pTANDARDISATION OF GRICULTURAL LABOUR By T. B. PONSONBY Printed by W. H. SMITH ^ SON, THE ARDEN PRESS, STAMFORD STREET, LONDON, S.E.i. (P7 This is a reprint of Mr. Tonsonby*s " Standardisation of Agricultural Labour^'' which was published by the Co-operative Reference Library, Dublin, and with their consent re-published by the Country Gentlemen's Association in their Tear-Book. MAIN LIBRARY-AGRICULTURE DEF^. . The Standardisation of Labour By T. B. PoNSONBY. THK condition of agricul- tural labour is not satisfac- tory, and this is one of the reasons why the return of high agricultural prices has not resulted in an increase of tillage. If agriculture is to share in the reconstruction after the war, it is certain that this question must be tackled. Briefly, the labourer complains that he is underpaid, and the em- ployer answers that he cannot pay a higher wage for the inferior labour he receives. Both these views are probably correct, and together they form a vicious circle. There appears to be no evi- dence that the payment of a higher wage does of itself produce greater efficiency. At the same time, it should be noted that ' under existing conditions a labourer has no recognised guaran- tee that an increase of his effici- ency will secure him a higher wage. I The result is that the agricul- ' tural labourer is notorious for the inefficiency of his work, and for \' the low standard of his living. The fact that this state of affairs has existed so long shows that the remedy is not easily found ; but, having accepted the view that this condition is un- satisfactory, we must either at- tempt a solution, or give up the case as hopeless. The latter method, whatever the facts, is unworthy of adoption, and we are therefore left with the necessity of, at any rate, attempting a remedy. It may be accepted that the , highest efficiency can only be obtained when accompanied by a thoroughly satisfactory condition of mind as well as of body, ! and this is wrapped up in the larger problems of housing, edu- cation, recreation and the develop- ment of both the desire and op- portunity for the better employ- ment of spare time and money. Alcoholism and its connection" with the supply of suitable food is no less important ; but -till these are outside the scope of the pre- sent article, which will confine itself to the immediate difficulties of the question — namely, the combating of idleness and the en- couragement of increased effici- ency in the worker. Since the chief cause of idleness is boredom, and the absence of reward the chief deterrent to increased efficiency, we must at- tempt to increase the labour^'s interest in his work, and to suggest a means of recognising and rewarding an increase in his efficiency. For many reasons no real pro- I gress can be made, unless we can | define a day's work. For instance, ( it is one of the duties of the employer to see that his men do a fair day's work, and if he does not know what this is, his opinion as to whether a labourer does a fair day's work or not must be , based on something other than THE. STANDARDISATION OF LABOUR ) the actual amount 'of work done. Such a stAt6 pijaiffjiirsH ipbvi^usjy wrong, arid* R ^]pt 'to lead to un- fairness on the one side, and deceit or intrigue on the other. Again, a labourer has a perfect right to ask what amount of work .' is to be expected of him, and unless his employer has some definite views on the matter, he cannot give a proper answer. It is almost impossible to take an interest in work which has no apparent object ; and where there is one, the nearness or remoteness of it has a considerable efiect upon the amount of interest awakened. On the farm the ob- ject of much of the work is only realised after a considerable time, and it is impossible to expect the labourer to take the same interest in it as his employer, for he may not even be on that farm when the results of his labour show themselves. If his interest is to be stimulated, it must be centred on something less remote — and , this is one of the objects of i standardisation of labour. There is a very definite pleasure in finishing anything, and a sense of relief when the day's work is definitely done. No matter how trivial the work, the satisfaction of feeling that it is done and finished with, or that the amount allotted to that day has been accomplished, is so real that it is well worthy of cultivation. By establishing standards of i labour we not only give the work- ■ man a definite and immediate object for his labour, but we place him on an altogether different footing. If he has done his work his position is definite — he has earned, and not merely _jreceived, his pay.