A Modern French Grammar Philippe de LaRochelle How to use La Rochelle's Grammar for the First Year's Work in French Madame de Sevigne" compared La Fontaine's fables to a basket of cherries: First we wish to eat only the ripest ones, then we finally devour every one. In studying a language for the first time it is often a question of going to the trouble of picking, of securing a basket, and of eating and digesting its contents. Now let us proceed as follows: LESSON I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. Alphabet. Orthographic marks. Table of French Sounds and Syllables. Rapid glance over Punctuation. Drill on a, and dictate. " two vowels (pp. 14-15) " eo, ie, eu, etc. (pp. 15-16) " ou and oi. " ui, oui. Dictation. Nasal vowels. Review same as per table (p. 8). Drill on an, or dictate, p. 18. " en, " " 18-19. " am," " 19. " em, " " 19. Drill on in, or dictate, pp. 19-20. " im, etc. p. 20 " on, " " 20. " un, " Review. Consonants. Pronunciation, p. 21. Syllables. Spelling. Drill on 6, c, d,f. " g, or use Table, p. 8. " h, " dictate. Home work: 25 sentences illustrating the use of the various tenees. LXIX. Pp. 216-223 for one week. Follow directions within same, and look up Index for further use of regular verbs or idioms, etc. The soul of a sentence is always the verb. See sec. 105 for instance and note. Home work: 25 typical sentences. LXX. Pp. 223-230 for one week. Peculiarities of the verbs of the first group, and oral drills on parler, and its uses with various tenses emphasized. Home work: 25 typical sentences. LXXI. Pp. 230-237 for one week. Same directions as parler followed, and Index, p. 450-2, closely adhered to. Home work: 25 typical sentences. LXXII. Pp. 237-248 for one week (and ne for variety). Home work : 25 sentences. LXXIII. Pp. 248-264 for one week. Third irregular verb (so far) and of frequent use with review of plus (and de), etc. Note sec. 73, or p. 452 or sec. 78. Home work: 25 sentences as above. LXXIV. Pp. 264-271 for one week. Sec. 75-8 to be noted specially. Home work: 25 sentences. LXXV. Pp. 271-280 for one week. Drill on equivalents, etc. See p. 452. Home work : 25 sentences. LXXVI. Pp. 280-5 f r one week. Pupils are given an oppor- tunity (for the last time) to review not only the sub- junctive but the imperfect of the subjunctive, etc., with a synthetical tableau. Home work: 25 sentences based on all previous types of conjugations. LXXVII. Pp. 285-291 for one week. Sees. 156, 163 should be reviewed for oral drill, etc. Home work: 25 typical sentences. LXXVIII. Pp. 291-7 for one week. Sees. 156-169 to be reviewe ^ and Sees. 126-7 or 128 distinguished. Home work: : sentences. LXXIX. Pp. 298-301 for one week. Sec. 177 (pp. 202-206) 1 Sec. 181 to be mastered. The reflexive verbs in Frenc, being of frequent use, are to be specially emphasizea Home work: 25 sentences. LXXX. Pp. 302-306 for one week. Compare y avoir, p. 1 16, or tl est (there are) p. 122 or sec. 128. Time also : Pp. 139- 140. Homework: 25 sentences. Irregular verbs: 3 or 4 may be assigned at a time preferably with the Reader. Cognates or other words relative to the same idea should be written in the margin (or across each verb from p. 309 to the very end). For instance: allee, allure, envahir, s' en oiler, vade- mecum, evasion, or ambulant, etc., contribute to better understanding. Other suggestions like these: vas-y; n'y va pas. See sec. 105, 108, p. 155. N.B. Some teachers combine Lesson I. with Lesson LI.; Lessen II. with Lesson LI I. , etc. , for quick survey of the whole book ; others prefer to use both Modern Grammar and Composition book together as the latter with its copious Vocabulary, brings out more clearly the practical aspects of the former. For prose composition both vocabularies (in either text) and verb index are found exceedingly A MODERN FRENCH GRAMMAR FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES BY PHILIPPE DE LA ROCHELLE ROMANCE DEPARTMENT, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK AND LONDON Cbe f?nicfcerbochet press 1919 COPYRIGHT. 1919 BY PHILIPPE DE LA ROCHELLE ttbe Htnfcfeerbocfter press, mew PREFACE THE purpose of the author in the preparation of this book is indicated in the title : A Modern French Grammar. In this Grammar, special attention has been given to the points of contact between the English and the French tongues. The author believes that his text will be found both comprehensive and practical for the use of instructors in colleges and in higher grade schools. The attention given to the grammatical nomenclature, to drill in oral and reading exercises, to topics of composition and con- versation, and to the presentation of idiomatic expressions and of the equivalent terms in the two languages, will, the author believes, have value in making clear to the student the nature of the French language, and the relations borne by it. to the English language. The Section of Pronunciation has been placed at the beginning of the book for use in reference, and with this is connected a phonetic transliteration for the use of elementary classes. It is important that the voice of the instructor should be heard in all grades, in each and every lesson, and in Dictation and Oral Drills. Care should be taken to emphasize with the student the fluent cadence or ring of the French language and the method of the blending of words. Two University Professors, in recent addresses to French high school instructors, on Methods of Improv- ing the Teaching of Modern French in Secondary Schools, have pointed out that in such instruction sufficient em- phasis had frequently not been given to the Gender of Nouns. In the present work, this subject has been iii 2032078 iv PREFACE very thoroughly cared for, and a long series of examples is presented. In not a few Grammars, the elimination or the mini- mizing of introductory work has left the student without the ability to compose correctly even short sentences. To students who desire simply to learn to read French, the usual course of grammatical topics, together with an Elementary Reader may properly be recommended; but for the student who is anxious to solve the problem of wording a sentence correctly, and to make further progress towards accurate and graceful expression, it is essential that the two languages be compared and contrasted. It is through comparison and assimilation that the interest of the pupil is aroused and his mind is sharpened. When a certain mastery has been secured of French composition, the pupil is able to make com- paratively rapid progress in the expression of his ideas with a wider choice of phrases and a trustworthy vocabulary. A method of study of a foreign tongue which aims at simplicity may easily lead to a knowledge that is but superficial. An intelligent study of French calls for a wide range of treatment ; and the examples of expression given in this volume have been selected with the purpose of enabling the student to secure a proper form of expression for his ideas. It has been thought, advisable to group together the vital divisions of the Grammar, and for this purpose the presentation of a verb, a tense, a pronoun, or an idiomatic expression is interpreted and illustrated under various relations so as to meet as far as possible varied requirements. The use of a Modern Reader and the reading of se- lected stories will bring to a pupil a reading facility, but if he is ambitious to secure familiarity with the intrica- cies of a living language, it is essential that he shall PREFACE V obtain a mastery of Syntax. The student must observe, compare, analyze, connect, and direct the mechanism of the language so as to secure a fair grasp of its nature and its genius. The author emphasizes the importance of the mastery of a comprehensive vocabulary, which alone can bring to the student the requisite knowledge of the various interpretations or phases of meaning of words; but in this Grammar it is the structure of a sentence that receives special attention. Unless a trustworthy model is kept before the student or a text-book be utilized as a guide or reference, he may easily be led into a pitfall of clumsy expression as a result of the different phases of meaning attaching to the same word when connected with different prepositions or verbs. // est ban de limer et de f rotter notre cervelle contre celle d'autrui. MONTAIGNE. P. DE L. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Table des Matieres) PAGE PREFACE ... iii INTRODUCTION PART I PRONUNCIATION AND PRACTICAL PHONETICS PAGE I. PUNCTUATION ..... 3 II. FRENCH ALPHABET .... 6 III. ORTHOGRAPHIC MARKS .... 6 IV. PHONETIC SYMBOLS AND FRENCH SOUNDS 8 V. PRONUNCIATION OF VOWELS ... 9 VI. NASAL VOWELS . . . . .17 VII. CONSONANTS AND THEIR PRONUNCIATION 21 VIII. SYLLABLES ...... 22 IX. LINKING . ' . . . -35 X. ELISION ...... 43 XI. PRACTICAL FRENCH PROSODY . 46 XII. LIST OF h (aspirated) . . . . 49 Viii CONTENTS PART II ETYMOLOGY OR PARTS OF SPEECH PAGE LESSON I ....... 63 I gender of nouns; parts of speech; the definite article ; nouns are either masculine or feminine 2 Latin feminines 3 general rule 4 double gender 5 few change their meaning according to the gender 6 few are either masculine or feminine LESSON II ....... 70 PLURAL OF NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES 7 general rule 8 double plurals 9 invariable nouns i o substantives always in the plural 1 1 noun with an adverb or a preposition 12 when de is understood 13 foreign nouns 14 determinatives of nouns (with a; de; en; sans; pour] 1 5 definite, indefinite and partitive article 1 6 gender and number 17 general rule; use of the article LESSON III 77 QUALIFYING ADJECTIVES 1 8 rule 19 exceptions LESSON IV .... gj 20 avoir to have; principal parts 21 indicative mood 22 imperfect CONTENTS IX PAGE 23 past definite (preterit) 24 past indefinite (perfect) 25 review rules governing nouns and adjectives 26 past anterior 27 pluperfect 28 future 29 future past 30 conditional mood 31 material for review and dictation 32 conditional past (ist Form) 33 conditional past (ad Form) 34 imperative mood 35 subjunctive mood 36 imperfect (subj.) and review of rules with nouns and adjectives 37 past (subj.) 38 pluperfect (subj.) 39 infinitive mood 40 participial mood ; material for short compositions and review of adjectives 41 comparison of adjectives (with plus, mains) 42 " " " (continued) 42 " " " (continued) with ban and mauvais 43 comparison of adjectives (with comme) 44 adverbs: bien, mal, pen, mieux followed by review on adverbs and adjectives LESSON V . ... . . .98 45 Ure to be (conjugated at p. 291) and its various uses 46 position of certain adverbs 47 a; de; en; envers as complement of adjectives with impersonal verbs 48 oral drill with: a; de on adjectives, etc. 49 adjectival forms: certain, chaque, chacun, etc. 50 " " (with oral drill) etc. 51 " ( " " " continued) and on LESSON VI . . . . . .116 52 y avoir to be (there to be) [conjugated in full); con ersational exercise with: le; en CONTENTS 53 present indicative and its uses 54 review: rules for using le; la; les; un(e) 55 possessive adjectives 56 il y a and wild. 57 negative and interrogative forms 58 review of interrogative forms 59 en and le; (I'); la; les as pronouns 60 avoir faim; avoir soif; avoir chaud, etc. ; various ex- amples on avoir and etre ; general review on : there is (are) LESSON VII 124 61 de plus le contracted; de plus les; des; de I'; de la; au; a I'; a la; aux (partitive sense^ 62 imperfect (indicative) and its uses 63 rules requiring same 64 de (some or any) in partitive constructions after adverbs of quantity; verbs, adjectives or expres- sions requiring it 65 de or du; de I'; de la; des in negative interrogations 66 past definite (preterit) and its uses 67 rule; also de plus infinitive of narration 68 possessive pronouns 69 past indefinite and its uses 70 rule on same; past indefinite and definite distin- guished 71 demonstrative adjectives: ce (cet); cette; ces 72 demonstrative pronouns: celui; celle; ceux; celles; ceci; cela (ca); -ci; -la 73 future and its uses 74 relative pronouns : qui; que; ce qui; ce que 75 important rule on futurity (implied) LESSON VIII . . . . ; . . .132 76 ce (plus est) or: y sont; demonstrative pronouns before a proper noun, pronoun, superlative; general review 77 ce as a conclusive statement or as above and general review 78 rule and si (if) plus present (indicative) etc. ; con- versation; time of day, etc. CONTENTS XI 79 conditional present and its uses 80 conditional present answers to the imperfect with si 8 1 quel; guelle; quels; quelles as adjectives 82 interrogative pronouns: lequel; laquelle; lesquels; les- quelles and duquel or auquel, etc. 83 lequel, etc., in the body of a sentence 84 imperative and its uses and review of above pronouns LESSON IX 138 85 subjunctive present or future 86 rule; main clause; subordinate clause; after verbs implying will, order, fear, etc. 87 subordinate clause with present or past idea ; uncer- tainty or certainty; independent clauses and: que; what time is it? etc.; verbs of emotion: esperer and 'penser; impersonal verbs; superlatives; after le seul, etc. ; after que preceded by soil; after adver- bial clauses, substantive, temporal, concessional, hypothetical, final, consecutive clauses and: que, subject or object of a verb; adjectival clauses; adverbial clauses; general review; conversation LESSON X 144 88 moods and tenses reviewed ; infinitive mood and its uses; as a noun or subject; as direct (indirect) object; as attribute; in prepositional phrases; infinitive of narration 89 present indicative (reviewed) ; its uses 90 direct interrogation ; examples 91 imperfect (indicative) ; its uses and fully illustrated 92 imperfect in speaking or quotations ; rule ; imperfect and past definite distinguished 93 past definite (preterit) ; its uses 94 past indefinite (perfect) ; and its uses 95 past anterior or pluperfect 96 compare the pluperfect and perfect 97 pluperfect used with the imperfect 98 future (absolute and simple) ; its uses 99 future past (anterior) ; with quand (mdme) : too two future past (anterior) in one sentence Xil CONTENTS PAGE i oi conditional (present); its uses; fully illustrated 102 would and should distinguished 103 conditional past; its uses 104 conditional past (2nd Form) 105 imperative; its uses 1 06 few verbs as interjections LESSON XI . . 155 107 personal pronoun; its uses; complex pronouns, etc. 1 08 two possible pronouns after the verb 109 two possible pronouns before the verb no imperative of command (wish) 1 1 1 infinitive instead of imperative LESSON XII . .158 112 subjunctive fully explained and illustrated 113 " after verbs of doubt, etc. 114 " " adjectives or various expressions of joy, etc. 1 1 5 subjunctive after interrogative or negative verbs, etc. 116 " " other verbs of uncertainty 117 " impersonal verbs 1 1 8 indicative after certain impersonal verbs 119 " or subjunctive in special cases 1 20 subjunctive always after certain conjunctive clauses 121 que may stand for: sans que, etc. 122 general review on the above LESSON XIII . . - v . . . . . 167 1 23 drill on the indicative with temporal clauses 124 observe de maniere que; de sorte que, etc. 125 subjunctive (absolute) with or without que 126 " with relative pronouns or conjunctive adverbs 127 ne after a principal clause (negative), verbs of fearing, etc. 128 general rule and final review: subjunctive or indica- tive i 129 few exceptional cases after verbs of saying, etc., and a past subjunctive CONTENTS Xlii PAGE LESSON XIV . 173 130 infinitive reviewed with d or de; etc., and rules 131 answering to a present or past idea may replace all tenses of indicative 132 infinitive (perfect) corresponds to what? . 133 as subject; de after nouns, etc. 134 as attribute; de in predicate uses 135 as direct object; le or /*, etc., with faire, etc. 136 infinitive after de; illustrative sentences 137 " as indirect object; a or de? 138 clause 139 absolute infinitive; independent propositions 140 infinitive in subordinate clause and que 141 used alone; oral drill; seasons; months 142 infinitive etre omitted; various examples 143 few verbs linked without preposition 144 all prepositions followed by infinitive except en; general review LESSON XV 183 145 participle in general 146 participial clause 147 participle related to subject (object) 148 gerund and en 149 specific distinction 150 present participle as adjective 151 " preposition 152 " " " substantive ! 53 prepositional locutions, etc. 154 orthography varying in verbal adjectives 155 en plus a verb; its use; further drill on prepositions LESSON XVI 190 156 past participle 157 " " implying a state of being 158 " as adjective 159 " " plus de 1 60 " " related to a pronoun 161 as a noun; en with names of countries 162 " " as preposition XIV CONTENTS PAGE 163 past participle with Ure 164 " " in passive verbs 165 " " in neuter verbs and fare 1 66 " " of passive and neuter verbs 167 " " of impersonal verbs LESSON XVII . . . . 196 1 68 past participle with avoir (or etre in the reflexive verbs); after combien de; autant de; que de; la joule de, etc. ; after a few gallicisms ; after redundant past 169 remarks on avoir plus past participle 170 special rules on past part, plus an infinitive, etc. 171 same rule when followed by another past or present participle and exceptions 172 past participle between two que 173 past participle preceded by le (I'); cela 1 74 en and the past participle 175 " " " " " (continued) 176 and after le pen de; la joule de 177 past participle of a reflexive verb 178 a reflexive verb expresses what? 179 reciprocal, reflexive, pronominal verbs 1 80 list of verbs essentially pronominal 181 active or neuter (intransitive) may take reflexive form; illustrated PART III REGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -ER CONJUGATED IN FULL LESSON XVIII 209 i parler to speak ; present indicative, etc. ; conversation only 2 tout (m.) toute (f.); tons (m. pi.) toutes (f. pi.) all, every, whole, any; all, every, whole, any 3 imperfect of parler and previous rules applied 4 je parlai past definite (preterit) 5 J e parlerai future; its uses 6 je parlerais conditional (present) 7 parle; parlous; parlez imperative CONTENTS XV PAGE LESSON XIX . . . .216 8 queje parle subjunctive present 9 queje parlasse imperfect (subj.) 10 subjunctive past and pluperfect ii past indefinite j'ai parle 12 pluperfect (indicative) j'avais parle 13 past anterior j'eus parle 14 future past j'aurai parle 15 conditional past (first form) j'aurais parle 1 6 conditional past (second form) j'eusse parle 1 7 imperative perfect aie parle 1 8 subjunctive past quej'aie parle 19 subjunctive pluperfect que j'eusse parle LESSON XX ... .223 20 various expressions on : parler and verbs of the first group 2 1 verbs ending in -ger 22 " ending in -cer 23 " with e on the penultimate 24 " with an unaccented e 25 " ending in -ler or -ler 25 " ending in -ler or -ter; eer or -ier 26 " " " -oyer; -uyer 27 " -ayer; -eyer LESSON XXI 230 REGULAR VERBS OF THE SECOND GROUP IN -IR 28 present indicative je finis with full practice 29 imperfect jefinissais; its uses 30 past definite (preterit) je finis 31 past indefinite (perfect) j 'ai fini and with le; la; les; en 32 redundant past 33 past anterior j'eus fini LESSON XXII . . ..." -237 34 pluperfect j'avais fini 35 future (and near future) jefinirai XVi CONTENTS 36 future past j'auraifini 37 redundant past 38 conditional present je finirais 39 " past (first form) j'auraisfini 40 " (second form) j'eussefini 41 ne after si (unless); depuis que; il y a (voild) . . . que 42 ne in a subordinate clause, etc. 43 ne in certain independent clauses 44 ne preceded by a negative interrogative 45 ne and negation implied 46 imperative finis; finissons; finissez 47 imperative perfect aiefini 48 subjunctive (present) quejefinisse 49 imperfect (subj.) quejefinisse 50 subjunctive past que j 'aiefini 51 subjunctive pluperfect que j'eussefini LESSON XXIII . . . . . .248 52 recevoir (to receive) of frequent use; present indica- tive je re$ois 53 imperfect indicative je recevais with important vocabulary 54 past definite (preterit) je regus 55 past indefinite (perfect) j'ai re$u 56 note: plus; mains; autant; combien, etc.; tant; assez; trap; un peu 57 positive; comparative; superlative 58 and with possessive adjectives 59 pluperfect (indicative) j'avais re$u 60 de after a negation ; before an adjective as some (any) ; reviewed: 6 1 du; de I'; de la; des 62 past anterior j'eus re$u 63 future je recevrai; and near future, etc. 64 future anterior (past) j'aurai re$u 65 conditional present je recevrais; imperfect with si; as review 66 conditional past (first form) j'aurais re$u 67 ' (second form) j'eusse re$u 68 imperative regois; recevons; recevez CONTENTS XV11 69 subjunctive present gueje refoive 70 imperfect subj. gueje re$usse 71 subj. past que j'aie requ 72 pluperfect subj. que j'eusse re$u 73 six verbs conjugated likewise LESSON XXIV 264 74 devoir to owe (and which is of frequent use) followed by a verb may mean: must, etc.; its compound tenses: j'ai du; etc. 75 devoir as auxiliary 76 du as a noun ; also devoir 77 re ? M as a noun 78 various examples on: devoir, recevoir, etc.; material for composition LESSON XXV 271 THIRD GROUP OF REGULAR VERBS ENDS IN -RE 79 rompre to break (off, up, etc.) : present indicative je romps; its uses 79 note other verbs ending in (d) re 80 present indicative je romps; its uses 8 1 imperfect je rompais; its uses 82 past definite je rompis; its uses 83 past indefinite j'ai rompu; its uses 84 pluperfect j'avais rompu; its uses 85 past anterior j'eus rompu; its uses 86 future je romprai; its uses 87 future past j'aurai rompu; its uses 88 conditional present je romprais, etc. 89 past (first form) j'aurais rompu 90 past (second form) j'eusse rompu 91 imperative rom ps; rompons; rompez LESSON XXVI 280 92 present subjunctive que je rompe 93 imperfect subjunctive que je rompisse 94 review of above CONTENTS 95 hypothetical clause 96 subjunctive past (perfect) que j'aie rompu 97 pluperfect subj. quej'eusse rompu 98 pluperfect subj. and final review LESSON XXVII 285 99 all tenses of a passive verb (conjugated) in -er 100 present indicative je suis dime (e) 101 imperfect j'etais aime (e) 1 02 past definite jefus aime (e) 103 past indefinite (perfect) j'ai etc aime (e) 104 pluperfect j'avais ete aime (e) 105 past anterior feus ete aime (e) 1 06 future je serai aime (e) 107 future anterior j'aurai ete aime (e) 1 08 conditional present je serais aime (e) 109 past j'aurais ete aime (e) no imperative sois aime (e) 1 1 1 perfect aie ete aime (e) 112 present subj. que je sois aime (e) 113 past subj. que j'aie ete aime (e) 114 imperfect subj. que jefus se aime (e) 115 pluperfect subj. que j'eusse ete aime (e) 116 infinitive present etre aime (e) 1 1 7 infinitive perfect avoir ete aime 118 present part, etant aime 1 19 perfect part, ayant ete aime 1 20 past (part.) aime; aimee 121 rule governing past part. LESSON XXVIII . . ... 291 122 etre conjugated 123 present indicative, etc., je suis 124 conjugation of a neuter (intransitive) verb; tomber to fall; conjugated in full 125 tomber and its compound tenses 126 other neuter verbs conjugated with etre 127 other neuter verbs with etre and avoir 128 other neuter verbs with avoir only; few impersonal verbs ; material for general conversation CONTENTS XIX PAGE LESSON XXIX . . .298 129 reflexives distinguished; pronominal; reflexive; reciprocal 130 reciprocal action 131 reflexive for the passive voice 132 pronominal verb (conjugated) in -ir 133 s'etre repenti to have repented LESSON XXX ....... 302 134 conjugation of an impersonal verb: neiger to snow 135 cardinal numbers 136 ordinal numbers 137 ages dimensions 138 time of day dates fractions PART IV IRREGULAR VERBS ....... 309 (all in alphabetical order) ending in -er ending in -ir ending in -oir ending in -re GENERAL VOCABULARY 363 INDEX OF VERBS . . . . . . 439 PART I PRONUNCIATION AND PRACTICAL PHONETICS I. Punctuation Its first use dates 200 years B.C. and is attributed to Aristophanes of Byzantium. But it was not generally used as the pauses replaced it. In French it plays an important part. i. Virgule. The comma (virgula or little rod used by the Romans) was first us,ed in correcting sen- tences, then for pauses in sentences. Le pere, la mere, le fils sont bans. Le frangais est facile, le travail difficile. La Lexicologie, ou etude des mots, du vocabulairc. La Morphologic, ou etude des formes. La Syntaxe, ou etude des propositions. L'inspecteur, dit le maire, est un dne. L'an /pop, le 6 mars, a huit heures du soir, les eleves se sont reunis en assemblee generate, au lieu ordinaire de leurs seances, a X. . , rue Z. . , no. . . New- York, le 4 Janvier /pop. Monsieur X. . , agriculteur a X. . , 25, rue Saint-Saens, Aix. Monsieur, .Je dis toujours la meme chose, el, si ce n'etait pas toujours la meme chose, je ne dirais pas toujours la meme chose.)) (Don Juan, II, i.) Le voila, le chameau. A votre age, Napoleon etait mort. La France, amis, sera toujours la France. Et les Fran$ais seront toujours Fran$ais. Petite dme errante, caressante. Allans, enfants de la patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrive! Et moi aussi, je suis peintre. La mer est belle, calme, tranquille. Qui va doucement, va surement. Je suis venu,j'ai vu,j'ai vaincu. Le temps, c'est de I 'argent. Madame, etes-vous protectrice de cette ecole? 4 PUNCTUATION Rule: A comma contributes to clearness by indicating small interruptions between subjects, attributes, verbs, and propositions. Words in apposition, explanations, etc., require the comma; in fact any group of words or short clause. 2. Point- Virgule ( ;) or semicolon marks, as in English, the division of sentences somewhat more lengthy although strictly connected by the sense. Son rhumatisme le fait souffrir; la fievre I' a repris. Man cheval est blanc; celui de man pere est noir. 3. Point (period) . In abbreviations or at the end of a complete sentence. M. ou Mme. Mile., etc. L'Amerique, I'Europe, I'Asie, I'Afrique, el I'Oceanie. 4. Point d 1 Interrogation (?). In questions; not in indirect questions. Quel est cet homme? But, je demande quel est cet homme. 5. Point d 1 Exclamation (!). In interjections or sen- tences expressing joy, admiration, terror, etc. O Libertet que de crimes on commet en ton nom. Dieu sauve le roi! 6. Points de Suspensions (. . . ). In quotations they mark the omission of superfluous words ; in descrip- tions they mark interruptions, reticence. Presents: MM. . . Absents: MM. . . Sur la premiere question, M. C. . . demande la parole et . . . Je Vai vu, dis-je, vu, de mes propres yeux vu, Ce qui s'appelle vu Oh! sifavais des ailes Vers ce beau del si pur je voudrais les ouvrir. (Musset, Rolla) 7. Parentheses ( ), parentheses. Any special and com- plete sentence is inserted between ( ). PUNCTUATION 5 8. Crochets [ ]. brackets. La grammaire nous enseigne d parler et d ecrire sans faire de fautes (c'est-d-dire correctement}. Saint-Saens [sanss]. Belise. Veux-tu toute ta vie offenser la grammaire? Marline. Qui parle d'offenser grand'mere ni grand-pere? (Moliere, Les Femmes savantes, acte II, sc. vi.) Ouvrez la parenthese: ( ; fermez-la:) 9. Guillemets ( ))). In French special marks are used which are placed at the beginning and end of a quotation, but on the line, not above it, as in Eng- lish; sometimes at the beginning of every line and of each stanza quoted. Madame de Sevigne comparait les fables de La Fontaine d un panier de censes: ((D'abord, disait-elle, on veut ne manger seulement que les plus belles, puis ensuite on finit par ne rien laisser du tout. 10. Tiret ( ) or dash. In a dialogue it serves to note the remarks of a different speaker, also to replace the words: repondit-il, dit-il. ((Mon moulin est d mot, Tout aussi bien, au mains, que la Prusse est au roi. Allans, ton dernier mot, bonhomme, et prends-y garde ! Faut-il vous parler clair? Oui. C'est que je le garden (Andrieux.) 11. * asterisque. 12. { accolade. 13. f croix de r envoi, 14. Majuscules or Capital Letters. Mostly used as in English, except when words are adjectives. Le poete americain, franqais, allemand, anglais, etc. 15. Minuscules or small letters are used in the days of the weeks, months, names of religions, philo- sophical schools, etc. 6 FRENCH ALPHABET Le mardi, le samedi, le dimanche. Le catholicisme, le protestantisme. L'ecole pythagoricienne, etc. II. French Alphabet Majuscules or Capital Letters : ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Minuscules or Small Letters: ab cd efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 16. Old Pronunciation: A as ah Has ash as oh V as vay B bay I ee P pay W doobl-vay C say J jhee Q kii X iks D day K kah R air Y ee-grek E ay L ell S ess Z zed F eff M emm T tay G zhay N enn U {i Modern Pronunciation of Consonants (see page 21) : B as be H as he N as ne T as te CH as she GN gne C se J zhe P pe V ve D de K ke Q (que) ke W ve F fe L le R re X kse G jhe M me S se Z ze (the e as in water.) III. Orthographic Marks are: acute, grave, circumflex, cedilla, apostrophe, diaere- sis and hyphen. 17. The acute accent occurs only on e which is sounded as ay: ete, repete, etc. 1 8. The grave occurs on a, Id, voild, dejd, ou and mostly on words ending in ere, ete, ene: pere, mere, frere, je repete, je mene, etc. ORTHOGRAPHIC MARKS 7 19. The circumflex (grave and acute) shows fre- quently the loss of 5 in tete, fete, hopital, hote, etc. In the old French those words are written teste, feste, etc. In 1680 P. Richelet wrote these words with the cir- cumflex; the 5 being no longer pronounced in those words from the I3th century to 1740 was continued however to be used by some writers. On certain vowels it is a sign of contraction: mr = meur = maturum, stir = seur = securum. 20. Cedilla (introduced in 1529) in Italian zediglia or little z was placed under c to give it the sound of 5 before a, o, u. FranQais, le^on, re$u. 21 . Apostrophe. As in English it shows the elision of the vowels a, e, i, at the end of a word and before another word beginning with h mute or a vowel: thus: Vami, I'homme, Vame, s'il vous plait. 22. Diaeresis (trema) was introduced in 1540. The two dots over 'i, e\ u in Noel, Sawl, hair, cigue, etc., indicate that the vowels are sounded separately: No-el, Sa-wl, ha-ir, etc., etc. Otherwise the words do not form a diphthong: ligue, catalogue, etc. 23. Hyphen. To-day it has become optional in con- necting words or groups of words into one; we may write with or without the hyphen: chef-lieu or chef lieu; moi-meme or moi meme; ai-je or ai je; dis-le or dis le. The hyphen was first used in 1573. NOTE. It may not be advisable to omit it in Verbs of the first conjugation such as aime-je, flatte-je or in a-t-il, etc. PHONETIC SYMBOLS AND FRENCH SOUNDS Classification of Vowels and Consonants The vowels are a, e, i, o, u, y. They are either short or long: thus, d, a are short; a (letter) is long. More- over, they are divided into tonic, atonic and nasal. In the 1 6th century the j and the v (i and u con- sonants) were often written i or j, u or v by the French. Dubois (1531) first distinguished i from j and v from u. In the following lessons, the vowels will be carefully studied from a practical point of view. 24. Consonants: 7 dental d, I, n, r, s, t, z. 6 labial b, f, m, p, v, w. 3 palatal A: (c), g, h. 2 spirants ch,j. IV. Table of French Sounds and Symbols with approximate English Equivalents VOWELS SYMBOL EXAMPLES ENGLISH APPROXIMATE a ,potte rat a pas calm a an want e ete fate e tait, fete met vin, pain camp 3 le, mener villa i si, lyre police o roti, sot rose o opeYa rwb 5 ban, pompe pen, Mewse don't search ce seul, soeur tub ce un, partum (r)n u sow, bowt mood y su, sdr u(German) SEMI-VOWELS j rt'en, bien year q htttt, tua sweet w oui, poele swell CONSONANTS IBOl. EXAMPLES ENGLISH APPROXIMATI b beau, sobre beau d dans, sud seedy f /aux, neu/ fool g gargon rig h haut, hair w(A)ere k cargo, cure sick 1 la, seul Lee m ma, rame me n won, wi not /* cawon, signe cation p papa, taper caper r rat, tres error s si, lance see f machine machine t trop, patte senary v vu, arrii>er arrive z ro^e, zest breeze ge, si, gy = /s>, ^ H, Of; J9, ji : sign of length PRONUNCIATION OK VOWELS 9 V. Simple Vowels 25. A. Its timbre or quality of voice. When long the a is uttered fully and deeply in upward direction : La (note in music), Jacques, a (letter of the alphabet), ante, dne, grace, mat, Idche, gars, Dumas, matin, male, rage, pale, tas, bat, crane, cable, fable, etc. Short a: // a, a, ma, ta, sa, la, la, ca, sofa, il parla, in all verbs ending in er: nous parldmes, vous parl&tes, Versailles, paille, bague, champagne, sicre, tache, place, acte, pacte, patisserie, lame, etc. NOTE. On the last syllable but one, the vowel is generally short when followed by a double consonant: salle, pelle, folle, motte, butte, ville, etc. The a grave sound under the roof of the mouth; it is louder, larger, fuller than a aigu. The latter requires only a slight effort and expires on the lower lip. In the French language the vowels (short) are always voyelles aigues and the graves always long. From the grave to the aigu there are degrees of sonority or nuances of sound, but they are not as sharply defined as in the case of the vowel e. Some writers maintain that a may be uttered in five different ways according to its position in a word. The first a in papa is shorter than the last; the a in Paris is shorter than a circumflex in Paris; the a in pate reaches the roof of the mouth while the a in patte is flat; the a in phrase, ecraser is deeper than a in race, face; a in car sounds further back into the mouth than avoir; the last a in Canada more upward than at in avocat. E 26. E naturel in le, me, te, ce, se, qtte, ne, andje. Efermeinverite, ete, repete. parler (verbs of the first conjugation) ; leger, chez, entrez, nez, etc. E ouvert in pere, mere, frere, hiver, fer, vert, cher, hier, mer, etc., sounds as ai in air. Also in les, des, mes, ses, tes, ces, est, etc. E ouvert allonge in bete, tete, fete, meme, tempete, etc., sounds as a prolonged ai in air. NOTE. The e ferme is called masculin, because at the end of an adjective or past participle, it denotes the masculine gender: aimt.. 10 PRONUNCIATION OF VOWELS E mute without accent is slightly pronounced at the end of a syllable: monde, pelle; it is silent in soie, soierie. The mute e, medial or final, seems since the isth century, to have been either mute or heard as it is to-day in conversation. Ex.: J' n'en sais rien, but, we say: je n'sais pas. Other examples: j'vais mettre un' let' a la pas' for je vats mettre une lettre a la poste; c'est un' fenetre, although we say, laf'netre. E mute is also silent in: prierai, jouerai, prie, pries, prient, oublierai, etc. Rule: After an unaccented (atonic) vowel, after an accented (tonic) vowel, the e is silent; after a consonant it is almost silent: 11 criera, il louera, samedi; in other words, the mute e is the weakest of our French sounds generally audible at the end of words like: monde, fidele, but silent in jolie, folie. E mute is often elided at the end of words immediately followed by a vowel or h mute: une oreille attentive, une heureuse annee, la vie est un songe. NOTE. In poetry, a mute syllable does not count at the end of a line, neither in any part of the line when elided. E mute is called feminin because it forms the feminine of adject- ives: pur, pure; cher, chere; saint, sainte; complet, complete; in poetry, it designates the rimes feminities. Grammarians say: there cannot be two mute e's in succession at the end of a word. Dieu a cree le monde; in this example both e's are acute. L'ecole fut fondee; the final e is silent. In words of one syllable, the voice hardly attacks the e; especially in colloquial utterance: je ne le ferai pas; qu'est-ce que c'est que fa? Pronunciation of the E. Open the mouth (drawing a long breath) expel the breath; the full sound of e in water (no r sound) is reached in French by advancing the lower lip downwards. Modern pronunciation of French consonants: be, ce, de, fe, etc. From the preceding remarks pupils may be able to read several words, to spell at least their names in French, to divide words into syllables, etc. Review 27. For our practical purposes we review briefly: In conversation the a, e (simple vowels) are sounded more quickly than in elocution, singing or poetry. PRONUNCIATION OF VOWELS II Feminine syllables characterized by the so-called e mute are very quickly sounded. To avoid monotony, articulate the division of syllables. Dictation from the first lessons will gradually help you to hear and distinguish simple sounds. Regies Generates 28. Any syllable is short whose last vowel is followed by a final consonant (except s or 2) : Le sac, le bac, croc, trie, trac, bal, aval, pal, car, instar, par, pare, arc, cap, combat, avocat, in adjectives: plat, ingrat. Grec, sec, and verbs of the first conjugation: parler, chanter, etc.; et, il remet, il met, and its compounds. All the preceding nouns, any masculine syllable (i. e., not ending in mute e) , short or not in the singular, is long in the plural : les sacs, les Grecs, les bals, etc. A and E a^ long before two indivisible RR: bizarre, carreau, arret, terre, verre. S lengthens the a and e in the penultimate syllable: case, phrase, base, table, rase, diocese, these. Words of dictation: Pre, gaz, has, bras, mal, the, est, rat, ble, arc, chat, sac, mer, dtre, etre, dne, hate, rale, reve, rene, peche, cdpre, patre, chene. Le pre, le gaz, le bras, le mal, le the, le rat, le ble, I'arc, le chat, le sac, la mer, i'dtre, I'etre, Vane, la hdte, le rdle, le reve, la rene, la peche, la cdpre, le patre, le chene, etc. Other examples: L'ete, le cafe, la pate, le trema, le chene, la serre, la terre, le nectar, la vie, la patte, I'armee, la mer, le general, le lac, la tdche, la tache, le Idche, la vache, I'acre, la cascade, la salade, la carafe, la balafre, le male, la dalle, Cesar, la trappe, la cabane, la cave, la taxe, la Grece, la pelle, la scene, Athenes, la gene, Helene, la lepre, je pese, le metre, Geneve, la seve, I'orfevre, la levre. I 29. / has the sound of ee in English : ami, image timide. I2 PRONUNCIATION OF VOWELS NOTE. ai, la, oi are sounded separately in ]amaique, iambique, egoiste, etc. / in the Parisian pronunciation, preceded by two different con- sonants, is always long: patriarche, etc. Dictation: L'ami, I'amie, les amis, les amies, le mardi, les mardis, le samedi, les samedis, la biche, les biches, la bible, les bibles, la vie, I'amitie, la maxime, la rime, I'epine, la cire, le Christ, le litre, I'epUre, la vitre, le litre, la piste. Hair, Sinai, Thais, Mo'ise, etc. Id, Daniel, animal, aride, acide, defi, garni, minime, niece, optique, palmiste, pipe, rapide, retreci, riche, ride, rire, rive, the- baique, visile, vice, la vie, vizir. 30. Long and closed, generally with the circumflex accent, followed by: le, me, ne, at the end of a word: drole, pole, role, dome, fantome, je chome, Rhone, cone, prone, also in apotre, le notre, le votre, la votre, les notres, les votres, etc. Short in any syllable when vowel o is followed by final consonant (not 5 or 2). Roc, bol, Medoc, pot, robe, globe, sobre, broche, etoffe, ode, loge, golfe, volte, philosophe, propre, epoque, mot, sot, hotel, roti, notre, votre, col, echo, etc. Medium in homme, comme, somme, pomme, il tonne, je donne, etc. Dictate o long in the following words : Tot, hote, rose, les dominos, le, la poele, il rode; a few Greek words : zone, arome, atome, hippodrome, idiome, axiome, chrome, atone, tome, gnome, Sodome, amazone, also corps, pore (no c), repos, gros, prevot, depot, table d'hote, alcove. Dictate o short in: Rosee, rotir, devot, orge, orgue, orme, morgue, madone, Rome, econome, ecole, solde, vogue, loge, dogme, coffre, noble, opera, hopital, bloc, docte. PRONUNCIATION OF VOWELS 13 O has the same sound in eau, au, eaux, aux: tableau, tableaux, chateau, chateaux, beau, beaux, chapeau, chapeaux, peau, peaux, etc. Endings in and, auld, aut, ault, have same sound as o: chawd, La RochefoucawW, saut, Escaut, Duiault, etc. Review: 5 lengthens o in the penultimate: prose, chose, etc. 55 shortens it: brosse, bosse, brosse, Ecosse: a few exceptions; fosse, grosse, etc. O long in rose, etc., becomes shorter before masculine syllable: arroser, oser, poser, etc. O before r or 5 (sounded) is short: ordre, riposte, paste, posterite, pastiche, porter, apporter, rosbif, sorbet, bosquet, etc. O final is short in the singular: zero, duo, cacao, dynamo. 31 . U is difficult to master at first ; by placing 5 before it you control your lips without moving them, first hissing slowly su (without parting lips nor rounding them) then more forcibly (always avoid- ing oo sound), you hear gradually u on the tip of the tongue, then produce it suddenly as if be- ginning to hum. Constant practice with 5 before u as if striking the notes on a piano or humming may help you greatly. NOTE. Once you control the lips, then practice without s. U as a, e, i, o is generally short before double consonants: lutte, butte, Russe, Russie, Prusse, Hussard. U short in past participles: vu, perdu, su, except cru, du, mu, and in du, cru. U short in words ending: Me, wme, ttl, wlbe, ttlpe, ttble, Mbre, MC, ce, wrne; u with s (sounded) jwste, bwste, etc., or MX, xe, wne, tribwne, brwme, nul, bwlbe, pwlpe, chasble, dwc, dittrne, laxe, etc. U long generally with a circumflex: flute, affut, fut, piqure, sur, mure; also in verbs. U with plural nouns is long : les dues, les menus, etc. Ue always long; cigue, morue, tortue, statue, vue. Dictation: Du, tu, lu, su, nu, parvenu, club, il remuera, parfumerie, dune, unanime, unieme, Ruth, minute, il fut, il est ruse, elle est rusee, dur, duree, omnibus, sur, sur, gageure, eu, la jupe, nous eumes, etude, la buche de Noel, etc. 14 PRONUNCIATION OF VOWELS Y(ee) 32. Y was often used at the end of words instead of i and had the same pronunciation. To-day it is used for an i in words derived from the Greek; and for two i in words strictly French: myriade, gymnase, lyre, style, but ayant (as two i in a few French verbs), in pays, pay sage, rayon, crayon, aloyau, payer, etc. Dictation: Physique, mystere, Syracuse, Syrie, syllabe, La Fayette, La Haye, Cayenne, Biscaye, Mayence, mayonnaise, analyse, Tyrol, Egypte, gymnastique, cynique, il y a, etymologic, il a paye sa note, Ivry, acolyte, psyche, Babylone, homonymes, Cyrus, Le Puy, Thermopyles, polygone, Voxygene, les Pyrenees, paronymes, Sylvestre, Bayard, La Bruyere, Sully, Valmy, myope, myosotis, Tyr, Pyrrhus, Yvonne, Yves, Ulysse, Chateau-Thierry, cyclone, paysan. Union of Vowels: ae, ao, ea, ai, ale, ey, ei, eai, eau, eo, ie, oeu, eu 33. AE in Caen, Saint-Saens, the a is silent: kan, sain-sanss. AO. is silent in Laon, faon, paon: an in want (no /) as Ian, fan, pan. AO. A is silent in aout, Saone, taon, but in the verb aouter a is sounded: oo, sone, ton, in long (no g) and ah-oo-tay. EA. e before a softens the g in verbs: il songea, mangea, etc. 34. AI. 4 sounds of ai. (1) as ay (or e) in verbs; j'ai,je parlai, je chantai, je parlerai, etc. (2) as e in fazsant, nous faisons, satisfaisant. (3) as e in ais, ait, aie, aies, aient (verb endings) or nouns ais, ait, aix, aid, air, etc. J'avais, tu avais, il avail, quej'aie, que tu aies, qu'il ait, qu'ils aient. In plaie, maison, maitre, air, clair, eclair,, chaise, paire, palais, Anglais, Franqais, Ecossais, lait, s'il vous plait, parfait, parfaite, aile, vrai, vraie, but not in gaie or je sais. PRONUNCIATION OF VOWELS 15 (4) as a in douairiere, Montaigne. Larousse says: Monta-gne or tegne. L 'abbe Rousselot says: dweryer as Larousse. A IE. Is long and open sound of e (grave); raie, futaie, etc. EY. In whiskey has e open: e, also in bey, Guernesey, Jersey, Brueys (bru-ess), Talleyrand- Perigord: tal-e-ran. In other cases generally e acute: Ceylan, asseyez-vous, etc. El. As grave: reine, Seine, seigle, seize, treize, beige, peigne, etc. EAI. As e acute in je voyageai, mangeai, jugeai, also in geai. In d^mangeaison and eais, eait, eaient (verbs), has open sound of e: je mangeais, tu mangeais, il mangeai, ils mangeaient. EA U. As o in English: beau, chapeau, etc. NOTE. A U is short in Paul, aussi, aussitot, paupiere, augmenter, austere, Austerlitz, Haussmann, aurore, sauf, but long in sauve, in other words au initial or medial is long before feminine syllable and in endings aux. Combined Vowels 35. EO. In geole, geolier, flageolet, rougeole, Georges, the g is soft and e is silent. IE final, e is silent: partie, sortie, also in je prierai, supplierai, etc. 36. EU, (EU has 4 sounds of eu: eu, oeu, oe in ceil, in endings ueil. Eu as e in jeune. EU, (EU (i in sir) . To avoid the sounds of e as in \e, de, ce, you advance the lips while rounding them with the help of s in ,rir (no r sound), you explode the long, upward eu, the lower lip slightly downward. Practice first with s, then other consonants. Eu is closed in peu, feu, chartreuse, berceuse, Meuse, deux, or plural endings: yeux, ceux; oeu/s and boeu/y (fs silent), bleu, bleus, bleue, lieue, lieu, jeuner, dejeuner. !6 PRONUNCIATION OF VOWELS Eu open in seu\, fieuve, auvre, fieur, neuf, heure, beurre, plusiewrs, ailleurs. Eu medium in hewreux, Europe, generally before a sonorous syllable. Eu is u in eu (avoir), eue in gageurej'eus, tu eus, il eut, nous eumes, vous elites, Us eurent, que j'eusse, que tu eusses, qu'il eut, que nous eussions, que vous eussiez, qu'ils eussent. EUR in monsieur: me-si-eu, or in the plural. (EU as eu: ceuf, nceud, sceur, cceur, choeur, etc. OE: eu in Goethe; in other cases is e acute: (Edipe, assophage, aecumenique. ou 37. Ou as oo in English: tout, sou, boue, atout, loup, ou, ou, boule, Louvre, rouge; advance lips while round- ing them. OU medium in cowrte, langowste, bourse, source, bouc, crowte, owtre, coupe, troupe, mousse, powce, oui\, bouche, fowle, trouble, owbli. Diphthongs: oi, ui, oui and oe 38. 01 was used frequently in the imperfect and conditional: favois, je dirois, also in foible, roide, harnois, etc. To-day ai is used instead of above examples. OI (o-a, long o with short a), in wot, toi, soi, hi, foi, roi, froid, trois, mois, pois, etc. OI medium in voix, choix, une fois, Gaulois, je dais, bourgeois, etc. 01 open in poivre, coiffeur, turquoise, bourgeoise, boire, soir, poire, noir; in endings oive: que je recoive, etc. 01 in oignon, poigne, poignard, the i is silent. 01 in roide, roideur, roidir, we write now raide (re-de), etc. Od sound in moelle; oS long in poele. UI (u-i) 39. U is very long, then part the lips for i: lui, luisant, luire, fuir, suivre, cuivre, Juif, juive, cuisine, cuir, suisse, suite, suivi, suicide, suie, truite, les Tuileries. NASAL VOWELS IJ UI in a few words with g: gu-i in le due de Guise, aiguille (ay-gu-ee-ye), aiguiser, in other cases ui is not a diphthong: qui, guitare, guide, Guy, quitte, etc. GUI 40. OUI (00-i) in Louis, Louise, jouir, rejouir, oui, joui, rejoui, eblouir, ebloui. ouir, etc. -ouille, final in many words: (oo-eSye) houille, fouille, rouille, grenouille, etc. Dictation on Diphthongs (omitting nasal vowels which will be our next study): die!, bourgeois, la Pleiade, je priai, le fabliau, plie, pied, priere, Dteu, violer, chwurme, piano, tonique, diurne, boa, Noailles, moelle, poele, roi, Edouard, Douai, rastaquouere , roue, noueux, Louise, fouine, suave, Suetone, Bossuet, Us suerent, Samuel, lueur, fruit, yacht, hyene. VI. Voyelles Nasales Voyelles nasales (nasal vowels) are only four: an, en; in, ein, ain, en; on, om; un, eun. Others can be classi- fied under this division. NOTE. Diphthongs may become nasal; viande, Vienne, lion, point, Roanne, louange, Rouen, marsouin, trouons, Juan, juin, excluons. Double m or n weakens the nasal sounds. 41. An, am, en, em generally as an in want. 42. In, im, ain, aim, yn, ym, ein as an in anger (no g sound). 43. On, om as on in long. 44. Un, um are more difficult. Un like the colloquial nasalized sound er often used for "what?" between children, when they wish anything repeated. 1 8 NASAL VOWELS Nasal vowel: on 45. After having reviewed the simple vowels and their union we will study the same vowels when they are nasalized with n or m in the same syllable. Nasalized Vowel Sounds: an, am (aen), en, em; in, im, ain, aim, ein, eim, yn, ym; on, om; un, urn, eun; their nasal quality is pro- duced only when those nasal vowels are followed by a different consonant or at the end of a word. NOTE. Followed by another n, or m, the latter destroys the nasal quality. Few words are exceptions: ennui, ennuyer, emmener, ennoblir, rewmener, ewmagasiner; also in enivrer, enorgueillir, where em or en are nasal. AN. Open the mouth as if to pronounce a broad, then explode a long nasal resonance under the roof of the mouth. NOTE. No g sound in an, etc. Practice first with son (an in want), then prolong san, san, repeatedly, till an comes naturally. Fran(c), ban(c), blan(c), plan, danse, lance, gran(d), savan(t), Alleman(d), an, dan(s), ran(g), san(g). An is ann in few English words: alderman, policeman, etc. AN followed by a, e, i, o, u, y is not nasal: dne, platane; or h silent, sanhedrin (sa-ne-drin). AN is nasal in 20 ways: aen, an, anc, and, ang, ans, ant, ants, aon, can, em, emp, emps, empt, en, end, ens, ent, han, hen. AN is a-n in annee, anneau, canne, Jeanne, Lausanne. AN not nasal in manne (long d): in annoter, annexe, annales, awnuaire, awnuite, annuler, aw is weak. AEN like an, in Caen, Saint-Saens (sanss). 46. EN (as an) EN also -ent, end like aw in enfant, Rouen, vente, Saint-Ouen, science, patience, patiewt, diffe"rend. ENT is an in adjectives, nouns and adverbs. Exceptions. en with n is not nasal: newni, hennir, sokwnel; as na-ni, a-nir, so-la-nel. EN as an open e in many words (enn or iewn) : Ardennes, Etiewne, la mienne, la tienne, la sienne (in the plural also), ils viewnent, ils tiewnent, etc. EN as in in Bewjamin, agenda, examen, sensorium, pentagone, la Pewtateuque, appendice, benzine, Mentor, Penthievre, Agen. NASAL VOWELS 1 9 NOTE. ten is t-in in bien, rien, mien, tien, sien, je viens, tu views, il vient, je tiens, tu liens, il tient, je viendrai, tu viedras, il viendra, tiendrai, -a*, -a, etc. ; also in many French names or foreign names ending in -ien or e'en: Julien, Vendeen, Enghien (an-ghin). EN as enn in amen, abdomen, hymen, pollen, specimen, and other foreign words. NOTE. Hymen as in and enn; as it is doubtful. ENT. In verbs (third pers. plural), n is silent but / may be linked. 7/5 aiment a jotter. 47- AM AM followed by a vowel is not nasal; dme, j4mericain, ami tie", ami, amour, amuser. AM final is sounded in Abraham, Chaw, Priam, etc. Exceptions: Adam, quidam, dam; a-dan, etc. AM followed by n or m is as m in amnistie, etc., damner and its derivatives are excepted: da-nay, etc. AM before b or p always nasal: ambulance, amputation, etc. AM before me, ma, mo is not nasal when medial: e'pigramme, gramme; also in adverbs, constamment, etc. MM is heard in grammaire, grammaticale, grammatiste. 48. EM EM is a in femme, and adverbs: prudemment, re"cewment, etc. EM is e open in Emma, dilemme, ad rem. EM is an in emmagasiner, emmener. EMB or EMP initial or medial, the em is an in most words: empire, tempete, temps, emileme, Luxembourg, etc. EM in a few words is ain as in sempiternel, Rembrandt (Larousse says ran-bran). EM is emm final or medial: item, Jerusalem, de'cemvir, also in iniemne: in-dem-ne. EM followed by vowel is heard separately: semer (se-mer), re- words, etc. 49- IN 77V as an in anger. Practice first with 5 in avoiding g sound, then repeatedly: sin, s-in as if striking the keys on a piano. NOTE. The back part of the tongue slightly approaches the soft palate. For practice pronounce the following words: vin, serein, seing, tet'ttt, pat'n, saint, fat'm, je cratns, tu crai'ns, il craint, je teins, tu 20 NASAL VOWELS terns, il teint, je vaiwcs, tu vaincs, il vatnc, Reims, thym, syntaxe, il viwt, instinct, vingt, or vingts, cinq (francs), tu vins, Charles- Quiwt. Je tiens, tu tiens, il tient, rien, impossible, Vendeen, European, Mcwtor. IN is not nasal before vowels or h mute: Chine, cuisine, inexact, inhumain. IN is nasal followed by any other consonant than n: vtngt, inte>et, zn-folio. IN is i in innocence and derivatives -ment, -ter, innocent. INN sounded in iwnover, -ation, innombrable. 50. IM IM is nasal when followed by any other consonant than m: simple, Uwbre, etc. IM not nasal between two vowels: i-wa-ge, centime. IMM is imw when initial: immortel, iwmeuble, etc. IM (m) is ain in a few words: immesurable, imm or ain in im- wanquable, iwmangeable. IM is not nasal at the end of a few foreign words: interim, Grimm. 51- AIN, AIM A IN final is nasal: pain, saint, mat'nt. AIN is ene before vowels: haine, saine. AIM is nasal in faim, daim, etc. AIM is erne in aimant, j'aime. 52. YN, YM FAT, YM are nasal in many words: syntaxe, symbole, syndic, sjnthese, symptome, etc. YN, YM not nasal between vowels: synagogue, dynastie, homo- nyme, or before n, gymnase, etc. 53- ON, OM, OMB, OMP ON, OM long in sombre, pompe, aplomb, Colomb (no b). ON, OM short in mon, ton, son, nom, surnom, prenom. NOTE. one, ome long: Sadne, Rhone, zone, atome, etc. ON, ONT, OND, ONS, ONC long: bronze, bon/e", bond, ayon*. done, jonc. ON, OM not nasal before a vowel or m or n: Bonaparte, donner, comment, Rome, automne (m silent). CONSONANTS AND THEIR PRONUNCIATION 21 54. UN, UM, HUM UN, UM, UN(D), UN(T) nasal: un, parfum, \undi, hwwble, d6tunt. UM is om in Latin or English words: humbug, penswm, possum, rumsteck, or romsteck, album, rhum. NOTE. Urn is on nasal in Humbert; also un is on: de profundis, punch, secuwdo, jungle, etc. UN, UM, before a vowel, not nasal : une, parf umerie, etc. UN is u-n in tunnel (tu-nell). 55. VII. Consonants and their Pronunciation B is labial and heard softly: be. C is explosive before a, o, u and pronounced k: ka, ko, ku; the c with cedilla before a, o, u is s: sa, so, su. C followed by e , i, y is pronounced s. D is lingual and dental : de. F labial: fe. G lingual and palatal is soft before e or /: ge. Cue called hard g before a, o, u is voiced strongly: ga, go, gu H slightly audible when aspirate is guttural in a few words: he. J identical with soft g: je and before any vowel. K used only in a few words is explosive and back palatal: ke. You must breathe hard upon the vowel. L (sonorous, prolonged tongue-point sound) : le. M labial and nasal sound with lips pressed together: me. N (nasal dental sound) : ne. Any vowel followed by two consonants of which the first is m or n vibrates in the nose and is called nasal vowel. P labial and explosive: pe; two p's are voiced as one p and PH (classical origin) is heard as /. Que. The q is usually followed by u and is explosive: ke. R (classical r) has a vibration more or less prolonged from the tip of the tongue and upper front teeth: re. In Paris this sound is preferred in singing and elocution. R (the re modern or grasseye) is uttered under the roof of the mouth without any help from the tip of the tongue. NOTE. TheZ, and R are often liquefied because they run smoothly with other consonants such as b, c, g, p. S is sonant or buzzing in rose, surd or continuable in gratis. This sibilant or hissing sound is frequent in French. As if to whistle we press the tip of the tongue against the teeth? se. 22 SYLLABLES T when explosive has a front-lingual or tongue-tip sound : te. V has a fricative or continuous labial sound in: ve. W is not a French letter; in some English words it is pronounced oo or v: in German words as v. X has no sound by itself: it has the sound of s in Bruxelles, dix, six; of z in dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf; of r in exception; of gz in exaci, exode, etc. ; of ks in luxe, etc. Z is a sonant sibilant like s in rose: ze. Ch is & in Christ, cholera, Chretien, etc., and .?& in machine, cher, chapeau, etc. ; silent in almanack. Gn (lingual and palatal) is heard g-n in stagnant, agnosticisme, Agnus; gn initial is aspirated in gnostique, gnome; gn medial is generally ni in union: the tip of the tongue is at rest while the back part of the tongue adheres firmly to the roof of the mouth. The sudden separation produces the sound of gne as in Champagne, signe, Allemagne, etc. Few Consonants B, c, d, g, p, t, called consonnes momentanees, are pronounced sharply; in poetry they may be used to express noise or anger: Dors-tu content, Voltaire, et ton hideux sourire, etc. 56. M and N like the nasal vowels are lengthened and produce a soft quality: maman. 57. L (11 liquid) is an old appellation now rendered by ye short; these liquids, as the name implies, tend to unite with other consonants. VIII. Syllables Spelling: monsieur may be spelled: m(em) on (en) = man s (ess) * = si (and) e (er) u-r = (air) but pronounced: ma-si-Q. Division of Syllables: a consonant (or two) plus the vowel: pa-pa; pre-po-si-tion; o-pe-ra; i-nu-ti-le; ta-bleau; in-sen-si-bi-li-te; res-pon-sa-bi-li-te; don-ner (first n not heard); homme for o-m, h being silent and last e unstressed; ins-tru-ment ; per-dre; sug-ge-rer = (siig-/e-re) ; di-gni-te; stag-nant; tra-va-ill-er = (tra-va-je) ; a-che-ter but heard ash-te; che-veux (shf); che-vaux (shfo); che-val (shfal). NOTE. Double consonants are generally heard as one and the last belongs to the following vowel or sound: al-ler = (a-ler), in-no-cent SYLLABLES 23 for i-no-cent; few exceptions to the rule: im-mor-tel, gram-maire; also: chercher (cher-cher); an er in the body of a French word is never heard: urr but air; servir, per-dre, chere, etc. 58. F and V (Spirants) 59. S, Z, CH, J (fricative, continuous) 5 and Z of frequent use in French require as a starting point of articulation a hissing sound capable of expressing strong feelings. 60. B maintains nearly always its articulation. Few exceptions: Lefelrvre, Colomb, plomb as b is silent. 61. C C before a, o, u is ka, ko, ku. Q before a, o, u, is sa, so, su. C before e, i, y is se, si, C is g in second and kz in Czar; also Tsar. C at the end of the word is k: Languedoc. NOTE. C silent in croc, accroc, marc, pore. C in ac like ak, except in estomoc, tabac. C final is k: sec, avec, but not in echecs. C final in ic (ik) : silent in eric, not in eric crac. C final in uc is uk: Luc. C final heard in -inc, -euc, -ouc, except in caoutchouc. C preceded by s, I, r is heard generally: arc, etc., but not in clerc, marc, pore. Ch is gh in drac&me, k in c/tceur, but silent in almanack. Ch like sh in most ordinary words: chemise, mac&ine. 62. D D final is heard in proper names: David, not in Gounod. D silent in endings -rd: Edouard; -and: Allemand. Also in -ond, Edmond; -and, Renaud; -oud, St. Cloud. In adjectives, verbs or adverbs: second, froid, sied, quand. D final is heard as t in liaisons: grand ami. 63. F(PH) F initial as in English: /ils (fiss), /ete, etc. F is v in liaisons: neu/ amis (neu-vami), neu/ hommes, etc. But not before months: neuf/aout. Some Parisians say: neuf/amis. 24 SYLLABLES F is silent in che/d'oeuvre (she-deuvr), oeu/s, boeu/s, cer/s, ner/s, cer/-volant, bceu/gras. 64. G G is j before e, i, y; gilet, voyage, gymnase. NOTE. In some foreign words g h hard: Gibbons, etc. G hard before a, o, ou, u: garcon, gondole, goujon, virgule; also before the other consonants except n. NOTE. In Italian words gAetto, etc.; in EngAien, ghien is gAin. GN (liquid) in most words: tip of the tongue inactive while the back part of it adheres closely to the roof of the mouth, and then their sudden separation produces a French gne . Ex. signe, vignc, signer, r6gner. G-N divided in Agnus, diagwostique, cognition, cognation, gnome, igwe, physiognomic, inexpugnable, recognition, stagwante. CUE, GUA, GUer, as ghe, gha, ghe in blague, blagua, blaguer, longue, longueur, etc. GUI (ghee) in gui, guide, guider, Guy, angutlle, guillotine, gutllemet. NOTE. In arguer (gu-er), Guise, aiguille and its derivatives, linguiste, g-u is separated in Vogue"; also in lingual (goo-al), Guade- loupe, Guatemala, e", peripetie, suprematie, theo- cratie. But tie as tee: antipathie, garantie, modestie, partie, sortie, sym- pathie, Claretie, etc. -TIONS in verbs always tee-on: nous portions, nous notions, etc. SYLLABLES 33 NOTE. In nouns les portions, les notions, as s. The only nouns when / is dental (t) are the following exceptions: ques/ion, bas/ion, combus/ion, mix/ion, sugges/ion, ges/f'on. Tial, tiel or tieux as see-al, see-ell: partial, esscntiel, captieux. Bestial is an exception. ITI is as s in initial, except in ttineraire, mot//e, pitie, and nouns in itie. TT as /: a//entif (a-ten-tif). T final is not heard in e/, chat, rat, alphabet, cent, fort, concert, for/, efiet, cabinet, biscui/, art, billet, bouquet, bosquet, Mahome/, tor/, quart, pot, portrait, aspect, respect, suspect, instinct, succinct (but not in distinc/), nor in verb endings: parlan/, parlen/, il vien/, ils viennen/, ils on/, ils son/, ils font, etc. TI hard before a consonant: partir, actif, etc. 77 in prefixes hard in an/i, cen/i, an/tpathie, cen/imetre. Also in ti final or /i>n: le parti, il est sor//, le lien, chrctien. Exceptions in proper names: Donatien, Diocletien, or their deri- vatives: venitien, also satiate, insatiable, initier, balbutier, diffe- rentier. T is sounded in tact, accessi/, abject, brut, chut, contact, correct, eel, deficit, dot, direct, exact, mat, est, ouest, rut, viva/, pre/tri/ strict, toast, Chris/ (no / in Jsus-Christ), huit, sept, transit, and a few others. TH is / in Luth, Ruth, Macbeth, Seth, Elisabeth, the, athee, theatre, zenith, athlete, apathie, sympa/Aie, etc. Silent in asthme, isthme, Goth, Visigoth. As s in Chrestoma/Aie (or tee). TZ is ess in Me/z. T in liaisons: ET is never linked: Pierre et Ernest. SEPT the / is heard in months, in interest: le sept decembre, le sept pour cent (7%), or before a vowel or // mute: sept hommes, sept amis. In other cases not sounded or linked: sept/iemmes (se), sept/heros (se). HUIT same rule as sept: le huit novembre, le huit du mois, huit enfants, huit huitres. VINGT from 21 to 30 the / is heard: vingt et un, and is linked. From 8 1 to 90 the / is silent. NOTE. The / after c and r is not heard and the c or r are linked: Respec/ humain, un respect absolu, a tort et a travers. Fort the / of for/ (adverb) is always linked as /: for/ en histoire, for/ habile, etc. Avan/-hier the / is linked. 3 34 SYLLABLES ENT in plural verbs, although nt are silent, the / is linked: ils partent ensemble. D often linked as /: quand il est venu. Cent un no / (101 ). In adding, the / is heard. 78. V V is constant as v: t/euf, veuve, twl, avoir, saroir, etc. NOTE. F is linked as v: neuf hommes, neu/ enfants. VV may be seen in some old French inscriptions. VV as W are to-day seen only in French words of foreign origin. W is v in wagon-lit, wagon-poste, -restaurant, Wesphalie, and in German words. W is oo in whist, wiski, wattman, warrant, whiskey as in English. 7Q- X Sixteen words begin with x. X in the plural of nouns is silent: tableaux, beaux, etc. Over one thousand words contain x which has no sound of its own: X initial is ks, gz, or K; X medial is ks or z; x final is either silent, or heard as Xe, S, ce or z in liaisons. As Gz in -Xe"nophon, Javier, Xerxes; as K in ATeres. Ex or Hex (initial) as gz before a vowel or h: exercice, exiger, Aexametre. Exceptions: ex6crer, and its derivatives uttered as ks. EX as gz (in 7 words) with the prefix -in: inexerc6, inexact, in- exauc6, inex^cuter, inexigible, inexistant, inexorable. INEX as ks in tnexcitable, -excusable, -peYience, -piable, -pie\ -plicable, -ploit, -plor6, -pressif, -primable, -pugnable, -tensible, -tricable and derivatives. X as ks in Aix, axe, axiome, Alexandre, borax, exces, exception, excessif, exciter, flexible, luxe, larynx, maxime, pheYiix, pharynx, silex, Styx, Luxembourg. X as 5 in Auxerrois, Bruxelles, Auxerre, dix-sept, -ieme, soixante, -ieme. X is z in deuxieme, -ment, dix-huit, -ieme, dixieme, -ment, dix- neuf, -vieme, -ment, sixieme, -ment, sixain, dizain. IX as ess in Atx-les-Bains, Aix-la-Chapelle; as iss in Cadt'x, Beatrix, except in F^ltx, prefix and Vercingd-tortx. X silent in endings -oux, -aux, -oix, -nix, -eux, -houx, Foix, Lemi- eux, Chamonix, Bayeux, Clairvaux, heureux. Also in prix, Crucifix, perdrix, afflux, flux and reflux. LIAISONS 35 X is ss in di.-c, six and before months: le dix septembre; le 10%: le dix pour cent. NOTE. Before other nouns beginning with consonant or h aspir- ate dix and six are as dee, see: dix livres, six hros. X is linked as z: dix enfants; also in 17 and 19. 80. Z Z initial is z: zephir, zero, zone, Mazarin, etc. Z is e in nez, chez, assez, rcz-de-chauss6e and in verbs: vous avez, etc. EZ in few proper names is heard as ez: Suez, Alvarez, Cortez, Fez, Velasquez. Z in -az, -0z, -wz is ozz, oze, uze: Diaz, gaz, Dalloz, Vera-Cru*. Z is ts in Zimmermann and other German words. Z in Metz (the tz is *M). IX. Liaisons Or the linking of two or more words 81. Those ending with b, bs, c, d, g, I, m, p, r may or may not be linked. B and BS: Joab tait neveu de David. Christophe Colomfe/a d^couvert 1'AmeYique. La robe est rouge. Le Dou&s/a de nombreuses cascades. 