iH-^xcE' a''"V7'o i=»E3Yith honey and water. '• The watcr-ciicket, water-louse, or creeper, which is found in stony rivers, will often take trout in March, April, and May. " White snails are good bait for chub, early in the morning-, and for trout and eels on night liooks. " House-crickets are also good, to dib with, for chub. '"' Paste-baits are not to be angled with in rapid streams ; but in pits, ponds, and slow running rivers, on small hooks. In this sort of angling, your eye must be quick, and your hand nimble to strike, or the bait and fish will give you the slip. A quill float is better than cork, as it sooner shows the nibble or bite. "For a chub, take some old cheese, the suet of mutton kidney, and a little strong rennet : mix them finely together, with as much turmeric as will give them a line yellow colour. " For roach and dac^, grate fine bread into a little clear water, wherein some gum-ivy has been soaked, add a little butter, and colour it Avith saffron. " For barbel, in August, make a paste of new cheese, and mutton suet. " For cai-p or tench, mix crumbs of bread with honey • or, for carp, take equal portions of bean or wheat-flour, the inside of a leg of a young rabbit, white bees' wax, and sheep's suet ; beat them in a mortar; then moisten the mass with clarified hone\-, and work it into balls before a gentle fire. " Sheep's blood and saflTron make a good paste for roach, dace, bleak, chub, trout, and perch ; for the chub only, put a little rusty bacon in it. 13 THE AHT OF A^'GLING, Ground-Baits. " The most simple ground-Lalt for roach, dace, and Ijleak, is made "by moulding or working some clay and bran togetlier, into balls or pieces, about the size of a pigeon's e^^g, with a little bread crumbled among it. "Another ground-bait for chub, carp, roacli, and dace, is made as follows : — Take the crumb of Iialf a quartern loaf and cut it in slices about two inches thick, and put it into a pan covered with water; when soaked, squeeze it nearl}^ Arj ; add equal quan- tities of bran and pollard, by handfuls, and knead them together, until the whole is nearly as stiff as clay. For barbel, first break about a quarter of a pound of greaves to dust, soak it well in water, and tlicn work it up Avitli the bread, bran, and pollard. ];arley-meal may be substituted for tlie bran and pol- hird, in still waters only ; as, from its hghtness, it would be carried away in a rapid stream. " A ground-bait ma}' be mad^ with clay, bran, and gentles, for cliub, roach, and carp, thus :— Mix the bran and clay together, in lumps about the size of an apple ; put a dozen or more gentles in the middle, and close the clay over them. This is well calculated for a pond, a still hole, or gentle eddy." THE VAHIOUS EIITDS OF FISH. We now proceed to make known to our i-e:iders the haunts and habits of fish usually taken in Great Ib.-itain by anglers; tlie season for taking them; wliere found ; the proper time to angle ; and the TOR UE'..I^':^EEo. 19 cleptli I'lom groiiiuL Also, tlic houl.s and b;iif- niobt commonly used for each fish, in alphabetical order as space will allow. The Barbel. The barbel, so called from its four barb-, two of which are at the corners of its month, ar.d the others at the end of its snont, is a heavy, dull fish, and gives very inferior sport to the angler, in proportion to its size and strength. The barbel begin to shed theu' spawn about the middle of Apiil, and come in season about a month or six weeks after. In their usual haunts, among weeds, &c., they are fond of rooting with their nose like the pig. In summer they frequent the most powerful and rapid currents, and settle among logs of wood, piles, and weeds, where they remain for a long time apparently immo- vable — during the winter time, they return to deep bottoms. The most killing baits lor the barbel are the spawn of trout, s.-lmon, or, indeed, of any other fish, espcciall}^ if it be fresh, respecting vrhich, the barbel is very cunning ; the pastes that imitate it must, therefore, be v.ell made, and of fresh flavour. It is also an advisable plan to bait the water over night, by spawn or a quantity of cut worms. The barbel will also bite vrell at the cob-worm, gentles, and cheese, soaked in honey. The rod and line xAth. which you fish for barbel, must both be extremely long, with a running plummet attached to the latter, as they swim very c](;sj to the bottom. By a gentle inclination of the rod, you may ensily ascertain when there is a bite, immediately i;p :,;; which the fish should be struck, and seldom c-:capes, unless he