V \ \ v \\| 1 / SIB J ' ' ........ .... . .". - : THE GIFT FOR ALL SEASONS, WITH ani dlcgant x "Pailh.-IIope,- -Ohari.f .' NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY LEAVITT & ALLEN, NO. 879 BEOADWAY. MASONIC literature rich in all that pertains to the antiquity of the Prefer Ite growth and maturity while it affords much to illustrate the genial influence of its principles upon the domestic, and the social circle, has hitherto lacked that attrac- tive form, so fitting for Gift Books, and which has been adopted with so much advantage by other social organizations. Almost every society and order, has its Souvenir, or Offering, or Annual ; and the IDEA associated with these caskets of choice literature, that which makes them valuable, is at once a princi- ple and an inculcation of our Order The Editors of this volume have attempted to furnish a clus- ter from the field of thought and feeling cultivated under the broad sheen of our cherished institutions, that shall be agree- able to the taste of the fraternity. That they may not have made the most desirable selections in all cases is quite probable, but they do not hesitate to commit their work to the friendly criticism of those to whom it is inscribed, nor do they enter- tain the fear that they have entirely failed in the enterprise to which they have applied their efforts. 912739 ZSS Vifl JlfZOIt, ..* rAnrrn PAOI BEAUTY .... Corbeaox - - - FRONTISPIECE PRESENTATION PLATE Illuminated - - BEFORE TITLE JUSTICE Westall 42 FAITH .... Dubufe 80 HOPE Dubufe 148 CHARITY - - . Dubufe - 200 MASONIC CHARITY 9 ANCIENT MYSTERIES. . . Comp. Bradley. . 18 THE ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. ...... 16 A SPRING MELODY. . . Miss M. J. E. Knox. . . 33 WOMAN'S LOVE. . . . John T. Mayo. . . .84 THE MASONIC LADDER. .... 42 THREE PILLARS OF MASONRY 68 HYMN TO CHARITY . 71 MASONRY A REPUBLICAN IN- ) ~g STITUTION. 5 N PoEMs NG MR8 ' HEMAN8 ' } Ms* M. J. E. Knox. . . 79 MOSES AT THE BURNING BUSH. F. J. Otterson. . . .81 A DAY o' LOVE. . . . John Boyle. .... 84 LINES .'/ Young Lady born Blind. . 86 JANE WILLSON. A Sketch Almanzor. . . . .87 LIN POE?ES T S HE DEATH F "I J ' ' Ha 8 I THE LIGHT-HOUSE. . . Alfred A. Phillips. . . .111 To * * * *. A Response. . Duncan Gray. . . . 119 JENEAS. 122 SECRETS OF MASONRY. . . 123 MASONIC ODE. A Workman of the Temple. . 126 THE PRESSGANG 128 THE RECLAIMED. . . . Mrs. Alice C. Hallock. . . 141 MIRTHARESSA. . . . J. B. Murphy. . , . 149 THE WEDDING 162 A THOUGHT . 166 riii CONTENTS. Page DALCHO'S ELEGANT APOLOGY > ^ TO THE LADIES. ) * THE SPIRITUAL APPRENTICE'S > 1 r ft SONG. $ ' JOSHUA ............ 169 Aw OLD MANUSCRIPT ......... 161 MASONIC COUNSEL : Charges. Addresses, etc. MASONRY A UNIVERSAL RELIGION ..... . 206 GERMAN PRECEPT. . * ..... 211 SHIBBOLETH ......... 212 CONSTANTINETALBOT. ARO-) Tn**fMni* O1Q mance in Miniature. ] James Adair. . . MASONRY IN 1776. . . John D. Hoyt. . 238 THE MASTER'S SONG. . . Dr. Anderson. . 248 THE FOUR CARDINAL VIRTUES ....... 250 MASONIC MAXIM ..... * ..... 261 THE FATAL PREDICTION. . J. C. Hagen. . . . 252 MASONIC SONG .......... 254 MASONIC HYMN .......... 266 THEPATRIOT-MA.ON.OFOUR) BrOt Caleb Atwater. 256 COUNTRY. } THE MASON-'S BOAST ........ 261 THE TEMPLE. 9A o A80IIC CftAHXT. IN introducing this work to the notice of the noble and ancient Order of Masons, we do so, impressed that, although the harvest is ripe, the laborers are comparatively few. We have been subjected to the storms of life, as well aa the sunshine ; and with that experience, (for no experi- ence is so valuable as that which affords a personal evi- dence which evidence we can indubitably assert we are in possession of,) we feel that we cannot do less than, address the Masonic Fraternity on a subject they well understand. We trust they will do us the credit to believe, that in the publication of this Annual, we are not led to the adoption of this, our first attempt in this way, from motives of selfishness or pecuniary reward. We can candidly say, such is not our feeling. Our highest anticipation is, that a work may be presented that will teach the principles we espouse, and also be beneficial, not only to the members of 10 M A & Q ft f I! .CHARITY. the Qir'fe bi^;fr>uLd it lull within the notice of those who are not at present associated with us, that they may, by the precepts here taught, become wiser and better. The Order itself has one main object, " Universal Good ;" and in its dispensations, its view is to establish that great moral truth, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." This command must be admitted by every thoughtful individual to be essential to the duties and obligations we owe to each other as members of the vast brotherhood of humanity. A source, no matter how unpretending in its influence, that has humanity for its standard, cannot, we feel con- vinced, prove unavailable in its appeal to the judgment of the discerning and honest portion of community. The effects of any society are proved by its operations ; and it is unnecessary to observe, that the Masonic Order has at all times elicited a very warm sympathy for every individual within the limits of its influence. Nor has it been back- ward in administering to the numerous wants of those not connected with it. " Charity, or Love, is pure;" it knows no bounds, and, as such, is and ought to be open to all. It knows no ill ; and though it may have many claimants upon its philanthropy, yet it is not adverse to the general relief of necessity, wherever it may exist. The study of the leading axioms of this Order leads an individual to know himself, and this is a grand first prin- ciple ; for if Man knows himself, he must, " ex necessitate," see that, as a creature of circumstance?, there is not a moment of his life but affords the evidence that he is in- debted to his fellow-man for something. Every day'* MASONIC CHARITY. transactions naturally show him that he is a dependent being, resting for, in fact, all his comforts upon more or less exertion of his fellow-man. This being admitted, ought he not to reciprocate this feeling, and so carry out the force of his own convictions ? Most assuredly he ought, and with the most perfect and unbiased preten- sions. And as a very large portion of society is subject to reverse of fortune, the members of this ancient Order have laid down a means of alleviation where such was the case. The principal reverse alluded to is that of unfore- seen misfortune Sickness, whether by accident, or from natural causes. In this case the afflicted are provided for. Nor does it end here ; for, exclusive of the constitutional regulations, many a brother's private means are freely open to the pressing requirements of the unfortunate. Should the arch arrow of death overpower the means applied, still, to the last moment of existence, no exertions are left untried to effect the power of human skill ; and in the event of decease, the dying Mason, as the lamp of life gradually fades, has this consolation, that he can look upon the fond partner of his life, and the offspring of his love, and say, " These are cared for." Oh, what consolation to the poor son of earth, that can carry this comfort to his heart, faint- ing with the ravages of death ! that he can smile upon that wife, upon those children, and know he has no need of a solitary pang for their future condition, when his head shall be laid in the grave ! Death has its terrors the bravest have felt them but when the glassy eye can look upon its objects of endearment, and feel the assurance of 12 MASONIC CHARITY. provision for those lie loves in life, how greatly are those terrors assuaged ! An allowance to the widow provision for the children education promised and, in the event of children being orphans, an asylum provided ! In London an asylum for the orphan children of Masons is conducted upon the most liberal principles. That insti- tution was established by Mr. Ruspini, many years ago. In the great hall is his full-length portrait as the founder ; and the little ones look upon that picture with a love that is beautiful to behold. His countenance beams with joy while he is leading little children, one on each hand, as an earthly protector. How singularly this picture coincides with the frontispiece of this work ! There we behold our beloved Washington, leading children by the hand, with La Fayette, Hancock, and De Kalb, in the back-ground, giving a sanc- tion to the grand example of the Father of our Country ! JOHN PEBRY. ANCIENT MYSTERIES. BY COMP. BRADLEY. DURING the reign of Solomon, especially, as well as before and afterwards, a very intimate connection existed between the Jews and Egyptians. Moses was born in Egypt and educated in Pharaoh's court, until he was forty years old, and was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds. Solomon married Pharaoh's daughter, and brought her into the city of David. This affinity with the king of Egypt inclined many of his nobility to visit Jerusalem ; and commercial arrangements were made and carried on amicably between those nations. From this reciprocal connection, we are inclined to infer that Masonry was introduced among the Egyptians. Be this, however, as it may, we are informed, by several authen- tic historians, that masonry did flourish in Egypt soon after this period. By this mysterious art existing in our prin- ciples, and smiled upon by the Father of lights, ancient Egypt subsisted, covered with glory, during a period of fifteen or sixteen ages. They extended our system of bene- volence so far, that he who refused to relieve the wretched, when he had it in his power to assist him, was himself punished with death : they regarded justice so impartially, that the kings obliged the judges to take an oath, that they 14 ANCILNT MYSTERIES. would never do anything against their own consciences, though they, the kings themselves, should command them. They would not confer upon a bad prince the honors of a funeral. They held a session upon every noted Egyptian who died, for the direct purpose of inquiring how he had spent his life, so that all the respect due to his memory might be paid. They entertained such just ideas of the vanity of life, as to consider their houses as inns, in which they were to lodge as it were only for a night. They were so laborious, that even their amusements were adapted to strengthen the body and improve the mind. They pro- hibited the borrowing of money, except on condition of pledging a deposit so important that a man who deferred the redemption of it was looked upon with horror. It is well-known that the Egyptian priests have uniformly been considered by ancient historians as possessing many valuable secrets, and as being the greatest proficients in the arts and sciences of their times. Whether they actually possessed the masonic secrets or not, we cannot absolutely determine ; but we have strong circumstantial reasons to believe they did. It was here that Pythagoras was initiated into their mysteries, and instructed in their arts. It was here that sculpture and architecture, and all the sciences of the times, were so greatly perfected. And here, it has been thought by some of the most curious observers of antiquity, masonry has been held in high estimation. ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. 15 S3! OMftXSr 01 THE antiquity and utility of FREEMASONRY, being gen- erally acknowledged in most parts of the habitable globe, it would be as absurd to conceive it required new aids for its support, as for him who has the use of sight to demand .1 proof of the rising and setting of the sun. Nevertheless, in compliance with the requests of many worthy brethren, I shall lay before my readers some strictures on the origin, nature and design of that institution ; and with prudent re- serve confute and avert the many shameful and idle false- hoods which are industriously propagated by its enemies, the better to inform the candid and well-meaning, who might not readily know how to investigate the truth, or want leisure and opportunity for that purpose. If our first parent and his offspring had continued in the terrestrial paradise, they would have had no occasion for mechanic arts, or any of the sciences now in use ; Adam being created with all those perfections and blessings, which could either add to his dignity, or be conducive to his real welfare : in that happy period he had no propensity to evil, no perverseness in his heart, no darkness or obscurity in his understanding ; for had he labored under these maladies, he would not have been a perfect man, nor would there be 16 ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. any difference betwixt man in a state of innocence, and in a state of degeneracy and corruption. It was, therefore, in consequence of his wilful transgression that any evils came upon him. And having lost his innocence, he in that dreadful moment forfeited likewise his supernatural lights and infused knowledge, whereby every science (as far as human nature is capable of) was rendered familiar to him without the tedious labor of ratiocination, requisite to men even of the greatest abilities, whose ideas after all remain weak and imperfect. From this remarkable and fatal era, we date the neces- sity and origin of the sciences. First arose divinity, where- by was pointed out to fallen man the ways and will of God, the omnipotence and mercy of an offended Creator: the law,* as directing us to distribute justice to our neighbor, and relieve those who are oppressed or suffer wrong. Then royal art was beyond all doubt coeval with the above sciences, and was carefully handed down by Methuselah, who died but a few days before the general deluge, and who had lived 245 years with Adam, by whom he was instructed in all the mysteries of this sublime science, which he faith- fully communicated to his grandson Noah, who transmitted it to posterity. And it has ever been preserved with a veneration and prudence suitable to its great importance, being always confined to the knowledge of the worthy only. No sooner had Adam transgressed the divine command, than we find him cited to appear before the Almighty Judge. When, self-accused, after hearing hit defence, sentence was pronounced upon him ; a method of proceeding in that science, which lu been adopted in criminal cases, by the more enlightened na- tion*, ft 5m that period and example, down to the present day. ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. 17 This is confirmed by many instances, which men of reading and speculation, especially such as are of this society, cannot suffer to escape them. At first mankind adhered to the lessons of nature ; she used necessity for the means, urged them to invention, and assisted them in the operation. Our primitive fathers, see- ing the natural face of the earth was not sufficient for the sustenance of the animal creation, had recourse to their faithful tutoress, who taught them how to give it an arti- ficial face, by creating habitations and cultivating the ground ; and these operations, among other valuable effects, led them to search into and contemplate upon the nature and properties of lines, figures, superfices and solids ; and by degrees, to form the sciences of geometry and architec- ture, which have been of the greatest utility to the human species. Hence we were first taught the means whereby we might attain practice, and by practice introduce specu- lation. From the flood to the days of King Solomon, the liberal arts and sciences gradually spread themselves over different parts of the globe ; every nation having had some share in their propagation ; but according to their different manners, some have cultivated them with more accuracy, perseverance and success than others ; and though the secrets of the royal art have not been indiscriminately revealed, they have nevertheless been communicated in every age to such as were worthy to receive them. But I am not at liberty to undraw the curtain and publicly descant on this head : it is sacred and ever will 18 ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. remain so ; those who are honored with the trust, will not reveal it except to the truly qualified brother, and they who are ignorant of it cannot betray it. I shall, however, observe, that this art was called royal, not only because it was originally practised by kings* and princes, who were the first professors of it, but likewise on account of the superiority which so sublime a science gave its disciples "over the rest of mankind. Tliis supreme and divine knowledge being derived from the Almighty Creator to Adam, its principles ever since have been, and still are, most sacredly preserved and inviolably concealed. For as all things in process of time are liable to decay and corruption, the ancient professors, wisely foreseeing the great abuses which their exalted mys- teries might sustain, if generally made known, determined to confine the knowledge of them only to select brethren, men whom they had found by long experience to be well versed in the general pinciples of the society, and who were eminent for their piety, learning and abilities. From the earliest ages of antiquity, the royal art was ever taught with the greatest circumspection, not in schools or academies, to a promiscuous audience, but was confined to certain families ; the rulers if which instructed their The celebrated Selden tells us, that civil society, beginning first in particular families, under economic rale, representing what is now a commonwealth, had in iti state, the husband, father, and master, as King (Selden's works, torn. 3, col. 927). And in Abraham's treaty with the sons of Heth, for a burying place for Sarah, they style him a mighty Prince ; as indeed he was (Gen. xxiii. 6). In a word, not only Adam, but all the succeeding patriarchs, as well before as after the flood, had by th laws of nature, kingly power over their respective families. ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. 19 children or disciples, and by this means conveyed their mysterious knowledge to posterity. After the flood, the professors of this art (according to ancient traditions) were first distinguished by the name of Noachidae (or sons of Noah), afterwards by that of sages or wise men (men instructed as Moses in all the wisdom of the Egyptians), Chaldeans, philosophers, masters in Israel, &c., and were ever venerated as sacred persons. They consisted of persons of the brightest parts and genius, who exerted their utmost abilities in discovering and investi- gating the various mysteries of nature, from whence to draw improvements and inventions of the most useful conse- quences. Men whose talents were not only employed in speculation, or in private acts of beneficence, but who were also public blessings to the age and country in which they lived, possessed with moderate desires, who knew to con- quor their passions ; practisers and teachers of the purest morality, and ever exerting themselves to promote the har- mony and felicity of society. They were, therefore, consult- ed from all parts, and venerated with that sincere homage which is never paid but to real merit, and the greatest and wisest potentates on earth esteemed it an addition to their imperial dignities to be enrolled among such bright orna- ments of human nature. A principal excellence which rendered them famous among men was taciturnity, which, in a peculiar manner, they practised and inculcated as necessary for concealing from the unworthy what few were qualified to learn, and still fewer to teach. JO ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. In the first ages of the world science was in a low state ; because the uncultivated manners of our forefathers ren- dered them in. general incapable of that knowledge which their posterity have so amply enjoyed : the professors of the royal art, therefore, found it absolutely requisite, to exclude the more unworthy and barbarous part of mankind from their assemblies, and to conceal their mysteries under such hieroglyphics, symbols, allegory and figures, as they alone could explain (even at this day it is indispensible in us, to prevent future bad consequences, by concealing from vulgar eyes the means used by them to unfold such mysteries), wherefore the greatest caution was ever observed at their meetings that no unqualified person might enter amongst them; and every method was employed to tyle them securely, and conceal the real intent and design of their convocations. In order to render their proceedings more edifying and extensively useful, charges were delivered at certain times, as well for regulating the conduct of the fraternity, as pre- serving that mark of distinction which their superior merit justly entitled them to. Several of those ancient orations are still extant, by which it appears that, among others, one of their principles was to inculcate by precept, and enforce by example, a strict ob- servance of the moral law, as the chief means of supporting government and authority. And it is evident that they thereby effected their purpose, and secured to themselves the favor, respect, and esteem of the world in general ; and, notwithstanding the indolence and ignorance of some ages, ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. 21 the various countries, languages, sects, and parties, through whick Masonry has passed, always subjected to the neces- sity of oral tradition, and under the numerous disadvantages with which the masters of the royal art had to struggle in the course of many centuries, still does it retain, in a great degree, its original perfection; a circumstance that not only bears honorable testimony of intrinsic worth, but is highly to the praise of those to whom this important trust has been from time to time committed. After this concise and general account of the ancient pro- fessors of the royal art, and the sublime truths which they were possessed of, and were by them transmitted down to posterity in the manner before described, we will proceed to the building of that glorious edifice, at which period this society became a regular and uniform institution, under the denomination of Free and Accepted Masons, whose customs and proceedings I shall describe as far as may be necessary and prudent. Though the almighty and eternal Jehovah has no occasion for a temple or house to dwell in, for the heaven of heavens is not capable of containing his immensity, yet it was his divine will that a tabernacle should be erected for him in the wilderness by Moses, and afterwards a temple by Solomon, at Jerusalem, as his sanctuary; both of which were to be constructed, not according to human invention, but after a, pattern which the Lord himself had given. The whole model of the tabernacle was shown to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exod. xxv. 9). and the pattern of the temple was likewise given to David by the hand of the ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. Lord, and by him delivered to Solomon his son (1 Chron. xxviii. 11). The tabernacle might be considered as the palace of the Most High, the dwelling of the God of Israel ; wherein the Israelites, during their journeyings in the wilderness, per- formed the chief of their religious exercises, offered their sacrifices, and worshipped God.* It was thirty cubits in length, ten in breadth, and ten in height ; it was divided 'into two partitions, the first was called the holy place, which was twenty cubits long, and ten wide: here were placed the table of show-bread, the golden candlestick, and the golden altar of incense. The second was called the most holy place, whose length was ten cubits, and breadth ten cubits, wherein, before the building of the temple, the ark of the covenant was kept, which was a symbol of God's gracious presence with the Jewish church. The most holy place was divided from the holy place by a curtain or veil of very rich cloth, which hung upon four pillars of Shittim wood, that were covered with plates of gold (Exod. xxvi. 31. Heb. ix. 23). The temple erected by Solomon (which was built after the model of the tabernacle) at Jerusalem, had its foundation laid in the year of the world 2992, before Christ 1008, be- fore the vulgar era 1012 ; and it was finished A. L. 3000, and dedicated 3001, before Christ 999, before the vulgar era 1003. The glory of this temple did not consist in the magnitude of its dimensions ; for though it was twice as lorg and capacious every way as the tabernacle, yet, alone, * The tabernacle was erected about A. L. 3513. ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. 28 it was but a small pile of building. The main grandeur and excellency were in its ornaments ; the workmanship being everywhere exceeding curious, and the overlayings prodigious : in its materials, being built of new, large stones, hewn out in the most curious and ingenious manner ; in its out-buildings, which were large, beautiful, and sump- tuous; but still more admirable in this majestic edifice were those extraordinary marks of divine favor with which it was honored, viz. : the ark of the covenant, in which were put the tables of the law and the mercy-seat, which was upon it ; from whence the divine oracles were given out, with an audible voice, as often as God was consulted in behalf of his people ; the Schechinah, or the divine presence, manifested by a visible cloud resting over the mercy-seat ; the urim and thummum y by which the high-priest consulted God in difficult and momentous cases, relating to the public interest of the nation ; the holy fire which came down from heaven, upon the altar, at the consecration, these, indeed, were excellencies and beauties derived from a divine source, distinguishing and exalting this sacred structure above all others (1 Kings xviii. 38). David, filled with the hopes of building this temple, declared his intentions to Nathan the prophet (2 Sam. vii. 1, 2, 3) ; but this was not permitted him, because his reign had been attended with wars, blood- shed and slaughter, and he still had to contend with many powerful enemies ; but, though forbid to execute this divine and glorious work, he made considerable preparations for that purpose ; which having done, and drawing towards his latter end, he assembled all the princes and chief persons 24 ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. of his kingdom, and ordered and encouraged Solomon pub- licly, and in their presence, to pursue such his intention (1 Chron. xxviii. 1-10), and delivered him the pattern, or scheme, of all the houses, &c. (ver. 11, 12), the courses of the priests and Levites (ver. 11-31), and likewise the pattern of the cherubims (ver. 18), earnestly exhorting his servants, in regard to the tender age of his son Solomon, who was yet but very young, to yield him their councils and assistance in erecting a palace, not designed for man, but for the Lord God. David himself gave towards the build- ing of the temple out of his own treasures, besides a vast variety of precious stones, three thousand talents of gold of Opliir, and seven thousand talents of silver (1 Chron. xxix. 25). The princes of his kingdom followed the glorious exam- ple of their king, and gave five thousand talents and ten thousand drachms of gold, ten thousand talents of silver, eighteen thousand talents of brass, and one hundred thou- sand talents of iron, as also a grf it many of the most pre- cious stones (1 Chron. xxix. 6, 7, 8). When David the long was dead,* and Solomon was established on his throne, he resolved to carry into execu- tion his father's design, and to erect a temple to his great Creator. For which purpose he applied to Hiram, King of Tyre, for assistance ; and having readily obtained a promise of what he desired, and procured from thence, and other parts, men and materials sufficient for his intentions, he began that ORIGIN OF F R K E :,I A S O N A Y . 25 great and majestic fabric ; and as method and order are known and confessed to be essentials requisite in conducting all great designs and undertakings, he proceeded in the fol- lowing manner : he numbered and classed his men accord- ing to their skill and abilities, viz : 1. Harodim, princes, rulers or provosts, in number . . . 300 2. Menatzchim, overseers and comforters of the people in working, that were expert Mastrr-Masons .... 3,300 3. Ghiblim, stone-squarers, polishers, and sculptors; and Ishchotzeb, men of hewing ; Benai, setters, layers or builders, being able and ingenious fellow-crafts . . 80,000 4. The levy out of Israel, appointed to work in Lebanon one month in three, 10,000 each month, under the direction of noble Adoniram, who was the junior grand warden 30,000 Whole number employed, exclusive of the two grand war- dens, and of the men of burthen, who were the remains of the old Canaanites, who being bondmen, are not numbered among Masons, was 113,600 Solomon likewise partitioned the fellow-crafts into certain lodges, appointing to each one to preside as a master, assist- ed by two others as guardians, that they might receive commands in a regular manner, take care of the tools and jewels, and be duly paid, fed, clothed, &c. These necessary regulations being previously settled, to preserve that order and harmony which would be absolutely requisite among so great a number of men, in executing so large a work, he also took into consideration the future ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY agreement and prosperity of the craft, and deliberated on the best means to secure them by a lasting cement. Now, brotherly love and immutable fidelity presented themselves to his mind, as the most proper basis for an in- stitution, whose aim and end should be to establish per- manent unity among its members, and to render them a society who, while they enjoyed the most perfect felicity, would be of considerable utility to mankind. And being desirous to transmit it under the ancient restrictions as a blessing to future ages, Solomon decreed, that when- ever they should assemble in their lodges to discourse upon, and improve themselves in the arts and sciences, and whatever else should be deemed proper topics to increase their knowledge, they should likewise instruct each other in secrecy and prudence, morality and good-fellowship ; and for these purposes he established certain peculiar rules and customs to be invariably observed in their conversations, that their minds might be enriched by a perfect acquaint- ance with, and practice of, every moral, social, and religious duty, lest while they were so highly honored by being em- ployed in raising a temple to the great Jehovah, they should neglect to secure to themselves a happy admittance into the celestial lodge, of which the temple was only to be a type. Thus did our wise Grand Master contrive a plan, by mechanical and practical allusions, to instruct the crafts- men in principles of the most sublime speculative philoso- phy, tending to the glory of God, and to secure to them temporal blessings here, and eternal life hereafter ; as well ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. 27 as to unite the speculative and operative Masons thereby forming a two-fold advantage from the principles of ge- ometry and architecture, on the one part, and the precepts of wisdom and ethics on the other. The next circumstance which demanded Solomon's attention was the readiest and most effectual method of paying the wages of so vast a body of men, according to their respective degrees, without error or confusion, that nothing might be found among the Masons of Sion save harmony and peace.* This was settled in a manner well known to all regularly-made Masons, and therefore is unnecessary, as also improper, to be mentioned here. These arrangements being adjusted, the noble structure was began,! and conducted with such grandeur, order, and concord, as afforded Solomon the most exalted satisfaction, and filled him with the strongest assurance that the royal art would be further encouraged in future ages, and amongst various nations, from the excellencies of this temple, and the fame and skill of the Israelites, in the beauty and symmetry of architecture therein displayed. He was likewise sensible that, when this building should be completed, the craftsmen would disperse themselves over the whole earth ; and being desirous to perpetuate, in the most effectual manner, the harmony and good-fellowship 1 Kings vi. 7. * This noble structure was erected on Mount Moriah, in the month Zif, which answeis to our April, being the second month of the second year (A. L. 299-') , and was carried on with such prodigious expedition, that it was completely finished in little more than seven years, in the month Bui, which answers to our October, A. L. 2999, and \r M dedicated the year following. 28 ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. already established among them, and to secure to them- selves, their future pupils, and their successors, the honor and respect due to men whose abilities were so great, and would be so justly renowned in conjunction with Hiram, King of Tyre, and Hiram Abiflf, the deputy Grand Master, concerted a proper plan to accomplish his intentions ; in which it was determined that, in conformity to the practice of the original professors of the royal art, general distinguish- ing characteristics should be established for a proof of their having been fellow-laborers in this glorious work, to descend to their successors in all future ages, who should be in a peculiar manner qualified to cultivate the sublime principles of this noble establishment ; and such were adopted and received accordingly. With respect to the method which would be hereafter necessary for propagating the principles of the society, Solomon pursued the uniform and ancient custom, in regard to degrees of probation and injunctions to secrecy, which he himself had been obliged to comply with before he gained a perfection in the royal art, or even arrived at the summit of the sciences ; therefore, though there were no apprentices employed in the building of the temple, yet as the craftsmen were all intended to be pro- moted to the degree of Masters after its dedication, and as these would secure a succession, by receiving apprentices who might themselves, in due time, also become Master- Masons, it was determined that the gradations in the science should consist of three distinct degrees, to each of which should be adapted a particular distinguishing test, which test, together with the explication, was accordingly ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. settled and communicated to the fraternity, previous to their dispersion, under a necessary and solemn injunction to secrecy ; and they have been most cautiously preserved, and transmitted do\m to posterity by faithful brethren, ever since their emigration. Thus the centre of union among Freemasons was firmly fixed their cabala regulated and established, and their principles directed to the excellent purposes of their original intention. The harmony and connection of the society of Free- masons, and the excellent precepts and principles thereof, have produced the utmost good consequence, not only to the particular members of it, but frequently to the nations where it has been cultivated and practised. For, united by the endearing name of brother, they ^live in an affection and friendship rarely to be met with even among those whom the ties of consanguinity ought to bind in the firmest manner. That intimate union which does so much honor to humanity in general, in the particu- lar intercourse which prevails among Freemasons, diffuses pleasure that no other institution can boast. For the name which they mutually use one towards another is not a vain compliment, or ^-n idle parade ; no, they enjoy, in common, all the felicities of a true brotherhood. Here, merit and ability secure to their possessors an honorable regard, and a respectful distinction, which every one re- ceives with an unaffected complacency and a perfect humility constantly exerting himself for the general good, without vanity, and without fear. For they who are not adorned with the same advantages, are neither mortified SO ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. nor jealous. No one contends for superiority ; here emula- tion is onlv with a view to please ; the man of shining abilities, and those unblessed with such ornaments, are hero equally admitted ; all may here perform their parts ; and what may seem surprising, amongst such a variety of char- :u t< TS, haughtiness or servility never appear. The greatest admit of a social familiarity ; the inferior is elevate'd and instructed, constantly maintaining by these means a benefi- cent equality. With respect to the conversation which they hold during their assemblies it is conducted with the most perfect decencjr : here it is a universal maxim never to speak of the absent but with respect ; ill-natured satire is excluded ; all raillery is forbidden ; they will not even suffer the least irony, or the poignant strokes of wit, because they generally have a malignant tendency; they tolerate nothing which carries with it even the appearance of > ce. Their pleasures are never embittered by ungrateful reflec- tions, but produce a serene and lasting composure of mind. They flow not like a torrent which descends with noise and impetuosity, but like a peaceful stream within its own chan- nel, strong without violence, and gintle without dulness. This exact regularity, very far from occasioning a melan choly seriousness, diffuses, on the contrary, over the heart, and over the understanding, the most pure delights ; the bright effects of enjoyment and hilarity shine forth in the countenance ; and although the appearances are sometimes a little more sprightly than ordinary, decency never runs any risk it is wisdom in good-humor. For if a brother ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. 31 should happen to forget himself, or in his discourse should have the weakness to use such expressions as are distin- guished under the name of liberties, a formidable sign would immediately call him to his duty; a brother rnay mistake as a man, but he hath opportunity and courage to recover himself, because he is a Freemason. Although order and decorum are always scrupulously observed in the lodges of Freemasons, these exclude not, in anywise, gaiety and cheerful enjoyment. The conversation is animated, and the kind and brotherly cordiality that presides there affords the most pleasing sensation. These particulars may justly recall to our minds the happy time of the divine Astrea ; when there was neither superiority nor subordination, because men were as yet un- tainted by vice, and uncorrupt. T. W. Freemasony was introduced into America one hundred and thirteen years after the first settlement of Plymouth, in the State of Massachusetts, under the auspices of the Most Worshipful Anthony Montague, Grand Master of Masons in England, who granted a patent for the first American Lodge ; which lodge was accordingly held in Boston, the metropolis of that State, on the 30th July, 1733. Since that time, lodges have been established in every State and territory in the Union ; insomuch that Masons are more numerous now in the United States, in proportion to the number of people, than they are in ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY. Europe. This is a striking proof of the rapid progress of refinement and civilization in America ; for Freemasonry, which lays the line, stretches the compass, applies the square, and rears the well ordered column, must and will always keep pace and run parallel with the culture and civilization of mankind. Nay, we may pronounce with the strictest truth, that where Masonry is not, refinement and civilization will never be found. Since Freemasony has exerted her heaven-derived talents in this country, what a train of arts have entered, and joined in ample suite, to give their patrons Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, completion and glory. Every art, ivery exertion of the husbandman and mechanic, have been busied and complete. By the belp of operative Masonry, we have made the wilderness a fruitful field ; have supplied our tables with the conveniences and many of the luxuries of life ; have decorated our habitations with the productions of the man- ufacturer ; and have built us cities to inhabit, which for convenience, beauty and regularity, may vie with any in the world. In addition to these, -our canals are a stupendous work of operative Masonry, and bid fair to be of incalcu- lable advantage to millions yet unborn. By speculative Masonry we have also been enabled to perform those civil, those legislative moral plans, by which our most sacred rights and invaluable liberties are secured ; by which we are adorned, established, and dignifie'd as an independent nation, and the greatest, the happiest, the most powerful republic that ever existed in the world. A SPRING MELODY. 