HE GIFT OF AP - REPRINT >* T1 ER .T O n AFFILIATED ENGINEERING SOCIETIES OF MINNESOTA Annual Edition, Volume Three, 1918 .' nj oth, 1916, at the Postoffice at S!. Paul, Minn., under act of March -3rd. 1 * :>tance for mailing at *pi'dal rate of postage prodded for in S.'ction 1103, Act of October 3, 1917 Authorized July 25, 1918. Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River A Bibliography BY MISS WINIFRED GREGORY Chief of the Industrial Arts Division OF THE St. Paul Public Library ST. PAUL, MINX. 218 IMPROVEMENT OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER: *A BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by Winifred Gregory. St. Paul has been so long recognized as the head of navigation on the Mississippi River, that questions on its development as an economic factor in transportation inevitably come to St. Paul engineers, and to the St. Paul Public Library. To aid in answering these questions this bibliography has been prepared by Miss Winifred Gregory, in charge of the industrial arts division. The collections described include the libraries of the Upper Mississippi Improvement Association and of the late Thomas E. Wilkinson, Esq., of Burlington, Iowa, recently presented to the Public Library and believed to be the most complete in the United States. References to material not in the library are also included. W. DAWSON JOHNSTON, Librarian. CONTENTS General Works Arranged by date. Waterways Minnesota and Red River of the North Waterway. Waterway from Lake Superior to the Mississippi River. Waterway from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River. Wisconsin route. Waterway from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River. Illinois route. Hennepin Canal. Terminals and Water-front Improvement. Water-power Development Reservoirs. St. Paul and Minneapolis Lock and Dam. Keokuk Lock and Dam. Engineering Miscellany. Maps. *Many engineers situated in the Mississippi Valley states are constantly demanding information on this subject and many others are extremely inter- ested. Portions of the list will be published in each issue during the remainder of the year until the bibliography is complete. The Bulletin feels that the value to the members and the credit which the societies will receive fully justify the publication of this exceptionally thor- ough piece of work. Editor's Note. Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River 219 KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS Aff. Eng. Soc. Minn. Affiliated Engineering Societies of Minnesota. Bul- letin. Am. City American City. Am. J. Sci. American Journal of Science. Am. Soc. Civil Eng. American Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Journal. Annals of Amer. Acad. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Assn. Eng. Soc. Association of Engineering Societies. Journal. Can. Eng. Canadian Engineer. Gassier Cassier's Magazine, Cassier's Eng. Mo. Cassier's Engineering Monthly, London. Cong. Rec. Congressional Record. Elec. Wld. Electrical World. Eng. Engineering. Eng. & Contr. Engineering and Contracting. Eng. News Engineering News. Eng. News-Rec. Engineering News-Record. Eng. Rec. Engineering Record. Engineer's Yrbk. Engineer's Yearbook, University of Minnesota. Gen. Elec. Rev. General Electric Review. Iron Tr. Rev. Iron Trade Review. J. Pol. Econ. Journal of Political Economy. Lakes-to-Gulf Assoc. Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway Association. Pro- ceedings. Minn. Eng. Minnesota Engineer. Minn. Sur. & Eng. Soc. Minnesota Surveyors' and Engineers' Society, Bulletin. Mun. Eng. Municipal Engineering. Nat'l Geog. Mag. National Geographic Magazine. Pop. Sci. M. Popular Science Monthly. Prof. Mem. Professional Memoirs, U. S. Engineer Dept. R. of Rs. American Monthly Review of Reviews. Sci. Am. Scientific American. Sci. Am. S. Scientific American Supplement. Scribner Scribner's Magazine. Tech. Wld. Technical World. Trans-Miss. Comm. Cong. Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress. Pro- ceedings. U. S. G. S. United States Geological Survey. Upper Miss. Improv. Assoc. Upper Mississippi River Improvement Asso- ciation. Proceedings. W. Soc. Eng. Western Society of Engineers. Journal. Yale Sci. M. Yale Scientific Monthly. .'J95233 220 Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River GENERAL Upper Mississippi River Improvement Association. Proceedings 1902-13. President's address. 1914-17. U. S. Mississippi River Commission. Reports. 1880- Printed in the annual reports of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army. 1881- Engineer Dept. Annual report. 1866- Includes much miscellaneous material concerning the development of the upper Mississippi river. 1856 Report on Survey of the Mississippi River. E. B. Washburne. Ap. 22, 1856. 34th Congress, 1st Sess. H. R. 72. S p. Recommends improvement of the river between the Falls of St. An thony and Sauk Rapids, and asks for an appropriation to improve navi- gation between the Minnesota river and the Falls of St. Anthony. 1861 Memorial of the Legislature of Minnesota for Improvement of the Mississippi River. Ja. 30, 1861. 36th Congress, 2d Sess. H. M. Doc. 29. 4 p. Asking an appropriation of $40,000 for improvement below St. An- thcny Falls, and $50,000 above the Falls to Sauk Rapids. 1862 Summary Statement of the General Interests of Manufacture and Trade Connected with the Upper Mississippi, by David Heaton, together with the Hydrographical Survey and Geology of the Mississippi River from Ft. Snelling to St. Anthony Falls, by T. M. Griffith and C. L. Ander- son. 1862. 12 p. 1865 Memorial to Congress, asking for aid to extend navigation to the Falls of St. Anthony. Mississippi River Improvement and Manufacturing Co., Minneapolis. N. 25, 1865. 9 p. 1866 Memorial of the Legislature of Minnesota on Navigation of the Mis- sissippi River. F. 9, 1866. 39th Congress, 1st Sess. S. M. Doc. 54. 5 p. In favor of a grant of lands to perfect the navigation of the Missis- sippi to the Falls of St. Anthony. Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River. Speech of Alexander Ramsey in the Senate. My. 21, 1866. 8 p. Survey of Upper Mississippi River. G. K. Warren. D. 20, 1866. 