AGRIC, DEPT, &* AGRICULTURAL SERIES NO. 1 JANUARY 2, 1894. WEEKLY. PRICE, $12.50 PER YEAR. THE STANDARD HORSE AND STOCK ..BOOK.. BY PROF. D. MAGNER Assisted in special departments by thirteen of America's leading Veterinary Surgeons and Inspectors. vcr Seventeen fbunfcrefc ffllustrations, PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE WERNER COMPANY, AKRON, OHIO. Copyright, 1893, The Werner Company. MAGNER'S STANDARD HORSE AND STOCK BOOK A Complete Pictorial Encyclopedia of Practical Reference for Horse and Stock Owners, COMPRISING ALL SECRETS OF TAMING, CONTROLLING, AND EDUCATING UNBROKEN AND Vicious HORSES, WITH THE DETAILS OF BREAKING UP ALL HABITS TO WHICH HORSES ARE SUBJECT; THEIR ABUSES, DISEASES, AND REMEDIES. ALSO FULL DESCRIPTIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE VARIOUS BREEDS OF CATTLE; SHEEP RAISING; SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES, THE POULTRY INTEREST; THE DOG AND HIS AILMENTS, BEE CULTURE; FRUIT CULTURE; GRAFTING; INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FRUIT, ETC.; AND A PLEA FOR BIRDS. Comprising x>er 1200 pages anfc 1756 Illustrations. BY D. MAGNER, AUTHOR OF THE NEW SYSTEM OF TAMING AND EDUCATING HORSES, INDORSED BY ROBERT BONNER, ESQ., AND ALL LEADING EXPERTS, AS THE BEST IN THE WORLD ; Assisted in Special Departments by JAS. HAMILL, D. V. S., Pres't Nat'l Vet. Med. Ass'n ; CHAS. A. MEYER, D. V. S., Editor Veterinary Gazette, N. Y.; JOHN A. MCLAUGHLIN, D. y. S., EX- Veteri- nary Inspector N. J. State Board of Health ; D. G. SUTHERLAND, Ex-Pres't Mich. S"tate Vet. Ass'n ; PAUL PAQUIN, A. M., V. S., Prof, of Vet. Science in State Ag. College, Columbia, Mo.; T. BENT COTTON, M. D., V. S., Pres't O. St. Vet. Ass'n and Vice-Pres. Nat'l Med. Vet. Ass'n'; Dr. B. C. MCBETH, Sec'y Mich. St. Vet. Ass'n, Hon. Mem. N. Y. St. Ac. of Vet. Science; J. A. DELL, V. S., Pres't Mich. St. Vet. Ass'n ; A. J. CHANDLER, V. S., V.-Pres. Mich. St. Vet. Ass'n ; S. BRENTON, V. S., Ex-Pres't Mich. State Vet. Ass'n; WM. JOPLING, V. S., Treas. Mich. St. Vet. Ass'n ; A. I. ROOT, Aujhor of " A B C of Bee Culture;" JOHN A. ADAMS, Horticulturist. ^ ,,, CHICAGO : WERNER COMPANY. 1SQS Copyright 1887 by D. MAGNER Copyright 1898 by THK WERNER COMPANY Leading Veterinary Surgeons who assisted in preparing the Medical and Stock Departments ot "The Standard Horse and Stock Book." 1 JAMES HAMILL, D. V. S. 2 T. BENT. COTTON, V. S. 3 PAUL PAQUIN, A. M. V. S. 4 A. J. CHANDLER, V. S. 5 JOHN A.McLAUGHLiN.V.S. 6 CHAS. A. MEYER, V. S. 7 D. G. SUTHERLAND, V. S. 8 DR. B. C. McBETH. 9 J. A. DELL, V. S. 10 S. BRENTON. V. S. PREFACE. THERE are eleven million horses in the United States, and not one man in a million who knows how to educate them to the highest degree of usefulness. We say educate ; for the horse is an animal of high and spirited organization, endowed by his Creator with capabilities and faculties which sufficiently re- semble man's to come under the same general law of education and government. Primarily, the word educate means to lead out or lead up ; and it is by the process of leading out and leading up a child's faculties that the child becomes a useful man, and it is by a like process that a colt becomes a useful horse. Now, teachers, like poets, are born, not made. Only a few are gifted to see into and through any form of highly organized life, discern its capacities, note the interior tendencies which produce habits, and discover the method of developing the innate forces until they reach their noblest expression, and then apply the true and sufficient guidance and government. The few who have this gift are teachers indeed, and, next to the mothers- of the world, deserve the world's applause as foremost among its ben- efactors. Next to child training and government comes horse training and government ; and which is the least understood, it were *This preface was written by a gentleman well known in the world of let- ters, and especially famous, not only as a lover of fine horses, but as a high authority on all matters concerning them. Learning that I had in preparation a new work, he volunteered to write the preface, which is here given as a concise introduction to the author's own labors, with a high appreciation of the compli- ment paid him by the distinguished writer, in the personal allusion, the publi- cation of which demands no apology when its high source is considered. (iii) iv PREFACE. hard to say. Boys and colts, so much alike in friskiness and stubbornness, both are misunderstood and abused in equal ratio. The boys are shaken and whipped, and the colts are yanked, kicked, and pounded. That high-spirited or slow-witted boys be- come good men, and high-spirited or dull colts make serviceable horses, I conceive is due to the grace of God more than to man's agency, that fine grace, I mean, spread abroad through and ex- isting in all His creatures, which operates in regenerating con- tinually, making the good better, and preventing those whose circumstances forbid their becoming good from becoming ab- solutely bad. The author of this book is known to me as one of the gifted ones of the earth, because he is gifted to discern the na- ture of animals, and educate them for man's service. The pos- session of this gift suggested his mission, and well has he fol- lowed it, and by it been educated himself to a degree rarely, if ever, attained by man before. I doubt if there be on the globe his equal in knowledge as to the best method of training horses. Through this volume he seeks to give the public the benefit of his experience. I bespeak for it the careful perusal of the curi- ous, and of those especially whose judgment and heart alike prompt them to seek for and promulgate knowledge, which, be- ing popularized, would make the people more humane and horses more serviceable. W. H. H. M. LAW OF COPYRIGHTS. exclusive benefits of copyrights extend to twenty-eight years , Jp then renewable for fourteen years ; if the author is dead, to the heirs j by re-recording, and advertising the re-record for four weeks in any newspaper in the United States. The forfeiture of all the books, and a penalty of fifty cents on each sheet (sixteen pages) of the work, half to the United States, and half to the author, is the penalty for publishing or importing any work without the written consent of the author ; and the printer is equally liable with the publisher. Entries must be sent to the Librarian of Congress at Wash- ington, D. C. The laws are found in Vol. IV. of the United States Statutes, pages 4.364.39. fj^*' This Work, with " Facts for Horse Owners" from which the part on the horse is taken, is protected by three separate Copyrights, covering, first, its Title ; second, its Literary Composi- tion; and third, .its Engravings. "H^H There are also three patents covering important methods of subjection and treatment given in this book. First, a simple means of subjection by which any horse, however vicious, balky, or un- manageable, can be put in harness, subdued, and driven gently with- out danger of accident. Second, a method by which headstrong, lunging, runaway horses can be controlled directly, and so subdued by the pressure of the reins upon the nerve centers, that he will soon submit to the ordinary restraint of the bit. Third, a method of preventing and curing contraction and quarter-crack an ab- solute cure for quarter-crack, with freedom to drive on any road as desired, without causing the hoof to split back as it grows guaranteed a means of perfect cure. Fourth (patent pending), a method by which most horses pulling or lugging on the bit, will drive safely and easily to a pleasant and easy restraint of the reins. Jl^ Purchasers of this Work or " Facts for Horse Owners " from the author or his agents, will be entitled to the use of either or all of these patents (for personal use only), without extra charge ; all others using them will be subject to legal proceed- ings. ~^H ( V ) Veterinary Surgeons, fWENTY-FIVE years ago, there were but very few veterinary surgeons in the country, and these were located exclusively in the larger cities ; and there were no veterinary schools for their instruction. During recent years, the better informed classes of the community have become so awakened to the importance of treating the diseases of domestic animals intelligently, in accordance with scientific principles, that there have been established quite a number of well-conducted veterinary colleges in this country and Canada ; and in consequence there are now to be found, in most of the larger towns in all the States, intelligent, well-trained, and competent men, who have graduated from such colleges. Now, I am in a position to know that the training in these schools is de- signed to be very thorough, and that those at their head are well qualified for their positions i and a certificate of graduation from any of these colleges should be sufficient to give entire confidence in the competency of the person holding it, and entitle him to the encouragement of stock owners. It cannot be denied that veterinary surgeons trained in this way are, as a class, among the most useful and hard-working men in any of the prof es- sions,and should be respected and encouraged accordingly. S> if V u have a horse or other animal that has been injured or become sick, especially if a valuable animal, it is by all means advisable to call in a veterinary surgeon, provided there be one within reach; and this should be done at once, without the hazard of delay. No matter how plain the instructions given in this book may seem, the safest and wisest course will be to employ such a man, if available. Even though a man is not a regular graduate, if he has the reputation of being successful in practice, it will be best to employ him. In this, as in other professions, there are men who have such natural ability as to become very successful in practice. If I had a horse taken sick, even though I knew just what to do, I should be induced to call in the aid of a veterinary surgeon, if there was one obtainable. So do not give the cold shoulder to the veterinary who may come with proper qual- ifications to locate in your neighborhood, but extend to him the encouragement of your early and cordial support. (vi) TABLE OF CONTENTS PART Fl RST. CHAPTEE I. Preliminary Explanations. The Instincts of Lower Animals Their Remarkable Powers Adaptation of Domestic Animals to Special Wants of Man Principles of Treatment Necessary Qualifications for Success in Controlling Vicious Horses. . 25 CHAPTEE II. Principles and Secrets of the Art of Taming and Educating Horses. Special Points of Importance The War Bridle Principles of its Application The "W," or Breaking Bit Training the Mouth Four-ring, or Upper Jaw Bit Half-moon Bit Spoon Bit Patent Bridle Foot Strap Patent Breaking Rig 52 CHAPTEE III. Colt Training. How to Make the Colt Gentle Teaching to be Ridden, Handled, and to Follow Various Methods Making a Wild Colt Follow Instantly How to Make any Sullen Colt Lead Teaching a Colt or Horse to Follow with the Whip Making the Colt Fearless of Objects and Sounds Driving any Colt in Harness without Breeching Training the Mouth, Biting, etc. . 106 CHAPTEE IV. Fear. Susceptibility to Fear How to Prevent and Overcome It Illustrative Cases Fear of Rattle of Wagon Jumping out of Shafts Top Carriage Objects Exciting Fear while Riding or Driving A Robe Umbrella or Parasol Sound of a Gun Hogs and Dogs Railroad Cars Insanity. . . . 130 CHAPTEE V. Kicking. Causes of Kicking How to Prevent and Overcome It Driving any Kicker without Breeching Switching Kickers Kickers in Stall While Harness- ing Nervous Kickers Kicking while Grooming Runaway Kickers. , . 148 (vii) viii CONTEXTS. CHAPTEE VI. Running Away. Runaway Kickers Different Methods of Controlling the Mouths-How to Hold any Horse Lugging, or Pulling upon One Rein Making a Horse Back. 183 CHAPTEE VII. Balking. Preventing the Habit Different Methods of Starting the Balker How to Break up the Habit Different Tricks Used Will not Stand when Getting in or out of a Wagon Double Balking An Easy Method of Breaking a Double Balker 193 CHAPTER VIII. Bad to Shoe. Taking up the Colt's Foot Easy Method of Controlling Colts Confirmed in the Habit Simple Method of Making a Horse Stand to be Shod The Con- trol of Very Difficult Cases Leaning Over. 209 CHAPTEE IX. Halter -Pulling. How to Prevent any Colt or Horse from Halter-pulling How to Break any Horse of the Habit Running Back in the Stall when Unhitched Standing Without Being Hitched Hitching any Horse so that he will not Pull after Two or Three Minutes. . . 222 CHAPTEE X. Stallions. Care in their Management Treatment for Headstrong Stallions Treatment for Very Vicious Stallions How to Subdue and Control any Stallion so that he can be Called away from a Mare in a few Minutes Special Tests Illus- trating the Ease with which this can be Done 232 CHAPTEE XI. Checking and Blinders. Cruelty of Checking The Foolishness of the Practice Injurious to the Horse Covering the Eyes A Bad, Senseless Custom. ..... 246 CHAPTEE XII. The Mule. His Subjection and Management. . . . 263 CHAPTEE XIII. Miscellaneous Habits. Cribbing Wind-sucking Putting the Tongue out of the Mouth Pawing in Stall Kicking in Stall Getting Cast in Stall Jumping over Fences Tender-bitted Kicking Cows To Lead a Cow Easily 266 CHAPTEE XI V. Teaching Tricks. To Follow by the Whip To Throw Boys To Drive without Reins To Tell the Age, etc., etc. . 275 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTEE XV. Eq uestrianism. Horseback Riding Its Beneficial Effects upon the Health Teaching to Ride Position in the Saddle A Model Riding Horse, etc 286 CHAPTER XVI Breeding. Principles of Breeding Methods Adopted in Foreign Countries, etc. . . 296 CHAPTER XVII. Stabling. Construction of Stable Air and Light Form of Manger. *. 301 CHAPTER XVIII. Feeding and Watering. Cooked Food Mr. Bonner's System. . . 307 CHAPTER XIX. Sow to Tell the Age Accurately. Caries of the Teeth Treatment . .313 CHAPTER XX. Shoeing. Principles of Shoeing Tips and Thin Shoes Contraction A Reliable Method of Preventing and Curing Contraction Old Methods of Treating it Quar- ter-crack Simple Method of Curing Any Case Crack, or Fissure of Toe Corns Causes, and Practical Method of Curing Weak Heels Their Man- agement Interfering Clicking, or Overreaching Stumbling Shoeing Sore or Foundered Horses Causes of Injury in Shoeing 329 TIEIIEIIR, TIRIE-fiJI'IMIIEILT'IL CHAPTER XXI. The Circulation General Plan of the Circulatory System Derangements of that System the Cause of Disease Importance of Ventilation. . . . 401 CHAPTER XXII. Anchylosis Caries Necrosis Exostosis, or Bony Enlargement Splints Spavins Ring-bone Side-bone, or False Ring-bone Curb Bog Spavins and Thorough-pins Capped Hock Wind-galls Navicular- joint Lameness Founder Chronic Founder Peditis. ....... 411 CHAPTER XXIII. SEC. 1. Catarrh Laryngitis Distemper Glanders and Farcy Chronic Cough Heaves, or Broken Wind Roaring Bronchocele Nasal Gleet Influ- enza, Epizooti'c, or Catarrhal Fever Pink-eye Congestion of the Lungs Pleurisy Pneumonia Hydrothorax Typhoid Pneumonia Bronchitis. . 453 x CONTENTS. SEC. 2. Colic Flatulent Colic Inflammation of the Bowels Superpurgation Diarrhea Constipation Worms Bots Inflammation of the Kidneys Profuse Staling Inflammation of the Bladder Retention of Urine Bloody Urine Inflammation of the Brain Vertigo Sun-stroke 493 SEC. 3. Spinal Meningitis Paralysis Lock-jaw Stringhalt Thumps Lym- phangitis Weed Monday Morning Leg Peritonitis Indigestion Acidity of the Stomach Acute Indigestion 524 CHAPTER XXIV. SEC. 1. The Foot Pricking in Shoeing Stepping on Nails, Glass, etc. Foot Lameness Seedy Toe Graveling Bruise of the Sole Treads, or Calks Overreach Quittor Thrush Canker. 536 SEC. 2. Sprains, Bruises, etc. Sprain of the Back Tendons Breaking Down Sprain of the Fetlock Shoulder Lameness Sweeney Hip Lameness Knuckling Over Broken Knees, or Open Joint Fractures Dislocation of Patella Stifle-joint Lameness. . . . . . . . . 548 SEC. 3. Cuts or Wounds Sore Mouth Fistula of the Withers Poll-evil Diseases of the Eye Dropsy Swelled Legs 568 SEC. 4. Diseases of the Skin Surfeit Nettle Rash, Hives, etc. Mange Hen Lice Ring- worm Scratches Grease Tumors Sallenders Saddle and Collar Galls Tenotomy Castration Parturition Counter-irritants Fo- mentations Poultices The Pulse Giving Balls Physicking Bleeding Setons The Rowel Tracheotomy Embrocations Liniments Rheuma- tism, Acute and Chronic Warts. .592 PART SECON D. ID ^ I IE ~3T I UST O-. CHAPTER 1. Breeds of Cattle. Importance of the Dairying Interest Desirable Points in a Cow The Milk Es- cutcheon The Several Varieties of Cattle Short-horns Long-horns Polled Cattle 643 CHAPTER II. Feeding Cows. Influence of Feeding on the Production of Milk Importance of Care in Selec- tion of Food Value of Air and Exercise Best Kinds of Food Artificial Feeding Regulation of Food 652 CHAPTER 111. Milking Raising Calves. Milking To-day and in the Past Stripping Sore Teats Importance of Cleanli- ness in Milking Calving Feed and Treatment before and during Calving Rearing of Calves Anti-sucking Devices 659 CONTENTS. xi CHAPTEK IV. Hay-Makin g . Hay to be as Nearly like Green Grass as Possible Time to Cut Hay Analysis of Clover Hay Mowing-machines Hay-makers Horse-rakes Hay-loaders Drainage Dairy Barns. . . . . ..'... 668 CHAPTEK V. Milk. Physiology of Milk Milk Secretion Anatomy of the Udder Composition of Milk Cleanliness and Ventilation in Milk Houses Disease Propagated through Milk 676 CHAPTEK VI. Butter- M akin g . Fat Globules Cream-raising Deep and Shallow Setting Milk Tanks and Cool- ers Milk Aerators Strainers Weighing-cans Various Devices and Ap- paratus. 686 CHAPTER VII. Butter -Making, Continued. Churning The Old and the New Way Various Styles of Churn Working Butter Cleanliness Salting Butter-working Machines Marketing Butter Tubs and Jars. . . ......... 697 CHAPTER VIII. Cheese-Making. Milk Vats Refrigerating Vats Self-heating Vats Curd-mills and Curd-drain- ers Curd-knives and Curd-breakers Cheese-presses Upright and Gang Presses Cheese-hoops Cheese-factories. ~ ....... 706 CHAPTER IX. City Milk Delivery. Cooling Milk for Transportation Different Patterns of Milk-cans Model De- livery Wagon Depot Refrigerator Koumiss Its Value Formulas for its Manufacture. . 716 OIF 1 CHAPTER X. Conditions of Health. Prevention Nursing Proper Care Alimentary Canal of Horse and Ox Tem- perament of Cattle Susceptibility to Diseases of the Blood Non-suscepti- bility to Nervous Diseases Administering Medicine Doses Difference in Action of Medicine in Cattle and Horses Importance of Familiarity with the Appearance of Cattle in Health Normal Pulse, Respiration, and Tem- perature. . . . . . . . . . . ! * 721 CHAPTER XL Contagious Blood Diseases. Pleuro-pneumonia Rinderpest Anthrax, Charbon, Bloody Murrain Gloss xii CONTENTS. Anthrax, or Black Tongue Black Leg Splenetic Apoplexy Epizootic Aphtha, or Foot and Mouth Disease Cow-pox, or Variola Vaccini. . . 726 CHAPTER XII. Non- Contagious Blood Diseases. Plethora Anaemia Purpura Hsemorrhagica Rheumatism Uremia Hsema- turia, or Red-water Septicaemia and Pya3inia 741 CHAPTEE XIII. Diseases of Respiratory Organs. Location of the Inflammatory Process Auscultation and Percussion Catarrh, Colds Malignant Catarrh Laryngitis, or Sore Throat Malignant Sore Throat Tracheotomy Bronchitis Pneumonia Abscess of the Lungs Pleurisy Tapping of the Chest Sporadic Pleuro-pneumonia Asthma, or Emphysema. . . . . . . . . . . . . 752 CHAPTEK X1Y. Diseases of Digestive Organs. Drenching Injuries of the Mouth Inflammation of Mouth and Tongue Stom- ach of Ruminants Intestines of Ox Lymphatics Hoven Probang and Gags Puncturing the Rumen Impacted Rumen, or Maw-bound Rumen- otomy Obstruction of the Gullet Impaction of Omasum. . . . 708 CHAPTEE XV. Diseases of Digestive Organs 9 Continued. Dyspepsia Rickets Fragility of Bones Diarrhea Dysentery Enteritis Peritonitis Abdominal Hernia Strangulation of Intestines Casting an Ox German Method. . 782 CHAPTEE XVI. Diseases of Urinary Organs. Urinary Apparatus of Ox Diabetes Retention of Urine Operation for Re- moving Urine Incontinence of Urine Albuminuria Haematuria, or Bloody Urine Sthenic Hsematuria Inflammation of the Kidneys Inflam- mation of the Bladder Gravel Protrusion and Inversion of the Bladder. 792 CHAPTEE XVII. Nerve, Skin, and Eye Diseases. Apoplexy Epilepsy Inflammation of the Brain Xervous Debility in Parturi- tion Tetanus, or Lock-jaw Eczema Herpes Foul in the Foot Foreign Substances in the Eye Ophthalmia 801 CHAPTEE XVIII. Parasitic Diseases. External Parasites Gad-fly Lice Mange Ring-worm Internal Parasites Hoose, or Terminal Bronchitis Measles Tape-worm. .... 808 CHAPTEE XIX. P&rtwrition. Period of Gestation Signs of Parturition Natural Parturition Expulsion of Placenta Unnatural Presentations of Various kinds Retained After birth. 817 CONTENTS. xiii CHAPTEE XX. Parturient Diseases. flooding Inversion of Uterus Dr. Meyer's Treatment Original and Success- ful Treatment by Dr. Me Beth Inflammation of the Uterus Puerperal Fever Parturient Apoplexy, or Milk Fever. 825 CHAPTEE XXI. Parturient Diseases, Continued. Leucorrhea, or Whites Abortion Importance of Isolation Hernia of the Uterus Sore Teats Gonorrhea Mammitis, or Inflammation of the Udder Treatment of Calves Care at Birth Their Ailments. . . . . 835 CHAPTEE XXII. Miscellaneous. Teeth of Cattle Study of Dentition Unreliability of Determining Age by Horns Teeth of Different Ages Methods of Throwing and Securing the Ox Throwing by a Single Rope Rueffs Method Securing the Ox in a Standing Position Securing Hind Leg Ox Travis Nose-clamps Nose- ring Alsace Nose-ring and Headstall Vigan's Apparatus Devices to Pre- vent Hooking and Running Yoke for Ox 844 CHAPTEE XXIII. Local Injuries, Dislocations, and Wounds. Injury of Stifle Joint Dislocation of Patella Kinds and Treatment of Wounds Sutures, Needles, Syringes, and Bandages Inflammatory Action and Fever Cleanliness, Ventilation, and Disinfection Forms of Contagious Matter Disinfecting Agents Chloride of Lime Carbolic Acid Sulphate of Iron Sulphate of Zinc Formulas for Disinfectants in Solid and Liquid Forms Fumigation Sulphur Chlorine Gtas. ..... 855 S IE3I IE IE IFL CHAPTEE XXIV. Breeds of Sheep. Sheep in Ancient Times Mutton a Modern Product Statistics of Sheep-raising in the United States Breeds of Sheep Long-wooled Sheep Short-wooled Sheep Breeds of Sheep in Asia, Europe, and America Wild Sheep. . 863 CHAPTEE XXV. Care and Management. Pasturage Adaptation of Different Soils Foods in Short Pasturage Dry and Clean Pastures Essential Treatment of Ewes During Gestation Treat- ment and Feeding of Lambs Docking and Castration Lamb-creep Weaning time Selection of Rams and Ewes for Breeding Dipping for Ticks Washing and Shearing Care and Feeding in Winter Comparative Nutritive Value of Foods. . 881 xiv CONTENTS. CHAPTEE XXVI. Diseases of Respiratory, Digestive, and Urinary Organs. Structure of the Sheep The Teeth Causes of Disease Catarrh Bronchitis Pneumonia Pleurisy Constipation Diarrhea Dysentery Hoven In- flammation of the Bladder Retention of Urine Sediment in Urinary Canal Stone in the Bladder 891 CHAPTEE XXVII. Blood, Nerve, Enzootic, and Epizootic Diseases. tf Pining " Dropsy Lock-jaw Vertigo Parturient Paraplegia Eczema Ecthyma Psoriasis Solary Ecthyma Influenza Red Water Rot Dropsy Foot-rot Foot and Mouth Disease Small Pox Anthrax, or Quarter 111 Tuberculosis Rabies . 899 CHAPTEE XXVIII. Parasitic Diseases. Revolution Wrought by the Microscope Sheep-bots, or Grubs in the Head The Fluke Disease, or Liver Rot Different Varieties of Fluke Vermicular Bronchitis Turnsick, Sturdy, or -Gid 909 CHAPTEE XXIX. Parasitic Diseases, Continued. The Tape-worm Its Existence in the Intestines Mange or Itch Various Species of Acari Dog-tick Fodder-louse Body-louse Head-louse Sheep-louse Sheep-tick Sheep-bug Man-eating Fly Tsetse Fly. . 919 CHAPTEE XXX. Lambing and Attendant Diseases. Parturient Fever Parturient Paralysis Garget Castration Rheumatism Cancer of the Foot Docking Fractures Sprains Feeling the Pulse. . ( .^21 i isr IE . CHAPTEE XXXI. Anthrax and Cholera. Diseases of Swine Largely Due to Improper Food and Management Administer- ing Medicines to Hogs Charbon, Anthrax, or Hog Cholera Nature of An- thrax Diseases Gangrenous Erysipelas Malignant or Gangrenous Angina Apoplectic Anthrax Preventive Measures. . . . . . . 933 CHAPTEE XXXII. Anthraoc and Cholera, Contimied. So-called " Hog Cholera " What the Term Implies Contagious Pleuro-enteritis Erysipelatous Form Malignant Sore Throat Various Remedies At- tributed to Contagion Judicious Rules for Treatment 944 CHAPTEE XXXIII. Catarrhal Diseases, etc. Malignant Epizootic Catarrh Apoplexy " Snuffles" Constipation Diarrhea Diphtheria Epilepsy Inflammation of the Lungs Abscess Anaemia Piles. . 954 CONTENTS. xv CHAPTEE XXXIV. Parasites of Swine. Kidney-worms Hog-lice Mange, or Scab Measles in Pork Trichinosis The Strongylus The Ascaris Symptoms of Worms. .... 970 CIIAPTEK XXXV. Breeds and Breeding. Houdans Crevecceurs Cochins Plymouth Rocks Polish Fowls Brahmas Silkies Frizzled Fowls Rumpless Bantams East India Fowls Aseels Sebright and Pekin Bantams Sebastopol Geese Nile Geese Black-beaked Turkey Ducks. . . . 983 CHAPTER XXXYI. Food 9 Feeding, and Marketing. Proper Food for Fowls Fattening for Market Killing Preserving and Pack- ing Eggs Proper Kinds of Food . 999 CHAPTER XXXVII. Poultry Architecture. General Directions Portable Poultry Houses Shelters "Warm Mother "- 'Cold Mother" Coops Improved Poultry Homes. . . . 1003 CHAPTER XXXVIII. Eggs and Incubation. Generation of the Egg Physiology of Incubation Natural Incubation Con- venient Hens' Nests Egg-protector Fertility and Egg-testers. . 1008 CHAPTER XXXIX. Artificial Incubation. Artificial Incubators in Ancient Times Progress in Invention of Incubating Ma- chines The Graves Incubator Halsted's Automatic Incubator The Boyle Incubator Tomlinson's Automatic Incubator Thermostatic Incubator Hearson's Regulator. . . . . ..... 1012 CHAPTER XL. Diseases of Poultry. Apoplexy Bronchitis Bumble-foot Catarrh Cholera Consumption- 1 Cramps Crop-bound Debility Diarrhea Diphtheria Egg-bound Feather-eating - Frost-bite Gapes Vertigo Swelled Legs Indigestion Leg-weakness Lice Liver Disease Pip Roup White-comb Worms in Ducks Caponizing Fowls. . . 1020 IDOOr- CHAPTER XLI. Races of Dogs. The Dog's Close Relation to Man His Intelligence His Origin Kinship of the Wolf, Hyena, Jackal, and Fox to the Dog The Newfoundland Dog xvi CONTENTS. Tales of the Newfoundland The St. Bernard His Wonderful History and Characteristics Interesting Incidents. . . ... 1031 CHAPTEE XLIL Races of Dogs, Continued. The Shepherd Dog Incidents Illustrating his Sagacity The Esquimau Dog The Danish Dog The Bull-dog The Brutality of Dog-fighting The Grey- hound The Blood-hound Illustrations of his Intelligence The Terrier The Setter The Dachshund Pet Dogs. ..... 1041 CHAPTEE XLIII. Diseases of Do(js. Structure of the Dog Distemper Diarrhea and Dysentery Constipation In- flammation of the Bowels Throat and Lung Diseases Goitre Hydro- phobia Parasites The Round-worm Giant Strongle Tape-worm Blood-sucker Bird-louse Ear-louse Cat-flea Dog-flea Remedies for Worms and Mange. . ........ 1053 CHAPTEE XLIV. Importance of Bee-keeping as an Industry Effect of Modern Progress in Bee- culture Description of Bees Process of Making Honey Internal Econ- omy of the Hive Swarming How to Manage and Prevent Swarming Va- rious Inventions Therefor Artificial Swarming Various Kinds of Hives Bee Pasturage Preparing Honey for Market Liquid Honey Honey Ex- tractor Comb Honey Its Preparation Root's Improvement on the Long- stroth Hive Guarding against Robbery of Hives Preparing Bees for Win- ter Proper Methods of Storing Honey. ...... 1065 IFZESTJIT O TJ Hi T TJ 13 IE . CHAPTEE XLV. Importance of the Culture of Fruit Transplanting, Pruning, and Management Selection of Stock Budding Layering Layering by Elevation Ap- proach-grafting Cleft-grafting Insects Injurious to Fruits Remedies for Them General Hints for Protection of Fruits. . . 1087 :FO:EB TIEHIE ZBHRXDS. CHAPTEE XLVI. The Usefulness as well as Delightfulness of Birds The Benefit they Confer in Destroying Insects Eloquent Tribute of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher Chiff- chaff Yellow Wren Golden-crested Wren Fire-crested Warbler African Beef-eater Blue-bird Pigmy Piculet Rose-colored Pastor Short-tailed Ant Thrush European Goat-sucker. ... . . 1107 INTRODUCTION. For Special Reasons of Interest to tl\e Deader, Wl\at is Writ- ten Here Should be I^ead First, and witl\ Care. PRIOR to 1860, when I was first betrayed into giving some special exhibitions in the art of taming horses, there was but very little known on the subject, and what was known could not be regarded as more than the merest empiricism. Indeed, I had been under the impression myself at that time, that there was some great secret, giftedness, scent, or medicines by which vicious horses could be controlled and changed in character. This im- pression had misled me greatly ; and it was only by long-continued observation and practice that I was finally able, little by little, to grasp the subject in its true aspect, and learn the real principles of subduing and controlling vicious horses in a practically reliable manner. The drift of my efforts and experiments which enabled me to do this, extended over many years, and during the first decade were necessarily but little more than a series of crude experiments, suc- cess being constantly alternated with more or less failure ; and, in fact, I was deeply interested in the study, and was far from exhaust- ing it, when I left the road at the expiration of over nineteen years of the most exacting experience before the public, and extending to all the older-settled States of the country. But every failure, when made, had been only the means of suggesting new points, revealing to me new and more correct insight into the study, thereby carry- ing me forward, and enabling me finally to accomplish results in the SUBJECTION OF SPECIALLY VICIOUS HORSES, which were not only a source of constant interest and surprise to myself, but of astonishment to the best horsemen in the country and the world, because of reducing the principles of controlling and educating horses to the basis of an exact science, and not only rev- olutionizing all previous ideas of the control and management of horses, but saving fully eighteen-twentieths of the time usually re- quired in their training, as well as making it entirely safe and simple to do. The power to change, as if by magic, the character of a horse that had perhaps defied all previous effort to be brought 2 2 (xvii) xviii INTRODUCTION. under restraint, and proved in consequence to be practically worth- less, frequently in the short period of less than an hour, could not but be accepted as a startling innovation to them, but, if possible, of more interest from the fact that these results were brought about by clear, well-defined principles of treatment, so plain, simple, and practical as to be easily understood and applied, and within the ability of any ordinary person to master and use. These principles I was compelled to teach as a secret, for which I charged a fee of from five to ten dollars ; which instructions were necessarily limited to a few hours, and to a few representative citizens in each neighborhood that I visited ; and though I pub- lished a small work, which was included in the instructions, it was of necessity so written as not to impart these secrets, and would give no idea whatever of my methods and principles of treatment to persons who had not attended my lectures. Though possessed, when young, of a remarkably strong consti- tution, the constant struggle and excitement forced upon me in so difficult a field for so many years, gradually undermined and im- paired my health, until, in the early winter of 1878, I finally broke down so seriously as to be compelled to leave the road. I now concluded to carry out at my leisure the purpose which had for some time been developing in my mind, that of writing out the full details of my system, including such knowledge as I be- lieved to be most valuable to horse owners, and that would