of Craik. the twa personis for Edinburgh to mak alteratioun of the extent of borrowis disassentit thairto allegeant that the extent of the haill borrowis wes set be the lordis and Edinburgh wes set to the ferd i>airt of the haill and Innerkething and Kingorn giffin to thair releif, and als allegit that he audit nocht tobe chosin to that office in respect that he had bene prouest quhilk wes the supreme office of burgh, and als that he is now instantlie nother in office nor on the counsale, and thairfor allegit that gif he wes commandit thairto that it wes be compul- sioun ; and thairefter the saidis baillies and counsale ordanit the said William nochtwithstanding the allegeautis foirsaidis to accept vpoun him tobe ane of the saidis twa personis, and ordanit Maister Johne Prestoun eleckit for the vther to accept the samyn vpoun him. 3 June 1555. The baillies and ane pairt of the counsale ordanis James Dawsoun maister Merc-iian.iis. of the schip callit the James to ressaif in his said schip to pas to Danskin as ^*"'^™- 2 E 218 EXTRACTS FEOM THE RECOEDS [1555. Merchandis. Dawson. merchandis the personis wnder writtin, viz.: George Reidpeth, Robert Lwn, Johne Bawte, Peter Turnit and Thomas Bischoip merchandis, burgessis of Edinburgh, Johne Ramsay youngar sone and seriiitour to Maister Johne Prestoun and Johne Scot sone and seruitour to Maister Robert Glen, and that he sail incure na danger thairin, prowidand alwys that the ressaif na vtheris personis in to the said schip as merchandis. Merchandis. Fouler. 7 June 1555. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis James Foular maister of the scliip callit the Lyon to ressaif in his said schip to pas thairin as merchandis to Danskin tliir personis, viz. James Wilsoun biirges of Peblis, Walter Layng factour and seruitour to Johne La}mg burges of Edinburgh, Johne Grenelies burges of Glasgow, John Dauidsoun burges of Dumfries, and James Bryntoun burges of Edinburgh, and that he sail incur na danger thairin, providand alwys that he ressaif na vther personis in his said schip except his kyppage alanerlie. Baton, villa, graramer scole. 13 June 1555. The prouest baillies and counsale hes tane fra Johne Betoun of Capildra tlie haill luging lyand at the fute of the Blakfreir wynd within the clois thairof quhilli Agnes Kincaid had of him of befoir to be thair grammer scole quhill Witsounday nixt to cum for xvj li. of male to be payit be thair thesaurar at Mertimes and Witsonday nixt tocum be equal portioims, and als thai to vphauld the said luging watter teicht during the said space, and to vjibig and mend the windokis quhilkis the barnis hes brokin of the said luging on thair expeus. Anent the bulwerk. Pensio Stevinsoun. 14 June 1555. The prouest bailUes and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Mr Johne Prestoun to complcit and vpbig the schoir and bulwerk as the samyn is foundit. The prouest baillies and counsale hes conducit and hyrit Alexander Stevinsoun to signe in thair queir euery sestrae day for ane yeir heirefter and at the messis of our Lady and the Haly Blud as thai salhappin to be, and hes ordanit thair thesaurar to pay to him thairfor xx merkis, quarterlie v merkis, and incais he mak nocht seruice as said is he nocht to vplift his said pensioun. 1555.] OF THE BURGH OF EPI:NBURGH. 219 21 June 1555. The prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis of craftis hes gevin and grantit Gledatanis. and be the tenour heirof gevis and grantis to Archibald Gledstanis the beid- manschip in Sanct Paulis werlv now vacand in thair handis be the deceis of Johne Crumy last possessour thairof for all the dayis of his lyftyme, with all proffitis, etc., and ordanis him to haif institution thairof. 22 J%me 1555. The baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Mr Johne Prestoun, to Precept, content and pay to James Fausyde xiiij s. for his playing on the swas thetyme "^^^"^'"• of parliament and vther tymes at thair command ; and siclik to pay to Jacques Hog, Williame Thomsoun, and John Thomsoun, the sowme of xxx s. for thair playing on the trumpet and (]^uliyssill respectiue the said tyme ; and siclik to pay to Patrik Mow for his playing on the swas the tyme foirsaid vj s. 28 June 1555. The bailUes and counsale sittand in jugement ordanis the thesaurar to Anent the ressaif the grete tymmer inbrocht be Kobert Quhyntin to the Newhavin and NCTphavii^* to keip it on the townis expens ; and als ordanis the said Robert Quhyntin with avis of Sir William Makdowall, maister of werk, to sell the small tymmer inbroclit be the said Eobert and to mak compt thairof. 4 July 1555. The prouest baillies and counsale nemmit Maister Johne Prestoun Anent the thesaurar, Maister James Lyndesay baillie, Alexander Home and Alexander Bruce, to be maisteris of werk to the bigging of the Newhavin, and ordanis tham to cheis sic vther inferiour ouerscaris as thai think expedient, and to begyn the said werk on Monunday nixt tocum. In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Andro Sandis and William 8aruiis, Gibsoun askit instrumentis that the saidis prouest baillies and counsale remittit ' ^"""' and forgaif thnra all offens that thai had done to the gude townc of bcfoir in respect of thair gude scruice done in taking of the pirat laitlie on the sey and of thair offir of thair seruice in tjme cummjing to tlie lowne. 220 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1555. Thesaiirai-, villa. Precept, Sproit. Protestatio ilccani tdlJe. Precept, Dromoni-I. Precept. Thesaurar. Anent the Cowgat port. lU July 1555. The baillies and counsale ordanisthe thesaurar Maister Johne Prestoun to aggre with the lard of Carnbe for stauis to the bulwark or with sum vther gif he can nocht aggre with liim. 25 Juhj 1555. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Maister Johne Prestoun to content and pay to Johne Sproit, seriand in the Cannogait, the sowme of iiij li., and that for his expensis and revard in the passing to Aber- dene and apprehending and bringing to this burgh of (blank) quha drownit hir awin barne in the well at the Cardonallis luging the tyme Frances Tennand wes prouest. 12 August 1555. In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, James Carmichael dene of gild declarit that he had dim'S and syndry tymes aduertist tham that the eist gavill windok ef Sanct Gelis kirk wes abill to fall downe and destroy Sanct Diones alter and that litill expens in tyme wald remeid the samyn and that he had desyrit tham to avis gif he suld rejjerreU and mend the samyn and in qnhat manor, that thairfor quhat skayth or danger cum to the said kirk and alter throw the occasioun forrsaid that the samyn be nocht input to him, and thairupoun askit instrumentis. 6 September 1555. The baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Maister Johne Prestoun to content and pay to James Dromond and his marrowis quha playit befoir Sanct GeiU on Sanct GeilUs day on the schammes the sowme of xl s. 13 September 1555. The baillies and counsale sittand in jugement allowis to Maister Johne Prestoun thesaurar the sowme of xxv li. xvij s. xj d. debursit be him for the bancat maid be the town to the king of Denmarkis ambassadour. The baillies and counsale lies fept Luke Moi-esoun to keip thair Cowgait portquhill Michaelmes cum ane yeir nist tocum for x.\x s. of fee ; and he oblist to steik and oppin the sam3'n at the houris following, \'iz., fra Michaelmes to 1555.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 221 Candilmes fra vij houris in the mornyng quliill v houris at evin, aud fra Ajient the Candilmes to Michaelmes at vj houris in the mornyng quhill viij houris at °™^ ^ evin. 25 September 1555. In preseus of the prouest baillies and counsale comperit Maister John i^esamar, Prestoun thesaurar and desyrit tlie saidis prouest baillies and counsale to decern and declair gif the office of thesaurary aucht of dewite to haif ane burgesschip yeirlie or nocht, and thai ryplie avisit thairwith fiudis that the said office aucht to haif na burgesschip of dewite, and thairupon the said Maister Johne askit instrumentis. 4 October 1555. The prouest, [dean of guild, bailies and council] for certane caussis and Anent tii^ consideratiouns moving tham findis expedient that the sowme of (blank) ™nt to the pundis be borrowit fra certane honest nychtbouris of the burgh and to be lent Q^euis grace, to the Qiienis grace vpoun plegis. and als ordanis in cais ony of the persouis that ar ellis put in tekit and thair sowmes with tham refus to len ar thai set to be the counsale that the baillies put tham in ward (pihill thai do the samyn ; and als ordanis the said Maister Archibald thesaurar to ressaif the said money and deliuer the samyn and ressaif the said plegis thairupoun. 8 October 1.555. In presens of the baillies and counsale comperit Francis Tennand and Tenuand, declairit that on Sonday at evin last bypast he said to James Forret and Luke Wilsoun beand in the tolbuith, qulien thai sperit his counsale, that it wes hot ressoun that thai that wes honest substantious men suld furnis siluer and obey the Quenis grace desyre at this tyme sua thai suld haif securite for payment, and the saidis personis said : We marwell quhat alis the baillies to be sua extreme to ws. And the said Francis said the office of bailliery wes hot ane cunimar and bot of small proffitt, hot it is now rehersit and said to me that the baillies in the yeir bygane hes in thair box xij" or xviij*" li. of money be thair offices and how it is disponit I knaw nocht, and offerit him to prcif it and that thai had ressauit or gottin the said xij" or xviij'= li. In presens of the baillies and counsale Francis Tennand protestit in cais Prote.statio, he be astrickit to prcif his allcgeance aboue wriltin that he may preif it afoii T'^""-'^"''' 222 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1555. Protestatio, Tennand. Anent the lent money, Grahaine. r»roiin, villa. f'armichael, Brfun. [rieilges for money lent to tlie Queen dispensed with.] vnsiispecl jugis as the Quenis grace pleis devis, and that he mycht haif his witnes, in respect that sura baillies remanis in office and the rest ar on the coiinsale, and allegit he maid the said declaratioun for the coramonn weill. 13 October 1555. Archibald Douglas of Kilspindy prouest [the bailies and certain council- lors,] anent the money quliilk thai faiid wes necessar of befoir to be lent to the Quenis grace vpoun pleggis, becausthe uychtbouris ar obstinat to len the samin ordanis James Barroun dene of gild and Maister Archibald Grahamethcsaurer to gif thair obligationis oblissand thame coniunctlie and seueralie for payment thairof to the personis that salhappin to len the said money betuix the date heirof and Witsounday nixttocmii, and thairfor the said prouest baillies and counsale oblissis thame and thair successouris and all thair commone gudis and commone landis to the said James and Maister Archibald to releif and keip tham ska.ythles anent the payment thairof at the saidis personis handis at the day foirsaid ; providing ahvys that the saitl James and Maister Archibald deliuer nocht the said money without the ressait of pleggis thairfor conform to the first act maid tliairupoim ; and lies subscriuit the samyn [Here follow the subscriptions of the provost and other fourteen members of the Town Council.] 18 October 1555. In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, James Carmichael, dene of gild in the yeir bygane, deliuerit to James Broun now dene of gild the keyis of the chairterhous and vtheris, and als deliuerit to him the Quenis grace obligatioun of twa hundrcth 1 merkis, the lard of Lethingtonis acquittance of the last extent of ij™ li. quhilk he wes collectour to, and thairupoun askit instrumentis. 24 October 1555. Archibald Douglas of Kilspyndy prouest [the bailies and certain council- lors,] ordanis that nochtwithstanding the act of tlie money quhilk thai condecendit to be lent to the Quenis grace be ane act of the date tiie ferd day of October instant and the act maid the xiij day of the samin moneth ordanand the said money to be deliuerit on pleggis, bccaus the Quenis grace hes schawin and dcclarit to the provest baillies and counsale that scho on na wys can gudlie gett pleggis to be deliuerit at this tyme thairfor, hot hes nfferit to 1555.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 223 gif bir Gracis obligatioun thairupoun, that James Barroim aucl Maister [Pledges for Archibald Grahame quha ar oblist to the persouns that lent the said money, the'queen deliuer the samiu to the Queuis grace and ressaiie hir Gracis obligatioun thair- difpensed . . T With.] upoun for payment and refounding thairof agane at AA'itsomiday nixttocum, and dispensis with the saidis ackis thairanent, viz., anent the ressait of pleggis, the said obligatioun beand ressauit. — [Here follow the subscriiitions of the provost and twelve other members of Council.] 25 Octoher 1555. It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baiUies dene of gild thesaurar and Anent the counsale, that in all tymes cummjnig the prouest baillies dene of gild and '^""'^'^ • counsale convene vlklie in the tolbuith at x houris befoir none ilk Wednisday and Friday without ony wai-nyng, vnder the pane of thre s. to be tane of ilk per- sone that failyeis and beis absent without he be furth of the towne in necessar besynes ; and als gif it happynnis ony of the saidis personis beis warnit to cum to the counsale at ony vther tyme and beis personalie apprehendit and comperis nocht within half ane hour efter the tyme he salhappin tobe warnit that he sail pay xviij d. ; and that ane of the counsale ilk day keip the dure thair tyme about and thoill nane to enter without he be commandit. voder the pane of vj d. for ilk persone. 26 Octoher 1555. The baillies and counsale, sittand in jugement, grantis to the prouest ane Preposiius, fredome of ane gylry to be distribute and gevin be him as he sail think expe- ^^^' dient and to quhat persone he plessis. 6 November 1555. The prouest baillies and counsale ratifiis and apprevis the act maid the xv Villa. of Januar last bj^jast twicheing thair actionis dependand in pley and nemmis in place of Johne Sym, Johne Symsoun and ]Maister Johne Prestouu thesaurar for the tyme, Maister Archibald Grahame now thesaurar, Maister James Lyndesay, James Broun and Johne Symsoun or ony twa of thame thre. 8 Novcmher 1555. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Sir Eduard Henrisoun ane of vaia, the prebendaris of the queir callit minister core, and maister of the sang skule ^^■"'■'^"""- 224 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1555. Villa, Henrisoiin. Precept, Henrisoun. Anent ane writting producit be Joline Litill. [Acts anent breid, &c.] rtatificatioun of certane ackis. to keip his fundatioun and to furneis walx to the hie altar and lamp as he aucht to do and nocht to procur with the Lady bred in the kirk be him seK at na tyme vnto the tyme that he ressone and cans the counsale considder quhairfor he aucht nocht to do the samin. The prouest baiUies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar maister Johne Prestoun to content and pay to Sir Eduard Henrisoun maister of the sang skule the sowm of xl s. for the Witsounday termes male last bipast of the hous occupiit be the said Eduard pertenyng to Andro Cor. In presens'of the prouest baiilies counsale and vesitouris of craftis, comperit Joline Litill and producit ane writting direct be the Quenis grace of the tenuour following quhilk thai ordanit to be regestrat, and the said Johne desirit thair ausuer thairupoun, quha declarit thai wald gif thair ansuer to the Quenis grace : Provcst baiilies and counsale of Edinburgh, we grete yow hertlie weill. For- samekill as we ar informit that Patrik Barroun your watter bailye hes ellis or intendis to resigne renunce and gif ouer in your handis bis ofBce of watter bailyeschip in fauouris of sum vther nychtbour of the said burgh, quhilk resig- natioun renunciatioun nor ouer giving suld nocht be without om-e speciale avis and consent thairto for diners caussis as we sail schaw yow quhen the samin vaikis be deceis or iuhabilite of the said Patrik ; heirfoir we requir and als chargis yow in our maist effectius manor nocht to ressaue ony resignatioun be the said Patrik of his ofiSce of watterbailyeschip foirsaid in fauouris of ony vther persoun nor admit nane thairto except we consent or nominat thame to the samin or send our mynd to yow in writt thairupoun, traistand ye will do the samin and ye evar for this our requeist as ye will do ws plesour. Subscriuit with our hand at Halyrudhous the xxix day of October j™ v= and fifty five yeris. [Of tills date acts were passed relative to "breid," "malt, aill," "meill," "candill," "aittis, hay," and "fisclie," ia terms similar to those of October 1551, 1552, 1553, and 1554.] The prouest baiilies and counsale ratifiis and approvis the ackis vnder- writtin of the datis vnder specifiit in the samin form and effect as thai ar, and ordanis the samin tobe proclamit of new vnder the panis specifiit thairin, viz. : anent flescheom-is, walkaris, swyne, myddyngis, wagabondis, regratouris, all 1555.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 225 maid the vij dny of October [j™ vc] liij yeris, aiient ane act maid of staudis on Ratificatoun the hie gait the xix day of October 1554, and of ane act maid aueut mesouris ackis. and ane vther of lanternis the xvj day of Nouember the said yeir. 23 November 1555. The prouest baillies and counsale, sittand in jugement, ordanis the the- Precept, saurar Maister Johne Prestoun in the ycir bygane to content and pay to James '^^^^ °""' Cranstoun the sowme of ellevin pundis, and that for compleit payment of the xxxij pecis weschell quhilkis Didiane Levingston and William Mnirheid baillies this tyme twa yeris borrowit and ressanit fra him to the Quenis grace and for the dewiteis of the twa bankettis, quhilkis platis wer nocht gottin agane. The prouest baillies and counsale, sittand in jugement, ordanis the Precept, thesaurar ^Maister Archibald Grahame to deliuer to Thomas Homyll alsmony """■'' ' claythis as will extend to thre li, and that for almous in consideration of his pouerte. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Maister Archibald Grahame Anent the thesaurar to mend the loft of the irnhous and fluir the samyn. "" 6 December 1555. The baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, anent the clame gevin in Firmoraris, be Maister James Lindesay firmorar of the commone mylnis this instant yeir °'^ ' aganis James Loch, makand menfioun that quhair the haill maltmen bnxteris and vtheris induellaris of this burgh ar thirlit to gryud their cornis at the commone mylnis of this burgh and pay thair mvlturis thairto vsit and wount, and in cais ony of thame be found or apprehendit to abstrak thair cornis thairfra without licence of the firmoraris for the tyme, the samin haill abstrakit cornis being apprehendit as said is, of the vniuersall consuetude of this burgh, audit and suld pertene to the saidis firmoraris as tliair eschetis ; nochttheles the said James, being ane maltman induellar within this fredome and swa addettit to grynd his cornis at the saidis myllis and to pay his nivlter thaii-to, viij dayis syne or tliairby, brocht to the saidis mylnis ane kill full of malt conteuand xx bollis to haif bene groundin thairat, and efter that the samin had standin in the said millis be the space of vj dayis, swa that the said James in bis negligence 2 F 226 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1555. Firmoraris, Loch. Anent the crameris. Ker, vilhi Precept, Ker. had tynt his rownie of grinding thairof , becaus the said Maister James servandis in the saidis myhiis wald nocht place him in ane vther mannis rowme, be vpoua the first da)' of December instant at ten houris at evin and vnder silence of nyclit, with vtheris his complicis and parttakaris to the nowmber of xij personis, boddin in feir of weir with bandit staffis and vtheris wappynnis, inuasiue enterit in the said millis, tuke furth the said kill malt wranguislie and maisterfulle, and hes cariit the samin to his millis of Crawmond pertenyng to him in assedatioun to be grundiu thairat, swa that the said Maister James firmorar foirsaid suld get na mvlter of the samin : Anent the quhilk clame and fait the said James become in the will of the provest baillies and counsale, and thair- upoun the said firmorar askit ackis. And thairefter Johne Loch is becumin souerte for the said James, that he sail fulfill the townis will anent the pre- missis qidien tha sail happin to declair the samin, and to enter him to that effect quhen he sal be rcquirit thairto. 11 Decemher 1555. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Johne 8ym baillie, James Barroun dene of gild, Johnne Symsoun and Adam Foulartoun to tak ordour anent the crameris that sittis about the kirk, and siclik anent the frute sellaris and cramaris on the hie gait, bayth anent samony as thai think expedient to be admittit thairto, and c[uhat giidis thai salbe permittit to sell, and quhat dewyte thai that sail stand about the kirk sail pay. 13 December 1555. The prouest baillies and the haill coimsale and dene of gild ordanis William Ker youngar, firmorar of the wyld auenturis in the yeir bygane, to content and jjay to Maister Johne Prestonn thesaurer of that yeir the haill sowme contenit in his assedatioun of the wyld auenturis nochtwithstanding his clame gevin and all the ressonis and caussis specifiit thairin. The prouest baillies and the haill counsale and dene of gild, haiffand con- sideratioun that William Ker customer of the wyld auenturis in the yeir bygane wes causit to set the petty customes of Leyth to Johne Dalmahoy for si. li. and that he offerit j" merkis thairfor, and that the saidis petty customes wes worth samekill, and als that the said William hes in the yeir bygane inbrocht grete 1555.] OP THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 227 eowmes of money to the towne be serclung of giidis inbrocht ia schippis of Precept, Ker. vnfremenis quhilkis wer vnenterit and tbairfor become eschete to the towne and deliuerit to the thesaurer ; and als that the said William be himself and his seruitom-is tuke grete attendence and avait in Leyth the said yeir, and stoppit the men of Leyth and vtheris vnfremen to vs the fredome of this burgh, and spendit gret sowmes of money thairby ; and for the caussis foirsaidis and vtheris caussis and consideratiounis moving tham ordanis the thesaurer Maister Archibald Grahame to content and pay to the said William the sowme of seven scoir merkis. 16 December 1555. The prouest baillies and counsale tliinkis expedient and als ordanis p^^pi^g ^^ ^^^ Maister Archibald Grahame thesaurar to propine the Quenis grace with four Queuis grace. scoir pundis worth of wyne walx and spycery as thai sail devis heireftar, and XX li. worth to Monsieur Dosell. The baillies and counsale thinkis expedient and als ordanis the thesaurar, Maister Archibald Grahame, to propine and gif to the prouest in consideratioun p ™^™t! of his grete expens maid be him remanand heir in this burgh the sowme of ane hundreth pundis worth of clething and spycery, and ane half tvn of wyne by the samyn, of the reddiest of the commoun gudis as it wes gevin to him the last yeir. 20 Deceuihev 1555. Apud Edinburgh, xx° Decembris anno etc. v° quinquagesimo quinto. The quhilk day : Forsamekle as the lordis of counsel ar informit that [Act of Privy thair is diners and sindry schippis cumin furth of Burdeaux, Scherand, and ^\^^^^ coming vtheris places beyond sey with wynis and vtheris waris, into the quhilkis the f^™ places pest is and hes bene this lang tyme bipast, and the awneris and merchandis of the saidis wynis and waris intendis to lois thair saidis wynis and waris and to cum on land, it nocht being knawin giff ony seknis be amangis thame nor giff ony personis be seik or decessit in thair viage, quharethrow our Souerane Ladiis liegis may be dissavit and grete danger may occur ; and for remedy heiroff the saidis lordis ordanis ane masour or vther officer of armes to pas to the mercat cros of Edinburgh and pere and schore of Leith and vtheris places neidfidl vpoun this syde of the wattir, and thair be oppin proclamatioun command and charge all and sindry maisteris skipparis maryneris and awneris of schippis that lies cumin furth of Burdeaux, Scherand, and vtheris places beyond sey with wynis 228 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1555. [Act of Privy and waris, and inlikwis the mercliandis and vtheris passingeris being thairintill, shipsTOmW that nane of thame tak vpoun hand to laud or lois ony of tbair waris and wynis from places ynto the tyuie thai send aduertisament to the provest and baillies of Edinburgh, w ere pes is.j ^^ ^ ^^^^ cognitioun be takin be thame giff ony of thame be seke, or giff ony seknes be amangis thame or ony decessit in thair viage sen thair departing or returnyng, or giff ony danger of seknes apperis, and cautioun to be fundin that na scaith sail cum of tham or thair wynis and waris to the saidis provest and baillies as accordis, vnder the pane of deid and confiscatioiin of all thair guidis doand in the contrar to be applyit to our Sonerane Ladiis vse for thair contemp- tioun ; and inlikmaner ordanis letteris to be direct to officeris of Quenis serefJis in that part to pas and mak siclik proclamatioun vpoun the vthii- syde of the watter to the effect forsaid and vnder the panis abon writtin, and sic personis as pies the Quenis grace name to tak cognitioun as is within writtin. Eo. Orchaden. eps. J. Corstorphin Decanus Glasquen. H. Lauder Dunglas J. Gledstanis J. Precentor Glasquen. L. Chirstoun Provand {Eodem die. — Proclamat per Joliaunem Hamiltoun super lie schore in coram preposito balliuis at Alexamdro Guthre, Alexandre King, Jacobo King.) JJaxteris, Fermoraris. 21 December 1555. The prouest baillies and counsale, with consent of Thomas Boyis vesitour of the baxter craft within this burgh, ordanis all the quheit that tlie saidis visitouris and baxteris in tymes cummyng happynnis to send by the commoun mylnis to be ground at ony vther mylnis without licence of the firmorar askit and optenit to be eschete to the firmorar, and gif the saidis commoun mylnis be all gangaud, and ony of the saidis baxteris ask licence and be refusit be the fir- morar, it salbe lesum to that persoun to pas to ane vther mylne without the danger of eschete of his quheit ; and this ordinance to be obseruit without pre- iudice of the outmvltar to be payit as vs is. 1555. ( Authority to Kegin A : We, vnderstandaud that be the by rning and crewell invasiounis maid change the be our aid iuemeis witliin our burgh of Edinburgh the maist parte of the best and m^'^raarketsV ™fi^t lionest ludgiugis houssis and biggingis speciallie on the hie gait thairof 1555.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 229 wer halelie brynt and distroyit, and now ane grite parte thairof being sensyne [Authority to Weill biggit and reparallit, it is tliocht expedient be the counsale of cure said chau.'e the burgh that certane mercatis quhilkis hes bene of aid and yit ar situate in sic places for hoid- . . . .,.,., ing markets.] jDlaces thairof as ar ellis resonablie biggit be changit and sett m vtheris places of the same quhilkis ar nocht yitt biggit bot standis almaist waist, weill myndand thairbi that be the confluence of people quhilkis resortis to mercatis the nixt inhabitantis maybe enrechit, and thairthrow obteue in proces of tyme substance to big thair waist and decayit landis ; and becaus it is statute of aid be our predecessouris that euerie mercate salbe haldin seueralie in certane assignit and appointit places within our said burgh, quharthi'ow it is dowbtit be the provest bailies and counsale of our said burgh now present that thai may nocht change the same without our licence had thairto, and we, knawand the samyn to be pro- fhttable to our said burgh and to the weill of the inhabitantis thau-of and to the grete outsetting and policie of the same, haif grantit and permittit to the pro- vest and bailies of our said burgh, with avyis of the counsale thairof present and to cum, to change and feche thair claith fische and all vtheris mercatis to quhat vther parte or place of our said burgh out of the aid rowmes and in all tymes cuming als oft as thai sail think ueidfuU and expedient for the weill commodite honestie and policie of the same, and will and grantis that thai sail incur na danger perrell nor skaith thairthi-ow in thair personis landis gudis nor aid infeftmentis, nochtwithstanding ony chosen sett or limitat places thairto of aid infeftmentis privilegis or confirmatiouis past thakujioun, anent the quhilkis we dispens with thame be thir cure letteres. Subscriuit be our darrest moder Marie, Queen Dowriare and Regent of our realme, and gevin vnder oure signet at (blank) the {blank) day of (blank) and of our rcgnne the xiij"" yeir. Maeie E. 8 January 1555-6. The bailhe Richart Carmichaell, James Barroun dene of gild, Maister Vffla, Johnne Prestoun, Adam Foulartoun and Eduard Hoip of the counsale, hes '''™^'''^- licentiat the personLs vnderwrittin to stand in the placis vnder specifiit for selling of sic cramery wair as thai may sell be the ordinance of the toun and na vtheris, and sail pay yeirlie ilkane of thame thairfor xx s. at twa termes,viz., Williame Heleis and Thomas Greif and Peter Fairbarn to haif the place 230 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1555-6. vaia, Cramaris. Precept, Quhyntin, [Act of Privy Council as to price of bread, &c.] betuix the butrege on the bak of Sanct Mertenis ile, Paull Donaldsoun and John Dewar to half the place betuix the butrege on the baksyde of the gold- smythis alter, Johne Makmillane and Richart Archibald to half the place betuix the butrege on the bak of Sanct Nicoles alter, James Dauidsoun and Thomas Alexander to half the place betuix the butrege on the bak of Sanct Johnis ile. 10 January 1.555-6. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar in the yeir bygane Maister Johne Prestoun, to content and pay to Eobert Quhyntin the sowme of xj li. ij s. xj d. restand awand to him at the futing of his comptis, and siclike the sowme of v li. x s. debursit and payit be him to ane sterisman that past with him to Norroway, and sicKk the so\vme of x li. for the said Robertis expensis the xv vlkis quhilkis he wes in his viage in Norroway, and xviij li. for the said Robertis wagis xvij vlkis quhilkis he avatit and ouersaw the werk of the Newhavin. 11 January 1555-6. Apud Edinburgh, vndecimo Januarii anno Domini, etc. Iv'o- Forsamekle as the breid, all, flesche, fische, wikle meit and vtheris victuallis within the realme ar risyn to sic ane exorbitand darth that the lieges can nocht be sarvit thairwith vpone ressonabill prices, the Quenis [grace] and Lordis of Secreit Counsall takand deliberatione quhat raaner the samin mycht be represt, the prouest and baUies of Edinburgh being callit thairto and thair opinione hard, hes deuisit and ordauit that the boll of quheit being commonly sauld in the marcat for four merkis the baxteris fremen of burrowis sail sell xiiij vuce of bakin breid gud and sufficient stuff for four penneis, and vtheris baxteris duelland in land wart and vnfremen sail eik ane vnce weycht for ilk penny to the quantite foirsaid, thai bryngand thair breid to be sauld in the marcat of Edinburgh, and sua as the prices of the quheit risis or diminisis the breid to be sauld thairefter, and gif ony man deliveris quheit to ane baxtar tobe bakin to him that he ressaue sevin scoir pund weycht of bakin breid gud and sufficient stuff for ilk boll. Item, that the prouest and baillies of ilk burgh sail at the end of ilk moneth mak proclamationes at thair marcatt croces vpone quhat prices the malt salbe sauld in the moneth ensewing, conforme to the 1555-6.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBUEGH. 