82. C as 5 in: La force 6tait un attribut d'Hercule as K: Des arcs-en-ciel du blanc au noir a franc eerier C as k when final, c is heard : un roc escarpe" Silent in ch: un almanaei int^ressant CT as /: le tact et 1'esprit CT as k: le respect humain C as k in done before vowel or h mute: il est done arrive^ or in conclusions: je pense, done j'existe C in DONC weakly heard in expressions of advice or surprise: Soyez done sage 3 5 LIAISONS Us nous a done trompe's Silent: C'est un escroc/intelligent. 83. D as d: le sud-est, le sud-ouest le nord-ouest, le nord-est as t (preceded by nasal vowel) : elle prend une legon le nid/a ete detruit IVJ OTE . Except with adjective and its noun or group of words: un f mid accueil le froid et le chaud de pied en cap pied a terre /?>. We avoid linking rd before many words: un retard/inattendu un brouillard/epais il est sourd et muet NOTE. In verbs d as t: perd-on repond-il a son frere? 84. F as /: vi/ amour sau/-conduit sau/-erreur bceu/ a la mode neu/ et demi neu/ mars neu/ pour cent neu/ pour Jean, neu/ pour moi du bceu/ r6ti j'ai achete un bceu/ gras et un bceu/ maigre le chef de brigade est-il au che/-lieu? silent in: che/-d'ceuvre, che/s-d'ceuvre la clef bceu/ gras (sing, or plur.) du carnaval k Paris le ner/ de la guerre un ceu//rais ou des ceu/s/rais NOTE. Also before plural nouns beginning with consonants or ft aspirate. LIAISONS 37 8 5 . G as/fe: Le Bourg est un chef-lieu sang et eau sang humain un bourg anglais as g in un joug e'crasant Silent in endings: -ong, -ing, -ang, -ourg, -eng, or -oing, etc. ce faubourg/extrieur Cherbourg/est une place forte 86. H final is silent and never linked: un almanac/i/avec indications astronomiques, etc. as k in: un krach e'pouvantable See huit under T 87. J never ends a French word; but je or /' often linked. 88. K naturally carried on as k before vowels: Un copeck est une monnaie russe 89. L is linked in most words: un fo/ espoir un vol affreux NOTE. Also in endings -eil (eille), -ail (aille) / is as y in yes: un solei/ ardent un travail exceptionnel also in : genti/homme Silent in genti/, fusi/ (see L) ; but in plural nouns s is linked as z: des genti/shommes fusi/s a percussion 9- M s linked mostly in foreign words : 1 'opium a une propri^te narcotique silent: nom et prenom Adam et Eve 38 LIAISONS 91. N (see nasal vowels) UN, ON, and EN are carried on : on a; on entend; en ont-ils; vous en avez; en attendant; un ami, un homme Except in le un et le deux. BIEN et RIEN as adverbs: bien aimable je n'ai rien achete" NOTE. Not in nouns: ce biew/est a mon frere Jean est petit But in en pletn air le moyen age N not elided in : le vin et 1'eau son et sa sont des adjectifs possessifs le bow et le mauvais c'est bon a manger un et un font deux chacun un donnez-lui en un peu selon eux ii a dit non et oui elle se plait bien en Amerique il se conduit bien en classe combiew y en a-t-il? 1'un ou 1'autre 1'un dit oui, 1'autre dit now est-il venu quelqu'uw a 5 heures? arrive-t-on a New- York? 92- O No elision in: le onze, le onzieme, la onzieme le oui la ouate and in des oui-dire 93. P silent in drap, loup, etc.: un drap/excellent le camp/ est endormi LIAISONS 39 P in beau coup and tro/> often linked softly: beaucou/> etudie trop eclatant 94- Q as k in: le cing mars cing enfants cinq hommes le ting pour cent But not in: cing/livres, cing/h6ros, etc. 95- R (er) in verbs generally linked : aimer a chanter (er) in Poetry it is required (er) in adjectives and nouns: son dernier avis le premier enfant (r) when silent in nouns generally not linked : Monsieur/Ernest un boulanger/intelligent 96. S as 2 with few exceptions: depuis une heure je voudrais tre riche le tiers-e"tat les Champs- Ely se^s de temps en temps les miens et les tiens des ceufs a la coque de plus en plus de moins en moins 5 not linked in : mais/oui Georges/est riche les/onze enfants Paris/ est une belle ville 40 LIAISONS c'est un avis/ important il est 3 heurej/et demie des veri/a soie vers les/une heure . NOTE. Avoid repetitions of linking the s or z as proper pauses must be made: la lecon des autrej enf ants/ est trop longue (see S). 97- T as t very frequent : adverbs: fort inte"ressant verbs : ils on/ achete on/-ils vu? T in et never linked : Paul et/un ami Adjective and noun or object: pret a sortir charman/ homme Verb and subject and object with or without et: que diJ-on? il fau* etudier en allan/ a la banque ils allaieni et venaient Adverbs with et or on: libremen/ et joyeusement t6t ou tard NOTE. (0 final and silent not linked: un attenta//odieux (rt) t generally silent: il est for//et grand la Mor//a decime son arm^e Robert/a eu la lecon un exper//en architecture la pluparf/ont le mal de mer 98. X as z: six ans dix hommes dix sept NOTE. Not in dix/livres, six/hauteurs, etc. (see 76) LIAISONS 41 99- Z as z: ceux et celles vous avez ecrit, etc. But not in: nez a nez portez armes presentez armes nez aquilin Remarks on Liaisons 100. The liaisons affect the final /, q, s, x specially in boeu/, cog, sens, cinq, six, sept, hui/, neu/, dis- according to the rules set forth previous!)'. But the normal liaisons in the articles, nouns, adjec- tives, etc., are sometimes optional, sometimes unper- missible. In eloquence, elocution, and poetry the liaisons are more required than in conversation; they may be observed but not multiplied. The ear must also be pleased, not shocked. les huitres but not in le/huit, les/huit I'ouie but not in le/oui et le non il est/huit heures Jean/est serieux Jeanne est jolie J'en ai un le sud et I' est (as d) le nord et I'ouest mats/out vingt et un, but not in le chat/et le chien When the liaisons are too close we must pause at least after the verb to avoid discordant sounds: vous nous avez avertis/en allant a I'hdtel Children often omit the liaisons of s, t, d, x, z. ioi. (i) Strictly speaking one must use discretion in linking words: Pierre et/un ami (et is never linked) Pierre est un ami 42 LIAISONS There is often a reason based on grammar or on the ear: pot-au-feu (po-to-feu) has not the same meaning as mettre le pot au feu; in the latter case the t is silent. We link naturally the article with a noun: un ami, une amie, I'ami, I'amie, les amis, les amies, les hommes, except before h aspirate or consonants. No liaison in les heros. nor in les zeros. 1 02. (2) Qualifying adjectives, possessive adjectives with nouns : d'heureux enfants les amis de mes amis sont mes amis 103. (3) Nouns in the plural with the adjective: des discours eloquents but not in: un discours /eloquent (r is linked). 104. (4) Pronouns including object, en, y: il a, elle a, on a,j'ai, nous avons, vous avez, Us ont, etc. on attend, en ont-elles, j'y vais, qu'avez-vous ? NOTE. Are linked the pronoun before its verb or the verb before its pronoun. I0 5- (5) The adverb before the adjective or past participle: trap ardent fort estime (6) Prepositions except selon chez elles selon/eux (7) d is carried on as t: /as v g as k s and x as z grand homme cinq amis (q as k) neuf hommes NOTE. The/ is frequently ' card instead of v. un rang honorable le sang humain GENERAL RULES ON PROSODY 43 5 in vers, envers, discours, secours, etc., the r is carried except in plural nouns: vers/une colline un secours/ inattendu T preceded by r is carried on only in fort (when adverb). fort aimable not in a tort et a trovers CT as k in respect: respect humain respect absolu N in liaisons: you utter the nasal vowel and link the with the next syllable. en achetant AIN and IEN are weakened before linking : certain ami un ancien efeve IN is also weakened in old religious or classical appellations : U est ne le divin Enfant le divin amour ON may or may not be weakened in : man ami, ton ami, son ami but in other cases it loses its nasal quality before being carried on: ce bonhomme or in ce ban homme c'est un bon ami le bonheur UN preserves generally its nasal quality : un ami By affectation speakers say u-n ami X. General Rules on Practical French Prosody: Articulation, Aspiration, Elision, Expiration, Liaisons, and Tonic Accent 106. Articulation. The ear must hear every syllable in French, however vanishing the stress may be: C'est u-ne Fran-qai-se. J'ai re-pe-te, pro-non- ci-a-ti-on, e-lec-ti-on, do-mi-ner, ci-te, se-cre-tai-re. 107. Aspiration (breathing upon). Certain sounds are uttered with a breath upon the vowel : Ho ! Ho! Philippe. NOTE. The h is aspirated in French when the following vowel is slightly pronounced from the throat: le heros. Then no elision nor linking is permissible, except with a mute h. 44 GENERAL RULES ON PROSODY 108. Elision. In auxiliary words the initials a, e, i, o, u or h (mute) are often preceded by /' (for le, /a), d' (de), qu (que), s' (si or se), etc.: I' ami, I'amie, I' enfant, j'ai, jusqu'a, s'il vous plait. 109. Expiration. The French Language is articulated principally on the lips. You must breathe out while moving the lips: ce, si, etc. 1 10. Liaisons or the linking of words. The liaisons are frequently used in French and serve to connect principally the article with the noun, the adjec tive with the noun, the pronoun with the verb, the verb with the pronoun and the adverb before the past participle or adjective : un ami, un grand homme, il a, elle a, a-t-il, fort aime, etc. NOTE. Words must not be linked before h (aspirate) or any other word not strictly connected by punctuation or by certain groups of words. Above all the ear must be pleased and proper pauses prevent the linking. 111. Hiatus. The meeting of the same vowel: one final, the other initial is called hiatus and no linking takes place. Ex. il alia d Paris, coupe- le en deux. NOTE. In Poetry no hiatus is tolerated, except for effect. 112. Mute E The so-called mute e. Strictly speaking, the e is mute only when it is elided: I 'ami, I'homme. In other cases the final e is slightly uttered: la face. In very few words the so-called e mute is not pro- nounced: soie, soierie. The e in old French was weak, but heard. Now, in conversation, it is heard or not according to its position. GENERAL RULES ON PROSODY 45 Brachet says: ((Dans la phonetique des voyelles, il faut considerer la qualite, I' accentuation, V entourage.)) In daily use the same vowel e in the same word is uttered or not: Je n'veux pas, j' n'en sais rien. Even in Poetry says M. Maurice Grammont: En ancien frangais, sauf a la fin du vers et a la cesure, tout e comptait pour une syllabe; aujourd'hui il ne compte plus jamais apres une voyelle atone; tu joueras ne fait que trois syllabes, il en faisait quatre a 1'origine.)) This modern usage began in the i4th century. After a tonic vowel (prie, pries, prient) it is also silent, but the word, including it, is not allowed in the body of a verse, except when the e is elided- At the end of a verse it is a feminine rime. 1 13. MASCULINE RIME is a final stressed syllable at the end of a verse. 114. FEMININE RIME ends in e mute or -ent, -es (as its equivalent). NOTE. After a consonant the e, either in the body of a verse or at the end of a word, seems to have been silent or uttered in daily use from the I5th century to the present time. 115. QUANTITY is not the basis of French verse and we count the syllables whether long or short; hence French verses are syllabic. All syllables count except mute syllables when final (at the end of a verse) or elided. 1 1 6. TONIC ACCENT. In Poetry there are two required stressed syllables : at the end of a verse (mascu- line rime) and at the caesura. From Quitard's Traite de Versification: 4 6 PRACTICAL FRENCH PROSODY L 'accent tonique, ainsi nomme parce qu'il consiste en une sorte de ten musical, est une modulation simple et legere qui se joint a certaines syllabes. II se trouve toujours sur la derniere des mots a desinence sonore ou masculine, et sur V avant-derniere des mots a desinence muette ou feminine. L' accent d'appui consiste dans une prononciation plus forte et plus ressentie de la syllabe sur laquelle la voix insiste, mats sans modulation. As to the other accents (stress) in Poetry they may vary. For emphasis or expressive reading the accent (stress) is maintained on first syllables beginning with conso- nants or on the medial : Ca ira, c'est e"povantable. XI. Practical French Prosody (see sects. 106-116) 117. Briefly French verse is based on the number of syllables and on the rime. In French the stress or accentuation falls: 1 1 8. (i) On the last syllables of words (of two syl- lables) ending with a masculine rime or the penultimate syllable when the word ends with a feminine rime. 119. (2) The antepenultimate in words (with mascu- line rimes) of three or more syllables. Let us examine briefly the modes of uttering French in Elocution, Reading, and Conversation. 1 20. French character being quick and mild, says d'Olivet reveals brevity and suavity. Latin words as well as vowels have often been short- ened in French, and to make the language more flowing the mute e has been multiplied, the hiatus often removed, and the article and the pronoun frequently used. PRACTICAL FRENCH PROSODY 47 Although the long and short French vowels or syl- lables do not fulfill the same purpose as in Greek or Latin they may describe by their place or union different objects, various shades of meaning. Some poets have succeeded in establishing a certain connection between sounds and ideas. From physical phenomena to abstract ideas they associate serious thoughts with long sounds, pleasant ideas with soft sounds. In other words the poet may suggest such ideas or images to the mind by faithfully interpreting an intel- lectual impression or rendering it true to our senses. Music has also given us long notes, deep sounds, etc., but their timbre and quality form the basis and the mode of articulating the French vowels. 121. The rules of French Prosody are based accord- ing to needs on vivacity or lack of animation. 122. Prosody Listen to a prolonged whistling: uPour qui sont ces serpents qui sifflent sur vos tetes?)) (Racine, Andromaque) To Indolence: era indifferemment 53. 54 ARRTE RELATIF A LA SYNTAXE FRANAISE le genre masculin ou le genre feminin. Ex.: les grandes argues; un des plus beaux argues; de folles amours, des amours tardifs. 3. DELICE ET DELICES sont, en realit^, deux mots differents. Le premier est d'un usage rare et un peu recherche. II est inutile de s'en occuper dans 1'enseignement e'tementaire et dans les exercices. 4. AUTOMNE, ENFANT. Ces deux mots e"tant des deux genres, il est inutile de s'en occuper particulierement. II en est de meme de tous les substantifs qui sont indiffeYemment des deux genres. 5. GENS, ORGE. On tole'rera dans toutes les constructions 1'accord de 1'adjectif au fe"minin avec le mot gens. Ex.: instruits ou instruites par I 'experience, les vieilles gens sont soufaonneux ou soupqonneuses. On tolerera 1'emploi du mot orge au feminin sans exception: orge carree, orge mondee, orge perlee. 6. HYMNE. II n'y a pas de raison suffisante pour dormer a ce mot deux sens differents suivant qu'il est employe 1 au masculin ou au feminin. On tolerera les deux genres aussi bien pour les chants nationaux que pour les chants religieux. Ex.: un bel hymne ou une belle hymne. 7. PAQUES. On tolerera 1'emploi de ce mot au f&ninin aussi bien pour designer une date que la fete religieuse. Ex. : A P&ques prochain, ou d P agues prochaines. Pluriel des substantifs PLURIEL DES NOMS PROPRES. La plus grande obscurite" regnant dans les regies et les exceptions enseign^es dans les grammaires, on tolerera dans tous les cas que les noms propres precedes de 1'article pluriel prennent la marque du pluriel: les Corneilles comme les Gracques;des Virgiles (exemplaires) comme des Virgiles (editions). II en sera de m&me pour les noms propres de personne d6signant les oauvres de ces personnes. Ex. : des Meissoniers. PLURIEL DES NOMS EMPRUNTES A D'AUTRES LANGUES. Lorsque ces mots sont tout a fait entrale. Ex. : nouveaune, nouveaunee, nouveaunes, nouveaunees; courtvetu, courtvetue, courtvetus, courtvetues, etc. Mais les adjectifs composes qui de"signent des nuances e"tant devenus, par suite d'une ellipse, de v6ritables substantifs invariables, on les traitera comme des mots invariables. Ex.: des robes bleu clair, vert d'eau, etc., de meme qu'on dit des habits marron. PARTICIPES PASSES INVARIABLES. Actuellement les participes approuve, attendu, ci-inclus, ci-joint, excepte, non compris, y compris, dte, passe, suppose, vu, places avant le substantif auquel ils sont joints, restent invariables. Excepte est m6me deja class< parmi les propositions. On toleYera 1'accord facultatif pour ces participes, sans exiger 1'application de regies diffe>entes suivant que ces mots sont place's au commencement ou dans le corps de la proposition, suivant que le substantif est ou n'est pas determine". Ex.: ci joint ou ci jointes les puces demandees (sans trait d'union entre ci et le participe) ; je vous envoie ci joint ou ci jointe copie de la piece. On tole"rera la meme liberte" pour 1'adjectif franc. Ex.: envoyer franc de port ou franche de port une lettre. AVOIR L'AIR. On permettra d'Ocrire indiff e"remment : elle a I'air doux ou douce, spirituel ou spirituelle. On n'exigera pas la con- naissance d'une difference de sens subtile suivant 1'accord de 1'ad- jectif avec le mot air ou avec le mot designant la personne dont on indique I'air. ADJECTIFS NUMERAUX. Vingt, cent. La prononciation Justine dans certains cas la regie actuelle qui donne un pluriel a ces deux mots quand ils sont multiplies par un autre nombre. On tolerera le pluriel de vingt et cent meme lorsque ces deux mots sont suivis d'un autre adjectif numeral. Ex.: quatre vingt ou quatre vingts dix hommes; quatre cent ou quatre cents trente hommes. Le trait d'union ne sera pas exig entre le mot designant les unite's et le mot d^signant les dizaines. Ex. : dix sept. Dans la designation du millesime, on tolerera mille au lieu de mil, comme dans 1'expression d'un nombre. Ex.: Van mil huit cent quatre vingt dix ou Van mille huit cents quatre vingts dix. ARRETE RELATIF A LA SYNTAXE FRANQAISE 57 Adjectifs demonstrates, indefinis et pronoms CE. On to!6rera la reunion des particules ci et Id avec le pronom qui les precede, sans exiger qu'on distingue qu'est ceci, qu'est cela de qu'est ce ci, qu'est ce Id. On tole'rera la suppression du trait d'union dans ces constructions. MEME. Apres un substantif ou un pronom au pluriel, on tole'rera 1 'accord de meme au pluriel et on n'exigera pas de trait d'union entre meme et le pronom. Ex.: nous memes, les dieux memes. TOUT. Devant un nom de ville on tole'rera 1 'accord du mot tout avec le nom propre sans chercher a e"tablir une difference un peu subtile entre des constructions comme toute Rome ou tout Rome. On ne comptera pas de faute non plus a ceux qui ecriront indiffe"- remment, en faisant parler une femme, je suis tout a vous, ou je suis toute d vous. Lorsque tout est employ^ avec le sens ind^fini de chaque, on tole'- rera indiffeYemment la construction au singulier ou au pluriel du mot tout et du substantif qu'il accompagne. Ex. : des marchandises de toute sorte ou de toutes sortes; la sottise est de tout (tous) temps et de tout (tous) pays. AUCUN. Avec une negation, on tol6rera 1'emploi de ce mot aussi bien au pluriel qu'au singulier. Ex. : nefaire aucun projet ou aucuns projets. CHACUN. Lorsque ce pronom est construit apres le verbe et se rapporte a un mot pluriel sujet ou complement, on tole'rera indiffe- remment, apres chacun, le possessif son, sa, ses, ou le possessif leur, leurs. Ex.: Us sont sortis chacun de son cote ou de leur cote; re- mettre des livres chacun d sa place ou d leur place. Verbe VERLES COMPOSES. On toleYera la suppression de 1'apostrophe et du trait d'union dans les verbes composes. Ex.: entrouvrir, entrecroiser. TRAIT D'UNION. On tole'rera 1'absence de trait d'union entre le verbe et le pronom sujet place" apres le verbe. Ex. : est il. DIFFERENCE DU SUJET APPARENT ET DU SUJET REEL. Ex.: sa maladie sont des vapeurs. II n'y a pas lieu d'enseigner de regies pour des constructions semblables dont 1'emploi ne peut fitre 6tudie utilement que dans la lecture et 1'explication des textes. C'est une 58 ARRETE RELATIF A LA SYNTAXE FRANQAISE question de style et non de grammaire qui ne saurait figurer ni dans les exercices 61e"mentaires ni dans les examens. ACCORD DU VERBE PRECEDE DE PLUSIEURS SUJETS NON urns PAR LA CONJONCTION et. Si les sujets ne sont pas resumes par un mot indefini tel que tout, rien, chacun, on toierera toujours la con- struction du verbe au pluriel. Ex.: sa bonte, sa douceur le font admirer. ACCORD DU VERBE PRECED DE PLUSIEURS SUJETS AU SINGULIER UNIS PAR ni, comme, ainsi que ET AUTRES LOCUTIONS EQUIVALENTES. On toierera toujours le verbe au pluriel. Ex.: ni la douceur ni la force n'y peuvent rien ou n'y peut rien; la sante comme la fortune demandent a etre menagees ou demande a etre menagee; le general avec quelques officiers sont sortis ou est sorti du camp; le chat ainsi que le tigre sont des carnivores ou est un carnivore. ACCORD DU VERBE QUAND LE SUJET EST UN MOT COLLECTIF. Toutes les fois que le collectif est accompagne" d'un complement au pluriel, on toierera 1'accord du verbe avec le complement. Ex.: un peu de connaissance suffit ou suffisent. ACCORD DU VERBE QUAND LE SUJET EST plus d'un. L'usage actuel etant de construire le verbe au singulier avec le sujet plus i'un, on toierera la construction du verbe au singulier, m6me lorsque plus d'un est suivi d'un complement au pluriel. Ex.: plus d'un de ces hommes etait ou etaient a plaindre. ACCORD DU VERBE PRECED DE undeceux (une de celks) qui. Dans quels cas le verbe de la proposition relative doit-il 6tre construit au pluriel, et dans quels cas au singulier? C'est une deiicatesse de langage qu'on n'essaiera pas d'introduire dans les exercices eiemen- taires ni dans les examens. C'EST, CE SONT. Comme il regne une grande diversity d'usage relativement a 1'emploi rgulier de c'est et de ce sont, et que les meil- leurs auteurs ont employe c'est pour annoncer un substantif au pluriel ou un pronom de la troisieme personne au pluriel, on toierera dans tous les cas 1'emploi de c'est au lieu de ce sont. Ex.: c'est ou ce sont des montagnes et des precipices. CONCORDANCE ou CORRESPONDANCE DES TEMPS. On toierera le present du subjonctif au lieu de 1'imparfait dans les propositions subordonnees dependant de prepositions dont le verbe est au conditionnel present. Ex. : il faudrait qu'il vienne ou qu'il vint. Participe PARTICIPE PRESENT ET ADJECTIF VERBAL. II convient de s'en tenir a la regie generale d'apres laquelle on distingue le participe ARRETE RELATIF A LA SYNTAXE FRANAISE 59 de 1'adjectif en ce que le premier indique 1'action et le second I'e'tat. II suffit que les Sieves et les candidats fassent preuve de bon sens dans les cas douteux. On devra eviter avec soin les subtilites dans les exercices. Ex.: des sauvages vivent errant ou errants dans les bois. PARTICIPE PASSE. II n'y a rien a changer a la regie d'apres laquelle le participe passe construit comme (Spithete doit s'accorder avec le mot qualified et construit comme attribut avec le verbe 2tre ou un verbe intransitif, doit s'accorder avec le sujet. Ex.: des fruits gates; Us sont tombes; elles sont tombees. Pour le participe passe' conatruit avec 1'auxiliaire avoir, lorsque le participe passe' est suivi soit d'un infinitif, soit d'un participe pre- sent ou passe, on tolerera qu'il reste invariable, quels que soient le genre et le nombre des complements qui precedent. Ex. : les fruits que je me suis laisse ou laisses prendre; les sauvages que I' on a trouve ou trouves errant dans le bois. Dans le cas ou le participe passe est precede d'une expression collective, on pourra a volonte le faire accorder avec le collectif ou avec son complement. Ex. : la joule d'hommes que j'ai vue ou vus. Adverbe Ne DANS LES PROPOSITIONS SUBORDONNEES. L'emploi de cette negation dans un tres grand nombre de propositions subordonn^es donne lieu a des regies compliqu^es, difficiles, abusives, souvent en contradiction avec 1'usage des ecrivains les plus classiques. Sans faire de regies differentes suivant que les propositions dont elles dependent sont affirmatives ou negatives ou interrogatives, on tolerera la suppression de la negation ne dans les proportions subor- donnees dependant de verbes ou de locutions signifiant: Empecher, defendre, eviter que, etc. Ex.: defendre qu'on vienne ou qu'on ne vienne; Craindre, desesperer, avoir peur, de peur que, etc. Ex. : de peur qu'il aille ou qu'il n'aille; Douter, contester, nier que, etc. Ex.: je ne doute pas que la chose soit vraie ou ne soit vraie; II tient a peu, il ne tient pas a, il s'en faut que, etc. Ex. : il ne tient pas a moi que cela se fasse ou ne se fas.se. On toleYera de meme la suppression de cette negation apres les comparatifs et les mots indiquant une comparaison: autre, autre- ment que, etc. Ex.: I'annee a etc meilleure qu'on I'esperait ou qu'on ne I'esperait; les resultats sont autres qu'on le croyait ou qu'on ne le croyait. 60 ARRET RELATIF A LA SYNTAXE FRAN^AISE De meTne apres les locutions a mains que, avant que. Ex.: a mains qu'on accorde le pardon ou qu'on n'accorde le pardon. Observation II conviendra dans les examens, de ne pas compter comme fautes graves celles qui ne prouvent rien contre 1'intelligence et le veritable savoir des candidats, mais qui prouvent seulement 1 'ignorance de quelque finesse ou de quelque subtilite" grammaticale. Vu pour Stre annexe a 1'arret^ du 26 feVrier 1901. Le ministre de I' Instruction publique et des Beaux- Arts, Paris. GEORGES LEYGUES. PART II ETYMOLOGY OR PARTS OP SPEECH 61 LESSON I ETYMOLOGY OR PARTS OF SPEECH 1 . r article 2. le substantif 3. V adjectif qualificatif 4. " determinate/ 5. le pronom 6. le verbe 7. I'adveibe 8. la preposition NOTE. The latter four 9. la conjonction are invariable. 10. V interjection The Definite Article (I'artide defini) Singular (singulier) plural (pluriel) le (the) before a masculine noun beginning a consonant la " " " feminine noun /' " " any noun beginning with a vowel or h mute les " ' all nouns in the plural; /' stands for le, la NOTE. le from the Latin (/) lum; la (il) lam. le pere the father; la mere the mother; I'ami (m.) the friend; I'amie (f.) the friend; I'homme the man; le heros (h aspirate) the hero; I' heroine (h mute) the heroine; I'oncle the uncle; la tante the aunt. i. NOUNS are either masculine or feminine: inan- imate objects being either masculine or feminine. masc. le livre the book; le crayon the pencil; le couteau the knife. fern. la plume the pen; la table the table. i. Latin masculines continue masculine in French: le port the harbor; le cheval the horse; le livre the book; few exceptions. 63 64 GENDER OF NOUNS 2. Latin neuters are masculine in French: le frein the rein (check); le froid the cold; le fer iron; le mid honey. 3. endings with masculine -ode; -age; -asme; -ege; -erne; -isme; -re I' oracle the oracle; le partage the share (division); le pleonasme pleonasm; le manege riding-school; le bapteme the christening (baptism); le christianisme Christianity; le mystere mystery. 4. All nouns not ending in -ale -ie -fe are generally masculine. -be -ie -oie -ace -ole -ne -ode -ule -pe -eur -ure -aison NOTE. Nouns denoting males -ee -ue -rre are masculine always; and femi- -ere -ion -se nine those denoting females. -ie -iere -te -oire -ance -ence -tide -uve and -ion in general le mal evil; le nord the north; le sud the south; Vest the east; I'ouest the west; le printemps spring; I'ete summer; I'automne autumn; I'hiver winter; and are masculine also: the days of the week, months of the year; le Mexique Mexico, and all countries not ending in -e : le Portugal, etc. ; and the names of trees : le pin pine-tree, with few exceptions; and the letters of the alphabet: un I, an 1, etc. Words for Practice: I'interualle (m.) the interval; la cathedrale (f.) the cathedral; la bourbe (f.) the mire; la place the place (room, seat, square); la parade the parade; la chaleur the heat; la rosee the dew; la chimere chimera; la sortie exit; la pitie pity; I'obole mite; la pilule the pill; la parure ornament; la rue the street; la vision vision; I' action act (action); la petition petition; la carafe the decanter; le carafon (small) decanter; la soie silk. 5. Final e preceded by a vowel or double consonant denotes fem- inine: I'alarme (f.) the alarm; la jour nee the (whole) day; la boue mud; la presence the presence; le silence silence (an exception); une once an ounce; la defense defence; la depense expenditure; I'urne GENDER OF NOUNS 65 urn; la pipe pipe; la comparaison comparison; la terre earth; la rose rose; la botte boot (bundle); la bonte kindness; la riviere river; I'histoire history; la Constance constancy; la faqon the make (style, look); I' habitude habit (custom); la verve warmth (spirit). 6. Other feminines: la porte door; la louve she- wolf; la ville the city; la voix voice; la cle (clef) key; la cuiller spoon; la chaux lime; la chair flesh; la brebis sheep; la dot dowry; la dent tooth; la faint hunger; la foret forest; la fois time; la faux scythe; la fin end; la nuit night; la noix walnut; la croix cross; la paix peace; la nef nave; la main hand; la mart death; la soif thirst; la mer the sea; la tour tower; I'argile clay; I'armoire closet; I'idole idol; les arrhes (earnest-money); I'artere artery; une epigramme epigram; une ecritoire (formerly) a writing-desk; la scene scene; la paroi wall (partition); I' oasis oasis; I'epigraphe epigraph; une equivoque am- biguity; une reglisse licorice; la nacre mother-of-pearl; I'horloge clock; I'orbite orbit; I'image image; I'extase ecstacy. 2. LATIN feminines are used likewise in French: la rose the rose, etc. ; cf. few neuter plurals have become in French feminine singular: I'etude study; I'aeuvre the work; I'huile oil; I'arme arm (weapon); lafeuille the leaf; la tevre the lip; and a few others. 3. GENERAL RULE, e is usually added to the masculine to denote the feminine; likewise with adjectives: le marquis the marquis; la marquise the marchioness; le petit gar f on the small boy ; la petite fille the little girl. 1. Nouns (and adjectives) ending in -er and -ier take I (accent grave: grave accent) on the penultimate: le berger the shepherd; la bergere the shepherdess; le premier prix the first prize; la premiere leqon the first lesson; for the feminine. 2. Nouns (and adjectives) ending in n or / double that consonant: le baron the baron; la baronne the baroness; le ban patriote the good patriot ; la bonne dame the good lady ; also for the feminine. 66 GENDER OF NOUNS 3. Few exceptions: le Romain the Roman; la Romaine the Roman lady; le cousin the cousin; la cousine the (lady) cousin; le voisin the neighbor; la voisine the (lady) neighbor; I'orphelin the orphan; I'orpheline the orphan (f.); le Persan the Persian; la Per sane the Persian lady; le faisan the pheasant; la faisane the pheasant (female). 4. esse is added to the masculine in nearly 20 nouns: I'abbe the abbe (priest); I'abbesse the abbess; le prince the prince; la princesse the princess; le Suisse the Swiss; la Suissesse the Swiss lady; le negre the negro; la negresse the negress; I' hole the host; I'hotesse the hostess; /e maftre master; la mattresse mistress. 5. Those ending in -e (mute) remain the same for both genders: I' artiste (m.) the artist; I' artiste (f.) the artist; (also singer). 6. Nouns (derived from a present participle) ending in -eur change -eur into -euse : le chanteur the singer; la chanteuse the (lady) singer; le danseur the dancer; la danseuse the dancer (f.); le buveur the drinker; la buveuse the drinker (f.). 7. Some in -rice : I'acteur the actor; I'actrice the actress; I'instituteur the teacher; /' institutrice the (lady) teacher; I'accusateur, I'accusatrice the accuser; /a cantatrice (eminent) singer (f.); procureur proxy procuratrice; ambassadeur ambassador ambassadrice. 8. Seven in -eresse : chasseur huntsman; chasseresse huntress; defendeur defendant; demandeur, demanderesse plaintiff; enchanteur, enchanteresse en- chanter, enchantress; pecheur, pecheresse sinner; vendeur ven- dor venderesse (law); vengeur, vengeresse avenger; and add: devineur guesser; devineresse (obsolete) diviner; vendeur (ven- deuse) seller; chasseur (chasseuse) hunter (huntress); empereur emperor; imperatrice empress; voleur (voleuse) thief; trompeur (trompeuse) deceiver; cf. heureux happy; heureuse happy; ser- viteur servant (m.); servante (f.) servant; dieu god; deesse god- dess; due duke; duchesse duchess; bailleur lessor bailleresse; prophe.te prophet; prophetesse prophetess; doge doge; dogaresse wife of a doge; gouverneur governor (tutor); gouvernante gover- ness; compagnon companion; compagne (f.). GENDER OF NOUNS 67 4. DOUBLE GENDER: auteur author (authoress); ecrivain writer; professeur professor; peintre painter; une femme peintre a woman painter; le guide guide; le juge judge; le poete poet, etc. 1. Others shorter in the feminine form than in the masculine: le canard drake; la cane duck; le mulet mule; la mule mule (she- ass); le vieittard the old man; la vieille the old lady; le dindon turkey-cock; la dinde turkey-hen. 2. Others by a different word : homme man; femme w ife; pere father; mere mother; frere brother; sceur sister; oncle uncle; tante aunt; gendre son-in-law; bru daughter-in-law; parrain godfather; marraine godmother; cheval horse; jument mare; coq cock (rooster); poule hen; taureau bull; vache cow; brebis sheep; belter ram; bouc (he-) goat; chevre (she-) goat; cerf stag; bicheroe; le singe monkey ; la guenon (she-) mon- key; le chat cat; la chatte (she-) cat; le loup wolf ; la louve she- wolf; jar? gander; oie goose; veau calf; genisse heifer; sanglier wild boar ; la late wild sow, etc. ; le rat rat ; la souris mouse ; (les souris mice), etc. 3. Some (originally feminine) are always feminine and for both sexes : la victime the victim; la sentinelle sentry; la personne person; la connaissance the acquaintance; la ganache blockhead, etc. 4. Always feminine : la giraffe giraffe; la panther e panther; I'hyene hyena; or: la pan- there male the male panther; la panther e femelle female panther, etc. 5. Also: la baleine whale; la tortue tortoise; la pie magpie; I'hirondelle the swallow; I'alouette the lark. - 6. Always masculine : le merle blackbird; le cygne swan; le hibou owl; I'ecureuil the squirrel; le vautour vulture; le castor beaver; le leopard the leopard; V elephant the elephant; le chameau camel; le saumon salmon. 68 GENDER OF NOUNS 5. Few change their meaning according to the gender: Masculine Feminine le page page la page le poele stove la poele frying-pan le voile (long veil) veil la voile sail le guide guide la guide the rein le critique critic la critique criticism le manche handle la manche sleeve le tour turn (trick) la tour tower le mousse cabin-boy la mousse moss le vase vase la vase mud (slime) le somme nap (sleep) la somme sum le litre book la livre pound le politique politician la politique politics le crepe crape la crepe pancake le memoire memorandum la memoire memory, etc. cf.: la Manche the English Channel; la voilette (face) veil Practice : Paris est gai Paris is merry; Versailles est toujours attrayant Versailles is ever attractive; Londres est grand London is big; un enfant, une enfant a child; le mode the mode (mood); la mode the fashion; un eleve, une eleve a pupil; un malade, une malade a patient; la (fete de) Noel Christmas; la librairie bookstore; la boulangerie bakeshop; and many others ending in -ie: parfu- merie, etc. (f.); la chimie chemistry; le Maine Maine; le blanc, le noir, white, black ; le beau the beautiful ; and words and phrases used as nouns ; le metre yard (metre) ; le centimetre centimeter, etc. 6. The following are either masculine or feminine (and are almost identical in meaning) : aigle eagle: I'aigle (m.) est un oiseau de proie the eagle is a bird of prey; cet homme est un aigle that man is a noted person (a star); les aigles romaines (f.) Roman Eagles; I'aigle de Meaux Bossuet; un regard d' aigle eagle-eyed; I'aigle noir de Prusse the Black Prussian Eagle. amour and orgue are masculine when singular; amour filial filial love; un grand orgue a large organ; also masculine or feminine in the plural; de beaux amours or de belles amours beautiful GENDER OF NOUNS 69 love; mes premieres amours my first love; de petits amours little Cupids; de grandes (de grands orgues) orgues great organs (music). automne autumn (generally masculine) : un bel automne a beautiful autumn. gent (formerly: nation, people) is feminine when singular: la gent marecageuse the frogs (les grenouilles) ; gens (formerly plural of: gent) people, persons; and either masculine or feminine in the plural. Note that the adjectives which do not immediately precede or those that follow gens are in the masculine: tous ces gens honneles sont heureux all those honest people are happy; de vieilles gens old people; toutes les vieilles gens sont parfois d plaindre old people are at times to be pitied. But: tons ces braves gens all those good people; les vieilles gens sont souvent malheureux old people (folks) are often unhappy; cf.: enfans and en j 'ants children. See French Reviews. periode (f.) fixed number of years: les grandes periodes de I'histoire the great periods of History; I' eloquence a son plus haul periode eloquence at its highest stage; maladie (f.) a son dernier periode (m.) illness at its turning point (le plus haul point crisis). hymne (m. or f.); un bel hymne, une belle hymne beautiful hymn; when implying church music hymne is generally feminine. merci is feminine in: lire d la merci de to be at the mercy of; masculine when it means: thanks; un grand merci much obliged; Dieu merci thank God; cf.: je vous remercie I thank you; remerci- ments thanks. pdques Easter (f.); pdques fleuries (le dimanche des rameaux) Palm Sunday; la pdque Jewish Passover; faire de bonnes pdques to receive Communion (at Easter time). foudre (f.) thunderbolt; sometimes masculine in Poetry; but: un foudre de guerre a great warrior; un foudre d' eloquence a great orator; les foudres (f.) de I'Eglise excommunication. orge (f.) barley; but: orge perle pearled barley; orge monde hulled (husked) barley. apres-midi (formerly masculine or feminine) is now masculine. (euvre (f.) work (-s): mettez-vous a I'aeuvre go to work; le merite des bonnes ccuvres (de charite) the merit of good works; il a toutes les aeuvres (toute I'ceuvre) de Racine he has (owns) all Racine's works; but: le grand ceuvre the philosopher's stone; le gros ceuvre the heavy stone- work, or les fondements d'un bdtiment foundation of a building; cf.: derniers ouvrages parus latest publications; le dernier exemplaire the last copy (of a book). 70 PLURAL OF NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES chose (f.) the thing; une (affaire) chose importante an important matter; and always followed by a masculine (adjective): quelque chose de nouveau something new; cf.: rien de nouveau nothing new; le Petit Chose (Daudet's) the Little What's your name? quelque chose que je lui aie dite, for: quelle que soil la chose que je etc., whatever I may have said to him (her). delices (f.) delight; un delice joy; un vrai delice a real joy. LESSON II PLURAL OF NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES 7. GENERAL RULE: Most nouns and adjectives form their plural by adding 5 to the singular: le mur the wall; les murs the walls; le petit gargon the little boy (the small boy); les petits garQons the little boys. Exceptions: 1. Invariable words take no s: lesoui the ayes; les non the nays. 2. Nouns and adjectives ending ia-s;-x;-z remain unchanged: le fils, les fils the son, the sons; la voix, les voix the voice, the voices; le nez, les nez the nose, the noses; I' omnibus the omnibus, les omnibus the omnibuses ; heureuxpere happy father; heureuxperes happy fathers. 3. Nouns and adjectives ending in -au;-eu take x in the plural; likewise seven nouns in -ou : un bateau a boat; des bateaux boats; le cheveu the hair; les cheveux the hair; de beaux cheveux beautiful hair; exception: bleu, bleus (pi.) blue; landaus landaus; bijou (x) jewel (s); cailloux pebbles; choux cabbages; genoux knees; hiboux owls; joujoux toys; POUX lice; les sous pennies, etc. 4. Most nouns and adjectives ending in -a/ change -al to aux : le cheval the horse; les chevaux the horses; egal, egaux equal; I' animal the animal; les animaux the animals; le journal the newspaper; les journaux the newspapers; exceptions: (s being added to the singular) bal ball; car naval carnival; chacal jackal; aval endorsement; few adjectives: amical amicable; fatal fatal; PLURAL OF NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES ~J\ final final; glacial glacial (icy); initial initial; matinal early- riser; naval naval (nautical); penal penal; theatral theatrical, take s in the plural; cf.: les pals or les paux stakes (punishment) ; les cols calli; and a few others seldom used. 5. The following in -ail change -ail to -aux: le bail the lease les baux the leases le corail coral les coraux corals V email enamel les emaux enamels le soupirail air-hole les soupiraux air-holes le travail the work (labor) les travaux works le vitrail (stained) glass window les vitraux glass, etc. NOTE. betail cattle; les bestiaux cattle; others take 5 in the plural. 8. DOUBLE PLURALS: aieul (aieux) ancestor (s); afeul (aieuls) grandsire (s); ail (s) garlic; ail (aulx) garlic; and more colloquial; del (deux) sky (skies), Heaven; del (s) sky (painting }-jMeil (yeux) eye (eyes); les oeils-de-bceuf oval windows; travail (travaux) work, labor (works); le travail the brake (horse-shoeing); les travails the brakes; les travails de ce ministre the official reports of that minister. 9. INVARIABLE NOUNS: (and generally singular): 1. Those of metals: I' or gold; I' argent silver. 2. Abstract nouns: I 'innocence innocence; la justice justice. 3. Nouns for Arts and Sciences: la chimie Chemistry, etc. 4. Words used as substantives: le beau the beautiful; cf. : temoin (witness) always singular at the beginning of a sentence and in: a temoin as witness (es); temoin ses blessures witness his wounds (as evidence his wounds); on vous prend tons a temoin you are all called to witness; citer comme temoin (appeler devant la justice) to be called (in Court) as a wit- ness; cf.: rendre temoignage a to bear witness (to testify to). 72 PLURAL OF NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES 10. SUBSTANTIVES always in the plural: accordailles (better: accords); accords (colloq.) preliminary un- derstanding before signing the marriage stipulations; affres (f.) the agony of death; aguets (m.) watch (-ing); alentours the neigh- boring grounds; armoiries (f.) coat of arms; arrerages arrears; besides (formerly large spectacles) (barnacles) used only in: prenez done vos besides! you had better wear glasses! (irony); broussailles bushes (brushwood); confins confines (borders); decombres ruins (debris) ; dcpens (m.) cost of a lawsuit; aux dcpens de at the expense of; doleances complaints (f.); entrailles bowels; les epousailles (obsolete) (f.) betrothal ceremony; fianc.ailles (f.) engagement (betrothal); frais (m.) expense, cost, outlay; funerailles (f.) funeral; assister aux funerailles; hardes (f.) (daily, and common) wearing apparel, clothes; manes (f.) manes (shades); materiaux materials; moeurs ways (customs); mouchettes (f.) snuffers or scissors to snuff (ciseaux pour moucher); nippes (f.) (old) clothes; linge use worn-out linen; obseques obsequies (funeral); prentices early fruit (first production); tenebres darkness (gloom); vepres (f.) Vespers; vivres (f.) food (provisions, victuals;. Singular and invariable : les si the ifs; les pourquoi the whys; les car the fors, etc. Likewise the compounds (verb, preposition, adverb, etc.): les bric-a-brac; les cache-cache hide and seek; les gagne-petit (or remouleur ambulant) scissors (knife) grinder; les laisser --passer permit; pass; des on dit vague reports; des oui-dire hearsay; des passe-partout pass-key; passe-partout; des passe-passe leger- demain (a trick of sleight of hand); des pince-sans-rirs dry joker; des quant-a-soi (moi) (colloq.) an assumed reserve; qu'en dira-t-on gossip (tittle-tattle) ; reveille-matin alarm clocks; sauve- qui- pent rout, stampede; soi-disant self-styled (would-be; so-called); songe-creux (living on visions) visionary ; va-et-vient (des balanciers) pendulum, oscillations; small ferryboats; pass-ropes. Singular sense: un abat-jour (lamp shade) for : qui abat le jour which throws down the light; des abat-jour shades. Plural sense: un chasse-mouches (un cventail fan) fly-trap: qui chasse les mouches which drives the flies away; and because there is a plural idea even in the singular form of the article. PLURAL OF NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES 73 Exceptions: with garde if it refers to persons or things s is added to garde when speaking of persons: un garde- malade; une garde-malade attendant; sick-nurse; des gardes-malades attendants; cf.: des garde-manger buttery (pantry). 11. NOUN with an ADVERB or a PREPOSITION takes 5 or x: des arriere-boutiques (rear) backshops; des entr'actes intermedes (between the acts) ; des contre-amiraux rear-admirals, etc. 1. Compounds with or without hyphen (composed of a noun and an adjective (or participle) take j (x) : les bas-reliefs bas-reliefs; les grands-pcres grandfathers; les chefs- lieux country-towns ( precincts); les portemantcaux the valises; les grand' meres grandmothers; les anglo-saxons the Anglo-Saxons and a few others excepted; cf.: bonhomme (bonshommes) good (-natured) man (men); petits bonshommes little fellows; madame (mesdames) Madam (Mrs.) or: ladies; mademoiselle rniss; monsieur Sir (Mr.); messieurs Messieurs; gentilhomme nobleman; getttils- hommes noblemen. 2. Joined by a preposition the first noun takes .s . un chef d'ceuvre masterpiece; des chefs d'ceuvre (s); un coq-d-l'dne cock-and-bull story (stories); un tete-a-tete private interview (si; and pied-a-terre (m.) temporary lodging, are invariable. 12. WHEN de is understood s is added to the first noun only: des Hotels-Dieu hospitals; cf..- hopital; hospice (m.j; des reine} claude greengages; des timbrfeoste postage-stamps; des bains- marie (water baths) boiling water in which is immersed a cooking (heating) utensil; double- boiler. 13. FOREIGN nouns incorporated into the language generally take s: un accessit; des accessits honorable mention; des zeros zeros; des alleluias Hallelujah or alleluia; des biftecks beefsteaks; des soli solos; des pianos pianos; des duos duets; des toasts toasts; des tramways etc., etc. But des errata; des pater; des quatuor quartet (-tes) etc.; some Italian names (see Dictionary) dilettante 74 PLURAL OF NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES Practice: ce sont des perce-neige those are snowdrops; voild des tire-bouchons there are corkscrews; faites voir ces albums show these albums; les pot-au-feu boiled meat (stew); des demi-heures half-hours; les deux Racine the two Racines; cf.: les Ratines sont rares Ratines are scarce ; les Bourbons, les Guises, les Condes, les Horaces, les Curiaces, les Stuarts, les Pharaons, les Tudors (historical names of families, dynasties) ; il a deux Virgiles he owns two copies of Vergil; ce musee possede deux Raphaels this Museum possesses two Raphaels ; les deux Corneilles etaient freres the two Corneilles were brothers; les Alpes the Alps; les Pyrenees the Pyrenees; les Indes Indies; les deux Guinees the two Guineas; les Vosges the Vosges; les Cevennes; les deux Ameriques the two Americas; les Pays-Bas the Netherlands^ 14. DETERMINATIVES of NOUNS with a; de of (from) ; en in (into) ; sans without ; etc. un homme d 'expedition a man quick in his work; le chapeau de Jeanne Jane's hat; un verre a vin one (a) wineglass; un verre de vin a glass of wine. 1. a (like de) may denote possession: le chapeau a Jean John's hat (belonging to). 2. CL may refer to a thing possessed: la dame aux cheveux noirs the lady with dark hair (d is then equi- valent to : av ec with) . 3. a and de may again show the relation between the cause and effect: prince du sang prince of royal blood ; du blanc au noir from white to black ; un chapeau de paille a straw hat ; une montre d'or (en or) a gold watch ; une epee en acier a steel sword ; vetement d 1 homme man's cloth- ing; vetements pour hommes men's clothing; Faculte de Droit Law School; vers la fin de I'apres-midi towards the end of the afternoon. 4. Other examples: en gage d'amitie as a token of friendship; pour r amour de Dieu for the love of God; en un quart d'heure in a quarter of an hour; dans un quart d'heure in (after) a quarter of an hour; un voyage autour de ma chambre a trip around my room; un homme sans volonte a man without will. , THE DEFINITE AND INDEFINITE ARTICLES 75 5. Even infinitives may serve as determinatives to nouns: le don de parler (de la parole) the gift of eloquence ; le temps de manger (just) time to eat; I' art de bien dire the art of speaking well. 6. du and de to be distinguished in: une maison de prince a princely house; le palais du prince the prince's palace. The former means a house (like that of a prince) richly appointed; the latter simply denotes possession. NOTE. Nouns may be followed by a; others may require pour, etc. ; such nouns must not be joined by et (and) ; same rule applies to verbs: son assiduite et sa perseverance au travail his (her) assiduity and perseverance in work; son obeissance a his (her) obedience to; son affection pour son maitre his affection for his master; son obeissance d son maitre et son affection pour lui (for him). 15. THE DEFINITE ARTICLE: le; 1'; la; les (p. i). THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE: un (m.); une (f.) ; a, an, one. THE PARTITIVE ARTICLE ( 61 , 64) ; du; de /' (m.) ; de I'; de la (f.); des (some or any). 16. GENDER AND NUMBER: The article agrees in number and gender with its noun: le before a masculine noun or adjective beginning with a consonant or h aspirate; /' (for le} before a mascu- line beginning with a vowel or h mute; /' (for la) before a feminine beginning with a vowel or h mute; la before a feminine beginning with a con- sonant or h aspirate; les before all plural nouns. le pere the father; I' ami the (male) friend; le heros the hero; I'antie (f.) the friend; I'homme the man; la dame the lady; I'huile (f.) the oil; les messieurs the gentlemen. See page i; also Numeral Adjective un. un is used before masculine; une before feminine nouns; des is the plural: un homme a man ; une femme a woman ; des hommes men; des femmes women. 76 THE DEFINITE AND INDEFINITE ARTICLES 17. GENERAL RULE. i. The article (and also d to, in; de, of, from) must be repeated before each noun and adjective: le pere et la mere the father and mother; a Paris et a New- York in Paris and New York; de Jean et de Pierre of John and Peter. 2. If the article does not denote a distinctive object we do not use it : une leqon de conversation lesson on conversation. 3. Also in set expressions: les pants et chaussees bridges and roads. 4. Nouns in apposition: le Grand Ocean ou ocean Pacifique Pacific Ocean; 5. Few other cases: les lundi et mardi Mondays and Tuesdays; I'histmre ancienne et moderne or I'histoire ancienne et la moderne Ancient and Modern History; les pere et mere parents; un brave e! gentil garqon good and amiable boy; le brave et ilhistre J off re the brave and illustrious Joffre. But: le brave, I'illustre Joffre. 6. Large number of expressions (verb plus a noun): avoir faim to be hungry; avoir soif to be thirsty; avoir chaud to be warm; avoir besoin (de) to need; to have need of; donner ordre to give orders; donner avis to notify; faire place to make room; etc. 7. In proverbs; general statements: experience passe science experience surpasses etc; plus fait douceur que violence gentleness is more effective than violence. 8. In enumerations: vieillards, femmes et enfants old people, women and children; and in vocatives: Seigneur O Lord. Practice : le bien et le mal good and evil; le vrai, lefaible, le beau the true, the weak, the beautiful; le souvenir the remembrance; and a few other adjectives, verbs, adverbs, etc., used as nouns: on lui tiendra tele they will cope with him (resist him); tenez-lui la Me hold his head; change of meaning; il se lave les mains he is washing his QUALIFYING ADJECTIVES 77 hands; English use possessive: il est entre le chapeau sur la tete he came in, his hat on his head; cinq sous la douzaine five cents a dozen; dix sons le metre ten cents a yard; un franc la lime one franc a (per) pound ; le lundi est le premier jour de la semaine Monday is the first day of the week; le marechal Foch Marshal Foch; le president Wilson President Wilson; parle-t-il anglais does he speak English . J parle-t-elle bien I 'anglais does she speak English well? venez samedi (le samedi) come (onj Saturday; samedi dernier last Saturday; il est Frangais (c'est un Fran^ais) he is a Frenchman (that is a, etc.); la semaine dernier e etait la derniere semaine de I'annee last week was the last week of the year; il est artiste he is an artist; Louis quatorze Louis the Four- teenth; tous les hommes all men; la plupart des soldats most sol- diers; cent grammaires one hundred grammars. LESSON III 1 8. QUALIFYING ADJECTIVES (adjectifs qtialificatifs] . RULE. As previously studied an adjective agrees in number and gender with the noun and pronoun it qualifies : e is added to the masculine singular, unless the adjective ends in -e; s in the plural. m. f. m. pi. f.pl. grand grande grands grandes tall, great, large haul haute hauls haute s high (tall), lofty petit petite petits petites small, little riche riche riches riches rich pauvre pauvre pauvres pauvres poor facile facile faciles faciles easy jeune jeune jeunes jeunes young joli jolie jolis jolies pretty blesse blessee blesses blessees wounded NOTE. Two or more nouns masculine with adjective masculine plural; two or more nouns feminine with adjective feminine plural; and with nouns or pronouns of different gender the attri- bute and predicative adjectives are masculine plural: le crayon et le canif sont bons the pencil and penknife are good; le pere et la mere sont ages the father and mother are old; la tante 78 QUALIFYING ADJECTIVES et la cousine sont petites the aunt and cousin are short; lui et moi sommes contents he and I are pleased; elle et loi, vous ties contents (or : contentes) you and she are pleased. Observe : aigu sharp ; aigue in the feminine; also du (devoir to owe) owed; and mil (mouvoir to move) moved; prompted; very few adjectives are invariable: capot (m rester capot to stand speechless) a single round (cards); grogron growling (grouchy); ambigu, ambigue; ambiguous. 19. EXCEPTIONS to the formation of the feminine of adjectives; the plural of adjectives is formed in the same way as that of nouns. 1. Adjectives ending in -el; -eil; -ol; -ul; -en; -on; -et; -ot and those in -s generally double their last consonant in the feminine and before adding e (mute) : bon good bonne bans bonnes has low basse has basses cruel cruel cruelle cruels cruelles pareil like (similar) pareille pareils pareilles ancien ancient (former) ancienne anciens anciennes nul no one nulle; nulles gens no people muet mute muette; muets; muettes or: dumb epais thick epaisse; epais; epaisses gras fat grasse; gras; grasses (fleshy, plump) sot fool, silly sotte; sots; sottes (stupid) But: hebreu (m.) hebraique (f.); mou (mol); mous; molle; molles soft, mellow; fat fop (coxcomb) and dispos (active, nimble) have no feminine; devot (-e) devout; idiot (-e) idiot, foolish; falot (-e) droll (queer) ; manchot (-e) one-armed; niais (-e) ninny, simpleton; ras (-e) close-shaved; flat; fran$ais (-e) French; anglais (-e) English; danois (-e) Danish; ecossais (-e) Scotch. Or nouns: Franqais (-e) French (Frenchwoman). 2. Others forming their feminine irregularly: Masculine Feminine blanc blanche white benin benigne benign bref brtve brief, short, concise causeur (see'rule for nouns) causeuse talkative (chatty) QUALIFYING ADJECTIVES 79 doux favori faux frais douce favorite fausse fraiche flatteur (see rule for nouns) flatteuse franc franche grec grecque long longue malin maligne public publique roux sec tiers lure rousse seche tierce turque beau (bel before a vowel or h mute) belle nouveau (nouvel before a vowel or h mute) nouvelle fou (fol before a vowel or h mute) folle mou (mol before a vowel or h mute) molle jumeau jumelle vieux (vieil before a vowel or h mute) vieille neuf neuve actif active vif (fiery) vive attentif attentive sweet, smooth, gentle favorite false, erroneous, insincere cool, fresh, recent, florid flattering, gratifying frank, free, complete, full Greek long malignant, malicious, sly public reddish, sandy dry, lean; dried, spare (thin) third (music, time, party) Turkish beautiful, handsome, fair new, recent, modern mad, wild, foolish, distract- ing soft, slack, effeminate twin old, aged, venerable new (brand new) active, quick, energetic lively, quick, keen, alive attentive, etc. Adjectives ending in -er; -ier; and six in -et do not double the final: r or t, but take e (grave) preceding same: etranger etrangere foreign, strange, irrelevant altier altiere haughty, arrogant, stately cher chere dear, costly, expensive premier premiere first, chief, primitive dernier dernier e last; youngest; closing fier fiere proud, stout (bold) complet complete complete, full, whole 8o QUALIFYING ADJECTIVES secret secrete secret, private, hidden inquiet inquiete unquiet, anxious, restless replet replete bulky, corpulent, lusty concret concrete concrete discret discrete considerate, prudent, discreet, reserved, close le.ger thoughtless, fickle; legere light, nimble, unsteady, feeble 4. Adjectives in -x change .v into -se: jaloux jalouse heureux henrense nombreux nombreuse malheureux malheureuse genereux genereuse affreux affreuse studieux studieuse pluvieux pluvieuse orageux orageuse nerveux nerueuse jealous, desirous, anxious happy, fortunate, lucky numerous, large unhappy, unlucky, unfortunate generous, liberal, bountiful frightful, horrible, atrocious, hor- rid, ghastly studious pluvious (wet), rainy, showery stormy, tempestuous, agitated nervous, sinewy, wiry 5. Eleven in -eur add anterieur anterieure citerieur citerieure exterieur exterieure inferieur inferieure interieur interieure majeur (of majeure age, of full age) mineur (under tnineure age ; minor) meilleur meilleure posterieur posterieure superieur superieure ulterieur ulterieure anterior, prior, previous citerior, hither exterior, external, foreign; outside, outward inferior, subordinate, lower interior, internal, inner, inland major, greater, paramount minor; less (-er) better, preferable; the best posterior, subsequent, later superior, upper, higher ulterior, further NOTE. All add 5 to their plural; same rules pertaining to nouns; adverbs generally formed by adding -ment to the feminine of adjectives and follow closely the verb. TO HAVE 8l LESSON IV 20. AVOIR to have: ETRE to be (at page 98) Les temps primitifs (principal parts): avoir (I'infinitif); ayant (le participe present); eu (le participe passe); j'ai (le present de I'indicatif); et j'eus (le passe defini) y avoir to be (fully conjugated at 52) 21. INDICATIVE MOOD Present. (53.) j'ai, I have, am having, do have ai-je, have I, am I having, do I have? tu as, you have (thou hast, ye as-tu, have you, etc.? have) il a, he has, is having, does have a-t-il, has he, is he having, etc.? elle a, she has, is having, does a-t-elle, has she, is she having? have on a, one has (we, they, people a-t-on, has one (any one), etc.? have) nous avons, we have, are having, avons-nous, have we, do we do have have? vous avez, you have, are having, avez-vous, have you, do you have? do have Us ont, they have, are having, do ont-ils, have they, do they have? have dies ont, they have, are having, ont-elles have they, do they have? do have NOTE. J'at, etc., may mean also: I have been having. Tenses, etc., fully explained and illustrated, 53. 22. Imperfect (62.) j'avais, 1 had, used to have, was having avais-je, had I, did I have? tu avais (thou hadst) you had, used to avais-tu, had you, etc.? have il avail, he had, used to have, did have avait-il, had he, was he having? 6 82 TO HAVE elle avail, she had, used to have, did avait-ette, had she, was she have having? on avail, one had, used to have, did avail-on, had one (any one)? have nous avions, we had, were having, did avions-nous, had we, did have we have? vous aviez, you had, were having, did aviez-vous, had you, did have you have? Us avaient, they had, were having, did avaient-ils, had they, did have they have? elles avaient, they had, were having, did avaient-elles, had they, etc.? have 23. Past Definite (Preterit) ( 66) j'eus, I had eus-je, had I? tu eus, you had (thou hadst) eus-tu, had you? (hadst thou?) il eut, he had eut-il, had he? nous eumes, we had eumes-nous, had we? vous eutes, you had eutes-vous, had you? Us eurent, they had eurent-ils, had they? 24. Past Indefinite ( 69) j'ai eu, I (have had) had ai-je eu, have I had, did I have? tu as eu, you (have had) had as-tu eu, did you have, etc.? 7/a,hehad (has had), did, etc. a-t-il eu, did he have, etc.? nous avons eu, we had (have avons-nous eu, did we have, etc.? had, did, etc.) vous avez eu, you had (have had, avez-vous eu, did you have? did, etc.) Us ont eu, they have had, etc. ont-ils eu, did they have, etc.? 25. REVIEW rules governing Nouns and Adjectives; and the latter usually follow their nouns and generally denote nationality, religion, office, or color, shape, taste, etc., or a physical quality: une table carree a square table; une table ronde a round etc.; la langue franqaise (allemande) the French (German) language; il a de bonne encre rouge (bleue) he has good red (blue) ink; Me a les yeux bleus (noirs, gris) she has blue (dark, gray) eyes; la main droite (gauche) right (left) hand; la langue italienne (espa- gnole, portugaise) Italian (Spanish, Portuguese) language; feu AND ITS USES la reine ou lafeue reine the late queen; feu les rois or les feus rois the late kings. Literal sense Figurative sense une vraie histoire regular story une histoire vraie a true story les noirs soucis the black cares le crayon rouge red pencil le chat noir the black cat 26. Past Anterior (Lesson X, 95) j'eus eu, I had had tu eus eu, you had had (thou hadst etc.) U eut eu, he had had nous eumes eu, we had had vous eutes eu, you had had Us eurent eu, they had had eus-je eu, had I had? eus-tu eu, hadst thou had? eut-il eu, had he had? eumes-nous eu, had we had? eutes-vous eu, had you had? eurent-ils eu, had they had? 27. Pluperfect (Lesson X, 95) j'avais eu, I had had tu avais eu, you had had il avail eu, he had had nous avions eu, we had had vous aviez eu, you had had Us avaient eu, they had had avais- je eu, had I had? avais-tu eu, had you had? avait-il eu, had he had? avions-nous eu, had we had? aviez-vous eu, had you had? avaient-ils eu, had they had? 28. Future ( 98) j'aurai, I (will) shall have tu auras, thou wilt (shalt) have il aura, he will (shall) have nous aurons, we shall (will) have vous aurez, you will (shall) have Us auront, they will (shall) have aurai-je, will (shall) I have? auras-tu, shalt (wilt) thou have? aura-t-il, shall (will) he have? aurons-nous, shall (will) we have? aurez-vous, shall (will) you have? auront-ils, will (shall) they have? 29. Future Past (Lesson X, 99) j'aurai eu, I will (shall) have had tu auras eu, thou shalt il aura eu, he will (shall) " " nous*aurons eu, we will " " vous aurez eu, you will " . " Us auront eu, they will " aurai-je eu, shall I etc.? auras-tu eu, wilt thou etc.? aura-t-il eu, shall he etc.? aurons-nous eu, shall we etc.? aurez-vous eu, shall you etc.? auront-ils eu, shall they etc.? 84 TO HAVE 30. CONDITIONAL MOOD (101) Present or Future j'aurais, I would or should have aurais-je, would I or should etc. t tu aurais, thou wouldst (-st) " aurais-tu, wouldst, or shouldst etc.? il aurait, he would have, etc. aurait-il, would he or should etc. f nous aurions, we would have, etc. aurions-nous, should we etc.? vous auriez, you would have, etc. auriez -vous, should you etc.? Us auruient, they would have, etc. auraient-ils, should they etc.? 31. MATERIAL FQR REVIEW AND DICTATION une etoffe chere an expensive material; son cher oncle his (her) dear uncle; cher as adverb is invariable: ces etoffes content cher those materials are expensive; un hotnme charmant a charming man; une personne charmante a charming person; peine perdue labor lost (in vain). 1. Past and present participle follow the noun as above: d vos heures perdues in your moments of leisure; objets perdus lost articles; c'est du temps perdu it is time lost; cf.: un charmant homme (emphatic). 2. Agreement according to the meaning: trois cordes de bois blanc three cords of white wood; trots pouces de bois carres three square inches of wood (or, wood three inches square); le premier el le dernier rang the first and last rank; les premier et dernier rangs or: le premier rang et le dernier the first and last rank. 3. After plus . . . plus the more . . . etc., and in certain excla- mations, the adjective follows the verb: plus il est riche, plus il est avare the richer he is, the more avaricious he is; qu'elle est heureuset how happy she is! 4. as adverbs: ette vise plus haul she aims higher; ces fleurs sentent bon these flowers smell sweet; on V a fait expres it was done purposely. 