break the line. 20 THE ART OF ANGLING, They are generally found in rapid and shallow streams, gravelly banks, under bridges, in currents, from the months of April to August, from sunrise till ten o'clock in the morning, and four in the afternoon to sunset. Many are caught in the Elver Thames, in boats, with a stout rod, running tackle, gut line, cork float, and No. 7 or 8 hook. The Bleak Is a common river fish, so called from its bleak or wliite appearance. Angle for them with a light rod, single hair line, small quill float, three or four No. 12 or 13 hooks, bait with a few gentles, caddis- worms, found under stones, or a bit of red paste ; in deep rivers, sandy bottoms, in eddies, and at ships' sterns. Numbers are taken from the river Thames, Lea, and New River, six inches ; alwa3's below high water, all day long, from May to October. The Bream. This bony fish sheds its spawn about Midsummer, and although occasionally met in slow running rivers, they are reckoned pond fish, where they will thrive in the greatest perfection, and have been known to weigh from eight to ten pounds. In fishing for them, the angler should be very silent, and take all possible care to keep concealed from the fish, which are angled for near the bottom. His tackle must also be strong. This fish, according to Dr. Shaw, is a native of many parts of Europe, inhabiting the still lakes and rivers, and is sometimes found even in the Caspian Sea. I roE EEGINNEES. 21 The bream ma}^ be taken from slow nvers or mill ponds, near weeds, and in clay or muddy bottoms. Some say rouo^h streams, about sunrise to nine o'clock, and three to sunset, in April to December. Use a small hook, a lii^ht rod, and quill float. Plumb the bottom, and let your bait rest about an inch above it. The Chub, or Chevin. The Chub, or Chevin, is, like the perch, a very bold biter, and will rise eagerly at a natural or arti- ficial fly. They spawn in June, or at the latter end of May, at which time they are easily caught by a fly, a beetle w^th his legs and wings cut off, or still more successfully by a large snail. When they are fished for at mid-water, or at bottom, a float should be made use of; when at top, it is customary to dib for them, or to use a fly, as if a trout were the angler's object. Strong tackle is also requisite, as they are heavy fish, and usually require a landing-net to pull them out. Their average length is from ten to fourteen inches. This fish is the squalus of Van-o, and very common throughout England and the Eastern diited States. They are taken very early in tlie morning and very late in the evening, in May to December. Use hook No. 8 or 9. The Dace. Dace are a very active and cautious fish, and rise to a fly, either real or artificial. It is necessary in angling for them to remain in concealment as much as possible. They spawn in Februar}- and March, and 23 THE AET OF VXCLIXCr, they are but inferior in point of flavour. They fre- quent gravelly, clayey, and sandy bottoms, leaves of the water-lily, and deep holes, if Avell shaded. In sultry weather the}' are I'requently canght in the shal- lows ; and during that period are best taken with grasshoppers or gentles. In fishing at the bottom for roach or dace, which are similar in their haunts and disposition, bread, soalced in water and kneaded to a good consistency, and then made up together with bran into round balls, and throv/n into the place where it is proposed to angle, will be found very ser- viceable, but must always be thrown up the stream. There is a mode of intoxicating dace, and by this means rendering them an easy prey ; but this is no part of the real angler's sport. The Thames is well known to abound in dace ; and the graining of the Mersey is thought to be a variety of tlie same species. Use hook one size larger than for a roacli. May to October is the best time, unless the weather is very Luild. Grayling. The grayling, or umber, spawns in May, and is in the best condition in November. The}' will greedily take all the baits that a trout does, and fi-equent the same streams. They are said to have the fragrant smell of the plant thymallus. Their average length is from sixteen to eighteen inches : and they must be angled for with very fine tackle, as they are a remark- ably timid fish. AVhen hooked, they must also be cautiously worked, as the hold in their mouth easily gives waj'-, but they will speedily return to the bait. It is fine eating; unknown to Scotland or Ireland. With a light rod. a cork float, a line hook, and a FOR BEGIXNERS. 