03 BY MISS M. J. E. KNOX. I HAVE heard the gentle voice of Spring, She hath come again to her old-time haunts, And the hill-sides echo, and vallies ring With the happy notes which she loves to sing, O'er the birth of the first young plants ! The bare trees rustle their branches gray, As they hear her pass along ; The black-bird tuneth his joyous lay, And streamlets leap on their sea-ward way With a burst of merry song. Spring hath come to our land again ! And she roameth wild and free ; She stealeth away through the shadowy glen* Or visiteth kindly the homes of men, * With her smiles and minstrelsy. Spring hath come ! but she sheddeth tears O'er many a new-made grave Of those she smiled on in other years Over their bosoms the young grass peera, And her earliest flowers shall wavt WOMAN'* LOVE. Spring hath come ! and her smile is ours, And her promise of lovely things, The soft sunshine, and the fragrant showers But who shall gather the latest flowers Which the beautiful Sybil brings ? We know that her smile is upon us now, But we know not her parting lay ; Ah ! that may be of the smiling brow, And the blooming cheek in dust laid low By the touch of swift decay ! May, 1851. W0XAV3 IOV3. BY JOHN T. MAYO. THE rude conflicts of active life, which it is the lot of man to encounter, often tend to check the sensibilities of the heart. His intercourse with his species is, to a great extent, in the arena of business, and the cold and calcula- ting spirit of worldly policy is apt to engross his mind and paralyze his affections. Natures there have been which, in the spring-time of youthful buoyancy, were warm, gene- rous, and confiding, and susceptible of being influenced by the slightest touch of human tenderness, but which, under the pressure of accumulating cares, become frigid and re- served, and seem to consider the enjoyments arising from the exercise of the gentler emotions of the heart as unworthy of the stern dignity of the man of business. WOMAN'S LOVE. 86 No merchant ever maintained a higher reputation for keen sagacity and inflexible integrity in all his transactions than did Henry Freeman. The world for him appeared to contain but one central point of attraction that in which he planned and conducted the operations of his business. Every advantage that wealth could bestow was realized in his family ; but there, as in the mercantile circle, he was essentially the man of business. It was not that his home was deficient in any of the ingredients necessary to the existence of domestic happiness, but the character of the husband and the father was in a great degree lost in that of the merchant. Yet it was not that he had ceased to regard with affection the amiable being whom he had singled out from the lists of loveliness as his companion on the pilgrim- age of life, or to take an interest in the welfare of his chil- dren. In his case was exemplified the powerful sway which the passion for worldly gain is capable of exerting upon the mind, concentrating all its energies to the one solitary point, and rendering it comparatively indifferent to every other consideration. The favors of Fortune are not to be coldly wooed or lightly won, and not unfrequently are they pur- chased by her infatuated votaries at the sacrifice of every noble principle and every generous sentiment. But no blighting influence had passed over the heart of his devoted wife. Her affections entwined around him wit^i all the freshness and constancy of earlier days, and her sen- sitive mind could not but perceive and mourn his distant and reserved deportment towards her. It is true he was never positively harsh or unkind, for naturally a more gen- WOMAN'S LOVE. erous soul never inhabited a human breast. Her utmost powers of pleasing were exerted to win his approving smile, but to him a smile seemed an effufiinftte indulgence not to be too often or injudiciously repeated. His brow con- stantly wore the shade of a moody though tfulm >>, uliich she was sometimes inclined to attribute to the reverses of busi- ness, but when with ;ender solicitude she pressed the inquiry, he briefly assured her that her apprehensions were unfounded. Often would she seek in tears relief from the intensity of her feelings, but her womanly spirit never suffered him to witness an exhibition which he would be sure to characterise as unpardonable weakness. The questions were ever revolving in her mind. Had she offended in word or look ? Could the demon of jealousy have dared to whis- per in his ear a suspicion of her constancy ? Was it pos- sible that she had a rival in his affections? The latter thought was too painful to entertain for a moment, and it was banished from her mind as soon as it suggested itself. Her generous confidence forbade her to indulge the shadow of a suspicion of his unfaith fulness. Had Freeman been aware of the unhappiness which his singular demeanor had thus occasioned, it would have aroused him from his listless apathy, and called forth his efforts to convince his amiable companion that he .had not designed in the least to disturb her tranquility. He had been, however, so habitually absorbed in his own reflections that any indication of uneasiness on her part had been by him entirely unnoticed. The truth is, that although cnjgagec 1 in an extensive and prosperous business, he was WOMAN'S LOVE. 8? not a happy man. He was the victim of care and disquie- tude, rendered still more distressing from the distrust and uncertainty which porvaded the mercantile world. He lived in constant dread of some unforeseen blow, which should level to the dust the fair fabric of his prosperity. And the blow, long dreaded, came at last. No human prudence or vigilance is secure against the disasters of life. The very precautions we take to avoid danger may in reality only accelerate it. The men in whom we place the most unbounded confidence may either be themselves prostrated, or repay the trust we reposed in them with the basest treachery. In a moment of fancied security tho results of Jong years of unremitted toil may be wrapped in flames, or the winds of heaven may turn traitor to our hopes, and the gallant barque, and the treasures it was probably bearing to our feet, may go down to increase the hidden wealth of " old ocean's caverned deep." How justly does the voice of wisdom admonish us, " Boast not in uncertain riches !" To one who had never before encountered the chilling blast of misfortune, this sudden reverse came with stunning force. With intense anguish and bitter despondency he gazed upon the wreck of his earthly expectations, and beheld the gaunt monster, adversity, advancing to embrace him in his idAless grasp. His wife soon read the fearful truth in thelmdness of his eye, the haggard expression of his care-worn features, and the deep groans which broke the stillness of the midnight hour. But did she, too, quail and sink beneath the appaling stroke 1 She felt its weight, indeed, deeply and keenly, but in the hour of affliction she WOMAN'S LOVE. was firm and unsubdued. The crisis was one which served to call into action those mighty resources which exist only in the pure fountain of a woman's love. One evening, while he was reclining on the sofa absorbed in deep and melancholy thought, his wife quietly seated herself by his side, and gently laying her hand upon his shoulder, and looking earnestly in his face she said : " Does Henry forget the beautiful groves of Beechland 1" He started from his reverie, and a faint smile lighted up his countenance as he asked, " Does Eliza remember them without regret V 9 " Never," she replied, " can I retrace those happy scenes without delight, until the conviction is forced upon me that I possess no longer a place in your affections. It was there we pledged our mutual love ; and surely if ever earth wit- nessed the union of kindred hearts, it was at that moment. To this hour my soul fondly dwells upon the declaration which you then uttered, that the lowliest cottage, if shared with me, would be to you a paradise. Nor can I forget how, in the fullness of my confiding heart, I reciprocated the sweet assurance." " Eliza," said Freeman, solemnly, " I have not changed in my regard for you, and the thoughts of contributing to your happiness has eyer cheered and sustakped me in my conflicts with the world; and were it not TDat you must suffer with me, I could endure with greater fortitude the misfortunes which have overtaken me ; but when I see those tears" " They are. not tears of sorrow, Henry. You mistake wo MAN'S LOVE. 39 me if you think I am unhappy at least on my own account. Our sky is for the moment overcast ; but let us not despair. Brighter days will come, and all the brighter for having been clouded with affliction. Let us put our trust in our heavenly Father, and he will never leave nor forsake us." Until this occasion Freeman had never tested the dovoted- ness of woman's love. He had till now indulged the painful apprehension, that she would be unable to sustain the pri- vations consequent upon their reduced circumstances. He now beheld her rising superior to the power of adversity, and not only nobly maintaining her own calmness and fortitude in the hour of trial, but by kindness and sympathy gently relieving his own mind from the burden of despond- ency, and animating him to new efforts to retrieve his fallen condition. It is not in the gay haunts of pleasure and dissipation, in the frivolous ceremonials and sickening parade of fashion- able life, nor amidst the profusion of prosperity and the refinements of luxurioua indulgence, that we are to seek for those traits of virtuous excellence which distinguish and adorn woman's character. Under such circumstances there is nothing to call forth the latent but ennobling energies of her nature. She is there the sensitive creature of the ima- I gination a wayward and capricious being, fluttering in the sunshine, braiding her raven tresses with the fairest flowers of summer, or tossing them wildly to the fresh dalliance of the morning breeze, whilst her joyous laugh rings out merrily on the ear, awakening in our hearts responsive tones of gladness, and in the ecstasy of the moment causing us to 40 WOMAN'S LO VE. dream that no envious cloud can ever obscure the brightness of our sky, or gloomy care dash with bitterness the spark- ling cup of our earthly existence. If we would see woman in the greatness of her attributes, we must contemplate her in the hour of tria! and affliction we must behold her bending over the couch of sickness, and with self-denying devotedness tasking all the ingenuity of her affectionate heart to relieve the distress of the beloved sufferer, and whispering to his soul the consolations of hope, and the assurances of undying love. It is in such scenes that she stands out in bold relief, an angel of light amidst the dark- ness of the surrounding storm. In the mind of Freeman the affectionate sympathy of his wife tended not only to soothe the pains of disappointment, but to give a new and interesting direction to the current of his thoughts. He saw that there were springs in the sacred enclosure of the domestic affections, overlooked in the ardor of his ambition, but capable of ministering to the heart pleasures more pure, and peaceful, and enduring tluui wealth, with all its boasted pretensions, can ever bestow. Inspired by these views, his manly spirit threw off the burden which had so fearfully depressed him, and sprung forth with fresh vigor to renew the struggle with his destiny. Com- mitting th'e details of his domestic arrangements entirely to the judicious management of his wife, he addressed himself to the regulation of his business affairs ; and although his losses had been severe, he was soon eacouraged to find that his situation was not quite so desperate as he had imagined. By a course of strict prudence and economy he succeeded WOMAN'SLOVE, 41 after a time in regaining in some degree the prosperous position which he had formerly enjoyed. During the period of his embarrassment, in order to retrench his expenses, Freeman removed his family to a romantic situation, a short distance from the metropolis. In this peaceful abode his mind often wandered back to the scenes of distracting care through which he had passed, and the disastrous termination of his arduous struggle for riches. He had learned, by painful experience, the transi- tory nature of earthly possessions, and his thoughts, sobered and chastened by the stern lessons of adversity, were directed to a duty more congenial with the dignity and destiny of man that of acquiring an interest in that inheritance which fadeth not away. In this respect the reverses of temporal fortune were overruled for good ; while the noble and generous devotion of his wife, in the hour of his deepest despondency, taught him a most cheering and interesting lesson of the power and constapov ^ WOMAN'S LOVE. 42 THE MASONIC LADDER. 233 IN the midst of justice God always remembered mercy. After the first great display of power in the general destruc- tion of mankind, this gracious Being placed his bow in the clouds, as a divine token that mercy should now prevail ; and that he would no more destroy the earth by a flood of waters. And when mankind had degenerated to the lowest point of human depravity, he sent his Son to make atone- ment for them, that lost purity might be restored, faith and hope placed on a firm foundation, and his fallen crea- tures be again placed within the sphere of his favor arid protection. Thus the dark clouds of divine wrath are dissipated, the heavens are opened ; and we enjoy a ray of his glory in the celestial covering of the Lodge. And more than this ; the same divine Being has taught us how to attain the summit of the same, by means which are emble- matically depicted by a Ladder consisting of three prin- cipal Rounds or Staves, which point to the three theo- logical virtues, Faith, Hope, and Charity. Let us consider the origin and application of this symbol, by which a com- munication is opened between the creature and his Creator, with the gracious design of restoring to man that supreme happiness which was forfeited by Adam's transgression. OB IT C C E THE MASONIC LADDER. 43 The application of this emblem is said to be derived from the vision of Jacob ; an idea of which the artist has presented in the accompanying engraving. When the Patri- arch, to avoid the wrath of his brother Esau, fled to Pa- danaram, benighted and asleep, with the earth for his bed, a stone for his pillow, and the cloudy canopy of heaven for his covering, he beheld a Ladder, whose foot was placed on the spot where he lay, and its summit lost in the subtile ether. On this Ladder, angels continually ascended and descended to receive communications from the Most High, who visibly appeared above the uppermost round of the Ladder, and to disseminate their divine commissions over the face of the earth. Here God grael^ly condescended to enter into a specific covenant with the sleeping Patri- arch, who was lienee so impressed with the fivlin^s of gratitude and devotion, that when he awoke he pronounced this consecrated spot " the house of God, and the gate of heaven." The history of an event of this importance, connected with a very significant emblem, which was probably a square pyramid, with steps on every side, might with unequivocal effect be introduced by Jacob into the system of Masonry which he taught to His children, and from them be transplanted into the mysteries of Egypt, whence it might spread into other countries, until the symbol became common to the mysteries of all. I rather incline to the opinion, however, that its origin may be ascribed to a much earlier period even to the first institution of Masonry in Paradise, when the communication between God and man 44 THE MASONIC LADDER. was immediately and unrestrainedly practised by the com- mon parents of mankind. The ascent to the summit of the paradisiacal mount of God, by means of a pyramid consisting of seven steps, was an old notion certainly enter- tained before the vision of Jacob, for it prevailed amongst the Mexican Savages;* and the original settlers on the vast continent of America could have no knowledge of this vision, either by tradition or personal experience. The Jewish Cahalists entertained a belief that the paradisiacal mount was the place of residence chosen by the children of Seth, while the contaminated descendants of Cain resided in the plains below; and its altitude was said to be so great, that from its summit might be heard the angels of heaven singing their celestial anthems before the throne of God! In ancient Masonry the Ladder was figuratively said to rest on the Holy Bible, and to consist of three principal staves, although the general number was indefinite, pointing to Faith, Hope and Charity, as the fundamental virtues which exalt mankind from earth to heaven. But in subse- quent ages the Essenes increased the number to seven, and subsequently to ten, principal steps, which were denominated the Sephiroth. In the emblematical repre- " In the midst of a thick forest," says M. Humboldt, " called Tajin, near the gulf of Mexico, rises the pyramid of Papantla. It had seven stories ; was built of hewn stone, and was very beautifully and regularly shaped. Three staircases led to the top. The covering of its steps was decorated with hieroglyphical sculpture and small niches, which were arranged with great symmetry. The number of these ivches seems to allude to the three hundred and eighteen simple and com- pound signs of the days of the Compohualilhuitl, or civil calendar of the Toltecks." Researches in America, vol. i. r 80- THE MASONIC LADDER. 46 sentation of these divine splendors, we find the three great hypostasis of the godhead surmounting the seven steps of the Ladder, and by regular gradations ascending to the celestial abodes. The names of the seven Sephiroth were, Strength, Mercy, Beauty, Victory or Eternity, Glory, the Foundation, and the Kingdom. Initiation was considered absolutely necessary to entitle the candidate to a participa- tion in those divine splendors, which communicated with each other by progressive stages ; until, from the summit of the Ladder the three hypostasis of the divine nature were attained, whose consummation was a crown of glory and the throne of God. Amongst the heathen this Ladder always consisted of seven steps or gradations ; probably as a memorial of the seven magnificent stories of the tower of Babel ; or it might have been derived from a tradition respecting the establish- ment of the Sabbath, in commemoration of the great day of rest which followed the creation, and received the peculiar benediction of the Most High. Tliis division of time and consecration of the seventh day was known to the sons of Noah, as we may gather from our own scrip- tures, for it was practically enforced by the patriarch while he continued in the Ark. Hence the sacred nature of the seventh day was universally acknowledged by all nations of their posterity ; and subsequently many myste- rious properties were ascribed to the number itself. The extreme probability that the number seven was applied to the Theological Ladder with this reference may be deduced from the fact, that each gradation was appropriated to a THE MASONIC LADDER. day in the week, and also to a particular planet ; and it is observable that the seven days, and the seven planets, were made to correspond in almost every country in the world. Our own names of both may be referred to as a corrobora- tion of the system. Thus, Sunday is so called from the Sun ; Monday from the Moon ; Tuesday and Wednesday from Tuisco and Woden, the Gothic Mercury and Mars ; Thursday from Thor, the Jupiter of the same people; Friday from the goddess Friga, who amongst the Getoe corresponds with the Grecian Venus ; and Saturday from the idol Seater, who represented Saturn among the nor- thern nations of Europe. The Ladder with seven steps was used in the Indian mysteries to designate the approach of the soul to perfec- tion. The steps were usually denominated gates. The meaning is undoubtedly the same, for it is observable that Jacob, in reference to the lower stave of his Ladder, exclaimed, " this is the house of God, and the gate of heaven." Here we find the notion of ascending to heaven, by means of the practice of moral virtue, depicted by the Hebrew patriarchs and by a remote idolatrous nation under the idea of a Ladder ; which we may hence conclude was a masonic symbol much earlier than the time of Jacob. These gates were said to be composed of different metals, of gradually increasing purity ; each being dignified with the name of its protecting planet. The first and lowest was composed of lead, and dedicated to Saturn ; the second of quicksilver, sacred to Mercury; the third of copper, under the protection of Venus ; the fourth of tin, typical THE MASONIC LADDER. % 47 of Jupiter ; the fifth of iron, sacred to Mars ; the sixth of silver, dedicated to the Moon ; and the uppermost stave, which constituted the summit of perfection, and opened a way to the residence of the celestial deities, was composed of the pure and imperishable substance of gold, and WMS under the protection of their most high god, the sun. In these mysteries, during the ceremony of initiation, the candidate was passed successively through seven dark and winding caverns, which progress was mystically deno- minated the ascent of the Ladder. Each cavern termi- nated in a narrow stone orifice, which formed an entrance into its successor. Through these gates of purification tlio mortified aspirant was compelled to squeeze his body with considerable labor ; and when he had attained the summit, he was said to have passed through the transmigration of the spheres, to have accomplished the ascent of the soul, and to merit the favor of the celestial deities. These seven stages of initiation, emblematical of the seven worlds, are thus explained : " The place where all beings, whether fixed or moveable, exist, is called earth, which is the First World. That in which beings exist a second time, but without sensation, again to become sensible at the close of the period appointed for ^.he duration of the present universe, is the World of Re-existence. The abode of the good, where cold, heat, and light are perpetually produced, is named Heaven. The intermediate region between the upper and lower worlds, is denominated the Middle World. The heaven, where animals, destroyed in a general confla- eration, at the close of the appointed period are born, is 48 THE MASONIC LADDER. thence called the World of Births. That, in which Sanaca, and other sons of Brahma, justified hy austere devotion, reside exempt from all dominion, is thence named the Man- sion of the Blessed. Truth, the Seventh World, and the abode of Brahme, is placed on the summit above other worlds. It is attained by true knowledge, by the regular discharge of duties, and by veracity ; once attained, it is never lost. Truth is indeed the Seventh World, therefore called the Sublime Abode. In the Persian mysteries, the candidate, by a similar process, was passed through seven spacious caverns, con- nected by winding passages, each opening with a narrow portal, and each the scene of some perilous adventure to try his courage and fortitude before he was admitted into the splendid Saccllum, which, being illuminated with a thousand torches, reflected every shade of color from rich gems and amulets, with which the walls were copiously bedecked. The dangerous progress was denominated, as- cending the Ladder of perfection. From this doctrine has arisen the tale of Rustam, who was the Persian Hercules, and Dive Sepid, or the White Giant. " Cai-Caus, the successor of Cai-Cobab, the first mon- arch of the Caianian dynasty, is instigated by the song of a minstrel to attempt the conquest of Mazenderaun, which is celebrated as a perfect earthly Paradise." This celestial abode refers to the splendid sacellum of the Persian Epoptae, which was an emblematical representa- tion of heaven. " It lies in the region of Aspruz, at the foot of which, THE MASONIC LADDER. 49 with respect to Persia, the sun sets ; and in literal geogra- phy it is determined to be a province bordering on the Caspian Sea. Hence it is part of that high tract of coun- try denominated the Tabaric or Gordyean range, within the limits of which the groves of Eden were planted, and the Ark rested after the Deluge. Cai-Caus fails in his enterprise ; for the sacred country is guarded by the White Giant, who smites him and all his troops with blindness, and makes them his prisoners." This is* a literal account of the first stage of initiation, which, in the mysteries, always commenced with darkness. In those of Britain, the candidate is designated as a blind man. He is commanded to prepare the cauldron of Cerid- wen, three drops of whose contents, properly concocted, were said to possess the faculty of restoring the sight, and infusing a knowledge of futurity. Being unsuccessful, Ceridwen (the giantess) strikes the unfortunate aspirant a violent blow over his head with an oar, and causes one of his eyeballs to fall from the socket. And the captivity of Cai-Caus and his Persians in the cavern, under the rigid guardianship of the Dive, is but a figurative representation of the candidate's inclosure under the Pastes; and this place of penance in the Celtic mysteries, which had many ceremonies in common with those of Persia, was said to be guarded by the gigantic deity Buanawr, armed with a drawn sword, who is represented as a most powerful and vindictive being, capable in his fury of making heaven, earth, and hell to tremble. In the Gctfchic mysteries, the same place of captivity and penance is fabled to be guarded 60 THE MASONIC LADDER. by Heimdall, whose trumpet emits so loud a blast, that the sound is heard through all the worlds. " In this emergency the king sends a messenger to Zaul, the father of the hero Rustam, begging his immediate assistance. For the greater despatch, Rustam takes the shorter, though more dangerous 'road, and departs alone, mounted on his charger Rakesh." Here Rustam enters upon the dreadful and dangerous business of initiation, mounted, says the legend, upon the charger Rakesh, or more properly Rakshi. This was a horrible winged animal, whose common food is said to have been serpents and dragons. Now these reptiles, together with monsters compounded of two or more animals, were the ordinary machinery used in the mysteries to prove the courage and fortitude of the aspirant, during his progress through the seven stages of regeneration. " The course which he chooses is styled, The Road of the Seven Stages ; and at each of the first six he meets with a ddferent adventure by which his persevering courage is severely tried." At each of the seven stages the uandidate really encoun- tered many dangers, and vanquished a multitude of dives, dragons and enchanters, who in succession opposed his progress to perfection. Being pantomimically enacted dur- ing the process of initiation, and the reiterated attacks prosecuted with unrelenting severity, instances have occur- red where the poor affrighted wretch has absolutely expired through excess of fear. " Having at length, however, fought his way to the ser- THE MASONIC LADDER. 61 enth, he discovers his prince and the captive Persians ; when he learns from Cai-Cuus, that nothing will restore his sight but the application of three drops of blood from the heart of the White Giant." The symbolical three drops of blood had its counterpart in all the mysteries of the ancient world ; for the number three was ineffable, and the conservator of many virtues. In Britain, the emblem was three drops of water ; in Mex- ico, as in this legend, three drops of blood ; in India, it was a belt composed of three triple threads ; in China, three strokes of the letter Y, &c. &c. " Upon this, he attacks his formidable enemy in the cavern where he was accustomed to dwell ; and having torn out his heart, after an obstinate combat, he infuses the pre- scribed three drops into the eyes of Cai-Caus, who immedi- ately regains his powers of vision." In this tale we have the theological Ladder connected with the system of Persian initiation transferred from mythology to romance ; and the coincidence is sufficiently striking to impress the most ordinary observer with the strict propriety of the application. The candidate comes off conqueror, and is regularly restored to light, after hav- ing given full proof of his courage and fortitude, by sur- mounting all opposing dangers. Father Angelo, who went out as a missionary into the East about 1663, says, that in the midst of a vast plain between Shiraz and Shuster, he saw a quadrangular monument of stupendous size, which was said to have been erected in memory of this great enter- prise of the hero Rustam. The fact is. that this quadrangu- 62 THE MASONIC LADDER. lar inclosure was an ancient place of initiation ; and from a confused romembrance of the scenes of mimic adventure which were represented within its seven secret caverns, the fabulous labors of Rustaui had doubtless their origin. It is not the least singular part of this inquiry, that the followers of Mahomet still use the same form of expression to convey an idea of the progressive state of torment in the infernal regions. This is only a continuation of the doc- trine of the mysteries, which taught, that the initiation of candidates was in reality a representation of the descent of the soul into Hades, and of its passage through the seven stages of purification preparatory to its admission into the abode of light and purity. Thay say that hell has seven gates, each containing a different degree of punishment. The first and least severe they call Gehennem, which is prepared for all Mussulmen who are sinners. The second called Ladha, is for the Christians. The third is the Jew- ish hell, and called Hothama. Sair, the fourth, is for Sabians ; and Sacar, the fifth, for Magians. Pagans and idolaters occupy the sixth, which they call Gehim ; and the lowest and most horrible depth of hell they assign to hypocrites, who pretend to more religion than their neigh- bors, and set themselves up as patterns of perfection, while inwardly they are full of all kinds of wickedness and impiety. This dreadful gate, or place of eternal punish- ment, is called Haoviath. The reader will wonder at these very extraordinary coin- cidences, which are exceedingly valuable, because unde- signed, and render the conjecture highly probable that they THE MASONIC LADDER. 58 were but an imitation of the Masonic Ladder, as used in our science before the mysteries had a being. But I have yet to introduce to notice a coincidence still more remarka- ble, because proceeding from a country where such a tra- dition could scarcely be expected to exist. Yet it is no less true that distinct traces of this Ladder, attended by the very same references, are found in the inhospitable regions of Scandinavia, which have been indubitably preserved in the Gothic mysteries, though the application is somewhat more obscure. " The court of the gods," says the Edda, " is ordinarily kept under a great ash tree called Ydrasil, where they dis- tribute justice. This ash is the greatest of all trees ; its branches cover the surface of the earth ; its top reaches to the highest heavens ; and it is supported by three vast roots, one of which extends to the ninth world or hell. An eagle, whose piercing eye discovers all things, perches upon its uppermost branches. A squirrel is continually running up and down to bring news ; while a parcel of serpents, fastened to the trunk, endeavor to destroy him. The por- pent Nidhogger continually gnaws at its root. From under one of the roots runs a fountain, wherein wisdom lies con- cealed. From a neighboring spring (the fountain of past things), three virgins are continually drawing a precious water^ with which they irrigate the ash tree ; this water keeps up the beauty of its foliage, and after having refreshed its leaves falls back again to the earth, where it forms the dew of which the bees make their honey." Mr. Mallet offers no conjecture on this mysterious tree, 64 THE MASONIC LADDER. and Mr. Cottle fairly gives it up. I pronounce it, however, to have been the Theological Ladder of the Gothic mys- teries. Mr. Cottle, in the preface to his interesting version of the Edda of Saemund, says, " The symbolical purport of this tree is inexplicable amidst the dearth of information respecting the ancient religion of Scandinavia." And with- out a reference to the various systems of initiation into the religious mysteries of other nations, I should incline to that gentleman's opinion. But by comparing the qualities and characteristics of this sacred tree with the ladder of the mysteries, the difficulty vanishes, and the solution appears at once simple and natural. The basis of Ydrasil, like that of Jacob's Ladder, was the earth, where it was firmly established by three vast roots ; one of which extended to the central abyss. These roots evidently referred to the three lower gates or cham- bers of initiation ; the last of which was Hades, or the region of the dead. Its branches covered the earth and its top reached to the heavens, where sat enthroned an eagle, the representative of the Supreme God. The court of the inferior gods was said to be under this tree; and Jacob said of the place where the foot of his ladder was situated, this is the house of God and the gate of heaven. On its summit sat the emblematical eagle, as Jehovah appeared on the Ladder of Jacob, or on the paradisiacal mountain ; and this bird, as we have already seen, was actually a com- ponent part of the visible symbol of the true God, as exhibited in the Jewish Cherubim, and the universal repre- sentation of the Deity in almost every nation under heaven. THE MASONIC LADDER. 65 A squirrel, or messenger, continually ascended and descend- ed to carry celestial commissions frpm the eagle-deity, to the council of inferior gods seated below ; whence they wi-re supposed to be disseminated over the face of the earth. And the same subordinate deities were said to take cogni- zance of the actions of mortals, and to convey an impartial account thereof by the squirrel to the Deity seated on the summit of the tree ; which was also the office of the angelic messengers on Jacob's Ladder. A parcel of serpents, symbols of the evil power, unceasingly endeavored to inter- cept the communication between God and man, by the destruction of the messenger. The monstrous serpent, Nidhogger, who is the representation of the prince of dark- ness himself, we are further told, continually gnaws its root for the same purpose, willing to sever the connection between the Creator and his fallen creature, by the total demolition of the medium through which the benevolent communication is carried on. In the Hindu mythology, the prince of evil demons is represented as a large serpent, whose name is Naga. And the Hebrew name for the tempter of Eve in Paradise, translated in our version o the Bible, " the serpent," was Nachash. These were both the Nidhogger of the Gothic mysteries. In the Essenian mys- teries, the Holy Bible was figuratively said to be the conse- crated foundation of Jacob's Ladder, because the covenants and promises of God are permanently recorded in that sacred book ; and this basis the old serpent who deceived Eve, is continually endeavoring to destroy, by subverting the faith of mankind in its contents. 66 THE MASONIC LADDER. The three roots are emblems of Faith, Hope and Charity, because it is by the exercise of these virtues alone that man can enjoy a well-grounded expectation of ascending from earth to heaven. Three virgins, symbols of Past, Present, and Future, continually watered this Tree from the fountain of Past Things ; which is expressive of the solemn truth, that tho deeds of men shall be kept in perpet- ual remembrance until the last day, when they shall bo rewarded or punished according to their works. From the surplus of this water which fell to the earth after having refreshed the leaves of the Ash, the bees made their honey. In all the ancient mysteries, Honey was an acknowledged symbol of death ; and is said in this case to have been pro- duced from the refuse of the water, which, being rejected by the sacred Tree, referred unquestionably to the evil deeds contained in the water of Past Things (the good actions having been absorbed by the Ash, and consequently accepted by the supreme Being, personified by the eagle) ; and hence the honey which was concocted from it was emblematical of that second death, which forms the eternal punishment of sin. In illustration of the contents of this article, I here intro- duce the following table, which will exhibit the Seven- Stepped Ladder of the Mysteries in all its various and extensive application. G. 0. THE MASONIC LADDER. fcO 2.0 | i p j. fi P t T> I t 2? -? PI ill a> 2 THREE PILLARS OF MASONRY. We have here a most extraordinary coincidence of custom with respect to the Masonic Ladder existing in every region of the world, and all equally applicable to a gradual ascent to heaven by the practice of moral virtue. Amongst us this practice is founded on the strong basis of Faith, which is the first step of the Ladder resting on the word of God. It produces a well-grounded hope of sharing the promises recorded in that sacred volume ; and this is the second step of the Masonic Ladder. The third, a most perfect step, is Charity, by which we attain the summit of the Ladder ; metaphorically speaking, the dominion of bliss, and the mansion of pure and permanent delight. G. o. o? THE emblematical foundation of a Mason's Lodge is, Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty. These three noble Pillars give it a stability, which no exertion of art or ingenuity can subvert, no force can overthrow. They were thus named in allusion to the perfection with which our system has been endowed by the Almighty Architect ; because without Wisdom to contrive, Strength to support, and Beauty to adorn, no structure can be perfect. And this is illustrated by a reference to the most splendid and awful images which can be presented to the human mind. The universe is the temple of the Deity whom we serve ; Wisdom, Strength, and THREE PILLARS OF MASONRY. 59 Beauty are about his throne as Pillars of his Works, for his "wisdom is infinite, his strength is omnipotence, and his beauty shines forth through all his creation in symmetry and order. He hath stretched forth the heavens as a canopy, the earth he hath planted as his footstool ; he hath crowned this superb temple with stars as with a diadem, and in his hand he extendeth the power and the glory ; the sun and moon are messengers of his will, and all his laws are concord. This universal harmony of nature and nature's works, emblematical of the peace and unity which subsists in a Mason's Lodge, is produced from the union of those sublime qualities by which our fabric is supported, Wisdom, Strength, arid Beauty. The first Pillars used by the primitive inhabitants of the earth, were merely trunks of trees, placed upright on stones to elevate them above the damp, and covered at the top with a flat stone to keep off the rain. On these the roofs of their huts were placed, covered with reeds and plastered with clay to resist the effects of tempestuous weather. From such sim- ple elements sprang the noble Orders of Architecture. But pillars were not confined to this use alone. In primitive times they were appropriated to the purpose of perpetuating remarkable events, and were erected as monuments of grati- tude to divine Providence for favors conferred, or for dangers avoided. By the idolatrous race who first seceded from the trufc worship of God, Pillars were dedicated to the Hqst of Heaven. Of this nature were the Pillars set up by Hyp- souranios and Ousous to Fire and Air before the Flood, which were termed Banvha. Osiris set up Pillars in com- 00 THREE PILLARS OF MASONRY. memoration of his conquests, on which were hieroglyphical inscriptions, importing the degree of resistance made by the inhabitants of those countries which he subdued. The ancient kings of Egypt followed this example, and usually engraved records of their conquests, power, and magnifi- cence on obelisks or pillars. Sesotris, in his military pro- gress through the nations he had vanquished, erected Pillars on wliich hieroglyphical inscriptions were engraven, accom- panied by certain emblematical devices, expressive of the bravery or pusillanimity of the conquered people. And, if Proclus may be believed, all extraordinary events, singular transactions, and new inventions, were recorded by the Egyptians on stone pillars. Hiram, king of Tyre, accord- ing to Menander, dedicated a pillar of gold to Jupiter, on the grand junction he had formed between Eurichorus and Tyre. This custom was also in use amongst the descendants of Seth and Shem, who erected Pillars to the honor of the true God, the creator and preserver of all things. Enoch erected two Pillars, in order to transmit his knowledge to posterity, by inscriptions engraven on such materials as were calculated to resist the element by which the world was to be destroyed. The Pillar of Jacob, at Bethel, was to commemorate his most extraordinary vision and covenant with God. On this pillar he poured oil, whence arose the custom amongst the heathen of consecrating their idols toy anointing them with oil. A similar monument was erected by the same patriarch at Galeed, to perpetuate the treaty of amity with his uncle Laban ; by Joshua at Gilgal 3 on THREE PILLARS OF MASONRY. 