ilifornig ;ional ility I LIBRARY UNIVERSITY 0^ CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO . ft SPECIAL EDITIO PRINTED TO COMMEMORATE A MEETING of the held on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY SEVENTH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN AT 8.15 P. M. through the courtesy of the JOAN OF ARC STATUE COMMITTEE for a Statue of Joan of Arc in the City of New York in the AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY BUILDING between 155th and 156th Streets New York OFFICERS OF THU National &atlptur? Ijonnrarg flrnnbrnt DANIEL CHESTER FRENCH HERBERT ADAMS JFtrst Ut DONN BARBER SOLON H. BORGLUM I. WYMAN DRUMMONU SHERRY E. FRY JOAX OF ARC From engraving by N. Le Mire, after painting in Hotel de Yille, Orleans Vork n Joan of Arc Loan Exhibition Catalogue , -^ictures, Medals, Coins, Statuary, Books, orcelains, Manuscripts, Curios, tc. Under the Auspice* of ' ke ; can of Arc btatue Committee (For a Statue of Joan of Arc in the City of New York) . ' Tke Museum of FrencL Art French Institute in the United States Tke American Numismatic Society The American Numismatic Society Bu Broadway, between 155tn and 156tn Streets New York City January 6tK to February 8tli, 1913 Joan of Arc Statue Committee For a Statue in the City of New York HONORARY PRESIDENT J. Sanrord Saltus PRESIDENT Dr. George Frederick K.unz President American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS Gabriel Hanotaux Pierre Loti Memkres de 1" Academic Franfaiee MEMBERS J.W. Alexander Bauman L. Belden Hon. William A. Clark Thomas Cochran, Jr. Hon. John D. Crimmins Mrs. James Stewart Cusnman Mrs. Vernon M. Davis Pror. Louis Delamarre Dr. Frederick Dielman Mrs. Tkomas A. Edison Dr. Ed-ward Hagaman Hall Hon. McDougall Hawkes Dr. George F. Kunz Mrs. Charles F. MacLean Charles Pryer Dr. Louis Livingston Seaman Rev. ^Afilliam J. Stewart T. TJeston Wells Chiefly Concerned in Constructing the Collection and Catalogue Dr. George F. Kunz Bauman L. Belden J. Sanford Saltus Frank \Veitenkampf < o a (-1 H TABLE OF CONTENTS Introductory Remarks of the President of the Joan of Arc Statue Committee, Dr. George Frederick Kunz 9 Letter of His Excellency J. J. Jusserand, the French Ambassador. 12 Address of Vicomte Dejean, Secretary of the French Embassy, for His Excellency J. J. Jusserand, the French Ambassador 13 Address of Hon. C. B. Stover, Commissioner of Parks, New York City 24 Address of Hon. McDougall Hawkes, President of the Museum of French Art, French Institute in the United States 28 Address of Prof. Louis Delamarre, Secretaire de 1'Alliance Fran- caise des Etats Unis, and Professor of French in the College of the City of New York 30 Address of J. Sanford Saltus, Honorary President of the Joan of Arc Statue Committee 33 Letter of Appreciation of Joan of Arc (written for the Joan of Arc Committee), by Boutet de Monvel 35 Address of Dr. Edward Hagaman Hall, Secretary of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society 36 Address of Dr. George Frederick Kunz, President of the Joan of Arc Committee 38 With chronological table concerning Joan of Arc. Catalogue of Engravings, Drawings, Photographs, etc 48 Stamps, Letters, Miscellaneous Objects 83 Statuary, Bronze 92 Medals 94 Coins 105 Bibliography, Books and Pamphlets 106 "But Joan la Pucelle shall be France's Saint" Words of King Charles VII in Shakespeare's King Henry VI. First Part : Act I. Scene VI. Ceremonies Attending the Opening of The Joan or Arc Exhibition Under the Auspices of TKe Joan of Arc Statue Committee The Museum or French Art French Institute in the United States The American Numismatic Society Tne American Numismatic Society Building New York City Monday, January 6th, 1913 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS OF DR. GEORGE FREDERICK KUNZ PRESIDENT OF THE JOAN OF ARC STATUE COMMITTEE. Ladies and Gentlemen: Some three years ago several of us thought that it would be an excellent idea if on the five hundredth anniversary of Joan of Arc we could proceed with arrangements that would lead to the erection of a statue of Joan of Arc in the City of New York. We all of us have often heard it said that virtue has its own reward, but when a woman has not only virtue, but she has valor, she has love for her country and courage to go to war, it is not surprising that five hundred and one years after she was born even the City of New York, with all its rush and turmoil, should see fit to set aside a day for the -opening of an exhibition which is to last one month. Important affairs of state have prevented the French Ambassador from being with us to-day, but he has done us the honor to delegate the first Secretary of the French Embassy to deliver an address for him. We are also especially fortunate that the author of "The Martyrdom of an Empress" contributes a splendid article on "The Pearl of France." Then we have a contributor to our exhibition here who will address us presently, the Honorable C. B. Stover, the Commissioner of Parks of the City of New York. I refer to an exhibit you will find in the case, the portrait of a young lion cub that was born last year, and which our public-spirited friend, Commissioner Stover, named Joan of Arc. About her love of country, we can scarcely venture to speak, but we know that she is warlike, because for five days a photographer vainly attempted to take her photograph. However, she at last realized that she had Commissioner Stover to deal with instead of a Henry the Sixth or a Charles the Seventh. France is not only the home and origin of much that is best in science and literature and the home of Joan of Arc, but it is also the home of much of the good and best in modern art. No one has done more to recognize this than two of our committee ; one, Senator Clark, in buying great works and sending them to this country, and our other speaker, the President of the Museum of French Art, French Institute in the United States, Honorable McDougall Hawkes. We have in this country ninety French alliances, which have been grouped into a greater alliance, and we have with us to-day Professor Louis Delamarre, the Secretary of the Federation of French Alliances in America, who will favor us with an address on the heroine of France. Another speaker to whose words we shall listen, Mr. J. Sanford Saltus, our Honorary President, is one of the originators of the idea of the statue, and during his recent sojourn of two years in Europe he has made a number of studies along this line. Our Honorary President, Mr. J. Sanford Saltus, who has sus- tained us in so many ways, not only financially, but by visiting so many places in Europe, obtaining things for us, and Mr. Belden and other members of the Committee have united their efforts to bring together what you see here, and what will remain on view here for one month. We shall also have the pleasure of hearing Dr. Edward Hagaman Hall, Secretary of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society, whose many and valuable contributions to the early history of our city have done so much to foster interest in the preservation of our old landmarks. His admiration of the character and achieve- ments of the Maid of Orleans make him an earnest worker for the success of our project. I may add that our committee have what we think is two-thirds of the amount of money that will be required : we have $20,000 ; we hope to raise $30,000. We want to thank those friends of ours who have remembered the day and occasion, and who have sent this beautiful floral tribute. Our Committee has decided upon several things; one is that the statue must be artistic, and there will be no question as to whether the sculptor is American, Russian or Hottentot, nor does the commit- tee care whether a man or a woman designs the statue. Upon one thing, however, we shall be insistent, that is, that the statue must be worthy of one of the greatest personalities that has ever lived, of one of the greatest of nations, France, to which it must also be a tribute, and to the coming greatest city in the world, New York. We have with us in the committee Mr. John W. Alexander and Mr. Frederick Dielman, President of the Federation of Fine Arts, and 10 JOAN OF ARC LISTENING TO THE VOICES After the painting by Bartolini also our Honorary President, Mr. J. Sanford Saltus, who has given particular attention to this matter. Before I close, let me say that probably no character is recognized by more nations than Joan of Arc. A catalogue has been prepared by the committee in which you will find fifty illustrations and which will be handed you as you leave the door. Of the exhibition, we hope you will have time enough to see something to-day, but it will remain open for one month from ten in the morning until six in the evening, except on Sundays, when it will be open from ten to five, and Mr. Belden of our committee and his assistants will be glad to show you attention. We thank you for coming to-day. II Letter of the French Ambassador, stating reasons why the date January 6th should be maintained as "Joan of Arc Day." For this reason the Joan of Arc Statue Committee adopted that day for the opening of the exhibition. AMBASSADE DE FRANCE A WASHINGTON DECEMBER 18, 1912. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: Answering your kind letter, I beg to state that a bill has been laid before our Parliament in view of a day being selected for a yearly national fete in honor of Jeanne d'Arc. An annual commemoration already takes place at the present time, but this is a local one, held at Orleans, to celebrate the deliverance of the city on the 8th of May. My impression is that if the day of the birth were selected for the intended national fete, the 6th of January would be chosen without the change in the calendar being taken into account. Allow me to add that I am deeply touched by the intention of you and your friends to raise a monument to the heroine of the France of the past and the France of to-day, the simple, valorous, clear-sighted, ready-witted, impassioned girl of Lorraine, who awakened a great country from an almost deadly sleep, changed the course of history, died as she had lived, a model for men and women of all time, winning the admiration of friend and foe alike, and desiring that all think of her who never thought of herself, as modest at the head of armies as she was pasturing her sheep, and leaving in the brief span of a nine- teen years' life a record with which no other can compare. Believe me, dear Mr. President, Most sincerely yours, JUSSERAND. Dr. G. F. Kunz. 12 5 I V H n ss ^ w ^> a H g 1 fe '5 ADDRESS OF VICOMTE DEJEAN FIRST SECRETARY OF THE FRENCH EMBASSY, WASHINGTON, D. C. His Excellency, the French Ambassador, unable to leave Washing- ton on account of very urgent engagements, could not, to his great regret, join you to-day. He has entrusted me with the esteemed honor of representing him, but he has not given me (unfortunately for you) the power of deliv- ering such a charming speeches he would have addressed to you under the inspiration of the heroine to whom you propose to erect a statue. I desire, nevertheless, to tell you, as he would have done it himself, the sincere pride of every Frenchman to witness the manifestation organized under your initiative. Nothing, as a matter of fact, is more flattering for a country than to see another country adopt and consecrate its own heroes and erect statues to them. Few people have such a fame, such an apotheosis. Yet such is the fate of the humble shepherdess of Domremy. The history of her life has claimed the admiration of the whole world for five centuries and causes to-day in your country the desire of adding one more tribute of respect to the numerous homages which she has received and is still receiving every day. I have not the pretention of speaking here of the mission of Jeanne d'Arc and of her part in our history. I would only say to you, that I am not surprised to see you so numerously sympathizing with this kind creature and touched by the history of this humble girl, who stimulating the courage of the men, inspiring captains and soldiers, saved her country from one of those terrible crises, from which France has always recovered with splendor. Patriotism and energy, such were the supreme qualities of Jeanne d'Arc; these are the qualities which you place in the first rank in the United States and by which most of your actions are inspired; these two qualities enabled this poor country girl of Lorraine to lead 13 her King to be crowned in Rheims. By the same qualities you were victorious at Saratoga and Yorktown. But something more has touched you in the history of Jeanne d'Arc ; she was a woman, and the purest woman of her time. So much courage and energy, united in so charming a being, and put to the service of so noble a cause, should surely give a halo of poetry to the glory of having made her country free of the invading enemies. This is all you love, this is all you want everyone to know and to love. Therefore, in the name of His Excellency, the French Am- bassador, I want to thank you, ladies and gentlemen, who have had this most noble and generous initiative. Your squares and your avenues are already adorned with the statues of the great men who have conquered and defended the independence of your country; the statue of Jeanne d'Arc will be in the right place in the midst of all these, as she showed centuries before their time, the same virtue, the same bravery, the same devotion. Her statue will not only be the image of the Maid of Orleans; it will be for all at the same time the symbol of the love of Fatherland. JEANNE D'ARC "La Bonne Lorraine" ; ah, sainted, rare Selene of the Azure fair; Ah, Shepherdess of Stars like these Of France undying Fleurs-de-Lys Of Faith to see, and Soul to dare ; The vigils of thy fold and care The sworded Seraphim did share, Thine eyes outreached the centuries, "La Bonne Lorraine" ! Thine are the Angels that upbear In Ruin, Doubt, and black Despair; And in that hour when foes increase Saint of the Hearthstone and of Peace, Pucelle, for us thy sword and prayer, "La Bonne Lorraine" ! M. M. "LA PASTOURE D'ARC" By the Author of " The Martyrdom of an Empress " ONE of the prettiest "Fontaines" in France, once, was the "Fontaine aux Groseillers,"a limpid spring bubbling merrily within its natural basin of moss-tinted granite, and overshadowed moreover by a mar- vellous tree, known all over the country-side by the alluring name of "1'Arbre aux Fees." Children gathered there often, a trifle fearfully perhaps, since they were much afraid to disturb the nixies and fays drowsing among its cool verdure for, alas! they were reputed to be easily angered by noise, and very, exceedingly tricky when thus irri- tated. However, when the children could coax the nine-year old daughter of a certain farmer named Jacques to head their timid battal- ions, they approached the "Fontaine" and its tantalizing tree almost with courage, since, as they put it, "Jeanneton had power over the fairies, the elves, the birds of the air, and all other beasties of wood and furrow." This courageous little person of nine was already a curious type of ancient, ancient France; her turn of thought was a bit mystical, but her singularly clear and sound mind, her lithe, strong body, were the ideal of healthy childish perfection. Her chestnut locks fell about her sun-kissed face, her straight nose with quivering nostrils gave the impression of high mettle, and her eyes were wonderful ; blue as gentians are, though when she was "thinking deep," as the saying goes, they lightened perceptibly to a velvety azure, which reflected noth- ing at all of what passed within her mysterious little soul. When angry on the contrary she was not yet a Saint then these great long- lashed eyes turned almost black, as black at least as a dark sapphire seen by the light of a candle. Shortly after she had reached her ninth birthday, the undercurrent of passion no one had ever divined in her, was suddenly aroused by the brutal inroad upon her quiet and pastoral surroundings of 16 RUINS AT CHINON WHERE JOAN MET CHARLES VII From a modern photograph a fierce troop of English and Burgundian soldiery, who fell upon this verdant corner of Lorraine, faithful to France, and swept, sword and torch in hand, through its flower-starred fields and creeper-grown cottages, leaving death and destruction behind them. Her small fists clenched, her face as white as snow, her eyes kindled to points of flame, the child stood still as a statue while her home- stead was ransacked and pillaged. She never uttered a sound, nor allowed herself a shriek, and no tears came to her relief. When the enemy had gone, and only then, did she seem to come to herself, and to her father and mother's fright the child's pale rigid lips parted, and she spoke: "Soon we will avenge this!" was all she said; but the voice was so altered, so strangely determined and inexorable, that they believed her brain had been turned by what she had just witnessed, and plied her with dainties, begging her to be a "good little girl again !" "A good little girl" she did indeed prove herself to be. She fed the wild wood-doves that flocked about her whenever she called them, and carefully tended the famous sheep, the reiteration of whose woolly presence has become somewhat monotonous during the long centuries that should have left them behind in the dim past useful but perchance overdone accessories. She had a special tenderness, too, for blossoms of all sorts, especially for those of a huge climbing white rose, that in the fullness of their transparent florescence revealed a shining heart of gold. The foliage of the great rose, climbing to the very gables of the house, was of a greyish green, edged as many such foliages are even nowadays with delicate carmine, exactly of the same color as that of its big hooked thorns. These flowers were her particular delight, and often when the full moon shone she would crouch before the great clusters of bloom until their spicy perfume and nacred white- ness so wrought upon her that each and every rose seemed a little angelic face smiling at her through glorious golden eyes. One fine mid-day of July, in the year of Our Lord 1425, the girl, who was nearing now the wise age of fourteen, was standing in the garden spinning; one hand whirling the spindle tirelessly with the mechanical and unthinking precision that long habit brings. As it happened, white wool in a fleecy mass was wrapped about her distaff, bound lightly by a blue cord. Her whole body was still, excepting for the busy little hands fluttering from spindle to distaff. She was facing her white roses just now at the height of their beauty never- theless her eyes were of their most sombre blue, for it was the anni- 17 versary of that Anglo-Burgundian invasion which had left such an ineffaceable impress upon her soul. Immovable, she was awaiting the song of the noonday bell that soon would drift down to her from the slender spire of the little church close behind. At last it came, one melodious clang, another and then dazzled by the summer shine of her cascade of roses, it seemed to her that a great light began to radiate from them, spreading in broad rays to form a quivering Aureole. On and on sang the bell, dropping to a mere murmur of floating music, rising again as though to underline its crystal-clear meaning. She understood what it meant to convey, her whole being trembling with desire to hear more, and yet more, in order to com- prehend quite! Her spindle was lying on the grass at her feet, her gaze was as azure now as the turquoise of the sky above, and slowly she knelt down, a glory on her face, praying, praying, for guidance and the power to obey the wondrous command. It is to be feared that after-times misunderstood the character of that little maid, and the import of that moment. She has been pre- sented as an "Illuminee" ; as a half-masculine being, with a genius for war and a nimbus of legend ; again, as simply demented ; and even as a "white witch" with supernatural powers. But all these conceptions are as false as any will be that fails to consider the time when she lived, and the inwardness of this peerless creature; whose "imagina- tion" led her to the self-abasements and self-sacrifices of heroism, and whose whole being was permeated with Faith of the most golden, pure, and true. There exist to-day similar natures and characters, differing from her's only in degree and achievement; but one only meets with them in those lands that like Brittany retain in a large measure the ideas and the beliefs of the Long Ago; where stubborn heads and loyal hearts refuse to be convinced by any argument that they are no longer what their fathers were, that Heaven is nothing- ness, and all that is Royalty is forever gone. They, too, are called mystics "illumines" fools, perhaps, but what can prove their folly excepting Time and the Almighty hand which guides all Fates, sometimes by instruments made slender that they may vibrate and respond. As if born to be guided by fortuitous circumstances, but a com- paratively short time after the Vision in the Roses, a footsore way- farer stopped at the farmstead where the little maid thought and fretted over things "too high for her," as her parents would have said 18 JOAN OF ARC LEAVING VAUCOULEURS From the painting by J. J. Scherrer fa " o < la < o - had they but known. The traveller came from far, and he was as yet only at the end of half his journeying. He asked permission to rest an hour or so in the shade of the trees, and if he might be par- doned for such boldness, a sup of milk and a crust of bread, for which he craved the boon of paying. The Farmer, however, would have none of this. "Pay? Nenni, mon camarade" ; he was not so poor as to require payment for a meal except the payment be a little news from the outside. News was rarer than coin and more valuable in this green desert of Lorraine, where he labored in the sweat of his brow. Nothing loth, as soon as refreshed, the "passant," luxuriously re- clining on the velvet sward, began to talk, and to talk well, too as was the wont of many wanderers of those days, whose only equipage was their shoon. He told much of the death of the King, intermingling the tragic recital by more than one orison, for like the people of Paris, he could not but deplore this great misfortune, and like them, repeat again and again "Ah, never will we have one like you again, beloved Sovereign ! Misfortune awaits us now, ruin, wars, and deep sorrows." In his picturesque language he told how while the King was dying, his reluctant Dauphin was on the road from the Saintonge to Berry, where he mostly resided, and how he, as soon as his father's death was made known to him, had adopted simply the title of Regent of France, well aware of the dread complications his claiming of the Throne would entail. The sketchy portrait of Charles, the erstwhile Dauphin, was given in a few masterly strokes of the tongue. A mere boy, alas, head-strong and yet weak of purpose and action. Handsome, debonnaire, pleasure-loving; in fine, one who would never be fit to hurl the English out of France and hold alone the tangled reins of government. A "beau-parleur," but vacillating in his decisions and opinions. But who was there to help him retain the Royal state he had finally adopted after interminable tergiversations, and when still at his private castle of Mehun-sur-Yevre ? Many comments followed, the Farmer and his guest exchanging remarks more or less sapient, but which fell in two pretty ears, very wide awake indeed. For the young girl, though apparently fascinated by her eternal distaff and spindle, stood unnoticed close behind them, ardently drinking in each syllable. "They say yonder that France, lost by a woman, will be reconquered by a virgin," the traveller quoted, 19 adding a doubt or two about the sanity of this prediction, which was echoed by the peasant's derisive laughter! The girl shivered. What had those bells murmured to her heart? Why had the roses quivered and shone like the wing-feathers of Angels? What were those signs all pointing to, and why also this ever-increasing restlessness, this unquietness of heart, oppressing her more and more as day followed day, and night followed night? Suddenly she bent brusquely forward between the two men, her face flushed, her eyes ablaze with en- thusiasm. "Why do you laugh?" she cried. "Why should not the prophecy be true?" Both hearers turned, startled by that sudden apparition, and by those bold words. "Are you mad?" the angry father clamored, astounded by a liberty of speech and attitude unheard of then when children addressed their parents. The "raconteur" was staring at the beauty of face and form so unexpectedly revealed to him: "Have you swallowed all shame ?" the father vociferated, "to dare speak to me in such a fashion, and before a stranger, too ?" This seemed a hard pill indeed to down ! His hitherto humbly respectful daughter apparently took no heed of wrath or remonstrance. She had straightened herself, and was look- ing fixedly in front of her: "Let me go," she said in a strangely calm voice. "Let me go, and make that poor Prince a real King. Let me go and save France. I know I can do it. I have known it long, and now the time has come. Let me go !" Her tone was neither supplicating nor imperative. She asked a boon, but as if it were her unquestionable right, and the men jumped simultaneously to their feet in order to stare at her more nearly. A dusky red had overspread the paternal countenance ; the father's grey eyes were sparkling with fury. "Hear me !" he growled, "if you speak thus again, if you attempt any folly, I shall drown you with my own hands in the horse-pond. Begone, you sinful lass, and keep home till I release you from pen- ance." But the girl remained unmoved, though her father had raised his heavy hand to strike. "Hold there, comrade !" said the wayfarer, stepping hastily between him and the girl. "Look at her look at her, man. Why she's in- 20 spired, predestined ! Do you know what Merlin the En- chanter predicted long, long ago? ... I now remember having heard it. 'A virgin will save France,' eh? Look at your child, mon gars, and blaspheme no more!" "Blaspheme or not, she shall obey me!" the other, quite beside himself, cried out, raising his arms heavenward : "A girl who fright- ens everyone with her owlish ways, her pretense of finding everything that's lost, even water underground . . . Almight God who cursed my house with such as she !" The "Pastoure," as she was called, owing to her love for animals, and her tending of flocks, was still motionless ; her face had whitened under its amber tan, but otherwise she showed no dread, no emotion of any sort, though her father's violence usually terrified her. Her mind was made up ; this was a fact that any keen observer might have seen at a glance, but even this sleek-spoken wanderer who gazed steadily at her did not see. "It's the hour for me to go my way," he said, "and if you will take a friend's advice, Gossip, don't punish the child. She's a rare beauty, and a Saint from Heaven, too, if I'm any judge. Anyhow, I'll proclaim her virtues wherever I go; and so thanking you for your generosity, I'm off." Probably the emotions of the last half hour had been too much, even for the sturdy tiller of the ground, for he let this chance visitor depart without a gesture of either acknowledgment or reproof. But at the first word of adieu the girl had fled, and so well concealed herself, that clever would have been the one who could have dis- covered her. Time stumbled along under circumstances that for the inhabitants of the little farmstead were nothing but an armed truce. The young girl was constantly watched, her parents and brothers being neither tender nor confiding, but her own resolve remained unshaken. Hourly almost she implored the King of Heaven to let her save that earthly King rightful Sovereign of France who did not know how to save himself and free his kingdom. Silently, calmly, the "Maid" con- tinued to elaborate plans, which being given her complete ignorance of course, she could not even read were as marvellous as her Heav- enly promptings had been. She had become wondrously beautiful, and the lads of Lorraine 21 were not blind enough to overlook this fact. One of them especially, the handsomest stripling of them all, blue-eyed and golden-haired, was resolved to gain her love, having with old-time honesty obtained first the consent and encouragement of his coveted father-in-law to be. "It will drive every dream from the maiden's head to enter married life," the farmer had told his good wife; at which sage remark she had nodded assent, knowing too well what married life was, in her case at least, to question its driving away dreams. The maiden, however, wholly obdurate to the languishing glances of her suitor, equally by sun or by moonlight, at last appealed to her Father-Confessor to defend her from so distasteful a pursuit. Hence- forth her home-life, from the painful thing it had been, became utterly unendurable, though she showed no outward sign of her deepening grief. But after another while she could bear no longer the perpetual tension under which she labored; and one night, in the dark of the moon, she fled to the house of her uncle, situated a few leagues away. There were thorns in the forest, and thread-like tracks where branches crossed each other; no doubt now and again a wolf snarled in the dense thickets; but what cared the stout-hearted lass who knew no fear, excepting that of doing wrong? Her flight seemed right to her, and a thing she could not have avoided had she wished to do so. It was pre-ordained, the result of a command she could not disobey; so what mattered effort, nay, even pain? A voice seemed to sing in her heart that her aim was near to its accomplishment, and she could not doubt. Besides, so acute were her senses, so closely had she lived with Nature, that darkness and obstacles melted before her fleet progress. The pallid phosphorescence of the huge fungi clinging to the trunks of trees, or flattened on the moss, gave light enough, she thought, and when a startled owl flew noisly above her head she was in wise alarmed. All birds were her friends, and more, had not she herself been called owlish in her ways? On and on she ran, un- fettered now, and unhindered, light as thistledown, praying the while almost unconsciously to that Great King who sat enthroned far beyond the sombre forest-roof and the black vault of Heaven above; yes, praying for the "poor Prince" whom she was hurrying now to make King of her beloved country. The dawn was just creeping grayly upon the sleeping world when she drew near her goal, so she knelt to the soft Angelus of the pale "Clochettes" those flowers that are reputed to swing their little 22 lilac bells in the mist before sunrise and said her beads more rever- ently and fervently, if that were possible, than on other morns. Her uncle, less thick-headed than her father was, greeted her right joyously; and after a while consented to take her to the Sire de Baudri- court, in command at Vaucouleurs, to whom she said simply: "Lead me to the Dauphin" (she would not call him King until he had been anointed), "My King of Heaven sends me to save him." ;Jt ^; ;fc jji if: ^ ^c From this point, however, history, written in all languages by all sorts of wise or otherwise men, tells whomsoever wills to read, the stormy life of "la Pastonre," henceforth Jeanne d'Arc, who at one and the same time was the greatest leader and strategist of her day, who conquered the English, saved France, and set her Kingly Protege on his rightful Throne. What use is there to say more? What goes before is merely the true portrayal of the little maid, before her name rang throughout Christendom. The beads of this chaplet were gathered from the sayings of simple people among whom the tale was handed down from generation to generation ; as also from certain black-letter parchments that lie hidden in the never-visited muniment rooms of old castles, together with a great respect for past grandeurs and past martyrdoms. Thus are there a score or so who know how the sweetest and purest of beings came to win Paradise for her own, through blood and battle and fire; which left her unscathed and unhurt in heart and in soul, whatever some of her tormentors may have claimed to the contrary. ADDRESS OF HON. C. B. STOVER COMMISSIONER OF PARKS, CITY OF NEW YORK. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: It is the purpose of the Committee and the Societies in charge of this exhibition to erect a statue to Joan of Arc in the City of New York; and for this reason doubtless the Park Department is represented here to-day. With the invitation to speak on this occasion came the assurance that this monument will be a supreme work of art, and I accepted the invitation gladly. For I do not believe that the Park Commissioner, to whom the application must be made for a site for a proposed public monu- ment, should stand at the gates of our parks, like an ugly watch dog, to warn off builders of monuments. It is true our City is famous for some amazing statuary. But acceptance of the bad in the past furnishes not the slightest ground for rejecting the good to come. Long-continued jesting over our freakish statues has produced a widespread indifference, not to say antagonism, to more statuary in public places. This should not be. Rather let it be the City's rule to welcome gifts of truly great statues to truly great men and women. For such there long will be room. And more room can be made by a dexterous determination to rid our city of the monstrosities which now disfigure it a deed already accomplished in one famous case. Who will say there is an excess of good statuary in our city? In the "Catalogue of the Works of Art belonging to the City of New York," prepared and issued by the Art Commission in 1909, the number of entries under Sculpture, including Tablets, Fountains, etc., is 222, but the actual number of public statues, not counting the numerous Mayors up on the Hall of Records, and the numerous law-givers high up on the Court House of the Appellate Division, is only about one- third this number. As for Paris, I find in Henard's "Les Jardins et les Squares," published in 1911, a list of statues, fountains, and other monuments in the gardens and squares of Paris, amounting to 412, still far ahead of our city numerically.^ For a long time our city gave no encouragement to public monu- 24 ments. Its record to the middle of the nineteenth century is thus stated in our Art Commission's Catalogue : "In the years between the founding of the United States Govern- ment and 1850, various attempts were made to induce the Common Council to erect statues to distinguished men and individuals, and certain societies sought to enlist the co-operation of the citizens to honor men in this way. All efforts to secure either public or private funds for erecting statues were unsuccessful during the first sixty years following the Revolution. The first piece of sculpture bought by the city was the white marble bust of Henry Clay, purchased in 1852, although a few busts were presented to the city much earlier than this." In that time, when the city made the first purchase of statuary, Central Park was called into being; and in the sixties, after the Park Commissioners had built that elaborate piece of architecture known as the Terrace, a big sculptural question arose. The original designs included "full-length statues, as also busts, of distinguished Ameri- cans, upon the large pedestals," which are now covered with orna- mental caps, then thought to be temporary. A writer of that day congratulates the Commissioners on "making no attempt whatever as yet to procure statues for these places," and he advises that "it be not done until there is ample means to secure the best work possible in America." The same writer goes on to say, "First-rate statues are as yet hardly to be got for money here, though we cordially believe that they will be produced in good time ; but until they can be had it is best to wait, for a second-rate statue is like a tolerable egg it is not to be endured. If one statue is found fit to be placed upon the Terrace in a generation, we shall think we are getting on very well indeed." But far away from those days, both in time and artistic ability, is our present age. America now has, here and abroad, sculptors fitted for any task. Still, granting all this, I find that some quite intelligent fellow- citizens smile at the proposition of a statue of Joan of Arc here in New York City. They smile because to them she seems not only to belong to a far-away and different age, but because they find her both visionary and legendary. Though much that is legendary early gathered around this marvelous maid, yet probably by reason of both the lengthy trial and the elaborate depositions at the rehabilitation, the 25 i character and the career of no hero of past centuries are more clearly defined than those of Joan of Arc. Though she saw visions, she was far from being visionary. No leader of men ever knew better how to keep her counsel than did she. She saw clearly the task set for her, and knew how to await the time of its fulfillment. After she had heard the voices and beheld the saintly visitors, she continued in the daily work of her peasant home, the work of spinning, sewing, of tending to the flocks in the fields. She was not, nor did she seek to become, an ascetic saint. The voices told her to save France from the English; they said to her, "You must go into France; go, raise the siege which is being made before the City of Orleans," and she replied, "I am but a poor girl, who knows nothing of riding and fighting." But these voices were obeyed, though she could say later, "I would rather have been torn asunder by four horses than have come into France without God's leave." The marvelous clear-headedness of this visionary is shown in num- berless instances in the trial, as also, for example, is shown how far removed this visionary was from the class of the sorcerer and the witch. "What have you done with your mandrake?" "I never had one. But I have heard that there is one near our home, though I have never seen it. I have heard it is a dangerous and evil thing to keep. I do not know for what it is used." "Where is this mandrake of which you have heard?" "I have heard that it is in the earth near the tree of which I spoke before; but I do not know the place." "What have you heard said was the use of this mandrake?" "To make money come; but I do not believe it. My voice never spoke to me of that." And when, as often, they sought to entrap her in her words, how vain! "In what likeness did Saint Michael appear to you?" "I did not see a crown. I know nothing of his dress." "Was he naked?" "Do you think God has not wherewithal to clothe him?" And what tenacity did she show over and over again when the Bishop of Beauvais and the Assessors sought to make her reveal things she had sworn not to reveal ! 26 5 | fe fc *-" 2 H u < c !5 '> O g M O u "What sign did you give your king that you came from God?" "I have always answered that you will not drag this from my lips. Go and ask it of Him." "Have you sworn not to reveal what shall be asked of you touching the trial?" "I have always told you that I will tell you nothing of what con- cerns my king. Thereon I will not speak." "Do you not know the sign that you gave to the king?" "You will not know it from me." "But this touches the trial." "Of what I have promised to keep secret I will tell you nothing. I have already said, even here, that I could not tell you without perjury." And even in respect to fairies and the "Fairies' Tree," how Joan of Arc stands apart from her age and her playmates ! On this sub- ject she said at the trial, "I have also heard one of my godmothers say that she has seen fairies there ; whether it be true, I do not know. As for me, I never saw them that I know of. If I saw them any- where else, I do not know. I have seen young girls putting garlands on the branches of this tree, and I myself have sometimes put them there with my companions. But ever since I knew that it was neces- sary for me to come to France I have given myself up as little as possible to these games and distractions. There is also a wood called the Oak Wood, which can be seen from my father's door; it is not more than half a league away. I do not know and have never heard if the fairies appear there. But my brother told me that it is said in the neighborhood: 'Jeannette received her mission at the Fairies' Tree.' It is not the case, and I told him the contrary. When I came before the king, several people asked me if there were not in my country a wood called the 'Oak Wood,' because there were prophe- cies which said that from the neighborhood of this wood would come a maid who should do marvelous things. I put no faith in that." And so I might go on for an hour to show by such quotations how this maid of visions and voices was anything but a visionary. Well may New York erect a statue to such a visionary, one so clear-headed, resolute, and practical. For our age and our land, no less than other ages and lands, need men and women who can see such visions as will enable them to guide us on our onward march, to the City of God. (Applause.) 27 ADDRESS (IN PART) OF HON. McDOUGALL HAWKES CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MUSEUM OF FRENCH ART, FRENCH INSTITUTE IN THE UNITED STATES. The occasion which brings us here is in every sense most interest- ing; the time at our disposal is, however, so short that I do not hesitate to confine my remarks to the personality of this very remark- able woman, in many respects one of the most remarkable women of the world; this exhibition has brought together in a country the existence of which was not at that time, at the time she was born, even dreamed of, an assemblage to do her honor, and to perpetuate in this new land the memory of her noble deeds. It is not possible for me to allude in detail, as I shall not have the time to do so, to the events in her life, beyond simply recalling to your mind that she was born of simple peasants in the Eastern part of France, not very far from Nancy, and that her house still exists to-day and is visited by tourists from all over the world. Whether her impulse came from visions or from religious en- thusiasm, or from what to me seems to be a much more likely ex- planation, the growing feeling of modern patriotism, is immaterial ; Mr. Stover has explained to you his idea of what the moving impulse was; be all that as it may, at any rate what she did has seldom been equalled by any one, be it woman or man. Her trip to Chinon to impress upon the King of France, or rather the uncrowned King of France, a sense of his responsibilities would of itself stamp her as one of the great characters of history. Her composure when she found him, she, a humble peasant girl among the entourage of a court, was altogether remarkable. Following this interview, and notwithstanding many discouragements, she so im- pressed the would-be Monarch of France with a sense of his duties that he finally allowed events to take the course which she indicated; 28 fc w *-) Jt P M I 41 H M O -S and her path was not by any means an easy one, for even in her most clear-cut ideas she was constantly being thwarted by people who perhaps were jealous of her possibilities, or who, through sheer in- capacity, were unable to perceive the standard which she was raising. Her role at Orleans was extraordinary; that city, we may say, fell almost at the approach of her steps ; her subsequent desire to see the King crowned in Rheims was carried in very much the same sort of way; one of the greatest art monuments of France, the Cathedral of that city, became thus forever associated with her personality. She stands as the embodiment, in my judgment, of the irresisti- ble power which womanhood, true womanhood, is able to exercise for good over humanity, and as such her memory can well be cherished and blessed, and she may be taken as an inspiration all over the world. (Applause.) 29 DISCOURS DE M. LOUIS DELAMARRE SECRETAIRE GENERAL DE LA FEDERATION DE L'ALLIANCE FRANQAISE. MONSIEUR LE PRESIDENT, MESDAMES, MESSIEURS: La Federation de 1'Alliance Franchise aux Etats-Unis et au Canada ne pouvait manquer de s'associer aux hommages rendus a Jeanne d'Arc a 1'occasion du cinq-cent-unieme anniversaire de sa naissance. En "boutant" 1'etranger hors de France, Jeanne d'Arc a non seulement assure 1'independance de son pays, mais elle en a sauve sa langue et sa litterature qui auraient sans doute fini par disparaitre, au bout de quelques siecles, sous la domination anglaise. Elle a done en quelque sorte commence cette campagne que poursuit 1'Alliance Franchise, pour la diffusion de notre litterature a travers le monde, et a ce titre nous lui devions un tribut de reconnaissance. Qu' elle soit, comme elle le dit, 1'envoyee de Dieu, ou non, Jeanne d'Arc n'en reste pas moins une creature humaine qui agit, dans toute la liberte et la conscience de son individuality ; 1'appel divin n'a pas fait d'elle une de ces creatures amorphes, sans ressort et san energie, qui agissent comme des automates, nous trouvons en elle des facultes harmonieusement ponderees. Entre tant d'autres belles qualites, ce que j 'admire le plus en Jeanne d'Arc, c'est son intelligence. Des le premier jour de sa carriere pub- lique elle a vu nettement le but qu'elle voulait atteindre et elle a claire- ment distingue les monyens d'y parvenir. S'il y eut jamais une epoque dans 1'histoire du monde ou il fut plus difficule de connaitre son devoir que de 1'accomplir, ce fut sans con- tredit celle ou Jeanne parut a la cour de Chinon. Quel etait alors le roi legitime de la France ? Dequis un siecle on s'entregorgeait sur les champs de bataille pendant que les legistes discutaient pesammant sur le provisions de la loi salique. Le royaume de France etait presque egalement partage entre le roi d'Angleterre et le pauvre roi de Bourges. Bien plus, en vertu du traite signe a Troyes en 1420, le trone de France avait etc 30 regulierement cede au roi d'Angleterre Henri V, qui avait part surcroit, epouse la fille de Charles VI et Isabeau de Baviere! Comment le peuple aurait il pu demeler la verite dans un imbroglio ou les plus sages ne se retrouvaient pas ? Si la reine de France avait pref ere don- ner le trone a son gendre plutot qu'a son fils, pourquoi la masse du peuple ne se serait-elle par ralliee autour du drapeau anglais? La situation ne laissait par d'etre angoissante. Jeanne, elle, n'hesita pas. En arrivant a la cour de Chinon, elle salue le Dauphin comme 1'heritier legitime des rois de France. De- puis longtemps le pauvre Dauphin est sous 1'influence d'impressions penibles et de doutes affreux. Ce qu' on lui a raconte de la conduite de sa mere, lui fait craindre qu'il ne soit pas le fils du dernier roi. Mai Jeanne le rassure ; ses voix lui ont revele un secret qu'elle lui com- munique ; elle le proclame roi de France. Cette intelligence, Jeanne la manifeste a tous les moments de sa courte carriere, tant dans ses vues politiques que dans ses plans strategiques. Comment ne pas admirer, Mesdames et Messieurs, la rectitude de jugement de cette simple fille des champs qui au Conseil du Roi met en deroute la sagesse des politiques vieillis au maniement des affaires? La grande question qui se posait alors etait moins de savoir comment on chasserait les anglais de France, que de determiner 1'attitude a tenir a l'egard du due de Bourgogne. Ce puissant vassal du roi le France tenait entre ses mains les destines du royaume; la victoire definitive appartiendrait aux anglais ou aux frangais, suivant qu' il accorderait son appui aux uns ou aux autres. II etait trop puissant pour qu' on songeat a le combattre, or les courtisans allaient repetant qu' il fallait se 1'attacher par des concessions. Mais des concessions, c'etait la de- pendance du roi, c'etait ramoindrissement du territoire royal, c'etait, autant dire, une abdication partielle. Sur ce point, Jeanne n'hesita jamais, du premier coup, elle avait compris le danger que cachait "la paix de Bourgogne" et elle reclamait, comme gage de paix, la soumis- sion loyale et complete du due au chef de la famille, au Roi de France. Les vues de la pucelle ne prevalurent pas d'abord et ce n'est que plus tard, lorsqu'elle cut disparu, que les politiques reconnurent qu'elle avait raison et se conformerent a ses principes. Meme intelligence dans ses plans strategiques, qu'il s'agisse de faire passer les troupes royales a travers les lignes ennemies, d'organiser une bataille d'assieger ou de defendre une place, elle a des idees simples qui font sourire les vieux chefs d'armee, mais qui neanmoins con- duisent a la victoire. Rien n'est plus significatif sous ce rapport que ce court dialogue avec Dunoise. On organisait alors la delivrance d'Orleans. Jeanne 1'aborde avec la familiarite et la bonhomie qui lui etaient ordinaires. "N'etes-vous pas, dit-elle, le batard d'Orleans? Oui, et je suis ravi de vous voir. C'est vous qui avez conseille de me faire venir cote de la Sologne ? C'etait 1'avis des plus sages. Eh bien ! En mon Dieu, mon conseil est meilleur ; vous avez voulu tromper et vous vous etes trompe." On suivit done ses lonseils et 1'ou reussit. Mais la grande preoccupation de Jeanne, ce qu'elle considerait comme le but meme de sa mission c'etait le sacre du roi a Reims. Les courtisans, de laches opportunistes, declaraient que 1'entreprise etait hasardeuse, impossible ; Jeanne la regardait comme 1'etape definitive qui precederait la victoire. Elle savait que le sacre du Roi ranimerait les courages; elle savait que, lorsque le peuple aurait crie sous les voutes de la vieille basilique de St.-Remi : "Noel ! Longue vie au Roi de France?" ces acclamations se repercuteraient d' echo en echo jusqu' aux extremites du royaume dissipant la crainte, ramenant 1'espoir et rendant 1'energie aux volontes affaiblies. L'evenement lui donna raison plus encore que la delivrance d'Orleans, le sacre du Roi a Reims changea la face des affaires. Jeanne avait admirablement compris la situation. Telle fut, Mesdames et Messieurs, 1'intelligence de Jeanne d'Arc. Si, par d'autres qualites aimables on fortes, elle est le type de la femme en general et de la femme franchise en particulier, par la nettete de ses vues et la clarte de ses idees elle represente un des aspects les plus caracteristiques du genie frangais. O 5 ADDRESS OF J. SANFORD SALTUS HONORARY PRESIDENT OF THE JOAN OF ARC STATUE FUND. "At midday, in my father's garden, in the summer." Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen : I quote those words first because something said them, I don't know what, the voice a long time ago. I do not understand what that voice was. No one ever will. It was something that only came to the peasant girl in the low- lands of Lorraine, and, at the command of that voice, she left her home, her father's garden, where she first heard it, the voice, and went forward to Orleans to the war you all know that. And you know what France thinks of the Maid of Orleans. I have seen perhaps the grandest pageant of modern times at Com- piegne, and when nobody seemed to know who took the part of the king and of the other characters there, but it seems by one accord they selected a lady of noble birth to take the part of Joan of Arc. Probably some of you have seen the processions in Paris, long lines of flowers, far more impressing than the roar of cannon and the beating of drums. Mr. Stover has told us what she is thought of in America, but here it might be well to say what she is thought of in England. If there is any place in the world that we would not think she would be well thought of it is in England, but at the pageant there, in London, in the grounds of the Protestant Bishop, it was feared that if they had Joan of Arc as one of the characters it might make feeling in England. I was there at the opening day and there was quite a large representation of the Army of England scattered around before the ramparts of Orleans. They were all deriding the girl that was to come, calling her a witch, and then there was a very little stir in one part of the field, and a lady on horseback galloped forward. There was the noise of battle, but in a very little while she was victorious, and the banner of France floated there over the ramparts, and that English audience rose up 33 and cheered, as only the English can, showing that English fairness had prevailed. Then at the Shakespearian Ball the Countess of Lytton took the character of Joan of Arc from Shakespeare's Henry VI, a play little known at that, and this is one of the most remarkable characters per- haps in Shakespeare, and was very ably represented. I happened to look over that play last night, and I was very much struck there with the words of Shakespeare, who in his prophetic flight puts these words into the mouth of the King: "And Joan, the Pucelle, shall be France's Saint." That was a long time ago, and within a very few months it is expected she will be the Saint of France. Then at the Shakespearian dinner of the Urban Club in London, which I had the honor to attend, I spoke of the statue that might be erected of Joan of Arc in New York. There was an applause to that remark. Then last summer I went to Hasselt, a little town in Belgium. Every seven years they have there a pageant and festival of the Tree of Jessie; historical, biblical and legendary characters from pre- historic times are represented in a long procession, and they all walked, with one exception. Joan of Arc alone rode on horse- back. As to the biblical characters, of course, they have to go into the Holy Land for those, but I don't think, apart from that, there was any character outside of Belgium, except Joan of Arc, and that was pretty near the borders of Burgundy, the country she fought against. I mention that because Mr. Stover spoke of places where she was well thought of in America. Certainly if she is in England, she ought to be well thought of here. There is one thing more I would like to say that you probably will remember. When she wanted to go to Orleans, and said that she would take the city, somebody said, "But God would not have us believe you, unless you show us some sign ;" and she replied, "I have not come to give signs, but to take Orleans that will be my sign." That is the feeling we ought to have here. Dr. Kunz will tell you that there are funds enough, and this afternoon you have all shown that there is interest enough, so I think that we will very 34 soon learn that the statue is erected, and we can take people to see it, and that will be the best sign that there is an interest in Joan of Arc. Mr. Stover has said so much about history that I don't think there is much that I can say, especially as it is getting rather late. Everyone here, after they have heard the other speakers, especially the French Consul, who represents France, I am sure will think it will not be necessary to talk about the statue because they will soon take their friends to the park or somewhere, and say, "That is the statue that has been put up in the City of New York to the Lily Maid." (Applause.) APPRECIATION OF JOAN OF ARC (WRITTEN FOR THE JOAN OF ARC COMMITTEE.) NEMOURS, January 3, 1913. What can I tell you, sir, about Jeanne d'Arc? Everything has been said and written of her all comes from the heart and all goes to the heart. She was the adoration of my youth and of my middle life, and she causes enthusiasm in my old age. Of her prodigious path among men, no certain documents are known other than the depositions through her own mouth at the time of her trial and the less reliable depositions made in the course of her trial for rehabilita- tion. The rest is nothing but talk and useless verbiage. One writer only has risen to the height of such a subject, the genial hallucinated Michelet, in a short recital, all vibrating with emotion. In tears he related to us the mission, the passion and the Calvary of the humble country woman ; as admirable by her prodigy as by her delicious and pitiable humanity. Jeanne d'Arc does not belong alone to France, but also to all those whose thoughts are enough elevated to grasp the superior and the beautiful amidst goodness. BOUTET DE MONVEL. 35 ADDRESS OF DR. EDWARD HAGAMAN HALL SECRETARY OF THE AMERICAN SCENIC AND HISTORIC PRESERVA- TION SOCIETY. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: I shall try to express just two thoughts which may serve perhaps as an answer to those of whom Commissioner Stover spoke, who smile at this idea of erecting a statue of Joan of Arc in New York, and which may also explain the reason why nations other than France admire this character, as Mr. Saltus has said. For that same question has been asked of me: "Why do we want a statue of Joan of Arc in New York?" And the objections appear to be twofold. First, they say France is so far away, and what do we Americans have in common with Joan of Arc? The second objection is that of time : She lived so long ago. First, my answer is to the geographical limitation: Truth and genius and goodness do not know geographical boundaries. You can- not draw an imaginary line, and set a limit to the influence of virtue and genius. Whoever serves his fellowmen in any way serves the world, so that we can claim a proprietorship in all of the great men and women who have lived in the past. England may take particular pride in Shakespeare and Ruskin and Dickens, but I think we feel that we have a share of proprietorship in them, as much as England, and we do not withhold our admiration of Hugo and Moliere, or Cervantes, or Michael Angelo, or Goethe, or Beethoven, or Mozart, or William of Orange, or Van Dyke, because they were foreigners. No nation can copyright her geniuses and prevent others from feeling their in- fluence, admiring them and striving to imitate them. So that we of America, and we of New York, share the culture of the world, and we have a share in all that was good in Joan of Arc. Now, as to the time limitation: Every man and woman I am sorry we have not in the English language a pronoun which repre- sents both sexes, so we have to use the word "man," and I mean by that man and woman every man serves his generation in the terms of the generation in which he lives. I think it was Taine 36 JOAN OF ARC PRAYING IN THE VAUCOULEURS CHURCH From a fanciful engraving who said that character and the expression of character depend upon three great factors, namely: heredity, environment and epoch, and by epoch he meant that accumulation of human experience which repre- sents a stage of civilization at any time. Joan of Arc expressed herself in the terms of her generation. It may be objected that she was born eighty years before Columbus discovered America. It was an age of inquisition, it was an age of mysticism and superstition, it was when kings and queens had a different status than now. What have we in common with her? The point is, she expressed herself in the terms of her generation. So did George Washington. If George Washington lived to-day he could not be President of the United States ; he couldn't be the same George Washington and be President of the United States. If he were President of the United States he would be a different George Washington. If Shakespeare lived to-day he could not have put a play on in one of our theatres. We could not have had the heroism of Jack Binns one hundred years ago, because the instruments with which he expressed his heroism did not then exist; but this is the important thing, the principles which lie back of all these manifestations of patriotism, goodness, truth, virtue, know no limitations of time, and their influence is just as strong to-day as it was 500 years ago. Joan of Arc was essentially a patriot ; she had ideals and she had the conviction of them; and she endeavored to lead the lawful rulers of her time to do their duty. And who shall say we do not need the value of such an example to-day ? I believe every thinking person has in the chambers of his thoughts a Hall of Fame in which he sets up images of poets, and musicians, and patriots, and great men and women he admires, and I think those a very great influence on our lives. And since good examples are contagious as well as bad ex- amples I think it is our duty to materialize those ideals in the form of statues, and set them up outside of our thoughts in public places, so that they can also influence other people. And those are the reasons why we have this exhibition to-day, those are the reasons why we want to put up a statue of Joan of Arc in New York. (Applause.) 37 ADDRESS OF DR. GEORGE FREDERICK KUNZ PRESIDENT OF THE JOAN OF ARC COMMITTEE. (WITH CHRONOLOGY.) Ladies and Gentlemen : It is one of the strange ironies of history that those who compassed Jeanne's destruction took great pains to pre- serve a full and complete record of her interrogatories. While only a few fragments remain of the original minutes in French, a complete translation into Latin was prepared by Thomas de Courcelles, at the in- stance of Pierre Cauchon, the Bishop of Beauvais, Jeanne's most im- placable enemy. And yet no nobler monument exists of the Maid of Orleans than this very document, for it reveals at once the perfidy of her judges and her own earnestness, honesty and singleness of purpose. The artist who wishes to represent the Maid of Orleans can no- where find a better source of inspiration for his task than a perusal of this record of her trial. The old portraits and miniatures differ considerably from each other and do little more than suggest a gen- eral physical type; the spirit, the life, the soul, must be drawn from the simple and touching words spoken by Jeanne in answer to the questions of her judges. We have several representations of Jeanne d'Arc dating from an early period, but the most competent authorities believe that none of them can be looked upon as portraits in the strict sense of the term. M. de Viriville and M. de Bouteiller, who have written valuable mono- graphs on this subject, incline to the opinion that a remarkable equestrian statuette, now in the Musee de Cluny, and formerly in the Carrand and Odiot Collections, gives us the earliest, and possibly the most authentic, type. They believe that this figure, or its prototype, was one of those set up for the veneration of the faithful in many churches throughout France, in the years 1429 and 1430. Another larger statuette, in the Musee de Cluny, of a similar type but of later date, came from the Church of Montargis. Such figures are mentioned in the charges brought against the Maid at her trial; however, when questioned, she declared that only once had she seen a picture of herself. This was at Arras, and was in the hands of a Scotchman ; but with the exception of this statement, nothing is known of such a portrait. 