39th Congress, 2d Sess. Ex. Doc. 116 p. Includes a general description, of the river and its northern tributaries with plans and estimates for their improvement. 1868 Report on Survey of the Upper Mississippi River and Its Tributaries. G. K. Warren. Ap. 8, 1868. 40th Congress, 2d Sess. H. E. Doc. 247. 10 p. Physical Features of the Upper Mississippi. G. K. Warren. Amer. Naturalist 2:497-502. N. 1868. A brief general article on the geological history of this region. 1870 Report on Improvement of the Mississippi River at or near the Falls of St. Anthony. G. K. Warren. F. 1, 1870. 41st Congress, 2d Sess. H. E. Doc. 118. 6 p. Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River 221 1872 Report in Regard to the Cost of Continuing the Work for the Preser- vation of the Falls of St. Anthony, u. S. Engineer Dept. Ap. 15, 1872. 42d Congress, 2d Sess. S. E. Doc. 59. 9 p. 1876 Report upon the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River, by A. A. Humphreys and H. L. Abbott. 1876. Upper Mississippi River, 53-67. 1877 Give Us An Unobstructed Mississippi. A memorial to Congress to secure an adequate appropriation for a prompt and thorough improvement of the Mississippi river. Mississippi River Improvement Convention, St. Paul, 1877. 41 p. 1885 Navigation of the Upper Mississippi and St. Croix. E. W. Durant. Rivers and Harbors Convention, St. Paul. 1885:141-45. Letter from A. Mackenzie on the Work on the Mississippi River from Des Moines Rapids to St. Paul. Rivers and Harbors Convention, St. Paul. 1885:107-11. 1887 The Commerce of the Mississippi River from St. Paul to St. Louis. Frank Johnson. 1887. 50th Congress, 1st Sess. H. E. Doc. 6. 22 p. 1888 Reports on Examinations and Surveys of the Mississippi River Be- tween St. Paul and St. Anthony Falls, an examination of the Minnesota river with a view to its improvement by locks and dams, and of the Red River of the North from Moorhead to Fergus Falls. U. S. Engineer Dept. D. 10, 1888. 50th Congress, 1st Sess. H. E. Doc. 158. 25 p. 1890 The Mississippi and Its 44 Navigable Tributaries, Descriptive, Com- mercial and Statistical Review. A. D. Anderson. 1890. 45 p. Transportation on the Rivers of the Mississippi Valley. U. S. Census Bureau, llth Census, 1890. Transportation 2:393-465. 1891 The Commerce of the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River and Its Trib- utaries. S. G. Brock. 1891. 52d Congress, 1st Sess. H. E. Doc. 6:2. 96 p. 1894 Hydro-geology of the Upper Mississippi Valley. D. W. Mead Assn Eng. Soc. Maps. 13:329-96. Jl, 1894. 1898 Navigation on the Mississippi. George Lamont. D. 15, 1898. 55th Congress, 3d Sess. S. R. 1433:34-40. 1901 Riparian Lands of the Mississippi River, Past, Present, Prospective; being a collection of essays and discussions of problems affecting the improvement of navigation of the Mississippi river. F. H. Tompkins. Maps. Chicago, 1901. 640 p. 1902 Address on the Improvement of the Mississippi River. L. E. Cooley. Trans-Miss. Comm. Cong. 1902:101-11. 222 Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River Discusses the Michigan-Mississippi waterway, the portage at Travers Lake and the possibilities of water transportation from Canada to the Mississippi, the reservoir system, 'and the deepening of the channel be- tween Minneapolis and St. Louis. Remarks on the Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River. L. B. Cooley. Upper Miss. Improv. Assoc. 1902:26-32. Outlines a trunk waterway from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Great Lakes, the Illinois and Mississippi rivers, and discusses the advantages of the Keokuk dam. Address on the Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River. John Espy. Trans-Miss. Comm. Cong. 1902:97-100. Memorial to Congress on Improving the Upper Mississippi River Be- tween St. Anthony Falls and the Mouth of the Ohio River. Upper Missis- sippi River Improvement Association. 1902. 1905 Water Transportation; its economic importance. F. H. Dixon. St. Louis railway club. 10:7:8-33. N. 10, 1905. In the section on river transportation, the economic problems of Mis- sissippi river development are broadly considered. 1906 Mississippi River and Its Tributaries. S. B. Ladd. U. S. Census Bureau. Transportation by water. 163-95. 1906. 1907 Mississippi River Between Missouri River and St. Paul. C. S. Riche, Ja. 3, 1907. 59th Congress, 2d Sess. H. Doc. 341. 18 p. Contains a report of estimates for a six-foot channel from St. Paul to the Missouri river, by C. W. Durham. Our Great River; what it is and may be for commerce, agriculture, and sanitation, the largest inland project of our time. W. J. McGee. World's Work. 13:8576-84. F. 1907. The Future of Our Navigable Waters. J. L. Mathews. Atlantic. 100:721-28. D. 1907. A plea for broader recognition of the value of river improvement. The Mississippi river is especially stressed. The Importance to the Commerce of the United States of Improving the Upper Mississippi River. A. B. Cummins. Lakes-to-Gulf Assoc. 1907:76-80. 1908 Mississippi Improvement and Traffic Prospects. R. B. Way. Annals of Amer. Acad. 31:146-63. Ja. 1908. The whole river is studied, sections being devoted to regulation, reservoirs of the upper Mississippi river, Lakes to Gulf waterway, water power in the Upper river, river traffic and rates above St. Louis, etc. New Era for the Upper Mississippi. J. H. Davidson. States Mag. 1:1-9. D. 1908. Discusses the effect on commerce of improving the upper Mississippi. Preliminary Report of the Inland Waterways Commission. 1908. 60th Congress, 1st Sess. S. Doc. 325. 701 p. Partial contents: Physical characteristics of the Mississippi river and its tributaries, 69-86. Upper Mississippi river traffic, 124-26. Statutes relating to water power, 621-51. First Annual Report of the Waterways Commission, State of Wis- consin. 1908. 38 p. Deals with the navigation of the Mississippi river between St. Louis and St. Paul, comparing it with the rivers of western Europe. Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River 223 1909 Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River. C. McD. Townsend. Maps. W. Soc. Eng. 14:26-72. F. 1909. A comprehensive report dealing fully with the characteristics of the upper Mississippi and the history of the improvement works, reservoirs, dredging, etc. It covers more particularly the distance from the Omaha bridge at St. Paul to the mouth of the Missouri. Abstract relating mainly to the character and construction of the improvements. Eng. News. 61:485-89. My. 6, 1909. Transportation on the Mississippi River and Its Tributaries. J. L. Mathews. Eng. News. 62:615-16. D. 2, 1909. Discusses necessary depth of channel, types of tow-boats, etc. Traffic history of Mississippi river system. F. H. Dixon. Nat'l waterways commission Bulletin 11. D. 1909. 70 p. Address on the Improvement of the Waterways of the Upper Missis- sippi. F. G. Allen. Nat'l rivers and harbors congress. 6:92-98. 1909. Address on Upper Mississippi River Development A. O. Eberhardt. Upper Miss. Improv. Assoc. 1909:1-8. Address, Development of American Waterways. A. O. Eberhardt. Nat'l rivers and harbors congress. 6:165-75. 1909. Considers briefly the advantages of improved navigation to the states bordering the river. The Upper Mississippi. J. L. Mathews. In Remaking the Mississippi. 151-68. 1909. American Inland Waterways, Their Relation to Railway Transporta- tion and to the National Welfare; their creation, restoration and main- tenance. Herbert Quick. 1909. A broad treatment of waterway problems, not confined to Mississippi, but containing much miscellaneous information on that river. Report on Transportation by Water in the United States. U. S. Bureau of corporations. 1909. Partial contents: Lakes to the Mississippi routes, 1:51-52; Upper Mississippi and tributaries, 2:284-303; Ports on the upper Mississippi, 3:232. 1910 Report on examination of river from St. Paul to Minneapolis with view to modification of project to provide for increased depth and utiliza- tion of surplus water for development of power. U. S. Engineer Dept. Mr. 4, 1910. 61st Congress, 2d Sess. H. Doc. 741. 17 p. The Future of Our Waterways. J. J. Hill. World's work. 19:12779-91. Ap. 1910. Outlines the essentials for developing waterways, and states that a channel of 20 ft. is the minimum depth for efficiency. On River Improvement and the Minnesota River Survey. A. F. Meyer. Minn. Eng. 18:207-09. My. 1910. Proposed Development of Inland Waterways. S. O..Dunn. Scribner 47:750-58. Je. 1910. The Mississippi system receives special study, and its development is unfavorably reported. First Annual Report of the Minnesota Waterways Commission. Pre- liminary studies and suggestions and recommendations. 1910. Notes en river frontage, terminal facilities, boat construction and reservoirs as an aid in navigation. 1911 Novel and Practical Plan to Establish Commerce on the Mississippi River. Alexander McDougall. Duluth. 1911. 224 Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River 1912 Reclamation and Conservation of the Alluvial Lands in the Upper Mississippi Valley, Now and Formerly Subject to Overflow. C. W. Dur- ham. Map. Eng. and Contr. 37:21-24. Ja. 3, 1912. Government Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River. J. E. Kaul- fuss. Wis. Eng. 16:209-18, 254-61. F.-Mr. 1912. Part 1 is devoted to outlining the scope of the necessary improve- ments; part 2 deals with the actual work of maintaining a 5-ft. channel from St. Louis to St. Paul. Improving Upper Mississippi River. E. F. Linderman. Eng. News. 67:670-73. Ap. 11, 1912. Description of the character of the work, methods used and some particulars of the unit cost. High and Low Water Elevations and the Various Datums Used on the Upper Mississippi River. C. W. Durham. Tables. Eng. and Contr. 38:310-11. S. 18, 1912. Deforestation and Stream Flow with Special Reference to the Upper Mississippi River. C. W. Durham. Eng. and Contr. 38:445-46. O. 16, 1912. 1913 Reports on survey of Mississippi river between Winnibigoshish and Pokegama reservoirs and from Leech Lake dam to the mouth of Leach river, Minn., with view to straightening and improving channel. U. S. Engineer Dept. Ja. 4, 1913. 62d Congress, 3d Sess. H. Doc. 1223. 18 p. . The Upper Mississippi River. T.M.Wilkinson. National waterways. 2:151-54. Ap. 1913. 1914 Regulation of Rivers. J. L. Van Ornum. 1914. Brief notes on upper Mississippi reservoirs, dredging operations and current control. 1915 Improvement of Inland Waterways. Speech in the House of Repre- sentatives. G. R. Smith. Cong. Rec. 52:1902-06. Ja. 19, 1915. A plea for continued improvement of the upper Mississippi. The Engineer's Interest, with special reference to the Mississippi river and its tributaries. H. N. Wagner. Can. Eng. 28:191-94. Ja. 28, 1915. Devoted to a discussion of the value of reservoirs, the protection work necessary to reduce floods, and the canalization of the main stream and the larger tributaries. Minneapolis and the Mississippi. F. C. Shenehon. Minn. Eng. 21:105 16. Mr. 1915. The value of the Mississippi river to the city to supply water, to serve as a drainage canal, to develop water power, and to carry commerce. Waterways and Commercial Evolution. R. H. Hess. Annals of Amer. Acad. 59:259-82. My. 1915. The Mississippi river system is treated at length. The Great River. George Marvin. World's Work. 30:49-65, 213-37, 469-85, 584-604. My.-S. 1915. A serial in four parts: The war on the Mississippi; Controlling the Mississippi; The sovereignty of the Mississippi; Navigating the Mississippi. The Mississippi River. J. W. Woermann. Ass'n Eng. Soc. 55:37-66. S. 1915. General article covering source, reservoirs, dams, floods, dredging, levees, early navigation, and the rise and decline of river commerce. Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River 225 1916 River Navigation: Can the Mississippi river be made useful to Min- neapolis shippers? Minneapolis civic and commerce association. Com- mittee on river development. 1916. 20 p. 1917 Improvement of Mississippi River from Winona to La Crosse, in ac- cordance with the six-foot channel project adopted by Congress, Mr. 2, 1907. W. A. Thompson. Prof. Mem. 9:300-07. 1917. 1918 River Navigation. A war measure that is likely to prove of perma- nent value. W. F. Decker. R. of Rs. 57:174-76. F. 1918. Advises the use of barges and tow-boats rather than the old style steamboat, and urges federal aid in developing traffic. Presidential Address. A. F. Meyer. Aff. Eng. Soc. Minn. 3:17-25. F. 1918. Brief remarks concerning the utilization of water power at the Gov- ernment dam at Fort Snelling and the navigation reservoirs on the upper Mississippi river. The Mississippi Waterway System as a War Transportation Factor. C. H. Huff, St. Louis Star. Reprinted in St. Paul Daily News. Je.