61 his miraculous passage over the river Jordan ; and by Samuel, between Mizpeli and Shen, on a remarkable defeat of the Philistines. Absalom erected a Pillar in honor of himself, which, as we are told by modern travellers, remains to this day ; but Dr. Lloyd says that the passers-by throw stones at it in detestation of his memory. And Solomon set up two Pillars at the entrance of the Porch of the Temple, to remind the Jews of their dependence upon God for everything they possessed ; evidenced by their escape from Egypt, and their miraculous wandering and preserva- tion in the wilderness for a period of forty years. It is needless to add that commemorative Columns were used by every nation of the world, and never with more propriety and effect, than in our own country at the present day. The particular Pillars which are the subject of this Article, are emblematical of three great masonic characters, whose united abilities rendered an essential service to true religion, by the construction of a primitive Temple, then first dedicated to the exclusive purpose of religious ship, for they jointly possessed the essential properties which characterise the three great sustaining Pillars of our Lodge ; the one had Wisdom to contrive ; the other had Strength to support 5* and the third possessed genius * " Tatian, in his Book against the Greeks, relates, that amongst the Phaenicians flourished three ancient historians, Theodotus, Hysicrates, and Mochus, who all of them delivered in their histories an account of the league and friendship between Solomon and Hiram, when Hiram gave his daughter to Solomon, and furnished him with timber for building the Temple. The same is affirmed by Menander of P*r gamus." Sir Isaac Newton's Chron. p. 114. 82 THREE PILLARS OF MASONRY. and ability to adorn the edifice with unexampled beauty. The result of this union was " a building which highly transcended all that we are capable to imagine, and has ever been esteemed the finest piece of masonry upon earth, before or since." This magnificent work was begun in Mount Moriah, on Monday the second day of the month Zif, wlu'ch answers to the twenty-first of our April, being the second month of the sacred year, and was carried on with such speed, that it was finished in all its parts in little more than seven years, which happened on the eighth day of the month Bui, which answers to the twenty-third of our October, being the seventh month of the sacred year, and the eleventh of King Solomon. What is still more aston- ishing is, that every piece of it, whether timber, stone, or metal, was brought ready cut, framed, and polished to Jerusalem ; so that no other tools were wanted nor heard than what were necessary to join the several parts together. AH the noise of axe, hammer, and saw, was confined to Lebanon, and the quarries and plains of Zeredathah, that nothing might be heard amongst the masons of Zion, save harmony and peace. These Pillars refer further to the three governors of the Lodge. The Pillar of Wisdom represents the W. M., whose business is to exert his judgment and penetration in contriving the most proper and efficient means of complet- ing the intended work, of what nature soever it may be. The Pillar of Strength refers to the S. W., whose duty is to support the authority, and facilitate the designs of the Master, with all his influence amongst the brethren, and to THREE PILLARS OF MASONRY. 63 see that his commands are carried into full and permanent effect. The Pillar of Beauty is the J. W., whose duty is to adorn the work with all his powers of genius and active industry ; to promote regularity amongst the Brethren by the sanction of his own good example, the persuasive eloquence of precept,, and a discriminative encouragement of merit. Thus, by the united energies of these three pre- siding Officers, the system is adorned and established firm as a rock in the midst of the ocean, braving the malignant shafts of envy and detraction ; its summit gilded with the rays of the meridian sun, though stormy winds and waves beat eternally on its basis. In the British and other mysteries, these three Pillars represented the great emblematical Triad of Deity, as with us they refer to the three principal officers of the Lodge. We shall find, however, that the symbolical meaning was the same in both. It is a fact, that in Britain the Adytum or Lodge was actually supported by three stones or pillars, which were supposed to convey a regenerating purity to the aspirant, after having endured the ceremony of initiation in all its accustomed formalities. The delivery from between them was termed a new birth. The corresponding Pillars of the Hindu mythology were also known by the names of Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty, and placed in the east, west, and south, crowned with three human heads. Tln-y jointly referred to the Creator, who was said to have- planned the great work by his infinite Wisdom ', executed it by his Strength ; and to have adorned it with all its Beauty and usefulness for the benefit of man. These 64 THREE PILLARS OF MASONRY. united powers were not overlooked in the mysteries, for we find them represented in the solemn ceremony of initiation by the three presiding Brahmins or Hierophants. The chief Brahmin sat in the east, high exalted on a brilliant throne, clad in a flowing robe of azure, thickly spangled with golden stars, and bearing in Ids hand a magical rod, thus symbolizing Brahma the creator of the world. His two compeers, clad in robes of regal magnificence, occupied corresponding situations of distinction. The representative -him, the setting sun, was placed on an exalted throne in the west ; and he who personated Siva, the meridian sun, occupied a splendid throne in the south. The Masonic Lodge, bounded only by the extreme points of the compass, the highest heavens, and the lowest depth of the central abyss, is said to be supported by three Pillars, Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty. In like manner the Per- sians, who termed their emblematical Mithratic Cave or Lodge, the Empyrean, feigned it to be supported by three Intelligences, Ormisda, Mithra, and Mithras, who were usually denominated, from certain characteristics which they were supposed individually to possess, Eternity, Fecundity, and Authority. Similar to this were the forms of the Egyptian Deity, designated by the attributes of Wisdom, Power, and Goodness ; and the Sovereign Good., Intellect, and Energy of the Platonists, which were also regarded as the respective properties of the divine Triad. It is remarkable that every mysterious system practised on the habitable globe contained this Triad of Deity, which some writers refer to the Trinity ; and others to the triple THREE PILLARS OF MASONRY. 65 offspring of Noah. The oracle in Damascius asserts that " throughout the world a Triad shines forth^ which resolves itself into a Monad ;" and the uniform symbol of this threefold deity was an equilateral triangle ; the precise form occupied by our Pillars of Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty. In the mysteries of India, Brahma Vishnu Siva, were considered as a tri-une God, distinguished by the significant appellation of Tri-murti. Brahma was said to be the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Siva the Judge or Destroyer. In the east, as the Pillar of Wisdom, this deity was called Brahma ; in the west, as the Pillar of Strength, Vishnu ; and in the south, as the Pillar of Beauty, Siva ; and hence, in the Indian initiations, as we have just observed, the representative of Brahma was seated in the east ; that of Vishnu in the west ; and that of Siva in the south. A very remarkable coincidence with the praotico of ancient Masonry. Mr. Faber offers the following reasonable conjecture on the origin of these idolatrous Triads : " Adam was born from the virgin earth ; Noah was produced from his alle- gorical mother the Ark. Each was a preacher of righteous- ness ; each dwelt upon the paradisiacal mount of God ; each was a universal parent. If Adam introduced one world, Noah destroyed that world and introduced another ; and as the actual circumstance of two successive worlds led to the doctrine of an endless mundane succession, each patriarch was alike received as a Creator, a Preserver, and a Destroyer." Sir William Jones very strongly reprobates the principle which would resolve these triads into the THREE PILLARS OF MASONRY. doctrine of the Trinity. In his essay on the gods of Italy, Greece and India, he says : " Very respectable natives have assuivd me that one or two missionaries have been absurd enough, in their zeal for the conversion of the gen- tiles, to urge, that the Hindus were even now almost Chris- tians, because their Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesa (Siva) were no other than the Christian Trinity ; a sentence in which we can only doubt whether folly, ignorance, or impiety predominates. The three powers, creative, pre- servative, and destructive, which the Hindus express by the trilateral word OM, were grossly ascribed by the first idolaters to the heat, light, and flame of their mistaken divinity, the Sun ; and their wiser successors in the East, who perceived that the Sun was only a created thing, applied those powers to its Creator ; but the Indian Triad, and that of Plato, which he calls the Supreme Good, the Reason, and the Soul, are infinitely removed from the holi- ness and sublimity of the doctrine which pious Christians have deduced from texts in the gospel." " In another point of view," says Captain Wilford, " Brahma corres- ponds with the Chronos or Time of the Greek mytholo- gists ; Vishnu represents Water, or the humid principle ; and Iswara (another name of Siva) Fire, which recreates or destroys as it is differently employed." It seems not altogether improbable, however, but these Triads, which are quaintly termed by Purchas, " an apish imitation of the Trinity, brought in by the devil," might originate from a tradition of the Holy Trinity, revealed to Adam, and propagated by his descendants through the THREE PILLARS OF MASONRY. 67 antediluvian world. Known consequently to Noah and his family, this doctrine would spread with every migration of their posterity ; and as it certainly formed a part of that original system which is now termed Masonry, so it was in- troduced into every perversion of that system, until the doc- trine of a divine Triad, resolvable into a monad, was universally disseminated in every nation, and was admit- ted by every people in the world. In successive ages the true purport became lost or misunderstood, but the princi- ple remained, though its application ceased to be made to the true God and Father of all, and was generally trans- ferred to the three sons of Noah, as a triplication of the mortal father of the human race. In Britain the Triad was usually represented by three Pillars, and many monuments remain which show to what an extent this%ystem of devotion was carried by the British Druids. These Pillars were not always uniform either in dimensions or situation, but were differently placed, either triangularly, or in a right line ; and were certainly objects of adoration to the superstitious natives. The celebrated Pillars at Boroughbridge were of this nature. They con- sist of three colossal upright stones, placed at about two hundred feet distant from each other, and stand about twenty-two feet above the surface of the ground, measuring on an average sixteen feet in circumference. They are termed by the country people " The Devil's Arrows," which corroborates the opinion that they were British Deities ; for it is a singular fact, that every monument which has this name attached to it, is supposed to have been peculiarly 68 THREE PILLARS OF MASONRY. sacred. Leland tells us that there were originally four Pillars, and that one of them has been destroyed. This might have been of still more extensive magnitude, and designed to express the triad completed in a monad. The three stones which formed one of the Adyta in the stupend- ous Druid Temple at Abury in Wiltshire, said by Gough in Camden to have served for a Chapel, are called by Aubrey " The Devil's Quoits." A Kist-vaen in Clatford bottom, in the same county, is also composed of three upright stones, and is called, " The Devil's Den." In the parish of Llan Rhwy-Drus, in that grand depository of Druidical super- stition, Anglesey, are the remains of this species of idol. Gibson in Camden informs us that they are placed trian- gularly ; one is eleven feet, and the others ten and nine feet in height. On a mountain near Kil y maen Ihwyd in Caer- marthenshire, is another specimen of this kind of monument, placed near a circular temple. In Penrith church-yard, in the county of Cumberland, still remain three Pillars placed triangularly, and erected on other stones, to avoid the sup- posed contamination of the earth. Two of them are about twelve feet, and the third about six feet in height. The two former enclose a space of ground which is traditionally denominated " The Giant's Grave ;" and the latter is called " The Giant's Thumb." Now, the British deities were all esteemed giants ; and the tradition in this instance corres- ponds with the fact. Besides, the Pastes, or symbolical grave, in which the candidate suffered a mythological inter- ment, was said to be guarded by the gigantic deity Buanwr, and if these three Pillars formed constituent parts of an THREE PILLARS OF MASONRY. 69 adytum, which is highly probable, the name it now retains is perfectly consistent with the pure principles of British mythology. Much has been written on the subject of these Pillars by all our best antiquaries, who seem to agree that they were of British erection, though they could not account for their being inscribed with a Cross. But this doubtless arose from the anxiety uniformly displayed by the first Christian missionaries to transfer the devotional attachment of the natives from a lifeless image to the eternal God, by assuming the great emblem of Christianity, which had indeed been previously used by the Druids, but with a dif- ferent allusion. And this conjecture is strikingly exem- plified by the fact, that a Christian church was erected within the actual bounds of this sanctuary of idolatry. Such were the representatives of Hu Ceridwen Creir- wy the principal deities of the ancient inhabitants of Brit- ain, or their substitutes, the three presiding officerS of the British mysteries, who were denominated Cadeiriath, Goron- wy, and Fleidwr Flam, seated in the east, west, and south. Before these senseless blocks of unhewn stone, the more senseless inhabitants of Britain prostrated themselves daily in humble adoration, firmly persuaded that their prosperity in every undertaking nay, even the preservation of their lives and liberties, was dependent on the beneficent agency of these shapeless idols ! We shall conclude the present Article, with a brief consi- deration of the ultimate reference which the three Masonic Pillars bear to the moral and religious duties of Freemasons. As the Doric, the Ionic, and the Corinthian Orders of 70 THREE PILLARS OF MASONRY. Architecture are said to support the Lodge, so let our conduct be governed by the qualities they represent. Let Wisdom guide our steps to that fountain of knowledge and source of truth, the Holy Bible. There shall we find rules for the government of our actions, and the path that leads to eter- nity. Even the science we profess instructs us, that if we be conversant in the doctrines of this Holy Book, and strictly adherent to its precepts, it will conduct us to a building not made with hands, eternally in the heavens. Let us proceed in this career, armed with the Strength of faith and hope, assured that if our faith in the Deity be securely founded, our constancy can never fail ; so shall our charity shine forth in all the Beauty of holiness ; our acts of piety and virtue shall emit a brilliancy like the Sun pursuing his daily course in the heavens, and finally secure us a place in the Grand Lodge above, where Peace, Order, and Harmony, eternally abide. HYMN TO CHARITY. 7 I DAUGHTER of heaven, oh would'st thou but descend, And with my numbers, thy sweet spirit blend, And teach my cold and trembling harp to frame A paean worthy thy celestial name, Then should the meed of song, awarded mine, To thee be hallowed, and the praise be thine ! The crystal springs that feed the mountain rills, The dew that summer's balmy eve dis: The bud that nature's earliest promise brings, Oh ! these are pure, and bright, and lovely things But purer, brighter, lovelier far than these, The tear that falls o'er human miseries. Hast thou not seen, when gloomy winter reigns, And binds the captive world in icy chains, How dread and desolate creation lies. Around cold wastes above the frowning skies ! But spring, love-breathing spring, comes laughing forth, And with soft music wakes the torpid earth Then gush the waters, and the meadows bloom, The heavens are brightness, and the gales perfume ; And nature in her Eden beauty glows, Lovely as at Jehovah's word she rose. Thus selfishness, the winter of the mind, In hate's dark bonds would human feelings bind ; While man an isolated being dwells, Nor grants the mercy which his heart repela ; 72 HYMN TO CHARITY. His soul is gloomy as the realms of death But let mild Charity's reviving breath, The moral spring, its blessed warmth impart, How glow the soft sensations of the heart ! Love, peace and joy the melting bosom owns, And kindred minds respond its kindly tones. Spirit of Charity, how blest thy sway ! And earth were heaven did men thy laws obey. Where'er thy footsteps press 'tis hallowed ground Thou smil'st, and blessings are diffused around The world forsakes, but thou wilt bend thine ear, Each tale of wo or penitence to hear ; And thine the hand that ever grants relief; And thine the sympathy that calms our grief; And with thy heaven-wrought mantle thou dost hide Those frailties envy watches to deride. The slave hath heard thy voice proclaim, " Be free !" His chains are loosed, and wild with ecstasy, To Charity his broken thanks are poured ; And injured Afric sees her son restored : Again he treads the soil his fathers trod, And bends in worship to the living Qod! Knowledge ! Religion ! pearls his suffering gains, The only price that could repay his pains ; And these, diffused by Charity, atone For deeds a guilty world must blush to own. And soon that bright and blessed morn shall rise, The glowing theme of ancient prophecies, When Charity, with her attendant Peace, Throned o'er the world, shall bid its discord cease ; Then Truth shall clear each mote from Reason's sight, And every nation bask in Freedom's light ; And men be linked in holy brotherhood, And earth regain its first, best title, " good !" 8. J. H. MASONRY REPUBLICAN. 73 viT A ass tf 3 I VSXXXVXX1) V. THE institution of Freemasonry is truly republican ; and can never flourish, to the extent of which it is susceptible, under any other form of government. Kings may know the secrets of the craft, yet treason might lurk behind a cover- ing contrived to imitate our Order, and with clamorous " proofs of conspiracy" aim to bring it into disrepute. The contrariety of opinions also, on politics, religion, philosophy, &c., are not so well calculated to foster and protect the 'principles of brotherly Love and Charity, which we profess to cultivate. And there is no country or community of people so liberal in their views, so free from prejudice, but there may be found individuals incapable of forming a just estimate of our profession. But if there be a portion of the whole habitable globe, where the spirit of toleration pre- rails in a higher degree, with a more anxious forbearance and successful influence, than in others, it is in our own dis- tinguished and beloved country. Here, under a government instituted by our fathers, in opposition to the abuses and tyranny of the old world, no society or combination, for any professed worthy purpose, can provoke a proscription from those who govern. The 74 MASONRY REPUBLICAN. freedom of opinion and right of discussion which every- where prevail have a tendency to create inquiry, elicit knowledge, and furnish correct views of " right and wrong." The opportunity afforded all, by our civil institutions, to rise in the proportion of merit ; the intelligence of our fel- low-citizens, their advancing attainments and improvements in arts, literature and social polity, all warrant the conclu- sion, that no societies can exist, or associations he formed, " where liberty dwells," under sanction or indulgence of its enlightened citizens, unless its avowed objects are innocent and of prospective utility, to promote the public good. And what have we to fear from abroad 1 The irritable and the incorrigible prejudices of the few or many, the envy of the illiterate and disaffected, or the spleen, hatred and wrath of the " crown and cowl," are no concern of ours ! They shadow not the bright virtues of our profes- sion, or sully the lustre of the Shield of Truth, " mighty* above all things," and inwrought with Faith, Hope and Charity, as our strong defence, to countervail the attacks of the vicious and powerful, and like the " celestial -flSgis," confound the hydra of oppression. We heed not their threats, malevolence or inquisitions. With our immemorial laws and usages in peace and happiness, we are protected within our hallowed walls, by the government we honor, and the same merciful kind Providence we adore. The governments of Europe and the world have yet to learn, " whatever the theory of their constitutions may have been, that the end of their institution is the happiness of . the people ; and that the exercise of power among men can MASONRY REPUBLICAN. 75 be justified only by the blessings it confers upon those over whom it is extended." And where is the government thus justified as in this our "happy land?" where power is the offering of the public will, and its career .by no means a limited and ceaseless duration : the People, sovereign ; pre- rogative and privilege, civil and social blessings, all flowing from the same fountain of Liberty. With others not so too often the reverse verified by the tears of suffering and wrongs of oppression, despotism and tyranny, in all their forms. There associations are watched with keen-eyed jealousy, where rank, title, power, honor and interest, run from generation to generation, forming a visible and dis- tinct line of demarcation, over which none can pass, by the ordinary works of Charity and Benevolence. An institution veiled in secrecy with telegraphic banners and symbols, mystical rites and heraldry of hieroglyphics, founded in freedom and equality, coeval with the volume of ages, and radiating in glory amid concentric circles of firmest brotherhood, must be a terror to those who have stolen their way along to empire and grasped the diadem distained with blood, and the dread of those who sway the hereditary sceptre of domination, and hold their high dis- tinction by no other tenure than the mental gloom by which they are surrounded. But the condition of the unfortunate Craftsmen in the north and south of Europe is not peculiar : every effort of the human mind all noble sentiment, liberal views and generous feelings, are there alike pro- scribed, or made subservient to perpetuate the arrogance of supremacy and power. All the social, charitable and 76 MASONRY REPUBLICAN. moral virtues, which unite in " Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth," commanding our respect and esteem, as they enrich the altar of incense "brighten the chain of friendship," and glow in our devotion, must there of necessity act in secret, lest their very appearance should provoke the most fatal consequences. But thanks to the Supreme Author of all our blessings, the gloom of darkness and superstition is fast wasting away before the mighty sunbeams of knowledge and improvement. " Wisdom is justified of her children," her chosen ones are on the alert, and constantly, making dis- coveries in the unknown regions of intellect; erecting beacons and establishing barriers, to warn and protect the passing stranger against those false and delusive principles, which have hitherto been built and net-worked upon the credulity of mankind. With the radiance of light, and the reach and compass of its illumination, these, discoveries and improvements are now spreading over the entire world. Man begins to think and act his real character, comporting with the dignity of his nature and hid high destination : disabused from the scholastic falsity of creeds, and absurd and gross impositions of power, he begins to learn he has the right to control and direct his own faculties ; and that all distinctions, not founded in merit, should be little esteemed, lightly regarded. "Knowledge is progressive." Vast portions of the habitable globe have, within the memory of the present age, enjoyed some its salutary and refreshing influence some its variegated and richest luxuriance ; and new corrusca- tions of light are daily and hourly bursting upon mankind. MASONRY REPUBLICAN. 77 As the principles of Freemasonry embrace allegiance, and the Amor Patrice (or love of country), in the full and strictest sense of the terms, especially where there is a reciprocal and due regard to the rights and immunities of the citizen, or subject ; and whereas, the profession and cultivation of the liberal arts and sciences, together with works of charity, amity, integrity and good-will to all man- kind, constitute the basis and edifice of our Order its grand points -fellowship ; its emblems moral ; its theme and service devotion and philanthropy , we have a right to expect the commendations of the intelligent and humane ; and it is a part of the reward of our labors to share and enjoy, in common with others associated for the public good, the honors, advantages and felicities to which they aspire. As constituting an integral part of an indissoluble union and with its political institutions extending over an immense region of territory resuscitated with prophetic benedictions, and, through an eventful revolutionary his- tory, nurtured, protected and honored ; pursuing the same national objects, and hi the spirit and pride of republican legislation, with the same honorable intents and perseve- rance, acting in subserviency to the common weal, the ambition of the Masonic family is only to become useful and worthy citizens with a judicious consideration of and accommodation to the circumstances by which they are surrounded. " Our duty to God, our neighbors and our- selves," requires neither more nor less of us. We are reminded that no established law of nature or society can be infringed with impunity. Our recommended duty " pre- 78 MASONRY REPUBLICAN. cept upon precept" is, " fulfil the law of Love." " Be kindly affectionate one toward the other." With sympathy and compassion " rejoice with those who do rejoice, and weep with those who weep." " Exercise patience and for- bearance, with all good fellowship and zeal, in the cause of humanity and the .Christian virtues." Thus do we delight in the blessings of civilization, social improvement, and the advancement of knowledge and virtue and .equal rights; exulting when suffering nations break their massive shackles upon the heads of their oppressors ; and when the prin- ciples of the Fraternity, with those of our national institu- tions and government, are received and welcomed, acknowl- edged and cultivated in distant regions, "we triumph with a laudable pride and exalted enthusiasm. The auspicious principles and benefits of our institution are rapidly progressing, with the increase of wealth, improvements and population ; the BUIU of human wants and the miseries of human life must necessarily increase in a comparative ratio. Every stage we advance in civil- ization each step of departure, and even fractional, egress, from a state of barbarism, ignorance and subjugation, imposes upon us and our cotemporaries increased obliga- tions to our predecessors to preserve*, and multiply, and perpetuate, by the exercise and exertion of all our talents, the arts, principles and virtues, essential to the happiness of present and future generations. ON READING MRS. REMANS 5 POEMS. 79 OH ;^8AMSB MRS BY MISS M. J. E. KNOX. ROUND every page is a mellow light, And a gem in every line, That sparkles like sunbeams falling bright On the wealth of a fairy mine. I see the blue violets springing out From clustering moss-tufts green, And hear the wild stream's ringing shout, Its shadowed banks between. The rose's breath is around me shed, And water-lilies gleam In dewy light, from their silvery bed In the edge of the woodland stream. The glorious light of Italian skies On my rapt vision breaks ; And my soul is full of such melodies As night from the wind-harp shakes. Aye, more! for the breathings of harp and lute Come over me like a spell, And the dreamy sound of the shepherd's flute, With its rich melodious well. 80 ON RE ADING I see the forms of the glorious dead, Each beautiful buried brow, With soft hair wreathing in curl or braid, Is smiling upon me now. And souls which have burned with passionate thought, And yearnings for other spheres, Whose memories are, as with gems inwrought, Undimmed by the mist of years ; They greet my soul in those blissful hours, In which I am borne away By thrilling song, to the land of flowers, Where the fountains of feeling play : A dreamland formed in the Poet's brain, And peopled with glorious things, Where music floats in delicious strain, From the cweet song-angel's wings ! Oh ! fountain of rich poetic lore, How gladly I drink from thee ! But shall my songs, when I am no So dear to one spirit be I MOSES AT THE BURNING BUSH. 81 M0333 2 233 HAVHTffi BY F. J. OTTERSON. 'TWAS summer-time in Midian, Three thousand years ago, The sunbeams, falling vertical, Like molten fire did flow On Horeb's angel-trodden hill, On Arab's arid plain, In every dell the fire-flood fell, As falls a summer rain. Close at the holy mountain's foot A clustering forest stood, As if the trees instructive sought The dwelling-place of God ; With leafy arms intwined, they made A sun -proof arch of green, And gently play'd within the shade A thousand forms unseen. 'Twas sultry noon, all silently Beneath the cool trees sleeping, An Israelitish shepherd lay, While, round about him creeping, The fleecy herd came carefully, And, bowing down before him, Gazed tearfully and prayerfully, As if they would adore him. 82 MOSES AT THE BURNING BUSH Look ! on the mountain-top descended, A gorgeous cloud of fulgent Glory Hath with the sun its radiance blended, And made his beams look pale and hoary ; Look ! down the mountain grandly going, The bright effulgence passes sldwly, And in its viewless brilliance glowing, Stops noar the shepherd slumbering lowly. The shepherd woke, and wildly gazing, Half-blinded by the bright illuming, Saw where the bush was fiercely blazing, Vet perfect still, and unconsuming; And while he marvell'd at the wonder, He heard a voice his own name telling, An awful voice, like far-off thunder, Among the distant mountains swelling It was the voice that call'd to being A universe at its command, And Darkness, from His presence fleeing, Disclosed the water and the land ; It was the voice that, in the garden, Call'd gently for the sinning mortals, The voice that bade the flaming warden For ever guard the shining portals. The voice that broke the great deep's fountains. And oped the windows of the heavens, That made the flood o'ertop the mountains, And whelm a world to ruin given ; That bade the bow, the east adorning, Tell vengeance fast and mercy reigning That sent the dove, with peaceful warning, To cheer the eight well-nigh complaining. MOSES AT THE BURNING BUSH The flaming bush, the quaking ground, The leprous hand, the hand restored, The serpent-rod no serpent found, Proclaim'd the presence of the Lord ; And when the doubting shepherd spoke, And humbly ask'd the Glory's name, in thunder from the Presence broke " Tell them thou comest from I AM !" Then waned the Glory, wasting slow, As if exhaling on the air, Expiring with a gentler flow Than soul departing while in prayer, Till nought the vision could reveal, Save mountain, forest, herd and ground Though still the subtler soul could feel The atmosphere of heaven around ; And viewless angels, thronging near. Made coolness with their waving wings, While oft upon the shepherd's ear The cadence of their music rings And oftener still now near, now far A great vibration broke the calm, As, echoing from star to star, Went ound the awful name, " I AM !" A DAY O 7 LOVE A SAT 0' 1DT3 BT JOHN BOTLE. BY Hudson's stream, I min' it weel, Wi' spirits light and cantie, I trod a wood embosomed dell, And oh ! but I was vauntie ! It was a flower-bespangled bawk O'erhung wi' coppice braery : For wi' me in that am'rous walk Was linked my bonnie Mary. The simmer sun was glintin* doun Through trees wi' foliage laden, Prae which I poud a leafy crown To deck my winsome maiden ; Aboon her snaw-white polished bron I wreathed mony a blossom, Ah ! nane but lovers can tell how It thrilleM a' my bosom. A zone o' woodbine roun her waist. Alang the swaird she stept her, An' in her tiny hand I placed An osier for a sceptre ; Wi' silken robe, and spangled shoon. She trippit like a fairy ! Ah but it was a bonnie moon, That hallowed moon o' Mary ! DAY O 7 LOVE. We traced the neuks, and wimplin' brooks, In hermit-haunted places, An' never has that valley seen Twa mair contented faces ; We framed a tale for every vale, For every hill, a palace, The tiny shells were fairy bells, Each buttercup, a chalice. 4 A brawlin' rill cam doun the hill, Gem-decked and silver-crested, Whiles shadowed frae the noontide ray, An' on its bank we rested ; An' there she sang, the shades amang, A lay frae Alice Carey ! Not Coila's sel could sing sae well As thee, my peerless Mary. v Sae passed away the lee-lang day, The e'en, the hour o' gloamin', The sun gaed down, the bright May moon Looked in, and found us roamin', An' by her light that hallowed night W pledged the word and token (X mutual faith which, unto death, By both remained unbroken ! ,- Unbroken, but, God, the rest! Like streams through meadows flowing, While sunbeams dance alang their breast, Dank weeds beneath are growing Sae shadowed our smooth stream o' life, Frae beams our hopes had wreathed. So sprang beneath the hand o' death, An' Mary sank beneath it ! 86 LINES. The snaw-wreath lies ower vale and hill. An* claithes the birk and breckan, The wintry wind blaws cauld and shrill, An* dark the clouds are fleckan, An* I, by grief an' care opprest, A pilgrim on life's prairie An* ah ! I lang to be at rest Wi* thee, my peerless Mary ! XIV38. T A TOUNO LADY BORN BLIND IT this delicious, graceful flower. Which blows but for a single hour, Should to the sight as lovely be, As from its fragrance seems to me, A sigh must then its color show, For that's the softest joy I know And sure the rose is like a sigh, Born just to sooth, and then to die. My father, when our fortune smiled, With jewels deck'd his eyeless child ; Their glittering worth the world might see, But, ah ! they had no charms for me. Still as the present faiFd to charm, A trickling tear bedewed my arm ; And sure the gem to me most dear Was a kind father's pitying tear. JANEWILLSON. 87 A SKETCH. BY ALMANZOR. " I PKAY you let me pass my sick grandmother is wait- ing for my return," timidly, and in trembling tones, spoke a young girl, at the corner of one of the streets, on a cold, dark, and stormy evening in December. " Do, kind sirs, let mo go !" continued the young girl, and she grasped with a tighter hold a scarlet-woollen shawl, which she wore, more closely' around her shoulders. " For the love of mercy I must not be stopped !" she ejaculated in a still louder voice, the pitiable tones 'of which struck upon tin- ears of George Alden, as, with head bent forward and face half buried in the fur collar of his cloak, he was coming up the dark street, on the corner of which the entreating voice was heard. As the tones of entreaty were heard, Alden quickened his step, and in an instant was at the corner. As he came up, the light, airy form of a girl rushed past him ; and by tho light of one solitary lamp that stood there, he saw two men start off in another direction, and heard one of them muttering curses as he ran. Ever alive to the voice of distress, George turned, determined to follow the unpro- JAN E WILLSON. tected girl to her place of destination. He could just see a glimpse of her as she rapidly flew along the wet and slippery pavement, and he quickened his walk, keeping some distance behind her. Suddenly the sound of her foot- steps ceased, and a light for an instant flashed from an under-ground room, then all was dark and still. He, how- ever, continued his walk to the spot where the light had flashed out, and from a small window by a door, which shed a faint light, he could just discover a few steps that led into the basement story of an old building, and judging that the poor girl was one of its inmates, and that she was now in safety, he felt that his object was accomplished, and turned to leave the spot, when suddenly the door slowly swung back, and an elderly lady with an old quilted hood on her head, and the same red shawl around her which had covered the shoulders of the girl, stood in the passage. By the light, Alden could partly see her countenance, which was sallow and thin. Close by her, half bending over and looking up towards the woman, stood the young girl, holding in her hand an iron candlestick, with a piece of candle about two inches in length, flaring from the current of air which rushed past the open door ; and he heard, in a soft musical voice, " Mother, do let me go ! perhaps they have gone, and I shall not again be molested." He could only catch an indistinct view of the face of the speaker, but he thought it more than ordinarily handsome. " No, my dear daughter, stay with your grandmother ; I shall be less likely to be beset by ruffians, and insulted, than a young girl : I cannot consent for you to be exposed JANEWILLSON. 