231 prices of the beir commonly sauld in the marcat, and consequently how the [Act of Privy aill salbe sauld in the same moneth, and quhatsumevir prices be statute within pric" of bread, burgh that the samin be vniuersally observit alsweill to burgh as land regalite as *"=■] rialte throughout the haill schire ; and becaus it is difficult to put ane ordour to the flesoris vtherwys it is ordanit that for ane yeir it salbe leifull to all maner of persones, quhithir thai be fremen of burrowis or nocht, at thair plesure, to iubryng vpone all the dayis of the oulk beif rauttone veill and pork within burgh, brak and sell the samin in all the marcattis thairof, the said licence onely for the spaice of ane yeir nixtocum to endure. Item, the saidis prouest and bailies sail advert that in thair marcattis na poultry be sauld darrer than the pricis following, that is to say ane capone xx d., ane hen xiiij d., ane gryce [ilkgihle], ane tame guse ij s., ane tame duke xiiij d., the best kypill of chykkynnis fra Pasche furth xij d., and the smallar of smallar prices, ane kypill of dowis vj d.. ane kyi^ill of cvnnyngis of creche betuix Alhallowmes and Fastroneveyn iij s., and vther war xxx d. : Provyding always that the conyngis and lapronys be sparit betuix [^illegible] and Alhallowmes and nane to be coft nor sauld ; and becaus the prices of the befoirsaid hes bene raisit to ane exorbitand darth heirtofor v|ione the occa- sione of ane number of regratouris duelland within the toun of Edinburgh, it is ordanit that four of the principallis of thame haifand heii-efter barnes at the discretione of the prouest and baillies of the said burgh salbe banist and com- mandit nocht to remane nor resort within the haill schyre of Edinburgh for the space of ane yeir nixtocum, vnder the pane of [tUegible], and the remanent regratouris dischargeit of forthir excrsying thairof vnder the pane of banesying foirsaid ; and to the effect that [seve7-al tvords destroyed or illegible] vsit, this ordinance to be puhlist be opin proclamatioun, and that nocht onely the prouest and baillies of burrowis within burgh bot alsweill the schirefEs of ilk schyre and lordis of regaliteis within thair jurisdictiones tak held that it be vniuersely ob- servit and p\Tiis the transgressouris alsweill byaris as sellaris as thai will ansuer to the Quenis grace vpone thair vtermost charge. It is also ordanit that the act of parliament maid of befoir for presentyng of all fisches to the mercat, and thair remanyng ane certane houris or merchandis half liberte to by the samyn to pak and peill, salbe proclamit on Mononday nixtocum in tyme of marcatt at the croce of Edinburgh, and sicklyk at all the portis and se tounys quhair 232 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1550-6. [Act of Privy [figch] vsis commonly to be takin and sauld. that the subiectis may the bettir half knawlege tbairof. Atour, it is ordanit that na wylde foull be tane coft price of bread, &c.] sauld nor eityn within this realme be na maner of persones of quhatsumeuii' degre or qiialite thai be of fra Fastronisevyn nixtocum vnto tlie Feist of Pasche in the yeir of God j™ v= Ivij yeris, vnder the pane of ten libris to be vpliftit and takin vnforgevin fra the transgressour heirof for ilk tyme sa oft as he sail offend thairin, and to be applyit the tua panis tbairof to oure Souerane Ladyis vse, and the thi-id to hira quba sail denimce the fait to the Quenis grace or hir ofiiceris for punisment of the samin. And to the effect that the samin be na wys neclekkit ordanis the provest and bailies of burrowis within burgh, the serefis of ilk schyre, lordis of regaliteis within thair jurisdictiounis and baronys within thair baronyis, to informe vpone the transgressione heirof as thai will ansuer to the Quenis grace vpone the executioun of thair offices. Extractum de libro actorum secreti consilii. W. Maitland. Anent the puris bred. Finder, Surges. Thomsoun, Burges. Anent the Borrow loch. 15 January 1555-6. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis .Johne Dowgall merchand and Thomas Reidpeth to ressaif the pure folkis bred and siluer tbairof and ordom* the samyn quhill Michaelmas nist tocum. The prouest baillies and counsale grantis to Johne Finder wrycht his burgeschip gratis, in consideratioun that be beaud wirkand at the townis werk in the tolbuith in the propping thairof hurt himself in lifting of tymmer that he lay xv vlkis seik thairby. The prouest baillies and counsale grantis to Alexander Thomsoun his burgesschip and gylry gratis, at the requeist and desyre of Andro Murray of Blakbarony. 17 January 1555-6. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis, for caussis and considerationis moving thame and for the commoun weill of thair calsay, the Borrow-loch to be lattin furtb and the dyke thairof sloppit sua that it may ryn quhair it ran of befoir, quhill the feist of Pasche nixt tocum, and than ordanis new consider- 1555-6.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 233 atioim to be tane quhether it be better the samyn be lattia furth or haldin in as Anent the Borrow loch. it is now. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Master Archibald HaU, Precept. Grahame to pay to Thomas Hall the sowme of xl s. by the pj li. quhilk he suld half of the towns for furnissing of the colis to the lordis, in con- sideratioun that he this yeir furnissis colis to the towne and lordis befoir none and efter. The prouest baillies and counsale, haiffand consideratioun of the complaynt -"^"f^' "'« , , I'll uiylnis. gevin in be Maister James Lindesay firmorar of the commoun mylms, and als haiffand respect of the grete hurt of the saidis mylnis now instant and apperandlie tocum thairto, and to the awld actis and ordinancis maid thairanent in tymes bygane, hes statute and ordanit that na maner of persoun induellar within the fredome of this burgh, makar of malt or vtheris, thyrlit to thair commoun mylnis, in tyme cummyng pas fra the said commoun mylnis to ony vther mylnis with thair malt to grynd the samyn thairat, vndir the pane of eschete of tlie stufe quhair it may be apprehendit be the said Maister James or the firmorar for the tyme, and failyeing of the apprehending thairof to pay dowbill mvlter for the samyn as it may be provin be the firmorar for the tyme ; and alsua it is statute and ordanit that gif ony persoun that duellis outwith the fredome of this burgh and makis malt within the snmyn that malt cummand within this fredome to be thirlit to the saidis tounis mylnis ; and the possessour of the killis and barnis quhair the said malt salhappin to be maid to be astrikit to the firmorar of the said mylnis for the said malt gif it beis abstrakit or away tane fra the saidis mylnis. 20 January 1555-6. The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and couiisale, at the command of the [Commis- Quenis grace wryting vnderwrittin, neiumit and chesit Archibald Douglas of attend Con- Kilspindy prouest, Andro Murray of Blakbarony, and Maister Johne Prestoun, vention.] for the merchandis, and Thomas Eeidpeth, skynnar, for the craftismen, to con- vene with the rest of the commissinaris of borrowis, conform to the said 2 G 234 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1555-6. [Commis- wrytiiig, of the quhilk the tenour followis : — Provest, baillies, and counsale of attend Con- Edinburgh we grete yow weill : Forsamekil as we are informit of diners vention.] debaittis and pleyis amangis merchandis and craftsmen within syndry borrowis of this realm quhilkis we ar werray desyrous to haif recounselit, for fnrthsett- ing of the commonn weill and avauceing of sic seruice as consernis oure derrest dochter twiching hir ciinye myndis and fischingis, quhairfoir we charge yow that vpoun the xv day of Jannar uixtocum ye cans twa commissinaris, ane of the nifiist honest merchandis and ane vther craftismen, to be in Edinburgh to ressonn in the materia foirsaidis with sic commissinaris as we sail appoynt to that effect, as ye will ansner to ws thairvponn. At Falkland the xxvij day of Nouember 1555. Sequitur suhscrii:)tio, JIarie R. The quhilk day, in presens of the baillies and counsale, Maister Archibald Graham, thesaurar, protestit that the chesing of Thomas Eeidpeth, skynnar, beand ane craftisman, as commissionar, conform to the act obone writtin, be vertew of the Quenis grace wrj'ting, prciuge nocht the towne in tyme cuming, insafer as craftismen wer neuir chosin commissinaris of befoir. Protestatio. The quliilk day, in presens of the baillies and counsale, Michael Gilbert, m-tificum. goldsmyth, in name of the haill visitouris of craftis, desyrit the saidis visitouris to be hard and to haif voting in the chesing of the commissinaris quhilkis the Quenis grace be hu- wryting desyrit to be chosin, and becaus the baillies and counsale refusit, protestit for remeid, and als desyrit thame to cheis twa craftismen alsueil as thai had chosin tua merchandis. Protestatio. Grahame nomine Ville. Protestatio. Commissioners of Edinburgh, 23 January 1555-6. The quhilk day, in presens of the commissinaris of borrowis convenit in Edinliurgh in the Tolbuith thairof Maister Johne Prcstoun askit instrumentis that he. Andro Murray of Blakbarony, and Thomas Ktidpeth, thre of the com- missinaris to Edinburgh, ausuerit to the secund article gevin in to thame be James Henrisoun in the Quenis grace name, negatiue, as thai that had com- missioun thairto and to na vther effect. 24 January 1555-6. Bolyeoun, The quliilk day. Archibald Dowglas of Kilspindy, prouest, John Sjtu, Eobert Fleming, Richard Carmichael, and Alexander Home, baillies, James 1555-G.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 235 Broun dene of gild, Andro Murray of Blackbarony, Maister Johne Prestoun, Bulyeoun. Maister James Liudesay, Eduard Hoip, Johne Spottiswod, James Carmichael, Adam Foulartoun, Alexander Acliesoun, Johne Symsouu, of the counsale, Maister Archibald Graham thesaurar, Cuthbert Dik visitour of the walkeris, Thomas Boyis visitour of the baxteris, Johne Gilbert visitour of the gold- smythis, Nicoll Rynd visitour of the tailyeouris, Johne Banx visitour of the hammermen, Thomas Clerksoun visitour of the skynnaris, Gilbert Gray visitour of the masonis, Virgil Calder visitour of the wrychtis, Alexander Bruce visitour of the barbouris, William ISmytli visitour of the cordinaris, and William Mochry visitour of the wobstaris, vuderstandand that the haill borrowis of this realm ar hevely hurt be the compelling of thaim to bring hame bulyeou furtli of vther cuntreis, it beand inhibit thair, and als that thai ar inhibit nocht to send fischeis furth of the realm without licence quhair thai war frie of befoir, and als be ane act maid anent the prices of wyne be the Secreit Counsale quhair the borrowis had the making of the prices thairof ofbefoir be act of parliament, and becaus thair is now at this fyme ane pairt of the commissinaris of borrowis in this burgh desyrand the saidis hurtis to be remedit : thairfor the saidis prouest baillies dene of gild counsale and visitouris of craftis consentit, and be the tenour heirof consentis, that thair be thre chosin as commissinaris of this burgh to convene with the rest of the commissinaris of borrowis and consent that ane generall contributioun and propine of money be vjjliftit of the haill borrowis and gevin to the Quenis grace to obteue the discharge of the saidis hurtis done to the borrowis anent the bulj'eoun fische and wyne, and als that na sic ackis nor ordinancis to the hurt of the borrowis be maid in tyme cuming hot in parliament, providand alwys that the said discharge be first optenet and grautit ; and to the effect foirsaid nemmis the prouest, William Craik, and Maister Johne Prestoun, com- missinaris, and ordanis thaim to grant to na sowme ia speciall quhill thai aduertis the counsale agane. In presens of the prouest baillies coimsale and visitouris, Thomas Eeidpeth in name of the craftis protestit that na vther articulis be gevin in to the Quenis grace nor ar aboue expremit without thai be schawin in presens foirsaid. 236 EXTKACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1555-6. Protestatio artificorum. Anent the Commia- &iuaris. Protestatio. Achesoiin, Adamaoun. Pensio, Scott. Precept, Graham. 25 January 1555-6. In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Thomas Boyis in the name of the haill visitouris of" craftis desyrit, conform to the Quenis grace wi-ji,ing, becaiLS [what] the saidis prouest haillies and counsale desyrit wes to dispens with bulyeoun fischeis and -wj-nis or thai wald grant to len or gif to the Quenis grace ony money, siclik to desyre for thair pairt to dispens with the act of parliament quhilk wes maid in hurt of thair priuilege that the craftismen may brouke thair aidd priuilege as the Quenis grace dearest husband King James the Fift left tham with, quhome God assolye, vtherwys thai wald tak the addres that thai mycht get for tham selffis. 27 January 1555-6. The quhilk day. the prouest, Johne Sym, Eichard Garmichael, Alexander Home, baillies, dene of gild, thesaurar and counsale, ratifyit Maister Johne Prestoun and William Craik commissinaris for this burgh to the effect specifyt in thair commissiouu the xxiiij of Januar instant, and ordanit tham to grant that four thousand merkis wer contribute be the borrowis for the caussis spccifiit in thair said commissioun and to na hiear sowme. The quhilk day, in presens of Alexander Home, baillie, James Adamsoun and Alexander Achesoun askit instrumentis that thai disassentit to the act aboue wi-ittin. 31 January 1555-6. The j^rouest baillies and ane paut of the counsale grantis and gevis to Alexander Scott ane pensioun of ten pundis furth of thair commoun gude for the yeir to cum alanerlie, and ordanis the thesaurar to ])ay him thairof, and that for his avating and singing in thair queir during the said tyme all the haly and festiuall dayis and playing on the organis quhen he salbe requirit be the towne thairto. 7 February 1555-6. The prouest and counsale allowis to Maister Archibald Graham thesaurar the sowme of xxvij li. viij s. debursit be him for the expensis of the prouest twa of the baillies and certane of the counsale that past to Striueling to the 1555-6.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 237 Queais grace for the getting of the delay of the summondis raisit aganis the Precept, towne for the bulyeouu and vtheris the townis effaris. "^^ '*'"' The prouest and counsale allowis to Maister Archibald Graham the sowme Precept, of xvj li. debursit to him for the price of four tvnis wyne, quhairof thre wes ^™''^™- deliuerit to the Quenis grace and ane to Monsieur Dosell mair nor wes allowit to be debursit thairfor. The baillies and counsale ordanis Maister Johne Prestouu thesaurar in Quhyntin. the yeir bygane to content and pay to Robert Quhyntin the sowme of v li. in augmentatioun of his expensis the tyme he wes in Northway. The prouest, Richard Carmichael, bailie, and the counsale ordanis the thre Anent the keyis of the charterhous durris to be kepit in tyme cummyng in maner follow- "^ '^^^'^'^ ""^' ing, viz., the key of the inner bindin dure to be keipit be the dene of gild for the tyme, and the dene of gildis predecessour, viz., the dene of gild in the yeir precedand, to half ane of the keyis of the u-ne dure, and anent the vthir ke of the irne dure ordanis the samyn at this tyme to be deliuerit in keipiug to Johne Symsoun to be kepit be him indming the prouest, bailhes and counsalis will, 24 February 15.55-6. We do yow to wit: Forsamekill as our Souerane Ladyis letteres be ane act Wappyn- of the lordis of secreit counsale ar direct to the prouest and baillies of this ^^ ™"^^' burgh twicheing the making of wappynschawing conform to the act of parlia- ment tlirys this nixt yeir and twis ilk yeir followand, as at mair tenth is contenit in the saidis letteres proclamit thairupoun, and conform thairto the saidis prouest and baillies assignis wappynschawing of the nychtbouris and inhabitaris of this burgh to be the nixt morn efter Law Sonday efter pasche nixt tocum on the west part of the commoun Borrowmvre, at ten houris before none, conform to the tenour of the saidis letteres. We do you to wit : Forsamekle as be ane act and ordinance sett furth be Breid, malt, our Souerane Ladyis derrest moder Mary, queue drowriar and regent of this '^^^' realm, and the lordis of secrete counsale thairof, it is commandit that the 238 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1555-6. Breid, malt, aill proiiest and baillies of ilk burgh, sereffis of scbyre and vtber officeris, etc., suld ilk monetb tak cognitioun of the pais and prices of quheit and of the prices of malt and aill, and the prouest and baillies of this burgh ^niderstandand that the boll quheit is now commonlie saidd for xliij s. iiij d. or thairby, ordanis all the baxtcris of this burgh baik tliair breid gud and sufficient stufe and that the iiij d. laif wey xvij vnces, vnder the panis contenit in the statutis of the town ; and siclik vnderstandand that the boll beir is commonlie sauld for xxxvj s. or thairby, ordanis the nyne furlettis grundin malt of the auld mesour to be sauld for iiij li. and the pynt aill iiij d.. vndir the panis respectiue contenit iu the statutis of this town. Protc statin, Barroim. 20 3Iarch 155.5-6. In preseus of the prouest baillies and counsale, Alexander Barroun sone and air to vmquhile Patrik Barroun last watter baillie desyrit the said office to be haldin still in the to^vnis hand conform to his bill, and desyrit the seruice thairof quhill Michaelmes nixt tocum, he iiudand souerte for gude seruice thairin. Litiii, villa. In prcsens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Maister Henry Foidis in name and behalf of Johne Litill presentit twa wrytingis direct be the Quenis grace to the towne in favoiu'is of the said Johne twicheing the office of watter bailyery, and desyrit thair ansuer thairupoun. Villa, anent the watter bailyery. 24 March 1555-G, Alexander Home, Johne Sym, Kobert Flemyng, Kichard Carmichael baillies, Maisteris Thomas M'Calyeane, Johne Spens, Robert Hereot assissouris, James Barroun dene of gild, Andro Murray of Blakbarony, Johne Symsoun, James Carmichael, Maister Johne Prestoim, Maister James Lindesay, Adam Foulartoun, Eduard Hoip, James Adamsoun, Johne Spottiswod, and Michael Gilbert of the counsale, Thomas Clerksoun visitour of the skynnaris, Johne Banx visitour of the hammermen, Gilbert Gray visitour of the masounis, Virgin Calder visitour ot the wrichtis, William Smyth visitour of the cordi- 1555-6.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 2.33 naris, Cuthbert Dik visitour of the walkeris, William Mocliiy visitour of the ViUa, anent wobstaiis. Archibald Dewar for the visitour of the tailyeouris, Johne Mosman baliyery.^'^ for the visitour of the goldsmythis, William Craik, Francis Tennand, William Muirhcad. AUane Dikkcsoun, William Lausouu, Alexander BaiTouu, Dauid Symmer, and George Todrrik, burgessis convenit in the Tolbuyth thairof, vndirstandand that the said burgh thair liavm of Leji;h liberte and fredome tliairof hes bene hevely hurt in all tymes bygane throw the geving of the otSce of watter bailyery in liferent to vmquhile Patrik Barroun quha broukit the samyn during all the dayis of his liftyme and is now laitlie deceissit, and that the said office wes of befoir the gevin thairof to the said vmquhile Patrik vsit yeirlie to be elekit and chosin at Michaelmes as the proucst and baillies wer; thairfor the saidis baillies assissouris counsale visitouris and men of gude and burgessis foirsaidis thinkis expedient and als statutis and ordanis that the said office in all tyme cummyng be changit yeirlie at Michaelmes as the laif of the ofliceris of burgh, sic as prouest baillies thesaurar and dene of gild ar, and that the samyn be ueuir gevin in lifrent to ony persoun of quhatsumeuir degre he be of; and quha pur- chessis requeistis or chargis of the priucis or vtlier suporiouris in the contrar, decernis that persone to be vnliabill to brouke liberte fredome or office in this burgh, and heirto the saidis prouest baillies assissouris counsale and honest men burgessis and communite oblissis tham and thair successouris ; and ordanis the thesaurar to intromet with the doksiluer quhil thai be forther avisit, to be furthcummand to the tounis vs. 1 April 1556. The baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar, personalie present, to big Anent tte vp the west end of the Borrowloch and hald in the watter thairof. Borrowioch The baillies and counsale ratifiis and apprevis the act maid for the tyme Anent the anent the baxteris and thair vsing of the grynding of thair girstes at the com- moun mylnis, of the dait the xj day of October the yeir of God jm vj yeris, and the vther act maid the xij day of Julij the yeir of God j™ v" xl yeris, and ordanis the samyn to be fulfilUt in all poTOtis. 240 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [155G. Anent the choppig. The baillies and counsale ratifiis and apprevis the act maid anent the dountaking of the choppis on the hie gait, and ordanis the dene of gild and his seriandis to put the samyn to executioun on the Witsounday nixt tocum, and gif thai failye to tak tham downe on the awaaris expensis. Blacader, villa. 10 April 1556. The quhilk day, Alexander Home, Richard Carmichael, baillies, and the maist pairt of the counsale, findis that Hector Blacader hes falit in the refusing and dissobeying to pas with the pece to the procuratioun to Sanct Gelis werk on Palm Sonday last bypast, he beand chairgit thairto as he confessit be the gild seriandis, nochtwithstanding his excuse maid in the contrar, and thair- for ordanis liim to ])aj alsmekil as Johne Wicht quha procurit that day gat viz., xxiij s, and to be poyndit thairfor. The bailies and counsale findis that Hector Blacader wes suorn and ad- mittit burges and gild and suorn in Johne Symsoun's tyme, and tliairfor ordanis him to be put in the buke, and the dene of gild present to ressaif his dewite, viz. xxxiij s. iiij d., quhilk wes for that tyme. Anent the The baillies, Richard Carmichael and Alexander Home, and the maist slncTSflis'* P'^^''^ °^ *^^® counsale ordanis and statutis that quhatsumeuir persone induellar pece. within this burgh in tyme cummyng, beand warnit to procure with Sanct Gelis pece, and dissobeyis or refusis, to pay xl s. and to pas the nixt Sonday thairefter, and ordanis the dene of gild and his seriandis to poynd thairfor. Kincaid, dene of gild. Dene of gild, villa. The baillies, Richard Carmichael and Alexander Home, and the maist pairt of the counsale ordanis in all tymes cummyng that quhatsumeuir persone beis maid burges or gild that the dene of gild put him in the bukis and ansuer for his dewite in his comptis. Anent the breid, aiU, malt. 20 April 15.56. The baillies causit proclame at the merket croce of Edinburgh the prices of quheit and breid malt and aill, conform to the act maid be the Quenis grace and Lordis of Secreit Counsale, and als conform to ane act maid in thir bukis 1556.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 241 the xxiiij day of Februar last bypast, viz.. that the boll quheit wes saulJ com- Aaent the moulie for xlvj s. viijd. ; and thaii-by ordauit the iiij d. laif to way xvj vncis, and ^^t.' ^ ' siclik the boll of beir commonlie saidd for xxxvj s., and that thahby the laid malt wer sauld for iiij li. and the pynt aill for iiij d., vnder the panis specifiit in the statutis of the towne. MApr{ll556. The prouest baillies and the maist pairt of the counsale ordanis Maister Thesaurar, Archibald Graham thesaurar, of his consent, to furnis of the reddiest of the commoun rentis and avance ane thousand merkis to the bigging of the New- havin this yeir instant. The prouest baillies and counsale allowis to Maister Archibald Grahame Precept, thesaurar the sowme of ten merkis payit and deliuerit be him to the maister g^^g'*^"^ °^ of the Tranche scule deliuerit be him to the said maister at thair command. 27 April 1556. The prouest baiUies and counsale ordanis Maister Archibald Graham Thesaurar, thesaurar to tak vp the restis of the baillies comptis of the yeir bygane contenit ^ *' in the register, and als to mak ane grene clayth to the burd and cushounis thairto to the counsalhous. The prouest baillies and counsale allowis to Maister Archibald Grahame Precept thesaurar the sowme of xiiij li. x s. debursit be him the tyme the prouest baillies and assissouris past in lentrone last bypast to Striuehng, and siclike the sowme of V li. X s. debursit the tyme Maister Johne Spens and Robert Flemyng past to the Quenis grace to Striueling. In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Johne Litill presentit ane Wattir writing subscriuit be the Quenis grace of the tenour following, viz. : — Provest ^ baillies and counsale of Edinburgh : Forsamekill as we haif oft and diuers tymes requeistit yow be cure vthir speciall writtingis to haif prouidit oure dalie seruitour Johne Litill to the office of wattir bailyeschip, wakand in your handis be deceis of vmrpihile Patrik Barroun, quhilkis oure vthir requeistis and speciall writtingis ye haif as yit contempnandlie dissobeyit and postponis and 2h 242 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [155G. Wattiibailiie. cleferris to fulfill the effect of the samin, quhairtlirow we ar movit to charge yow to do the samin : Heirfor it is oure will and we charge yow this writting being sene that ye convene and mak the said Johne be dewlie prouidit to the said office siclik as vtheris hes bene of befoir, quhilk gif ye failye to do we can Docht stand content thairwith and salbe als ingrait and vnthaukfull to yow gif ye charge ws with ony besynes concernyng yow in tymes cuming ; and we assuir yow this oure vtir ansuer to yow in this behalf. Subscriuit with our hand at Halyrudhous the (blank) day of April 1556. In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Alexander Barroun askit instrumentis vpoun the productioun of the writting aboue writtin and desirit the samin to be registrat. Protestatio, Barroun. Protestatio, Dewar. Protestatio, Barroun, Nota. Pi otestatio, Lausoun. Protestatio, Young et Dewar. In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Archibald Dewar declarit that it wes the haill craftis mynd that the Quenis Grace writting preseutit be Johnne Litill tuichiug the wattir bailyery suld be obeyit, and thairupouu askit instrumentis. 28 April 1556. In presens of the prouest, the four baillies, the thre assissours, the haill counsale, and nyne of the vesitouris of craftis, Alexander Barroun askit instru- mentis and protestit in cais the office of wattir-bailyery quhilk his fader [had] ofbefoir wer gevin to ony perticular persoun that it preiTulgit nocht liim nor his rycht thairof, bot that he mycht perse w thairfor tyme and place convenient. In presens of the prouest baillies counsale and vesitouris forsaid, James Lausoun, bonetmaker, desirit in place of dekin to half ane vot with the craftis in respect of the act of parliament maid that in place of dekjTinis suld be chos vesitouris,! and that as he allegit the said craft had ane dekyn and wot of befoir, and thairupoun askit instrumentis. In presens of the prouest baillies assissouris counsale and vesitouris foir- saidis, James Young and Archibald Dewar desirit that samony of the vesitouris of the craftis as wer absent that vtheris of thai ci'aftis wer chosyn in thair placis to wot anent the wattir-bailyery, and declarit that thai had commis- 1 1555, c. 26 ; Acts of the Parliament of Scotlauil, vol. ii. p. 49/". 1556.1 OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 243 sioim for the haill xiij vesitouris and the twa craftismen of the coimsale to wot Protestatio, Young Dewar. conform to the Quenis Grace desir anent the said office to Johne Litill. """" "^^ In presens of the baillies assissouris and counsale, ^Vi-chibald DougUas of Wattir Kilspyndy, prouest, declarit to thame that he had special! command of the "■ "^' Quenis grace, and that liir grace had chargit him to caus thame wot anent the office of wattir-bailyery conform to hir gracis writting, euery man par- ticularly be thamself, and chargit thame thairwith and that he mycht schew the samin to liir grace, cpihilkis baillies assissouris and counsale refusit to wot and gif thair particular wottis in writt, in respect that thai wer ane counsale sworn to gif the best coimsale thai culd and consele the counsale schewin to thame. 2 May 1556. The quhilk day. Sir How Kennedy presentit ane wryting to the prouest Anent the direct be the Quenis grace to him, of the quhilk the tenour followis : — Prouest °^^^^ °* of Edinburgh, we command yow this wrytmg sene ye caus convene the hale i^aiiyery. counsale and communite of the said burgh in the Tolbuyth thairof, and caus our daylie seruitour Johne Litill be lauchfullie providit to the office of wattir bailyeschip conform to diuers our vtheris wrytingis direct to j'ow of befoir, and gif ony of the counsale happynis to be absent that ye neuirtheles proceid to the geving of the said office to the said Johne as ye will ansuer to ws thair- upoun. Subscriuit with our hand, at Halyrudhous the (blank) day of (blank) 1556. Efter the quhilk writing presenting the said prouest and the baillies counsale and communitie vnderwrittin comperand votit in this mauer : — The prouest gevis the office of wattir bailyery to Johne Litil with all pro- ffittis and commoditeis thairof for all the dayis of liis liftyme, conform to the Quenis grace command and wryting. Mr Archibald Graham thesaurer gaif the samin to the said Johne siclik. Johne Sym, Eobert Flemyng. and Eichard Carmichael bnillics, declarit thai culd nocht volt becaus the counsale wes nocht all present nor yet warnit. Alexander Home baiHe votit that the said office remane in the townis handis. Johne Symsoun, Adam Foulartoun, and James Carmichael of the counsall votit as the thre baillies did. 244 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1556. Anent the Johne Loch and Michaell Gilbert of the counsale grantit the office foirsaid oince of jTiT-Mic • ^ /-\ ' 1 watter to John LitiU for ane yeir at the Quenis grace desyre. baUyery. William Mochry, visitour of the wobstaris, John Gilbert, visitour of the goldsmythis, Alexander Bruce, visitour of the barbouris, Johne Banx, visitour of the hammermen, William Smyth, visitour of the cordinaris, Tliomas Clerk- soun, visitour of the skynnaris, Gilbert Gray, visitour of the masonis, Henry Kobertoun, visitour of the flescheouris, and Cuthbert Dik, visitour of the wal- karis, grantit the office of wattirbailyery to Johne Litill for all the dayis of his liftyme. 7 May 1556. Anent the Jq presens of the prouest, John Sym, Kichard Carmichael, Eobert baiiyery. Flemyug baillies, the haiU counsale except Michael Gilbert and Andro Murray, and the thre assissouris present, Johne Litill presentit and producit to tham ane wryting and charge of the Queuis grace, of the qnhilk the tenour foUowis : — Prouest baillies and counsale of Edinburgh : Forsamekill as we half oft and diuers tymes requeistit and als chargit yow to half providit and disponit the office of wattirbailiieschip now vacand in your handis to our daylie seruitour Johne Litill, likeas diuers our vther wrytingis direct to you of befoir at raair lenth proportis, quhilkis as j-it ye half nocht fulfillit hot contempnandlie hes disso- beyit the samyn, quhairfor we charge yow yit as of befoir that incontinent this our wryting sene ye gif and dispone the said office of wattirbailieschip to the said Johne for aU the dayis of his life, to be broukit and vsit be him during his liftyme siclike as vmquliile Patrick Barroun last watter baillie vsit the samyn, and your ansuer heirintill quhat ye will do in this behalf but delay, for it is our \i;ir mynd that the samyn be done but ony forther excusatioun, as ye will answer to ws thairupoun. Subscriuit with our hand, at Halyrudehous the (blank) day of Mali 1.556. 8 Mat/ 1556. In presens of Johne Sym, Kichard Carmichaell and Eobert Flemjang baillies, and the haiU counsale except ]\Iichael Gilbert, Maister Johne Hay, per- sone of Monymusk, presentit ane wryting of tlie Quenis grace, subscriuit with hir graeis hand, off the quhilk the tenour followis : — Prouest of Edinburgli : 1.556.] OP THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 245 Forsamekill as we perfytlie vnderstand that James Barroun, Jobne Sym, Edmund Hoip, Adam Foulartoun, Maister James Lindesay and Jolme Spot- tiswod, now being vpoun the counsall of the said burgh hes bene and ar werray dissobeydient to our chargis and commandis, and ar nocht gevin for the com- moun Weill of the said burgh, quhairfor we charge yow this wryting sene that ye incontinent depryve the foirsaidis personis of the counsale of the said burgh, and elect and cheis vtheris qualyfyt burgessis in thnir placis, as ye will ansuer to us thairupomi. Subscriuit with om- hand, at Halyrudehous the viij day of Mali 1.556. The quhiik day, John Sym, Kichard Carmichael and Robert Flemyng Anent the baillies. James Barroun dene of gild, Andro ^lurray of Blakbarony, Maister baiiHery to James Liudesay, Maister Johne Prestoun, James Adamsoun, James Car- '^*''™** ^J''^- michaell, Adam Foulartoun, Alexander Achesoun, Eduard Hoip, Johne Symsoun, Johne Spottiswod and Johne Loch of the counsall. and Maister Eobcrt Hereot aue of the assissouris, gevis and grantis the office of watter bailyery of the port of Leyth, now vacand in thair handis throw the deceis of vmquhile Patrik Barroun of Spittalfeild last watter baillie thairof, with all and syndry the proffitis commoditeis and dewiteis thairof, to Johne Litill burges of the said burgh, at the Quenis command, be hir Gracis wrytingis of requeistis and chargis direct to thame thairancnt, and that indurand the Quenis Gracis plesour, to be brouliit and vsit be him at hir Gracis plesour and will, providand that the commoun clerk of the said burgh and his deputtis be his clerkis to his wattir cowrttis and he to cheis na vtheris. 