> Any doubt as to what his employer thinks of his abilities may be discarded ; he is a free man, and every even- ing he may return home with a pleasant feeUng that his work is done and his efficiency proved. The advantages to the em- ployer are equally great. His suspicions as to whether his men work in his absence or not are set at rest. There is no doubt as to whether the work is done or not, and he has some definite basis on which to estimate how long work will take, and what should be its cost. This is the essence of management, and management determines the success or failure of a farm more than any other single factor. By fixing a standard of labour we supply something analogous to bogey at golf, or even to the goals at football. If football were played without goal-posts, one team might assert an overwhelm- ing superiority over the other, and yet the whole thing would be unsatisfactory because definite proof would be wanting. The advantages gained by thus standardising work are so well recognised that it has been ac- cepted as a law that a specific amount of work to be performed in a definite time is more effici- ently done than a similar amount of work to be performed in an indefinite time. We must next adopt a system of payment designed to recognise and reward increased efficiency in the worker. Such a system must recognise three facts : — (a) A man will do his best if ade- quately rewarded, and not otherwise, and his reward should be proportionate to his efficiency ; (b) The reward must be prompt, for the present value of a reward decreases rapidly with the remoteness of its realisa- tion ; (c) The system should promote and not impair feelings of goodwill between employer and employed, for the results THE STANDARDISATION OF LABOUR of much farm labour depend to a very great extent on the existence of such feelings. The following systems of pay- ment are worthy of considera- 1 tion :— / I. Day Work. — Ordinary pay- / ment by time has the advantages of great simplicity and of a definite wage ; but it offers no incentive to increased efficiency. However, it must be frequently employed and, when possible, should be supplemented by a . bonus designed to offer an incen- \^tive in the desired direction, " For instance, it is not unusual to give shepherds a bonus on the results of the lambing season. It is better to give a larger bonus •on each lamb reared over and 'above, say, a lamb for each ewe, !than a smaller one on every lamb •reared. Or again, when milk is used for butter-making, the bonus to the milkers might bear some relation to the amount of butter-fat in the milk, because this is de- pendent to a great extent on the proper stripping of cows, which is the act in which carelessness of the milkers is most likely to show itself. 2. Piece Work has many de- sirable qualities, but it has the very great disadvantages that the fixing of the rate is liable to cause much ill-feeling. Employers are tempted to fix too low a rate, fearing that a high one would ex- / pose their ignorance of the work, I whilst labourers are often afraid / of earning all they might, lest the / piece rate be lowered next time. t-^ It has the further disadvantage that horses are apt to be over- driven and the work to be skimped. But neither of these need occur when the labourer is regularly employed under satisfactory con- ditions. Piece work, however, is not inherently at fault, and is to be recommended where the fixing of a fair rate is not a diffi- culty. 3. Differential Rate. — Here the men may be employed at a daily wage, but if the amount of work performed reaches a certain stan- dard, they are paid at a definitely higher rate. For instance, on a certain farm ploughmen receiving i8s, a week were found to average three- quarters of an acre per day, which was at a labour cost of 4s, per acre. The farmer told his men that if they would average one acre per day, he would raise their wages to 21S. per week. The men thus earned what was considered then a very good wage, whilst the labour cost to the farmer dropped to 3s. 6d. per acre, and he had the very great advantage of getting the work hurried on. It should be noted that the cor- rect application of this method ensures a benefit to both parties. Again, where it is very necessary to hurry on work, piece rates may be employed, a higher rate being paid for work done over and above a certain standard. For instance, loading dung into carts the men might be paid, say, 2d. per cubic yard for the first 20 cubic yards, and 3d. for each additional cubic yard per day, 4. Optional Day or Piece Rate. — By this system a definite piece rate is set for the work, but the men have the option of being paid either by the day or by the piece, and need not exercise their option until the pay day. For example, a drainage scheme was being carried out, the rate per yard hav- ing been fixed. Circumstances arose which made the progress very irregular and the result of THE STANDARDISATION OF LABOUR the piece work uncertain ; but tht' men workedon contentedly, know- ing that they were certain of tlic day's wage, and might earn a good deal more. The great ad- vantage of this system is that it gives the incentive to increased efficiency that is lacking in the day work system and also, to a great extent, avoids the annoy- ance or disappointment which an unsatisfactory piece rate may cause. The conditions of farm labour offer a very suitable field for the emplojnnent of this system. 