bring it within the reach of people generally. I at first intended to make a work of only about three hundred pages, which would embody merely the simple outlines I gave to classes, with some additions to the treatment for sickness and lameness which I had already given in my old book. But after writing it up and preparing the illustra- tions I supposed necessary, I could see so much that should be added, that I was induced to re-write the whole matter, bringing it up to about six hundred pages, with about three hundred and fifty illustrations. When this was completed, I again found it necessary to make still more additions, until it grew upon my hands to the present size and number of illustrations of my regular book on this subject. With the enlargement of the work grew also upon me the desire to make the departments of Shoeing, Sickness, and Lame- ness equally satisfactory. With this object I made a special effort to secure the best veterinary skill I could command ; but in this I en- tirely failed, until fortunate in arresting the attention of DR. JAMES HAMILL, D. V. S., of New York City, formerly Professor of Patho- logical Shoeing in the Columbia Veterinary College, whom I found to have attended my lectures in that city in the winter of 1872, and INTRODUCTION. xix who exhibited the kindest interest in my efforts, not only volunteer- ing all the aid in his power to give, but securing for me the aid of two of his colleagues, DR. CHAS. A/ MEYER, N. Y. City, and DR. JOHN A. Me LAUGHLIN, then of Jersey City, N. J., now of Provi- dence, R. I., both of whom occupied high positions in the profession. DR. HAMILL gave me every aid in his power, not only in preparing the chapter on Shoeing, for which he was specially qualified, but in other departments, and in addition, placed the use of his fine library freely at my disposal. The better to facilitate my work, I had these gentlemen dictate to me the outlines of treatment required, in the simplest language possible, with permission to make any changes I desired. It is but just, also, to them, to explain that the dictations by them were in all cases made without premeditation, the point in view being to give me the facts most clearly and in the fewest words. This was the more difficult for them from the fact that they were limited to my ability to take notes, as, on account of the peculiarly sensitive condition of my health, I could endure but very brief conversation, and but thirty or forty minutes' writing at one time: I was also specially indebted to PROF. E. A. Me LELLAN, of Bridgeport, Conn., who was at the time Lecturer on Shoeing and Diseases of the Foot in Columbia Veterinary College, who gave me much valuable aid in that department. DR. B. C. Me BETH, of Battle Creek, Mich., also rendered me very important assistance. After five large editions of the book had been published, and meeting with the greatest favor, it was strongly urged upon me by a leading book publisher, to add a STOCK DEPARTMENT that would in general character correspond with the rest o*f the work as it then stood. In support of his assertion, he stated that there was not a single really practical or reliable work published on the subject, and that if I would make such a book, I would not only be sure of a large sale, but confer a substantial benefit upon the farming com- munity. There had also been from the first repeated and urgent inquir- ies by my agents for such an additional feature, it being given as a reason that while farmers were greatly interested in horses, and needed the instructions given, they strongly desired also the addi- tional departments suggested. Influenced by these considerations, I was led to consider the mat- ter seriously. But I found there was no single professional man in the country, so far as I knew, who could write up all the departments of such a work in the practical manner I required, as men even in the very first ranks of the profession are only proficient in certain de- xx , INTRODUCTION. partments, necessarily depending upon the aid of standard authori- ties. Then, there was no one man in the country whose time could be made available for the purpose, even at a high compensation. In this emergency, and advised by veterinary friends, I deter- mined upon the following plan, as that giving promise of the best and most satisfactory results : First, to obtain all the standard vet- erinary authorities in the English and European languages, espe- cially those in German and French, embodying the highest and most reliable authorities on the subjects treated ; next, the employ- ing of thoroughly trained scholars capable of translating and col- lecting the requisite facts from such authorities, and under my special directions write them out in the plainest language for the treatment of each disease ; and the matter so prepared, on each sub- ject, to be submitted to one or more experts for each department, with instructions to make such changes and additions as in their judgment would be advisable to render the matter of the best prac- tical reference. To do this work I employed three of the best scholars to be obtained in the country, one of whom was a regular graduate of one of our leading medical colleges. This work re- quired of itself nearly a year's time. In the meantime I consulted special friends in the veterinary profession to learn who were the best expert practitioners to make the revisions and corrections I required, and was so fortunate as to secure the aid of the gentlemen whose names are here given, and who co-operated with me in the most hearty manner. LIST OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERTS. JAS. HAMILL, D. V. S., 416 E. Hth St. New York City, formerly Lecturer on Shoeing and diseases of the Foot in Col. Vet. Col., Pres't Nat'l Vet'y Med. Ass'n, now Prof, of Oper. Surg'y and Horse Shoeing, N. Y. Col. of Vet. Sur. and Sch. of Com. Med. CHAS. A. MEYER,* D. V. S., Editor Veterinary Gazette, New York. JOHN A. MCLAUGHLIN, D. V. S., Providence, R. I., ex-Veterinary In- specter N. J. State Board of Health. D. G. SUTHERLAND, V. S., East Saginaw, Mich., ex-Pres't Mich. State Vet'y Ass'n. PAUL PAQUIN, M. D., V. S., Columbia, Mo., Prof. Compar. Med., Direct. Ex- per. Labratory, State Vet'y Inspector, and Pres't Mo. Ass'n of Vet'y Science and Compar. Medicine. T. BENT COTTON, M. D., V. S., Mt. Vernon, O., Pres't Ohio State Vet'y Ass'n, Vice-Pres't Nat'l Vet'y Med. Ass'n. DR. B. C. Me BETH, Battle Creek, Mich., Sec'y Mich. State Vet'y Ass'n, Hon. Mem. N. Y. St. Acad. of Science and Com. Path. J. A. DELL, V. S., Ann Arbor, Mich., Pres't Mich. State Vet'y Ass'n. A. J. CHANDLER, V. S., Detroit,- Mich., Vice-Pres't Mich. State Vet'y Ass'n. S. BRENTON, V. S., Jackson, Mich., Ex-Pres't Mich. State Vet'y Ass'n. WM. JOPLING, V. S., Owosso, Mich., Treasurer Mich. State Vet'y Ass'n. A. I. ROOT, Medina, O., author of "A B C of Bee Culture." JOHN A. ADAMS, Horticulturist, Battle Creek, Mich. * Deceased while this was being put in type. INTRODUCTION. xxi The following explanations I deem also necessary in connection with the reference to these gentlemen : Dr. Cotton was highly recommended to me as a man oi much ability in the profession, by a prominent Eastern practitioner, and reference was made to his position among his confreres in the State, as assurance of his fitness for the work desired. Dr. Paquin was known to me personally as a man of much more than ordinary attainments, and I made a special request that he would take charge of one or two of the more important depart- ments. I am especially indebted to him also for translations from the French of analytical descriptions of the structure of the foot, he being known to me as an exceptionally fine French scholar. I am also specially indebted to Dr. Meyer, not only for special papers, but for translations from the German on the structure of the foot, in which language he was a proficient scholar. In this respect, also, Dr. Hamill rendered me an exceptionally important service. Dr. Paquin, my best French scientific translator, was absent in Paris, engaged in special microscopic studies, and being unable to find a man competent to do the work, I explained the difficulty to Dr. Hamill, who stated that he would himself try to do it for me, and, to my surprise, I found him remarkably proficient, he being able to trace out readily every minute definition from the original, and adapt the explanations to the English, showing himself to be one of the most thorough scientific students of the structure of the foot in the veterinary profession. Having personal acquaintance with Dr. Sutherland, who was at the time President of the Michigan State Veterinary Association, it occurred to me to send him sample chapters of the matter prepared, for his examination at the annual meeting of the Association at Jackson, and request him to refer me to those among the members of the Association competent and willing to take part in the work ; and through his aid, as well as that of the Secretary of the Associa- tion, Dr. Me Beth, who also co-operated with me most cordially, I was able to secure the assistance of Drs. Dell, Chandler, Brenton, and Jopling, and Prof. Grange, of the Agricultural College. The matter was now divided into sections and distributed to each of these experts, with freedom to make any changes or addi- tions to the text they might deem necessary to make it most reli- able and practical for reference. It was specially requested that the matter should be free from needless technicalities, and embody the most useful facts for the benefit of the class of readers for whom the work was intended. With the view of making this work as xxii INTRODUCTION. reliable as possible, special parts on the more malignant diseases were submitted to two or three in succession. After the copy thus distributed had been all returned and put in type, it occurred to me that it would be a feature of special in- terest to my readers, to have the portraits of these professional friends engraved and placed in the work ; and I was so fortunate (in some instances only after considerable persuasion) as to obtain permission to do so from those whose portraits are given ; and I take great pleasure in presenting them as a good representation of the class of men engaged at present in the veterinary profession. It is proper in this connection to state that should there appear any minor errors in the text, the responsibility for them must be entirely assumed by the author, as it was not possible, except at great inconvenience, after the matter had been put in type, to sub- mit proofs to the gentlemen who had aided me in this work. I may mention also that I made it a special object to have every detail of the work as fully and thoroughly illustrated as I could, as well as to include such features as would be most useful to the farmer. In carrying out this purpose I inserted in the stock department the large number of 800 figures, and in the horse de- partment the still larger number of 950, among which are eighteen elegant plates. It is only necessary to state that there is no work heretofore published of this description that has more than a fourth of this number, and these usually of a very indifferent character, while this comprises the enormous aggregate, as will be seen, of 1,700, all having special reference to the text. Particular attention is directed to the large number of illustra- tions of parasites common to the domestic animals ; the great vari- ety of figures illustrating the different diseases ; the diversity of breeds of stock, particularly dairy cattle, sheep, hogs, and poultry. Certainly no work yet published can show any approach to the large number and varied character of the illustrations in these respects. Interesting features will also be found in chapters on the Dog, on Bee-culture, the Growth of Fruit, including Insects Injurious to Fruit, and a Plea for the Birds, showing their value to the farmer. The chapter on Bees, and that on the Protection of Fruit and Fruit Trees, will be found particularly interesting and valuable. That on Bee-culture was prepared with special care, under the supervision of A. I. ROOT, Esq., author of " The A B C of Bee Culture," and the highest authority on the subject, and includes the largest number of illustrations for the space occupied, that has yet been given on bees. INTRODUCTION. xxiii The chapter on Fruit was prepared by a leading horticulturist of large experience, MR. JOHN A. ADAMS, and will be found of great value and importance. The large number of fine and varied illustrations in this chapter, showing the insects that injure and de- stroy fruit, cannot but be of great interest, and with the text com- prises knowledge of the greatest value to fruit-growers. I would call especial- attention to this chapter, not only as a new feature, but for the practical character of its instructions and suggestions. The Plea for the Birds should be read by every person of hu- mane instincts. This paper is embodied mainly from an address by the famous and lamented REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER. This ad- dress was listened to by the author years before his death, and long before this work was prepared ; but it struck him as so beautiful and valuable in every part, that he went at once to the stenographer and engaged him to furnish a copy for his special use. The addi- tion of this chapter was .in a good degree owing to suggestions of leading officers of the American Humane Society. This will be found one of the most interesting features of this work, because most useful and elevating in its influence, and being one of the finest pleas for the birds ever written, showing their value to the farmer, and the duty of protecting them. THE AUTHOR. THE STANDARD HORSE AND STOCK BOOK, CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. ONCE, while stopping with a farmer, as a matter of amuse- ment I took a colt that had become unmanageable to him, and made him perfectly gentle. Upon learning what I had done, the farmer was so surprised at the result as to offer me fifty dollars for the secret. Without thinking, I proposed teach- ing him and ten of his neighbors how I did it, in addition to other points that might be of interest to them. In this I was entirely suc- cessful, and thus I was unintention- ally drifted into the most trying and exacting field of effort that ever man engaged in, which con- tinued nearly nineteen years. I was necessarily forced into contact with all sorts of people, who were continually trying to break me down, and in addition I had the most vicious and difficult horses forced upon me to experiment upon ; and that I succeeded at all seems to me even now so remarkable as to be beyond belief. But without realizing it, or knowing it at the time, the people who forced [25] Fm. 1. Ideal Head of an Intelligent, Docile Character. 26 REMARKS. me to these trials were in reality my best friends, because proving the best instructors to me in the world ; and the experiments upon vicious horses were just what was necessary to give me the best opportuni- FIGS. 2-4. Extremes of Vicious Character. ties of observation and practice needed to master the subject. Now, in teaching classes I soon found it necessary to make such explana- tions of points and conditions as I could before making experiments ; and in like manner, before taking up the details of instruction, I think it necessary to refer to such points as will be most suggestive in the study of the subject. I may state that this is somewhat difficult here, because compelled to limit my explanations to less than one half of what I have been able to devote to it in my regular work on the horse, and also to omit many chapters of much interest to the general reader. Many of the lower animals possess some qualities by nature that make them, in some respects, re- ally superior to man. The dog, for example, can follow the track of his master through a crowd of strangers, though hours behind, and find him ; and he will also find his way home, though distant hundreds of miles a fact that has been repeatedly proved. The ordinary sheep-dog will at com- mand find and bring home stray sheep of the flock ; and the blood-hound can perform the still more remarkable feat of taking up the track of a criminal hours aft- erward, by the scent of a bit of his clothing, and pick him out from hundreds of others who had been his companions a power that entitles even the commonest cur to our kindest consideration. The eagle and vulture, though miles in the FIG. 5. A Portrait of a Docile Family Horse. PRELIMINARY R'EMARKS. FIG. 6. A very Intelligent, Docile Character. air, can see the smallest ob- jects of prey on the ground a power far beyond that of man. Thus these superior qualities, exhibited so largely by the lower animals, seem to be a special provision of nature to guard them from danger and aggression, Or to aid them in providing sustenance. Now, this singular power of instinct appears to be a very strongly marked feature of the horse's nature. The wild horse of the prairie cannot be ap- proached near enough on the windward side to imperil his safety ; and even when cornered and unable to get away, his acts of biting, striking, or kicking are but his natural promptings to defend himself. It is also seen that no matter how wild a colt, when treated with such kindness as to win his confidence, he not only will not show fear of man, but become a pet. A good demonstration of this is shown in the remarkable do- cility of the Arab horses, which are always treated with the utmost kindness ; and ladies who are specially kind to horses, it is known, can approach them anywhere, and make them such pets that they will follow, even into the house. Per- haps in no way is this peculiar instinct more strikingly shown than in the repugnance of exceptionally sensi- tive, intelligent horses to men who may be ignorantly or thought- lessly cruel to them. Hence it is evident FlG - 7- Intelligent, Courageous, but very Sensitive Nature. that the true ground of success in the subjection and education of 28 PRELIMINARY REMARKS. FIG. 8. One of the most Vicious Horses ever Subdued by the Author. the horse, or in breaking up and overcoming bad habits when formed, must be in proportion to the degree to which the efforts can be intelligently addressed to the line of these instincts, holding pas- sive, combating, or overcoming them while addressing the under- standing, without exciting his fears or resistance ; and it is ab- solutely imperative that in his education these conditions should not be disregarded. Another point : a horse may be moved to intense excitement and extreme resistance by even a mo- mentary impression of fear, without any contact with or cause for feeling direct physical pain ; and again, in like manner, when prop- erly treated, such fear may be overcome without resorting to treat- ment that would cause the least physical pain or injury. Another important feature for consideration is the wonderful adaptation in the various domestic animals, not only to the several wants and requirements of man, but to the sections of the world in which we find them. Thus, for example, the Esquimau has not only a dog, but one peculiarly fitted by nature to his especial wants, acting not only as a fisherman and a hunter, but as a beast of burden, being in fact the only animal that could live and be of any use to him so far- north; A little farther south, the Laplander has the reindeer, that lives on the moss peculiar to those regions, providing both sustenance and clothing for him, as well as being the very best means of trav- eling over those dreary, frozen plains. The Peruvians have the llama for carrying burdens over the Andes. The Arabs have the camel for their peculiar want, that of traveling over the arid, sandy FIG. 9. Nervous, Excitable Horse. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. 29 FIG. 10. A. Vicious, Treacherous Nature. desert, and so constituted as to carry within himself a supply of wa- ter sufficient to last for many days. Not only do we see here special families, demonstrating this principle most strikingly, but such subdivisions of each as adapt them more perfectly for special uses. Now the horse, which is by far the most noble, valuable, and useful of all the domestic animals, in "the man- agement of which we are spe- cially interested, shows this to a wonderful degree in size, dis- position, and intelligence. For slow, drudging work, we have the coarse-grained, patient, heavy cart or plow horse, while for quick, long-continued exer- tion, we have the lithe thoroughbred, with the conformation of the greyhound, capable, if necessary, of running with the fleetness of the wind. From these extremes we have illimitable modifications, adapting them the more perfectly to the various requirements of man. Now, it is clear that the nervous, energetic racer or thor- oughbred would be entirely out of place for the cart or plow, and the coarse- grained cart or plow horse for the quick, active exertion of speedy travel ; and that to make each most useful he must be employed for such work only as nature best fits him for. Dependent upon these physical conditions are others that have a still more important bearing upon the success of our efforts, be- cause they are necessarily more ob.scure, and we are compelled to study them more carefully to win success, namely, the intelligence and disposition of horses. To illustrate my meaning in part : It is clear that some horses FIG. 11. Portrait of a Noted Vicious Horse. 30 PRELIMINARY REMARKS. FIG. 12. Sullen Treachery. are very much more intelli- gent and quick to compre- hend than others ; that some are by nature of the most perfect docility, while others have a large element of the naturally vicious, dangerous character. Here, then, we are compelled to study and learn, if possible, two things, the conditions requisite for the best management of the sen- sitive, intelligent nature, as well as those that are dull, strong, and naturally vicious. In the first, we must study how to address and win tlie understanding directly, if possible, with- out a ruffle of excitement ; and in the management of the second, we must impress the intelligence in such a way as to win obe- dience most safely and easily. This necessarily requires the careful study of the vital powers, dependent upon the following conditions : First, the intelligence, as dependent upon the volume of brain ; second, the physical strength, as dependent upon size and quality of bodily structure ; third, the peculiar phase and degree of the viciousness. It is evident that when we have large brain, dense text- ure of body, good digestion, and large, deep chest, we have indicated, first, great natural strength ; second, great en- durance, in consequence of ability to assimilate food ; third, capacity to oxygen- ate the blood rapidly, thus giving great endurance for long-susta'.ned effort. Lack- FIG. 13. Sketch from Life of the most Vicious mg these conditions to any Mustang Pony the Writer ever Saw< extent, even though there may be great energy and pluck, there will be less ability to resist well-sustained coercive measures. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. 31 FIG. 14. Sketch of a Vicious Stallion. Now, dependent upon the order of intelligence and bodily structure are certain peculiarities. For example, a full fore- head, large, clear eyes, tending to brown in color, set well out on the head, eyelids thin, medium length from eyes to ears, ears pointed and of medium length, placed not very wide apart and high between them, and large nostrils, will most always indicate the intelligent, steady, reliable, family tiorse ; while a forehead rather narrow, small, round eyes, set well back in the side of the head, eyelids heavy, long from eyes to ears, ears long and flabby, with a tendency to throw them back a little, nose rounding, and nostrils small, show the opposite, or a dull, sul- len, treacherous nature. If the forehead be of a medium or good breadth, the eyes good size, clear, and setting well out, the lids thin, short from eyes to ears, ears a little longer than common, and nostrils large, there will be indicated intel- ligence, activity, but great sensibility ; usu- ally termed the nerv- .ous, sensitive horse, that will not bear ex- citement. From these extremes, again, we have illimit- able modifications, de- pendent upon condi- tions referred to. FIG. 15. Portrait of a Noted Vicious Horse in a Rage. Figs. 1, 5, 6, and 7 give the best expressions of a naturally docile, intelligent character. Figs. 1, 5, and 6 are fine illustrations of the best types of the gentle family horse. Fig. 7 is the best type of a sensitive, but very intel- ligent horse, being a portrait of a noted Arabian horse. Fig. 9 is a good type of a very nervous, sensitive character. Figs. 8, 10, and 11 32 PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. are modifications of the dull, sullen, treacherous type. Fig. 10 is a portrait of a very marked case. Fig. 11 is also a portrait of a very noted vicious horse. Fig. 13 is that of a mustang pony, the most desperate, reckless creature the writer ever subjected to treatment. Fig. IT is a portrait of a case that up to nine years old had proved utterly unmanageable, but whose character was made so gentle, after an hour's treatment, that it was afterward used as a family horse. Fig. 21 is a good illustration of the barnyard lunkhead. In addition there is seen to be a large number of illustrations showing combina- tions and contrasts of character which are deserving of careful study. Tfre size of bone, the texture of bodily structure, the length and color of hair, amount of hair in mane or tail, the action in moving, the size and expression of eye, the peculiarity of head, its length, breadth, etc., are subjects requiring the most constant and careful con- sideration in directing in- telligent treatment. FIG. 16. Naturally Docile and Intelligent. Principles of Treatment. In the subjection and education of horses, we have several natural diffi- culties to contend with. First : The horse is much stronger than man, and just so far as he in any way learns that he can resist man's control, to that degree will he be encouraged and inclined to resist or combat him : hence, an in- FIG. 17." Wild Pete." A Very Peculiar and Inter- esting Case. NATURAL DIFFICULTIES. 33 FIG. 18. Docile, Intelligent. dispensable condition of his successful education is that he must be given no opportunity to learn that he is not in every respect subor- dinate to man in physical power, until his character becomes fixed. Second : His methods of reasoning be- ing dependent upon and limited to the ob- servation and experience of his senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, and feeling, to prevent his becoming excited or frightened at objects and sounds with which he is necessarily brought in contact, he must be convinced in his own way, through these faculties, of their harmless and innocent character. Consequently, if he be treated according to these laws of his nature, he can be made to do willingly, without fear or resistance, anything for which he is by nature adapted. Third : The horse, being unable to understand the meaning of articulated language, excepting so far as words are associated with actions, we must address his intelligence on this plane of his reasoning, because it is only by doing so that he can be expected to comprehend our wishes clearly. Fourth : To the degree that the horse becomes excited, fright- ened, or confused, he must necessarily be, both unable to under- stand what is required to be done, and correspondingly less inclined to submit to re- straint in his management. Hence, whatever the treat- ment, it must be of a charac- ter not to confuse- or excite him, nor to expose him to such excessive fear as would shock and derange his nerv- ous system. Taking these conditions in order, we see, for example, that if a horse learns to pull away, break his halter, resist the blacksmith in shoeing, or run away, etc., he will be encouraged to and try to do so afterward until the habit becomes fixed. On the contrary, when a colt is FIG. 19. A Noted Vicious Horse. PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. first haltered, no matter how hard he may resist, if once taught to submit, he will not only readily follow without restraint, but will do so ever afterward ; or when the feet are taken up and handled until the operation is fully sub- mitted to, or such restraint brought upon him as to com- ~*~ IJT^Z* pel submission > there wil1 not ^X^mK^m Bk, only be obedience for the time, but all inclination to resist will be radically overcome. Now, the principle is the same in relation to other hab- its, or in overcoming vicious- ness. No matter how wild or unmanageable the horse may be, if he can be so treated that successful resistance becomes FIG. 20. Strong-Willed, Intelligent Character. . . U1 , , . , impossible, and he is shown that he will not be injured, there will not only be entire submission without the use offeree, but if not excited or abused, he will remain permanently docile. But it is imperative that there be at no point such an exposure of weakness as would encourage resistance ; for, though the method of treatment may be in itself right, if not carried to the point desired, the difficulties of the treatment will necessarily be increased to a degree liable to precipitate failure. For example, there. may be strength to take up a colt's foot ; but if at any point of holding it it is pulled away, and control resisted, he will be inclined to resist afterward with as much energy as if there had not been sufficient power to take it up at all. Or, in teaching a horse to lead by the halter, if he resists suc- cessfully it will teach him to resist the efforts by pulling away. Now, the method of pulling on the halter may be all right, but the point of difficulty would be in not having power to carry it far enough. Not only this, but it is vital to success to do it properly, or in such FIG. 21. Barnyard Lunkhead. PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. 35 a way that there would be the least inclination to resistance. If, for example, in taking up the horse's foot, by standing forward of the hip, well up near the body, facing backward, one hand is rested against the hip, while at FIG. 22. Docile Expression. FIG. 23. Docile Expression. the moment of taking up the foot with the other, there is firm press- ure exerted against the hip, to throw the weight upon the op- posite leg, the foot can be brought up easily, and then, when sub- mitted to, the simple movement forward will bring it against the knees to be handled with safety as desired. In leading by the halter, if, instead of pulling straight ahead, which gives the horse great advantage to resist, the operator stands opposite the shoulder and pulls sufficiently hard to bring the horse off his feet a few times, he will soon follow unconditionally without the least restraint. In a hundred different ways this principle is seen to be illustrated in consequence of the horse's not being sufficiently, disciplined to make him entirely manageable in harness and fearless when under the tests of se- vere excitement. It is for this reason that horses that may have been driven for months, or even years, when managed with care, or not subjected to unusual causes of accident or excitement, are liable at some unguarded moment, when FIG. 24. Coarse, Low-bred Horse. 