o p IP rn MS? P- d \o O CO' (M o [Price Two Pence.] THE HOUSEHOLDER'S FRIEND i BEI'MG AN ABSTRACT OF AN *4 CT To provide other Regulations for the Making and Sale of Bread, and preventing the Adulteration of Meal, Flour, and Bread, within Ten Miles round London. I. Bread made of the Articles herein mentioned may be sold. It shall and may be lawful for the several Bakers or Sellers of Bread within the City of London and the Liberties thereof, and within Ten Miles of the Koyal Exchange, to make and sell, or offer for sale, Bread made of Flour, or Meal of Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats, Buck Wheat, Indian Corn, Peas, Beans, Rice or Potatoes, or any of them, aijAwith any common Salt, pure Water, Eggs, Milk, Barm, Leaven, Potatoe, or other Ytast, and mixed in such Proportions as they shall think fit, and with no other Ingredient or Matter whatsoever, a ubjeet to the Regulations hereinafter contained, II. Bakers to make Bread of ai*y Weight or Size. It shall anhe said Term make, sell, oc cause to l>e sold, or offer for Sale, any Loaf or Loaves of Bread of Uue Description or Denomination aforesaid, or cither of them, shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay any Sum- not exceeding Ten Pounds nor less than Forty Shillings, as the Magistrate or Justice, before whom any such Offender shall be con- victed, shall order and direct. 3 Yf. Penalty not exceeding 10*. for selling Bread not previously "weighed. In case any Baker or Seller of Bread shall before th ex- piration of Two Years from the Commencement of this Act, sell or 'deliver in his, her, or their Shop, House or Premises, any Bread which shall not have been weighed in the Presence of- the Party purchasing the same, whether required by the Party so to do or not, xcept as aforesaid, then such Baker or Seller so offending, shall, -upon Conviction, forfeit and pay for every such O Jfonce, any Sum not exceeding Ten Shillings, as the Magistrates or Justices, before whom sucii Conviction shall take place, shall order and adjudge. VII. Bakers to provide in their Shops Beams, Scales and Weights, &c. and to weigh Bread, &c. under a Penalty not exceeding 5/. Every Baker or Seller of Bread, shall caused to be placed in some conspicuous Part of his, her, or their Shop, a Beam and Scales with proper Weights, in order that all Bread be weighed in the Presence of the Purchaser, and in case o neglect to fix such Beam, or other sufficient Balance, or shall have or use any incorrect or false Beam, or Scales, or Balance, or fabe Weight, then he, she, or they shall, for every such false Beam, &c. forfeit and pay any Sum not exceeding Five Pound*. VIII. Bakers and Sellers of DrcaJ, tmd othpr Persons delivering by Cart, &c. to be provided with Beams, Scales, and Weights, &C. for weighing Bread. Every Baker or Seller of Bread, or other Person employed by such Baker or Seller, who shall convey or carry out Bread for Sale, shall Ue provided ^ith, and shall constantly carry a correct Beam and Scales with proper Weights, or Balarict ., in order that all Bread Sold muy be Weighed iu th Presence of the Pur- chaser, under a Penalty not exceeding Five Pounds. JX. Bread not to be adulterated under a Peualty not exceeding .oflO. nor less than . No Baker or ufcher Persons who shall make Bread for Sale, nor any Servant shall at any Time, in the making of Bread use any Mixture or Ingredient whatsoever in ths Making of of such Bread, except as herein-befove mentioned, on any Account or Jiuder any Colour or Pretence whatsoever/upon Pain that every such Person, whether Master or Journeyman, Servant or other Person, who shall offend in the Premises, and shall be convicted of any such Offence, by the Oath, or in case of a Quaker, by Affirmation, of One, .or more credible Witness or Witnesses, or by his, her, or their own Confession, shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay any Sum UQ* exceeding Ten Pounds nor less than Five Pounds, or in Default thereof sh iij 4 by Warrant under the Hand and Seal or Rands ami Seals of the Magistrates or Justices, before whom such Offender shall be convicte I, be appreherrled and committed to the House of Correction, or some Prison of the City, County, Borough, or Place, where the Offence shall have been committed, er the Offender or Offenders shall be apprehended, there to remain for any Time not exceeding Six Calendar Months from the Time of such commit- ment, unless the Penaltj shall be sooner paid, as any such Magistrate or Magistrates, Justice or Justices, shall think fit and order ; and it shall be lawful for the Magistrates or Justices, before whom any such Offenders shall be convicted, to cause the Offender's Name, Place of Abode, and Defence, to be published in some Newspaper which shall be printed or published in or near the City of London, or the Liberty of Westminster, and to defray the Expence of pub- lishing the same out of the Money to be forfeited as last mentioned, in case any shall be forfeited, paid, or recovered. X- Corn, Meal, or Flour not to be adulterated, nor shall any Flour of one >ort of Cora be sold as the Flour of any other Sort, on Penalty not exceeding .20. uor Jess than 6. If any Person shall put into any Corn, Meal, or Flour, whiuh shall be ground or manufactured for Sale, any Ingredient or Mixture whatsoever, not being the real and genuine Produce of the Corn or Grain which shall be so ground; or if any Person shall knowingly sell, or offer or expose for Sale, either separately or mixed, any Meal or Flour of one Sort of Corn or Grain, as the Meal or Flour of any other Sort of Corn or Grain, or any Ingredi- nt whatsoever mixed with the Meal or Flour so sold or offered or exposed for Sale; then every Person so offending shaW, upon Conviction before any Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, iorfeit and pay for every such Offence, any Sum not exceeding Twenty Pounds, nor less than Five Pounds, which such Magistrate or Justice, before whom any such Offenders shall be convicted, shall bink fit and order. XI. Bread made of mixed Meal or Flour to be marked with a Boimn M. Penalty for neglect not exceeding !<),. Every Person who shall make for Sale, or sell any Bread, made wholly or partially of the Meal or Flour of any other Sort of Corn or Grain than Wheat, bhall cause all such Bread to be marked with a large Roman M ; and if any Person shall at any Time, make .or sell, or expose for Sale, such Bread without such Mark, and in every such Case, every Person so offending nh.ill forfeit and pay for every Pound Weight of auch Bread, and so in proportion for any less Quantity, which shall he so made for Sale or sold, without being so marked, not exceeding Tin Shillings upon Conviction. Magistrates or Peace Officers by th-eir Warrants, may search a Baker's Premises, and if any adulter- ated Flojr, Bread, &c. be found, the same may be seized and disposed of. XII. Penalty on Persons whose House, Shop, or other Premises Ingredients for the Adulteration of Meal or Bread shall be found: First Offence not exceeding 10/. nor less than 405. : Second Offence* 51. and I')/ for every subsequent Offence. Every Miller, Mealman, or Baker, in whose Premises or Possession, any Ingredient shall be found which shall be adjudged by any Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, to have been deposited there for the Purpose of being used in adulterating Meal, Flour, or Bread, shall, on being convicted, forfeit and pay, on every such Conviction, Money not exceeding Ten Pounds nor less than orty Shillings for the First Offence ; Five Pounds for the Second Offence, and Ten Pounds for every subse- quent Offence; or in default of Payment thereof, shall be appre- hended and committed to the House of Correction, or some Prison of the City, County, or Place where the Offence shall have been committed, or the Offender shall be apprehended, there to remain for any Time not exceeding Six Calendar Months from the Time of .uch Commitment, (unUs> the Penalty be sooner paid.) XIII. The Names of Offenders to be published in the Newspapers at the discretion of the Magistrates. The Penalty for obstructing: any Search authorized by this Act, may be levied by the Magis- trates as they please, not exceeding 10/, Offences occasioned by the wilful Default of Journeymen and Servants, are to be punished upon Conviction, by a Payment of so much Money as the Magistrates or Justices may think fit, and in case of Default the Offenders may be committed