23 ninnliic^ line, they may b? caus^lit any time in tLe clay, especially cloudy weather, from September to January, three inches from bottom, in cold weather and in hot, mid- water, in clear and quick streams, clayey bottom. Gudgeon. The gudgeon is a fish in some request, both for its flavour and the sport it affords to the inexperienced angler. It is very simple, and is allured with almost any hind of bait. It spawns two or three times during the year, is generally from five to six inches long, and fond of gentle streams with a gravelly bottom. In angling for gudgeon, the bottom should be previously stirred up, as this rouses them from a state of inactivity, and collects them in shoals toge- ther. Some anglers use two or three hooks in gud- geon fishing. A float is always used, but the fish should not be struck on the first motion of it, as they are accustomed to nibble the bait before the}' svrallow it. It frequently happens that, in angling for gud- geons, perch are caught. May to October is the time for catching them. The Minnow. The minnow, or minim, one of the smallest river fish, seldom exceeds two inches in length. They spawn generally about once in two or three years, and swim together in shoals, in shallow waters, where they are very free and bold in biting. They serve also as excellent baits for pike, trout, chub, perch, and riiany other fish, which prey upon them and devour them sr^edilv. 24 THE AET OF ANGLING, Minnows may be taken any part of the day all the year round. Use light tackle, a No. 13 hook, baited with brown paste made with brown bread, gentles, or blood worms. The Perch. The perch is a very bold biting fish, and affords ex- cellent amusement to the angler. He is distinguished by the beauty of his colours, and by a large erection on his back, strongly armed -with stiff and sharp bristles, which he can raise or depress at pleasure. Defended by this natural excrescence, he bids defiance to the attacks of the ravenous and enormous pike, and will even dare to attack one of his own species. Perch spawn about the beginning of March, and mea- sure from eight to fourteen inches. In fishing for perch with a minnow, or brandling, the hook should be run through the back fin of the bait, which must hang about six inches from the ground. A large cork float should be attached to the line, which should be leaded about nine inches from the hook. It must be observed that they invariably refuse a fly. The perch is found in deep rivers and ponds, holes, weeds, and gravelly bottoms, in inid-day, cloudy wea- ther : from August to May is the proper time and season to angle for them. Strong tackle and hook No. 7 is required. The Jack, or Pike. The jack, or pike, is a fish of enormous size, and the greatest voracity ; indeed, so notorious is he for the latter quality, as to have gained the appellation of the fresh-w\ater shark. They are also great breeders. FOE BEGINNEES. 25 Accordinfr to a common but fallacious account, they were originally brought to England about the reign of Henry Vltl. They were certainly at that time considered as great raiitie-^ Their usual time of spawning is about March, in extremely shallow waters. The finest pike are those which feed in clear rivers ; those of fens or meres being of very inferior quality. They grow to a vast size in these last-men- tioned places, where they ieed principally on frogs, and such like nutiiment. They are reckoned to be the most remarkable for longevity of all fresh-water fi^^i ; are solitary and melancholy in their habits, generally swimming by themselves, and remaining alone in their haunts, until compelled by hunger to roam in quest of food. A high \vind, or a dark, cloudy day, promises the best sport in angling for this kind of fish, as their appetite is keener at those periods. There are three modes of catching pike : by the ledger, the trolling, or walking bait, and the trim- mer. The ledger is a bait fixed by a stick driven into the ground, in one particular spot, or the angler's rod may be so secured ; a live bait is attached to the hook, such as dace, gudgeon, or roach; and, if a frog is made use of, the largest and yellowest will be found the most tempting. Sufficient line must be left free to allow the pike to carry the bait to his haunts. When fish are used as baits, the hook must be se- curely struck through the upper lip ; and the line should be between twelve and fourteen yards in length. If a frog should be made use of for a bait, the arming wire of the hook should be put in at the mouth and out at the side, and the hinder leg of one side should be