REESE*LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA <** INSTITUTED 1828. UNDER THE PATRONAGE OP V* S BfKDSTP A(DIICOT MAJESTY GEORGE THE FOURTH. THIS COPY WAS PRINTED FOR Major-General J. H. SYMONS, A Member of the Oriental Translation Committet, AND A SUBSCRIBER TO rtmtal ran$latton . I '. SE f HISTORY OP THE WAR IN BOSNIA. I HISTORY OF THE WAR IN BOSNIA DURING THE YEARS 1737-8 AND 9. TRANSLATED FROM THE TURKISH BY C. FRASER, PROFESSOR OF GEHMAN IN 1I1K NAVAL AND MILITARY ACADEMY, EDINBURGH, LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE ORIENTAL TRANSLATION FUND. SOLD BY J. MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET j AND PARBURY, ALLEN, & CO., LEADENHALL STREET. 1830. ^HINTED BY A. J. VALPY, RED UON COURT, FLEET 8TRFET. INTRODUCTION. BOSNIA, or BOSNA, was included anciently in Pan- nonia Inferior ; and in the fourth century formed a part of that vast district called Illyricum, which comprehended, under this general appellation, Rhae- tia, Noricum, Pannonia, Dalmatia, Moesia or Mysia,* Thracia, Macedonia, and Greece ; and which after- wards was divided into two provinces, viz. Liburnia and Dalmatia. It received its present name from a river which runs through it to the Save (Savius), called Bosna (Bocantus) ; near the mouth of which stood Sir- * In some histories Bosnia is supposed to be the country that was anciently called Mysia. Playfair, whom I follow, says : " That Mysia extended from the confines of Macedonia and Thracia northward to the Danube, and from Pannonia and Illyri- cum eastward to the Euxine sea : divided by the river Ciabrus, Zibris, into Moesia Superior or Prima, now called Servia; and Moesia Inferior or Secundus, now Bulgaria." Bosnia, or at least part of it, was, in 1103, called the kingdom of Rama. 176799 VI INTRODUCTION. mium, anciently the capital of Pannonia, and the residence of the Roman emperors when they visited the Illyrian frontiers; where Claudius expired. Bu- dalia, eight miles above Sirmium, on the Save, was the birth-place of Decius ; and Cibalis (Sivilet) about fifty miles above the same place, on the Save, was the birth-place of Gratian; near to which Constantine vanquished Licinius in 315. The original inhabitants of these regions are re- presented as having been fierce and barbarous ; painting their bodies with various colours, and sub- sisting by rapine and piracy. They attracted the notice of the Romans two centuries before the Christian era, and were finally subdued by Tiberius towards the conclusion of the reign of Augustus. Modern Illyricum comprehends the countries which belonged to it in the middle age, and is di- vided into Hungarian and Turkish Illyricum. Bos- nia, which belongs to the latter division, was in pro- cess of time annexed to the kingdom of Hungary, but was afterwards erected into an independent state, and governed by its own sovereigns from the year 1351* to 1465; when the Turks, under Mo- * In 1389, Amurath I. in an obstinate engagement with the united armies of Bosnia, Servia, and Bulgaria, was slain by a Bosnian noble. A mausoleum was erected by the victorious army INTRODUCTION. Vll hammed II., made themselves masters of it, about twelve years after the reduction of Constantinople. Stephen V., the last sovereign of Bosnia, was, on his surrendering himself, ordered by Mohammed, in violation of the most sacred promises, to be flayed alive : his family, and the nobles connected with him, were all sent to Constantinople to grace the triumphs of the Mohammedan conqueror. It is not improbable but this prince, urged on as he was by the most insatiable thirst of conquest, would have carried his triumphs as far as Imperial Rome herself, had it not been for the celebrated George Castriot, prince of Epirus, in Albania, gene- rally known by the name of Scanderbeg, who with a small army resisted for many years all the power of the Turks, and gained twenty-two battles. He was at last obliged to take refuge in Lyssia, in the Venetian States, where he died in 1466; and with him also sunk the strength of Epirus, which afterwards became a Turkish province. Moham- in memory of their king, and lamps are kept continually burning in it, which are watched by Dervishes. The Bosnian was put to death ; and a stone has been placed over his grave, which is still revered by his countrymen. Fifty years afterwards, Amurath II. routed in the same place (the plain of Merles, or Cossovopoli, in Servia,) a Hungarian army. Vlll INTRODUCTION. med II. died in 1481, after having reduced twelve kingdoms and two hundred towns, and put to death eight hundred thousand Christians of both sexes. Bosnia is bounded on the west by the Una, on the north by the Save, on the east by the Drin, which separates it from Servia, and on the south by a ridge of mountains, lying in 44 N. latitude ; being, according to some geographers, two hundred miles from east to west, and seventy -five from north to south, and according to others still less. Hassel estimates it to be 1062 German square miles, allow- ing the German square mile to be equal 1 1| English square miles. It forms one Pashalick, and is divided into three districts called Sanjiakships ; viz. Banialuka, Orach or Orbach, and Serai. It is a mountainous country, containing some fruitful plains and valleys, and watered by many rivers which run northward to the Save. The oak, the ash, the poplar, the maple, the hornbeam, the aspen, and the birch, grow on the sides of its mountains; the summits of which are covered with larches, firs, and yews. A great navy, it is said, might be built of the timber in the forests. The late emperor of the French, aware of the ad- vantages that might be derived from them, ordered tools to be forged in the country: and workmen INTRODUCTION. ix were employed, by his direction, in cutting a road by which the French legions might penetrate into Illyria, and the Bosnian oaks be transported to the harbours on the Adriatic. The author, or rather publisher, of the History of the War in Bosnia, has strictly confined his narrative to the operations of the war, and is entirely silent with regard to the state of the country and the amount of population, except that he says it was in a defenceless condition when the Imperial troops commenced their aggressions. He has not given us even a statement of the strength and condition of the towns and garrisons which were assaulted, or of the Mohammedan force which was mustered on that occasion, for the purpose of opposing the invaders of their country. He satisfies himself with describing the number and attitude of the enemy, and with delineating the prowess, the deeds of in- vincible valour and the success, of the " orthodox troops," though the number which are said to have been successively engaged in the various encounters with the enemy, seem in general to bear no pro- portion to the force which opposed them. He makes the Bosnians, the " true believers," not only to conquer the "execrated infidel wretches" the Germans at all points, but drive the Prince of Saxe X , JNTRODUCTION. Hildburghausen from Bosnia, and, in conjunction with the Ottoman Imperial troops, the Duke of Lorrain and Count Seckendorff from Belgrade, the capital of Servia also.* In short, he records the defeat of the Germans to have been so very com- plete, that not a " hoof of them," as Ali Pasha, " the illustrious governor, prudent and skilful in affairs," expressed it in one of his military councils, was left behind. The Bosnian warriors were not content with the triumph of overpowering and ex- pelling the enemy from their own territories, but, in their turn, carried devastation and death into the dominions of the enemy, beyond the Una:f * When the imperial negotiators proposed a treaty of peace, the grand vizir, who commanded in person at the siege of Bel- grade, replied in a manner which at once shewed the haughti- ness and heroic firmness of the Turk : he asserted that the bad faith of Austria had been the sole cause of the war, wherein God had favoured the Mussulmans; and had espoused the just cause : *' As there is but one God," he said, " I haye only one word, and that word is Belgrade. Belgrade, untouched in its fortifi- factions, shall be restored to my sublime emperor, and for that price he will sign a peace." f From the names of places given in the narrative, viz. Con- stanishae, Ziren or Zrin, and Dub, &c., against which the Mos- lems directed their hostility on this occasion, we can be at no loss to perceive, that Hungarian Croatia and Hungarian Dal- INTRODUCTION. xi and in all their battles and skirmishes, from first to last, they are not only victorious, but succeed also in carrying off immense booty, and in making many of the enemy prisoners, whilst they them- selves are made to appear to have sustained very little loss. Such is a short outline of the war in Bosnia, and we shall now leave Ibrahim to speak for himself. We are persuaded however, notwithstanding the defects we have been led to point out with respect to his narrative of the war ; and we might still add, that the engagements, the scenes, and the heroes, are too much generalised to excite that interest, which a more succinct and detailed account would have awakened. It will yet be found both curious arid peculiar, inasmuch as it is written by a Turk, who seldom writes ; and also, as it gives a pretty full account, though not so circumstantial as matia were the countries which are meant ; and which have fre- quently been exposed to the ravages of Christian and Turkish troops. In the fifteenth century the Venetians reduced the whole of Dalmatia, but they have since been dispossessed of a consider- able part of it. At present Hungarians, Venetians, Turks, and Ragusans, share it among them. Grasdankoi, a castle on the Una, was once the residence of the counts of Ziren or Zrin, and noted for its silver mine. XII INTRODUCTION. might be wished, of a war that was peculiarly dis- astrous to the Imperialists. The bad success of the Germans may probably be ascribed to their having at once divided their troops into five divisions, and attacking Bosnia in five frontier points,* a circum- stance which gave the war the character of a skir- mishing and partisan warfare, in which the Turks, it is said, always shine. To this may be added the advantages which the native possessors of the soil, roused by every feeling which patriotism and reli- gious hatred could inspire, must have had in repelling a foreign invasion : so that the defeat of the Imperial troops does not appear surprising. Malte-Brun informs us that Bosnia is admirably defended by nature ; that the roads are so very bad that cannon or artillery can only be transported on a few of them ; that the Turks, in the event of an invasion, may convey the greater part of the provi- * The first was directed against Banialuka ; the second against the fortresses of Buzin and Chetin ; the third against Osterwitch- atyk ; the fourth against Tzwernick, and the fifth against Yangi- bazar, or Novi-bazar. This last division reduced the fortress of Niss in Servia on its march to Yangibazar. Niss is supposed to have been the birth-place of Constantine the Great, and Pristina, or Guisterdil, that of Justinian. INTRODUCTION. X1U sions in Bosnia into their strong-holds ; that the vizir can easily raise eighty thousand troops, thirty thousand of whom are sufficient for the defence of the forts, whilst the remaining fifty thousand may be employed in the campaign ; and, in short, that the great difficulty in the conquest of Bosnia must be attributed to its numerous passes and thick woods, its castles, and also to the known courage of the Bosnians when they combat in their own land, and to the necessity of protecting an immense fron- tier against the incursions and attacks of light-armed troops. The same author informs us further, that Bosnia is, in proportion to its size, more populous than any of the other provinces in European Turkey ; and that it might, if its cultivation were extended, sup- port three or four times the number of its present inhabitants : and in his table of the population in European Turkey, and which is constructed accord- ing to a scale of Hassel, (1823,) we find it stated that Bosnia contains five hundred and sixty thousand inhabitants. M. Liechtenstein, whom he quotes, calculates the population of Bosnia at nine hundred thousand individuals, of whom two-thirds are of Slavonian origin. Appended to this quotation from Liechtenstein is a note by Malte-Brun himself; XIV INTRODUCTIONS wherein he says, " I believe that M. Hassel and his guides have estimated the inhabitants of Bosnia and Servia too low by one half ; and it is likely that the Slavonian population (including the Wallachians or Bulgaro-Slavo-Wallachians of Pindus) is at least equal to two millions." Whichever of these statements may be the nearest to the truth, we may conclude that its population, when the Prince of Saxe Hildburg- hausen and the Duke of Lorrain led their mighty and well-appointed forces against Bosnia in 1736, was not a very great deal less than when the above statements were made. In the history of the war in Bosnia we meet with the names of several places and fortresses which are no where else to be met with, but which, from their being mentioned in connexion with others that are known, may be conjectured to be somewhere in their neighbourhood, or at least not far from them. We shall endeavour to give a short sketch of some of the most remarkable places ; and in doing this we shall take Malte-Brun for our guide, from whom we have already borrowed a considerable part of our information concerning Bosnia. We begin with Bosnia-Serai, now the capital of the country : besides which and other principal towns, there are, it is INTRODUCTION. xv said, twenty-four fortresses and nineteen castles, which were built in the middle ages. Bosnia-Serai contains a population not less than sixty thousand souls. The forts are each flanked by four small turrets, and the walls are twelve feet thick. The houses in the city are adorned with gardens. On all sides are minarets, bastions, and turrets, and the whole is surrounded by well- wooded hills watered by the Miliaska and other feeders of the Bosna. It may be concluded, from the exten- sive trade in arms and jewellery, Malte-Brun observes, and from the numerous caravans which pass to Constantinople, that the inhabitants are as industrious as any in the Turkish dominions. A third of the inhabitants are members of the Greek Church. Traunick, formerly the capital of Bosnia, and by Ibrahim called the seat of government and jurisdic- tion, lies on the west of Bosnia-Serai towards the frontiers of Dalmatia. Its citadel, M* Desfosses says, is of little importance, while M. Petuisier says it is almost impregnable, It is the residence of the vizir-pasha of the province, on whom is conferred the title of the vizir of Hungary. His annual revenue amounts sometimes to 10,000/. ; and all the offices enjoyed by the ancient courtiers exist still in the XVI INTRODUCTION. court of the vizir : but the guardian and protector, in the north-west of the empire is changed every three years, and is often, before that period expires, deprived of his dignities at the instigation of the Bosnians. Yaitsha, or laicza, once the ancient abode of the kings of Bosnia, has fallen into decay. Banialuka, a large and commercial town, is situated about twenty-four miles below Yaitsha on the Verbas. This is the only town of which any description is attempted in the following history. It contained, according to Ibrahim, forty temples and mosques ; but he makes no mention of the number of its population, leaving his readers to con- jecture their probable number from their numerous temples. Malte-Brun says, that the houses, inclu- ding those in the citadel, are not fewer than four thousand two hundred. The garrison is estimated at six thousand men, and the place is defended by three strong redoubts. The number of Christian families in it is about eighteen hundred. Tzwernick, or Zwornick, situate on the Drin, had at one time a population of fourteen thousand souls, but at present it has less than six thousand. Vishe- grade lies a little beyond it to the east. Maglay and Vrandouk, on the Bosnia, are remarkable for INTRODUCTION. XV11 their strong citadels. Gradishka on the Save is one of the strongest places in the country, having been fortified, in 1774, by French engineers. This was the palanka which the Prince of Saxe Hild- burghausen, on his entrance into Bosnia, first re- duced; whence, also, he proceeded to Banialuka, where his troops not only met with a vigorous resis- tance, but were completely routed by the " orthodox troops," under the command of the vizir, Ali Pasha, and the intrepid Mohammed, the two principal heroes among the Moslems of that campaign. The Sanjiakship of Orbach is not so well known as the other parts of Bosnia. Hadji Khalfah makes the population of the town of Fotschia, which lies in this district, to amount to ten thousand souls. The different writers who mention it are not agreed as to its situation ; some placing it on the White Drin, others on the Moracse, and others again on the Zem. The church attached to the convent of Miloseva, in which are deposited the ashes of St. Saba, the first bishop of Servia, is said to be in this district. Yan- gibazar,or Novi-bazar, is in the district called Rascia, and is a populous town. Ozitcha, north of Yangi- bazar, was taken by the imperial troops in 1737, but was afterwards recovered by the Bosnians : it is a b XVlll INTRODUCTION. place of some trade, and con tains about six thousand inhabitants. Nooi or Novi, Dub or Dubieshse, and Behack or Behka, are small fortresses on the Una, and which resisted, in 1789, the united efforts of an Austrian army. Bosnia, before it was subjected to the Turkish yoke, was a Christian nation, though it is probable the inhabitants were split into Greek and Catholic Christians. Most of them have since, we learn, become Mussulmans, but differ entirely from the Turks in their manners, habits, and interests. Ibra- him has devoted a short but curious section, at the end of his work, to a description of the country and people of Bosnia, to which we refer the reader : their Christian neighbours are the members of a corrupt church. Those on the Drin and the Save, still attached to the Greek church, and those on the Ver- bas, from Yaitsha to Banialuka, and on the confines of Herzgovina, professing the doctrines of the Catholic faith, are all infected with the superstition, ignorance, and prevailing errors of the middle ages. The Bosnian language is a dialect of the Servian, and generally spoken throughout the country. The Turks seldom think of acquiring it, and are con- INTRODUCTION. XIX sidered strangers. Polygamy, so peculiar to Mo- hammedan countries, does not prevail to any great extent in Bosnia, and both sexes enjoy the privilege of choosing their companions for life. An unmarried female appears in public without a veil, and respect is shown to the mother of a family. In all these respects they differ widely from the inhabitants of eastern countries ; and Malte-Brun says, " the bar- barism of the Bosnians must be imputed to an intel- lectual separation from the rest of Europe : if they were enlightened,- if the Christian religion were preached in its gospel purity amongst them, they might soon become an independent nation." We have now brought our observations on Bosnia to a close, and have only to say further, that in translating the following work, we have en- deavoured to follow the original pretty closely, from an anxiety to preserve its oriental cast, which of course adds to its interest. The translation may, perhaps, from this cause appear clumsy and verbose, and not so well arranged as it might otherwise have been ; but we thought it would be injurious to sacri- fice the raciness of the original in endeavouring to adapt it to European taste. THE TRANSLATOR. ACCOUNT OF THE WAR IN BOSNIA, From the beginning of the Muharram, 1150 of the Hijra, (April the 19th, 1737, A. D.) to the end of the month Jamada 7 avval 1152. (August the 13th, 1739, A.D.)