89 again to-night," answered the woman, moving to ascend the short flight of steps that reached a level with the pavement. George, not wishing to be discovered, commenced step- ping along, passing the door. He heard again the voice of the girl almost in a whisper saying, " Stop a moment, mo- ther, there is some one passing." He moved on, half turning his head to look back to see which way the woman was going ; as soon as he had passed, she ascended the steps and went up the street, the door again being shut. Waiting a moment, he turned and followed after her, determining to secretly keep watch over her, and be near at hand should any one molest her. He kept her in sight for some time, until finally sho stopped at a shop, and went in, which, as he came up, he discovered was a baker's. As he came in front of the door, the upper part of which had a window in it, he dis- covered the woman standing by the counter with a couple of loaves of bread lying in front of her, and she appeared vainly searching, alternately in a little calico bag and then in a small basket, for something. George paused only for a moment, and opening the door walked into the shop. The woman ceased her search, and moved as if to make room for the supposed new customer. A short, thick, red- faced man stood inside the counter, with his open hand resting on it, seemingly waiting to receive his pay for the bread, and as George came up, the baker looked sternly at me woman, saying " It is just as I supposed you have no money ! You can have no more of my bread until the old score is paid up 1" 90 JANEWILLSON. The poor woman looked as though she would sink through the floor, and a deep-drawn sigh escaped her as, tremblingly, she said, a I thought I had one shilling ; but I cannot find it. I suppose I must have lost it on my way," and she commenced searching anew the little bag she had with her. " Perhaps you had better go back and look for ij^ sneer- ingly said the man, taking the loaves off the counter, and laying them on a shelf where numerous others were tailed up. Alden knit his brows at this sight. " Give thelbread to the woman !" said he. " I will pay for it." / " Certahiy, sir, certainly !" quickly answered the shop- man ; " she spoke for some soda-crackers also shall she take them likewise ?" continued he, handina back the bread, and bowing to George. " If she wishes anything in your shop, let her have it !" abruptly replied Alden, and turning to the woman, " Mad- ^ am," said he, " permit me to be an almoner 'to you to- night, nay, nay! no refusal," observing that she was about to decline, " I have a right to give bread to the hungry !" he added, smiling. "And God bless you for it!" ejaculated the woman,/ casting on him a look of gratitude, while tears involuntarily gushed from her sunken eyes. * " You wished some crackers also, did you ^ot, good woman?" feelingly asked George. "Let her have the quantity she wishes," confirmed he, addressing the man. " I did wish to get a pound of soda-crackers for a sick person ; but as I cannot pay for, I nrnst ot take .TANEWILLSON. 91 them. I have already trespassed on your charity too much." George made no reply. " Put up the crackers for the woman !" said he, looking at the shop-man. " Did she inquire for anything else ?" " No, sir; but when she has money, she often gets a cus- tard for iier sick mother," answered the baker. u We have some fresh ones that are very nice." " Have you a sick mother, madam ?" tenderly asked George, turning again to the woman ; " and will a custard add to her comfort ? Indeed you will take a few, I hope," rather imploringly he added, " baker, put the Voman up two or three custards." " Stop, sir, stop ! I entreat of you. Your bounty over- whelms me !" exclaimed the woman ; " I have now sufficient for my mother's comfort and our present wants until after .the Sabbath." The baker, however, took no heed to what she said ; but proceeded to put three custards into the woman's basket, which she reluctantly received, and seizing young Alden's hand she thanked him, and, nearly overcome by her feel- ings, while her eyes beamed with joy through the tears that fast trickled down her cheeks, she hastily left the shop. Alden staid but a moment after, to pay for what had been taken by the woman, and then throwing a dollar on the counter to cancel her debt formerly contracted, bade the baker supply her with more bread should she call again, and followed on after the object of his charity, for the purpojse of seeing her safe return home. 82 JANEWILLSON. On leaving the shop, the woman ran rapidly homeward ; and it was with difficulty he could keep her in sight ; but she reached her home unmolested, and he saw her enter the lowly place of residence, when he turned and wended his way to his own lodgings. Few there are, comparatively speaking, who know the untold pleasure which is felt in a generous bosom, springing from a heart conscious of performing a deed of unostenta- tious charity in relieving the distressed ; and true it is, that many who enjoy competency, and are liberal in dispensing favors for great specific objects of charity for a name only, never stoop to relieve the poor widow and fatherless, or the sick and distressed whom the iron hand of penury has with a heavy hand laid low. George Alden laid his head on his pillow that night with a conscious feeling of having acted as he would others should act to himself in like circumstances. Left with a few thousand dollars by his father, George lived with his mother and sister, the latter about eighteen years old. This Bister, whose name was Alice, was the idol of George, was his confidant in all his movements, and he had made her his almoner in dispensing acts of charity, the objects of which, often, he sought out. He was a clerk in one of the banks, and received for his services sufficient, with the income from the property left by his lamented parent, to support his mother, sister, and himself. The next day, George communicated the circumstances of the preceding evening, naming the street, and describing the place of residence of the recipient of his charity. JANE WILLSON. Alice Alden needed no other stimulant to visit the abodes of poverty and wretchedness than the approving smile of her brother to sanction such acts. The poor woman whom George had mentioned to her was fresh in her mind on Monday morning when she arose, and she determined that day to seek the place of her residence. Circumstances in the fore part of the day prevented her from going out ; but towards night, in the afternoon, she went. After thridding several streets, she came to the corner of the one sought, and proceeded with a light heart, carefully noticing the buildings as she passed along, to find the one described by George. It was a street occupied by dwelling-houses mostly, and there was such a sameness in the appearance of them, that it would have been impossible for her to have found the right one, had not a little circumstance occurred, that led her, as it were intuitively, to the very spot. As she passed along, she saw a man a few rods ahead ascend from the basement of one of the buildings and come towards her. As he passed her, he was muttering to himself some- thing, and she distinguished in one of his sentences, " I'll let them bury the old woman, and then they must budge, or consent to my proposition. I must and will have my rent somehow." She heard this much of what the man was saying to himself as he passed her, and judging that the place he had left was the abode of poverty and affliction, she had no hesitation in concluding it was the place she sought, or at least that there were those there who were in need of assistance. Accordingly she proceeded to the cel- lar-way she had seen the man emerge from, and tapped at JANE WILLSON. the door. A moment elapsed and it was opened, when a tall, slender woman, the picture of melancholy, stood before her. She bowed, and faintly smiled, as Alice spoke and passed in ; and shutting the door, she handed her one of three chairs, which had once had seats of flags, but were now bottomed with " list" of variegated colors ; and the frames, at some period painted, perhaps some fancy color, were at this time worn off, and presented a white appear- ance like the original color of the wood. Alice cast her eyes around the room as she seated her- self. " I called, not to intrude, my good woman," said she, in a tender voice, " but was informed that some one was sick here that possibly might need assistance." Here she paused, as her eyes were directed to one corner of the room, where on a common bedstead some one lay, covered up and still, as if asleep. The room was clean, and smelt of camphor and burnt vinegar. A handful of coals were burning in the grate, emitting scarce heat enough to take the chill from the room. The furniture was scanty enough, consisting, aside from the three chairs, of only a pine table, clean and white from constant scouring, an old ihest of the same kind of wood, the outside presenting the same cleanly appearance. In one corner was a cup- board with a black earthen tea-pot, two or three white cups and saucers, and three or four plates. One iron candle- stick stood upon the mantel-piece, and vith two or three other trifling articles, these constituted the whole household goods of the room, which was low and lighted only by two JANEWILLSON 95 basement windows a large newspaper serving as a curtain for one of them. " My mother has been sick but is now relieved. God, in mercy, has just taken her," huskily replied the woman, burying her face in her hands and sobbing as if her heart would break. Removing her hands, she in a moment point- ed to the bed, saying, " There she lays her soul at rest my dear mother !" A thrill of horror and a shuddei passed through the frame of Alice, as she arose and moved to the bed. The old lady, who but an hour before had breathed her last, lay as if in a sweet sleep, and Alice removed the dark-colored coverlet that was over her, and silently gazed on the lifeless corpse. The poor woman, the daughter of her who thus lay in the arms of death, now rose and came also to the bedside. " Happy mother !" she exclaimed, " would that my troubles were ended like thine ! but " and she suddenly stopped short a moment " O, this wicked murmuring! pardL L S OIC' ';,",: , 101 before in the room was still observable. By the grate sat a well-dressed, hard-featured man, with his hat on, his legs crossed and his arms folded up, who, as she entered and took a seat, stared her in the face, and though she did not par- ticularly notice the man who passed her a few days before, she thought this was the same one. He sat a few moments in moody silence, and then rose to go, saying to Mrs. Willson, " You will think of that thing, madam ! one or the other must be done. Remember, I am not to be trifled with !" and moving towards the door, he added, " I will call again this evening." Mrs. Willson turned pale as the man spoke, and her eyes seemed to light up with a flash of indignation, as in a linn and energetic voice she looked towards him and said, " You have already had your answer, sir ! Sooner would I die by inches in the deepest dungeon which unfeeling tyranny could prepare, than listen for one instant further to your proposal ! Oh ! my God !" she exclaimed, " and is it come to this ?" and dropping into a chair she covered her face with both hands, while the contending emotions of grief and indignation warred in her bosom, and agitated her slender frame. The man made no reply; but looking with a frown towards the poor woman, opened the door and left the room. Alice, with surprise pictured on her countenance, fol- lowed the man with her eyes as he went out, and then looked at Mrs. Willson for some explanation of the lan- guage she had heard. A moment or so elapsed ere Mrs. Willson recovered 102 JANE WILLS ON. ^^ .-_ from her agitation sufficiently to look up. " O, my dear young lady !" at length she said, " what must you think of what has just passed ! That brute in human shape who has just left us is my unfeeling landlord. Unfortunately I owe him for rent, and have asked lenity and time to cancel his claims on us ; but what think you is the alternative the wretch has dared to offer ? Start not," continued she, convulsively seizing her hand, " start not, when I say he demands the uttermost farthing of his rent within twenty- four hours, or the virtue of that guileless being, my daugh- ter. Do you wonder, then, at the agitation of a mother in hearing such an infernal proposition V' Alice Alden listened with the most intense earnestness to this communication, a burning blush covering her face and shooting up to her temples. " Is it possible?" said she, "is it possible, that there exists on God's footstool such a deprave 1 villain ? Calm your feelings, my good woman ! The vile wretch shall h:m> his rent, and you shall leave his detested tenement !" and she shuddered at the thoughts that imperceptibly rushed through her mind. The noble and generous emotions of the lie-art of Alice rose higher and higher as the troubles of Mrs. Willson came to her knowledge. " Yes, calm your feel- ings, madam !" repeated she, " you shall be released from the toils of such a base, unprincipled scoundrel. You shall hear from me shortly. I will send a person to you this evening with sufficient to liquidate your brutish land- lord's claim. Let not your daughter, I beseech you, ever hear of tho villain's polluted proposition. Shock not her JANEWILLSON. 108 pure ears with a recital of the foul insult that has been aimed at yourself and her." Having said thus much, Alice took her leave of Mrs. Willson, hastening home as fast as she could. She found her brother George at home. Throwing her- self into his arms, she unfolded to him the wretched and unprotected situation of Mrs. Willson. Tenderly kissing his beloved sister, he smiled an assent to fulfil the promises she had made Mrs. Willson, and writing a short note, he enclosed the amount she owed her landlord, which was only ten dollars, and adding another for her present necessities, directed it to her, ordering his bearer to deliver it imme- diately, and then to seek out some cheap, respectable tene- ment, and assist her in moving into it the next day. The tenement to which Mrs. Willson removed, on the day following, was a front room in the second story of a neat house in Greenwich street ; and Alice had raised a small subscription among a few of her acquaintances, which she appropriated in the purchase of a few articles of second-hand furniture, and some useful and necessary cook- ing utensils, crockery, &c., of which the poor woman waa mostly, if not entirely, destitute. These she ordered to the new residence of her charge. Nor did she stop here ; but procured from the circle of her acquaintance sufficient plain sewing to enable Mrs. Willson to live in a comfortable manner. The winter passed off, and George and Alice Alden, fully recompensed in the conscious feelings that they had been instrumental in assisting an unfortunate woman, 104 JANEWILLSON. thought no more of the acts which had, directly and indi- rectly, brought it about. The month of May, that delightful season of budding and opening blossoms, had come, when nature, arrayed in living green, and dotted with the gorgeous petals of wild flowers, spread before the eye a loveliness and beauty tempting to all who enjoy the variegated scenery of her landscape in the country, when George and Alice Alden, with their mother, left the city for a few days, to visit some of their friends living up the noble Hudson. About a week after they had left, Mrs. Willson was sitting one afternoon in her room fronting the street ; the window was open, and she sat busily sewing. The rattling of the carriages and carts, and the din and bustle in the street, did not withdraw her attention from her work ; but suddenly a loud shout and the babel sounds of many voices struck upon her ears, and looking from the window, she saw several persons lifting the lifeless body of a man from the pavement, while near by was a horse without its rider, rearing and plunging, with one or two persons vainly attempting to hold him. Throwing her work aside, she .n up the steps of the house she was in. " Bring him to my room !" she hastily exclaimed, turn- ing and leading the way ; and in a moment more the man was laid on Mrs. Willson's bed. " Who is he V was asked by several ; but no one present knew him. A surgeon, who had been sent for, immediately came in, and instantly proceeded to examine him. One of JANE WILLSON. 105 his arras was broken, and though badly bruised, no other serious injury was discovered. He was bled, and the frac- tured limb set by, the surgeon, who ordered that he should be kept quiet ; and shortly after, the persons who had been drawn to the room by the accident went away, leaving no one but Mrs. Willson and the surgeon ; and he, after giving some further directions with regard to his patient, also left. The stranger had not spoken ; but had, after being brought from his lifeless state, caused by the shock of being thrown from his horse with violence on the pavement, passively submitted in silence to all that was done for him. Mrs. Willson, being left alone with him, seated herself by his bed-side, that she might be in readiness to attend to anything he might want. He seemed to lay in a gentle sleep, and she looked at his countenance, the lineaments of which appeared familiar, yet she could not recollect where she had seen it. Evening at length arrived, and Jane came home, finding their little room an hospital with the invalid young man. Jane Willson partook too largely of the feelings of her mother to stand back from acts of kindness to the sick and dis- tressed ; and, on learning the circumstances of the accident, evinced as much interest as her mother for the invalid thus unexpectedly quartered on them. Jane, with noiseless steps, was putting some of the things of the room in order, that had been displaced in the confusion of the first attention to the injured person, when she discovered that his hat, which had a number of papers and letters in it, had been upset, and some of them were scattered on the floor. Picking them 100 .TANEWILLSON. up, the direction of several letters could not escape her observation, and she discovered that they were all addressed to "George \lden." It was not until the next morning that George awoke to a consciousness of his situation. He opened his eyes, and stared around. The room looked strange to him, and denoted poverty, though everything appeared in the utmost order and regularity. His bed-clothes were coarse, though clean, and he wondered whose hands he had fallen into. The last that he distinctly recollected was, that he was thrown from his frightened horse upon the pavement. He had a confused recollection of seeing persons around him when he recovered from the shock ; but he even did not know how much he was injured. He attempted to raise one of his arms, however, and soon found, from the pain he experienced, that it was broke, and he felt a soreness over him. Seeing no one in the room, he lay looking towards the door, musing on his situation, when suddenly he saw the door slowly open, and a girl on tip-toe enter, shutting it carefully after her. The surpassing beauty of the visitor caused him to start as if electrified, and he involuntarily half raised his head. " What angel is that T > thought he, as he saw her with a noiseless step cross the room, and go to a cupboard. She stood there a moment, and as she turned, he closed his eyes, fearful that she might see him looking at her, and leave the room. As he lay with his head on the pillow, with one eye just open sufficiently to discern her, he saw her come to his bed-Side softly and look at him, gently touch hi* face with her hand, and then care JANE WILLSON. 107 fully smooth down the bed-clothes. After which, she stood a few seconds gazing with a sorrowful look at him, and then lightly moved to the window ; a muslin curtain shaded it, which she drew aside a little and stood looking out. He had a kind of side view of her face. " She is a very beauti- ful girl," mentally said he. For half an hour she remained in the room, when the door again opened, and some other one entered, she at the same time passing out. The person who entered was an elderly woman, who seated herself in silence by the window, apparently as a kind of relief-watch. The dazzling beauty of the girl who had left the room, compared to the ordinary appearance of the woman who had taken her place, led him rightly to suppose they were neither kith nor kin to each other, and he lay still some time thinking of the fairy-beauty that had smoothed down his bed- covering. At length the sound of voices on the stairs and of persons coming up aroused him, and in an instant, his mother and sister, pale with affright, hastily entered the room. " Dear George !" they exclaimed, as he raised his head, and they both alternately threw their arms around his neck, and wept over him. Mrs. Willson, who had entered the room with them, also -approached his bed-side, and after the mother and sister had risen from their embrace of the invalid, she poured out her thanks to him as her benefac- tor. His sister communicated to him who Mrs. Willson was, and that it was through her they had just heard of his accident having that morning returned from their visit. The surgeon in attendance now coming in, they all had the 108 JANEWILLSON. gratification of hearing that George was in no danger, and in a day or two might with safety be removed. " And why not immediately 1" asked Mrs. Alden, who wished her son at home, that they might nurse him with less trouble than at his present place of confinement. The sur- geon, however, thought it too risky to attempt it that day ; and George felt a secret pleasure that he was to remain, the thoughts of the beautiful Jane running in his head, whom he hoped he might see again. He longed to ask some ques- tions concerning her of Alice ; but no opportunity seemed to present. He overheard, however, Alice's inquiry respect- ing Jane, and learned with a thrill of pleasure that she would be home from her work about dark. Mrs. Alden ordered everything necessary for her son's comfort to be brought from her house, and she and Alice spent the most of the day with him. His mother, towards night, left Alice to assist Mrs. Willson in attending on him. It was nearly dark, and George was impatiently looking at every one that entered the room, with the vain hope that it was the handsome Jane. At length she came in, and his eyes glistened with delight, as he saw her trip lightly across the room, and fondly throw her arms around his sister's neck, and kiss her with all the ardor and affection of inno- cent love and friendship. In his heart he envied the lips of his sister ; and when Alice led her timidly towards him and introduced her, he put forth his arm, and, with pleasure beaming in his countenance, took her hand in his, pressing it involuntarily from feelings he could not repress. Alice could not but observe the marked admiration her J A N E \V L L, S O N . 109 brother showed when looking at Jane. He was her idol, and whatever pleased him caused a simultaneous feeling with herself. The first opportunity that George and Alice were alone, he said to her, " Why, dear sister, did you never tell me of that lovely girl ? I have frequently heard of the pretty Jane ; but little dreamed that she was the daughter of the widow that had elicited our sympathies." Alice smiled, and replied, " Though I have known her also, I little dreamed she would at first sight steal my brother's heart. George," continued she, "you are caught !" and she smiled as a deep blush mantled his face. " Perhaps not," he answered, striving to conceal his con- fusion at the quick perception of his sister. The next day George Alden was removed home, and it was nearly a week ere his physician would let him go out. Once only during that time did he see the object that now occupied all his thoughts ; and then for a moment only, as she came to return some trifling things, that had been carried to Mrs. Willson's for his convenience. ** ****** About six months after the convalescence of George Alden, a splendid fete was given by Alice, the principal attraction of which, that drew the wondering gaze of the guests in attendance, was the young and lovely bride of George, "THE PHETTY JANE WILLSON." ATTBURN, N. Y 110 LINES. KXI3S 0V 233 3)3AS 03 A JP03SS3S, BY J. C. HAGEN. AB lately I strayed through the evergreen bowers, Whose music so often had cheered me before, A Toice from the trees, and the birds, and the flowers, In accents of wailing, sang " Fanny's no more !" A sweet child of nature, so gentle, so tender, Our hearts in her numbers it cheered us to pour, And all that was pure in our music to lend her But hushed is her voice, for " our Fanny's no more !" In the quiet of evening, the breeze's soft sighing, The voice of the stream, and the groves on the shore, And echo's sweet notes to their music replying, All bore the sad burden * Our Fanny's no more !" The dear ones whose loved home to cheer she delighted, While life's pulses beat, shall her mem'ry adore ; Their bosoms are rent, and their fondest hopes blighted, Ah ! well may they weep, for " their Fanny's no more !" All crushed is her lute, and no aid can restore it, For cold are the fingers that swept it of yore ; Yet still. when the wings of the zephyr pass o'er it, It sighingly whispers " Our Fanny's no more !" The angels have added a harp to their numbers, Or regained one but lent, they had sought to restore, Though mortals still fancy its voice ever slumbers, And weep at the thought that " their Fanny's no more." THE LIGHT-HOUSE 111 SSI EI.*Bf-BtWtB. BY ALFRED A. PHILLIPS. SAILING from the noble harbor of New York on a sunny afternoon in July, in ">ne of those fairy-like craft which skim through our waters like things of life, scarce marking the placid surface of the deep even with a ripple, we passed through the narrow entrance of the majestic bay, and swiftly cut our way towards the ocean. The prospect was indeed beautiful, far astern the receding spires of the great metropolis rose dimly in the distance, while the bold bluffs of Staten Island stood like grim watchers of the portals of the spacious harbor. Directly in view appeared the con- spicuous beacon of Sandy Hook Light-house, while or either side the white sandy beach gradually receded from the eye until lost in the surges of the ocean. Even here all was bustle and activity : the wide expanse was studded with vessels of every class, manned with crews from every clime. Here the snug clipper silently flew through the water to her destination; farther astern the cumbrous hulk of a Ger- man ship tumbled clumsily along, while the loud clatter of confused voices proclaimed her the bearer of an increase to our population. In close contact, gallantly breasting the 112 THE LIGHT-HOUSE. surge, came one of our noble frigates, alike the dread and admiration of the world, while in her wake a ponderous British steamer ploughed her way amid steam and smoke, like a huge monster chafing at restraint, and madly plung- ing in his endeavors to be free. These, together with numerous inland craft and pleasure-steamers, completed the scenery. Toward evening the stiff breeze died gently away, and not a breath of air ruffled the surface of the water. The sky was cloudless, the air unusually calm, and no sound save an occasional burst of merriment from the crew of a neighboring vessel disturbed the death-like quietude. As the shades of night threw their gloomy pall over the lovely scene, the beacon on the shore threw its glare wildly on the dark waters, contrasting its strong, lurid light with the dull glimmering of the sleepy eyes of heaven. The moon had not yet risen, and a placid yet gloomy light awakened a pensive, half-melancholy feeling within the breast of the observer. Nature lay calm as a sleeping infant, betraying nought to alarm or destroy a striking illustration of the deceptiveness of outward appearances. Little could the entranced beholder realise that in a moment the voluptuous, quiet scene before him could be roused into the most violent and terrible contortions. The beacon still shone in lustrous splendor, and cast its glaring light upon the unrippled water. As I gazed and admired the scene before me, the thought was presented to my mind, Yon bea con shines as a warning ; surely danger lurks not beneath so secure and calm a spot 'tis but to cause anxiety and dread within the breast of the approaching stranger ^ THE LIGHT-HOUSE. 113 whose bosom leaps with hope at the speedy termination of his dreary voyage. But, alas ! how short-sighted and fal- lacious the idea ! scarce were my reveries concluded, when the dark-boding outlines of a ponderous cloud appeared in the southern sky, and, as if by magic, small fleecy par- ticles, as of the breadth of a man's hand, arose in every quarter and fled with impetuous haste to join their mother, with the black, frowning mass which now rose in terrific grandeur, and cast a dreadful wildness over the lovely scene beneath ; and, as if the spell had been broken by a word, the vast expanse of water started into a thousand masses, and with the wind, which rose instantaneously into a fright- ful roar, tost our little bark like a shell upon the maddened billows. Gallantly, however, she breasted the storm, and reached in a few minutes a comparatively secure harbor, under the shelter of the bold bluff, from which shone the blood-red light. Here we could view, at the expense of a thorough drenching, the effects of the fearful convulsion which had so suddenly arrested our quiet journey. The white sails of the shipping, which had been spread to catch every breath of air, were now closely secured, and nothing but the dark hull of the giant steamer was visible in the thickly-gathering gloom. The wild howls of the rushing wind, and angry toss of the foaming wave, as it dashed with maddened fury upon the beach, filled me with alarm for the safety of the vessels in the vicinity. The storm raged with unabated fury for upwards of an hour, yet amid all this war of elements the beacon still shed its warning light, a guardian genius to the wave-tossed mariner, a THE LIGHT-HOUSE. symbol of safety and welcome to the returning wanderer. The thunder seemed to shake the earth to its very centre, and the forked lightning played in ^terrific gambols through the dark expanse. The heavy, lowering clouds seemed at length to envelop and obscure even the strong light of the beacon, and the continual crash of the deafening thunder struck with awe and deep solemnity the astonished listener. The transformation of the lovely arid quiet scene into this hideous combination of deafening sounds and frightful fea- tures led me imperceptibly into a reverie, from which I was aroused by perceiving a vessel, discernible only by her long, lark hull, rapidly approaching the shoal-water. Startled and alarmed by her immediate danger, I wildly shouted to her to beware a near approach, but my voice was as nothing in the deafening hubbub, still she kept on. " Heavens !" involuntarily exclaimed our captain, " she cannot see the light!" Scarcely had the words passed his lips when the cloud, which had frowned so fiercely, suddenly broke above, and she perceived the light, as we conjectured by her instantly changing her course, and avoiding so dangerous a collision. The lowering clouds gradually melted away, the gale abated, the stars seemed waked from their slumbers, and shone with increased brilliancy. The storm had subsided, and all was peace. A lesson, fraught with deep import, may be drawn from this simple narration. Thousands have sailed through the quicksands of vice and crime, and no beacon-light reared its friendly warning for them. , How cruel and inhuman THE LIGHT-HOUSE. 115 would it be deemed, if a vessel should enter a dangerous track which led to irremediable destruction, should the light be extinguished, and she left to dash unwarned and unpitied upon the hidden rock ! And yet, when the youth has entered upon his career of sin, how often has the door of benevolence and sympathy been shut to his call, and he left to perish unmourned and unheeded in the dread abyss of wo 1 Thanks to the philanthropy of the present age, so gross a negligence has ceased to exist. Every class and condition of men, every sect and denomination, civil and religious, have erected their different lights, and the wan- derer, however reckless, may behold their faithful beams. The church stands upon the highest pinnacle, and throws her radiating beams over the civilized world ; the watchmen upon her walls continually sound the alarm, and to her friendly shelter she invites the voyager upon the sea of life, bids him enter the haven of her rest, and anchor within her quiet precincts. The Genius of Liberty, with pinions extended over our beloved land, shines with unapproachable lustre as the Light-House of Universal Freedom to Man. Her radiance has pierced the dark clouds of feudal tyranny, and revealed the cruelty of despots. Her happy, soul- inspiring strains, have roused the slumbering spirits of the vassal, have filled the slave with a new-born impulse, and kindled within him a spirit of indignation against his lawless oppressor, that has burst the galling chains of bondage that held him from his high estate, and caused the tyrant to quail before the impetuous onset of his down-trodden and insulted subjects. She shines as a warning as well to 116 THE LIGHT-HOUSE. individual as to national tyrants. She is the beacon mark- ing the sunken rocks of ambition and arrogance, upon which mighty republics, in their voyage to the glorious haven of man's political amelioration, have struck, and made ship- wreck their fondest hopes and joyous expectations. Their outset was indeed prosperous ; the sea of experiment rolled smoothly on, and not an adverse wind ruffled their calm repose, till the inviduous cloud of personal aggrandizement and voluptuous ease sent forth the winds of discontent, and scattered the voyagers over the trackless ocean, when, losing sight of the port of their destination, the hurricane of fac- tion dashed the fragile bark upon the devastating rock of corruption, anfl destroyed the last vestige of their transient greatness. She stands pointing with tearful eyes to the remains of Rome's once mighty people, and bids the free- man beware of the withering influence of that deadly ambition which laid waste the splendid fabric of that primary but powerful republic. She appears as the guar- dian angel of Freedom, and bids those who approach to shun the rock upon whkh others have split, or meet the same destructive fate. Philanthropy also has planted innumerable lights among the shallow waters of destruction. Her vivifying rays render the night of vice and immorality so clear that the wanderer as he runs may be admonished of their dangerous precincts. The pure Genius of Tem- perance, clothed in garments of spotless white, sparkling Hh crystal, charms the deluded victim of unhallowed and in characters of living light illuminates the path in . ich his unsteady feet are straying, and shows in aU THE LIGHT-HOUSE. 117 their dread deformity the yawning gulf and bitter pangs that have already marked him for their prey. To the son she points to the broken heart of the widowed mother, who, with streaming eyes, upon her knees supplicates the throne of heaven for her inebriate son. To the brother she whis- pers the agonizing sighs of a youthful sister, whose pale and wan countenance tells of nights of sleepless sorrow and days of endless torture ; and to the husband and father she speaks in the thundering tones of conscience of the horrors of his fireside, where an affectionate wife and doating family mourn in heart-rending misery the dreadful depravity of*him, who, before angels and men, voluntarily assumed the relation of their first friend and protector. And, bright- ly conspicuous among this dazzling array, shines the pure yet modest and retiring spirit of Benevolence, arrayed in all the charming simplicity of a cottage maiden, who pleases more by her shrinking modesty than the glowing splendor of her beauty. She has planted the beacon of Charity and Love upon the natural basis of social feeling, and her dove- like spirit has taken refuge in and imparts her genial influ- ence through the philanthropic channel of the Lodge. She has lighted a flame so powerful and so pure, that it is felt in the most obscure and wretched abode. Want and poverty fly before her searching rays. The distressed and suffering hail her as the messenger of mercy from above, and the fatherless child, clinging to her widowed mother, learns to lisp the gratitude of an affectionate heart. The fabric of our Order is knit together, and composed of the rarest materials drawn from the finest feelings of 118 THE LIGHT-HOUSE. the heart. The enthusiasm of myriads of her sons form an uncxtinguishable light to guide the worthy to her friend- ly embrace. Not only is she a safeguard from immorality and crime, but her portals are thrown open as a shelter and refuge to those who have been overtaken by the blasting etorm. Her watchword is Honesty, her password ia Purity, and the beautiful motto that appears in characters of light above her portal will shine with undying lustre when the material part of her framework has mouldered and .liru\ .-I. " 'Twos not a love of earthly mould That first awoke this sweet communion, And earth can never break the hold Of such a heaven-enkindled union. The silken cord hath bound them fast, And every storm that beateth round them, And sorrow's dark and bitter blast, Still draws them closer than it found them." Her principles shall instruct and bless, her kindness cheer, and her alleviating balm sooth, till generation after gen- eration shall proclaim that, through her ii*strumentality, Benevolence is indeed a brilliant Light-House for the unfortunate, and a peaceful shelter for the way-worn traveller. TO * . 118 20 * **. A RESPONSE. BY DUNCAN ORAY. THE sun gaed down wi' lurid hue Ayont the horison's crimsoned brim, An' mony a weary toiler, too, Gaed down to tak' their rest wi' him ; But na for me, oblivious rest, I wandered far o'er hill and brae, For care was heavy at the breast, An' banished rest frae Duncan Gray. I sat me down beside a rill That steals its way to Hudson's stream, An' soon, on thoughts o' human ill, Was buried in a fever|d dream ; I thought on love, I thought on thee, When a' our days were bright an' gay, An* of thy fickle vows to me, That stole the peace o' Duncan Gray. A leal light heart, whose earliest spring! Along thy vernal path were shed, A maiden lyre, whose pliant strings Wove chaplets only for thy head ; 120 TO These were my offerings, what their meed ? But dew-drops shed on desert clay ; A seared heart, a broken reed, An' life a blank to Duncan Gray. Sic were my gloomy thoughts the night That we baith met na mair to meet ; An* ah ! how mony a weary gaet, Sin syne, ha' pressed my restless feet ! A blighted hope, a ruined mind, A future fraught wi' certain wae, Drave me to war's alarms, to find A soldier's grave for Duncan Gray. I've been where Ulloa castle stands Aboon the ocean's foamy crest, Columbia's flag 'gainst Mexic bands Up Sierra Gorda's bosom prest, In mony a pass, where bluid and scaith Wi' ghastly terrors strewed the way, I sought the dark release o' death ; But death aye fled frae Duncan Gray. Fame crossed my path wi' orient wing, And placed a wreath upon my brow, But ah ! what pride could glory bring For what were fame and fortune now ! A gloomy pall my vision crossed, Despair by night an' grief by day ; Hopes bloomed na mair like tlose I lost, The early hopes o' Duncan Gray. At length I find thy heart was leal, Thy thoughts were round my pathway still; An' my wrung heart the strength reveals 0* human love o'er human will : TO * . 121 Frae aff iny path the dark clouds roll, A light has broken o'er my way, An' kindled in the darkened soul The long lost joys o' Duncan Gray. The mavis haunts the forest tree, Where first she built her maiden nest, The wounded heart will steek, to die, The glade its early gambols prest : Sae I, on life's rude ocean tost, To carking care and grief a prey, Maun turn, to where in youth were lost The heart an' hopes o' Duncan Gray. Then weep na mair, my ain dear maid, But wipe away thy pearly tears, The course o' love sae lang delayed Will flow more smooth in after years : The beds in drear December trod, Wi' earliest promise bless the May ; Sae, ablains, purified by God, The bruise'd heart o' Duncan Gray. Oft by braid Hudson's wave, alane, We'll haunt each long-remembered dell, And a' the sorrows we ha' nane We'll aft recount atween ourseP ; Wi' thy pure snaw-white han' in mine, Ye'll sing to me the melting lay That mony a lanely night sin' syne Ha' filled the soul o' Duncan Gray 2E N E A S . 