fastened to it with strong silk. The I'O THi: AIIT OF AX G LI KG, sscond method, or trolling for pike, is the most gene- ral, and, at the same time, the most diverting way of catching them. There are several small rings, which are fixed to each joint of the trolUng-rod, and on the bottom and thickest joint a reel is placed. To this reel twenty or thirty yards of line, according to the option of the angler, are not uncommonly attached ; the line passes through each ring of the rod, and is then joined to the gymp, or wire, to which the hook, or hooks, are suspended. Two large hooks are used, about the size adapted to pereh-iishing, which are jihiced back to back. There is also a little chain, >\'hich hangs between the two hooks, and at the end of this chain is a leaden plummet, sewn, or fastened in some secure wa}', into the mouth of a dead fish, and the hooks are left exposed on the outside. The bait, when it is thus fastened, is constantl}^ moved about in the water ; that, by the continuance and va- riety of its movements (being sometimes raised, and sometimes Icept sinking), now going with the stream, now against it, the resemblance to life ma}^ appear more striking and probable. The pike, if he be near, no sooner perceives this bait, than he immediately darts at it Avith velocity, supposing it to be a living fish, and drags it with him to his hole, where, in about ten or twelve minutes, he voraciouslj^ devours it, and implants the two hooks in his body. When he is thus secured, you must allow him ample time to fatigue and weary himself, then drag liim slowly and carefull}^ to shore, and land him Avith your net, being cautious of his bite. The third mode Isy which pike are occasionally caught, is by the trimmer, a small wooden cylinder, round which, about the middle, in a small diameterj rOR ETIGINXFPS. 27 twenty or tliirty viivcls of strong platted silk, or pack- thread, arc wound. A yard, or perhaps more, a.> occasion suits, is siifterod to hang domi in the water, tied to the armed vdre of a hook, constructed for the purpose, and baited v.ith a living fish, cammoidy a roach. The trimmer is now permitted to go wherever the current drives it, and th« angler silently follows, untd a fish has poached the halt, when he "comes up and secures his prey, and retires with it to the reeds, near shore. Whatever fish are made use of in catch- ing pike, they should be fresh, and preserved in a tin kettle, the water of which, if changed frequentlv, will considerably improve them. It may be noted in this place, that pike are deno- minated jack until they have attained the length of twenty-four inches : their usual haunts are sliady, stOl, unfrequented waters, near wliich are dark, over- hanging boughs, and abundance of weeds ; they are also to be met with in standing waters or ditches, which are partly overspread with that green, slimy substance, which is better known by the name of duck-weed. In such places he is sometimes disco- vered at the top, and occasion all}- in the middle of the water ; but in cold weather he is almost always at tlie bottom. The Pope, or Ruff. The pope, or rutf, is a fish ver}- similar in its na- ture and appearance to the perch, and is frequently caught when fishing for the latter. They spawn in March and April, and are taken with a brandling, gentles, or caddis. They are extremtly voracious in their disposition, and will devour a minnow, which is almost as big as themselves. In their favourite 28 THE ART OF ANGLING, haunts of gentle, deep streams, overhung by trees, they swim in shoals together, and you may fish for them either at the top or the bottom of the water, as they are known to bite in almost any weather, and in any situation. Their average length is from six to seven inches. In angling for pope use hook No. 8 or 9, with a quill float. The Roach. Eoaeh are frequently taken with flies, under water, They will bite at the baits which are prepared for chub or dace, and are considered a simple and foolish fish. They spawn in May, and turn red when boiled. The compactness of their flesh gave rise to the pro- verb — "Sound as a roach." The roach haunts shal- low and gentle streams, and the mouths of small streams which run into larger ones. In angling for roach, the tackle must be strong, and the float large and well leaded, and hook Xo. 10 and 11. The Tench. Tench, like the carp, are generally considered pond fish, although they have been frequently caught in the river Stour. They shed their spawTi about the com- mencement of July, and are in season from September to the latter