36 /'///.vr/y/JES' OF TREATMENT. exposed to some exceptional strain, up to which they have not been tested, to become frightened and resist control, thereby resulting in constantly recurring cases of accident, as well as endangering the spoiling of the horse ; which would all have been prevented by the application and proper carrying out of necessary treatment in the first place. Second : We see that when an object of fear or unusual sound is brought suddenly or unexpectedly to the horse's notice, or in con- tact with any part of his body, it is liable to excite the most intense fear and resistance ; whereas, if brought slowly and gently to his no- tice, letting him smell or feel of it until convinced of its harmless- ness, it can be brought over and around him without causing the least fear or attracting his attention. It makes no difference whether FIG. 25. Vicious. FIG. 26. Treacherous. it is in driving to a carriage, letting the cross-piece come against the quarters, raising an umbrella behind him, the noise of a steam-engine, or anything else, the principle is the same. Third : In relation to making him understand the meaning of special sounds or words of command. If a man were simply to re- peat the word "Whoa" to a horse, he might do it indefinitely with- out his being able to understand its meaning and object. But if the horse were moved moderately, and immediately after the command he were pulled upon hard enough to make him stop, he would in a short time, when the word is repeated, learn to stop to avoid being hurt. Or, in teaching him to back, if after the word is spoken the reins be pulled upon sufficiently to force him back, he will, after a few repetitions, learn, when the command is given, to go back freely, to evade the restraint and pain. The better to illustrate this I will include here the details of teaching a few tricks. '' TREATMENT. '\<> teach a horse to make a bow, first. prick him lightly on the back with a pin, and repeat this until, in his efforts to avoir! the annoyance, he drops his head, | which ( be pricking until the head is a^ain dropped, v/h< at the caress and give him something of which he is fond, and continue to alter- nate in this way with the pricking, car ing, and rewarding, until at the least motion of the hand toward the back he will drop hish each him to kick, simply prick him, on the rump until there is an inclination to kick up, when, as before, caress him, and so repeat until the least motion of the hand toward the rump will induce him to kick up. In teaching any kind or number of tricks, the principle is the same, the only differ- ence being that instead of a pin, other means adapted to the requirements of the case must be used. t one thing should be taught at ir time, and that slowly and carefully re- peated until thoroughly understood. The duller the horse, and the more complicated or difficult to the understanding the point to be taught, the less can be safely at- tempted, and the more time must neces- sarily l>e taken ; while the more intelligent the horse, and the simpler the thing re- quired to be done, the more can be ac- complished. And each point thus should be made the foundation for the next, until the education is complete. Again, to have prompt obedience, the same signal and word given in teaching the trick, or whatever is re- quired to be done, must be repeated .exactly, even to the tone and pitch of the voice; otherwise a horse is liable 38 PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. FIGS. 31-36. Extremes of Low-bred, Vicious Character. to become more or less confused and unable to understand or obey. The principle is the same in teaching a horse to do anything in or out of harness ; the point being that such means or methods of treatment are to be used as will give the necessary control, and at the same time convey to the understanding in the most direct manner the idea of what is desired to be done. Now, the principle is exactly the same in both preventing and overcoming viciousness or bad habits, no 'matter what their character or degree ; the only difference being that in- stead of teaching a trick, or obedience in any respect, we must aim now to combat the habit already formed, simply repeating until there is entire docility and submission. Again, in resorting to physical power, the nearer we are able to use it so as not to cause pain nor excite the belligerent nature of the horse, the better. If a man were strong enough to take a fighting bully by the shoul- ders and shake him so thoroughly as to show him that he had power to control the fellow as he pleased, and then treat him kindly and convince him that his intentions were good, it would have a better effect in impressing him with a sense of the man's mastery, and make him less inclined to resist, than if he had ob- tained control of him after a desperate struggle that would heat his blood and arouse his pas- sions to the point of recklessness. In like manner, if we could use power directly upon a horse, so as to restrain and control him as we wished, it would be far more effective than if the effort were of a character to cause him to become maddened and heated ; or, if this be impossible, then the reso'rting to such indirect measures of coercion as will en- able us to accomplish this most safely and easily. Now, the treatment herein given does this PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. 39 with far more ease, directness, and success than has ever yet been accomplished. It not only enables us to control with the greatest facility, frequently in a few minutes, not ex- ceeding twenty or thirty, horses that had re- sisted all previous efforts to subdue or con- trol them, and become practically worthless, but it gives the proper foundation for making the character safe and reliable afterward, its most remarkable feature being the startling results accomplished in so short a time, ap- parently changing the entire nature of the horse as if by magic. This treatment is the outgrowth of the practice of over eighteen years of the most constant and exacting experimenting, and has been proved, by the results exhibited, to bring the control and education of horses as nearly as possible to the line of an exact science, conclusively showing that when horses become vicious or unmanageable, it is the result of ignorance or bad management, which the treatment herein given, if properly applied, would have entirely prevented. I could include a great deal of other treatment, and much of it very good, but wishing only to give what is practical, I con- fine myself to such treatment only as I have found in my experience to be best. Before taking up details, I would state that there is no difficulty in making a horse, even when of a very vicious character, gentle for a short time ; but the difficulty is to be able to hold and fix the character in such a way that he will remain gentle. This may be done in quite a variety of ways. Any method of lowering the vitality, such as bleed- ing, physicking, preventing sleep, depriving of food or water, subjecting to intense pain, or, in fact, any means whereby we can suc- cessfully lower the strength, will make a horse gentle. But the difficulty is that, how- ever gentle he may be at the time, when the FIGS. 37-42. Modifica- tions of Well-bred Character. PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. FIGS. 43-48. Modifica- tions of Vicious Character. effect passes off, or the horse regains his strength, there will be so great a tendency to gravitate back to the former condition that the treatment will nearly always result in dis- appointment. While it is known that many persons have the power of controlling the will of others, or what is termed psychologizing them, and that some of the lower animals-secure their prey in this manner, as exhibited by the snake in charming birds and small animals, various cases of which I refer to (particularly in discussing this subject) in my special work on the horse, the principle does not seem to work in the control of horses ; certainly it has not in my ex- perience, and I have hundreds of times pro- duced results before classes which seemed so remarkable to them that they would insist upon searching my gloves and clothes for some scent or odor which might account to them for the effect produced ; and even after this they could scarcely realize that it could be accomplished b^ the treatment illustrated before them. I have had members of classes repeatedly tell me in private that they knew I must have ac- quired my power by some secret not revealed to them, and be so confident of this that they would offer me large sums for it. I necessarily acquired a certain expert- ness, the result of practice and accuracy of judgment in applying treatment, that often en- abled results, in the control of certain types of resistance and character, that seemed very re- markable. This was frequently shown in the cases of horses afraid of a blanket, a buffalo- robe, or something of the kind ; in the control of a stallion so as to be led up to a mare and then called away ; the control of a wild and seemingly very dangerous colt that had been proved very unmanageable, so as to drive en- tirely gentle without breeching ; the making of a colt follow, or the making of a halter-puller when hitched stand quietly without attempt- PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. 41 ing to pull. It was no unusual thing for me to do, when the case happened to be good, within two or three minutes to be able to FIGS. 49-51 Three Types of Good Character. throw a buffalo-robe as I pleased over the head or around the body of a horse that had previously been quite seriously afraid of it, without the horse caring much about it. In the control of a head- strong stallion, if a good subject, it rarely required more than four or five minutes ;. the hitching up and driving gentle of such a colt as described, in six to eight or ten minutes ; the making of a halter- puller stand submissive under the most severe excitement of being FIGS. 52-54. Coarse, Low Character. whipped over the head, or the cause of the pulling thrown in his face, without his pulling, in a couple of minutes. Now, it is needless to add that if this treatment had been ap- plied roughly or improperly, this control could only be obtained after considerable severe treatment that would excite the horse greatly, thus acquiring control only at the expense pf considerable time PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. FIG. 55. Vicious Horse in a Rage. and trouble. This rule, in fact, runs through every phase of the treatment, in il- lustratingits suc- cess and apply- ing it properly. SUGGESTIONS IN RELATION TO PRINCIPLES O"F MANAGEMENT. If we tie down a horse's ear, or grasp it with the hand and twist it a little, it will be found that a horse that had been very nervous to shoe will often stand quite gentle to be shod. The jockey has learned that he can frequently make a bad kicking mare drive without kicking by tying the tail down to the cross- piece of the shafts or forward to the belly-band of the harness, so that it cannot be raised ; because disabling the tail creates such a sense of helplessness as to counteract the inclination to kick. Sometimes checking the head high will accomplish the same result. Putting cobbles or shot in the ears will, on the same princi- ple, sufficiently disconcert a balky horse to make him go right along. Blindfolding b y covering the eyes only carries this to a greater ex- tent, and will be found in rri o s t cases to make quite a stubborn horse work with excellent success. FIG. 56. A Noted Vicious Horse. PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. 43 The secret of the first horse-tamer of whom I have any account Dick Christian of England consisted simply in tying up the fore leg, and then mounting and riding the horse until submissive. The next step in this direction was disabling both fore legs, and thus forcing the horse to lie down, which carried this principle to a greater degree of perfection. This was regarded a very rare secret, and was the basis of the methods practiced by Bull in England, Sul- livan in Mallow, Ireland, Denton Offutt in Kentucky, and O. H. P. Fancher in Ohio, who were the first, most pretentious, and noted, before the advent of Rarey, who learned the secret of Denton Offutt, FIG. 57. An Incident in the Driving of a Noted Runaway Horse. at the time a resident of Georgetown, Ky. This was the sole and only secret upon which were based Rarey's most extraordinary pre- tensions, and for teaching which he made $100,000 in England ; and probably much more than that was paid in this country for the same knowledge. I may add, by w-ay of explanation, that the control of Cruiser and other noted cases in England and France, upon which his repu- tation was based, although it was assumed to be, was not and could not have been accomplished by this treatment. Those interested in a full explanation of all the facts in regard to it, will find the de- tails in the chapter on " Subjection" in my work, " Facts for Horse- Owners." 44: PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. Various remedies have also been assumed to be used for taming horses under the pretense of a great secret, or the guise of fascina- tion, on the principle of using certain scents for attracting and con- trolling certain wild animals or fishes. These means have about the same effect upon a horse as good apples, or anything else of which the horse is naturally fond. While it is true that horses may some- times, for example, be strongly repelled by blood or the odor of poi- sonous snakes, and other dangerous animals, and that they are at- tracted and quieted by other scents, I have found nothing of the FIG. 58. The Famous Horse Jet, of Portland, Me., Subdued by the Author in Thirty Minutes. kind that would accomplish satisfactory results to me in their con- trol, but little more than would be done by good apples, or the giving of anything else of which the horse is fond. Offutt and Fancher, before referred to, were the most pretentious in their use of such scents, the details of which I include in my other work. Various alterations or modifications of this method of subduing horses were made at different times by different parties ; but it was not until I was able to bring into use that here described as the First Method of Subjection, that the real power and effect of this principle of treatment was practically brought out ; which PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. 45 has been the outgrowth of a great deal of practical experimenting re- quiring over fifteen years' time. If in wrestling a man could be thrown directly upon his back as fast as he could get up, it is evident a much more effectual im- pression of his antagonist's mastery could be made than if he were permitted to carry on a doubtful struggle for half an hour, that would only occasionally bring him to his knees. The very doubtfulness of the contest would stimulate him to the utmost resistance until ex- hausted. But if he could be thrown at once, and as often as he could get up, his courage and confidence would be soon broken up, con- vincing him of the uselessness of continuing the struggle; and mak- ing the impression of mastery all that could be desired. FIG. 59. An Act of a Noted Vicious Stallion Subdued by the Author in Less than an Hour. Now, the effect upon a horse will be the same. If the control can be made direct and positive, throwing him on his side as often as he can get up, the confidence which stimulates the resistance is quickly broken up. The method here given as the First Method of Subjection, bears exactly this relation to that formerly used. It gives just the ad- vantage and power that will enable any ordinary man to throw the strongest horse as quickly and as often as he can get up ; in addition, he can hold him down or roll him back, as he pleases, thereby making it not only far more effective, but entirely obviat- ing the objections to the old method. I have called attention to these interesting facts : first, that the horse is governed in his actions by certain instincts or inherent 46 PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. powers, and that these must be studied closely as the foundation of his successful management ; next, tha, these constitutional differences are only provisions adapting him for special uses ; and that his charac- ter is clearly shown by the peculiarities of his bodily structure, ac- tions, and more especially by the features of the head. This will show, when looked at carefully, that resistance is only the expression of natural instinct, and that fear or vicious actions are not to be taken as indicating a degree of bad character or viciousness that should FIG. 60. The Thorough-bred. be considered an obstacle in making the character good, simply requiring greater care and thought in meeting and combating the resistance, whatever it is, in the most simple, direct, and humane manner. Though referred to before, it is so important that I call attention to it again here, that though the treat- ment may be applied just ri'ght, if not carried far enough, the failure may be as great as if improper treatment had been used ; and above all, that the better nature is to be won by patient, per- sistent kindness. I have called attention, next, to the various methods of treatment taught me by the experience of many long years of observation, experiment, and study, and have tried faith- fully to make the explanations as simple and olain as I could. , PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. Now, it is indispensable that this chapter, at parts of it, which are the key and groundwork of the detailed FIG. 61. A Good Model of Draught Horse. instructions in subsequent chapters, should be read very carefully. You cannot understand these principles too well. FIG. 62. Shetland Pony. 48' 8?NQ1PL1SS OF TREATMENT. There are also many points having close relation to this subject, and of great interest to the horseman, which want of space in a gen- eral work of this character compels me to omit : First, the inside history of Rarey's career, as a means of correcting the false impres- sions created by his pretensions and assumed success, because with- out it there was necessarily a certain mystery about the performance of this du.ty that could not well be made plain ; second, the details FIG. 63. Model of the French Norman Horse. of the management and history of a large number of specially repre- sentative vicious horses, as suggestive aids to treatment in similar cases ; third, the outlines of my experience with reference to many cases and circumstances named, the better to authenticate the facts stated. There are also special chapters on other points having close and important connection with the instruction given on this subject. All these points are very fully given in my regular work on the horse, which can be referred to by those interested. I would now call attention to what I deem the most important condition of success, which should be considered, above all others, as deserving of the most serious consideration, namely, the judgment and skill with which the treatment is applied. Fig. I. The shoe properly formed, adjusted, and nailed on the hoof of a five-year- old horse that had never been shod but once, Fig. II. The foot as it is ruined by bad treatment. The shoe and nails are too large; the nails too many in number and driven too deep. The shoe is set back too far. The hoof is rasped away so much as to weaken it and destroy its sym- metry. PLATE I. PL&T1 II. PLATE !L* A front view of the bones of the fore feet of a horse in their relative position. A. The pastern bone. B. The coronary bone. C. The navicular bone. D. The foot bone. E. The point of insertion of the tendon of the extensor muscle. F. A concavity to give attachment to the ligament which unites the foot bone to the coronary bone at G. G. Coronary bone. . H. A continuation of the same concavity, to which the cartilage of the foot bone is attached. I, I. The upper and lower processes of the foot bone. K, K. A groove in the foot bone, which receives a division of the main artery, coming round from behind. K, L. A groove receiving another division of that artery, which pro- ceeds round the extreme edges of the foot bone. *The plates here given are selected from the author's special book on the horse, "Facts for Horse Owners," in which are forty plates. In the extra edition these plates are printed in colors. PLATE III. PLATE HI. Fig. I. A back view of the bones of the fore foot in their relative situation. A. Pastern bone. B. Coronary bone. C. Navicular bone. D. Foot bone. E. A cavity which in the natural state is filled with fat. F. The upper surface of the navicular bone, from which two ligaments arise, and pass round the lateral depression in the coronary bone, marked G. G. Points of attachment on each side of the ligament which unites the navicular bone to the foot bone. I. Two grooves in which two main trunks of the arteries are continued into the foot bone. K. The line of insertion of the tendon of the flexor muscle. Fig. II. A view of the anterior and inferior surfaces of the navicu- lar bone detached from the other bones. lig.r PLATE I PLATE IY. This cut represents the third phalanx seen from its pos- terior part ; and the navicular bone, inferior, superior, and anterior views. Fig, L Posterior Part of the Third Phalanx (ADULT). A. Semi-lunar crest. D. Basilar process. F. Superior border. G. Spreading out of the articular face. K. Anterior view of the pyramidal eminence. M. Posterior view of the inferior face. N. Glenoid cavity of the superior face. Q. Portion of the articular surface corresponding to the anterior bor- der of the navicular bone. R. Retrossal process. S. Edge of the plantar fissure. V. Posterior border of the third phalanx. X. Plantar orifice for passage of blood vessels. Fig. II. Posterior Part of the Third Phalanx (COLT). A. Semi-lunar crest. D. Basilar process. F. Superior border. M. Posterior view of the bone. R. Retrossal process. S. Plantar fissure. Fig. IIL Inferior Face of Navicular* C. Transverse ridge. E. Anterior border. H. Extremity of the bone. Fig. IV. A. Median ridge or bulge of the superior face. D. Anterior superior border. E. Anterior inferior border. G. Posterior border (is very thick, and cribbled or pierced with vas- cular orifices). Fig. V. Anterior Face of Navicular. E. Soft part hollowed under the anterior articular facet. H. Articular facet corresponding to the posterior facet of the third phalanx. lifl EiglH. PLATE . PLATE This plate represents the third phalanx of the colt, seen from its lateral, anterior, and inferior faces. Fig. I. Lateral Face. A. Base of the pyramidal eminence. B. Vascular porosities. C. Patilobe eminence. E. Pre-plantar fissure. D. Basilar process. K. Pyramidal eminence. R. Retrossal process. Fig. II. Anterior Face. A. Pyramidal eminence. B. Porosities and vascular imprints C. Patilobe eminence. D. Basilar, process. E. Pre-plantar fissure. F. Superior border. Fig. III. Inferior Face. A. Semi-lunar crest. H. Plantar fissure. J. Imprint of the insertion of the perforans. P. Inferior face. S. Edge of the plantar fissure. PLATE YI. PLATE YI. This figure represents the posterior face of the digital region, flexed backward in a manner to show in its full ex- tent the inferior or plantar face of the foot. The skin has been lifted from above the third phalanx, and the enveloping sheaths of the tendons are dissected. The velvety tissue is preserved. A. Median part of the pyramidal body (fleshy frog) of plantar cushion, or sensitive tissue of the sole. B. Branches of the pyramidal body. C. Cartilaginous bulb. E. Angle of inflection of the branches of the pyramidal body. F. Point or apex of the fleshy frog. J. Interval of separation of the two branches of the perforatus. L. Lateral lacunae of the pyramidal body. M. Median lacunae of the pyramidal body. Q, Q. Fibrous sheath of union of the two branches of the perforatus. R. Branches of theperforatus directing th emselves towardtheir point of insertion at the second phalanx. T. Tendon of the perforatus. T'. Tendon of the perforans at its passage between the branches of the perforatus. V. Strengthening sheath of the plantar aponeurosis. X. Lateral bands of the strengthening sheath of the plantar aponeu- rosis, which cross the direction of the branches of the perfo- ratus to go and attach themselves on the lateral parts of the first phalanx. PLATE YII. PLATE YII. This plate shows a longitudinal section of the digital re- gion in its median plane. Its object is to show the spongeous substance in the in- terior of the bone, the fibrous intersections in the plantar cushion of the articular and tendinous synovial sheaths, and of the plantar cushion (or pad) in the interior of the hoof under the third phalanx and the navicular bone. A. Inferior part of the pad (cushion) B. Ligamentous bands (filaments) representing the structure of the fibrous body forming the plantar pad. C. Enveloping fibrous membrane of the plantar pad. D. Point of insertion of the plantar pad to the inferior face of the bone of the foot. E. Spongeous substance of the interior of the second phalanx. F. Articulation of the first phalanx with the second. H. Branches of the perforatus at its insertion to the lateral parts of the second phalanx, or small pastern bone. I. Insertion of the plantar aponeurosis to the semi-lunar crest. K. Interior of the first phalanx. L. Section of the perforatus tendon. M. Transverse ligament of the yellow fibrous tissue uniting the an- terior face of the perforans to the posterior face of the os coronae, etc. (2d phalanx). K. Diverticulum of the sheath of the articulation of the foot between the little sesamoid and the third phalanx. O. Little sesamoidal sheath. P. Capsule of the articulation of the foot set superiorly against the cul du sac of the great sesamoidal sheath. T. Perforans tendon. Y. Metacarpo-phalangial articulation, or fetlock joint. PLATE YHI PLATE 10, This plate represents a transverse section of the poste- rior part of the foot behind the phlanges, between the two fibre-cartilages. It shows the disposition of the bulbs of the plantar pad, or cushion, the stratified layers of the pyramidal body, the hight of the cartilages of the Koof, and the direction of the bars. B. Bulb of the plantar pad (or cushion). C. Internal face of the fibro-cartilages, or lateral cartilages. C'. Hight of the hoof. D. Part of the lateral band of the reinforcing sheath of the perforans. E. Point of junction of the inferior border of the cartilages with the substance of the plantar pad, or cushion. F. Longitudinal depression of the anterior face of the plantar pad. G. Stratified layers of the plantar pad in the pyramidal body. Z. Superior surface of the bars. Y. Thickness, and direction of the bars. PLATE IX. PLATE IX. Arterial Vessels. The figure shows the superficial disposition of the dig- ital artery on the lateral face of the ' phalanges. A. A', A". Digital artery from its emerging point above the great ses- amoids to the point where it disappears under the plate of cartilages in N. B. Anterior transverse branch at the metacarpo-phalangial articula- tion., C. Perpendicular artery. D. Ascending branch" of the perpendicular artery. E. Descending branch of the perpendicular artery. F. Transverse branch forming with the corresponding one the su- perficial coronary circle. f. Descending ramuscules in the pad of the superficial coronary circle, f. Ascending ramuscules of the podophyllous tissue, or sensitive laminae. G. Posterior transverse branches of the metacarpo-phalangial articu- lation. K. Artery of the plantar pad, or cushion. P. Circumflex artery. U, U. Ascending terminal divisions of the digital artery ; they emerge from the porosities of the third phalanx, and send ramifica- tions to the podophyllous tissue. i- A PLATE X, PLATE X. Arterial Vessels. The figure represents the superficial disposition of the digital artery at the superior face of the fiVst two phalanges and at the inferior face of the third. A, A'. Digital artery in its passage along the phalanges. G. Posterior transverse branches of the metacarpo-phalangial artic- ulation. H. Branches above one another at intervals. K. Artery of the plantar pad, or cushion. L. Internal branch of the artery of the plantar pad. P, P, P. Circumflex artery. Y, Y. Solar arteries, or arteries of plantar surface. FL&T1 XI. PLATE XI. Arterial Vessels. The figure shows the deep disposition of the digital ar- tery at the posterior face of the first two phalanges, and in the interior of the third seen from its inferior face. A, A'. Digital artery. C. Perpendicular artery at its point of origin. H. One of the branches running posteriorly, destined to the per- forkns tendon, in which it ramifies itself. J. Deep-seated branch. K. Point of origin of the artery of the plantar pad. M. Deep transverse branch, completing behind the front superficial coronary circle. S. Plantar artery or posterior terminal branch, in the plantar fissure, and in the semi-lunar sinus, where it forms with its analogue the semi-lunar anastomosis. V, V. Radiated divisions of the digital artery emanating from the con- vexity of the semi-lunar anastomosis, and following the direction of the descending canals of the third phalanx to go and con- tribute to the formation of the circumflex artery at the exterior circumference of the notched border of the bone. PLATE XII. PLATE XII. This figure represents the principle nerves of the digital region. The plantar nerve occupies the same situation, but the divisions which emanate from it are more numerous and more anastomotic. P. Plantar nerve. A. Point of emergence of the plantar nerve above the sesamoids. B, B. Cartilaginous branch. C, C. Cutaneous branch. D. Digital artery. F\ Bulbous branch. G. Transverse branch behind the metacarpo-phalangial articulation. I. Nerve of the plantar pad. L. Lateral band, or filamentous stay, of the proper tunic of the plantar pad. It crosses obliquely from backward forward, and from upward downward, the direction of the plantar nerve. V. Digital vein. PL&TE XIII. PLATE XIII. This figure represents on the digital region, seen from three-fourths behind, the disposition of the plantar nerve on the posterior face of the phalanges of the terminal divisions in the interior of the bone of the foot. P. Plantar nerve. A. Point of emergence of the plantar nerve above the sesamoids. B. Cartilaginous branch. C. Cutaneous branch. D. Digital artery. H. Occasional divison destined to the cartilaginous bulbs. I, I. Branch of the plantar pad. K. Transverse coronary branch. M. Podophyllous division. O. Pre-plantar nerve. Q. Descending branch in the patilobe fissure. R. Arterial ramuscules accompanying the digital artery in the plan- tar fissure. V. Vein following sometimes behind the plantar nerve in all its phalangial course. This vessel does not always exist. PLATE XI. The object of this figure is to show the disposition of the capillary vessels in the tegument of the digital region seen sidewise. A. A. Arterial vessels of the skin. B. B\ Arterial vessels of the coronary band, or cushion. R. Villosities of the coronary cushion. This vessel does not always exist. This figure represents the principal perioplic bourrelet, the coronary groove and the podophyllous tissue or sensitive laminae. A, B. Principal coronse (or cutidura) with -Hie villosities covering it. C. Superior border of the coronary cushion. D. Perioplic coronary groove. B. Perioplic (pad) covered with little horny substance. F. Inferior border of the cushion. G. Podophyllous tissue, or sensitive laminae. H. Villosities of the inferior extremity of the podophyllous laminae. E. Arterial vessels. K. Small arterial branches. PLATE XY PLATE X This figure represents the superior face of the floor of the hoof, formed by the sole and the frog. The wall has been cut at the level of the sole, in order to show the ter- mination of the horny leaves in the edge, or border of the sole A. Circular digital cavity at the point of reunion of the sole and the wall. B. Superior border of the frog. C. Termination of the horny leaves in the edge of the sole. D. Cavity formed by the superior face of the frog. E. Ridge of the frog, or frog stay. F. Groove of the superior face of the frog. G. External face of the glomes of the frog. N. Keraphyllous tissue at the internal face of the bars. O. Cutigeral cavity at the level of the angles of inflection. X. Bottom of the angle of inflection. Y. Point of termination of the bars at the lateral parts of the frog. K . I G ~ C ~ B - H PLATE XVI. PLATE XVI, View of the hoof from its inferior face. P. The wall. S. The sole. L. The frog. A. Line indicating the commissure of the sole and the wall, known as the linea alba, or white line. B. Angle of inflection of wall of the heels (buttress). C. Superior border of