* WHEN, by the will of God, the war broke out in the eastern districts, and when several of the troops which had been sent to aid the true believers, had fallen a sacrifice to the greatness of the distance, the badness of the water, and the unhealthiness of the climate, it so happened, by the permission of God, that the plague made its appearance in the kingdom of Bosnia, and caused the destruction of multitudes. It was owing to the perfidious Muscovite infidels * European accounts state, that hostilities began early in 1737, and that the peace of Belgrade was signed on the 1st of September, 1739. A. D. The last day of Jamada 7 avval fell on the 13th of August, 1739. The date assigned in this work therefore ap- pears to be sufficiently exact, as some days must be allowed from the termination of hostilities to the conclusion of peace. A 2 ACCOUNT OF THE having violated their engagements with the Porte, that five thousand chosen men, standard-bearers, surgeons, and a number of brave officers, had been sent to the Russian frontiers, for the purpose of aiding the army of the faithful against the aggressions of the infidels. This circumstance left the kingdom of Bosnia in a great measure exposed, and also afforded an occasion to the infidel Germans to believe, that the country was in such a defenceless state, that they also were induced to violate the peace. Both Germans and Muscovites had formed, long before this, schemes against the peace and tranquillity of the empire ; and now both began to put their wicked designs into execution. Owing to the disasters which had befallen the empire in the east, these hateful wretches, the Germans, were led to think, when they perceived that Bosnia and the adjacent provinces were in a defenceless state in consequence of the war with the Muscovites, that the exalted Mohammedan power had become lax and feeble. They became inflamed with prospects of success, and wickedly resolved on attacking the Ottoman empire in various quarters. According to the account of the people of the country, their first object was to conquer Bosnia, and then the other provinces. The same account states, that more than a hundred and fifty thousand troops, from the German territory alone, came successively against Bosnia. When the German and Muscovite emperors had formed their base intentions against the Ottoman WAR IX BOSNIA. 3 empire, as before hinted, they at the same time deceitfully manifested an appearance of friendship. The Muscovite, however, soon returned to his old viilany, whilst the Germans, with a hollow show of good-will, continued to respect the existing treaty of peace. The Porte, in consequence of this appear- ance of good understanding manifested by the Ger- mans, was deceived ; and hence became less atten- tive to the affairs of the frontiers on the west. The Germans, however, no sooner perceived that the army had been sent to the frontiers of Muscovy, and that several provinces of the empire had been thus necessarily deprived of military force, than they forgot their engagements, seized the opportunity which now offered itself, and determined on imme- diately entering the Ottoman frontiers. They com- menced their operations against Bosnia* by dividing the army, which was collected into five divisions, each furnished with every thing necessary for the war, and attacked it in five different places. The Jirst attack was directed against Banialuka.f Eighty thousand Germans, and twenty thousand Hunga- rians, under the command of the Prince of Hild- burghausen, and four other generals, were sent to reduce the above place. At the distance of eight hoursj: journey from this fortress, they threw several bridges over the Save ; by which means they crossed * See Preface. f A fortified town on the river Verbas, about ten leagues south of the Save. \ An hour s journey is about three English miles. 4 ACCOUNT OF THE into Bosnia, and posted themselves in a palanka* called Gradishka. The generals of the fortresses Khurwatbani, Copur, and Waradzin, with their de- pendencies, fierce as daemons, divided their forces, consisting of Germans and Croatians, into two separate divisions, and marched against Buzin and Chetin, two fortresses on the utmost confines of the Ottoman empire. This formed the second grand division of the enemy's army. The third, a band of German and Lykaf infidels, amounting to twenty thousand, under the command of the generals of Lyka, CarlofF, and Sang, planted themselves before Osterwitch-atyk.J The fourth, an army of fifteen thousand Germans, and as many Slavonians or Servians, and Hungarians, made their way through the circle of Belgrade, and fortified themselves in the vicinity of Tzwernik. The roads of Bosnia, Romeli, and Albania, being almost entirely cut off by the enemy, they formed the design also of taking possession of the main road which leads to and from the interior of the empire to Bosnia ; and therefore sent their fifth army towards * Palanka &uL) is derived from the Hungarian plancte, and means a petty fortress surrounded by palisadoes. f Possibly the name of a particular body of Hungarian troops. I A little town with a castle, on the confines of Hungarian Dalmatia. Sometimes written Zwornick, a walled town defended by a castle, on the Drin. WAR IN BOSNIA. Yangi-bazar,* which is the key of Bosnia. On their way to that place they reduced the fortress of Niss. In this state of affairs it was next to impossible for the Islamite army to re-enter any of these places. Thus was Bosnia not only nearly surrounded, but its total overthrow threatened by an immense horde of infernal firebrands, furnished with every sort of weapon and apparatus of destruction fit for that pur- pose. After they had fortified themselves in their various positions, however, and before commencing actual hostilities against Bosnia, they fixed a day on which the different leaders entered into correspond- ence with the German emperor, and agreed to proceed no further in their movements till they heard from him : and thus, for a time, they manifested hesitation and irresolution. It was during this time, when the Muscovite violated the stability of the peace, and hastily em- ployed his strength in injuring the country of the Osmanlis, and when the Germans commenced their aggressions against Bosnia, that the men of the frontiers, in such circumstances of doubt and per- plexity, began to revolve in their minds these in- auspicious appearances, and subsequently formed the plan of defending themselves and their country against the efforts of the enemy. The accounts which they had received relative to the way in which the enemy had collected, and how they were busily * A town in Servia, a hundred and twelve miles south of Belgrade. 6 ACCOUNT OF THE employed in building ships (or boats) on the Danube and the Save, were more than sufficient to excite their terror and amazement. The men of the bor- ders, as well as the people of Bosnia, were uni- versally plunged into a state of despair and dis- traction. All these things, however, were not hid from his Excellency AH Pasha, the august vizir, the governor of Bosnia. The vizir, expert in affairs, prudent, and incomparable, in order not to awaken or increase the perturbation of the people, or augment their perplexities, though he well knew the state of affairs, kept all his griefs and agitations within his own breast. From the very first appearance of these troubles, the illustrious vizir was full of care and anxiety as to the result, and carefully attended to them all ; so much so, indeed, that his thoughtful and agitated mind kept him, on many an occasion, from taking his usual rest either by night or by day. The distressing letters and petitions which were sent to him for assistance from the men of the borders, as well as those which were sent him from the other inhabitants of the kingdom, and the judicious answers which he ordered to be returned in refer- . ence to their urgent claims, are not forbidden to be touched upon in this work. I have laid a statement of the whole of these affairs before his Excellency the Prime Minister, and I am anxiously waiting for his Highness's commands ; and even the sentiments in some of the letters which have been sent from the royal camp, and which affirm that we are even now on good terms with the Germans, are not prohibited WAR IN BOSNIA. 7 being adverted to, inasmuch as they were intended to soothe and allay the agitations of the people. From other documents it would appear, however, that it was after the German armies had come from the inner provinces of their empire towards Bosnia, and pretending for a time, as already observed, that they had come with no hostile intention, that the illustrious vizir became informed, by letters and petitions from all ranks and conditions, of the real state of affairs. This sad intelligence, it is said, soon excited terror, and spread a mysterious amaze- ment among the easy and undisturbed inhabitants of Bosnia : it sunk them into the depth of surprise. The vizir was no sooner apprised of this intelligence than he made all necessary enquiry as to the actual appearance of the enemy, and sent a special mes- senger to their infamous chief. The messenger lost no time. On his arrival he represented to the chief, in the name of the vizir, that the time specified in the treaty of peace concluded at Puozeroff * with the German emperor, had not then expired : and there- fore wished to be informed why they had come with such hostile appearance as they presented, and thus awakening the fears of all the inhabitants of that quarter, as well as threatening ruin and destruction to the Ottoman empire. The hateful and cursed commander replied : " We are not come with any hostile intentions, or with any view opposed to the good understanding and friendship which subsist * It was at this place the famous treaty was concluded in 1718 between Charles VI. and Achmet III. It is usually written, Passarowitz. 8 ACCOUNT OF THE betwixt the German emperor and you. Though we are come near to you," continued he, " it is only with the view of guarding our own frontiers." The messenger said in return : " How does it come to pass, seeing there is no declaration of war, that it is become necessary at this time, and in opposition to established custom, that you should come here with numerous troops and warlike stores ?" The fierce and execrable chief answered : " We have been so enjoined : we do not know the reason of it. When St. Peter's day (the 29th of June) arrives, you will receive an answer." On finishing this sentence, he gave such symptoms, in addition to the above answers, as left no room to doubt any further of their wicked and hostile intentions. The messenger returned, and related circumstantially the whole of his interview with the vile chief to the illustrious vizir. The vizir, after weighing all circumstances, saw it was right to remain no longer inactive. Couriers were immediately sent to all quarters, giving infor- mation of the state of affairs, and calling on the inhabitants every where to prepare for resistance. The grandees of state, the nobles, the enlightened men of the frontiers, the judges, the mufti, the priests, and the other learned effendis, were all invited to assemble. This mandate they all promptly obeyed by assembling in Traunick, the metropolis of Bosnia. After they had all assembled together in the governor's palace, his excellency the governor, the illustrious vizir, entered immediately on the business which had led to their convocation ; and, WAR IN BOSNIA. 9 after saluting them all in the most respectful and appropriate terms, he proceeded thus : " Ere now you will all have learned that the Germans have collected themselves in large bodies on our bor- ders, and that they appear prepared for commen- cing hostilities against our country. This was a kind of trouble which we did not anticipate, because we understood we were on a friendly footing with the German emperor ; and still these wretches, the Germans, maintain a feigned appearance of friendly intentions and good faith. These inflamed and raging Germans, contrary to the treaty betwixt the German emperor and the Porte, have been collected from the inner provinces of their country, and are now within our borders. This German army has divided itself into certain divisions, and stands prepared for carrying their machinations against our country into effect. You are, besides, acquainted with the nature of the letters and petitions which have reached us from the rulers and commanders on our frontiers ; and also with the message which was sent to the hostile chief, and the answer which he returned." The illustrious governor, after laying these things before the assembly, requested them to declare their sentiments, and offer their sugges- tions ; "so that by this," said he, " it may appear how such weighty counsel and ardent patriotism may be considerately, properly, and correspondingly brought to have effect." The assembly took all these things into quiet consideration. The heart of each of them became cheerful to a great degree : 10 ACCOUNT OF THE they continued their sittings ; carefully weighed and examined the various and important propositions submitted to their deliberation, and entered fully into the views of the governor. The grandees noted carefully down, and put into form, all these transac- tions : and let it be observed, in justice to the illus- trious governor, that it is owing to his judicious measures and consummate wisdom that our country was preserved, or rather delivered, from the move- ments and cruelty of the deceitful Germans ; that it did not fall, unprotected as it was, a prey to their ambition, by the stratagems which they had em- ployed to overthrow it. St. Peter's day (the 29th of June) was the day the enemy had determined on for commencing their work of destruction against Bosnia. It was there- fore said in this assembly: "We are not ignorant of the fraud and deceit of the enemy of our faith. Let us be found ready and united, exercising com- plete foresight, and making every necessary prepa- ration for meeting them with fortitude and valour. If the enemy commence their threatened hostilities, let us be found trusting in the arm of Omnipotence, and fleeing to Him for protection let us hasten to the place where the enemy of our faith and of the empire first show themselves, and vigorously and manfully oppose them let us, trusting in the all- avenging God, righteous and holy, quickly move against this hateful horde, and employ our utmost endeavour to oppose their assaults." When the governor understood these sentiments, coupled as WAR IN BOSNIA. 11 they were with just motives and determinations, he applauded their wise decisions a thousand times ; congratulated them on their heroic determination, and concluded with the wonted prayers, whilst every heart exulted with joy at the prospect of soon being called upon to fight for his country and his faith. It was resolved in this assembly : 1. That the vizir, the nobles, and chiefs, having first obtained the consent of the people, should begin without delay to raise an army, and provide for its being soon in a state fit for meeting the enemy, and that persons qualified for taking the command should be appointed : 2. That proper persons should be selected for taking care of the infirm brothers and sons of the men of Bosnia, who had gone to war against Muscovy : 3. That it should be shewn clearly and evidently why it became necessary that this warlike attitude was assumed, in order that none might re- main ignorant of the fraud and deceit of the enemy : It was also resolved, in the 4th place, that all the horse and foot, fit for the fatigues of war, should be ready at a moment's notice, and repair to the plains of Traunick.* This decree was ordered to be pro- claimed throughout the kingdom, to the cities and regions on the frontiers, and to all the ancient holders of castles and passes ; to the grand army ; and to all the chief captains, lords, nobles, citizens, and inha- bitants ; in order that all might be roused to vigi- lance and circumspection, and stand ready for the purpose of repelling the enemy at the proper * Situate on the borders of Dalmatia. 12 ACCOUNT OF THE moment, and giving them battle. These strong and decisive orders were soon circulated every where, and warlike stores were ordered to be sent to the different districts. The governor and the states were employed in this way for a whole month, in making preparations for fierce contest and battle. The members of this assembly were quite determined ; and even those of them who had been disposed to give way to fear, became firm and reso- lute in the presence of the governor. The governor, after all these affairs had been fully attended to, permitted the members of the assembly to return to their respective abodes. The various events which had recently taken place, both with respect to the appearance which the enemy had assumed, and the preparations which were deemed necessary for repelling him, caused much thought and anxiety of mind to the illustrious governor and to the inhabitants ; but more espe- cially to him, as he felt particularly anxious as to how these events, hitherto concealed under a most mysterious Providence, might finally end. Being, however, in some measure provided with arms and other weapons of defence, they waited anxiously for the first movement of the enemy. It was not long after these things that the day which the haughty and wicked infidels had men- tioned arrived, on which they commenced their threatened movements against Bosnia. Their nu- merous army, now within the limits of the empire, began their work of bloodshed and death. These WAR IN BOSNIA. 13 determined movements commenced on the very day they had fixed, viz. the llth day of the third month (Rabiu 1 avval) 1500, but according to the European manner of reckoning, the 29th of July, 1737.* The enemy of the faith, unfortunately, on the day above mentioned, took up a position in a place near to Tzwernik. Accounts of their having at- tacked a palanka in the neighbourhood of this for- tress, of their killing the men, taking four hundred prisoners, consisting of women and children, and of their having seized and taken a great deal of plunder, and then burning the palanka, were soon communicated by the inhabitants of Tzwernik to the governor. These communications were accompanied by earnest petitions, soliciting the governor to send them, as speedily as possible, all the aid he was able to afford them. The illustrious governor was much afflicted by this intelligence. No other dis- tressing event of this sort, however, had yet oc- curred : but this was a prelude to those which soon followed. In this exigency, Okhurly Achmet Pasha, with * July is an evident error for June, because St. Peter's day occurs on the 29th of June, and not on the 29th of July, as stated in the text. Now, as the first day of the Mahomedan year 1150 began on the 19th of April, 1737, it will be found that the eleventh day of Rabiu '1 avval fell apparently on the 30th of June in that year ; making a difference of but one day from the time stated by the writer. But when we bear in mind that the Mahomedan day begins at the moment of sunset the preceding day, we shall find that the date assigned is quite correct. 14 ACCOUNT OF THE all the men of his house and five bairaks * taken from the Janissaries of the court, was ordered to succour Tzwernik without delay. Before this event took place, the governor and the head men of Bosnia, according to their previous resolution, had remained quiet, without offering any resistance to the invading army. On the arrival of the above intelligence, however, inactivity was changed into resolution and ardour. The illustrious governor, the noble vizir, without a moment's pro- crastination, pitched his camp in the plains of Traunick. Sheep, according to the rules of religion, were here sacrificed, and prayers were offered up for the divine assistance. Soon after this, the army of the empire made its appearance, and was ordered to repair to the governor's camp in the plains of Traunick. Orders to this effect were also sent to all quarters throughout the kingdom. In conse- quence of the sagacious and prudent measures which were adopted by the illustrious vizir, all the effective men of the different departments of the kingdom, with their chiefs; the learned effendis, the feudal chiefs, eager to fight ; surgeons, and reverend muftis ; all repaired to the camp of the orthodox believers at Traunick. * Bairak ( *) jo), companies so called from their colours, or standards. WAR IX BOSNIA. 15 OF OSTERWITCH-ATYK. The illustrious governor, full of deep contem- plation and anxiety, was all eyes and ears, waiting for more information respecting the other secret arrangements and movements of the hateful enemy, in order more effectually to discover their strength and situation. So much was he pressed with thought, care, and agitation, as to the way in which he might most effectively render assistance to the orthodox faithful, and baffle the efforts of the ene- mies of the faith, that he was for several days and nights without taking any repose whatever. In this state of solicitude, and after several days, he at last learned that the enemy had advanced to Osterwitch-atyk on the 18th day of the month of the Jlrst rabiu* and had erected a fortification be- fore it. OF THE ASSISTANCE RENDERED TO OSTERWITCH-ATYK. The intrepid governor, wise and prudent, hastened, with all manner of solicitude and care, to afford them the necessary aid. He immediately ordered a reinforcement to be sent to Osterwitch-atyk ; the command of which was committed to Ali Pasha * The 6th of July, 1737. 16 ACCOUNT OF THE Osman, chief of the royal messengers, and to the renowned and celebrated Mohammed, formerly com- mander of Tzwernik. This reinforcement amounted to five thousand men, all of them veterans of the most undaunted courage. The two commanders were enjoined by the governor to act in unison, and mutually to consult each other in their operations. The men of Traunick, and those in the country round it, composed this party ; and the chief of the militia was also ordered to join himself to the two com- manders. The commanders and their party of ve- terans set out for Osterwitch-atyk, a distance of thirty- three hours' journey ; and the people of the country to which they went, when they saw an army was sent to defend their city and fortress, assembled in troops, and joined this army, and thus formed a considerable body of auxiliaries. The whole proceeded with hasty steps till they reached Belai, a place not far from the besieged fortress. Like the troubled confluence of two large rivers, which, after meeting and uniting into one,* make a tumultuous noise resembling the ocean ; so these forces like the uplifted waves are in a state of ebullition to rescue the besieged Mussulmans. (i. e. marju'l bahrain.) WAR IN. BOSNIA. 17 OF THE AFFAIRS OF THE FORTRESS OF OSTERWITCH-ATYK. The enemy of the faith employed more than fif- teen days in their efforts against this place, dis- tressing its inhabitants night and day, but all their attempts and they spared no means they could command to gain their object were fruitless. In the fortress was a number of brave, resolute, and orthodox believers, who were ready and willing to risk their lives in their own defence and that of the place, and who were eager to fight the enemy; and by no means disposed to show them any compassion. There were in it, besides, a number of females who, like the ancient Bosnian women, acquired the courage of heroes. These changed their female dress for the habiliments of warriors, and appeared, sword in hand, in the ranks of the besieged, ready and determined, acting in concert with their male companions. Some of them carried balls, &c. to the fighting men, and stood ready for rendering any service they were able to perform. There were others who went forth with cups, jars, and other water-vessels, to meet their heroic bride- grooms, thirsting for the pure water of life,* and reminded them of the favour of God. Some em- * I. e. immortality. Paradise is the reward promised by Mohammed to those who fall fighting against infidels, and they are declared to be martyrs for the faith. B 18 ACCOUNT OF THE ployed themselves in preparing victuals, and others again administered medicine to the wounded, or bound up their wounds with suitable bandages. The troops in the fortress were indeed few in num- ber, whilst those of the enemy were very numerous, and played night and day with their guns, &c. against the fortress : the inhabitants were thus sorely pressed, and were beginning to fear that the days of disgrace, of increasing distress, and of labour, were likely to be protracted : they also began to despair of receiving aid early enough to prevent their falling into the hands of the enemy. These were the circumstances in which they were when they wrote to the governor. OF THE SUCCOUR SENT TO RESCUE OSTERWITCH-ATYK. Whilst the inhabitants were thus situated, and perplexed about the troops, which they had heard had been sent to their aid, and whilst they were consulting together which was the surest method they could adopt for routing the enemy, just at this time the enemy suddenly raised the siege, and moved forward to meet the troops which were sent to succour Osterwitch-atyk, and who were now on their march from Belai. Both armies met, front to front. The Islamite army drew their swords, cried Allah ! Allah ! kept close together, and thus presented a formidable appearance to the enemy. WAR IX BOSXJA. 19 The champions of the faith lost no time iri trying the bravery of the enemy, by falling on them with lion-like courage. It was not long before they per- ceived that the strength of the enemy began to give way. The brave men who joined the troops from the camp entered in among the enemy, brandishing their swords and spears, and made havoc in every direction. The victory was complete. Most of the enemy became food for the swords of the true believers, whilst those of them who escaped this carnage fled in confusion. The victorious warriors pursued these fugitives for the space of five hours, in which they hewed down numbers of them, and took many of them prisoners, whom they carried off in chains. The whole of their cannon and war- like stores was seized, besides a great quantity of plunder. In this way, and by these means, Osterwitch- atyk was completely saved from the machinations of the execrated enemy. During these scenes, many of the brave Mussulmans, both men and women, departed from this vale of tears, and went to re- ceive the rewards of martyrdom in the other world. Several were wounded, and others reduced to weak- ness in consequence of the fatigues which they had endured. The walls and the rampart of the fortress, and some of the most elevated dwellings in the city, were much injured by the cannon of the enemy. Some of the troops which had been sent to assist the besieged drank, also, the sweet sherbet of mar- tyrdom : among whom was Osman Bey, one of the 20 ACCOUNT OF THE two commanders before mentioned. Of the infidel army, however, immense numbers perished. Gene- ral Topal, the commander of this division of their army, was killed, and not one of their other leaders escaped either being killed or taken prisoner. Colonel Grooff was among the latter. The victors, after this signal overthrow of the enemy, resolved on sending an account of their success to the governor, and appointed some of the intrepid warriors to be the bearers of this glorious intelligence, and also to carry along with them a few of the most eminent of their prisoners, and pre- sent them before him. It must be observed, however, that the governor, after having sent off the reinforcement to Oster- witch-atyk, in consequence of hearing of the ene- my's movements, and of the greatness of their nu- merical strength, was roused by his zeal and strength of obligations to afford more assistance, when neces- sary, and therefore he, his followers, and the whole of the Islamite camp, removed from Traunick to- wards Osterwitch-atyk. On the very day of the victory the governor commenced his march, and had proceeded no further than three hours' journey when he received intelligence of the joyful event. This news exhilarated the heart of the governor, and of the Mussulmans universally. After return- ing thanks to God, the illustrious governor ordered splendid presents to be made to the individuals who had brought him the joyful tidings, according to their rank and degree. The illustrious governor WAR IN BOSNIA. 21 pitched his camp at a place called Yaitsha, six hours' journey further on. OF THE ARMY WHICH WENT TOWARDS BANIALUKA. The enemy's troops which had placed them- selves at Gradishka, opposite to Banialuka, as be- fore observed, continued for a time without offering any further hostility. At length, however, they destroyed that place, and marched towards Bania- luka with the view of besieging it. Information of this having been communicated to the governor by the mufti of Banialuka, Mohammed Effendi, and other persons of distinction, it was soon resolved to send without delay aid to Banialuka, which was now threatened with a siege. The success, how- ever, which had attended the Islamite army at Osterwitch-atyk gave a preponderance in favour of the Mussulmans, and served greatly to encourage them. There were present in Banialuka at this time, Agha Ibrahim, the Kaim Makam* of Serai, the Agha of the militia, with their followers, and a courageous party of the men of the borders ; all of them inured to difficulties. The troops which were sent to succour this place reached their desti- nation before the enemy had time to appear. Two or three days afterwards, the commander of the infidels, Prince Hildburghausen, while on his * Locum tenens. 22 ACCOUNT OF THE way from Gradishka, ordered a chosen party of seven or eight hundred men to proceed, under the command of Dubinel, a companion of one of the depraved friends of the emperor, the bastard of an infidel, to plunder and burn the city and its suburbs. This information having reached the inhabitants, it roused them and the garrison to rage and the desire of revenge. The citizens and the garrison met in one place ; and after taking a view of the conduct of the enemy in entering the Otto- man dominions contrary to the existing treaty, their having burned a palanka belonging to it, their hav- ing killed the men who were in that palanka, and carrying off the women, and their attack on Oster- witch-atyk and other places belonging to the Porte, it appeared too notorious to leave them any longer in doubt of the hostile object of the enemy : their machinations appeared clear as day. When it was, therefore, proposed that every effort should be made to oppose the enemy, the lieutenant of the fortress and a number of weak-hearted men said, " We have been sent to take care of the fortress : we have received no orders to go to war. Is it, there- fore, proper, in these circumstances, to proceed of our own accord ?" The multitude of the assembly, however, great and small, said in return, " The enemy is come to our doors. Last night they were within five or six hours' journey of our city : there is no doubt that they will be here either to-day or to-morrow. Is it not therefore imperative on us to oppose them?' 5 Ali Eflfendi, a native of Bosnia, WAR IN BOSNIA. 23 and a man of great bravery, and other doctors of the law and observers of religion, all of them pru- dent and skilful in affairs, showed to a demon- stration that, if the affair were allowed thus to con- tinue in suspense, and not met immediately with firmness and zeal, the consequence could not fail to be disastrous to them all . AH said further, that they ought to be aware, lest through some sort of temptation they should be led to cherish a feeling of mercy for the hateful infidels. " There is no doubt," said he, " that your slaughtered heroes, your martyred saints, your pious labours, will be re- warded in both worlds." After saying this, he lifted up his hand, pronounced a prayer, and then said, " I have devoted you all "* (to God). This speech had the effect of rousing them all to thirst for conflict and battle. At this moment of general agreement, eight hun- dred cavalry were selected from the city and for- tress, and placed under the command of the Agha of the militia, Mohammed Agha, who had been de- puted by the governors, the commanders of Gra- dishka and Maglai, men of great bravery and courage. Spies were immediately sent off to gain information as to the state of the enemy. In the meantime the eight thousand of the enemy formerly alluded to divided themselves into three divisions of one, two, and^e thousand. They fell, however, a few hours' journey backwards, in * I.e. to become martyrs for the true faith. 2 ACCOUNT (>\ i r that they might more conveniently conceit ><* tm to their operation*, and be the more able to render aid to each other when it hould be found necessary to do MO, Thi* wa* their mis- fortune. The *pie* soon returned, and gave an ac- ' "i theii dirided condition, nd led the Mtif- lulmtfl it once to perceive ,that the time had i 'i i'u taking revenge. The brave and heroic "f II"<>I>H whirh had been chosen, as before observi-cl, rushed out of the city about the /////// /i boflhi night, and by day-break came up to the lesser division, and prepared immediately for attacking it. The heroic and confederate Mussul- man*, a* the day advanced a little, drew their Mwonl*, ru*hed violently on the enemy, and scattered ' v. . / IK M 'I lie rnrmy, finding Ui<-.niM:l vi-s unable to re*ist the impetuosity of the veteran Mus- Kiilw;iiiM, noon gave way. The greater part of them I- II victim* to the sword of the victorious warriors, wliil*t those of them who escaped the *word fled in precipitation to jm t IK; next greater division of their army. The victorioun Mussulmans were, however, . I I!M i, I,. . I , ;IM>| ;,fl;M l.< (I ll.r, divr.ioi. ;iKo, with li"N-like courage, exposing thr/ir own lives in th< mo*t heroic mannn m thin daring conflict with UK . < i:.ll infidrlN. Th' victorioiiH w;nriors sue riTilrcl in |',c!linr, In Ion-, iii(i(lcl IIOK!, ;inrl ;it- |;M l.l Ihcin in cvrry (jiiiirlcr. Tln-y w:n: olili^-.d io yn Id their courage completely failed them- Ihryhiinrd tlicii hurks, ;ni\ the * nerny, however, imrn< -n < mulh tudes p<-rrhed. A number of raptam:-. and one "< rjTal v/ re amon;^ their :-.lain. Two eaptairr.. of whom was l.he individual who wan appointed to advance, and plunder and hum the eity, were tal:'/, prffOncrM. l ha, a native of lio'-.rjia, cn(Jeavounf)^ to take the ahove mentioned ; ral alive, the exeerate^d wretch tried to destroy liun f>y a hall horn lie, piere. \lustapha. <\rcat: both fell off their horftCN and oppo ' d r-aeh other with death hk<- fury; but Muntapha wa>. th<- eonrjue^ror. Whcjj thm in- fidel ^ejjeTal wan on the point of d> i of martyfH whr> fell on thf <>n The vietoriouH MusKulmans, aftr f ^btamm^ tliCMC splendid victories over the enemy, relumed in triumph to the, city, and to tin community of the true believers. After many expression* of joy and ^ratulation on the part of the inhabitant--., it wax ;r'f< ' 'I to vend an ;" ount of th' s" vpl-ndid a'-}iie-ve 26 ACCOUNT OF THE ments to the illustrious governor. Accordingly a certain number of the delegated troops were ap- pointed to this duty ; and also to carry along with them the two captive chiefs, and to present them before him. The governor was still at Yaitsha when the deputation arrived, which, without loss of time, made known to him the nature of their embassy, and presented the prisoners before him. It was soon rumoured, however, that the remain- ing body of the enemy was making towards Bania- luka. The governor, without delay, and with the view of circumventing the enemy, removed his camp to Puderashtasha, a distance of six hours' journey from Yaitsha. Orders were immediately issued every where for all the troops to meet on a certain day, and at one hour of that day, in the Moslem camp. After the troops which had been sent to Osterwitch-atyk, and who had finished the war in that quarter, returned to the camp, the governor, after giving thanks to God for the success which had attended them, made them splendid presents as a reward of their victory. Other troops from other places returned also to the camp. The camp continued where it now was, and in a state of quietness, till the danger which threat- ened Banialuka became more apparent. This no sooner took place, however, than Mohammed, who had been one of the victorious commanders at Oster- witch-atyk, was sent with a party towards Bania- luka. Mohammed, after reaching the vicinity of Banialuka, made every necessary observation, and WAR IX BOSNIA. 27 sent word to the governor how matters stood. The illustrious governor immediately sent him orders to retire to a place above Banialuka, on the Verbas, and there secrete himself and his men from the view of the enemy. Mohammed obeyed, but anxiously looked for the arrival of the governor and his army. The governor, however, was obliged to remain where he was for the space of fifteen days, waiting the arrival of the Islamite troops from the distant pro- vinces, before which he was not in a condition to march to Banialuka. In this interval, information reached the governor that the generals of Khurwatbani, of Waradzin and Copurwitchsha,* with their troops and an immense multitude of infidels, had formed themselves into two divisions : the first consisted of twenty thou- sand Germans and Croatians, and had besieged the fortress of Buzin, and the other division, consisting of an equal number, had besieged Chetin ; two places belonging to the Ottoman empire. GOD, THE PRESERVER AND KEEPER OF LIFE ! This sad intelligence was as if the mighty ocean had roared, as if the contending depths struggled with each other. The venerable govern6r, the illustrious vizir, magnanimous and of high confidence in God, turned towards the Supreme Giver of all * Places belonging to Croatia on the north of the Save. 28 ACCOUNT OF THE good, and repeated over and over again the thoughts of his heart before him. He and the honorable commanders in the army entered into deep and earnest deliberation and consultation, encouraged each other, entered more fully into the bands of amity and concord, and deliberated on the way by which they might most effectually give help to their friends and countrymen ; and determined to main- tain in this union and concord, the firmness of a castle built on a rock. The illustrious governor convoked all the mem- bers of his council, and laid before them the accounts from the inhabitants of Buzin and Chetin. In his speech before the council, he ad- verted to the success which God had given to their arms at Osterwitch-atyk, and how the enemy was there completely defeated. That was an event, he observed, which brought them all much joy, " but it is now," continued he, " succeeded by afflic- tion, cares, and anxieties. Both these come to pass by the providence of God. On one side Buzin and Chetin (he still speaking) are besieged by the armies of our enemies, and Banialuka is sorely pressed by the siege which the enemy have also commenced against it. In these circumstances how are we to act ? and which of our brethren in the faith are we first to help ?" The whole of the members of the council bowed their heads, and became thoughtful. After contemplating the communication which the go- vernor had made to them, they awoke, as it were, WAR IX BOSNIA. 29 from a dream of surprise. They consulted together on the various topics which had been laid before them, and came, after due deliberation, to the unani- mous conclusion, that though Buzin and Chetin cer- tainly did belong to the Ottoman empire, yet they were on the frontiers of Bosnia, whilst Banialuka belonged to the interior ; and that, although the enemy should succeed in their attempts against these places, yet it was their duty to recover the interior of their country from the invading enemy. "When this is accomplished," said they, " they would then turn their arms to those quarters, and would not leave a horse* of the enemy remaining within their dominions." It was therefore agreed to, and re- solved to succour Banialuka first. The governor applauded this resolution, said that it was quite in unison with his own sentiments, and promised that the army should move towards Banialuka without delay. After performing their devotions, in conform- ity to the rules of religion, the council broke up. DESCRIPTION OF BANIALUKA. Banialuka, at the commencement of the king- dom of Bosnia, was the residence of the governors of Bosnia, and a strong fortress. The city and suburbs contain at present forty temples and mosques. A great river, the Verbas, runs through * Literally, a hoof. 30 ACCOUNT OF THE it ; a branch of it touches the east side of the fortress, and runs along it. This river is navigable by ships : it is a great river : its source is in the district of Ak Kallah : rising among the mountains in that quarter, it runs from south to north ; reaches Yaitsha, passes through Banialuka, and falls into the Save, eight hours' journey from Banialuka. It is a fast-flowing and deep river. Ships laden at Banialuka are carried by it to the Save, and the Save carries them again to Belgrade. THE ENEMY S ATTACK ON BANIALUKA. In the meanwhile the enemy, coming with all their forces, laid siege to Banialuka. They threw up a ditch around the fortification which they had erected against the fortress : they surrounded the city and fortress on the west, between the two branches of the river, with another large and deep ditch. The fourth part of their troops they made to cross over to the right side of the river, by two bridges which they had erected for that purpose : by the same means also they got over a number of field-pieces and other implements of war. They drew another large and deep ditch from the entrance of the city to the brink of the river : thus the city and fortress were surrounded by a cloud of oppressors, and circumvallated by injustice. The erections and ditches being completed, they opened their fire in WAR IN BOSNIA. 31 nine different places, using their utmost skill to beat down the walls of the fortress. The inhabitants became desperate, having night and day eighteen hundred shot of various kinds poured in upon them : the courageous followers of the prophet, however, rushed forth occasionally in bands, and attacked the enemy's batteries, cheering each other in their daring attempts. Many of these brave men fell, and many more were wounded ; but greater num- bers of the enemy perished. The army of the enemy, however, was still strong and ardent in their work ; regarding neither the dead nor the living, they prose- cuted it with their utmost vigour. The troops of the faithful were not less ardent and zealous in defending themselves against these infidels ; they opposed guns to guns, lead to lead, and slackened not in their glorious efforts, but went on in their work with heart and soul. It happened, however, that a woman belonging to the faithful fell into the hands of the enemy. The commander of the exe- crated infidels, when he saw this woman, thought he might accomplish his purpose by her means : he immediately wrote a letter, and sent it by her to the fortress. The following is a translation of the perfidious letter: "To the intrepid and devout Pasha of Banialuka, and the other persons of distinc- tion along with him, peace ! With this affectionate token of our regard, and in conformity to good amity, it is necessary to announce, candidly, to your presently agitated minds, our views. You have seen our warlike preparations, and contemplated the 32 ACCOUNT OF THE strength of the imperial army. You too have per- formed many great deeds, it must be allowed ; you have fully fulfilled your promises of fidelity. This is enough be it known to you, therefore, that whatever zeal you may after this manifest, it will turn to no good account. If you persist in your mad efforts, you will foolishly perish in your attempts. You have no force to contend with us. You will get succour from no quarter : the pasha in whose suc- cour you confide has only three thousand men ; I have four illustrious generals with me, any one of whom is able to brave the most renowned of your pashas. Of what avail, then, will the coming of your pasha be ? At this moment we have strong and mighty armies besieging other fortresses of your country ; the cheering news of their being victorious is daily expected. Besides, the son-in-law of the emperor, the Duke of Lorrain,* is appointed com- mander-in-chief of the imperial army, and all the Ottoman provinces in Europe are already declared to be vanquished. Only a few days ago he removed from Belgrade, vanquished the fortress of Niss/f and is now on his march to the fortress of Widdin.J Special messengers have brought me letters informing me of all this : if you wish to see them, I shall send * Successively the husband of Maria Theresa, and emperor of Germany. f A walled town, situate on a river of the same name, about fifty leagues south-east of Belgrade. I A fortress on the Danube, in the north-east corner of Bul- garia, and upwards of forty leagues south-east of Belgrade. WAR IN BOSNIA. 33 them to you, and you will be convinced : you see you have no alternative left : at all events we will take the fortress ; then nothing will remain to you, if you continue obstinate, but ruin to yourselves and conflagration to your city and fortress. It re- mains, therefore, with you to decide which of these alternatives you will adopt; if you accept of our advice and timely warning, we shall send you in safety with your acknowledged property to any place you choose ; if, however, you reject our pro- posals and continue obstinate, we shall utterly de- stroy you : do not say, therefore, that you have not had due notice. Peace !" This malicious and deceitful letter was read to the people, from the contents of which it appeared but too evident, that by their protestations of friendship they meant to convince them that they came to do them good. This letter was no sooner read in the presence of the people, however, than the pasha of the fortress said, in the presence of the whole assem- bly : " People of Mohammed, fathers, brothers, children, you have heard the vain-glorious boastings of these infidels ; what do you say?" They all in return said : " This fortress belongs to his majesty, the magnificent, the powerful, and glorious asylum of protection, the emperor of the Ottomans : we will never with our hands give it over to the enemy : we, with our families, have lived under the wing of its protection : the place of our fathers we will not yield to the enemy of our faith : we are ready to c 34 ACCOUNT OF THE sacrifice our lives in behalf of our religion and our emperor ; none of us, except he perish, will withdraw his hand from the sword." These solemn resolves were again repeated over the holy book, when all shook hands, and each went away, thus inspired, to his respective place. They all agreed, however, to give reason to the enemy to believe that they had accepted of their proposals, and fired off their guns. The pasha that same night wrote letters to the governor, intimating to him the state of affairs, and sent them by men well acquainted with the roads and by-paths. These men having disguised them- selves, approached secretly the enemy's works about the first watch of the night, crossed the ditches un- observed, and arrived in safety at the governor's camp. The governor having read these letters, wrote in return, and assured them of aid, and in his consummate wisdom encouraged them to be zealous, and made them promises of reward : "when behold," said he in his letter, " I personally, and a complete and zealous army, are ready like the raging sea to come to your assistance. By the help of God I will soon reach you." This heart-cheering letter was sent off the following night by the above messengers. Before dispatching these messengers, he told them to take different routes, in order that they might escape being observed ; by the help of God, how- ever, they, reached the fortress in safety, having taken the same road by which they went, and crossing the enemy's ditches as before, without WAR IN BOSNIA. 35 having been observed by any of them. The intelli- gence which they carried from the governor excited their courage, and filled them with joy and hope. The governor in the meantime made all prepara- tions : and on the 23rd of the month Timuz* (July), he moved with his camp from the place where it was pitched by break of day, with pomp and great glory, directly towards the enemy. When he was about three hours' journey forward, he, in conformity to a plan previously formed, turned from the high road, and marched along the side of the hills near Banialuka, towards the Verbas. The renowned Mohammed on the same day left the place where he had secreted himself, and in three hours' march reached the Verbas : and having crossed it with his men, consisting of foot and horse, he took up a position on a high hill above Banialuka, having that day performed a journey of twelve hours. Next day being market day, he descended at two o'clock into the plains of Banialuka, and formed soon after- wards a conjunction with the governor's army. In the meantime the reverend and august governor, the commander-in-chief, was in a state of complete readiness, exercising the most consummate skill in all his operations ; having in his train the Agha of Serai and the royal Janissaries. The lord of Bosnia, the cream and the felicity of the state ; the effendis of the various departments, the judges, the inhabi- * The mention of Tlmuz, a Syrian month, which is indisputably July, supports the note already made p. 13, that the 29th of July had been put by error for the 29th of June. 36 ACCOUNT OF THE tants skilled in affairs, and heroic officers, sat to- gether in council, and afforded to the commander- in-chief their counsel and advice. The troops under Mohammed formed the right wing ; and the militia and the standard-bearers, with their new auxiliaries, formed the left. The whole Moslem army was thus in an attitude for commencing the battle with either the right, left, or middle divisions, as circumstances might seem to require. A number of others, such as preachers, priests, &c., hastened to join them- selves to the Moslem army, in order to take a part in this honourable war. Others, in the meanwhile, employed themselves in performing pious duties, offering up various prayers, &c. &c., and in imploring direction of God in the mysterious difficulties with which his divine will had surrounded them. In this state, and thus animated and prepared, they commenced their movement, though slowly, towards the field of battle. The commander-in-chief, when they were within a short distance of the field, stepped forward to the front, and delivered to them a speech suitable to the circumstances in which they were placed; saying to one " Father," to another " Son," to a third, " Brother, this is a day of vengeance. This day I am as one of you, I am nothing more than a poor humble servant of God. This day is a day in which we are willingly to offer ourselves sacrifices in behalf of our great, illustrious, benevo- lent, merciful, native lord, the Ottoman emperor, under whose wings we have taken refuge, and in behalf also of our religion." In this way did the WAR IN BOSNIA. 37 commander-in-chief prepare the minds of his ortho- dox army, for meeting with patience and calmness the fierce battle and contest which was soon to ensue. After having animated and encouraged his troops, he returned to his place, whilst his camp presented a picture of glory and strength, of firm- ness and union. The execrated enemy did not imagine that the Moslem army had crossed the river, till they saw the troops of the faithful coming down upon them from the hills, which caused immediately great com- motions and stirrings amongst them, both in the line of their fortification and in their trenches: fifteen thousand more troops came to this side of the river, and joined themselves under four generals, to those who had been sent thither before : their cannon they pointed at the Moslems; and two divisions, trusting to the fate of fortune, were placed to oppose the army of the faithful : the night coming on, how- ever, put a stop to any further proceedings on both sides. Next day the pious and affectionate commander- in-chief descended from his horse and touched the base earth with his face, weeping and saying, "O God ! O God ! this is a day of slaughter, a day mocking, as it were, the honours and destructions of the day of judgment. Do not put thy servant to shame ; shew compassion this time ftlso to thy un- worthy servant, for the sake of the true religion and the chief of the prophets (Mohammed). My inten- tions are according to law and justice : it is the work 38 ACCOUNT OF THE of the infidels to obliterate the glory of the true faith from the page of the world, the pure attributes of God from the face of the earth, and to drive away the belief of the necessary existence and the excel- lence and glory of the One God. My supplication is, that God may defeat and destroy these faithless and treacherous wretches, who have wickedly and deceitfully attempted to ruin thy humble servants." After having put up these humble prayers to God, he mounted his steed, drew his sabre, brandished it before the enemy, and, after giving a sign to his troops to commence their attack, he rushed forward to battle. The orthodox army, like the mighty waves of the ocean, moved from their place, crying Allah ! Allah ! and without regarding the cannon and fire-arms of the enemy, entered into close contest and battle with the hostile army and enemies of the faith. The orthodox army, by the divine assistance, was soon successful in destroying four of the enemy's positions, and succeeded also in slaying three of their principal generals. A great number of these abject wretches became terror-struck, and whilst trying to escape by flight, fell into the river and were drowned. During two hours' struggle, in which the Moslems were victorious, many of the infidels were cut down : they succeeded, however, though with dif- ficulty, in getting a reinforcement from the other side of the river, and, being still numerous, they seemed determined to continue the contest, regarding neither the living nor the dead ; but in the space of four hours more they were obliged to give way. WAR IN BOSNIA. 39 The roar of the cannon, and the brandishing of swords and javelins ceased. It is related that Mo- hammed, who commanded the right wing of the Moslems, had his horse shot under him a little after he had entered into the battle, but immediately mounted another which his servant brought him : this was also shot ; but the ardent and zealous Ca- pudan* mounted a third, which he seized from another of his servants. Entering within the lines of the enemy, and scattering death around him, this new horse fell, and he himself was wounded. In these circumstances of adverse fortune, and though on foot wounded, and his head streaming with blood, he did not permit the enemy to make him their prey. It is further said of him, that when he was brought into the presence of the commander- in-chief, a fine and splendid steed, a garment of honour, and a wreath of glory, were presented to him, besides many other things, as tokens of esteem and respect. No sooner, however, did the intrepid Capudan Mohammed get his wounds bound up than again he mounted on horseback, entered the ranks against the enemy, and did wonders. The broken and en- feebled enemy was no longer able to oppose the impetuosity of the orthodox troops, who were every- where victorious. The favour-bestowing banners of Islam returned from this carnage with great pomp, and the troops with demonstrations of joy at the * Corruption of captain. 40 ACCOUNT OF THE splendid victory they had achieved. In this dread- ful second conflict many of the blessed Moslems, in their zeal for the faith, passed from this vain world to a place in Paradise as their inheritance. How- ever, the multitudes of the infidels who perished by the victorious swords of the faithful were in- numerable. The field of battle was covered with slaughtered unbelievers. Their celebrated com- mander and general fell also, and his soul went to perdition. Thus, by the guidance and protection and favour of Heaven, the orthodox faithful vanquished com- pletely the power of the enemy, which afforded them joy and exultation and triumph. It is con- jectured that this famous battle commenced three hours after sun-rise on one of the days in the month of July, and continued till the sun was half west. If this account be correct, the orthodox must have contended with these abject wretches for more than five watches. In their last attack on the enemy they were so completely successful, that they drove them to seek retreat by the bridges, but which had been cut down before they could reach them, and thus they nearly all perished in the Verbas, except about two hundred of them who succeeded in swim- ming across. On this glorious day the Mussul- mans took twelve pieces of cannon, three mortars, more than two thousand three hundred tents ; fifteen hundred barrels of powder ; numberless muskets, swords, and spears; provisions, cows, sheep, waggons, &c. &c, &c. In consequence of the WAR IN BOSNIA. 41 bridges being cut down, they were not able to pur- sue their victory any further; but the remainder of the enemy, when night arrived, left their fortification on the opposite side of the river, and fled along the Save, by which they had come. Before next morning, however, the bridges were repaired, when the victo- rious veterans went in pursuit of them, and soon over- took them in their flight. During this pursuit, which continued for about three hours, many of them were killed, and many more were taken pri- soners. So great was the extremity to which they were now reduced, that those who had escaped the sword supplicated with tears, saying: " Oh, if you know or acknowledge the God of the Ottomans, if you love your Mohammed, show us mercy !" The true believers, after perceiving this confession of guilt, and it being the peculiar province of the true religion to forgive injuries and show compassion to the unfortunate, restrained their hands, and permitted them to make the best of their way with impunity. The entire destruction of these enemies was fully in the power of the faithful, and it grieved them not a little afterwards that they did not utterly destroy them. The number of the enemy has been called in question, but according to the account given by the prisoners who were taken, the number that came against Banialuka amounted to eighty thou- sand. These, with about twenty thousand Ger- man peasants, who followed the chances of war, with the view of possessing themselves of plunder taken from the Bosnian peasants, amount in all r 42 ACCOUNT OF THE according to the computation of the enemy himself, to one hundred thousand. OF THE SLAIN.* By the help of the Most High God, and according to the rules of religion, thejirst thing which was attended to after the discomfiture of the enemy, was to look after the martyrs who fell on this occasion, both inside and outside of the fortress, on the ram- parts, in the city and suburbs, and elsewhere, be- sides those who fell in the field of battle, and to bury them in conformity to the rules of the Koran. Before committing them to the dust, the prescribed prayers were repeated over their dead bodies. In the second place, persons were appointed to separate the bodies of the faithful from those of the infidels which were lying on the field of battle and on the river side, and buried them with their clothes on after the customary prayers had been repeated over them. The vene- rable governor was present during the whole of the time the prayers were offering up. OF THE WOUNDED. Every thing was done for the wounded that could be done : some were allowed to return home for a time, whilst women, acquainted with the art of healing, were forward to render them all the assist- * They are styled martyrs in the original. WAR IN BOSNIA. 