-Jl. 1918. A series of twelve articles, the first three dealing with upper Missis- sippi river problems. WATERWAYS. MINNESOTA AND RED RIVER WATERWAY. McCleary, J. T, Connecting the Minnesota River and the Red River of the North. Jl. 27, 1894. 53d Congress, 2d Sess. H. R. 1335. A report favoring a survey of these rivers with a view to their con- nection in continuous waterway. Usher, J. P. Letter ... in relation to uniting the navigable waters of the Mississippi river with the Red River of the North by slack- water and canal navigation. Ja. 5, 1863. 37th Congress, 3d Sess. S. M. Doc. 8. 2 p. WATER'WAY FROM LAKE SUPERIOR TO THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. Carey, W. N. The Lake Superior-Mississippi Canal. Aff. Eng. Soc. Minn. 2:1-5. Ja. 1917. Review of the report published as House Document 1008, 64th Con- gress, 1st Sess. Duluth, Minn., Board of Engineers. Report on preliminary examina- tion of waterway ... to the Chief of Engineers. My. 14, 1913. 96 p. The route described is by way of the Brule and St. Croix rivers. Fitch, G. D. Report on a canal connecting Lake Superior and the Mississippi river by way of the St. Croix, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Ag. 30, 1909. 61st Congress, 2d Sess. H. Doc. 304. 43 p. Report unfavorable from a commercial viewpoint, feasible and prac- tical from engineering standpoint. Supplements two previous reports, by C. B. Sears. Lake Superior and Mississippi Canal Commission. Appeal of Minne- sota and Wisconsin canal commissions in the matter of Lake Superior- Mississippi canal. 1914. 30 p. General data and argument for construction of canal. Report to the Legislature of Minnesota. 1914. 177 p. McCleary, J. T. Canal Connecting Lake Superior with the Mississippi River. ITy. 3, 1894. 53d Congress, 2d Sess. H. R. 830. 5 p. Briefly reviews the feasibility of five separate routes. 226 Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River Potter, C. L. General Data on Lake Superior-Mississippi River Canal. 1914. 63d Congress, 2d Sess. H. Doc. 920. 54 p. This report considers a route from Lake Superior to the Mississippi river by way of Allouez Bay, the Amnicon, Moose and St. Croix rivers, Minnesota and Wisconsin. The report is unfavorable. Sears, C. B. Lake Superior and Mississippi Canal. Maps. Mr. 30, 1896. 54th Congress, 1st Sess. H. Doc. 330. 65 p. Reports as most feasible a route from Allouez Bay via the Brule and St. Croix rivers. - Lake Superior-Mississippi River Canal. D. 7, 1899. 56th Congress, 1st Sess. H. Doc. 69. 16 p. Report supplements preceding one, and is unfavorable as being not commercially justifiable or actually feasible. Stillwater, Minnesota, Citizen's Association. Lake Superior to the Mississippi river via the St. Croix river. Report showing the commercial utility of the proposed waterway, submitted to G. D. Fitch. My. 31, 1909. Waterway from Lake Superior to the Mississippi river. Ap. 8, 1916. 64th Congress, 1st Sess. H. Doc. 1008. 223 p. The route described is through Allouez Bay, Amnicon, Moose and St. Croix rivers. WATERWAY FROM LAKE MICHIGAN TO THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER- WISCONSIN ROUTE. Boston Board of Trade. Proceedings. Relative to a canal from the lakes to the Mississippi. 1870. 30 p. The Fox and Wisconsin river route is considered. Fairchild, Lucius. Water Communication Between the Mississippi and the Lakes. Madison, 1870. 88 p. Fox and Wisconsin Rivers Improvement Committee. Letter in regard to the Fox and Wisconsin route between the Mississippi and the Lakes. Green Bay, Wis., 1875. 15 p. Report of Select Committee of the Assembly, to whom was referred so much of the message of the Governor as related to the Fox and Wisconsin river improvement. N. Y., 1856. 62 p. Fox and Wisconsin Rivers Improvement Convention, Prairie du Chien, 1868. Water Communication Between the Mississippi and the Lakes. Memorial to Congress on the Improvement of the Navigation of the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers. Map. Madison, 1869. 56 p. Madison, 1870. 88 p. Houstan, D. C. Letter on the continuation and completion of the project for the improvement of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers. Rivers and Harbors Convention, St. Paul, 1885:119-29. Iowa. Governor. Regular message of Governor Merrill to legislature relating to the water communication with Fox river and the Great Lakes. Iowa Doc., 1870. Special message of Governor Samuel Merrill to the 13th general assembly in reference to the proposed improvements to the Fox and Wisconsin rivers. F. 9, 1870. Iowa Doc., 1870. Legislature. Memorial urging the importance of a water communication between the Atlantic ocean and the Mississippi river. Iowa. Laws, statutes, etc. 1870:257-80. Also in 41st Congress 2d Sess. H. M. Doc. 136. 19 p. U. S. Engineer Dept. Report on Wisconsin and Fox Rivers, Mr. 8, 1872. 42d Congress 2d Sess. H. E. Doc. 185. 14 p. Report of, arbitrators for the improvement of the water communica- tion between the Mississippi river and Lake Michigan by way of the Wisconsin and Fox rivers. Warren, G. K. Report on the transportation route along the Wisconsin and Fox rivers, in the State of Wisconsin, between the Mississippi river and Lake Michigan. 1876. 44th Congress, 1st Sess. S. E. Doc. 28. 114 p. Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River 227 Wisconsin. Legislature. Communication from Governor of Wisconsin and accompanying memorial from the Legislature of the same state relating to connecting the Mississippi river with the lakes. Iowa Doc., 1868. WATERWAY FROM LAKE MICHIGAN TO THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER- ILLINOIS ROUTE. Blair, F. P. Ship Canal to Connect Mississippi River and Lake Michi- gan. F. 20, 1862. 37th Congress, 2d Sess. H. R. 37. 13 p. Recommends the construction of such a canal. Brown, G. P. Drainage Channel and Waterway. A history of the effort to secure an effective and harmless method for the disposal of the sewage of the city of Chicago, and to create a navigable channel between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi river. Maps. Chicago, 1894. 