11 May 1556. In presence of the baillies and ane pairt of the counsale, James Barroun Protestatio, input the bos with the commoun seill in the charter hous, and James Carmichael c'^^chael and Johne Symsoum keparis of the keyis of the said hous protestit that quhat wes done with the said seill in tymes bygane that thai wer nocht oblist to ansuer thairibr. 15 May 1556. The counsale ordanit Thomas Hal, javillour, to releif the baiUies anent Hall, baillies. the boy quliilk was input in the tolbuith for the steling of the Quenis grace siluer plait or to enter the boy agane. 24(i EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [155G. Anent the puris bred. Aiient the wattirbail- yery. Graham, the- saurer, villa. John Sjau Richard Carmichael baillies and the counsale ordanis James Stewinsoun and Alexander Park to ressaif the pure folkis bred, and vs the dis- tributioun thairof for the space of thre monethis nixt tecum. In presens of Johne Sym and Richard Carmichael baillie.s, and the coun- sale, John Litill made his aith to exerce the office of wattirbailyery conform to the gift maid to him thairof be ane act the viij day of Maij iu.stant lelely and trewlie but feid or fauour. The baillies Johne Sym and Richard Carmichael baillies, and the counsale and assissouris ordanis Maister Archibald Grahame, thesaurar, to big vp the dure of the irnehous incontinent, and to mak the wechtis to the trone, vnder the pane of depryvatioun of him of his oiEce and releving of the jugis and the counsale sa fer as thai salhappin to incur danger thairthrow. Anent the watterbail- yery. 30 May 1556. In presens of the prouest baillies and the maist pairt of the counsale, comperit Johne Litill and presentit ane wryting subscriuit be the Quenis [grace] of the quhilk the tenour followis : We vndirstanding that Johne Sym, Richard Carmichael and Robert Flemyng baillies, James Barroun dene of gild, Andre Murray of Blakbarony, Maister James Lindesay, Maister Johne Prestoun, James Adanisoun, James Carmichael, Adam Foularton, Alexander Achesoun, Eduard Hoip, Johne Symsoun, Johne Spottiswod and Johne Loch of tlie counsale, and Maister Robert Hereot, ane of the assissouris of the burgh of Edinburgh, gaif and grantit the office of watter bailyery of the port of Leyth, vacand in thair handis throw deceis of vmquhile Patrik Barroun of Spittalfield last watter bailye thairof, with all and syndry proffittis commodities and dewiteis of the samyn, to our louit Johne Litill burges of the said burgh, and that induring our plesour to be broukit and joysit induring our will, as ane act maid thairupon vndir the signe and subscriptione of Alexander King commoun clerk of tlie said burgh beris, quhilk will we declair be thir presentis in maner following, that is to say, the said Johne sail brouke joys vs and exerce the said office be him self and his deputtis during all the dayis ef his life, and vptak and intromett 1556.] OF THE BUEGH OF EDINBURGH. 247 with all and syndiy proffittis commoditeis and dewiteis pertenyng thairto Anent the during the said space, siclike as the said vmquhile Patrik Barroim ])iukit ygry. vsit and vptuke the samyn during his liftyme, and this our will to all and syndry quhome it efferis vre mak knawn he thir presentis. Subscriuit with our hand, at Halierudhous the xxix day of Maij the yeir of God j™ V^ fyfty- sex yeris. The prouest baillies and the maist pairt of the couusale, ordanis the Heurisoun, thesaurer. Maister Archibald Grahanie to pay to James Barroun and Robert ^'"''°"°' '■'^^■ Flemyng the sowme of xx s. for x half pund wecht caudill furnist be tham to the pane on the hie altar, and that to be allowit of the first of Sir Eduard Hen- risoun's scule fee. 5 June 1556. In presence of the baillies, sittand in jugement, Patrik Dauidsoun pre- Anent the ex- sentit ane writting of the Quenis grace of the tenour following viz. : — Prouest merkis. and baillies of Edinburgh, this owre writting sene ye sail incontinent efter the sicht heirof convene with your counsall to stent and taxt the haill burrowis of this realme to the sowme of sex hundreth thre scoir sex pundis xiij s. iiij d. grantit to ws the ix day of May last bypast, as ye will ansuer to us thairupouu. Subscriuit with om- hand, at Edinburgh the fift of Junij the yeir of God jm v Ivj yeiris. Conform to the quhilk writting the baillies and coun- sall maid this extent following conform to the auld rolhs, viz. : — vd. Edinburgh j" Ixviij li. xiij s. iiij d. Abirdeue . Ixiij li. Striueling . xvj li. xvj s. X d. Dunde Ixxxiiij li. vij s. Linlythgw . X li. ij s. vij d. Perth xlix li. X s. Eothesay iiij li. X s. Banff iiij li. X 8. Dumbartane V U. xij s. ji d. Dunfermling vjli. XV s. Eenfrew vj li. XV s. Grain iiij li. Kuglin . . iiij li. X s. Forfar iij li. vij s. Air . . XV li. XV s. Brechin xj li. V s. Irwyne . . ix li. Montros . xviij li. Glasgw . . xiij li. X s. Elgein vj li. XV s. Kirkcudbrycht vj li. XV s. Innernes . xj li. V s. Wigholm . vj li. XV s. Abirhrothok . ix li. vj d. 248 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1556. Anent the tent of jm merkis. ex- Quthihorn . Lanerk Jedburgh . vj li. XV s. V li. xij s. vj li. XV s. iid. Sanctandrois Cowi)er Culane XX li. xviij li. xlv s. Selkirk iiij li. X s. Fores vli. xij s. Peblis iiij li. X s. Nairn xlv s. Jid Hadingtoun XX li. V s. Thane . iiij li. vij s. jd Northbervik . xlv s. Dysart vij li. xvij s. vj d Dunbar Lawder iiij li. X s. iiij li. X s. Kirkcaldy iiij li. X s. Drumfreis . xj li. X 8. Summa iij° xxxix li. xvj s. xj d. Summa Totalis vi" Summa Ixxv li. xviii s. iij= xi xxxvj li. Id. ijs. -^d 19 June 1556. Anent the stania to the myhiis. Anent wellis. Statut penes hvirrb. The prouest, Eichard Carmichael baillie, and ane pairt of the counsale ordanis in all tyme cummyng that the quariouris of the Borrowmure serue the commoun mylnis of this burgh in stanis thairto of the auld price callit the townis price, and gif the stanis beis bettir nor the townis price, and sua jugit and apprisit be the firmoraris of the mylnis for the tyme, that sa fer as he jugis the samin bettir be recompansit to the awner of the stane be rest of the quarrouris and himself equale. 29 July 1556. The prouest baillies and counsale foirsaid deputtis Dauid Symmer to be oursear of the well callit Sanct Michaellis well, and Johne Loch to the Mvs well, to caus tham be maid depar and preparit for watter gaddering. 14 August 1556. The prouest baUKes and counsale assissouris and ane greit parte of the commonite of merchandis and craftismen of this burgh [hes statut] that in all tymes cuming na maner of personis, wemen within this burgh that ar wedois or maryit, that ar knawin commonlie to vs adultre or furnicatioun, vs thame self in thair cletlaing as honest menis wyffis, viz., with ane litill hat in the foirheid, vnder the pane of cutting of the samyn litill hat and banessing of thame of the 1556.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 249 town, and cschete of all the cletliing that salbe on thame for the tjTue to the Statut loknian for serching and apprehending of all sic personis. ^^"'^^ ""^' 28 August 1556. In presens of the baillies coiinsale and assissouris, viz. : Johne Sym, Eobert Lyndesay, Flemyng and Alexander Home baillies, Maisteris Thomas M'Calzeane, Eobert ''^'^' Hereot assissouris. James Carmichael, Johne Symsoun, Eduard Hoip, Andro Murray of Blakbarony, Adam Foulartoun and Johne Loch of the counsale, comperit Maister James Lindesay ane of the counsale and firmorar of the commoun mylnis ofFerit to hig aue myln vpouu the watter of Lcyth within the boundis pertenyng to the burgh of Edinburgh betuix this and Mertymes nist tocum, and that scho salbe gangand gryndand corn or than, on his awne expens inwith the sowme of four scoir pundis, and gif he maid the samyn myln with the hous thairof nocht sufficient and without hurt or skayth to the rest of the townis mylnis in thair watter and passage the exces maid thairon to tyue to the said Maister James in his awne hand ; quhilk offer the saidis baUlies assis- souris and counsale acceptit and promittit to the said Maister James in cais the said myln being biggit and perfyttit sufficientlie gangand agane the said terme to pay to him the said sowme of Ixxx li. at the maist, or samekill les as he salhappin to wair vpoun the bigging of the said myln and hous, the said myln and hous pvopirte thairof with the multm- of the samiu to pertene to the said burgh of Edinburgh perpetualie in tyme cummyng. 2 September 1556. The baillies and counsale vnderstanding that ane venerabill man Anent the Gavin Commendatom- of Kylwynning and James Maxwell burges of'*'^''^"*- Kowane hes debursit grete sowmes of money respectiue for the down getting of the xvj deneris of ilk frank waring of gudis coft be Scottis merchandis in Eowane and Deip by the four deneris payit be thame, as the said Commendatour and James comptis respectiue hard sene and subscryuit be certane commissinaris of borrowis deput and the sam thairto producit afoir the said baillies and counsale proportit, be the quhilk thai fand that the said Commendatour and James had debursit in the efiaris foirsaidis the sowme of foure thousand ane hundreth fourty four frankis xviij s. ix d. vsuall money 2i 250 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1556. Anent the extent. of France, and becaus in ane ordinance maid be the haill borrowis of befoir it wes ordauit be thame that tlie saidis comptis beand hard and considerit that ane generall extent suld be set on the haill borrowis for payment of the saidis sowmcs dcbursit be the saidis personis as said is for payment thairof. Quliairfor the saidis baillies and counsall extentit the said sowme particulary as foUowis vpoun the hadl borrowis of this realme, conform to the auld roUis of extent, viz. : — Edinburgh Striueling Lynlythgow Kothesay Dumbartane Renfrew Ruglin Ah- . . Irwyne Glasgow . . Kirkcudbrycht Wigtoun Quhithorne . Lanark . . Jedburgh Selkirk Peblis . . Hadingtoun . Northbervik Dunbar . . Lauder Dumfreis v xlj li. liiij li. xxxij li. xliij li. xviij li. xxj li. xiij li. Ij li. xxix li. xliij li. xxj li. xxj h. xxj li. xviij li. xxj li. xiiij li. xiiij li. Ixv li. vij li. xiiij li. xiiij li. xxxvj li. XU] s. xiiij s. xviij s. xij s. iiij s. xviij s. xij s. iij s. V s. xvij s. xviij s. xviij s. xviij s. iiij s. xviij s. xij s. xij s. xvj s. vj s. xij s. xij s, vij s. iiij d. viijjfd. m. vj d. vd. ixd. vj d. ixd. vj d. ix d. ix d. ix d. vd. ix d. vj d. vj d. iij d. iiij d. vj d. , vj d. vj d. Abirdene . Dundie Perth Bamff Dunfermling Grain Forfar Brechane . Montrose . Elgyn Innernes Abirbrothok Sanctandrois Gowj^ar Culane Forres Name Thane Dysart Kirkcaldy . ij' iiij U. ij'=lxxiiij li. ]' Ix li. xiij li. xxj li. xiij li. xli. xxxvj li. Iviij li. xxj li. xxxvj li. xxix li. Ixv li. Iviij li. vij K. xviij li. vij li. xli. XXV li. xiiij li. XV s. iiij s. xvij s. xij s. xviij s. xix s. xj s. X s. xviij s. xj s. V s. X s. vj s. iiij s. vi s. xix s. xj s. xij s. vj d. vj d. ix d. iiij id. iij d. ix d. iij d. "J d. iij d- iiijid. x'u. vj d. Summaj'"lxxxxviij li. Summa Totalis ii'" i° Summa j™ Ixxxx li, xiiij s. viij^d. Ixxxviii li. xiiii s. viii^d. 1556.] OF THE BTJRGH OF EDINBURGH. 251 4 Septemher 1556. The prouest baillies and dekynnis of craftis following, viz. : Archibald Anent the Douglas of Kylspyndy prouest, Alexander Home, Eobert Flemyng, Richard nierkis.'' "' Carmichael, and Johne Sym baillies, Andro Murray of Blakbarony, James Carraichael, Johne Symsoun, James Adamsoun, Maister James Lindesay, Eduard Hoip, Adam Foulartoun, Michael Gilbert and Johne Loch of the counsale, Maister Archibald Graham thesaurar, James Forret dekin of the skynnaris, James Norwell dekin of the tailyeouris, Thomas Ewin dekin of the goldsmythis, Robert Henrisoun dekin of the flescheouris, James Stirk of the walkavis, James Young dekin of the hammermen, Alexander Bruce dekin of the barbouris, Archibald Leche dekin of the furrouris, Thomas Jaksoun dekin of the masonis, Robert Finder dekin of the wrychtis, consentit all in ane voce that ane extent wer set and rasit vpoun the haill towne of ane thousand merkis for payment of thair pairt of the money debursit be the Abbot of Kilwynning and James Maxwell for doungetting of the xvj deneris in France and als for payment of thair pairt of the j™ merkis quhilk wes payit be the haill borrowis for furnissing of men of weir laitlie to the bordouris. 16 Septemher 1556. The baillies and counsale ordainis the thesaurer to mak ane powpet to Sym. Maister Alexander Sym to reid in in the Magdalene Chapel, and quhat ex- pensis he makis thau'on salbe allowit to him in his comptis. 22 September 1556. In presens of the prouest baillies and ane [pairt] of the counsale, com- Coguitioun perit Maister Thomas Makcalzeane and presentit ane wryting of my Lord t°^u'?°"T Archbischop of Sauctandrois, and eftir the reding thairof the said prouest ymagis. baillies and counsale thocht expedient and als ordanit for tryell of the cans specifiit thairin, viz., for the getting knawlege of the personis that tuke downe the images of the Trinite, Our Lady and Sanct Francis, laitlie, that euery baillie with twa honest men of his quarter and ane seruand of my Lord of Sauctandrois gif thai plesit tocum, and ane chaplane of the kirk, viz., the curat, his substitute. Sir Henry Loch and Sir Andro Bartraham, ane to ilk baillie, pas throw thair haill quarteris and take cognitioun anent the said doun- taking of the images as salbe put to tham in ane article to be gevin in be the said Maister Thomas Makcalzeane thairupoun. 252 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1556. Dountaking of ymagis. Sym, villa Acts anent breid, &c.] 23 September 155(5. In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Maister Alexander Forrest prouest of the Kirk of Feild, in name of my Archibischop of Sanct- androis, prescntit ane wrj'ting of the Quenis Grace subscriuit with liir Gracis ha^d and vnder hir Gracis signet, and desjTit the samyn to be registrat and the effect thairof to be obeyit, of the quhilk the tenour followis: Prouest baiUies and counsale of Edinburgh, we greit you weill : Forsamekle as we ar infbrmit that thair is certane odious ballettis and rymes laitlie sett furth be sum ewil inclinit personis of youre town, quha hes alssua tane doun diueris imagis and contempnandlie brokin the samyn, quhilk is ane thing werray sclauderous to the peple and contrarious to the ordiuancis and statutis of haly kirk, and it is gewin ws to vnderstand that the makaris of the said misordor ar all indwellaris and inhabitaris of your said town : quhairfoir we chairge you that incontinent efter the seicht hereof ye deligentlie inquire serche and seik for thair names and delyuer thame in writ to our cousing the Archibischop of Sanctandrois, to be vsit conforme to the statutis of the kirk, assuring you gif ye do nocht your extreme devoir thairin to bring the samyn to lycht that ye salbe na vtherwayis estemit be ws nor as fauoraris and manteinaris of sic per- sonis, and sail vnderly the samyn ponisment that thai aucht to sustene in cais we get knawlege hereof by you. JSuliscriuit with our hand and vnder our signet, at Aberdene the xxi day of September 155(3. 1 October 1556. The prouest baillies and counsale findis that Johne Sym maid expensis in the ryding of the townis besynes to Sanctandrois and laitlie to the bordoiuis to the commissiuaris at the townis command, and thairfor ordanis the sowme of tuelf pundis tobe payit to him for his expensis. 16 October 1556. [Of this date acts were passed relative to " breid, malt, aill," " candill," "talloun," " flesclieouris," "aittis," "hay," stabillaris," "meill," and " messouris," in terms similar to those of October in previous years. The act as to bread, malt, and ale bears reference to the act of Secret Council, dated 11 January 1555. — Aniea p. 230.] 135G.] OP THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 253 Item, it is statute and ordanit that all the flescheouris of this burgh Fiescheouris, slairis of nolt scheip swyne or siclike bestall, and als the vsaris of ischeis thairof , igch^L? caus cary the feilth of the samyn to the North Loch or outwith the porttis to secrete partis, and erd the samyu vnder the eird, and nocht to teme the samyn to na parte inwitli the burgh, vnder the pane of xl s. to be tane of the sellar of ischeis als oft as this statute beis brockin be him or the byar thairof ; and that na slaing of nolt [scheip nor swyn be on the hie gait in foirbuithis] nor yit na ischeis wessin at commoun wellis, vnder the pane foksaid.^ 22 October 1556. The baillies Alexander Barroim, William Ker and Allane Dikkesoun and Litm.Graham, ane pairt of the counsale thocht expedient that Johne Litill and Maister ^ Archibald Graham suld pas to the Quenis grace with ane wryting of thairis to mak hir grace knawlege of the new ^vynis that ar cumin in, and to get hir gracis mynd anent the prices thairof, on the townis expens. 26 October 1556. The prouest baillies and counsale ratifys the act maid anentt the con- Anent the venying of the counsale the xxv day of October 1555 yeris in all poyntis <=o"^*'i- except the panis, and alteris the samyn in this maner, the pane of non comper- ance ilk Wedinsday and Friday to be xviij d., and the vther dayis ij s. 30 October 1556. The prouest bailUes and counsale ordanis the dene of gild to ressaif fra Eowane. Sir Henry Loch the key of the litill dowket aboue Sanct Thomas ile, and deliuer the samyn to Daiud Eowane indurand the townis will. 2 November 1556. In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Johne Sym offerit to tham Sym, vUia. to put vp and mak the twa pannallis qulnlkis ar now grathand to the New- havin and bemeiill the samyn, and mak tham als sufficient in werk tymmer iru graith and bemeiiUing as ony of the rest of the pannallis of the west bulwerk ar, betuix this and Yule nixt tocum, thai deliuerand to him the hail tymmer 1 An Act in terms similar to the above was passed on 7th October 1553. 254 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1556, Sym, villa. that is thair at the Newhavin now, except the lang tymmer that is of the leiith of standartis, and payand to him the sowme of xl li. of money ; and offerit to find souerteis for doing thairof vpoun his awne expens, sauffand to him the said tymmer and sowme of xl li., viz. : Maister Thomas Makcalzeane, James Barroun^ Kichard Carinichael and Maister James Lindesay, quhilk offer the saidis prouest baillies and counsale acceptit, and the saidis persouis become souerteis for fulfilling of the premissis, and the said Johne oblist him to releif tham thairof ; and ordanis Maister Archibald Grahame thesaurar to pay to the said Johne XX li. of the said sowme at Mertymes nixt to cum, and Alexander Park to pay the vther xx li. at Yule thairefter, and the said Mr Archibald desyrit that the tjinmer werk and werklvmnis of the Newhavin wer ressauit fra him, and als protestit that in cais ony skayth or danger come to the pannellis that ar put vp in defalt of barkcattis considdering the said Johne will intromet thairwith, that the fait thairof be nocht input to him. 3 November 1556. Aneiit ane tvn The prouest baillics and counsale, haiffand consideratioun that the Quenis Quem'sgrace. gracc hes bene this lang tyme bygane furth of this towne in the northlandis, and now arryvit and come to the palyce of Halyrudehous, ordanis the thesaurar IMaister Archibald Grahame to cans ane tvn of new wyne to be bocht and cartit and had to hir Gracis palice and deliuerit to hii- Gracis fammeleiris, quhilk beand done the jirice thairof salbe allowit to him. 6 November 1556. Fouiartoun, Tho proucst bailHes and counsale findis that Adam Foulartoun had done ^'^'^ wrang and dissobeyit insafer as he raid nocht with the prouest and the rest of the haill towne on AUiallow evin last bypast about the townis Commoun as vs is, he knawand the vs thairof, and al personis beand warnit thairto be the officeris vnder the pane of xl s., and thairfor decernit him to half incurrit the said pane and ordanit him to be poyndit thairfor. 7 November 1556. Murray, The prouest baillies and counsale and communite giffis and grantis the Bederai. 'beddelschip of Sanct Maiy Wynd now vacand in thair handis throw the deceis 1556.] OF THE BTJRGH OF EDINBURGH. 255 of (blank) to Margaret MiuTay for all the dayis of hir liftyme, and ordanis Murray, bir to be institute tbairin. 10 November 1556. The prouest baillies and counsale, vnderstandand that Maister Thomas Dischargeing Makcalzeane ane of the assissouris of this burgh yisterdaj^ the ix day of M'Caizeane*^^ Nouember instant, past to the palice of Halyrudehous to tlie Quenis grace, °f assissoury. cm- Souerane Lady is moder and regent of this realm, and thair by the avys or command of the towne spak and said evill heych and vnplesand langage to hir grace concernyng the effaris of the towne, quhairthrow hir grace wes ofFendit justlie, as hii- gracis self schew to the prouest baillies and ane pairt of the counsale, likeas the samjni wes schawin to tham this day be the Justice Clerk comperand at hir gracis command ; quharfor the snidis prouest baillies and counsale dischargis and removis the said Maister Thomas M'Calzeane off his office and place of assissom-y and counsall induring the Quenis grace wiU and plessour. In presens of Alexander Barroun and AUane Dikkesoun baillies, Maister Protestatio, Thomas Makcalzeane dissassentit to the decreit gevin be the towne aganis him, '^^°^' and protestit that it preiugit nocht him insafer as he wes nocht callit nor accusit thairupon nor ylt submittit him to thair jurisdictioun, and for remeid and reductioun. 18 November 1556. The prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, maid nemmit and Creiohtoun, constitute Maister Kobert Creichtouu assissour to the towne in place of Maister *^^''*'^''"''- Thomas Makcalzeane induring the towuis will, and ordanit him to haif yeirlie thairfor x li. of fe, quha acceptit the samyn on him and maid fayth thairintill as efferis. 27 November 1556. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar in the yeir bygane, [Mail of Maister Archibald Graham, to content and pay to Johne Letem the sowme of grammar viij li. for the Witsonday termes mail last bypast of the grammer scule, and siclik ordanis Alexander Park now thesam-ar to pay to the said Johne vther viij li. for the last Mertymes termes maill thairof . 256 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [155(3. Commoun seill to Culros. Carpentar, ViDa. In presena of the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, Jobne Litill in name and behalf of William commendatour of Culros presentit ane instrument or transsumpt vnder the signe and subscriptioun of vmquhile Thomas Brovne notar publict, and the commoun seill of this burgh liungin thairto, and becaus the samyn seill wes auld and abill to dekay haistely, sua that the samyn culd nocht be knawin. desyrit tham to hing thair commoun sedl of new thairto agane, quhairto thai consentit in respect that thai knew the said auld seill to be thair commoun seill, and the notar to be clerk of this burgh for the tyme. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Alexander Carpenter to be maid burges and gyld brethir gratis, in respect of the Quenis grace wryting direct thairupoun, providand alwys that he duell within the burgh and vs the fredome thairof within the samyn, and vnderly all chargis of the burgh as vtheris dois. Extent of viijcxxxvij li vJ. 3. viij d. 28 November 1656. The quhilk day, Peter Thomsoun, Ila Herald, presentit the writting fol- lowing subscryuit be the Quenis grace to tlie [counsale] viz. : — Prouest baiUies and counsale of Edinburgh, ye sail incontinent after the sycht heirof convene this Satterday cfter none [and extent] all the borrowis within this rcalme to the sowme of aucht [liundrethj xxxiij li. vj s. viij d. for thair pairtis of the taxt of [words destroyed] pundis grantit to ws the xiiij day of Nouember [instant], and this ye faill nocht to do. Subscriuit with oitr hand [at Halyrudehous] the xxviij day of Notiember 1556. Quhilk beand [red the prouest] baillies and counsale ordanit and maid the [extent following] conforme to the auld roUis, viz. : Edinburgh . ij" viij li- vj s. Wigtoiin . . viij li. viij s. ix d Streueling . xxj li. xiij id. Quhithorn . viij li. viij s. ix d Lyulithgow xij li. xiij s. jch Lanark vij li. j^d Kossa (Kothesay) v li. iij s. vj d. Jedburgh . viij li. viii s. ixd Dunbartane vij li. Jid Selkirk vli. xij s. vj d Kaiufrow viij li. viij d. PebHs . . vli. xij s. vj d. Kuglene vli. xij s. vj d. Heidingtoun . XXV K. vj s. iij d Air . . . xix li. xiij s. Northberwik . Ivij s. vj d. 1556.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 2.57 Irwin . . xij li. v s. Dunbar . . v li. xij p. vj d. Extent. Glasgow . xvj li. xvij s. vj d. Lawder . . v li. xij s. vj d. Kirkcudbricht viij li. viij s. ix d. Dumfries . . xiiij li. vj s. vj d. Sumuia liij' xxij li. vj s. iiij d. Aberdene iij"'' xviij li. xv s. Inncrness . . iiij H. v d. Dunde . . j'^v li. ix s. iij. d. Abebrothok . xj li. v s. Perth . . iij''^ j li. xvij. s. vj d. Sanctandrois xxv li. Banff . . V li. xij s. vj d. Cowjicr . . xxij li. x s. Dnnfermeliug viij li. viij s. ix d. Culane . . Ivij s. vj d. Grain . . v li. Forres . . vij li. j^d. Forfar . . iiij li. iiij s. iiij d. Narne . . Ivij s. vj d. Breichin . xiij li. v d. Thane . . iiij li. iiij. s. iiijjd. Montros . xxij li. xs. Dysart . . . ix li. xvj s. xM. Elgin . viij li. viij s. ix d. Kirkcaldy . v li. xij s. vj d. Summa iiij'' xix li. xij s. vij d. 2 December 155G. In presens of the prouest baiUies and counsale, Gilbert Balfour producit ane Protestatio, act of this court of the dait the xx day of Nouember anno, etc., l™"- and desyrit '^ "^' in respect thairof, and that thair wes diuers personis maid burges and gyld- brethir gratis be the towne without payment sensyne, that thai wald refound to him the xv li. quhilk he payit for his dewite of his burgesschip and gyldry, and protestit becaus thai refusit that it preiugit nocht to him to seik forther remeid thairof. 4 December lFi5G. The prouest baUlies and counsale ordauis the thcsaurar Alexander Park Propine of the to deliuer to the Quenis grace seruitouris thre tunnis wyne and tuenty pundis .^d Monsieur worth of spycery as to ane propine to hir grace for hir remanyng heir at the Dosell. tyme of Yule nixt to cum ; and siclik to deliuer to ^lonsieur Do.sellis serui- touris in his name xx li. worth of spycery, quhilk beand payit and doliuerit sail be aUowit to him. The baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Alexander Park to content Propine, pay and deliuer to Archibald Dowglas of Kilspindy prouest, in consideratioun l'™"^^ ■ 2 K 258 EXTEACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1556. Propine, prouest. of his remanyng within this burgh halcland hous and awatand on the townis effaris, the sowme of ane hundreth pundis worth of clething and spycery and half ane twn wyne by that, quhilk beand payit and delinerit sal be allowit. Anentthe The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the passage lyand throw the West°Port. '^ landis of Hie Eiggis outwith the Gray-freir port, quhair the hous is now biggand, to be maid fre, in respect that the samin is ane commone passage bayth to horsmen and futemen, and hes bene swa vsit past memor of man. Compttis ill the cheker. 9 Decemher 1556. We do you to wit : Forsamekill as the prouest baillies and counsale of this burgh ar chargit to gif iu thair comptis iu the chekker of the twa yeiris bigane, viz. : liiij yeris and Iv yeris, the xv day of December instant, thnirfor I warn all maner of personis inhabitaris within this burgh or ony vtheris that will impunge the saidis comptis or ony parte thairof that thai compeir the said day the chekker hous and appone aganis the samin, with certificatioun and thai compeir nocht thai sail nocht be hard. Eodem die, proclamat per William Cowttis seriando, apud criicem foralem, testibus Georgio Todrik, Patricio Barroun et Thoma Hall. [The same day proclaimed by William Cowttis, seriand, at the Mai-ket Cross, witnesses George Todi-ik, etc.] 11 Decemher 155G. [Inquiry .as to The quhilk day, Alexander Barroun, Maister Johne Pirstoun, Allane habitants alid Dikkesouu aud William Ker eldar, baillies, William Craik, James Carmichael, quantity of Alexander Park, William Ker, younc-ar, convenit in the Tolbuith of Edinburgh tbeir substance * o ? o and goods.] as commissinaris deput with the saidis baillies in our Souerane Ladyis letteres direct to the prouest and baillies of this burgh for takking of cognitioun of the habilite of all mennis personis within this burgh, the quantite of thair substance and gudis heritage movabill and vnmovabill, as at mair lenth is contenit in the saidis letteres, for obeying of the quhilkis, becaus it is ordanit in the saidis letteres that the saidis prouest baillies and commissaris suld summond fourfyve vj vij viij ix ten ma or fewar as tha suld think expedient to mak inquisitioun in the preraissis, the saidis baillies and commissaris nemmit the personis following viz. : Johne Symsoun, James Nicoll, Robert Crag, Alexander Masone, 1556.] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 259 James Curie, Peter Mertyne, David Symnrer, James Young, Joline Cliarteris, elclar, Kicliard Gray, William Lausoun, Johne Aldinstouu, Andi'O Vigholm, Johne Westoun, Alexander Lyel, and Michaell Gilbert, to convene with tham to tak the iuquisitioun foirsaid, and ordanis to hegyn at the ovir end of the north west quarter of this burgh ou the morn the sij day of December instant to mak the said inquisitioun, in Sanct Anthonis ile in Sanct Gelis kirk, at vij houris in the mornyng ; and ordanis the ofHceris to warn the saidis personis chosin to the efTect foirsaid to compeir the said day hour and place to the effect foirsaid, vndir the pauis contenit in the said letteres and all hieast pane and charge that efter may fallow. 16 December 1556. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis that in all tymes cummyng na Auent the maner of personis within this burgh vs tavern or went ony wynis in greit or small in ony pairt thahof except thai be fre burgessis, gyld brethir, and be admittit in the confrary of Sanct Anthoue, except the pece or pype of wyne that thai half instantlie rynnand quhilk thai ordane to be compleit run betuix this and Twisday nixt tocum, vnderthe jDane of v li. to be tane of ilk persone that failyeis heirin, the twa pairt tbairof to be warit vpoun the calsnyis. and the thrid vpoun Sanct Anthonis alter, and to the reparatioun of the ile tbairof, and ordanis the dene of gUd the baillies and maist of the said confrary to concur togidder heiranent. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Alexander Park Auent the to reperell the wcllis callit Sanct Michaellis well, the Mws well, and the '"'^'^' Stok well, and to begyn thairto at Sanct Mongois day nixt tocum, and ordanis Maister Johne Pirstoun to be oursear to Sanct Jlichaelis well, Johne Loch to the Mws well, and Alexander Barroun to the said Stok well, and quhat expens he makis thairon salbe allowit to him. The prouest and counsale ordanis and findis that nother of the bailhes Anent the present nor tham that wer of the yeir bygane aucht to pay extent of the last '^^^'^^ ' extent of j™ merkis in respect of thair laubouris done for ingadderiug tbairof. 2G0 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1556. Precept, Jacques. Precept, ischaris of the Quenis chalmer. Anent the torcheis. Precept, King Discharge, drytapstaris. Precept, Grahame. The prouest baillies and couDsale ordanis the thesaurar, Maister Archibald Graham, of the yeu- bygane, to pay to Jacques and his sonis for thair playing on Alhallow evin and all the tyme of the fair twis in the day throw the towne the sowme of iij li. 23 December 1556. The prouest baillies and the pairt of the counsale ordanis the thesaurar, Alexander Park, to ansuer the baillies of vj crownis of the sone to be gevin to the ofificeris ischaris of the Quenis chalmer duir for obtening of thair benevo- lence quhen the toun salhappin to half ado, quhilk beand payit salbe allowit, etc. 30 December 155G. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis that all merchandis craftismen and vtheris induellaris within this burgh in tyme cummyng send thair seruandis with torcheis to the convoying of the prouest all the festuall dayis of Yule New-yeir-mes and Vphellymes fra the evinsang to his awne lugeing, vnder the pane of xl s. to be tane of ilk persone that failyeis heu-in. 9 January 1556-7. The prouest baillies and counsaU ordanis the thesaurar, Alexander Park, to deliuer to James King alsmckill satine as wilbe him ane dowblat, and that for the greit laubouris tane be him in the awating with the commissiuaris of this burgh depute to tik the inuentar of the habilite of all personis and the quantite of thair substance and wryting the samyn, quhilk wes xxviij throch of iiaper, quhairof the prices salbe allowit to him. 20 January 1556-7. The prouest baiUies and counsale dischargis all drytapstaris of aill within this burgh fra Monunday nixt tocum furth that nane of thame vs the samyn, vnder the pane of viij s. to be tane of ilk ane of tham sa oft as thai failye and cumis in the contrar heirof. 22 January 1 556-7. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar, Alexander Park, to pay to Maister Archibald Graham the sowme of viij merkis at Witsounday 1556-7.] OF THE BUEGH OF EDINBURGH. 261 nixt tocum for the chalmer mail set be him to the Muskaveit, becaus the Quenis Precept, grace desyrit the towne to fiirnis him ane chalmer on the hie gait. "^ '^'^' The prouest baiUies and counsale as of befoir thinkis expedient that the Anent our dene of gild reperrell our Lady alter and mak ane ile thairof, and gif it pleis ^^'^y ^^'^^ ony maner of personis to gif pillaris or ony vther ornamentis thairto that he promitt and thoiU thair armes to be put thah'on. 5 Felruary 1556-7. The prouest baillies and counsale, vnderstandand that the act maid be our riescheomis. Souerane Lady is moder and regent of this realm and the lordis of secreit counsale in fauouris of the landwert flcscheouris the xj day of Januar the yeir of God jm yc Iv yeris is alwys run furth, thairfor the saidis prouest baillies aud coun- sale dischargis tlie saidis lando flescheouris of ony vsing of priuilege or fredome within this burgh in tyme cummyng vther nor thai vsit befoir the making of the said act. The prouest baillies and counsale dischargis the puir folkis of breid quhill Anent the the Feist of P:i che nixt tocum, that thai may provide remeid to the puir folkis breid." in the meyntyme. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis that ane wache of tuelf personis, Wache. thve of euery quarter, be maid quhill thai discharge the samin, nychtlie ; and als that na maner of persone be fund on the hie gait fra this day furth efter x houris at evin without ane lycht, viz. : lantern, bowet, torche or candill with tham, \Tider the pane of pvnissing of thar personis at the will of the jugis. 12 February 1556-7. In presens of the baillies and counsale Jonet Richardsoun, the relict of Eichardsoun, vmquhUe Johne M'Ane renuncit hir fredome of this bm-gh in tyme cummyng. ^'^' 13 February 1556-7. The prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis of craftis gaif and grantit, and Cokke, be the tenour heirof giffis and granttis to James Cokke, goldsmyth, the rowme ''''"^"'="'- 262 EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS [1550-7. Cokke, beidman. Anent the extentis. Protestatio, Carmichael. Campbell dischargit. Anent Sanct Paulis werk. Kane, beidman. and place of beidmanscliip of Sanct Pawlis werk now vacand in tliair handis tlu-ow the deceis of vmciuliile Thomas Inglis hist possessour thairof, for all the dayis of his liftyme, with all and syndry feis proffittis and dewiteis thau'of. 26 February 1556- 7. The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis in tyme cummyng, in cais ony extentis be laid to the townis charge, that the saniyn extent be nocht ekit without the counsale and dekinis be all callit and hard to voit and ressone thairanent. 17 ilfarc/t 1556-7. In presens of the baillies Maister Johne Prestoun and Allane Dikkesoun and ane pairt of the counsale sittaud in jugement, James Carmichael dene of gild protestit insafer as he wes cbargit be the Quenis letteres to exhibit and produce the gild buke afoir the Lordis, and mycht nocht refuse the samyn, that na thing wer imput to his charge thau-for. 20 March 1556-7. The baillies Alexander Barroun and Allane Dikkesoun sittand in juge- ment ordanis Besse Campbell to desist and ceis fra ony forther making of aque- vite within this burgh in tyme cummyng, or selling of ony thairin, except on the merket day, conform to the priuilege gi-antit to the barbouris vnder the seill of caus, without scho be admittlt be tham thairto. 24 March 1556-7. The baillies and counsall and dekynnis of craftis ordanis Sir William Makdowall, of his consent as maister of the hospitall of Sanct Paulis Werk, to collect and ingadder the haill rentis and annuellis of the said hospitall, and to distribute and diuide the samyn amangis the beidmen thairof equalie at four tymes in the yeir, conform to the fundatioun of the said fundatioun. The baillies counsale and dekynnis of craftis gevis and grantis to Dauid Kane the beidmanschip of Sanct Paulis werk now vacand in thair handis throw the deceis of James Cokke, last possessour thairof, with all rentis and proffittis thairof. for all the dayis of his liftyme. 155G-7.] OF THE BUEGH OF EDINBURGH. 263 In presens of the baillies and counsale comjrerit Dauid Kinloch dekin Baxteris, of the baxteris of this burgh and desyrit gif that George Gibsoun personalia *^'''^°""- present wakl pay his pairt of the extent grantit and gevin be the said craft to the Quenis grace, and the said George allegit that he aucht nocht to pay the samyn ; and thairefter the said Dauid producit ane wryting sub- scriuit be the Quenis grace of the tenour following and desyrit the samyn to be registrat, quhairof the tenour followis : — Prouest baillies and counsale of our biu-gh of Edinburgh we grete yow hartlie weill ; forsamekle as albeit tliair wes ane act of parliament maid the yeir of God j™ v"^ 1 yeris con- trar the priuilegis grantit be our predicessouris to the dekynnis and oraftis- men of your burgh, yit we for diners considerationis and commone weill of the cuntre and liegis thairof hes gevin and grantit ane dispensatioun to the saidis dekynnis and craftismen to vs and excers all manor of priuilegis grantit to tham be our said predicessouris, as at mair lenth is contenit in our said dispensatioun gevin to thame, quhairfor our will is and we charge yow that ye ressaue and admitt agane the saidis dekynnis and craftismen of all craftis within our burgh to all thair saidis auld priuilegis and liberteis vsit be thame afoir the making of the said act of parliament, in and be all thingis as thai wer of befoir, but ony interruptioun, conform to our said gift and restorance, and that [ye] imput to executioun the ackis statutis and ordinances maid be your auld pre- dicessouris and yow in thair fauouris swa that the samyn may tak effect, and concur and assist with thame and caus your officiaris pvnde and distrenye all thair brether of craft for non payment of ony extentis grantit to ws be the saidis craftismen in tymes bipast and to cum, ilkane respectiue conform to thair auld laudabill vs, and this on na wys ye leif vndone as ye will ansuer to ws thairupoun. Subscriuit with our hand at Stirling the xiiij day of Jlerche 155G. And the saidis baillies and counsale assignit Friday nixt tecum to gif ansuer thairto. [APPENDIX. APPENDIX. It is statute and ordanit be a richt nobill and michty lord Patrik erle For kepmg Both well, Maister of Houshald till our Sonerane Lord the King, and cheif provest heTviil'rf of Edinburgh, with his avysit counsale burgessis of the samyn, forsamekill as it Leyth. is heavely complenit to his lordschip that thair heavin of Leyth is daylie greitly fylit and hurt be the casting of moUassis, mwk, ballast of schippis, and siclyk in the said heavin, thairfore quhatsumeuir he be that may be owertayne castand ony maner of sic stufe in the said heavin fra this day fiu'th it sail be lefuU to the watter baillie to raise ane vnlaw of a mark of that persoun to Sanct Geillis wark, and gif it pleissis the barone bailyie he to raise ane vnlaw of viij s. to the kirk wark of Leyth, but favouris. — (This on ane lowse leif of sum wattir baillie court in January. Amangs the leiffis betuix 1530 and 1538.' — Tr.) 17 June 1535. Item, becaus our Souerane Lordis Hegis, inhabitantis the burgh of Edin- Act of Parlia- bm-gh and vtheris reparand thairto, ar gretlie oppressit and iniurit be the malt- po" malt- makers. 1 The date of the above Act camiot be as- signed to this period. Patrick, the third Earl of Bothwell, succeeded his father (who fell at Flodden) in 1513, and Uved till September 1556, but there is no e\'idence of his ever having been Provost of Edinbm'gh. Diu-mg the period between 1530 and 153S, he was in dis- grace, and was regarded with well-founded sus- picion. In 1529, he was imprisoned for protect- ing marauders on the borders, and remained six months in confinement. In 1531, he entered into treasonable correspondence with the Earl of Northumberland, and on his return to Scot- laud was imprisoned in the castle of Edinburgh, where he still was in June 1533. In 1538, he was banished the kingdom, and is said to have resided in Venice till after the death of James V., which took place in 154"2. The Patrick Earl of Bothwell referred to in this act, was probably Patrick Lord Hailes, created Earl of BothweU by .Tames IV. in October 14S6. This nobleman stood high in the favour of his sovereign, to whom he was Master of the Household, and who appointed him Lord High Admiral of Scotland for life. He also held the oiEce of keeper of the castle of Edinbiu'gh, with three hundred merks of the customs of the burgh, and was Sheriff of the county of Edin- burgh and constabulary of Haddington. He appears to have been Provost of Edinburgh in 1487. In all probability, therefore, the above act should be assigned to the year 1487-8. 2l 266 APPENDIX. [1535. Act of Pallia- makaris of Leith and vtberis within and about the said burgh in selling of thair Fot malt- Difilt to hie and esborbitand price for four five sex scbillingis hiear than thai makers. \)j tJie here, tharefor it is statute and ordanit that the said maltmakaris in tyme cuming sail mak and sell thare malt for competent wjnning, takaud ij s. allanerlie man- for the boll of malt than the boll of here is sauld and nocht abone, with certificatioun that quha commys in the contrar herof that the prouest and balUes of Edinburgh sail eschete the said malt, and the said malt- makaris takand mare than twa schUlingis for the boll abone the boll of here quhilk sail mak the different price salbe callit and pvnist thairfor as oppres- souris of the kingis liegis, and particular justice courtis salbe sett to thame thairfore, and oure Souerane Lord sail gif commissioun to sik as plesis his grace best to call all the said maltmakaris, brekaris of this statute and act, before thame in the tolbuth of Edinburgh to do justice vpoun thame as thai tliink ex- pedient, and to caus the said act and statute to be obseruit and kepit in aU punctis. Act of Parlia- Item, bccaus of the gret oppressioun dailie done vpoun our souerane Off crattismeu Lordis licgis becordouaris, smythis, baxtaris, browstaris and all vther craftismen, browstaiia.^sei- geUaris of vittalo and salt, compelland thaim to pay for thair stuff and werk- nianship exhorbitant prices to the grot scaith of all our Souerane Lordis liegis bringand sik derth in the cuntre that the samyn may nocht be sustenit, and for remeid hereof it is statute and onlanit that our Souerane Lord sail gif ana commissioun to certane his lordis and vtberis, quham his grace plesis best, to sitt and with thame the provest of Edinburgh and mak sik statutis and ordi- nancis as thai sail think maist expedient for the commoun wele, to caus all craftismen within the toun of Edinburgh and vtberis of the realme to mak gude and sufficient stuff and sell the samin of ane comptent price and to tak competently for thair werkmanschip and laubouris gif thai werk ane vther manys stuff and mater, and to mak all sellaris of vittale or salt to sell the samyn of ane ganand price without derth, and quha dois in the contrar to pvnys thame with all rigour, and the saidis commissaris to do justice vpoun the brekaris of thir ordinances als oft as thai here murmuris or complaut thairof, and to pvnis thame in thair gudis as thai find the gretnes of the fait as eiferis. laris of salt and vittale within burfrh. EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS OF THE BUEGH OF EDINBUEGH, 1552-1556. EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. I.— THE TOWN TREASURER'S AC COUNTS. THE COMPT of Alexander Park, Tliesaurer to the Towne of Edinburgh, chosin „ Town at Michaelmes in the yeir of God ane thousand five hundreth fifty twa yeiris, Accodnts, quhill Michaelmes in the yeir of God J" v'= and fifty thre yeiiis ; his entre 1552-53. being yeii-lie at Mertymes efter his chesing. THE CHARGE. Item, in primis, the compter chargis him with the dewiteis of the five com- mone myluis, sett in the yeir of the counter office to Robert Grahame and his sourteis, James Adamsoun and Robert Flemyng, for the sowme of ane thousand twa hundreth merks ; summa . . . j" ij° ™'''^' Item, the counter chargis him with the dewiteis of the wyld aventurLs, being ia the towuis handis the yeir of the counter's office and intromettit with be him, extending to five hundreth ane pund aucht schilling nyne penneLs, as the schip buke of the entres purportis ; summa . v° j" viij* ix'* Item, the cotinter chargis him with the dewiteis of the pitte customes of this burgh, sett in the yeii- of the counter's office to Johne Spottiswod and his sourteis, James l/och and Robert Flemyng, for the sowme of four hundreth four scoir merkis ; summa . . , iiij" iuj"" ™''s- Item, the counter chargis him with the malis of the fleschehous, extending to xxxvj stokkis ; summa ...... xxxvj" Item, the counter chargis him with the malis of the xviij cordinar choppis at the fute of the kii-kyard, extending to xviij" xiij' 111]"* ; summa xviij" xiij' uij'' Item, the counter chargis him with the four ovir north buithis imder the tolbuyth, unannalyit, extending to xvj" ; summa . . . xvj" Item, the counter chargis him with threttene schilling foiu- penneis of the rest of the sex mei-kis payit yeirlie be Isobell Litill for hir buith, be 270 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Town ressone the towne annalut the uthir five merkis thairof to Johne John- Tkeasurer 8 Accounts, stoun ; summa ....... xiij" uij" 1552-53. Item, the coxmter chargis him with the malis of the vj skynnars' buitbis, extending to nyne punds ; summa ..... ix" Item, the counter chargis him with the sex goldsmyths' b^iithtis, extending to fiftene punds ; summa ...... xv" Item, the counter chargis him with the malis of Dame Mele and George Heirott's choppis, extending to 1' ; summa .... 1' Item, the compter chargLs him with the few malis of aucht pairtis of the commone mure, unannalyit, extending to vj" v' ; summa . . vj" v' Item, the counter chargis him with the rest of the fewferm of the com- mone mure, unnalit, extending to vj" vj° viij'' ; summa . . vj" vj" viij'' Item, the counter chargis him with xv' gottin fra Johne Henrysoun for his entres silver to the akers on the mxire ; summa . . . xv' Item, the counter chargis him with xv' gottin fra Thomas Boyis for the putting of his wif in liferent of his thre akers ; summa . . xv' Item, the counter chargis him with xxxv' for the rentalmg of Matho Lille, in place of James LUle, in ane of the skynnars' buithtis, , . xxxv'' Item, the counter chargis him with the sowme of xv" v' gottin for ane hun- dreth hemp, foui- dosone cau'dis and xj bowettis qtihilks wer in ane pun- schone, quhilk wes eschete fra William Bii-ne for uon entering thairof ; siimma, ......... xv" v' Item, the counter chargis him with the sowme of xxj" ij" gottin for the proffitt of the guidis of ane Hamburgh schip, bocht be the toun and row- pit in the tolbuyth for pi'offitt ; summa, .... xxj" ij' Item, the counter chargis him with the rest of Eobert Grahame's compt, quha wes thesaurer the yeir precedand the counter office, extending to xxvij" ix' x"* ; summa, ..... xxvij" ix' x^ Item, the counter chargis him with xx"" for the Mertymes termes of the annuall of Maister James Watsoun ; summa, . . . xx'' Summa of the hale charge is . . j™ vij' iiij"" xviij" xv' vij \:i DISCHAEGE. Heir follows the counter's discharge ordiaar : — Item, in primiss, to the provest for his fee, . . . . xx Item, to the four baillies for thair fee, • . . . xxvj" xiij' iiij i\ OF THE BURGH OF EDIXBURGH. 271 vj" vj" xjij'' Xllj' Xllj" Iteiu, to tlie tvvelf counsalors for tliaii- fee, Item, to the tlire assessors for tliaii- fee, .... Item, for the thesauvar's fee, ..... Item, to the commone clerk for his fee, .... Item, to Eichart Trowop, Edinburgh masser, for liis fee, . Item, to the viij serjands and Thomas Hall, jevellor, for thair yule fee Item, to thame for thair Pasche fee, ..... Item, to thame for thair Sanct Gelis fee, .... Item, to Thomas Hall for the furnessing of the collis to the tolbujiih iu the winter cessioiin, ....... Item, to Andro Fynue, lokman, for his fee. Item, to the twa gild servanda for thair fee. Item, to the kepar of the knok for his fee. Item, to the maister of the grammer scule for his fee. Item, to the maister of the sang skole for his fee, . Item, to Sii' William M'Dougall, maister of werk, for his fee, Item, to Vincent Strauchau for his penschionn, . Item, to Johne Barroun for his peuschioiin . . . , Item, to James Marjoribanks for his penschioun in the (jueir, Item, to the vicar of Sanct Cuthbertis kirk for the teyndis of the five elnis [mylnis], ........ Item, to the Blackfrers for thair annuall awing to thame, Item, to the kirk of Corstorphin for thair annuall awing to thame, Item, to Dunfermeling for thair awnuall, ..... Item, to the beidmen of the Trinetie College for thair annuall. Item, to the beddars of Sanct Mary Wjmd, .... Item, to Sir James Crawfurd for his annuall of the nide loft. Item, to Sir Johne Ormistoun, prebendar of [Sanct Andro's] alter for his annuall, ........ Item, to Sir James Baimisfader, prebendar of Sanct Salvator's alter, for his annuall, . ....... Item, to Sir Johne Leiiinonth, Sir Williame Johnstoun and Sir Walter Halyburtoun, prebcndars of the queir, for thaii' annualls, . ix Item, to the queir for the Lady Messis silver, . . Item, to the Blakfrei-s and the Grayfrers for thair penschioun yeirlie, xij barrels beir ; summa, ....... Item, to the prebendars of the Kirk of Feild for thair annuall, . vj" xxuij' Xllj^ xiij' xiij' iiij* iiij^ xxj" x" x' x" x» VJ" vj' viij* iij" iij" vj' ■viij'> x" Town Trea.sueer's Accounts, 1552-53. vj" Xllj' lllj" vuj- xP VJ" xuj* mj" x" XX' XX* iij" viij* XX' Xlj" xiij' iiij"* 272 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Town Item, to Sir Jolme Baiild for the anniiall of tlie gi-ammer scule, awiiig Treasurer's i ,, , Accounts, ^^ the toun, ...... . xl' 1552-53. Summa of the haill ordinar, . . . . • iij' xxv" Heir foUowis the counter's discharge be preceptis : — November. Item, in primiss, payit to certane men that tuk doun James Culanis turrgate, and to the serjandis massers that past thairto, as the precept of the date, the xix day of November 1552, purportLs, . . . vij" xvj= December. Item, payit to Agnes Kincaid be ane precept of the date the thrid day of December 1552, ....... xx' Item, payit to the Grayfrers be ane precept of the date the njmt of De- cember 1552, ....... vj" xiij' iiij'' Item, payit be the counter for the lokmau's leveray, and allowit to him be ane precept, the xxiij of Decembei-, ..... iij" xj" Item, allowit to the counter be ane precept of the dait the xxiij of De- cember, ........ xj" x' Item, payit to James Fawsyde be ane precept of the dait foirsaid, . x' Januar. Item, payit and allowit to the counter be ane precept of the date the tent day of Januar 1552, ..... xxitij' uij* Item, payit to Elizabeth Baty be hii- precept datit the xiij day of Januar, vj" xiij" iiij'5 Item, payit to Alexander Stewinsouu be his precept of the date the xxviij day of Januar, ....... v" Item, payit to the provest purs maister, be ane precept of the date the xxviij of Januar, ....... xj" x' Februar. Item, payit to Peter Thomsoun be his precept the thrid day of Februar, . xuij' Item, payit to Johne Baldrane, keipar of the Kii-k of Feild Port, be his precept of the xvij of Februar 1552, .... iij" iij' Item, payit to Thomas Hall be ane precept of the date foirsaid, . . xl' OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 273 Mavche, Town Treasurer's Item, payit to the prebenders of Corstoi-pliin be ane precept of the date Accounts, the XV of Marche 1552, ...... x" l^^^. Item, payit to the dene of gilde be aue precept of the date the xvij of Marclie, ......... x" Item, the xxij day of Marche payit to Margrete Leyis be ane precept, . xij' Item, payit to Mawris Towi-is be ane precept the xxvij of Marche 1552, . iij" Item, the vj of Maij payit to the said Mawris uthir . . . xx' AprUe. Item, alio wit to the counter be ane precept daitit the xiij of Aprile . Iij' Item, payit to Johne Galloway be ane precept of the samin dait, . . iiij" Item, payit to Johne Weir be ane precept of the samin date, . xxvj' viij"* Item, payit to Johne INIair and his spous be ane precept datit the xx of Aprile, ......... iij" Item, payit to the tlire procurators that proourit for the toun afoir tlie lords, be ane pi-ecept datit the xxviij of Aprile, .... xxv" Maij. Item, payit to Agnes Kincaid be ane precept datit the xj of Maij, . iiij" Item, payit to Johne Baldrane be ane precept datit the last of Maij, xl" Junij. Item, payit to Alexander Stewinsoun be ane precept datit the nynt of Junij, v" Item, payit to Johne Galloway be ane precept of the said dait, . . v" Item, payit to Oger Coquell be ane precept datit the xxiij of Junij, . 1" Item, payit to Thomas Hall be ane precept of the sa mi n date, . . x' yj'^ Item, payit to William Craik, provest, be ane precept datit the last of Junij, ........ xxij" iij' v'' August. Item, payit for the provest expensis in passing to the conventioun to Stirling, be ane precept datit the ferd of August, . . . . x" Item, payit to Thomas Cok be ane precept of the samin dait, . vj" xiij' iiij'' 2m 274 EXTRACTS FROJI THE ACCOUNTS Town Item, payit to Joliue Baklrane be ane precept of the date the xxviij of Accounts, August, xxvnj 1552-53. Item, payit tlie sarain day to Alexander Masoun be ane pi-ecept, . v" vj' viij'' Item, payit to Robert Boyll aud his coUigs be ane preccjit datit the xxv of August, .....•.-. xij» September. Item, payit to Michaell Drowmond aud his colligs he ane precept datit the nynt of September, ...... xl' Item, payit to William Carnoquhen be ane precept datit the xx of Sep- tember, ........ XXX' October. Item, payit to James Drowmond be ane precept datit the xiij of October, x' November. Item, payit to James Drowmond be ane precept datit the secund of November, .....••■ xx' Item, payit to Johne Galloway be ane precept datit the xiij of November, 1» Item, payit to Johne Baklrane be ane precept datit the xxiij of November, xxvj' viij" December. Item, payit to Francis Tennend be ane precept datit the xv of October, iij" vj' viij'' Summa of the haill preceptis, . . • ij' xlvj" xj' xj'" Heir followis the counter's discharge extraordinar : — Item, in primLs, on the tent day of November the yeir of God J™ v'' Iij yeirs, for caudill and turchess at the rowpiug of the commone gude, . xxviij' Item, that samin nyt, gevin to the provest for the wyld aventurs, becaus thai wer held in the town's hands, ane ross noble, . . -iij" viij' Item, gevin the xvj of November, for ane slott to the counsalhous duir and the on putting of it, . . . • i.l Item, the xx day of November, gevia to four men that dicht all the schoir and bure away the red, . . . . • • iij ' V Item, the xxvij day of November, gevin to four men that dicht the calsay betwix my Lord Governor's lugeing and the Queeu'.s lugeing, and bering away the red, ........ x' OF THE BURGH OF EDINEUTtGU. 275 Item, for two sculis aud bussumis to tliame, .... xxx'' Item, to Johne Wod, wrycht, for the setting of the buiids iu the clerk's chahuer, ........ v» Item, for nalis thairto, . . . . . . ■ . ij' Item, to the peononirs for carying of the buirds, .... vj'' Item, the xsix of IsTovember, gevin to David Weir for the flagging of the syre at the West Port, aud all the gi-aytli thairto, . . . xxxv' Item, the ferd of December, gevin for ane baud aud aue crowk to Francis Bell buitb, ........ ij« Item, the teut of December, gevin to Johne Bauks, smyth, for aue lok to the Grayfreir Port, ....... vj Item, the tift day of Marchc, gevin for the copy of ane letter that chargit the provest, ....... . xviij'' Item, the xxvij of Marche 15.53, gevin for the expcnsis of the portell maid to the counsaUious, for grayth aud werkmanschip, . . . v" vj' Item, gevin to Mungo Hunter, for mending of the lokkis of the tolbuyth, aud ane baud thaii'to, ....... vij' Item, the xxviij of Marche, gevin for ane wey balk to the ovir trone, . xxxvj' Item, gevin to Alexander Stoddert, for five stanis wecht to the ovir troue, xv" Item, for aue lok and ane key to the trone, .... iiij* Item, for mending of the ii'ue cheuze, . . . . . iij» Item, gevin to Thomas Watsoun, Glassewrycht, for aue wouudok above the nether portell of the counsalhous, coutenaud xxiiij futts, and sex futtis to Thomas Hall's hous, for ilk fute xx** ; summa . . xlviij' iiij"" Town Treasurer's Accounts, 1552-53. Item, to John Ahauna, for bands to the saids windowis, Item, the lift of Aprile, gevin for aue grete geist to the west bekiu. Item, for twa treis to be staudarttis thaii-to, .... Item, to Adam Purveis, and twa servands with him, for twa dayis lauboriug thairof, ....... Item, to Johne Kyle, smyth, for thre stane wecht of irue work. Item, to sax men that laubourit twa dayis iu the redding of the bekyn and the casting of the stauis tliaii'to agaue, ilk man xx'' in the day ; summa Item, the vij day of Aprile, gevin at the provest command for beriug of sewLu tabernors furth of the kirk, ..... Item, gevin for beriug of pckkis aud furlatts to the provest hons. Item, the xxviij of Maij, for aue tre to mend the Grnyficir Port, \\ orkmau- schip, sawing and ualis, .... iiij' xxxiiij' xiiij" XX' xl' iij» xxxij" 27ti EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Town Item, efter the bekyn being brokin be ane Inglis fscliip, the maister payit Accounts *^^ ^^^^ expensis in the upsetting tlxairof except . . . xxmj" 1552-53. Item, on the sacrament day gevin to the Biscliop of Ross that bure the sacrament, in wyne and scrottiszarttis that extendit to . . . xvj' viij" Item, to the massers that day the toun gat the decrete aganis Johns Creith, xij' Item, the xxij of Junij, gevin to George Tod for making of ane skaffalt on the hill to the clerk play, the baring of daylis and punschonis thairto, and the aill and the wyne that day thai playit, and furnessiug of sax sparris thairto, . . . . . . • . xxvj* Item, the xxiij of Jnly, gevin for ane lok to the gallois dure, . . v' Item, the samin day, gevin for twa plankkis to be broddis to the ovir trone, x' Item, to Adam Purves for the making thairof, .... xij* Item, vij^'' garrone nalis thairto, ..... ix' Item, ge\-in to Johne Ahannay, sniyth, for eking of the bands to the broddis and his werkmanschip, ...... xij' Item, gevin for eking of the chenze of the trono, . . . . vj" Item, to John Banks, sniyth, for mending of ane lok and key to the ovir trone, ......... v" Item, the xiiij day of August, ge^^n for twa dalis to be ane skelf in the clerkis chalmer, ....... vj* Item, for the making thairof, to Adam Purves, and nalis and bering thair- of to the chalmer, ....... vj« vj" Item, gevin to the masser that presentit the chekker precept to the towne, v" Item, gevin the ferd day of September, to twa men that kepit the Kirk of Feild Port ane day, ...... iiij' Item, to David Purves for the copy of writtings qidiairwith he chargit the pro vest, . . . . . • . ■ ij' Item, the tent day of October, gevin for the townis mails in the chekker, . iij" Item, to the clerks, ....... xij' Item, to Williame Foulis, kepar of the diiir, .... ij' Item, for the baukat maid to the Lord and Auditors of Chekker, . . xl' Item, for the gravator rasit at the townis instance for the acquittance, . ij' Item, for the scharping of the commone sweird ilk tymc it wes usit, v" ; summa ......... x' Item, for the hale towis and bussnmis usit be the lokman in the counteris office, ......... xiiij' OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 277 xxviij' x» xl" Item, for lechingof ane Thomas Cok quba wes Lurt be aue Frauisman, he beand in Leith in the townis service uptakand the wyld aventors, Item, for the tow to the bull ou Sanct Gelis day, . Item, gevin to Mungo Hunter for ane lok to the gallois, Summa of the haill extraordiiiar, . . . xhiij'' viij' iiij'' The expenses maid on the New Well at the to\\Tais command, as efter followis particulaiie : — Item, ill the fii'st, payit on Saiterday at even, quhilk wes the xxj day of t)ctober, for the oiilk precedand that day, as efter followis, viz. : to tw; quariors dayle xP ; summa ..... Item, to the quarior's sone, on the day, auchtene penneis ; summa Item, to four workmen, ilk ane on the day auchtene penneis ; summa Item, for twa grete bukkattis, .... Item, for ten fawddum of towis, .... Item, for bering of tymmor and ledderis to the well. Item, for garroun nalis, ..... Item, for half ane hundreth plenchone nalis. Item, for four stirrop imis to tlie bukkatts, Summa of this oulk, Tiie expensis of the oulk precedand the xxix day of October. [Details similar to tliose of the first week are entered of this and four subsetluent weeks' expenses at the new well, up to "26th November 1553. The following are a few of the entries : — ] Item, to the thi-e workmen that drew watter on the nycht, the hale oidk, ilk ane xuij'' dayle, ...... xxj* * * * * Item, for twa weggis of irne to the pUle, ..... viij'' Town Trea.surer's accodnts, 1552-53. xl» ix' xxxvj' iij' iiij* X' xij'^ iij» iiij'i xv'^ ij" v" vj* xj'' Item, for four hespis and stappillis to the closin of the liddes of the well, . xiiij" Item, for half ane .stane of leid, ...... iiij' Item, given to Michaell, the calsay maker, for the making of ane rude and ane half, half ane quarter, and vj elnis of calsay about the well, the ruid XXX" ; summa ........ Ivij' vj" Summa of the hale expensis of the well, . . xxxvj" xvj" Heir followis the expensis maid be Alexander Park, thesaurcr, on the 278 EXTRACTS PROM THE ACCOtJNTS Town schoir of Leyth, on the stane-work of the bulwark, maid at command AcooTjNTs ^ °^ ^^^^ provest, baillies and counsale, particulaiy, as eftir foUowis : — 1552-53. Item, in primis, begun the said work in the oulk precedand the xix day of Marche 1552 [1552-53] yers, and gevin, that oulk, to Alexander, quarior of Grantoun, for ane hundreth pece wyuning of hewin stanis to the schoir, v" Item, for bringing of stanis furth of the querrell, and driuksilver to the quariors, . . . . . . . xj' Item, to ane masoun for the dressing of the j" stuuis, ane dayis wage, . iij' Item, for the careing and boit hyre of xxlij pece of the stanis in ane small boit fra Grantoun to Lej'th, ...... xiiij' Summa of this oulk, ...... vj" viij' The expensis of the ulk precedand the xxvj day of Marche J" v" liij yers : — Item, in that ulk, ressavit at the querrell fra Alexander Reid, j° viij pece hewin stane work, price of the pece wynnyng x'' ; summa . v" vj" viij'' Item, to Laiu-ence Tod for the boit hyre of the said stanis fra Grantoun to Leyth, for ilk pece vij"" ; summa .... iij" xiij' viij" Item, to David Grahame, masoun, dressand and ressavand thir stanis at the quarrell this ulk, ...... xxiiij' Item, to vj barromen in thre dayis and ane half at the quarrell, landaud and lossand thir hewin work, ilk man dajdie xx* ; summa . . . xxxv' Item, for mending of ane lok to the lyme hous dure, and nalis to the barrois, xviij" Item, in drinksUver at the quarrell, . . . . . v" Summa of this oulk, ..... xij" vj° x*" [The particulars of the weekly expenses of the works at the shore aud bulwai-k of Leith, up to 23d October 1553, extend over 26 pages of the account. A few only of the entries are here given : — ] Item, to Laurence Tod for thre grete boit of wall stanis wynnyng, and caring of ilk grcto boit full xxvj' viij"", aud four gang with his small [boit] wynnyng, and caring of ilk boitful, xix' ; summa . . ix'' xj' . « • • Item, to Allane Rankin and his marrowis for thre draucht of stopjiis aud carying fra Grantoun to Leyth, ilk draucht iiij'; summa . . xij' t • • * Item, to the men of Cosland for ij dusone ane laid lyme. . . xxxv" v" Item, to William Stratoun for twa dosone and twalaids Gilmcrtoun lyme, xxxiij' x" OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 279 Item, saxtene laid Westliouse.s 13'me, .... xvij' iiij'' Town Item, ane biindretli sand, ..... xv' T^iEAsuRER's ' ' • ... AY AcconNTS, 1552-53. Item, for xvj men feit for ane tyde, . . . . . xvi Drinksilver to the masonis on tlie Magdalen day, and the workmen at the querrell, ........ X' Summa of the hale schoir, . . . vij" Ixxiiij" ii» ix'' Item, the connter i.s to be dischargit of the sowme of xx merks and xxviij' for half ane elu velvet gevin to the Laird of Carabe for gevin of licence to wyn stanis ou his lands of Grautoun, to the schoir, for the hale space of the yeir of the counteri.s office ; .summa .... xv'' iiij' \'iii'' Item, the counter is to be dischargit of the sowme of xxxv" xiiij' viij'' as for the mending, making, and beting of the standing graytli of the five commone mylnis in the yeir of the counter's office, as the count ge^an in thairupon particulare, heir present to shaw, purportis ; summa xxxv" xiiij" ^-iii'' Item, the counter is to be dischargit of the malis of the cordinars' choppis, extending to xviij" xiij' iiij'', becaus the provest, baillies and counsale for the tyme assignit the malis thairof to James Carmichaell, dene of gild, in the yeir of the counter's office ; summa . . . xviij'' xiii'* iiij'' Item, the counter is to be dischargit of vj" for sex flesche stoks of the personis following, quhairof thre stands waist, ane uthir occupiit be Andersoiin, ane puir man, and the occupiars of the uthir twa past to France to the weris and left thaii- stokkis waist ; summa . . vj" Item, the counter is to be dischargit, be the space of the counter office, gevin be him to Thomas Cok qidia past dayle at morning to Leyth, to await upoun the ingaddering of the wyld aventurLs and to oversie the woi'kmen, to be his disjune allanerlie ; vj' dayle ; summa, . . ix" Item, the counter is to be dischargit of the sowme of ten pund xv' x'' for five pair of hois and five doublatts of fustain gevin to the four masouis by the pryncipale masone and to ane quarior as for thair bountetht ; summa, ....... x" xv' ix'' Item, to Johue Dalmahoy for his clois male, .... xliiij' Summa of the hale dischai-ge, ane tliousand five hundreth twenty aiicht punds, x' v". And sua restis, twa hundreth thre scoir ten p\inds v' ij''. 280 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Town Tkeasukbr's Accounts, 1552-53. Apud Edinburgh, Secundo Mavtij, Anno J^^ v" quiuquagesimo tertio. [At Edinburgh, the second of March, in the year 1553 (1553-54).] The quhilk day, the auditors of comptis underwrittin hes deligentlie vesyit the compt foirsaid and fund, the charge and discharge being seine, hard and under- stand, that the compter restis awing to the towne the sowme of twa hundreth Ixs" v' ij** de claro of his haill comptis; and als oidains in the nixt yeir Kobei't Grahame, new thesaurer, be cliargit herewith ; and als with the silver of the tymmer extending to xliij" xvj' quhilk he bocht to the towne in the moneth of July the yeir of God J™ v° Ij yers to the bulwerk, and thairefter allowit and discliargit to him in his comptis the samyn yere, he beand thesaurer, and intromettit with be the said Robert and sauld be him to his awin utilite asane. Maister Johne Prestoun, baUlie. William Lawson, baize. William Muiiheid, baillie. Duncane Leviugstoun, baillie. William Hammyltoun, provest. WUzem Craik. Mr James Lindesay. Johne Sym, with my hand. Item, I fynd in Robert Grahame's compt, nixt thesaurer, that he charges him with the sowme of twa hundreth thre score ten" v' ij'' resavit be him fra the said Alexander Park, and siclik charges him with the xliij" xv^ [xvj'] for the tymmer above writtin in the samyn compt ; and sua hes Alexander Park payit this rest. [EquidemJ] GUTHRE. 1553-54. THE COMPT of Robert Grahame, Thesaurar to the Towne of Edinburgh, chosin at Michaelmess in the yeir of God J™ v° liij yers, quhill Michaelmess in the yeir of God J™ v" liiij yers, 1554. THE CHARGE. [The charge for this year consists, for the most part, of entries similar to those in the preceding year's account. The rent of the five common mills, as set to James Adamson, is S30 merlvs ; and " the comptar chargis him with the dewte of the wyld aventuris set to him the yeir of his office for the sowme of seviu hundreth merles." The treasurer is duly charged witli " the rest," or balance, on the account of the preceding treasurer, and with the value of the timber referred to in the auditors' report on that account. The following is the ordy other new entry which occurs ; — ] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 281 Item, the comptar chargis hiui with the sowme of viij" gottiu be him fra Town Jonet Eynd for hei- entres silver of ane buith under the tolbuith ; summa viii" Treasurer's •' ' • "J Accounts, • » . . 1553-54. Summa of the haill charge, . aue thowsaud vij'' Ixxiij" vj" ij'' DISCHARGE. Heir foUowis the corapteris discliarge ordenar : [Under this he-id, also, the details this year are almost the same as in the preceding account. The Blackfriarsget,as their annual, •201ib., in place of 6Ub. 1.3s. 4d, and the annual, of 201ib., to the kirk of Corstcrphine does not appear. The following are new entries : — ] Item, to Agnes Ivincaid for the grammer .skule maill of the yeir of the compteris otiice, ........ viij" Item, to John Young, writter to the signett, for writtin of the towuis writtings, ........ x'^^^ Summa of the haill ordenar, .... iij<= xlij" xvj'' Heir followis the compteris discharge be precepti.s : [As in the previous account, the discharge by, or in terms of, precepts or acts of the town council is classified under the several months. The objects for which the payments were made " by precepts " are not generally stated. A few only of the entries are here given : — ] « * « • Item, payit to Patrik Runseman, be ane precept, daittit the first day of December 1.553, and to the officers that ressavit the sourteis, be ane pre- cept of the samyn dait, respective, ..... iij'' x' Item, payit to Sir Eduard Henrisouu, maister of the sang skule, be ane precept daittit the XV day of December 1.553, .... iiij" * * * * Item, payit to Oger Coquell, be ane precept datit the xxiij day of Fabruar, 1" Item, payit to the warkmeu, merchands, carteris, and pyonars, with uther necessars, be ane precept, the xv day of Junij, . . xxxvij" xvj' ij Item, payit to the thre assassors be ane precept, datit the xxvij of Junij, . xxiiij Is ;;d li Item, payit to James Fausyde, xxxiiij men that keippit the tolbuith stair twa dayis, be ane precept datit the vij day of July, . . . v'' ix' * * • * 2 N 282 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Town ^ Item, to the maister of wark, Sir Joline Broun, be ane precept datit the J.REASDRER S . f t i Accounts, ^^ "'V of J"ly> ...... iij^=' vj" xiij' iiij'' 1553-54. . » , , Item, payit to the warkmen that compleitit the playfeild, be ane precept datit the xvij day of August, ...... xxxiiij" * • • » Item, payit to James Drowmond and his mari-owis, be ane precept datit the feii'd day of September 1554, ..... xl' » • • » Item, payit to Walter Binnyng, paynter, be ane precept datit the xij day of October 1554, . ...... v" * • * ♦ Item, payit to James Drowmond be ane pi-ecept datit the secund day of November 1554, . . . . . . xlij" * ♦ ♦ * Summa of the haill preceptis, . . . vj" xvj" .\.uij' vj'" Heir followis the compteris discharge extraordenar r — . Item, payit on Mertimes even, the tent day of November, the yeir of God 1554 [1553] yeu's, for candill and torcheis at the rowping of the commoun gud, ........ xxx' Item, payit, the xxij day of November, to Duncane Wilsoun, messenger, for summonding of certane personis quhen the town wes chargit to Heid- ingtoun Air, ........ xxx' Item, the xxiij day of November, bocht fra James Kore, Diichman, ten treis to the tolbuith, ....... xv'' Item, for upbringing of thame fra Leyth, ..... xxiiij' Item, for houssing of thame in the tolbuith, .... iij' vj'' Item, the xij day of December, gevin to ane boy to pass to my Lord Ruthven to cans the borrowis convene to Heidingtoun, . . V Item, payit for the signet of the Queenis lettres, and diinksilver thairof, discharging paking of birring in the Briuteland, and to James Henri- soun to pass thairto, quha remanit dy veris dayis thaii', . . xxvj' viij'' Item, the xxv day of December, payit for ane coit, ane dowblet, and ane pair of hois, ane pair schone, ane bonet to the lokman agane Yule, . iij'' x' Item, payit to the warkmen that clengit the gait afoir Yule, . xx" OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 283 Item, the feird day of Janiiar, payit to William Hardy for ane precept to warne the town to the parliament, ..... Item, payit to ane Inglisman in arlis of ane bloke of malvesey and figgs bocht be the town and gevin agane, ..... Item, the xij day of Januar, payit to William Hardy the tyme of the par- liament, ........ Item, payit for xij° faill and leiding of tham, and foure menis lauboris layand the samyn at the bak of the dyk mad for inhalding of the South Loch, ......... Item, payit for beireing of burds and trestis to the Queenis luging on Cor- porisachristeis day, to Mr Abraham Creichoun foir horis, and for flouris and raichis and vj menis lauboris that day awating thairon. Item, for the expensis of the justefeing of Gospart Lauder, and the eirding of him eftir he wes heidit, ...... Item, payit for ane hors, tlie tent day of Junij, to cary Peter Dun to the gallows, and bring of him hame, and eirding of him efter he wes deid, . Item, gevin to alevin of the Lords of the Secrete Counsale and Sessioun efter we gat our decrete aganis Leyth and Cannogait tuiching our cus- tomes, for xvj quarts wyne muscaldella, at twa syndry tymes, the price of the quart vj', and for xj quarts quhit wyne, price of the quart ij° ; summa, ........ Item, the xvj day of Junij, payit to viij men that kost the lang stank on the syde of the North Loch, be-eist Mr John Thortonis yau-d, xiiij dayis, Item, i^ayit to Gospart for ane bell of xv punds weycht or thairby, hung to the lords in the tolbuith, ...... Item, the day of the playing of the play at the trone, with the convoy of the moris ; payit for graithing of the Quenis lugiug foiranent the samyn, for flom-s, beirks, and rocheis, and beiring of furmes and trestis thairto, Item, the vij day of Junij, payit to Adame Purves for maiking of ane hal- land saitt, burds, and skalffis, in the clerk's chalmer, nallis thairto, Item, for twa horss to cary the fals cunyers to the gallows, and hame bring- ing of their legs and heids, and eirding of thair bodeyis. Item, for ane ax to quarter thame with, ..... Item, to foure men that kost the north loch at tlie eist end thairof ane day, to stoip the dyke to be cleinne, ...... Item, payit for the signet of the lettres rassit upoun Johne Crcitli for tlie Town Treasurer's Accounts, 1553-54. xxij' xP mj" x» xviij' ly luj' xlv» xvj« xlj» vj" xxij' xj» iiijs 284 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Town hundreth merks awing be liim to the town, and to the boy that gaid to Treasurer's , , , . ... ...., AcooDNTs, get them signatit, ....... v' uij* 1553-54. Item, payit to Gorge Gud for ane act quhilk wes maid betwix the town of Ediiiburgli and the Cannogat, . . . . . • vj^ viij* Item, payit to David Windiyeits to ryde to Jedburgh to adverteis my Lord Governor of ane man of weir that wes cumin in to the Briiiteland, and to William Ker and Eduard Little, quha past at the provestis command to the Briiiteland, ........ xliiij' Item, to Adam Pui-ves for making of ane biird and treistis, and the sarkle about the uter nether tolbuyth quhar the justice sittis, warkmanschip and all, ........ iiij" xix' ij"" Item, payit to twa fallowis that clengit the closit in the tolbuith, . . iij' Item, payit to ane officer of armis quha proclamit the Quenis lettres in the Brinteland, Kingorn, and Dysart, tuiching laiding, and lossing, and paking of birring, ........ xvj' Item, payit for xvj faldome of tow to the bull on Sanct Geillis day, . x' Item, the xviij day of August, payit for the disjune maid to the Lords of Chekker, ........ iij** vj' ij'' Item, payit for the townis maillis in the chekker, . . , , iij" Item, payit to the elerkis, ....... xijsi Item, payit to William Foullis, keipper of the chekker duir, . . ijs Item, payit on the day of the play, for the dennar maid to the playars, iiij" xviij' ij^ Item, payit for the making of the Quenis grace hous on the playfeild, besyde the convoy hous under the samyn, and the playars' hous, the jebbettis and skafl'auld about the samyn, and buixls on the playfeild, careing of thame fra the toun to tlie feild, and thaiifra agane, the cutting and inlaik of greit and small tymmer, with the nallis and warkmanschip of vj wrychts twa dayis thairto, pynoi-s' feis, cart hyre and uther necessars, as Sir- William M'Dougall, maister of wark, tikket beiris, . . xvj" v' iiij'' Item, the xviij day of October, payit to ane fallo to pass to Curre, to Maister Robert Heriot, at the counsalis command, ... ij" Item, payit to ane uther fallo to pass to Maister Johue Spens, to Falkland, v' Item, payit to the masonis at Alhallo evLn, that wroncht at the schore, at the provest's command, ...... xxvj" Item, payit to Johne Dalmahoy for his yeir's fie, as servand to the Poi-t of Leyth, ..,.,,., viij" OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 285 Item, ffevin foi- the towis furnist, the haill yeir of the compteris office, to ^ Town ' " "^ ....J Tre.vsdkers the loknuiJi, ........ xxiuj Aocohnts, Item, payit to Johne Ahannay, smyth, for making of vij staiie-aud xiij 1553-54. pund weyt of ii'ne wark in bolts to the ime hous and theivis hoill and over tolbnith, ilk stane wecht xj", and for mending of lokkis and new bauds to the tolbnith xviij' iiij'' ; summa . . . iiij" xv' iiij'' Item, payit to Eufame Mowbray for the clerkkLs buith maill of the Wit- sonday terme, at the quhilk terme thai removit thairfra, . iij" vj' viij'' Item, payit for \} geistis, at xij' the pece, and for ij dozone dallis iij" xij', quhilk wer dely^'erit to the biging of the sang skule, conforme to ane act maid the xviij day of August 1554 ; summa . . vij" iiij' Item, for the upbringing of the treis and daillis, .... x' Item, payit for ane tyvleis of ii-ne to the portell of the counsal hous dure , outschering thairof, and nallis thaii-to, and workmanship, . . xviij' Summa of the haill extraordenar, . . . j" xj" xiiij' x"" Heir foUowis the expensis maid on the ]\Iuss Well and Sanct Michaellis Well :— Item, in primis, the first viij dayis precedand the secund day of July 1554, . twa quai'ioris, ilk quarior on the day iij' iiij'' ; summa . . . xl' Item, to five men that drew watter and stanis furth of the well, Llk man on the day xviij'' ; summa . . .... xlv' Item, to the samyn five men that wi'oucht in the uycht, ilk man xviij'' ; summa ......... xxxv' Item, for ane ra of ane schip to be ane wendess, .... xij' Item, for the upbringing thaii'of furth of Leyth, .... viij'' Item, for xviij faddome of tow to draw the watter, . • . x' Item, for ane new bukat and ane auld, ..... ix° Item, to Adam Purves for the upsetting of the windois and lauboris maid be him, ........ vj' Summa of this oulk, ..... vij" xvij' viij iJi'i The aucht dayis expensis precedand the nynt day of Julij : — Item, to twa quarioris that oulk, ..... xl' Item, to fyve men that drew watter and stanis on the day, . . xlv' Item, to the samyn five men that drew watter on the nycht, . . xxxv" Treasurer's Accounts, 1553-54. xlv' 286 EXTRACTS PROM THE ACCOUNTS Tows Item, for beiiTeing of red fra the well, . , . . , vj' Sumnia of this oulk, ...... vj" vj° The expensis maid on Sanct Michallis Well. The viij dayis expensis pvecedand the xvij day of Julij : — Item, to twa quarioris, ilk quarior on the day iij' iiij*" ; summa . . xl" Item, to fyve men that drew watter and stanis on the day, ilk man xviij'' ; summa . . ....... Item, to the samyn men that drew watter on the nycht, . . . xxx" Item, for twa schod schullis, .... . . iij' Item, for nallia to the bukkattis, ..... vj"" Item, for butter to the windoyis oulklie, ..... viij'' Item, for candUl brint to bayth the wellis in the nycht, the tyme of the drawing of the watter thairof, ...... xl'' Summa of this oulk, ..... vj" vij' vj"" Summa of the expensis of bayth the wellis, . . xx" x' ij'" Item, the compter is to be dischargit of xvj" payit be him to , smyth, for foure lokks quhilks Alexander Park tuke to the new well the tyme he wes thesaurer, not payit thairfor nor yit allowit the samyn in hiscomptis; summa ........ xvj' Summa of the haill wellis, .... xxj" vij' ij'' The expenses maid in the up-bigiug of the haill sloppis of the Park Dike, biggit be command of the provest, baillies and counsale : — Item, in primLs, the compter is to be dischargit of the sowme of ane hundreth x" x' quhilk he pajit and debursit to James Wond, Andro Slesche, David Eamsay, and Thomas Wod, masonis, quha compleatit and biggit xvij iTids of wark quhilk the said sloppis contenit, ilk rude sett for vj" x' in warkmauschip and all necessars, quhilks xvij ruds wer mett be David Grahame, Michaell Brussat, and Sir William M'Dougall, master of wark, to that nomber ; summa . ■ • • . j"' x x' The expensis of three staue yeitts made in the said park dike : — Item, to Thomas Craufurd, quareor, for the wynnyng of xxviij pece hewin work, ilk pece v* ; summa . . . • • • xj' vuj Item, to Denne Morisoun for wynnyng of thre lintellis to the saids yeittis, xxj fute lang, price of ilk fute vj" ; summa . . . x' vj" Treasurer's accodnts, OF THE BURGH OP EDINBURGH. 287 Item, to Adam Harlaw, carter, for cai-eing of xij pece hewin wark to Dud- Town ingstoun and xij pece to Sanct Leonards, with thair twa liutallis, qidailks •wer auclit draucht, price of Uk draiiclit ij' ; summa . . . xvj' 1553-5i. Item, to Peter Hill, massoun, and his twa servands, for liewing of xxviij rebettis and twa lang luitellis, to Dudingstoun and Sanct Leonard's yettis, and setting of the greit stane yet at the Abbay, . . Iviij" Item, to ane barroman with the said Peter, fonre dayis, . . . v' iiij"* Item, for vij pimd leid, . . . . . . • iij' vj"* Item, for aucht dallis and thre rauchteris to the greit tymmer yet at the Abbay, and mending of barrowis, .... xxviij' viij"" Item, for beirring of this yet to the Abbay, .... viij* Item, for ane greit stoke loke to this yet .... vij' Item, to Adam Purves, wi-ycht, for the making of this yet, . . xvj' Item, for ij° plauohoure nallis thairto, ..... v' Item, Johne Ahannay, smyth, for vj irne crukkis and vj irne bands with slott and stapillis, weyand vj stane xiiij" wecht, price of the stane wecht maid wark xj' ; summa ..... iij" xv' iij'' Item, to him for ij° plauchoure nallis and half ane him.dreith garroun nallis, viij' Summa of the haill park dike . . j° xxij" xv' vij"* obts. The expensis debursit upon the Calsays : — - Item, for xvij rude of new wark of calsay outwith the West Port, ilk rude xxx' ; summa ........ xxv" x' Item, for xiiij rude of calsay, ane pairt thaii'of at the east end of the South Loch, and ane uthir paii-t at the end of the Potterraw, at xxviij' the rude ; summa ....... xxvj" xij' Item, for thre flagstanis to be ane brig at the myidds of the calsay, . xx' Summa of the haill calsay is, ..... liij" ij» Summa of the haill park dyke and calsayLs, j" iij''^ xv" xvij' vij'' Heir followis the expensis maid be Robert Grahame, compter, the yeir of his office, on the bigging of the Schoir of Leyl-h, quhUk begane in the moueth of Aprile the yeir of God J™ v° liiij yeirs, particularie as efter followis : — The expensis of the first oulk, whilk wes the viij dayis precedand the vij day of the said moneth of Aprile : — Item, for twa stanis leid, ....... xiiij' 288 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Town Item, ressavit fra Alexander Reiil, quariour at Grantouu quarrell, j' pece 'a^ukt? hewn work, price of the j<^ wynnyiig 1553-54. It«m, for careing of thame fra Grantoun quarrel] to the schoir at Leyth, . Item, for ane dozone Cousland lyme, ..... Item, David Grahame, Thomas Baldraney, massonis, for di-essing of the samyn j" stanis at the quen-ell, thre dayis wageis, Item, to twa barromen thre dayis wageis, ..... Item, for drinksilver this oulk, ...... Summa ....... The e.icpensis of the oulk precedaud the xiiij day of AprUe : — Item, to David Grahame and Thomas Baldrauey, at the querrell, fou dayis, dressing stanis, ...... Item, for beiring of twa botts of walstainis of the schoir, Item, for half ane Imndi-eth sand, .... Item, for ane dosone Cousland lyme, .... Item, drinksylver this oulk, ..... [The account contains weekly details similar to the above, up to 2Sth December 1554, " the haill expensis of the schoir," this year, being 4411ib. 2s. lOd. The following are some of the remaining entries in the treasurer's account] : — Item, the compter is to be dischargit of the sowme of fyftene puud quhilk he payit to Johne Hoip for his compleit payment of his fyfty frauks, becaus the Mertimes terme, of the yeir of the compteiis oiEce, of the buith maillis wes assignit to the said Jolme Hoip, conforme to act maid the ix day of Junij, the yeir of God J" v"^ liij yeii-s ; summa • • • • Item, the compter is to be dischargit of the sowme of xix" x* as for the maUis of the cordineris choippis, becaus the Dene of Gyld, be the command of the counsale, intromettit thairwitli, the yeir of the compteris office ; simima Item, the compter is to be dischargit of the sowme of xx" quhilk he payit and dely\-erit to the thre assissors, viz., Mr Thomas Makcalzeane, Sir Robert Heriot, and Mr Johne Spens, at the townis command, in the beginnyng of thair pensionis grantit to thame ; summa « » * » Item, the compter is to be dischargit of the sowme of xxj" xij' debursit be the fai-morars of the commoun mylnis, in the yen- of the compteris office, iiij" x" iiij" xvj- XX' -vij' v' xj" xij' XXUIJ' xij" viy vj" xvj' V' OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 289 upon tlie standing graytli tliairof, quliilk tlie town auclit to allow and pay ; sum ma ...... . xxj" xij* Item, the comptei" is to be discbargit of the sowme of ten pund restand awand to him of the rest of his 1 fr.s. [oO francs] qiihilk he lent to the gud town in the moneth of December, in the yeir of God J™ v" xliiij yeir.s, the tyme Mr David Painter past to France ; summa . . . x" Item, the compter is to dischai-git of the sowme of v" xiij' viij'' debursit be him, in the yeir of his office, for the making of twa bekinnis on the eist end of the bulwork of Jjeyth, payit be Sir William M'Dowgall, maister of work ; summa ..... v" xiij' viij* Item, the compter is to be dischargit of the sowme of xj'* xviij' debui'sit and payit be him to Sir William ^I'Dowgall, maister of wark, for lyme, sand, stanis, and warkmanschip of the making of the stane dike on the north side of the South Loch, to hauld in the watter thairof, at the counsale's command, and for devattis to the bak thairof, by the expensis maid thaii-on be Mr James Lyndesy ; summa . . . xj" xviij* Item, the compter is to be dischai-git of xj" x* for the bringing of ten geistis fra the schip to the Bray Held of Leith, and for the clossing of ane hoUl aboun the yet of the well of the Tiinete College ; summa . . xj' x* Summa of the haill discharge is anethowsand sevin hiindreith xv" iij" i.x^ Sua I'estis, awand be the compter to the town, fifty aucht pund ij* v* Tows Treasuker's Accounts, 1553-5*. At Edinbui-gh. the nynetene day of Februar, the yeir of God J™ v" liiij yeirs, the compt foirsaid of Robert Grahame hard, sene, and reipUe avisit and consederat, finds the charge thairof extends to ane thowsand vij° iij^^ xiij" vj' ij**, and the discharge to ane thowsand vij*^ xv'' iij' ix'^, and sua the compter restis awin to the gud town the sowme of fifty aucht pund ij' v*, reservand to hitu his actioun aganis sum personis allegit addettit to him in sov/mes of money quliilk the auditors refusit to allow, and als of his complayut to the counsale anent sum sowmes of money aUegit debursit be him in the townis eflfaris quhUk the auditors refusit to allow elik- ways. In witnes heirof the saids auditors hes subscry vit this compt. [The report is not subscribed by the auditors. There is on the margin of it the following note by Sir Alexander Guthrie, town clerk ; — ] Maister Jhoun Prestoun charges him with this rest in his compttis. GUTHRE. 290 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Town Treasurer's rpHE COMPT of Maister JoHNE Prestoun, Tliesurar to tlie Towiie of EcUnburgh, Accounts, . ... 1554-55. cliesin at Micliaelmes in the yeir of God J" v" liiij yers, lais eutres to the said office begynnaud at Martinmes next efter his chesing. THE CHARGE. [The duties of the Common Mills were this year sett to James Cranstoun and his sureties, James Forrat and James Locb, for 1210 merks ; William Ker and his sureties, Maister Archibald Grahame and Alexander Purves, had the duties of the " wyld aveutors " for 860 merks ; the Petty Customs of the Burgh were sett to James Cranstoun and his sureties, Francis Bell and Thomas Mow, for 480 merks ; and the Maills or Kents of the Flesh-house amounted to 34 lib., being 34 " stokks " at 20s. " Uk stok." These were the principal entries of ordinary revenue in 1554-55. The other ordinary entries are generally in similar terms to those in the two jjrevious years; some, however, are fuller, and these are here given, along with the entries of a casual kind.] Item, the compter chargis him with the maillis of the foure over north buithis under tlie tolbuith, the yeir of the comptis, viz., William Boith- wellis buith, Johne Eeutonis buith, Jonet Eynd's buith, and Mr Johne Preston's buith ; iik buith in the yeir iiij" ; summa . . , xvj" * * * ♦ Item, the compter chargis him with the maillis of "William Maillis and George Heriott's choippis, under the tolbnith stair; ilk choip in the yeir, xxv' ; summa ....... 1* • » • • Item, the compter chargis him with xxv" gotten fra William Meill for rentelling of him in his choip in the place quhsiii' his moder, Dame Meill, wes in of befoir ; summa ...... xxv' Item, the compter chargis him with ane rest quhilk restit upon Johne Dowgallis held, sen the tyme he wes last thesaurer to the towne, at the fute of his comptis of the said office, as the grete buke beii's, and ressavit be the compter fra the said Johne Dowgall ; summa . . . xix'' vii j» Item,the compter chargis him with the sowmes following ressavit be him fra the personis as efter followis, as thai that wer restand samekle of the Gallowis Raid, viz., fra Robert Gray, iij", fra David Symmer xl', fra Johne Ilucheon xl', fra Andro Bartane xl", fia Johne Davidsouu iij", and fra Alexander Morisoun iiij" ; summa ..... xvj" Item, the compter chargis him with the unlawis of thir personis followand, OP THE BXJRGH OF EDINBURGH. 291 foi' selling of wyue of Angoaw for xiiij'' the pyut, viz., fra Maister Patrilc Bissat, Johne Weycht, Andro Bartane, Alexander Sauchy, and Jolme Cunyngbame, Uk persone xl' ; summa ..... x'' Item, tlie compter cliai'gis him with twa lasts of escheit uuzeonis fra Johne Pennycuke, youngar, and his man-owis, quhilk was in the hands of Johne Watsoun and Paule Young ; price of ilk last xiLij" ; summa . xxviij" Item, the compter chargis him with ix" xij' ressavit be him fra Johne Eynd, Johne Weir, James Craustoim, and Johne Wilsonn, puder- makkars, for the eschete chopinnis, viz., fra ilk persone xlvLij' ; summa ix'' xij'' Item, the compter chargis him with the fute of Robert Grahamis compt, last thesaurer, the yeir of his office, quhilk wes Iviij" ij' viij'' ; quhairof tLair wes allowit to the said Robert, to the provest, baUlies and counsale, efter the subscryving of liis comptis be the auditors of comptis, for Sir William Hammiltonis hous maill, beand provest the yeir of the said Robert's office, xxv" vj' viij'' ; sua restis the sowme of xxxij" xv" ix'' ; summa ........ xxxij" xv" i.v'' Item, the compter chargis him with sex seoir xiiij" iij' iiij'^ ressavit be him fra Katharene Irland, the spous of Alexander Jossy, quhilk sowme the said Alexander ressavit fra the baUlies, the yeir of the compteris office, to bring hame tymmer fiirtli of Norrowa to the Newhevin, quhilk he cUd nocht ; summa ..... j" xxxiiij" iij" iiij'' Item, the compter chargis him with the sowme of foure hundreth merks ressavit be him fra the dekinnis for the tyme, at the provest, baUlies, and counsallis command, of the crafts parte of the extent rasit be the thre estats of the realm for biggiug of certane fortts, and als for biggiug of the Newhevin, the rest of the compter's office ; summa ij° lx\f'' xiij' uij'' Town Tbeasdrer's Accounts, 1554-55. Summa of the haill charge is y™ uj" vuj" vif Heir followis the compteris discharge, and first the ordinar discharge. [The ordinary discharge consists as, in the two previous years, of fees, or salaries, pensions, and annuals. There are here given entries which differ in some re- spect from those in the previous years : — ] * * * * Item, to the thre procurators pentionars" [assessors], viz., Mr Thomas M'Calzeane, Mr Johne Spens, and Mr Robert Heriot, for their half yeir's fe, ........ 292 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOlTNTS Town Item, for the clerk's chalmer maill, . . . . x" xiij' iiij'* Treasurer's ^ ^ Accounts, 1554-55. Item, to the Blackfriere for thair annwell awin yeirlie to thame, vj" xiij" iiij* Item, to the Kirk of Coi-storphiu for tliair yeirlie annwell awin to thame, xx" Item, to the Abbay of DunfermelLng for thair annwell awing to thame, v" * • * • Item, to Sir Walter Halyburtoun, Sir William Johnestoun, and Mr George Manderstouu, prebendars, ..... ix" vj" viij'' Item, to the Blackfreirs and to the Gvayfreirs for thair precheing yeirlie, ilk ane of thame self ane last of sownds beir; price of ilk boll xxviij' ; summa ....... xvj" xvj' Item, to Sir Nicoll Hutchesoun, prebender in the Kirk of Feild, for his annwell, ....... vj" xuj' iiij'' Item, to Sir Bartill Eavild, prebendar in the Kiik of FeUd, for his annwell of the gi-ammer skole awing to him, ..... xl' Summa of the haill ordinar is, . . iij' Ixxiiij" ij' viij* Heir followis the compteris discharge be preceptis : — Item, in primis for xij halbardis and xij schenne scheUdis with the townis armis in thame to the xij officers viz., serjands ; be ane precept of the dait the vj be day of November 1554, as the particular comjit thairof beirs, xxij" xj' vj* m * * * Item, ane precept of the xij day of December 1554, to gif to the provost, Ix" * • * * Item, payit for the Queenis projane, be ane jirecept of the dait the xxiiij day of December, and for the lokmanis leweray, . . Ixxxvij" x' viij* * * * * Item, payit to Oger Coquell of Lillo be ane precept of the dait the xxix day of December 1555 [1554], xvj crownis of the sone, and ane half; price of ilk crowne xxiiij' vj"* ; summa . . . xx" iiij' iiij"* * * * ♦ Item, payit for xviij cusschionis to the counsall hous, be ane precept the xviij day of Januar 1554 [1554-55], , , . . . vj" * * • « Item, payit to Johne Weu-, keippar of the West Port, be ane precept the xiiij day of Marche 1554, ...... xl* 1551-55. OP THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 293 Item, payit for x elnis of fyne cannay Lyllis worsatt to Richard Dowglas, Town masser, be ane precept the xxix day of Marche 1555, . . vii" x.' Treasurer ^ , , , Accounts. Item, payit to John Gallowa, keiper of the Nether Bow, be ane precept the ix day of May 1555, . . , . . iij' Item, to James Dromond for blawing of tlie trumpett to tlie first walpin- schawin, be ane precept the xiiij day of May 1555, . . . xiiij" * « * * Item, payit to Jaqiies Hog, Johne Thomsoim, and William Tliomsoun, menstralis, be ane precept the xxviij day of May 1555, . . xx" • * » • Item, papt to Alexander Bruce for dyking of the South Loch, to William Edmistoun for ane suesche to Walter Dennestoun, and allowit to the thesaurer self for ane handscheuze, be ane precept the xiiij of Junij 1555, ......... xvij" vj'' Item, payit to Jaques Hog, William Thomsoun, and Jolme Thomsoun, be ane precept the xxij day of Junij 1555, .... xxx' ♦ * * » Item, payit to Sir Johne Wilsoun, ehaiplane to the provest, be ane jirecept the xxij day of Junij 1555, ..... xviij" vj" Item, payit to Johne Sproit, serjand in the Cannogait, be ane precept the XXV day of Julij, ....... iiij'' * * * * Item, alio wit to William Ker, firmorar of the wyld aventors, be ane precept the xvj day of Aitgust 1555, and gcvin be him to the provest, . . xl" Item, payit to Patrik Boyman, in Leith, for ane dosone eistland burds to the Grayfreii-s, be ane precept the xvj day of August 1555, . . Liij" xvj° Item, payit to James Dromond and his marrowis for playing on Sanct GeiUis day, be ane precept the vj day of Sej)tember 1555, . . xl' Item, payit to John Roger, keippar of the Grayfreir Port, be ane precept the xiij day of September 1555, ..... xl' Item, allowit to the compter, be ane precept the xiij day of September 1555, for the King of Denmark's ambassador's bankat, . xxv" xvij' xj'' * * * * Item, to ane punscioun wyne to the Blackfreirs, be ane precept the xxvij day of September 1555, ...... vj" ♦ • » * Summa of the haill preceptis is . . . . v'' Ixxvj" x' ij'' 294 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Town Heii- follows the compteris discharge extrordinar :— Treasukek's Accounts, In primis, on the tent day of November 155i, for foure torcheis at the 1554-55. rowpping of the commoun gude, . . < . xxvj' viij* Item, for candill that nicht [to] Thomas Hall, . . . . iij' iiij'' Item, the day of 1554, for takin of ane greit gebet furth of the nether tolbuith and beiring of it to the hecht of the Dow Crag, to half hangit hommill Jok on, and down bringing of it agane to Sanct Paullis Wark, ......... xij"" Item, for cords to bynd and hang him with, .... viij'' Item, the xvj day of November 1554, gevin to Eduard Hoip, bailUe, quhilk he gaif for the signet of the Quenis lettres to poynd Johne Creith in Leith with, ......... \' Item, the xix day of November 1554, for cords to bind and bang ane theif quhilk wes convict befoir the shereff, ..... viij'' Item, the xxj of November 1554, ane greit lang chenze of irne to the thevis hoill with foure ai-mes gangand fra it, with foure loks and boUtis, weyand xj stanis thre quarteris, maid be Johne Ahannay, smyth ; price ilk stane xj' iiij^ ; summa ..... vj" xiij' ij'' Item, to bring it fra Johne Ahannayis biiith and helping to fessin it, Item, drinksilver to Johne Ahannyis chelder, .... xvj'' Item, the xxvij day of November, for mending of the glass windoke in the couusaUious, . . . . . . . . ij' iij' Item, for candill foure nicht to the lords quhen thai sat lait at the justice courts, ......... ij' Item, the said xxvij day, for mending of the lok and key and ane new greit stapill to the Cowgat Port, to Mongo Hunter, . . . iiij' v;]'' Item, the xxviij of November 1554, for ix suekkis with thau- stapillis to the ix cordokkis of the tolbuith ; Uk sneke xij'', to Johne Ahannay ; summa ........ ix' Item, the xij day of December 1554, gevin to William Hardy, messenger, at the provest's command, for the coppy of ane summonds with quhUk the provest, baillies and communite wes summouit with at the instance of the abbot of Halyroudhous and Cannogait, . . . . iij' Item, the xiiij day of December 1554, gevin to the massers for the decrete gottin befoir the lords of counsale aganis the men of Leyth that wald nocht sell thair wynis of the prices maid be the Quenis gi-ace and lords of the secrete counsale, ...... v" ii OP THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 295 Vj' VUJ viij- xvnj" vj" Item, the xx day of December 1555 [1554], gevLa to Johne AJiaunay, smyth, for making of twa boUts of ii'ne of ane greit brokin bout, and eiking of tbe twa mair nor tbe ane wes in x pimds of irne, . . ix» Item, the xxij day of December 1554, for cords to have ane theif that brak ane buith and staw ane gad of irne, ..... viij'^ Item, on Ywle evin for deichting and beiring away of ane meiddiug and reid under the coukeStule, . . . . . . . xij'' Item, on Uphaly day, the vj day of Januar 1554 [1554-55], for beiring of daillis, greit treis, and punschionis to mak ane skaffald in the tolbuith to play the clerk phxy on, and away bringing of it agane, Item, for towis to bind the twa men that slew George Dromond, quhen thai wer hedit, ........ Item, the xij day of Januar 1554, gevin at the baillie Eduard Hoippis command to James Nicolsonis servands in driuksilver for coppying and indorsing of writtings, . . ..... Item, the xix day of Januar 1554, for dychting and cleirring away of muke and feilth fra the nether tolbuitli dure, .... Item, the xx day of Januar 1554, given to Peter Thomsoun, als Yla lierald, for the presenting of the precept of parliament to the pro vest and baillies, at the provest command, ..... Item, the xxiij day of Januar 1554, gevin for the writting of lettres and for the signet to thame, to discharge all unfremen within Leyth and utheris within the fredome and bounds of Edinburgh, to sell wal.x, wyne, and utheris stapUil guds, ....... Item, for cords to hang and bind Ton Greirson, and to bynd ane woman quhill sho wes brint on the cheik, ..... Item, the xxix day of Januar, gevin for dowbUl garroun naUlis and mend- ing of the eister bekin of Leyth, ..... Item, the feird day of Fabruar 1554, for cordis to bind NicoU Ramsay quhill he wes hedit, ....... Item, the ix day of Fabruar 1554, gevin, at the provest and baillies com- mand, for twa decreits gevin be the lords of counsale, the ane aganis the laird of Restalrig that he suld haif no inspectioun of the townis evidents, the uthir aganis Sir Thomas Kincrag, pr. [procurator], that he suld answer and obay the provest and baillies and officeris of the town in all thaii" ordinances and statuts, .... . . xx' Item, tliesamyn day, for cords to hang the man that brint Lord James' cornis ...... . . viijj Town Treasdker's accodnts, 1554-55. vnj' viij" VJ" 296 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Town AccoDNTs * Item, the x day of Fabruar, for ij skeiizeis of pak threid, to messiu- the 1554-55. Newhevin with, ....... viij'' Item, gevin to Patrik Wychtmanis wyfe quhen he deit, at the provest and and baillies command, to eird him, ..... xx' Item, the xv day of Fabruar 1554, gevin for instruments pleyand aganj^ Walter Cant in Leyth, . . . , . . . viij'' Item, that samyn day, for instruments pleyand aganis Patrik Boyman iu Leyth for paking and jjeillin in Leyth, ..... iiij'' Item, the xvj day of Fabruar L554, payit, at the provest and baillies com- mand, for ane disjune in Johne M'Dowgallis hous to all the masonisand wrychts qnhilks wes had upon the consultatioun for remcid to the tolbuith, efter that the lords had tane ane effray and passit to the Blakfreirs to sit, and that samyn day the provest and baillies togidder with the saids warkman past to the lords agane and show thair opinnion, the falts and remeid thairof, ........ xiiij' Item, the xviij day of Fabruar 1554, gevin for ane uthir lawing in Sir NeUl Layng's hous, to the saids workmen, viz., masouLs and wrychts, and thaii" secund consultatioun, and wailling of the tymmer throout the town, vj' viij'' Item, the first day of Marche 1554, gewin to Sir David Lawsoun, writter, at the command of Mr Robert Strang, procurator for the town, aganis Walter Cant and Patrik Boyman of Leyth, for writtiug of certain answers, peremptoris, and declarators in thair caussi-s, . . . v' Item, to James Carmichaell, dene of gyld, quhilk he gaif in the abbay to Mr Thomas M'Calzeane to mak protestationis befoir the Queen's grace and lords of secrete counsale aganis the abbot of Halyrudhous, Canno- gate and Leyth, ....... xij* Item, gevin to James Barroun quhUk he gaif to Theodor's servand for wi-itting of the answer to the lords of Campheir letters send to the provest and baUlies, ....... v" Item, the xv day of Marche 1554, gevin to Thomas Hallis servand for paittelling and deichting of all the steppis of the turngryss of the tolbuith, viij'' Item, that samyn day, in ressonyng of Walter Cantt's mater, and als aganLs the dekin of the tailzeors and thair seill of caus.s, for instruments, . ^-iij'' Item, the xxix of Marche 1555, for acks in the tolbuith aganis Andi-o Bussall in Leyth, ....... viij'' Item, the first day of AprUe 1555, gevin to James Harlaw for wrytting of OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 297 une bill and ane lettre upon it, and for the signet to thame and twa Town .,....,,,, . 11 ' - i. ■ c ■ Tkeascrer's indorsuigis raissit at the comptrollar s instance aganis unfrenien, . xi' Accodnts Item, the secnnd day of Aprile 1555, gevin to Mr Rechard Strang, procurator 1554-55. for the town, for instruments in the tailzeors and broudstars' matters, . viij'' Item, the xsiiij day of Aprile 1555, gevin to ane marinar and ane tither warkman in Leyth, at the provest and baillies command, to beir twa fyru spars to the Newhevin fra Leyth and to sett ane of thame at the full sey and the uther at the law watter, .... ij» Item, for the twa spars, ..... . xviij* Item, the ferd day of May 1555, gevin to William Boy, messenger, at the provest's command, for the coppy of ane summonds at the instance of the abbot of Halyrudhous and Cannogait, to tlie ten day of May instant, ij' Item, the nynt day of May, the yeir of God J™ v" Iv, geviu to twa pyonars to bring fiirth ane lang ledder furth of the kirk to the cukstule to put up Connis wyfe, and to haif it agane to the kirk, . . . vj'' Item, the xv day of Maij 1555, gevin for faill and stanis and to twa wark- men to stoip the Borrow Loch quhen it wes lettin furth, . . v' Item, the xix day of Maij 1555, gevin for ane braid daill to be ane porpen- wall to the litill hous of the portell in the counsall-hous, . . iij' iiij'' Item, beiring of it and sawin, ...... xiiij'* Item, for nallis, ........ x'' Item, to Adam Pui-ves to mak it, ..... Uj' iiij'i Item, for fiirth bringing of the tymmer of the nether tolbuith to mak ane barress on the tolbuith stair at the parliament, . . . iiij* Item, to mak it and for naillis, ...... iij" Item, vij day of Junij, for drink and breid, eftei-none, in the counsal-hous, xx'' Item, the xxvij day of Junij 1555, gevin to the pursewat, at the provest's command, that presentit the precept of the chekkar to him to mak his compt, ........ v' ■ Item, that saymn day, to Mungo Hunter, smyth, for ane loke and ane key to the mercat croce, ....... Item, the xxviij of Junij 1555, for cords to bynd Katharen Martine quhen scho wes brint on the cheke, ..... v* Item, the vj day of July 1555, for cords to bynd and hang the foure Inglismen at Leyth and Newhevin, . . . . . iij" Item, gevin to Gorge Tod, Adam Purves and ane servand to mak ane gebet at the Newhevin, in haist and evill wedder, . , vj' iij' 298 EXTRACTS FEOM THE ACCOUNTS Town Item, for garroun and planslieour nallis, . . , . XX* Accounts Item, for drmk to tliame at tlie Newhevin, . . . . vj'' 1554:-55. Item, to twa warkmen to beir the wx-chytis loinis to tlie Newhevin and up agane, and to beir the wai-k and set up the gebet, . . . xx"" Item, for ane laid lyme to mend the auld wallis in Leyth Wynd, quhilks war fallin doun, ....... xviij'' Item, for twa hiids sand, ....... vj"' Item, to David Grahame, masoun, ..... iij" Item, to ane warkman with him, ..... xvj* Item, ye xxix day of Junij 1555, gevin to Johne Banx, smyth, for ane pair of bands with ane loke and ane key to the innerhoiis of the laich tolbuith, ........ vj" viij* Item, to the said Johne Banx, for making of ane chenze of irne with ane loke and ane key, with xj stapillis, to the overtrone, to fessin the weychta with, ..... .... viij* Item, for mending of fyve greit loks quhilks wer fylit and brokin with presoneris, ........ xxij' Item, for the mending of the key and the loke of the over heich tolbuith dure, ......... ij' Item, the xiij day of Julij 1555, for towis to bind the fallow that wes skurgit and his lug nallit to the trone, .... iiij'' Item, the xv day of Julij, gevin to Mongo Hnnter, smyth, for ane new v° 1535-56. fiftye and fyve yeris, and endis at Mychaelmes in the yen- of God J™ y" Ivj, as said is. CHARGE. [The five Common Mills were let this year to Maister James Lyudsay for 1750 merks, the Wyld Aventors to James Cranstoun for 850 merks, and the Petty Customs to John Weir for 445 merks. The other ordinary items of revenue are the same as in the pre\'ious year, with the exception of the first entry here given : — ] • » * « Item, the compter chargis him -with the malis of the aucht over north buithis under the tolbuyth, viz., Williame Boithwellis, Johne Eeal- tounis, Isobell LitUlis, Isobell Flemyngis, Jhone Youngis, Jonet Eyndis, Maister Johne Prestounis, and Williame Andersonis wyff, in the yeir iiij"'' ; summa ........ xxxij" * * * « Item, the compter chargis him with vij' vj"" gottin for the dewteis of Kathering Purdy as air to Jhone Purdy, hir fader, for her entre to ane half on thre aker on the mure, ..... vij° vj'' Item, the compter chargis him with xxx' gottin fra Adame Purves for his entre to thi-e akers of the mure be resignatioun of James Kicolsoun and Kathering Purdy, ....... xxx' Summa of the haill charge, is twa thousand ane hundretli xxxvj" xiiij' ij"* DISCHARGE. Heii' followis the said Maister Archibald Grahame's discharge ordinar : — [As in the previous years, the ordinary discharge consists of the annual fees to the Provost, Bailies, and Councilloi*s, and their officials, and of the annuals to churches and churchmen. There are set down 40 lib. " to the thre assissors as thair fee ; " 20 lib. " to Johne Barroun for his pensioun for smging in the queir ;" 5 lib. "to Sir Patrik Dowglas, prebendar of Sanct Salvator's alter for his annuell ;" and 10 lib. 13s. 4d. "to Johne Young for the clerk's ehalmer." The whole ordinary discharge is stated at 373 lib. 6s. Sd. :— ] 316 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Town Tkeasueeh's Discharge be preceptis : — Accounts, 1555-56. ' [A few only of the entries of payments under precepts are here given : — ] Item, to Williaiue Kar, custumar, be aiie precept datit xiij Decem- bris, ........ iiii'"'xiij" vj' viij'' Item, to the provest, be aue precept datit the xvj Decembris, . . v'^'' ^iij" Item, to the Quenis grace Monsieur Dossall, be ane precept datit xvj Decembris, ...,..., v'^''" * * * * Item, to the Quenis grace, be ane precept datit septimo Febniarij, . xvj' * * * * Item, allowit to the comptar, be ane precept datit septimo Februarij, xxvij" viij' Item, to the firmorars of the wyld aventurs, be aue precept datit sxo Februarij, ........ x" Item, to Jaques Hog, trumpitor, be ane precept datit penuitimo Februarij, v» * * * Item, to Jaques, Frencheman, be ane precept datit xvij Aprilis, anno, &c., Ivj'o, ......... XX" * * * * Item, to Jacques, Freuscheman, be ane precept datit xv" Maij, . . x' Item, to him and his twa sonis, be ane precept datit xv Maij, . . xx' * ■ ' • * • Item, payit to four serjands that convoyit the Holand men to the sheref of Fyf, be ane 2'recept datit xix Junij, ..... vj" * * * * Item, to Walter Dawlin, kepar of the New Well, be ane precept dated xviij Augusti, ........ xx' Item, the fonre menstrallis that playit on Sanct Jelis day, be ane precept datit xj Septembris, ....... x? * * ♦ * Item, to Alexander Guthre, be ane precept datit tertio Novembris, . xxv" * • ♦ ♦ Item, to Maister James Lyndsay for the biging of the new myln, be ane precept datit secuudo Decembris, ..... iiij''^" Item, to him for expenssis maid on the mylnis, be ane precept datit secundo Decembris, . . . . . . xlj" xiiij' viij* OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 317 Item, to Jaqiies, Frenscheman and his twa sonis, be ane precept datit xvj Town -r. , . ...„ TkeASUKER's Decembris, ........ iij" accounts, Summa of the haill jjreceptis, .... vj"xxvij" xiij' 1555-56. Heir followis the compteris discharge extraordinar : — Item, on Mairtinmes evin the x day of Novem.ber annoj ifcc, Iv yens at the rowping of the commoun gude, for four gret torchis and candill, Item, to ane boy to pas to Kylspindy to the provest, with ane wreting of the Quenis, ........ Item, to the warkmen in diinksilver on Hallow evin. Item, for ane chymnay to the coun.sall hous weyand four stane iij quartar.' price of the stane x' ; summa .... Item, to the lokman for towis, the secund day of November, Item, to Robert Scott for ane wreting concernyng the Cannogait, Item, the xv day of November for ane coit, ane pair of hois, dowblet, ane bonet, ane pair of schone, to the lokman, .... Item, the penult day of November, for busumis and towis to the lokman. Item, the xvj day of November, to the masseris for ane decreit for deliver- ance of ane man maid the tiiiblane in Leyth, Item, for ane dLscheione in Aixhibald Pennicukis hous in Leyth at the balding of ane curt, to the provest and counsall, payit Item, for the fluring of the over irnehous, .... Item, to the Blackfreris, at the to'wnis command, quhen thair cheptor wes halden, ........ Item, to Homill quhen he wes stekit up for clenging of the jiest geii-. Item, to the lokman for towis, the first day of Januar, Item, to James Nicholl for ane halbart quhilk wes gevin to James Hender- soun, officer, ........ Item, to Louk Moresoun for the keping of the Cowgait Port, Item, xxij Januar, quhen the commissars of buiTOwis conveuit in the tolbu}i;h, twa quartis wyne and twa mainschottis, 2)rice Item, on tlie morne efter, als mekill, . . . . . Item, for twa punsionis to be scafTalding to the tolbuyth, Item, the penult day of Januar, gefin to ane officiar for ane precept of parliament, ........ xxiiij* xlvij' vj"" x-" vj" viij-" iij" X" xiiij" XXUIJ' xviij* v" X' xiiij'' XX' XXX" v» iiij^ v' viij'' vj. ;» 318 EXTRACTS PROM THE ACCOUNTS Town Item, for aue boy to ryn to Strinlincr to adverteis the Qiienis grace of the Treasurer a ■ e ^i -r, ■,- n , Accounts cummg oi the Burdious net, ...... vj 1555-56. Item, for the poiatmg of the south-west pairt of the fleschehous, for sclatis, lyme, and sarkin, and warkmanscip, ..... iij" Item, the fourt day of Februav, for dichting of the closet of the tolbuith, xij° Item, for making of futegangis in the tolbuyth at the parliament, and ane daill to mak thame, ....... x» Item, for ane new greit lok to the Port of Sanct Marie Wynd, . . xviij° Item, for ane greit band to the samin poirt, weyand xviij puud, price of the stane xij" ; summa ....... xiij' vj'' Item, to the lokman, the fourt day of Juuij, for towis, . . . xiiij* Item, the xxj day of Junij, to ane officer for twa preceptis of chaker, . iiij' Item, the scctind day of Julij, gevin to the lokman for towis, . . xiiij'' Item, the aucht day of Julij, for thre hingand lokis to the new well, price of the pece iiij' ; summa ...... xij' Item, to Johne Hammiltoim for ryding to Fastcastell with ane charge to the lard of Restalrige, ....... xxiiij' Item, for dichting of the closet at the tolbuyth stair futt, the nyutene day of August, ........ vuj' Item, for cordis to the bull on Sanct Jelis day, .... xij" Item, for ane cairt to cary Portus throw the towne, . . . vj' Item, for towis to bind hir in the cart, . . . . . ij» Item, for ane cart to cary the fallow that brak his leg furth of the tolbuyth throw the town, quhen he wes scurgit, . . . . .iiij' Item, for towis to him, ....... xiiij'' Item, for my expensis and Jhone LitilUs quhen we raid to the Quenis grace to the Glammis, concerning the Frencheman that brocht in the first wyne, at the townis command, ..... v" Item, to the Blackfreris and the Gray, for thair preching yeirlie, xij barralis beir, price thairof ....... xviij" Item, to Archibald Betoun for the maill of the gi-ammer scole, . . viij" Item, for the officeris expensis watand upouu the man of Leyth that wes tane for the slauchter of the man in Leyth, .... xvj' Item, to Sii- Johne Cammell iiij gallonis wyne viij siudry dayis, and to the Bischop of Galloway ane galloun ; summa of wyne . . . xl' Item, to the ofiiciars that gef the chargis to the baillies of Leyth, . vj" viij'" OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 319 Item, for the Lordis of the Chekker discharge at the paying of burrow malis, Item, for the burrow malis, ...... Item, to Johne Wallace and Williame Foullis, .... Item, to Thomas Teuch, .'..... Item, for torchis and candill this last Martymes eviu, in the thesaurar's absence, ........ Item, for the making of thre rude and ane half of calsay at the Borrow Loche, price of the rude xxxviij' ; summa ... Item, for mending of the lok of the Watter Yet, .... Item, for thre eln and ane quarter of grein to be ane burd-claith to the counsallhoiis, price of the eln xvj' ; summa .... Item, for ane dusoun of greit cussionis, ..... Item, for steking up of the loch dyk, twa horss ane day to leid feill to stop the watter, ........ Item, for casting of faill, ....... Item, to David Grahams, masoun, a day, .... Item, for sex laid lyme, ....... Item, for twelf laid sand, ....... Item, for making of ane pulpet to Maister Alexander Sym in the Magdelin Chapell :— Item, for ane greit jeist to be standeris to the samiu, Item, for sawing of it, . Item, for thre eistland burdis, the jnrice of the pece viij' ; sii Item, for sawin of the samin, Item, to Johne Reid, twa ulkis wirkand on the samin. Item, to Johne Purves, wricht, wLrkand sicklyk twa oulkLs on the Item, for nalis to it. Item, for ane gibbet that Curie wes hangit on at the Corss. Item, for nalis to it. Item, for making of the gavil of the tolbuith staii-, . Item, for nalis to it. Item, for twa eistland burdis, Item, for sawing of thame, Item, for carting and bringing up of ane toun of wyne fra the Abay for the Quenis grace, gottin fra Alexander Guthre, .... xlvj' Town ...„ Treasurers 11] accocnts, xxij' 1555-56. xviij'i \-j" xiij' iij' lij' XXX vj' V ir V- xx° ij" xxiiij' xl' xxxvj' ij* iiij' xuij* xxij* xvj» xviij'i iij* vj'" 320 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Town ^ TJie aucbt dayis expensis in the bakkiug of bulwark in Lejtb, pre- AccouNTs cedand the first of December 1555 : — 1555-56. Item, to xij barrowmen in this oulk, ilk man ia the oulk ix' ; summa . v" viij» Item, to David Grahame, masoun, to wyn the stanis with aue gavillok, . xx' Summa of this oulk, ...... vj" viij° The audit dayis expensis to dyk up the bulwart quhen it sandit, pre- ceding the xiiij day of December 1555 : — Item, for xiiij mennis wagis this oulk, ilk man in the oulk ix' ; summa . vj" vj" Item, for ane rude and ane half of schip-tymmer to be baking to the bul- wart, price of the rude and nalis iiij'"" ; summa .... vj" Item, for bering of the schip-tymmer fra the brig to the bulwart, . . v" Item, to Sir Johne, maister werk, this oulk, .... xx" The expensis maid of the cutting and outlatting of the watter iu the Play-feild :— Item, for twa men ane oulk, ilk man in the oulk ix' ; summa . . xviij' Item, to the calsay maker to flag it, . . . . . vj' Item, gevin to Jhone Sym, at the townis command, be ane act datit secundo Novembris, for making of the last twa pannellis of the JSTewhevin, . xx" Item, to Maister Jhone Prestoun, that wes restand awing him of his comjjt that yeir he wes thesaurar, as his compt beris, . . . j^xliij" iij'' Item, the comptar is to be dischargit of the sowme of xij" as for the malis of thre of the over buiths on the north syd of the tolbuith, viz., [blank] quhilkis are annalut and wedset, ..... xij" Item, the comptar is to be dischargit of v merkis pay it yeirlie of annuall furth of Isobell Litillis buyth to the airis of umquhill Jhone Jhonestoun, for the fische merkat, ...... iij" vj' viij'' Item, the comptar is to be dischargit of four flesche stokkis mallis extend- ing to iiij", becaus samony stud waist the yeir of the comptaris office, . iiij" Item, the comptar is to be dLschargeit of the sowme of vj" xiij' iiij'^, becaus he lent to the baillies, at Lambes in the yeir of his office, the sowme of twa hundreth and fiftie merkis to pay the townis paii-t of ane extent, quhUk wes rasit in July uixt precedaud, to pay the men of weir on the West Borders, and the comptar gat allanerlie fra the four baillies OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 321 luj- of this yeir instant, viz., Williame Kar, Alexander Barroun, Maister Jhone Prestoun, and Alane Dikkesoim j'^lx" ; sunima restand vj" xiij Sumina of tlie baill extraordinar, and uther dewties foresayd, is ...... iij^iij" xij' iij Heir begynnis the expensis on the Gret Yet of the Tolbuith, witli the Barris of the over Tolbuiyth : — The expensis of the first oulk, quhilk wes the viij dayis precedand the XX day of December, J™ v" Iv yeris : — Item, for twa dozane pend, ..... Item, for brynging up of ane dosone esler fra Maister Johue Prestoiin's wark to the tolbuith, ...... Item, for iiplaying of thame in the tolbuith. Item, to David Gi-ahame, masoun, ..... Item, for iiplaying of iij dosoun daillis in the tolbuith that come fra the Newhevin, ........ Summa of this oulk, ...... The aucht dayis expensis precedand the xxvij day of December : — Item, to David Grahame, masoun, ..... Summa of this oulk, ...... The aucht dayis expensis precedand the fourt day of Jauuar : — Item, to Adame Purve-s, wricht, ..... Item, to Johne Reid, ■wricht, ..... Item, to Adame Purves'.s servand, .... Item, to David Grahame, masoun, .... Item, twa pund Frenche glew, . . . . Item, for twa pund of candiil, ..... Item, for killing souudis, ..... Item, for thre draucht of estland bui"d, .... Item, for ane dozone of estland burd, .... Item, for twa lang jestis to be the soill and the lintell to be the bar of the over tolbuyth, ■■••... xl" Item, for the wrychtis and maisteris collatioun, .... v' Summa of this oulk, ..... [xj" iiij' ij''] [There follow the details of five other weeks', or "aucht days,' " expenses, of which a few only are here given :— ] 2 s Town Ti!kasurer'.s accodnts, 1555-56. VIJ' iij' xij* xx' xij" [xxxij=] XX' xx' XX* XX' xvj» XX' iiij' xx" vj" xij" xvj' UIJ" 322 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Town TKEASURER'a Accounts, 1555-56. Item, for bryugiiig up of the greit lintell, to the warkmen of the trone, x* Item, for xix^^ of grait tynd nalis to tlie greit yat of the tolbuith, price of the j", xl' ; summa ...... vj" vj' viij"* Item, for sex bandis with crukis afferand thairto, to the greit yet, wyeand sex stane and ane half, price of the staiie xj' ; summa. Item, for helping up of the greit tymmer yet, .... * * * * Item, for ane dosoun and ane half of half dallis to the bynkis to the over tolbuith, price of the dosone xyj" ; summa .... llj" VJ' xij" XXUIJ' Summa of the yet of the tolbuith aud the barris, . Ivj'' ij' iiij Heir followis the expensis maid be Maister Archibald Grahame, comptar, the yeir of his office, in the biggyng of the Newhevin, quhilk began in the moneth of November, the yeir of God L555 yeiris, particularlie as after followis : — The expensis of the first oulk, quhilk wes the aucht dayis precedand the xix day of November : — Item, for xvj pece tymmer, price of the pece xiiij' ; siimma Item, for cart hyre of thame to the Newhevin, Item, wrocht to Jhone Hannay, smyth, [blank] of irne in carvell nalis. xij stane, pi'iceof the stane xij' ; summa Item, to xxiiij borrowmen, ilk man in the oulk ix' ; summa, Item, to.Johue Cunyughame, masoun, .... Item, to Williame Bawmanno, ..... Item, to James Ramsay, ..... Item, to James Hammiltouu, ..... Item, to David Grahame, masoun, .... Item, to the wrichtis to mak the outmest pannell gude and to set up twa pannallis nixt the land, ...... xj" Item, to the warkmen of Leyth to help to sett up the pannell, . . xxiiij' Item, for the carying down of the nalis to the Newhevin, . . . v* Item, to Sir Johne, the maister wark, twa oulkis the wrichtis wrocht task, xl' Item, for small towis to haill the tymmei', .... xx' Summa of this oulk, .... xlix" ij'' v'' xj" iiij' viij' vij" iiij' x" xvj' xiiij" xiiij* xij' xij' xx' OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 323 The expensis of this oulk quhilk wes tlie viij Jayis precedand the Tuwn xxvuj day of JN oveiiiber :— Accounts, Item, to xxviij bai-i"owmen, ilk man iu the oulk ix' ; summa . . xij" xij' 1555-56. Item, to David Grahame, masoun, ..... xx' Summa of this oulk, ..... xiij" xij' The expensis of this oulk, quhilk wes viij dayis iirecedand the v day of December : — Item, to xxviij barrowmen, ilk man in the oulk ix' ; summa . . xij" xij' Item, to David Grahame, masoun, ..... xx' Item, gevin to xxviij men for aue Sonndayis wark at the tid, at xij'' the man ; summa ........ xxviij' Summa of this oulk, ..... . xv" The expensis maid this oulk, quhilk wes the aucht dayis jirecedand the xiij day of December : — Item, to xxviij barrowmen. Ok man in the oiilk ix' ; summa . . xij" xij' Item, to David Grahame, masoun, ..... xx' Item, for taiking up of the cran, to wrichtis and smyths iu drinksilver, . xx' Item, for cart hyre of vj cartis to bring up the brokin tymmer that left of the Newhevin to the nether tolbuith, ilk cairt hyre at iiij' ; summa . xxiiij' Summa of this oulk, ...... xv" xvj' Summa of the iirst bigyng of the Newhevin, . Ixxxxij" xvj' v'' Heir followis the expensis maid be Maister Archibald Grahame, compter, the yeir of his office, of the Newhevin, quhilk beginith agane in the moneth of AprUe in the yeir of God J™ v*^ and fyftie sex yeris, pai-ticularij as efter followis, as the compt thairof deliverit to him be Sir Jhone Wilsoun, maister of wark to the said Newhevin, purportLs : — [The works at Newhaven, which were commenced in August 1555 under John Preston as treasurer, were contmued by Archibald Gr.ahame till the middle of December, when they were suspended for the winter, and were resumed iu the spring of 1556, as the immediately precedmg entries show. The weekly expenses, for twenty-nine weeks, from the middle of April till the end of October 1556, and the outlay for iron work and timber, occupy si.xteen pages of the accounts. Such of the entries are here given as serve to show the n.atui'e of the expenses : — ] 324 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOT/NTS Town The expeusis of the firet oulk, quhilk wes the aucht dayis i)receJanct TKEASURERS ii ••• 1 j. . -1 AccoDNTs, tlie x'^'iy "-^^y of Aprile :— 1555-56. ' Item, to XX barrowmen ane oulkis wages, ilk man in the oiik x' ; sumuia x ' Item, to Sij" Jhone Wilsotm, [maister] of wark, .... xx' Item, for ane hxmdreth plencher nalis to the barrowis, . , . xvj'' Snmma of this oulk, ...... xj" xvj' The expensis of this oulk, quhilk wes viij dayis precedaud the xxt day of Aprill : — Item, to xxj barrowmen in the oulk x' ; summa . . . . x" x' Item, to Sii- Jhone Wilsoun, ...... xx" Item, bocht fra Williame Fosteris -wyff in I.oytli viij garrouis to be ImrrowLs, price of the pece xx"" ; summa, ...... xiij' iiij* Item, bocht from the said William Fosteris wyff vj rauchteris to be clething to the barrowis, the price of thame, ..... viij' Item, for vj roungis to the said barrowis, . . . . . ix* Item, for ane hundreth plenchor nalis to the barrowis, bocht fra George Bennet, price . . . . • ■ . ij" viij" Item, for twa mattok schaftis to twa new mattokis, . . . x" Summa of this oulk, ..... xij" xv' vij* The expensis of this oulk, quliilk wes the aucht dayis precedand the secuud day of Maij : — Item, to xxj barrowmen, ilk man in the oulk x' ; summa . . . x" x' Item, to twa quariors in this oulk, and to ilk quarrior xvj' : summa . xxxij. Item, to Sir Jhone Wilsonn, in the oulk, ..... xx» Item, for twa dosone of new sehoxillis, price of thame, . . . xvj' Item, for twa dosone of schole irnis, ..... xvj" Item, for half ane hundreth singill garoun nalis to the barrowis, price of thame, . ....... iij" iiij" Item for vj pund vj unce of steill to the pikkis and mattokis, bocht fra James Josse, price of the pund xiiij* : summa .... vij" vj" Item, to James Wilsoun, quarior, for ane steill mell in wod of xvj'; the mell to be uphaldin als gude at the end of the wark as we gat it ; summa ...••••■• -^^'J OF THE BLfRGH t)F EDINBURGH. 325 Item, for thre faddome of anc greit coird to barro the stanis witli, price TowK thairof ......... xviii'^ Treasurer's Account.*, Summa of this oulk, ..... xvj'' xvuj' luj 1555-56. * * * * - — ' — Item, bocbt fra Martine Uddart ane dosone garronis to be barrowis, price ofthame, ........ xviij" Item, boclit fra the said Martyne twa cliftis of ane tre, to be mattok schaftis, price of thame, . . . . . • iij' '^j* Item, to the warkmen in drinksilvcr, ..... vj' * ■» ♦ • Item, for twa laid of brume to mend the sande housis, price thairof . iij' Item, for ane piind of kintellis to kiut the samin brome on the housis, . vj'' * * * * Item, gevin to ane boit of Leyth to bring xxvj pece of tymmer fui-th of Leyth to the Nev/hevin, and to warkmen that pnt it in and furth in the boit, ......... xj' * • * * Item, gevin to .ane boit to bring twa lang treis furth of Leytii to the New- hevin, to be liatallis to the land pannell, . . . . ij' vj^ * * * * Item, gevin to John Cunynghame, wrycht, for himself in the oulk, . xxvj' Item, for his servand in the oulk, ...... xviij' Item, to Thomas Lyndsay, ilk oulk ..... xxiiij' Item, to his servand, ilk oulk, ...... xvj' Item, in drinksilver to the wrychtis, ..... v' » • » » Item, for ane bow stoup, . . . . . . iij' vj"" Item, for xxvij faddome of cordis, at the upsetting of the first pannell on the weist syde, to be gylomys, price of the faddome viij"" ; summa . xviij' Item, for ane cabill tow to the waindes, coft from Petir Carmichaell, price thairof, . ........ xl' « » * * Item, for stra to stop the mortis of the sollis, .... vj"* Item, for ane quai-t of tar to the tre nalis, ..... ij° Item, for ane bott that ramanit ane tyde upoue the wrychtis at the up- lifting of this said pannell, .... uj' 326 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Town Item, to the warkmen efter the setting up of the secund pannell on the Accounts west syde, in drinksilver, at the provestis command, . . . xij* 1565-56.' .... Item, payit to the foirsaid boitmen that carit the tymmer, for ane cord of thair awing quhUk was brokin with the carying of this tymmer, as thai maid thau' fayth wes wrocht . . . . . , vj' * * * * Item, for calk to the wrychtis to strik tlie lynis on the tymmer, . , vij* • * * « Item, to Gilbert Balfour for ane hous maill to keip the warklumes, . iij" Heir begynnis the comptis of the ii'ne wark of the Newhevin, the yeir of God J™ v' Ivj yers ; the xviij day of Maij : — Item, in the first, wrocht be George Bennet, twa new mattokis weyand ane staue v lib and ane half, price of the stane xij" ; summa . . xv" xji'' Item, wrocht be George Bennet on ane quarrior's new mell, half ane stane of irne, price of the stane xij' ; summa . . . . vj' * * « » Item, on Friday, the xix day of Junij, wrocht ane stane and ane half of carvell nalis, price of the stane xij' ; summa .... xviij" Item, wi-ocht ane auld pik new, and put on it sevin pund of irne, price of the stane xij' ; summa ....... v" iij'' * * * * Item, upoun Wednisday the ix day of September, wrocht iiij stane viij pund and half of irne in carvell nalis, price of the stane xij" ; summa liiij' iiij J Item, laid upoun ane greit gavellok iij quarteris of irne, price of the stane xij" ; summa ...... ix' * * * * Item, upoun Wednisday, the iiij day of November, wrocht on the quariors' pikis, irne waigis, to maik them als gude as thai come to the wark, vj stane ix pound wecht and half, price of the stane xij" ; summa • iij" xix' j|'' Item, to Gorge Bennet for scharping of the pikkis and gaifloks all this yeir, .... . . . . xl" Heir begynnis the comptis of the tymmer bocht to the Newhevin, the yeir of my office, quhilk is the yeir of God J™ v' Ivj yeris : — Item, upoun Fryday, the xix day of Junij, coft xxvj treis to the land pannell, price of the tre xiij' iiij'' ; summa . . . xvij" vj' viij'' OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH, 327 Item, upoim Fi-yday the x day of Jiilij, boolit twa lang treis from George Town Clerksonis freind, price of the peoe xxx° ; summa . . . iij" ^ccopj;ts Item, upoun Fryday the xxiiij day of Julij, bocht from Blasse Mowbray 1555-56. viij treis, price of the pece xviij' ; summa .... .vij" iiij' * * • • Item, bocht fra Thomas Wilsouii iij^-'' xilij pece of tymmer, price of the pece xiiij' ; summa ....... Ij" xvj' Item, for ane frie lawing, at the bying of this tymmer, to Sir William Magdowgall, as his tiket beris thairupoun, . . . • '^j' '^ij'' Item, mair, the said compter is to be dischargit with viij'' payit be him to Jhoun Dalmahoy, serjand of the Port of Leyth, as for his fe thaii'of ; summa ......... viij" Summa of the hale expensis maid last upoun the ISTewhevin, and tymmer thairto, . . . viij'xxij" xvj' vi'' Summa of the haill discharge is twa thousand twa hundred thre scoir sextene pundis vij' ij'' Sua restis, awing to the comptar, ane hundreth threttie nyne puudis, xiij' At Edinburgh, the secund day of Junij, the yeir of God J™ v" and fiftie-sevin yeris. The auditors of comptis underwretiu convenit for hering and examinying of the said comptis of Maister Archibald Grahame, thesaurare, in the yeir bygane, preced- and Michalmes last bypast, findis that the charge extendis to the sowme of twa thousand ane hundreth xxxvj" xiiij' ij*, and the discharge thairof extendis to twa thousand twa hundreth thre scoir xvj pundis vij' ij"*, and sua findis the said comptar siiperexpendit the sowme of ane hundreth xxxix" xiij' quhilk the towne is awing to him, be thir presentis subscryvit with our handis. [The Report is unsigned. The following note is on the margin : — ] This i-est payit be Alexander Park, theasurer. [Alexander Park, who was treasurer in 1552-53, was also treasurer for the year 1556-57.] 328 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS II.— THE DEA.N OF GUILD'S ACCOUNTS. Dean of Guild's Accounts, 1552-53. XXVllj' v" Heir followis the Oneratioun of James Carmichaell, Dene of Gild, that he is to be chargit with in anno J™ v° liij", and his enteres wes quarto Octobris, anno J™ v° lij'^'' : — The Pace Silver gottin be procuratioun in the Kirk : — Item, in primis, Souday, the nynt day of October, ressavit fra Johne Grahame and his marrow, ..... Item, Sonday, the xvj day, ressavit fra Walter Wycht and his marrow, xxxiij' iij'' Item, Sonday, the xxiij day, ressavit fra Andro Bartane his allane, because James Lowrie wald nocht gang, ...... xix' j'' Item, Sonday, the xxx day, ressavit fra James Lowrie and George Gibsoun, Iv' ij'' November. Item, the saxt day of November, ressavit fra Johne Adamsoun and Thomas Boyis, ........ xxxviij' ij* Item, Sonday, the xiij day, ressavit fi-a Harculis Methven and his marrow, xxxij' ij* Item, Sonday, the xx day, ressavit fra John Clerk and Henrc Young, xxix' ix^* Item, Sonday, the xxvij day, ressavit fra William Ker and Duncans Leviagstoun, ....... Ivij' vj'' December. iij" xvj' xlj' Item, Sonday, the ferd day of December, ressavit fra James Adamsoun and Robert Flemyng, ....... Item, Sonday, the xj day, ressavit fra Richert Gray and James Rynd, Item, Sonday, the xviij day,ressavit fra Alexander Deinand John Hammiltoun, xxij' iij' Item, Sonday, the xxv day, ressavit fra Alexander Be and William Lausoun, iij" xix' Januar. Item, Sonday, the first day of Januar, ressavit fra Johne Uchiltre and John Levingstoun, . ...... xxx' v' OF THE BURGH OF EOraBURGH. 329 Item, Sonday, the viij day ressavit fra Ed nerd Tliomsoun and his niavrow, xxj' Dean op Item, the hftene day, ressavit fra Johue Frog and William Makcay, xxvij* ij J/ Accounts Item, Sonday, the xxij day, ressavit fra Mongo Hunter and Johne Hopper, xxv' ij J'^ 1552-53. Item, Sonday, the xxix day, ressavit fra WUliame Scott and his marrow, xxiij' iij}/ Februar. Item, Sonday, the fift day of Februar, ressavit fra Johne Clerksoim and James Scharp, . . . . . . . xxvij' iiijj'' Item, Sonday, the xij day, ressavit fra William Aikman and Thomas Todinar, ........ xlvj'ji'^ Item, Sonday, the six day, ressavit fra James Sym and James Stewinsoun, iij" vj' ixi* Item, Sonday, the xx [vj] day, ressavit fra William Newtouu and Alex- ander Piobesoun, ....... xxxv' iiij*" Marche. Item, Sonday, the fift day of Marche, ressavit fra Patrick Wilso\m and and Archibald Edyer, ...... xxxvij' iiij'* Item, Sonday, the xij day, i-essavit fra James Gray and Alexander Chaip, xlix" jj Item, Sonday, the xix day, ressavit fra Johne Kyle and James Young, . xl' j* Item, Sonday, the xxvj day, ressavit fra Maister Johne Moscrop and Alex- ander Bannatyne, ....... ];{;» Jija Api-ile. Item, the secund day of Aprile, ressavit fra Johne Mosman and Michael Rynd, ......... 1' vij-" Item, Sonday, the nynt day, ressavit fra Michael Gilbert and Mongo Kaper, . . . . . . . . . lvj» Lx'» Item, Sonday, the xvj day, ressavit fra Alexander Gilbert and Archibald Grayth, ......... xxvj» iij ' ACCODNTS, 1552-53. V' xv'* VI) iiy" vj" viij'' ix' ij"" vj» viij'^ xxj' V" vj* xij' V' xlij' xvj' vf xv" xij' xviij'^ iiij' v'' vij» vj'' viij' 342 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Dean of Guild's AcconNTS, 1552-53. Item, to George Johnestoun, for xj" J walx candill to the gi-ete candilstikks all tlie yeii", price of the lib. iiij' ; summa .... Item, to Pate for walx to powpet, ...... Item, to Thomas Watsoun, glassinwrycht, for his yer's fe, . Item, to Andro Mansioun for half ane ulk's wage deiduceit in the last compts of the Yule ulk, and siclik of the ulk of Witsonday, gevin to him and his servanda, conform to that yer's ulklie wage, at the provest's and couusale's command, . ...... Item, siclik gevin to Robert Finder for his wage, .... The officaris feis. In primis, Richard Trowop, Item, Patrik Baldi-any, Item, Tliomas Todrik, Item, William Cowttis, Item, James Henrison, Item, James Anderson, Item, Johne Wauchlot, Item, Johne Richardson, Item, Patrik Wychtman, . Item, Eichaixl Plummar, Item, to Thomas Hall, Item, to Patrik, gevin als for his yer's fe for the dichting of the gutteris. Item, to Home for his yer's fe for keiping of the kii-k. Item, to Doctor Smyth for his yer's fe, . Item, for mending of twa of the choppis occupyt be Johne Marschell and Michael Windeyeitts at the fiite of the kirk yard. Item, gevin to Andro Aldoth, principall wrycht under the maister of work, for his laubors at the work, driuksilver to him, ane pair of hois of stennying millane, the price thairof, ..... Item, for my yer's fe and my chaplanis, . . . . x" Item, the compter is to be dischargit of the sowme of foure scoii- thre " xiij' vji'', quhilk was restand awing to the compter in his last yer's compt precedand, as ane act maid in the townis buks, the ix of November 15.52 yei-s purports ; summa ..... Ixxxiij" xlvj' iiij" VIJ" XJ' xxx' v" xl- xl' xl' xl' xl" xl' xl' xl' xl' xl' xxx' xl" XX' xxx' xiij' iiij'' xiij' vji* OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 343 Apiid Edinburgl], Secundo Martij, Anno Domini J™ v° liij''°. [At Edinburgh, 2nd March 1553 (1553-54).] The quhilk day the comptis foii'said, of the twa yers precedand the dait of Michaelmess last bypast, maid be James Carmicbael, dene of gild, hard, sone, and thaii'with ryplie avisit, the charge and discharge considerit, finds that the said James is superexpendit by his charge, quhilk the towne is restand awing to him, the sowme of ane hundreth j pund xv' viij'', de claro, be thir presents, subscrvit be jugis and auditors of comptis under writin : — Mr Johne Prestoun, baillie. William Hammyltoun, provest. William Lawson, baize. Wilzem Craik. William Murheid, baillie. Mr James Lyndesay. Duncane Levingstoun, baillie. Johne Sym, with my hand. Dean op Guild's Accounts, 1552-53. Primo Februarij J™ y° lxj™°. [1st February 1561.] In presence of Maister James Lindesay, James Adamsoun, Thomas TJddert, James K'ychole, James Curie, Jhonne Spottiswod, Mychaell GUbert, David Kinloch, and Thomas Ewyne, the said James Carmyohell grantts him satisfeit and payit of the rest above writtin. In witnes quhairof he subscrivis this present in thair presence, being auditors electit to heir the comptis of the toun. James Cakmychill. Heirefter followis the Compt of Johne Symsoun, Dene of Gild, of his Charge in the yeir of God J" v*^ fifty foure yers ; his entres beand the viij of October the yeir of God J™ v° and liij yers precedand : — 155.3-54. CHARGE, In primis, I am to be chargit with the Silver of the Pece of procui-atoun : — [Details are set forth similar to those in the previous year's accounts. In the collec- tions for that year, no special mention is made of Yule, the 25th of December 1652 having beena "Sonday;" but in this year there is entered: — "On Yule Day, the xxv day [of December], ressavit fra James Lyndesay and Alexander King, iiijli viijs iij''."] Summa of the haill charge of the pece of this yeir. j=vj" iijv" 344 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Dean of Gdild's Accounts, 1553-54. xij" Item, I am to be chargit this instant yeir with the nowmer of the Schippis quhilk the buke bers, iiij'"^ xij schippis at xiiij' the pece. Summa, ...... Ixiiij" viij Item, I am to be chargit with the Burgesses and Gilds this instant yeii' as the buke bers : — [The names of fourteen burgesses and guild-brethren are entered, and the sums received vary from 6s. 8d. to 10 Hb.] Summa of the burgesses and gilds, ... iij Item, I am to be chargit with the Cordiners' Choppis of the kirkyard : — In primis, thre of the eistmost of thame yeirlie, giffand ilk chop ij merks, and XV of thame ilk pece giffand yeii'lie xx' ; and the westmost, quhilk is callit Johue Mitchellis chope, giffand x° yeir, becaus it is at the erd and noclit bet, quhillc extends in the haill to . . . .J Item, I am to be chargit with the Choppis of the kirk : — In primis, Johne Gilbert's chope yeirlie, ..... Item, George Turnovir's chope, ...... Summa, ...... I am to be chargit witli the Layers of the kirk for this yeir as Patrik Govynnis compt bers: — [These accounts give the names of fifteen adult persons buried within the church of St Giles, and there are four entries of " barnis " layer.s.] Summa of the lajrres . . . . . . ■ I am to be chargit with the foure Greta CancUlstiks in this instant yeir : — [Twenty-five names are set dovm under this head, among which are, " for the lard of EosUng," " the lard of Kynfa^vnis," " Lazarus Coquel."] Summa of the gi-ete candilstiks, .... I am to be chargit with the foiire Silver Candilstiks and the Croce : — In primis, I haif ressavit fra Patrik Guvane, for the foirsaids candilstiks and the silver croce, the sowme of ... . xlviij' iiij'' Item, gottin on Sanct Gelis day, and Relict Sonday for Sanct Gelis day, in fre money, ........ vij"* The haill sowme of my charge this instant yeir extends to ..... ij'iij'^^xix'' xviij' iiij'^ xxx' xxx' iij" viij» vij" OP THE BURGU OF EDINBtJRGH. ;i4.5 xxvf' Heii- followis tlie Discharge of the Dene of Gild's oompt above writtin, the yeir foirsaid, 1554 : — lu primis, I am to be dischargit at the hands of Andro Mansion, wrycht, for the rest of the completing of the sowme of the stallis of the querr, the sowme of ....... • viij^ Item, to James Nicoll, for vj dozone and i eistland burd, price of the pece vj' viij'' : summa ........ Item, to Richard Trowp, with the vij serjands, and Thomas Hall, for thair feyis pertenyng to the dene of gild, ..... xxiij" Item, for ane dosone of knaphald, ..... xxvj' Item, for the caryiug of thame fra Leyth, ..... xij' For the out taking of all the stallis furtbe of the queir, . . . iij' Item, the expenssis maid of the calfTottiug of Sanct John's isle, Sanct Anthoni's isle, with pik, tar, coffiug hards, olie, coUis, and warkmanschip thairof, ........ xxxj" viij* Item, for xiiij faddome of corde to hing the pan in tlie meids of the kii'k, . iiij' iiij* Item, ane greit loke to the wolt dure of Sanct Thomas ile, . . v' vj* Item, bocht the xij day of October, foure laids of Cousland lyme, . v' iiij* Item, vij laids sand, ....... xxx* Item, Johne Broune and his marrowis, sawars, for foure draucht of geistis, ilk ch-aucht x*, ........ xl* Item, for xxiiij quarter drauchtis of eistland burds, ilk draucht ij*, summa of the saids drauchtis, ....... vij" iiij' Item, for ane geist, to Johne Westoun, and caryiug of it, . . . xix' Heir followis the viij dayis expensis, precedand the xviij day of November, of the raising of the Throuchis and Payment of the Queir, of this instant yeir : — In primis, Gilbert Cleuth, Nicoll Andersoun, maissonis, ane oulks waigeis, xl" Item, ane barroman with thame, this oulk, .... viij" Item, thre uther barromen redand and beirand eird to the queir, waigeis ilk man on the day xvj* ; summa ..... xx' Item, for ane riddill and ane schoule with ane Lrne to it, . . . xxviij* Item, for candill to the barromen and maissonis this oulk, . . . xxxviij* ■2 TC Dean of GuUiD's ACCODNTs, 1553-5-1. 346 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Dean op Item, for iiaillis to the wriclitis, ...... xxxij^ /^ tttt n'^ Accounts Item, to MaLster Joline Prestoun for ane tundreith tylde, . . . xv' 1553-54. Item, to young Johne Auchmowtie for twa hundreith and ane half tylde, xxxij' iiij'' Item, for carying of thame fra Leith, ..... ij' Item, to Johne Broun, sawar, and his marrow, sawars, for twa dayis wark, xij' Item, for drinksilver to the warkmen this oulk, .... iij' Summa of this oulk, ...... vij" x'' Item, this viij dayis expenseis, precedand the xxv day of the said moneith of November : — Item, for viij laids Cousland lyme, ..... x' Item, for twa dosone sand, ....... viij' Item, for ano aikiu spaii-, ....... xxx'' Item, to Gilbert Cleuch and XicoU Andei-soun, maisonis, thre dayis waigeis, xx' Item, ane barroman with thame and with the wrichtis this oulk, . . viij' Item, thre uther barromen fait to plane the throuchis and payment of the queir this oulk, . . . . . . . ■ vj' viij"* Item, for candill to the maisonis this oulk, .... xiiij^ Item, for xij elnis of now payment to the queir, and carying of thame, . xxxij' Item, for ane hundreith plauscheor nailHs and ane hundreith dur nallLs, . iiij' Item, for carying of the greit ledder to the glassin-wricht to the wiudok of the eist gavill, ....... viij'* Item, for drinksilver this oulk, ...... iij' Summa of this oulk, ...... iiij" xvj' Item, this viij dayis precedand the second day of December of this instant yeir : — Item, to Gilbert Cleuch and NicoU Andersoun, maisonis, thre dayis waigeis, xx' Item, to ane barroman with them thre dayis, .... iiij' Item, for candill to thame, ....... xiiij'' Item, for sawing of thre quarter drauchtis of eistlaud burd, . . ix'' Item, for ane hundreith planchoure naillis and ane hundreith dur naillis, iiij' Summa of this oulk, ..... xxix' xj'' Item, this viij dayis expensis precedand the ix day of December: — Item, to Johne Banks, smyth, for twa quhit plait lokks, with thair bands, ryngs, roissis, and quhit nellis to the buke almoreis of the queii-, . xij' Item, to him for xij irue boltis to the stallis, .... iiij' Item, for half ane hundreith planscheour naillis, .... iiij' viij*" OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 347 Item, to Jolme Aliannay, sraytb, for xij irne boltis to tlie stallis, ij" greit planscheor naillis, with meiidhig of the loke to Sauct Thomas isle, Item, to Nicoll Andersoun, twa dayis waigeis, Item to ane boiToman with him twa dayis, .... Item, for viij faddome of corde to the ledderis, .... Item, for ane pund of glew, . . . . . . Item, for caring of the greit standart, ..... Siunma of this viij dayis, ..... Item, this viij dayis pi-ecedand the xvij day of December, as ut supra : — In primis, to Peter Baxter, sklater, for poyntiug of the haiU kirk with the illLs, afoir Youle, ....... Item, for foure laids of lyme, viij laids sand, with watter, Item, to Mungo Hunter, smyth, for ane bar loke with tlire keyis to the south dure of the queii-, and mending of the lok of the organe loft, Item, to him for xxvj stobbis of irne for the transs of the queii-, Item, for skowring of the braissin wark afoir Youle, and clainging of the giitteris laith about the kirk and redding of the queir, and drinksilver to the glassinwrichtis cheikler, ...... Item, for foure quarter drauchtis of daillis and naillis to the wrichtis, Summa of this oulk, ...... Item, this viij dayis piecedaud the xxiiij day of December : — Item, to Thomas Watsoun, glas.sinwricht, for ane pannell of ane glassin windoke aboun the queir, contenane of new glass xij futtis and ane half, price of the fute xviij'' ; and to him for ane pannell of glass to the Haly- blude ile contenand vij fute of new glass, and in Sanct Gabriellis ile ane pannell contenand vj futtis and ane half of new glass, price of ilk fute of new glass xviij'^ ; item for viij futtis of auld glass new set in leid, price of ilk fut setting vj'^ ; summa of all this glass. Item, for xviij laids of Cousland lyme, .... Item, for fyve dosone sand, ...... Item, for iiij dosone watter to this lyme, ..... Item, to James Reidheid, sawar, and his marro, for xiiij broud draucht of eistland burd, price of ilk ch-aucht vj'* ; and to him and his marro for xviij quarter draucht of eistland burds, ilk draucht iij'* ; and twa draiicht of aikin tymmer xij'' ; summa of this tymmer, .... xiij' v' iiij'' xxxij" ij» iiij" xviij" vj" Dean of Guild's Accounts, 1553-54. xlvj' xxviy' vij' viij" xij" iiij' v» iiij" iij' Ivj- xliij' XLx' iiij" XX' xxxij" xij' vj" 348 EXTRACTS FROJI THE ACCOUNTS Dean of Guild's Accounts, lf.53-54. Item, for xv punds of glew, ...... Item, for mending of the wriclitis watter tube, .... Item, to Andro ]\Iaasion's cliilder at Fautronis even in drinksilver, Item, for thekia of Johne Michellis choip in the kirkyaird, and betting of the samyn, ........ Item, for twa eistland bnrds, ...... Item, to Johne Ahannay, sniytli, for uf .small brind naillis, price of ilk hundi'eith xvj'' ; and ane hundreith dur naill, price of the hundi'eith xvj'', and twa hundreith of dure naUl schank, price of tlie himdreith xviij'' ; and for ane hundreith planscheor naillis xxx''; item, for xl greit naillis to the wreichtis and vj greit irne stappiULs iiij' iiij''; item, for iij dosone of small naillis xxxij'' ; summa of the smyth, .... Item, the beitment of the Hospitall of Sanct Mary Wynd, for iij laids lyme, viij laids sand, ane dosone of watter, ..... Item, to ane sklater for his laboris of the saids chaippell, . Item, for ane hundreith sklaittis, ..... Item, this viij dayis precedand the xiiij day of Marche : — Item, to Walter Bynnyng, paynter, for paynting of xviij pannallis of the queir, and the twa gi-eit pannallis of the north gavill of the queir, with osure, and furnesing of all uther stufe to thame, Item, for mending of the ledder and ranging of it, ... Item, to thre preists for singing of the Passioun on Palme Sonday, Item, to Thomas Watsoun, glassinwrieht, for ane pannell in Our Ladey Ue, contendand vj futts of new glass, price of ilk fute XAdij"" ; ane uther pannell of new glass in Sanct Gabriellis ile, contenand ij futtis, price of the fute xviij ; and vj futtis of auld glas new sett in leid in the samyn ile, price of ilk fute setting vj'' ; item, twa pannellis in Sanct Thomas ile, callit Piestonis ile, with vj futtis and ane half of new glass, piice of ilk fut xviij'' ; and in that samyn ile viij futtis auld glass new set in leid, price of ilk fut setting vj"" ; and drinksilver till his servand for poynting of the glassin windokis on the haill sovith sj'de of the kiak afoir Pasche, ij' ; summa of this glass, ..... Item, to Johne Broun, sawar, and his marro, for ten braid diauchtis of eistland burd, price of ilk draucht v''; and to him for xxxij quarter drauchtis of eistland burd, price of ilk draucht ij'' ; summa of the sawars. xvj» vj'' vj^ vj- ^j' tiij- uij" xviij' x'' vij' iiij*" xiij" X' X xviij' xij" xxx" ix" vj'' OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 349 Item, to Johne Ahannay, smyth, for vj"^ dar naillis, price of ilk bundreith xvj'^ ; sumtna ........ Item, to Patrik Bikkai-toun, maisoim, and bis servands, for biying of tbe stane greifs in Sanct Tbomas ile, ..... Item, for beiring of reid in tlie said ile, and tbe reding of tymmer furtb of the samyn, and clenging of tbe samyn, ..... Item, to Patrik Govane and Doctor Smytb at Pascbe, Item, for beiring of xxxj barrois of erd in Prestonis ile, and filling of the hollis of tbe samyn, ....... Item, to Tbomas Home for dicbting of tbe gutteris at Pascbe, Item, for vj laids of Cousland lyme and ane dosone sand, . Item, to Peter Baxter, sklater, for poynting of tbe baill bodey of tbe qneir, qubilk contenis viij i-uds of wark, price of ilk rude poynting work ij' iiij'' ; item, Sanct Jobnis ile, qubilk contenis ane rude thre elnis, price of tbe rude poynting wark ij' iiij'' ; item, the bodey of the kii-k betwix tbe stopil and tbe west gavill tbairof, qubilk contenLs nyne rude of wark, price of ilk rude poynting ij' iiij'^ ; item, in tbe myde ile betwtx Sanct Katbareuis and Sanct Stevin's ile, contenLs vij rude worke, price of ilk rude poynting ij' iiij'' ; item, Sanct Ninianis to Sanct James' ile, qubilk contenLs foure mde and twenty aucht elnis, price of ilk rude poynting wark ij' iiij*; item, betwix Sanct Tbomas ile and Sauct Gabriellis ile, qubilk contenis twa rudLs of wark, price of ilk x'ude poynting wark ij' iiij'' ; item, Prestoun's ile, contenis fyve rude of poynting wark, price of ilk rude xxviij'' ; summa totalis of poynting wark. Item, the expenssis maid on tbe Cordineris Cboippis in tbe kirk yaird : — Item, for viij laids of Cousland lyme, ane dosone sand, and watter furnist to it, . Item, to Peter Baxter, sklater, for poynting of tbe baill saids cordineris cboippis, ........ Item, drinksilver to the sklatar's childer, ..... Item, for scowring of tbe braissin wark of tbe queir at Pascbe, Item, for viij dosone watter furnisit to the sklatars and to the poynting of tbe baDl kirk, price of ilk dosone viij'' ; summa .... Item, for beirring of foure scoii- xij sklaitts fra tbe porter luge to the cboippis of tbe kirk yaird, .... . . vuj= vj' ij' xj' viij'' iiij" vj' mj" xij' x" ix' ij" xij" v' iiij"* vjd Dean op Guild's Accounts, 1553-54. Xlllj' XXX' xj' viij' iiij» viij' 350 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Dean OF Item, to the said Peter Baxter, for the poyntuig of the haill ilering of the AcooDNTs aislars of the liaill kirk, ...... 1553-64. Item, to Thomas Home for scowring and wattering of the haill kirk the tyme of the parliameut, ...... Item, to Mungo Hunter for ane quhit bar loke, with ane paii' of quhit bands with ane ring and rois to the south-v/est qneir dur, witli ane stok loke to the west queir dur, and sex pinnis of irne, .... Item, for ranging of the kii-k ladder, ..... Item, for vij laids of Cousland lyme and x\'iij laids of sand, with twa dosone watter to the poynting and alaring of the aislars of the kirk, Item, for half ane eistland burd for making of ane lettroim to the queir, . Item, for beirring of the aislar stanis of tlie Walkar's alter to the maisoun luge, ... ...... vj'' Item, to Thomas Home for wattering and deiohting of the kiik on the Sacra- ment day, ........ ij" Item, to Walter Bynnyng for paynting of the foure greit armis, with the twa small armis of the queir, with oly coloi'is and gold, . . v" Item, for ane mess buke to the hie alter, .... xxxiij" iiij'' Item, to Johne Eynd for ane tyne stoip for the watter to the mess, . xxiij' Item, for scouring of the brassin wark on Sauct Geillis day, and wattering and souppLug of the kirk, ...... iij' Item, the expenssis maid on the west queir dur, to sawars and pyoneris : — Item, thre eistland burds xxxj° ; uij irne botts iij' ; to Mungo Hunter for thre jiair [blank] bands of quhit wark with thair uallis xxx' ; to ane maisoun vj° ; to the wricht for making of the samyn dur xl' ; summa of the expenssis of the dur, ..... \" vj' yij"^ Item, for twa laids of Cousland lyme, ..... iij' Item, to Thomas Watsoun, glassinwricht, for beitment of ane pannell of glass to Sanct Salvator's ile, quhilk contenis of new glass v fute and i ; price of ilk fute new glass xviij'', and in the samyn pannell iiij futts auld glass new set in leid, price of Ok fut new set vj"" ; item, to him for ane pannell in the heich windo in the queu- in the south side, quhilk contenLs vj fute new glass, price of ilk fute xviij'*, and vij fut and ane half auld glass new sett in leid, price of ilk fut of setting vj'* ; summa of the glass, ........ xxiij' j'* Item, to the said Thomas Watsoun for his fie, . . . . iiij ' OF THE BXJRGH OF EDINBURGH. 351 iiij" Item, to Johne Young, candilmakar, for viij stanis of candill to the wavk- men of the kirk, ....... Item, to Alexander Robesoun for mending of the kaippis of tlie kirk. Item, to Audi-o Auldmale, wricht, quha beand at the begynnyng of the stallis to the ending, ....... Item, gevin to Alexander Ahannay for ryngin of the bellis on Salmes eviu. Item, to Thomas Home for his yeir's fie, ..... Item, to Doctor Smyth for his yeir's fie, ..... Item, for bussomis to dicht the kirk with at Youle, Candilmess, Pasche, Whitsonday, and Sanct GeiUis day, with the laif of the Sundayis of symmer, ...... Item, for oley to the knok, .... Item, for dichting of the giitteris and spowtis above the kirk. Item, to Ueorge Johnestoun for walx furnissing to the foure grete stiks this yeir, ...... Item, to Patrick Tod, for his fe for keipuig of the croce and silver stiks, ......... Item, for twa stauis of candil to the pann in the mydds of the kirk, and keipiug of it, . Item, to Mungo Huntar for ane patUl to p.atil the kii-k with. Item, for the keping of the sepulture at Pasche, viij dayis, day and nycht. Item, for mending of the lok of the revestry dure. Item, for girs, watter, fyre, and ane dow at Witsonday, Item, for keiping of the fimt at Witsonday, Item, for the paynting of Sanct Geil, Item, for my fe and my chaplainis fe, . Summa of my haill discharge of this instant yeu' extends to, ...... iij'^ xiiij" viij' ij* Sua am I sxiperexpendit this instant yeir above my charge, xxxiiij" viij' x"* candil- candil- V' V'' xl' XX' V' vj-1 viij' xxx' xxxj' Dean op Guild's Accounts, 1553-54. xxv' iiij'* v-j. viij' xvj'i xviij'' X' x" xiij' iiij* The ferd day of Januar, the yeii' of God J™ v" Uiij yers, the compt of Johne Symsoun, dene of gUd, in the yeir bygane, hard, sene, red, and ryplie avisit on be the .auditors of comptis undirwi-ittLn, in presence of the provest and baillies in the tolbuith thairof, the charge thairof beand laid extendit to ij" Ixxx" xviij' iij'*, and the ilischarge to iij° xuij" viij' ij'*, and sua finds that the glide towne restLs awing to 352 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Dean of the said Johne, comptar, the sowme of xxxiiij" viij' ix.''. lu witues beii'of all the GniLD s saids auditors and jugis lies subscrivit tliir presents. 1553-51.' Mr James Lindesay, bailie. Kynspindye, prowest of Edr. Edward Hoipe, baillie. James Barron. William Car. 1554-55. Heir followis the Onoeatioun of the Dene of Gyldis Comptis, that he is to be chargit with in anno 1554, and his entres in [blank] Octobris 1554 to October 1555: — [Jamea Carmichael, Dean of Guild.] The Pece SUver gottin by procuratioun in the kirk. [The usual details are given under this head. Under "Februar" is this entry: — " Item, Sonday, the thrid day, ressavit fra William Bauchop, becaua Johne Cunnynghame wes put in waird for wyne the samyn day." Under Sejitem- ber, " Item, Sonday, the first day, quhilk wes Sanct GeUlis day."] Summa of the haill charge of the pece of this instant yeir extends to ..... Ixsvj" xvij' Item, I am to be chairgit with the uomer of the Schipjiis of this instant yeir, quhilk extendis, as the buke beiris, to the nomer of fours scoir fyve schippis. Summa of tlie money of the haill schippis, extends to . lix" x' Heir efter followis my charge of the Burgesses and Gylds, bayth to- gidder becaus thai are in the lokkit buke. [Forty-one burgesses and guild brethren are entered.] Summa of the burgesses and gylds bayth togidder extendis to, this instant yeir, . . . • j° ^1" V' ^"j" I am to be chargit with the Choippis of the kirk, and at the fute of the kirkyard, of this instant yeir. [Twenty-two enti-ies, amounting to 24 lib.] I am to be chargit with the Lairs of the kirk this instant yeir. [Six entries, amounting to 1 lib. 6s.] OF THE BURGH OF EMNBURGn. 353 I am to be charsjit with the foure "reit Cantlilsteiks of this instant yeir. Dean of ^ GuiLn's [Twenty-two entries, amounting to 4 lib. IGs. 8d.] Accounts, 1 am to be chargit with the Silver Chandilsteiks this instant ycir. " [Thirty-two entries, amountingto ISs. 4d. Amongthe names are "the frater- nite of Sanct Chowbart," "the frateruite of Sanct Johne," " the frater- nite of Sanct Crispiniani."'] I am to be chai'git with Sanct Geillis arme this instant yeir, Item, upoiin Relict Sonday and Sanct Geillis day, . . . vij^'' Summa of the haill charge, . . . iij° vij" xvj' v^* The Exonoratioun' of the Dene of Gykl of this instant yeir, x" Octobris 1554 to X of October 1555. In primis, the xj day of October, upon the north syde of the quier, put up ane pannall of new glass, contenand xviij fut, price of the fute xvnij'^ ; summa ......... xxvij' Item, the xij day to Mungo Hunter, for ane loke and ane pair of bands, and mending of ane uther loke and ane new key to it, to the sang scole dur, ......... -xj' vj'' Item, the xxviij day of October, put up upoun south syde of the queir ane pannell of new glass, contenand xvj fute, px-ice of the fute xviij'' ; summa ......... xxiiij' Item, that samyn day, to the dur at the nether end of the queir, ane loke with ane oui-elyar and foure keyis till it, and als vj cleiks and ane sloit under the dur ; summa of all togidder, .... xviij' iiij* Item, to ane wi'ycht for putting on of the said loke, ... ij' Item, for clengging of the kirk about at ADiallomess, . . . iij" Item, for clengging of the eirle of Irgyllis clois, that my lord of Irgyle mycht half entres thaii-to, ...'