4IBAS. THIS is the name of one celebrated in song and poetry, by some of the first and most beautiful classic poets the world ever was graced with. Virgil has been most success- ful in his delineation of the character. The name " ^Eneas," as classically rendered, signifies a man, in dis- tinction from the fairer ornaments of society ; also the male any species, as distinguished from the female. By the tion of the gods, he left his country under their c^- duct, and sailed for Italy, in sight of which place, Juno, to revenge herself upon the Trojans, obtained assistance from jEolus, who, with his terrific winds, dispersed the Trojan fleet, which so irritated Neptune that he stayed the storm, and assisted in the relief of the fleet. Eventually .flSneas is found in Carthage, subject to the admiration of Dido; and at a banquet, prepared regardless of all expense, she requests him to relate the sufferings of his country- men, the Trojans, during the latter part of the siege of Troy, in which the Trojans were overcome, and the city destroyed. His story was, that the Greeks gave ^Eneas permission to carry off what was dearest to him, and that he took his father upon his shoulders to a place of safety ; that the Greeks, astounded with this eminent example of filial tenderness and affection, gave him further privileges, whereby he was enabled to secure his household gods, and SECRETS OF MASONRY. 123 the whole of his family, and all his effects. The plate re- presents JSneas with his father upon his shoulders, bearing him away from the scene of destruction and horror. The little boy, who goes forward, and so hopefully points to the future, is supposed to be the son of ^Eneas. 836S3XS 83? M&SDOT. IT has been hinted by some insidious and malevolent characters, who are excluded from the secrets of free- masonry, that, therefore, such society cannot be good. "If," say they, " their meetings be for the promotion of probity and virtue, why are there so many secrets'?" Nothing but what is mischievous, they think, is ever con- cealed. The philosophers of old informed us, that to be secret (or silent) was to be wise. None but fools babble ; wise men keep their counsel. This is surely verified in the pre- sent times ; and I am certain, if the world had been ac- quainted with the mysteries of freemasonry, notwithstand- ing the many excellencies it possesses, it would not have been in existence now ; for, seeing that by secrecy friend- ship is proved, so by secrecy friends are united. It is the chain which unites our hearts and affections ; and without which there can be no honor. When friends part, they should faithfully lock up in their hearts each other's secrets, and exchange keys. But why is it supposed that secrets imply some mischiev- 124 SECRETS OF MASONRY. ous or unworthy designs ? Are there not secrets in every family? and why not in a society? Does not a member thereby feel himself secure ? and is not he, through this de- corum, enabled to relate any secret misfortune which he would be very loth to advertise the public of ? Secrecy is the union of hearts ; and the more important the secrets, the greater is his confidence who imparts them the greater his honor who preserves them. The utility of having secrets in a society is to prove by secrecy that the members thereof are men of probity, truth, and honor who can withstand all inducements to violation of a trust, and prove themselves above deceit, and too strong for temptation. We are told that there are secrets above. Many of the divine determinations no man knoweth, not even the angels which are in heaven ; and seeing that we are enjoined to be secret, even in charity, thnv is, to use a common phrase, much virtue in secrecy. Why then attribute to the arcana of freemasonry aught that is improper or unjust, when the most noble of all virtues, Charity, may, for aught they know, be included among those secrets ? In order to prove the utility of secrecy, I shall here de- lineate two characters which form a perfect contrast : Tom Tattle and Jack Wary. Tom is a wild, unthinking fellow, so much addicted to loquacity, that, if intrusted with a secret, he would die, if he did not tell it immediately. Indeed, Tom Tattle could never keep his own secrets ; the consequences of such im- prudence have frequently been fatal. He once lost a place SECRETS OF MASONRY. 125 by too freely and unguardedly communicating his intention, and the source of his interest, by which means he was sup- planted. Another time he lost a mistress by expatiating upon her charms, and discovering that she had a fortune. Such attractions induced one of the many to whom he im- parted this secret to become acquainted with the lady, and poor Tom was again supplanted ! This imprudent confi- dence has likewise subjected him to much ridicule ; his dis- appointments being always the more mortifying as they were consequently known to his friends, who, according to custom, forbore not to deride the man who could not be silent till he had an occasion to speak. Misfortunes are rendered double by becoming public. Thus it is with Tom Tattle ; he goes to every one to let them know that he in- tends to wait on my lord to-morrow to ask such a favor. To-morrow comes ; and he is obliged to confess his lordship refused him. Whenever any one, according to the usual phrase, and as a prelude to some discovery, says, " Can you be secret ? the question hurts his pride, and he promises to be as silent as the grave ; but his tongue, like the tomb- stone, tells every passer-by what the contents are. This has brought poor Tom into many scrapes. He has been obliged to fight several duels ; but, till shot through the head, he will never be able to keep a secret. Not so with Jack Wary. He is so exceedingly cautious and reserved, that all his actions are to himself only. No one knows how much he owes, or how much is due to him ; yet Jack can be communicative at times. It is not, however, to Tom Tattle that he would impart any of his secrets, I -' > M A S C N I C O D E . but to one of his own stamp, who can be equally prudent and reserved. Such is the character of Jack, that his friendship is uni- versally courted. He is never involved in any quarrel ; he never offends; he never breaks his word; and, as he troubles no one with his own affairs, of course he escapes all the sarcastic rubs of his neighbors. Notwithstanding Jack can be on some occasion inquisitive, he will be curious when he means to be of service, and officious when anxious to perform the task of friendship. In this instance, curi- osity is laudable, though for the most part reprehensible. These two characters were proposed to a lodge for admis- sion. Tom, as it may be naturally concluded, was re- jected, while Jack, on account of his well-known prudence and integrity, was immediately admitted ; he soon arrived to the honor of becoming master, and met with the warm approbation of his brethren. MASOJOE flJJS. BT A WORKMAN OF THE TEMPLE. EMPIRES and kings have pass'd away Into oblivion's mine ; And toVring domes have felt decay, Since auld lang syne. But Masonry, the glorious art, With wisdom's rays, divine Twas ever so, the Hebrew crieau In auld lang syne. MASONICODE. 127 Behold the occidental chair Proclaims the day's decline Hiram of Tyre was seated there, In auld lang syne. The South proclaims refreshment nigh. High twelve's the time to dine ; And beauty deck'd the southern sky, In auld lang syne. Yes, Masonry, whose temple here Was built by hands divine, Shall ever shine as bright and clear As in auld lang syne. Then, brethren, for the worthy three Let us a wreath entwine The three great heads of Masonry, In auld lang syne. Remembering oft that worthy one, With gratitude divine The Tyrian youth the widow's BOB Of auld lang syne. 128 THEPRESSGANG. IBS 21333BAHB. IT was blowing fresh from the S. S. W. as the good ship Mermaid, homeward bound from the West Indies, passed Flamborough Head. The watch. had been called at twelve P. M., and the master, before he left the deck, gave charge to the mate to carry on all the canvas that the ship would bear, so that she might save the next day tide into Shields, whither she was bound. But such orders were unnecessary to him who now held command of the deck ; independently of the exciting hopes of the seaman, which strengthen as he draws nearer to his destined port, there were more than ordinary hopes and fears struggling in his bosom. After a careful glance aloft, seeing that the yards were well trimmed, and every sail drawing properly, he commenced his walk along the larboard side of the quarter- duck ; but it was not with the steady and somewhat proud step with which he was wont to tread that he now walked. His pace was rapid, as if the speed with which the gallant ship bounded over the waters was all too slow for his impatient wishes. At times he would suddenly stop, note carefully the land they were passing, gaze earnestly on the foam, as it flew, or seemed to fly, past her ; and then a low THEPRESSGANG. 129 whistle would just be heard, as if it came almost uncon- sciously from him an invocation to the breeze. Whilst he is thus engaged, and as the wind is steady, we will take the opportunity of acquainting our readers with some particulars of him whose fate will form the subject of the following narrative. His parents, now dead, had for- merly been in good circumstances, and he, having evinced an early predilection for the sea, had been bound apprentice, at the usual age, to one who was then considered a firm friend of his late father ; but when misfortune overtook the devoted family, a sum of money was owing to this person, and avarice being his ruling passion, this loss was never for- gotten or forgiven. After exhausting his efforts to harass and distress, by course of law, those whom misfortune had already brought too low for oppression, and finding his endeavors of no avail, he attempted, after the death of the father, by every means in his power, to annoy the son, who was to a certain degree under his control. Fortunately for our hero, his malice was partly baffled here also. Attentive to his duty, and giving his whole soul to his profession, in hopes of hereafter reinstating himself in the sphere of life in which he had hitherto moved, he was the favorite, not only of the master, but of the whole ship's company ; and as the ship was chiefly engaged in foreign trade, except in the winter, his enemy's opportunities of showing ill-will and oppression towards him were considerably lessened. Whilst the father was thus exhausting every effort which malice could devise to render the career of the young man miser- able, there was one who, like a ministering angel, poured 180 THEPRESSGAXG. balm into the wounds of his affliction, and shed the light of her love and beauty on the darkness of his sorrows. This gentle being was Margaret Ridley, the daughter of his stern employer, and as the richest fruits are often borne by the >t trees, so did this fair creature form a striking con- trast to the author of her existence. She had lost her mother at an early age, and had principally been brought up with the oppressed family. During the lifetime of the widow, she had, unknown to her father, contrived to do her all the good offices in her power, and now that the mother was dead, the whole of her young affections were centered in the son. Even in tht-ir infancy they had formed for each other a tender friendship, and this, increasing with their years, had now become a strong and absorbing passion, which neither the frown of a parent or any other adverse circumstance could subdue. Yielding at length to the dic- tates of her own heart, and the importunities of Cuthbert Lambton, she set the consequences at defiance, and became a wife. After this the rage of old Ridley knew no bounds, and he was only withheld from putting into execution the dictates of his fiendish disposition by the universal execra- tion which his conduct called forth. Fortunately for Cuth- bert, he very shortly after his marriage obtained a berth as mate in a respectable employ, and thus himself and wife were enabled to live humbly, but happily. This, however, was not doomed to last long. The owner had died before the return of the ship from her second voyage, and his ships were directed by his will to be all sold. Cuthbert was now ut of employ, and therefore subject to the abominable cus- THEPRESSGANG. 131 torn (not law) of impressment, and of these circumstances the smouldering vengeance of old Ridley did not fail to avail itself. On the very night on which he heard of his discharge, he repaired to the rendezvous-house, and although the information would, in ordinary times, have been suf- ficient to put the bloodhounds on the immediate track of their victim, yet as peace was then expected, they were not anxious about men, and he was forced to add a handsome bribe for the accomplishment of his infernal design. On that night the hellhounds broke into the dwelling of Cuthbert, and finding that their prey had escaped them, proceeded, according to their established custom, to treat the inmates with the most brutal and; Disgusting violence. Poor Margaret was the more particular object of their brutality ; but she, rejoicing in her husband's escape, bore it with patient meekness ; and at length, having exhar their modes and means of oppression, and having occasioned as much destruction as they could accomplish in the period, the degraded villains departed with blasphemous threats of future vengeance. Such were the visitations to which every house was subjected in those days, and thus were its inmates wont to be treated by ruffians, the very refuse of the base and vile, who were pointed out with execration and loathing, as they haunted and skulked about our sea- ports, the very Farias of society, and whose presence men were wont to shun as they would fly from the blast of the Sirocco, and for this the boasted laws of England afforded no redress. Cuthbert had on that evening retired to rest, but anxiety 132 THEPRESSGANG. as to his future prospects, and for the welfare of those dear to him, had banished sleep. He at once divined the mean- ing of the disturbance he heard, and springing from his bed, he rigged himself with a sailor's quickiu.-s, and after a hasty embrace of his wife and child, he escaped through a back window to the roof of an adjoining house ; and per- fectly acquainted with the bearings of the place, he found no difficulty in reaching a street, secure from the demons who were no** ransacking his once happy dwelling. His task was now easy, and passing quickly through the deserted streets, he reached the nearest landing, and casting loose a boat, was soon on board the Mermaid, which, commanded by an old friend of Ais father, now laid loaded ready to sail for the West Indies, and where he found shelter and safety for the night. \YUn the master came on board in the morning, he, after hearing his statement, strongly advised him to proceed with the ship on the voyage, as in those days there were always good chances to be picked up in the West Indies. Having accepted his offer, he wrote a hasty adieu to his wife, which he entrusted to the master ; and the kind-hearted old man enclosed it in a letter to his own wife, charging her to deliver it in person, and to act a mother's part towards the now unprotected Margaret. That tide Mermaid ran out of the harbor ; and luckily escaping from being overhauled by the gang, she proceeded, with a favorable breeze from the S. W., north about on her voyage. On the passage out, the second mate was lost overboard during a heavy squall, and Lambton was appointed to his THEPKESSGANG. 133 situation. They arrived safely at their destination, a secluded port on the north side of Jamaica ; and here the mate, one of that class who considered grog a remedy for all disorders, applying too much of his favorite stimulus to a constitution already worn out by hardships, and perhaps by excess, was soon confined to his berth ; when the duty of tlie ship of course devolved upon Lambton, and we need scarcely say was well and faithfully performed, and with that rare tact only to be found in the true-bred seaman, which gains alike the good- will of both master and men. Old " hard-a-weather" yet lingered, and unluckily, through false delicacy, his name was still retained on the ship's papers. It was not until after they struck the Gulf Stream that he parted ; they were yet scarcely out of the influence of the Trades, and the ship was close-hauled. The evening was bright and beautiful, and night was taking place of the short twilight of the Tropics. He had been lying for the last few hours insensible to surrounding objects, but it was evident that his mind was employed among the scenes of his youth. At times the answer would come as lively from him as on that day when first in his pride he took the helm on crossing Shields bar, and the sound was as cheering and jocund as when he delighted to answer the pilot's con. Again the soundings would be sung forth in a deeper strain, and confused murmurs would at times be heard, as though he were backing and filling a vessel through some narrow channel, and as if his mind reverted to the proud time when he first took command of a ship. And so he parted. The three knocks had been given, the words " larboard watch 134 THEPRESSGANQ. . ' \ a-hoy" were sung out, when, raising himself in his berth, he faintly murmured, " my watch on deck," and sunk back a corpse ! Rest thee well, brave old heart, for never did the blue waters close over a better seaman ! Cuthbert was now second in command, and so well had the master been pleased with his conduct, that he more than once intimated his intention of leaving the sea, and, being the chief owner of the ship, of giving him the com- mand of her. Thus, therefore, was he agitated, as he watched the course of the Mermaid along the Yorkshire coast, and when the termination of his watch had placed the ship nearly abreast of Huntcliff, the struggle in his breast had not ceased, ^o find himself approaching the goal of his desires, all his hopes satisfied by the station to which he had raised himself, and yet his fears excited by the situation in which he had left his beloved Margaret, we cannot wonder that his feelings were in a strong state of excitement. But the necessary duty of preparing the ship for going into harbor came opportunely to his relief ; and now as they neared Suter point, they could see the dark sails of the pilot cobles standing out to meet them. And who, but those who are approaching to their own port, can tell the anxiety with which the pilot is expected? it is from him that they look for the news of the port, always interesting to seamen, and it is from him that they hope to gain some tidings of those dear to them. When he had at length got on board, after replying to the usual inquiries, he informed them of that which at once damped the joy they felt on returning to their loved home j to use his own THEPRESSGANG. 136 words, there was a cursed gun-pelter of a thing come down as a tender, and was pressing all before her, and breaking through all protection. " I wish," said he, " she was upon the rocks, if the men were all out of her ; she is lying in Peggy's hole, and has got seventy or eighty men on board of her, and will sail next tide, or the tide after." This, of course, took the ship's company all aback, but Cuthbert, confiding in his situation as mate, felt no alarm. Alas ! he was doomed to be fearfully awakened from his bright dreams of happiness ; the hour was fast approaching which was to shed its dark and desolating influence over his future fate. But time and tide will wait for no man, and the good ship stood in over the bar. She had a leading wind through the narrows, and, when abreast of the low light, as she hove in stays, a boat shoved off from the tender, and pulled towards her ; and it was afterwards said, by those who were on the look-out, that another boat left at the same time, and that the figure which crouched in the stern sheets as if he endeavored to hide his accursed deed from the sight of God and man was old Ridley. The ship's company, engaged in hauling up the foresail, and trimming the yards according to the pilot's directions, were not aware of the approach of the vultures, until they were on board. It was evident from their proceedings that they had some particular object in view ; instead of demanding the crew to be mustered, the fellow who commanded required to see the ship's papers, and having glanced at them, ordered the mate to be produced. Their meaning was now plain enough ; Lambton's name not being in the THEPRESSGANG. papers, he was unfortunately within their power. It was in vain that the master urged the acknowledged custom, that the mate could not be taken from the ship, until the cargo was delivered ; the answer of the ruffian was short, " He is not your mate, as appears from the papers seize him, men !" There were three of the tribe lounging near, according to their preconcerted scheme, and they at once sprung forward. Cuthbert, fully alive to their proceedings, struck down the first, and seizing a capstan bar, made equally short work with the remaining two. The blustering coward who commanded them, seeing blows going on (which he held in the utmost abhorrence, when there was a chance of a return, and only admiring them when they could be safely inflicted, undft the sanction of established tyranny) had withdrawn to a secure distance, when the pilot, who, in his care for the ship, had not lost sight of what was going on, found a moment to approach Cuthbert. " The coble is under the larboard forechains, run for her, my canny 1V1- low ; pull over for the south side all the boats belonging to the tender cannot catch you." He sprang forward in obedience to the well-meant hint, but it was too late. Alarmed by the scuffle, the remainder of the gang luul got upon deck, and were in close pursuit of him ; he had just got hold of the fore-rigging, and was preparing to light himself over, when one of the. villains caught up a handspike, and at one blow brought him senseless to the deck. The worthy commander, seeing all danger over, quickly recovered his usual bluster, and having ordered his victim into the boat, into which he was hove with very little THEPRESSGANG. 187 ceremony, he took his scoundrels with him, and shoved off from the ship. In the meantime poor Margaret, having heard of the arrival of the Mermaid, had put off, flushed with the joyful anticipation of meeting with him who was to her the dearest thing on earth, radiant with hope, and exulting in the thought of welcoming home the wanderer. How often, in the silent watches of the night, had she prayed for this moment how often had fancy pictured forth his safe return, and bright and cheering visions of future happiness ! We may imagine, but we cannot describe, the deadly pang which chilled to her heart, when she beheld her husband wounded and bleeding in the fangs of the blood- hounds. Her first impulse was to spripg to his assistance, but she was repulsed with rude and savage violence ; and at length, provoked by her cries and lamentations, the unmanly brute who held command struck her on the face with the tiller ; the blood gushed from her mouth, and she fell back insensible. Cuthbert was now taken on board the tender, and bundled down amongst the rest of the pressed men, with no care or thought, upon the part of his captors, whether he were living or dead. Whilst his companions, in distress, are using all their means for his recovery, we will endeavor to describe the lieutenant who commanded the tender. He was now an old man of some sixty years' standing in his present rank, drunken and debauched in his habits, and yet with cunning sufficient to evade the conse- quences ; he was considered a pest and a nuisance in every ship to which he had been appointed, and it was always the practice with the captains with whom he had sailed to 188 THEPRESSGANG. ' manage to get rid of him as soon as possible. He was at length appointed to this service, because they probably could not spare a better man. Always despotic as far as he dared to put it in practice, on being appointed to a separate com- mand, his arrogance and tyranny knew no bounds ; to use an expression, which too truly designated his character, he made the ship " a hell afloat !" Some little idea may be formed of him from the conversation which took place between him and the worthy before mentioned. " Well, Mr. Hard up, so you have hooked the fellow ; but what was that infernal squalling I heard when you were shoving off from the ship?" " Oh, his wife, I suppose ; but I gave her a dab across the figure-head, which will spoil her beauty for some time to come." " Serve her right ; but avast, I had forgotten ; where are those fellows that were put into irons last night? order the gratings to be rigged, and let Mr. Start- em turn up the hands for punishment. I will learn them to pay proper respect to their superior officer ; discipline must be kept up, Mr. Hardup." The preparations were accord- ingly made, the two men were brought upon deck, and without being allowed a word in defence or explanation, they were subjected to the savage torture of the lash, for a fancied slight offered to their drunken commander. It was now near four bells in the afternoon, and the worthy lieu- tenant had gone below to take his grog, or as he himself perhaps more properly expressed it, " to lay his soul in soak," when the master of the Mermaid, having despatched the unavoidable duties of the ship, had come on board the tender, to use every means in his power for Cuthbert's THEPRESSGANG. 139 release. Old Drumhead was roused from the enjoyment of his grog, in much the same temper in which you might imagine a famished tiger, when forced to quit its prey. It was in vain that the master protested against his mate being taken from the ship, whilst a valuable cargo was on board ; it ^'as equally in vain that he offered to lay down the amount requisite to procure a substitute ; nothing would be listened to, and on growing mere pressing, and threatening to have recourse to the proper quarters, he was ordered over the side, with threats of violence if he did not immedi- ately leave the ship. The old tyrant was, however, ill at ease, conscious of the illegality of his proceedings, but unwilling to disgorge the bribe he had received ; he walked the deck for some time in much apparent perplexity ; at last, calling to him his second in command, they descended into the cabin together. He was now forced to take Hard- up further into his confidence than he had originally intend- ed, and after handing over to him a portion of the bribe he had already pocketed, and promising him a share of the amount he was to receive, if he carried Cuthbert off, he secured his zealous 'co-operation. Such a mode of proceed- ing was the more necessary, as, after this hour of the day, he generally found himself not much inclined, or rather not much fit for duty. The result of their conference was soon evident. When Hardup reached the deck, he immediately ordered the signal to be made for the pilot, and turned up the hands to unmoor. Such was often the manner in which those entrusted with its execution "abused the king's press most damnably." 140 THEPRESSGANG. There are many who, unacquainted with the workings of the system, will defend it under the plea of necessity, or to couch it in more statesman-like language, under the miser- able shuffle of expediency. But setting aside its horrid and glaring tyranny and injustice, are they aware that this cus- tom, abhorrent alike before God and man, has too often been made available as the means of satisfying private vengeance? He who had gold at his command could always find in the ruffians who composed our pressgangs the ready and willing ministers of his will. It was of no avail that the victims were, by their condition in life, sup- posed to be exempt from the operation of the brutal cus- tom ; it was but pouncing upon them at the proper moment, and before the tardy remedy of the law could be put in force, they were hurried fir from its protection. a MANCHESTER, England. THE RECLAIMED. 141 SSI BC1AIKBB. BY MRS. ALICE C. HALLOCK. " LUXURY ! bane of elated life, of affluent states, What dreary change, what ruin is not thine ! To the soft entrance of thy rosy cave, How dost thou lure the fortunate and great Dreadful attraction !" IT may be remembered, that, during the winter of '33 the cause of Temperance began to engross the attention of all classes and grades of society. This desirable state of popular excitement was not pro- duced by party measures ; nor was it confined to the abuse of alcoholic liquors. It took the more ample range of cor- recting habits of intemperance in eating and drinking, dress, exercise, &c., at the same time insisting on the necessity of holding absolute control over all the mental emotions and passions. The scourge of the preceding year, with more than the eloquence of a Demosthenes, still re-echoed the warning, " Turn ye , turn ye, for why will ye die, O sons and daughters of dissipation ?" About this time Mr. Duinont, a gentleman of fortune, who had for many years figured largely in the world of ( 142 THE RECLAIMED. fashion, espoused the cause of Total Abstinence. His family, consisting of an amiable and affectionate wife, two sons, and a daughter, though enchanted with the pomp of rank, and' the glitter of wealth and fashion, gave their assent to the new measures, and in less than three short months a thorough revolution was affected in every part of the establishment. Augustus, the elder, was evidently the favorite son ; per- haps from his being naturally of a slender constitution and a ready wit, thus keeping alive anxiety on one hand, and on the other a flow of humor and delight. He had finished his course of instruction, fitting him for the mercan- tile life, but declined entering into business, on account of his health. They passed the holidays, that season of parade and festivity, with no ostentatious display, confining their ceremonious hospitality within the limits prescribed by true dignity to themselves and proper respect to their guests. In the domestic circle each seemed naturally to possess his own appropriate department, so that each felt a degree of dependance on the other for their full measure of happiness. George, the younger, had returned to the field of his scientific labors, whilst Augustus and Juliette, remaining at home, employed their energies chiefly in the promotion of the great cause of reform so lately introduced among them. Louisa Morton, the intimate friend of Juliette, was no less an enthusiast than she, in every enter- prise connected with the interests of virtue and benevolence. It was now the latter end of the month of May, and all nature, just expanding into new life, every zephyr wafting THE RECLAIMED. 143 fragrance, every breeze murmuring melody, gave intima- tions that the rural feast was prepared. Songs of gladness on the mountain-tops, pouring forth the praises of the com- mon Parent, were now heard, saying, for " He is good, for his mercy endureth forever." Juliette and Louisa had planned a little excursion, that they might enjoy something of the glories of the opening season, and Augustus belong- ing to a club, and being skilled in managing a boat, under- took to row them a considerable distance round a rock} point, where they might disembark ift safety, and find a spot suited to their wishes. Several others were invited, among whom were two young gentlemen, members of the same club. The exertion of rowing had formerly been beneficial to Augustus ; but on this occasion it proved too fatiguing, and when they reached home his strength was entirely exhausted. Contrary to his usual custom, on the following morning he remained in his room till the breakfast was over, when, inquiry being made, he was found literally weltering in gore, the vital current still issuing from his mouth. A physician was instantly sent for, who succeeded in checking this frightful symptom, and, by the use of ano- dynes, soon quieted the agitated frame of the sufferer. He had beenr seized with violent hemorrhage of the lungs, brought on by the fatigue of the day preceding. Every kind of excitement was now excluded, and all hopes of recovery or amendment depended on keeping both body and mind in a state of the most profound quiet. The sole care of the patient was confided to the mother, assisted by Juliette, and not a footstep, save that of the physician, 144 THE RECLAIMED. was permitted to ascend the staircase that led to his apart- ment. And now, in the midst of this overwhelming state of affliction and distress, the blackening tempest of adversity seemed preparing to unstop the last vial of retribution. Private letters from a friend, in the vicinity of the college where George was pursuing studies preparatory to a pro- fession, informed Mr. Dumont that it was resolved to rusti- cate the young gentleman for a time ; that serious charges of immoral conduct remaining against him, with no prospect of reformation on his $art, they might expect a visit from him, accompanied by such explanatory letters as the Presi- dent might think proper to dictate. This unwelcome news proved the " mingling of the wormwood with the gall." The vital energies of the fond, doating parent, already excited to their utmost tension, seemed for a time palsied by this last fearful stroke. George Dumont possessed by nature a trfrly noble spirit. He still felt the claims of filial and fraternal duty to be strong almost overpowering. But, alas! how slight a bias given to the young and tender twig destroys the sym- metry of the tree ! What error in the parental path can escape the scrutiny of the child ? and what deviation is more blighting in its effects than partiality ? The seeds of distrust and suspicion, early sown in the mind of young Dumont, had " grown with his growth and strengthened with his strength," thus depriving him of those salutary restraints against vicious indulgences, and, at the same time, weakening all the incentives to virtuous actions usually thrown around the THE RECLAIMED. 145 young, by the fostering hand of paiental solicitude and affection. Habits of indulgence in luxurious living were the natural result of his early education ; and, possessing a firm, unyielding temperament, he now resolved to become uncontrolled master of his own actions. Admonition had not been wanting. In vain did the parents conjure him to " ponder the paths of his feet," in vain did the tender yearnings of a sister's affection implore him, with " tears such as angels weep," to redeem his reputation from the aspersions already accumulating like blight and mildew on the fair fruits of summer. Stung by remorse for his neglect of duty, Mr. Dumont now resolved to try the expedient of addressing him an affectionate letter, inform- ing him of a slight amendment in his brother, but intended chiefly as a medium for such counsel as might exert a salu- tary influence, without betraying any suspicion of the good standing of this wayward son in the Institution. He also desired him to defer coming home a-while, or until sent for, to avoid the danger of a relapse in Augustus' disease, which would inevitably prove fatal. Weeks passed, and nothing was heard from George. What impression would a visit from his father be likely to make? This, and a thousand other expedients, occupied the mind of Mr. Dumont from day to day. Could he be persuaded that his father was his best friend, his wisest counsellor, he would turn away and escape the abyss of destruction, on the brink of which he was now madly sporting. But the crisis in the fate of the eldest prop of the Dumont name detained him at home. 146 THE RECLAIM ED. Augustus was now no more. The struggle was over, and his quiet spirit, in passing, breathed a holy, fervent prayer for the welfare, the reformation of his absent yet beloved brother. After the funeral obsequies, and the last sadly- pleasing tribute of affection was paid to the ashes of the deceased, Mr. Dumont received a letter from his son George, informing him that, for reasons best known to him- self, he had left college soon after the receipt of his letter. He also added, that the wide world was but one vast field for enterprise ; and it was uncertain when his affairs would lead him in the direction of home. The health of Juliette had suffered much from the anxiety and confinement of her brother's sick room ; and it was agreed that change of scene would be the best prescription. Her friend, Miss Morton, was also preparing for a trip to the north, where she expected to spend some months with a near relative of her mother. After an absence of a few weeks, Juliette returned to her home, much improved in spirits, and consequently better qualified for the difficult task of beguiling both parents of their hearts' anguish. But what pen can describe, or what imagination conceive, the mingled emotions with which, after an absence of eleven months, the afflicted parents beheld the return of their repentant son ! They stopped not for humiliation on the part of the son ; but, seizing each a hand, hesitated not to give the unerring token of the existence of that principle which is stronger than death. Dropping on one knee, and unable to resist the tide of emotion which now swelled his heart almost to bursting, he could only falter out, " My THE RECLAIM ED. 147 father ! O my mother !" This reception anmanned the haughty spirit of Dumont, but recovering a moment's com- posure, and hastily dashing aside a tear, he inquired for Juliette, who, that instant approaching with open arms, gave him welcome with a fond sister's embrace. He brought nothing with him except a large scroll, which none was permitted to unroll. Intemperance had left visible tokens of an encounter on the countenance of George, which naught but Time's effacing fingers could obliterate. Two years after the events above narrated, as Juliette and Louise sat one morning discussing a cup of old Java, in the absence of George, " Tell me, dear sister," said Juliette, in a tone of earnest entreaty, " are you the magician who was the means of reclaiming my unfortunate, yet most FORTUNATE brother?" She hastily exclaimed, " Pardon my vanity if I confess to you I am ; and the circumstances, which are briefly these, need no further con- cealment. We met at a public table, and a single glance told me he was your absent brother. He was surrounded by merry companions, one or two of whom were slightly known to my uncle. Whether he remembered once seeing me at your father's, or whether a look of recognition escaped me, I venture not to say. But two days after, he was introduced into the family of my uncle by one of the gentlemen. At the name of Dumont, I involuntarily extended my hand ; mutual recognition and explanation took place. Subsequent visits gave room for introducing general topics of discussion, and will you not wonder at my temerity in bringing up the subject of temperance? His 148 THE RECLAIMED. iincnts were then the reverse of mine. The day of my departure for home was fixed, and he came to bid farewell. My mind had long been revolving the propriety of forming a female society for the promotion of temperance. The interest I felt in the undertaking induced me to employ what time I could spare in executing a suitable banner for such a society, which was just now completed, and this was the device : on the centre sat a female figure, holding the olive branch in the right hand, while the left was rest- ing across the shoulders of a lamb. The emblem of Con- stancy was hovering above her head ; and it bore the follow- ing inscription : ' Total Abstinence the passport to the hearts of the Virtuous and the Fair.' As we were about to part, I saw him pencilling something on a slip of paper. He passed it into my hand, and I read the following lines from Moore : * Would we had never, never met ! Or could this heart e'en now forget, How linked, how blest we might have been, Had Fate not frowned so dark between !' f returning it, I placed that secret scroll in his hand. The sequel I nec-i not repeat." NBW YORK. MIRTHARESSA. 149 BY J. B. MURPHY. [In the * llowing lines the author has endeavored to embrace the spirit of a superstition existing in a certain section of New York State, near the head of the river Delaware. The circumstances, as related to him, were so singular in their detail, and, withal, so beautiful in theory, that, after many years, he has adopted the present form in which to preserve a feeble portion of their interest] I. WHEW the summer days were over, ana the waving fields of grain Rolled their golden-crested billows o'er prolific hill and plain ; And enamored breeses revelled *mid the ripened sweets of earth, And wooed the sober Autumn into joyousness and mirth ; Along the gladsome river, and beside the laughing rill, And above the forest, sleeping in its grandeur 'neath the hill, Fell a mellow shower of sunlight, while a thousand odors sweet Sprang up from opening flow'rets, loosed by touch c f fairy feet ; Strayed a maiden in the sunlight, through the forest, 'neath the hill, And along the gladsome river, and beside the laughing rill ; Strayed a maiden young and beautiful ; so beautiful, I ween, That hourii in their revels might have welcomed her a queen ! ! her step was light and fearless, as she wandered through the grove, And her features were so peerless, and her eye so full of love, That she seemed a spirit-messenger, to mortals only given As a prototype of beings who are made to people Heaven ! 