43 ance in their power. Those belonging to the city and fortress were accommodated with suitable and comfortable places provided for them. The spacious palace belonging to Prince Mustapha of that place, after it was cleared out and fitted up for an hospital, received twelve hundred wounded into it. THE THANKSGIVING OF THE DIVAN. In consequence of the signal victory obtained over the infidels, great rejoicings took place. The camp of the infidels became that of the faithful. The day after the victory, the victorious commander-in-chief held a council on the spot where the victory was obtained. The whole community of the faithful met and congratulated each other on their late successes, humbled themselves before God, made confessions, &c.&c.,andofferedup prayers and praises to God. All the inhabitants, the garrison, the captains of castles, the chief lords, nobles, officers, men-of-war, judges, priests, orators, &c., celebrated the victory in a man- ner suitable to the occasion ; they lauded the illus- trious and victorious governor, and kissed the hem of his garment, in honour of his splendid victory. The brave and valiant commander-in-chief turned and said, " May all your wars be prosperous!" then, casting a gracious look on all around him, ordered splendid presents and garments of honour to be distributed, and spoke in a strain calculated to fill them with joy and gladness. The warriors in 44 ACCOUNT OF THE the governor's camp, the nobles, officers, and cap- tains from the frontiers, besides the wise and learned effendis from the different departments, who had joined themselves to the governor's camp, came all forward and expressed their admiration of the gover- nor, and also their gratitude for the great actions which he had performed. The illustrious com- mander-in-chief turned himself to them and said, after blessing them and wishing them all happiness and prosperity: " May your faces be white!" (i. e. May you be happy, or blessed.) After uttering this prayer, he with his own hands made distribution of his favours, according to their respective merits and degrees of rank. It is related by an undoubted friend, that the two thousand chekngs* which had reached the camp on this occasion were not suffi- cient for the distribution which the governor made, and that he broke up the silver vessels which he had by him, and scattered abundance of chekngs amongst his troops. OF THE REPAIRS OF THE FORTRESS. After the affairs of the garrison, and the necessa- ries requisite for the fortress were arranged, an order was issued for repairing the injuries the wall, battle- ments, and high buildings had sustained by the vil- * Cheleng ( jCiLs. ). This word seems, from the way it is applied throughout the book, to signify an ornament for the head. WAR IN BOSNIA. 45 lainous enemy, and which, after some days that were employed in celebrating the victory, were brought to a happy conclusion. OF THE FORTRESS OF BUZIN. Whilst the governor and his zealous army of faith- ful believers were at Puderashtasha, he received in- formation of the fortresses of Buzin and Chetin, belonging to the frontiers of the Ottoman empire, being besieged by the enemy as before observed. The execrated guardian of Croatia, with an innu- merable army of infidels, marched to the fortress of Novi, on the frontiers of Bosnia, with the view of taking it ; but, in consequence of the rivers Una and Sana being at that time impassable, he spent forty days in the vain expectation of being able to get across these rivers, and accomplish the reduction of that place. Enraged by this disappointment, he proceeded towards Buzin, about eight hours' journey north-west of Novi, and commenced the siege of that fortress. Although the inhabitants of this fortress were few in number, they manifested the greatest courage and firmness in defending themselves and their place ; their women, also, acting like their hus- bands, were no less courageous and valiant. The deeds which they performed, and the courage which they displayed in repelling and defeating the enemy, have been recorded in the language of the noble and ignoble of the kingdom of Bosnia, 46 ACCOUNT OF THE Some few days after the commencement of the siege, the inhabitants, in order to inform the gover- nor, the illustrious vizir, of their circumstances, sent off by night the flag-bearer Ahmad, and a few others of undaunted courage, with their petitions. As the governor's camp at Puderashtasha was twenty-six hours' journey from Buzin, the messengers made great haste, and fortunately fell in with his troops as he was on his march towards Banialuka. As the illustrious governor had however determined on res- cuing Banialuka, and therefore required all the troops he had with him, he immediately issued orders for the troops in Novi, Behka, Karupa, and Ostruwishsha, to assemble, and one division of them to repair to his camp before Banialuka, and the other to pro- ceed to the aid of Buzin and Chetin. The exalted governor in the mean time gave Ahmad many as- surances and promises, several presents as tokens of respect, and sent him away with secret instructions. Ahmad returned in safety to Buzin, and encouraged the hearts of the inhabitants, by telling them that the noble pasha himself, and his innumerable army, would soon come to their relief, and perform won- ders in their behalf. " In the meantime," said he, " let us be zealous till the commander-in-chief, with his victorious army, arrive ; let us not bring reproach on ourselves by being cowardly." On one or two occasions he went out of the fort by night, and made towards Osterwitch, and encouraged the men of that place also, saying : " When the inhabitants see you are ready and determined, they will be encou- WAR IN BOSNIA. 47 raged to . hold out : be ye all, therefore, all eye and ear : behold, his excellency the pasha will cer- tainly come to your relief be under no solicitude whatever about that." Thus did he so entirely in- spire them with courage to hold out against the enemy, that he returned to his own fortress. In so very masterly a manner did he carry on his measures, that he completely prevented the enemy from per- ceiving the weak state in which they were, and by this means prevented the fortress from falling into their hands. Ahmad also communicated through fit persons with the fortress of Chetin, and succeeded in bringing its inhabitants to the same views and determination ; so that truly this man, by his stra- tagems, was the means of rousing the inhabitants of these different places to courage and resistance : in short, although the enemy had expended fifteen days in trying to reduce Buzin, they did not succeed, which was entirely owing to the stratagem practised by Ahmad. In the meantime the news of the defeat of the infidels at Banialuka reached Ostruwishsha, a dis- tance of six miles from Buzin. This glorious event was the cause of much joy to them all. Not willing to wait any longer for the arrival of the governor, a party of veterans set out immediately for the, pur- pose of rescuing Buzin from the efforts of the be- siegers. Although the infatuated enemy was made aware of the fate of their brethren at Banialuka, yet so were they driven on by fate that they brought ruin and defeat upon themselves also. They no 48 ACCOUNT OF THE sooner saw the orthodox troops drawing towards them than they became confounded and fled. The troops of Ostruwishsha, joining themselves to the ve- terans of Buzin, fell upon these execrated wretches, and made great havoc amongst them. Many of them they slew with the edge of the sword ; many more of them were made prisoners ; and the whole of their baggage, besides several pieces of cannon, fell into the hands of the victorious Moslems. OF THE FORTRESS OF CHETIN. The inhabitants, the men-of-war, and the women, of this fortress, encouraged and strengthened each other in their determination to oppose the enemy. In the hope that the governor would soon come to their assistance, they endured patiently the calamity of the war in the bravest manner. Their resistance was not in vain ; for no sooner did the news of the defeat at Banialuka and that at Buzin reach the in- fidels, than they all turned their backs and fled in tumultuous confusion. The troops which had gone to assist Buzin, the people of Chetin, and those in the country round about, went in pursuit of these fugi- tives, and succeeded in taking several of them pri- soners, besides taking a great deal of plunder. The events which had taken place at Buzin and Chetin, when communicated to the illustrious gover- nor, awakened in his mind, and in the minds of his followers, unmingled joy. This happy intelligence WAR IN BOSNIA. 49 was brought to the governor by Ahmad, whilst he was yet at Banialuka. The governor, in considera- tion of Ahmad's important services, conferred many tokens of respect upon him, and raised him besides to the command of a body of cavalry. THE REMOVAL OF THE MOSLEM CAMP FROM BANIALUKA. As the foundation of an impregnable castle had been commenced a considerable time before in the city of Serai, and as the aggressions of the enemy were apparently put a stop to, the governor, instead of crossing the frontiers, removed without any fur- ther delay to Serai. This movement commenced on the Sabbath-day (Saturday), the 13th of the last rabia* when he passed through Traunick, and reached Serai in peace and safety. The foundation and the building of the castle being finished, the necessary apparatus for this new place of strength was accordingly furnished, and every thing was put in proper order. OF THE TAKING OF YANGIBAZAR BY THE ENEMY. When, as before observed, the enemy had re- moved from Belgrade, they went along the banks of the Danube as far as Puzeruksha, where they crossed * The 31st of July, 1737. 50 ACCOUNT OF THE the Danube by bridges which they had erected, having taken along with them all the troops they could find about Temeswar. They formed them- selves into two divisions, and pressed forward under the command of the Duke of Lorrain, son-in-law of the emperor, towards the fortress of Niss, which they soon reduced. Niss had no sooner fallen, than he ordered a troop to proceed to Yangibazar, which is the key of Bosnia in that quarter. The inhabitants of Yangibazar, having heard of the approach of this infidel horde, became terrified, and fled to the top of a mountain, where they fortified themselves. In the meantime the enemy made themselves masters of this fortress. After the enemy had taken a place of so much consequence to Bosnia, the inhabitants, i. e. those who fled at the approach of the enemy to the top of the hill, were induced, through the instru- mentality of some of the Albanians, who made them promises, to submit themselves to the enemy of the faith, and afterwards joined them against the faith- ful. Thus the road entering into and leading from the kingdom of Bosnia was completely cut off. THE RETAKING OF YANGIBAZAR. When information of these things reached the reverend and august governor in the city of Serai, the chief of the stewards, Agha Yakub, the chief of the royal messengers, Agha Mohammed, and Pasha Murad Beg, set out immediately with their respec- WAR IN BOSNIA. 51 tive men and a party able to use arms, with the view of attacking the infernal firebrands who had taken Yangibazar. This gallant troop, by the divine assistance, soon rescued it out of the hands of the infidels. After clearing the road to and from Bosnia of these reptiles, they turned their arms against those traitors and rebels who had assisted the enemy, killed, several of them, took their women and children captives, seized a great deal of spoil, and then returned to the city of Serai. THE FORTRESS OF OZITCHA. After the enemy had reduced Niss, as before observed, they sent a troop of fifteen thousand infi- dels to attack the fortress of Ozitcha. When infor- mation of this event reached Serai, it happened that the greater part of the troops had just been dispersed into quarters. Couriers were immediately sent off in all directions, requiring the troops of the faithful to re-assemble in the plains of Glaasansha ; to which the illustrious governor soon repaired in person, and where he pitched his camp. After remaining at this place for a certain time, in order that the troops might assemble themselves, he moved with his camp to a place called Asamsha. Here he made himself acquainted with the state of affairs and the condition * Eight leagues south of Yangibazar, near the frontiers of Bosnia. 52 ACCOUNT OF THE of his brave troops, and afterwards held a council of war, in which it was resolved unanimously, that the governor, the illustrious vizir, should send a suffi- cient number of troops to aid the besieged. Ac- cordingly a chosen band of between five and six thousand got secretly into a village in its neighbour- hood : the well known Mohammed, who fought so bravely at Banialuka, was appointed to be their leader. Mohammed crossed the river with his men, and hastened towards the fortress : but before he could reach the place, the frightened inhabitants, seeing no mode of delivery, and viewing themselves as ruined if they continued any longer to resist, gave themselves up to the enemy after a few days' siege, on the condition of being allowed to depart to some other place. The enemy, in conformity to their wishes, sent them away under an escort of two captains and one hundred and thirty Germans, to the place they had signified. With this party Mohammed met, as he was making towards the fortress, and took them all prisoners, and brought them to the governor's camp, and presented them before him, and awaited his commands. The illus- trious governor, after weighing all circumstances, and particularly the giving up of the fortress to the enemy, immediately ordered the two commanders, Haji Ismael and Naib Mustapha, to be put to death in the presence of the Germans, and punished the rest for their cowardice. Suitable lodgings in the meantime were provided for the Germans in the camp, and they were otherwise hospitably treated : WAR IX BOSNIA. 53 and Mohammed was again dispatched with his five or six thousand men for the purpose of recapturing the fortress. After a delay of two days, the Germans were permitted to depart, the governor allowing cloth for a garment to each of the two captains, and a piece of gold to each of the men. Mohammed, in the meantime, arrived before the fortress. Although this fortress was firmly con- structed, and every way in a good condition when it fell into the hand of the enemy, yet the Moslem troops, though they had neither cannon nor maga- zine by which they might operate against the enemy now within it, soon overpowered the five or six hundred Germans and other worthless infidels who were in it, and killed them ; taking more than a thousand women and children captives. After clearing the country every where around of these infidels, they returned to the camp with great spoils. The fortress of Ozitcha was again repaired and put in a fit condition, whilst the governor and his men-of- war were upon the alert as to the next appearance the enemy might make, and ready to fall upon them like an overflowing river. As tranquillity was again restored, and as the governor remained undisturbed in his camp, it came to pass that the communication by letters from the grand vizir in the imperial camp having been cut off, became a subject of conversation among the people, as well as of wonder. The august governor, by his sublime prudence and foresight, hastened immedi- 54 ACCOUNT OF TH ately to quiet and allay the uneasiness and agitation of the people. The governor appointed the re- nowned Mohammed to proceed with a hundred and twenty courageous followers towards Belgrade, in order to discover the state of the enemy which occupied Niss. The brave Mohammed, with his no less brave associates, left the camp in the darkness of the night, crossed the Drin, and when they were four hours' journey from Ozitcha, after passing by it, they arrived at Palanka, on the road to Belgrade, which had been destroyed. In coming to this place they met with a troop of Hungarians, whom they immediately attacked, killed fifteen of them, and carried eight of them prisoners to the Moslem camp. The governor was so much overjoyed, that he pre- sented a robe to Mohammed with his own hands, and placed a gold wreath on his head, making at the same time suitable presents to his brave associates, and extolling them to the skies. The infidel troops, under the command of the emperor's son-in-law, took Niss without resistance. A general of the name of Alexander, with a consi- derable body of Germans, were garrisoned in it. The account which was current, and was related by some of the enemy's soldiers, relative to this trans- action, is this : " The son-in-law to the emperor determined on entering Bosnia from Niss ; to cross the bridge of Wishcegrad, and push directly towards Serai, it being almost, it was believed in his camp, without any sort of fence or fortification. With these views he waited anxiously for a courier from WAR IN BOSNIA. 55 Vienna. We were sent to this quarter in the mean- time, where we carried on plundering for some time. The army at Niss, after we left it, was divided into two divisions. One of these divisions was sent to- wards Widdin, and the other proceeded, under the command of the son-in-law of the emperor, to Ozit- cha, where he made enquiry concerning the governor of Bosnia." According to the account of the people of Ozitcha, the Germans, who had been two days in the governor's camp, told him that " the governor of Bosnia is encamped in a place called Asamsha, eight hours' journey off; has an army of more than a hundred thousand choice troops : he knows of your intentions against Serai. When the emperor's son-in-law heard this, he relinquished his object, followed the advice of General Secundroff,* the director of public affairs, and went to Bucerdilin, where he is just now." OF THE ARMY SENT TO SUCCOUR THE FORTRESS OF SOKAL. On the arrival of the above army at Bucerdilin, ac- cording to the account of the soldiers, they sent to Walewe for various necessaries, and afterwards sent an army to attack Sokal. The illustrious governor was roused, and determined on remaining no longer inactive ; he ordered a movement to be made, left * Count Seckendorff. 56 ACCOUNT O* THE Asamsha, and pitched his camp at the distance of four hours' journey on the banks of the Drin, directly on the road taken by the enemy. A party of five or six thousand troops (Bosnians), under the command of the often-mentioned Mohammed, were ordered to succour Sokal. One A baza, a cloth merchant, joined himself to them. An order was also issued for the men of Izernuka and Togla to join themselves to Mohammed's party ; and Ali Beg, Agha, and Mus- tapha Effendi, were appointed leaders to this aug- mentation. They proceeded in two divisions towards Sokal, in order to attack the enemy : information of the enemy's movement having reached the faithful by means of spies, the chiefs of the Moslem army, with the nobles and officers, met to consult over the matter by the turning of cups, &c. ; they hurried on, assured of victory. After three hours' journey they met the enemy, and came within cannon-shot of them. Being thus placed face to face, a desperate struggle commenced. The infidels maintained an obstinate resistance, and so dreadful Was the scene, that the very rocks trembled : at length, however, the enemy began to give way, and afterwards took to flight. The victorious Moslems, with the most intrepid courage, pursued them so x hard, that they gave them no time to breathe : many of them who escaped the sword, fell into a channel which was on the road they fled by, and perished in it. The pur- suing army, in consequence of the night coming or>, was obliged to stop at this channel, where they passed the night. Next morning at day-light they WAR IN BOSNIA. 