.. viij' Item, to Robert Finder for mending of the greit treno chandelars, . x' Item, for uaillis to thame, .... . . xviij* Item, for Dochter Smith's Martimes fie, . . . . . x' Item, to Thomas Home for his Martimes fie for keipping of the kirk, . xx* Item, to Sir Eduard Henrisouu, as ane act and his discharge beirris, . xj" .xxiij Item, to Alexander Stowinsoun, at the command of the counsale, be ane act and his discharge thairupon, ...... '•;i 354 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Dean of Guild's accohnts, 1554-55. Item, to Andro Mausioun for his Martimes pentioun, conforme to his act and his discharge thairiipon, ...... ymis Item, for paymentiog of the south kirk dur, quhair the bairnis ar babtist, to Gilbert Cleuth and Johns Andersoun, masonis, . . iij" vj' viij'^ Item, for lyme and sand and watter thairto, . . . xviij" vj'^ viij° xxmj" xvij° vj'' xxx'' iiij' iiij' Item, to ane wai-kman fyve dayis to serve \ipon, ilk day XYJ'' ; summa . yj' Item, to thair servanda for drinksilver ..... Item, coft and laid in to the luge, to poynt the kirk windois and uther neces- sars thairto, xviij laid lyme, the dosone cost xvj' ; summa Item, coft iij dosone J sand, the dosone v' ; summa Item, for iij dosone watter, ...... Item, for reiddeling and drauking of it, to ane warkman, Item, to Thomas Henslie for ringing of the bellis on Salmes evin, Item, for ane pair of greit bands to the nether dur of the kii-kyaird, and naillis to it, . . . . . . . . vj' Item, for mendmg of ane lok to the west kirk dur, . . • ij Item, for the making of ane geirth to the funt, and making of ane prike of irne, with thre flowrs to beir the candillis about the funt, . . vij vj'' Item, the xxviij day of November, for ane pannell of new glass in Sanct Thomas' ile, contenand xij fute, the price of the fute xviij'' ; summa, . xviij' Item, the samyn day, in Walter Cheipmannis ile, ane pannell of glass of vj futt of new glass and xij fute of auld glass, sett in new leid, price of the fute of the new glass xviij'', and the fute of the auld glass vj'' ; summa, bayth, x v' Item, for clenguig of the kirk about, at Yule, and within, . . v' Item, coft twa eistland burds to be crownall and mullars to the nether queir dur, cost ....... xiij° iiij'' Item, to Andro Mansioun, for his warkmanschip thairof, . . xxx' Item, to Walter Binnyug for the payntting of the mannikin and the beirrar of the townis amies, ...... V Item, for hewing of thre thak stanis to the rufe abouu the revestre dur, to Gilbert Cleuth and Jolme Andersoun, ..... xxx' Item, delyverit to Johne Symsoun, auld dene of gyld, the first day of Februar anno [J^ v"] ILiij , as ane act proportts maid thairupon, the sowme of ....... xxxiiij" viij" x* Item, the xxj day of Februar, put up ane greit windo on the north syde of the croce kirk, aboun the held of Sanct Johnis ile, contenand of new glass OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 355 xxxij fiite, price of the fute xviij ; and of auld glass xxj fute, price of the fute vj'' ; sunima ....... Item, for tlire lokketts and xxj small bands to it, . Item, to the payor of the Blakfreirs for the rest of the compleit payment of the commoun bell, as ane act and liis discharge beirris, . Item, in Walter Cheipmannis ile, ane pannell of new glass, contenand xij fute, price of the fute xviij'^ ; summa ..... Item, ane uther pannell of auld glass in new leid, contenand xvj fute, at vj*' the fute ; summa ....... Item, to Mongo Hunter, for mending of the loke to the loft dure in the revestre, ........ Item, to ane warkman to put away the rede of the kirkyard bray, and making of it levall, ....... Item, coft ane sand glass to sett besyde the freu- in the polpet, cost Item, gevin to mend the silver canililsteiks vij grotts, at xviij"* the pece ; summa ......... Item, gevin to glassinwrycht'a servands, in driuksilver, for poynting of the windois, ........ Item, xxj Marche [J™ V'] liiij*" [1554-55], for mending of the curforbell, warkmanschip, irne wark, pynor's feis, andutherisexpensis,as followis : — Item, to David Rowane, ....... Item, Gilbert Bannawis and Clouss, his sen-ands, Item, to Jolme Ahannay, for irnewark, viz., scheii's, bands, wageis, keyis, and uallis, ........ Item, to Robert Findar, and ane servand with him, thre dayis and ane Dean op Iviij" vj'' xij' viij"" Guild's Accounts, 1554-55. xx" xviij' viij' iiij- X' vj'' v' Xl" xviij' xiij" vj'' half. xviij' viij'' Item, to xxij warkmen to di-aw up the bell and down, for thair waigis, . xxij" Item, for fecheing of ane bloke furth of the castell, and ane uther furth of the abbay, and haifing hame of thame agane, .... xvj"" Item, in David Rowanis hous and efter the upputtiug of the bell, Robert Finder, Gilbert Banawis, Clouss, and utheris, thair servands' disjione, vj' viij"" Item, for twa pair of bands to the durs to the held of the stepill, . vij' Item, for nallis to lay part of the fluring of the stepill, . . . xxviij'' Item, coft to poynt the haill kirk with, iiij dosone of lynie, price of the dosone xviij' ; summa ...... iij" xij' 356 EXTRACTS FROM TUE ACCOUNTS Dean of Guild's Accounts, 1554-55. Item, vj dosone of sand, cost tlie dosone v' ; sumnia Item, V dosone of watter, the dosone x^ ; summa .... Item, to Peter Baxter, sklater, for poyutting of the haill kirk, coutcuand xiiij liousis ; sumnia ....... Item, for drinksilver to Lis servands, ..... Item, coft to the south kirk dur ane hingand loke and ane cleke of irne, cost Item, in the Passioim oulk, at Sanct Nicolus' alter, vj pannellis, and twa greit lieiJ pannellis in ane lang wiudo, quhilk wes all brokin, con- tenand of new glass xxvij fute, |, the fute at xviij'' ; summa . Item, xxxij futt of auld glass set in new leid, at vj^ the fute ; summa Item, for ix small bands to it, . Item, for ane loket, ....... Item, the samyn day, in Lawsonisile, ane jjannell of glass contenand vj fute of new glass and vj fute of auld glass ; sumnia . . . . Item, in the Consistorie ile, quhair the thevis com in and brak the kirk, for twa pannell of glass, contenand xvij fute, at xviij"* the fute ; summa Item, for vj small bands to thame, ..... Item, in Prestonis ile, for ane pannell contenand iij fute and ane half of new glass and iij futo of auld glass ; summa . . . . Item, aboun the heid of the queir, ane held pannell contenand iiij fute i of new glass ; summa ....... Item, the xxviij day of Marchc, anno [J™ v'] lv'°, coft vj laids of lyme, cost . Item, ane dosone of sand, cost ...... Item, ane dosone watter, ....... Item, coft ane boist fra James Symnis wyfe to keip the lettres that wes producit befoir tlie lords, cost ...... Item, coft, the xxij day of Aprile, fra Mr Joline Prestoun, thesurar, to be serking to ane new rufe upon the north sj'de of the kirk, aboun the Consistorie ile, two dosone | of dallis, price of the dosone xxxij' ; summa Item, for beirring of thame fra the Brigend of Leyth to the King's Wark, Item, for furth beirring and carying of thame, Item, for cart hyre, ...... Item, for inbeirring in the kirk-yaird, .... Item, for ane key to the revestre dur, .... Item, for xviij faddome of ane tow to the pann, xxx" iiij" ij^ iij" iij' vj' viij-" xlj» iij" vj" iij" xvj" iij" ij" xij' XXV' vj*" lllj VJ' XJ" vj' ix"" vij' V' xij" xviij"" viij" vj» iij'' xij" OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 357 Item, for tauch candill to the pann iu the myds of the kirk all the winter, Item, the xxviij day of Aprile, coft to thcik the lious abouii the Consistorie ile ij™ sklait, cost the j™, xj crownis ; siimma .... Item, for lossing of thame and walking ij nychts, .... Item, for carying of thame furth of Leyth to the kirkyaird, . . Item, for inlaying of thame in the luge, ..... Item, for ane key to the box of the commoun seill, Item, the xij day of Aprile, anno ut supra, iij pannellis of glass in Pres- tonis ile, contenand of new glass xj fute and h, and of auld glass v fute ^ ; siimma ......... Item, borrowit twa lang leddars, ane of the college and ane uther of the abbay, to twa warkmeu that awatit about the lifting of thame the tjine of the wourking of the wbidois, ..... Item, to the doctor for hLs Wotsonday fie, .... Item, to Thomas Home for his Wotsonday fie for Ireipping of the kii k. Item, to the sawars for sawing of xxx daillis, the dosone at x' ; sumnia . Item, for clenging of the kuk without and in, and showering of the IVeir and letteroun, ........ Item, the vj day of Julij, coft fra Sir William M'Dowgall, to be pairte of the rufe in the ConsLstorie ile, x geistis, price of the pcce x' ; summa Item, for cart hyi-e and jiynor fe in Leyth, .... Item, for laying in of thame in the kirkyaii-d, .... Item, for the raissing of ane syre in the Cowgait aboun thesoutaris choppis, and for thre flaggis stanis, laying and calsayiug efter the ilagis, and cleng- ing of the syars, all togidder, ...... Item, for clenging of the styllis at the eLst end and west end of the kirk- yau'd under the iine flailks, ...... Item, coft fra ane Duscheman xij greit geistis to be ane pairte of the rufe of the Consistorie ile, price of the pece xij' ; summa Item, for pynor fie in Leyth, ...... Item, for cart hyre, ....... Item, for beirring of thame to the kirkyaird fra the croce, . Item, for ij'= gi-eit garroun uaillis dowbill, cost the hundreth x* ; summa . Item, for iij"l planschcor naillis, cost the j% xxx"" ; summa Item, coft v" dur naillis, price of the j", xvj"" ; summa XXXDJ' xj" vj= xxiiij' xix' VJ- X' XX' xxv' Dean of Guild's Accounts, 1554-55. VJ" xij" x" Vll)° vij" iiij' ij" X' ij' xx' viij 3 iX-1 vj» viij'' 358 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Dean or Guild's Accounts, 1554-65. Item, for tbre warkmen to beir tlie nife, and to draw it up in the kirk rigging, thre dayis, ilk day iiij' ; summa, .... Item, to Robert Findar and twa servands witli liim, viij dayis, for tliair laubors, ......... Item, for drinksilver to tkame, ...... Item, to ane masoim for fitting of tlie rufe to tlie kippUlis, iiij dayis. Item, coft fra Mr Jolme Prestoun ane tre to compleit tlie wark, Item, the xxj day of Julij, ij dosone lyme, cost the dosone xvj° ; summa . Item, coft iiij dosone sand, the dosone v' ; summa .... Item, for watter to it, . Item, coft ane liundreth and ^ plancheor nallis, cost the j'^, xxx^ ; summa . Item, ij^i dur naillis, the j", xvj'' ; summa ..... Item, geviu to the sklater, Peter Baxter, for liis warkmanschip, contenand ane rude iij quarteris and ^, the rude xl' ; summa Item, for the clenging of the waist behind Sanct Jolmis ile, Item, for the clenging of the kirk about quhen my lord Sanct Androis wesyit, ......... Item, coft to mend the best goldin caip, ane greit hank of gold, cost Item, for ane unce of yallow sUk, ..... Item, for ane fyne breist to it, . Item, to the broudstar for his laubors in mending of the faltis of the said best caip, .... ... Item, to lyne it with, x quarteris of blak serge, the eln x' ; summa. Item, to Alexander Eobesoun, tailyeor, for lynnyng of it. Item, for viij elnis of rubanis grene sylk to it, the eln cost ix'^ ; summa . Item, for paynting of Sanct GeUl, to Walter Bynning, Item, for deichting of the kirk, about and within, and skowerring of the lettron and the freir, ....... Item, to Sir Johne Fietie, at the command of the counsale, for tonying of the organis at Sanct GeUlis day, ..... Item to ane wrycht to big ane litill hous at the back of Sanct Johnis alter, iiij dayis , ilk day iij' ; summa .... Item, coft vj laids lyme, cost ...... Item, for vj laids sand, ....... Item, coft ij° ^ dur naillis, cost the j=, xvj'* ; summa Item, coft j dosone garroun nallis, cost ..... Item, J° planscheor nallis, ...... xij' iij" xij" xj' vij" xxxij' XX' xxx* iij' ix'' iij» iiij'i iij" xv' ij" v» xxviij" vj» viij'^ vj» xxxvj" xxv' viij' vj» v> v" xxliij' xiij' vj'' vij' xxx'* iiij" xij" xv" OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 359 xuij' Item, coft ij dallis to bo ane dur and ane glitter to it, cost tlie pece iij' ; siimma, ........ Item, for ane loke and ane pair of bands to it, .... Item, for biissumis to deycht the kirk with, the haill yeir, Item, to ane masoun thre dayis and ane half to big up Sanct Johnis wiu- dois, and the dur cheiks of it, ilk day iij' ; summa, Item, coft laith to theik it with, cost ..... Item, to ane sklater to theik it, . Item, to mak twa mortcaippis, xj elnis ^ Lyllis worsat, the elu xiij' iiij'* ; summa ........ vij" xuj' iiij Item, to be orphenis to thame and huds, x qiiarteris blak welvet, the cln iij" xij' ; summa ....... Item, for x elnis biikrem to lyne thame with, the elii iiij' ; summa Item, coft xiiij elnis greit sylk rubanis, the eln ix'^ ; summa Item, coft ij unce ^ blak sylk to be freinzeis to thame, cost the unce vij' ; summa ......... Item, for weving of the frenzeis, ...... Item, for half ane quarter quhit sating to be the mort heids, Item, to the broiidstar for wourking of the mort heid.s, Item, to Alexander Robesoun for his laubors of the saids twa caijjpis, and finding of silk to sew thame with, ..... Item, to the childer in di-inksilver, ..... Item, gevin to Alexander Robesoun for mending of the kirk geir ane yeir, that is to say, frontellis, tynnakellis, caippis, westments, be secht of Patrik Tod, for his contentatioun thairof, .... Item to Andro Mantioun, for his Witsondayis pentioun, as his discharge beirris thairupon, in anno [J"" V] 1 qiiinto [155.5], Item, ressavit fra Mr Johne Prestoun, thesurar, ane litill dur of the nether' thevis' hoill, contenit in wecht, weyit in Johne Ahannayis, vij stane xj punds. Item, mair to be the charterhous, ane dur, to compleit the samyn, of h-ne, xviij stane I, the stane at viij' ; summa .... Item, to John Ahannay, for his warkmanschip of the said dur, Item, for drinksilver to the childer, ..... Item, to Thomas Pettigru for twa loks and twa keyis with thair putstoppis. Item, for drinksilver to his servanda that makis thame vj' Dean of Guild's accodnts, 1554-55. j» viij^ X" vj^ iij. vja ix" xl- ix' ix" xvij" Tj" iij' iiij' V' xiij= 'vj" XI ■■iij" XIJ' vij" iij" viij' XV' XVUJ" iiij" iij" 360 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Dean of Guild's Accounts, 1554-55. Item, for pynor fie of tlie said dur to the said loksmytb, and beirriiig to the kirk, and heissing up of it to tlie cliai'terhous in towis, Item, for ane tre to be clieikis, lintell, and soill to tlie inner dur of the charterlious, ........ Item, to Eobert Finder, for making and hinging of the said dur of the charterhoiis, ........ Item, for ane pair of greit bands, and iiij irne botts and naillia to the satuyn. Item, to ane masoun for wourking of the bott hollis, Item, for vij puuds leid to yett tlie saids botts, the pund vij'' ; summa Item, coft foure stanis in C'ragmillar to be the irne dur cheikis, cost Item, for cart hyre of thame, ...... Item, for pj'uer fie to thre wai-kmen to lieir thame to the charterhous dur. Item, to Gilbert Cleuth for his wai'kmanschip of the said staue wark, and hinging of the said dur, ..... Item, in drinksilver to his servands, .... Item, coft fra Johne Weir, powderar, to yet the gret botts xvij" leid, the pund vij'' ; summa ..... Item, to the warkmen to serve GUbei-t Cleuth, and the uther masonis, iij days, Uk day xvj^ ; summa ..... Item, for watter to drauke the lyme, .... Item, for mending of the thre choippis at the west end of the fute of the kiikyaird, for stray, ...... Item, for scheratts and devatts, ..... Item, to ane wryclit to wirk the rufe spair thairof, Item, to ane thekar to theik the thre choippis, Item, for garroxin naillis and plancheor nallis. Item, for oley to tlie knok all yeu', .... Item, for keipping of the silver candilstikks, to Patrik Tod, Item, to Gorge Johncstoun, all the yeir, for walks to the greit candilsteikis, Item, to Patrik Gowan, for deichting of the guttars abouu the kirk all the yeir, for his fie, ........ Item, for my awin fie, and my chaiplannis, . . . x" Item, to Rechard Trowp, at the command of the counsale, . Item, to James Henri.soun, ...... Item, to Rechard Plummer, ..... Item, to David Wiudiyetts, ...... viij' xv' vj'* iiij' iiij' j" iij' X' iiij' vj'' ij° Lx» xj'' iiij' xij'' xvj' iiij*" ix' vij' vj" xij' v' iiij'' xiij' x» xxxiiij' xxx' xiij' iiij'' v'' xl' xl» xl" OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH, 301 Item, to Patrik Weclitman, Item, to Alane Purves, Item, to James Andersoun, Item, to William Cowtts, . Item, to Thomas Todrik, Item, to Jobne WaucUat, . Item, to Ml- Alexander Logy, Item, to Gorge Gourlay, Item, to William Nicoll, Item, to Gorge Craiistoun, . Item, to Thomas Hall, Item, to Patrik Govau, for walx to the powpet all the yeir, Item, to Thomas Watsoun, glassinwrycht, for his yeirlie fie, Summa of the haill discharge, xxx" xl- xl» xl' xl" xl' xl- xl' xl" xl' xl" xxviij' viij'' iiij" ij^lxxxvj" XV' v"" Dean of Guild's Accounts, 1554-55. At Edinburgh, the vj day of Marche, the yeir of God, J™ v° Iv yeirs. The auditors of comptis under writtiu, convenit in the tolbuith of Eflinburgh, for heirring of the compt foirsaid of James Carmichaell, dene of gyld in the yeir bygane, findLs, be the compt foirsaid, the charge thairof extends to iij°vij" xvj' vJ'', and the dis- charge to ij° Ixxxvj" XV' v'' ; and sua the compter restis awand to the town, xxj" xij'' obolus [halfpenny], de claro. [The Eeport is not subscribed by the auditors, by Sir Alexander Guthrie, town-clerk: — ] There is on the marsrin the followinfr note The comptar hes chargit him heirwith in his next compt, maid in anno ]vj'° GUTHRE. [James Carmichael, -who was dean of guild m 1552-53 and 1654-55, filled the same office in 1556-57 and 1557-58.] 362 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Dean op THE COMPT of James Barroun, Dene of Gild in tlie Towne of Edinburgh, in the Guild s j^. ^^ q^^ ^^^ thowsaud fyve hundreth fyftie and sex yeirs, randart to the Accounts, ^^ 1555-56. auditors undirwrittin, the xxiiij day of Februar, the yeii- of God J" y" Ivij yeirs, in the tolbuyth of the samin. Aiiditores. Mr Jhone Spens, presedent. Mr Jhone Spens, baillie. Jhone DowgaU. David Forrestar. Adam Fullei-toun. Edward Howpe. Robert Henrysoun. James Curie. Thomas Reidpeth. CHARGE. I'li Item, in primis, I am to be chargit with Sanct Gelis peice, on Sunday, the yj day of October, rassavit fra Robei-t Cuninghame and his marro, xxxiij' vj [The " Peice Silver " was received on every Sunday throughout the year, on " Yuill day," and, in September, " on the first day quhilk was Sanct Gelia day."] Summa of the haill chai-ge of the peice, of this instant yeir, is ...... Ixix" ij" xj^" Item, I am to be chargit with the nomev of the Schippis, this instant yeir, quhilk extends, as the bulk beris, to the nomer of the Ixxvj schippis : — Summa of the money of the haill schippis extendis to . liij" iiij' Heir eftir followis James BaiTonLs charge of Burgess and Gild, con- tenit in the lokit bulk : — [The dues of entry varied from 6s. 8d. to 15 lib., and were received from twenty- six burgesses and guild brethren.] Summa of the burgess and gild, baitli togidder, extendis to, this instant yeir, ....... j° if vj' viij" Item, I am to be chargit witli the Choppis of the kii-k, and at the fute of the kirk yaird of this yeir : — ■ [Twenty-two entries, as in the previous year. Summa of the choppis, . . . . xxvj'' OF THE BURGH OP EDDiBURGH. 363 Item, I am to be chargit with the Layers of thLs instant yeir : — [Eleven entries, amounting to 593. 4d J I am to be chargit with the four gi'cit Goldin Canduilsteiks of this instant yeir : — [Twenty-three entries, amounting to 6 lib. 12d.] Item, I am to be chargit with the Silver Candelsteiks this instant yeii- :— [Amongst the entries, fifty-two in number, occur the names of the " fraternities " of ''Sanct Crispiniani," "Sanct Loye," "Sanct Jhone," "Sanct Cowbart," " Sanct Anna," and " Sanct CristeU." The total is 33s. 6d.] The charge of Sanct Gelis arme this yeir : — Item, upone Relict Sonday and Sanct Gelis day, .... Dean op Gl'U-d's Accounts, 1555-56. ij' Unlawis : — Item, fra Jhone Mosye, for bying of malt in the mercat. Item, James Cranstoim, for breikiu of the act maid for uychtborheid, Summa, ....... Summa totalis is . . . . . ij" Ixiiij" ix' vi'' xl" xx' iij" DISCHARGE. The Exonekatioun of the Dene of Gild, of this instant yeii-, vj" Octobris, anno 1555, to the fourt day of October, anno 1556 : — Item, in primis, on the xij day of October to ane warkman, and for badder to burne Inglische biiiks on the mercat croce, .... Item, to Henslie, for rynging of the bellis on Salmes evin. Item, to ane maisoun to hew the blew sliddry throuch at Sanct Salvator dure, ...... Item, for ane daill and ane half to the stepill dure. Item, for maikne of ane dur to the steippill, Item, for bands, nalis, loks, and twa keyis to it, Item, for translaitting of the lok of the nether dur of the stepill, . Item, for ane lok stapill, and redding of the nether kirk yaird yeitt. xvuj ij' iij" XIJ" VUJ ij viij 304 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Dean of Gcild's accodnts, 1555-56. Item, to waikmen to cleuge rouud about the kirk agane Yiiill, . . vj' x'^ Item, to Peit, belman, and the doctor, ..... [blank] Item, for skowrmg of the brass laterne agane Tuill, . . . xij'' Item, coft vij jestis to be ane tirleis to the deid banis at the south kirk dur, and to mend the maissoun luge that was decayit, . . . iiij" xvj' Item, to iiij woi-kmen to bring thame to the kirk dur, . . . iij' Item, for vj dalis, to be sarkin to the massovm luge, . . . xxiiij' for the peice warning, to Pait and the doctor,. .... ij' Item, for sawing of iiij of thame, to be sarkine, .... iij' iiij'' Item, for sawing of iiij je.stLs, to be the tirleis, and to mend the massoun luge, ......... iiij- Item, to Hennislie to cast the deid banis in the west teirleis, . . iij' Item, for iij° sclait to mend the massoun luge, .... xxxvj« Item, for carrage of thame to the luge, ..... vj» Item, for making of the holls in the kirk wall to the terleis, . . iij' Item, for leid to yeit it, ...... . ij Item, to ane wrycht for making of the teirleis, and mending of the massoun luge, ij oulks, ....... xxxvj' Item, for garroun nalis, plantior nalis and dur ualis to the sarkin, aiid ane bot irue to the terleis, ...... xiiij" Item, to Thomas Barnat, sklater, for tyrring and theikiu of the masouu luge, ■ ■ • • • • ■ ■ ■ 1- Item, for vj leid lyme and xxiiij leid sand to it, . . . . xviij' Item, for watter to it, . . . . . ' . xij'' Item, for ane chyst of eistland buird to the provest seitts, . . . ij' \j'' Item, to the glaissinwrycht to tak down pannells of glass on Candilmes day, and putting up of thame, ...... ij' Item, for ane act rasit out of the buiks of ccunsale ancnts the wtychtis and mesors, be the command of Richart Carmichaell, bailye, . ij* Item, for taikin doun and mending of glass pannells in Sanct Salvator yll, contenand xx fute new glass, j)ryoe of the fute xviij*" ; summa Item, in the same yle, xxviij fut aid glass, pryce of the fute vj"" ; summa Item, in the jowall hous, ix fut of new glass and ix fute aid glass, Item, in Sanct Antonis ile, vj fut of new glass, with xxxv futo aid glass. Item, in the same yle, ij fute new with v fute auld glass, XXX ix' xviij' XX vj" vj'' v' vj** OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 3(35 Item, in Sanct Tliomas yle, xv fut new glass in the heich round, and ix fut auld, ........ Item, iij pannellis aiild glass, contenand xiiij fute, Item, above the queire, iiij pauells, mending and setting in new leid, con- tenand xxxvj fute, and vj fute new glass, .... Item, tlie wiudo above the ravestre, iij panuells contenand xxiij fute new glass, and vij fute auld, ... Item, in the Consistre yle xvj pannells, y^^ xij fute new glass, and the O in the heid of the said windo, contenand xxx fute new glass ; summa of the haill new glass in the said windo, ..... Item, in the said yle xij pannells aid, contenand iiij^^ xvj fute, and the west windo, contenand xiiij panualls aid, contenand Ivj fute, all set in new leid ; surama ........ Item, in the Halyblude yle, xxxiij fute new glass, and vj fute new glass, ...... Item, in the same ile, iij'^"' xiij fute aid glass, .... Item, in the queir, above the organis, xviij fute aid glass and aue fute new. Item, ane pannell above Sanct Paull's altar, contenand viij fute new glass and ij fute aid, .'...... Item, in Sanct Gabriall's yle, viij fute new glass, xxvj fute auld. Item, in Sanct Johue yle, iiij fute new glass, . . Item, above the quier, ix fute new glass and xx fute aid glass, . . xxiij Item, above the knok, ane jjannall, contenand vj fute, ij syndrye tymes mendit, ........ Item, for Ivij" weycht of glass bands, price of the pund, ix'' ; summa Item, for bringing of ane standart and ledders, and changein of thame to the glaissinwrycht sindry tymes, ..... Item, for mending of the paill that hingis befoir the hye altar. Item, for mending of the powpat, ..... Item, to ane warkman to cleinge the luge, .... Item, to Sir- Jhone Symsoun, on Palme Sonday, for singing of the Passioun, Item, to Sir- Thomas Reith, ane elne of blak stemming, for the coppye of the gild lawis, ....-••• Item, to Hownie to buy bussomis to swepe the kirk at Yuill, Paische, and Witsonday, . .....-• Item, to Pait and the doctor on Paische-day for [l.'lank] iiij' vj'' xij' xxvij' xxxviij' x" xiij' UJ XVJ' xlix' vj'* Lx" xxxvij' x'vj" xiij' xx" vj' ■■■ vj" DEA>f OP Guild's accohnts, 1555-56. xJij' VJ- ix'' XV' ij" iij' ij» vj" xxx\f xviij' 366 EXTRACTS PROM THE ACCOUNTS Dean of Guild s Accounts, 1 555-56. Item, for the iruis at the kii'k dur, meill merkat, fiesche merkat, and workmansehip, ....... iiij" xviij* Item, for sko%\Ting of the bi-asin lettron at Paische and Witsonday, . iiij' ij'^ Item, to Pait and the doctor on Witsonday, for keiping of the kii'k, . iiij' Item, for tawoh candils, all winter, in the windois of the kirk, . xxxij' iiij'' Item, for cords to the skallet bells, this yeir, .... vij' ix** Item, for keiping of the sepulcur at Paische, viij dayis and viij nychtis, . viij' Item, for v half punds candills to the pane befoir the hye altar, . . x" Item, to George Jhonstoun for xj punds and ane half walx to the greit candUsteLks thi.s yeir, ...... xxxiij' iij* Item, for thre elUn of lynning to the fount, . . . . v' vj'' Item, at Witsonday, for geii-ss, watter haids, and dow, . . . xviij'' Item, for ane cord to the lamp of the queir, . . . . vj'' Item, for uly to the knok, . . . . . . xij' Item, for keiping of the font at Witsonday, .... ij' Item, for dychting of the guitters in the yeii', .... xxx' Item, for ane key to the eist kirk dur, ..... xxx'' Item, for ij hingand loks to the ii-nis at the kirk dur, ... ij' Item, for iij™ ix'= Dundie sklaytts to the body of the kirk, fra the stepill west to the west kirk dur, price of the j" , v lib.. Item, for careage of thame to the town, ilk thowsand xij' . Item, for bering of thame to the wark abone the kirk. Item, for thre dozone viij daillis to the gutters of leid and [blank] of th work, ........ Item, for bringin of thame to the work, .... Item, for twa aikne treis to be clatts to the new thak, Item, for aucht firne sparris to be clattis, .... Item, for dowbill garroun nalis to the wark. Item, for ane mast to lay under the leid, and bringing up of it out of Leyth, ........ for sawin of it. Item, for sawin of twa gestis to be clattis, and xxxij dalis to be serkne, Item for singill garroun nalis to the clattis, Item, for plantiovir nalis, lidne nalis, and dur nalis to the lacht, and uther wark, ......... Item for ane wricht uij oulkis, . . .... xix" x' xlvj' viij'' ix' viij" xvj' xxvj' viij' v" Ivij" vj'' ij' vj" xlij" viij'' xij' vj-" iij" iij' iij" iiij' OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 3(37 Item, to ane warkman to red the kepOl feit, and utlicr labour, iij oulks, . Item, for v dozono viij laidis of lymc, ..... Item, for xiij dozone sand and iiij ladis, .... iij' Item, for waiter to the wark, ...... Item, for the slatters for thikne of iiij rud xxiiij eln new thak, Item, for pointing of the haill kirk, and beting of the faltis of it, . Item, to Jhono Werre, powdermaker, for casting of the lidne gutters, and mending of thame, ...... iij" Item, to ane masoun for rasing of the turnepyk heid, and rasing of ane gavill wall, ....... Item for ane eistland buird, and bringing out of Leyth and sawing of it to mak ane new dur besyde the jowell-hous, Item, for aucht burtlis to the thre west new windokis and now dur and crukis, iij slottis, with stapillis to the windois and dur, and ij crukis to the font, ....... Item, to ane masoun to mak cruke holis, slott holis to the windois, dur and font, . ...... Item for twa stane leid to the cruik holis, .... Item, for ane lok to the new dur, ..... Item, to the slaters' drinksilver, ..... Item, for sowping of the kirkyard [blank], wattering of it in somer to Sanct Gelis day, ....... Item, for clenging about the kirk at Sanct Gelis day. Item, for scowriug of the brasin laternis, .... Item, for painting of Sanct GeUl, ... Item, for baring of him to the painter, and fra, Item, for mending and polesing of Sanct Gelis arme, Item, to Pait and the doctor, on Sanct Gelis day, for the keping of the kirk Item, coft viij laid lyme to paint Sanct Marye Chapell, Item, for xxiiij laid sand, ...... Item, for waiter to it, . Item, for ij° slatis, and bringing up of thame to Sanct Marye Wynd, Item, for ane daill to be laucht to it, letm, for sawing and quartering of it, . Item, to Alexander Robesoun, tailyeour, for mending of Sanct Gelis capis. Item, for dichting and mending of the glassui windoks in the ravestre, xxvij' Dean op ....,[ '., Guild's lUJ XVJ AcCODNTS, ' vj' viij'' 1555-56. xxij" ix" viij' iiij" vj' viij" Iv" x' iiij'' xlvij' v" xvj» x" iij' XV)' ij' ij' vj' vja xij'» iiij" xviij' viij' xij" xxiij' iiij" xviij" X' vj' 368 EXTRACTS FROM THE ACCOUNTS Dean of Guild's accodnts, 1555-56. Item, deliverit to Thomas Todi-ik, official-, the xij day of November, as ane act proportis, maid thairupoun, the sowme of Item, to Maister Alexander Logye, the xvj day of Februar, as aue act proportis, ...... Item, for painting of the bred of Sanct Mary Wynd, . . . vij' Item, to Doctor Drummoud, for his yer's fie, Item, to Howme, that kepis the kirk, his yer's fie, . The officers' feis : — Item, to Richard Trollop, at command of the counsell, Item, to Alexander M'Gachane, Item, to David Windiyettis, Item, to George Cranstoun, Item, to George Gourlay, . Item, to William Nicoll, Item, to William C'outtis, . Item, to Patrik Barroun, Item, to James Henderson, Item, to Jhone Wachlop, . Item, to Richard Plumbar, Item to Maister Alexander Logy, Item, to Allane Purves, Item, to Thomas Hall, Item, to Thomas Watsoun, glassinwricht, for his yeris fie, Item, for my awin fie and my chapellres, . Summa of the haill discharge, is x? vii? xx' xl. v" iij" iij" iij" iii" iij" iii" iij" iij" iij" iij" iij" iij" xl= u ;" xiij' iiij'^ ij° xxij'"*. The xxvij day of Februar, the yeir of God J™ v" Ivij yeris. James Barroun's compt foresaid, dene of gild in the yeir of God J" v° Ivj yeris, beand maid baith charge and discharge, had and considerat, the anditouris xinderwrettin, chosin be the presidentis and counsall thairto, findis the said comptar restand awaud to the gude town the sowme of fourtie twa pundis nyne ' v* and ^. In witness of the quhilk the said comptar hes subscryvit this present before the saidis auditors, day, yier, and place foresaidis. [This report is not subscribed by the auditors, nor by the "comptar." The following addition to the report is signed by Mr Alexander Guthrie, town clerk : — ] OF THE BURGH OF EDINBURGH. 369 Item, allowit to tlie compter quliilk he forzet out of his present compt Dban op GuiLD.S I.CCOUNTI 1555-56, throu negligence, the ordinar fee of Andro Mansioun, extending to y^ks Gwld.s = -A Accounts, And sua restis the compter awand to the gude town the sowme of threttye fvye pund sextene shillings j"" ob= ; quhilk sowme wes ordanet to be deliverit and payit to James Carmichaell be ane act maid be the counsall thainipon, in part of payment of ane mair sowme restand awin to him be the gude town, as the act, maid the xxvj day of Marche 1557 yers, proportLs. GUTHKE. [The "mair sowme restand awin" to James Carmichael appears to refer to the balance nf 101 lib. 15s. 8d. due to hiju on his account for the year 1552-53, for which he did not take credit in his subsequent accounts. There was a balance of 21 lib. Is. ^d. due by him on his account for 1554-55, with which he charged himself, along with the " Pece silver," in his account for 1556-57 ; and in 1557-58 he charged himself with the balance of 35 lib. 16s. l^d., due by James Barron on the account for 1555-56, which, the above report bears, " wes ordanet to be deliverit and payit " to him. It was not mitil February 1561 (see page 343) that James Carmichael got a settlement of the balance on his account for the year 15.52-53.] University of CalHornIa SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hllgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from vKhlch It was borrowed. * d OCT i^i^ Form L9- D 000 048 117