150 MIRTHARESSA. Peerless, faithful MIRTHARESSA, from the morning's early gray, 'Till, in golden vestments shrouded, sank to rest the weary day, Did she watch the winding pathway, mute and tearless did she yearn To catch the coming footsteps of the absent one's return ! Peerless, faithful MIRTHARESSA ! peerless in her spirit's might, Which hoped on through the weary day, and midst the sleepless night- Faithful to a voice which whispered whispered but to her alone, Coming joys, which echoed ever to the joyous moments flown ! Where a mighty oak was towering, like a giant forest king, Near a rock where gushed the waters of a murmuring crystal spring, Came the Maiden MIRTHARESSA, and the breeds lent their breath To mingle with her warblings in a melody of death ! Never more in life she wandered through the forest 'neath the hill, And her eye no more was beaming, and her voice for aye was still ; For a strange and mystic power bore her spirit from its throne, No roioe had answered to her dream a dream of HIM alone ! n. When midnight's ebon shadows o'er the wide cerulean crept, And the silvery moon in sadness from her queenly circuit swept, And the trembling stars looked tearful in their mystic depths profound, And the startled breezes quavered with a lowly mournful sound ; Through the drear and silent arches of an autumn forest, where It bends in lowly grandeur o'er the crystal Delaware ; Not crystal there, for fearfully its black and silent way Steals* on, while arching branches hide each faint and struggling ray Through these arches grim and silent, where the wolf unsleeping prowled, And unnumbered ghostly phantoms at unnumbered phantoms scowled, By the pale and wanful glimmer of unearthly tapers' light, Gliding flickering slowly onward o'er the murky plain of night, MIRTHARESSA. 151 Came a spirit form all beautiful, with queen-like peerless brow, And her step was proud but noiseless in its measured pace, and slow ; And her eye shone mild and tearful, in the wan and sickly glare Of the pale unearthly tapers, as they glimmered round her there. Like the visions of a dreamer like the poet's wild ideal, That floods the bursting brain with thoughts and images unreal Came the form of MIRTHARESSA ! in the midnight watches there Came the form of MIRTHARESSA, spirit beautiful and fair Where a gnarled and dying trunklet, lightning-blasted tempest- riven That in its ruin courted still the clouded dome of heaven, Stood in grim-like desolation in the silent murky night Came the form of MIRTHARESSA, by unearthly taper's light ! While the yellow Autumn lingers o'er the forest and the hill, Along the gladsome river, and beside the laughing rill ; When the curtains of the midnight steal athwart the even's gleam, And the Moon is veiled in sadness, and the Stars all tearful seem ; Through the arches grim and silent, by unearthly taper's light, MOVES THIS SPIRIT FORM or BEAUTY THROUGH THE WATCHES of THE NIGHT; In life did MIRTHARESSA struggle on against despair ; In death she resteth never, hoping still to meet HIM there ! PHILADELPHIA, May, 1851 162 THE WEDDING. Hi ARTS, so lately mingled, seem Like broken clouds or like the stream That smiling left the mountain's brow, As though its waters ne'er could sever, Tet, ere it reach the plain below, Breaks into floods that part forever. LALLA ROOKH. THERE was a splendid wedding at St. George's, Hanover Square. All the "pride, pomp, and circumstance" of aristocratic life seemed brought together to grace the occa- sion ; and well worthy of all the homage that rank and wealth could pay was the reigning divinity of the day. So fine, so noble, were the face and figure of the bride, so proudly serene did she appear under the consciousness of the lasting happiness which that day secured to her, that the most careless eye could not but follow her with admira- tion. As she moved along the aisle and down the steps with a stately, measured tread, her dreamy orbs gazed down the long, bright, flowery vista which opened to her mental view, and she saw not the gaping crowds that noted her with such prying curiosity. Gaze on, fair bride ! enjoy thy brilliant day-dream while thou mayst ; a hideous spectre is about to start ux> from amidst the roses, and wither them forever ! THE WEDDING. 158 She is in the carriage ; her husband takes his place beside her, a triumphant smile curling his mustachioed lip. The word is given, and away start the mettlesome steeds, as though conscious of their honored freight. But then there was a sudden pulling up, and a wild cry of affright from all the spectators. And there was within the carriage a sensa- tion of the fore wheel passing over some dull object and back again, and then forward again, as the spirited horses reared and plunged. But vigorous and practised hands seized and held them still, and in a few seconds a squalid and ragged woman was dragged from between the wheels, still convulsively holding an infant to her breast. The countenance of this poor creature bore traces of great beauty, though prematurely withered by sorrow and priva- tion, and now sharpened by agony, jjpr it was over her leg that the wheel had passed three times. As they raised her she looked eagerly into the carriage, and her features wreathed into a smile of awful meaning as her eyes met those of the bridegroom. " Oh, heaven !" exclaimed the pallid bride, " what a terrific accident to happen on this day!" But then she caught that smile of mysterious import, *nd turning to her husband for its interpretation, she beheld him cowering down, his face hidden in his hands, and looking as though he would willingly creep beneath the cushions to hide his shame and guilt. Under some circumstances, that which a long train of calm argument would fail to prove to the unwilling senses is thrust upon the mind with all the force of a primal 154 THEWEDDING. truth. So it was with the unhappy lady, she dared not indulge the luxury of a doubt; her edifice of joy which seemed so strong was based upon a quicksand. Her whx>le soul, however, was one tissue of lofty and generous feeling. She leaned forward, so as 'to hide the renegade from the eyes of the crowd, and giving her purse to one of her foot- men, she said, in a firm voice, " Take this see her to an hospital, and let her child be placed with some suitable per- son. I will be answerable for every expense. See that she has every comfort." "My days are numbered I think, lady," said the wounded woman, raising herself on the stretcher which had been brought already, " Pm sure my days are numbered, but the child " " Rest perfectly satisfied," returned the broken-hearted bride, " I will never abandon it. It shall never know want. Now drive on." She leaned back, exhausted by her own feelings. As the carriage moved on, her husband sat upright, glancing at times uneasily towards her. " Do not fear reproaches, my lord," said she ; " they would be useless now, and I shall not indulge in them. I am your wife, and, as in duty bound, I shall endeavor to conceal your crime " " Crime !" he repeated, in a tone of virtuous indignation ; " why, surely, Leonora, you would not stigmatise a little peccadillo as a crime ; why, the world does not blame " " Stay, stay, my lord," she interrupted, bitterly, " I cannot suppose that you would have me take for my rule of THEWEDDING. 155 morals the code prevalent among your club-houses. Make no attempt to justify yourself, and I will say nothing of the pinnacle of trusting happiness from which I have been so rudely dashed." " Indeed, my dearest love, it is very shocking that this accident should have happened to-day ; but you cannot imagine that I knew to what destitution that unfortunate woman was reduced " " Unfortunate woman !" she interrupted, with kindling cheeks ; how came she to be unfortunate ? What was she when you first saw her ? Not tne squalid thing she is to-day ; it requires little judgment to be sure of that. And that child, too ; from whence may it date its misfortunes, if not from the commencement of the existence with which you have cursed it?" " But you don't suppose the child i-" " I suppose nothing, sir ; I speak only of that which I am sure of. That poor creature was no common hireling, or her beauty would have saved her from starvation. I entreat you once again, my lord," she added, her eyes flashing with suppressed anger, " not to endeavor to justify yourself by throwing the burden of your guilt upon innocent shoulders. God knows I have already enough to make me wretched, without being compelled to add epithets to grace my hus- band on our wedding-day. If you please, we will both be silent on this subject henceforward." He signified his acquiescence by an inclination of the head, and not a word was uttered during the remainder of the drive. T H E \V D D I N G . At breakfast, where only about a hundred of the most intimate friends of the two families were present, the acci- dent which had happened as they left the church was quickly known, and the altered appearance of the bride was attributed to the consequent nervous agitation ; for the bridegroom, as may be easily believed, did not volunteer to enlighten them. If the forsaken victims of man's perfidy were always thus to make a Juggernaut's car of his wedding equipage, how often would the noblest and purest of our high-born maidens find that they had placed their stainless hands in those of miscreants whose betters often occupy the felon's cell! M. A. B. A XHOVftXX. ! 'TI the penalty we pay, In this frail world of ours, To find that hues which soonest fade Are born of sweetest flowers ! The brightest clouds an ardent eye With rapture gazes on, Are only seen in evening sky, We look and they are gone ! APOLOGY TO THE LADIES. 167 SAXIHD'S 3I38&SX AI'DIOBT SO 2313 2A3I3I. AGREEABLY to the tenets of our order, the fair sex are excluded from associating with us in our mystic profession ; not because they are deemed unworthy of the secret, " nor because the mechanical tools of the craft are too ponderous for them to wield," but from a consciousness of our own weakness. Should they be permitted . to enter the lodge, love would oftentimes enter with them, jealousy would pro- bably rankle in the hearts of the brethren, and fraternal affection be perverted into rivalship. Although the most amiable and lovely part of nature's works are excluded from our meetings, yet our order protects them from the attacks of vicious and unprincipled men. It forbids us to sacrifice the ease and peace of families for a momentary gratification ; and it forbids us to undermine and take away that transcendent happiness from those whose hearts are united by the bond of sincere affection. The feelings of women are more exquisitely fine, and their generous sympathy is more easily awakened, by the misfortunes of their fellow-creatures, than the stronger sex. The soft tear of pity bedews their cheeks at the tale of wo, and their gentle bosoms heave with tender emotions at the 168 SPIRITUAL APPKENTICE S SONG. sight of human wretchedness. They require not the adven- titious aid of mystic institutions to urge them to acts of charity and benevolence, nor the use of symbols to lead them to virtue. Their own hearts are the lodges in which virtue presides ; and the dictates of her will is their only incentive to action. THERE is a world the world of mind By neither time nor space confined ; And when we cease in flesh to dwell, That world will be our heaven or hell. By fallen nature, 'tis, alas ! A rude, chaotic, shapeless mass ; Devoid of goodness, truth, or light, And veiled in blackest shades of night. But/He who gave creation birth Can re-create this mental earth ; For this His Spirit, like a dove, Broods o'er our secret thoughts in love. If we consent to be renewed, And wish our evil lusts subdued, " Let there be light," He says, and straight We see our low disordered state. Then do we se>k to know* the Lord, Receive instruction from his word ; While He divides the day from night, And we proceed from shade to light. Lord ! let thy Spirit, like a dove, Brood over all our souls in love ; Then give tu light, our state to see, And we will give the praise to Thee JOSHUA. 159 ItSKVA. AND Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of God, and took a great stone, and set it up there under an oak, that was by the sanctuary of the Lord. And Joshua said unto all the people, " Behold, this stone shall be a wit- ness unto us ; for it hath heard all the words of the Lord which he spake unto us : it shall be, therefore, a witness unto you, lest ye deny your God." The stone which the builders refused is become the head- stone of the corner. Therefore, thus saith the Lord God, " Behold I lay in Zion, for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner-stone, a sure foundation. He that believeth shall not make haste." A new heart also will I give you ; and a new spirit will I put within you : and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. Then he brought me back by the way of the gate of the outward sanctuary which looketh toward the east, and it was shut. It is for the prince ; the prince, he shall sit in it to eat bread before the Lord ; he shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate, and shall go out by the way of the same. And the Lord said unto me, " Son of man, mark well, and behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears all 100 JOSHUA. that I say unto thee, concerning all the ordinances of the house of the Lord, and all the laws thereof; and mark well the entering in of the house, with every going forth of the sanctuary." And did ye never read in the scriptures, " The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner ? This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes." And have ye not read this scripture, " The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner ?" This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. And he beheld them, and said, " What is this then that is written, ' The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner V " He that hath an ear, let him hear : To him that over- cometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth, saving he that receiveth it. The white stone, and in the stone a new name written, indicates two ancient customs, to either of which this might allude ; the one is that which was observed by judges, in giving their suffrages by white and black pebbles ; those who gave the former were for absolving the culprit- those who gave the latter were for his condemnation AN OLD MANUSCRIPT. 161 AI BIU [The two following article* we have found in manuscript, bound up in a volume nearly one hundred year* old. We copy them verbatim et /fterofuw. ED.] THE PORTRAITURE OR CHARACTER OF A TRUE FREE MASON. HE is to contemplate the Precepts of Religion and Phi- losophy His moral Conduct is to be correspondent to the most exalted Sentiments of Virtue By the Aid of the Torch of Truth, which enlightens his Steps, he is to be prudent in all his Actions, temperate in all his Pleasures ; his Fidelity is to be inviolable, and his justice incorruptible He is to admire Virtue in his Brethren, believe them his Equals because they are Men, share their Pains, partici- pate their Ills and lend a beneficent Hand in Time of Want, to conceal no Impostures in the intricate Mazes of a false Heart, to speak ingenuously, and to act with Candour, Goodness and Affability seated on his Brow ; to despise all affected Disdain the Offspring of Pride, that would mark out Distinctions among Mankind, to be ready to forgive Injuries, without offending any, to cherish Goodness, and detest nougbt but Vice ; to be simple in his Manners, easy 162 AN OLD MANUSCRIPT. in his Behaviour, affable in Society, a faithful Subject and a constant Friend, knowing how to temper the Austerity of Wisdom, with chaste Voluptuousness. A MASONIC HYMN. HAIL, sacred Masonry ! great Source of human Happi- ness and Perfection. Thou art the Power of pleasing Society Thou makest us to sit down with Kings and Princes Thou exaltest him that is low, and abasest him that is high. O Continue to animate us thy faithful Chil- dren, with that glorious Ambition which of old inspired thy Votaries, when they reared thy Trophies to the Clouds Thou peaceful Goddess ! lived with Astraea in the Golden Age of Mankind let not the Contempt of the Prophane induce thee likewise, to abandon a World unworthy of thy inestimable Mysteries If we forget thee Masonry! let our right Hands forget their Cunning If we do not remem- ber thee, let our Tongues cleave to the Roof of our Mouth ; if we prefer not Masonry above our chief Joy thou mysterious Divinity of the Square and Compass ! whether thou delightest in the holy Lodge of St. John, or that of Kilwinnin be thy peculiar Care, thou art worshipped in a Thousand Temples, the Work of thy faithful Builders Thy Kingdom extendeth from the orient Sun, to where he sets in the immense Atlantic In the Infancy of Time thou arose and coeval with Time shalt thou endure Hail sacred Masonry ! great Source of human Happiness and Perfection. B. HILTON MASONIC COUNSEL. 133 (VVSBK: [N SEVERAL CHARGES, DELIVERED IN REGULAR LODGES, ON VARIOUS OCCASIONS. A CH ARO-E, Delivered on the occasion of a Meeting of Freemasons for the Distribution of Charity. BY THOMAS DUNCKERLY. BRETHREN : It is with the greatest satisfaction I meet you here in the cause of charity. Charity is the basis of our Order. Lodges are now held on every part of this globe, and charities are collected and sent to the respective grand lodge of each kingdom or state. There the distressed brethren apply and find relief ; nor is any exception made /) difference of country or religion. For, as in the sight of God we are all equally his chil- dren, having the same common parent and preserver, so we, in like manner, look on every Freemason as our brother ; nor regard where he was born or educated, provided he is a good man, an honest man, which is " the noblest work of God." A laudable custom prevailed among our ancient brethren ; after they had sent their donation:} to the general charities, 164 MASONIC COUNSEL. they considered the distresses of those in particular that resided in their respective neighborhoods, and assisted them with such a sum as could be conveniently spared from the lodge. In humble imitation of this Masonic principle, I recommend the present charity to your consideration ; to which you readily and unanimously consent. The sum is, indeed, but small ; yet, I hope, as the widow's mite was acceptable, this act of ours will be considered, not with respect to the sum, but the principles by which we are influenced. I have told you in the lodge, and I repeat it now, that Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth, are the grand principles of Masonry, and as the principal part of the company are unacquainted with the original intention of this society, it may be proper for their information, and your instruction, that I explain those principles by which it is our duty in particular to be actuated. By brotherly love we are to understand that generous principle of the soul, which respects the human species as one family, created by an all-wise Being, and placed on this globe for the mutual assistance of each other. It is this attractive principle or power that draws men together and unites them in bodies politic, families, societies, and the various orders and denominations among men. But as most of these are partial, contracted, or confined to a par- ticular country, religion, or opinion, our Order, on the contrary, is calculated to unite mankind as one family; high and low, rich and poor, one with another ; to adore the same God, and observe his law. Every worthy member of MASONIC COUNSEL. 165 this society is free to visit every lodge in the world ; and though he knows not the language of the country, yet by a silent universal language of our own, he will gain admit- tance, and find that true friendship which flows from the brotherly love I am now describing. At that peaceable and harmonious meeting he will hear no disputes concerning religion or politics ; no swearing ; no obscene, immoral, or ludicrous discourse ; no other con- tention but who can work best, who can agree best. To subdue our passions, and improve in useful scientific knowledge ; to instruct the younger brethren, and initiate the unenlightened, are principal duties in the lodge. Let me travel from east to west, or between north and south, when I meet a true brother I shall find a friend, who will do all in his power to serve me, without having the least view of self-interest. And if I am por and in distress, he will relieve me to the utmost of his power, interest and capacity. This is the second grand principle : for relief will follow where there is brotherly love. I have already mentioned our general charities as they are at present conducted ; it remains now that I consider particular donations given from private lodges, either to those that are not Masons or to a brother in distress. And first, with respect to a charity like this befrre us ; perhaps it is better to be distributed in small sums, that more may receive the benefit, than to give it in larger sums, which would confine it to few. With regard to a brother in distress, who should happen to apply to this lodge, or any particular member, for relief, 166 MASONIC COUNSEL. it is necessary that I inform you in what manner you are to receive him. And here I cannot help regretting, that such is the depravity of the human heart, there is no religion or society free from bad professors, or unworthy members, for as it is impossible for us to read the heart of man, the best- regulated societies may be imposed on by the insinuations of the artful, and hypocrisy of the abandoned. It should, therefore, by no means lessen the dignity and excellency of the royal craft, because it is our misfortune to have bad men among us, any more than the purity and holiness of the Christian religion should be doubted because too many of the wicked and profligate approach the holy altar. Since, therefore, these things are so, be careful, whenever a brother applies for relief, to examine strictly whether he is worthy of acceptance ; inquire the cause of his misfor- tunes, and if you are satisfied they are not the result of vice or extravagance, relieve him with such a sum as the lodge shall think proper, and assist him with your interest and recommendation, that he may be employed according to his capacity, and not eat the bread of idleness. This will be acting consistent with Truth, which is the third grand principle of Masonry. Truth is a divine attribute, and the foundation of all Masonic virtues. To be good men and true, is part of the first great lesson we are taught; and, at the commence- ment, we are exhorted to be fervent and zealous in the practice of truth and goodness. It is not sufficient that we walk in the light, unless we do the truth. All hypocrisy and deceit must be banished from us. Sincerity and plain MASONIC COUNSEL. 167 dealing complete the harmony of the brethren, within and without the lodge ; and will render us acceptable in the sight of that great Being, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid. There is a charm in truth that draws and attracts the mind continually towards it; the more we discover, the more we desire, and the great reward is wisdom, virtue and happi- ness. This is an edifice founded upon a rock, which malice cannot shake, or time destroy. What a secret satisfaction do we enjoy, when, in searching for truth, we find the first principles of useful science, still preserved among us, as we received them by oral tradition from the earliest ages ; and we also find this truth corroborated by the testimonies of the best and greatest men the world has produced. But this is not all ; the sacred writings confirm what I assert, the sublime part of our ancient mystery being there to be found ; nor can any Christian brother be a good Mason that does not make the word of God his first and principal study. I sincerely congratulate you on the happy establishment of this lodge. Let wisdom direct you to contrive for the best. Strengthen the cause of Masonry, by mutual friend- ship, which is the companion and support of fraternal love, and which will never suffer any misunderstanding to inflame a brother, or cause him to behave unbecoming a member of our peaceable and harmonious society. Let us then resolve to beautify and adorn our Order, by discharging the duties of our respective stations, as good citizens, good parents, good husbands, good masters, and dutiful children ; for b^ 168 MASON 1C COUNSEL. so doing, we shall put to silence the reproaches of foolish men. As you know these things, brethren, happy are ye if ye do them. Let us consider these poor persons as our brothers and sisters, and be thankful to Almighty God, that he has been pleased to make us his instruments of affording them this small relief ; most humbly supplicating the Grand Archi- tect of the Universe, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works do proceed, to bless our under- taking, and grant that we may continue to add some little comfort to the poor. Next to the Deity, whom can I so properly address myself to, as the most beautiful part of the creation ? You have heard, ladies, our grand principles explained, with the instructions given to the brethren, and I doubt not but at other times you have heard many disrespectful things said of this society. Envy, malice and all uncharitableness will never be at a loss to decry, find fault, and raise objec- tions to what they do not know. How great then are the obligations you lay on this lodge! With what superior esteem, respect, and regard, are we to look on every lady present that has done us the honor of her company this evening. To have the sanction of the fair is our highest ambition, as our greatest care will be to preserve it. The virtues of humanity are peculiar to your sex ; and we flatter ourselves, the most splendid ball could not afford you greater pleasure, than to see the human heart made happy, and the poor and distressed obtain present relief. MASONIC COUNSEL. 169 A CHARO-E, Delivered on the Feast of St. John the Baptist, AX-. 176S. BY JOHN WHITMA8H. WORTHY BRETHREN : Providence having placed me in such a sphere in life, as to afford me but little time for speculation, I cannot pretend to have made mankind my particular study ; yet this I have observed, that curiosity is one of the most prevailing passions in the human breast. The mind of man is kept in a perpetual thirst after knowl- edge, nor can he bear to be ignorant of what he thinks others know. Anything secret or new immediately excites an uneasy sensation, and becomes the proper fuel of curi- osity, which will be found stronger or weaker in proportion to the time and opportunities that individuals have for indulging it. It is observable further, that when this passion is excited, and not instantly gratified, instead of waiting for better intelligence, and using the proper means of removing the darkness that envelops the object of it, we precipitately form ideas which are generally in the extremes. If the object promotes pleasure or advantage, we then load it with commendations ; if it appears in the opposite view, or if we are ignorant of it, we then absurdly, as well as disingenuously, condemn, and pretend, at least, to despise it. This, my brethren, has been the fate of the most valu- able institution in the world, Christianity excepted: I mean Freemasonry. Those who are acquainted with the 170 MASONIC COUNSEL. nature and design of it, cannot, if they have good hearts, but admire and espouse it; and if those who are in the dark, or whose minds are disposed to evil, should slight or speak disrespectfully of it, it certainly is no disgrace. When order shall produce confusion, when harmony shall give rise, to discord, and proportion shall be the source of irregularity, then, and not till then, will Freemasonry be unworthy the patronage of the great, the wise, and good. To love as brethren, to be ready to communicate, to speak truth one to another, are the dictates of reason and revelation; and you know that they are likewise the foundation, the constituent parts of Freemasonry. None, therefore, who believe the divine original of the sacred volume, and are influenced by a spirit of humanity, friendship, and benevolence, can with the least propriety object to our ancient and venerable institution. For my own part, ever since I have had the honor to be enrolled in the list of Masons, as I knew it was my duty, so I have made it my business to become acquainted with the principles on which our glorious superstructure is founded. And, like the miner, the further I have advanced the richer has been my discovery ; and the treasure constantly open- ing to my view has proved a full and satisfactory reward of all my labors. Every association of men, as well as this of Freemasons, must, for the sake of order and harmony, be regulated by certain laws, and for that purpose proper officers must be appointed, and empowered to carry those laws into execu- tion, to preserve a degree of uniformity, at least to restrain MASONIC COUNSEL. 171 any irregularity that might render such associations incon- sistent. For we may as reasonably suppose an army may be duly disciplined, well provided, and properly conducted, without generals or other officers, as that a society can be supported without governors and their subalterns, or with- out some form of government to answer the end of the insti- tution. And as such an arrangement must be revered, it becomes a necessary pre-requisite that a temper should be discovered in the several members adapted to the respective stations they are to fill. This thought will suggest to you, that those who are qualified to preside as officers in a lodge will not be elated with that honor, but, losing sight of it, will have only in view the service their office demands. Their reproofs will be dictated by friendship, softened by candor, and enforced with mildness and affection ; in the whole of their deport- ment they will preserve a degree of dignity tempered with affability and ease. This conduct, while it endears them to others, will not fail to raise their own reputation, and as envy should not be so much as once named among Free- masons, it will effectually prevent the growth of it, should it unfortunately ever appear. Such is the nature of our constitution, that as some must of necessity rule and teach, so others must of course learn to obey ; humility, therefore, in both becomes an essential duty, for pride and ambition, like a worm at the root of a tree, will prey on the vitals of our peace, harmony, and brotherly love. Had not this excellent temper prevailed, when the foun- 172 MASONIC COUNSEL. dation of Solomon's temple was first laid, it is easy to see that glorious edifice would never have rose to a height of splendor which astonished the world. Had all employed in this work been masters, or supcrin- tendants, who must have prepared the timber in the forest, or hewn the stone in the quarry ? Yet though they were numbered and classed under different denominations, as princes, rulers, provosts, comforters of the people, stone- quarers, sculptors, &c., such was their unanimity, that they seemed actuated by one spirit, influenced by one principle. Merit alone then entitled to preferment ; an indisputable instance of which we have in the Deputy Grand Master of that great undertaking, who, without either wealth or power, without any other distinction, than that of being the widow's son, was appointed by the Grand Master and approved by the people for this single reason, because he was a skilful artificer. Let these considerations, my worthy brethren, animate us in the pursuits of so noble a science, that we may all be qualified to fill, in rotation, the most distinguished places in the lodge, and keep the honors of the craft (which are the just rewards of our labor) in a regular circulation. And as none are less qualified to govern than those who have not learnt to obey, permit me in the warmest manner to recommend to you all a constant attendance at the lodge, a due obedience to the laws of our institution, and a respect- ful submission to the directions of your officers, that you may prove to mankind the propriety of your election, and secure the establishment of this society to latest posterity. MASONIC COUNSEL. 178 AN ADDRESS, On the Festival of St. John the Evangelist, A.D. 1768. BY J. 8. GAUDRY. WORTHY BRETHREN : Would every brother consider the advantages he derives, as a man, by being a Freemason, he would readily confess, that the glorious precepts incul- cated in all regular lodges are calculated in the most especial manner to fashion the mind to goodness. In them it is strongly recommended to us to cultivate our several duties to God, our neighbor, and ourselves. To have faith in God, hope in salvation, and charity for all mankind ; and yet it must be confessed there are some, who have been initiated Masons, and who, to their eternal shame, not only disregard our excellent documents, but to all appearance are little inclined to regulate their conduct by them, any longer than they are constrained to do it in a lodge ; when, alas ! the qualifications of a good Mason would deco- rate the crown of the greatest monarch. As the rules of this fraternity have a direct tendency to promote moral and social virtue, let us carefully banish from our breasts every inclination and avoid every practice that might obstruct this noble intention, ever being disposed to humane and friendly offices, and particularly to relieve the distresses of indigent brethren. The royal Psalmist says, in raptures, " The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me, and I caused the widow's heart to J74 MASONIC COUNSEL. sing for joy." May we therefore rejoice in every oppor- tunity of serving and obliging each other, for in such exer- cise we answer one principal end of our institution. It is, and should be, the glory of every member of a lodge, that our well-regulated conduct engages us the esteem of every brother who does us the honor of a visit. We ought never to be wanting in a cheerful performance of those duties which are so conducive to the establishing that good name which we have endeavored to merit. For this laudable purpose let me observe that a due attendance at the lodge becomes absolutely requisite. For by frequently assembling together, we shall harmonize in sentiments and grow in affection ; and thus become suffici- ently guarded against the disagreeable effects naturally resulting from a roughness of behavior, a contemptuous car- riage, a censorious disposition, or a contradicting temper, and unity, peace, and pleasure will presic 1 ?. These will be the happy effects of a due attendance on the lodge, and how far that is the duty as well as the interest of every member, regularly admitted, his own heart can sufficiently tell him ; his engagements on his initiation were not so insignificant as to be readily forgot, and when duly considered, will, I hope, appear too important to be trifled with, for the Great Architect of the Universe is our Supreme Grand Master, and he is a searcher of hearts. In the next place permit me, worthy brethren, to remind you of that veneration and obedience which is due to the particular officers in the lodge in their respective stations. You well know that the internal, and not the external quali- MASONIC COUNSEL. 176 fications of a man are what Masonry regards, when ho is admitted a member. Let us then be careful to justify our- selves by a behavior, to superiors, submissive ; to equals, courteous and affable ; to inferiors, kind and condescending. Masonry is the daughter of Heaven, the patroness of the liberal arts and sciences, which polish and adorn human nature. Thankful ought they to be who have it in their power to embrace her, and happy are those who do. She teaches the way to content, with fervency and zeal unfeigned, as sure of being unchangeable as of ending in felicity. Invested as we are with that ancient and noble badge, which yields preference to no honor or order in the universe, let us determine to abhor every act that may lessen the dignity of our profession, which to this hour is the glory of the greatest men on the face of the globe. Let us conform our whole lives to that great light, the Law of God, and let our actions convince the world that Truth, Brotherly Love, and a desire to afford relief to the distressed, are the grand principles whereon we proceed. So that this life having passed in the discharge of our duties, as men and Free- masons, we may at length be received into the presence of our Supreme Grand Master, and rejoice in hearing him say, " Well done, ye good and faithful servants, enter ye into the joy of your Lord." 176 MA SONIC COUNSEL. A BRIEF CH ARG-E, Delivered to a Brother, on his being invested and installed Right Worshipful Mstr of a Lodge. BY WELLIN8 CALCOTT. RIGHT WORSHIPFUL SIR : By the unanimous voice of the members of this lodge, you are elected to the Master- ship thereof for the ensuing half year; and I have the happiness of being deputed to invest you with this ensign of your office. Be it ever in your thoughts, that the ancients particularly held this symbol to be a just, a striking emblem of the Divinity. They said, "The gods, who are the authors of everything established in wisdom, strength, and beauty, were properly represented by this figure." May you, worthy brother, not only consider it as a mark of honor in this assembly, but also, let it ever remind you of your duty both to God and man. And as you profess the sacred volume to be your spiritual tressel board, may you make it your particular care to square your life and conver- sation according to the rules and designs laid down therein. What you have seen praiseworthy in others, we doubt not you will imitate ; and what you have seen defective, you will in yourself amend. We have the greatest reason to expect you will be con- stant and regular in your attendance on the lodge, faith- ful and diligent in the discharge of your duty. And that you will make the honor of the Supreme Architect of the MASONIC COUNSEL. 177 universe and the good of the craft chief objects of your regard. We trust you will pay a punctual attention to the laws and regulations of this society, as more particularly becom- ing your present station ; and that you will at the same time require a due obedience to them from every other member, well knowing that without this the be&! of laws become useless. For a pattern of imitation, consider the great luminary of nature, which, rising in the east, regularly diffuses light and lustre to all within its circle. In like manner it is your province, with due decorum, to spread and communi- cate light and instruction to the brethren in the lodge. AN ADDRESS. BY WELLIN8 CALCOTT. WORTHY BRETHREN : I flatter myself there is no Mason of my acquaintance insensible of the sincere regard I ever had, and hope ever to retain, for our venerable institution ; certain I am, if this establishment should ever be held in little esteem by the members, it must be owing to the want of a due sense of the excellence of its principles, and the salutary laws and social duties on which it is founded. But sometimes mere curiosity, views of self-interest, or a groundless presumption that the principal business of u lodge is mirth and entertainment, have induced men of loose principles and discordant tempers to procure admission into 178 MASONIC COUNSEL. our community ; this, together with an unpardonable inat- tention of those who proposed them to their lives and con- versations, have constantly occasioned great discredit and uneasiness to the craft, such persons being no ways qualified for a society founded upon wisdom, and cemented by morality and Christian love. Therefore let it be your peculiar care to pay strict atten- tion to the merit and character of those who, from among the circle of your acquaintance, may be desirous of becom- ing members of our society, lest through your inadvertency the unworthy part of mankind should find means to intro- duce themselves among you, whereby you will discourage the reputable and worthy. Self-love is a reigning principle in all men ; and there is not a more effectual method of ingratiating ourselves with each other, than by mutual complaisance and respect ; by agreement with each other in judgment and practice. This makes society pleasing, and friendship durable ; which can never be the case when men's principles and dispositions are opposite, and not adapted for unity. We must be moved by the same passions, governed by the same inclina- tions, and moulded by the same morals, before we can please or be pleased in society. No community or place can make a man happy who is not furnished with a temper of mind to relish felicity. The wise and royal Grand Master, Solomon, tells us, and experience confirms it, that " the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is to behold the sun." Yet for this pleasure we are wholly indebted to that astonishing piece of heavenly workmanship, the eye, and the MASONIC COUNSEL. 179 several organs of sight. Let the eye be distempered, and all objects, which though they remain the same in them- selves, to us lose their beauty and lustre ; let the eye be totally destroyed, then the sense which depends upon it is lost also, and the whole body is full of darkness. So it is with that Mason who has not a frame and temper of mind adapted to our institution, without which the blended allure- ments of pleasure and instruction, to be found in a lodge, must become tasteless, and of none effect. Likewise let his conduct and circumstances in life be such as may not have the least tendency to diminish the credit of the society. And be ye ever disposed to honor good men for their virtues, and wise men for their knowledge : good men for propaga- ting virtue and religion all over the world, and wise men for encouraging arts arid sciences, and diffusing them from east to west, and between north and south, rejecting all wh"> are not of good repute, sound morals, ana competent under- standings. Hence you will derive honor and happiness to yourselves, and drink deeply of those streams of felicity which the unenlightened never can be indulged with a taste of. For by these means excess and irregularity must be strangers within your walls. On sobriety your pleasure depends on regularity your reputation, and not your repu- tation only, but the reputation of the whole body. These general cautions, if duly attended to, will continu- ally evince your wisdom by their effects ; for I can with confidence aver, from experience, that nothing more con- tribute? to the dissolution of a lodge than too great a num- 180 MASONIC COUNSEL. ber of members indiscriminately made, want of regulation in their expenses, and keeping unseasonable hours. To guard against this fatal consequence we shall do well to cultivate the following virtues, viz. : prudence, temper- ance, and frugality. Virtues which are the best and properest supports of every community. Prudence is the queen and guide of all other virtues, the ornament of our actions, the square and rule of our affairs. It is the knowledge and choice of those things we must either approve or reject ; and implies to consult and deliber- ate well, to judge and resolve well, to conduct and execute well. Temperance consists in the government of our appetites and affections, so as to use the good things of this life as not to abuse them, either by a sordid and ungrateful parsi- mony on the one hand, or a profuse and prodigal indulgence to excess on the other. This virtue has many powerful arguments in its favor ; for, as we value our health, wealth, reputation, family, and friends, our character, as men, as Christians, as members of society in general, and as Free- masons in particular, all conspire to call on us for the exercise of this virtue : in short, it comprehends a strict observance of the apostle's exhortation, " Be ye temperate in all things ;" not only avoiding what is in itself improper, but also whatever has the least or most remote appearance of impropriety, that the tongue of the slanderer may be struck dumb, and malevolence disarmed of its. sting. Frugality, the natural associate of prudence and temper- ance, is what the meanest station necessarily calls for, the MASONIC COUNSEL. 181 most exalted cannot dispense with. It is absolutely requi- site in all stations. It is highly necessary to the supporting every desirable character, to the establishment of every society, to the interest of every individual in the com- munity. It is a moral, it is a Christian virtue. It implies the strict observation of decorum in the seasons of relaxation, and of every enjoyment, and is that temper of mind which is disposed to employ every acquisition only to the glory of the giver, our own happiness, and that of our fellow-creatures. Prudence will discover the absurdity and folly of expect- ing true harmony without due attention to the choice of our members. Temperance will check every appearance ,of excess, and fix rational limitations to our hours of enjoy- ment ; and frugality will proscribe extravagance, and keep our expenses within proper bounds. The Lacedemonians had a law among them, that every one should serve the gods with as little expense as he could, herein differing from all other Grecians ; and Lycurgus being asked for what reason he made th^s institution so disagreeable to the sentiments of all other men, answered, " Lest at any time the service of the gods should be inter- mitted ; for he feared, if religion should be as expensive there as in other parts of Greece, it might some time or other happen that the divine worship, out of the covetous- ness of some, and the poverty of others, would be neglected." This observation will hold equally good with respect to Masons, and will, I hope, by them be properly applied. I would not be understood here to mean, that because 182 MASONIC COUNSEL. these three moral virtues are particularly pointed out, as essentially necessary to the good discipline and support of a lodge, nothing more is required ; for social must be united with moral excellencies ; was a man to be merely prudent, temperate and fruga', and yet be unaccustomed to the duties of humanity, sincerity, generosity, &c., he would be at most but a useless, if not a worthless member of society, and a much worse Mason. In the next place permit me to remind you, that a due attendance on the lodge for your own improvement, and the reputation of Masonry in general, is absolutely necessary ; for your own improvement, because the advantages natur- ally resulting from the practice or principles tin rein taught are the highest ornament of human nature ; and for the credit of the community, because it is your indispensable duty to support such a character in life as is there enjoined. The prevalency of good example is great, and no language is so expressive as a consistent life and conversation ; these once forfeited in the Masonic character will diminish a man, not only in the % esteem of persons of sense, learning, and probity, but even men of inferior qualities will seldom fail of making a proper distinction. You are well acquainted that the envious and censorious are ever disposed to form their judgments of mankind according to their conduct in public life ; so when the mem- bers of our society desert their body, or discover any incon- sistency in their practice with their profession, they con- tribute to bring an odium on a profession which it is the duty of every member highly to honor. Indeed, instances MASONIC COUNSEL. 183 of the conduct here decried I own are very rare, and I might say, as often as they do happen, tend still more to discover the malignity of our adversaries than to reflect on ourselves. For with what ill-nature are such suggestions framed ! How weak must it appear in the eye of discern- ment to condem a whole society for the irregularity of a few individuals ! But to return to my argument ; one great cause of absenting ourselves from the lodge I apprehend to be this : The want of that grand fundamental principle, Brotherly Love ! Did we properly cultivate this Christian virtue, we should think ourselves happiest when assembled together. On unity in affection, unity in government subsists ; for whatever draws men into societies, it is that only can cement them. Let us recollect that Love is the new and greatest com- mandment ; all the others are summarily comprehended in this. It is the fulfilling of the law, and a necessary qualifi- cation for the celestial lodge, where the Supreme Architect of the universe presides, who is Love. Faith, Hope, and Charity are three principal graces, by which we must be guided thither, of which Charity, or universal Love, is the chief. When Faith shall be swallowed up in vision, and Hope in enjoyment, then true Charity, or Brotherly Love, will shine with the brightest lustre to all eternity ; " Shall stand before the host of heaven confest, For ever blessing, and for ever blest." On the other hand, envy, } ride, censoriousness, malice, 184 MASONIC COUNSEL. revenge, and discord, are the productions of a diabolical disposition. These are epidemical disorders of the mind. and if not seasonably corrected and suppressed, will prove very pernicious to particular communities, and more especi- ally to such an establishment as ours. Now there is nothing so diametrically opposite to them, and so powerful an antidote against them as Charity, or true Brotherly Love ; for instance, are we tempted to envy, Charity guards the mind against it Charity envieth not. Are we tempted by pride, Charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. Where this virtue is predominant, humility is both its companion and its delight ; for the charitable man puts on bowels of mercy, kindness, lowliness of mind. It is a certain remedy likewise against all censoriousness. Charity thinketh no evil, but believeth all things, hopeth all things, will ever incline us to believe and hope the best, especially of a Brother. Therefore let a constant exercise of this Christian virtue, BO essential to our present and future happiness, prove our great esteem for it, and by its influence upon our lives and actions, testify to the world the cultivation of it amongst us, that they who think or speak evil of us may be- thereby confounded and put to open shame. And as it was a pro- verbial expression among the enemies of Christianity in its infancy, " See how these Christians love one another," may the same with equal propriety be said of Freemasons. This will convince the scoffer and slanderer that we are lovers of Him who said, " If ye love me, keep my commandments ; and, this is my commandment, that ye love one another, as MASONIC COUNSEL. 186 I have loved you." This will prove to our enemies that a good Mason is a good man and a good Christian, and afford ourselves the greatest comfort here by giving us a well- grounded hope of admittance into a lodge of everlasting felicity hereafter. Thus shall our institution be enabled to repel the destructive power of time, the strongest arm of calumny, and the severest strokes of reproach, till that great and important day when the commissioned archangel shall pronounce this awful sentence, " Earth, be dissolved, with all the worlds on high, And time be lost in vast eternity." A CHARGE, Delivered to the Members of the Uniou Lodge. BY ALEXANDER 8HEDDEN. MY WORTHY BRETHREN : This being our second quar- terly meeting since I had the honor to sit in this chair, I embrace the opportunity again to return you my sincere thanks for that honor, and to assure you I am determined, to the utmost of my power, to execute the great trust which you continue to repose in me, with freedom, fervency and zeal. That I may be enabled so to do, let us unanimously concur in cultivating peace, harmony, and perfect friend- ship, striving who shall excel in Brotherly Love and benig- nity ; then I doubt not, but with the assistance of my 188 MASONIC COUNSEL. brother officers, I may be enabled to conduct the business of the lodge, and discharge my duty to your satisfaction. To accomplish these desirable ends, let me, in the first place, intreat your strict attention to our by-laws, ever keeping in view the general regulations, constitution, and orders of our ancient and honorable society. Let due regard be paid to youi officers in their respective stations, whose duty it is to regulate the proceedings of the lodge, and to carry the laws into execution ; and may the only conten- tion amongst us be, a laudable emulation in cultivating the royal art, and endeavoring to excel each other in whatever is good and great. The moral and social duties of life we should make a principal subject of contemplation, for there- by we shall be enabled to subdue our passions, and cultivate fraternal affection, the glory and cement of this institution, laying aside all malice, and all guile and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings ; manifesting our love one to another, for " Love is of God ; and he that loveth God, loveth his brother also. And he that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness until now." Suffer not to be heard within the sacred walls of this lodge but the heavenly sounds of truth, peace and concord, with a cheerful harmony of social and innocent mirth ; and "be ye like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord and of one mind ; let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves." Never give cause for it to be said, that we who are solemnly connected by the strictest laws of amity should ever omit the practice of forbearance, MASONIC COUNSEL. 187 and allow our passions to control us, when one great end proposed by our meeting here is to subdue them. Let us not sit down contented with the name only of a Mason, but walk worthy of that glorious profession, in constant con- formity to its duties. To become brethren worthy of our most ancient and honorable institution, we must devote our- selves to the study and discharge of the following duties, which are more or less within the reach of every capacity viz. : a knowledge of the mysterious problems, hieroglyph- ics, and symbolical customs and ceremonies of the royal art, together with the origin, nature, and design of the insti- tution, its signs, tokens, &c., whereby Masons are univer- sally known to and can converse with each other, though born and bred in different countries and languages. A Freemason must likewise be a good man, one who duly fears, loves, and serves his heavenly Master, and in imi- tation of the operative mason, who erects a temporal build- ing according to the rules and designs laid down for him, by the master mason, on his tressel-board, raise a spiritual building, according to the laws and injunctions laid down by the supreme Architect of the universe in the book of life, which may justly be considered in this light as a spiritual tressel-board. He must honor the government, be subordi- nate to his superiors, and ever ready to promote the deserv- ing brother in all his lawful employments and concerns. These, my brethren, are qualifications of a good Mason, wherefore they merit our peculiar attention ; and, as it is our duty, we should make it our pleasure to practice them ; by so doing we shall let our light shine before men, and MASON 1C COUNSEL. prove ourselves worthy members of that institution which ennobles all who .conform to its most glorious precepts. Finally, let me advise you to be very circumspect and well guarded against the base attempts of pretemlns, always setting a watch before your mouth. And with respect to any who may call themselves Masons, but (pos- sessing refractory spirits) are at the same time enemies to all order, decency, and decorum, speaking and acting as rebels to the constitution of Masons, let me exhort you to have no connection with them, but according to the advice of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, " withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly," leaving such to the natural consequence of their own bad conduct ; being well assured that the vain fabric which they mean to erect, having no other support than their own ignorance, debility, and deformity, will of itself soon tumble to the ground, with shame and ruin on the builders' heads. t On the other hand, let us live in strict amity and fraternal love with all just and upright brethren, that we may say, with the royal Psalmist, " Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." Let God's holy word be the guide of our faith, and justice, charity, love and mercy, our characteristics ; then we may reasonably hope to attain the celestial pass word, and gain admittance into the lodge of our Supreme Grand Master, where pleasures flow for evermore. This is the fervent prayer of him who glories in the name of a faithful Mason, and has the honor to be Master of this Right Worshipful Lodge. MASONIC COUNSEL. 189 AN ADDRESS. BY REV. HENRY CHALMERS. RIGHT WORSHIPFUL MASTER AND WORTHY BRETHREN: A desire to entertain each other with social, virtuous, and cheerful sentiments, is the duty as well as the happiness of every member of our ancient and honorable society. Knowledge (which is attained by diligence) must precede practice, and till we know a duty, it is impossible for us to discharge it. The lodge is the properest school wherein we can expect to arrive at any proficiency in our noble science, and by a constant ind regular attendance there, we may hope to become Masters of the royal art ; whereas the neglect of this duty can produce nought but ignorance and error. Indeed, were these the only consequences of a wil- ful or indolent absence, the craft might not suffer much by such lukewarm brethren ; but I am sorry to say this is not all ; the eye of the censurer is ever upon us, and the lips of the stammerer speak plainly against us ; and when the members of our society desert the body, the unenlightened are ever ready to impeach the harmony and improvement which we profess and know to be the inseparable com- panions of every well-regulated lodge, where virtue finds a real pleasure, and vice a just abhorrence. Let us, therefore, be ever vigilant in the discharge of our duty, and particularly assiduous in cultivating those grand essentials of our constitution, Brotherly Love, Beneficence, 190 MASONIC COUNSEL. and Truth. Thus we shall be always happy in assembling together. Thus will our lodge shine with undiininished lustre, even as long as the radiant sun shall rise in the east to gild our days, and the pale moon appear to illuminate our nights. Thus supported by Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty ; adorned with peace, plenty, and harmony ; cement- ed by secrecy, morality, and good-fellowship, what has it to fear ? Let the tides of time and chance beat against its walls ; the gusts of malice assault its towering height ; it is all in vain ! Still shall the noble structure firmly stand, and only be dissolved when the pillars of the universe shall be shaken, and " the great globe itself, yea, all which it inherit, shall, like the baseless fabric of a vision, leave not a wreck behind." AN ADDRESS Delivered in a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, immediately after the Expulsion of a Member who had been repeatedly, but in vain, admonished for the illiberal practice of backbiting and slandering his Brethren.* BRETHREN : As in all numerous bodies and societies of men, some unworthy will ever be found, it can be no wonder that, notwithstanding the excellent principles and valuable This admirable Address should be printed in " letten of gold." If it could be impressed in words of fire on the hearts and consciences of men whether Masons or not it might, perhaps, bum out the damnable tongue of slander. May Ood blast that tongue ! r. n. MASONIC COUNSEL. 191 precepts laid down and inculcated by our venerable insti- tution, we have such amongst us; men who, instead of being ornaments or useful members of our body, I am sorry to say, are a shame and disgrace to it. These are sufficiently characterized by a natural pro pensity to backbite and slander their brethren, vices truly detestable in all men, and more peculiarly so in Free- masons, who, by the regulations of their institution, are specially exhorted and enjoined "to speak as well of a brother if absent as present ; to defend his honor and repu- tation wherever attacked, as far as truth and justice will permit ; and "where they cannot reasonably vindicate liim, at least to refrain from contributing to condemn him." But alas ! regardless of their duty in general, and of these laudable injunctions in particular, we frequently find such men assiduously employed in traducing the characters of their brethren ; and instead of rejoicing at their good for- tune, pitying their misfortunes, and apologizing for their weaknesses and errors, envying their prosperity, and, unaf- fected by their adversity, with a secret and malicious plea- sure, exploring and publishing their defects and failings ; like trading vessels they pass from place to place, receiving and discharging whatever calumny they can procure from others or invent themselves. As we have just now had a mortifying instance of tha necessary consequence of such base conduct, in the expul- sion of one of our own members, permit me to deliver to you some sentiments of the great Archbishop Tillottson on the subject. He assigns various causes of this evil, and also 192 MASONIC COUNSEL. furnishes directions, which if adhered to, will greatly con- tribute to prevent and remedy it. " If we consider the causes of this evil practice, we shall find one of the most common is ill-nature ; and by a gen- eral mistake, ill-nature passeth for wit, as cunning dolh fur wisdom ; though in truth they are as different as vice and virtue. " There is no greater evidence of the bad temper of man- kind, than their proneness to evil-speaking. For as our Saviour saith, ' Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh,' and therefore we commonly incline to the censorious and uncharitable side. " The good spoken of others we easily forget, or seldom mention, but the evil lies uppermost in our memories, and is ready to be published upon all occasions ; nay, what is more ill-natured and unjust, though many times we do not believe it ourselves, we tell it to others, and venture it to be believed according to the charity of those to whom it is told. " Another cause of the frequency of this vice is, that many are so bad themselves. For to think and speak ill of others is not only a bad tiling, but a sign of a bad man. When men are bad themselves they are glad of any oppor- tunity to censure others, and endeavor to bring things to a level, hoping it will be some justification of their own faults if they can but make others appear equally guilty. " A third cause of evil-speaking is malice and revenge. When we are blinded by our passions we do not consider what is true, but what is mischievous ; we care not whether the evil we speak be true or not ; nay, many aie so base as MASONIC COUNSEL. 193 to invent and raise false reports, on purpose to blast the reputations of those by whom they think themselves injured. This is a diabolical temper ; and therefore St. James tells us, that the slanderer's tongue is set on fire of hell. " A fourth cause of this vice is envy. Men look with an evil eye upon the good that is in others, and do what they can to discredit their commendable qualities ; thinking their own characters lessened by them, they greedily entertain, and industriously publish, what may raise themselves upon the ruins of other men's reputation. " A fifth cause of evil-speaking is impertinence and curi- osity ; an itch of talking of affairs which do not concern us. Some love to mingle themselves in all business, and are loth to seem ignorant of such important news as the faults and follies of men ; therefore with great care they pick up ill stories to entertain the next company they meet, not per- haps out of malice, but for want of something better to talk of. " Lastly, many do this out of wantonness and for diver- sion ; so little do they consider a man's reputation is too great and tender a concern to be jested with, and that a slanderous tongue bites like a serpent, and cuts like a sword. What can be so barbaious, next to sporting with a man's life, as to play with his honor and good name, which to some is better than life 1" Such, and so bad, are the causes of this vice. " If we consider its pernicious effects, we shall find that to such as are slandered it is a great injury, commonly a high provocation, but always matter of grief. 1M MASONIC COUNSEL. " It is certainly a great injury, and if the evil which wo say of them be not true, it is an injury beyond repara- tion. It is an injury that descends to a man's children ; because the good or ill name of the father is derived down to them; and many times the best thing he has to leave them is an unblemished virtue. And do we make no conscience to rob his innocent children of the best part of this small patrimony, and of all the kindness that would have been done them for their father's sake, if his reputation had not been so undeservedly stained? Is it no crime by the breath of our month at once to blast a man's reputation, and to ruin his children perhaps to all posterity ? Can we jest with so serious a matter ? an injury so very hard to be repented of as it ought ? because, in such a case, no repentance will be acceptable without restitution, if in our power. u Even suppose the matter of the slander true, yet no man's reputation is considerably stained, though never so deservedly, without great hurt to him ; and it is odds but the charge, by passing through several hands, is aggravated beyond truth, every one being apt to add something to it. " Besides the injury, it is commonly a high provocation, the consequences of which may be dangerous and desperate quarrels. One way or other the injured person will hear of it, and will take the first opportunity to revenge it. "At best, it is always matter of grief to the person that is defamed, and Christianity, which is the best-natured institution in the world, forbids us to do those things where- by we may grieve one another." MASONIC COUNSEL. 195 A man's character is a tender thing, and a wound there sink's deep into the spirit even of a wise and a good man ; and the more innocent any man is in this respect, the more sensible he is of this uncharitable treatment ; because he never treats others so, nor is he conscious to himself that he hath deserved it. " To ourselves the consequences of this vice are as bad or worse. He that accustoms himself to speak evil of others, gives a bad character to himself, even to those whom he desires to please, who, if they be wise, will conclude that he speaks of them to others as he does of others to them. " And this practice of evil-speaking may be inconvenient many other ways. For who knows, in the chance of things, and the mutability of human affairs, whose kindness he may stand in need of before he dies ? So, that did a- man only consult his own safety and quiet, he ought to refrain from evil-speaking. " How cheap a kindness is it to speak well, at least not to speak ill of others ! A good word is an easy obligation, but not to speak ill requires only our silence. Some instances of charity are chargeable ; but were a man ever so covetous, he might afford another his good word ; at least he might refrain from speaking ill of him, especially if it be considered how dear many have paid for a slanderous and reproachful word. " No quality ordinarily recommends one more to the favor of men, than to be free from this vice. Such a man's friendship every one desires ; and, next to piety and righteousness, nothing is thought a greater commendation 196 MASONIC COUNSEL. than that he was never, or very rarely, heard to speak ill of any. " Let every man lay his hand upon his heart, and con- sider how himself is apt to he affected with this usage. Nothing sure is more equal and reasonable than that known rule, What thou wouldst have no man do to thee, that do thou to no man. " The following directions, if duly observed, will greatly con tribute to the prevention and cure of this great evil. " Never say any evil of another but what you certainly know. " Whenever you positively accuse a man of any crime, though it be in private and among friends, speak as if you were upon your oath, because God sees and hears you. This not only charity but justice demands of us. He that easily credits a false report is almost as culpable as the first inventor of it. Therefore never speak evil of any upon common fame, which for the most part is false, but almost always uncertain. " Before you speak evil of another, consider whether he hath not obliged you by some real kindness, and then it is a bad turn to speak ill of him who hath done you good. Con- sider, also, whether you may not come hereafter to be acquainted with him, related to him, or in want of his favor, whom you have thus injured ? And whether it may not bo in his power to revenge a spiteful and needless word by a shrewd turn. So that if a man made no conscience of hurt- ing others, yet he should in prudence have some considera- tion of himself. MASONIC COUNSEL. 197 " Let us accustom ourselves to be truly sorry for the faults of men, and then we shall take no pleasure in publishing them. Common humanity requires this of us, considering the great infirmities of our nature, and that we also are liable to be tempted ; considering likewise how severe a punishment every crime is to itself, how terribly it exposeth a man to the wrath of God, both here and here- after. " Whenever we hear any man evil spoken of, if we have heard any good of him, let us say that. It is always more humane and more honorable to vindicate others than to accuse them. Were it necessary that a man should be evil spoken of, his good and bad qualities should be represented together, otherwise he may be strangely misrepresented, and an indifferent man may be made a monster. " They that will observe nothing in a wise man but his oversights and follies, nothing in a good, but his failings and infirmities, may render both despicable. Should we heap together all the passionate speeches, all the imprudent actions of the best man, and present them all at one view, concealing his virtues, he, in this disguise, would look like a madman or fury ; and yet, if his life were fairly repre- sented in the manner it was led, he would appear to all the world to be an admirable and excellent person. But how numerous soever any man's ill qualities are, it is but just that he should have due praise of his few real virtues. " That you may not speak ill, do not delight in hearing it of any. Give no countenance to busy-bodies ; if you cannot decently reprove them, because of their quality, 198 MASONIC COUNSEL. divert the discourse some other way ; or by seeming not to mind it, signify that you do not like it. " Let every man mind his own duty and concern. Do but endeavor, in good earnest, to mend yourself, and it will be work enough, and leave you little time to talk of others." In the foregoing sentiments, the Backbiter and Slamlm T may see himself fully represented as in a true mirror ; and detestable as the spectacle naturally appears, much more so does it seem when Masonically examined. May all such therefore contemplate the nature and consequences of this abominable vice; and that they may still become worthy men and Masons, let them constantly pray, with the royal Psalmist, " Set a watch, Lord, before my mouth, keep thou the door of my lips ;" being assured of their encour- agement, that " he who backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbor, nor take th' up a reproach against his neighbor, shall abide in the tabernacle of the Lord, and shall dwell in his holy hill." A CHARGE TO NEWLY-ADMITTED BRETHREN. You are now admitted, by the unanimous consent of our lodge, a fellow of our most ancient and honorable society ; ancient, as having subsisted from time immemorial, and honorable, as tending in every particular to render a man so, that will be but conformable to its glorious precepts. The greatest monarchs in all ages, as well of Asia and MASONIC COUNSEL. 199 Africa as of Europe, have been encouragers of the royal art, and many of them have presided as Grand Masters over the Masons in their respective dominions ; not think- ing it any diminution of their imperial dignities to level themselves with their brethren in Masonry, and to act as they did. The world's great Architect is our Supreme Master, and the unerring rule he ^s given us is that by which we work. Religious disputes are never suffered in the lodge, for, as Freemasons, we only pursue the universal religion of nature. This is the cement which unites men of the most different principles in one sacred band, and brings together those who were the most distant from one another. There are three general heads of duty, whic'i Masons ought always to inculcate, viz. : to God, our neighbors, and ourselves. To God, in never mentioning his name but with that reverential awe which becomes a creature to bear to his Creator ; and to look upon him always as the summum bonum which we came into the world to enjoy. And according to that view to regulate all our pursuits. To our neighbors, in acting upon the square, or doing as we would be done by. To ourselves, in avoiding all intemperances and excesses, whereby we may be led into a behavior unbecoming our laudable profession. In the state, a Mason is to act as a peaceable and duti- ful subject, conforming cheerfully to the government under which he lives; he is to pay a due deference to his superiors, and from his inferiors he is rather to receive honor with some reluctance than to extort it : he is to be a MASONIC COUNSEL. of benevolence and charity, not sitting down contented while his fellow-creatures (but much more his bivtlnvn) are in want, and it is in his power, without prejudicing himself or family, to relieve them. In the lodge he is to behave with all due decorum, lest the beauty and harmony thereof should be disturbed and broke. He is to be obedient to the Master and presiding officers, and to apply himself closely to the business of Masonry, that he may sooner become a proficient therein, both for his own credit and that of the lodge. He is not to neglect his necessary avocations for the sake of Masonry, nor to involve himself in quarrels with those who, through ignorance, may speak evil of, or ridicule it. He is to be a lover of the arts and sciences, and to take all opportunities of improving himself therein. If ho recommends a friend to be made a Mason, he must vouch him to be such as he really believes will -conform to the aforesaid duties ; lest by his misconduct at any time the lodge should pass under some evil imputations. Nothing can prove more shocking to all faithful Masons than to see any of their brethren profane or break through the sacred rules of their order ; and such as can do it, they wish had never been admitted. 9 hare an imprewion that thi mcuitf charge will be somewhat familiar to OdJ Feliowi.-Eo. MASOIrC COUNSEL. 201 A CIIARG-E AT THE INITIATION OF A FREEMASON. BY THOMAS FRENCH. BROTHER : Being now regularly initiated into this society, permit me to offer to your serious consideration those virtues that will always distinguish you among men, especially Masons. The Holy Scriptures, the standard of truth, and the unerring dictates of an unerring Being, I would recommend as the primary object of your attention. Next a general an, unlimited regard for men of virtue, honor and integrity, howsoever distinguished by private persuasion ; Masonry wisely removes such distinctions, and by uniting all countries, sects and principles into one inseparable band of affection, conciliates true friendship, and effectuates the noble purpose of making each other happy, and rejoicing in each other's felicity. Hence disputes on religion and politics are never suffered to interrupt the friendly intercourse of our regular assem- blies. These are designed to improve the mind, correct tho morals, and reform the judgment. Your experience in life has no doubt made familiar to you the three great duties of morality ; to God, your neighbor, and yourself ; which I hope your new character, as a Freemason, will still more deeply imprint upon your mind, and render your conduct not only regular and uni- form, but in every other respect agreeable to the dignity of this laudable profession , MASONIC COUNSEL As a Mason, you are cheerfully to conform to the govern- ment under which you live ; to consider the interest of the community as your own ; and be ready on all occasions to give proofs of loyalty and affection to your country. Benevolence and charity, being the renowned character- istics of Masonry, you are to cherish and promote ; and though you ought ever liberally to contribute to alleviate the miseries of the wretched, yet you are more particularly to extend your pity to a poor brother, whose unhappy circum- staocee may oblige him to solicit your friendly assistance ; ever remembering that period of your life when you were introduced into Masonry, * * * * * on which, if you but for a moment n-fltvt, it cannot fail making you so far benevolent as never to shut your ear unkindly to the complaints of the wretched. But when a poor brother is oppressed by want, you will, in a particular manner, listen to his sufferings with attention, in consequence of which pity will flow from your breast, and relief according to your capacity. The solemnity of our ceremonies will ever require from you a serious deportment, and strict attention to the eluci- dating of those emblems and hieroglyphics under which our mysteries are couched. And as order and regularity cannot fail to render per- manent the harmony of this lodge, it is expected you will be obedient to the Master and presiding officers, and be particularly careful never to introduce any discourse that nay tend to violate your character as a gentleman or a Mason, or to depreciate those virtues that always adorn an honest mind. MASONIC COUNSEL. 203 If, therefore, from among your friends or acquaintance, you should hereafter propose a candidate for our mysteries, I would earnestly recommend that you know him to be worthy ; and never from a pecuniary or ungenerous motive endeavor to introduce any but a man of honor and integrity, whose character as well as principle justly entitles him to the privileges of this fraternity. To expatiate on the necessity of a close application to the duties of Masonry will, I presume, be needless, as I doubt not but your own experience will soon evince the real value and utility of this science, and the excellency of its pre- cepts. I shall therefore conclude this address, in a sure expecta- tion of your implicit obedience to the foregoing circum- stances, as well for your own honor as the credit of this lodge, and that you will cheerfully conform to all those salutary laws which are, and ever have been, the established basis **>d support of the royal -04 MASONIC COUNSEL. A PRAYER TO BS USED AT THE ADMISSION OF A BROTHER. O MOST glorious and eternal God, who art the (' Architect of the created universe, grant unto us, thy ser- vants, who have already entered ourselves into this most noble, ancient, and honorable fraternity, that we may In- solid and thoughtful, and always have a remembrance of those sacred and holy things we have taken on us, and endeavor to instruct and inform each other in secrecy, that nothing may be unlawfully or illegally obtained ; and that this person, who is now to be made a Mason, may be a worthy member; and may he, and all of us, live as nu-n, considering the great end for which thy goodness has created us ; and do thou, O God, give us wisdom to con- trive in all our doings, strength to support in all difficulties. and beauty to adorn those heavenly mansions where thy honor dwells; and grant, O Lord, that we may agree together in Brotherly Love and Charity one towards another, and in all our dealings in the world do justice to all men, love mercy, and walk humbly with thee, our God ; and, at last, may an abundant entrance be administered unto us into thy kingdom, O great Jehovah. Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be kingdom, power, and glory, for ever and ever. Amen. MASONIC COUNSEL. 