5, The Stint System. — By this 1 system a definite amount of work ' is set to each man, having done which he may go home. Here, the labourer's reward is in spare time and not in money, and this is sometimes — ^though not always — of great value. 6. Profit Sharing Systems are not really applicable to farming. The reward is too remote, and based on complexities which the labourer cannot understand. It may here be noted that one of the most obvious and desirable examples of increased efficiency consists in greater regularity of attendance. This is important, because the planning of the work beforehand is one of the chief factors of successful farming, and the value of this planning depends upon the certainty with which the labour is available. The work done by a labourer regular in his attendance is of greater value to the farmer than similar work done by a man on whose attendance the farmer cannot rely. Standards of Labour. In fixing standards of labour an attempt is made to state what amoimt of work a normally efficient labourer should perform in a day. No attempt is made to fix a maximum ; the amount fixed should be such as can be con- siderably increased when a proper incentive is offered. In all cases normal conditions are assumed, and in the case of horse implements it is further assumed that the horses and im- plements are suited to each other and to the ground they work. It is not suggested that the amount of work done should necessarily be measured every day, but that a system should be at hand by which this can be done whenever necessary. The ordinary man, paying bills, does not necessarily always check the totals of every item of the weekly accounts sub- mitted to him by different traders ; but he should do so now and then, and should certainly always be able to do so. So it is with the standards of labour. They are for a definite purpose, and the amount of work done should closely approximate the standard. " As long as the ship keeps her course let her steer herself " is a very good nautical saying, and it is thoroughly ap- phcable to farming. Neverthe- less, the mariner from time to time glances at the compass ; and so should the farmer keep his standards before him. In no case is it suggested that the use of standards should dis- place common sense ; on the contrary, it is hoped that their use will stimulate the latter. Horse Implements. The number of acres which any implement should cover in a day ought to be known, and this depends upon (i) The distance travelled ; and (2) The width of the imple- ment. THE STANDARDISATION OF LABOUR By combining these two factors in a single expression we get an index by which the standard for any class of implements is arrived at. The Index is a figure which, when divided into the width of an implement in inches, gives the number of acres forming a stan- dard day's work for that imple- ment, and is based on the distance travelled by it whilst doing effec- tive work. An effective draught of ii miles is good work for ploughs and other slow-moving implements, and the index for this is 9, because if the width of the implement in inches is divided by 9, the quo- tient gives the number of acres that implement will do, if drawn for exactly 11 miles of effective work. Example, a plough turn- ing a 9-inch sod : 9 -f- 9 equals I acre per day, and in practice this is found to be quite a fair day's work. In the short days of mid-winter, or on heavy land, the index might be to, in which case the distance travelled would be practically 10 miles. Considered from another point of view, the plough in the first case has to travel 11 miles ; the pace should be about if miles per hour, and at this speed it would take about 6^ hours of effective work. Under ordinary conditions this should not be excessive, but to maintain such an average implies an efficiency of management which is rarely found. A cultivator working a width of 48 inches : 48 -^ 9 equals 5^ acres per day. This again, is quite good work, and above the average, but with efficient man- agement it should be maintained, and the labourer regularly accom- plishing