38 '* The earliest of the miniatures depicting the features of Jeanne d'Arc was expected in 1451, and is in a manuscript in the Bibliotheque Nationale, in Paris (MS. 632, 2). Here the Maid is figured standing, holding a shield bearing the arms accorded to her family by Charles VII. She has long, blond hair, falling down over her shoulders. As the authentic descriptions all agree in the statement that Jeanne had black hair, which she wore close-cropped from the time she entered on her military career, there can be little doubt that this miniature portrait is simply a fancy sketch. An old municipal record states that in 1429 there was in Ratisbon a painting of "How La Pucelle Fought in France," and in the Church of St. Paul in Paris, destroyed in 1797, there is said to have been a representation of the Maid in a stained-glass window, possibly exe- cuted as early as 1436. No trace exists of the former work, and the description of the latter indicates that it may have been some alle- gorical figure, popularly regarded as a portrait of Jeanne. Very naturally, the principal statues of the Maid of Orleans are to be seen in that city. Here, in 1458, shortly after the proces de rehabilitation instituted by Calixtus III, a monument was erected in her honor, and was placed upon the bridge across the Loire. Many of the women of Orleans are said to have sold their jewels and devoted the proceeds, as well as their savings, to this purpose. The monu- ment was of bronze and the design was very elaborate, representing Christ on the cross, at the foot of which was the figure of the Virgin Mary, while on the right and left were the kneeling figures of Charles VII and the Maid, both depicted in the act of adoring the Redeemer. This monument was wrecked by the Protestants in 1567, but it was restored not very successfully, and with many changes in 1571. From an old print it appears that in this restoration Jeanne Dare was represented kneeling, and with long, flowing hair; she was clad in a complete suit of armor, wore large spurs, and bore a sword; resting on the ground at her side was her helmet, and an upright lance bore a pennon with the arms of the City of Orleans. In the disorders incident to the Revolution, this work was finally destroyed, the bronze being recast into cannon, one of the pieces being named "La Pucelle." While we must regret the destruction of a work of such historic interest, we cannot but feel that Jeanne herself would have approved the use to which the material was put. Just in front of the new bridg'e may now be seen the statue ex- ecuted by Frangois Gois, about the year 1800. Here the Maid is shown 39 trampling upon a shield bearing the arms of England ; in her right hand she holds a naked sword, while with her left she presses the oriflamme to her breast, as though in the act of defending it from the enemy. The artist conceived and executed the work according to the classical standards prevalent in his time, and a critic (M. Buzonniere) says that we see here "the Greek style improperly applied to a medieval subject." On the Place du Martroi stands an equestrian statue of Jeanne d'Arc by Foyatier, which was erected in 1855. The Maid is fully armed and is seated on a steed of massive build. She holds the reins in one hand, the other being outstretched, while her uplifted face indi- cates that she is seeking for grace and inspiration from above. The statue is a little over fourteen feet in height and stands on a pedestal more than fifteen feet high. Perhaps the most poetic and impressive statue of the French heroine is that executed from the design of Princess Marie d'Orleans, daughter of Louis. Philippe. Two copies of this exist, one in marble, placed in the gardens of Versailles, and the other in bronze, erected before the Hotel de Ville in Orleans. The Maid is shown standing, her head slightly bent, as though in deep thought ; her arms are crossed upon her breast, and in her right hand is a small, naked sword. Her armor consists of a breastplate and she wears a short skirt reaching to the knees. On the stump of a tree nearby rest her helmet and gaunt- lets. The rustic simplicity of her expression is in striking contrast with her warlike accoutrements. In the Grand Salon of the Hotel de Ville is a small equestrian figure of the Maid, also the work of the princess. Both horse and rider are in the armor of the fifteenth cen- tury. Jeanne holds the reins in her left hand and a drawn sword in her right ; she looks down at a fallen Englishman, who is almost under her horse's feet. Her expression indicates a certain human sympathy for the vanquished, but an unswerving determination to pursue her great aim. The statue by Rude, in the Louvre Museum, is a remarkable work which has been variously estimated by the critics. As in the cele- brated picture by Bastien-Lepage the Maid is supposed to be listening to the Voices which announce her mission. Her head inclined slightly to one side, her right hand raised to the ear and her nostrils dilated, she listens with rapt attention and seems to be striving intensely to catch the mysterious accents scarcely audible to mortal ears. With her left hand she seizes a helmet which rests on a breastplate, as though 40 > * MH w < ffi H she were on the point of arming herself to obey the divine command. The figure of the Maid on the monument erected on the Place du Vieux-Marche at Rouen suggests, in attitude and bearing, rather an armed Minerva than the simple and earnest peasant girl of history; at the same time the face is commonplace and expressionless. The very fact that none of the statues heretofore erected fully sat- isfies our ideal should be an incentive to the production of a better work, and in the City of New York the subject presents many diffi- culties, and requires the creation of a very complex type ; a blending of feminine and masculine characteristics, of idealistic and heroic quali- ties, of deep feeling and martial ardor. Let us hope that the artist who may be entrusted with the execution of this difficult task will be able to produce a work at once truly original and in accord with the best traditions. The statue by Chapu, exhibited in the Paris Salon of 1872 and now in the Luxembourg Museum, represents Jeanne kneeling with clasped hands, and gazing intently as though seeking to imprint upon her memory the celestial visions that appear to her. She is shown in peasant garb, and the noble simplicity of form and feature make this one of the most satisfactory representations of the Maid ever executed. See Gazette des Beaux Arts, 2d Ser., Vol. 6 (1872), p. 57. In the Revue Archeologique XI Annee, II Partie (1854-5), plate 257, fig. 4, is a representation of the old miniature painting by Poig- narre executed in 1451. MS. in Bib. Nat. Small and quaint. An engraving of the ancient equestrian statuette of Jeanne d'Arc, now in Musee Cluny in Paris, is given on p. 13 of E. de Bouteiller's "Notes Iconographiques sur Jeanne Dare," p. 13. This is taken from the Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1878, Ser. II, Vol. XVIII, p. 533. Bronze in the collection of M. Odiot. "La Pucele d'Orliens." "Jeanne Dare listening to the Voices," by Rude, executed in 1852, now in the Louvre, originally designed to be placed in the Luxembourg Gardens. For illustration see Gonse, "La Sculpture Frangaise," Paris, 1895, p. 281. Small equest. statue by Princess Marie d'Orleans, in Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1898, 3d Ser., Vol. XIX, p. 439. Medal by Roty, Ibid. p. 440. The well-known and equestrian statue by Fremiet, in the Place des Pyramides, in Paris, illustrates the difficulty of combining in one type the manifold qualities requisite for a realization of our ideal of Jeanne 41 d'Arc. Still we cannot deny that this work has great artistic merits and is very impressive. Illustration in Century for 1878, Vol. ii, p. 722. Also in Gonse, "La Sculpture franchise," Paris, 1895, p. 295. For those of us who have been endeavoring during the past two years to further the project for the erection in New York City of a statue of the pure and sublime heroine, Jeanne d'Arc, it is most grati- fying to note the growing success of the movement to establish a national holiday in France in her honor, and the unanimity with which the members of the widely-divergent political parties in that country are working toward the attainment of this end. Here we can see the influence still exercised, after the lapse of five centuries, by a grand and noble personality, whose aims and motives during life were free from self-seeking and owed their origin solely to an exalted patriotism. It is this that has served to unite Radicals and Catholics in a common effort, for this movement enlists the sympathies of both in that it appeals to the general sentiment of patriotism which animates all Frenchmen, regardless of differences of religious or politi- cal faith. Hence it is that the directors of the political destinies of the great French Republic and the bishops and clergy of the Catholic Church in that country find here a high and common ground for united action. The recent celebration in Orleans on May 8th of the raising of the siege of that city by La Pucelle was marked with more than the usual ceremony, because in this year fell the five-hundredth anni- versary of Jeanne d'Arc's birth. The processions were very impressive and brilliant, and in one of the market-places a reproduction of the scene presented in a market of the olden time was offered, the stalls being arranged to represent as clearly as possible those of the early fifteenth century, and the costumes of the vendors and their assistants being also faithful copies of those worn in that period. Many of the heroic figures of history appeal only to those of their own nationality, but Jeanne d'Arc is dear to all true patriots the world over ; and she should be more especially dear to our American women, for this noble example of their sex gave the lie, nearly five hundred years ago, to the trite assertion that while woman may be tender and true, she cannot be fearless and courageous in the defense of the right. For all these reasons the project for a monument to Jeanne d'Arc in America is not merely the expression of an admiration for what is 42 great and noble in the past, but also of the aspirations shared by a majority of American women. The history of a nation is a part of its very life, and only by looking backward to the beginnings of national life is it possible to rightly understand the significance of the present and to forecast the future. Even the mistakes made in the past have their educa- tional value, just as the errors of youth contain a valuable lesson for mature age ; hence it is impossible to exaggerate the importance of the study of a nation's history. However, while the printed page speaks only to the intellect, the relics of the past and the spots whereon great events transpired exert a much more important in- fluence upon the mind and heart of the beholder. Let us consider the contemporaneous conditions and those who ruled European countries at the time of Joan of Arc. During the brilliant, but all-too-brief career of the peerless Maid of Orleans, France owned as her legitimate, though not undisputed sovereign, Charles VII (1403-1461). Though his anointment and coronation as King of France did not take place until July 17, 1429, his reign is dated from 1422, the year of the death of his imbecile father, Charles VI (1368-1422), and also that of France's great enemy, Henry V (1387-1422). England, however, owned allegiance to the child-king Henry VI (1421-1471), the son of Henry V, who was but eight years of age when Jeanne raised the Siege of Orleans. The conduct of affairs was in the hands of his uncles, John, duke of Bedford, as Regent of France, and Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, as Protector of the realm of England. Though but a duchy, and theoretically at least, a feudatary of the French crown, Burgundy was at this time virtually independent, and her reigning sovereign, Philip the Good (1396-1467), the father of Charles the Bold, played a most important part in the drama of Jeanne's life as the friend of England and the enemy of France. Not long after her death, however, he changed his policy and joined his forces and interests with those of Charles VII. Though but indirectly interested in the stirring events transpiring in France, the German Emperor, Sigismund (1368-1437), and the Duke of Austria, Albert V (d. 1439), Sigismund's son-in-law and suc- cessor in 1438 as emperor, undoubtedly kept themselves well informed as to the progress of the war. There is little cause to believe, however, that a very lively interest in the matter was felt by another con- temporary, Great Prince Vasili III (1425-1462), in far-away Moscow, 43 where he was entirely engaged in consolidating and augmenting Rus- sian power. Still less strong must have been the interest of the Grand Turk Murad II, who became sultan in 1421, and who fought unsuccessfully against Scanderbeg and Hunyadi. The Italy of the early part of the fifteenth century was so busy with its manifold internal dissensions that even such momentous events as the conquest of the greater part of France by the English and the subsequent freeing of her territory from foreign domination did not probably excite widespread interest. The Venetian Republic had just secured, by the Peace of Ferrara, in 1428, a large increase of territory gained in alliance with the Florentines. Milan, then ruled by the Visconti, the States of the Church, administered by Pope Martin V (1417-1431) and Naples, were the most influential geographic unities of Italy at this time, outside of Venice, Florence and Genoa. To aid in a better understanding of the collection, the following chronology may be useful : Jeanne d'Arc (or Jeanneton Dare) was born at Domremy, a village partly in Lorraine and partly in Champagne. According to the com- monly received chronology, the date of her birth was January 6, 1412. Late authorities do not venture to be so pre- cise, placing her birth somewhere between 1410 and 1412. Her father was Jacques d'Arc (or Jaqueton Dare), originally of Ceffonds in Champagne; her mother was Isabeau (Zabillat) Vouthon, this lat- ter name signifying the place of her birth, a village a league and a half from Domremy. She bore the surname Romee, probably because she had made a pilgrimage to Rome, or some other distant pilgrimage. Jeanne had three brothers, Jacques (or Jacquenim), Jean and Pierre, and one sister, Catherine. She first heard the "voices" when about thir- teen years of age in 1424 or 1425. On the first occasion she perceived a great light at her right and heard a voice addressing her. Later the figure of the Archangel Michael appeared to her and later still those of St. Cath- 44 BISHOP CAUCHON DUKE OF BURGUNDY COUNT DE DUNOIS CARDINAL BEAUFORT erine and St. Margaret, with whom she held fre- quent intercourse, more especially with St. Catherine. Charles VI of France, surnamed the Bien- Aime, was born in Paris December 3, 1368. He ascended the throne on the death of his father, Charles V, on September 16, 1380. He became deranged when twenty-four years old in 1392. Charles VII, his son, surnamed later the Vic- torious, was born in Paris February 22, 1403. Henry V of England, son of Henry IV, was born at Monmouth in August, 1387. Battle of Agincourt and overwhelming defeat of the French on October 25, 1415. Treaty of Troyes, by the terms of which Henry V and his heirs were to succeed to the throne of France after the death of Charles VI, signed May 21, 1420. Henry V married Catherine, daughter of Charles VI June 2, 1420. Henry VI, son of Henry V and Catherine of France, was born at Windsor December 6, 1421. Henry V died at Bois-de-Vincennes August 31, 1422. Charles VI died in Paris October 21, 1422. Jeanne's first visit to Robert de Baudricourt to induce him to take her to the Dauphin (Charles VII) was made in May, 1428. She was accompanied by her cousin by mar- riage, Durand Lassois. Siege laid by the English to Orleans October 12, 1428. "Battle of the Herrings," severe defeat of the French in a sortie from Orleans February 12, 1429. Jeanne's second visit to Robert de Baudricourt, captain of Vaucouleurs, in the course of which she persuades him to conduct her to the Dauphin. . February 13, 1429. Jeanne arrives at the court of the Dauphin in Chinon March 6, 1429. Letter addressed to the Regent Bedford 45 commanding the English to leave the soil of France March 22,1429. Jeanne enters Orleans April 29, 1429. Defeat of the English before Orleans May 7, 1429. Here Jean was wounded by an arrow between her neck and shoulder. Siege of Orleans raised May 8, 1429. Taking of Jargeau June 12, 1429. Taking of Beaugency June 17, 1429. Battle of Patay, crushing defeat of the Eng- lish. The old hero Talbot taken prisoner June 18, 1429. Troyes opens its gates to Jeanne and the Dauphin July 1 1, 1429. They enter Rouen July 16, 1429. Anointment and coronation of Charles VII in the Cathedral of Rheims July 17, 1429. During the ceremony Jeanne stood alongside of the king, holding her sacred banner. Unsuccessful attack by the French upon Paris, Jeanne wounded September 8, 1429. Taking of Saint-Pierre le Moustier, near Nevers, end of October, 1429. Jeanne lays siege to La Charite, but is forced to raise the siege toward the end of 1429. Jeanne and her family ennobled with the sur- name of du Lis December 29, 1429. Jeanne comes to the relief of Compiegne, then besieged by the English May 24, 1430. She is wounded and taken prisoner in a sortie on the same day May 24, 1430. She is delivered up to the English by John Duke of Luxembourg, who received a payment of 10,000 francs from Pierre Cauchon, Bishop of Beauvais, their intermediary, in December, 1430. She is imprisoned in a tower (now de- molished) of the Chateau of Rouen December, 1430. The English give her up to the Inquisition for trial January 3, 1431. Her public examination in the royal chapel of 46 the Chateau of Rouen began February 21, 1431. Publicly accused as a heretic and witch March 20, 1431. Makes her submission to the church and is par- doned, but condemned to life imprisonment May 24, 1431. She was surrendered by the ecclesiastical au- thorities into the hands of the English, yielded to the temptation to reassume her male attire, which she had forsworn, and was considered to have relapsed. Jeanne revokes her abjuration, and is con- demned as a relapsed heretic by Bishop Cauchon and a court of 48 assessors May 29, 1431. Burned at the stake in the market place of Rouen (Place du Vieux Marche) May 30, 1431. Sentence revoked by Pope Calixtus III after a review of the trial July 7, 1450. Appeal addressed to the Holy See for Jeanne's beatification by Monseigneur Dupanloup, Bishop of Orleans, in 1867. Proposal to enroll her among the saints sol- emnly approved by Pope Leo XIII January 27, 1894. Formal proposal for her canonization reg- istered in February, 1903. Declared Venerable by Pope Pius X on the Feast of the Epiphany (her birthday) January 6, 1904. Decree of Beatification promulgated by Pope Pius X April 1 1, 1909. A Mass and Office of Blessed Joan extracted from the "Commune Virginum" have been ap- proved by the Holy See for use in the Diocese of Orleans. Founding of the Joan of Arc Statue Com- mittee for a statue in the City of New York by George F. Kunz and J. Sanford Saltus December 4, 1909. 500th Anniversary of the birth of Joan of Arc January 6, 1912. Official opening of the Joan of Arc Statue Committee's exhibition at the American Numis- matic Society January 6, 1913. 5 1 6 Joan of Arc Receiving Holy Communion. After the painting by Maurice Denis. 17 Joan of Arc in Prayer. After a painting by P. Blanchard, in the Paris Salon of 1911. 18 Blessing Joan of Arc's Flag. From the painting by Michel. 19 Blessing the Standard (flag) of Joan of Arc. After the paint- ing 1 by Michel. 20 Joan of Arc Praying on Eve of Battle. 21 Joan of Arc Praying in the Church at Vaucouleurs. From a fanciful engraving. 22 Joan of Arc Receiving the Sword of St. Catherine. Engraving by Wale. 23 Joan of Arc at the Head of Her Troops. After the painting by J. L. Beuzon. 24 Joan of Arc Leaving Vaucouleurs. From the painting by J. J. Scherrer. 25 Joan of Arc Leaving Vaucouleurs by the Gate of France. Window in the church of Vaucouleurs, the work of the Cath- olic Institution. 26 Joan of Arc Holding Her Banner. Fanciful picture. 27 Joan of Arc Leaving Vaucouleurs. From the painting by J. E. Lenepveu. 28 Joan of Arc Leading Troops to Battle. After the painting by J. L. Beuzon. 29 Joan of Arc Welcomed by the Crowds. From the painting by J. E. Lenepveu. 30 Ruins of the Hall of the Palace at Chinon, where Joan of Arc First Met Charles VII. Photograph. 31 Joan of Arc at the Palace of Chinon, Recognizing the Young King Charles VII Among the Officials. Bas-relief by Vital- Dubray, of the statue in the Place du Martroi, at Orleans. 32 Grand Hall of the Palace at Chinon. From the painting by P. Carrier-Belleuse. 49 33 Joan of Arc Addressing Charles VII., by Inspiration. En- graving by J. Galland from drawing by H. Singleton. 34 Joan of Arc Presented to Charles VII., in the Palace Hall at Chinon, February, 1429. Engraving by Aristide Cholet from the painting by Papety. 35 Joan of Arc's Entrance into Orleans. After the painting by Bartolini. 36 Cathedral at Orleans, where Joan of Arc came to give thanks to God after the deliverance of Orleans. From a photograph. 37 Joan of Arc Charging the Enemy. From the painting by Jacques Courtois (called "The Bourguigncm"), in the Joan of Arc Museum at Orleans. 38 House Occupied at Orleans by Joan of Arc. From a photo- graph. 39 Joan of Arc Entering Orleans Victorious. From the painting by J. J. Scherrer. 40 Capture of the Fortress by Joan of Arc, May 7, 1429. From the painting by J. E. Lenepveu. 41 Joan of Arc at the Battle of Orleans. From the painting by P. Carrier-Belleuse. 42 Patay Battlefield; June 18, 1429, when Joan of Arc Gained the Great Victory. After the painting by P. Carrier-Belleuse. 43 The Cathedral of Rheims. From a photograph. 44 Coronation of King Charles VII., in the Cathedral of Rheims, July 17, 1429. Bas-relief by Vital-Dubray ; part of the statue in the Place du Martroi, at Orleans. 45 Joan of Arc Bearing Her Banner at the Coronation of King Charles VII., at Rheims, July 17, 1429. From the painting by Ingres, in the Museum of the Louvre. 46 The Coronation in Notre Dame Cathedral, Rheims, July 17, 1429. After the painting by Bartolini. 47 Coronation of King Charles VII., of France, in the Cathedral of Rheims, July 17, 1429. From the mural painting in the Pantheon, by J. E. Lenepveu. 50 48 Joan of Arc Watched by an Angel During Her Sleep. From the painting by G. W. Joy. 49 Joan of Arc Holding Her Banner at the Coronation of Charles VII. After the painting by Ingres, in the Louvre Gallery. 50 Coronation of Charles VII., in the Cathedral at Rheims, July 17, 1429. After the painting by Bartolini. 51 Coronation of Charles VII. After the mural painting in the Pantheon, by J. E. Lenepveu. 52 Coronation of Charles VII. Engraving by Joh. Demare, after the painting by Vinchon. 53 Rheims Cathedral, where Charles VII. of France was Anointed King, July 17, 1429. After the painting by P. Carrier- Belleuse. 54 Storming of Compiegne, May 24, 1430. From the painting by P. Carrier-Belleuse. 55 Cathedral of Notre Dame at Paris. From a photograph. 56 Joan of Arc is Wounded in the Thigh by a Dart from a Cross- bow, and Taken Prisoner by the Duke D'Alengon, in the Battle at Compiegne, May 24, 1430. Bas-relief by Vital- Dubray ; part of the statue in the Place du Martroi, at Orleans. 57 Joan of Arc, Surrounded by Soldiers at Compiegne, Defends Herself Bravely. From the painting by J. E. Lenepveu. 58 Parish Church of St. Jacques, at Compiegne. Engraved by Fossard. 59 Cathedral of St. Gatien at Tours. Engraved by W. H. Capone from the drawing by T. Allom. 60 Joan of Arc in Paris at the Head of Her Army. From the painting by P. Carrier-Belleuse. 6 1 Joan of Arc a Prisoner at Compiegne, on the evening of May 24, 1430. From the painting by Patrois. 62 Tower of the Dungeon of the Castle of Philip Augustus, at Rouen, wherein Joan of Arc Was Confined. From a modern photograph. 51 63 The Castle of Philip Augustus, wherein Joan of Arc Was Im- prisoned, Dec. 25, 1430, to May 31, 1431. Photograph of an old drawing. 64 Joan of Arc, Going to the Trial, Prostrates Herself Before the Holy Sacrament. Engraving by Marius Sepet. 65 Tower "Joan of Arc" at Rouen. Modern photograph. 66 Tower of Joan of Arc; Remains Discovered in 1908. From a photograph. 67 Remains of the Tower Destroyed in 1809, Discovered in April, 1908. From a photograph. 68 Joan of Arc, in Prison at Rouen and Held in Chains, is Insulted by Her Jailers. Bas-relief by Vital-Dubray ; part of the statue in the Place du Martroi, at Orleans. 69 Cathedral of Rouen. Engraving Aus d. Kunstanst d. Bibl. Inst. in Hildbh. Eigenthum d. Verleger. 70 Last Communion of Joan of Arc. From the painting by Michel. 71 Joan of Arc Being Burned at Rouen, May 30, 1431. From the painting by J. E. Lenepveu, in the Pantheon. 72 Burning of Joan of Arc at Rouen. From the fresco in the Pantheon, by J. E. Lenepveu. 73 Cathedral of Rouen; commenced in 1202; towers erected in 1487, and the facade in 1509; spires destroyed in 1514 and 1822; reconstructed 1824. From a photograph. 74 Death of Joan of Arc, May 30, 1431. 75 Burning of Joan of Arc at Rouen, France, May 30, 1431. From the painting by Bartolini. 76 Burning of Joan of Arc at Rouen, May 30, 1431. From the painting by P. Carrier-Belleuse. 77 At the Instant Joan of Arc Died, Rouen, France, May 30, 1431, an English Soldier Beheld a White Dove Take Flight to Heaven. From the painting by J. E. Lenepveu. 78 Pronouncing the Panegyric at St. Peter's in Rome, April 19, 1909. From a photograph of the scene. 52 KING HENRY VI., OF ENGLAND From engraving by P. Vanderbanck 79 Ceremony of Beatification, interior of St. Peter's, Rome, April 19, 1909. From a photograph. 80 Beatification of Joan of Arc. From a photograph. 81 Glorification of "Joan of Arc. From the painting by Bartolini. 82 Chancel of St. Peter's on Day of Beatification. From a photo- graph. 83 Audience at the Beatification in St. Peter's. From a photo- graph. 84 Pope Pius X in Act of Beatification. From a photograph. 85 Mgr. Touchet Reading Discourse at the Beatification. From a photograph. 86 Pope Pius X Giving His Benediction. From a photograph. 87 Pope Pius X Blessing the Flag of France. From a photograph. 88 Joan of Arc Glorified. From the painting by Bartolini. 89 Scene Before St. Peter's on the Day of the Beatification. From a photograph. 90 Reading the Beatification Warrant, April 19, 1909. From a photograph. 91 Audience of Franciscans in St. Peter's. From a photograph. 92 Pontification by the Bishop of Orleans. From a photograph. 93 Discourse by Mgr. Touchet, in St. Peter's. From a photo- graph. 94 Response by Pope Pius X. From a photograph. 95 Pope Pius X in Adoration, at St. Peter's. 96 Procession on Joan of Arc Day. From a photograph. 97 Pope Pius X. Pontiff of Beatification of Joan of Arc. 98 Pope Pius IX. During his pontificate the cause was introduced. 99 Pope Leo XIII. Under his pontificate Joan of Arc was declared to merit being enrolled among the saints. 53 ioo Cardinal Ferrata. He sustained the cause of Joan of Arc at Rome. 101 R. P. Hertzog. He presented the cause of Joan of Arc at Rome. 102 Mgr. Touchet, Bishop of Orleans. He continued the cause of Joan of Arc with indefatigable zeal. 103 Mgr. Dupanloup. Inaugurator of plan to canonize Joan of Arc. 104 Cardinal Couillie. Successor to Mgr. Dupanloup as Bishop of Orleans. 105 Henry, Cardinal Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester. Was born in Beaufort Castle, Anjou; died at Winchester, Eng 1 ., April u, 1447. He was president of the court which sentenced Joan of Arc. Engraved by J. Parker, from original picture in the collection of Hon. Horace Walpole, Strawbery Hill. 106 John, Duke of Bedford. He was the third son of King Henry IV., of England; born June 20, 1389; died at Rouen, Sept. 14, 1435 ; was the English Regent for France at the time both Henry VI. and Charles VII. aspired to the throne. Engraved by Basan from the drawing by Vertue. 107 Philip, Duke of Burgundy, Le Bon (The Good) ; also called "le Hardi," "Philippe Le Hardy" and Filippo duca di Bor- gogna. He was born at Dijon, France, 1396; died at Bruges, 1467. As Regent of France he signed the treaty of Troyes in 1420, and was allied with England against Charles VII. An engraving. 1 08 Philippe le Hardy, Duke of Burgundy. Engraving by Droyer. 109 Count de Dunois, John of Orleans, surnamed "The Bastard of Orleans. He was born at Paris, Nov. 23, 1402 ; died at St. Germain-en-Laye, near Paris, Nov. 24, 1468; natural son of Louis, Duke of Orleans, and Mariette d'Enghien ; defended Orleans, 1428-29; conquered Normandy and Guienne from the English. Engraved by Gaillard, after the painting 1 by F. W. no Duke of Burgundy, Count de Dunois. An engraving. in John of Orleans, Premier Comte de Dunois. An engraving. 112 Bastard of Orleans, Dunois. Natural son of Louis, Duke of Orleans. Engraved by Harding from a portrait in Mont- faucon. 54 ii3 King Charles VI., of France. Surnamed "The Well-Beloved" (le Bien-Aime), was born at Paris, Dec. 3, 1368; died at Paris, Oct. 21, 1422; son of King Charles V.; reigned 1380- 1422; being a minor at his accession, the regency was con- ducted by his uncles, the dukes of (^yaJSSL-SSlkxffl^LJSi. Berry; assumed government in 1388; became deranged in 1392, whereupon a dispute for power arose between the Duke of Burgundy and the King's brother, the Duke of Orleans, the former (who died in 1404) gaining. Jean, son of Duke of Burgundy, procured the murder of the Duke of Orleans in 1407, and civil war resulting, Henry V. of England invaded France, defeating the French at Agincourt, Oct. 25, 1415, and supported by Queen Isabella, the Burgundians concluded a treaty with Henry V., at Troyes, May 21, 1420, by which he was to be king of France on the death of King Charles VI. He married Isabella of Bavaria. Engraving from the collec- tion of Mons. da Val. 114 Queen Isabella, of France. Isabeau de Baviere became the wife of King Charles VI. Instead of favoring the cause of her son, Charles VII., of France, she espoused that of her grandson, King Henry VI., of England. She was born in 1371 ; died in 1435. An engraving. 115 King Charles VI., of France. Engraving by Pannier. 1 1 6 Queen Isabella, of France. Engraving by Derly from a draw- ing by Deveria. 117 King Charles VI., of France. Engraving by Pinssio from a drawing by Boizot. n8 Queen Isabella, of France. Engraving by De Bee, in Mezeray's "History of France." 119 King Charles VI., of France. Engraving by Jones from a drawing by Singleton. 120 Queen Isabella, of France. Engraving by Masson from a draw- ing by Philippoteux. 121 Hat of the Type Worn by Joan of Arc. Following an authentic contemporaneous description. 122 Joan of Arc. An old engraving. 123 Joan of Arc. From Kate D. Sweetser's "Ten Girls from His- tory," Duffield & Co. 55 124 Joan of Arc. Engraving by R. Page ; pub'd by J. Robins & Co., London, 1821. 125 Joan of Arc. Engraving by Pollit, from painting by J. Ingres in 1846. 126 Joan of Arc. An engraving. 127 Joan of Arc. Engraving, J. M. Wright. 128 Joan of Arc. Engraving by S. Hollyer, after J. Champagne. 129 Joan of Arc. Engraving by Geoffrey from drawing by G. Staal. 130 Joan of Arc. Fanciful figure in armor. 131 Joan of Arc. Fanciful figure in armor. 132 Joan of Arc. Fanciful figure in armor. 133 Joan of Arc. Engraving by J. C. Buttre. 134 Joan of Arc. An engraving. X 35 Joan of Arc. Engraving by S. S. Cowperthwait 136 Joan of Arc. An engraving. 137 Joan of Arc. Engraving by W. Marshall. 138 Joan of Arc. Engraving by Hinchliff, after Lecurieux. 139 Joan of Arc. Engraving by Mackenzie from an original in the town of Orleans; pub'd by T. Hurst, London, 1803. 140 Joan of Arc. Engraving, pub'd by Neele & Stockley, London. 141 Joan of Arc. Engraving by Mackenzie from an original draw- ing; pub'd by Vernor & Hood, in 1803. 142 Joan of Arc. An engraving. 143 Joan of Arc. Engraving by Bien. 144 Joan of Arc. Engraving by M., London. 145 Joan of Arc. An old engraving. 146 Joan of Arc. Engraving by N. Le Mire, after an old painting in the Hotel de Ville at Orleans. 147 Joan of Arc. An old engraving. 56 KING CHARLES VII., OF FRANCE From engraving in an old history 148 Joan of Arc. Engraving 1 by G. S. Gaucher. H9 Joan of Arc. Engraving by R. Cooper, from an old print by Marcenay. 150 Joan of Arc. Engraving by G. S. Gaucher. 151 Joan of Arc. Engraving by R. Delvaux. 152. Joan of Arc. An old engraving. J 53 Joan of Arc. Engraving by Beisson. 154 Joan of Arc. Old engraving by B. Moncornet. 155 Joan of Arc. Engraving by W. N. Gardiner; pub'd by E. Harding, London, 1790. 156 Joan of Arc. Engraving pub'd by James Sindee, London, 1807. 157 Joan of Arc. Engraving 1 by Schubert. 158 Joan of Arc. Engraving pub'd by Furne, Paris. 159 Joan of Arc. Engraving by Audibran ; pub'd by Furne, Paris. 1 60 Joan of Arc. Engraving, Rosmaster, Dresden. 161 Joan of Arc. Engraving by J. Pass, after the picture by Godefroy. 162 Joan of Arc. Engraving by Mackenzie from original drawing. 163 Joan of Arc. Pencil drawing by Juliette Desgrany, 1868. 164 Joan of Arc. An old engraving. 165 Joan of Arc. Engraving by Colin after picture by Jules Uzanne. 1 66 King Henry VI, of England. He was born at Windsor, Eng 1 ., Dec. 6, 1421 ; died at London, May 21, 1471 ; reigned 1422-61 ; son of King Henry V and Catherine of France; succeeded to the throne at the age of 9 months, under protectorship of his uncle, John, Duke of Bedford, it being exercised by Bedford's brother, Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, during Bedford's absence as regent in France; crowned King of France at Paris, Dec. 16, 1430, in accordance with the treaty of Troyes; but by 1453 had lost all his possessions in France except Calais, in consequence of the successes of Joan of Arc. He married Margaret, daughter of Rene, titular King of Naples, and in 1453 was stricken with insanity. 57 167 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving by P. Vanderbanck, after the picture by E. Lutterell. 168 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving by Chambers. 169 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving by W. N. Gardner, after the picture by S. Harding. 170 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving by R. Sheppard. 171 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving pub'd by S. A. Oddy, London. 172 King Henry VI., of England. Engraved by Vertue. 173 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving by Rhodes; pub'd in 1803, by J. Wallis, London. 174 King Henry VI., of England. Engraved by J. Thornthwaite ; pub'd in 1788, by T. Cadell, London. 175 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving. 176 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving by J. Chapman; pub'd in 1799, London. 177 King Henry VI., of England. Old engraving. 178 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving 1 by G. Gabrielli, after his own drawing; pub'd in 1875, by Eton Williams & Son. 179 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving by A. W. Warren; pub'd in 1803, by J. Stratford, London. 1 80 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving from a painting on a panel at Kensington Palace. 181 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving by W. Ridley for C. Cooke, London, from the painting in Kensington Palace. 182 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving by B. Reading; pub'd in 1793, by T. Cadell, London. 183 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving by White in an old English book. 184 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving from an old book printed in England. 58 185 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving pub'd in 1801, by Edward Harding, London. 1 86 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving from an old book. 187 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving from an old book. 188 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving by Rogers, from a drawing by Vertue. 189 King Henry VI., of England. Engraving from a very old book. 190 King Charles VII., of France. Surnamed "The Victorious" (le Victorieux), son of King Charles VI., was born at Paris, Feb. 22, 1403 ; died at Mehun-sur-Yevre, near Bourges, France, July 22, 1461 ; reigned 1422-61. On his accession he found a rival in Henry VI., of England, who claimed the crown by virtue of the treaty of Troyes. The English were masters of the entire country north of the Loire, including the capital, and in 1428 invested Orleans, which was delivered by Joan of Arc in 1429. He was crowned at Rheims, France, on July 17, 1429, and entered Paris in 1436. He married Marie d'Anjou, and his mistress was Agnes Sorel. 191 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving from an old history. 192 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving from an old book. 193 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving from an old book. 194 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving from an old book. 195 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving from an old book. 196 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving from an old book. 197 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving from an old book. 198 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving from an old book. 199 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving 1 by P. Thomson after the drawing by Boizot. 200 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving published in 1805, by J. Wilkes, London. 201 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving by Pinssio, from the drawing by Boust. 202 King Charles VII., of France. An old engraving. 59 203 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving by B. Moncornet. 204 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving from the collection of Clement Gressier, Paris. 205 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving from La Veu Hu- rand, Paris. 206 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving by B. L. Prevost from the drawing by C. N. Cochin's son. 207 King Charles VII., of France. An old engraving. 208 Due d'Anjou, Father of Marie d'Anjou, the wife of King Charles VII. An old engraving. 209 King Charles VII., of France. An old engraving. 210 Duchesse d'Anjou. Mother of Marie d'Anjou, the wife of King Charles VII. An old engraving. 211 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving by Pannier. 212 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving by Charles Witt- mann. 213 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving by Marcenay, from portrait owned by Marquis de Brancas. 214 Marie d'Anjou, Queen of France; wife of Charles VII. An old engraving. 215 King Charles VII., of France. Engraving by Le Maitre after the drawing by Vernier. 216 Marie d'Anjou, Queen of France; wife of Charles VII. An old engraving 1 . 217 Agnes Sorel. She was the favorite mistress of King Charles VII., of France; born at Fromentau-Touraine, about 1409; died near Jumigny, Feb. 9, 1450; was brought up with Isa- bella, the wife of Rene d'Anjou; her influence over the King was generally beneficial. Engraving from an ancient portrait. 218 Agnes Sorel. Engraving by Swebach after the painting by Mme. Colin. 219 Agnes Sorel. Engraving from "Vieux Chateaux de France." 60 AGNES SOREL From an engraving by Metzmacher, i{ 220 Agnes Sorel. Engraving by C. T. Riedel after the drawing by A. Desenne. 221 Agnes Sorel. Engraving by Metzmacher, 1868. 222 Agnes Sorel. Engraving 1 by Cazenave. 223 Agnes Sorel. Engraving by Lovichon after the drawing by Chasselat. 224 Agnes Sorel. Engraving by Bein. 225 Agnes Sorel. Engraving by A. Schultheiss after the drawing by Fr. Pecht. 226 Joan of Arc Leading a Charge. By De Monvel. 227 Joan Imploring Divine Aid. By De Monvel. 228 Joan Guided by Inspiration. By De Monvel. 229 Joan, the Shepherdess of Domremy. By De Monvel. 230 Joan's Inspiration at Her Home. By De Monvel. 231 Joan Ponders on Her Course. By De Monvel. 232 Joan Seeks Assistance in Her Cause. By De Monvel. 233 Joan Leaving Vaucouleurs for Chinon. By De Monvel. 234 Joan on the Journey to Chinon. By De Monvel. 235 Joan Points Out Charles VII. By De Monvel. 236 Joan Questioned by the Court Sages. By De Monvel. 237 Joan's Army Proceeds to Orleans. By De Monvel. 238 Joan's Army Crossing the Loire at Checy. By De Monvel. 239 Joan Entering Orleans at Night. By De Monvel. 240 Joan Wished to Pray Before Attacking. By De Monvel. 241 Joan's Army Awaits Assistance. By De Monvel. 242 Joan's Army Repeatedly Repulsed. By De Monvel. 243 Joan Rallied Her Men in the Crisis. By De Monvel. 61 244 Joan Weeps on Beholding the Slain. By De Monvel. 245 Joan Argues Before the Council. By De Monvel. 246 Joan Takes the Bastion of Augustinians. By De Monvel. 247 Joan Refuses to Fight on Sunday. By De Monvel. 248 Joan Describes the Victory to Charles VII. By De Monvel. 249 Joan Occupies Jargeau, June n, 1429. By De Monville. 250 Joan Fights the English at Patay. By De Monvel. 251 Joan Conquers the English, June 18, 1429. By De Monvel. 252 Joan Prays with the Dying Soldiers. By De Monvel. 253 Joan Forces Them to Give Back Prisoners. By De Monvel. 254 Joan Attends Coronation of Charles VII. By De Monvel. 255 Joan Kneels Before the King. By De Monvel. 256 Joan Cordially Welcomed by Populace. By De Monvel. 257 Joan Wounded by a Crossbow Dart. By De Monvel. 258 Joan Leaves Her Armor on the Altar. By De Monvel. 259 Joan is Discouraged by Inactivity. By De Monvel. 260 Joan Goes to Defense of Compiegne. By De Monvel. 261 Joan is Captured at Compiegne. By De Monvel. 262 Joan Brought Before Duke of Burgundy. By De Monvel. 263 Joan Escapes; but Falls from the Wall. By De Monvel. 264 Joan is Maltreated in the Rouen Dungeon. By De Monvel. 265 Joan Prays for Deliverance in Captivity. By De Monvel. 266 Joan Attacked by Earl of Stafford. By De Monvel. 267 Joan is Regarded as a Heretic. By De Monvel. 268 Joan Tried by the English Bishops. By De Monvel. 269 Joan Answers Her Accusers. By De Monvel. 62 270 Joan is Led Away to be Put to Death. By De Monvel. 271 Joan Burned to Death at the Stake. By De Monvel. 272 The Call of Joan of Arc. By A. Chevallier Tayler, 1908. 273 Burning of Joan of Arc. By A. Chevallier Tayler, 1908. 274 Vigil of Joan of Arc. By A. Chevallier Tayler, 1908. 275 The Maid Leading Her Troops. By A. Chevallier Tayler, 1908. 276 Joan of Arc in Prison. By A. Chevallier Tayler, 1908. 277 Trial of Joan of Arc. By A. Chevallier Tayler, 1908. 2)8 Joan of Arc, the Shepherdess. Colored print. 279 Joan Going to Meet the King at Chinon. Colored print. 280 Joan of Arc at the Court of Charles VII. Colored print. 281 Joan of Arc Approaching Orleans. Colored print. 282 Joan of Arc Attacking Orleans. Colored print. 283 Joan of Arc Routing the English. Colored print. 284 Joan of Arc Received by the King. Colored print. 285 Joan of Arc at the Coronation. Colored print. 286 Battle of Patay. Colored print. 287 Burning of Joan of Arc. Colored print. 288 Joan of Arc Beatified. Colored print. 289 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected at Bonsecours, France. Sculptor : Barrias. 290 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected in the Luxembourg, Paris. Sculp- tor: Cordonnier. 291 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected in the Museum at Versailles. Sculptor: Princess Marie of Orleans. 292 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected in the Louvre, Paris. Sculptor: Rude. 63 293 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected at Orleans. Sculptor: Princess Marie of Orleans. 2 94 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected in the Luxembourg, Paris. Sculp- tor : Albert Lefeuvre. 295 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected in the Luxembourg, Paris. Sculp- tor: Fremiet. 296 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected in the Paris Salon, 1910. Sculp- tor: Ray Rivoire. 297 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected in the Luxembourg 1 , Paris. Sculp- tor: Chapu. 298 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected in the Cathedral of Rheims. Sculptor: Prosper d'Epinay. 299 Joan of Arc Statue. Sculptor : De Marcilly. 300 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected in Paris. Sculptor : Bourgouin. 301 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected in Church of St. Augustin and Notre Dame de la Gare, Paris. Sculptor : Jules Dechin. 302 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected before St. Denis Church, Paris. 303 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected in Church of the Madeleine. Paris. Sculptor: Raoul Larche. 304 Joan of Arc Statue. Sculptor: R. De Meurville. 305 Joan of Arc Statue. Sculptor : Raoul Larche. 306 Joan of Arc Statue. Sculptor : Charles Desvergnes. 307 Joan of Arc Statue. Erected at Compiegne, France. 308 Joan of Arc Statue. Sculptor : Charles Desvergnes. 309 Joan of Arc Statue. Sculptor : A. Vermare. 310 Joan of Arc Statue. Sculptor: Emile Chatrousse. 311 Joan of Arc Statue. Banner of Joan Decorating the Statue of the Virgin in Notre Dame, Paris. 312 Joan of Arc Statue. Sculptor: Mercie. 313 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected in the Pantheon, Paris. Sculptor: Paul Dubois. 64 JOAN OF ARC'S ENTRANCE INTO ORLEANS After the painting by Bartolini 314 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Shown in the Salon des Artistes Frangais, 1910. Sculptor : Anna V. Hyatt. 315 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected in Place des Pyra- mides, Paris. Sculptor: E. Fremiet. 316 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected in Philadelphia, Pa. 317 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected in Lafayette Square, Nancy, France. Sculptor: E. Fremiet. 318 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Shown in the Salon of 1910, Paris. Sculptor : Anna V. Hyatt. 319 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected at Orleans. Sculptor: Foyatier. 320 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Bas-relief on the statue in the Place du Martroi, Orleans, showing her capture. Sculptor: Vital-Dubray. 321 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Bas-relief on the statue in the Place du Martroi, Orleans, showing her departure. Sculptor: Vital-Dubray. 322 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Bas-relief on the statue in the Place du Martroi, Orleans, showing her entering that city. Sculptor : Vital-Dubray. 323 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected in the Place du Mar- troi, Orleans. Sculptor: Foyatier. 324 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Shown in the Paris Salon of 1912. 325 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected at Paris, in the Place des Pyramides. Sculptor: E. Fremiet. 326 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected in the Place des Pyra- mides, Paris. Sculptor: E. Fremiet. 327 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected in the garden of the old bishopric at Orleans. Sculptor: Level. 328 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected in the Place du Mar- troi, Orleans. Sculptor: Foyatier. 329 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected at Vaucouleurs. 65 330 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected on summit of Ballon d'Alsace, in environs of Semur. 331 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Shown in the Paris Salon, 1910. Sculptor: Anna V. Hyatt. 332 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected at Chinon, France. Sculptor: J. Roulleau. 333 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected in the Cluny Museum. 334 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected in the Pantheon, Paris. Sculptor: Paul Dubois. 335 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Shown at the Paris Salon, 1889. Sculptor: E. Fremiet. 336 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected in the Place des Pyra- mides, Paris. Sculptor: E. Fremiet. 337 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected in the Place des Pyra- mides, Paris. Sculptor: E. Fremiet. 338 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected in the Pantheon, Paris. Sculptor: Paul Dubois. 339 Joan^of Arc Equestrian Statue. Erected in the Pantheon, Paris. Sculptor : Paul Dubois. 340 Two Angels Bearing a Shield. Hanotaux print. From "La Mer des Hystoires"; studio of Pierre Le Rouge, 1487. 341 "La Pucelle a Cheval." Hanotaux print. The Maid of Orleans on horseback ; from "La Hysteria de la Ponzella de Francia," a Spanish pamphlet dated 1562; Burgbs, P. de Junta. In this engraving Jeanne is seen using a curved weapon ; such curved swords were in use from the time of the Crusades and were called "Turkish weapons." Dunois is also represented with a sword of this kind in the "Recueil de Thevet." 342 Interior of Cottage "The House of Rest." Hanotaux print. From "Le Chasteau de Labour," by Pierre Gringore, published in 1499, by Philippe Pigouchet. 343 A Bavarian Princess. Hanotaux print. From "Die Cronycke van Hollandt, Zeelandt. Bourgongen." These wood cuts are partly taken from the Nuremberg Chronicle and from other earlier ones. 66 344 Legend of St. Catherine. Hanotaux print. From "La Legende doree," printed in French by Ant. Verard, in 1496. 345 The Arrival of the Messenger. Hanotaux print. From "La Belle de Vienna" ; Anvers ; G. Leu ; 1487. 346 Interview in the Court of a Chateau. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 347 La Pucelle Kneeling Before Charles VII. Hanotaux print. From "Vigilles de Charles VII. ; edit. Le Caron, Paris ; no date; XV Century. 348 How Siege Was Laid to Orleans by the English. Hanotaux print. From "Vigilles de Charles VII"; Johan du Pre, 1493. 349 Battle on a Plain Knights, Pikemen and Harquebusiers. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 350 Combatant Wounded in the Breast. Hanotaux print. From "Bertrand du Guesclin"; Lyon; G. Le Roy. 351 Bertrand du Guesclin. Hanotaux print. His portrait from "Bertrand du Guesclin." 352 Outworks of the City of Orleans. Hanotaux print. Drawn from an ancient plan. 353 Combat of Cavalry. Hanotaux print. From "Histoire de la Destruction de Troye la Grande" ; printed for Jacques Milet ; 1484. 354 How the Christian King Charles VII. Went to be Crowned at Rheims in Spite of All Impediments. Hanotaux print. From the "Grandes Chroniques de France"; Paris; Regnault. 355 Coronation of the King of France at Rheims. Hanotaux print. From "Chroniques de France," printed for Ant. Verard in 1493- 356 The Great Pardon of Our Lady of Rheims. Hanotaux print. From a broadside printed in 1482, for Jehan du Pre. 357 Siege of the City. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hol- lande." 358 Cavalcade. Hanotaux print. From "Vigilles de Charles VII." ; ed. Le Caron. 67 359 Arms of France Borne by Two Angels. Hanotaux print. From "Grandes Chroniques," last page. 360 Lancelot and La Hire. Hanotaux print. Drawn by R. Favier from design on very old playing-cards. 361 La Pucelle. Hanotaux print. From design on one of a pack of playing-cards of XVth Century, belonging to the Musee d'Issoudun. 362 Jeanne d'Arc Spinning at Her Father's Side. Hanotaux print. From "Vigilles de Charles VII." ; Paris ; Jehan du Pre ; 1493. 363 Hermit. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 364 The Blessed Virgin. Hanotaux print. From "Histoire du Chevalier Oben; printed for Guilleume Le Roy, at Lyons, in 1480. 365 Pilgrimage. Hanotaux print. From "Les Heures a 1'usage d'Amiens"; printed for Ph. Pigouchet; end of XVth Century. 366 Annunciation. Hanotaux print. From "Miroir de Redemp- tion"; Bale; Richel ; 1478. 367 Our Lady of Pity. Hanotaux print. From drawing by R. Favier of original in Musee du Puy. 368 Blessed Virgin of the Minor Friars. Hanotaux print. From "Dialogo de la Salute"; Ancona; 1527. 369 Prayer to the Virgin in an Orchard. Hanotaux print. From Heures a 1'usage de Romme"; by Jehan du Pre; 1488. 370 God in His Majesty. Hanotaux print. From the "Missel de Paris"; Simon Vostre; 1497. 371 Venice. Hanotaux print. From "Bergomensis Jacobus Philip- pus Supplementum chronicorum." 372 St. Bernardino of Siena Preaching. Hanotaux print. From "Fra Roberto Caracciolo Prediche"; 1517. 373 The Minor Friar. Hanotaux print. From "Speculum fratrum minorum," in "Officina magistri Karoli, 1524. 374 The King Upon His Throne. Hanotaux print. From "O gidius Romanus [Columna] Regimiento de principes"; trans- lated by Don Bernardo, Bishop of Osma ; Seville, 1494. 68 JOAN OF ARC My E. Fremiet, shown at Paris Salon, 1889 375 Courier Delivering Letter. Hanotaux print. From "Chro- nique de Hollande" (at the end). 376 King of France Holding Court. Hanotaux print. From "Grandes Chroniques" ; ed. Regnault. 377 King of France at a "Bed of Justice," Surrounded by His Councillors. Hanotaux print. From "La Somme rurale de Boutheillier ; Jehan du Pre; 1486. 378 La Pucelle with Hood and Long Dress. Hanotaux print. After "Vigilles de Charles VII" ; ed. Le Caron. 379 A Quiet Place for Knights to Meet. Hanotaux print. From "Rappresentazione di San Eustacio"; Florence, 1571. 380 A Woman Riding on Horseback Accompanied by Squires. Hanotaux print. From "Von einer Konigstochter von Frank- rich," Strasbourg, Gruninger; 1500. 381 Joan of Arc on Horseback. Hanotaux print. From the "Mer des Hystoires" ; edit, by Claude Davost ; Lyon. 382 Read Your Book. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hol- lande," at the end. 383 Martyrdom of St. Margaret. Hanotaux print. From Kris- teller's "Early Florentine Woodcuts"; London; 1897. 384 Prophecy of the Venerable Bede, the Sybil. Hanotaux print. From "Profetie di varii profeti et Sibille," Florence; begin- ning of the XVIth Century ; Essling 1 . 385 How La Pucelle Approached the King. Hanotaux print. From "Vigilles des Charles VII" ; edit. Jehan du Pre. 386 Crown, Globe and Sceptre. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 387 The King in Prayer. Hanotaux print. From "Le Livre des Bonnes Moeurs"; compiled by Brother Jacques de Grant; studio of Caillaut ; 1487. 388 Siege of a City, Use of Artillery. Hanotaux print. From Lirers Chronik. 389 Charlemagne, St. Louis and St. Remi. Hanotaux print. From "Grandes Chroniques de France." 69 3QO St. Margaret. Hanotaux print. From "Legende des Saints"; J. de Voragine ; Lyon ; M. Buss. 391 A Pope. Hanotaux print. From "Sermones Sancti Augustini" ; edit. Gering & Renbolt ; in the "Soleil d'Or ; 1498." 392 St. Anthony of Florence. Hanotaux print. From "Tratatto vulgare di Frate Antono Arcivescoco" ; Florence ; 1496. 393 The Church Militant and the Church Triumphant. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 394 Consecration of the King at Rheims. Hanotaux print. From "Chroniques de France" ; printed for Ant. Verard ; 1492. 395 The Lords of the Earth Slaughter One Another. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 396 Taking of Constantinople. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 397 Death of King Charles VI. Hanotaux print. From "Vigilles de Charles VII." ; J. Du Pre. 398 Death on Horseback Drives Priests and Nobles to Annihila- tion. Hanotaux print. 399 The Feudal Castle. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 400 St. Michael. Hanotaux print. From "Legende des Saints"; J. de Voragine ; Lyon ; M. Huss. 401 Siege of Paris by King of France. Hanotaux print. From "Grandes Chroniques." 402 Celestial Phenomena. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 403 Celestial Vengeance. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 404 Charles VII. Hanotaux print. By Jean Fouquet; sketched by R. Favier. 405 Charles VII. Lying Between "Intelligence" and "Melancholy." Hanotaux print. From "Diets et Ballades de M. Alain Char- tier"; about 1489. 70 406 Philip of Burgundy. Hanotaux print. From the bust in the gallery of the Prince of Wurtemberg. 407 Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 408 Courtiers Conversing. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 409 Richemont's Portrait. Hanotaux print. After Gaignieres ; 1458. 410 Jean VI., Duke of Brittany. Hanotaux print. After a water- color of the Cabinet des Estampes ; sketched by R. Favier. 411 A Councillor of the Duke of Burgundy. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 412 Duke of Burgundy Surrounded by His Councillors. Hanotaux print. From "Die Burgundische Historic" ; Strasbourg ; 1477. 413 Blazon of France and Burgundy. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 414 Jean person. Hanotaux print. After the engraving of the Cabinet des Estampes ; sketched by R. Favier. 415 Battle. Hanotaux print. From Bertrand du Guesclin. 416 The Messenger. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hol- lande." 417 A Burgundian Prince. Hanotaux print. By Lucas de Leyde, From "Chronique de Hollande." 418 Coat of Arms of Burgundy. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 419 Tournament at the Court of Burgundy. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 420 Festivals at the Court of Burgundy. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 421 Council in the Royal Camp. Hanotaux print. From "Vigilles de Charles VII." ; ed. Le Caron. 422 Regnault de Chartres. Hanotaux print. After a portrait in the Cabinet des Estampes ; sketched by R. Favier. 71 423 Arms of France Supported by Two Angels. Hanotaux print. From "Grandes Chroniques de France." 424 Court Banquet. Hanotaux print. From "La Belle Mague- lonne" ; printed for Guillaume Le Roy ; Lyon ; before 1480. 425 Knights on the March. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 426 Plan of Compiegne. Hanotaux print. From a document pre- served in the Depot des cartes et plans of the Bibliotheque Na- tionale. 427 Battle before a Stronghold. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 428 Blessed Virgin. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hol- lande." 429 How the English Brought La Pucelle to Rouen and Did Her to Death. Hanotaux print. From "Vigilles de Charles VII." ; printed in Paris for Jehan du Pre, 1492. 430 Bishop and Pope. Hanotaux print. From "Sermons de S. Augustin" ; printed for Gering & Renbolt, 1498. 431 Pope and Cardinals. Hanotaux print. From "Gregorii Home- lia"; Venice, 1504. 432 Tower of the Vieux Chateau in which La Pucelle was Im- prisoned. Hanotaux print. From "Livre des Fontaines," 1525; after Sarrazin. 433 Combat of Cavalry Against Infantry. Hanotaux print. From "Lirers Chronik." 434 Taking of Rouen by the English. Hanotaux print. From "Vigilles de Charles VII." ; ed. Jehan du Pre. 435 Duke of Bedford. Hanotaux print. Sketched by R. Favier from a print in the Cabinet des Estampes ; Bibliotheque Nationale. 436 Deliberation of the English Council. Hanotaux print. From "Bertrand du Guesclin." 437 Rouen, a City of Murder and Treason. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 438 The Leopards of England. Hanotaux print. From "Lirers Chronik." 72 JOAN OF ARC By Chapu, in the Luxembourg, Paris 439 Shield of France, the Arms of the City and University of Paris. Hanotaux print. Mark of Jean Bocard, bookseller of Paris. 440 A Doctor. Hanotaux print. From "Sermons de S. Augustin." 441 Bishop Pierre Cauchon's Coat-of-Arms. Hanotaux print. After Sarrazin. 442 Bishop Pierre Cauchon's Tombstone. Hanotaux print. From Bibliotheque Nationale, Cabinet des Estampes; Gaignieres. 443 A Bishop. Hanotaux print. By Lucas of Leyden, from "Chronique de Hollande." 444 An Abbe. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 445 The Professor Teaching. Hanotaux print. From "Mer des Hystoires." 446 A Judge. Hanotaux print. From "Sermons de S. Augustin"; 1498. 447 Tombstone of Thomas de Courcelles and of His Brother. Hanotaux print. After Gaignieres. Bib. Nat., Cab. des Estampes. 448 Jeanne d'Arc. Hanotaux print. Sketched by the clerk at the trial; from Vallet de Viriville's "Recherches iconographiques sur Jeanne d'Arc, dite la Pucelle d'Orleans," 1855. 449 A Sybil. Hanotaux print. From "Heures a 1'usage de Rom- me" ; by Ph. Pigouchet. 450 Celestial Court. Hanotaux print. From "Missale Verdunense" ; printed for Jehan du Pre; 1481. 451 The Church Militant. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 452 Sitting in Judgment. Hanotaux print. From "Chroniques de France" ; printed for Ant. Verard ; 1492. 453 Preacher in the Pulpit. Hanotaux print. From "Passio domini nostri Jesu Christi"; Strasbourg; beginning of XVI. Century. 454 Fragment of a Plan of Rouen. Hanotaux print. From Bibl. Nat., Depot des cartes et plans. 73 455 Massacre of Peasants. Hanotaux print. From "Histoire de Sigismonde fille du Prince Tancrede" ; Strasbourg. 456 The Man-at-Arms. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hol- lande." 457 De Berneval, Architect of the Rose-window of St. Ouen in. Rouen. Hanotaux print. From a drawing preserved in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Cabinet des Estampes. 458 Battle between the Fleur-de-lis and the Leopards. Hanotaux print. From "Ancienne Chronique de Brabant; Anvers, R. Van den Dorp ; 1497. 459 A Knight. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 460 St. Thomas Aquinas, and the Teaching of the Church. Hano- taux print. From "Commentaires sur Aristote" ; Venice, 1496. 461 Jean Gerson. Hanotaux print. From "De Imitatione Christi"; 1502. 462 The Pope with the Cardinals and Bishops. Hanotaux print. Communication of M. Leclere. 463 Rome. Hanotaux print. From "Bergomensis Jacobus Philipus Supplementum chronicarum" ; 1492. 464 The Preaching. Hanotaux print. After "Caracciolo," 1495. 465 The Seed and the Balance. Hanotaux print. From "Heures a 1'usage de Romme"; 1498. 466 Holy Conversation. Hanotaux print. From "L'Explication de Pater noster;" studio of Pierre Levet; 1489. 467 Jean d'Arc Salutes the King at Chinon. Hanotaux print. From "Vigilles de Charles VII." ; ed. J. Du Pre. 468 How King Henry was Crowned in Paris with two Crowns by the English. Hanotaux print. From "Vigilles de Charles VII." ; ed. J. du Pre. 469 The King Making His Re-entry Into Paris. Hanotaux print. From "Grandes Chroniques de France"; printed for Ant. Verard; 1492. 470 Rainbow Over a Troubled Sea. Hanotaux print. From "Chronique de Hollande." 74 471 Siege Laid to Ponthoise by the French. Hanotaux print. From "Vigilles de Charles VII." ; ed. J. du Pre. 472 Margaret of Anjou. Hanotaux print. From a stained-glass window; Cab. des Estampes; Gaignieres. Sketched by R. Favier. 473 A Doctor. Hanotaux print. From "Sermons de S. Augustin." 474 Portrait of Guillaume d'Estouteville. Hanotaux print. From a picture in the archiepiscopal residence at Rouen ; sketched by R. Favier. 475 Tombstone of Guillaume Chartier, Archbishop of Paris. Hanotaux print. From Collection Gaignieres, Bibl. Nat. Cab. des Estampes. 476 Suppliant Woman. Hanotaux print. From_"Heures a 1'usage de Romme"; printed for Jehan du Pre; ~ 477 Jeanne d'Arc. Hanotaux print. From the miniature of the "Proces de Rehabilitation" ; Bib. Nat. ; sketched by R. Favier. 478 Prayer to the Virgin. Hanotaux print. From Kristeller's "Early Florentine Woodcuts"; London; 1897. 479 Jean Jouvenel des Ursins. Hanotaux print. After a picture in the Louvre, Paris. 480 Pontifical Arms. Hanotaux print. From the "Grand Pardon de Notre Dame de Reims"; broadside printed in 1482 for Jehan du Pre. 481 Jeanne d'Arc and Charles VII. Kneeling Before a Pieta. Hanotaux print. Sketched ,by R. Favier after an engraving 1 of Leonard Gaultier, representing the monument erected be- fore the XVI Century on the bridge of Orleans, in Hordal "Heroinae Jeanne d'Arc Historia," 1612. 482 Jehanne la Pucelle. Hanotaux print. From a miniature of the "Champion des Dames" ; about 1450. 483 Jeanne d'Arc with a Crown. Hanotaux print. Published in Grassailles "Regalium Franciae libri duo"; Lyon; 1538. 484 Jeanne d'Arc. Hanotaux print. Portrait of Hotel de Ville of Rouen, probably executed toward the end of the XVI Cen- tury; prototype of the "Pucelle au chaperon." 485 Joan of Arc in Armor. By F. V. Du Mond. 75 486 Joan of Arc's Vision. By F. V. Du Mond. 487 Joan of Arc in the Forest. By F. V. Du Mond. 488 Joan of Arc Before the Governor at Vaucouleurs. By F. V. Du Mond. 489 The Governor of Vaucouleurs Keeps His Promise to Joan of Arc. By F. V. Du Mond. 490 The Paladin's Appearance in Court. By F. V. Du Mond. 491 Joan of Arc Reprimands the Conspirators. By F. V. Du Mond. 492 Joan of Arc Discovers the Disguised King. By F. V. Du Mond. 493 Examination of Joan of Arc by the Council. By F. V. Du Mond. 494 Joan of Arc Chooses Her Standard-Bearer. By F. V. Du Mond. 495 Joan of Arc and La Hire. By F. V. Du Mond. 496 Joan of Arc and the Dwarf. By F. V. Du Mond. 497 Joan of Arc's Entry into Orleans. By F. V. Du Mond. 498 Joan of Arc Surprises the Conspirators. By F. V. Du Mond. 499 Capture of the Tourelles. By F. V. Du Mond. 500 Joan of Arc Dictating Letters. By F. V. Du Mcmd. 501 Siege of Orleans. From the painting by J. E. Lenepveu. 502 The Duchess Kisses Joan of Arc. By F. V. Du Mond. 503 The Evening Meal. By F. V. Du Mond. 504 Joan of Arc and Wounded Soldier. By F. V. Du Mond. 505 Coronation at Rheims. By F. V. Du Mond. 506 Joan of Arc Drills Her Father. By F. V. Du Mond. 507 The Paladin Tells How He Won Patay. By F. V. Du Mond. 508 Capture of Joan of Arc at Compiegne. By F. V. Du Mond. 76 JOAN OF ARC Statue by Paul Dubois erected in Paris 509 Joan of Arc. From portrait in Hotel de Ville at Rouen. 510 Rainguesson and De Conte Making their Way to Rouen. By F. V. Du Mond. 511 Trial of Joan of Arc. By F. V. Du Mond. 512 Joan of Arc's Execution. By F. V. Du Mond. 513 Joan of Arc Signs the Accusation. By F. V. Du Mond. 514 Cauchon Accuses Joan of Arc of Violating Her Oath. By F. V. Du Mond. 515 Jacques d'Arc and Uncle Laxart Watching the Procession. By F. V. Du Mond. 516 Embellishment Showing the Doorway of Joan of Arc's Home. By F. V. Du Mond. 517 Joan of Arc, Maid of France. By Agnes A. Hilton. 518 Joan of Arc Praying. By Agnes A. Hilton. 519 Joan of Arc Bearing Her Standard. By Agnes A. Hilton. 520 Joan of Arc Entering Orleans. By Agnes A. Hilton. 521 Joan of Arc Succors a Soldier. By Agnes A. Hilton. 522 Coronation at Rheims. By Agnes A. Hilton. 523 Joan of Arc Fondling Children. By Agnes A. Hilton. 524 Joan of Arc Burned at the Stake. By Agnes A. Hilton. 525 Joan of Arc Rallying Her Men. By Agnes A. Hilton. 526 Joan of Arc in Prison. By Agnes A. Hilton. 527 Joan of Arc's Trial. By Agnes A. Hilton. 528 Joan of Arc's Capture. By Agnes A. Hilton. 529 Joan of Arc's Vision. By Gaston Bussiere. 530 Joan of Arc at Trial. By Gaston Bussiere. 531 Coronation of Charles VII. By Gaston Bussiere. 532 The Land Afar Off. By Gaston Bussiere. 77 533 For God, King and Country. From silver medallion by Broms- grove Guild of Artists. 534 She Can Neither Read Nor Write. From bronze medallicm by the Bromsgrove Guild of Artists. 535 La Pucelle de Dieu. From bronze statuette by the Broms- grove Guild of Artists. 636 The Scene of Her Mission Inspires the Maid. From the painting by Gaston Bussiere. 537 Joan of Arc Places Armor on Altar. From the painting by Gaston Bussiere. 538 Joan of Arc on Way to the Stake. From the painting by Gaston Bussiere. 539 Joan of Arc Yields Her Limbs, but Keeps Her Faith. From the painting by Gaston Bussiere. 540 Joan of Arc as a Child. By J. Jellicoe. 541 Joan of Arc at Play. By J. Jellicoe. 542 Joan of Arc Meets Charles VII. By J. Jellicoe. 543 Joan of Arc Entering Orleans. By J. Jellicoe. 544 Joan of Arc Wounded. By J. Jellicoe. 545 Captured at Compiegne. By J. Jellicoe. 546 Joan of Arc on Castle Roof. By J. Jellicoe. 547 Joan of Arc Faces Her Judges. By J. Jellicoe 548 Joan of Arc Bas-relief, by H. Gauquie, in the Cathedral at Rouen, showing her burned at the stake. 549 Bas-relief, by H. Gauquie, in the Cathedral at Rouen, showing her entrance into Orleans. 550 Reredos in the Chapel Joan of Arc in the Cathedral at Rouen. 551 Bas-relief, by H. Gauquie to the memory of Charles VII., in the Cathedral at Rouen. 553 Altar in the Chapel Joan of Arc, of the Cathedral at Rouen, designed by Messrs. Navone of Genoa and Gauquier of Paris. 78 553 Joan of Arc Statue, by Navone, in the Cathedral at Rouen. 554 Marble and bronze decoration, by Allar, in the Basilica of Domremy, depicting her listening 1 to the "voices." 555 Bas-relief, by Vital-Dubray, of the statue in the Place du Mar- troi, at Orleans, depicting her burning at the stake at Rouen, May 30, 1431. 556 Joan of Arc Bell, in Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris. t 557 La Croix Pucelle, erected in the forest of St. Germain. 558 Joan of Arc Banner. Given to the Notre Dame Cathedral at Paris. 559 Lacework, showing Joan of Arc on horseback. 560 Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue, by Paul Dubois, erected before the Cathedral at Rheims. 561 Entrance to the Rheims Cathedral, showing the statue of Joan of Arc before it. 562 Tower of Joan of Arc, at Rouen, where she was confined. 563 Tablet at Rouen, indicating where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. 564 Capture of Orleans, from the painting by Lenepveu. 565 The spot where Joan of Arc died, decorated with floral tokens. 566 Castle of Philip Augustus; erected in 1204. 567 Joan of Arc in Prison. 568 Monument to Joan of Arc, before the Church de Bon-Secours at Rouen. 569 Statue of Joan of Arc in the monument group before Bcm- Secours Church. 570 The Joan of Arc Monument before the Church of Bon-Secours, Rouen. 79 571 Church at Domremy, erected in honor of Joan of Arc. 572 Bas-relief, designed by Vital-Dubray as part of the imposing statue erected in the Place du Martroi, at Orleans, depicting St. Catherine and St. Marguerite announcing to Joan of Arc that St. Michael will govern her life. 573 Joan of Arc Statue. Engraving by Pigeot. 574 Isabella of Bavaria, entering Paris to become Queen of France as wife of Charles VI. 575 Joan of Arc Statue. Engraving by George Cooke, and pub- lished by Vernor, Hood & Sharpe; Poultry, 1807. 576 Joan of Arc Statue, at Rouen. Engraving by H. Heath. 577 Isabella of Bavaria, who became wife of King Charles VI., of France. 578 Joan of Arc Statue. Engraving by Gervais from a drawing by A. Deveria. 579 Joan of Arc Window, executed by F. Gaudin; drawn by E. Grassel. 580 Joan of Arc. Engraving by E. Hargrave; printed in Court Magazine, 1840. 581 Cathedral at Orleans. 582 Church of Notre Dame, at Poitiers. Engraved by W. Wallis; drawn by T. Allom. 583 Joan of Arc in Prison. Engraving. 584 Joan of Arc. Symbolical picture, 1910 anniversary, at Rouen. 585 King Henry VI., of England. 586 Young woman costumed in armor such as worn by Joan of Arc. 587 Joan of Arc Statue. New model by Allouard, shown in his studio, in Paris. 80 JOAN OF ARC Statue before the Church St. Denis, Paris 588 Armor of about 1400, owned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the City of New York. This basinet appears to have hung above the main altar of the Church of St. Pierre du Martroi, at Orleans, and to have passed as the casque of Joan of Arc. It is related in the record of her life that she placed her armor on the altar, when discouraged, and left it there. This specimen is evidently an ex voto of French workmanship, and of the time of Joan of Arc; but there is no documentary evidence showing to whom it belonged. Photograph. 589 Armor of XV Century; French. Side view of last. Photo- graph of an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. 590 Armor of XV Century ; German. Used in riding on horseback. Photograph of an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. 591 Armor of XV Century; French. With headpiece for horse. Photograph of an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. 592 Armor of XV Century; French. Photograph of an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. 593 Mme. Sarah Bernhardt as Joan of Arc Reading Her Testament. Photograph by Henri Manuel ; Paris. 594 Joan of Arc Wounded, represented by Mme. Sarah Bernhardt. Photograph by Henri Manuel ; Paris. 595 Mme. Sarah Bernhardt, representing Joan of Arc reading her Testament. Photograph by Henri Manuel ; Paris. 596 Joan of Arc in Her Dungeon Cell, represented by Mme. Sarah Bernhardt. Photograph by Henri Manuel; Paris. 597 Joan of Arc in Her Home at Domremy, represented by Mme. Sarah Bernhardt. Photograph by Nadar; Paris. 598 Joan of Arc with Her Flock. Worked in silk ; after the picture by F. Lematte. 599 Joan of Arc in Prayer. Worked in silk. 81 6oo Joan of Arc on Horseback. The Paul Dubois statue in black and white. Silhouette by Gustavus Walle, New York City. 60 1 Joan of Arc. Engraving from original owned by the Chevalier Lenoir. 602 Joan of Arc. Drawing by Giovanni Cariati. 603 Joan of Arc. Design for medal by Giovanni Cariati. 604 Joan of Arc. Design for statue by Giovanni Cariati. 605 Joan of Arc. Drawing 1 by Giovanni Cariati. 606 Joan of Arc. Drawing by Giovanni Cariati. 607 Joan of Arc, the Liberator. Fete poster issued at Paris for public information by the Placard and Pamphlet Committee; published by Moullot, Paris. 608 Joan of Arc Decorative Shield. Fete poster issued at Paris, May 19, 1912; published by Vercasson, Rue Martel, Paris. 609 Joan of Arc. Bust of the statue by Mercie. 610 Joan of Arc. Full length statue by Mercie. 611 Joan of Arc Makes a Sortie from the Gates of Orleans. En- graving by C. W. Wass, 1851 ; after the painting by W. Etty, R. A. Loaned by R. Fridenberg; New York City. 612 Joan of Arc's Inspiration. Engraving by Sidney L. Smith, after the painting in the Metropolitan Museum, New York City, by Bastien Lepage. 613 Joan of Arc Leading Her Army to Orleans. Oil painting by Boutet de Monvel ; 8 ft. 6 in. long ; 4 f t. 6 in. high. Loaned by U. S. Senator William A. Clark, New York City. 82 CURIOS 614 Stone (about 50 Ibs.) taken from the dungeon of the stronghold at Rouen, France, in which Joan of Arc was held in chains, starved, abused and tortured. Secured by M. Jean de Beaurepaire of Rouen who possesses a large collection of Joan of Arc material, and sent by him to Dr. George F. Kunz, of New York, President of the Joan of Arc Memorial Fund Committee. 615 Mug, painted by Raymond Perry, a feature of the Salmagundi Club's annual banquet, held in December, 1912. Loaned by J. Sanford Saltus, Esq. 616 Joan of Arc Dinner-plate. Loaned by Mrs. Cuyler Reynolds, Albany, N. Y. 617 Joan of Arc Dinner-plate. Loaned by Mrs. Cuyler Reynolds, Albany, N. Y. 618 Joan of Arc Dinner-plate. Loaned by Mrs. Cuyler Reynolds, Albany, N. Y. 619 Shield, of the design used by Joan of Arc. 620 Signature of Joan of Arc, magnified and photographed. Not more than three signatures are known to exist. Enlarged by Drummond, New York City. 621 Stamps used during the festival at Orleans in 1912, in honor of Joan of Arc, showing her on horseback. 622 Stamp bearing likeness of Joan of Arc 623 Silk Ribbon worn in the Joan of Arc fete of 191 2 at Orleans, France. 624 Special pamphlet: "Blessed Jeanne d'Arc, Maid of Orleans." Paper, frontispiece, 14 pp. Published by Allday, Birmingham, Eng., 1909. 625 Letter of M. Jusserand, Ambassador of France to the United States, expressing an estimate of the character of Joan of Arc to Dr. George F. Kunz, as President of the Joan of Arc Memorial Fund Committee. Dated French Embassy, Washington, D. C., Dec. 18, 1912. 626 Letter of Giovanni Cariati, the well-known Italian sculptor now in this country, offering to loan exhibits, written to the president of the committee, Dec. 12, 1912. 83 627 Letter of M. Jean de Beaurepaire, of Rouen, France, to Dr. George F. Kunz, regarding the stone taken from the tower of the prison in which Joan of Arc was confined at Rouen. Written July 5, 1912. 628 Letter of M. Jean de Beaurepaire, of Rouen, France, to Dr. George F. Kunz, regarding present condition of the site of the prison where Joan of Arc was held. Written May 12, 1912. 629 Poem, in chirography of Percy Mackaye, entitled "By the Ladies' Tree," from his play "Jeanne d'Arc," written at Corinth, N. H., 1906. 630 Letter, from the Secretary-General of the "Souvenir Franc, ais," (a French organization founded in 1906, for the purpose of studying the lives of soldiers and sailors who died for their country and erecting monuments thereto). Written in appre- ciation of advice that a monument was proposed to Joan of Arc in this country. Dated, Paris, Dec. 9, 1912. 631 Letter of J. Sanford Saltus, Esq., advocating a National pageant throughout France on the annual birthday of Joan of Arc. Written Jan. 2, 1911. 632 Letter of P. B. de Crevecoeur, Librarian and Secretary of Fraser Institute (Free Public Library), Montreal, Canada, Dec. 18, 1912, regarding the Joan of Arc statue designed by A. Vermare, and erected in Montreal, Oct. 6, 1912, through efforts of the Union Nationale Frangaise. 633 Music: "A Jeanne d'Arc;" song words by J. Trebor; music by R. P. Ligonnet. Published by E. Coutarel, Paris. 634 Music: "Cantate a Jeanne d'Arc;" words by M. 1'Abbe Degron. Published by E. Ploix, Paris. 635 Music: "Jeanne d'Arc;" drama in five acts and in verse by Jules Barbier; music by Charles Gounod. Published by Choudens Sons, Paris. 636 Music: "Marche Lorraine;" words by Jules Jouy and Octave Pradels; music by Louis Ganne. Published by Enoch & Co., Paris. 637 Program, admission card, pictures and printed reviews on the Maude Adams production of Schiller's "Joan of Arc" in the Harvard Stadium, June 22, 1909, for the benefit of the Germanic Museum. Loaned by Prof. Horatio S. White, of Cambridge, Mass. 84 JOAN OF ARC Statue in the Cliniy Museum showing XVth Century Armor 638 Souvenir of the Shakespeare Memorial National Theatre Ball, in Royal Albert Hall, London, Eng., June 20, 1911, in costume, showing the Countess of Lytton as Joan of Arc. Loaned by J. Sanford Saltus. 639 "The Century Magazine" series of 1897 containing "The Days of Jeanne d'Arc," by Mary Hartwell Catherwood, illustrated by Boutet de Monvel. 640 E. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe in "Joan of Arc," as acted by them at the Waldorf in New York and in London, season or 1906-07. Loaned by Percy Mackaye. 641 Book Poster for Percy Mackaye's "Jeanne d'Arc. Loaned by Percy Mackaye by request. 642 Poster used for the Maude Adams production of Joan of Arc at the Harvard Stadium, June 22, 1909. Loaned by Charles Froh- man, Esq. PHOTOGRAPHS OF JEANNE D'ARC Originals in the collection of Mons. Sarrazin of Rouen. Loaned to the Joan of Arc Committee. 643 The Three Companions in Heroic Deeds of Joan of Arc Poton de Zaintrailles, The Marquis of Rais, Artus of Brittany. All in grand heraldic costumes. Miniature taken from the Armory Book of Gilles le Bouvier, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, French MSS. XVth Century. 644 The Castle of Philip Augustus, King of France, in Rouen, where Joan of Arc was imprisoned. Part of an antique plan ; beginning of the i6th Century. 645 Reproduction of the Castle of Philip Augustus, King of France, in Rouen, where Joan of Arc was imprisoned. The center tower is still to be seen in Rouen. 646 Miniature of the i6th Century, representing the first author (a woman) who wrote the first book on the history of Joan of Arc; it was in verse. 647 Cellars of the ancient Hotel of Loiseleur. These are the first floor of cellars, there being also sub-cellars. Present dwelling of Mr. Sarrazin, Rouen. 648 Fragment of a bone and a bunch of hair of John of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford, brother of King Henry V, Regent of France and England during the minority of Henry VI. Bedford was the captain of the Castle of Rouen, and the inspirer and in- stigator of the trial of Joan of Arc. These bones and hair were found in his coffin, when the same was opened for identi- fication, at the time it was discovered in the choir of the Cathedral of Rouen, where Bedford had been interred in 1435. These relics were put aside by a priest named Colas on the 2Oth of October, 1866. The miniature representing the Duke of Bedford is in the prayer book of the Bedford family, French MSS., I5th Century, in the British Museum. Also photograph of the certificate of the curate of the Church of Saint Maclou in Rouen, referring to the matter. 86 649 Primitive painting on wood, representing Joan of Arc before her judges during* her trial. This is part of a panel. Original in Mons. Sarrazin's Collection. 650 Photograph of a miniature, representing the Battle of Patay, won by Joan of Arc, June 18, 1429. Original in the National Library, Paris, French MSS. No. 26361. 651 Miniature of the isth Century; Joan of Arc Before King Charles VII. Original in Mons. Sarrazin's Collection. 652 Joan of Arc Before the Stake. Copy of the original miniature, of the beginning of the i6th Century, formerly in the col- lection of A. F. Didot, now in the collection of Mr. Paloy, Rouen. Copy of same in the Sarrazin Collection, Rouen. 653 Jeanne d'Arc. Par les Maitres de 1'Art Frangais. Musique de Ch. Gounol, Benjamin Godard, C. J. Franck, P. Letorey, Mail- lochaud, Th. Sourilas; Illustrations Photographiques d'Apres les Oeuvres de Antonin Mercie, Fremiet, Barrias, Rude, P. Dubois, Gois, Chapu, Marie d'Orleans, J. Roulleau, Ingres, Bastien Lepage, J. E. Lenepveu, Joy. Loaned by Dr. Joseph Kossuth Dixon. 654 Illustrated Manuscript on Vellum, representing Joan of Arc on horse-back in armor with banner in her right hand. To the rear are her followers riding abreast. In the background is a Norman Castle with battlements. Around picture is illumi- nated border. In color. Loaned by C. V. Miller. 655 Jeanne d'Arc. Original manuscript, written for the Joan of Arc Exhibition by the author of "The Martyrdom of an Em- press." 14 pp. Original poem. By M. M. ,/ 656 Jeanne d'Arc (Equestrian Statue) ; Dubois, Paul. Gazette des Beaux Arts (Salon de 1889). Loaned by Rodman Wana- maker. / 657 Jeanne Blessee a Orleans. V. N. Original drawing. V. N. in lower right-hand corner. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 658 Jeanne d'Arc. Delaroche. Line engraving by Reynolds. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. / 659 Jeanne d'Arc Kneeling in Prayer. N. V. Original drawing 1 . No. i marked in upper right-hand corner; also N. V. marked in lower right-hand corner. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 87 660 Joan of Arc Surrounded by Her Followers. (Mounted.) Has banner in left hand upon which is printed SPOR. Line en- graving. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 661 Joan of Arc. Goucher, C. S. Line engraving (proof before letters). Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 662 Vue Perspective de la Maison de Jeanne d'Arc. Vue Interieure de la Chambre de Jeanne d'Arc. Dormier. Two line en- gravings by Dormier on Domremy. Loaned by Rodman Wan- amaker. 663 Joan of Arc in Armor, holding banner in right hand. Ingres. Line engraving by Paul Chenay, ist State, 1895-1896. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 664 Supplice de Jeanne d'Arc, Brulee a Rouen en 1431. Depase. Line engraving. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 665 Joan of Arc in Armor, holding banner in right hand. Ingres. Line engraving by Paul Chenay, 1895-96, 2nd State. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 666 Joan of Arc in Armor, holding banner in right hand. Ingres. Line engraving by Paul Chenay, 1895-96, 3rd State. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 667 Jeanne d'Arc, Surnommee la Pucelle d'Orleans. Vouet, S. Line engraving by S. Vouet. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 668 Jeanne d'Arc, La France n'a point vu de coeur plus magnanime. Mire, N. le. Line engraving by N. le Mire. Loaned by Rod- man Wanamaker. 669 Jeanne d'Arc. A Madame de Cypierre. Mire, N. le., 1774- Line engraving by N. le Mire. Loaned by Rodman Wana- maker. 670 Joan of Arc. Vignon, C. Line engraving by A. Bosse. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 671 Joan of Arc. Ayant quitte, etc. Deveria, E. Line engraving by Pierre Adam. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 672 Jeanne d'Arc. "J eanne montra sous," etc. Goucher, C. S. Line engraving (another state). 88 JOAN OF ARC By Princess Marie of Orleans, in the Versailles Museum 673 Heroisme de Jeanne d'Arc. Line engraving. Loaned by Rod- man Wanamaker. 674 Joan of Arc. Faite prisonnier. Deveria, E. Line engraving by Pierre Adam. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 675 Joan of Arc. Vignon, C. Line engraving by A. Bosse. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 676 Joan of Arc (Mounted). Beauchy, Ch. Lithograph by Ch. Beuchy. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 677 Jeanne d'Arc dite La Pucelle d'Orleans. Pueur, M. le. Litho- graphed by Le Noir. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 678 Bataille de Patay (Jeanne d'Arc). Original drawing. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 679 Jeanne d'Arc being burned at stake. Slzangles. Original draw- ing. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 680 Jeanne devant les juges. Original drawing. No. 12 marked in upper right-hand corner. Not signed. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 681 Complainte sur La Pucelle d'Orleans. Guiot, A. In color. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 682 Joan of Arc at Stake. Fragonard. Lithograph. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 683 Jeanne in Prison. Original drawing. (No signature.) Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 684 Jeanne a Chinon. Original drawing. Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 685 Silhouette. (Joan of Arc, mounted.) Walle, Gustav. 686 Jeanne d'Arc. (Statue.) Rude. Half-tone on postcard. Loaned by Mrs. Dunlop Hopkins. 687 Jeanne d'Arc (Portrait) in Armor. Half-tone on postcard. Heliographie de H. D. Loaned by Mrs. Dunlop Hopkins. 688 Photograph of a Miniature representing the Battle of Patay (won by Joan of Arc in 1429). Original in National Library; French Manuscript No. 20361. Collection of M. Sarrazin, Rouen. 89 689 Painting (primitive) on Wood; XVIth Century (part of a panel) ; representing Joan of Arc during her trial. The orig- nal in the Collection of M. Sarrazin in Rouen. Photograph. 690 Cellars of the ancient Hotel of Loiselleur. First-floor cellars. (There are two depths of cellars.) Dwelling of M. Sarrazin, Rouen. Photograph. 691 Fragment of a bone and a bunch of hair of John of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford, brother of Henry V., Regent of France and England during the minority of Henry VI. John of Lancas- ter, captain of the Castle of Rouen, was the inspirator of Joan of Arc's trial. Photograph. 692 The three best and faithful companions of Joan of Arc Pon- ton de Xaintrailles, The Marquis of Rais, Artus of .Brittany in great ceremony ; heraldic costume. From the Armory Book of Gilles le Bouvier. National Library, French Manuscripts. XVth Century. Photograph. 693 Reproduction of the Castle of Phillippe Augustus, where Joan of Arc was kept prisoner. The center tower is at present to be seen at Rouen. Collection of M. Sarrazin, Rouen. Photo- graph. 694 The Castle of Phillippe Augustus (King of France), where Joan of Arc was prisoner. Part of an antique plan. Begin- ning of the XVIth Century. Collection of M. Sarrazin, Rouen. Photograph. 695 Joan of Arc Before the Stake. Miniature of the beginning of the XVIth Century. Ancient collection of A. F. Didot, now collection of M. Galoy, Rouen. Photograph. 696 Miniature of the XVIth Century, representing a woman of the time, who wrote the first verses on Joan of Arc. Collection of M. Sarrazin, Rouen. Photograph. 697 Miniature of the XVth Century. Joan of Arc before King Charles VII. Collection of M. Sarrazin, Rouen. Photograph. 698 Joan of Arc. Cariati, Giovanni. Photograph of plaquette by Giovanni Cariati. 699 Jeanne d'Arc ecoutant les Voix. Allar, A. (Statue.) Post- card. Loaned by Mrs. Dunlop Hopkins. 90 700 Bas-relief de la Statue de Jeanne d'Arc, "Les Voix." Orleans. Half-tone (postcard). Loaned by Mrs. Dunlop Hopkins. 