57 proceeded in their pursuit ; but the fugitives made towards Walewe, where they were slaughtered in great numbers. Many of the enemy at Bucerdilin also perished. The victorious Moslems returned with immense booty, and above three thousand prisoners. OF THE TAKING OF THE PALANKA OF WALEWE. After a few days' rest, the victorious troops pro- ceeded to take this fortress also. They so distressed the infidels in it, that they were compelled to beg for a capitulation. After delivering it over to the victorious army, the infidels who were in it were allowed to make the best of their way to their own army, whilst all the cannon, &c., that were found in it, were transported to the fortress of Sokal, and the Palanka burned down to the ground. The governor in return, ordered splendid presents to be made to all the distinguished persons who accompanied Mo- hammed, and a robe of honour to be given to the leader himself. Peculiar marks of respect and honour were shewn to Ali Mohammed Agha of Tzwernick, who acted a conspicuous part in the late action with the enemy. After these things the Moslem camp removed from its position, and in three days reached the borders of Tzwernick with pomp and great glory, and pitched their camp at (the name of the place is left out of the text). 58 ACCOUNT OF THE OF MOHAMMED, AND THE CAPTURE OF THE SOLDIERS BELONGING TO THE ENEMY. According to the account given by these soldiers, the son-in-law of the emperor, though he relinquished the idea of entering Bosnia and proceeding to Serai, was still determined to do something. " Let us," said he, " not return without some advantage : let us attack the fortress of Tzwernick, which lies in our neighbourhood ; it will be easily conquered." Such were his designs, and after having wickedly deter- mined on putting these designs into execution, behold he learned from the men who were allowed to escape from Walewe, the defeat of the army which he had sent to Sokal, the fate of the palanka of Walewe ; and that the governor of Bosnia, with his innumerable army, was encamped before Tzwernick. This information astonished and confounded the in- fidels. The governor, in the meantime receiving information of the state of the enemy, after reaching Tzwernick, sent the heroic Mohammed with a thou- sand veterans whom he himself had requested, to reconnoitre the enemy. Soon after leaving the camp they fell in with the enemy's picquet, at the foot of a mountain near a place called Chara, which they furiously attacked. Those of the enemy who escaped the sword fled in the utmost confusion : more than a hundred of them perished ; and Sombal, the captain of the picquet, and a hundred of these WAR IN BOSNIA. 59 wretches, were made prisoners, and carried in chains before the most noble governor. The illustrious governor caused the customary honours and rewards to be paid to the conquerors. Whilst the governor and all his brave Mussulmans were rejoicing over their victories, the son-in-law of the emperor, and the director of affairs, who accom- panied him, seeing they were unable to do any thing against Tzwernick, and being unable also to keep possession of Bucerdilin, they without delay threw bridges over the Save, and, like an army of ants, crossed over to their own unhappy dominions. OF THE RETURN OF THE GOVERNOR AND HIS ARMY TO THE CITY OF SERAI. The above information being sufficiently confirmed, the governor resolved on remaining a little longer where he was, for the purpose of dispatching affairs : this being accomplished, he determined on returning to Serai, which, by easy and short journies, he ac- complished in peace and safety. The various places of the new fortress were soon furnished with their appropriate articles ; the magazines were filled with provisions, and the arsenal with all kinds of arms and other stores. 60 ACCOUNT OF THE OF BUCERDILIN. The wise and sagacious governor, not willing to spend the precious hours in inactivity, ceased not night or day to contemplate how he might distress the enemy, and enrich his victorious warriors with their spoils. After it was demonstrated to him that the enemy had left Bucerdilin, he resolved on sending an army after them into their own country : for this purpose, an order was issued that all the men able to bear arms in the jurisdictions of Tzwernick, Tuzla, and Kladina, should immediately assemble. Agha Ali Beg Mohammed of Tzwerriick, Agha Mustapha of Tuzla, and the Capudan of Tzwernick, were appointed to command this army and conduct the enterprise. This expedition set forward in quest of the enemy, and learned from the inhabitants of the palanka called Pernawer, the route they had taken. After receiving this information, they moved hastily forward, and after having intercepted them, killed fifty of them, took fifteen prisoners, and burned their palanka. After performing these deeds of valour, they turned to another palanka called Belina : this they also burned, killed seventy of the enemy, took thirty of them prisoners, and returned to the plains of Tzwernick with immense booty. When the illus- trious governor was informed of these splendid ex- ploits, he praised God. In the meantime, it was agreed that his excellency the illustrious governor should make the city of Serai his winter quarters : WAR IN BOSNIA. 61 not wishing, however, to remain idle during the days of winter, the illustrious governor invited the effen- dis, the learned, the lovers of peace, the princes of the banners, the capudans of the frontiers, and those experienced in affairs in the various jurisdictions, .to assemble at Serai. When they had all assembled in the presence of the governor, he said : " You all know how the treacherous Albanians before our eyes acted in the case of Ozitcha (which is only twenty- four hours' journey from this city); how they formed an alliance with the enemy; how they to their disgrace and dishonour assisted in burning and de- stroying several of our palankas ; how they shewed the enemy the roads ; and how they persevered in their treachery and rebellion." After hearing this speech, and consulting what steps they should take in order to punish these rebels, it was resolved to wait the royal mandate about this affair. OF THE ARMY SENT TO PUNISH THESE REBELLIOUS MOUNTAINEERS. After the imperial mandate had arrived and its contents had been considered, it was immediately resolved, notwithstanding the severity of the winter, the snow, and the rain, to go and punish the rebel- lious mountaineers by attacking them in two diffe- rent quarters at the same time. The place of their retreat being within deep abysses of difficult access, the orthodox veterans had hard work to come at 62 ACCOUNT OF THE them, having to travel through snow and over preci- pices. So soon, however, as they found out the place of these impure wretches, they commenced the work of destruction. These wretches shewed a determination to resist, and began firing with great fury and desperate effect ; they killed by their balls more than a hundred of the nobles and common people belonging to the fort of Budghurisha; but the orthodox troops slew an immense number of them. When they perceived that they were unable to cope with the true believers, and that they had no mode of escape, they were constrained to sue for their lives. Before accepting, however, of their submission, they were required to give hostages as to their future conduct, which they did. The faith- ful troops, after having brought this war to a happy conclusion, returned in triumph to their camp, carrying with them much booty, besides a number of prisoners, consisting of women and children. The chief government conferred on this occasion the dignity of the principality on Turmish Pasha, Murad Beg. ' After the defeat of the rebels, as above related, preparations were commenced for retaking Ozitcha. To accomplish this object fifteen thousand chosen troops, under the command of Ali Pasha-Zadah Ibrahim of (the name of the place is wanting in the text) and the renowned Mohammed, were ordered for this war. The two commanders were enjoined to act in concert, and to consult each other on every measure necessary to be adopted for the WAR IN BOSNIA. 63 success of the expedition. They were furnished with five pieces of cannon, and other destructive weapons, and ordered to depart. The courageous army, though compelled to make short stages in consequence of the severity of the weather, the rain, and the snow, arrived at length at Ozitcha: they lost no time in preparing to besiege the place, and soon surrounded it. OF THE ACTIONS OF MOHAMMED IN THIS AFFAIR. When every thing was in a state of complete pre- paration, and the place surrounded, the intrepid Mohammed set off with five or six thousand horse- men, Bosnians, and scoured the whole country round, destroyed all the palankas * which environed the fortress, and returned with booty of all kinds to the Moslem camp, from the territories of the enemy. After a short period of repose spies arrived, who said that the enemy was sending off troops from Bel- grade to succour the above place. On this informa- tion, the intrepid Mohammed with five or six thou- sand veterans set out to meet this infidel host, which he did at a place called Rud. This body of infidel troops, though they shewed some courage, were soon overpowered ; some perished, others fled to Belgrade, and some were taken prisoners. The * The context would here imply that the word palanka implied a stoccado, as well as a fort. See note, p. 4. 64 ACCOUNT OF THE victors returned to the Moslem camp before Ozitcha, loaded with spoils taken from the enemies of the Ottoman empire, besides a number of prisoners. OF THE CONQUEST OF OZITCHA. When the enemy within this fortress saw no way of being able to resist effectually the efforts of the besiegers, and despairing of assistance from any quarter, they at last capitulated, on the condition of their lives being spared. After delivering up the fortress into the hands of the victors, they themselves were escorted by a body of the faithful as far as Rud. When information of this victory was laid before the august governor, he rejoiced greatly, and immediately delegated the heroic Mohammed, with a certain number of troops, to take possession of the aforesaid fortress, with the view of his arranging matters within it, and settling affairs in its environs. Mohammed, after this splendid achievement, had be- come conspicuous in the eyes of both the noble and ignoble: the illustrious governor wishing to pro- mote him, laid his request in his favour at the foot of the Ottoman throne, w r hen Mahommed, by a royal mandate, was raised to a principality. At the same time Ali Pasha-Zadah Ibrahim had also dig- nities conferred on him, and on his brother Derwish Beg, by the government of Romeli. WAR IN BOSNIA. 65 OF THE CONQUEST OF THE PALANKA OF RUD OR RODJ. Whilst the gallant Mohammed was intensely occupied in the affairs of the fortress to which he was sent, and making himself acquainted with the state of the country, he succeeded in bringing all ranks under proper regulations, in consequence of the fear he inspired every where. To all the pea- sants of Chashka, of Rud, and of Kharaghunisha, who returned and submitted themselves to him, he gave every sort of security. But the infidels of Rud itself, who had formerly done much mischief at Yangibazar, about three hundred families, went and settled at a place called Kharaba, about six hours' journey from Belgrade. To prevent these infidels, who might be trusting for aid to the Germans, injuring the peasants belonging to the Ottoman empire, and to put these poor people into a state of security similar to what they enjoyed in former times, the brave and excellent Mohammed laid their case before the governor of the kingdom, the illus- trious vizir. Measures were immediately adopted for vanquishing these remaining infidels, and Mo- hammed was appointed to execute them. The in- fidels hearing, however, by means of spies, of this expedition coming against them, they all fled to Belgrade, leaving every thing behind them. On Mohammed's coming up to this place, he took E 66 ACCOUNT OF THE possession of all the cannon, &c., which were in it, gathered together all the booty he could find, com- mitted the fortress to some of his men, scoured the country round about, killing the men, and taking the women and children prisoners ; left none to offer any further annoyance, and returned with his booty and prisoners in peace and safety to the fortress of Ozitcha, and gave a detailed account of his successes to the illustrious governor. OF THE BRAVE PEOPLE OF KUZARISHA. THE FOL- LOWING IS AN ACCOUNT OF ONE OF THE MINOR SKIRMISHES. There were, in the year last mentioned, in the for- tresses of Constanishae and Dub, belonging to the enemy, two thousand infernal infidel troops. This execrated troop came by night, with the intention of plundering this city Kuzarisha, and placed themselves in ambush in its vicinity, proposing to themselves to commence their ravages when the followers of Islam met to perform the duties of their religion. It happened, however, when the hour of prayer had arrived, and the public criers had mounted the mi- narets to announce the same to the people, that one of them by chance saw the lurking-place of the enemy : he immediately descended the minarets, and gave information of what he had discovered. In a moment the news spread, and all the foot and horse within the place rushed suddenly forth and WAR IN BOSNIA. 67 attacked the enemy in their lurking-place, before they succeeded in getting out of it. So very furious was the attack made on them, that they were un- able to make any resistance, and fled in confusion ; ninety-six of them perished in the flight, and fifty were taken prisoners : with these last, and about two hundred of their horses, the victors returned in safety to their own place. In this battle only five of the Moslems fell, and seven or eight were wounded. The brother of the commander of the place, Agha Ibrahim, and Mahmud, a messenger, were dis- patched with this intelligence to the illustrious governor. As a confirmation of this news, four of the soldiers who had been taken prisoners were also sent along with them. The venerable governor ordered splendid presents to be made, and great rejoicings were manifested. OF THE RE-CONQUEST OF THE PALANKA OF DERBEND. After the enemy was vanquished at Tzwernick, another multitude of infidels attacked the palanka of Derbend, situated near the Save. The garrison and the inhabitants being few in number, were obliged to surrender their place to the enemy, and they themselves took refuge in the surrounding villages. The news of this disaster had scarcely reached Tzwernick, when the scattered Moslems and the inhabitants of the country assembled to- 68 ACCOUNT OF THE gather, went boldly forward to the fortress, and recovered it out of the hands of the enemy. OF THE WARRIORS OF NOVI. In the same year about eighty horse and fifty foot left this place, Novi, with warlike intentions, and attacked a well-peopled village called Glubofsha, in the neighbourhood of the fortress of Constanishse, in the enemy's country, and slew all the males with the edge of the sword : the women and children, and all the plunder they could collect, they carried off in triumph. When this event was made known to the people of Ziren, they assembled together and pursued the successful Moslems : two hun- dred of their number ran forward towards Novi, and took the ford of the river Zerunishae, before the orthodox faithful had time to reach it : the re- mainder, two thousand strong, continued their pur- suit, and the orthodox faithful were thus completely hemmed in. When these brave and lion-hearted veterans perceived their condition, they at once drew their swords and fell with fury on the party that obstructed their passage, and soon overcame them : they killed eighty, and made fifty of them prisoners; the rest of them fled in all directions. Those who followed in pursuit no sooner perceived what had happened to their brethren, than their courage also failed them, and they remained in astonishment The Moslem veterans crossed the IN BOSNIA. 69 river, and returned to Novi with vast booty besides those they had taken captives. In this skirmish only three Moslems fell, and a few were wounded. After their return they elected one Ahmad, a chief person, to carry the intelligence of their successes to the governor. The illustrious governor, besides making him many presents, raised him to the command of the artillery, which was confirmed by the Sublime Porte. A HEROIC ACHIEVEMENT OF THE MEN OF KUZARISHA. The distance between Kuzarisha, on the borders of the Ottoman empire, and Constanishse, in the enemy's country, being only about six hours' journey, a party of infidels from the environs of the latter fortress, seventy in number, and thoroughly prac- tised in wickedness, resolved on a plundering excur- sion into the country of the Moslems ; and with this view came to the neighbourhood of Kuzarisha. One night, after having indulged themselves in eating and drinking, they laid themselves carelessly down to sleep in a hidden part of a wood. A pea- sant who perceived this came and informed the commander of Kuzarisha, Omar Capudan, of the fact, who immediately dispatched a party of eighty brave veterans, under the command of the celebrated Ibrahim, called Memku-Oghli, to surprise them. This party, guided by the peasant who com- 70 ACCOUNT OF THE municated the information, soon reached the spot where the infidels were lying fast asleep, surrounded them, and quickly overpowered them. In this ren- counter it is to be lamented that four of the veteran warriors lost their lives, and five were wounded : but scarcely one of the enemy escaped being either killed or taken prisoner. Five principal persons from among the captives were conducted by the Agha to the illustrious governor, who, in return, made him presents of a robe of honour and other valuables. A present, and instructions respecting the fortress, were also sent at the same time to the commander of the fortress, Capudan Omar. ANOTHER ACHIEVEMENT OF THE MEN OF KUZARISHA. On another occasion it happened that a hateful band of infidels came from the fortress of Gradishka and attacked two villages, Omashki and Beshtrikah, in the vicinity of Kuzarisha. Ere they succeeded however in carrying off the property of the peasants of these villages, which consisted of household goods, cattle, and sheep, information from the villagers reached Kuzarisha. Immediately Capudan Omar, Memku-Oghli Ibrahim, and Kurd Oghli Omar, hastened forward to their assistance with a party of choice warriors, and overtook the infidels at the ford of Puzarah, where they attacked them so success- fully, as to recover the whole of the booty which WAR IN BOSNIA. 71 they had so lately taken, besides making several prisoners. In this skirmish only one of the veterans fell : and information of the whole affair was communicated to the illustrious governor, who made handsome pre- sents to the bearers of the intelligence. ANOTHER ACHIEVEMENT NEAR NOVI. The fortress of Constanishae being only live hours' journey from Novi, and two from the two fortresses on the Ziren, the enemy of religion sought, by va- rious methods, to lay snares for the inhabitants of Novi and its vicinity. A party therefore, amounting to more than two thousand hateful infidels from these two fortresses, but principally from the suburbs of Constanishae, consisting of more than a thousand families, divided themselves into three divisions. It was resolved that a division should march on each side of the Una, whilst the third should proceed in boats along that river. This armament was to be directed against Novi, its suburbs, and vicinity. Having thus settled their diabolical plan of opera- tion, they left Constanishae by night; and, proceed- ing towards Novi, the place of their destination, they soon arrived at a place in its neighbourhood called Bolawenshae ; but the brave and intrepid war- riors of Novi were by no means ignorant of, or inat- tentive to, the stratagems employed by the enemy : 72 ACCOUNT OF THE they had been informed of the plan of the enemy, and were therefore in a state of complete readiness for receiving them. The generous and sincere Mohammed Schelevi- Zadah Ahmad Agha, and Fazeli-Zadah Ahmad Agha, ventured, with a body of hardy borderers inured to danger and deeds of valour, and mutually attached, (a favourable omen) to leave Novi the same night, and marched directly to the place where the division of the enemy on this side of the Una had stopped ; and, by the assistance of God, completely routed them : two hundred infidels were killed on the spot, and seventy were made prisoners. The division of the enemy on the opposite side of the river was not much more fortunate. Daz-dar Khalil Agha, called Murad Sherdil, with another party of associates, attacked them sword in hand, just at the moment when their brethren were en- gaged on this side in the work of destruction, and dispersed them. Although the enemy's boats were still remaining entire, yet, owing to its being night, none of the divisions of the enemy was able to afford assistance to another : the division in the boats, therefore, proving of no advantage, was soon put to flight, and left a number of dead, whilst others of them fell prisoners into the hands of the conquerors. A great many of their boats were also captured, and the orthodox champions returned triumphantly vic- torious, and with great joy, to the fortress of Novi. In this engagement of hostile strife, Mohammed Schelevi-Zadah Ahmad Agha, and Fazeli-Zadah WAR IN BOSNIA. 73 Ahmad Agha, and a number of their brave follow- ers, fell martyrs for the faith. The instances now recorded are not the only ones in which the warriors of Novi were engaged with the abject infidels. Time would fail to recount the fre- quent, but similar engagements in which Abubekr Agha, Zurnik Agha, Husain Agha, and Bekr Agha, with their respective followers, took a part : they, by their valour and bravery, spread terror every where among the infidels of that quarter, even to their women and children. AN ACHIEVEMENT OF THE CAPUDAN OF YANGIBAZAR. The fortress of Azishae being in the hands of the enemy, the Capudan of Yangibazar attacked, with four or five thousand warriors, the infidels in the district lying in the neighbourhood of Chashka. They killed some, took a number of captives, and returned with the spoils they had taken as far as Brauvnik, where they halted. In the meantime Capudan Mattewseshka, the chief commander of Chashka and Puzghajak and the adjacent country, pursued the Moslem warriors with a troop amount- ing to some thousands, and overtook them at the place where they halted. The Moslem warriors no sooner perceived this numerous and hostile troop of infidels coming upon them, than they immediately, and before allowing them time to commence their 74 ACCOUNT OF THE attack, moved to meet the foe, and very soon caused them to retreat with the loss of one hundred and fifty killed, and seventy prisoners : when the ortho- dox warriors pursued their journey without any fur- ther molestation. AN ACHIEVEMENT OF THE MEN OF OSTEKWISH ,E. It happened that an army of three thousand of Arnaut infidels assembled together, and formed the intention of surprising the inhabitants of Osterwishae, situate on the extreme borders of Bosnia. In order to accomplish their machinations, they approached this fortress by night, and carefully cir- cumambulated it in search of the gate, which they found. In consequence of the darkness of the night, and the want of vigilance on the part of the sentinels, they succeeded so far as to place the ladders they had brought along with them to the walls of the for- tress without being observed. Their object was to get the gate opened and then to rush in a body into the place. A number of them climbed over the wall, and were just on the eve of getting the gate opened, when, fortunately, in this moment of immi- nent danger, a woman, who was giving suck to her child, perceived what was going on, and prevented the ruin and subjugation of the garrison. She ran immediately and informed the commander, who in- stantly caused a musket to be fired off in order to alarm the inhabitants. This succeeded ; and the WAR IN BOSNIA. 75 consequence was, that most of those infidels who had got within the place were seized and killed on the spot. The garrison and the inhabitants, furnished with swords, spears, and javelins, all rushed forth to take vengeance on their daring assailants, and utterly destroyed the greater number of them, and took several prisoners ; the best looking of whom they sent to his excellency the governor. ANOTHER ACHIEVEMENT. On a certain occasion eighty of the hardy warriors of Novi entered into a compact to make a hostile excursion. On the night appointed for making this excursion they crossed the Una, and surprised the inhabitants of Kurkoyshuka, about two hours' jour- ney from Novi. Many of the infidels of this place they killed, and returned with much booty and seve- ral prisoners. Bachtyar Agha and Karah Mime- Zadah Husain Agha fell in this excursion. CONCERNING THE ARRIVAL OF THE SUBLIME FIRMAN. About this time, 1152, (1739,) when the royal mandates were issued, a high firman respecting the ravaging and vexing of the enemy's dominions reached the illustrious governor, from the supreme vizir in the royal camp. In conformity to this fir- 76 ACCOUNT OF THE man from the supreme vizir, the governor, skilful in affairs, invited the heads of the principalities, the august emirs, the supreme judges, the experienced men of the borders, and other grandees and great men of the kingdom, capable of giving good counsel and advice, to meet at Medina Serai, for the purpose of consultation on the subject of communication. It appeared to this council, constituted by the illustrious governor, that, as the countries belonging to the enemy, lying about Constanishae, on the Ziren, the Una, and the Kopa, had not been thoroughly subdued, properly peopled and cultivated, from the year 1090, (about 1679,)* and as the inhabitants of these districts were exceedingly hostile to the Mos- lems, they, country and people, should be subjected forthwith to the devastations of war. This was una- nimously agreed to. The orthodox army under the command of the governor was ordered to quit Serai, and march towards Novi, on the borders of Bosnia, a distance of forty-eight hours' journey. By means of bridges they crossed the Una and laid siege to the fortress of Ziren, a short distance * It was about this period that Cara Mustapha, brother-in-law to the celebrated grand vizir Ahmad Kiuperle, whom the Turks eulogise as " the light and splendour of nations, the conserver and guardian of good laws, the vicar of the shadow of God, the thrice-learned and accomplished !" led a prodigious army of Osmanlies across the Danube, let loose forty thousand Tartars who ravaged and desolated the frontiers of Austria, Bohemia, and Moravia, and who, in 1683, presented himself before the walls of Vienna with one hundred and eighty thousand men, and nearly succeeded in reducing that city. WAR IN BOSNIA. 77 from Novi. This sudden and unexpected movement of the orthodox troops inspired the abject infidels every where around with terror and consternation, and caused them to seek an asylum somewhere else, whilst their contemptible leaders took to their heels ; thus leaving the vacant fortress to the invading army, who placed a garrison in it. OF THE DEVASTATION OF THE ENEMY S COUNTRY. After the event above related, troop after troop was successively appointed and sent forth to ravage and destroy the enemy's country. Their movements might be compared to mighty streams which inun- date the earth : they overwhelmed every district belonging to the idolatrous enemy* as far as Con- stanishae, the Nu, the Dul, and other rivers, even to the Kopa ; fought and gained many battles ; and returned successively and successfully with immense spoils of war to the Moslem camp. The fortress of Ziren before mentioned, it ought to be observed, was plied and battered with cannon- shot and shells. The buildings, both inside and out- side the fortress, were all either burned or destroyed; the fortifications and walls were all thrown down : it was, notwithstanding, taken with difficulty. Though Ziren is not far from Constanisha?, and * The Mohammedans always term the Christians idolaters be- cause of their belief in the Trinity. The word translated idolaters is mushrakin ; literally, those who give partners (to God). 78 ACCOUNT OF THE even within the possibility of obtaining aid from it, and also from Ghuzdansak, yet neither of these two fortresses found it practicable to give it any. After the fall of Ziren, and the performance of other exploits, the impetuous and high-spirited bor- derers returned to Novi where they remained for some days, and then directed their march towards the free provinces, and encamped at a place called Tumenah. OF THE ARRIVAL OF THE TARTAR ARMY. Whilst the camp of the Moslems remained at the above place, and after the Tatar (Tartar) troops come from the east, according to ancient law and custom, had joined it, the chief leaders of the army of Islamites, the men of the borders, and others emi- nent for counsel, formed themselves into a council of war. After conferring together in cheering and reviving concord, and in dialogue of circulating cups, it was finally and unanimously agreed that a body of troops, amounting to six thousand, should be chosen from among the men of the borders, and from among the heroes of Bosnia, and placed under the command of the governor's deputy, Yakub Agha. The Tartar troops were attached to this army : and the whole presented an aspect that predicted victo- rious and glorious results. Kinzawse, Dubishae, and Yasnoffshae, with their various dependencies on the east side of the Una, WAR IN BOSNIA. 79 were fixed on as the field whereon this appointed army was destined to carry on its work of devasta- tion. Like an impetuous flood, therefore, it entered into these countries or districts, and carried fire and sword to the very verge of that river, swept away every thing that opposed its progress, took vast quantities of spoil, such as sheep and large cattle, household goods, and chattels, besides slaves; and thus fully and effectually chastised the enemies of the Moslems. A BATTLE WITH THE ENEMY. It so happened, in the meantime, that the enemy concentrated some forces before the fortress of Isla- bin, with the intention of doing violence and damage to the Ottoman dominions. However, the united and harmonious army of the Islamites came unexpectedly upon them, and at- tacked them with lion-like fury. The contest was hot and doubtful for a while ; but the arrival of the Tartar troops soon decided the fate of the enemy. These, in furious rage, attacked them with their arrows, spears, and swords ; and the enemy being unable to maintain their ground any longer, took to their heels, leaving many killed and wounded. The remnant of the enemy fled to the other side of Una, where they afterwards sold their lives as dear as possible. Being greatly exasperated, and having in some degree recovered their courage, they 80 ACCOUNT OF THE imagined they had now obtained a more favourable position, and began to make a pompous show of their remaining strength. The Moslem warriors, in the meantime, carefully explored the banks of the river ; and on a night previously fixed on, the men of the borders and the Tartars crossed over, and immediately attacked their position. The enemy perceiving however that they were unable to resist the superior force which the Moslems brought against them, their apparent firmness gave way ; and in a short time their whole camp was in full flight towards the Save, but hotly pursued by the conquering Moslems, who did not give up their pursuit till they were stopped by that river. Great numbers of these idolatrous infidels were totally annihilated, and a great number more fell into the hands of their pursuers. The Islamite troops, in order to take full vengeance on the enemy on ac- count of their aggressions, plundered the country, burned and destroyed the towns and villages situate on the banks of the Una, killed the men, carried off all the women and children, and returned with their spoils to the Islamite camp. THE GOVERNOR S DEPARTURE FOR TRAUNICK. Praise be to God ! The countries belonging to the enemy having been thus chastised and spoiled, the august commands of the Ottoman emperor were WAR IN BOSNIA. 81 fully accomplished : it was therefore judged proper to return to Traunick, the seat of government and jurisdiction ; where the winter was spent in making fresh preparations for commencing operations again in the spring of the year. A FIRMAN ARRIVES REQUIRING THE GOVERNOR TO MARCH TO BELGRADE. Whilst engaged in making preparations, as before hinted, for commencing the operations of war anew, in consulting about measures proper to be adopted, in conversing, and in considering and examining affairs, the happy days of spring arrived, which an- nounced that the moment for active operations was now come. At this time the royal firman, obeyed by all the world, reached the illustrious governor, requiring him to unite himself and his Bosnian troops, with those in the royal camp under the command of his excellency the grand vizir. His excellency the dignified governor having arranged matters for the better security of the Otto- man frontiers, placed garrisons every where ; and having attended to other affairs of government of high importance, he and his army quitted Traunick and pitched his camp in the plains of - , to which the other Moslem troops were required to repair. Experienced warriors from Serai, Tzwernick, and other places ; princes, distinguished aghas, the 82 ACCOUNT OF THE reverend judge of Serai, the chief judges, and capudans, joined the governor's camp, which soon afterwards commenced moving towards Belgrade, now become the seat of war. They passed by Tzwernick, crossed at Bucerdilin, and joined the royal camp, actively engaged under the command of his excellency the grand vizir in the siege of Belgrade. By the instrumentality of one Abdallah Schelevi, a man skilled in arts and sciences, which he had s eked in with his mother's milk, and one of the thousand artificers of Medina Serai, by the instru- mentality of this man, artificial portable bridges had been constructed, and were usually, as occasion re- quired, carried in waggons. By means of these bridges, easily and quickly placed, the army crossed without difficulty the rivers and ravines it had to pass on its way to Belgrade. OF THE OPERATIONS OF ANOTHER ARMY AGAINST THE DOMINIONS OF THE ENEMY. This army, consisting of warriors from Traunick, Ak-Hisar, Yaishae, Banialuka, Kuzarisha, Novi, Behka, Osterwishse, Osterwitch-atyk, and other places, had for its leaders AH Pasha-Zadah, Ibra- him Pasha, and Salih Pasha-Zadah, Mahmud Pasha, who were all chosen from the heads of the principalities. This army, destined to carry war into the interior WAR IN BOSNIA. 83 of the enemy's country, assembled in the plains of Bilan. Its chiefs and other officers, after much de- liberation as to how and where they might more effectually commence hostilities against the enemy, at length agreed, that as the Kutar country had not for a considerable time past felt the weight of the Moslem arm, it should now feel it. The inhabi- tants of this district had become proud and haughty, and their mischievous dispositions were to be no longer tolerated. This army accordingly quitted Bilan, and shortly afterwards overran the whole of the devoted terri- tories of Lyka,* Odwina, Waretshse and Kutar, as far as Tawartshse. The Kutar country was visited with all the devastations of war. With the vile and despicable idolatrous infidels of these quarters many a hot battle was fought, in which the enemy was always vanquished : yet many of the brave and heroic Islamites drank the sweet sherbet of martyr- dom, and many more were wounded ; whilst im- mense numbers of the disgusting and execrated in- fidels perished, and went to perdition. The vic- torious warriors returned with great glory to their respective countries laden with rich spoil. When tidings of this joyful affair was carried to the distinguished army of Islamites in the royal camp employed against Belgrade, the whole host of Mussulmans rejoiced with great exultation. The * Lyka being again mentioned here, confirms the conjecture already thrown out, that it relates to Hungary. See Note, p. 4. 84 ACCOUNT OF TFIE grand vizir and his excellency the governor pre- sented the bearers of the intelligence with robes of honour. THE GOVERNOR S MANNER WITH THE INHABITANTS. His excellency the venerable and illustrious go- vernor secured to himself, by his knowledge of war, his superior skill and consummate prudence, the love and esteem of all the inhabitants of the king- dom, but especially of those on the frontiers of Bosnia. Mohammed Pasha, son of Mohammed Beg, belonging to an ancient family in Bosnia, a feudal chief, secured to himself much honour and respect, in consequence of the disinterested zeal he mani- fested in all the affairs of the country, and never withdrew himself, during the government of the governor, for a moment from that interest. Mo- hammed Pasha was not forgotten in the distribution of favours : the prime minister raised him, as he did the renowned Capudan Mohammed, to the principality of Semendria for his services. The Capudan Mohammed was raised to the government of Tzwernick. As the governor's removal was to take place in six months, he thought proper to get Mohammed Beg, Capudan of Yaitsha, raised to be governor of Banialuka, in consequence of the bravery which he manifested at Oster witch- atyk and elsewhere. At the conclusion of this fortunate war, a party WAR IN BOSNIA. 85 of five hundred Janissaries and a number of aghas were sent to garrison Tzwernick. Those of them who, from the commencement of the war to its close, had continued to aid the governor in his operations of war, and who had been in the battles and sieges which had taken place, were all ordered to be re- warded as follows, and according to an ancient cus- tom of the country ; viz. to each Agha forty, to each standard-bearer twenty, and to each common man seven pieces of money as wages per day. So when it pleased God to grant the favour of vanquishing Belgrade, and of forcing the enemy to make peace,* permission was given to the army of Bosnia to return to Serai ; which the governor and the army did. CONCLUSION, DESCRIPTIVE OF THE COUNTRY AND INHABITANTS OF BOSNIA. The kingdom of Bosnia forms a division of the Ottoman empire, and is a key to the countries of Roumeli (or Romeli). Although its length and breadth be of unequal dimensions, yet it is not improper to say it is equal in climate to Misr and Sham (Egypt and Syria). Each one of its lofty mountains, exalted to Ayuk, (a bright red star that * The peace of Belgrade was signed on the first of September, 1739. By this peace the treaty of Passarowitz was nullified, and the rivers Danube, Save, and Una re-established, as the boundaries of the two empires. See note to page 1. 86 ACCOUNT OF THE always follows the Hyades,) is an eye-sore to a foe. By reason of this country's vicinity to the infidel nations, such as the deceitful Germans, Hungarians, Serbs (Sclavonians), the tribes of Croats, and the Venetians, strong and powerful, and furnished with abundance of cannon, muskets, and other weapons of destruction, it has had to carry on fierce war from time to time with one or other, or more, of these deceitful enemies enemies accustomed to mischief, inured to deeds of violence, resembling wild mountaineers in asperity, and inflamed with the rage of seeking opportunities of putting their machi- nations into practice ; but the inhabitants of Bosnia know this. The greater part of her peasants are strong, courageous, ardent, lion-hearted, profession- ally fond of war, and revengeful : if the enemy but only show himself in any quarter, they, never seek- ing any pretext for declining, hasten to the aid of each other. Though in general they are harmless, yet in conflict with an enemy they are particularly vehement and obstinate ; in battle they are strong- hearted ; to high commands they are obedient, and submissive as sheep ; they are free from injustice and wickedness ; they commit no villany, and are never guilty of high-way robbery ; and they are ready to sacrifice their lives in behalf of their re- ligion and the emperor. This is an honour which the people of Bosnia have received as an inheritance from their forefathers, and which every parent be- queaths to his son at his death. WAR IN BOSNIA. 87 By far the greater number of the inhabitants, but especially the warlike chiefs, capudans, and vete- rans of the borders, in order to mount and dismount without inconvenience, and to walk with greater freedom and agility, wear short and closely fitted garments : they wear the fur of the wolf and leopard about their shoulders, and eagles' wings in their caps, which are made of wolf-skins. The ornaments of their horses are wolf and bear- skins : their weapons of defence are the sword, the javelin, the axe, the spear, pistols, and muskets : their cavalry are swift, and their foot nimble and quick. Thus dressed and accoutred they present a formidable appearance, and never fail to inspire their enemies with a dread of their valour and he- roism. So much for the events which have taken place within so short a space of time.* It is not in our power to write and describe every thing con- nected with the war, or which came to pass during that eventful period. Let this suffice. * It will be seen by the dates given in page 1, that the war lasted about two years and five months. Prepared and printed from the rare and valuable collection of Omer Effendi of Novi, a native of Bosnia, by Ibrahim.* * This Ibrahim was called Basmajee, the printer. He is mentioned in history as a renegado, and to have been associated with the son of Mehemet Effendi, the negotiator of the peace of Passarowitz, and who was, in 1721, deputed on a special em- bassy to Louis XV. Seyd Effendi, who introduced the art of printing into Turkey. Ibrahim, under the auspices of the govern- ment, and by the munificence of Seyd Effendi aiding his labours, succeeded in sending from the newly instituted presses several works, besides the Account of the War in Bosnia. ORIENTAL TRANSLATION FUND Patron, His Most Excellent Majesty KING GEORGE THE FOURTH. His Royal Highness the DUKE of CLARENCE. His Royal Highness the DUKE of SUSSEX. His Royal Highness the DUKE of CAMBRIDGE. His Royal Highness the DUKE of GLOUCESTER, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. His Royal Highness PRINCE LEOPOLD of SAKE COBURG. His Grace the LORD ARCHBISHOP of CANTERBURY. The Right Honourable the LORD HIGH CHANCELLOR. His Grace the DUKE of WELLINGTON. The Most Noble the MARQUESS of LANSDOWNE. The Right Honourable the EARL SPENCER, The Right Honourable the EARL AMHERST, late Governor-General of India. The Right Honourable LORD W.H.C. BENTINCK, G.C.B., Governor- General of India. The Right Honourable LORD VISCOUNT MELVILLE. The Right Honourable LORD VISCOUNT GODERICH. The Right Honourable LORD GRENVILLE, Chancellor of the Uni- versity of Oxford. The Right Honourable LORD ELLENBOROUGH, President of the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India. The Right Honourable C. W. WILLIAMS WYNN, M.P., President of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. The Right Honourable SIR ROBERT PEEL, Bart., M.P. The Right Honourable HENRY GOULBURN, M.P, The Right Honourable S. R. LUSHINGTON, Governor of Madras. Lieutenant- General SIR E. BARNES, K.C.B., Governor of Ceylon. Major-General SIR JOHN MALCOLM, G.C.B., Governor of Bombay. H. T. COLEBROOKE, Esq. Director of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. SDfficew* Chairman : The Right Honourable Sir GORE OUSELEY, Bart., Vice -President R.A.S, Deputy-Chairmen : The Right Honourable C. W. W. WYNN, M.P., President R.A.S. Sir G. T. STAUNTON, Bart., Vice-President R.A.S. Sir E. H. EAST, Bart., M.P. Sir A. JOHNSTON, Knt., Vice-President R.A.S. Col. MARK WILKS. Lieut.-Col. FITZCLA HENCE, Vice-President R.A.S. Auditor, J. B. S. MORIUTT, Esq. Treasurer, Lieut.-Col. FITZCLARENCE, Hon. M.A.S. Cal. Secretary, Mr, Wn LIAM HUTTMANW. 90 REGULATIONS FOR THE ORIENTAL TRANSLATION COMMITTEE, 1st. THE Committee which is attached to the Royal Asiatic Society, for the purpose of selecting and superintending the translation and printing of Oriental works, is to be called the " Oriental Translation Committee." 2d. The ohject of the Committee is to publish, free of expense to the authors, translations of the whole or parts of works in the Oriental languages, accompanied occasionally by the original texts, and such illustrations as may be considered necessary. These translations are to be generally printed in English, but in peculiar cases may be printed in Latin or French. 3d. The Committee is empowered to add to its number, to purchase Orien- tal MSS. or printed books, to present copies of the works printed at the expense of the Oriental Translation Fund to Learned Societies and individuals, and to adopt all the means that it may consider to be necessary for promoting the objects for which it was appointed. No payment, however, exceeding twenty- five pounds, is to be made until approved at two successive Meetings of the Committee. 4th. The Meetings of the Committee will be held as often as the Chairman or Secretary, or any two other Members of it, signing a requisition for that purpose, deem it necessary. All the Members of the Committee resident within one hundred miles of London, are to be summoned to attend each of its Meet- ings ; and five Members, including the Chairman or a Deputy Chairman, and the Secretary, are to constitute a quorum. 5th. The Secretary is charged generally with the business of the Committee, and is to record all the votes of the Committee in a Minute-Book, which every Subscriber has the right of inspecting on application to him. 6th. For the purpose of directing the attention of scholars to the literature of the East, and encouraging translations, the Committee is empowered to give annually, for such works as it may consider deserving of distinction, four rewards in money, in sums of from 50 to 100 each, and four gold medals of the value of twenty guineas each, inscribed with the names of the individuals to whom, and the titles of the translations for which, they are presented. Any Member of the Committee who sends a translation for approval, whether to obtain a reward or medal, or merely to have it printed at the expense of the Oriental Translation Fund, is to cease to act on the Comrnittee until the adoption or rejection of his work is decided on. 7th. No work, although prepared for the press at the expense of the Oriental Translation Fund, is to be printed, until the imprimatur of the Chairman or a Deputy Chairman, and at least eight Members of the Committee, is obtained. The Translators of such works as are printed by the Committee are entitled to twenty-five copies of their Translations for presentation. 8th. Every individual or institution subscribing ten guineas or upwards annu- ally to the Oriental Translation Fund, will be entitled to one fine-paper copy of every work printed by the Committee, with the name of the individual or 91 institution subscribing printed on an ornamented title-page. Individuals or institutions subscribing five guineas annually, will be entitled to common-paper copies of any of the works published by the Committee, to the amount of their subscriptions, at half the price paid for them by Non- subscribers. 9th. A General Meeting, to which every Subscriber and Member of the Committee resident in the United Kingdom will be summoned, will be held annually on the 7th of June, or, should that day fall on a Sunday, on the pre- ceding Saturday. At that meeting Regulations maybe proposed or rescinded ; the Auditor will report the receipts and disbursements of the past year ; and the Secretary report the progress made in the works that have been commenced, and give an account of those that are proposed for publication in the following year. A copy of each of these Reports will he sent to every Subscriber. A Special General Meeting shall be convened by the Secretary at any time it is required in writing by nine Subscribers, the requisition stating the subject that is to be pro- posed for consideration. Royal Asiatic Society's House, Graf ton Street, Bond Street, July 6, 1829. The Oriental Translation Committee have the highest gratification in informing the Subscribers to the Oriental Translation Fund, that on the five works that have been printed at their expense being tendered for the King's acceptance, His Majesty was most graciously pleased to command, that, for the furtherance of Oriental learning, two royal gold medals of the value of 25 guineas each should be given annually, for the two best translations from the Eastern languages that may be presented to the Oriental Translation Committee. At a meeting of the Oriental Translation Committee, held on the 9th January, 1830, It was Resolved Unanimously, That a sum varying from 20 to 100 sovereigns, at the discretion of the Com- mittee, be given to any person who shall point out a Translation of a lost Greek or Latin Work in the Arabic or any other Oriental language, which may be so circumstanced that the Committee shall be enabled to obtain it for translation. W. HUTTMANN, Secretary. 92 LIST OF WORKS PUBLISHED BY THE ORIENTAL TRANSLATION FUND, AND SOLD BY J. MURRAY, Albemarle Street; and PARBURY, ALLEN, & Co., Leadenhall Street. 1. THE TRAVELS OF IBN BATUTA, Translated from the abridged Arabic Manuscript Copies preserved in the Public Library of Cambridge, with NOTES illustrative of the History, Geography, Botany, Antiquities, &c. occurring throughout the Work. By the Rev. S. LEE, B. D., Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge, &c. &c. In Quarto ; price to Non-Subscribers, l. 2. MEMOIRS OF THE EMPEROR JAHANGUEIR, Written by Himself, and translated from a Persian Manuscript, By MAJOR DAVID PRICE, of the Bombay Army, &c. &c. In Quarto ; price to Non-Subscribers, 12s. 3. THE TRAVELS OF MACARIUS, PATRIARCH OF ANTIOCH, Written by his attendant Archdeacon, Paul of Aleppo, in Arabic. Part the First. Anatolia, Romelia, and Moldavia. Translated by F. C. BELFOUR, Esq. A. M. Oxon, &c. &c. In Quarto ; price to Non-Subscribers, 10s. 4. HAN KOONG TSEW, OR, THE SORROWS OF HAN. A Chinese Tragedy, translated from the Original, with Notes, and a Specimen of the Chinese Text. By JOHN FRANCIS DAVIS, F. R. S., &c. In Quarto; price to Non-Subscribers, 5s. 5. HISTORY OF THE AFGHANS. Translated from the Persian of Neamet Ullah. Part I. By BERNHARD DORN, Ph. D., &c. In Quarto; price to Non-Subscribers, 14s. 93 6. THE FORTUNATE UNION. A Romance, translated from the Chinese Original, with Notes and Illustrations ; to which is added, a Chinese Tragedy. By JOHN FRANCIS DAVIS, F. R. S., &c. Two Vols. 8vo. ; price to Non-Subscribers, 16s. 7. YAKKUN NATTANNAWA. A Cingalese Poem, descriptive of the Ceylon System of Deraonology ; to which is appended, the Practices of a Capua or Devil Priest, as described by a Budhist ; and KOLAN NATTANNAWA, a Cingalese Poem, descriptive of the Cha- racters assumed by Natives of Ceylon in a Masquerade. Illustrated with Plates from Cingalese Designs. Translated by JOHN CALLAWAY, late Missionary in Ceylon. In Octavo ; price to Non-Subscribers, 8s. THE ADVENTURES OF HATIM TAI. A Romance, translated from the Persian, By DUNCAN FORBES, A. M. In Quarto j price to Non- Subscribers, 16s. 9. THE LIFE OF SHEIKH MOHAMMED ALI HAZIN, Written by Himself; translated from two Persian Manuscripts, and illustrated with Notes explanatory of the History, Poetry, Geography, &c. which therein occur. By F. C. BELFOUR, M. A. Oxon, F. R. A. S., LL. D. In Octavo ; price to Non-Subscribers, 10s. 6rf. 10. MEMOIRS OF A MALAYAN FAMILY, Written by Themselves ; and translated from the original, By W. MARSDEN, F. R. S. &c. &c. In Octavo ; price to Non-Subscribers, 2s. 6d. N. B. The Large Paper copies of these Works are printed exclusively for the Subscribers to the Oriental Translation Fund. 94 LIST OF WORKS IN THE PRESS. The Travels of Evlia Efivndi ; translated by Herrn Von Hammer. Tlii> work contains an account, in Turkish, of the travels of Evlia in all parts of the Turkish empire, and in Turkestan. &c. in the middle of the seventeenth century. The Tuhfat al Kebar of Kateb Chelebi al Marhoom : translated by James Mitchell, Esq. This Turkish History contains a detailed account of the maritime wars of the Turks in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, and on the Danube, &c. from the foundation of their empiie in Europe to the commencement of 1640. The History of Vartan, King of Armenia ; translated by Professor Neumann. This work contains an account of the religious wars between the Persians and Armenians in tlie fifth century, and many important documents relating to the religion of Zoroaster. It is written in the purest classical Armenian by Eiisasus, who was an eye-witness of many of the events he relates. The Mukhtasar fi hisab el-jebr wa'l mokabeleh, by Mohammed ben Musa of Khovaresm ; translated by Dr. F. A. Rosen. This is the earliest system of Algebra extant in Arabic. The Tuzzuk Timuri ; translated by Major Charles Stewart. This work contains an account of the first forty-seven years of the life of Tamerlane, written by himself ia the Jagatean Toorki language, and translated into Persian by Abu taleb Husseyni. LIST OF TRANSLATIONS PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION. Class 1st. THEOLOGY, ETHICS, and METAPHYSICS. The Sanc'hya Caric& ; translated by Henry Thomas Colebrooke, Esq. This Sanscrit work contains the principles of the Sanc'hya System of Metaphysical Philosophy, in seventy-two stanzas. The Akhlak-e-Naseri of Naser-ud-Din of Tus in Bucharia; translated by the Rev. H. G. Keene, A.M. This Persian system of Ethics is an elaborate composition, formed on Greek models, and is very highly esteemed in Persia. A Collation of the Syriac MSS. of the New Testament, both Nestorian and Jacobite, that are accessible in England, by the Rev. Professor Lee. This collation will include the various readings of the Syriac MSS. of the New Testament, in the British Museum, and the Libraries at Oxford, Cambridge, &c. The Didascalia, or Apostolical Constitutions of the Abyssinian Church ; translated byT. P. Platt, Esq. A.M. This ancient Ethiopic work is unknown in Europe, and contains many very curious opinions. Class 2d. HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, and TRAVELS. The Siar Motaakhkherin, of Seyyid Ghol&m Hosein Khan ; translated by F. C. Belfour, Esq., LL.D. This celebrated Persian work comprises the annals of Hindfistan from the time of Tim&r Leng to the administiation ot" Warren Hastings in Bengal. The Travels of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch, written by his attendant Arch- deacon, Paul of Aleppo ; translated by F. C. Belfour, Esq., LL.D. Part II. This Arabic Manuscript, which is of great rarity, describes the Patriarch's journey through Syria, Anatolia, Kumelia, Walachia, Moldavia, and Russia, between the years 1653 and 1660 of the Christian lra. 95 Sheref Nameh ; translated by Professor Charmoy. This is a Persian History of the Dynasties which have governed in Kurdistan, written by Sheref Ibn Shems ud Din, at the close of the sixteenth century. The History of Mazenderan and Tabaristan ; translated by Professor Charmoy. This is a Persian History of part of the Persian empire, written by Zaher ud Din, and comes down to A.D. 14?5. The Tareki Afghan ; translated by Dr. Bernhard Dorn. Part IT. This is a Persian History of the Afghans, who claim to be descended from the Jews. It will be accompanied by an account of the Afghan tribes. The Annals of Elias, Metropolitan of Nisibis ; translated by the Rev. Josiah Forshall, A.M. This Syriac Chronicle contains chronological tables of the principal dynasties of the world, brief memoirs of the. Patriarchs of the Nestorian church, and notices of the most remarkable events iu the East, from the birth of our Saviour to the beginning of the eleventh century. Ibn HaukuTs Geogi-aphy ; translated by Professor Hamaker. This Arabic work was compiled in the 10th century by a celebrated Mohammedan Tiaveller, and is not the same as the Oriental Geography of Ebn tlaukal that was translated by Sir William Ouseley. Naima's Annals ; translated by the Rev. Dr. Henderson. This Turkish History comprises the period between 1622 and 1692, and includes accounts of the Turkish invasion of Germany, the sieges of Buda, Vienna, &c. The Asseba as Syar of Syed Muhammed Reza; translated by Mirza Alexander Kazem Beg. This is a Turkish History of the Khans of the Crimea, written about A.D. 1740, and con- tains many interesting particulars relating to Turkey, Russia, Poland, and Germany. Nipon u dai itsi ran ; translated by Monsieur Jules de Klaproth. This Japanese work contains the History of the Dairis or Ecclesiastical Emperors of Japan from the year 660 Ante Christum. A Description of Tibet ; translated by Monsieur Jules de Klaproth. This will consist of extracts from various Chinese and Mandchu works, forming a com- plete account of Tibet, and of the Buddhic religion, of which it is the principal seat. Ibn Khaldun's History of the Berbers ; translated by the Rev. Professor Lee. This is a rare and valuable Arabic work, containing an account of the origin, progress, and decline of the dynasties which governed the northern coast of Africa. The great Geographical Work of Idrisi ; translated by the Rev. G. C. Renouard, B.D. This Arabic work was written A.D. 1153, to illustrate a large silver globe made for Roger, King of Sicily, and is divided into the seven climates described by the Greek geographers. Makrisi's Khitat, or History and Statistics of Egypt ; translated by Abraham Salami, Esq. This Arabic work includes accounts of the conquest of Egypt by the Caliphs, A.D. 640; and of the cities, rivers, ancient and modern inhabitants of Egypt, &c. Part of Mirkhond's Ruzet-al-Suffa; translated by David Shea, Esq. The part of this Persian work selected for publication is that which contains the History of Persia from Kaiomurs to the death of Alexander the Great. Class 3d. BIBLIOGRAPHY, BELLES-LETTRES, and BIOGRAPHY. Haji Khalfa's Bibliographical Dictionary ; translated by Herrn Gustavus Fliigel. This valuable Arabic work was written by the celebrated Kateb Chelebi al Marhoom, and contains accounts of above 13,000 Arabic, Persian, and Turkish works, arranged alphabeti- cally. Heft Peiker, an historical Romance of Behram Giir ; translated by the Right Hon. Sir Gore Ouseley, Bart. _ From the Persian of Nizami of Ganjah, containing the romantic history of Eehram, the Fifth of the Sassanian dynasty of Persian kings. 96 Meher va Mushteri ; translated by the Right Hon. Sir Gore Ouseley, Bart. This Persian Poem, of which an abridgment will be published, was composed by Muhatn- med Assdr, and celebrates the friendship and adventures of Meher and Mushteri, the sons of King Shapur and his Grand Vizier. Tbn Khalikan's Lives of Illustrious Men ; translated by Dr. F. A. Rosen. This is au Arabic Biographical Dictionary, arranged alphabetically, of the most celebrated Arabian historians, poets, warriors, &c. who lived in the seven first centuries of the era of Mahommed, A.D. 600 to A.D. 1300. The Bustan of Sadi ; translated by James Ross, Esq., A.M. This is a much-admired Persian Poem, consisting of Tales, &c. illustrative of moral duties. Royal Asiatic Society's House, 14, Grafton Street, Bond Street, London. UNIVERSITY PRINTED BY A. J. VALPY, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET, U-6 176799