180 p. Chambers, Julius. Joining the Great River to the Great Lakes. In The Mississippi River and its Wonderful Valley. 224-301, 1910. Chicago. Sanitary District Trustees. Deep Waterway from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River at St. Louis. A memorial presented to Congress by the trustees of the sanitary district of Chicago, favoring the construction by the Government of the United States of a deep waterway from Lake Michigan via the Chicago sanitary and ship canal and the Desplaines, Illinois and Mississippi rivers to St. Louis. Map Illus., 1904. 43 p. Chicago Commercial Association. Deep Waterway Committee. Re- port. From the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Chicago, n. d. Chiperfield, B. M. A waterway from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Cong. Rec. 53:1746-53, Jl. 19, 1916. Gives a history of the projects to connect Lake Michigan by way of the Des Plaines and Illinois rivers to the Mississippi. Communications and documents on the subject of a grant of land to the state of Illinois, to aid in the completion of the Illinois and Michigan canal. Ja. 3, 1843. 27th Congress 3d Sess. S. Doc. 26. 14 p. Cooley, L. E. Commercial Utility of a Waterway of a Navigable Depth of not Less than Fourteen Feet, Between Chicago and St. Louis. Trans- Miss. Comm. Cong. 12:123-29, 1901. The Continental Waterway Policy. Nat'l Rivers and Har- bors Congress. D. 1906:175-87. "The results of an investigation into the freight resources of the U. S. and to the conditions under which freight would seek water trans- port by way of the Great Lakes." The whole Mississippi river is con- sidered, emphasis being placed on the waterway between Chicago and St. Louis. The Diversion of the Waters of the Great Lakes by Way of the Sanitary and Ship Canal of Chicago. Maps. Chicago, 1913. 216 p. The Illinois River: Physical relations and the removal of the navigation dams, with supplement on the waterway relations of the Sanitary and ship canal of Chicago. Chicago, 1914. 121 p. The Lakes and Gulf Waterway, as Related to the Chicago Sanitary Problem. The general project of a waterway from Lake Michi- gan to the Gulf of Mexico. A preliminary report with appendices, maps and profiles. Chicago, 1891. 34 p. Lakes-to-the-Gulf Waterway. Statement before the Com- mittee on Rivers and Harbors of the House of Representatives. Ja. 28, 1910. 43 p. See also Illinois Internal Improvement Commission; Illi- nois River Valley Association; Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway Associ- ation; U. S. Commerce Committee. Grosvenor, G. H. The Deep-Water Route from Chicago to the Gulf. Map. Natl. Geog. Mag. 18:679-85. O. 1907. 228 Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River Halsey, E. A. The possibilities of the Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Water- way. World Today 19:1249-53. N. 1910. Hawes, H. B. "Fourteen Feet Through the Valley." Assn. Eng. Soc. 38:86-96. F. 1907. Discusses the project of a 14 ft. channel from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi. Illinois, Governor. Special Message of Governor Deneen to the 47th General Assembly. Special session. Je. 14, 1911. 51 p. Concerning a deep waterway from Lockport to Utica and the develop- ment of water power incident thereto. - Internal Improvement Association. The Illinois waterway report with plans and estimates of cost for a waterway from Lockport to Utica by way of the Des Plaines and Illinois Rivers. Springfield, 1909. 67 p. The Lakes and Gulf Waterway. Springfield, 1907. 62 p. Excellent resume of work done and details in progress, written largely by L. E. Cooley. Legislature. A communication from the governor of the state of Illinois with a copy of an act . . . tendering to the United States the cession of the Illinois and Michigan canal, upon condition that it shall be enlarged and maintained as a national water-way for com- mercial purposes. Maps. Ja. 8, 1884. 48th Congress, 1st Sess. S. E. Doc. 38. 45 p. Memorial . . . asking for a grant of land to aid ... in opening a canal to connect the waters of Lake Michigan with the Illinois river. F. 7, 1827. 19th Congress, 2d Sess. S. Doc. 46. 4 p. Memorial ... in relation to the extension of the Illinois and Michigan canal from the Illinois to the Mississippi rivers. F. 20, 1874. 43d Congress, 1st Sess. H. M. Doc. 145. 2 p. Memorial ... on the construction of a canal, to unite the waters of Lake Michigan with the Illinois river. F. 23, 1826. 19th Congress, 1st Sess. S. Doc. 49. 4 p. Rivers and Lakes Commission. Bulletins. The following bulletins relate to the Lakes-to-the-Gulf project: No. 1. Conservation of Waterpower in the Des Plaines and Illinois Rivers and the Improvement of these Rivers for Navigation. 1911. No. 2. Prospectus of a Project for a Deep Waterway and Conservation of a Natural Resource of the State of Illinois, prepared by L. E. Cooley. 1911. No. 9. The Illinois Water Power-Waterway. 1912. No. 10. The Illinois Waterway a guide for navigators from Lake Mich- igan to the Mississippi river via the Chicago Sanitary and ship canal, the Illinois and Michigan canal and the Illinois river. Also an alternate route via the Illinois and Mississippi canal. 2d ed. 1916. No. 13. The Illinois Waterway, a Review, by Isham Randolph. 1912. No. 15. The Illinois Waterway, a Project for a Waterway for Eight Feet Minimum Depth between Lockport and Utica and Available for Im- mediate Construction. 1914. Illinois and Mississippi River and Canal Improvement Commission. A national work. The all-water route from the upper Mississippi river to New York and the East. The voice of boards of trade and state legis- latures. Washington, 1882. 12 p. Illinois River Improvement Convention. Waterway Improvement. A matter of great national importance. Peoria, 1887. 47 p. Illinois River Valley Association. A deep waterway from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Maps Illus. Reprinted from Journal of Western Society of Engineers, August, 1900. Improvement' of the Upper Mississippi River 229 The Sanitary and Ship Canal at Chicago, by Isham Randolph. Cairo to the Sanitary and Ship Canal at Lockport, by L. E. Cooley. Lower Mis- sissippi River from the Gulf of Mexico to Cairo, by J. A. Seddon. The Illinois Waterway. A project for a waterway of eight feet mini- mum depth between Lockport and Utica and available for immediate con- struction. An outline of the plan with editorial comment from the press and resolutions of state organizations. Chicago, 1915. 