701 Bas-relief de la Statue de Jeanne d'Arc, "La Prison." Orleans. Half-tone (postcard). Loaned by Mrs. Dunlop Hopkins. 702 Bas-relief de la Statue de Jeanne d'Arc, "Jeanne d'Arc Prison- mere." Orleans. Half-tone (postcard). Loaned by Mrs. Dunlop Hopkins. 703 Bas-relief de la Statue de Jeanne d'Arc, "Jeanne d'Arc devant Charles VII." Orleans. Half-tone (postcard). Loaned by Mrs. Dunlop Hopkins. 704 Jeanne d'Arc. Chatillon, Mile. de. Painted by Mile, de Chatillon. Half-tone. Loaned by Mrs. Dunlop Hopkins. 705 Bienheureuse Jeanne d'Arc, Patronne de la France, Sauvez- nous. Statue (half-tone). Loaned by Mrs. Dunlop Hopkins. 706 Bienheureuse Jeanne d'Arc, Vierge et Martyre, Priez pour nous. Half-tone. Loaned by Mrs. Dunlop Hopkins. STATUES IN BRONZE, MARBLE, WOOD, PLASTER, ET CETERA 80 1 Statuette, representing peasant girl partly kneeling and partly sitting with hands clasped before her. (Joan of Arc.) Chapu. 802 Joan of Arc in Chains, sitting on bench with legs crossed, her hands clasped in front of right knee. She sits as though in thought. Boucher. Bronze statuette. 803 Joan of Arc (Statuette) in Armor. Charpentier. She holds hilt of sword in right hand and with left she holds blade. 804 Jeanne d'Arc (in full armor). Allouarde. She stands with face turned upwards in supplication and with arms outstretched, hands clasped and holding sword between them. 805 Joan of Arc (in armor). Fremiet. She holds reins in left hand, while in right she holds a banner above her head. (Bronze equestrian statuette.) 806 Jeanne d'Arc in full armor. Mercie. Her hands clasped in front of her breast. Her face is turned upwards and around her head is a laurel wreath. On the ground at her left side are lying her sword and helmet. 807 Joan of Arc standing, in armor, with hands clasped holding sword. Bouret. (Statuette.) 808 Jeanne d'Arc. D'Epinay. (Equestrian statuette.) Hands to- gether as though in prayer. (In full armor.) 809 Jeanne d'Arc. Fremiet. (Statuette.) Kneeling in full armor with clasped hands and head bowed in prayer. 92 JOAN OF ARC Equestrian Statue by Anna V. Hyatt 8io Joan of Arc in full armor, with chains on her wrists. Barrias. She stands with clasped hands. Bronze statuette. 8n Jehanne, la Sainte. Epinay, d'. Statuette (plaster). Cathe- drale de Reims. Loaned by Mrs. Dunlop Hopkins. 812 Statuette (Plaster). Demas, G. Loaned by Rodman Wana- maker. 813 Statuette (Plaster). Cascianie, R. Loaned by Rodman Wana- maker. 814 Statuette (Plaster). Frere, Delin. Loaned by Rodman Wana- maker. 815 Bas-relief (in marble). Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 816 Bronze relief of Joan of Arc kneeling in prayer. Tefft, Carl Eugene. Designed in 1885 by C. E. Tefft. 817 Joan of Arc. Statuette (plaster) in armor. (No signature of sculptor.) Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 818 Joan of Arc. Arnoult. Statuette (plaster). Loaned by Rod- man Wanamaker. 819 Statuette in Wood of Joan of Arc. (No sculptor.) Loaned by Rodman Wanamaker. 820 Statuette of Joan of Arc. Bloomgrove, England. 93 MEDALS RELATING TO JOAN OF ARC FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY i Bust of Napoleon facing right. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE PREMR. CONSUL DE LA REP. F. Rev. Statue. A JEANNE D'ARC. MONUMENT RETABLI A ORLEANS L'AN XI DE LA REP QUE. In field, J. M. CHAPTAL MTRE. DE L'INTR. J. P. MARET PREFET. A. E. CRIGNON DE- SORMEAU MAIRE. E. GOIS FILS INV. DUPRE SCULP. Bronze, 55 mm. Struck to commemorate the re-erection of the statue at Orleans in 1803, the original statue having been destroyed during the French revolution. 2 Bust in armor to left. JEANNE D'ARC. Reverse, Inscrip- tion in eight lines, NEE, A DONREMY, EN M.CCCC.XL, MORTE, EN M. CCCC. XXXI., GALERIE METALLIQUE, DES GRANDS HOMMES FRANQAIS, 1823. By J. Domard. Gold, 41 mm. 3 Same, Silver. 4 Same, Bronze. 5 Half length, facing right, tied to stake, flames below, MA. MIS- SION. ETAIT DE DIEV. Reverse, full length, facing left, sheep to left, angel above, bench and growing lilies in back- ground, city in the distance. VA FILLE AV GRAND COEVR. By O. Roty (1896). Silver, 45 mm. 6 Same, Bronze. 7 Same, Gold, 29 mm. 8 Same, Silver. 9 Same, Silver, 23 mm., with ring for suspension 10 Same, Gold, 21 mm. 94 ii Same, Silver. 12 Same, Silver, 15 mm. 13 Full length facing left, trees, angel and sheep in background, by Daniel-Dupius. Galvano silvered, plaquette, 63x101 mm. 14 Obverse the same. Reverse branch of lilies and buds. In- scription in five lines JEANNE D'ARC LIBERATRICE DU TERRITOIRE. Silver, 41x67 mm. 15 Same, Bronze. 16 Full length facing left, in forest, two sheep to left, three angels in background. Reverse, Banner on lance, shield with arms, palm leaf, BEATIFICATION DE JEANNE D'ARC LE 18 MAI 1909, by Ren6 Baudichon. Bronze, 51 mm. 17 Bust in armor to left. JEANNE D'ARC 1412-1431. Re- verse full length, kneeling, facing right, receiving sword and shield from two angels. By C. Yencesse. Silver, 27 mm., with ring. 18 Same, Bronze. 19 Same, Silver, 22 mm. 20 Same, Bronze. 21 Same, Silver, 18 mm. 22 Same, Bronze. 23 Full length, kneeling, full face, sheep, flowers, tree and house in background, above on scroll JEANNE D'ARC ECOVTANT SES VOIX. Reverse Arms, DOMREMY ORLEANS ROUEN 1412-1431. Bronze, 33 mm., with ring. 24 Figure and inscription as on No. 23, above three angels with sword, banner and helmet. Reverse as No. 23. Bronze, 33 mm., with ring. 25 Full length in armor, banner in right hand, left hand resting on alter, helmet and shield on the ground, VIVE LABEUR JEHANNE D'ARC on scroll above. Reverse as No. 23. Silver, 33 mm., with ring. 26 Same, Bronze. 95 27 Same, Silver, 26 mm. 28 Same, Bronze. 29 Same, Silver, 20 mm. 30 Same, Bronze. 31 Half length, with hands clasped, facing right, tree and city in background. Reverse, armorial shield, sword and banner. By F. Rasumny. Silver, 25 mm., with ring. 32 Same, Bronze. 33 Same, Silver, 21 mm. 34 Same, Bronze. 35 Same, Gold, 19 mm. 36 Same, Silver. 37 Same, Bronze. i* 38 Same, Silver, 18 mm. 39 Same, Bronze. 40 Full face, in armor. Halo of gilt. IEHANNE DE PAR LEROY DV. CIEL SAVVE LA FRANCE. Reverse, full length on horseback; above K. crowned. QVANT IE FV FAIT SANS DIFERANCE AV PRVDENT ROI AMI DE DIEV ON OBEISSOIT PAR TOVT EN FRANCE: FORS A CALAIS QVI EST FORT LIEV: Silver, 28 mm pierced, with ring. 41 Same, 23 mm. 42 Same, 19 mm. 43 Same, 15 mm. 44 Same, n mm. 45 Same, 9 mm. 46 Full length on horseback; to left, with banner, AVANT LA BATAILLE. Reverse, in eight lines, A LA GLOIRE IM- PERISSABLE DE JEANNE D'ARC. LA VIERGE HERO- IQVE ET MARTYRE. L'ANGE DE LA PATRIE FRAN- QAISE. Palm and lilies below. By F. Mouchon. Bronze, 51 mm. 96 JOAN OF ARC Statue by Bourgouin, Paris 47 Full length on horseback to left, with banner. Reverse, Arms. Inscription in five lines: et fust "par la grant pitie qui estoit au Roiaume de France." By F. Fremiet. Silver, 50 mm. 48 Same, Bronze. 49 Same, Gold, 28 mm., with ring. 50 Same, Silver. 51 Same, Bronze, without ring. 52 Same, Silver, 22 mm., with ring. 53 Same, Bronze, without ring. 54 Same, Silver, 18 mm., without inscription on reverse, with ring. 55 Same, Bronze, without ring. 56 Same, with armorial shield above horses head. Silver, 36 mm., with ring. 57 Same, Bronze, without ring. 58 Full length on horseback to left, with banner BSE JEANNE D'ARC P. P. N., below arms, 1412 to left, 1431 to right. Re- verse. Sword, banner and palm branch, above, 1412, 1431. Silver, 24 mm. with ring. 59 Same, Bronze. 60 Same, Silver 20 mm. 61 Same, Bronze. 62 Same, Silver, 18 mm. 63 Same, Bronze. 64 Same, Silver, 16 mm. 65 Same, Bronze. 66 Same, Silver, 14 mm. 67 Same, Bronze. 68 Same, Silver, 12 mm. 69 Same, Reverse, blank, 10 mm. 97 70 Bust in armor, nearly full face, BEATA JOHANNA D'ARC. Reverse, Armorial shield and lillies. By F. Vernon. Silver 27 mm. with ring. 71 Same, 23 mm. 72 Same, 19 mm. 73 Same, 15 mm. 74 Same, n mm. 75 Same, 8 mm. 76 Bust in armor and helmet, nearly full face. JEHANNE D'ARC, 1412-1431. Reverse, Aimorial shield, sword and banner (same as No. 31). By F. Rasumny. Silver, 25 mm. with ring. 77 Same, Bronze. 78 Same, Silver, 21 mm. 79 Same, Bronze. 80 Same, Silver, 19 mm. 81 Same, Bronze. 82 Same, Silver, 16 mm. 83 Same, Bronze. 84 Full length in armor, sword in right hand, banner in left. JEANNE LIBERATRICE DE LA FRANCE. Reverse as last. By F. Rasumny. Silver, 25 mm. with ring. 85 Same, Bronze. 86 Same, Silver, 21 mm. 87 Same, Bronze. 88 Same, Silver, 19 mm. 89 Same, Bronze. 90 Same, Silver, 16 mm. 91 Same, Bronze. 92 Laureated bust in armor to right, BIENHEUREUSE JEANNE D'ARC. Reverse, Armorial shield and lilies, DE PAR LE ROI DV CIEL, above 1412-1431, below 1909, by Emile Dropsy. Gold, two colors on obverse, 34 mm. with ring. 98 93 Same, Silver. 94 Same, Bronze. 95 Same, Silver, 26 mm. 96 Same, Bronze. 97 Same, Gold, two colors on obverse, 20 mm. 98 Same, Silver. 99 Same, Bronze. 100 Same, Silver, 16 mm. 101 Same, Bronze. 1 02 Same, Silver, n mm. 103 Same, Bronze. 104 Same bust, JEHANNE D'ARC VIVE LABEVR. Reverse as last, 26mm. 105 Same bust, DE PAR LE ROI DV CIEL. Reverse, Arms. Ir- regular edge. Silver, with gilt field on obverse, 23 mm. pierced, with ring. 106 Same, Bronze. 107 Same, Silver, with gilt field on obverse, 18 mm. 108 Same, Bronze. 109 Same, Gold, two colors on obverse, 13 mm. no Same, Silver, gilt field on obverse. in Same, Bronze. 112 Bust in armor to left, to right, arms, in each upper corner a branch of laurel, below, et fust " par la grant pitie qui estoit au Roiaume de France." By Emile Dropsy. Galvano plaquette, silvered with gilt halo around head, 85x110 mm. 113 Same, 52x66 mm. 114 Same, with DE PAR LE ROI DV CIEL in five lines to left of bust, below JEANNE D'ARC. 42x54 mm. 99 115 Same, bust to left, branch bearing leaves and a lily, to right RSE JEANNE D'ARC. Reverse, blank. Silver, 50 mm. with ring. 116 Same, Bronze. 117 Obverse, same. Reverse same as No. 92. Silver, 34 mm. with ring. 118 Same, Bronze. 119 Same, Silver, 26 mm. 120 Same, Bronze. 121 Same, Silver, 20 mm. 122 Same, Bronze. 123 Same, Silver, 16 mm. 124 Same, Bronze. 125 Same, Silver, n mm. 126 Same, Bronze. 127 Same, bust. JEHANNE D'ARC. Reverse as last, but without the three dates. Irregular edge. Silver, with gilt field on obverse. 30 mm. pierced, with ring. 128 Same, Bronze, 129 Same, Gold, two colors on obverse, 23 mm. 130 Same, Silver with gilt field on obverse. 131 Same, Bronze. 132 Bust in armor to left, on scroll above, JEANNE D'ARC. Reverse, Armorial shield, banner and branch of laurel. By Emile Dropsy. Silver, 3 1 mm. with ring. 133 Same, Bronze. 134 Same, Gold 26 mm. 135 Same, Silver. 136 Same. Bronze. 137 Same, Silver, 23 mm. 100 JOAN OF ARC RECEIVING ST. CATHERINE'S SWORD 138 Same, Bronze. 139 Same, Gold, 20 mm. 140 Same, Silver. 141 Same, Bronze. 142 Same, Silver, 16 mm. 143 Same, Bronze. 144 Same, Silver, n mm. 145 Same, Bronze. 146 Bust in armor to left. B. JEHANNE D'ARC P. P. N. Reverse Armorial shield on laurel wreath JESVS MARIA 1412-1431- Silver, 23 mm., with ring. 147 Same, Bronze. 148 Same, Silver, 21 mm. 149 Same, Bronze. 150 Same, Silver, 19 mm. 151 Same, Bronze. 152 Same, Silver, 15 mm. 153 Same, 12 mm. 154 Same, obverse. Reverse, sword, banner and palm branch, above 1412-1431. Silver, 17 mm., with ring. 155 Same, Bronze. 156 Same, 15 mm. 157 Same, Silver, 9 mm. 158 Bust in Court dress to left. Reverse, Arms. Inscription in five lines: et fust "par le grant pitie qui estoit au Roiaume de France." Silver, 32 mm., with ring. 159 Same, Bronze, without ring. 160 Same, Silver, 28 mm., with ring. 101 161 Same, Bronze, without ring. 162 Same, Silver, 22 mm., with ring. 163 Same, Bronze, without ring. 164 Same, without inscription on reverse, Silver, 18 mm., with ring. 165 Same, Bronze, without ring. 166 Same, Silver, 16 mm., with ring. 167 Same, Bronze, without ring. 168 Same, obverse. Reverse, Fleur de lis. Silver 13 mm., with ring. 169 Same, Bronze, without ring. 170 Laureated bust in armor to left Bse JEANNE D'ARC P. P. N. Reverse, sword, banner and palm branch, above 1412-1431. Silver, 24 mm., with ring. 171 Same, Bronze. 172 Same, Silver, 21 mm. 173 Same, Bronze. 174 Same, Silver, 18 mm. 175 Same, Bronze. 176 Same, Silver, 16 mm. 177 Same, Bronze. 178 Same, Silver, 14 mm. 179 Same, Bronze. 180 Same, Silver, 12 mm. 181 Same, 10 mm. 182 Bust in armor to right. Fleur de lis on each side, above JEHAN- NE. Reverse, arms and banner inscribed DOMREMY, 1419. Bronze, 33 mm. 183 Bust in armor to right. BIENHEUREUSE JEANNE D'ARC PRIEZ POUR NOUS. Reverse, Cloud hiding sun, above JHESUS MARIA. By F. Magdelaine. Silver, 27 mm., with ring. 184 Bust in armor to right. Reverse branch of lilies. Silver, 28 mm., with ring. IO2 185 Same, Bronze. 186 Same, Silver, 20 mm. 187 Same, Bronze. 188 Same, Silver, 18 mm. 189 Same, Bronze. 190 Same, Silver, 16 mm. 191 Same, Bronze. 192 Laureated bust in armor to left, ornamented field. Reverse wreath. By L. Tricard. Gold, 27 mm., with ring. 193 Same, Silver. 194 Same, Bronze. 195 Same, Silver, 20 mm. 196 Same, Bronze. 197 Bust in armor and helmet to left Bse JEANNE D 'ARC. Reverse, rose and ivy leaves. By Becker. Silver, gilt, 28 mm., with ring. 198 Obverse same. Reverse, scroll and lilies. Gold, 23 mm., with ring. 199 Same, Silver gilt. 200 Same, 18 mm. 201 Same, 16 mm. 202 Same, 13 mm. 203 Same, 1 1 mm. 204 Bust as last. JEANNE above. Reverse same as No. 197. Silver gilt. Oval 24x28 mm., with ring. 205 Obverse same. Reverse same as No. 198. Silver gilt. Oval 20x23 mm., with ring. 206 Same, 15x18 mm. 207 Same, 14x16 mm. 208 Half length in armor, facing slightly to left. Banner in left hand, Arms in field to left. Reverse, Helmet and crossed swords, below in two lines Bse JEANNE D'ARC 1412-1431. By F. Cain. Silver, 26 mm., with ring. 103 2oo, Same, Bronze. 210 Same, Silver, 23 mm. 2x1 Same, Bronze. 2x2 Same, Silver, 20 mm. 213 Same, Bronze. 214 Same, Silver, 18 mm. 215 Same, Bronze. 216 Three quarter length in armor, facing slightly to right, banner in right hand, left hand resting on altar. Reverse, Palm branch to left, sword to right, three fleur de lis between, above, in two lines, BIENHEUREUSE JEANNE D'ARC. Below PRIEZ POUR NOUS. By Tairac. Silver. Irregular shape, 27x30 mm., with ring. 2x7 Same, Bronze. 218 Same, Silver, 24x27 mm. 219 Same, Bronze. 220 Same, Silver, 22x24 mm. 221 Same, Bronze. 222 Same, Silver, 19x21 mm. 223 Same, Bronze. 224 Same, Silver, 16x18 mm. 225 Same, Bronze. 226 Same, Silver, 13x15 mm. 227 Same, Bronze. 228 Three-quarter length in armor, facing slightly to left, in right and, banner inscribed JHESUS MARIA. By Giovanni Cariati. Plaquette, Galvano, gilt, 48x72 mm. (Loaned by Signer Cariati.) 228A Bronze Medal. The Blessed Joan *of Arc riding into Rheims. Bloomgrove Art League. 2288 Medal. The Blessed Joan of Arc in the fields of Domremy. Bloomgrove Art League. 104 X o. O 2 S COINS CHARLES VI 1380-1422. 229 Gros Florette, Silver. CHARLES VI 1422-1468 230 Gros de Roi, Silver. 231 Grand Blanc, Silver (two specimens). 232 Blanc, Silver. HENRY VI OF ENGLAND 1422-1461. 233 Salute, Gold (two specimens). Struck in France during the English occupation. 234 Grot, Silver. Struck at Calais. 105 BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS "Album Jeanne d'Arc." Paper, copiously ill'd, 156 pp. Oeuvre des Orphelins Apprentis d'Auteuil; Paris, 1911. "Almanach national de Jeanne d'Arc. 1891." Munich. "Almanach national illustre" de Jeanne d'Arc la ve"ne*rable." Ann. i 1 6. Lethielleux, Paris, 1894. Antony, C. M. "Blessed Jeanne d'Arc, the Maid of France." Cloth, gilt, ill'd in color, 186 pp. Benziger Bros., New York, 1910. Arnaud, Abbe J. M. "Jeanne d'Arc. Drame national patriotique et religieux en 5 actes avec chants. Musiquede Vincent Fosse." 126 pp., 12. V. Retaux, Paris, 1905. Arnaud, Simone. "Jeanne d'Arc." Drame en vers. 187 pp., 8. Ollendorff, Paris, 1895. "Aux femmes de France. Almanach de Jeanne d'Arc." 104 pp. Illus. 8. Librairie de la France, Paris, 1889. Ayroles, Jean Baptiste Joseph. "La vraie Jeanne d'Arc." 2 v. 4. Gaume, Paris, 1890-4. Ayroles, Jean Baptiste Joseph. "La pretendu vie de Jeanne d'Arc de Anatole France. Monument de cynisme sectaire." 192 pp. 12. E. Vitte, Lyon, 1910. Ball, afterwards Fitzball, Edward. "Joan of Arc; or, The Maid of Orleans." 39 pp. 8. H. Davidson, London, 18 . Ball, afterwards Fitzball, Edward. "Joan of Arc; or, The Maid of Orleans, a melodrama." 39 pp. 24. J. Cumberland, London, 1822. Ball, afterwards Fitzball, Edward. "Joan of Arc; or, The Maid of Orleans, a melodrama." 21 8. J. Lowndes, London, 1822. 106 Ball, afterwards Fitzball, Edward. "Joan of Arc; or The Maid of Orleans, a melodrama." In French's acting edition of plays, v. 103. Samuel French, London, n. d. Ball, afterwards Fitzball, Edward. "Joan of Arc; or, The Maid of Orleans, a melodrama." 39 pp. nar. 16. T. H. Lacy, London, 1822. Bangs, Mary Rogers. "Jeanne d'Arc." Cloth, colored frontis- piece, 351 pp. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., New York, 1910. Barnes, Arthur Stapylton. " Blessed Joan the Maid." Cloth, gilt, frontispiece, 140 pp. Benziger Bros., New York, 1909. Baraude, Henri. "Orleans et Jeanne d'Arc." Paper, plates, 284 pp. R. Roger & F. Chernoviz., Paris, 1911. Bartlett, David W. "Life of Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orleans." 223 pp., pi. 12. Millere Orton, Auburn & Buffalo, 1854. Baudot, Jules. "Jeanne d'Arc; drame historique en cinq actes et onze tableaux." 174 pp. 8. Picard Fils & Cie., Paris, 1909. Benson, Robert Hugh. "Maid of Orleans." 64 pp. 16. Long- mans, Green & Co., London, 1910. Belon, M. J., and F. Balme. "Jean Brehal, grande inquisiteur de France et la rehabilitation de Jeanne d'Arc." 4 v. in i. 4. P. Lethiel- leux, Paris, 1893. Biottot, Colonel. "Les grands inspires devant la science. Jeanne d'Arc." 277 pp. 12. E. Flammarion, Paris, 1907. Bissieu, E. "Jeanne d'Arc. Trage"die en cinq actes et en vers." 1 60 pp. 12. Imp. S. Parl, Barle-Duc, 1905. Boucher de Molandon, Rerni et Adalbert de Beaucorps, baron. "L'arme*e anglaise vaincue par Jeanne d'Arc sur les murs d'Orleans; documents inedits, et plan." 314 pp. plan. 4. H. Herluison, Orleans, 1892. Bouteiller, E. de, et G. de Braux. "La famille de Jeanne d'Arc; documents ine"dits, ge"nealogie ; lettres de J. Hordal et de Claude du Lys a Charles du Lys." 293 pp. pi. 12. A. Claudin, Paris, 1878. Bouteiller, E. de, et G. de Braux. "Notes iconographiques sur Jeanne d'Arc." 39 pp. 12. A. Claudin, Paris, 1879. Bouteiller, E. de, et G. de Braux. "Nouvelles recherches sur la famille de Jeanne d'Arc; enqueues inedites, gendalogie." t iz6 pp. pi. 12. A. Claudin, Paris, 1879. 107 Brough, W. "Joan of Arc; a new and original historicafburlesque." In Lacy's acting edition of plays, v. 86. Cagny, Perceval de. "Chroniques de P. de Cagny, publie'es par H. Moranville." 288 pp. 8. Renouard, Paris, 1902. Calvert, G. H. "Joan of Arc; a poem." 108 pp. 12. H. O. Houghton & Co., Riverside Press, 1860. Calvert, George H. "The Maid of Orleans; an historical trag- edy." 134 pp. 12. G. P. Putnam's Sons, N. Y., 1874. Carpenter, Kate E. "Story of Joan of Arc; for Boys and Girls." Cloth, ill'd, by Amy Brooks. 184 pp. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Boston, 1902. Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. "The Days of Jeanne d'Arc." 278 pp., illus. 12. Century Co., N. Y., 1901. Champion, L. "Jeanne d'Arc ecuyere. Preface de Victor Mar- gueritte." 260 pp. map pi. 8. Berger-Levrault & Cie., Paris, 1901. Chapelain, J. "La Pucelle; ou, La France d&ivre'e. Poeme heroique en douze chants." 2 v. 16. Marpon & Flammarion, Paris, 1892. Chapoy, Henri. "Les compagnons de Jeanne d'Arc. Domremi- Reims, 1412-1429 avec une preface par Jules Roy." 445 pp. port. 8. Bloud et Barral, Paris, 1897. Chevalier, Cyr. Ulysse Joseph. " L'abjuration de Jeanne d'Arc au cimetire de Saint-Ouen et 1'authenticite de sa formule. Etude critique." 88 pp. 4. A. Picard & fils, Paris, 1902. Choussey, J. E. "Vie de Jeanne d'Arc." 348 pp. port. 2d Ed. 4. Bourbonnaise, Moilins, 1902. "Chronique de la Pucelle; ou, Chronique de Cousinot de Mon- treuil, et fragment de la Geste des nobles frangois; ou, Chronique de G. 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Mabie and Kate Stephens. With one author's inscription, pp. vii-xiv and 3-281. Doubleday, Page & Company, 1909, New York. Babre. ' ' Process de Jeanne d' Arc. " 1913. Brentano, Frank. "Jeanne d'Arc." 1913. Kenny, Richard J., S. J. "Joan of Arc." America. Vol. i, No. i, pp. 6-8. April 17, 1909. Thurston, Herbert, S. J. "Shakespeare and Blessed Jeanne D'Arc." America. Vol. i, No. 3, pp. 64-67. (Part I). May i, 1909. Thurston, Herbert, S. J. "Shakespeare and Blessed Jeanne D'Arc." America. Vol. i, No. 4, pp. 91-93. (Part II). May 8, 1909. McClorey, J. A., S. J. "Joan, The Child of Nature." America. Vol. VII, No. 8, pp. 176-177. June i, 1912. ' McClorey, J. A., S. J. "Joan, The Mystic." America. Vol. VII, No. 9. June 8, 1912. "Jeanne d'Arc in New York." America. (Editorial.) January 1 8, Thurston, Herbert, S. J. "Joan of Arc." Catholic Encyclopoedia. Vol. VIII. Play Bill, Joan of Arc, a drama by Frances Aymar Mathews. Played by Fanny Davenport at the Fifth Avenue Theatre for the week beginning January 3 1, 1898. Loaned by Miss Frances Aymar Mathews. Boutet de Monvel, Artist. Original Manuscript. " Panegyric of Joan of Arc," especially written for the Joan of Arc Statue Committee. Paris, France, January 3, 1913. Piece of old printed chintz, 25x30 inches, showing six scenes from the life of Joan of Arc. (In gilt frame.) Loaned by Miss Frances A. Dallett 128 208 208 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. tf APR 3 2000 ARTS LlBRAR> UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 824 944 3 fornia nal ty