buttress. D. Region of the heels of the foot within the angle known as seat of corn. E. Inferior border of the bars, F. External face of the bars lining the lateral lacunae of the frog. G. Glomes of the frog, or bulbs of the heels. H. Terminal extremity of the bars at the sides of the frog I. Point of the frog. K. Branches of the frog. M. Regions of the mamellas of the hoof. P, Region of the toe of the hoof. Q. Median lacuna of the frog. U. Region of the quarters. GENERAL INDEX, PART FIRST. Abnormal presentations, 611. Acidity of stomach, 534. Acute indigestion, 535. Adams, Dr., on bots, 516. Adaptation in domestic animals, 28. Adhesive plaster, a good, 572. Age, how to tell, 313. Ainaurosis, 586. Anasarca, 589. Ancltylosis of bones, 411. Arab horses, docility of, 27. Arnd horse, 242. Ascaris, 509. Ascaris mystax, 511. Ascites, 587. Attention in care of horse, 408. Azoturia, 524. Back, teaching to, 93, 119. Back tendons, sprain of, 549. Bad to bridle, 181. Bad to shoe, 209. Confirmed in the habit, 215. Instances of, 213. Will not stand, 201 Balking, 193. Double, 202. Illustrations of, 206. Medicine, 196. Regular treatment, 198. Restless, 199. Best treatment, 205. Starting the balker, 196. Balls, giving, 621. Bellows Falls horse, 220. Belly, dropsy of, 587. Biting while grooming, 181. Bit, " W," or breaking, 88. Four-ring, 94, 175. Half-moon, 97. Spoon, 98. Bitting, 111. Bitting rig in training mouth, 110. Bleeding, 626. Blind Billy, 275. Blinders, 255. A cause of injury, 256. When to use, 1*23. Representative cases, 258. Blistering for spavin, 419. Blisters, 613. Blood, circulation of, 401. Bloody urine, 519. Bog spavins, 428. Bone, anchylosis of, 411. Caries of, 412. ' Necrosis of, 413. Bones of the feet, 331. Bonner, Robert, eulogy on, 330. Bony enlargement, 414. Bots, 513. Bowels, inflammation of, 502. Breaking a horse to lead, 101. Halter-pullers, 101. Breaking bit, 88, 191. Breaking down, 554. In breaking balkers, 105. Breeding, 296. Care of the mare, 298. Bridle, war, 81, 107. First form, 81. Details of its application, 82. Second form, 84. Double draw hitch form, 85. Secret of using, 87. Bridle, patent, 99, 189, 206, 225. Broken knees, 562. Broken wind, 466. Bronchitis, 478, 492. Bronchocele, 471. Brookville horse, 150. Bruises, 548. Bruise of the sole, 540. Of the cheeks, 575. Burrs, use of, 254. Calks, 540. Serious case of, 542. Canker, 547. Capped hock, 430. Care of mare in breeding, 298. In going round a horse, 239. Carelessness in shoeing, results of, 536. Caries of bone, 412. Of tooth, 322. Carrots, a good laxative, 308. Cast in stall, 272. Castration, 608. Cataract, 586. Catarrh, 453. Cathartics, 625. Catarrhal fever, 473. (1117) 1118 GENERAL INDEX: PART FIRST. Causes of injury, 382. Caustics, 630. Character spoiled by rough treatment, 234. Check, overdraw, 173. Checking and blinders, 246. Cruelty of, 246. Illustrative cases, 252. Cheeks, cuts or bruises on, 575. Chronic cough, 464. Founder, 449. Rheumatism, 630. Circulation of blood. 401. Cleveland horse, 149. Clicking, 379. Clinching down nails, 347. Colic, 493. Spasmodic, 495. Flatulent, 498. Collar galls, 605. Colt, hitching the, 128. Colt training, 106. Congestion of lungs, 476, 4SO. Constipation, 508. Contraction, its cure, 351. Cooking food, 309. Cord used for war bridle, 82, Corns, 369. Cough, chronic, 464. Counter-irritants, 613. Cow, to lead a, easily, 274. Cracked heels, 597, 599. Crack, quarter, 365. Crescent shoes, 390. Cribbing, how to break the habit, 266. Gross's device for, 267. Throat-strap for same, 267. French method of, 269. Cropping and docking, 247. Curb, 427. Cuts or wounds, 568. Cuts on cheeks, 575. Cystitis, 518. Dexter, routine of care of, 310. Diabetes, 517. Diaphragm, spasmodic action of, 531. Diarrhea, 506. Dick Christian, secret of, 43. Diseases and their treatment, 401. Diseases of the bones, 411. Eye, 579. Feet, 536. Lungs, 476. Nervous system, 520. Skin, 592. Dislocation of patella, 566. Diuresis, 517. Division of the tendons, 606. Docking, 247. Double balking, 202. Driving in harness, 118. Without reins, 285. Driving nails, methods of, 345. Dropsy of belly, 587. Elbow, tumor on, 604. Embrocations, 628. English m'ethod of driving nails, 345, Enlargement, bony, 414. Epizootic, 473. Equestrianism, 286. Beneficial to health, 293. Excessive fear, its effects, 130. Exostosis, 414. Eye, diseases of, 579. - Inflammation of, 581. False ring-bone, 426. Farcy, 459. Fear, 130. Of rattle of wagon, 135. Top carriage, 136. Threshing-machine, 138. Robe, 139. Umbrella or parasol, 141. Sound of a gun, 141. Objects while riding or driving, 13S. Hogs and dogs, 142. Railroad cars, 142. Jumping out of shafts, 136. Insanity, 143. Feeding and watering, 307. Effects of overfeeding, 307. Mr. Bonner's system of, 310. Feet, 298. Bones of, 330. Kind of in good breeders, 29S. Fetlock, sprain of, 555. Filaria, 510. Firing, 420. Pyro-puncturing process. 42-3. First method of subjection, 52. Fissure in the toe, 369. Fistula of withers, 575. Flatulent colic, 498. Fleming on paring and rasping, 3S5. Foaling, 611. Follow by the whip, 275. Fomentations, hot, 616. Food, cooking the, 309. Foot, the, 536. Accidents and injuries of, 536. Lameness, 538. Foot-strap, 101. Founder, 441. Foundered horses, shoeing, 381. Four-ring bit, 175, 188. Fractures, 565. Frog-pressure, 352. Gadfly, 513. Galls, collar and saddle, 605. Gallupville horse, 164. Gamgee, Prof., on quittor, 544. Getting cast in stall, 272. Glanders and farcy, 459. Glass-eye, 586. Glass, stepping on, 536. Gross's device for curing cribbing, 267. GENERAL INDEX: PART FIRST. 1119 Graveling, 539. Grease 600. Great Barrington balking case,, 206. Half-moon bit, 97, 186. Haltering, simple way of, 115. Halter-pulling, 101, 222. Instances of, 224. Hamill, Prof., on tip shoeing, 3.35. Harnessing, kicking while, 179. Headstrong stallions, treatment for, 235. Heaves, 466. Heels, opening the, 360. Weak, 374. Hen lice, 595. Herman horse, 234. Herpes, 597. Hetrick horse, 149. High checking, 248. Hind feet, to shoe, 348. Hip lameness, 559. Hip strap, 174. Hitching a colt, 128. To wagon, 121. To stand without, 231. Hives, 593. Hoof-ointment, 600. Horseback riding, 286. Horse distemper, 457. Hot fomentations, 616. Hydrothorax, 490. Idiopathic tetanus, 529. Indiana stallion, 148. Indigestion, 534. Acute, 535. Inflammation of bowels, 502. Bladder, 518. ' Brain, 520. Eyes, 581. Feet, 536. Kidneys, 516. Lungs, 483. Os pedis, 452. Veins, 590. Influenza, 473. Injury, special causes of, 382. Injuries to the tongue, 574. Insanity, 143. Interfering, 378. Jennings, Dr., on caries of teeth, 463. Jumping out of shafts, 136. Over fences, 273. Kickers in stall, 176. Switching, 170. Runaway, 124. Kicking,. 148. Common causes of, 151. Cows, 273. Illustrative cases, 148. In stall, 271. While harnessing,. 179. Kicking-straps, 171. Kiss, teaching to, 279. Knees, broken, 562. Knuckling over, 561. Ladies riding, 293. Lameness, navicular-joint, 432, 556. Foot, 538. Hip, 559. Shoulder, 556. Stifle-joint, 567. Laminitis, 441. Dr. Meyer's treatment of, 446. Dr. Shepard's, 447. Dr. Hamill's, 448. Lampas, 591. Lancaster horse, 150. Laryngitis, 455. Lead, breaking a horse to, 101. Lead a cow easily, to, 274. Leaning over, 221. Leveling feet for shoeing, 339. Lie down, teaching to, 279. Liniments, 629. Lock-jaw, 528. Lowering vitality, 39. Lugging, 190. Lumbricoides, 512. Lungs, congestion of, 480. Lymphangitis, 532. Mad staggers, 520. Maine man's method with balkers, 197. MaUenders, 605. Mammitis, Appendix, 472. Mange, 593. Mansfield mare, 149. Mare, care of in breeding, 298. Me Beth, Dr., on spinal meningitis, 525. Me Bride, Prof., on check-rein, 254. McLellan, Prof., on tip shoeing, 337, Megrims, 522. Meningitis, spinal, 524. Metastasis, 520. Methods of subjection. First, 52. Second, 61. Third, 71. "Monday morning leg," 532. Mouth, training of, 110. Controlling, 183. Sore, 575. Mud fever or scratches, 597. Mule, treatment of, 263. For saddle gall, 265. bailing, 343. Clinching down, 347. Nails, driving in deep, 536. Nails, stepping on, 536. Nasal gleet, 471. Navicular-joint lameness, 432, 556. Necrosis of bone, 413. Neglect of horses when hitched, 261. Nervous system, diseases of, 520. 1120 GENERAL INDEX: PART FIRST. Nettle rash, 593. Norwalk horse, 150. Objects, fear of, 138. Objections in stabling, 302. Ointments, 572. Hoof, 600. Opening the heels, 360. Quarters, Roberge's method, 362. Open joint, 562. Ophthalmia, 581. Specific or periodic, 583. Osmer on shoeing, 387. Overdraw check, 173. Overloading, 207. Overreaching, 379, 543. Oxyures, 510. I*ainesville horse, 192. Paralysis, 527. Partial, 524. Parasites, 509. Paring foot, evils of, 390. Parturition, 611. Patella, dislocation of, 566. Patent bridle, 99, 189, 206, 225. Pawing in staU, 271. Peditis, 452. Penis, injuries and diseases of, 610. Pennington horse, 235. Perforans tendon, strain of, 556. Performing blind horse, 284. Peritonitis, 533. Phlebitis, 590. Phlebotomy, 626. Phrenitis, 520. Physical power, resorting to, 38. Physicking, 623. Pink-eye, 475. Plaster, a good adhesive, 572. Pleurisy, 476, 486. Pneumonia, 483. Typhoid, 491. Poling a horse, 117. Poll-evil, 578. Poultices, 618. Prairie hay as food, 307. Prescriptions and recipes, 635. Presentations, abnormal, 611. Pricking in shoeing, 349, 536. Princess, her feet, 329. Principles of treatment, 32. Profuse staling, 517. Putney horse, 149. Pulling upon one rein, 190. Pulse, the, 619. Pyro-puncturing process, 423. Qualities for management of horse, 49. Quarter-crack, 365. Quittor, 543. Railway cars, fear of, 142. Recipes and prescriptions, 635. Ravenna colt, 150. . Reins, driving without, 2S5. Retention of urine, 519. Rheumatism, 630. Acute, 632. Chronic, 633. Riding horseback, 286. Rigs for throwing, 52. Ring-bone, 425. False, 426. Ring-worm, 596. Vesicular, 597. Roaring, 469. Robe, fear of, 139. Roberts horse, 233. Rolling motion shoe, 364. Rowels, 628. Rucking, 349. Running away, 183. Running back in stall, 230. Saddle and collar galls, 605. Saddle gall in mules, 265. Sallenders, 604. Sand-crack, 369. Scratches, 597, 599. Secret of Dick Christian, 43. Seedy toe, 539. Setons, 627. Shafts, jumping out of, 136. Sheath, foulness of, 610. Shoe, the rolling motion, 364. Shoeing, 329. Foundered horses, 381. Hind feet, 348. Nailing, 343. Pricking and rucking, 349. Tips or thin shoes, 334. Trimming, 338. Shoulder galls, 605. Lameness, 556. Tumor on, 602. Side-bone, or false ring-bone, 426. Sinuses, 570. Skin, diseases of, 592. Ointment for, 600. Skull, injuries to, 520. Sleepy staggers, 520. Sole, bruises of, 540. Sore throat, 455. Sore mouth, 575. Spasmodic colic, 495. Spasmodic action of the diaphragm, 531. Spavin, 417. Bog, 428. Special causes of injury, 382. Spinal meningitis, 524. Splent, or splint, 415. Spoiled by fright, 132. Spoon bit, different forms of, 186. Sprains, bruises, etc., 548. Sprains of back tendons, 549. Of fetlock, 555. Of perforans tendon, 556. GENERAL INDEX: PART FIRST. 1121 Stabliug, 301. Stables, ventilation of, 303. Staling, profuse, 517. Staggers, 520. Stallions, 232. Fred Arnd horse, 242. Indiana staUion, 148. Jet, 239. Herman horse, 234. Lancaster horse, 150. Roberts horse, 233. Treatment for headstrong, 235. Standing without hitching, 231. Starting the balker, 196. Stepping on nails, glass, etc., 536. Stifle, 566. Stifle-joint lameness, 567. Stomach, the, 534. Acidity of, 534. Strangles, 457. Strin'ghalt, 530.. Strongyli, 510. Stumbling, 381. Subjection, first method, 52. Natures that will not bear it, 60. Instructions for throwing, 55. Second method, 61. Third method, 71. Submission, signs of, 75. Sun-stroke, 523. Superpurgation, 506. Surfeit, 592. Sutures, 571. Sweeney, 558. Swelled legs, 589. Switching kickers, 170. Synovial membrane, danger of cutting in throwing, 101. Tape-worm, 510. Teaching a sullen colt to lead, 126. To follow by the whip, 275. To lead with the whip, 128. To lie down, 279. To stop instantly, 92. To teU his age, 277. Teeth, the, 313. Telling the age by, 313. Tender-bitted, 273. Tendons, back, sprain of, 549. Division of, 606. Tenotomy, 605, 606. Tent, dressing with, 569. Teres lumbrici, 509. Tetanus, 528. Idiopathic, 529. Traumatic, 529. Throat-strap to cure cribbing, 267. Thorough-pin, 428. Thrombus, 591. Throwing, rigs for, 52. Instructions for, 55. Danger in throwing forcibly, 101. Thrush, 546. Thumps, 531. Tips or thin shoes, 334. Toe, fissure in, 369. Tommy, the throwing pony, 283. Tongue, injuries to, 574. Tracheotomy, 628. Training with .common halter, 107. To lead with whip, 128. To handle the feet, 108. The mouth, 110. Treads, 540. Treatment for very vicious horses, 219. For very vicious stallions, 237. For headstrong stallions, 235. Tricks, teaching, 275. Trichocephalus dispar, 510. Trimming for shoeing, 338. Trocar and canula, 501. Tumor on shoulder, 602. On point of elbow, 604. Tympanites, 498. Typhoid pneumonia, 491. Umbrella, fear of, 141. Upper jaw bit, 94. Urine, bloody, 519. Retention of, 519. Urticaria, 593. Veins, inflammation of, 590. Ventilation of stables, 303. Vertigo, 522. Vesicular ring-worm, 597. Very vicious horses, treatment of, 219, 235, 237. i War bridle, 81. Details of its application, 82. Double draw hitch form, 85. In colt training, 107, 118. In treatment of kickers, 176. Secret of using, 87. With breaking rig, 105. Watering, 311. Water in the chest, 490. Weak heels, 374. Weed, 532. Whip, kind of to use, 229. Wild Pete, 144. Will not back, 190. Will not stand, 201. Wind-broken, 466. Wind-sucking, 269. Wind-galls, 430. Withers, fistula of, 575. " W," or breaking-bit, 88. Point of its use, 92. Worms, 509. Symptoms of, 510. Wounds, 568. Incised, 569. Punctured, 571. Yard, foulness of, 610. Yoautt on colic, 497. 1122 GENERAL INDEX: PART SECOND PART SECOND. Abdominal hernia, 789. Abortion in cattle, 836. In sheep, 929. Abscess of lungs, 763. In swine, 968. Section of, 763. Acute dysentery, 785. Aerator, milk, 693. After-pains in ewes, 929. Afghan fat-tailed sheep, 868, 873. African beef-eater, 1108. After-birth retained, 824. Albuminuria, 795. Albuminoids in food, 656. Alsace nose-ring, applied, 851. American procris, 1104. Ana?mia in cattle, 741. In sheep, 899. In swine, 969. Angina, 939. Anthrax in cattle, 732, 734. In sheep, 906. In swine, 936, 938. Ant-thrush, short-tailed, 1112. Aphtha, epizootic, 737. Apiary of A. I. Root, 1067. Cogswell, 1068. Kice, 1070. Phelps, 1071. Apoplexy in cattle, 801. In swine, 961. Splenic, 736. Parturient, 832. Apple-tree borer, 1097. Apple-trees, insects injurious to, 1096. Approach-grafting, 1094. Argali, 878, 879. Arteries of stomach, 771. Ascaris mystax, 1060. Ascites, 899. Aseels, 997. Asthenic hsematuria. 746. Asthma, 766. Aubrace sheep, 876, 878. Augeron hog, 966. Auscultation, 752. Ayrshire bull, 649. Heifer, 688. Bacteridien, 732. Bandage, many-tailed, 859. Bandaging udder, 740. Bark-louse, 1103. Barns, dairy, 673. Barrel churn, horizontal, 701. Bee-culture, 1065. , physiology of, 1070. Three orders of, 1066. Formation of eggs, 1071. Pasturage, 1077. Preparing for winter, 1082. Hives, 1080. Beecher, Rev. H. W., eloquent sermon in behalf of birds, 1109. Beef-eater, African, 1108. Beetle, flea, 1104. Eose, 1104; Bird-louse, 1063. Birds, a plea for the, 1107. Black tongue, 734. Blain, 734. Blanchard churn, 701. Bladder, inflammation of, 897. Protrusion of, 800. Stone in, 897. Blood, diseases of, 899. Bloodhound, 1047. Blood-striking, 906. Blood-sucker, 1063. Bloody murrain, 732. Bloody round-worm, 1059. Bloody urine in cattle, 796. In sheep, 901. Blue-bottle fly, 912. Blue disease, *945. . Bodkin-tailed round-worm, 1059. Bordered round-worm, lOoS. Bowels, inflammation of, 1055. Brahma fowls, 990. Braxy water, 901. Breeders in sheep, selection of, 886. Bronchitis in cattle, 759. , Verminous, 812. In sheep, 894. In poultry, 1020. Budding fruit, 1090. Buffalo, cross with American cattle, 660. Bullard's oscillating chum, 701. Bull-dog, 1045. " Bull-dogs" applied to nose, 776. Bumble-foot, 1021. Butter-making, 686. Jars, 705. Marketing, 704. Working, 701. Salting, 703. Workers, 703. Cachexia, 899. Calculus, 897. Calf-louse, 812. Calves, raising, 662. Feeding, 666. Treatment of, 841. Calving, 662. Time of, 664. Treatment in, 664. Cancerous ulcers, 748. Canker of foot, 931. Canker worms in fruit, 1100. Canula, application of, 765. Caponizing fowls, 1029. Caseine in relation lo butter, 654. Precipitation of, 681. GENERAL INDEX: PART SECOND 1123 Cashmere goat, 869, 874. Castration, 930. Catarrh, in cattle, 753. In sheep, 893. In swine, 954, 961. In poultry, 1021. Catheter, 794. Cattle, breeds of, 648. Diseases of, 721. Cat-flea, 1063. Charblais bull, 684. Cow, 687. Charbon, in cattle, 732 In sheep, 906. In swine, i)36. Charbonous fever, 732. Cholera. 