18 p. Johnston, T. T. The great waterway to connect Lake Michigan with the Mississippi river, and its influence on floods in the Illinois river. Assn. Eng. Soc. 6:182-99. My. 1887. Kavanaugh, W. K. Address on the Lakes-to-the-Gulf Waterway Project Xat'l Rivers and Harbors Congress 8:108-17. 1911. King, Hoyt. Commercial Importance of the Sanitary Canal and Gulf Waterway. World Today 13:897-901. S. 1907. Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway Association. Report of Annual Con- vention. 1-5, 1905-1910. The Deep Waterway between the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico. Development of the deep waterway in relation to conserva- tion. Maps. 1911. Contents: Address by L. E. Ccoley What Presidents Have Said about Our Water-way Commercial Highways to the Ocean, by O. P. Austin. Lamed, W. T. Linking Lake Michigan to the Gulf. Van Norden Mag. 2:66-73. Je. 1907. Long, T. K. The Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway. World Today 17: 1265-65; 18:281-86. D. 1909, Mr. 1910. The first article deals with the project only as it affects navigation, the second as it affects conservation. Lydecker, G. J. Illinois River and Illinois and Michigan Canal. F. 12, 1879. 45th Congress, 3d Sess. H. E. Doc. 81. 13 p. McClure, W. F. The Chicago-St Louis Waterway. Map. Sci. Am. 97:209-10. S. 21, 1907. An illustrated article giving information of recent developments with reference to this project. McMath, R. E. The Waterway between Lake Michigan and the Mis- sissippi by Way of the Illinois River. Assn. Eng. Soc. 7:313-29. Ag. 1888. Discusses the project in respect to its physical, sanitary, economical and political consequences. Marshall, W. L. Survey of Waterway from Lake Michigan to the Illi- nois River. Maps. Mr. 11, 1890. 51st Congress, 1st Sess. H. E. Doc. 264. pt. 1-2. Gives general review of Mississippi river traffic, that approximate use of the canal may be gained. Mathews, J. L. Lakes-to-the-Gulf. In Remaking the Mississippi. 208- 24. 1909. Morgan, H. B. Imperative Need of the Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Water- way. Mun. Eng. 54:6-7. Ja. 1918. Moulton, H. G. Waterways versus Railways. 1912. Partial contents: Lakes-to-Gulf Ship Canal "Fourteen Feet through the Valley" A Depth of Eight Feet from Lakes to Gulf. New Task for Colonel Goethals. Current Opinion 54:500-02. Je. 1913. Suggest the construction of the Lakes-to-the-Gulf waterway as Colonel Goethals' next task. Ockerson, J. A. Some of the Engineering Problems Involved in the Construction cf a Deep Waterway from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Assn. Eng. Soc. 40:110-27. F. -1908. Payne, Will. The Lakes-to-the-Gulf Waterway: an undertaking to float the Commerce of the West to the sea. Sat. Eve. Post 180:3-4, 24-25. S. 7, 1907. 230 Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River Peyton, J. H. Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway. In American Trans- portation Problem. 125-45, 221-58. 1909. Proposed Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway. Map. Sci. Am. 101:433-36. D. 11, 1909. Attempts to prove that the 14 ft. waterway would prove so valuable that a 20 ft. channel would be warranted to carry ocean going ships. Putnam, J. W. The Illinois and Michigan Canal; a study in economic history. (Chicago Historical Society. Collections, v. 10) 1918. "Shows the influence of Illinois and Michigan canal in the economic development of the state." Publisher's Weekly. Quick, Herbert. Lakes-to-the-Gulf Waterway. In American Inland Waterways. 35-61. 1909. Rainey, H. T. Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway. Map. Cong. Rec. 41:3:2098-2106. F. 1, 1907. Advises the construction of a canal large enough to float our battle ships as well as merchant ships. Randolph, Isham. The deep waterway. Midland, Ag. 1908. 11 p. The Illinois Waterway: the project for a barge canal from Chicago to the Mississippi river. Eng. & Contr. 39:274-75. Mr. 5, 1913. Construction features, with estimates of quantities and costs given. Shelton, W. A. The Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway. 1912. A study of the proposed channel, terminals, water craft, freight move- ment, and rail and boat rates. Considers the traffic problem only. Engineering side entirely disre- garded. Reprinted from Journal of Political Economy 20:541-73, 653-75, 765-806. Je.-O. 1912. Waterway between Chicago and St. Louis, a Study in Freight Rates. J. Pol. Econ. 22:64-78. Ja. 1914. Concludes that with the low freight rates in this district, the construc- tion of canals or the extensive improvement of river channels would be a waste of money. Tower, W. S. The Mississippi River Problem. Pop. Sci. M. 73:13-27. Jl. 1908. Discusses the importance of a deep waterway from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce. Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway, statements of L. E. Cooley, W. D. Hamilton and Edward Hines, before the Committee on Commerce of the Senate. F. 28, 1910. 53 p. Lakes to the Gulf Deep Waterway. Ap. 16-17, 1912. 80 p. House. Committee on Internal Improvements Report on the Lake Michigan and Illinois River Canal. Ap. 13, 1832. 22d Congress, 1st Sess. H. R. 446. 20 p. Committee on Public Lands. Report on "A bill granting an additional quantity of land to the State of Illinois, to aid in the completion of the Illinois and Michigan canal." Ja. 17, 1845. 28th Congress, 2d Sess. H. R. 48. 16 p. Committee on Railways and Canals. Grant of the Illinois and Michigan Canal. Ap. 12, 1884. 48th Congress, 1st Sess. H. R. 1294. 3 p. Committee on Roads and Canals. Re- port on the Lake Michigan to Illinois River Canal. Mr. 30, 1826. 19th Congress, 1st Sess. H. R. 147. 5 p. Report on the Michigan to Illinois River Canal. Map. Je. 25, 1834. 23d Congress, 1st Sess. H. R. 546. 21 p. Committee on Waterways. Report . . . on a memorial of the General Assembly of Illinois, upon the sub- ject of a canal communication between the Illinois river and Lake Michi- gan, accompanied with a bill to aid the State of Illinois in the accom- Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River 231 plishment of the same. F. 1, 1825. 