206 ANOTHER PRAYER. Me ST holy and glorious Lord God, thou Architect of heaven *nd earth, who art the giver of all good graces, and hath promised that where two or three are gathered together in thy name, thou wilt be in the midst of them ; in thy name we assemble and meet together, most humbly beseeching thee to bless us in all our undertakings, to give us thy Holy Spirit, to enlighten our minds with wisdom and understanding, that we may know and serve thee aright, that all our doings may tend to thy glory and to the salva- tion of our souls : and we beseech thee, O Lord God, to bless this our present undertaking, and to grant that this our Brother may dedicate his life to thy service, and be a true and faithful Brother among us : endue him with divine wisdom, that he may, with the secrets of Masonry, be able to unfold the mysteries of Godliness and Christi- anity. Amen. A PRAYER AT THE EMPOINTING- OF A BROTHER, Used in the Reign of Edward IV. THE mighty God and Father of heaven, with the wisdom of his glorious Son, through the goodness of the Holy Ghost, that hath been three persons in one Godhead, be with us at our beginning, give us grace to govern in our living here, that we may come to his bliss that shall never have an end. 06 MASONRY A UNIVERSAL RELIGION. XAU11Y A WIITlltAX 13I18IOI. THAT Masonry is an ' universal religion, known to all nations by the same symbols or language, is a common re- mark which many of us have seen exemplified. I have seen the Turk or Algerine known, protected, and escorted through our country as brethren. I have seen the African captive ised from prison and maintained at liberty, on his Masonic parole, because he was an entered apprentice only ! I know a sea-captain who was impressed from his vessel, and compelled to defend a fort expected hourly to be at- tacked by storm, in which case he was sure of double ven- geance for fighting against a people with whom the United States were at peace. Aware of his peril, he tried the effect of Masonry, until his language was understood by an officer of the garrison, who framed a pretext for taking him from his post, and led him at the dusk of evening to the shore, and left him to escape to his vessel, where he wms successfully concealed from daily search till the danger was over. I remember, too, the story of two brothers, related by their father. The eldest was a Mason, and master of a Tessel. The youngest being about to sail with him, he ad- vised him to be initiated into the arcana of Freemasonry, as useful to him in cases that might occur while abroad and MASCNRY A UNIVERSAL RELIGION. 207 among strangers. The young man, however, declined the matter, as of no consequence. On their passage to the West Indies, they were taken by a French privateer, and their vessel sent into Guadaloupe. Being brought on board the privateer, the eldest endeavored to make himself known as a Mason to the captain, who affected to consider his attempts as intended to excite the crew to mutiny, and put him in irons for his pains, and carried him into port in that condition. On arriving at Guadaloupe, he was thrust into the common filthy prison, among a crowd of felons of all colors and descriptions. "So much," said the younger, " for being a Freemason ! Do you now think I was a fool for not joining your lodge ? " The next day, however, the elder, by narrowly watching at a little window of the prison, and inquiring by the silent aid of Masonry of the passers- by and spectators, was perceived by a brother ; and in less than an hour taken out of the jail, by order of Victor Hughes, and placed at a hotel on a liberal allowance ; while his young companion remained in confinement upon the scanty and damaged rations of common prisoners, until released in a short time at the solicitation of his initiated brother. It is hardly necessary to add, that the young man, on his return to Connecticut, took care to be made a Mason before he went to sea again. I saw two men in a quarrel reasor religion, and every other motive was urged in vain : one of the parties, a naval officer from the South, who had challenged his Eastern ad- versary and been refused, was perfectly intoxicated with rage, and struck about him like a fury, until a Masonic 106 MASONRY A UNIVERSAL RELIGION. finger from the little object of his vengeance, like the talismanic wand of a magician, or a shock of electricity, hushed him to peace, And soon restored him to friendship. Not then being one of the fraternity myself, I believed Masonry, from its effects, to be a good thing ; and I have since been enabled by experience to say Probatum est. Between the years 1740 and 1750 the Freemasons were subject to great persecutions in Portugal. A jeweller of the name of Moutou was seized and confined in the prison of the Inquisition ; and a friend of his, John Coustos, a native of Switzerland, was also arrested. The fact was, that these two persons were the leading Freemasons in Lisbon, which constituted their crime. Coustos was con- fined in a lonely dungeon, whose horrors were heightened by the complaints, the dismal cries, and hollow groans, of several other prisoners in the adjoining cells. He was fre- quently brought before the inquisitors, who were anxious to extort from him the secrets of Masonry ; but refusing to give any information, he was confined in a still deeper and more horrible dungeon. Finding threats, entreaties, and remonstrances in vain, Coustos was condemned to the tor- tures of the holy office. He was, thereupon, conveyed to the torture-room, where no light appeared but what two candles gave First they put round his neck an iron collar, which was fastened to the scaffold ; they then fixed a ring to each foot ; and this being done, they stretched his limbs with all their might. They next tied two ropes round each arm, and two round each thigh ; which ropes passed under the scaffold, through MASONRY A UNIVERSAL RELIGION. 209 holes made for that purpose. These ropes, which were of the size of one's little finger, pierced through his flesh quite to the bone, making the blood gush out at eight different places that were so bound. Finding that the tortures above described could not extort any discovery from him, they were so inhuman, six weeks after, as to expose him to another kind of torture, more grievous, if possible, than the former. They made him stretch his arms in such a manner, that the palms of his hands were turned outward ; when by the help of a rope that fastened them together at the wrist, and which they turned by an engine, they drew them nearer to one another behind in such a manner, that the back of each hand touched, and stood exactly parallel one on the other ; where- by both his shoulders were dislocated, and a quantity of blood issued from his mouth. This torture was repeated thrice ; after which he was again sent to his dungeon, and put into the hands of physicians and surgeons, who, in set- ting his bones, put him to exquisite pain. In the year 1748, Monsieur Preverot, a gentleman in the navy, was shipwrecked on an island, whose viceroy was a Freemason. In his destitute condition, he presented him- self to the viceroy, and related his misfortunes in a manner which completely proved that he was no impostor. The viceroy made the Masonic signs, which being instantly re- turned by the Frenchman, they recognised and embraced each other as brethren of the same order. The viceroy loaded him with presents, and gave him as much money as was necessary for carrying him into his native country. 210 MASONRY A UNIVERSAL RELIGION. In the battle of Dettingcn. in 174^5 one of the king's guards having his horse killed under him, was so entangled among its limbs that he was unable to extricate himself. While he was in this situation, an English dragoon gal- loped up to him, and, with his uplifted sabre, was about to dqirive him of life. The French soldier having, with much difficulty, made the signs of Masonry, the dragoon recog- niied him as a brother, and not only saved his life, but freed him from his dangerous situation. A Scottish gentleman, in the Prussian service, was taken prisoner at the battle of Lutzen, and was conveyed to Prague, along with four hundred of his companions in arms. As soon as it was known that he was a Mason, he was re- leased from confinement ; he was invited to the tables of the most distinguished citizens, and requested to consider himself as a Freemason, and not as a prisoner of war. During the American revolution, a citizen on board a privateer was captured by the British, and the whole crew imprisoned at Edinburgh. The following night after their imprisonment a lodge held its communication near the prison. During the time of refreshment, some of the brethren visited the prisoners. This American manifested himself to be a Mason, and was recognized as such. Dur- ing the same evening he was permitted to visit the lodge, and associate with the craft. By the friendly aid of the brethren he was liberated from confinement, had the free- dom of the city, and shortly after was sent back to his country and family. A Masonic brother, who escaped from Ireland during MASONRY A UNIVERSAL RELIGON. 211 their last national difficulties, protected the whole crew from a pirate, by his knowledge of Masonry. An American was on board a British vessel on a passage to Europe. The vessel was captured and taken to Brest. This was at the time when Bonaparte was in possession of Egypt. The crew, therefore, was sent to Alexandria, and put into close confinement. A man was seen to pass the street by the prison, wearing a sash of many colors. The American, believing it to be a Masonic badge, wanted nothing but an opportunity to make himself known as a Mason. Soon, however, it happened the same person, wearing the same sash, came to the prison. This person proved to be the principal officer of the city, and recog- nizing the American as t Mason, took him to his own house, paid his passage in the first vessel, gave him sixty crowns, and dismissed him. Who would not wish, for humanity's sake, principles which -produce such an effect might be more generally understood 1 GOD suffers men to partake of unlimited and eternal hap- piness. Strive to resemble this divine original, by making all mankind as happy as thou canst ; nothing good can be imagined, which ought not to be an object of thy activity. Let effectual and universal benevolence be the plumbline of thy actions. Anticipate the cries of the miserable, or, at least, do not remain insensible to them. 212 SHIBBOLETH BIBSflBIB. (See Judges xii, 4-6.) THEN Jephthah gathered together all the men of Gilead, and fought with Ephraim : and the men of Gilead smote Ephraim, because they said, " Ye Gileadites are fugitives of Ephraim among the Ephraimites, and among the Ma- nassites." And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites : and it was so, that when those Ephraim- ites which were escaped said, " Let me go over ;" that the men of Gilead said unto him, " Art thou an Ephrairaite 1" If he said, "Nay?" Then said they unto him, " Say now Shibboleth ;" and he said " Sibboleth :" for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him and slew him at the pas- sages of Jordan. And there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand. CONSTANTINE TALBOT. 213 A ROMANCE IN MINIATURE. BY JAMES ADAIR. VOL UM E I . THE setting .sun of a beautiful summer evening had withdrawn its last golden rays from the western lattices of a small castlleated mansion, whose broken defences, and otherwise dilapidated appearance, told too plainly that the rank of its inhabitants had survived their fortunes; and that, in their case, pride, with its wonted tenacity, was still clinging to certain attributes of greatness which pru- dence would have long since abandoned. And this im- pression was confirmed rather than dissipated, by a glance at those, who, at the moment, occupied its principal apart- ment. These consisted only of one gentleman and lady, and a very aged female domestic ; that is, if we do not choose to extend the limited circle by mentioning two * This entertaining and exceedingly well-written Tale has been kindly fur- nished us by an old and valued friend. We do not know that such announcement, on our part, will be of any great interest to the public ; but we make it with the hope that our readers may take some pains to become also, in a literary sense at least, acquainted with our friend. A gentlemen with his genius and talents should not be neglected ; and we are sure, that, if he would appear before the public oftener, he would be appreciated in a manner both creditable to that public and pecuniarily profitable to himself. P. D 214 CONSTANTINE TALBOT. large and beautiful specimens of the Irish wolf-dog. Tht gentleman was apparently upwards of fitty, but still straight and soldier-like; and though his costume was soiled, overworn, and apparently neglected, yet no on^ could regard him even for a moment, and doubt that he stood in the" presence of a gentleman born and bred. The lady appeared to be about seven years younger, and changed and faded though she was, enough still remained to convince the beholder, that, at an earlier period of life, she must have been very beautiful. At present, however, her face was chiefly remarkable for an expression of deep and fixed melancholy, perchance the legacy of wounded pride or deep domestic affliction. At some brief remark of her companion's, she turned from the window, whence she had probably been watching the setting sun, and notwithstanding an effort to conceal the circumstance, it became evident that she had been in tears. " Weeping again, Kathleen?" exclaimed the gentleman, in a tone of somewhat bitter reproof. " Methinks that even a regard for my feelings, knowing them as you do, might prevent your indulging this unavailing despondency." The tears which had been put under momentary restraint now flowed free and copiously. " I am deeply sensible," she replied, " how much I deserve your censure. You, at least, should be exempted from any mortification through my unhappy melancholy you, who never once gave me cause to shed a tear, unless it were those of admiration and gratitude ; yet, my dear Constantino, yourself will admit CONSTANTINE TALBOT. 216 that I have had some cause for weeping. And when I remind you (that is, if you can have forgotten it,) that this is the twenty-ninth of June, by a mysterious coincidence at once the anniversary of the most blissful and most sorrowful events in my deeply-checkered existence, you will, I am sure, forgive my present agitation. Oh this day, twenty-five years ago, and just about this very hour, I gave my hand to the dear object of my young heart's choice, amid the congratulations of powerful friends and the plaudits of faithful and numerous retainers : on the first anniversary of that auspicious event, the first dear pledge of our deep and mutual affection came upon this wickrd and inconstant world : and on the self-same, to us, eventful twenty-ninth of June, her seventeenth birth-day, did did" " Did that most wretched and unfortunate offspring fly a rebellious and ungrateful fugitive from her father's roof ; and on the same fatal anniversary has she returned to ask forgiveness and to die /" The latter portion of the foregoing detail was supplied by an apparition whose appearance, even among more indifferent spectators, must have been peculiarly affecting. It was a female still young and beautiful, though much wasted and travel-worn, who, with hair loose and dishev- elled, eyes streaming and upturned, and dragging by the hand a fair but terrified boy of about six years old, now rushed into the apartment, and flung herself at the lady's feet. " Mother ! mother !" she continued, passionately clasping CONSTANTINE TALBOT. the knees of her before whom she had prostrated herself, " have I then Indeed lived to hear again that beloved voice, or is it but a dream, like those that used to mock my frenzy in the far and pestilential lands !" The appeal of the distracted suppliant was not made in vain. The joy as well as the forgiveness of the h broken mother was fully and unequivocally expressed in the simple but eloquent, and oft-repeated exclamation "My beloved child!" The reconciliation, however, was still solely confined to the mother and the daughter, as the sterner father had not as yet either changed his position or spoken a single word ; and the child, so soon as he had been released from the hold of his mother, retreated towards the door, and assuming his full height, witnessed the entire scene with an expression of countenance whic^ told plainly enough that he, at leaf} was not a willing intruder : and this line of conduct on his part exercised, in all probability, a more powerful effect on the feelings of his haughty relative than even the distracted repentance of an unfortunate daughter ; as, after surveying him a moment, he told him to come forward, and not to be afraid. " I am not afraid," said the noble boy, proudly, " but I want my mother to come away." "It is now too late, my poor child, to journey farther : come forward and tell me your name." " Father ! dear father !" interposed the wretched peni tent, hastily disengaging herself from the tenacious embraces of her mother, and casting herself at the feet of CONSTANTINE T4.LBOT. 217 him whom she addressed, " do not ask him his name, for I dare not suffer him to tell it. He was born and baptized in a foreign land and I never thought he would see your face and you know how dearly I always loved you and in short, I could not help it and I never wish " " She named the child after its father," interrupted the mother. " It was at least natural " " No, no, mother ! not after its father, but after my own ! And, my dear parents, you need not shrink from him under the impression that there was dishonor on his birth. Your daughter might be weak, but not infamous. She left her father's house, a lawfully wedded wife." This only was wanting to render the joyful surprise com- plete. The lost one had not only been found, but with her had returned the honor of a proud though decayed house. Never was the fatted calf more cheerfully sacrificed, nor ever did a few wasted retainers more heartily respond to the feudal summons that bade them rejoice and make merry with their lord. The story of the wanderer was soon told, though it differed essentially from that of the thousands who, listening to the importunities of passion and the protestations of the stranger, rush from the sanctuary of the parental roof, without the parental consent, or the parental blessing. Though she had, with the characteristic waywardness of her years and sex, given her heart to the Saxon stranger, the avowed enemy of her kindred and of her country, yet did her history lack the usual staple, of love cloyed by pos- session, and of a change of deportment accompanying a 218 CONSTANTINE TALBOT. change of place. On the contrary, so far as a clandestine connexion could be so designated, theirs throughout had been a peculiarly honorable one. They had been married by a clergyman of her own communion some time before their elopement, and the vows then pronounced and registered appeared to have been faithfully and cheerfully observed. And their premature dissolution, by the sudden and violent death of one of the parties, had been humbly, and perhaps justly, attributed by the bereaved survivor, to her own heartless abandonment of those to whom she not only owed her existence, but an incalculable amount of the most gonerous indulgence and the most devoted love. Immediately after the death of her husband she had given birth to a daughter ; but on her own unexpected recovery from a dreadful and protracted illness which succeeded that event, she learned that the little innocent had gone to a better world. Her husband, like herself, had been an outcast from his family, and for the self-same cause ; and being, therefore, solely dependant on the limited emolument of a subaltern's commission, had, of course, died poor. His widow, how- ever, had been prudent ; and after defraying the expenses of her long illness, had still means sufficient to procure a passage for herself and child to her native country. The narrative, of which the foregoing is an outline, occupied some hours in the recital, and when it was con~ eluded, had it not been for the presence of the rosy boy, the whole might have seemed, even to the principal actor, the fiction of a sennachie or the delusion of a wild and CONSTANTINE TALBOT. 219 feverish dream. For there was she again in the home of her youth and infancy, and surrounded by the same faces that had been dear and familiar through both. On the whole, both to the long-bereaved parents and the long-lost child, it was a night of almost unmixed happiness, and as if some benign influence had resolved that it should be really such, at a late hour, and wholly unexpected, Gerald, the only son and brother, who was page of honor in the household of the great Earl of Tyrone, presented himself in their midst. The scenes that marked the earlier part of the evening were again briefly reacted. The youthful soldier, so soon as he was satisfied that there had been no sacrifice of honor or of pride, received the caresses of his long-lost sister, and the playmate of his childhood, with unfeigned delight ; and those who beheld the high animation of his sunny counte- nance, illumined, as it was, by the joyous sparkle of his 'bright blue eye, little dreamed that he came the messenger of evil tidings, though such unhappily was the case. The party, with, of course, the one exception, broke up, in joy, in confidence, and in peace : but it broke up never to re-assemble. Long before the first ray of the morning had kissed the Dalriadian mountains, the father and son were already on their way into foreign exile, from which neither the one nor the other was ever destined to return. Thus will the sun, sometimes, at the close of a gloomy day, gladden with a brief smile the landscape which his obscurity had already made bleak and desolate, and whicb he is now about to abandon to total darkness ; and Fortune 220 CONSTANTINE TALJBOT. also mock, with a brief and treacherous smile, the victims whom she had long persecuted, and whose last hope she is iust about to extinguish forever. VOLUME II. THOSE of our readers who are acquainted with the history of the British Islands, need not be informed that, in the latter part of the twelfth century, Ireland was partially subjugated by a band of those Norman, or rather Anglo. Norman adventurers whose ancestors had, some time before, usurped the sovereignty of England. They are also aware that, notwithstanding the brilliant exploits of the warlike invaders, powerfully aided as they were by the celebrated King of Leinster, and other faithless chiefs, the greater portion of the island remained still unconquered, and the Anglo-Irish colony, or territory maintained by the invaders, was chiefly confined to Leinster and that part of the southern province that lies upon the eastern coast. The limits of this territory, which was politically de- signated the English Pale, were far from being either sta- tionary or well-defined, but, on the contrary, were constantly extending or contracting, according to the preponderance of the power and prowess of the Irish chiefs and English barons that successively inhabited the stormy frontier. And the uncertainty of this tenure is made pretty evident by the fact, that the latter were at times sufficiently powerful to carry fire and sword into the interior recesses of Ulster and Connaught, and at others, reduced to the CONSTANTINE TALBOT. 221 degrading necessity of paying tribute, or as it is now called, black-mail, to the princes, or mighty men of those pro- vinces, for forbearance and protection. And this state of things existed, with but little variation, throughout a succession of centuries, and a series of dynasties, extending from the period when England was ruled by the Norman Plantagenet till the time that her sovereignty devolved upon the Scottish Stuart. During the reign of the first sovereign of the last-men- tioned race, and after the downfall of that first and last hope of his country, Hugh, Earl of Tyrone, Ulster for the first time was forced to acknowledge English sovereignty, and to submit to the government, or rather misgovernment, vouchsafed by her new rulers under the imposing designa- tion of " British law." Yet the fact of the existence, for almost five centuries, within the compass of a small island, of two chstinct races, differing in every habit and feeling, except reckless valor and mutual hostility, though of itself sufficiently pregnant with the seeds of discord and devasta- tion, will be found, upon investigation, neither to have been the sole, nor indeed the principal cause of the unparalleled amount of evil that accumulated in the unhappy country through that long period. And those evils would be attributed with equal injustice, either to the heartless tyranny of the English Kings, or the reckless turbulence of the Irish People ; but their extent, and more especially their continuance, will be found in the simple fact, that those who were successively entrusted with the task of extending and consolidating British dominion in Ireland CONSTANTINE TALBOT had a direct and powerful interest in disobeying their orders. They were well enough aware that the interests both of their king and country were best secured by peace, but they were equally well aware, that their " ain poor peculiar," as old Twintippet says, throve best in times of commotion. Persons of much less sagacity could easily foresee that if the Irish chieftains remained at peace there would be no further pretext for plundering them, and it was therefore no uncommon circumstance for the representative of English royalty, who had himself been especially deputed by his sovereign to offer conciliation and accept submission, to be found among the most active fomenters of rebellion. Among the numerous victims of this nefarious system, the most prominent and important was the forementioned Earl of Tyrone ; an individual accidentally uniting in his own person both the feudal privileges of an English noble and the hereditary honors and influence of an Irish prince. He had been educated in England,; had served in the royal army ; and by his gallantry and accomplishments, had found such favor in the eyes of Elizabeth as induced her to restore him to the honors and estates of his family, which had been confiscated through the turbulence of his warlike uncle, Shane Dymas. He was afterwards forced into an unwilling rebellion by the calumny and insult of the local authorities, and after having repeatedly proved himself more than a match for England's best and bravest, he was eventually reduced to submission, not, however, by the swords of his enemies, but by the combined and powerful influence of famine and treachery among his friends. CONSTANTINE TALBOT. 223 As his name "was still formidable, and his talents well known, he easily obtained a reconciliation with the new sovereign, who had just then ascended the throne. But neither the favor of the monarch nor his own prudent and peaceful resolutions could protect him against the machina- tions of those who had long before marked liim for sacrifice. A paper was found in the council chamber, in the Castle of Dublin, covertly accusing him and others of a con- spiracy against the state ; and as the devoted nobleman now saw that his ruin was not only contemplated, "but compassed, he fled precipitately to the continent, leaving the country, that he had so long and so gallantly defended, at the mercy of a combination of the most crafty and cruel despoikrs that the world ever beheld. The somewhat mysterious conclusion of the previous volume is now easily accounted for. The parties there introduced had, both of necessity and choice, concluded to share the exile of their gallant chief. VOLUME III. IT was again a beautiful evening in summer, nay it was even the eventful twenty-ninth of June : but the scene was no longer that of grandeur, whether in flourish or decay, nor did its inhabitants retain the slightest vestige of even fallen rank. Yet their appearance was not exactly that of the common vulgar, nor their residence altogether the ordinary home of the mountain peasant ; but, on the contrary, the appearance of both possessed that sort CON8TANTINE TALBOT of nondescript character, neither pertaining to the high, the low, nor the middle ranks of society. They agreed, however, with the party first introduced to the reader, both as to number and that air of settled dejection that generally indicates the breaking heart. But although these circumstances might, at any time, be sufficient to excite a painful curiosity as to their history and situation, yet at no other period than the present, would the beholder have ever dreamed of discovering, in the wild and wo-begone wretches before him, the proud and high-born acquaintance of a former period. But ten years of unparalleled sorrow and suffering had since passed over the devoted country and her crushed and expatriated inhabitants, producing such a scene of promiscuous desola- tion as had, to use a singular expression, actually rendered wooden no longer wonderful. But however the recollection of these circumstances might reconcile us to the identity of the two wretched females with the mother and daughter introduced at the commencement of our little history, yet who could ever recognise in the gaunt and sL.ggy young mountaineer, their companion, the gentle and io*y boy whose pride, beauty, and high bearing, had ao quickly melted the heart of his haughty and detera.kcd grand- father ! But as ** Summer months bring wilding shoot, From bad to bloom, from bloom to fruit, And years draw on our human span, From child to boy, from boy to man.'* the period that had since elapsed must have wrought CONSTANTINE * \LBOT. 226 change in his stature, under any circumstances, and the same trials and privations that had so deeply set their seal upon his unfortunate relatives, could scarcely be supposed to have left him scathless : At all events, it was he ! We have said that it was again the twenty-ninth of June, and strange to tell, on this occasion, as on so many others, this eventful day had brought to the wasted rem- nant of this unfortunate family, another scene of perplexity and excitement. With a somewhat singular fatality it had been the birthday of the son as well as of the unhappy mother, and now on its sixteenth anniversary, this child of so much sorrow, the only surviving pledge of her unfor- tunate marriage, and the first offspring of her early love, was about to sever the last tie that bound his unhappy parent to a miserable existence, by quitting her presence and protection for the purpose of trying his fortune in a world that had been so uniformly cruel to his family. With the martial spirit of his warlike ancestry, he pre- ferred the profession of a soldier to that of a shepherd, for he had no other choice, and in the prosecution of that resolve, it was a matter still to be decided whether he should offer his services to a government that he had too good reason to regard as the cause of his own distress, and that of his nearest and dearest, or join the band of a des- perate outlaw, who, since the fall of the celebrated Sir Caher Roe O'Dougherty, had maintained himself in the neighboring mountains against all the force that the govern- ment could send against him. The mother favored the former idea as being the more safe, or at least the lesa CONSTANTINE TALBOT. desperate, bat the feelings of the youth himself were decidedly disposed towards the latter, probably because of its affording a wider and wilder field for the exercise of his naturally reckless and romantic daring, or it might be on account of its promising the shortest way to the ful- filment of some long-cherished and desperate purpose of revenge. For although the son of an English soldier, nay,, even himself having been born in a British camp, and though still perfectly aware of the circumstance, he had no longer any sympathy with the land of his nativity, but was now, to use the language applied to others of his " degene- rate" countrymen, in his every feeling and sympathy, even "more Irish than the Irish themselves." But on this subject we will permit the youth to speak a few words for himself. " How can you," he exclaimed, in answer to the solicita- of his weeping mother, and in a tone of impatience almost to asperity, " recommend me, the last of your race, to draw the sword of my ancestors in support of that accursed government which is neither more nor less than the instrument of God's vengeance against this devoted country ? How, I repeat, can you, whose family those miscreants have brought from the rank of princes to herd and shelter with the wolves and ravens of the moun- tain, and whose noble father and brave brother they have hunted into foreign graves, ask your only child to con- summate ruin with disgrace, and lick the hands that are still red with the blood of his and your kindred ? Mother, I have always loved you with tenderness, and obeyed you CONSTANTINE TALBOT. 227 with deference, and least of all at this moment would I part from you in displeasure or disobedience; but do not, I conjure you, put my love and respect for you to such a test as this !" But the perseverance of the woman and the anxiety of the mother were proof against even this passionate appeal. She knew her influence, and she exerted it. To what pur- pose may be learned from the following singular proposition, evidently extorted from him upon whom that influence had been so powerfully brought to bear. " Hear me, then," he exclaimed, passionately ; " for four sake, and the sake of your parting blessing, I will offer a compromise : I will leave the issue of this unhappy controversy to the decision of fate. This is my birthday, and moreover, it is that day of the year which my poor grandmother says is so mysteriously connected with the history of our hapless family; and here is my father's sword. You have often told me, that although an English- man, he was a brave, generous, and true-hearted soldier, and his sword (all that remains which was his,) would not point out to his only son the path of dishonor. I will now twirl it high in the air, and if, when fallen, it points to the east, I will proceed forthwith to the camp of the stranger, but if to the west, I will as assuredly seek out the strong- hold of the " Red Tanist." At the first trial, the point of the weapon sunk deep in the soft earth, but at the second and third, it pointed directly to the Saxon camp. CONSTANTINE TA^BOT. VOLUME IV. THE very circumscribed limits of our fragmentary nar- rative compel us to cast to the winds a considerable portion of our materials at almost every resting-place. We must, therefore, now pass on to a period wlu-n the fierce and uncouth stripling, of whom we took leave at the end of the last volume, had become a famous and accomplished soldier, and stood high in the favor and confidence of his comraander-in-chief. But unfortunately, perhaps, for all the parties concerned, the same romantic deed of daring which had so suddenly elevated the young soldier to this enviable position, had also obtained for him the more dangerous, if not less enviable, distinction of holding a high place in the affections of his lordly patron's heiress and only child. And certainly our youthful acquaintance was not of a temperament the most likely to induce its owner to tamely abandon a lofty and tempting enterprise merely on account of the difficulties, or even dangers, that might chance to stand in the way. An office of high trust and importance in the household, and about the person of the father, included, or, at least, was made to include, occa- sional attendance upon the daughter also : and we believe it no imputation upon his official fidelity, and but in strict accordance with the characteristic gallantry of his age, his country, and his profession, to presume that this latter por- tion of his duty was neither the most irksome nor the least vigilantly discharged. But pleasant or otherwise as his CONSTANTINE TALBOT. 229 attendance on the fair and highborn maiden might be, it was now destined to be at least suspended, for a period which circumstances might render somewhat indefinite. The safety and permanence of the English interest in Ireland, never fully secure, even in the estimation of its most haughty and redoubtable supporters, required, at this particular period, that the Governor of Castle- Cormack, who was the guardian of the aforesaid interest in the North-west, should send a strong detachment to the South of Donegal, to observe, and if possible counteract, certain ominous manifestations in that locality and the adjacent border of Connaught : and the important trust of commanding such detachment was confided to young Talbot. It was some months after the departure of the expedition referred to, that the old veteran of Castle- Cormack, proba- bly from the effects of having supped either more lightly or heavily than usual, did not fall into his wonted repose. The time was, by no means, the most peaceful, nor the locality the most secure. Cormac Roe O'Donnell, or the u Red Tanist," whom we have already had occasion to mention, was still supposed to be in the neighboring moun- tains, and he had honored Castle- Cormack with a rather unexpected visit not long before. This circumstance, in itself, had little remarkable, as the Castle had, at one time, belonged to himself, and still bore his name. But on the occasion referred to, he had, after the manner of the cele- brated James of Douglass, while visiting the homestead under similar circumstances, paid a less delicate regard t-2 THE TEMPLE. XXI X3XXX3. AND he brought me thither, and behold, there was a man, whose appearance 1001 like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and a measuring-reed ; and he stood in the gate. And the man said onto me, Son of man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I shall shew thee ; for to the intent that I might shew them unto thee art thou brought hither : declare all that thou seest to the house of Israel. Then came he unto the gate which looketh towards the east, and went up the stairs thereof, and measured the threshold of the gate, which was one reed broad ; and the other threshold of the gate, which was one reed broad. He measured also the porch of the gate within, one reed. And there were seven steps to go up to it, and the arches thereof were before them : and it had palm-trees, one on this side, and another on that side, upon the posts thereof. And he brought me into the inner court towards the east : and he measured the gate according to these mea- Mi, The length of the porch was twenty cubits, and the breadth eleven cubits; and he brought me by the steps whereby they went up to it : and there were pillars by the poets, one on this side, and another on that side. THETEMPLE. 263 And Solomon made all the vessels that pertained unto the house of the Lord : the altar of gold, and the table of gold, whereupon the shew-bread was ; and the candlesticks of pure gold; five on the right side, and five on the left, before the oracle ; with the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs of gold ; and the bowls, and the snuffers, and the basons, and the spoons, and the censers of pure gold ; and the hinges of gold, both for the doors of the inner house, the most holy place, and for the doors of the house, to wit, of the temple. So Hiram made an end of doing all the work that he had made king Solomon for the house of the Lord. And he 'set the cherubims within the inner house ; and they stretched forth the wings of the cherubims, so that the wing of the one touched the one wall, and the wing of tho other cherub touched the other wall ; and their wings touched one another in the midst of the house. MASONRY. Enter the door of Masonry, and you will there find an Order whose object it is to curb intemperate passions, to restrain the spirit of ambition, and to teach charity and forbearance to individuals, justice and integrity to governments, humanity and benevolence to nations : to banish from the world every source of enmity and hostility, and to introduce those social feelings on which depend, in a high degree, the peace and order of society. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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