end of May. They ^vill bite very freely during the summer months. Their haunts are similar to those of the carp, except that they frequent the foulest and muddiest bottoms, where the}" may shel- ter themselves among an infinite quantity of reeds ; hence you must angle for them very near the bottom, and allow them sufficient time to gorge the bait. Use strong tackle, and a goose-quill float without a cork. FOE BEGIN>'EES. 29 The general length of the tench is fiuni twelve to fourteen inches, though some have been occasionally caught which weighed upwards of ten pounds ; such occurrences, however, are very rare. Trout. Trout Is considered as one of the finest river fish that this country can produce. Its colours are beau- tifully varied at different seasons of the year, and according to the rivers it frequents. They abound in the generality of our streams, rivers, and lakes, and are usually angled ibr with an artificial fly. Their weight also dilters from half a pound to three ; some few have been caught which weighed upwards of four pounds. Trout are ex- tremely voracious ; and, by their activity and eager- ness, afford famous diversion to the angler. They are remarkable for coming to their size quicker than any other fish, though they fatten slow; as also for being very shoi-t-Uved. They die when taken out of water sooner than any other with which we are acquainted. Previous to their spawning, they are observed to force a passage through weirs and llood-gates against tko stream ; and how they are enabled to overcome some of these impediments is a subject of much conjecture. Their general time of shedding their spawn is about October or November ; in some rivers, however, it is much sooner, in others later. They are also met ^^ith in eddies, where the}' remain concealed from observa- tion behind a stone, or log, or a bank tliat projects into the stream : during the latter part of the sum- mer, they are frequently caught in a mill-tail, and sometimes under the hollow of a bank, or the roots of a tree. 30 THE AKT OF ANGLING, 111 angling for trout, there are many things worthy of particular observation: — 1st. That the day on which the sport is undertaken be a little wind}^, or partially overcast ; and the south wind is superior to all others, if it do not too much disturb j^our tackle. 2nd. The sportsman should remain as far as possible from the stream, fish it downwards, the line never touching the vrater, as the agitation proceeding from the fall might disturb the fi.^h and j)reclude all possibility of capturing them. 3rd. Clear streams are famous for sport ; and in fishing in them, a small fly with slender wings must be attached to the hook. When the water is thick, and the sight more imper- fect from this disadvantage, a larger species of bait must of necessity be used. 4tli. The line should, on an average, be about twice as long as the rod, unless in cases of emergency, when the number and variety of trees exclude the probability of a successful throw, if at any distance. 5th. Let the ily be made to suit the season. After a shower, Avhen the water becomes of a lu'own appearance, the most kilHng bait is the orange fly ; in a clear day, tlie light-coloured fly ; and on a glooni}' day, in overshadowed streams, a dark ily. It is hardly necessary to add, that the angler, particularl}' in fly-fishing for trout, cannot be too (juick in perception, or too active in striking on the first rise of the fish. The trout may be caught at the top, the middle, or the bottom of the water. In angling for him at the top, with a natural ily, use the green-drake and the stone-fly; but these two only during the months of ]\Iay and June. The mode of fishing in this way is called dipping, and is thus performed : — If there be little or no wind to disturb vuur tackle and ay-itate FOR BEGINNERS. 31 the surface of the atrcam, make use of a line half the length of the rod. If there he a wind, increase the length of the line by one half. Let the hue % up or down the river, according to the direction of the wind; and when \'ou are aware of the rise of a fish, guide the fly over him, as in case of striking him, 3'ou have no length of line with which to weary him : the cap- ture must he effected by main force ; and if the tackle is sufficiently strong to"^ resist the struggles of the fish, the angler, after a short contest, may insure himself a triumph. Trout anghug at mid-water is effected by means of a small minnow, or with a caddis-s^rub, or any other species of worm. In angling with a minnow, the moderately-sized and whitest