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 \Vritlen after the Manner of 
 Cfj£ ^rUneTj ?i)t!5tortiiii0 : 
 W I T I! 
 — TMflTTtfi — 
 Sovereign Swine! 
 Ton your instruction and amusement, to improve your gro- 
 velling propensities, by teaching a duo respect for yourselves, 
 and a just estimate of your superiors, this history of your 
 chief drivers, from the first mighty hog of Normandy to the 
 present great and glorious hog of Hanover, is now dedicated. 
 When you read of their noble deeds in Church and State, of 
 their exploits in the Held and their wisdom in the cabinet; 
 when you read of their fornications, their dim kings, their swear- 
 ings, their oath-breakings, their adulteries, and abominations ; 
 when you read of their loving kindnesses to your predecessors; 
 then will you marvel greatly, you will be filled with gratitude 
 for their goodness, admiration for their wisdom, and you will 
 say in your hearts, Truly, our leaders have been the chief of 
 swine, and deserved, par excellence, to be the drivers thereof. 
 The title vouchsafed unto you by your sublime, beautiful, 
 and pensioned godfather, Edmund Burke, you have long 
 borne without the inheritance. To you it has been a barren 
 sceptre, a title of great honour, but no emolument: instead 
 of the comforts of swine, instead of your days being spent in 
 eating, ami drinking, and sleeping, they have been spent in 
 watching, and toiling, and fasting. You have carried burdens 
 like asses; you have laboured like horses; you have been 
 kicked, cuffed, and beaten, like spaniels; you have been in- 
 sulted and derided like monkeys; you have been kept as 
 hungry as ravens, and you are now as lean as hounds. 
 In truth, you have not been the real swine of the land, only 
 the jeedcrs of swine; whom you have fed in courts, and 
 churches, and palaces, white they wallow in ease, and luxury, 
 and ignorance; where they I'eccl, not on the husks, but the 
 kernels; not on the crumbs of the rich, but the inheritance 
 of the poor. 
 liut let us return to the Chief Hogs. In the fust, boolc 
 of Samuel, in the Btli chapter, beginning ;ii iV.c jit'ili verse, 
 we read how the swine of Israel prayed for a king; how 
 the prophet Samuel .warned them of the consequence; how 
 he told them a king would appoint their sons for his chariots 
 and his footmen; to ear his emu, to till his ground, to reap 
 his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and instru- 
 ments of chariots; how he would take their daughters for 
 cooks, and confectioners, and bakers ; how he would seize 
 their fields, and their vineyards, and their olive-yards, even Uif 
 best of them, and give them to his servants and his ollieers; how 
 he would take their men-servants, their maid-servants, and 
 their goodliest young men, and their asses ? and put them to 
 his work; how he would take the tenth of their seed, and 
 their sheep, and their vineyards, and they would all be his 
 servants ; how they would cry out in the day of trouble because 
 of the king they had chosen, and the Lord would not hear 
 them on that day : nevertheless, the hogs of Israel persisted 
 in their prayer, and said, Nay, but zee will have a king over us; 
 behold, all that the prophet foretold, literally came to 
 Let us pray. We beseech thee, Almighty Juggernaut, 
 to pardon our manifold sins and transgressions ; look down 
 roith pity on our fallen state ; Jecd our hunger, clothe our naked- 
 ness' cleanse our stirs. Deliver us, we beseech thee, .from the. 
 evils zee are surrounded. Save us, good Juggernaut, a /Vom dungeons 
 and spies, from Habeas Corpus Suspension Jlcis, Jiom Seditious 
 Meeting lulls, and Soldier Seduction Hills, from Whigs^ and 
 Tories, from Brougham and Mackintosh, and Canning and Cas- 
 tlereagh. Confound our enemies of the Daily Press, who unceas- 
 ingly labour to calumniate, misrepresent, and mislead thy People : 
 make the knaves honest, zee in treat thee ; especially, good Jugger- 
 naut, deliver us from the tender mercies of Mr. Barnes and the 
 Times ; Save us from the audacious Hesqfthe Mock Times ; grant 
 that Dr. Slop may (b ink no more punch; grant that Stuart may 
 nevermore receive, his pension out of ihc- public purse, that his 
 service of plate may be returned to its rightful owners, even into 
 ihc pockets of swine. Blot out the leaning SUN of darkness and 
 lies from the firmament ; and, lastly, we entreat thee, good Jugger- 
 naut, to keep a watchful cue over our right trusty and welt beloved 
 cousin, Jambs Pbiirv ; preserve him in a low and humble frame 
 of mind; suffer him not to be swolu with (he pomp, vanities, 
 and vain glories of the world ; grant that neither land, nor money , 
 nor place, nor pension, nor the smites of lords nor dukes, nor any
 tiling in heaven above, nor in earth beneath, may tempt him from 
 his dull/ as a faithful Chronicler; and grant (hat he may not 
 lavish his praise on borough-mongers, and pensioners, and sinecu- 
 rists ; but on liberty, patriotism,, and lighteousness. 
 A\)d we will ever pray, Sec. 
 Having prayed for our enemies, let us now, hogs, pray for 
 ourselves, and then conclude. Almighty Jupiter, whose everlast- 
 ing (krone is seated in the clouds, rchose e/je seclh, rchose car heareth, 
 and rchose potent arm sustuineth, every thing; rchose awful 
 nod shakes (Jli/mpus to its base ; whose frown is J amine, pestilence, 
 and death, and whose gracious smile is sweeter than honetj; 
 hear us! IV e entreat thee to enlarge our lieu its, to increase 
 our know/edge, and make us wise unto political salvation. We 
 entreat thee to enable us to distinguish friends/roOT foes, lit 
 Lilt rent thee to endow all our leaders with discretion, sagacity, and 
 foresight. We entreat thee to take Henry Hunt into thy holy 
 keeping: preserve him prudent and valiant. We beseeeh thee to 
 continue sir Francis Burdeit stedjast to the public cause, and our 
 able and eloquent defender. We beseech thee to preserve the life of 
 our venerable father, Major Cartwright, and may he live for 
 ever. We entreat thee to spread abroad through England, Ire- 
 land, Scotland, and the uttermost parts of the. earth, the republican 
 and benevolent principles of Thomas Paine- We beseeeh thee to 
 deliver out qj (he hands of the Philistines, sir Charles Wolseleyj 
 Thomas Jonathan VVbolcr, Knight, Wroe, Fitton, Edmonds, 
 the reverend Mr. Harrison, and others of thy prosecuted 
 servants. Lastly, we entreat thee to direct the counsels of the 
 people, as heretofore, at Stockport, Birmingham, Manchester, 
 Leeds, and Nottingham ; then will our enemies be confounded ; 
 Radical Reform triumph; corruption and borough-monger*- 
 iug be banished from the laud ; and the heart of PoRCUS will 
 rejoice, mid he zcnll sing, 
 Glory! glory! glory
 Nathan Ben Saddi, a servant of God, of the home of 
 Israel, to all and even/ of his readers, wltether Jew or Gentile, 
 greeting. Notwithstanding that many have taken in hand to 
 write the History of England, it seemed good unto me also, most 
 excellent reader, to set forth in order some things that hare 
 happened since the conquest of William the Norman. Now this r 
 have chosen to do in the manner of our forefathers, the ancient 
 Jewish historians, as being not only the most concise, but most 
 venerable way of writing. llowbeit, I would not that thou 
 shouldest be offended, or take in evil part, that 1 have adventured 
 to imitate those sublime originals; neither let it enter into thine 
 heart, that I have done this thing in sport, or wantonness of wit ; 
 for verily I abound not therewith, as thou wilt undoubtedly per- 
 ceive. Nevertheless, in p< rasing this delectable history, thou zcilt 
 meet with abundant matter both for information and amusement, 
 and per advent are also for instruction. And it shall come to pass 
 when thou readest of the foolish kings that have ruled the land, 
 then shall thy soul be troubled, and thou shalt say within thyself, 
 How small a portion of sense sutficeth to govern a great king- 
 dom ! But when thou readest of the kings that were wise and 
 great, then shall thy heart be glad, and thou shalt compare the 
 passed times with the present, and rejoice therein, and laugh ex- 
 ceedingly. Moreover thou zcilt find, that the end of the first teas 
 bitterness and shame, but the end of the last was glory and honour : 
 Theses/tall be set up as a light u.ito kings in all ages, but those as 
 a warning from generation to generation.
 1. — WILLIAM the Conqueror. 
 Now it came to pass, in tin- year one thousand sixty and six, in 
 the month of September, on the eighth (lav of the month, that 
 William of Normandy, surnamed the Bastard, landed in England, 
 and pitched his tent in a field near the town of Hastings. 
 Then Harold the king, attended by all his nobles, came forth 
 to meet him with a numerous army, and gave him battle. 
 Now it came to pass in the year one thousand sixty and six.] The historian care- 
 fully fixes the time of this memorable epoch in English history. The news of William's 
 immense preparations had spread throughout Europe: his fame as a warrior, the great 
 talents he had displayed in subduing the rebellious spirit of his own subjects, and in 
 his war with the king of France, attracted to his standard adventurers from all parts, 
 who were ambitious to seek renown under such a distinguished leader. From the pro- 
 digious numbers who flocked from all quarters, William selected an army of 60,000 
 brave and experienced veterans. Among the bold chieftains who engaged under his 
 banner, and to whom he held up the spoils of England as the reward of their valour, 
 we find the celebrated names of Eustace Count of Boulogne, Hugh d'Estaples, William 
 d'Evereux, Roger de Montgomery, Charles Mattel, and Geoffrey Giffard. The 
 preparations being completed, William embarked his troop* on 3000 vessels, assembled 
 in the small river Dive, and set sail; having first received <rom the Pope his bene- 
 diction, a consecrated banner, and a ring with one of St. Peter's hairs in it, to protect 
 him in his undertaking. 
 Then Harold the king.] The rightful heir to the throne, in the Saxon line* was 
 Edgar Athcling ; but the pretensions of this weak and iucapable prince were set aside 
 to make way for Harold, the son of Earl Godwin, whose great talents, his bravery, 
 affable and generous disposition, had gained the hearts of both the nobles and the 
 people. Harold was stigmatized by William as a perjured usurper ; but the truth is, 
 his title was as valid as the title of many of his predecessors : for under the Saxons the 
 succession to the crown was by no means hereditary ; it was sometimes conferred by 
 the suffrages of the people in their Wittenagemot ; sometimes it was a testamentary 
 grant from the preceding king; and not unfrequently, as was partly the case in the 
 present instance, the reward of the personal qualities and successful intrigues of 
 William the Conqueror. 
 And it was fought from the rising of the sun even to the going 
 down of the same. 
 But the Lord gave up Harold into the hands of his enemies, 
 and he was pierced with an arrow, and his army was routed with 
 exceeding great slaughter. 
 Then William the Bastard took on him the royal robes, and the 
 sceptre and the diadem, and was made king of England, and was 
 called the conqueror. 
 And he seized the coffers of king Harold ; and the gold, and the 
 silver, and the precious stones, and all the treasures he distributed 
 to his followers. 
 And it was fought from the rising "f the sun.'] The Xormans commenced the 
 onset with great iury, singing the song of Roland, a famous peer of Charlemagne. 
 The conflict long remained undecided ; till, at length, by William feigning to retreat, 
 and then suddenly turning upon his pursuers, it was decided in his favour. The 
 slaughter was prodigious on both sides; William had three horses killed under him. 
 Humes-ays 15,000 Normans were slain on the spot, and the loss of the vanquished 
 was still more considerable. 
 But the Lord gave up Harold.] The conquered monarch acted like a brave and 
 skilful general, and merited victory rather than defeat. His two brothers, Gurth and 
 Lcofwin, were slain, fighting bravely by bis side. According io Iia]>i„, W, body was 
 so disfigured by wounds, that it was haul to distinguish among the dead ; but at length 
 one of his mistresses discovered it, by certain private marks only known to herself. 
 Giraldus, a stupid Monk, relates a stupid story, that the king was not slain; but fled 
 to a cell near St. John's church, Chester, where he led for many years the life of a 
 recluse. His body was given to his mother without ransom; and on the spot where 
 he fell a monastery was erected, dedicated to St. Martin, called Battle-Abbey. In 
 this abbey a list was kept of the noble families who came over with the Duke of Nor- 
 mandy ; it was called Battle- Abbey-Roll, copies of which have been preserved by Stowe 
 and Hollinshed. 
 Then IViUium the Bastard.] The Conqueror was natural son of Robert, Duke 
 of Normandy, by Harlotta, daughter of a tanner, in Falaise, with whom the Duke 
 fell in love while she was dancing. The first night he slept witii her, she dreamt that 
 her bowels were extended all over England and Korruandy ? This was considered a 
 good omen at the time ; but, as Rapin shrewdly remarks, like many other omens, it 
 was most probably forged after the event. It is curious to observe, that both the 
 Royalty, and no inconsiderable part of the Aristocracy of this country, may shake 
 hands, and boast the same noble origin. 
 And he seized the coffers of King Harold.] This plunder he distributed liberally 
 among the clergy, both at home and abroad, who had forwarded so much his under- 
 taking, and to whom he did not fail to show his gratitude and devotion, in a way most 
 acceptable to them. The standard of the vanquished monarch he sent to the Pope, 
 with many valuable presents; and all the considerable monasteries and churches of 
 France, where prayers had been put up for his success, tasted of his bounty. The 
 estates of Harold, as well as the estates of all those who fought on his side at the battle 
 of Hastings, were confiscated. But, upon the whole, he conducted himself at the 
 commencement of his reign with a moderation and forbearance which little accorded 
 with his subsequent harshness and barbarity. He made a tour through the country, 
 and by various acts of clemency and kindness endeavoured to conciliate the minds of 
 his new subjects.
 ..-'- :. - ■:■ ■ • ■■...,, ,.._U. 
 William the Conquer of. 
 And he built a strong castle, and he fortified it with a wall and 
 a ditch ; and it is called the Tower of London unto this day. 
 And he subdued the land, and subjected it unto him ; and that 
 they might not rebel against him, he despoiled his subjects of all 
 manner of instruments of war. 
 And he caused a survey to be taken of all the lands in 4he 
 kingdom, and how much appertained to each person, which he wrote 
 in a book called Doomsday-book. 
 And he built a strong castle.] The intolerable tyranny of William drove the 
 people into continual rebellion ; to retain them in subjection, he built castles at Lin- 
 coln, Cambridge, Huntingdon, York, Nottingham, and in various other parts of the 
 And he caused a suneii to he taken.'] This was the origin of the famous Domesday 
 or "Doomsday-book, the most valuable record in the kingdom. The following descrip- 
 tion of tl i ivi celebrated antiquity is taken from the Sittli volume of the Encyclopedia 
 Bvitannica: — " It consists of two volumes, a greater ami a less. The first is a largo 
 " folio, written in 382 double pages of vellum, in a small but plain character ; each 
 '• page baving a double column. Some of the capital letters and principal passages 
 " are touched with red ink, and some have strokes of red ink run acros--, as if scratched 
 " out. This volume contains the description of :»1 counties. The other volume is a 
 " quarto, written upon 450 double pages of vellum, but in a single column, and on a 
 " large and in a fair character. It contains the counties of Essex, Norfolk, Suifolk, 
 " part of the county of Rutland, included in that of Northampton, and part of Lin- 
 " colnshire, in the counties of York and Chester." 
 Beside- the above, there are a third and fourth volumes, kept in the Exchequer: 
 but they are only abridgements of the two former. Until lately, all four have been 
 kept under three different locks and keys ; one in the custody of the Treasurer, and 
 the others in the custody of the two Chamberlains of the Exchequer. They are 
 now deposited in the Chapter-house, Westminster, where they may be consulted on 
 paying a fee of 6s. 8(i. for a search, and -id. a line for a transcript. Only extracts 
 from this ancient monument have ever been published ; they contain many curious par- 
 ticulars ot the ancient state of the country. But after all the survey, though carried 
 on with great vigour for six years, was very incomplete. The monks of Croyland, in 
 Lincolnshire, evaded giving any accurate account; many towns and cities then in 
 existenec were altogether omitted; and there was a general reluctance on the part of 
 the people to give information, considering the inquiry only preparatory to some new 
 Different reasons have been assigned by historians for this undertaking, which was 
 more inquisitorial in its operation than the Income Tax. The most probable is, that it 
 was to in ike the kini; acquainted with the exact income of every individual, that he 
 might know the inmost burden he could bear. The survey was begun in the year 1080, 
 and finished in 1086. It was conducted by Commissioners, consisting of Karls and 
 Bishops, who summoned Juries in every hundred, out of all orders of freemen, from 
 the Baron down to the lowest tanner. These Commissioners were to be informed, 
 upon oath, of the name of each manor and its owner : by whom it was held H) the time 
 of Kiiu rd the CorifessoV; the number of hides; the quantity of wood, and pasture, 
 and mi ,u)ow , how many ploughs and fish ponds, whether it was capable ot improve- 
 ment -, the value of the Whole, and whether the owner was in debt, or had money 
 owing him, 
 The great Alfred, in his time, had finished alike survey of the kingdom, which was 
 long kept at Winchester, and which probably served as a model for the Norman. The
 William the Conqueror. 
 And he raised a tribute from every one, according to his sub- 
 stance, and oppressed them greatly. 
 Moreover he made a law, and caused it to be observed throughout 
 the whole kingdom, that at the ringing of a bell, all his subjects, from 
 the greatest even unto the least, should extinguish their fires, and 
 suffer no light to appear in their houses upon pain of death. 
 So it was called the curfew-bell; and at the sound thereof the 
 lights were extinguished, aud our fathers slept in the dark. 
 These are the acts of William the Bastard ; who, after he had 
 reigned twenty and one years, died, and was buried in his own tomb 
 at Rouen, in Normandy, and Rufus, his son, reigned in his stead. 
 name of the book, Doomsday, was roost probably given, from its containing such a 
 minute account of every person as is generally expected to be given at the cay of 
 judgement and resurrection. Stowe assigns another reason — but enough ot Dooms- 
 And he raised a tribute from every one.] His avarice was insatiable. 1 
 as crown lands 142!s! manors, besides abundance of farms and Jands in Mi< llesex, 
 Shropshire, and Rutlandshire. His fixed annual income, exclusive of flues, teats, 
 reliefs, and other casual profits, was computed at ^£'400,000 ; a sum which will app :ar, 
 as Hume says, incredible, if the circumstances of the times are considered. A pound 
 in that age contained three times the weight of silver that it does now, and the iame 
 weight of silver would purchase near ten times more of the necessaries of life. The 
 revenue, therefore, of William would be equal, at least, to nine or ten millions at pre- 
 sent ; and as he had neither fleet nor army to support, (the former being only an occa- 
 sional expense, and the latter being maintained, without any charge to him, by his 
 military vassals,) we must thence conclude, that no emperor or prince, in any age or 
 nation, can be compared to the Conqueror for riches and opulence. Vide Hume's Hist. 
 vol. i. p. 277. 
 So it was called the curfew-bell.'] Voltaire, in his Letters on the English Nation, 
 remarks, that on the establishment of the Curfew, or cover-fire bell, William appeared 
 wishful to make an experiment how far the caprice of power might be extended over 
 a suffering and conquered people. The dreadful measures resorted to by the Norman 
 may be gathered from his treatment of the brave Northumbrians. The country which 
 lies between the Humber and theTees.owing to the restless disposition of the inhabit- 
 ants, he gave orders for laying entirely waste. The houses were reduced to ashes by 
 the merciless Normans ; the cattle seized and driven away ; tho instruments of hus- 
 bandry destroyed ; and for the miserable inhabitants, many of them were compelled 
 either to seek refuge in Scotland, or they perished in the woods from cold and hunger. 
 The lives of a hundred thousand persons are computed to have been sacrificed in this 
 massacre and desolation. 
 These are the acts of William the Bastard.'] William was so little ashamed of bis 
 birth, that lie assumed the appellation of Bastard in some of his letters and charters. 
 Hume gives ihe following account of his last acts, and the origin of his war with 
 Philip, King of France. — " His displeasure," says he, " was increased by some ac- 
 count of the railleries which that monarch had thrown out against him. William, who 
 was become corpulent, had been detained in bed some time by sickness ; upon which 
 Philip expressed his surprise that he should be so long in being deliyered of his big 
 belly. The king sent him word, that as soon as he was up he would present so many 
 lights at Notrc-Darae, as would, perhaps, give little pleasure to the king of France;
 William tht I 'onqtu nir. 
 alluding to the usual practice at that time of women alter cliihi-birtli. Immediately 
 on his recovery, be led his afro} into L'lsle de France, and laid every thing waste 
 with lire and sword. He took the town Ot Mantes, which he reduced to ashes. But 
 the progress of these hostilities were stopped by an accident which soon alter put en 
 end to William's life. His horse starting aside "i a Midden, he bruised his belly 
 against the pommel of the saddle; and being in a had habit ot body, as we'l as some- 
 what advanced in years, he began to apprehend the COnsequenoes, and ordered him- 
 self to be carried in a litter 10 the monastery of St. Gervas. Finding his illness 
 increase, ana being sensible of the approach of death, he discovered, at last, the 
 vanity of all human grandeur, and was struck with remorse for those horrible cruelties 
 and acts of violence, which, in the attainment and defence of it, he bad committed 
 during the course of his reign over England.'* — Vol. i. p. 230. 
 William expired in the sixty-third year of his age, in the twenty-first year of his 
 reign over England, and in the nfty-foorth of that over Normandy- In his younger 
 \c .as he was handsome and well proportioned. He had rather a stem and majestic, 
 than a mild and 'taking countenance j however, we are told, lie could sometimes put 
 on such . ss and sweetness in his looks, as were hardly to be resisted. We 
 may guess his strength and vigour, from historians assuring us, none but himself could 
 bend his bow. The same writers are much divided concerning his chastity. Some 
 say he was very much addicted to women in his youth; others tell us, that his little 
 inclination that way gave occasion to call his manhood in question. Few princes 
 have been more fortunate or were belter entitled to grandeur and prosperity, from 
 the abilities and vigour he displayed in all his conduct. His spirit was bold and en- 
 terprising, yet guided by prudence. His ambition, which was exorbitant, and Jay 
 little under the restraints of justice, still less under those of humanity, ever submitted 
 to the dictates of souud policy. Born in an age when the minds of men were untract- 
 able and unacquainted with submission, he was yet able to direct them to his pur- 
 poses; and partly from the- ascendant ot' his vehement character, partly from art and 
 dissimulation, to establish an unlimited authority. The maxims of his administration 
 were austere, and ill calculated tor softening I he rigours, which, under the most gentle 
 management, are inseparable from conquest. Jixcept the former conquest of Eng- 
 land by the Saxons, who, from peculiar circumstances, proceeded to exterminate the 
 natives, it would be difficult to find in all history a revolution more destructive, or 
 attended with a more complete subjection of the ancient inhabitants. Contumely^ 
 was wantonly added to oppression; and the. unfortunate natives were universally re- 
 duced to such a slate of meanness and poverty, that for ages the English name be- 
 came a term of reproach; and several generations elapsed before one single family of 
 Saxon pedigree was raised to any considerable honours, orcould so much as attain the 
 rank ot baron of the realm. An attempt was even made to abolish the English lan- 
 guage ; and for that purpose William ordered that in all schools throughout the king- 
 dom the youth should be instructed in the French tongue; a practice continued from 
 custom till the reign of Edward [II. and which has never indeed been totally discontinued. 
 The pleadings in the supreme courts of judicature were in French: the deeds were 
 often drawn in the .same language : the laws were composed in that idiom : no other 
 tongue was used at court : it became the language of all fashionable company : and 
 the English themselves, ashamed of their own country, affected to excel in tins foreigu 
 The entire subjugation of the people, however, was still more shockingly evinced 
 by the formation ol the \, i, Forest, in Ham; shire, in violation of every principle of 
 justice and humanity. The Normans, as well as ancient Saxons, were passionately fond 
 ot iheehase, a id none more so than the Conqueror. Not content with those large forests 
 which former kiu^s possessed in all parts of Eugland, he resolved to make a new 
 forest near Winchester, the usual place of his residence. For that purpose he laid 
 waste the country for an extent of thirty miles, expelled the inhabitants from their 
 bouses, seized their properly, demolished tuirtv-six churches, besides convents, and 
 William Tlufus. 
 made the sufferers no compensation for tbe injury. At the same time, he enacted 
 new laws, b\ which be prohibited all his subjects from bunting in any of his forests, 
 and ordained the most dreadful penalties for their violation. The killing of a deer or 
 boar, or even a hare, w;is punished with the loss of the delinquent's eves; and that, 
 too, nt a time when the killing of a man could be atoned fur by paying a moderate 
 fine or composition. Our present Game Lairs are, as Blackstone remarks, a " bastard 
 slip" of these savage enactments. In the New Forest are now to be found nine 
 walks: each walk has a keeper, two rangers, a how-hearer, and lord-warden. Report 
 says, but we never saw ihe phenomenon ourselves, that there is an oak on the north 
 side ot Malwood-castle, which buds on CftristmflS-day and withers again before night ! 
 Besides three sons who survived him, William had live daughters; Cicely, a nun 
 in the monastery of Feschamp, afterwards abbess in the Halt) Trinity, at Caen ; Con- 
 stantia, married to the Earl of Brittany ; Alice, contracted to Harold ; Adela, mar- 
 ried to the Earl of lilois; and Agatha, who died a virgin, though betrothed to the 
 King of Gallicra. 
 It only now remains to notice a few remarkable occnrrenccsoniftted by our author, but 
 mentioned by profane historians, and then our illustration of this reign will be completed. 
 1. 'William brought the Jews from Roanne to inhabit in England. 2. The Feudal system, if 
 not introduced, (which is diputed by some writers,) was more completely organized by 
 the Conqueror. He divided all the lands, with very few. exceptions besides the royal 
 demesnes, into baronies ; these baronies were again let out to knights or vassals, who 
 paid the lord the same submission in peace or war which he himself paid to his sove- 
 reign. The whole kingdom contained about 700 chief tenants, and 60,215 knights'- 
 fees; ncne of the natives were admitted into the first rank, but were glad to be 
 received /nto the second, and thus be the dependants of some powerful Nerman. 
 3. Id Li reign, or about that time, surnames came first to be used. 4 Trial by battle 
 was iiiUoduced into the kingdom. 5. The Normans brought in a new way of creating 
 knights, and the use of seals and witnesses in all deeds and instruments. Before that 
 time, or at least before the reign of Edward the Confessor, the parties only set down 
 their names with a cross before them. Lastly, the Normans introduced the foolish 
 practice of common swearing. The Conqueror used to swear by the resurrection and 
 qtlendmir of God ; his successor, William Rufus, by St. Luke's face. King John 
 swore by God's teeth; Charles II. by cod's fish ; George III, the Prince Regent, and 
 tbe rest of the Royal Family, have no peculiar oath, but generally swear after the 
 manner of their subjects. In the year 1076 there was an earthquake, and a frost 
 from the beginning of November to the middle of April ; and in 1089 there was a tire 
 in London, which destroyed the greatest part of the city, and St. Paul's Cathedral. 
 Now llufus was thirty and one years old when he began to reign, 
 and he reigned over England twelve years and ten months, and his 
 mother's name was Matilda. 
 JVov Ihtjus was thirty and one years old, — and his mother's name was 'Matilda.'] Ihtfus, 
 or the Red, being so called from the colour of his hair. Notwithstanding the unfa- 
 vourable reports as to the manhood of the Conqueror, Queen Matilda was extremely 
 jealous of his favours; and, in a fit of revenge, she ordered one of his mistresses, a cler- 
 gyman's daughter, to be hamstringed,— Rapin, vol. 1. p. 127.
 William Unfits. 
 And he was a very wicked man, and bis heart was set to do live 
 continual!) ; a.nl be contemned the gods of his fathers, and believed 
 not; he banished all the priests, and converted the sacred revenues 
 to his own use. 
 Wherefore * lie Lord smote him with sickness, and his sickness 
 seemed unto death. 
 Then his heart trembled within him, and he repented him of his 
 sin; and he sent for the high priest, and besought him, saying, 
 [ have done evil in the sight of the Lord, in seizing the vacant 
 bishopricks; wherefore now, 1 pray thee, take hack the things which 
 belong to the church, that it may be well with me, and that my soul 
 may live. 
 Howbeit, when the sickness left him, he forgot all that he had 
 promised, ami returned t<» Id. evil ways. 
 Ami he was « <<n; wicked man.] Ail historians agree in the reprobate character ot 
 this prince. IK is described as neither religious, nor chaste, nor temperate ;— that 
 lie had neither honour, nor conscience, nor faith ; and, what was wors", lie I ot 
 appearing as such. He is accuaed of denying a Providence, and [maintained i it 
 prayers are vain and impertinent. Malmsbury relates, that he once ordered some 
 Bishops aud Rabhies to meel together, and fairly dispute Uu- question ot their reli- 
 gion in his presence ; promising the Rabbies lie would be circumcised, if their argo- 
 iuciits were stronger than the Christians. As another instance of his impiety, we arc 
 told, thai h • once accepted sixty marks from a Jew, whose son had been converted to 
 Christianity, and who engaged "him l>\ mat present to assist him in bringing back the 
 youth to Judaism. William laboured hard to accomplish his point; but finding per- 
 suasion and menaces of no avail, he sent for the father, and told him, that as he had 
 not succeeded, it was not just that he should keep the present; but as he had done his 
 utmost, it was ri^lit he should be paid for iiis pains, and he had therefore retained 
 thin y marks of the money. 
 / Inn i dam evil in the. sight of the Lo^d, in seizing the meant bishopricks.'] The Bishops 
 taking advantage of his illness, exhorted hint, without delay, to restore the vacant 
 benefices be had seized. They represented to him what an obstacle it was 10 his sal- 
 vation, to withhold from theru the revenues of the church, contrary to the intent of 
 the donors. Having no hope of recovery, he readily complied with their request. 
 He nominated Robert Bloet to the bishopric of Lincoln, and lor Archbish >p ot Can- 
 terbury made choice of Anselra, Abbot of Bee, in Normandy, a very austere man. 
 Howbeit, u-lnn the sickness left him, he-forgot nil thai he ha I promised.] His profane- 
 ness returned with his health ; his repentance proceeding from the f< ir ol death, not 
 conviction of error. The prisoners commanded to be freed, were, b\ his order, more 
 closely confined, and those who were set at liberty were again thrown «nto prison. 
 Extortion, injustice, and rapine, were as prevalent as ever. tber, iroui the 
 description of Rapin, the country exhibited the same atrocities we no » observe under 
 the mild sway of the Boroughmongtrs. "The administration of justice (says he) was 
 in the haiyls ol such as took more care to i nrich tin msi Ives, than discharge the duties of 
 their respective offices. All W1BK POOR BUI rrfOSB who had tub FINGERING 
 of nu: i'uulic money. To be in favour with the kiiiir, it was necessary to be 
 vi'.hout honour or conscience : None but informers met with encouragement. Ibesodis-
 William Riifus. 
 Nevertheless he was a valiant prince, and he fought against the 
 Welch, and discomfited them, and drove them into the mountains, 
 and conquered the southern part of the country. 
 And Malcolm also, king of the Scots, made war upon him; but 
 he slew liim in battle, and put his army to flight. 
 And in these days were great divisions in the church, and Urban 
 the pope bethought himself how he might put an end to them ; and 
 he sent messengers to al! the princes of Christendom, saying, Behold 
 now, O ye Christian princes, the infidels have taken the city of 
 Jerusalem, even the city of our God ; they have possessed themselves 
 of the holy land, and profaned the sacred places : wherefore now, 
 I pray ye, let us unite together, and drive them from the face of the 
 earth, to the end that the holy city may be delivered from the pollu- 
 tions of evil-doers, and from the scorn of unbelievers. 
 So all the Christian princes united together, and raised a numerous 
 army; and they distinguished themselves by a red cross, which they 
 wore on the upper garment, wherefore this expedition was called the 
 the Crusade ; and they marched into Palestine, and besieged the 
 holy city, and took it. 
 orders forced many honest men to resolve to quit the kingdom, and seek elsewhere that 
 tranquillity they could not find in their native country." How exact the picture ! — 
 Vol. 1. p.' 144. 
 Nevertheless he was a valiant prince ] As a proof of his generosity, it is related of 
 him, that while besieging a fortress of Normandy, riding out alone, he was suddenly 
 attacked by two soldiers, and dismounted. One of them drew his sword to dispatch 
 him ; when the king exclaimed, Hold knave! I am the King of England. The soldier 
 suspended his blow; and raising the kinc from the ground, with expressions of respect, 
 received a handsome reward, and was taken into his service. 
 And Malcolm also — but he slew him in hattle.] In looking into several profane writers, 
 •we find that William did not command the army in this war, but Robert de Mowbray, 
 then governor of the northern parts ; and the Scotch historian Buchanan says, that the 
 King of Scotland wa3 slain by a base stratagem of the English : Malcolm having 
 reduced the casile of Alnwick to extremity, the besieged were forced to surrender, 
 and only desired that the king in pr-rson would receive the keys of the gates, which 
 were brought by a soldier upon the top of a lance, who, standing within the wall, 
 thrust the point of the lance into the king's eye, as he was going lo take them. 
 So all the Christian pi inces united together — wherefore this expedition icas called the Cru- 
 sade.] This is the most m< morable event in the history of fanaticism. Pet f it the hermit, 
 a native of Amiens, in Picard v. had the honour of originating the holy enterprise tor rescu- 
 ing Jerusalem from the Infidels. Having made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, he saw 
 with indignation the oppression under which the Christians groaned; and formed the 
 bold, and, in a! appearance, the impracticable project, of leading into Asia, from the 
 farthest extremities of the West, armies sufficient to subdue those warlike nations, w\\p 
 held them in subjection. He proposed his views to Martin II. who then filled the
 William Hufus. 
 And it came to pass in those days, that the sea overflowed its 
 banks, insomuch that great part of the land-, of Earl Godwin, in 
 Kent, were overwhelmed and !<>si in the sea; and the place is called 
 Godwin's Sands unto this day. 
 Papal chair; but though sensible of the advantages he roust reap from a religious 
 war, as head of the church, tlic Pope at lirst declined to embark in the gigantic enter- 
 prise. Indefatigable in his object, Peter continued to howl through ihe different 
 countries of Europe, the horrible pollution ot' the holy sepulchre. His perseverance 
 had its natural effect; and be at last succeeded in imparting his own zeal and enthu- 
 siasm, through the kingdoms he travelled. A council was summoned at Clermont; 
 where the greatest prince?, nobles, and prelates assembled ; and the Hermit and the 
 Pope renewing their, pathetic exhortations, the whole assemblage, as if impelled by 
 inspiration, exclaimed, It is tlie wilt of Cod ! It is the will of God! 
 Such a tumult now arose as had never been seen before nor since ; and Europe, as 
 Hume says, appeared loosened from its foundations to be precipitated in one 
 united body upon the East. All orders of men, deeming the Crusades the only road 
 to heaven, enlisted themselves under the sacred banners, and were impatient to open 
 their way. with the sword, to the holy city. Nobles, artizans, peasants, and priests 
 enrolled their names : and to decline this godly enterprise was branded as impiety, or, 
 what was deemed as disgraceful, cowardice and pu-illanimitv. 1 he infirm and aged 
 contributed to the expedition by presents and money ; and many of them, not satisfied 
 with the merit of this atonement, attended in person, determined, if possible, to 
 breathe their last in sight of that city where a carpenter's son had died. Women 
 themselves, concealing their sex under the disguise of armour, attended the camp, 
 and, rather inconsistently with their holy undertaking, prostituted themselves, without 
 reserve, to the army.* The greatest criminals were forward in a service which they 
 r gnrded as a propitiation for all crime; and the most enormous disorders were, during 
 these expeditions, committed by men inured to wickedness, encouraged by example, 
 and impelled by necessity. The multitude of adventurers became so great, that 
 their more sagacious leaders became apprehensive lest the greatness of the enterprise 
 itself should disappoint its purpose : they permitted an undisciplined multitude, 
 computed at 300,000 men, to go before them, under the command of the Hermit 
 and Walter the Moneyless. This bedlam rabble took the road towards Constantinople, 
 through Bulgaria ; and, trusting that heaven would supply them with all their neces- 
 saries, they made no provision for subsistence on their march. They soon found 
 themselves obliged to obtain by plunder what they had vainly expected from miracles- 
 and the enraged inhabitants of the countries through which thev passed, gathering 
 together in arms, attacked and slaughtered them without resistance. The more 
 disciplined armies followed, and, passing the Straits of Constantinople, they were 
 mustered in the plains of Asia, and amounted, in the whole, to 700,000 com- 
 England was the least infected of any country in Europe with this general 
 freruiy; principally from the character of William, who made the romantic chivalry 
 of the Crusade the object of his perpetual raillery. His brother Robert, Duke of 
 Normandy, however, was a victim to the general contagion, and mortgaged, or 
 rather sold, his dominions to William for ten thousand marks, to enable him to ap- 
 pear in a suitable rank at the head of his vassals in this crazy enterprise. The king 
 raised the money by violent cxtorti n, and compelled the monks even to melt their 
 plate to furnish the quota demanded of them. 
 And it came to pass in those daj>s, the Ka overflowed — and ihe place is coiled Godwin's 
 Sands.] This celebrated sand bank runs parallel to the coast for three leagues to- 
 * Hume, vol. i. p 997- t Matthew Paris, p. 10, tl.
 William Unfits. 
 Aud Rufus builded a great hall, the like of which had not heen 
 Been in England ; the length thereof was two hundred and seventy 
 feet, and the breadth thereof was seventy and four feet ; and he 
 called it Westminster Hall. 
 And it c£me to pass on a certain day, as he hunted in the forest 
 which liis father had made, that he was slain with an arrow ; and his 
 body was earned in a cart to the city of Winchester, and was 
 buried there : and Henry, his brother, reigned in his stead. 
 gether, at about two leagues and a half distance, and affords a great protection to that 
 capacious road the Downs. £t formerly, occupied a tract of ground belonging to 
 Godwin, Earl of Kent, lather of King Harold, and which afterwards being 
 given to the monastery of St. Augustine, at Canterbury, the abbot neglected to keep 
 in repair the wall that defended it from the sea, and the whole tract was drowned, 
 leaving those Sands on which so many ships have been wrecked. 
 And Rufus builded a great hnll.~\ This is the largest room in Europe; but, not- 
 withstanding its extraordinary dimensions, William thought it too small, and said it 
 hardly deserved to be called a bedchamber, in comparison of the extent he designed 
 it. It was originally intended as a place for the entertainment of the king's guests 
 and dependants. Richard II. once accommodated 10, cut) pers ns within its walls; 
 and it is still used tor coronation feasts. Parliaments have frequently been held 
 beneath its roof, and i; was the court of justice where the king presided in person. 
 In this Hall Charles 1. was tried' and condemned to be beheaded. At present it is 
 occasionally titled up lor the tiial of peers, and persons impeached by the Commons. 
 At other times it forms a promenade for lawyers and suitors during the sittings of 
 the adjoining cotnts. 
 And ii came to /kiss on a certain day, as he limited.] Malmsbury relates, that, as 
 the king was going to mount his horse, he was told that a certain monk had dreamt a 
 dream which portended no good to him. William, caring little about such presages, 
 answered, jestingly, he plainly saw that the monk wanted money, so ordered him a 
 bundled shillings, and sent him word to dream belter dreams in future. The cir- 
 cumstances of this monarch's death are differently related by historians. The most 
 probable account is the following. — He was engaged in hunting, the chief amusement, 
 and almost only occupation of princes in those tunes, in the New Forest: towards 
 the evening, William, having wounded a stag, was pursuing him full speed, when 
 Walter Tyrrell, a French gentleman, shooting at the same stag, the arrow glanced 
 from a tree and pierced the king to the heart. Tyrrell instantly put spurs to his 
 horse, and, without informing any one of the accident, hastened io the sea-shore, 
 embarked for France, and joined the Crusade in an expedition to Jerusalem, a 
 penance he imposed on himself lor this involuntary crime. The body of William was 
 found in the forest by the country people, and buried, next day, without pomp or 
 ceremony. Every one was occupied with bis successor, and besides the Frince was so 
 little beloved that no one cared showing much tegret at a death considered a happy 
 deliverance from oppression. 
 His tomb of grey marble, somewhat raised from the ground, may still be seen in 
 the middle of the choir of Winchester Cathedral. During the Civil Wars, in the 
 rci^n of Charles I. the parliamentarians broke open bis monument, but they found 
 only the dust of the king, some relics oi cloth of gold, a large gold ring, and a 
 chahec of silver. , 
 William was slain on the 2d of August, in the year 1100, in the forty-fourth year of 
 bis age, after a reign oi twelve years, ten months, and twelve days. He met his
 death in Ihe same place where his brother and nephew had perished by no less extra- 
 ordinary an accidenl : a circumstance which, in those superstitions <1 iys, made all men 
 ex claim i that as the Conqueror had been guilty of extreme violence in driving out 
 the inhabitants of the New Forest, to make room for his game, the just vengeance of 
 heaven was signalized in the same place by the destruction of Ins posterity. 
 William being no friend to the clergy, iliey have done all in their power to blacken 
 his character. But though wc may suspect in general thai their account ol bis vices 
 is somewhat exaggerated, his history affords sufficient reason for not attributing to him 
 any very estimable qualities. He seems to have been a violent and tyrannical prince; 
 a perfidious, encroaching, and dangerous neighbour; an unkind and ungenerous 
 enemy. He was cqdally rapacious and prodigal in the management of bis revenue ; 
 and, it i< related, that his valet one day bringing him a new pair ot breeches, which 
 cost but three shillings, he Hew into a violent passion, and ordered him never to bring 
 him any but what cost, at least, a mark. 
 The monuments which remain ol William, are the wall round the Tower, which he 
 ordered to lie erected; Westminster-hall, already mentioned; and London-bridge 
 which he built. Among the remarkable occurrences of this reign, wc may notice the 
 violent quarrel betwixt I he clergy and laity, relative to long-toed shoes, it was the 
 fashion in thai age, both among men and women, throughout Europe, to give an enor- 
 mous :< ngth to i In- bIi « -, to draw the toe to a sharp point, and to li.v to it a bird's 
 bill, or sotne such ornament, turned upwards, and which was often sustained by gold 
 or silver chains tied to tie knee. 'J he ecclesiastics look exception to the long toe, 
 which they s,n. I was an ipipious attempt to parody the scripture, where it is affirmed 
 that no man can add a cubit to his stature; and liny declaimed against it with great 
 vehemence, and assembled councils and synods, «ho actually condemned the long toe 
 as a profane and wicked device to bring the word ol God into disrepute. But such, 
 savs Hume, are the strange, contradictions ol human nature, that though the clergy, 
 at that time, could overturn thrones, and had authority to send above a million of men 
 on their errand to the deserts ol Asia, they could never prevail against long-toed 
 shoes ! Had the noble historian lived in our time, he would have witnessed a paradox 
 still more surprising, lie would have seen the influence of the clerg% so far prevail 
 as to punish a man, called Russell, for a parody as harmless and ridiculous as a long- 
 toed shoe ; and his surprise would have been btill more heightened, when he learnt 
 that another person luul been acquitted for the same offence, tried in the same country, 
 under the some laws, and by the same judge ! 
 in.— HENRY r. 
 Now Henry was a leaVne ! man, and a prince ol" exceeding great 
 wisdom, insomuch thai i-.c was sumaraed Beauclerk ; and he set 
 himself to enacl good laws, and to govern the people wisely. 
 Henry was a learned man — gun niclerkJ] This was the most accom- 
 plished prince that ever sat on the throne, and possessed all the great qualities, both of 
 body and mind, which could fit him for bis exalted station. His person was manly, 
 and his countenance engaging. His superior eloquence and judgment would have 
 n him an usceudant hud be been born in a i rivate station, and his personal bruvery
 Henri/ the First. 
 And he restored to the English the privilege of having lights in 
 their houses after the ringing of the curfew-hell. 
 And he granted a charter, whereby he confirmed the rights of the 
 church, and relinquished his claim to the vacant bishoprics ; and he 
 forgave all debts due to the crown, all offences committed before his 
 coronation, and confirmed the statutes of Edward the Confessor. 
 Moreover, lie ordained that the length of his own arm should be 
 the standard measure throughout the kingdom, and it is called a yard 
 unto this day- 
 would have always procured him respect. lie was surnamed Beanclerk, or the scholar, 
 from his great acquirements in literature; which he cultivated without relaxing in the 
 least in his activity and vigilance to the affairs of government. The manner in which 
 lie acquired possession of the throne, in opposition to his elder brother, may seem to 
 detract from the merit of his character ; but it ought to he remembered, tiiai the suc- 
 cession was then regulated by no fixed principle, and was frequently the reward of 
 the bravest and the most intriguing. On the sudden death of William, Henry repaired 
 to Winchester, in order to secure the royal treasure, which he considered a most im- 
 portant instrument for facilitating his way to the crown. He had scarcely reached 
 the place, when William de Breteuil, keeper of the treasure, arrived, and opposed 
 himself to Henry's pretensions. But Henry, drawing his sword, threatened him with 
 instant death if he dared to disobey him; when Breteuil and other nobles, withdraw- 
 ing their opposition, he was crowned king three days after in London. 
 And lie granted a charter.] The provisions of this charier were confined entirely to 
 the clergy and barons; the great mass of the people were no more considered a tit object 
 for legislation, at that day, than the ground they cultivated. Among other provisions of 
 this charter, Henry ordained that the nobles might marry their daughters without the 
 king's leave, provided it was not to the enemies of the state. He consented that the 
 heirs of earls and barons on a death, should not be obliged to redeem their estates, 
 but pay only a relief. He appointed the mothers and nearest relations guardians to 
 minors, and made a standard of weights and measures throughout the kingdom. These 
 were the principal provisions; and the charter being approved by the lords, spiritual 
 and temporal, as many copies were transcribed as there were counties in the kingdom, 
 and sent to the principal monasteries. 
 But with whatever solemnity and apparent sincerity this charter was granted, it is 
 certain that the king, after the present purpose was served, never once thought during 
 his reign of observing a single article of it; and the whole fell SO much into neglect 
 and oblivion, that in the following century, when the barons, who had heard an ob- 
 scure tradition of it, desired to make it the. model of the great charier which they ex- 
 acted from King John, they could with difficulty find a copy of it in the kingdom. But 
 as to the grievances which it was meant to redress, they were still continued in the 
 full extent; and the royal authority in all those particulars lay under no manner of 
 restriction. The relief of heirs, owing to the vague manner in which it was expressed, 
 afforded no additional security to the subject; and this important grievance was never 
 effectually removed till the time of Magna Charta. The oppression of wardship and 
 marriage was perpetuated till the reign of Charles II. ; and it appears from Glanville, 
 that, in his time, the reign of Henry II. when any man died intestate, an accident 
 which must frequently have occurred, when the art of writing was so little known, the 
 king as the lord of the fief, pretended to seize all the moveables and exclude every 
 heir, even the children of the deceased : a sure mark, as Hume says, of a tyrannical 
 Bad arbitrary govt-anient!
 I /< a i \j the First. 
 And he instituted the hi^h court of parliament, and assembled 
 them together in llic city of Salisbury; he appointed also the watch. 
 Ami he instituted the High Court of Parliament.] This seems doubtful. Polydore 
 Virgil, Holl'mshed, and Speed, indeed, say ihat Parliament was first summoned at 
 Salisbury, in the 16th of this king; but sir Walter Ralegh, in bis Treatise on Prero- 
 gative, Bays it was the 18th. Lord Bacon asks, " where were the Commons before the 
 reign of Henry the First, r^ Where indeed ! fiat we may infer from ibis, that, in 
 Sacon's opinion, the\ began in this reign. Dr. Heylin says it was not till the reign 
 of Henry II. We need nol feel tiny surprise thai this question, like the origin of 
 every thing else, should be perplexed and mysterious. The most interesting question 
 at this day, is, not when parliaments began, but when they will end. 
 Upon the whole, it seems, the general outline of parliament, as it now stands, was 
 not described till the granting of Magna Charts, in the year 1815. The oldest writs 
 extant for summoning knights, citizens, and burgesses to parliament are not dated till 
 even .*><) years after that time, namely, in the year l'Jo'6, 49 Henry III. As to the 
 persons entitled to vote for members of parliament the statute of Henry IV. is the 
 must important. That statute enacts that, at the County Court, after proclamation, 
 " all they ihat be thire present, as well suitors duly summoned as others, shall 
 attend to the election of knights for the parliament." But the term " others" 
 leaves the question in the air. What classes were included under that appellation? 
 Did it include all swine, or only some portion of the herd r Were bondmen 
 and villains admitted, or only suitors and some other persons connected with the 
 County Court ? We cannot answer these questions, nor do we think it is possible to 
 answer them, nor do we think it of much importance provided they were answered : 
 happily, the rights of s w t n e rest on a much better foundation than the word " others," 
 or any dubious act of Parliament. 
 If all swine were in possession of the right of voting in this reign, they suffered 
 themselves to be shorn 61 it very tamely, shortly after, by his imbecile successor, 
 Henry VI. The famous disfranchising statute of that monarch, after complaining 
 that " elections had been made by very great, outrageous, and excessive numbers of 
 people, dwelling within the same counties of the realm of England, of which the most 
 part were people of snuill substance," enacts, that knights of the shire are hereafter to 
 be chosen " by people dwelling and resident in the same counties, whereof every one 
 of them shall have free laud or tincintnt to the value of forty shillings, by the 
 year, at least, above all charges." — Stat. Hen. VI. c. 7. 
 As to the duration of parliaments, that also was uncertain; sometimes there were 
 two or more parliaments in a year, and sometimes there was not one assembled in 
 several years. Tliej were in fact sessional, and had no fixed time of duration! No 
 such thing ;^ p urbguing the Same parliament from year to year was then known; 
 they were always assembled for some specific object, and when that was attained, 
 they were dissoUed, and for the next occasion there was a fresh parliament as well 
 as a fresh speaker. This can be proved incontestably from the names of the speakers 
 having been preserved as well as of the members who sat for different boroughs in the 
 There, can be no doubt but parliaments, general councils, or something of tha* 
 character, are as old as the monarchy : it is not probable the government would ever 
 be carried on by the king alone, without the aid of some such assemblage. We may 
 conclude, therefore, that parliaments are coeval with the kingdom itself, and that 
 they have been variously modified in name and nature, till the\ have at last terminated 
 in the monstrosity we now behold. The WUtenagismot of the Saxons appears to have 
 w !U a multitudinous and not a very select assembly, if we may credit the following 
 extract from Hume: — " Security was provided by the Saxon laws to all members 'of 
 the Wittenageuiot, both in going nnd returning, except they ivcre notorious thktiX 
 and robber/."— Vol. i, p. 208.
 lit tin/ the First. 
 Now the rest of the acts of king Henry, the lampreys that he ate, 
 and the children that he begat, are they not written in the book of 
 Baker the historian? 
 Anil Henry reigned over England thirty and five years, and he 
 died, and Stephen earl of Boloigu reigned in his stead. 
 As to tliu word parliament, it comes from the French, parler, to speak ; and parlia- 
 ment implies a speaking or <tt bating assembly. The honourable members, if they have 
 belied every oilier part of their functions, have not belied their name; for they still 
 continue a speaking assembly* 
 Now the rest of (he acts of King Henry, the lampreys he ate — the children he begat — 
 Baker the Historian,] Lampreys were Henry's favourite dish ; but, unfortunately, they 
 agreed better with Lis palate than his constitution. It was eating of this iood to 
 excess that caused his death. As to " the children he begat," they were very nume- 
 rous : ho had twelve natural children by his different mistresses, and only one legiti- 
 mate child. Twelve to one appears a frightful disproportion, even for a ting: but 
 probably it is not greater than usually subsists betwixt the lawfully and unlawfully be- 
 gotten offspring of monarcfis. They are exposed to many temptations, and it cannot be 
 expected they will always be invulnerable. Baker the historian. This is the great 
 Sir Richard Baker, who, with the exception of our great author, was tl "i greatest 
 chronicler the world aver produced. He wrote three prodigious tomes, containing a 
 minute history of English kings from the time of the Romans lo that of the first 
 Charles. Edward Phillips, nephew to Milton, the celebrated author of " Paradise 
 Lost," added a continuation. For a long time it was a famous Look among the country 
 gentlemen; and it was from 1 1 lis storehouse of knowledge, they extracted those bright 
 ideas, with which the world for the last century has been so marvellously illuminated. 
 It was the great ornament of the hall of Sir Roger de Coverley, and was to be found 
 in almost every squire's hall in the kingdom. Sir Richard himself appears to have 
 t 'nought highly of Ins performance, for he says, " It is collected with such great care 
 and diligence, that if all other chronicles were lost, this only would be sufficient to inform 
 posterity of alt passages memorable or worthy to be kuoivn." This worthy knight too had 
 the modesty to write his own life, but an ill starred son-in-law thought proper, after his 
 decease, to commit it to the flames ; and thus was the world deprived of that, no doubt, 
 Selectable history. 
 And Henry reigned over England thirty and five years.] Henry was in the sixty- 
 eighth year of his age when he died. Before his death, he ordered all his debts to be 
 punctually paid, and all arrears due to h.m to be remitted. In his will he bequeathed 
 to his domestics £60,000, a prodigious sum in those days. His body was embalmed, 
 or rather salted, after the rude manner of the age, and he was interred in the Abbey 
 of Reading. Upon the suppression of the abbeys, his royal bones were thrown out lo 
 make room for a stable of horses. The monastery is now a house. " Sic transit gloria 
 vuitodi ! " 
 Few princes exhibit a more shining character than the first Henry. He was learned, 
 courageous, and accomplished ; and, moreover, possessed a powerful capacity, both in 
 eivil and military affairs. Having, however, at the commencement, sketched the cha- 
 jaeter of this first of gentlemen, and almost first of kings, we shall notice some of the 
 most important events in his history. 
 There were then, as well as now, great disputes ill religion, and the objects in dispute 
 were of nearly equal importance. The power and influence of the clergy were in thejr 
 Hjeridian. They possessed a goal part of the power and property of the community:, 
 and exercised an unboi ,. led .... ■> er the minds of the deluded people. On the sub- 
 ject of investitures and homage, there were violent disputes betwixt the King and his' 
 Holiness. Before bishops took possession of their dignities, they had formerly been
 I i the I ml 
 accustomed to pass through two ceremonies ; they receivi d from tbe hand of the king 
 a ring and crazier, as symbols ol their office ; and this was called their invt \thurt : thej 
 also made the submission to the prince, which was required "i vassals by tli'j rights 
 of the feuaal law, ami which received the name ofhomagt. On both these important 
 points, there was a long conies! betwixt Henry and the Pope The King said he would 
 sooner lose ln> crown thai; part with the riiilit of investiture ; and the Pontiff said he 
 would louner lose his head than allow him to retain it. " [t i» monstrous," said his 
 Holiness, " thai the son should pretend to gel his father, or .1 man to create his (iod: 
 priests are called gods in scripture as being the vicars of God : and wifl yon by jpat 
 abominable preti nsions, assume the right ol creating them?' This appears very plau- 
 sible: ue. ■■•rilieless, Henry was indexible in resisting the pretentions of the see of 
 Horn . I he Prince ■■■■ is on the point ol being damned eternally, and the people were 
 on the point of rebellion on account of his obstinacy, when the dispute was at length 
 adjusted, by Henry abandoning the right of investiture, but retail ing tbe homage. 
 Thee libac) of the clergj was also a subject much agitated daring ihis reign. 
 Priests were forbidden to marrv, or, if married, to lie with their wives. This 
 gave rise to an evil far more flagitious: sodomy became very prevalent among tbe 
 clergy, and it then became necessary to issue canons for the punishment of that 
 unnatural crime Cardinal de Crema, the pope's legate, at a synod, held in London, 
 declared it to be an unpardonabl eh irmity that a priest should dare to touch and 
 consecrate the l)uAs of Christ immediately alter rising from the side of a strumpet, 
 that being the decent appellation he gave to the wives of the clergy. Somehow it 
 happened that the verj next night the officers of justice, breaking into a disorderly 
 house, found the same Cardinal in bed with a whore; an accident which, Hume 
 savs, threw such ridicule upon the good man, that he stole out of the kingdom ; tlie 
 synod broke up, and the canons against the marriage of clergymen were \ 
 executed than ever. 
 The revenue of the crown was principally collected in hind, and, from the difficult 
 communicate n betwixt different parts of tlte country, was an operation not easily per- 
 formed. This was the reason why tlie King held his court at various parts of the 
 kingdom ; for his subjects being unable to bring their produce, he went among 
 them to fetch it ; the King and hi-, household travelling through different parts 
 tlie country, and Ji xn nr their abode in different districts, till they had consumed 
 the amount of contribution. This may be considered the pastoral life of kings; the 
 monarch, like tha patriarchs of old, moving about among his subjects to find sub- 
 sistence for Ins flock. Some part of the taxes, however, were paid in money, but, 
 from the scarcity of coin, it must have been to a trilling extent. The sheriff, an 
 officer of great power and importance in those days, was the principal person em- 
 ployed in the collection and levying of imposts. The value of money was so 
 great, that a shilling would purchase as much corn as would serve an hundred men a 
 day; and tor a groat, winch was the price of a sheep, as much hay and ..its as 
 twenty horses coufd eat in the same time. Stealing was fust made capital in this 
 reign The laws.respecting Game continued as sanguinary as in the days ol the Con- 
 queror, and to kill a Mag was as meat a crime as to murder a man. An od'lt is dis- 
 tinction was still kept up betwixt the Normans and the English, greatly to the advan- 
 of the t 11 mer. 
 Henry on his accession granted a charter to London, which seems to have been 
 tbe first step towards rendering that city a corporation. 1'. this charter the city 
 was empowered to keep the farm of Middlesex at three hundred pounds a-year, to 
 elect its own sheriff and justiciary, was exempted from Scot, i.'.mcgelt, trials by 
 bat, and lodging the King's retinue. Thes •, with the confirmation of their court of 
 bastings and ward-mote, aud the privilege of hunting in Middlesex and Surrey, were 
 the chief articles of this charter. Among the physical phenomena it may be men- 
 I that there was a plague in the year 1112; and the cockneys will marvel 
 greatlj when they are told, that, in October, 1114, tbe water was so low \:\ the 
 'lhau.es that people could nut only ride through bi twist the Bridge ahd the Tower, 
 hul great numbers of men and boys pa sed itthere on foot, the water hardly reaching 
 up to their knees. — Kaptn.
 And Stephen was a goodly man, and a man of great valour; 
 howbeit, as he was not the rightful heir, he bethought himself how he 
 might best obtain the affections of the people ; and he sought by all 
 manner of ways to please them. 
 To the nobles he gave leave to build them forts and castles on 
 their own lands ; he won favour with the priests by exempting them 
 from temporal authority ; the gentry he pleased with leave to hunt 
 in his forests ; and he pleased the people with freeing them from 
 taxes and impositions. 
 And Stephen icas a good ly man — howbeit as he was not the rightful heir.'] He was an 
 active and affable prince, possessing considerable abilities, though not endowed with 
 a sound judgment ; and, still more to his credit, his reign, notwithstanding the dan- 
 gers with which he was continually surrounded, "was not tarnished with any of those 
 shocking acts of cruelty and revenge so frequent among princes of this age. How- 
 beit, he was not the rightful heir. Henry left his only legitimate daughter, Matilda, 
 heiress of all his dominions, and her party was espoused by her brother the Duke 
 of Gloucester, a brave, powerful, and honourable prince. Stephen was grandson 
 to William the Conqueror. His father, Count of Blois, had married Adela, the 
 daughter of that monarch, by whom he had Stephen and severil other children. For 
 some time Stephen had resided in England, where he exerted every artifice to ingra- 
 tiate himself Willi the nobility, clergy, and people. No sooner had Henry breathed 
 his last, than he began to adopt measures to obtain possession of the vacant throne. 
 The citizens of Dover, and those of Canterbury, apprized ol his purpose, shut their 
 gates against him; but, hastening to London, the populace, stimulated by his emissa- 
 ries, as well as moved by his general popularity, immediately sahted him King. His 
 next object was to obtain the good-will of the clergy, and prevail upon (hem to per- 
 form the ceremony of coronation. His brother, the bishop of Winchester, was of 
 great use to him in this capital point : in conjunction with the bishop of Salisbury, he 
 applied to William, archbishop of Canterbury, and requested him to give the royal 
 unction to Stephen. The primate, having sworn fealty to Matilda, at first refused; 
 but his scruples were at length surmounted by a dishonourable expedient. Hugh Bigod, 
 steward of the household, made oath before the archbishop, that the late King on his 
 death-bed had shown a dissatisfaction with his daughter Matilda, and had expressed 
 his intention of leaving the Count of Boulogne heir to all his dominions. The primate, 
 cither believing or feigning to believe Bigod's testimony, anointed Stephen, and put 
 the crown upon his head. Thus, by the help of a little unction and a false oath, was 
 the rightful heir set aside and an usurper put in posses-ion 61 sovereign authority. 
 To the nohlts lie gave leave to build than forts.] It was in this reign those numerous 
 castles vere built, the ruins of which are still to be found in various parts of England. 
 To secure his tottering throne, Stephen made many impolitic grants to the clergy and 
 nobility, equally destructive to his own authority and the public peace. The clergy, 
 who iri,those days could hardly be considered subjects of the crown, only hound them- 
 selves to observe their oaths of allegiance as long as they were protected in their 
 ecclesiastical usurpations. The barons, in return for their submission, required the
 ■ — i ■ - . ■'- - . 
 tt pitch . 
 ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ^7^- 
 Nevertheless his reio-n was full of trouble ; the word was no< 
 iheathed, ueillicr tiered lie from war all the days of his life. 
 And now the sin of laziness l/egari to prevail in the land, and llie" 
 gnat nicn and the noliles made unto themselves coat lies and chariots, 
 „ ■ 
 right of* fortifying their castles, and putting themselves in a posture of defence. All 
 England was immediately filled with these fortresses, which the noblemen garrisoned 
 either with their vassals, or with licentious soldiers who flocked to them from a!! quarter*. 
 Unbounded rapine was exercised upon the people for the maintenance of the troops: 
 and private animosities', which had with difficulty been restrained by law, uov» 
 breaking out without controul, rendered England a scene of uninterrupted violence 
 aftfl devastation. Wars between the nobles were carried on with the utmost fury iu 
 every quarter ; the barons even assumed the right of coining money, and of exer- 
 cising, without appeal, any act of jurisdiction ; and the inferior gentry, as well as the 
 people, fiiidiug no defence fnnii the laws during this total dissolution of the sovereign 
 authority, were obliged, f< r their immediate safety, to pay court to some neighbouring 
 chieftain, and to purchase his protection, both by submitting to his enactions and 
 assisting him in his rapine upon other . Such was the precious government of priests 
 and aristocrats. " Tne aiistocratical power," says Hume, " which is usually so op- 
 pressive in the feudal governments, had now risen to its utmost height during the reign 
 of a prince, who, though endowed with vigour and abilities, had usurped the throne 
 without the pretence of a title, and who was necessitated to tolerate in others the same 
 violence to which he himself had been beholden for bis sovereignty." 
 Nevertheless his reign was full of trouble.'] Indeed it was : it was the most turbulent 
 period in English history. A re-action took place in favour of Matilda; Stephen wn; 
 taken prisoner, and laid in irons at Bristol. Matilda was crowned, but hor prosperity 
 was of short duration. Not keeping on good terms with the clergy, her rival ifvaa 
 soon reinstated iu his authority ; and she was obliged to take refuge in Oxford, where 
 she hoped to remain till succours arrived from j\orinandy. Stephen laid close >k;;f 
 to the place, and the Queen afraid of falling into his hands, took advantage of a dark 
 night and made her escape, accompanied with only four attendants; who, like herself, 
 the better to elude the sentinels, the ground being covered with snow, clothed them- 
 selves in white. She passed the Thames on the ice, and walked above six miles on 
 foot, with the snow beating iu her face all the way : in spite of these difficulties sh - 
 came to Abingdon, and rode the same night to \\ allinglbid. — During these conflicts, 
 the condition of the people was deplorable in the extreme : no security, either for 
 their property or persons. 1 he woods were filled with ferocious banditti ; and shell 
 were the dangers la which the inhabitants were continually exposed, that every iiight; 
 when they closed their doors and windows, it was customary to put up a short pra\or 
 against theives and robbers. "The castles of the nobility," (says the prince of historians') 
 " were become receptacles of' licensed robbers, who sallying forth day arid night, 
 committed spoil on the Open country, on the villages', and even on the cities; put the 
 captives to tortuie, in order to make them reveal their treasures; sold their persons to 
 slavery; and set fire to their bouses alter they hid pillaged them of every ihing valua- 
 ble. The fierceness of their disposition leading them to commit wanton destruction; 
 frustrated their rapacity of its purpose; and the persons and ptoperty even of the 
 ecclesiastics, generally so much revered, were, at last, from necessity, exposed to tin* 
 sane outrage which had laid waste the kingdom. The land was" kept unfilled ; the 
 instruments of husbandry were destroyed or abandoned; and a grievous famine, the 
 natural result of these disorders, affected equally both parlies, and reduced the spoil . 
 as well as the defenceless people, to the most extreme want and indigence." — Hiii. 
 vol. i. p. 360. 
 Now the sin of laziness began to prevail ] In consequence, we suppose, of the great 
 exertion and excitement of the pit ceding bloody and turbulent period.
 and were drawn through the streets of the city with horses ; more- 
 over, their pride increased daily, insomuch that in process of time 
 they were carried on the shoulders of men, and blushed not. 
 Aud Stephen reigned over England eighteen years and nine months, 
 and he died ; and Henry Plantagenet reigned in his stead. 
 , . . . . . i ■ — ■ ■ ** i 
 And Stephen reigned over England — and he died] Of the cholic and piles at Can- 
 terbury, where be had come to have an interview with t tic Earl of Flanders. He was 
 buried by the side of his queen, and son Eustace, in the Abbey of Feversharn, which 
 he had founded. His body lay then; till the suppression of the monasteries, when 
 for the sake of the leaden coffin, wherein it was enclosed, it was taken up and thrown 
 into the next water. 
 Rapin says, " If the King's character be considered in general only, he may he 
 said to be worthy to live in belter times, and his good qualities to outweigh his defects." 
 The chief criminals of the age were the clergy and the barons. Having already given 
 some account of these classes, it may not be amiss to give a short account of the ge- 
 neral customs and manners of this barbarous age. Royalty, of course, commands the 
 first attention. We have already spoken of the mode in which the revenue was col- 
 lected. The court, in its perambulation through the country, exhibited the appear- 
 ance of a modern puppet-show, and its attendants were of that description which is 
 usually congregated at Bartholomew or Mile-end fairs. Peter of Biois, who lived in 
 those days, gives a curious description of the manner in which the monarch was at- 
 tended in his morning walk. " When," says he, " the King sets out in the morning, 
 you see multitudes of people limning up and down as if they were distracted ; horses 
 rushing against horses; carriages overturning carriages; players, whores, gamesters, 
 confectioners, mimics, tailors, barbers, pimps, and parasites, making so much no s 
 and, in a word, such an intolerable tumult of horse and foot, that you imagine ithe 
 great abyss hath opened, and that hell hath poured out all her inhabitants." 
 Stews were established by law in London, and most probably in the chief towns of 
 the kingdom. Ladies of pleasure followed the camp and court in immense numbers: 
 they were formed into regular corporations, and put under the government of < rlicwrS, 
 who were termed marshals of the whores.* Their office was hereditary ; to which 
 estates and considerable emoluments were attached. Long hair was very much worn, 
 and was a great eye-sore to the clergy, who did not like the contrast of their shaven 
 crowns, with the flowing ringlets of the knights and barons. It is related, that Bishop 
 Serlo, in a sermon before Henry I. declaimed so powerfully against the uselessness of 
 long hair, that he prevailed on ihe King to have bis .locks shortened ; and the worthy 
 prelate, fearing a relapse, drew out a pair of shears on the spot, and immediately began 
 to operate on the monarch and his courtiers. Aeveitheless, the curls were invincible 
 for a long time ; and were never finally subdued, till a knight dreamt he was strangled 
 in his hair : this was considered a bad omen, and they were immediately discarded. 
 formerly the English wore the hair on the upper lip ; but not being the fashion of 
 the. Normans, the Conqueror compelled them to shave that part as well as the chin. 
 1 he dress ol the people was a cap or bonnet for the head ; shirts, doublets, or man- 
 tl's, for the trunk of the body ; breeches, hose, and shoes, (or the lower parts. The 
 dress ol the women was similar to the nun ; only they wore their under garments more 
 loose and flowing ; to their mantle they usually annexed a hood, 'the great dandy of 
 those days was the famous Thomas a Becket. Fjtz-Stepben, in his life, as a proof of 
 his elegant way of living, gives the following curious account of the superb manner h^ 
 * Henry's History, vol. vi. p. 248.
 Hairy the Secmid. 
 entertained his guests. " He commanded," says he, " his servants to cover the floor 
 of his dining-room with clean straw or hay, every morning in winter, and with lYc-kb. 
 bulrushes, or green branches, Cor e\ery day in summer, that such of the knights who 
 came to dine with him as could not find room on the bench* s, might sit do.vn and din* 
 i omfortably on the floor, witnoat spoiling their fine i 
 There were only two meals a day in tliose times, din r and supper ; the former *t 
 nine in the morning, and the latter at 'Jve in the afternoon. The following triplet used 
 to he either sung or said : 
 1 'o rise at five, to dine at nine ; 
 To sup at five, to bed at nine j 
 Makes a man live to ninety and nine. 
 The monks, however, fared better, Mime of them, as those of St. Switbin, had thir- 
 teen meals a day. The composition of many ancient dishes has been entirely lost: for 
 instance, deiiegrout, numypigramim, karampie, and several others. Common pr«pl« 
 used bread made ol rye, barley, or oats. II js Majesty, however, and the monks, had 
 their bread and wassal <•,d^e^ made of the finest Hour. Cyder, perrv, ale, claret, and 
 hypocra* — wine mixed with honey, was the general drink of this period. The English, 
 in those days, were greatlv addicted to gormandizing and drinking. The Anglo-Nor- 
 mans were a more sober and abstemious people. They were more fond id' ostentation 
 and display, and expended their income? in the magnificence of their tahles, the splen- 
 dour of tin ir palaces, and t lie maintenance of a numerous retinue of domestics. Their 
 passion lor the fair sex, however, could hardly be restrained; and there are many 
 instances of ladies of the first rank, distinguished for their beauty, being under the 
 nec< s-ity of retiring to a nunnery to avoid their lawless attacks. In" tbe dissolute reijni 
 «f William Rufus, William of Malmsbury says, that they .showed themselves men in 
 nothing so much as in their daily attacks upon the chastity of women. 
 And Henry amis twenty and two years old when lie began to rerrrn. 
 iwid be reigned over England four and thirty years and eight months; 
 and his mother's name was Maud. 
 And he chose unto himself wise and discreet counsellors of stale, 
 he appointed learned and able men to reform abuses in the laws, 
 And Henry was twenty and two years old — his motltcr's name was Maud,] And bis 
 wife's'narue was Eleanor, lie was the greatest prince of his time for wisdom, virtue, 
 and abilities, and the most powerful in extent oi dominion of all those that had ever 
 filled the. throne of England, His wife Eleanqjr, the daughter and h< ire ss of William, 
 Duke of Guienne, had been married sixteen years to Louis YLl. King of France, and 
 had attended him in a crusade which that monarch conducted against the infidels ; but 
 having there lost tin- affections of her husband, from some suspicion of gallantry with 
 a handsome Saracen, Louis, more delicate than polite, procured i divorce from her, 
 aod returned to her the provinces which by her marriage she had annexed to the 
 crown of France. Henry, neither discouraged by the inequality of years, nor by tho 
 reports of Eleanor's gallantries, offered her his hand, and espousing her six weeks aftot 
 her divorce, got possession of all her dominions as her dowry. The great power nnct 
 fame Henry acquired by this bold step, first psved the way for his advancement to the 
 Henri) the Second. 
 be disbanded also the foreign army which his father had kept, and 
 utterly destoved the castles and forts which the nobles and prelqtes 
 Lad built in his reign. 
 And it came to pass, that grievous complaints were made unto the 
 king of divers cruel offences and enormous crimes committed by the 
 clergv, occasioned by their being exempted in the former reign from 
 the civil power, and encouraged, as was said, by the connivance of 
 Becket the high priest. 
 And the king assembled the priests and the elders together, and he 
 Audit came to pass, that grievous complaints— of divers cruel offences and crimes com- 
 mitted by the dergt].] The ecclesiastics had renounced all subordination to the magis- 
 trate : they openly pretended an exemption in criminal accusations from a trial before 
 courts of justice ; and were gradually introducing a like exemption in civil causes : 
 spiritual punishments could alone be inflicted on their offences ; and as the clergy 
 had greatly multiplied, and many of them of the most abandoned character, crimes of 
 the deepest dye, murders, rapes, robberies, adulteries, were daily committed with 
 impunity by the ecclesiastics. No fewer than 100 murders had been perpetrated in the 
 short period sir.ee Henry's accession, by men of that profession, who had never been 
 tailed to account for these crimes ; and holy orders were become a full protection for 
 all enormities.* A clerk in Worcestershire, having debauched a farmer's daughter, 
 and murdered the father, the King insisted he should be given up to the civil power, 
 and receive the punishment due to the enormity of his crime. Eecket insisted on the 
 privileges of the church; confined the murderer in the. bishop's prison, lest he should 
 be seized by the King's officers ; and maintained that no greater punishment should be 
 inflicted on him than degradation. When the King demanded that after he was de- 
 graded he should be tried by the civil authority, the primate asserted that it was 
 iniquitous lO try a man twice for the same offence. Among other inventions resorted 
 to by the clergy to obtain money, they inculcated the necessity of penance as an 
 atonement for sin; and having introduced the practice of receiving money for the 
 granting of those penances, the sins of the people yielded them an enormous revenue ; 
 and the King computed that by this invention alone, they levied more money upon his 
 subjects than flowed by all the taxes into the exchequer. That some limit might be 
 put to their exactions, Henry appointed an officer to preside in the ecclesiastical 
 courts, whose business it was to tax the charges they imposed on their deluded votaries 
 for the remission of their sins. 
 And the King assembled the priests and elders together.'] Henry was determined to 
 put some bounds to the licentiousness, abominable crimes, and usurpation ol the eccle- 
 siastical power. When he had assembled the prelates together, he put to them this 
 decisive question — Whether or not they were willing to submit to the ancient laws 
 and customs of the kingdom? The bishops unanimously replied, they were willing, 
 saving their own order.! Enraged at this base subterfuge, the King instantly left the 
 assembly ; but by no means abandoned Ins project of humbling the church. Having 
 first gained over the barons to his design, he summoned a general council of the nobi- 
 lity and clergy at Clarendon. The bishops, finding there was a general combination 
 against them, thought it prudent to submit ; and the laws, known by the name of the 
 CoHitttuticms of Clarendon, wire voted without opposition. 
 * Hume, p. .'"-Ol. 
 t Salvo in omnibus online sun, ct honore JJei, et sanctaz ecelesice, as the knaves said.
 T 1 1 E K I NGS OF T. N G LA N D. lo 
 Henry thi Second 
 said unto them, Is not it meet that ihis law should !>«• abolished? 
 and they an we red him and said, It is meet. 
 Then Becket the high priest stood up, and opposed the king with 
 great haughtiness, and refused his assent. 
 Then Becket, the high priest, stood up — and refused his assent.] He assented after* 
 wards; though, it seems, From the best authority, he never subscribed to the Consti- 
 tutions <•} Clarendon, these laws, sixteen in number, were intended to put an end to the 
 chief abuses iu ecclesiastical affairs, and set bounds to the encroachments of the church 
 on the civil power. Of this haughty prelate, archbishop Becket, it will be proper to 
 give some account. — Thnmai a-Becket was t li<^ si n of a citizen in London, l>y n Syrian 
 n imaif, whose- father had taken the elder Becket prisoner, while on a pilgrimage to Je- 
 rusalem He was broughl up to the bar, where he acquired great lame for his lcarn- 
 end abilities; and liming acquired the friendship of the primate, Theobald, he was 
 proxoted to the rich archdeaconry of Canterbury. The primate afterwards recom- 
 mended him i" the King, who, admiring his spirit and abilities, promoted him to the dig- 
 nit \ <>i Chancellor, one ol the First offices in the kingdom. He was now not only the most 
 learned and powerful man of his day, but the mosl gay and accomplished. We have 
 already noticed, on the authority ol his secretary and histoi ian, Fitz-Stephen, how careful 
 and tasty he was in the furniture of his rooms. A great number of knights were retained 
 in bis servici ; tl e greatest batons were proud of being received at bistable; and the 
 King himself frequ< ntlv voucllsati d to partake of Lis entertainments. As his way of life 
 was splendid and opulent, his amusements and occupations were also of that gay and 
 chivalrous description, common to the age iu which he lived. His leisure hours he em- 
 ployed in huntings hawking, gaining, and horsemanship; he exposed his person in se- 
 veral military encounters; and engaged, in single combat, Engelvorda, a famous French 
 knight ; dismounted him with his lance, gained Ins horse, which he led olf in great 
 triumph. He carried over, at his own charge, 700 knights to attend the king in his 
 wars at Toulouse; in the subsequent wars, on the frontiers of Normandy, he maintained, 
 during for; v da\ 5, 1200 knights, and 4000 of their train ; and in an embassy to France, 
 with which he was entrusted, he astonished the court by the number and magnificence of 
 lib retinue. 
 Besides putting the most important affairs to the management of Becket, the King 
 honoured him with his friendship and intimacy ; and whenever he was disposed to re- 
 lax himself by sports of any kind, he always admitted the Chancellor to the party. One 
 day, as Henry and Becket were riding together in the streets of London, they observed] 
 a. beggar who w as shit ering with cold. " Would it not be praiseworthy;" said the King, 
 '* to give that poor man a warm coat in this severe season?" ' It would surely,' replied 
 the Chancellor ; 'and you do well, sir, in thinking of such good actions.' "Then be shall 
 have one presently," cried the Kiug; and seizing the skirt of the Chancellor's coat, 
 which was scarlet, lined with ermine, began lo pull it violently. The Chancellor do- 
 fended himself for some time ; and they bad both like to have tumbled olf their hotMis 
 into the street, when Becket, after a vehement struggle, let go his coat, which the King 
 bestowed on the beggar, who, being ignorant of the quality of the donor, was not a 
 little surprised at the present. — Fitz-Steph. p. 10. 
 This good fellowship betwixt the King and Chancellor was doomed soon to terminate. 
 Theobald, archbishop of Canterbury, dying, and Henry having long entertained thede- 
 of humbling the clergy, he thought Becket would favour bis views, b\ appointing 
 him his successor. In this be wns most completely disappointed, No sooner was 
 Becket installed in his new dignity, which rendered him for life the second person in 
 the kingdom, than he entirely altered his den: >anoui and conduct) and endeavoured 
 to acquire the reputation for sanctity, which bis former gay and ostentatious life might
 — i " - - * ■ 
 Henry the Second. 
 And the wrath of the king was kindled against him, and he caused 
 him to he accused of divers crimes and misdemeanors, and he 
 was condemned by the priests and the elders, as a perjured man and 
 a traitor. 
 Then Beckct fled from the presence of the king, and became a 
 fugitive in the land of Gaul. 
 And it came to pass after some time, that the king was reconciled 
 to Becket, and he sent for him, and took him again into favour, and 
 restored unto him all the honours that he before enjoyed. 
 Howbeit the pride of his heart was not a jot abated, he burned 
 with choler, and cast about how he might revenge himself on his 
 And he suspended some, and some he excommunicated, and be- 
 came in all respects more insolent than before. 
 have bereaved him. Without consulting the King, he immediately returned into his 
 hands the commission of chancellor ; pretending that he must henceforth detach him- 
 self from all secular affairs, and be solely employed in the exercise of his holy function. 
 He maintained, in his retinue and attendants alone, his ancient pomp and lustre, which 
 was useful to strike the vulgar. In his own person he affected the greatest austerity 
 and most rigid mortification. He wore sack-cloth next his skin, which, by his affected 
 care to conceal it, was necessarily more remarked by all the world : he changed it so 
 seldom, that it was rilled with dirt and vermin. His usual diet was bread, his drink, 
 water, which he rendered farther unpalatable by the mixture of unsavoury herbs. He 
 tore his back with the frequent stripes inflicted upon it ; and daily, on his knees, in 
 imitation of Christ, washed the feet of thirteen beggars, whom he afterwards dis- 
 missed with presents. He gained the affections of the monks by his frequent largesses 
 to the convents and hospitals. Every one who made profession of sanctity, was ad- 
 mitted to his conversation ; and returned full of wonder at the humility, piety, and 
 mortification, of the late chancellor, now the holy primate: he appeared perpetually 
 employed in reciting prayers and pious lectures, or in perusing religious discourses: his 
 aspect was the very pink of seriousness, mental recollection, and secret devotion : — and 
 Hume says, all men of penetration saw that he was meditating some grand chefd'xuvre, 
 and the ambition and ostentation of his character had turned towards a new and more 
 dangerous object. 
 The first commencement of hostilities between the Kin;; and Becket, arose from the 
 latter refusing to give up the clergyman to the civil power, who had debauched the 
 the fanner's daughter, already mentioned. They were next at issue on the Constitution* 
 of Clarendon, which brings us to ourtext, where " Becket the high prieststood vp." 
 Then Becket fled from the presence of the King.'] lie did not wait the issue of his trial, 
 bat took his horse and rode away ; the people crying out after him, " Stay, traitor, and 
 hzarthy sentence." He went first to Lincoln, ..ttended only by three servants; from 
 whence he travelled through bye- ways, disguised under the name of Dereham, till he 
 c«u»e to Sandwich, where he embarked and went over to Flanders. — Rapin, p. 298. 
 And it came to pais—the king um reconciled to Becket.] As a proof of this reconcilia- 
 tion, Henry condescended to hold the Archbishop's silver bridle, while he mounted and 
 dismounted twice.— Encyclop&lia Brilannicc.
 Henry the Second. 
 Then certain of the priests and the nobles came unto the king, and 
 complained of Becket, raying, O king! the man whom thou for- 
 gavest is now more wicked than he was before, his crimes are in- 
 creased seven-fold. 
 Then the king waxed exceeding wrath, and his countenance 
 changed, and he cried out, O wretched man that I am, who shall 
 deliver me from this turbulent priest? 
 Now this saying was heard by certain of thp king's servants, and 
 they went forth privily, and finding the high priest at the altar, they 
 loll on him and slew him, and dashed out his brains at the foot of the 
 altar, and his blood stained the holy place. 
 And the priests were inflamed with fury, and they sent unto the 
 pope, accusing the king for the murder of Becket. 
 And when the messengers came unto the presence of the pope, they 
 bowed down with great reverence before him, saying, 
 * O most holy father! to whom all power in heaven and earth is 
 ' given, who art appointed over empires and nations to bind their 
 * kings in chains and their nobles, in fetters of iron; behold and see 
 ' how the boar of the wood hath rooted up the vineyard of the Lord 
 ' ofsabaoth! If the rage of tyranny shall embrue with blood the 
 ' S(rnctum Sanctorum, what place shall be safe? Wherefore, O most 
 Then the King waxed exceeding wrath — who shall deliver me from this turbulent priest?} 
 Henry said, " Shall this fellow, who came to court on a larue horse, with all his estate 
 on a wallet behind him, trample on the King, the royal family, and the whole kingdom. 
 Will none of all these lazy insignificant persons, whom I maintain, deliver me from this 
 turbulent priest ? " 
 Now this saying was heard by certain of the King's servants — cmd his blood stained the holy 
 place] Historians differ as to the rank of the persons who undertook to despatch 
 Becket; some say they were barons, others knights, belonging to the King's household. 
 Their names were Reginald Fitzurse, William Tracy, Richard Britton, and Hugh Mor- 
 vill. They went first to his house, expostulated with him about the excommunicated 
 bishops, his pride, and ingratitude : to which Becket returned a firm and resolute an- 
 swer. They then left him ; but in the evening, the archbishop going inio the cathedral 
 to vespers, they followed him, and clave his skull with their clubs at the. foot of the 
 altar. The murderers, not daring to return to the King, staid a year at Knaresboroufh 
 castle, in Yorkshire, belonging to Morvill ; after which they went to Rpme for absolu- 
 tion, and were enjoined to do penance on the Black Mountain for life. Some chroni- 
 clers say, they all died miserably three or four years after. But this must be false ; for 
 we are told by the annotator on Camden, that one of the assassin^ Willjam Tracv, re- 
 tired twenty-three years a/ter, to Wort, in Devonshire.
 Henry the Second. 
 ' mild keeper of the walls of Jerusalem, arm all the ecclesiastical 
 power you may, urisheath the sword of Peter, and revenge the 
 ' death of this holy martyr, whose blood crieth out for all the 
 ' church, and whose divine glory is already revealed by miracles.' 
 And the pope was moved exceedingly, and he sent unto the king, 
 commanding him to purge himself of ihe crime laid to his charge. 
 And Henry protested his innocence, but it availed not: the words 
 he had spoken testified against him, and he was compelled to expiate 
 his fault by a penance at the tomb of Beckel. 
 Now the penance enjoined was this: he clothed himself in woollen, 
 and journeyed till he came within sight of the church wherein Becket 
 was slain. 
 Then he alighted from his horse; and pulling his shoes from his 
 feet, he walked barefoot till he came to the tomb where the holy man 
 was laid, and he prostrated himself before the shrine, and prayed, 
 and offered rich gif's. 
 Moreover he unclothed himself and received discipline from the 
 hands of the monks; and they strake him with rods, that the blood 
 ran from his shoulders. 
 And the fame of Becket waxed great, and he was canonized, and 
 miracles were wrought at his tomb. 
 And Henri/ protested liis innocence."] The archbishop gave Henry more trouble after 
 his death than while alive. It was with the greatest difficulty he obtained absolution, 
 after solemnly swearing he neither commanded nor consented to the assassination of the 
 prelate. Among other hard conditions to which he was subjected before absolution 
 were — first, never to oppose the pope's will ; and, secondly, to lead an army into the 
 Holy Land against the infidels, and remain at least three years successively. To these 
 were added a secret article, whereby he engaged to go barefoot to Bucket's tomb, and 
 receive castigation from the hands of the monks of St. Augustine. The last of these, 
 conditions were rigorously observed, the former vanished in thin air. 
 And the fume of Becket waxed great — miracles were wrought at his tomb.'] The miracles 
 wrought by this popish prelate were quite as extraordinary as any recorded oithe twelve 
 apostles, Johanna Southcott, Jesus Christ, or even Mahomet, who it is said clave the moon 
 in twain, and elicited speech from a leg of mutton. It is affirmed, that becket not only 
 restored dead men to life, but raised even the beasts of the field. On being exposed to 
 view in the church before he was buried, he suddenly rose out of his coffin, and lighted 
 the wax caudles, which had been put out. When the funeral ceremony was over, he 
 held up his hand to bless the people.* The. pope hearing of these wonderful things, 
 thought there was no harm in canonizing the .archbishop, which he did by the name of
 //. mi/ the Sicvud. 
 And of the miracles that he wrought, is it not recorded, how he 
 rose from the coffin and lighted the candles at his own burial? and 
 when the funeral ceremony was ended, how he lifted up his head and 
 blessed the people ! 
 He that belie vet b, let him believe still; and he that doubtetb, let 
 him doubt and be damned. 
 St. Tbomas of Canterbury. His holiness further ordered a jubilee to bp celebrated every 
 fiftieth war, in ihe church where he lay. At first his tomb was adorned with few 
 ornaments, but fifty years utter Ins death his body was laid in a shrine enriched with a 
 prodigious quantity of precious stones. The fame of the miracles wrought at his tomb 
 spread throughout Europe, and devotees from all parts, of Christendom repaired to 
 Canterbury to obtain the intercession of this new saint. In 1420, an account was kept 
 ol above 50,000 foreign pilgrims, of ever^ age and seXj that came to tins renowned se- 
 pulchre. Lewis, king ol Prance, also made a pilgrimage, to obtain Becket's intercession 
 lor the recovery of his sou, who was dangerously ill. Henry mi i biro at Dover, and 
 conducted him to Canterbury, where both the monarchs offered up fervent prayers for 
 the recovery of the young prince. Lewis offered at the tomb a massy cup of pure gold ; 
 and agreed to give to the monks seven thousand two hundred gallons of wine yearly, 
 and freed them from ail toll for whatever they should buy in his dominions. t 
 lie that bdicveth — let him doubt and be damned.] Miracle:, will never cease, 
 while the knavery of one class can live on the credulity ol another. Every sect, 
 whether Jew, Gentile, or Christian, can adduce a list of miracles in support of tl.e 
 veracity of its dogmas ; and they all apparently rest on unexceptionable authority. 
 We are told that Moses, Jesus, and Mahomet, performed their miracles in the pre- 
 sence of thousands. It is related by Tacitus, the Roman historian, as a well-known 
 tact, that the pagan Emperor Vespasian, in obedience to a vision of the god Serapis, 
 cured a blind man by the means of his spittle, and a lame man by the mere touch 
 of his loot. Not many years ago great miracles were wrought at the tomb of the 
 Abbe Paris, the famous Jau-euist : the curing of the sick, giving hearing to the 
 deal', and siaju to Ihe blind, were talked of as the usual effect of that holy sepulchre. 
 Cardinal Dr. Retz, in his Memoirs, relates, that while in Spain, he was shown a man 
 who had served seven years as door-keeper in a cathedral without a leg, but reco- 
 vered that limb merely by the rubbing of some holy oil on the stump. The Cardinal 
 is positive he saw Inn with two legs. This miracle was vouched by all the canons of 
 the church, and all the inhabitants of Saragossa were appealed to for a confirmation 
 of the fact. What ought wise men to do in such cases? Ought they to adopt all 
 these different narratives as true, or reject them all as false? Are we to believe that 
 the god o( the Jews, tin- god of the Pagans, the god of the Christians, and the god 
 of the Mahometans, could, in like manner, endow their votaries with the power of 
 working miracles? This may be doubted; but it is certain that Jew, Christian, and 
 Turk, ought to cultivate a charitable feeling ; abstain from bigotry and intolerance, 
 and, above all things, from cutting each others throats on account of their religious 
 The writers in the Encyclopaedia Britanmca term Becket the gnat Goliah-saint of 
 his time. He was certainly a most extraordinary being living and dead. Speaking 
 of his character, Hume says, he was a prelate of the most lofty, intrepid, «nd in- 
 flexible spirit, who was able to cover to the world, and perhaps to himself, entei- 
 • Rapin's History, p. 313. t Ibid, p. 336.
 Henry the Second. 
 And Henry was a great prince, and he conquered the kingdom of 
 Ireland, and added it to his dominions. 
 Now the rest of the acts of king Henry, the concubine that he 
 kept in the bower of Woodstock, and how she was poisoned by 
 Eleanor the queen, are they not written in the book of the Chroni- 
 cles of the kings of England ? 
 And Henry slept with his fathers, and Richard his son reigned in 
 his stead. 
 prises of the greatest pride and ambition. Forty-eight years after his death the 
 University of Paris had a dispute whether lie was saved or damned. It was certain- 
 ly a knotty point ; but from the restless state he appeared to be in after his interment, 
 we may suppose he was damned, at least for a time. According to Gervas, of Can- 
 terbury, the miracles he wrought would occupy a book twice as large as the Bible. 
 Now the rest of the acts of King Henry, the concubine that he kept in the bower of 
 Woodstock.] This was the far-famed Fair Rosamond, the rose of the world. She was 
 the daughter of Lord Clifford ; and the most lovely and beautiful, and had the great- 
 est ascendant over the King of all his mistresses. Queen Eleanor became jealous of 
 her charms and threatened her destruction. Henry thought he had secured her from 
 all attempts, by keeping her in an intricate labyrinth built on purpose, at Woodstock. 
 But jealousy, as well as love, laughs at locksmiths. While he was in Normandy, the 
 Queen, taking advantage of his absence, found means to obtain admission, and to 
 despatch a rival who had long created her much uneasiness. She was buried at a 
 church belonging to Godstow nunnery, near Oxford ; where her epitaph was to be 
 seen in Brompton's days. There are no remains of the labyrinth ; but her monument 
 is still preserved. On account of her connexion with Henry, an ill-nalured sanctified 
 bbhop of Lincoln, ordered her fair body to be removed out of the choir into a lests 
 reputable place. 
 And Henry slept with his fathers.] That is, he died in the 57th year of his age, 
 after a reign of thirty-four years and eight months. His death was hastened by the 
 rebellious proceeding of his sons Henry, Richard, and John. His grief on this ac- 
 count, threw him into such a violent passion, that he cursed the day of his birth, 
 and uttered the most dreadful imprecations against his disobedient children, which 
 he could never be prevailed upon to revoke. Perceiving his end approaching, he 
 caused himself to be carried into the church before the altar, where, after confessing 
 himself, and expressing some signs of repentance, he expired. His eyes were no 
 soo ner closed than his brutal domestics left him, after stripping him, quite naked in 
 the church. He was buried at the nunnery of Fontevrand, which he had founded 
 for that purpose. 
 Such was the end of Henry II. the most illustrious prince of his time, both for 
 greatness of genius and extent of dominions. In his general character he greatly 
 resembled his maternal grandfather Henry I. He was valiant, prudent, generous, 
 learned, and accomplished. On the other hand, Rapin says he was excessive 
 haughty, of an immeasurable ambition, and boundless lust. Never satiated with 
 cither love or empire, he spent his whole life in pursuit of conquests in both. He 
 attempted the chastity of all that came in his way, not excepting the princess intend- 
 ed for bis daughter-in-law.' Befoie his rupture with Becket he was the happiest 
 * Rapin, p. 349. 
 Richard the First. 
 prince in Christendom/ His fatal quarrel with that haughty prelate being followed 
 by dissensions in his own family, all his happiness was turned into misfortunes. His 
 calamities, however fell more npon his own head than his kingdom; for in no pre- 
 ceding reign had England been in such a flourishing condition. Like his prcdeces* 
 sors, Henry left a numerous lawful and unlawful ivsiir. He had five sons by his 
 Wife Eleanor, besides a considerable number by Fair Rosamond and other mis- 
 Justice was administered with great vigour daring this reign ; but still the laws were 
 Tery inadequate to the protection of either the property or pe r so ns of the people. 
 No very refined notions were yet entertained of right and wrong ; and a spirit of 
 violence and outrage pervaded all classes of the community. The police was so de- 
 fective, that it was unsafe any one venturing abroad alter sun-set, even in London and 
 the most populous towns. Persons of great wealth and respectability used frequently 
 to form themselves into parties of perhaps 100 each, and commit all sorts of excesses. 
 A band of this description attacked the house of a rich broker, and attempted to force 
 their way throngh the wall with hammers and wedges. The owner made a vigorous 
 resistance, and cut oil' the right hand of the first robber who entered, which led to 
 his apprehension ; when it was discovered that he was one of the best born and richest 
 citizens in Loudon. 
 The history of the licentiousness and usurpations of the Clergy forms the most in- 
 teresting subject during this period. This class was peculiarly circumstanced in 
 respect of the laws: a clergyman guilty of murder could only be punished by degra- 
 dation, and if murdered the offender could only suffer excommunication. This arose 
 from the clergy having entirely withdrawn from the secular authority, and conse- 
 quently were neither punished nor protected by the civil law. As a proof of their 
 luxurious way of living, it is related, that the monks and prior of St. Switbiu's threw 
 themselves one day prostrate in the mire before the King, and with doleful lamenta- 
 tions complained that the Bishop of Winchester had cut off three meals a day. " How 
 many has he leijL" said the King ? •' Ten," replied the disconsolate monks. " I myself," 
 said Henry, '^nvc only three, and I enjoin the bishop to reduce you to the same 
 London-bridge began to be built in this reign with stone, by Peter Coleman, a priest. 
 The course of the river was, for the time, turned another way, by a trench cast for 
 the purpose, beginning at Battersea and ending at Rotherhithe. It is also related, 
 that in this reign there was found in the church-yard of Glastonbury Abbey, a grave, 
 containing three bodies, one upon another. The first was supposed to be the second wife 
 of the great Arthur ; the second his nephew ; and the third great Arthur himself, dis- 
 tinguished by a leaden cross, with this inscription, Here ties the illustrious King Arthur 
 in the Isle of AvaUm. The circumstance served to undeceive the Welsh, who ob'-ti- 
 nateiy believed that Arthur was still alive ; and that, like Messiah or Johanna South- 
 cott, would return in due season, and make them a grea: and independent nation. 
 And it came to pass at the. coronation of Richard, that certain of 
 the Jews pressing in to see the ceremony, were set npon by the people 
 with great rage and fury, and many of them were murdered. 
 And it came to puss at the coronation of Richard.] The following is the account of 
 Diceto, an eye-witness of the mode of making kings in those days. When the King had 
 taken the coronation oath, his attcadants put off all his garments from hu middle up-
 Ricluint the First. 
 And it was rumoured abroad, that the king bad commanded that 
 all the Jews should be destroyed; and (lie tumult increased exceed- 
 ingly, and the Jews were destroved in several cities of England with 
 a terrible slaughter. 
 And Richard the king prepared a great army for the Holy Land ; 
 wards, except 1 its shirt which was open at the shoulders, and put on his shoes, which 
 were of gold tissue, and the archbishop anointed him on the head, the breast, and 
 ttie arms: then covering Ins head with a linen cloth, he mm il.e cap thereon, which 
 Geoffrey de Lucy carried, and when he had put on his waistcoat, and on that bu 
 (hdmatico, or upper garment] the archbishop delivered to him the sword or' the kin_- 
 dom; which done, two earls put on Ins spurs, and he was led with the royal mantle 
 hung upon him to the altar, where the archbishop charged him on God's behalf not 
 to presume to take upon him this dignity; except he resolved inviolably to keep the 
 vows and oaths be had just made ; to winch the King answered, by God's grace he 
 ■ •• :!d faithfully perform them all. Then the crown was taken from beside the altar, 
 and given to the archbishop, who set it upon the King's head, delivering the sceptre 
 into f lis right hand, and the rod royal into his left. Thus crowned, he was brought 
 back to his throne with the same solemnity as before. Then ma*s began, and when 
 they came to the otlertorv, the King was led by the bishops of Durham and Bath to 
 the altar, where he offered a mark of pure gold as his predecessors were wont to do, 
 and afterwards was brought hack to his throne by the same bishops. After mass, 
 having put off his heavy crown and robes, he went to dinner. At the coronation 
 feast, which was kept in Westminster-ball, the citizens of London were bis butlers, 
 and those of Winchester served tin the meat. 
 And it was rumoured abroad that the King had commanded that all th^Jens should bt 
 destroyed.] The children of Israel were very unpopular then, as vWl as now, and 
 nearly on the same account— their supposed avarice and rapacity. The King had 
 issued an edict forbidding their appearance at his coronation ; but some of them bring- 
 ing him larue presents, presumed in confidence of that merit, to approach the hall 
 where he dined : being discovered they were exposed to the insults of the by-standers; 
 they took to flight ; the people pursued them ; the rumour was spread that the King 
 had issued orders to massacre all the Jews : a command so agreeable was e ecuted ort 
 the instant on such as fell into the bands of the populace: those who bad kept at 
 home were exposed to equal danger; the people, moved by rapacity and zeal, broke 
 into their houses, which they plundered, after having murdered the owners; when 
 the Jews barricaded the doers and defended themselves with vigour, the rabble set 
 fire to the houses, and made way through the flames to exercise their pillage and 
 violence. The inhabitants of the other cities ot England hearing of the slaughter of 
 the Jews, imitated the example. In York five hundred of that nation having retired 
 into the castle for safety, and finding themselves unable to defend the place, murdered 
 tlieir own wives and children, threw the dead bodies over the walls upon the populace, 
 and then setting fire to the place i>orislied in the flames. The gentry of the neigh- 
 bourhood, who were all indebted to the Jews, ran to the cathedral where their bonds 
 were kept, and to destroy all record of their debts, made a solemn bonfire of the 
 papers before the altar. — Hume, '2nd vol. p. 1. 
 And Richard the long prepared a great army for the holu land.] Kolwilhstanding 
 Richard's zeal in this godly enterprize, he appears not to have led a very sanctified 
 life, and occasionally treated the clcrtry very cavilierly. Fulk, a curate, who, froip 
 bis zeal in the Crusade, had acquired the privilege of speaking bold truths, advised 
 him to rid himself ot his notorious vices, particularly Ins pride, avarice, and volup- 
 tuousness, which be called the king's three favourite daughters. You counsel well, 
 replied Richard, and I hereby dispose of the first to the Templars, of the second to the 
 Bened'u tin?*, wd <>f the third to my prelates.
 Richard the First. 
 and to support this expedition, lit- extorted money from his subjects 
 by it 1 1 manner of ways, and the priests were instructed to preach up 
 the <jre.il merit of this pious undertaking, ami llie duty of sup- 
 porting it. 
 And he set sail for the Holy Land, with the richest and most pow- 
 erful ileet that the English had ever seen ; and lie came to an anchor 
 at Messina, in Sicily, on the three and twentieth day of the mouth 
 And Tancred the bastard, then king of Sicily, had imprisoned 
 Joanna, the sister of Richard, whom he had taken to wife: king 
 Richard therefore assembled his forces together, assaulted the city, 
 and took it. 
 And in his w ay to Jerusalem he conquered also the island of Cyprus. 
 And he overcame Saladin the Turk in many battles, and lie took 
 from him three thousand camels, and four thousand horses and mules: 
 he took also the towns of Asealon, Joppa, and Caesarea, and behaved 
 in all things with exceeding great courage, insomuch that the glorv of 
 the king of England eclipsed the glory of all the Christian princes. 
 And it came to j>a^ after he returned from the Holy Land, as he sat 
 at meat in his palace, word was brought unto him that Philip, king of 
 France, had laid sitge to one of his towns. 
 Then Richard the king was exceedingly enraged, and he sware in 
 bis wrath be would not turn bis face till he came to the army of 
 And he caused the wall of the room where he was sitting to be 
 broken down, and be assembled bis army together, and came up with 
 And he ocercumc Saladin the Turk."] This was the most menioraWe battle 
 of the age. Saladin had 300,000 coin i 10,00>) are s;iirl to .have 
 perished on llic field. Alter this de '■■ tory, a I as concluded with the 
 Saracens; and Sal >n after at Damascus. Before h I, he ordered 
 his winding-sheet to be carried as i standard t every street of the city, while 
 a crier went befo i and proclaimed with aloud •• ice, This is nil that remains to the 
 mighty Saladin, th Conqueror o) ■ And, in his last will, with a liberality far 
 exceeding that of Lord Cha :ell t Eldon in the nineteenth century, he ordered va- 
 rious charities tu be distributed tu the poor without distinction of religion, whether 
 Jew, Christian, or Mahometan. 
 And he cnund the wall of the room where he was sitting to be broken dotcn.'] 
 The text here, alter the manner ot" the Jewish historians, is a little obscure. 
 Uf the v to have been broken down we know nothing. Tho war mih 
 Richard the First. 
 the French; and the Lord fought for him, and he discomfited the 
 army of Philip, and put them to flight, and he overthrew, with his 
 own hand: three of the most hardy knights of France. 
 Wherefore he took for his motto these words, Dieu et mon droit ; 
 and thi> device is used hy the kings of England unto this day. 
 And a certain outlaw, named Robin Hood, infested the forest of 
 Sherwood in those days, insomuch that none might pass that way 
 without his leave. 
 Howbeit he was a charitable thief, giving unto the poor what he 
 took from the rich ; and the blood of man he did not shed. 
 Philip arose from llie king's captivity in Germany, a circumstance not mentioned by 
 our author. Richard, in returning from Palestine, was shipwrecked near Aquileia: 
 alter which he attempted to pass secretly through Germany, disguised as a pilgrim. 
 His expensive mode of living betrayed his rank; and he was seized by the Duke of 
 Austria, who, to revenge a supposed affront he had received from the King while 
 sewing m the Holy Land, as well as to gratify his avarice by obtaining a ransom 
 from his subjects, (hrew him into prison. Philip hearing of his captivity, thought it 
 a favourable moment for commencing hostilities; having sent over John, Richard's 
 brother, to excite disturbance in England. Richard, alter being confined in a dungeon, 
 loaded with irons, and sustaining every kind of indignity, was at length ransomed for 
 300,000!. As soon as Philip heard of the king's deliverance, he wrote to his base 
 confederate John, in these terms : Take cure of yourself; the devil is broken loose. 
 And a certain outlaw, named Robin Hood.) This is the most popular and respectable 
 vagabond in history, 'the principal scene of his depredations was Yorlf'jire ; where 
 he and his companion Little John, and 100 more stout and merry fellows, levied con- 
 tribution on every person they met on the highway. It is said that he was of noble 
 blood, an earl at least, reduced to a lawless course of life by riotous living. Proclama- 
 tion beii ued for his apprehension, he fell sick at the nunnery of Berkeley, wheie 
 desiring to be let blood, he was basely betrayed by a monk, and suffered to bleed to 
 Howbeit he was a charitable thief .~\ The great Sir Richard Baker, in his Chronicle 
 of the Kings of England, says, Uc was honestly dishonest, for he seldom hurt any man, 
 never any woman, spared the poor, and only made prey of the rich. 
 There was a less honest thief in those days, one Fitz-Osbert, commonly called Ltntg- 
 beard, a lawyer, who had obtained great influence by flattering the populace. This 
 fellow carried on his depredations m the heart of London. Murders were daily com- 
 mitted in the streets; houses were broken open and pillaged in open day-light ; and it 
 is said that no less than fifty-two thousand persons had entered into an association by 
 which they bound themselves to obey all the orders of this ruffian. Being sum- 
 moned before Hubert, the justiciary, he came so numerously attended, that no one 
 durst accuse him or give evidence against him, and the justiciary was obliged to con- 
 lent himself with exacting from some of his adherents hostages lor their good be- 
 haviour. Meanwhile he kept a watchful eye on Longbeard, and seizing a favourable 
 opportunity attempted to commit him to custody; but the criminal, after murdering 
 One of the police officers, escaped with his concubine to the church of St. Marv-le- 
 Bow, where he made an obstinate defence. He was at last forced from his retreat, 
 condemned and executed amidst the regrets of the populace, who were so devoted to 
 his memory, that they stole his gibbet, paid the ^ame veneration to it as to the cross, 
 and were equally zealous in propagating and attesting reports oi miracles it wrought. 
 'Itic clergy, however, conceiving their property endangered by such practices, did
 Richard the First. 
 And Ricliiinl rci'Mied over l'.ni;laiitl nine v ears and nine months; 
 and he was wounded with an arrow at the siege <>t' the castle of 
 Chalons, and the wound mortified, and lie died thereof ; and John 
 li is brother reigned in lii> stead. 
 not ihink it their interest to patronize this new religion ; consequently ii boon dis- 
 And Richard reigned over England — was wounded ivith an arrow.] I lie wound was 
 nit in itself dangerous; but the un&kilfulne s of the burgeon made n mortal; he so 
 rankled Richard's shoulder in pulling out the arrow, that a gangrene ensued ; and 
 that prince was now sensible ln> life was drawing towards a period. After the castle 
 bad surrendered, lie ordered all the garrison to be hanged , except Bertrand, who shot 
 •lie arrow. Having sent for him, Richard asked him, Wretch, what have I ever done 
 to you to oblige you to seek mi/ life? — What have you done to me? replied the prisoner 
 coolly j You killed, with your own hands, my father and two brothers , and you intended 
 to have hanged my self : 1 am now in your power, and you may take revenge by inflicting 
 on me the moit .« vere torments : but I shall endure tlum all uitli pleasui. . proi idea that I 
 can think that I hurt been so hnppij as to rid the world of such a nuisance.* Richard, 
 struck by the reasonableness of this reply, and humbled by the near approach of 
 death, ordered Bertrand to be set at liberty, and a sum of money given him; but 
 Marcbad, general of the Flemings, unknown to the King, Bayed him alive, and then 
 banged him. Richard died in the forty-second year of his age, and was buried in the 
 abbey of Fontevraud, where an epitaph was inscribed, in gold letters, containing hi$ 
 most glorious achievements. 
 On account of his great courage, Richard was sdmamed Corur-de-lAon, or the lion. 
 hearted. There is little to ad nire in the character of tins prince, except his military 
 talents and unconquerable valour. Ills splendour and magnificence were at the ex- 
 pense of the happiness of lus people, from whom he extorted immense sums by the 
 most unjustifiable means. His resentments were high ; his pride unconquerable ; and 
 bis subjects, as well as his neighbours, had reason to apprehend, from a longer con- 
 tinuance of bis reign, a perpetual scene of blood and violence. His avarice was 
 insatiable; and an unbridled lust honied him not only to neglect the queen Ins wife, 
 iu order to abandon himself to an infamous debauchery, but even to sins against nature. 
 A poor hermit upbraided him with his detestable crime before the whole court, and 
 conjured him, in the name of God, to reflect on the destruction of Sodom. -f- In his 
 person he was tall and well made, his eyes blue and sparkling, and his hair of a bright 
 iw, inclining to red. Like his predecessors, he resided very little in England; 
 and his whole reign was spent either iu war or preparations for war ; and it i> said he 
 meditated another crusade against the infidels ; a lolly from which his subjects were 
 happily relieved by his death. 
 Among the remarkable occurrences of this reign may be mentioned the restoration 
 of the use of the cross-bow, trom winch Richard received bis death. Coats of arms 
 were first introduced into Europe abie.it ihis time. The knights, cased up in armour, had 
 iu way of making themselves kn >wn and distinguished in battle, but by the devices on 
 their shields ; these were adopted by their posterity, who 'Aire proud of the virtues and 
 military enterprises of their ancestors. Many of the mottoes were excellent, and are 
 jtdl borne by our ancient nobility ; but are no more applicable to their degenewte 
 character than to the Yahoos of Dean Sum. 
 The government of the en \ of London began to assume a regular form : it was divided 
 into sei eral corporations, societies, guilds, oi companies, as they are called. The citizens 
 ajso obtained the privilege to be governed by two bailiffs or sheriffs; and to have a 
 mayor to be their principal governor, who v. as chosen for life. 
 * Hume vol. ii. p. oi. f Bapin, p. 400.
 And John came not to the crown by hereditary right; he received 
 it from the hands of Hubert the high priest, who, in his ovation be- 
 fore the assembly of the people, declared, that, by all reason, divine 
 and human, none ought to succeed in the kingdom, but who should 
 be, for the worthiness of his virtues, universally chosen by the peo- 
 ple, as was this man. 
 Nevertheless his virtue.-, are not recorded, neither do we read of 
 thia 1 is election ; pei adventure it was a lie. 
 And it came to pass that Hubert the high priest died, and Grey, 
 bishop of Norwich, was elected by king - John to succeed him. 
 But tliis election was opposed by the pope in favour of Stephen 
 /.■■ i at to the crownby hereditary rigid.] In the case of Harold, Henry 
 I. as we'll as in the present instance it will be seen that the succession to the crown 
 was • no fixed principle. Hi i , when he entered upon the Holy War, 
 i I bis nephew Arthur his successor, setting aside in his favour the title of his 
 i . , who was younger than G offi , the father of that prince. According 
 . of primogeniture, which formed such an important feature in the Feudal 
 System, the superior right of Arthur was unquestionable. But John having obtained 
 possession of the late king's treasure; End b< ing Ably assisted by Hubert, archbishop 
 of Canterbury, had little difficulty in securing the vacant throne. The speech of 
 Hubert to an assembly of the nobles and people, as preserved by Matthew Paris, as 
 it avows the right of the people to elect their kings, as well as representatives, is 
 worth preserving. 
 " No person c lave a right tothe crown of this kingdom; unless after humbly invoking 
 " God's holy spirit, hebe first unanimously elected for Ms extraordinary virtues, and then 
 " solemnly 'anointed king after the example of Saul and David, whom God was pleased 
 " to set over, his people, though neither was son of a king or royaUy descended. The for- 
 " mer whs chosen for his rattan-, the latter for his humility and piety ; it pleased God 
 " that such us were clothed with sway and power should b<: eminently distinguished by their 
 " virtues. If, therefore a f the late King's famuy excels the rest, we ought readily to 
 " assent to his electi n. I speak this in favour of the noble duke John here present, brother 
 " to our illustrious King Richard, who died without issue. This prince being endowed 
 " with alt sorts of virtues, a ; 'icularly with great valour and prudence, as well in 
 *' respect of his merits as birth, with the invocation of the holy spirit, we elect King." 
 After this short harangue, without further ceremony, the archbishop set the crown 
 on Jol id. His speech was evidently a tissue of falsehoods, both as to the le- 
 gality- of the proceeding, and the manifold virtues of that prince. The people of all 
 England I ■ .vorn fealty to John, and to talk about electing him afterwards 
 was ridiculous. It does not appear the people voted, but expressed their satisfaction 
 by acclamation : hence the whole was rather the nomination than the election of a 
 But this election was opposed by the Pope-— insomuch that the whole nation was laid
 Laugton, a cardinal, whom when John refused to admit, a quarrel 
 ensued betwixt tlie pope and the King; insomuch that the whole na- 
 tion was laid under an interdict, the king was excommunicated, his 
 subjects were absolved from their obedience, and all divine ordi- 
 nances ceased ; the burying-places were shut up, the dead were cast 
 out as dogs, and remained unburied upon the lace of the earth. 
 Howbeit this severity brake not the spirit of John, nor humbled 
 him a jot. 
 And in his wrath he sware, by the teeth of God, ho would be re- 
 venged on the pope, and on all that took part with him. 
 Accordingly he banished the bishops from the kingdom, and con- 
 fiscated the lands and goods of all the priests that obeyed the in- 
 miller an interdict.'] Innocent III. then filled tiie papal cliair, an artful, ambi- 
 tious, and enterprising pontiff. The appointment pf Langton, an Englishman 
 Oy birth, but educated in France, and connected by his interests and attach- 
 ments to the see of Rome, was an unprecedented encroachment on the King's 
 prerogative. Before the Pope proceeded to the violent measure of laying the king- 
 dom under an interdict, on John's refusing to admit bis usurpation, he sent him an 
 artful letter, enclosing four golden rings set with precious stones, which he said con- 
 tained many mysteries important to be known. He begged the king to consider 
 ■• nuusly the form of the rings, their number, their matter, and their colour. Their 
 .mil, In' -aid, being round, shadowed out eternity, which had neither beginning nor 
 end ; and from thence be ought to learn to aspire from earthly to heavenly objects, 
 from things temporal to things spiritual. The number, four, being a square, denoted 
 steadiness of mind, not to be subdued cither by adversity or prosperity. Gold, 
 ■which is the matter, being the most precious of metals, signified Wisdom, the niO"t 
 valuable of all accomplishments, and justly preferred hy Solomon to all power and 
 external attainments. The blue colour of the sapphire represented Faith ; the ver- 
 dure of the emerald, Hope; the redness of the ruby, Charity; and the splendour tj 
 topaz, Good Works. Weak as John was, he did not consider these ingenious con- 
 ceits a sufficient equivalent for the sacrifice of the most important prerogative of the 
 And in his wrath he swore, by the teeth of God, he would be revenged on the Pope.~] 
 His usual oath, lie began his resistance to the Pope with great vigour, and even 
 violence, lie sent two knights, nun of violent temper, with drawn swords, to expel 
 the monks of Christ-church, uiio had shown a disposition to favour the pretensions of 
 Rome. He threatened to send all the bishops and clergy to the Pope and confiscate 
 their estates ; and that if thenceforward he caught any of his emissaries in his do- 
 minions, he would cut off their noses, and put out their eyes, in order to set a mark 
 upon them that might distinguish them from all other nations. His heaviest blow, 
 however, was depriving the clergy of their concubines. The canons of the church 
 prohibiting the marriage of the priests, concubinage became general among that order; 
 and to prevent greater crimes, was connived at by the head of the church. Jcrh.*;, 
 to attack the clergy in their tenderest point, imprisoned the whole of their c 
 bines, and required high fines as the price of their liberation. — Rapin, p. 443. — jiixr.t, 
 p. 64.
 Now when the pope perceived i lie stubbornness of John, and 
 that the roaring of his bulls availed not; he sent messengers unto 
 Philip the king of France, and they came unto the biir;;, and they 
 addressed him, savins : 
 O Philip, thus saith the pope: As thou regardest the remission of 
 thy sins, assemble now thy army together and dine out king John 
 from the throne of England, and thou and thy sons after thee shall 
 possess it for ever. 
 And Philip raised au army, and prepared to invade England. 
 Then John was sore troubled, and bis heart smote him, and lie 
 bumbled himself before Pandolphus the legate of the pope, and he 
 took the crown from off his head, and laid it at the feet of Pandol- 
 lie resigned also his kingdom unto the pope, and be took an oath 
 Now when the Pope perceived — the roaring of his hulls availed tint.] The apostolical 
 letters are of two sorts. Some are called briefs, because compendiously written, and 
 sealed on wax only, with the impression of a signet ring, which good catholics believe 
 to be the identical seal of St. Peter the fisherman. The other sort is called bulls, 
 or bulla, from the pieces of lead appended thereto. The writing is described ou 
 parchment or vellum, and on the pieces of lead are impressed the heads of St. Peter 
 and St. Paul from the papal seal. It was on these instruments the spiritual thunder 
 ol the \ atican was launched, to enforce the payment of dues. Formerly they were 
 objects of great terror to the most powerful potentates in Europe ; but their legality 
 being called into question, they fell into contempt, and were termed bull beggars, 
 with which children alone could be frightened. Acts of Parliament appear tend- 
 ing to a similar destiny, and from people questioning v the legal authority, whence they 
 originate, it is possible they may hereafter be considered little better than " bull 
 Then John was sore troubled.'] The artful measures of the Pope at length reduced 
 the King to the greatest difficulties. The court of Rome had a gradation of punish- 
 ments wherewith to humble the obdurate. The interdict, which forbad the people from 
 shaving themselves, or even saluting each other, was only the forerunner of more 
 dreadful denunciations. The King was excommunicated, and every one forbad to 
 have any commerce with him, in public or private, at his table, or in his council, or 
 even in private conversations. The nt xt sentence was absolving his subjects from the 
 oath ot allegiance ; and lastly, came the sentence of deposition, by which the King 
 was deprived of the crown, and his kingdom bestowed on another. But the latter sen- 
 tence requiring something more than parchment, the Pontiff casthis eyes on Philip, 
 as a prince sufficiently powerful to carry into effect the sentence of deposition. And 
 to < ncourage that monarch in the undei taking, besides the n mission of all his sins, and 
 endless spiritual benefits, he promised him the possession of the kingdom of England as 
 the reward of his labour. 
 lie resigned also his kingdom unto the Pope.] The triumph of his Holiness was com- 
 plete^ The. ceremony of the resignation of the crown was performed at E?over, where 
 tjie legate had invited the humbled monarch to a conference. John was so terribly
 that he and bis successors should hold it from the sec of Home, at the 
 annual tribute of a thousand marks of silver. 
 Tims ended the contest betwixt the temporal and spiritual sword; 
 and John returned to the bosom of the church, and continued a duti- 
 ful son all the days of his life. 
 Wherefore the holy father supported him against his subjects in all 
 manner of wickedness and oppression. 
 Ami he \e\ed them daily with new taxes and impositions, inso- 
 much thai the barons and great men of the kingdom at length made 
 war against him, in behalf of their rights and liberties. 
 Now these were called the barons' wars ; and the sword of justice 
 alar 1 at the desperate situatiou of his affairs, that lie readily submitted to all (lie 
 conditions Pandolphus was pleased in impose upon him. li<' promised, among other 
 articles! to submit himself entirety to thi ■■•■ nt of the Pope; that he would ac- 
 knowledge Langton, about whom the quarrel firsl originated, for primate; that liu 
 would restore all the exiled clergy and laity who had been b ni i <i ; air 1 I hat every 
 one outlawed or imprisoned on account of his adherence to the Pi p , should imme- 
 diately be received into grace and favour. But Ids ignominy did not stop here. Pan- 
 _dolphus required him, as the first trial of Ids obed'n n :e, to resign his kingdom into the 
 hands of the church, as the only means to prevent falling into the hands of the French. 
 lie i vita this d j condition, and passed a charter, in which he declared, 
 that, not constrained by fear, hut of his own free will, he had, tor the remission of his. 
 own sins and those of ids family , resigned England and [reland to God, St. Peter, and 
 St Paul, and to Pope Innocent and his successc • a. the apostolic chair : and he agreed 
 to hold his dominions as feudatory ol the see ol Rome, by the annual pay ment of TOO 
 marks for England, and 300 for Ireland. John then did homage lo the Pope's legate^ 
 according to the rites required h\ tin' feudal law, from vassals before their liege lord, 
 and superior, lie came unarmed into Pandolphns's presence, who was seated on a 
 throne; he Bang himself on his knees before him; he luted up his joined hands, and 
 put tin in within those ol Pandolphus; he swore fealty to the Pope; and paid part of 
 the tribute h>r his kingdom as the patrimony of St. Peter. The legate was so elated 
 with this spiritual triumph, that he could not conceal his joy ; he trampled on tie 
 money which was hud at his feet; and after retaining the crown and sceptre in bis 
 possession for five days, returned them to the King, with an intimation, that he was to 
 consider it a singular favour from the holy sec. 
 We have been thus particular in giving mi account of this singular affair, to show 
 that mankind may he as completely enslaved by oajnion as physical force. The tem- 
 poral power of the see ol Rome was scarcely sufficient to reduce a single baron to sub- 
 mission ; but we have seen that by a sort of invisible authority over men's minds, aris- 
 ing from their ignorance and prejudices, it was able to reduce the mosi powerful king- 
 dom iii Europe to the lowest pitch of degradation. 
 Aoic tlusc were called the 6aro»js' tears.] John bad no sooner made his peace with the 
 Pontiff, than be was embroiled with ihe barons. His treachery, cowardice, and 
 cruelty, had rendered him an object of contempt .uu\ abhorrence among all classes! 
 The barons, whom he had affronted by bis insolence, dishonoured their families by bis 
 debaucheries, and enraged them by his tyranny, though) it a favourable moment, after 
 he had reconciled himself to the Pope by sacrificing the independence of the kingdom, 
 )" demand the restoration, of their privileges. They were still further stimulated in their
 prevailed, and they compelled the king to confirm their ancient pri- 
 vileges, and he signed a charter of rights, which is called Magna 
 Charta unto this day. 
 . Thus wicked princes are sometimes the instruments of good to a 
 people whom the Lord loveth. 
 Now the rest of the acts of king John, the bridge that he built, 
 demand, from having obtained asitrht of the charter of Henry 1st, which Langton had 
 found in a monastery. Having presented a petition to the King, they met on the ap- 
 proach of viie Easter festival at Stamford, where they expected lo receive his answer : 
 their force consisted of ^000 knights, besides their retainers and inferior persons with- 
 out number. Elated with their power, they advanced in a body to BracMey, within 
 fifteen miles of Oxford, the place where the court then resided ; and the; iiec received 
 a message from the King, desiring to know what those privileges were- which they so 
 boldly challenged from their sovereign. They delivered to the /me; augers a sche- 
 dule, containing the chief articles of their demands ; which was/no sooner shown to 
 the. King, than he Imrst into a furious passion, and asked, why the barons did not also 
 demand of him his kingdom; swearing, by God's teeth, he would never grant them such 
 liberties, as must reduce himself to slavery. 
 No sooner were they informed of his reply, than they chose Robert Fitzwalter 
 general, whom they called the mareschal of the army of God and oflwlij church ; and pro- 
 ceeded without further ceremony to levy war against the King. They laid waste bis 
 parks and palaces, and issued a proclamation, threatening to lay waste the houses and 
 estates of those barons who still in appearance remained aitached to the royal party. The 
 King was left at Odiham, in Hampshire, with a retinue of only seven knights, and after 
 trying various expedients to/elude the blow, ottering to refer all differences to the Pope, 
 or to eight barons, mutually chosen, was at length compelled to submit at discretion. 
 A conference was appointed at Runnemede, between Windsor and Staines; a place 
 justly celebrated on account of this great event. The two parties encamped apart, 
 like open enemies ; and after a debute of a few days, the King signed and sealed the 
 the charter which was required of him. This famous deed, known by the name of 
 Magna Charta, or the Great Charter, is considered the foundation of English liberties. 
 It was signed on the fifteenth of June 1215; and granted or secured important privi- 
 leges to every order of men in the kingdom ; to the clergy, the barons, and the 
 Besides the immunities to the barons and clergy, this celebrated charter ordained, that 
 all freemen should be allowed to go out of the kingdom and return to it at pleasure; 
 that one weight and one measure shouid be established throughout the kingdom; that 
 the courts of justice were to be stationary, and no longer follow the King's person. 
 Circuits were to be held regularly every year ; and justice was no longer to besotd, refused, 
 or delayed. Merchants shall be%Howed to transact all business without being exposed 
 to tolls and impositions. No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or dispossessed of 
 his free tenement or liberties, or outlawed, or banished, or any wise hurt or injured, 
 unless by the legal judgment of his peers, or the law of the land. Lastly, there was a sti- 
 pulation in favour of the i;i//«ins, or peasantry ; the most numerous class probably in 
 the kingdom, and which hitherto had been considered unworthy of notice. It was 
 ordained, that they should not be deprived, by any fine, of their carts, ploughs, and 
 implements of industry. — Such is a brief outline of the barons' wars and the Great 
 Cha iiter. 
 Now the rest of the acts of King John — his blasphemy on the buck."] Some describe John 
 as an Atheist. It is related, that in his difficulties he sent an embassy to the emperor of 
 Morocco, and offered to change his religion and turn Mahometan, on condition that
 T II E K I X fi S O F E X ( J L A \D. 4 1 
 J .I'n. 
 and bis blasphemy on the buck, are thej no! recorded in tire book of 
 Baker the lii itorian ? 
 And John reigned <>\<'i England eighteen years and five months* 
 and be died; and Henry his son reigned in his stead. 
 monarch would lend Jii ;n his assistance. As another instance of his profaheness, 
 it is related l>\ the mortl s, that one daj being hunting, ai the opening of a very fat 
 back, See, said he, hou this deer has prospered, and hou fat and plump he is! and 
 i/rt I dare swear he nevei heard mass in his life. 
 And John reigned o\ i England -a\ I he died."] The manner of his death was of a 
 piece with his life. He very narrowly escaped being drowned, with the whole of liis 
 army, From an ignorance of the tide. He was passing the washes, which , il< the 
 two counties of Lincoln and Norfolk. Before he ^ s over, the tide coming op, 
 which overflows the marsh ! i id at high water, put him in extreme danger, i! .-'aped 
 himself, Imt ins bagg ely lost. !'.■ arrived thai head 
 Abbey, where b( lodg< rl. His vexation at liis loss threw him in r, which wis 
 farther heightened l>\ his eating greedily of peacl 1 xt day, not being abfe to 
 ride, he was conveyed rn a litter to Slefi I '■•, from whence he 'I to 
 Newark, where lie died. His body was carried to Worcester, ._ to liis own 
 order; where his tomb of grey marble, between the choir and altar, is still to be seen. 
 It is related by some, that he was poisoned by the Abbot of Swineshead Abbey, whose 
 sister he had threatened to debauch : bul the story seems wholly without foundation. 
 John was in the forty-ninth year of his age, and the eighteenth of his reign, when 
 he died. His character is "represented as a complication of vices, equally mean and 
 odious, ruinous to himself, and destructive to the people. Cowardice, sioth, folly, levity, 
 licentiousness, ingratitude, tyranny, and cruelly, are all attributed to this monarch. A 
 variety of anecdotes, lending to illustrate the character of this most weak and wicked of 
 English kings, we have purposely reserved to the conclusion of liis history. 
 Several instances are related of John's sanguinary disposition, of which the most re- 
 markable is the murder of his nephew, Arthur, duke of Britanny. This young prince 
 had Idii l; been an object of his jealousy, and he had made an abortive attempt to pre- 
 vail upon two Of his domestics to despatch him. Me at lengtH determined to perform 
 the bloody i\cv(\ himself. The transaction is differently related by historians, bat the 
 following seems the most correct account: — He ordered Arthur to be removed to the 
 Castle of Rouen ; and coming m a boat during the night, he ordered Irim to be 
 brought before him. The young prince, suspecting his fate, threw himself on his 
 knees before his uncle, and begged for mercy ; hut the barbarous tyrant, making no 
 reply, stabbed him with his Own hands; and fastening a stone to the dead body, threw 
 it into the Seine. On another occasion, one Peter, of Pomfret, a hermit, foretold 
 that in a year hence he would lose his crown; the prediction was apparently fulfilled 
 by the resignation to the Pope. But this did not satisfy John, and he ordered the un- 
 fortunate soothsayer to be dragged at horses tails to the town ol Warhran, and there 
 hanged on a gibbet with his son. i he Jews were an unceasing object of persecution 
 and cruelly about tins period. John having imposed a fine ol 10,000 marl;- upon one 
 of them, which he refused to pay, he ordered that one ot his teeth should be drawn 
 every day till he consented. Accordingly, seven teeth'were pulled out in 
 days, but on the eighth the Israelite relented; so, with the I ven teeth, parted 
 with 10,000 marks, in order to preserve the rest. 
 M.nn more anecdotes are related of his barbarity, but the above must suffice. lie 
 was not less licentious than cruel; and his dishonour able and violent amours m the 
 milics of tlie barons were the chief causes of alienating their affections. In his mar" 
 riage with Isabella, daughter of the Count of Angoulcmc, he set at defiance both the 
 laws of God ami man. His queen was still alive, and Isabella already married to the 
 Earl of JVJarche; nevertheless, his passion was not to be subdued by these obstacles. 
 He persuaded the Count of Angouleme to carry off his daughter from her husband ; 
 and having on some pretence or other procured a divorce from his own wife, he es- 
 poused Isabella; regardless both of the menaces of the Pope, who protested agaiust 
 these irregular proceedings, and of the resentment of the husband. Of this queen he 
 appears to have been passionately enamoured. We are told by Rapin, that while the 
 French were conquering his towns in Normandy, he remained at Rouen, feasting mag- 
 nificently with his new queen, and lying in bed every day till noon. His insensibility 
 to the progress of the enemy was so great, that the people said he was" bewitched. 
 When news was brought him of their progress, lie assumed the most ridiculous airs: 
 " Let lie French go on," said lie, " 1 will retake in a day what has cost them years to 
 Among the curious incidents of this reign, may be mentioned the French champion, 
 who came over to fight any one who should assert, that Philip King of France had 
 done wrong to John. To put down this bully, an Irish lord, of gigantic stature, and 
 known intrepidity, then confined in the Tower, was selected. While he was recover- 
 ing his strength, impaired by imprisonment, the French Hector, hearing of his prodi- 
 gious strength, withdrew privately into Spain, not daring to appear in France or 
 England. The strength of this Irishman was so great, that he could cleave a helmet 
 in two with a blow of his sword. As a principal part of jurisprudence in those times 
 was administered by single combat, John used to keep a number of bravoes, whom he 
 destined to fight with his barons, when any controversy arose between him and them. — 
 The right of electing the lord mayor annually was given by charter to the city of 
 London. It also had power to remove its sheriffs at pleasure, and its conimon-council- 
 men annually. 
 Liberty, and an impartial administration of justice, had yet made little progress. 
 Spelruan asserts, that during the reigns of the first Norman princes, every edict of the 
 King, issued with the consent of his privy council, had the full force of law. Accoiding 
 to feudal principles, all property was supposed to be held of the King, on consideration 
 of certain services. When a baron died, the King immediately took possession of the 
 estate ; and the heir was obliged to make application to the crown, and desire that lie 
 might be admitted to do homage for his land, and pay a composition to the King. This 
 composition ivas arbitrary, and frequently exorbitant : the King keeping possession of 
 the estate till it was paid. If the heir were a female, the King was entitled to offer 
 her any husband he thought proper of the same rank ; and if she refused him she for- 
 feited her land. Even a male heir could not marry without the royal consent ; and it 
 was usual for men to pay large sums for the liberty of choosing a wile. — Hume, 
 vol ii. p. 130. 
 Justice was avowediy bought and sold. Even the King's court was open to none 
 that brought not presents, or more correctly bribes; which were entered in the public- 
 registers of the royal revenue, where they still remain perpetual monuments of the 
 iniquity and tyranny of the times. Hume, from Madox's History of the Exchequer, 
 has cited some curious instances of the sums paid for the expediting, delaying, sus- 
 pending, and doubtless perverting justice. The barons of the exchequer, for instance, 
 insert as an article in their records, that the county of Norfolk paid a sum that they 
 might be fairly dealt with ; the borough of Yarmouth, that the king's charters, 
 which they had for their liberties, might not be violated. Sometimes a party 
 offered the King a certain portion, a half, a third, or a fourth, payable out of certain 
 debts he might assist them to recover. Theophania de Westland agreed to pay 
 the half of 212 marks, that she might recover that sum against James de Fughleston. 
 Solomon the Jew agreed to pay one mark out of every seven, that he should recover 
 against Hugh de la Hose. 
 Freedom of industry, commerce, husbands, and wives, were in like manner bought 
 from the royal chapman. Hugh Oisel paid400 marks for liberty to trade in England.
 lhuri/ the Third. 
 The men of Worcester paid 100 shillings t ti.it they might have the liberty of selling and 
 buying dyed cloth as formerly. Geoffrey Fitz-Pierre, gave two good Norway hawks 
 for leave to export a hundred weight of cheese out oi the King's dominions. The arch- 
 deacon of Wells gave one tun of wine for leave to carry (Mo seams ofcorn whither he 
 would. Peter Parois gave twenty marks lor leave to salt Gshes, as Peter Chevalier 
 used to do. The wife of Hugh de Neville, gave the King 200 hens, that Bhe might 
 lie with her husband one night ; who most probably was a prisoner. Richard de 
 Neville gave twenty palfreys to obtain the King's request to Isolda Bisset, that --lie 
 should take him for a husband. Roger Fitz-Walter gave three good palfreys, to have 
 the King's letter to Roger Bertram's mother, that she should marry him. The bishop 
 of Winchester gave one tun of good wine for his not putting the King in mind to givu 
 a girdle to the Countess of Alhermarle. Robert de Veaux gave live of the best pal- 
 freys that the King would hold his tongue about Henry Pinel's wife. Eling, the dean, 
 paid 100 m irks that his whore and his children might be let out upon bail. Several 
 more instances might he mentioned, bui these will be sufficient to illustrate the man- 
 ners ot the times, and show the sort of commerce carried on betwixt the King and his 
 subjects, and among the subjects themselves. 
 rhis was the age of chiadry, of giants, enchanters, dragons, spells, and a thousand 
 wonders. I he virtuous knight fought not only in his own quarrel, but in that of the 
 innocent, of the helpless, and, above all, of the fair, whom he supposed to be under 
 the guardianship of his valiant arm. The great independence of men, made personal 
 honour and fidelity the chief lie among them ; and the solemnities of single combat, as 
 established by law, banished the notion of every tiling unfair or unequal in rencontres. 
 It was on these lofty ideas of chivalry, that the modern gallantry and honour ori- 
 ginated ; which, notwithstanding the debasing nature of methodism and commerce 
 still form the chief grace and shield of social life. 
 We shall only make one more remark. Hume justly observes, that the Great 
 Charter did not establish any new courts, magistrates, nor senate; it was more pro- 
 perly a declaration of the rights and immunities of all classes, previously existing. 
 Although, therefore, Magna Charta forms an important epoch in the history of the 
 English constitution, it cannot be considered as having introduced any new principle 
 in the government, but only placing on a more secure and definite foundation, those 
 already admitted. 
 And Henry was nine years old when lie began to rei^ri, and lie 
 reigned over England fifty and five years, and his mother's Dame 
 was Isabel. 
 Now the acts of king Henry, and all the foolish things that he did 
 behold they arc written in the book of Speed the historian. 
 Note the arts of King Henry— are written in the book of Speed the historian.) Speed was 
 a tailor. Speaking of Speed, some writer, in Chalmers's biographical Dictionary, asks, 
 II 'hat could be expected from a tailor/ He was, Ixuevei, a man of some talent ■ ne 
 was a tolerable antiquarian, and wrote a tolerable history of the Norman and Saxon 
 Henry the Third. 
 He that hath patience to read, let him read. 
 And Henry lived all the tlnys of his life, and he died, and Edward 
 his son reigned in hia stead. 
 He that hath patience to read let him read.'] All historians agree in t lie dreary and 
 uninteresting character of this reign. Rapin begins his narrative in a very ominous 
 manner : II e are going to enter on a very long reign, &c. Hume begins : 117i«f mortal 
 could have patience to write orread a long detail of such frivolous events as those with which 
 it is tilled, or attend to a tedious narrative which wquld follow, through a series of Jijh/-six 
 years, Hie caprices and weaknesses of so mean a prince a$ Ihnrji? These extracts, we 
 imagine, will satisfy any curiosity the reader might feel to be better acquainted with 
 the events of this period. 
 Ana Henry lived — and he died.] In the 64th year of his age, and 56th of his reign ; 
 the longest reign, with the exception of the present king, in the English annals. He 
 expired at St. Edmondsbury, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. 
 There are more points of resemblance betwixt the history of this and another 
 monarch, than the duration of their reigns. Henry was a very pious and devout 
 prince; and extremely regular in his attendance on public worship. He was very 
 chaste, and what was unusual in those times, had a numerous issue, lawfully 
 be«otte:i. He was excessively greedy of money ; but the vast sums he levied from 
 his subjects, apparently never made him the richer. His slender capacity rendered 
 him frequently the prey to proud and self-interested counsellors; and the notions of 
 arbitrary power instilled into hiin in his youth, were a principal cause of the troubles 
 that distracted his reign. Of his courage, Rapin says, nothing can be said, since he 
 never gave any sensible proof of it. 
 Among the remarkable events of this reign may be noticed, an obstinate dispute 
 betwixt the civil and ecclesiastical courts, on the subject of bastardy. The common 
 law had deemed all those to be bastards who were born before wedlock : by the canon 
 law they were legitimate. In the parliament assembled at Merton, the prelates 
 insisted that the municipal law should be made conformable to the canon : but the 
 barons returned the celebrated reply, Nolumus leges AngluB mutare, We will not change 
 the laws of England. 
 The trial by fire and water ordeal was abolished by an order in council. A charter 
 was granted to the town of Newcastle, which gave the inhabitants licence to dig for 
 coal. 1 his is the lirst mention of coal in England. Madox says, the King gave to 
 master Henryi hi^ poet, 100 shillings. Master Southey, the author of Wat Tyler, 
 and poet laureat, receives ^100, which we suppose is an allowance for the change in 
 the value of money . 
 The most important event in this reign is the origin of the Hpusc of Commons. 
 Hitherto the prelates and barons had alone formed the constituent parts of parliament. 
 Returns were now ordeied to be made, not only of two knights for each shire, but also 
 of deputies from the boroughs, an order of men which had always been esteemed too 
 mean to enjoy a place in the national councils. The value and efficacy of this new 
 branch ot tin legislature, soon began to appear ; and Hume remarks, that it gradually 
 rescued the kingdom both from regal and aristocratical tyranny. This cannot be 
 denied. But if the country be indebted for its liberties to the House of Commons, 
 it seems likelj to be indebted for slavery to the same source. This, however, can 
 only result from the corruption in the representative system. A nation can never 
 enslave itself 3 and it would be a paradox, a felo-de-se, to suppose that the real 
 representatives of any country should ever be the destroyers of its liberties.
 / .nrd the First. 
 \m> the Lord j)ilclic(l liis tabernacle in the heaft of king Edward, 
 and be became a great prince, and was called Long-shanks. 
 And be conquered the kingdom of Wales, and overthrew Llewellen 
 the king in battle, and .slew liini, and tul off his head and crowned 
 it with ivy, and set it upon the tower of London as a terror to 
 And great fear came upon all V/eltlimen, and they submitted 
 themselves unto Edward, and the two nations became as one people 
 unto this day. 
 And it came to pass that Alexander king of Scotland died, and 
 great contentions arose between the lords Baliol and Bruce who 
 should be king. 
 And the matter was referred unto Edward, and he gave it favour of 
 Baliol, and Baliol was made king, and did homage to Edward for 
 his whole kingdom. 
 And the !<»-d pitched his tabernacle.] All expression of Camden. Edward was 
 iged in thfi bp]j wars when his father died. On liis way home he did homage to 
 tin- king of Fiance, as Ifege lord fax (iuienne. The form of the homage was, 3r 
 lord King, I do i/ou homage for all the lands which I ought to ho! I of you. 
 And lie conquered the kingdom of Wules and overthrew Llewellyn.'] An ill-starred am- 
 bition seems to have hurried Elewelkn to his late. A prophecy of the famous -Merlin, 
 implied that a WYMi prince should one day wear the crown ol' Brutus, the first king. 
 ag i> siippo-cd, "I' the island of Britain. This, and some other grievance, rashly 
 tempti'd : it) cniunience hostilities. At first he was successful) hut Edward 
 .iiKanciug with a. powerful army, he was compelled to retire to the mountain of 
 Snowd in, a post that could not be attacked. Here he might probably hi rn out 
 the patiince ol hU adyersar^ , hut the vision of Merlin Boating in' his h( id, and em- 
 boldened by a trifling skirmish, he was induced to descend with his whole army into 
 the plain, where he was entirely defeated and himself slain. 
 With the death of this prince, descended from Roderic the Great, and one of the 
 most ancient families in Europe, expired the independen . of Wales. Edwaid having 
 summoned a parliament, it was resolved that it should be inscparabi y united to the 
 crown ; and that aothfog might remain to keep alive the ancient glory of the country, 
 Edward collected all the Welsh hards together, and, from a barbarous poiic\, ordered 
 litem to be put lo death. 
 And it came to pass tliat Alexander Kity s i died ] There was no fewer than 
 three competit"i s on ih> crown, namely, Baliol, Bruce, and John Hastings 
 the mutttr was referred onto Edward — homage to I dward.~\ The right of Edward 
 to & feudal superiority oyer Scotland, had not the siij undatian; except in his 
 own ambition and power, lie caused all the monasteries to be ransacked for old 
 chronicles and histories, in order to collect passages in favour of his pretensions. The
 Edward tlie First. 
 And Edward the king treated king Baliol with great haughtiness, 
 and summoned him to appear before him on every little complaint. 
 Wherefore the anger of Baliol was kindled against him, and his 
 heart swelled with indignation, and he sought how he might shake 
 off the yoke which galled his neck. 
 And he sent messengers unto the pope, and got himself absolved 
 from the oaths he had taken to king Edward, and renounced his 
 Then Edward the king raised an army, and marched against him, 
 and the Lord gave up Baliol into the hands of his enemies, and he 
 was taken prisoner, and carried to the tower of London. 
 And Edward conquered the kingdom of Scotland, and subjected 
 it unto him; and he burnt the records of the kingdom, and he 
 seized the crown, and the sceptre, and all the regalia, and brought 
 them away : 
 And the stone also which was Jacob's pillow, and the chair of 
 result of his inquiries was only some dubious passages, where indeed it was mentioned 
 that the Scottish kings had done homage for certain fiefs south of the Tweed, but 
 never for the kingdom of Scotland. To establish his point, Edward had recourse to 
 shifts sometimes adopted by modern disputants. He quoted a passage from Hoveden, 
 where it asserts, that a Scottish king had done homage to England ; but he purposely 
 omitted the latter part of the sentence, which expresses that the homage was for lands 
 held in England. 
 And Edward the King treated King Baliol with great haughtiness.] In the course of 
 a few months he summoned him on different frivolous pretences six times; and he 
 publicly told Baliol, that he would make the King of Scotland appear in England 
 whenever he thought convenient. On one occasion he summoned him to answer the 
 complaint of a merchant of Gascoyne, who alleged that the late King of Scotland 
 was indebted to hira a certain sum, which Baliol refused to pay. Edward, eager to 
 exercise his new authority, as sovereign of the King of Scotland, summoned Baliol to 
 appear at Westminster. To answer this and other charges he actually appeared at 
 the bar of parliament as a private person ; but even this condescension did not save 
 him from the necessity of having recourse lo amis. 
 And Edward conquered the kingdom of Scotland.] His only object was the entire 
 conquest of the kingdom ; and his conduct lo Baliol very much exemplified the fable 
 of the Wolf and the Lamb : he was determined at all events to have some pretence for 
 destroying the independence of Scotland. In carrying off the regalia and destroying 
 the records, his plan was clearly to pursue the same steps towards Scotland, which 
 had succeeded towards Wales, and annex it to England. 
 And the atone also which was Jacob's ■pillow.] The story of this famous stone is as 
 follows : Kenneth II. king of the Scots, having made a great slaughter of the Picts, 
 near the monastery of Scone, placed a stone there, which tradition reported to be the 
 same that served Jacob for a pillow. This stone he enclosed in a wooden chair for 
 the inaugeration of the kings of Scotland. It had been first brought ont of Spain
 Edward the First. 
 wood which enclosed it, and it is the coronation-chair unto tlii> 
 into Ireland, by one Simon Brcccus; afterwards out of Ireland into Argyle; and 
 lastly conveyed by King Edward to Westminster. On it was engraven this distich : 
 Or fate's deceived, and heaven decrees in vain. 
 Or where they find this stone, the Scots shall reign. 
 Whether the Scots have reigned so triumphantly during the last half century in 
 the English court, in consequence of the virtues of the Scone stone, or their own 
 cunning and indefatigable industry, we leave them to decide. The story lias some 
 resemblance to that of the house of the Virgin Mary, which, it is said, flew out of 
 Palestine into Italy. 
 In giving an account of the subjugation of Scotland, it would be unpardonable to 
 pass over the exploits of Sir William Wallace, the Scottish hero. This brave man, 
 of a small fortune, but ancient family, formed the arduous enterprise of delivering 
 his native country from the English yoke. Having been provoked by the insolence 
 of mi English ollicer, he slew him ; which, rendering him obnoxious to the adminis- 
 tration, he tied into the woods, and became leader of those whose bad fortunes or 
 avowed hatred of the English, had reduced to a like necessity. He was endowed 
 with gigantic force of body, heroic courage, disinterested magnanimity, incredible 
 patience, and ability to bear hunger, fatigue, and all the severities of the seasons. 
 Beginning with small attempts, he gradually proceeded to more momentous enter- 
 prises ; and his intimate knowledge of the country gave him great advantages in se- 
 curing the retreat of his followers, and in making sudden excursions upon the enemy. 
 The fame of his exploits daily increasing, all those who thirsted after military fame, 
 were desirous to partake of his renown. 
 His force being now considerable, he determined to strike a decisive blow by at- 
 tacking Ormesby at Scone, and take vengeance of him for all the violence and 
 tyranny of which he had been guilty. The justiciary, apprised of his intentions, 
 fled hastily into England, and all the other officers of that nation imitated his example. 
 His next exploit was the attack of Warrenne, whom he defeated, not less by his 
 valour than his great prudence and military skill. At the fatal battle of Falkirk, 
 where the Scots were completely routed, Wallace, with great address and presence of 
 mind, contrived to keep his troops together, with whom he leisurely retired along the 
 banks of the Carron. It was here that his majestic port, and the intrepid activity of 
 his behaviour, discovered him to Bruce, then serving in the English army ; and who 
 called out to him, desiring a conference. He represented to Wallace the hopeless 
 enterprise in which he was engaged, and endeavoured to prevail upon him to submit 
 to the superior power and fortune of Edward. He also reminded him of the mean 
 jealousy of the Scotch nobles, which Wallace had already experienced ; and told 
 him that were he ever so successful, they would never submit to personal merit, whose 
 superiority they were less inclined to regard as an object of admiration, than a re- 
 proach and injury to themselves. To these exhortations Wallace replied, that if he 
 had hitherto acted alone as the champion of his country, it was solely because no se- 
 cond or competitor, or what he rather wished, no leader had vet appeared to place 
 himself in that honourable station ; that the blame lay entirely on the nobility, chi"fly 
 on Bruce himself, who uniting personal merit to dignity of family, had deserted the 
 post which both nature and fortune invited him to assume. Wallace concluded with 
 saying, that the interests of the country, no more than those of a brave man, could 
 never be cultivated by the sacrifice of liberty ; he was only desirous that his own 
 life, »•- well as the existence of the nation, might terminate when they could only 
 be preserved by receiving the chains of a conqueror. — Hume, vol. ii. p. 306. 
 This brave warrior was at last basely betrayed into Edward's hands, by Sir John 
 Monteith, his friend, whom be had made acquainted with the place of his conceal-
 Edward the First. 
 And Edward the king enacted divers good laws and useful ordi- 
 nances; and lie laid creat fines on many of his judges and other ma- 
 gistrates for their corruption ; and he raised from their crimes two 
 hundred and tkirty-six thousand marks. 
 He banished also the Jews, to the number of fifteen thousand, and 
 confiscated their goods. 
 And Edward reigned over England thirty and four years, seven 
 months, and twenty days ; and he died, and Edward his son reigned 
 in his stead. 
 nient. He was carried to London in chain*, to be tried as a rebel and traitor, though 
 he had never made submission to England, and was beheaded on Tower-hill. This 
 was the unworthy fate, says Hume, of a hero, who, through a course of many years, 
 had, with signal conduct, intrepidity, and perseverance, defended against a public 
 and oppressive enemy, the liberties of his native country. 
 And Edward the King enacted divers good laws.] Besides fining, he deposed all the 
 old judges, and made their successors swear they would take no bribes. He also took 
 away the charter of the city of London, and turned out the mayor, because he offered 
 himself to be bribed by the bakers. The Londoners shortly after recovered their 
 charter, by paying twelve thousand pounds of silver to the King. 
 He banished also the Jews.] Sir Edward Coke says they were not banished; but 
 usury being abolished by statute, they left the kingdom of their own accord. Besides 
 usury, they were accused of adulterating the corn, and also of crucifying, in derision of 
 Christ, Christian children. The last, no doubt, was a calumny, invented, like those 
 against the Roman Catholics, to injure them in the opinion of the people. 
 And Edward reigned over England thirty and four years.] His death was a fortunate 
 event for the Scots. He had made immense preparations to invade that country, and 
 threatened to destroy the kingdom from sea to sea. He was seized with a distemper 
 at Carlisle, which put an end to his days and revengeful projects. Before he died, lie 
 sent for his son Edward, and earnestly recommended to him three things : first, vigo- 
 rously to prosecute the war with Scotland, till he had entirely subdued that country. 
 For that purpose, he advised him to carry along with him his hones at the head of the 
 army, supposing they would daunt the courage of the Scots. The second thing he re- 
 commended, was to send his heart to the Holy Land, with thirty-two thousand pounds, 
 which he had provided for the support of the holy sepulchre. The third was, never to 
 recall Gavaston. Edward was in the sixty-eighth year of his age when he died ; and 
 was buried in Westminster Abbey. 
 Notwithstanding Edward's harsh proceedings towards Wales and Scotland, he is re- 
 presented as the model of a warlike and politic prince. He possessed industry, pene- 
 tration, courage, vigilance, and enterprise ; he was frugal in his expenses; he punished 
 criminals with severity ; he was gracious and affable to his servants and courtiers; and 
 being of a majestic figure, and in the main well-proportioned, notwithstanding the 
 extraordinary length and small D ess of his legs, he was as well qualified to captivate 
 men by his exterior appearance, as the more solid virtues of his mind. His great im- 
 provements in the civil and criminal jurisprudence of the country, have obtained 
 him the appellation of the English Justinian. He abolished the office of chief justi- 
 ciary, which he thought possessed too much power. He settled the jurisdiction of the
 Edward (i 
 • rai courts; first established the office of justice of the peai I from the 
 practice, too common I. (tore him, of interrui ce by mandates from Hie privy 
 council; repressed robberies and disorders ; i I, in short, Hume 
 i, he introduced a new face of I . ifie vigour aud wisdom of hi- 
 Edward, however, was guilty of many arbitrary proceedings. It was with »reat re- 
 luctance that h" was prevailed upon to confirm the G. had 
 .1 his consent, he applied secretly to the Pope to be 
 ment. He seized at one time nil the wool and leather in the kingdom, and disposed 
 of them for his own benefit. He required the sheriffs to furnish bun with -000 quar- 
 iris of wheat, and as many of oats, which he permitted them to seize wherever I I 
 could find them. These, and other violent proceedings, rendered him vc-ry unpopular 
 time, even among the nobility- Being about to send an expedition to I • 
 I he earl of Hereford, the constable, and the earl of Norfolk, the mar-hall, refused to 
 • - command of it. A violent altercation ensued ; and the King, in the4ieigi)t of his 
 passion, addressing himself to the censtablc, exclaimed, " Sir Karl, by God you sltatl 
 r go or hang." " By God* Sir King." replied Hereford, " I will neither go nor h.ing." 
 i wo earls then departed, and the King finding them obstinate, he was obliged to 
 abandon the expedition. 
 Writs in this, as well as in the preceding reign, were issued to the boroughs to return 
 'members to parliament In the preamble to the writ, Edward says, it is a most equU 
 rule, that what concerns all should he approved by all ; and common dangers repelled 
 by united efforts. A noble principle, which ought to be the motto of Reformers : r 
 the basis of an equitable system of representation The deputies lor tl ,H>>, 
 however, had vet little or no influence in the state. They had no deliberative ca 
 city, nor hardly a negative, but purely the privilege of giving their consent to such 
 grants as the King might demand. Their charges were borne by the boroughs which 
 sent them: and it was considered a disadvantage to be summoned to return deputies. 
 The deputies gave sureties for their attendance before the Kiiiu aud parliament: tl 
 sat apart from the barons and knights, who disdained to mix with such mean pc rsnnages* 
 and when the burgesses had given their consent to the new taxes, they returned home, 
 though the parliament still continued to sit to canvass the national business. The 
 sheriffs used the freedom of omitting such boroughs as they conceived did not contain 
 persons of sufficient wealth or ability to quality them for the office of representa- 
 tives; aud the boroughs returned thanks for this omission, considering it an indulgence. 
 This power of the sheriffs continued till the reign of Richard II. In the reign of Ed- 
 I 111. there is an instance of the King naming all the deputies. In the parliament 
 raoncd by Edward, in the year 1295, wiits were issued tol^Ocities and boroughs. — 
 It is curious to reflect on these facts of the earlv history of the honourable lipase. I;s 
 -y exhibits some resemblance to the rise and fall of many powerful kingdoms. 
 We see it. by its virtue aud perseverance, force its way from obscurity, weakni 
 poverty, to power and distinction : having attained its meridian, we see it sink, amidst 
 its own corruptions, into imbecility and nothingness. 
 Among the miscellaneous events of this reign, may be mentioned, the institution of 
 the famous mercantile society, called the Merchant Adventurers- It was intended for 
 the encouragement <>f the woollen manufacture In 1303, the Exchequer w is ribbed 
 Qf Do less a sum than _/_' 100,000. The abbots and monks of \ ■ . were indicted 
 for the robbery. The tribute of 1000 marks a-year, to which King John, in doing 
 Homage to the Pope, had subjected the kingdom, still continued to be paid. The 
 Matuteof mortmain also passed in this reign. It was the first law of the kind in Europe, 
 and prevented the clergy making any new acquisition of lands. It was a very neces- 
 sary measure in this superstitious age : the clergy, taking advantage of the ignorance of 
 trie people, on their death-bed, frequently extorted fioiu thorn large grants of land, 
 as a pretended atonement for their transgression 5 . By the law of mortmain such 
 • trerr dectart
 Edward the Second. 
 Now Edward was a wicked prince, and did that which was evil in 
 the sight of the Lord. 
 And he departed from the worship of his fathers, and made nnto 
 himself two idols : and the name of the one was Gaveston, and the 
 name of the other was Spencer. 
 And he set them up in his high places, and commanded them to be 
 Howbeit certain of the nobles and great men of the kingdom re- 
 fused to bow down before the idols, which Edward the king had 
 set up. 
 And great tumults ensued, and the nobles rose up against the king, 
 Now Edward was a wicked prince] More correctly a weak than a wicked prince. 
 History charges him with no particular crime, neither against the liberties, the proper- 
 ties, nor the lives of his subjects. His great detects were imbecility of understanding, 
 and a total incapacity for government. The weakness of princes, however, frequently 
 being the cause of wickedness in others, it may be said with some justice, that a weak 
 prince is also wicked. 
 And he departed from the worship of his fathers, and made unto himself two idols.'] A 
 more puerile and contemptible prince is not to he found in the English annals. His 
 extravagant attachment to his favourites, was more like love than friendship. Gaves- 
 ton was the son of a Gascon knight, and insinuated himself into his favour by his 
 agreeable manners, and supplying him with ail those frivolous amusements which 
 suited his capacity and inclination. Possessing a fine shape, easy air, sprightly wit, 
 and excelling in all genteel and elegant exercises, he had those qualifications neces- 
 sary to recommend him to the fair sex, but the last person in the world on whom a 
 great prince should have bestowed unlimited confidence. — Spencer, the other favourite, 
 was an Englishman of high rank, and of a noble family. He appeared to have been 
 cast in the same mould as Gaveston: being a man of mere accomplishment, void of 
 prudence or any other valuable intellectual endowment. These were the two idols 
 which Edward set up for the worship of himself and the people. 
 And he set them up in his high places.] That is he made them his ministers j and 
 during a journey to France, he appointed Gaveston guardian of the kingdom. 
 And great tumults ensued.] The nobles wer? indignant at seeing all ihe powers of, 
 the state in the hands of a worthless and insolent stranger. They bound themselves 
 by an of..l. to expel Gaveston. At the head of the confederacy was Thomas carl of 
 Lancaster, who possessed six earldoms, and the most powerful and opulent subject in 
 England. A parliament being summoned at Westminster, Lancaster and his party 
 came thither with an armed retinue ; and were enabled to impose on the King what 
 terms they pleased. Gaveston was banished; but such was the ridiculous fondness of 
 the King, that he was recalled.
 Ed-ward the Second. 
 and reproved him, saying, O king, the gods which thou hast set up 
 are idols, which we nor our fathers ever knew, neither will we 
 Moreover they plucked them down from their high places, and 
 dashed them in pieces, and utterly destroyed them. 
 Nevertheless the king repenled not, neither turned he from the evil 
 of his ways; wherefore they took from him the crown, and the scep- 
 tre, and the royal robes, and they deposed him from the gov anient 
 of the kingdom, after he had reigned over England nineteen >ears, 
 UK months, and fifteen days; and Edward his son reigned in his 
 Moreover tlitij plucked them down from their high places.] Gaveston was taken pr;- 
 som-r by the *-" rl of Warwick in Dedingtcm Castle, who, being joined by the earls ot 
 Lancaster and Hereford, they ordered "his head to be struck otf by the executioner. 
 Snencer soon alter shared the same fate, as well as his lather. 
 Nevertheless the King repented not j Nothing can be mere piti.ible.than the history 
 and death of Ed ward." All classes, particularly the barons, were worn out with his 
 childish attachments; and, although accused ol no particular crime, his imbecility and 
 weakness, in the hands of others, had become as injurious to his subjects as the most 
 consummate depravity. His own queen, Isabella, was at the head of the confederacy 
 which deposed, and ultimately put him to death. The archbishop ot Canterbury , the 
 principal prelates, as well as a great part of the nobility, joined her party. Edward, 
 alter making some feeble attempts to excite <he people in his favour, was taken pri- 
 soner in Wales, and compelled to resign the crown. He was soon after most inhu- 
 manly murdered in the Castle of Kenilworth, by the ordeis of Mortimer. The rut- 
 Mans directed to despatch him, threw him on a bed, held him down with a table, thrust 
 into his fundament a red hot iron ; and though by this expedient any mark of outward 
 violence was prevented, the crime was discovered by his attendants, by the dreadlul 
 screams with which the King filled the castle, while his bowels were consuming. 
 It is unnecessary to add any thins further in illustration of the character ot this 
 pitiable prince. His crimes were great, hut his misfortunes a'ppear still greater. He 
 experienced all the calamities, which either monarch* or human na'.iire can undergo. 
 He was dethroned, barbarously treated, inhumanly murdered ; and la complete his 
 woes, an amorous Queen had long conferred on him those blooming honours which 
 husbands abhor. , 
 Durins this rei<*n the country was visited b\ an earthquake and a famine. To re- 
 medy the evils of°the latter, Parliament attempted to lower by law the price of provi- 
 sions: a measure clearly evincing the ignorance of the legislature in matters ot politi- 
 cal economy. The price of provisions can only be reduced by introducing plenty; and 
 to attempt forcibly to reduce the price would increase the consumption, discourage 
 production, and thus aggravate the evils they ignorantly attempted t( alleviate. 
 The immense possessions of the barons ma\ be inferred from the petition of Spencer, 
 father of the favourite of that name, who complained of the devastations committed o I 
 his lands by the rebellious nobles. He affirms, that they had ravaged sixty thnte
 Edward the Second. 
 manors belonging to hiro, and he makes his losses amount to ^f '46,000, about £ 133,000 
 of our present money. Among other particulars, he enumerates 28,000 sheep, 1000 
 oxen and heifers, 1 200 cows with their breed for two years, fi6CTcart horses, 2000 bogs, 
 together with 6000 bacons, 80 carcases of beef, and 600 mutton in the larder, 10 tuns 
 of cider, anus for 200 men, and other warlike, engines and provisions. 
 Ed this reign was fought the famous battle of Bannockhurn, which Burns lias ira- 
 m irtalized by his celebrated address, " Scots viha hue wi Wallace bled." It was the 
 greatest and most disgraceful overthrow the English ever sustained. Robert Bruce, 
 who commanded the Scots, having drawn up his small army behind a rivulet, com- 
 manded pits to be dug along its banks, and sharp stakes to be planted in them; and 
 ordered the whole to be covered over with turf. The English cavalry, led on by the 
 Earl of Gloucester, advanced impetuously to the charge, and fell among the covered 
 pits Bruce had prepared for their reception. Gloucester was slain; Sir James 
 Douglas, who commanded the Scotch cavalry, gave them no time to rally, but drove 
 ... off the field in sight of their whole line of infantry. While the English were 
 alarmed with this unfortunate commencement, they observed an army on the heights 
 towards the left, which appeared marching leisuiely in order to surround them; this 
 was a number of waggoners and sumpter boys whom Bruce had collected, and having 
 supplied them with military standards, gave iberu the appearance at a distance of a 
 formidable body. The stratagem took effect: a panic seized the English ; they threw 
 down their arms and fled ; they were pursued with great slaughter for the space of 
 ninety miles, till they reached Berwick ; and the Scots besides an inestimable booty 
 took many persons of quality prisoners, and above 400 gentlemen, whose ransoms 
 formed a new accession of wealth to the conquerors. The number of slain on this oc- 
 casion is uncertain; but Hume, who was a Scotsman, says, that the defeat made such 
 a deep impression on the mind's of the English, that for some years no superiority of 
 numbers could encourage them to keep the field against his countrymen. 
 The abolition of the Knights Templars seems deserving of some notice. This order 
 had arisen during the first fervour of the Crusades ; and was instituted at Jerusalem 
 for the defence of the holy sepulchre and the protection of pilgrims. They were first 
 called the Poor of the Holy City; afterwards they had the name of Templars from 
 their house being near the temple : hence the origin of the Temple in London. Their 
 devotion and valour, the two qualities most popular in that age, had obtained them 
 ample possessions in every country in Europe, especially in France. In the course of 
 time their immense wealth relaxed the severity of their virtues ; and acquainted from 
 experience with the fatigues and dangers of expeditions to the East, they rather chose 
 to enjoy in Europe their ample revenues; and being all men of birth, educated accord- 
 ing to the custom of the age, without any tincture of letters, they scorned the ignoble 
 occupation of a monastic life, and passed their time in the fashionable amusements of 
 hunting, gallantry, and the pleasures of the table. 
 Philip, King of France, however, entertaining some private disgust against, some 
 eminent Templars, was the principal cause oi their ruin. On no better information 
 a that of two knights, condemned by their superiors to perpetual imprisonment for 
 their vices and profligacy, this cruel and vindictive monarch ordered all the Templar? 
 ■ France to be committed to prison, imputing to them the most horrible crimes. They 
 accused of murder, robbery, heresy, and a most unnatural offence. More than a 
 hundred of these calumniated men were put to the torture, in order to extort from 
 them a confession of guilt. The most obstinate perished in the hands of their tor- 
 mentors ; several to procure immediate ease, in the violence of their agonies, acknow- 
 ledged whatever was required of them; forged confessions were imputed to others; 
 and Philip, pretending their guilt was confirmed, proceeded to confiscate their trea- 
 sures. But no sooner were the Templars removed from their torments, than, preferring 
 the most cruel execution to life with infamy, they justified the innocence of their 
 order, and appealed to all the gallant actions performed by them in ancient or later 
 times as a full answer to their calumniators. The barbarous tyrant, enraged at this 
 ' ippointment, ordered fifty-four of there, whom be branded as relapsed heretics, t 
 be burnt to death ill his capital, and when he found that the perseverance of thew
 Edward the 7 
 unhappy men had made deep imprea , deavoured to over- 
 come their obstinacy \>y new cruellu .1 master of the order, and am 
 it officer, luct d to tlie scaffold ; a full pardon was offered to trumi on one 
 hand, the fire destined lor their execution was shown iem on. the olhei Tue*e 
 bra.- of their order, were hurried into the flames. 
 In all this barbarous injustice the Popes who was t he creature ol Philip, and then 
 resided in Prani ■ icurred, and without examining a witness or making any further 
 iuquiry, abolished the order The Templars all over Europe were throw" into prison*; 
 hut though their conduot underwent u strict scrutiny, no traces of their gui t were pro- 
 tended to be found, In shoit, they appear to have been the victims of a foul conspi- 
 racy, and their greatest crime a certain degree <>f luxury and licentiousness, the eon:»>- 
 quence of their prodigious wealth. Their possession-, were transferred to the order of 
 ;t. John ol Jerusalem, whose poverty had as yet preserved them from a like corruption. 
 U the time of the dissolution of the Templars they were possessed of 16,000 lordbhips, 
 besides other lands. It wa3 a common sa>iiiL', To drink U!:e a Templar. 
 The kingdom still coniinued greatly infested with robbers, wlio were still further in- 
 creased by the famine, •which obliged the nobility to dismiss many of their retainers. 
 They met in troops like armies, and overrun the country. Two cardinals, notwith- 
 standing lii»- numerous train which attended them, were robbed and despoiled of I 
 goods and equipage when they travelled on the highway. 
 Hume relates, that he had seen a French manuscript containing an account of si 
 .tedisbu/sementsof Edward. There was an item of a crown paid to one tor making 
 laugh. This, be observes, from the event* of tbe reigu o . to have 
 easy undertaking. 
 And Edward was fourteen years old when he began to reigu, and. 
 he reigned over England fifty years, and his mother's name 
 And she took upon her the government of the kingdom during ihf 
 infancy of her son : and her heart lusted after idols, and after all the 
 uiuaiions of her husband. 
 And she made unto herself an idol, and called its name Mortimer; 
 and she fell down before, it, and worshipped with great zeal day and 
 Howbeit when Edward the king became of age, he was greatly 
 ie unto herself an idol, and called its name Mortimer.] She had lonp; ' 
 iminal intercourse with this nobleman, and according to Froissart, it was reported 
 ith child. Moriiiucr had the government entirely in his hands, by hef 
 Han ;< Edward- the King became of age — even, the tree of Tyburn.'] The pn . 
 nanc <!1 as the pride, ambition, and rapacity of Mortimer, was the 
 his downfall. Kdv/ard, owing to the rjjr^at infiuenqc of tlrh nobleman, and 
 - surrounded with his en roceed v» caution
 Edtvard the Third. 
 offended at the abominations of his mother: wherefore lie put her in 
 prison, and he plucked down the idol which she had set up, and he 
 hung it on a tree, even the tree of Tyburn. 
 And Edward became a great and mighty king, and begat a son, 
 and called him after his own name : moreover he was afterwards sur- 
 nanied the Black Prince, and he waxed strong and valiant, and be- 
 came a mighty warrior in the land. 
 And he fought the battles of his father, and the arm of the Lord 
 Having at length corrmunicated Ms design to a few of the nobles who hated Mortimer, 
 the castle of Nottingham was chosen for the scene of the enterprise. The Queen and 
 Mortimer lodged in that fortress; and as the castle was strictly guarded, the gate* 
 locked, and the keys conveyed to the Queen, who slept with them under her pillow, 
 it was necessary to communicate the plot to Sir Richard Eland, the governor, who 
 zealously took part in it. By Edward's orders his associates were admitted through a 
 subterraneous passage; and Mortimer, notwithstanding the Queen's cries and exclama- 
 tions, entreating them To spare the gallant Mortimer,* was apprehended, and conducted 
 under a strong gu.ird to the Tower of London. A parliament was immediately sum- 
 moned for his condemnation. He was accused of having procured the. death of the 
 late King ; of having obtained exorbitant grants of the royal domains ; of having dissi- 
 pated the public treasure; of having seduced the Queen; of having secreted 20,000 
 marks of the money paid by the King of Scotland ; and of other crimes and mis- 
 demeanors. The parliament condemned him from the supposed notoriety of the facts, 
 ■without trial, or hearing his answer, or examining a witness ; and he was hanged on a 
 gibbet at the Elms, in the neighbourhood of London. 
 It is remarkable, that this sentence, twenty years after, was reversed by parlia- 
 ment, in favour of Mortimer's son, on account of the alleged illegality of the proceed- 
 ing. This shows that the principles of justice were beginning to prevail, though not 
 sufficiently established The descendants of Mortimer, by the female line, subsequently 
 succeeded to the throne. The Queen was deprived of her exorbitant income, which 
 she had granted to herself, and reduced to a pension of ,£3000 a-year. She was 
 also confined to her house at Risings, near London, where she lived twenty-eight years 
 after ; the King, her son, visiting her once or twice a-year, -more out of decency, Rapin 
 says, than affection. At her death she was buried in the choir of the Grey Friars, now 
 Christ Church, in London. 
 And Edward — begat asmi — surnamed the Black Prince.] So called from the colour 
 of his armour. He is described by historians as the most excellent prince England had 
 ever produced ; and little inferior in virtue and talent to the Roman Scipio. He was 
 a good soldier, a great general, brave without fierceness, bold in battle, 6ut affable in 
 conversation, and of a modest demeanour. Ever submissive and respectful to the King 
 his father, whom he never once disobliged. Generous, liberal, pleased with rewarding 
 merit wherever he found it, he wanted no qualification to form a perfect hero. Such 
 is the character given of this renowned warrior. 
 And he fought the battles of his father — and took prisoner the King thereof] In these 
 wars were fought the celebrated battles of Cressy and Poictiers. At the battle of Cressy 
 Edward employed artillery : tbe first time mention is made of that terrible invention in 
 Europe. It changed the whole art of war ; rendered battles less bloody, and their 
 results more dependent on skill and generalship, than numbers and courage. — At the 
 battle of Poictiers, where King John and his son were taken prisoners, there were six 
 Frenchmen to one Englishman. The overthrow of the French, at Cressy, was complete ; 
 among the slain werceight hundred nobles, the Duke of Bourbon, a prince of the blood, the 
 * Ikr words were, " Bel-Fitz, Bel-Fitz, ayei pitie du gentile Mortimer.' -
 Edward the Viird. 
 was with him, ami he conquered the kingdom of France, and took 
 prisoner the king thereof, with his son and many of the nobles. 
 And Edward the king took on him the sovereignty of France, and 
 he quartered the arms of the kingdom; and his successors are called 
 kings of France unto tins day. 
 And the Black Prince restored also to his kingdom Peter king of 
 Castile, and defeated his enemies. 
 And his name became great over all the earth, and the princes 
 thereof sought his friendship. 
 Howbeit, as it is written of old, the race is not to the swift, nor 
 Duke of A thenes, Constable of France, the Marshal de Noailles, and above fifty other great 
 lords of the kingdom. The Kings also of Bohemia and Majorca were slain. The fate 
 of the former was remarkable: — he was blind from age ; but being resolved to set an 
 example to others, he ordered the reins of his bridle to be tied on each side to the 
 horses of two gentlemen of his tram, and his dead body, and those of his attendants, 
 were afterwards found among the slain, with their horses standing by them in that 
 situation. His crest was three ostrich feathers, and his motto these German words, 
 Ich Dikn, I serve, which continues to be borne bv the Prince of Walts 
 The generous and magnanimous conduct of the Black Prince, to his illustrious pri- 
 soners, has been justly celebrated. He ordered a repast to be prepared in his tent for 
 the King, ond served at his table as if he had been one of his retinue. When they 
 made their entry into London, the King of France was clad in royal apparel, and 
 mounted on a stately white courser, adorned with costly trappings. The conqueror 
 rode by his side in a meaner attire, and carried by a black paltrey. They were received 
 by Sir Henry Picard, the Lord Mayor, with the Aldermen, in their formalities, with 
 the city pageants; in the streets, as the procession passed to Westminster, the citizens 
 hung out all their plate, tapestry, and armour. The mayor, who was a wine-merchant, 
 afterwards invited all the four Kings of England, France, Scotland, and Cyprus, with 
 their retinues, to a feast at his own house, where they were magnificently entertained. 
 — The King of France appears to have been a brave and generous prince ; a saying of 
 his is worth preserving — namely, that Though faith and truth were banished from the 
 rest of the world, the;] ought, however, to h$ preserved in the breasts of Kings. 
 And the Black Prince restored also to his kingdom, Peter, King of Castile.] This we 
 apprehend would have been better let alone. Peter appears to have been a perfect 
 monster, and, for his barbarities, obtained trie epithet of Cruel, tie had filled his 
 kingdom with blood and murder. His nobles fell every day the victims of his ferocity. 
 He put to death several of his natural brothers from groundless jealousy. Lo\e 
 seemed to inflame, rather than soften the violence of his nature; and having first 
 thrown his queen into prison, he then poisoned her, and married one of his mistresses. 
 Such is the character given of Peter of Castile. 
 Howbeit, as it is written of old.] He died of a fever, June 8, 1396 ; and by his will 
 ordered his body to be buried in the cathedral at Canterbury. He was universally 
 regretted, and the Parliament, as a mark of their esteem, attended his funeral. Over 
 his grave is erected a stately monument of grey marble, with his portraiture of copper, 
 gilt; the ends and sides are garnished with escutcheons, also of copper, enamelled 
 with his arms and devices, and superscribed with the words Houmont and Ich Dien. 
 Ou an iron bar, over the tomb, are placed the helmet and crest, coat of mail, and 
 gauntlets; and, on a pillar, his shield of arms, richly diapered with gold. On a fillet 
 of brass is circumscribed a French epitaph; and on the s^uth-sidc of the foot, and 
 north-side of the tomb, are verses in that language.
 Edward the Third. 
 ' - ■» » ' ' — _ ' 
 the bottle to the strong, a distemper took him, and he died in the 
 forty and sixth year of his age; and the glory of Edward his father 
 from that time forth diminished. 
 In these days lived thiik grete poet, hight Geoffery Chaucere, the 
 fader of Inglish poesie, whose workis hen ritten in rime, and imprinted 
 in a boke, ycUped tije workis of roaister Geoffery Chaucere : and he 
 smothed the tonge of his contrie, and his fame is woxen grete in the 
 Now the rest of the acts of king Edward, and the noble order of 
 the garter that he instituted, behold they are written in the book of 
 Ashmole the herald. 
 And Edward reigned over England fifty years, and he died, and 
 Richard liis grandson reigned in his stead. 
 In these days lived thiik grcte -poet, hight Geoffery Chaucere.] Neither where the 
 fader of English poesie was born, nor his profession, nor his origin, are certainly known. 
 His workis are so impregnated with old French and old English, that they are not easily 
 understood. His principal performances are the Assembtees of Foules, the Complain 
 ihe Black Knight, and the Canterbury Tales. Pope has given a beautiful version of his 
 Wife ol Bath, January and May, and some other of his sloiies. Edward allowed him 
 . marks yearly, equal io^SjOO present money, and a pitcher of wine daily. He ap- 
 pears to have been a dextrous courtier; filled several important offices about the King ; 
 and acquired ureat wealth. Wood, in his Annals, relates, that ihefadtr of English 
 poesie repented ol his evil ways. He did not repent of what he had said of the clergy, 
 "Yet of that he wrote of love and bauderie, it grieved him much on his death-bed, 
 I out, « Woe is me ! woe is me ! that I cannot recall and annul those things 
 which I have written of the bane and filthy loves of men towards women; but alas! 
 are now coiumned from man to man, and I cannot do that which I desire. " 
 Alas! poor Geoffrey Chaucere; Jet all authors and authoresses take warning from 
 the miserable end of Geoffrey Chaucere, and abstain from the base and filthy loves of men 
 towards unttn. Geoffrey's repentance was something like Solomon's vanity of vanities. 
 Philoso >hers have since attempted to explain, why men's opinions change from youth* 
 to age ; it depends on something of the same principles as the jaundice, but we cannot 
 stop to explain the mystery in detail. Johnson says, Chaucer was " the first of our 
 ifiers who wrote poetically." 
 Now the rest of the acts of King Edward — Ashmole the herald ] We know nothing of 
 ok- worth mentioning, except that he was the Windsor herald, and wrote a pro- 
 digious wu:k oii the Order of the Garter, for which Charles LI. granted him an annuity 
 of \£40^. Different accoun s are given of the origin of the Orderofthe Garter. One 
 account states that it arose Irani \\\e Countess of Salisbury having dropped her garter at 
 a ball, wh'ch the King took up, exclaiming, Honi soitwjui mal y phnse, — Evil to him. 
 that evil thinlcs. Anothi r account says, that the King hoisted his garter as the signal of 
 battle a' Cressy, A rhiid ascribes the motto to the French war, and says it was in- 
 tended lo imply a defiance and >hame on those who should oppose the claim of Edward 
 to thai ci iwn.- Originally there were 26 Knights Companions; but in the year 1786, 
 o.vii! '.crease in i he Royal Family, six mote were added. Vaiious officers, as 
 Prelate, Chancellor, Register, King at Arms, ami Usher of the Black Rod, are 
 attached to the Onicr. With the exception of the Prelate, they all receive fees and 
 AM Edv.ard reigned over England fifty years.] Edward, like many other great men.
 Edward the Third. 
 lived too long for his own glorj .in. I fame. In his oUl a U desperately in 1 
 with Alice Pierce, 0111 6f the ladies of the bed-chamber to Queen Phifrppa. The 
 money raised foi the w ur was lai ished on this rnistri S3. His whole lime Qt in 
 e"ndeavoarrng to please and procure her diversions. 1 a 1 isamtnate hb folly, fie held 
 a tournament id SiDichfield, where Alice Pi( r< . to whom the "I.I dol ?enlh< 
 name of Lady of the Sun, appeared by his side in a triumphant chariot, attended 
 by many hidies of quality, each leading a knight by his hoi En short, it is 
 clear Edward beca ne quite a fool hi hi-, latter days, lie only survived tbe death ol 
 the Black Print e aboul a \ ear. Alice, his favoui ite, attended bim in his last illness ; 
 and when she saw Edward dying, seized ev< ry thing of valu« Bhe could find, even to 
 the rings on In- finger, and withdrew. The last word the King pronoun the 
 the name of Christ. rfe died at Shene, now Richmond, in the sixty-fifth year ul his 
 age, and was burieil in Westminster Abbey. 
 This long reign upon the whole was fortunate for Engl ind. It i- not, however, the 
 military glories of Edward we so much admire, as the excellence of his civil adminis- 
 tration. The exorbitant power of the barons was restrained, and the com nous, under 
 the protection of the King, began gradually to rise into importance. i 1 good 
 laws were enacted, of which the most popular was the 25th of the King. This - 
 lute limited the cases of high treason, before vague and uncertain to three p 
 cipal heads — namely, conspiring the death ol the King, levying war against bim, 
 adhering to his enemies; an 1 <hould any other cases occur tbe Judges were prohibited 
 inflicting the penalty of treason, without first applying to parliament The GrenuiUe 
 Act, and numerous laws relative to the coin, have subsequently greatly added to the 
 number of treasons. 
 The 28th Edw. III. cap. 3, enacts, That no man, of wh / state or condition 
 slwll be put out of land or tenement, nor takbn, nob imprisoned, nor disinherited, 
 nor put to death, without being brought to answer by due proci bs 01 law — In how 
 many instances this law has been violated within the last two years! Another impor- 
 tant enactment, is the 4th Edw. III. c. 14, which ordains, that a] I shall be 
 held once a year, or ofterii r if need be. This law, like many others, was very little ob- 
 served, and lost its authority by disuse. Edward granted no fewer than twenty par- 
 liamentary confirmations ol' .Magna Ch iRTA, which implies that gieal bulwark w as 
 not very religiously observed ; otherwise, where the necessity for these repeated con- 
 The magnificent castle of Windsor was built by Edward III. The architect w 
 celebrated William Wickham, the founder of that much abused and perverted esta- 
 blishment Winchester College. The mode ol conducting the undertaking illustrates 
 the manners of the age. Instead ol 1 11 by contracts and the 
 King assessed every county in England to send bim a certain number of maso ■-, tilers, 
 and carpenters, as if he had been e ying an army. 
 The first toll we read of in England for mending the highways was in posed in this 
 11 ign ; and was for repairing the road betwixl St. • liles's and I emple Ear. 
 The contract betwixt the price of labour and the rewards of military service is sin< 
 A reaper, in the first week of August, was not allowed above two-pence a day, nearly 
 sixpence present money ; in the second week a third more. A mast uter was 
 limited through the whole year to threepence a day, a common carpenter to twopence, 
 money Of that age. Wages by Act of Parliament. If a man boarded with 
 his employer, one-third ol his wages was the price of his subsistence. But what is 
 remarkable, the pay of a common soldiei \. is sixpence a day, equivalent to five - 
 present money. Soldiers were tin n 1 for a veryshorl tina 
 cessful campaign, by pay and plunder, and was supposed to 
 be a small fortune to a man, and enabled him to live idly the rest of his lil 
 Richard the Seccnd. 
 Many ridiculous laws were enacted to restrain luxury of living. No man, under a 
 hundred pounds a year, was allowed to wear gold, silver, or silk, in his clothes. Ser- 
 vants were also prohibited eating flesh meat or fish above once a day No one was 
 allowed cither for dinner or supper above three, dishes in each course, and not above 
 two courses. Soused meat, or what is known in Yorkshire, we believe, by stewed 
 meat, counted as one of the dishes. These things always regulate themselves best; 
 and the wisest legislation is that which permits individuals to eat, drink, and wear 
 whatever they please or can afford. 
 In speaking of the House of Commons, we omitted an important fact. In the elec- 
 tion ot members, lawyers, from their mean character, were totally excluded the house 
 during several parliaments. It were well to revert to this ancient practice. Lawyers, 
 of all men, make the worst legislators; their interest is in the making of bad and not 
 good la its. 
 Among the most remarkable phenomena of the age may be reckoned the prowess of 
 an English tailor. This knight of buckram and twist was bound apprentice to a tailor in 
 London ; quitted his trade, and went a soldier into France, where he was knighted for 
 his valour ; and going into Italy, was so much in favour with the Duke of Milan, that he 
 gave him his natural daughter in marriage. After the Duke's death, he served the 
 commonwealth of Florence ; and dying in their service, the Florentines, in testimony 
 of their gratitude for his valour and services, erected an equestrian statue of marble 
 to his memory. The name of this hero was Thomas Hack wood ; he was the son 
 of a tanner in Essex. — Rapin, vol. 3, p. 507. 
 And Richard was a wicked prince, and did that which was evil in 
 the sight of the Lord, oppressing the people, and loading them with 
 grievous impositions. 
 And he laid a tax on the heads of all his subjects, from fifteen years 
 old and upwards, of what sex or condition soever, which was called 
 the poll-tax, and it was collected with great strictness and severity. 
 And it came to pass, that one of the tax-gatherers came to the 
 And Richard was a wicked prince.] Richard being only eleven years of age, the 
 government was placed in the hands of his uncles ; three ambitious men, who, to keep 
 the young prince in a perpetual minority, took more pains to corrupt than improve his 
 understanding. His education was entirely neglected ; he was encouraged in every 
 species of excess and folly; and spent his time principally in the most dissolute com- 
 pany of both sexes ; and contracted a taste for pomp and pleasure, rather than the 
 duties of his station. 
 And hi laid a tax upon the heads of all his subjects.'] The tax was l°2d. each. None 
 were excepted from this impost, it was levied even on lh» monks and nuns.
 Richard the Second. 
 house of a certain tyler at the town of Deptford, in Kent, commonly 
 called Wat the tyler, and demanded the tax for one of his daughters. 
 And Wat the tyler said unto him, Nay verily, but thou shouldst 
 not demand the tax of my daughter, for the maiden is not yet fifteen 
 years old. 
 Howbeit the tax-gatherer believed not the words of her father, for 
 the virgin was fair and comely to look on. 
 Wherefore he stooped down, and put his hand beneath the gar- 
 ments of the maiden, to see if peradventure the signs of her woman- 
 hood might not appear; and he discovered her nakedness. 
 And the virgin was covered with shame, insomuch that she spake 
 not a word. 
 But the impudence of the thing incensed her father, and his indig- 
 nation kindled against the officer, and he had a hammer in his band, 
 with which he strake him on the head that his brains came out. 
 And immediately a great tumult arose, and all the people defend- 
 ed the action of Wat the tyler, and praised his courage : more- 
 over they chose him for their captain, and determined to abolish 
 the tax. 
 And they marched in a body and encamped en Black-IIeath, and 
 and he was joined there by Jack Straw, and their number increased 
 to an hundred thousand men. 
 And a certain priest named Ball, was chaplain to the army, and he 
 preached to the multitude from these words : 
 When Adam dtlv'd and Dvcspau, 
 Who was then a gentleman? 
 Wherefore he stooped down.] Our author, after the manner of the Divine Historians, 
 is very plain in some parts of hi* narrative. What he says must be taken rather in a 
 scriptural lhaii a literal sense, and an allowance must be made lor the different manners 
 of the age. Hume, Henry, Rapin, and other profane writers, concur in the same 
 And a certain priest named Bali] The history of Wat Tyler's insurrection lias been 
 linely dramatized by Robert Southlv, poet luureut. lie makes John Ball sav — 
 " My brethren, thest aretruthi and weighty met 
 Yk arb all equal: nature mad-
 Richard the Second. 
 From hence lie taught them that all men were born equal, that it was 
 never the design of heaven that one part of mankind should he the 
 laves and vassals of the other; and therefore exhorted them to de- 
 stroy the nobility, the clergy, the magistrates, and all who pretended 
 to lord it over them. 
 With these pious resolutions they marched to London, and en- 
 camped on Tower Hill, plundering and burning the houses of all 
 whom they thought their enemies. 
 And they set fire to the Temple, and burnt and destroyed the 
 writings of all the lawyers ; they burned also the palace and all the 
 rich furniture of the duke of Lancaster in the Savoy. 
 And they dragged from the churches and from the altars many who 
 had fled for refuge, and slew them in the streets. 
 Equality is your birth right; — when I gaze 
 On the proud palace, behold one man 
 In the blood purpl'd robes of royalty, 
 Feasting at ease and lording over millions ; 
 Then turn me to the hut of poverty, 
 And see the wretched lab'rer, worn with toil, 
 Divide his scanty morsel with his infants, 
 I sicken, and indignant at the sight, 
 Blush for the patience of humanity." 
 In another place the laureate makes Ball ask the Judge- 
 Why sit you there clad in your fur? ? 
 • -v j — ; ; j " 
 Why are your cellars stor'd with choicest wines ? 
 Your larders hung with dainties, while your vassal, 
 As virtuous, and as able too by nature, 
 Tho' by your selfish tyranny deprived 
 Of miiid's improvements shivers in his rags, 
 And starves amidst the plenty he creates." 
 Again, Mr. South ey makes Tyler say — 
 " King of England. 
 Petitioning for pity is most weak. 
 The sovereign people ought to demand justice." 
 The renegade laureat afterwards disavowed these truths; and, on a late occasion, 
 had the baseness to attempt to prevent their circulation. The cause of all this may- 
 be found in the Black Book; where we find Robert Southcy in the list ofstaU 
 caterpillars, and receiving an annual income out of the pockets of the people as the 
 price of his servility and apostacy.
 T 1 1 F. KINGS o I E\(, LA N D. (j I 
 !' laird the Second. 
 \ii-l tlic\ >t inL<* oil" the head of Simon Sudbury, archbishop i I 
 Canterbury, and Hales the high treasurer, and many more, on 
 Then the King sent messengers unto them, desiring l<> know what 
 they would have: and Wat the tyler demanded to speak with the 
 King" in person. 
 Then Richard the King, attended by many of his nobles, and the 
 mayor and the aldermen of London, went forth to meet him, and 
 they met him in Smithfield. 
 And lie behaved with great arrogance, and his demands were 
 so extravagant that the King knew not what answer to make unto 
 Moreover he commanded the -quire who held the sword of the 
 King to deliver it to him: howbeit the squire took courage and re- 
 fused to deliver it, saying, 'flic sicord of a Kins; would ill become 
 the hand of a knave. 
 Now Wat the tyler was vexed at this saying, and he advanced 
 with his sword t'> slay the squire. 
 Then Richard tlic King attended by many of his nobles.] The first interview was ap- 
 pointed at RedriflF, on the banks of the Thames, where Tyler and his followers were 
 assembled. The King went on board his burg? early in the morning, and steered 
 towards ItedrifF, accompanied by the earl of Salisbury, and many other noblemen. 
 As soon as they helu'M the royal barge approaching, Froissart says, they set up such 
 a horrible yell, as if all the devils in bell bad been in their company. The King's 
 attendants dissuaded him from exposing himself to such a furious assemblage ; upon 
 which In- put back, and returned to the Tower. This was the 6rst attempt at an 
 interview . 
 And he behueed with great arrogance, and his demands ■were so extravagant.^ There 
 appears to have been nothing trerj * xtravagant in the demands of Wat Tyler and his fol- 
 lowers. They demanded that they, their lands, possessions, and posterity, might be 
 bee. That all warn ns, parks, and chases, should be made free and common to all; 
 and that there might be no more slavery or servitude in England for ever. The King 
 promised to grant them the most ample charters of freedom, under the great seal, 
 with a pardon for all that was past, on condition that they would return to their homes. 
 These terms were accepted by one body of the populace; and about thirty expert 
 clerks being set to work to write these charters, which consisted only of a few lines ; 
 they were sealed and delivered to all who demanded them, who thereupon returned 
 home, happy in the success of tin ir expedition. But the King afterwards violated his 
 —Henry's Great Bntain, vol. vii. p. 321 ; and Unpin, vol. iv, p, 81. 
 i vrd to slay tft<- squire.] Rapio says, the 
 arrived (■ 5mil I lesire him td come
 Richard the Second. 
 Then William Walworth, the mayor of London, was exceedingly 
 enraged at the insolence of the tyler, and he stepped forth, and 
 smote him with a dagger that he died : wherefore the dagger was 
 added to the arms of the city. 
 Thus ended the insurrection of Wat Tyler and Jack Straw ; and 
 all the rabhle returned each to his own house. 
 and confer with him. Wat replied to this message, he would come when he thought 
 proper. However, he moved forward at the head of his followers, hut so slowly, 
 that the King beginning to be out of patience, he sent the same knight to him to urge 
 him to make more haste, which had like to have cost the knight his life. Tyler had 
 just entered Smithfield, when the knight delivered the King's message, without 
 alighting, not imagining Wat would stand upon that ceremony. But Tyler having 
 grown insolent, as he had grown powerful, was so offended at this want of respect, that 
 he was going to kill him, if the King, who was advancing, had not cried out to the 
 knight lo dismount. 
 Then William Walworth — enraged at the insolence if the tyler.~\ Wat took hold of 
 the King's bridle, and frequently lilted up his sword as if to threaten him in case 
 he granted not his demands. His assassination seems to have been a perilous ex- 
 periment ; for his followers, who amounted to more than 40,000, enraged at the 
 death of their leader, were upon the point of inflicting summary vengeance upon 
 the King and his small retinue. This catastrophe was prevented by the King's pre- 
 sence of mind. Instead of flying, he rode up to the assemblage, exclaiming with 
 a resolute and courageous voice: What, my lieges, xcill you then kill your King ! Be 
 not concerned for the loss of your leader, I myself will now be your general. This 
 cajollery succeeded ; the King placed himself at their head ; led them into St. George's 
 Fields ; meanwhile, Sir Robert Knolles having assembled one thousand armed citizens ; 
 the sight of these disconcerted the rioters : they threw down their arms and immedi- 
 ately dispersed; and thus without the effusion of any blood, except their leader's, 
 was this formidable commotion suppressed. 
 As to the dagger, it certainly forms a part of the arms of the city, but Stow, in 
 his Survey, gives a different account of its origin ; he says it is the sword of St. Paul. 
 The more probable account, however, is, that it had its origin in the exploit of Wal- 
 worth, who was afterwards knighted, and an annuity of one hundred pounds settled 
 upon him for ever. 
 Thus ended the insurrection of Wat Tyler and Jack Straw.] It is the most formidable 
 commotion mentioned in English history. It is remarkable for its suddenness, the 
 extent of the mischief perpetrated, and its wide diffusion through different parts of 
 the country. The people not only rose against their oppressors in Kent, but also in 
 Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, and various other parts of the kingdom. At St. Albans, a 
 prodigious multitude, under the command of Gryndicobbe, and Cadyndon, a chan- 
 dler, cut off the heads of several gentlemen ; and threatening to do the same to the 
 monks and abbot, they extorted from them charters of freedom from bondage. Ano- 
 ther party, near St. Edmonsbury, commanded by one Robert Westbroom, beheaded 
 Sir John Cavendish, Lord Chief Justice, and did incredible mischief. In Norfolk, 
 the rustics assembled in immense numbers, under the command of John Littester, a 
 dyer, in Norwich, who assumed the title of King of the Commons. 
 But all these commotions terminated in nothing beneficial to the people. After the. 
 death of Wat Tyler, and the dispersion of his followers, the different parties of 
 insurgents separated and returned to their homes. Immediately after, the King sum-
 Richard the Second. 
 And Richard the King made unto himself idols, as Edward the 
 second his 'predecessor had done: and the thing which he did, dis- 
 pleased the people, and they took the crown from off his head, and 
 put it on the head of Henry duke of Lancaster, the son of John of 
 moned all the military servants of the crown to appear at London with horses and 
 arms. This summons was so well obeyed, that in a few days an army of 40,000 
 horsemen appeared at the rendezvous on Blackhealh. As soon as the King found 
 himself supported by so great a power, be issued a proclamation, commanding all 
 tenants in villanage to perform their usual services to their lords In a few days alter he 
 proceeded a step farther, and revoked all the charters of freedom and manumission which 
 had been granted to the common people, and which act of injustice and treachery was 
 shortly after confirmed by parliament. Commissions were then issued to the 
 judges to go into dillWent counties to try the delinquents. These commissions were 
 executed with so mucb severity, especially by Sir Robert Tresillian, chief justice ot 
 the King's bench, thai mure than 1500 of these unhappy men were condemned and 
 executed as traitors.* The whole of the disturbances lasted about a month. It wai 
 an abortive attempt on the pari o!*the villains to throw off the iron yoke of feudal 
 bondage and recover the rights of men 
 And Richard the /w».if made unto himself idols — Henry duke of Lancaster ] Though 
 Richard occasionally evinced traits of courage and understanding, he was upon the 
 whole a weak, tyrannical, and incapable prince. His taste for pomp and magni- 
 ficence had become extremely burdensome to his people; and though a terrible 
 plague and famine ravaged the country, he made no abatement in his ridiculous and 
 expensive pleasures. It is said he daily entertained ten thousand persons. In hit 
 kitchen alone three hundred domestics were employed, and the queen had the like 
 number of women in her service. He valued himself upon surpassing in splendour 
 all the sovereigns in Europe ; which foolish vanity being very chargeable to hit 
 subjects, necessarily drew upon him their aversion. t 
 The chief cause, however, of his downfal was, the violent seizure of the estates of 
 Henry of Bolingbroke, Duke of Lancaster, then an exile in France. Such a flagrant 
 act of injustice excited the indignation of all classes against the King, and compassion 
 for the banished duke. While these discontents were raging, Richard had the im- 
 prudence to undertake an expedition to Ireland, to revenue the death of Mortimer, 
 Earl of Afarche ; and thus left the kingdom at the mercy of the malcontents. 
 The Duke of Lancaster hearing of these things, and having received invitations 
 from many powerful barons, determined to invade England, and recover by force 
 the rights of which he had been unjustly deprived. He landed at Ravenspur, in 
 Yorkshire, July -I, and was immediately joined by the earls of Northumberland and 
 Westmorland, and many other powerful noblemen and their followers. He marched 
 southward, giving out that he wus only going to recover possession of his inheritance, 
 which brought such immense multitudes to his standard, that they soon amounted to 
 sixty thousand men. Shortly after, he was joined by the regent of the kingdom, 
 the Duke of York, with a considerable army. Every thing was now lost. Richard, 
 on landing from Ireland, instead of finding the regent at the head of an army for 
 the support of his authority, found him ranged ou the side of his rival. He then 
 disbanded his small army, and retired to Conway castle. Being almost alone, he 
 saw no other alternative than throwing himself on the mercy of his enemy. He sent 
 one of his attendants to the duke, desiring a conference ; and offering, on condition 
 • Henry's History of Great Britain, vol. vii. p. Sl5. t Rapiu, vol.iv, p. 52.
 Richard the Second. 
 his life was secured, and an honourable pension granted to 1 1 i 1 1 1 > c- ] t" and eight persons 
 whom he should name, to resign the crown. The King then repaired to Flint, about 
 ten miles from Chester, whore the duke was now arrived Next day the duke being 
 come to Flint, went to the King, who said to him, with a cheerful countenance, 
 Cousin of Lancaster you arc welcome. Then the duke bowing thrice to the ground, 
 replied, My lord the King, I am come sooner than you appointed me ; because the common 
 fame of your people is, that you have for this one and twenty years governed very ill and 
 rigorously, with which they are not at all satisfied ; but if it please God J will help you to 
 govern them better for the future. To which the King returned, Fair cousin, since it 
 pleases you, it pleases us also. 
 Richard being now in the power of his enemies, the remainder of his history is 
 very brief. A parliament being summoned, thirty-five articles were prepared, in 
 which he was accused of various crimes and misdemeanors ; and no one, with the ex- 
 ception of the bishop of Carlisle, venturing to say any thing in his defence, he was 
 solemnly deposed. The throne being thus declared vacant, the Duke of Lancaster, 
 though not the nearest heir to the last possessor, rose, from his seat, and having with 
 great appearance of devotion invoked the name of Christ, and crossed himself on 
 the breast and forehead, claimed the crown in the following words : In the liamc ofFadher, 
 Son, and Hoi ii Ghost, I Henry of Lancaster, challenge this rewme of Ynglonde, and the 
 Crowne with all the members and the upurtenances, als I that am decendit by ryght lyne 
 of the blodc, cumyngefra the good ford Ling Henry Thirde, and throUghe that rygltt God 
 of his grace hath sent me, with helpe of my kyn, and cf my frendes to recover it ; which 
 rewme was in poynt to be ondone for default of governance, and undoying cf the gude 
 lawes. — After this harangue the archbishop of Canterbury took Henry by the right 
 hand and conducted him towards the empty throne, and with the assistance of the arch- 
 bishop of York placed him upon it, amidst the acclamations of the assembly. As 
 soon as silence could be obtained, the primate preached a sermon, and endeavoured 
 to represent this unprincipled usurpation as the will of God, and Henry the Lord's 
 anointed. His text was well chosen for his purpose ; it was taken from 1 Samuel, 
 ix. 17. "Behold the man wliom I spake to thee of: tliis same shall reign over my 
 As to Richard he did not Ions survive his deposition, though the exact time and 
 manner of his death are not exactly known. The most probable account appears to 
 be, that he was starved to death in Ponte/ract-castle, about the beginning of the year 
 1400. He was dethroned in the 23d year of his reign, and the 34th of his age, 
 and never had any children. 
 What We have incidentally said, without any further remark, will sufficiently illus- 
 trate the character of this prince. In the miscellaneous events of this period ihere is 
 not much deserving of comment. In our remarks on the last reign, we mentioned the 
 statute of mortmain. With that selfish cunning peculiar to the generality of the or- 
 der, the clergy attempted to evade the provisions of that law. The mortmain act 
 having incapacitated them from inheriting devises of land, they prevailed upon their 
 votaries to leave lands in trust to certain persons, under whose names the clergy enjoy- 
 ed the benefit of the bequest. This new device was frustrated by parliament. 
 Among the religious vagaries of the time, we may mention the dispute betwixt 
 Duns Scotus and Thomas Aquinas, on the miraculous conception. Duns Scotus, commonly 
 called Doctor Subtle, from his pure and mystical notion on this intricate subject, eon- 
 tended, that the seed of the virgin did not mingle with the seed of the Holy Ghost 
 in a carnal and corporeal sense, but only in a spiritual manner. On the contrary, 
 Tliomas AquinaS contended, that the conception was real and in a worldly sense. Both 
 had their partisans. But these impassable mysteries are far above our comprehension. 
 Wc merely mention them, to show, how little reason, in matters of religion, has ad-
 I ft n, t/ iii Fourth. 
 vanced in the space "i foot hundred years. We at the whimsiesof Duni 
 Scottu, but will not posterity laugh also al our own disputes about grace, free will, elec- 
 tion, the triune idj st( i y, and fifty more strange things! about « bich mant ind still con- 
 tinue to hah , prosecute, ami quarrel wiih each othei ' 
 We shall conclude with a remark on the fashions ol this age. In this reign was 
 brought in the custom of wearing peaked shoes, tied to the knee with chains of silver. 
 Ladies used high attire, with long trained gowns, and rude on side-saddles ; a fashion 
 newly brought into the kingdom by Anne, queen ol Bohemia: before that time, ac- 
 cording to Stowe, the women used to ride astride like men. 
 And Henry was thirty and three years old when he began to reign, 
 and he reigned over England thirteen years, five months, and one and 
 twenty days. 
 And he did that which was c\il in the sight of the Lord, as most 
 of his fathers had done. 
 Howheit he made an act for burning of heretics; and they that 
 could not believe as the church commanded, were tied to a stake till 
 the flames consumed them : and for this he was called by the priests 
 and the monks, the writers of that time, a pious and religious prince. 
 And he v»as seized with an apoplexy, and he died, and Henry his 
 son reigned in his stead. 
 Hawbeit he made an act for burning of heretics.] This act ordained that no per- 
 son should presume to preach, instruct, or teach any thing contrary t.i the catholic 
 faith and the determination of the holy church. Any person transgressing this law 
 was to he 'mi m before the people in some high place. This bloody starute stood un- 
 repealed till the year lo77. I he clergy having obtained the power, thej soon put it 
 in force. he ecclesiastical court condemned William Sowtel, a Lollard', who, being 
 delivered ovei to the secular aim, was burnt alive by virtue of the King's writ, directed 
 to the mayor ol London. lie uas the lirst who suffered death in Engl i id on account 
 of his r< ligion. 
 Awi he was seized with an apoplexy,] Rapin says it was the leprosy. But it is no 
 great matter. Henry outlived all the popularity he enjoyed at the "commencement 
 of his reign i'here was nothing in this reign worth preserving, therefore we shall 
 maktt no application of the events of this period. 
 Henry the I'7/i/i. 
 And Henry was a valiant prince, and a great warrior. 
 And he laid claim to the crown of France, and marched into the 
 kingdom with an army of thirty thousand men, taking the town of 
 Harfleur, with many other strong towns. 
 And he defeated the French armv at the battle of Agincourt, ami 
 And Henry was a valiant prince."] Before this prince ascended the throne, his ta- 
 lents had been obscured by excess and debauchery. His associates were of the lowest 
 and most abandoned description, and he had been frequently detected in frolics ra- 
 ther unsuitable to his rank. It is said, that when heated with liquor, he used to sally 
 forth with his riotous companions, and attack the passengers in the streets and high- 
 ways, and despoiling them of their goods, amuse himself with the incidents produced 
 bv their fears. There happened, however, an adventure in which it clearly appeared 
 that Henry was not wholly a stranger to justice and generosity. One of his compa- 
 nions had been indicted before Gascoigne, the chief justice, for some disorder; and 
 Henry was not ashamed to appear at the bar to afford the offender his countenance 
 and protection. Finding his presence had not overawed the chief justice, he proceed- 
 ed to insult the magistrate upon the tribunal ; but Gascoigne, mindful of the respect 
 due to his office and the laws, ordered him to be carried to prison for 1 us rude beha- 
 viour. The spectators were agreeably disappointed, when they saw the prince submit 
 to this sentence and acknowledge his error. These, and some other traits, gave favour- 
 able hopes of the future character of Henry ; and accordingly, when he ascended the 
 throne, he appears to have undergone an entire reformation. He summoned toge- 
 ther all his dissolute companions, acquainted them with his intended change, exhorted 
 them to follow his example, but forbad them, till they had given proof of their sincerity 
 in this particular, to appear in his presence; and he then dismissed them with presents. 
 And he defeated the French army at the battle nf Agincourt.] This famous victory was 
 won on the 25th October, 1415. Hume observes, that there is a wonderful resem- 
 blance in the principal circumstances oi the three great battles of Cressy,Poictiers, and 
 Agincourt. In all of these the English had rashly advanced into the enemy's country-, 
 without leaving themselves any means of retreat, and, unless saved by the egregious 
 imprudence of the French, were exposed to inevitable destruction. In the day of 
 action, the English displayed the same presence of niind, dexterity, courage, firm- 
 ness, and precaution ; the French the same confusion, precipitation, and vain con- 
 fidence. Henry having drawn up his small army betwixt two woods, the Fren»h 
 derived little advantage from their immense superiority of numbers. Before the 
 battle, the King sent David Gam, a Welch captain, to view the strength of the 
 enemy, who reported: There are enough to be lulled, enough to be taken prisoners, and 
 enough to run away. The contest was rather a rout than a battle. The French archers 
 on horseback, and their men at arras crowded in their ranks, advanced upon the 
 English archers, who had fixed palisadoes in their front to break the impression of 
 the enemy, and who safrly plied them, from behind that defence, with showers of 
 arrows which nothing could resist. The clay soil, moistened by some rain which had 
 lately fallen, proved another obstacle to the force of the French cavalry. In a short 
 time the whole mass was thrown into confusion ; and the English, perceiving their 
 advantage, fell upon them with their battle axes and hewed them to pieces, without
 Henry the Fifth. 
 slew to the Dumber of sixty thousand men. And the Lord fought 
 for him, and the whole kingdom was given into his hands, and he 
 appointed John Duke of Bedford the regent thereof. 
 And it came to pass that the doctrines ofWickliffe the preacher, 
 who had been condemned by the church as an heretic, began now 
 to spread over England, and prevailed much. 
 And the tenets he taught were these : That the bread and wine, 
 in the sacrament of the altar, still continued to be bread and wine 
 after the consecration of the priest ; that the worship of images was 
 idolatry, and a sreat sin ; that pilgrimages, penances, and con- 
 fessions to the priests were not at all necessary to salvation, but only 
 a good life. 
 Now these were esteemed detestable doctrines, and damnable 
 resistance. The King i'ought on foot, and performed prodigies of valour. According 
 to Monstrelet, nearly half the English fought naked from the waist downwards, for 
 the accommodation of a troublesome complaint, with which they had been afflicted 
 ever since they landed at Harfleur. 
 And it came to pass that the doctrines of M'ickliff'e the preacher. ] John Wickliffe was 
 educated at Oxford, where he took his degree of doctor of divinity. He was so 
 eminent for his parts, learning, and fine genius, that the archbishop of Canterbury, 
 having founded a new college, made him the rector. Wickliife's behaviour in his 
 situation gave universal satisfaction. On the death of his patron he was removed to 
 the living of Littleworth, in the diocese of Lincoln; and it was there that he first 
 published in his sermons and writings his doctrines. Gregory XI. hearing of this 
 new religion, despatched an order to the Bishop of London, to apprehend and ex- 
 amine Wickliffe, and send his deposition to Home. But these orders were not easy 
 to execute, the Duke of Lancaster and the Earl .Marshall having openly declared they 
 would not suffer Wickliffe to be imprisoned. The prelate was obliged to content him- 
 self with summoning Wickliffe before him in St. Paul's Church, where there was a 
 vast concourse of people to hear the examination. The Duke of Lancaster and Lord 
 Percy accompanied the reformer; assuring him that there was no danger, and that he 
 might make his defence with courage before men, who were nitre ignoramuses in 
 comparison to him. A violent altercation took place betwixt Percy and the bishop; 
 the former insisting that Wickliffe should sit, the latter that he should stand during 
 the examination. The dispute became so violent, that the assembly bioke up abruptly, 
 and no further attempt was afterwards made to prosecute Wickliffe. He retired to his 
 living at Littleworth, where he died, in the year 1584. His followers were called 
 Lollards, and rapidly increased after his death. 
 And the tenets he taught icere tliesc.] He also denied the supremacy of the pope; 
 and contended that the Bible alone is sufficient to direct a Christian in the conduct 
 of his life; and that all other rules, instituted and preached in the monasteries, add 
 no more perfection to Christianity, than whiteness to n wall.
 Henry the Fifth. 
 And great fear came upon all priests, lest the eyes of the people 
 should he opened, and their craft exposed : wherefore they besought 
 the King that he would join with them in extirpating out of the laud 
 all who should teach or profess these dangerous truths. 
 And Sir John Old castle, Lord Cohham, a man of virtue and great 
 reputation, with Sir Robert Acton, and many others, were hanged 
 and burnt in Smithfield for professing the same. 
 Thus truth was defeated, and ignorance again prevailed in the 
 land, the priests and the levites triumphed, and the minds of the 
 people were clothed in darkness, and fed with error. 
 Now the rest of the acts of King Henry, and all that he did, 
 are they not written in the books of the chronicles of the'kings of 
 England 1 
 And great fear came upon all priests— their craft fxposed.] Yes, they were terribly 
 afraid, and were unceasing in their applications to the King, to burn and otherwise 
 punish the heretics They appeared to consider reason and scripture alone, without 
 the aid of [he secular power, insufficient for their defence. It was always thus: 
 priests speak of the doctrines of Mahomet as monstrous, though, whenever an oppor- 
 tunity offers, they are ready to follow his practices, and force down their principles 
 with the point of the sword. Poperi; was then the established religion, and pro- 
 testantism the religion persecuted; protestantism triumphed, and triumphed, in part, no 
 doubt, because she was persecuted ; having attained the ascendancy, she likewise 
 became a persecutor, and by fine and imprisonment, absurdly attempts t» avail 
 herself, in the war against reason and truth, of the very weapons which, when 
 employed against her, she has experienced, were of no avail. In saying that pro- 
 testantism has become a persecutor, we mean Church of England protestantism"; this 
 Mr. Bentiiam, in his excellent work on " Church of England ism," has demonstrated 
 to be an entirely new religion, wholly distinct from the doctrines ot Jesus, and little 
 more than a system of stale craft, tithes, rapacity, wickedness, pomp, and vanity. 
 And Sir John Otdcustle, Lord Cobham.'] Lord Cobham was a disciple of WicklifTe, 
 and the first person of distinction whose blood, on account of religion, was shed in 
 England. Henry was extremely, loth to sacrifice an individual who had performed 
 signal services to the state, both in the present and former reign. When, urged by the 
 elergy to abandon him to their barbarous zeal, he strongly remonstrated against such 
 a sanguinary mode of conversion. lie represented to these furious bigots, that reason 
 and conviction were the best expedients for supporting truth ; and that he himself 
 would endeavour by a conversation with Cobham to reconcile, him to the catholic 
 faith. But he found that nobleman inflexible in his opinions, and determined not to 
 sacrifice truths of such importance to his complaisance to sovereigns. He was then 
 indicted, and sentenced to the flames for his opinions. Being confii.ed in the Tower, 
 he made his escape before the day appointed for his execution; and it was not till 
 four years after, when Henry was in France, that he was brought to the stake. He 
 was hung up by the middle with a chain, and burnt alive, amidst the curses and im- 
 precations of the bloody priests and monks, who laboured even to prevent the people 
 from praying for him. — Iiapin.
 Henry the I'ijth. 
 And Henry reigqed over England lliirty.mil lour years, and lie died, 
 and Henry liis sun reigned in liis stead. 
 And Ileim/ reigned over England thirty and four yus.] This is an error in the 
 divine historian ; Hume, Rapin, and other profane writers say that he lived thirty-four 
 years, ami signed over England nine years. He died of a fistula, which the surgeons 
 of that day had not skill enough to cure. Finding there was no hope of recovery, he 
 he applied fervent!} to his devotions, and ordered the chaplain to recite the seven 
 penitential psalms. W hen that passage of the fifty-first fsalm was read, build thou 
 the walls of Jerusalem, he interrupted the chaplain, and assured him, on the faith of a 
 dying man, that after he had tally subdued France, he intended to conduct a crusade 
 against the Infidi Is, and recover possession of the Holy Land. '* .So ingenious," says 
 Hume, "are men in deceiving themselves, that Henry forgot in these moments all 
 the blond spilt by his ambition ; as lie received comfort from this late feeble resolve, 
 which, as the mode of these enterprises wese now past, he certainly could never have 
 carried into execution." 
 This prince, says the great historian, possessed many eminent virtues ; and if we 
 give indulgence u> ambition in a monarch, or rank it, as the vulgar are inclined to do, 
 among his virtues, they were unstained bj any considerable blemish. His abilities 
 appeared equally in the cabinet and the field. The boldness of his enterprises was no 
 less remarkable than his personal valour in conducting them. He had the talent of 
 attaching his friends by his affability, and of gaming his enemies by address and 
 clemency. His exterior as well as his deportment was engaging. 1 1 is stature was 
 somewhat above the middle size; his limbs genteel and slender, but full of vigour; 
 and he excelled in all warlike and manly exercises. 