5. -ment (-ly) added to a feminine adjective denotes generally an adverb: heureux (m.); heureuse (f.); happy; heureusement happily; poliment politely; publiquement publicly. AND ITS USES 85 3*. Conditional Past (ist Form) 103. j'aurais eu, I would (should) have had aurais-je eu, should etc.? tu aurais eu, thou wouldst have had aurais-tu eu, wouldst etc.? il aurait eu, he would have had aurait-il eu, would etc. ? nous aurions eu, we would have had aurions-nous eu, would etc.? v ous auriez eu, you would have had auriez-vous eu, would etc. ? Us auraient eu, they would have had auraient-Us eu, would they have had? 33. Conditional Past (2nd Form) Lesson X, 104. j'eusse eu, I would (should) have eusse-je eu, should I have had? had tu eusses eu, thou wouldst have* eusses-tu eu, shouldst thou have had had? U cut eu, he would (should) have eut-il eu, would (should) he had have had? nous eussions eu, we would (should) eussions-nous eu, would (should) have had we have had? vouseussiezeu,you would (should) eussiez-vous eu, would (should) have had you have had? Us eussent eu, they would (should) eussent-ils eu, would (should) have had they have had? 34. Imperative Mood ( 105) present or future ate, have (thou) ayez, have (you or ye) ayons, let us have 35. Subjunctive Mood ( 112) present or future quej'aie, (that) I may (can) have que tu aies, that thou mayest (canst) have (or: you may, etc.) qu'il ait, that he may or can have que nous ayons, that we may or can have NOTE. Other forms in que vous ayez, that you may or can have English, 83 qu'ils aient, that they may or can have 36. Imperfect (Subjunctive) Lesson XXVI, 286. que j'eusse, that I might have (or: other forms in English) que tu eusses, that thou mightest have or that you (ye) etc. qu'il eut, that he might have que nous eussions, that we might have que vous eussiez, that you might have qu'ils eussent, that they might have 86 TO HAVE Review always the rules pertaining to Nouns and Adjectives; write short sentences based on Dictation as follows: une chere amie a dear (beloved) friend; de cheres amies dear friends; qu'il fait beau (que le temps est beau) how beautiful the weather is! sage wise; sagement wisely; une chambre propre a clean room; sa propre fille his (her) own daughter; qu'il fasse le mains de fautes possible (replacing: qu'il soil possible de faire) let him make as few mistakes as possible; elle a les pieds nus or elle est nu-pied she is barefooted; elle a I' air ban she looks good; elle a I' air bonne she seems good; une demi-heure half hour; il a travaille une demi-heurt he worked half an hour; une heure et demie half- past one; an hour and a half; un petit homme a little man; un homme petit a mean (close) man; petit esprit a narrow-minded man; elle se disait malade she said she was ill; on les croit sinceres we believe them to be sincere; les jeunes gens young men (people); ma grand'tnere my grandmother; ce n'est pas grand'chose: la grand' messe High Mass; deux livres sterling two pounds sterling; une maitresse femme superior woman; la maitrise de soi-meme the control of one's self; des souvenirs glorieux glorious- remembrances. 37. Past (Subjunctive) 293, Lesson XXVI and Past Subj. quej'aie eu, that I may (can) have had que tu aies eu, that thou mayest (canst) have had (or: you, ye) qu'il ait eu, that he may (can) etc. ; may have had que nous ayons eu, that we may (can) have had que vous ayez eu, that you may (can) have had qu'ils aient eu, that they may (can) have had. (Other forms in English) 38. Pluperfect (Subjunctive) 294, Lesson XXVI and Past Subj. quej'eusse eu, that I might have had que tu eusses eu, that thou mightest have had or: you might have had qu'il eut eu, that he might have, etc. que nous eussions eu, that we might have had que vous eussiez eu, that you might have had qu'ils eussent eu, that they might have had 39- Infinitive Mood (present or future) avoir, to have. Also: to own, to possess. 130. Past avoir eu, to have had. See 132, 156. AND ITS USES 87;, 40. Participial Mood '^ctv Present ayant, having Past eu, eue, had (Lesson XVII, ayant eu, having had 168 Material for Short Compositions with Avoir I celui qui a est celui a qui Dieu a prete (Dumas) he (any one) who possesses is one to whom God has lent; celle qui a: she who etc.; ceux qui ont those who etc.; celles qui ont (f. pi.) those who (that); U a droit a cela he is entitled to it (that) ; elle a de bonnes references she is well recommended; on n'a pas de temps a perdre we have no time to lose (spare) ; il est dans Vaisance he is in easy circumstances; Us ont le droit d' accepter ou de refuser they may accept or refuse; si j'ai bonne memoire if I remember rightly; nous avions un franc a nous deux we had a franc between us (about 20 cents); cf.: maintenant a nous deux (before contest) now I am ready for you ; or: we will have it out together; la maladie I' a decharne or: il n'a que les os et la peau he is just skin and bone; les absents ont toujours tort the absent are always in the wrong; cf.: loin des yeux, loin du caeur out of sight out of mind; contre qui en a-t-il to whom does he owe a grudge? II elle a I' air hautain she assumes a haughty air; elle a les yeux pleins de larmes her eyes are full of tears; Jean a de I' argent plein ses poches John's pockets are full of silver (money); des sous pennies; Vor et I 'argent gold and silver; madame, vous etes bien bonne you are very kind, Madam; il a la langue liee he is tongue-tied; pied fourchu cloven foot; avoir le filet coupe to have a glib tongue; les mains liees his (her) hands tied ; Us ont faim they are hungry ; une balafre a cut (gash, scar); elle a la fievre she is feverish; re- cettes (f.) receipts; depenses (f.) expenses; voila son compte par doit et avoir there is his account of Dr. and Cr. (un equilibre entre le debit et le credit) or: actif, passif du negociant; tels sont les limes que vous aurez a lire such are the books you have to read; sans originalUe (f.); inspirer de I'interet (m.); interessani (-e)\ qu'est-ce que c'est que cela ($a)? what is that? c'est un (une) . . . it is a ; comment appelle-t-on how does one call (how do you call) ? 8 TO HAVE on I'appetle it is called; si nous avions eu fini plus tdt if we had finished our work sooner; U a un talent particular pour he has an extraordinary talent for; un particular a private individual; chambre particuliere private room; quel homme particulier what a queer fellow! U est bizarre he is odd; avez-vous horreur du travail do you abhor work? quelle horreur 1 how terrible! que veut dire: a demain what does until to-morrow mean? que signifie le mot what does the word mean? comment dit-on en how do we say in . . ? a-t-il de quoi payer has he the wherewithal to pay? U n'y a pas de quoi vous fdcher you have no reason to get angry; U y avait de quoi there was ground (cause); U a lieu de (des raisons pour) he has reasons to; U n'y a pas de quoi don't mention it; sans quoi (sinon) if not; quoi what! une balustrade (une rangee de balustres) baluster; a-t-il deux poids et deux mesures are his weights and measures alike for all? le vulgaire the common people; expression vulgaire common expression. m ce qui est banal and that is common; c'est commun it is vulgar; il a un gros rhume he has a heavy cold; ont-ils bien envie de sortir are they very anxious to go out? pourquoi avez-vous honte de votre conduite why are you ashamed of your conduct? ordinairement Us en ont assez usually they have enough (of it, I assure you); contre qui en avez-vous with whom are you angry? il a I' air em- prunte he has an awkward look; de qui avez-vous cette nouvelle? voila du nouveau that's something new ! combien de prix ont-ils eus how many prizes did they win? elle a un grain de folie she has a bee in her bonnet; de I' esprit wit; qu' avaient-Us en fete (concevoir un projet to conceive of a project) what projects did they have? cet (cette) eleve a tous les livres sous la main (a sa portee) that pupil has all books for reference; un etudiant a student; a consulter to look up (consult) ; il y en a qui le disent there are some who say so; on dit qu'elle a de quoi they say she is well off; on le dit so it is said; U n'a pas de quoi vivre he has not enough to live on; Us ont beau dire et beau faire in vain they say and do; qu'est-ce qu'il a (qu'a-t-il a la main) what has he in his hand? qu'avez-vous done what is the matter now? il a la langue bien pendue he has a well-oiled tongue; il avait la ttte nue he was bare-headed; elle etait nu-t$te ; il ne prononce pas bien his accent is not good; comment ecrivez-vous how do you write? U ecrit assez bien his writ- ing is fairly good; le mot s' ecrit ainsi the word is spelled thus; epelez spell. AND ITS USES 89 Review Adjectives: nu-pieds barefooted; vetu, vetue dressed (in); des etoffes bleu clair light blue material; adjectives of color generally invariable (rose, cramoisi, pourpre are exceptions) : des etoffes rose clair light pink etc.; des robes roses pink gowns; des robes cramoisies crimson gowns; elle aime le rose (la couleur rose) she likes rose-color; d'un rose fonce (of a) dark pink; manteau (m.) de pourpre cloak of purple; d'un rouge fonce (of a) dark red; robe lilas lilac gown; citron lemon; la chevelure blonde blond hair; cheveux d'un beau blond beautiful blond hair. IV une colere bleue purple with rage; I'Ecole des Sourds-Muets the School for Deaf and Dumb; sourdes-muettes (f. pi.) deaf and dumb etc. ; d'un ton aigre sharply (sharp tone of voice) ; des femmes aigres ill-natured women; des paroles aigres-douces words both bitter and sweet; architecture greco-romaine greco (graeco) -Roman etc. ; des fleurs f ranches cueillies freshly gathered flowers (fraiches varies by euphony); francs-tireurs sharpshooters (volunteers); une fille nouveau-nee new-born child; un (e) enfant nouvellement ne (e) a child just born; nouveaux venus new-comers; nouveaux maries newly married couple; nouvelles converties newly converted; une nouvelle venue a new-comer (lady); de nouveaux visages new faces; ce sont des habits nouveaux latest style of coats; une cica- trice a scar; une blessure au visage a wound on the face; se pre- cautionner contre (la maladie) to take precautions against (illness) ; vous avez I' air malade you look ill; qu'elle a de beaux yeux how beautiful her eyes are! un ceil an eye; avez-vous mal aux yeux have you sore eyes? avoir la vie sauve to have one's life saved; sain et sauf (safe and sound) uninjured; avez-vous eu quelqu'un a diner did you have any one to dinner? quelle oreille fine il a what a sharp ear he has! le poids the weight; il a la tete pres du bonnet he is hot-headed; ont-ils une discussion are they arguing? dans quel but for what purpose (what for)? elles ont une leqon de con- versation they are having a lesson in conversation; les amis ont des entretiens familiers friends have intimate conversations; certains animaux ont une tache blanche aux pieds some animals have white spots on their feet ; le cheval noir; vaguement la forme de vaguely the shape of; qui a des nouvelles de I'incendie who has news from the fire? hotel incendie (burnt); ouvrez (fermez) open (close); a quelle page what page? au has (au haul, au milieu) de 9 o TO HAVE cette page at the bottom (at the top; in the middle) of that etc.; il a I'oreille un pen dure he is rather dull of hearing; il entend diffi- cilement he hears with difficulty; die a de I'oreille she has an ear for music; on n entend pas de cette oreille-la one is deaf on that side; il est sourd comme un pot he is as deaf as a post. il y en a bien assez there is plenty (of it etc.); il a I'intention de se marier (or: il songe d se marier) he is contemplating marriage; il a I' esprit prompt he is very sharp; penetrant keen; du tact, de I' amour-propre tact, self-respect; elle a du credit she has influence; il a ban credit his credit is good; il y a du froid entre eux there is coolness between them; nousavons le frisson we have the shivers; on n'a pas dix minutes d soi we have not ten minutes to spare; on en a plein le dos one is tired (sick) of it; etre a charge a quelqu'un to be a burden upon anyone; causer de la peine to cause grief; cecite complete totally blind ; elle a de quoi se plaindre she has cause to complain; man cher monsieur, vous en avez pour la vie my dear Sir, it will last you a lifetime; durer to last; fat un duel et voila mes temoins I am to fight a duel and there are my seconds; temoin oculaire eye-witness; offenser I'honneur to offend the honor; elle aacoeur de faire le bien she has a heart to do good; il a le courage d'un lion he has the courage of a lion; il a la bosse du commerce he has a natural bent for business; il n'y a pas remede a cela there is no remedy for that; c'est un horaire; tout est indique time- table; everything is indicated; elle a souvent des attaques de nerfs she often has hysterics; vous avez la main it is your deal; qu'a-t-il done ! what is the matter, etc. ; quand il n'y en a plus, il y en a encore there is always some left; un homme de caeur a brave man; il a qu'il s'ennuie well, he is lonely; voulez-vous bien aller au tableau please go to the blackboard; ecrivez la premiere phrase write the first sentence; lisez read; traduisez translate; lentement slowly. Review Nouns and Adjectives ; study the following : de I'eau chaude (froide) warm (cold) water; des pretres catholiques Catholic priests; des pasteurs protestants Protestant ministers; Us tiennent ban (ferme) they are holding fast; doux (douce) sweet, mild, gentle; doucement gently, slowly; des oranges douces sweet oranges; deux hommes boheux two lame men; une femme boiteuse lame woman. AND ITS USES QI VI die chante juste (faux) she sings in tune (out of tune) ; de I'eau fraiche fresh (cool) water; un voleur (une voleuse) a thief; asseyez- vous sit down; s'il vous plait if you please; quittez la salle (de dasse) leave the room; levez-vous rise (get up); ne vous levez pas do not rise; commenqons a la page let us begin at page . . .; aujourd'hui to-day; demain to-morrow; la leqon pour lundi Monday's etc. 41. Comparison of Adjectives: with plus (more) and mains (less) and que (than) : positive (degree) comparative superlative noir plus noir le plus noir, etc. black blacker (more black) the blackest noir mains noir le mains noir black less black the least black (as) : comparisons of equality; aussi . . que ; si (aussi) . . (so . as) ; son cheval est plus noir que le mien his horse is darker than mine; a-t-il des droits a cette fortune? is he entitled to inherit? en certaines occasions on certain etc.; il n'y a que le nom qui vaille quelque chose the name is all that is worth anything; un escalier a stair- case; qui avez-vous pour protecteur who acts as your protector? a ma droite, j'ai mon ami (amie) on my right is my friend; qui a la parole who is speaking (addressing) now? auront-ils un proces will they have a lawsuit? vous n'avez plus qu'a vous taire now! be silent; I' avez-vous en grande estime do you esteem him highly? il en aura pour son argent he will have his money's worth; elle a le true she has the hang of it (colloq.); il a eu une carriere pleine de vicissitudes he had a checkered career; il n'a ni feu ni lieu homeless; elle a bon courage she is of good cheer; c'est un petit pilier faqonne that is a small turned baluster; la rampe the rail; un metre carre square yard; un cabriolet decouvert an open buggy; la mesure measure; a deux roues with two wheels; la marche the stair (step) ; il fut I'objet de la conversation he was the subject of etc.; I'emballage et la confection du matelas the packing and the making of the mattress. VII I'avez-vous eu a bon marche did you buy it cheaply? Us ont des affaires pardessus la t$te they are overworked in business; une belle plume a good handwriting; il a une belle main his penmanship is 92 TO HAVE good; il n'a point de possession en propre he has nothing in his own right ; en etre rassassie to have had enough of it ; on a souvent I'intention de faire une chose we often intend to do a thing; Us auront du monde (company); j'ai eu de la peine a le reconnoitre I hardly knew him; il s'enrhume (contracte un rhume) he is catch- ing cold; vous avez un rhume de cerveau you have a cold in the head; il sait d peine lire he can hardly read; etre en peine de quelqu' un to be worrying over some one; elles n'ont plus rien they have nothing left ; en cela il a raison there he is right ; il est sur du fait he is sure of the fact; toute medaUle a son revers everything has its bright and its dark side; repondez answer; expliquez explain; ayez la complaisance de le lui dire be so kind as to tell it to him ; a-t-il de ses nouvelles has he heard from him? n'a-t-elle pas I'oreille juste has she not a good ear? Us ont affaire a un ingrat they have to deal with an ingrate; vous n'aurez qu'd recommencer just begin once more; conjuguez conjugate; avez-vous la main heureuse do you ever lose (also: in dealings)? a-t-on jamais vu well! I never! qu'a-t-U d dire d cela what reply has he? chacun a sa maniere each has his own way; ce qu'il y a de certain, c'est que one thing is cer- tain or: certain it is that. 42. Comparison of Adjectives (Continued) son cheval n'est pas si noir que le mien his (her) horse is not so (as) dark as mine; sa jument est mains noire que la mienne his (her) mare is less dark than mine (is not as dark as mine) ; Us sont plus grands que leurs amis they are taller than their friends. irregular: bon (bonne) meUleur (e) le meUleur (la . . -e) good better the best vm Petit plus petit le plus petit (la . . -e) small smaller the smallest moindre less le moindre the least mauvais plus mauvais le plus mauvais bad worse (poorer) the worst (poorest) pire worse le pire the worst (more wicked) (the most wicked) plus and mains used affirmatively with: que . . ne and finite verb : AND ITS USES 93 il est plus instruit que vous ne pensez (or : vous ne le pensez) he is more learned than you think; est-ce un tableau dans le genre cham- pelre is it a picture of country life? ecrits (m.) populaires popular writings; etre de droit a to belong to; c'est d mot it's mine; ce petit enfant a des contrarietes that little child has his tribulations; quelle contrariete how disappointing! quelle animosite contre eux what violent hatred against them! avoir des embetements (ennuis) to have annoyances; il n'y a pas de milieu there are no two ways about it (no other way); une injustice en resultera an injustice would be the result; il a du naturel he is free from pose; n'y aura-t-il pas de passe-droit will there not be any unfairness? une famille qui a de quoi a family of means; il n'est pire eau que I'eau qui dort beware of silent people; U y a vingt minutes de marche 20 minutes' walk from here; qui ne risque rien n'a rien nothing ven- ture nothing have; elle n'a en t2te que d'apprendre her sole ambition is to learn; le balcon the balcony; le plancher the floor; le quai the wharf (railway platform); I'estrade (f.) stand; platform; la plateforme flat roof; la terrasse the terrace, flat roof (Spanish style) ; le perroquet est bavard (ou silencieux ou muet) the parrot is talka- tive (talks little or remains silent) ; il a eu la chair de poule (goose- flesh) he shuddered; il n'y a pas une dme vivante there isn't a living creature there; il frissonne he shivers. IX il y a de cela vingt ans (well) that was twenty years ago; quoi! il n'a pas un sou vaillant what! he isn't worth a penny? quelle dme noble (faible) what a noble (weak) soul! qu'y a-t-il encore (quoi encore) what else? Pardon pardon! chacun a sa marotte every one has his hobby; ce que vous avez de mieux a faire, c'est de le faire the best thing for you to do is to do it; elle a de I' esprit she is witty; I' esprit humain human mind; c'est son dada it is his favorite pursuit; elle a I' air rebarbatif she has a gruff look; vous en aurez pour cinq ans it will last you five years; nous avons I' habi- tude de lire we usually read; on passe son temps a jouer we spend our time at play; U a de qui tenir he is from good stock; U n'y a pas de mal a rire there is no harm in laughing; elle a cinq enfants sur les bras she has five children to support; c'est assez that's enough (that will do) ; Us n'ont rien de mieux a faire they have nothing better to do; chaque chose a son temps every dog has his day; a-t-elle des chambres de libre has she any vacant rooms? au- dessus duquel (de laquelle) above which (below which); (au- dessous) desquels (desquettes) Us ont trap de mal ici they have too 94 TO HAVE much to do here; n'avoir pas I'air d'y toucher to look unconcerned (uninterested); elle a bonne poitrine she has good lungs; il a les pommettes saillantes he has high cheek bones; Us ont le diable au corps they are very troublesome (they act like devils); j "ranches coude.es free scope ; il a une liberte entiere d'agir he is unhampered ; c'est une celebrite he is a celebrity; tousser to cough; une toux convul- sive a convulsive cough; la voix voice; il a la goutte aux pieds he has gout in the feet; une voix de baryton, de tenor, de basse, d'alto, de contralto a barytone, tenor, bass, alto, contralto voice; la voix du peuple public opinion; elle a un chat dans la gorge she has a frog in her throat; elle est enrouee she is hoarse; la voix nette a clear etc.; la garde-malade (I'infirmiere) aura soin de lui the nurse will attend to him (take'care of him). X 43. Review Adjectives; and with comme instead of aussi (si): hardi comme un lion (aussi hardi qu'un lion) bold as a lion; un avare comme lui a miser such as he; cf. : comme il etait malade as he was ill; comme il est joli how pretty he is (for: qu'il est joli how etc.)! tl est plus joli que lorsqu'il etait jeune he is better look- ing than when he was young; il parle autrement qu'il ne pense he speaks differently from what he thinks; il n'agit pas autrement qu'il pense he does not act otherwise than he thinks; plus il etudie, plus il reussit the more he studies, the more he succeeds; elle a une maison d, elle (en propre) she has a house of her own; il en aura raison he will demand satisfaction from him; il a du chagrin he is in sorrow; qui a des vues sur ce bien who has designs upon that property? il I' a echappe belle he had a narrow escape; cet enfant a deja des volontes that child has already a will of his own; Us ont de la bonne volonte they are willing;, vous avez le compos dans I' ceil you measured it just right; quel toupet how impudent! avoir I'humeur belliqueuse to have a bellicose nature; qui a pour mission de proteger whose mission is to protect; il en a du toupet (cheek) how impudent he is! elle a le caeur gros she is ready to cry; il n'y a rien d'etonnant no wonder; partager le g&teau to divide the cake; participate in the profits; tous ont part au gdteau all have a share; quand on a de la bonne volonte when there is good will; il n'y a pas moyen de faire cela there is no way of doing that; pendant ce temps-la during that time; Us ont fort a faire they have a great task before them ; il n'y avail rien qui pressait it was nothing urgent; U a I'air comme il faut he looks like a gentleman; fa en a I'air (tout I'air) that looks AND ITS USES 95 very much like it; c'est un homme comme il y en a pen few men like him (one in a thousand); un estomac a stomach; un estomac d'autruche a stomach of an ostrich; il a part au delit he took part in the offense. XI vous avez beaucoup d'influence sur eux you exert much influence over them; honn&tement honestly; quoi de nouveau (de neuf) what's new? elle n'a rien d'ecril she has nothing written; il n'a rien ecrit he has not written anything; elle a de la coquetterie she is coquettish in her dress; un poisson a grosse tete a fish with a large head; elle a des chances d'arriver she has chances of arriving; ce cheval a quelque valeur this horse is of some value; auront-ils bonne opinion d'elles? will they think well of them? il y a pas mal de poussiere great deal of dust; avez-vous du mal are you hurt? avez-vous I'intention d'y oiler do you contemplate going there? il a mal partout he is sore all over; man ami a toujours le mot pour rire my friend is always ready for a joke; vous avez trap de bontes pour moi you are too kind to me; estime (f.) publique public esteem; la faute mistake; d'une maniere sensible perceptibly; un honnete homme an honest man; la consolation solace (comfort); ayez I'obligeance de me lefaire savoir be so kind as to let me know; un saltimbanque a mountebank; en voila pour un an that will do for a year; a-t-il les coudes appuyes sur la nappe has he his elbows on the tablecloth? il est presse he is pressed for time; elle a le mot sur le bout de la langue she has the word on the tip of her tongue; U n'a pas le temps he can't spare the time; des manieres calines cajoling ways; elles ont une grande penetration d' esprit they have great acuteness of mind ; le teint pdle pale complexion; il n'a des yeux que pour elle he sees nothing but her; un honnete homme n'a que sa parole an honest man is as good as his word ; d'un ton bourru snappishly ; le salut du jour the greeting of the day ; salut ! hail! xn 44. ADVERBS: bien well mal badly, ill pen little mieux better pis worse mains less le mieux the best le pis the worst le mains the least cf.: de plus en plus more and more; de mains en mains less and less; d'autant plus the more (so); a bon marche cheap; a meilleur 96 TO HAVE marche cheaper; au plus at most (at the most): tout au plus; il y a plus what is more; il s'enrichit de plus en plus he is becoming richer and richer; plus tard later; plus loin farther (further); plus pres nearer; de plus pres closer; trots fois plus three times as much (as many) ; la plupart (de ses amis) le quitterent most of his friends (the majority of them) left him; plus tot sooner; de meilleure heure earlier; plus ou mains; plus de dix more than ten; tant mieux so much the better; tant pis pour lui so much (all) the worse for him; le plus qu'il aura the most (maximum) he will have; souvent; plus souvent; le plus souvent often; oftener; most frequently; venire affame n'a point d'oreilles a hungry man will not listen to reason; sont-ce des banes (ecueils) de coraux are those coral reefs? peu de hauteur little height; a chacun son tour there is time for everything; */ a la certitude (I' assurance) que he has the certainty that; il a ban pied, bon ceil he is hale and hearty; elle a un menton a double etage she has a double chin; il a mieux que fa he has some even better than that; il n'y a rien de mieux there is nothing better; un combustible de qualite inferieure a combustible of inferior quality; cette boite a six pouces de longueur sur quatre de largeur this box is six inches long by four wide; or: elle est longue de six pouces et large de quatre; son epais- seur est de trois pouces it is three inches thick; d'un blanc (erne it is dead white; de long in length; de haut in height; de profond in depth; d'epais in thickness; d'egale longueur of equal length. xni Review on Adverbs and Adjectives: constant (e); constamment; constant; constantly; prudent (e); prudemment; prudent ; prudently ; il fait un peu froid it is rather cold; leurs plus chers amis their dearest etc.; pas le moindre doute not the least doubt; le moindre d'entre nous the least among (st) us; de follows the superlative: I'homme le plus riche de la ville the richest man in town (in the city); la leqon la plus difficile (facile) the most difficult (the easiest) lesson; ses amis les plus fideles his (her) most faithful friends; il en a deux de plus que moi, n'est-ce pas? he has two more than I, has he not? Marie est la fille la plus intelligente du village Mary is the brightest girl in the village; la meilleure femme du monde the best woman in the world; la plus haute maison de la rue the highest house in the street; pas le moindre souvenir not the slightest remembrance; Jean est le plus fort des deux John is the stronger of the two; le AND ITS USES 97 plus fort des trois the strongest of the three; son petit pony blanc est le plus joli de tous les ponys his little pony is the prettiest of all ponies; c'est le cadet de mes soucis (le moindre de etc.) what troubles me the least (the least of my cares); c'est tout ce qu'il y a de plus cher it is most expensive ; son pire ennemi his worst enemy. NOTE. le plus before an absolute (superlative) and (there is) no com- parison: (and: le plus; le mains are or may be replaced by: tres; bien; fort; extremement, etc.) ; elle a ete le plus adroite she was most clever; a-t-elle du gout pour la musique? has she any taste for music? (is she musical?); quel air bete il a how stupid he looks! il en veut (avoir) a quelque p>ix que ce soil he desires some at any cost; U faut ajouter one must add; un tabouret a trois pieds a three- foot stool; cette banque a son siege a X. et ses succur sales a this bank has its headquarters at X. and its branches at; si vous avez bonne memoire if your memory serves you; elle en a plus qu'il ne lui en faut she has more than she needs ; elle en a de reste she has some to spare; il a du plomb dans I'aile there is shot in the wing; il a le pied contrefait he has a deformed foot; il n'y a pas lieu de croire there is no reason to suppose; vous avez une minute d'avance sur lui you have the start of him by one minute. XIV vous avez plusieurs cordes a votre arc you have several strings to your bow; le diametre the diameter; il n'y en a pas mal there is quite an amount; y a-t-il reunion tous les soirs is there a meeting every night? ayez soin de vos habits take care of (look after) your clothes; avoir le loisir to be at leisure; vous avez bonne mine you look well; il a meilleure mine he looks better; la circonference the circumference; chacun a sa croix a porter every one has his cross to bear or his own troubles; visage hale tanned face; c'est ce que j'ai de mienx a faire that's the best thing for me to do; avoir lieu to take place; le lieu de debarquement the landing-place; la cole d'un quai the slip (of a landing-place); il a de rares talents he is exceptionally talented; chacun a son gout every one to his taste; un demi-cercle bleudtre a bluish half circle; visage basane sun- burned; il a les yeux fatigues he has tired eyes; il y a de la verve dans ses pieces there is animation in his plays; dans I' incertitude in suspense; plus il en a de chagrin the more his sorrow; U n'y a pas de fumee sans feu no smoke without fire; il n'y a pas a ba- lancer there is no wavering; nous avons de la peine a croire cela we can hardly believe that; il n'y a pas de regie sans exception 7 98 TO BE no rule without exception; en suspens in doubt; un calembour a pun; une devinette a riddle. jaundtre yellowish; grisdtre grayish; bleudtre bluish; blancMtre whitish; noirdtre blackish ; verddtre greenish; rougedtre reddish or: sandy; brundtre brownish; roussdtre reddish. LESSON V 45. etre to be (verbe auxiliaire auxiliary verb) and its various uses (conjugated Lesson XXVIII). Paris est le cceur de la France Paris is the heart of France; ce qui n'est pas clair, n'est pas franqais what is not clear is not French; voild tout that's all; etre ou n'etre pas, voila la question to be or not to be, that's the question; epreuve salie (f.) soiled proof; c'est facile comme tout it is easy (or: child's play); quelle est sa position what is his position? il a une position de mille francs he has a five thousand franc position; une epreuve a test, an ordeal; entre I'enclutne el le marteau between the devil and the deep sea; qui plus est what is more; la preuve proof; d quoi bon what is the good of that? je suis bien id I am comfortable here; preuve evidence; c'est line autre paire de manches it is quite another thing; il n'est rien mains que credule he is anything but credulous; d'une fa$on peu nette in a somewhat ambiguous manner; d'une faqon nette unmistakably; I'activite des usines est febrile activity in manufactories is feverish ; c'est trap cher de moitie it is too dear by half; c'est a peu pres la meme chose it is nearly the same thing: c'est un gar$on manque she is a torn-boy; il est dans son droit he is within his right; oil en sont les chases where matters stand: qui pis est what is worse; tache; non net spotted: not clean; c'est bon en soi it is good in itself. le il novembre, 1918, I'Allemagne rendit les armes Germany sur- rendered the nth of November, 1918; un ordre (qui est) fonde par an order founded by; d bon jour, bonne aeuvre the better the day, the better the deed; il est obstine he is stubborn; la nuit tons les chats sont gris when candles are wanting all cats are gray ; etre de planton to be on duty (mil.); c'est une mauvaise tete he is light- headed (unruly) ; il est d I'aise dans ce fauteuil he is comfortable in that chair; de petite taille of small stature (size); c'est jus vert el vert jus it is six of one and half a dozen of the other; un petit pavilion a small pavilion; d qui est ce livre whose book is that? AND ITS USES 99 c'estd moi (a lui, a elle, a eux, a elles; c'est le mien, le sien, le sien, le leur), it is mine (his, hers, theirs, theirs); etiez-vous chez vous hier soir were you at home last night? j'y etais; je n'y etais pas I was; I was not; un homme blase man weary of everything; de I'etoffe blanche en colon white cotton material. XV Oral Drill: un ordre expres a precise order; une defense expresse a positive (explicit, plain, etc.) warning; elle est tres aimable she is very kind; most kind; qu'il est gentil how nice he is! extremement heureux most happy; il est des plus affables he is most cordial; rassemblez le plus de livres possible collect the largest number of books pos- sible; elle a eprouve tous les malheurs possibles (imaginables) she experienced every misfortune imaginable; la mi- Janvier the middle part of January; cette lettre est franc (or: franche) de port post-paid letter; il est beaucoup plus age he is much older; il est de beaucoup le plus fort des trois he is by far the strongest of the three; il fail de son mieux (il fait son possible) he does his utmost; des robes noisette hazelnut colored gowns; haul la main or la main haute with a high hand; plein la maison or la maison pleine full house; Us sont proches parents they are near relatives ; des maisons proches (or: proche) de la riviere houses near (close to) the river; les yeux demi-fermes with eyes half closed; sauf ma mere except my mother; ma mere sauve my mother was saved; la vie sauve her life saved; semi-hebdomadaire bi-weekly; il est mechant et elle est pire he is bad and she is worse; plus ou mains reussi more or less successful ; cela laisse a desirer it could be better (improved upon) ; n'en avoir que deux ne suffirait pas to have but two would not suffice; je sais le contraire I know better; le marechal Foch, generalissime (general en chef). 46. jamais; bien; mat; mieux; pas; plus; trop; ioujours (generally precede the verb) ; il s'agit de bien tra- vailler; it is a question of working well; il travaille trop he works too much; i. hier yesterday; aujourd'hui to-day ; demain to-morrow; ici here; la there (are placed after a past participle) : il est parti hier he left etc. 100 TO BE 2. tout all (everything); rien nothing (not anything) precede the past participle: U a tout vu he saw everything; il n'a rien vu he didn't see anything; 3. personne (nobody) follows it: U n'a vu personne he saw no one; cf. : personne n'est venu nobody came. XVI j'y serai lundi en huit I shall be there a week from Monday; comment est-il aujourd'hui how is he to-day? il est beaucoup mieux he is much better; un etablissement de charite a charitable insti- tution; le timbre d'une voix douce el sonore the tone of a sweet and sonorous voice; immediatement immediately; les figures sont executees sur un fond auquel elles adherent the figures are carved in relief on a background; il etait pied hot he was club-footed; tdt ou lard sooner or later; le sommet d'un edifice the top of an edifice; il est riche, n'est-ce pas he is rich, is he not? il I' est he is; cela n'est pas vrai that is not so (true) ; il est toujours en retard he is always late; il ne I' est pas he is not; il arrive lard ce matin he is late this morning; il est lard ou tot it is late or early; bientot soon; le plus tot possible as early as possible; le train retarde the train is late; sa montre retarde his watch is slow; on n'a vu personne no one has been seen; il est sorti tout a I'heure he went out just a little while; n'a-t-il rien perdu has he lost nothing? rien nothing; il est diffi- cile de ne pas rire it is difficult not to laugh; il voudrait ne rien faire he wouldn't like to do anything; c'est facile d comprendre it is easy to understand (to be understood) : it is easily understood; il est propre a ne rien faire he is not fit for anything ; on est curieux de le voir a I'ceuvre we (they) are anxious to see him at work; un discours de longue haleine (extremely long) an extremely long speech (long-winded speech); pres de near; un boniment clap- trap; est-elle la dame du ler. (etage) is she the lady of the first floor? elle Vest; elle ne I' est pas she is; she is not; cela ne sera pas it. will not occur; etes-vous la dame dont je parle are you the lady of whom I speak? ses amis ne sont plus his friends are dead; sont-ils fatigues are they tired? Us ne le sont pas they are not; sont-ils freres are they brothers? Us le sont they are; sont-ils cousins are they cousins? Us le sont they are; sont-Us les freres de Jean are they John's brothers? Us les sont; Us ne les sont pas; they are; they are not; U ne I' a dit d qui que ce soil he mentioned it to nobody; plus de merite que les autres more, merit than others. AND ITS USES IOI xvn toucher pres to receive almost; au contact de in contact with; au-devant de in front of; en face de opposite; devant before (in the presence of); avant before (time); etes-vous sa soeur are you her sister? je la suis I am; est-ce un de vos amis is he a friend of yours? e'en est un he is (one); incult uncultivated; terres in- cultes (f.) uncultivated lands; il est de son opinion he is of the same opinion; peuples non-civUises non-civilized people (s); son livre etait a I' index his book was prohibited; il n'est pas tou- jours dans son assiette he is not always even-tempered; elle est bavarde (babittarde) a gossip; monsieur, je suis charme de vous voir I am glad to see you, sir; peu civ Use little civilized; Us ne sont pour rien dans cette affaire they have nothing to do with the case; cruel (cruelle) cruel; inhumain (e) inhuman; d'une cruaute inouie so cruel ! etes-vous sur de votre fait do you know what you are about? elle est fort attachee d sa sceur she is greatly attached to her sister; il est poitrinaire he is in consumption; exempt de preoccupations free from anxiety; je men lave les mains I wash my hands of it; d'une grossierete; d'une ferocite so uncouth, so ferocious! un poison violent a deadly poison; la paix peace; la chair en est tres estimee its flesh (meat) is very much liked; une cit -Constance speciale a special occasion; une annonce pompeuse a flaring announcement; c'est un medecin manque he is a would- be doctor; il est de mauvaise humeur he is cross (out of sorts); elle reste fille she is still unmarried ; il est en recreation he is at play (recess) ; il est bien le fils de son pere he is truly the son of his father; c'est la veille de Noel Christmas eve; les veillees passees chez des amis evenings spent with friends: il est trls fort he is very strong; il a du biceps he has well-developed muscles; c'est un grand homme sec he is a tall, spare man; il est dans I'erreur he labors under an error. xvm ou il y a de la gene, il n'y a pas de plaisir when one is under re- straint, there is no pleasure; c'est un esprit positif he is of a practi- cal mind; elle est la bonte meme she is kindness itself; il est vif comme la poudre he is as quick as lightning; Us sont d bonne ecole they are under competent masters; des gens capables, intelligents, habiles efficient, intelligent, clever people; elle est en vie she is alive; ce n'est ni plus ni mains neither more nor less; imbu (rempli; penetre) imbued (filled; saturated); impr enable impreg- 102 TO BE nable: brule vif burnt alive; la fabrication du beurre the making of butter; imbu de prejuges imbued with prejudices; ce sont des amis intimes they are close friends; il est tres bien ce jeune homme he is a suitable young man; c'est un jeune homme comme il faut he is a good-mannered young man; la couleur d'azur sky-color; ette est en ete she is dressed for summer; etes-vous en train de lire are you busy reading? c'est un mauvais sujet he is a bad boy (or character); un mechant garnement a wicked good-for-nothing (fellow); M. X. est-il toujours garqon is Mr. B. still a bachelor? ette est sortie; ette rentrera d she is out; she will come home at; le bel dge (la jeunesse) youth ; filou, fripon, fourbe, escroc clever thief, knave, treacherous imposter, swindler; tout en fleur all in bloom (flower); ette a les yeux bleus her eyes are blue; n'est-ce pas qu'ils sont malades isn't it true that they are ill? Us sont malades, n'est-ce pas they are ill, are they not? ette est rentree, n'est-ce pas she is in (is at home) is she not? ette est fdchce contre elles she is angry with them; j'en suis fdche I am sorry (for it); est-il fort en algebre (ferre sur I'algebre) is he strong in Algebra? il est cole en histoire he is well grounded in History; dans le temps present (:de nos jours) nowadays; ette est en dge de travailler she is at an age to work; sont-ils inquiets sur son sort are they anxious about him? est-ce qu'il n'est pas en has isn't he downstairs? il occupe un vaste terrain it occupies a spacious ground; il fut une plume hardie he was a bold writer; il etait au lit (alite) he was confined to his bed ; Us etaient hors d'eux they were beside themselves ; le homard est-il difficile a digerer is lobster difficult to digest? un espace vide an empty space; qui frappe? C'est eux who knocks? It is they; il est en haul, montez he is upstairs, go up; c'est un importun he is troublesome (an intruder) ; etre en reste to have further payments to make (to be in arrears) ; soyez assez bon pour le lui dire be kind enough to tell it to him (her) ; sur son terrain within his sphere; vous etes trap bon you are too kind (it's too good of you) ; a quelque chose malheur est bon it's an ill wind that blows nobody good; la crete d'un coq the comb of a cock; il est rouge comme un coq he is as red as a beet; Us sontfaibles, eux they are weak, they are; V instruction est obligatoire instruction is compulsory ; une varietc de raisin blanc a variety of white grape; une grappe de raisin a bunch of grapes; le vin mousseux du Midi the sparkling wine from the South of France; il est libre comme I' air he is as free as a bird; a AND ITS USES 1 03 la bonne heure! voild ce qu'il y a de bon good! that's one comfort; il etait nu-lete he was bareheaded; le coq gaulois est un des emblemes nalionaux de la France the gallic rooster is one of the national emblems of France; I'imperiale d'un tramway, d'un wagon, d'une dili- gence the top of a tramway, of a car, of a coach (stage) ; la queue the tail; faites la queue stand in line; il est encore de bonne heure it is early yet; c 'est d prendre ou a laisser take it or leave it; croyez bien queje suis tout a lui rest assured I have his interest at heart; un bipede a biped; est-elle curieuse de le savoir is she anxious to know (about it?); degoute de tout disgusted with everything; on est curieux de tableaux we are fond of pictures; sont-ils presses? Us le sont; are they in a hurry? they are; un porte-plume a pen- holder; quoiqu'il en soil, il y est be that as it may, he hit (got) it. XX 47. a and de as complement of adjectives: a: after adjectives denoting tendency, purpose, use, fitness, etc., and their opposites; de: after those denoting source, various senti- ments of joy, grief, desire, anger, etc. ; abundance, scarcity, distance; en and envers,' en after a few implying skill, abundance; envers with those denoting good will or ill-will towards; accoutumc au froid accustomed to the cold ; applique d I' etude applied to study; utile a savoir useful to know (to be known); bon d quelque chose good for something (serviceable). NOTE. de: impersonal forms with de; il est utile d'apprendre it is useful to learn; cf.: c'est facile d faire that's easy to do (for: easy to be done). il fut eleve dans la profession de son pere he was raised in his father's profession; le lit de mort death-bed; il en est pour ce qu'il a dit he maintains what he said; voild, pres d'un mois it is now nearly a month; il n'a vu qui que ce soil he saw no one; passe let it be so (:let it pass); c'est plein comme un #/it is chock full; un jeu de hasard prohibe games of chance prohibited ; une poire a peau blanche a pear with white skin; ne fut-ce qu'une construe- 104 T0 BE tion en planches, une hutte, une baroque were it only (though it were only) a board construction, a hut, a shanty; une attaque brusque a sudden attack ; le caquetage des jeunes filles the chatter- ing of young girls; quel est le prix des asufs Ij. douzaine how does the price of eggs stand per dozen? brusquement bluntly; c'est un manque d'egards it is a lack of respect; eu egard aux services (en consideration des) considering the services; d son egard in respect to him (her) ; sous un fdcheux aspect under an unfavorable aspect ; une boisson fermentee faite de a fermented beverage made of; un mets accommode d la sauce blanche a dish prepared with white sauce; vin ordinaire ordinary wine. XXI il n'y a que le premier pas qui coute the beginning is the only diffi- culty; c'est ma vie it is my very life; il est des votres he is on your side; c'est une nullite (c'est tout simplement une nullite que celui-ld) a mere cipher; il est dc trop he is in the way; sans vous (ne fut-ce vous?) if it were not for you; n'eut ete had it not been for; en toute liberte d'agir (to act) in full liberty; cette obligation lui sera a charge this obligation will be a burden to him; un bleu (consent) a raw soldier; je serai a vos ordres I shall be at your service; elle sera a vous dans cinq minutes she will attend to you within five minutes; les cheveux blonds light hair, une dame aux cheveux blonds a lady with blond hair; fermc par les deux bouts clasped at both ends; ouvert par le milieu opened from the center; nous serions sans argent (sans le sou) we would be without money; d votre aise (par ironie) suit yourself (with irony) ; elle sera a I'aise she will be comfortable; seraient-ils bien dans leurs affaires are they (really) in good circumstances? ses propres tactiques his own tactics; on serait mains que rien we would be mere ciphers; ce serait dur pour nous that would be hard for us; nous serions tout seuls we would be all by ourselves; ces enfants sont d ma charge I have to take care of those children; un sac de voyage a suit-case; il est Age de huit ans he is eight years of age; il le veut, soil ! he desires it, very well ! c'est un pauvre diable; il est reduit d, la besace he is a poor devil; he is reduced to beggary; un blond fair man; que cela soit (dit) entre nous be it said between ourselves; soit fait comme vous avez dit let it be done as you said; eh bien (he bien), soit well, let it be so (be it so) ; soit que vous I'ayez whether you have it; fut-il plus ruse even if he were more cunning; qu'est-ce que c'est que fa what is that? il est des hommes qui there are men who; ainsi soil-il amen; qu'est-ce que c'est what is it? AND ITS USES 1 05 XXII voila ce que c'est que de trap parler that is due to too much talking; U est a la ville he is in town; N. M. est de famille anglaise N. M. is of English stock; une peau de mouton tannee avec soin a sheep's skin carefully tanned; un appui en pierre a stone foundation; profondement deeply; directement directly; d droite; & gauche; to the right; to the left; en ligne droite in a straight line; de but en blanc point blank. 48. Oral Drill: il est fidele au rendez-vous he keeps his appointment (he is faith- ful to, etc.); egale a la somme de equal to the sum of; vous etes libre de lefaire you are at liberty to do it; il est prive de leur soutien he is deprived of their support ; on est charmc de I' entendre we (they) are pleased (glad) to hear him (her) ; natif de New- York born in New York; aime de tout le monde esteemed by everybody; (and the past participle of most passive verbs); I'heure incertaine de lamort the uncertain hour of death; impropre au service unfit for service; stir de cela; inferieur a tous; sure of that; inferior to all U est cheri de tous he is beloved by all; contrarie de cet echec vexed at that failure; contraste d' ombre el de lumiere contrast between light and shade; qu'il est lent a repondre how slow he is in answer- ing! honteux de sa conduite ashamed of his conduct; fier de son titre proud of his title; pret de on the point of; pret d partir; acharne d sa proie; ready to go; bent on his prey; cher au cceur; hardi au combat; dear to the heart; bold in attack; ardent a la lutts prompt in at tack; denuedetout destitute (deprived) of every- thing; avide de gloire; jaloux de lui; greedy for honors; jealous of him; jaloux de plaire anxious to please; fort triste de cette nouvelle very sad at that news; envieux de ses camarades envious of his comrades; eloigne des siens far (distant) from his (own) relatives; c'est a qui sera id le plus tot it is a question of who shall be here first; une fausse nouvelle false news; la premiere fois; la derniere fois; the first time; the last time; il est avare de son temps he is sparing of his time. xxm ce n'est pas que je sois presse I am in no hurry (you understand) ; une piece de dix francs one ten-franc piece ; on sonne; M. X. est-il chez lui? some one rings; is Mr. B. at home? il n'y est pas he is not in; concierge, je n'y suis pas concierge, I can't understand IO6 TO BE (his absence); une absence prolongee a prolonged absence; est-ce que le temps est a la pluie shall we have rain? elle n'est pas sans le savoir she (surely) must have heard of it; il agit comme si de rien n'etait he acts as if (he were) totally indifferent; s'il agit if he acts; il est maitre de sa voix he has control of his voice; maitre d'ecole; maitresse d'ecole; school-master; school-mistress; un appartement de cinq pieces a five- room apartment; un morceau de musique; de viande; a piece of music; of meat; cinq sous la piece five cents a piece; les bras dans I' air (with) uplifted arms; une piece d'artillerie a piece of artillery; la chaine est de fil el la trame de colon the warp is of thread and the woof of cotton; un bouche-trou a stop-gap; il n'est point lache; quelle Idchete f he is no coward; what cowardice! est-ce tout is that all? c'est man af- faire that concerns me (only); voila man affaire just what I want! Us ne sont pas en force they are in no position to make an attack nor to defend themselves; serieusement in earnest; pour de bon, c'est tout comme in earnest, it is all the same, no difference; pour tout de bon seriously; cela ne fait aucun doule there is no doubt (whatsoever); c'est tout un it is all one (the same) to me; il est propre a tout he is fit for anything; ces regies sont de rigueur those rules are indispensable; I'habitude est une seconde nature habit is second nature; pauvrete n'est pas vice poverty is no crime; neces- site est mere d' Industrie necessity is the mother of invention; necessite n'a pas de loi necessity knows no law; ce n'est pas un mot latin, mais c'est tout comme it is not a Latin word, but it is all the same; une double rangce de canons a double row of cannons. XXTV du blanc d'ceuf; du blanc d'Espagne; white of an egg; whiting; c'est une bague au doigt it is a feather in his cap; c'est leur affaire it's their lookout; il est sobre de paroles he is chary of words; la Surete est d ses trousses, a sa pour suite detectives are after him, on his trail; c'est un regal it is a treat; il est tout raide froid he is quite stiff with cold ; le mieux est I'ennemi du bien let well enough alone; il est tetu comme un dne he is as stubborn as a mule; U est d'une intrepidite he is so intrepid! un sou, c'est toujours cela, a penny, it is something; s'il en est ainsi if so; elle n'est pas gate she is not in a cheerful mood; Us sont nes sous une mauvaise etoile they were born under an evil star; un bel age (un age avance) a beautiful old age; est-ce de votre gout does it suit your taste? quelle bravoure what bravery! la robe de ce cheval est rougedtre, AND ITS USES 1 07 avec crins et extremites noirs this horse's coat is reddish with black mane and tail; il est f ache de vousfaire mat he is sorry to hurt you; il est toujours sur le pave (sans emploi, sans domicile) still homeless and out of work; I' heure du diner dinner-time; cette region est remplie de cousins this section (region) swarms with mosquitoes; il est toujours sur les e pines (thorns) he is always on pins and needles; il etait tout a son ouvrage he was all absorbed in his work; elle est toujours de bonne heure she is always early; quelle heure est-il? II est midi; what time is it? -Noon; m.nuit; une heure; midnight (twelve); one o'clock; onze heures et quart; et demie; quarter past eleven; half-past eleven; neuf heures mains dix ten minutes to nine; precis; precise; precise (sharp); trop tard too late; un bane rembourre et sans dossier an upholstered bench (seat) without back; un pont (de navire) a deck (of a ship); noir comme un cor- beau black as a raven; comme du jais as jet; etes-vous sur les rangs are you one of the candidates? je stiis parmi les pretendants a cette fonction I am among the aspirants for this office; a cet emploi for this post; a ce titre for this title; Us sont le jouet (la risee) de leurs camarades they are the sport of their comrades; si on le demande, dites qu'il n'y est pas if anyone inquires for him, say: he is not in; veritablement in truth. XXV c'est a qui I'achetera every one wishes to buy it; c'est tout de meme bien embarrassant just the same it is very perplexing; un entreponl steerage; between decks; tu etais sans le sou you were without a penny; elle est morte a lafleur de I'dge she died in the prime of life; il est bien has (pret de mourir) he is very low (at the point of death) ; sous le poids des fruits under the weight of fruit; il est toujours courbe sur son bureau always bent over his desk; poudre (e) de blanc powdered white; il est mal vu de tout le monde everybody dislikes him; est-elle amoureuse de lui is she in love with him? c'est un imbecile he is a fool; il sera en etat de lui faire tele he will be his match ; il serait en mesure de vous le rendre he would be able *o repay you (for it); la boite aux lettres letter-box; au-dessus des forces ordinaires more than ordinary strength; elle n'en est pas mains avancee she is none the wiser (for it); il est mains avance he is worse off; */ est dans la peine he is in trouble; cet enfant est en dessous he is deceitful, that child; ce n'est pas etonnant qu'il soil absent no wonder he is away; etes-vous bien en voix are you in good voice? c'est un homme de parole he keeps his word; ce n'est plus d' usage (c'est hors d' usage) it is out of use (fashion); 108 TO BE il est clone a son bureau he sticks to his desk; Us ne sont nullement parents they are no relation whatever; sa belle- saeur, son beau- frere; sister-in-law (step-sister); brother-in-law; n'est-ce pas plu- tot is it not rather? il ne m'est de rien he is no relation of mine: c'est un de mes cousins (un mien cousin) he is a cousin of mine; il faut etre circonspect one must be circumspect; ni I'un ni I'autre ne valent rien both are good for nothing; il y a quelque chose qui cloche there is a hitch somewhere; c'est ce qui lui semble precisely as he thought; il est perdu de dettes (greve de) he is overhead and ears in debt; encumbered with; confondu dans mingled with; I' enfant est perdu dans la foule the child is lost in the crowd; dont le cas est desespere whose case is hopeless. XXVI Oral Drill: une dame aux cheveux blancs a lady with white hair; une machine d coudre a sewing-machine; du papier a lettres letter-paper; fort en algebre strong (good) in Algebra; a I'egard de towards; cole en histoire well- versed in History ; reconnaissant enters vous grate- ful to you; inconnu de tous unknown to all; tie me trompe pas if I mistake not; if I am not mistaken; des qu'il m'aura paye, je vous le ferai savoir as soon as he has paid me, I shall inform you (let you know); personne ne saura si elle sera venue no one will know whether she has come. 101. CONDITIONAL (PRESENT) (le present du condi- tionnel) depends on a condition implied or stated (with would or should as auxiliaries) and answers to a past as the Future to a present; it is trans- lated into English by would or should expressed or understood; cf.: should with devoir implies duty; would with vouloir implies volition; would (in the Imperfect of past habit) to be distinguished from would and should in the Conditional tense. j'aurais, etc. I would or should have, etc. ; // voudrait etre riche (s'il le pouvait) he wished he were rich (if he could); elle aurait sa legon, si elle n'etait pas malade she would have her lesson, if she were not ill; or: si elle n'etait pas malade, elle, etc.; le feriez- vous would you do that (it)? je leferais I would; sij'avais le temps if I had the time; on serait heureux, s'il se retablissait we shall be glad if he recovers; il pourrait vous le dire he could tell it to you; je voudrais etre riche I wish I were rich ; si je le pouvais if I could ; il vint comme on pensait qu'il leferait he came as it was anticipated that he would ; il lisail du matin au soir he would read from morn- ing till night (Past of habit). i. after si (if); quand (bien) meme (even ifj; also in subordinate clauses when a verb of the principal clause in one of the Past tenses and there is no doubt: 152 CONDITIONAL quand meme il me le dirait, je ne le croirais pas even if he should tell it to me, I would not believe him; on croyait qu'il viendrait we (they; people) thought he would come; elle voulait voir s'il trait she wished to see if (whether) he would go. 2. in advice, supposition, astonishment, iadignation, hearsay: ilvaudrait mieux que vous I'ayez better for you to have it; on dirait qu'il est mart one would think he is dead; luil trahir son serment! (lui, il trahirait son, etc. !) he would betray his oath ! porter du bois a une foret ne serait pas plus insense it is carrying coals to New- castle; on m'a dit qu'il se retablirait I was told (they told me) he would recover; on m'a dit d'entrer I was told I could enter; or: on m'a dit que je pouvais entrer; on m'a defendu d'entrer I was forbidden to enter; c'est a ne pas y croire one would not believe it; autant dire you might as well say; je me demande ce que j' aimer ais mieux qu'il soil (murmura la mere) I wonder what is the best thing for him to be. Exercice de Conversation: comme il achevait sa lettre, il s'apergut que sa cigarette est eteinte as he was finishing his letter, he noticed that his cigarette was out; il part dans un instant he will leave in a moment; il etait nuit noire quand il arriva chez lui it was pitch dark when he reached home; rien ne I'ebranlera, je vous en avertis nothing will move him, I warn you (tell you beforehand); elle sera sortie des qu'elle aura acheve sa lettre she must have gone out as soon as she had finished her letter; il ne me repond pas; me serais-je trompe? he does not answer me; is it possible that I may be mistaken? il venait d'etre elu president he had just been elected president; a quoi lui auraient servi ses conseils? Us ne les auraient pas suivis of what avail would have been his advice? he would not have followed it; c'est la que, apres sa mart (apres qu'il sera mart) il reposera en terre it is there where, after his death, he will be buried; il les connaissait bien, et en parlait souvent he knew them well, and would often speak of them ; si tu avais etc temoin de son courage, tu ne parlerais pas comme fa if you had witnessed his courage, you would not speak in that way; cela ne sera jamais approuve that will never be approved; cela ne serait jamais approuve that can (could) never be approved; d ce que dit le journal du matin, le traite de paix serait conclu (selon le journal, etc.) (by what) the morning paper says, a treaty of peace is concluded (according to the paper, etc.); cf. : il serait en ville he is in town; quand je I' avais connu, il n' etait REVIEWED 153 pas ce qu'il est aujourd'hui when I knew him, he was not what he is to-day; plus on le cherchait a trovers les bois (la foret), plus on se perdait the more we looked for him through the woods (forest) , the more we wandered (lost our way); quand le voleur entrera, el qu'il sera temps de I'empoigner, je tirerai un coup de pistolet when the thief enters and the moment is favorable to arrest (grab) him, I shall fire a shot (fire off a pistol); apres qu'il Jut sorti on consola la mere qui fondait en larmes after he had left (gone), we (they) consoled the mother who burst into tears. 3. to express a wish, an opinion reservedly; also in certain ex- clamations or questions: je vous en serais bien reconnaissant I should be very grateful to you (for it); il vaudrait mieux le faire better do it; on ne saurait partager votre opinion one could (cannot) not share your opinion; il Vaurait qu'il n'en serait pas content he would have it and yet not be satisfied with it; serait-ce possible could it be possible? can that be! je ne saurais le lui dire I could not tell it to him; oserais-je lui parler! how could I dare speak to him ! pourrais-je ne pas lui parler I See 80, (ft). IO2 NOTE. would and should more fully explained with : vouloir, devoir, pouvoir and savoir at 128, 131, 113, 116, 80. auriez-vous I'obligeance de me laisser passer? would you kindly allow me to pass? il serait honteux de mentir (mentir serait honteux) it would be shameful to lie ! en pareilcasin such a case; ons'etonne qu'il ne nous voie point we are astonished that he should not (does not) see us; si vous en goutez (quand or apres que vous en aurez goute) vous ne voudrez plus manger d'autre chose if you taste (try) it, you will never wish to eat any other kind; quiconque (celui qui) en mangerait, en mourrait whoever would eat of it, would die. 103. CONDITIONAL PAST: si j'avais eu la lettre, je I'aurais lue if I had had the letter, I would have read it; s'il etait venu, je serais venu if he had come, I would have come; s'U etait aime, il serait estime if he were liked, he would be esteemed; si je m'etais leve a temps, je me serais habille if I had gotten up in time, I would have dressed myself; o Fabricius 1 qui cut dit votre grande dme O Fabricius! who could have imagined 154 CONDITIONAL REVIEWED your great soul? il se strait doncfdche he lost his temper (no doubt) ; ette aura-it perdu la tete she lost her head (then!); si vous eussiez parle plus tot! if you had spoken sooner! je comptais que vous seriez venu lundi I expected you to come (on) Monday ; cela fut-il vrai, ce n'est pas ban d dire or: cela serait-il vrai, ce n'est pas, etc. granting that it is true or even if that were true, it is not well to say it. 104. NOTE. The Second Form of the Conditional Past, cannot replace the First Form when there is no condition expressed ; the Conditional Anterior has the same use as that of the Conditional : some- thing would have happened, if, etc. ; and is related to the simple Conditional just as the Future Perfect (Anterior) to the Future. Exercice de Conversation : avait-il de I'argent, il le depensait (for s'il avail, etc.) if he had money he spent it; il depensait tout ce qu'il gagnait he would spend all his earnings (all he earned); un panier perce a spendthrift; de folles depenses extravagant expense; il est depensier he is extra- vagant (he likes spending money) ; il depense plus qu'il ne gagne he spends more than he earns; elle n'oserait vivre aux depens d'au- trui she wouldn't dare to live at the expense of others (at other people's expense); voulait-elle de I'argent, sa mere lui en donnait frequemment if she wished for money, her mother often gave her some; quel gas pillage! what a waste! elle est econome she is saving (thrifty) ; il faudrait faire des economies we (you, etc.) ought to put by money (we should save); plus il perdait son temps, plus il gaspillait (dissipait follement) the more he wasted his time, the more he squandered away (spent extravagantly) ; sans discerne- ment without discrimination; sans reflexion thoughtlessly; sans reflechir without considering (seriously); son bien, sa fortune his wealth, his fortune; les richesses du pays the riches of the country; le temps, c'est de I'argent time is money; on ne saurait trap profiler d'une occasion; one cannot (could not) make too much of an opportunity ; on se moquait (on se riait) de ses largesses they paid no heed to his liberality; ce serait se moquer que de ne pas en tenir compte it would be treating it slightingly not to take account of it; il en revenait toujours la he always persisted (harped on that same string). IMPERATIVE 155 105. IMPERATIVE (I'lmperatif) used in general as in English; in the 2nd person singular and in the ist and 2nd persons in the plural: parle speak (thou) ; fais-le do it (thou) Observe: Verbs of the first conjugation take no 5 in parle, etc.; also in: cueille; ouvre; offre; tressaille; but the s is added to parle; cueille, etc., before en and y: cueilles-en gather some; and avoir, etre, savoir, vouloir borrow in the Imperative the forms of the Subjunctive: aie; sois; sache; veuille for: have; be; know; please. 1 . in a command this tense may imply present or future : parlez maintenant speak now; partez demain leave to-morrow. 2. for want of the first person singular, the speaker may address himself by using the second person singular or first person plural : soyons sage, me dis-je (let us) be good, said I to myself; rentre en toi-mtme, Jean collect thy (your) thoughts, John. 3. in suppositions: faites-le, on se moque de vous do it and people will laugh at you. 4. Perfect Imperative seldom used: ayezfini votre travail quand je serai de retour have your work done when I am back (return) ; cf . : finissez de parler have done speaking. 106. Few verbs as Interjections, and as if to express a sudden surprise or turn of mind; as if to en- courage, to incite: allons, j'accepte very well, 1 accept; allons done! nonsense! liens (tenez)! il est la there! (why! hold!) look! he is here! voyons, soyez sage come! be good. See 84. LESSON XI 107. PRACTICE with the personal pronouns when the Imperative is used affirmatively: apporte-le-moi; apportez-la-moi bring it to me apportez-les-nous bring (fetch) them to us apportez-les-moi; apporte-les-moi bring them to me apporte-le-lui; apporte-la-lui bring it to him (her) 156 PERSONAL PRONOUNS apportez-le-lui; apportez-la-lui bring it to him (her) apporte-les-lui; apportez-les-lui bring them to him (her) apportez-le-leur ; apporte-le-leur bring it to them apportez-la-leur ; apporte-la-leur bring it to them; apportez-les-leur ; apporte-les-leur bring them to them moi becomes rn before: en; lui does not change; y precedes en me le te le nous le vous le me la te la nous la vous la me les te les nous les vous les m'en m'y nous en lui en t'en t'y vous en leur en s'en s'y lui en y en Drill: apporte-m'en; apportez-m'en bring me some; ne m'en apporte(z) pas do not bring me any; apporte-lui-en bring him (her) some; ne lui en apportez pas do not! il s'en va he is going (away); ap- portez-leur-en bring (fetch) them some; portes-y-en (portes-en-ld) carry some there; portez-y-en (portez-en-la) carry some there; n'y en portez pas do not carry any; portez-y-moi (portes-y-moi) : portez-moi la carry me; portes-y-le (la); portez-y-la (le) carry it (him); portez-le la; portez-y la take it (him) there; portes-y-la carry her (it) there; portez-y nous carry us there; or portez-nous la. Reflexive verbs: leve-toi; levez-vous get up levons-nous let us rise (get up) qu'il se leve let him rise (get up) asseyez-vous sit down; assieds-toi sit down 108. FINAL REVIEW of two possible pronouns after the verb: le moi with hyphens as above, although some prefer to omit la moi the second hyphen. les moi la moi le nous la nous les nous les moi le lui la lui les lui le leur la leur les leur m'en nous en nous \ t'en vous en vous y lui en leur en PERSONAL PRONOUNS 157 Observe. Combinations of three forms like: donnez-m'y en are to be avoided, and also in conduisez-y mot for: conduisez-moi la. songez-y think of it; fiez-vous y trust him (confide in him); va- t-en; allez-vous-en go away; je m'y fierai for: je me fierai a lui I shall trust him; I'y; t'y; m'y are to be avoided. 109. Two possible pronouns before the verb : me le (/') ; me la (/'); me les; te le (/'); te la (/')/ te les; le lui; la lui; les lui se le(l'); se la(l'); se les m'en; fen; s'en; I'en lui en; nous en; vous en m'y; t'y; s'y leur en nous y; vous y; leur y y en; les y je les ai vus, lui el elle I have seen him and her; on en a parle a lui, a vous et a moi they spoke of it to him, to you and to me; je lui ai parle I spoke to him (her). 1 10. A few observations on the Imperative. The tone of voice differentiates command from simple wish: tiens, ecoute now, listen; va pour un franc I accept (at that rate): colloq.; let it go for a franc; tiensl qu'il est drole ! how funny he acts! il est brutal, allez he is a brute, I assure you; qu'il ait; qu'il soil; let him have; let him be; etc.; (in the Subjunctive Present) replace the third person lacking in the Imperative. also in such expressions as: riez, moquez-vous, approuvez, critiquez-moi, cela nt'est egal laugh, make fun, approve, criticize, it is all the same to me; or: gue vous riiez, que vous vous moquiez, etc. (in the Subjunctive), whether you laugh, make fun, etc.; que vous sondiez le terrain ou non whether you examine the ground or not; whether you see how matters stand. but not in reference to threats (Subjunctive only) : que tu casses ce verre et que je le sache break that glass and should I be informed of it. 158 SUBJUNCTIVE REVIEWED 111. Infinitives used instead of the Imperative at the end of circulars, letters or even in the body of a sentence as a request for the reader: voir a la page dix (also: voyez page dix) see page 10; s'adresser a apply to; prendre une cuilleree a the take a teaspoonful; for: je vous prie de vous adresser a or: je vous engage & vous adresser a I request you to: I beg of you to apply to. Exercice de Conversation: je vous en prie I beg of you; implorer to beseech; I' enfant dit sa priere the child is saying his prayer; on fait la priere du soir they (etc.) are having their evening prayer; priere de faire parvenir cette lettre a will you kindly see that this letter reaches M.; on prie Dieu avec ferveur we pray God fervently; on les pria d, diner we (they) invited them to dinner; avec instance earnestly; de la part de M. X. at the request of Mr. B.; une demande indiscrete an indiscreet question (request) ; priere de ne pas cracker dans les tramways please do not expectorate in the tramways; une de- mande instante urgent request; instamment urgently; instamment earnestly (urgently) ; un tribunal de premiere instance qui siege au chef -lieu du 10'- (dixieme) arrondissement Civil (Inferior) Court sitting at the headquarters of the loth (tenth) precinct (district); Paris a vingt (20) arrondissements (precincts). dis-moi (dites-moi) ce qu'il fait tell (do tell me) me what he is doing (what he does); dites-lui ce que font ces amis tell him (her) what his (her) friends are doing; dis-moi oil se trouve ton ami (where your friend is); Us se donnent la main they shake hands; elle donne la main a she shakes hands with; je vous serre la main I shake your hand; a I' instant meme at this very moment; on me derange d chaque instant I am disturbed every moment; je suis & vous dans un instant I will be with you in a moment; qu'il attende un instant let him wait a minute; on les attend d'un instant I'autre we expect them any minute; they are expected, etc. LESSON XII 112. Su B JUNCTI VE Present or Future : le present du sub- jonctif fully illustrated and reviewed from 121 on. Thus called: subjoined (subordinate, depend- ing) because this tense is generally dependent upon another; it implies probability or uncer- SUBJUNCTIVE REVIEWED 159 tainty; desirability or undesirability; in other words it is the mode of expectation, contingency, requirement and is introduced by que: je ne crois pas (je doute) qu'il soil malade I do not believe he is ill ( : that he is ill) ; il est possible qu'il I' ait he may have it (it is possible that he may have it); il aura soin que vous ayez votre argent he will see that you get (secure) your money. Observe: The verb in the principal clause, being in the Present or Future, is followed in the subordinate clause by a verb in the Subjunctive Present or Past, if one wishes to express a past action: il est possible que vous ayez paye trap cher you may have paid too much; payer cher sa victoire to pay dearly for one's victory; il a paye sa visile cinq francs he paid him five francs for his visit; colloq. : il me le payera I shall have my revenge; payer d 'ingratitude to repay (reward) with ingratitude; il agit personnellement he acted in person ; continuellement unceasingly ; il payade sapersonne he took a risk (he was in the thick of the fray or battle) ; on ne se paye pas de mots words are insufficient (do not satisfy us); il se paiera un complet (full suit); he will treat himself to a suit; un vetement dont toutes les pieces sont de la meme etoffe a (full) suit comnosed of the same material. i. after verbs implying doubt, will, supposition, mild affirmation, concession, preference, wish, forbidding and emotions (fear, joy, sorrow, etc.): j'entends que vous restiez id I expect you to stay here; il doute que cela soil he doubts whether it be so; je ne doute pas qu'il ne le fasse I do not doubt that he will do that (it); il n'y a pas le moindre doute there isn't the least doubt; le moindre d'entre nous the lowest in rank among us; le moindre bruit les effraie the least noise frightens them (it takes little to etc.); assure- ment; sans doute; assuredly; no doubt; without doubt ; j'entends que I' on m'obeisse I expect to be obeyed; c'est man intention que Von m'obeisse it is my intention that I shall be obeyed; on entendait qu'aucune avance ne put etre consentie (autorisee) it was intended that no preliminary steps should be allowed ; autor- i^er to authorize; autorisation, authorization. Note sequence of tense in the foregoing examples. I6O SUBJUNCTIVE REVIEWED serieusement seriously; cette chose merite qu'on y rcflechisse this matter deserves that one should think it over; que vouliez-vous qu'il fit contre trois? what would you have had him do against three? qu'il mourut (Corneille) I should have had him die; il est heureux (c'est un bonheur) qu'il Vail rencontre it is fortunate he should have met him ; il ne viendra jamais a I'idee de personne de croire que ce soient des betes no one would ever imagine that they are animals; il est douteux qu'on le fasse it is doubtful whether it will be done; or: il n'est pas certain que cela se fasse; il s' attend a ce qu'elle vienne he expects that she will come; il veut que je parte he wants me to go; cf. : il veut partir he wants to go; je veux bien qu'il parte I am willing he should go; il se peut qu'il soitmalade perhaps he is ill; he may be ill. But: on ordonna que I'annee commencerait le ler Janvier it was decreed that the year should begin on the first of January; il est juste qu'il soil puni it is fair he should be punished; il desire qu'elle Use he desires her to read; on prefere que vans y alliez one prefers that you should go there; elle souhaite que vous reussissiez she (strongly) wishes you to succeed; il demande qu'un sauf-conduit lui soil obtenu a I'avenir he asks that safe-conduct be accorded him in the future; il demande ses passeports el les recoil he asks for his passport and receives it; en cas de difficultes diplomatiques in case of diplomatic difficulties; un certificat delivre par a certificate issued by; la libre circulation des ambassadeurs accredites aupres de the free passage of accredited ambassadors; on sollicile son depart they request his departure; they enforce, etc.; on a impose son depart his de- parture was enforced; c'est un permis de voyager donne par it is a permit to travel granted by; on vous prie instamment de quitter le pays you are urgently requested to leave the country; tant d I'interieur qu'd I'exterieur in both countries; both in and outside of the country; dans I'interieur (du pays) inland; in the interior. il defendra que vous passiez he will forbid you to pass; on defendra que vous passiez you will be forbidden to pass; cf. : on vous defendra de passer you will be prevented from passing; on defend une attaque, un enfant, un accuse we (they, people) defend an attack, a child, an accused person; il se defend bien he defends himself well; la defense du faible the defense of the weak; defense de fumer no smoking allowed; le defenseur the defender; the ad- vocate; il se tient sur la defensive (I' offensive) he stands on the defensive (offensive); le defendeur the defendant; le demandeur the plaintiff; defendable, indefendable defensible, not defensible; indefensible; on admet que it is admitted that; il vous defie de SUBJUNCTIVE REVIEWED l6l trouver un journal qui puisse le defendre he defies you to find a newspaper that may defend him ; on defendra la France jusqu'a la derniere goutte France will be defended to the last ; une goutte de sang a drop of blood. approuvez (agreezgueor souffrezque) approve of (permit) or forbear: j'exige que I require that; on permet qu'il entre (on lui permet d'entrer) he is allowed to enter (go in) ; on trouve naturel que; on consent que we find it natural that; we consent that; on s' op- pose a ce qu'il entre we oppose his entering; dites-leur qu'ils s'appretent tell them to make themselves ready. 8 114 2. after adjectives or various expressions (with: etre ; avoir) re- ferring to joy, sorrow, indignation, wonder, doubt and the like (with different subjects) : je suis fdche qu'il se soil derange I am sorry that he should have disturbed himself; il est content que vous ayez gagne le prix he is glad that you should have won the prize; on s'etonne que; on se rejouit que we are astonished; we are glad that; on craint que; on a peur que; on ahonte que; one fears; one fears; one is ashamed that. ' "5 3. after interrogative or negative verbs implying doubt, uncer- tainty, etc.: croyez-vous qu'il soit id? do you believe he is here? je ne pense pas qu'il soil arrive (jusqu'a present) I do not think he has come (till now) or I do not think he has arrived; je crois qu'il est id I believe he is here; il ne croit pas que je I'ai (certainty implied) he does not believe that I have it; il n'y avail pas jusqu'au dentiste qui n'arrachat the dentist was not the only one to pull, etc.; si I'on soutient (affirme) que' la chose soil male if it is affirmed that it is so; esperez-vous qu'il vienne? do you hope he will come? 1 1 6. and in fact after all verbs signifying: viewing, stating, perceiving, resulting, declaring, knowing, like s'apercevoir to perceive; voir to see: etre sur (certain) s'imaginer to be sure (certain) to imagine 162 SUBJUNCTIVE REVIEWED se douter (de) declarer to suspect to declare se rappeler se souvenir (de} to recall to remember 117 4. after the following verbs: and que: ilfaut (il est necessaire: il est important) qu'il soil aupres du malade he must be near (beside) the patient or it is necessary (it is impor- tant) that he should be, etc. il est bon il est facile il est possible it is well it is easy it is possible il est impossible il n'est pas possible it is impossible it is not possible (impossible) il semble (with doubt) il est temps it seems it is time il convient il vaut mieux it is suitable it is better ( : better) il est singulier il est singulier it is rare it is singular il importe il se peut it imports it can be il est a souhaiter (desirer) es Americains, les Anglais to imitate the Ital- ians, the Americans, the English; dans une autre langue in an- other language; locution propre a la langue fran^aise et transportee dans an expression peculiar to the French language and intro- duced into; jouez d la paume play tennis; unjeu ou Von se renvoie la balle avec une raquette a game in which the ball is sent back with a racket. 16. CONDITIONAL PAST (Second Form): j'eusse parle I would or should have spoken tu eusses parle you should or would have spoken U eut parle he should or would have spoken nous eussions parle we would have or should have spoken vous eussiez parle you should have or would have spoken Us eussent parle they should have or would have spoken eusse-je parle en public should I have spoken in public? ne leur eut-il pas parle would he not have spoken to them? si vous eussiez 222 PARLER CONJUGATED parle, je vous aurais (or : eusse) entendu should you have spoken, I would have heard you. NOTE. After si (if) the second form is used instead of the plu- perfect indicative : s'il cut pu purler if he (only) could have spoken; Us n'eussent jamais parle fran$ais, s'il eut etc present they would never have spoken French, if he had been there. Oral Drill: sa forme rappelle celle du serpent the shape resembles the snake ; tricheraujeu to cheat at a game; contrees devastees par de frequents tremblements de terre et des eruptions volcaniques countries de- vastated by frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions; arreter pour toujours I 'irruption des barbares to check for ever the sudden and violent inroad of the barbarians; le debar dement de la Seine (I' irruption) overflowing of the Seine river; faire irruption; incursion; to invade ; to make a raid ; contenir, outre le calendrier 1918, des observations astronomiques et meteor ologiques, des articles de statistiques to contain, besides the calendar of 1918, astronomi- cal and meteorological observations, articles on statistics. 17. IMPERATIVE PERFECT (see Lesson X). 1 8. SUBJUNCTIVE PAST: que j'aie parle that I may (can) have spoken or other forms in English que tu aies parle that you may (can) have spoken qu'il ait parle that he may (can) have spoken que nous ayons parle that we may (can) have spoken que vous ayez parle that you may (can) have spoken qu'ils aient parle that they may (can) have spoken il doute que vous lui ayez parle he doubts whether you have spoken to him (her) ; U est le seul qui vous ait parle he is the only one that has, etc.; ce sera la seule qui leur ait parle she will be (or: is) the only one who spoke to them. Review also Lessons XIII, XXVI. 19. SUBJUNCTIVE PLUPERFECT: que j' eusse parle that I might have spoken or other forms in English que tu eusses parle that you might have spoken AND OTHER VERBS 223 qu'il cut parle that he might have spoken que nous eussions parle that we might have spoken que vous eussiez parle that you might have spoken qu'ils eussent parle that they might have spoken (Lessons XIII, XXVI fully illustrated) je ne savais pas que vous lui eussiez parle I did not know you had spoken to him (her) ; il aurait ete le seul eleve qui eut parle he would have been the only pupil to have spoken (to) etc. ; c'etait la seule dame qui eut parle she was the only lady who might have spoken; je n'aurais pas voulu qu'ils eussent parle I would not have wished them to have spoken; je ne croirai jamais qu'il eut parle, s'il avail assiste a la fete I shall never believe that he would have spoken, if he had attended the celebration ; il etait possible qu'on leur eut parle possibly they have been spoken to. Oral Drill: causer de I'angoisse to cause anguish; eprouver d'amers deplaisirs (mecontentements) to feel sad disappointments; se distinguer par son poil long et soyeux to be remarkable for its long and silky hair; des plaintes ameres bitter complaints ; enf oncer le fer dans le bois to drive (sink) the iron into the wood; on le boutonne par devant (derriere) it is buttoned in front (in the back); caserner, baraquer un regiment (the regiment in the barracks) to lodge soldiers in garrison; tortiller un mouchoir to wring (twist) a handkerchief; traverser la rue to cross the street; animer son style to enliven (to give life to) one's style; lui donner de la vigueur (force) to give vivacity (action); egrener les cereales to husk (to strip the husk) from the corn (wheat), rice (le riz), cereal. LESSON XX 20. VARIOUS EXPRESSIONS ON parler AND VERBS OF THE FIRST GROUP: oiler and envoyer being irregular le franqais se parle en Amerique French is spoken in America; Men par lei good! well expressed; parlez plus haul; parlez plus has; louder; lower; puisqu'il faut parler net since plain speaking is desired; la bouche parle de I'abondance du cceur out of the abun- dance of the heart, the mouth speaketh; parlez-moi de cela! good! (as approbation or irony) ; je vous apprendrai a bien parler I will teach you to speak (more respectfully); il s'exprime bien he ex- 224 PARLER REVIEWED presses himself well; onlefelicite he is congratulated ; cela provoque de vifs applaudissements that calls forth warm applause; chaleu- reux accueil cordial welcome; elevation (abaissemenf) de la voix the raising (lowering) of a voice, on hesite we hesitate; on juge les langnes par analogic languages are interpreted through analogy ; or: d'apres les rapports qui existent entre elles from their illustra- tion by comparison; their likeness to one another; cf. : d'apres les rapports qui existent according to the reports made; rapporter les evenements annee par annee to record events happening yearly (yearly events). Exercice de Conversation: a tort et a tr avers aimlessly; il parle du nez he speaks through his nose; elle parle mal she speaks ill; il y a un temps pour parler et un temps pour se taire there comes a time when one must speak or keep silent ; il faut laisser parler let them gossip ; a propos de rien for no purpose (for nothing at all) ; il a la langue grasse (son parler est peu intelligible) he speaks thick (: not easily understood); la langue lui a fourche his (her) tongue tripped; elle medit de son prochain she speaks ill of heY neighbor; elle mange ses mots she clips her words; mal prononcer not to pronounce well; on jeta les hauls cris they protested loudly ; il a le parler bref he is a man of few words; il a le verbe haul he is loud spoken; il parle d' aban- donee (sans preparation) he speaks without previous study or preparation; offhand; avec abondance; paroles sans suite; with fluency; disconnected words; cela parle tout seul that is clear; ouvrez la bouche: (parlez!) open the mouth (your, etc.); il en dit du bien (du mal) he speaks well or ill of him (her), etc. ; elle raisonne bien she reasons well. Oral Drill: le chien dresse les oreilles the dog pricks up his ears; il baissa Voreille he looked confused; il ecoute avec interH he listens with interest; il est bien tombe chance favored him; la conversation tomba sur the conversation turned to (on) ; ses cheveux lui tombent sur les epaules her hair falls on her shoulders; les feuilles tombent une a une the leaves fall one by one; la chute des feuilles the fall of the leaves; tomber a plat to fall flat; a plat venire flat on the ground; un echec complet complete failure; aux pieds de quelqu'un at his feet; tout tombe dans I'oubli everything is soon forgotten; se tromper (tomber dans I'erreur) tomber en disgrace to fall into ITS EQUIVALENTS 225 error; to be mistaken; into disgrace; tomber de son haul to be extremely surprised or: des nues (from the clouds). lui etre echu en partage (lui etre tombe) to have fallen to his lot ; ecraser to crush; so, fete tombe le mardi his birthday falls on a Tuesday; en lambeaux into rags (tatters); cet auteur tombe this author is falling into disfavor; tomber d rien; a pen de chose; to fall through; to amount to little; ce lime lui est tombe entre les mains that book fell into his hands; tomber d' accord; par hasard; to fall into accord; by chance; etre d'aplomb to be perpendicular; tomber d pic abrupt; perpendiculairement perpendicular; tomber de cheval to fall from one's horse; le sort est tombe sur lui (: I'a designe) it fell to his fate ( : it has selected him) or: it fell to his lot; pas une parole n'est proferee not a word is uttered; articuler un son to articulate a sound; sons articules (paroles articulees) utterance of articulate sounds; mesurer ses paroles to measure one's words; balbutier to lisp; to mumble; to stammer; inspirer; une inspiration; to inspire; an inspiration; il a le debit facile he has a free delivery; il accentue bien he pronounces (accentuates) with proper accent; Us font toujours des coq-a-l'dne they are always talking nonsense; incoherent talk ; il a beau dire, il n'en sera ni plus ni mains he may talk as much as he pleases, it will be so; il parle par experience he speaks from experience; il est lent d parler he is slow of speech ; c'est une maniere de parler it is a way (manner) of speaking; au pied de la lettre literally; strictly speaking; il demands la parole he begs leave to speak; autant en emporte le vent (the wind carries away) all that is idle talk; it is moonshine; innocent badinage harmless talk. il est bavard he is loquacious (talkative); on coquette (tattle des bavettes) they chat, gossip (: cutting bibs); a proprement parler (: a la rigueur) properly speaking (in a strict sense); il parle clair et net (il dit sa pensee; il parle franchement) he speaks his mind (openly and frankly); or: il ne se gene pas he does not mince matters; cessez de tenir ce langage cease to speak in such a manner; cesser de parler stop ! changez de propos talk of something else ; sans ambages (detours) without turning from the point in question ; cela leur fait honneur that speaks well for them ; pour ainsi dire so to speak; il en dit du mal (du bien) he speaks ill of him, etc.; he speaks highly of, etc.; il traine ses paroles he drawls out his words; lentement; avec lenteur; slowly ; with slowness ; soil dit a leur honneur to their honor be it spoken; j'ai affaire d elle I want to speak to her; j'ai affaire avec elle I deal with her; etre en rapport avec 15 226 PARLER REVIEWED to have dealings with; c'est sa fa$on de parler it is his mode of speaking; la conversation roula sur divers sujets the conversation turned upon various subjects; a la politique to politics; les gros poissons mangent les petits the large fishes eat the small ones; la force prime le droit might overcomes right; la raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure the reason of the stronger is always the better (one) or: might makes right; parlez-moi de cela that is something; la langue leur fretille they are longing (dying) to speak; Us ont une grande demangeaison de parler they strongly desire to speak ; la demangeaison itching. il annonce (preche) he proclaims (preaches) the Gospel; trouver un bon mot to find a good word; un mot spirituel witty remark; entrer en conversation to enter into conversation; entamer la con- versation to start (broach) the, etc.; remonter de la mer dans les fleuves to go up from the sea into the rivers; remonter une montre to wind a watch; remonter la riviere to ascend the river; il se h&ta d' engager la conversation he hastened to begin, etc.; addi- tionner to add up; ajouter to add; diviser to divide; multiplier to multiply; retrancher to subtract (to take away); reparler to speak again; caqueter to, cackle; le coquet d'une poule the cackle of a hen; se retirer en bon ordre to withdraw in good order; secher to dry; sec (seche) dry; la secher esse dryness, drought; elle fait secher le linge she is spreading out linen to dry; se faire secher to dry one's self; gater to spoil; gater to damage; to taint; la viande que la chaleur a gatee the meat which has been tainted by the heat; endommager (causer du dommage) to damage; to occasion damage to; deteriorer to impair; to deteriorate; degrader to degenerate; to become worse; gater le plaisir to spoil the pleasure (fun); figer to congeal; coaguler to coagulate; le lait milk; cailleter to chatter (gossip); cailler to curdle; fumer du havane to smoke Havana cigars; son fils en qui il voyait deja un futur her os his son who promised to be a future hero; des decorations superbes ornent le monument, entre autres les figures des anges, du Devoir Angels and Duty were among the rich deco- rations enhancing the monument; comme chaque fois qu'elle parlait de son fils as each time she spoke of her son; elle demande la parole she requests permission to speak; elle a la parole she is allowed to speak; on lui adressa la parole (on lui parld) they spoke to him (her) ; il menage ses paroles (il parle pen) he is chary of words; il se menage he takes care of himself; le management regard; circumspection (caution). ITS EQUIVALENTS 227 die jase comme une pie (magpie) she is a chatterer; babiller to talk much and idly (to prate) ; bavarder to chatter (jabber) ; jaser to prattle; (slander); causer to hold a conversation; sur soncompte about him (her) ; de son prochain about one's neighbor; le marmot the brat; on le critique he is criticized; il piaille (: il pousse des cris aigus el repetes) it shrieks ( : it utters sharp and lengthened sounds); la pie jacasse the magpie is chattering; le perroquet piaille the parrot, etc. ; les Parisiens grasseyent Parisians roll their r; on se tutoie entre amis, freres et sceurs thou and thee are used among friends, brothers and sisters; on prononce selon les regies rules are observed in pronunciation (pronouncing); cela ne vaut pas la peine d'en parler it is not worth mentioning; il a le parler facile he is a fluent speaker; les murailles parlent walls have ears; les murs ont des yeux (des oreilles) walls have eyes (ears); cela parle tout seul it needs no explanation; ne m'en parlez pas do not raise the question (or I know all about it); il parle I' argot he speaks slang; voila parler (c'est parler) that's the idea! tout le monde en parle every one speaks of it; il parle en maitre he speaks with authority; sij'ose parler ainsi if I may say so; cet orateur parle avec connaissance de cause that orator speaks upon good grounds; parlez franchement speak plainly; parlez vertement sharply; il en parle tout a son aise it is easy for him to speak; fouler le sol de la patrie to tread one's native heath; to trample upon; cajoler to deceive with; to persuade by (fair words, false persuasives) ; longuement at length. dans un interet quelconque for some motive (of his own) ; il caresse I' enfant he is caressing the child; le chien lui leche la main the dog licks his hand; on le hue he is praised; louer to rent; flatter to flatter; saler to salt (overcharge, fleece); exciter to excite; zncourager to encourage (stimulate); decourager to discourage (deter); favoriser to favor; to countenance (further or promote); constituer to constitute; or: to form; to establish; organiser to organize; anonner to falter; to utter hesitatingly; brokenly; bredouitter to stammer (stutter); baragouiner to talk gibberish; affecter to affect; des dehors vertueux feigning virtue (to be vir- tuous); destiner (affecter) to be reserved for; isoler to isolate (insu- late); or: cantonner to canton; to allot quarters to; on lui reproche de ne pas avoir marche immediatement sur Verdun they criticize his hesitancy in not advancing towards; toutes les fois que le peril etait imminent, il poussait un cri each time his life was at stake, he would utter a cry; ces messieurs s'adressent a celui qui ne sait 228 PECULIARITIES IN -ER point tirer parti d'un avantage those gentlemen refer to any one that does not avail himself of an opportunity. Remarks on Verbs of the First Group 21. verbs ending in -ger retain the e before a or o: mangeant eating; nous mangeons we are eating 22. verbs ending in -cer take Q (i.e. : c with cedilla) before a; o :je pla$ais I placed (put) : placing (putting) ; nous plaqons we place Oral Drill: onl'interrogeait he was questioned ; sur les participes on the parti- ciples; en voyageant while traveling; il changeait souvent d' opi- nion; he would often change his opinion; il pronongait bien he pronounced well; pour abreger; abregeons; to be brief; let us cut short; on lanqa they threw; il perga le mur he made a hole through the wall or: an opening; pratiquer un trou to let in a hole; une ouverture an opening ; un foret a gimlet (to bore) ; lancer des cir- culaires to send out circulars; sieger to hold sessions; corriger to correct; grincer to grit; engager to engage. 23. verbs with e on the penultimate syllable (of the infinitive) change that e into e before an un- stressed syllable ( : mute syllable) : esperer to hope; j'espere; tu esperes; il espere; Us esperent, etc.; but: nous esperons we hope; vous esperez you hope; and in the Future and the Conditional: il esperera; il esperer ail; he will hope; he would hope. in poetry: espere- je for: est-ce que j'espere? do I hope? do I hope? le travail abrege les heures work shortens the hours; ceder to yield; il cede en tout he yields in everything; il ceder a he will yield; accelerer to accelerate; to increase; on accelere la vitesse (speed) they accelerate the speed; on I' accelerer a it will be increased; on accelerer ait le pas we would hasten our steps ; on celebre votre fete your birthday anniversary is (being) celebrated; ce heros; cette heroine; that hero; that heroine. creer does not change the e (acute). PECULIARITIES IN -ER 22Q 24. verbs with an unaccented e (like: mener to lead) on the last but one syllable, change that e into e before a mute syllable: elle mene she is taking (leading) ; but : nous menons we take, etc. ; the last syllable being stressed; achever to end (complete); il acheve he is, etc.; nous achevons we are finishing; il achevera ( : the grave e in the Future and Conditional) ; also : with acheter to buy; becqueter to peck (donner des coups de bee: to strike with the beak); bourreler to torture; crever to burst; ecarteler to quarter; geler to freeze; harceler to harass; lever to lift; marteler to hammer; modeler to model; peler to peel (peel off skin); peser to weigh (measure) ; ensemencer to scatter seed for growth (on; in; over); semer to sow; le marteau the hammer; la graine the seed; un grain de ble a grain of wheat. NOTE. All compounds follow the same rule: degeler to thaw; soulever to lift (from under); relever to lift again; soupeser to try to weigh; le poids the weight; amener to bring (in, up, over, about, on and round); emmener to lead away (to take away); surmener to override; ramener to bring (lead) back again, etc. 25 appeler to call; jeter to throw j'appelle, tu appelles, il appelle, Us appellent, on appellera they will call; but: appelons let us call. Observe: Verbs ending in -ler or -ter take no e (grave) on the penultimate, because they double the / or t before a mute syllable: also in: on jette we throw; vous jetez you throw; jette-le; jetez-le; throw it away; and in: amonceler to heap up; banqueter to banquet; bosseler to emboss (dent); botteler (du join hay) to put up in bundles; briqueter to lay with bricks; cacheter to seal; canneler to groove; caqueter to cackle; carreler to pave (with bricks); chanceler to stagger; ciseler to chisel; colleter to collar or: saisir au collet pour renverser to grab by the neck; to throw down; cordeler to twist like a cord; (tordre en forme de corde); to twist (twine); craqueter to crackle; creneler to tooth (embattle); le creneau battlement. 23O REGULAR VERBS IN -IR dechiqueter (la peau: the skin) to slash (cut) or: (couper par iaillades to cut in slashes; par petites parties into small pieces); denteler to indent (cog); empaqueter to pack up; ensorceler to bewitch; etinceler to sparkle (flash) ; feuilleter (la feuille) to turn over the leaves; ficeler to tie (: un paquet a package); or: attacker avec une ficelle to tie with a string (with twine); j 'ureter to ferret out; grommeler to grumble; haleter to gasp for breath; javeler to lay in loose sheaves; marqueter to inlay; morceler to cut up; to parcel; museler to muzzle (gag); niveler to make even (: Iz niveau the level); r&teler to rake; (le rdteau rake; le r atelier rack; or set of teeth); renouveler to renew; ressemeler to sole anew; ruisseler to trickle down; souffleter to slap (in the face); tacheter to speckle (to mark with speckles; to spot); moucheter to fleck; voleter to flutter; and others derived from them. NOTE. cree (creee) agreee, in verbs ending in: -eer and -ier retain the e (acute) or the t: il creera, il cree (and the 2nd e is not heard); elle prie she prays; elle priera (e not heard), etc. 26. verbs ending in -oyer; -uyer change y into i before e mute: essuyer to wipe player to bend il essuiera he will wipe il ploie it bends 27. verbs ending in -ayer; -eyer generally preserve they: payer to pay (for) il paie (paye) he pays LESSON XXI REGULAR VERBS OF THE SECOND GROUP end in -ir: finir to finish finissant finishing fini finished 28. PRESENT INDICATIVE (le present de Vindicatif] : je finis I finish (am finishing; do finish; have been finishing) tu finis you finish (thou art finishing or) are finishing, etc. il finit he finishes (is finishing; does finish, has been finishing) nous finissons we finish, are finishing; do finish; have been finishing REGULAR VERBS IN -IR 23! vous finis sez you finish, are finishing; do finish; have been finishing Us finis sent they finish; are finishing; do finish; have been finishing Oral Practice (for reviewing) : il commence et je finis he begins and I finish; on commence par avoir raison et onfinit par avoir tort they begin right and end wrong; commenqons par une leqon de musique (de chant, de flute, de harpe) et finissons par une leqon de franqais, de lecture ou de danse let us begin with a music lesson (singing lesson, a lesson on the flute, harp) and end with a French (or: reading, dancing) lesson; re verbe finit en -ir this verb ends in -ir; elle finit sa leqon she is finishing her lesson; il commence a travailler he is beginning to work; la pendule sonne les heures the clock strikes the hours; le corroyeur apprete le cuir the currier dresses leather; le tanneur prepare les cuirs avec du tan the tanner prepares (converts the skin into) leather with tanbark; with tan; c'est ce qui le preoccupe le mains (plus) what preoccupies him the least (most) ; il eut un grand succes he gained success (achieved great success) ; il acquit une grande popularite et essaya de tirer le pays de sa decadence he acquired a great popularity and tried to save the country from its decadence ; un large plateau forme de plaines pierreuses et de- series a vast stony and desolate plateau (elevated plain); il administra sagement Les finances he conducted the finances wisely ; c'est une region marecageuse situee a I 'embouchure de it is a marshy region (section) situated at the mouth of. ou regne un climat tres chaud et extremement sec where a very warm and extremely dry climate prevails; la secheresse du climat the dryness of the climate; mouvements qui se succedent d'une jaqon reguliere (irreguliere) rhythmical movements (: marked by some regular or irregular recurrence); d'une fa^on mesuree measuredly; le chien jappe the dog yelps; le chien aboie (barks); sans cesse unceasingly; \e vider to empty it; on nettoie les verres the glasses are cleaned; nettoyer un appartement to clean out an apartment; le vider to take everything out; on le balaie it is (being) swept; on ancre (jette I'ancre) they cast anchor ; la cire a cacheter sealing- wax; les vents amoncellent le sable the winds pile up the sand; entasser to accumulate (heap up, pack together); comment s'ap- pelle ce monsieur (: se nommer)? how is the gentleman called? le nom the name; le prenom the first name; or le petit nom; le nom de bapt&me the Christian name; osciller to oscillate; entre deux partis (to waver) between two parties; un travail en bosse sur la pierre relief work on stones (ornament with bosses) ; cabos- 232 REGULAR VERBS IN -TR ser de Vargenterie to dent silverware; seme de bosses dented; re- chercher avec ardeur (tdcher d'obtenir) to search arduously; to try to get ; sa conscience le tourmente his conscience torments him ; avidemment eagerly; avec un souffle with a breath; emettre un son to emit a sound (of the breath); hors d'haleine out of breath; or essouffle; adresser un hommage emu a la memoire de tous les enfants de la France marts au champ d'honneur to render profound homage to the memory of all the Sons of France who died on the field of honor; pencher d'un cote (de I'autre) to lean on one side (on the other). Oral Drill: on baisse (hausse) le toil they are lowering (raising) the roof; on le diminue en hauteur they lessen the height of it; modeler en cire to model in wax; boucher les fentes to fill the cracks; tirer le sucre to extract sugar from; savonner (le linge) to soap (the linen) ; to lather one's face; le visage the face; respiration oppressee oppressed breathing; theme latin Latin exercise; I'exercice est un devoir pour se familiariser avec les regies the exercise is a drill to become familiar with rules; apprises en classe studied in class; la le$on the lesson; le, la, les; la finit-elle (: est-ce qu'elle la finit?) is she finishing it? ne la finit-elle pas or: est-ce qu'elle ne lafinit pas? is she not finishing it? je la finis I am finishing it; on les finit toujours a la m&me heure we always finish them at the same hour; il le finit, n'est-ce pas? he is finishing it, is he not? man theme est fini my exercise is finished; j'ai fini man travail my work is done; un travail acheve work completed; il termine la lettre en vous presentant ses meilleures amities he ends the letter (while) offering you his best regards; c 1 est fini it is over; la leqon est finie the lesson is over; a moitie fait qui commence bien a good beginning is half the battle; cela n'en finit pas there is no end to it; la moitie d'une pomme the half of an apple; une heure et demie an hour and a half; half -past one; il y a un commencement a tout there is a beginning in all things; n'a pas fini qui commence the beginning is not everything; pour en finir (en resume) to conclude (to sum up, on the whole); c'est la rentree des classes it is the beginning of the Term; c'est le coup de grace it is the finishing stroke; charite bien ordonnee commence par soi-meme charity begins at home; il est absent au moment de I'appel he is absent at roll-call; choisir to choose; I' heure est mal choisie the hour is (not well selected) badly chosen; achever ses etudes to complete one's studies. REGULAR VERBS IN -IR 233 29. IMPERFECT (Indicative) : je finis sais I was finishing (used to finish), I finished, had been finishing tu finis sais you were finishing (used to finish), you finished, had been finishing il finis sail he was finishing (used to finish), he finished, had been finishing nous finissions we were finishing (used to finish), we finished, had been finishing vous finissiez you were finishing (used to finish), you finished, had been finishing Us finis saient they were finishing (used to finish), they finished, had been finishing Observe that -iss- is inserted between the stem and the ending. Exercice de Conversation: si nous finissions! suppose we finish now (: better finish); il finissait de bonne heure he used to finish early; je croyais qu'elle finissait a midi I thought she finished at twelve; il n' en finissait pas he never stopped; s'arreter to stop (cesser de parler); (cesser de marcher to stop walking); comme il finissait et quej'etais pret as he was finishing and I was ready. Note that que is often omitted in English: quand on finissait, et qu'on etait ensemble when we finished our work and were together; que ne lefinissiez- vous why did you not finish it then? on commenqait oil vous finissiez we (they) began where you ended or (: we would begin, etc.) ; son livre est commence depuis longtemps his (her) book was started (begun) long ago; si vous finissiez votre legon, fen serais content (e) if you should finish your lesson, I would be satisfied ; je ne savais si elle finissait a onze heures ou a midi I did not know whether she finished at eleven or at noon; j'ai cru qu'elle finissait avant vous I thought (she would finish before you or she used to finish, etc.) she did finish before you. Exercice de Conversation: nous finirons de lire a six heures we shall stop reading at six; je croyais finir avant votre arrivee I expected to finish before you came; c' etait a n'en pas finir there was no end to it; c'est fini maintenant it is over now; c'est une affaire finie let us forget it ( : one must forget it) ; au bout de I'aune (ell) ilfaut le drap (cloth) everything has an end; */ a mange son pain blanc le premier (he ate his white bread first) the happiest of his days are over; on 234 REGULAR VERBS IN -IR est heureux quand on en est quitte it will be well when finished; . ses beaux jours sont passes his happiest days have gone: are of the past; ce sont des discours a perte d' haleine (until one is out of breath) those speeches are too long; un ouvrage de longue haleine (lequel demande un long temps') a work requiring much of one's time; courte haleine short breath; perdre I' haleine to get out of breath; la reprendre to recover it; achever ses etudes to complete one's studies; un homme d' expedition (quick in his business); */ termine rapidement ses affaires he finishes up his work quickly. 30. PAST DEFINITE (le passe defini} : je finis I finished tu finis you finished il finit he finished nous finimes we finished vous finites you finished Us finirent they finished Note that it is mostly used in books. il finit hier he finished yesterday; hier matin yesterday morning; la pluie discontinua the rain ceased; elle le finit en 1880 (mil huit cent quatre-vingt) she finished it in 1880 (one thousand eight hundred and eighty); Us recommencerent de plus belle they began again worse than ever; elle s'arreta au (plus fort) plus beau de son recit she stopped at the most interesting part of her narrative; la montagne enfanta une souris the mountain brought forth a mouse (the whole thing ended in smoke). Oral Drill: reussir to succeed; I' absence refroidit (: attiedit makes lukewarm) le cceur absence cools the heart ; il est complement retabli he is completely recovered; s'il est pince, il est punt when he is caught he is punished; on fait des notes sur un texte pour I 'eclair xir notes are made on a text to elucidate it; ce toil nous garantit (protege) de la pluie this roof shelters us (protects) from rain; affermir le manche to fix the handle firmly; subir des metamorphoses to undergo changes (metamorphoses); chaque saison each (every) season; I'annee precedente the preceding year; subir la peine de la transportation to undergo the punishment (penalty) of deporta- tion; attendri par moved by; muni de provided with; suivant V office qu'il remplit according to the duties he fulfills; etablir une difference entre eux et nous to establish a difference between them and us; ce genre de vie I'abrutit that mode of life besotted him; une occasion favorable a favorable opportunity; le dedain, V in- difference disdain, indifference; bondir de joie to leap for joy; REGULAR VERBS IX -IR 235 garnir d'un coussin to garnish (to decorate, to adorn) with a cushion; or: a cushion footstool; or: un pouf an ottoman seat; faire un pouf to disappear without paying one's debts; une pomme pourrie a rotten apple; un habit tout poudreux (convert de poussiere) a coat covered with dust ; epaissir to thicken (make thick); /' ' endurcissement the hardness (of heart). I'epaississement the thickening (-ness) ; on courroie (soude) le fer we solder iron; on le forge we hammer it; calfeutrer une porte to fill the cracks of a door; il fonda une ecole fameuse he founded a celebrated school; la deportation deportation (transportation); exile; remarques explicatives explanatory remarks; expliquer une leqon to explain the lesson; assister a une reunion to attend a meeting; methodiquement methodically; solidement solidly; firmly; saisir la nuance to discern the shade; amincir un baton aux deux bouts to whittle a stick (to cut down) at both ends; -indiquer le chemin to point out the way (to show) ; limiter to limit (bound) ; reslreindre to restrict (confine); determiner la limite to set a limit; to fix a boundary; prendre pour soi au detriment des autres to appropriate to one's self to the exclusion of others; la borne the boundary; le rapport (la ressemblance) the connection (the similarity) ; le terme the end. 31. PAST INDEFINITE (Perfect) (le passe indefini) : j'aifini I (have) finished tu as fini you (have) finished il a fini he (has) finished nous avons fini we (have) finished vous avezfini you (have) finished Us ont fini they (have) finished Note that this tense is frequently used in conversation. Practice with: le (/'); la (V); les; en (some; any); and if object pre- cedes (Rule, Lesson XVII) the Past Participle is inflected (varies). je Vai fini I finished it; je I'ai finie I finished it; fen ai fini un or une I finished one (of them) ; je les ai finis or je les ai finies I (have) finished them; les a-t-il finis or finies or: est-ce qu'il les a finis (or: finies)? did he finish them? As previously stated the Past Participle agrees in number and gender with the preceding pronouns (en being excepted) and the object must precede the verb (plus the Past Participle); the object may be a noun or pronoun. Exercice de Conversation: ce sont les exercices qu'il a finis those are the exercises he finished; c'esl or ce sont les lettres qu'elle a finies those are the letters she 236 REGULAR VERBS IN -IR finished; avez-vous fini votre exercice? Out, monsieur, je I'ai fini did you finish your exercise? Yes, Sir; I did; avez-vous fini votre lettre? Oui, monsieur; je I'ai finie have you finished your letter? Yes, Sir; I have; I'avez-vous fini (e) did you finish it? n'est-ce pas que vous les avez finis (-es) haven't you finished them? est-ce qu'ils n'ont pas fini leurs lemons? haven't they finished their les- sons (for: is it possible that they haven't finished, etc.?); les ont- ellesfinies have they finished them; did they finish them? ne les ont-elles pas finies? haven't they finished them? attendez, j'aifini wait, I have done ; il a mal fini he died miserably ; elle a fini par avoir tort (she ended wrong) she finally was wrong ; as-tu fini, Jean are you through, John? (also: with irony); c'est qu'ils ont fini they must have finished ; il a fini par avoir raison he was right at last; c'est fini (e'en est fini) it is all over; e'en est fait d'eux they are done for; elle a amene cette affaire d bien she ended the matter satisfactorily; blemir to blench; to grow pale; to turn pale; pdlir (devenir pale) to become pale; to grow pale; il joue deV accordion a contre-cceur he plays the accordeon reluctantly; il pince de la guitare (de la harpe) he plays the guitar (the harp) ; il louche du piano he plays (on) the piano ; il est pdle; il est bleme; he is pale; he is very pale; bleme de colere white (pale) with anger; il corrigea le defaut he corrected the defect; cet homme a mal tourne that man has gone wrong. il a manque son travail (mal execute, etc.) he made a failure of his work; or: he did his work badly; la pyr amide aboutit en pointe the pyramid has a pointed top or: comes to a point; il a cinq centimes de reste or: il lui reste cinq centimes he has one cent over; I'heritier presomptif de la couronne porte le nom de the heir presumptive of the Crown bears the name of; le reje'on d'une dynastic vaincue et detronee the scion of a conquered and dethroned dynasty; attacker quelque chose a to fasten (make fast; to tie; to fix; to suspend, to bind) something to; blanchir les cheveux; du linge; to whiten the hair; (to wash) linen; il joue son dernier atout he is playing his last trump; il remplit son verre de biere he is filling his glass with beer; agir to act; a ceux dont il s'agit to whom it is referred; il guerit les nevralgies, la paralysie he cures neuralgia, paralysis; premiere par tie de la tdche first part of the task; un travail continu continuous work; la terminaison du verbe the ending of the verb; un mot variable word which is variable; le radical the root; */ y a une similitude partielle de cette image a I'autre there is a partial similitude between this image and the other (one). FINIR (continued) 237 32 . REDUNDANT PAST seldom used: quand elle a eu fini when she had finished (for: she had or got finished. Oral Drill: I'ancien monde the Old World; recueils de morceaux choisis dans les ceuvres des poetes selections from the poets; le nouveau monde the New World; un fer rougi au feu iron heated on the fire ; /er travaille au marteau iron beaten with a hammer; fer battu wrought iron; fer a f riser hair curling-iron; les dispositions prevues dans la presente circulaire sont applicables the provisions set forth (made) in the present circular are applicable, fit to (or for); il s'est propose de rehabiliter la memoire de he proposed (had in view) to vindicate the memory of ; il est charge du jugement des affaires criminelles les plus graves his special duty (office) is to decide the most serious criminal cases; il profile d'une invention dont il n'est pas I'auteur he makes use of an invention which is not his own. 33. PAST ANTERIOR (le passe anterieur) : j'eus fini I had finished tu eus fini you had finished il eut fini he had finished nous eumes fini we had finished vous eutes fini you had finished Us eurent fini they had finished NOTE. Action accomplished immediately before another past action. quand j'eus fini, je sortis after I had finished, I went out (after having finished; my work done, I went out). Tense mostly used with conjunctions of time: aussitot qu'ils eurent fini, Us recommencerent as soon as they had finished, they began again ; a peine eurent-ils fini qu'ils recommen- ctrent scarcely had they finished than they started anew. LESSON XXII 34. PLUPERFECT (le plus-que-parfait) : j'avaisfini I had finished tu avais fini you had finished (thou hadst, etc.) il avail fini he had finished nous avions fini we had finished vous aviez fini you had finished NOTE. Tense often ils avaientfini they had finished used with si (if) : 238 FINIR (continued) and lorsque, quand (when) ; after; je croyais; j'ai cru que (I thought) vous aviez fini I thought you had finished; elle avail fini sa leqon, quand il entra (rentra) her lesson was over, when he entered (came home) ; s'il ne V avail pas fini, il etail le deuxieme if he had not finished it, he would have been the second (for: il aurail ele le deuxieme); je ne savais si elle avail fini I did not know whether she had finished; si vous aviez fini avanl moi, je serais sorli if you had (or: had you) finished before me, I would have left (gone out) ; elle croyail qu Us les avaient finis (-es) she thought they had finished them; on avail loujours fini apres vous we always finished after you; elle croyail les avoir finis (-ies): elle croyail qu'elle les avail, etc. she thought she had finished them: Exercice de Conversation: aux deux bouts at both ends; toucher par un bout to touch at one end; aux deux bouts at both extremities; appauvrir un pays to impoverish a country; on atlendra le fail accompli pour croire a une lelle chose we shall await the accomplished fact before believing (in) such a thing; on nous a ravi ce bien that property has been taken from us; enlever de force to seize forcibly; elablir Vegalite to establish equality; agir avec un grand management aupres d'eux to act with great circumspection with them; alourdir les velemenls to render the clothes heavier; I'eau les appesanlil water makes them heavier; lourd heavy; sultry; saisir a propos to seize op- portunely; aplatir des melaux to flatten metals; on les rend plats they are made flat ; reussir a bouleverser les reseaux de chemin de fer to succeed in disconnecting the railroad lines; bouleverser I' esprit to upset the mind; saisir un oiseau au passage to catch a bird on the wing; loin de s'offenser des critiques, il les provoquail pour en faire son profit far from being provoked at his critics, he encouraged them to his own profit. 35. FUTURE (le futur): je finirai I will or shall finish tu finiras you shall or will finish (thou shalt or wilt finish) il finira he shall or will finish nous finirons we will or shall finish vous finirez you shall or will finish Us finiront they shall or will finish NOTE. oiler (to go) is often followed by a verb in the Infinitive (and referring to a near future) : FINIR (continued] 239 je vais finir I will finish : I am going to finish ; je commencerai oil vous finirez I shall begin where you leave off; dites-moi a quelle heure vous finirez tell me at what time you finish : (when you finish) ; quand tu finiras, je finirai when you finish, so shall I ; je suis sur qu'il finira avant vous I am sure he will finish before you ; il croit (qu'il finira) finir apres elle he believes he will finish after her; il ne sail s'il le finira he does not know whether he will finish it; il ne le finira de sitot he will not finish it so soon; (he may not finish it for a long while) ; c'est a qui le finira le premier (la premiere) every one wishes to finish first; 'fen finirai tout de suite avec lui I shall get rid of him at once; en finirez-vous avec vos sottises? (il ne finira jamais) will you stop calling names? (he will never stop); il finira par les persuader he at length will persuade them; quand je serai a Paris, je le finirai when I am in Paris I will finish it; s'il a le temps, il les finira if he (will have) has or if he should have the time, he will finish them; quiconque ne le finira pas whoever does not finish it; quant a elle, elle ne les finira point as for her, she will not finish them; plus on finira de bonne heure, plus tot on partira the sooner we finish, the sooner we leave; j 'ai entendu dire a votre frere que vous finirez a six heures I heard your brother say that you will finish by six o'clock; ni I'un ni I'autre ne finiront avant moi neither one will finish before me; cf. : j'ai d finir I have to finish ; I have got to finish ; voulez-vous finir? will you finish? je vais finir I am about to finish; je dois finir bientdt I am to finish soon; atlendez, j'ai bientot fini wait, I will soon be done; voulez-vous finir? will you be quiet? il est sur le point de mourir; il louche a sa fin he is at the point of death or: he is at death's door. Oral Drill: choisir une nouvelle sphere d'action dans to choose a new sphere of action in; demolir en partie des retranchements to demolish a part of the retrenchments; attaquer dans ses dernier s retranchements to attack (anyone) in his last stronghold; se retrancher dans les remparts to intrench one's self within the ramparts; les pres re- verdissent au printemps the meadows become green again in the spring; en certains pays in certain countries; allegir un volume to lighten a volume (bulk; mass); alleger un poids (: le rendre plus leger) to lighten a weight (to make it lighter); remplir a la fois to fill at the same time; applaudir une piece to applaud a play (selection); applaudir a vos succes to applaud your success; il s'applaudit d' avoir reussi he glories in his own success; la mise 240 FINIR (continued] en ordre des feuilles imprimees the classification of printed sheets ; avec soin carefully; with care; ne les a-t-on pas encore finis (-ies) are they not finished yet or have they not been finished? appro- fondir une question to fathom a question; sur la mine d'autrui upon the ruin of others; saisir le cheval par la bride to seize the horse by the bridle; vert (e) green; Us sont murs they are ripe; murir to ripen; to become ripe; salir to soil; to become soiled or dirty; bdtir to build; couler de source to flow from its spring; I'eau jaillit the water spouts (out) ; gushes (out) ; I'insomnie I'aneantit insomnia weakens him extremely ; extenuer de fatigue to overcome with fatigue ; on acheve une chose commencee we finish what is begun; saisir le poignet to seize the wrist; il travaille a la journee he works by the day; agir doucement to act gently. 36. FUTURE PAST (le futur anterieur] : j'auraifini I will or shall have finished tu auras fini you shall or will have finished (thou shalt, etc.) il aura fini he shall or will have finished nous aurons fini we will or shall have finished vous aurez fini you shall or will have finished Us auront fini they shall or will have finished NOTE. After quand; aussitot que, des que, etc., use the Future Past when an idea of futurity is implied ; after all temporal clauses as above. aussitot que vous aurez fini, j'aurai fini as soon as you (have fin- ished) are free, so shall I; j'aurai fini (j'ai fini) dans cinq minutes I will have finished in five minutes (: within, etc.); il aura fini quand vous viendrez he will have finished when you come; il partira aussitot que vous aurez fini he will leave as soon as you have fin- ished; c'est qu'il aura fini he must have finished (by this time); c'est que vous I 'aurez perdu you may have lost it; perhaps you did lose it; il croit finir demain (il croit qu'il finira demain) or: il croit qu'il aura fini demain he thinks he will have finished to-morrow or he thinks he will finish, etc. ; quand vous croirez avoir fini, dites-le moi when you think you have done, (do) tell me. 37. REDUNDANT PAST (seldom used) : des qu'elle aura eu fini or cesse as soon as she has (will have) finished. FINIR (continued] 241 38. CONDITIONAL PRESENT or FUTURE (le condition- nel present ou futur) : jefinirais I would or should finish tufinirais you should or would finish (thou shouldst or wouldst, etc.) il finirait he should or would finish nous finirions we would or should finish vous finiriez you should or would finish Us finiraient they should or would finish NOTE. This tense generally answers to the Imperfect (Indica- tive) with: si (if) or: vice-versa. je finirais, si j'avais le temps or: si j'avais le temps, je finirais I would finish if I had the time: or: should I have time I would finish (were I to have or: if I should have or: should I happen or: if I should happen to have, etc.) ; je ne savais si elle finirait I did not know if she would finish (whether she would finish or not) ; si j'etais de vous, je le finirais if I were in your place, I would finish it ; quand meme elle la finirait even if she should finish it ; meme quand nous croyons finir even when we think we are through ; je ne sais si on le finirait avant vous I do not know if we can finish it ahead of you; Us ne finiraient pas, s'ils voulaient tout dire it would be an endless narra- tive if they wished to tell all; qui ne le finirait who wouldn't finish it? elles le finiraient bien they would gladly finish it; il le finirait, qu'elle n'en serait point satisfaite he might finish it, and yet she wouldn't be pleased; si on avail le temps, on le finirait if we had the time, we would finish it or should we, etc.; cf. : il ne voulait pas le finir he wouldn't finish it; moil ne pas le finir (moil je ne le finirais pas) I wouldn't finish it! quelle folie que de le finir how foolish to finish it ! oh! si je le finissais avant lui oh! if I could (only) finish it before he does; je voudrais bien le finir how gladly I would finish it! Exercice de Conversation: il ne saurait le finir he couldn't finish it; je desirerais avoir fini or: je voudrais bien avoir, etc. I wish I had finished; le mieux est d' en finir better be done (be through with it); j'aime mieux finir que de commencer I would rather finish than begin; debuter par la comedie to start with comedy; a litre d'essai as an experiment; sommet arrondi rounded summit (rounding summit); noircir to black; to blacken; tout en noir everything looks black before 16 242 FINIR (continued} him; il passe du blanc au noir (d'une extremite a I'autre) he goes to extremes; au dela de toute mesure to extremes; tout a fait au bout (a I' extreme frontiere) at the furthermost end (of the frontier); les bles murissenl the wheat is getting ripe; les fruits sont murs the fruit is ripe; bl&mer; desapprouver; to blame; to disapprove (of); jaunir to turn yellow; to dye yellow; sa peau jaunit his skin is becoming yellow; la jaunisse the jaundice. 39. CONDITIONAL PAST (First Form) (le passe du con- ditionnel) : j'auraisfini I would or should have finished tu aurais fini you would or should have finished (thou wouldst, etc.) il aurait fini he would or should have finished nous aurions fini we would or should have finished vous auriez fini you would or should have finished Us auraient fini they would or should have finished Oral Drill: plutot rather (with a verb); quoi! il aurait fini what! he has finished (so soon) ; quand meme il les aurait finis even if he had finished them; ne les auriez-vous pas finis would you not have finished them? il disait qu'il aurait fini plus tard; plus tot he said he would have finished later; sooner; il fait un peu froid rather cold; je croyais qu'il aurait fini plus tot I thought he would have finished sooner; si j'avais eu man exercice, je I 'aurais fini if I had had my exercise, I would have finished it; elle I' aurait fini, si elle avail pu she would have finished it, if she could ; elle I' aurait fini, si elle avail voulu she could have finished it, if she had wanted to. 40. CONDITIONAL PAST (Second Form) : j'eusse fini I would or should have finished tu eusses fini you would or should have finished (thou wouldst, etc.) il eul fini he would or should have finished nous eussions fini we would or should have finished vous eussiez fini you would or should have finished Us eussenl fini they would or should have finished FINIR (continued) 243 Drill: eusse-je fini (in poetry: would that I had finished!) or: had I finished! for: sij'avais, etc. NOTE. After si (if) the 2d Form (rarely used) of the Condi- tional replaces the Pluperfect (Indicative): si vous eussiez fini, je vous aurais (or eusse) paye; for : si vous aviez fini, etc. if you had finished, I would have paid you; si elle eut pu venir (if she should have come) if she had been able to come; dies n'eussent jamais fini, s'il n'eut etc present they would never have finished, if he had not been present. 41 . Note the ne after si (unless) ; and also after depuis que, il y a (voila) . . . que: U y a cinq jours que je ne vous ai vu (e); for: je ne vous ai point vu depuis cinq jours I haven't seen you for five days or it is five days since I saw you; But: in other tenses use: ne . . . pas. See with s'en falloir and Part IV, 36. 42. In a subordinate clause (the main clause being negative in meaning) : il ne nie pas qu'il ne soil son frere he does not deny that he is his brother: cf. : il n' ignore pas que je suis son frere or: il sail fort bien que, etc. he knows very well I am his brother. 43. And in certain independent clauses in negative questions implying usually an affirmative: time: il ne I'oubliera de sa vie he will not forget it while he lives; cf. : on ne I' a dit a (qui que ce soil) personne it was kept secret; si je ne me trompe if I mistake not; elle n'est pas (plus avancee) plus riche qu'elle I'etait she is not richer than she was; qui ne comprend cela? who does not understand that? 44. A negative interrogative implying affirmation is followed by ne; also after : autre que: n'imporle no matter; si ce n'est vous except you; ne pas Ure not to be; content de ne pas voir; de n' avoir pas vu; de ne pas I' avoir vu pleased not to see; not to have seen; not to have seen it or him; non qu'il ne le fasse not that he does not do it; que ne ferait la mere pour son enfant? what would a mother not do for her child? 244 FINIR (continued) 45. Negation implied: a-t-elle un ami qui ne soil infidele has she one friend who is not unfaithful? ces navires venant de X. eussent eu tout avantage a entrer dans le port every advantage was offered to those boats entering the harbor from X. ; on ne voit pas pourquoi la flottille eut allonge son voyage, en passant par one does not comprehend why the flotilla on her way to X. should have lengthened her course; de courte duree of short duration. 46. IMPERATIVE (V imperatif} : finis finish (thou) finissons let us finish finissez finish (you or ye) qu'il finisse let him finish; qu'elle finisse let her finish; qu'ils finissent let them finish. Oral Drill: finis-le finish it ; ne le finis pas do not finish it ; finis-la finish it ; ne la finis pas do not finish it; finissons-le let us finish it; ne le (la) finissez pas do not finish it; ne le (la) finissons pas let us not finish it; ne le finis pas demain do not finish it to-morrow; voyons! finissez now! out with it; speak out! finissons-en avec cela or achevez make an end of it; cf. : meltons la dernier e main a let us put the finishing touch to (on) ; cessons de lire let us stop (read- ing) our reading; restons-en la let us leave off (there). 47. PERFECT: aie fini tout a I'heure finish your work shortly. Exercice de Conversation: ne remplissons pas nos verres let us not fill our glasses; obeir (a): obeissons a nos maitres let us obey our masters (teachers) ; desobeir (a): nelui desobeissons pas let us not disobey him (her); on le punit tous les jours he is punished every day; batissons let us build; unissons nos voix a celles let us unite our voices with those; n'agissez pas do not act; choisissez I'un ou I'autre choose either one; il faut qu'il polisse ce morceau de bois he must smooth that piece of wood ; to leave, to depart; repartir to set out again, also to retort; departir to distribute and se departir to deviate; cf. : repartir (like finir) to distribute, to assess; mettre a la voile (partir} to set sail. Pres. Ind.: je pars, pars, part, n. partons, -ez, -ent. Imperf.: je partais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je partis, -is, -it, -tmes, -ites, -irent. Future: je partirai, -as, -a, -cms, -et, -ont. Condit.: je partirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: pars, partons, partez. Pres. Subj.: que je parte, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: que je partisse, -es, partit, que n. partissions, -issiez, -issent. Pres. Part.: partant. Past Part.: parti, partie, with 2tre in compound tenses. 22 se repentir, to repent (see Lesson XXIX) ; sentir to feel, to smell; ressentir to feel, to experience; consentir to con- sent; pressentir to forebode; all like mentir. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -IR 321 servir to serve; se servir (de) to make use; desservir to remove (clear the table), also to officiate in; cf . : asservir to reduce to servitude (enslave) ; assortir to sort (match) ; ressortir to be under the jurisdiction, like finir. sortir to go out; ressortir (to go out again) like mentir. 23 saillir (in its modern sense) to project, to bring into prominence; os qui fait saillie prominent bone; c'est une fenetre en saillie bay-window. NOTE. It is conjugated like finir. 24 servir (like mentir) to serve, to wait on. servir de, to serve as; se servir de to use, to make use of. servir d to serve to, to be useful. 25 sortir to go out. Pres. Ind.: je sors, sors, sort, sortons, sortez, sortent. Imperf.: je sortais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je sortis, -is, -it, -imes, -ites, -irent. Future: je sortirai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je sortirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: sors, sortons, sortez. Pres. Subj.: que je sorte, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: que je sortisse, -es, sortit, que nous sortissions, sortissiez, sortissent. 322 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -IR Pres. Part.: sortant. Past Part.: sorti, sortie; generally used with etre. 26 tenir to hold, to hold fast; to keep; retenir to retain; obtenir to obtain; s'abstenir to abstain from; appar- tenir to belong; contenir to contain; detenir to detain; entretenir to entertain ; maintenir to maintain ; soutenir to sustain. Pres. Ind.: je liens, tu liens, il tient, n. tenons, v. tenez, Us tiennent. Imperf . : je tenais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je tins, tins, tint, ttnmes, tintes, tinrent. Future: je tiendrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit: je tiendrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Impera t . : liens, tenons, tenez. Pres. Subj.: que je tienne, -es, -e, que n. tenions, que v. teniez, qu'ils tiennent. Imperf. Subj.: que je tinsse, que tu tinsses, qu'il tint, que n. tinssions, que v. tinssiez, tinssent. Pres. Part.: tenant. Past Part.: tenu, tenue. Observe. Verbs ending in (v) enir likewise conjugated. 27 venir to come (and its compounds like tenir} : avenir happen (Impers.); advenir to happen (Impersonal); IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -IR 323 convenir to suit; contrevenir to violate; circonvenir to circumvent; devenir to become; disconvenir to deny; intervenir to intervene ; parvenir to reach ; prevenir to warn; provenir to spring (originate); revenir to come back; redevenir to become again; se souvenir to re- collect; subvenir to aid (provide); survenir to occur; se ressouvenir to recollect (remember). 28 r to clothe, to dress; revetir to clothe, to put on; devetir to divest; se devetir to take off clothing; se revetir to put on clothing. Pres. Ind.: je Vets, vets, vet, vetons, vttez, vetent. Imperf . : je v&tais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je vetis, -is, -it, -imes, -ites, -irent. Future: je vetirai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je vetirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: vets, vetons, vetez. Pres. Subj.: que je vete, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: que je vctisse, -isses, vetit, que nous vetissions, que v. vetissiez, qu'ils vetissent. Pres. Part.: vetant. Past Part.: vttu, vetue. Observe. French Academy says: Indicative and Imperative Sing, hardly used; same with the plural in the Indicative, Imper- fect (Indicat.), Pres. Subj. in all its persons and Pres. Participle. 324 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -OIR 29 Remarks on ouir and transir: ouir to hear, is used only in: j'ai out dire, 1 heard (some one say) ouir les comptes to audit accounts as a noun: I'ouie, the hearing Compare: entendre to hear, to be familiar with (language); entendre dire, to hear (reported) ; comprendre comprehend. in -oir 30 apparoir used only in: il appert it is evident, it results. NOTE. Law term. 3i asseoir to seat; s'asseoir to sit down; se rasseoir to sit down again. Pres. Ind.: j'assieds, assieds, assied, asseyons, asseyez, asseyent. Imperf.: j'asseyais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Past Def.: j'assis, -is, -it, -tmes, -ties, -irent. Future: fassierai or asseyerai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: j'assierais or asseyerais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient- Imperat. : assieds, asseyons, asseyez. Pres. Subj.: quej'asseye, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: que j'assisse, -es, assit, que n. assissions, assissiez, assissent. Pres. Part.: asseyanl. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -OIR 325 Past Part.: assis, assise. Observe. s'asseoir to sit down, like asseoir. Other form of conjugation often used in a figurative sense. Pres. Ind.: j'assois, assois, assoit, assoyons, assoyez, assoient. Imperf . : j'assoyais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Future: j'assoirai, -as, -a, ons, -ez, -on/. Condit.: j'assoirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: assois, assoyons, assoyez. Pres. Subj.: que j'assoie, -es, -e, assoyions, assoyiez, assoient. Pres. Part.: assoyant. Pact Part.: assis, assise. Use Pronominal form for s'asseoir. 32 choir to fall; rechoir to fall again; both used in the Infinitive and Past Participle only: chu, chut. ce sont souvent nos meilleurs amis qui nous font choir (Hugo) our best friends are often the cause of our fall. as a noun: chute, la chute Niagara. 33 dechoir (de, choir), to decline. Pres. Ind.: je dechois, -ois, -oil, dechoyons, -ez, dechoient. Imperf. : je dechoyais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. 326 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -OIR PastDef.: je dechus, -us, -ut, -times, -utes, -urent. Future: je decherrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je decherrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Pres. Subj.: que je dechoie, -es, -e, que n. dechoyions, dechoyiez, dechoient. Imperf. Subj.: que je dechusse, -es, dechut, que n. dechussions, dechussiez, dechus- sent. Pres. Part.: is wanting. Past Part.: dechu, dechue. NOTE. decheance fall (as a noun). 34 devoir to owe, etc. (see Lesson XXIV). 35 ichoir to expire, to fall due, used only in : Pres. Ind.: il echoit (or echet). Future : j'echerrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: j'echerrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperf. Subj. : que j'echusse. Pres. Part.: echeant. Past Part.: echu, echue. 36 falloir (Impersonal Verb), to be necessary, indispensable, proper, useful. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -OTR 327 Pres. Ind.: Condit.: ilfaut. ilfaudrait. Imperf.: Pres. Subj.: ilfallait. qu'il faille. PastDef.: Imperf. Subj.: ilfallut. qu'il fallut. Future: Past Part.: ilfaudra. fallu (no fem.). 37 mouvoir to move (machines, etc.); promouvoir to pro- mote. cf. : demenager to move (one's furniture). emouvoir to move (to tears) ; deposer un ministre. cf . : changer de demeure to remove (quarters) . Pres. Ind.: je meus, meus, meut, mouvons, mouvez, meuvent. Imperf. : je mouvais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, aient. PastDef.: je mus, mus, mut, mumes, mutes, murent. Future: je mouvrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je mouvrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat . : meus, mouvons, mouvez. Pres. Subj.: que je meuve, -es, -e, que n. mouvions, -iez, qu'ils meuvent. Imperf. Subj.: que je musse, -es, mut, que n. mussions, mussiez, mussent. Pres. Part.: mouvant. Past Part.: mu, mue with no circumflex in the feminine. Observe. promu and promue (from promouvoir) are the only forms in use as adjectives and participles. 328 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -OIR 38 pleuvoir (Impersonal Verb) to rain. Pres. Ind.: Pres. Subj.: il phut. qu'il pleuve. Imperf.: Imperf. Subj.: il pleuvait. qu'il plut. PastDef.: Pres. Part. il plut. pleuva.nl, Future: Past Part.: il pleuvra. plu. Condit.: il pleuvrait. 39 pourvoir to provide, to supply; depourvoir to leave un- provided. se pourvoir de to provide one's self with. Pres. Ind.: je pourvois, pourvois, pourvoit, n. pourvoyons, pounoyez, pourvoient. Imperf. : je pourvoyais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aienl. PastDef.: je pourvus, -us, -ut, -times, -utes, -urent. Future: je pourvoirai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je pourvoirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat. : pourvois, pourvoyons, pounoyez. Pres. Subj.: que je pourvoie, -es, -e, que n. pourvoyions, -iez, qu'ils pourvoient. Imperf. Subj.: que je pourvusse, -es, pounut, que n. pounussions, pourvussiez, p~>unussent. Pres. Part: Past Part.: pourvoya.nl. pourvu, pourvue. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -OIR 329 4 pouvoir to be able; le pouvoir, la puissance the power. Pres. Ind.: I (may) can, etc. je puts, or peux, tu peux, peut, n. pouvons, pouvez, peuvent. Imperf.: je pouvais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je pus, pus, put, putties, pules, purent. Future: je pourrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je pourrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperative is wanting. Pres. Subj.: que je puisse, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. : que je pusse, -es, put, que n. pussions, que v. pussiez, pussent. Pres. Part.: pouvant. Past Part.: pu (only). 4i savoir to know (by the mind), to be aware. savoir (with Infinitive), to know how; can, could, cf. : connaitre to know (by the senses), to recognize. Pres. Ind.: je sais, sais, sail, savons, savez, savent. Imperf.: je savais, -ais, -ait, -ions, iez, -aient. Past. Def.: je sus, sus, sut, sutnes, sutes, surent. Future: je saurai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je saurais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. 330 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -OIR Imperat . : sache, sachons, sachez. Pres. Subj.: que je sache, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: que je susse, -es, sut, que n. sussions, sussiez-, sussent. Pres. Part.: sachant. Past Part.: su, sue. 42 valoir to be worth; valoir mieux to be better; faire valoir to set off, to make the best of; equivaloir (fare equivalent) to be equivalent; chaloir (obsolete) to care for; prevaloir to prevail, cf. : rendre la pareille or ^revaloir to pay back. Pres. Ind.: je vaux, vaux, vaut, valons, valez, valent. Imperf. : je valais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je valus, -us, -ut, -umes, -utes, -urent. Future: je vaudrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je vaudrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat. : vaux, valons, valez. Pres. Subj.: que je vaille, -es, -e, que n. valions, -iez, qu'ils vaillent. Imperf. Subj.: que je valusse, -es, valut, que n. valussions, -ussiez, -ussent. Pres. Part.: volant. Past Part.: valu, value. NOTE. prevaloir in the Subj. Pres.: que je prevale. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -OIR 33! 43 voir to see; se voir to visit one another; se faire voir to show oneself; oiler voir les curiosites to go sight-seeing ; entrevoir to get (catch sight of) a glimpse; revoir to see again; prevoir to foresee (regular in the Future and Conditional). Pres. Ind.: je vois, vois, voit, voyons, voyez, voient. Imperf.: je voyais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je vis, vis, vit, vimes, vites, virent. Future: je verrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je verrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: vois, voyons, voyez. Pres. Subj.: que je voie, voies, voie, voyions, -iez, qu'ils voient. Imperf. Subj.: que je visse, -es, qu'il vit, que n. vissions, vissiez, qu'ils vissent. Pres. Part.: voyant. Past Part.: vu, vue 44 vouloir to will, to wish, to want (wish for) ; en vouloir to bear ill-will; vouloir du bien to wish well; vouloir dire to mean; vouloir dire a to want to tell; vouloir bien to be willing; en vouloir condure to infer from. Pres. Ind.: je veux, veux, veut, voulons, voulez, veulent. Imperf. : je voulais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. 332 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE PastDef.: je voulus, -us, -ut, -times, -utes, -urent. Future: je voudrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -on/. Condit.: je voudrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat. : veux, voulons, voulez. NOTE. This form implies an express recommendation to be firm. veuille, veuillons, veuillez (the latter form often used) are for requests. Pres. Subj.: queje veuille, -es, -e, que n. voulions, -iez, veuillent. NOTE. que n. veuillions, que v. veuilliez were used in the iyth and 1 8th centuries. Imperf. Subj.: queje voulusse, -es, voulut, que n. voulussions, voulussiez, voulussent. Pres. Part.: voulant. Past Part.: voulu, voulue. in -re 45 astreindre to oblige, to compel; s'astreindre to tie one's self down; conjugated like atteindre. 46 absoudre to absolve, to acquit, to remit (sins) ; cf. : pardonner to forgive. Pres. Ind.: j'absous, absous, absout, absolvons, absohez, absolvent. Imperf. : j'absolvais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Past Def.: wanting. Future : j'absoudrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 333 Condit.: fabsoudrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: Pres. Subj.: absous, absolvons, absolvez. que f absolve. Imperf. Subj.: wanting. Pres. Part.: absolvant. Past Part.: absous, absoute. 47 atteindre to reach, to attain, to be seized; ratteindre to overtake. NOTE. Verbs ending in aindre, oindre like atteindre. Pres. Ind.: j'atteins, atteins, atteint, atteignons, -ez, -ent. Imperf.: j'atteignais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Past. Def.: j'atteignis, -is, -it, -tmes, -ties, -irent. Future: j'atteindrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: j'atteindrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: atteins, atteignons, atteignez. Pres. Subj.: que j'atteigne, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: quej'atteignisse, -es, atteignit, atteignissions, -iez, qu'ils atteignissent. Pres. Part.: atteignant. Past Part.: atteint, atteinte. 48 battre to beat, to bang, to thrash; se battre avec acharne- ment to fight desperately; se battre a coups de poing 334 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE (with fists) ; abattre to abate, to fall down, to cut down; combattre to combat, to wage war against; debattre to debate; se debattre to struggle; s'ebattre to be engaged in sports, to gambol; rabattre to pull down, to deduct. cf. : livrer bataille to fight a battle. lutter corps a corps to wrestle. NOTE. Loses t in the Present Indicative; otherwise like rompre. 49 boire to drink, to imbibe; s'imboire to be imbued; cf . : avaler to swallow and achever de boire to drink up; sabler une coupe de champagne to toss off, etc. Pres. Ind.: je bois, bois, boit, buvons, buvez, boivent. Imperf.: je buvais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je bus, bus, but, bumes, butes, burent. Future: je boirai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je boirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: bois, buvons, buvez. Pres. Subj.: que je boive, -es, -e, que n. buvions, -iez, -boivent. Imperf. Subj.: que je busse, -es, qu'il but, que n. bussions, bussiez, qu'ils bussent. Pres. Part.: Past Part.: buvant. bu, bue. 50 braire (formerly to whine) to bray, to imitate the cry of an ass. cf. : hi-han (cry of an ass). IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 335 Pres. Ind.: il brait, Us braient. Future: il braira, Us brairont. Condit:. il brairait, Us brairaient. bruire (formerly to speak loudly of a person, of things), to make an indistinct sound, to rustle, to rattle; faire bruire to cause to rattle. Pres. Ind.: il bruit. Imperf.: il bruyait, Us bruyaient. NOTE. A few writers have used other persons. Bruit (m.) a noise. 52 ceindre to enclose, to encircle (little space), to gird on; enceindre to enclose (so as to forbid entrance), to surround (large space). Pres. Ind.: je ceins, ceins, ceint, ceignons, ceignez, ceignent. Imperf. : je ceignais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Past. Def.: je ceignis, -is, -it, -imes, -ites, -irent. Future: je ceindrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je ceindrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imoerat.: ceins, ceignons, ceignez. Pres. Subj.: que je ceigne, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. 336 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN-RE Imperf. Subj.: que je ceignisse, -es, qu'il ceignit, que n. ceignissions, ceignissiez, ceignissent. Pres. Part.: ceignant. Past Part.: ceint, ceinte. 53 clore to close, to fence, to finish, to close (accounts); declare to unfence, to throw open; eclore to hatch, to open; enclore to fence in, to inclose; forclore to fore- close, to estop, to debar, cf . : fermer to close. Pres. Ind.: je clos, tu clos, il cldt. Future: je clorai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je clorais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperative: clos. Pres. Subj.: que je close, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Past Part.: clos, close, in all its compound tenses. 54 inclus, incluse, with ci: ci-inclus, (e), here enclosed. (See Past Participle.) 55 conclure (de~) to conclude, to end, to close; condure (d) to lead to, to judge; exclure to exclude; inclure to inclose; reclure to shut up, to cloister. Pres. Ind.: je conclus, conclus, conclut, concluons, -ez, -ent. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 337 Imperf . : je concluais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -client. PastDef.: je conclus, -us, -ut, -times, -utes, -urent. Future: je conclurai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je conclurais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat. : conclus, concluons, conduez. Pres. Subj.: que je conclue, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: que je conclusse, -es, qu'il condut, condussions, condussiez, con- dussent. Pres. Part.: conduant. Past Part.: condu, conclue. NOTE. condure means also to draw a final conclusion, to come to a final conclusion. cf.: deduire, to draw a special inference from a general statement. induire to lead to a general statement by way of special inferences. 56 conduire to conduct, to govern, to escort; se conduire to behave; econduire to show out (dismiss); reconduire to lead back. cf. : guider to guide (mostly persons). mener to lead. NOTE. Verbs ending in -duire, like deduire, to deduct; enduire to coat (plaster); induire to induce; introduire to introduce; produire to produce; reduire to reduce; reproduire to reproduce; seduire to seduce; traduire to render (translate); construire to construct ; reconstruire to reconstruct ; deconstruire to take apart. Endings -truire, all like conduire. Also detruire, to destroy and cuire (to cook) and recuire (recook). 338 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE Pres. Ind.: je conduis, conduis, conduit, conduisons, -ez, -ent. Imperf . : je conduisais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je conduisis, -is, -it, -imes, -ites, -irent. Future: je conduirai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je conduirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: conduis, conduisons, conduisez. Pres. Subj.: que je conduise, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperfect : que je conduisisse, -es, conduisti, que n. conduisissions, -iez, -ent. Pres. Part.: conduisant. Past Part.: conduit, conduite. 57 confire to preserve, to cause to steep (soak), to pickle; deconfire to discomfit, to do for; deconfiture (n.) dis- - comfiture, havoc, insolvency. Pres. Ind.: je confis, -is, -it, -ons, -ez, -ent. Imperf.: je confisais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je confis, -is, -it, -imes, -Ues, -irent. Future: je confirai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je confirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat. : confis, confisons, confisez. Pres. Subj.: que je confise, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 339 Imperf. Subj.: que je confisse, -es, qu'il confit, que n. confissions, -iez, -ent. NOTE. Tense little used in the Imperfect Subj. Pres. Part.: confisant. Past Part.: confit, confite. 58 connaitre to know, to be acquainted with, to perceive; connaitre a fond to know thoroughly ; se connaitre to know one's self or each other; se connaitre en quelque chose to be a judge of, etc. ; ne plus se connaitre to be beside one's self; se fair e connaitre to become known ; cf . : divulguer un secret to reveal a secret ; meconnaitre not to know; reconnaitre to recognize. Pres. Ind.: je connais, -ais, -ait, connaissons, -ez, -ent. NOTE. Verbs in -aitre preserve the circumflex before t. Imperf. : je connaissais , -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je connus, -us, -ut, -times, -utes, -urent. Future: je connattrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je connatirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: connais, connaissons, connaissez. Pres. Subj.: que je connaisse, -es, -e, -ions,* -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: que je connusse, -es, qu'il connut, que n. connussions, -iez, -ent. Pres. Part.: connaissant. Past Part.: connu, connue. 340 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 59 construire (like conduire) to construct, to build, to frame. 60 contraindre (like craindre at page 341), to constrain, to compel. NOTE. contraindre a with Infinitive or noun when the sense implies great efforts; contraindre de refers to the result. 61 contredire (\ikedire at page 344, except in the Pres. Indicat. 2d Pers. Plural vous contredisez) to contradict; dedire to recant, to retract, to disprove; interdire to interdict; medire to slander; predire to predict, all like contredire. NOTE. Imperative like Indicative. 62 coudre to sew, to stitch; recoudre to sew again; decoudre to unsew, to rip. Pres. Ind.: je couds, couds, coud, cousons, cousez, consent. Imperf. : je cousais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Past Def.: je cousis, -is, -it, -tmes, -ties, -irent. Future: je coudrai, -as, -a, -ons\, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je coudrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat. : couds, cousons, cousez. Pres. Subj.: que je cause, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: que je cousisse, -es, qu'il coustt, que nous cousissions, -iez, -ent. Pres. Part.: Past Part.: cousant. cousu, cousue. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 34! 63 craindre to fear, to dread, to have fear of; sefaire craindre to cause one's self to be dreaded. NOTE. Verbs ending in eindre, oindre likewise conjugated. Pres. Ind.: je crains, crains, craint, craignons, -ez, -ent. Imperf . : je craignais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je craignis, -is, -it, -imes, -ites, -irent. Future: je craindrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit. : je craindrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: crains, craignons, craignez. Pres. Subj.: queje craigne, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: que je craignisse, -es, qu'il craignit, que nous craignissions, -iez, -ent. Pres. Part.: craignant. Past Part.: craint, crainte. $64 croire to believe, to have faith in, to be of opinion. faire accroire to make to believe (impose); mecroire (seldom used), to disbelieve, also decroire to disbelieve. Pres. Ind.: je crois, crois, croit, croyons, croyez, croient. Imperf.: je croyais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je cms, cms, crut, crumes, crutes, crurent. 342 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE Future: je croirai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je croirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: crois, crayons, croyez. Pres. Subj.: queje croie, -es, -e, croyions, -iez, croienl. Imperf. Subj.: queje crusse, -es, qu'il crut, que n. crussions, que v. crussiez, qu'ils crussent. Pres. Part.: croyant. Past Part.: cru, crue. 65 croitre to grow, to grow up, to thrive; accroitre to in- crease; decrcntre to decrease; recrmtre to grow again; surcroitre to overgrow. NOTE. Compare 2d Group Verbs like grossir, to grow stout; maigrir, to grow thin; rajeunir to grow young; vieillir to grow old; jaunir to become yellow; blanchir to whiten, etc. Pres. Ind.: je crois, crois, croft, croissons, croissez, croissent. Imperf.: je croissais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je crus, crils, crut, crumes, crutes, crurent. Future: je croitrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je croitrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: crois, croissons, croissez. Pres. Subj.: queje croisse, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 343 Imperfect : que je crfisse, crusses, qu'il crtit, crtissions, crtissiez, crussent. Pres. Part.: croissant. Past Part.: cr&, crue (no circumflex in the feminine). 66 accroitre (like croitre) to increase; recroitre to grow again; surcroitre to grow out (of), to overgrow, have no cir- cumflex in the Past Participle nor in the third person singular and third person plural. NOTE. accroitre includes in its meanings those of agrandir (to enlarge) and augmenter (referring to number or elevation). 67 cuire (like conduire} to cook, to do, to boil, to bake, to roast, to broil, to grill; recuire to cook again, etc. cf . : br filer to burn. 68 deduire (like construire) to take from, to draw from. induire to induce (lead into), to infer. detruire to destroy, to demolish. 69 detruire (like conduire) to destroy; se detruire to destroy one's self. 70 deteindre (like atteindre) to take out the dye, to fade. man costume se deteint my suit loses its color; cf.: ettes se fanent they are fading away (falling out); elles se fletrissent they are withering. See teindre (to dye) ; reteindre to dye again. 344 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 71 dire to say (tell), to relate, to name, to recite, to express, to think; entendre dire to hear (reported); faire dire d to make any one say or send word to ; d vrai dire or d dire vrai to speak the truth ; ne pas se le faire dire deux fois to obey at once; vouloir dire to mean, to signify; pour ainsi dire so to speak; sans mot dire (sans dire le mot} ; ne dire mot to keep silent ; dire un mot to say a word; avoir beau dire to speak in vain; se le faire dire to hesitate. redire to say again; maudire to curse (like dire in the Past Part., Future and Cond.; otherwise like finir); contredire to contradict; dedire to recant, to deny; inter dire to interdict; medire to slander; predire to predict; like dire except in the Indicative (Pres.) and Imperative, 26. pers. plural, -ez. Pres. Ind.: je dis, dis, dit, disons, dites, disent. Imperf . : je disais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je dis, dis, dit, dimes, dites, dirent. Future: je dirai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je dirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat . : dis, disons, dites. Pres. Subj.: que je dise, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj : que je disse, disses, qu'il dit, dissions, -iez, -ent. Pres. Part.: Past Part.: disant. dit, dite. NOTE. ou'ir dire (to hear say) used only in the Infinitive and in ouie (hearing); apprendre des nouvelles (hear news). See 39. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 345 72 dissoudre (like cbsoudre) to dissolve, to break up. 73 eclore (like dore), to hatch, to open, and is used as follows Pres. Ind.: eclos, eclos, eclot, eclosons, -ez, -ent. Imperf . : eclosais, eclosions. Future : eclorai, eclorons. Condit.: eclorais, eclorions. Pres. Subj.: que j'eclose. Past Part.: eclos, eclose. 74 ecrire to write, to pen, to set down; circonscrire to cir- cumscribe; decrire to describe; inscrire to inscribe; prescrire to prescribe; proscrire to proscribe; r ecrire to rewrite; souscrire to subscribe; transcrire to trans- cribe; cf . : faire le releve de, to make an abstract of (dates, births, etc.). Pres. Ind.: j'ecris, ecris, ecrit, ecrivons, ecrivez, ecrivent. Imperf. : j'ecrivais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: j'ecrivis, -is, -it, -itnes, -ites, -irent. Future: j'ecrirai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: j'ecrirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. 346 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE Imperat. : ecris, ecrivons, ecrivez. Pres. Subj.: quej'ecrive, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: qtte j'ecrivisse, -es, qu'il ecrivit, que n. ecrivissions, ecrivissiez, qu'ils Pres. Part.: ecrivant. Past Part.: ecrit, ecrite. 75 inscrire (like ecrire) to inscribe, to set down, to impanel. 76 souscrire (like ecrire) to subscribe, to underwrite. 77 empreindre (like craindre) to imprint, to impress, to stamp. cf. : marquer d I'empreinle de to bear the stamp of; imprinter to print ; cf . : imprimeur printer. 78 enfreindre (like craindre} to infringe, to violate. on a enfreint les regies the rules have been violated; Us ont enfreint le traite (infringed, etc.); elles ont enfreint les lots (transgressed the laws). 79 epreindre (like craindre) to squeeze out. il a epreint lejus he squeezed out the juice. eteindre (like craindre) to extinguish, to put out; reteindre to put out again. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 347 8l etreindre (like craindre) to embrace. qui trap embrasse, mat etreint grasp all, lose all; les emotions m'etreignent (seize); ce furent de douces etreintes (sweet embraces). 82 enduire (like deduire] to coat, to do over. 83 faire to do, to make, to create, to construct, to take, to carry on, to cause to, etc., etc.; contrefaire to counter- feit, to disguise; defaire to undo; forfaire to forfeit, to be lacking in one's duty; malfaire to do ill; mefaire to harm; parfaire to complete; redefaire to undo again; refaire to do again; se defaire to get rid of; satisfaire to satisfy; surfaire to overcharge, to over- praise; cf. : faire epoque to mark an era. Pres. Ind.: je fais, fais, fait, faisons, faites, font. Imperf . : je faisais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je fis, fis, fit, fimes, files, firent. Future: je ferai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je ferais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: fais, faisons, faites. Pres. Subj.: que je fasse, -es, -e, -ions, iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: que jefisse, -es, qu'il fit, fissions, -iez, -ent. Pres. Part.: Past Part.: faisant. fait, faite. NOTE. faire is frequently followed by an Infinitive; faire is frequently followed by noun (no article); faire voir to show; faire fortune, to make a fortune. 34 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE faire faire to cause to be made; faire b&tir to have built; ne faire que to be always engaged in. quel temps fait-il? how is the weather? il fait chaud, le temps est chaud it is warm; il fait froid or il fait un temps froid it is cold; il fait mauvais, il fait un mauvais temps it is bad weather; il fait humide it is damp; cf. : quel vilain temps! what disagreeable weather! quel sale temps! what nasty weather! il fait sec it is dry weather; il fait ban it is comfortable; il fait frais it is cool; il fait obscur (sombre or noir) it is dark; il fait un temps noir it is gloomy weather; il fait gris it is raw; il fait nuit it is night or getting night; il fait jour it is daylight; il fait clair it is light; U fait clair de lune it is moonlight ; il fait doux it is mild ; il fait soleil, ilfait du soleil it ie sunny; il fait un beau soleil it is beautiful sunshine; il est tantot nuit it will soon be night; il fait un froid de loup it is bitter cold; il fait verglas or */ tombe du verglas the rain freezes; il fait des eclairs it is lightning; il fait du vent it is windy (il fait de I' air); il fait de I'orage it is stormy; il fait du brouillard, it is foggy; il fait de la boue it is muddy; il fait de la poussiere it is dusty; il fait glissant it is slippery; cf.: le pied m'a manque my foot slipped; il fait ban vivre id this is a good place to live in; il fait bien crotte dans les rues, the streets are very dirty; le temps est triste it is dull weather; le temps est bru- meux it is misty (hazy); le temps est convert it is cloudy; le temps se brouille clouds are gathering ; le temps se tourne au beau (chang- ing to fair); le temps se remet au beau it is becoming fine weather; le temps se resserre it is getting colder; le temps s'adoucit (se reldche) it is getting milder; le temps se rechauffe it is getting warmer; le temps s'obscurcit it is getting cloudy; le temps s'eclaircit it is clearing up; le temps se rembrunit or se couvre (cloudy); le del se couvre or s'obscurcit; le temps est or se met, au beau; le vent se refroidit the wind is freshening, or le vent se rafraichit; voila un temps qui promet un orage this weather forebodes a storm; voila un orage qui se prepare there is a storm brewing; le jour court a son declin or est a son, etc. the day is declining (twilight); quel temps il fait! what weather to be sure! cf. : apres la pluie le beau temps every cloud has its silver lining; petite pluie abat grand vent a little rain lays a great dust. 84 geindre (like craindre) to whine; gemir (like finir) to groan. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 349 cf.: pousser un gemissement to utter a groan; colloq.: qu'a-t-il & geindre? what is he complaining about? 85 instruire (likededuire) to instruct, to teach, to investigate. cf. : enseigner to teach (grammar); ignorer not to know; not to be aware of; s' instruire to instruct one's self. 86 interdire (like dire except in the Indicative: vous inter- disez and in the Imperative, interdisez) to interdict (dumbfound). 87 joindre (like craindre) to join, to add, to overtake; ad- joindre to adjoin; conjoindre to conjoin; dejoindre to disjoin; disjoindre to disjoin; enjoindre to enjoin; re- joindre to rejoin; oindre to anoint; also poindre to dawn. cf. : relief, to bind; relieur binder. lire to read; elire to elect; relire to read again; reelire to re-elect; lire et relire to read over and over again. faire la lecture (reading) a, to read to. ct.:faire une etude speciale de to read up; jaire'la leqon a to lecture any one; faire mention (books) to read of. Pres. Ind.: ,....-. . . je Us, Us, lit, lisons, lisez, lisent. Imperf.: je lisais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Past. Def.: je lus, lus, lut, lumes, lutes, lurent. Future: je lirai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. 35O IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE Condit.: je lirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: lis, lisons, lisez. Pres. Subj.: quc je Use, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: que je lusse, gut tu lusses, qu'il lut, que nous lussions, que vous lus siez, qu'ils lussent. Pres. Part.: lisant. Past Part.: In, lue. luire to shine, to glitter, to appear; reluire to glisten. Pres. Ind.: je luis, luis, luit, luisons, luisez, luisent. Imperf.: je luisais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Future: luirai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je luirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Pres. Subj.: que je luise, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Pres. Part.: Past Part.: luisant. lui (only). NOTE. No Past Definite, Imperative, Imperfect Subj. 90 maudire (like dire except in the Plural of the Indicative) to curse. je ntaudis, ntaudis, ntaudit, maudissons, maudissez, tnaudissent. je maudissais, etc., likefinir; maudissant. il maudit son sort he curses his lot; ntaudit sois-tu, bourreau de man enfant cursed be thou, executioner of my child; Cain fut maudit de (par) Dieu malediction of God fell upon Cain; maudit IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 35! soil le maladroit! deuce take the clumsy fool: cf.: U jure, he swears; il en jure he swears to it. 9i meconnaitre (like connaitre) not to know again, to disown. 92 medire (like dire, except in the 2d Pers. Plural in the In- dicative, Imperative : medisez) to slander, to speak ill. 93 mettre to put, to put on; admettre to admit; commettre to commit; compromettre to compromise; demettre to dislocate; emettre to emit; s'entremettre to interpose; omettre to omit; permettre to permit; promettre to promise; remeitre to remit, to put back; repr omettre to promise again; soumettre to submit; transmettre to transmit; se mettre d, to begin; se mettre en route to set out. Pres. Ind.: je mets, tu mets, il met, n. mettons, mettez, mettent. Imperf . : je mettais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je mis, mis, mil, mimes, mites, mirent. Future: mettrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit. : je mettrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat. : mets, mettons, mettez. Pres. Subj.: que je mette, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: que je misse, -es, qu'il mit, missions, -iez, -ent. Pres. Part.: Past Part.: mettant. mis, mise. 352 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 94 moudre to grind; emoudre to sharpen; remoudre to grind again ; remoudre to sharpen again ; cf . : tailler un crayon to sharpen a pencil; repasser un rasoir (or affiler un rasoir sur la pierre) to hone, set a razor; aiguiser (to whet) refers more to bringing to a sharp point: tranchant tres affile (keen edged). Present Ind. : je mauds, mouds, moud, moulons, moulez, moulent. Imperf.: je moulais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Past Def.: je moulus, moulus, moulut, moulumes, moulutes, moulurent. Future: je moudrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit. : je moudrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat. : mouds, moulons, moulez. Pres. Subj.: que je moule, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj. : que je moulusse, -es, qu'il moulut, que n. moulussions, moulussiez, moulus sent. Pres. Part. : moulant. Past Part.: moulu, moulue. 95 naitre to be born; renaitre to be born again, to receive; prendre naissance to originate; donner naissance d to give rise to; faire naitre des soup$ons to give rise to suspicion. Pres. Ind.: je nais, nais, nait, naissons, naissez, naissent. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 353 Imperf.: je naissais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Past Def.: je naquis, -is, -it, -imes, -ites, -irent. Future: je naitrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je naitrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: nais, naissons, naissez. Pres. Subj.: que je naisse, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj. : que je naquisse, -es, qu'il naquit, que n. naquissions, que v. naquis- siez, qu'ils naquissent. Pres. Part.: naissant. Past Part.: ne, nee. NOTE. Always etre in its compound tenses. 96 nuire to hurt, to annoy; ne pas nuire not to harm; se nuire to hurt one's self or each other, cf.: blesser to wound, to hurt, to injure; faire mal to hurt; faire du mal to injure. Pres. Ind.: je nuis, nuis, nuit, nuisons, nuisez, nuisent. Imperf.: je nuisais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Past. Def.: je nuisis, -is, -it, -imes, -ties, -irent. Future: je nuirai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je nuirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: nuis, nuisons, nuisez. 23 354 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE Pres. Subj.: que je nuise, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: que je nuisisse, -es, qu'il nuisU, que n. nuisissions, nuisissiez, qu'ils nuisissent. Pres. Part.: nuisant. Past Part.: nut (invariable). 97 oindre (like craindre} to anoint; cf . f rotter to rub. 98 paitre (like connaitre) to graze, to pasture; repaUre to feed (not frequently used); se repaitre to feast upon (to feed). NOTE. Paitre has no Past Def. nor Imperf. Subj.; pu is little used, but repaitre has a Past Part, and a Past. Def. 99 paraitre (like connaitre} to appear, to seem, to be issued; apparaitre to appear (suddenly); reparaUre to reap- pear; comparaitre to be summoned, to appear at court; dispar aitre to disappear, to vanish out of sight. 100 peindre (like craindre) to paint, to depict; repeindre to paint again; depeindre to depict, to portray. cf . : faire le croquis d'une figure to sketch a figure. peindre en email to enamel; une peinture en email enameled picture; peindre a I'huile to paint in oil; peindre d'apres nature to paint from nature; se faire peindre (faire son portrait) to sit for one's portrait; cf. : poser pour son portrait (debout, standing; assis seated); faire poser to keep waiting for nothing, to be duped. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 355 101 plaindre (like craindre) to pity, to moan; n'etre pas a plaindre not to be pitied, to be in good circumstances; se plaindre to complain of, to pity each other. cf. : geindre to whine; gemir to moan, to sigh over, to 'groan; s'attendrir sur to be moved to pity; se lamenter to bewail; pleurer (ses j 'antes) to regret; regretter to regret (lament), to be sorry for, to miss. 102 se plaindre que, used with Subjunctive; se plaindre que used with Indicative when that verb refers to a true statement; se plaindre de ce que always followed by Indicative. 103 plaire to please, to suit; deplaire to displease; se plaire a to delight in. cf. : faire plaisir d to give pleasure to; charmer to please; en- chanter to delight; ravir to enrapture; etre content (de) to be pleased ; prendre plaisir a to be pleased in; etre enchante (de) to be delighted to ; se faire un plaisir de, faire ses delices de to delight in. Pres. Ind.: je plais, plais, plait, plaisons, plaisez, plaisent. Imperf.: je plaisais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Past Def.: je plus, plus, plut, plumes, plutes, plurent. Future : je plairai, -as, -a, -cms, -ez, -imt. Condit.: je plairais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: plais, plaisons, plaisez. Pres. Subj.: que je plaise, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. 356 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE Imperf. Subj.: que je plusse, -es, qu'il plut, que nous plussions, que vous plussiez, qu'ils plussent. Pres. Part.: plaisant. Past Part.: plu (only). 104 poindre no longer used in the sense of: to sting; piquer now replaces it. Poindre (used in the Infinitive and Future) is conjugated \\kejoindre. 87. 105 prendre to take, to provide one's self, to seize, to accept, to catch. se prendre to be taken; se prendre d to begin to; s'y prendre to manage to do (a thing), to set about; s'en prendre d, to lay the blame on; se prendre pour to look upon one's self as; se prendre de paroles to engage in heated words; se prendre d'amitie to take a liking to. Pres. Ind.: je prends, tu prends, il prend, nous prenons, TOUS prenez, Us prennent. Imperf. : je prenais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. PastDef.: je pris, pris, prit, primes, prites, prirent. Future: je prendrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, ont. Condit. : je prendrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: prends, prenons, prenez. Pres. Subj.: que je prenne, que tu prennes, qu'il prenne, que n. prenions, que v. preniez, qu'ils prennent. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 357 Imperf. Subj.: que je prisse, que tu prisses, qu'il prit, que n. prissions, que v. prissiez, qu'ils prissent. Pres. Part. : prenant. Past. Part.: pris, prise. Also: apprendre to learn; desapprendre to unlearn; rapprendre to learn again; comprendre to understand; cf.: entendre to understand; deprendre to loosen; reprendre to retake; s'eprendre to become enamored of; entreprendre to undertake; se meprendre to mistake; surprendre to surprise. cf.: mettre une chose sur le metier to undertake; trop entreprendre to overreach; s' engager dans to undertake (embark in); cf. s'engager (enroler dans) to enlist. 106 produire (like conduire) to produce, to yield, to exhibit; reproduire to produce again, to republish. 107 reduire (like conduire) to reduce, to abate, to curtail. 108 resoudre (resolvant, resolu, or resolue); also resous. to resolve, to solve, to dissolve, to settle. NOTE. Other tenses like absoudre; resous, refers exclusively to things. iog rire to laugh; sourire to smile. cf.: ebaucher un sourire (indiquer legerement); pleurer to weep; se moquer de to laugh at. Pres. Ind.: je ris, ris, rit, rions, riez, rient. Imperf.: je riais, riais, riait, riions, riiez, riaient. 358 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE Past Def.: je ris, ris, rit, rimes, rites, rirent. Future: je rirai, riras, rira, rirons, rirez, riront. Condit.: je rirais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Impera t . : ris, rions, riez, Pres. Subj.: queje rie, que tu ries, qu'il rie, que n. riions, que v. riiez, qu'ils rient. Imperf. Subj.: que je risse, risses, qu'il rit, que n. rissions, que v. rissiez, qu'ils rissent. Pres. Part.: riant. Past Part.: ri (only). no suffire (like confire) to suffice, to be equal to. NOTE. The Past. Part, is suffi. in sourdre to rise from the earth is used only in the Infini- tive and in the third person Singular Indicative (Academic) . NOTE. une source, a spring, derives from it. 112 suivre to follow, to go next, to pursue; s'ensuivre (Imper- sonal) to ensue, to follow; pour suivre to pursue, to proceed. Pres. Ind.: je suis, tu suis, U suit, nous suivons, vous suivez, Us suivent. Imperf. : je suivais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 359 PastDef.: je suivis, -is, -it, -imes, -lies, -irent. Future : je suivrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je suivrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: suis, suivons, suivez. Pres. Subj.: que je suive, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: que je suivisse, -es, qu'il suivit, que n. suivissions, que v. suivissiez, qu'ils suivissent. Pres. Part.: suivant. Past Part.: suivi, suivie. 3 taire (like plaire) to say nothing of (not to mention); se taire to keep silent. Taire has no circumflex. 8iM teindre (like craindre) to dye, to color; reteindre to dye again. NOTE. See page 343, 70. traduire (like conduire} to translate, to render, to denote. 116 traire to milk, to draw; abstraire to abstract; distraire to distract; extraire to extract; soustraire (subtract). cf. : tirer to draw, to pull, to extricate; trainer to draw, to drag along, to trail. 360 IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE "7 tistre or litre to weave, is used only in the Past. Part. and compound tenses; tisser is now in use. 118 vainer e to conquer, to overcome; se vainer e to conquer one's inclinations; se laisser vaincre a to lead one's self into; convaincre to convince. cf.: se persuader d'une chose to convince one's self, etc. Pres. Ind.: je vaincs, vaincs, vainc, vainquons, vainquez, vainquent. Imperf . : je vainquais , -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Past. Def.: je vainquis, -is, -it, -tmes, -ties, -irent. Future: je vaincrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je vaincrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: vaincs, vainquons, vainquez. Pres. Subj.: queje vainque, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. Subj.: queje vainquisse, -es, qu'il vainqutt, que n. vainquis sions, -iez, -ent. Pres. Part.: vainquant. Past Part.: vaincu, vaincue. 119 vivre to live; savoir vivre to behave like a gentleman; revivre to come to life again; survivre to survive. demeurer to reside; habiter to live in. Pres. Ind.: je vis, vis, vit, vivons, vivez, vivent. IRREGULAR VERBS ENDING IN -RE 361 Imperf . : je vivais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Past Def.: vecus, -us, -ut, -times, -lites, -urent. Future: je vivrai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. Condit.: je vivrais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient. Imperat.: vis, vivons, vivez. Pres. Subj.: quejevive, -es, -e, -ions, iez, ent. Imperf. Subj.: que je vecusse, -es, qu'il vec&t, que n. vecussions, que v. vecussiez, qu'ils vecussent. Pres. Part.: vivant. Past Part.: vecu, vecue. NOTE. This verb is frequently active in form only. GENERAL VOCABULARY in French or English for guidance NOTE. Abbreviations: (n.) nom; (m.) masculin; (f.) feminin; (adj.) adjectif; (prep.) preposition; (pron.) pronom; (interj.) interjection; (v.) verbe; (p. p.) participe passe; same word; numbers refer to pages; other abbreviations as in English Dictionaries; to before verbs often omitted. For convenience the correct division of French syllables has not always been observed. a a (m.); -(an, one) un (e) 9, 75 d at, to, in, 3 abandon (v.) abandonner; -ment, abandon (m.) abase (v.), degrader; s'humilier abate, 55, s'abattre; diminuer; aecroitre abattre (v.), 334, to fall abbe, 66 abbey abbaye (f.); abbot abbe (m.), 15 abbrevi-ate (v. 1 ) abreger; -ation, - (f.) abdic-ate (v.) abdiquer; -ation (f.); (v.) renoncer a, 197 abdomen (m.), 19 abduct (v.) ravir, 238 a secede (m.) I' alphabet, 6 abed alite; au lit, 148 aberration (n.) (f.) ; anormal, 78 abhor (v.) avoir en horreur, hair, detester ability, 108, habilete (f.), capacite; aptitude (f.) abject, 33, vil; meprisable; has abjure (v.) abjurer; renoncer d, 341 ablative ablatif (m.), 74 (with par, de) ablaze en flammes (f.), 102 able (adj.) capable; propre a; en mesure de; en etat de; to be pouvoir, 329 able-bodied (adj.) robuste; fort ably (adv.) avec habilete (f.) (adresse, f.) aboard a bord (m).; en vciture (f.), 309 abode sejour (m.); residence (f.), abol-ish (v.) abolir; mettre fin a; revoquer; annuler; dissoudre, 345; abroger; -ition (f.) abnormal (adj) anormal; irre- gulier, 78 abomin-able (adj.) ; degoutant, 115; -ate (v.) avoir en horreur (f.), degout (m.); hair, 316; repugner; -ation (f.) aborig-inal (m.) naturels, 258; -ines -enes abound (v.) etre en abondance (f.), 109; abonder en about (prep.) environ, 187; a peu pres; vers (time or direction) above (adv., prep.) au-dessus (de); board, sans deguise- ment (m.), 187 abreast (adv.) cote a cote (f.), 193 abridg-e (v.) faire un abrege (epitome); -ment abrege (m.), 228, 275 abroad d I'etranger abrogate (v.) abroger abrupt (adj.) brusque, rude; (slope) rapide; perpendicu- laire, vertical; declin (m.); -ly, 224; a plomb, perpendiculaire (-ment); -ness rudesse (f.) 363 364 GENERAL VOCABULARY abscess (n.) abces (m.); infec- tion (f.) abscond (v.) derober; cocker; se absen-ce (n.), 54, absence (f.) (lack); -t, 4, , (m.); -tly, 359; par distraction (f.); par manque d 'attention; -t-minded, 54, distrait (adj.); il s'absente he often goes away absolu (adj.) perfect, 43 absolu-te (adj.) absolu; indepen- dant; souverain; -tely (adv.) absolument; sans restriction (f.); purement et simplement; -tion (f.) absolve (v.) absoudre, 332 absorb (v.) absorber; plonger (mind); occuperjortement, 197, 217; etre absorbe; (drink) boire, 334; avaler, 255 absor-bent (adj.) absorbant; qui occupe entierement; -ption abstain (v.), 322, s'abstenir (de); s'empecher (de) abstemious (adj.) temper ant; sobre (dans) abstract (n.) abstrait; (v.) isoler, 22?;faire abstraction de; -ly isolement absurd (adj). ridicule: -ity -ite (f.) ; stupldite abundan-ce (n.) abondance (f.); surcrott (m.), 343; -t (adj.) abondant; en abondance (f.) abuse (y.) abuser (de); mal user, 197; injurier (offenser), 165 abusif, 59, wrongly used abyss (n.) abime (m.); gouffre (precipice} (m.), 145, 297 academ-y, 47, academic (f.); -ic (adj.) -ique accede (v.) ceder (a); se ren- dre aux desirs de; consentir, 320 accelera-te (v.), 343, accroitre; -tion (n.) accroissement (m.), 228 accent (n.), 46, (m.); pronon- ciation (f.); tonic /' 'accent tonique; -uate (v.) -uer; mar- quer d'un ; (stress) (f.), 45, 225 accept (v.) 28, accepter; rece- voir, 249; prendre, 356; -able, 28, agr cable; -ance -ation (f.) access (n.) acces (abord) (m.); entree (f.); -ible (adj.) ; abordable, 215; -it (n.) , 33, -ory (n.) accessoire (m.), 24 accident (n.) (m.), 193; -al (adj.) -al; -ally (adv.) par accident accla-im (v.) acclamer, 349; -ma tion (f.) acclimate (v.) acclimater; s' ; s'habituer a, 277 accolade, 5 (brace), embrasse- ment (m.), 347; (f.) accommod-ate (v.) accommoder; convenir; etre content (de); -ation, 104; amabilite, com- plaisance (f.) accompagner (v.) accompan-y, 57; -ist (n.) qui accompagne; 358; -iment (n.) accom- pagnement (m.) accompli (adj.) -shed; (years) reached, 304; completed; ef- fected; fulfilled; done; achiev- ed ; performed ; carried out, 238 accomplish (v.) accomplir, achev- er, remplir; executer; realiser, 238; -ment (n.) accompli sse- ment (m.), 152; achievement (m.); resolution (f.); acquisi- tion; agrement, 244 accord (n.) accord (m.), 59; conformite de sentiments; har- monie (f.); concordance (f.); union de sons; no, a' accord (agreed upon); tomber d' to agree; to be of one mind (finally); 59, s'accorder to agree (suit) accorder (v.) to agree; etre en accordance (77, gr., Vadjectif s'accorde avec le nom; on ac- corde le verbe avec son sujet) ; cf.: 269, conceder; mettre d' ac- cord; octroyer; consentir (cL admettre); etre d' accord; 60, to grant (to be of one mind) accordeur (de) tuner according to selon; suivant; -ly, 169, en consequence, done, alors; see follow GENERAL VOCABULARY 365 accost (v.) accoster, aborder (to come alongside); (s'ap- procher aussi pres que possible), 127, 205 accouder (s') (v.) to lean upon one's elbow (s) 203; du coude (sur le c ) account (n.) compte (m.); (v.) rendre compte de; -able, respon- sable, 268 decoupler (v.) to couple; to yoke; s' to pair (r)accourcir (v.) to shorten (the way); 34 2 . un e raccourcie short cut accourir, 312, to hasten (run) to accoutrement -- (m.), 115; habillement bizarre (peculiar, unusual) accoutrer (s') or: se parerde, 323, to bedeck one's self (rig, etc.) accoutume (a), 277, accustomed (to); used to accouver to set (a hen), 345 accredit (v.) -editer, 160; inspirer la confiance; s'-er to gain esteem accroc hitch, tear, 191; 206, -hement locking (of 2 teams) ; -her to hang (a hat) up or upon; to catch; s'-er to cling, 203 accroire (faire) d. to make believe, 341 ; s'en faire to consider one's self important, 209 accroissement (m.) increase of (speed) ; cf . : ralentissement (m.) slackening accroupir (s') to squat (down), 203; se baisser accrue, 343, accroitre (s'); aug- menter; cf. : diminuer, amoin- drir, 165 accueil (m.) reception, 36; -lir, 313 (v.) welcome acculer (contre le mur) to push (to the wall) ; s'adosser to lean against, 205; on le mil dans I' impossibility de;he was placed where he could not move, etc. (nonplussed) accumul-er (v.) -ate, amass; entasser (heap) pile up; mettre I'un surVautre; 231, amasser; amonceler,22g; r assembler, $1$, cueillir (gather); faire une collection accura-cy (n.) precision, 99; clarte; justesse (f.); -te, 305, exact; correct, juste accurse (v.) maudire, 344 accu-sateur, 66; (v.) accuser -se; (de); imputer; reveler (sins); (betray) servir d'indice; indiquer; faire ressortir (to bring out), 321 ; j' accuse recep- tion de, 268; s' accuser accusatif accusative; (ce) que = that which (what) accusation (f.); imputation (f.), 199; reproche (m.), 227 accustom (v.) see accoutumer accustom (v.) accoutumer (s'); se faire; 183, prendre I' habitude a; avoir coutume (de) to be -ed; s'habituer to get used to, 1 06; 347, se faire a to inure one's self ace (n.) as (m.) acerbe (adj.) sharp (taste); (harsh) language, 153 achalandee (boutique bien) well patronized shop (f.) acharne (adj.) desperate (fight); bitter acharnement (n.) fury (m.); s'acharner a, 98, to persist in achat (m.) purchase, 310 ach-e, mal; -ing douleur; souf- france (f.); (adj.) douloureux acheminement (m.) (forward) march towards; pr ogres (m.) s'acheminer to (speed along) march acheter (v.) to buy, 22, 229 achet-er purchase; see acquerir, Irr. verb; -eur buyer ach-ever achieve, see finir (con- jugated) ; terminer; consommer; donner le coup de grace; tuer; perdre completement; -evement (m.) completion; see bdtir; construire; eriger Achille (m.), 24; -s acid, 12, acide (m.); (tart) (adj.) acide; -ity -ite (f.) 3 66 GENERAL VOCABULARY acide (m.) acid acier (m.) steel; fondu cast steel; fit d' steel wire acknowledg-e (v.), 339, recon- naitre; (letter) accuser recep- tion de (: [un] accuse de r ); -ment reconnaissance (f.); cf. : ingratitude (f.) acolyte (m.) , 14 acompte, see devoir; 10 ]>s. a compte (on a/c.) acoustics acousiique (f.); cornet ear (rubber) trumpet acquaint renseigner; (le) tenir au courant de, informer; to get -ed faire la connaissance de, 310 acquerir acquire; acquisition; acquereur purchaser, 29; cf. : prendre des informations (or: demander); sans s' informer (make inquiries) : a to come into possession of; s' un nom to become celebrated; mil acquis ill-gotten; I' argent se gagne avec peine; contrat d'ac- quisition deed of purchase acquiesce acceder a (accede to) acquit, ) see devoir, etc. ) see \ 2 7 j cf. 5 acquitter, j cf. constater le payement; to verify the pay- ment; -tal acquittement (m.) acre, II, acre (140 ares et demi) or 160 sq. rods, or 43,560 sq. ft. acrid acre; piquant (pungent, sour, sharp); -ity dcrete (f.) acrobat -e (m.) danseu-r (-se de corde); cf.: clown, jongleur, equilibriste across, see p. 189 acrost-iche -ic (m.) act, 9, acte (m.); action (f.); (v.) agir to ; faire acte de presence to put in an appear- ance act-e (n.) act; -ion, 33 (deed); (v.) agir to act acteur actor, 66 ac-tif (adj.) active; -tivity -tivite (f.); verbe transitive verb; la forme active active form; -tivement -lively; actif et passif assets and liabilities, 87 action, 64, deed (act) ; en at work; Jour d' Action de Graces Thanksgiving; -5 shares (stock) ; -naire, shareholder activer to expedite (business); (poke) le jen actualites (f.) news of the day actuate (v.) mouvoir, 327 actuel present, actual; (real) e.iective; -lement, 56, now (-adays) acuite (f.) acuteness; cf.: aigu, pointu acute, pointed acute (adj.) aigu (-e) adage proverbe (m.); maxime (f.) Adam, 26 adap-tation appliance; adjust- ing; fitting; -ter to make suitable (fit) add (v.) ajouter; up addi- tionner; -ition addition (f.) add (to) joindre, augmenter; faire I' addition (f.); see su- perfluous adder couleuvre (f.) addicted to vice porte au vice address adresse (f.); adresser; wrong , mal mise; s' ^er a to apply to; adressez-lui la parole speak to him (her) adherer (v.) adhere (cling), 188 adhesion (f.) consent adieu a farewell (quand on se quitte at parting) adjacent ; attenant; contigu (-ous); see follow adjectif (n.) adjective, 55 adjectival (adj.) qui tient de V adjectif (m.) adjoindre adjoin; associer a, 99 (see joindre); -ing, see adja- cent adjoint (professeur ) associate professor; adjunct adjudant adjutant adjudicataire (in public con- tracts) purchaser who is to fulfill the agreement as per contract : par adjudication GENERAL VOCABULARY 367 adjuger (une entreprise) to award labor to be performed as above; (un prix) to a prize adjur-er to beseech (implore); -ation or priere instanie adjust (v.) joindre; adapter adjuteur who helps (: as auxili- ary) admettre, 351, admit (see mettre); recevoir, comporter (to stand); accueillir adminis-trateur trustee; (-trator) curator; -tration (f.); -ter -trer; conduire; diriger; confe- rer (Cath.) admirable , 30 admira-ble ; -bly admirable- menl; d'une maniere admirable, parfaite admira-teur admirer; -tion - (f.) admi-re (v.), 58, admirer; consi- derer (avec etonnement et sur- prise); -rer (m.) admirateur; trouver etrange to wonder at (find it strange) ; -ration (f .) ; -rable ; deeply ravir d' ad- miration; charmer to delight; transpprte de joie (beside one's self) in raptures; in heaven ( : etre aux anges) ; plaire extreme- ment; fasciner (to put under a spell); roses admirables wonderful flowers! admirer (v.) to admire, 147 admissible ; entitled (worthy) to be admitted; allowable admission (f.); admittance; no defense d'entrer adonne (a) addicted to; s'-er a to give one's self up to adopt-er un enfant to adopt a child; il fait une motion he makes a motion; on I'appuie it is seconded ; on la fait it is carried ; meltons aux voix la motion let us put the motion to vote; -ion (f.), 25; -if (fils) adoptive child, 28, 79 adorable charming (lovely!) adorer (v.) to love (adore); aimer avec passion; cf. : aimer eperdument to love to dis- traction; languir d' amour to pine away for love; etre eprls d; to be enamored with; se Her avec (former une liaison) to become acquainted with; en- tiche de infatuated with, or: en raffoler to be, etc. ; cherir la patrie to love the fatherland; prendre en amitic, to take a lik- ing to; to be wedded to an opinion; s' attacker fortement a une, etc.; il I'aime comme la prunelle de ses yeux he loves her like the apple of his eye; s' attacker a plaire to use every effort (to strive) to please; see follow adorn orner (v.); cf. : purer (de); embellir; decorer; iUustrer; -ment parure (f.); ornement (m.) adosser to rest against; or: appuyer centre adouc-ir to sweeten; cf. : to miti- gate (soften, calm, soothe and appease; 5' ; -issement sweet- ening, palliation, relief: sou- lagement (m.); assuaging adresse (f.) see address and parler adroit (cf.: direct) clever; plein d' esprit, d' invention; cf . : habile skillful; connaisseur ruse (cunning); -ly avec adresse; -ness dexterite (f.); se con- naitre en to be an expert in; ingenieux adula-te "aduler; flatter servile- ment; -tion flatterie basse; compliment flatteur; -tor flat- teur, louangeur adult adulte adulterate falsifier; alterer; adul- terer; cette boisson est frelatee this beverage (drink) is ad-ed; or: on y met des substances etrangeres they make it im- ?ure by admixture of a foreign ar a baser) substance advance avancer; (d'un pas) one step; qui n'avance pas recule he who does not 368 GENERAL VOCABULARY advance Continued retrogrades; faire des pr ogres to make progress; (pro- ceed) poursuivre; continuer; promouvoir (promote) ; what is the advantage! la belle avance advancement progres; avance- ment (d'un pas) (m.); making a step forward; elevation en grade promotion; ameliora- tion (f.) (improvement) advantage avantage, profit (m.); -s (successes) ; -ous avantageux advenir, see venir Advent I'avent (m.); Sunday in dimanche de adventur-e aventure (f.); entre- prise hasardeuse; a I' at all hazards; par (d') by chance; -ous -eux; see s' ex- poser, p. 170; courir le risque to take the chance adverb -e (m.); mot invariable, 59; -ial (modifie le verbe, I'ad- jectif, V expression) ; locution -ale advers-ary adversaire, rival; faire concurrence d (f.) to (oppose) compete with (concourir pour); c d (co-operate); -ative conjunction (f.): mais (but), quoique (although) advers-e, la partie ; the opposi- tion (law) ; fortune ill for- tune; la mauvaise chance le poursuit he has a run of bad luck ; -ity -He (f . ) ; infortune (f ) . ; malheur (m.) advertise (v.) annoncer; -ment, -ce (f.); reclame (f.); to praise (loud) en faire I'eloge (m.); see louer, p. 213; mousser tin succes to praise a successful affair loudly; battre la grosse caisse to make a splurge over; a big splurge; il claque son fouet he cracks his own whip advice (n.) avis, conseil (m.); see follow; (v.) donner avis to give notice; donner (demander) des conseils to advise (to ask for) advisable (adj.) prudent; ban; sage (de); it may not be (deem- ed) on ne saurait recom- mander (a) de; convenable (ex- pedient); a propos (utile); cf.: to seek a makeshift chercher un expedient, or: recourir d, see courir; -ness utilite (f.); *'- struire (de) to be made cog- nizant of; il est au courant de (com.) he is well informed in (grounded) ; le tenir au c de to keep him advised concern- ing advise (v.) conseiller (de) advisedly d dessein; see expect; de dessein premedite design- edly advisement consideration (f.); see devoir; une telle le decida (or: raison (f.) motif); such motive prompted him; see resoudre (solve) or settle (a point); determiner or faire prendre une resolution to take resolve; se determiner d to r upon; cela le d d that makes him take that resolve; conseiller de; resolu -te; il est determine (bold); les resoudre d to prevail upon them ; s' y r to make up one's mind to do it; colloq.: il branle dans le manche irresolute; s'obstiner dans; see s' opinidtrer , p.. 204; un parti pris foregone conclu- sion ; resolutely resolument; manquer de to lack ; quelle resolution what a ! changer de to change mind; see (v.) cut; qu'ont-ils arrete what has been resolved on? il previent (resout) d'avance toute objec- tion he meets any in advance afar (adv.) au loin, 96 affame (adj.) famished, 32 affirm (v.) affirmer; -ation (f.); -ative (adj.) affirmatif; - (n.); affirmative (f.); -ly d'une maniere affirmative (form) (la forme) , 59 GENERAL VOCABULARY 369 affluent (m.), 188 affluer (v.), 188 afflux, 34 (m.); (med.) affreux, So affut (m.), 13, gun carriage; on the lookout. Afrique (n., f.), 192 age, 3, age (m.); -d age de, 304 agenda (m.) memorandum book, 18 agnosticisme (m.), 22 agriculteur, 3, farmer at (avoir), 81 aid aide (f.); (see help); (v.) aider d; in of (towards) au profit (benefice) de; to come to (assist) aid venir en aide; preler son contours', s'aider de (with) aie (avoir), 81 aiel ouch! 17 a'ieul, 71 aigles, 68 aigu (-e), 9, 78 aiguille (f.) needle, switch; -r to thread a , 24; -ur (m.) switchman aiguiser to sharpen (whet), 352 ai/e (f.) wing, 4 a*7/e etc. (alter) Subj. ailleurs elsewhere, 16 aim (at), see purpose aimable, 30, lovable aimer (v. ) to like (love) , 20 aine sr. ; elder atrm* thus, 46 atr (avoir I'), 56, to look; to seem to be; paraitre; I' air et la chan- son (appearance and reality) air (n.) air (m.), 14; il fait del' air, 348, there is wind; il prend I'air, 356, he goes out for a walk; or: le frais (takes) the air (-ing); made up stories contes en I'air; to hover (soar) in the planer dans les airs ajouter to add, 26 alarme, 64 album (m.) , 21 alcove (f.) alcove, recess, 12 Alexandre (m.) -er, 34 allaient et venaient, 40, kept going and coming attant (en) while going (on his, our, my, their, her way to), 40 Allemand, 5, German; A gne, 192, Germany alter, 309, to go; s'en to go away allez, 30, go, 309 (Imper.) allonger (v.) to lengthen (pro- long) allons, 3, come! alter, 309 almanack (m.) almanac, 22 almonds (burned) pralines (f.) almost presque; d pen pres; the e in elided in: presqu'ile alors then, 30 aloyau (m.) sirloin, 14 alphabet, 6; alphabet (m.); in -ical order par ordre -etique already deja Alsace (f.), 30; -cien (-nne f.) Alsacian also aussi; (likewise; so) amaze (v.) f rapper d'etonnement (m.); see wonder, surprise; stand aghast demeure ebahi; - inter dit speechless; quel ne fut point son etonnement imagine his amazement when; imaginez-vous que (fancy or just imagine or picture to yourself . . .); colloq.; c'est renversant I am dazed! (eton- nement profond great sur- prise!); and verb enchanter (delight); enrapture (v.) &tre sous le char me de (spell of), seduire fascinate (v.) amazone (f.) (woman) rider, 12 ambassadeur, 66 ambi-tion (f.); -tious ambi- tieux; il a de I'ambition; see ex- tinguish ambulance (f.) , 19 dme (n. f.) soul, 3 amen, 19 (m.) amer (adj.) bitter, 29 America I'Amerique (f.), 192 American, 5, Americain (m.); lady, 19, -e (f.), 65 ami (n. m.) friend; -e (f.), 3; -tie (f.), 19, friendship, 12; en amitie as a ammoni-aque (f.) -ac, 26 370 GENERAL VOCABULARY amnistie (f.) amnesty, 19 among entre; parmi amont (m.) (the direction from which a stream descends) ; (en), up the river (from) amour, 68; 19 amputation (n.) , 19 amus-ant (adj.) -ing, 32 amuser (v.) to amuse, 19 an (m.) year, 304; -nee (f.) (whole) year anabaptisme (m.) -m, 28 anabaptiste (m.) -t, 28 analyse (f.), 14, analysis ancien, 78 dne (m.) mule, 9 anglais 5, English (language); Angleterre, 192, England anguille (f.) eel, 24 animal (m.) 70 annales (f.) annals, 18 anneau (m.) (plain) ring, 18 annee (f.) year, 18 annexe (f.), 18, annex; -r (v.) to - (add), 53 annivers-aire (m.) -ary, 27 annonce (f.), 27, advertisement; -r (v.) to announce, 58 annoter (v.) to annotate (edit), 18 annuaire (m.) (yearly) book re- cord, 1 8 annu-el -al, 27 annuit-e (f.) -y, 18 annuler (v.) to cancel (annul), 18 another un autre; encore un; one I'un I' autre answer (n.) reponse (f.); (v.) repondre (a) Ant-echrist (m.) -ichrist, 31 antipath-ie (f.), 32, -y any, 124, see de; du, de I', de la, des; .other tout autre; quel- qu' autre aout (m.) August, 180; -er (v.) to reap in apart a part apath-ie (f.), 33, -y aplomb (m.) assurance, 20 apostrophe apostrophe (f.), 57, mots mis en apostrophized words apdtre (m.), 12, apostle; faire le ban to be a wolf in sheep's clothing apparaitre (v.) (paraitre), 354 apparent, 57 (adj.) appartement, 56, apartment appear, 354, paraitre; (comets) apparaitre ; sembler (seem) ; - (publish, to be issued); to to me only as dots ne me paraitre que des points; be- fore the judges a la barre; le soleil parait the sun -s; il luit it shines or: brille; darder ses rayons to dart forth its rays; eblouir to dazzle; (passer or disparaitre) : la beaute passe; just out! vient de paraitre; mettre au jour to have (it) published; p to seem to be; so it seems d ce qu'il parait; to come in sight (sun) commencer d, p ; faire un acte de presence to put in an appearance; p (se faire voir); I'aurore parut; I'acteur fit son debut (appeared on the scene) for the first time; p comme temoin to as a wit- ness; before courts of justice (comparaitre) en justice; le mandat de comparution sum- mons to ; he was sued at law on I'appela en justice; si vous etes fdche, ne le laissez point paraitre if you are angry do not show it; p pour la derniere fois to make his last a ; aimer abien p , to like to make a good appearance ; faire P to write (books); faites paraitre le coupable have the guilty one brought in ; il par ait que ... it seems as if . . . ; il n'y parait pas there are no signs of it; il y parait it seems so (:*/ y a toute apparence); il lui semble qu'on le Voit he thinks (fancies) that they see him; cela lui semble ainsi so it seems to him ; selon toute apparence in all probability; dispel the clouds faireais (or: GENERAL VOCABULARY 371 appear Continued dissiper) les nuages; cf. : dissi- per (squander) son bien (for- tune) : (le manger); il a Vair et la chanson; see air; appari- tion (astro.); en apparence [la recolte sera bonne apparently the harvest will be good] judging from what we see; ces lignes sont apparemment de M. X. apparently those lines are from Mr. B.; les appa- rences sont pour eux probabili- ties favor their case; il fera cela pour les apparences he will do that for show; le ble a une belle apparence that wheat promises well; sauvez les ap- parences (dehors) save ap- pearances; sont-ce des plaintes apparentes? are those com- plaints feigned? pas la moindre apparence de verite not the least sign of truth; cf.: il est bien de figure good-looking; ette a bonne mine she looks well; en peinture in appear- ance appeler to call, 229 appendice (m.) appendix, 18 applic-able can be applied ; -ation, 56 apply (to) s'adresser a apporter (v.) to bring (fetch), 156 apprendre (see prendre), 356-7, to learn appris p. p. of apprendre, 356, 28 approuve, 192 appui (m.) support, 46 appuyer (v.) to lay stress (on, upon) apres after; d' according, 56 April, 180 (m.), avril aquat-ique (adj.) -ic, 28 aquilin (nez) (adj.) Roman nose aquilon (m.) north wind, 29 arbre (m.), 55, tree arc, 1 1 ; en-ciel (m.), 112 archeologie (f.) archaeology archeyeque archbishop archiduc archduke archidiacre (m.) archdeacon, 24 architect-e (m.) architect, 24, 40; -ure (f.) ardent burning, 37, 42 are (see:/o be (v.) argent (m.), 3, money (silver) argile, 65 arguer (v.) (law) to accuse (of), 24 aride (adj.), 12, arid aristocra-te (m.), 32, -t; -tie (f.) -cy Aristophanes (of Byzantium) Aristophane (de Byzance) aritkmetique (f.) arithmetic, 24 arm, 65, to -s aux armes! to take up -s prendre les armes; he has long il a des bras longs; -ed (with) arme (muni) de or: ayant armoire, 65 army, 1 1 , armee (f . ) ; see follow arome (f.) aroma, 12 arret (m.), n, stop; decree (deci- sion), 53 arreter (v.) to stop; 5' to make a stop arrive, 3, arrived, 194 arriv-e (v.) at -river; -alarrivee (f.) at (reach) -er, 38 arroser (v.) to water (sprinkle), T 3 arrow (n.) fleche (f.); see traire, etc. art (m.), 33, artere, 65 article (m.), 54 articulate articuler (un son) articuler (v.) to articulate artiste, 66 as as aussi (si) que, 167; comme (just) de meme que [see comparative]; as comme, en qualite de; as an example exemple; such as tel que; as well as aussi bien; as if dead (en quelque faqon) comme mart; as a teacher en qualite de maitre; cf. : comme il est drole how funny he acts ! as he was entering comme il entrait (au moment ou); comme il est votre parrain as he is your god- father; cf. : parce que because; puisque since (as); see follow 372 GENERAL VOCABULARY aseend-ance (f.), 30, -ency ascension (f.) , 30 Ash Wednesday mercredi des cendres aside de cote; a I'ecart (aloof) Asie (f.) Asia, 192 ask (v.) demander (a M. de); after des nouvelles de la sante de aspect (m.) f 33, ass dne (m.), 227 assembly, 3, assemblee; reunion (f.) ' asseyez-vous , 15 (s'asseoir) sit down, 324 assez, 253 assister (a) to attend, 31 Ass-omption (f.) -umption, 28 assurance de ma (noire) parfaite consideration (: letter- writing) or: ... consideration distin- guce (see expression) asterisk, 5, asterisque (m.) asthme (m.) asthma, 24 astrono-mique, 37; -mie (f.) -my at a; rest en repos; home chez moi (lui, die, eux, ettes) athee (m.), 33, atheist Athenes (f.) Athens athlete (m.), 33, atlas (m.), 30 atome (m.), 12, atom atonique, 12, atonic atout (m.) trump, 16 dtre (f.), 11, hearth attend (v.) (a meeting), assister (d une reunion); see .follow; (take care of) soigner; -ance (large) nombreux audi- toire (m.) attend (on), 42 (we, they, etc.), are waiting attendant, 38, meanwhile; while waiting (en), 38, in the mean- time attendre to wait (for) ; expect atlendu considering, 192 attentat (m.), 40, attack; attempt (at crime) attente (salle d') waiting-room attenti-f (adj.) -ve, 33 attribute (n.), 59, attribut (m.); (v.) attribuer; (gr.) I' attribut (le predicat) est le troisieme terme de la proposition the pre- dicate is the third term of a proposition au, 124, to the aucun (m.), 119 (pron.indef.), no augmenter (v.) increase, 15 aujourd'hui to-day, 54 auquel, 135 aurore (f.) aurora, 15 aussi, 55, also, too, 3, 95 aussi (bien . . . que) as (well as), 53 aussitdt que as soon as, 167 austere austere, 15 autant, 253, as much (many); pas not so much (many) auteur, 67, author autocra-tie (f.), 32, -cy automne, 64 autre other, 40; -ment que, 59, different from autres (a d'), 54 (to), others; tell it (colloq.) avais (avoir), 81, had aval (m.), 11 (security); donner son to indorse (note); down en (a stream); le cote vers lequel descend une riviere the direction in which a river descends; cf.: amont avant before (time); 56; que, 60, before; avant-dernier last but one, the penult - -hier (adv.), 33 avec with (prep.), 23 avertir to warn, 41 avis (m.), 39, notice: 271 aviser (v.) to advise (let know) avocat (m.), 9, lawyer avoir, 81, to have avril (m.) April, 25 axe (f.) axis, 34 axiome (m.), 12, axiom, 34 ayant (p. part., avoir), 85 ayons (imperative) avoir, 85 B babil (m.) chatter, 25 Babylone (f.) Babylon GENERAL VOCABULARY 373 bac (m.) ferry (boat), u bachelier, 31 , es-Lettres Bache- lor in Literature bacill e (m.) -us, 25 bague (f.), 9, ring; anneau (plain) ring (m.) bailleur, 66 bait (n.) appdt (m.) (see hook) bal (m.) ball, 1 1 balafre (f.) scar, 1 1 balbutie (f.) lisping, 32; (v.) -r to stammer balbutier, 225 a//, 334) buy (v.) acheter; (shop) faire des achats (m.) by par, de, a; followed it (qui) en est suivi fd, 9, there; el la (hither and thither) here and there (a = (cela) colloq. : that (it) ; c'est ! that's it! fa ira, 46, it will go (do, etc.) cabane (f.) hut, n cabinet (m.) (de lecture) (reading-) room, 33 cdbl -e (m.) , ();corde (f.) (rope) ; -ogramme (m.) depeche tele- graphique par un cable cacao (m.), 13, cacao (: to make cocoa and chocolate) cafe, (m.), 11, coffee calcul (m.) calculation, 25; (v.) -er to compute call (v.) appeler; to be called s'appeler; se nommer; on passer chez ; again repasser; your attention to attirer (appeler) votre attention sur; (see direct); -ed dit; so-called soi-disant; call the roll faire I'appel (m.); proclaim their names proclamez les noms; Lecture- Hall 50 lie dcs confe- rences (f.); to give a lecture faire une conference; lecture him finely chantez-lui sa gamme; lui en remontrer to teach him (by irony); keep on reading continuez a lire; up your continuez de lire calm, 3, calme; tranquille; to se calmer calomnie (f.) slander; -r to ,26 calvitie (f.) baldness, 32 Camille, 25 camp (m.) , 38; -er (v.) to campagne (f.) country Canada (m.) Dominion of, la Puissance du Canada canard, 67 candidat (m.), 53, -e canne (f.) cane, 18 canon (m.), 8 cantatrice, 66 caoutchouc (m.) rubber (shoes), 2 3 cap (m.) Cape (Cod), u capable habile; propre a; sus- ceptible (de) or: liable to caper (v.) faire des cabrioles; sauter gaiement et vivement capital (n.) capitale (f.); capitale, 5; chef-lieu (m.); dinner fier diner capre (f.), n, caper capt-ieux (adj.), 80, -ious, 33 car (conj.) for, n; cf. parce que, 126, because carafe, 64 376 GENERAL VOCABULARY car of on, 64 cardinal points les points cardi- naux, 64 care (in of) aux soins de; soin (m.); to take avoir soin de; (to see to) s'en charger, occuper; to keep an eye on y veiller career (see profession) (n.) car- riere (f.); cours (n.) de la vie; embrasser la c des armes; see follow; donner c d to give free rein to, or: pleine liberte free scope caress (v.) caresser, 227 caressante, 3 cargo (m.) , 8 carnaval (m.), 36, carnival carnivo-re (adj.). 58, -rous ani- mal carre (m.) square; (adj.), 53 carreau (m.) diamond (card); II, pane; (tailor's goose) ; little square; demeurer (rester) sur le to be killed on the spot carve decouper; see to cut cas (ad) (m.) case (when), 53, 59 cascade (f.), 35 case, 30, cas (m.); in (see p. 163) au (en) que; in most -s dans la plupart des cas case (f.) (Uncle Tom's), 1 1, cabin; pigeon-hole; il est case he has settled down; (v.) -r to secure a position for catalogue (m.) catalog; (v.) -r to make (write upon) a cathedrale, 64 cathpl-icisme, 6, Catholicism; -ic -ique cave (f.), 11, cellar ce (c') t 132, 175 cede yields to, 29 ceder (v.) to yield, 29 cedilla, 7, cedille (f.) celle (-s) that, etc., 130 celui (celle), 130 cent (one) hundred, 303-5; 35 centime (m.), 305; }/$ sou; 5 c.= I ct. centimet-re (m.), 33, -er century (dge) siecle (m.) cep (f.) (vine) stock, 28 ce qui (que) what, 131 cercueil (m.) coffin (bier), 25 cerf (m.) stag, 67 cerf-volant (m.) kite, 24 cerise (f.), 5, cherry; -ier tree certain (adj.), no, ces, 129, these (those) (dem. adj.), 129 c'est-d-dire that is to say, 5 c'est que, 5, why c'est que, 1 13 cesur-e (f.) -a (pause), 45 cet (-te), 129 ceux (celui) those, 130 chacun, III (pron. indef.), 57 chair, 65 chaise (f.) chair, 14 chaleur, 64 chambre (f.) room, 56 chameau (m.) camel, 3 champ (m.) field, 28 champagne, 9, 334; la change se modifier (its form); changer (de); ex echanger, faire un echange (troc), 59 chanson (f.) song, 66 chant (m.), 26, singing; 54, airs chanter (v.) to sing, n chanteur, 66 chaos (m.), 24 chapeau (m.), 13, hat chapelier (m.) hatter chapitre (m.) chapter, 27 chaque, 59, each Charles-Quint Charles the Fifth charm-ant (adj.) -ing, 40 charmer, 40 chasse (f.) hunt; -r to chase, 24 chasseur, 66 chasuble (f.), 13, chasuble (outer vestment) chat, 67 chateau (m.), 13 chatte (f.), 24 chaud, 121, warm, heat, 36 chaux, 65 cheap (a) bon marche; -er, a meilleur (m.) chef d'ozuvre (m.), 24 chef-lieu, 36, chief town chemise (f.) shirt; see bargain chene (m.) oak GENERAL VOCABULARY 377 chenil (m.) kennel, 25 cheptel (m.) lease of cattle, 28 cher, 9, dear (expensive); chere- ment -ly chercher (v.) to seek (look for), cherry ceris-e (f.); -tree -ier (m.) cheval (m.) horse, 70 cheven (x) (m.) hair chevre, 67 c/tez (prep.) at (the house of) home, 122 chien (m.) dog, 41 chiffre (m.) figure (cipher); see dechiffrer decipher child enfant (m., f.) chimere (f.) chimera, 24 Chine (f.) China, 20, 192 chiourme (f.) convicts' gang (crew), 17 chiromancie (f.) palmistry, 24 chirurgie (f.) surgery, 24; -n surgeon, 24 chceur (m.) choir; chorus, 16, 26 cAoix (m.), 16, choice; (v.) choisir to select chok-e (v.) etouffer (see riVe) ; stifle ; smother; suffocate; il ne petit (plus) respirer he can hardly breathe; -ing etouffement (m.); intercepter I' air to check the air; eteindre une revolte to suppress cholera (m.) , 22 chomage (m.) loafing, 12 chomer (v.), 12, to be idle; to celebrate chorus (m.) , 30 chose (f.), 3, thing, 70 chretien (m.) Christian, 33 Christ, 22, le Christ; Jesus-Christ, 31; -mas Noel; la christianisme, 64 chrome (m.) chromium, 12 chuintant (like cA, j), 23; frica- tive efarf/33 cie/, 71 czgwe (f.) hemlock, 7 ci-inclus, 192 ci-joint, 192 c7 (m.) eyelash, 25 ctng five; -uieme fifth, 303 cinquante fifty, 303 circumflex circonflexe (m.) are (f.) wax, 12; -r to wax (pol- ish) cireur de bottes bootblack cite (f.) local precincts, 43; or: cir conscription locale; eminent city; oldest part of London die, de Londres; la cite sainte the Holy City or Jerusalem clair (adj.) clear; light, 56; 5, -ly clarte (f.) clearness class classe (f.) classical Latin, latin classiquc classics les classiques (m.) classification tableau; classemenl (m.); (sorting) distribution (f.); -fy (v.) classer, 56 classique (adj.), 59, classical de (clef) (f.), 65 clear (adj.) clair; limpide; -ness clarte, precision (f.); -ly claire- ment; out (v.) vider les lieuxl clerc (m.) choir boy (Fr.); (law- yer's) clerk; pas de un- successful step, 23 close (v.) fermer; clore, 336; (adv.) tout pres; it smells close qa sent le renfermc; (see shut); clore la seance to the meet- ing; la fenetre clot mal the window does not firmly; hermetiquement hermetically closed; clore un marche to a bargain; arreter un compte to an account ; a huis clos be- hind closed doors; on demande le huis clos the public is re- quested to leave the room ; clos (m.) (or: enclos) a small tract of land or: enclosure; a fleur de Ier re close to the ground; up ranks serrons les rangs; I'hiver est sur son declin winter is drawing near its end; il trouva visage de bois he found (the door closed) no one; see (past part.) ci-inclus; il a la bouche close (is mum); rap- procher to bring (nearer) closer; serrez-vous! stand close; 378 GENERAL VOCABULARY close Continued toucher au terme de to draw near the close of the term; la fin du jour (s') approche it grows towards the close of the day; resserrer to tie again, to draw closer; fermer a double tour to double lock; close lines les lignes serrees; les poursuivre I'epee dans les reins to pursue them closely; etre sous les verrous (bolt) to be in jail; (colloq.) coucher au violon to be locked up; pres (proche) de near, close to; aupres de beside; see enclore; enfermez le chien dans le chenil put the dog in the kennel; renfermez- le shut him in; entourer (de) to surround; to be -ed; de soins to be well attended; en- vironner la ville to encompass the city ; envelopper to wrap up ; etre -e to be hemmed in; cerner de toutes parts to encircle; rock-bound entoure de rockers (m.); &tre en tele a tele avec le medecin to be closeted with the doctor; il les garde sous clef he keeps them locked up ; sous bande under wrapper; bras de mer (resserre entre deux terres) an arm of the sea club (m.), i$,ferme (exclusive) coch-er (-ere f.) coachman, 29 codic-ille (m.) -il, 25 cceur (m.) heart, courage, 16 caff re (m.) chest, 12; -fort safe cognation (f.) , 24 cognats (m.) cognates, 24 cognition (f.) act of knowing, 24 coiffeur (m.) hairdresser, 16 coincident, 188 coincider (v.), 188 coing (m.) quince, 24 col (m.) crest (hill), \2\faux-col collar (man) cold (n., adj.) froid (m.), 121, 318; to have a avoir un rhume; to catch s'enrhu- mer; 348, to suffer from a avoir des atteintes de froid; benumb with transi de or pris de ; he caught a there il y a gagne un rhume; -ness froideur (f.); -ly froidement (avec froideur) colis (m.) parcel, 30 collation (f.) , 25 colle (f.) glue; -r to glue, 25 collect (v.) faire la collecte (quete); see follow; cueillir or ramasser des chiffons dans la boite a ordures to rags from the waste-box; recueillir des olives to harvest, etc. ; recueillir des idees (: se recueillir) to one's thoughts; colliger des limes rares to make a of, etc. collect-if (adj.) -ive, 58, 26 college (m.) college, 25 collier (m.) collar, 25 colliger to make a collection (libr.),26 colline (f.) hill, 25 collocation (f.) (classification), 26 I collo-que (m.) -quy, 26 collusion (f.) deceit, 26 colon: deux points (:) coloris, 30, hue (coloring) combat (n. m.), n, fight; - lutte (f.) struggle combattre, see battre, 234 combien, 38, how much (many), 253. combine (v.) reunir, meler d (avec) combustion (f.) , 33 come! allons; (v.) venir; to have just come venir de; to - across (meet) rencontrer; over (side with) se ranger a; see follow; down! descendez; (price) rabattre comma virgule (f.); signe (trait un peu courbe a gauche) (m.) comme, 94, 55, as (like), 12; 126, how! commemoratif , 79, 26 commen-cement (m.) , 56; (v.) -cer to begin commensal (m.) eating at same table, 26 GENERAL VOCABULARY 379 comment how? 20 commentaire, 113 commet, 4 (v. 351) commis (m.) clerk; voyageur traveling salesman commiseration (f.) , 26 commit (v.) commettre (see mettre, 351); she made a blunder e//e commit une erreur; faire une faute to make a mistake common noun nom commun (m.) commotion (f.) , 26 commu-able -taole, 26 commun (adj.) common, 88 compagnon, 66 comparaison (f.), 92, comparison comparatifs, 59, 92 (see positif) compare (v.) comparer (a), 5, 330 comparison comparaison (f.) complement, 53, as adjunct; obj. case, 57 complet, 79; (n.) (full) suit complete (v.) completer; see superfluous: and achieve orfinir complique, 59, complicated, intri- cate comporter, 53, to have to deal with comp-ose (v.) composer; ecrire, rediger, 53 ; se composer (word) de; faire un devoir; -osition, 53, (f.) ; (gr.) y'f a developper; -oser compositeur (m.) compound (adj.) compose, 54 comprendre (prendre), 53, 356 compris (p. p.) (v), 56, included; 356 comptab-le accountan-t, 28; -iWe -cy, 28; bookkeeping comptant cash, 28 compte (m.) account; -r (v.) to count, 28 compteur (m.) register (gas), 28 comptoir (m.) (: rayon) depart- ment, 28 comte, 66 concert, 33 concordance (f.) 58, (agree- ! ment) of words as per rules concourir (courir) to compete, 312 | concours (m.) competition, 53 condamner (v.) to condemn, 26 conditionnel, 58 conduit (se) behaves, 38, 337 ; conduit (conduire, 337), 38, takes (drives) conduite (f.) conduct; pipe cone (m.) cone, 12 confesser (v.) to confess, 31, 332 confier (v.) to confide confire (v.) to preserve, 338 confiserie (f.) confectionery confitures (f.), 53, preserves conformably conformement; see follow confu-se confondre avec; -sion -(f.) conge (m.) day off; leave, 28; - (pour prendre) p. p. c. = to take leave, 28 congres (m.), 30 conjonctif (pronom), 1 20; as sub- ject, as dir. obj., as indir. obj., 156 conjonction, 58 conjuga-te (v.) conjuguer; -tion conjugaison (f.) connaissance (f.) knowledge, 56; acquaintance connaitre (v.) to know, 339 connect (bind, join) Her; propo- sitions liees entre elles proposi- tions being related to each other (par le sens from the context); avoir les pieds et poings lies to have tied hands and feet; joindre les mains to clasp hands; joindre I' interest au capital to add the interest to the capital; il saute a pieds joints sur le sable he jumps upon the sand; joindre les deux wagons to couple the two cars; joindre I'utile et I'agre- able (meler I'utile a I'agreable) to combine utility with pleas- ure; melez-vous de vos affaires mind your own business! col- loq.: il ne s'y frottera pas! he will not meddle with it; sa boutique joint la votre his shop is adjacent to yours; Her; joindre; unir (a); -ion rapport (m.); liaison (f.); vousvousjoindrez a nous, n'est- ce pas? you -will join us, will 380 GENERAL VOCABULARY connect Continued you not? cf.: serez-vous des notres? will you join (: be with) us? joindre (to add) requires d; joindre (to com- bine) requires d or avec; joints bien fails well-made joints; il joint a peine les deux bouts he hardly makes both ends meet, la jointure du genou ci-joint; see p. part. Various examples: le besoin rapproche les homines necessity brings (re- conciles) men together; Us lie- rent amitie avec lui they became intimate friends of his; Us ont le jeu serre (close) they play most cautiously; sans serrer (to clasp) la main without shaking hands; resserrer les liens de I' amitie to bring closer the bonds of friendship; Us renouerent amitie they re- newed their friendship or: they were friends again; ne nous meltons pas au jeu do not mix ourselves in it; que diable allait-il faire dans cette galere (Moliere) what business had he there? pourquoi s'est-il mdle a eux? why did he mix with them? or: s'est-il mele dans cette affaire? did he take part (or: mix) in that affair? rattachez cette question aux autres connect this question with the others; cela ne vous engage a rien that binds you to nothing; les beaux esprits se rencontrent great wits (jump together) run in the same channel; leurs idees se ren- contrent their ideas coincide; les extremes se touchent ex- tremes meet; ces maisons se touchent these houses adjoin; Us s'entendent pour me nuire they work together to injure me; il ira vous joindre he will go and meet you; Us se melent ensemble they commingle; de quoi vous melez-vous? what business is that of yours? mele-toi (melez-vous) de tes (vos) affaires; deux teles dans un bonnet they are hand and glove together; ajoutez a cell add to this (added to this); bout a bout or: I'un ajoute a I'autre one (being) added to the other; ce passage a ete ajoute a cette page this passage is an interpolation; il fron$a le sourcil he knit his brows; ces rues se coupent a angle droit those streets meet at right angle; la rue aboutit a I'avenue X. the street (leads to) meets Avenue X.; il m'a aborde dans la rue he accosted me in the street; on ne pourra les rejoindre they will be out of reach; il ne faut pas leur marcher sur le pied one must not step (tread) on their feet (they are thin-skinned) ; I'em- boiture des os the juncture of the bones; Us nous rejoin- dront they will rejoin us; ces deux rues se rejoignent (meet) ; la Saone debouche dans le Rhone the Saone river falls into the Rhone; la Seine se jette dans la Manche the Seine river falls (flows) into the English Channel; debander to disband; to unbind; d la de- bandade in the confusion (dis- order) conquer, 310, conquerir; see van- quish; -or conquer -ant (m.) conquiert, see acquerir, 310 conscience, 31 conseil, 53, Board (m.) consider er, 45, to take into con- sideration consist (v.) se composer de; former de; etre compose de; consister dans (en), 46 consister (v.), 46 consonant consonne (f.) conspirer, 31 const-ance (I.) , 65; constant (adj.) ; -amment -antly (adv.), 19 constitut-if (adj.), 56, -ive GENERAL VOCABULARY 381 construct, 340 (v.), construire; bdtir (build); see materiaux; (produce) un poeme; (draw) in geom.; - - les phrases (sentences); or: faire j la construction de (to arrange ' and connect the words) ; se (to for); American-built ship un vaisseau de c ameri- caine; shipyard la cale de c ; dry dock la cale seche; house- builder construcleur de maison; demolir to demolish (tear down) construction (f.), 53, arrange- ment and connection construire (v.), 340 conslruit p. p. of construire, 340 contact, 33, contact, choc (m.) content (adj.) content, 27 confer (v.) to tell (relate), 27 cont ester (v.), 59, to dispute (oppose) conticnnent (tenir), 322, contain consent (tenir), 322, contains continu e (v.) continuer; ne cesser (de); (to resume: poursuivre, continuer a); (to keep up read- ing: continuer de lire); -ation la suite; to be -ed a suivre; see end or follow contract (v.) se contracter, se crisper; -ion contraction (f.) contradiction (f.), 54; see dire, 344 contraire (m.) opposite; cf. : je sais le I know better contredire (dire), 344, to contra- dict contributions directes direct taxes converger, etc., 188 converser, 31, to converse convient (venir), 55, 323 convince (v.) convaincre (see vanquish), 360; conviction pro- fonde deep (firm) ; preuve evidente clear proof; certitude raisonnee persuasion by argu- ment ; see croire copie (f.), 56 copier to copy coq (m.) rooster; d'Inde, 67 coque (f.) shell; ceuf a la boiled egg coquille (f.) shell (mollusk), 29 corps (m.) body, 12 correct (adj.), 33, correct; en regie; exact (juste) correct (v.) corriger; -ion, 29, cor- rection (f.); -ed corrige (-e); -ly correctement, 5, 80 correspondance (f.) sequence, 58 corro-borer (v.) -borate, 29 corrosi-f (m.) -ve, 29 corruption (f.) , 28 cote (m.) side, direction; (each went his own way), 57 ! cote (f.) coast; rib; -lette cutlet ! counsel (v.) conseiller; see advise (deliberate), tenir conseil or deliberer; cf. : dissuader (de- tourner); si jeunesse savait, et si vietilesse pouvait if only youth knew (wisdom), if only old age could apply it or: la jeunesse manque de sagesse pour deliberer et la vieillesse de puissance pour executer ( lacks wisdom in -s; power in execution) ; see con- sult I country pays (m.); patrie, region (f.); in the d la campagne; house (see villa) coupe (f.) cup; cut, i^ couper (v.) to cut, 44 courir, irreg., 312 courrai (courir), 312, 29 course (n.), 30, cours (m.) (river, evolution, length of a stream) ; streamlet d'eau; duration cycle, cours; to give vent to donner a; French cours de fran^ais; cette piece de monnaie a cours that coin is in circulation; rate (at the Bourse or Stock Exchange) cours; see course, coureur, courant, coutir court (adj.), 16, short, brief; vetu dress, 56 cousin, 66 couteau, 63 coutil (m.) ticking, 25 couvent (m.) convent, 27 corner (v.) to set (hens), 27 coward lache GENERAL VOCABULARY crac (m.), 11, crack (pop); in no time! le voild parti he was off, 320 crackle (v.) croquer; see crochet craindre (v.) to fear, 341 crains (craindre), 59 crainte (f.) fear, 19 crdne (m.),9, cranium; quel air ! how determined he looks! d'une crdnerie how bold ! (col- loq.) crayon, 63 cree (p. p.), 230 creep (v.) ramper; (along) or walk with difficulty se trainer pesamment; that makes my flesh cela me donne la chair de poule (gooseflesh) creer (v.) to create, 10 crescent (n.) Csee crottre, 342); croissant; (rolls) eric (m.) (screw) jack, 23 eric! ( crac!) creaking (noise), 23, accompanied by breaking (tearing) crier a (fut. of crier); (he) will shout, 10 crime (m.), 4 croc cf.: croc (m.) tusk, fang, hook, 23; moustache en croc with turned up ends; croquer to crackle; faire croquer sous la dent to crackle between the teeth; croquer des pralines to eat burned almonds; croquer le pain sec to crunch dry bread with, etc.; cf. : accroc (n.) a tear; hitch; accrocher to hook (hang); decrocher to unhook (take down) ; (snatch) or win crochet (m.), 2; (v.) broder au crochet to knit with a needle or hook croix (f.), 65, cross croute (f.) crust, 16 croyait (croire), 125, 341, thought (believed) cru (p. p. of croire, 341), believed (thought) cru (p.p. of crottre, 342), grown (increased) crucifix (m.) , 34 crunch (v.) croquer; (see crochet) crush (v.) ecraser, 274 cuiller, 65 cuir (m.) leather, 16 cuire (v.) to cook, etc., 343 cuisine (f.) kitchen, 20 cuivre (m.) copper, 16 cultivat-e (v.) cultiver; -ion la culture; sugar cane la- de la canne a sucre; to rea- soning powers cultiver la rai- son; friendship (entretenir des relations assidues avec): cultiver ses amies; bee culture la culture des abeilles; to de- vote one's self to se livrer d, s'adonner d; -ed ground terrain cultive (: que I' on cultive); il prend des soins pour rendre utiles des productions de la terre he takes pains to im- prove the products of the ground cure (m.) curate, priest, 8, 321 cut (v.) couper; seemoudre, 352; up a fowl depecer une vo- latile; to carve decouper; (ran- cher to slice; to cut out work for lui tailler de la besogne; donner du fil d retordre; to the quick couper (trancher} dans le vifor: to work in earn- est; to skin (fleece) tondre; a flint / sur un ceuf; split fendu; remove (trouble) tran- 'cher la difficulte; voild le hie! or: la d there is the rub! partager le differend to split the difference; sharpen the appetite ouvrir I'appetit (m.); se frayer un chemin to make way (to cut through: to succeed); cutting answer une reponse mordante; see rompre; fin comme un rasoir sharp as a needle cyclone (m.) , 14 cynique (m.) cynic; (adj.) -al, 14 d'abord, 5, first (at ); from the first, 304 dagger, 5, poignard (m.) GENERAL VOCABULARY 383 daim (m.) deer, 20 dalle (f.), ii, slab; flagstone; -r (v.) to pave with f dam (m.) (eternal) punishment, 19 dame, 65 damner (v.) to doom, 19 dans in, into, within dense (f.) dance, 18; -r (v.) to dtinseur, 66 dart (y.), see traire, etc. dash tiret; elan (m.) date (n.), 54, da/e (.); echcance (expiration) (f.); out of ; passe de mode (suranne, vieilli, demode); dated (under date of) en date de (datee du); to date (v.) dater, mettre la date; to date as far as remonter a; to bear the date porter la date; undated sans date datif (m.) dative; (ce) a quoi (that) of (to) which, 74 day jour (m.); good bonjour; I wish you good (morning) je vous souhaite le bonjour; he bids you good il vous dit bonjour; (long) journee (f.) de, 74, of (from) ; 103; 125, some (any); 176, 253-254 dead (died) mart (n. or adj.); -e (f.), 318 debris (m.), 72 decembre, 180, December decimer (v.) decimate, 305 deccuvert (p. p. decouvrir, 320) deccmerte (f.) (v. decouvrir, 320) defendeur, 66 dffendre (v.), 59, to prohibit defense, 64 defi (m.) challenge, 12 deficit (m.), 54 defier (de) (v.) to challenge defunt (m.) (defunct) deceased, 21 degre (m.), 55 dejd, 56, already; so soon! dejeuner (m.) breakfast (lunch), 15 delay (n.) retard, delai (m.); to -etarder; see drag deliberate (see resolve) (adj.) libre, aise; -ly a (avec) des- sein (de propos delibere) ; on I'a fait expres it was done pur- posely; see counsel delicatesse (f.), 58; delicate point delice, 70; 355 demander (v.) to ask, 4; (a) + de (with Inf.), 226 demandeur, 66 demangeaison (f.), itching, 15 demi (adj.) half, 36; m...| = i deux demis valent un entier, 330 demi-unite (f.) = une demie one half democratic (f.), 32, democracy demonstrati-f (adj.), 57, -ve denote indiquer, denoter, marquer dent, 65 dentiste dentist depend (see follow) on; (v.) de- pendre de; (or: rest with; relever de to be amenable to), 53 depens, 72 depense. 64 depot (m.) (mil.) depot; ware- house; (railroad) station (U. S.A.), 12 depuis, 118 derivation derive (m.) derive (v.) venir (tirer son ori- gine) de, pro-uenir (due to) de derives (temps) see p. 81 dernier, 79, last; 5, final des, 124, 256 descendre, 296 desespcrer, 59, to despair design dessein; cf. : dessin (m.); delibere firm ; accomplir un acte to perform an action (act); his mother's wish / 'in- tention de sa mere; see vouloir; in honor of: a I' intention de; la bonne volonte or I' intention est reputee pour le fait the will is as good as the deed; c'est positif! it is a fact designa-te (v.), 53, designer, in- diquer, fixer; cf. : 54, 53, to refer; -lion (f.), 56 designer, 53 desinence (f.) (suffix) ending, ^46 des que, 167 GENERAL VOCABULARY destination (n.) (f.); (letter) d sa as addressed; (au destinataire to whom it is directed); ce d quoi die est destinee the purpose for which it was intended ; to destine : on l'a destine d exercer le metier des armes he was made to be in the army ( : a soldier) ; a qui destinez-vous (reserver) ce bien to whom do you intend to give that property? destiny des tin (m.); la deesse dn destin the goddess of ; lot; doom; fate; fortune; le destin est irrevocable; la destinee de I'homme (le sort auquel il est reserve) the course of human life (to be pursued by him) : the fate to which he is destined: le parti en est pris: le sort en est jete the die is cast; elle se plaint de son sort she bewails her fate; choisi par le sort selected by chance (good fortune); par un heureux ha- sard by lucky chance; voue d la perdition (mine, au desastre) doomed ! chdtiment merite deserved punishment; */ accomplira sa destinee he will fulfill (meet) his desuetude (f.), 30, disuse (law) determinatif, 74 (n.), (m. ; or adj.) deter -mi-ncr (v.) to -ne detruire (see conduire), 337 dctruit (p. p.), 337 deux two ; both ; -ieme second, 303 devant, 55, before ( : in front of) devenu (venir) become, 322 devez owe (v. devoir, 267), 27 deviate (v.) changer de direc- tion; detourner; se detourner; se departir de devinette (f.) riddle devineur, 66 devot (m.), 78, devout person devra, 59 (devoir, 266), must diaeresis trema (m.), 7 diagnos-tique (f.) -tics, 24 dictee (f.) dictation, 55 dieter (v.), 55, to dictate dictionary dictionnaire (m.), 48 Dieu, 4, God; 66, les dieux the gods difference (f.) , 56, 33 differend (n.) divergence of opin- ion, 1 8 differ en-t (adj.) , 188; (v.) -tier to -tiate, 33 difficile (adj.), 59, difficult digne, 22, worthy; dignite (f.) dignity dilemme (m.) dilemma, 19 dimanche, 6, Sunday; le , on dindon, 67 diocese (m.) diocese, II ; desservir to officiate in, 321 diph-thong -tongue (f.) diploma-te (m.) -t, 32 diploma- tie (f.) -cy, 32 dirais (Condit.) of dire t 344, 3 direct (adj.), 33, direct; en ligne -e or droite: straight line; direct (v.) diriger, conduire, surveil- ler, mener; (steps) diriger ses pas, se vers; (atten- tion) I' attention de . . .sur; -ion (f.); (suivre) la ; conduite (f.) (assume); ad ministration (f.); (direc- tor's office); -ly directement; il va d New- York he goes straight to N. Y.; I go j'y vais tout de suite or de ce pas; -or directeur; cf. guiding plan plan directeur; by the most direct road par la voie la plus directe (rail, etc.) dis (d're, 344) say, 3; le, 7, say it (so) disait (dire, 344) said disappear, 354 (v.), disparattre; (flee) s'echappcr, se dero- ber; -ance disparition (f.) disconnect (see, 349, joindre or follow) discourir, 312 discours (m.), 32, speech, 312 dish plat (m.) ; pan bassine (f.) disjunctives or: formes toniques: moi, tot, etc. disorder desordre (m.) ; tout traine chez lui his house is in disposition, 53, arrangement (pro- vision) GENERAL VOCABULARY 3*5 distance (f.) ; at a de loin distant lointain; eloigne; see far distiller (v.) to distill, 25 distinct different, 33; clair distinguer, 57 distin guish separer, etablir la difference; discerner; one's self se distinguer par, se signa- ler; se faire remarquer; -ction difference; division; separa- tion; -ctly distinctement ; d'une maniere distincte; -guished dis- tingue; refined manners des manieres -ees; cf. savoir dis- tinguer: to be able to tell which is which dit (dire) said, 344 dites (dire) say (tell), 344 diurne (adj.), "3 divergent, 188 divers, 1 1 1 ; -He (f.), 58, variety divide (v.) diviser; (share) par- tager; separer par parties (into sections); partager en parties egales to into equal parts; to create division desunir; to spread discord semer la dis- corde (division); cf.: repartir, disposer, distribuer divin, divine, 43 division (f.) dix (10), 303; -ieme doth) dix-sept (17), 303 dix-huit (18), 303 dix-neuf(ig), 303 dizain (m.) (rosary) beads dizaine (f.), 304, about ten; some ten docte (m.), 12, scholar (erudite person) dog chien (m.); see follow; house chenil (m.); see close doge, 66 dogm-e (m.) -a, 12 dois (v. devoir, 264) owe, must, am to dome (m.) , 12 dominer (v.) to lord (overlook), 43 domino (m.), 12 dompt-er (v.) to tame, etc.; -able -able, 28; -eur tamer, 28 don (m.) gift (donation) done then, therefore, 20, 35 donner (v.) to give, 12 dont (rel. pron.) of whom, etc., 136 dors (v. dormir) sleep, 314 dot point (m.) ; your i's mettez les points sur les i; -ted with mistakes crible de fautes (f.) dot (f.) dowry, 65 douairiere (f.) dowager, 15 doucement, 3, slowly, '80 douceur (f.), 58, gentleness douter (v.), 59, to doubt; se de to suspect douteux doubtful, 59 doux, 79 doyen (m.) dean drachme (m.) drachma, 23 draft traits (f.) drag (along) tirer; trainer; into it y entramer; on trai- ner en longueur drap (m.) cloth, 38 draught horses, see traire; be- tween two -s entre deux airs; un courant d'air ; (chimney cheminee f.) avoir du tirage or tirer (to draw) draw (v.) tracer une ligne (line); des larmes (tears); tirer une loterie (lottery number); tire du latin borrowed from Latin ; son origine (its origin) or provenir de; see silence; colloq. to pump tirer les vers du nez; dessiner drole (adj.) funny, 12 du (see article), 124 du (p. p. devoir), 266 due, 66 dune (f.) , 13; sand dune duo (m.) duet, 73 dur hard, 13 duree (f.) duration, 13 durer (v.) to last dye (v.) teindre, 359; la facade en noir to have the facade black , bon (grand) teint fast color (dye); avoir le teint pale to look pale; mauvais (faux or petit) teint poor -ing; -ing establishment teinturerie (f.); -r teinturier (-ere, i.); 386 GENERAL VOCABULARY dye Continued -ing teinture (f.); une t de I'ecole superficial knowledge (from school); teinturier de- graisseur, scourer dynamo (m.) dynamo, 13 dynas-tie (f.) -ty, 20 ear-ly de bonne heure; -Her de meilleure ; as as des 1919; riser matinal (adj.) easy (adj.) facile; he takes it easy ; -going il ne se fait pas de bile (si.) (f.), ne pas se tottrmenter; -ily facilement, aisement eat (v.) manger; (feed) donner d eau (f.) water, 13 eblouir (v.) to dazzle, 17 cchec (m.) reverse, 23 echecs (m.) chess, 31 echo (m.), 12, echo; au loin I' resonne afar the is heard echouer (v.) to fail; to shipwreck eclair (f.) lightning, 14, 348 eclat (m.) pomp (splendor), 39 eclatanl (adj.), 39, brilliant (color) ecol-e (f.), 3, school; -ier boy econome (m.) bursar (steward); (adj.) saving (thrifty), 12 ecossais (m.) Scotchman Ecosse (f.) Scotland, 192 ecrasant (adj.) crushing, 37 ecraser, 9, to crush ecrit (ecrire) written, 345; to be , 55: - ure (f-) writing ecrivain, 67 Eden, 26 edit (v.) publier, 354; faire paraitre; rediger; -ion edition (f.) f 54; -or in chief redacteur- en-chef; -or (publisher) editeur Edmond (m.), 23, Edmund Edouard Edward, 23 efface, see 213: erase, strike out; gomme (f.) a effacer eraser; rayer; biffer; raturer; s'effacer to bow down before talent; s'incliner effect (n.) effet (m.), 33; see follow effort, 47, pressure egalite (f.) equality (see corn- par atif, 91) egoiste selfish Egypte (f.) Egypt, 192 eight huit, 303 either ... or: ou (soil) ... ou (soil); see Subj.; soil dans soit dans ; one I'un ou I'autre; vaincre ou mourir to conquer or die electeur (m.) elector ekction (f.), 43; (v. elire), 349 elementaire, 54 eleve (m., f.) pupil elevc, 55, high; (v.) clever to raise elide (v.) elider; faire une elision elision (n.) elision, suppression elle, 81, she; her(s), 99, 129 ellips-e (f.), 56, -is eloquence (f.), 32 eloquent, 42 embar-quement (m.) -king, 29 embarquer (v.) to embark, 29 embleme (m.) emblem, 19 embrace (n.) accolade ;etreinte (f.) ; embrassement (m.); to (v.) embrasser embroider (v.) broder; or: (em- bellish); -y broderie (f.); see crochet emmagasiner to store (ware- house), 1 8 emmener (v.), 18, to take (lead) away, 229 empecher (v.) to prevent, 55 empereur (m.), 66 empire (m.) , 19 emplo-i (m.), 53, use; -yment emploie (Subj. employer, 230) employer (v.), 55, (to employ) use emprunte (d), 54, borrowed from, 19 emprunter (a), 54, to borrow (from) en (prep.), 4, in, 74, 181 en (pron.), 120, 253, 156 s'en with oiler, 204 en ce que, 59, from the fact that enchanteur (m.), 66 encre (f.) ink, 26 encrier (m.) inkwell, 26 GENERAL VOCABULARY 387 end fin (f.); bout (tip, top) (m.); terme (m.); (y.) finir, ter- miner, achever; -ing terminal- son (f.) ; in : se terminant par; (that the word is not finished) que le mot n'est pas fini et qu'il continue a la ligne suivante (but is continued on the next line) ; see follow endormi asleep (dormir), 314 endormir (s') to fall asleep, 47, 3H. endroit (m.) place, position, 29 enemy ennemi (m.) enfant, 3, child, 68 Enghien, 24 English A nglais; -man ; -wo- man Anglaise; language anglais (m.) enivre-r (v.) to intoxica-te, 18; -ment (m.) -tion enjoy (see relax) : jouir d'une bonne sante good health; goiiter la musique music; il s' amuse he is having a good time; savourer les auteurs enjoy (relish) the authors; -ment la jouissance; la posses- sion ennemi (m.) enemy; inimical, 27 ennoblir (v.) to ennoble, 18 ennui (m.) vexation, 18 ennuyer (v.) to tire (bore), 18 enorgueillir (v.) to make proud, 18 enseigne (f.) ensign, 53; sign enseignement (m.), 53 enseigner to teach, 5, 115, 223 ensemble, 34 ensue (see follow) ensuite, 5, afterwards entail (v.) entrainer; amener; see beg, urge entendre to hear, 38; entendu, 53 entente (f.) enti-er, 79; -erement entirely (wholly) entourage (m.) (company) rela- tion, 45 entourer (v.) to surround (de) entreat (v.) conjurer (de) entre-croiser (croiser en divers sens), 57, to cross in various ways entrer (v.) (dans) to enter (into) ; 54, incorporated entresol (m.) suite of low rooms between the ground floor and the first floor entr'ourrir (v. ouvrir), 320, to half open envers, 103 envoie (see envoyer) , 309 epais, 78, thick cpaisseur (f.) thickness cpigramme (f.) epigram epigramme, 65; witty thought epigraphe, 65 epine (f.), 12, thorn; dor sale spinal cord episode (n. m.) epithe-te(i.), 59, -t epitre (f.) epistle, 12 epoque (f.), 12, epoch; faire to mark an era, 347 epouvantable, 37, frightful, 46 epreuve (f.), 53, test equal egal; -to a (equivalent a); see egaler under to be; -ly egalement; -ity egalite (f .) ; -ize (v.) egaliser Equateur (m.) Ecuador, 24 equation (f.) , 24 equestre equestrian (adj.), 28 equilibre equilibrium, 25 equivalent to: valant (being worth, 330); 188, / 'equivalent de: qui equivaut a, 58; [equi- valoir] (irreg.), 330 equivoque, 65 erase (see efface) effacer errant (adj.) wandering, 188 errer (v.) to err (wander), 29 erreur (f.) error (with:commettre) erron-e (adj.) -eous, 29 es (in the), 30; B -cs-L. escarps (adj.) steep, 35 escort (chaperon) escorter /(see fol- low) ; accompagner pour prote- ger; -e d'un agent accompanied by a policeman ; trainer avec elle des valets to be accompanied by a retinue of servants ; surveiller to watch closely; to supervise (direct) ; see conduire 388 GENERAL VOCABULARY escroc (m.), 36, crook esperance (f.) hope, 24 esperer (v.), 228 cspoir (m.), 37 esprit (m.) mind, wit, 35 essai (m.) essay essayer (v.), 58, to try essence (.), 31 essenti-el (adj.) -al, 33 est (n.) east, 64 etf, 120 estime, 42, esteemed estomac (m.) stomach, 23 eJ (conj.) and, 3 etablir (v.), 57, to establish ctait, 291, was (were), 3 etang (m.) pond, 24 etant being (v. &re), 291 etat condition (m.), 58; Etats- Unis (m.) the United States ete, 29 1 , been ete, 64 etendre (v.) to stretch, 47 g/M, 3 (291, tire}, are Etienne Stephen, 18 etiqu-eter (v.) to label, 29; -eite (f.) , 29 etoffe (f.) material (cloth), 12 etre (v.), 291, to be; (n.) being; peut-etre perhaps; bien-Hre (m.) welfare etrier (m.) stirrup; a franc at full speed etude, 65 etudiant (m.) student, 40 (col- lege) etudier (v.) to study, 40 etymolog-ie (f.) -y, 14 ew (p. p. avoir) , 8 1 , had eumes had (avoir), 82 euphon-y -t'e (f.); -ic (al) eupho- nique Europ-e (f.), 192; -eew (m.), 20 eusse (quei'), (avoir), 85 ed/ had (avoir), 82 evening soir (m.); soiree (f.) m/er (v.), 59, to avoid, 164 exact, 33 (adj.), examen (m.), 53 example, 22, exemple (m.); for par , 55 excellent (adj. or v.), 188 except (prep.) excepte; hormis, 22; -ion, 54, exception; -ally par except-e, 192; -er (v.) to except, 28 exception (f.) 34; -nel -al, 37 exceptionnel, 37; unusual ce*j (m.),34 excessif (adj.), 34 exciter (v.) to incite, 34 exclamation (f.), 4 exclamer (s') (v.) exclaim exclnre (v.) to exclude, 336 e#ea/, 73, leave (eccl.) of absence execr-er (v.) -ate, 34 exemplaire (adj.) excellent; (n.), 54, (m.) copy exempt (adj.) free from; ; (v.) -er to exempt, 28 exerci-ce (m.) -se, 34 exhaust (v.) epuiser; -ed with fatigue epuise de fatigue (f.); (cf. : rendu, ereinte done up) exiger (v.), 56, to demand (re- quire) exit (m.) -e; -er (v.) to exile, 25 exister (v.) to exist, 55 exod-e (m.) -us, 22 expect (v.) attendre, 99; compter (penser); s'attendre a; (partir) dans le dessein de (to leave) in (with) the expectation of; avoir I' intent ion de to intend; see purpose; goal; aim expedient (m.) , 26, 188 expedier (v.) to forward (goods), 1 88 expedition (f.), 74 experience, (f.) , 54 expert, 40 explication (f.) explanation, 57 expliquer to explain, 57 exposer (v.), 55, to be exposed expres, 99 express (v.) exprimer, 346; mani- fester ses pensees, etc; les faire connattre; enoncer un axiome; -ive expressif; langue -ive; see translate (train) le rapide, I' express (m.) ; train express; bateau express cz que I'on con$oit bien, s'enonce clairement GENERAL VOCABULARY 389 express Continued " et les mots pour le dire ar- tivent aisement " expression, 55, expression; mani- ere de s'exprimer; phrase (.), mot (m.); locution (f.j; en termes expres precise words expression collective (f . ) , 59, c expression (/') (letter ending) de mes (nos) sentiments distin- gues (or: respectueux hom- mages) ; 54, Respectfully yours (see assurance or veuillezagreer) extase, 65 extend (v.) etendre (enlarge, expand surface, influence, etc.)' to hold out tendre (La mam: hand); presenter (offrir] des condoleances (or: temoigner des sentiments de regrets (sym- pathie) a la douleur d'autrui) - sympathy; nostrils expand les narines se dilatent; rise in price augmenter de prix; atteindre reach (age) ; (s) accroitre (vice); s' etendre or atteindre: (illness;; augmenter le volume d'un corps to increase, etc.; elargir (to broaden) to enlarge; se developper (to in- crease) to develop; croitre to grow (up) ; to thrive; length- en (days); outgrow devenir trap petit; to gain in; to rise (water) ; grown-up man homme fait; see increase extension: see stretch (-ing); du bras arm extension; (growth) of business des affaires (f.); see extend extent etendue (f.); s' etendre to stretch one's self; to lie down (at full length) upon; to dwell sur un sujet (de com- position) ; etendu stretched (arms); of great area de grande etendue; des connais- sances profondes (-ues) wide (extensive) knowledge; vaste etendue des mers wide ex- panse of the sea (s); ailes deployees (-ues) wings spread out; il se coucha de tout son long he laid down full length; eparpillerto scatter (to spread) or disperser (repandre) ; a sa portee within his reach; d'une cerlaine etendue of some extent exterieur (n. and adj.), 80 extinguish, 346 (v.), eteindre (put or go out) ; le feu s'est eteint the lire went out; le feu est eteint the fire is out; (check it) : on a arrete I'incendie (m.) they have the fire under control; (subdue): e I' ambi- tion; elle s'est eteint Li voix she lost her voice; calmer li soif to quench thirst; no! re soif est eteinte our thirst has been quenched; reteindre to put out again; cf. : il n'a pas invente la poudre he will never set a river on fire; le soleil eteint les couleurs the sun soft- ens clown, etc.; il s'eteignit le 31 mat he died peacefully, etc.; il a la voix eteinte his voice is scarcely audible; yeux eteints dull eyes extraire (see traire, 359); arra- cher to extract; (extirpate) extirper; exterminer (destroy) or detruire; (uproot) deraciner; un extrait (bouillon); tirer de la terre (extract from the earth); retirer to pull out (see withdraw); la partie qui vient en terre the part (root) growing in the soil; see croitre; objet enfoui dans le sol object sunken in the earth (buried under); avaler d'un trait to swallow at a gulp; faire le trajet d'un (tout d'une haleine: (traite) to make the trip at a stretch (without stopping) ; partir comme un to dart off like an arrow; trait or train des bateaux train of boats; une traite a draft; un traite a treatise; trailer to treat; a fond de train at full speed (gallop); la traite des noirs slave trade eye ceil (m.); yeux -s; sore 390 GENERAL VOCABULARY eye Continued mat a I'ceil ( aux yeux eyes) ; les objets frappent ma vue the objects strike my eyes fable, 5, fable (f.); conte (ra.) fabliau (m.) short fable, 17 fabrique (f.), 1 88; -r (v.), 29, to make fabulist fabuliste (m.) face (f.) , 9; to donner sur (to look into) f acetic (f.), 32, jest (joke) facile (adj.), 59, easy faqon, 65 facultatif, 56, optional faculte de droit law school faible (adj.) feeble, weak, 16 faiblir (v.) to weaken fail (v. ) faillir^ 3 1 4- 1 5 ; /e caeur lui a failli his (her) heart failed; elle a failli tomber she came near falling; cf. : 2tre sur le point de or manquer de; le cceur lui a manque (defailli); une affaire faillie an unsuccess- ful dealing; ce commerqant a failli; c'est un'failli; that mer- chant failed; a bankrupt; cf. : faire faillite to become bankrupt; Us ont fait faillite; Us sont en faillite they became bankrupt ; they are bankrupts ; cf . : deposer son bilan to stop payment (to become bank- rupt) ; on a vu le moment qu'elle allait mourir we came near seeing her die; toujours pret never failing; je me sens de- faillir I feel myself sinking; elle se sentit defaillir she felt she was going to faint; ses plans echouerent his plans failed; il fit faux bond he failed to come; il a manque au rendez- vous he failed to keep his ap- pointment; des artistes man- ques failures as artists; il en a etc quitte pour la peur he got off with a fright; il est sujel a manquer he is liable to fail (or : to be mistaken) ; manquer le train to miss the train; manquer a I'appel not to answer the roll-call; il manque deux eleves two pupils are wanting (: absent); spnt-ils absents? are they missing? un temoin fait defaut one wit- ness is wanting; elle a manque de se noyer she came near being drowned ; manquer a un engagement to fail to keep an appointment; le fusil a man- que (rate) the gun missed fire; manquer une occasion to lose an opportunity; cf.: profitez toujours des occasions avail yourself (-ves) of oppor- tunities (: bargain sales); ne manquez pas de repasser do not fail to call again; je n'y manquer ai pas I shall not fail to do so; manque-t-il d' argent? is he short of money? depourvu de chases necessaires to be destitute; dans le besoin (la misere) or a Vetroit: in need (poverty) or in narrow (straightened) circumstances^; viser (to aim at) : il a donne a cote he missed the mark or: il a manque son coup he missed his aim; il n'y a si ban cheval qui ne bronche it is a good horse that never stumbles; la raison, de meme que I'homme, trebuche souvent reason, like man, often has its failures; on ne peut s'en passer (to do without) we can't dispense with it (him, etc.); c'est sa faute or il ne pourra s'en prendre qu'a lui it's his own fault ( : he alone to blame); jouer de malheur to have a run of ill-luck; il paie (paye) d' ingratitude he lacks gratitude; a defaut de cela failing that; to miss: il me manque I miss him; elle me manque I miss her; ses amis lui manquent he (she) misses his (her) etc. ; tous ses amis le regrettent all his friends miss him; impersonally: il me GENERAL VOCABULARY 391 fail Continued manque deux limes I miss two books; il m'en manque un I miss one; il ne m'en manque que trois I miss but three; je manque a ma sceur my sis- ter misses me; il s'en manque d'un pen just a little more (measurement) ; see falloir, vouloir; il ne manquerait plus que cela that would be the last; il s'endormit sur son ouvrage he was slack about his work; (he was wanting in, etc.) ; faute de parler on meurt sans confession spare to sp eak and spare to speed ; il ne rcus- sit en rien he is a complete failure; il manque de courage or le courage lui manque he lacks courage; rien ne lui manquera ( : il ne lui manquera rien) he shall want for nothing or: he will have all he wants; il I 1 a manque belle I he missed a fine opportunity ! ( : occasion f.); cf. : on ne vous voit plus! we miss you; or: vous devenez rare (comme les beaux jours) you are a stranger faim (f.) hunger, 65 faire (v.) to do (make), 347 faisan, 66 faisant see faire, 347 faisons see faire, 347 fait (m.), 8, fact; (p. p. of v. faire) makes (causes to), 176; fait partie, 55, forms a part faites (or fats), 347, do (make) faith foi (f.); croyance (f.); -ful fidele; -es (church) ; -ness fide- lite ({.)-, -f \dlyfidelement falloir (s'en) see want, or require; peu s'en estfallu qu'il ne tombdt or: il s'en estfallu de peu qu', etc. ; il s'en faut de beaucoup qu'il soil aussi savant que M. X., he is far less learned than M. B.; il ne s'en est fallu guere qu'il ne mourut he came very near dying ; cf . : il a failli mourir (il fut sur le point de mourir); il s'en faut I'epaisseur d'un cheveu it comes within a hair's breadth; de combien s'en faut-il? how much is wanting? il s'en faut de peu little is wanting; cf. : il ne tient qu'a un cheveu it hangs on a thread; il s'en fallut de bien peu it was a narrow shave! cf . : il I'a echappe belle (narrow escape); il s'en est fallu de peu qu'elle ne tombdt; tant s'en faut far from it; il m'en faut un I want (need) one; il lui faut $i she (he) needs $i; il leur faut $i they need $i; il nous faut $i we need $i ; il me faut etudier or: il faut que j'ctudie I must study ; dc plus, il faut remarquer one must observe, moreover; c'est la plume qu'il faut it is the right pen; ce n'est pas la plume, etc. the wrong pen; il faut s' entr' aider , s'il le faut it is necessary to help one another, if need be; combien vous (en) faut-il? how much (many) do you want? ilfaudra leur en passer you will have to hand them some; se passer de to dispense with; il faudra vous en passer you will have to dispense with it; il faut y passer a tout prix no escape from it ; il vous faudra y passer you'll have to go through it; il nous faut en passer par Id, it must be borne (endured); de deux maux, il faut choisir le moindre of two evils, choose the lesser; il m'a fallu un mois pour le faire it took me a month to do it; il a I' air comme il faut he looks like a gentleman ; elles ont I' air comme il faut very ladylike; il ne faut pas regarder de si pres (so closely) one must not be so particular; il ne lui faut plus rien, or: il a ce qu'il lui faut, or: il a ce dont il a besoin he has all he needs; il ne manque de rien he wants for nothing; 392 GENERAL VOCABULARY falloir Continued ne leur manque-t-il rien? have they all they want? avez-vous tout ce qu'il faut pour ecrire? or : avez vous de quoi ecrire? have you all you need for writing? plus qu'il n'en faut more than enough; die n'a besoin de rien she wants (needs) nothing; il lui en faut deux he (she) must have two; comme il faut in style; elle ne dit que ce qu'il faut dire she says only what is necessary (to say); il fallait done le dire! you ought to have said so (sooner) ; il ne faut pas eyeiller le chat qui dort let sleeping dogs lie (or: re- veiller, etc.); une phrase tournee comme il faut or: une phrase bien tournee a well-turned sentence; un jeune homme comme il faut a well-bred young man; ilfaut que jeunesse se passe he is sowing his wild pats; a I'heure qu'il fallait in the nick of time; ce n'est pas Id ce qu'il faut that is not the right thing; il faut des livres a eel enfant that child must have books; il n'a que ce qu'il faut pour vivre he has enough to live on; vous en faut-il deux de plus? do you need two more? il ne m'en faut que trois de plus I need only three more; je croyais qu'il vous en fallait un I thought you were in need of one; j'en avais plus qu'il ne m'en fallait I had more than I needed; see NE; que faut-il faire? what is to be done? il ne faut pas lui ma "-fier sur le pied he is quick-tempered or: see tread; il me faut aller a Boston I have to (or: I must) go to Boston; que after il faut, il fallait, etc., calls for the Subj.; il fallait bien que je sois Id I had to be (come) here; il fallait qu'il sortit tous les jours it was necessary for him I to go put every day; il me faudrait y aller I ought to go there. NOTE. Imperf.of the Subj. thus avoided in conversation: il lui faut y aller he has to go there. Observe: when addressing oneself or others, one may omit se, me, le, lui, etc. ; il faut ouvrir (you or I, etc.) someone must open the door; il faut savoir ce qu'il veut you (we) must know what he wants; il faut y aller you (we, someone else) must go; partons, puisqu'il le faut let us depart then; faites-le comme il faut do it properly ; voild, I'homme qu'il me faut the very man I need; cf. : il n'y a que lui pour cela he is the very man needed; il fait mon affaire he (it) suits me; voild mon affaire ( mon fait) just what I want ( was look- ing, for)! pourquoi faut-il que why is it that . . . ? Obs.: il faut que may mean: it may be (it is to be supposed, one would think) (: on dirait que) in: ilfaut qu'il soil maladehe must be ill ( : perhaps he is ill) ; s'il fallait qu'il mourut, elle en mourrait (should he die) if he should die, she would die also. In exclamations of surprise, regret, irony, admira- tion, etc. : ilfaut voir! il fallait voirl il faut le voir d Vaeuvre! you should see him at work! il fallait la voir danserl you should have seen her dance! faut-il voir tant de politiciens au pouvoir what a pity to see so many politicians in power! il faudra voir comment il s'y prend! let us see how he will do it! (well! let us wait for results!); s 'en falloir beaucoup; de beaucoup (by far) ; a beau- coup pres by a great deal; s'en falloir peu (de peu, tres pen) to come near, little is wanting; GENERAL VOCABULARY 393 falloir Continued ne s'en falloir guere (de guere) to be wanting but little. Obs.: Used negatively, interroga- tively, or with pen, s'en falloir calls for que and ne in the sub- ordinate clause (in the Subj.), even when the sense may not be construed negatively. Various expressions: j'ai af- faire a lui I want to speak to him; il desire se faire cou- per les cheveux he wants to have his hair cut; presse d' ar- gent in urgent need of money ; qui s 'excuse, s'accusesee Reflex- ive (gr.); faute de for lack of; faule d'un point Martin perdit son dne for want of a nail the shoe was lost (or: a miss is as good as a mile) ; il ne sefera pas faute d'y aller or: il ne manquera pas d'y aller he shall not fail to be there; de plus, je vous ferai observer more- over, I shall point out to you; sans faute without fail; s mistakes; il a faute or manque de tout he is in want of every- thing; connaitre la gene to know what want is; Us ne se le laisseront pas dire deux fois they will not need to be told twice; au besoin if need be (s'il lefaut); a bon vin point d'enseigne good wine needs no bush; on ne doit pas se gener entre camarades there is no need of ceremony among comrades; j' en avais de trap (de reste) more than I needed; cf . : il en a plus besoin que vous he needs it more than you; il n'en est pas besoin no neces- sity for it; a sotte demande point de reponse a silly ques- tion needs no answer; deman- der une jeune fille en mariage to solicit the hand of a, etc.; il demande a la dame he asks of the lady; elle demande ou il demeure she enquires about his residence; on demande qu'il sorte it is required of him to go out; elle voulait vous voir she wanted, etc. famille (f.) family, 55 fanfare, 48; (sonner sa) to strike up a flourish fang (birds) serre; griffe (f.) claw; see crochet fantome (m.) phantom, 12 faon (m.) doe, fawn, 14 far loin; -ther plus loin; very bien loin; (distant) lointain farmer agriculteur, fermier (m.) fasse preuve, 58; (show); see faire, 347 fatalite (f.) or: fate sort (m.); see destiny father pere; grand grand-pere (m.) fatherland patrie (f.) f aligner (v.), 54, to tire faubourg (m.) suburb, 24 faubourgs in Paris city proper faudrait (falloir, 326), it would be necessary faut (falloir, 326), 140 (imper- sonal) faut (s'en), 59; see (tient a) falloir, 326; pen s'en est fallu qu'il ne tombdt or: il s'en est fallu de peu qu'il etc. he came near (very near) falling; il s'en faut de beaucoup much is wanting; far from it faute (f.), 53, mistake; de for want of faut-il, p. 5, must I (speak more plainly) ; see falloir faux, 79; chanter to sing out of tune fau(l)x (f.) scythe, 65 favor (esteemed) honoree (f.); see honoree; javeur (f.); to ask a demander une feast fete (f.) ; regal, festin (m.) features traits (m.) ; see traire etc. February fevrier (m.), 180 femelle (f.) female feminin (n. and adj.), 10, femi- nine femme (f.) wife, woman, 26 fenctre (f.) window, 10 fer iron, 9; shoe (see horse) 394 GENERAL VOCABULARY ferai (fut. of faire) etc.; I'll not do that, 10 ; 347 fermer, 5, 336 fete (f.), 7, feast, celebration, 54; de naissance birthday, 352 feu (m.) fire; au / 15 feu, 56, the late feuille, 65; -ter fever fievre (f.); to be -ish avoir la fievre (etre fievreux) ; he had a return of la fievre I'a repris fidele, 10, faithful fidele faithful; fidelite f ness; les -es the congregation fier (adj.) proud, 29 fier (se) d (v.) to trust, 157 figure (f.) ; -r (v.) to appear figurer (v.) to appear, 58, 354; fievre (f.) fever, 4 fit (m.) thread; (v.) -er to spin fille (f.) daughter filleul godson filleule goddaughter fits (m.) son, 23 M 65 find (v.) trouver, se rencontrer finesse (f.) fine point, 60 finir (v.) to end, 203 first (adv.) d'abord; premier e- ment; at d'abord; au com- mencement; from the very ; des le debut; the (one) le premier; unieme; in the - place en premier lieu fixed fixe; immuable (not liable to change) flageolet (m.) , 15 flashes (o f wit) traits d 'esprit (m.) ; etinceler d 'indignation flash with indignation; see luire (shine) flatter (v.) flatter; se flatter de to boast ; to glory in ; -y flat- terie (f.); -er flatteur (m.) fleur (f.) flower, 16; -ir to blos- som, 315 fleuve (m.) river (large), 15 flexible (adj.), 34. fling (v.) lancer; see traire, etc. flourish (see traire); fleurir, 315 flute (f.), 231 flux (m.), 114 foi (f.) faith fois (f.), 65, time; une once; deux twice, 306; toutes les fois que, 58, every time M 79 folie (f.), 10, madness folle (f.) | mad j insane, 71 follow (v.) suivre; (escort) ; closely de pres; (his bent) -- son penchant (se laisser aller a); cf. : sa voca- tion; cf. : est-ce a dire que does it that? une question n'at- tendait pas I'autre one ques- tion followed another; lew maison louche d la notre their house is next to ours; qui m'aime me suive peril proves who dearly loves; quelle pro- fession suit-il? what is his profession; or: what career is he about to enter? cf. : entrer dans la carriere to begin a career (difficult undertak- ing); il exerce le metier des armes he is (in the army) a soldier; faire suivre forward (letters); un conseil an advice; de loin at a distance; a suivre to be con- tinued; (adhere to) suivre les opinions de; se ranger d son avis to come over to his opin- ion; marts et il les a suivis dead and now he is gone; listen well to me suivez-moi bien; il n'est pas present d la conversation he is not listen- ing (to, etc.); s un cours to attend a course; suis ton chemin go your way; poursui- vons notre ch let us go our way; s des yeux jusqu'a la gare f with the eyes as far as the station; comme (ainsi qu') il suit as follows; s les pr ogres to observe the ss; idee qui le pour suit (: obses- sion) idea which (besets or dominates) haunts him; il tend (va) d ses fins he pursues his point; bo n chien chasse de race a chip of the old block; GENERAL VOCABULARY 395 follow Continued suivre le fil de I'eau to go with the stream; pour en justice to prosecute at law; cf. : in- tenter des poursuites or un proces to institute proceedings ; il suit de la que vous avez raison then it follows you are right; il ne s'ensuit pas qu'il ait tort (see Subj. ); ce n'est pas une raison plau- sible that reason does not follow logically; il ne faut pas inferer de Id que or: ce n'est pas a dire it does not follow that; la suite continuation; ainsi de suite and so forth (on) ; faites-le tout de suite do it at once; la suite au prochciin numero the continuation in the next number; marcher a la suite des soldats to walk behind the soldiers; chapitres (m.) sans suite disconnected chapters; donner suite a un projet to pursue a project; cf.: relancer, 99, or le pour- suivre pour obtenir quelque chose to importune him for something; ensuite or quoi encore what next? mettez-les de suite put them one after the other; a la suite d'une tongue maladie after a pro- longed illness; telles furent les suites de sa maladie such were the effects of his, etc.; une belle suite de timbres-poste a beautiful collection of post- age-stamps; par suite d'un malentendu on account of a misunderstanding; attendez la suite wait for what comes next; le jour suivant the next day; le lendemain de sa fete the day after his birthday; suivant according to; leurs progres in proportion to their progress; cf. : conformement d ce litre conformably to that title; d vous en croire (a vous entendre) according to you; d'apres votre sentiment (: a votre avis) according to you; suivant le dire de or au compte de M. X. according to Mr. B. selon lui in his opinion; c'esl selon it depends; selon I' exi- gence du cas as occasion requires; suivant qu'il est heu- reux ou malheureux as he is fortunate or unfortunate; on vous ecoute, poursuivez we are listening, proceed ; le re- mords le poursuivra remorse will torment him; Us les ont poursuivis they pursued them; cf. : il est a ses trousses he is after him; courir apres lui to run after him; etre aux trousses de I'ennemi to be upon the enemy's heels; ne marchez point sur mes talons do not follow me too near (tread upon my heels); a I' in- star des poetes by imitating the poets; ce me semble or a man avis in my opinion follower disciple(m.) ; apotre(m.) ; lesfideles (faithful) following suivant (e); see follow fondateur founder; fondation (f.) foundation fonder (v.), 10, to found (estab- lish) fontmake (are, 27) (v.),faire, 347 fool, 79; it's -ish de lafolie for (prep.) pour; (since) de- puis; but sans; (conj.) car (parce que because) force (f.) strength, 35; (coercion), 58 foret, 65 form (v.), 55, former; composer; organiser formal (adj.) formel, precis formation (du pluriel), 70, 77 (the) former, 133, celui-ld; I'an- cien; -ly anciennement, autre- fois, anterieurement formes atones (see personal pro- nouns, 156-157); toniques, moi, lui, etc. fort (adj.), 33} fort (adv. very; fort (se faire) to take upon oneself; to undertake to, 55; 396 GENERAL VOCABULARY fort Continued se faire forte (f.) d'une chose to derive advantage from it fortunate heureux; (happy) fortune (f.); see (v.) smile; for- tune, 58 forward! en avant; (send) faire suivre (on letters) ; expe- dier (send off) fosse (f.) ditch (grave), 13 fougueux spirited, impetuous, 24 fouille (f.) excavation, 17 fouine (f.) martin, 17 Joule (f.), 1 6, crowd, 196 four quatre; -th quatrieme; (>) le quart, 304 four (m.) oven fourchette (f.) fork fournil (m.) bakehouse, 25 frais, 79 frais (m.); see air, 348 f raise (f.) strawberry /rawc (n.) de port, 56, post-paid, 305 franc (adj.), 79; -hement -kly fran$ais (m.) French (language) fran$ais, 5, 77; -f (f.) French woman, 210 France, 192 jratern-el (adj.) -al //em (m.), 64 (see brake) French, 77, franqais (e); le fran- fais (language); man Fran- qais; woman -e, 220 frequent (adj.) frequent; nom- breux; -ly souvent, frequem- ment; to (v.) -er; visiter, hanter frere (m.) brother, 9 friction, 32; -ner, to rub, 354 friend ami (m.); amie (f.) froid (n.; adj.) cold, 348 froler (v.) to touch (lightly), 29 frotte-r (v.) to rub; -ment rubbing; 354, oindre to anoint ; friction- ner un membre or faire une friction to rub a limb ; friction (f.) or nettoyage (m.) de la tete shampooing; onguent salve; bouchonner to rub down (horse) fruit (m.), 55 fuir (v.) to flee, 315 fun (n.) plaisir (m.); par plai- santerie for fun; see rire; -ny drole fusil (m.) gun, 37 /M/ (m.) cask (wine), 13 // (past def.) of etre, 291 futaie (f.) timber trees, 15 gageure (f.) wager, 13 gat (adj.) merry (cheerful), 14 garantie (f.), 32; 271 garqon, 65, boy; waiter; toujours still a bachelor garde (-r), 5, keep, 172 garni (m.) (see live in a), 12 gars (: garqon), 9, boy; colloq.: rude hardy youth gdter (v.), 59, to spoil (decay) gather, 313, cueillir; se reunir Gaule (f.) Gaul, 192 gaulois (m.) gallic, 16 gaz (m.) gas, u geai (m.) jay, 15 gemme (f.) any precious stone, 26 gendre, 67 gne (f.) embarrassment; daws /a in need; ne vous genez point do not stand on cere- mony; -r to pinch general, 3, 70 (n. and adj.), 54 generally en general ;generalement; d'une maniere generate Geneva Geneve (f.), n genisse, 67 genitif (m.), 74, genitive; (ce) dont: (that) of which genre (m.) gender; kind, 53 gens, 54 gentil, 99; homme, 73 gentle dow*; sweet d ; mild; soft tempere; -y doucement; slowly; -ness douceur (f.) indulgence (f.); less severe towards plus doux envers gentle-man monsieur; the le ; -men messieurs geol-e (f.), 15, gaol (jail); -ier (m.), 15, jailer German allemand; lady -e; -y I'Allemagne (f.) gestion (f.) , 33; management GENERAL VOCABULARY 397 get out of my way otez-vous de man passage; to get (obtain) avoir, obtenir ghetto (m.) , 24 gilet (m.) vest (waistcoat), 24 give (v.) donner; offrir; presenter good (adj.) ban (f. bonne); (adv.) bien (well); as as aussi bon (bien) que good! (interj.) c'est tres bien! bon! goujon (m.) gudgeon, 24 gouverneur, 66 glace (f.) ice; mirror, 272 glacer (v.) to ice; 47, chilled globe (m.) , 12 glory, 3, gloire (f.) gnome (m.), 12, gnome, 22 gnost-ique, 22 -ic goal (n.) but (m.); (jrapper au to aim at); see purpose; la fin qu'il se propose the end he has in view; de en blanc brusquely go (v.) aller; away s'en aller; s'eloigner; se retirer. How are you comment allez-vous? Very well, thank you, and how are you? Tres bien, merci, et vous? Fairly well assez bien; not very well pas trap bien; better and better de mieux en mieux; from bad to worse de mat en pis. How is business? comment vont les affaires? rather quietly tout doucement; comment $a va? how goes it? fine! a mer-veille; go and dine aller diner; for aller cher- cher; back reculer; to let go reldcher; let drop laisser tomber; go ahead aller de I'avant; (first) prendre les devants; and meet aller au devant de; a la rencontre de; astray s'egarer; - to sleep s'endormir; - backwards reculer; back and forth aller et venir; beyond (aller trop loin) de- passer; by (pass); for- ward avancer; (leave) partir de, quitter; go on continuer (a); avancer (steps); down de- scendre; out sortir; s'eteindre (fire); over (through) pas- ser; up monter; ^ascend) remonter; in all directions courir de tous cotes; up to aborder; with accom- pagner (de); without se passer de; with (follow); go your way (see follow} golfe (m.) gulf, 12 gondole (f.) gondola Goth (m.), 25 grace (a vous), 9, thanks to you; par la de Dieu, 332, by" the grace of God; Grace! Mercy (upon) ; dire ses -s, 344, to say grace; de bonne readily, 331; with a good ; il est en aupres de he is in the good -s of; s'insinuer dans les bonnes de to grow into (his, etc.) favor; Jour (d' Actions) de Graces Thanksgiving day; coup de the last blow; demander en to implore urgently; -fully avec grace; on lui fit grace he was par doned; se pourvoir en to make a petition for mercy (a commutation of a sen- tence) grammar, 5, grammaire (f.); -ian grammairien, 19 grammatic (al) ; de grammaire, 19 grammatiste (m.) poor gram- marian, 19 gramme (m.) (15= grains), 19 grand (adj.) great, 77; -ir to grow tall grand-father -pere, 73 grand-mother grand'mere (f.), 73 gras (-se), 78, fat grasseyer (v.) to roll the r, 29 gratis, 30 gratuit (adj.). 32 -ous grave (adj.), 65, grave, serious, 60, 9 Grec (n.) Greek, 79; Grece (f.) Greece, 192 grenouille (f.) frog gresil (m.) sleet, 348 GENERAL VOCABULARY gril (m.), 25, gridiron grimper (v.) to climb (up), 47 gros (-se f.) big (fat); (v.) -sir, 342 groseille (f.) gooseberry, 53 group groupe (m.); reunion (f.); -ing groupement (m.); (v.) mettre en groupe; grouper; to gather in (s) reunir en ; agr0tt/>er grow (up), 342 (v.), crottre; to thrive pousser; (see extend, increase), les jours commencent a c days begin to lengthen; a dccroitre (decrease); c trap rapidement too rapidly guenon, 67 guer-re (f.) war; -rier -rior, 36 guest (n.) hole (m.) gwett* (m. adj.) (wretchedly) poor, 24 gui (m.) mistletoe, 24 guide, 67-8, 24 guider (v.) to guide, 24, 337 guillemet (m.), 5 (Fr.), quotation mark, 5 guillotine (f.), 24 guitare (n.) guitar, 17 gulp /rai< (m.) see traire, etc. gymnas-e (m.), 14, -ium, 24; -ftgwe (f.) gymnastics, 20 1! habile (adj.) clever; -te (f.) -ness, habits (m.) clothes, 53; war- row maroon, 56 habitude, 65 handed (word) down to us mot qui nous vient de hang (v.) pendre; up accro- cher; (in the air) suspendre; -ing en suspendant; see hook haine (f.) hatred, 20 haineux full of hatred, 20 hair cheveu (m.); to have a cut (trimmed) se faire tailler les -x; il porte la barbe rase he shaves close; (clip) rafratchir les cheveux; se faire couper les ; see to cut hair (v.) to hate, 7; haine (f.) hatred; -neux, 316, full of resentment happ-y heiireux; -iness bonheur (m.); -ily heureusement; par bonheur (luck) hareng (m.) herring, 24 harnacher to put on the harness harnais (m.) harness, 16 hate (f.), ii, haste; se -r (de) to hasten to, 204 hate, 316, hair, detester; mepriser; en vouloir a; meprisable, -ful haineux hatred haine (f.) haunt (obsess) poursuivre; see follow; cf. : dis-moi qui tu hantes et je te dirai qui tu es (tell me with whom you keep company and I shall tell you who you are) haut, 77, 305 hauteur, 305 he, 1 1 6, il; lui; cf.: he, himself lui-meme; (as intensive pro- noun) ; celui qui he who (that), any one, etc.; he and she lui et elle; (as disjunctives) : sera-ce lui can he be the one? head tete (f.); -ache mal a la tete ( de ); first la la premiere health sante (f.); Board of Health Bureau (m.) de Sante (f.); -y sain; salubre; salu- taire (pour la sante) whole- some; cf.: sain et sauf; see p. 89; sound body corps sain (m.); of a sound mind sain d' esprit; cf . : troubler par aucune maladie not to be disturbed by any illness; en bonne sante in good ; porter une sante to present a toast; maisnn de sante private hospital; to your a votre sante heel (n.) talon (m.); see follow helas! alas! 30 Helene (f.) Helen help! an secours (a moil) ; aide; assistance (f.) ; to give porter secours; main forte; one another s'entr'aider; GENERAL VOCABULARY 399 help Continued aider, secourir, assister; pub- lic - - assistance publique; with the of d I'aide de; (ayant) or muni or arme or pourvu de hennir (v.) to neigh; (see nasals); \ -issement (m.) neighing her, 118; see poss. adj.; -s, etc. Hercule (m.) -s, 35 here id (la); is (are) void; and there id et la; un peu partout herewith sous ce pli; see p. part. heroine (f.) heroine her os (m.) hero, 24 herseltelle-meme; se (in Refl. v.); by toute seule; sans aide heure (f.) hour; time, 305 heureu-x, 80; -se annce, 10, happy New Year; (adv.) -semen t happily, fortunately hexamet-re (m.) -er, 34 hiatus (m.), 44 hideux (adj.) hideous, 22 hier, 99 hippodrome (m.), 12 histoire (f.), 65, history, story hiver (m.), 64; -ner (v.) hiber- nate homme man, 4 homonyme (m.), -ym, 14 honorable (adj.) , 42 honoree (f.) (<*): (letter) or kind letter hook (crochet) crochet (m.); hamegon (m.); (v.) accrocher; see crochet; mordre a I'hameqon to nibble at the bait; qa mord it bites; fa we word pas or il ne se laisse pas prendre he is not easily duped hopital (m.), 73 horloge, 65 horreur (f.), 88; horrible (adj.), 29 horse cheval (m.); shoe /er d cheval (m.); dealer maqui- gnon; on back a cheval (to ride monter) hospice (m.) (Cath.) hospital; almshouse hospital (n.) hopital, hospice, Hotel-Dieu (m.) Aote, 66, host, guest, 12 //o/e/ (m.) hotel houille (f.) (gisements de, m. 316), coal-beds, 17 how comment? comme (qu') il fait chaud, 126, how warm it is! ever ce pendant, d'ailleurs: il parait cependant difficile de it seems difficult however to huche (f.) (bread) board; d Pain (bread) box; -r (hunt.) to whistle, 47 huile, 65 huit eight ; -ieme -h ; le on the 8th; d'aujourd'hui en in a week from to day, 303 huitre (f.) oyster, 33 hum-din (adj.), 33 -an humble humble, 21 humbug (m.) , 21 hundred (one) cent; about une centaine de, 303 hussard (m.), hussar, 13 hyene (f.) hyena, 17 hymen (m.), 19 hymne, 69 hyphen trait (m.) d'union (f.), 7 I jfe; mot id here, 12; foici is (are); voila there is (are), 127 idea idee (f.); see follow and s/n'&e idem, 26 idiome (m.) idiom, 12 tdo/e, 65 if '; whether si igne igneous, 24 ignorance (f.) , 55; P ar (blunder) ignorer, 55, 243 il (pron.) he; it, 25 ill (sick) malade (see patient); -ness maladie (f.) ; ill + adj. = mal; also: un or dis as pre- fixes illumin-er (v.) to -ate, 25 illustr-e illustrious; -e -ated, 25 image, 65, picture (book); litre d s imitation (f.), 32, 400 GENERAL VOCABULARY immangeable unfit to eat, 20 immanquable sure to happen (occur), 20 immediate, 20, immediat; -ly immediatement; tout de suite immesurable unmeasurable, 20 immeuble (m.), 20, real estate; apt. house, 26 immortel (adj.) immortal, 20 imparfait, 58 imperalrice, 66 imperitie (f.) unfitness, 32 implore (v.) implorer une grace (pardon) ; see 6eg or request or wrge; demander humblement et avec instance to call upon (for) in supplication; see be- seech import il importe (see Subj.), 162; il est important de (or with Subj.); il y a grande urgence a ce que (and Subj.): it is very urgent, etc. ; see urge importance (f.) important, 40 importune (v.) importuner, fati- guer, incommoder, assaillir; solliciteur canvasser; see follow impossible impossible, 20 impromptu, 28 in en; dans (in, into, after, within) inattendu (adj.) unexpected, 36 incertitude (f.), 55, doubt inclus, 192 increase (v.) accroitre (fortune); s'accroitre, 342 (see extend); to a certain extent jusqu'd un certain point; allonger une table (lengthen a table) ; aussi loin que la vue s'ctend as far as the eyes can reach indefini (adj.) -te, 57, 211 indem ne unscathed, 18 index (m.) indication (f.), 37, , sign, mark indifferemment, equally, 53 indifferent (adj.) indiquer, 53, to denote, 59, enumerate; to mention, 55; to show, 55 indirect indirect; see direct; con- tributions -es indirect taxes; [proposition completive indi- recte explanatory clause]; -ly indirectement; d'une maniere detournee in an way indispensable indispensable; see pass industr-ie (f.) -y industry Industrie (f.); chevalier d'industrie (vit d 'expedients lives on his wits) ; agricole, manufacturiere agricultural, manufacturing ; man of homme (laborieux) industri- eux; -al center centre industriel (m.); cela concerne I'industrie it relates to ; cf. dexteritc, intelligence, adresse (f.); tra- vailler beaucoup to work dili- gently; recherches laborieuses laborious researches; couter beaucoup de peine to cost much labor inep-tie (f.), 32, -tness inert (adj.), 32, ; -ie (f.) -ia inex-act (adj.) , 20 -auce (adj.), 34, ungranted -citable unexci table -cusable, 34 -ecute unexecuted, 34 -erce, 34, untrained, 34 -igible not exacted, 34 -istant not existing, 34 -arable , 34 -perience (f.) , 34 -piable (adj.) unatonable, 34 -pie (adj.) unatoned for, 34 -plicable (adj.) , 34 -ploite (adj.) untilled, un worked (mine), 34 -plore (adj.) unexplored, 34 -pressif (adj.) -ve, 34 -primable (adj.) inexpressible, 34 -pugnable (adj.) , 24 -pugnable (adj.) impregnable, 34 -tensible (adj.) , 34 -tricable (adj.) , 34 infer (v.) inferer; see follow, 337 inferieur, 80 inferiorite (f.) ; see comparatif, 92 infinitif (m.) , 59 inflect varier; flechir (bend), moduler; (gr.) decliner (noun); conjuguer GENERAL VOCABULARY 401 in-folio, 20 ingrat (n.), n, ingrate; -itude (f.) inhumain (adj.) inhuman, 20 initial (adj.) , 33 initier (v.) to initiate, 33 innocence (f.) innocence, 22 innocent (n., adj.) innocent, 20 innombrable numberless, 20 innomme unnamed, 27 innover (v.) to innovate, 20 innovation (f.) , 20 inquiet, 80; -etude (f.) unrest, 29 Inquisition (f.), 25. insatiable (adj.), 33, insensibilite (f.), 22, unconscious- ness insister (v.) to insist; to lay stress, 46 instance (for) ar exemple (m.) instant (loth): (letter) a* (v. aller), 309, will (shall) go irez (fut. of a//er) will go; qa ira, 46, it will go (do) irreguli-er (adj.) irregular, 307, 79; -erement irregularly, 29 irriter (v.) to irritate, 29 isthm-e (m.) -us, 24 it, \^,il;elle(L);le(m.);la(L}; lui (m., f.); en; ce; cela ('.a); (pers. pron.) -self lui-meme; elle-meme; (eux or elles)-memes; la bontc meme kindness it- self; cf. to go smoothly (all by itself) aller tout seul; its use was far from being general / 'usage etait loin d'en etre general Italian, 55, Italien (m.), (-ne, f.); language I'italien Italic, 192 ;-n, 55 Italy I' Italic, 192 item (m.), 19 itiner-aire (m.) ; -ary, 33 J Jacques, 9, James jadis (adv.) formerly (yore), 25 jalap (m.) , 28 Jamaique (f.) Jamaica, 12 jamaisl never, 119 Janvier (m.), 180, January jardin (n.) garden; -ier -er jars, 67 je I, 117 /eaw John; -ne Jane, 18 Je n'en sais rien, 10, I know nothing of it (about it); see savoir jest plaisanterie (f.) ; see rire, 358 (a) jeun on an empty stomach jeune (adj.), 15, young; -we (f.) youth 402 GENERAL VOCABULARY jeune (m.) fasting; -r to fast, 15 je vais mettre une lettre a la paste I am going to mail a letter (post-office); see filler joindre (v.) to join, 349; to connect joint added to, 56; se joint a, 4 6 > 349 joke plaisanterie (f.) ; see rire, 358 jolt, 77, pretty jonc (m.) rush, 20 jonqu-ille (f.) -il, 26 jouer (v.) to play, 19 jouerai (fut. of jouer), 10, I will play, 175 jpug (m.) yoke, 37 joui (p. p. jouir) d'une bonne sante enjoys good health jouir (v.) enjoy (de), 17 jpuissance (f.) enjoyment, 17 jour (m.) day, 3 jpurnee, 64 jpyeusement, 80, joyfully joyeux joyful juger (v.) to judg-e, 67; -ment jugement (m.) jfttt-/ (-PC, f.) Jew (-ess), 16 julep (m.), 28 July, i8o,jitillet (m.) jument (f.) mare junction jonc/j'on (f.) June, iSo,juin (m.) jungle (f.), 21 jftt/>e (f.) skirt, 13 >s (m.), 346 jusque, 187 just (fair) jws/e, 13; impartial; after adding: right! apres I' addition: c'est juste I justice (n.) justice (.); avec equite (f.) with fairness, 47; il a la justice de son cote justice is on his side, justice favors him ; faire a to redress the wrong to; faire de, 99, to treat him as he deserves; ilfaut reparer le tort fait a one must repair a wrong done to; y re- medier to remedy it. justify, 54, (v.) justifier; il - sa conduite he proves his in- nocence; cf. demontrer; prou- ver; legitimer; rendre juste; se j , (Refl.); la fin justifie les moyens (the evening crowns the day); rien ne ntotive cette opinion nothing justifies that opinion; show cause faites valoir vos motifs; vos motifs sont bans well grounded K kermesse (f.); kermis (-mess), 25 (Danemark, etc.), festival and fair kilo (m.) (= 2 Ibs.) 25 kilogramme (m.) kilogram, 25 kind genre (m.); espece (f.) king (n.) roi (m.); -dom royaume (m.) kiosque (m.) kiosk, 25 kirsch (m.) , 25 la, 63, the; it, her, 120, 155; 9 la there, 130; see voila, 118; cf. monsieur n'est point la (the gentleman is not here?) lac (m.) lake, n Idche, 9, coward; -te (f.) -ice Idcher (v.) to let go La Haye (f.) the Hague, 192 laie, 67 laisser (par ne rien ) (v.), 5, to leave (nothing) ; s'etre laisse prendre, 59, to allow one's self to be deprived (of) lait (m.) milk, 14 lame (f.), 9, blade; see cut; (vague) wave lance (f.) lance, 8; -r (v.) to launch; 309; to issue (send out); -ment -ing, 340 langage (m.), 58 langouste (f.) (spiny) lobster, 16 langue (f.), 220 lapis (m.), 30 laquelle (d 1 apres), 58 (according to), following which, 135 larynx (m.), 34, las (-se) (adj.) tired, 47; (v.) lasser last (adj.) dernier; night hier soir GENERAL VOCABULARY 403 late tard; -r plus tard; to be fare en retard; see p. 100; it was only later ce n'est que plus tard que laugh (n.) rire (m.) ; (v.) rire, 358; tel chante qui ne rit pas a heart may be sad though the face be gay; to burst out -ing partir (eclater) de rire; on dit souvent la verite en riant many a true word is spoken in jest; il tourne tout en raillerie he makes a jest of everything; il entend raillerie he takes a jest; il entend la raillerie he jokes well; r aux eclats to - loud; pouffer de r to buist out 1 ; etouffer to choke with 1 ; pour rire (plaisanter) for fun; colloq.: lui faire un pied de nez (se moguer de lui) to 1 at him ; il se moque, sans doute he is jesting, no doubt; r a gorge deployee to roar with 1 ; etre le jouet de la fortune to be the sport of fortune; il veut rire he is jesting; r a ses depens (expense) to ridicule him; toujours le mot pour r ready wit; se tenir les cotes de r to shake sides with 1 ; en faire des gorges chaudes to 'chuckle over it or : se tordre de r ; rire de ses menaces not to mind threat; en rire to jeer at him (etc.); do not laugh at that : (nothing to 1 at in that) il n'y a pas la de quoi rire; rire comme un bossu (hunchback) to split one's sides with 1 ; radiate with joy rayonner de joie (f.); r sous cape 1 in his sleeve; r dans sa barbe; et tout le monde d'en rire and everybody began to laugh; il n'y a pas de quoi rire this is a serious matter; r jaune (d'une mani- tre contrainte) his (her) smile is forced ; se mettre (se prendre) a rire to begin (start) to 1 ; exciter La risee to move to 1 ; faire r aux eclats (pamer de r ) that set us in a roar; ne pouvoir garder son serieux impossible not to 1 (keep his countenance) ; il prend son serieux he grows serious; cela . passe le jeu that's beyond a joke; c'est a mourir de rire to die with 1 ; r aux larmes (eclats) to roar with 1; r du bout des dents forced smile; crever de r to die laughing; on n'y trouve pas le moindre mot pour r there is nothing amusing in that or here; il me fait r he makes me 1 ; rira bien qui rira le dernier he who laughs kst laughs best; il nous pretait a r he was a subject for 1 to us; appreter a rire to make oneself laugh- able; se moque-t-il de nous? Is he joking? on le tourna en 'ridicule they made a fool of him; il en riait he 1 ed at it; r du bout des dents to 1 on the other side of the mouth; de bon cceur heartily; anecdote (f.) pour rire laughable ; tel qui rit vendredi, dimanche pleurera laughter is akin to tears; il a le r facile he 1 s easily; un fou rire uncontrol- lable laugh; ris moqueur it was a mocking laugh; la risee the laughing-stock; de grands eclats de rire great shouts of 1 ter; plus on est de fous, plus on rit the more the merrier law loi (f.); see follow I' (=le, la) it, him; her, 120, 155 le (invariable), 120 (b.), 254 le (variable), 63, the; it (him), 120, 155 league (n.) ligue (union) (f.); (v.) liguer learned (p. p.) appris, 357; (n.) (man) savant; bien-instruit, 109 leave (v.) laisser; quitter; 320 - (to take) : ^p. p. c. = pour prendre conge 404 GENERAL VOCABULARY teqon (f.) lesson, 65 lec-teur (m.) (-trice) reader lecture (f.) reading (349, v. lire) left (on the) d gauche; (p. p. laisse); cf. laisser, 175 leger, 80 ; legerement lightly, thoughtlessly, slightly legs (m.) legacy, 24 lemm-e (m.) (geom.) -a, 24 lengthen (v.) allonger; crottre (jours), 342 Lent car erne (m.) /pre (f.), ii, leprosy lepreux (m.) lepers les the, 63, 120; them less, 253, moins; (the) le ; least moindre; than moins que; moms de lesson lec,on (f.) letter, 10, lettre (f.); paper papier a ; capital majus- cule (f.); small minuscule (f.) leur (poss. adj.) their, 118 leurre (m.) lure; -r (v.) to , 29 levre (f.) lip, 11 lexicologie (n. f.) scientific, pro- gressive knowledge of words relating to their etymology or meaning and in general of what is essential in being able to write a language correctly liaison (f.) 34, (linking) liberty, 4, liberle (f.) ; at en ; libre; to take the prendre la de; liberties prendre trap de libertes, 56 libre free; -ment -ly, 40 lichen (m.) , 24 lier (v.) to bind, 349 lieu (m), 3, place, spot; au de, 55, instead of; (il y a) there is reason; (donner), 59, to give rise to lieue (f.) league (distance), 15 life vie (f.); such is ainsi va le monde; (animation) entrain (m.); all your - (long) loute votre (to) vie ligue (f.) league; (v.) liguer to form a like, see 200; avoir de I' affection, de I'amitie, du gout, un pen- chant pour; I should like to go to je voudrais bien aller a (en); (ant.: detester, hair); to suit his taste trouver a son gout; better (best) preferer, aimer mieux; as you a votre aise (comme vous voudrez: comme il vous plaira); now he likes it il commence a s'y faire (a y prendre go At); music gouter la musique; a liking du gout (pour) like (conj.) comme; cf. : lei pere, telfils; semblable a (adj.) likewise (il en est) de meme, 54 linceul (m.) shroud, 25 line (n.) ligne (f.); to the a I'alinea; to write a line ecrire un mot; (refl. v.) (against) s' aligner; cf. align, adjust or form to a line aligner; (n.) alignement (m.) linguales (consonnes) d, t, I, n, r, 24 linguiste (m.) linguist, 24 linguist ique (f.) linguistics, 24 lion (m.) lion, 17 liquefier (v.) liquefy, 29 liqueur (f.) liquor, 29 liquide (m.) -d, 29 Us (m.), 30, lily lisse sleek; -r (v.) to comb down liste, 53 (f.), list listen (to) ecouter; see follow litre (m.) litre, 12 little petit; a un peu (de), 253 live, 361 (v.), vivre; to be- have like a gentleman savoir vivre; to come to life again revivre; survive survivre (a); cf. demeurer (reside); habiter (to live in, inhabit); loger (habiter habituellement) ; loger en garni to occupy a room (in an apartment house); un logement provisoire temporary lodging; (: partie de maison plus modeste qu'un apparte- ment part of a house more modest than an apartment); garni ou meuble furnished apt. ; GENERAL VOCABULARY 405 live Continued qu'on loue avec ameublement (rented with set of furniture) ; maison pen logeable: (ou Von ne pent loger commodcment) not a very comfortable house; she lives with her mother elle \ vit aupres de sa mere; in society i dans le monde; comfortably (on vit) bien; bien vivre to lead a good life; people die as they telle vie, telle fin; faire la vie to fast; on lui sauva ses jours they saved his (her) life; he who wishes to long avoids excess qui veut oiler loin menage sa monture; long live America! vive I'Amerique! long live the free countries! vivent tous les pays libres! to on good terms (en bonne intelligence); to like cats and dogs comme chien et chat; faire bon menage their mar- ried life is happy; to on vivre de; when in Rome do as the Romans do il faut vivre a Rome comme d Rome; ap- prendre d vivre to teach how to live, etc.; you will not find a soul vous ne trouverez ame qui vive; on n'y voit plus ame vivante no living soul there (any more); to (high) well faire bonne chere; only for himself ; v dans la pauvrete; from hand to mouth aujour le jour; 1 in straight- ened circumstances v d I'e- troit; colloq.: lead a struggling existence tirer le diable par la queue; 1 on their meagre salary vivoter de leur maigre salaire; Us n'ont que de quoi vivre they keep body and soul together; 1 by begging men- dier sa vie; on his savings de ses economies; on what does she live? De quoi vit-elle? 1 in hope v d'espoir; il faut manger pour vivre et non pas vivre pour manger one must eat to live and not live to eat ; on their income de leurs rentes; at his expense d ses depens (m.) ; living is expensive in America il fait cher vivre en Amerique; la cherte des vivres high cost of food (living); rise in price of commodities le haussement du prix des denrees; according to their means selon leurs moyens; free sans attache (f.); 1 on his wits vivre d'industrie (f.): un chevalier d'industrie; vous le faites v you feed him ; un roman vecu a novel based on fact (or seemingly so); lui a-l- on coupe les vivres? did they cut off his income (pension)? on lui tattle (rogne) les morceaux he is fed on too little or spar- ingly ; si Dieu lui prete vie if he lives long enough; you will have food and lodging vous aurez le vivre et le convert; v sur ses amis 1 on his friends; life-annuity une rente viagere; while alive en son vivant; the quick and the dead les vivants et les marts; while his uncle lived du vivant de son oncle; burned alive brule vif; very life-like pris sur le vif; stung to the quick pique au vif; dead or alive mort ou vif; while he lived de son vivant; provisions are expensive les vivres sent cheres; to earn a living gagner sa vie; il a de quoi vivre he has enough to live on; a keen interest un vif intertt; la lettre tue, mais I' esprit vivifie the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life; 1 amicably vivre en accord; avoir I' ame chevillee au corps he has nine lives; la caisson des vivres provision wagon; colloq.: se la couler douce to take life easy; compter les morceaux to give a scanty allowance; diner par caeur to go without dinner; such is life ainsi va le monde; live again in his works se survivre 406 GENERAL VOCABULARY live Continued dans ses outrages; revivre dans ses enfants to live again in his children; a sa guise as he likes; le printemps ranime toute la nature Spring revives all nature; he lives a life of lassitude (inert life) il traine une miserable existence; mener grand train to 1 in great style; mener une vie reglee to live a regulated life (une vie heureuse); il gagne sa vie he gets his livelihood; (: il ne vit que de ses bras) : by the labor of his hands; habiter un garni to live in a furnished apt.; il demeure au no. IQ; . il habile I'Amerique; chacun doit vivre selon sa condition everyone should live accord- ing to his station; he is not expected to live le mcdecin I'a condamne; il, donne signe de vie he is still alive; une vive replique a smart reply; les danseurs sont animes dancers are alive; une avenue vivante a lively avenue; le Jran^ais n'est pas une langue morte, mais bien une langue vivante litre, 68 "local" (or city) E. V. ( = ad- dressed) loch (m.) , 24 locution, 55 (f.), expression loge (f.), 12, box (theat.); lodge; (v.) to lodge -r logic (n.) logique (f.) ; -al logique; see follow loi (f.) law, 1 6 loin (adv.) far; -tain distant, 96, 105; (v.) eloigner (s') Londres, 31, London long, 304, long, 40; time long- temps; (in length) de lon- gueur (or: long de); -er plus long; , 24, longtemps; no -er ne plus; no than pas plus long que (de); -er still longtemps encore, 24 loom metier (m.); profession (f t ); j see follow; his trade son metier lors (de) at; -que when, 54; the time of loss per te (f.); (v.) per Are louange (f.) praise, 17 louera (fut. of louer), 10, will praise (rent) Louis Lewis, 17 Louise Louisa, 17 loup, 67 (m.) lu (p. p. lire) read, 349 Luc Luke, 23 lueur (f.) glare (light), 17 lui (pron.) he, 78; a his, 27; - meme himself lui (p. p. luire), 350, shone luisants (v. luire, 350) (m.), pat- ent leather shoes lundi (m.) Monday, 125 lutte (f.) struggle (fight), 334 luxe (m.), 13, luxury Luxembourg (m.), 19 lyr-e (f.) lyre, 8; -ical lyrique \\ ma, ta, sa, 118, my, your, his (her) M., 4, Mr. machin-e (f.) , 8; -ist, 22, mecamcien Madame, 3, Madam (Mrs.), 73 madone (f.) madonna, 12 maigre lean, 36; -rir to grow thin main (adj.) principal main, 65 (f.) maint (adj.) many a, 257 mais but ; oui, 39, why, yes ! 30 maison (f.) house, 14:^/0 , 99 maitre (m.) master majuscule (f.) capital, 5 mal (m.) evil, u; (adv.) bad; un; mis; ill (with cer- tain adj. in English); mal, 64 malade (m., f.) (le, la) patient malade (adj.) ill (sick); -ie (f.), 57 male male, 9 man homme; of war vaisseau (m.) de guerre (f.): -ly virile; good (fellow) bonhomme (m.) GENERAL VOCABULARY 407 manage conduire, regir, diriger; gerer; (him), (savoir) comment le prendre; to (in a way) jaire en sorte que; -able docile, traitable; -r gerant, directeur; stage regisseur; house menagere (f.) manege, 64 manger (v.), 228, to eat maniere (f.), 168, sort, 29; manner (way), 55 manne (f.) manna, 18 manuscript manuscrit (m.); old m ancien marc (m.) mark, 23 marc (m.) residuum (skin, pulp, seed), 23 March mars (m.), 180 marchandise, 57 (f.)i mdse. mardi (m.) Tuesday, 5; gras Shrove mark, 54, signe (m.); marque (f.}; forme, 54, ; (v.) marquer marque (f.), 54, mark; -r to , 25 marquis, 65 marraine, 67 marrons (habits) maroon dress Mars jo; March marsouin (m.) porpoise, 17 masculin (m.), 9, -e master wat/re (m.); (v.) />osse- der, connattre parfaitement: savoir a fond mat (m.) mast, 9 moduli (dead), 33 (adj.) materiaux (see construire) mate- rials; matieres (f.) (qui entrent) dans la construction construc- tion material; on r assemble des idees etc., pour la composi- tion ideas are (being) gathered for composition materiel (implements) (m.); es- prit material mind; cf. : ma- terial; etoffe (f.) ; see weave matin (m.) mastiff (dog), 9 matin (m.) morning; -ee (f.) forenoon maxime (f.), 12, -m may (can) ; see pouvoir, 329 May, 1 80, mat (m.) Mayence Mainz mean (adj.) sordide, mesquin; -ness mesquinerie (f.) mean (v.) signifier, vouloir dire, 331; -ing sens (m.); significa- tion (f.) ; -less depourvu de sens means (money) les moyens (m.); by of au moyen de; through the influence of par (I'entre- mise) le m de, 99; according to his selon ses moyens; having recourse to en faisant usage de; par le (an) mo veil d" medecin (m.) doctor meditate (v.) mediter; soumettre a des reflexions (a nn examer interieur) ; ri'flcchir a (consider to think seriously (the matte; over); se creuser la tete tt rack (his) brain; (plan) pro- Jeter; combiner (to scheme; to contrive); complotcr to plot; se recueillir to collect one's thoughts; prier to pray; plonge dans all-absorbed in (tout a son travail) his work meet (v.) rencontrer; oiler a la rencontre de to go and meet (part way); see to connect; to come across ; cela ne se rencontre guere that is met rarely; -ing (n.) rencontre; assembler (f.); reunion (f.); il a toujours bien rencontre circumstances always favored him meilleur better, 92 meme (adj.), 3, same; (conj.) quand even if (+ Cond.); aujourd'hui this very d_ay; venez quand meme come just the same; il en est de de (so with) likewise, 54; meme lorsque even when, 56 menager (v.) to husband, to save, 58 mener (v.), 229, to lead (by the hand), 337 menu (m.) , 13 mepris, 32; -er to scorn mer, 65, sea; in the open (au large) en pleine mer merchandise (mdse.) marchan- dise (f.); see bargain 408 GENERAL VOCABULARY mere mother, 6 merit merite (m.); demerit de- merite (m.), considere comme si (as if); au point de vue du m ; I>H du d ; see voir mes (poss. adj.), 118, my met (v. meltre) metre (m.) meter (39 inches), n mettre (v.) to put (on), 351 meuble (m.); -e, 56, furnished Mextque, 64 Michel- A nge Michael Angelo, 24 midi (m.), 187; 304 miel, 64 mien (le), 39, mine, 129 mienne (la), 129 mteux, 95 mil (m.) millet, 25 mil 1000; mille 1000; 304 mill moulin (m.); saw sciene (f.); wind moulin d, vent mille (m.) mile; millesime, 56, date on coins million (m.) million, 304 minime very small (slight), 12 mimstere (m.) department ministre, 53 minuit, 305, 139 minuscule small, 5 minute (f.), 32 minutie, 32 (f.), minuteness misfortune malheur (m.) mistake (n.) faute, p. 5; to je tromper (de); se meprendre, 356; see misunderstand and blunder; une meprise mistaking a person, etc., for another; c'etait d ne />aj s'y meprendre there was no -ing it; c'es* d e a.s 5*y m there is no it; par meprise by m ; sans faire de faults without (making any) mistake misunderstand (see 356, prendre) (v.) il entend mal he -s; ne pas comprendre; il prend la chose au mal he takes offense at it; c'est d ne pas s'y me- prendre there was no mistak- ing it; se tromper to be mistak- en; se tromper de to take the wrong [way]; elle s' abuse she deceives herself; il se meprend he mistakes; elle se meprend she forgets herself; v. v. adres- sez mal you mistake your men ; prendre tout en mauvaise part to take things amiss; p mal ses conseils not to take kindly to his advice; les tourner en mal to misinterpret them : il ne veut rien entendre he won't listen; donner a entendre que to inti- mate that ; il n'y entend rien he can't make it out mixtion (f.) , 33 Mile. Miss, 73 Mme. Mrs., Madam, 4 mode, 68 (m., f.) modern, 78, moderne, nouveau, 55 modest-e, 32 (adj.) ; -ie (f.) -y modulation, 46 (f.) moelle (f.) marrow, 16 mceurs (f.) customs, 30 moi, 3, I (disjunctive pron.); I; d ! help; etre a to be mine (my own), 99, 5; 78 moi-meme, 7 (intensive pron.), myself, 57 mains (au), 5, at least; less, 39; d que unless, 60; de en . 39; (le): as neuter, 254 mois (m.) month, 180 Moise, 12, Moses moitie (f.) half, 304 mol, 79 mollesse (f.), 47, indolence moment, 179 momentane (adj.), 22, momen- tary man my, 118 monde, 69, hulled (husked) monde (m.), 9, world (universe); 2 1 1 ; tout le everybody (all) monde (m.) world, 405, society; du company monnaie (f.) coin, mint, change, 37, 36 monosyllabe, 30 monosyllab-le -e (f.); -ic -ique monsieur Mr., Sir, 4; le the gentleman, 73 mont (m.) peak montagne (f.) mountain, 58 month mois (m.); -ly mensuel; tous les mois, 180 GENERAL VOCABULARY 409 mood (gr.), 144, mode (m.); (temper) humeur (f.) more plus; davantage; the , 39; over de plus; (besides) d'ailleurs morgue ({.), 12, morgue; arro- gance (scornful look) morrow le lendemain; see follow mart (m.) (-e) the dead person; 1 3, dead (died), 319 mart (f.) death, 40, 65 morue (f.) codfish, 13 most (men) la plupart des hommes; -ly surtout; princi- palement; at au plus mot (m.) word, 5; d word for mother mere (f.) ; grand grand' mere (f.); ( -in-law) step belle-mere (f.); - - tongue langue maternelle (f.) motte (f.), 9, clod; de terre lump of earth mou, 79, soft (molle, f.) moulin mill, 5; 352 mourir (irreg.), 318, 29 mousse (m.) cabin-boy, 68 mousse (f.) moss, 68 moyen (cours) intermediate (course) : see means; moyen dge, 38, Middle Ages mu (m.) ( 1 2th letter of the Greek alphabet) name, 13 muet, 78, mute, deaf mulct, 67 multi-plier, 56 (v.), to -ply mur (adj.) ripe; -ir to ripen mure (f.) mulberry, 13 Muse (f.) , 26 musical, 46 musicien musician, 46 musique (f.) music), 46 must (one) faut-il, 5 ; 266 must I faut-il? (see devoir) or (list: irreg. verbs) mute muet (see adj.) myope (m.) short-sighted, 14 myosotis (m.) forget-me-not, H myself moi-meme; intensive pro- noun myriade (f.) myriad, 14 mystere, 64 N nacre, 65 name (n.) nom (m.); (v.) nommer; porter le nom de to bear the ; first prenom (m.) narcotique, 37 nasal (adj.) , 17 nation (f.) national, 54, (adj.) ne...pas, etc., 3, not, 119 ne (e), (v. naitre) born, 194, 352 necessary (it is) il est necessaire; see Subj. nectar (m.) , u needle (n.) aiguille (f.) nef, 65 negation (f.), 57; negatif (-ve, 119) negliger, 188 -ent (adj.), 188 negre, 66 nenni (obsolete) no, 18 (Fables) nerf (m.), 31, 80, 36, nerve, sinews, 36 neuf (adj.), 79, 23 neuf nine, 303 neutre neuter, 55 never ne ... jamais, etc.; ! jamais! more jamais, jamais, 119 neveu nephew (m.), 35 next suivant (n. or adj.); to pres de; line a la ligne sui- vante; see follow nez (m.) nose, 9; a , 41, face to face; 224 ni ... ni neither ... nor, 119; ni or, 5 niais, 78 nid (m.) nest, 36 niece (f.), 12, niece nier (v.), 59, to deny noble (adj.) noble, 12 Noel (m.) Christmas, 7; la (fete de) Noel, 68 nceud (m.) knot, bow; (see nouer), 16 noir, 91, black; dark; -cir to blacken, 241 noir (m.) negro noix, 65 4io GENERAL VOCABULARY nom (m.) name, 4, 231 nombre, 53,3O3;cf. No. = numero nombreux, 80, numerous, 35 nombril (m.) navel, 25 nominatif; subject; (ce) qui or: what nommer (v.) to name, 47 non, 8, not; que, 163, not that; et but not; je pense que I think not (ne) ... non plus either, 57 non compris not including, 56, nord, 64 not (neg.) pas; (a book) but non (un litre) mais, 57 note (v.) marquer, remarquer, prendre note de note (n.) 14; billet (m.) note (f.); bill nothing, 119, rien; not anything rien; -ness chaos (m.) notice (v.) noter, remarquer (take ) observer, s'apercevoir; cf. : bear well this in mind notez bien que: (n'oubliez point que; retenez bien ceci); to give donner avis (connaissance) ; avertir (warn); to tell before- hand prevenir; without a moment's sans avis pre- alable; to bring to your know- ledge porter a votre connais- sance; until further jusqu'a nouvel ordre (avis contraire); within short a court delai; public ! avis (m.) au public; look out ! attention (faites )/ foreword avis au lecteur; two heads are better than one deux avis valent mieux qu'un notion (f.) , 33 notions (v.) noter, 32 noire our, 118 noire (le) ours, 129 noueux knotty, 17 nous we, us, 81, 156 nouveau, 79 nouveau-ne new-born, 56 November, 180, novembre nu, 88, naked nuance (f.) shade, 56 nuit, 65 (f.), night, 348 nul, 113, 78 number, 303, no. (numero}; nombre (m.); compter (par- mi); etre au nombre de; see follow numeral, 56, 303 numero (m.) no. (: number); 27 O o, 4 oasis (f.), 30 object, 55, objet (m.); (direct) regime (m.); -s de premiere necessite most necessary arti- cles; (aim, goal); (gram.) synonyme de: complement; cf. : avoir pour to have in view; -ion (n.) (f.); faire des -s to object -tif (the opposite: le contraire de) subjectif obole, 64 obscur -e; -ite, 54 observe (v.) remarquer; faire une observation a call attention to (remind him, etc.); faire remarquer to bring to (his) notice obus (m.), 31, shell occuper (s'en), 54, to take it up; to consider it occur (v.) se trouver, ar river, 194; -rence incident (m.); daily ce qui arrive frequemment (tous les jours); ce qui se rencontre Oceanie, 192 o'clock heure (f.); in the evening du soir; 305 October, 180, octobre (m.) ode (f.) ode, 12 odieux infamous, 40 (Edip-e (m.) -us, 16 ceil (yeux) (m.) eye (s), 47 aeillet (m.) pink ceuf (m.) egg, 31, 15 ceuvre (f.) work (art); deed, 69 offend (v.) offenser; blesser; froisser; , p. 5 (to do in- justice to) offe "ense (n.) offense (f.) offenser (v.), 5 offi-cier (m.) -cer, 58 GENERAL VOCABULARY 411 oh! oh! 4, ah! la, la! oh my! oie, 67 oignon (m.) onion,. 1 6 oindre (irreg. v.), 354; see f rotter old (adj.) vieux age; (vieux) ancien franqais old French; one year un an; age d'un an omission suppression (f.) ; (f.) ; omission of the article sup- pression de I' , 76 omit (v.) supprimer, 351 ; omettre, manquer a faire (dire); negli- ger; cf. : leave out, fail to do (say) omnibus, 70 (m.) on, 81, pronoun, 135 on (upon) sur; foot a pied; Monday (s) le(s) lundi(s); fire en flammes; my way chemin faisant; and so - ainsi de suite once, 64 once une fois (que); twice deux fois; see follow oncle, 67 one un (e); only un seul; ne que ; in (into) one en un seul (settlement un); by un a un; he is the c'est luil one (pron.) on; (/') on; celui (celle); on ecrira done one may then write; any quelqu'un; every tous (toutes); an- other I'un, I'autre, etc.; self soi-meme; si I' on veut (cf . : si on le veut) - armed manchot; -- eyed borgne only (seulement) ne que (but) ont (v. avoir) have, 81 onze eleven, 38; 303 onzieme, 304 open (adj.) ouvert (e); mouth bouche ouvert e; in air en plein air; with arms d bras -s; house (tenir): to keep tenir table ouverte; (Ant.: closed ferme) open (v.), 320, ouvrir; the eyes les yeux; (confide) son cceur a; an account (bank) un credit d; to start (store) un compte a; not -ed Sundays qui n'ouvre point le dimanche; easily -ed qui s'ouvre facilement; the curtain rises la scene s'ouvre; (flowers): (s'epanouir); itself s'ouvrir; wide tout grand ouvert; to be to con- viction etre pret d accepter le pour ou le contre open: see ouvrir opening ouverture; entree (f.) openly franchement, ouvertement openness franchise (f.); candeur d'dme (f.) opera (m.) opera, 8 opinion (n.) (f.); see follow opium (m.), 26 opportune opportun opportunity occasion (f.); cf. : opportunite (f.) seasonable- ness; seasonableness gives everything its price I'a-propos fait le merite or: donne du prix d tout; a propos opportunely oppresse, 47, oppressed option choix (m.); -al facultalif optique, 12, optical or (conj.) now or (m.) gold oracle, 64 orbite, 65 ordinaire, 3, usual ordre (m.) order; commande (f,), oreille (f.) ear; -r (m.) pillow orfevre (m.) gold (silver) smith, II organe (m.) organ, medium orge, 54 orgue, 68 origin (n.) origine (f.); -ally, 45, d I' origine orme (m.) elm, 12 orphelin, 66 orthography, 53, orthographe (f.) ; spelling epellation (f.); (v.) orthographier to write words with the prdper letters os (m.), 30, bone osciller (v.) to oscillate, 25 oser (v.) to dare, 175 ossature (f.) (bony) frame, 31 osseux bony, 87 oter, 53 (v.), to remove: 56, -e 412 GENERAL VOCABULARY other autre; to -s d d'autres; wise autrement; par centre; see follow ou or, 38 ou (adv.) where ( in, to); d' (whence), 136, from ? ouate (f.) cotton (absorbent); padding, 24 oubli (m.) forgetfulness, 16 oublierai (fut. of oublier) I will forget ouest, 64 ouf! oh! (now), 16 OM * 5. y es : mais out, 24, why ; si, yes! 70, je pense que oui I think so oui-dire (m.) (hearsay) reports, 38 ouir (dire) (v.) hearsay; ouie (f.) hearing, 38, 72; 324 ours (m.), 30 ourselves nous-mimes out of Aors pn7 (m.) peril peripetie (f.), 32, incident per/e (f.) pearl; 69, -e barley per-mettre(\.) (mettre), 53, 351, to -mit person, 66 persil (m.) parsley, 25 persist (v.) insister; continuer person personne (f.), 55; -al personnel; -ally personneUe- ment; en personne personify (v.) personnifier perspi-re (v.) trans pirer; -ration - (f.); to be -ring etre e,i transpiration; all etre en nage (f.); cf. it transpired cela commenc.a a etre conn:\ (to begin to be known) persuader (v.) to persuade (set 360, vanquish); (induce him to believe or do) le porter a croire or le decider d faire; (see to resolve); n'influencez point do not try to influence.' -.exercer une influence sur (to urge); cf. contraindre; le pius- ser a; se faire prier to like to be urged; see (pre)valoir; win (over); seduire; conseiller de advise perte (f.) loss peser, 11, to weigh; soupeser, 229 petit, 92 petition (f.), 64 peu (un), 253, a little (few); rather peuple (m.) people, 28 GENERAL VOCABULARY 415 peur (f.) fear, 59; de peur que \ pent, peuvent (pouvoir); n'y rien is (are) of no avail, 58, | 329 phare (m.) beacon-light, 28 pharynx (m.) , 34 phcnix (m.) , 34 phihsnphe, 12, -r philosoph-y philosophic (f.), 25; to be in faire sa ; -ical -ique, 25 phonetique (f.) phonetics, 45 phrase (f.), 9, sentence (clause) phtisie (f.) consumption, 25 physiognomic (f.) -y, 24 physique (f.), 14, physics; (m.) ; (adj.) physical piano (m.) , 17 piece (f.) piece; room; paper, 56 pied foot, 17; de en cap head to , 36; a terre (m.) (transient) lodging piege (m.) trap (see trappe) pieton pedestrian pilule (f.), 64, pill pin (m.), 64, pine-tree pinch (v.) pincer; see gene pipe, 65 piquer (v.) to sting (prick), 356 piqure (f.) sting, 13 pis, 95, worse piste (f.) trail; footprints, 346; see empreindre pitie (f.), 64, pity place place; lieu; endroit (m.); localite (f.); emplacement (m.) - (v.) placer, mettre, deposer; to be (put) placed s/ate (f.) wound, 14 plaindre, 58, 355, to pity; to be pitied: to complain plainte (f.) complaint plait (Indicative) of plaire, 355; 38, likes plan (m.) plan, 18 plat (m.) dish plat (adj.) flat, u platane (f.) plane-tree, 18 plausible ; see follow play (v.) jouer; (n.) /e>; at au jeu; -er (n.) joueur please (v.) plaire (a); if you s'il vous platt (: s. y. p.) plein full; en air in the open, 38 pleonasme, 64 pli (m.) fold; -er to fold, 272 plomb (m.) lead; d perpen- dicular plume, 63 plupart, 40, most (of them) pluriel (m.), 53 plus, 92, 31-9; en in addition, 96; rf'wn, 58 />/z*,s (le): neutre (neuter), 254 plus -que -par fait (m.) pluperfect, 31 ne ... plus jamais, 45, no longer plusieurs (adj.) several, 253 poele, 68 (m., f.) poet poete (m.) Poete, 5 poetry poesie (f.) /w'ds (m.), 30, weight poignard (m.) poniard, 16; -er (v.) to stab poignee (f.) (hand) grasp (col- loq.), 1 6 poindre (v.) to dawn, 356 point (m.), 4, ; dewx -s colon, 4; virgule, 4; (v. poindre, 356); H9 pointure (f.) size (glove) poire (f.) pear, 16 pois (m.) pea, 16 poivre (m.) pepper, 16 o/e word (m.) North Pole, 12 />o/:e (f.) (Dept.) force; la Surete detectives ; a ses trousses after him; -r (v.) to enforce rules for public welfare poly gone (m.) -on, 14 polysyllab-e (f.) -le, 30 pomme (f.) apple, 12 de terre potato, 55 pommier (m.) apple-tree, 29 pompe (f.) pump, 8; pamper (v.) to pump pompier (m.) fireman popular (adj.) populaire pore (m.), 12, pork, 23 or/ (m.), 63 4i6 GENERAL VOCABULARY porte, 65 porter (v.) to take (carry, bear), 15.6 portion (f.), 33, portrait, 33; 354, (m.) Portugal, 64 poser (v.) to put; lay in position, 13; see request, ask positif, 95 romparatij, 95 bien mieux beaucoup plus mal pis peu mains position (f.) place (adjectives, 82) position (situation) position (f.); occupation (f.); emploi (m.); paste; place (f.); (see adj., 82) posseder, 55, (v.) to own, to possess, 55 possessi-f (m.) -ve possum (m.), 21 paste (f.), 10, post (office); 13, position posterity, 13, posterite (f.) pastiche (adj.) false (hair), 13 pot (m.), 12, pitcher; aw /CM on the fire pot-au-feu (boiled) meat stew with carrots, etc., 312 pouce (m.), 1 6, thumb; inch, 304 poule, 67 Pauls (m.), 25, pulse; tater le to feel the ( pourra (on), 59, may (one), 329 '. pourront, (pouvoir) may be, 55, ( 329 powder poudre (f.) ; see extinguish pre (m.) meadow, 1 1, 354 precede (v.) preceder (de), 54 precipice (m.), 58 precis, 99; (v.) preciser; la forme se -e the form becomes more in evidence prefix (adj.), 34, set in advance; -er (v.) prefixe (m.) -x, 34 premier, 79, 304 prend (v. prendre), 356, takes prends-y garde! beware! 5, 172 prennent (v. prendre, 356), take prenom (m.) (Christian) name, preposition (f.) preposition, 56 pres (de) near preseance (f.) precedence, 30 presence, 64, pre ; in of en de present, 4, present; actu^el; in the - tense au present; at the - time a present (actuelle- ment); d I'heure qu'il est (just now); to be at etre a (assister a); to be (there) etre present; (gift) , don; ca- deau, present (m); to make a faire cadeau de; -ly pour le moment; - - (v.) presenter; introduire: to show in (an- nounce); (offer) offrir a; cf. : je le lui presente I offer it to him (her) ; je le presente a lui (elle) I present him to him (her) president (m.), 188 presider, 188 pres-omption (f.) -umption, 28 -tif, 28, apparent (heir) presupposer, 30, to -e pret (a) ready, 40 preterit (m.), 33, pretre (m.) priest, 53 preuve (f.), 98 prevent, 164, empecher (de) or que (w. Subj.); I' elision evite (I'hiatus) prevot (m.), 12, provost; marshal price, 65, prix (m.); avoir le to win (gain) the prize, 65; see bargain prie, -es, -ent, 209, pray, etc. prierai (fut. of prier), 10, I shall pray (request) priere (f.) prayer, request, 17 prima-lie (f.), 32, -cy prince, 66 print (v.), 346, imprimer; -er imprimeur (m.); -ing impri- mer -ie (f.); out of edition epuisee; (foot) -s traces, em- preinte (des pieds) (f.) | printemps, 64 proceed (v.) poursuivre, 358; see follow proces (m.) lawsuit; (intenter un) to prosecute at law, 358 I prochain, 54, next (adj.) (coming) GENERAL VOCABULARY 417 produce (v.), 357, produire (yield; to exhibit); reproduire to again; to republish; cet arbre produit (porte) des fruits that tree bears fruit; sa charge (rapporte) tant par mots his post (office) yields so much a (per) month; la guerre produit (occasionne) de grands maux war is productive (: gives rise to) of many evils; cf. qu'il fasse connaitre^son avis (opinion) let him give his advice ( ); cela produisit un mauvais effet (: fit un, etc.] it created a bad impression; qu'il prouve ses litres let him show (montre: exhibit) his title-deeds; la vigne n'a pas produit cette annee (or: a man- que) the vine was a failure (did not yield); a-t-on produit des temoins? have witnesses been brought forward? elle (introduira) produira sa fille dans le monde (society ) ; I' A me- rique produit de grands ecri- vains, de generaux (: gives birth to great writers, etc.); cf. : a donne le jour a de grands homnies (produced fa- mous men); le produit a pro- duct (result); donner lieu a (fournir I' occasion a) to give rise to (see misunderstand); il a donne lieu a he was the occasion of; production (f.); cf. : denrees (f.) produce (: pro- visions); reproduire ces articles to publish those articles again; reproduire fideleme nt la nature to imitate (copy) nature faith- fully; droits de reproduction rights of printing professeur, 67 profession (f.); (metier (m.) trade) ; see follow profit (m.) -e, 25 progress (n.) pr ogres (m.); see follow project (n.) projet (m.); (see follow), 57 projet, 57;faire un to form, etc. prolong (v.) prolonger; (adj.) long (-ue); see follow prompt (adj.) quick (comme as), 32 prone (m.) short sermon, 12; (instruction) ; -r to boom pronom sujet, 57, nominative pronominal (adverbe): v, 156-7 (verbe), 203 pronoun pronom (n.), 26 pronounce (v.) prononcer pronunciation prononciation (f.), 43 proper names noms propres f>roph-ete (m.), 66; -etie (f.) -ecy, 32 proposition (f.); structure of sentence proposition (f.) proposition (sug- gested for deliberation); pro- posal (demande en manage); also- of peace de paix; (rhet.) exposition (f.); (math.) theo- reme (m.); (gram.), 56, com- plete sentence: le sujet, le verbe et I'attribut. Toute pro- position se compose de trois termes any proposition con- sists of three words. N. B. In a phrase there are as many propositions as there are verbs (conjugated as per: modes personnels, p. 144) whether expressed or understood and grouped as : independantes, absolues, principals, ou com- pletii'es; directes ou indirectes, circonsta ncielles, determinatives (noms ou pronoms), ou expli- catives, coordonnees, 58, subor- donnces, incidentes, p. 142. See also: Lesson XII; pp. 282- 4 ; main clause (que) subordi- nate clause; i. Indicatif; 2. Conditionnel ; 3. I.nperatif: with que and subordinate clause: see Subj. or Indicative propositions completives subor- donnees: generally after quand, si, que, quel, ou, 58 - completives incidentes: with qui, que, dont (in relative clauses) 4 i8 GENERAL VOCABULARY propositions dr.: les gouts chan- gent quand on vieillit; il est joyeux quand il sort sub.: ils regrettenl la vie quand elle leur echappe incidente: le fer, qui est un metal precieux explicative: le fer qui est un metal precieux, est tire du sol de la lerre absolue: (celle qui par elle- meme enonce un sens complet) prindpale: regit les autres propositions, et dans la cons- truction reguliere occupe tou- jours le premier rang: I'ennui est une maladie, donl le travail est le remede completive: sert de complement directe (remplit le role de complement direct); les anciens croyaient que la terre tourne indir.: chaque jour nous avertit que la mart approche - determinative (role de com- plement deter minatif) : les fables que La Fontaine a com- posees sont des chefs-d'oeuvre propre, 12, own ; clean ; 54, proper propriete (f.), 37, property prose (f.), 13 prosecute (v.), 358, (see follow] poursuivre prospectus (m.), 30, protec-teur, 66, (-trice, f.), 3, patroness Protestant, 6, protestant; -ism -isme (m.), 64 protestantisme, 6, Protestantism prouver (v.) to prove, 60 proxy, 66 prudemment (adv.) prudently, 19 prudent (adj.) , 26 Prussia, 192, la Prusse; -n prus- sien psaume (m.) psalm, 28 pseudonyme (m.) (pen) name, 28 pst! (psitt or ps't) [: simply to call attention while hissing) psyche (f.) standard mirror, 14 publ-ic (-ique) (adj.), 53 publication publication (f.); ou- vrage (m.) publisher (n.) editeur (m.) puis then, 304 puisque, 167 pull (v.) tirer; out retirer; through se tirer d'affaire (: savoir conduire sa barque to paddle his own canoe) ; see 359. extract or traire; il lira la langue he putout his tongue; se tirer de (se degagea) to get out of; d'un mauvais pas from a bad predicament pulpe (f.) pi Ip, 13 punch (m.) , 21 punctua-te (v.) ponctuer (une phrase); -tion ponctuation (f.) pupil el eve (m., f.); -le; orphan; protege pupille (f.) apple of the eye, 25 pure, 4, pur; style style pur; loss en pure perte; (Ant.: impure impur; foul air air vide) purpose (n.) objet, dessein (m.); see goal, expect; reach a goal atteindre un but; il vise (tire juste) bien he aims right ( a good shot); il vise au but he aims at the mark; il y arrive le premier he reaches the goal first; avoir pour objet to have in view (to be the aim); le coucher en joue to take aim at him pursue (v.) poursuivre; see follow, 358 put (on), 35, mettre; out (fire) eteindre; a question poser une q ; cf . : to ask a question faire une q ; to ask a favor demander unefaveur; (down) deposer; (in position) poser; (place) placer Pyrenees (f.), 14, Pythagor-as, 6, Pythagore; -can -icien (m.), 78 quadra ge-naire, 28, of 40 yrs. of age -simal, 28, -sime (f.), 28, -a GENERAL VOCABULARY 419 quadra-ngul-aire (adj.), 28, -ar -tri-ce (f.), 28, -x -ture (f.) quadri-fi-de (adj.), 28, -d -lateral (adj.), 28, -lie (m.) , 25 -syllab-e (m.), 28, -le quadru-mane (m.), 28, -/>ede (m.), 28 -ed -#, 305; - r (v.) to gwai, 93 quaker, 24 qualifier (v.) to qualify, 55 quality qualite (f .) ; merite(m.),2$ quand when, 168 gwanJ (a) as for, 28 quantieme, 304 * quantit-e, 55, -y (adverbes de), 253 quarantaine (f.) (about 40), 303 quarante (m.), forty, 303 <7war/ (m.), 304 quartier (Latin) Latin Quarter, 28 quartz (m.), 24 quasi, 25; /a -modo, 28 quatorz-e (14), 303; -/ewe (i4th) <7wa/r-e four; -ieme fourth; -ieme- ment -ly, 303 quatuor (m.) quartet (-te), 24 <7tte, 131 ; 253, rfe; than, 92 gwe, 47, why (-f- ne) quel, 135; quelle, etc., 32; what .