ones will be found to be the most killing bait. It should be placed upon a large hook, to enable it to turn about when drawn against the stream: consequently the hook should be Inserted in the mouth, and drawn out of the gills, or, perhaps, three or four inches beyond it would be necessar}-. It should be again drawn through the m^outh with the point to tlie tail of the minnow ; this finished, the hook and bait should be tied neatly together, by which means the evolutions of the bait will be more effectually, and at the same time more effectually', performed. The slack of the line should then be pulled back, so that the body shall be nearly straight on the hook. If the minnow do not turn nimbi}' enough for your purpose, let the bait be moved a little to the right or to the left, as occasion shall direct ; which process, by inla^-ing the oriiice made in the body of the minriov,', will greatly facilitate its movements. Some have preferred the loach, as a bait, to the minnow; by those who are nice in these matters, the same precautions in attach- ing it should be scrupulously observed. In angling 32 THE ART OP AXGLi^-G, ■^ith a worm or caddis, a cork float and the finest kind of tackle must necessarily be made use of, as tlie success of the .young practitioner, in this enchanting amusement, will greatly depend on his choice of articles. In muddy waters, the lob-worm is consi- dered the best bait ; in clear streams, the brandling : the first is generalh' used for large trout ; the second, where smaller ones are expected. There are two methods of angling at bottom, either with a cork, or any other kind of float, or with the hand. The best way of angling with the hand, is by means of a ground bait, and a long line, which should have no more than one hair next the hook, and just above it one small spot for a plumb ; the hook should be small, and the brandling well secured, and only one fastened on at a time ; thus the worm must always be kept in motion, and dra^^'n towards the person who is fishiiig. The best mode of anglmg at bottom, with a float, is with a caddis, which may be put upon the hook two or three at the same time ; the caddis is sometimes advantageously joined to the worm, and occasionalh^ even to an artificial fly, which should be placed upon the hook, so as merely to cover its points ; the finest kind of tackle must be used in this experiment, and it is generally reputed a very killing bait, for cither trout or grayling, at all seasons of the year. It is moreover a veiy common method to angle with a caddis at the top of the water. The caddis may be easily imitated by forming the head of the insect of black sUk, and the body of yellow cha- mois leather. It must be remarked, however, th;it the trout will seldom or never rise at a caddis when the stream is impregnated with mud. FI:ms. UNIFOPtM SERIES OF HANDBOOKS, BOUND IN ILLl'STEATED COVEKS, TWO PENCE EACH. The Art of S-wlmming, for Beginners ; exempli- fied by Diagrams, from wliieh both sexes may learn to swim and float on the ^yater. By James A. Bennet, M.D., L.L.D. The Art of Angling, for Beginners ; containing a description of the proper tackle necessary for yonng anglers, and how to use it,— the haunts and habits ol" fish usually taken in Great Britain by anglei-s; tlr season for taking tlieni ; where to be found ; the pro'. per time to angle, and the depth from ground. Also the liooks and baits most commonly used for each fish. By the Editor of " The Comic Eeciter," " The Art of Bowing, for Beginners," &c. &:c. The Art of Chess Playing, for Beginners. A sure and certain guide for those entirely ignorant of the game, illustrated with diagrams. By Charles Stanley. The Comic Reciter, containing a choice selection of the most humorous, admired, and popular recita- tions in prose and yerse, carefully compiled and arranged for schools, academies, and priyate circles. By Paul Smith. To which is prefixed Eules for the Preserration, the Improyement, and the Management of the Yoice. SIXPENCE EACH. The Art of Rowing, for beginners; containing all the information necessary to teach theoretically the use of the oai', with rules for the organization of Boat Clubs, and a dictionary of terms. The Young Wife's Cookery Book. Con- taining many useful receipts and illustrations how to carve. London : Henry Lea, 23, Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row. >- ^ .2 Z cc o 5 >< < • S c; 1 s 2 © _1 -J LU O CD < O o o 5 M > < 2 ft p -^ s 1 g _l o >- O -9 H -> £-1 h3 1 ^ i H H z z u Q. 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