to Prison for Six Months, confined to Hard Labour. XIV. Bakers shall not bake Bread or Rolls on the Lord's Day; nor sell Bread, nor hake Bread, Pies, &c. except between certain Hours. No Master, Mistress, Journeyman, or other Person respect- ively, exercised or employed in the Trade r Calling of a Baker, shall, on the Lord's Day, or any Part thereof, make or bake anj JJread, Rolls, or Cake* of any Sort or Kind ; or shall, on any other 6 Part of the said Day than betweea the Hours of Nine of tlie Clock in the Forenoon and One of the Clock in the Afternoon, on any Pre- tence whatsoever, sell or expose to Sale, any Bread, Rolls, or Cakes, of any Sort or Kind; or bake or deliver, or permit cr suffer to be baked or delivered, any Meat, Pudding. Pie, Tart, or Victuals, except as herein-after is except-ed, or in any ether Manner exercise the Trade or Calling of a Baker, and every Person offending against the last-mentioned Regulations, or making any Sale or Delivery hereby allowed otherwise than within Ihe Bakekouse or Shop, and being thereof convicted before any Justi-ce of the Peace of the City, County, or Place where the Offence shall be committed, within Six Day s from the Commission thereof, shall for every 'such Offence pay and undergo the Forfeiture, Penalty, and Punishment as follows; for the First Offence the Penalty of Ten Shillings; for the Second Offence the Penalty of Twenty Shillings; and for the Third and every subsequent Offence respectively the Penalty of Forty Shil- ling*; and shall upon every such Conviction, bear and pay the t-x- pences and Costs of the Prosecution, and the Amount thereof, to- gether with such Part of the Penalty as such Justice shall think proper to be allowed to the Prosecutors for Loss ef Time in institu- ting and following up the Prosecution, at a Rate Hot exceeding Three Shillings per Diem, and to be paid to the Prosecutors for his, her and their own Use and Benefit, and the Residue of such Penalty to fce paid to such Justice, and within Seven Days after his Receipt thereof to be transmitted by him to the Churchwardens or Over- seers of the Parish where the Offence shaH be committed, to be applied for the Benefit of the Poor thereof; and in case the whole Amount of tke Penalty, and of the Costs and Expences aforesaid, be not forthwith paid after Conviction of the Offender, such Justice ^hall and may, by Warrant under his Hand and Seal, direct the -same to be raised and levied by Distress and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of the Offender; and in Default or insufficiency of such Distress, commit the Offender to the House of Correction, on a first Offence for the Space of Seven Days, for a Second Offence for the the Space of Fourteen Days, and on a Third or any subsequent Offence for the Space of One Month, unless the Whole of the Penalty, Costs, and Expenses be sooner paid and discharged: But, that it shall lawful for every Master or Mistress Baker, re- within the Limits aforesaid, to deliver to Jus or her Cus- 7 tomers, on the Lord's Day, any Bakings until Half an Hour past One of the Clock in the Afternoon of that Day, without incurring or being liable to any of the Penalties in this Act contained. XV. No Miller Meatman, or Baker to act as a Justice of Peace in the Execution of this Act, on Penalty of 100/. No MHler, Meal- man, or Baker, shall be capable of acting or shall be allowed to act as a Justice of the Peace under this Act, or in putting in Execution any of the Powers, under a Penalty of 100/ for every such Offence. XVI. Penalty not exceeding 10/. on Persons opposing the Fx- ecution of this Act. In case any Person shall resist or make for- cible Opposition against any Person employed in the due Executon of this Act, every such Person offending therein shall for every such Offen ce forfeit any Sum not exceeding Ten Pounds, at the Discretion: of tlie Magistrate, or Justice of the Peace, before whom he or she- shall be convicted of such Offence. XVII. Punishment for giving false Evidence. That if any Person who shall take any Oath or make any Affirmation by this Act directed to be taken or made, shall wilfully forswear himself or herself, or make any false Affirmation, every sueh Person shall be subject and liable