18th Congress, 2d Sess. H. R. 53. 6 p. Engineer Dept. Final Report on Survey of Upper Illinois and Lower Des Plaines Rivers, Illinois. D. 6, 1900. 56th Congress, 2d Sess. H. Doc. 112. 11 p. Report by a special board of engineers on sur- vey of Mississippi river from St. Louis to its mouth with a view to obtain- ing a channel 14 ft. deep and of suitable width, including a consideration of the survey of a proposed waterway from Chicago to St. Louis. 1909. 61st Congress, 1st Sess. H. Doc. 50. 532 p. Report of the Route of a Canal to Connect the Waters of Lake Michigan with those of the Illinois River. My. 24, 1832. 22d Congress, 1st Sess. H. Doc. 245. 7 p. Report upon the Proposed Acquisition of the Illinois and Michigan Canal. Maps. Ja. 11, 1887. 49th Congress, 2d Sess. H. E. Doc. 79. 169 p. Report upon Survey with plans and estimates of cost, for a navigable waterway 14 feet deep from Lockport, 111., by way of Des Plaines and Illinois rivers to the mouth of the Illinois river, then by way of the Mississippi river to St. Louis, Mo., and for a navigable waterway of 7 to 8 ft. in depth from the head of navigation of Illinois river at La Salle, 111., through the Illinois river to Ottawa, 111., by the Mississippi River Commission, covering the section below the mouth of the Illinois river, and by a board of officers of the corps of engineers, U. S. Army, covering the section above the mouth of the Illinois river. Maps. 1905. 59th Congress, 1st Sess. H. Dec. 263. 244 p. Review of Report. Eng. News 61:686-92. Jl. 24, 1909. Topographical Reports, made with a view to ascertain the practicability of uniting the waters of Illinois river, with those of Lake Michigan. D. 28, 1819. 16th Congress, 1st Sess. Ex. Doc. 17. 10 p. Waterway from Lockport, 111., to the Mouth of the Illinois River. 1911. 61st Congress, 3d Sess. H. Doc. 1374. Wilson, W. M. Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway. Nat'l Rivers and Harbors Congress. 8.279-83. 1911. Wisner, G. Y. Levels of the Lakes as Affected by the Proposed Lake Michigan and Mississippi Waterway. Assn. Eng. Soc. 8:123-54. Mr. 1889. HENNEPIN CANAL Benyaurd, W. H. H. Estimates for construction and maintenance of the canal from Hennepin to the Mississippi river. F. 28, 1883. 47th Congress, 2d sess. S. E. doc. 78. 11 p. From Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River. Davenport, la., 1883. 15 p. Durham, C. W. Methods and costs of rebuilding South dam, head of Rock river rapids at Lock 35 of the Illinois and Mississippi canal. Eng. & Contr. 38:555-56, N. 13, 1912. Emergency Gates on the Illinois and Mississippi Canal. Diagrs. Eng. Rec. 62:213-14, Ag. 20, 1910. Fox, Henry. The Hennepin, or the Illinois and Mississippi Canal. Illus. Wis. Eng., Ja. 1901. Explains the necessity for the canal, an account of various routes surveyed, and describes the construction work. Frazer, Ray. Blazing the Way to the Gulf. Tech. Wld., 18:356-57, N., 1912. Brief account of the use of the Hennepin canal, showing type of boat used. Handburg, T. H. Additional Surveys of Routes for the Hennepin Canal. Map. Mr. 8. 1886. 49th Coneress, 1st sess. H. E. doc. 117. 48 p. Hennepin and Illinois and Michigan canals considered as engineering and commercial problems, treated bv an engineer acquainted with the facts and surveys. Maps. Eng. News, 15:281-83, My. 1, 1886. 232 Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River Reprinted from Chicago Morning News, Apr. 7, 1886. Honens, F. W. Aqueduct Bridges on the Illinois and Mississippi Canal. Illus. Eng. Rec., 55:769-71; 56:20-23. Je. 29, Jl. 6, 1907. Keller, Charles. Break in the Illinois and Mississippi Canal, Aqueduct 4. Prof, mem., 5:195-98, 1913. McElherne, J. C. Rebuilding Lock Gates, Milan section of Illinois and Mississippi canal. Prof. mem. 3:392-95, 1911. Marshall, W. L. A preliminary report upon the location of the Illinois and Mississippi canal. Ap. 9, 1890. 51st Congress, 1st sess. H. E. doc. 316. 7 p. Final report upon the location of the Illinois and Missis- sippi canal. Je. 28, 1890. 51st Congress, 1st sess. H. E. doc. 429. 21 p. Morton, Sterling. Inland Waterways. Address delivered before the Commercial clubs of Davenport, Mr. 11, 1914. The development and use of the Hennepin canal is urged as commer- cially feasible. Channels, boats, terminals and rates are discussed. Murphy, J. H. Address on the Hennepin Canal. River and harbor convention, St. Paul, 1885:29-35. Riche, C. S. Emergency Gates of the Illinois and Mississippi Canal. Prof. mem. 2:327-38, 1910. Excerpt. Eng. News 64:665-66, D. 15, 1910. Rock Island Convention. Memorial on cheap transportation. Mr. 24, 1874. 43rd Congress, 1st sess. H. M. doc. 268. 5 p. Concerning the construction of the Hennepin ship-canal. U. S. Congress. Committee on Railways and Canals. The Illinois and Mississippi canal. Ap. 11, 1882. 47th Congress, 1st sess. H. R. 1000. 9 p. Majority report favors the construction of the Hennepin canal. Minor- ity report protests, and gives history of transportation on the Mississippi to prove the inadvisability of such an expenditure of funds. - Report on the Illinois and Mississippi river canal. F. 17, 1886. 49th Congress, 1st sess H. R. 574. 10 p. - Report on the Rock Island and Hennepin canal. Je. 10, 1874. 43rd Congress, 1st sess. H. R. 643. 6 p. Recommends the passage of a bill to construct the Hennepin canal. Report upon Michigan and Mississippi canal. F. 12, 1884. 48h Congress, 1st sess. H. R. 339. 2 p. - Engineer dept. Facts and data ... re- lating to the construction of miles 19 to 23 of the Illinois and Mississippi canal (Eastern section). D. 10, 1906. 59th Congress, 2d sess. S. doc. 103. 5 p. Report upon the proposed acquisition of the Illinois and Michigan canal and construction of the Hennepin canal. Maps. Ja. 11, 1887. 49th Congress, 2d sess. H. E. doc. 79. 169 p. Willard, J. H. Illinois and Mississippi canal. Ja. 22, 1902. 57th Congress, 1st sess. H. doc. 297. 5 p. Woermann, J. W. Concrete Construction on the Illinois and Missis- sippi Canal. Ass'n Eng. Soc. 13:613-33: N., 1894. Describes the engineering features of the Hennepin canal. TERMINALS AND WATER FRONT IMPROVEMENTS Bushnell-Hamlin, E. G. The Davenport waterfront. Waterways and commerce. 19-22. Je. 1916. Geyer, O. R. Coming restoration of the Mississippi as an important artery of commerce. Sci. Am. 114:215, F. 26, 1916. Reprinted in Cong. Rec. 53: Appendix: 420-21. Brief notes en work done by cities from Minneapolis to New Orleans to provide adequate terminal facilities. Harding, H. McL. An engineering report on the adaptation of freight transferring; machinery to the terminal of the upper Mississippi River. Typewritten. Improvement of the Upper Mississippi River 233 Iowa General Assembly. An act to provide for the improvement of the water and harbor fronts of incorporated or chartered cities and towns situated on navigable waterways within or bordering on the State of Iowa. 35th Gkm'l Assembly. Senate File No. 360, 1913. Mississippi Valley Terminal League. Preliminary report on types and standards of river terminals and of freight handling equipment for such terminals. 1916. Municipal Harbor Construction in Minneapolis. Eng. News 72:273, Jl. 30, 1914. Port Improvements along the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. Eng. News 73:1066-68, Jl. 3, 1915. Brief notes en the shipping facilities of Minneapolis, St. Paul, La Crosse, Davenport, Rock Island, Muscatine, Keokuk, Quincy and Alton. Ramsey, L. W. Improvement of the Davenport river-front. Am. City 13:321-23, O. 1915. River front improved without cost to taxpayers. Eng. News-Rec. 78: 481-82, Je.. 7, 1917. Leasing of filled land at Davenport pays interest on bonds and forms funds for retiring them. Robinson, C. M. Advancement of Alton, 111., a general city plan for the Board of Trade. 1914. Pt. 2, Railroads and river, presents plan for improvement of river front. St. Paul Commercial Club. Bulletin, River number. Map. V. 3, No. 5. O. 1916. Contains the Public Affairs Committee report on rail and river ter- minals. St. Paul Dept. of Public Works. Mississippi River channel diversion at St. Paul. Map. 1912:39-41. A report to the River and Harbor Commission giving general outline of the plan with itemized estimate of cost. Tolz, Clarence. Building for the future. Illus. Western Magazine. 9:12-20. Je. 1916. Minneapolis terminal plans. Water terminal and transfer facilities. 1913. 63d Congress, 1st Sess. H. Doc. 226. Rock Island, 111. district, pp. 919-23; St. Paul, Minn, district, pp. 925-27. U. S. Engineer Dept. Reports on examination and survey of harbor at Minneapolis. Maps. Ja. 21, 1915. 63d Congress, 3d Sess. H. Doc. 1512. 10 p. Wilkinson, Thomas. River terminals. Address at a conference of representatives of the commercial organizations of the cities of the Mis- sissippi Valley power zone. Hannibal, Mo. Jl. 17, 1912. WATER-POWER DEVELOPMENT Althouse, C. O. Available power on the Upper Mississippi. Map. Annals of Amer. Acad. 31:167-70, Ja. 1908. Locates many power sites. Coon Creek development on the Mississippi near Minneapolis. Elec. Wld. 62:1094-95, N. 29. 1913. Coon Rapids development. Map. Power 39:906-07, Je. 30, 1914. Coon Rapids hydroelectric development. Diagrs. Eng. Rec. 69:77-80. Ja. 17, 1914. Durham, C. W. Preliminary project for a water power installation at Duck Creek chain of the Rock Island rapids. Eng. & Contr. 38:419-20, O. 9, 1912. Greenleaf, J. L. Report on the water-power of the Mississippi river and some of its tributaries. Maps. U. S. Census Office. Tenth Census, 1880. V. 17. 154 p. Abstract Am. J. Sci. 152:29-46, Jl. 1896. 234 Improvement of- the Upper Mississippi River Lambert, F. T. A study of the St. Anthony Power Company's lower dam. 1902 Thesis. Minnesota C. E. Link, J. W. Coon Rapids low-head hydroelectric development on the Mississippi River near Minneapolis. Illus. W. Soc. Eng. 19:979-1015, D. 1914. Same condensed. Eng. & Contr. 43:151-2, P. 17, 1915. Loeffler, H. S. The new hydroelectric plant of the General Electric Co. of Minneapolis. Illus. Minn. Eng. 22:96-107, Je. 1914. Describes the plant situated at Coon Rapids on the Upper Mississippi. Low-head water-power plant. Illus. Eng. News 72:118-25, Jl. 16, 1914. A detailed description of the construction and equipment of the Coon Rapids hydroelectric plant. Ralph, G. A. Water sources of Minnesota. Assn. Eng. Soc. 48:240- 44, My. 1912. A summary of developed and undeveloped water-power of the Upper Mississippi. Ringsred, A. C. The proposed hydroelectric development at Coon Creek Rapids. Minn. Eng. 18:219-19, My. 1910. Thomas, R. U. The Hennepin power house of the St. Anthony Falls Water Power Company. Illus. Eng. Rec. 59:676-79, My. 29, 1909. . Water power development on the Mississippi River above St. Paul. Aff. Eng. Soc. Minn. 2:215-25, S. 1917. Outlines the factors responsible for existing conditions and suggests methods of control and direction. Wilson, Thomas. Twin City power plants. Illus. Power 44:332-39, S. 5, 1916. A number of low-head water-power and steam plants are described. Water-power development. See also Keokuk dam, Twin City dam. RESERVOIRS Dugan, E. J. Mississippi river reservoirs. Minn. Sur. & Eng. Soc. 10: 72-74. 1913. Durham, C. W. The reservoir possibilities of the sources of the Mis- sissippi and tributaries of the Upper Mississippi river with reference to the improvement of navigation. Maps. Eng. News 63:61-65, Ja. 20, 1910. Follansbee, Robert. Effect of federal reservoirs upon flow of Mis- sissippi river for navigation and water-power development during low- water period of 1910. 1912. 62d Congress, 2d Sess. S. Doc. 469:175-84. Garen, G. M. Gull Lake reservoir dam. 1910. Thesis. Minnesota C. E. Harwood, W. S. The great reservoir svstem of the Upper Mississippi. Map. Harper's Weekly, 41:38-39, Ja. 9. 1897. Hill, J. J. Reservoir method of flood prevention. R. of Rs. 47:697-98, Jl. 1913. Advocates a system of reservoirs on each branch of the Mississippi. Humphreys, A. A. Reservoir svstem. In Report upon the physics and hvdraulics of the Mississippi river. 406-11. 1876. Johnson, Archibald. Reservoirs ft tbp headwaters of the Mississippi river. Minn. Erg & Sur. Soc. 2:96-100, 1898. Lemen, W. C. A topographical survev of the reservoir svstpm at the head-waters of the Mississippi river. Technograph 15:32-42 1901. Ab- stract. Erg. Rec. 44:80-82, Jl. 27, 1901. Pvlft J. G. Reservoir system for the Upper Mississippi. Map. Harper 69:616-22 S. 1884. Ppser^o i