it should be recognised as efficient. Harrows, to do efficient work, should move at a brisk speed, say, 2 miles per hour at least, and light harrows a bit faster. The index would be 8, on the assumption that there should be about 12^ miles of effective work done, and this, at 2 miles an hour, is 6 J hours' work. Another example may be taken from drill hoeing. Suppose a root crop is growing in drills 27 in. apart, and an implement is used doing 2 drills at a time. The width covered, therefore, is twice 'zy—i.e., 54 in. Drill hoes are light, fast-moving implements, and are used at a time of year when the days are long and conditions good. The index 7 may be used, requiring an effective draught of 14 miles : 54 -^ 7 equals 7f , say, 7I acres per day. Standards for other implements can be fixed by the same methods, and the system is equally appli- cable to work done by farm tractors, whose index would probably be about 6, requir- ing an effective draught of i6| miles. The exact index to bo used must be settled by the employer on the spot. By fixing an index higher or lower than the normal, allow- ances can be made for local conditions. Miles Index. Iinplemeats. Kflective Draught. 10 Ploughs, Heavy Cultivators . . 10 9 Ploughs, Cultivators, Heavy Harrows 11 8 Harrows, Rollers, Drills, etc., and fast-moving Implements subject to frequent stops . . I2i 7 Light Harrows, Hoes and fast moving Implements 14 6 Motor-drawn Implements l6i By dividing the width of an implement in inches by the index for its class, the quotient gives the number of acres that implement will cover if it is drawn th« number of miles shown in the third column. THE STANDARDISATION OF LABOUR With the help of this table it should not be difficult to deter- mine the amount of work which any implement will do. The farmer ought to be able to esti- mate the distance his horses should be able to draw any imple- ment under the conditions existing in the field, and having done this, the acreage can be determined by means of the index. Common sense, of course, must be applied, and if the implement works only in one direction and has to come back idle, it will do only half the work or thereabouts. For instance, a potato digger is a fast-moving implement, and there- fore has the index 7. Suppose potatoes are growing in drills 28 in. apart ; if the digger works in both directions it will do 4 acres per day, if in one direction only, then 2 acres or a little more will be its standard. Speed of Horses. Many experiments have been carried out to test the relative efficiency of horses at different speeds. A horse is found to exert his greatest efficiency at a low speed between 2 and 2| miles per hour ; above that speed his efficiency decreases gradually, and below it fairly rapidly. A plough should not be allowed to go at a slower speed than i| miles per hour ; from that to a miles per hour is normal plough pace. If the horse goes slower, he becomes very inefficient — in fact, at a very slow pace it is all he can do to balance himself, as may easily be seen by watching the track of a very slow-moving horse. It is analogous to the difficulty we experience in bicycling at a very slow speed. Harrows should be kept moving briskly. There is a marked dif- ference in the work done by the same harrow at different speeds When going along at 2J miles per hour a rapid vibrating motion is imparted to the harrow, which then does quite different work to that which the same harrow does at a slow speed. The steadiness of the draught is also of great importance in mowers and binders, particularly the latter. In carting, the speed at which horses travel is often quite ridicu- lously slow. There is no earthly reason why horses should cart at less than 3 miles an hour, espe- cially when the return journey is empty ; yet horses and men easily get into the habit of almost crawling. At 3 miles an hour a horse travels i mile in 20 minutes, which is J of a mile in 5 minutes. A trip of I furlong, which means a journey to a point i furlong away and back again (that is a total distance travelled of a furlongs) will take 5 minutes, and in estimating the number of horses required to keep some operations going steadily, such calculations are necessary. For instance, if two men can load 10 cwt. of roots into a cart in 6 minutes, in order to keep these men busy, a cart must come to them every 6 minutes to replace that moving away. A cart having to travel I furlong to the unloading point will be back in 6 or 7 minutes, according to the unloading facili- ties, and therefore, at this length of haul, a carts will keep the loaders busy. If the trip is 2 furlongs, an extra cart should be employed. The economies obtainable by attention to such matters will 8 THE STANDARDISATION OF LABOUR startle anyone who has not put the matter to the test. MANUAL LABOUR. Work. Standard Amount per Day. / Potatoes. Cutting sets. Late Varieties . . 8 cwts. „ „ Early „ •■ 9 „ Planting sets* i acre Dig with fork or spade . . . . i „ Sort, pick and fill into carts . . . . i „ Cabbages. Planting i „ Keans. Dibbling 1 „ Root Crops. Mangolds, dibbling I acre Mangolds, swedes or turnips — Hoe and single* J ,, Top, tail and lay in rows . . . . 8i tons Loading into carts roots prepared as above . . . . . . . . 20 „ Top, tail and load . . . . . . 6 „ Clamp, stack, or pit as delivered by carts *o „ Corn. Sow broadcast by hand . . . . 10 acres Bind and set up sheaves after reaper . . 1 1 „ Set up sheaves after binder . . . • 3 ,, Turn and reset sheaves . . . . 4 „ Load sheaves on to cart (extra man 20 tons required on cart), say . . . . 8 acres Farm Yard Manure. Load into carts 20 cubic yds. Spread as dumped from carts . . 20 „ „ I cubic yard about 14 cwts. Soiling Crops. Cut with scythe 8 tons Load 16 .. Cut and load Sj „ Hay. Load on cart (extra man on cart) . . 12 tons „ „ elevator .. .. .. 15 „ Milch Cows. Clean out byre and feed in winter . . 48 cows Milk : allow per cow in full milk . . 10 min. Road Work (Rea, How to Estimate). Pick up and level 3 inches deep . . 30 yds. super. Scrape. A man with a hand machine can scrape ofl road surface per day, when surface is soft and pliable and J to } inch thick . . . . 2,200 „ „ Giving of dirt about 61 loads Spread and level in 6-inch layers road metal per day . . . . • • 30 cubic yds. I cubic yard hand-broken metal covers 25 to 30 yds. super. Stone-breaking by hand to 2-inch cubi measured after breaking : — Limestone, whinstone . . ■ • ^i cubic yds. Basalt and igneous rock .. .. ij „ „ Load road metal into carts . . . . 20 „ „ say, . . 20J tons Excaualion. Load into carts loose earth or 20 cubic yds. similar material, say . . . . 20 tons Get (i.e.. Dig) and till into carts : — Light soil . . . . . . . . 13 cubic yds. Strong soil . . . . . . . . 12 „ „ „ Clay . . . . . . . . 10 „ Chalk 8 „ „ Unloading Carts (dump). Unload roots or easily deposited material . . . . . . . . 2 min. per load Manure or material that clings to cart : allow tor one heap . . . . . . 3 „ „ For each additional heap into which load is divided . . . . . . i „ „ In the foregoing table, work marked with a * refers torecognised daily averages in districts where the work is very highly developed, , and the standard here set may be too high in most districts. Some work, such as loading sheaves on to carts, necessitates an extra man on the cart to manage the sheaves. His time is not here included. The time given refers only to the man " pitching." The amounts given here have been derived from practical expe- rience, or from the following authorities : — Agricultural Surveyor's Hand- book (Bright). Agricultural Note Book (McCon- nell). Handbook for Surveyors (Hurst). Labour (Morton). How to Estimate (Rea) . In the case of loading into carts it is of course assumed that the loader is kept continually sup- phed with empty carts. As a general rule it may be assumed that a man will load with spade or fork about 20 tons of material, of which the spade or forkfuUs do not have to be detached from the mass. Such material would be broken road metal, loose earth, stones, sheaves of corn, roots ready pulled. Where loading and hauling are a combined operation it is neces- sary to know the time occupied by each part, in order that we may arrive at the number of trips that should be performed each day. In the following table it is assumed that the work is concen- trated into 8 effective hours : — Loading and Trip Table. The table is divided into pairs of companion columns, and is such that if the number of units which can be loaded in one day be found in one column, the time in minutes taken to load one unit stands opposite in the companion column. Again, if the total time taken over one trip {i.e., the sum of the times taken to load, haul, THE STANDARDISATION OF LABOUR unload and return) be found in one column, then the total num- ber of trips to be performed in one day stands opposite in the other column. * H" la 40 30 . s i6o \t 3* 3* 4 lao 30 It I to i8 a7 so 84 30 I 68 aa aa 43 6o *4 ao 46 10 9 li a6 i8 — 10 ati 17 For example, a man loads 20 tons stones per day into carts and therefore takes 24 minutes to load I ton. Again, carting stones, if it takes 32 minutes to load, haul, deliver and return, then 15 jour- neys can be done per day. HOW TO USE THE TABLES. ROLK I. To find the cost of any standardised operations ; Multiply the uumbtr of units of work to be per- formed by the Rate of Daily Pay, and divide by the Standard for that work. Example : — The men are paid 3s. 4