to be prosecuted for Perjury, by Indictment or Information* according to due Course of Law; and if convicted thereof, shall bff subject and liable to the Pains and Penalties which Persons con- victed of wilful and corrupt Perjury are subject and liable to. XVIII. Appeal allowed on entering into Recognizance. That if any Person convicted of any Offence punisisable by this Act, shall think him, her, or themselves aggrieved by the Judgment of thfr Magistrate or Justice before whom he, she, or they shall have beezr convicted, it shall be lawful for such Person or Persons from Time to Time to appeal to the Justices at the next General or Generaf Quarter Sessions of the Peace which shall be held for the City County, Division. Liberty, Town, or Place where such Judgment shall Irave been giveu ; and that the Execution of such Judgment shall in such Case be suspended* the Persons so convicted entering into a Recognizance within Twenty-four Hours of the Time of suclr- Conviction, with Two sufficient Sureties, in Double the Sum which such Person or Persons shall have been adjudged to pay or forfeit, upon Condition to prosecute such Appeal with Effect, and to be forthcoming to abide the Judgment and Determination of the Justices ai their said next General or General Quarter Sessions ; which Re- cognizance the Magistrates, or Justices* before whom such Con- g viction shall be had, is and hereby empowered and required to take; and the Justices in the said General or General Quarter Sessions are hereby authorized and required to hear and finally determine the Matter of such Appeal, and to award such Costs as to them shall appear just and reasonable to be paid by either party ; and if upon hearing the said Appeal the Judgment of the Magistrate or Justice ^ before whom the Appellants shall have been convicted shall be con- ' firmed, such Appellants shall forthwith pay down the Sum he, ihe, O r they shall have been adjudged to have forfeited, together with such Costs as the said Justices in their said General or General Quarter Sessions shall award to be paid to the Prosecutor or In- former, for defraying the Expences sustained by reason of any such Appeal ; and in Default of the Appellant's^aying the same, any Two Justices, or any One Magistrate or Justice of the Peace having Ju- risdiction in the Place into which any such Appellants shall escape, or where he, she, or they shall reside, shall an I may, by Warrant under their Mantis and Seals, or his Hand and Seal, commit any sucb Appellants to the common Gaol of the Ciiy, County, Division or Place where he, she, or they shall be apprehended, until he. she, or they shall make Payment of such Penalty, and of the Costs anil Charges which shall U-4jmJged cm th CoiMwetinn ; but if the Ap- pellants in any such Appeal shall make good his, her, or their Ap- peal, and be discharged of the said Conviction, reasonable Costs shall/ be awarded to the Appellants against auch Informer or Informers who would fin case of such Conviction) have been entitled to a Moiety of the Penalty to have been recovered as. aforesaid ; and which Costs shall and may be recovered by the Appellants against any such In- former or Informers, in like Manner as Costs given at any General or General Quarter Sessions are recoverable : Provided always Uat no Person shall be detained in Prison for any such Offence for any' greater Length of Time than Three Calendar Months. XIX. Commencement of this Act That this Act shall commence and take effect from and after the Twenty-ninth Day of September, One thousand eight hundred and twenty -two. XX Public Act. That this Act shall be deemed and taken to he a Public Act, and shall be judicially taken Notice of as such by all Judges, Justices, and others, without being specially pleaded. LONDON -.Printed and Published by J. L. MARKS, 23, Russell Court, Covent Garden. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. *.C-D LD JfiJan'SSjjJW JAN 1 6 'J958 ItRRARY USE LlDIvAMV I w^- AUG5 ' 9B1 i AUti 5 I: = General Library LD 21-50m-8,'57 University of California (C8481slO)476 Berkeley Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc. Makers Stockton, Calif. W. JAN. 21, 1908 89401 1 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY