BP 561 S44ZW 1922 1 A = Ai ^-^^ CO = r- m - J. 1 == S! 3 = = o 8 1 5 = ^^= ro — ij 2 = 2 = Is 3 m ^= O — * 3 WADIA SOIVIE OBSERVATIONS ON THE STUDY OF THE SECRET DOCTRINE THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Some Observations on the Study of The Secret Doctrine of H. P. Blavatsky ■'. B. P. WADIA ^'«'0N H\<^^ Some Observations on the Study of The Secret Doctrine of H. P. Blavatsky B. P. WADIA 22 By Theosophical Association of New York. All Rights Reserved. B. P. WAD I A Growth Through Service The Inner Ruler Problems of National and International Politics Printed in the United States of America. FOREWORD ^ij^lZ^O REGARDING THE AUTHORSHIP OF THE SECRET DOCTRINE The Secret Doctrine is dedicated to all true Theoso- phists in every country and of every race, "For," said H. P. B.. "they called it forth and for them it wa^ recorded." The Secret Doctrine therefore is a Record, and thus a very different kind of a book than ordinary publications. For the student who wants to learn from this wonderful Record, it is necessary that he should take note of the following three very important and signihcant statements regarding the actual authorship of the book : — Statement (1) "I wonder if this note of mine is worthy of occupying a select spot with the docu- ments reproduced, and which of the peculiarities of the 'Blavatskian' style of writing it will be found to most resemble? The present is simply to satisfy the doctor that 'the more proof given the less believed.' Let him take my advice and not make these two documents public. It is for his own satisfaction the undersigned is happy to assure him that The Secret Doctrine, when ready, will be the triple production of ( here are the names of one of the Masters and of H. P. B.) and most humble servant," (signed by the other). On the back of this was the following, signed by the Master who is mentioned in the above: — "If this can be of any use or help to , though I doubt it, I, the humble undersigned Fa- quir, certify that The Secret Doctrine is dictated to (name of H. P. B.) partly by myself and partly by my brother " Statement (2) "The certificate given last year, say- ing that The Secret Doctrine would be, when finished, the triple production of (H. P. B.'s name), , and myself, was and is correct, although some have doubted not only the facts given in it, but also the authenticity of the message in which it was contained. Copy this, and also keep the copy of the aforesaid certificate. You will find them both of use on the day when you shall, as will hap- pen without your asking, receive from the hands of the very person to whom the cer- tificate was given, the original for the pur- pose of allowing you to copy it; and then you can verify the corrections of this pres- ently forwarded copy. And it may then be well to indicate to those wishing to know what por- tions in The Secret Doctrine have been copied by the pen of (H. P. B.'s name) into its pages, though without quotation marks, from my own manuscript and perhaps from _ , though the last is more difficult from the rarity of his known writing and greater ignorance of his style. All this and more will be found nec- essary as time goes on, but for which you are well qualified to wait." Statement (3) "I have also noticed your thoughts about The Secret Doctrine. Be assured that what she has not annotated from scientific and other works we have given or suggested to her. Every mistake or erroneous notion, corrected and explained by her from the works of other theosophists was corrected by me, or under my instruction. It is a more valuable work than its predecessor, an epitome of occult truths that will make it a source of information and instruction for the earnest student for long years to come." (From a letter of Master K. H. to Colonel Ol- cott, published in "Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom" — page 54) . Statements (1) and (2) given above will be found in "Reminiscences of H. P. B. and 'The Secret Doctrine^ " by The Countess Wachtnieister and Others, at pages ll'l — 116. The circumstances under which these certificates were given are narrated therein by Dr. Hubbe-Schleiden, page 113, as follows: "I never did and never shall judge of the value or the origin of any mental product from the way and manner in which it is produced. And for this reason I withheld my opinion then, thinking and saying: T shall wait until The Secret Doctrine is finished and then I can read it quietly; that will be the test for me, the only one that will be any good.' "This is the reason why on the night of my last part- ing from H. P. B., the two certificates, which were printed for the first time in the last April number of The Path, page 2, were given to me." SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE STUDY OF THE SECRET DOCTRINES OF H. P. BLAVATSKY.* "What I do believe in is: (1) the unbroken oral teachings revealed by living divine men during the infancy of mankind to the elect among men ; (2) that it has reached us unaltered ; and (3) that the Masters are thoroughly versed in the science based on such uninter- rupted teaching." H. V. B. in Lucifer, October, 1889. ''The Secret Doctrine is not a treatise, or a series of vague theories, but icontains all that can be qi'i'cn out to the world in this century." Secret Doctrine. Volume I, Page XXXVIII. (Edition 1888). People who attend classes for the study of The Secret Doctrine usually do so for one of two reasons. First, there are those who want the teachings for the purpose of self-improvement, who go to the book with the hope of obtaining simple, clear-cut formulae for the devel- opment of psychical or abnormal powers, such powers as the great author of the book, H. P. Blavatsky, is herself reported to have possessed; some seek mental self-improvement, hoping that the book will enable them to run the race of the competitive life on this earth in a more efficient manner. Secondly, there are those wlio go to the book with the hope of obtaining straight, definite teachings of Theosophy presented in a way that an ordinary intelligent individual can grasp, with the desire of imparting the teachings to others, and helping them to understand the great truths; these desire to « • Report of a talk to a Rroui) of students and cn