 He left, by his queen, Catl .nine of France, only one son, nine months old; whose 
 misfortunes, in the course of his life, surpassed all the glories and successes of his 
 father. Catharine, alter Henry's death, married a Welshman, named Owen Tudor, 
 which gave great offence to the English and French noblesse. Tudor, it is said, was 
 the son of a brewer, and a distant relation of the ancient kings of that country. If 
 he wanted any thing in the nobleness of his birth, he made up by the beauty and 
 delicacy of Ins person, being reckoned the handsomest man of his time. He had 
 three sons by Catharine; one of whom, Henry \ J!, afterwards mounted the throne 
 and left it to his posterity. 
 The ecclesiastical histon of this period is principally remarkable from the severe 
 laws enacted against the Lollards. One of them enacted, that whoever read the 
 scriptures in English should forfeit hinds, chattels, goods, and life, and be condemned 
 as heretics to God, enemies to the state, and traitors to the kingdom ; that they should 
 not have the benefit of any sanctuary ; and that if they continued obstinate orrelapsed 
 after pardon, they should first be hanged for treason against the king, and then burned 
 for heresy against God — Hall, fol. 4t>. T. Elmsham, p. 3S. 
 But though the clergy had still sufficient influence to pass these savage and absurd 
 laws, the basis of theii empire had received some very rude shocks. The Commons 
 had repeatedly urged the King to seize their immense revenues. In one address they 
 told him, that the temporalities* of all rc ligiousand spiritual persons in England, amounted 
 to three hundred and twenty -two thousand marks, yearly, and would suffice to main- 
 tain fifteen earls, fifteen hundred knights, six thousand two hundred squires, and a 
 hundred hospitals, and twenty thousand pounds be brought yearly into the lying's 
 treasure ; and that besides the aforesaid sum, divers religious houses possessed as many 
 temporalities as would maintain I. Ileen thousand priests and clerk?, allowing to each 
 seven m.uks a year. Hall's Chron. fol. 35. Godwin's licnrij V. p. 42. 
 The King being ill want of money to oarry on the war against France, listened fl
 Henri/ the Si.ith. 
 lingly to the representations of his faithful commons. The Clergy, perceiving the 
 storm gathering, met to consult on the best means to avert, or at least weaken its 
 force. After divers debates, they came to two resolutions. The first was to resign 
 part of iheir riches to the King, in order to save the rest The second, to divert the 
 King's thoughts from domestic affairs, by persuading him to engage in some foreign 
 war. Pursuant to these resolutions, the archbishop of Canterbury, who undertook to 
 manage the atFair, waited upon the King. He told him that the projects of the Com- 
 mons, which seemed advantageous to the crown, were not so in reality ; that by aug- 
 menting the number and riches of the nobility, as was intended, at the same time 
 would be increased a power, which, ever since the foundation of the monarchy, had 
 all along opposed the sovereigns, brought some even to destruction: that the founda- 
 tions of hospitals would only tend to encourage people in idleness, when they should 
 see so many houses ready to receive them, without being obliged to work; but that 
 the Clergy more sincerely attached to his person than the Commons, were ready to 
 give him a sensible proof of their zeal by delivering up the Alien Priories, amounting 
 to 110, which would considerably increase his revenue. Whether the King was 
 persuaded by these arguments, or he thought it more prudent to accept what was 
 -voluntarily offered, he consented to the proposal ; and the Alien Priories, which had 
 their head abbeys in France, and carried a great deal of money out of the kingdom, 
 were surrendered into his hands. — Iiapin, vol. iv. p. 211, and note. 
 Among other crimes of religion during this period, we may mention the barbarous 
 and treacherous punishment of John Huss and Jerome of Prague, the unhappy disci- 
 ples of Wickliffe, who, in violation of a safe conduct, were burnt alive for their opi- 
 nions by the Council of Constance. This unprincipled transaction makes the great 
 historian remark, that toleration is none of the virtues of priests under any form 
 of ecclesiastical government. 
 Among miscellaneous events, we may mention that the first commission of military 
 array was issued during this reign. The military part of the Feudal System was en- 
 tirely dissolved, and could no longer serve for the defence of the kingdom. Henry, 
 therefore, when he went into France, in 1415, empowered certain commissioners to 
 take, in each county, a review of all the freemen able to bear arms, to divide them 
 into companies, and keep them in readiness for resisting the enemy. It was the era 
 when the feudal militia gave p!ace to a national militia, the only constitutional stand- 
 ing army in this country. 
 Of the King's revenue we have an exact account ; it amounted to only ^£'55,714 
 10s. lOd. a year, which is about the saiue as the revenue of Henry III. The ordi- 
 nary expense of Government amounted to ^42,507 16s. lOd. ; so that the King had 
 only a surplus of ^£15,206 for the support of his household, his wardrobe, the ex- 
 pense of embassies, and other articles. This sum was greatly deficient ; and to supply 
 his wants, he was frequently compelled to have recourse to miserable shifts; borrowing 
 from his subjects ; pawning his jewels, sometimes even the crown ; running in arrears 
 to his army ; and to the unconstitutional measure of raising supplies by the right of 
 purveyance; an odious practice, abolished by the Great Chart er, 
 And Henry was eight months old when he began to reign, and he 
 reigned over England thirty and nine years, and his mother's name 
 was Catharine.
 Henry the Sixth. 
 And in him was fulfilled what \sa^ written of old, Woe to thai na- 
 tion whose king is a child: for he proved a weak and unfortunate 
 prince, losing, by his misconduct, all that Henry his father had 
 And in these days there appeared a false prophetess, named Joan 
 of Arc; and she called herself the maid of God, and pretended to he 
 sent from heaven to deliver the kingdom of Trance from the English 
 And in these duos ihere appeared a false prophetess, named Joan of Arc] This extraordi- 
 nary enthusiast live. I in the village of Domremi, on the borders of Lorraine, where she 
 was servant in a small inn, and in that station had been aceustonied to tend the horses 
 of guests, to ride them to the watering places, without saddle, ai*d perform duties 
 which in larger houses are generally performed hy men. She was twenty-seven 
 years of age; of an irreproachable life, and hitherto had not been remarked for any 
 striking singularity. The siege of Orleans, the progress of the English before that 
 place, the great distress of its brave defenders, had turned thither the public eye- 
 and Joan, inflamed by the general sentiment, was seized with a wild desire of bring- 
 ing relief to France in its present distresses. Her inexperienced mind, uorLingday 
 and night on this favourite object, mistook the impulses of passion lor heavenly^ in- 
 spirations, and she fancied that she saw visions and heard voices, exhorting her to re- 
 establish the throne of France, and to expel the invaders. An uncommon intrepidity 
 of temper made her overlook all dangers which might attend her in such a path; and 
 thinking herself destined by heaven to this office, she threw aside all that bashfulness 
 and timidity natural to her sex, her years, and low station. She went to Vancou- 
 leur, procured admission to Boudricourt the governor-, informed him of her inspira- 
 tions and intentions, and conjured him not to neglect the voice of God, but second her 
 in her glorious enterprise. Boudricourt treated her at first with some neglect ; but on 
 her repeated solicitations, he began to remark something extraordinary in the maid, 
 and was at length determined to send her to the French court. 
 It is pretended that Joan, immediately on her admission, knew the Kinc, though 
 she had never seen his face before, and though he purposely kept himself in The crowd 
 of courtiers, and laid aside every thing in his dress and apparel which might distin- 
 guish him. She offered to him in the name of the Creator, to raise the siege of Orleans, 
 and conduct him to Rheims, there to be crowned and anointed ; and on his express- 
 ing doubts of her mission, she revealed to him a secret respecting himself, winch no- 
 thing apparently but inspiration could have discovered to her. As the instru- 
 ment of her future victories, she demanded a particular sword, which was kept in the 
 chinch ot St. Catharine of Fierbois, which, though she had never seen it, she de- 
 scribed by all its marks, and mentioned the place where it had long lain neglected. 
 An assembly of grave doctors and theologians examined Joan's mission, and pro- 
 nounced it undoubted and supernatural. She was interrogated also by the parliament 
 ot Poictiers, who came to the same enlightened conclusion. 
 There was now no longer any doubt of her acting under the Divine influence, and 
 all her requests were complied with: she was clothed in man's attire ; armed cap-a-pie, 
 and shown in that martial habiliment before the whole people. Her dexterity in ma- 
 naging her steed, though acquired in her former occupation, was regarded as a proof 
 ot her mission, and she was received with the loudest acclamations b\ the spee- 
 Henry the Siith. 
 And she wrought miracles, and performed many wondrous 
 She raised also the sie<je of Orleans and defeated the English 
 wherever she came, insomuch that the French believed her to be 
 conducted by the ringer of God ; but the English thought her sent 
 from the devil, and the soldiers began to be terrified at her pre- 
 Howbeit, she was at length taken by the English at the city of 
 Roan, in Normandy ; and she was convicted of witchcraft, and they 
 burnt her there, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the 
 prophet, Thou shall not suffer a witch to live. 
 Howbeit she was at length taken by the English — burnt her there.] Before her capti- 
 vity, she had performed n'iarly all she had promised ; the siege of Orleans was raised ; 
 the English almost expelled the country ; the King of France brought to Rheims, 
 w here he was crowned, Joan displaying her consecrated banner, and in complete 
 armour presiding at the ceremony. Had the history of the Maid of Orleans, as she 
 was now called, here terminated, mankind would have been at a loss to account for 
 her extraordinary exploits; but her subsequent miscarriages tended only to show that 
 she was an unfortunate visionary,whom a heated imagination had inspired with superior 
 energy. She had been several times wounded : on one occasion she received an 
 arrow in her neck ; she retreated for a moment, pulled out the arrow with her own 
 hand, had her wound dressed, and then hastened back to head her troops. At the 
 siege of Luxembourg, where she fell into the hands of the English, she behaved with 
 her accustomed intrepidity: twice she drove the enemy from their entrenchments; 
 finding their numbers increase every moment, she ordered a retreat ; when hard 
 pressed by her pursuers, she turned upon them, anil made them again recoil ; but 
 being deserted by her friends, she was at last surrounded and taken prisoner. The 
 common opinion was, that the French officers, in envy of her renown, purposely ex- 
 posed ber to this fatal accident. 
 The English made a barbarous and most unjustifiable use of their capture. Instead 
 of being treated as a prisoner of war, she was consigned into the hands of the eccle- 
 siastics, who accused her of sorcery, idolatry, impiety, magic, and other unintelligi- 
 ble crimes. Loaded with irons, and clothed in her military apparel, she was intro- 
 duced before her merciless prosecutors. At first she behaved with great firmness; but 
 brow-beaten and over-awed by men clothed with the ensigns of a sacred character, 
 which she had once been accustomed to revere, her spirit was at last subdued; and 
 those visionary dreams of inspiration gave way to the terror of that punishment with 
 which she was threatened. She publicly declared herself ready to recant ; acknow- 
 ledged tke illusion of her imaginary revelations, and promised never more to maintain 
 them. Her sentence was then mitigated : she was sentenced to perpetual imprison- 
 ment, and to he fed during life on bread and water. 
 This, however, was not enough to satisfy the barbarous vengeance of her holy pro- 
 secutors. * Suspecting that the female dress she had consented to wear was not agree- 
 able to her, they placed a suit of man's apparel in her apartment, and watched the 
 effect of that temptation. On the sight of the dress in which she had acquired so much 
 renown, all her fonner ideas and passions revived/and she ventured to clothe herself in 
 the forbidden garment. Her insidious enemies caught her in that situation. Her fault
 Edward tht Third. 
 In this reign began the cruel war b< fwixt tin two lniii-<>s of York 
 and Lancaster, where brother fought with brother, the father against 
 bis s<m, ami the son against iii-> father, tijl ii.-- rivers flowed with the 
 blood thereof, and rage and slaughter mad-' desolate the land. 
 At leegth Edward Plentagenet, duke of York, having overthrown 
 the kin# in many batlk-s, and taken him prisoner, deposed bun from 
 the government, and was crowned king of England. 
 was interpreted to be no less than a relaose into heresy : no recantation would suffice* 
 and n<> pardon could be granted ber. She was condemned 10 be burnt in the market 
 place at Rouen, and the infamous sentence carried into execution. Such is a 
 brief history of (lie celebrated Maid of Orleans. The mon generous superstition 
 of the ancients would have erected altars to hi r memory , while ( brii tian bigots, under 
 the si n ■ harge oi h n • . ao I magic, con igne i the heroin* to the dames. 
 fa this reign began the cruel war — York and Lancaster.] fbis furious civil contest 
 lasted thirty years; was signalized l>\ twelve pitched battles; is computed to have cost 
 the lives of eighty princes of the blood, and almost entirely annihilated the ancient 
 nobility. It arose from tne rival claims to the throne of the two houses of Fork and 
 Lancaster. Ihe Duke of York was descended from a second son of Edw ird III. : 
 whereas the King derived his descent from the Duke of Lancaster, the third son of 
 that monarch. The superior claim therefore of the Duke of York was indisputable. His 
 pretensions were supported by many of the principal nobility, and the renowned Earl 
 of Warwick, BUTuamcd the King-maker, from the siiaie lie took in the events of this 
 bloody period, This nobleman was himself a host. Distinguished oy his gallantry in 
 the held, by the magnificence and hospit . lit \ of his table, and by the hold and spirited 
 manner which attended him in all his actions, he possessed immense influence. No less 
 than .30, 000 persons are said to have daily lived at his board, in the different manors 
 and castles he possessed in various parts of England. Military men, allured by 
 his magnificence and hospitality, as well as by his bravery, were zealously attached 
 to his interest. The people in general bore him an unlimited affection. His numer- 
 ous retainers were more devoted to his will lhan the prince or the law : and Hume ob- 
 serves, that he was the ; reatesi, as well as the last, of those might v barons, who 
 formerly overawed the crown, and rendered the people incapable ol any regular sys- 
 tem of civil government. 
 At length Edward Plantagenet— *v)at crowned.] Henrj VI. was thirty-nine sears and 
 a quarter old when he was dispossessed of a crown, which he had worn almost from his 
 birth. During all this time lie never interfered with the administration of public 
 affairs; but .eft them entirely to be managed by his queen and ministers. His great 
 defect was an extreme imbecility of understanding, which wholly disqualified him for 
 the government of the kingdom. As to In- private character, he had a great ahhor- 
 ence of injustice and cruelty, and likeCeorge III. waschaste, temperate, and extremely 
 religious. The reign of both these monarchs was most unfortunate to the people, nor/ 
 so much from any positive wickedness in the individuals, as from au absence ,u those 
 greatqualitics necessary to promote the happiness of their kingdom. Speaking of Henry, 
 Rapin Bays, his virtues would have made him an accomplished prince had they been 
 attended with the qualifications of a sovereign. But being alone, they served only 
 to make him an honest man, and withal a very indifferent king, not to sav «o<-se — 
 Vol. iv. p 507. 
 -'-'--- .... L . —r- 
 Edward the Fourth. 
 The most important law in this reign relates to the election of members of parlia- 
 ment. A Iter the destruction of the feudal system, every householder paying scot and lot 
 was admitted to give bis vote at eleel ions. This was confirmed by stat.ofHen. IV. c. 15. 
 But in the ninth and teeth of this reign, the elective franchise was limited to such as pos- 
 sessed 40s. a yew in land, free from all burden, within the county. This sum was equiva- 
 lent to twenty pounds present money. The reason for disfranchising such a large 
 body of electors, is thus stated in the preamble to the statute. " Whereas the elections 
 of knights have of Jate, in many counties of England, been made by outrages and 
 excessive numbers of people, many of them of small substance and value, yet pretend- 
 ing to a right equal to the best knights and esquires, whereby manslaughter, riots, 
 batteries and divisons among the gentlemen and other people of the same county 
 shall very likely rise and be, unless due remedy be provided in this behalf," &c. 
 From the expression "small substance and value," we may infer that the possession 
 of properly to some amount was necessary under the law of Henry IV. But ibr a 
 more particular discussion of this subject, and also the 8!h Henry VI. we must re- 
 fer the reader to a valuable note in Mi. Bentham's Plan of Parliamentary Reform, 
 p. Ixxxiv. We may learn, however, from the preamble, that the election of a 
 member of parliament had now become a matter of great importance and interest ; and 
 that that body was beginning to acquire great authority. Indeed, at the commence- 
 ment of this reign, the lords ami commons had not only by their own authority, contrary 
 to the will of Henry V. altered the name, but the constitution of the regency, which 
 that prince bad appointed. 
 Among the remarkable events of this period we have picked out the following. In 
 the first parliament of this reign, the queen-mother came and sat among the lords, 
 with the young king in her lap. Stowe says, the art of printing being found out at 
 Mcntz, in Germany, by John Guiteubergen, was brought into England by William 
 Caxton, of London, mercer, who first practised this noble invention in the abbey of 
 Westminster, in 1471. Permission was given by parliament to export corn when at 
 a low price; wheat at 6s. 8d. a quarter, and barley at 3s. 4d, money of that age. 
 The first instance of debt contracted on parliamentary security occurs in this reign ; 
 a pernicious expedient, that, in after times enabled the Boroughmongers to wage a 
 twenty-five years' war against liberty and knowledge, and to ruin England. In the 
 year 1446, Sir Simon Eyre, mayor of London, built Leadenhall, to be a common 
 garner for the city. In 1453, Sir John Norman, mayor of London, went by water 
 to Westminster to take bis oath : being the first that went in that manner : belbre that 
 time the mayor rode on horseback. 
 This reign was also signalized by the insurrection of Jack Cade, one of the " lawer 
 Orders'" of that day. More than 20,000 persons flocked to his standard ; after com- 
 mitting a few excesses, a price was set upon Jack's head, and he was slain by one of 
 die "respectables" of that day, and the commotion subsided. 
 And Edward was nineteen years old when he came to the crown, 
 and he was tall and well favoured, and of an exceeding graceful pre- 
 I dward the Fourth. 
 Moreover he was a prince of great courage and wisdom, and be 
 set himself' to enact good laws, and to reform the abuses in his 
 And he sate in the court of justice three days himself, that he 
 might he a witne.s how his laws were executed. 
 And many more good qualities had Edward; howbeit lie lusted 
 after women exceedingly, and he was a gallant prince, and young 
 and handsome to look on, wherefore the hearts of the ladies were in 
 his hand. 
 And it came to pass that Matthew Shore, a goldsmith in London, 
 had taken to wife the most beautiful virgin in all the city. 
 Moreover he was a prince of great courage."] He was well fitted for the scene of 
 war, havoc* and devastation in which lie lived. Home sayt he was bold, active, en- 
 terprising ; and Ins hardness of heart and severity of character, rendered him impreg- 
 nable to all those movements of compassion which might ielax his vigour in the prose- 
 cution of the most bloody revenge upon his enemies. The contest between the two 
 houses of York and Lancaster still continued; and during the sanguinary period, the 
 scaffold as well as the Held, incessantly streamed with the noblest blood of England. 
 In the different countries of Europe, this memorable civil war was known by the name 
 of the quarrel between the two roses ; the partizans of the house of Lancaster having 
 chosen the red rose as their mark of distinction, those of York the white rose. 
 And many more good qualities had Edward.'] Aye, and bad ones too. He was wholly 
 insensible to pity. After the fatal battle of Tewkesbury, where queen Margaret and 
 her ion were taken prisoners, the young prince was brought before Edward, who in 
 an insulting manner asked him, how he dared to invade his dominions ; the young 
 prince replied, that, he came hither to claim his just inheritance. The barbarian kin<r, 
 insensible to generosity, struck him with his gauntlet, and the dukes of Clarence and 
 Gloucester, and lord Hastings, taking this as a signal for further violence, harried the 
 prince into the next apartment, and despatched him with their daggers. On another 
 occasion, a tradesman in London, who kept a shop at the sign of the crown, having 
 said that hcwuuld make his sou heir to the crown, the harmless pl( asantry was inter- 
 preted to be spoken in derision of Edward's title, and he was condemned and 
 And it came to pass that Matthew Shore.] Jane Shore, who forms the interesting 
 subject of Rowe's popular tragedy, was born of respectable parents in London ; but 
 unfortunately! views of interest, more than the maid's inclinations, had been consulted 
 in her marriage ; and her mind, though framed for virtu , was uua lie to resist the 
 allurements of the gay and amorous Edward. But thou li seduced from her duty, 
 she still made herself respectable by her other virtu sj an cendant which her 
 eharms and vivacity enabled her long to maintain over the king was employed in acts 
 of beneficence and endeavours to soften the natural ferocity oi his character. 
 After the death of Edward, she experienced a great reverse of fortune. She first 
 became the mistress of lord Hastings; and owing to her connexion with that nobleman, 
 during the protectorship of the duke of Gloucester, she was accused of sorcery and 
 witchcraft, and of having, in conjunction with Hastings, attempted by her incantations 
 to destroy the life of that bloody tyrant. This charge was too ridiculous even for that
 Edward the Fourth. 
 And the fame of her beauty reached the ears of the king, and he 
 disguised himself as a merchant, and went to the house of Shore pre- 
 tending to buy jewels. 
 And when he saw how exceeding fair she was, even beyond what 
 fame had reported unto him, his heart was smitten with love, and he 
 burned to enjoy her. 
 Wherefore he discovered himself, and look her home to his bed, 
 and she lived in adultery with him all the days of his life. 
 In his reign was horn Thomas Pan, of the county of Salop, who 
 lived during the reign of ten kings, even to the days of king Charles I. 
 when he died, being an hundred fifty and two years old. 
 Moreover he did penance for the sin of fornication at the age of 
 an hundred years. 
 age; besides which the protector adduced nothing in its support except his shrivelled 
 arm, an infirmity it was notorious he had borne from his birth. He was resolved, 
 however, on her punishment. He next accused ber of lewdness, of having been 
 guilty of leaving her husband and living wiih other men; this charge could not be 
 denied, accordingly she was sentenced to do penance on the Sunday following in St. 
 Paul's church in a white sheet, with a wax taper in her hand, before all the people. 
 The ceremony is thus described by a contemporay writer : " Stic was brought clothed 
 in a while sheet by way of procession, with the cross carried before her, and a wax 
 taper in her hand lo St Paul's church, from the bishop's palace adjoining. In all this 
 action she behaved with so much modesty and decency, that such as respected her 
 beauty more than her fault, never were in greater admiration of her than now.'"' 
 Alter iIoidl; penance, this unfortunate woman was entirely abandoned, and languished 
 out the remainder of her days in solitude and indigence. No one among the great multi- 
 tude she had obliged, had the humanity to bring her consolation or relief, and in her 
 old age she experienced all the evils of poverty and shame, and the ingratitude of 
 those courtiers, who during; her piosperity had anxiously solicited her friendship and 
 been supported by her bounty. She was seen by Sir Thomas More so late as the 
 reign of Henry YI11, poor, decrcpid, and shrivelled, without the least trace of that 
 beauty which once commanded I he admiration of the court. It is said she perished 
 from hunger in a litcb, now called after her Shorcditch. 
 In his reign was oorn Thomas Parr.] In the year 1635, Pair, as a rarity, was 
 brought to London by lord Arundel, and introduced to Charles I. ; but the change of 
 situation and his altered mode of life, particularly drinking wine, soon proved fatal to 
 a constitution supported bv more temperate and abstemious iiabits, and he died the 
 same year. He had been brought up lo husbandry. 
 Moreovtr he did penance ut the age of one hundred j/e«r.<.] What an old reprobate ! 
 This monstrous fact at first, appeared to us wholly incredible, though we remembered 
 that Sarah, the wife of Abraham, aftei being in the society of angels, conceived and 
 bore a son at the a^e of one hundri d yeais. All doubt, however, on the subject was 
 removed, by referring to Lempriere's Universal Biography. It is there stated, that Park
 lilinml the Fifth. 
 And Edward reigned twenty and three years, and lie died, and 
 was buried in bis own tomb at Windsor, and Edward his son reigned 
 in his stead. 
 actually performed penance in his parish chnrcb at the age of 100 ^ears for a bastard 
 cbild,and at the age of 120 married a second wife, who had a child ! 
 And Ed uurd reigned twenty and three years and he died.] In the fort y second j ear 
 or his age. When lie found death approaching, he discovered the vanity of all human 
 projecl^, and the wickedness of many of his past actions ; lor which, after the manner 
 of iiis predecessors, he showed marks of a sincere repentance. 
 Of the character of this prince, Hume says, lie was more splendid and showy than 
 either prudent or virtuous, brave though cruel ; addicted to pleasure though capable 
 of activity in great emergencies; and less fitted to prevent evils by wise precautions 
 than to remedj them after they took place by his vigour and enterprise. In his person 
 he was one of the handsomest men in England and perhaps in Europe; his noble 
 mien, his free and easy air, his allable carriage, prepossessed every one in his favour. 
 These qualities, joined to an undaunted courage, rendered him extremely popular, 
 especially with the ladies, to whom it is said, in one instance, he was indebted for his 
 restoration. lie had, however, many vices. He was false, cruel, and extremely in- 
 continent His whole life according to Raping was one continued scene of lust. He 
 had many mistresses, but especially three, of whom he said, " One was the merriest,* 
 the other the wittiest, and the third the holiest in the world, for she was always in a church 
 hut when he sent for her." He had but two natural children, though he left a nume- 
 rous issue by his queen. 
 * Jane Shore. 
 And Edward was eleven years old when he began to reign, and he 
 reigned over England nine weeks and three days, and was murdered 
 in the tower by his uncle Richard, the crooked duke of Gloucester. 
 And Edward wis eleven years old -murdered in the Tower.] He was murdered along 
 with his brother, the duke ol York. The duke of Gloucester, who afterwards 
 usurped the throne, sent an express to Brackenbury, govt not >ftln i .er.to murder 
 the princes. Brackenbury, having a little more co i au ln> master, returned 
 a very submissive answer, but withal told him he should not he able t" execute bis 
 commands. The piotector, enraged to be deceived in his opinion of that otneer, sent
 Richard the Third. 
 him, by James Tyrrel, a written cder to deliver the keys and government of the Tower 
 into the hands of the bearer for one night. Brackenbury obeyed, and Tyrrel intro- 
 duced two assassins to execute the protector's orders. While all were asleep, they 
 went into the room where the princes slept, and smothering them in their bed, caused 
 them to be buried under a little staircase. This is what Tyrrel, who was executed in 
 the reign of Henry VII. afterwards confessed. In 1674, while some alterations were 
 making in that part of the Tower, some bones were found in a wooden chest, sup- 
 posed to be those of the murdered princes. They were put in a marble urn, and by 
 the order of Charles II. removed to Westminster-Abbey. 
 And Richard took ou him the government of the kingdom, and 
 set the crown upon his own head. 
 And in order to clear his way to the throne, and secure to himself 
 the possession thereof, he murder'd all who stood in his way. 
 And Richard— set the crown upon his own head.] After the death of Edward IV. 
 lie spread a report that bis issue, prince Edward and the duke of York, were illegiti- 
 mate. The two principal tools he employed for the accomplishment of his treasonable 
 projects, were the duke of Buckingham and Dr. Shaw, the latter a famous preacher 
 in those days. Having spread a rumour of the illegitimacy of the young princes, it 
 was agreed the doctor, whose eloquence was applauded by the whole city, should 
 support it with a sermon. For this purpose the doctor mounted the pulpit one Sunday 
 mornmg at Paul's cross, and preached upon these words, — Bastard slips shall not thrive. 
 He began with showing the blessings God usually bestowed on the fruits of the mar- 
 riage bed ; and expatiated largely on those topics which could discredit the issue of the 
 fate king. He then broke out into a panegyric on the noble qualities of the duke of 
 Gloucester; exclaiming, " Behold this excellent prince, the express image of his 
 noble father, the genuine descendant of the house of York ; bearing no less in the 
 virtues of his mind than in the features of his countenance, the character of the 
 gallant Richard once your hero and favourite." It was previously concerted (hat as 
 the doctor pronounced these words, the duke of Gloucester should enter the church, 
 when it was expected the audience would cry out, God save king Richard, which 
 would immediately have been laid hold of as a popular consent and interpreted to be 
 the voice of the nation. But by a ludicrous mistake, the duke did not appear till the 
 exclamation was already recited by the preacher. The doctor therefore was obliged 
 to repeat his rhetorical figure out of its place. The audience, less from the absurd 
 conduct of the discourse, than their detestation of the hypocrisy of these proceedings 
 kept a profound silence, and the protector and the parson were equally abashed at 
 the ill success of their contrivance. 
 A new expedient was afterwards tried to work on the people. The mayor of 
 London who was biother to Dr. Shaw, and entirely in the protector's interests, called 
 an assembly of the citizens, where the duke of Buckingham harangued them on the
 Richard the Third. 
 Wherefore the anger of the Lord was kindled against him, and he 
 smote him by the hand of Henry earl of Richmond, of the house of 
 York, and he died in the field of battle, even Bosworth field. 
 Thus ended the war betwixt the two houses of York and Lancas- 
 ter, after twelve pitched battles had been fought, in which there were 
 slain two kings, one prince, ten dukes, two marquisses, twenty-one 
 earls, twenty-seven lords, two viscounts, one lord-prior, one judge 
 oue hundred and thirty-three knights, four hundred and forty-one 
 esquires, and eighty-four thousand nine hundred ninety and eight 
 private soldiers. 
 And they took the crown from the head of king Richard, and put 
 it on the head of Henry earl of Richmond; and all the army shouted 
 for joy, and they cried out, Long live king Henri/ the Seventh. 
 protector's pretended title and virtues. He next asked them whether they would 
 have the duke for king, and then stopped in expectation of hearing the cry, Cod save 
 king Richard ! Observing theiu silent, the duke asked the mayor the reason. The 
 mayor replied, perhaps they did not understand him. Buckingham repeated his 
 discourse, hut the same sullen silence still continued. I now see the cause, said the 
 mayor, the citizens are not accustomed to be harangued by any person but their recorder ; 
 aiid knoui not how to answer a person of your grace's quality. The recorder then repeated 
 the substance of the duke's speech. But the audience continued as silent as ever. 
 This is wonderful obstinacy, cried the duke. Express your meaning my friends, one way 
 or the other. When we apply to you on this occasion, it is merely from the regard we bear 
 to you. The lords and commons have sufficient authority without your consent to appoint a 
 king. But I require you here to declare in plain t< mis, whether or not you will have the 
 duke of Gloucester for your sovereign. Alter all these efforts, some of the meanest 
 apprentices, excited by the protector's and Buckingham's servants, raised the feeble 
 cry, God save king Richard ! With this feeble semblance ot populat favour Richard 
 mounted the throne. 
 Wherefore the anger of the Lord teas kindled — even Bosworth field.'] The battle was 
 fought about three miles from Bosworth, a ancient market town in Leicestershire. 
 The exact spot of ground is frequently more and more discovered by pieces o! aimour, 
 weapons, and especially abundance of arrows' heads found there of a lun^; a:ut large 
 proportion. There is a little mount cast up, en which Henry VII. is said to have made 
 his speech to his soldiers. — Camden in Lticest. 
 And they took the crown from the html of king Richard.] His crown was found after 
 the battle in the tield, by a soldier, who brought it to lord Stanley, who immediately 
 placed it ou the earl of Richmond's head, congratulating him upon bis victory, and 
 saluting him king. From that time Henry assumed the regal title, and acted as 
 sovereign, as if that ceremony was alone sulticient to establish his right to the crown, 
 '/if ])cum was sung on Bosworth field, the whole army on their knees, to return God 
 thanks for the blood they had spilt.
 Henry the Seventh. 
 And the body of Richard was found in the field of battle, and 
 they laid it on a horse, and brought it to the city of Leicester, and it 
 was buried there, and Henry of Richmond reigned in his stead. 
 And the body of Richard was found in the field of battle.] Tt was found naked, 
 covered with blood and diit, and in that condition thrown across a horse, with the 
 head hanging on one side, and the legs on the other, and so carried to Leicester. 
 The body lay two whole days exposed to public view, after which it was interred, 
 without any ceremony, in one of the churches of that city. Some time after it was 
 removed and buried in St Mary's church, belonging to a monastery of the grey friars. 
 Henry VII. his rival and successor put over him a tomb of various coloured marble, 
 adorned with his statue in alabaster. This monument stood till the dissolution of the 
 abbeys under Henry VIII. when it was pulled down, and utterly defaced ; since then, 
 liis grave being overgrown with weeds and nettles, no trace of it can be found, except 
 his stone coffin, which was made a drinking trough on at the While horse-inn, in Leicester. 
 Such was the end of the crooked duke of Gloucester • of whose murders, amours, and 
 visions, Shakspeare has drawn such a terrific picture. Richard was the last of the 
 Plantagenets, a family which had inherited the throne for the space of three hundred 
 years. After his death the two houses of York and Lancaster were united by the 
 marriage of the earl of Richmond. The person and character of Richard have been so 
 often represented on the stage, that to describe them were unnecessary. Some histori- 
 ans have attempted to extenuate the crimes of the duke of Gloucester They maintain 
 that he was well qualified for sovereignty, had he legally obtained it, and that he com- 
 mitted no crimes but such as were necessary to seenre him the crown. But this, as 
 observed by Hume, is a poor apology, when it is admitted that he was ready to commit 
 the most horrible crimes for the attainment of his object ; and his courage und capacity 
 were but a poor compensation to sociely for the dangerous precedent of vice and mur- 
 der exalted to the throne. He only reigned about two years, and was in the thirty- 
 fourth year of his age when slain : the better to delude the people, he always affected 
 a very sanctified deportment ; and on one occasion issued a severe proclamation for 
 the punishment of vice and profaneness. 
 Now Henry was a wise and politic prince, and he set himself, by all 
 manner of ways, to secure the. throne to himself and his successors for 
 And he extorted from his subjects great sums of 7noney.~\ His avarice, was insatiable. 
 At one time he had no less than J_ 1,800,000 in his coffers; an almost incredible sum,
 Henry the Si uni/i, 
 And he extorted from his subjects great sums of money, and filled 
 bis coffers, and the whole studyof his life \\a-s to heap up riches. 
 To this end he made use of two men, and the name of the one was 
 Empson, and the name of the other was Dudley. 
 And he gave them power and authority to plunder and oppress his 
 subjects ; and they exercised all manner of injustice upon them, 
 accusing the innocent of crimes, um\ amercing and fining them in 
 great sums without trial, converting law and justice into rapine and 
 Now whether it were out of an affectation of state and grandeur, or 
 perad venture that he feared some sudden attempt upon his person, 
 (for he was not beloved of the people) be appointed a band of I; II men 
 to attend him, called the yeomen of the guard, which all the kings of 
 England since have kept unto this day. 
 if the scarcity of money in those times is considered. Silver in this reign was at 37 
 shillings and sixpence in the pound, which makes the King's treasure amount to near 
 three millions To tliis we must add, that commodities generally were only about one- 
 fourlti the present price. 
 To this end he made we of two men. — Empson — Dudley.] The first of these rascally 
 lawyers was .1 man of mean birth, brutal manners, and unrelenting temper. The second, 
 better born, better bred, but equally rapacious, severe, aud inflexible It was under 
 the form o law, with which they were both welt acquainted, that these miscreants 
 chiefly laboured to oppress the pe pie. Their mode of proceeding bore some analogy 
 to modern ex-officio and Excise Informations. Their usual practice was to give indict- 
 ments to those whom they intended to oppress. Upon which the persons were com- 
 mitted to prison, but never brought to trial ; and to recover their liberty were obliged to 
 pay hea- v tines called mitigations and compositions! By degrees, even the appearance 
 of law was uegli cted. They sent forth their precepts to bring men before them .11 their 
 private chambers, where, in a summary manner, without trial or jury, arbitrary decrees 
 were issued, both in pleas of the crown and controversies between private parties. 
 Juries afforded small protection against these oppressors, being brow-beaten, fined, and 
 sometimes imprisoned if they gave sentence contrary to the inclinatiorJ oi these righteous 
 judges : spies, informers, and inquisitors were rewarded an I encouraged in every part of 
 the kingdom. The penal statutes were rigorously enforced ; and no difference was 
 made whether the statutes were beneficial or hurtful, recent or obsolete, possible or im- 
 possible to be executed, ["he sole end of the- King and his vil< ministers was to amass 
 rootle \, and briii" every one under the lash of their authority. — See Hume, vol. m, 
 p. 388. Rapbi, vol. v. p. :558. 
 AW- whether it were out of an affectation — a band of ttill men.'] At first this guard 
 consisted ol 50 archers ; subsequently it was increased to 100, besides 6 yeomen 
 hangers and 3 bed-goers. Eight of the yeomen are termed ushers, and ha\ e e 
 a year more than the other. The earl of Macclesfield is now captain ; salar 
 Henri) the Seventh. 
 And iii his reign there arose two impostors one after the other, lay- 
 ing claim to the crown of England. 
 And the mime of the one was Simnel, a baker's son ; and the name 
 of the other was Perkin Warbeck ; each pretending to he Richard 
 duke of York, brother to king Edward the fifth. 
 And the name of one was Sitnnel—the other was Perkin Wurbeck.~\ Two very extraor- 
 dinary impostures indeed. A priest named Simon, who lived at Oxford, was the contriver 
 ofSimnel's enterprise. He was a subtle enterprising man, and formed the design of 
 disturbing Henry's government by raising a pretender to the throne. A report was 
 spread that the young earl of Warwick had escaped from the Tower Simnel was 
 instructed hy Simon to personate that prince. His first debut was in Ireland ; Simon 
 CoHStrlctiHg thai place most favourable for the commencement of his enterprise. Sim- 
 nel was well qualified for his undertaking. He threw himself at the feet of the earl of 
 Kildarc, the deputy, and claimed his protection as the unfortunate Warwick. The 
 credulous Irishman, not suspecting so bold an imposture, gave attention to him, and 
 after consulting some of his friends, as weak as himself, it was determined to receive 
 Simnel as a genuine Plantagenet. He was lodged in the castle of Dublin, a diadem 
 taken from a statue of the Virgin was placed on his head, and he was publicly pro- 
 claimed King by the appellation of Edward VI. All Ireland revolted to the baker, 
 and not a sword was drawn in Henry's quarrel. 
 These were days of enthusiasm, when men were susceptible of sudden and ardent 
 attachments. Simnel having mustered an army of his Irish friends, he determined to 
 invade England. He landed at Foudrey, in Lancashire; continuing his march he 
 met the Kin:; at Stoke, in Nottingham, where an obstinate battle was fought. Simnel, 
 as well as his tutor, Simon, was taken prisoner. Simon being a priest was not tried 
 at law, and only committed to close custody. Simnel was too contemptible to be an 
 object of either apprehension or resentment to Henry. He was pardoned, and made a 
 scullion in the King's kitchen, whence he was advanced to the rank of falconer. 
 Having conducted Simnel to his destination in the kitchen, let us now follow the other 
 impostor to Tyburn. 
 Perkin Warbec was a more troublesome competitor than Simnel the baker. He wa? 
 the son of a renegado Jew of Tournay, who had resided some time in London, in the 
 reign of Edward IV. Having had opportunities of being known to the King, he per- 
 suaded that monarch to stand godfather to his son, to whom he gave the name of Peter, 
 corrupted after the Flemish manner into Peterkin, or Perkin. By some it was believed, 
 that Edward, among his amorous adventures, had a secret connection with the Jew's 
 wife; and people thence accounted for that resercblance which was afterwards remarked 
 betwixt young Perkin and that monarch. Some years after the birth of this child, the 
 Jew returned to Tournay, where Perkin, his son, did not long remain, but by different 
 accidents was carried from place to place, so that his real birth and fortune were 
 difficult to trace. The variety of his adventures favoured the natural sagacity of his 
 genius, and he seemed a youth fitted to act any part or assume any character. In this 
 light he was represented io the duchess of Burgundy, who found him to exceed her 
 most sanguine expectations: handsome in his person, graceful in his air, courtly in his 
 address, and full of docility and good sense in his behaviour and conversation. 
 Thus patronized, he was instructed to personate Richard, duke of York. Ireland 
 was again fixed on for the debut of this second impostor. He landed at Cork, and, 
 immediately assuming the name of Richard Plantagenet, drew to him numerous, follow- 
 ers. He dispersed every where the strange intelligence of hie escape from his uncle 
 the duke of Gloucester, and soon became the general object of favour and conversation.
 Hetny the fkcc.-uh. 
 H owbeit the first was qtriekly suppressed, and after haviog been 
 crowned king in Dublin, had the honour to be made king Henry's 
 As to the other, after many honours done him in the courts <>' 
 France, Spain, and Scotland, as a prince of tin- royal Wood, be w« -^ 
 lust advanced to the pinnacle of Tyburn. 
 And in these days a Grange disease arose, and was called the 
 sweating sickness; audit continued for the space of a month, and 
 swept away great numbers. 
 But woe unto you whoremongers, adulterers, and fornicators, and 
 woe nnto you harlots and street-walkers, that lie in wait for prey, and 
 spread your nets in every corner ; for a disease hath stricken ye through 
 the reins, and the heal of your lusts .shall burn ye up. 
 Now the rest of the acts of king Henry, and the magnificent chapel 
 that he built, are they not written in the book of Bacon the historian ? 
 His first attempt was upon the coast of Kent ; being here repulsed, and many of his 
 followers taken prisoners, he retired to Scotland. Supported by the Scots he invaded 
 England, having first dispersed a manifesto, setting forth his pretensions, and calling 
 upon his loving subjects to expel the usurper, whose oppressions and rapacity rendered 
 him justly odious to all men. The license and disorder ol' the Scots struck terror into 
 the English; and l'crkin, to support his pretensions to royal birth, feigned great com- 
 passion for nis plundered subjects, and remonstrated with his august ally against the 
 excesses of the Scottish army. 
 To bring, however, the adventures of Perkin to a conclusion. After experiencing 
 a variety ol fortune, he was at length taken prisoner, and coi. ducted in mock triumph 
 through London. His life was granted him, but impatient of confinement, he broke 
 from his keeper, and flying to the sanctuary of Steyne, pal himself into the hands ot 
 t,he prior of that monastery. The prior again prevailed upon the King to pardon this 
 restless adventurer. Hut in order to reduce him to greater contempt, he was set in the 
 stocks at Westminster and Cheapside, ae.d compelled to read aloud to the people a real 
 account of his origin and history. He was then confined in the rower, but the same 
 restless spirit accompanying turn, he was detected in new plots and intrigues. II 
 b\ this new attempt rendered himself unworthy of mercy, be w asarraigrjed, condemned, 
 and soon after " advanced to the pinnacle ijfTybufn.'" 
 The great success of Simnel and Perkin, encouraged a shoe-maker lo set up as a slip 
 of royalty. Hut this youth dors uot appear to have had much success. Some histo- 
 rians with more ingenuity than wisdom, have attempted to prove (hat Perkin was a real 
 Planlagenet, and not an impostor. 
 And in these days a strange diseast qro$t -r-sweating sickness.] -No account is given by 
 historians of the cause of this singular malady. 1 lie patient generally used to die or 
 recover in the space of twenty-four hours, rhisdisti ropi i returned again in 1507. 
 But loot unto you whwen\ mgprs—a disease.] It is conjectured our author alludes to 
 the pox, which was first kiio.sn in this icign. 
 A,',, tht rest of the nets — the magnificent chapel.'] Henry the Seventh's chapel, situated 
 on the eastern i xtremify o\ Westminster Abbey, and opening into it, is considered one
 Hennj the Seventh, 
 And Henry reigned over England twenty and three years, and eight 
 months, and he died, and Henry his son reigned in his stead. 
 ol the finest pieces of gothic architecture in the world. On it* sere formerly stood a 
 chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary; also a tavern distinguished by the sign of the 
 White Rose. Henry, resolving to erect a superb mausoleum foi himself and family, 
 pulled down the old chapel ana the tavern; and on the llili ol Fe rua y, 1 03, the 
 first stone of the present edifice was laid by Abbot Islip, at the command the King. 
 It cost _^ 14,000, a prodigious stun for tiiat period, and still more so considering ( the 
 avaricious temper of the King An altar tomb erected b\ Henry at a cost of ^1000 
 to receive his last remains, stands in the c ntre ol the chapel. 
 And Ilcnrii reigned om r England — and he died ] Before his death he repented of the 
 abuse ot his authority by Empson and Dudley, but not sufficiently to prevent him 
 a^aiii fining Sir William Capel two thousand poun Is, and committing him to the Tower 
 ior daring to murmur at the iniquity of his sentence Several others were lined at the 
 same time ; the King countenancing all these oppressions ; lill death, by its nearer ap- 
 proaches, impressed him with new terrors; and he then ordered, by a general clause in 
 bis will, that restitution should be made to all those whom h.e had injured. He died 
 of & consumption, at his favourite palace of Richmond ; where I e kept ;.nder bis own 
 eye, all the ill-gotten wealth he had wrung from his subjects. 
 The reign of Henry VII. was in the main fortunate for the | eople at home, and 
 honourable abroad. He put an end to the civil wars, which had long harassed the 
 nation, maintained peace and order in the state, an i depressed the exorbitant power 
 ol the nobility He was brave and extremely attentive to Ins affairs; and though 
 often severe in his punishments, he was commonly less actuated by revenge than by 
 maxims of policy. Avarice was his ruling passion, and he remains a singular instance 
 of a man pos essed ot talents for great affairs, in which that ignoble passion predomi- 
 nated above ambition. 
 In this reign it will be proper to notice various important changes in the laws, and 
 the general condition of society. The most important law was that, by which the 
 nobility and gentry acquired the right of breaking the ancient entail-, and alienating 
 their estates : by means of this law, the great estates ot the barons were gradually 
 dismembered, ami the property ol the commons increased. Probably this icsult wa» 
 foreseen by Henry : his constant policy, through the whole of his reign, being to de- 
 press the great, and exalt the clergy, lawyers, and men of new families, who were 
 most likely to be dependent upon him. 
 Suits in forma pauperis were first given to the poor in this reign ; that is, the poor 
 were allowed to sin without paying dues for the writ, or fees to clerk, counsel, and 
 attorneys : the practice is stdi in force. Any person who has just cause of suit, and 
 takes oath that he is not worth five pounds, after all his debts are paid, may, if he- 
 can obtain a certificate from some lawyer, that he has good ground of action, 
 have his suit in forma jivvfieris. 
 Scarcely a session passed without some statute against engaging retainers and giving 
 hem badges or liveries; a practice by which they were in a manner enlisted under 
 some great lord, and kept ready to assist him in all wars, riots, and insurrections. 
 This disorder had prevailed during many ages, and it required all the rigour and vi- 
 olence of Henry to extirpate. A story s told of his severity against this abuse, and 
 which also shows his avarice, which suffered no opportunity to escape for filling
 Hi unj the Seventh. 
 coffers. Tlic earl of Oxford, his favourite general, having splendidly entertained him 
 at his castle of Henningham, was desirous ol making a parade oi his magnificence at 
 the king's departure; and ordered ail lu> retainers to be drawn up in two Inns, that 
 their appearance might be the more gallant and splendid. My />>n/, said the king, 
 I ham heard much of i/our hospitality; but th truth Jar exceeds the report. These 
 handsome gentlemen and tervanti whom 1 see on both tides of me are no doubt your me- 
 nial trrnmts. Tin- earl smiled, and confessed that his fortune was loo narrow for 
 such magpificence. They are most of them, subjoined he, my retainers, who are 
 come to do me service at tliis time, when they know 1 am honoured with your majesty's 
 presence. The King started a little, and said, By mi/ faith, my lard, I thank you 
 for your good char, but I must not allow my laws to be broken in my sight, LKiord is 
 said, to have paid no less than 1.5 thousand marks as a composition lor his o (fence. 
 Mr. Hume, in the note-, to his history of tins reign, has inserted an extiact from 
 the household book of an old earl of Northumberland, who lived ai tins ime : it is a 
 curious picture of ancient manners, and affords a complete insight into the domestic 
 economy of the ancient barons. The family consists of 166 persons, masters and 
 servants; .57 strangers are reckoned upon every day ; in the whole 223 persons Two- 
 pence halfpenny are supposed to be the daily expense of each, for meat, drink, and 
 firing : this would make a groal of our present money. The sum allotted by the earl 
 lor his whole annual expense is £1118 17s 8d. ; meat, drink, and tiring cost 
 £ 796 lis. 2d. more than two thirds ol the whole. 
 Every thing is conducted with extreme order ; insomuch that the number of pieces 
 which must be cut oul of every quarter of beef, mutton, pork, nay even stock-fish and 
 salmon, is determined, and must be entered and accounted lor by the d liferent clerks 
 appointed for that purpose. If a servant be absent a day Ins mess is struck off. [f 
 he go on my lord's business, board wages are allowed him, 8d. a day for his journey 
 in winter, 3d. in summer. Two hundred and fifty quarters of malt are allowed a 
 month, at -Is. a quarter. Two hogsheads are to be made of a qu irter ; which amounts 
 to a bottle and third of beer a day to each person, and the beer not be very strong. 
 The family only eat fresh meat from Midsummer to .Michaelmas; all the rest of the 
 year they live "on salted meat. One hundred and sixty gallons of mustard are allowed 
 in a year, which seems a necessary qualification lor their salt beef. 
 Only seventy ells of linen, at (id. an ell, are annually allowed for the whole family : 
 no sheets were used. The linen was made into eight table cloths for my lord's 
 table, and one table cloth for the knights; the last probably washed only once a 
 month, or longer. Only 40s. are allowed for washing throughout the year, and that 
 is principally expended on the linen in the chapel. Only ninety-one dozen of candles 
 for the whole year. The family rose at six in the morning, dined at ten, and supped 
 at four in the afternoon. The gates were all shut at nine, and no farther mgrtss or 
 egress permitted. .My lord and lady have set on their table at breakfast a quart of 
 beer ; as much wine; two pieces of salt fish, six red herrings, four white ones or a 
 dish of sprats. In flesh days, half a chine of mutton, or a chine of beef boiled. 
 Mass is ordered to be said at* six in the morning, in order, says the household book, 
 that all my lord's servants may rise early. 
 After thir. picture of ancient manners we will only mention one or two more facts, 
 and conclude our remarks on this period. The wages of labour, as well as the prices 
 of many other ihiiiL's, as cloth caps, and hats, were fixed by law. 
 It was during this reign, on the second ol August, 14'.>2, that Christopher Colum- 
 bus set out on his memorable voyage for the discovery of America ; and a few yeaw 
 after, Vasquez de Gama, passed the Cape of Good Hope, and opened a new passage 
 to the East Indies. About this time the noble and invaluable art of printing was 
 discovered. In short we may consider that an entirely new era of civilization and 
 • i. nee commenced in this reign.
 — _^ — ' * " 
 Henry the Eighth. 
 And Henry was eighteen years old when he began to reign, and he 
 reigned over England thirty and eight years, and his mother's name 
 was Elizabeth. 
 And he gat the love of his subjects in the beginning of his reign by 
 causing to be executed as traitors and oppressors, those wicked in- 
 struments of his father, Empsoa and Dudley. 
 Moreover he won favour in their eyes, by spending among them 
 in balls and shows, and sumptuous feasts, those immense treasures 
 which had been drained from them, and hoarded up in the coffers 
 of his father. 
 And in these days the iniquity of the popedom was arrived at its 
 full height, insomuch that indulgences for all manner of crimes were 
 And he gat the love of his subjects. — Empsnn and Dudley.'] Empson made- a very 
 shrewd defence of his own and associate's iniquities. vYhen summoned before the 
 council, lie said, that the accusation was of a very new and strange nature ; that 
 usually men were prosecuted for acting against the laws or disobeying their sovereign ; 
 but for their part, they were accused by the people of executing the laws, of which, 
 they themselves were the authors : that on the other hand the king called them to 
 account for obeying his father's express orders,— unheard-of crime ! the punishment 
 whereof would be apt to throw all his subjects into rebellion. — Eupin, vol. vi. p. 7. 
 Legally these oppressors could not be deemed criminal. It does not appear their 
 proceedings were contrary to law, but that they rendered obsolete statutes, which 
 ought to have been repealed, subservient to acts of extortion and rapacity. This, 
 thouuh it manifested sufficiently the wickedness of their disposition, was in itself no 
 crime. Even now, the statute book, as in cases of libel, sedition, blasphemy, lar- 
 ceny, and other offences, remains obnoxious to the same abuse, and wicked judges 
 might easily find authorities for the most arbitrary proceedings, were they not restrain- 
 ed hy the watchfulness of public opinion, and an enlightened jury. 
 Moreover he won favour in their eyes.] He possessed almost e\ery quality to capti- 
 vate populai favour. lie was young and handsome, expeit in all manly exercises, 
 with a lively air and appearance of spirit and activity in all his demeanor. His pro- 
 ficiency in literature was very considerable : he was well versed in the French and 
 Latin languages ; he was perfectly skilled in music, sung often in his own chap' I, and 
 composed two entire masses himself. He had explored the utmost depth of the Aris- 
 totelian philosophy, the only philosophy in vogue in those days. In a knowledge oi 
 divinity he rivalled the pope, and was deeply read in Thomas Aquina^s famous book 
 on the miraculous conception of the Virgin Mary. 
 And in thtsc days the iniquity of the popedom.] The corruptions of the Romish 
 church had now attained an enormous pilch. Several of the holy lathers were accused
 lltnrii the Eighth. 
 publicly sold for money; and all kinds of people, how vile and 
 profligate soever, were promised everlasting happiness on purchasing 
 Now the impiety of these things provoked the indignation of 
 Martin Luther, and he exposed the absurdity of them in many books. 
 Moreover, he censured the usurpation of the pope, and made a mock 
 of his authority. 
 Then Henry the king, in the zeal of his heart, wrote an answer to 
 Martin Luther, defending the pope; and from henceforth he and bis 
 successors are honoured with the title of Defender of the Faith. 
 Howbeit he afterwards threw off the pope's authority, and depart- 
 ed from many of the errors of the church of Rome. 
 Whereof the thunder of the pope was levelled against him, and 
 he was excommunicated : his subjects also were absolved from their 
 obedience, and all the princes of Europe were excited to make war 
 upon him. 
 But Henry was beloved at home, and feared abroad ; wherefore 
 the thunder of the pope was despised, neither was he terrified with 
 all the fiery bolts of his wrath. 
 of infidelity and atheism : many of them led the most licentious lives ; being guilty 
 of fornication, incest, sodomy, and other shameless crimes. Leo X. at this time 
 filled the papal chair. He was a learned and penetrating man ; a great patron of 
 literature, and as such entitled to the gratitude of all men of letters; but like many of 
 his predecessors, he was very profligate in his manners, and apparently had no faith in 
 the doctrines of the religion he professed. According to Mr. Bayle he owed his eleva- 
 tion to the papal chair to a distemper he had caught in his combats with I'cnus. An 
 anecdote is related of him, by one writer, from which it appears, that he considered 
 Christianity only a profitable fable. It was in a dispute with Cardinal Bembo, "hen 
 he made this observation : Bembo, quoting a passage from the Evangelists, Leo observ- 
 ed, "It is well known to all ages how profitable this fable of Christ has been to us." 
 See Bayle's Historical Diet. vol. iii. p. 764. 
 The dissipated life of this pontiff rendered it necessary to open a sale for indul- 
 gences to replenish his coffers. Though despising religion himself, he was willing to 
 make its frauds subservient to his interest. The sale of indulgences or absolution 
 for sins, arose from the tenets of the Romish faith. The church, it was supposed, 
 was possessed of a great stock of merit, as being entitled to all the good works of all 
 the saints, beyond what were employed in their Own justification. The disposal 
 this surplus fund of righteousness, was vested in the pope. Such an expedient foi 
 raising money was not likely to be overlooked in the hands of Leo. He opened «
 Henri/ the Eighth. 
 And Henry made unto himself a great idol, the likeness of which 
 was not in heaven above, nor in the earth beneath. And lie reared 
 up his head unto the clouds, and extended his arm over all the land. 
 His legs also were as the posts of a gate, or as an arch stretched 
 forth over the doors of all the public offices in the land ; and whoso- 
 ever went out, or whosoever came in, passed beneath, and with 
 idolatrous reverence lift up their eyes, and kissed the cheeks of the 
 general sale of indulgences. The agents principally employed in this traffic were the 
 Dominicans. These monks, in order to prove themselves worthy of their office, 
 extolled the advantage of indulgences to the skies, and even ventured to advance 
 some doctrines on the subject not yet quite familiar to the people. To add to the 
 scandal, the collectors of this extraordinary impost are said to have led very 
 scandalous lives, and to have spent in gaming houses, taverns, and brothels, the 
 money which devout persons had foolishly paid to purchase a remission of their sins.* 
 The grossness of this imposture, togeiher with the more general diffusion of know- 
 ledge by the art of printing, may be considered the cause which prepared the way 
 for the reformation by Martin Luther. 
 And Henry made unto himself a greut idol.] Cardinal Wolsey is here alluded to. It 
 will be proper to give a short outline of the biography of this extraordinarv personage. 
 In his character and history he resembles in many things the celebrated Thomas si 
 Becket. We shall mention the most important facts in his life as we find them in 
 Hume, Rapin, the Biographia Britannica, and other authentic sources of information. 
 Thomas Wolsey was born at Ipswich, in March, 147J. There is some doubt 
 among his biographers, whether his father was a butcher or grazier, or both. How- 
 ever this may be, the son received a learned education, and being endowed with an 
 excellent capacity, he was admitted into the Marquis of Dorset's family, as tutor to 
 his children. Having obtained the confidence of his patron, he was presented by 
 that nobleman to the rectory of Lyruington in Somersetshire, Oct. 10, 1500. Being 
 of a gay and sociable disposition, he accompanied some of his neighbours to a fair in 
 the neighbourhood, where geltirrg drunk and creating a disturbance, he was put in 
 the stocks by Sir Amyas Powlet, a justice of the peace. This seems not to have been 
 any obstacle to his advancement. By the recommendation of sir John Naport, he 
 was made one of the King's chaplains. While in this situation he insinuated himself 
 into the favour of Fox, bishop of Winchester, who recommended him to Henry VII, 
 as a fit person to negotiate a marriage betwixt that monarch and the duchess of Savoy. 
 He acquitted himself so well in this embassy, that on his return, he was made dean 
 of Lincoln, and prebendary of Walton Brinhold. 
 Wolsey was in these circumstances when Henry VIII. became king. He soon 
 insinuated himself into the confidence of that monarch. He was admitted to Henry's 
 parties of pleasure, he took the lead in every jovial conversation, and promoted all 
 that frolic and fun, which he found agreeable to the age and inclination of lire Kin" 1 . 
 He was then forty years of age, but neither that, nor his character of a clergyman, 
 appears to have beerr any check upon his gaiety; and he laughed, danced, sung and 
 rallied, and laid aside all the severity appertaining to his station. His power over the 
 King became almost absolute. Henry made him a member of his council, and 
 abandoned to him the entire direction of the administration. He was promoted to 
 * Hume, vol. iv. p. 34. 

 Henry the Eighth. 
 And .ill tlit* people, buth small and great, fell down befoie him , 
 and worshipped ; for thej feared bis power. 
 Priests also and bishops brought him water to wash, and dukes 
 and nobles held the towel. 
 Howbeit lie fell down from the pinnacle of his greatness, and was 
 dashed in pieces even as a potter's vessel. Wherefore let him that 
 standeth, take heed lest he fall. 
 And Henry was a gracious king, but a tyrannical husband. 
 t lie archiepiscopal see of York, which he was allowed to hold in conjunction with the 
 rich bishoprics of Winchester and Durham. He held in commendam the abbey of 
 St. Albans, and many other church preferments. In short, the wealth and honours 
 i .' possessed were almost without bounds. His pride and ostentation kept pace with 
 his prosperity. His train consisted ol 800 servants, of whom many were knights and 
 gentlemen. Some of the nobility put their children into his family, as a place of 
 education, and to procure his favour, allowed them to baer otfices as big servants. 
 Whoever was distinguised by any art or science paid court to the cardinal; and none 
 paid court in vain. Literature iouml in him a liberal patron, and he gave encourage- 
 ment to every branch of erudition. Not content with this munificence, which gained 
 hitn the approbation of the wise, he strove to dazzle the eyes of the populate by the 
 splendour of his equipage and furniture, the costly embroidery of his liveries, and 
 the lustre of his apparel. He was the first ecclesiastic in England, that wore silk and 
 gold, not only on his habit, but also on his saddles and the trappings of his horses. 
 He caused his cardinal's bat to be borne aloft by a person of rank; and when lie 
 came to the King's chapel would permit it to be laid on no place but the altar. A 
 priest, the taLlest and comeliest he could find, carried before him a pillar of silver, 
 on whose top was placed a cross. Not satistied with this parade, hi' provided another 
 priest of equal stature and beauty, who inarched along bearing the cross of York, 
 even in the diocese of Canterbury, contrary to ancient rule and agreement between 
 the prelates of these rival sees. 
 His pride and ostentation were still further increased on being appointed the pope's 
 legate in England. Having obtained this new dignity, lie made, a new display of 
 state and parade. On solemn least days he was not content with saying mass after 
 the manner of the pope himself : iiot only had he bishops and abbots to serve him, 
 he even engaged the first nobility to u\e him water and the towel. Warhain the 
 primate, having written him a letter, in which lie subscribed himself your loving 
 brother, Wolsey complained of Ins presumption in thus challenging an equality with 
 him. When \Varbam \vas told what ollince be. had given, he said, — Know ye not 
 that this man is drunk with too much prospiritu. 
 Having thus attained the summit <>f greatness, be was doomed to experience a 
 terrible reverse of fortune. Various causes have been assigned for bis downfall, but 
 no doubt the principal were the capricious, tyrannical and impetuous character of 
 Henry Yllt. joined to Wolsey 's own indiscreet conduct, which had excited general 
 envy and disgust. The King first deprived him of the great seal. He was next order- 
 ed to depart from York-place, a palace he had built in London. This was seized by 
 Henry, and became afterwards the residence of the King of England, by the title of 
 Whitehall. All bis furniture and plate were seized. Their riches and splendour befitted 
 rather a royal than a private fortune. The walls of his palace were covered with 
 cloth of nold, or cloth of silver. lie had a cupboard of [date of mRssy roll) 
 JK) the chronicle of 
 Henry the Eighth. 
 And lie took unto himself six wives, but they pleased him not; 
 wherefore he accused them of incontinence and divers crimes, and 
 put them away. Moreover, he beheaded some, and some he put in 
 prison, and he dealt cruelly with them. 
 there were found a thousand pieces of fine holland belonging to him. The Cardinal 
 himself was ordered to retire near Asher, a seat he possessed near Hampton Court. 
 The world which had paid him such abject court, now entirely deserted him. Wolsey 
 himself was extremely dejected with this fatal reverse of fortune. The smallest appear- 
 ance of his return to favour threw him into transports of joy unbecoming a man. At 
 one time the King seemed willing to intermit the blows which overwhelmed him. But 
 the enemies ol the Cardinal were unceasing in their effort stop rejudice the King against 
 his favourite. After remaining sometime at Asher, he was allowed to remove to his 
 palace at Rjthraond. Here the courtiers dreading his vicinity to the King, procured 
 an order for him to remove to Cawood in Yorkshire, where his affability ami hospitality, 
 rendered him extremely popular in the neighbourhood. But he was not allowed to 
 remain long unmolested in this retreat. The earl of Northumberland received orders 
 to arrest him for high treason, and conduct him to London in order to his trial. The 
 Cardinal, partly from the fatigues of the journey, parti v from the agitationsof his anxious 
 mind, was seized with a distemper, which enabled him, with some difficulty, to reach 
 Leicester Abbey. When the abbot and monks advanced to nice him, with much 
 respect and reverence, Shakspeare makes him address them 
 «' O father abbot ! 
 An old man broken with the storms of state, 
 Is come to lay his weary bones among ye : 
 Give him a little earth tor charity." 
 He immediately took to his bed, whence he never rose more. A little before KB ex- 
 pired, he said to the king's officers, who stood near his bed : " If I had served God 
 half so diligently as I have served the King, he would not have given me over in my 
 grey hairs." 
 Thus died the famous Cardinal Wolsey. His greatest crime was his ambition, and 
 it was to indulge this darling passion, and a love of magnificence, that he endeavoured 
 to render his unbounded influence over the King alone subservient. His memory 
 cannot be charged with flagrant offences. He rose into favour without any extraordi- 
 nary virtues, and he fell without having committed any extraordinary crime. He left 
 behind him two natural sons; one of whom, Winter, was loaded with church prefer- 
 And he look unto himself six uires.] Henry's first spouse was Catherine, infanta of 
 Spain, who had been married to his brother. Besides the canonical objection to this 
 match there was considerable disparity in their years. But these objections were more 
 than counterbalanced in the •pinion of the King by -Catherine's virtues and her amiable 
 disposition. His second wife was the unfortunate Anne Boleyn. She was maid of 
 honour to the Queen, and by her youth, beauty, and the charms of her conversation, 
 had acquired an entire ascendant over him. The King suddenly pretended to have 
 strong scruples about the lawfulness of his marriage with Catherine, though no doubt the 
 real cause originated m this new attachment. Soon after the Queen died, and left the 
 way open for the indulgence of his humour. Before her death, she wrote a very 
 tender letter to the King, styling him her most dear lord, King, and husband. After 
 urging manv considerations relative to his spiritual and temporal welfare, she concluded 
 with these words, I make this vow, that mine eyes desire you above all things.
 Henry the Eighth. 
 And it came to pass, when a certain pries! in one of liis scrim. as 
 defended the king in this matter, that all the women in the town rase 
 up against him, and they stoned him with atones, and drove him from 
 amongst them. 
 Anne Bokyn soon lost ilie affection of the King The fickle monarch had fixed his 
 ryes upon a new object, and was impatient tor ihe gratification of this fresh appetite. 
 J he new favourite was Jane, daughter to Sir. (olm Seymour, also a maid oi honour; a 
 young lady of singular beauty and merit. Unlike most princes, Henry had no notion 
 <it' indulging his passion otherwise than by marriage ; therefore it was necessary, either 
 by divorce or death., to remove his present partner out of the wav. Aunt 1 aleyn was 
 accused of infidelity to Ins bed. There does n i appear w> have been the slightest 
 foundation foi this imputation. She was even accused of incest with her brother lord 
 Kochlord. The only evidence in support of the charge, amounted to no mere than 
 that Kochlord had been seen to lean on her bed before some company, l'art of the 
 charge against her was, that she had affirmed to some of her friends, that the King 
 never hail her heart: which was tothe slander of the iaauebegotten between tfu King und her. 
 Jiy this strained interpretation her guilt was brought undi i the 25th of this reign, where 
 it is declared criminal to throw any slander upon the King, Queen, or their i - 
 Such palpable absurdities were admitted at that day, and they were deemed sutTiciei.t 
 by the peers, before whom the Queen was tried, for putting an innocent woman to 
 death. She was beheaded on the I'Jth of May, and met her fate with great firmness, 
 and even gaiety. 
 Henry was married to Lady Seymour the day after the execution of Anne Boleyn 
 'Ibis Queen brought him a son, afterwards Edward VI. She died two days alter, and 
 left Hemy at liberty to make a new choice. Havitig seen a flattering picture ot Anne 
 oi Clevcs, he determined tc espouse that princess. Anne was sent over to England. 
 Impatient to satisfy himself about the person of his bride, lie went privately to Koches- 
 ter to gel a sight ot her. He found her b,g indeed, tall as he could wish, but utterly 
 destitute of grace and beauty, very unlike her picture. He swore she as a great 
 Fltuulers mure, and declared he could never possibly bear her any affection. To 
 heighten his disappointment, she could speak nothing but Dutch, a language ol which 
 he was entirely ignorant. The morning alter the marriage, Cromwell inquired of 
 him, if be now liked his spouse any better. Henry told him he u.is resolved never to 
 meddle with her again; and he even suspected her not to he & true maid; a point 
 about which he ban always been extremely delicate. He continued however to treat 
 her with great kindness till he obtained a divorce from her. 
 1 1 is fifth wife whs Catherine Howard. In this marriage he considered himself per- 
 fectly blessed. The agreeable person and disposition ot Catherine, had entirely cap- 
 tivated his affeotioi a ; and in the height of his transports, he publich , in his chapel, 
 returned solemn thanks to Heaven for the unspeakable felicity the conjugal state 
 aftbidcd him ; and directed the' bishop ol Lincoln to compose a form of thanksgiving 
 for the occasion. His bliss was fated a onto terminate/and in the bitter disappoint- 
 ment he experienced in Catherine, Heaven seemed to revenge upon him the cruelty 
 with which h< '.heed his former wives. The Queen it appeared, had led a 
 most dissolnli ore her 'marriage Two of her a rvants, Derhaui and Monnoc, 
 had been admit l i to her bed In their examination before the Chancellor, they con- 
 fessed their guilt, and also made furthei esof the Q een's profligate conduct. 
 Three maids ol the family h id bei n admiti ■ i into iier -. crets, and some oi them had 
 even passed the night in bed with her and her lov< IS. All these discoveries were laid
 Henry the Eighth. 
 Now the rest of the acts of kins Henry, and all that he did, are 
 they not written in the hooks of the chronicles of the kings of 
 Eugland ? 
 And Henry was a man of great parts and much experience, and 
 could penetrate very far into hidden things • yea, so great was the 
 opinion of his capacity, that the measure of his abilities is preserved 
 in the tower of London unto this day ; and it behoveth all men to 
 bumble themselves before him, and confess his superior greatness. 
 And Henry slept with his fathers, and Edward his son reigned in 
 his stead. 
 before the King, who was so deeply affected, lhat he remained a long time speechless, 
 and at last burst into tears. He found, to his surprise, lhat his great skill in distinguish- 
 ing a true maid, of which he had boasted in the case of Anne of Cleves, had failed him 
 in liis present consort. 'Hie Queen being next examined, denied her guilt, but when 
 informed that a full discovery had been made, she confessed that she had been crimi- 
 nal before marriage, but insisted she had never been false to the King's bed. But in 
 this she was unworthy of credit. It was proved that lady Rochford, the king being at 
 Lincoln, had introduced one Colepepper into the Queen's chambers ai ele en o'clock in 
 the night, and staid there till four in the morning, and on his departure, Catherine gave 
 him a gold chain and rich cap. Moreover she had taken Derham, her ancient para- 
 mour into her service, which showed she intended to continue her former intrigue. 
 Catherine was afterwards beheaded, as well as the associates of her dishonour. 
 Henry finding his skill in maidenheads not infallible, determined to secure himself 
 against future blunders by act of parliament. A law was passed, which among other 
 notable things, enacted, that if the King married any woman who had been inconti- 
 nent, taking her for a true maid, she should be guilty of treason, if she did not pre- 
 viously reveal her guilt to him. The people made merry with this clause, and said 
 that the King must henceforth look out lor a widow, for no reputed maid would ever 
 be persuaded to incur the penalty of the statute. Henry followed the advice of his 
 subjects. Pie married for his sixth wife, Catharine Par, widow of Nevil, lord Latimer. 
 And Henri/ slept with his fathers.'] Henry died alter a reign of thirty-seven years, 
 and in the fifty-sixth year of his age. His health had long been in a declining state, 
 but his attendants were afraid to inform him of his approaching dissolution. An act of 
 parliament having adjudged those traitors, who should foretel the Kind's death, they 
 were apprehensive, lest in the transports of fury against the bearers of such unwelcome 
 intelligence, they should be capitally punished. At last Sir Anthony Denny had 
 the courage and charity to warn him that he had only a few hours to live. The King 
 thanked him, and expressed his grief and horror for all the sins of his past life.* Denny- 
 asked him if any clergyman should be sent tor, and he said, if any, it should be Cran- 
 iner, archbishop of Canterbury. When Crannicr arrived the King was speechless, and 
 he could onlv express, by signs, that he died in the faith of Christ. His death was 
 kept privatethrce days. In his will he left money for masses to be said to deliver his 
 soul out of purgatory. This is remarkable, because in his life-time he had destroyed 
 all those institutions established by others lor their souls, and in the articles of faith he 
 .hid promulgated, had left doubtful the doctrine of purgatory. But as Hume remarks, 
 he no doubt thought it best to adhere to the safe side of the question, and if there 
 * Ttapin, vol. vi. p. 566.
 Henry the Eighth, 
 wen any mode of shortening the torments of the body after death, he might as well 
 secure to himself the benefit of it. 
 In the general history of this period there are many things deserving of notice. It 
 is the religious, rather than the political changes of Henry's reign that are important 
 liis arbitrary and imperious disposition, had engrossed the whole political power of the 
 state, 'i lie two houses of parliament were the mere slavish instruments ot his tyranny. 
 W hatevcr his passions or caprice suggested, they enacted, into laws. By one net, the 
 King's proclamations are made equal to laws.* 1 his was at once subverting the consti- 
 tution (if any such thing existed at this time) and rendering the King absolute. A 
 curious anecdote is related of his summary mode of proceeding when the commons 
 appeared any way refractory. They had made some scruples about passing a money 
 bill ; the King sent for Edw.nd Montague, one of the leading members; being intro- 
 duced to his majesty, the representative of the people had the mortification to hear 
 him speak these words: Hoi man! unll tint/ not suffer my bill to pats. And laying 
 his hand on Montague's head, then on his knees betore him, get my bill passed tomor- 
 row, or else to morrow thi.% head of yovr's shall be off, I he bill passed next day. 
 Such being the degraded ^tate of the commons, it is not surprising the people 
 were deemed no better than brutes. On occasion of a formidable rebellion in the 
 north, the King issued a manifesto to the rebels, drawn up in a style well suited to 
 SO arbitrary a tyrant. He told them plainly ihat they ought no more to pretend 
 giving a judgment with regard to government, 'ban a blind man with regard to 
 colours, "And we," he added, "with our whole council think it right strange that yc, 
 who be but Brutes and inexpert folk, do take upon you to point us, who be meet or not 
 for our council." 
 We shall now speak of the suppression of the monasteries by this monarch. A 
 commission being appointed to visit religiuos houses, monstrous disorders were found 
 to pervade these nurseries of fraud, vice, and indolence; whole convents of women 
 abandoned to lewdness; signs of abortion procured, infants murdeied, of unnatural 
 lusts betwixt persons of the same sex. The holy relics, which the credulous people 
 had hitherto looked upon with profound veneration, were now exposed to their ridi- 
 i u!e. Among other sanctified morsels, were found the parings of St. Edmond's toes, 
 some of the coals thai roasted the good St. Lawrence, the girdle of the blessed Vir- 
 gin, shown in eleven several places; the felt ef St. Thomas of Lancaster, an infalli- 
 ble cure lor the head-ache ; part of St. Thomas of Canterbury's shirt, of great efficacy 
 to big-bellied women. At Hales, in Gloucestershire there had been shown, during 
 several ages, the blood of Christ brought from Jerusalem ; such a relic it is easv 
 to imagine was held in great veneration by the multitude. This saered relic was 
 not visible to any one in mortal sin, till he had performed good works sufficient for 
 his absolution. At ihe dissolution the whole contrivance was detected : two of the 
 monks had taken the blood of a duck, which they renewed every week; they put it 
 in a phial, one side of which consisted of thin transparent chrystal, the other of thick 
 and opaque. When any rich pilgrim arrived, they were sure to show him the dark 
 side of the phial, till masses and offerings had expiated his offences, and then finding 
 his money or his patience exhausted, they made him happy by turning the 
 There is nothing very remarkable in these fooleries Similar contrivances for empt\ - 
 ing the pockets of the credulous, may be found in all ages. The people were then 
 comparatively uninformed ; therefore gross impostures answered the purpose ; but 
 now when they have become more enlightened, it behoves priestcraft to be more artfui, 
 though not less fraudulent in its devices. 
 The religious houses were suppressed at two several times ; the first suppression was 
 in the year 1 536, and extended only to the lesser monasteries, whose rctenues were 
 * Hume. vol. iv. p. 196.
 Henry the Eighth. 
 below 2001. a year. By this act three hundred and twenty-six monasteries were suppres- 
 sed, and tbeir revenues amounting to 32,0001. a year were granted to the King, besides 
 their goods, chattels, and plate, which were computed at 100,0001. more. Hollinshed 
 says, that 10,000 monks were turned out by the dissolution of the lesser monasteries. 
 No great opposition was made to the measure, and two years alter Henry laid his 
 rapacious hands on the revenues of the greater monasteries. This completed the work 
 of dissolution and the abolition of the monastic orders. The whole number of mo- 
 nasteries suppressed amounted to six-hundred and forty-five; of these, twenty-eight 
 had abbots, who enjoyed a seat in parliament. Ninety colleges were dissolved in se- 
 veral counties ; two thousand three-hundred an I seventy-four churches and free chapels 
 and a hundred and ten hospitals. The whole revenue of these establishments amounted 
 to ^161,100. The whole revenue of England, arising from lands and possessions, had 
 been rated, a Utile before tin's period, at four millions a year; so that the revenue ot the 
 tnenks did not exceed a twentieth part of the national income. Probably the revenues 
 of the clergy at this day are, a larger proportion of the industry of the community. 
 It may also be remarked in favour of the Catholic clerg3', that a very considerable 
 proportion of their incomes was expended in hospitality, relieving and assisting the 
 indigent, and in the education of the people; but the incomes of the Protestant 
 clergy are expended wholly by themselves, a vast majority of whom till only sinecure 
 situations in the church. 
 One of the principal advantages from the abolition of the ancient religion was a 
 ruore regular execution of justice. While the Catholic superstition subsisted, there 
 was no possibility of punishing any crime in the clergy. The church would not permit 
 the magistrate to try the offences of her members, and she could not herself inflict 
 any civil penalties upon them. Henry restrained these pernicious immunities. The 
 privilege of clergy was abolished lor the crimes of petty treason, murder, and felony, 
 to all under the degree of a subdeacon The privilege of sanctuaries too, which 
 afforded protection not only to the clergy, but the laity, were abolished ; and no 
 person guilty of murder, rape, burglary, or other atrocious crime, was allowed to 
 take refuge in a religious house : these, it must be admitted, were great advances 
 towards the reformation, and tended greatly to lessen the importance the clergy had 
 usurped over the understanding of the people. 
 It was not till the end of this reign that salads, carrots, turnips, or other edible 
 roots were produced in England. The little of these vegetables that was used 
 was brought from Holland and Flanders. Queen Catharine, when she wanted a sa- 
 lad was obliged to despatch a messenger thither on purpose. The use of hops and 
 planting them was first introduced from Flanders about this time. 
 Foreign artificers in general much surpassed the English in skill, industry, and 
 frugality; hence arose the violent animosity the latter bore against any of the former, 
 who settled in England. On one occasion a violent commotion was raised by the 
 apprentices and workmen in London, who attempted to break open the prisons in 
 order to liberate some persons confined for insulting foreigners. This tumult was 
 quelled with great difficulty; thirteen of the rioters were executed; and more than 
 four hundred apprehended, who were brought before the King with ropes about their 
 necks, and falling on their knees before the King cried for mercy. A curious pro- 
 clamation was afterwards issued, directing that women should not meet together to 
 babble and talk, and that all men should keep their wives in their houses. 
 There appears to have been a great improvement in the manners of the people 
 since the reign of Henry VIII. The prisoners in the kingdom confined for debts and 
 primes is stated to have been sixty thousand ; an incrcdihle number, when the small- 
 ness of the population is considered. Harrison asserts, that 72,000 criminals were 
 executed during this reign for theft and robbery, which would amount to nearly 
 2000 a year. He adds that in the latter end of Elizabeth's reign, there were not 
 punished capitally 400 in a year. At present there are not executed fifty for these
 — r -_-^^=.--rrr- .. — — 
 Edit ard the Stith. 
 crimes. This extraordinary decrease in delinquency can onlv lie ascribed to the diffu- 
 sion of knowledge among the peeple; which our i ', ; lout and moral government, top' 
 ported bj the Society for the Suppression ot Vice, is passing laws to prevent. 
 Now Edward was nine years old when be bejjan to reiga, aad be 
 reigned over England six years and five months. 
 And lie was a pious prince, and lie loved tlie tiulh, and promot- 
 ed the reformation -which Henry his father had bei;un. 
 Hnwbeit lie was cut oft' as a flower in its bud, or as a rose in, 
 the morning sun ; his days also were as a span, and the years of 
 his reign as a shadow that passeth away ; but his memory smelleth 
 sweet for ever. 
 And he appointed for his successor the lady Jane Grey, and she 
 was proclaimed queen ; but the party of Mary prevailing, Jane 
 was beheaded in the Tower of London, and Mary her sister reign- 
 ed in her stead. 
 And he was a pious prbtce — promoted the reformation.] Religious toleration ad- 
 vanced with great difficulty even alter the Reformation. Under the reign of this 
 mild Prince, fire and faggot were considered the most effectual means of promoting 
 truth and maintaining uniformity of opinion. One poor woman, Joan Bocher, or 
 Joan of Kent, having formed some peculiar notion about the nature of the concep- 
 tion of the Virgin, which appears to have been a great mystery in those days, she 
 was committed to the (lames. Edward hesitated a long nine before he would con- 
 sent to such a barbarous mode of conversion; but his scruples were at length over- 
 come by the importunities of Cranmer. 
 Howbeit he was cut off as a flower.] He died of a consumption, at Greenwich, 
 in the sixteenth year of his age, and the seventh of his reign ; leaving behind him 
 the reputation of many virtues and excellent qualities. 
 And Mary adhered to the church of Rome, and she revived the 
 errors thereof, and restored all the forms and foolish cere- 
 Moreover she was of a cruel nature, and she persecuted unto deatli 
 all who opposed her doctrines, and her reign stinketh of blood unto 
 this day. 
 Old men and children, young men and maidens, they also that 
 gave suck, with the infant at the breast, she burned at the slake ; and 
 the fire of persecution was not quenched all the days of her life: 
 But the vengeauce of the Lord overtook her, and she was torn 
 from the face of the earth as a bramble that choaketh the field, and 
 her name is an abomination. 
 And from the time that she was crowned, to the day which the Lord 
 smote her with sickness, was five years and four months, and she died, 
 and Elizabeth her sister reigned in her stead. 
 Old men and children — she burned at the stake.] It is computed that in the course 
 of three years, two hundred and seventy-seven persons were brought to the stake; 
 besides those who were punished by imprisonment, fines, and confiscations. Among 
 those who suffered by fire, were five bishops, twenty-one clergymen, eight lay gentle- 
 men, eighty-four tradesmen, one hundred husbandmen, servants, and labourers, fifty- 
 five women and four children. These cruelties were nothing to what was practised in 
 other countries to stop the progress of the new opinions. One author computes that in 
 the Netherlands alone, from the time ttie edict of Charles V. was promulgated against 
 the reformers, there had been fifty thousand persons hanged, beheaded, burned alive, 
 or burnt on account of religion. Bu<t what is this compared to the blood shed in 
 France, Spain, Italy, and the New World, from the same fatal source. These are 
 some of the evils which ought to be taken into the account, in estimating the advan- 
 tages conferred on mankind by religion. 
 And from the time that she was crowned — and she died ] She died of a fever origi- 
 nating principally in anxiety and vexation of mind, at witnessing the ill success of her 
 efforts to re-establish the catholic faith. 
 Hume, always very indulgent to the frailties of royalty, says, in drawing the cha- 
 racter of this princess, that she possessed few qualities either estimable or amiable ; and 
 her person was as little engaging as her behaviour and address : obstinacy, revenge, 
 bigotry, violence, cruelty, malignity, tyranny; every circumstance of her character 
 took a tincture from her bad temper and narrow understanding. 
 Such being the despicable character of Mary, it affords little matter for reflection ; 
 and we shall leave this subject in order to notice the alterations in the laws and man- 
 ners of the people about this period. 
 In this reign was passed the first general law with regard to the highways, which 
 were appointed to be repaired by parish duty all over England. 
 A law passed also, by which the number of horses, arms and furniture was fixed, 
 which each person, according to the extent of his property, should be provided with 
 for the- defence of the kingdom. A man of a thousand pounds a year for instance, was 
 obliged to maintain, at his own charge, six horses with their furniture, &c. As no
 class above a thousand a year it mentioned, it appears lhat was considered tlie highest 
 income of one individual. 
 Some notion ma\ be formed of ilie little progress mule in arts and refinement from 
 one circumstance i a man of no less rank than the comptroller of Ed wan I VI. 's house- 
 hold, paid onh thirty shillings a year, of our present money, for In^ house in Chan- 
 nel-row. Vet labour and provisions, and !■ houses, were only about a 
 third of the present price. Erasmus ascribes the frequent plagues in England, to 
 the nastlness and dirt, and slovenly habil • among the pi ople. " 1 be floors saj s he, 
 " are commonly of clay, strewed with rushes, under which lie unmolested an ancient 
 collection of beer, grease, fragments, bones, spittle, excrements of dogs and cats, 
 and every thing that is nasty." 
 H01.LIN8HED, who livad in the reign of E)lizabetbi gives a very curious account 
 of the rode and comfortless way of living in the preceding generation, and which, in 
 many respects, bears a strong resemblance to the mode of lite of the Hottentots. The 
 luxury of a chimney to the houses, even in con id< rable towns, was unknown. The 
 fire was kindled by the wall, and the smoke sought its way out at 1 tie roof, or door, 
 or windows. The houses were nothing but watling plastered over with clay. The 
 people slept 011 straw pallets and hid a good round log of wootl under their head for 
 a pillow ; and almost all the furniture and utensils were ol wood. 
 Some passages in Hollinshed are so curious that thej seem worth inserting. Speak- 
 ing o( the increase ol luxury: "Neither do i. speak tins in reproach of any man, 
 God is my judge; but to show ll at 1 do rejoice to see how God lias blessed ns with 
 his good iiit-, and to behold how that in a time wherein all things are grown to most 
 excessive prices, we do find the means to achieve such furniture as heretofore has 
 been impossible. There are old men living, in the village where I remain, which 
 have noted three things to be marvellously altered in England within their own re- 
 membrance. Urn.' is the multitude of chiini - tely erected; whereas, in their 
 young days there were not above two or three, if so many, in most uplandish towns 
 ol t'ie realm, (the religious houses and manor places of their lands always excepted, 
 and peradventnre some great personage ;) but each made his lire against the veiedasse 
 in the hall, where he dined and dressed his meat. The second is the great amend- 
 ment in lodging: for said they, our lathers, and we ourselves, have laid full oft upon 
 straw pallctts co-ercd only with a sheet, under coverlets made of dogs' waine or hop har- 
 lots, (I use their own terms) and a good log under their heal in-tead of a bolster. 
 h it were so, that the lather or the good man of the house had a mattress or flock 
 bed, and thereto a sack of chalF to rest his bead up in, he thought himself to be 
 ps well lodged as the lord of the town. Pillows, said they, were thought meet only 
 for women in child-bed. As for servants, if they had anj sheet above them it was 
 well; for seldom had they any under their to 1 p them from the pricking 
 straws that ran often thi ugh the canvas, aud rased th ■ ha led hides. The.'hird 
 thin» they tell off, i.- tee exchange of trceue platers (made ; wo id » into pewter, and 
 ions into silver or tin. For so c mm 1 were ;ill sorts of treene in old time, 
 that a man should hardly find fonr pieces of pewter, (of which one was peradventure 
 a salt) in a good tanner's house." — Description of Britain, chap. x. 
 The same writer gives an account of the hours of meals in Elizabeth's reign. " With 
 us the nobility, gentry, and studenis, do ordinarily go to dinner ..1 eleven belore 
 noon, and to supper at rive, or between five and six at afternoon. The merchants 
 dine and sup seldom before twelve at noon and six at night, especiallj in London, 
 The husbandmen also dine at high noon, as they call it, and sup at seven or eight : 
 bill out of term in our universities the scholars dine al ten 
 1' tOISSABT, the chronicler, mentions wailing on the Duke of Lancaster at five 
 o'clock in the ufternoon when he had supped. Hume remarks, it is hard to tell w liy 
 all over the world, as the age becomes more luxurious, the hours become later 
 [s it the crowd of amusements that pu>h on the hours gradually? or do people e. 
 fashion consider their persons nnd amusements more suitable to the secrecy an J dark 
 ness of nocturnal hours? The chief cause seeins to be, that in rude ages, men have 
 few amusements or occupation but what day-light afford, whereas in ages of refine- 
 ment, reading, study, and conversation, afford employment which can be as con- 
 veniently pursued in the night as the day. 
 One thing has been entirely reversed in the change of hours ; formerly the 
 better sort took their meals earlier than the working classes, now they take them later. 
 The state of manners here described was about the middle of the Kith century. 
 Now Elizabeth was twenty and five years old when she began to 
 reign, and she reigned over England forty and four years, four months, 
 and seven days, and her mother's name was Anna Bullen. 
 And she was endowed with wisdom from above, and the spirit of 
 the Almighty gave her understanding; she chose unto herself wise 
 and able ministers ; she hearkened unto their counsels, and she 
 governed her kingdom with power and great glory. 
 The sea also was subject unto her, and she reigned on the ocean 
 with a mighty hand. 
 Her admirals compassed the world about, and brought her home 
 treasures from the uttermost parts of the earth. 
 The glory of England she advanced to its height, and all the princes 
 of the earth sought her love ; her love was fixed on the happiness of 
 her people, and would not be divided. 
 Her admirals compassed the world ubout.] Alluding to the voyage of sir Francis 
 Drake. Drake was the son of a sailor, bom at Tavistock, in Devonshire. He com- 
 nfeuced bis voyage round the world in the year 1577. After passing through the 
 straits of Magellan, he sailed along the western coast of America as high as the 48th 
 degree of north latitude. He returned by the Cape of Good Hope, and thus com- 
 pleted the circuit of the globe. Out of 154 men, of which his crew consisted, only 57 
 survived. On his return, Elizabeth dined aboard his ship at Deptlord ; and of a 
 part of the timber of the vessel, a chair was made and presented to tire University of 
 Oxford. — Sir Francis Drake was not the first man who sailed round the world, as is 
 sometimes represented ; Magellan's ships had performed the same voyage fifty years 
 before ; but as Magellan was slain at the Ladrone islands, and only part of his crew 
 returned, it may, vfitri some justice, be said, that Drake was the first who completed 
 the voyage.
 Elizabeth . 
 The aera of learning was also in her reign, and the genius of wit 
 shone bright in the land. 
 Spenser and Sbakspeare, Verulam and Sidney, Raleigh and Drake 
 adorned her court, and made her reign immortal. 
 And woe unto you, Spaniards; woe unto you, ye haughty usurpers 
 of the American seas; lor at the lightning of her eyes ye were de- 
 stroyed, and at the breath of Iter mouth ye were scattered abroad ; 
 she came upon your Armada as a whirlwind, and as a tempest of 
 thunder she overwhelmed you in the sea. 
 Tlie cent of learning was also in her reign.] The foundation of this aera had been laid 
 in the preceding reigns. Near twenty grammar schools had been created during the 
 reign of Henry VIII- under the patronage of Wolaey, whose, favourite school at Ips- 
 wich rivalled those of Winchester and Eton. Henry himself was the most learned 
 man of his time ; he wrote a grammar, and composed several pieces in Latin. His suc- 
 cessor, Edward VI. was a learned prince, and has left several specimens of his 
 Latinity, Alary, though greatly inferior to hei sister, was mi mean proficient in classi- 
 cal erudition. Elizabeth was expert in the Gieek tongue, ami translated into English 
 the orations of Isocrates. Such being tlie characters of four successive sovereigns, it 
 is not surprising learning should flourish and become popular. Even the ladies ot the 
 court valued themselves on their knowledge; many of these understood the ancient as 
 well as the modern languages, and esteemed themselves more on their erudition than 
 their birth or rank. The public despatches, especially those of Burleigh, were, fre- 
 quently adorned with quotations from Greek and Latin authors In short, from the 
 example and encouragement of the court, the learning of the age gradually became as 
 much the property of the laity as the clergy, and men entered on that career of im- 
 provement, in which, under many obstacles, they have since persevered One remark 
 however, it is proper to make on the learning of this age. Science, by which truth 
 alone can be discovered, and society ameliorated, was unknown: this formed the tri- 
 umph of it subsequent reign, and for which the cultivation of classical literature, and 
 the endless and unprofitable theological disputes agitated at the Reformation, no doubt 
 prepared the way- 
 Spenser and Shakspeure.'] To these illustrious names, we may add those of Ilollinshed, 
 Ascham, Buchanan, the admirable Crichton, and other eminent men, who flourished 
 about this period. 
 And vtoe unto you, Spaniards — she came upon your Armada.] Philip's war against 
 England, in the vain confidence with which it was undertaken, and its disastrous 
 issue, bears some resemblance to the invasion of Greece by Xerxes. Both these 
 haughty nionarchs relied more upon an overwhelming force, than the skill with which 
 it was directed, and their enterprises came to nought, from the unexpected skill and 
 ( "in. ige of enemies they despised. Cotemporary writers give the nv-t pompous de- 
 scription ot the formidable appearance of tiie Armada; it is described as appearing in 
 the torm of a crescent, stretching the distance of seven miles from the extremity of one 
 division to that of another : the lofty masts, the swelling sails, and the lowering prows 
 of the Spanish galleons, -they can only describe by assuming the language of poetrv ; 
 and representing the ocean as groaning under, and the wind tired with impelling 
 such an enormous weight. The trulh however is, that the largest of the Spanish ves-
 Wisdom and strength were in lier right hand, and in her left were 
 glory and wealth. 
 She spake, and it was war; she waved her hand, and the nations 
 dwelt in peace. 
 Her ministers were just, her counsellors were sage ; her captains 
 were hold, and her maids of honour ate beef-steaks for breakfast. 
 sels would scarcely pass for ihird-rates in the present navy, and were so ill formed 
 thev were quite unwieldy, and in rough weather utterly unmanageable. One of the 
 largc-t ships took fire, and the great galleon of Andalusia fell behind the rest of the 
 fleet by the springing of her mast. IN'o general action occurred, the whole ended in a 
 few skirmishes, in which Drake, and the brave Sir Richard Grenville covered 
 themselves with glory. A violent tempest arising completed the destruction of the 
 Armada; the mariners unaccustomed to hardships, abandoned themselves to despair, 
 and suffered their unwieldy ships, impelled by the fury of the storm, to drive on the 
 western isles of Scotland or the coast of Ireland, where they were miserably wrecked. 
 Few ships returned to Spain, and the seamen and soldiers who remained, were so 
 overcome with hardships and fatigue, and so dispirited by their discomfiture, that they 
 filled all Spain with accounts of the desperate valour of the English, and of the tem- 
 pestuous violence, of the ocean that surrounds them. 
 Her minivers were ju&t — maids of honour ate beef steaks for breakfast.'] We have 
 already described the general mode of living in the preceding reign. Breakfast was 
 little used If any thing was taken, ii was a glass of ale and a slice of bread. The 
 general amusements of the ladies seem to have been coarse enough. Speaking pf 
 Elizabeth, Rowland VV lute, in the Sydney papers says : " this day she appoints a French- 
 man to doe feats upon a rope in the conduit court; to-morrow she has commanded the 
 beares, the bull, and the apes, to be bayted in the tilt yard; and on Wednesday-shc 
 will have solemne dawncing 
 Selden, in his "Table Talk," thus describes the latter amusement : " The court of 
 England is much altered ; at a solemn dancing first you had the grave measures, then 
 the coronatoes and the galliards, and this kept up with ceremony, and at last to 
 Trenchmare (Trenchniore) and the cushion dance. Then all the company dances, 
 lord and lady, groom and kitchen maid, no distinction. So in our court in Queen 
 Elizabeth's time, gravity and state were kepi up ; in King James's time, things were 
 pretty well ; hut in King Charles's time there has been nothing but Trenclmioie and 
 the cushion dance; omnium gatherum, troly p;;ly, hoity hoity." 
 Luxury in dress made great progress. The pocket handkerchiefs of die ladies were 
 frequently wrought with gold and silver, and their shifts were, richly embroidered. 
 The chopjne is .sometimes mentioned ; it was an Italian shoe, with a heel ridiculously 
 hiirh The ii v cap was in great vogue Aldermen's wives had bonnets of velvet, large 
 and showy- Chains and bracelets were ornaments used mostly by women of rank. 
 The ruffs.; made of law.! and cambric, stiffened with yellow starch, were immoderately 
 large: the poking of these gracefully behind was considered a most important attain- 
 ment. Th« waist became enormously. long; the bodice or stays finished with a most 
 extended point in front at bottom ; and to render the appearance still more inconveni- 
 ent and .grotesque, the upper part of the gown, near the shoulders, was considerably 
 enlarged by wool or other stuffing. The fardingale, a Spanish petticoat, bulky over 
 the hips, now went out of fashion, it was intioduced by T J hiiip and Mary ; and Howel 
 intimates that it was invented to conceal unlicensed pregnancy. Heywoode thus hu- 
 morously sings the death of the fardingale.
 Now the rest of the acts of- queen Elizabeth, i the gkWious 
 things that she did, are they not written in the books of the chroni- 
 cles of the kings of England ? 
 And Elizabeth slept with her fathers, and she was a virgin; she 
 tasted not of man, neither subjected she herself unto him all the da) I 
 of her life. 
 " Alas! poor vardingalcs must lie i' th' streete ; 
 To house them no doore i' th' dice's made mecte, 
 Syns at our narrow doores they cannot go in, 
 Seiid them to Oxforde at Brodc-gate to get in " 
 When Paul Hentznei saw Elisabeth, then in her 67th year, she had, in her ears, 
 two pearls with very rich drops. She wore lal e hair, and that red ; her bosom was 
 uncovered, " as all the English ladies," says Hentzner, " have tiil they marry." She 
 was dress, d in white silk, I I with pearls of the size of beans; and over it a 
 mantle al black silk, shot with silver threads ; and instead of a ch in, r had an oblong 
 collar of gold and jewels. The same writer adds, that when /> ■ turned her face, 
 every one fell down upon his knees. Henry VIII. had been tr< itcd with similar 
 servility. Petitions were presented to her as she went along, which, as she received 
 graciously, the people cried out ■' God save Queen Eliz;,beth," to winch she answered, 
 " I thancke ye, my goode peuple." The presence chamber was strewed with hay ; and 
 Hentzner gives a particular account of the tastings, and genuflexions made on entering 
 the Queen's room, though her majesty was not present But this note is already too 
 long. Sie Andrews's History of Great Britain, vol. ii. p. 310. 
 And Elizabeth — mat a virgin, she tasted not rf man.] This is a moot point among 
 historians. Hume says (vol v. p. 285J, in a note,) her chastity was very much to be sus- 
 pect d. But this is no more than might be observed of any maiden lady who had lived 
 to the extreme age of Elizabeth. Rapin mentions a report in his time of descendants 
 from a daughter she had l>\ the Earl of Leicester. It is well known she was extremely 
 attached to that nobleman, as well as to Admiral Seymour, Hatton, Simier, and the 
 Earl <>t Essex. Her grief at the death of the latter nobleman, on discovering the trea- 
 chery of the Countess ot Nottingham, who had withheld the love token, was excessive, 
 and, according to Hume, hastened her death. Her passions were extremely violent, — 
 neither her love nut haired being much controuled by reason, the extreme animosity 
 she had conceived against the unfortunate Queen of Scots, is ascribed to the latter in- 
 forming her of some of the scandalous stories related by the Countess of Shrewsbury. 
 Among other things related by the Countess, were, that Elizabeth had given a promise 
 of marriage to a certain person, whom she had afterwards admitted to her bed ; that she 
 had been equally indulgent to Simier, the. French envoy, and to the Duke o( Anjou : 
 that Hatton, one of her paramours, was even disgusted with her excessive love and 
 fondness : that though on other occasions she was avaricious to the last degree, as well 
 as ungrateful, she spared oo expense in gratifying her amorous passions : that, notwith- 
 standing her licentious amours, site was not made like other women, and all those who 
 courted her in marriage would in tin: end be disa| minted : that she was so conceited of 
 her beautv, as to swallow the most fulso tie Battery ; and lastly, that it was usual for 
 her courtiers to tell her that the lustre of her beauty dazzled them l>ke the sun, and 
 that they could not behold it with fixed eyes. 
 Of the last at least of these stories there can be no doubt Elizabeth was ridicu- 
 lously vain of her beauty ; which at hc*{ •• . ijbelow mediocrity. Almost all her minis-
 And she was buried in the chapel of king Henry the seventh, and 
 James of Scotland reigned in her stead. 
 ters feigned love and desiie towards her, and founjd no means so effectual for gaining 
 her favour as discoursing upon her excellent beauties. 
 But to return to her gallantries. The most authentic account of these is given in 
 the papers of the Ree. Mr. Haynes, transcribed from the original documents of Lord 
 Eurleigh, now in the possession of the Marquis of Salisbury, 'these papers contain an 
 account of the Princess's intrigues with air Thomas Seymour, Lord Admiral, uncle to 
 Edward VI. who maniecl the queen-dowager immediately after the death of Henry 
 VIII. Elizabeth was only in her sixteenth year, but she was then considered* an object 
 worthy of the ambition of the Admiral, who is described as a person of no mean accom- 
 plishments ; "of person rare, strong limbs, and manly shape." 
 The protector Somerset, brother lo the Lord Admiral, having heard of Seymour's in- 
 tercourse with the Princess, sent Sir Thomas Tyrwhit to Hatfield, where she resided, to 
 examine into the affair ; and in his letter to his employer he informs us ot some curious 
 particulars. When bv the dishonourable expedient of a counterfeit letter, he had made 
 Elizabeth believe that Mrs. Ashley, her governess, and Parry her cotferer, were com- 
 mitted to the Tower, " her grace was," as he expresses it, " marvellously abashed, and 
 'iid weep very tenderly a long tune, demanding whether they had confessed any 
 thing or not." Next day Tyrwhit writes, that all he has gotten from her was by gentle 
 persuasion, whereby he began to grow with her in credit, " for 1 assure your grace, 
 that she hath a good wit, and nothing is gotten of iter but by great policy " 
 A few days after he expresses to the Protector his opinion that there had been some 
 secret promise between the Princess, Mr*. Ashley, and the cofferer, never to confess 
 till death ; and if if be so, he observes, it will never be gotten from her, " but by the 
 king's majesty, or by your grace." He confirms this idea, by slating, that he had tried 
 her with false intelligence of Parry's having confessed, on which she called him, 
 "faJse wretch," and said that it was a great matter for him to make such a promise 
 and break it. 
 Parry's confession seems most in point, he says, "I do remember also, she, (Mrs. 
 Ashley,) told me that the Admiral loved her but too well, and had done so a good 
 while, and that the Queen was jealous on her and him,* In so much, that one time, 
 the Queen suspecting the often access of the Admiral to the Lady Elizabeth's grace, 
 came suddenly upon them when they were all alone, he having her in his arms: 
 wherefore the Queen fell out both with the Lord Admiral and with her grace also." 
 Mrs. Ashley's confession of the " familiarities" she has known betwixt the Lord 
 Admiral and the Lady Elizabeth's grace is still more curious : " She saith, at Chelsea, 
 incontinent, after he was married to the Queen, he would coine many mornings into 
 the said Lady Elizabeth's chamber before she was redy, and, sometime, before she 
 did rise. And if she were up, he would bid her good morrow, and ask how she did, 
 and strike her upon the back or the buttocks familiarly, and so go forth through his 
 lodgings; and, sometimes, go through to the maidens, and play with them, and so 
 go forth ; and if she were in her bed, he would put open the curtains, and bid her 
 good morrow, and make as though he would come at her, and she would go further 
 in the bed, so that he could not come at tier. 
 " And one morning he strove to have kissed her in her bed; and this examinante 
 was th; re, and bade him go away for shame. She knoweth not whether this was at 
 Chelsea or Ilanworth. 
 * In another part of his confession, Parry states that the Admiral also professed himr 
 self jealous of the servant who carried up coals to the Queen's apartment.
 Eli J'tih. 
 " At Hauworth lie would likewise come in the morning to her grace ; but as she 
 remerabereth at all times she was up before, saving two mornings, the which two 
 mornings the Queen came with him ; and this examinante lay with her grace ; and 
 there they tittled my Lady Elizabeth in the bed, the Queen and my Lord Admiral. 
 Another time at Hanworth, in the garden, he romped with her, and cut hei ;owne 
 in an hundred pieces, being black cloth ; and when she came u|>, this exami ..nte 
 chid with her, and her grace answered she could not do with all, for the Queen held 
 her while the Lord Admiral cut it." 
 Seymour used frequently to visit her in his night gown, bare legged) in his slippers. 
 Something may be allowed for the comparative barbarity of the age ; but, after all, 
 it renders the chastity of Elizabeth " very much to be suspected." In a spirited letter, 
 she stoutly maintains her innocence, and concludes : " Master Tyrvvhit and others 
 have told me that there goeth rumours abroad, which be greatly against both my 
 honour atid honesty, (which above all things I esteem.) which be these: that I am 
 in the Tower, and with child by my Lord Admiral. My lord, these are shameful 
 slanders, for the which, besides the desire I have to see the King's majesty, I shall 
 most humbly desire your lordship that I may come to the court after your first deter- 
 mination, that I may show myself there as 1 am." 
 We shall now leave the reader to form his own conclusions on this " delicate in- 
 vestigation." For a more particular elucidation of this subject, we must refer him 
 either to the Burleigh Papers, by Haynes, or to Miss Aikin's Memoirs of the Court 
 of Elizabeth, p. 76. Whatever might be the nature of the intercourse betwixt the 
 Princess and Seymour, there can be little doubt, from her subsequent conduct, she 
 was warmly attached to him, and connived at all his familiarities. Instead of resent- 
 in<» any thing that her governess had done or confessed, she continued to love and 
 favour her in the highest degree ; and after her accession, promoted her husband to 
 a considerable office; a circumstance which, as Miss Aikiu observes, affords good 
 ground for suspicion that she was in possession of other secrets more important than 
 those she had disclosed. 
 Parrv, it seems, had the same merit of fidelity as Mrs. Ashley, and was rewarded 
 in a similar manner: for though he was found faulty in his accounts, he was not only 
 continued in his office of cofferer, but raised afterwards to that of comptroller of 
 the roval household, which he held till his death. 
 Elizabeth expired in the seventieth year of her age, and forty-fifth of her reign; 
 appointing her nearest kinsman, the king of Scots, her successor. Before her death, 
 she had fallen into a deep and incurable melancholy ; owing, as is thought, from grief 
 at the death of her favourite Essex, and the treachery of the Countess of Nottingham. 
 This lady was commissioned by the earl to deliver a ring, which he had received 
 from the Queen, as a pledge of her unalterable attachment ; but the Countess was pre- 
 vailed upon by her husband, a mortal enemy of Essex, not to execute the commission ; 
 and Elizabeth, expecting her favourite would make this last appeal to her tenderi ess, 
 ascribed the neglect of it to his obstinacy, and signed the warrant lor his execution. 
 The Countess of Nottingham, tailing into sickness, was seized with remorse for her 
 conduct ; and having obtained a visit from the Queen, she craved her pardon, and 
 revealed to her the fatal secret. Elizabeth, astonished with this incident, burst into 
 a furious passion : she shook the dying Countess in her bed, and exclaiming, t/idt God 
 might punUm her, but she never could, she broke from her, and afterwards refused all 
 cousolation, and even sustenance. 
 Hvme remarks on the character of this Princess, that there are few personages in 
 history who have been more exposed to the calumny of enemies, and the adul I 
 *»f friends, than Queen Elizabeth; and yet there is scarcely any whose re 
 lion has been more certainly determined bv the onanimous consent of posterity. ■' •■
 vigour, her constancy, her magnanimity, her penetration, vigilance, .rldress, are 
 allowed to merit the highest praises, and appear not to have been surpassed by any 
 person that ever filled a throne : a conduct less vigorous, less imperious, more sincere, 
 more indulgent to her people, would have been requisite to form a perfect character. 
 By the force of her niind, she controlled all her more active and stronger qualities, 
 and prevented them from running into excess Her heroism was exempt from teme- 
 rity, her frugality from avarice, her friendship from partiality, her active temper 
 from turbulency and a vain ambition. She guarded not herself with equal care or 
 equal success from lesser infirmities; the rivalship of beauty, the desire of admiration, 
 the jealousy of love, and the sallies of anger. 
 The most admirable part of Elizabeth's character was her wonderful capacity non- 
 government ; by which, during a long reign of near half a century, she maintained 
 Irer popularity, encouraged learning, commerce, and the arts ; and, by her economy, 
 the wisdom of her ministers, the bravery of her warriors, raised the glory of the 
 country, without burdening her people, to an unexampled height. Her greatest de- 
 fects were dissimulation, her personal vanity, her intolerance in matters of religion, 
 and the arbitrary maxims of her government. To all these, something might be said 
 in extenuation, and ascribed to her sex, the spirit of the age, and the station sh< 
 occupied. In short, though her chastity is very much to be suspected, she was a great 
 princess; and ruled her people more like a king, and was more entitled to their 
 gratitude, than some, of her effeminate successors, who, with the exterior of men, 
 show little pretensions to the character. 
 She was much addicted to swearing, and the vehemency and ardency of her mind 
 is strikingly evinced in some of her speeches and letters. After the deteat of Philip's 
 Invincible Armada, in a speech to the Commons she says, " But I am informed that 
 when he attempted this last invasion, some upon the sea-coast forsook their towns, 
 fled up higher into the country, and left all naked and exposed to his entrance ; but 
 I swear unto you, by God, if I knew those persons, or may know of any that shall 
 do so hereafter, I will make them feel v. hat it is to be fearful in so urgent a cause." 
 Her epistle to a bishop of Ely i> still more terrific It is in these words : " Proud 
 Prelate, I understand you are backward in complying with your agreement ; but ] 
 would have you know thai I, who made you what you are, can unmake you ; and if 
 you do not forthwith fulfil your engagement, by God, 1 will immediately unfrock 
 you. Your's, as you demean yourself, Elizabeth." The bishop, it seems, had 
 promised to i ■ some part of the land belonging to the see for an equivalent, 
 and did so ; but ii was in consequence of this epistle. 
 The example sel bj the soverei i I some effect on the people, and swearing be- 
 came fashionable through the nation. " 1 1 the, speake," writes the puritanical Stubbs, 
 " but three or four words, yet they must be interlarded with a bloudie oath or two." 
 In one of our oldest plays, Gammer Gurton's Needle, a clown of not more than 
 common brutalitj , swears bj " Gog'tbones," "soule," " hurte," "headed " saemmente*' 
 " wowidet," and " malison," all within two short .scenes. 
 But the manners of the people! still continued coarse and i rb is, i <■ may 
 learn from their amusements. Besidespitching the bar, shooting with the broad arrow, 
 playing at racket, quoits, nine holes, and leaping hedges and dilchi , their most fa- 
 vourite diversions were bait in difl . nl animals, llent/.ner, after di the 
 bah ng of bulls and bears, adds "To this entertainment there follows that of whip- 
 ping a blinded bear; which is performed by five or six men, standing circularly with 
 whips, which they exercise on him without mercy, as he cannot escape from them, 
 because of his chain. He defends himself with all his force and skill, throwing down 
 those that come within his reach, and are not active enough to get out of it ; and 
 tearing their whips out of their hands, and breaking them. At this spectacle, 
 where else," he adds, " the English arc constantly smoking tobacco." 
 .\ more harmless, but not more rational recreation is recorded by the same Writer.
 They arc- " vastly four) of great noises lhat fill the car, such as the firing of cannons, 
 drums, &c. So that it is do > for a number ol them lhat have got a glass in their 
 heads, to go up some belfry, and rin^ the bells for hours tog< her, the sake of 
 exercise." The queen was squally attached to noise and uproar, 
 during her raealsj ti> " twelve trumpets and two kettle drums, which, togethet with 
 files, cornets, and side-drams, macie the hall ring for half an hour together." 
 While speaking of the amusements of the Elizabethan age, we niighl as well add 
 • far more particulars. Justing in the lists, pageants, and shows, hunting, hawking, 
 &e. formed the chief diversions of the more polished ranks in society. Plays were 
 just getting into vogue ; and regular dramatic pieces had superseded the mysteries and 
 moralities founded on scriptural subjects, the earliest patent lor acting comedies, 
 tragedies, &c is ■! <i<d 1574; and such was the rapid progress ol' this rational amuse- 
 ment, lhat, early in the next century, at least fifteen licensed theatres were open to 
 lbs) inhabitants of London. The best pla\s, especially those, of Shakspeare, were 
 acted chiefly at the Black friars theatre, or at the Globe, on the south side of the 
 I'liuincs. A Hag was hoisted on the fiont of each theatre. The price of admission to 
 the best place, a shilling ; to the inferior ones, a penny or two-pence. The critics 
 sat on the stage, and "eve furnished with pipes and tobacco. The curtain drew not 
 up, bat w.is drawn hack on each si.le. From the raillery of Sir Philip Sydney, it is 
 doubtful whether there was a change of scenes. It is probable this deficiency was 
 supplied by the names of places being written in large characters on the stage; stating 
 lor instance, lhat this was a wood, a garden, Thebes, Rome, or Alexandria, as the 
 case might be. The stage was lighted with branches like thosi hung in churches. 
 Before the exhibition began, three llourishes, soundings, or pieces of music were 
 played ; and music was likewise- played between the acts. The instruments chiefly 
 used were trumpets, cc nets, and hautboys. Perukes and masques formed part of 
 ihe stage paraphernalia ; and the female parts, fur the first bundled years, were per- 
 formed by young men. One dramatic piece composed the whole entertainment ; and 
 the hours of acting began about one in the afternoon, and lasted generally about two 
 hours. The andiei.ee, before I he pet lormance began, amused themselves with reading or 
 playing at cards ; others drank -de or smoked tobacco. For some lime plays were 
 acted on Sundays only ; after 1579, they were acted on Sundays and other days, in.r 
 Such was the state of the stage at the commencement of the seventeenth century • 
 having, for its foes, the puritans, a race of men stern, inflexible, and unforgiving, 
 it flourished with difficulty ; and by unceasing obloquy and reproach was first pursued 
 into unpopularity, and at length to annihilation. 
 The beard was on the wane in this reign. In the reign of Mary it throve 
 luxuriantly; those of bishop Gardiner and cardinal Pole, in their portraits, are repre- 
 sented of an uncommon size: it gradually dwindled down into the mustachios or 
 whiskers. The hair was cut close on t!ie top of the head, and grew long on the 
 sides. Showy -young men wore jewels in the ears, and sometimes ribbands. The hat 
 bad superseded the woollen cap and hood. The crown of the hat was made high, 
 narrowed towards the top, and had sometimes a rich hat-band, adorned by gold- 
 smiths' work and precious stones, which, with a. feather and scarlet cloak, marked 
 the man of distinction. 
 Coaches and curochet are both mentioned as being in use. They were first introduced 
 by the carl of Arundel. Bef* re that time the queen, on public occasions, rode behind 
 her chamberlain. The novelty and convenience of the plan, soon brought them into 
 general practice by people of fortune. Hackney coaches were not known till fiftv 
 years afterwards. Spoons and knives were as old as Edward the Confessor ; but t he- 
 fork was not yet discovered, and at every meal the fingers were used to keep the meat 
 steady, and convey H to the month. Table cloths were made of very valuable linen. 
 Mr. Otter, in Ben Jonson's Silent Woman, mentions a damask table c'oth .vlijch cost 

 James the First. 
 eighteen pounds. The good man of the house sat at the upper end of the board, 
 '* wilh a favre napkvn layde before him on the table, tyke a master." 
 Among the customs of the sixteenth century, it must not be omitted to mention that 
 of smoking, or as it v as then called taking tobacco. It was first intoduced into Europe 
 by the Spaniards, and reached England in 1586, imported by sir Walter Raleigh's 
 siulers in Virginia. Sir Walter himself was one of its first admirers, but preserved 
 great secrecy hi his attachment. Owing to a ridiculous accident the foible was dis- 
 covered , and it then became general, Sir Walter, as the story is related, was en- 
 joying his pipe in solitude, forgetful that he had ordered his servant to attend him 
 with a goblet of ale. The faithful domestic suddenly entering his study, and finding, 
 i\> he thought, his master's brains on fire, and evaporating in smoke and flame through 
 his nostrils did his utmost to extinguish the conflagration, by emptying the goblet on 
 sir Walter's head. When many years alter the gallant knight's fate drew near, he 
 smoked two pipes publicly on the scaffold. Stowe, a few years after the introduction 
 of tobacco, wrote of it; he calls it that "stinking weed," and says it was commonly 
 used by most men and many women. 
 Fymes Moryson, in his Itinerary, bestows great praise on English inns. lie 
 says, "as soone as a passenger comes to an inne, the servants run to him, and one 
 takes his horse and walkes him till he be cold, then rubs him down and gives him 
 meat, another servant gives the passenger his private chamber and kindles his fire ; 
 the third pulls off his bootes and makes them cleane ; then the host or hostess visits 
 hun, and if he will eate with the hoste, or at a common table with others, his meale will 
 cost him six-pence, or in some places four-pence; but if he will eat in his chamber, 
 he commands what meat he will according to his appetite ; yea the kitchen is open to 
 him to order the meate to be dressed as he likes beste. After having eaten what he 
 pleases, he may, with credit, set by a part for ne"xt day's breakfast. His bill will 
 then be written for him, and should he object to any charge the host is ready to 
 alter it." 
 After such a copious description of the manners and customs of the sixteenth cen- 
 tury, we have no room to treat on the political character of Elizabeth's reign. The 
 arbitrary principles of her government being followed by her successors, they may be 
 properly described in a subsequent reign, when an unseasonable attempt to enforce 
 them terminated fatally to the sovereign. 
 And Jamie thought himself a bonny king, and a mickle wise 
 tnon. Howbcit he was a fool and a pedant. 
 But the spirit of flattery went forth in the land, and the great 
 men and the bishops offered incense unto him, saying, 
 most sacred king ! Thou art wiser than the children of men ! 
 thou speakest by the spirit of God ! there has been none equal to 
 ihce before thee, neither will any arise after thee like unto thee. 
 Thus they abused him daily with lying and fulsome adulation.
 James the First. 
 And the car of" James was tickled therewith, and he was puffed 
 up, and he thought himself wise ; whereupon be began l<> dispute 
 with the doctors, and to decide controversies, and to write books; 
 and the world was undeceived. 
 Ilowheit a new translation of the bible was set on foot in bis reign-, 
 and it was executed with {jreat care and exactness, and the same is 
 read by the people unto this day. 
 In tiiis reign also the two kingdoms of England and Scotland were 
 united together, and he jjave unto them the name of Great Britain ; 
 and the two nations became as one people. 
 Moreover he issued a proclamation to enforce the act of unifor- 
 mity; and of ten thousand pious ministers that dispensed the word, 
 hut forty and nine were found that did not conform. 
 And the ear of James was tickled. 1 Hume says the next occupation of the kin;: 
 was entirely according to his heart's content. Me was employed in dictating minis- 
 terially to an assembly of divim s concerning points of faith and discipline, and in 
 receiving the applauses of tbese holy nu.i for his superior zeal and learning. 
 Howbeit a urn- translation of the Bible — ex< tli great can.] It was first trans- 
 lated by Wkkliff, about the year 1S70, but never printed ; though there remain manu- 
 script copie- in several libraries. Several other translations were executed by Tindal, 
 Coverdale, and others. James's translation is considered the most correct, though it 
 abounds in many errors, and is not implicitly to be a as an ace rsion 
 of the original. The translation was' confided to fifty -six of the most li u ed men of 
 both univertities ; and occupied three years in the completion, Diey were divided 
 into classes; each class executing a portion of the work. When it wi s completed, it 
 «as submitted to another deputation of learned men. who spent nine months in 
 revision; receiving thirty pounds a week each, from the Stationers' com | q\ I eBei • 
 Cyclopaedia art. Bible. Mr. Bellamy is publishing a new translation; which has 
 been much calumniated by those prostituted supporters of error and abuse, the 
 Quarterly Reviewers. They consider, with some reason, the subject had better nol be 
 agitated. They foresee clearly, no doubt, thai it might tend to unsettle the faith of 
 many well meaning people, who, though now s ted fast believers, might be at a loss what 
 to believe, if a faithful translation was given of the divine 
 In this reign also tit two kingdoms— united together.] The union did not take place 
 till a -century after. It was effected by the 6. Anne. A. 1) 1707, when twentj five 
 articles were agreed upon by the parliaments of both nations. James was ioas to 
 effect an union of the two kingdoms, but it tailed ir.un the jealousy of the English 
 parliament, who were apprehensive of th too great aitachmeni to his ancient 
 subjects. Theii complaisance for him, I went so far as to appointibrty-four 
 English to meet with thirty-one Scottish commissioners, ti> deliberate concerning the 
 teams of an union; but with no powers for its establishment. See Hume, iol. \i. p. 23.
 James the First. 
 And the forty and nine who had consciences were suspended; but 
 the nine thousand fifty and one who had no conscience, were conti- 
 nued as faithful ministers of the word. 
 Apd it came to pass in the third year of his reign, that the pope 
 and the devil laid their heads together, and contrived a most grievous 
 And the pope said unto the devil, Wherewith shall we destroy him? 
 And the devil said unto the pope, I will do it with gunpowder. 
 Howbeit the wisdom of James was greater than the wisdom of the 
 pope and the devil, and he smelled out their plot, and prevented it. 
 And James was glad that he was alive, therefore he appointed the 
 fifth day of the month November as, a day of thanksgiving for ever. 
 And bonfires are made, and squibs and crackers a ' - e let off in the 
 streets, in derision of the devil and his gunpowder plot unto this 
 Now James the king was of a sociable and loving nature, and he 
 could not be without a bosom friend, with whom he might commu- 
 nicate his internes sensus, and upon whose shoulders he might some- 
 times lay a burthen, which he was not willing io bear himself. 
 Howbeit tltc wisdom of James — smelled out the plot.] The plot was discovered from 
 one of the conspirators having sent an anon vinous letter to lord Monteagle, conjuring 
 him not to attend the house on the day the explosion was intended lo take place. 
 This communication excited suspicion. But it was not James hut lord Salisbury who 
 "smelled" out the plot ; the latter, however, like an artful courtier nine his master the 
 credit of the whole discovery. The conspirators had placed thirty-six banels of gun- 
 powder in the vaults under the two houses of parliament, covering them up with fag- 
 gots and billets ; and to avoid suspicion threw open the doors as if it contained nothing 
 dangerous. About midnight sir Thomas Knevet, a justice of peace, was sent with 
 proper attendance ; and before the door of the vault finding Fawkes, who had just 
 finished all his preparations, he immediately seized him ; and turning over the faggots 
 discovered the powder. The matches and every thing proper for setting (ire to the 
 train were found in Fawke's pocket; who, finding his guilt apparent, expressed the 
 utmost regret that he had lost the opportunity of tiring the powder, and sweetening his 
 own death by that of his enemies. Before, the council he displayed the same intrepid 
 firmness mixed even with scorn and disdain; refusing to discover his accomplices, 
 and showing no concern but for the failure of his enterprise. This obstinacy lasted 
 >w. or three days, but being confined to the Tower, and the rack being shown to 
 him, his courage failed, and he made a full discovery of nil the conspirators.
 Janus the First. 
 Wherefore he cast an eve of favour upoo sir Robert Carr, a 
 tleman of Seotlaiul, of such exquisite beauty, and so delicate a 
 composure of body, as if nature had framed htm on purpose to be 
 u king's favourite. 
 And the king loved him, and be pleased the king; nor was any 
 man partaker of the royal influence like unto him ; all matters of 
 grace and favour passing from the king by him, insomuch that the 
 queen was jealous. 
 Moreover it came to pass, that on Easter-Monday, in the year 
 1611, for his great service done unto the king, he was created vis- 
 count Rochester ; on the two and twentieth of April, 1012, he was 
 sworn a privy counsellor; <>n the fourth of November, 1«J13, he was 
 created earl of Somerset ; and on the tenth of July following, he 
 was made lord chamberlain ; so true is that saying, 
 Improbc amor, quid non mortalia pectora cogis? 
 But this sunshine of fortune lasted not long. Whether the king 
 Wherefore he cast an eye offavnur upon sir Robert Carr.~\ Humr- says, " All his natural 
 acconpUshmi uis consisted in good looks : all his acquired abilitiei in an easy air and 
 graceful dene oour." His ignorance was so extreme, that James himself instructed 
 him in the rudiments of the Latin tongue, and the principles of grammar. Such are 
 the objects on which king> sometimes lavish their confidence and esteem! 
 But tltis sunshine of fortune- — sir Thomas Ovirburu by poison ] There is no doubt of 
 the favourite having despatched this minister by poison. The lacs are these. So- 
 merset had married the countess ol Essex, a profligate woman, who, having conceived 
 an aversion to her former husband, had, though thej had lain together, refused him 
 the nuptial pleasures. She obtained a divorce, on the pretee.ee that he was incapable 
 of fulfilling the conjugal duties : a charge which he admitted was true, in respect of 
 the countess, though he was not conscious of such an infirmity in respect of any other 
 woman. After her divorce, Overbury iiad done all in his power to persuade Somer- 
 set from marrying ber ; and some of his conversations on this subject, the favourite 
 had the weakness to reveal to this abandoned woman. She vowed revenge, and had 
 sufficient influence over Somerset to prevail upon him to join in her vindictive pro- 
 ject : Overbury being confined in the Tower, on some false accusations, iliey deter- 
 mined to carry him off secreth by poison. Fruitless attempts weie made by weak 
 poisons; but, at la^t, th j gave aim so sti Iden and violent a dose, thai lite *-\inpioras 
 were apparent to every one who approached him. lie was buried with great precipi- 
 tation ; and though a strong suspicion existed of the cause of his death, full proof ot 
 the crime was not obtained till Bome years after. 
 An apothecary's apprentice, who had been employed in making up (he poisons, 
 having retired to Flushing, began to talk very freely of the whole secret ; and the affair, st 
 la«t, came to the ears ol Truiuball, the king's envoy in the Low Countries. By his 
 means, *ir Ralph VYinwood, secretary of »utt, \ut Luforiusd, and be immediately 

 James the First. 
 grew weary of him, as not being so agreeable as when he was first 
 taken into favour, or whether the machinations of the jealous queen 
 wrought his destruction, wc cannot say ; but being suspected of 
 contriving the death of sir Thomas Overbury by poison, he was 
 arraigned and condemned for the same; and though, through the 
 clemency of the king, his life was spared, he was never after suffered 
 to see the king's face, nor to come n< ar his court. 
 Howbeit the king could not be long without an alter idem ; 
 wherefore he took unto himself a beautiful youth named George 
 Villiers ; and be loaded him with honours, and used him in all 
 respects like unto the other. 
 And James believed himself a great king, and conceived high no- 
 tions of the royal prerogative ; insomuch that he looked upon the 
 parliament as a troublesome and unnecessary thing; and thought it 
 extremely hard, that so great a king should be bound by the laws of 
 the land, or his coronation oath, or that he should be obliged to call 
 carried the intelligence to James. The king, alarmed at the enormous guilt of the 
 favourite, sent for .sir Edward Coke, chief-jus'ice, and earnestly recommended to him 
 a rigorous and unbiassed scrutiny. This injunction was strictly observed ; the whole 
 labyrinth of guilt was unravelled ; the lesser criminals, sir Jervis Elvis, lieutenant of 
 the Tower, Franklin, Weston, Airs. Turner, were first tried and condemned: Somer- 
 set and his countess were afterwards found guilty; the former received the punish- 
 ment due to their crime; but the weak king bestowed a pardon on t lie principals, 
 Somerset and bis wife. After many years confinement, James restored them to liberty, 
 and conferred on them a pension, with which they retired,, and languished oat old 
 age in infamy and obscurity. It is related, their guilt}' loves were turned into the 
 most deadly hatred, and they passed many years in tlic same house without an\ in- 
 tercourse or correspondence with each other. 
 Howbeit the king could not be long without cm alter idem—George Villiers.] This 
 youth had just returned from his travels, and, like his predecessor, was remarkable 
 for a handsome person, genteel air, and fashionable apparel. At a comedy he was 
 placed full in James's eye, and, in the same instant, engaged his attentions and affec- 
 tion. Ashamed of this sudden attachment, the amorous monarch endeavoured lo con- 
 ceal his partiality for the handsome stranger ; and he made many efforts to U\ him in 
 his service, without seeming to desire if. But his passion was not to he subdued, 
 and, in the end, he bestowed the office of cupbearer on Villiers. 'the fall of . Somer- 
 set opened the way for new .honours ; and, in a short time, be was made viscount 
 Villiers, carl, marquis, and duke of Buckingham, chief-justice in Eyre, and lord 
 high admiral of England. His mother obtained the title of countess of Buckingham. 
 His brother was created viscount Purbeck ; and a numerous brood of relations were 
 all pushed up into credit and authority —The Grenville and Buckingham families 
 still continue to hold the sinecure office of chief-justice in Kvre, worth about ^3000 
 a year.
 v the First. 
 -j parliament to make laws; when he might do it alone bj his abso- 
 lute power. 
 Moreover he approved the hook of doctor Blackwood, which laid 
 it down as a principle, that the English were all slaves bj reason of 
 the Norman conquest. 
 With the.e notions he poisoned himself and his sou, and laid the 
 foundation of those troubles which ended in the ruin of his family. 
 And it came to pass in these days, thai a certain impostor, named 
 Richard Hadock, pretended to preach in his sleep, in such sort, that 
 though he were called aloud, or stirred and pulled by the hands or 
 feet, yet he seemed not to hear or to feel. 
 And he continued to do this in the presence of many persons who 
 resorted to hear him ; insomuch that in a short lime his fame was 
 spread through the land by the name of the sleeping preacher, and 
 many were brought to believe that these his mighty preachings were 
 by inspiration from heaven. 
 Tantum rcligio potuit suadcre foolorum ! 
 But the king discovered the cheat, and commanded him in all 
 places to declare himself an impostor. 
 Howbeit the race of reverend sleepers continue, and infest the 
 land with large long-laboured volumes of heavy and somniferous lum- 
 ber unto this dav. 
 With these notions he poisoned himself and his son] The king and the parliament 
 appear to have been equally ignorant of the nature of the constitution. Toby Mat- 
 thews, a member, was banished by an order of council, upon the direction of the 
 king, merely because he had changed his religion. The Commons quietly acquiesced 
 in this outrage, and admitted another member in his place. On another occasion, 
 James commanded them as an " absolute ki^g," as he styled himself, to hold a 
 conference with the lords ; and added, " that all their privileges were derived from 
 his grant, and hoped that they would not turn them against him." In a proclama- 
 tion, he enjoins the people not to choose any outlaw for their representative , and, he 
 adds, " If any person take upon him the place of knight, citizen, or burgess, not 
 ■ duly elected, according to the statutes and laws in that cas.- provided, and ac- 
 cording to the purport, effect, and true meaning of this out proclamation, then every person 
 so offending, to be /Sned and imprisoned for the same." That is, a new crime i.s ere 
 mere >. by the king's proclamation, and a . erson might b fined and imprisoned with 
 out judge, ti iry, at the arbitrary pleasuri of 1 Truly this wai 
 desp . enough. But in the uext reign, we shall see both the prerogatives of the 
 soverei^ii and the privileges of parliament better defined.
 James the First. 
 And it came to pass in the seventeenth year of the reign of king 
 James, that the wife of his bosom fell sick, and her sickness was 
 unto death. 
 Then James the king was sore troubled, and he put on sackcloth 
 and bewailed himself; and so great was his sorrow, that he spake 
 not, neither did he eat for many days. 
 Howbeit he was a wise man, and he said within himself, why 
 should I be any longer troubled, or why should my spirit be sunk 
 within me? Our tears avail not to the dead, neither do they hear our 
 Sorrow dimmeth the eyes, and grief withercth the countenance, 
 but the smile of a friend reviveth the heart. 
 So the king arose, and washed himself, and did eat bread. 
 I w the rest of the acts of king James, and his wisdom, and his 
 Jeaining, and all the books that he wrote, behold thou mayest find 
 them in the chandler's shops unto this day. 
 And James slept with his fathers, after he had reigned over Eng- 
 land twenty and two years, and Charles his son reigned in his stead. 
 And it came to pass — the uife of his bosom.'] He was only once married, to Anne of 
 Denmark, who died in 1619, in the forty-fifth year of her age; a woman eminent 
 neither for her virtues nor vices. James had six children by her, but only two sur- 
 vived, Charles and Elizabeth. He had never any illegitimate children ; and Hume 
 says, " he never discovered any tendency, even the smallest, towards a passion for 
 any mistress." 
 Now the rest of the acts of king James — and all the hooks that he wrote.] — James 
 wrote a book on the law of free monarchies; an answer to cardinal Perron; and ano- 
 ther work, concerning witches and apparitions, in the existence of which he was a 
 sincere believer. Hume, who endeavours to vindicate his literary reputation, asks, 
 If he did compose a book on Revelations, and proved the Pope to be Anti-Christ, may 
 not a similar reproach be extended to the famous Napier, and even to Newton, at a 
 time when learning was much more advanced than during the reign of James ? From 
 the grossness of superstition, we may infer the ignorance of an age ; but never should 
 pronounce concerning the folly of an individual, from his admitting popular errors 
 consecrated by the appearance of religion. — James dedicated one of his books to 
 Jesus Christ. 
 Of James, Hume says, many virtues, it must be owned, he was possessed of, but 
 scarce any of them pure, or free from the contagion of the neighbouring vices. His 
 generosity bordered on profusion, his learning on pedantry, his pacific disposition on 
 pusillanimity, his wisdom on cunning, his friendship on light fancy and boyish fond- 
 ness. His capacity was considerable, but fitter to discourse on general maxims, than
 James the First. 
 to conduct any intricate business. Awkward in his person, and ungainly in hit man- 
 ners, lie was ill qualified to command respect; partial and undisceming in his aiii c- 
 tions, he was little lilted to acquire general love. Exposed to ridicule from bis vanity, 
 bat exempt from hatred by his freedom from pride and arrogance ; it may be said of 
 his character, that all his good qualities were sullied by weakness, and all his bad 
 ones embellished by humanity. 
 Jam is was greatlj attached to the established church ; and frequently inculcated 
 the maxim, nomsuop, no kimc. The bishops, to manifest their gratitude, used to 
 cajole him with the most ridicnlous,"and even blasphemous praise. The King having 
 distinguished himself atthe religious conference at Hampton-court, the archbishop of Can- 
 to bury said, that " undoubtedly his majesty spake by tfte special assistance of GocCs spirit!" 
 He was so attached to controversial divinity, that he erected a college at Chelsea, 
 for the entertainment oi twenty persons, who should be solely employed in refuthi" 
 the papists and puritans. And this was done, when all the efforts of the great Bacon 
 could not procure an establishment for the cultivation of natural philosophy. 
 Toleration had yet made little progress, and this and every other reign since 
 the Reformation had been disgraced by sanguinary executions on account of religious 
 differences. Two Arians, under the name of heretics, were punished by fire during 
 the pacific reign of James. Slowe says, that they were olFered their pardon atthe 
 stake, il they would merit it by a recantation. A madman, who called himself the 
 Holy Ghost, was condemned to the same punishment. Twenty pounds a month could 
 be levied on all who frequented not the established worship. Such was the stale of 
 religious liberty : let us now say a word on the manners, revenue, and commerce of 
 this period. 
 The expenses of the great consisted in pomp and show, and a numerous retinue. 
 Lord Bacon has remarked, that the English nobility, in his time, maintained a larger 
 ictinue of servants than the nobility of any other nation, except the Polanders. The 
 Earl of Nottingham, in his embassy to Spain, was attended by 500 persons. The Earl 
 of Hertford, in that to Brussels, carried 300 gentlemen along with him. 
 The love of a country life still continued to prevail more in England than any other 
 country; but the increase of arts, commerce, and social intercourse, was just'begin- 
 r.ing to produce an inclination for the pleasures and luxuries of the city. James'dis- 
 cournged, as much as possible, this alteration of manners. " He was wont," says 
 Lord Bacon, "to be very earnest with the country gentlemen to go from London and 
 " return to their country seats. And sometimes he would say thus to them: Gentle- 
 *« men, at "London, you are like siiips in a sea, which show like nothing; but in your 
 * country villages you are li!:c ships in a river, which look like great things." 
 The whole of the King's revenue amounted to only £ 450,000 a year. Of this sum 
 ,£80,000 was the produce of the crown lands, and £\ 1)0,000 of customs. No incon- 
 siderable source of James's revenue arose from the sale of titles. Within six weeks 
 after his entrance into the kingdom, he is computed to have bestowed knighthood on 
 no fewer than two hundred and thirty-seven persons. Titles of all kinds became so 
 common, that they almost ceased to be marks of distinction, and many of the persons 
 on whom they were conferred, entirely unknown. To ridicule this new-fledged nobi- 
 lity, a pasquinade was fixed on St. Paul's, in which an art was promised to be taught, 
 very necessary to assist frail memories in retaining the names of the new nobility. 
 In the year 1.58;), there was a general review of all the men in England capable ot 
 bearing anus and these were found to amount, according to Sir Walter Raleigh, to 
 1,172,000 men. This account may be presumed somewhat inaccurate. In the reign 
 of Elizabeth, the whole population had been estimated at four millions. 
 London, at this lime, was aim ist entirely built of wood, and no doubt presented 
 a very ugly appearance. The Earl of Arundel first introduced the general practice of 
 brick buildings. The size of London increased greatly in the seventeenth century. 
 From 1600, it doubled every forty years, and consequently., iu ltiSO, it contained four 
 times as many inhabitants as in the beginning of the century. 
 Charles the First. 
 Greenland faas discovered during this period, and the whale-fishery was carried on 
 with considerable success. A company was erected to dirrover the north-west pas- 
 sage, and many fruitless attempts were made for that purpose. But WWat chiefly i*t£- 
 nnhses this reign is the commencement of the English colonies in America. 
 And Charles was twenty and five years old when he began to reigu, 
 and he reigned over Enariand twenty and two years and ten months, 
 and his mother's name was Anne. 
 And he was a pious and religious prince, and wrote many godly 
 l>ooks ; hymns also and prayers, and sundry mediations were the 
 the works of his hands. 
 Howbeit he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, in 
 following the steps of his father, and aspiring to absolute power. 
 And the anger of the Lord was kindled against him, and he caused 
 a spirit of discontent to go forth among the people, and they came 
 unto the king and besought him, saying: 
 Howbeit lie did thai uhidi was evil — aipiring to absolute power."] Nothing manifests 
 more clearly the arbitrary principles of Charles, than the- countenance he gave to the 
 infamous doctrines ot bioihorpe and Manwaring, two time-serving divines, who 
 openly inculcated passive obedience, representing the whole authority of the state, as 
 belonging to the King alone, and all limitations of law as seditious and impious. 
 One of Manwaring's sermons was printed aud distributed at the special command of 
 the King. This sermon taught, that though property was lodged in the subject, yet 
 whenever any exigence occurred, all property was transferred to the sovereign ; that 
 the consent of parliament was not hec-ssary lor the imposition of taxes; and that the 
 divine laws required the compliance with every demand, how irregular soever, 
 which the prince should make upon his subjects. No Englishman, worthy of the 
 name, can deny, that a king who had imbibed these maxims, and endeavoured by 
 '.••cry species of hypocrisy, fraud, an ! artifice to establish them, was not only unfit 
 to reign, but deserved to lose his head. The Commons impeached Manwaring for 
 his doctrines. He was sentenced to be imprisoned, fined a thousand pounds, sus- 
 pended during three years, be incapable of holding any ecclesiastical dignity, and 
 that his b<ok be called in and burnt. No sooner was the session ended than this fellow 
 .-■ c< ived a pardon, and was promoted to a living of considerable value ; some years 
 afiei -Charles promoted him to the see of St. Asaph. — "We have many Sibthorpes and 
 McnwaVingi ;.i this day ; and hence we may Icani, that bestowing a valuable living on 
 • '.(/•Mm lli.i: for Ins services, instead of placing him ill the pillory for' his crimes, is not 
 without precedent.
 Chart* $ the Firrt. 
 Most gracious sovereign ! incline thine ears, we beseech ihce, unto 
 the voice of thy people, and let their cry tome unto thee: beliold 
 we are a free people, we and our fathers have been freemen unto this 
 da L y. 
 Where/ore now then are wc oppressed with arbitrary power, witli 
 forced loans, wilh tonnage and poundage, with ship-money, and 
 witl; mm , luxe- imposed on us without the authority of parliament { 
 Wherefore is the yoke of bondage laid upon us ? a yoke which 
 we nor our fathers were able to bear. 
 Ilowbcit this remonstrance pleased not the king, neither was he 
 moved therewith, except unto wrath; moreover he dissolved the 
 parliament, aud continued in his evil ways. 
 Then the anger of the people waxed great, and they said among** 
 themselves, The king is ill advised, his counsellors ate naught; let 
 us remove the wicked from befo/e the king, and his throne shall be 
 MtoUished in righteousness. 
 So they accused Villiers, duke of Buckingham, who was tb« 
 king's prime favourite and chief minister, of divers crimes and 
 miadeweanoES ; namely, That he engrossed into his hands by evil 
 means, a i^reat number of offices and employments, some whereof 
 could hardly be executed by a single person : That he favoured anil 
 promoted the worship of Rome s That he neglected to guard the 
 seas and protect the merchants: That he constrained several persons 
 to purchase titles of honour, particularly the lord Robartes of 
 Yruro, whom he enforced to pay ten thousand pounds for the title 
 of baron : That he procured to his kindred and allies, and other 
 unworthy persons, many titles and honours without their having 
 <\>,np. the state any service: With divers notorious crimes and heinous 
 $) they accused Villiers.] Beside* the charges here enumerated, tin.' favourite was 
 accused of baying extorted tea thousand pounds from the East-India Company • o 
 having confiscated some goods, belonging to French merchants; and of baying ad- 
 istejed physic to the laic king without acquainting his physician. He was a!*o 
 icu-d of strongly, favouring the, catholics His mother, who had great influence 
 o\er him, was a professed catholic ; and his wife was not free from suspicion.
 Charles the First. 
 Wherefore thev most humbly besought the king, even for his own 
 honour and the honour of Almighty God, for the safety and welfare 
 of his kingdom, and for the love which as a kind father he bore 
 unto his people, that he would be graciously pleased to remove this 
 person from access to his sacred presence, and that he would not 
 balance this one man with all these things : protesting, that until 
 this great man was removed from intermeddling with the affairs of 
 state, they were out of all hopes of any good success. 
 Nevertheless their petition was rejected. 
 Moreover the king was exceeding wroth, and he commanded the 
 petition to be consumed with tire, and all the copies thereof to be 
 destroyed. And he protected his favourite from the public rage. 
 Nevertheless their petition was rejected.] Obstinacy, falsehood, evasion, hypocrisy, 
 and a treasonable design against the constitution may be justly imputed to Charles. 
 His obstinacy was manifested in retaining an odious minion about his person, whose 
 pernicious councils had justly rendered him obnoxious to the nation: his falsehood 
 in making a solemn promise to enforce the penal laws against the catholics, and 
 redress the grievances of the Commons; neither of which he performed : his evasion, 
 when the memorable petition of night was presented for his acceptance, and 
 when, instead of the usual clear and concise form by which a bill is confirmed or 
 rejected, he made a mere general declaration of his pleasure that " right be done 
 according to the laws and customs of the realm :" his hujiocrisy in attempting to avail 
 himself of religious prejudices to support his insidious attacks oa civil liberty, as shown 
 in his support of Sibthorpe and Manwaring : his treasonable designs on the constitution 
 in the arbitrary exaction of loans and ship-money ; and in endeavouring to exercise 
 an authority, limited by law, without any law whatever. To these charges against the 
 Messed Martur, as the hypocrites call him, it may be added that his conduct was 
 ' marked by personal malice, b^ weakness, insolence, pride, and a wanton spirit of 
 provocation. It were easy to cite instances ; two members of the house, sir Dudley 
 Digges and sir John Elliot, who had been employed as managers of the impeachment 
 against Buckingham, were thrown into prison. The Commons, the most virtuous 
 house of commons that ever assembled in England, immediately declared that they 
 would proceed no further in business till they had immediate satisfaction in their 
 privileges. Charles alleged ihat these members had dropped certain seditious 
 expressions in their accusation of the favourite. Upon inquiry it was found no such 
 expressions had been used. — His insolence, weakness, and pride, were shown in 
 adopting a more stately style in his messages to the Commons, and threatening them, 
 if they did not furnish him supplies, he should try new counsels. His wanton spirit 
 of provocation may be instanced in this; the Earl of Suffolk, chancellor of the 
 university of Cambridge, dying, the favourite, though lying under impeachment, was 
 by means of court influence chosen in his place. The Commons justly complained ef 
 this affront ; but the more to enrage them, the weak and in«olent tyrant, wrote a letter 
 to the university, extolling the Duke, and giving them thanks for bis election. See 
 Hume, vol. vi. ch. 50.
 Charles tin First. 
 Howbeit be escaped not the hand of justice : for the anger of the 
 lord was kindled against him, and be stirred up the zeal of Felton, 
 the lieutenant, who smote him to the heart that he died. 
 Howbeit he tscaped nut the hand of justice— Felton, the luutenant] In inotivei anrt 
 character, there appears some resemblance betwixt the case of Felton and lhat 01 
 Lonvel in his assassination of the Duke de Berri. Both appear to have been actu- 
 ated by views of public utility rather than personal animosity. The resemblance if 
 .<o striking, it mat noi be amiss to transcribe Home's account of Felton. There was one 
 Felton, saj e he, ot' a good family, but of an ardent melancholic temper, who had serv- 
 ed under the Dul a as lieutenant. His captain being killed in the retreat at the isle of 
 HI"-, Felton had applied for the company, and when disappointed be threw up his 
 commission, and retired in disgust from the army. While private resentment was 
 boiling in Ins sullen and unsociable mind, he heard the nation resound with complaint* 
 against the Duke ; and he met with the remonstrance of the Commons in which his 
 enemy ujs represented as the cause of every national grievance and as the s»rea" 
 enemy 61 the public. Religious fanaticism farther inflamed these vindictive reflec- 
 tions, and he fancied that he should do Heaven acceptable service it he despatched 
 this d - foe t' religion and his country. Full ol these views he arrived at 
 Portsmouth, and watched an opportunity for effecting his purpose. Hcckinguam 
 bat ug been engaged in conversation with some Frenchmen, drew towards the door, 
 and in lhat passage turning to speak to Sir Thomas Fryer, a colonel in the army, he 
 was on the sudden, over Sir Thomas's shoulder, struck upon the breast with a knife. 
 Withoul uttering other words than, the vtixain has killed me; in the same 
 nuime.it pulling out the knife, he breathed his last. 
 No man h id seen the blow, r.or the person who gave it. Near the door was found 
 a hat, i ■ the inside of which was found a paper, containing four or five lines of that 
 renin istran if the Commons, which declaredBuckingbam an enemy to the kingdom ; 
 and i i.i i ihi s Hues was a short ejaculation, or attempt towards a prayer. It was easily 
 concluded that this hat belonged to the assassin, but the difficulty still remained, Who 
 Til AT PEE -wi V s 111) U I. I) UK ? 
 In this hurry a man without a hat was seen walking very composedly before the 
 door. One trying out, Heiie is the fellow who killed the Duke, every 
 body ran 'o ask, \\ uirii is n r. ? The man very sedately answered I am he. The 
 more furious immediately rushed upon him with drawn swords; others more deliberate 
 defended and protected him : he himself, with open arms, calmnly and cheerfully ex- 
 posed his breast to the sword of the most enraged. 
 Being carried into a private room, it was thought proper so far to dissemble, as to 
 tell him lhat Buckingham was only grievously wounded, but not without hopes of 
 recovery. Fei.tox smiled, and told them that the Duke he knew full well had 
 received a blow, which had terminated all their hopes. When asked at whose insti- 
 gation he h d performed the horrid deed ? lie replied that they need not trouble 
 themselves in that inquiry; that no man living had credit enough to dispose him to 
 such an action . that he had not even entrusted his purpose to any one ; that the reso- 
 lution proceeded only from himself, and the impulse of his own conscience ; and that 
 his motives would a ipeai il his hal were found ; lor that believing he should perish 
 in the atieui| i , 1 .1 there taken care to explain them. 
 Chahi.is urged that Felton should be put to the torture, under pretence of 
 extorting from him a discovery of his accomplices. But the Judges declared, that 
 though that practice had formerly been very usual, it was altogether illegal. So much 
 more exact reasoners, Hume observes, bad they become. >yth regard to law, frost 
 tiie jealous scruples of the House of Commons.
 Charles the First. 
 And it came to pass in these days, that great troubles arose in 
 England on account of religion : many, being si with the tinsel 
 beauties of the church of Rome, went a whori her g< 
 and gave up their hearts unto the iusts thereof 
 And forasmuch as many tokeUjS of 1 1 i ^ I ".was 
 thought that Laud the archbishop was corrupted by . • ■ 
 that .he had bowed the. knee unto her i.< -'s, and lusted in art 
 after her abominations. 
 Certain it is, he was very punctual in observing all the super;,,, 
 tious gestures, the bowings, the washings, the vestments, and all 
 the painted ornaments in which the scarlet whore delighteth. 
 Certain it is he wrx very punctual — the superstitious gestures.'] A court lady, daugh- 
 of the Earl of Devonshire, having; turned catholic, was asked by Laud the reason of 
 her conversion; "It's chiefly," said she, "because I hate to travel in a crowd.** 
 The meaning of this expression bci.t^r demanded, she replied, " 1 perceive your grace 
 and many others are making haste to Rome, and therefore to preiont my being crowd- 
 ed I have gone before you." Though Laud might not adopt the doctrinal part, he 
 was greatly attached to the genius and ceremonies of the. Romish faith : the same 
 profound respect to the priestly character, the same submission to creeds and decrees 
 of synods and councils, the same pomp and ceremony in worship, and the same su- 
 perstitious regard to postures, meats, a.;d vestments. 
 As a specimen of the ridiculous ceremonies introduced by him, it may not be 
 amiss to relate those performed at the consecration of St. Catharine church, where 
 the bishop appears to have acquitted himself in his best manner. 
 On the bishop's approach to the west door of the church, a loud voice cried, 
 "Open, open, ye everlasting doors, that the king of giory may enter in !" Immedi- 
 ately the doors of the church flew open and the bishop entered. Falling upon his 
 knees, with eyes elevated and arms expanded, he uttered these words; " This place 
 js holy, the ground is holy : in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I 
 pronounce it holy." 
 Going towards the chancel, he several times took up from the floor some of the 
 dust, and threw it in the air. When he approached with his attendant* near to the 
 communion tabic, he bowed frequently towards it. And on their return they went 
 round the church, repeating as they inarched along some of the psalms ; and then 
 said a form of prayer which concluded with these words : *• We consecrate this church, 
 and separate it unto thee as holy ground not to be profaned anymore to common uses." 
 After this, the bishop, standing near the communion-table, solemnly pronounced 
 many imprecations upon such as should afterwards pollute that holy place by mustecs 
 of soldiers, or keeping in it profane law courts, or carrying burdens through it. On 
 the conclusion of every curse, he bowed towards the east, and ciied, " Let all the 
 people say, Amen." 
 The imprecations being all piously finished, there were poured out a number of 
 blessings upon such as had an\ hand in framing imd building that sacred and beauti- 
 ful edifice, and on such as had given, or should hereafter givts to it any cbaliaes,
 C aria the First. 
 And he drew many after him, and occasioned much trouble in the 
 land, and much nonsense, and many tril putes. 
 Moreover lie was suspected of* debauching ihe king into this lewd 
 amour, and imposing on his royal allections with the paint and 
 patches of this inveigling harlot. Wherefore the people rose up 
 against Land, and in the fury of their z..<.i they put him to death. 
 Now these things were done tliat it might be fulfilled which was 
 spoken by the prophet, Blessed io he that watcheth and keepeth his 
 garments, lest lie walk naked and they see his shame. 
 And it tame io pass that the whole kingdpm was possessed by two 
 plate, ornaments, or utensils. At everj benediction, lie, in like manner, bowed to- 
 wards Hie east, ami cried, •< Let all (he people say, km n ' 
 Next the bishop preached a sermon, u id then fallowed the consecration and admi- 
 nistration of rite sacrament, in the It manner : 
 As he approached the ecaaaHDRion table, be made, many low reverence;" • and 
 coming up to drat pad <>l' the table where the bread and wine lay, lie buw«.u exactly 
 seven times. After the reading oi roan^ prayers, he approached the sacramental 
 elements, and gently lilted up the cornet of the napkin, where tlie holv bread was 
 placed. When he spied the bread, he suddenly let fall the napkin, flew back two 
 steps, bowed three several times towards il:e bread; then drew nigh again, opened 
 the napkin, and bow d as before. 
 Nest he laid lii-> band upon the cup, which had a cover upon it, and was Tilled 
 with wine. He let go the tup, tell back, and bowed three tunes towards it. He 
 approached attain, lilted up the cover, and peeped into the cup. Seeing the wine, 
 be let lall the cover, started back, and bowed as before. Lust ot a!!, he ate the bread 
 and drank the wine, and gave them to others, and they did eat and drink. And 
 many prayers being said, the solemnity of the consecration enued ; and tiie walls, the 
 floor, and roof were supposed to be sulliciently holy. 
 And it came to pan — the land involved in blood and confusion.] All the evils of the 
 ch-il wars may be ascribed to the tyrannical, and it may be said infatuated measures 
 ftf the King. During eleven years no parliament was assembled, and taxes were 
 rerled by the royal authority alone. In this way tonnage and poundage were levied. 
 New impositions were laid on several species of merchandize. The Custom-house 
 officers received orders Irom the council to enter into any house, warehouse, or cellar, 
 to search any trunk or chest, in default of payment of the custom. A new tax was 
 likewise imposed on cards, solely by the King s authority. 
 But what gave still more disgust than the illegal levy of taxes, was the horrible 
 punishments inflicted by the court of Star-Chamber. 1'i;>ns', a barrister 0/ 
 Lincoln's Inn, had written a book obnoxious 10 the court party. He was condemned 
 to be put froi", the L>nr ; to staid in the pillory in two places, Westminster and Cheap- 
 side ; to lose both his ears, one in each plate ; to pay J_ 5000 line to the King ; and 
 to be i 111 prisoned during hi... Having Written a Second libel, he was sentenced to 
 the remainder of his ears, banished to the Isle oi Wight, and fined another 
 ..i 5000. Allison had only reported that the archbishop oi York had inclined the 
 King's displeasure, by asking for a limited toleration for the catholics, and an allow- 
 ance to build some churches for the exercise of their religion For this story on the 
 arehWshop, he was oitdennted to be lined «£lo<)0; to be committed 1. prawij to
 Charles the First. 
 evil spirits, the spirit of prelacy and the spirit of fanaticism. And 
 the two spirits strove together with great fury, and the land was in- 
 volved in blood and confusion. 
 be bound to bis good behaviour daring life ; to be whipped ; to be set in the pillory 
 at Westminster, and throe other towns in England. Robins, accused of being im- 
 plicated in his offence, was condemned to a punishment equally severe. Burton, 
 a divine, and Ba^twicke, a physician, were tried before the same odious tribunal, 
 for seditious and schismatics! libels, and condemned to the same punishment a» 
 Prynue. Lilburne was accused before the Star-Chnmber, of publishing and dis- 
 persing seditious pamphlets. He was ordered to be examined; but refused to'tak? 
 the oath usual in the Star-Chamber, namely, that he would answer interrogatories, 
 though ihey might criminate himself. For this contempt, as it was called, lie was 
 condemned to be whipped, pilloried, and imprisoned. While he was whipped at the 
 cart and stood oh the pillory, he harangued and declaimed violently against the ty- 
 ranny of the government. From his pockets, also, lie scattered pamphlets, said to 
 be seditious, because they attacked the bishops. The Star-Chamber, which happened 
 to be sitting at the time, ordered him to be immediately gagged. He ceased not, 
 however, though both gagged and pilloried, to show, by his gestures, that if he had 
 it in his power, he would still harangue them on the iniquity of his punishments. 
 We will only mention another instance of the Star-Chamber proceedings. Williams, 
 bishop of Lincoln, a man of spirit and learning, a popular prelate, was lined <£ 10,000 ; 
 committed to the 'lower during the King's pleasure, and suspended from his office. 
 This severe punishment was inflicted merely to gratify the vengeance of Lad d. But 
 even this did not appease the haughty hypocrite; without commencing a new prose- 
 cution on the strangest pretence imaginable. To levy the above fine, some officers had 
 been sent to seize all the furniture and books in the. Bishop's palace of Lincoln ; and 
 in rummaging the house, they found in a corner some neglected letters, which had 
 been thrown by as useless. These letters were written by one Osbaldistone, a school- 
 master, and were directed to Williams. Mention was there made of a little 
 great man ; and in another passage, the same person was denominated a little 
 urchin. These epithets were conjectured to apply to Laud, and on no better foun- 
 dation, Williams was tried anew, and another fine levied on him of „£ 8000. Osbal- 
 dislone was likewise brought to trial, and condemned to pay a fine of ^oOOO, and have 
 bis ears nailed to the pillory before his own school. 
 Such were the cruelties practised under " the blessed Martyr," whose merited fate 
 still continues every 30th January, to be deplored in our established church. But it 
 was not merely the cruelties of the Star-Chamber, on account of libel, which drove the 
 people into rebellion ; an attempt was made to reduce the nation to the most degrading 
 subjection to the nobility. A few anecdotes on this subject will still further illustrate 
 the genius of" the blessed Martyr's" government. A waterman, belonging to a noble- 
 man, having a squabble with a citizen about his fare, showed his badge, the crest of his 
 master, which happened to be a swan; and thence insisted on better treatment from 
 the citizen. But the other replied, carelessly, that he did not trouble bis head about 
 that goose. For this innocent and humorous observation, he was fined, as having oppro- 
 brionsly defamed the nobleman's crest, by calling the swan a goose, and was, in effect, 
 reduced to beggary. 
 Sir Richard Grenvii.li had thought himself ill used by the Earl of Suffolk in 
 a law suit ; and he was accused before the Star-Chamber of having said of that noble- 
 man that he was a base lord. The evidence against him was somewhat lame ; yet, for 
 this slight offence, insufficiently proved, he was condemned to pay a fine of ,,£8000 j 
 one half to the carl, and the other to the King. 
 Isiu George Markham, following a chace where lord Darccy's huntsman was
 Ckdrlet tin Firtt. 
 evil spirits, the >]»iiit of prelacy and lin- spirit of fanaticism. And 
 l lie two spirits strove together with greal furji and the land waa 
 involved in blood and confusion. 
 Howbeit the spirit of fanaticism prevailed, and the king \\;is dis- 
 comfited and taken prisoner, ami committed to tin prison <>f Caris- 
 brook-castle, in t lie isle of Wight. 
 exercising bis hounds, kepi closer to tii ■ dogs than was thought prop i by the huntsman, 
 who I 't'Milcs other rudeness, gave him I'm I language, which sii George returned with a 
 stroke of his whip. The fellow threatened to complain to his master. The knight 
 replied, if his master should justify such insolence, he would serve him in tin.- same 
 manner a or words to that effect. Sir George was summoned before the star chamber, 
 :;inl lined j[ i(),ooo. "So fine a thing," i ' rves the hist nan, •* was it in those days 
 to lie a lot 
 Howbeit the spirit of fanaticism prevailed— Carisbrook castle J] The fanatics of this 
 reign wen- divided into two classes, the Prbsbytbrtabs and [ndependebts. 
 The Presbyterians wi re lor throwing oil" the authority of the bishops, the abolition of 
 the Liturgy, the retrenchment of ceremonies, and the {imitation of the 1 In -and 
 authority of the priestlj office. The enthusiasm of the Independents carried them 
 still further; they were lor the int ire abolition of ecclesiastical government, disdained 
 creeds and systems, neglected every ceremony, and contended lor a complete levelling 
 of all ranks and order. By zeal, hypocrisy, canting, fighting, and praying, the Inde- 
 pendents obtained an entire ascendancy. 1" their general character, their pretensions to 
 experience, grace, illnpses of the spirit, and other trumpery doctrines, they appear to 
 have had a strong resemblance to modern Methodists, There was, however, one im- 
 portant difference betwixt the two sects; while the Methodists seem either hostile or 
 indifferent to civil liberty, the Independents were its strenuous advocates, even to the 
 extent of republican institutions. 
 Oliver Cromwell, Sir Harry Vanei Nathaniel Fiennes, Oliver St. John, were re- 
 garded as the leaders of the Independents, i'y (heir zeal, and that of their followers, 
 the King was subdued and brought to the block Alter the fatal battle of Naseby, 
 and the inttre ruin of his parly. Charles surrendered himself into the hands of the 
 Scots, who, with the characteristic meanness of that nation, sold him to the Parliament. 
 He was confined first at Holdenbv ; thence he was removed by Joyce, a incthodut 
 colonel of that day, to the parliamentary armj , and finally, to the Isle of Wight. 
 The tyrannj oi Charles was succeeded by another still more arbitrary in the usur- 
 pations of the parliament, who now possessed the whole powet of the state. At the 
 commencement of the civil w.ir, a self-denying ordinance passed, by which the mem- 
 bers were restrained from holding any office civil or military. This was soon suffered 
 t" become obsolete, and the most lucrative offices were filled by the members. The 
 taxes they imposed were intolerable ; the sums levied far exceeding tin burdens im- 
 posed in any former period ; and what n mlercd it still more disgusting, no incon- 
 siderable portion of the money was embezzled by the honourable house. Ihe sum of 
 .00,000, it is affirmed, ihey opentj took and divided among themselves. The com- 
 mittees, to whom the management ofdiffereni branches of the revenue were entrusted, 
 never brought in their accounts, and had unlimited power to secrete whatever sums 
 they pleased from the public treasury. These branches were ueedlessh multiplied, hi 
 order that greater numbers might participate of the plunder; the old method of 
 keeping accounts in the Exchequer was abolished, and a new system, affording 
 greater facilities for cheating, adopted. The excise, an odious tax, lormerly unknown 
 Cli arlcs the First. 
 Then Charles lift up his voice unto the Lord, saying, Judge me, 
 O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation. 
 Mine enemies have pursued and overtaken me, but do thou deliver 
 me out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the un- 
 righteous and cruel men : deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause 
 me to escape; incline thine ear unto me and save me. 
 Cast me not oil" in the time of old age, forsake me not when my 
 strength faileth. 
 to the nation, was extended over provisions and the common necessaries of life. Near 
 one half of the goods and chattels, and near one half of the lands, rents, and revenues 
 of the kingdom had been sequestered. 
 The proceedings toward the Royalist sap pear to have been unnecessarily severe, ard 
 the parliament actuated more by a spirit of rapacity and revenge, than a desire of 
 taking necessary measures for their own security against the intrigues of thai party. 
 To a great number of royalists all redress from their sequestrations were refused ; and 
 to the rest the remedy could only be obtained by paying large compositions, and sub- 
 scribing the covenant which they abhorred. The fate of the episcopal clergy was still 
 more severe. By a moderate computation it appears, that one half the clergy were 
 turned out to beggary and want; merely for adhering to the civil and religious prin- 
 ciples in which they had been educated. To renounce episcopacy and the liturgy, 
 and to subscribe the covenant, were the only terms on which they could retain their 
 benefices. At first parliament pretended to leave the sequestered clergy in possession 
 of one-fifth of their revenues, but even this provision was never regularly paid. 
 But what tended still more to destroy the reputation of parliament, was the grievous 
 tyranny of the country-committees. During the war, the discretionary power of these 
 courts was excused from the plea of necessity, but the nation was reduced to despair 
 when it saw neither end put to their duration, nor bounds to their authority. These 
 tribunals could sequester, fine, imprison, and corporally punish, without law or 
 remedy. In short, they were so many star-chambers, fortified with more plausibie 
 pretence^, and armed wiih more unlimited powers. 
 If any thing could increase the indignation of the nation against the tyranny of the 
 commons, it was the pretences by which the people were deluded and enslaved. TJie 
 sanctified hypocrites, who called their oppressions the spoiling of the Egyptians, and 
 their rigid severity the dominion of the elect, interlarded all their iniquities with long 
 and fervent prayers, saved themselves from blushing by their pious grimaces, and 
 exercised in the name of the Lord all their cruelty on men. Such being the character 
 of this methodistical parliament, it is not surprising the nation saw without regret their 
 power annihilated by Cromwell and the army. Cromwell, by one of those rough and 
 decisive measures which signalized his character, excluded all those members by force 
 who were opposed to his views, 'the way in which this business was accomplished 
 was as follows : Colonel Pride, formerly a drayman, environed the house with two 
 regiments; he seized in the passage foity-one members of the opposite party, and sent 
 tiem to a low room which passed by the appellation of hell ; whence they were after- 
 wards carried to several inns. Above 160 members more were excluded, and none 
 were allowed to enter but the most furious independents, and these did not exceed 
 the number of fifty or sixty. This mode of reforming the parliament, passed under 
 the name of Colonel Pride's purge. From this time we may date the dissolution of all 
 legal government, and the establishment of a military government, at the head ot 
 which was Oliver Cromwell.
 T HE K I N GS () F E N (i I- A X D. 1 1.'> 
 Churlei the Fii rt. 
 Mine enemies speak evil againsl me, and thej that lay wait for my 
 soul take couusel together, saying, (j<>d hath forsaken him, lei 
 us persecute ami take liiin, for there is none lo deliver him. 
 Bat lit tlicui be confounded and consumed that are adversaries 
 to my Mini, let them be covered with reproach and dishonour thai 
 seek my hurt. 
 Howbeit the prayer of Charles availed not : he was delivered up 
 into the hands of Ins enemies; and they erected a new court of jus- 
 tice for the trial of the king, and they brought an accusation against 
 him, saying, 
 He hath endeavoured to destroy the rights and liberties of the 
 people, and to rule with an unlimited and tyrannical power; for 
 which end be bath levied war against the parliament of England and 
 the people thereof, and bath been the cause of all the blood which 
 hath been shed in the land. 
 Now Charles denied the jurisdiction of this court, and demanded 
 Now Charles denied tlie jurisdiction of this court.] The question of the right of the 
 commons to try the King, has given rise to much controversy. The lollowing resolu- 
 tions were voted as the foundation of their pretensions: — 
 1. That the people, under God, are the origin of all just power. 
 2. That the commons in England, assembled in parliament, being chosen by and 
 representing the people, have the supreme authority of this nation. 
 3. That whatever is enacted and declared law by the commons of England, 
 assembled in parliament, hath the force of law, and all the people of this nation 
 are included thereby, although the consent and concurrence of the King and House 
 of Peers be not had thereunto. 
 Of the truth of the first of these propositions there can be no doubt, and ol the last they 
 are clearly dcducible from the first principles of society, on which law, constitution, and 
 all authority are founded. It must be clear, that in all communities ca--es must occur 
 not contemplated at the first formation of the constitution, and which can only be 
 determined by an ex post facto law. The civil war betwixt the King and parliament was 
 one of this description ; and could only be decided by reverting to that omnipotent 
 tribunal superior to law, and every established institution. Such an omnipotent 
 power is necessary to the conservation of society, and where can such a [tower reside 
 but in the people? From the people all laws, distinctions, institutions, and orders have 
 emanated : as they have created all, so may they abolish all. The commons having 
 assumed they represented the people, of course, they represented all the different 
 classes ol which the people are composed — namely, the k>ng, lords, and commons. 
 In this body then all authority being vested, tin y were unquestionably not only com- 
 petent to pronounce the levying war by the King High Treason, but to ascribe tor this 
 new ollence whatever punishment they might deem conducive to the general 
 Churles the First. 
 to know by what authority he was brought before them, or by what 
 law of England he could be tried. But they answered him not a 
 Howbeit a solemn fast was appointed, to seek the Lord, and beg 
 his direction in the murder of the king. 
 So much for the abstract principle. Honest Rapin reasons on this important ques- 
 tion r.s follows: According to the constitution of the English government, the King is 
 no less bound tl:an the subject to observe the laws to which himself or predecessors 
 assented, which is the principal clause of the coronation oath. It this obligation be 
 equal on l>oth sides, there must, therefore, be equally means to cause them to discharge 
 it in case they negl cl it. As for the subject there is no manner of difficulty. The 
 penalties against offenders are universally known, and the courts of justice are ap- 
 pointed to inflict them. It is true the laws have ordained no penalties against the 
 King, who discharges not his duty, but he is nevertheless hound to observe the laws 
 himself, and cause them to be observed bv the subject. This principle is undeniable. 
 But what is the vajue of this obligation, if the observance of the laws depends solely 
 on his will, and there be no mciins to compel him to observe thtm or punish him lor their 
 violation? 'Will it not be an empty sound without any meaning? And will not the 
 English government be as arbitrary as any government in the world ? Since therefore 
 the laws have not decreed any penalty against a King that should neglect his duty, 
 and, nevertheless, since he is hound to the observance of the laws, as much as any of 
 his subjects, it follows that the national representation is the only tribunal, there being 
 no other, that can justly call him to account. — Unpins Hist. vol. x. p. 352. 
 The commons having satisfied themselves of their competency to try the King, 
 appointed a committee to bring in a charge against him. On their report a vote passed 
 declaring it High Treason for the King to levy war against his parliament, and ap- 
 pointing aHigh Court of Justice to try him for this new offence. The tribunal consisted 
 of 133 persons, named by the commons, but there scarcely ever sat above 70. Crom- 
 wel, Irelon, Harrison, and the chief officers of the army were members, together with 
 some of tin lower house, and some of the citizens of London. Bradshaw, a lawyer, 
 was chosen pn sident. Coke was appointed solicitor for the people of England. The 
 court sat in Westminster Hall. 
 The solicitor, in the name of the commons, represented that Charles Stuart, being 
 admitted King of England, and entrusted with a limited power; yet, nevertheless, 
 from a wicked design to erect an unlimited and tyrannical government, had traitorously 
 and maliciously levied war against the present parliament and the people, whom they 
 represented, and was therefore impeached as a tyrant, traitor, murderer, and a public 
 and implacable enemy to the commonwealth. 
 Charles was produced three times before the court, and as often denied their juris- 
 diction. On the fourth time the judges having examined some witnesses, by whom it 
 was proved that the King had appeared in arms against the forces commissioned by 
 parliament, the , pronounced sentence against him. 
 Howbeit a solemn fast — to seek the Lord.] Cromwell, though a clever fellow, was a 
 sad hypocritical knave. In one of his speeches to the commons, he said, " Should any 
 one have voluntarily proposed to briii„' the King to punishment, I should have re- 
 garded him as the greatest traitor; but since Providence and necessity have cast us 
 i ; on it, I will pray to God for a blessing on your counsels; though lam not pre- 
 pared to give you any advice on this important occasion. Even I, myself," sub- 
 joined this artful fanatic, " when 1 was lately offering up petitions for his majesty's
 Charla the First. 
 Moreover an inspired virgin was brought out of Hertfordshire, 
 who pretended a revelation from heaven to encourage the saints in 
 their pious work. 
 So they proceeded to his trial, and condemned him as a tyrant, 
 traitor, murderer, and a publick enemv to the commonwealth of 
 England, to be put to death b) severing his head from his body. 
 Moreover, during the time of his trial, the head of his cane fell 
 oft, and no man knew \\h\ ; wherefore it was thought the cane pro- 
 phesied of what should come to pass. 
 And they treated him with great insolence, spitting upon him, 
 and puffing tobacco in his face, which I hey knew was hateful unto 
 Eiowbeit he bore with patience their insults, neither opened he his 
 lip> against them. 
 restoration, felt my longue cleave to the roof of ray mouth, and considered Mil 
 preternatural movement as the answer which Heaven, having rejected the King, had 
 sent to ray supplications." 
 A remarkable adventure happened during the trial ; in calling over the court, when 
 the crier pronounced the name of Fairfax, which had been inserted in the number, a 
 voice front one of the spectators exclaimed, He has more wit than to be here. Whec. 
 the charge was read against the King, In the name of the people of 1 ngi ind, ihe same 
 voice cried, Xot n tenth part of them. Axtel, the oificer who guarded the court, 
 giving orders to fire into the box whence these insolent speeches came, it was dis- 
 covered that Lady Fairfax was there, and that it was she who had had the courage 
 to utter them. 
 The husband of this noble lady, who had distinguished himself greatly in the 
 command of the parliamentary armies, was averse to I he extreme measure of putting 
 the King to death, and had formed the resolution to rescue Charles on the day Of 
 execution, at the head of his own regiment. Cromwell and Ireton, informed of this 
 intention, endeavoured to convince him that the Lord had rejected the King ; and 
 they exhort'd him to seek by prayer, (the constant resort on all occasions,) some 
 direction from Heaven. But they concealed from Fairfax that they had already 
 signed the warrant for the execution. Colonel Harrison, a fighting naetbadist, was 
 appointed to join in prayer with the general. By agreement, he prol nged, his 
 doleful caul till the fatal blow was struck. He then rose from his knees, in I insisted 
 with Fairfax, that this event was a miraculous and providential answer which Heaven 
 had sent to their devoul supplications. 
 Miutiuer oil inspired virgin."] A woman of Hertfordshire, illumined by prophe- 
 tical visions, desired admittance into the military council, and communicated to the 
 officers a revelation, which assured them thai their measures were con>ecrated from 
 above, and ratified by a heavenly sanction. This intelligence gave them great com- 
 fort, and much confirmed them in their present resolutions. Hume, vol. vii. p, 185.
 Charles the First. 
 And on the 30th day of the first month, which is called January, 
 a scaffold was built before the gates of his own palace, and he was 
 brought thereon, and his head was cut off and showed unto the 
 people. And some rejoiced, but many suppressed the groans which 
 they durst not utter. 
 And on the 3Gth dai/ of January — a scaffold — his own palace.'] Charles was be- 
 headed in the street before Whitehall. It was intended, Hume says, by choosing 
 that place, in sight oi' the royal palace, to display more evidently the triumph of 
 popular justice over regal tyranny. When the King was preparing himself for 
 the block, Bishop Juxton called to him : " There is, sir, but one stage more, which 
 though turbulent and troublesome, is 3d a very short one. Consider, it will soon 
 carry you a great way ; it will carry you from earth to heaven ; and then you shall 
 find to your great joy, the prize to which you hasten, a crown of glory." '* I go," 
 replied the King, " Jrom a corruptible to an incorruptible crown, where no disturbance 
 can have place." At one blow his head was severed from his body. A man in a 
 vizor performed the office of executioner; another in a like disguise held up the 
 head streaming with blood, and cried aloud, This is the head of a traitor. 
 After the King's head was struck off, his body was put in a coffin covered with 
 black velvet, and removed to the lodging-room in Whitehall. Being embalmed, it 
 was delivered to four of his servants, who conveyed it to Windsor, where it was 
 silently interred without the burial service, on the 7th of February. The place of 
 interment is in a vault about the middle of the choir, over against the eleventh stall, 
 near Henry VIII. and Jane Seymour, with this in capitals on a fillet of lead, 
 KING CHARLES, 1648. The whole funeral charges came but to ,£229 : 5s. 
 The abolition of the aristocracy and intire dissolution of the monarchy immediately 
 followed the death of the King. When the peers met on the day appointed in their 
 adjournment, they entered upon some business, and sent down some votes to the 
 commons, of which the latter deigned not to take the least notice. In a few days 
 the commons passed a vote that they would make no more addresses to the peers, 
 nor receive any from them , and that that house was useless and dangerous, and was 
 therefore to be abolished. A like vote passed with regard to the monarchy. One 
 Martin, a zealous republican, observing in the debate on this question, that if they 
 desired a King, the last was as proper as any gentleman in England. The commons 
 ordered a new great seal to be engraved, on which that assembly was represented, 
 with this legend, On the .first year of Freedom by God's blfssing 
 restored, 1648. The form of all public business was changed from the King's 
 name to that of the Keepers of the Liberties of England. It was declared high 
 treason to proclaim, or otherwise acknowledge, Charles Stuart, commonly called 
 Prince of Wales. The court of King's Bench was called the Court of Public Bench ; 
 and in the Lord's prayer, instead of thy kingdom come, they always said, thy com- 
 monwealth come. 
 The King's statue in the exchange was thrown down ; and on the pedestal these 
 words were inscribed: Exit tyrannus, Regum ultimus ; The tyrant is gone, 
 the last of the kings. 
 The commons, it is said, intended to bind the Princess Elizabeth apprentice to a 
 button-maker; the Duke of Gloucester was to be taught some other mechanical em-
 The ComiiiQiiu-tultli. 
 pigment Dut the former mud died of grief, as is supposed, for the tragical death 
 of her father. The Litter was, by Cromwell, sent 
 A few days after the King 1 ! execution, a work appeared in the King's name, called 
 the Icon Buiilihe. Much controversy has prevailed whether it was the production of 
 the King, or of some other individual. Hume seems to rhinl from the internal evidence 
 ot" these meditation . the elegance, purity, neatness, and simplicity of the style, and the 
 general resemblance it bore lo some of those performances which were known to haw: 
 proceeded from Charles, that it was the King's composition: appearing at such a 
 critical junctiue, and being full of tenderness, meekness, and humanity, it i . 
 a great re-action in public feeling. Some have even ascribed to this book the sub- 
 sequent restoration of the royal family. The Icon, passed through lifiy editions in a 
 twelvemonth; and .Milton compares its effects to those wrought on the tumultuous 
 Romans by Anthon] trading to them the will of Ca.*sar. 
 The King left six children ; three males, Charles, born in 1650; James, Duke of 
 York, born in 1633 ; Henry, Duke of Gloucester, born in 1641 ; and three females, 
 Mary, Princess of Orange, born 1631 ; Elizabeth, bom 163.5 ; and Henrietta, after- 
 wards Duchess of Orleans, born at Exeter, 1644. 
 And it came to pass after the death of king Charles, that the 
 commons passed an act for annulling the house of lords, and 
 abolishing the regal power as useless, burthensome, and dangerous; 
 and the government of England was changed into a commonwealth. 
 And the duke of Hamilton, the earl of Holland, and lord Capel, 
 and many others, who had been of the king's party, were put to 
 Moreover it was enacted, that all who possessed any publick post, 
 should take out fresh grants, and new oaths, to qualify themselves 
 for holding the same. 
 This grand alteration in the government occasioned also many 
 others. The oaths of allegiance and supremacy were abolished : 
 Justice was no longer administered in the king's name, but in the 
 names of the keepers of the liberties of England : A new council of 
 state, consisting of thirty-nine persons, was chosen for the adminis- 
 tration of public affairs under the parliament : New money was coined, 
 and a new great seal was made ; on one side of which was seen the 
 parliament sitting, with this inscription, The great vo// of (he parlia
 The Commonwealth. 
 ment of the Commonwealth of England; on the other side the arms 
 of England and Ireland, with these words, The first year of Free- 
 dom by God's blessing restored. And this seal was committed to a 
 certain number of persons, who were styled Keepers of the Liberties 
 of Great Britain. 
 Manj also were the changes that were made in religion. Episco- 
 pacy "as abolished, the common prayer despised ; canting and 
 hypocrisy, and doing all kinds of wickedness in the name of the 
 Lord, were the signs of grace ; and every one worshipped God after 
 the foolishness of his own heart. 
 Howbeit the sou of king Charles, who had fled beyond the seas, 
 was invited into Scotland, where he was proclaimed king ; and he 
 raised an army of eighteen thousand men, and marched into England 
 to the city of Worcester, and encamped there. 
 And Cromwell with an army of thirty thousand men pursued 
 him to the gates of the city, where he pitched his tents, and pre- 
 pared to give him battle. 
 Now Cromwell was a valiant man, and his ambition was great; 
 and behold he was tempted of the devil to sell himself unto him, 
 on condition that he should have success in all his undertakings for 
 twenty and one years. 
 But the devil is a cheat and a liar from the beginning ; and it 
 shall come to pass, that whosoever putteth his trust in him shall be 
 deceived. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. 
 At some distance from the army of Cromwell was a very thick 
 wood, in the middle of which the devil appointed Cromwell to meet 
 him, and to sign the contract. 
 And Cromwell— prepared to give him battle.'] The battle of Worcester afforded 
 Cromwell what lie called bis crowning mercy. So elated was he, that he intended to 
 have knighted in the field two of his generals, Lambert and Fleetwood ; but was dis- 
 suaded by his friends from exerting this act of regal authority. How early he enter- 
 tained thoughts of taking into his hands the reins of government is uncertain ; but 
 after achieving this decisive victory, his power and ambition became too great to 
 brook submission to the empty name of a republic ; and from this time he began to 
 express his desire to his intimate friends to assume the regal title.
 The Commonwealth. 
 And it came to pass on the third day of the month September, 
 early in the morning, that Cromwell arose from his bed, and took 
 With him one of his stoutest captains, whose name was Lindsey, and 
 they entered the wood. 
 Howbeit the heart of Lindsey was seized with tenor, his hair 
 stood up, he turned pale, and his joints knocked together: 
 And he spake unto Cromwell, saying, Behold now mine heart is 
 smitten with dread, my spirit faileth, and I am even as a dead man, 
 yet 1 know not for w by. 
 And Cromwell upbraided him with cowardice, and said unto him, 
 Tear not, come on. 
 But Lindse) the captain answered and said, Thou knowest I am 
 no coward ; \et verily, verily I say unto thee, my joints at this time 
 are frozen with terror and astonishment, insomuch that it is impossi- 
 ble for me to stir a step. 
 Then Cromwell said unto him, Stand still, and attend to what 
 thou seest. And he went a few paces from him, and lo the devil 
 rose up before him in the likeness of an ancient man, with a roll of 
 parchment in his hand. 
 Hi- horns were in his pocket, his tail also and his hoof were con- 
 cealed beneath his garment ; wherefore Lindsey the captain resumed 
 his courage, and he listened unto them with great attention. 
 And Cromwell said unto the devil, Satan, why hast thou deceived 
 me ? The contract 1 made was for one and twenty years, and behold 
 thou hast drawn it for seven. 
 And the devil said unto Cromwell, Seven years is the utmost 
 that [ can allow unto thee, take it or leave it. 
 Then the anger of Cromwell was kindled against the devil, and 
 he spake unto him with great fierceness, saying, Fourteen years thou 
 shalt allow me, deny it if thou darest. 
 Howbeit the devil was obstinate, and they scolded together with 
 great fury; and the devil said unto Cromwell, If thou likest not the 
 bargain, another shall have it. 
 But Cromwell snatching the parchment from his hand, signed the 
 The Commonwealth. 
 contract for seven years ; whereupon the devil in a cloud of smoke 
 and sulphur vanished from his sight. 
 Then Cromwell relumed to Lindsey in triumph, saying, The 
 battle is our own, let us engage this day, for the devil hath given 
 them into mine hand. 
 But the heart of Lindsey was smitten within him, and he fled 
 from the presence of Cromwell, and he rode day and night till he 
 came to the house of a certain priest, whose name was Thorowgood, 
 unto whom he told all that he had seen. 
 Moreover he prophesied, saying, Mine eyes have seen it, the 
 hand of death is upon him, and at the end of seven years he shall 
 surely die. 
 And Thorowgood the priest was a man of great faith, and he 
 believed the tale, and he caused it to be written in a book, and the 
 book is preserved unto this day. Yet I would not that thou shouldest 
 look for it, lest peradventure it should be hard to find. 
 And Cromwell returned to his army, and he drew them up hi 
 battle array, and he assaulted the city and took it; and the army of 
 the king was discomfited, and many were slain by the edge of the 
 Nevertheless he fell not into the hands of his enemies, neither 
 was he taken in their snares : He was beset with dangers round 
 about, but the hand of the Lord conducted him in safety. 
 And it came to pass that he was pursued into the middle of a 
 wood, called Boscobel, and he got up into a tree and concealed 
 himself, that his pursuers passed by and saw him not. 
 And it came to pass— middle of a wood called Boscobd.] After the fatal battle of 
 Worcester, the King was directed by the Earl of Derby to place himself in tbe 
 hands of one Pendere'.l, a farmer, who inhabited a lone house in Boscobel, on the 
 borders of Staffordshire. Though a great reward was offered for the apprehension 
 of Charles, and though the penalty of death was denounced against all who should 
 conceal him, he professed and maintained the most unshaken fidelity. He took the 
 assistance of his lour brothers, equally honourable, with himself; and having clothed 
 the king in a garb like their own, they led him into the neighbouring wood, put a bill 
 into his hand, and pretended to employ themselves in cutting faggots. Some nights 
 he Ja^ upon straw in the house, and fed on such homely fare as it afforded. While
 The Commutiuitulth. 
 And the tree is culled the Royal Oak unto this day. 
 Jti a barn also he hid himself"; two days and two nights concealed 
 he himself from the rage of his enemies ; straw only was his bed, 
 ami he was fed by the hand of a poor woman with buttermilk and 
 Moreover he stripped off his royal robes, and disguised himself 
 in poor array ; his hands also and his face he dyed with walnuts ; a 
 hempen shirt was next his skin, and his outward garment was a 
 leathern doublet: iu the night also he fled, in the darkness of the 
 night he escaped. 
 mounted upon an oak, where lie sheltered himself among the leaves and branches 
 for twenty-four hours, he saw several soldiers pass by, ail of whom were intent upon 
 the search of the king, and some expressed, iu his hearing, their earnest wishes of 
 seizing him. 
 He was in the middle of the kingdom, and could neither stay in his retreat nor 
 stir a step from it without the most imminent danger. Fear, hope, party zeal, interested 
 multitudes to discover him, and the smallest indiscretion might prove fatal. Having 
 joined Lord Wilmot, who was skulking in ihe neighbourhood, they agreed to put 
 themselves into the hands ot Colonel Lane, a zealous royalist, who lived at Bentley, 
 not many miles distant. The king's feet were so hurt by walking about in heavy 
 boots, or countrymen's shoes which did not tit him, that he was obliged to mount on 
 horseback ; and he travelled in this situation to lientley, attended by the Pendcrells. 
 Lane formed a scheme tor his journey to Bristol, where, it was hoped, he would find 
 a ship in which he might transport himself. The colonel had a near kinswoman, 
 JMrs. Norton, who lived within three miles of that city, and was with child, very 
 near the time of Iter delivery. He. obtained a pass tor his sister Jane Lane, and a 
 servant to travel towards Bristol, under pretence of visiting and attending Mrs. Norton. 
 Charles rode before the lady and personated the servant. 
 When they arrived at Norton's, Mrs. Lane pretended that she had brought along, 
 as her servant, a poor lad, a neighbouring farmer's son, who wa6 ill of an ague ; and 
 she begged a private room for him where lie might be quiet. Though Charles kept 
 himself retired in this chamber, the butler, one Pope, soon knew him: the king was 
 alarmed, but made the butler promise he would keep the secret from every mortal, 
 even from his master; and he was faithful to his engagement 
 finding no ship was likely to sail from Bristol, either for France or Spain, the king 
 was obliged to go elsewhere for a passage. He entrusted himself to Colonel Wind- 
 ham, of Dorsetshire, a steady adherent of the royal cause. Various trials were made 
 to procure a vessd i„ r bis escape, but he still met with disappointment. Having left 
 Windham's house, he was obliged again to return to it. He passed through many 
 other adventures ; assumed different disguises ; in every step was exposed to imminent 
 perils; and received daily proofs of extraordinary attachment. The sagacity of a 
 small who remarked that his horse's shoes had been made in the north, not in the 
 west, a^ he pretended, once detected him, and he narrowly escaped. At Shoreham, 
 iu Sussex, a vessel was at Ia*t lound in which he embarked. After one and forty 
 days concealment, he lauded at Feschampi in N'ormaudy. No less than foity men 
 and women had been privy, at different times, to his concealment and escape.
 77i( Commonwealth,. 
 And he walked from the going down of the sun even till the 
 morning-sin r appeared, insomuch that his feet were gulled with 
 Many other disguises put he on, and many other perils did he en- 
 counter ; dow on a miller's, horse with dusty bags, and now before 
 a country dame on horseback ; till at last arriving at the sea-side, he 
 escaped to France in a small vessel belonging to a poor fisherman. 
 Mean time the power of Cromwell increased, and his glory grew 
 Meantime the power of Cromwell — the protector thereof.'] Cromwell finding that 
 parliament bv reducing the army and oilier measures, intended to lessen liis autho- 
 rity, determined to prevent them. He summoned a general council of officers, and 
 immediately found that they were disposed to receive whatever impressions lie was 
 pleased to give them ?.Iost of them were his creatures, had owed their advance- 
 ment to Jiis favour, and relied entirely on him for their future preferment. At 
 Cromwell's instigation they framed a remonstrance to parliament; complaining of the 
 arrears due to the army, of the prolongation of their sittings, and the violation of 
 their promise to trie people to establish a free and equal government. 
 The parliament took this remonstrance in ill-part, and returned a sharp reply. 
 The officers insisted on the reasonableness of their advice, and by mutual opposition 
 and altercation, the breach became irreparable. Cromwell finding matters get ripe 
 for his purpose, called another council of officers in ouler to come to a determination 
 with respect to a public settlement. As he had many fiiends here, so he had some 
 opponents. Harrison having assured the council that the general only wished to 
 pave the way tor the government of King Jesus and his saints, Major Streaton 
 briskly replied, That Jesus ought then to come quickly : for if he delayed it till 
 after Christinas he would come too late, and his throne would be occupied. While 
 tiie officers were in debate Colonel Ingoldsby informed Cromwell ihnt parliament was 
 sitting, and had come to a resolution not to dissolve themselves, but to fill up the 
 house with new election* ; and that at that very time they were deliberating on this 
 expedient. Ciomwell in a ra;e iramedrately hastened to the house, carrying a body 
 of :500 soldiers along with him. Some of them he placed at the door, some in the 
 lobby, sonic on the stairs. 
 He first addressed hhn-elf to his friend St. John, and told him that he had come 
 with a purpose of doing what grieved him to the very soul, and what he had earnestly, 
 ■with tears, besought tli:- Lord not to impose upen him ; but theie was a necessity, in 
 order to the giory of God and the good of the nation. He sat down some lime and 
 heard the debate. He I eckorted Harrison, and told him that he now considered the 
 parliament ripe for dissolution. " Sir," 1 said Harrison, " the work is very great and 
 dangerous ; 1 desire you seriously to consider before you engage in it." " You say 
 well," vi plied the general ; and thereupon sat still a quarter of an hour. When the 
 the question was re&dy \<> be put, he again said to Harrison, "This is the time : I must 
 do it." And suddenly starting lip, lie loaded the parliament with the vilest reproaches 
 for their tyranny, ambition, oppression, and robbery of the public. Then stamping 
 with his loot, a signal for the soldiers to enter. " For shame," said he to the parlia- 
 ment ; " get you gone ; give place to honester men ; to those who will more faithfully 
 discharge their trust. You are no longer a parliament ; I tell you, ; <ui are no longer 
 a parliament. The Lord has done with you. He has chosen other instruments for 
 carrying on his work."
 The ( 
 unto tlie hciglil : in-ointich that lit' set himself at the head of the 
 commonweal th, and was called the Protector thereof. 
 Sir I Liny Vane exclaiming against this proceeding, he cried with a loud voice, 
 " O Sir linn v \ ine, Sir Harry Vane I the Lord deliver me from Sir Harry Vane." 
 Takm.: hold uJ Martin l.y the cloak, " Thou art a whoremaster ." said Ik-. To another, 
 ■ Thou art an adherer." To a third, " Thou art a drunkard and a glutton." « And 
 thou an ex orti ner," to a fourth. He commanded a soldier to sci/.e the mace. 
 " What shall w< do with this bauble? Here take it away. It is you," said he, ad- 
 dressiog himsell to the hunse, " that have forced me upon this. I ha\< sought the 
 Lord night and day that he would rather slay me than put mc upon this work." 
 Having bo nroairded the soldiers io cleat the hall ; he himsell' wenl out the last, and 
 prdetiug the doors to be locked, put the keys in his pocket, and departed to his lodg- 
 ings in Whitehall. 
 Such was the rough and decided mania r in which Crpm.well, without the least op- 
 position, annihilated that famous assembly, which had tilled Europe with the renown 
 of its actions, and whose; .commencement was not more ardently desired by the people, 
 thai;, in consequence ol its subsequent crimes and ambition, its dissolution. Hume's 
 observations on the dissolution of the parliamentary government and the establish- 
 ment oi a despotism under the title of protectorship, seem deserving of some notice. 
 " All parties," says he, "now reaped successively the melancholy pleasure of seeing 
 the injuries which they had suffered revenged on their enemies ; and that too by the 
 same arts which bad been practised against them. The king had stretched his pre- 
 rogative beyond just hounds; and aided by the church had well nigh put an end to 
 all the liberties and privileges of the nation, "i he presbyterians checked the progress 
 of the court and clergy, and excited, by cant and hypocrisy, the populace first to 
 tumults, then to war against the king, the peers, and all the royalists. No sooner 
 bad they reached tiie pinnacle of grandeur than the independents, under the appear- 
 ance of still greater sanctity, instigated the army against them, and reduced them 
 to subjection. The independents, amidst their empty dre.mis of liberty, or rather of 
 dominion, were oppressed by the rebellion of their own servants, and found themselves 
 ice exposed to the insults of -power and hatred of the people. — Rume's History, 
 vol. i ,'., p. 220. 
 The strange government that succeeded the dissolution of the parliament, deserves 
 to be described. Cromwell thought it necessary at least to observe some of the forms 
 of a free government; and accordingly sent summons to 128 persons of different towns 
 and counties of England, to five of Scotland, to six of Ireland. He pretended by bis 
 sole- act and deed to devolve upon these t! • whole authority of the state. This legis- 
 lative power they were to exercise during fifteen months, and afterwards nominate 
 i 1 successors. The assembly was composed principally of mechanics, fifth monar- 
 chy men, anabaptists, antinoinians, independents, s nd the refuse of those fanatical 
 sects which then pestered the community. Cromwell opened the parliament with a 
 ch, nnd told them that he never looked to see such a day when Christ 
 should be so owned. The honourable members then began with seeking Cod by prayer ; 
 il e was performed by eight or ten gifted men of the assembly, and with so much 
 success that, according to the confession of all, the Holy Spirit had never been before 
 enccd in such great abundance. 
 After these preliminaries, they entered upon the work of reformation, and to prepare 
 the way for the coming of the Lord. They took into their consideration the aiwlition 
 of the established clergy, as savouring of popery; and the taking away of tit!. -, 
 « • h they called a relict of Judaism. Learning .ilsa, and the universities » 
 deemed heathenish and unnecessary; the common law was denominated a ba . 
 t i* iirpiest and Norman slavery, and the whole race of lawyers were threatened
 Oliver Cromwell. 
 vrith extirpation. Some steps were taken towards the abolition of the court of Chan- 
 cery; and circumcision and o'.her parts of the Mosaical law, were about to be esta- 
 blished as the most perfect system of English jurisprudence. 
 Of the different schemes of these fanatical legislators, none were adopted with the 
 exception of the legal solemnization of marriages, by the civil magistrate, without 
 the interposition of the clergy. They found themselves exposed to the derision of the 
 public. Among the fanatics of the house was an active member, much noted for his 
 long sermons, prayers, and harangues. He was a leather-seller, in London; his name 
 Praise-god Barebone. From the ridiculous name of the bedlamite, this people called 
 the assembly Bnrebone's parliament. Cromwell himself began to be ashamed of his 
 legislature, and he sent Colonel White, with a party of soldiers, to put an end to their 
 deliberations. The colonel asked them what they did there? " We are seeking the 
 Lord,*' said they. '* Then you may go elsewhere," replied he, " for to my certain 
 knowledge he has not been here these many years." 
 A new form of government was then established by the council of officers. In this form 
 Cromwell was declared Protector, and installed in his office with great solemnity. His 
 power was nearly absolute; in his name was all justice to be administered ; from him 
 was all magistracy and honours derived ; he had the power of pardoning all crimes, 
 excepting murder and treason ; to him all forfeitures devolved ; the right of peace and 
 war was vested in him, with the advice and consent of his council. A parliament was 
 to be summoned every three years, and to sit five months, without adjournment, pro- 
 rogation, or dissolution. The bills they passed were to be presented to the Protector 
 for his assent ; but if within twenty days it was not obtained, they weie to become 
 laws by the authority of parliament alone. These were the principal articles of the new 
 constitution ; it continued till the death of the Protector; and differed nothing from 
 the monarchy they had destroyed, except the name, and the far superior abilities of 
 the man who exercised the functions of first magistrate. 
 Now Cromwell was a valiant man, but a great hypocrite ; and he 
 humoured the times, pretending to piety, and to consult the Lord in 
 all his doings. 
 Howbeit his character is doubtful, whether he was a righteous man 
 Howbeit his character is doubtful.'] Before describing the character of this " won- 
 derful man," as Hume calls him, it may be proper to give a brief narrative of the 
 most important facts in his private history. This we shall do principally from a very 
 impartial and circumstantial history of the " Protectoral House of Cromwell," by Mr. 
 Noble. Another history has lately appeared, by Oliver Cromwell, Esq. a descendant 
 of the family, which corrects some errors in Cromwell's former biographers. We shall 
 insert some anecdotes from both.
 Oliver Cromwell. 
 or a rogue; neither is it determined by which appellation to call him 
 unto this day : Peradventure lie was a mixture of both. 
 . . . - '■ ..—-■■ — .-..-———■——. . , »^. ,- 
 Oliver, the only surviving son of Mr. Robert Cromwell, of Huntingdon] was born 
 in St. John's parish, in that town, April 'J.'), 1599; his baptismal name he received 
 from his uncle and god father, Sir Oliver Cromwell. The Cromwell family was very 
 ancient and respectable; being originally from Wales, and deriving its pedigree from 
 Glothian, lord of Tow is. An incident is related of the infancy of Oliver, which 
 placed in great jeopardy all the Ml {sings of his future Protectorship. His grand- 
 father having sent for him to Hinchinhrook, whin an infant inarms, a monkey took 
 him from the cradle, and ran with him upon the lead that covered the roof of the 
 house ; alarmed at the danger of the child, the family brought beds to catch him 
 upon, fearing the creature's dropping him ; but the sagacious brute brought the 
 •' fortune of England " said v down. 
 His conduct at school is differently described. lie seems, however, to have de- 
 lighted more in playing at foot-ball, cudgelling and wrestling, than in the acquisition 
 oi knowledge. But notwithstanding his attachment to these rough sports, he was by 
 no means illiterate ; all Ins life he was a great | atron of learning; and besides being 
 a tolerable proficient in the Latin tongue, he was well acquainted with the Romau 
 and Greek histories. At Lincoln's Inn, it is said, the juice of the grape, and tbe 
 charms of the fair, with a habit of gaming, engrossed more of his attention than the 
 study of law repoits and Coke upon Littleton. Returning to his native town, he 
 there continued, if we arc to credit the relations of his enemies, his vicious courses ; 
 the taverns formed the chief place of his abode ; impatient and overbearing in his dis- 
 position, his equals declined his company, and he was compelled to herd with less 
 creditable associates: those who happened not to fall in with his sentiments, received 
 corporal chastisement from his favourite weapon, a cudgel staff; to the publicans he 
 was by no means a welcome visitor, frequently forgetting to pay his reckoning ; such 
 was the terror of the innkeepers at his visits, that when they saw him coining they 
 would say "Here comes young Cromwell, shut up your doors;" nor were the women 
 less fearful from his mde and audacious attacks. At a Christmas entertainment given 
 by his uncle, Sir Oliver, young Cromwell attended, so filthily bedaubed, that the 
 stench became intolerable, and he was by general consent forced out of the room, 
 and underwent a severe ducking in a neighbouring horse-pond. 
 Such are the vagaries related of his youth. But if he were addicted to these follies 
 they were certainly of short duration. Before his twenty-first year his character un- 
 derwent an entire change, and he became as exemplary for a correct and sanctified 
 deportment, as formerly for coarse dissipation. Observing this change in his conduct, 
 his relations, the Hampdens and Barringlons, ancient and powerful families, inte- 
 rested themselves in his fortune, and by their influence lie married the daughter of 
 Sir James Bouchier: a lady, whose want of persona! charms were amply compensated by 
 the great fortune she brought him, and her exemplary virtue and great good sense. From 
 a rake, Cromwell became an hypochondriacal enthusiast, indulging his imagination in 
 visions, illuminations, and revelations; frequently thought himself dying, and en- 
 tertained most ridiculous fancies about the cross in Huntingdon. Being somewhat em- 
 barrassed in his circumstances, he took a farm at St. tves, intending to follow agricul- 
 ture a> a profession. But this expedient served to involve him in farther difficulties. Tl»e 
 long prayers he said in the morning, then again in the alien. oon, consuming his own 
 time anil that of his ploughmen, left little leisure tor the care of his temporal affairs. 
 "While at St. Ives he made restitution to several of his former acquaintance of the sums 
 he had won, at gaining. Unsettled in bis mind, und unprosperous in his affairs, he 
 formed the design of emigrating to America, along with his kinsman the celebrated
 •■ Cromwell. 
 Those who speak evil of liiin say, that he set up himself as an idol, 
 and made the very streets of London like unto the valley of Hinnom, 
 Hampden, but in this he was prevented by aa order in council, — a most unfortunate 
 interference on the part of King Charles. 
 At length he obtained a seat in parliament. This assembly afforded some scope for 
 the developemcnt of his extraordinary talents, and the black vapours with which he 
 had been afflicted in the country were dispelled in a noble zeal against the tyrannical 
 measures of the court. His first appearance in parliament was by no means pre- 
 possessing. Sir Philip Warwick, a writer of veracity, thus describes him : — "The 
 first time," says the knight, "that ever I took notice of him, was in the beginning 
 of the parliament held in November, 1640, when I vainly thought myself a courtly 
 young gentleman, (tor we courtiers valued ourselves much upon our good clothes.) 
 I came one morning into the house well clad, and perceived a gentleman speaking 
 whom I knew not, very ordinarily apparelled, tor it was a plain cloth suit, which 
 seemed to have been made, by an ill country tailor ; his linen was plain and not very 
 clean; and I remember a speck or two of blood upon his little band, which was not 
 much longer than his collar; his hat was without a hat band; his stature was of a 
 good size, his sword stu k clo^e to his side, his countenance swollen and reddish, his 
 voice sharp and untunable, and his eloquence" full of fervour." — Lord Digby, when 
 going down stairs with i\lr. Hampden, and not knowing Oliver personally, said, 
 " Pray, i\Ir. Hampden, who is that mar., for I see he is on our side by his speaking so 
 warmly to-day." — ''That slo\en," said Hampden, "whom you see before you has 
 no ornament in his speech: that sloven, I say, if we should ever come to a breach 
 •with the King, (which God forbid !) in such a case, I say, that sloven will be the 
 greatest man in England." Subsequent events proved that Hampden had formed a 
 correct estimate of the profound and sagacious mind of his relation. When Cromwell 
 rose into importance, he became more careful of ins personal appearance; while pro- 
 tector, he was not pnly distinguished by the dignity and propriety of his deportment, 
 but the elegance of iiis dress and the polifeness of his demeanour. 
 As it is impossible to insert here a life of Oliver, we shall only select a few of'the 
 most remarkable anecdotes illustrative of his character. With respect to the King's 
 death, so tar from being blameable, he is entitled to the praise of humanity lor his 
 efforts to preserve his life. He fell even under dangerous suspicions with the army, 
 from the intercouse "tie maintained with the friends of that misguided prince. Cromwi.ll 
 averred, that he would serve the King as long as he could do it without his own ruin, 
 but honestly declared that it must not be expected that he would perish for his sake. 
 After this he discovered Charles's disgusting insincerity in a letter to the Queen, where 
 lie informed her majesty that he was courted by both parties (the pailiament and the 
 armv ;) but would close with those that offered the best terms. In another letter, he 
 said, that it would be easier to take off Cromwell when he had agreed with the parlia- 
 ment, than now he was at the head of the army. These things were known to Oliver; 
 he foresaw it was a mere question between his own life and the king's, and he naturally 
 observed on the occasion, " If it must he my head or the king's, can I hesitate which 
 to choose?" — Noble's Memoirs, vol. i. p. 117. 
 This account is confirmed by Burnet, in his History of his Own Time. He says, " A's 
 to taking the King's life, Ireton was the person who drove it on; lor Cromwell was all 
 the while in some suspense about it." — v. i. p. 63. Hume, in a note, p. 519, con- 
 firms the account of the letters written by Charles to the Queen. Indeed there can- 
 not be the slighest doubt, that while Croruwelt was acting with the best intentions 
 towards Charles, he was basely contriving plans for his destruction. 
 Hit jesting and buffoonery, at the King's execution, have no doubt been greatly
 Oliitr Cromwell. 
 by burning ilu* bowels of men ;•> ;i sacrifice to his Molocksbipc tbaf 
 hia pretence was freedom lor all men, and that by the help of that 
 exaggerated. It has been >ni*l lie laughed, smiled, ami jeered daring Ibe trial, and 
 when he signed the warrant (V » r ins execution, in. a frolic, bedaubed with the peri 
 Harry .Martin's face, and that Marl in returned the compliment. It is certain he went 
 leasee the King's corpse ; and some saj put his linger to tin- neck, to led whether it 
 vas entirely severed, and viewing the. iuside ol the body, be observed 1 how sound it 
 «as, and lion will made lor longevity. No doubt In- mocked Ins Maker with hypo- 
 critical pruyers for the King, when he had determined on his execution lint Oliver 
 all Ins life was fond of a joke, and like other jokers it is probable he might at times 
 jest unseasonably ; but that he commiserated •'"' weak King's miserable fate, is evi- 
 dent from the anecdote mentioned by Sir I'mlieek Temple, on the trial of the regi- 
 cides This witness related, that when the commissioners of the High Court of Justice 
 bad met to consider how they might best regulate their proceedings, he concealed 
 himsell in the painted chamber; when ntws was brought that the King bad landed 
 at Sir Robert Cotton's stairs, Cromwell ran to the window, to view his majesty as he 
 ■'.'mi- u|) the garden, but returned as white as the wall 
 Whatever levities Oliver might indulge at the King's execution, they were much 
 less infamous than the cowardly indignities he experienced after his own death. After 
 the restoration, his noble remains were dragged from the grave, and drawn on a slcdoe 
 to Tyburn ; alter hanging there sometime, he was beheaded, and ins body thrown 
 into a hole under the gallows: his head remained a long lime stuck upon a pole at 
 Westminster-Hail. Bat even this did not satiate the rage of the royalists without in- 
 sulting Ins descendants. An anecdote related of Lady Fiances, the youngest daughter 
 of Cromwell, will show not only the spirit of that lady, but also of the royalists. 
 One of llicin wishing to insult ibis daughter of Cromwell, by her father being exposed 
 on a gibbet, sail in the King's presence. "Madam, I saw your father yesterday ?" 
 " What then, ^sir :" " He stunk most abominably." *' I suppose he was dead then ?" 
 '• Yes." " I thought so, or else I believe he would have made you stink worse." 
 The Protector's administration was extremely vigilant. Thurloe, his secretary, had 
 spies every where. Manning, who bad access to the royal family, kept a regular 
 correspondence with him. Postmasters, both at home and abroad, were in his pay; 
 carriers were searched or bribed ; secretaries and clerks were corrupted. The greatest 
 sealots in all parties Were commonly those who conveyed private information to him. 
 It is said be expended sixty thousand a-year in procuring intelligence. Burnet says 
 the royalists were completely entangled in his nets, and they could not make the 
 least movement without being discovered. He could disconcert any project by con- 
 lining the persons who were to be the actors in it ; and as he testored them again to 
 liberty, his severity passed only for a general suspicion. 
 Oliver had a strong desire to assume ibe regal title. Alderman Pack, one of the 
 city uieinbi rs, made a formal motion in the house for investing him with the dignity 
 of king. A bill passed lor this purpose ; and a committee was appointed to reason 
 with the protector, and overcome the scruples which he pretended against accepting 
 so liberal an olfer. An account of this conference has been preserved, and the 
 nonsense uttered by Cromwell on the occasion is prodigious. Indeed there was the 
 Strangest contrast imaginable, betwixt the clearness and decision of his actions, and 
 the confusion, embarrassment, and obscurity which pervaded his speeches and con- 
 versation. Here follow two sentences, laken at random from his replies : " I confess, 
 for it belunes me to deal plainly wah you, 1 must conies-, I would confess, I hope 
 1 mas be understood in this ; for, indeed, I must be tender of what I say to such 
 an audience as tin* , I sa\ 1 would be understood thai in this argument I do not make 
 Olivei Cromwell. 
 pretence lie made all men his slaves, setting up himself above all that 
 were ever called sovereign in England : that he summoned parlia- 
 parallel betwixt men of a different mind, and a parliament which shall have their 
 desires." "And though a man may impute his own lolly and blindness to Providence 
 sinfully, vet it must be at my peril ; the case may be that it is the providence of 
 Cod that doth lead men ; I must needs say that I have had a great deal of experience 
 H providence, and though it is no rule without nor against the word, yet is a very 
 good expositor of the word in many cases." — Conjercnce at Whitehall. This jargon 
 is nearly as unintelligible as some of our acts of parliament, drawn up by the teamed 
 gentlemen of the universities. 
 Cromwell took some days to consider of his reply to the splendid offer of the 
 Commons. The great obstacle to his ambition arose in his own family. Fleetwood 
 had married his daughter; Desborough his sister. Yet these men, actuated by prin- 
 ciple alone, could by no persuasion or artifice be induced to consent that their relation 
 and patron should be invested with the regal dignity. They threatened to throw up 
 their commissions if he accepted the crown. Colonel Pride procured a petition against 
 the office of king, signed by a majority of the officers in the neighbourhood of Lon- 
 don. Several persons, it is said, had formed an engagement to murder the Protector 
 within a few hours after he had accepted the offer of parliament; and upon the 
 whole, Cromwell, after the agony and perplexity of long doubt, was at last obliged 
 to refuse the crown which the national representatives had solemnly tendered to him. 
 Some historians have blamed his choice, but no doubt he was the best judge of his 
 situation, and it is quite certain he was guided more by necessity than inclination. 
 With the saints of all denominations Oliver was familiar and easy. He discoursed 
 largely to them about their advances in grace, their experiences, and the critical mo- 
 ment of their conversion ; he sighed, lie wept, he canted, he prayed. He even 
 entered with them into an emulation of their ghostly gifts ; and these enthusiasts, in- 
 stead of grieving to be outdone in their own way, were proud that his highness dig- 
 nified their holy practices by his princely example. Ceneral Harrison, the most 
 confidential friend of the protector, frequently gave him spiritual advice — " Let the 
 waiting upon Jehovah," said this military enthusiast, " be the greatest and most 
 considerable business you have every day : reckon it so more than to eat, sleep, and 
 council together. Run aside sometimes from your company and get a word with the 
 Lord. Why should yon not have three or four precious souls always standing at your 
 elbow with whom you might now and then turn into a corner ? I have found refresh- 
 ment aud mercy in such a way." — Hume's Hist. p. L'6'2, from Milton's State Papers. 
 While we laugh at the religious fooleries of these men, it is impossible but to admire 
 some nobler traits in their characters ; stern and inflexible in their principles, many 
 of them were willing to sacrifice all views of emolument and aggrandisement to a 
 popular and free government. 
 We will only mention one more anecdote of Cromwell ; it will show that the same 
 promptitude and judicious management guided him in his private as public conduct. 
 Jeremy White, Oliver's chaplain, and the most gallant man in the protector's court, 
 carried his ambition so far as to think of becoming his son-in-law, by marrying lady 
 Trances. Cromwell, who had rejected an overture from Charles II. for his daughter, 
 thought it a great derogation to admit the pretensions of Jerry, the most licentious 
 man in his court, and who had even brought some scandal on the protectoral palace, 
 by his prophunc jests and debaucheries. The chaplain possessing wit and other per- 
 sonal attractions, his advances were far from being unacceptable to the protector's 
 daughter. Oliver had his spies everywhere, and hearing of Jerry's progress, he or- 
 dered an informer to watch them narrowly, and promised that upon substantial proof,
 Oliver Cromwell. 
 nients with a word of his pen, and dispersed t hem again with tin- 
 breath of his mouth : that he took arms against taxes of searee two 
 hundred thousand pounds a-year, and raised them himself to above 
 two millions : that under the pretence of reforming religion, lie rob- 
 bed it even to the skin, and then exposed it naked to the rage of all 
 sects and heresies : that he fought against the king under a commis- 
 sion for him, and then took him forcibly out of the hands of those 
 for whom he had conquered him, and butchered him in the 
 open face of all the whole world, with as little shame as conscience 
 or humanity. 
 Thus be is made a monster of baseness, ingratitude, hypocrisy, 
 rebellion, and usurpation. 
 Howbcit there are others who defend him ; saying, he was an 
 illustrious warrior, a great politician, a man of the most consummate 
 prudence, and who had the art of making himself both feared and 
 respected : that if his government be compared with those of the 
 two last kings, there will appear a very great disparity with regard 
 to the glory and reputation of the English nation: that he made 
 himself equally dreaded by France and Spain, and the United Pro- 
 vinces, who all courted his friendship with such ardour, that they 
 lie should be amply rewarded and Jerry severely punished. It was not long before 
 the informer acquainted his highness that Jerry was then with the lady, and upon 
 hastening to his daughter's apartment, he discovered the unfortunate Jerry upon his 
 knees, kissing her ladyship's hand. " What is the meaning of this posture before my 
 daughter Frances ?" exclaimed the protector hastily. The chaplain adroitly replied, 
 " Mav it please your highness, I have long time courted that young gentlewoman 
 there, my lady's woman, and cannot prevail ; I was therefore humbly praying her 
 ladyship to intercede for me." Oliver, turning to the waiting woman, said, '■ lie is 
 in\ friend, and I expect you should treat bim a-, such." The lady's woman, desiring 
 nothing more, replied with a tow courtesy, " If Mr. White intends me that honour T 
 should not oppose him." Upon which Oliver said, " Well, call Goodwin ; this busi- 
 ness shall be done presently, before I go out of the room." Poor Jerry was nailed, he 
 could not retreat, Goodwin came and they were instantly married ; the bride at the 
 same time receiving £f>00 from the protector. Jerry lived with this wife (not of his 
 his choice certainly) fifty years. Oldmixon says he knew both him and Mrs. White, 
 and heard the story told when they were present, when Mrs. White acknowledged 
 " there hus something in it." 
 Houbeit — equally dreuded by France and Spain — Cringed to him btijond what was 
 becoming.] It is impossible to conceive the meanness both the kings of France and
 Oliver Cromwell. 
 tasty be said to have cringed to him beyond what was becoming : 
 that if his ambition led him to aggrandize himself, it also led him to 
 advance the glory of the English name, and the terror of their arms, 
 even to the pitch of Roman greatness: that as to his morals, he was 
 guilty of few of the vices to which men arc commonly addicted; 
 gluttony, drunkenness, gaming, luxury, and avarice, were crimes 
 with which he was never reproached ; and as to his religion, his 
 principle was to leave every man at liberty, and to persecute no 
 one on that account. In fine, that by his great capacity and un- 
 common abilities he raised himself to the supreme dignity, supported 
 himself in it with great glory, and dying in peace, bequeathed it to 
 his posterity. 
 And now behold, he that was a monsieris become an hero! Where-, 
 fore, gentle reader, out of the two characters here given, thou 
 mayest form such a one as seemeth best in thine eyes, and call him 
 Oliver Cromwell. 
 Spain used to win the friendship of Cromwell ; his very name was terrible to them. 
 It is said that he obliged the haughty Louis XIV. to sign his name idler his ; it is 
 certain he would not receive the title of cousin from that king, but insisted oh that of 
 brother. He obliged all nations to pay the same honours to his ambassadors as they 
 had done when the kingdoms were governed by kings, saving it was the nation, not 
 the king to whom the respect had been paid The whole wot Id trembled at bis name; 
 Cardinal Mazarine declared that he was mure afraid of hira than ol the devil : the 
 Pope ordered processions to be carried about to prevent the thunder ol bis cannon 
 reaching Rome. The Duke of Savoy was commanded !o put a stop to the massacre 
 of his protectant subjects ; no sooner did the mandate of Oliver reach bira than he 
 obeyed : the stubborn Dutch were all submission to him : Sweden too!, uncommon 
 pains to obtain his alliance : Denmark and Portugal he treated with disdain and 
 haughtiness: all Italy, with the piratical stales of Africa, whose insolence he had 
 punished for their depredations on English ships, stood in awe of his power. 
 The ascendancy of Cromwell's genius and the terror in which he was held are 
 evinced by the medals and caricatures of the day. On a Dutch medallion is in- 
 scribed Oliver D . G. R. P. An. Sco. Hjbernijj Protector. Reverse, Cromwell 
 with his head in Britannia's lap, backside bare, French and Spanish ambassadors : 
 the latter attempts to kiss his backside, but is pulled back by tbe former with these 
 words: Retire toi ; l'h on n f.ur aparttent av roi ion maitiie : Stand off; 
 that honour belongs to the king my master. In a print publicly exposed to sale at Paris, 
 Cromwell was represented upon a close-stool, with the king of France on his right 
 hand, and the king of Spain on his left, each olfering him a supply of paper.* How 
 * Noble's Memoirs of the Protcctoral House, p. 510.
 And it came to pass on the third day of tlie month September, the 
 dry on which he had signed the devil's contract) that day his life 
 was required of him; that it might be fulfilled whi< !■ wa spoken by 
 Lindsev the prophet, The hand of death is upon him, and at the end 
 of seven years he shall surely (lie. 
 Now the rest of the acts of tin's ruler, and the surprizing tilings 
 that he did, behold they are written in the books of the chronicles 
 of the kings of England. 
 And Cromwell slept with his fathers, and was buried in the chapel 
 contemptible the bcgcarly grandeur the country has acquired under the Pitt system 
 appears, and about which Mr. Jacks and George Canning indulge such frothy decla- 
 mation, when compared with the real power ami respect acquired by England during 
 the Commonwealth. 
 .!/«/ it came to pass — which was spoken /»/ Lindsey the prophet.] We omitted to make 
 a note about this rigmarole story in the last chapter, but we will make one now. 
 There is nothing however extravagant and marvellous in nature, for the truth of 
 which some men may not be found ready to vouch; and this has really been the case 
 in all time^ and places, from the beginning of the world to this day. For instance, 
 men may at all times be found to say, and swear loo, if required, that iron has been 
 made to swim; the dead t.> rise, the lame lo walk, the blind (o see, and so on. All 
 history, sacred and prophane, ancient and modern, is tilled with such marvellous 
 stories ; how they got there, or for what purpose, we will noi presume to say, but it 
 is certain they are there. Here is Colonel Lindsey, a man of no mean note in 
 his time, he affirmed that Cromwell sold himself ti> the devil for seven years; he aver< 
 that he saw the solemn contract made, heard with Ins own ears, s : .x wi h his own 
 eves, specifies both time and place, and every circumstance so minutely, that really 
 it seems quite impossible to withhold our assent. Mr Archdeacon Bohard,a very grave 
 man, in his History of England, believes the colonel's narrative, ami Mr. Anthony 
 Wood, a loyalist, gave full credit to this extraordinary bargain. What then are we 
 to do in such cases ? Are we to consider Colonel Linosby a bar 01 a madman, or 
 both? But why not as readily- believe a miraculous story told by the colonel, as a 
 miraculous slorv told l>v Tacitus or Justin, or Moses or Mahomet? A teamed doctor 
 believed it, and Anthony Wood believed it, why, therefore, should not »• believe 
 it? Indeed it is a very great dilemma, but we will inlorm the reader how we manage 
 these things; we never credit any miraculous siorus wheresoever related or by 
 whomsoever believed. This rule we follow to secure ourselves from imposi i i :, and 
 also for the following reason : men we have experienced are apt to In- deceive 1, and 
 sometimes to (ell lies; on the contrary, we never witnessed any miracle ourselves, 
 nor observed nature deviate from her established law*; heme we infer that no such 
 thing ever happened, and that when anv rainfcle i- propounded ii is much more 
 probable that the narrator should be a knave or * lool, than that Narure, for any 
 paltrv purpose, should -surfer her immutable laws to be violated We have not time 
 to explain this principle more in detail, but leave it to the reader's calm and impartial 
 And Cromwell slept with his fathers.] He died on the 3d of September, 1658. His
 Oliver Cromwell. 
 of Henry tlie seventh, and Richard his son was protector in his 
 death it was thought arose from anxiety of niinrl, originating in the difficulties of his 
 situation. The royalists were unceasingly occupied in forming plots for his assassina- 
 tion ; and one Sindercome had undertaken to murder him ; but by the most unaccoun- 
 table accidents had been prevented executing his bloody purpose. Add to this the 
 opposition he met to his criminal ambition from the members of his own family. 
 Fleetwood, his son-in-law, began to estrange himself from him, and was enraged to 
 find that Oliver sought the promotion of his own power and grandeur, rather than to 
 realize those professions of piety and republicanism with which he had commenced 
 his career. His eldest daughter had adopted republican principles so vehemently, 
 that she could not with patience behold power lodged in a single person, even in her 
 indulgent father. His other daughters were no less prejudiced in favour of the royal 
 cause, and regretted those violences by which their family had been elevated. Above 
 all, the sickness of Mrs. Claypoole, his favourite daughter, a lady of most exemplary 
 virtues and accomplishments, poisoned all his enjoyments. She solicited in vain the 
 pardon of Dr. Hewitt, who was beheaded for entering into a plot to restore the ex- 
 iled family. Before her death, in the conversations she had with the protector, she 
 painted the guilt of his ambition in the most dreadful colours, which Lord Clarendon 
 says perplexed him exceedingly, and that he took much pains to prevent any of his 
 attendants hearing. Such a remonstrance, from a favourite child, on the brink of 
 death, must have sunk deep into his heart ; it is certain that his mind was never at 
 rest from that moment, and after the death of Mrs. Claypoole he grew quite me- 
 lancholy . 
 From the corroding cares of his troubled conscience, his body became affected, and 
 his health sensibly to decline. He was seized with u slow fever, which changed into 
 a tertian ague. For the space of a week no unfavourable symptoms appeared, and in 
 the intervals of the fits he was able to walk abroad. At length the fever increasedi 
 and he began himself to entertain some thoughts of dying, a subject which had 
 formerly been intimately present to him, though in subsequent turmoils no doubt it 
 had been considerably obliterated. He asked Goodwin, one of his preachers, if the 
 doctrine were true, that the elect could never tall or suffer final reprobation. Hoiking 
 more true, replied Goodwin. Then I am safe, said the. protector, for I am sure that 
 once I was in a state of grace. His physicians declaring the perilous situation of their 
 patient, a deputation from the council wailed upon him, to know his will with regard 
 to his successor. His senses were gone and he could not now express his intentions. 
 They asked him whether he did not mean that his eldest son Richard should succeed 
 him in the protectorship. A simple affirmative was, or seemed to be extorted from 
 him. The 3d of September, on which he died, he always considered the most fortunate 
 day of his life. A most furious tempest, which immediately succeeded his death, 
 .served as a subject of discourse to the superstitious. His partizans, as well as his 
 enemies, remarked this event, and interpreted it according to their peculiar prejudices; 
 the former representing it as a breeze to waft his spirit to the regions of eternal bliss, 
 the latter to everlasting perdition. 
 Cromwell was protector five years. He died at his palace of Whitehall, and was 
 buried with immense splendour in Westminster Abbey in the royal sepulchre. The 
 whole expense of the. funeral amounted to the enormous sum of c£ 28,000. 
 His body, with that of Ireton, was disinterred on Saturday, January 26, 1660, and 
 on the Monday night following they were drawn in several carts from Westminster to 
 the Red-lion-inn, at Holbotn, where they remained all night. Bradshaw's, who pre-
 Olivi r Cromvjetl. 
 lidt-d at the king's trial, was taken up the morning following; when all three were 
 convened on sledges to Tyburn, taken out of theit coffins, hanged upon the sever. it 
 angles of that triple tree till sun-set, i! ded, their trunks thrown into a bole 
 under the gallows, and their heads placed upon poles upon the top of Westminster- 
 hall, where Oliver's long remained. Such was the brutal and senseless rage of the 
 legitimates of that dav. 
 Dr. Smollett, in his History of England, has attempted to give a character of 
 Cromwell, aud allowing a liule for the known prejudice of iliat writer, in favour of 
 high prerogative, appears to have described the most prominent features of his mind : 
 " Oliver Cromwell," says he, " was of a robust make and constitution, and his as- 
 pect manly, though clownish. His education extended no further than a superficial 
 knowledge of the Latin tongue ; but he inherited great talents from nature ;' though 
 they were such as he could not have exerted to advantage at any juncture but that 
 of a civil war, intl.iuied by religious contests. His character was formed from an 
 amazing conjunction of hypocrisy, enthusiasm, and ambition. He was possessed of 
 courage and resolution that overlooked all dangers and saw no difficulties. He dived 
 into the characters ot mankind with wonderful sagacity, while he concealed his own 
 purposes under the impenetrable shield of dissimulation, He reconciled the most 
 atrocious crimes to the most rigid notions of religious obligations. From the severest 
 exercise ot' devotion, he relaxed into the most ludicrous and idle buffoonery. He 
 preserved the dignity and distance of his character in the. midst of the coarsest fami- 
 liarity. He was cruel and tyrannic from policy, just and temperate from inclination, 
 pcspleaed and despicable in his discourse, clear and consummate in his designs, 
 ridiculous in his reveries, and respectable in his conduct ; in a word the strangest 
 compound of villany aud virtue, baseness and magnanimity, absurdity and ^ood 
 sense, that we find upon record in the annals of mankind." This description con- 
 tains all the prominent lineaments of Cromwell's character. Some have pretended to 
 describe him in fewer words, but not so justly. Cardinal Mazarine used to term him 
 a fortunate madmun. Father Orleans, a judicious villain. Lord Clarendon says he 
 was a brave but a wicked man Another writer observes he was a tyrant without 
 vices, and a prince without virtues. The first pait of this definition is intelligible, 
 the latter is false ; for the gieatesl virtues that a prince can possess are a love of 
 justice and humanity, and these qualities were eminently conspicuous in Cromwell. 
 We must now speak of Oliver's intrigues: — for mind, with all his saintslup, he was 
 but a frail vessel. After he arrived at power he frequently indulged himself with the 
 company of ladies ; and that net in the most innocent manner. Ladv Dysert, after- 
 wards Duchess ot Lauderdale, and Mrs. Lambert have been frequently assigned as 
 his mistresses. The former was witty, learned, and full of intrigue ; Mrs. Lambert 
 employed herself only in praying and singing hymns. His intercourse with the gay 
 lady Dysert gave such offence to the godly, that lie was obliged to decline his visits to 
 her, but not, it is said, till she had given birth to general Tollcmuche. Heath, i n 
 his Flagellum, says, Mrs. Lambert was a woman of good birth and good part-, and 
 of pleasing attractions both lor mind and body. It was a court jest that the protec- 
 tor's instrument of government was found under my Lady Lambert's petticoats. 
 Though his intercourse with Lady Dysert had given such mortal offence, the saints 
 could see no harm in his holding heavenly communion with the sweet Mrs. Lambert. 
 Dr. M ill in gton is thought to have owed his birth to this spiritual connexion. In the 
 register of Strensham in Worcestershire, after the Dr. 's name is " Query, was not he 
 a bastard of Oliver Cromwell ?" There is little doubt but the protector had natural 
 children ; but the great scandal it would have given, had the puritans known of his
 Oliver Cromwell. 
 amours, nnd the advantages ihc cavaliers would have derived from it, rendered him 
 very sly in his intrigue*." 
 Oliver had eight legitimate children ; all of whom, with the exception perhaps of 
 Richard, were:dislinguished for their virtue and good sense. Henry, his lourth son. 
 Lord Lieutenant ol Ireland, was a man of great humanity and undoubted capacity. 
 His daughter* ai] married men eminent in their day ; Bridget married Ireton, formerly 
 a lawyer, then Lord Deputy in Ireland, and an inflexible republican. After Ireton's 
 death she was united to General Fleetwood. His second and favourite daughter Eli- 
 zabeth, married John Claypoole, Esq. master of the horse. We have already alluded 
 to the many virtues of this distinguished lady, and the terrible blow her death in- 
 flicted on the onileclor His third daughter married Lord Falconbridge, a nobleman 
 of amiable manners and enterprising genius His youngest, Lady Frances, married 
 the grandson of the Earl of Warwic; a nobleman with whom Oliver had long main- 
 tained a familiar and confidential correspondence. 
 As a specimen of the courtly style in use towards the protector's family, we shall 
 transcribe a relation of the marriage of Lady Mary from the Mercurius Politicus, the 
 gazelle of that lime : " Whitehall, Tuesday, November 17. Yesterday afternoon 
 his highness went to Hampton-court, and this day the most illustrious lady the Lady 
 Mary Cromwell, third daughter o I his highness the Lord Protector, was there mar- 
 ried to the most noble lord, the Lord Falconbridge, in the presence of their highnesses 
 and many noble person"." 
 Oiiver during iris life was courted with the nrost fulsome panegyric, especially by 
 those who alter his death were the first to revile his memory. Dr. Daubeny drew a 
 parallel betwixt Moses the man of God and Oliver the protector; he made out, as he 
 fancied, thirty-two points of resemblance." Bishop Down, another parasite of the 
 opposite party compared the blessed martyr to Jesus Christ, and contended that putting 
 the tyrant lo death was more infamous than the crucifixion of Jesus. Every age has 
 ascertain number of such vermin: formerly it was Sibthorp, Jefferies, Manwaring, 
 Down, and Daubeny; now it is Marshall, Best, Warren, Southey, Stewart, Gifford, 
 and Stoda'rt. 
 Many thought Cromwell the long promised Messiah. A celebrated Asiatic Jew 
 came into England to examine his genealogy and trace him up to the stem of Jesse, 
 the father ol David It is not surprising the Jews should be misled, Shiloh, ac- 
 cordin. to tin ir creed, being to appear in great power and temporal glory, and Crom- 
 well being attended with all these circumstances. 
 The Cromwell family being numerous, many branches still survive. The present 
 representative, of tins illustrious house, is Mr. Oliver Cromwell, the author of the 
 lii toryol the Protectoral House, which has lately appeared. The father of this gentleman 
 wa> gran ;son to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and held rather an humble rank in 
 society lor a descendant of the great Oliver, being a grocer, which business he car- 
 ried on upon Snow-hill, London. His virtues and exempt try life entitled him to a 
 more elevated employment; he retired from business, and died in Bridgewater-square, 
 October 2, 1748, and was buried in h,s own vault on the north side ot Bunhill-fields. 
 He n,i- twice marred, first to the daughter of Mr. John Tidnian, a reputable trades- 
 man ; his second wife was VJary, the daughter of Nicholas Skinner, a merchant in 
 London . \ Ins former marriage he had five children: by the latter six 
 , Oliver Cromwell is the issue of the second marriage. This gentleman we be- 
 lieve has rer red and resides in the country He was originally bred an attorney; 
 solicitor in chancery ; resided in Esses-street, S'rand, and was clerk to 
 St.'; lias's Hospital in London. Mr. Cromwell is described as a gentleman highly 
 rl by a very numerous acquaintance ; and while in his profession, his practice 
 was very great, many of the nobility being his clients. The Cromwcllian phy- 
 * Noble's Memoirs, v. i. p. 127.
 /.'i. hard ( 'romwelL 
 siognoni\ is not intirely obliterated ; Mr. Cromwell retaining 4 strong resemblance to 
 bis mighty progenitor. In his p is a large broad sword, supposed to Live been 
 wielded by the protector; it is stained, apparently with blood; also his dagger, tho 
 blade ol which i^ nine inches in length, with an handle of alab . bitely 
 beautiful; likewise his bighness's iron cap or bead-piece, covered with black velvet; 
 not improbably the cap mentioned in history to be worn by bnu at the battle of 
 Some of the female branches of the Cromwi lis lately resided at Stoke Newington. 
 And it came to pass Unit the man Ptichard was presently found to 
 be incapable ot" the reins of government ; he bad neither capacity 
 to manage, judgement to guide, nor resolution to hold them; 
 And it came to pass thai the man Richard— neither capacity to manage.] Richard 
 was quite the reverse of his father; without ambition, intrigue, or a taste for 
 public business ;. and ii is even said he was without religion. Having attained bis 
 twenty-first year, he was admitted to the society ol Lincoln's inn, but took no pains 
 to gain a knowledge - I' the law. IVhilelhe kingdom was rent asunder by taction and 
 civil war, be lived ingloriously in the Temple, spending his time chiefly in the pursuits 
 of pleasure ; and what is still more remarkable, when his father w. : s fighting the 
 batUes of parliament, he was the companion of the most !oyal cavaliers, and joined 
 iu drinking health and success to the sovereign whom his father was dethroning. 
 There needs no greater proof of his incapacity than Oliver never placing him in any 
 public situation, but suffering him to reside in the country, where he spent his lime 
 in hunting, hawkmg, and other rural diversions. 
 Alter the downfall ol the family, Richard lived many years on the continent. At 
 Pezenas, Lord Clarendon relates, that he was introduced to the Prince of Conti as 
 an English gentleman, not wishing t:> be known as the son of the protector. The 
 prince discoursing on the affairs of England, asked many questions concerning the 
 king; whether all men were quiet and submitted obediently to him; which Richaid 
 briefly answered. " '.Veil, - ' continued the prince, '* Oliver, though he was a traitor 
 and a villain, was a brave feilow, had great parts, great courage, and was worthy to 
 command ; but that Uichurd, that coxcomb, coquin, poltroon, was surely the basest 
 fellow alive ! What has become of that fool ? How is it possible that he should be 
 such a»ot?" Richard quickly took his leave; and the next day left the town, fear- 
 ■•> be discovered to be the very fool and coxcomb who. a the prince had compli- 
 mented so liberally. 
 Richard resided a long time at Cbeshont, a few miles from I.cndon, under the 
 assumed name of Wallis. His only son dying without issue, be became intitled to .1 
 life estate in the manor of Hursley, and sent hi? youngest daughter d 
 Richard Cromwell. 
 wherefore the parliament took from him the protectorship, and de- 
 posed him from the government. 
 And now the commonwealth was left to drive at random, the 
 government being sometimes administered by a council of officers, 
 and sometimes by a thing called a committee of safety, and great 
 confusion ensued in t lie land. 
 And there dwelt a man in the northern part o. the island, which is 
 possession, which slie did ; but she and her sister seem to have followed the exam- 
 ple of t lie ungrateful daughters of Lear. Having got possession of the estate they 
 refused to surrender it, pretending he was superannuated, and proposed allowing him 
 a small sum yearly ; this he refused and commenced a law-suit to obtain possession. 
 Being obliged to appear in court in person, his sister, Lady Fauconberg, sent her 
 coach and equipage to conduct him thither; where the judge, Sir Nathan Wright, 
 struck with his venerable appearance, the sad reverse of fortune he exhibited, and 
 the unnatural conduct of his daughters, treated him in the most respectful manner. 
 His lordship not only directed him to be conducted into an adjoining apartment, 
 \\ here refreshments were provided, and where he remained till the cause came on, 
 but ordered that a chair should be brought into court; and insisted, upon account of 
 his advanced age, that he would sit covered. The opposite counsel objecting to the 
 indulgence of a chair, the worthy judge replied, " 1 will allow of no reflexions to be 
 made, but that you go to the merits of the cause." 
 In retiring from Westminster-hall, Richard's curiosity led him to the House of 
 Lords, when some person asking him, as the house broke up, if he had ever heard or 
 seen any thing like it before? he replied, "Never since I sat in that chair;" 
 pointing to the throne. This inoffensive being enjoyed a good state of health to 
 the last, and was so hale and hearty that he would gallop his horse for several miles 
 together. He died July 12, 1712, in the eighty-sixth year of his age, at Cheshuut, 
 in the house of Sergeant Pengelly, a supposed natural son of Richard's, and whose 
 filial affection far exceeded that of his legitimate daughters. His remains were de- 
 posited in the chancel of the church at Hursley. 
 And there dwelt a man in the northern part of the island — whose name was Monk.'] A 
 very artful and politic character. In bringing about the restoration of the King, he 
 displayed the most consummate hypocrisy, selfishness, and cunning. The parties 
 concerned in the restoration stipulated only for themselves, nothing for the rights and 
 liberties of the people. In a word, the kingdom was sold to the Stuarts for grants, 
 pensions, and titles. George Monk and Sir John Greenville being the chief chapmen. 
 According to thi^ bargain, Monk was to be created Duke of Albemarle, and receive 
 an estate of inheritance of ^7000 a year. Sir John Greenville was to be made Earl 
 of Bath, have all his debts and those of his father paid, and receive an estate of at 
 least ,£3001) per annum.* 
 The lurking propensities of Monk towards the exiled family, did not escape the 
 penetrating eye of Cromwell. In the postscript to a letter addressed to Monk him- 
 self, a little before the Protector's death, are these remarkable words: " There be 
 thrtt tell me that there be a certain cunning fellow in Scotland, called George Monk, 
 who is said to be in wait there to introduce Charles Stuart ; I pray you use your dili- 
 • Biographia Britannica, vol. iv. p. 2332.
 Mellaril Cromwell. 
 tailed Scotland, whose name was Monk: moreover he was the go- 
 vernor thereof, and a great warrior. 
 Now this man, taking advantage of the public distractions, assem- 
 bled an army and marched to Loudon, declaring for a restoration of 
 the king. 
 And the people were terrified at his presence, or perad venture 
 they were wear) with perpetual changes and commotions; wherefore 
 they agreed to hi-> proposals, and sent messengers unto the king, who 
 was then in Holland, desiring his return. 
 And it came to pass on the 29th day of the fifth month, which is 
 called May, that the king was conducted in great state to his palace 
 at Whitehall, ami all the people shouted, saving, Long live the King. 
 ^i nee to apprehend him and send him up to me." — Biog. Brit. art. Monk. By the 
 places and grants conferred on General Monk, he was enabled to amass the enormous 
 sum of J_ 100,000 within eight years after the restoration, 'the family, thuugh 
 ancient, had fallen into poverty and obscurity. B\ the return of the Stuarts it be- 
 came the most powerful in the kingdom. Monk died possessed of an estate worth 
 .,/ i.">,000 per annum, besides ;£60,OQO personal] which he left to Ins only son Chris- 
 topher, then a minor, and with whom the family became extinct. 
 His memory has been charged with three flagrant offences : first, occasioning the 
 death of the Duke of Argyle, by betraying private correspondence; secondly, propo- 
 sing the King's marriage with Catharine of Portugal; thirdly, of not only consenting 
 to, hut advising the sale of Dunkirk. 
 And it came to pass on the 29th dai) — allied May.'] Charles was thirty years of age 
 when be was restored to the throne. He possessed a rigorous constitution, a fine 
 shape, manly figure, and graceful air. The most extravagant joy appears to have 
 pervaded the country on the occasion. Several persons, especially a poor mathema- 
 tician, named Ought red, died through excess of joy, and several women miscarried. 
 The Commons were as mad as the cation : they voted b&O pounds to buy a jewel tin- 
 Sir John Greenville, who brought the lirst message from the King: a present of 
 ,£50,000 was bestowed on Charles; i 10,000 on the Duke of York, ^5000 pounds 
 on the Duke of Gloucester, and so on. 
 Having arrived at the era of the restoration, wo shall select the most remarkable 
 facts in the history of the manners, finances, arts, and sciences of this period. 
 Hume observes, that no people could undergo a more sud ien and entire change in 
 character than did the English nation about this time. From tranquillity, submission, 
 and sobriety, they passed almost in an instant to a state of faction, fanaticism, rebel- 
 lion, and almost frenzy. Between the two great factions, the loyalists and parliamen- 
 tarians, there subsisted the most irreconcileable hostility, heightened by the two 
 great sources of animosity, religion and politics. No social intercourse was main- 
 tained between the parties; no marriages or alliances contracted.. Their manners 
 were as opposite as those of two distant nations. Your friends the cavaliers, said a 
 parliamentarian to a royalist, arc very dissolute ami debauched. True, replied the
 Richard Cromwell. 
 royalist, they have the infirmities of men ; but your friends, the Roundheads, have the 
 vices of devils — tyranny, rebellion, and spiritual pride. 
 It is certain the gloomy enthusiasm of the parliamentarians carried them to the 
 most ridiculous austerities All recreations were in a manner suspended by their 
 severities: horse-races, bear-baitings, and cock-matches, were prohibited as the 
 greatest enormities The sport, not ihe inhumanity, gave offence. All holidays were 
 abolished, and amusements on the Sabbath severely prohibited ; so that no time was 
 left (or relaxation and diversion. Upon application, however, of the servants and 
 apprentice's, parliament appointed the second Tuesday in every month for play and 
 recreation. But these institutions were found difficult to execute, and the people 
 were resolved to be merry when they pleased, not when the parliament should pre- 
 scribe it to them. The keeping of the Christinas holidays was long a great mark of 
 ungodliness, and severely censured by the. Commons Even pies, which custom had 
 made, a Christmas dish, were regarded as a profane and superstitious viand by the 
 puritans; though at other times it agreed very well with their stomachs. Maypoles 
 were abolished as an heathenish vanity. But what was still more horrible, during the 
 reign of the saints, fornication for the second offence was made a felony, without 
 benefit of clergy. We never heard of such a monstrous enactment, in any age or 
 nation. It is hardly necessary to remark, that hypocrisy was never so prevalent in 
 England as in this period. This must invariably be the case, when a foolish and un- 
 philosophical effort is made lo introduce a system of manners, (erroneously termed 
 virtue,) beyond what is compatible with human nature and the real happiness of 
 Among the enthusiasts who sprung up at this period, we must mention the origin of 
 the Quakers. George Fox, born at Drayton, in Lancashire, in 1624, was the 
 founder of this sect. He was the son of a weaver, and was himself bound apprentice 
 to a shoemaker. Feeling a stronger impulse towards spiritual contemplation than, to 
 last and leather, he deserted bis master, and strolled about the country, clothed in a 
 leathern doublet. He frequently wandered into the woods, and passed whole days in 
 hollow trees, without company, or any other amusement than his Bible. Filled with 
 the holy spirit, as he imagined, that guided the apostles and prophets, he sallied forth 
 and began to make proselytes. All men's minds were now turned toward religion, 
 and as, li':e fashions, the most extravagant was sure to be the most popular, George 
 soon obtained followers. All the forms of ceremony invented by pride and ostenta- 
 tion, Fox and his disciples, from a superior pride and ostentation, carefully rejected : 
 even the ordinary rites of civility were shunned as the nourishment of carnal vanity 
 and self-conceit. They would bestow no titles of distinction; the name of friend was 
 the only salutation with which they indiscriminately accosted every one. To no per- 
 son would they make a bow, or move their hat, or give any sign of reverence. In- 
 stead of the fashionable mode of addressing one as many, they returned to the sim- 
 plicity of ancient tongues ; and thou and thee were the only expressions they would on 
 any account employ. 
 Drcts was considered of immense importance by these coxcomb enthusiasts. Every 
 superfluity and ornament was carefully retrenched. No plaits to their coat, no but- 
 tons to their sleeves, no lace, no mffles, no embroidery. Even a button to the hat, 
 though sometimes useful, yet not being always so, was rejected with horror. All 
 rites, forms, orders, and ceremonies were considc red abominations. Even the sabbath 
 they considered a profane institution. The holiness of churches they derided, calling 
 them shops or tUrplc hout.es. No prii sis we;c admitted into their seels: every one had 
 received from immediate illumination a character superior to the sacerdotal. When 
 they met for divine worship, each rose up in his place and delivered the extemporary 
 inspirations of the spirit. Women were aflso admitted lo teach the. brethren, and were 
 Considered chosen vessels to convey the emanations of the Holy Ghost. Sometimes a 
 great many preachers were moved to speak at once; sometimes a total silence pre- 
 vailed in their congregation.
 l!i< hard Cromwell. 
 Some Quakers attempted to feet forty days in imitation of Christ in llic wilderness, 
 and one of them brave I v perished in the experiment. A female Quaker came naked 
 into the church where Oliver sat; being moved by the spirit, as the said, toeppeai 
 ns a sign io the people. A number of them fancied that the renovation of all thingt 
 liait coromencedj and that clothes, with other vujk rfluities, were to be rejected. 
 Jams N n i. on, a quaker, noted lor blasphemy, or rather madness, made a greai 
 noise at the time of the Protectorship. He fancied that he himself was transformed 
 into Christ, and was become the real saviour of the world; and, in consequent 
 this frenzy, attempted to imitate many ol the miracles related in the evangelists. As 
 he bore a resemblance to the common pictures ol Jesus, he allowed his beard to grow 
 in like form. He raited s person from Ike (lend; — at least Dorcas Earbcrry made oath 
 before a magistrate, thai she had been dead two days, and Nav lor brought her to lite.* 
 He was ministered unto by wtoraen. He entered Bristol mounted on a horse, asse* 
 being then scarce, though now plentiful in thai city. His disciples spread their gar- 
 ni its before him, and cried, //<>.< ■mnnh to the highe$t, holy, holy is the Lord God o) 
 Sabbaoth. When earned before the magistrates* he would give no other answer to all 
 questions than 7/ien hast said it. 
 What is remarkable, parliament sat ten days deliberating how they might dispose 
 of this fellow. They condemned him to be pilloried, whipped, burned in the face. 
 lid have his tongue bored through with a red hot iron. All these severities he bore 
 rith patience : so far his delusion supported him. But the sequel spoiled all. He 
 was sent to Bridewell, confined to hard labour, fed on bread and water, and debarred 
 from all Ins disciples, male and female. His illusion dissipated, and after some time 
 he was content to come out an ordinary man, and returned quietly to his trade. Manv 
 -if the Quakers were whipped, pilloried, and otherwise cruelly treated. Foolish 
 punishments! instead oi solitary confinement, like Naylor's; the best treatment of 
 religious distemper when it becomes a public nuisance. 
 The whole revenue of the public, during the Protectorship of Richard, was esti- 
 mated at _^ 1,868,719. His annual expenses at .£2,201,540. Sequestrations, com- 
 positions, sales of church and crown lands, and of the lands of delinquents, yielded 
 considerable sums during the commonwealth Church lands are said to have been 
 sold for abovv a million. 1 he resources of the country were never so conspicuous as 
 during the republican government. At the time of the battle of Worcester, the par- 
 liament had on foot about 80,000 men, partly militia, partly regular forces. Charles 
 the First was never able to raise more than a revenue of ,£900,000, and of this sum 
 „£200,000 was illegally obtained. A striking contrast of the resources of a govern- 
 ment supported or opposed by the people. 
 Commerce increased greatly about this time. The trade to the East Indies and 
 Guinea became considerable. The English possessed almost the exclusive trade to 
 Spain. Twenty thousand cloths were annually sent to Turkey. From religious 
 persecution the colonies in America rapidly augmented. The puritans fled to New 
 England, to avoid the restraints imposed upon them by Laud and the church party. 
 For a like reason the Catholic*, finding themselves exposed to many hardships, and 
 dreading still worse treatment, went over and settled the colony of Maryland. 
 The first mention of tea, coffee, and chocolate, is about 1660. Asparagus, arti- 
 chokes, cauliflowers, and a variety of salads, were about the same time introduced 
 into England. t 
 A volume might be written upon the progress of the literature and science of this pe- 
 riod. Cromwell, ihoughofno great attainments himself, was a friend to literary merit. 
 Usher, notwithstanding bis being a bishop, received a pension from him Milton am: 
 Marvel were in his service. Waller, who was his relation, was caressed bv him. He 
 cave u bundled pounds a-year to the divinity professor at Oxford ; and he intended to 
 have erected a college, at Durham, for the benefit of the noithem counties. Anion; 
 • Hume"s Hist. vol. vii. p. 336. t Ibid. p. 340. 

 Charles the Second. 
 other men of genius who flourished, we may add Hervey, famous for the discovery of 
 tin- circulation of the blood. Harrington, author of the Oceana, an imaginary republic, 
 justly admired as a work of genius and invention. Clarendon and Burnet were the 
 principal historians, and Ilobbcs the principal philosopher. 
 Now as many enormous crimes had been committed by men of all 
 degrees, insomuch that it was apprehended great numbers, not 
 thinking themselves safe, would depart out of the laud ; the first 
 thing that the King set himself to do was to publish an act of in- 
 Howbeit, he excepted out of it forty and nine persons, who had 
 been principally concerned in the murder of his lather. Neverthe- 
 less, only ten of them were executed. 
 And the King repealed all laws that had been made in favour of a 
 popular government ; moreover he restored the ancient discipline of 
 the church, and replaced the bishops in their former dignity and 
 Howbeit — only ten of them were executed.'] These all behaved with the greatest 
 firmness on their trial and execution. General Harrison affirmed that he acted in 
 obedience to the Holy Spirit, whose direction in this important transaction he said had 
 been the object of his devout and anxious supplication. Scott, who was an inflexible 
 republican, had said in the House of Commons, a little before the restoration, that he 
 desired no other epitaph to be inscribed on his tomb-stone than this : Here lies Thomas 
 Scott, who adjudged the King to death. He supported the same spirit on his trial. 
 Axtel, who had guarded the High Court of Justice ; Hacker, who commanded on 
 the day of the King's execution ; Coke, the solicitor for the people of England; were 
 tried and condemned, and suffered with the king's judges. All these met their death 
 with the most undaunted firmness, and though treated with many indignities, showed 
 not the least contrition for bringing a criminal to justice, who had attempted to subvert 
 the constitution, whose multiplied falsehoods and hypocrisy had shown hiin not only 
 unworthy of a throne, but even the smallest confidence. 
 And the King — replaced the bishops in their former dignity.] Nine bishops still fe- 
 mained alive, and were immediately restored to their sees. All the ejected clergy 
 were restored to their livings, and the Liturgy again adopted into the church service. 
 Still further to secure the church party, the Corporation Act, and the Act of Uni- 
 formity passed. The Corporation Act, besides expelling all those magistrates who 
 were attached to the protectoral government, ordered that all magistrates should
 Charles the Second. 
 About this time an insurrection happened in London, set on foot 
 by a small remnant of enthusiasts, not more than fifty, in order to 
 destroy all the monarchies of the earth. 
 These mad religionists were called fifth monarchy men, who by 
 reading the prophecies of Daniel, and the revelations of John, had 
 persuaded themselves that the time of our Saviour's visible reign on 
 earth was come ; and therefore it was their duty to take up arms for 
 King Jesus against the powers of the world, and that no weapon 
 formed against them should prosper, but that one should chase a 
 thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight. 
 In confidence of this prophecy being fulfilled, they declared that 
 they would rise up against the carnal, and possess the gate of the 
 world; that they would never sheath the sword till Babylon (as they 
 called monarchy) should become a hissing and a curse, and there 
 were left neither remnant, son nor nephew : And that when they had 
 led captivity captive in England, they would then go into France, 
 Spain, and Germany, and bind their kings in chains, and their 
 nobles in fetters of iron. 
 Howbeit these miserable men were deluded, being cut off in the 
 declare their belief, that it was not lawful, on any pretence whatever, to resist the 
 King and take up arms against his authority. By the Bill of Uniformity, it was re- 
 quired that every clergyman should be re-ordained, if he had not before received 
 episcopal ordination ; should declare his assent to every thing contained in the book of 
 common prayer; and should renounce the principle of taking arms against the King, 
 on anv pretence whatever. An admirable comment ou these doctrines was exhibited 
 in the" following reign. Rather than subscribe to the act of Uniformity, 2000 of the 
 clergy relinquished their livings, and thus exhibited a noble example of disinterestedness 
 by sacrificing their interests to their religious principles. 
 Howbeit these miserable men were deluded.] This small band of madmen were sub- 
 dued with the greatest difficulty. Venner, their preacher, a furious zealot, having 
 inflamed his own imagination and that of his followers, issued forth at their head into 
 the city. They were completely armed, believed themselves invincible, and ex- 
 pected the same success which had attended Gideon and other heroes in the Old Tes- 
 tament. They went triumphantly from street to street, every where proclaiming King 
 Jesus, who they said was their invisible leader. At length the magistrates having 
 assembled some train bands, made an attack upon them. They defended themselves 
 with skill as well as valour; and after killing many of the assailants, made a regu- 
 lar retreat into Caenwood, near Hampstead. Next morning they were chased thence 
 by a detachment of the guards; but they returned again to invade the city, which 
 wfii unprepared to receive th«m After traversing almost every street, and committing
 Charles the Second. 
 citv by the edge of the sword, even by the train-bands of the city 
 were they destroyed. 
 Now it came to pass that Charles gave a loose to his appetites, and 
 indulged himself in all manner of delights ; and he sent forth his 
 pimps and his nobles throughout all the land to search for the most 
 beautiful women that could be found. 
 And they ministered unto the King according to his wishes : One 
 brought him eyes that melted with a dying softness; another lips that 
 seemed to say come kiss me ; this brought him snowy breasts whose 
 heaving softness swelled with love, and that a shape whose wanton 
 motions seemed to promise bliss luxuriant. 
 Now the King was pleased therewith, and he was enamoured of 
 them all ; and he put forth Ids scepter unto them, and the land was 
 filled with royal bastards. 
 Moreover the nation taking example from the court, ran headlong 
 into all manner of licentiousness and immorality. And having seen 
 in the former reign all kinds of wickedness committed under the 
 oreat disorder, they retired to a house which they resolved to defend to the last ex- 
 tremity. Being surrounded, and the house untiled, they were fired upon from every 
 side, and still refused quarter. The people rushed in upon them, and seized the 
 few who were alive. These were tried and executed, and to the last persisted in 
 affirming, that if they were deceived, it was the Lord who had deceived them. 
 Now the King was pleased — put forth his sceptre — and the Ljnd was Jilkd with royat 
 bastards.] " At this time," says Burnet, " the court fell into much extravagance ii : 
 masquerading; both King and Queen went about masked, and came into houses un- 
 known, and danced there with a great deal of frolic. In all this they were so dis- 
 guised that none could distinguish them." — Hist, of his Own Time, vol. i. p. 368. 
 The licentiousness of the court exceeded any thing before known in the English 
 history. Immense sums of the public money were lavished on the King's mistresses; 
 public affairs were generally transacted at their apartments, and it was through their 
 influence that the royal favour was usually purchased. Charles conferred on several 
 of his mistresses the rank of Duchess. There remain no fewer than four members of 
 the English peerage — namely, the Dukes of St. Albans, Queensberry, Grafton, and 
 Richmond, the produce of his amours Among the most celebrated of his mistresses we 
 may mention the following : — Mrs. Palmer, afterwards Duchess of Cleveland, who long 
 exercised an unbounded influence over the amorous monarch ; La Qnerouaille, a French 
 woman, created Duchess of Portsmouth, was sent over by Louis XIV. first to enslave 
 the King by her charms, and then rule him conformably to the views of that ambitious 
 sovereign ; Davies and Nell Gwyn were actresses : the latter, according to Burnet, 
 was the wildest and indiscreetest of all his favourites, and to whom Charles remained 
 attached to the la't.
 r •> 
 Churl, i //ie Second. 
 mask of piety, the least Appearance thereof was _ now thought 
 All the wit of the nation was turned to the ridicule of religion and 
 morality. The stage became a school of debam lui v ; and even the 
 pulpit, fearing to be too grave for the times, abounded with wit: 
 And whereas before, they used to seek the Lord and implore his 
 direction even in the most trifling affairs, it was now deemed almost 
 superstitious to believe in him. 
 Howbeit the religion of the King, says a noble author, was, thai 
 which is vulgarly, though unjustly, called none at all, namely 
 But the anger of the Lord was kindled against the King and against 
 Howbeit llic religion of the King, says a noble author, was — none at all — Deism.] 
 The Duke of Buckingham says, Charles was a deist. But his mind appears to ba\e 
 been unsettled on the subject ; during youth, good health, and spirits, lie professed a 
 disbelief in Revelation, but in his last illness he took the sacrament according to the 
 Catholic church: hence it might be inferred he belonged to that persuasion. 
 BiU the anger of the Lord was kindled — a dreadful pestilence.] 'I de plague broke out 
 in the beginning of May, 1665. The week in which it was first discovered, it carried 
 off nine persons, and spread an universal dread through every rank in the metropolis • 
 but in the week alter, the sufferers being reduced to three, the fears of the citizens 
 abated. In succeeding weeks, however, the number progressively increased, and i.i 
 time the deaths were not less than 470 a week. The nobility, gentry, and principal 
 citizens now fled with precipitation, and in July the number increasing to '2010, the 
 generality of the houses were shut up, the streets deserted, and scarcely any thin'' to 
 be seui in them but fires to purify the air; coffins, carts for the dead, doors marked 
 with red crosses, and the inscription of Lord have mercy upon us! and J it tie heard but 
 the voice of lamentation, the groans of the dying, the tolling of bells for those ihat 
 were ready for the grave, and the dismal call of Bring out your dead ! In September, 
 the number of dead amounted, in one week, to 6988 ; in the next week it decreased 
 by nearly 400, b»t again rising to 7165, the survivors began to apprehend that the 
 living would not be sufficient to bury tiie dead; in tiiis however they were happily 
 mistaken; the contagion gradually diminished; having swept away, according loan 
 account collected from the bills of mortality, 68,596 persons. 
 The infection was supposed to have been imported from Holland, where the pla"ue 
 had made great ravages the year before; and unfortunately it was brought over at a 
 time when the state of the atmosphere was peculiarly favourable to its prolongation. 
 During its continuance there was a general calmness and serenity of weather ; the wind 
 scarcely moved the weather-cocks for many weeks, and there was no rain. 
 The plague had scarcely ceased, or those who had fled returned to their habita- 
 tions, »hcn the city was visited by another calamity, still more summary in its ravages. 
 This was the Fire of London, which broke out on Sunday, Septembers, 1666. This 
 terrible conflagration began about one in the morning, in Pudding-lane, near >,ew 
 Fish-street; which being in a quarter of the town closely built with wooden piicueJ 
 houses, spread itself so far before day-light, that it became too powerful to be in is- 
 Charles the Second. 
 the people of England, and lie smote the land with a dreadful pesti- 
 lence, insomuch that there died in one year upwards of sixty and 
 seven thousand persons : moreover in the following year a terrible 
 fire fell on the city of London, which in four days consumed the 
 greatest part thereof. 
 Nevertheless these judgements made no impression on the spirit 
 of Charles, who abandoned himself to his pleasures, and was carried 
 awaY so violently by his lusts, that his whole time and his treasures 
 were spent amongst harlots; and all matters relating to the govern- 
 ment of his kingdoms were left unto the management of his brother 
 the duke of York. 
 And Charles was guided by his brother in all things, insomuch 
 that the people murmured greatly. Wherefore Killigrew the jester 
 reported unto the courtiers, saying, The king is very ill, and hath 
 got a sore nose. 
 Then went the courtiers in unto the king and condoled with him, 
 saying, We are sorry to hear your majesty hath got a sore nose. 
 Whereat the king marvelled greatly, asking who told them so ? And 
 they answered and said, Killigrew told us. 
 tcred by any engines or other means of extinction. A violent easterly wind spread the 
 flames up Gracechurch-street, and downwards from Cannon-street to the water-side. 
 It raged in a bright flame all Monday and Tuesday ; but on the evening of the latter 
 day, the fire meeting with brick buildings at the Temple, it was observed to abate its 
 fury ; and by blowing up the houses in other paMs of the town, and thus cutting off 
 the communication, ii was subdued and wholly extinguished, on Thursday, the 6th of 
 Notwithstanding the extent of this conflagration, only six persons perished ; but the 
 destruction of churches, halls of companies, and other public buildings, and the 
 houses of the inhabitants was immense. More than 400 streets and 13,000 houses 
 were burned down. The property of all kinds destroyed by the fire was estimated at 
 „£?, 385,000. Dreadful as this calamity was, at the time, to the inhabitants, it was 
 productive of consequences which made ample amends for the losses sustained by 
 individuals. Before the tire the streets were narrow, built chiefly of wood, and leaving 
 little room for a free circulation of air, the metropolis was unhealthy, generally visited 
 by the plague twice or thrice every century ; a calamity which ceased after the lire. 
 And Charles — wherefore Killigrew — hath got a sore nose.] This is Tom Killigrew, 
 son of Sir Robert Killigrew, of facetious memory. He was page to Charles T. and 
 groom to Charles II. He wrote eleven plays, which were printed in a folio volume. 
 He was twice married, and died in 1682, and was buried in Westminster-Abbey. 
 He was a man of great wit, and in his company Charles spent many a vacant hour. 
 There is little of the wit for which Killigrew was celebrated in conversation, to be 
 found in his writings, M'hich are remarkably dull.
 Charles the Strond. 
 Then the king sent messengers unto Kilii«re\v, commanding him 
 to come before him: and when he was come, the king said unto 
 him, Why >>aidst thou, Killigrew, that I had got a sore nose? 
 And Killigrew answered and said, I concluded it must he sore, be- 
 cause youj majesty hath been led so long by it. 
 Howbeit the king liked not the jest ; moreover he reproved his 
 jester very severely. And (whether it was thought that majesty was 
 too serious a joke to be laughed at, lest peradventure it should be 
 made ridiculous ; or that it was of too dangerous example, as it 
 might sometimes set the whole nation a laughing at the king's 
 expense; but) from that day no jester hath been kept in the king's 
 court, only plain and solemn fools. 
 Now the rest of the acts of king Charles the second, and his wit, 
 ami his gallantries, and all his intrigues, behold thou mayest find 
 them in bawdy novels unto this day. 
 And Charles slept with his fathers, after he had reigned over 
 And Charles slept with hit fathers.] The death of the king was attended with so 
 many singular circumstances it may he proper to mention the most remarkable. All 
 this winter, says Burnet, the kins looked better than he had done for many years. 
 He had a humour in his leg, which looked like, the beginning of the gout ; so that 
 for some weeks he could not walk, as he used to do generally, three or four hours 
 in the park ; which he did commonly so fast, lliul while it alforded a real exeieise to 
 himself, it was with some dilliculty his attendants could keep up with him. In the 
 state the king was in, not being able to walk, he spent much lime in his laboratory, 
 and was running a process for the fixing of mercury. On the 1st of February, being 
 Sunday, he eat little all day, and came to Lady Portsmouth, his favourite mistress, 
 at night, and called for a porringer of meat. Being made too strong for his stomach, 
 he eat little, and had a restless night. In the morning his physician, Dr. King, came 
 to wait upon him, but his discourse was so incoherent, that he could not understand 
 what he meant. The doctor cor.cluded he was under some great disorder of either 
 body or mind ; and being alearmd went out, and meeting with Lord Peterborough, 
 told him the king was in a strange humour, for he did not speak a word of sense. 
 Lord Peterborough desired he wouM go in again to the bed-chamber, and lit did ; 
 and he was scarce come in when the, king, who seemed all the while in great confu- 
 sion, fell down in a fit like an apoplexy, he looked black, an I his eyes turned in his 
 head. He was immediately let blood, which brought him out of that tit, but .ip 
 prehending another , he was looked upon as a dead man. 
 Here commenced the ridiculous farce among the religionists to effect the conversion 
 of the profligate. Being evidently in the agonies of death, or at least in a state of 
 stupor, it might have been thought his conversion under such circumstauces was not 
 of much value to either sect; but the bishops and priests thought otherwise. Tbe 
 bishop of London first essayed his powers on the dying prodigal. The worthy prelate
 Charles the Second. 
 England from the time of his restoration twenty and four years, 
 eight months and nine days, and James his brother reigned in his 
 enjoined him (o picpare for whatever might be before him; to which the king made 
 no rcplv. This was imputed to the bishop's cool way of speaking, and the ill opinion 
 they had of him at court. Sancroft made a very weighty exhortation, in which he 
 used a good deal of freedom, saying it was necessary, since the king was going to be 
 judged bv one who was no respecter of persons. To him the king made no answer 
 neither ; nor yet to Ken, though the most in favour with him of all the bishops. The 
 reverend prelates were very much perplexed, attributed his silence to insensibility ; 
 especially since Lady Portsmouth sat in the bed, taking care of him as a wife of a 
 husband. The real cause, however, was soon discovered ; for it appeared that the 
 king had determined to die a papist, though he had lived all his life either in the 
 profession of deism, or the protestanc faith. 
 On Thursday the king had another fit ; and the physicians told the Duke of York, 
 his brother and successor, that his majesty was not likely to live another day. On 
 this the duke ordered Huddleston, the priest that had mainly contributed to the 
 saving of Charles at Worcester, to be brought to the lodgings under the bed-charaber. 
 When Huddleston was told what was to be done, he was in great confusion, for he 
 had not brought the host. He went however to another priest who lived in the 
 court, who gave him the pix with an host in it. Every thing being prepared, the 
 duke whispered the king in the ear; upon that the king ordered that all who were in 
 the bed-chamber should withdraw, except the earls of Bath and Feversham ; and the 
 door was double-locked.* The company was kept out half an hour; only Lord 
 Feversham opened the door once, and called for a glass of water. Cardinal Howard 
 told Bishop Burnet, that, in the absence of the company, Huddleston, according to 
 the account he sent to Rome, made the king go through some acts of contrition ; and 
 alter obtaining such a confession as he was then able to give, he gave him absolution. 
 The consecrated wafer, made of paste, according to the belief of protestants, but a 
 part of the body of Christ according to the persuasion of every good catholic, stuck 
 in the king's throat, and that was the reason of calling for a glass of water. Charles 
 told Huddleston that he had saved him twice, first his body then his soul. Burnet 
 thinks the whole ceremony was performed very superficially. However this may be, 
 when the company were admitted, they found the king had undergone a marvellous 
 alteration ; and the bishops, knowing the infamous life he had led, were quite amazed 
 to observe the calmness and constancy with which he waited for death. 
 The papists having finished their part, another course of experiments was attempted 
 by the protestant bishops. Ken applied himself vigorously to the awaking the king's 
 conscience. He spoke with great elevation both of thought and expression, like a man 
 inspired. He resumed the matter often, and pronounced many short ejaculations 
 and prayers, which affected all present, except the party most concerned, who 
 seemed to take no notice of him, and leturned no answer. He pressed the king six 
 or seven times to receive, the sacrament. But the king always declined it, saying he 
 was very weak. A table with the elements upon it, ready to be consecrated, was 
 brought into the room; and Ken earnestly pressed the king to declare that he desired 
 it, and that he died in the communion of the Church of England. To that he an- 
 swered nothing. Kon asked him if he desired absolution of his sins. Charles thought 
 at any rate this could do him no harm ; so Ken pronounced it over him, for which 
 * Burnet's History of his Own Time, vol. ii. p. 282.
 Charles the Second. 
 be was blamed, since the king expresM ■! no tense of sorrow for liis paat lite, nor any 
 purpose o( amendment. Ken was ul>o cenMHed for another piece of effrontery : lie- 
 presented the Duke of Richmond, Lady Portsmouth's bastard, to he blewH by the 
 dying king. Upon this some that were in the room cried out that tin- king «as their 
 common father. And upon that all knelt down for bis Messing, which be gave them. 
 The king suffered much inwardly, and said he was hnrnt up within; of which he 
 complained often, but with great decency- He said once that he hoped he should 
 climb op to heaven's gates, which was the only word savouring of idigion that bo 
 We now come to the closing scene which is very characteristic, and which we shall 
 transcribe entire from Burnet : 
 " He gathered all his strength to speak his last words to the duke, to which every 
 one hearkened with the greatest attention. He expressed his kindness to him, and that 
 he now delivered all over to him with great joy. He recommended Lady Portsmouth 
 over and over again to him. He said he had always loved her, and he loved her 
 now to the last; and besought the duke in as melting words as he could fetch out, 
 to be very kind to her and to her son. He recommended his other children to him ; 
 and concluded, let not poor Nelly starve ; that was Mrs. Gwyn. But he said iiothing 
 of' the queen, nor any one word of liis people, nor of' his servants : nor did he speak one 
 word of religion, or concerning the payment of his debts, though he left behind him about 
 90,000 guineas, which he had gathered either out ot the privy purse, or out of money 
 sent him from France, or by other methods, and which he kept so secretly that no 
 person whatsoever knew any thing of it." — Burnet's History of his Own Time, vol. ii. 
 p. '284. 
 Charles lingered till Friday, 6th of February, 1685, when he expired, in the fifty- 
 fourth year of his age. His death has been ascribed to poison ; but there appears no 
 evidence sufficient to warrant such a supposition. The narrative we have given of his 
 last illness affords a curious specimen of the officiousness of priests, and of the 
 hardened profligacy of the king. 
 As a man and a prince, there are few characters more detestable than Charles II. 
 Weakness, levity, folly, indolence, profligacy, and wickedness in almost every shape 
 were the distinguishing features of his character. These qualities were exemplified 
 throughout his whole reign, and even before his reign commenced. During his exile 
 he delivered himself so intirely to his pleasures that he became wholly incapable of 
 application. He s, cut little of his time in reading and study, and still less in think- 
 ing. So indifferent was he to his situation, that it is said, that had Comwell offered 
 him a <jood round pension, he would have readily resigned to him his title to the 
 crown. On all occasions he was accustomed to say, without any regard to truth, 
 what he thought would be most acceptable, so that his words and promises flowed 
 \rry freely, and in the end no one had the least confidence in his professions. He 
 entertained a most infamous opinion of mankind; believing that people in all their 
 actions are actuated solely by self-interest ; hence lie never manifested any gratitude 
 towards those who had assisted him in his adversity ; and his favours were as readily 
 conferred on the enemies of his family as those who had shed their blood in its de- 
 fence. During the more active part of his life he was so completely given up tc< 
 sloth and lewdness that he scarcely took any part in public affairs, and they were left 
 intirely to the management of his brother and ministers. Though he was anxious to 
 become absolute and overturn both the religion and liberties of the people ; yet he 
 was so mean and selfish in his nature, that he was too cowardly to run the risk, and too 
 indolent to take the trouble so great an undertaking required. He had an appearance 
 of gentleness in his outward deportment ; but his heart was void of humanity, and 
 in the end of his reign he became cruel. Merciful from indifference or caprice, he 
 sometimes pardoned the most enormous crimes, even blood itself; but after the Act 
 of Indemnity, a measure originating more in poKc\ than humanity, he never for.. i<^
 Charles the Second. 
 any offence which menaced his own personal safety. In his hating of business and 
 his love of pleasure ; his raising of favourites and trusting theru intirely ; his pulling 
 them down and hating them excessively ; his art of covering the deepest designs, 
 especially revenge, with an appearance of gentleness and affability ; he strongly re- 
 sembled the Roman Emperor Tiberius; but if their \ices were equal, the Roman 
 tyrant far surpassed Charles in ability, wisdom, foresight, and industry. 
 If there were any quality in Charles entitled to the name of virtue, it was his 
 manners. He is described as the best bred man of his age. "He loved," says 
 Burnet, " to talk over all the stories of his life to every new man that came about him. 
 His stay in Scotland, and the shave he had in the war of Paris, in carrying messages 
 from one side to the other, were his common topics. He went over these in a very 
 graceful manner, but so often and copiously, that all those who had been long accus- 
 tomed to them grew weary of them ; and when he entered on these stories they 
 usually withdrew, so that he often began them in a full audience, and before he had 
 done, there were not above four or five left about him, which drew a severe jest from 
 Wilmot, Earl of Rochester : he said he wondered to see a man have so good a 
 memory as to repeal the same story without losing the least circumstance, and yet 
 not remember that he had told it to the same persons the day before." — History of his 
 Own Time, vol. ii. p. 289. 
 Lord John Russell endeavours to extenuate the dissolute manners of Charles. 
 " Charles II." he saj's, " in the station of a private gentleman would have been 
 universally liked. Few men had such captivating manners, and no man ever united 
 wit and good nature in society to a greater degree. He had a natural kindness of 
 temper which influenced his moral conduct, and prevented his becoming the op- 
 pressor of his queen when he could not be constant to her ; nor was his inclination 
 for women gratified with so much contempt of virtue as decency. His mistresses ap- 
 pear to have been ready to err, even though their tempter had not worn a crown. 
 No unsuspecting innocence was betrayed, no conjugal felicity ever destroyed, by his 
 amours. During the latter part of Ins life he lived with women rather to indulge in- 
 dolence than to gratify desire." — Life of William Lord Russell, p. 40, 8vo. Reresby 
 says, " If love prevailed with him more than any other passion, he had this for his 
 excuse, besides that his complexion was of an amorous sort, the women seemed to be 
 the aggressors; and I have since heard the king say, that they would sometimes offer 
 themselves to his embrace." 
 If what these writers state be true, no doubt it is some extenuation of his licentious- 
 ness. But it is possible that a love of the public money, which was lavished in im- 
 mense sums upon his mistresses, as well as a personal attachment might induce some 
 ladies to offer themselves to the embraces of the amorous monarch. It is certain, 
 however, that the example of Charles and his courtiers had a roost pernicious in- 
 fluence on the manners of the country. Under the patronage of the court, the stage 
 united the profligacy of the French with the coarseness of English manners. Nearly 
 all the actresses were in the keeping, many of them the wives of the nobility. The 
 king was forward to encourage by his example the most unbounded license in conver- 
 sation as well as conduct. The coarsest jests, and the most indecent words were 
 admitted among the higher classes, and even disgraced the literature of the day. But 
 it was not merely the venial offences of gallantry and dissipation of which the court 
 was charged, crimes still more atrocious appear to have been perpetrated with impu- 
 nity. Sir John Denham and Lord Chesterfield had both been accused of murdering 
 their wives by poison, and the latter is said to have added greater horror to his offence 
 by administering the fatal dose in the holy wine of the communion. The Duke of Buck- 
 ingham, one of the famous, or rather infamous, junto that formed the cabal was the 
 avowed lover of the Countess of Shrewsbury ; and it is said that she held his horse 
 in the dress of a page, whilst he fought with and killed her husband. Such are the 
 exploits which illustrate the gallantry and gaiety of this famous reign.* 
 * Life of Lord Russell, p. 46.
 Charles the Srovnd. 
 The external policy of the court was disgraceful and iniquitous beyond example' 
 All his life Charles was a pensioner on Louis XIV. Bttd instead ol supporting the 
 Dutch against the projects of that ambitious monarch, he ranged himvelt on the side 
 of their powerful enemy. By the memorable treaty at Versailles, iu 1670. a plan was 
 formed for the re-establishment of the Roman Catholic religion, and an absolute go- 
 vernment in England, and also for the dismemberment of the Dutch republic These 
 changes were to be effected by the money and troops of France. According to the 
 terms of this treaty, Charles was to receive ^200.000 a year, in quarterly payments, 
 to enable him to establMi the Catholic religion ; and m case of any insurrection, Louis 
 was to furnish him with an army of 6000 men. When this work was finished, Eng- 
 land was to join France in making war upon Holland. It is said, Charles wept for 
 joy when this scandalous treaty was concluded 
 We shall conclude our account of this prince, with relating two swindling transac- 
 tions in which he was implicated ; they are mentioned by Dr. Burnet, in his Inslory of 
 this period, and will show the meanness and injustice of which he was capable. A 
 gentleman of a noble family, being at a public supper with much company, some hot 
 words passed betwixt him and another gentleman, which raised a sudden quarrel : 
 only three persons engaged in it. Swords were drawn, and one was killed outright; 
 but it was not certain by whose hand he was i. illed, so thai both were indicted for it. 
 The proofs did not carry it beyond manslaughter, no proofs of any previous malice ap- 
 pearing. Yet the young gentleman was prevailed upon to confess the indictment, 
 and to let sentence pass upon him for murder; a pardon being promised him if he 
 should do so, and being threatened with the utmost penalty of the law if he stood 
 upon his defence. Alter the sentence had passed, it appeared upon what tlesigu he 
 had been practised upon. His family was rich, and not very well atfected to the 
 court ; so he was told he, must pay very well for his pardon ; and it cost him ^£16,000 ; 
 of which the King had one-half, the other half being divided betwixt two favourite 
 mistresses. The other anecdote to which we allude, was equally disgraceful to a king. 
 The Earl of Clancarty, in Ireland, when he died, had left his lady guardian of nil 
 children. It was one of the noblest and richest families iu Ireland, and had always 
 been papists. But the lady was a protestant ; and wishing to bring up her son in her 
 own persuasion, she brought him to Oxford, and put him under the care ot Fells, 
 Bishop of that diocese. Lord Clancarty had an uncle, Colonel Maccardy, who was 
 in most things, where his religion was not concerned, a man of honour. This uncle, 
 to pervert his nephew, and advance his own interest at court, got Charles to write to 
 the Bishop of Oxford, to let the young lord come up and see the diversions of the 
 town in Christmas time, to which the Bishop consented. When he came to town, 
 he was inveigled into matrimony with one of Lord Sunderland's daughters, and shortly 
 after turned papist. Thus did Charles become an instrument in the perpetration of a 
 great crime, by taking an infant out of the hands of his guardian and secretly marry- 
 ing him. 
 Now James was a worshipper of the church of Rome, he bowed 
 Now James was a worshipper of the church of Rome.'] This prince was, at least, su- 
 perior to his brother in the virtue of sincerity. Charles had lived in the open profrs-
 Jairws the Second. 
 the knee unto her idols, and went a whoring after all her abomina- 
 tions : her bowings, her washings, her sprinklings, her holy vestments, 
 her incense, her ointments, her absolutions, her masses, her crosses, 
 her idols, her miracles, her lies. 
 Moreover he was a zealous bigot to all the absurd and foolish 
 tenets, which the cunning of her priests have invented to delude the 
 ignorant and enslave the mighty. 
 Nevertheless, when he ascended the throne of England, he made a 
 speech to the people, declaring he would support the constitution 
 both in church and state, as it was by law established. 
 Howbeit he afterwards thought fit to act contrary to this declara- 
 sion of protestantism, while in his heart he was a catholic, but James, before his acces- 
 sion, avowed his attachment to the church of Rome ; and it was on this account a 
 strenuous effort was made by Lord Russell, Shaftesbury, Halifax, Sidney, and other 
 patriots, to cut otf the succession by the exclusion bill. It is related of this prince, 
 while Duke of York, that, on a voyage to Scotland, the vessel struck on a bank and 
 was lost. The Duke escaped in the barge ; and it is said, that while many persons of 
 rank and quality were drowned, and among the rest, Hyde, his brother-in-law, he was 
 very caretul to save several of his dogs and priests. It was likewise said, that the 
 barge might safely have held more persons, and that some who swam to the boat were 
 thrust off, and even their hands cut, in order to disengage them. This anecdote will 
 not appear improbable, when the countenance which James gave to the horrid 
 cruelties of Kirke and Jeffries, is remembered. 
 Nevertheless, when he ascended the throne — as by law estublished.~\ He told the privy 
 council, and also the parliament, of his determination to maintain the constitution 
 both in church and state. Though he had been reported, he said, to have imbibed 
 arbitrary principles, he knew that the laws were sufficient to make him as great a mo- 
 narch as he could wish, and he was determined never to depart from them. And as 
 he had heretofore ventured his life in the defence of the nation, he would still go as 
 ■far as any man in defence of its just rights and liberties. — Hume, vol. viii. p. 21.5. 
 This was all very fair ; and the King being considered a man of great honour and 
 sincerity, it was expected that his actions would be conformable to his professions. 
 " We have now," said the people, "the word of a king; and a word never yet 
 broken." Addresses came in from all parts, full of duty, some of the most servile 
 adulation. Even the Quakers approached the throne with an address of condolence 
 and congratulation. Their address was in the usual phraseology and affectation of 
 sincerity of that sect. It was as follows : " We are come to testily our sorrow for the 
 death of our good friend Charles, and our joy for thy being made our governor. We 
 are told thou art not of the persuasion of the church of England, no more than wej 
 wherefore we hope thou wilt grant us the same liberty which thou allowest thyself. 
 Which doing, we wish thee all manner of happiness." 
 Howbeit — wUh a mental reservation.] All the Stuarts practised mental reservation ; 
 that is, promised one thing and meant another. This was allowed by the Jesuits, and, 
 perhaps, by the papists generally. But James might allude to the maintenance of 
 the constitution us by law established. It is remarkable that this phraseology is now
 James the Second. 
 tion in every instance, peradventure lie made it with a mental reser- 
 vation for that very purpose. 
 And it came lo pass, that the Lord stirred up the. heart of the 
 Duke of Monmouth, and lie rebelled against brim, and entered the 
 more than a century old, and still kept up. It does not signify the maintenance of 
 the constitution, according to any legitimate principles, bui the strict observance of 
 every law, and the implicit obedience to every government, however unjust or tyran- 
 And it came to pass — the Duke of Monmouth,"] James, Duke of Monmouth, was 
 one of the many natural sons of Charles II. by Lucy Wa'ters, and born about ten 
 years before the restoration. He possessed all the qoalitu which could gain the 
 affections of the populace ; a distinguished valour, an affable address, a thoughtless 
 generosity, a graceful person. He lose still higher in public favour, by reason of the 
 universal hatred to « Inch James, on account of his religion, was opposed. Mon- 
 mouth's capacity was mean, his temper pliant: so that, notwithstanding his great po- 
 pularity, Ire had never been dangerous to the King, had he not implicitly resigned 
 himself to the guidance of Shaftesbury, a man of most restless temper, subtle wit, and 
 abandoned principles. That daring politician had flattered Monmouth with the hope 
 of succeeding to the crown. The story of a contract of marriage, passed between the 
 late King and Monmouth's mother, and secretly kept in a certain black bu\, had been 
 industriously spread abroad, and was greedily swallowed by the multitude. As the 
 horrors of popery pressed hard upon them, it was not improbable tint they should in- 
 cline to adopt that fiction, or to commit an open violation on the right of succession. 
 But Charles, before his death, in order to cut off all such expectations, as well as to 
 remove the apprehensions of James, took care in full councd to make a declaration of 
 Monmouth's illegitimacy, and to deny all promise of marriage with his mother. 
 Monmouth afterwards became an exile on the continent. But his hopes of the 
 succession were by no means destroyed. After the accession of James, in conjunc- 
 tion with the Earl of Argyle, he determined to make an effort to dispossess his rival 
 by force. He Ian led at Lime, in Dorsetshire, with scarcely a hundred followets ; yet 
 so popular was his name, that, in the space of four days, he had assembled above two 
 thousand horse and foot The Duke of Albemarle, son to General Monk, who had 
 restored the royal family, assembled the militia of Devonshire to the number of -1000 
 men, in order to oppose the insurgents ; but observing that his troops bore a great 
 affection to Monmouth, he thought proper to retire. Monmouth, theugli he had 
 given many proofs of personal courage, had not the promptitude and vigour of mind 
 necessary to this undertaking. From an ill-grounded diffidence in his men, he neg- 
 lected to attack Albemarle, an easy enterprise, by which he would have encouraged 
 his adherents, and have supplied himself with arms. Lord Gray, who commanded 
 his horse, discovered himself to be a notorious coward ; being sent out with a small 
 party, he saw a few of the militia, and ran away ; but his men stood firm, and the 
 militia ran from them; yet such was the easiness of Monmouth's temper, that he con- 
 tinued Gray in his command. He intended to join Fletcher, of Saltoun, a Scotchman, 
 a man of signal probity and fine genius, with him in the command. But an unfortu- 
 nate accident deprived him of the services of this intiepid republican, whose principles 
 had engaged him in the enterprise. He being sent out with another party, and not 
 yet being furnished with a horse, took the horse of one who had brought in a large 
 body of men from Taunton. The owner was not in the way to ask his leave, and 
 Fletcher thought that all things were to be in common among them, which could ad- 
 vance the service. After his return, the owner, t> rough ill-bred man, reproached him 
 James the Second. 
 land with an army; but lie was defeated and taken prisoner, and his 
 head was smitten off on Tower-Iiill. 
 in very injurious terms for taking his horse without leave. Fletcher bore this longer 
 than could be expected from one of his impetuous temper. But the other persisted in 
 his foul language, and offered a switch or cane; upon which he discharged his pistol 
 and shot him dead.* He went and gave the Duke an account of the affair, who saw 
 that it was impossible to keep him longer about him, without disgusting and losing the 
 affection of the country people, who were coming in a body to demand justice. So 
 he advised him to go aboard the ship, and sail on to Spain, whither she was bound. 
 The loss of so gallant an officer was a great prejudice to Monmouth's enterprise. 
 The insurgents next advanced to Taunton, which gladly received them, and made 
 a considerable addition to their numbers. Twenty young maids of some rank pre- 
 sented Monmouth with a pair of colours of their handy work, together with a copy of 
 the Bible. He here was persuaded to take upon himself the title of king, and assert 
 his legitimacy, a point which till then he had declined the discussion of. His num- 
 bers now had increased to six thousand ; and he was obliged every day, for want of 
 arms, to dismiss a gieat many who crowded to his standard. He entered Bridgewater, 
 Wells, and Fro me; and was proclaimed in all these places. But forgetting that such 
 enterprises can only succeed by the most adventurous courage, he allowed the expec- 
 tations of the people to languish, and although in possession of all the country for 
 more than a fortnight, he attempted nothing considerable. 
 While Monmouth was wasting his time in the west, the king was making vigorous 
 preparations to oppose him. Six regiments of British troops were called over from 
 Holland ; the army was considerably augmented ; and regular forces, to the number 
 of 3000, were despatched, under the command of Feversham and Churchill, to check 
 the progress of the rebels. 
 Monmouth observing that no considerable men joined him, finding that an insur- 
 rection which was projected in the city had not taken place, and hearing that Argyle 
 his confederate was already defeated and taken ; sunk into such despondency, that he 
 at once resolved to withdraw himself and leave his unhappy followers to their fate. 
 His followeis exhibited more courage than their leader, and seemed determined to ad- 
 here to him in every fortune. The negligent disposition made by Feversham, invited 
 Monmouth to attack the King's army at Sedgemoor, near Bridgewater; and his men 
 in this action showed what a native courage, and a principle of duty, even when un- 
 assisted by discipline, is able to perform. They threw the veteran forces into disorder; 
 drove them from their ground ; continued the fight till their ammunition failed them ; 
 and would at last have obtained a victory, had not the misconduct ot Monmouth, and 
 the cowardice of Gray, prevented it. After a combat of three hours the rebels gave 
 way ; and were followed with great slaughter. About 1500 men fell in the battle and 
 pursuit. And thus concluded in a few weeks this rashly undertaken and badly con- 
 ducted enterprise. 
 Monmouth fled from the field of battle above twenty miles, till his horse sunk 
 tinder him. He then changed iiis clothes with a peasant, in order to conceal himself. 
 The peasant was discovered by the pursuers, who now redoubled the diligence of their 
 search. At last the unhappy Monmouth was found lying at the bottom of a ditch and 
 covered with fern ; his body depiessed with fatigue and hunger; his mind by the 
 memory of past misfortunes, by the prospect of future disasters. Human nature is 
 unequal to such calamitous situations ; much more the temper of a man, softened by 
 early prosperity and accustomed to value himself solely on military bravery. He 
 burst into tears when seized by his enemies; and he seemed still to indulge the fond 
 hope and desire ot life. Though he might have known, from the unrelenting severity 
 of James's temper, that no mercy could be expected, he wrote him the most subrais- 
 * Burnet, vol. ii. p. 327.
 Jumes the Secimd. 
 Many of his soldiers aUo were taken, insomuch that the prisons oi 
 the west were filled therewith. 
 And Jeffries the judge was appointed i<> trj them: and behold it 
 sive letters, ami conjured him to Spare Hie issue of a brother who had ever been to 
 strongly attached 10 Ins interest. James finding such symptoms of depression and 
 despondency in Ins prisoner; admitted him to his pn ence, in hopes oi extorting .1 
 discovery ol Ins accomplices : but Monmouth would not purchase life, however loved, 
 at the price of so much infamy Finding all efforts vain, he assumed courage from 
 despair, and prepared bimsell for death, with a spirit better suited to bis rank and 
 character. The bishops endeavoured to impress upon him the de< p sin of rebellion; 
 but he gave no signs of repentance of his design. They next charged him with the sin 
 of fornication, in living with Lady Wentworth. To this also he e med insensi 
 and justified himself by saying that he was married to the Countess when too youn 
 give his consent ; and thai Lady Wentworth was B pious worthy woman, and thai in 
 all respects he had never lived so well as since his engagements with her. 
 This favourite of the people was attended to the scaffold with a plentiful effusion of 
 tears. When he saw the a\e, he touched it ami said it was not sharp en< ugh He 
 gave the hangman only half the usual fee; anil told him that if he cut oil his In ad 
 cleverly, and not so butcherly as he did the unfortunate Russell'*, his man would >_:ive 
 liim the rest. This precaution served only to dismay the executioner. He struck a 
 feeble blow on Monmouth, who, raising his head from the block, looked him in the 
 face as if reproaching him for bis failure. He gently laid down his lead a second 
 time; and the executioner struck him again and again to no purpose. lie then threw 
 aside the axe, and said he was incapable of finishing the bloody office. The sheriff 
 obliged him to renew the attempt; and at two blows more the head was severed iroin 
 his bod v.* 
 He was executed in the thirty-sixth year of his age, on the 25th July, 1^8.1. He 
 possessed many good qualities, and some that were bad. Had tie lived in less turbulent 
 times, be might have been an ornament to the court, and of service to his country. 
 But the indulgence of Charles, the caresses of faction, and the allurements of popu- 
 larity, seduced him into an enterprise which exceeded his capacity. The good will 
 oi the people loll iwed him even after his death ; and such was their fond attachment, 
 that many believed he was still alive, and that some person resembling him had suf- 
 fered in his stead. 
 Many soldiers also were taken.] Among others Lord Gray. This poltroon had a 
 great estate, which by his death would descend to his brother. So the court resolved 
 to preserve him till he should be brought to compound for his life. The Earl of Ro- 
 chester had -£16,000 of him. Others had smaller shares. Pie was likewise obliged 
 to be witness against others, which he consented to do provided that no one should be 
 put to death on his evidence. Lord Brandon was convicted on his and some other evi- 
 dence ; Mr. Hampden was also brought to trial. And he was told he must expect 
 no favour, unless lie pleaded guilty. To this, knowing that evidence might be ad- 
 duced again?; him, he submitted; and begged his life/, with such meenness, that he 
 himselt wa> so ashamed afterwards, that it threw him into a melancholy which he 
 never mattered. And this had a terrible conclusion; for, about ten years alter, he 
 cut bis throat.— Burnet, vol. ii. p. 333. 
 And Jeffries the judge was appointed to try them.] This sanguinary monster bad 
 already given a specimen of bis character in many trials where he had presided, and 
 he set out ou the western circuit with savage joy, as to a full harvest of blood and 
 * Hume, vol. vii. p. 231.
 James the Second. 
 was judgement without mercy; he looked on them, and they were 
 condemned ; he opened his lips, and it was death unto them. 
 Yea, so great was his cruelty, that when their eyes rolled in the 
 ponies ol* death, then he mocked ; and when their legs quivered in 
 destruction. He began at Dorchester; and thirty delinquents being arraigned, be 
 exhorted them, but in vain, to save him, by their free confession, the trouble of trying 
 them. And when twenty-nine of them were found guilty, he ordered them, as an 
 additional punishment of tbeir disobedience, to be led to immediate execution. Most 
 of the other prisoners, tcrrifled with this example, pleaded guilty ; and no less than, 
 two hundred and ninety-two received sentence at Don luster. Ol these eighty were 
 executed. Exeter was the next stage of blood; two hundred and thirty -llnee were 
 there tried ; of win. in a great number were condemned and executed, lie also 
 opened his cmnmissiori at Taunton and Wells; and every where carried consternation 
 along with him. On the whole, besides those butchered by Kirk, two hundred 
 and fifty -one are computed to have fallen l>y the hand of this merciless tiger The 
 whole country was strewed with the heads and limhs of the insurgents. Every village 
 almost beheld the dead carcass of a wretched inhabitant. England had never known 
 such a carnage. Dr. Burnet says that no fewer than six hundred persons were hanged 
 in consequence of Monmouth's rebellion. 
 James applauded these proceedings. And be took pleasure to relate them in bis 
 drawing roomf to foreign ministers, and at his table, calling it Jeffries's campaign. 
 Upon his return, Jeffries was created a baron and peer of the realm; an honour at 
 that time thought inconsistent with the character of a judge. 
 A more particular account of the biography of Jeffries, may not be unamusing to 
 the reader. He was born at Acton, in Denbighshire. He was educated at West- 
 minster school ; thence removed to the Inner Temple. By the influence of his bro- 
 ther, Alderman Jellries, he was made Recorder of I ondon. He afterwards became a 
 favourite at court ; made solicitor to the Duke, of York; knighted in 1680; and ap- 
 pointed chief justice at Chester. Shortly after be was made lord chief justice of the 
 King's Eench, and finally lord chancellor. 
 North, in his lives, relates some curious anecdotes of his character. His friendship 
 and conversation, be says, Jay much among the good fellows and humourists, and his 
 delights weie, accordingly, drinking, laughing, singing, kissing, and all the extrava- 
 gances of the bottle. He had a set ofhanterers for the most part near him, as, in old 
 time, great men kept fools to make them meiry. And these fellows, abusing one 
 anotl.er, were a regale to him ; and no friendship could be so great in private, which 
 he did not abuse in public. He had extraordinary natural abilities, but few acquired 
 beyond what practice had supplied. When he was sober, in temper, and matters in- 
 diii'erent came before him, be became his seat oi'justice uncommonly well. He took 
 a pleasure in mortifying fraudulent attornies, and used to deal forth his invectives with 
 a sort of terrible majesty- He talked fluently and with spirit, and used to scold in 
 such language as never was heard except in Billingsgate. He called it " Giving a lick 
 with the rough side of his tongue." It was ordinary to bear him say, "Go, you are a 
 filthy, lousy, knitty rascal ;" with much more of like e.'oquence. Scarcely a day 
 passed that he did not chide some one or other of the bar, •when he sat in the Chan- 
 cery ; and it was commonly a lecture of a quarter of an hour long. And they used to 
 hay, " This is yours ; my turn will be to-morrow." He loved to insult, and the terrors 
 of bis face and voice made men tremble at his vocal inflictions. To give an instance 
 of his manner ; — A city attorney was petitioned against for some abuse, and an affidavit 
 was made that when he was told of my Lord Chancellor, "My Lord Chancellor,"
 ■ ' . __ ■ — 
 James the Stcond. 
 the air, then he sent for music, and called it dancing. Wherefore 
 let his name perish from the face of the earth, and let all his genera- 
 tion he hanged by the neck. 
 But woe unto thee, O Kirk ! woe unto thee, thou barbarous in- 
 sulter of wronged innocence ! let thy sin be detested in all ages, and 
 let thy name be accursed from generation to generation! for behold 
 thou hast done iniquity in the sight of the Lord, the cry of thine 
 abomination is gone up unto heaveu ; and it shall come to pass, that 
 wiiosoever heareth thv tale shall curse thee. 
 said he, "I made him;" meaning his means to bring him early into city business. 
 When this affidavit was read, ** Well," said the Lord Chancellor, " then I will lay nsy 
 maker by tne heels " And with that conceit one of bis best old friends went to 
 One of these sallies, however, proved fatal to him in the end. There was a scrivener, 
 ofWappiug, brought to hearing, for relief against a buruiuery bond : the contingency 
 of losing all being shewed, the bill was going to be dismissed. But one of the plain- 
 tiff's counsel said, that he was a strange fellow, and sometimes went to church, some- 
 times to conventicles, and none could tell what to make of him, and it was thought 
 that iie was a "Trimmer." At that ihe Chancellor fired, and "a Trimmer," said he, 
 " I have heard much of that monster, but never saw one. Come forth, Mr Trimmer, 
 turn vou round, and let us see your shape." And at that rate talked so long, that 
 the poor fellow was ready to drop under him; but at last the bill was dismissed with 
 costs, and he went his way. In the hall one of his friends asked him how he came off? 
 " Co rue off!" said he, " i am escaped from the terrors of that man's lace, which I 
 ■would scarcely undergo again to save my life ; and I shall certainly have the (rightful 
 impression or" it as long as I live." Afterwards, when the Prince of Orange landed, 
 and all was in confusion, the Lord Chancellor, being justly apprehensive for his 
 safety, disguised himself in order to go abroad. He was in a seaman's garb, drinking 
 a pot in a cellar. This scrivener came into the cellar alter some of his clients, and his 
 eye caught that face which made him start; and Jeffries, seeing himself eyed, feigned 
 a cough, and turned to the wall with his | ot in his hand. Hut " Mr. Trimmer" went 
 out and gave notice the Chancellor was there; whereupon the mob flowed in, and he 
 ■was in extreme hazard of his life, but for the intervention of the Lord .Mayor. He 
 was afterwards confined in the Tower, where he soon died. 
 But woe unto thee, Kirk .'] This ruffian had been a soldier of fortune, at Tangiers ; 
 and from the example of that government, appeared to have imbibed his notions of 
 justice. At his first entry into Bridgewater, he hanged nineteen persons, without the 
 least inquiry into the merits of their cause. As if to make a sport of the sufferings of his 
 victims, he ordered a certain number to be executed, while he and his company should 
 drink the King's health, or that of Chief Justice Jeffries. By way of experiment, he 
 ordered one man to be hung up three times, questioning him at each interval, whether 
 he repented of his crime : but the man petsisting he would engage in the name cause, 
 Kirke ordered him to be hung in chains. This monster suffered his regiment to live at 
 free quarters, and instructed by his example, and encouraged by his exhortations, they 
 committed all manner of excesses. By way of pleasantry he called the military Ail 
 lambs ; an appellation which was long remembered with horror in the West of England, 
 ft is worthy of remark, that Kirke afterwards served in the army of the Prince of 
 James the Second. 
 Now the thing which he did was this: — 
 It came to pass in the town of Taunton, that he had condemned 
 an ancient man unto death, and he was to be executed on the sign- 
 post of the house where Kirk was sitting. 
 Then came the daughter of the poor old man, a lovely maiden, 
 her cheeks were washed with tears as a rose in the morning-dew, and 
 the look of her eye was innocence distressed. 
 And she threw herself at his feet, and embraced his knees for some 
 time in silent grief, and in the utmost agony of heart. 
 At length, when words could find a passage, she lift up her eyes, 
 still dropping with tears, and besought him saying, 
 O save my father ! let not his grey hairs be dishonoured with a 
 violent death ! alas he is an old man, and hath not many days to 
 live; suffer him to go down to the grave in peace, that my soul may 
 bless thee. 
 Then Kirk commanded the virgin to arise, and he look on her, 
 and his heart was smitten with her beauties, insomuch that he burned 
 to enjoy her. And he spake unto the maiden, saying, Behold now 
 the life of thy father is in mine hand, and I can do unto him what- 
 soever seemeth good in mine eyes : howbeit, thy beauty hath softened 
 mine heart; if therefore thou wilt hearken unto my voice that I may 
 enjoy thee, I swear unto thee his life shall be safe, not a hair of his 
 head shall be in danger. 
 Then fell the maiden down at his feet, and bedewed the ground 
 with her tears, and her anguish was very great; and she said unto 
 him, O take my life, my life I will give for my father's willingly; but 
 let not my lord desire this thing, do not this evil unto thine handmaid : 
 alas ! I am a poor virgin, mine innocence is mine only portion. I am 
 besides my father's only child, and his heart is fond of me, he hath 
 no other; and if I do this thing, what benefit shall I have of his 
 life'? for behold he will die with sorrow. 
 Now the thing which he did was thti.~] A narrative of this unparalleled act of trea- 
 chery and barbarity, nearly as related above, may be found in Hume, vol. -viii. p. 232
 James the Second. 
 And her tears flowed so fast, that she could speak do more; and 
 she continued with her face towards the ground weeping. 
 But the heart of Kirk was hardened, and his soul w. Bet in him 
 to do evil; and he spake unto the virgin, saying, [f thou do not 
 instantly comply, thy father dieth, nay I will hang him up before 
 thy face, and thine eves shall behold his agonies: and he seemed to 
 be going. 
 Then the damsel caught hold of the skirt of his garment, and she 
 wept bitterly ; and so moving was her grief, that it would have 
 melted any human heart. And she cried out, Kill not mv father! 
 O let me speak ! I cannot see him die, indeed I cannot. Here grief 
 once more stopt up her voice, and for some time she could not speak 
 or weep ; at length, lifting up her eyes, Forgive me heaven, she 
 cried ; father, forgive me, I will save thy life, but I will not survive 
 mine honour. 
 So she yielded unto him, and was undone. For no sooner had he 
 satiated himself with her ruined innocence, than he brought her to 
 the window, and with an insulting smile showed her her father hang- 
 ing on the sign-post. 
 Transfixt with grief and horror, she suddenly cried out My 
 father! O my father! what have I done! Then she sunk upon 
 the ground speechless and without motion : but life, unhappily for 
 her, returned ; she awaked from her trance all wild and distracted, 
 nor did her senses ever return to her any more. 
 Many other cruelties did they commit, and many other barbarities; 
 insomuch that the land stunk of blood, and the face of the earth 
 looked dreadful with the quarters of men, which they hanged up in 
 Mimy other cruelties did they commit.] Of all the executions during this dismal period, 
 the most atrocious were those of Mrs. Gaunt and Lady Lisle, who had been accused 
 of harbouring traitors. .Mrs. Gaunt was an anabaptist, noted fur her beneficence, 
 which she extended to persons of all professions and persuasions. One ol the rebels 
 knowing her humane disposition, had recourse to her in his distress, and was con- 
 cealed bj her. Hearing of the proclamation, which offered indemnity and reward to 
 such as discovered criminals, this monster of ingratitude betrayed his benefactress, and 
 hore evidence against her. He received a pardon as a recompence fur his treacherv ; 
 she was burned alive for her charity !
 James the Second. 
 every place, as a tenor to all that should oppose the measures of 
 this violent and bigoted prince. 
 But it came to pass that James was so eager in his advances to 
 Lady Lisle was widow of one of the regicides, who had enjoyed great favour and 
 authority under Cromwell, and who having fled after the restoration, to Lausanne, in 
 Switzerland, was there assassinated by three Irish ruflians, who hoped to make their 
 fortunes with the Royalists, by this piece of service. His widow was now prosecuted 
 for harbouring two rebels the day after the battle of Sedgemoor. The night after the 
 action, Hicks, a dissenting preaching, and Nelthorpe, came to her house. She 
 knew Hicks, and treated him civilly, not asking from whence they came, till Hicki 
 told her that they had been with the Duke of Monmouth. Upon which she went out 
 of the room immediately, and ordered her chief servant to send an information re- 
 specting them to the next justice of peace, and in the meanwhile to suffer them to 
 escape. Unluckily before this could be done, a party came about the house, and 
 took both the rebels, and Lady Lisle for harbouring them. Jeffries resolved to make 
 a sacrifice of Mrs. Lisle, and obtained from James a promise that he would not pardon 
 her. In vain did the aged prisoner plead, that the accused had been pat into no 
 proclamation ; had been convicted by no verdict ; nor could any man be denominated 
 a traitor, till the sentence of some legal court was passed upon him ; that it appeared 
 not by any proof that she was so much as acquainted with the guilt of the persons, or 
 had heard of their joining the rebellion of Monmouth ; that though she might be 
 obnoxious on account of her family, it was well known that her heart was ever loyal, 
 and that no person had shed more tears for that tragical event, in which her husband 
 had unfortunately too great a share; and that the same principles which she her- 
 self had ever embraced, she had carefully instilled into her son, and had at that very 
 time sent him to fight against those very rebels she was accused of harbouring. 
 Though these arguments did not move Jeffries, they had influence upon the jury. 
 The jury brought her in not guilty. But the judge, in great fury, sent them out 
 again. Yet they brought her in, a second time, not guilty. Then, in a transport 
 of fury, he threatened them with an attaint of jury. At length, overcome by his 
 menaces and reproaches, the third time, they brought the prisoner in guilty. Notwith- 
 standing many applications for the pardon of the aged lady, being seventy years old, 
 James would grant no greater favour than changing the punishment from burning to 
 But it citme to pass that James was so eager in his advances to popery and arbitrary 
 power.'] Hume says, never king mounted the throne of England with greater advan- 
 tages than James; nay possessed greater facility, if that were any advantage, of ren- 
 dering himself and his posterity absolute. But all these fortunate circumstances 
 tended only, by his own misconduct, to bring more sudden ruin upon him. The na- 
 tion seemed disposed of themselves to resign their liberties, had he not at the same 
 time made an attack upon their religion. His indecent haste to re-establish popery 
 finally drove him into banishment. He sent Caryl, as his agent to Rome, in order to 
 make submission to the Pope, and to pave the way for the re-admission of England 
 into the bosom of the Catholic church. Father Peter, a bold and intriguing Jesuit, 
 was made a privy councillor, and directed all the King's measures. He nominated 
 Farmer, a newly converted papist, to be president of Magdalen College, Oxford, the 
 richest foundation in Europe. In Ireland, all the protestants were deprived of their 
 commissions in the army ; catholics substituted in their stead. He re-established the 
 Court of High Commission. Thi3 odious tribunal, with the Court of Star-Chamber, 
 had been aoolished in the reign of Charles I. and the act of parliament prohibited its
 James the v 
 popery and arbitrary power, that the greal men and tlie nobles, and 
 all the people were alarmed at his proceedings : wherefore they sent 
 over messengers privily nnto William, the prime of Orange, who had 
 married the king's daughter, desiring his assistance, t-» preserve the 
 religion and liberties of the people. 
 erection at any future time, But this law James deemed no obstacle; and an eccle- 
 siastical commission was issued, by which seven commissioners were vested with un- 
 limited power over all matters that concerned religion. They might proceed on bare 
 suspicion ; and tile better to set the law at defiance, it was expressly inserted in their 
 patent, that they were to exercise their jurisdiction, notwithstanding any law or statute 
 to the contrary. 
 The king likewise went openly, with all the ensigns of his dignity, to mass, an 
 illegal meeting. The more judicious of the catholics themselves became alarmed at his 
 inconsiderate teaL The pope, Innocent \1. advised him not to be too precipitate, nor 
 rashly attempt what repeated experience might convince linn was impracticable. The 
 Spanish ambassador, Roiiquillo, deeming the tranquillity of England necessary for the 
 support of Spain, made similar remonstrances He observed to the king how busy 
 the priests appeared at court, and advised him not to assent with too great facility to 
 their councils. " Is it not the custom in Spain," said James, " for the king to con- 
 sult with his confessor?" "Yes," replied the ambassador, "and it is for that very 
 reason our affairs succeed so ill." 
 The first resistance to these arbitrary proceedings of the king came from the clergy. 
 This class would readily have acquiesced in the destruction of civil liberty, but the 
 king's open attack upon their own establishment filled them with alarm. He assumed 
 the power of issuing a declaration of a general indulgence, and thus suspending at 
 once all the penal laws by which a conformity was required to the established religion. 
 By this monstrous assumption the nation was brought back to the time of Henry VTII. 
 when the proclamation of the sovereign was deemed equal to an act of parliament. 
 Finding that the first declaration of indulgence was submitted to, he issued a second, 
 and subjoined an order that immediately after divine service it should be read by the 
 clergy in all the churches. This they were determined to oppose ; and hence arose the 
 famous trial of the six lsisuors. 
 Six prelates wiih the primate met privately at Lambeth, and concerted the form of 
 a petition to the king. Their petition was couched in the most cautious and respectful 
 terms j representing that, though possessed of the highest sense of loyalty, a virtue of 
 which the church of England had given such eminent testimonies; and though de- 
 sirous of affording ease in a legal way to all catholics and disseaters ; yet, because 
 the declaration of indulgence was founded on a prerogative formerly declared illegal 
 by parliament, they could not in honour or conscience, so far make themselves parties 
 as the distribution of it all over the kingdom would amount to. They therefore be- 
 sought the king that he would not insist on their reading that declaration. 
 The king was inexorable. He immediately embraced a resolution of punishing the 
 bishops. As the petition was delivered him in private, he summoned them before tne 
 council ; and questioned them whether they would acknowledge it. The bishops saw 
 his intention, and seemed long desirous of declining an answer; but being pushed by 
 the chancellor, they at last avowed the petition. On their refusal to give bail, an 
 order was immediately drawn for their committal to the Tower, and the crown lawyers 
 were directed to prosecute them for a pretended seditious libel. 
 Nothing rould exceed the popularity of the prelates, ml the whole country waited
 James the Second. 
 Then William raised an army and came over to England; and 
 ureat fear came upon James because of his misdoings. Wherefore 
 James fled from the presence of William, and became a fugitive all 
 the days of his life. 
 the issue of the trial with the greatest anxiety. It took place on the 16th of June. Se- 
 veral of the judges declared themselves in favour of the prisoners. The jury, how- 
 ever, from what cause is unknown, look several hours to deliberate, and kept the 
 people in the most anxious expectation. But when the wished-for verdict of not 
 "uilty was at last pronounced, the intelligence was echoed through the hall, conveyed 
 to the crowds without, carried into the city, and propagated with infinite joy through- 
 out the kingdom. 
 Ever since Monmouth's rebellion, the king had every summer encamped the 
 army on Hounslow heath, that he might both improve their discipline and overawe 
 the people. A popish chapel was openly erected in the camp, and great pains taken, 
 though in vain, to bring over the soldiers to that communion. It happened that the 
 very day on which the trial of the bishops was finished, James had reviewed the 
 troops, and had returned into the tent of Lord Feversham, the general, when he was 
 surprised to hear a great uproar in the camp, attended with the most extravagant 
 symptoms of tumultary joy. He suddenly inquired the cause, and was told by 
 Feversham, " It was nothing but the rejoicing of the soldiers for the acquittal of the 
 bishops." " Do you call that nothing?" replied he; " but so much the worse for 
 them." He soon after abdicated the throne. 
 Then William raised an army and came over to England.] So well concerted were 
 the prince's measures, that, in three days about four hundred transports were hired ; 
 the army quickly fell down the rivers and canals to Nimeguen ; the artillery, arms, 
 stores, and horses were embarked ; and the prince set sail from Helvoetsluys, with a 
 fleet of near five hundred vessels, and an army of above fourteen thousand men. He 
 first encountered a storm which drove him back. But his loss being soon repaired, 
 the fleet putto sea under Admiral Herbert, and made sail with a fair wind towards the 
 west of England. The same wind detained the king's fleet in their station near Har- 
 wich, and enabled the Dutch to pass the straits of Dover without opposition. Both 
 shores were covered with multitudes of people, who, besides admiring the grandeur 
 of the spectacle, were held in anxious suspense by the prospect of an enterprise the 
 most important which, during some ages, had been undertaken in Europe. The 
 prince had a prosperous voyage, and landed his army safely in Torbay, on the 5th of 
 November, the anniversary of the gunpowder treason. 
 The Dutch army marched first to Exeter ; and the prince's declaration was there 
 published. The terrible executions exercised on the followers of Monmouth, pre- 
 vented any one for several days joining him. The first person who came to his 
 standard was Major Burrington ; and he was quickly followed by the gentry of the 
 counties of Devon and Somerset. Sir Edward Seymour made proposals for an asso- 
 ciation, which every one signed. By degrees the Earl of Abingdon, Mr. llussell, the 
 son of the Earl of Bedford, Mr. Wharton, Godfrey, and Howe came to Exeter. All 
 England was in commotion. Lord Delamere took arms in Cheshire ; the Earl of 
 Dauby seized York; the Earl of Bath, governor of Plymouth, declared for the prince; 
 the Earl of Devonshire made a like declaration in Derby. The nobility and gentry 
 of Nottinghamshire embraced the same cause ; and every day there appeared some 
 cllect of that universal combination into which the nation had entered against the 
 measures of the king.
 Junus the Second. 
 Moreover his throne was declared vacant, and William Ids son-in- 
 law reigned in his stead. This is the grand revolution, this i> the 
 epocha of English freedom. 
 Every one turned their back on James. Even the princess Ann, pretending fear of 
 the king's displeasure, withdrew herself, in company with the bishop of London and 
 Lady Churchill. She Bed to Nottingham, where the Earl of Dorset received her with 
 the greatest respect, and the gently of the county formed a troop for her protection. 
 WhenJawea heard of the flight of his favourite daughter, he was overwhelmed uith 
 grief and consternation; " God help me!" he cried, in the extremity of his agony ; 
 " my own hildren have forsaken me!" Finding himself deserted by almost every 
 individual and no hopes of regaining the sovereignty, he retired to France, where 
 he was honourably received by Lewis as a blessed martyr to the cause of despotism and 
 Moreover hit throne was declared oacattt.] The first step of the prince of Orange was, 
 to summon a sort of national convention. All the members who had sat in the house of 
 commons during any parliament of Charles II. were invited to meet ; and to them were 
 added the mayor, aldermen, and fifty of the common council. This was regarded 
 as the most pnper representation of the people that could be summoned during the 
 present emergence. They unanimously voted the same address with the lords; and 
 the prince being thus supported by all the legal authority that could be obtained, 
 wrote circular letters to the counties and corporations of England ; and his orders were 
 universally complied with. A profound tranquillity prevailed throughout the king- 
 dom ; and the prince's administration was submitted to, as if he had succeeded in the 
 most regular manner to the vacant throne. The fleet received his orders ; the army, 
 without murmur or opposition, allowed him to remodel them, and the city supplied 
 him with a loan of two hundred thousand pounds. Such was the ease and safety 
 with which a great revolution was effected when the people were unanimous in their 
 resistance to a weak and tyrannical government. 
 James survived his dethronement ten years. With the exception of two attempts 
 to recover the crown, which he had so disgracefully lost, his time was spent in com- 
 plete inactivity Hunting, his favourite amusement, and an occasional visit to the 
 morTastei v ol La Trappc, where the poor monks were vastly edified with his humble 
 and pious deportment, formed his only occupation. His zeal for his religion continu- 
 ed unabated, and in his last moments he recommended to his successor, the Pretender, 
 if ever he should come to the throne, the same infatuated adherence to the catholic 
 faith which had been so fatal to himself. The queen was by no means so indifferent 
 to the loss of three kingdoms; and most probably it was at her instigation that James 
 was induced to countenance projects of assassination for the destruction of William. 
 Of the public character, at least, of this prince, there can be no difference of 
 opinion. He was a bigot in his religion, and a despot in his principles of govern- 
 ment. Wnli these qualities, which formed the predominant features ol his mind, it 
 was hardly possible any virtues could take root, still less be beneficial. Some histo- 
 rians, however, have ascribed to him the virtues of sincerity, bravery, and frankness. 
 His sincerity was poorly evinced when, in spite of reiterated promises to preserve the 
 religion and liberties of the people, his whole reign exhibited the most scandalous 
 violations of both. His bravery, though less questionable thnn his sincerity, ws
 Janus the Second. 
 poorly illustrated at the battle of the Boyne, where, instead of being the last, he was 
 the first to set an example of flight. As to frankness in matters of religion, that must 
 be allowed to have formed a part of his character : but it seems wonderful that a man 
 who was generous enough to avow his own sentiments at whatever risk, should wish, 
 by every means, fair or foul, to deprive others of the same privilege. To be sure he 
 always protested that his only object was to procure a full toleration and equality of 
 privilege for hi* catholic subjects ; but his zeal was far too intemperate to render it 
 probable that he would ever have confined himself to such moderate bounds. Had 
 the catholics been admitted to the enjoyment of their civil rights, it is obvious enough, 
 that, from the partialities of such a prince, they would have been preferred to all 
 places of trust and emolument ; and thus possessing the power, doubtless it would 
 have been exercised, as power always has been exercised by that sect, in the exclusion 
 from office or the open persecution of their opponents. 
 Having arrived at the important era of the Revolution, it may be proper to subjoin 
 a short account of the progress of commerce, arts, and manners, at this period. 
 The commerce and riches of England never, in any period, increased so fast as from 
 the restoration to the revolution. The wars with the Dutch, by disturbing the trade 
 of that republic, promoted the navigation of this island ; and after Charles had made 
 a separate peace with the States, his subjects enjoyed unmolested the trade of Europe. 
 The concpiest of New York and the Jerseys greatly extended the English empire in 
 America ; and the prosecution of the Dissenters, though unjust in itself, tended 
 greatly, by inducing them to seek liberty of conscience on the other side the Atlantic, 
 to augment the population and riches of the colonies. Dr. Davenant affirms, that the 
 shipping of England more than doubled during these twenty-eight years. Several 
 new manufactures were established, in iron, brass, silk, hats, glass, paper, &c. One 
 Brewer, leaving the Low Countries, brought over the art of dying woollen cloth into 
 England, and by that improvement saved the nation great sums of money. 
 Sir Josiah Child states, that, in 1688, there were on the 'Change more men worth 
 10,000 pounds, than there were in 1650, worth a thousand ; that 500 pounds with a 
 daughter was, in the latter period, deemed a larger portion than ,,£2000 in the former: 
 that gentlewomen in those earlier times, thought themselves well clothed in a serge 
 gown, which a chamber-maid would, in 1638, be ashamed to be seen in; and that, 
 besides the great increase of rich clothes, plate, jewels, and household furniture, 
 coaches were in that time augmented an hundred fold. 
 The Duke of Buckingham introduced from Venice the manufacture of glass and 
 chrystal into England. Prince Rupert was also an encourager of useful arts and ma- 
 nufactures. He himself was the inventor of etching. 
 The first law for erecting turnpikes was passed in 1662 ; the places of the turnpikes 
 were Wadesmill, Caxton, and Stilton : but the great improvement of highways took 
 not place till the reign of George II. 
 The people, during these two reigns, were in great measure cured of the wild fana- 
 ticism by which they had formerly been so much agitated. By the example of 
 Charles II. and the cavaliers, licentiousness and debauchery became prevalent in the 
 nation. The pleasures of the table were much pursued. Love was treated more as 
 an appetite than a passion. The one sex began to abate of the national character of 
 chastity, without being able to inspire the other with sentiment or delicacy. 
 The extravagant pretensions to piety of the former age had much propagated the 
 spirit of irreligion ; and most men of learning and genius lay under the imputation of 
 deism. Among the number may be reckoned Shaftesbury, Halifax, Buckingham, 
 Mulgrave, Essex, Rochester, Sir William Temple, and Algernon Sydney. 
 Till the Revolution, the liberty of the press was very imperfectly enjoyed in Eng- 
 land, and during a very short period. The Star-chamber, while that court existed, 
 put effectual restraints on printing. On the suppression of that tribunal, in 1641, the 
 long parliament, after their rupture with the King, assumed the same power with re- 
 gard to the licensing of books ; and this power was continued during all the period of
 William the Third. 
 the Commonwealth. Two years alter the restoration, an ait was passed reviving tin 
 republican ordinances. This act expired in 1679, hut was revived in die liist of Kin 
 James. The liberty of the press did not even Comm en c e with the revolution. Tin 
 restraints on publication were not taken oil" till 1694; a measure very obnoxious, both 
 to William and his ministers, and thought to he pregnant with the utmost danger, 
 both to church and state. 
 Amidst the conflicts of bigotry and ignorance, it is delightful to contemplate the 
 progress of science and real knowledge. Otto Gucrieke invented the air-pump, a 
 pneumatic engine of vast utility in the investigation of various phenomena of atmo- 
 spheric pressure and natural philosophy. Newton, a sublime genius, by the disco- 
 very of the nuxional calculus, — the investigation of the great law of gravitation, and 
 its application to the motions of the heavenly bodies, — the decomposition of the rays 
 of light, whence he deduced the whole theory of colours, — did more to extend the 
 bounds of natural philosophy, than all the philosophers, ancient or modern, who bad 
 preceded Jinn. About this time also was established the Royal Society. A lew indi- 
 viduals, friendly to the liberal arts, had for some time been in the habit of meeting for 
 a few hours conversation on their favourite pursuits. Wilkins, a clergyman, after- 
 wards Bishop of Chester, who had married Cromwell's sister, procured a patent for 
 their incorporation, under the name of the Royal Society. This was the only encou- 
 ragement they received from government. Charles, though a lover of the sciences, 
 especially chemistry, was so exhausted by the insatiable cravings of his courtiers and 
 mistresses, that he never hud any thing to spare for the encouragement of learning and 
 genius. I'.veu Duller, the celebrated author of iludibias, with whose verses Charles 
 was so well pleased, that he knew nearly the whole by art; yet he was suffered to 
 linger out his days in indigence and poverty. Dryden fared little better ; and while 
 he might have been easily maintained in independence, he was left to waste his time 
 on unworthy subjects, and depend for a precarious livelihood on the bookseller. As 
 to Otway, the author of Venice Preserved, he died literally of hunger. Such is the 
 patronage which monarchy extends to learning, even when the monarch himself h 
 reputed a wit and votary of science. 
 And William was called the deliverer, inasmuch as by him the 
 land was delivered from popery and arbitrary power, and the libtr- 
 .l;i<l William wus called the deliverer — and the liberties of the people, both cicil and re- 
 ligion-, wen settled.] The Revolution terminated the old line of succession, which, 
 from the Conquest, had lasted 600, from the union of the Heptarchy, 900 years. 
 The grounds on which parliament effected ibis important change, were the endea- 
 vours of J .unes to subvert the constitution by breaking the original contract; his vio- 
 lation of the fundamental laws, and bis withdrawing himself out of the kingdom. On 
 these facts, parliament assumed the power of declaring the throne vacant, and be-
 William the Third. 
 ties of the people, both civil and religious, were settled and esta- 
 blished upon a new foundation : the prerogatives of the crown were 
 limited, and the rights of the subject were ascertained. 
 For the lords and the commons of England, on the day that they 
 offered him the crown, explained also the conditions on which he 
 must accept it, saying, that we, the lords spiritual and temporal and 
 commons, being the princes and rulers of the land, assembled in 
 council, in the city of Westminster, hereby declare, that, 
 stowing it upon the Prince of Orange. Thus was the old maxim of the hereditary, 
 divine, and indefeasible right renounced, and the people admitted to be the only 
 source of regal authority. But with the exception of this principle, though the Re- 
 volution afforded such a favourable opportunity for securing popular rights, nothing 
 further was accomplished. The prerogatives of the crown, to which the late and 
 former calamities of the kingdom were imputed, received no abridgement. The King 
 retained the old regal power over parliament in its full extent. He was left at liberty 
 to convoke, adjourn, prorogue, and dissolve them at his pleasure. He was enabled 
 to influence elections and oppress corporations. He possessed the right of choosing 
 his own council ; of nominating all the great officers of the state, and of the house- 
 hold, of the army, the navy, and the church. He reserved the absolute command 
 of the militia ; so that he remained master of all the old instruments of corruption 
 and violence, without any other restraint than his own moderation, and that prudent 
 caution arising out of that principle of resistance on which the Revolution was 
 Nothing can demonstrate more clearly the selfish principles on which the Revolu- 
 tion was effected, than the omission of all reform in the representation. This was the 
 only change that could be beneficial to the people. But the aristocracy and the 
 clergy, the two classes who stipulated with William, had a different interest. Their 
 chief apprehensions arose from the probable introduction of popery. By a change in 
 the national religion, the protestant clergy would have lost their employment ; and 
 many of the nobility, who, at the dissolution of the abbeys, had got possession of 
 their revenues, most probably would have been compelled to restore their ill-gotten 
 wealth to the rightful owners. These changes were averted by the Revolution. The 
 power of the aristocracy, erected on the ruins of the royal prerogative and popular 
 rights, became omnipotent. Since then, the government has virtually been an 
 oligarchy; the influence of both king and people has been merely nominal; the real 
 power has been vested in the Boroughmongers: and the history of the country for the 
 last, century has exhibited only the degrading spectacle of two rapacious factions, 
 without principle and without patriotism, struggling for power and emolument, and 
 endeavouring to perpetuate their own authority on the delusion, the plunder, and ruiii 
 of the industrious classes of the community. 
 For the loi-ds and commons of England — explained also the conditio)is.~l This is the 
 celebrated Bill of Rights, or declaration delivered by the lords and commons to the 
 Prince and Princess of Orange, February 13th, 1688, and afterwards enacted in par- 
 liament when they became king and queen. It contains the fundamental principles 
 of the constitution, but they never enforced it: it was a mere declaration of the rights 
 and liberties of the people, every one of which has been violated.
 William the Third. 
 Thou shalt not suspend or dispense with laws, or the execution 
 of laws, by royal authority, without consent of parliament ; it is 
 Thou shall not levy money for the use of the crown, by pretence of 
 prerogative; it is illegal, 
 Thou shalt not infringe the right of the subjects to petition the 
 king, neither shalt thou prosecute or commit any one for such petition- 
 ing ; it ii illegal. 
 Thou shalt not deprive thy subjects of the use of arms, suitable to 
 their conditions, and as allowed by law. 
 Thou shalt not keep a standing army within the kingdom in time of 
 peace, unless it be with consent of parliament; it is illegal. 
 The election of members of parliament shall be free, and no free- 
 dom of speech and debate in parliament shall be impeached or 
 questioned in any place or court out of parliament. 
 Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, 
 nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. 
 Thou, sluilt not suspend or dispense with /dies.] This was a capital grievance in the 
 former reigns. The kings of the Tudor and Stuart race insisting on the right of dis- 
 pensing with the laws by their own authority. But though this arbitrary power was 
 abolished at the revolution, latterly it appears to have revived under a new form. The 
 facility with which ministers can obtain a suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act, either 
 in war or peace, is equally oppressive with the dispensing power claimed by Henry 
 VIII. or King James. 
 Thou shatt not levy money for the use of the crown by pretence of prerogative. - ] Duties 
 have been levied at Gibraltar during the whole of the last reign by pretence of prero- 
 gative ; it is illegal. 
 Thou shalt not infringe the right of the subjects to petition the King.] The late laws 
 for the prevention of public meetings, and even assemblages in a private room, Lave 
 not only annihilated the right of petition, but even the liberty of discussion on public 
 Thou shalt not deprive thy subjects of the use of arms for defence.] Under the Castle- 
 reagh system, so far from the peopie being allowed the use of arms for their defence, 
 their nouses are made liable to be searched, cither in the day or night time, on the 
 bare suspicion of having arms in their possession. 
 The eUction of members qfparliavn nt shall be free.] So far from the election of mem- 
 bers being free, it is notorious, that a majority of the members are returned either 
 under the dictation of the aristocracv, or the secretan of the treasu v
 William the Tliird. 
 Jurors shall be duly impanuelled and returned : 
 And finally, for redress of all grievances, and for the amending, 
 strengthening and preserving of the laws, parliaments shall frequently 
 be held. 
 And we the people of England do claim, demand, and insist upon 
 all these things as our undoubted rights and liberties ; and no doings, 
 proceedings, or judgments, hereafter shall be admitted in prejudice 
 And after these things it came to pass, that certain men of the 
 tribe of Macdonald, in the valley of Glencoe, refused to pay tribute 
 to the king, and the king was exceeding wroth. 
 Then he commanded Campbell, a valiant man, to march into the 
 valley of Glencoe, and put the inhabitants to the sword, and utterly 
 destroy them from the face of the earth. 
 And when the people of the valley saw the soldiers, they were 
 sorely afraid, and they said unto them, Wherefore come ye hither ? 
 are ye friends or enemies? 
 Then Campbell said unto them, Fear not, we come as friends, and 
 not as enemies. And Campbell swore by the living God, that not 
 one of them should suffer death. 
 Then were the people exceeding glad : great rejoicings took place 
 in the valley, and the men of Glencoe and the soldiers of the king 
 lived together as one people. 
 Howbeit, at the end of the fifteenth day, in the middle of the night, 
 the soldiers of the king rose, each man girding on his sword. And 
 they went forth and slew the men of Glencoe in their beds, their 
 bouses were burnt to the ground, their lands laid waste, their oxen 
 and their sheep they made captive, leaving their wives and children 
 to perish of hunger in the wilderness. 
 Jurors shall be duly impanuelled and returned.'] The conviction of Sir Franris Burdett, 
 at Leicester, and (he trials at Lancaster, York, and Chester, afford a sufficient comment 
 on this part of the decalogue.
 William the Third. 
 And this has been called the Massaere of Glencoe. Howbeit the 
 thing pleased not the people, because of the wickedness thereof, and 
 great murmuring rose through all the laud. 
 And this litis been called the massacre of Glencoe] Willi the exception of the Man- 
 chester slaughter, a more perfidious and cowardly outrage is r.ut to he found in history. 
 A more particular account of this transaction, as related by Burnet, is as follows: — 
 Anion" the different clans of Highlanders, the most tardy in his submission was 
 Macdouald of Glencoe. The Harlot Breadalbane, the mortal enemy of this chieftain, 
 represented him to the court as an incorrigible rebel, a ruffian inured to bloodshed 
 uid rapine, who would never be obedient to the laws of his country, nor live peaceably 
 under any sovereign. He observed that he paid no regard to the proclamation of the 
 King offering indemnity to those who should surrender on a certain day, and proposed 
 That he, his family, and dependents, should be destroyed by military execution. This 
 advice was adopted, and an order, signed and countersigned by the king's own hand, 
 was transmitted to the Master of Stan-, secretary of Scotland, who gave particular and 
 urgent directions to put the inhabitants ot Glencoe to the sword, charging the officer to 
 take DO prisoners, that the example might be the more terrible. In the month of 
 February, Captain Campbell inarched into the valley of Glencoe with a company of 
 soldiers, on pretence of levying the arrears of land-lax and the hearth money. When 
 Macdouald asked whether they came as friends or enemies, he answered as friends, 
 and gave him the most solemn pledge that neither he nor his people should sustain the 
 least injury. In consequence of this declaration, he and his men were received with 
 the greatest hospitality , and for fifteen days they lived with the Glencoe men apparently 
 iu the most unreserved friendship. At length the fatal period approached. Mac- 
 douald and Campbell having passed the day together, parted about seven in the evening, 
 with mutual professions ot the warmest affection, The younger Macdonald perceiving 
 the guards doubled, began to suspect some treachery, and communicated his suspicion 
 to his brother, but neither he nor his father would harbour the least doubt about 
 Campbell's sincerity : nevertheless, the two young men went forth privately to make 
 further observations. They overheard the common soldiers say, they liked not the 
 work ; that though they would willingly have fought the Macdonalds of the Gleu 
 fairly in the field, they held it base to murder them in cold blood, but that their 
 officers were answerable for the treachery. When the youths hasted back to apprize 
 their father of the impending danger, they saw the house already surrounded : they 
 heard the discharge of musquets, and the shrieks of women and children, and being 
 destitute of arms, secured their own lives by immediate flight. The savage ministers 
 rT vengeance had entered the old man's chamber) and shot hira through the head. 
 He fell down dead in the arms of his wife, who died next day distracted by the horror 
 of her husband's fate. The Laird Auchingtrineken, Macdonald's guest, who had three 
 months before this period submitted to the government, and at this very time had a 
 protection in his pocket, was put to death without question. A boy of eight years, 
 who fell at Campbell's feet, imploring mercy, was stabbed to the heart by one Drum- 
 mond, a subaltern officer. Eight and thirty suffered in this manner, the'greaiest part 
 of whom were surprised in their beds. The design was to butcher all the miles under 
 seventy that lived in the valley ; but some of the detachments did not arrive soon 
 enough to secure the passes, so that one hundred and sixty escaped. 
 Campbell having perpetrated this brutal massacre, ordered all the houses to U< 
 burned, made a prey of the cattle and effects that were found in the valley, and leu 
 the helpless women and children, whose fathers he had murdered, without covering, 
 food, or shelter, in the midst of the snow that covered the whole face ol the count: . 
 - . i , - - _ 
 William the Third. 
 Then the king said unto his officers and unto his soldiers, Wherefore 
 did ye this thing ;? but they answered not a word ; for they feared to 
 tell the truth, and lest, peradventure if they said the king commanded 
 the men of Glencoe to be slain, they should be put to death. And 
 the massacre of Glencoe has never been punished unto this day. 
 And now there was great corruption through all the land, and many 
 great men and rulers of the people received bribes, and the people 
 complained of new and unusual burdens. 
 the distance 01 six long miles trom any inhabited place. Distracted with grief and 
 horror, surrounded with the shades of night, shivering with cold, and appalled with the 
 apprehension of death from the assassins of their friends and kinsmen, they could not 
 endure such a complication of calamities, but generally perished in the uaste before 
 they could receive the least comfort or assistance. Such was the massacre of Glencoe, 
 which fixes an indelible blot on the character of King William. 
 Then the King said — wherefore did ye this thing .<"] He was alarmed at the outcry 
 raised against this brutal outrage, and he endeavoured, by various artifices, to lessen 
 the odium it attached to life character! The Master of Stair was dismissed from his 
 employment, on the pretence of having exceeded his instructions, and the King pre- 
 tended that he had subscribed the order amidst a heap of* papers without being aware 
 of its import. A more solemn inquiry was instituted by parliament three years after- 
 wards, but it clearly appearing that government was at the bottom of the transaction, 
 the affair was hushed up, and by various evasions and legal subtleties the real delin- 
 quents were screened from punishment ; and to complete the resemblance betwixt the 
 Glencoe and Peterloo massacres, the perpetrators of the former also met with rewards 
 and preferment. It does not appear, however, the feelings of the country were 
 outraged by a letter of thanks. — See Smollett's C'ontin. B. i. ch. iii. and iv. Burnet. 
 And now theit was great corruption.] In f (S9.5 it was discovered that a great deal of 
 corruption prevailed in the House of Commons. A committee being appointed to 
 inspect the chamberlain's books, discovered that Sir John Trevor, speaker of the house, 
 had received a bribe of 1000 guineas to pass the orphan's bill. The East India Com- 
 pany obtained a renewal of their charier by bribing the members. A committee was 
 appointed to examine their books, when a monstrous scene of venality and corruption 
 was disclosed it appeared that the company, in the preceding year, had paid near 
 ninety thousand pounds in secret services ; and that, Sir Thomas Cooke, one of the 
 directors, and a member of the house, bad been the chief manager of this infamous 
 commerce. Cooke, on his examination, admitted that, to obtain an advantageous settle- 
 ment foi the company, he had given a thousand guineas to Colonel Fitzpatrick, five 
 hundred to Charles Bates, three hundred and ten to J\lr. Molineux, and on various 
 pretences, Sir l';.sii Fuebrace had received ^40,000. The sum of ^£1000 was paid 
 to the King, bu.1 this was considered only a customary present, as the Company had 
 formerly given an annual gratuity of £ 10,000 a year to Charles II. and his brother 
 James. Several ol the nobility had also received gratuities from the company, and, on 
 a report of the committee, it was resolved to impeach the Duke of Leeds of high 
 crimes and misdemeanors. When the impeachment was carried to the House of Lords, 
 the Duke was actually in the middle of a speech for his own justification, assuring the 
 noble lords, upon his honour, that he was not guilty of the corruption laid to his charge. 
 Being informed of the votes of the commons, he abruptly concluded his speech, and 
 repairing to the lower house, desired he might be indulged with a hearing. He was 
 accordingly admitted, with the compliment of a chair, and leave to be covered.
 William the Third. 
 And William was a wise prince, and In- ruled the kingdom with power 
 and great glory ; howbeil be had. many oppositions, and it was with 
 great trouble that lie managed t lie haughty spirits of the English. 
 Moreover lie made war upon the French, and lie led on bis armies 
 himself; and the hand of the Lord was with him, and he discomfited 
 them b\ hind and by sea in many battles. 
 Now the rest of the acts of king William, his coinage at the 
 Boyne, the grand alliance that he made, the projects that he formed, 
 and the battles that he fought, behold the) ure written in the books 
 of the chronicles of the kings of England. 
 Havin» sat a few minutes, lie took olF his hat, and addressed himself lo the commons 
 in very extraordinary terms. Having thanked them for the indulgence of a hearing, 
 he said, that house would not have been silling but for him. He protested his inno- 
 cenceofthe crime laid to his charge, and demanded, in the usual language ol audacious 
 guilt, speedy justice. The commons forthwith drew up the articles, which being ex- 
 hibited at the bar of the upper house, lie pleaded not guilty, and the commons 
 promised to make good their charge : but in the. mean while, such arts were used as all 
 at once checked the violence of the prosecution. Such a number of considerable per- 
 sons were involved in the mystery of corruption, thai a full exposure was dreaded by 
 both p.irties. The Duke sent Ins domestic, Robert, out of the kingdom, and his 
 absence furnished a pretence for postponing the trial. In a word, the jib was hushed 
 up for the mutual convenience of whigs and tories. — Smoltett, v. i. p. 245. Burnet, 
 vol iii. p. 199. 
 Moreover he made tear upon the French.] Of the fourteen years of this reign nearly 
 ten were years of war. The military and naval expenses amounted to more than forty 
 four millions, being more than one-half the whole expenditure of government. Though 
 William was a brave and resolute commander, he was far from being successtul in his 
 isttt.irv enterprises. With the exception of the battle of the Boj ne, victory scarcely 
 ever attended him. The issue of the great struggle to curb the ambition of the 
 French .Monarch is thus commented on by the historian. " Such was the issue ot a 
 long and bloody war which had drained England of her wealth and people, almost 
 entirely ruined' her commerce, debauched her morals, by encouraging venality and 
 corruption, and entailed upon her the curse of foreign connexions as well as a national 
 debt, which was gradually increased lo an intolerable burden." 
 Vo» the rest o/ the acts of king William — his courage at the Boyne.] His conduct 
 and skill in war were much more questionable than his courage Ol the latter 
 quality he had given repeated proofs, but none more conspicuous than at the battle 
 of the Boyne. James had drawn up his army on the banks of that river, his tront 
 was also covered with a morass and rising ground. William, while reconnoitring 
 his situation on the opposite bank, was exposed to the lire of some field pieces, 
 which the enemy purposely planted against his person. They killed a man and two 
 horses close to him ; and the second bullet rebounding from the earth, grazed his right 
 shoulder, carrying olf part of his clothes and skin, and producing a considerable 
 contusion. This accident, which he bore without the least emotion, created some 
 confusion among his attendants, which the enemy perceiving, concluded he was killed 
 and shouted aloud for joy. The report of his death was communicated from place to 
 place till it had reached ' Dublin ; from thence it was conveyed to Paris, where the 
 French court encouraged the people to celebrate the event with bonfires and illumina- 
 tions William to undeceive his own men, rode along the line to show himself to the
 William the Third. 
 And William reigned over England thirteen years and one month, 
 and he died ; and Anne his sister-in-law reigned in his stead. 
 army after his narrow escape. At night he called a council of war ; and declared 
 lii-> resolution to attack his enemy in the morning. Had James displayed either 
 courage or military skill during the action, the result would have been doubtful ; but 
 instead of animating his men by sharing their dangers, and rallying his forces when 
 disordered, he stood aloof during the battle, like an unconcerned spectator, on the 
 hill of Dunmore, surrounded with some squadrons of cavalry. Seeing the victory 
 likely to declare against him, without making any elfort to collect the remains of his 
 army, lie fled to Dublin, and immediately after left the kingdom. 
 The slaughter was considerable on both sides. The Irish lost fifteen hundred meu, 
 the English about one third of that number. Among the slain of the latter, was the 
 old Duke of Schomberg, who fell in the eighty-second year of his age, after having 
 rivalled the best generals of his lime in military reputation. This old warrior beii:g 
 compelled to leave his own country on account of the troubles with which it was agitated, 
 commenced a soldier of fortune, and served successively in nearly all the armies of 
 Europe. He attained to the dignities of Mareschai in France, Grandee in Portugal, 
 Generalissimo in Prussia, and Duke in England. He professed the protestant religion; 
 was courteous and humble in his deportment; cool, penetrating, resolute, and saga- 
 cious ; nor was his probity inferior to his courage. 
 This battle likewise proved fatal to the brave Caillemote, who had followed the Duke's 
 fortunes, and commanded one of the protestant regiments. After having received a 
 mortal wound, he was carried back through the river by four soldiers, and though al- 
 most in the agonies of death, he with a cheerful countenance encouraged those who 
 were crossing to do their duty, exclaiming '' A la gloire, mts enfant, a lu gloire ! To 
 glory, my lads, to glory !" Another remarkable person who lost his life on this occa- 
 sion was Walker, a clergyman, who had valiantly defended Londonderry against the 
 whole army of King James. William had gratified him with a reward of five thou- 
 sand pounds, and promise of further favour ; but his military genius predominating, 
 he attended his royal patron in this battle, and being shot in the belly died in a few 
 And William reigned — and he dicd.~\ He was of a delicate constitution, and bad 
 laboured under a cough and an asthma from his infancy. Though his constitution 
 was exhausted, his death seems to have been a little accelerated by an accident. 
 Riding to Hampton-court from Kensington his horse fell under him, and he himself 
 was thrown upon the ground with such violence, as produced a fracture in his collar- 
 bone. On the fourth day of March, he was so far recovered from his lameness, that 
 he took several turns in the gallery at Kensington ; but sitting down on a couch, 
 where he fell asleep, he was seized wit! i shivering which terminated in a fever and 
 diarrhoea. Finding his end approachii.i;, a commission was granted for passing the 
 malt-tax bill and the act of abjuration ; but being then too weak to write his name, 
 he, in the presence of the lord-keeper and the clerks of Parliament, applied a stamp 
 prepared for the purpose. The earl of Albermarle arriving from Holland, conferred 
 with him in private on the posture of affairs abroad ; but he received his information 
 with great coldness, and said " Je tire vers ma fin. — I draw towards my end " In the 
 evening he thanked Dr. Bidloo for his care and tenderness, saying — " I know that 
 you and the other learned physicians have done all that your art can do for my relief; 
 but finding all means ineffectual, I submit." He received spiritual consolation from 
 Archoisnop Tennison and Burnet, bishop of Salisbury : at five o'clock on Sunday 
 morning, he desired the. sacrament, and went through the ceremony with a great ap 
 pcarance of seriousness, but could not express himself. Between seven and eigh'
 WilHam the Third. 
 o'clock he began to rattle in his throat, when the Commendatory prayer was said foi 
 him ; and as it ended he expired in the arms of Mr. Sewell, one. of the pages of the 
 back-stairs, in the fifty-second year of hi-> age* The lords Lexington and Scar- 
 borough, who were in wailing, no sooner perceived the kiie_' WSJ dead than they order- 
 ed Ronjat to untie from bis left arm a black ribbon, to which was affixed a ring con- 
 taining some hair of lute Queen Mary, which he h.i I worn as a token of regard to her 
 memory. The body being opened and embalmed, lay in state for sour- time at Keu- 
 .siqgtoii ; and on the 13th of April was deposited in a vault of Henry's chapel, in 
 Thus died king William III. He was in his person of the middle stature, a thin 
 body, and as already observed of a weak constitution. He had an aquiline nose, 
 sparkling eyes, a large forehead and a grave a mjIpiiiii aspect. He was very sparing of 
 speech : his conversation was dry and his maimer disgusting, except in battle, when 
 his deportment was free, spirited, and animated. In courage, fortitude, and equani- 
 uimity, he rivalled the most eminent warriors of antiquity ; and his natural sagacity 
 made amends tor the defects of his education, which had not been properly superin- 
 tended, lie spoke Dutch, French, German, equally well, and he understood the 
 I aim, Spanish, and Italian. He was religious, temperate, generally just and sincere, 
 a stranger to violent transports of passion, and might have passed for one of the best 
 princes of Europe hail not his ambition laid the foundation of a system of policy ulti- 
 mately ruinous to the country. lie aspired to the honour of acting as umpire in all 
 the contests of Europe ; and as this was the first, the second object of his attention 
 was the aggrandisement of the country to which he owed his birth and extraction. In 
 furtherance of these views he scrupled not to employ all the engines of corruption, 
 by which the morals of the nation were debauched, and patriotism and principle 
 banished from government. He procured a parliamentary sanction for a standing 
 army, which is now considered an indispensable appendage to the constitution. He 
 introduced the pernicious practice of borrowing upon remote funds; an expedient 
 that necessarily hatched a brood of usurers, brokers, contractors, and stock-jobbers to 
 prey upon the vitals of the country, and whose chief harvest is in the promotion of 
 war, misery, and devastation. He introduced the practice of issuing exchequer bills, 
 of raising money by lotteries, the stamp duties, the excise laws, and all those fatal 
 financial expedients, by which wars of ambition, folly, and despotism have been sup- 
 ported, and the country plunged into her present abyss of misery, despair, and de- 
 Smollett sums up his character in the following words : *' William was a fatalist in 
 religion, enterprising in politics, dead to all the warm and generous emotions of the 
 •kuraan heart, a cold relation, an indifferent husband, a disagreeable man, an ungra- 
 cious prime, and an imperious sovereign." 
 As Smollett considered the deposition of King James, William's father-in-law and 
 uncle, an unpardonable crime, the reader will make some abatement for his strictures 
 on his character. But though William was a disagreeable man, it is not conceivable 
 how he could merit the appellation of an indifferent husband. The ring he wore ap- 
 pended to his arm, after the death of Queen Mary, certainly shows no want of affec- 
 rion ; and lie forms a rare exception to the usual run of princes, by neither burdening 
 his people with the support of a mistress, nor any illegitimate offspring. His Queen is 
 described by Burnet as a very exemplary character : that is. she possessed all the vir 
 lues of a good wife, though some of her qualifications can hardly be said to add much 
 - •■■ ■ , lignity, or utility to the royal character. She was scrupulous in the perform- 
 ance of all religious duties; kept a sharp look-out after th< servants, used to rise 
 early in the morning, and set an example of industry by devoting several ho • 
 d«v to needlework among her maids of honour.
 The chief excellence of William's character was his love of toleration. Being him- 
 self educated a Calvinist, he was inclined to grant full liberty of conscience to all his 
 subjects, and remove every penalty on account of religious opinions. An attempt 
 was made to pass a bill by which Dissenters, under certain regulations, were to be 
 admitted to all offices, civil"and military. This just and salutary measure was opposed 
 by the lords. The act for the toleration of non-conformity was more successful. By 
 this act the Dissenters were allowed the free exercise of their religion, a privilege they 
 had not before enjoyed. These concessions rendered 'William very unpopular among 
 the church party, whose pride, insolence, and rapacity, could only tolerate their own 
 Having alluded to the nature of the Revolution at the commencement of this reign, 
 it is unnecessary to add any thing further on that subject. The sacred right of resist- 
 ance to tyranny, — the noble principle for which Lord Russell laid down his life in the 
 reign of Charles II —was fully recognised by the expulsion of a tyrant and the adop- 
 tion of a new family to the sovereignty. With the exception of this principle, nothing 
 further was gained by the people. The prerogatives of the crown were undoubtedly 
 better denned and greatly abridged ; but these odious privileges, exercised by former 
 princes, instead of being restored to the people by a radical reform in the representa- 
 tion, were usurped by an insolent and factious Aristocracy. 
 The Whigs claim great merit on account of the Revolution ; but the fact is, it was 
 brougLt about by a general coalition of all parties, — Whigs, Tories and Republi- 
 Now Anne was thirty and seven years old when she began lu 
 reign ; and she reigned over England twelve years and rive months. 
 Now Anvc was thirty and seven years old.'] She was the daughter of James II. by 
 Anne Hyde, daughter of the Earl of Clarendon, the historian, whose wife originally 
 was a washerwoman, fruit-woman, or something of that. sort. While an exile at 
 Breda, James had formed a secret intercourse with Lady Anne, and they were pri- 
 vately married at Worcester-house, September 5th, 1660. When she was with child 
 in 1662, and the matter broke out, Lord Clarendon protested that till then he knew 
 nothing of the connection. After the restoration, the Duke thought to have prevented 
 her claiming her marriage by great promises and great threatenings. But being a wo- 
 man of spirit, she said she was his wife, and she would have it known that she was so, 
 let him use her afterwards as he pleased. Charles ordered some bishops and judges to 
 peruse the proofs she had to produce, and they reporting the marriage was good, the 
 King not being willing then to break with Clarendon, told his brother he must needs 
 live with the woman lie had married. The Duchess of York is described as a woman 
 of parts, had a great knowledge and a lively sense of things. She wrote well, and 
 begun the Duke's life, of which she showed Dr. Burnet a volume. Her manners, 
 however, were somewhat haughty, which raised her many enemies. She bore the 
 Duke four sons and four daughters: Queen Anne was her second daughter, bom at 
 St. James's, 1664.
 And she pursued the measures which William her predecessor had 
 begun, in order to oblige King Lewis of France to recall his grand- 
 son Philip, whom lie had seated on the throne of Spain, and to place 
 that crown on the head of Charles, the Emperor Leopold's second 
 Wherefore war was declared by the confederate powers of Eng- 
 ln 1683, the Queen was married to Prince George of Denmark, second son of 
 Eredcrick LLI. King of Denmark. The Queen had almost a child every year, but 
 done of them survived. The Prince died in 1703, of a cold and asthma, with which 
 he had been long afflicted. He filled the office of lord high admiral, and in his cha- 
 racter and relation to the Queen, bore some resemblance to a living personage. He 
 was a prince of an amiable, rather than a shining character, brave, good-natured, 
 modest, and humane, but devoid of great talents and ambition. He always lived in 
 great harmony with the Queen, who, during the whole term of their union, especially 
 m his last illness, approved herself a pattern of conjugal truth and tenderness. 
 Wherefore, war was declared — and Marlborough the general] John Churchill, after- 
 wards Duke of Marlborough, was second son of Sir Winston Churchill, of Wootton- 
 Bassett, in Wiltshire, by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Drake, of Ashe, in the 
 parish of Masbury, in Devonshire. He was born at Ashe, the 24th of June, 16.i0. 
 He was brought young to court, and made page of honour to the Duke of York, who 
 discovering his martial disposition, procured for him, at the age of sixteen, au ensign'* 
 commission in the guards. Me went first to Tangier, and afterwards to France, and 
 was soon distinguished by his military genius. When the Duke of York came to the 
 crown, he was made lieutenant-general, and one of the gentlemen of the bedchamber, 
 and sent ambassador to France, to notify that prince's accession to the throne. On 
 the 14th of May, 1685, he was created a peer of England, by the title of Baron 
 Churchill, of Sandridge, in Hertfordshire He contributed greatly by his conduct to 
 defeat the insurrection of Monmouth, in the West. But finding James wholly intent 
 « a introducing popery and despotism, he thought himself freed from all his obliga- 
 tions to that monarch, and joined with the Whig and Tory lords to invite the Prince 
 of Orange to come over to their assistance. Upon his leaving King James, he wa> 
 declared lieutenant-general by the Prince of Orange, and as Boon as be ascended the 
 throne, he was made gentleman of the bed-chamber, and created Earl of .Marlbo- 
 His trrcat power and influence under Queen Anne, aiose in part from the intrigues 
 of his wife, Sarah Jennings. This lady was daughter of Richard Jennings, of Sand- 
 ridge, in Hertfordshire, Esq. and lady of the bed chamber to the Queen. She is de- 
 scribed as a woman of little knowledge, but of clear apprehension and sound judg- 
 ment; a warm and hearty friend, violent and sudden in her resolutions, and impetuous 
 in her manners. She was not much addicted to flattery, nor any mean compliances. 
 and her power over the Queen appeared rather the result of a high opinion her ma- 
 jesty entertained of her judgment, sincerity, and frankness. The violence ot her tem- 
 per brought her husband into some serious difficulties, which made Swift remark, that 
 the Duke was indebted to her, both for his rise and down al. Pope's of 
 Atossa was designed for her ; when these lines were shown 10 her grace, as 
 for the Duchess of Buckingham, she soon stopped the reader, and called a •> 
 cannot be so impost i upon. — I sec plainly enough for whom they were lesij i ;'* 
 and abused Pope for the attack, though she afterwards courted his fnend»hip. A»
 land, Holland, and Germany, against France and against Spain; and 
 Marlborough tlic general was made commander of their armies ; and 
 he marched into Flanders and encamped there. 
 And the arm of the Lord was with him, and he was mighty in bat- 
 tle, and he defeated the French wheresoever he came : in all the bat- 
 tles that he fought, he conquered ; and whatsoever town he besieged, 
 it surrendered unto him. 
 Let Ramillies confess the wonders of his courage, let the siege of 
 Lisle proclaim his conduct; Blenheim shall speak aloud the glory of 
 his arms, and Oudenarde declare his invincible prowess ; Tournay 
 also shall remember him for ever, and bloody Malplaquet shall trem- 
 ble at his name. 
 she advanced in years, her temper became more irascible. It is related, that the 
 Duke being sick, and not liking the advice of his physician, she followed him down 
 stairs, swearing bitterly, and made an attempt to pull off his p'tsrriwig. Like her hus- 
 band she was extremely avaricious. Her rapacity having rendered hrr unpopular, 
 she gave Hooke, the Roman historian, ^f' 5000 to write a book in her defence, con- 
 taining an account of her connexion with the Queen. She died in 1744, quite worn 
 out with age and infirmities. 
 To return to the Duke of Marlborough. The great defect of the Duke's character 
 was his avarice, and some mercenary practices in which he was detected tarnished his 
 military glories. In 1711, it was discovered that he had received an annual present 
 of five or six thousand pounds from Sir Solomon Medina, a Jew, concerned in the 
 contract for furnishing the army with bread ; to have been gratified by the Queen with- 
 ten thousand pounds a year, on pretence of procuring intelligence ; and to have 
 pocketed a deduction of two and a half per cent, from the pay of foreign troops main- 
 tained by England. It was alleged, in his justification, that these sums were only the 
 ordinary perquisites of office, which had been received by his predecessors. The com- 
 mons, however, voted his conduct unwarrantable and illegal, and the attorney- general 
 was directed to prosecute him. 
 With the exception of being implicated in these practices, he was undoubtedly the 
 greatest man of his age. He united in his own character, in an eminent degree, all 
 the qualities which form a courtier, a soldier, and a statesman. His person was lofty 
 and well made; his features manly, yet beautiful ; bis looks gracious and open ; his 
 mien great, his parts quick ; his memory faithful and exact; his penetration deep ; his 
 judgment solid ; his courage undiainted. lie knew the art of living in a court beyond 
 any man in it. He caressed all people with a soft and obliging deportment, and was 
 always ready to do good offices. He was ambitious, but free from haughtiness and 
 ostentation. As a soldier, he was a man of the strictest honour, cool, vigilant, and 
 indefatigable i on the day of battle, he gave his orders with all the clearness and 
 coraposedness imaginable ; leading on his troops without hurry or perturbation, and 
 rallying those who were disordered without abusive reproofs, which damp rather than 
 animate the soldier's courage. As a statesman, he managed a variety of business, 
 either single, or in concert with the prime minister, with great dexterity, case, and
 And great fear came upon all Frenchmen, and upon Lewis their 
 King ; wherefore lie sought unto queen Anne for peace, and in an 
 e\il hour she hearkened unto him: A shameful peace wa3 concluded 
 at Utrecht, «nd the conquests of Marlborough were made in vain. 
 Now it came to pass in these days, that the land was divided 
 sufficiency. In council, lie was never supercilious or assuming, but could bear con- 
 tradiction without passion, and by cool argumentation bring others over to his own 
 Opinion. To sum up the character of this great man, King William said of him, that 
 he hail the coolest head, and the waimcst heart of any man he ever knew. 
 This upon the whole may be considered rather a favourable view of the Duke's 
 character, and a lew more particulars may be necessary to enable the reader to form 
 a just estimate of this extraordinary man. 
 Lord Chesterfield, after admitting that his manner wis absolutely irresistible, either 
 by man or woman, says, that he was eminently illiterate; wrote bad English, and 
 spelled still worse. Dean Swift, to whom he was opposed in politics, and who pur- 
 sued him with a terrible satire after his death, says lie was as covetous as hell, and as 
 ambitious as tin.- prince of it. In one of his Examiners (No. 17.) he makes it appear 
 that in various grants, on account of Woodstock, Blenheim, the Post Office grant, 
 and other sources he had received, „£ 540,000 of the public money. Indeed his 
 avarice was insatiable. A few anecdotes mentioned in the Biographia Britannica will 
 illustrate this trait in his character. When he was boy. the first thing he did was to 
 buy a box to put his money in. The Duchess of Cleveland, the favourite mistress 
 of Charles II. and the most handsome woman in England, struck by his personal 
 appearance, when an ensign in the guards, gave him ^£.5000; with which he had 
 the precaution to purchase a life annuity. It is related that he long time hesitated 
 to have a pair of wet stockings cut off his legs, though the keeping them on endan- 
 Hi-red his life. On the eve of a great battle, he was heard reproaching his servant for 
 extravagance in lighting four candles, when Prince Eugene had come to confer with 
 him. He is justly charged with protracting the war, solely to fill his pockets out of 
 the plunder of the foreign troops, and other sources of emolument. These anecdotes 
 sufficiently illustrate his rapacious disposition. He has been accused of formim* a plan 
 to betray James II. into the hands of William, but Burnet acquits him of this impu- 
 tation. Having survived the decay of his mental faculties, he died in 1722, aged 
 T3. He left no male issue. 
 And great fear came upon all Frenchmen — and the conquests of Marlborough were Tiiade 
 in vainJ] All the wars waged by this country since the revolution, have had nearly 
 similar results ; namely, an enormous increase in the public debt and burdens. They 
 have been all wars of faction, ambition, passion, or despotism; never for any object 
 beneficial either to the liberties or happiness of mankind. Of the thirteen years of 
 this reign, twelve were years of war: and it cannot be denied, after all the sanguinary 
 victories of Marlborough, and an immense military and naval expenditure, the contest 
 terminated in an inglorious peace, procured, as is said, by bribery and corruption. 
 Note it came to pass in tlicse days, that the lands was divided between two famous giants, 
 the Home of one was Whigansa, and tin- name of the other was Toribundos.~] 
 Wuic and Tori — the names of two rapacious factions, by whom the Country has 
 been plundered and deluded for a century and a half. Both these parties received 
 thiir appellations in the reign of Charles II. The court party formed the Tories, and 
 wen so called from a supposed resemblance the\ bore i" a banditti in Ireland of that 
 name. The Toriet termed their opponents Whigs, from a supposed resemblance 
 between two famous giants ; and the name of the one was Whiganza, 
 and the name of the other was Toribundos. And there was enmity 
 between the partisans of Whiganza, and the partizans of Toribundos, 
 insomuch that they spake of each other with great bitterness and 
 many reproaches. 
 And the giant Toribundos sent forth an evil spirit in the shape 
 of a priest, and he called his name Sacheverel ; and when he was 
 strongly possessed, he would rave of False Brethren, of F.vil Com- 
 munication, of Passive Obedience, of Non-Resistance, and many 
 other absurdities. 
 tliev had to some fanatical conventiclers who infested Scotland.* To derive their 
 origin from thieves and fanatics, is certainly very creditable to both parties, and it 
 accords pretty well with their .subsequent conduct. King William, whose life was 
 much embittered by their factious and selfish intrigues, used to say, that if he had a 
 sufficient number of places for both parties, the idle distinction of Whig and Tory 
 would cease. It is very creditable to his sagacity, that he should discover that se- 
 cret in a few years, which occupied more than a century to discover to the nation. 
 In the subsequent part of this immortal work, it will be often necessary to expose the 
 wiles, corruptions, and factious turbulence of Whigs and Tories. 
 And tlie giant Toribundos sent forth an evil spirit — his name Sacheverel.] The history 
 of this man is a curious example of the influence of party. His father, Joshua 
 Sacheverel, was rector of St. Peter's Church, Marlborough, where the famous Dr. 
 Sacheverel received the rudiments of knowledge. His father dying, Henry Hearst, 
 an apothecary, being his god-father, adopted him as his son. Hearst's widow put 
 bint afterwards to Magdalen College, Oxford, where he became a demy in 1687, 
 at the age of fifteen. Here he soon distinguished himself by a regular observation of 
 the duties of the house ; his compositions, good manners, and genteel behaviour. He 
 was cotemporary and chamber fellow with Addison, and till his trial his intimate ac- 
 quaintance. Mr. Addison, in his " Account of the greatest English Poets," in a farewell 
 poem to the Muses, inscribes it to Henry Sacheverel. As a clergyman, Sacheverel, 
 was a man of narrow intellect, and over-heated imagination. Had not the violence 
 of faction, by an injudicious prosecution, lifted him into importance, neither he nor 
 his doctrines would scarcely have ever been heard beyond the precincts of his own 
 The sermons, which threw the nation into a ferment, were preached at Derby 
 assizes, and at St. Saviour's, Southwark, of which he was rector. In these sermons 
 he defended the doctrine of non-risislanre ; inveighed against toleration and the 
 dissenters; treated the revolution as an impious rebellion; declared the church was 
 in danger; he sounded the trumpet of alarm, and exhorted the people to put on the 
 aimour of God. These doctrines were acceptable enough to the Tories and Jacobites, 
 t)iit obnoxious to the Whigs, since they impeached the merit of their chef d'oeuvre 
 of 1688. Sacheverel'!; ravings were introduced in the House of Commons, several 
 paragraphs were icad, and the sermons voted scandalous and seditious libels. Having 
 * Hume, vol. viii. p. 126.
 •■■'■■■ «*»-. 
 Now the party of Toribundoa adored him as a God ; many pic- 
 tures of him were taken, and prints of his face were dispersed in 
 every corner ; yea, so worthily was he distinguished, that the very 
 piss-pots of the land displayed his countenance at their bottoms 
 and showers of honour were daily poured upon him. 
 Many hardy champions also enlisted themselves beneath his ban 
 ners, and fought his battles with a desperate and zealous fury. 
 acknowledged himself tlie author, the Commons determined to impeach him at the 
 bar of the house of Lords, and a committee was appointed to draw up the articles. 
 The trial came on in Westminster. The eyes of the whole kingdom were turned upon 
 the issue of this extraordinary prosecution. It lasted three weeks, during which time 
 all other business was suspended, and the Queen herself attended every day as a 
 private spectator. The " lower oiders" were completely duped by this shallow in- 
 cendiary. A vast multitude attended biro every day to and from Westminster-hall, 
 striving to kiss his hand, and praying for his deliverance, as if he had been a martyr 
 and confessor. The Queen's sedan was beset by the populace, exclaiming "God 
 bless your Majesty and the Church. We hope your Majesty is for Dr. Sacheverel." 
 They compelled all persons to lift their hats to the Doctor, as lie. passed in his coach 
 to the Temple where lie lodged; and among others, some members of parliament. 
 Indeed the "swinish multitude" was completely deluded; but they had not then read 
 the "cheap publications." 
 To return to the Doctor. His sermons were ordered to be burnt by the common 
 hangman, in the presence of the Lord Mayor and the two Sheriffs of London and 
 Middlesex ; and he was prohibited for preaching for three years. 
 Now the party of Toribundos adored — the very piss-pots of the land.] It is really 
 laughable to see the ridiculous honours bestowed on such a despicable creature as Sach- 
 everel. Having been presented to a living in North Wales, he made a sort of 
 triumphal tour to that country, in all the pomp and magnificence of a sovereign prince. 
 He was sumptuously entertained by the University of Oxford, and different Tory 
 Lords showed him the most idolatrous respect, as the god of their faction. He was 
 received in several towns by the magistrates of the corporation in their formalities, 
 and often attended by a body of a thousand horse. At Bridgenorth, he was met by 
 Mr. Creswell, at the head of four thousand horse, and the like number of pers'iiia oh 
 foot, wearing white knots edged with gold, and three leaves of gill laurel in their 
 hats. The hedges were for two miles dressed with garlands of flowers, and lined with 
 people ; and the steeples covered with streamers, flags, and colours. Nothing was 
 heard but the cry of, "The Church and Dr. Sacheverel." 
 Such were the honours paid by the "people," by the "mob," of 1710, to a fellow 
 without talents and merit of any kind ; but whose sole recommendation was being the 
 ultra advocate of religious prosecution and political tyranny. The friends of know- 
 ledge have no reason to be discouraged, when they behold the chance introduced on 
 the public mind within the last century. Sacheverel, after the expiration of the period 
 of his suspension, was presented to the valuable living of St. Andrew's, Holborn. Of 
 the first sermon he preached, we are told (Biog. Diet) 40,000 copies were sold 
 After this we hear no more of him, except his quarrels with his parishioners. He 
 died in 1754.
 Howbeit there arose at length from the tribe of Whiganza, a valiant 
 hero whose name was Benjamin ; and he buckled on him the shield of 
 reason, and grasping in his hand the sword of truth, he marched into 
 the host of Torihundos, and the whole army fled from before him, or 
 fell by his hand : yea, so totally were they defeated, that they turned 
 not again unto this day. 
 Now the rest of the acts of Queen Anne, and all her glorious con- 
 quests ; her piety also to the clergy, and the fifty churches that she 
 built, behold, if thou livest to see them, thou mayest die an old 
 And Anne slept with her fathers, and was buried in the chapel of 
 Henry the Seventh, and George of Hanover reigned in her stead. 
 Hoivbeit there arose — a vuliant hero, whose name was Benjamin.] Pray who can this 
 Benjamin be? It cannot allude either to Lord Wharton or Lord Soniers. Yet these 
 were the most eminent of the Whig party. But indeed the Tory administration, ai the 
 close of this reign, was broke up rather by the divisions among its own members, than 
 the intrigues of any of their opponents. There was a continual rivalship betwixt the 
 Treasurer, (the Earl of Oxford), and Bolingbroke, Secretary of State. The most 
 violent altercations frequently occurred, sometimes iu the presence of the Queen, 
 betwixt these rival statesmen. With the assistance of Lady Masham, the new 
 favourite, who had succeeded the Duchess of Marlborough, Bolingbroke succeeded in 
 procuring the resignation of his opponent. But the Queen dying about the same lime, 
 the Whigs came into power, and he derived little advantage from his victory. 
 Now the rest of the acts of Queen Anne — her piety also to the clergy.] In 1704, the 
 Queen made a grant of the tenths and first fruits, for the augmentation of poor livings. 
 The tenths are the tenth part of the annual value of each living. The first fruits aie 
 the first year's whole profit or value of any spiritual preferment. Both first fruits 
 and tenths were formerly paid to the Pope. The first fruits were paid to his Holi- 
 ness on the promotion to any new benefice ; and the tenths were an annual income-tax 
 to that amount, levied on the revenues of the clergy. After the sepuration from the 
 Church of Rome, they became a part of the revenue of the crown. Thej' were not 
 brought into the Treasury, like other branches of the public revenue ; but the Bishops, 
 being the collectors, they were in great part assigned out to individuals, either for life 
 or a term of years. In Charles the Second's time, they chiefly went to the support of 
 his mistresses and natural children.* When they were formed into a fund, for the 
 benefit of the poor clergy, the tenths were valued at ,£"11,000, and the first fruits 
 at ,^5000 a-year. This fund, called Queen Anne's Bounty, has been subsequently 
 augmented by an annual grant of ^£100,000 from parliament, and the donations of 
 private individuals. 
 And Anne slept with her fathers.'] She expired on the 1st day of August, in the 
 fiftieth year of her age, and the thirteenth of her reign. Anne Stuart, Queen of Great 
 • See Burnet's Own Time, vol. iv. p. 41 ; to whose suggestion the clergy were 
 • ndebted for this boon.
 Britain, wui in her person of the middli -\m\ well-proportioned. Her hair was of thfe 
 dark brown colour, her complexion ruddy; her features were regular, her coantenanei 
 vm rather round than oval, and her aspect more comely than majestic. Her voice 
 was clear and melodious, and her presence engaging. Her capacity was naturally mod, 
 Lut nut much cultivated by learning ; nor did she exhibit any marks oi extraordinary 
 genius or personal ambition. She was deficient in that vigour of mind by which a prince 
 ought to preserve his independence, and avoid the snares and fetters of sycophants 
 and favourites She was warmly attached to the established church, and not enter- 
 taining very liberal notions on religious liberty, she countenanced several attempts at 
 the commencement of her reign to discourage and distress the Dissenters. The doc- 
 trines and conduct of Sacheverel she viewed with particular favour ; during the 
 trial of that incendiary and afterwards, the principles of the revolution were th>- 
 subjects of constant reproach, and slavery and non-resistance the peculiar doctrines 
 of Christianity and the church. In short, Anne was in principle hostile both i . 
 civil and religious liberty, and had not her natural disposition been restrained bv ths 
 imbecility of her mind, and the delects of her understanding, it is probahie she 
 might have been us arbitrary in her conduct as Queen Elizabeth, whose character 
 she professed to be ambitious to imitate. 
 Her favourite amusement was hunting) which she practised in her chaise, but tbr 
 gout increasing upon her, and becoming extremely unweildy, she was constrained to 
 forego this wholesome exercise. This circumstance and her intemperate mode of 
 living, probably has ... '■ her dissolution. It is related by one writer that vhe was 
 much addicted to spirituous liquors. Tindal contradicts this assertion, anil states that 
 her excess was principally in eating. It is impossible lo say which of these writers u 
 correct, perhaps both. 
 There are few events to add by waj of supplement to this reign. The most im- 
 portant fact not noticed, is the act for uniting Scotland to England, in the year 
 170?. By the articles of union, Scotland returns sixteen peers anil forty-five com- 
 moner* to the Imperial Parliament, as the representatives of that kingd >n>. The 
 incorporation of the two kingdoms was violently opposed by nearly all classes in 
 Scotland. They represented it as destructive lo the liberties, population and wealth 
 of the country. Events have completely falsified these gloomy predictions, and it i> 
 well known, that, instead of England draining Scotland, the reverse has been tru- 
 Base. Indeed it looked a paradox in political economy at the lime, how a poor, 
 desolate, fanatical country like Scotland, could be injured by an union v.ith m. 
 inure rich, free, and enlightened neighbour. 
 A great addition was made to the peerage ia this reign. To give ministers a ma 
 jority, twelve new peers were created at once. On the lirst day of their introduction 
 into the upper house, when the question was put about adjourning, the Earl of 
 Whartoh asked one of them, "Whether they voted by their foreman." The first 
 degradation of the peerage, by the admission of families, recommended to ministers 
 only by their servility or their wealth, may be dated from the Revolution. William, 
 to ingratiate himself with the powerful families, raised eight carls to dukedoms; 
 ■ted eighteen earls, three viscounts, and nine barons. The accession of the 
 Hanover family rendered new creations necessary, and during the late reign the 
 peerage was doubled. 
 The reign of Queen Anne has been termed the Augustan era of English Literature. 
 But the writers of this age are more distinguished by the classical beauties of theii 
 composition, than strength and originality of genius. If however we embrace a 
 larger period, from the restoration to the accession of the Brunswick family, we shall 
 I men eminent in every branch of literature and science. Dr Atteiburv and 
 ►r. Clarke, were distinguished in divinity. .Air. Winston, an eminent mathematician, 
 but of eccentric opinions, wrote iu defence of Arianism. John Locke shone fcrth as
 George the First. 
 the father of human reason, and metaphysical philosophy. His Essay on the Human 
 Understanding, by explaining the powers of the mind, and exposing the delusions 
 of entiiusiam, bas done more to deliver mankind from the terrors and miseries of super- 
 stition, than the works of all other writers put together. Berkeley, afterwards Bishop 
 of Cloyne, was also an eminent metaphysician; but his ideal philosophy, though in- 
 genious and unanswerable, not being of any practical utility, he cannoi be considered 
 to have conferred any important service on mankind by his productions. Great 
 progress was made in mathematics and astronomy by Wallis, Hall' y, and Flamstead : 
 and the art of medicine owed some valuable improvements to the writings and dis- 
 coveries of Friend and Mead. 
 Among the poets of this era are numbered John Phillips, author of a didactic poem 
 called Cyder, a performance of real merit ; he lived and died in obscurity. — William 
 Coivreve, celebrated for his comedies, which are not so famous for strength ot cha- 
 racter and power of humour, as for wit, elegance, and regularity. — Vanbrugh, who 
 wrote with more nature and fire, though with far less art and precision.— Steele, who 
 in his comed:es successfully engrafted modern characters on the ancient drama. — Far- 
 quhar, who drew his pictures from fancy rather than from nature, and whose chief 
 merit consists in the agreeable pcrtness and vivacity of his dialogue. — Addison, whose 
 fame as a poet greatly exceeded his genius, which was cold and enervate, void of 
 passion, energy, and invention ; though in the character of an essayist he yielded to 
 none, either in the beauties of style, or the ingenuity of his matter. — Swift, whose 
 muse seems to have been mere misanthropy; he was a cynic rather than a poet, and 
 his natural dryness and sarcastic severity would have been unpleasing, had he not 
 qualified them by adopting the extravagant and licentious humour of Lucian and 
 Rabelais. — Prior, lively, familiar, and amusing. — Rowe, solemn, florid, and decla- 
 matory. — Pope, the prince of lyric poetry, unrivalled in satire, ethics, and polished 
 versification. — The agreeable Parnel. — The wild, the witty, and the whimsical Garth. 
 Gay, whose fables may vie with those of La Fontaine, in native humour, ease, and 
 simplicity ; and whose genius for pastoral was truly original Dr. Bentley stood fore- 
 most in the list of critics and commentators. Sir Christopher Wren raised some noble 
 monuments of architecture. The most celebrated political writers were Davenant, 
 Hare, Swift, Steele, Addison, Bolingbroke, and Trenchard. Of this class Steele, 
 Swift, and Bolingbroke were the most distinguished. Many of the political publica- 
 tions were published weekly, and sold for a penny or twopence each. Of this class 
 were the Examiner, in which Bolingbroke and Swift were the principal writers. So 
 that Cobbett, Wooler, and other writers of that class, are rather the restorers than 
 the fathers of " cheap publications." 
 And George was fifty and six years old when he began to reign, 
 and he reigned over England twelve years and ten months, and his 
 mother's name was Sophia. 
 And George was fifty and six years old — 7m mother's name was Sophia.] Gibbon, in 
 his Miscellaneous Works, has a learned paper on the origin of the Guelph family. He 
 traces them up almost to the flood. According to his researches, the House of 
 Hanover originally resided in Italy ; and the names of the first progenitors of the
 George the First. 
 Now it came to pass that the son of* King James the second, who 
 had been abroad since his father's abdication, attempted to set him- 
 self on the throne of Great Britain. 
 And there were great commotions in the land, and the spirits of 
 the people were stirred up to rebellion in many places. 
 family, of whom any record is preserved, were Azo and Cunegunda. By what 
 Strange variety of fortune they were transplanted into Germany, and afterwards rose 
 into the rank of Electors of the Holy Roman Empire, and subsequently ascended the 
 Throne of Great Britain, it were not very interesting to inquire. It may be proper to 
 observe, that George I. like his two predecessors, was a parliamentary rather than a 
 legitimate monarch. In the reign of King William and Queen Anne, effectual mea- 
 sures were taken to exclude catholics from the throne. Had not the order of suc- 
 cession been changed, and supposing the doubtfulness of the Pretender's birth a suffi- 
 cient reason to set him aside, the House of Savoy would have been in possession of the 
 British dominions ; as they derived their right from the Princess Henrietta, daughter 
 of Charles I ; whereas the Hanoverian family were descended from the Princess 
 Elizabeth, daughter of King James I. It was from no predilection in favour of the 
 Dukes of Hanover, but solely from their being of the protectant persuasion, that they 
 succeeded to the throne. On this principle of excluding the catholic branches of the 
 Stuart family. George I. sou of the Princess Sophia, grand-daughter of James I. 
 ascended the throne. 
 As soon as Queen Anne had resigned her last breath, a proclamation was issued 
 under the authority of the privy council, declaring that the high and mighty Prince 
 George, Elector of Brunswick Lunenburgh, was, by the death of the Queen, become 
 our lawful, right, and liege lord, King of Great Britain, &c. This proclamation was 
 signed by above a hundred of the nobility and gentry, most of whom shortly after 
 formed conspiracies to dethrone the King. 
 And there were great commotions in the land.] It may be necessary to remind the 
 reader of the state of parties at this period. The Jacobites, or partizans of the House 
 ot Stuart, were very numerous ; and even the late Queen, as well as her minister, the 
 Earl of Oxford, is represented to have been in favour of the exiled family. The par- 
 tizans of the Pretender, however, did not dare openly to avow their designs ; but 
 werv generally included among the Tories, who, with the Whigs, formed the osten- 
 sible parties into which the nation was divided. Many of the Tories were not from 
 principle opposed to the Hanoverian succession, but only dreaded the accession of that 
 family, from an apprehension that the Whigs would then become predominate, and 
 engross all places of trust and emolument. The principles of this party have been 
 already explained : they entertained lofty notions of the royal prerogative, and the 
 rights of the church ; and were composed of the principal nobility and gentry, with the 
 populace of Loudon, Westminster, Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, and the chief 
 towns and cities of the kingdom. The Whigs leaned for support on the Dissenters, the 
 Bank, and the monied interest : the two last being indebted to this party for existence 
 and prosperity. The reader will here observe the change in parlies in the la^t centurv. 
 The Tories now depend for support principally on the Bank and the funded interest; 
 while the little influence which remains to the Whigs is chiefly to be found anion:; a 
 Fen of the great landholders and proprietors of the kingdom. As to the populace, 
 having discovered the selfishness and ambition of both Whigs and Tories, they now 
 form a numerous and influential parly, engrossing nearly all the talent, honesty, and 
 energy of the country, under the name of "Reformers."
 George the First. 
 And the friends of James assembled an army and marclied to 
 Preston ; and they were encountered there by the king's forces under 
 the command of Wills and Carpenter, and entirely defeated. 
 Foster also their general, with the lords Derweniwater, Wither- 
 ington, Nithisdale, Wintoun, Krnmure, and many others, were 
 taken captive and committed to the tower of London ; and the 
 heads of some were smitten off on Tower-Hill, but some escaped. 
 These remarks will render intelligible the history of the riots and rebellions which 
 distracted the country at the commencement of this reign. Notwithstanding procla- 
 mations against riots, and orders of the justices for maintaining the peace, repealed 
 tumults were raised by the malcontent? in London and Westminster. Those who ce- 
 lebrated the anniversary of the King's birth with the usual marks of joy and festivity, 
 were inputted by the populace; but next day, which was the anniversary of the Re- 
 storation, the whole city was lighted up with bonfires and illuminations, and echoed 
 with the sound of mirth and tumultuous rejoicing. The people even obliged the life- 
 guard? who patrolled the streets to join in the cry of " High Church and Ormond !" 
 and in Sutithfield they burned the picture of King William. Thirty persons were im- 
 prisoned lor being concerned in these riots. One Bournois, a schoolmaster, who affirmed 
 that King George had no right to the crown, was tried, and scourged through 
 the city with such severity, that in a tew days he expired in the utmoLt torture. A 
 frivolous incident served to increase the popular ferment. The shirts allowed to the 
 first regiment of guards, commanded by the Duke of Marlborough, were so coar°e, 
 that the soldiers could hardly be persuaded to wear them. Some were thrown into 
 the garden of the King's palace, and into that of the Duke of Marlborough. A detach- 
 ment in marching through the city produced them to the view of the shopkeepers and 
 passengers, exclaiming, " These are the Hanover shirts." The court being informed 
 of this clamour, ordered those new shirts to be horned immediately; but even this 
 sacrifice, and an advertisement published by the Duke of Marlborough in his own 
 vindication did not acquit that genera! of suspicion that he was concerned in this 
 mean piece of peculation. A reward of fifty pounds was offered by the government 
 to any person who would discover one Captain Wright, who by an intercepted letter 
 appeared to be disaffected to King George ; and Mr. George Jefferies was seized at 
 Dublin, with a packet directed to Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's. Several 
 treasonable papers being found in this packet were transmitted to England ; Jcfferii s 
 ■was obliged to give bail for lis appearance, and Swift thought proper to abscond. 
 Similar commotions and suspicions prevailed throughout the kingdom. 
 And the friends of James assembled an army and marched to Preston — and entirely 
 defeated.] This was rather a siege than a battle. Foster commanded the rebels, 
 composed principally of Highlanders. General Willis marched against the enemy 
 with six regiments of horse and dagroons, and one battalion of foot, commanded by 
 Colonel Preston. They had advanced to the bridge of Ribble, before Foster received 
 intelligence of their approach. lie forthwith, began to raise barricadoes, and put the 
 place in a posture of defence. On the 12th of November, the town was briskly at- 
 tacked in two different places; but the king's troops met with a very warm reception, 
 i • ere repulsed with considerable loss. Next day, General Carpenter arrived with 
 ?■ reinforcement of three regiments of dragoons, and the rebels were invested on all 
 sides; The Highlanders declared- that they would make a sally, sword in hand, and 
 either cut their way through the king's troops, or perish in the attempt ; but they wcr«
 George the First. 
 The carl of Marr ;»lso assembled an army in Scotland, but he was 
 discomfited and put to flight by t lit* DuUe of Argyle. 
 How licit <ii t-iit discontent prevailed through all the land, and 
 great fear came upon the Whigs because of the Jacobites. 
 Many thought that the day of judgment was at hand, and cried 
 out, What shall we do to be saved. 
 Then there arose among them a mighty man of the tribe of Whi- 
 gan/a, and he said unto them, Wherefore are ye afraid of the Jacob- 
 ito ? Are we not the salt of the earth? Who shall say unto us, 
 what doclli thou ? Let us make ourselves immortal. 
 And behold they brought in a bill, whereby the parliament 
 which had been elected for three years, should sit se\en years. 
 overruled. Foster offered to capitulate; and the Scottish noblemen not choosing to 
 run the risk of an obstinate resistance, persuaded the Highlanders to accept the terras 
 that were offered. They accordingly laid down their arms and were put under a 
 strong guard. All the noblemen and leaders were secured. The common men were 
 imprisoned at Chester and Liverpool, the noblemen and considerable officers were 
 sent to London, conveyed through the streets, pinioned like malefactors, and com- 
 mitted to the Lower and Newgate. 
 The earl of Marr also assembled an army in Scotland.] This nobleman was the 
 leader of the rebellion of 171b, and commanded the main body of the rebels. On 
 the same day that the insurgents surrendered at Preston, was fought the battle of 
 Dumblaine between the Duke of Argyle and the Karl of JMarr. On the 1'Jtli day 
 of the month, Argyle passed the Forth at Airlirtg, and encamped with his left at 
 Dumblaine, and his right towards Meriffmoor. The Karl of Marr advanced within 
 two miles of his camp, and remained till day break in order of battle ; his army con- 
 listinir of nine thousand effective meti, cavalry as well as infantry. In the morning, 
 the Duke drew up his forces, which did not exceed three thousand five hundred men, 
 on the heights to the north-east of Dumblaine ; but he was out flanked both on the 
 right and the li It. The clans that formed part of the right and centre of the enemy, 
 with Glengary and Clonronald at their head, charged the left of the king's army, 
 sword in band, with such impetuosity, that in seven minutes, both horse and foot 
 were totally routed with great slaughter. In the mean time the Duke of Argyle, who 
 commanded in person on the right, attacked the left of the enemy, at the head of 
 Stairs and Evans's dragoons, and drove them two miles before him, as tar as the 
 water of Ailon ; yet in that space they wheeled about and attempted to rally ten 
 times, so that he was obliged to press them hard, that they might not recover from 
 their confusion. The Duke of A .turning from the pursuit, joined Brigadier 
 Wightman, who had taken possession of some enclosures and mud wail-, m expectation 
 of being attacked. In this posture, both arums fronted each other till the evening, 
 when the Duke drew off towards Dumblaine, and the rebels retired to Ardoch, with- 
 out mutual molestation. Next day, the Duke marching back to the field of battlt, 
 carried oil the wounded, with four pieces of cannon left by the enemy, and retread d 
 to Stirling. Few prisoners were taken on either side ; the number of slain might b/- 
 about five hundred of each army, and both generals claimed the victory. 
 George the First. 
 And this lias been called the Septennial Act. 
 And behold it came to pass in these days, that a strong delusion 
 was sent amongst them, and all the people of the land were stricken 
 with madness. 
 Alter this undecisive battle, the rebels dispersed, and the rebellion was entirely 
 subdued. Seven of the rebel lords were impeached by the commons, at the bar of the 
 house el' lords, and sentenced to be beheaded. The countess of Nithisdale and lady 
 Nnirne threw themselves at the King's feet, as he passed through the apartments of 
 the palace and implored his mercy in behalf of their husbands : but their tears and 
 intreaties produced no effect. The council resolved that the sentence should be exe- 
 cuted, and orders were given for that purpose to the lieutenant of the Tower, and 
 the sheriffs of London and Middles,ex. Derwentwatcr and Kenmuir were beheaded 
 on the 24th ot February, the others were respited to the 7th of March. IS'ilhisdale 
 made his escape in woman's apparel, furnished and conveyed to him by his own mo- 
 ther. The conduct of the two unfortunate lords excited a very general sympathy, 
 and their execution tended to increase the general spirit of disaffection to the govern- 
 ment. Der'went water was an amiable youth, brave, open, generous, hospitable, and 
 humane. His fate drew tears from the spectators, and was a great misfortune to the 
 country where he lived. He gave bread to multitudes of people whom he employed 
 on his estates ; the poor, the widow, and the orphan rejoiced in his bounty. Ken- 
 muir was a virtuous nobleman, calm, sensible, resolute, and resigned. Both adhered 
 to their political principles. 
 And this has been called the Septennial Act.] The repeal of the Triennial Act, made 
 in the 6th year of King William and Queen Mary, is an indelible blot in the history 
 ot the Whigs, and clearly evinces the sellish and unprincipled character of that fac- 
 tion. This party was decidedly unpopular, and it was from a dread of submitting 
 their conduct to the sense of the nation, that induced them to have* recourse to this 
 unconstitutional measure. It was at first proposed only to suspend the Triennial Act 
 for once, whereby the parliament would have continued three years beyond the time 
 it was to determine ; but it was afterwards thought that a bill for enlarging the con- 
 tinuance in parliament would be more convenient and effectual. This important 
 change in the constitution of the House of Commons originated in the following man- 
 ner : — On the month of April, in the evening, twenty of the court lords met at the 
 Duke of Devonshire's, where, after a short consultation, it was resolved that the Duke 
 should immediately introduce the matter into the House of Lords. Accordingly the 
 next day, after the lords had despatched some private business, the duke stood up and 
 made a speech on the inconvenience that attended short parliaments ; suggesting in 
 particular, that they kept up party divisions, raise domestic feuds and animosities in 
 private families, occasion ruinous expenses, and give occasion to the cabals and in- 
 trigues of foreign princes * It is unnecessary to reply to such sophistry, and to 
 show the superiority of short over long parliaments, and the greater security they afford 
 to the liberties of the people, and against corruption and intrigue. T5ul it is curious 
 to observe the conduct of the rival factions: it affords a striking illustration of the 
 despicable nature of party, and the wretched hypocrisy and contradiction in which 
 it involves its partizans. The Tories, on popular grounds, opposed the Septennial bill, 
 contending it was a violation of the constitution, and dangerous to the liberties of the 
 people. There was no merit in their opposition; it was not from principle but from 
 faction : it afforded them an opportunity of annoying their opponents, by assailing 
 * Tindal's contin. v. xix. p. 5.
 They looked towards the Southern sj»a, and behold a surprising 
 bubble arose on the surface of the water; i i - circumferepce filled 
 the firmamenl of heaven, and its heighl reached unto the clouds. 
 And in the midst of the 1> 1 1 1 > I * I < - were seen the appcarauce of sump- 
 tuous palaces, fiue gardens, gilt chariots, gold, silver, and precious 
 stones, and whatsoever the heart of man could desire. 
 And the people ran together in crowds, saying, We will be rich; 
 we will all be lords and princes oj the earth. 
 Many also disposed of their lands and their houses, their goods 
 and their merchandise, their plate, their jewels, and their clothes, 
 in order to purchase the shadows in the bubble. 
 them with their own weapons. The Whigs, to preserve their places and influence in 
 the government, adopted the principles ami reasoning "t Tories. Such is party! 
 The Septennial Act received the royal in assent, in May, l?t<i. 
 They looked towards the Southern sen.] this alludes to the famous South Sea 
 scheme. The scheme was first projected by Sir John Blunt, who had been bred a 
 scrivener, and was possessed of all the. cunning, boldness, and plausibility requisite 
 for stub an undertaking. He communicated his plan to .Mr. Aislabie, the Chancellor 
 of the Exchequer, as well as to one of the Secretaries of Slate. lie answered all 
 their objections, and the project, was adopted, the pretence for the scheme "as to 
 discharge the national debt by reducing all the funds into one. An act passed tor 
 this purpose. At first the South-sea slock did not rise according to the expectation of 
 the projector. To remedy this, Blunt caused a report to be circulated that Gibraltar 
 and Port-Marion would be exchanged for some places in fern; by which means the 
 English trade to the South-sea would be protected and enlarged. This rumour, dif- 
 fused by his emissaries, acted like a contagion, in five days, the directors opened 
 their books for a subscription of one million, at the rate d three hundred pounds for 
 every hundred pounds capital. Persons of all ranks crowded to the house in such .1 
 manner, that the first subscription exceeded two millions of original stock. In a few 
 days the stook advanced to three hundred and forty | and the subscriptions 
 were sold for double the price of tin- first payment. Without detailing the various 
 scandalous artifices to enhance the price ofstock and decoy the unwary, we shall only 
 observe, that, by the promise of prodigious dividends and other infamous art*, the 
 stock was raised to one thousand, ami the whole nation infected with the spirit of 
 stock-jobbing to an astonishing degree. All distinctions of party, religion, sex, cha- 
 racter, and circumstances, were swallowed up in this universal concern, or i i ime 
 such pecuniary project. Exchange Alley was filled with a strange concourse ol states- 
 men and clergymen, i burchmen and dissent) rs, whig - and tories, physicians, law 
 tradesmen, and a multitude of women of all ranks and degrees. Al! other profes- 
 sions and employments w< re utterlj neglected, and the pebph 's att ntion engrossed by 
 ibis am) othi i chimerical schemes, which were 1. 1. own b nomination of bubbles. 
 New companies started up every day under the countenance of the prince and no- 
 bility. The finai of Wales was constituted governor of the Welsh copper company ; 
 the duke of Chandos appeared at the head ol the York-buildings ; the duke of 
 Bridgewater formed a third lor building houses in London and Westminster. About
 George the First. 
 Howbeit the delusion began to abate, and whilst they were 
 looking, lo the bubble brake, and all the gay appearances vanished 
 into smoke ! 
 Then were heard weepings and waitings, and bitter lamentations: 
 he whose delusive dreams had flattered him with delicious gardens 
 and a sumptuous palace, awakes and finds himself in a wretched 
 garret, or sweeping those walks which lie had planted for himself. 
 He whose gilt liveries had glittered in his imagination, is compelled 
 for want to wear one himself; and he who fed on venison at 
 five guineas a haunch, now dines in Pudding-Lane on a two-penny 
 But woe unto you managers, woe unto you jobbers, woe unto 
 you the directors thereof! for the miseries of the land are at your 
 doors; the cries of the poor are against you ; the ruin of thousands 
 compel them to curse you, and the vengeance of heaven shall fall 
 heavy on your heads. 
 a hundred such schemes were projected an;! put in execution, to the rum of many 
 thousands. The nation was so intoxicated with the spirit of adventure, that people 
 became a prey to the grossest delusions. An ob cure projector, pretending to have 
 formed a very advantageous scheme, which, hcme'viTj he did not explain, published 
 proposals fur a subscription, in which he promised tliat in one mouth (lie particulars of 
 his projects should be disclosed. In the mean time, he declared that every person 
 paying two guineas should be entitled to a subscription of ^ 100, which would pro- 
 duce that sum yearly. In one'forenoon this adventurer received a thousand of these 
 subscriptions, amounting to two thousand guineas, and in the evening left the king- 
 Howbeit the delusion began to abate.] The infatuation prevailed till the eight day of 
 September, when the stock began to fall. Then some of the adventurers began to 
 awake from their delirium. The number of sellers daily increased On the 29th day 
 in the month, the stock had sunk to one hundred and fifty ; several eminent gold- 
 smiths and bankers, who had lent great sums upon it, we're obliged to stop payment 
 and abscond. The ebb of this portentuous tide was so violent that it bore down 
 every thing in its way ; and an infinite number of families overwhelmed with ruin. 
 Public credit sustained a terrible shock, the nation was thrown into a dangerous fer- 
 ment, and nothing heard but the ravings of grief, disappointment, and despair. 
 Smollett's Confirm, v. ii. page 402. 
 But woe unto you managers.'] A secret committee was appointed by the House of 
 Commons to discover the parties implicated in this nefarious transaction. On the first 
 report of the committee, they informed the house, that they had already discovered 
 a train of the deepest villany and fraud that hell ever contrived to ruin a nation, and 
 the meanwhile they recommended the seizure of the persons of some of the principal 
 officers and directors of the South-sea company, as well as their papers. An order
 George the First. 
 And behold there vfaa great wickedness in the land j and nen 
 began to langh at the religion of their forefathers, and in their la-arts 
 to curse God. 
 was made to secure the bonks rod papers of Knight, Surman, and Tarher 1 he per- 
 sons of Sir John Blunt, Sir George Caswell, Sir John Lambert, Sir John Fellow*, 
 and Mr. Grigsbji were taken into custody- Five members were expelled the House 
 and apprehended. Mr. Aistabie resigned his employment of Chancellor <>t Exeho 
 quer, and lord of the Treasury, and order-- were given to remove all directors of the 
 South-sea company from tlie places thej possessed under government. The directors 
 were then ordered to deliver in Inventories of tln-ir estates, which, after deducting 
 a certain sum for each, according to his circumstances and conduct, were confiscated 
 for the benefit ol the sufferers by the South sea scheme. The. value of their • states 
 given in upon oath, amounted to about £2, 011,000, of which j_ ,*>3t,ooo was left to 
 the proprietors. 
 The following is the inventory of the estates and allowances of some of the direc- 
 tors and servants of the South Sea Company : 
 Inventories. Allowances. 
 Sir John Fellows, sub-governor ....,£$43,096 £ '10,000 
 Sir John Blunt 183,3-19 1,000 
 Mr. Chester 140,372 10,000 
 Mr. Child 52,487 10,000 
 ?Ir. Eyles 34,3'.'9 20,000 
 Mr. Gibbon 105,543 10,000 
 Mr. Hawes 40,031 31 
 Sir Theodore Janssen 248,234 50,000 
 Sir John Lambert 72,508 5,000 
 Mr. Read 117,297 10,000 
 Mr. Sowbridgc 77,251 5,000 
 Mr. Surman, deputy cashier 121,321 5.000 
 Mr. Grigsby 31,687 v,000 
 Sir Lambert Blackwell 83,529 10,000 
 Some alleviations were afterwards made in these allowances. Sir John Blunt had 
 £5000 instead of £ 1000. Sir Lambert Blackwell £15,000 instead of £\0,000, 
 and Mr. Hawes £5000 instead of £31. A motion was made to reduce Sir Theodore 
 Janssen's allowance to J_ 30,000, but it was rejected. On a motion to allow ( ir usby, 
 accountant to the company. £'10,000, a member said, "That, since 'hat upsl :t was 
 once so prodigally vain as to bid his coachman feed bis horses with gold, no d mbt he 
 could feed on it himself; and therefore he moved that he should be allowed ^ much 
 gold as he could eat, and that the rest of the estate £0 towards the relief of the 
 sufferers." However, he was allowed £'.'000. Mr. Aislabie's affair occasioned de- 
 bates proportionable to his great riches and the multitude of his friends lie was 
 allowed all the estate he possessed on the 20th of October, 1718. His country house. 
 gardens, and park, with his wife's jewels and household goods were also excepted 
 from the forfeiture. — TinduL's Continu. vol. xix. p. 413. 
 And behold there was great wickedness.] During the infatuation produced by the. 
 infamous South Sea bubble, luxury, \ice, and profligacy increased to a shocking de- 
 gree of extravagance. 1 he adventurers, intoxicated by their imaginary wealth, pam- 
 pered themselves with (he rarest dainties, and the most expensive wines that could h* 
 imported; they purchased the most sumptuous furniture, equipage, and apparel, 
 though without taste or discernment. They indulged their criminal passions to the 
 most scandalous excess ; their discourse was the language of pride, insolence, and
 Genrge the First. 
 Then the bishops aud priests were greatly alarmed, and a law was 
 made whereby all men were to be of one mind ; and it was com- 
 manded that they should believe all things according to Act of 
 And the king issued a decree, commanding that no preacher 
 whatsoever, in his sermon or lecture, should preach any doctrine 
 concerning the truth of our holy religion, particularly concerning 
 the Holy Trinity, other than what is contained in the Holy Scriptures, 
 and agreeable to the three creeds and the thirty-nine articles. 
 the most ridiculous ostentation; — they affected to scoff at religion and morality, and 
 even to set heaven at defiance. Several societies were formed of the most atrocious 
 description for the encouragement of debauchery and profaneness. Among others 
 was one called the Hell-Fire-Club, which excited a great noise. The rites of this 
 fraternity were said to resemble the practices of the Mohawks, and were of the most 
 abominable description. Several persons of quality, particularly the duke of 
 Wharton, were supposed to be members of this club. The ancestor of this nobleman 
 had already rendered himself notorious by his licentiousness and impiety. It is re- 
 lated of iiim that, under pretence of endowing a parish church, he stole into the 
 pulpit and left behind him a most offensive donation. 
 Then the bishops and priests were greatly alarmed, and a law was made.'] The carl of 
 NoUin»ham having complained of the, growth of atheism and immorality, a bil.l was 
 introduced for suppressing blasphemy and prophuneness. It contained several articles 
 which had little relation to the practices complained of, and was chiefly designed to 
 secure a belief of the Articles, and restrain the liberty granted by the laws of the 
 last session to dissenters. It was supported by the Archbishop of Canterbury, lord 
 Bathurst and Trevor, the Bishops of London, Westminster, Lichfield, and Coventry. 
 One of these said, he verily believed the present calamity, occasioned by the South 
 Sea project, was a judgement of God on the blasphemy and prophaneness of the 
 nation. Lord Onslow replied, " That noble peer must be a considerable sinner, for 
 he has lost considerably by the South Sea scheme." The duke of Wharton said, that 
 he was not unsensible of the common opinion of the town concerning himself, and 
 gladly seized this opportunity of vindicating his character, by declaring that he was 
 far from being a patron of blasphemy, or an enemy to religion ; on the other hand, 
 he could not but oppose the bill, because he conceived it to be repugnant to the Holy 
 Scripture. Then pulling an old family Bible from his pocket, he quoted several pas- 
 sages from the epistles of St. Peter and St. Paul ; concluding with a desire that the 
 bill might be thrown out. The Earl of Peterborough declared that, though he was 
 for a parliamentary king, yet he did not desire a parliamentary God, or a parliamen- 
 tary religion ; and should the house declare lor one of this kind, he would go to 
 Rome, and endeavour to be chosen a cardinal : lor he had rather sit in the conclave 
 than with their lordships upon those terms. After some other speeches the bill was 
 postponed to a long day by a considerable majority. 
 And the king issued a decree."] Directions were published to the archbishops and 
 bishops lor the preservation of unity in the church, and the purity of the Christian 
 faith, particularly in the doctrine of the Trinity. They were required to see that no 
 preacher in his sermon or lecture delivered any thing contrary to the deeds, the thirty- 
 nine articles, and other farms of the established church.
 George the First. 
 Howbeit these things came to naught, and the people laughed 
 greatl) because of the folly thereof. 
 Now the rest of the acts <>f King George, and all that he did, 
 are the} not written in the hooks of the chronicles of the kings of 
 England 1 
 And George slept with his fathers, and was buried in his own tomh, 
 at Hanover, and George his son reigned in Ins stead. 
 Howbeit then thing! came to naught.] The alarm arose principal I j about the doc- 
 trine of the Trinity — that great stumbling-block to common sense. This had bei a 
 attacked by Mr. Whiston, in his letter to the earl of Nottingham concerning " the 
 eternity of the Sun oj < rod and the Holy Ghost." To this the noble earl replied, and 
 received the thanks of both I nil ersitit s tor his able defence of the Christian or rather 
 parliamentary faith. About the same time Mr. Joseph Hall, mace-bearer to the 
 kinir, and justice of the peace, was sentenced to stand in the pillory, to pay „£200 
 fine, to be three months in prison, and give security for seven years for his " Sober 
 Reply to Mr. flip's merry Argument for the Trithcstical Doctrine of the Trinity." 
 All persons denying one of the persons of the Trinity to be God, &c. were to be in- 
 capable of any office, and to suffer imprisonment for three years. 
 And George slept with his fathers.] The circumstances of the king's death are nearly 
 as follows: — lie had not visited his German dominions these two years, and therefore, 
 soon after trie termination of the session, he set out on his journey to Hanover. He 
 landed ou the 7th at Vaert, in Holland, where he lay that night. The. next day he 
 proceeded on his journey to Hanover, and, on the 9th of June, arrived at Delden, in 
 all appearance in perfect health. He sapped there very heartily, and eat an orange, 
 but no melon, as was reported; and having rested well that night, set out from Del- 
 den about tour the ne\t morning. Between eight and nine he ordered the coach to 
 stop, in order to make water, and perceiving that one of his hands being motionless, 
 said " I cannot move thi< hand." Monsieur Fahrice rubbed it with both his, 
 but to no effect ; upon this he called the surgeon, who followed on horseback, who 
 rubbed it with spirits. In this interval the king's eyes and mouth began to move strangely, 
 and his tongue to swell, so that he could not speak. The surgeon taking it for an 
 apoplectic tit, opened a vein, and the king recovered his speech, so as to say, 
 " Hasten to Osnaburg," but immediately fell into a slumber in Fabrice's arms. Ar- 
 riving at Osnaburg, he was immediately carried to bed, where he continued speech- 
 less and in agonies till two o'clock in the morning, ou Sunday the 11th oi June, 
 when he expired, in the sixth-eighth year of his age; and was interred at Hanover. 
 ( p i unci; I. was plain and simple in his person and address; grave and composed 
 in his deportment, though easy, familiar, and facetious in his hours "t relaxation. 
 I'm fore he ascended the throne of Great Britain, he had acquired the character of a 
 umspect general, a just and merciful prince, a wise politician, who perfectly un- 
 derstood and steadily pursued his dwn interest. With these qualities it cannot be 
 doubted that he came to Englaud extremely well disposed to govern his subjects ac- 
 cording to the maxims of the constitution, and the genius of the people ; and if ever 
 lie - deviate from these principles, we maj take it tor granted that he «as 
 misled l>\ the venal suggestions ofa ministry, whose power and influence were founded 
 on corruption.— Smollett, »ol. ii. p. I
 George tht First. 
 Thus much for the general character of this prince. I shall only add a few anec- 
 dotes to illustrate his private history, and which are not to be found in the general 
 history of tins period. It is well known that George I. during the whole of his reign 
 did not live with his wife, but kept her closely confined in an Hanoverian dungeon. 
 His strange conduct is ascribed to jealousy of the count Konigsmark, a Swedish no- 
 bleman, who was assassinated in the electoral palace, and in whose death the King 
 was supposed lo b.' implicated. Lord Orford, who, from his near relationship to 
 the minister, Sir Robert Walpole, was well acquainted with the secret history of this 
 and the following reign, gives a particular account of this dark transaction; and it 
 will hardly be necessary to apologise for its insertion In his " Reminiscences," is the 
 following narrative of this mysterious affair: 
 " George I. while electoral prince, had married his cousin, the Princess Dorothea, 
 only child of the Duke of Zel ; a match of convenience, to reunite the dominions of 
 the family. Though she was very handsome, the prince, who was extremely amorous, 
 had .several mistresses; which provocation, and his absence in the army of the con- 
 federates, probably disposed the princess to indulge some degree of coquetry. At that 
 moment arrived at Hanover the famous and beautiful Count Konigsmark, the charms 
 of whose person ought not to have obliterated the memory of his vile assassination of 
 M. Thymic His vanity and the beauty of the electoral princess, and the neglect 
 under which he found her, encouraged his presumption to make his addresses to her, 
 not covertly ; and site, though believed not lo have transgressed her duty, did receive 
 them too indiscreetly. The old Elector, flamed at the insolence of so stigmatized a 
 pretender, ordered him to quit his dominions next day. The princess, surrounded by 
 women too closely connected with her husband, and consequently enemies of the 
 lady the^ injured, was persuaded by them to suffer the count to kiss her hand before 
 his abrupt departure ; and he was actually introduced by them next morning into her 
 bedchamber before she rose. From that moment he disappeared, nor was it known 
 what became of him, till on the death of George I. on his son, the new king's first 
 journey to Hanover, some alterations in the palace being ordered, the body of 
 Konigsmark was discovered under the floor of the electoral princess's dressing-room ; 
 the count probably having been strangled there the instant he left her, and his body 
 secreted. The discovery was hushed up; Geoige II. entrusted the secret to his wife, 
 Queen Caroline, who told it to my father : but the king was too tender of the honour 
 of his mother to utter it to his mistress ; nor did lady Suffolk ever hear of it till I 
 informed her of it several years afterwards. The disappearance of the Count made 
 his murder suspected, and various reports of the discovery of his body have of late 
 years been spread, but not with the authentic circumstances." — Lord Oiford's Works, 
 vol. iv. p. 280-1. 
 After this, George separated from the Electress, and for the remainder of her life 
 sfce was kept in close confinement, under the title of the duchess of Halle. 1 lis 
 treatment of this unfortunate woman seems neither consonant with justice nor huma- 
 nity ; for though there might be some levity, it does not appear there was any thing 
 criminal in her inlercoutse with the unfortunate Konigsmark. At all events, his own 
 conduct, which was licentious enough, ought to have made him more indulgent to 
 the frailties of his spouse. When he came over to England, he brought with him 
 two German mistresses; Sophia, baroness Kilmanseck, and ]\lelesina, princess of 
 Eberstein ; the one created countess of Darlington, the other duchess of Kendal. He 
 was, indeed, a very amorous monarch. Even at sixty-seven, he was about to form 
 a new connexion with Miss Brett, when he was carried olf by an apoplectic stroke. 
 If is reported, that he was privately married to the duchess of Kendal by the left 
 hand. The German law, it is supposed, allowing a husband to espouse another wo- 
 man by the left hand, when his wife has suffered the right to be kissed in bed by a 
 While we are upon the history of the royal slrtimpetocracy of the English court, we 
 shall mention an anecdote of lady Dorchester, the mistress of James II. which hap-
 pencd about this time. Meeting the duchess of Portsmouth and lady Orkney, the 
 favourite of William, at the drawing-room ol George 1. " Godl" Baid she, "who 
 would have thought that we three w- a should have wet here." On another occa- 
 sion this lady, who was remarkable tor her wit and humour, expressed her wonder 
 for what James chose his mistresses. *• We are none of us handsome, 1 ' said she, 
 '• and if we have wit, he lias not enough to find it out." 
 We have picked up a good many such anecdotes in the course of our reading, hut 
 we will only mention another, which isagood one. One of George [.'a mistresses 
 bi ing abused l>v the mob, put her head out of the coach, and said, in bad English, 
 " d 1 people, whv you abuse us? We come lor all your goods." " Yes, d— n 
 »e," ana •■ red a fellow in the crowd, " and all our chattels too." 
 The King was loud ol punch, and he and sir H. Walpole used to indulge freely in 
 that favourite beverage, on their hunting excursions. He never could speak English 
 correctly, and his Minister always conversed with him in Latin. Horace- Walpole 
 relates that, when the duke of Cumberland, then a child, was carried to his grand- 
 father, on his birth-day, the King asked him at what hour he rose.. The Prince re- 
 plied, " when Ihe chimney-sweepers w< nl about." " Vat is de chimney-sweeper:" 
 said Ihe King. " Have you been so I ng in England," said the boy, " and don't 
 know what a chimney-sweeper is r Why they are like that man there," — pointing to 
 lord Finch, afterwards earl of Winchelsea and Nottingham, a family uncommonly 
 swarthy. — Reminiscences, p. -'7d. 
 We now come to other subjects 
 There arc two evens in the foreign history of this period which deserve to he no- 
 ticed, because they will show the intolerance and superstition which still prevailed in 
 two of the first kingdoms in Europe. The king of France, Lewis XV, published a 
 severe edict against all his protectant subjects: whoever performed any exercise of 
 the reformed religion, if a man, was to be sent to the galleys; if a woman, to be 
 shaved, and confuted where the judges thought fit. The protectant preachers to be 
 put to death; and those who had any communication, directly or indirectly, with such 
 ministers, coude nned to the galleys. To give their children foreign education, to be 
 punished with a fine of 6000 iivres : and the memory of those who died in the profes- 
 sion of the prole tanl religion, to be prosecuted. Co these were added various other 
 penalties for dissuading Mck persons from dying catholics, marrying abroad without 
 licence; and baptism and schooling were forbid to prdtestants. 
 The other event is the voluntary abdication of Philip V r . king of Spain, while in 
 health and strength, and retiring to the monastery of St. Ildefonso, on a pension of 
 100,000 pistoles. To this he said he was induced that he might devote the remainder 
 of his days to the service of God, meditate on death, and seek salvation, disengaged 
 from all other cares. 
 An attempt was made in this reign", in the Tapper House, to limit the peerage, by 
 preventing the present number being enlarged beyond six, and instead of the sixteen 
 elective peers from Scotland, twenty five were to be made hereditary in that ;>art of 
 the kingdom I Ins bill was an aittul contrivance of the Whigs, and was intended as 
 a restraint upon the prince of Wales, who happened to be at variance with the pre- 
 sent ministry. Tthe motion was supported by the duke of Argyle, the earls ol Sun- 
 derland and" Carlisle. It was opposed by the Hones, especially the earl of Oxford, 
 who said that, although he expected nothing from the crown, he would never give his 
 vote lor loppinu off so valuable a branch ol the prerogative, which enabled the king 
 to reward merit and virtuous actions. The debate was adjourned to the second of 
 March, w en another furious debate ensued betwixt the ri\ j factions. The question 
 here, as in almost <* try other dispute, was not, whether the measure proposed was 
 advantageous to the nation .' but, whether the Tory or the Whig interest should pre- 
 dominate in parliament. It alarmed the generality of Scottish peers, as well as many 
 English commoners, who saw in the bill the avenues of # dignity and title shut against 
 them ; and they did not fail to exclaim against it hs an encroachment on the funda- 
 George the Second. 
 mental maxims of the Constitution. Treatises were written and published on both 
 sides, and, a national clamour beginning to arise, the bill was abandoned. 
 A monstrous scene of venality was discovered, in 1724, in the Court of Chancery. 
 Thomas, earl of Macclesfield, Lord Chancellor, was accused of certain corrupt prac- 
 tices, touching the sale of places, and the money of suitors deposited with the mas- 
 ters of Chancery. He was impeached by the Commons at the bar of the Upper 
 House. The charges against him may be reduced to the following heads : that he 
 had embezzled the estates and erfects of many widows, orphans, and lunatics: that 
 he had raised the offices of masters in Chancery to an exorbitant price ; trusting in 
 their hands enormous sums of money, in order that they might be enabled to comply 
 with his exorbitant demands; and that in several cases he had made divers irregular 
 orders. The trial lasted twenty days : the Earl was convicted of fraudulent practices ; 
 and condemned in a fine of j£' 30,000, with imprisonment till that sum should be 
 oaid. He was immediately committed to the Tower, where he continued about six 
 weeks; but, upon producing the money, he was discharged. Sir Peter King, created 
 baron of Oakham, and originally a grocer in the west of England, succeeded him in 
 the office of Chancellor. 
 These were glorious days for Whiggism ; they ruled the King with absolute sway, 
 and engrossed all places of trust and emolument. Their chief crimes, during this 
 reign, were the following: the repeal of the Triennial Act, — the forcible disarming 
 of the Highlanders, in 1715, under pretence of securing the public peace, — the Sus- 
 pension of the Habeas Corpus Act, — the relentless and vindictive prosecution of the 
 ministry of Queen Anne, — the passing of the Riot Act, — and the South Sea scheme. 
 With the exception of the introduction of the practice of inoculation, for the small- 
 pox, there is no other domestic event of importance. 
 And Ceorge was forty and four years old when he hegan to reign, 
 :;d he reigned over England thirty and four years, and then he died. 
 And at the beginning of his reign he was extremely popular; many 
 And at the beginning of his reign he was extremely popular.] Like his predecessors 
 and successors, George II. began with promising the people with what ought to he 
 done, rather than with what it was intended to do. He promised to conclude a gene- 
 ral peace as soon as it could be done on terms honourable and safe to the nation. He 
 said, that his first care should be to adopt measures of reform and retrenchment, as 
 soon as they were compatible with the interest and safety of the people. With many 
 other promises of similar popular import, put into his mouth by ministers, who sought 
 thereby to soothe the minds of the people into an immediate concurrence with their 
 measures. The two houses vied with each other in expressions of applause and affec- 
 tion to the King. The Lords in their address hailed him as the best of kings and the 
 true Father of his country. The Commons expressed the warmest sense of gratitude 
 for the blessing they had enjoyed under his reign, though it was not yet eight months 
 old. It is curious to observe, how mankind are imposed upon by similar artifices, aad
 George the Second. 
 promises did he make unto his people of the great things he would 
 do for them; and they believed all that be said, calling him the best 
 of kings and the father of his country. 
 And he made treaties and alliances with Sweden, and Hesse, and 
 Wolfenhuttel, so that it became clear to all men that the king loved 
 his native country above all other countries. 
 Howbeit the wealth of the country increased ; and notwithstanding 
 all the debts and burdens of the people, trade and manufactures 
 flourished heyond what was known in former periods. 
 And men because of their riches became vicious : great crimes 
 were perpetrated : luxury and excess flowed through all ranks of 
 how, for centuries together, the same fallacious promises are received with the same 
 implicit credulity. 
 And he made treaties and alliances with Sweden.] Among the ridiculous continental 
 alliances formed about this period, was that with the petty duke of Wolfenbuttel, who 
 very gravely guarantees to his Briiannic Majesty the possession of his three kingdoms, 
 and obliges himself to furnish his Majesty with five thousand men, in consideration of 
 au annual subsidy of five and twenty thousand pounds for four years. The great de- 
 fect of the King's public conduct was his obstinate adherence to his German connex- 
 ions ; and in this unfortunate predilection which, in him might be ascribed to a natu- 
 ral affection for his native country, he was supported by a succession of venal minis- 
 ters, all of whom, from Walpole to Chatham, to ingratiate themselves with the monarch, 
 devoted themselves to the support of a system of policy prejudicial to the true inte- 
 rests of the country. 
 Hvwbcit the wealth of the country increased.] Commerce and manufactures conti- 
 nued rapidly to extend themselves from the. period of the Revolution, and even prior 
 to that event. Some have ascribed the prosperity of the country to the debt and 
 taxes imposed duriug this period. But this is certainly an error ; and it may be more 
 truly said, that trade and manufactures have increased in spite of these obstacles, 
 from the superior industry and skill of the people. However this may be, whether it 
 be owing to the natural progression of trade from its origin to its acme, or to the en- 
 couragement given by the administration to monied men to risk their capitals, or 
 solely to the skill and industry of the people ; or lastly, to all these causes ; certain 
 it is, that the capital and wealth of the country prodigiously increased within the last 
 And men because of their riches became vicious.] Smollett, speaking of the prosperity 
 of the country at this time, says, "Commerce and manufacture flourished again to 
 such a degree of increase as had never been known in this island ; but this advantage 
 was attended with an irresistible tide of luxury and excess, which flowed through 
 nil degrees of the people, breaking down all the mounds of civil policy, and opening a 
 way for licentiousness and immorality. The highways were infested with rapine and 
 assassination; the cities teemed with the brutal votaries of lewdness, intemperance, 
 and profligacy. The whole land was overspread with a succession of riot, tumult, and 
 insurrection, excited in different parts of the kingdom by the erection of new turnpikes, 
 which the legislature judged necessary for the convenience of inland carriage. In
 George the S< c 
 people: the highways were infested with robbers and assassins ; the 
 cities were filled with harlots ; and lewdness, and intemperance, and 
 debauchery, overspread the country. 
 And it came to pass that the judgment of the Lord went forth 
 among the people, because of their desperate wickedness ; and many 
 signs appeared in the air to warn them from their evil ways. 
 And there went forth a prophet, and he prophesied, saying, Thus 
 order to quell thdse disturbances recourse was had to the military power ; several indi- 
 viduals were shin, and some were executed as examples." — Contin. of Hume, vol. iii. 
 p. 27:,. 
 The rage too for drinking Gin exceeded all bounds. The populace of London. 
 "rere sunk into the most brutal degeneracy by drinking to excess this pernicious spirit, 
 which was soid .-o cheap that the lowest classes could afford to indulge themselves in 
 one continued state of intoxication, to the destruction of all morals, health, and indus- 
 try. Such a shameful degree of profligacy prevailed, that the retailers of this poison- 
 ous compound set up painted boards in public, inviting people to be drunk for the 
 small expense of one penny, assuring them they might be dead drunk for twopence, and 
 have straw for nothing. They accordingly provided cellars and places strewed with 
 straw, to which they conveyed these miserable wretches who were overwhelmed with 
 intoxication. In these dismal caverns they lay till they had recovered some use of their 
 faculties, and then they had recourse to the same mischievous potion, thus consuming 
 their health, and ruining their families, in hideous receptacles of the most filthy vice, 
 resounding with riot and execration. A law was introduced to regulate the madness of 
 gin drinkers, by imposing higher duties on this favourite liquor; but with little success; 
 and Gin continuts the favourite beverage of Cockneys unto this day. 
 And it came to pass that ma ini signs appeared in the air.'] The middle of this reign, 
 in the months of January and February, was distinguished by several remarkable phe- 
 nomena. The first was distinguished by a very remarkable Aurora liorealis appear- 
 ing at night to the north east, of a deep and dusky red colour, like the reflection of 
 some great fire, lor which it w as by many people mistaken. February was ushered in 
 by terrible peals of thunder, flashes of lightning, and such a tempest of wind, hail, and 
 rain, as overwhelmed with fear and consternation the inhabitants of Bristol, where it 
 chiefly raged. On the eigth day of the same month, between twelve and one in the 
 afternoon, the people of London were still more dreadfully alarmed by the shock of an 
 earthquake, which shook all the houses with such violence, that the furniture rocked 
 on the floors, the pewter and porcelain rattled on the shelves, the chamber bells rang, 
 and the whole of this commotion was attended with a crash or noise that resembled the 
 falling of a heavy piece of furniture. The shock extended through the cities of 
 London and Westminster, and was felt on both sides the river Thames from Green- 
 wich to t'ae westward of London ; but not perceptible at a considerable distance. On 
 the very same day of the next month, between five and six o'clock in the morning, the 
 inhabitants of the metropolis were again affrighted with a second shock, more violent 
 than the first, and abundantly more alarming, as it waked the greater part of the 
 people from their repose. 
 And there went forth a prophet.] The circumstance of the second shock happening 
 exactly one month after the first, and being more violent, made a deep impression on 
 the weak and superstitious, and they expected that the next shock, increasing in pro-
 George the Second. 
 says the Lord, behold in three days I will destroy thi> great city, the 
 city of London, the mother of harlots, the abode of fornicators, adul- 
 terers, and backsliders. 
 And great fear came upon the people because of this prophecy; 
 man) repented of their sins : the temples were crowded with peni- 
 tents : the sons of riot and disorder were over-awed into sobriety and 
 decorum : the streets no longer resounded with the noise of brutal 
 licentiousness : and the hand of charity was liberally opened. 
 Many lied from the devoted city in dismay, and the highways were 
 crowded with horses and carriages. 
 Those who treated the prophet with ridicule and contumely, became 
 alarmed; their hearts failed them; and in proportion as the appointed 
 hour approached, their philosophy vanished, and thev began to 
 Howbeit the thing came not to pass ; some say the Lord repented 
 him of his saying, others, that the prophet was a liar and a fanatic ; 
 be this as it may, the city is standing unto this day : and as soon as 
 the danger was passed, the people returned to their sins with re- 
 doubled ardour, and bid defiance to the vengeance of Heaven. 
 And in those days there arose a man out of the tribe of Whigauza, 
 portion, would be more dismal in its consequences. This notion was confirmed among 
 all ranks. of people by the admonitions of a fanatick soldier, who publicly preached 
 up repentance, and boldly prophecied that the next shock would happen on the same 
 day in April, and totally destroy the cities of London and Westminster. Considering 
 the infections nature of tear and superstition, and the manner in which the imagination 
 had been prepared, it is no wonder that the prediction of this illiterate enthusiast 
 should till tin minds of the inhabitants uith apprehension. It is a fact, that, in con- 
 sequence of this prophecy, the open fields that skitt the metropolis, were, on the fatal 
 eighth oi April, the day on which the city was to be overwhelmed, filled with an in- 
 credible number of people, assembled in chairs, in chaises, and in coaches, as well as 
 on foot, waiting, in the most fearful suspense, till the morning, when the return of day 
 disproved this ominous prediction. 
 And in those dayi there arose a man out of the tribe ofWhiganza, named Robert Walpole.'] 
 This famous corruptionist was the second son of Robert Walpole, M. P. for Castle 
 Rising, hi Norfolk, and was horn at Ilaughton, in that county, August 26, 1676. He 
 ived the rudiments of learning at a private seminary at Mossingham, in Norfolk, 
 and completed his education on the foundation at Eton. Ho was naturally indolent, 
 and disliked application, but the emulation of a public seminary, the alternate promises 
 and menaces of his master, aud the maxim inculcated by his father that he was but a
 George the Second. 
 named Robert Walpole, and he was famous above all his prede- 
 cessors in the *rts of corruption. 
 And Robert was found guilty of bribery, and committed to the 
 Tower of London, there to remain during the pleasure of his honour- 
 able prosecutors. 
 Ilowbeit the king loved him greatly, and he rose into power and 
 great glory, and he stole away the hearts of his followers by places 
 and reversions. 
 Nevertheless his administration was extremely inglorious ; the 
 younger brother, overcame the natural inertness of his disposition. He was designed 
 for the church, but on his elder brother dying, he became heir to the paternal estate ; 
 and en returning to Houghton his mornings being spent in forming and the sports of 
 the field, he had little leisure for literary pursuits. In July, 1700, he married Cathe- 
 rine, daughter of sir John Shute, lord mayor of London; and his father dying he 
 inherited the family estate of somewhat more than ^£2000 a year. He also succeeded 
 his father as M P. for Castle Rising, and his parliamentary career commenced. 
 And Robert urns found guilty of bribery.'] It was in the reign of Queen Anne, when 
 Walpole was Secretary at War, that he was found guilty of bribery on account of a 
 forage contract. The resolutions of the house on this subject were as follows : " That 
 Robert Walpole, Esq. a member of this house, in receiving the sum of 500 guineas, 
 and in taking a note for five hundred pounds more on account of two contracts for 
 forage for her Majesty's troops, quartered in North Britain, made by him when 
 Secretary at War, pursuant to a power granted to him by the late Lord Treasurer, 
 is guilty of a high breach of trust and notorious corruption: That the said Robert 
 Walpole, E*q. be committed prisoner to the Tower of London during the pleasure 
 of this house ; and that Mr. Speaker do issue his warrant accordingly : That for 
 the said offence he be also expelled the House." 
 According to these resolutions Mr. Walpole surrendered himself the next morning 
 prisoner to the Tower, where he remained till the end of the session. It was thought 
 by some that his guilt was not fully established, and that his chief error was his 
 attachment to the Marlborough and Godolphin ministry.* He was looked upon by 
 the whigs as a sort of confessor and martyr of their party. In the next reign he had 
 an ample opportunity for gratifying his resentment against his prosecutors, being chair- 
 man to the committee appointed to inquire into the conduct of the Tory adminis- 
 Howbeit the King loved him greatly — places and reversions.] He was the favourite 
 minister both of George I. and George II. The former being ignorant of the lan- 
 guage he could only converse with him in Latin ; but, notwithstanding that obstacle, 
 and the opposition of the duchess of Kendal, the king's mistress, he succeeded in main- 
 taining his influence. As to places and reversions, he is accused of bestowing these 
 very liberally on his relations and friends. He was also accused of keeping an office 
 in the Strand, where places were sold to the highest bidder, or of grants of places in 
 reversion, or for life to children and relations.— History of Sir Robert Walpole's Adminis- 
 tration, p. 51. 
 Nevertheless his ndministration was extremely inglorious — the haughty Spaniards.] Ever 
 since the treaty oi Seville, the Spaniards in America had almost incessantly insulted 
 * History of the Administration of Sir R. Walpole, p. 12.
 George the Second. 
 haughty Spaniards plundered the vessels of our merchants, and cut off 
 the ears and slit the noses of our mariners with impunity. 
 And he invented many grievous imposts to oppress the people, and 
 aud distressed the commerce of Great Britain. They disputed the right of English 
 traders to cut logwood in ihe buy of Campeachy, and gather salt on the island of 
 Tortugas ; though that right was acknowledged by implication in all the treaties which 
 bad been concluded between the two nations. The captains of their armed vessels, 
 known by the name of guardacostas, had made a practice of boarding and plundering 
 British ships, on pretence of searching for contraband commodities, on which occasions 
 they bad behaved with the utmost insolence, cruelty, and rapine. Some of their ships 
 of war had actually attacked a fleet of English merchant ships at the island of Tortu- 
 gas, as if they had been at open enmity with England. They had seized and detained 
 a great number of British vessels, imprisoned their crews, and confiscated their cargoes, 
 in violation of treaties, in defiance ot' common justice and humanity. 
 The merchants of England loudly complained of these outrages ; the nation was 
 fired with resentment and cried for vengeance ; but the minister appeared cold, phleg- 
 matic, and timorous. He knew that a war must involve him in such dilliculties, as 
 must of necessity endanger his administration: the treasure now employed for do- 
 mestic corruption, must, in that case, be expended in military armaments: the wheels 
 of that machine by which lie maintained his influence Would no longer move: the 
 opposition would of consequence gain ground, and the imposition of fresh taxes, neces- 
 sary for the maintenance of the war, would fill up the measure of popular resentment 
 against his person nnd ministry. Moved by these considerations, he industriously 
 endeavoured to avoid a rupture, and to obtain some sort of satisfaction by memo- 
 rials and negociations : but the Spaniards discovering bis apprehensions, amused 
 him with evasive answers, vague promises of inquiry, aud cedillas of instructions 
 sent to the Spanish governor in America, to which they paid no sort of regard. 
 Petitions were delivered to the house by merchants from different parts of the 
 kingdom, explaining the repeated vioieuce to which they had been exposed, and 
 imploring the relief of parliament. These were referred to a committee of the 
 whole house, and an order was made to admit the petitioners if they should think 
 fit to be heard by themselves or their counsel. The result of the whole was the 
 conclusion of the Spanish convention, in which the honour of the country was 
 basely compromised by the minister. 
 And he invented many grievous imposts to oppress the people.] " Never in the memory 
 of man," says a contemporary writer, " was a nation so alarmed at the design of k 
 minister as in the case of the projected excise on wine and tobacco in 1733." It 
 was proposed, in lieu of certain duties, to substitute an inland tax on these commo- 
 dities. It met the most formidable opposition from all classes, and the minister was 
 compelled for the time to abandon his scheme. It was suggested by the opponents 
 of the measure, that it would produce an additional swarm of excise-officers, and 
 warehouse-keepers, appointed and paid by the treasury, so as to multiply the depen- 
 dents of the crown, and enable it still farther to influence the freedom of elections; 
 that the traders would become slaves to excisemen and warehouse-keepers, as they 
 would be debarred all access to their commodities except at certain hours when at- 
 tended by those officers ; and that should such a law be once, admitted, it would in 
 all probability be some time or other used as a precedent for introducing excise laws 
 into every branch of the revenue ; in which case the liberty of Great Britain would he 
 no i*ort. In the course of the debate, the House was surrounded with immense 
 multitudes of people, clamorous against the measure. Sir Robert Walpole, alluding
 George the Second. 
 under pretence of restraining the licentiousness of the press, he art- 
 fully attempted to prevent the people speaking the truth and expos- 
 ing his wickedness. 
 At length all men were weary of his cowardice and abominable 
 corruption, and he was compelled to retire into obscurity. 
 to this circumstance, said it would be an easy task for a designing seditious person to 
 raise a tumult and disorder among them ; that gentlemen might give them what name 
 they might think fit, and affirm they were come as humble suppliants; but he knew 
 whom the law called " sturdy beggais," and those who brought them there could not 
 be certain but that they might behave in the same manner. This insinuation was re- 
 sented by Sir John Bernard, who observed that he saw none about the House but 
 such as deserved the appellation of sturdy beggars as little as the honourable gentle- 
 man himself, or any gentleman whatever. Had the minister encountered no oppo- 
 sition but within doors, his project would have been carried into execution; but the 
 whole nation was alanned, and clamoured loudly against the excise bill. The popu- 
 lace, crowding round Westminster-hall, blocked up all the avenues to the House of 
 Commons. They even insulted the ministerial members, and Walpole began to be 
 in fear of his life. He therefore thought proper to drop the design by postponing 
 the bill. 
 At length all men became icenri/ of his corrupt ■practices.'] The corruption he prac- 
 tised was of that sort which still continues, and which must necessarily be co-existent 
 with the system it supports. He lavished the wealth, power, and places, in the gift 
 of the crown, in the purchase of parliamentary majorities. As his measures were 
 more obnoxious, be was compelled to offer higher pay to the honourable members for 
 their support : and accordingly we find that the sums expended under the head of 
 Secret Service, enormously increased during his administration. From the year 1707 
 to the year 1717, the expenditure in this department amounted only to jt ^79,444 ; 
 but in the ten years of his ministry it swelled to <£ 1,447,736. ( Histoni of Sir R. Wal- 
 pole's Administration, p. '347. ) Of this sum a great part was expended in controlling 
 elections and on hireling writers. Among the items of disbursement under the first 
 head are the following : J_ 500 issued to the high-bailiff of Westminster, who was then 
 in custody of the sergeant at arms, for having acted at the general election in an 
 illegal manner, in prejudice of the rights and liberties of the electors of the said city; 
 ^500 advanced by JUr. Solicitor Paxtons to one Mr. Boteler, a candidate on the 
 ministerial interest tor Wendover, in 173.5, without bond or receipt, on the sofe merit 
 of his having been ill used at his former election : several thousand pounds had been 
 paid by Mr. Lawton, one of Walpole's agents, to carry on a prosecution, in order to 
 new model the borough of Orfonl : several prosecutions were set on foot at the public 
 charge, with a view to influence the elections at Colchester, to turn the borough, get 
 out the mayor, and secure the returning officer. —Ibid. p. 347. 
 These items will sufficiently show the kind of traffic carried on by this immaculate 
 minister among the rotten boioughs. A lew more items exhibit a more dignified sort 
 of corruption. We find one sum of J^SO^X^ :4s. to a noble Earl, ibr which no ser- 
 vice is specified, though it is understood to signify a complication, including sundry 
 speeches of the nobleEarl, the return of several honourable members for the lower house, 
 &c We find another item of J_ 7000 to a noble Duke, supposed to be for similar services. 
 More than J_ 170,000 was paid to the writers and proprietors of the Gazcteers, London 
 Journals, Daily Courauts, and other prostituted papers. Of this sum no less than 
 O £l0,977 was paid within four years only to the celebrated Mr. William Arnall. But
 George the Second. 
 Hovvbeit the king loved him as much as heretofore, and us an 
 encouragement to succeeding ministers he conferred mi him wealth 
 i ie details must suffice to celebrate the practices of the favourite minister of 
 (Jeorge II. 
 A dispute which happened betwixt Walpole and Mr. Stanhope, was near giving 
 ttie public a glimpse of the practices by which the government was supported, being 
 irritated, in the course or" the debate, the two ministers, in their mutual recrimina- 
 tions, dropped some allusions by which it appeared they bad been concerned in the 
 safe of places and reversions. A wily lawyer, Mr. lluiigcrford, perceiving the ten- 
 dency of Mich disclosures, and apprehending that the whole mystery of government 
 might be unfolded, said, " I am sorry to see these two great vien fall foul on one 
 another; however, in my opinion, we must still look upon them as patriots and fathers 
 of thtir country ; and since they have, as by mischance, discovered their nakedness, 
 we (Might, according to the custom of the East, as the Scripture tells us, to cover it, 
 by turning our backs upon them." This prudent suggestion was adopted. 
 Howbcit the king loved him as much as heretofore.'] Having lost a parliamentary ma- 
 jority he resigned all his places, but with little diminution of the royal favour, for he 
 not only rose himself to the dignity of an earl, with a pension or a £4000 a-year, but 
 got a natural daughter, whom he had by a woman he afterwards married, ennobled in 
 tier own name by the royal warrant. After his elevation, he spent the remainder of his 
 life in retirement, and died in 1745. Sir William Wyndham, in the debate on the 
 Septennial Act, draws the following portrait of this corrupt minister:—*' Let its sup- 
 pose," says he, " a man abandoned to all notions of virtue and honour, of no great 
 family, and hut a mean fortune, raised to be chief minister of state by the concurrence 
 of many whimsical events ; afraid, or unwilling to trust any but creatures of his own 
 making ; lost to all sense of shame and reputation ; ignorant of his country's true 
 interest; pursuing no aim but that of aggrandizing himself and his favourites; in 
 foreign affairs trusting none but those who from the nature of their education cannot 
 possibly he qualified for the service of their country, or give weight and credit to 
 their negociations. Let us suppose the true interests of the nation, by such mea- 
 sures, neglected or misunderstood, her honour tarnished, her importance lost, her 
 trade in-ulrcd, her merchants plundered, and her sailors murdered ; and all these cir- 
 cumstances overlooked lest his administration should be endangered. Suppooe hidt 
 rrert possessed of immense wealth, the plunder of the nation, with a parliament chiefly 
 composed of members whose seats are purchased, and whose voles are bougtfl at the 
 expense of the public treasure. In such a parliament suppose him screened by a cor- 
 rupt majority of his creatures, whom he retains in daily pay, or engages in his par- 
 ticular interest, by distributing among them those posts and places, •which ought never 
 to be bestowed but for the public good. Let him plume himself upon his scandalous 
 victory, because he has obtained a parliament like a packed jury, ready to acquit 
 Turn at all adventures. Let us suppose him domineering with insolence over all the 
 men of ancient families, over all the men of sense, figure, or fortune in the nation, 
 and without virtue himself ridiculing it in others, and endeavouring to destroy ot cor- 
 rupt it in all."— Smollett's Hist vol. ii. p. 538. 
 Sir Robert Walpole professed whig principles, and accordingly as he was in and 
 out of place, exhibited the usual mutations of that singular party. In his patriot 
 days, be opposed a standing army as unconstitutional and dangerous to the liberties 
 of the people i when a minister, he was its strenuous supporter. On the complaint 
 Htious libel, called the Crisis, written by Sir Richard Steel, he distinguished 
 himself by Between in bi . ill of a free press, and contended thai it was the palladium 
 George the Second. 
 and great honours ; so that the example of Walpole has continued 
 unto this day. 
 Now it came to pass that the descendant of James, commonly 
 called the Pretender, prepared to invade England-, and recover back 
 the throne of his forefathers. 
 And in the middle of the month called June, the prince, with a 
 small number of followers arrived at Borodale, in Arnsacy, on the 
 borders of Lochnanarch, where he was shortly joined by the tribes 
 of Elcho, Pistligo, Ogilvie, Balmerino, Tullibardine, and Kilma- 
 nock, and other brave and valiant mountaineers. 
 Then the king issued a decree, offering a reward of thirty thou- 
 sand pounds to any one who should apprehend the Pretender. And 
 the merchants of the city raised subscriptions, and the great men 
 soldiers to oppose the invader. 
 Howbeit the Pretender continued to advance, and in the month 
 of September gave battle to the enemy, iu the neighbourhood of 
 Preston-pans, and overthrew them with great slaughter: all the in- 
 fautry were either killed or taken prisoners ; and the colours, 
 of our liberties. In 1757 he brought in a bill which limited the number of play- 
 houses, and subjected all dramatic compositions to the licence of th.e Lord Chamber- 
 lain ; thus was that powerful engine brought entirely under the controul of ministers. 
 But it is unnecessary to descant on the inconsistences of a man whose infamy is no- 
 The king issued a decree offering a reward of thirty thousand pounds."] A proclama- 
 tion was issued by the Pretender, offering a similar price for the head of the Elector 
 of Hanover. 
 Howbeit the Pretender continued to adcance — in the neighbourhood of Preston-pans.] 
 In this battle the Pretender's force amounted to two thousand four hundred highlanders, 
 half armed, who charged with such impetuosity, that in less than ten minutes afler the 
 battle began, the king's troops were broken and totally routed. The dragoons fled in 
 the utmost confusion at the first onset; their officers having made some unsuc- 
 cessful efforts to rally them, thought proper to consult their own safety by an expedi- 
 tious retreat towards Coldstream, on the Tweed. In this victory not more than fifty 
 of the rebels were slain, while of the king's troops five hundred were killed on the 
 field of battle, and among those the celebrated Colonel Gardener, who, when aban- 
 doned by his own regiment, disdaining to save his life at the expense of his honour, 
 alighted from his horse, and fought on foot till he fell covered with wounds, in sight 
 of his own threshold. From this victory the prince reaped manifold and important 
 advantages. His followers were armed, his party encouraged, and his enemies in- 
 George the Second. 
 artillery, tents, military chests, and other spoil, fell into the hands 
 of the victors, who returned to Edinburgh in great triumph. 
 Now Charles assembled all his forces, and Boding they amounted 
 to five thousand men, he determined to march into England through 
 the western horder. On the ninth day of* the month called Novem- 
 ber, be invested Carlisle, which surrendered in three days, the 
 mayor and aldermen delivering the keys on their knees. 
 Leaving a small garrison in the castle of Carlisle, he advanced to 
 Penrith ; marching on foot in the highland garb at the head of his 
 forces ; and continued his rout through Lancaster, Preston, Man- 
 chester, and Stockport, and on the fourth day of the month en- 
 tered Derby. 
 (ireat alarm came upon the city of London because of his progress : 
 all the Romish priests were apprehended : the militia of London and 
 Middlesex were kept in readiness to march : double watches were 
 posted at the city gates, and signals of alarm appointed : the volun- 
 teers of the city were formed into a regiment : the lawyers and attor- 
 neys, headed by the judges, the weavers of Spitalfields, and other 
 communities, engaged into associations : and even the managers of 
 theatres offered to raise a body of their dependants, to meet the in- 
 Howbeit the angel of the Lord appearing unto the Pretender, so 
 Great alarm came upon the cily — other communities.'] Notwithstanding all these pre- 
 cautions and preparations, the trading part of the city, and those concerned in money 
 corporations, were overwhelmed with fear and dejection. They iep; sed »ery little 
 confidence in the courage or discipline of their militia and volunteers : ihey had re- 
 ceived intelligence that the French «tre making preparations at Dunkirk and Calais 
 for a descent on England : they dreaded an insurrection of the Roman Catholics, and 
 other friends of the House of Stuart : and they reflected that the Highlanders, of 
 whom by this time they had conceived a terrible idea, were within four days march 
 of the capital. Alarmed by these considerations, they prognosticated their own ruin 
 in the approaching revolution ; and their countenances exhibited the plainest marks 
 of horror and despair. On the other hand, the Jacobites were elevated to an inso- 
 li nee »f hope, wliieli they^uere at no pains to conceal; while many people, who 
 had no private property to lose, and thought no change could be for the worse, waited 
 the issue of the crisis with the most calm indifference. 
 JOepertheleu tht angel of the Lord appearing unto the Pretender.] The state of sur- 
 prise described in the last note was of short duration. The young Pretender found 
 himself miserably disappointed in his expectations. He had now advanced into the
 George the Second. 
 that ho smote him with great fear, that he retired into the land of 
 Then the duke of Cumberland, having assembled a numerous 
 army, pursued him into Scotland, where a great battle was fought, 
 and the Pretender and all his forces completely defeated. 
 middle of the kingdom, and except a few that joined him at Manchester, not a sou! 
 appeared in his behalf; one would have imagined that all the Jacobites in England 
 had been annihilated. The Welsh took no steps to excite an insurrection in his 
 favour : the French made no attempts toward an invasion : his court was divided into 
 factions: the Highland chiefs began to murmur, and their clans to be unruly : he saw 
 himself with a handful of men hemmed in between two armies, in the middle of 
 •winter, and in a country disaffected to his cause. He knew he could not proceed to 
 the metropolis without hazarding a battle, and that a defeat would be attended with 
 the inevitable destruction of himself and all his adherents ; and he had received infor- 
 mation that his friends in the north had assembled a force superior to that with which 
 he was attended. He called a council at Derby, and proposed to advance towards 
 Loudon: the proposal was supported by lord Nairn with great vehemence; but after 
 violent disputes, the majority determined that they should retreat to Scotland with all 
 possible expedition. Accordingly they abandoned Derby early in the morning, and 
 measured back the route by which they had advanced. The retreat was made in 
 great order ; and notwithstanding the excessive cold, hunger, and fatigue, io which 
 they must have been exposed, they left behind no sick, lost a very few stragglers, 
 and carried off their cannon in the lace of the enemy. 
 T7iOi the duke of Cumberland, hairing assembled a numerous army, pursued them to 
 Culloden.] The loss of ihis battle may be ascribed to an unfortunate attempt to sur- 
 prise the royal army at Nairn, about nine miles distant from the rebels. The. design 
 of Charles was to march in the night from Culloden, and surprise the duke's army at 
 day-break : for this purpose the English camp had been reconnoitred ; and on the 
 night of the lf>th, the English army began to march in two columns. Their design 
 was to surround the enemy, and attack them at once on all quarters: but the length, 
 of thf columns embarrassed the march, so that the army was obliged to make many 
 baits : the men had been under arms during the whole of the preceding night, were 
 faint with hunger and fatigue, and many of them overpowered with sleep. Some were 
 unable to proceed ; others dropped off unperceived in the dark ; and the inarch was 
 retarded in such a maimer, that it would have been impossible to reach the duke's 
 canro before sun-rise. The design being thus frustrated, the Pretender, with great re- 
 luctance was prevailed upon to return to Culloden ; where he had no sooner arrived, 
 than treat numbers of his followers dispersed in quest of provisions, and many, over- 
 come wilh weariness and sleep, threw themselves down on the heath and along the 
 park walls. Thus disappointed, fatigued, and disorganized, they were attacked next 
 day by the Duke, and entirely defeated. Twulve hundred rebels were slain or 
 wounded on the field and in the pursuit. The road as far as Inverness was strewed 
 with dead bodies; and a great number of people, who, from motives of curiosity, 
 had come io see the battle, were sacrificed to the undistinguishing vengeance of the 
 victors. Piovohed by former disgraces, the soldiers were actuated with the most savage 
 thirst fpi \en_e;mce. Not contented with the blood which was profusely shed in the 
 heat of action, they traversed the field after the battle, and massacred those miserable 
 wretches who lay niaimed and expiring; nay, according to Smollett, some officers 
 acted a part in this cruel scene of assassination, — the triumph of low illiberal minds, 
 uninspired by sentiment, untinctured by humanity.
 < eorgf i i S '"'.</. 
 And great cruelties were committed by the troops Q^ the King, 
 for they spared neither man, nor woman, nor child ; and the counln 
 was laid waste with tire and sword. 
 And the prince took refuge in t lie mountains from the pursuit <<i 
 his enemies; and lie was surrounded by armed troops, tlu.t chased 
 And great cruelties ivcrc committed by the troops of the King.] The KingN troops, 
 • r all HaUmpw- had ceased, WOfi guilty of ilic most scandalous excesses. " In the 
 . null of May," says Smollett, " the duke of Cumberland advanced into the High- 
 lands as far as Fort Augustus, where he encamped, and sent off detachments on a!l 
 Lands to hunt down the fugitives, and lay waste the country with lire and sword. 
 The castles of Glengary ami Lochiel were plundered and burned : every house, hu*. 
 cr habitation, met with the same fate, without distinction : all the cuitie and provi- 
 us weie carried off; the men were either shot on the mountains like wild beasts, a 
 i>jt to death in cold blood without form of trial : the women, alter having seen their 
 ..bands and fathers murdered, vrcee subjected to brutal violation, and then turned 
 out naked, with ihcir children, to s'arve on the barren heaths. One whole family \va» 
 enclosed in a barn, and consumed to ashes. These- ministers of vengeance were sw 
 alert in the execution of their office, that in a few days there was neither bouse, cot- 
 •, nor beast to be seen in the compass of fifty miles : all was rniu, silence, auu de- 
 solation." — Cmtinuatitm of tlumc, vol. iii. p 183. 
 For these glorious services the Duke was proclaimed a hero and deliverer : he re- 
 ceived the thanks e-f both houses of Parliament: the Commons added twenty-five 
 thousand pounds a year to his income : and his name was inserted in the Liturgy, to 
 be prayed for by all the people of. England. 
 And the Prince took refuge in the mountains.] After the battle the vanquished ad- 
 urer rode oil' the field, accompanied by the duke of Perth, lord Klcho, and n fern 
 men ; !»e crossed tha water of Nairn and retire I to the house of a gentleman in Ana- 
 iliarie, where he conferred with old Lord Lovat; then he dismissed his followers, and 
 wandered about a wretched and solitary fugitive, among the isles and mountains for 
 'he space of live months, during which be underwent such a series of dangers, hard- 
 and misery, as no other person ever outlived. His adventures strongly resem- 
 bled those of Charles the Second after the fatal battle oi Worcester. Exposed io 
 liuriger, thirst, and weariness, and in continual danger of being apprehended, he was 
 obliged to truft his life to the fidelity of fifty individuals, many of whom were in the 
 lowest paths of life. They knew that a price of thirty thousand pounds was set upon 
 his head; and that, by betraying him they should enjoy wealth and affluence: but 
 they detested the thought ol obtaining riches on such infamous terms, and adminii- 
 lered to his necessities with the utmost fidelity, even at the hazard of their own de- 
 iction. In the course of these peregrinations he wa» more than once hemmed in by 
 Ins pursuers, in such a manner as seemed to preclude all possibility of escaping : yet 
 be was never abandoned by his hope and recollection: he still found some expedient 
 :::at saved iiim from captivity and death ; and through the whole course of his dis- 
 tresses, maintained the greatest equanimity and good humour. At length a privateer of 
 St. Malo, hired bv the younger Sheridan and some ol his Irish adherents, arrived ill 
 I-ochnonach ; and' on the twentieth day of September heembaiked in the habit which 
 he wore for a disguise. 
 Among the different royal families thrown down bv their crimes and imbecility, few 
 exhibit a more humiliating spectacle than the hoes" of Stuart; neither ancient nor mo- 
 dern history presents the example of a line of princes ?o eminently unfortunate du- 
 ring a succession of ages. The calamities which overwhelmed the Bourbons, exem- 
 plary as they were, have been comprised in an exile of twcnly-fivc years: but from
 George the Second. 
 him from hill to dale, from rock to cavern, and from shore to 
 Sometimes lie lurked in caves and cottages, without attendants or 
 any other support than the poorest peasant could supply : sometimes 
 he was rowed in fishermen's hoats from isle to isle among the Hebrides, 
 and often in sight of his pursuers. 
 Now he was obliged to appear in woman's attire ; then he was dis- 
 James I. of Scotland, barbarously murdered at Perth, in 1437, down to the last of his 
 descendants, with only the two exceptions of James I. of England, and Charles II., 
 all the others perished by the executioner, or by violent and premature death, or in 
 exile maintained by foreign contribution. The future life of the Pretender, after his 
 defeat at Culloden, is deplorable in the extreme. The courage and fortitude he dis- 
 played in England seem to have forsaken him with a reverse of fortune, and the re- 
 mainder of his days were spent in excess and debauchery. Being compelled to leave 
 France, he retired to Florence ; where he was seen by Sir Nathaniel Wraxall in 1779, 
 overwhelmed with infirmities, the consequence of his irregular courses. The account 
 which this writer gives of his appearance, may not be unacceptable to the reader : it 
 exhibits Royalty in a pitiable plight when stripped of the " pomp and circumstance" 
 by which it is supported. 
 " In 1779, Charles Edward exhibited to the world a very humiliating spectacle. 
 At the Theatre, where he appeared almost every evening, he was led in by some of his 
 domestics, who laid him down on a species of sola in the back part of the box; while 
 the Countess Albany, his consort, occupied the front seat during the whole perform- 
 ance. Count Aliieri, a man singularly eccentric in his mind, habits, and manners, 
 her "Cavaliero servant?," always attended on her in public, according to the established 
 usages of society throughout Italy. As, for obvious reasons, English subjects could 
 not be presented to a man who still laid claim to the British crown, no opportunity 
 of distinctly seeing the Chevalier de St. George, offered itself, except across the theatre ; 
 and even there he lay concealed, as I have already observed, on account of his iniir- 
 niities, rarely coming forward to view. Being desirous, nevertheless, to obtain a more 
 accurate idea of his face and person than could be acquired at such a distance, I took 
 my station one evening at the head of a private staircase, near the door by which, 
 when the performance closed, he quitted the playhouse. 
 " Previous to my leaving England in 1777, his Majesty had been pleased at the ap. 
 plication of Lord Robert Manners, who then commanded the third regiment of dra- 
 goon guards, to give me a Lieutenant's commission; and Lord Robert had allowed 
 me to wear his uniform which I had on at the time. The present general Manners, 
 now first equerry to the King, then a cornet in his father's regiment, dressed in the 
 same uniform and actuated by a similar curiosity, accompanied me. As soon as the 
 Chevalier appeared near enough to distinguish the English regimental, he instantly 
 stopped, and gently shook off the two servants who accompanied him one on each 
 side ; and, taking olF his hat, politely saluted us. He then passed on to his carriage, 
 sustained by his two attendants, as he ascended the staircase.— Charles Edward's com-. 
 plexion was dark, and he manifestly bore the same family resemblance to his grand- 
 father James II., that his Britannic Majesty's countenance presents to George I. or 
 to the late King. On the occasion just related, he wore, besides the decoration of the 
 Order of the Garter, a velvet great coat, which his infirm health rendered necessary, 
 even in summer on coming out of the theatre ; and a cocked hat, the sides of which 
 were half drawn up with gold twist. His whole figure, paralytic and debilitated, pre- 
 sented the appearance of great bodily decay. The strength of his mind had likewise
 George the Secoud. 
 guised as a travelling mountaineer, and wandered about among the 
 woods and beaths, with a malted beard and squalid looks, exposed to 
 hunger, thirst, and weariness, and in continual danger of falling into 
 the banda of his enemies. 
 And his eye was hollow, his visage wan, and his constitution weak- 
 ened by hunger and fatigue, till at length he was conveyed on-board, 
 and in a thick fog escaped to France, where he was a fugitive and a 
 wanderer all the days of his life. 
 And now it came to pass that Frederick, called the 1'rince of 
 Wales, died, and there was great mourning through all the land because 
 of his death. 
 Howbcit the king grieved not, neither shed he any tears because of his 
 become extinct at this time ; and with the decline of his intellectual powers, the suavity 
 of his disposition forsaking him, he became irritable, morose, and intractable, par- 
 ticularly i;i his family. An unhappy propensity to wine, which he gratified to excess, 
 while it enervated his system and rendered him frequently an object of pity or con- 
 tempt when in public, divesting him of that dignity which otherwise would always 
 have accompanied the representative of so many kin^s. His misfortunes, exile, and 
 anomalous situation, probal ly induced him to have recourse to the grape for oblivion 
 or temporary felicity. That melancholy indulgence extinguished the last hope which 
 fortune ever tendered lim ot ascending the throne of England, justly forfeited by the 
 tyranny and imbecile oigotry of James II." — Memoirs of my Own Time, voL i. p. 300. 
 It is a fact perhaps worth mentioning, that the Duke dc Choiscul, not deterred by 
 the unfortunate expeditions in 1715, and 1745, determined in 1770 to make another at- 
 tempt to restore the exiled family. For this purpose a private embassy was despatched 
 to the Pretender to acquaint him with the design, and a meeting was appointed at 
 Paris. At the appointed hour the Marshal de Broglio, and the minister repaired to 
 an hotel to meet the Chevalier : they wailed till one o'clock, and concluded some un- 
 foreseen accident had prevented his arrival. At this time a carriage entered the court, 
 and soon after the Pretender made his appearance, but in such a state of intoxication, 
 as neither to be fit for conversation nor business. He was immediately ordered to 
 quit Prance, and seems very properly afterwards to have sunk into neglect and ob- 
 And now it came to pass that Frederick, commonly called Prince of Wales, died ] This 
 "excellent prince," as he is sometimes called, died in 1750, in the forty-fifth year of 
 his age, and was the father of the late king. He expired suddenly in the arms of Dcs- 
 noyers, the celebrated dancing-master, who was near his bed-side engaged in playing 
 on the violin for his amusement. Smollct says his death was in consequence of a cold 
 caught in his garden at Kew, but this appears an error. His end was caused by an 
 abscess, which formed from the blow of a cricket ball which he received while 
 engaged in playing at that game on the lawn at Cliefden, a collection of matter hav- 
 ing been produced which burst in his throat and suffocated him. 
 Ilowbeit the King grieved n.'i neither shed he any tears because of his death.] The quar- 
 rel was about the settlement of the prince's income, and was kept up with grcal bitter- 
 ness till the day of his death. The king proposed to allow him frlty-thoi sand a y« m
 Gcm-tre the Second. 
 <lea!h : SFbf there had been enmity between the prince and his father, 
 and the king loved him not, because he had disobeyed his command- 
 ments and walked not in his ways. 
 But the prince had stolen away the hearts of the people by many 
 fair promises ; and he told them that when he ascended the throne of his 
 father, they should become a great and powerful nation ; that cor- 
 ruption and wickedness should be banished from the land : that ther^ 
 should be no more faction and animosities among them : that th'£ 
 names of whig and tory should be forgotten, and that they should 
 hereafter live together as one people. 
 And they believed these sayings of the prince : howbeit some 
 doubted that it would ever come to pass, and they said in their hearts, 
 out Of the civil list, and he claimed double that sum. A motion was made by the 
 prince's friends in the lower house, for an address lo his Majesty, beseeching him to 
 grant the prince one hundred thousand pounds. It was vigorously opposed by the 
 minister, which tended still more to widen the breach betw i\t the royal parties. The 
 tring was so incensed at what he conceived the prince's unduliful behaviour, that he 
 ordered the Lord Chamberlain to signify in the Gazette, that no person who visited 
 him should be admitted into the court at St. James's; and be was divested of other 
 external marks of royalty. During the last illness of his Royal Highness, he was 
 never visited by his Majesty. On the evening of his decease, the 20th <»f M.-.rch, 
 George II. had repaired, according to his usual custom, to the apartments of Lady 
 Yarmouth, situated on the ground-floor at St. James's, wbere a party of distinction 
 generally assembled. The king had just sat down to play, and was engaged at cards, 
 * hen a page arrived from Leicester-house bringing information that his son was no 
 -iore. He received the intelligence without testifying either emotion or surprise. 
 'I hen rising, lie crossed the room to Lady Yarmouth's table, who was likewise occupied 
 ot play, and leaning over iier chair, said to her, in German, in a low tone of voice, 
 e ' Fritz is dode," Freddy is dead* This was the only feeling excited by this melancholy 
 cent, and exhibits a singular instance of royal insensibility. 
 And Ihuj believed these sayings of the Prince.'] His Royal Highness had made a de- 
 claration to the chiefs of the opposition, of the hading principles which should guide 
 iiis conduct on his accession to the throne. Among other things promised by the 
 prince, were first, to abolish all distinction of parties, and admit indiscriminately to 
 place and emolument, individuals recommended by their virtues and attachment to 
 the constitution. Secondly, he proposed to support a bill to exclude irom the House 
 O'i Commons, all military officers under the rank of colonel, all naval officers unde: 
 the degree of rear-admiral. Thirdly, he promised to introduce a rigorous inquiry into 
 the abuses of public offices. Fourthly, a standing army was to he replaced by a nu- 
 merous and effective militia. Lastly, the prince promised that no administration should 
 have his support without previously obtaining these points in behalf of the people. 
 These professions it must be admitted were highly praiseworthv, but whether they 
 wouki have been realized must be left to conjecture. A more recent example has 
 * Wraxall's Memoir?.— p. -11G.
 George the Second. 
 that, when the prince is king over us, he will follow the example of 
 his forefathers ami walk in their ways. 
 Now George was a mighty warrior, ami he Led on his armies him- 
 self, and he fought wilh the French, and overthrew them at the battle 
 of Dettingen. 
 Moreover his captains were valiant, and they discomfited the enemies 
 of the king in the east and the west, by laud and by sea, in many bat- 
 tles; and the wealth of the country increased, and its fame extended 
 to all parts of the earth. 
 Now the rest of the acts of king George, the alliances that he made, 
 the debts that he contracted, the concubines that he kept, the pro- 
 jects that he formed, and all the foolish things that he did, behold 
 they are written in the books of the chronicles of the Kings of Eng- 
 made men distrustful of the early declarations of princes, and they are looked on like the 
 professions of " patriots" out of place. Whether, however, the prince was sincere or 
 not, his promises rendered him very popular with the nation, and historians have been 
 lavish in his praise. He is described as possessing almost every amiable quality, a 
 munificent patron of the arts, an affectionate husband, and a prince whose reign would 
 have been a full exemplification of the magnificent idea of a " patriot king." All this 
 however, is very foolish and ridiculous. The truth is, he u.isa man of weak intellects 
 who, having been thwarted hi his inclinations by his father, devoted himself, in con- 
 junction with others whose motives were as little honourable as his own, to a factious 
 opposition to his measures. Even his admirers allow that be was deficient in energy, 
 steadiness, and penetration of character. Nor was economy a virtue he displaced, 
 for at his death he had contracted enormous debts which were never discharged. The 
 details given by Doddington in bis " Diary" of the intrigues and amusements at Leices- 
 ter House are not very creditable, either to his principle., or understanding The 
 party there were occupied in forming schemes of future administrations, fixing the 
 civil list, and dividing m imagination the loaves and fishes of the- state on the king's 
 death. It is related by ibis writer, that the prince went three times in thirteen months 
 to have his fortune told. En returning from one of these magical visits, the party, 
 composed of the prince, his wife, and Doddington, supped with Mrs. Cannon, the 
 princess's midwife. He used to no disguised to Hockley in the Hole to witness bull- 
 baiting. In these rambles he was generally accompanied by Lord Middlesex, whom 
 his lamer bad disowned lor extravagance, or Lord John Sackville. His favourite mis- 
 tress was Lady Archibald Hamilton. In order to be near him she resided in P..I1 Mall, 
 near to Carltun-House ; the prince having allowed her to construct a drawing-room, 
 the wind w ? of which commanded a view over the gardens of that palace, and with 
 \\ Inch her house had a private communication. 
 But enough of these anecdotes. We leave the reader to reconcile, if he can, these 
 facts with the amiable qualities of the prince, his amjvgal virtues, and constitutional 
 principles. Perhaps the only just cause oi regret at the piemature death of ihis 
 embryo patriot prince, mav be found in the virtue* displayed t>v his successor. 
 George the Second. 
 And in those days there arose a man called John Wesley ; and 
 behold he was possessed with the demon of enthusiasm. 
 And in those days there arose a man called John Wesley. ~\ — John Wesley, the founder 
 of the Methodists, was the second son of Samuel Wesley, a minister of the esta- 
 blished church. His father held the livings of Epworth and Wroote, in Lincolnshire ; 
 he was born on the 17th of June, 1703, at Epworth, which is a market town, con- 
 taining in its parish about two thousand inhabitants. With the exception of his life 
 being endangered by fire, no other event distinguished the infancy of young Wesley. 
 Mr. Sou they gives a minute account of some remarkable noises and appearances being 
 heard and seen at the parsonage of Epworth ; but as the story is evidently intended for 
 the Methodists only, it is unnecessary to insert it in this place. Mr. Wesley received 
 his first education at the Charter-house, where he suffered severely from the absurd 
 tyranny the elder boys were permitted to exercise. The boys of the higher forms were 
 then in the practice of taking their portion of the meat from the younger ones, by the 
 law of the strongest, and during a great part of the time that Wesley remained there, 
 a small daily portion of bread was his only food. This practice, which used to be very 
 general in English schools, is now in part at least abolished ; a system better designed 
 for cultivating the worst dispositions in human nature can hardly be imagined. 
 At the age of seventeen, Wesley was removed from the Charter-house, to Christ 
 Church, Oxford, where lie soon attracted notice by his retired habits and those holy 
 and mistaken notions which distinguished his future life. In conjunction with his 
 brother, Charles, he succeeded in collecting round him a few students of the same 
 sombre complexion. They excited much derision by their peculiar manners; and 
 were called Bible-bigots, Bible-moths, the Holy or the Godly Club. They endea- 
 voured to follow the example of the primitive Christians, by practising various austeri- 
 ties, and refusing to partake of those gifts which God had created for the happiness 
 of his creatures. Mr. Morgan, one of the earliest members of the society, from 
 rigorous fasting, actually threw himself into a decline, which carried him off. Their 
 regular fasting days were Wednesdays and Fridays. They appointed regular times 
 for what they called self-examination ; the object of which was the full disclosure of 
 their most secret thoughts. The ultimate object of these peculiarities was to recover 
 the image of God. 
 Besides Wesley, there were two other members of the Godly Club, who attained 
 great celebrity. James Hervey was one, author of the Meditations, a book which 
 has been translated into most European languages, and for the shallowness of its 
 matter, its superficial sentimentality, and its tinsel style, as much as for its devotional 
 spirit, has become singularly popular. Whitefield, was the other, a man so eminently 
 connected with the growth of Methodism, that a short notice of him may not be un- 
 He was born at the Bell Inn, in the city of Gloucester, at the close of the year 
 1714. He describes himself as froward from his mother's womb; so brutish as to 
 hate instruction ; stealing from his mother's pocket, and frequently appropriating 
 to his own use the money that he took in the house. " If I trace myself," says he, 
 " from my cradle to my manhood, I can see nothing in me, but a fitness to be 
 damned." He received the rudiments of education at a Grammar school ; where his 
 talents for elocution, which afterwards made him so great a performer in the pulpit, 
 were in danger of receiving a theatrical direction. The boys were fond of acting 
 plays; the master "seeing how their vein ran," encouraged it, and composed a dra- 
 matic piece himself, which they represented before the corporation, and in which 
 Whitefield enacted a woman's part in girl's clothes. The remembrance of this, h 
 says, had often covered him with confusion of face, and he hoped it would do so to 
 George the Second. 
 And John felt himself culled by the Holy Spirit, to go fortli and 
 preach among the people, and he went among them, and he cried 
 with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe ! 
 And John, that he might become a strange spectacle, suffered his 
 hair to grow, he went bare-legged, and he fasted and prayed, and 
 wrestled with the Lord daily. 
 the end of his life. Before he was fifteen, he persuaded his mother to take him from 
 school, saying, that more learning would only spoil him lor a tradesman ; and lie might 
 have added, a methodist preacher also. Her own circumstances indeed were by this 
 time so much on the decline, that his menial services were required : he began occa- 
 sionally to assist her in the public house, till at length he " put on his apron and his 
 snuffers, washed mops, cleaned rooms, and became a professed and common drawer." 
 Southey's Life of Wesley, p. 53. 
 By some accidents too unimportant to mention, Whitefield obtained a servitor's place 
 in Pembroke College. Before he went to Oxford, he had heard of the young men 
 there, who " lived by rule and method," and were therefore called .Methodists. Being 
 of kindred feelings, his heart yearned to be acquainted with them, but a sense of his 
 inferior condition long kept him at a distance. At length the object of his desires was 
 effected, and ultimately he became Wesley's zealous coadjutor. 
 And John felt himself called by the Holy Spirit.] — Wesley's first call, as it is technically 
 termed, arose from the perusal of Jeremy Taylor's Eules of Holy Licing and Dying. 
 After perusing that splendid work, he says : " Instantly 1 resolved to dedicate all my life 
 to God, — all my thoughts, words, and actions, being thoroughly convinced there was 
 /lo medium ; but that every part of my life, (not some only) must either be a sacrifice 
 to God or myself, — that is in effect to the devil." The throes of the new birth in White- 
 field were far more awful. He describes himself as having all sensible comforts with- 
 drawn from him, overwhelmed with a horrible fearfulness and dread; all power of 
 thinking taken away ; his memory gone, his whole soul barren and dry, and his sen- 
 sations as he imagined, like those of a man locked up in armour. "Whenever I 
 knelt down" he says, " 1 felt great pressures both on soul and body ; and have often 
 prayed under the weight of them, till the sweat came through. God only knows 
 how many nights I have lain upon my bed groaning under what I felt. Whole days 
 and weeks have [ spent in laying prostrate on the ground in silent or vocal prayer." 
 He then began to practise austerities, such as the Romish superstition encourages : 
 he chose the worst food, affected mean apparel, and wore woollen gloves, a patched 
 gown and dirty shoes, as visible signs of humility ; he would kneel under the trees in 
 Christ Church walk, in silent prayer, shivering with cold, till the great bell summon- 
 ed Inm to his college for the night: he exposed himself to cold in the morning till his 
 hands were quite black : he kept Lent so strictly, that, except on Saturdays and Sun- 
 days, his only food was coarse bread and sage tea without sugar. The end of these 
 miserable follies and delusions was, that he was under a physician for several weeks, 
 and he had scarcely strength enough left to creep up stairs. The§e mortifications how- 
 ever divested him of the carnal man, and he became a pure spirit. His communion 
 with his .Maker in the garden is too blasphemous a conceit for insertion. 
 And John — suffered his hair to grow.] — This he did, as he said, for the purpose of 
 economy, and that the money which otherwise would be given to the hair-dresser 
 might be bestowed on the poor. His mother, thinking it injured his health, prevailed 
 upon him to have part of it cut off. It was in America where he threw aside his 
 shoes and stockings and went bare-lf gged. Southej/'s Jfe, p. 95.
 George the Second. 
 And many were smitten with his doctrines, and believed in him ; 
 and he taught his followers uuless they became as insane people they 
 could not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 
 And by faith and prayer he wrought many miracles, casting out 
 devils, healing the sick, both man and beast, and making the lame 
 to walk. 
 And these things were done that the sayings of the prophets might 
 be fulfilled ; namely, that delusion, credulity, and knavery will be 
 found in all ages. 
 And many were smitten with his doctrines— unless they became as insane people.] Al- 
 luding, as is supposed, to the new birth, w lien the subject is received into a state of 
 grace : it forms the most critical moment in the history of a Methodist, and is gene- 
 rally preceded by the most horrible perturbation of mind. Mr. Soutbey has given se- 
 veral ins ances ol the madness which prevails during this period : the case of Haines 
 is one. 'ibis poor creature was afraid to go to bed lest the devil should fetch him 
 away before morning He was terrified when asleep ; sometimes dreaming that many 
 devils were in the room ready to take him away ; sometimes that the world was at an 
 end. At other times he thought l.e saw the world on fire and the wicked burning 
 therein, himself among them. " 1 was often," says he, " on the point of destroying my- 
 self, and wis Slopped, I know not ,how. Then did I weep bitterly : I moaned like a 
 dove, I chattered like u swallow." In the excess of bis frenzy, having a stick in his 
 hand, he threw it towards heaven against God, with the utmost enmity; and he says 
 that this act was followed by what he supposed to be a supernatural appearance : that, 
 immediately be saw, in the clear sky, a creature like a swan, but much larger, part 
 black, and part brown, which flew at him, went just over his head, and, lighting on 
 the ground, at about forty yards distance, stood staring upon him like a stuck pig. 
 Suuthey's Life of Wesley, v. ii. p. 124. Of the madness of this fellow, Wesley pub- 
 lished an account in his Magazine, entitled, " A short Account of God's Dealings with Mr. 
 John Ilaine." Satan has so much to do with the narrative, Mr. Soutbey thinks the 
 title a misnomer. 
 And bij faith and prayer he wrought many miracles ] Wesley relates many cures 
 ■wrought by faith and prayer, -which be considered and represented as perfectly 
 miraculous. By thinking strongly on a text of scripture, be shook off instantaneously, 
 a fever which had hung upon him for some days, and was in a moment freed from all 
 pain and res'ored to his former strength, lie visited a helievtr at night, who was ex- 
 pected not to live till next morning : the man was speechless and senseless, and his 
 pulse gone. Wesley joined a few others in prayer, and before they had done his senses 
 and speed) returned. So, when his own teeth ached, be prayed and the pain left him. 
 And this faith was so strong, that it sufficed sometimes to cure not himself only but 
 his horse also. "My horse," he says, "was so exceedingly lame, that [ was afraid I 
 must have lam by . We could not discern what it was that was amiss, and yet he would 
 scarcelv set his loot to the ground. By riding thus seven miles 1 was thoroughly tired, 
 and tnv head ached luore than it had done for some months. What I here aver is the 
 naked fact : let every man account for it as he sees good. I then thought, cannot 
 God heal either man or beasl, by any means or without any !" Immediately my wea- 
 riness and head ache ceased, and my horse's lameness in the same instant !" he that 
 hath ears let him hear !
 George the Second. 
 And John's fame extended to all parts of the earth ; his followers 
 marvellously increased ; and he divided them into bands and classes ; 
 and they founded schools and consecrated bishops ; and in all things 
 became a distinct people. 
 And he exhorted them to refrain from all costly apparel, to wear 
 no fine linen, nor rings, nor laces, nor ruflles, nor necklaces; nor to 
 clothe their bodies in glaring colours, or any thing that was gay, glis- 
 tening, and showy : for these were an abomination unto the Lord, 
 and partook of the carnal man. 
 And he likewise declaimed against riches, and exhorted those who 
 gained much to give it to the poor; for it was hard for a rich man to 
 enter the kingdom of heaven. 
 And his disciples were taught to remain single for the kingdom of 
 heaven's sake: howbeit the spirit having tempted him to take a wife, 
 he forgot all that he had said, and declared forbidding to marry to be 
 the doctrine of devils. 
 And the wife he took to hi-, bosom tormented him greatlv; she 
 was filled with the demon of jealousy, and belie'.ed that her husband 
 was loved of divers women. 
 And Wesley was a braud snatched from the burning, a m.'ehtv 
 preacher, wise in his own conceit, who instructed his followers in all 
 And the tcj/j; he took to his bosom tormented him gre^tlu."] His wife was a thorough 
 Xantippe, and moreover outrageously jealous. It is said she frequently travelled a 
 hundred miles for the purpose of watching from a window, who was in the carriage 
 with him when he entered a town. She searched his pockets, opened his letters, put 
 his letters and papers into the hands of his enemies, in hopes that thev might be made 
 use of to blast his character; and sometimes laid violent hands upon him, and tore hjs. 
 hair. She frequently left his house, and upon his earnest entreaties returned again: 
 till after having thus disquieted twenty years of his life, she seized on purl of his jour- 
 nals and other papers, which were never restored, and departed, leaving word that she 
 never intended to return. Thus summarily was a most injudicious marriage dissolved. 
 Mrs. Wesley lived ten years alter the separation, and is described in her epitaph, as 
 a woman of exemplary piety, a tender parent, and a sincere friend ; the tombstone says 
 nothing of her conjugal virtues 
 .4(1(2 Wesley was a brand snatched from the burning — even the art of curing diseases.] 
 Wesley thought there was no harm in quacking lor the body as wi il as the soul. He 
 published a book, under the title ot " Primit'ue Physic, or an easy and natural Method 
 of curing Diseases.'' It was extensively circulated, and from the rash and absurd re- 
 ceipts it give?, in many cases, must have done much mischief. For siphylis, he 
 ; r
 George the Second. 
 kinds of knowledge, even in the art of curing diseases and training up 
 Howbeit he was sometimes doubtful in his own mind, whether his 
 preachings were from God or the devil. 
 And George reigned over England thirty and four years, and he 
 died ; and George his grandson reigned in his stead. 
 And there was great mourning in the land because of the king's 
 death, and many foolish things were said of his name : howbeit 
 as they were false and ridiculous, they are now forgotten, and men 
 onlv think of the deeds of his successor. 
 scribes an ounce of quicksilver every morning, and for the twisting of the intestines, 
 quicksilver, ounce by ounce, to the amount of one, two, or three pounds! Toasted 
 cheese is recommended for a cut; and for a rupture in children, '« boil a spoonful of 
 eggshells, dried in an oven and powdered, in a pint of milk, and feed the child con- 
 stantly with bread boiled in this milk 1" 
 His advice for the treatment of children is infamous. " Whatever pains it costs," 
 he says, "break the will, if you would not damn the child. Let a child from a year 
 old be taught to fear the rod and to cry softly ; from that age make him do as he is 
 bid, if you whip ten limes running to effect it. If you spare the rod you spoil the 
 child. If you do not conquer, you ruin him." Enough of this: nothing can show 
 more his ignorance. Wesley never had any children. 
 Howbeit he wus sometimes doubtful in his own mind.~\ This is certainly a fact. In 
 one of his sermons, he relates a curious dialogue with the arch enemy. "The devil," 
 said he, " once infused into my mind a temptation that, perhaps, I did not believe what 
 I was preaching. ' Well then,' said I, ' I will preach it till I do.' But the devil sug- 
 gested, ' what if it should not he true ?' 'Still,' I replied, ' I will preach it, because 
 whether true or not it must be pleasing to God, by preparing men better tor another 
 world.' 'But what if there should be no other world ?' rejoined the enemy. * I will 
 c on preaching it,' said I, 'because it is the way to make them better and happier in 
 this.' " Smthey's Lift of Wesley, v. ii. p. 411. . . 
 And there was great mourning in the land because of the King's death.] Smollett, a 
 witness of this national folly, says, "A thousand pens were drawn to paint the 
 beauties and sublimity of his character, in poetry as well as prose. They extolled 
 him above Alexander in courage and heroism, above Augustus in liberally, Titus in 
 clemency, Antoninus in piety and benevolence, Solomon in wisdom, and St. Edward 
 in devotion. Such hyperbolical culogiums served only to throw ridicule on a cha- 
 racter which was otherwise respectable. The two universities vied with eacli other in 
 lamenting his death ; and each published a huge collection of elegies on the subject : 
 nor did they fail to exalt his praise, with the warmest expressions of regret, in the 
 compliments of condolence and congratulation which they presented to his successor." 
 The example of the universities was followed by other corporations in the kingdom ; 
 and the same fulsome and extravagant panegyrics appear to have been offered up to 
 his memory, by the weak and servile, which occurred on the demise of the late king. 
 George II. died on the 25th day of October, 1760, without any previous disor- 
 der, at his palace, at Kensington. He had risen at his usual hour, drank his choco-
 George the Seco?id. 
 late, and inquired about the wind, as anxious for the arrival ot" the foreign mails ; 
 then he opened the window of his apartment, and perceiving the weather was sereti*, 
 declared lie would walk in the garden. In a few minutes alter this dt Juration, while 
 alone in his chamber, he fell down upon the floor; the noise of the fall brought his 
 attendants into the room, who lifted him on the bed, when he desired, in a faint voice, 
 that the Princess Amelia might be called ; but before she could reach the apartments 
 he had expired. An attempt was made lo bleed him, but without effect ; and indeed 
 his malady was far beyond the reach of art: for, when the cavity of the thorax or 
 chest was opened, the right ventricle of the heart was found actually ruptured, and 
 a great quantity of blood discharged through the aperture in'o the surrounding peri- 
 cordium ; so that he must have died instantaneously in consequence of the effu- 
 He died at the age of seventy-seven, after a long reign of thirty-four years, dis- 
 tinguished by a variety of important events, and chequered with a vicissitude ol 
 character and fortune. In his person he was rather lower than the middle size, well 
 shaped, erect, with eyes remarkably prominent, a high nose and fair complexion. 
 In his disposition he was hasty, ptone to anger, especially in his youth, yet soon ap- 
 peased ; otherwise mild, moderate, and humane. lie was temperate in his way of 
 living, regular, and extremely methodical. He was fond of military pomp and 
 parade, and personally brave. He loved war as a soldier, and studied it as a 
 science ; but without making any great proficiency. The extent of his understanding 
 and the splendour of his virtues are rather problematical ; nor is there much room to 
 expatiate on his munificence and liberality ; his generous regard to genius and learning; 
 his royal protection and encouragement of those arts by which a nation is benefited and 
 adorned. With respect to his government, it seldom deviated from the institutions of law ; 
 or encroached upon private property; or interfered with the common administration of 
 justice. The circumstances that chiefly marked his public conduct, were a predilec- 
 tion for his native country, and a clese attention to German politics: points and prin- 
 ciples to which he adhered with the most invincible obstinacy, and in this he was 
 uuforlunntely seconded by a succession of venal ministers, who, in defiance of their 
 own judgment, devoted soul and body to the gratification of a passion prejudicial to 
 the true interests of their country. 
 Queen Caroline, the wife of this Prince, is described as a woman of very su- 
 perior attainments, uncommon sagacity, and a pattern of conjugal virtue. 13y her 
 address and judicious management down to the time of her decease, in 1737, she main- 
 tained a great ascendancy over her husband, and it is ascribed to her agency, that 
 Walpolc was enabled to manage matters so adroitly. It is related that, by watch- 
 words and other signs, she kept up a secret understanding with the minister, while 
 the King was present in his drawing-room. According to the King's temper, frame 
 of mind, or practicability on the points Walpole wished to carry, the Queen signified 
 to him to proceed, stand still, or retrograde on that particular day.* This com- 
 munication was so well managed, that it was imperceptible even to the by- 
 The Queen's favorite study was theology. An impartial inquiry into the founda- 
 tions of the Christian faith had tended rather to unsettle than confirm her faith in its 
 divine origin. She was the correspondent of Leibnitz, a German philosopher, the 
 admirer and patron of the celebrated Winston, a man who displayed a virtue rarely 
 found in his profession, by renouncing all prospect of ecclesiastical emolument rather 
 than subscribe to articles of faith he could not believe. In her last moments, though 
 urged by the bishops, she declined receiving the sacrament. She was, however, a 
 regular observer of religious ceremonies, prayers were repeated every morning in an 
 outer room while she dressed. In this outer room hung a naked Venus, about which 
 Mr. Walpole, in his " Remimscmrks," relates an anecdote. He says, the Queen or- 
 * Wraxall's Memoirs, p. 4;'(i.
 George the Second. 
 dered Mrs Selwyn, the bed-chamber woman in waiting, to bid the chaplain, Dr. 
 Madox, afterwards bishop of Gloucester, to begin the service. He said archly, " And a 
 very pretty altar-piece is here, madam!" Queen Anne, who was very orthodox, had 
 the same custom ; and ordering the door to be shut while she shifted, the chaplain 
 stopped. The Queen sent to ask why he did not proceed ? He replied " He would 
 not whistle the Word of God through the key-hole." It is curious to observe with 
 what gravity priests, princes, and the great, treat sacred subjects in the presence of the 
 multitude, while, in private, they form a standing jest and unceasing theme of ridicule. 
 Like his predecessors, George II. had several mistresses, but he always preferred the. 
 Queen to any other woman ; and when discoursing on the personal charms of the fair, 
 lie always referred to her Majesty as the most perfect model of female beauty. Among 
 the King's chief favourites is reckoned Mrs. Howard, afterwards Duchess of Suffolk. 
 This ladv, with her husband, being in narrow circumstances, had gone over to Ger- 
 many, with a view of making their court to George I. while elector of Hanover. ShY 
 succeeded in insinuating herself into the good graces of George II. and became his 
 mistress. While under royal protection, Mr. Howard went to St. James's palace, pub- 
 licly to demand his wife in the presence of the guards. Being thrust out, he sent a 
 letter to her by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who conveyed the summons to the 
 Queen, who had the malicious pleasure of delivering the epistle to her rival. During 
 the summer a negotiation commenced, and this indulgent husband sold his wife and 
 his own " noisy honour" for a pension of „£l200 a year. — Reminiscences, p. 302. 
 We shall now proceed to recapitulate a few of the most important events, not yet 
 noticed, in the history of this long reign. 
 In our remarks on Sir Robert Walpole, we noticed his attack on the freedom of 
 the press, by subjecting all dramatic compositions to the inspection of the lord cham- 
 berlain. It may be well to notice this fact a little more in detail ; because, the minister 
 had recourse to similar hypocritical pretexts— blasphemy, sedition, and immorality 
 — made use of at the present day for abridging the freedom of discussion. The 
 errors of Walpolc's conduct, his systematic corruption, and the blemishes of his admi- 
 nistration had been exposed and ridiculed not only in political periodical writings, but 
 in a succession of theatrical pieces, which met with uncommon success. He either 
 wanted judgment to distinguish men of genius or could find none that would engage, 
 in his service: he, therefore, employed a set of wretched hacks void of character, 
 understanding, and ingenuity. They undertook the defence of his ministry ; but in- 
 stead of justifying his conduct, they exposed it to additional ridicule- and contempt, 
 and he saw himself in danger of being despised by the whole nation. He resolved, 
 the first opportunity, to choke those channels of censure and information. The mana- 
 ger of a playhouse communicated lo him a manuscript farce, entitled the Golden Rump, 
 which was fraught with treason and the most extravagant abuse upon the government. 
 The performance was introduced into the House of Commons. The minister descanted 
 on the insolence, the immorality, and sedition which had been lately propagated. 
 A bill was brought in to limit the number of playhouses, and to compel all dramatic 
 writers to take out a licence before any production could appear on the stage. Not- 
 withstanding a vigorous opposition, the bill passed rapidly through both houses, and 
 obtained the royal sanction. It is thought that the farce, which was made the founda- 
 tion of this extraordinary measure, was the composition of Walpole or some of his 
 Another case connected with the freedom of the Pnnss in this reign deserves re- 
 cording. Mr. Murray, a gentleman of spirit and independence, having made some 
 offensive reflections on the House of Commons, was committed to Newgate for a pre- 
 tended breach of privilege. A pamphlet appeared, entitled "The Case of the Hon. 
 Alexander Murray, Esquire, in an Appeal to the People of Great Britain." It was 
 written with great animation, and contained some merited animadversions on the pro- 
 ceedings of the Commons. The violent members took fire, and the flame extended 
 itself to the majority. The House resolved that it was a false, scandalous, and ma-
 George the Second. 
 lieious libel; and an address was voted to the King, desiring that his Majesty would 
 be graciously pleased to give directions to his Attorney-General to prosecute the au- 
 thor, printer, and publishers of the said scandalous libel. Directions were accordingly 
 given for the purpose, and a prosecution commenced against the publisher, who had 
 some reason to be dismayed, considering he had to encounter the whole weight of in- 
 fluence of the crown and legislature. Nevertheless, when the cause was tried before 
 the lord duel justice, a jury of honest Englishmen, citizens of London, boldly asserted 
 their privilege of judging the law as well as the fact, and with a truly noble spirit of 
 independence acquitted the defendant. " They considered," says Smollett '» fhe 
 pamphlet ait appeal against oppression ; and convinced that the contents were true, 
 they could nor, m conscience, adjudge if a false libel, even though it had been so de- 
 clared by on ' branch of the legislature." I his may be considered the first triumph 
 of common sense against the pernicious doctrine that truth is a libel. 
 Having already given some ace unit, when speaking of Sir Robert Walpole, of 
 the corruption prevailing in the House of Commons, I shall onlv add a fact or two 
 more related by Dr. Kinz, in his Anecdotes of his Own Time. Sir Robert wanted to 
 carry a question in the House to which he knew there would be great opposition, and 
 winch was disliked by some of his own party. As he was passing through the Court 
 of Requests he met a member of the contrary party, wlio-e avarice he knew would not 
 refuse a large bribe. lie took hiin aside, and said, Such a question comes on to-day, 
 give me your vote, and here is a bank hill of ^f^OO. The member made him this 
 answer, " Sir Robert, you have lately served some of my particular friends, and when 
 mv wife was last at court the king was very gracious to her, which must have hap- 
 pened at yonr instance, I should therefore think myself very ungrateful (putting the 
 bank hilt in his pocket) if I were to refuse the favour yon are now pleased to ask me." 
 The same writer relates another anecdote of the same profligate minister. He says, 
 " Mr. W. Leveson, my Lord Gower*s brother, told me that he happened to be in the 
 House of Lords, standing near Sir R. Walpole, when there was a warm debate concern- 
 ing some ministerial measure. In the midst of the debate, says Sir R. to him, ' You 
 see with what zeal and vehemence these gentlemen oppose, and vet I know the price 
 of every man in the house except three, and your brother is one of them.' Sir Robert 
 lived loii£ enough to know that my Lord Gower had his price as well as the rest, and 
 was unworthy of forming the triumvirate." — Kings Anecdotes of Iris Oun Time, p. 44. 
 The year 1736, was remarkable for a singular instance of popular justice at Edin- 
 burgh. Captain Porteus, who commanded the guard paid by that city, a man of 
 brutal disposition and abandoned morals, had, at the execution of a smuggler, been 
 provoked by some insults from the populace, to order his men, without using the pre- 
 vious formalities of the law, to !irc among the crowd ; by which rash order several inno- 
 cent persons lost their lives. Porteus was tried for murder, convicted, and received 
 sentence of death, but the crown thought proper to indulge him with a reprieve. The 
 people of Edinburgh resented this lenity shown to a criminal, who was the object of 
 their detestation. They remembered that divers pardons hud been granted to military 
 delinquents in that country, who had been condemned by legal trial. They seemed to 
 think these were encouragements : fired by national jealousy, and stimulated by the 
 relations and friends of those who had been barbarously murdered, they resolved to 
 wreak their vengeance on the author of that tragedy, by depriving him of life on the 
 day which the judges had fixed for his execution. Thus determined, they assembled 
 in different bodies, about ten o'clock at night. They blocked up the gates of the city 
 to prevent the admission of the troops, who were quartered in the suburbs. They 
 surprised and disarmed the town guards- broke open the prison doors; dragged 
 Porteus from thence; and leaving him hanging by the neck on a dyer's pole, 
 quietly dispersed to their habitations. A rigorous inquiry was instituted without 
 success, to discover the authors of this exploit. We could relate a similar outrage 
 to that of Porteus, perpetrated in our time, but a? wc should not have the 
 pleasure of relating a similar punishment inflicted on its aut'.ors, we forbear to 
 mention it. 
 George the Second. 
 In 1758, an act passed both Houses and received the royal assent, entitled " An 
 Act to permit persons professing the Jewish Religion to be naturalized by Parliament, 
 and for other purposes therein mentioned." It is observable that the same arguments 
 were adduced against this salutary measure which are now adduced against Catholic 
 Emancipation. An ignorant petition of the Common Council of the City of Loudon 
 expressed, that if the bill passed into a law, it would tend greatly to dishonour the 
 Christian religion. What a libel on our holy faith, to affirm that charity to all men 
 is incompatible with its precepts! Some of the members prognosticated that the Jews 
 would multiply so much in number, engross such wealth, and acquire so great power, 
 that their persons would be revered, their customs imitated, and Judaism become 
 the fashionable religion of the English. Finally, they affirmed that such an act was 
 flying directly in the face of the prophecy, which declares that the Jews ^liall be a 
 scattered people, until they shall be converted from their infidelity, and gathered to- 
 gether unto the land of their forefathers. The legislature had sufficient liberality and 
 discernment to pass the bill in spite of these frivolous arguments and chimerical ap- 
 prehensions. Unfortunately such an outcry was raised among the bigoted and ignorant 
 part of the nation, that next session they thought prudent to retrace their steps, and 
 the law was repealed. The reverend bench of bishops, with a laudable spirit of 
 liberality and Christian philanthrophy, approved of the indulgence granted to their 
 Hebrew brethren, but with the same passive obedience to the suggestion of the 
 minister they also voted for its repeal. 
 The winter of 1740, was distinguished by an uncommonly severe frost, which 
 began at Christmas and continued till the latter end of February. The river Thames 
 was covered with such a crust of ice, that a multitude of people dwelt upon it in 
 tents; and a great number of booths were erected for the entertainment of the popu- 
 lace. 'The navigation was entirely stopped ; the watermen and fishermen were disabled 
 from earning aTivelihood ; the fruits of the earth were destroyed by the cold, which 
 was so extreme that many persons were chilled to death : and this calamity was the 
 more deeply felt as the price of fuel advanced in proportion to the seventy and con- 
 tinuance of the frost. The price of all sorts of provisions rose almost to a dearth, 
 even water was sold in the streets of London. 
 Perhaps no reign in the English annals is so remarkable for the number of strange 
 and unnatural crimes which were perpetrated. The passions of men appear to have 
 been restrained neither by law, nature, nor humanity. An indulgent parent was 
 poisoned by his only daughter, on whom, besides other marks of affection, he had be- 
 stowed a liberal education, which greatly aggravated the enormity of her crime. 
 Another young woman was concerned in the assassination of her uncle, who had been 
 her constant benefactor and sole guardian. A poor old woman, having from the ig- 
 norance and superstition of her neighbours incurred the suspicion of sorcery and 
 witchcraft, was murdered in Herefordshire by the populace, with all the wantonness 
 of barbarity. Rape and murder were perpetrated on an unfortunate woman in the 
 neighbourhood of London, and an innocent man suffered death lor this complicated 
 outrage, while the real criminals assisted at his execution, heard him appeal to heaven 
 for his innocence, and in the character of friends embraced him while he stood on 
 the brink of eternity. An old man, seventy yeas of age, who had debauched his 
 own sister and murdered their incestuous offspring, was sente ced to be hung on the 
 evideuce of his brother. This horrible wretch met his late witb great composure, and 
 died apparently without any kind of compunction. We pass over the \w l-known 
 crimes of Eugene, Aram, and Lord Ferrers, the judicial sacrifice of Admiral Byng 
 to ministerial imbecility, as facts sufficiently known, and conclude ibis enumeration 
 of criminal phenomena by the relation of a singular suicide. 
 Richard Smith, a bookbinder, and prisoner lor debt in the liberties of the 
 King's Bench, persuaded his wife to follow his example in making away with herself,, 
 after they bad murdered their only child. This wretched pair were found hanging in 
 their bedchamber, about a yard distance from each other; and in a separate apart-
 — T". i 
 Gtor<'C the S(ci>>.d. 
 merit tin- child Ihv dead in die cradle. A paper was found subscribed by the husband 
 and wife, containing the reasons which induced them lo act such a tragedy on them- 
 selves and ofTsuriuc This document «as altoseth r surprising lor the calm resolution, 
 I O Daw 
 the good-humour, and the | ropriety with which it was written. They declared that 
 they withdrew ihemselves from poverty and rags; evils thai through a train of «n- 
 lucky acci it nis had become inevitable. S'hey appealed to their neighbours lor ihv 
 industry with which they had endeavoured to earn a livelihood. They justified the 
 murder of their child, by saying, it was less cruel to take her with them, than to 
 leave her friendless in the world exposed to ignorance and misery. They professed 
 their belief and confidence in an Almighty God, the fountain of goodness and benefi- 
 cence, who could not possibly take delight in the misery of his creatures ; they there- 
 fore resigned their lives up io him without any terrible apprehensions ; submitting 
 themselves to those ways which in his goodness he should appoint after death. Ihese 
 unfortunate suicides had always been industrious and frugal, invincibly honest, and 
 remarkable for conjugal affection. 
 The commerce of Great Britain continued to increase during the whole conrse of 
 this reign; but this increase was not the effect of extraordinary encouragement. On 
 the contrary, the necessities of government, the growing expenses of the nation, and 
 the continual augmentation of the public debt, obliged the legislature to hamper 
 trade with grievous imposts : its increase therefore must be ascribed to the natural 
 progress of industry, skill, and adventure. War, which generally impedes the traffic 
 of nations, had opened new sources to the merchants of Great Britain. The supe- 
 riority of her naval power had crushed the navigation of France, her great rival in 
 commerce, so that she now supplied, on her own terms, nil those foreign markets, at 
 which, in a time of peace, she was undersold by that dangerous competitor, 'ihus 
 her trade was augmented to a surprising pitch; but unfortunately, from the vices of 
 her government, the wealth she acquired was wasted in unceasing, unprofitable, and 
 devastating wars. 
 The powers of the human mind were freely and fully exercised in this reign. Consi- 
 derable progress was made in mathematics and philosophy by divers individuals; among 
 whom are numbered Sanderson, Bradley, Maclaurin, Smith, and the two Simpsonsi 
 Natural philosophy became a general study, and the curious phenomena of electricity 
 began to excite attention. The study of alchemy was exploded, and chemistry began 
 to be applied to its legitimate objects — arts, agriculture, and manufactures. 
 Though the age was not remarkable lor the appearance of any extraordinary genius, 
 yet there were many writers of eminence and ability: Young still survived, a venera- 
 ble monument of poetical genius; Thomson, the poet of the Seasons, excelled in 
 describing the beauties of nature; Akcnside and Armstrong excelled in didactic 
 poetry ; Glover in his Leonidas aspired to the dignity of the epic ; the genius ot 
 Cervantes was transfused into the novels of Fielding, who painted the characters and 
 ridiculed the follies of life with equal strength, humour, and propriety. The field of 
 history was cultivated by Hume, Robertson, and Smollett; but the fame of the 
 latter must rest upon his inimitable novels — Roderick Random, Humphrey Clinker, 
 and Peregrine Fickle. Robertson is eminent for his learning and elegance. Hume, 
 penetrating, ingenious, and comprehensive, abating his aristocratical prejudices, 
 must be considered the first of historians and philosophers. Johnson was interior to 
 none in classical learning, as a philologist and essayist, bul was too bigoted, pre- 
 judiced, and superstitious, to merit the praise of a philosopher, or man of enlarged 
 views. Music became a fashionable study, and its professors were much patronised. 
 Private concerts were formed in every corner of the metropolis. The compositions of 
 Handel were universally admired. Painting, which had hitherto been little cultivated 
 in England, now produced some artists of extraordinary merit. Hogarth excelled .. I 
 the world in exhibiting the scenes of ordinary life in humour, character, am! ex| res- 
 sion. Reynolds and Ramsey principally excelled as portrait painters. tVootton, 
 Seymour, and Smith excelled in landscape.
 George the Third. 
 We shall conclude the recapitulation of this reign by mentioning the King's 
 descendants. George II. by his queen, Caroline, had two sons and five daughters, 
 who attained the age of maturity. Frederick, Prince of Wales, father of the late 
 king, and whose death and character we have already noticed ; William, Duke of 
 Cumberland; Anne, the Princess Royal, married to the Prince of Orange ; Mary, 
 Landgraviate of Hesse Cassel ; Louisa, Queen of Denmark ; Amelia and Caroline, 
 who were never married. 
 AND George was twenty and two years old when lie began to 
 reign, and he reigned over England fifty and nine years, and his 
 mother's name was Augusta Saxe Gotha. 
 And he mounted the throne in power and great glory, and 1h e 
 happiness and prosperity of England promised to continue for many 
 All the king's counsellors were wise, his captains valiant, and his 
 And he mounted the throne in -power and great glory. ~\ An eloquent historian thus 
 commences the reign of George III.: " In tracing the long series of ro^al descents 
 which has taken place in this island, since the foundation of the English monarchy, 
 it will be difficult, perhaps impossible, to name any prince who has succeeded to the 
 crown, under circumstances of greater and more signal advantage, than the present 
 sovereign. At the head of a firm, vigilant, and popular administration, was placed a 
 minister, illustrious by the splendour of bis talents and the magnanimity of his con- 
 duct ; under whose superior ascendant, party spirit and parliamentary opposition 
 seemed extinguished. Great Britain, in conjunction with her numeious colonies and 
 dependencies, exhibited to the world a grand political association, actuated by one 
 common interest, and united, amidst a thousand diversities of opinion, in the sacred 
 bonds of duty and affection. That fatal predilection for the claims of the exiled house 
 of Stuart, formerly so prevalent, and which had rendered the task of government so 
 difficult in preceding reigns, was now no more. Notwithstanding the long continuance 
 of a foreign war, the most complicated and extensive in which Great Britain had ever 
 been engaged, the internal state of the kingdom was not oniy perfectly tranquil, but 
 in the highest degree flourishing and prosperous. The vast increase of commerce and 
 manufactures, enabled her to support the immense expense incurred in the prosecution 
 of it, with a facility and even alacrity altogether unprecedented and astonishing; and 
 her more recent operations had, in every part of the globe, been attended with the 
 most brilliant and fascinating success." — Belsham's Great Brituin, vol. v. p 1. 
 The state of the country, at the commencement and conclusion of this reign, would 
 exhibit a singular contrast : the comparison must be left to a future occasion.
 Georet the Third. 
 fleets victorious in every sen. The fame of his arms bad extended to 
 all parts of the earth, in the east and the west, Europe, Asia, and 
 America had experienced the prowess of his armies, and llie wisdom 
 of his ministers. 
 And the names of the King's chief counsellors were Newcastle 
 and Fox, Pitt, Grenville, Korthington, Devonshire, Anson, and Hol- 
 dernesse, all men of mighty name, famous for wisdom and eloquence 
 corruption and cabal. 
 And the names of the King's chief counsellor! xcere Newcastle and Foi.~] The duke of 
 Newcastle was the ostensible head of the administration. He was considered the 
 leader of i lie Whig party, and during a period of forty-three years had Idled a high 
 situation in the court and the cabinet. In his temper he was fretful, capricious, and 
 jealous of those who rivalled his political ascendancy. He was trifling and embarrassed 
 in conversation, always eager and in a hurry, unbounded in adulation, and pioluse in 
 promises. Vet he possessed considerable abilities: he had a quick apprehension, was 
 an useful and frequent debater, spoke with great animation, wrote- with uncommon 
 facility, and was perfect master of foreign affairs. 
 Mr. Pitt, afterwards earl of Chatham, commenced his political career as a Whig, 
 in opposition to Sir Robert Walpoie, and soon distinguished birosell by the splendour 
 and energy of his eloquence. He was an adherent ol lord Cobham; attached himself 
 to Frederick, prince of Wales ; and, in 17;w, was appointed groom of the bed-cham- 
 ber. In 17-Ui, he w;i^ nominated paymaster of the forces; but the antipathy of the 
 Kine, in consequence of his opposition to German measures, prevented his introduc- 
 tion into the cabinet. At length, the superiority of his talents bote down every ob- 
 stacle ; in 1757, the King, sensible of the weakness of the ministry', and alarmed for 
 the ill success of the war, reluctantly consented to appoint him secre:ary of slate. 
 Thus Mr. Pitt, according to the current expression oi the day, took the cabinet by 
 storm; but from this moment Great Britain assumed a formidable position. .Mr. Pitt 
 relinquished his opposition to continental connexions; constant success attended him ; 
 his commanding eloquence, the wisdom of his plans, the vigour of his exertions, with 
 the strength oi' his administration, silenced parliamentary opposition : the people 
 viewed him with an admiration bordering on idolatry ; and (Jeorge II. gratified at the 
 prosecution of his favourite measures, yielded with implicit confidence the reins of 
 government to his direction. 
 Mr. Fox, paymaster of the forces, was a friend and active supporter ol Sir Robert 
 Walpoie; and from his first entrance into parliament had almost uniformly supported 
 the measures of government, lie was of an acute penetrating genius, and active in 
 business. His speeches were replete with information, method, and sense, but he 
 wanted that nervous and irresistible eloquence which characterized Mr. Pitt. His 
 manners were conciliatory, and few men had more personal friends.* 
 Several of the remaining members of administration were highly respectable for 
 talents and integrity ; amongst whom must be noticed lord-keeper, afterwards lord 
 chancellor, Northington; lord Carteret, president of the council ; the duke of Devon- 
 shire, lord-chamberlain; Mr. Legge, chancellor of the Exchequer ; lord Anson, first 
 lord of the Admiralty ; and lord 1 lolderncsse, secretary of stale. 
 idolphvi'i History of England, \>- 9,
 George the Third. 
 Then the King' being seated upon his throne, surrounded by his 
 nobles and ministers, the judges of the land, the lords spiritual and 
 temporal, the priests and elders of the people, he spoke unto them, 
 Behold it has pleased God to take unto his bosom our beloved 
 grandfather George the Second, and raise me unto his throne. 
 Now I need not tell you how unworthy I am to succeed so great a 
 prince, yet do I rely on your affection, and the goodness of the Lord, 
 to enable me to rule over you, and strengthen your excellent consti- 
 tution in church and state. 
 Born and educated among you, I glory in the name of Briton, and 
 the peculiar happiness of my life will ever consist in promoting the 
 welfare of my loving subjects, whose civil and religious rights are 
 equally dear to me with my most valuable prerogatives. 
 I have found all things in a most glorious and happy condition : your 
 enemies are humbled by the valour and intrepidity of the officers and 
 forces at sea and land : trade, commerce, and manufactures were 
 never more flourishing : and above all, you are in peace and harmony 
 among yourselves; there are no divisions, and the brawlings of faction 
 seem for ever extinguished. 
 In this state have I found my kingdom, which I hope with God's 
 blessing to preserve : and as the surest foundation of the whole, I am 
 determined to discountenance all debauchery and profaneness ; and, 
 as the best support of the throne, encourage true religion and piety. 
 Nevertheless, as the encroachments and ambition of mv enemies 
 still continue, I rely on my faithful Commons to grant such liberal 
 Born and educated among you, 1 glory in the vame of Briton.] This expression was 
 thought at the time to allude to the two former kings being aliens. It was warmly 
 applauded by the nation and both houses of parliament. The Lords in their address, 
 alluding to this part of the King's speeeh, make the following fulsome and sneaking 
 observation : " We are penetrated with the condescending and endearing manner in 
 which your Majesty has expressed your satisfaction in having received your birth and 
 education amongst us. What a lustre does it cast upon the name of Briton, when you 
 Sire, are pleased to esteem it among your glories." The Commons were so outrage- 
 ously loyal, that they presented two addresses ; in the second, they thank his Ma- 
 '2sty for the gracious manner in which he received the first.
 George the Third. 
 supplies as will enable me to support my good ally the king of Prussia, 
 and to bring this just and necessary war to a safe and honourable 
 Then the King, turning to the elders of the people, lie lamented 
 the heavy burdens which they had imposed upon his people, and 
 hoped that they would grant him money enough to carry on the go- 
 vernment, and support the crown in honour and dignity. 
 Now these things being spoken in the English tongue, and the 
 King being fair and comely to look upon, the people were pleased 
 therewith, and he was mightily beloved by all bis subjects. 
 Then the King determined to marry a wife, that he might raise up 
 heirs to his throne, and for this purpose he issued a decree to the 
 tenor and effect following : 
 That having nothing so much at heart as the welfare of his people, 
 aud rendering the same permanent to posterity, he had come to a re- 
 solution to demand in marriage Princess Charlotte Mecklenburgh 
 Strelitz; a princess distinguished by every eminent and amiable en- 
 dowment, whose illustrious line had constantly shown the firmest 
 zeal for the protestant succession. 
 Having made this declaration, he sent some of his most trusty ser- 
 vants to fetch the princess io England, where they were married in 
 the Royal Chapel of St. James, on the eighth day of the month called 
 September, and on the twenty-second day of the month they were 
 crowned King and Queen of England. 
 And in fulness of time the King begat a son, and called his name 
 Now these tilings being spoken in the English tongue.'] Neither of the two former 
 kings could speak the English language, and George 111. pronouncing his speech 
 correctly in hW; native tongue, together with greater affability in his manner, contri- 
 buted much to his popularity. Mr. Walpole gives the following account of his first 
 appearance : " For the King himself lie seems all good-nature, wishing to satisfy every 
 body ; all his speeches are obliging. I saw him again yesterday, and was surpri'iil 
 to find the levee-room had lost so entirely the air of the lion's den. This sovereign 
 don't stand in one spot, with his eyes fixed royally on the ground, and dropping bits 
 of German news ; he walks about and speaks to every body. I saw him afterwards 
 on the throne, where he is graceful and genteel, sits with dignity, and reads his answers 
 to addresses w oil." — Lord 0) ford's Works, vol. vi. p. 2fS. 
 And in fulness of time — midst of a rail numb of sprctntors.) The public sccoucb,^-
 George the Third. 
 George, and he was born on the memorable twelfth day of August, 
 in the midst of a vast number of spectators : being a prince of fine 
 parts and great promise, prayers were put up in all the churches, 
 and great rejoicings were made on the occasion. 
 And it happened after these things that there appeared unto the 
 King an evil spirit, in the shape of a lord, named Bute, and it coun- 
 selled wickedness unto him. 
 And the King was possessed with this evil spirit, and listened to 
 all its suggestions: so that he discharged his most faithful servants 
 and ministers, and made a disgraceful peace with the enemies of 
 And because of these things the love of the people was turned 
 into hatred, and their blessings into curses, and the memory of Bute 
 stinketh in the nostrils of the people unto this day. 
 Howbeit the king loved this minister and put all power into his 
 merit of the Queen is intended to preclude any doubt as to the legitimacy of the 
 royal issue. When the Prince was bom, the archbishop of Canterbury, the duke of 
 Devonshire, and eight other lords were present : the most reverend father in God was 
 in the room while her Majesty was delivered, and the other nine in the next adjoining 
 room, with the door open. — Edinburgh Review, vol. xxiii. p. 449. 
 And it happened after these things thut there arose an evil spirit] The early part of 
 lord Bute's life was spent in retirement ; and Sir Nathaniel VVraxall relates, that for 
 want of more important engagements, he spent much of his time in walking on the 
 banks of the Thames, admiring the beauty of his own legs. A mere accident brought 
 him acquainted with Frederick, Prince of Wales, whose place after his death it is 
 generally supposed he supplied. It is to the influence of lord Bute, that the despotic 
 and intolerant notisns of George III. are attributed. He is described as a nobleman 
 haughty in his manners, despotic in his principles, and mysterious in his conduct. 
 And because of these things, the love of the people was turned into hatred.] — The 
 changes which were, made soon after the king's accession entirely destroyed his popu- 
 larity. On the 27lh of October, Sunday having only intervened, lord Bute was 
 sworn a member of the privy council, and shortly after the rangership of Richmond 
 Park was taken from the Princess Amelia and bestowed on him. By an order of the 
 King in council, the name of the Duke of Cumberland was struck out of the liturgy. 
 This was followed by a grand creation of peers, and the nomination of twelve addi- 
 tional lords of the bed-chamber — an office of worse than Turkish or Persian ser- 
 vility. Another circumstance which created much disgust was the dismissal of Mr. 
 Legge, chancellor of the exchequer, who had incurred the King's displeasure while 
 Prince of Wales. 
 The most disgraceful part however of the commencement of this reign was, the 
 great and shameless extent to which parliamentary corruption was carried. The 
 approbation of the Commons of the peace of Fontainbleau, was procured by diMribu- 
 ting immense vims of money among the members. This fact is undeniable; speak?
 George the Third. 
 hands, and loaded him with favours, and to the end of his reign 
 swayed the sceptre of Britain under the guidance of his princi- 
 iag on this subject, Sir Nathaniel Wraxall, gives the following extraordinary account : 
 — " John Ross Mackay, who had been private secretary to the earl of Bute, and 
 afterwards, during seventeen years, was treasurer of the ordnance, a man whh whom I 
 was personally acquainted, frequently avowed the fact. He lived to a very advanced 
 age, sat in several parliaments, and only died in, I believe, 1796. A gentleman of high 
 professional rank and uninipeached veracity, who is still alive, told me, that dining at 
 the late earl of Besborough's, in Cavendish-square, in the year 1790, where only four 
 persons were present including himself, Ross Mackay was one of the number, gave 
 them the most ample information on this subject. Lord Besborough having called 
 after dinner for a bottle of excellent Champaigne, a wine to which Mackay was par- 
 tial, and the conversation happening to turn on the means of governing the House of 
 Commons, Mackay said that m on ey formed aj'tcr nil the only effectual and certain me- 
 thod. The peace of 1763, continued he, was carried through and approved by a 
 pecuniary distribution. Nothing else could have surmounted the difficulty. I was 
 myself the channel through which the money passed. With my own hand I secured 
 above ox e hundred and twenty votes, on that most important question, to 
 ministers; eighty thousand pounds were set apart for the purpose. Forty members of 
 the House of Commons received from me a thousand pounds each. To eighty others, 
 I paid five hundred pounds each. Mackay afterwards confirmed, more than once, 
 this fact, to the gentleman above mentioned, who related it to me." 
 The statement of Sir Nathaniel is confirmed by the Bishop of Llandafl" in the Anec- 
 dotes of his Life recently published, and also in Almon's Life of Lord Chatham. In- 
 deed it is now notorious that the late reign commenced with a most wasteful distri- 
 bution of the public money among hireling writers, spies, and the members of the 
 House of Commons. 
 As the coronation is but slightly noticed in this chapter, the following lively de- 
 scription by Mr. Walpole of the scandal and magnificence attending this august cere- 
 mony is added : 
 "For the coronation, if a puppet-shew could be worth a million, that is. The mul- 
 titudes, balconies, guards, and processions, made Palace-yard the liveliest spectacle in 
 the world : the hall was the most glorious. The blaze of light, the richness and 
 variety of habits, the ceremonial, the benches of peers and peeresses, frequent and 
 full, was as awful as a pageant can be; and jet for the King's sake and my own, I 
 never wish to see another ; nor am impatient to have my lord Effingham's promise 
 fulfilled. The complained that so lew precedents were kept for their pro- 
 ceedings. Lord Effingham owned that the earl-marshal's office had been strangely 
 neglected; but he had taken much care for the future that the next coronation would 
 be regulated in the most exact manner imaginable. The number of peers and peer- 
 esses present was not very great; some of the latter, with no excuse in the world, ap- 
 peared in lord Lincoln's gallery, and even walked about the hall indecently in the 
 intervals of the procession. My lady , covered with all the diamonds she 
 could borrow, hire, or seize, and with the air of Roxana, was the finest figure at a 
 distance: she complained to George Selwyn that she was to walk with lady P , 
 who would have a wig and a stick : — " Pho," said he, " you will only appear as if 
 vou were taken up by the constable." She told this every where, tabuing the re- 
 George the Third. 
 flection was on my lady P . Lady Pembroke alone, at the head of the coun- 
 tesses, was the picture of majestic modesty ; the duchess of Richmond as pretty as 
 nature and dress, with no pains of her own, could make her; lady Sutherland, and 
 lady Spencer, and lady Northampton, were pretty figures. Lady Kildare still beauty 
 itself, if not a little too large. The ancient peeresses were by no means of the worst 
 party : lady Westmorland still handsome, and with more dignity than all ; the 
 duchess of Queensberry looked well, though her locks milk white ; lady Albemarle 
 ■very genteel : nay, the middle age had some good representatives in lady Holder- 
 nesse, lady Rochford, and lady Strafford, the perfectest little figure of all. My lady 
 Suffolk ordered her robes, and 1 dressed part of her head, as I made some of lord 
 Hertford's dress ; for 3'ou know no profession comes amiss to me, from a tribune of 
 the people to a habit-maker. Don't imagine there were not figures as excellent on 
 the other side : old E r, who told the he was the handsomest man 
 she ever saw ; old E m, lady S and S — ■ — , with her hair powdered and her 
 tresses black, were an excellent contrast to the handsome. Lord B put rouge 
 upon his wife and the duchess of B in the painted chamber; the duchess of 
 Q told me of the latter, that she looked like an orange peach, half red and 
 half yellow. The coronets of the peers and their robes disguised them strangely ; i* 
 required all the beauty of the dukes of Richmond and Marlborough to make them 
 noticed. One there was, though of another species, the noblest figure I ever saw, the 
 high-constable of Scotland, lord Errol ; as one saw him in a space capable of containing 
 him, one admired him. At the wedding, dressed in tissue, he looked like one of the 
 giants in Guildhall, new gilt. It added to the energy of his person, that we consi- 
 dered him acting so considerable a part in the very hall, where so few years ago, ODe 
 saw his father, lord Kilmarnock, condemned to the block. The champion acted his 
 part admirably, and dashed down his gauntlet with proud defiance. His associates 
 lord T — t, lord E , and the duke of B , were woeful ; lord T 1 
 piqued himself on backing his horse down the hall, and not turning its rump towards 
 the King, but he had taken such pains to dress it 10 that duty, that it entered back- 
 wards ; and at its retreat, the spectators laughed, a terrible indecorum, but suitable to 
 such Bartholomew Fair doings. He had twenty dtmeles, and came out of none credi- 
 tably. He had taken away the table of the Knights of Bath, and was forced t» 
 admit two of them in the old place, and dine the others in the court of requests. Sir 
 Wm. Stanhope said " we arc ill treated, for some of us are gentlemen." Beckford told 
 the King, it was hard to refuse a table to the city of London, when it would cost ten 
 thousand pounds to banquet the King, and that his lordship would report it if they 
 bad not a table in the hall ; they had. To the barons of the Cinque-ports, who made 
 the same complaint, he said, " if you come to me as lord-steward, I tell you it is im- 
 possible ; if as lord T 1, I am a match for any one of you ;" and then he said to 
 Jord Bute, " if I were a minister, thus would I talk to France, to Spain, to the Duteh, 
 —none of your half measures." — Lord Oxford's Work*, vol. vi. p. '259-60. 
 Now it came to pass in the fifth year of the reign of King George, 
 A'mw it came to, pass — all the Americans should be taxed.]— The fatal project of taxing
 George the Third. 
 on the loth clay of the month called March, a decree went forth 
 commanding all the Americans to he taxed. 
 Howheit the Americans heing a shrewd and valiant people, they 
 refused to pay tribute the king, and they sent messengers unto him, 
 Remember, O King, that our forefathers were driven from their 
 native land by tyranny and oppression, and were compelled to take 
 up their abode in woods and forests, among wild beasts. 
 There they flourished not by your care, but by your neglect. 
 Suffering all the ills of nature, exposed to banger, cold and wea- 
 riness, they surmounted every obstacle, and became a great and 
 mighty people by their courage, industry, and perseverance. 
 And now, O King, it is not meet that we who have been perse- 
 cuted, rejected, and despised, should now be compelled, without 
 our consent, to pay tribute to our oppressors. 
 America had many years since been proposed to Sir Robert Walpole ; but that cau- 
 tious statesman replied, " that it was a measure too hazardous lor him to venture upon, 
 he should thurefore leave it to some more daring successor in office to make the ex- 
 periment." After the failure of the excise bill, the same plan «as proposed to him 
 by Sir William Ruth, when, Walpole indignantly replied, "I have (H England set 
 against me, and do you think I will have New England likewise." I'his daring mea- 
 sure was reserved for Mr. Greuville, who brought forward his proposition on the lOtli 
 of March, 1764. His resolution imported that it would be proper to impose ceitain 
 Stamp Duties in the colonies and plantations of America, for the purpose oi rais- 
 ing an American revenue, payable into the British Exchequer. The prospect of 
 being relieved by the taxation of America, from a portion oi the national burdens, 
 was so agreeable to the interest, and unlimited exercise ol authority mi Hal ering to 
 the pride of the Commons, that the resolution passed the bouse with no violent or 
 unusual opposition. The ministers deeming the measure of importance, reserved the 
 execution of it till the next year. The glorious result is well known. 
 There they flourished not by i/our care ] Colonel Barre, a speaker ol great eminence, 
 in the debate on the Stamp Act, in reply to Mr. Townshend on the pretended ingrati- 
 tude of the Americans, whom he styled, V children planted by our care, and nou- 
 rished bv our indulgence," broke out into a most eloquent and indignant exclamation. 
 — " They planted bv your care !" said he, " No— sour oppressions planted iliem in 
 America— they tied from your tyranny to a then uncultivated and inhospitable 
 wilderness, exposed to all the hardships to which human nature is liable They nou- 
 rished by your indulgence ! — No ; they grew by your neglect ol litem : your care of 
 them was displayed as soon as you began to care about ibein. in sending per- 
 sons to rule them who were the deputies of the deputies of ministers — men whose 
 behaviour on many occasions has caused the blood of those sons of liberty 
 U> recoil within llicm— men who have been promoted to the highest seats of
 George the Third. 
 Howbeit the evil spirit prevailing, the heart of the king was har- 
 dened, and he hearkened not unto their prayers, but prepared to 
 make war upon them ; and in his wrath he called them rebels and 
 Then he commanded his captains and his soldiers to make war 
 upon them ; they blocked up their sea-ports, laid waste their cities 
 with fire and sword ; slaughtered the inhabitants, and ravished their 
 Thus was the indignation of the Americans kindled ; they flew to 
 arms ; they rose as one man and attacked the invaders. 
 justice in that country, in order to escape being brought to the bar of a court of jus- 
 tice in their own. I have been conversant with the Americans and I know them to 
 be loyal indeed ; but a people jealous of their liberties, and who will vindicate them 
 if they should ever be violated : and let my prediction of this day be remembered, 
 that the same spirit of freedom which actuated this people at first, will accompany 
 them still " Belsham's Great Britain, vol. v. p. 147. The house sat apparently hesi- 
 tating and amazed, but the event shewed how transient was the impression. 
 Howbeit the evil Spirit prevailing.] A strange infatuation prevailed in the English 
 councils, throughout the American contest. Ministers would not believe at the com- 
 mencement the Americans were capable of making any effective resistance; and in all 
 their speeches and public declarations they were treated with the utmost contempt 
 and insolence. At first, no addition was made to the peace establishment ; and earl 
 Sandwich, first lord of the admiralty, declared in the House of Peers, that the force on 
 foot would be amply sufficient to reduce the colonies to obedience. He spoke in terms 
 the most contemptuous of the power and courage of tne Americans. He asserted that 
 they were neither disciplined nor capable of discipline ; and that, formed of such ma- 
 terials, their number would only add to the facility of defeat. Another hero in the 
 lower house, Ciene--al Grant, declared, that at the head of five regiments of infantry, 
 he would undertake to traverse the whole country, and drive the Americans from one 
 continent to ihe other. The poor King was as infatuated as his Ministers. In 
 his speech on the opening of the session in 1776, he says, " that so daring and despe- 
 rate was the spit it of these leaders, whose object has only been dominion and power, that 
 they have now openly renounced all allegiance to the crown, and ail political connexion 
 with this country ; they have rejected, with circumstances of indignity and insult, the 
 means of conciliation held out to them, and have presumed to set up their rebel- 
 lious confederacies as independent states. If their treason be suffered to take 
 root, much mischief must grow from it to the present system of all Europe." 
 The reader will remark that "social order" was the pretence for alarm at this period. 
 Dr. Franklin well observes that the struggle was not so much against American li- 
 berty, as the principles of liberty. In 1777, the King expressed his confidence that, 
 the spirit and intrepidity of his forces would be attended with the most important suc- 
 cess, but intimated the necessity of preparing for such sacrifices, "as the contingencies 
 of the war, and tiie obstinacy of the rebels might render expedient. He ex- 
 pressed his determination steadily to pursue the measures in which they were engaged, 
 and his hope, "that the deluded and vvuav?y multitude would finally return
 George the Third. 
 And on the fourth day of the month called July, in the year of the 
 prophet one thousand seven hundred and seventy six, they put forth 
 the memorable declaration of independence. 
 And in this declaration they solemnly threw off the iron yoke of 
 George the Third, and accused him of divers acts of tyranny and 
 And they declared that it is the unalienable right of the people, 
 whenever government ceases to fulfil the ends of its institution to 
 form a new government on principles most likely to secure their safety 
 and happiness. 
 And they enumerated all the injuries, oppressions, and usurpations 
 of the king of Great Britain ; they complained that their humble pe- 
 titions were treated with contempt and insult ; that all the acts of the 
 king were those of a tyrant, and he was unfit to be the ruler of a free 
 to their allegiance." — So the Americans were the deluded multitude in 1777- 
 now it is the Reformers. It is the technical language of tyranny in all ages, when ap- 
 plied to men contending for their rights and impatient of oppression. It may not be 
 amiss to add another instance of the insufferable pride of the English court. In the 
 spring of the year 1777, the American government having averj considerable number 
 of British prisoners in their possession, applied through the medium of Dr Franklin, (he 
 resident of the United States at Paris, to lord Stromont, ambassador from the Kin u ' of 
 England, to exchange them for an equal number of Americans, to which proposition 
 his lordship returned the following memorable answer : "the King's Ambassador re- 
 ceives no application from rebels unless they come to implore his Majesty's mercy." 
 The Commons this year having granted every thins; to ministers to carry on this rui- 
 nous contest, the king, at the close of tiie session, bestowed upon them the mo t Hal- 
 tering compliments for the unquestionable proofs they had given of their CLKA rt dis- 
 And on the fourth din/ of the month — declaration ofvidependenee."] The Americans, find- 
 ing that the utmost lenity they could expect from Britain, was pardon pon uncondi- 
 tional submission, determined on the declaration of independence Maryland alone 
 manifested some symptoms ot reluctance. General Lee, in a letter written to a per- 
 son of distinction in the colony, reproves their tardiness with his cbaracti ristic tire 
 and vehemence : " I know not," says he, " whether in the whole course of m\ ife 
 I ever read any thing which so much moved my pity and indignation, as the late decla- 
 ration of the convention of Maryland. They declare that they shall esteem separation 
 from Great Britain as the last of misfortunes. What! when an nttempl has been ,.,ide 
 to rob you of your property/ of your birth-rights — when \ our fields have been lai *«ste 
 your towns have been burnt, and your citizens butchered ; when your ,,roperty is leized 
 and confiscated in all parts of the world ; when an inexorable tyrant, an abandoned 
 parliament, and a corrupt pusillanimous people, have formed an hellish lea-ue to rob 
 you of every thing men hold most dear; is it possible there should be creatures wha
 Genrge the Third. 
 people; and, appealing to the supreme judge of the world, for the 
 rectitude of their intentions, they declared that the colonies are, and 
 of right ought to he free and independent states ; and that they are ab- 
 solved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political 
 connexion betwixt them and Great Britain is dissolved for ever. 
 Nevertheless the heart of the king was hardened, and he lent his 
 ear unto foolish counsellors. And they counselled him to send forth 
 his fleets and his armies to subdue the Americans, whom they de- 
 scribed as cowards and traitors, who ought to be hunted down as wild 
 And these things tickled the ears of the king, and his heart was 
 swoln with pride ; so that he refused to listen to the warnings of the 
 prophets, who foretold all the evils that came to pass. 
 Howbeit the Lord raised up a hero and a deliverer for the Ameri- 
 cans, and his name was George Washington. 
 And he was a prudent and valiant man ; he led on their armies ; he 
 vanquished the troops of the king in many battles ; he took captive 
 the marquis Gornwallis, and Bourgoyne, and many others of the lead- 
 ers of the king fell into his hands. 
 march on two legs, and call tliemselves human, who can be so destitute of sentiment, 
 courage, and ieeling, as sobbingly to protest, they shall deem separation from these 
 butchers and robbers as the last of misfortunes. 
 " Oh, I would brain you with jour ladies' fans !" 
 Maryland however at length concurred ; and the delegates of the thirteen colonies 
 assembled in general congress, being unanimous, the famous declaration was promul- 
 gated on the fourth of July, 1776 : — a memorable day, which severed for ever three 
 millions of men from the lSoroughmongers' domination. 
 And these things tickled the ears of the king— foretold him all the evils that came to pass.] 
 So early as 1775, when ministers had publicly admitted their intention to coerce the 
 Americans, lord Chatham foretold their efforts would prove abortive. In the debate 
 on the 20th of January, he said, " it is more than evident you cannot force them t© 
 your unworthy terms of submission ; it is impossible; we ourselves shall be toroed 
 ultimately to retract ; let us retract while we can, not when we must. 1 repeat it, my 
 lords, we shall one day be forced to undo these violent oppressive acts ; they must be 
 repealed, you will repeal them ; I stake my reputation on it ; 1 will consent to be taken 
 for an idiot if they arc not repealed." 
 The celebrated David Hume saw equally clear the issue of the American contest. 
 In a letter to a friend, dated October VH, 1775, ho thus expresses his sentiments on 
 American politics: " I must, before we part, have a little stroke of politics with you, 
 notwithstanding my resolution to the contiary. We hear that some of the niinistm
 George the Third. 
 Then the King waked as from a dream : lie saw how vain it was 
 to contend against a people determined to be free: his forces 
 were withdrawn, and America became a powerful and independent 
 have proposed in council, that both fleet and army he withdrawn from America, and 
 these colonies be left entirely to themselves. I wish I had been a member of his Ma- 
 jesty's cabinet council that 1 might have seconded this opinion ; I should have said that 
 this measure only anticipated the necessary course of events a few years." — "Let us 
 therefore lay aside a'l anger, shake bands, and part friends; or if we retain any anger, 
 let it be only against ourselves lor our past tolly." 
 Then the King waked asfrifiu a drcam.~\ Provisional articles of pacification between 
 England and America wcri- signed at Paris on the 30th November, 17C2, but the defini- 
 tive treaty was not concluded till the following year. Dr.Fr. anklin, who had been the 
 subject of the vilest and grossest abuse, had the honour of signing the treaty on the 
 part of the United States. By it the thirteen provinces were declared free and inde- 
 pendent : thus did the " deluded multitude" of America happily escape for ever from 
 the taxation and tyranny of the English Oligarchy. 
 Tlie King had now reigne-1 more than twenty years, and in the momentous and va- 
 riegated events which had distinguished this period, his character, personal and politi- 
 cal, was completely matured and developed. His capacity, little cultivated by edu- 
 cation, and unimproved in early youth by a liberal intercourse with men of genius and 
 discernment, was universally allowed to be of a class which had no pretensions to 
 native superiority. In his conduct upon all occasions, an invincible obstinancy was 
 observable; and while rectitude of intention was allowed, it was impossible but to la- 
 ment the absence of all the nobler sensibilities of hi manity. Never was it suspected 
 that the disgraceful and hopeless contest by which an empire was dismembered, in 
 which loO millions of money, I'.id one hundred thousand lives were sacrificed, cost 
 this monarch a sigh or a tear, f lis religion was tinctured with bigotry and intole- 
 rance, and zealously attached to the forms of the church, he viewed with suspicion 
 and dislike, approaching to dread and abhorrence, all who dissented from its ordi- 
 nances. In his private character, grave, temperate, and devout ; he was free from 
 those vices which are usually considered as more peculiarly characteristic of a court. 
 But the virtues of the man, were they such as to entitle him to the honours of canon- 
 isation, afforded a very inadequate compensation for the errors and imperfections of 
 the monarch ; under whose reign, from the almost perpetual predominance of evil 
 councils, it may jusuy be affirmed that, while the people were flattered with the forms 
 and advantages of a free constitution, they witnessed all the follies, and suliered all 
 tlie calamities and oppressions which could have happened under the most weak and 
 profligate despotism. 
 Many >f the vices and misfortunes ef his reign may be ascribed t.> his unfortunate 
 education, which had not been superintended by his predecessor with the care his 
 birth, and the great prospects to which he was heir, was entitled. He was only be- 
 tween twelve and thirteen years of age, when he lost his father ; and George the Se- 
 cond did not extend any enlightened or affectionate attention to that important na- 
 tional object. Even his mother, the Princess Dowager of W ales, seems to have been 
 sensible of the neglect her son experienced. Speaking of him to Doddington, in 17.56. 
 when the Prince was i;i his seventeenth year, she said, that " lie was shy and hack- 
 ward ; nut a wild dissipated boy, but good-natured and cheerful, with a serious cast
 George the. Third. 
 upon the whole : that those about him knew him no more than if they had never seen 
 Lim. That he was not quick; but with those he was acquainted, applicable and in- 
 telligent. His education had given her much pain. His book-learning she was no 
 judge of, though she supposed it small or useless: but she hoped he might have been 
 instructed in the general understanding of things." These formed the leading features 
 of the King's mind, which were fully developed in his subsequent reign. 
 In modern history he was tolerably well instructed ; particularly in the annals of 
 England and France, as well as Germany : but in classical knowledge, and in all the 
 Greek and Roman historians, — compositions which afford the noblest examples of 
 liberty and true glory, — lie was little conversant. So slight was his acquaintance with 
 Latin, that at forty it is doubted whether he could construe a page of Cicero or Ovid. 
 He never, indeed, delighted in these branches of study, nor even passed much of his 
 time in sedentary occupations, calculated to improve his mind after his accession to 
 the crown. A newspaper, which he commonly took up after dinner, and over which, 
 however interesting its contents might be, he usually fell asleep in less than half an 
 hour, constituted the ordinary extent of his application.* If, however, he did not 
 possess a very cultivated understanding, he was not entirely deficient in the accom- 
 plishments befitting his high station. He spoke with fluency the English, French, and 
 German languages, nor was he ignorant of the Italian. He wrote with brevity, per- 
 spicuity, and facility. For painting and architecture he showed a taste, and music 
 always constituted one of his favourite recreations. He was well versed in mechanics ; 
 and in a knowledge of agriculture, he scarcely yielded to a Coke, a Bedford, or a 
 A more particular exposition of his character and principles of government must 
 be reserved to the conclusion of his reign. For the first twenty-five years few 
 sovereigns were more unpopular, but after the conclusion of the American war he ap- 
 pears to have gained, in some degree, on the affections of the community. 
 Now it happened in the twentieth year of the King, great tu- 
 mults arose in the land on account of religion, and great multitudes 
 assembled in the city of Edinburgh and Glasgow, to overawe the 
 King and terrify his parliament. 
 And the example of these enthusiasts was followed by others in 
 And the example of these enthusiasts— Protestaiit associations.] The disgraceful ex- 
 cesses of this period arose from some indulgences granted to the catholics by the repeal 
 of the tenth and eleventh of William 111. for preventing the growth of popery. 
 The benefits procured to Papists by this repeal, were an exemption of bishops, priests, 
 and instructors of youth from prosecution and imprisonment, a security of the rights 
 of inheritance, and permission to purchase lands in fee simple : but these privileges 
 ■were granted only on condition of taking the oaths of allegiance, of renunciation of 
 * Wraxall's Memoirs of his Own Time, p. 397.
 Oeorge the Third. 
 the city of London, and tluv called themselves the 1'rotcst.uit Asso- 
 Now then' men being led away In many false stories and rumours 
 concerning ihe papists, they were sorely afraid, and cried with a 
 loud voice, No popery. 
 And on the second day of the month called June, thej assembled 
 together in one place, called St. George's Fields, where they amounted 
 to one hundred thousand men, all mad with holj zeal. 
 And having appointed an enthusiast, named Lord George Gordon 
 lor their leader, they advanced into the city, over London Bridge ; 
 being preceded oh their march by a man earning a roll of parch- 
 ment upon his head, on which was written their names, and a list of 
 And when they came to the chapel of St. Stephen, great alarm 
 came upon the members of that holy place: some with their swords 
 threatened to destroy Gordon their leader ; others offered to sally 
 forth to disperse tiie multitude. 
 the Stuart family, on abjuratidn of the position that it is lawful to murder heretics, 
 and that no faith should bt kept with them, and of that position which legalizes the 
 deposition or murder of princes excommunicated by the Pope. They were alsoon 
 oath to deny the Pope's authority, spiritual or civil, within the realm. 
 Sou- these men being ted away by many false stories and rumours concerning the Papists.] 
 No doubt many false doctrine.-, hate been ascribed to the Catholics, tending to keep up 
 a violent prejudice against them. Of this description is the doctrine that it is lawful 
 to murder princes excommunicated by the Pope, and that oaths made to heretics are 
 void. If inch dogmas were ever entertained, lliey have been long since discarded; 
 and the Catholics may now be considered as tolerant and liberal as any other sect of 
 religionists. The truth is, that some few centuries ago, protestants as well as papists 
 Hire equally addicted to persecution and absurdity, but the more pernicious errors of 
 the latter as well as the former have been exploded by the progress of reason and 
 And on the second day of the month called June.] All those who met to accompany 
 the petition wore blue Cockades in their hats, to distinguish real protestants and 
 friends. They were marshalled in separate bands, am) after on harangue from Lord 
 (ieorge Gordon, the main body made a circuit over London Bridge* and through the 
 city to the seat of parliament. They marched six a-breastj preceded by a man carry- 
 ing on his head the petition, signed with one hundred and twenty thousand names or 
 marks. It is remarkable that on the very day of presenting this tumultuous petition, 
 the Duke of Richmond introduced his famous plan of parliamentary reform. 
 And having appointed an enthusiast numtd lord George Cordon.] Ol this cragy 
 nobleman, Sir >*. Wraxall gives the following description: "I knew Lord George 
 Gordon well) and T once accompanied him from a part) where we met in Lower Gru»- 
 George the TJiird. 
 Howbeit the fanatics were emboldened by their numbers ; they 
 knocked at the door of the temple, and the nobles and elders of 
 the people were insulted on their way to Westminster. 
 Then they began to destroy all the popish chapels, to pull down 
 venor-street, at the late Lord EIclio's, to llanelagh, in the summer of 1782, in his own 
 coach : in his person lie was thin, his features regular, and his complexion pale. His 
 manners were gentle, his conversation agreeable, and he had the appearance, as well 
 as the deportment of a man of quality. There was something however in his cast of 
 countenance, or mode of expression, that indicated cunning, or a perverted understand- 
 ing, or both. His whole income, I believe, consisted in an annuity of six hundred 
 pounds a year, paid him by his brother, the Duke of Gordon. It forms a singular 
 subject of reflection, that after involving London in all the honors of insurrection and 
 anarchy, he should have escaped any punishment for these proceedings, which cost tl*e 
 lives of so many individuals, and the demolition of so many edifices ; while he expiated 
 to the end of his days in Newgate the publication of a libel on the late unfortunate 
 Queen of France, who herself perished on the scaffold. He exhibited the strongest 
 attestation of the sincerity of his conversion to Judaism by submitting to one of the 
 most painful ceremonies or acts enjoined by the Mosaic law. The operation, which 
 was performed at Birmingham, confined him to his chamber, if not to his bed, for a 
 considerable time ; and he preserved with great care the sanguinary proofs of his 
 having undergone the amputation.'' — Memoirs of mi) Own Time, p 355. 
 Howbeit the fanatics icere emboldened by tluir numbers. "] They were only prevented 
 rushing into the house by the resolution and activity of the door-keepers. Several 
 pr-ers exhibited, on their entrance, incontestible proofs of the outrages they had sus- 
 tained, and stated to the chair the danger of other members; while the Duke of 
 Richmond, in his zeal for reform, complained of interruption, and seemed to consider 
 his speech of more importance than the lives of Lord Boston and the Bishop of 
 Lincoln, who were at that moment declared to be in the hands of the proteslants. 
 Lord Townshend proposed that the House should issue forth in a body to rescue Lord 
 Boston ; this gave rise to a debate, whether the Speaker should attend with his mace, 
 which wa> only terminated by the appearance of the noble lord. 
 Meanwhile the situation of the Commons was equally critical; many of the mem- 
 bers being no less ill-treated than the Lords. The associators took possession of the 
 lobby, making St. Stephen's resound with the cries of No popery : and, when the 
 immense power of the multitude is considered, it is not easy to say what prevented 
 them rushing in. Dining the debate on the petition, Lord Gecrge Gordon frequently 
 went into the lobby, harangued his noisy troop, and encouraged them to persevere. 
 He represented, or, more correctly, misrepresented what was said by the members ; 
 which being observed by Colonel ilolroyd, he took hold of Lord George, when he 
 returned into the House, and said, " he had heretofore imputed his conduct to mad- 
 ness, but now found it more characterized by malice, and, if he repeated such 
 proceedings, he should immediately move for his commitment to Newgale. " He 
 desisted from going out at the door, but, afterwards, went up stairs and spoke to the 
 people in the lobby from a kind of gallery. General Conway intimated a determi- 
 nation to resist any attempt to intrude into the House ; and Colonel Murray, a relation 
 of Lord George Guidon, declared, that, on the bursting open the door, his sword 
 should pass through Lord George, and not through the rioters.* 
 * Adolphus's History of George III. v. iii. p. 24 j.
 George the Third. 
 the prisons, and the dwellings oftbe king's ministers, and they made 
 an attack upon the Bank of England. 
 And amidst the uproar and disorder the government appeared 
 disarmed of all power and authority, and no measures w re taken to 
 restrain the excesses of the multitude. 
 At length the king summoned a council of his ministers and cliiet 
 officers, to consider what ought to be done to save the city. 
 Howbeit they feared to give their opinion unto the king, and were 
 about to depart, when the king said unto them, Is there no law 
 whereby these tumults can be suppressed ? 
 And when the king had said this, there arose a man, called Star- 
 The House continued in this extraordinary state till nine o'clock, when, a detach- 
 ment of soldiers having arrived, the passages were cleared and the House 
 And amidst the uproar and disorder the government appeared disarmed of all power and 
 authority.] A strange supineuess prevailed in the King's councils during the pro- 
 gress oi these transactions No specific orders were issued from any department ; 
 and without them the magistrates were reluctant to exercise the powers confided to 
 them by the riot act. On the filth, a privy council was summoned, but it separated 
 without adopting anj other measure than offering a reward of five hundred pounds 
 for the discovery of those concerned in destroying the chapels of the ambassadors. 
 On the seventh, a second privy council was convened, at which, not cabinet minis- 
 ters alone, but all who had a seat were desired to attend ; the King himself was present; 
 irresolution siill prevailed, nor was anything decisive or effectual suggested. The 
 council had risen, when the King anxiously demanded, if no measure could be re- 
 commended. Mr. Wedderbume, the Attorney-General, afterwards Lord Loughbo- 
 rough, answered he knew but one :— that of declaring the tumult rebellious, and 
 authorizing the military to act where necessity required, although the magistrates 
 should not attend. The King desired him to make out the order, which he did at the 
 table on one knee, and a proclamation was drawn up, and orders from the adjutant- 
 general's ollicc issued accordingly. The proclamation was not issued till the evening, 
 but the public soon experienced its L'ood effects. 
 Colonel Holmvd was the first to put a stop to the outran- of the populace; but 
 not before several were killed in the act of breaking into and tiring the houses. The 
 military took possession of every avenue to the Bank, which was also barricaded and 
 strongly guarded ; the populace made two attempts in several quarters, but were 
 repulsed, and could not be rallied : feeble and hesitative shouts subsided into distant 
 murmurs; and, after a short space, into total silt nee. The regular firing of the 
 oldiery produced a tremendous effect The riolers, attentive to their own safety and 
 employed in removing their wounded associates lied regardless of the orders of their 
 leader's. Similar success attended the exertions of tin- military in other quarters ; and 
 those, who, at night, had been terrified by the shouts of an unnumbered populace, 
 and distracted with the portentous gleam of six and thirty separate conflagrations, 
 saw, in the morning, no vestiges of alarm but smoking ruins, marks of shol, and 
 fraccs of blood designating the route of the wounded fugitives.
 George the Third. 
 vation Wedderburne, and this man said unto the king, It is lawful to 
 destroy the rioters as rebels and traitors. 
 Then the king said, this then is the law? And Wedderturne 
 replied, It is the law. 
 Then said the king, So let it be. And immediately orders were 
 issued, commanding the soldiers to fire upon the rioters. Many were 
 killed and wounded; and of those taken prisoners several were tried 
 and executed. 
 Howbeit peace was restored to the capital, and one of the most 
 foolish and disgraceful enterprises that ever happened in England, 
 finally subdued. 
 Now, in those days, there appeared in the midst of a powerful 
 nation, in the bosom of a mighty monarchy, at the foot of a majestic 
 throne, two sisters, named Liberty and Truth, and they proclaim- 
 ed, with a loud voice, the Rights of Man. 
 At these words, all the nations of the earth were moved ; the 
 Now in those days there appeared.] The commencement of the French revolution is 
 usually daled from the capture of the Bastile, on the 14-th July, 1789. But the 
 causes which produced this terrible convulsion had been accumulating for ages, and 
 may be enumerated, as follows : the extravagance and profligacy of the court ; the 
 feudal oppressions of the nobility, and their exemption from taxes; the rapacity of 
 the clergy ; the power of arbitrary imprisonment by lettres de cachet ; the restrictions 
 ou the freedom of the press; the general corruption in the administration of justice ; 
 the embarrassments of the finances; and the unequal distribution of the public bur- 
 dens. The body of the people iiad become sufficiently enlightened to discover these 
 abuses; and the revolution was merely tiie struggle of the useful classes against regal, 
 aristocratical, and ecclesiastical oppression. 
 At these word sail the nations of the earth were moved.] A terrible sensation was 
 produced throughout Europe by the events in France. All the old potentates were 
 dreadfully alarmed for the interests of their order. After the flight and arrest of 
 Louis at Varennes, the Emperor Eeopold sent a circular to the different European 
 courts, inviting them to form a league against French principles. In this state paper, 
 called the circular of Padua, they announce that they regard the cause of the King 
 of France as their own ; they threaten the most dreadful vengeance in case of arty
 George the Third. 
 fetters of the slave were loosened ; tyrant* trembled on their thrones ; 
 and the priests and deceivers of the people gnashed their teeth in 
 agony, lest the e^es of their followers should he opened. 
 And the eoctriues they taught were these : that men were born, 
 and always continue free and equal with respect to their rights. 
 That the end of all political associations is the presenation of the 
 natural and imprescriptible rights of man. And these rights arc 
 liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression. 
 That the people are the only legitimate source of authority. 
 That the law, >\hich is an expression of the will of the communi- 
 ty, ought only to prohibit actions hurtful to society. 
 And, finally, that men being all equal in the sight of the law, are 
 equall) eligible to all honours, places, and emoluments, without any 
 other distinction than that created by their talents and virtues. 
 Moreover, they attacked the superstitions of the priesthood, and 
 exposed their licentiousness, knavery, and hypocrisy. 
 They taught, that the most acceptable worship of God was that 
 which ministered to the happiness of his creatures ; and that the 
 most glorious attributes of the Deity, his power, his wisdom, and 
 beneficence, were to be learnt from the contemplation of his 
 And men's eyes began to be opened ; they no longer looked on 
 traditionary fables, full of blasphemous tales of the Divinity, of 
 gross and obscene stories, of palpable and absurd contradictions, to 
 be of divine origin. 
 They no longer looked upon kings as the vicegerents of God upon 
 earth; and mankind created to be the victims of their passions ; to 
 be slaughtered in their wars ; and the produce of their industry 
 wasted in the lust and debaucheries of princes. 
 further restraint being imposed, or any further indignity offered to the king or the 
 royal family ; they declare that all laws are illegal unless sanctioned by the king in :i 
 state of perfect freedom : and, finally, the circular concludes, that, unless these pro- 
 posals arc accepted, the powers would unite, and, with all their means, endeavour 
 to put an end to the existence of the evil in France, and to prevent it spreading into 
 their own dominions.
 George the Third. 
 The pride of birth and rank, the pretensions of nobles, and the 
 craft of priests were all investigated. 
 In short, a new heaven and a new earth were opened. All things 
 under the sun were about to be renewed ; there were to be no longer 
 lords, nor dukes, nor princes ; the boundaries of states were to be 
 obliterated ; mankind were to speak only one language; and to form 
 only one nation of citizens ; oppression, crime, and hypocrisy were 
 to be banished from the world ; governments were to be founded on 
 the will of the people ; rewards and honours to be conferred only on 
 wisdom and virtue ; and religion to consist in doing good to 
 Howbeit these things came not to pass; for there arose an evil 
 The pride of birth and rank.'] By the decrees of the National Assembly, all artificial 
 distinctions of rank ; all the Gothic institutions of chivalry and knighthood ; ribands, 
 crosses, armorial bearings, and hereditary titles of honour were abolished. The feu- 
 dal privileges oi the nobility were annihilated, all ecclesiastical property was resumed 
 by the state, and ail monastic institutions and orders were abolished. 
 In short, a new heaoen and a new earth were opened.] The happy auspices under 
 which the French revolution commenced filled with rapture every noble and enlighten- 
 ed spirit in Europe. It was looked upon as the harbinger of a brighter day ; when 
 the whole world would undergo an entire reformation ; when the dominion of super- 
 stition would be overthrown; and mankind be governed by just and equitable laws. 
 The sanguine and generous anticipations of the friends of liberty may be learnt from 
 the celebrated sermon of Dr. Price, on " the love of our country," delivered at a 
 chapel belonging to the dissenters, at the Old Jewry. This venerable patriot, after 
 thanking Ciod that his life had been prolonged to this glorious epoch, says, " I have 
 lived to see a diffusion of knowledge, which has undermined superstition and error; I 
 have lived to see tin: rights of men better understood than ever, and nations panting 
 for liberty which seemed to have lost the idea of it; I have lived to see thirty millions 
 of people indignantly and resolutely spurning at slavery, and demanding liberty 
 with an irresistible voice ; their king led in triumph, and an arbitrary monarch surren- 
 dering himself to his subjects. — After sharing in the benefits of one revolution, I have 
 been spared to be witness to two other revolutions, both glorious ; and now, methinks, 
 I see the ardour for liberty catching and spreading, and a general amendment be- 
 ginning in human affairs; the dominion of kings changed for the dominion of the 
 laws ; and the dominion of priests giving way to the dominion of reason and consci- 
 ence. Be encouraged, all ye friends of freedom and writers in its defence! The times 
 are auspicious ; your labours have not been in vain. Behold kingdoms, admonished 
 bv you, starting' from sleep, breaking their fetters, and claiming justice from their 
 oppressors. Behold the light you have struck out, after setting America free, reflected 
 to France, and there kindled into a blaze that lays despotism in ashes, and warms 
 and illuminates Europe." Belsharns Great Britain, vol. viii. p. 29.5. 
 Unfortunately these generous hopes were not realized. Some excesses on the part 
 of the French,— the natural result of a century of superstition and tyranny — and the 
 machinations of artful demagogues obscured for a time the glories of the revolution.
 George the Thinl. 
 spirit, in the shape <>f Eomi nd BuRKB, and behold, he was tilled 
 wit h the demon of enthusiasm. 
 And Burke put forth a hook, in which he inveighed with great bit- 
 terness against the doctrines of Liberty and Truth. 
 And lie defended with fiery zeal the powers of darkness, and pro- 
 phesied with a loud voice, that if superstition and tyranny were 
 abolished, mankind would relapse into atheism and anarchy. 
 Many were led awa\ by his doctrines, his sophistry, his eloquence, 
 and his lies : the minds of men were filled with vain terrors ; they 
 were alarmed with phantoms of danger, and their madness was great 
 in consequence thereof. 
 llowbeit the famous Thomas Pain;, endeavoured to stop the 
 current of delusion: clothed in the armour of truth, Ik; waged war 
 against Burke and his disciples ; he overthrew them in many battles, 
 and so great was the discomfiture of Burke and his lio->t, that men 
 were filled with laughter because of the confusion thereof. 
 And Burke put forth a book.'] His celebrated " Reflections on the French Revolu- 
 tion.'' This work contained a furious invective against the principles of the Revolu- 
 tion, and was written with a force of eloquence and energy of declamation calculated 
 to produce the mosl powerful effects. Burke's object was twofold : First, to expose 
 to public resentment and indignation those persons in England who had manifested 
 their approbation of the overthrow of despotism in France; and secondly, to place 
 the revolution itself in an odious light, as an event to be deplored, detested, and de- 
 precated. In an Appendix to the "Reflections," lie with most atrocious and unex- 
 ampled malignity, invites and exhorts all Christum princes to make, what lie styles, "a 
 common cause, with a jnst prince dethroned by rebels and traitor-." I'he deluded 
 people of France, to be rescued from the evils they had brought upon themselves, 
 must, as he affirmed, he bubdt F.r>. And he intimates that this war, or crusade, is to 
 be conducted on principles different from any former one. "The mode of civilised 
 war (says he) will not be practised ; they must look tor no modified hostility ; all 
 which is not battle will be milita nv execution." Such was the rullian exhorta- 
 tions of Burke, and such was the punishment he prescribed lor a nation which had 
 magnanimously thrown off the triple yoke of despots, priests, and nobles. 
 \dany were led away by his doctrines. .] From the date of Burke's incendiary nub- 
 licalion, the nation was divided into two violent and hostile parties. The U rv faction, 
 which had hitherto scarcely dared I" whisper their dislike — now, under the sanction of 
 Burke's authority, became hold and clamorous in their vociferations. And the prin- 
 ciples advanced bv Mr. Burke at once obliterated the remembrance of all his past 
 transgressions in favour of liberty, and placed him in the foremost rank of favourites 
 and courtiers. 
 HowbeU the famous Thomas Paint.] This ingenious writer and philanthropist first 
 distinguished himself by his paMphlct of Common Sense, which by its magical tffect on
 George the Third. 
 Nevertheless the power of corruption prevailed : men preferred 
 darkness rather than light: all kings and princes of Europe united 
 against the doctrines of Liberty and Truth, and the great champion 
 of slavery and terror was rewarded with a pension, which continues 
 unto this day. 
 the Americans paved the way for the declaration of independence. The Rights of Man 
 was written with no less power of intellect and force of language, and made a corres- 
 pondent impression on the British public. Among numberless replies to the " Reflec- 
 tions on the French Revolution," it formed by far the most powerful and effective an- 
 tidote. Not content with pointing out and exposing with the most sarcastic seventy 
 the absurdities and misrepresentations of Burke — not content with painting injustand 
 striking colours the abuses and corruptions of the existing governments — he boldly 
 attacked the principles of the constitution itself, describing it as radically vicious and 
 tyrannical, and reprobating the introduction of aristocracy and monarchy, under every 
 modification, as a flagrant usurpation of the unalienable rights of man. 
 A few quotations from this famous publication will show the wonder-working power 
 with which it was written. "The countries of the old world have been long harassed 
 by the quarrels and intrigues of their governments. Age after age has rolled away for 
 no other purpose than to behold their wretchedness. Invention is continually exeicised 
 to furnish new pretences for revenue and taxation ; — it watches prosperity as its prey. 
 All monarchial governments are military: war is their trade, and plunder their object. 
 — Wearied with human butchery, they sit down to rest and call it peace. — If we 
 would delineate human nature with a baseness of heart and hypocrisy of countenance 
 that reflection would shudder at and humanity disown, it is kings, courts, and cabinets, 
 that must sit for the portrait. War is the pharo table of governments, and nations the 
 dupes of the game. Government on the old system is an assumption for the aggran- 
 dizement of itself ; — on the new, a delegation of power for the common benefit of 
 society. Monarchy is the master fraud which shelters all others. By admitting a 
 participation of the spoil it makes itself friends ; and when it ceases to do this it will 
 cease to be the idol of courtiers." 
 This is a just description of the crimes and follies of the old legitimate governments ; 
 but Paine's antipathy to monarchy and aristocracy under every modification, seems to 
 require some limitation. In a civilized state, like America, where a form of govern- 
 ment was to establish de novo, there might be little wisdom in rendering power heredi- 
 tary ; but in countries, where monarchial and aristocralical forms have existed for ages 
 — and where they are interwoven with every institution — the wisdom of abolishing them 
 entirely is doubtful, and the wisest mode seems to be to place them under thecontroul 
 of a real and efficient representation. 
 Nevertheless the power of corruption prevailed — was rewarded with a pension.] It is 
 well known that both Burke and his widow received pensions, and after the death of 
 Mr. Burke it was continued to his executors. Considering the important services this 
 writer rendered by his apostaey to government, corruption would have shown great 
 ingratitude Imd she not bestowed upon hint a distinguished reward.
 — , - . . . E= = 
 George the Third. 
 Now by this time King George had begot himself man) sons and 
 daughters, and the sons and daughters of the king were of fair conn 
 tenance and cornel) to look upon. 
 But of all the children of the king, none was so beautiful as the 
 young man George : from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head 
 no blemish was to be found in him. 
 And the wife of the king loved him greatly, because of the beauties of 
 his person; for among all the nobles of England there was none like 
 unto him, fur the charms of his conversation and his graceful de- 
 And the young prince, being grown up to man's estate, was intro- 
 duced at the court of his father, and the damsels of the court were 
 Now by this time King George had begot himself many sons and daughters.] It is im- 
 possible but to admire the family government of the late king. When his family in- 
 creased, both he and his wife became very precise in tiieir domestic arrangements; 
 they kept early hours and lived as much within themselves as their rank would allow. 
 The summer months were usually spent at Kew Palace ; and while the King, who un- 
 derstood something of military tactics, amused himself with exercising a party of sol- 
 diers, the Queen occupied herself in embroidery. Topography was the King's favou- 
 rite study, and every morning and evening their Majesties received the attentions of 
 their children, of whom George and Frederick passed eight hours daily in study : it 
 may be worthy of remark too, that the Queen never wore any thing herself, nor pur- 
 chased any thing for her children, but of English manufacture. She appeared also 
 very particular in her associates ; at least made a prudish display of the strictness she 
 required of those females admitted of her party ; though it is well known that many 
 were admitted to the domestic circle, and stood high in her Majesty's favour, whose 
 private morals would not bear a strict investigation. And the farce of religion too, 
 which was kept up with a vast deal of gravity, consisted according to Junius in kneel- 
 ing and reciting prayers. 
 And the young Prince being grown up to man's estate was introduced to the court of his 
 father.] The Prince of Wales was introduced to the " public private" partj at Wind- 
 sor Castle in his sixteenth year. Possessing an elegant form, graceful and interesting 
 manners, and being withal heir apparent to the throne, it is not surprising that every 
 one found something to praise in the young Prmce ; and it is even said, the Queen, at 
 the close of the eveningi was so captivated by his appearance, as to expn *- her convic- 
 tion that he would be the handsomest, most sensible, and best of men. Such a flatter- 
 ing reception ell'ected a material change in the character of the Prince ; instead of lis- 
 tening as heretofore to the instructions of his tutors, he indulged in rapturous exclama- 
 tions on the beauties of the ladies, and from that day his inclination for study lessened, 
 George the Third. 
 smitten with his charms ; many prostrated themselves before him ; the 
 enchanting eyes of some, the snowy bosoms and juicy lips of others, 
 presented to him all the joys of Paradise. 
 And the heart of the prince was touched therewith ; he stretched 
 forth his hand, and many partook of his bounty. 
 Howbeit, of all the ladies of the court, none delighted him so ex- 
 ceedingly as the countess of Jersey. She was a damsel of much ex- 
 perience, great beauty and accomplishments, and of such insinuating 
 manners, that friends and lovers were the victims of her enchanting 
 And the lady was learned in all the customs and ceremonies of a 
 court, as they had been practised from the days of Queen Elizabeth, 
 and she instructed the prince therein ; and it was said that under her 
 ladyship's guidance his royal highness first tasted the sweets of love. 
 however this may be, the young prince gave loose to all his appe- 
 tites, and his heart wandered after divers women. 
 and the difficulty of fixing his attention became so great, that the three gentlemen who 
 had the principal management of his education, thought it their duty to mention the 
 subject to their Majesties. The King strongly enjoined the necessity of his son's pay- 
 ing strict attention to the advice of his governors and reverend preceptor, but the 
 Queen pleaded the vivacity of youth, and urged many other frivolous excuses for the 
 remissness of her favourite. It was a subject of frequent altercation betwixt the royal 
 pair; and for the first time disturbed the conjugal harmony which had hitherto sub- 
 sisted. Another year elapsed ; but as the Prince did not resume his former relish for 
 study, his preceptors resigned their situations. 
 Howbeit of all tin ladies ofthc court — the Countess of Jersey.] The late Mrs. Yilliers, a 
 lady of rank and beauty, who stood high in the favour of the late Queen. At the 
 lime here spoken of she had two lovely daughters, whom she educated with the most 
 scrupulous correctness, though the frailties of her own life are said to have been such, 
 that she found opportunities to impart the same loving instructions to the Prince as 
 the widow Warren communicated to Jean Jaques Rousseau; and that he received 
 them with the same docility and pleasure; and she convinced him so well of the ad- 
 vantages of a person of experience, that he has retained a partiality for old women all 
 bis life ! 
 Hon '■» 1 1 i tins may be — his heart ■wandered after divers women.'] When the passion of 
 the Prince lor Mis. Yilliers hid somewhat abated, the next object to which he trans- 
 ferred Ins affections was the late Mrs. Robinson, an actress, and a lady of considerable 
 literary talents. She appears not to have preserved a long ascendancy over the Prince, 
 and was soon abandoned to neglect and obscurity. She was succeeded by Mrs. Her- 
 bert, the widow of Mr. Herbert, of Staffordshire, a Roman catholic. This lady, under 
 pretence of consulting the heads of her sect on the propriety of her connexion with 
 the Prince, went over to Prance, where she was privately accompanied by his Royal
 Moreover he contracted debts and lived riotously, indulging him- 
 self in wine, singing, dancing, feasting, and .ill kinds of diversion*. 
 And ili«- heart of the kiny was grieved therewith, aud he mourned 
 over tlie follies of liis son ; howbeit the prince repented not, but 
 continued bis evil ways will) unabated ardour. 
 TJien the king recommended that he should choose a wife from 
 among the daughters of Germany ; and the prince, on condition that 
 his debts were paid, and that he were relieved from his embarrass- 
 ments, consented thereto. 
 Messages were then despatched to bring over Caroline of Bruns- 
 Highness. \\ hether the ceremony of marriage was there performed has never been 
 satisfactorily explained ; but certain it is, on their return, .Mrs. Herbert was treated in 
 every respect as t lie wife of the Prince. A magnificent villa was fitted up for her ac- 
 commodation, so contiguous to that of the Prince, that a private pass i ved him 
 unseen to her presence, whenever he wished her socii t\ ; and ii was the boast of Mr-. 
 Herbert's friends, that in their habits they set an edifying example of conjugal feli- 
 city. Their villas were crowded with visitorsof distinction; even the most prudish 
 found an apology for associating with Mrs. Herbert. So high in favour was the wife, 
 or mistress, that the brothers of the Prince were on intimate terms with her, and it is 
 asserted that even the Queen condescended to receive her. The unlimited extrava- 
 gance ot Mrs. Herbert, however, having broughl the Prince into some pecuniary em- 
 barrassments, some discussion arose in the House of Commons on the nature of the 
 connexion with this lady S me broad hints were thrown out I", Mr. Rolle, that the 
 Prince, having espoused a Etoman catholic, had violated the laws enacted for secu- 
 ring the protectant religion. The public mind was in some measure appeased by Mr. 
 Fox declaring in the House, he had the authority <>\ the Prince that his conduct had 
 been legally correct, and tree from the hast intention to infringe the laws of the coun- 
 try. Notwithstanding this declaration, the subject still remains involved in mystery. 
 Moreover lit contracted debts.] At the time of the marriage of the Prince his debts 
 amounted to £639,890. '1 he late King it is said promised on his marriage to dis- 
 charge these debts without an application to Parliament. Whether this was the case 
 or not we have not ourselves sufficient information to state with certainty; but it 
 appears thai the subject was actually broughl Parliai t, and the K'hil: in his 
 mc-sage to the House, in about twenty days after the marriagi took place, asked for 
 an establishment to be settled upon the Prince and his i lling them at 
 the same time, that the benefit of an\ such settlement could not be effectually secur- 
 ed to the Prince till he was relieved from the incumbrances under which he laboured 
 to a large amount. I pon this ground the Prince's annual allowances from the nation 
 were augmented. Thej wi d at once from £'60,000 per annum to < 125,060 
 pet annum j and of this sum £"25,000 a year were set apart for the discharge i t his 
 debts. To tins was added a sum of ,£27,000 for preparations for the marriage; 
 ,£28,008 for jewels and plate ; and £ 6,000 for furnishing Carlton-house. Thus at 
 least was the Prince relieved from pecuniary incumbrances, and if tins alone were 
 calculated to insure his quiet all might have been well. Events, however, shortly 
 proved that there were other sources of human happiness and mis- rv, which at all 
 times cannot be controuled.
 George the Third. 
 wick, to whom the prince was married on the eighth day of the month 
 called April, in the year seventeen hundred and ninety-five. 
 Great rejoicings took place on account of the nuptials ; for the 
 people of England thought the prince would forsake his follies, 
 ahandon his dissolute companions, and show himself a man. 
 Nevertheless the nation was deceived : for he still lusted after 
 strange women; and the princess whom he had sworn at the altar to 
 Great rejoicings took place on account of the nuptials.] The marriage of the Prince 
 was deemed a fortunate event both for himself and the country. The public journals 
 of that day were lavish in their praises of the beauty and accomplishments of his 
 illustrious spouse, and spared no pains in giving due eclat to the splendid ceremony 
 of the marriage, which took place in presence of the King and Queen, and of all the 
 persons of elevated rank in the kingdom. The nation testified their satisfaction 
 upon the occasion by addresses which poured in from all quarters, and in which the 
 happy couple were congratulated on their union. A circumstance, however, attended 
 the first landing of the Princess, to which much of the domestic misery which after- 
 wards ensued has been attributed. Mrs. Villiers was appointed to meet the Princes 
 on her landing ; and this lady, who had been in such a questionable capacity in the 
 serv.ee of his Royal Highness, it was intimated the Princess should consider in the 
 light of a companion, who was to direct her taste and instruct her in the secret 
 histories of the English court. A more improper selection can hardly be imagined ; 
 and no doubt the youthful bride considered it an unprovoked insult to appoint for her 
 preceptor and confidante the mistress of her husband. 
 A em rtheless the nation was deceived.] Different causes have been assigned for the 
 fatal quarrel which arose betwixt the ro^al parties soon after the celebration of the 
 nuptials. As it is a subject of peculiar interest at the present moment, it may be pro- 
 per to lay before the reader the most important facts that have come to light relative 
 to these unfortunate differences. 
 Some ascribe the cause of the dispute to a previous attachment of her Royal 
 Highness. It is stated that, at the age of fifteen, a period when the heart is most 
 usceptible of lively impressions, a gentleman from the sister kingdom, of prepossessing 
 manners and elegant appearance, arrived at the court of Wolfenbuttel. The first 
 acquaintance between the Duke of Brunswick, the father of the Princess, and this 
 gentleman was formed after a hard-fought battle on the French frontier, in which the 
 allies had been victorious. The personal intrepidity of the young officer was con- 
 spicuous, and was obser\ed by the Duke himself, who praised his conduct on the 
 field with the frankness of a soldier, raised him to the rank of Colonel, and ap- 
 pointed him one of his own Aides-de-camp. 
 An attachment is said to have sprung up between this gentleman and the young 
 Princess, which excited the displeasure of the Duke. 
 This attachment was strengthened by subsequent circumstances of a romantic 
 nature, in) , a lieiail of which our limits will not permit us to enter. Suffice it to say, 
 that after the lapse of several years, and on the eve of the Princess being brought 
 to this .country to be n:arried to his present Majesty, a wild and desperate attempt 
 was made b\ the gentleman in question, aided by an IiUh nobleman. This was 
 defeated by tl glance of her father. She was rescued from the danger by which 
 she was threatened, K.nd safely conveyed tc oui shores. The authors of the intended 
 outrage were for some time confined in prison, buteventually escaped. The one was 
 subsequently reported to have been killed at the battle of Hohenlinden. and the
 George the Third. 
 honour and worship was treated with contumely, and abandoned to 
 neglect and melancholy. 
 other fell a victim to certain visionary schemes into which lie had entered with regard 
 to his own country. 
 This story, it must be admitted, contains a good deal of the romantic ; but, without 
 affirming it is totally without foundation, we shall proceed to state that, within a few 
 months of the nuptials of the royal pair, some circumstances arose calculated to dis- 
 turb their domestic bliss. To what these circumstances were to be attributed we know 
 not. They might have happened without ground of blame on either side, and might have 
 arisen from the secret cabals of those who were jealous of those affections to which 
 the Princess had obtained a legal claim ; and who might have exerted a sort of 
 Machiavelian ingenuity in creating causes for discontent which did not previously 
 exist. From whatever source, however, this discordance of sentiment had its rise, il 
 was soon found to exist, and there were not wanting those who, from private reasons, 
 felt a desire to increase rather than to diminish its influence. In the end a separation 
 took place, although the parties still lived under the same roof. Ill this painful state 
 matters remained ;— no mutual friend was found to step in and endeavour to procure 
 a reconciliation. The breach became wider, and it would seem, became irreparable 
 a short time afterwards, in consequence of the following circumstance : Among the 
 clergymen and chaplains appointed to attend upon the late Queen was one gentleman 
 whose ability alone, unaided by any influence, had attracted the royal favour. This 
 individual being advised, tor his health, to try the waters of Baden, and some other 
 places in Germany, he made his arrangements for taking his departure. Previous to 
 setting out on his journey, he waited upon the Princess of Wales, at Carlton-house, 
 and expressed his willingness to execute any commission she might be disposed to en- 
 trust to his charge, either in conveying letters to her mother, the Duchess of Bruns- 
 wick, or otherwise. The Princess accepted of his proffered service, and desired that 
 be would call the next day for her commands. He called accordingly, and received 
 from the hands of her Royal Highness certain letters which he was charged to deliver 
 tafehi into the hands of the Duchess of Brunswick. He promised compliance, and 
 set out from London. No sooner had lie reached the port from whence he was aboi" 
 to embark, than he received an express announcing to him the dangerous indisposition 
 of his wife. He returned to town without delay, and with some degree of incaution 
 delivered the despatches entrusted to his care by the Princess to a person, (Mrs. 
 Villiers,) by whom their contents were afterwards betrayed. It has been rumoured, 
 that these letters contained matter calculated to excite, displeasure in the mind of the 
 late Queen, to whom the Prince of Wales was wont to pay implicit obedience, and 
 that a feeling of dislike, never alter eradicated, took possession of her soul. Among 
 other offensive matter contained in the letters, it is said that the Princess, after 
 praising the late King, as the best of men, observed that " Snuffy " meaning the 
 Queen " did not look so kindly upon her ; neither did she feel much affection for her 
 female cousins (the princesses) who were continually finding fault with her dress, or 
 her manner of making a curtesy, or some other trifling matter, too insignificant to be the 
 subject of praise or blame. Yet," she continued, "these are points of the greatest 
 consequence at St. James's Court. Mrs. Villiers, who directs these matters for me, an- 
 swers the purpose of an almanack to Snuffy ; she can tell to a nicety every rule that 
 has been observed since Queen Elizabeth's lime ; one of which my female cousins fol- 
 low very exactly, that of eating beef- steaks and drinking porter every morning at 
 twelve," &c &c. 
 Whether these arc the exact facts, or only approximations, we do not presume I > 
 affirm, but certain it is from this time the chances of renewed elfection became i very 
 day still more remote. A veil of mystery was thrown over the whole affair, wl
 George the Third. 
 has never since been completely removed, and, in the end, the Princess, after being 
 delivered of her late lamented daughter, became the inhabitant of a separate esta- 
 blishment on Blackheath. This final separation took place in April, 1796, 12 months 
 liter the marriage, and' three months after the birth of the Princess Charlotte of 
 W ales. It was preceded by some negotiation, in which Lord and Lady Cholmonde- 
 ley took part, by conveying to his Royal Highness a desire on the part of the Princess, 
 to know the terms on which they were to live. 
 'I he following letter was at this period written by the Prince of Wales to her Royal 
 Highness : 
 " Windsor Castle, April 30, 1796. 
 Madam, — As Lord Cholmondeley informs ine that you wish I would define, in 
 writing, the terms upon which we are to live, I shall endeavour to explain myself 
 upon that head with as much clearness, and with as much propriety, as the nature of 
 the subject will admit. Oun inclinations are not in our power;" nor 
 should either of us be held answerable for the other, because nature has not made us 
 suitable to each other. Tranquil and comfortable society is, however, in our power ; 
 let our intercourse, therefore, be restricted to that ; and' I will distinctly subscribe to 
 the condition which you required through Lady Cholmondeley, that, even in the 
 event of any accident happening to my daughter, which, I trust, Providence will in 
 its mercy avert, I shall not infringe the terms of the restriction, by proposing, at any 
 period, a connexion of a more particular nature. I shall now finally close this dis- 
 agreeable correspondence ; trusting that, as we have completely explained ourselves 
 to each other, the rest of our lives will be passed in uninterrupted tranquillity. 
 " I am, Madam, with ereat truth, very sincerely your's, 
 (Signed) " George P." 
 To this her Royal Highness returned the following answer: 
 1 he avowal of your conversation with Lord Cholmondeley neither surprises nor 
 offends me. It merely confirmed what you tacitly insinuated for this twelvemonth. 
 But, after this, it would be a want of delicacy, or rather an unworthy meanness in 
 me, were I to complain of those conditions which you impose upon yourself. I should 
 have returned no answer to your letter, if it had not been conceived in terms to make 
 it doubtful whether this arrangement proceeds from you or from me; and you are 
 aware that the credit of it belongs to you alone. The letter, which you announce to 
 me as the last, obliges me to communicate to the King, as to my sovereign and my 
 lather, both your avowal and my answer. You will find enclosed the copy of my 
 letter to the King. I apprize you of it, that 1 may not incur the slightest reproach of 
 duplicity from you. As I have at this moment no protector but his Majesty, I refer 
 myself to him entirely on this subject, and if my conduct meet his approbation, I 
 shall be in some degree at least consoled. I retain every sentiment of gratitude for 
 the situation in which I find myself, as Princess of Wales, enabled by your means to 
 indulge in the free exercise of a virtue dear to my heart — I mean charity. It will 
 be my duty likewise to act upon another motive, that of giving an example of pati- 
 ence and resignation under every trial. Dome the justice to believe, that I shall 
 never cease to pray for your happiness, and to be your most devoted 
 " 6th May, 1796." " Caroline." 
 These letters afford abundant matter for comment, and no doubt contain the real 
 cause of the separation, which evidently originated in the desire of the Prince, and 
 not that of her Royal Highness. The Prince says, " our inclinations are not in our 
 power.'" That his inclinations were otherwise engaged, will be intelligible enough, 
 after what has been stated respecting Mrs. Herbert and others; but it seems a little 
 unreasonable that a man should feel himself relieved from all obligation to his lawful 
 wife, — nay, that she should become the objective of vindictive- persecution for a quar- 
 ter ul a century, merely forsooth, because he can find other women more agreeable to 
 his inclinations.
 Now if came to pass that the people of France pulled down the 
 idols of their forefathers, and went a whoring after strangi . ds. 
 And Ibej Bel up images, the work of their hands, and worshipped 
 them, and a painted harlot the\ called the goddess of Reason. 
 And Ihe Sunday, which is the sabbath, and which the Lord God, 
 by his servant Moses, commanded to he kept holy, they abolished; so, 
 after the manner id' the heathen, they divided the month into periods 
 of ten days, which they called decades. 
 And the people ceased from lahonr on the tenth day, and the\ 
 blessed the tenth day, and hallowed it. 
 Howbeit, as the work of men's hands endureth not for ever, so th< 
 gocis of the French soon came to nought. 
 Then the people said in their hearts, Wc will have no gods at all; 
 And they set up images'] — By a decree of the commune of Paris, the churches weir 
 shut up, and a number of allegorical divinities, Libertv, Eq lality, &c, wer consecra- 
 ted' as objects of worship; and a female, superbly attired, was publicly enthroned ii 
 the cathedral ui Noire Dame, in the character of the goddess of" Reason The ob- 
 servance of Sunday, thai ancient and renerabte institution, and even the ( ttristiai 
 era, were abolished, and a new calendar substituted analogous to that of Greece, 
 agreeably to which the year was divided into twelve months of thirty days each, 
 with five intercalary days set apart as a sort of Saturnalian festival; each mouth hem. 
 divided into decades, and a respite from labour allowed on the until day. 
 Then tin peopl .^lid in their hearts, we wilt lime no gods.~] — Voltaire said that bis 
 countrymeu always acted either like tigers or monkeys, ani\ certainly during tl>« 
 phrensy of the revolution, there appeared some foundation for bis observation. Their 
 conduct, during the reign of terror, exhibited t e sin constrast imaginabl 
 ferocity and extravagance. While ihey professed to worship the p odd ess of Reason, 
 their actions were those of persecuting demons. M. Palissot hid only being guilty 
 of writing a corned) many years ago in ridicule of Rousseau, and he was doomed to 
 expiate Ins offence with Ins life. He wrote to the municipality of Paris an acknow- 
 ledgement of his error and of the merits of Rousseau : " yet," said he, " it Rods 
 seau were a god, yoo ought noi to sacrifice i uman victims to him." This striking ex- 
 pression pro uced its • d I alissol was r< leased from imprisonment. On the 
 30th of May, Barrere introd iced a decree tor allowing no quarter to ihe English and 
 Hano\erian troops. As a contrast to tins sanguinary man Ian wh < h to the honour ot 
 the French officers and soldiery they refused to carry into execution, the Convention 
 a few days afterwards appointed a grand festival to be oh-, rved in honour of theSr- 
 freme Being ! The President of the Convention, Irom the midst ot a spacious am- 
 phitheatre, adorned with festoons and garlands, made an oration to the immense sur*
 George the Third. 
 so they went to work and pulled down their pagan deities ; they 
 refused to acknowledge any other divinity than Liberty, — any other 
 temple than the sanctuary of the laws, — any other worship than the 
 love of their country, — or any other gospel than the Republican 
 And they taught that deatli was an eternal sleep, that when men die 
 they perish eternally, like the beasts of the field, and that the resur- 
 rection of the body was a foolish superstition, perpetually preached 
 for the torment of the living. 
 And the temples of the Lord were shut up ; and many bishops 
 and priests, seeing there was no longer any thing to be made by 
 rounding multitude, exhorting them to adore the great Author of Nature. During the 
 performance of a symphony, he descended from the tribune, armed with the torch 
 of trulh, and approached a hideous monster representing Atheism, which on being 
 touched by the torch, instantly vanished, and the resplendent figure of Wisdom occupied 
 its place. This solemn mockery was intended to regain the confidence of the people, 
 whose ancient prejudices had been a little startled by shutting up the churches and 
 declaring deatli to be an eternal sleep. 
 And the temples of the Lord were shut up, and many bisliops, <£c. J On the 7th of Novem- 
 ber, Gobet, the republican bishop of Paris, with his grand-vicars and various other 
 members of the ecclesiastical body, entered the hall of the Convention, and solemnly 
 resigned their functions, renouncing, in terms of contempt, their profession of Chris- 
 tians, amidst loud acclamations. His example excited an enthusiastic spirit of 
 emulation. Two deputies wrote to the Convention from Rocliefort : " We pass from 
 miracle to miracle — Eight priests of the catholic persuasion, and one minister of the 
 protestant church, disrobed themselves on the day of the last decade, in the presence 
 of the whole people, in the Temple of Truth, heretofore called the pariah church 
 of this town." Julien, of Toulouse, a member of the Convention, and a minister of the 
 protestant church for twenty years, publicly, in the midst of that assembly, renounced 
 his functions for ever. Dumont, one of the national commissioners, announced to the 
 Convention that, " in order to destroy^imatirism, he arrests all priests who celebrate reli- 
 gious ceremonies on a Sunday." This enthusiast, it may be remarked, by attempting 
 to establish his dogmas by force, was as great a fanatic in his way as any he was la- 
 bouring to destroy. 
 When an attempt was made in 1797 to collect the wreck of the Gallican church, it 
 exhibited a lamentable falling oft". Among other instances of apostacy, were men- 
 tioned the marriages of twelve bishops ; twelve others had abdicated their seats ; eight 
 had perished on the scaffold ; one, the 15ishop of Dol, who had acted in a military ca- 
 pacity, had been shot as a rebel; of the emigrant bishops forty had died in foreign 
 countries.* This defalcation among the clergy it must be remembered took placeafter 
 the revenues of the church were seized by the state. Perhaps the clergy of other 
 countries would not be more tenacious of their doctrines were they deprived of the 
 emoluments and honours attached to their order. 
 * Belshani's Great Britain, vol. x. p. 333.
 Georgi the Tliird. 
 deceiving the people, threw off tin ii sacerdotal robes, acknowledged 
 their knavery, alid became proselytes t" the new religion. 
 Howbeit, these things continued only for a time ; for the linger of 
 the Lord v\;i^ kindled against the Parisians because of their abomi- 
 nable impieties. 
 And there arose an evil spirit, in the shape of Robespierre, who de- 
 luged France with the blood of its people. 
 And behold, Robespierre was the greatest monster that ever ap- 
 peared on the face of the earth; he spared neither sex, nor rank, nor 
 age; neither virtue nor wisdom escaped his vengeance ; the philoso- 
 phic Bailly, the excellent Malesherbes, the gallant Kersaint, the young 
 and amiable Barnave, the accomplished Roland, and the enlightened 
 and virtuous Condorcet, fell victims in various ways to this murder- 
 ous rulfian. 
 All Paris was idled with assassins and madmen; the scaffold streamed 
 with the blood of its most virtuous citizens, and the dominion of the 
 And there arose an evil spirit, in the shape ofRobespit ire.] The manners of this fero- 
 cious roonster are described as uniformly gloomy and austere. Laborious, suspicions, 
 irascible, vindictive, imperious, a contemner of wealth and pomp. Barrere termed l>im"the 
 giant of the revolution. — My astonished genius," said ne, " trembled beiorc Ii is." His 
 figure was mean and insignificant, his countenance sallow and disgusting ; but such 
 was his eloquence, that when he rose to speak his personal defects were forgotten. 
 His voice, which in common conversation was weak and tremulous, in the tribune ac- 
 quired the most commanding tone and animated expression; his whole aspect became 
 imposing, and his eyes seemed to flash sparks of fire. During the reign ol this savage 
 tyrant, there was under every footstep a mine, in every house a spy, on every bench 
 an assassin. M. Garat, speaking of his own intercession with tin- tyrant in behalf of 
 the imprisoned Girondists, says, *' I saw in a moment that he placed his pride, his tri- 
 umph, and his glory, in destroying without mercy his enemies : I saw in a moment that 
 he founded his safety in putting to death whoever excited his apprehension." — Me- 
 moirs of Garat, p. 57. 
 All Paris was filled with assassins and madnu n.] At one " fell sweep" all the leaders 
 of the Gironde or moderate party were consigned to the guillotine ; alter undergoing a 
 mock trial before the Committee of Public Safety, a tribunal instituted with unlimited 
 powers, from whose judgement there was uu appeal, and whose members were at once 
 judges, accusers, and jury. The persons accused before this murderous junto were, 
 Brissot, Verginiaud, Valaze, and nineteen others. Among other crimes of which they 
 ■were accused, was that of having caused war to be declared against England and A us- 
 tria. This was notoriously a factious and malignant charge, for at the time, it was well 
 known that both parties concurred, and with reason, in the necessity of war with that 
 country. But the article on which they were convicted, was the vague charge of 
 having conspired against the unity and indivisibility of the republic. Valaze stabbed 
 Georgt the Third. 
 fatal guillotine, which ministered to the vengeance of Robespierre, 
 was called the reign of terror. 
 Yet, amidst all these horrors, the republican armies triumphed in 
 every quarter, and the hordes of tyrants fled in dismay before the sol- 
 diers of liberty. . 
 Howbeit, ii was not the crimes of Robespierre, but the principles 
 be had prophaned, which chained victory to the French standard, 
 and rendered their armies invincible. 
 At length men recovered from the terror the name of the tvrant in- 
 spired; be was thrown down from his guilty eminence, and perished 
 himself as soon as he heard the sentence pronounced. The remaining one and twenty 
 deputies, were, on the 30th of October conveyed from the prison to the Place de la 
 Revolution, and there executed — meeting their fate with the utmost fortitude, and many 
 of them, actuated by the noblest sentiments of patriotism, exclaiming under the guillo- 
 tine, " Vac la Repuhlique." 
 These executions were succeeded by others equally abhorrent to justice and humanity, 
 and apparently for no other reason than their attachment to the vanquished party of the 
 Brissotines. In the bloody catalogue were found the names of Manuel, president of 
 the commune of Paris, the brave and veteran Marshal Luckner, the learned astrono- 
 mer Baillv, the celebrated and accomplished Madame Roland, wife of the minister of 
 that name, who himself, indeed, with Petion, Le Brun, Condorcct, and some others es- 
 caped the scaffold, but terminated their lives no less miserably in various modes. 
 At length men recovered from the terror the name of the tyrant inspired.'] No sooner 
 had Robespierre reached the summit of power, than the basis on which it stood seemed 
 to totter under him. After the proscription and immolation of thousands to his own 
 safety, tortured by ceaseless suspicion and remorse, he sought in vain to convert his 
 couch of thorns into a bed of roses. That terror which he had infused into the minds of 
 all, had taken entire possession of his own. He was continually haunted with the ap- 
 prehensions of approaching death; solitary and abstracted in the midst of company, lie 
 seemed only to hear the cries of the victims he had slaughtered, and to discern, 
 through the medium of a disturbed vision, the mystic characters which portended his 
 speedy and inevitable destruction. 
 On the 10th of June, Bourdon de l'Oise, a member of the Convention, had the 
 courage to demand that the decree which affirmed the inviolability of the national 
 representatives should be re-established, and that no member should be brought before 
 the revolutionary tribunal, but in consequence of a decree of accusation passed by 
 the assembly itself, instead of an order from the Committee of Safety, where Robes- 
 pierre and the vile instruments of his tyranny, Couthon and St. Just, bore absolute 
 sway. This was carried before the tyrant could recover from his surprise. From this 
 time the party formed against him rapidly increased, and even his celebrated colleague, 
 the artful and insidious Barrere, took a secret, though efficient part in plotting his 
 In the sitting on the 27th July, all things being prepared for the downfal of the 
 tyrant, Billaud Varennes complained openly " that the aimed force of Paris was 
 committed to parricidal hands. Henriot (said he) was denounced as the accomplice 
 of Herbert. One man alone had the audacity to support him. Need I name him ?
 George tin- Third. 
 ignominioiisly on a scaffold: so were tin- prayers of good men ful- 
 filled, and the shade of Robespierre now wanders among the damned ; 
 — Robespierre." lie then proceeded with energy to recount his acts of blood and 
 oppression) and accused him without reserve of harbouring the inl design of 
 making himself dictator. " In order to effect hi-, purpose (said the orator) lie lias 
 resolved to mutilate the Convention, to leave only the men as vile a- !i mself, and to 
 iutlict n fatal blow on the representatives of the people. I proclaim, 1 proclaim the 
 tyranny of Robespierre !' Bursts of applause resounded from all parts of the hall. 
 Robespiern here, reddening with fury, darted towards the tribune, while a number 
 of voices exclaimed, " Down with the tyrant! Down with the tyrant!" Loaded 
 with universal imprecations, he was not suffered to speak in his own defence; and 
 Tallien immediately rose to congratulate the Convention on his overthrow, and moved 
 that Robespierre, Ilenriot, and the rest of their creatures should hi' arrested. 
 Kobespierre, lost in amazement and consternation, submitted, without farther resis- 
 tance, to the decree of the Convention, ami was guarded by the proper officers to the 
 prison of the Luxembourg, '■'• < governor of which, being one of his creatures, 
 refused to receive him ; upon which he was conducted to the Hotel-de-\ die. 
 In the mean time Henriot had found means to escape, and with the activity in- 
 spired by desperation, rallied his adherents. Dividing his forces into three bodies, he 
 attempted at once to attack the rlotel-de-A ille, the Committee of Public Safely, and 
 the Convention. The representatives of the people showed in this moment of danger 
 much courage and presence of mind. No sooner were they apprised of the state of 
 things than they declared Robespierre and his accomplices outlaws and traitors. 
 Barras was appointed commander-in-chief, and a proclamation was issued exhorting 
 the people to assert their liberty and defend the national Convention. The sections of 
 Paris came in succession to the bar and took an oath to acknowledge no authority but 
 that of the Convention. The President, Collet d'Herbois, in returning thanks to 
 them in the name of the assembly, expressed his hope that the sun would not go down 
 before the heads of the traitors should tall. In consequence of these measures the 
 troops of Henriot almost universally abandoned him, and he himself, with the remain- 
 der, took possession of the Hotel-de-Ville. Here, at two hours after midnight, they 
 were vigorously assaulted by a determined party of the conventional guard, headed 
 by Bourdon de l'Oise, and other commissioners of the Convention, who boldly rushed 
 forward into the hall of the commune. The insurgents, after a shott ami fruitless 
 resistance, attempted, in the last agonies of wild despair, to turn their arms against 
 themselves. Robespierre, already wounded in the side by a sabre, discharged a 
 pistol in his mouth, with no other effect than to shatter and disfigure his countenance. 
 Le Bas shot himself dead upon the spot, and Couthon stabbed himsell with aponiard. 
 Henriot, while haranguing the populace from an upper window, was thrown down by 
 their desire, and shockingly wounded by the violence of the fall. At sis in the 
 morning the Convention suspended its sitting. the victory being now decided, 
 Robespierre, and the rest of the criminals outlawed by the Convention, to the num- 
 ber of twenty-one, were immediately conveyed to the Place de la Revolution, and 
 there executed, amidst the loudest and most universal acclamations of joy ever 
 known. The eyes of the spectators were chiefly fixed upon Robespierre, Couthon, 
 and Henriot, who exhibited a ghastly picture of blood mingled with dust, and cover- 
 ed with wounds. Robespierre was executed last, but remained on the scaffold wholly 
 speechless and petrified with honor. 
 Such was the wretched doom of a tyrant whose crimes — which, in fact, had no- 
 thing to do with the genuine principles of the revolution — have done more harm, in 
 the minds of the weak and unreflecting, to the cause of liberty and human improve- 
 ment, than all the crazy effusions of Burke, and the hireling sophistry and lies of 
 George the Third. 
 a worthy associate of the Neros, Caligulas, the Borgias, the Pitts, 
 and all those \ile wretches who have disgraced human nature by 
 their crimes and hypocrisy. 
 And these things came to pass, that men's eyes might be opened ; 
 that they might learn, that without God in the world, there could 
 neither be liberty, humanity, nor justice, and that it is only by worship- 
 ping the divinities of prudence and moderation, that mankind can be 
 preserved from the chains of despotism and the horrors of anarchy. 
 Now King George had waged war against the French Republic 
 many years ; howbeit, the strength of the enemy waxed stronger and 
 stronger, while that of his kingdom grew weaker and weaker ; so that 
 the bishops and nobles of the land began to despair of subduing the 
 liberties of that valiant people. 
 Nevertheless the king remained under the dominion of evil coun- 
 sellors, and listened to all the foolish sayings of William Pitt, his 
 chief minister. 
 Nevertheless, the King remained under the dominion of evil counsellors.] The cry of 
 Church and King, which at the commencement of the war extended from the Tamar 
 to the Tweed, had, in the course of three years after the commencement of hostili- 
 ties, in a great measure subsided, and the public recovered from the tenor against 
 the French Revolution which government had artfully excited. The change in popu- 
 lar feeling was strikingly evinced in the treatment of the King on his way to the Par- 
 liament-House, in 1795. The House was summoned to meet on the 29th of October, 
 and the day being uncommonly line, an immense crowd had assembled in the Park, 
 who soon began to express their opinions on public affairs. As the state-coach passed 
 along the Mall, violent exclamations were heard of Peace! Peace! No Pitt! No 
 War ! and the clamour gradually increasing, stones began to be thrown at the King's 
 carriage as it proceeded by the Horse-Guards, and from a house m Margaret-street, 
 near the Abbey, a bullet was supposed to be discharged from an air-gun, as no noise 
 was heard, though something passed through the glass of the coach with great force 
 and velocity. On his Majesty's return from the. House of Peers, the crowd assembled 
 in the Park immediately re-commenced their attacks. The King at length reached 
 St. James's; and, after a short interval, he went into his private carriage, in order to 
 rejoin the royal family at the Queen's Palace. But the ra^e of the multitude was not
 George tin Third. 
 And Pit! prophesied falsely unto the king : sometimes h<- foretold 
 that famine and pestilence would consume his enemies ; sometime-. 
 that tlu'% would !>'• -wallowed up in bankruptcy ; and sometimes that 
 anarch) would devour them. 
 Howbeit none of these things came to pass, and the evils which 
 I'itt foretold would fall upon the king's enemies fell upon the people 
 of England. 
 Nevertheless the bishops continued to pray unto the Lord ; and 
 c\( ry year a solemn fast was proclaimed unto the people. 
 And the clergy throughout the land prayed fervently, and besought 
 the Lord to smite the enemies of the king, and rescue the nations 
 who groaned under the yoke of the apostates from his word and 
 despisers of his name. 
 But the prayers of the hypocrites availed not; for their tongues 
 yet exhausted. The state coach, on its return to the mews, was nearly demolished 
 by one part of the mob, while the other attempted to stop the private carriage of the 
 King, and even to force open the doors. At this last attack the King seemed to lose 
 his usual Grmness, and was evidently struck with amazement and consternation. Upon 
 the arrival, however, of a party of the life-guards, the populace were at length dis- 
 persed, and the King, with great difficulty, reached the Queen's house in safety. 
 A proclamation was immediately published, offering a reward of ^1000 to be paid 
 on the conviction of any person who should be found concerned in this daring assault. 
 But it is remarkable that no one guilty of any actual violence was ever discovered. 
 A man named Kidd Wake, a journeyman printer, and some others, were indeed 
 tried and punished with excessive severity, as being among the number of hissers and 
 disturbers of the King's peace. The punishment of Wake however was extremely un- 
 just, for his only offence was that of having made wry faces ; and this it was proved 
 arose from a constitutional infirmity, which produced involuntary contortions of the 
 Nevertheless the bishops continued to pray— a solemn fast.] From the commencement 
 of the war, a proclamation had issued every year for the observance of a fast, and 
 a service, composed for tin occasion by the bishops, was ordered u< he read in the 
 churches. The strain of these services were generally much better adapted to the 
 priests of IMoioc n than of Christ, and instead of instilling feelings of penitence, 
 devotion, and humanity, were much better calculated for rousing in the minds of the 
 ignorant, reveugeful and ferocious feelings against the enemy. 
 But the prayt rs of the < Baited not.'] The passionate desire of the court, and 
 of the cleray connected with the court, to represent the war as a war of religion, is 
 very remarkable. The cause of religion it has been observed, is a modern motive to 
 war, invented by the Christian priesthood refining upon the Heathen. The extreme 
 callousness of the higher orders of the clergy to the miseries of mankind, as Mr. Bel- 
 sham justly remarks, is a striking feature of the profession. Wholly absorbed in the 
 exalted feelings of devotion, they rise far superior to those of humanity. Who can
 George the Third. 
 were filled with deceit, their hearts were swoln with pride, and while 
 their eyes were fixed on God's throne their hearts were intent on the 
 wealth and honours at his footstool. 
 So the infidel republicans triumphed in every quarter, and the 
 nation began to be weary of the obstinacy of the king and the folly of 
 his minister. 
 And the indignation of the people being great against the king's 
 minister, he was compelled to retire from his councils. 
 And the country which Pitt found prosperous and happy, with an 
 increasing commerce and agriculture, he left afflicted with grievous 
 calamities, and labouring under all the evils of pauperism and bank- 
 Yet has his folly been dignified with the name of wisdom, and so 
 forget that to the latest period of the American contest, Shipley, only, of the twenty- 
 sis English bishops gave his vote against the court ; and that the late Bishop Watson, 
 alone, half fearful, and half ashamed, ventured an opinion against the French crusade? 
 At the end of 1797, by the parade of a national thanksgiving, an attempt was made 
 to blend the blood and slaughter of the war with the precepts of Christianity. In that 
 year, the King attended by both houses of parliament, and the great officers of state, 
 went in religious and triumphal procession to St. Paul's, to offer solemn thanks for the 
 late naval victories. The flags and colours taken from the enemy, accompanied with 
 bands of music, &c„ were borne in solemn pomp to the cathedral, and deposited with 
 holy exultation upon the altar. After which, a sermon was preached by the court 
 priest of the day, the Bishop of Lincoln, fraught with such sentiments of self-abasement, 
 hypocrisy, and humility, as the following : " While our enemies have insulted the 
 Majesty of Heaven, we have humbled ourselves before God, and acknow- 
 ledged our transgressions. — While they have impiously denied his all-controll- 
 in» power, we have prayed unto the Lord to give wisdom unto our councils, success to 
 our arms, and steadiness to our people, and he has heard us ! — The banners which you 
 have this day seen presented at the altar of this cathedral church of the metropolis, as 
 the public testimony of devout and humble gratitude to the Supreme Disposer of 
 events, are not the trophies of a single victory over one enemy, but of a series of vic- 
 tories equally brilliant and important over the three nations of Europe the most dis- 
 tinguished for their maritime power." — Thus did the state parson, with proplmne and 
 bombastic effrontery, attempt to identify a savage war of despotism, pritle, ambition, 
 and revenge, with the schemes of a benevolent Creator, who watct>« equally over the 
 happiness and harmony of all his creatures. 
 Yet has his folly been dignified with the name of wisdom.'] Mr. Belsham has delineated 
 in a masterly manner the character of this minister at the close of his administration 
 in 1801. " His early declaration," says he, " on the removal of Lord North and the 
 advancement of Lord Rockingham to the station of first minister, • that he would not 
 accept any subordinate situation,' exhibited at once the extent and irregularity of his 
 ambition. In proportion as his pretensions were high, his manners were haughty. In- 
 stead of the generous feelings and noble enthusiasm of his father, he discovered a dis-
 George the Third. 
 great is the infatuation of his dis< i] thai he \\ li«» was unsuccess- 
 ful in every undertaking, they style " th<- heaven-born minister," and 
 " the pilot who weathered the stor. 1. " 
 And Pitt was succeeded in the King's councils by Dr. Addiutiton, 
 a wise man, whose fattier bad great skill in the art of curing diseases. 
 Moreover the doctor had long wore a wig, and presided with great 
 gravity over all the wise men who meet in St. Stephen's chapel. 
 And hence it was thought that the doctor alone could cure the 
 manifold diseases of the nation, and bring about an honourable peace. 
 position selfish, cold, and artful; and it was quickly seen that he possessed no quality 
 of youth, but its presumption. In his conduct there was never found that (earless 
 simplicity, that dignified candour, which are the genuine offspring of an elevated 
 mind, and the true criterion of real wisdom. At no time did he display that com- 
 manding foresight which marks a superior intellect, or that controlling prudence which 
 knows how to avert impending mischief. At no season did he attempt to stem the 
 torrent of public prejudice, and make the people calm and wise, when they were in- 
 flamed and ignorant The stream of public opinion he submitted diligently to watch ; 
 and suffered himself rather to be carried away with it, than to aim by arduous etibrts 
 to direct its course where wisdom and patriotism might suggest. The mind of the 
 nation, under his auspices, made no advances: on the contrary, its movement was 
 uniformly retrograde. The errors of tiu public he laboured to convert to his own ad- 
 vantage, not to correct at the hazard of his power. He was the attentive observer of 
 times and seasons, not the beneficent and enlightened instructor of nations. His elo- 
 quence, for which he was deservedly celebrated, was chiefly characterized by what 
 rhetoricians call amplification. He possessed in perfection all the modes and subtleties 
 of reasoning, and was copious even to the brink of verbosity. He had the faculty of 
 speaking much and saying little ; and, when silence was impracticable, he knew how to 
 make language subservient to ail the purposes of taciturnity. His solemn avowals 
 were clothed in impenetrable darkness ; and his explanations were calculated equally 
 to elude the \ igilance of the watchful and the curiositj of the inquisitive. The con- 
 nexion betw( en the means and the end appeared seldom intimate in his thoughts, and 
 was rarely either defined in his wads or exemplified in his conduct. The plans, there- 
 fore, which he designed, although prosecuted with courage, constancy, and \igour, 
 almost invariably failed in the execution. It is remarkable, that during the « Denfcen 
 yean of his administration, no one act of patronage was extended to literature, to the 
 sciences, 01 the arts."— Hist, of Great Britain, vol. xii. p. 1(k3-9. This is equal to any 
 thing in Hume o, Clarendon; it is without violence, but just and discriminative, and 
 leaves nothing to add. 
 And hence it was thought iW the Doctor.'] The " Doctor," now Lord Sidmouth, 
 was pelted most unmercifully on his accession to power by his present right honour- 
 able colleague, George Canning. In one of his odes to his friend " the Doctor," he 
 thus addresses him : — 
 If the health and the strength, and the pure vital health 
 Of old England, at last must be doctor <l to death, 
 Oh ! why must we die of one doctor alone ? 
 And why must that doctor be just such a one 
 As Doctor Henry Addington ?
 George the Third. 
 It happened also about this time, that great changes happened in 
 the kingdom of France, by the return of Napoleon Buonaparte out of 
 And, again, he thus congratulates the Doctor on his filling the most profitable 
 places with his relations : — 
 How blest, how firm the Statesman stands, 
 (Him no low hitrigue shall move,) 
 Circled by faithful kindred bonds, 
 And propp'd by (ond fraternal love. 
 When his speeches hobble vilely, 
 What " Hear lams" burst from brother Hiley, 
 When the faltering periods lag, 
 Hark to the cheers of brother Bragge. 
 When the faltering periods lag, 
 Or his yawning audience flag, 
 When his speeches hobble vilely, 
 Or the house receives them drily, 
 Cheer, O ! cheer him, brother Bragge ! 
 Cheer, O ! cheer him, brother Hiley! 
 Each a gentleman at large, 
 Lodged and fed at public charge. 
 Paying (with a grace to charm ye) 
 This the fleet, and that the array. 
 Brother Bragge and brother Hiley, 
 Cheer him! when he speaks so vilely ; — 
 Cheer him ! when his audience flag, 
 Brother Hiley, brother Bragge. 
 Different causes have been assigned for the formation of the Addington adminis- 
 tration, but the most probable seems to be the difficulty Mr. Pitt experienced in sur- 
 mounting the bigoted prejudices of the King against Catholic emancipation. The 
 Minister had pledged himself to obtain this boon for the Irish nation, on condition 
 that no obstacle were opposed to the Union, but finding himself unable to redeem his 
 pledge he resigned the premiership. 
 The following dialogue is said to have passed betwixt the King and Mr. Dundas, 
 occasioned by certain unwelcome suggestions from the Minister to the Monarcli : — 
 K. " I hope I am not pledged to any thing further in favour of the Romanists?" 
 Mr. I). " our Majesty is not absolutely pledged to any thing further ; but cer- 
 tainly the Irish catholics do hope from your Majesty's goodness for a xurther relaxa- 
 tion of the restraining laws yet in force ; and your Majesty's servants will think it 
 right, humbly to recommend to your Majesty a liberal :»> d indulgent attention to 
 their united and dutiful petitions." 
 K. " But how can I grant these claims consistently with my coronation-oath ?" 
 Mr. D. *' The coronation-oath was taken by your Majesty in your executive not 
 yeur legislative capacity, and could only be meant to bind your Majesty to act con- 
 formably to the laws actually subsisting, and so long only as they should continue to 
 subsist ; for the legislature, of which your Majesty is an essential part, cannot by any 
 act limit its own power." 
 K. (angrily.) " None of your Scotch metaphysics, Mr. Dundas!"
 George tin: Third. 
 Now Buonaparte was a mail of vast ambition, whose love of power 
 and glory was without bounds; and ending France distracted by 
 civil hro»ls, he determined to make himself king thereof. 
 Now Buonapar.'.* was a man of i rst ambition.'] No sooner had Buonaparte arrived at 
 Paris than the leaders ot' the different tactions flocked about him i<> strengthen 
 themselves with his suffrage. In the midsl of this fluctuation and uncertainty lie felt 
 the necessity of a prompt and vigorous decision. I rged bj his ambition, be resolved 
 to sever with his sword the Gordian knot, and place himself at the helm of state. 
 The 9th of November w as Gxed upon as the p< riod of action : and igreeably to the 
 plan preconcerted with a small number of persons, of whom the famous Abbe Sieves 
 was the chief, the council of elders was summoned to meel early in the morning; 
 wnen, on the motion ot Regnier, it was decreed to transfer the sittings of the legisla- 
 tive body to St. Cloud; and Buonaparte was charged with the execution of the decree 
 — the legislative guard being placed under his orders. No sooner was this appoint- 
 ment officially notified to him than be repaired to the palace of the Thuilleries, accom- 
 panied by Berthier and l.elcvte, and addressing the council, declared to them that 
 the decree their wisdom had issued, the arms oi himself and the generals his associates 
 would carry into execution. " We will," said he, " have a republic founded on a right 
 basis — on civil liberty and national representation. I swear it in my own name and 
 that of my fellow soldiers " 
 At 11 o'clock the gHt.es of the Thuilleries were shut, and guards placed at the princi- 
 pal posts in and about Paris. He then reviewed the troops stationed in the courts 
 and gardens of the palace, which resembled a camp ; and published a proclamation 
 addressed to the soldiery at large, inviting them to second bim with their accustomed 
 energy, firmness, and courage. Things being now " ripe for dissolution," as Crom- 
 well said on a similar occasion, Buonaparte repaired to the council of five hundred. 
 Presenting himself at the door of the orangery, accompanied by several officers 
 and soldiers, without arms, he advanced a few steps into the room, as if wishing 
 to address the assembly ; when an hundred voices in an instant exclaimed, " Down 
 with the I'yrant! Down with the DrCTATon! Kill him! Kill him !" Divcrsof 
 tshe members even left their seats and rushed towards the door, imprecating ven- 
 geance with menacing gesticulations; and Arena, one of the deputies, struck a blow 
 at him with a poinard which was carried by a grenadier. Buonaparte, for a mo- 
 ment, stood astonished and speechless; lor though he doubtless expected opposition, 
 he was no. prepared lor a scene ol such frantic violence. The officers who accom- 
 panied him at length came forward to rescue their chief, and he was persuaded to re- 
 turn to the soldiery drawn up in thecourtof the palace. 
 Many of the soldiers were -till wavering in their opinion, when Lucien Buonaparte 
 addressed them in a spirited hat ingue, .it tlm conclusion of winch they drew their 
 swords, rending the air with the cries oi Vive la Republique. The general, perceiving 
 the critical moment v.;is arrived, gave aloud the order to march, and was eagerly 
 obeyed. The chamber of the council was still the scat of uproar and of anarchy; 
 when on a sudden the pas dc chargi was heard, and the voices of the speakers were 
 Tost rathe sound of drums and clarioni is. In an instant the soldiers appeared at the 
 door, preceded by their officers, one of whom invited the deputies to withdraw, de- 
 claring that he would not be resp msible lbr their safety. Many yielded to the invi- 
 tation ; others renewed their invectives and exclamations : but the pat de charge being 
 sounded a second time, the grenadiers, with fixed bayonets, quickly cleared the hall, 
 the representatives crowding into the garden, and leaving the military in complete 
 possession of" the palace. 
 George the Third, 
 And the artifices which he employed to deprive the French of their 
 liberties were the same as those which had been employed by Crom- 
 well, Caesar, and all the tyrants who had preceded him ; and thus 
 was the saying of David Hume fulfilled, that mankind would be 
 cheated by similar wiles in all ages. 
 Howbeit the establishment of his power was fortunate for France : 
 For he re-established religion, silenced the factious, drove the enemy 
 from the frontiers, and concluded peace with England. 
 And thus was the wisdom of Burke confounded, aud instead of 
 France being blotted from the map of Europe, as he had declared 
 in the folly of his heart, her population and territory were doubled, 
 and she was rendered the most powerful and glorious of nations. 
 Now the scribes and Pharisees, and elders of the people, being 
 assembled together in the temple, they began to debate on the expe- 
 dition to Golgotha, or, as it is called, the island of Walcheren. 
 A certain one of their number, of the tribe of Judas, a Yorke- 
 shireman, arose, and he said unto his brethren, Let us not argue 
 the subject before this multitude, lest their eyes be opened, and, 
 peradventure, they see our nakedness : 
 But let all those strangers be excluded, lest they spread abroad 
 our folly in the land, and we stink in the nostrils of the people. 
 So strangers were all put forth from the tabernacle, and none was 
 suffered to hear their wisdom, which is very great, even beyond 
 A certain one of their number, a Yorkshireman.'] When the inquiry on the disas- 
 trous expedition to Walcheren was entered upon, Mr. Yorke moved the standing 
 order for excluding strangers from the House, which was carried into effect. In the 
 debate on the standing order, Mr. Windham made some observations, derogatory to 
 the rjght of the public to be acquainted with parliamentary proceedings.
 George the Third. 
 Howbeit, the people heard of their decision, and were exceeding 
 wrath ; because many of their sons and relations had perished in the 
 island of Golgotha. 
 And it came to pass that a certain man caused it to be proclaimed 
 through the city, saying, Lo ! this Yorke-shire man has deprived ns 
 of our privileges by excluding us from the synagogue. 
 And when the great man saw this proclamation, he cried, with a 
 loud voice, Fire ! blasphemy ! treason ! sedition ! the synagogue is 
 in danger ! 
 Then he called his fellows unto him, and he said unto them, Sea 
 ye not that, notwithstanding our decree, these people have heard 
 our decision, and now they are opposed thereto. 
 What must we do to them, that they become not too mighty for us,, 
 lest we be confounded by their arguments 1 So they took counsel 
 together, and one said this, and another that. 
 At length, they resolved to call before them the author of this 
 And it came to pass that a certain man.~\ John Gale Jones, president of a debating 
 society, under the name of the British Forum. On February 19, an advertisement 
 was posted on the walls, which inlorined the public that a question had been de- 
 bated at the British Forum, «' Which was a greater outrage on the public leeling, Sir. 
 Yorke's enforcement of the standing order to exclude strangers from the House of 
 Commons, or Air. Windham's attack upon the liberty of the press?" aud chat it was 
 unanimously decided, that the enforcement of the standing order ought to be cen- 
 sured, as an insidious and ill-timed attack upon the liberties of the press, &c. 
 Mr. Yorke having brought this paper before the cognizance of tne House, an 
 order was made tor the printer to attend at the bar, who declared that he had been 
 employed to print it by Air. Jones. Jones was ordered to attend, February 21st, 
 avowed that he was the' author of the paper, and said, that he had considered that 
 it was the privilege of every Englishman to animadvert on public measures and 
 public men , but that, on looking over the paper again, he found that he had erred, 
 for which he expressed his sincere contrition, and th.ew himself upon the mercy of 
 the House. A vote then passed the House unanimously, " That J. Gale Jones had 
 been guilty of a grosi violation of the privileges of the House," which was followed 
 by a motion, from Mr. YorUe, for his commitment to Newgate* and this also passed 
 This harsh proceeding of the House, in which both Whigs and Tories cordially 
 joined, was founded on the perversion of a clause in the Bill of Rights, which says, 
 that " debates or proceedings in parliament ought not to be questioned or impeached in 
 any court or place out of parliament." Every one, acquainted with the object of the 
 Bill of Rights, knows, full well, that the clause was directed against the Court, and 
 was intended to protect members) not from the comments of the people, but from the 
 minions of the crown.
 George the Third. 
 attack upon their honesty, and examine him, touching the pro- 
 And after they had interrogated him, they asked him what he had 
 to say in his behalf? and he replied, That the laws of my country 
 first led me to do this thing; howbeit, if I have wronged any man, I 
 claim his forgiveness. 
 But his acknowledgement availed him not, and they put him in the 
 common prison, as a punishment for speaking the truth, which, in 
 the language of the scribes and Pharisees, is blasphemy against our 
 holy religion. 
 Now seeing these things, there arose that valiant champion, Sir. 
 Francis Burdett. 
 And in all England there was none like unto him : for he feared no 
 man, neither did he fear the party of the Whigs, nor the party of 
 the Tories, but he beheld, with great reverence, the laws of Moses 
 and the Prophets, as written in the hooks of Magna Charta and the 
 Bill of Rights, and he walked stedfastly in their ordinances all his 
 And Sir Francis arose in the synagogue, and he lifted up his voice 
 saying, What are these things ye do ? 
 Our forefathers did as this man has done, and they were not de- 
 prived of their liberty ; how then must this man suffer all these 
 things ? 
 Verily, it is not in the power of this assembly to act after this 
 fashion; for there is no fault at all in the man. 
 For if ye strive together for the welfare of the people, why need 
 ye be ashamed that it should be made public ? 
 But ye know that it is not legal, therefore, are ye afraid; but con-
 George the Third. 
 sider ye not that Magna, Charta and the Bill of Rights are not for- 
 gotten by ns, and by them ye must be judged. 
 Therefore, take heed unto yourselves that ye incline not to the 
 right hand nor to the left, but keep in the good old path, lest \c 
 brinii disgrace upon yourselves and the land of your nativity. 
 Now when they heard then' things, they marvelled much, and they 
 suid one unto another, this fellow is also one of them ; behold he is 
 also a blasphemer; let us consider how we may rid ourselves of this 
 Then there arose a chief Pharisee, Lethbridge by name. 
 And the spirit of this man was exceeding fierce against the truth. 
 Note, when tliei/ heard these things, thai marvelled."] The spirited stand made by- 
 Sir Francis Hurd< it, against the committal oi Mr. Jones, involved him in a similar 
 lkte. On the 24th of March, be addressed a " Letter to his Constituents, denying 
 the power of the II' use of Commons to imprison the people "t Engl a ,d," accompa- 
 nied with the argument which he had urged in the House of C nuns. This publi- 
 cation was brought before the House, on the 26th, by Mr. Lethbridge, at whose 
 desire the Speaker put the question to Sir Francis, whether he acknowledged himself 
 to be the author, which he answered in the affirmative. Notice was then given by 
 Lethbridge "I a motion on the subject, which he made on the following i a\. After 
 reading several oi the most obnoxious passages, he moved two resolutions; the first 
 affirming that the publication in question was a libellous and scandalous puper; the 
 second, lhat Sir Francis Burdett, who suffered the ahove-to be printed with his name 
 had been guiltv < > I a violation of the privileges of the House. These resolutions, 
 being agreed to, without a division, a motion was made, by Sir Robert Salisbury, 
 for bis commitment lo the 'lower. The Speaker, having signed ihe warrants, 
 delivered ihem lo the sergeant at arms, April cilh. On that officer preparing to 
 execute his commission, Sir Francis denied the legality of his warrant, and declared 
 bisdetermination nol to go unless constrained by actual force, which lie would resist 
 as far as lav in Ins power, Alter a delay proceeding from the .-speaker's doubts re- 
 specting his authority, concerning which he obtained the opinion of the Attorney- 
 General, the sergeant went, on the morning of April 9th, attended In a number of 
 police-officers and a detachment of cavalry and infantry to convey the I aronettotbe 
 Tower An entrance was forced into the bouse, through the area, and the sergeant 
 with the police-officers went up into the room where Sir Francis was sitting with his 
 family, and acquainted him that he »a^ Ins prisoner, He repeated Ins objections to 
 the warrant, and declared that be would \ icld only to actual force, w hen some con- 
 stables advancing to seize him, he was led by his brother and a triend taking his arms 
 and conducted lo the carriage in waiting, whence he was conveyed lo the lower. 
 Sir Francis brought actions at law against the Speaker of the House of Commons 
 for issuing bis warrant ; against the sergeant at arms, tor executing it ; ami againstthe 
 constable of the Tower, lor keeping him in custody : in all which he tailed, on the 
 plea that the warrant was legal. His defeats in the courts of law were arupk" 
 compensated, to him by the numerous instances of attachment which he received a» 
 the intrepid champion of popular rights, in the form of addresses to himself, and pe- 
 titions to parliament for his liberation.
 George the Third. 
 insomuch that the bare recital of the same, made his hair stand on 
 end like quills. 
 Moreover, the No popery men cried, This fellow perverteth 
 the peace of the land, for the people look up to him for protection. 
 If therefore, we suffer him to sit amongst us, our gain will be 
 diminished, our occupation will depart from us, and the people will 
 scorn us because of him. 
 Let us, therefore seek to destroy him, that he may no more watch 
 over our proceedings, nor throw a rein over our endeavours to get 
 Then the chief priests, and the scribes and Pharisees, arose, and 
 with one voice cried out, Away with him ! Corruption for ever ! 
 Boroughmongering for ever! Loaves and fishes forever! Huzza! 
 So they led him away to the Tower, and set a guard over him 
 night and day, lest he should escape, and live among the people. 
 Then did his enemies rejoice, even the rulers of the nation, and 
 all the loan-jobbers, contractors, placemen, and sinecurists, and all 
 those who live on the plunder of the people; moreover, the scribes 
 and Pharisees from the land of Eden-borough, who came from afar, 
 crying, " Wha wants me?" 
 But. the people, being incensed at what was done, gathered them- 
 selves together, and they attacked the houses of the wicked men 
 who had sat in judgement against him. 
 And they demolished them, nor would they have left one stone 
 upon another, but they called forth the armed men of the nation, 
 both horse and foot, to guard the dwellings of the Pharisees and 
 And it came to pass, iu the fiftieth year of the king, that the land 
 was filled with idolatry, and divers corruptions and abominations 
 Geor:'i the Third. 
 Many of the great men, even the rulers of the people, followed 
 after the beast of Corruption, and worshipped her, and offered 
 incense to her. 
 Even the birth-rights of the people were bartered ; yea, they were 
 sold openly in the market like cattle in a fair. 
 And they blushed not at their iniquities, neither did they repent 
 of their wickedness, but they doated on these things, even as Aho- 
 lah and Aholibah doated on their paramours. 
 And the king's sons went astray after divers women, even after har- 
 lots, and the land was filled with royal bastards. 
 But of all the royal concubines there was none like unto Mary 
 Clarke; for she was of fair countenance, comely to look upon, of 
 subtle wit, and withal much to be desired. 
 And the king's son, Frederick by name, doated upon her because 
 of these things, and he went in unto her, and lay with her many 
 Howbeit she reproached him because of his unkindness. See, she 
 said, how much inferior I am to all the mistresses of the House of 
 Brunswick ; behold they have horses, and coaches, and magnificent 
 \illas, and footmen, and servants to run before them, whereas I 
 have none of these things. 
 Then the prince was exceeding wrath, and he bethought him where- 
 with her wishes might be satisfied. 
 Am 1 not, said he, the king's son who commandeth all his warriors, 
 and fighting men, and who has the appointment of the officers thereof? 
 Then he went straightway unto his mistress, and told her, saying, 
 F.ixn the birth-rights of the people were bartered.] The evidence on the Duke of 
 York's case incidentally disclosed an enormous mass of abuse in the sale and broker- 
 age of places. A committee being appointed to inquire into the disposal of writer- 
 ships and cadetships in the East Indies, found that a great number of such places 
 had been disponed of in an illegal manner. Lord Castlereagh had endeavoured to 
 purchase a seat for his friend Lord Clancarty, with a writership, given to him while 
 President of the Board of Controul Charges of corrupt practices were offered to lx- 
 proved, by Mr. Madocks, against .Mr. Perceval and Lord Castlereagh, in the affair* 
 of Quintin Dick, but his motion was negatived : indeed, the practice was opeidy de- 
 fended ; one member stating, that the sale of seats in the House of Commons was .» 
 " notorim as the nin at noon-day."
 George the Third. 
 Behold I give unto thee the appointment of captains over fifties, 
 captains over hundreds, and captains over thousands. 
 Now Mary, being a shrewd woman, saw that this tiling might be 
 turned to a good account. 
 Straightway she opened a shop, wherein she dealt in ensigncies, 
 captaincies, and majorities: moreover she sold bishoprics and rich 
 deaneries, so that money flowed in in great abundance. 
 Nevertheless the thing was discovered, and great confusion arose 
 in the land ; many gnashed their teeth, others laughed heartily at the 
 duke and Mrs. Clarke. 
 Many other calamities fell upon the people about this time; two 
 of the king's ministers strove together in the field, and fought : how- 
 beit, neither of them were slain. 
 Notwithstanding all these things, the year concluded gloriously 
 with a grand \ jubilee, and the people rejoiced exceedingly seeing 
 the king had reigned^/J/ity years. 
 Straightway she opened a shop] January 27, 1809, Mr. Wardle, a colonel of 
 militia, after speaking of a system of corruption, which had long prevailed in the 
 military department, directly charged the commander-in-chief, with having suffered 
 himself to he swayed by a mistress named Clarke, who had carried on a traffic in 
 commissions. He affirmed that the following positions could be established by wit- 
 nesses. 'I ha! Mrs. C aike possessed the power of military promotion; that she re- 
 ceived pecuniary consideration ; and that the commander-in-chief was partaker of 
 the benefit arising from such consideration. He concluded with moving for the ap- 
 pointment of a committee to investigate the conduct of the Duke of York with regard 
 to promotions, exchanges, &c. During the proceedings in this extraordinary business, 
 which occupied nearly two months and drew fuller houses than almost ever known, 
 long and minute examinations were carried on of persons of both sexes, whose an- 
 swers, especially those of Mrs. Clarke, yielded an infinite fund of entertainment to 
 the honourable members The defenders of the Duke were, for the most part, mem- 
 bers of the administration and crown lawyers; on the other side were many of the 
 members called independent, and the regular trading opposition. — That Mrs. Clarke 
 received sums of money for procuring military appointments was indisputable; but 
 how far the Duke was privy to her transactions, or participated in her gains, was 
 doubtful, seeing that circumstance depended entirely on the credibility of Mrs. Clarke. 
 Mr. Wardle's motion, being a direct inculpation of the Duke, whs negatived by a 
 majority of 365 to 123. The Chancellor of the Exchi cpier then moved, " That the 
 House, having examined the evidence in the investigation of the Duke of York's 
 conduct, and bavin;.' found that personal corruption and connivance at corruption had 
 been imputed to him, are of opinion, that the imputation is wholly without foundation." 
 This motion was carried by 278 to 196. Public opinion, however, by no means con- 
 curred iii the votes of the House, and the Duke found it expedient to retire. A reso- 
 lution was then moved by Lord Althorpe, for staying further proceedings against 
 bis Royal Highness.
 Georgt the Third. 
 Now in those (lavs the land was afflicted with a grievous famine, 
 and many died of hunger. 
 And the dearness of bread sorely afflicted all ranks, even from 
 the king to the peasant ; for who is he that liveth without bread ? 
 And the bishops, and priests', and elders of the land, having as- 
 sembled together, commanded that no flour should he used on the 
 heads of soldiers ; and a tax was laid On all whomsoever" used hair 
 powder ; and the people called such that did guinea pigs. 
 Howheit the- dearth increased, so that the people and the kin: 
 servants ate hrown bread, according to law. 
 Now this was in the days of Pitt, the king's chief servant, who 
 also partook of this wholesome leaven, and complained much of his 
 And every one of the king's household did eat of the same, and 
 returned thanks to God that these things were not worse. 
 Even the warlike men of the country fed on the same, and they 
 called it brown tommy. 
 And behold in those days there was great roguery among the 
 bakers and mealmen, who, assembling together, communed with 
 each other how they might get rich and starve their customers. 
 And they said one to another, See how rich the merchants, ban- 
 kers, contractors, and loan jobbers have become, from the sweat of 
 our brow, let us do something for ourselves ; we will mix the flour in 
 their bread, and give the swinish herd households, coues, and mid- 
 dlings with the wheaten flour, whereby we shall grow rich, and yet 
 give full weight in every loaf. 
 For, lo! these rogues in grain feared the magistrate's standard more 
 than God's word, and to make weight used more water in their leaven 
 than the best flour required, insomuch that they made ninety and 
 more quartern loaves out of a sack, whereas the standard requires 
 but sixteen to be made from a bushel measure of flour. 
 Now th» people were sorely vexed with th< ;s. 
 George the Third. 
 IIowlx it, they suffered those oppressions a long time without mur- 
 muring, till, at lust, they rose id a body, and proceeded to Mark- 
 kuie, where the cor:i-market is held. 
 Here they were met by the rulers and magistrates of the city, who 
 promised them redress. 
 But the chief magistrate, being a shrewd man, they dispersed, 
 after making a great noise ; for the wrath of the multitude is dan- 
 gerous, when the greedy after gain disturbeth the people. 
 And the inhabitants of the city were merchants and opulent manu- 
 facturers, workers in fine cloths, in gold and silver, in fine silks, in 
 jewels and precious stones, and all sorts of curious devices. 
 Moreover, many of them were contractors in beef, and biscuit, 
 and slops, and waxed rich by the war and the distresses of the 
 And the multitude was much discontented, and they communed 
 with each other, saying, 
 What profit have we in all our labour wherewith we labour un- 
 der the sun ; for have we not striven in vain, and vexed ourselves 
 for naught, seeing that we enjoy not even the labour of our hands ? 
 For, verily, are not the fruits thereof taken from U6 daily in taxes ? 
 But, behold, our task-masters, even the men that oppress us, for, 
 lo ! they ride in gilded chariots, and roll in luxuries ; yea, do they 
 not wantonly live on the spoils of the wretched 1 Are we not even 
 as bondsmen in our own land ? 
 And when the people saw these evils were not redressed, they 
 began to despair ; nevertheless, they continued to labour and mur- 
 mur as heretofore, and their artful oppressors, foreseeing that then- 
 grumblings would subside, continued to revel in luxury on the fruits 
 of their industry. 
 Now the king being old and stricken in years, his eyes becaniedim: 
 moreover, he was afllicted with a grievous malady.
 Gtorgc the Tliird. 
 And, behold, the wise men of the hmd were called together, also 
 the learned aod skilful, and such as were gifted in ih< art of curing 
 But, lo! the wisdom of the wise and the skill of the learned failed, 
 fot the malady of the king was not to be removed. 
 Therefore, by reason of his infirmities, be became incapable of 
 conducting the affairs of the land. 
 And it came to pass that certain of the king's servants, unto whom 
 the king had given power and authority, so that they might act un- 
 der him, even for the welfare of his kingdom. 
 They communed one with another, and said, See ye not that the 
 government is in our hands, forasmuch as the king our master 
 knoweth not aught we do. 
 Therefore, seeing that we have so convenient a season, let us, 
 therefore, improve it, even so that it ma\ prof.!, ourselves, our friends, 
 our wives, and our little ones ! 
 And, behold, the thing pleased them, and they straightv.av be?an 
 to rule over the people, yea, even as with a rod of iron. 
 Howbeit, the people murmured exceedingly, and they said one 
 unto another, Wherefore are we so oppressed ? 
 We will not have these men to reign over us. 
 Nevertheless, they regarded not the words of the people, for they 
 said, They are a stiff-necked generation ; therefore let us humble 
 them by adding unto their burdens. 
 And, behold, they set up an image, and the likeness thereof was 
 like unto a beast, but the name thereof was Ccnnplion. 
 And whosoever would not bow down unto the beast was called 
 disaffected. Moreover, those who spoke against the beast were 
 called seditious and blasphemous. 
 And many of the citizens were lined and imprisoned ; yea, also, 
 they were cast into dungeons, and were sent even unto remote cor- 
 ners of the earth. 
 Moreover, all the land was taxed, even all the houses and all the 
 property .
 George the Third. 
 And every horse, and every mule, and the young and the old, yea 
 even the very dogs were taxed. 
 Likewise the food and the raiment, and every thing that the earth 
 But tell it not in Gath, nor proclaim it to the heathen, for verily 
 the light of heaven was al^o taxed. 
 Moreover, the line gold was become paper, the silver was changed 
 into copper, and the commerce of the land was desolate. 
 And the people cried unto their task-masters, Why deal ye so 
 hard with us ? 
 Seeing ye have taken away the fruits of our labour, what more 
 can ye require ? Can ye have bricks without straw ? 
 But they gave no heed unto their complaints, but hardened their 
 hearts yet the more. 
 For they said, It is only by their poverty that this people can be 
 Therefore, when money failed, they brought forth their goods, 
 and there was sore distress throughout the land. 
 Moreover, the people groaned by reason of their burdens. 
 And great trouble came upon the merchants, and all those who 
 dealt in merchandize, both small and great. 
 Yea, even on them who dealt in meats and in drinks, in corn 
 and in wine, in silks and fine linens, and precious stones. 
 And in merchandize of all kinds, and many of them shut up their 
 shops and opened them not again ; and, behold, their names were 
 written in the book of bankrupts, where they remain unto this day. 
 Now it came to pass in the beginning of the days of the Regen«y, 
 lliat the spirits of the men of Albion began to revive. 
 Yea, they became clieerful even under their burdens. For, behold,
 George the Third. 
 great things had been reported !><>ili concerning the wisdom and th< 
 acts of the Regent. 
 Moreover, he had professed to commiserate the sufferings of tli" 
 people: yea he promised to espouse their cause, to re-establish the 
 institution* of their forefathers, and to forward the work of rcforma 
 tion in the land. 
 Therefore, he bad gained even the hearts of the people, and thev 
 1 1 1 v rejoiced at these tidings. 
 For they said, When evil counsellors are removed, and men ol 
 integrity hear ride, then will justice prevail ; yea, virtue shall be ts- 
 tablished, and the fury of the oppressor shall cease. 
 And then, O Albion ! shall thy glory be renewed, and thv 
 desolation shall be built up, our goodly heritage shall be restore.!, 
 even the heritage of our forefathers. 
 And after this manner did the people comfort one another, and 
 they looked forward with hope that, peradventure, he might deliver 
 the land. 
 But the hopes nf men are vain : for, behold, in the sixth month, 
 even in the month called June, and on the nineteenth day of the 
 same, the Regent «ave a mighty feast unto all his lords, and his 
 uobles, and unto all the line ladies, with their maidens and damsels, 
 and all the great men of the- land. 
 And he caused his palace to be adorned after a splendid manner, 
 so as to exceed even the princes of the East. 
 For he had appointed unto the work artificers and cunning work- 
 men, and all such as were skilful in working both in gold and 
 in silver. 
 And the courts of his palace, with the chambers thereof, were 
 decorated with gold, and all manner of curious workmanship. 
 And there were also chambers, which were called chambers of 
 stale, and, lo ! they exceeded them all ; for when the eve beheld 
 them it was dazzled with their magnificence ; yea, they appeared 
 even like unto rooms of gold. 
 And, behold, when the guests were assembled, and the banquet
 George the Third. 
 was ready, then was the Regent seated upon his throne, which was 
 also adorned with great grandeur; for it was covered with rich velvet, 
 and splendidn dect rated with fine gold. 
 And his table was covered with luxuries, and with savoury meats ; 
 yea, with dainties of all kinds, ami with i.»>al wines ia abundance. 
 Moreover, they did eat and they drank, even out of vessels of 
 pure gold. 
 And, lo ! the evening was warn), and the melody of instruments 
 was heard in the gardens: for there was music, and dancing, and 
 great rejoicing, even unto the morning of the twentieth day. 
 And when the people beheld these things they marvelled greatly 
 and were filled with amazement. 
 For, verily, both for cost and for splendour, there was not seen 
 anything like u%to it, no not in all the land of Albion. 
 And, behold, there was great murmuring among the people ; and 
 many of them said, Wherefore is all this waste? Are there not 
 many citizens now pining in want, whom this money would have com- 
 forted ; vea, it would have done away sorrow from their hearts, and 
 have caused the eye of the mourner to weep for joy. 
 For, verily, is there not a time for all things ? even a time to re- 
 joice, and a time to mourn ; yea, also, a time for neither 1 
 And the murmurs of the people increased ; for the beast of Cor- 
 ruption was not removed from the high places; neither did the Regent 
 follow after reform, as he professed, but he walked in the steps of 
 his predecessor, even of Charles II. and followed him in all his 
 And he reinstated Goliah, the hero of Dunkirk, and made him 
 chief over the legions of his warriors. 
 And he reinstated Goliah.] — This was the first unpopular act of the Regent, and ex- 
 cited very general indignation. Eiihcr the Duke of York was guilty of corrupt par- 
 ticipation in the brokerage of commissions, or of the most culpable connivance at the 
 conduct of his kept-mistress. In either case, he appeared unworthy and unqualified 
 for the high office of commander-in-chief of the army. 
 Another appointment by the Regent shortly after was still more unpopular. This 
 was the appointment of Colonel M'Mahon, a favourite ot" the Prince, to be pay-mas- 
 ter of widow's pensions, a place mentioned in the report of the commissioners for
 Gecrrgt the Third. 
 Moreover, he persecuted li i> wife anew, refused to admit her unto 
 his presence, and treated her with all manner of contumely. 
 And he placed corrupt men over the people, who had dealt de- 
 ceitfully in the land; yea, who had bartered away their rights, and 
 who goaded them with their oppressions. 
 And the people said, Surely we have been deluded ; for, verily, it 
 was no true report which we have heard, concerning his wisdom, his 
 humanity, and his patriotism. 
 Howheit, many believed, and were slow to helievc, all that was 
 reported concerning him; nevertheless, they have been deceived. 
 And, during these things, there came a man unto the servants of 
 the Regerrt. 
 public accounts as one of those sinecures which ought to be abolished, which opinion 
 was confirmed by the commissioners of military inquiry. The Perceval adroinistra- 
 tiou defended, as well asthey were able, this appointment; but the national feeling 
 ■was so decidedly against it, that a resolution for the abolition of the place at length 
 passed by 115 votes against 112. Colonel M'Mahon was remunerated lor bis loss by 
 the post of keeper of the privy purse and private secretary to the Prince Regent. 
 This arrangement gave as much offence as the other. On the 23d of March, Mr. 
 Ward questioned the chancellor of the exchequer on the duties and salary of a place 
 with theexistence ol which he was unacquainted, when he was informed that the same 
 office had been held under the late king, admitting, however, that this was Hot till 
 after his Majesty's deprivation of sight. 
 Moreover, he persecuted Wrtbffe anew.] — The time-serving character of politicians 
 was strikingly evinced by the conduct pursued towards the Princess of Wales on the 
 establishment of the regency. Up to this time, Mr. Perceval and his colleagues had 
 acted in tbti most honourable manner towards her Royal Highness. They had cleared 
 her of every imputation,— restored in r to the Court,— replaced ber in a palace, and 
 had done all her mosi sanguine wishes could have anticipated. But on the appoint- 
 ment of the recency, it seems, they acted under a different feeling. While the Prince 
 her husband, was exalted to the rank, power, and s-pl ;udoirr', of a king, the Princess 
 was suffered to remain in her former comparatively obscure and penurious state. No 
 Mfps were taken for the iucrc.sr ol bci income; she again became exposed to the 
 malignant calumnies of 'her enemies, while her maternal feelings were outraged by 
 the most odious restrictions^!! her intercourse with her daughter. This new storm of 
 persecution was carried on with the on nu tiauee or connivance of her former friends 
 and legal advisers, and the only reason that could be assigned for their apathy was, 
 that their present master was the vindictive persecutor of hor Royal Highness, whereas 
 George III. had always been her guardian and protector.
 George the Third. 
 * — ~T " — -- 
 And, behold, he had been journeying with merchandize into afar 
 country, where -he had fallen amongst thieves, who had evil intreated 
 him, and stripped him of his all. 
 And he said unto the servants of the Regent, Are ye not ap- 
 pointed to administer justice unto the people ? 
 Therefore, I pray ye to receive my petition, that ye may ex- 
 amine into my cause, and judge between me and those who have 
 oppressed me. 
 For, lo ! I have- suffered wrongfully these many years, even in 
 the sight of my own countrymen. 
 Aad he besought them many days, saying unto them, redress my 
 wrongs, and avenge me of mine adversary. 
 And they communed one with another, and said, What are this 
 man's wrongs unto us, for do we not live at our ease? Why, then, 
 should he disturb our repose? 
 And they said unto him, Begone ; and see that thou trouble us 
 not again. 
 And when the man saw that his cause was rejected, he was wrath 
 with the servants of the regent ; 
 And he straightway went into the Sanhedrim, where he abided 
 many days. 
 x\nd, lo, when he beheld the chief of the servants of the regent, 
 his indignation kindled at the sight of him ; 
 And he drew forth an instrument and slew him, so that he died, 
 ©yen as he entered the threshold of the Sanhedrim. 
 Moreover, when he had so done, he sat himself down quietly. 
 But the assembly were in great confusion, and they cried out one 
 and all, Who is he that hath done this deed ? 
 And he answered and said unto them, Behold, I am the man ; 
 therefore, do with me according to your pleasure. 
 And they bound him hand and foot, and they delivered him into 
 the hands of the keeper of a strong prison ; and they set a guard 
 over him, so that he might not escape from their hands.
 Gforge the Third. 
 And they led him into the judgement-hall, where he was condemned 
 to die ; for verily he had shed the hlood of man. 
 But, nevertheless, none of these things moved him ; tor he re- 
 garded not deatli as an enemy, hut he welcomed him even as his 
 friend ; for his days, alas ! had been few and evil. 
 And when the people beheld him, they marvelled, and many of 
 them even wept for his fate. 
 For they said, He died not as the coward died ; yea, but as a man 
 died he. 
 And, behold, fear and trembling came upon the rest of the ser- 
 vants of the regent ; for their hearts smote them, and they were in 
 great dread lest there should be more Bellinghams in the land ; and 
 they, therefore, resigned their places, and fled even every one of 
 them unto his house. 
 Now in those days lived a famous prophetess, named Joanna 
 Now in those days lived a famous prophetess.] This singular enthusiast was born in 
 1750, and was the daughter of a small tanner in Devonshire. The history of her 
 delusions places "nor in the. same rank with the Maid of Kent, Joan of Arc, and other 
 enthusiasts, who, under the influence of a warm imagination, have entertained the 
 strange conceit of an immediate communication with the Deity. For ninny years 
 Joanna lived a servant in Exeter and the neighbourhood, where her private character, 
 whatever opinion may be entertained of the extravagance of her fancies, was quite 
 irreproachable. From her early years she delighted in the study of the Scriptures; 
 and doubtless it was from brooding over the extraordinary relations of the sacred 
 volume — of prophecies, communications, miracles, and visions — that she first con- 
 ceived the idea of being a chosen subject for the divine agency. On all interesting 
 occasions of love or business she was accustomed to apply to Heaven for advice. 
 Sooner or later an answer was returned, by outward signs or inward feeling — a lan- 
 guage, by-the-bye, which frequently leaves the applicant in a distressing uncertainty, 
 sometimes as to the true interpretation, and sometimes with regard to a more impor- 
 tant preliminary, namely, whether the answer comes from Heaven or another place. 
 This was frequently the fate of Joanna, and we shall see, at the final catastrophe of 
 her miscarriage, she began to entertain serious doubts whether the whole of her mis- 
 sion was not The work of the Devil. Indeed, it is a singular fact in the history of all 
 communications from above, and throws considerable doubt over their reality, thut 
 George the Third. 
 And, behold, she was a chosen vessel, filled with the Holy Spirit, 
 jnd she prayed unto the Lord daily. 
 Howbeit, the devil, being provoked by her righteousness, appeared 
 unto her in the shape of a niethodist preacher, and tempted her. 
 And the devil said unto her, Wherefore, Joanna, liveth thou not 
 as other women ? 
 And she said unto him, Am I not one of the chosen of the Lord 1 
 wherefore should I follow the example of the daughters of the earth, 
 who live according to the flesh, and not according to the spirit] 
 And the Devil was grieved thereat : howbeit he continued to tempt 
 her, and he said unto her, Joanna, lie with me. Nay, she said, there 
 is no such thing done in England ; and behold thou would be as one 
 of the fools of the land, and I as one of the harlots of the city. 
 And the fame of Joanna waxed great, her followers marvellously 
 increased, and many believed her to be divinely inspired. 
 thev have always been made through the medium of weak and ignorant individuals, 
 in doubtful, sometimes unintelligible language, and the person to whom they have 
 been made lias frequently been left, according to the alternations in his bodily tem- 
 perament, in painful uncertainty as to their existence. To return to Joanna. It was 
 not till her forty-second year that she felt herself called to the high office of a pro- 
 phet. Sue was then visited by Mr. Sharpe, the Rev. S. Brice, and other divines, who, 
 like the wise men of the East, went to ascertain the veracity of her mission. Being 
 satisfied with her credentials, she was admitted a celestial messenger; her writings 
 were sealed with seven seals, and not being opened till 1802, a marvellous agreement 
 between her predictions and events was recognized, which determined these gentle- 
 men to announce her commission to the world. 
 And the Devil was grieved thereat.] The story of the virgin's temptation, as it 
 affords a specimen of her manner of seeking spiritual direction, will be be 3 t related in 
 her own words. " After that, (her courtship with a young man,) I kept company 
 with my brother-in-law, and then went to Exeter, to the place where I was directed. 
 But, oh! what a scene of misery broke out there. After being some years in the 
 house, the master of the house declared himself in love with me. No tongue can 
 paint the horror I felt to hear of love from a married man. I asked him how he 
 could make a profession of religion, and talk of love to another, whilst he had a wife 
 of his own. He said, that his love was not sinful ; it was only a religious love, which 
 no man that had such a wife as he had, that was roving after other men, could help ; 
 and told me ol mauy men that he had caught her with ; and now to see a maid so 
 mild and heavenly, endowed with every virtue — no religious man could help it. This 
 made me earnest in prayer, that the Lord would direct me what to do. I was an- 
 swered, that the Lord would direct me, and protect me, nothing should harm me ; 
 but I should not leave the house, for he had ends unknown to me to keep me in it. So in a 
 state of misery I staid there some time ; sometimes jealous that it was a wrong spirit 
 that ordered me to stay there. After that, he took a Methodist parson into his house, 
 \»ho declared himself a lover to the wife, in my presence, and despised the husband, 
 and wanted to set all the children against him." — Letters to Mr. Sharpe.
 George the Third. 
 And she sealed her disciples with her own se;d, whereby they were 
 made to inherit the tree of Jife, and heirs of the kingdom of 
 Moreover she prophesied ; foretelling of war, famine, and pesti- 
 lence ; and many of these things, as she had foretold, by the help of 
 William Pitt and the Devil, came to pass; so that her fame waxed 
 great in the land, and many believed. 
 And Joanna having lived upright before all men, it came to pass, 
 that in the sixty-fifth year of her age, her belly marvellously 
 increased, and she was greatly alarmed because of the scandal 
 Howbeit the angel Gabriel appeared unto her, and said, Fear not, 
 for the child thou carrieth in thy womb is of the Holy Ghost, and 
 behold, when thou bringeth him forth, he shall be the first of all 
 mankind, and to him shall be the gathering of the people. 
 And the Prophetess told those things to her disciples, who marr 
 veiled greatly, seeing Joanna was a virgin, and had not tasted of 
 man in all her days. 
 Many, however, were deceived, even the priests and doctors of the 
 land were deceived. 
 And she sealed her disciples with her own seal.] This wonderful talisman, which pro- 
 tected the owner from every danger to which he was liable in the establishment of 
 Shiloh's kingdom, consisted only of a circle, inclosing the two letters I. and C. with a 
 star above and below; and within the paper was written the following words: — " The 
 sealed of the Lord, the Elect, Precious, Man's Redemption; to inherit the Tree of 
 Life; to be made Heirs of (Jod and Joint Heirs of Jesus Christ." The whole was 
 authenticated with the signature of the prophetess. The number of the sealed, in 
 conformity with the seventh chapter of the Revelations, was to extend to one hundred 
 and forty-four thousand. 
 Many, however, were deceived, even the priests and doctors.] Among the number of 
 her converts were many divines of the Established Church, besides several gentlemen 
 of respectability. Dr. Rcece, an eminent physician in Piccadilly, was completely 
 taken in with the symptoms of pregnancy exhibited by the virgin. When the real 
 complaint of Joanna was ascertained, the Doctor wished to turn round, and repelled, 
 with great indignation, the imputation of his credulity. But this would not do. After 
 a full inspection of the prophetess, in every point, with the exception of one which 
 the delicacy of Joanna's feelings, as a virgin, would never allow, the Doctor had, 
 on being waited upon by a deputation of her followers, headed by the Rev. Mr. 
 Toley, declared his belief in her pregnancy.
 George the Third. 
 And as the time drew nigh when the virgin was to be delivered ; 
 many anxiously waited to proclaim the promised Shiloh to the world ; 
 when lo! the bubble burst, and it was discovered, that, instead of the 
 Holy Ghost, she was filled only with wind and water. 
 Thus ended the delusion of Joanna: howbeit, many of her dis- 
 ciples still believe in her divine mission, and are waiting for her 
 coming in power and great glory, when the kingdom of Shiloh shall 
 be established, and her enemies trampled under her feet. 
 Now it came to pass that the world was in a profound peace and 
 there was no more war in the land. 
 Moreover the kings of the earth had uuited together, and fought 
 with Napoleon Buonaparte, and discomfited him in many battles, and 
 banished him to the island of St. Helena, where that he may long 
 remain let us pray. 
 And George the Third, being old and stricken in years, he died, 
 and was buried in the royal chapel of Windsor ; and George the 
 Fourth, his son, reigned in his stead. 
 Thus ended the delusion of Joanna.] The history of this singular fanaticism would 
 hardly 'leserve notice, were it not far the opportunity it affords of remarking how 
 narrowly ihe world escaped the establishment of a new religion. A little more zeal, 
 a Utile more knavery, and a little more talent, on the part of Joanna's followers, might 
 have rendered her doctrines as popular as any other superstition, with which mankind 
 have been enslaved. There were all the materials for building up a new system of 
 faith. There were miracles, prophecies, revelations, and visions, attested and believed ; 
 but there did not arise any preacher with the cunning and indefatigable activity of a 
 Wesley, nor the overpowering eloquence of a Whitfield : and, moreover, thai great 
 nurse of superstition — persecution, was*, to the credit of government, never adopted to- 
 wards the Joanuites, who were thus without any means whereby their doctrines could 
 be successfully advocated, or their truth by their sufferings exemplified.
 George the Third. 
 And George the Fourth is a glorious prince, and that he may long 
 reign over us, with Caroline his Queen, let us pre) ; moreover, that 
 their reign may be prosperous and happy, and that they may love and 
 cherish each other for ever and ever, let us pray. 
 Now these are the acts of all the kings of England from William 
 the Norman unto this day, and, behold, here are their 'genealogies. 
 George the Third was the grandson of George the Second, who 
 was the son of George the First, who was the cousin of Anne, who 
 was the sister-in-law of William the Third, who was the son-in-law 
 of James the Second, who was the brother of Charles the Second, 
 who was the son of Charles the First, who was the son of James the 
 First, who was the cousin of Elizabeth, who was the sister of Mary, 
 who was the sister of Edward the Sixth, who was the son of Henry 
 the Eighth, who was the son of Henry the Seventh, who was the 
 cousin of Richard the Third, who was the uncle of Edward the 
 Fifth, who was the son of Edward the Fourth, who was the cousin 
 of Henry the Sixth, who was the son of Henry the Fifth, who was 
 the son of Henry the Fourth, who was the cousin of Richard the 
 Second, who was the grandson of Edward the Third, who was the 
 son of Edward the Second, who was the son of Edward the First, 
 who was the sou of Henry the Third, who was the sou of John, who 
 was the brother of Richard the First, who was the son of Henry the 
 Second, who was the cousin of Stephen, who was the cousin of 
 Henry the First, who was the brother of William Rufus, who was 
 the son of William the Conqueror, who was the son of a whore. 
 Two great events, the American and Revolution Wars, must determine the public 
 character of George the Third. Both these struggles were the peculiar work of 
 the late king. He first suggested the scheme of taxing America, and it is well known 
 that Insurgent declarations to the aristocracy of the dangers of Republican principles, 
 first seduced that bodyi and ultimately the nation, intothe French Crusade. In both, 
 the object was the same, namely, a denial of the right of freemen to participate in 
 the government they support, and to ameliorate their institutions conformably to 
 the public happiness and their inalienable rights. Both contests terminated happily 
 for mankind. — ingloriously for George the Third. America became a mighty nation, 
 rivalling in power, and equalling in virtue, the country irom which his obstinacy and 
 folly dissevered her for ever. France , after a tremendous struggle, has obtained, by the
 George the Third. 
 abolition of the privileges of Noblesse, — of feudal services, — of the power and wealth 
 of the church, — of the restrictions on industry,— the establishment of a national re- 
 presentation, and an equitable administration of justice to all classes, every object 
 for which the Revolution commenced. England, alone, has cause to mourn his 
 policy. France and America may rejoice in his hostility,— his narrow and despotic 
 maxims, — his German pride, — his bigotry and invincible obstinacy. 
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