(sort of); who - que soil whatever may be, 56, 163 quelque, 113, 163 quelquefois sometime (s), 55 quelquun, 30, some (any) one querelle (f.) quarrel; -r (v.) to , 29 qu'est-ce que c'est que qa? what is that? 10 question, 4, question (f.); what a belle demandel 33, unfair ( indiscrete), interrogation ; out of the il ne faudrait point y songerl to interro- ger; questionner (quiz) ; (ask a) faire une , 25 ; to put a , 58, poser une ; to ask a favor demander une faveur; interpeller (Parl.) to interrupt; without (undoubtedly) hor$ de doute; it is a of il s'agit de; see follow questionnaire grammatical g drill, 25 qui (rel.) who, that, which, 131 quiconque, 135 quidam (m.), 19, a man (by the name of?) quiet (v.) calmer; pacifier quille (f.) ninepins, 26 quincaille (-rie) (f.), 29, hard- ware (store) quin-conce (m.) -cunx, 29 quinine (f.) , 28 quinquagesime (f.), -a, 29 (Charles] -Quint, 20, Charles the Fifth quintal (m.) (100 wt.) quinte (f.) (V 5 ) mus. quintessence (f.) , 29 quinteux (adj.), 29, subject to a fit (of cough) quintuple (m.), 305 quinzaine (f.), 251, fortnight (-ly) quinze (15), 303 quinzieme, 303 quite (adv.) tout a fait; tin pen: tout aussi bien as much (colloq.) quittance (f.), 267; quitte, 267 quitter (v.) to leave; (see partir) qui-vive, 170 quoique, 163 quotation citation (f.); guilleme 1 ( ) quote (v.) citer race (f.), 9, race; de bonne of good breed (stock) ; -r trot- teur (m.) racing courses radis (m.) radish, 30 rage (f.), 9, rage; fury; it is the rage cela fait fureur; or: cela jouit d'une grande vogue; cf. : rabies; see enrager (: rager, pester) raide (adj.) stiff (rigid), 16 raideur (f.) stiffness, 16 420 GENERAL VOCABULARY raidir (v.) to stiffen rate (f.) parting (hair), 15 rail (m.) rail, 25 raison (f.) reason; -ner (v.) to reason rdle (m.), n, rattling (in the throat); -r to be gasping for breath ramas (m.) (cheap) lot; -ser, 313, to pick (up) rante (f.) oar, 8; -ur, 66, rower (oarsman); -r (v.) to row random (at) a tort et a travers rang (m.) rank, 18; -er (v.) to arrange rangee (r.) row, 24 rapide (n.) express- train, 12 rapid-e, (adj.), 12, swift; -ite (f.) -ity rapporter (se), 55, to refer (to be related), 53 rapsodie (f.), 28, rhapsody rare (adj.), 47 ras (adj.) close (shave), u; -er (v.) to raze, 352 rastaquouere (m.), 17, prodigal foreigner raf (m.) ,67; -iere (f.) rat-trap ravoir to have again (Inf. only) rayon (m.) ray (of light); (dept. store), 14 read (v.), 349, lire; to be a lire; -er Hire de lecture (f.); lecteur (lectrice); his mail (letters) son courrier; with a magnifying-glass a la loupe; he longs to hear from you U lui tarde de vous lire : (de recevoir de vos nouvelles); (cursorily) to glance par- courir; interpreter; backward a rebours; aloud a haute voix; correct proofs lire des epreuves; ainsi conqu reads thus (worded); ses propres termes his own words; the purport of the letter la teneur de la lettre; his turn to c'est d lui a lire; at sight d lime ouvert; a premiere vue; decipher dechiffrer or: to read; his thought / dans sa pensee; see to call real reel; ce qui est what is real ; -ly en realite (f.); reellemeni; a trunk too heavy une matte reellement trap lourde reali- sable, (pro jet) -zable reality, 54, realite (f.); en realite realize constater man erreur: se rendre compte de (as a matter of fact); realiser: (to make real) or accomplir; s'en faire une idee juste realization (n.) accomplissement (m.) reason, raison (f.); see follow receipt (n.) requ; full quit- tance (f.) receive (v.) fecevoir, 249 recemment recently, 19 recent (adj.) recent recherche, 54, sought af*er, re- fined recognition (f.) , 24 reqoive (v. recevoir), 248, 16 recommandee (lettre) or chargce registered recju, (recevoir), 248, received; a receipt recueil (m. ) collection ; -lir (irreg. ) ; see cueillir, 313 redempteur Redeemer, 28 redemption (f.) Redemption rediger to write (word), 53; to edit reduce, 357, (abate; to curtail); rendre moindre (to , to les- sen the number); cf. : trans- former; du ble wheat; enfarine into flour; on le reduit a I'obe- issance he was made to obey; see taire; on subjugua I' Europe; reduis tes depenses curtail your expenses; la reduction d'une fraction a fraction re- duced; I' affaire est reduite a ce point the matter has come up to this stage; quel reduit (logement miserable) what a lodging (hovel)! reduire en poussiere (dust) to pulverize; see bargain; cf. : on le mettra a la raison he will be brought to his senses; reduit au silence silenced; votia ou U en est GENERAL VOCABULARY 421 reduce Continued reduit! see what a desperate situation he is in! cf. : il est aux abois (hard up); at his wits' end; il est dans de beaux draps or ( : dans une situation fdcheuse) he is in a predicament (pretty pickle) reel (adj.), 58, real refer (v.) se rapporter a; s'agir de; avoir trait a; r envoy er; -ence reference (f.) ; renvoi (m.), 5; in to (par rapport a) touchant; see traire; lettre de recommandation (f.) letter of reference reflux (m.), 114 refus (m.), 30, -al; (v.) -er to decline regards to all meilleures amities a . . . or: rappelez-moi (nous) au ban souvenir de . . .; see remembrance (s) regie (f.), 54, rule; ruler; -ment (m.); rules and regulations; generate in most cases reglementaire as per regulations (mil.): in compliance with the rules regler (v.) to rule; to plan; to settle (solder un compte) reglisse, 65 regne (m.) reign, 24 regner (v.) to reign; 54, to pre- vail, 24 regulier, 58, 207, regular Reims, 20 reine (f.) queen, 15 rejouir (de) to rejoice, 164, (at), i? rejouissance (f.) rejoicing relaps (n., adj.) -ing, 28 relatif a, 53, bearing on (pronom ou conjonctif), 131 relativement, 58, regarding relax (v.); la promenade distrait (distraire), 359, a walk affords relaxation; detendre I' esprit to the mind; elle se distrait she -es her mind; se divertir to enjoy oneself; s'en donner a cceur joie to enjoy ^oneself thoroughly; il se recree he is taking recreation ; la recreation recess (-time) ; rel&che (a I' Ope- ra) no performance j religieux (adj.), 54 1 religion religion (f.), 54; profes- sion (f.) j remembrance (to all) un bon souvenir a tous (: a la famille, etc.) remet, 10, (remettre), 351; to put back, 57 remettre (v.) replace; (see mettre); 57, 351 remmener (v.), 18, 229, to take (lead) back remords (m.) remorse, 19 remorse (n.) remords (m.); see follow remuer (v.), 13, to stir (move); to till (soil) rencontrer (v.) to meet; se to meet; to be met, 54 rendre (v.) to return (give back) ; to render; se to go (repair) to rendu (p. p. rendre), 47 rene (f.) rein (check), 68 renvoi (m.), 5, reference; 310 r envoy er, 310 repas (m.) meal (prendre ses), 30 i repeat (v.) repeter; dire; pro- noncer de nouveau repeter (v.) to repeat, 228 repetition repetition (f.); ge- nerale general rehearsal replace (v.) remplacer; to take the place of reply (in) en reponse a repondre (a), 36, 148, 92 reponse (f.) answer repos (m.), 12, rest; se reposer to , 267 represent (v.) representer reptile (m.) , 28 reputed (to be) repute pour; (see estimer, valoir): tenir pour or considerer require, 310, (v.) exiger; deman- der; see follow; (falloir) to be necessary or must; tout ce qui est necessaire, c'est de all that is required is to; or tout ce 422 GENERAL VOCABULARY require Contin ued qu'il faut, c'est de; cf.: que voulez-vous de luif what do you want of him? il exige cela de tous he requires that of all; die est exigeante she is over- particular; le voleur demands la bourse ou la vie a thief says- your money or life! cf. : requerir (de) to request; allez requerir les agents de paix go and request the police officers to come; un requerant a plaintiff; cette nouvelle merite confirmation that news re- quires confirmation; cf. : il se fait tirer I'oreille (pull the ear) he requires much pressing; on le prie de venir (is requested to come); aux grands maux les grands remedes (m.) desperate diseases require desperate remedies ; failes votre demande par ecrit present your request in writing; il appuie sa de- mande he seconds her request; que demande-t-il? what does he want? je ne demande pas mieux I am only too glad; demandez-l-ui de ask (of) him to . . .; demandez a monsieur de venir ask Mr. to come; on vous demande au telephone you are wanted on the 'phone; elle nedemandepas mieux noth- ing would please her better residence residence (f.), 27 resident (n.) , 188 resider (v.), 188 resolute resoudre; (see advisedly) respect (m.), 33; -er respectfully yours(see expression ) respect humain (m.) self-respect responsabili-te (f.) -ty, 22 ressenti (e) keenly felt, 46 ressentir (sentir), 320, to feel (in- wardly) ; (discomfort, malaise) rest repos (m.); to reposer; -ing en se reposant rester (v.), 56, to remain (stay) restrict (y.), 341, restreindre; (see eteindre; (check) : mettre un jrein (a); see brake resultat (m.), 59, result resumer, 58, to sum up retard (m.) delay, 36; (v.) -ei to delay retreci, 12 (see retrecir), shortened retrecir (v.) to shorten (narrow); to shrink return (v.) retourner (de); or: oiler de nouveau (dans); etre de retour to be back; it rendez-le; (to come back) revenir; renvoyer; rentrer tard to come home late; to the point in question revenez au fait (sujet); -- (yield) rapporter; the compliment rendre la pareille; I thanks je vous en remercie; to work retournez (remet tez-vous) au travail; (go) s'en retourner; etre revenu to have (to be back) (n.) retour (m.); in for en retour (recompense) de; by post par le retour du courrier; ticket billet d'aller et retour; single d'aller (de retour) reunion (f.) meeting, 3, 56 reunir (v.) together; to combine, 56,3 reve (m.), n, dream; (v.) -r (a) to revient (v. venir, 322) returns, 29 rez-de-chaussee, 35, ground floor rheteur (m.) rhetorician, 30 rhetor -ique (f.) -ic, 30 rheumatism (n.) rhumatisme (m.) , 4; (le fait souffrir makes him suffer, 320) or: he suffers from rhum (m.) rum, 21 rhume (m.), 24, cold (de ceneau) in the head rich (adj.) riche, 12; to (grow) be- come s'enrichir; devenir ; -ness richesse (f . ) ; riches riche sse ride (f.), 12, wrinkle; -r (v.) to ridicule, 32 (adj.), ridiculous rien du tout, 5, nothing (at all); rien, 119, nothing; pour un rien for at all ( : the least thing), 19 GENERAL VOCABULARY 423 rig (outfit) accoutrement (m.); (colloq.) nippes (f.) or: vieux vetements old (worn-out) clothes; linge use old linen; to (nav.) grcer rime (f.) rhyme, 10 ripe (adj ) mur; -n (v.) murir riposte (f.) retort, 13; (v.) -r to rire to laugh, 357 rive (f.), 12, shore (bank) riviere (f.), 65 roar rugir, grander, se faire en- tendre; le bruit du canon (ton- nerre) the roaring of the can- non (thunder) ; de colere anger; -ing grondement, rugissement (s) (de la tempete of a storm); le lion rugit a lion roars: le cri the cry; [pousser des rugisse- ments] semhlable a celui de like that of; bruit compare a noise compared to; see (tanner) to thunder; = le tonnerre ne tombe pas toutes les fois qu'il tonne = threats are not always carried out robe (f.) gown; coat (horse; roc (m.) rock, 47, 12 roc he (f.) stone rocker (m.) rock, 29; (: escarpe el eleve steep and high) roder (v.) to roam (prowl) roi (m.), 4, king role (m.) (part); jouer un to play a ,12 romain, 66 (n. and adj.), 53 romanes (langues) Romance Languages romsteck (m.) rump steak, 21 root racine (f.); see traire, 359; square la racine carree; -ed (deeply) avoir de profondes racines; to take prendre racine; s'implanter quelque part; to settle somewhere; root (of a word) le mot primi- tif; la 46 puissance the 4th power; il y demeura longtemps (see to live) rosbif (m.) roast beef, 13 rose, 64, ; pink cf. : le rose pink (color) rose rose (f.) ; - - tree rosier (m.) ; color teint de rose; water cau de rose (f.); couleur ver- meille des joues (cheeks) et des levres (lips)); rosy com- plexion teint rose; voir tout cou- leur de rose to see everything roseate (: voir tout en beau) to be an optimist; il n'y a point de roses sans e pines no rose without its thorn; no pleasure without alloy point de plaisir sans peine rosee (f.) dew, 64 roti (m.) roast, 36; -e (f.) toast (-ed bread); -r (v.) to , 343 one (m.) debauchee (rake), 17 ouge, 1 6, red; -dtre reddish (sandy) ougeole (f.) measles, 15 ougir (v.) to blush ouille (f.) rust; (v.) -r to , 17 ouler, 297, to roll oulis, 279, rolling ue, 64 (f.), 3 un (v.) courir, 312; see follow use (adj.), 13, artful, cunning rush" d'urgence (urgent, presse) Russe (m.) Russian; Russie (f.; Russia sac (m.), ii, bag (satchel); de voyage traveling-case sacre (m.), 9, coronation: see ceindre; ceignez votre tete du bandeau royal crown your head with the diadem; (v.) sacrer to crown sacre sacred; (v.) consacrer con- secrate; pain benit consecrated bread sage wise (good), 35 sain (adj.), sound saint (n.) saint, 10 sais know (savoir), 329 sala.de (f.) salad, n salle (f.) (de classe), 9, class- room; des conferences, 349, Lecture Hall; a manger, 74, dining-room; de recreation recess , 359; (distraire) 424 GENERAL VOCABULARY salve onguent (m.); see (v.j frotter same meme; just the tout de meme samedi Saturday, 125; le , 6, on sang (m.) blood, 18; suer et eau to toil hard, 37 sanglant bloody sanglier, 67 sanhedrin (m.) sanitary sanitaire (adj.); cf.: empecher la propagation des maladies contagieuses to check the spread of contagious dis- sans without, 55, 181 sante, 58, health satiete (f.), 33, satiety satisfaisant (satisfaire, 347; satis- factory Saturday (s) samedi; le (on) sauf (adj.) safe; except, 53; conduit, 36; erreur, 192 Saul, 7 saurait (savoir), 329, could not (cannot) saut (m.), 13, leap; -er (v.) to leap sauvage, 59, savage; wild sauve, 170; (v. -r) savant learned, 5 ; (see savoir, 329) save (see 89) (v.) sauver; see devoir savoir (m.) knowledge; (v.) to know, 329 say (tell) dire (v.), 344; that is to c'est-a-dire scandale, 30, scandal sceau (m.) seal; sceller to seal, 30 scene, 65, scene; se passer to take place scept-ique -ical, 28 sceptre, 3 1 schema schema, 24 schisme (m.) schism, 24 school ecole (f.); at (to, in) d I'ecole; boarding pension, institution (f.); pensionnat; day jour de classe; boy ecolier; day external (m.); master mattre d'ecole; - year I'annee scolaire (f.); Law Faculte de Droit; Medical Faculte de Medecine (f.) scholastical scholastique science (f.) , 18 scintill-er (v.) to -ate, 25; (see hare) scold (v.) grander; -ing repri- mande (f.); to give a gran- der; reprimander; reprendrt; cf. : a lecture une semonce scorbut (m.) scurvy, 30 scorpion (m.), 30 sculp-ter (v.) to -ture (chisel), 28 sculpteur sculptor, 28 sculpture (f.) , 28 sea mer (f.); over d'outre-mer seance (f.), 3, sitting (meeting) search (v.) chercher avec soin; faire des recherches (f.); in of en quite de; se metlre en quete de to ; (n.) perquisi- tion (f.) ; investigation (probe) ; visiter or faire la visile to go in season saison (f.); see opportu- nity; dull morte-saison (f.) ; timely (etre) de saison or a propos; en temps et lieu con- venables in suitable time and place; hors de saison out of season seasons, 64 sec dry, 79, 23; seeker (v.), 226 second, 55, second, 303, -e (f.); -er (v.) to second, 23 secondaire secondary, 23 secourir, 312; secours, 32 secretaire secretary secundo, 21 see, -ing (saw, seen), 331, voir, voyant (vis, vu) seed graine (f.); -y (feel) mal a I'aise (discomfort) ; grenu (beau- coup de graines) abounding with -s (bearing ); ble grenu wheat gone to seed; shabby clothes habits rapes; use jusqu'H la corde worn-out, threadbare seem (v.) sembler (paraitre); see Subj. or follow, 354 seigle (m.) rye, 15 sein (m.) breast GENERAL VOCABULARY 425 seing (prive) (m.) private seal, 19, 24 seiz-e (16), 303; -ieme (i6th) selon, 38, according to (: suivant; au. dire de) semblable, 57, similar, such semer (v.) to sow, 229 sempiternel (adj.) everlasting, 19 sens (m.), 30 ; devant derriere wrong side first; dessus dessous, 31, topsy-turvy sens, 53, meaning (sense), 59 partitif, 75 sensorium (m.) , 28 sent feels, 47 (v. sentir) sentence (gram.) phrase (f.) ; (law) sentence (f.) sentiment (m.) sentir (irreg.) to feel; to smell, 320 sentry, 67 separate (v.) separer; (ad''.) -ly separement; separation (f.) ; (to part) se quitter separer (v.), 55, to separate; se to part sept (7), 303; [-ante] for 70; 303 septembre (m.), 180 septentrion (m.) north (-ern), 82 sera will be, 292 serein (adj.) serene, 19 (n.) night-dew, 19 serf (n.), 31 serieux (adj.) serious, 41 seront will be, 292 serpent (n.) snake, 49; (v.) -er to meander serre (f.), II, green-house; talon frein (m.) brake servant (m.) (-e, f.) domestique; serviteur (m.); servante (f.) servante, 66 serve (v.), 321, servir; to be use- ful to ( a); at (wait on) tables a table servir (v.), 321, to serve; a to be useful to; de to serve as- se de to use (make use of) serviteur, 66 ses (poss. adj.), 118 seul alone; 56, single seulement, 5, only; cf. : we que only, 119, (but) seve (f.) sap, u several (adj.) plusieurs, 253 severe (adj.) doux; climat rigou- reux severe climate ; lois severes rigid laws; stern look regard severe; austere customs (life) moeurs -s; austere style of architecture (: plain, etc.) architecture severe (f.); -ly severement; avec severite; sans indulgence (f.); heavy cold gros (violent) rhume (m.) shafts traits (m.); see traire shake (v.) secouer; (hands) serrer la main; (grasp); (clasp) en- lacer; (or: etreindre) un adver- saire adversary shampooing (see f rotter) shape forme; in the of en forme de; (v.) jaqonner, donner la forme de sharpen (v.), 352; (see to cut) tools faire I'emoulage des outils (m.) shine (v.), 350, luire (glitter) paraitre; (glisten) reluire; see appear shoot (v.) tirer; (fire) faire feu (m.); (aim at) viser or tres juste; partir (gun, fusil) to gooff short court, bref; in en resume, bref; -ly sous peu show (v.) marquer, indiquer, mon- trer, faire voir; prouver; (n.) spectacle (m.) shut (close) fermer; (lock) fermer a de (clef); to bolt au verrou (verrouiller) si, 3, if, 146, whether; so, as (since); however (+ adj. and Subj.); suppose ( + imperf.) si (tellement), \, so (to such an extent) sick (ill) malade; -ness maladie; -ly (person) maladif sied (asseoir), 324, fits on (be- coming), 23 sien (le), 129, 19 sienne (la), 129 sifflet (m.) whistle 426 GENERAL VOCABULARY siffler (v.) to whistle, 47 sign, 8, signe; of rain, 328, de pluie; indice (m.); mar- que (f.); to make the of the Cross faire le signe de la croix; (v.), 24, signer; your name signez (: apposez votre signature) signifier, 59, (v.) to mean s'il (si elle) if it (he); if she (it), 117 silence, 64, (v.) taire, 359; se taire to keep silent; faites-le taire silence him (gag); taire un secret not to reveal a secret ; gardez silence! be silent; rompre le silence: see rompre; imposez-lui le silence silence him; rcduire au s to silence; observer (garder) le s to keep silent; passer sous silence not to mention; cf. : rentrer dans sa coquille (shell) (to draw in his horns) to keep s ; se tenir coi (: ne dire mot; souffler mot) not to say a word; il n'a pas dit un trattre mot he didn't utter a (single) word; ne pas desserrer les dents (se I obsti- nement) not to open lips; il a la langue trap longue he can't hold his tongue; on ne pent lui arracher une parole you cannot get a word out of him; Us lui ont rive son clou they gave him a clincher; cf.: iirer les vers du nez (pump) to draw him out; il se tut he kept silent; qui se tail (qui ne dit mot) consent silence gives consent; ces choses ne doivent pas se taire those things must not be kept secret; cf.: on entendrait voler une mouche you could hear a pin drop; on etouffa I'affaire the affair was hushed up silex (m.) flint, 34 simple (adj.), 46, plain, 20 simplification (f.), 53 simpli-fier (v.) to -fy sing (v.) chanter; a ravir admir- ably; le faire to have him sing; lui faire une chanson to have him a song; la lui faire chanter to have him sing it singe, 67 singulier (m.), 53 sink (down) enfoncer; -ing (drive a nail) enfoncer un clou; en- foncement (m.); fund fonds d'amortissement (m.); enfoncer une porte ouverte much trouble over a trifle; (to force an open door) Sir monsieur; -s messieurs; (let- ter: Dear Sir) sirop (m.) sirup, 28 sitting seance (f.); service (m.) six (6), 303; -ieme (6th) sizain (m.) 6 lines (stanza) sky (n.) del (m.), 71; firmament; les deux (pi.); azur (m.); light lucarne (f.); scrapers (gratte-ciel) qui louche aux nues (clouds) smile, 357, sourire (m.); see (v.) sourire; jeunesse (f.) au front riant youth with its smiling face; la fortune vous a souri fortune smiled upon you; see rire; ebaucher (indiquer legere- ment) un to sketch a s so si (tellement: to such an ex- tent; point); and so forth; see follow; so much (many) tant (de); so, so (passable) cammed, comme fa sobr-e, 8, sober; de (modere, retenu) chary; -iete soberness see ur (f.), 8, sister sofa (m.) sofa, 9 soft doux; -ly doucement soi (pron.) self (one), itself, 16; -mime oneself; -disant self-called soie (f.), 64; soierie (f.) silks soif, 65 soigneusement carefully soin (m.), 59 soir (m.) evening; -ee (f.) (entire) , 16 soil . . . soil (v. etre) either, or, 59 soixante (60), 303 sol (m.) soil, 25 GENERAL VOCABULARY 427 solde (f.) see bargain; soldier's pay, 12 solder (v.) to pay (settle) soldier (m.) soldat soleil (m.) sun, 37 solennel (adj.) solemn, 18 sombre (adj.) gloomy (sombre), 20, 348 some (any) du, de I', de la, des; quelque(s) or quelqu'un or (certain) quelques-uns ; les uns; les autres some; others; more encore d'autres somme, 68 som-met (m.) summit; -mite (f.) the very top, 26 somptueux, 28, sumptuous son his, her, its, 118 son (m.) sound song chanson (f.); ne savez-vous qu'une ch ? are you singing the same song over and over again? songe (n.), 10, dream; -r (a) to think (dream) of, 14 sonner to ring (peal); to herald, 48; to ring for sonore, 46 sont (v.) etre, 291 sorbet (m.) sherbet, 13 sort (v. sortir, 321); comes out, 29 sorte, 1 68; 57, kind (de) sorte que so that, 29 (est) sorti, 194, (sortir) sortie (f.), 64, exit sor/j'r (irreg. v.), 57, 321 sot, 78 sottise (f.) foolishness, 57 sow (m.), 8, penny; 5 centimes, 304 soubresaut (m.) sudden start, 30, 3" soul tipsy (full), 25 sound (v.) se faire entendre; sonner; rendre le son de; (n.) son (m.) sound (adj.) sain (see health), robuste soupqon (m.) suspicion; -ner (v.) to suspect, 54 soupqonneux (adj.) suspicious, 54 soupir (m.) sigh; -er (v.) to , 47 source (f.) spring, 16, 358 j sourcil (m.) eye-brow, 25 I sowrd deaf, 36 sourire (v.) to smile, 357; (n.) 22 souris (f.), 67 sows (prep.) under soulient (v. soutenir, 322) sup- ports, 27 souvent often soyez (e/re), 35, 291 speak (see ler Group) fully illustrated; -er orateur (m.) special (adj.) special, particulier, 53; -ly surtout, principalement specimen (m.) , 19 spirituel (adj.), 78, witty; men- tal split (v.) fendre; see to cut squelette (m.), 30, skeleton stagnant (adj.) stagnant stamp (i cent; timbre- paste de 5 centimes; postage (m. ) star (n.) etoile; asterisque (f.); -ry (spangled) etoile start (n.) commencement (m.); see finir; debater dans une entreprise difficile to make a in an arduous task; partir station (n.) gare (f.); station (f.) statue (f.), 30 still (yet) encore; waters eaux dor mantes stop pause (f.); arret (m.); to (v.) s'arreter; see parler, finir street rue (f.) stretch (out one's limbs) s'etirer (colloq.); s'allonger en eten- dant ses membres; il a le bras endormi his arm is numb; se degourdir les membres to limber them; s'etendre dans le fauteuil to one's self at full length in an armchair; see extend; at a d'un trait; tout d'une haleine; I'esprit tendu his (her) mind alert; les bras tendus with outstretch- ed arms; a of imagination une exageration (MM effort exagere d' esprit); I'auditoire etait tout yeux, tout oreilles the audience was all atten- 428 GENERAL VOCABULARY stretch Continued tion; on prete I'oreUL (listen attentively); la tension des muscles muscles under severe strain; / d 'esprit strain of mind; etre suspendu d ses levres to drink in his words strict, 33, severe; -ly proprement, precisement, exactement strike (v.) sonner; battre; f rapper d la porte (knock) ; out with a dash (see traire); an idea -s me il me vient a I'esprit study (n.) etude (f.); se livrer a /' to apply (devote) one's self to ; maitrc d'etude super- visor of studies; (v.) etu- dier; student eleve (m., f.); etudiant (-e) style (m.), 14, style su (savoir ) (p. p.) known; au vu et au de tous right before everyone suave (adj.) , 17 subject sujet (m.) ; topic, subject- matter; [le verbe s'accorde en nombre et en personne avec le sujet] subjonctif, 58 subordonne, 58, dependent substantif (m.), 53 subtil (adj.) subtle, 25; -ite (f.), 59, delicate points subtract, 359, soustraire; -ion, soustraction (f.); se (se de- rober) a to avoid (by shrewd- ness or fraud); (to take off) retrancher; (faire echapper) to make (any) one escape; le signe (mains) indique qu'il faut soustraire succinct (adj.) , 33 succomber (v.) to yield, 47 such (adj.) tel (-le, f.); as tel que; a man un tel homme sud (m.) south, 8; le Midi de la France; -ern France, 64, 36 suer (v.) to sweat; d.:transpirer, 17 suffer, 320, souffrir (de); -ing souff ranee, douleur (f.) ; -er per- sonne qui souffre; losses eprouver des pertes (f.); (for it) en porter la peine suffice (v.) suffire (to be equal to), 358; souvent pen de chose suffit pour calmer une grande colere; a little rain lays a great dust; cf. : petite pluie abat grand vent; a chaque jour suffit sa peine sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof; le peu qu'ils ont leur suffira the little they have will suffice; un rien suffit pour le froisser it takes little to hurt his feelings; il n'en faut pas davantage pour le froisserthat is sufficient to hurt his feelings; cela suffit or me suffit I had enough or no n:ore, please; cf.: c'est assez or en voila assez that is enough; en vo'ld pjur trois mots that will do for three months; il suffit qu'il se prononce his word is enough; il suffit de parler you have but to say the word ; cf. : a ban entendeur salut a word to the wise (suffices) ; on ne se le laissera pas dire deux fois no need to be told twice; contentement passe richesse enough is as good as a feast; il en a par-dessus la tete or: il en est rassasie (sick of it) he had enough of it; cela suffira d vos depenses that will be enough for your expenses; cf. : suffit or cela suffit (it suffices) enough (: no more); Us ont suffisance de provisions they have provisions enough; Us ont des livres en suffisance (d suffisance) they have books enough (: a plenty); cinq dol- lars sont suffisants five dollars are enough; c'est un homme fort suffisant a very conceited person, 59; supplier a I'insuf- fisance (f.) to supply the de- ficiency (: to make up the difference) suffisant (adj.) sufficient (suffire, 358) suggerer (v.) to suggest, 22, 33 GENERAL VOCABULARY 429 suggestion (f.) , 33 suicide (m.) , 16; (se) -r (v.) to commit , 16 suie (f.) soot, 1 6 suis am, 3, (v. Sire, 291); , 358 Suisse (f.), 192, Switzerland' Swiss, 66 suit (n.) habit; (full) complet suit (v. suivre, 358) follows, 55; (v.) convenir; seoir: il lui sied (va) bien it fits him well suitable convenable suite (f.), 1 6, continuation; par , 56, owing to suivant (m.); que, 54; accord- ing to suivent (v. suivre) follow suivi (p. p. suivre) de followed by suivre (v.) to follow, 358 sujet, 57, (as) subject (nomina- tive) summer etc (m.); in (time) en etc; pendant I'ete; dressed for en etc, en toilette d'ete Sunday (s) dimanche; le (on) superflu (adj.), 55. -ous superfluous superflu (: qui est de trop); useless (inutile); dormer le s to give surplus (money); see (croitre) sur- crottre; un surcroit de an over- supply of; par surer oil in addition; into the bargain par-dessus le marche; pour surcroit (comble) de bonheur to complete his happiness; pour s de malheur to add to his misfortune superieur, 80 superiorite (f.), 91 (comparatif) superlatif (m.), 92 absolu, 97, 254 c upervisor inspecteur; cf. (v.) surveiller supplier ai (fut. of supplier) to implore, 15 suppos-e (v.) supposer; admettre par hypothese; inventer (ima- giner) centre la verite; see Subj.; suppose (que); cf.: si c'etait vrail if it were true or suppose it to be true! dans la s que; -ition (f .) ; faire des -s to make (s); allega- tion, conjecture (f.); une que let us suppose (he, etc.) or let us admit that as an example admettons cela comme exemple; see prepositions suppose que, 56, (v.) supposer supposition (f.), 32, suppression, 55, omission supprimer, 55, to omit suprema-tie (f.), 32, -cy sur (adj.) sure, 8; sour; -ete security (safety) ; en safe sur, 4, on (upon); to sure sur, certain; -ly surement, assurement; -ty surete, secu- rite ({.); (stand) for se porter garant de (repondre de) | surement surely, 3, (safely) ! surmonter (v.) (see vanquish, 360) to rise above (passer par-dessus); (to crown) etre place au-dessus; dominer (over- look) surnom (m.) surname, 20 surnommer (v.) to surname, 20 surprise surprise (f.); see wonder; ce qu'il y a d'etonnant, c'est que the wonder is that: (it is surprising he or she, etc.); joyeuse surprise causee par quelque chcse d' extraordinaire pleasant (agreeable) caused by something wonderful ; homme etonnant! extraordinary man; commotion brusque sud- den agitation; unexpected inattendu; (saisi) frappe de - struck with ; confus dumfounded ! emerveille de amazed at; emerveille par son talent; il n'en revient pas he can't recover from his s suspect (adj.), 33 suspendre (v.), 184, 191 suspension (f.), 4 swallow (v.) avaler; see traire, etc. sweat (v.); suer; (n.) sueur (f.); see perspire sweep (v.) balayer; sa robe traine her gown -s the ground ; clean (faire) table rase 430 GENERAL VOCABULARY sweet, 79; -ness douceur (f.); gently doucement swell (v.) (s')enfler: gonfler (in- flate) switch aiguille (f.); -man aiguil- leur syllable, 14, syllabe (f.) symbole (m.) symbol, 20 sympalhie (f.), 32 symptome (m.) symptom, 20 synagogue (f.) , 20 syndic (m.) magistrate, 20 syntaxe (f.) syntax, 20 synthese (f.) synthesis, 20 (f.) Syria, 192 to (your) thy, 118 tabac (m.) tobacco, 23 /o6/e (f.) table; 5e mettre d - to sit at ; quitter la ; or se lever de ; sortir de to rise or get up from table, 63, 15 tache (f.) spot, 9; (v.) -r to spot (stain) tdche (f.) task, u tact (m.), 33, taille-crayon(s) pencil sharpener tailleur tailor; see to cut or sharpen take, 356, prendre; -n pris; (buy) tickets; (drink tea) du the off bier (see remove) tamis (m.) sieve (strainer), 30; -er to pass through the taon (m.) gadfly, 14 tandis que (whilst) while, 168 tant, 253 tante, 67 tantdt . . . tantot now, now, 54 tapage (m.) noise (stamping) taper, 8, to slap; trois coups a to knock three times at; pomme tapee dried apple; du pied to tap on the floor with the foot tapis (m.) carpet, 30 tard, 100, (see tdt) late tardif, 54, tardy las (m.), 9, pile, heap; (v.) en- tasser taureau, 67 taxe (contribution), n, (f.) tax; cf. : mettre un impot sur le tabac to impose a upon tobacco; droils de sortie ex- portation duties; droils d 'en- tree importation duties teach (v.) enseigner, instruire; -ing enseignement, instruc- tion (f.); to make him learn lui faire apprendre; to lecture on professer; to behave fa ire la leqon a (to lecture him); re- prendre avec autorite; apprendre a vivre; cf. to give lessons don- ner des lemons ; his terms ses conditions, etc. tear (n.) accroc (see crochet); (v.) dechirer; see hook (hang) teins (v.) teindre, 359, dye teint (m.) complexion, 19 teintu-re (f.) tincture; -rie (f.) dyeing establishment, 29; -rier (degraisseur), 19, dyer (scour- er) tel (-le) such as (que), 55; 268, tempete, 55, storm (tempest); snow de neige (f.), 302 temps (m.), 39, time; tempera- ture, 348 , 58, tense composes compound tenses, 294 simples simple tenses tend: tendre (porter) a; (pursue: see follow) ; il vague toujours a ses affaires (he still attends to his affairs, business) tenir, 322, (a) to care (for); to be anxious to (de) to take after; to have (information) (s'en) d to abide by, 58 terre (f.) earth, 65 les (poss. adj.), 118 tele (f.), 7, head; -u (adj.) obsti- nate; enlele self-willed; stub- born text, 55, lexle (m.); old ancien ; -ual textuel, 57 GENERAL VOCABULARY 431 than que, 92 that, 129, ce (cet), cette (f.) - (la); of ; de cela; is the point (question) c'est cela (voila la question)! (relative) ?ue, qui; - of (or: 's) celui celle de); is to say c'esl-a- dire the (m.) tea, 25 theatre (m.) theatre, 25 thebaique, 12, relates to opium their leur, 1 1 8 theme latin Latin exercise (: 24, from one's own language into Latin) then (afterward) puis (ensuite); (conj.) done (alors); let him do it then qu'il le fasse alors! parlez done why not speak ! theocratic (f.), 32 there is (are) voila, 1 18 Thermopyles (f.) ThermopyLc these (f.), II, thesis; soutenir une to prepare a and uphold it publicly thing, 70, chose (f.); -.; affaires (f.) this (that); what is this quest ceci? cf. : qu'est-ce-ci? 129 thousand mil; mille (B.C.), 303 thus ainsi, done, de meme; one may (will) write ainsi I' on ecrira thym (m.) thyme, 20 lien (le), 129 tienne (la), 129 tienne, tiennent, 18, (v. tenir, 322) tient (v. tenir), 322 tient & pen, 59, (it hangs only on) very little obstacle; it rests only with; it lies only in your power to ; cf . : il ne tient pas a it does not depend on tiers (m.) (>) the third, 305 tiers-etat (m.), 305 tigre, 5 8 . ( m -) tiger tilleul (m.) linden-tree, 25 timbre (m.) bell, 20 paste (m.) postage stamp time temps (m.); heure; fois (f.); moment (m.); lose (v.) time retarder; (at the) present le present; d I' heure actuelle; at a when & I'heure (au moment) oft (que); once upon a ily avail une fois; next la prochaine fois; mesure (mus.) (f.); -ly (see season) timide (adj.), 11, timid, bashful tip bout; (drink) pourboire (m.) tirer (v.), 359, to pull tiret (m.), 5 litre (m.) title, 12 toast (m.) , 33; (porter un to offer [propose] a ) to-day a ujourd'h ui; this very day dss aiijourd'hui toi (disjunct, pron.), 13.2 toi-meme (intensive pron.) your- self (thyself), 57 tolerance (f.), 53, tolerate (v.) tolerer, 53 tomber (v.) to fall, 293 tome (m.) tome, 12 ton (m.) tune, tone, 46 ton (poss. adj.) your (thy), 118 ton-ique (adj.) -ic, 46 tanner (v.) to thunder, 12 torment tourment (m.); (v. see follow); torturer; tourmenter torrent (m.) , 29 tort (m.), 121, 55; a et a travers at random, 33; a wrongly, 55 tortue (f.), 13, tortoise tot (adv.) early, 96; trap - too ; venez bientot come soon ; tot ou tard sooner or later, 40 toujours (ever) always, 3 tour, 68 tourner (v.) to turn (Index) tournesol (m.) 30, sunflower tons (pron.) all, 30, 211 tout (adj.), 211, (or pronom in- defini) tout a fait quite; fully, 54 tout aussi bien, 5, quite as much (well) toutes les fois que, 58, every time towards vers (dans la direction de); a peu pres au temps oil; (to) envers, 189 tracas (m.) turmoil, 30 GENERAL VOCABULARY trace (.); en porter la to bear the trace of it; (v.) tracer train (m.); passenger le train des voyageurs; see traire, etc.; (v.) for mettre a I'en- tratnement; (to drill) entratner; see rompre traire, 35, to milk; re to again; see (compounds): ab- straire; dis ; ex ; sous . trait : d' union hyphen, 7, tiret, 5, a dash; (arrow); shafts; 359, features; (fling) lancer (deco- cher) un ; episodes (hist.); effacer d'un to strike out with a dash; avoir trait a to have reference to; de lumi- ere ray of light; flashes of wit -s d' esprit ; chevaux de - draught-horses; flourishes; pour stroke for stroke. traite (m.), 48, treatise; (v.) -er to treat, 56 tranquil, 3, tranquille, 25 transaction (f.), 30 transalp-in (adj.) -ine, 30 transatlant-ique -ic, 30 transe (f.), 31, in dread transept (m.), 31, transferer, 31, to transfer transiger (v.) to transact; to come to terms transir to penetrate (cold); to make any one shiver, 324 transit (m.) , 30; -aire sub- ject to , 30 transitif (adj.) transitive or ac- tive (verb) transition (f.) , 30 transit-oire -ory, 30 transla-te (v.) traduire, 359; -tion traduction (f.); rendre un passage to a ; -table traduisible; dijjtiUement with difficulty; -tor traducteur; ce que Von con^oit bien s'enonce clairement, et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisement what is clearly thought out is clearly expressed, and words to render it, flow easily trappe (f.), n, (Sing Sing gal- lows) trap; cf. : tendre un piege to set a trap; donner (tomber) dans le panneau to run head- long into the t travail (m.), 71 travailler (v.) to work, 22 trovers, 189 tread (trample), fouler upon (heels) marcher, etc. ; see Jol- low, 359 trefle (m.) clover, 28 treize (13), 303 trema (m. ), 7 tremblement (m.) shaking; trill, 29 trembler (v.) to tremble tres very, 254 tresor (m.) treasure, 29 -ier (m.) treasurer, 29 tribune (f.) platform (orator's) tribune (f.) , 13 trick (m.) (fear), u; il a le (colloq.) he is scared; on trick, (m.), ii, game (whist) or: tri trictrac (m.) (game) backgam- mon, 1 1 triomphe (m.), 48; (v.) -r, 360 trip trajet (m.); see traire, etc. triumph (v.) triompher (de); dan s (in arguing) ; (excel- ler) ; (to glory in) tirer vanite de; see vanquish; cf . : rer.:porter un avantage sur to gain a point over; (n.) triomphe (m.); rem- porter line grande victoire (to win) ; grand succes (m.) ; un s fou enormous ; porter en t see carry; reussir a succeed in; parvenir d ; see to come or reach; s brillant; in t en t trois three; -ieme third, 303 tromper (v.) to deceive, 36 trompeur, 66 trap, 253, too much (many), too, 28 trou (m.) hole trouble (m.) confusion, 16 trouer (v.) to make a hole, 17 troupe (f.) troop, 16 trouver (se) (v.) to find; 46, to be found truite (f.) trout, 16 GENERAL VOCABULARY 433 tu (thou, 117), you tu (v. se taire, 359) tua (tuer), 8, killed; (n.) la tuerie butchery (slaughter), 343 tub cuve (f.) ; cuvette (f.) ; bath baignoire (f.) Tuesday (s) mardi; le (on) tunnel (m.) tunnel turquoise (.), 16 tusk (dent canine) croc (m.); see crochet; (elephant) defense (f.) two deux (2), 303 typhus (m.), 30 wtt, 303, a, an, one, 8; I'un I'autre one another (both); d I'un to one, 24; J? /' ou de I'autre of either unanime (adj.) unanimous, 14 unanimite (a I') (f.) unanimously | uncalled for, 54, que rien ne \ justifie unceasingly sans cesse under (-neath sous); au-dessous de below; -stood sous-entendu \ understand (v.) comprendre; see misunderstand; -ing (n.) com- prehension (f.); intelligence; clear connaissance parfaite ({.); j'entends un bruit I hear a noise; il entend I'anglais he understands English; see re- cevoir; donnez-nous de vos nou- velles let us hear from you; elle n'y entendait pas malice she meant no harm; Us ne veulent point en entendre parler they will not hear of it (or: refuse to); grasp saisir; cela s' entend (: va sans dire) of course; il n' entend pas de cette oreille- Id he does not see it in that light unfortunate malheureux unieme (adj.), 304, (with 21 to 70; from 80 on) uninjured non blesse; qui n'a eprouve aucun mal; see p. 89 unir (v.), 55, to join (unite), 349 unit-e (f.) unit, 56; -y 28 unknown to inconnu a until jusqu'd; ce que (with Subj., 142) uproot (v.) deraciner; detruire; extirper urge, see (require) stimuler (spur) or eperonner; exciter au combat urge on; -nt! d'urgence; on vous prie instamment de you are earnestly requested to; je vous en prie I do beg of you ; implorer, exhorter, supplier avec instance: implore, exhort, to adjure (beseech); il est presse d'argeni in urgent need of money urn urne (f.), 64 us (m.), 30-1, manners (customs) usage (m.), 53 use (n.) usage (emploi) (m.); of some de quelque utilite (f.); (own) profit (avantage) (m.); personal interet per- sonnel (m.) ; accepted usages requs; out of use hors d'usage; (gram.); 53, make of it faites-en usage; for the of a I'usage (au profit) de; -ful (of ) utile; (used) of great d'un frequent emploi; tres utile; of no d'aucune utilite (inutile); (to be) of no use ne servir a rien; good for nothing ban a rien; in (terme) usite; en usage (employe); in general - d'un usage general; to what good a quoi ban? a quoi cela sert-il (de)? use (v.) (treat) agir (envers); trailer; user d'egards to be considerate; to avail oneself of profiler de (saisir a propos); (to make use of) se servir de; to have no further (more) - n'en avoir plus besoin; cf . : en vain (avoir beau)in vain (of no for); to abuse user mal; en user mal avec; oil user (consommer) del'huile (f.); forbearance user de menage- ments (indulgence) envers; to get -d to s'accoutumer (s'habi- tuer d); clothes previously 434 GENERAL VOCABULARY use Continued used vetements usages (: qui ont dejd servi); avoir coutume (I'habitude) de to have the habit of; see the Imperfect; see 125; cf. : little used peu usite; obsolete inusite; d'un usage restreint restricted use (usage) ; worn-out gloves gants uses; almost new hat chapeau presque neuf; old subject: sujet use; edition epuisee out of print used (adj.) usite; employe; (v.) user, 53 usual (adj.) ordinaire; as - comme d I'ordinaire; de coutume (d' habitude); -ly ordi- nairement utile useful; 57, -ment usefully utilite (f.), 55; de peu d' of little merit, 55 va, 3, goes, 309; vats, 309 vacciner (v.) to vaccinate vache, 67 vaciller (v.) to vacillate, 25 vainc(s) (v. vaincre), 360, 20 vaincu (p. p. vaincre), 360, con- quered value valeur (f.); -- (merit) merite (m.); (v.) valoir, 330; couter; see better vanill-e (f.) -a, 25 vanquish (v.) avoir ban marche de lui to get the better of him easily; vaincre, 360, con- querir (to triumph over) ; sur- monter (surmount); by this sign par ce signe; woe to the -ed! malheur aux vaincus; en demeurer convaincu be con- vinced of it; plus qu'd moitie persuade more than half con- vinced; se rendre d I' evidence to be c (finally) ; on le gagne- ra he will be won over fran- chir les obstacles to overcome obstacles; la victoire se decida en faveur des Americains Am- ericans won vapeur (f.) vapor, 57; steam various (adj.) different, divers; in ways de diverses manieres (fac.ons) vary (v.) varier, diversifier, chan- ger vaudeville (ml), 25 vaut (see valoir, 330), is worth i veau, 67 Vendeen (m.) (from Vendee f.), 20 vendeur, 66 ! vendre (v.) to sell i venez come! venir, 322 i vzngeur, 66 i venitien (adj.), 33, Venetian I vent (m.) wind, 348 ; vente (f.) sale, 18 1 venu (p. p. venir, 322), came, 3, 194 I Venus (f.), 30 ver (m.) worm, 40 verb, 57, verbe (m.) verbal (adj.), 58, veritable (adj.), 55, , real verite (f.) truth, 9; dire la to speak the verre (m.) glass, 74. ver s, 187, toward (s) Versailles, 25 version latine Latin translation (into one's own language) I versions (plusieurs) (various) ac- counts (interpretations) vert green, 56 ; verve (f.), 65 I veu-f (m.) widower; -ve (f.) widow, 34 i veut (veux, veulent), see vouloir, 331 i mande (f.) meat, 17 vice (m.), 12 | victoire (f.), 48, victory victori-eux (adj.) -ous, 360 vie (f.) life; living vieil (m.) vieille (f.) old, 79; (v.) vieillir, 342 vieillard, 67 viendra (venir), 322 viennent (venir), 18, 58; de have just vient (venir), 18; de has just vieux (adj.) old, 79 GENERAL VOCABULARY 435 t>if (adj.), 79; au to the quick vigne (f.) vine; -ran (m.) wine- grower, 24 vil, vile, low, 25 vilain, ugly villa (f.) ; maison de campagne elegante village (m.) ; 25 villageois villager; en villegiature a (while sojourning in): se- jour (m.) a la campagne; il dine en v he is dining out villf (f.), 65 vin (m.) wine, 8; vinaigre (m.) vinjgar vingl (20), 303 vinl (venir), 322 vint (venir), 58, (imp. subj.) violent (adj.), 188 violer (v.) violate, break, 188 virgule (f.) comma, 3 vir/7 (adj.) virile, 25 vision (f.), 64 tt'st'te (.), 12, visit; -er (v.) to ; faire une (rendre) visile to pay a visit visit er (v.) to search, to visit w/ (v. vivre to live, 361) lives vitre (f.), 171 w'/re (f.), 12, window gla.*s (pane) vifrier (m.) glazier t'tt'a*/ 33 vivent (v. w'rre to live, 361) live vizir (m.) vizier, 12 vocabu-laire (m.) -lary toca/ (adj.) vogue (f.) , 12 iw/d, 1 1 8, there is (are) voir (v.) to see, 331 voisin, 66, neighbor; le plus , 56, nearest voiture (f.) carriage, 363 voix (f.), 65, voice vol (m.), 34, flight; theft; (v.) -er to fly; to steal voleur, 66 volonte (a) at will, 58 volte (t.) face (to turn) front, 12 Fosges (fe*), 30 votre (le) yours, 129 votre your, 118 voudrais (condit. of vouloir, 331), should like vous you, 3, 1 20 voyage (m.), 24, trip; -r ( v .) to travel -Mr (m.) traveler voyelle (f.), vowel, 17 z>rat (adj.) true; -ment truly vraisemblable likely, 30 ftt (p. p.) seen, 331;"-^ (f.) view (sight), spectacle (m.) show vu, 53, regarding vue (f.) sight; eyesight; view, 13 W wagon-lit (m.) sleeper, 34 - -poste (m.) mail-coach, 34 -restaurant (m.) dining car, 34 walk (n.) promenade (f.); faire prendre une p to take a ; (v.) marcher; -- ahead pren les de-cants; see follow wander (v.) errer; s'egarer; -ing errant; vagabond (m.) want (see vouloir); que voulez- vous? what do you ? or: what is your will? or what do you desire? (what can I do for you?) ; what will you have him do? (que voulez-vous qu'il fasse. 1 ) il le veut he -s it; je ne le veux pas I will not have it! tout ce qu'il voulait (desirait) all (anything) he wanted (de- sired); elle I' a voulu it is her fault (: she would have it); il ne veut pas he will not; avez-vous besoin de lui? do you want (need) him? see request; see falloir; il lui faut un guide he needs (must have) a guide; a-t-il envie de sortir? does he wish to go out? un ouvrage de longue haleine; see breath; cela demande du temps that requires time; we (want) wish you to know it nous vou- lons que vous le sachiez; il le voulait sans faute he would have it without fail; cf. : r envie lui en est pas see his longing is over; qui veut du froid, qui du chaud some desire cold, others heat; les fleurs 436 GENERAL VOCABULARY want Continued veulent de grands soins flowers require great care; il veut $100 (500 frs.) de son cheval he wants $100 (500 frs.) for his horse; vous ne savez pas ce que vous voulez you do not know your own mind ; je veux bien gladly ; il n'a pas voulu de toi he would not have you; see follow; fais ce que tu veux go your own way; elle le veut bien she has no objection; elle fait desvoeux pour votre bonheur she wishes you happiness; souhaiter un joyeux Noel, une bonne annee to wish a merry Xmas, happy New Year; tout comme vous voudrez just as you please; sans le vouloir (unintention- ally) without meaning to; il vnulait mefaire tirer lesmarrons du jeu he wanted to make a cat's paw of me (or: to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for him); il fait d'eux ce qu'il veut he directs them as he pleases; ( : has great influence over them) ; on en veut a son ar- gent they are after his money; les formalites requises or vou- lues (or: en regie or dans les regies) the required formali- ties; c'est son vouloir it is his (her) will; tout lui vient a souhait everything succeeds according to his wishes (see follow); c'est a qui I'acheterait everyone wishes to buy it; il a trouve chaussure a son pied (: shoe for his foot) he found what he wanted (also his match); la volonte will; quand on a de la bonne volonte, on ne manque pas de moyens when there is a will, there is a way (see Infijiitive) ; dernieres volontes testament (last will); son testament his ; mauvais vouloir bad (ill) feeling; mau- vaise volonte ill-will; bonne volonte readiness; ban gre, mal gre willing or not ; de gre (force) willing, unwilling; de plein gre very willingly; volontiers (: je veux bien) willingly; gladly; de ban gre willingly; de ban caeur with pleasure; de bonne grace with a good grace (readily) waste-box botte- a ordures (f.); see basket watch (n.) montre (f.); (y.) garder (guard); veiller (vigil); y veiller to over it; en prendre soin (veiller sur quelque chose) to take good care of a thing; en faire son affaire or s'en charger to take it upon himself (to see to it: y avoir I'aeil); s'en occuper: see attend water eau (f.); warm de I'eau chaude; hot de I'eau bouil- lante; cool fratche; spring de source; (f.); lukewarm tiede wav-e vague (f.); onde (poet.) (f.) -r ; (v.) vaciller ; chanceler ; hesiter; (flicker) vaciller (trem- bloter); onduler; ondoyer; flatter (float) ; balancer; s'agiter; se mouvoir ; tournoyer ; -in? vacillation (f.) (rolling boat); cf. : etre irresolu, incertain, indecis, inconstant, non solide (it shakes: not firm); to faire signe (de la main); (ship) rolling : le roulis wavy ondoyant; onduleux; ondule way chemin (m.); see follow: -side (sur) le bord du (de la route); to make se frayer un c ; see cut; to make for laisser passer quelqu'un; to give to (yield) se laisser oiler a (to abandon oneself); se pousser dans to make one's way into; il fit son chemin he made, etc. weave (tistre or tttre) tisser; well-woven material une etoffe bien tissue; du drop trap serre close-woven cloth weaver tisserand; silk un t de soie; (poet.) : des jours tissus GENERAL VOCABULARY 437 weaver Continued d'or et de soie opulent (hal- cyon) days; un tissu de men- songes a tissue of lies; see mentir (to lie) week semaine (f.); -ly hebdoma- daire, 251 (days of the), 125 what (?), 135 what (that which), 131 what! comment! quoil about de quoi? is it qu'est-ce (qu'est- ce que c'est)? do you do? que faites-vous? do he says faites ce qu'il dit; is . . . ce qui est; qu'est-ce qui ( que)? ever quoi que ce soil; he speaks of ce dont il parle ( : that of which) ; he is thinking of ce a quoi il pense (songe); then ct puts apres? she needs ce dont elle a besoin; for pourquoi faire? how many books que de livres! (pron., adj.) quel (see adj.) soever quel . . .que; see 164 ever quoi que ce soil; quelque wheat ble (m.); mais (m.) when (conj.), 168, quand, lorsque; ever quand; the time d I'heure ou (que) where ou ( to); 136; d'ou from where? which qui, que (see relatives, 131) whist (m.) , 34 whistle (n.) sifflet (m.); (v.) sif- fler; whistling sifflement (m.); -r siffleur (m.); te vent siffle the wind blows (souffle); cf. : er, 164, 218, 224, 273, 277 disposer, 189, 190, 209 eloigner (s'}, 105, 197 disputer, 206 emanciper, 220 dissimuler, to feign emballer, 91 dissiper, 151-4 embrasser, 198, cf. : 200 distinguer, 213, 223 embrouiller, to embroil diver ger, 188 emmener, 185, 229 diviser, 226 emmitoufler (s') to be wrapped divulguer, 339 up in furs dompter, 273 emousser, to blunt donner, 137, 158, 160-6 empaqueter, 230 dorer, 260 emparer (s'), 204 doter, to endow empecher (de), 140-1, 164 douer, 115 empierrer, to pave (w. stones) douter, 106, 138, 162-6, empieter, to encroach douter (se) de, to suspect empirer, 297 dresser, 206, 224, 281-5 empoigner, 153 dttrer, 93, 95, 168, 213 employer, 200 emporter, 225 E empresser (s), 204 emprisonner, 110 ebaucher, to sketch, 357 emprunter, 218, 270, 271 ebranler, 152 enchainer, 106, 214 ebruiter (s') to spread about enchanter, 166 (rumor) encourager, 227 ecarquiller, to move (eyes) endetter (s ), 108, 270 ecarter, to push (away) endommager, 226, 274 ecarteler, 229 endosser, to indorse (don) echanger, 165 endurcir, 235 echapper, 94, 295 endurer, 140 echarper, 279 echauder, to scald enfanter, 234 enfariner, to sprinkle (flour) echauffer, to chafe enfermer, to shut in echouer, 164, 204, 295 ew/i/er, 200 eclairer, 200 enflammer, 200 eclater, 274 enf oncer, 223, 273 edipser (s'), to eclipse engager, 200, 226, 228, 268-9 economiser, 143, 154 engendrer, to breed ecorcher, 212 enivrer, to intoxicate ecouler, 197, 205 enlacer, to grasp (lace) ecouter, 157, 213 enlever, 169, 212, 238, 277 ecraser, 274 ennuyer, 90, 108 eerier (5'), 147, 204, 347 enqueter (s'), 204 444 INDEX enrager, to enrage enrhumer (s'), 92, 204 enrdler (s'), to enlist enrouer (5'), 94 enseigner, 115, 223 ensemencer, 229 ensorceler, 230 entacher, to spot (blacken) entamer, 183, 226 entasser, 231 enterrer, to bury enticher (de}, 107 entourer (de), 219 efl/r' outer (5') to help mutually entratner, 276 entrer, 143, 161,212, 278 envelopper, 230 environner, 285 eni'isager, 135 envoler (s'), to fly away epargner, 164 f^/tr, 88 e/ner, 109 eprouver, 98, 99, 141, 223, 320 ereinter, to tire (out), 276 errer, 185, 296, esperer, 140, 161, 228 esquiver (s') t to steal away essayer, 231, 241 essouffler, 232 esswj^r, 230 estimer, 95, 148, 151, 290 estropier, to murder (lines) etaler, 171 etancher, to make water-tight etinceler, 230 etonner, 94, 133, 153, 270, 284 etouffer, to choke (stifle) etrenner, 257-8 etnller, 279 etudier, 209, 232 evacuer, 186 evader (s'), 204 eveiller, to wake eyenter, to fan evertuer (s'), 204 eviter, 164 examiner, 278 exceder, 188 exceller, 115, 188 excepter, 101, 113 executer, 100, 148, 168, 236, 247 exercer, 189, 200 exclamer (s'), to exclaim exciter, 227 excMser, 220, 298 exhiber, 171 exj'ger, 161 exi/er, 109 exister, 210, 220, 224 expcdier, 1 88 expirer, 136, 262 expliquer, 235, 275 exploiter, to work (mines) exposer, 170 expr inter, 219, 223 extasier (s'), 204 extenuer, 240 extorquer, 268 extravaguer, 188 F fabriquer, 102, 188, 218 /(ic/fr (se), 102, 154, 161, 204 fa$onner, 91, 249 familiariser, 232 faner, to wither farder, to color (make up) fatiguer, 188, 272 favoriser, 227 /Iter, to crack (bell) Jeliciter, 164, 224 fermenter, 104 fermer, 99, 104, 210, 336 feuilleter, 230 ficeler, 230 faker, to drive (in) /ier (), 142, 205 ^ger, 226 figurer, 262 yf/er, to spin /beer, to fix. flairer, to scent fldner, 185, 285 flatter, 203, 227, 298 flatter, 166 fonctionner, 185 fonder, 235 forcer, 261, 274 forger, 184 former, 269 fouetter, to whip fouiller, 218 /outer, 227, 274-7 fourcher, 224 fourrer, to (thrust) poke 445 fracturer, 277 f rapper, 102, 203 frayer, to cut (way) frelater, to adulterate frequenter, 277 fretiller,' 226 frictionner, to rub (skin) frigorifier, 263 /riser, 127, 1 68, 237 frissonner, 90, 93 froisser, 133 /ro/er, to touch (lightly) froncer, to frown f rotter, 274 fructifier, 284 fumer, 97, 133, 184, 226 f ureter, 230 gagner, 150-4, 161, 214 galoper, 189 garder, 139, 169, 172 gargariser (se), 204 gaspiller, 154 ger, 76, 101, 205 /ecfor, 227 /eg diser, 269 /erer, 146, 153-6, 229 liberer, 269 /*r, 87, 214 limer, to file (saw) limiler, 235 /U'rer, 200, 334 /oger, 1 08, 249 r, 219, 299 r, 334 macher, 219 majorer, 270 maltraiter, 184 to manage, 168 mander (official), to send manger, 153, 224-8 manij "ester, 211 manquer, 123-5; 164-5; 196,236, 270-3: 3H marchander, to haggle, 96 marcher, 127, 227 marier, 90 marquer, to mark marqueter, 230 marteler, 229 mecontenter, 223 mediter, 275 roe/ier (j) de, 204 meler, to mix menacer, 145 menager, 226, 238 mendier, to beg mener, 229, 246 mentionner, 227 mepriser, 277 merit er, 150, 160, 258 mesurer, 94, 96, 12 1, 214 mirer, to aim ; to candle (eggs) modeler, 229, 232 moderer, to control (self) monter, 150, 270, 295 montrer (faire voir), to show moquer (se) de, 107, 154, 204 morceler, 230 morigener, 214 motiver, to assign (motives) moucher, to blow (the nose) moucheter, 230 mouiller, to cast anchor mousser, 102 mouvementer, to enliven mM^r, 273 multiplier, 226 murmurer, 152 museler, 230 mM5er, 215 N nager, 262 naturaliser, 258 navrer (de}, 273 negliger, 1 88, 269 negocier, 115 neiger, no, 302 nettoyer, 231 nier, 165, 243 niveler, 169, 230 nommer, 214, 231, 252 no/er, to note (jot down) notifier, 263 numeroter, 200 O objecter, to oppose oWt'ger,95, 102, 135, 340 observer, 214, 256 obstiner, 98 occasionner, 185 INDEX 447 occuper, 102, 112, 197, 217, 269 offenser, 165, 238 operer, 195 opinidtrer (s'), 204 opposer, 161, 282 oppresser, 232 organiser, 114, 227 orner, 219, 226 oj<>r, 113, 135, 153 outlier, 216, 243 ordonner, 160, 232, 283 oter, 212 pdmer (de rire), to roar panser, to dress (wound) parnlyser, 165 pardonner (a), 197 parer, to bedeck purer, to ward off parjurer (se), 204 parler, 209 parsemer, to strew partager, 94, 153, 262, 273, 200 participer, to participate /xwer, 135-7; 153, 167, 170-4; 183, 255 patiner, to skate patronner, 198 aiw, 107 pajer, 125, 159, 230 pecAer, 213 pecker, 213 />ner, 143 p*/", 229 pencher, 232, 296 penetrer, 95, 101 />eser, 95, 151, 162, 173, 209 percer, 108, 228, 285 per severer, 186 per sister, 154 persuader, 239 peser, 195, 219, 229, 270 petiller, to sparkle piailler, 227 pincer, 234 pincer, 236 />*, 356 placer, 108, 228, 299 plaisanter, 95, 248 planter, to plant pleurer, 94, 149, 176 />/ier, 272 plonger, 107, 213 player, 230, 272 packer, to poach (bruise) por/er, 156, 212, 214, 276 porter (), to fare (be) poser, 196 pas seder, 74, 168 poudrer, 107, 214 pouffer (de rire}, to roar Pousser, 183, 211, 227, 342 pratiquer, 228, 299 precautionner, 89 preceder, 188 precher, 211 precipiter, 145, 297 preciser, 99 prefer er, 133, 160, 254 preoccuper, 231 pre parer, 213, 231 presager, 167 presenter, 133, 143, 164-7; 23: presider, 188 presser, 94, 206, 277 pre/er, 271 priVr, 158, 230 primer, 226 priver, 201 proclamer, no, 263 procurer, 145, 214 prodiguer, 247 proferer, 185 professer, 214, 247 rq/^r, 154, 237 prohiber, 101-3, 2 ^4 prolonger, 106 promener, 127, 184, 185 prononcer, 88, 214, 2247 proposer, 145, 237 protcger, 94, 139, 234 protester, 204, 224 prouver, 98, 113 provoquer, 224, 238 publier, no, 114 pwuer (d), 218 pulveriser, 273, 274 Q questionner, 149 quitter, 160, 269 448 INDEX R reg/er, 114, 121, 139, 215, 260 rabaisser, to lower regretter, to regret rehabiliter, 237 raccommoder, to mend rejeter, to reject raconter, 167 reldcher, to release raffoler (de), to be mad (love) relancer, to throw again raisonner, 224 releguer (se), to retire to ramasser, 184 relever, 229 ramener, 229 re/t>r, 349 ranker, to arrange remarquer, 213, 271 rammer, to inflame rembourrer, 107 rappeler, 162, 222 rembourser, 268, 270 rapporter, 224 remedier (a), 90 rapprocher, 299 remercier, 69, 109 rassasier, 92 remonter, 140, 226 rassembler, 99 remontrer, to teach (?) rasscrener, to clear up, 348 remplacer, 165, 251 ratatiner, 204 remporter, 215 rdper, to be worn (shabby) remuer, to stir (up) rdteler, 230 rencontrer, 145, 160, 215 rater, to miss (fire) renfermer, to shut in rattacher, to connect rengorger (se), 204 rattraper, to catch up renoncer, 197 raturer, 213 renouer, to renew raviser (se), 204 renouveler, 230, 269 rcryer, 213 renseigner, to inform rayonncr, to radiate rentrer, 155, 295, 269 rebeller (se), 204 rentrer, 102, 238 rebrousser, 183 renverser, 229, 296, 297 rcchapper, 295 reparler, 226 rechauffer, to warm up reparer, 140 rechercher, 195, 232 repasser, 185, 267 rccidiver, 1 14, 296 repeter, 109, 114, 218, 219 rcclamer, 147, 202 replier, 280 recolter, to harvest reporter, 1 66 recommander , 171, 262 278 reposer (w), 147, 152, 267 recommencer, 219, 234 repousser, to repel recompenser, 190, 214 representer, to represent recouvrer, 197, 320 reprimander, 215 recreer (se), to divert reprocher, 227, 268, 277 r eerier (se), 204 repudier, 197 recruter, 249 repugner, to feel reluctant reculer, 139 re transporter, 195, 221 travailler, 86, 175, 237 traverser, 189, 213, 186 trebucher, to stumble trembler, 140, 222 tremousser, to be impatient tremper, to dip (soak) trepigner, to stamp one's feet tressauter, to startle (richer, 222 trimbaler (se), to go about trinquer, to click (glasses) triturer, 274 tromper, 137, 151-2; 224, 243 trotter, to trot trouver, 127, 136, 209 . 15,, 236 agrandir, 343 allegir, 239 alourdir, 238 amincir, 235 amortir, 319 aneantir, 240, 108 aplanir, 248 aplatir, 238 appauvrir, 238 appesantir, 238 applaudir, 239, 224 approfondir, 240 arrondir, 241 a55em'r, 321 assortir, 321 assoupir, to doze assouplir, 279 assourdir, 278 assouvir, to quench assujettir, 280 attendrir, 234, 247 atterrir, 296 attiedir, 234 avertir, 152 B Ma&*> (s'), 203 eblouir, to dazzle eclaircir, 234 elargir, 245 embellir, to embellish endurcir, to harden enfouir, to bury (under), 152 engourdir, 247 enrichir (s') t 268 envahir, 215, 222 epaissir, 235 etablir, 234, 248, 261, 281 etourdir, to feel giddy evanouir (s'), 202-4 ^>, 230, 248 yZ&rtr, 343 fournir, to provide franchir, 248 Jremir, 246 garantir, 234, 246, 269 garnir, 184, 235 gemir, 198 grandir, 149 grossir, 342 gen>, 236, 269 inveslir, to be invested jaillir, 240 jaunir, 242 1 08 languir, 198 M maignr, 342 meurtrir, 318 WMwtr (, 95, 236, 246 /erf>, 267 , 244 pourrir, 235, 246 />*>, 135, 1 60, 234 raccourcir, to shorten rafraichir, 91 raidir, 106, 245 rajeunir, 342 raw, 238, 254 reflechir, 138, 154, 160, 247 refroidir, 234 rejouir, 161, 164, 176 rembrunir, 348 remplir, 107, 217, 234, 249, 268 rencherir, to outbid; to be dearer repartir, 320 reserve (to), 203 ressortir, 321 retablir (se), 151, 234, 298 reunir, 97, 245, 299 452 INDEX reussir (d), 95, 99, 143, 160, 234, 295 reverdir, 239 rougir, 107, 237 roussir, to scorch rugir, 137, 274 saillir, 94 saisir, 238, 235, 244 salir, 98, 1 10, 240, 244 shir, 248 subir, 196, 234, 249 surgir, to surge (rise) tarir, 296 trahir, 152 ttnir (d), 244 vernir, to varnish vieillir, 342 vomtr, to vomit VERBS ENDING IN -OIR Page 248 apercevoir, 152, 161, 271 concevoir, 88, 268, 271 decevoir, 264 devoir, 264, 174, 175 (conjugated) (echoir) echeant, echu, 225, 267, 270, 326 percevoir, 264 recevotr, 249 (conjugated) redevoir, 264 REG. CONJUG. ENDING IN -RE attendre, 143, 158, 160, 192, 252 attendre (s') d, to expect to confondre, 108 correspond, 188" corrompre, 246 defendre, 142, 152, 160 demordre (n'en pas), to stick to it dependre (de), 143, 245 de cendre, 295 detendre^ to distend entendre, 90, 92, 132, 159, 189, 239 etendre, 167 fendre, 273, 280 153, 188 interrompre, 262, 275 mordre, to bite perdre, 131, 153, 214 pretendre, 163, 183 rendre, 98, 107, 166, 170, 180, 193, 199, 268, 330 repondre (a), 92, 148, 256 repandre, 198 retordre, 281 rompre, 271 suspendre, 184, 191 tendre, 122 tondre, to shear /ordre, 229, 280 vendre, 140, 271, 290, 298 LIST OF FRENCH IRREGULAR VERBS to abate, abattre, 169, 191, 298, 334. 357 absolve, absoudre, 332 abstain, s'abstenir, 164, 176, 322 abstract, abstraire, 359 acquire, acquerir, 310 adjoin, adjoindre, 193, 349 INDEX 453 to aid, subvenir (a), 323 admit, admettre, 160, 351 annoy, 353 anoint, oindre, 349, 354 appear, paraitre, 133, 354 assess, repartir, 320 assume, 201 attack, assaillir, 106, 218, 311 attain, 333 audit, ouir (les comptes), 324 avail, 228 to bake, 343 be 2tre, 1 16, 291 able, 132, 134, 329 ashamed, 176 at leisure, 97 aware, 329 better, 162, 330 becoming (seoir), 324 busy, 102, 217 enamored, 357 equivalent, 330 issued, 317 -in need, 176 necessary, 140, 326 silent, 175,359 waited on, 217 willing, 331 worrying, 92, 102, 268 bear, 212, 331 beat, battre, 237, 333 become, seoir (il sied), 324 become, devenir, 323, 149 begin, se mettre a, 351, 123, 356 believe, croire, 137, 341 belong, appartenir, 93, 322 bind, 137, 349 bless, benir, 312 blossom, 102, 315 boil, bouillir, 312, 343 born (to be), naitre, 317, 352 bray, braire, 334 bring out, /am; ressortir, 321 broil, 343 to be able (or can), 132, 142, 329 care, 134, 112 ' 277 circumvent, 323 cloister, reclure, 336 close, clore, 336 clothe, vetir (de), 323 coat, enduire, 337, 347, 140-1 combat, combattre, 334, 94 come (back), revenir, 314 come, 322, 132, 145, 152 commit, commettre, 351 compel, 340 complain, se plaindre (de), 355 complete, 347 comprehend, 324, 171 compromise, 351 conclude, condure, 336, 152 concur, concourir (a), 312; or: to compete conduct, conduire, 337, 157 conjoin, 349 conquer, 360, 310 consent, consentir, 320, 159, 164 construct, 337 contain, contenir, 322, 222 contradict, 344, 340 convince, 360 cook, cuire, 343 (could), 241, 329, 135, 151 counterfeit, 347, 97 curse, 344, 350 curtail, 357 D to dawn, 356, 349 deal, 225, 92 debate, 334, 206 decline, 325 decrease, 342 deduct, 343, 334~7 delight, 355 demand, 200 deny, 323 depict, 354 describe, 345 destroy, 343, 190, 337 detain,, 322, 140 deviate, 320 discomfit, 338 die, 318, 152 454 INDEX to disappear, 354 discharge, 269 discourse, 312, 214-19 discover, 320, 271, 193 disguise, 347, 199 disjoin, 349 dislocate, 351 disown, 351 displease, 355 dissolve, 345, 357 distract, 359 distribute, 320, 1 1 1 divest, 323 do (make), 347 draw, 359, 218, 170 dread, 341 dress, vStir, 199, 323, 102 drink, 334, 176 drive, 223, 337 dye, 359, 343 to elect, 349, 193, 152 (re), 349 embrace, 347 emit, 351 enamel, 354 enclose, 335 enjoin, 349 entertain, 322, 211 escape, 315, 165 exclude, 336 experience, 320 expire (rent), echoir, 326 extinguish, 346, 152, 269 extract, 359, 280 to fade, 343 fail, 314, 164, 204, 224, 298 fall (choir), 325, 334. 224-5 fear, 341, 140, 172 feel, 320; 176 feign, 348, 341, 227 fence (in), 336 fight, 333, 203 flee, 315; 145, 165 flower, 315, 102, 114 follow, 358, 152, 162 forebode, 320, 348 foreclose, 336 foresee, 331, 237 forfeit, 347 fry, frire (faire frire), p. p. frit(e) to gambol, 334 gather, 313, 155, 89 get a glance, 331 rid of, 347 gird (on), 335 glance, 312 (look over) glitter, 350 go after, 309, 146,358 away (s'en oiler), 204 down, descendre, 295 out, 321 shopping, 310 up, monter, 1 50 graze, 354 grill, 343 grind, 213, 352, 274 groan, 348 grow (up), 342 H to happen (avenir, advenir), 123, 322, 195 harm, 347, 353, 206 hasten, 312, 204 hatch, 345 hate, 316, 165 have (own), 81 recourse, 312 hear (ouir), 324, 344, 299 hold, 322, 171 hone, 352 hunt, aller d la chasse, 309 hurt, 95, 353, 115, 142, 122 ill-become (messeoir), 324 imbibe, 334, 101 impose, 341 imprint, 346 inclose, 336 increase, 342, 343 incur, 198, 312 induce, 337, 343 INDEX 455 to injure, 205 infer, 331 infringe, 346 inquire, 310, 147, 204 inscribe, 345, 168 instruct, 349, 203, 167, 93 interdict, 344-9, 340 interpose, 351 intervene, 323 introduce, 337 issue, 354, 160 to join, 349, 165-9 to keep, 322 know, 329, 339, I33~7. to need, 326, 165, 136 O to oblige, 332 obtain, 322, 160 occur, 323 offer, 319, 155, 167 officiate (in), 321, 186 omit, 351 open, 320, 224, 190 originate, 352 overcharge, 270 overcome, 360, 347 grow, 342 overlook, 216, 271 overreach, 357 overtake, 333, 349, 168 owe, 266 (conjugated) own, 94 to lament, 355, 166 laugh, 357 lay, 356 lead, 337 learn, 357 leave, 320, 127 let off, 270 lie, 316, 152 317, 130 like, 134, 151 live, 360, 125, 139, 154 look, 97 loosen, 357 M to maintain, 322, 279, 103 make, 347, 176 (may), 329, 115 mean, 331,344 mention, 100, 344 milk, 359 miss, 314 mistake, 357, 151, 137, 204 moan, 355 move, 327, 355 (must), 266 to paint, 354, 93, 103 pasture, 354 penetrate (cold), 324 permit, 351, 161 pickle, 338 please, 355, 131, 205, 298, 9: portray, 354 predict, 340, 344, 200 prescribe, 345, 237 preserve, 338 prevail, 330 proceed, 358 produce, 337, 357. I 7 l project, 321 promise, 351 promote, 327, 263 proscribe, 345 provide, 328, 323, 279 pull (down), 334 pursue, 358 put (on), 351, 323 put out, 346 to raid, 222 rain, 328, 106 rattle, 335 456 INDEX to reach, 323, 333, 158 read, 349. *49 reap, 313, 15* recant, 344, 203 recognize, 339, 153 recollect, 323, 205 reconstruct, 340 recover, 234 reduce, 337, 357, 165, 273 rejoin, 349 remember, 323, 162, 204 remit, 351 remove, 321-7; 169 repent (conjugated), 299, 97; 320, 204 reproduce, 337 request, 310, 158 resolve, 357 restrict, 235 result, 324 (law) resume, 269 retain, 322, 130 retake, 357 retort, 320 ride, 126 rip, 340 rise (spring), 358, 352-8, 206 roast, 343 run, 312, 315 to satisfy, 347 say (tell), 344, 158, 165 seat, 324, 150 seduce, 337 see, 331, 158, 1 66 seized (be), 333, 346 send, 309, 311, 171-6 serve, 321, 152 set, 139; about, 356 off, 330 out, 320, 351 sail, 320 sew 340 sharpen, 352 shine, 350 (should), 134, 151, 267 show, 331; out, 337 in, 337 side, 193 silence, 359 sit (down), 324, 354, 150-6; 98 sketch, 354 slander, 340-4; 224 sleep; fall asleep, 314 smell, 320 solve, 357 smile, 357 sport, 334 spring (derive), 323, 136 squeeze, 346, 123 stamp, 346 stand, 160, 322, 271 start, 311 (depart), 320 starve, 318 stitch, 340 strike (a blow), 315, 165 (knock), f rapper (ring), sonner struggle, 334, 262 submit, 351 subscribe, 345 subtract, 359 succor, 312 suffer, 320, 140, 161, 197 suffice, 358, 131, 140, 201 suit, 323, 140 summon, 354 supply, 328 surprise, 357 survive, 360 suspend (surseoir) law, 324 sustain, 322 swear, 351 swerve, 268 to take, 356, 170 (drink, buy), 356 care, 172,94,97, 104 off, 323 put, sortir in, entrer a part in, 337 place (avoir lieu), 171 (conduct or accompany), 150; see conduire, 337 teach, 349 tell (say), 344, 147 tie down, 332 thrash, 333 (thresh) transcribe, 345 INDEX 457 to transgress, 346 translate, 337, 359 transmit, 351 to understand, 357 undertake, 357 undo, 347 unlearn, 357 use, 321, 237 to vanquish, 360, 166 value (to be worth), 330, 140, 162, 169, 171, 261 vanish, 354 violate (enfreindre, contre- venir), 323, 346 visit, 331 vouch, 271 W to wage (war), 334 wait (on), 321 walk, 127 want (wish), 160 warn, 323 watch, 270 weave, 360 welcome, 313, 224, 250 whet, 352 whine, 348, 355 (will), 150, 169, 94 wither, 343 wish (will, want), 331 132 worsted (to be), 130 worth (to be), 330, 151, 22 (would), 134, 151, 241 to wound, 353, 205 wrestle, 334 wrong (to be), 173 130, A Short History of Rome From the Foundation of the City to the Fall of the Empire of the West By Guglielmo Ferrero Assisted by Corrado Barbagallo Two Volumes. 8 Volume I. 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