1022. So-called, 944. Cheese-making, 706. Presses, 713. Hoops, 714. Factories, 715. Chester white pig, 958. Chicken-coops, 1005. Chiff-chaff, 1107. Chigger, 1063. Chinese hog, 941. Chlorine gas, apparatus for generating, 861. For preparing, 862. Choking, 778. Chronic dyspepsia, 783. Churning, 697. Churns, 698, 699, 700, 701. Clamp, wooden, 789. Iron, 789. Cleanliness, 859. Cleft-grafting, 1094. Clover, 668. Cochin fowls, 989. Codling-moths, 1101. Ccenurus of sheep, 916, 917. Cerebralis, 900. Colds and cough, 962. Colic, 841. Constipation, in sheep, 895. In swine, 962. In dogs, 1055. Consumption in cattle, 748. In poultry, 1022. Contagious enteric fever, 729. Cooley's creamer, 695. Cotswold sheep, 876, 877. Cotyledons, 824. Cough and colds, 962. Cow, points of, 643. Cows, treatment of duringgestation period, 664. Cow-pox, 739. Cramps, 1022. Cream, raising of, 686. Apparatus, 695. Cretan, or Wallachian sheep, 871, 874. Crevecoeurs, 987. Crop-bound, 1023. Croup, 841. Curculio, plum, 1103. Curd breakers, 710. Drainer, 709. Mill, 710. Currant- worm, 1105. Cysticercus bovis, 814. Cellulosus, 976. Cystitis, 799. Dachshund, 1052. Dairy barn, model, 673. Dairy interest, importance of, 643. Barns, 673. Dangerous cattle, device for controlling, 852. Danish dog, 1045. Danubian goose, 998. Debility, 1023. Delivery milk-cans, 716. Delwart's truss, 827. Dermanyssus avium, 1064. Dermatocoptes, 812. Devon cattle, 650. Diabetes, 793. Diarrhea in cattle, 784. In calves, 842. In sheep, 895. In swine, 963. In poultry, 1023. In dogs, 1054. Dingo, 1033. Diseases of cattle, 721. Of sheep, 891. Of swine, 933. Of poultry, 1020. Of dogs, 1053. Dishley sheep, 866, 872. Diphtheria in swine, 964. In poultry, 1024. Dipping sheep, 886. Disinfection, 859. Distemper, 1054. Distention of rumen, 895. Docking, 931. Dogs, races of, 1031. Diseases of, 1053. Dog-fighting, 1045. Dog-flea, 1063. Dog-tick, 923. Dorsetshire pig, 952. Drainage, 671. Drenching a cow, 768. Dropping the cud, 782. Dropsy, 899. Ducks, 998. Worms in, 1029. Durham cow, short-horn, .733. Dysentery in cattle, 785. In sheep, 895. In dogs, 1054. Dyspepsia, 782. Ear-louse, dog, 1063. Echinococcus, 1061. Echinorrynchus Polymorphus, 1029. EcthymaJ 905, 906. Ectozoa, 808. 1124 GENERAL INDEX: PART SECOND. Eczema, in cattle, 804. In sheep, 900. Egg-bound, 1024. Eggs, physiology of, 1008. Incubation, 1009. Packing and preserving, 1001. Testing, 1011. Eggs of bees, 1070. Queen's egg under microscope. 1071. Egg-protectors, 1010. Egg-testers, 1011. Egyptian goose, 998. Emphysema, 766. Emprosthotonos, 803. Enteric fever, 729. Enteritis, 787. Entozoa, 812. Epilepsy, in cattle, 801. In swine, 966. Epizootic aphtha, 737. Epizootic catarrh in swine, 954. Escutcheon, milk, 646. Esquimau dog, 1043. Essex boar, 950. Pig, 951. Examination, of pulse in ox, 724. Exmoor sheep, 877, 879. Extravasation, bloody, in papillse of skin, 729. Fairlamb can, 694. Fardel-bound, 780. Feather-eating, 1024. Feeding, artificial, 656. Feeling the pulse, 932. Fetus of cow, 817, 818, 819. Fezzan sheep, 879. 880. Filaria imitis, 1062. Strongylus, 915. Flanders bull, 669. Cow, 677. Flat-headed apple-tree borer, 1097. Flea-beetle, 1104. Flies, 808, 810, 811, 910, 911, 925, 926. Flooding, 825. Fluke, 913. Fluke disease, 913. Fodder or hay louse, 923. Food, conditions of giving to cattle, 652. Regulation of, 657. Foods of various kinds, table of, 656. Nutritive foods for sheep, table of, 889. Foot and mouth disease in cattle, 737. In sheep, 904. Foot-rot, or foot-halt, d02. Foot -louse, 926. Foul in cattle, 805. In sheep, 902. Fowls, breeds of, 983, Fragility of bones, 783. French boar, 960, 963. Sow. 962, 965. French ox-harness, 853. Frizzled fowls, 991. Frost-bite, 1025. Fruit culture, 1087. Gad-fly, 808, 810, 811, 910, 911, Gags, wooden, 773. Iron, 774. Gamasus of fodder, 812. Gang cheese-press, 711. Gangrenous angina, 939. Gapes, 1025. Garget, 930. Geese, 998. Giant strongle, 1059. Gid, 916. Giddiness, 1025. Glos anthrax in cattle, 734. In swine, 938. Glossina morsitans, 925, Glossitis, 769. Goitre, 1056. Gonorrhea in cattle, 839. In sheep, 897. Goat, Cashmere, 869, 874. Gout, 1025. Grafting, 1093. Grape-vine bark-louse, 1103. Flea-beetle, 1104. Grass, best food for cow, 657. When to cut, 668. Greyhound, 1046. Persian, 1046. Gullet, obstruction of, 778. Sacular dilatation of, 780. Gut-tie, 791. Hsematopinus vituli, 812. Eurysternus, 812. Hsematuria, 746. Hsemorrhagica, pupura, 742. Hair-worms, 921. Hampshire-downs sheep, 875, 877. Hay-loader, 671, 672. At work, 673. Hay-making, 668. Hay-maker, 670, 671. Heart infested with measles, 814. Hereford cattle, 650. Hernia, abdominal, 789. Umbilical, 789. Of uterus, 838. Herpes, 804, 805. Highland sheep, 869, 874. Hippoboscus ovis, 924. Holland bull, 717. Cow, 727. Hollow-horn, or horn-ail, 742. Holstein vertical churn, 697. Honey extractor, 1079. Honey, liquid and comb, 1078. Storing and marketing, 1083. To prevent candying, 1084. Hooking, device to prevent, 852. Hoose, 812. Hoove, 895. Horn-ail, 742. Horse-rake, 671, 672. Houdan fowls, 986. House-fly, 912. GENERAL INDEX: PART SECOND. 1125 Hoven in cattle, 770. In sheep, 895. Human remedies, Appendix, 1115. Human body-louse, 923. Head-louse, 924. Hunting-dog, 1034. Husk, 812. Hyena, brown, 1032. Hybrid bees, how to tell from pure Italians, 1076. Hydatids, 916, 917, 918. . In brain of sheep, 917. Hydrophobia in sheep, 908. In dogs, 1057. Hypoderm, 1063. Hysterocele, 837, 838. Ibex, 864. ; Ictero-verminous cachexia, 902. Impacted rumen, 774. Impaction of omasum, 780. Imported currant- worm, 1105. Incubation, natural process of, 1009. Artificial, 1012. Incubators, the Graves, 1013. The Halsted, 1014. The Boyle, 1015. The Toinlinson, 1016. The thermostatic, 1017. Hearson's regulator, 1018. Indigestion in lambs, 896. In fowls, 1026. Inflammation of the bladder in cattle, 799. In sheep, 897. Of the bowels, 1055. Of the brain, 801. Of the kidneys, 798. Of the lungs,' 967. Of the mouth, 769. Of the tongue, 769. Of the udder, 839. Of the uterus, 828. Influenza, 901. Interdigital canal, 903. Intestines, tape- worm in, 919. Inversion of the bladder, 800. Of the uterus, 825. Insects, organs of respiration of, 921. Injurious to fruit, 1096. Insolation, 901. Intestines of ox, 770. Irritation of vagina, 929. Itch, 972. Jersey short-horn cow, 651. Kidneys of ox, 792. Koumiss, 719. IJamb-creep, 885. Lambing, 927. Lambs, extra feeding of, 885. Management of, 884. Laryngitis, 756. Layering, 1093. By elevation, 1093. Leicester sheep, 865, 872. Lesser pettichaps, 1107. Left side of cow laid open, 775. Leg-weakness, 1026. Leucorrhea, 835. Lice in cattle, 810. In sheep, 923, 924, 925, 926. In poultry, 1026. Light Brahma fowls, 990. Lincolnshire sheep, 875, 876. Linguatula serrata, 1062. Lithiasis, 799. Liver fluke, 913. Liver rot in sheep, 913. Liver disease in poultry, 1027. Lobule of milk-gland, 679. Of mammary gland in woman, 680. Lock-jaw in cattle, 802. In sheep, 899. Long-horn cattle, 650, 657, 658. Longford cheese-factory, 714. Loo, or low, 902. Lower jaw of cow in rinderpest, 728. Lucilia homnivorax, 925. Lungs, abscess of in cattle, 763. In swine, 968. Lymphatic gland, 772. Maggots, 912. Milignant gangrenous angina, 939. Pustule, 732. Sore throat in cattle, 734. In swine, 946. Epizootic catarrh, 954. Mammary gland of woman, 680 Lobules of, 680. Mammitis, 839. Dr. C. A. Meyer, on Appendix, 1114. Man-eating fly, 925. Mange in cattle, 810. In sheep, 921. In swine, 972. In dogs, 1064. Maw-bond, 774. McBeth. Dr. B. C., on inversion of uterus, 826. Measles in cattle, 813. In swine, 974. Measly beef, 813. Meat-fly, 912. Medicine, how to administer, 723. Merino sheep, 871, 872, 874. Metritis, 828. Metro-peritonitis, 829. Meyer,Dr.C.A.,on mammitis, Appendix,1114. On inversion of uterus, 825. On caponizing fowls, 1029. Milk, composition of, 680. Pure conditions of, 682. Danger of imparting disease, 683. Cooling and setting, 689-692. Delivery, 716. Milk secretion, 676. 1126 GENERAL INDEX: PART SECOND. Milk-aerator, 693. Cans, 694. Strainers, 690. Tanks, 690. Vats, 706. Milk-escutcheon of cow, 646, 647, 648. Milk-fever, 832. Milk-gland, network of, 678. Lobule of, 679. Milking, 659. Hints in regard to, 662. Season of, 664. Milking machines, 662. Milking-pails, 661. Milk-shelves, revolving, 689. Mirror-escutcheon, 646. Moufflon sheep, 878, 880. Mouth, injuries of, 768. Inflammation of, 769. Mowing machines, 670. Mully cattle, 651. Murrain, 906. Waevus, section of, 750. Nephritis, 798. Nervous debility in parturition, 802. Newfoundland dog, 1035. Nile goose, 996. Norfolk sheep, 874, 875. Nose-piece to prevent sucking, 666. Nose-clamps, 850. Nose-punch, 851. Nose-ring, 850. Obstruction of gullet, 778. Oestrus bo vis, 810. Omasum, impaction of, 780. Ophisthotonos, 803. Ophthalmia, 806. Oscillating churn, 699. Ostea sarcoma, 748. Ox, kidneys of, 792. Urinary apparatus of, 792. Urethral canal of, 793. Ox-louse, 812. Ox's head, 722. Ox prepared for casting, 790. For bleeding, 833. Ox harness, French, 853. Travis, 850. Ox measle, 814. Oxyuris vermicularis, 1060. Oyster-shell bark-louse, 1098. Pan for setting milk, 689. Paralysis of hind quarters, 980. Paraphlegia, parturient. 900. Parasites, discoveries in, by microscope, 909. Their ravages, 1057. Parasitic diseases of cattle, 808. Of sheep, 909. Ol swine, 970. Ot poultry, 1025. Of dogs, 1057. Parturient apoplexy, 831, 832. Paraplegia, 900. Parturition, nervous debility in, 902. Pasturage, 882. Pair-tree twig-girdler, 1102. Peccary, 965. Pekin bantams, 995. Pendulum churn, 699. Peregourd hog. 967. Pentastomum denticulatum, 1062. Tenoides, 1062. Peritonitis, 788. Pet dogs, 1052. Pfriemenschwantze, 1060. Phrenitis, 801. Phthisis, 748. Pigmy Piculet, 1110. Piles, 969. Pining, 899. Pip, 1027. Planarian, 914. Playfair's, Dr. Lyon, analysis of milk, 654. Plea for the birds, 1107. Plethora, 741. Pleurisy, 763. Pleuritis, 894. Pleuro-enteritis, 945. Erysipelatous form, 946. Pleuro-pneumonia, 726. Pleurosthotonos, 803. Plexus of lymphatics, section of, 771. Plum-curculio, 1103. Plymouth Rock fowls, 989. Pneumonia in cattle, 761. In sheep, 894. In swine, 967. Poland-China pig, 959. Polish fowls, 990. Polled cattle, 651. Model polled bull, 659. Portable poultry-houses, 1003. Potato-cleaner, 980. Poultry, breeds of, 983. Feeding and marketing, 999. Architecture, 1003. Diseases of, 1020. Probang and gag, 773. Holding cow for passage of, 77 ( 9. Protrusion of bladder, 800. Pruning fruit, 1088. Psoriasis, in cattle, 804. In sheep, 901. Puerperal fever, 829. Paraplegia, 900. Pulse, feeling the, 932. Purples, 945 Purpura hsemorrhagica, 742. Pyaemia, 747. Pyramidal strainer, 694. ISabies in sheep, 908. In dogs, 1057. Rectangular churn, Whipple's, 700. Red mange, 1064. GENERAL INDEX: PART SECOND. 1127 Ked water in cattle, 746. In sheep, 901. Kemedies, human, 1115. Renault's trass, 829. Kennet, 681. Retained after-birth, 824. Retention of urine in cattle, 793. In sheep, 897. Revolving milk shelves, 689. Revolving barrel churn, 698. Rheumatism in cattle, 743. In sheep, 930. In poultry, 1027. Rickets, 783. Rinderpest, 729. Ring-worm, 810, 813. Romney marsh sheep, 865, 872. Rose-beetle, 1104. Rose-colored pastor, 1111. Rot, 913. Rot dropsy, 902. Round-headed apple-tree borer, 1097. Round-worms, 1059. Roup, 1027. Rueff s method of throwing the ox, 849. Rumen, distention of, 895. Impacted, 774. Rumenotomy, 776. Rumen exposed in, 777. Rumpless bantams, 991. Sacular dilatation of gullet, 780. Salting butter, 703. Scab in sheep, 921, 922. In swine, 972. Scalpel, 758. Sclerostoma syngamus, 1025. Scolex of tape-worm, 919, 1061. Scours in calves, 784. In swine, 963. Schwartz system of milk cooling, 691. Swedish system, 690. Sediment in urinary canal, 807. Sebright fowls, 997. Septicaemia, 747. Setter, 1051. Irish, 1052. Sharpening mower-knife, 671. Shearing sheep, 887. Sheep, breeds of, 863. Care and management of, 881. Care and feeding in winter, 888. Profits of an investment in, 890. Selection of breeders, 886. Skeleton of, 891. Washing and shearing, 887. Sheep-bug, 925. Shepherd dog, 1041. Short-horn cattle, 648, 655. Short-tailed ant-thrush, 1112 Silky fowls, 990. Skeleton of cow, 721. Of sheep, 891. Of hog, 954. Of fowl, 1021. Of dog, 1053. Skin-louse, 1064. Skull of ram, 892. Small-pox, 905. Snuffles, 961. So-called cholera, 944. Softening of the bones, 783. Solary erythema, 901. Sore teats, 838. Sore throat in cattle, 756. Malignant, 734. Southdown sheep, 867, 872. Splenic apoplexy, 736. Sprains, 932. Staggers, 966. Stall for two cows, 675. St. Bernard dog, 1038. Steinbock, 864. Sthenic h?ematuria, 797. Stifle joint, injury of, 855. Stomach of ruminants, 769, 770. Arteries of, 771. Stomach-pump, 831. Stone in bladder, 897. Strangulation of intestines, 791. Streamlet churn, 699. Strobile, 919. Strongle, giant, 1059. Strongylus or strongula, 979. Sturdy, 916. Sucking, methods to prevent, 667. Suffolk sow, 955. Sulphuric acid gas, apparatus for liberating, 861. Sussex cattle, 650. Suture needles, 857, 859. Sutures, 857. Swarming of bees, 1072. Prevention of, 1075. Swelled legs in fowls, 1025. Swiss bull, 663. Cow, 665. Syrian sheep, 868, 874. Syringe, glass, 750. Hypodermic, 759. For wounds, 858. Ta>nia, 974. Plicata, 919. Solium, 974. Echinococcus, 1061. Tamworth pig, 956. Tank for setting milk, 690. Tape-worm in cattle, 814. In sheep, 919. In swine, 974. In dogs, 1061. Teat siphons, various forms of, 739. Teats, sore, 662. Tedding machine, 670. 1128 GENERAL INDEX: PART SECOND. Teeth of cattle, 844. Of sheep, 892. Of swine, 955. Terriers, 1051. Tetanus in cattle, 802. In sheep, 899. Thread-strongle, 915. Throwing ox, methods of, 849. Ticks in sheep, 886. Tongue, inflammation of, 769. Paralysis of, 769. Tonics, 1028. Traumatic, albuminuria, 795. Trichina spiralis, 977. Trichinosis, 976. Trichocephalus dispar, 1060. Trichodectes of ox, 812. Trocar, 774. Truss for hernia, 789. Delwart's, 827. Kenault's, 829. Tsetse fly, 926. Tubercular consumption, 748. Tuberculosis, 748. Tumor on parotid glands, and on upper and lower jaw, 749, 750. Tumor cured by quack, 749. Turkeys, 998. Turnips, pulped, as food, 657. Turnsick, 916. Twig-girdler, 1102. Tympanites, 770. Udder of cow, 678. Of rabbit, 681. Bandaging, 740. Described, 676. Inflammation of, 939. Lobule and milk ducts of, 678. Udders of good milkers, 682. Ulcers, cancerous, 748. Umbilical hernia, 789. Unnatural presentations, 820, 821. Halters for operation in, 822. Uraemia, 745. Urinary apparatus of ox, 792. Urine, retention of, 793. Incontinence of, 795. Operation forremovingurine from ox, 746. Uterus of cow, 824. Van Beneden on the tape-worm, 919. Variola vaccinse, 739. Ventilation, 859. Vertical churn, 697, 698. Vesicles of mammary lobules, 681. Victoria churn, 698. Wallaehian sheep, 871, 874. Wallikiki fowls, 994. "VVarragal, 1033. Washing sheep, 887. Water braxy, 901. Weighing can, 695. W T eldon's cream-raising apparatus, 695. Welsh sheep, 877, 879. Whipple's rectangular churn, 700. White comb, in fowls, 1028. Wliites, 835. W r hite scours, 896. Wild boar of Africa, 934. Of India, 935. Of Europe, 937. Of Malacco, 939. Willow warblers, 1107. Wool, comparison of fibers, 874. Woolly louse of the apple, 1097. Wounds, incised, 857. Lacerated, 858. Punctured, 859. Contused, 859. In swine, 980. Wren, yellow, 1107. Golden-crested, 1108. Fire-crested, 1108. Yellow wren, 1107. Yokohama fowls, 989. Yorkshire hog, 945, 946, 947. APPENDIX PAGE. The Farm 1129-1137 Grasses, Haymaking, etc 1138-1169 Water and Germs . . . . 1170-1181 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. LD 21-100m-9 I '48(B399sl6)476 02363 309970 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY