SHAPE BOOK CONTAINING PROFILES, TABLES, AND DATA APPERTAINING TO THE SHAPES, PLATES, BARS, RAILS, AND TRACK ACCESSORIES MANUFACTURED BY . CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY PITTSBURGH. PA. ?L!MENTS OF L .1 t&teg Eiecl Frflgati fa Pacific Coast Department RiALTO BUILDING Copyright, 1917, by CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY Pittsburgh, Pa. '-. ' : ': : : . : Sixth Edition, May 1, 1917 , the Sixth Edition of the Caraogie Shape Book, with a JL few unimportant exceptions, contains profiles of all the sections rolled on the structural, plate, bar, and rail mills of the Carnegie Steel Company, together with tables and other data in regard to these products. It supersedes and cancels all previous issues. All dimensions given on profiles are theoretical. Wherever a profile applies to more than one weight of section, the dimensions are for the minimum weight; the profiles of British Standard Bulb Angles show correct dimensions of the British Standard at the thickness given. Weights of rails are given per lineal yard of section; all other weights are per lineal foot, unless otherwise indicated. Sections having but one weight specified can be rolled only to the weight given. The section number should be specified on orders for all sections. Structural Beams, H-Beams, Structural Channels, Ship Chan- nels, Bulb Angles, Bulb Beams, United States Steel Sheet Piling, and structural sizes of Tees and Zees should be ordered by section number and weight per foot. Structural sizes of Angles may be ordered either by section number and weight per foot or by section number and thickness. Orders for bar mill sizes of Angles, Channels, Tees, and Zees, as well as other bar mill products, should specify all necessary dimen- sions as well as section numbers. Rails, Splice Bars, Ties, and other Track Accessories should be ordered by section number and not by the weight per foot. Orders for Plates should specify all dimensions in inches. Some of the sections listed in this book, such as H-Beams, United States Steel Sheet Piling, Steel Cross Ties, etc., are especially adapted to particular uses, and full information is given in separate publica- tions, as noted at the foot of the pages on which such sections are shown. Copies of these publications, as well as those on STEEL WHEELS, GEAR BLANKS AND MISCELLANEOUS CIRCULAR SECTIONS, AXLES AND FORCINGS, and STEEL DERRICKS AND DRILLING RIGS, which are not described in this book, may be had on application to our District Offices. 373720 CARNECi*: STEEL COMPANY STRUCTURAL BEAMS * -9 00 " -*> ^ d s; 9.25* -. i _ f _3^ " " "*o s "^ -4.238* J De th of Weight Flange Width, Web Thickness, inches rounds Decimal Fract i O nal Decimal Fractional *B 61 27 90.0 9.00 9 0.524 17 /32 * Supplementary Beam, furnished only by special arrangement. BEAMS STRUCTURAL BEAMS Continued I* 7.87.-." ->, K- 7.00* ->J I 1 j ' l_ S" "f f | i t 8 1 d _ - ,- 1 * S I B24 i Bl i i j . rp 030" ojfli ( V- O.COr- ~~ ^ i '^Jf i * 1 * ~-~^ , .^-^ ^ ^1 * 1*7- K- 3.625" - % 2k 3.250'-->J i -1 o -; o Section Depth of Weight Flan i g n e chS dth> Web Thickness, Inches Index T Bea . m ' Inches Pounds Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional 120.0 8.062 8Yw 0.812 13/ 10 B 24 24 115.0 8.000 8 110.0 7.938 7i% 6 0.750 M 0.688 iV4 105.0 7.875 7% 0.625 ^ 100.0 7.254 l\i 0.754 M 95.0 7.193 73/to 0.693 iy t B 1 24 90.0 7.131 7Y% 0.631 % 85.0 7.070 7 Vi 0.570 /i 80.0 7.000 7 0.500 H CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY STRUCTURAL BEAMS Continued 9.00 r 8.25 ->. 'B 62 ^ S *B 63 8JU- Section Index Depth of Beam, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional *B62 24 74 9.00 9 0.476 15 /32 *B63 21 60.5 8.25 8^ 0.428 27 /64 * Supplementary Beam, furnished only by special arrangement. BEAMS STRUCTURAL BEAMS Continued 7.00- H ------- 6.25- B2 B3 Section Index Depth of Beam, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional 100.0 7.284 7% 2 0.884 57/k 95.0 7.210 7i% 4 0.810 *% B 2 20 90.0 7.137 7%4 0.737 *%* 85.0 7.063 7^6 0.663 2 Vs-2 80.0 7.000 7 0.600 19 /32 75.0 6.399 6i% 3 0.649 nfa B 3 20 70.0 6.325 62%4 0.575 S7 / / 64 65.0 6.250 6M 0.500 1 A CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY STRUCTURAL BEAMS Continued ~*j_J).659" \ R 81 14 409 - j 8 Vj 10.562" I/ 1.195" "J- /i 1 *- y "^0.460" \ B80 \ ^ 1520?'- ;f ^ VJ i 0.460" L/ f 0.922 r 0.56\" 01 t... j 10" 0.28 VL ._* " : ^0.340' r~ 1 *B64 f I.625J' 1 I i0.380" J ti ] r^ JM --- j l . * fa*. Depth of Weight ""ft* Tndpx .Beam, per r oot, Web Thickness, j Inches Inchea Bounds Decimal Fracl ional Decimal Fractional 90.0 7.245 7 J i 0.807 13 /io R SI ,o 85.0 7.163 75, 80.0 7.082 7* n 0.725 j4 0.644 2 %2 75.0 7.000 7 0.562 %6 70.0 6.259 6i /oi 0.719 2 %2 cn ic 65 - 6 - 177 61] fa 0.637 4 %4 60.0 6.095 63, S3 0.555 9 /16 55.0 6.000 6 0.460 2 %4 *B64 18 48.0 7.500 7} i 0.380 N * Supplementary Beam, furnished only by special arrangement. BEAMS STRUCTURAL BEAMS Continued 1 T\ B4 r 0.810* v! 40.810" iy 2 1.276* r "^ / 0.91 \ JL / 0.49 "\i. i 1 T\ : k , /I \ u-. .. it 7 jo . , / ^ V ! 10.590" 17 1 ?1{ J^ 2 %2 x Vij ' l^^^ CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY k. STRUCTURAL BEAMS Continued B 7 -15"- B65 -12.125- 10.332" -15 0.25" 0.83 1" -Jr .0.310 Section Index Depth of Beam, Weight per Foot, Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Inches Pounds Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional 55.0 5.746 5M 0.656 % 50.0 5.648 5 4 }4i 0.558 %6 45.0 5.550 5 3 %4 0.460 2 %4 42.0 5.500 5^ 0.410 1%2 *B 65 15 37.5 6.750 6M 0.332 *fa * Supplementary Beam, furnished only by special arrangement. 10 BEAMS 1 % a i ~~ i\ STRUCTURAL BEAMS Continued * i r \ B8 / ^0.460' O.S59* V 1.0.460" \J r ' a / \ J 0.28"Vl i kl i 1 ^.350' 0.738* % i i i "0.280* ~\ ( B9 T ] ' i 1 *B 66 I V ! 1 0.284" J i .10.540* ei i 4- 1 '2 6 l" J s a Sec In Depth of Weight Flange Width, Web Thickness, Beam, per Foot, incnes bounds Decima , Fractional Decimal | Fractional 55.0 5.611 5*% 4 0.821 B% ~ 50.0 5.489 5%* 0.699 *% 4 B 8 12 45.0 5.366 5*%4 0.576 %* 40.0 5.250 5M 0.460 a% 4 R q 19 35.0 5.086 5% 2 0.436 % e 12 . 31.5 5.000 5 0.350 % *B 66 12 2S.O 6.000 6 0.284 % a * Supplementary Beam, furnished only by special arrangement. 11 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY STRUCTURAL BEAMS Continued "IJasio" K _ 7.959-- -10- *B67 ---7.750" - J0.252" 10"- i 7.085 |0.290' Section . Index Depth of Beam, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Width, Inches Web S ne, Decimal Fractional Decimal j Fractional 40.0 5.099 5% 2 0.749 % B 11 10 35.0 4.952 4 61 /&4 0.602 3%4 30.0 4.805 4 13 Ao 0.455 29/ M 25.0 4.660 4*% 2 0.310 5,4 *B 67 10 22.25 5.500 5y 2 0.252 M 35.0 4.772 4 4 %4 0.732 4 %4 B 13 o 30.0 4.609 4% 4 0.569 Ae J 25.0 4.446 42% 4 0.406 i% a \\ 21.0 4.330 421/ 64 0.290 1%4 * Supplementary Beam, furnished only by special arrangement. 12 BEAMS STRUCTURAL BEAMS Continued I L A B15 / 0.270 i \ / i \ / i j.1 V! ; 0.270" i/ 0.581" r ^s k! 8 / \ 1 j \ 1 1 *B 68 f 1 J- 000 '" 6.240" *8 I I0.220" i /. 1>J^48I* r si<4" i u " j l 3 1 FT\ B 1T / \ K 5 339 ' ' ->i / .b.250* i V; io.250" \j o if ' q ' 1 / *"1 4! . r oJ a Jr ? l ,thof Weight Flange Width, m, per Foot, mcnes Web Thickness, Inches ches Founds Decima , Fractional Decimal Fractional 25.5 4.271 417/64 0.541 ss/^ R1 _ s 23.0 4.179 4iyo4 0.449 a%4 20.5 4.087 4% 2 0.357 sa/^ 18.0 4.000 4 0.270 17/64 *B 68 8 17.5 5.000 5 0.220 %2 20.0 3.868 3J/ S 0.458 29^ B 17 7 17.5 3.763 3*%4 0.353 ss/^ 15.0 3.660 32y 32 0.250 ' M * Supplementary Beam, furnished only by special arrangement. 13 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY STRUCTURAL BEAMS Concluded B 19 4.465 > + 0.230 " 0.33' 0.230' 0.438" *B 50 0.14" U 6 " >} i rb.400" 0.13" T-tT' \ / X 3.589" >, / 1 ^0.210" U 0.443" 0.31"\ "* r~ i M I 5- B23 B77 IJO.ITO* 0.350* Section Index Depth of Beam, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional 17.25 3.575 33%4 0.475 15/ 3 ., B 19 6 14.75 3.452 329/04 0.352 2 %4 12.25 3.330 3 2464 0.230 V'/kt *B 50 5 17.0 3.286 3%2 0.380 ^ 14.75 3.294 3 J 9/64 0.504 X B 21 5 12.25 3.147 3%4 0.357 9.75 3.000 3 0.210 X %4 10.5 2.880 2% 0.410 1%., B 23 4 9.5 8.5 2.807 2.733 2^ 0.337 0.263 1%; 7.5 2.660 221/32 0.190 3 /i 7.5 2.521 23/64 0.361 2 %4 B 77 3 G.5 2.423 2 27 /64 0.263 1 %4 5.5 2.330 22^.4 0.170 ^64 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 14 BEAMS H-BEAMS -q -<;"- HI Section Inches per Foot, Pounds Flange Width, Web Thickness, Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional H 4 H 3 H 2 H 1 8 6 5 4 34.0 23.8 18.7 13.6 8.000 6.000 5.000 4.000 8 0.375 6 0.313 5 0.313 4 0.313 1 H-Beams shown on this sheet are particularly adapted for use in inside mine timbering. Full information as to their properties and uses is'given in separate pamphlets entitled "Steel Mine Timbers. 15 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY AGRICULTURAL BEAMS HARROW BEAMS ^ T* 1 1: ^- | B506- ^ *& B 508 - T i i i &^"~^~ "~^ CHANNELED FLATS 1 ^t ! 1 ^ ^ JJc B582 ' L/" \L ^ B515> Oil / Wtf! U , r X I*- 7 /! a. O r-r- -r *' IF B590-* r 18 " "^ R ^80 J I Mo" ^ k" 1 7 Jill Q-:ti Section Depth, Width, Index Inches Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Bcr\i 2 VK Tl6 OUO <% j / s/ % 2.06 1.61 B 508 |n ^ 8 5 1.86 1.41 Bcoo 1 74 /2 Oo^ .. o/ 7/ %. 2.12 1.75 2 ?io B 515 2 J4 2 7 Ae 1 2.80 2.38 1.95 B 590 J|| ^ 1 >| T /'io 1 2.46 2.14 1.82 1.50 IK ^ B 580 '% IX 7 /i 1 He 2.03 1.76 1.50 1.23 18 BEAMS AGRICULTURAL BEAMS Continued CULTIVATOR BEAMS B 510 B51l B 500 B504 B 501 r" ^""^ B500 B503-^ Section Index Depth, Inches Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds B 510 l%e N M 2.72 2.39 iX H N 2.58 B 500 IX %6 %6 2.26 IX X J 1.94 \X tt /io 5 Ao 2.35 B 501 IX X M 2.03 IX via %6 1.71 IX N H 1.39 B 511 IX 9 /lo M 1.84 B 509 IX *% %6 1.58 B 503 IX H H 1.26 B 504 Uiu H %8 1.04 17 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY AGRICULTURAL BEAMS Continued PLOW BEAMS P508 -m fe. ---- ,-ij P 505 t-rf^ k IH-T-- P504 P502 Section Index Depth, Inches Width, Inches Web Thickness, i Weight per Foot , Inches Pounds P 508 2M 1# M 10.7 P 505 2^ 1H M 9.0 P 504 2 ^ |* % 7.3 6.8 P 502 2 3^ 2^ ! 8 /io X 6 6.5 6.0 5.5 IS BEAMS AGRICULTURAL BEAMS Continued PLOW BEAMS Continued P13 -1% 4 Section Index Depth, Inches Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds P 2 P 9 P 13 P 10 P 11 2M 2 2, i.H M M H 12.8 12.0 9.6 8.0 7.3 19 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY P14 P16 AGRICULTURAL BEAMS Continued PLOW BEAMS Continued P17 Section Index Depth, Inehe 8 Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds P 14 2M 1M IN 9 /i 7 /ie 10.3 9.2 P 15 2^ 1M 1H H H 8.7 7.6 P 16 2J-S 1^ 1^ 7 /ie r /ic 7.0 6.0 P 17 2M l IK % %i 6.4 5.4 20 BEAMS AGRICULTURAL BEAMS Continued PLOW BEAMS Continued P506 I, Section Index Depth, Inches Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds 2^ IHle # 11.7 2 ^ 11.2 P 7 2% i? 10.6 2 % 1H 10.1 2% 1 7 /1 9.5 2% 1 9 /10 9/ 10 9.6 2' 5 A \ 1 A Yi 9.1 P 506 2% 2 5 A iW ft 8.5 8.0 2 5 A 1 5 /16 7.4 2 5 A IN J? 6.9 2]4 mio M 11.3 2 1 A 15-8 Hie 10.8 2 Y> i ^ift 10.2 P 3 2 1 A 1 }/z %6 9.7 2 Yi 1 7 /i 1^ 9.2 2 1 A 1 5 /1 8 6 1 8.6 8.1 2*A IJie *A 8.8 P 8 2 % 7 A 8.3 2 ^2 1 5 /1Q 7.8 2 1 A 1 J4 % 7.3 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY AGRICULTURAL BEAMS Concluded PLOW BEAMS Concluded :_i P 501 P 500 Section Index Depth, Inches Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds iy> 1M M 8.2 2)^ Hie 7.7 2> IK ^ 7.2 P 501 2^ IHe %6 6.6 2 J^ 1 J^ 6.1 2H 15 Ac Tie 5.6 2^ % % 5.0 2% !5/ 1(J N 6.2 P 500 2% i>i 7 /ie 5.7 2% l?io 3/g 5.2 BULB SECTIONS BULB BEAMS Section Index Depth, Inches Pounds ' Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness Inches Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional *B 100 10 36.6 28.1 5.500 5.250 5M 0.625 0.375 % *B 101 9 24.'3 5.125 4.938 4JL 0.563 0.375 '% *B 102 8 24.2 20.0 5.156 5.000 5 0.469 0.313 ] %2 *B 103 7 23.3 18.1 5.094 4.875 53/ 32 4% 0.531 0.313 %i 8 *B 10 ^ r, 17.2 4.524 4 17/32 0.430 7 Ae 14.0 4.375 0.281 Furnished only by special arrangement. 23 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SHIP BUILDING BULB ANGLES British Standard Sections .625 r *B196 1.625* 10 *B197 .525" Section Index Depth, Inches Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional Pounds 0.650 *HJ 32.1 *B 196 10.000 10 3.500 3H 0.625 0.600 H 19 /32 31.1 30.1 0.575 37 /64 29.1 0.550 35 /04 27.9 *B 197 10.000 10 3.500 3*A 0.525 0.500 f 26.9 25.9 0.475 15 /3:> 24.9 *Furnished only by special arrangement. 24 BULB SECTIONS .600' CO .675 CO .475 li *-.- "^ SHIP BUILDING BULB ANGLES Continued British Standard Sections Continued -B205 /-^ plf V ;.oo* ^ \ 'T 1 "ii Q1/" J ' N f[\ *B 206 .500; J v" i eo *B201 / V i-675" :/ Si ", 1! f ^ Q - -- ->! i-p 7 L V*B 202 .575'' J v i- 475 " y "]l 1-fi * q - * Section Index Depth, Inches Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional *B 205 *B 206 *B 201 *B 202 *B 203 9.500 9M 9.500 9M 9.000 9 9.000 9 9.000 9 3.500 3 y 2 3.500 3^ 3.500 3*A 3.500 3^ 3.500 3 1 A 0.625 6 A 0.600 i%a 0.575 3 % 4 0.550 3 %4 0.525 i%2 0.500 ^ 0.475 i% 2 0.450 29/ 04 0.675 4% 4 0.650 21 /i2 0.625 ^ 0.600 19 / 32 0.575 3 %4 0.550 3 % 4 0.525 i% a 0.500 J4 0.475 i% 2 0.450 2^ 4 0.425 27/ B4 0.400 !%> 29.7 28.8 27.8 26.9 25.7 24.7 23.8 22.8 30.4 29.5 28.6 27.7 26.6 25.7 24.8 23.9 22.7 21.8 20.9 20.0 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 25 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY ,575' f--- i SHIP BUILDING BULB ANGLES Continued British Standard Sections Continued *B208 ^ 475 - J T F-3 ,550' t Vs i . .450' ^ oi/.* _ - ^ r '' - > *B209 *rrv ^ ) 7 L *B211 /* ^\ ** J t * ". ( \ -450'; J T L * *B215 < i-450' ^ ) g J -r Section Index Depth, Inches Flange Width, Web Thickness, Inches Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional *B 208 *B 209 *B 211 *B 212 *B 215 8.500 8% 8.500 8J^ 8.500 8H 8.500 8^ 8.000 8 0.575 a% 4 3.500 3y 2 0.525 i% 4 > olsoo Yz 0.475 1% 2 0.450 2 %4 3.500 o /*2 Q 425 ~"'i4 0^400 i%2 0.575 37/ 04 3.000 3 8:88 % 0.500 H" 0.475 i% 2 3.000 3 S'425 2?|* 0.400 i%2 0.475 i% 2 450 2 %4 3.500 3H 0.425 s% 1 0.400 i% 2 25.3 24.4 23.5 22.7 21.6 20.7 19.8 18.9 24.3 23.4 22.6 21.7 20.7 19.8 19.0 18.1 20.5 19.6 18.8 18.0 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 20 BULB SECTIONS .525"-,- CO SHIP BUILDING BULB ANC British Standard Sections- *B217 /^ST S ;-5 25 " J JLES Continued Continued I ' . 16 " Qs* tiaO '- 15 " ^l^ '--- ---2%- D Section ID epth, Flange Width, ches Inches Web Thickness, | Wei ht Inches i per Foot, Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional h ' ounds 0.328 2i/ 64 10.3 *B 137 5.000 5 2.500 2Y 2 0.313 5^ io.O 0.298 i%* 9-7 *B 143 5.000 5 2.500 2,y 2 0.240 J 8.3 *B 144 4.500 Y 2 2.250 2M 0.220 %2 6.7 *B 145 3.000 3 2.000 2 0.190 % 3.60 *B 146 3.000 3 1.750 1M 0.1CO % 2 3.25 *B 147 2.500 2K 1-500 1J^ 0.150 % 2 2.66 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 30 BULB SECTIONS (\ CAR BUILDING BULB ANGLES *B124 *B122 Section Index Depth, Inches Flange Width, Inches Web^ckness, Weight per Foot, Pounds Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional *B 125 5.000 5 4.500 4H 0.438 %6 19.3 *B 124 5.000 5 3.500 3H 0.375 N 13.2 *B 122 4.000 4 3.500 3^ 0.500 M 14.3 *B 123 4.000 4 3.500 3H 0.375 3 A 11.9 Furnished only by special arrangement. 31 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY STRUCTURAL CHANNELS T 1 d S i 1 ijfo.24* 3.000'- * ? C 1 ^L_i, .900" ~~~~ --^ 1 _J T 11 2 i ^^J 0.19" ^r" 1 1 --3.625^ A | C20 ^^^^ I 880" i 1 T "i t * -3.401' ,| Section Index Depth of Weight Channel, per Foot, Inches Pounds j Flange Width, Web Thickness, Inches Inches Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional C 1 C 20 55.0 50.0 1 K. 45.0 15 40.0 35.0 33.0 55.0 50.0 45.0 13 40.0 37.0 35.0 32.0 3.818 3.720 3.622 3.524 3.426 3.400 4.529 4.416 4.303 4.190 4.122 4.077 4.000 313/ie 0.818 i%6 323/33 0.720 2% 2 3% 0.622 y s 31%2 0.524 1%2 3 2 % 4 0.426 2 %4 3 13 /32 0.400 X %2 417/32 0.904 29/ 32 427/ 64 0.791 B%4 4i% 4 0.678 43/ 64 4% 6 0.565 /i6 4^ 0.497 1 A 4% 4 0.452 29/ 64 4 0.375 % 32 CHANNELS IIT" ? I STRUCTURAL CHANNELS Continued ~*t 1*0.280* /TI Co 2 / / N i \ * i i 3 ' 38 " a0.280" L4_..J k - f ; 12" >l i "*| fo.240" \ C3 / 4 \ K 8 158 ' r / ^ Vl- 34 " -L0.240" U , i T ' ' 633 10 /; >l Section Index Depth of Weight Flai \ ge Width ' Web Thickness, Channel. per Foot. Inches Inches Inches Pounds Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional C 2 C 3 40.0 3.418 3 2 % 0.758 % 4 35.0 3.296 3i% 4 0.636 Hk 12 30.0 3.173 3iy 6 4 0.513 33/ 64 25.0 3.050 3%4 0.390 2% 4 20.5 2.940 2i% 0.280 % 2 35.0 3.183 33Ac 0.823 s% 4 30.0 3.036 31/32 0.676 48^ 4 10 25.0 2.889 257/ 04 0.529 iy 3a 20.0 2.742 2*%4 0.382 ^ 15.0 2.600 2i% 2 0.240 i%4 33 CARNEGIE* STEEL COMPANY STRUCTURAL CHANNELS Continued 0.230* Section Index Depth of Channel, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Width, Inches Decimal Fractional Web Thickness, Inches Decimal Fractional C 4 C 5 6 25.0 20.0 15.0 13.25 21.25 18.75 16.25 13.75 11.25 19.75 17.25 14.75 12.25 9.75 2.815 2.652 2.488 2.430 2.622 2.530 2-.439 2.347 2.260 2.513 2.408 2.303 2.198 2.090 2 Vic 0.615 0.452 0.288 0.230 0.582 0.490 0.399 0.307 0.220 0.633 0.528 0.423 0.318 0.210 3 %4 13 /64 34 CHANNELS STRUCTURAL CHANNELS Concluded ~1 1*0.200* T~~ \ C7 m s Vr / " 8 4.518" ^ / i \H0.30" 10.200 u . i T r Tf n" C 8 h~~j i '- \ / o \ K 3.609-' v / ? 1 \ {0.29" ^0.'190"_U > 1 r f C9 ~] r^iso" i Y-II \ f; 2 - 700 ; Vl - 2 8 10.180 ji t U- 4" , 0.413 J \T [\T-1.789^ / 7 1 Vl - 2 ?"! J iT \ 1&, i . f U- 3" Section Index Depth of Channel, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Decimal Fractional ' Decimal Fractional 15.5 2.283 2%2 0.563 / 16 C 7 G 13.0 10.5 2.160 2.038 2% 2 2%a 0.440 7^ e 0.318 % 8.0 1.920 1 5 %4 0.200 13^4 11.5 2.037 21/32 0.477 V 4 C 8 5 9.0 1.890 1 5 %4 0.330 2y 04 6.5 1.750 1M 0.190 / 10 7.25 1.725 1 2 %2 0.325 21^ C 9 4 6.25 1.652 1 21 /32 0.252 ^ 5.25 1.580 1 37 / / 4 0.180 / 1( , 6.0 1.602 1 %1 0.362 2% 4 C 72 3 5.0 1.504 ij4 0.264 17 7 ^4 4.0 1.410 1 !%2 0.170 i%4 35 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SHIP BUILDING CHANNELS 31 (r ] O.C50* r~ ~^Xo .30" ' ? i J *s C170 1 CO 1 1 -In .in" *] vi 10.473" y } i 0.750" T 1 ~1 5 JS.548* - J - 4 25" 1 S; o C 171 1 .1 ! CO *j Vi 0.600" i 0.440" ;y T L... 0.652" 12" ~" foieoo" * """ 1 : * > \ & i- -- ^ \ 1 i * C160 1 Cs CO JO i * 7 821" H 0.40" .1 0.447* M 1 ( o 700" T Section Index Depth of Weight Channel, per Foot, Inches Pounds Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Decimal Fractio nal Decimal Fractional 50.0 4.140 4%4 0.840 2 !/82 48.4 4.100 43/32 0.800 5 %4 C 170 46.3 44.3 4.050 4%4 4.000 4 0.750 0.700 4 %4 40.0 3.8-95 3 B% 4 0.595 1% 2 35.0 3.773 3*% 4 0.473 15 /32 40.8 3.700 34% 4 0.700 45/ 64 C 171 37.2 32.7 3.610 339/e 3.500 3Y 2 4 0.610 0.500 39/04 H 30.2 3.440 3tt a 0.440 40.0 4.091 43/32 0.741 47 /04 36.9 4.000 4 0.650 2 V 32 C 160 10 34.4 3.925 3% 4 0.575 3 %4 31.8 3.850 327/, 3 0.500 K 30.0 3.797 3 5y t 14 0.447 2% * CHANNELS e T" i i cd 1 1 1 HIP BUILDING l-v v CHANNELS Contin -* C150 8 16" "- ^ ued k- ^ It 1 1 _, I \ I t-i 0.40 V* J, 0.475" \J 0.550" i T" i i ! " ^ -, ^0.30" C150b ^ 8.279" ->j ^l ' 40 ], 0.375" \J 1 !< ~ i 0.406 T T i i if ( ~~ l 0.469" ii 3 i 1 i f 10 ^ ~--|4r "I C140 0.600" 1 CO f- ; --I 0.40" j,0.450" \J , 0.700" 1^ t Section Index Depth of Weight Channel, per Foot, Inches Pounds Flange Width, Web Thickness, Inches Inches Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional C 150 C 150b C 140 33.2 30.6 10 28.9 27.2 26.4 28.5 26.0 10 24.3 22.6 21.7 35.5 q 34.7 9 31.7 28.6 3.675 343/ ot 0.675 *% 4 3.600 3i% 2 0.600 i%o 3.550 3%4 0.550 3 %4 3.500 3 1 A 0.500 y 2 3.475 3 15 / 32 0.475 J %2 3.575 3'/04 0.575 3%4 3.500 3^ 0.500 Yz 3.450 32%4 0.450 ^%4 3.400 3i%-> 0.400 i% 3.375 3Y S 0.375 Ji " 4.025 4% 2 0.675 *%4 4.000 4 0.650 8% 2 3.900 32% 2 0.550 % 4 3.800 35V et 0.450 2 / 64 37 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SHIP BUILDING CHANNELS Continued C130 . 0.415" 6.525" C 131 .............. -- 6.209'-' ------------- ~ O.34" i 0.344" ; O.374 ..J 0.578 1*0.475' : ~'r^| 0.30* . "T i s i i C120 1 \ |< 5.2S2" >) i tl' 35 " i 0.400" i i 0.525 ss Inches per Foot, Pounds Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional 27.2 3.625 3^ 0.625 M 26.5 3.600 3i% 2 0.600 1% 2 C 130 8 25.2 3.550 33%4 0.550 35 /04 23.8 3.500 3^ 0.500 H 21.5 3.415 327/ C4 0.415 27 /04 C 131 8 21.0 17.6 3.000 2.875 3 2% 0.469 0.344 J 24.5 3.600 31%2 0.600 10 /32 23.3 3.550 3% 4 0.550 3 %4 C 120 7 22.1 3.500 3 1 A 0.500 x^ 20.9 3.450 3*%4 0.450 2 %4 19.7 3.400 31%2 0.400 J %2 38 CHANNELS SHIP BUILDING CHANNELS Concluded rp)- 19 * 1 -*! i --* i C 121 X425" " 'P.-340* t'0.36" i 0.313" i J . i I"P|0.30" n ( ).460" * "Ri( *i C 110 C 109 S f 4.451-"-- -j U0.25* 1 0.410" L i .530" *-- - 4.691-" 10.25" i 0.350" 0.410" - o ""** '*( f ft 0.25" f ^280" "hSf 8 " *! 1 C 107 " 1 8 U 1 C 108 fl 00 1 oj \ r 4p084 ?_ ^ / f ^ 1 * 4.390-"- 3 V 10.50" I0.313" \J. \ J10.34" 10.313" ui, i i ( U- a * ; Section Depth of Weight Index Channel, per Foot, Inches Pounds Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional 21.9 121 7 18 ' 6 7 16.5 15.6 3.575 3.438 3.350 3.313 s'lt 0.575 0.438 0.350 0.313 37 /04 C 110 6 21.5 3.685 3.560 Sf 0.535 0.410 17 /32 C 109 6 15.0 3^500 3K 0.350 % C 107 6 JJJ 3.063 2.813 213/10 0.563 0.313 5 /10 C 108 6 J^'g 2.781 2.563 if: 0.531 0.313 Yio CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CAR BUILDING CHANNELS STRUCTURAL SIZES 0.406" r\ .25" (^ -" 4, *C106 1 ,<. 4.265" ->. H - 25 " 10.375" U soo iO.19 1 fO.469* 'C200 ---2.395- *i 0.28" :o.50 ; 0.531* f 19 *C220 ? I j*~ 2.402-' -* S V;0.38 g 1 0.394 J s 1 ^0.438 * C 112 Section Index Depth of Channel, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Decimal Fractional Decimal Fractional *C 106 5M 17.0 3.500 3M 0.375 Z A *C 200 4 13.6 2.500 2^ 0.500 y* *C 220 4 10.1 2.087 2% 2 0.394 2 %4 *C 112 4 6.4 0.875 H 0.375 H *C 190 3 7.1 1.984 1 %4 0.250 X * Furnished only by special arrangement. 40 CHANNELS CHANNELS BAR MILL SIZES -V^r C539 T^ ^ K _ C538 J&_ i k f 2 y" Fun * 1 /" f *C 556 -I 1 f ff ft r ^ C577 ~ V Mej / ^ 1 l*^ i 1 r* 1 t -^ H K%2 I I |! -i 1 ^ C 534 -*i f\ Me", /" \ / f / g I** t V C 535 - i sl H; / 1 7* \ t ->i -*yV C532 JC _^;_ C631 4* jv" 1 1- "f ,2 i j Section Depth, Index Inches Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Weight per Foot, Inches Pounds C 539 C 538 *C 556 C 577 O 534 O 535 O 532 C 531 |J|Full 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 M C " I 3.87 3.33 2.80 2.27 1.77 1.50 2.10 2.40 1.98 2.18 1.76 2.75 2.32 1.90 1.47 2.24 1.86 1.49 1.92 1.55 1.18 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 41 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CHANNELS BAR MILL SIZES Continued C 529 C 527 C 528 " ' i --- i ^ %i jf /i"-J ! ? : i ,,t i 1 //- 1*- IJ* -J k M >l C 525 * C 585 C 522 _^ ^ a -~y; r ^- \\ *C /f$ (^^t-KsL/^g hj ^ /I i H ^~-i L i*-~- J ^^-^ C 523 C 520 * C 583 -*ilxV- -x K^jtA _j v*u- ^4Vu- "; " * l'*! -^| "^T!" 1 *" "^ K ^4 /^ * //f t* !/4 H f !/4 1 I* 1/4 H Section Index Depth, Inches Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds C 529 11 1 1 1.68 1.36 1.05 C 527 $ Wo i 1.53 1.21 C 528 || 1 i 1.7ft 1.44 1.12 C 525 11 1 s 1.49 1.20 0.91 *C 585 lf< B /10 8 /10 1.13 C 522 II i 1 1.54 1.28 1.01 C 523 11 I H 1.45 1.18 0.92 C 520 *C 583 l|l n i 1.39 1.12 0.85 0.68 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 42 CHANNELS CHANNELS BAR MILL SIZES Continued C518 C519 C516 TtJfe fcjj feft T ! f f i u~itfL~ J k-itf J i i--- C574 C586 C513 C 589 fir" ^04 Me /04 3/" -/" 5/ -4 V- -ip *] V ^j5r -/V- 4 -f*> lip ,,t t ,,t i C 511 C 510 C 508 -^V >K- ^y fa y^ ^ fVlil/] f PJ ^I/]"^ hv^n/]''|| Section Index Depth, Inches Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds C 518 1 Vi 2 o H 1.29 1.05 0.81 C 519 1 8 |- W 1.16 0.92 C 516 i i i 1 1.04 0.83 0.77 C 574 i i I ^ 0.95 0.75 C 586 i H 3 /ic 0.83 C 513 i i i 7 /to i H 1.10 0.89 0.68 C 589 i H .108 0.60 C 511 8 H 6 8 /io H 0.92 0.73 C 510 I 7 /io 1 1.06 0.88 0.69 C 508 I | F 0.84 0.65 0.61 43 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CHANNELS BAR MILL SIZES Continued P 568 8 * C 506 %" ji" C571 w C570 C588 C 569^ C 584 , -*( 8 (- -^K- 4JW* * ' f "^ | ' y- ' i _ V %" J H- - ,/4 >" C503 C502 w i^rf-ft-. "^r"^ C ;/ 501 w C, 500 , w m? Section Index Depth, Inches Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds C 568 ti H %4 0.57 C 506 H H %4 0.47 C 571 $ H 2 %4 0.56 0.52 C 570 i Si ft 0.50 0.46 C 588 Yt H .099 0.40 C 569 X N No. 15 B. W. G. 0.4O C 584 H H 8 /16 0.52 C 503 8 % ^ 0.41 0.38 C 502 H 5 Ao 8/J2 0.35 C 500 n 4 I 0.28 0.26 C 501 >i ^ |1 8/32 %4 0.25 0.23 CHANNELS CHANNELS BAR MILL SIZES Continued BRAKE BEAM CHANNELS -*%v C 578 8, 2'- MISCELLANEOUS CHANNELS *C640 C 221 C597 C598 X *C620 Section Index Depth, Inches Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds C 567 C 578 *C 640 *C 221 C 597 C 598 *C 620 *C 660 2 2 2 2 I'M 5 %4 1JN l 8 /i 4 8 1 1 & 1 A 6.0 5.0 6.4 3.87 2.57 1.78 1.57 0.79 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 45 . CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CHANNELS BAR MILL SIZES Continued SOLID RUBBER TIRE CHANNELS i__\ C 608 1 Ur ---- 1- -f-^f T JL_J C607 Section Index Base, Inches Depth, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds C 613 4 ! 5 /i 6.7 C 612 3/^ 1E Ho 5 /i6 5.4 C 611 3 5 %4 1 %4 4.3 C 610 2H 53 /C4 %2 3.60 C 609 2 M M 2.70 C 608 1M 2 % 2 1% 4 2.20 C 607 \y % 4 ^4 %2 2.00 4G CHANNELS CHANNELS BAR MILL SIZES Continued SOLID RUBBER TIRE CHANNELS Concluded C606 ^ C605 ft K- 1% > C 603 13 |<- 1 >< K %--! -%-* CUSHION TIRE CHANNELS Commercial Name: 1H Commercial Name: 134 C 1250 Commercial Name: f V /V C 1125 Section Index Base, Inches Depth, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds C 606 11/2 nfe ]%4 1.80 C 605 IN 39 /' %o 1.50 C 604 1M # H4 1.20 C 603 1 lj ^ 1.00 C 602 l 3%! 0.79 C 601 0.67 C 600 K J %2 0.51 C 1500 ^/io H 1.11 C 1250 3-/ 32 3-4 o 0.80 C 1125 C 1000 i 1 g 0.75 0.68 47 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CHANNELS BAR MILL SIZES Continued ROUND BACK CHANNELS C 544 C543 C541 Section Index Depth, Inches Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds C 544 3 M 5 /io 3.65 C 543 2^ N M 2.40 C 542 2 /10 fi 1.67 C 541 *'H 1 A % 1.33 48 CHANNELS CHANNELS BAR MILL SIZES Continued HARROW CHANNELS C 561 C 563 C560 ., i n i i I ^ , ,," I f ,!/* ! "^ C564 C565 DASH AND FENDER CHANNELS C 548 C 546 C551 C547 K- I 8 /* - Section Index Width, Inches Depth, Inches Web Thickness, Weight per Foot, Inches Pounds 1 C 560 Itf H % 1.56 C 561 1J Hie 8 /ie 1.68 C 563 1%4 M %6 1.26 C 564 1M4 ?io 1.05 C 565 l 7 /16 %2 0.82 C 548 1% K %2 1.10 C 546 1M %2 %2 0.68 C 549 1%6 %2 S /82 0.78 C 551 IK 5 /io No. 12 B. W. G. 0.65 C 547 6 %4 17 /64 %2 0.54 4'J CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CHANNELS BAR MILL SIZES Concluded SHARP TOE CHANNELS *C 595 r- 3/ ^ i [\ 1.137 [/[I I i C592 .i/'' C593^ c : C 591 ,< C 594 r \ * [M ^. N -- * v j? f&S\ ^ ; ii/" .' I / // i * i/" ^"~^~ii >1 ' ' ROUND TOE CHANNEL --v^l/'' /-i rrrw? / s J . *J /64p" {j OOD ^ ~i I 1 f : ' TIRE CHANNEL HARROW CHANNEL TEDDER WASHER CHANNEL * C63 *C599 ^ ^CllOO V ^ j>/ 3 * Y-^ y! j \ ^ / e ] \^^ ^^/ ^ L^-.-.i^....^^,; i y L -iVlG-^ <- --2"- ^ STOVE LEG CHANNEL C582 n//f .:f r ^ r . RAKE CHANNEL *C587 (\J^j/J^ T,, ; * Section Depth, Wid Index Inches Incl th, Web Thickness, Weight per Foot, IBS Inches Pounds *C 595 2K ^ C 592 in/jo ^ C 593 lo/ 32 i,\ C 591 1V 10 ^ C 594 7,16 ^ 2 ^ C 536 2 /i 2 > *C 630 2 ^ *C 599 12V { o 28 *C 1100 IVie 7^ C 582 1 *>> *C 587 1 4y 4 ^ 1 full .137 1.47 X 1-60 o 13 /4 1-13 s 9io 0.84 ^ /64 0.29 \i 2.25 4e 1-83 g y* i.4o '/ ^ 210 32 %i J.1U o %a 1-00 o Ys 0.50 12 %4 0.35 * Furnished only by special arrangement. U-BARS U-BARS U571 U575 U576 U577 U579 U573 U581 Section Index Width, Inches Flange Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches U 571 U 575 U 576 U 577 U 579 U 581 U 573 I 1 3.23 1.95 1.78 1.63 1.69 1.48 1.85 51 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY EQUAL ANGLES STRUCTURAL SIZES rr o J 1 C\Y* n | r " Qy 2 " T %" r i j * A 113 fjV" ^%" CO to A 116 A 103 to A 88 A 94 s to A 17 i L .1 .* i ^/ Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds A 113 8x8 ll t 56.9 A 112 8x8 IVlt 54.0 A 111 8x 8 1 51.0 A. 110 8x 8 1 B A6 48.1 A. 109 8 x 8 J i 45.0 A 108 8x8 1 %0 42.0 A 107 8x 8 2 38.9 A 106 8 x 8 1 35.8 A 105 8x8 | r 32.7 A. 104 8 x 8 29.6 A 103 8x8 \ $ 26.4 * A 116 6x6 \\ i> 39.6 A 86 6x 6 1 37.4 A 87 6x6 15 /10 35.3 A 1 6x 6 \ 8 33.1 A 2 6x 6 1 3 /10 31.0 A 3 6x6 4 28.7 A 4 6x 6 1 Vl6 26.5 A 5 6x 6 I 24.2 A 6 6x6 9 \G 21.9 A 7 6 x 6 J 19.6 A 8 6x 6 '"; lo 17.2 A 88 6x6 14.9 A 94 5x5 1 30.6 A 95 5 x 5 } 5 Ac 28.9 A 9 5 x 5 J i 27.2 A 10 5x5 1 %o 25.4 A 11 5 x 5 i 4 23.6 A 12 5x5 1 Vio 21.8 A 13 5 x 5 ^ { 20.0 A 14 . 5x5 V lo 18.1 A 15 5x 5 16.2 A 16 5 x 5 \ 14.3 A 17 5x5 ? / 12.3 52 ANGLES EQUAL ANGLES STRUCTURAL SIZES Concluded Cr ~<~ : i "~ ~~ 3 P i r H~i3 i i i t i i i j i J A 1 Q ^\ w to to A 284 * tA291 A 34 to tA501 i i i | ^"~* 1 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Weight per Foot, Inches Pounds A 18 A 19 A 20 A 21 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 13 /10 & o 19.9 18.5 17.1 15.7 7 I 22 4x4 14.3 1 L 23 4x4 12.8 A 24 4x4 11.3 i L 25 4x4 9.8 t I 90 4x4 5*16 8.2 A 284 4x4 k 6.6 A 26 3^ x 3J^ 18/io 17.1 I I 27 3 }/% x 3 % 16.0 i L 28 3 ]/2 x 3 }/z U4fl 14.8 A 29 3 i^ x 3 J^ 13.6 j L 30 3 }/i x 3 ^ 12.4 A 31 A 32 |H X3H IT 11.1 9.8 1 L 33 3H x 3^ 3^ 8.5 A 99 tj/ 10 7.2 / I 285 3 ]/i x 3 ^ M 5.8 *fA 288 3^ x 3 Yi % 4.4 *JA 291 zy 2 x 3^ %2 3.64 A 34 3x3 ^ 11.5 i L 35 3x3 9 is 10.4 A 36 3x3 i^ 9.4 > y. 37 3x3 7 /io 8.3 A 38 3x3 N 7.2 k ^ 39 3x3 B i6 6.1 1 ^ 40 3x3 \/ 4.9 tA 500 3x3 S A& 3.71 tA 501 3x3 K 2.50 * Furnished only by special arrangement, t Bar mill 53 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY EQUAL ANGLES BAR MILL SIZES i i i j j * J i \ A 506 C~~ f Y* " V A 41 i i i i i i ; ^ tf> * J v A 5( % A 46 [ f ! X 8 " ej tO ^ *s- A 61 A 504 \^ A 51 to J L.U Section Size, Index Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds A 150 A 151 A 152 7x3^ 7x3^ 7x3^ 1 H 32.3 30.5 28.7 A 153 7x3} i 18/46 26.8 A 154 7 x3J 4 H 24.9 A 155 7 x3J i 23.0 A 156 7 x 3} A ' 5 A & 21.0 A 157 7 x 3J 4 19.1 A 158 7 x 3j 4 /4 17.0 A 159 7x3' 4 7 As 15.0 A 310 7 _, o H 13.0 *A 124 6 1 A x 3J 4 H 20.0 *A 123 6J^ x 3j 4 9 /16 18.1 *A 122 6J- x 3] 4 16.2 *A 121 , 6 J A x 3j 4 7 /18 14.3 *A 120 / 6H x 3] 4 H 12.3 A 89 6x4 i 30.6 A 91 6x4 if^ 28.9 A 160 6x4 % 27.2 A 161 6x4 %e 25.4 A 162 6x4 23.6 A 163 6x4 Hie 21.8 A 164 6x4 20.0 A 165 6x4 9 /4 8 6 18.1 A 166 6x4 Y* 16.2 A 167 6x4 7 /16 14.3 A 168 6x4 12.3 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 57 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY UNEQUAL ANGLES STRUCTURAL SIZES Continued - 3V" -1 * -3 y/._.._.. ^ 9 /2 i i I ; i T J J *' 1 p? T K" /" | ;/ a J 5 / it \ ^' '*'" *A 333 J A 178 A 92 "S to to "o to A 301 *A330 1 i A 292 [_L 1_. J Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds A 92 A 93 A 169 6 x 6 x 6 x 3 :* 3 H y* x 1 >%6 28.9 27.3 25.7 A 170 6 x :3 % J %6 24.0 A 171 6 x :i \t M 22.4 A 172 6 x 3 Hie 20.6 A 173 6 x 3 y* 5^ 18.9 A 174 6 x 3 y* %6 17.1 A 175 6 x :3 y* V* 15.3 A 176 6 x 3 y*, 7 A& 13.5 A 177 6 x 3 X % 11.7 A 301 6 x :$ 5 /io 9.8 *A 333 5^2 X 3 y* H 14.5 *A 332 5 Hi x 3 X Vie 12.8 *A 331 5% x :-! X 3^ 11.0 *A 330 5H x 3 X 5 /16 9.3 A 178 5 x 4 K 24.2 A 179 5 x 4 yKe 22.7 A 180 5 x 4 21.1 A 181 5 x 4 Hie 19.5 A 182 5 x 4 17.8 A 183 5 x 4 9ie 16.2 A 184 5- x 4 H 14.5 A 185 5 x 4 VlO 12.8 A 186 5 x i 11.0 A 292 5 x 4 ^ie 9.3 i * Furnished only by special arrangement. 58 ANGLES UNEQUAL ANGLES STRUCTURAL SIZES Continued f 3^-" 1 f i I < 1 " a J f J%-, t ^iG f ' J * f ~^| r U% Mo t j r a>-2 j ^ -) ' s A 187 py s " t5 /io" "" to , A 196 U. _ A 96 to 6 A 204 A 212 A 280 j to % *A97 to A 98 i i L LU L L J Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds A 187 A 188 5 x 3H 5x3^ $1 22.7 21.3 A 189 5 x 3^2 M 19.8 A 190 5 x3 l A Hie 18.3 A 191 5 x 3^2 16.8 A 192 5 x 3 ^ %6 15.2 A 193 5 x 3 1 A 1^ 13.6 A 194 5 x 3 }/% 1\Q 12.0 A 195 5 x 3^ % 10.4 A 96 5 x 3 1 A G /io 8.7 A 196 5x3 %| 19.9 A 197 5x3 18.5 A 198 5x3 11^- 17.1 A 199 5x3 % 15.7 A 200 5x3 Ao 14.3 A 201 5x3 12.8 A 202 5x3 'vifi 11.3 A 203 5x3 3^ 9.8 A 280 5x3 5 /16 8.2 *A 204 4^ x 3 13 /10 18.5 *A 205 4*A x 3 N 17.3 *A 206 41/2 x 3 A 16.0 *A 207 4 1 A x 3 14.7 *A 208 4% x 3 13.3 *A 209 4 1 A x 3 X A 11.9 *A 210 4Yz x 3 f 10 10.6 *A 211 4 1 A x 3 9.1 *A 97 4 1 A x 3 B /16 7.7 A 212 4 x 3 1 A ^0 18.5 A 213 4 x 3 J4 17.3 A 214 4x3^ Hio 16.0 A 215 4x3^ H 14.7 A 216 4 x 3 1 A 13.3 A 217 4 x3 l A i^ 11.9 A 218 T /^ 10.6 A 219 4 x3*A 9.1 A 98 4 x 3H 5 /i 8 c 7.7 * Furnished only by special arrangement. CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY UNEQUAL ANGLES STRUCTURAL SIZES Continued (*~ 3 IK 54 1 1* { 1 ' * 1 r ^ 3 f., '^ VT 2 >64 I 6 2H- H \U A 22^ i ' A OOA "5^ A f\AA *A 600 *7rr v J\ LtLJJ % .**. O^i^ % 7- to to to A 286' '*^ A 283 *A 640 * A598 i % i A 238 ] ^_U to i-D 'i-U i- J A 245 i uJ Section Index Size, Thickness, Weight per Foot, Inches Inches Pounds A 220 4x3 la/ie 17.1 A 221 4x3 % 16.0 A 222 4x3 itfe 14.8 A 223 A 224 4x3 % 4x3 /io 13.6 12.4 A 225 4x3 H 11.1 A 226 4x3 Vio 9.8 A 227 4x3 % 8.5 A 228 4x3 s/ie 7.2 A 283 4x3 M 5.8 *A 644 4 x 2M % 12.0 *A 643 4 x 2 \i ,46 10.9 *A 642 4 x 2M Yt 9.8 *A 641 4 x 2 J4 7/ 16 8.7 *A 640 4 x2M % 7.5 *A 600 4x2 % 7.2 *A 601 4x2 6/ lfl 6.1 *A 598 4x2 M 4.9 A 229 3^ x 3 18 /4o 15.8 A 230 3 1 A x 3 % 14.7 A 231 3H x 3 ii^ fi 13.6 A 232 3^x3 ^i 12.5 A 233 sy 2 x 3 /l 11.4 A 234 3J4 x 3 Yz 10.2 A 235 3^x3 T^Q 9.1 A 236 A 237 3H x 3 3^x3 f 7.9 6.6 A 286 3>i x 3 5.4 A 238 3^ x 2J^ tte 12.5 A 239 3 1^ x 2 l^ 11.5 \ A 240 31^ x 21^ 94 6 10.4 A 241 3 y% x 2 l^ Y* 9.4 A 242 3 5^ x 2 V4 flo 8.3 A 243 3^ x 2^ 7.2 A 244 31^ x 2J^ 5 /16 6.1 A 245 3MX2H M 4.9 * Furnished only by special arrangement. ANGLES UNEQUAL ANGLES STRUCTURAL SIZES Concluded r iv-i r 2 ~i r-^-1 i-~ 1 :^1 r I r , * r^?^ r "^^ \ ' i &16 fix" '^^ V" % y\l i *A 602 %* *A246 *> % CO to to *A 263 ^ *tA 604 1 1 *A632 *A 251 1 1 L i ) - r- L_L h -2^ic- -i h- 2%- -i r - 2^ -i r j- i ) 1 ij x^ u t8 ' /^ l^// ^ VMo* ->A" ' Mo" 16 16 Ko : *A 481 "7 *A 480 A 252 to M A 258 to i i tA605 tA606 * -^ L j ; L L_ 1 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *A 602 3H x 2 M 6.6 *A 603 3^x2 5 A 5.6 . *A 632 33^ x 2 M 4.5 *A 246 3M x 2 9/ 10 9.0 *A 247 3M x 2 % 8.1 *A 248 3w x 2 7 /10 7.2 *A 249 3 74 x 2 6.3 *A 250 3 % x 2 %a 5.3 *A 251 3M x 2 M 4.3 *A 263 3M x l^s ^ 5.8 *fA 604 3% x 1^ . %o 2.99 *A 481 3 X 218/16 /io 10.1 *A 480 3 X211/1,; 9la 9.8 A 252 3 x 2H 9 /1c 9.5 A 253 3x2^ 8.5 A 254 3x2^ Vi 2 c, 7.6 A 255 3x2^ 6.6 A 256 3 x 2 7^ %0 5.6 A 257 3 x 2^ M 4.5 fA 605 3 x 2^2 S /16 3.39 A 258 3x2 H 7.7 A 259 3x2 7 /l 6.8 A 260 3x2 5.9 A 261 3x2 ^Ifl 5.0 A 262 3x2 /4 4.1 fA 606 3x2 3 /16 3.07 * Furnished only by special arrangement. f Bar mill sizes. 61 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY UNEQUAL ANGLES BAR MILL SIZES I* T i 1/4 i /2 ~1 11 1 1 > T J T ^ ^~~ "^k 1 i 10 | /10 1 1 I 1 % V| A 264 % i A 650 ^ A 610 M to f to M to A 523 i 1 A 609 A 612 1 ! 1 L- L_ J 1_1J 1 4^ j i i, J r j % i *A637 "i: A 270 * and to N *A613 1 A 275 1 i i i - J L\J Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds A 264 2H x 2 1 A 6.8 A 265 2Y 2 x 2 74 fl 6.1 A 266 2J^ x 2 y^ 5.3 A 267 2^ x 2 t40 4.5 A 268 2^x2 1^ 3.62 A 269 2^ x 2 ^ie 2.75 A 523 2J-3 x 2 H 1.86 A 650 2 H x 1 & 5 /16 4.2 A 608 X 3.40 A 609 2% x 1% fa 2.59 A 610 2^ x \Yt 5 /4e 3.92 A 611 \/ 3.19 A 612 % 1 A x 1H Ha 2.44 *A 637 2 ^ X 1 % H 2.28 *A 613 2% x 13^ 1.91 A 270 2 ^ x j_^ H 5.6 A 271 2 M x 1 ^ 7 /ie 5.0 A 272 2 M x 1 H 4.4 A 273 ^ie 3.66 A 274 2 14 x 1 \^ M 2.98 A 275 ' iy x IK 8/16 2.28 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 02 ANGLES UNEQUAL ANGLES BAR MILL SIZES Continued K 1^2 H H 1% -*! I 4 " lM~"~^! !*" "1" *" I I 11 II. t J T .,- , * A ) _ -^ ( ^J W ' 3 /16 A 631 to A 525 A 289 , A 646 w to N and A 277 A 645 *A 538 7 *A 661 1 i I ^ \ 7 * + k A 690 to A 660 5 >6" i *;k A 618 7 to A 620 i i A.JJ Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds A 631 A 614 A 615 A 616 A 525 2x1^ 2 l\y* 2 x i y 2 2x1^ y* 3.99 3.39 2.77 2.12 1.44 A 289 A 290 A 276 A 277 2x1^ 2 x iy s 2 x iy 8 2 x 1H $ x 5 8 /16 3.83 3.26 2.66 2.04 A 646 A 645 2 x IX 2 x IX & 2.55 1.96 *A 538 2x1 3 /10 1.80 A 618 A 619 A 620 ISIiS s 2.34 1.80 1.23 A 690 A 621 A 622 A 660 Sill x 6 2.73 2.24 1.72 1.17 *A 661 IK* y s y* 1.07 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 03 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY U? V JEQUAL ANGLES BAI *, ,, 1-1... I MILL SIZES Concluded . , - '/8 | and A 626 30^ *A 533 V 3. *# A 278 A 279 A 670 to A 624 A 960 ^ *A 529 J *A940^? *A4 L-JJ i ^_j%*... s .*-yg~n *-v->. .*-44". *%** - -p!^ *"'[rw? FT? 4g. 13 , -"hy. ,|:ra. X. A 8 627V, A 629^ and and J A 628 -U A 630 UJ A p;9fi SN A "Q^O *'* A 955 Xi. ObO ^" j -ii- i/OU Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds A 670 A 623 A 624 IS ill # 2.59 2.13 1.64 *A 633 \Yt x 1 y 32 1.70 A 278 A 281 A 279 16 x 1. 1H x 1 1 1.81 1.40 0.96 A 625 A 626 iH x \ K 6 1.32 0.91 A 960 1 1 A * 7 /8 H 0.85 *A 529 1M x M %2 0.98 *A 940 1}%4X M B /32 0.96 *A 430 Uiex i% e %6 1.08 *A 533 1^6 X 2y 32 5 /82 0.83 A 627 A 628 1 x M 1 x % 5c 1.00 0.70 A 629 A 630 1 x -Hi 1 x % 3 K 0.92 0.64 A 526 -% x J^ No. 13 B. W. G. 0.42 A 950 }%6X ^ %2 0.62 *A 955 %e x % Me 0.16 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 64 ANGLES SQUARE ROOT ANGLES STRUCTURAL SIZES *A350 to *A356 *A357 to *A382 ill V *A364 to *A370 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *A 350 4x4 M 18.5 *A 351 4x4 /4e 17.1 *A 352 4x4 5 A 15.7 *A 353 4x4 %6 14.3 *A 354 4x4 K 12.8 *A 355 4x4 %* 11.3 *A 356 4x4 S A 9.8 *A 357 3^x3^ H 16.0 *A 358 3^x3^ W* 14.8 *A 359 3^x3^ % 13.6 *A 360 3^x3^ %6 12.4 *A 361 3^x3^ H 11.1 *A 362 3Kx3H 7 /ie 9.8 *A 363 3^x3^ K 8.5 *A 382 3^x3J^ %6 7.2 *A 364 3x3 11.5 *A 365 3x3 %0 10.4 *A 366 3x3 Yz 9.4 *A 367 3x3 Tie 8.3 *A 368 3x3 H 7.2 *A 369 3x3 5 /i6 6.1 *A 370 3x3 M 4.9 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 65 CARNEQIE STEEL COMPANY SQUARE ROOT ANGLES BAR MILL SIZES j. i 4 i ] 1 1 ' 1 ' rf \ *A 371 " to *A380 V V *A 375 N tO *A379 1 ^i- , 1- iJJ r~ i i i i i i i_L *A383 to *A387 1 to 1_L Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *A 371 *A 372 *A 373 *A 374 *A 380 *A 375 *A 376 *A 377 *A 378 *A 379 *A 383 *A 384 *A 385 *A 386 *A 387 *A 388 *A 389 *A 390 *A 391 *A 521 2*1 x 2% 2% x 2% 2M x 2M 2M x 2% 2jJ x 2Y 2 2 2* 2 2 2x2 2x2 2x2 2x2 2x2 M 8 i M 1 Tie %6 8.5 7.6 6.6 5.6 4.5 7.7 6.8 5.9 5.0 4.1 6.8 6.1 5.3 4.5 3.62 5.3 4.7 i 3.92 3.19 2.44 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 66 ANGLES SQUARE ROOT ANGLES BAR MILL SIZES Concluded r< -- \>A * J + -l/i c -- w i ' _j . llxi* . xr *A392 v r to f 1 *A 520 *A404 *' ^ 7 *A396 1 \,s i_ .- to < i_J *A 399 i *A 400 to *A403 p- i 1 *" -i r r 10 . 3//_^ [ 1 S? T J f . j^-r *{ tff *A 406 ^A4 / 09 ^ *A412 ^ 1 , >s to J *A 408 to and A 414 *A 411 ^-^ *A 413 1 ^ * and Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Weight per Foot, Inches Pounds *A S92 IX x 1% 7 /i 4.6 *A 393 1 % x 1 M H 3.99 *A 394 1 % x 1 % 3.39 *A 395 1% x 1% M 2.77 *A 520 1% x \y %o 2.12 *A 404 l%oxl%o M 2.44 *A 396 \\^ K \y 2 3^ 3.35 *A 397 lYz* 1 A %0 2.86 *A 398 1 /^ X ]/2 lx/ 2.34 *A 399 1 1 A x Y 2 % 1.80 *A 400 1M x y 5 /ic 2.33 *A 401 1 M x J4 \/ 1.92 *A 402 J lx/ x J4 8 ie 1.48 *A 403 1M x M s 1.01 *A 406 1J^ x Ji M 1.70 *A 407 3 /16 1.32 *A 408 1^ x H 0.91 *A 409 1x1 y 1.49 *A 410 *A 411 1 X 1 1x1 f 1.16 0.80 *A 412 y% x % 3 Ae 1.00 *A 413 Jix % H 0.70 *A 414 M x M 8 /16 0.84 *A 415 /4x M 0.59 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 67 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY ROUND BACK ANGLES - --- H t CO / *$A 701 to *J A 704 L -Jl" *{A 712 to J M" T >io" C! *t A 720 1 and *_. *t A 721 t A 910 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *JA 701 *JA 702 *JA 703 *: A 700 *JA 704 3jJ x3K %6 11.3 10.2 9.0 7.8 6.6 *A 712 *|A 711 *|A 710 Ilii 1 7.2 6.1 4.9 *fA 720 *fA 721 ISxI^ & 3.48 2.66 *fA 730 2x2 S /1 6 2.34 *fA 740 IMxlM 9k 2.02 *fA 750 l^x 15i S /16 1.86 *tA 910 MX M %* 0.48 * Furnished only by special arrangement. t Bar mill sizes. I Structural sizes. 68 ANGLES MISCELLANEOUS ANGLES BAR MILL SIZES PROTECTION STRIP ANGLE OBTUSE ANGLE *A770 % ! 10 *A680 TIRE LUG ANGLE *A890 TRACK ANGLES <~lfl6 : *A900 SASH ANGLES r 5 /&j*J fini A 528 %2-J I- TAPER ANGLE -i 4 ?- -A 800 REACH ANGLE *A820 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *A 770 *A 680 *A 890 *A 900 *A 920 *A 537 *A 528 *A 800 *A 820 2^ x \% l%e x 13/ 16 1^8 X K 1 Vie x i%6 IHo X 1% 6 2M x IJi 1 A X % 6 1 4 %4X Via 7 A x ^ % K, %e %* 8 /32, %* See Cut H 1.44 1.40 1.07 0.90 0.91 2.03 0.22 0.90 0.44 * Furnished only by special arrangement. CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY EQUAL TEES STRUCTURAL SIZES -61/2- L 0.4 r/' 0.55* J *> i T40 > . rt A * J .0.45' *#- Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Stem Flange Stem T 40 6X 6^ 0.40 to 0.55 0.45 19.8 T 46 4 4 5 A to Hie i to iy s 21.1 T 1 4 4 M to % 6 V* to % e 13.5 T 2 4 4 ^g to%e ^ toTio 10.5 70 TEES EQUAL TEES STRUCTURAL SIZES Concluded . T4 T6 1 T T8 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches per Foot, Pounds Flange Stem Flange Stem T 3 3H 3 y 2 Yz to%o 1 A to% 11.7 T 4 3^ ZY* M to Tic H to Tie 9.2 T 6 3 3 H to % 6 J^ tO/16 9.9 T 7 3 3 Tie to 3^ Tie to ^ 8.9 T 8 3 3 % to% 6 M to %o 7.8 T 9 o 3 5 /io to % r >ie to M 6.7 71 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY EQUAL TEES BAR MILL SIZES H 2^ Section Index UliC, J.JJUUCO j.UJl,n.utc, xuvuco II V li-,11 U per Foot, Pounds Flange Stem Flange Stem T 10 2^ 2 ^ % to %e K to % e 6.4 T 11 2M 2> 5 /ie to % %6 tO ^ 5.5 *T 23 2^ 2J^ 0.245 to 0.255 0.228 to 0.267 4.1 T 12 2M 2M 5/ie to % %6 to ^^ 4.9 T 13 2M 2M M to% 6 M to %o 4.1 T 14 2 2 5/ie to y s %e to % 4.3 T 15 2 2 % tO 5^(5 M to 5/ 16 3.56 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 72 TEES EQUAL TEES BAR MILL SIZES Continued -\*/r L_ *'* Vl I T 16 4 T 514 tf --^F^^ -,*T T17 T18 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Stem Flange Stem T 16 IX \H X to KG M to % 3.09 T 514 1% iK M to M 1 A 2.90 T 500 1M IH 3 /10 tO 3/ 16 3 /16 2.26 T 17 m 1 1 A M to% 2 M to % 2 2.47 T 513 1 1 A ^A K to M M 2.43 T 18 t% I'H %0 tO %a 3 /16 tO 7/32 1.94 T 512 1 1 A i% 3 /io to 3/ 10 %6 1.90 Rolled approximately to one degree taper each side of stem. 73 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY EQUAL TEES BAR MILL SIZES Continued T 511 r T20 T 510 % ^ T501 He T502 E . ^r T503 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Stem Flange Stem T 19 1M 1M M to %a M to % 2 2.02 T 511 1M 1M X to M M 1.98 T 20 1M 1M %6 tO %2 %6 tO %3 1.59 T 510 1J IM %o to %c 9U 1.55 T 501 1M 1M K to K N 1.09 T 502 IK IK %e to % 6 3 Ao 1.37 T 503 1 IK K to K K 0.97 Rolled approximately to one degree taper each side of stem. 74 TEES EQUAL TEES BAR MILL SIZES Concluded Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Stem Flange Stem T 504 1 1 M to M M 1.53 T 21 1 1 %e to % 2 8 /io to % 2 1.25 T 515 1 1 8 /io to Ac 3 /16 1.20 T 22 1 1 y s to % 2 H tO % 3 0.89 T 516 1 1 H to y s H 0.85 *T 526 1 1 ys to H X 0.83 T 505 H % H to H I A 0.73 T 506 H Z A ^ to M y s 0.61 *T 518 4 %4 4 %4 %2 tO J^ % 2 to y s 0.51 T 507 K M K to H X 0.50 T 509 M y* H to H %2 tO % 2 0.34 * Furnished only by special arrangement. Rolled approximately to one degree taper each side of stem. 75 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY UNEQUAL TEES STRUCTURAL SIZES L.% T52 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Stem Flange Stem ' *T 96 6 5M 1 to 1 IM to iy 8 39.4 *T 49 5 4M M tO 25/ 32 H to K 24.1 |T 50 5 3 H to % a ^-^is to -Hs 11.5 JT 51 5 2^ f-6 to Tie Vie to 2%o 10.9 T 52 4M 3^2 %6 tO %6 % to % 15.7 *T 48 4K 3 1 A !% 2 tO L9/32 23/ 32 tO 2% 2 15.4 * Furnished only by special arrangement. fT50 can be rolled with flange V 2 " to s/ie", and stem 3^i"; weight 13.6 Ibs. per foot. j T 51 can be rolled with flange y 2 " to %&" ', and stem 2%"; weight 13.0 Ibs. per foot. 76 TEES UNEQUAL TEES STRUCTURAL SIZES Continued i U T53 re 4 T57 T58 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Stem Flange Stem T 54 T 53 T 56 T 55 T 57 T 58 4j| 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 /8 tO 7/10 5 /lo to y% iHs to 7 /i 5 Ao to % M to s/la ^i to %o M to 'Ae %o to ^ ^ toVio 5 /io to J| ^ to fio 9.8 8.4 9.2 7.8 15.3 11.9 77 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY UNEQUAL TEES STRUCTURAL SIZES Continued Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Stem Flange Stem T 59 4 4H H to% 6 Vi to /ie 14.4 T 60 4 4^i ^ to Vie % to Vie 11.2 T 61 4 3 % to Vie 9.2 T 44 4 3 i -Vie to y s 5 /ie to % 7.8 T 62 4. 2 H ^ to Vie s /s to Vie 8.5 T 63 4 2^ 1 %eto ^ 5 Ae to ^ 7.2 T 64 4 ^ to Vie | 7.8 T 65 4 2 r %e to H 5 /i; k 3XT -, " I I t T*^2 I*? I t T ^5 I _. T 4-, 9/" -16 Pr***-^ ^y* it^ io ^V N. 1 r-r-^ ^ 3 /s v i v 1 CO T69 T70 3 T71 I 1 i i i > \" t '-: > ; -* ;; | "*! j. i* i i i i 4^ % Sr 1 ^- ^ _> J /'' %T^ U -~x? 1C J^J i i i T72 T73 T74 m i y '. 1 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Stem Flange Stem . T 66 3^ 4 1 A to 9/10 H tO /lo 12.6 T 67 3H 4 H to 7io % to T/ie 9.8 T 69 3J^ 3 H toAo ^ tO %6 10.8 T 70 3M 3 H to Tie M to% 6 8.5 T 71 3^ 3 5 /ie to y s N 7.5 T 72 3 4 1 A tO 9/16 3^ to /4 6 11.7 T 73 3 4 7 Ae to ^ % to H 10.5 T 74 3 4 M to Tic H to % a 9.2 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY UNEQUAL TEES STRUCTURAL SIZES Concluded Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Stem Flange Stem T 75 3 3^ y 2 to % a i H to % 10.8 T 76 3 3> %6 tO ^ 7 Ae to J^ 9.7 T 77 3 3Mi H to % 6 H to T/io 8.5 T 78 3 2J^ M to T A % to % e 7.1 T 79 O 2>i 5 Ae to v ^ %e to % 6.1 *tT 80 2M 2 %6 tO !%2 2 %2 tO 2 %2 7.2 T 82 2H 3 % tO 7/16 M to yie 7.1 T 83 2K 3 5 Ae to Ji %e to Y S 6.1 * Furnished only by special arrangement. t Bar mill size. 80 TEES UNEQUAL TEES BAR MILL SIZES ------ iv -- Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Stem Flange Stem *T 84 2^ 2M N to % e iNi to Vie 6.7 *T 85 23^ 2M %6 tO ^ 5 /i to y 8 5.8 *T 600 23^- 1 -%- 2 M to ] %i % tO ] %4 3.48 *T 601 2^ 12%2 3 Ae to %_ 3 /10 tO J3/ 64 2.74 T 86 2,^2 1M 3 /io to % 2 8 /l(J tO 5/16 2.87 *T 524 2%6 IHia %2 tO % 2 H to % 6 1.90 T 87 * 2 1H J to?ie M to -Vie 3.09 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 81 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY UNEQUAL TEES BAR MILL SIZES Concluded r ] T 528 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds 1 Flange Stem Flange Stem *T 523 23/ia % %a %a 2.68 *T 525 H H tO % 4 H to %j 1.10 *T 519 1 V<> 2 %6 tO M %% to K 2.45 T 605 *T 603 1H IH H to %a No.9,B.W.G. y% to %> ^g to No. 7 1.25 0.88 *T 521 i r 3/1 0.84 *T 522 *T 528 M %8 1 See Cut H 0.81 0.72 *T 517 % -Yio See Cut % 2 0.23 * Furnished only by special arrangement. Rolled approximately to one degree taper each side of stem. 82 TEES MISCELLANEOUS TEES STRUCTURAL SIZES SCRAPER TIRE TEES ^ /^ v f*~ -Q " "1 -6-"- ffgS t l-i-J' *T99 CRANE RAIL TEE ELEVATOR TEES Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Stem Flange Stem *T 99 *T 98 *T 162 *T 160 *T 161 6 6 5 2, 1 A 2 1 A 5Vio 3i% 2 See Cut 5 /i Ww to 1 14 to % Yio to % e 7 /lo to ^g 5 /16 tO % See Cut See Cut See Cut 12.6 9.0 31.6 16.3 9.0 Furnished only by special arrangement. S3 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS TEES STRUCTURAL SIZES HAND RAIL TEE *T 154 ,, . 4 y 2 i'_ ^ CAR TRUCK TEE *T 156 4" . CONDUCTOR RAIL TEES *T 157 'T 158 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Stem Flange Stem *T 154 4^ m See cut Vi to % 7.0 *T156 4 3 See cut M to J^ 11.3 *T 157 3J^ 2/4 See cut % to ^lc 7.3 *T 158 3 2M See cut 5 Ae to 7 A& 7.0 Furnished only by special arrangement. S4 TEES MISCELLANEOUS TEES BAR MILL SIZES SASH TEES ! i ! ! i * ' ! ix )" > ' t T (''" J i i *T534 f i i i i 1 * *T 529 r 8 ^r 'A r ;s r? r ^? i ^ i ^T 533 ^ ^T 532 i_._ y f T ^ * * | j T J { *T 530 *T 101 ".HM;; L r PLOW TEE *T 100 ^ 2 1 *v 1 " \ i. *T527 I tQ.228" 2S&T Action Size ' Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, . Index F i an ge Stem Flange Stem Pounds *T 534 2% lMi4 *T 529 2^ l :i V4 *T530 1% 1 2 %4 *T 101 1 2 *T 100 1 2 *T 533 % 1%4 *T 532 13/ie 1 % *T 90 2^ 1 2 %2 *T 527 IVio 1 9 A6 %2 to 8/46 3 /4e to M ^ tO S /\_Q See Cut i See Cut See Cut M to i%4 7 /i6 to Yz 3.45 M to % 2.60 %a to 8/ 10 1.45 8/1 1.88 y s 1.32 H to % 2 0.83 8 /4 1-55 M to 17/64 4.5 0.228 2.00 * Furnished only by special arrangement. Rolled approximately to one degreo taper each side of stem. 85 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY ZEES STRUCTURAL SIZES 1 I ! V i y f* J \ J J <" 2%-'- - Z 3 I y ^6 ^ Z 2 Z 1 r r ; I J ., i i ] j i 7 i \ f 1 j 1 J n f J ~ia J Z 6 j- > --2%'- - Z 5 i 2% ' Z 4 r r r : Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Web Flange Z 3 Z 2 Z 1 Z 6 Z 5 Z 4 3A 8 o 3%o 3M 3% 6 6 6Vl6 6 5Ha O 5 5 10 3^ 3Ao 3 A" 35/ie 3M |H i rf e 7 A 2 c N 9 Ae 5 Ao 34.6 32.0 29.4 28.1 25.4 22.8 21.1 18.4 15.7 28.4 26.0 23.7 22.6 20.2 17.9 16.4 14.0 11.6 ZEES ZEES STRUCTURAL SIZES Concluded . J , , . ... 1. , - 1 T '" I _> J " 5/i6 " ^ ,u ? i ^/i6" ^ %' Z 9 X I Z8 Z7 r r - t i t -H "o5 J i f^%K /* j ?, ^" z ^ i -%" Zll^ 1 V r* ' Z 10 ' 1 /^ i -2"/ 16 - 2"/ 16 ~ -w~ Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Web Flange Z 9 Z 8 Z 7 Z 12 Z 11 Z 10 33/io 3 Me 3 Me 2% 2'M 2 Hie 4 Me 4 4 Me 4 4 Me 4 3Me 3 3 Me 3 3 Me 3 33,10 3 Me 3 Me 2M 2 Hie H 9 /ie M'e N He Me H 23.0 20.9 18.9 18.0 15.9 13.8 12.5 10.3 8.2 i4.a 12.6 11.5 9.8 8.5 6.7 87 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS ZEES STRUCTURAL SIZES 2%-- Z13 *Z15 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Web Flange *Z 13 *Z 14 3 6 3 H H 14.5 9.2 *Z 15 1H 35^ 2%e H 8.6 *Z 16 1% 3M 1 M 4.8 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 88 ZEES MISCELLANEOUS ZEES BAR MILL SIZES '< 2V6 > Z510 *Z 501 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Web Flange *Z 19 ik 1M 2K 7 / X 32 3.49 *Z 540 1M 1M 1M 8 A& 2.79 *Z 510 1 2 %2 13^ %6 2.53 *Z 501 1%2 1/-3 1%2 H. %2, H 1.65 *Z 530 13Ae IK 1%. H. % 2 - H 1.85 * Furnished only by special arrangement. CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS ZEES BAR MILL SIZES Concluded *Z 520 F V .* -Z521 ^Z 512 % a rq irajg 3 3*~f-J R Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Flange Web Flange *Z 523 IH 2 i X 3.75 *Z 520 IH 1% 2 I A, y*, x 4.7 *Z 521 IK IHie 2 X, */s, % 4.2 *Z 522 1H i'ji I %0, H, 5 /16 4.2 *Z 511 3 %4 7 /i6 35 /k %2 0.63 *Z 512 0.388 0.350 0.529 0.127,0.130 0.44 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 90 PILING SECTIONS UNITED STATES STEEL SHEET PILING M 105 104 . a Section Index Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 105 M 104 M 103 12 H 9 H H 43 38 16 This Company manufactures Friestedt Interlocking Channel Bar Piling and Symmetrical Interlock Channel Bar Pi ing in addition to United States Steel Sheet Piling. Full information as to the properties and uses of these sections is given in a separate pamphlet entitled "Steel Sheet Piling." 1)1 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS GAR SECTIONS STRUCTURAL SIZES DOOR SPREADER SECTION BODY SIDE BEARING PLATE ARCH BEAM *B TO Section . Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *C 210 *M 280 *M 1379 *B 70 7^x4 9 x 1 8 X i 6^x2 19.8 22.1 39.4 21.9 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 92 MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURAL SHAPES MISCELLANEOUS CAR SECTIONS STRUCTURAL SIZES END POST SECTION CAR STAKE SECTION *B1U 0.354" *M110 * 3.346-'- -! SIDE WALL SECTION *M70 73 BULB ANGLE *B129 *1.181-"*, CARLINE SECTION 82 ANGLE *A340 IndeT Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 110 3.937 x 3.346 10.1 *B 111 2.953 x 4.724 11.7 *M 70 4J x 2^ 18.3 *C 301 5 M x 1% 6.2 *B 129 4 x2M 12.5 *A 340 4 x2H 8.2 Furnished only by special arrangement. CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CRANE RAIL SECTION RACK RAIL SECTION -i~j g *M290 PRESS MACHINE SECTION *A 1010 .^ ! i Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 71 *M 290 *A 1010 7 x5 6 x3 57.0 28.4 25.3 * Furnished only by special arrangement. FLOOR PLATES TROUGH PLATES *M10 2%"-- ->k--- 5" 9 V/" CORRUGATED PLATES *M33 I* *M30 o Section Index Width, Inches Depth, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 14 9^ 3M M 23.2 *M 13 9^ 3M Wl6 - 21.4 *M 12 9^ 3M % 19.7 *M 11 9^ 3M %6 18.0 *M 10 9H 3M Hi 16.3 *M 35 12Ao 2% H 23.7 *M 34 12% 2%a %e 20.8 *M 33 123/16 2M N 17.8 *M 32 8% 1M N 12.0 *M 31 8% 1%6 %6 10.1 *M 30 8% 1H M 8.1 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 95 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CHECKERED PLATE Section at Rib Section Index Thickness, Inches Width and Length, Inches Weight per Square Foot, Pounds 6 to 11% 12 to 48 48K to GO M 54 H 120 240 240 21.4 M 53 % 120 240 240 18.9 M52 % 120 240 240 16.3 M 51 %6 120 240 240 13.8 M 50 J 120 240 240 11.2 M 49 %6 120 180 8.7 Checkered plates of greater lengths than shown in the above table may be submitted for special consideration. CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT BARS COLD TWISTED SQUARE BARS Size, Inches Area, Square Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds 2 4.0000 13.600 IK 3.5156 11.953 IK 3.0625 10.413 IH 2.6406 8.978 1 1 A 2.2500 7.650 IH 1.8906 6.428 1M 1.5625 5.313 1H 1.2656 4.303 1 1.0000 3.400 l %e 0.8789 2.988 H 0.7656 2.603 1! H 0.6602 2.245 ' H 0.5625 1.913 J tt e 0.4727 1.607 H 0.3906 1.328 %6 0.3164 1.076 H 0.2500 0.850 7 A 0.1914 0.651 N 0.1406 0.478 5 /16 0.0977 0.332 K 0.0625 0.213 Cold twisted bars will conform to Manufacturers' Standard Specifications, unless otherwise specified. 97 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY DEFORMED BARS CUP BAR Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 1528 fft 7.65 * *M 1530 IK 5.31 *M 1531 m 4.30 *M 1532 i 3.40 *M 1533 K 2.60 *M 1534 H 1.91 *M 1535 % 1.33 *M 1536 y* 0.85 *M 1537 H 0.48 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 93 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT BARS DEFORMED BARS Continued CORRUGATED SQUARE BAR TYPE A CORRUGATED SQUARE BAR TYPE B Rolled for Corrugated Bar Co. CORRUGATED ROUND BAR TYPE C CORRUGATED SQUARE BAR TYPE D Rolled for Corrugated Bar Co. Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Corrugated Square Bar Type A Corrugated Square Bar Type B *M 1980 1M 4.00 *M 1550 1M 5.31 *M 1981 1 2.70 *M 1551 1 3.40 *M 1982 7 A 1.95 *M 1552 7 A 2.60 *M 1983 H 1.35 *M 1553 H 1.91 *M 1984 X 0.64 *M 1554 5 A 1.33 *M 1555 y 2 0.85 *M 1558 % 0.48 *M 1557 V3 0.37 *M 1556 1 A 0.21 Corrugated Round Bar Type C Corrugated Square Bar Type D *M 1732 1M 10.48 *M 1731 IH 7.69 *M 1618 iM 4.21 *M 1650 1M 5.35 *M 1617 IK 3.41 *M 1651 l\i 4.34 *M 1616 i 2.69 *M 1652 1 3.43 *M 1615 H 2.06 *M 1653 K 2.64 *M 1614 H 1.52 *M 1654 H 1.94 *M 1613 5 A 1.05 *M 1655 5 A 1.35 *M 1612 0/16 O.S6 *M 1656 Yz 0.86 *M 1611 Yz 0.66 *M 1657 H 0.49 *M 1610 *A 0.38 *M 1658 H 0.22 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 99 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY DEFORMED BARS Continued LUG BAR TYPE A LUG BAR TYPE B Rolled for Corrugated Bar Co. HERRINGBONE BAR Rolled for Corrugated Bar Co. Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Lug Bar Type A Lug Bar Type B *M 1578 1M 5.31 *M 1648 1M 5.31 *M 1577 IK 4.30 *M 1647 1H 4.30 *M 1576 1 3.40 *M 1646 l 3.40 *M 1575 H 2.60 *M 1645 H 2.60 *M 1574 H 1.91 *M 1644 S A 1.91 *M 1573 5 A 1.33 *M 1643 H 1.33 *M 1572 X 0.85 *M 1642 X 0.85 *M 1579 %8 0.65 *M 1641 % 0.48 *M 1571 % 0.48 *M 1640 H 0.21 *M 1570 Yi 0.21 i Herringbone Bar Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, . Pounds *M 1673 m 5.13 *M 1672 1% 3.62 *M 1671 i 2.38 *M 1670 % 1.72 *M 1669 % 1.28 *M 1668 N 0.91 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 100 CONCRETE REINFORCLM1 NT BARS DEFORMED BARS- -Continue HAVEMEYER SQUARE BAR HAVEMEYER ROUND BAB Rolled for Concrete Steel Co. HAVEMEYER FLAT BAR ELCANNES BAR Rolled for Concrete Steel Co. Rolled for Elie Cannes Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Havemeyer Square Bar Havemeyer Round Bar *M 1599 t'H 7.65 *M 1609 i 6.43 *M 1608 IX 5.31 *M 1629 1M 4.17 *M 1607 IH 4.30 *M 1628 iy* 3.38 *M 1606 i 3.40 *M 1627 1 2.67 *M 1605 % 2.60 *M 1626 H 2.04 *M 1604 H 1.91 *M 1625 H 1.50 *M 1603 5 A 1.33 *M 1624 5 /8 1.04 *M 1602 y 2 0.85 *M 1623 1 A 0.67 *M 1601 H 0.48 *M 1622 H 0.38 *M 1598 % 0.33 *M 1600 H 0.17 *M 1621 K 0.21 Havemeyer Flat Bar Elcannes Bar Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 2230 IMx Y 2 2.98 *M 1901 1M 5.31 *M 2231 1M x% 6 2.60 *M 1902 1^ 4.30 *M 2232 iM x y a 2.23 *M 1903 1 3.40 *M 2233 1 1 A* y 2 2.55 *M 1904 M 2.60 *M 2234 iMx y s 1.91 *M 1905 H 1.91 *M 2235 iy 2 xs/ 10 1.59 *M 1906 5 A 1.33 *M 2236 iMx % 1.59 *M 1907 1 A 0.85 *M 2237 1 X % 1.28 *M 1908 % 0.48 *M 2238 1 x K 0.85 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 101 CA^NEOIE STEEL COMPANY DEFORMED BARS Continued WING BAR TYPE A WING BAR TYPE B Rolled for Trussed Concrete Steel Co. SQUARE RIB BAR TYPE A ROUND RIB BAR TYPE B Rolled for Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Wing Bar Type A Wing Bar Type B *M 1513 ft 2.70 *M 1509 3 y 2 10.2 *M 1512 % 1.40 *M 1510 2H 6.8 *M 1516 2M 4.8 Square Rib Bar Type A Round Rib Bar Type B Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 1918 1M 5.31 *M 2508 1M 4.17 *M 1917 lj^ 4.30 *M 2507 1M 3.38 *M 1916 1 3.40 *M 2506 l 2.67 *M 1915 y& 2.60 *M 2505 y& 2.04 *M 1914 H 1.91 *M 2504 H 1.50 *M 1913 H 1.33 *M 2503 *A 1.04 *M 1912 H 0.85 *M 2502 % 0.67 *M 1911 % 0.48 *M 2501 3 A 0.38 *M 1910 m 0.21 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 102 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT BARS DEFORMED BARS Continued MONOTYPE BAR Rolled for Philadelphia Steel and Wire Co. "WING BAR SLANT RIB BAR Rolled for )\V VS, Y^ 11! Rolled for Thomas Reinforcement Co. Mississippi Valley Construction Co. Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Monotype Bar Equivalent to Square Monotype Bar Equivalent to Round *M 2151 1M 5.39 *M 2161 IX 4.24 *M 2152 IK 4.37 *M 2162 IK 3.43 *M 2153 1 3.45 *M 2163 1 2.71 *M 2154 7 A 2.64 *M 2164 7 A 2.08 *M 2155 S A 1.94 *M 2165 H 1.53 *M 2156 y* 1.35 *M 2166 y* 1.06 *M 2157 1 A 0.86 *M 2167 1 A 0.68 *M 2158 H 0.49 *M 2168 3 A 0.38 Wing Bar Slant Rib Bar *M 2135 2M 5.08 *M 1297 IH 5.31 *M 2134 2 4.02 *M 1296 i 3.40 *M 2133 IH 3.06 *M 1295 7 A 2.60 *M 2132 IH 2.08 *M 1294 H 1.91 *M 2131 IX 1.08 *M 1293 5 A 1.33 *M 1292 y* 0.85 *M 1291 H 0.48 *M 1290 K 0.21 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 103 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY DEFORMED BARS Concluded SCOFIELD BAR THACHER BAR ^Ip7|| W$T} / fffy 1 ^^ ^^^ 17 ( = - ..f| MONOLITH BAR r ilh a - === -3/ Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Size, Weight per Foot, Index Inches Pounds Scofield Bar Thacher Bar *M 1969 *M 1968 *M 1967 *M 1966 *M 1965 *M 1964 *M 1963 *M 1962 *M 1961 *M 1583 *M 1582 *M 1581 1M 1 H Equivalent to Round 6.01 4.17 3.38 2.67 2.04 1.50 1.04 0.67 0.38 Equivalent to Square 1.33 0.85 0.48 *M *M *M *M *M *M *M 1546 1 1 A 5.20 1545 1 H 3.55 1544 1 2.32 1543 % 1.79 1542 H 1-34 1541 y & 0.92 1540 Yz 0.58 Monolith Bar Section Size, Index Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M *M *M *M *M *M *M 1500 1 1 A 1508 1 ^ 1507 1 1517 H 1506 % 1505 Y 2 1504 % 7.65 5.31 3.40 1.91 1.33 0.85 0.48 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 104 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT BARS FACING BAR *M1663 Rolled for Concrete Steel Co. GIRDER BAR SECTIONS *M 1852 Customer's No. 704 *M 1853 Customer's No. 705 rt"i WASHBOARD SECTION - TYPE A *M 1521 WASHBOARD SECTION - TYPE B *M 1522 v r /32y/6r; J i /, Rolled for Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 1663 *M 1852 *M 1853 *M 1521 *M 1522 4 x 1 y 8 x % 6 1 X 1 X % 2 1.46 4.1 1.52 3.20 3.95 *Rolled only by special arrangement. 105 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY HANGER BARS *M980 Section Index Size, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 980 4Mx 1M 4}4 x 1J%* i 5.31 4.63 4.18 *M 935 l%l\Ht 4.41 3.85 *M 981 *M 982 2%* y s Jf 2.61 1.65 *M 983 *M 984 2 x M 2 x y & %6 2.29 1.43 *M 986 *M 987 1 x M 1 X 1: V^6 1.30 1.09 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 106 STRAP AND CLIP SECTIONS CONCORD HAME STRAPS |1 2 9 1 1 6 ] __f i ^ g 1 2 1, V* J, u 1-1 2-2 1 i _ ; Sections i ' Flat Half Oval Lengths Section Index Width, g, Inches Thickness, e, Inches Width, f, Inches Thickness, d, Inches Flat, c, Inches Half Oval, b, Inches Total, 1, Inches M 1027 1 %6 !%> %6 19 15 34 M 1026 1 M lile 19 15 34 M 1099 1 1^2 %2 19 15 34 M 1025 % * *-%6 Ji 17% 14% 32% M 1098 % H 2 %-> %2 17% 14% 32% M 1033 % %6 15 /16 3 /10 17% 14 31% M 1028 % %6 s/ie 16% 14 30 M M 1024 % M 13 Ae M 17% 14 31% M 1022 % M 18 /16 M 16% 13% 29% M 1032 % M 13 /10 % 16 13% 29% M 1021 % M J %0 M 16 12% 28% M 1031 % H ]3/ 1($ M 15% 1 2% 28% M 1096 % M 2 %2 %2 16% 13% 29% M 1097 % M 2 %" %2 17% 14 M 1095 % % 25 /32 %2 16 1 2% 28% M 1029 M %2 13 /16 7 /32 15% 11% 27% M 1030 g %2 13 A 7 /32 15, K 1 2% 28% M 1020 %. iyio 15% 12% 28 BOX STRAPS 12 ,1 r i - ^lf f- ^ d ,*- >- lyi- '"~' 71^6 727/3 2 28 M 1432 % % is/ 64 34 13 4t 2 5% 21% M 1433 % 6 % %e % 8 /i6 6% 2 4% 19% 107 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY HALF OVAL CLIPS -it|- -^id(t- i ki~ T : -i rf Q_! ^=^ T 6 -j ~=t_- - . . ; i -;3- T ^^^qr^ ' ' T i, i i L_,> i v> o L j 11 2-2 i Sections Section Index Round Half Oval Lengths Diameter, d, Inches Width, e, Inches Thickness, t, Inches Round, a, Inches Half Oval, b+c, Inches Total, 1, Inches M 1158 M 1157 % % B %4 We* 5 4^ +1Q 19% M 1156 Tie 25 /82 3,% 4 4% 4M +10% 19% M 1113 % % %2 3% 3%6 + 7 J ^l6 14% M 1116 % % % 2 2H 3 +3 8% M 1119 % % 5 /32 3% 10H 2 +1Q1-32 2394^ M 1121 % % 5 /32 3^6 10 +9 22i/i6 M 1131 % % %2 3% 3 + GVie 12v4e M 1149 1%2 5 /32 3% 3% + 8% 15% M 1123 '1/32 l%o 5 /32 3% 7 M + 3%o 14 % M 1124 H32 31440+ 10% 17% . M 1126 1%2 J9 /32 %2 3^6 6% + 3% 13% M 1128 i-Vs" !%> %2 3% gll^ 6 -f- 913/Kj 22% M 1129 U/32 1ft / K/ 1 "82 %2 3 4i,% + 4i% 12% M 1150 %6 17 /B2 5 /32 3^6 3%6 + 3%6 9 7 A& M 1132 5 /16 17 /32 %2 3%2 3^+6 12i% s M 1133 He 17/ K/ /82 /82 3^32 3 + 6M 121%2 M 1135 %2 2% 3Vic + 8% 14%o M 1137 %8 !%2 %2 2 ] %6 33/16 + 6Ji 12% M 1138 5 /16 !%2 %2 2% 3 + 6% 6 Hi 5 /4o M 1139 %6 17 /32 %2 2% 9% + 5% 17% M 1140 %6 17 /82 %2 3%6 SiAe + 97/4e 1718/16 M 1141 %6 17 /82 %2 3 10^6 + 3H4 6 16 M M 1142 %6 !%2 %2 3% 6 9i%e+ 9i% 6 22i3/4e M 1144 5 /4e 1%2 %2 7M 9% + 9% 26% M 1145 5 /4e 17 /32 %2 7M 211/32+ 211/32 11 1B A 108 STRAP AND CLIP SECTIONS BEVEL EDGE CLIPS i -it|*- -* d [ S 1-1 2-2 Sections Section Index Round Diameter, d, Inches Bevel Edge Lengths Width, e, Inches Thickness, t, Inches Round, a, Inches Bevel Edge, Total, b + c, Inches 1, Inches M 1050 M 1051 M 1053 M 1057 M 1058 M 1060 M 1062 M 1063 M 1066 M 1068 M 1428 M 1071 M 1072 M 1075 M 1167 M 1078 M 1079 M 1080 y* y& %t %6 5 A6 M ^64 %2 %2 %2 %2 %2 %4 3 3 2% 3 2M 2% 2% + 5% 4% 33/ 32 4% 3 % 2 3% 2 33A 6 3% 2 15 y* 14^ 5J3/32+ 51 %2 + 3 + 2' 815,40 9%6 98/46 145/16 8% CONCAVE CONVEX CLIPS _J ^Y^r 1Uf S3 o 1-1 2-2 Sections Section Index M 1159 M 1153 M 1160 M 1163 M 1162 M 1046 Round Diameter, d, Inches Concave Convex Width, e, Inches iy 32 2 %2 Thickness, t, Inches %2 G /82 %2 Lengths Round, Concave Convex, Total, a, Inches b + c, Inches 1, Inches 411/32 + 10 + 9 20 18Ae 17%2 191%2 109 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY pr BIT MOUTH CLIPS - e -*- /T" ' -' r " ITw^ i V % . 4 Jy) e C\ ; i : ' 2 --.f> -J* U ft r* 1-12-2 i<_ i j Sections Section Index Round Hollow Half Oval Lengths Diameter, d, Inches Width, Thickness, e, Inches t, Inches R?^ H^oTal, Total, a, Inches b + c> Incheg 1, Inches M 1036 M 1035 M 1034 *M 1093 7 /lC i7/ 82 full % 2 full 6^6 1^V^2-H l^Va-2 9% * Furnished only by special arrangement. 1 ,9. n 1-1 9-9 --^-.-^ .z_7-^ ~ ~~~( k \ j Sections Section Index Oval Hollow Half Oval Lengths Diameters, d, f, Inches Width, Thickness, e, Inches t, Inches Oval, H SfOv W al, Total, a, Inches b + C| Incnes 1, Inches *M 1435 *,% H'64 X 5*. IX + 1M 8A * Furnished only by special arrangement. !-:!-- .2 --tf- -1 f r ? T i jj U ? QI" '- c c i' 1 2 ' 2 Sections k-- 1 Section Index Oval Half Oval Lengths Diameters, d, f , Inches Width, Thickness, e, Inches t, Inches Oval, Half Oval, Total, a, Inches b + c, Inches 1, Inches *M 1436 1 %2, B /10 3 %4 13 /4 M. 1%. + 1%. 8A * Furnished only by special arrangement. 110 HAME SECTIONS M 780 CRESCENT HAME M 774 M 775 No. 12 CONCAVE CONVEX HAME M 750 M 740 GROOVED HAME M 800 M 790 Section Width, Thickness, Approx. Weight per Foot, Pounds TnHpY Tnrhpq BTT7 f* o-nrl TrrKoo inoex locoes . VY \J(. clIKl inCllGS Min. Max. M 780 Hie X 0.502 M 774 l' %6 0.680 M 775 Y% No. 12 to No. 9 0.334 0.425 M 770 T No. 12 to No. 9 0.327 0.436 M 765 1/16 0.211 M 760 No. 15 and No. 14 0.213 0.225 M 750 M No. 17 to No. 12 0.140 0.274 M 740 5 A No. 16 to No. 13 0.121 0.191 M 800 Ys No. 16 to No. 14 0.212 0.265 M 790 No. 17 to No. 14 0.168 0.232 M 796 H 0.186 M 795 H %4 0.134 111 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY POLE CAP AND NECK YOKE M813 M812 M814 M811 M 810 Section Index Inches Radius Thickness, B. W. G. and Inches Approx. Weight per Foot, Pounds Inside, Inches Outside, Inches Min. Max. M 813 2 1%6 I'M No. 13 to No. 7 0.540 1.094 M 812 1 1 %6 1%0 \y% No. 13 to No. 7 0.516 1.063 M 814 1% 1%2 1H No. 12 to No. 7 0.690 1.101 M 811 'IK 1%6 i;Hj No. 13 to No. 7 0.510 1.031 M 809 1 1 %6 1%6 1 x^ No. 13 to No. 7 0.489 1.007 M 810 1% 1%6 1^ No. 13 to No. 7 0.468 .967 112 CRESCENT SECTIONS M2101 CRESCENTS M2102 M 2104 M 2105 M2106 M 2107 fe 14 L....S* ^Nci: u 1 M 2108 M 2109 Section Index Commercial Name Radius Height, Inches Thickness, B.W.G. Approx. Weight per Foot, Pounds Inside, Inches Outside, Inches Min. Max. M 2101 H H 18 /32 2 %4 No. 14 to No. 8 0.272 0.479 M 2102 H y* 13 /32 13 /32 No. 14 to No. 9 0.262 0.423 M 2103 H y* 3 %2 ?%4 No. 14 to No. 12 0.250 0.313 M 2104 *A %6 ^32 2 %4 No. 14 to No. 8 0.230 0.401 M 2105 y* %6 l%i J %3 No. 14 to No. 9 0.219 0.352 M 2106 M 5 Ae J y32 19 /64 No. 14 to No. 12 0.206 0.257 M 2107 M 1 A %2 J ^2 No. 14 to No. 9 0.190 0.300 M 2108 H H %2 %6 No. 14 to No. 9 0.184 0.291 M 2109 H 1 A %2 M No. 14 to No. 12 0.167 0.208 M 2110 %6 %2 M 5 /10 No. 14 to No. 9 0.169 0.265 M 2111 %6 %2 M %2 No. 14 to No. 9 0.162 0.255 M 2112 33 /32 18 /64 !%4 l 9 /^ No. 14 to No. 9 0.158 0.247 M 2113 13 /32 '%4 J %4 17 /64 No. 14 to No. 9 0.151 0.237 M 2114 y* 3 /le %2 %2 No. 14 to No. 10 0.147 0.212 M 2115 H %6 %2 M No. 14 to No. 11 0.141 0.187 M 2116 5 1/32 H'64 13 /04 17 /04 No. 14 to No. 10 0.136 0.196 M 2117 5 Ae 5 /32 8 /16 J .%4 No. 13 to No. 10 0.135 0.177 M 2118 3 1/32 W64 13 /64 W64 No. 14 to No. 12 0.126 0.159 Crescents are rolled to gage and the weights given are approximate. 113 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS *M 1242 Customer's No. 112 *M 1239 Customer's No. *M 1243 Customer's No. 101 Rolled for Detroit Steel Products Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1242 112 4x1 *M 1239 108 4 x M *M 1243 101 3 x y % * Furnished only by special arrangement. 114 WINDOW SECTIONS SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M 1226 Customer's No. 103 *M 1220 Customer's No. 90 *M 1298 Customer's No. 090 *M 1225 Customer's No. 97 *M 1215 Customer's No. 105 *M 1227 Customer's No. 104 Rolled for Detroit Steel Products Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1226 103 121/32X11/32 *M 1220 90 1% X 2% a *M 1298 090 1 iy 32 x i% 6 *M 1225 97 2 scant x 1 y$2 scant *M 1215 105 l^e x 1)^ *M 1227 104 1 21/32 X 25/ 82 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 115 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M 1224 Customer's No. 96 *M 1223 Customer's No. 95 *M 1221 Customer's No. 92 *M 1299 Customer's No. 092 *M 1248 Customer's No. 70 *M 1275 Customer's No. 94 *M 1439 Customer's No. 094 *M 1434 Customer's No. 71 *M 2289 Customer's No. 192 *M 1222 Customer's No. 102 Rolled for Detroit Steel Products Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1224 96 1 J^ scant x 1 %4 scant *M 1223 95 1J^ X 1%4 *M 1221 92 1 % x 9% a *M 1299 092 1 % X 2 %2 *M 1248 70 1^ x IX *M 1275 94 1% x ix *M 1439 094 11%2X 1H&2 *M 1434 71 117/32 X IX *M 2289 192 1 2 %4 X 1 ^8 *M 1222 102 1^32 X 1% 2 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 116 WINDOW SECTIONS SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M 2297 Customer's No. 392 *C 660 Customer's No. 82 1%-- ' *M 2302 Customer's No. 379 -4V- *T 534 Customer's No. 309 2 3//- *T 529 Customer's No. 109 --2%"- . *T 528 Customer's No. 60 ;J Rolled for Detroit Steel Products Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 2297 392 1%4 X IM *C 660 82 5 %4 x Hio *M 2302 379 4Me x 1%6 *T 534 309 2% X ! 81 /^4 *T 529 109 2% X 131/ 6 4 *T 528 60 i x y Furnished only by special arrangement. 117 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M 1994 Customer's No. 105 Rolled for David Lupton's Sons Co. Section Index Customer's Number Inches *M 1994 *M 1999 *M 1993 *M 1985 105 123 116 102 x Ifte X 1 7 /16 x lV,o x t.y 16 x M * Furnished only by special arrangement. 118 WINDOW SECTIONS SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M 1988 *M 2283 Customer's No. 142 *M 2281 Customer's No. 160 *M 2282 Customer's No. 161 Rolled for David Lupton's Spns Co. Section Customer's Index Number Size, Inches *M 1988 124 5 3 A x % *M 2283 142 4% 2 x IK *M 2281 160 2Hic x 1%! *M 2282 161 | 34% 4 X Vie * Furnished only by special arrangement. 119 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M1997 Customer's No. 107 *M1996 Customer's No. 115 L *M2122 Customer's No. 135 Rolled for David Lupton's Sons Co. Section Index Customer's Number Inches *M 1997 *M 1996 *M 2122 107 115 135 abt. x 12% 4 full l ]7 /32 X l%a * Furnished only by special arrangement. 120 WINDOW SECTIONS SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS-Continued *M 2287 Customer's No. 209 *M 2286 Customer's No. 208 *M 2285 Customer's No. 207 *M 2284 Customer's No. 206 *M 2288 Customer's No. 202 Rolled for David Lupton's Sons Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 2287 *M 2286 *M 2285 *M 2284 *M 2288 209 208 207 206 202 iy s X I"/,* 1H X 11V 6 4 IH x li% 4 1% X 11%4 1%2 X 27/82 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 121 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M1892 Customer's No. 119 *M1998 Customer's No. 108 ~~y *M1891 Customer's No. 118 *M1992 Customer's No. 110 *M1995 Customer's No. 106 *M1986 Customer's No. 104 *M1990 Customer's No. ]00 *M1991 Customer's No. 101 *M1989 Customer's No. 70 Rolled for David Lupton's Sons Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1892 119 iy 2 xi3 1/64 *M 1998 108 \% X 1 4 %4 *M 1891 *M 1992 118 110 1H x 13y 64 *M 1986 104 iy s x iw/c4 *M 1991 101 IH X 51/04 *M 1995 106 1 X 1^6 *M 1990 100 1 % X -%? *M 1989 70 4 %4 X !%:> * Furnished only by special arrangement. 122 WINDOW SECTIONS SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *Z 501 Customer's No. 145 *T 524 Customer's No. 196 *T 101 Customer's No. 188 *T 100 Customer's No. 187 *A 528 Customer's No. 41 cir Rolled for David Lupton's Sons Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *Z 501 145 lYz x 1%, *T 524 196 2%o x li-v/g. *T 101 188 1 x2 *T 100 187 1 x2 *A 528 41 ^ x % 6 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 123 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M1878 Customer's No. *M1883 Customer's No. 4 *M1887 Customer's No. 7 *M18G9 Customer's No. C Customer's No. 1 * M 2181 Customer's No. K *M2180 Customer's No. J V r 1 \ << -- Ljy*_n *M1885 Customer's No. 5 Rolled for Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1878 8 l*i X 1%2 *M 1883 4 1M X 13/3-j *M 1887 7 3 A X 1%2 *M 1869 C i5 /32 X 13/33 *M 1895 1 2 %4 X 1%2 *M 2180 J 1% X 1 5 %4 *M 2181 K 1% X 11% 4 *M 1885 5 1 V32 X 1 H * Furnished only by special arrangement. 124 WINDOW SECTIONS SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M1898 Customer's No. F *M1881 Customer's No. 2 *M1880 Customer's No. - 1%- - * *M1882 Customer's No. 3 & *M1897 Customer's No. D *M1872 Customer's No. 6 * 1H- *M1894 Customer's No. 14 *M1879 Customer's No. 11 /^01 Rolled for Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1898 F 1% x iy 8 *M 1881 2 1% X 29/ 64 *M 1880 1% 2 x % x % 6 ' *M 1882 3 1^ X *% 4 *M 1897 D 1% X 11%4 *M 1872 6 1%2 X 1% *M 1894 14 1 35/ 32 X 1 *M 1879 11 1%6 X 1%4 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 125 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M2185 Customer's No. 19 *M2184 Customer's No. 18 *M2128 Customer's No. 504 *M2127 Customer's No. 503 *M2126 Customer's No. 502 *M2125 Customer's No. 501 *M2124 Customer's No. 500 Rolled for Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 2185 19 4M X 9/10 *M 2184 18 4 x *% 3 *M 2128 504 1H x i% *M 2127 503 IVicx 1 *M 2126 502 IVlGX 1 *M 2125 501 IVicx i% *M 2124 500 1V16X 51/ 04 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 126 WINDOW SECTIONS SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M 1899 Customer's No. 13 *fi .. Rolled for Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1899 *M 1877 *M 1886 *M 1873 *M 2292 *M 2293 *M 2218 13 12 10 9 22 23 24 6 x / 32 4 scant x % 2M 2% 3 x i% 2 * 5 /s x i% 2 x 1%, * Furnished only by special arrangement. 127 CARNEQIE STEEL COMPANY SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M 2295 *M 2139 *M 2294 Customer's No. R Customer's No. P Customer's No. Q rf- '\ SJ " sF 1* ^C / \L1 , n I ~] 1%* *M1893 istomer's No. 15 K *M 2219 Customer's No. 25 Ci .... i 3i ^> ^^^ "^ *1 Custom t 522 er's No. 21 %*--> *A537 Customer's No. 30 *A 955 Customer's No. 20 4 i \ j * *t> If ' j Trussed Concrete Steel Co. i Rolled for Section Customer's Index Number Size, Inches *M 2295 B *M 2139 P *M 2294 Q *M 2219 25 *M 1893 15 *T 522 21 *A 537 30 *A 955 2O 1%? x 1% 2^8 X 23/4 y% x ^e * Furnished only by special arrangement. 128 WINDOW SECTIONS SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued * 11 214? Customer's No. 61 *M2148 Customer's No. 62 *M2149 Customer's No. 63 *M1874 Customer's No. 104 *M1875 Customer's No. 105 - IVs > *M2138 Customer's No. 64 -r-%1- - *M1884 Customer's No. 106 *M1S88 Customer's No. 101 *M1889 Customer's No. 102 .; ~%" 7 ? ! Rolled for Trussed Concrete Steel Co. of Canada Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 2147 61 iy 2 XIM *M 2148 62 i^ x iy s *M 2149 63 iy 2 x iy s *M 1874 104 17/16X 12% 4 *M 1875 105 IVieX 25/ 32 *M 2138 64 IH X 19/10 *M 1884 106 1 x II/IG *M 1888 101 Uiex % *M 1889 102 % x y 2 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 129 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M 1900 Customer's No. 65 2%' Rolled for Trussed Concrete Steel Co. of Canada *M 2208 Customer's No. A \jn -3%- *M 2215 Customer's No. 6 *M 2209 Customer's No. 2 *M 2207 Customer's No. 3 Rolled for Zahner Metal Sash & Door Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1900 65 2M x i% *M 2208 A 3 1 A x % 10 3^ x 1^6 3Ji x ^ *M 2215 6 1% x 1 *M 2209 2 IMe x 1 *M 2207 3 2 x 1 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 130 WINDOW SECTIONS SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M 2226 Customer's No. * M 2222 Customer's No. 289 *M 2244 Customer's No. *T 532 Customer's No. 103 *T530 Customer's No. 501 *T 533 Customer's No. 107 *-%*- * *M 2227 Customer's No. 102 Rolled for Crittall Casement Window Co. Section Index *M 2226 *M 2222 *M 2244 *T 532 *T 530 *T 533 *M 2227 Customer's Number Inches * Furnished only by special arrangement. 389 1M x \H 289 iy* x IM 189 1^2 X 1 103 !% X 1 % 501 iy 8 x i27/ 64 107 K X 1%4 102 8 %4 X % 131 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M 2229 Customer's No. 388 *M2223 Customer's No. 288 x --1V4- >! *M 2224 Customer's No. 387 *M 2221 Customer's No. 287 *M 2225 Customer's No. 187 *M 2220 Customer's No. 285 *M 2228 Customer's No. 185 K IVs" . Rolled for Crittall Casement Window Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 2229 388 I 13 /ie x IH *M 2223 288 1% x IX *M 2224 387 119/32 X 1% *M 2221 287 IT/16 X IX *M 2225 187 ! 5 /32 X 1H *M 2220 285 1%8 X IX *M 2228 185 15/33 Xl ^ * Furnished only by special arrangement. 132 WINDOW SECTIONS SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Continued *M1289 Customer's No. 5 *M2123 Customer's No. 3 *M 2129 Customer's No. 6 *M 1213 Customer's No. 2 ------- 1%* scant. .^ *M 2182 Customer's No. 4 *M 1220 Customer's No. 1 *T 529 Customer's No. 8 -___-. 2% ?_ Rolled for Mesker Bros. Iron Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1289 *M 2123 *M 2129 *M 1213 *M 2182 *M 1220 *T 529 3 x Hi l 17 /82 X 1% 1% x 1 % Scant 1 3 A X 55/ oi l 17 /32 X 1^ X 2% X * Furnished only by special arrangement. 133 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS Concluded *M 2310 Customer's No. AK *M 2311 . Customer's No. BK Rolled for Henry Hope & Sons. SKYLIGHT SECTIONS *M1896 Customer's No. 2 *M1871 Customer's No. 1 Rolled for National Ventilating Co. Section Index i Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 2310 *M 2311 *M 1896 *M 1871 AK BK 2 1 i x H \y * % 2% x \y 2 \ 1H xlfc * Furnished only by special arrangement. 134 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS DUAL FELLOE BANDS * M 1789 Customer's No. 59 k- I u~ *M1979 Customer's No. 49 * M 1978 Customer's No. 48 * M 1977 Customer's No. 47 * M 1976 Customer's No. 46 -H >l 1 i " /16 "1 Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index i Customer's Number I Size, Inches *M 1789 *M 1979 *M 1978 *M 1977 *M 1976 59 49 48 47 46 10 83/10 6/16 5i%c 5 He * Furnished only by special arrangement. 135 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SINGLE FELLOE BANDS *M 1796 Customer's No. 66 ps L J i . R' k o/ " i^ ' J !. n1/" .! Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1796 *M 1795 *M 1788 *M 1970 *M 1959 *M 1751 *M 2255 *M 1958 *M 1749 *M 1957 *M 1745 *M 2186 *M 1744 *M 2174 66 65 58 40 39 11 211 38 9 37 5 195 4 185 3%2 213/32 |%2 l 2/ %2 ,i 2 iS 121/82 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 136 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS BASE BANDS *M 1856 Customer's No. 161 4% *M 1855 Customer's No. 160 *M 1743 Customer's No. 110 *M 1742 Customer's No. 109 (^^ ^^> ^ : Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1856 161 4^ x/ 32 *M 1855 160 4 ^s x %2 *M 1743 110 3 1 %6 X %(j *M 1742 109 3M x% 6 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 137 CARNEQIE STEEL COMPANY BASE BANDS *M 1758 Customer's No. 101 t 2V& J *M 1750 Customer's No. 10 *M1747 Customer's No. 7 *M 1746 Customer's No. 6 * M 1797 Customer's No. 166 *M 1798 Customer's No. 165 Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1758 101 2^ x % 6 *M 1750 10 2^x M *M 1747 7 l%x M *M 1746 6 l^x M *M 1797 166 2Mx to *M 1798 165 2 x % * Furnished only by special arrangement. 138 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS REMOVABLE CHANNEL RIM SECTIONS *M 1769 l" Customer's No. 107 *M 1763 Customer's No. 106 *M 1764 5* Customer's No. 105 *M 1765 4* Customer's No. 104 *M 1766 Customer's No. 103 V- *M 1767 3* Customer's No. 103 *M 1768 2 V 2 Customer's No. 102 ---3%6 - T-HJ Le S Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Size, Inches Size, Inches Number' *M 1769 7 107 7K *M 1763 6 106 6% 6 *M 1764 5 105 52y 32 *M 1765 4 104 4% *M 1766 *y* 103 H 4 *M 1767 3 103 3% 6 *M 1768 2^ 102 H 3^ Furnished only by special arrangement. 139 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY REMOVABLE CHANNEL RIM SECTIONS *M 2331 7 "Customer's No. 224 *M 2332 6 "Customer's No. 223 6 y /io - *M 2333 5 "Customer's No. 222 -5 21 / S2 *M 2334 4 "Customer's No. 221 *M 2336 3 " Customer's No. 219 * 3 Boiled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Size, Inches Size, Inches Number *M 2331 7 224 7>$ *M 2332 6 223 6%6 *M 2333 5 222 52y 32 *M 2334 4 221 4% *M 2335 3^ 220 4. *M 2336 3 219 3% 6 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 140 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS REMOVABLE CHANNEL RIM SECTIONS *M 2354 6 "Customer's No. 237 *M 2361 5 "Customer's No. 235 *M 2353 4 "Customer's No. 236 -474 # Eolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Size, Inches Size, Inches Number *M 2354 *M 2361 *M 2353 6 5 4 237 235 236 6/16 521&2 4% * Furnished only by special arrangement. 141 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY PRESSED-ON CHANNEL RIM SECTIONS *M 2520 14* Customer's No. 266 -14% *M 2519 12 "Customer's No. 265 -12%*- *M 2518 10* Customer's No. 264 10% *M 2517 Customer's No. 263 *M 2516 7* Customer's No. 262 k R< ailed for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Size, Inches Size, Inches Number *M 2520 *M 2519 *M 2518 *M 2517 *M 2516 14 12 10 8 7 266 265 264 263 262 14 K 12 % 10^ 7M * Furnished only by special arrangement. 142 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS PRESSED-ON CHANNEL RIM SECTIONS *M 2515 6 "Customer's No. 261 *M 2514 'Customer's No. 260 *M 2513 4 "Customer's No. 259 *M 2512 " Customer's No. 258 *M 2511 3* Customer's No. 257 *M 2510 2 1 / 2 * Customer's No. 256 Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Customer's Size, Index Size, Inches Number Inches ! 1 *M 2515 6 261 6% *M 2514 5 260 5^ *M 2513 4 259 4^ *M 2512 3H 258 4H *M 2511 3 257 3%8 *M 2510 2^ j 256 3%e * Furnished only by special arrangement. 143 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY PRESSED-ON CHANNEL RIM SECTIONS *M 2211 12 Customer's No. 208 12- *M 2212 10* Customer's No. 207 10' Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Size, Inches Size, Inches Number *M 2211 *M 2212 12 10 i 208 207 12 10 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 144 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS DEMOUNTABLE RIM SECTIONS *M 1783 Customer's No. 53 ""*! *M2137 Customer's No. 179 *M 1782 Customer's No. 52 *M 2136 Customer's No. 178 *M 1781 Customer's No. 51 * M 1780 Customer's No. 50 *M 2119 Customer's No. 152 *M2120 Customer's No. 151 *M2121 Customer's No. 150 x Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1783 53 6% 2 *M 2137 179 529/64 =%! 1782 52 4614l *M 2136 178 4 3 %4 *M 1781 51 4%4 *M 1780 50 3 4 %4 *M 2119 152 4M *M 2120 151 3 J Vi6 Scant *M 2121 150 3% 2 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 145 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY DEMOUNTABLE RIM SECTIONS *M 2358 Customer's No. 241 Q: *M 2350 Customer's No. 228 *M 2256 Customer's No. 216 5 a/* *M 2352 Customer's No. 230 * 47/j. ' * *M 2351 Customer's No. 229 Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 2358 241 7%4 scant *M 2350 228 SiVie *M 2256 216 5% *M 2352 230 4%4 *M 2351 229 3*%4 *Furnished only by special arrangement. 146 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS DEMOUNTABLE RIM SECTIONS * M 1854 Customer's No. 170 ------------------------- 5%*- ------------------------ ) *M 2367 Customer's No. 267 *M1799 Customer's No. 169 *M2187 Customer's No. 196 *M2251 Customer's No. 205 4% Customer's No. 168 *M 2179 Custompr's No. 203 * M 2250 Customer's No. 204 Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Size, Number Inches I *M 1854 170 5% *M 2367 267 4%6 *M 1799 169 49ie *M 2187 196 4%o *M 2251 205 43^ *M 1792 *M 2179 168 203 4M *M 2250 204 4H * Furnished only by special arrangement. 147 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY DEMOUNTABLE RIM SECTIONS *M 2265 Customer's No. 234 6V6" *M 2253 Customer's No. 214 5M r. *M 2257 Customer's No. 225 51/i'c *M 2254 Customer's' No. 215 *M 2252 Customer's No. 202 *M 2169 Customer's No. 233 4V/ Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's ^Number Size Inches *M 2265 234 6H *M 2253 214 5M *M 2257 225 5%o *M 2254 215 4 2 %2 *M 2252 202 4M *M 2169 233 8 *Furnished only by special arrangement. 148 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS DEMOUNTABLE RIM SECTIONS *M 2363 Customer's No. 248 *M 2365 Customer's No. 250 *M 2364 Customr's No. 249 Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size Inches *M 2363 *M 2365 *M 2364 248 250 249 431/32 * 32% 2 *Furnished only by special arrangement. 149 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CLINCHER TIRE SIDE RING SECTIONS *M2360 Customer's No. 243 * M 1955 Customer's No. 35 *M2173 Customer's No. 182 *M1960 Customer's No. 184 *M1954 Customer's No. 34 *M2172 Customer's No. 181 * M 2366 * M 2171 * M 1952 * M 1953 Customer's No. 251 Customer's No. 180 Customer's No. 133 Customer's No. 33 ^ STRAIGHT SIDE TIRE RING SECTION *M1786 Customer's No. 56 Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Size, Number Inches *M 2360 243 5%4 X 1%0 *M 1955 35 % x Jr/ic Full *M 2173 182 % Scant x 27 /32 *M 1960 134 i/ 32 Scant x isAo *M 1954 34 YZ x *%3 Full *M 2172 181 9 /tc x % *M 2366 251 2% 4 X IVio *M 2171 180 Vz xHio *M 1952 133 y-t x 3 M Full *M 1953 33 ^0 X 21 /?2 *M 1786 56 15 /32 X /4 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 150 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS SIDE FLANGE SECTIONS *M 1276 Customer's No. 227 *M 1707 Customer's No. 210 WEDGE RING SECTIONS *M 1729 Customer's No. 113 *M 1728 Customer's No. 112 CLAMPING RING SECTIONS M 2362 Customer's No. 245 M 2258 Customer's No. 232 *M 1741 Customer's No. 1 Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 127G 227 *M 1707 210 21/32 *M 1729 113 1%2 %0 *M 1728 112 2 %2 5 /10 *M 2362 245 3 %4 3 Vs2 *M 2258 232 3 %4 2 <%4 *M 1741 1 tt6 7 /l * Furnished only by special arrangement. 151 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS RIM SECTIONS *M 2359 Customer's No. 242 *M 1791 Customer's No. 114 fl *M 1748 Customer's No. 8 *M 1182 Customer's No. 3 *M 1181 Customer's No. 2 Rolled for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 2359 242 32% 2 x 1-H *M 1791 114 2 x y 8 *M 1748 8 1% x 5 /1(J *M 1182 3 1 3 A x % *M 1181 2 J %6 X % 3 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 152 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS S BASE BANDS *M2145 Customer's No. 99 * M 2144 Customer's No. 98 6 1 /8 * M 2143 Customer's No. 97 *M2142 Customer's No. 96 Rolled for Kelsey Wheel Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 2145 99 7Hx Y & *M 2144 *M 2143 98 97 6Mx H 5Kx % *M 2142 96 4^ix H * Furnished only by special arrangement. 153 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CORRUGATED BASE BANDS *M 1288 Customer's No. 79 Rolled for Kelsey Wheel Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1288 *M 1287 *M 1286 *M 1285 *M 1284 *M 1283 *M 1282 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 X 9/16 x % x % e x % e x /i Furnished only by special arrangement. 154 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS CENTER RING SECTIONS * M 1196 Customer's No. 61 * M 1277 Customer's No. 63 IMF---* * M 2140 Customer's No. 94 CENTER WEDGE RING SECTION *M 1234 Customer's No. SIDE FLANGE SECTIONS *M 1276 Customer's No. 62 *M 1195 Customer's No. 60 WEDGE FLANGE SECTION * M 2146 Customer's No. 100 -2%, Rolled for Kelsey Wheel Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1196 *M 1277 *M 2140 *M 1234 *M 1276 *M 1195 *M 2146 61 63 94 80 62 60 100 * Furnished only by special arrangement. x i%6 Scant X 27/ 32 2% 2i% 2^ 2%4 155 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY OUTER WEDGE FLANGE SECTIONS *M 1232 Customer's No. 82 *M 1229 Customer's No. 116 .A*/*' *M 1231 Customer's No. 83 till *M 1233 Customer's No. 115 Rolled for Kelsey Wheel Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1232 82 1 % x 1 1% 2 *M 1231 83 1% X 1% 6 *M 1229 116 1 4 %4 x 1 J Vie *M 1233 115 H9&4X1H * Furnished only by special arrangement. 156 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS * M 1184 Customer's No. G CONTINUOUS WEDGE SECTIONS *M1185 *M1186 Customer's No. F Customer's No. E CENTER RING SECTION SIDE FLANGE SECTION * M 1183 * M 1194 Customer's No. 8 Customer's No. 7 BEVEL EDGE FELLOE BANDS *M1109 *M1108 Customer's No. 11 Customer's No. 12 2Vs '* I? MOTOR CYCLE RIM SECTIONS * M 889 * M 888 Rolled for Mott Wheel Works Section Customer's Size, index M umber Inches *M 1184 G 1 x 1 2% 4 *M 1185 F 1 X 1% 2 *M 1186 E 1 x % *M 1183 8 1M x i% 6 Full *M 1194 7 2JVio *M 1109 11 2H x M *M 1108 12 1M x M *M 889 .... ZY* x )4 *M 888 3Hk> x y s * Furnished only by special arrangement. 157 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY DETACHABLE RIM SECTIONS * M 1247 Customer's No. 3 I Q * M 1246 Customer's No. 2 * M 1245 Customer's No. 1 3 %" >, CLINCHER TIRE SIDE RING SECTIONS *M1164 Customer's No. 6 *M 1165 Customer's No. 5 *M 1154 Customer's No. 10 *M 1155 Customer's No. 9 Rolled for Mott Wheel Works Section Customer's Size, i uu ex iNumoer mcues *M 1247 3 4 % Scant *M 1246 2 3*%4 Scant *M 1245 1 32% 4 *M 1164 6 19 / 3a x r,% 4 *M 1165 5 Y 2 x 21^2 Full *M 1154 10 19 /32 X 5%4 *M 1155 9 H X2% 2 Furnished only by special arrangement. 158 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS CLINCHER TIRE SIDE RING SECTIONS *M1179 * Ml 189 *M1178 *M1177 Customer's No. 4, 5 Customer's No. 4 Customer's No. 3 Customer's No. 2J, 3 c: ^r N i i cryr crv C 7Y1 x^ *k } V* y h s ^5 I *4 c_ Lj / f.-v X ] " ^ i 1 !--" x l^s-aj \ft**q* *}&**? L^ 8 ^ KEY RING SECTIONS *M1009 *M1008 *M1007 Customer's No. C Customer's No. B Customer's No. A 'I 1 '! g *M 1180 ^8 X IS/o* *M 1166 3 }^' 4 %0 X ^%4 *M 1168 2% 4 x .557 *M 1971 244 2 V 3 2 X Y S *M 1169 *M 1956 17 36 J %2 ,'scant x ^le scant H scant x 'Ae * Furnished only by special arrangement. 159 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CLINCHER TIRE SIDE RING SECTIONS *M 2160 Customer's No. 2 *M 2159 Customer's No. 1 Rolled for Cleveland Welding & Manufacturing Co. *M1760 Customer's No. F *M1779 Customer's No. E Rolled for B. F. Goodrich Co. * M 1237 Customer's No. 4^, 5 *M 1238 Customer's No. 3^, 4 Rolled for Weston-Mott Co. Section Customer's Size, Index Number Inches *M 2160 2 1%2 x Y *M 2159 1 l%a x % 8 *M 1760 F 1 %2 x 7 /ie Scant *M 1779 E 5 %4 X 2y M *M 1237 % X 1% 2 *M 1238 3^-4 ii/^e x y% *Furnishtd only by special arrangement. 160 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS FLANGE SECTIONS * M 1219 Customer's No. 27 * M 1218 Customer's No. 26 L&l CENTER RING SECTION *M1217 Customer's No. 25 -1'f-s'- CLINCHER TIRE SIDE RING SECTION *M1176 Customer's No. 215 Rolled for Standard Welding Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1219 *M 1218 *M 1217 *M 117G 27 20 25 215 lj| X 2% 3 4 a %6 X 87/ 64 Scant * Furnished only by special arrangement. 161 CARNEGIE STEEL, COMPANY DEMOUNTABLE RIM SECTIONS * M 1697 Customer's No. 10 * M 1699 Customer's No. 9 * M 1705 Customer's No. 8 LOCK RING SECTION * M 1698 Customer's No. 1 Rolled for General Rim Co. MUD GUARD CHANNEL * M 1192 i -* Rolled for Hayes Mfg. Co. Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches *M 1697 10 6i%6 *M 1699 *M 1705 9 8 4^3 4M *M 1698 *M 1192 1 19 /32 X % \ % Xl% 2 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 162 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS STRAIGHT SIDE RIM SECTIONS M 1228 Trade No. 4V 2 M 1107 Trade No. 4 3%o M 1214 Trade No. 3V 2 --- 3 l/ 4 "- s -eant___ . Section Index Trade Number, Inches Size, Inches M 1228 M 1107 M 1214 4 331/32 full x 31/32 scant 3%e x 2% 2 scant 3 % scant x % full 163 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CHAIN TIRE SECTIONS *M 762 Customer's No. B4 *M 2381 Customer's No. BIO *M717 Customer's No. B *M 718 Customer's No. C *M 2380 Customer's No. B9 * : K? Rolled for Savage Tire Co. WIRE WHEEL SECTION M 2259 VEHICLE BODY SECTIONS * M 806 * M 805 I rr -74-- *..%* Rolled for Fisher Body Co. M 1191 *M 2243 Section Index Customer's Number Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 762 B 4 \Y 1.00 *M 2381 BIO Ifi 1.28 *M 717 B 1%2 0.85 *M 718 C 1H 0.68 *M 2380 B 9 i 0.93 *M 2259 2Y x2i% 4 3.70 *M 806 y full x Via 0.51 *M 805 % x % 3 full 0.28 M 1191 2 %2 x Hie full 0.42 *M 2243 % x % 0.39 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 164 MISCELLANEOUS TIRE SECTIONS ROUND EDGE GROOVED TIRE SQUARE EDGE GROOVED TIRE Gkj sft / ^ ' \ f >t X f t j ^ M 715 f M716 i , ,* ! L I 1^* BUGGY TIRES *M 785 *M 886 *M 887 Commercial Size 1 Commercial Size 7 /s Commercial Size % K^M ^^^ ^^ S/'Full i // FLAT BOTTOMED CRESCENTS *M 2273 *M 2274 *M 2276 *M 2275 f Commercial Size %" Commercial Size Vz Commercial Size %* Commercial Size Vz v *~r\ <\ > * > /) 3 3. *.\ \|v n 3 % -TTV' 3 ^ >9 " *""\\ >\^ /) s S 1..^4,>;i V s ^4 *M735 Commercial Size W Section Width Index Inches Thickness, Weight per Foot, B. W. G. and Inches Pounds Y 3.90 1^6 3.58 M 715 iy z ^ 3.26 %5 2 - 94 M 2.62 5< 3.66 Hie 3.34 M 716 \y* ^ 3.02 %e 2.70 H 2.38 *M 785 full %cfull 1.56 *M 886 1H ^ 1.16 *M 887 1 ^6 0.87 *M 2273 ^ No. 14 0.31 *M 2274 J4 No. 14 0.25 *M 2276 y 8 No. 14 0.29 *M 2275 J4 No. 14 0.24 *M 735 H .085 0.26 *Furnished only by special arrangement. 165 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY - TRACTOR TIRE *M 884 ^- 13 /h *M883 I L --9---- ---* ! BEADED AND RIBBED PLANTER TIRE M938 h *** ^H n i 6- >; BEADED AND RIBBED TIRE M941 , r ~ ] v ! f^ J ^ GROOVED TIRE -M1890 ; *M788 -l 7 /32-- ->V *L ~^ j/^ , ^ a i ' i t ! x ^ "->t-^ A 5 /....^ > ^ /-^ -4^. L j J, 3 .1 Section Index Width, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 884 *M 883 M 938 M 941 *M 1890 *M 788 1 T64, -'/4 3 /l6, 1 A y s , I A 7.0 7.1 2.98 1.73 6.6 5.3 3.00 *Furnished only by special arrangement. 166 MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLE SECTIONS VEHICLE SPRING CLIPS *M 1407 M1319 M1318 M 1317 M1315 - M1316 k 1^4- >> ^ 1 CONCAVE CONVEX SPRING SECTION *M 1761 Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 1407 IK x% 4 2.92 M 1319 M 1318 123/ 64 X 43/64 1.92 1.84 M 1317 M 1315 ! 13 /64 X 9/10 1.46 1.39 M 1316 11 % 4 X 1% 2 1.36 1 M x .340 1.25 *M 1761 1M x .325 1 M x .300 1M x .284 1 M x .259 1.20 1.09 1.03 0.94 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 167 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY TONGUE AND GROOVE SPRING STEEL SECTIONS ( ^1~~ ; d i W~? i Section Dimensions in Inches Weight Index a b c d per Foot, Pounds *M 2399 5.118 .591 .315 .118 .276 .098 10.2 *M 2398 4.921 .591 .315 .118 .276 .098 9.8 *M 2397 4.921 .472 .315 .118 .276 .098 7.8 *M 2396 4.724 .472 .315 .118 .276 .098 7.5 *M 2395 4.331 .472 .315 .118 .276 .098 6.9 *M 2394 3.937 .591 .315 .118 .276 .098 7.S *M 2393 3.937 .551 .315 .118 .276 .098 7.3 *M 2392 3.937 .472 .315 .118 .276 .098 6.2 *M 2391 3.543 .591 .315 .118 .276 .098 7.0 *M 2390 3.543 .512 .315 .118 .276 .098 6.1 *M 2389 3.543 .472 .315 .118 .276 .098 5.6 *M 2388 3.543 .433 .315 .118 .276 .098 5.1 *M 2387 3.543 .394 .315 .118 .276 .098 4.7 *M 2386 3.543 .315 .315 .118 .276 .098 3.73 *M 2385 3.150 .394 .315 .118 .276 .098 4.1 *M 2349 3.000 .500 .394 .157 .315 .118 5.0 *M 2384 2.953 .866 .315 .118 .276 .098 8.7 *M 2383 2.953 .591 .315 .118 .276 .098 5.8 *M 2382 2.953 .472 .315 .118 .276 .098 4.7 *M 2369 2.953 .433 .315 .118 .276 .098 4.3 *M 2368 2.953 .394 .3T5 .118 .276 .098 3.88 *c-. , * | Section Index Dimensions in Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds a b c d e f *M 2342 3.940 .472 .277 .138 .236 .118 6.3 *M 2343 3.543 .591 .275 .137 .256 .128 7.0 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 168 SPRING STEEL SECTIONS TONGUE AND GROOVE SPRING STEEL SECTIONS *M 2346 -,315*- , / ^- 1.118" PJ 3.937 *M 2340 s .118 -3.937-- 2341 ->,276r .-.098" 3.937 *M 2345 *M 2347 --..354K-- -f.089* 1 f* ^.098" / -.296- A * 2^953- > * 2.953 > BUMPER SECTION *M 2344 5,720* o.ic u- Section Index Width, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 2346 *M 2340 *M 2341 *M 2345 *M 2347 *M 2344 3.937 3.937 3.937 2.953 2.953 5.720 .394 .630 .591 .866 .394 .875 5.2 8.1 7.7 8.5 3.62 16.5 ^Furnished only by special arrangement. 169 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS NUT SECTIONS *M897 *M894 a I tv 2%o" *! * *M893 ^/32-^ *M964 *M963 f l 15 /32'- *) I"// * _J TS < y-^, J T^ ^ S--^, p^ _ j_s N ? P; __. J^ *M962 ^-J^""^ 32 "^ L 2^32- -*! *M 961 *M 960 ^ /7 *? ") ^ ^^ J ^ ^ t 2 %>" ! k- 1%" j Section Index *M 897 *M S04 *M 893 *~M 964 *M 963 *M 962 *M 961 *M 960 Size, Inches 2% 2 2iy 8 o 27/82 2% 2 Thickness, Inches , X Weight per Foot, Pounds 1.98 1.87 1,75 2.48 2.35 2.23 2.10 1.96 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 170 MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLE SECTIONS AXLE CLIP SECTIONS *M9 57 ,, il &T- i i i k '>'* * r^ -HE53 J ^ x * I f k 2 1 ; *M956 ^2 -> *M954 1 r - 1>4- >; L '^* v c ' Vs ^-' x/ t^-^ f '^-y^ 1 y-^ 5 j r It 1 -x " ' * M 1230 K- 2>so -x *M953 f l~/K^i 1 ,]% ^ ei k l%s---i bK f ^2^ii_E^'i i h<^^-ti--:-r^ f 7^ _Z3 -^^> {^ _ 2 y K " -J f 1 2"X32" -1 *M952 *M955 ^--- 31 /32- ] 1^-- !% ^j U\s / ^i^^ 1 r^*? r~ ~y ^? a/* ' " T '-/ " T Section Width, Index Inches Thickness, Weight per Foot, Inches Pounds *M 957 2 V&o %_ 2. 70 *M 956 2iy 32 % 2 2.50 *M 954 27/32 % 2 2.27 *M 1230 2%2 M 2.12 ' *M 953 2% 2 % 1.86 *M 952 13i/ 32 % 2 1-55 *M 955 12%. 3 /io 1.41 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 171 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY LOCKING BARS M 65 c M65 M68 --!%" v M67 Section Index Nominal Size Depth, Inches Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 65c *M 65 *M 68 *M 67 *M 61 1 l*- 5 /32 21%, 211/32 IK' 2 %2 9 A ' 15.9 12.0 8.2 6.5 5.3 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 172 PIPE SECTIONS DRESSER SECTIONS *M 1403 Vl6 ,_. 4 ,/ 8 10 M 1346 \ *^ -- *M 1345 *M 1343 , Section Index Width, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 1403 10 %6 10.7 *M 1346 7 %6 7.5 *M 1345 . 7 1^ 6.0 *M 1343 7 H 8.9 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 173 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY DRESSER SECTIONS Concluded Via *M 1364 Ys" n , Vie* -3 fcW *M 1341 *M 1347 i-<2 -2%'- -i 5*- *M 1348 Section Index Width, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 1364 5 %6 5.4 *M 1341 5 M 4.3 *M 1347 fS - 5 %i 3.22 *M 1348 3^ 5 /S2 1.83 *Furnished only by special arrangement. 174 PIPE SECTIONS HAMMON SECTIONS *M 2196 Customer's No. K *M 2194 Customer's No. F ior- 1 1 *M 2193 Customer's No. E .'&- 1 J V _. --.KSH*. . *M 2192 Customer's No. B *M 2191 Customer's No. A Section Width, Index Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 2196 7y 2 5 Ae 8.1 *M 2194 5% Ho 6.2 *M 2193 5H X 5.0 *M 2192 5 X 4.4 *M 2191 5 8 /4e 3.31 *Furnished only by special arrangement. 175 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY HAMMON SECTIONS TYPE A TYPE B i * M 1170 : /i /p ! 2*10- v *M 1171 CUSTER SECTION * M 1172 THIMBLE SECTION *t M 40 r~ ** r -1 %-'-] /4 r- l 3 /4-^ JJE i^X_ i^td i*- b ix t >4. ^ i Section Index Width, Inches Thickness, Weight per Foot, Inches Pounds *M 1170 *M 1171 *M 1172 *|M 40 o%., 1M 4.1 l%o 3.60 .1H 3.60 1J^ 18.1 * Furnished only by special arrangement, t Structural size. 176 PIPE SECTIONS DAYTON SECTIONS TYPE B *M 1174 TYPE D *M 1152 Section Index Width, Inches Depth, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 1173 2 U&6 3.34 *M 1174 2 U%4 3.02 *M 1175 2H 1%6 3.50 *M 1152 IM IVin 2.60 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 177 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CAN RING SECTIONS M929 M 914 M907 M908 Section Index Width, Inches Thickness. B. W. G. and Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 929 2H % 2 . No. 12 0.98 l 13 Ae 2 %4 1%4 tO l %4 .65 l 13 Ae 1^32 8 4o tO V32 .55 1 J %6 2 %4i !Ve4 tO ] %4 .45 11^6 %6. %2 tO ^6 .36 M 914 Wio !%4, %4 tO 1^4 .26 .17 I 13 /4c 17 /04, %4 tO %4 1.07 l 18 Ae M, %2 tO ^ 0.92 l 13 Ao 15 /4, %4 tO %4 0.88 1 18 A6 7 /32, Vl tO 3/32 0.78 IX 2 %4, W64 tO 1%4 1.46 IX a %2, 'Ae tO ~/S2 1.37 \% 2 y&4:< X %4 tO 1%4 1.28 1% Ho, %2 t0 3 Ae 1.18 M907 IX ^^4> ^^4 ^0 ^V&4 1.09 1.00 1% 1 V64, 7 /64 tO /64 0.90 IX M, %2 tO K 0.81 IX 1%4, 5 /64 tO V64 0.72 IX %2 Mo tO %2 0.63 IX 2 %4, J %4 tO !%4 1.46 H^", ^6 tO %2 1.37 iH 2 ^64, J1 /64 tO 1%4 1.28 IX 5 Ae> %2 to s/ie 1.18 M908 IX 1%4, %4 tO !Mt4 1.09 1.00 \% 1%4, %4 tO /64 0.90 *x M, %2 tO Y* 0.81 i M 15 /64, %4 tO 7 /64 0.72 IX %2, %6 tO 3/^2 0.63 178 CAN AND BARREL SECTIONS CAN RING SECTIONS Concluded M 1280 i T . f .^ M 2202 **1 i ft ' ^ n M1281 t-y M 906 s 2 -- M 949 M 2203 M 2204 *M 1737 *M 1726 U 2V 2 J Section Index Width, Inches Thickness, B. W. G. and Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 1280 2H 1.28 M 2202 2 1.12 M 1281 2 1.07 M 906 No. 10, 1 %4 0.80 M 949 2 X, 13 /64 15 /64, %6 1.62 1.51 M 2203 1M M, 13 /84 15 /64, 3 /16 1.41 1.33 M 958 tj* M, 13 /4 1%4, %6 1.20 1.13 M 2204 1M 1 %4 % 0.99 0.93 *M 1737 2J^ See Cut 1.63 *M 1726 1% See Cut 1.45 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 179 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY BARREL RING AND CHIME SECTIONS *M 2206 LIT ~UI i, yy^ J * *M 2278 *M 2277 M 1279 Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 2206 *M 2249 *M 1708 *M 1734 *M 2248 *M 1739 *M 1738 *M 2278 *M 2277 *M 1279 125/32 x ! 17/ 33 X 1 1%4 X 117/64 1H x 1 l J /32 x 3y 32 I 13 /k- x H scant 2% 3 X 13/io 1 H scant x iAe 10,16 x M full 246 2.34 1.86 1.94 1.45 1.00 0.88 2.20 1.44 1.23 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 180 MISCELLANEOUS BAND SECTIONS BEADED BAND SECTIONS M1106 K__ -__ 2 " ->j M1104 T4 k 1%- -^ M1102 x._L i T I fc -5 BUCKLE BAR *M899 w-r ------ -i%- ------- V M 1105 -1%"^-- H M1103 M913 H-^~l [-1 BEADED HOOP BAR *M 1740 Section ' . Index Width, Inches Thickness, B. W. G. and Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 1106 2 %2, y% tO %4 0.94 M 1105 1 18 /10 %2, H tO % 4 0.86 M 1104 l/ 7 /32, K tO %4 0.83 M 1103 I 1 Wo %2, K tO %4 0.81 M 1102 \% %2> /^ tO ^^4 0.78 M 913 \Yt %2i x'S tO %4 0.73 *M 899 2M No. 7 and No. 9 1.23 *M 1740 1^ M. X %4, a %2 1.06 *Funiisbed only by special arrangement. 181 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SWITCH FRICTION PLATES * M 901 TRACK CHAIN SECTIO POTATO DIGGER SECTION Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 901 *M 900 *M 801 *M 1449 *M 808 5 x y 2 7.S 5.5 5.3 4.6 8.9 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 182 MISCELLANEOUS BAR MILL SHAPES JOIST HANGER BAR *M930 CAR DOOR TRACK SECTION *M807 CARRIER AND TROLLEY TRACK SECTIONS * M 802 * M 803 * M 804 f 7 2)4 Hj5tf . ^f xLvtf ^ nf-'Mr !-^ lu^t 1 I 1 i ijtf-*! Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds 6 x Vie x M 6.20 *M 930 6 x % x 8 /4o 4.92 6 x 5/ 16 x H 3.65 *M 807 3 J^ x L V^4 3.00 *M 802 2J4 x 15 Ae 1.70 *M 803 1%2 X J^ 0.79 *M 804 1 34 x 7 /lo scant 0.79 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 183 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MAGNETO AND POLE SECTIONS *M 1443 *M 1446 Ml 442 M1441 2%* >' k 2/u *l M1440 Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 1443 2 , %4X , % . ( 3.90 *M 1446 2% X "%4 2.70 *M 1442 2Vft 6 x 1 4.8 *M 1441 2%6 X 1; jl(j 4.3 *M 1440 2% 4 . x K 4.0 : Furnished only by special arrangement. 184 MISCELLANEOUS BAR MILL SHAPES RATCHET SECTIONS * M 1091 * M 1092 M891 CAM SECTIONS * M 892 * M 881 * M 998 1" >J FRICTION SPRING SECTIONS * M 312 * M 313 ( 1.15" * Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 1091 I 1 Vie x aVfcs 2.58 *M 1092 1% 2 scant x 5 V4 2.25 *M 891 1 J %2 X 11% 5.0 *M 892 11 % 2 X 11 %4 4.8 *M 881 1 H x ivio 4.3 *M 998 2 % 2 x 2,y 32 1.29 *M 312 1.20 x 1.15 3.50 *M 313 .85 x 1.08 2.05 *M 314 .73 x 1.04 1.70 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 185 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY BRAKE KEY M1850 DRAW BAR KEY M 1851 P X__i_ I^r: VAULT KEY SECTIONS *M80 *M81 -* 214* -r- : 4J4" v _i --4" ... j PRINTING PRESS SECTIONS M 1430 1431 SCREEN BAR *M 2260 Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 1850 5 xlH 18.2 M 1851 4J x IK 16.3 *M 80 4.% x ^ 13.2 *M 81 4 x % 12.6 *M 1430 2i 8,46 x I 1 He 11.6 *M 1431 2 J8 /16 X 1 J %2 10.1 *M 2260 4 x 1, 5/ 10 7.4 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 186 MISCELLANEOUS BAR MILL SHAPES MISCELLANEOUS KEY SECTIONS *M 1409 +--V" * M 1090 SLIDE RAIL SECTIONS *M 1426 * *M 1427 I'M Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 1409 IVie xi%e 2.40 *M 1381 iy S2 x 25^ 2 2.17 *M 1633 .913x H 1.24 *M 1090 43 /&4 X % full 1.05 *M 1340 l^lo X 11/&2 1.16 *M 1444 ^8 X ^ 0.65 *M 1048 *\T 1O47 19 /32 X 11/32 37,^,4 v W., srant 0.42 *^I 1426 *M 1427 21/10 fullx n/io x .576, .647 4.3 3.40 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 187 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY BEADED BARS * M 857 * M 852 T !*-#?- *M1400 r BEADED STOVE LEG SECTIONS M 714 M 712 *{r*1_^ M711 Section Index Width, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 857 2y 2 H 4.5 *M 852 ! 7 /ie Hlo 2.65 *M 1400 1% /i 0.87 M 714 K 3 /io 0.50 M 712 K H 0.39 M 710 15 Ae y s 0.35 M 711 M %3 0.21 ' Furnished only by special arrangement. 188 MISCELLANEOUS BAR MILL SHAPES AUGER SECTIONS *M 1101 *M 2291 HHr.-! M851 * GROOVED HALF OVALS M 850 DIAMOND HARROW TOOTH PIANO BARS M904 M905 M 920 M 919 M1391 STAR SECTIONS M903 M1390 Section Index Size, Weight per Foot, Inches Pounds *M 1101 1%OX2%4 1.72 *M 2291 l%ex M 1.00 M 851 1 x Y* 1.30 M 850 ll/lGXl%2 1.00 M 904 Hio x !%o 0.95 M 905 % x 7 A 0.93 M 920 y% x Hio 0.71 M 919 M 1391 & A x % 0.63 7 A x % 0.49 M 903 M x M 0.36 M 1390 Ys x % 0.26 ' Furnished only by special arrangement. 189 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CURB SECTIONS *M 1662 *M 1665 Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 1662 1 ^ x 1'Ao 2.73 *M 1661 IH Xl^g 2.48 *M 1665 IX x IX 1.60 *M 1664 l l A x % 1.34 *M 1660 1%6 X 1H 1.55 *M 1666 53 /64XlK 1.32 *M 747 2% 3 x ?4 1.63 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 190 MISCELLANEOUS BAR MILL SECTIONS J BARS *M915 HORSE SHOE BARS *M 2264 *M 1730 *M 2263 *M 1709 STANWOOD FRONT *M944 STANWOOD BACK *M945 !*& -1 htf n" ' T i !r* ! . 7 A V"' r^7 N Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 916 1%2 % 1.25 *M 915 15 A 7 A 1.10 *M 2264 sy 3 . 2 sy &i 0.75 *M 1730 i full y s 0.60 *M 2263 7 A 15 /32 0.70 *M 1709 2% 2 full X % 0.55 *M 944 1 1 A X -'%o 1.22 *M 945 IHk x ft 1.05 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 191 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY GUIDE BARS *M 1448 *M 2321 *M 2320 .214" 1 * .945- MOLDING SECTION Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 1445 e%4 x .690 1.08 *M 1448 li% 4 fullx .333 0.99 *M 2321 .941 x .598 1.28 *M 2320 .945 x .352 0.73 *M 2170 2 % 2 x .435 0.72 *Furnished only by special arrangement. 192 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY HARVESTER FINGER BAR * M 885 -3V RAKE TOOTH HOLDER * M 221 ,* ............ 2V4"- *r~~~T ......... BACK GUIDE BAR *M789 _^ 2M," , RAKE TIRE CURB *M 91 WEARING PLATES *M758 *M769 " '* ------- -1% ------ J Section Index Size, B. W. G. and Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 885 *M 2210 *M 789 *M 91 *M 758 *M 759 2M x .296 2% xNo. 14 1 % x No. 14 4.7 1.75 1-94 2.25 0.65 0.50 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 193 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY BEADED NUT SECTIONS *M 769 ARMOR PLATE SECTION CLUTCH PAWL SECTION RETAINING BAR *M 2262 Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 769 M 896 *M 2261 *M 2290 *M 2299 *M 2262 1.90 0.27 1.02 1.08 2.80 1.03 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 194 MISCELLANEOUS BAR MILL SHAPES V BAR *M870 CHAFE SECTION *M798 I HAMMER STRAP * M 1312 i -I LETTER D SECTION M918 LETTER B SECTION * M 1040 FIGURE 8 SECTION 1V4 - VELOCIPEDE SECTION *M880 * Section Index Size, B. W. G. and Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 870 *M 798 *M 1312 I 1 He x % 3H x No. 10 2J x \i 3.28 1.75 1.45 M 918 1M x IX IX x 1^ 1 M x 1 M 6.0 5.5 5.0 *M 1040 *M 1045 M X I%2 M x 1^3 0.75 0.70 *M 880 Ji x No. 9 x H&s scant y S X % 2 X %:j 0.50 0.32 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 195 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY DRILL POST M995 COTTON GIN SECTION *M858 GRASS HOOK SECTION *M 2200 TRIANGULAR SECTION *M 1086 AX SECTION *M 1037 ^ ------- ! 15 /32- ..... - RAIL BAR * M 1100 CAP SECTION *M 1405 .228" Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 995 2 i %2 x y a 2.80 *M 858 1%2 X *%2 0.73 *M 2200 .515 x % 6 0.35 *M 1086 1 J %2 X !% 2 1.61 *M 1037 J.% 6 X % 0.70 *M 1405 % X * ~/32 0.50 *M 1100 Y* X l^o 0.25 Furnished only by special arrangement. 196 MISCELLANEOUS BAR MILL SHAPES GROOVED FLATS *MS55 *M 791 M794 *M797 *M 787 *M792 M793 --.408' SINGLE ROUND EDGE M 694 *M 2201 *M 2205 k- 1.645" ,| Section Size, Weight per Foot, maex incnes rounas *M 855 15 /ie x Y 0.73 *M 791 15 Ae X 7/82 0.65 *M 794 K x M 0.70 *M 797 S A *X 0.57 *M 787 % x% 2 0.45 *M 792 .475 x .200 0.28 *M 793 .408 x i% 4 0.29 M 694 1.645 x .337 1.84 *M 2201 9 /io x 8y w 6.82 *A1 2205 H X Vi 6 0.67 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 197 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY HOLLOW HALF ROUNDS M820 GROOVED ROUNDS M 830 M 831 u i" * M832 3r Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 820 3 x \Y 2 6.7 M 821 zy 2 x IK 5.3 M 822 2 x 1 3.25 M 830 1 2.60 M 831 1 2.45 M 832 H 0.65 198 MISCELLANEOUS BAR MILL SHAPES BEVELED CORNER SQUARES * M 1401 *M 1402 O MODIFIED ROUND 1778 OCTAGONS M 1241 M 1244 IRREGULAR HEXAGON * M 1240 *M1700 ROUND CORNERED BARS *M1701 *M1704 *M1702 *M 1703 *M 1706 Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 1401 2 i x 2 M 17.0 *M 1402 liz 1J A(t 1.52 *M 1778 s 25/oc, x 11/16 1.63 *M 1241 mio x li Vie 8.1 *M 1244 4.7 *M 1240 lii X 1 %6 5.3 *M 1700 4.6 *M 1701 1 3 /16 x lyia 4.2 *M 1704 1.19 *M 1702 1%6 X 1% 6 3.34 *M 1703 J^Ae x i% 2 1.67 *M 1706 0.87 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 199 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY ROUND BEVEL EDGE '* a- > SECTION WITH RADIUS LESS THAN THICKNESS SECTION WITH RADIUS EQUAL TO THICKNESS SECTION WITH RADIUS GREATER THAN THICKNESS Width, a, Inches Regular Radius, r, Inches Thickness, Inches Special Radius, r, can also be made as follows: IH % M to y* M, %8. %0. J4 m 5 Ae 8 /16 tO H 8 /4c, M, ^ t'fjf 5 Ae H to J4 %, M. ^ 1M 5 Ae %4tO ^ 8 A 6 , M, H 1>$ X %4 tO %6 3 /16, %6. % 1 M 7 /64 tO % fl %e, 5 Ae, ^ X %6 H to M H, M H %6 H to M H. M Unless otherwise specified, the regular radius will be furnished, but if a special radius is desired it should be specifically stated on the order. For table of weights, see page 314. Sizes not included in above list promptly arranged for. 200 BEVEL SECTIONS MISCELLANEOUS ROUND BEVELS M629 M 628 M 627 ^ I* 1H M 1351 !. ..... Ulo ..... M1359 M135 M664 M 671 r" L. 1 * _y l 1 Section Index Width, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 629 1 5 /16 IHe 4.69 M 628 1 3 /16 Hi6 4.24 M 627 11/18 1 %6 3.34 M 669 *% 1S /W 2.54 M 1351 1 % 2.01 M 668 1 %6 1% 2 1.42 M 684 1M 5^ 3.44 M 1359 l/^ % 2.98 M 1350 i H' 1.65 M 665 i % 1.18 M 664 l H 1.07 M 671 h *-i 0.87 201 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY r MISCELLANEOUS ROUND BEVELS Concluded M-689 y^ r/ \ *-k LJ ( M1337 -2"- M663 M662 M748 M 749 ^ ">k 1 1 i i^. j M685 Section Index Width, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 689 2 y* 3.31 M 1337 1 ? %2 % 1.52 M 663 2 H 2.11 M 6Q2 2 %6 1.72 M 748 2 *%3 4.3 M 749 1M 44 a 3.70 M 685 1M Y* 2.92 202 BEVEL SECTIONS BEVEL NOSE f -b * , -. ~^^~^"~T Section Index Width, a, Inches Face, b, Inches Nose, c, Approximate Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 989 3X2 1 H H 5.3 M 970 3 2M Vie ; M 2.47 M 969 3 2y 2 %4 !%4 scant 1.65 M 515 3 2 %6 %e 5.1 M 514 3 2 Ji y% 4.5 M 825 3 I 1 Ho H 1 A 4.3 M 972 3 1M % y% 3.29 M 971 3 i/ y% 5 /ie 2.79 M 992 3 i>^ %2 M 2.15 M 513 3 IM He M 2.03 M 993 3 H H y* 3.67 M 516 2^ i^ 3 /i 9 /16 4.1 M 512 2J 1^2 Ji y% 3.61 M 968 2.y 2 1% H %6 2.30 M 517 %y% 1% %2 %e 2.36 M 510 2y 2 1% %2 M 1.83 M 511 2K 1M y* i^ 3.45 M 991 2J-2* 1M %2 M 1.79 M 994 2^ H H y* 3.13 M 518 2)4 1M M y* 3.61 M 509 2M l% M He 3.19 M 508 2% \% M % 2.66 M 967 2 % 1% He / 1.75 M 990 2K IK J^ M 1.70 M 506 2 . t$i %4 T/32 1.38 M 519 2 i % %e 3.19 M 507 2 l H li 2.76 M 823 2 i %2 M 2.07 M 829 IM l%- Via %4 scant 0.74 M 826 IX IM He 1.97 M 505 1$ 1%2 %4 M 0.59 M2271 1%2 2 %2 He %2 0.56 M 502 1 S A Vo4 full %4 0.33 M 959 y* iVio VC4 full 5 /64 full 0.21 M 965 18 Ae % Ve 4 full %4 0.20 M 979 % %6 %4 %2 0.22 M 988 K ' - %2 y 32 %2 0.35 203 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY BEVEL EDGE * BEVEL SHAFT, BEVEL WAGON BOX, TONGUE CAP,,ETC. * b ,, ^/ ^\ \t ...... --a i Width, a, Inches Regular Top, b, Inches Thickness, B.W.G. and Inches Width of Top, b, can be made within the following limits: 3 28/ie No. 12 to M 1H to 2% 2K t-H No. 13 to 5,46 IM to2M 2K iM No. 13 to % IK to2^ 2M 1H No. 13 to % l to IK 2 i*/t No. 13 to % 1 to IM 1H 1M No. 13 to K K to IK ifc| i No. 13 to H M to IM 1H J %e No. 13 to vie J V4e to 1 K IM V&6 No. 13 to % a ^ to 1 Vio. IM Ufa No. 13 to Tie %e to 1 i H No. 14 to f/ie K to K J%e %e No. 14 to % 9 %e to i% K K No. 14 to % a %e to M *%6 % No. 14 to M K to Hia % 7 Ae No. 14 to M K to 5^ J We N No. 16 to s/ie %6 tO /16 M N No. 16 to $ie 5 Ae to K Unless otherwise specified, the regular top will be furnished, but if any other top is desired it should be specifically stated on the order. For table of weights, see pages 315 to 317, inclusive. Sizes not included in above list promptly arranged for. 204- BEVEL SECTIONS BEVEL EDGE Continued M 1408 -3 M1736 l. ----------- 2 5/ 8 ? M1735 214- M1689 M 1727 cEEEEji M 1678 Section Index Width, Inches Face, Inches Bevel, Inches Thickness, B.W.G.and Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 1408 3 2 *A H 3.29 M 1736 2iHj 2 via %2 1.61 M 1735 214 I 15 /io %2 No. 14 0.59 M 1689 2 IHio %2 No. 14 0.52 M 1727 in 1%6 %2 %6 1.05 M 1678 1 y scant 17 /64 0.37 205 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY BEVEL EDGE Concluded M 620 M 699 M1378 M 1429 ~"t if ....; M622 M 1370 M 977 Section Index Width, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 620 1% l4i 4.07 M 699 15 /io 1^6 2.94 M 1378 IH %6 2.27 M 1429 i H 1.73 M 622 i %6 1.56 M 705 i y 2 1.33 M 1370 H y s 0.84 M 977 H H 0.80 M 530 3 A %0 0.65 206 BEVEL SECTIONS MISCELLANEOUS BEVELS M1406 M 827 M828 M824 6 M 1870 ! A Section Index Width, Inches Face, Inches Bevel, Inches *Toe, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 1406 6 4 1 %4 9.0 6 4 15 /64 y 2 9.3 M 827 6 4 Hfc 7 /16 8.0 6 4 7 /64 ^8 6.7 M 828 6 4 %4 %a 5.7 M 824 6 3M , IX %4 N 6.6 M 1870 5H 3^ %4 M 6.1 * Dimensions given are approximate. 207 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS BEVELS Continued ROUND BEVEL EDGE SECTION M666 DOUBLE BEVELED SECTION M 1304 4" BELT RAIL SECTION M1038 Section Index Width, Inches Face, Inches Bevel, Inches *Toe, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 666 6H 1% 1, 1M i 5*j, 8.3 6.4 M 1304 4H 1H IM %6 H H 4.2 3.19 M 1038 4 3M ji %4 6.6 * Dimensions given are approximate. 208 BEVEL SECTIONS MISCELLANEOUS BEVELS Continued M1722 M 1723 2%, 7 t M1724 M 1725 5 it 1 Weight Section Index Width, Inches Bevel, Inches Toe. Inches Thickness, Inches per Foot, Pounds M 1722 6H 3^,2^ %, 5 /16 9 /16 9.5 M 1723 6M SM! 2% %, y 9 /16 9.2 M 1724 5% 3, 2% %, %0 3 %4 8.5 M 1725 5% 3. 2% \ %, % 3 %4 8.3 M 1721 5% 3, 25-3 j %, % y% 9.0 209 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS BEVELS Continued M300 6^32 DRILL POINT STEEL M 709 Section Index Width, Inches Bevel, Inches Toe, [ Thickness, Inches Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds 6%2 3,%4 %e, K tyfc 11.3 M 300 6% 2 3%4 %, 5 Ae % 10.0 63/ 32 3%4 %e, M %6 8.7 M 709 3 1^ H 3 /le 1.59 M 708 3 1^ Me H 1.28 M 707 2% i'H %6 % 1.17 M 706 2J^ 1M K M 1.59 210 BEVEL SECTIONS MISCELLANEOUS BEVELS Continued HINGE PLATE SECTIONS Section Index Width, Inches Face, Inches Toe, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 1375 M 1374 M 1373 M 1372 8.4 6.9 7.3 6.0 5.0 211 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS BEVELS Continued M 1006 SHARP TOE CALK SECTIONS M 1005 M 1004 M 1003 M 1002 "ho" M 1001 M 999 WEDGE BARS M925 M 1049 Section Index Toe, Inches Thickness Weight er Foot , Pounds M 1006 M 1005 M 1004 M 1003 M 1002 M 1001 M 999 M 1039 M 925 M 1049 IHe 1 18 A6 %6 1%6 %2 See Cut %4 %6 %6 !%2 %e %6 1.30 1.17 1.05 0.82 0.68 0.53 0.44 1.30 0.98 0.30 212 BEVEL SECTIONS MISCELLANEOUS BEVELS Concluded M 1087 M 1088 M 1089 _.,<_ M1083 M 1084 -45*4*. M 1085 M 975 M 898 M 2372 B Section Index Size, B. W. G. and Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 1087 l%ex i% a 2.40 M 1088 IK x i% 2 2.02 M 1089 iy s x i% 2 1.77 M 1083 l*4e x IVie 3.34 M 1084 lVix i% 6 2.54 M 1085 IMeX 5i 1.02 M 975 1.05 x No. 12 0.38 M 898 1 x 94 1.20 M 2372 %e x .225 0.39 213 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY OVALS Width, Inches Thickness, Inches ix S A to % inclusive, advancing by IGths. 1H ^ to % " " " IGths. i M to % " 32nds. 15 /i e M to 5i " 32nds. Ti M to % " 32nds. ^le %e to A " 32nds. h %2 tO %6 " 32nds. H46 5 /32 tO ^ " 32nds. y* H to H , " " " 32nds. *%2 H to% 6 " 32nds. /16 H to^ie " 32nds. *%2 H to H " 32nds. X %2 to y s " 32nds. *%2 %2 tO 5,46 " 32nds. %6 %2 tO M " 32nds. !%2 %2 tO M " 32nds. % %2 to M " 32nds. For table of weights, see page 318. Sizes not included in above list promptly arranged for. BLUNT OVALS Width, Inches Thickness, Inches */s y% to %e inclusive, advancing by 32nds. %o H tO% 2 " 32nds. y* y s to % 6 " 32nds. 7 Ao . H to% 2 " 32nds. H H to% 6 " 32nds. For table of weights, see page 318. Sizes not included in above list promptly arranged for. 214 OVALS MISCELLANEOUS OVALS AND BLUNT OVALS *M868 c 01 M 771 M 2240 f -2-"- M869 M 874 !3 /4 - *J- M876 Section Index Width, Thickness, Inches Inches 1 Weight per Foot, Pounds *M 868 2 ^ 2.83 M 771 2 & 2.41 M 2240 2 %6 2.16 M 873 2 %e 2.12 M 877 2 7 /ie 2.09 M 869 IX ^ 2.06 M 874 1M %6 1.88 M 867 1M 7 Ao 1.85 M 876 1% %6 1.82 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 215 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS OVALS AND BLUNT OVALS Concluded M879 M864 V s **^ \ M 224 2 ^f : ^d H^ ? ^rfd ^> A ! 03 " -- 1%" 563 . M 875 M 2241 Mi '=]CZI>^ #fCI ^ ^ ^r'lC^""" ^J M 859 M 862 M 861 M 779 M872 ' C3 * )4 M860 Section Width, Index Inches Thickness, Weight per Foot, Inches Pounds M 879 li H M 864 ia%2 M 2242 1 y 8 M 2241 1 YZ M 863 1 Yz M 875 1 Y 2 M 859 1 H M 862 li% 2 M 861 l% 2 M 779 l^ie M 872 ey4 M 860 IMe .942 4.3 Tie 1-83 Tie 1-68 Tie 1-58 Tie 1-57 Tie 1-56 % 1-35 Tie 1-49 2 Ve4 0.97 J%e 2.25 5%4 1-98 5 /ie 0.98 216 BEVEL SECTIONS HALF OVALS Width, . Inches Thickness, B. W. G. and Inches 4 % to J^ inclusive, advancing by 16ths. 3M %6 tO H " 16ths. zy 2 %o to X leths. 3M 5 /l to H ' " 16ths. 3 %e to % " 16ths. 2H 5 /4e to M " 16ths. 2y 2 M to M " 16ths. 2M M to % " 16ths. 2 M to H " 16ths. 1% M toAe " " s " 32nds. 1% M to H " 32nds. ijif %6 tO ^ " 32nds. 1H H to y* " 32nds. IH y$ to y 8 " 32nds. 1M 1 A to y s " 32nds. 1H 1 A to % " 32nds. i 15 /i6 No. 12 to ^ No. 12 to % " 32nds. " 32nds. H No. 12 to % " 32nds. 13 /i6 No. 12 to % e " 32nds. M No. 14 to % 6 " 32nds. Hi No. 14 to % 2 " 32nds. N No. 14 to % 2 " 32nds. %8 No. 14 to M " 32nds. K No. 14 to % 2 " 32nds. 7 A6 No. 15 to %6 " 32nds. N No. 15 to % 2 " 32nds. For table of weights, see page 319. Sizes not included in above list promptly arranged for. 217 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS HALF OVALS M835 *M 1518 1.960" *M819 1.770 1526 ----- 1.482 ------ *M818 fc- 1.580 " *M817 1525 ------- 1.387-- -1.291-"- *M 816 * ---- 1.195-- -* *M 1524 1.100- *M815 ' 1.004 i>l *M 1523 *M836 Section Index Width, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 835 *M 1518 *M 819 *M 1526 *M 818 *M 817 *M 1525 *M 816 *M 1524 *M 815 *M 1523 *M 836 1.960 1.770 1.482 1.580 1.387 1.291 1.195 1.100 1.004 0.909 0.813 0.560 0.510 0.423 0.450 0.396 0.369 0.341 0.314 0.287 0.260 0.232 7.3 2.64 2.18 1.51 1.71 1.32 1.15 0.98 0.83 0.69 0.57 0.45 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 218 OVALS MISCELLANEOUS HALF OVALS Concluded M840 U 2'/2- *" M834 K , ;, M849 M 1519 M 1520 Section Index Width, Inches Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 840 2K H 3.23 M 834 2 J^ %6 1.97 M 849 2J4 J 1.52 M 1519 1% 5 /4e 1.28 M 1520 y^ 1 %4 0.25 219 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SQUARES jSize Size 3 /ie" to 2", inclusive, advancing by 64ths. Size 21/32" to 3*^", inclusive, advancing by 32nds. Size 3 9 /i 6 " to 5>2", inclusive, advancing by IGths. Squares can also be rolled to decimal dimensions, if so arranged. Squares %" and smaller can be furnished in coils. For tables of weights, see page 320. ROUND CORNERED SQUARES Size Q> Size W to %", inclusive, advancing by 64ths. Weights approximately the same as weights of Squares of corresponding sizes. ROUNDS i Diameter Q} Diameter % 2 " to 1M". inclusive, advancing by 64ths. Diameter 1 2 %2" to 3W, inclusive, advancing by 32nds. Diameter 3%e'' to 7", inclusive, advancing by IGths. Rounds can also be rolled to decimal dimensions, if so arranged. Rounds y%" and smaller can be furnished in coils. For tables of weights, see page 321. HALF ROUNDS Diameter Diameter %" to %", inclusive, advancing by 64ths. Diameter i% 8 " to 1%", inclusive, advancing by 16ths. Diameter 2", 2J^", 3". Weights equal one-half of weight of Rounds of corresponding diameters. HEXAGONS Q] size Size W to liHe", inclusive, advancing by 32nds. Size 1%" to 3^.6", inclusive, advancing by IGths. Size 3% 6 ". For tables of weights, see page 322. 220 FLAT ROLLED STEEL RECTANGULAR AND CIRCULAR PLATES Carbon Steel SHEARED PLATES, THREE-SIXTEENTH INCHES AND UNDER, EXTREME SIZES Thickness, Inches, Weight, Lbs. per Widths and Lengths in Inches Diameter, 68 B. W. G. Sq. Ft. 74 72 70 66 64 60 mcnes 8/1 a 7.65 200 220 240 250 270 320 375 77 No. 8 6.73 200 210 216 230 260 280 74 No. 9 5.04 1 50 1 70 190 220 240 7 No. 10 5.47 144 170 200 230 68 i 4, 5. 1O 140 150 160 6 6 No. 11 *SeeNote 140 150 160 66 No. 12 *See Note 120 130 144 64 Thickness. Inches, B. W. G. Weight, Lbs. per Sq.Ft. 54 48 42 36 30 24 Diameter, Inches W 7.65 400 400 400 375 375 400 77 No. 1 6.73 300 340 350 350 350 340 74 No. 3.04 280 30 3 10 ? 530 330 280 7 No. 1 b 5.47 240 26 2 70 j 500 300 260 6 8 1 A 5.10 200 220 230 260 260 260 66 No. 11 *See Note ; 200 220 230 260 260 260 66 No. 12 *See Not< J 180 200 220 240 240 240 64 Rectangular Plates 3 Ae" thick, over 74" wide and Circular Plates 8 Ae" thick, over 77" diameter can be furnished to gage only and only under certain conditions. Such sizes hould be submitted for special consideration. * Plates lighter than Y s " should be specified to gage only, as it is not practicable to furnish such light plates to weight. Plates of greater dimensions than shown in above table, may be submitted for special consideration. RECTANGULAR UNIVERSAL PLATES Carbon Steel UNIVERSAL MILL PLATES, ONE-FOURTH INCH AND OVER, EXTREME SIZES Thick- Weight. Widths and Lengths in Inches ness, Lbs per I | Inches Sq. Ft. 48-46' 15-41 40-36 35-31 30-26 25- 2( 319-17 16-15 14-12 11 10-6| M 10.20 102C 1020 1020 1020 540 540 fft 12 75 1020 1020 1 140 12 60 132 132C 1080 1080 1080 600 600 H 15.30 1200 1200 1320 1380 1380 138C 1080 1080 1080 900 840 17 85 1320 1320 1 380 13 80 135 138C 1080 1080 1080 900 840 ^ 20.40 1380 1380 1380 1380 1380 138C 1080 1080 1080 1020 840 Ao 22 95 1380 1380 1 380 13 80 13S 138C 1080 1080 1080 1020 840 25.50 1380 1380 1380 1380 1380 138C 1080 1080 1080 1020 840 ' A A 30.60 1353 1357 1363 1372 1380 138C 1080 1080 1080 900 840 H 35 70 1160 1163 1 169 11 77 US s 1203 1080 1080 1080 900 840 1 40.80 1015 1018 1023 1030 1039 1052 1080 1080 1080 900 840 1 % 45 90 903 905 HO 9 16 92 4 936 1080 1080 1080 840 840 i % 51 00 812 814 818 824 832 842 1071 1080 1080 840 840 i % 56 10 738 740 744 7 49 7 6 766 973 1080 1080 840 840 i /^ 61 20 677 6^9 382 6 87 66 3 702 892 1059 1080 840 840 1 5^ 66.30 625 626 629 634 640 64S 823 978 1080 840 840 1 M 71 40 580 581 584 5 88 5 4 601 765 908 1038 720 720 \y^ 76.50 541 543 545 549 554 561 714 847 968 660 720 2 81 .60 507 509! 511 515 519 526 669 794 907 600 720 Plates of greater dimensions than shown in above table, may be submitted for special consideration. 221 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY RECTANGULAR AND CIRCULAR PLATES Carbon Steel SHEARED PLATES, ONE-FOURTH INCH AND OVER, EXTREME SIZES Thick- Weight, Widths and Lengths in Inches Diam., ness, Lbs. per Inches Inches Sq. Ft. 132 126 120 114 108 102 96 90 84 78 M 10.20 175 250 280 300 330 375 400 115 5 Aa 12.75 240 270 320 360 380 420 440 460 120 X 15.30 180 240 270 320 365 380 410 450 500 550 132 7 Ae 17.85 200 270 300 360 370 410 430 460 510 550 132 1 A 20.40 240 270 320 365 400 1 450 480 510 550 580 134 9 A 6 22.95 240 270 330 373 420 470 500 530 570 600 134 H 25.50 240 300 350 390 450 500 520 540 600 620 134 "Ao 28.05 240 300 360 420 450 500 520 540 600 620 134 M 30.60 240 300 360 400 450 490 520 540 600 620 134 i% e 33.15 240 300 340 385 440 490 510 530 600 620 134 H 35.70 240 300 330 375 440 480 510 530 600 620 134 1 40.80 240 300 300 340 440 460 500 530 580 600 134 lj| 45.90 240 300 300 330 410 440 450 500 550 580 132 1M 5 1:00 230 270 300 310 380 400 420 490 530 550 132 1^6 61.20 210 230 260 280 330 320 340 420 440 480 132 1M 71.40 200 200 220 240 280 270 300 380 380 410 132 2 81.60 180 180 190 210 240 240 260 320 330 360 132 2^ 91.80 132 160 170 190 210 210 230 280 295 320 132 Thick- Weight-, Diam. ness, Lbs. per 72 66 60 54 50 48 42 36 30 24 Inches Inches Sq.Ft. , s-i 10.20 430 475 525 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 115 %0 12.75 480 500 560 550 575 575 550 550 550 580 120 H 15.30 600 600 620 620 620 620 600 580 600 600 132 7 Ae 17.85 600 630 630 640 640 640 600 580 600 600 132 1^ 20.40 610 630 630 640 640 640 600 580 630 600 134 94c 22.95 620 640 640 640 640 640 600 580 630 600 131 H 25.50 620 640 640 640 640 640 600 580 600 600 134 X Vl6 28.05 620 640 640 640 640 640 600 580 600 580 134 M 30.60 620 640 640 640 640 640 600 580 600 580 134 1% 6 33.15 620 640 640 640 640 640 600 580 570 550 134 Ji 35.70 620 640 640 640 640 640 600 580 550 550 134 1 40.80 600 630 630 640 640 640 580 580 520 530 134 1 Ixg 45.90 580 620 620 640 640 640 580 580 520 500 132 1M 51.00 550 600 600 600 600 600 560 560 520 450 132 1H 61.20 530 600 600 600 600 600 540 540 470 430 132 1M 71.40 450 490 550 550 550 550 540 540 430 380 132 2 81.60 400 440 480 500 500 500 500 500 400 350 132 2K 91.80 350 390 420 450 450 450 450 450 300 200 132 Plates 48" wide and under can also be rolled on Universal Mills. For greater length and Universal Mill Sizes, see Universal Mill Plate Table. Plates of greater dimensions than shown in above tables may be submitted for special consideration. 222 FLAT ROLLED STEEL RECTANGULAR PLATES Nickel Steel SHEARED PLATES, ONE-FOURTH INCH AND OVER, EXTREME SIZES Thick- ness, Inches Widths and Lengths in Inches 102 96 90 84 78 72 66 60 54 50 48 42 36 30 24 X 260 240 240 260 270 260 300 280 310 280 310 280 340 280 340 280 340 260 260 310 310 m 260 280 300 340 360 390 400 420 430 450 500 480 520 500 520 500 520 500 520 480 500 450 490 450 490 430 430 480 480 K 270 320 380 420 460 485 520 520 520 520 500 490 490 480 480 H 270 270 260 320 300 300 380 355 355 420 390 390 460 440 440 485 520 480 520 460 490 520 520 500 520 520 500 520 520 500 500 500 500 490 500 500 490 500 480 480 480 480 450 480 450 7 A & 1 260 260 260 260 250 240 230 300 300 300 290 270 260 260 355 355 355 320 295 290 290 390 390 390 370 330 315 290 440 440 440 400 375 330 310 450 460 440 460 440 460 430 440 400 410 350 360 330 350 500 480 480 460 420 380 370 500 500 480 480 440 390 390 500 500 480 480 440 400 390 500 500 480 480 440 400 390 500 500 480 480 440 420 390 480 480 480 440 440 420 380 480 1 450 460 440 450 440 420 420 420 420 400 400 380 360 IM 220 230 250 270 300 310 330 350 370 390 390 360 340 340 320 2 210 230 250 260 290 1295 310 330 350 370 370 340 320 320 290 RECTANGULAR PLATES Nickel Steel UNIVERSAL MILL PLATES, ONE-FOURTH INCH AND OVER, EXTREME SIZES Thick- ness, Inches Widths and Lengths in Inches 48-46 45-41 40-36 35-31 30-26 25-20 19-17 16-15 14-12 11 10-6 i H 660 660 660 540 540 %6 540 540 600 660 720 780 780 780 780 600 600 X 720 720 780 840 960 960 1020 1020 1020 900 840 %6 840 840 960 1020 1080 1080 1020 1020 1020 900 840 Vz 960 960 1080 1140 1200 1200 1020 1020 1020 1020 840 9 A& 960 960 1080 1140 1200 1200 1020 1020 1020 1020 840 y* 900 900 1020 1080 1140 1140 1000 1000 1020 1020 840 % 840 840 960 1020 1080 1080 1000 1000 1020 900 840 7 A 780 780 840 9( 30 960 960 1000 1000 1000 900 840 1 720 750 780 816 840 900 1000 1000 1000 900 840 1H 640 667 693 725 744 800 1000 1000 1000 840 840 IJi 575 600 624 652 672 720 1000 1000 1000 840 840 1% 525 545 567 593 600 655 970 1000 1000 840 840 \Yt 480 50Q 520 544 540 600 890 1000 980 840 840 \Y^ 444 461 480 502 504 554 820 978 980 840 840 i% 410 428 445 466 480 514 765 908 980 720 720 1 7^ 384 400 416 435 444 480 710 847 968 660 720 2* 360 375 , 390 408 420 450 670 794 908 600 720 All sizes of Rectan specified to gage only. foot. rular Nickel Steel Plates given in above tables under %" thick should be Plates W thick and over can be rolled to either gage or weight per square 223' CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SQUARE EDGE FLATS K Width--*, Thickness %" to 3", wide, x any thickness H" up to width. Over 3" to 5", wide, x any thickness %" to 3", inclusive. Over 5" to 7", wide, x any thickness %" to 2", inclusive. Over 7" to 7^", wide, x any thickness % a " to \Yz" ', inclusive- Over ly^" to 8", wide, x any thickness r /i 6 " to 1", inclusive. Sizes not listed will be considered. For tables of weights, see pages 280 to 284, inclusive. NUT STEEL FLATS All sizes of Nut Steel Flats within the range of Square Edge Flats can be furnished. Some of the smaller sizes can be furnished in coils. For tables of weights, see pages 280 to 284, inclusive. BAND EDGE FLATS f--'- Width -*. i Thickness %e to 1", 1 He" to 2", 2;M 6 " to 3", 3 He" to 33^" 3% 6 " to 4", 4 He" to W 4% 6 " to 5y 16 5J^" to 6M" wide, x No. 18 to No. 4 B.W.G. wide, x No. 19 to No. 4 B.W.G. wide, x No. 22 to No. 4 B W.G. wide, x No. 23 to No. 4 B.W.G. wide, x No. 22 to No. 4 B.W.G. wide, x No. 21 to No. 1 B.W.G. wide, x No. 20 to No. B.W.G. wide, x No. 19 to No. B.W.G. wide, x No. 18 to No. B.W.G. wide, x No. 17 to No. B.W.G. wide, x No. 16 to No. B.W.G. wide, x No. 14 to No. B.W.G. wide, x No. 12 to No. 1 B.W.G. wide, x No. 12 to No. 1 B.W.G. From %" to 9^", intermediate widths can be furnished. Over Q%" in width, the size, listed is the only one which is rolled, but intermediate widths will be considered. Weights are approximately the same as weights of Flat Rolled Steel, pages 268 to 273, inclusive. SKELP All sizes within the range of Sheared Plates, Universal Mill Plates, and Band Edge Flats can be furnished. For tables of weights, see pages 268 to 306, inclusive. __ 224 FLAT ROLLED STEEL ROUND EDGE FLATS, INCLUDING ROUND EDGE TIRE ,-r-Over-all Measure*, j p Face Measure-*; | ~1 iThickness %" to %o", wide, x No. 12 B.W.G. to Y" Face Measure only. W to % " wide, x No. 12 B.W.G. to % c " Face or Over-all Measure. H" to itte", wide, x No. 12 B.W.G. to %" Face or Over-all Measure. %" to 1 %6 // , wide, x No. 12 B.W.G. to J" Face or Over-all Measure. J" to l 7 /io", wide, x No. 12 B.W.G. to %" Face or Over-all Measure. 1J-3" to 2", wide, x No. 12 B.W.G. to 1" Face or Over-all Measure. 2>g" to 3", wide, x y%" to 1" Face or Over-all Measure. 3^s" to 4", wide, x M" to 1" Face or Over-all Measure. 4}/g" to 6", wide, x %" to 1" Face or Over-all Measure. Also Round Edge Flats: 6" to e^e", wide, x M" to H" Face or Over-all Measure. 6%" to 7", wide, x M" to H" Over-all Measure only. The Over-all Measure is determined by adding to Face Measure: One-half of the thickness for all sizes up to H". inclusive, in thickness. % 6 " for all sizes over J$" to %", inclusive, in thickness. Yi" for all sizes over %" in thickness. Sizes not listed, and other roundings, will be considered. For tables of weights, see pages 310 to 313, inclusive. OVAL EDGE FARM WAGON TIRE ! Thickness 1" to iy 8 ", wide, x M" to 11/32" IX" to 2fg" wide, x M" to M" 2M" to 3M", wide, x y^" to l /r 3^" to 4", wide, x %" to 1" The Over-all Measure is determined by adding to Face Measure: Vic" for sizes J^" to -yio", inclusive, in thickness. %" for sizes over %" to 7 /Kj", inclusive, in thickness. H" for sizes over VIK" to J Vio", inclusive, in thickness. }-i" for sizes over Hi" to 1", inclusive, in thickness. Sizes not listed will be considered. 225 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY ROUND EDGE TOE CALK I Thickness W to %", wide, x A" %" to 1 H". wide, x ft" % " to I", wide, x J" ^" to I", wide, x A " 3^" to 1", wide, x 5/ 10 " % to IK" wide, x %" % 6 " to 1", wide, x y s " %" to 1 y" wide, x M" H" to I", wide, x %" The Over-all Measure is determined by adding to Face Measure: Vie" for sizes %o", W, and M' in thickness. %2" for sizes %", Tie", H". 9 /i". ^i". and M" in thickness. Sizes not listed will be considered. ROUND EDGE SPRING STEEL , Width-*; '( T'l Thickness %" to IS AQ", wide, x K" to H" J" to lH"t wide, x H" to %" ! 9 Ae"to 4", wide, x M" to 1" 4J^" to 7", wide, x %" to MJ" Sizes not listed will be considered. For tables of weights, see pages 312 and 313. ROUND EDGE BABY CARRIAGE SPRING STEEL *- Width --* I y* Thickness H" to %e", wide, x No. 13 B.W.G. to % 6 " 5i" to 1^", wide, x No. 13 B.W.G. to M" Sizes not listed will be considered. For tables of weights, see pages 312 and 313. ROUND EDGE CONCAVE OR VEHICLE SPRING STEEL r Width >. : Thickness 1" and IVic", wide, x No. 6 to No. 00 B.W.G. 1 Ys" to 2", wide, x No 7 to No. 00 B.W.G. 2H6" to 2W, wide, x No. 7 to %e" 2%e" to 3", wide, x No. 6 to %e" 3He"to 4^", wide, x M" to H" Sizes not listed will be considered. 228 RAIL SECTIONS A. S. C. E. RAILS r -2%,"-- -i Rails Splice Bars Ind'eT Depth, Inches Width per Yard, Pounds Regular Miscellaneous Duquesne Base, Inches Head, Inches 10040 5M 5M 2M 100 S 10040 D 10040 9040 5H 5% 2y s 90 S 9040 S 10030 S 10032 D 9040 D 10032 8540 5%6 53/16 2%o 85 S 8540 D 8540 8040 5 5 2>A 80 S 8040 S 8040 A S 8040 B S 9030 D 8040 D 9030 227 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY RAILS Concluded Rails Splice Bars Section Index Depth, Inches Width Weight per Yard, Pounds Regular Miscellaneous Duquesne Base, Inches Head, Inches 7540 413/10 4*% 2i% 3 75 S 7540 D 7540 7040 4^ 4H fi% 70 S 7040 S 7040 A D 7040 S 7040 C 6540 4%e 4%o 2i%o 65 S 6540 6040 4M 4^ 2% 60 S 6040 D 6040 5540 4 Mo 4 Me 2^ 55 S 5540 S 5540 A 5040 3Ji 3^ 2>i 50 S 5040 228 RAIL SECTIONS AMERICAN RAILWAY ASSOCIATION RAILS SERIES A Rails Splice Bars Section Index Depth, Inches Width Weight per Yard, Pounds Regular Duquesne Base, Inches Head, Inches 10020 9020 8020 7020 6020 6 5 J^ 4M 4 2%6 100 90 80 70 60 S 10020 A S 9020 S 8020 S 7020 S 6020 D 10020 D 9020 229 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY AMERICAN RAILWAY ASSOCIATION SERIES B ~^,' 1 *' : RAILS S 8G30 fp^O ^ TfW" ^1 r r^Li^ ^ *M| *?|f|- ^^ 10030 i e* ViR i | i_ J>4^^ K 2/ / r ** 'IT* ' C \'s^~ ' f**\ ~^\' ! ^-LJ !? -5 j nl ~fN*. A 1?**-^%* 9030 ^- s <85 12 "** d - |7 5/ 5/lL i^ J> ^jfl^j^ !li5_ i l ! ! I j49/" 1 , - n Rails Splice Bars Width W Q ;^+ c Wtian Dpntli Weignt neous Duquesne sfcr Er& B.,. a . p--, ue^ ^ 10030 5*%* 5% 4 22y 32 100 S10030B S 100, 9030 5i% 4 4*% 4 2Ae 90 S 9030B S 80^ S 80< S 80^ 8030 4i% 47^,, 27/ie 80 S 8030 S 70^ S 70- }2 D 10030 D 10032 D 9040 10 D 9030A. 10 B D 8040 10 E 10 D 704O tO A 230 RAIL SECTIONS MISCELLANEOUS RAILS 3 Rails Splice Bars Wi 1th Weight Index Inches Base, Inches Head, Inches per Yard, Pounds Regular Miscellaneous Duquesne H3031 & 5 A 3 130 S 13031 .. * Furnished only by special arrangement. 231 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS RAILS Continued r -2%- E3D j_j. Section Index Depth, Inches Width Weight per Yard, Pounds Regular Miscellaneous Duquesne Base, Inches Head, Inches *10077 529/ 32 5%6 2 % 100 *10031 5 Hie 5 2*%4 100 D 10031 A S 10031 S 10031 A D 10031 A * 10032 5% 5^ 221/30 100 D 10032 ' S 10032 S 10030 D 10032 D 10030 S 9040 D 9040 100 H 5*A 5^ 2i% 100 D 100 H *Furnished only by special arrangement. 232 RAIL SECTIONS MISCELLANEOUS RAILS Continued Rails Splice Bars Section Index Depth, Inches Width Weight per Yard, Pounds Regular Miscellaneous Duquesne Base, Inches Head, Inches *8575 5M 4^ 2^ 85 S 8575 *8531 5K 4^g 2^ 85 S 8531 D 8531 8550 5%2 5M 2i% 2 85 S 8550 D 8040 85 H 1 5 5 2/i 85 S 85 HA D 85 H *Furnished only by special arrangement. 233 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS RAILS Continued i_i Rails Splice Bars Section Index Depth, Inches Width Weight per Yard, Pounds Regular Miscellaneous Duquesne Base, Inches Head, Inches *85G 5M 5^ 2 y 2 85 *85N 5^6 5% 6 2 2l /3-2 85 8022 sy s 5 22% 2 80 S 8022 D 8522 *8077 5 5 2/i 80 S 8077 S 8040 D 8040 S 8040 B D 9030 S 8040 E S 8550 *Fnrnished only by special arrangement. 234 RAIL SECTIONS MISCELLANEOUS RAIL$ Continued ....4%' ~ 2V - 4/V- 72.8-75 Rails Splice Bars Section Index Depth, Inches Width Weight per Yard, Pounds Regular Miscellaneous Duquesne Base, Inches Head, Inches 7523 5 5 2% 8 75 S 7523 *7577 4*%* 4> 2J^ 75 S 7577 D 7577 7550 4M 4M 2% a 75 S 7550 S 7040 S 7040 A S 7040 C *72.8-75 p% 4M 2^ 72.8 S 72.8-75 ^Furnished only by special arrangement. 235 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS RAILS Concluded Rails Splice Bars Section Index Depth, Inches Width Weight per Yard, Pounds Regular Miscellaneous Duquesne Base, Inches Head, Inches 7033 4^ 1 A 2%6 70 S 7033 S 7033 A S 7033 B D 7033 6733 4^ 4M 2 1% 2 67 S 7033 S 7033 A S 7033 B D 7033 6033 4M 4i% 4 2 21/04 60 S 7033 S 7033 A S 7033 B D 7033 5633 4M * 1 A 2M 56 S 7033 S 7033 A S 7033 B D 7033 RAIL SECTIONS LIGHT RAILS K 3% ->! 3040 1^ Rails Splice Bars Section Index Depth, Inches Width Weight per Yard, Pounds Regular Base, Inches Head, Inches 4540 4040 3540 3040 3 1: Vl6 35/ie 2 45 40 35 30 S 4540 S 4040 S 3540 S 3040 237 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY LIGHT RAILS Concluded k- Rails Splice Bars Section Index Depth, Width Inches Head, Inches Weight per Yard, Pounds 2540 2040 1640 1440 1240 1040 840 25 20 16 14 12 10 8 Regular S 2540 S 2040 S 1640 S 1440 S 1240 S 1040 S 840 238 SPLICE BAR SECTIONS SPLICE BARS A. S. C. E. RAILS s- S 8540 r^fi r'^i 4g3g39 I *:T llurar ! j^-lW-. Splice Bars Rails Section Index Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Index S 10040 S 9040 S 8540 S 8040 S 7540 S 7040 S 6540 S 6040 S 5540 S 5040 15.8 unfinished 13.5 12.4 11.5 10.7 10.0 9.2 8.4 7.5 6.62 10040 9040, 10030, 10032 8540 8040, 9030, 8077 7540 7040 6540 6040 5540 5040 239 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SPLICE BARS Continued A. R. A. RAILS SERIES A S 10020 A v 8 / ?y^i L5C.J :_4p|Zffid Splice Bars Rails Section Index Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Index S 10020 A S 9020 S 8020 S 7020 18.80 unfinished 16.64 13.43 11.64 10020 9020 8020 7020 S 6020 10.63 240 SPLICE BAR SECTIONS SPLICE BARS Continued A. R. A. RAILS SERIES B 1/8 c 10030 B 12Rad. S030B 12 Rad. Splice Bars Rails Section Index Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Index S 10030 B S 9030 B S 9030 C S 8030 17.51 unfinished 15.06 " 13.84 12.65 10030, 10032, 9040 9030 9030 8030 241 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SPLICE BARS Continued MISCELLANEOUS RAILS Splice Bars Rails Section Index Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Index *S 13633 *S 13031 *S 10031 *S 10031 A *S 10032 25.47 unfinished 25.13 16.2 17.03 14.6 13031 10031 10031 10032, 10030, 9040 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 242 SPLICE BAR SECTIONS SPLICE BARS Continued MISCELLANEOUS RAILS Continued S 10020 F .(. :7^&y, UEJL* le 3 -"_____J^' h- S8550 ^L.JE35g Splice Bars Rails Section Index Weight par Foot, Pounds Section Index *S 10022 S 10020 F S 9020 D *S 8575 S 8550 S 8540 F S 85 HA *S 8531 14 5 unfinished 20.4 16.60 13.2 11.9 1462 12.0 14.1 10020 9020 8575 8550 85 H 8531 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 243 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SPLICE BARS Continued MISCELLANEOUS RAILS Continued - S 8040 B S 8040 E Rails Section Index Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Index S 8022 11.56 unfinished 8022 S 8040 B 12.50 8040, 9030, 8077 S 8077 12.48 8040, 9030, 8077 S 8040 E 12.89 8040, 9030, 8077 S 7523 10.30 7523 S 7550 11.08 7550 S 7577 13.23 7577 244 SPLICE BAR SECTIONS SPLICE BARS Continued MISCELLANEOUS RAILS Concluded *S 72.8-75 i! *.* *S 72 K ~ , ifiM 1 ^! L*W .SNOB 3 S5540A Splice Bars Rails Section Index Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Index *S 72.8-75 11.4 unfinished 72.8-75 *S 72 K 10.3 S 7040 A 11.3 7040, 7550 iS7040C 9.8 7040, 7550 S 7033 9.8 7033, 6733, 6033, 5633 S 7033 A 10.0 7033, 6733, 6033, 5633 *S 7033 B 9.32 7033, 6733, 6033, 5633 S 5540 A 9.05 5540 * Furnished only by special arrangement. 245 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SPLICE BARS Concluded LIGHT RAILS --> S4040 Splice Bars Rails Section Index Weight per Foot, Pounds Section Index S 4540 5.80 unfinished 4540 S 4040 5.00 4040 S 3540 4.58 3540 S 3040 3.97 3040 S 2540 2.20 2540 S 2040 1.87 2040 S 1640 1.70 1640 S 1440 1.36 1440 S 1240 1.36 124O S 1040 0.985 1040 S 840 0.747 840 246 SPLICE BAR SECTIONS DUQUESNE SPLICE BARS A. S. C. E. RAILS D8540 Splice Bars Rails Section Index Section Index D 10040 10040 D 9040 9040, 10030, 10032 D 8540 8540 D 8040 8040, 9030, 8077 D 7540 7540 D 7040 7040, 7550 Full information as to uses of Duquesne rail joints is given in a separate pamphlet. 247 CARNEQIE STEEL COMPANY A. S. C. E. BAILS Concluded DUQUESNE SPLICE BARS Continued A. B. A. BAILS SERIES A 3L* 4 D 6040 L _i%i J::^:: -2^* j A. B. A. BAILS SEBIES B "*fF-^--IKf-J "W*U" Splice Bare Rails Section Index Section Index D 6040 D 10020 D 9020 D 10032 6040 10020 9020 10032, 10030, 9040 D 10030 D 9030 A 10030, 10032, 9040 9030, 8040, 8077 Full information as to uses of Duquesne rail joints is given in a separate pamphlet. 248 SPLICE BAR SECTIONS DUQUESNE SPLICE BARS Continued MISCELLANEOUS RAILS D 85 H Splice Bars Rails Section Index Section Index D 10031 A D 100 H *D 8531 D 85 H 10031 100 H 8531 85 H *Furnished only by special arrangement. Full information as to uses of Duquesne rail joints is given in a separate pamphlet. 249 CARNEGIE SrEEL COMPANY DUQUESNE SPLICE BARS Concluded MISCELLANEOUS RAILS Concluded *D8522 D70H Splice Bars Rails Section Index Section Index *D 76 P *D 7577 *D 8522 D 70 H 7577 8522 7033, 6733, 6033, 5633 *Furnished only by special arrangement. Full information as to uses of Duquesne rail joints is given in a separate pamphlet. 250 RAILS AND ACCESSORIES RAILS AND SPLICE BARS COMPARATIVE TABLE OF NEW AND OLD SECTION NUMBERS Rails Splice Bars, Splice Bars, Ordinary Duquesne Rails .Splice Bars, Ordinary Splice Bars, Duquesne New No. 13031 Old No. New No. Old No. New No. Old No. New No. Old No. New No. Old No. New No. Old No. S 13031 7523 75B S7523 S75B 10020 IOORA'S 10020A D 10020 D 100RA 7540 75A S7540 S75A D7540 D 75A S 10020F 7550 75D S7550 S75DR S 10022 3100K 7577 75R S7577 S75RM D7577 D75R 10030 IOORB'S 10030 S 100RB D 10030 D 100RB 72.8-75 72.8E S72.8-75 S 72.8EM 10031 S 10030B 100PS S 10031 S 100RBM S 100LW D10031A 7020 70RA S7020 S72K S70RA S 10031A 7033 70H S7033 S70H D7033 D70HS 10032 IOOPR'S 10032 100H 1 S 90P D 10032 D 100PR D100H S 7033A S 7033B S70HA S70HM 10040 100A 10077 100P S 10040 S100A D 10040 D100A 7040 70A S7040 S 7040A S70A S70AB D7040 D70A 9020 90RAS 9020 S 90RA D 9020 D 90RA S 7040C S 70AM S 9020D 6733 67H 9030; 90RB S 9030B D 9030A 6540 65A S6540 S65A I 9040 1 90A 8531 85PS S 9030C S 9040 S 8531 S 90A S 85LW D 9040 D 8522 D 8531 D 90A D 75K D 85PS 6020 6033 6040 5633 60RA 60H 60A 56H S6020 S 6040 S60RA S60A D6040 D 60A 85H 8540 85A S 8540 S 8540F S 85HA S 85A D 8540 D 85H D 85A 5540 5040 55A 50A S5540 S 5540A S5040 S55A S 56^A S50A 8550 85D S 8550 S 85D 4540 45A S4540 S45A 8575 85P S 8575 S 85P 4040 40A S4040 S40A 85G 3540 35A S3540 S35A 85N 3040 30A S3040 S30A 8020 80RA S 8020 S 80RA 2540 25A S2540 S25A 8022 8030 80K S 8022 80RBS 8030 S 80K S SORB 2040 1640 20A 16A S2040 S1640 S20A S16A 8040 80A S 8040 S 8040B S 80A S 80AD D 8040 D 80A 1440 1240 14A 12A S1440 S1240 S14A S12A S 8040E 1040 10A S1040 S10A 8077 80C S 8077 S 80C 840 8A S 840 S 8A D 76P 251 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY I'-HCOOOO^OOC^rci^-' CO O Tfi Oi Ol *$ J>-GOOOO^-tC^-COO'^'M^i-H * ^ T* CO * CO < i;2J3S22~pp |^ iiliili coipag 252 RAILS AND ACCESSORIES 30 O5 CO t 00 O C CO O 1O CO CO CO IM (M CO C^J (M i-l T-I JO SJIBJ Igoooooogooo t* i>- 1>- 1>- oo oo oo c I TjMO) CO i i Tf O (> C O O (focOOOOr-iCoSo %4 2 V64 2 159/ e4 . 8040 M211 F SOOlb 30.57 3 2%2 3/G4 1 25/30 1 15^,, 5 V(J4 2y 64 IK 1 5 %4 8040 M212 F SOOla 29.80 3i%2 3%4 1 2 %2 1 13 /ie "'%4 2 Mi4 1M 1 5 %4 8040 M213 F 7501C 30.32 327/30 3Vi6 1 4%.4 2 Mo 57 /04 %6 2 1 27. 7540 M 214 F 7501b 29.57 323,30 31/16 1 4 %4 1!%6 57 /04 %0 1 Y& 1 27/32 7540 M215 F 7501a 28.80 31%,. 3 Vie 1 4 %4 1 13/ 1( . 57 /64 5 /16 1M 1 2 %2 7540 M 216 F 7001c 29.29 327/30 2 6 %4 1% 21/ie 57 /64 1%4 2 1 *%i 7040 M 217 F 7001b 28.60 323/30 2 (i %4 1% i ii yio 5 %4 1%4 IK 1 4 %4 7040 M 218 F 7001a 27.89 319/30 2 6%4 1% li^ie 57 /04 1%4 1 M 1 4 %4 7040 M221 F 6501a 27.81 S 9 /! 6 2% 1M i m 6 H 1% 4 1 M 1 19 /32 6540 M224 F 6001a 26.45 3Ae 2H 1^ 1 J3 /16 7 A %2 1M 1 9 A28 6040 254 TRACK ACCESSORIES FROG FILLERS Concluded Section Index Weight Foot, Pounds Dimensions, Inches Rail Section M 232 M 231 M 230 M 229 M 228 M227 M 226 M 225 44.68 42.84 41.00 38.62 39.38 37.07 37.75 35.52 3i% 3i9/ 32 3/ic 32432 327/3.5 32^33 37/ 10 3ii/ 32 3% 22% 2 2^ 2i% 2 12%,, ia% 2 123/ 3:J iy 82 3i/ 32 Has 2 %4 23/ 04 1 2 %2 10040 10040 9040 9040 8540 8540 8040 8040 255 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY THIRD RAIL FRO 13 f r^l^ G FILLERS Si !u- "3 i ha" R 15" R 1[^JJ Section Index Weight per Foot, Pounds Dimensions, Inches Rail Section a k i c M 1417A M 1416A M 1415A M 1414A M 1413 A M 1411 A M 1412A M 1410 A 23.87 20.85 20.07 18.55 17.84 17.40 14.71 16.64 \V% f 3*%4 1J a I 13 /ie 3Vio a%l 1 1 %6 2%4 ^i 113/lc 2 41 /((l 'jio 10040 9040 8540 8040 7540 7040 7033 6540 1 I a * K | *~! '^"_R 15*^ *1 T"l j f Section Index Weight per Foot, Pounds Dimensions, Inches Rail Section 3 b c M 1418 M 1418 A M 1419 M 1419 A M 1420 M 1421 M 1421 A M 1422 M 1423 M 1424 M 1425 20.00 21.50 16.65 19.50 15.85 15.15 17.75 14.76 14.40 13.60 13.00 1 3^ M IJi 3^/16 Yz lil 3M K 10040 10040 9040 9040 8540 8040 8040 7540 7040 6540 6040 256 TRACK ACCESSORIES REINFORCING BARS 1 n n n rfff? L "tjSTl f ~'W 4 S3 jjja ^ J:U-- 1 JjjU- I ijj! l-- 12 '' R - d 1-15" R O'i e-tf *] t~Lt - *L: *y&ji 13T_ rf^-- 13 ,-^J -> laff-^**'- /. M ] M 1386 to M 1393 M 1461 to M 1468 M 1461 A to M 1468 A Section Index Weight per Foot, Pounds Dimensions, Inches Rail Section a b c d M 1386 M 1385 4.02 3.71 2 %4 25 /64 3 2 4t %2 %2 2?%4 10040 9040 M 1384 3.65 2 %4 3%4 %2 2% 8540 M 1383 3.47 2 %4 22.9/32 85 /i28 2% 8040 M 1388 3.55 2 %4 2 5 %4 17 /64 2 8 %4 7540 M 1382 3.35 2 %4 2M 3 %28 2i% 2 7040 M 1389 3.25 2 %4 221/32 17 /64 2% 6540, 85 H M 1392 3.00 2 %4 2%6 8 ^28 217/64 6040 M 1393 2.94 2 %4 2 i%2 15 /64 2 Hk 5540 M 1461 8.78 H 3 37/ a4 3%4 10040 M 1462 8.29 % 3 2 %4 2 5 %4 9040 M 1463 7.88 % 3 is^ 4 2M 8540 M 1464 7.56 % 3T/C4 2% 8040 M 1465 7.38 % 3%2 2 8 %4 7540 M 1466 7.18 % 2 61/64 21%2 7040 M 1467 6.72 % 2 5 %4 2% 6540 M 1468 6.48 *A 2M 217/ 6 4 6040 M 1461 A 11.82 1 337/64 3%4 10040 M 1462 A 11.15 1 3 2 %4 2 5 %4 9040 M 1463 A 10.63 1 3i% 4 2% 8540 M 1464 A 10.20 l 3% 4 2^ 8040 M 1465 A 9.96 1 31/32 23%4 7540 M 1466 A 9.69 1 2Ve4 2 J %2 7040 M 1467 A 9.15 1 2 5 %4 2^ 6540 M 1468 A 8.82 1 2H 2i7/ 64 6040 257 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY REINFORCING BARS Concluded A "j /16 j 3 q 'T - a --> J u Section Index Weight per Foot, Pounds Dimensions, Inches Rail Section a b d M 1453 15.30 16.84 18.51 i % 3^%4 3 %2 2W'e4 3%4 jj 10040 M 1454 14.26 15.79 17.34 11 255/ ( 4 y% H 9040 M 1455 13.79 15.26 16.79 IS 1* y* y* 8540 M 1456 13.24 14.67 16.12 IH i'>4 2Y, 8040 M 1457 12.83 14.23 15.63 2*V< 4 H 7540 M 1458 12.49 13.86 15.22 11 2/ a 2 v% 3 A 7040 M 1459 12.08 13.41 14.73 11 2 6540 M 1460 11.61 12.88 14.15 II & 4 y* g 6040 i- "f 1 i 4 1 1 1 ' J . ! 1 1 w r - * 1 JL S" p, Dimensions, Inches Section a b c M 1387 9.56 iy s 22% 2 37/ 128 7033, 6033 258 TRACK ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES FOR BRADDOCK INSULATED JOINTS M 2003 -11% M 2080 J& Sfc M2079 TIE PLATE M 1469 ^18 14 t M 2078 % -^-2^/04- Section Index Size, Inches Weight per Foot. , Pounds M 2003 M 2080 M 2079 M 2078 M 1469 11J4 x 1 "/is x y s 4^x2^i 4 x2K 3Mx2M 14 x 1H x J4 27.4 10.9 10.2 9.8 28.0 259 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY RAIL CLIPS No. 125 2 V 1 11 34' * .-: 11 84' y No. 104 f No. 106 JS R J^:b*^ s -^ ~1 ^ r" J -2-KJ-- i i. 2'K j .^No. 120 ^ ' |*%*-i -2%" -J :%*- No. 103 Eg 1* ^s7-" :: i^ *f 1 ^ * J 14.9 16.2 11.8 13.9 7.3 7.0 *Furnished only by special arrangement. 261 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CROSS TIE SECTIONS M28A -10- M28 Width of Flanges TO- " el M28A M 28 10 10 7 /i 29.8 27.8 Full information as to uses of steel cross ties is given in a separate pamphlet on Steel Cross Ties. 262 TRACK ACCESSORIES CROSS TIE SECTIONS Section Index Depth, Inches Width of Flanges Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds Top, Inches Bottom, Inches M 29 5 y 2 5 8 M 23.5 M 21 5% 4/- 8 i^ 20.0 M 25 4M 4 6 M 14.5 M 24 3 3 5 1%4 9.5 Full information as to uses of steel cross ties is given in a separate pamphlet on Steel Cross Ties. 263 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY CROSS TIE SECTIONS *M17 M15 Section Index Depth, Width, Inches Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds 1 ' *M 17 2Vk 9%4 HOT 16.4 *M 16 1 4 %4 6%6 2 %28 6.0 *M 15 1*4 | 5M 2r * 28 5.2 *Furnish"d only by special arrangement. Full information as to uses of steel cross ties is given in a separate pamphlet on Steel Cross Ties. 264 TRACK ACCESSORIES CROSS TIE SECTIONS Concluded M27 M 20 f~ M18 *2 --. -5*- M26 M19 'M22 K_ 4 %" ^| Section Index Depth, Inches Width, Inches Web Thickness, Inches Weight per Foot, Pounds M 27 2M 7 Y 9.0 M 20 2 6 %6 6.0 M 18 1H 5 %2 4.0 M 26 13 Ae 4i% 6 N 3.20 M 19 4 %4 2.50 *M 23 K 4^ %6 3.50 *M 22 !M 4 %2 2.50 *Furnished only by special arrangement. Full information as to uses of steel cross ties is given in a separate pamphlet on Steel Cross Ties. 265 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY TTHE average weight of steel is assumed in the tables which follow as 489.6 pounds per cubic foot. A bar one inch square and one foot long weighs 3.4 pounds per lineal foot. The area of any steel section in square inches may be obtained from the weight per lineal foot by dividing by 3.4. HPHE weights given are mathematical only and have no relation to the range of sizes in any particular line manufactured by this Com- pany. The sizes of flat rolled steel and merchant bars which we do roll are listed in the pages which precede the tables of weights. WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL Pounds Per Square Foot TABLE I Thicknesses in Decimals of an Inch Thickness Inches Pounds per Sq. Foot Thickness j Inches Pounds per Sq. Foot Thickness Inches Pounds per Sq. Foot Thickness Inches Pounds per Sq. Foot .01 .408 .26 10.608 .51 20.808 .76 31.008 .02 .816 . .27 11.016 .52 21.216 .77 31.416 .03 1.224 .28 11.424 .53 21.624 .78 31.824 \ .04 1.632 .29 11.832 .54 22.032 .79 32.232 .05 2.040 .30 12.240 .55 22.440 .80 32.640 .06 .2.448 .31 12.648 .56 22.848 .81 33.048 .07 2.856 ' .32 13.056 .57 23.256 .82 33.456 .08 3.264 .33 13.464 .58 23.664 .83 33.864 .09 3.672 .34 13.872 .59 24.072 .84 34.272 .10 4.080 .35 14.280 .60 24.480 .85 34.680 .11 4.488 .36 14.688 .61 24.888 .86 35.088 .12 4.896 .37 15.096 .62 25.296 .87 35.496 .13 5.304 .38 15.504 .63 25.704 .88 35.904 .14 5.712 .39 15.912 .64 26.112 .89 36.312 .15 6.120 .40 16.320 .65 26.520 .90 36.720 .16 6.528 .41 16.728 .66 26.928 .91 37.128 .17 6.936 ..42 17.136 .67 27.336 .92 37.536 .18 7.344 .43 17.544 .68 27.744 .93 37.944 .19 7.752 .44 17.952 .69 28.152 .94 38.352 .20 8.160 .45 18.360 .70 28.560 .95 38.760 .21 8.568 .46 18.768 .71 ' 28.968 .96 39.168 .22 8.976 .47 13.176 .72 29.376 .97 39.576 .23 9.384 .48 19.584 . ! .73 29.784 .98 39.984 .24 9.792 .49 19.992 .74 30.192 .99 40.392 .25 10:200 .50 20.400 .75 30.600 1.00 40.800 267 ^-. E I; 03 E 0. o II 51 UJ d UJ Z i! LU - ^U CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY B ^ ^ ^ . CD T-H eg 10 i-^ t7j CO CT> ^t- ^ LO -^t" CD b^ CM O LO O LO C*J oa -^j- <^> oo 1-1 t O ^t" CT>^ CD OO i-HO^t- CO s LO tO -sf LO -^r ' ; icSc9 : 10 D O t~ to st- <-H CDLQLO^l- tS-CO 2 S2 S^ cr> t>- oo o -M -a ig: ^ LO LO TlOOOCO C3-HC>.^t' t CM CM CM CM CO OO OO Kt^ -^t* LO LO 268 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL EL d"! LU ~ CO I Q ^ 3 CO H ' ^t- -<> t~. CO sill 1111 Illi lill &1I1 Si C*^O">t-OO C^LOO^^" ^OOO30O O3C^ D^i-HLO 1 ^* OQCO^OO <^OS<> Illl [ ss ^|! r-TcM CM CM !ss s2 llii iis H rH rH CM CM CM OO iiil I S? OTj-CnLO r^SlOrH OoSSLOrH OO "d; iJ; "^ IO 3tOt>;OO COCTjCSrH CM* c= o? oor^-coio -roc4v> 269 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY col = CO CM r-i rl I Soofe 12: LO LO CO Csl LO i-H OO >-i co in t-. o -< CM CM cR OT fc 5 M0^ OO O"> II CO LO OO LO r-; oo^ Eq uo iS 21 ^j ,-, ^H ^i_ ^ cj pi ' C- CO CO i-> CO CO I CO OJ OO OO CO CTl I i CT> * ** tD CM t^ ' rH CM CM CM CO CO ftO ^H OJ " O OO LO CM O I-H 09 CO >3 CO 5? S? S c~- co : ~tDCOCM CDinO^ UJCM^- OOOCO LOOLOi-H tOCMCT) -; i-H CM CM CM CO CO xj- -i; LO 10 t^-OOOr-H :M -a oor^-wua *srocM.- 270 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL Q = o< CO CD CO CD CD OO tS. 1C CO CO *- T LO CO t- OO O r-; CM **; CD 1-4 r4 .-< r-l ,-H T-l CM 65 * ^ i I 00^ 222 S!-j 2 ^ O5 OO i^i 3 8?S :& ^S CO CO CO ^ ^ i-H .-( .-1 CO CO CO CM OO CO *r*1 CO t 1 1111 CM' CM oo 06 co ^f -^ r-H-H-i ,-j ,-i ,-j c\j | COCOCMCO POCOOO-'*- Ilil 1111 CO T-H CD LO CO CO CO ^lf) 8iS Scl 03 CM CM CD C5 CM COPO? ? CM" o ^H T-I O ^; CD CO CD O f 4 O3 CM CM CM CO CO OO OO fe SCOOO LO CMLOCM i CO CO CO Sli OO OO i o * oor-ccua rrrocMr- 271 LJ Q = LJ Ul S* CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY 0= til -^03 0} r-j co in c^ o? 03 in cr> w O CT> i rH CM I T-l >-H CN1 CNJ OJ CO CO CO C>~ CT> i in cb E>! tsl 06 in in cb co tsl 06 in in co co t- is. .^-tO i* ^H I>jOO ' j co E- ^~ cj co co co x^ -^ in in cb cb tsl ^H S CO O - cjj oa in co to t>l o> co o -HOQ"^- b^ to co < '4-OCOL T -T ; ^ T ^ ^ 'd- in ir> to co c>- 3&% co -3- <*- in in in '%Z Bgg., .. -H -< ^j-incDin c^oot^. -3-ts. CO^HOTO cocoin CO OO CO 111 CD oj co in S-p CQ CO CD LO O CO CD CO O 55 ci5ot-in coincoin co co co Tj 1 in in OJ CJ CJ to co ^tSjO CO CO i-J ^ COCOt-.^ cJoJco coco^-^ 1 -^Lriincb CM (M (N CNJ CO CO 388 & oS^ c^J^S ""i 11 co co co ^ -^ in in co in S ^SS LO in in iS i CN CO ! - CO CO CO - COO3 COt^t>CO COCN CT1T-5 '^CD'i-in OLT CTitS. M^-tiCO COCC -< T-H ^H T-H ^-| I-H oq cvi 03 co co co -^ ^ * -H CO CO Si 272 CM i S 0> 85 ^ $ j- 1 ^ Si I 1 CO 2 i g' li g s I ' Jl B| tej t WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL o ^ co ^o*O)co <^>o>cooo x^co^p t^^ t~ r>~ to <> in in-^-oooo < CT)t^-HCT> IO CT> LO I 00 IOOOCOC-. COb-OOOi in co co o> (N O5 O ~* *-* r-t -i T-I 1-1 CM CN CM co co *- * m in ,-t ,-t ,_,,_( ,_i CNJ CM CM co co co -i- *!- in OO CTi O CD CM CM CM co co *- *!- in in to b-1 1 OD O5 O O i-i to in o -i- oo -< in 05 co -< CD CM o co o co LO b- * to b- in c-. c>- --^ CM to o CM toocD--! (Doot^-in int^.c^.to cDoaoiLn CO 0> --1 CJ'tf-C-O CM LO 00 CO t- <-* to .-H C~; CM O U3 CM p CO ^ CM CM CM co^--t-in in.COO> O ^j- LO ID ss co co in co -*- 25 r-i O> in oo in -i- CM CM CM CO g: ^ in in to c~l ii^g 06 in t OT tsl 06 oi o> OJ CM CM CO O) O U) T-J :o! CD CD >*- i LO in to t~- c^ oo o> LO O O> O ^d~ C-- CM K 85 -; co in o CM to CM CM CM ^s^s ^S^E: coco^-- sin o in - CM O ES. LO CO CD ScoSnS t^o<^g> b~ oo o> o> S S o> ^ fecS^t; Sc^S p CM in CM CM CM C^ O tf b- ooc5feS CO O *j O to m r-< CO CO 0) in LOCO to r-i in ^-i in -n tO CO CD c-I 06 06 o> ico-^-^ inintoto islo6' 882 CM ,^-0)' I "* ^- I I LO * i < fr~ CO < ^H^Hr-H^H ^HCMCMCM to t>- oo o g^^s to Si o O> -! 10 in to to c~l tsl 06 pi CO 00 - LO CO (M 05 S3 CM p ' ^J-COLO ^-^-LOCM CO-^l-tOCM -st- b- ' b^COO> CDCM-l-b~ O5<-I^1-CO CMLOi g55^i } t "-j ' "*" L >' b-jCO g. | 2oq LOO ^i^g> LO OO O CD gs ^t- O <7> 3|g $Si ^gQ5 CM 00 LO 75 LO *>s SoSS Sc^5i n 05 co CM 2g$ ,-H - ^-t T-H ^-H Q3 3 "<*>' to LO i i o o co LO O5 O> LO LO LO tO O 1 ,_; ,_; ^ ^ CM CM CM T-I co -=r to S S S cq g&^5S S %%' ' b~ CO OO * tL) CD to b- oo oo r^-5- LO fTt O3 "^t" SSCMS CO CO CO ^ i-H O CO LO p co S p CO CO CO * b^ VU <_j Vi^ rH ^?^^ i*-00) ocr^-toio -a roesi 273 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY D STEEL, Pounds Per Lineal Foot 2 to No. 1. Widths from 12$ Inches to 81 l-nches LLE T RO from No. FLA IGHTS OF Thickness in G R 2 OO^-CTiOO CO CO LT> OO ir> OJ o 03 cr> oq <> t^. o>-ic^ oo in cd c^ O> O -< O3 CO -"d 1 CO t-1 <> to t>l 06 oio^oi (0<0 fe& or-c ooirt '-Hoa OO^LOUJ SS2S? -M -a ssatujotqi e4*-e COOScJrH OJCO-^Lf) ooaio OOCXJO o -ic6o>0 T-H CQ CO Tjj c~looaJci O^H olo6aio> CD-H-icvi cc-oa crH S SSS3 OOOOOOOO >-lair-!cJ t-looojo t-Hoo^iri e^o6o-! i-H i-lr-li-li-l ^Hr-ICOOa t^OOOO ^-t c-looaio ^-i SGco? o -icvico'*- 5t-cr>o -I 274 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL OLLED STEEL, Pounds Pe TABLE III Continued WEIGHTS OF FLA \* I oo 83 So S en 2 88 gj I g^S33 S^ca ca S3 X "O 'M '9 ssanjptqi Pi 88558 SS CDOlT-HLT) > CD -* oi t^ in t-1 oi s d a ss^ 0) CD -< W CO ITS >I 00 O H 8388 a d s^is^j S8 a s v 8388 OO IDOCOC5 inod csi Cvj 275 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED TABLE III LOM-CO C-~ t>~ CT> r-ioa CTi-^-CQO .-irHOCq co tri c~I oi i-ir-ii-ii-i i! co ^ > csl oi r- SootD 5? CDOOCDCO -H ^-1 CM 05 ^-i-^ tslo-^ CO CO CO -^ <* u>cx5cDOJ to tsl 1-5 ^ coocoto r-H>-iCVlCQ (MCvlCOCO CO'-^-'4- Scoinus CMIOOCO 5- O^CN CDCT>O^t^ * t coio ^-ncooo'd- 04 S^ SSSS2 SSS SS83S O'Ai'9 CM-=> 276 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL u ^ CO " Q = LJ uj P O LJ S O> * * CO <^ O"> I C> C7> T-I -HLOCDCM --l(MCMOa (NOOOOCO "4" i*- >sl- ITS CT>cooa<-o . CG^ O^LOOOCD \^^>ir>opoa T-n_c^u5ir> g 2:' g s 8ss?""^sas s-; -H(NCJ w S to S 8 Sa b^. C> -H 5g -1 r-H CO t*l * " cococo^ ^t-^-io s j^-g CM-. CM* s> 277 CARNEGIE STEEL CO.MPANY LLED STEE BLE III Contin RO & i :* 3 8888 LOO^O^O^ tDOOCOLO CO 0} CO > I N^* 83838 8S8S S8SS O-^OOOO C)* 'O^IO COOO ^ COLOOO^H ^oocvito ci^cJcoS OJCMCOPO coco'*-'^- inLotDlcS 8S3S oooooS S^t22 SlS '-i^tdoi eotoo-^ t-lt-5 LOCT> tn (NCVJCOCO CO^^-IO csicvJOTco OO^^-LO m^Dtor>- LOO^HCO r-iLOC-~ir> UJOOCDLO 8SS8 888 S 8888 \* 888 oor^ceio vroeMv 278 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL LLED STEEL, Pou TABLE III Concluded RO (NOOOOOO ^- t> U3 C-, oo 8 H tt p t^ 3 O1LOOOCN (N ^o S' O'ywa cvir- CMT-<9 279 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY 8 CL 1 B CO .E II M pi co e- to in co oa 1-1 cr> D- tr> co o oo !^ t-< co in oo OCN- c- tr> 1-1 to CM oo co CT> * o to I *-; co to o ir; cr> 5; oq co O; T I Cs. tO ^ Lf3 y ^* 99 s? ri*. O3 CJ (N CO 8?qa S888S 3888 T-H T I O3 CO O3 C<3 O3 CO CO CO *^~ ** H i iCDCD ^J-OOr 1LO O^CO ; -J O3 "^ LO O CJ '_oJ ^ C^.^-ILO oocvjtog^ t^'d-r-icr> toco'-' ScicSi^SSSmSS S5LoS ._; ^H r-4 ^H ^H , iilllilll ^ -cl 1 ^ LD IO IO LOOO^HCO Cn-^-OLO'-' tO(Mt~COOO 8285 :8$ c^S882^ ^(N(N3 r-n COO??: SStOLO LO SS3c>?^ ^ CO CO CO ^-TJ-^I-^- 8g?2S3 8 oqSpoa lofciocotts as^H-^c^o -ii-i<>J(>J OJOJCOCOCO CQ-^^-^lO 'tS2b2cO OO^OLoSH ^h LO to O- OV i2 2 5^ o co CO CO * LO tO LO t-^ O i-H c^SSo^ T-HCQ oacjc4coco coc6^^t : !i : iSgilglliPillll SB -i :Ssi O CT^ OO sg cocococo co c^ b- co LO ** co I-H o og co 10 co rH o> oo co *}- co a> co c^ en in ojoo rH co LO o- o> ^ co 10 en co <25 CD *3- co co t-~ rH co co **- rH cr> t-^i- CO V CO CO O CO LO fr~ rH IO O LO CD CO 00 - 00 O 1 * O i I i i OO OO -^ T-5>-Jt-i^-i oic^oico co-^-^i-'i- c-loocriaio '-*^J223^J CO tD ^i~ CO * 1 OOOIS.LO o5 ooo5oo c~-t^t^- gg Sto^S c-^ LO t-. CD rH CO ID CD CO CO LO LO LO CO CO tC CO CD CD CD r-i CJ CO CO >* OO CO CD OrHrHOaCO LDt^OQCDCNl ^-LOt^ COt^t^OOOi CDOrH COt-loOOO OSCDrHrHCO > CO CD CD CD t-5 rH SO5 OO T ) t>- I r-H CO 4- ' c CTCN 22d OCO Lo'tbco'tCcO COCDCTJCDrH CDOCOCO^ LOCO^CXJO) ^rHts-COCD LOrHt-jCOCD LO ui to t-1 1-1 cocrioScDo tNCVJCOCO hCNO b**i-OCOOOO -t--K co';ociDcoLO 5rHt-. COCDLOrHC^ Jt-lt-1 oocdoioo CD W" 00 CO t- rH CO O -^J- CD LO-d-(NlrHO> OOCOLOCO'-H LTJLOCOt-lt^ COOOCDCDO cocooorH ^j-t^cDoa ooco ^00OOCOO ooLpooogg inooooom oooocj co.-o oot-cotnoo l co 06 oS o o rH oo^cot^co o -i oo ^ co f rHrHrH rH rH rH rH rH CMCMCMCMCM H* S co c?> LO 2 to tDC/ " jO 92 LO CM cr> co co -< po in cr>"*-ooooc-. <-H co o - ^^cD^h c*. rH in op in op p c>. ^ rH op to op p D~; ^ CT^ op D-^ CM co pino^cocp t-1 tsl 06 oSoor-! CM'^IOC^OO OrHCM^in rHrHrH rHrHrHrHrH CMCMCMCMCM r-ii-i -i CM CM CM 06 -OOt^ O COrHtOrH CMCMCMCQ COCOV^ 'i; t-jrH^oq incMCTjcO copS-? i-* >-icMCMCM oo^'a-in co t>l t-1 06 LO rH tO rH ^%.%*l~ rH CM CM CM . WJ -^ vs ^_J -*. **s *-; ux w; ,.-; .CO COCT^CDrH CMCOinCOb^ O*> co 'd 1 ^ in cooSoo r-i r-i ,-i CM CM COrH^OrH rHr-HrHrHCM CMCMCMCM ^J-rHt^Tl- t>-pCOCOCT> CMLOCOrH cooioio ^W^LOCO oooj r-i r-J OJ C4 0000^^ in co to c^ IPip ti rH CM CM CO CO cdcooScri ^223^,5 ^222c^ M~ cr>ocMco ^j-inco^ cT>rH^-coco ocMint^o^ Tj^rHt^CO CT>LOrHt^- COCM^COCO rHOOLOC^CTJ incocdc^ t^cooSoi cJcMco^in c^cooSo'r-; i-i rHr-JcMCM CMCO'4-'^- LO LO CO t-1 t>lo6o6oS CDrHCM-^in COcCcdoSrH i CDrHCMCO^ int-loocS r-ioJ CS3COCO-* inirjco'co C>1 t- CO 00 OrHCMOO^ 52^^231 r-i r-ir-ir-icM'CMCOCO'd 1 '4 : LriLOCO co c^OrHco^*" Lotoc^oocS OO D-- I-H c-. in c~; r-4rHi-Hlo6 oicDrHCMCO ^LOtOCvlcd r-i r-ir-irHoa cJcocO'd- ^iriin 'S^^ 23rH"i2rQrH I-HCMCO ^Locdt-lod iOrH(M co^incot^ oo c^ ' oocr>OrHCM co-^-incot^ rH rH rH rH CMCMCOOO ^J-'J-LOI COCOCOOO tgC~.t~.COCO COLOLOLO p in cr> ^h co oa CM rH p p cr> op op co co cd t-1 coaicJrHCM oooo^in rHTi-OO'-' ^J-O-OCO coooco^t- '3--<*-inm , . . , . <=> ^ a? ^ "> **> t m .' incocot- oocT5cr>OrH cvioo'^-in HSHSHS^ 282 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL IT) ID t-1 CO CT> O r-< teaagafeaaaga >CT *; -CJ; Lf> LO LfJ tDC~.C-.COCT> OOr-noaCNJ 'rl^c* CQ co co ^ uo o^cj oo^ 7a^CT> CT)CT)CT)CT> c~loi-!coto C<3 (M CO CO CO ^i oJ.LOCO r-HoootDco CT>a>(NCT> LOOJOOLO oo-i'i*-oo^H coc~.r-iir) cr>cot3o o5iocO'-ri OOU>-*-^H 'd-oqcoc^ t-Hu5oirj COOJI-HCD oqc~.tDLO cooai-jo E^iocaoc-. 'i-Jr-i cacacoco -^iriuic-iislodCTjo j^c^oo^j JS^S^^ cc coinc~o .- o> ci-i ; . -7 -. x ? * . OO 00 O i-i CO c~lc~lo6a> .J,.; T-i S 3 8 co 2 S -co coacaiooo - T-H oa co co-^inio j^ 03 * Sqs? oSSfe T-H .-i cj mm-o ^jco^ 8SSSco 88 cr> in c^ oo m * >o T-ico-^in 5cdo>c> cotooo^ _ ^H^H,-,^ ^H^H^HCVj QJCxlOJCO I CO b~ r* r-Jr-i "5OLOC3 C>OOOC> -.LOOJO mOLOQLO ^CO^H^- cr>inotB'-i O O CD O LO O _ i ^cncooo coooc-Soo cpi^-cvits. t>- rHC^ooCTj (N^c-jOj CN^t-jO^ cvj^c^O} ^ t-j oa tj t-j in i c^ 0^^??^! COLOOOOCO LOOOOOOLO M^- O3 I O"> C CO rH ^ CO C rH i-< O3 0<] O3 O3 O3 284 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL I LJ ui O C*-. LO S 8 00 88 LO 3 CO CD CO LO K O CS] ^ t-j -; CO CD LO CD toajN \ !<:<-<.. OO'd- OtOCM r-JrH ^(NCQ : S S?Sci SS: saqonj O CO t t CO tOO^rH t^OQ^^CO COCOCO^i- *-t2>O> r-ICOLOCO -HOOIO ^Louit^ ^^S2i2 ifJS^j tO tO CD LO I C>. COO">LO JH t^- CO CD LO " So82 Si LO a5o3 KS5c Sai trS^oooi ^co^ jg eg oo co g> ^EiS^ SSSS; 88 tn^oooi ocojooo sj 42 g 53 ocouooo - N^ 1 CQ I 10' ocojroo ocovog JH c g ? S fe gj K S3 8 S 286 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL -N 23 2383 883 SSS3S 8S8 8888 28R8 83 ^^ a b K *? "* " "' " 7 ^ IT - ^ ? ^ ^ ^ & I K < co a C^ rlt-ii-l ^lOJCJCO O ID CO LO <-H OO * O CO LO OO O OO ID d1 i 5 ' Hi SN*.SS8^ SS^SS 8S8S to 71 1* a > a B u s= ^^ o^ i ^^ *^ ^ ~ SS3S8 88SK 88SK 88SK 8S8S 8S8S 8S b J \* CO^hlOU? t^^ 1 "*^ ^^7^^ ^^^^ '~l tr ? a ^^? ^^^^ ?^^ UB UU ' OS CD CO O GO C3^CO rH LO C^ Kj" OO ~"~CO t 1 ** * * CO ~" O CT5 00 to LO -^^O -H O CT> OO O ^ csj^?^^ ^^r ?^ ^I^^T^? K ? ?^^ 1 ^^^ ^^rS ? ^5^ {2 ^ ^^ rto 122^^ ^^ ^^^^ S.^^S? ^^5^ ^g"g ( .....j -,-,-. ^ -. T-.-.-J -.,-., 283 oo saqonj 287 CARNEQIE STEEL COMPANY GHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEE TABLE IV Contin 8 a 888 88888 2S?S 2 8S88 S SSSo o8SS 888: S88SS8 828 ^S 8883 S2 S^ S28 d gees 88882 O CO LO CO O CO UT> C3 u5 oa 55 ir> -; c^ in to us cti t-1 cx5 oc> S-iS^- ScOLOOO OOOinOO ^HCoSoO ^-ltO-it^ -(NIb>. OOOOCO o co iq IDOOC3(M ft- iD CO SSS 'S83H -spill 288 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL _r! U 5 LJ c tef Q2 LO en co to CD ^h co *-* LO en co OJCO-^-LO to to 1 co en co to .. o p co is. r-Hcntq-^; ES> v * CD i-H <0 f-H t~ CT> O -H -i I ^ ^ co LO oJ cri <> rt r o "i oj en to co co cvi to o LO en co c^ op to LO S to is. S co en en o LO to co en ?? jcocTiLO i-(t-~cocn Lot~cni-i stoLOLO Lq-^^co cooj'-<'-; SSS^S S C^t JLOOT KhC^T-HO^ gfjf JS 2 2 oa oj ^?SoSS 853 o^ S 8 co 88 8588 oj to en Jiii ii^ d; cq OJ to en D-; So co en 8^8 888 gg iioii o o co S LO oJ LO en oj ^ 5J *- CD t~ co en I-H LO en oa LO 8cS8cn !c$S; 289 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY 8SS8R jn $ j r-H ? W^Sfe i asss sg&a ssgg %% ggji S! p 8 8 . 8S8S 8S8S 8888 8888 88^8 885 oootsl ^^Hooir) oicriu sgi^sfi_S_aji ,o i i5gj S31 S^Si SS Ssfes ss^s ss | I T-|r- U5 O Lf> CT> CO i O 00 CO 10 CO ^H O 00 U5 10 CO O tO CO O 5 03 ro -HCSICMCt^.oocr> oo>- 00^01 co TJ- <*> oo en i co * 1 ~ 1. .ic u _ **J *.-: t^- IOO)COCO OOOLO CO O OO to i ^H Xl 03 OJ CO CO th 10 CD 25 IS. i ts| "" O.'?1B di & g ? H (3 o fo ^^oSoj coco-^io Ct5t^5i66 crtoO^j ^^^c^ S oa 01 w c^oaoj ^n a ooco-^-io o g B* '.. --^^ 5|T _,_^^^i^, ^ic^cvioi csi g ^^^^^^ 82? 2c^o1 Solo? 290 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL Jl a i Q> LJ m oScnodoo 06060606 b-lcsltsltsl r>l to to 5 CO il- LO LO iS CO CO CO CO cS ^ cr> -H CM CO oob~E: 8 t*. CO CJ5 O t O3 CO ^t" LQ b- CT5 I O LO O LO co co cO S m 3 3 2; ; 2 o5 S3 cQ c5 c^ cococo 3 gsgg LO b- &> -H ipCO^ 2p03 > b~ CT5 * CO LO **O i ^H .-I Oi 04 Csl -l > LO CNJ CM 03 8S3S Mi U5 OO t- ?cK^S 8oaS5 5C^O3-H r-HCDO^OO 03 ^i O Q CJ> CO t*l U^ ^ CO ^H O OO sss b^ 5 "=J- g RSSS^ Sc^8i 8Sc82 CTJ C~I LO 'i : C383cQ& O it- CO -H O ?~ oq CTJ p -r-j 82c^S? S^L^S 9SI8 N o oo _Riiw gfeS cQ 8 5J "S8 S S cQScocS c^S^ 2oi^ * o saqouj 'ssan iS 3! ^ SB 291 CARNEQIE STEEL COMPANY i Gfl 2E3S iss n >> 2 ;t-- * ' CO ^88 & T-HT ) i 4 I-H ^H i ) T-( T I O3 O3 3 8 8 O)O i-HCMCO-*- LO CD OO O CM **- to OO O CM CO CD CM CO ^-LOtO b^ CT> ' ^t" 880^^2? sss u>c-l ooooo^c c>c ^H ;O CNOD^CD UJLO <0t0t-lt-l COO^O'-H OJOO^IT) COb~ fe;H eg co ^ in S oo ^ co to g^ g> ^ co LO J^H' CO *-* CM CM' CO COCO "* 10 <0 ts. 38g^ 8 CM CO CO ^ ssss t-lcoojcs I-H'OJCOCO ^ to oo o co to t-. 05 ^< co itf ^O3O3 O3O3O3CO CO CM CO 1 3: IS LO O LO | to Csl C^ S^8 O *H LO b~ 00 co 8885 S888 ^88 888? 8888 ^Lodtd ssga ^gg si_iiis. Sc^Ss SSSg LO 00 ^ 28883 co 1 ^ ?S8 KSS8 S8co5) oogj-j j^j^^ij^ "8^2^ !^^ 82 COt^tOtO LOrt-COr-H OOOOOOOO 8 $to5oo CM CM CM CM CO SS3 t^ o> O3 OJ g?SSS^ ^838 8SB Hi 292 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL _ I 1 g u ! S o o o T -i,- lr -i ._ ,-H _< _ _i 03 oj pa oj oo oo :h o co O3 cri T- 06 LO co o oi -i 1 e>l oi T-H -s^ co o to ai ^ ai co oo 03 t-1 -i gcooo^- ^t-co^oo a^cjoo % fe 3 2 8 cS & g3 co & 8 S SS ggg^^ Siggg gggg gggfe gg S?S8 SS3! oo CD r-< ggg I CO CO ^ **- If) t>~ ' S8? fe gel ._ eft oo co ^ 03 o co co cr> LT? -< oo -f o co co SJODCO ajLq^csi co^CqE-- di-HC t- 03 oj co ^tt- *- ir> ( 1 1-1 co >-H S if) in ^ 8S2 ^15 588 Sq co^St^ oo o cS 10 ct m 2 5? i2 88 ! JH,-,;^^-! -iO3O3OJ O3O3 CO OO CO CO oa in B 4i4 T-H t t t ! i ! 1-HO3O3O3 O3 25= S22S SScoS; .8? ' " ir^ tsl aS O) i-4cocooo 5^i'CooS*c s 3'^~t> g^gg ScJoJJ olo^co^ c^g8^ ^ SB88S8 S' g^olg 888^88 5S?!$ S'ogurJc*! c5c^iric> CDOJITJ SS* ^g?^oo ggcg fc2S 8^8^ "S^S 293 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY g LU fe CO H O UJ ^ i in ^~ ^* co co 03 < -^ CS- 00 0> p i-H OJ CO ^ to co CD 06 incjoitd OJ(M(Nlc5 CO CO CO ? en -^ ?3 g&oSoS Si8S i28B c^S^S -1 T-II-H^HCM CM OO co r-H 0> 00 o to co t O CO ^ 88 p oSS31 COCDtO, CO O CM cr> in 03 co in i-i i S8S8 coc^c55i t~- crj i-j co < in in c>- co 8S td CNJ co co 8SB si? 15 CO 03 00 ir> oo * * ^i~ C^COO^LO O OO LO "8S pco to 88 S co i < incr>coto oooinco i co o> ^ a> in p to tc c-; co inc>- CDO3inc6 ciincDin oin * CO ^~ CO C*. CnOCMCO LO OO -H ^t- OO * * ^* C^ 3 CD t-^'-jog in co o o. =r oq co ts. <-j cq o ^ % &%%& 3 3Sco 82 i < r I t-H f * CO CO CT> CO i > CD -^ E>; -H I > CM O OO C-^ I <-i * co en ' co co co co 8S3S co 030 LOOO^H^- oO'-H'^-c^. ocococn LO-icO' o>-;co^; lots-oocn -;cocpoq -;^t;cOi ^23r-ii2 ^HT-H^HOI COCMCMCO COCOCO' 8SK SIS 882; O CO LO OO (N CO 5- ^-i co <* LO co oo en co -^ en t*^ LO co < >a cj co oa l Lfj CM CD t-I LO CJ Q is! 3&8 ^^83 5 s-sfSs_aS9s_aa. = SSoScS 5 S8RS8 go3u5 p8 ? oo ^H in co co en SS8S 295 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY UJ . I Li. O 1 O i- t-coaLO SS 888 K ^ooo c3-I CO O g (N rf CO * ^f ^f LO LO LO _$ CDLo2oo5 ^icDto'^ 0300COCD ^OtO-4 - CO CO -^- LO to C-. CD O CO "d- LO t~- 03 03 st- c-- o co to CD -H CO C*7 o to co CD o O LO CD LO i-J tO co t^ co 06 CD t- CD CD o wwKK gog ^ CO CO CO 2 23ifHT-l ^HO3COO3 COO3 - LO rH tD t-1 OO i OJ S3 O^ CO CO ' f^SiS SS j- ^j- -^t- ^*- to sfr-^tO OO EdS?oS CO 'J- -^- -^ i CD oo S3 S3LS LO LO i CO tO ^t" T 't^COt^ COOOCOOO ^J-O^ c^coots. ti^t-; >-;*; ooi-Hiooq COLO sggg ?^ to t~ CD O i CD co S 8 8 : ,-H -(^H^H^H T-H^-ICOCO OJ r-i tO ^ CD O CO 'r aj - 00 00 - LO LO LO^CD^ COIOD^CD i-<-3;oqO3 ;^o7K gs I CO * -^t- "3- LO t-J tO i-H CO r-J tO rH C^ OJ T-H 1 * T-H T-H T-H T-H Q3 Q3 Q3 r> ^*" co * i OOOLOCO D-;C^ O3 CO CO CO J^J^J^JO co -- .-<<*; C-j -H CO O *** CT> CO C*- <-H Tt" OO T I ^t" OO * * *i- ***- in ID ID co O3LS-COOO ^LOCqt^ ^03* * O^ CO LO O3 CT> oo *^~ LO in co co o i <*; ID ~; OO CTJ &id !^SS ^- LD ID LD <-O gS8S 8888 88. p88 88 8888 CO ; Tj; 8S?8S S8'c^S 8?I?fe8 co'lo- 03030303 03 CO CO CO -^ ^ LD LD ID i OJ ID r-l CO (8 in ID r-Hcriod cdoJoicD oaoSiDoj COLD ^^-LO cooocr>'-H co-^-cooo cr>^-i CO < I CT> b*. CO <* ^ ID ^_3 2< 22 i-l^c3o3 O3O3COCO 52g 83 SS5 ss - .cqo5;cn SoSlS u>, ,CT>5coS3 -; -' ^* '-^c-l'tS -CDcocrJcd osinooT-H T-H CO -^t- CO OO C"> * t O3 *=*" CO O^ O3 CO ,-t ^H .-i ^-! ^ ^ QJ 03 03 03 03 CO CO OO -J.Lt3 07 O3 28 O> CO t-. O 3; OO Lf ^-ioo-^ otslcooi cdoaoiir" =0^3 <5ss:S 2o3ss g^S8 e38cS CM in co o co c 8g3 ^^ ID Bo in LD 10 CO >; ' _ f I CO r-l S >^CDt2' C^^Cg^So^C^LD i t r-l tH T < <-O t- ^LD^DC-7 OOOCN'^; ^?O O O3 ^C)OOO C3^>OT ID O^ < OO O < LD LD 1 S O> C^ LD CO r-; o i I r-ir II-HT I O3CN1C . i *$- oo oa LO ;_IO__LO_LO CO CO *"" M (N K CM to ^H ir> CT> o^ co oo o "^ oo * LO f-tCOLOt^ OCOt-O g^gg ii OO ^" O CO CO ^7 LO SS88 2 SS^S S ** in in LO to Co ^- LO to t*- co oo CT> i 83S ^O LO' LOCDCM cocncotb o cooo^- I-^-LOLO to* oo S3 co oq CM S! ' ^ OO i-H LO ^^1 cS to o to i < LO CT> CO tO Q ' ** ^- LO LO tO ( O^ CO tO O t OO *** ~* CO CO ^ to LO 10 S? : Hfe t^ co oo c?> c> ^^^ ^^^^ C^LOCM CMCMCM IOCDLOCD 8^8 *^ O> CO OO CO OO CO t* C3 I ?g 2t8S? SScQSS 8S SsSgg sSS KSciRcB iqSc^S CN3 C<] CO C^3 OO CO CO ** 8? S8S38| gg^ S S^2 SI 83SS?c8 S^ScH -' - -C CM Nl CM tO fe?28 Sc^ % S^ So? SSS3K S52SS3 8S SSgg SS S? 8?SoS2 g^^SS 8S S| ggi ^^g2 g LOC3O>t*I -HtO-HLO ScScQ& cocSgB^ SS SSS: ^S^cQ S55oSS5 ' ^-5 06 to CD to en * ^cQS3 cocSoo? O} ^ C} LO p LO ^*" Tf LO LO LO CO 298 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL 1 a s u. a LJ CO ; U Cg i 0606 co t~l c>l co co co in in ti 1 ^ ^ co CM CM -< o oj 06 06 t^ co i/$ co c*. Ci -< co in c~. o> I-H co in c-- en i-i incncot^ o **- oo oa JS^ i < f-H T i r-i^oaco o-c^cvico coco-^i"'^- mto ID co CD b^ S888 K 88S8 8388 ' >-5 c> oS 06 r ' "~ " ;8S3 SI CM(MC^CO COCO'*-'*- IDIO _g g? i I O O O^C^CDLO ^ S3c^c^ c^c^^^ 5 8! c^ tsl > to in ^ CDC-. cn'-icom 03CJ T-H ooS2 j^ c cS en co S *- m ID co p 5f oa ir; (S S CNI c^ cr> * < co ^*-CDOOO rHt-HCQCV] CN1C<1 83S oSoo^ CD CO t-n ;3^ 9 co COCMOJCO ?? g~^ |S S CM(N ID ID J=??g OO OO ooo cooop -! ^t-^- oj ^ oS 06 COLOOOOJ v < o> 5 5. cr? ^j w g CD oo o eg ^ LO 299 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY u. O 1 O LJ 'seatnpiqj, -=J~LOtOt^ C^.OOO">O t O3 OO ^J- LO t-- Cft -H O CO ^J- * OO C 1 -- ' LO O ;=; XH 5 ,=; r=! 03 co oa 03030000 CO^-^LO 12 CD LO " $ 88! co oo ^ LO to 00 O 03 ^ to $c 80088 oto -j is. CM RcoSK ^2; T> coooo^co o*^ooSo^ oocoo^co * i T-H t ) r-H ^-HOJCMCN CM O3OOOO OO^^'tf- LOLOCOCO '-D t?-; to oo en i !g?g c^SSi i -*r -^- * LO 10 to ' ^l"^ 060800 06000606 SSSS O3(N]OO COOO^-^h LOLOLolo CO 2 oS 06 06 06 06 06 t-. i^ t-- ^affiS ^ScjS3 cQ -II CO CO to to to to T-H CO LO t>- CT> * co 03 co 03 oa oo : ^coco co -; ^ - - CO t- I LO CD <*- * LO LO LO -IS ^H LO ^ esi CM 300 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL r- I co LO (^ o co C"^ O^ T t (M CM CO S8 i-5 OO LO i LO CT) CO LO LO CO i t>; oq o S SsS O C>- CD i < >3 CM CO CD S8S 2cX LO co co co to t^ to s s CO ^- LO 301 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY 05 7 Q LJ LJ 302 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL UJy d? m S ^ Sen ! oj ? 8? t a? oqcocq oooo^tS ^ & S OOCOCO iri [>1 t^ oJ 1 LO O^ ^ CO S588S? S t- CO OO - pooS q3SS iSSSS 818 2fe 88 SS8 S OO ^ 83 8883 888 $888 3888 8588 8 8?3 2SS3 81 ^ ^- in in C-^'O3CT> t>' ScS -is c^^^s ggScSg; g^aig 5Jg:g 8 S?2 ^SSS a83? SE:^S ?cSS S^ooS 85 CO W- CO od LO CO ^D O *d- OO * tO O CDCO*^OO COCOOOO IT> ^^ gj^S asas c^^oS^ gsssg . saggig 8 SS 8S?S" i:5iss S?^ScQ SoScBoS Sc^cS; SoS S'^SS SgSS fe8^2 cQSSfe ^"SS'in OLD ^H , i ^^ ,-H CMCMCMCM cococooo ^-^-Lnm cpcot>- &- oo 55 303 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY UJ ^' S: o cj in oo gcS 83g 3S3oS8 "CS ^Ot-DCSl CO LO <> CO CS*-*C^^ CO t>I O CO CO CO < I CO * < CO * I CO C<1 t>- O3 C^CM o -^ 06 * ? 8B2 CVICD in CD in o in 8 in 8 in o in 8 8888 *""* [ i t T < Q] CM O^ C*3 CO CO CO ' S K S 88 2 S 8 3 >in ^t-^-coco 03 * < . -j tnojcoc*. t-Hinoji oa co So oo oo i CD i-* CO CO <* r I tO * I tO I i tO to C^ C^ OO II ss in to ; ^^o ' co oo ^f cQ c3 oo %a Sc^ 88 ;ssi in in ' Sg2 S8^5^ COCD in.-icd'-J to^-ito l__MsMs__lafei CO LO CO O ^"* S ^ *^ f$z 2 WCOCO IS JJ -^-cn *^-cy>'^-a> ^-a^^t-cr> a>o>o> ^^2 ^^S5g5 ^^fec^ ^?Si c>l cvj to to to in in ^d" ^ CH ^t" CT) "^t" C^> If -H to r-< to in ^ Sc^S?S SoSS^ ^oSScQ ^00^88 c^SSS SBS S3^^c^ c^^tdS c^ig{ ^c^^S^ ^al^g wv ' ^J^^Xi cvicxicsi o? oo co oo co M- ^t- in in to to E- c~. 88S iqgSS SS2S ^S^? gS^S SSS ssl ?3^^^ S^E:S s^Sci; s?s?$s 0^ ^H r-i T-H ^H o iq CO C~j CO CD O 1-1 CM CO -4; CO t-. CD -; CO in o co co <* CM i-< CD [>, 10 oo -i cr> 10 CM co -^ '?*-<2oC^ IDOOO OO COO^CS*^ O^Ot-Ht^ ^.-H,-,^ cacgcoco cooo^--^- KintoS t-. (D T-H CO IO 00 p O O O p CD CD CD CD CD CD coco t-jt-jcoco iq ^ * oo CD i-H COCOCDCM LO C-^ O OO It-- LO <*- CV 3 iqcocj' ^-5 cDt>lin 3 SSS CNJCDC^ITJ co ITJCJIDCNJ 06 EgS3S S fed $$ <* CM O II i LO CO CD * O LO I-H CO -H C- CM i i-H ^f CD LO i-H CO CM C-~ CO CO * i *<- ^- -q- LO co co E- t-. co oo cr> i-H CO CO CD CM S85 O LO iS S co co *-H co COO-H , gggi S; LO LO 3 CO SS . ^ i-H CD *- 1 co i 4 co cD I OO "3- _ Tj- S? CM O CD CO CO CO b-. CD ^J~ p LO :$ 8S H CO o LO O ^J~ tS oo 00 O^ O? 55 oa 10 oq S -^ i o C-^ ^d~ CQ <^ i i ' :^gj o^gg^g g; wo i-l CO i-H CO CO p CM SI CN1 CO CD "3- tC t J co o O CO -H C*- t~ is. oo co I ^H LO O * CO CNJ fr-1 i Lg O g r g 05 g- S88 ^ SS c J- IO LO -5 r^ ^4- I-H CO ^- CD CM LO C^ Ni C^ 00 CO CO 22 CO CO CD ripOLOCJ c5^^ . -l LO CD . CO CO CD 306 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL Each o 134 Inches WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL CI TABLE V Thickness from No. 12 Gage to 1 Inch. Diamete s ~x eaqonj ptre '0 '& 'a oa c-; ? to o> "d- ^ oo LTXM oo in oa oj cq co cpoCTjoq oc 7 '-H'i;e~ : >-;*tf;oq>-jinoqc>j O^KMOCVIOOC co p to a> 05 ^ c-; o co to 07 03 i CDCOCTJCOCD-irH^^^oaCNCacNCN 06 ai o r-t c^ cri ^ a^ 06 06 oo co cj c-L oa c^l I-HI-II-I r-t r-i (M CM CO CO !- "!- in in -. o^ai co 00^^55 c s 5 -i; CO CO C^ CO O -H ' cqcot-.cqoaCTjcqcoc^cqcqin'^^oooo r-t 03 b-. C^3 00 'd; in CO IS. CO 0) ^-1 < Ttcocooooa^-cooooc^^-cocOi-H OOL -t -i CM OCDCDC s *CC> 1 ^t'CO' * IT-joaoacNjT-HC^ocot-ocot-.ocot-.cD . =)- LO O~ 01 ^H CD ^? LO t~ 07 co *-* r-t COOOCDCT)COCOCDC^LOOO-H^-D S^SSSSS^^^^^SJ oa T-H o o> oo , 308 WEIGHTS OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL I a g I CO O DC inSl fc^CT) JOOCOOOpO3LT}[>^0}i I *tf- to i-iu3oaooooo->LooT-fi>>c3Q CT5 1C r > O LO CT) ^1- ( j c>o ooo * t tqocjr-j^t^ajcQirsoqpi >ir> ir^ioaOqcNCNicNico cvju>ajcoc>jr^u->cr>cot- : p' 10^0* *COLOt^CT>OCNl^t- LOOSOC'.LOCNpt^irjCNpt-jlOOJp . -T-HCJ> 309 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY 'ro2? S *"" ' ^ ^ ^ "> < CO CO ** CO C>- OO O"> < t OJ CO <* CO t-. cocool ol c^l t>l ts. 06 06 cdcocboSoS OCT^Ch CO t 11 -* CO LO LO ^h CO OO CO t i O CT> CO CO t>- CO LO LO ^ CO CO 1 1 i ' t c6^t-^r * ^r ** irS to in tnio'cdco'cdcD CD co D*l c^l t*l t-1 c^cdcococo CO CT) LO * C-- CO CO "^ O CO CO CO **- co *-H o cn E**. co ^ co co o en CN. COL CO ^ CD tN; O") iJ CO LO t> O*> O CN ^ C csjcocooocri W""*"^^^"^ 1 ^- m LO LO m ir> 10 to > to to to c^ CN -^7 LO <> OO OJ t-H CN ^ LO IS. OO O ^H acJ cocococococo LO iri LO LTJ LO 03 -d- 1>~ o co to o> <-< -^- 1^ o co to oo I-H ** c-* iSSS8S55 3|8E;oS?3 ^^SS^ -i-i CJ -b^ CO to to LO LO * - OO OO OO C -CD^HCO Loc^cn^coLO t^ I-H co LO ts. cn^oo-^-uDoo ooa "^tot-j cqcrjocNCOT^ LOtqoqcncDrH cvi^LquJt-^oo Q fn N CJ CSJ CO CO COCOCOCOCOCO -^ ^ ; -i ~ ^t- i b^ ^- v * c** xt* * t^ ^t- O t>~ ^t" O^^t-Ot**^- OC>*CO LOLOCOt^^-00 CDCDO--I.-H03 CO CO tl- LO LO c> b~ C>- OO CD CD O r=5 JH CN CO CO ^ Lf5 LO Ci3 C CM CD CD CD OO OO OO OO OO OO C*~ C* C** t^ C>* t* CO CO COCOCOCO O-*-00 CMCOOCOt- 1 LO CD OO t^ TH LO CD CO t>- ^H LO CD CO t^ tn LO CD CO t=- *=* LO CD -^'d;-^; LOLOcBcocoi^. Sjt^oqoqcDcD CDOO^H^-;^-; CMCM. cococo^ ^LOLQLO OO *-< OO -i- ^H t^ Tj- O t~ "* O CS. CO O CO CO CD CO CO CD CO CM CD LO CM CD LO CM OO LO -< OO 'J- T-| K O CO LO CO * < CO CO CD t-H -^J- t^* CD CN] LO t^ CD CM LO CO O CO CO OO ' ^~ CO CD d- <*- ^- ri- Tj- LO LO LO LO LO CD CO CO CO CO b- t^- b~ t^ C~- C^ OO OO OO OO sjq^Scqoi cqc^ss^ ^g55:^^^ ^sssfes isstsfeSE; ss^ss 310 WEIGHTS OF ROUND EDGE FLATS UND EDGE FLATS, Pounds Pe FACE MEASURE Concluded oot-i jioo'toq-HLOcnwtoo^t-.r-Hioaioatopcot^r-HiScqc, _ ooodcTJa^cJoor^^^oac^oocooo^^'^irJLOtototDc^cslt-loooo WCa^OO^<^M-OOCv3r-HCT)OOCs.tD-^-OOCQ^HCr)OOCN.VOTj-COC OOCTC-I com c^cr>^HCO-^-<25oooc'-HOOLOt~co <& t^ fr^ t>l tl co 06 06 06 CT> oi o> o> oi o o CD cs i-4 t-i T-< ^- ^ to iri iri 06 06 oi o> cri CT> oi o o o OOCOCOCO'^-^"^-i*-'*-^HDlOlOLOir5lf5< >55cCb^c-;f;t: ca oo co co w 06 co co co ^ -^ * * * -^ ^ iri iri iri 10 in in irS iri > > > csi eg cvi oJ CNJ oj ca m co co 06 co co co co co -^ -^ -^ '<*<* ifi 16 t- .- t- r- CQ N C> O5 C C m$ i\ z -R -R -R HS -B HS 311 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY tij UJ Q o QC U. O 1 UJ ^ CT> T t CO CO "=t- CO b-~ CO s ) OJ OO *=t" CO t-^ CO CT> r * O3 CO -^- U3 C^ CO CTl . . -CTJOJ =; <~O CO O i-t CO LTJ b-. O> .-H CO CO CO O CO O I Icvico co 06 oo 'i- 'd- ^ !-*- iri uo irj if) iri i to to cd cl ol t~l c>l t-1 od LO trs u ir ir to 8)^4-gW^S^W^^ - .-.--->-. CSKMCMCM cocococococo >!-'*'*'*'*- in inininininco cococococ< M * ^OCNILOCOO co co co r-i >^- to CT> CM <*- 1>- o cS SS^cSSS is^^K^ SfecSSS : -i csi CNJ o -; CM co *- * Or-HpacsjcO'* [ncocSoqcDp 3cMco5;inin cobieqcDCDr^ csicq-^inc T-5 r-5 r-J r-i r-i i-J rH i-H i-J r-i r-J CSJ CM CSI C<1 04 CSI O3 CM CSJ CM CM CO CO CO CO CO CO C * ' r-( .-H i-i r-i i-i T-i <4 i-H <-i r-i r-i r-< <>j <>j CM CM ( -^- C>. O CO tD O0 1 ' ^ D> O CO LO CO r-l rj- t>* O C > CD * t^- OO CO 00 O^ CT^ O^ O O O < COCOCDCMCOCD CM in oo I-H in co T-H ^i- 1~- o co b~ CDCOCOCDCMCO CDCM incor-H in O'^^'^r c 5 CO in b- O CM -^- b~CD^^J-COCO i 1 OO LO CO CD CM LO b- CD --H ^J- CO CO I CO LO CO O OQLOb-.CDCM ^j r-j ^H CM CM CM CM. CM. co oq cq co 'd; OOCOCOCOCOC ~CT>~CT>C ir5 uo LO (J3 us 5 cd cC cC c^ co oc5 oc5 06 oS ai o> oi o o o o T-J ^H r-j w cJ c^ co co co eo co -^ ^ ^ ^ -^ ^ ir> iri ir5 in iri to 10 03 03 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO -^ ^ 10 If) 10 LO 10 10 10 tO 5 OJC^OJOOOJCNiCMCviCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO^^^- .-i .-i .-i .-i r-j oa oj * Width, ft Radius, Thickness, Inches Inches Inches i A A 35 i & A 45 t H I 7 5 if 1 1 .296 .376 .455 .535 .615 3 i 3 a .278 .350 .427 .456 .586 i .265 .330 .398 .470 .546 i .349 .442 .535 .628 .721 I A .331 .417 .506 .599 .692 i .318 .397 .478 .562 .652 iV ,384 .483 .586 .692 .799 .905 1.011 1 .371 .463 .558 .656 .759 .865 .971 1 .361 .448 .536 .626 .719 .816 .920 i .352 .434 .517 .601 .687 .776 .869 i 3 * .437 .549 .666 .785 .905 1.024 1.144 ^ .425 .529 .636 .747 .865 .984 1.104 11 A .415 .514 .615 .718 .825 .936 1.053 I .405 .501 .597 .694 .794 .896 1.002 ^ .491 .616 .746 .878 1.011 1.144 1.277 1.410 1.542 1.675 1.808 1.941 2.074 i .478 .596 .717 .842 .971 1.104 1.237 1.370 1.502 1.635 1.768 1.901 2.034 U A .467 .580 .695 .812 .932 1.056 1.186 1.318 1.451 1.584 1.717 1.850 1.982 I .458 .567 .676 .787 .900 1.015 1.135 1.259 1.389 1.521 1.654 1.787 1.920 A .544 .683 .825 .971 1.117 1.263 1.410 1.556 1.702 1.848 1.994 2.140 2.286 i .531 .663 .797 .934 1.077 1.224 1.370 1.516 1.662 1.808 1.954 ' 2.100 2.246 If .520 .647 .775 .905 1.038 1.175 1.318 1.464 1.610 1.756 1.903 2.049 2.195 i .510 .633 .756 .880 1.006 1.135 1.268 1.405 1.548 1.694 1.840 1.986 2.132 A .905 1.064 1.224 1.383 1.542 1.702 1.861 2.020 2.180 2.339 2.499 i .876 1.028 1.184 1.343 1.502 1.662 1.821 1.981 2.140 2.299 2.459 1 * TS C54 .998 1.144 1.294 1.451 1.610 1.770 1.929 2.089 2.248 2.407 i .836 .973 1.112 1.254 1.400 1.551 1.707 1.867 2.026 2.185 2.345 1 1.396 1.582 1.768 1.954 2.140 2.326 2.512 2.698 2.884 A 1.357 1.535 1.717 1.903 12.089 2.275 2.461 2.647 2.833 11 I 1.325 1.494 1.666 1.843 2.026 2.212 2.398 2.584 2.770 & 1.298 1.460 2.624 1.792 1.964 2.141 2-324 2.510 2.696 \ 1.273 1.430; 1.587 1.748 1.912 2.079 2.250 2.431 2.610 314 WEIGHTS OF BEVEL SECTIONS WEIGHTS OF BEVEL EDGE Pounds per Lineal Foot ,*--- -b -* it- o ^j D' sions Thickness B. W. G. and Inches No. No. No. No. No. a b 16 15 14 13 12 A 1 & A 32 i A A i* 4! I 7 o A .104 .115 .132 .151 .174 .150 .199 .249 .299 i .111 .122 .141 .162 .185 .159 .213 .266 .319 I 7 * .117 .130 .150 .172 -197 .169 .226 .282 .339 i .124 .138 .159 .182 .209 .179 .239 .299 .359 a 5 * .111 .122 .141 .162 .185 .159 .213 .266 .319 1 .117 .130 .150 .172 .197 .169 .226 .282 .339 *i I 7 B .124 .138 .159 .182 .209 .179 .239 .299 .359 i A .131 -138 .145 .168 .153 .176 .192 .202 .220 .232 .189 .199 .252 .266 .315 .332 .379 .398 1 .159 .182 .209 .179 .239 .299 .359 .418 .478 A .168 .192 .220 .189 .252 .315 .379 .442 .505 i i .176 .202 .232 .199 .266 .332 .398 .465 .531 A .185 .212 .243 .209 .279 .349 .418 .488 .558 I .194 .222 .255 .219 .292 .365 .438 .511 .584 i .168 .192 .220 .189 .252 .315 .379 .442 .505 i 7 s .176 .202 .232 .199 .266 .332 .398 .465 .531 i .185 .212 .243 .209 .279 .349 .418 .488 .558 ii T S .194 .222 .255 .219 .292 .365 .438 .511 .584 i .203 .232 .266 .229 .305 .382 .458 -535 .611 ii .212 .242 .278 .239 .319 .398 .478 .558 .638 * .185 .212 .243 .209 .279 .349 .418 .488 .558 .628 .697 3 .194 .222 .255 .219 .292 .365 .438 .511 .584 .657 .731 I T B B .203 .232 .266 .229 .305 .382 .458 .535 .611 .687 .764 ! .212 .242 .278 .239 .319 .398 .478 .558 .638 .717 .797 tt .220 .252 .290 .249 .332 .415 .498 .581 .664 -747 .830 i .229 .262 .301 .259 .345 .432 .518 .604 .691 .777 .863 I 7 5 .194 .222 .255 .219 .292 .365 .438 .511 .584 .657 .731 i .203 .232 .2661 .229 .305 .382 .458 .535 .611 .687 .764 A .212 .242 278 .239 .319 .398 .478 -558 .638 .717 .797 iS 1 .220 .252 .290 .249 .332 .415 .498 .531 .664 .747 .830 H .229 .262 .301 .259 .345 .432 .518 .604 .691 .777 .863 f .238 .273 .313 .269 .359 .448 .538 .628 .717 .807 .896 H .247 .283 .324 .279 .372 .465 .558 .651 .744 .837 .930 i .212 .242 .278 .239 .319 .398 .478 .558 .638 .717 .797 .877 .956 1.036 1.116 A .220 .252 .290 .249 .332 .415 .498 .581 .664 .747 .830 .913 .996 1.079 1.162 ! .223 .262 .301 .259 .345 .432 .518 .604 .691 .777 .863 .950 1.036 1.122 1.209 1 1* .238 .273 .313 .269 359 .448 .538 .628 .717 .807 .896 .986 1.076|1.165|1.255 1 U .247 .256 .283 .293 .324 .336 .279 .289 .372 .465 .558 .385 .481 .578 .651 .674 .744 .770 .837 .867 .930 .963 1.023 1.059 1.1161.2091-302 1.1551.2521.348 i .265 .303 .348 .299 .3981 .4981 .598 .697 .797 .896) .996|l.096|l.l95ll.295ll.395 315 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY WEIGHTS OF BEVEL EDGE Continued Pounds per Lineal Foot i It- Dimen- sions Thickness, B. W. G. and Inches a b No. 13 No. 12 4 A ft A i & A 44 i u IB 41 4 ~&~ .273 .313 .359 .448 .538 .628 .717 .807 .896 .986 1.076 1.165 1.255 1 .283 .324 .372 .465 .558 .651 .744 .837 .930 1.023 1.116 1.209 1.302 14 .293 .336 .385 .481 .578 .674 .770 .867 .963 1.059 1.155 1.252 1.348 | .303 .348 .398 .498 .598 .697 .797 .896 .996 1.096 1.195 1.295 1.395 H .313 .359 .412 .515 .618 .721 .823 .926 1.029 1.132 1.235 1.338 1.441 i .323 .371 .425 .531 .638 .744 .850 .956 1.063 1.169 1.275 1.381 1.488 H .333 .382 .438 .548 657 .767 .877 .986 1.096 1.205 1.315 1.424 1.534 l .343 .394 .452 .564 .677 .790 .903 1.016 1.129 1.242 1.355 1.468 1.580 1 .303 .348 .398 .498 .598 .697 .797 .896 .996 1.096 1.195 1.295 1.395 H .313 .359 .412 .515 .618 .721 .823 .926 1.029 1.132 1.235 1.338 1.441 i .323 .371 .425 .531 .638 .744 .850 .956 1.063 1.169 1.275 1.381 1.488 J;' .333 .382 .438 .548 .657 .767 .877 .986 1.096 1.205 1.315 1.424 1.534 1 .343 .394 .452 .564 .677 .790 .903 1.016 1.129 1.242 1.355 1.468 1.580 .353 .405 .465 .581 .697 .813 .930 1.046 1.162 1.278 1.395 1.511 1.627 1 .363 .417 .478 .598 .717 .837 .956 1.076 1.195 1.315 1.434 1.554 1.673 1A .373 .429 .491 .614 .737 .860 .983 1.106 1.229 1.351 1.474 1.597 1.720 14 .333 .382 .438 .548 .657 .767 .877 .986 1.096 1.205 1.315 1.424 1.534 1 .343 .394 .452 .564 .677 .790 .903 1.016 1.129 1.242 1.355 1.468 1.580 11 .353 .405 .465 .581 .697 .813 .930 1.046 1.162 1.278 1.395 1.511 1.627 1 J i .363 .417 .478 .598 .717 .837 .956 1.076 1.195 1.315 1.434 1.554 1.673 J- 8 IB .373 .429 .491 .614 .737 .860 .983 1.106 1.229 1.351 1.474 1.597 1.720 1 .384 .440 .505 .631 .757 .883 1.009 1.136 1.262 1.388 1.514 1.640 1.766 liV .394 .452 .518 .647 .777 .906 1.036 1.165 1.295 1.424 1.554 1.683 1.813 14 .404 .463 .531 .664 .797 .930 1.063 1.195 1.328 1.461 1.594 1.727 1.859 1 .363 .417 .478 .598 .717 .837 .956 1.076 1.195 1.315 1.434 1.554 1.673 1.793 1.913 i .384 .440 .505 .631 .757 .883 1.009 1.136 1.262 1.388 1.514 1.640 1.766 1.893 2.019 14 l 14 .404 .424 .463 .486 .531 .558 .664 .697 .797 .837 .930 .976 1.063 1.116 1.195 1.255 1.328 1.395 1.461 1.534 1.594 1.673 1.727 1.813 1.859 1.992J2.125 1.952 2.09212.231 11 .444 .510 .584 .730 .877 1.023 1.169 1.315 1.461 1.607 1.753 1.899 2.045 2.1912.338 l .424 .444 .486 .510 .558 .584 .697 .730 .837 .877 .976 1.023 1.116 1.169 1.255 1.315 1.395 1.461 1.534 1.607 1.673 1.753 1.813 1.899 1.952 2.092:2.231 2.0452.1912.338 1 * U .464 .533 .611 .764 .916 1.069 1.222 1.375 1.527 1.680 1.833 1.986 2.1382.2912.444 * 11 .485 .356 .638 .797 .956 1.116 1.275 1.434 1.594 1.753 1.913 2.072 2.231 2.3912.550 1! .505 .579 .664 .830 .997 1.162 1.328 1.494 1.660 1.826 1.992 2.158 2.324 2.4902-656 . L| .525 .602 .691 .863 1.036 1.209 1.381 1.554 1.727 1.899 2.072 2.245 2.417 2.5902.763 '1 .485 .556 .638 .797 .956 1.116 1.275 1.434 1.594 1.753 1.913 2.072 2.231 2.3912.550 11 U .505 .525 .579 .602 .664 .691 .830 .863 .996 1.036 1.162 1.209 1.328 1.381 1.494 1.554 1.660 1.727 1.826 1.899 1.992 2.072 2.158 2.245 2.324 2.417 2.4902.656 2.5902.763 2 it .545 .625 .717 .896 1.076 1.255 1.434 1.614 1.793 1.972 2.152 2.331 2.510 2.6892.869 li .565 .649 .744 .930 1.116 1.302 1.488 1.673 1.859 2.045 2.231 2.417 2.603 '2.789 2.975 l! if .585 .606 .672 .695 .770 .797 .963 .996 1.155 1.195 1.348 1.395 1.5411.7331.9262.118 1.594 1.793 1.99212.191 2.311 2.391 2.504 2.696 2.889'3.081 2.590i2.789i2.988i3.188 316 WEIGHTS OF BEVEL SECTIONS WEIGHTS OF BEVEL EDGE Concluded Pounds per Lineal Foot *-b * i ! k L ^ Dimen- Thickness, B. W. G. and Inches sions a b No. 13 No. 12 t & & & i A A ii t 1 .525 .602 .691 .863 1.036 1.209 1.381 1.554 1.727 1.899 2.072 li .545 .625 .717 .896 1.076 1.255 1.434 1.614 1.793 1.972 2.152 11 .565 .649 .744 .930 1.166 1.302 1.488 1.673 1.859 2.045 2.231 21 If .585 .672 .770 .963 1.155 1.348 1.541 1.733 1.926 12.118 2.311 11 .606 .695 .797 .996 1.195 1.395 1.594 1.793 1.992 2.191 2.391 If .626 .718 .823 1.029 1.235 1.441 1.647 1.853 2.059 2.264 2.470 If .646 .741 .850 1.063 1.275 1.488 1.700 1.913 2.125 2.338 2.550 H .666 .764 .877 1.096 1.315 1.534 1.753 1.972 2.191 2.411 2.630 It .585 .672 .770 .963 1.155 1.348 1.541 1.733 1.926 2.118 2.311 11 .606 .695 .797 .996 1.195 1.395 1.594 1.793 1.992 2.191 2.391 If .626 .718 .823 1.029 1.235 1.441 1.647 1.853 2.059 2.264 2.470 ll .646 .741 .850 1.063 1.275 1.488 1.700 1.913 2.125 2.338 2.550 2i If .666 .764 .877 1.096 1.315 1.534 1.753 1.972 2.191 2.411 2.630 If .686 .788 .903 1.129 1.355 1.580 1.806 2.032 2.258 2.484 2-709 ii .707 .811 .930 1.162 1.395 1.627 1.859 2.092 2.324 2-557 2.789 2 .727 .834 .956 1.195 1.434 1.673 1.913 2.152 2.391 2.630 2.869 21 .747 .857 .983 1.229 1.474 1.720 1.966 2.211 2.457 2.703 2.948 11 .626 .718 .823 1.029 1.235 1.441 1.647 1.853 2.059 2.264 2.470 If .646 .741 .850 1.063 1.275 1.488 1.700 1.913 2.125 2.338 2.550 U .666 .764 .877 1.096 1.315 1.534 1.753 1.972 2.191 2.411 2.630 If .686 .788 .903 1.129 1.355 1.580 1.806 2.032 2.258 2.484 2.709 2f If .707 .811 .930 1.162 1.395 1.627 1.859 2.092 2.324 2.557 2.789 11 .727 .834 .956 1.195 1.434 1.673 1.913 2.152 2.391 2.630 2.869 2 .747 .857 .983 1.229 1.474 1.720 1.966 i 2.211 2.457 2.703 2.948 21 .767 .880 1.009 1.262 1.514 1.766 2.019 2.271 2.523 2.776 3.028 21 .787 .903 1.036 1.295 1.554 1.813 2.072 2-331 2.590 2.849 3.108 li .727 .834 .956 1.195 1.434 1.673 1.913 2.152 2.391 2-630 2.869 if .747 .857 .983 1.229 1.474 1.720 1.966 2.211 2.457 2.703 2.948 if .767 .880 1.009 1.262 1.514 1.766 2.019 2.271 2.523 2.776 3-028 .787 .903 1.036 1-295 1.554 1.813 2.072 2.331 2.590 2.849 3.108 2 .808 .927 1.063 ! 1.328 1.594 1.859 2.125 2.391 2.656 2.922 3-188 21 .828 .950 1.089 1-361 1.634 1.906 2.178 2.450 2.723 2.995 3.267 21 Oro .973 1.116 1.395 1.673 1.952 2.231 2.510 2.789 3.068 3.347 21 .868 .996 1.142 1.428 1.713 1.999 2.284 2.570 2-855 3.141 3.427 21 .888 1.019 1.169 1.461 1.753 2.045 2.338 2.630 2.922 3.214 3.506 2f .908 1.042 1.195 1.494 1.793 2.092 2.391 2.689 2.988 3.287 3-586 317 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY O u- .E is a LJ s. oaoa w OCS3 C^ Cbt-lTdhcSrHCD T-Hcic3c~-C^O * rMOLftKcDcD t-c^oooocn fegasas? en m &- >* * '"> CDCOCT>O*H CO^t-LOt^CTiTH ^~ |S '-?'^'-j ? cx ? woaodoaoaco 07 T ( O3 CO cr> o i-4 LJ 51 Sis OOOOCT5OO OCOOrH rH 318 WEIGHTS OF HALF OVAL SECTIONS WEIGHTS OF HALF OVALS Pounds per Lineal Foot II C^O3O-^-( LOCDCNJCD COCT>TH 55 8? 8 8 5 S c2 i-iT-it-ii-i CT> r-< oo s COrHCOlOOOOO3^-C^- OO i-l OO CD IT) 10 T-I CD O tH CM CN1 ^- CD 319 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY WEIGHTS OF SQUARE BARS Pounds Per Lineal Foot Size, Pounds Size, Pounds Size, Pounds Size, Pounds Size, Pounds Inches per Foot Inches per Foot Inches per Foot Inches per Foot Inches per Foot H .0531 & .0672 JL. 3.616 2M 26.300 1 A 105.20 $TS 279.2 'fs .0830 ' JL. 3.838 213. 26.895 B 107.58 93^ 283.1 Ji .1004 ' ~h 4.067 2ft 27.496 H 109.98 9A 287.0 IT .1195 i % 4.303 28.103 K 112.41 934 290.9 $i .1403 ^ 4.546 2ff 28.717 1 H 114.87 9A 294.9 iV .1627 ' A 4.795 2|| 29.338 E % 117.35 9H 298.8 21 .1868 ' ~sfa 5.050 2^k 29.966 5 H 119.86 9ir 302.8 34 .2125 134 5.313 3 30.600 e 122.40 93^ 306.8 ii .2399 1& 5.581 v3f 31.241 t iV 124.96 gj^. 310.9 .2689 l"^ 1 5.857 31.888 i M 127.55 9% 315.0 if .2997 ill 6.139 3& 32.542 i 130.17 9H 319.1 A .3320 1/-i 6.428 3:Mj 33.203 634 132.81 323.2 |i .3661 1 32" 6.724 W3"J 33.871 C A 135.48 9ii 327.4 ii .4018 7.026 34.545 1 H 138.18 9% 331.6 33 .4391 ' 1A 7.335 JL. 35.225 1 140.90 Q JA 335.8 Ii .4781 13-3 7.650 334 35.913 1 143.65 10 340.0 J5 .5188 JIT 7.972 3 JL 36.606 ( A 146.43 QJ^ 344.3 H .5611 TS 8.301 j4 37.307 1 % 149.23 03^ 348.5 ii .6051 ' T! 8.636 ii 38.014 1 H 152.06 A 352.9 ft .6508 ' 54 8.978 3^ 38.728 ( M 154.91 034 357.2 I* .6981 9.327 3H 39.449 ( H 157.79 OA 361.6 H .7471 H 9.682 3iV 40.176 1 160.70 Q*A 366.0 ii .7977 M 10.044 3^1 40.910 1 H 163.64 8 IT 370.4 /^ .8500 M 10.413 33^ 41.650 / 166.60 1 A 374.9 .9040 If 10.788 $TS 43.151 / jj 169.59 0^ 379.3 .9596 i| 11.170 35^ 44.678 7 3^ 172.60 0^1 383.8 1 1.0168 1.0758 H 11.558 11.953 in 46.232 47.813 i 175.64 178.71 OM 388.4 392.9 i 1.1364 1.1986 12.355 12.763 if/ 49.420 51.053 i 181.81 184.93 m 397.5 402.1 1.2625 13.178 if 52.713 / 188.08 OH 406.7 n 1.3281 2 13.600 4 54.400 1 191.25 1 411.4 1.3954 14.028 4& 56.113 1 A 194.45 416.1 1.4643 2ir 14.463 *y s 57.853 1 Ks 197.68 420.8 1.5348 2~V 14.905 59.620 H 200.93 lA 425.5 1.6070 2^8 15.353 434 61.413 \ 204.21 134 430.3 16809 2A 15.808 ^5 63.232 / is 207.52 ' IT 435.1 1.7564 16.270 1 % 65.078 / y 210.85 ' 3^ 439.9 1.8336 Jft 16.738 t, JL 66.951 H 214.21 ' TT 444.8 1.9125 234 17.213 43-^ 68.850 1 217.60 V/Z 449.6 1.9930 2.0752 2.1590 2.2445 1 17.694 18.182 18.677 19.178 1 70.776 72.728 74707 76.713 i 1 221.01 224.45 227.92 231.41 is 454.6 459.5 464.4 469.4 2.3317 2ia 19.686 4ii 78.745 [ A 234.93 11rl 474.4 2.4205 2ir 20.201 4K 80.803 : ;3^ 238.48 11/^8 479.5 i 2.5110 2.6031 28 20.722 21.250 p 82.888 85.000 i % 242.05 245.65 ! 1if 484.5 i 2.6969 21T. 21.785 gJL 87.138 TS 249.28 .. 4 2.7924 2iT 22.326 53^i 89.303 5 A 252.93 I 2.8895 2*4 22.874 gjt. 91.495 i^ 256.61 1 2.9883 2 5 /8 23.428 534 93.713 /^ 260.31 4 3.0887 23.989 UTS' 95.957 H 264.04 4 3.1908 nn. 24.557 98.228 H 267.80 I 3.2946 2j| 25.131 gJLl 100.526 H 271.59 i " 3.4000 2H 25.713 53/ 2 102.850 275.40 320 WEIGHTS OF BARS WEIGHTS OF ROUND BARS Pounds Per Lineal Foot Size, Pounds Size, Pounds Size, Pounds Size, Pounds Size, Pounds Inches per Foot Inches per Foot Inches per Foot Inches per Foot Inches per Foot y s .0417 JL .0528 1A 2.8399 2ff 20.656 5* 82.62 gjL 219.3 ft .0652 j ju 3.0146 2{-| 21.123 V/8 84.49 9/'8 222.4 M .0789 j ft 3.1945 2 rl 21.595 5H 86.38 9A 225.4 S .0939 3.3797 2H 22.072 5% 88.29 9M 228.5 i! .1102 1A 3.5700 i 3.0 22.555 5H 90.22 9A 231.6 .1278 ~iS 3.7656 Ii 23.042 5% 92.17 9iHi 234.7 IS .1467 JL 3.9664 it PI 23.535 5H 94.14 9A 237.8 ?4 .1669 ' % 4.1724 i 24.033 6 96.13 9/i 241.0 H .1884 & 4.3836 i A 24.537 DT6" 98.15 9& 244.2 5*2 .2112 ^S 4.6001 < JL 25.045 100.18 9^8 247.4 if .2354 ' 3% 4.8218 i J> 25.559 gJL. 102.24 9H' 250.6 A .2608 ' H 5.0486 i 1 A 26.078 6M 104.31 In 253.9 Ii .2875 ?l| 5.2807 ; & \ 26.602 gJL 106.41 257.1 n .3155 16 5.5180 ] 27.131 6^8 108.53 260.4 H .3449 1 \ 5 5.7606 V 27.666 6iTT 110.66 263.7 H .3755 \y% 6.0083 28.206 gl/ 112.82 267.0 ai .4075 iu 6.2612 3& 28.751 g_^ 115.00 JQ JL 270.4 14 .4407 J J 6.5194 j_5_ 29.301 g5^ 117.20 10/^ 273.8 H .4753 1M 6.7828 3il. 29.856 6H 119.43 10A 277.1 A .5111 \y% 7,0514 $% 30.417 6M 121.67 10/4 280.6 8 .5483 11^ 7.3252 3M 30.983 6H 123.93 10A 284.0 if .5867 1 JJ ' 7.6043 J-L 31.554 6^ 126.22 10/^ 287.4 H .6265 111 7.8885 3M 32.130 6fl 128.52 10 A 290.9 Yi .6676 1M 8.1780 3M 32.712 7 130.85 103^ 294.4 8 .7100 .7536 ii 8.4726 8.7725 3 33.891 35.090 i 133.19 135.56 loft 297.9 301.5 1 .7986 .8449 ii 9.0776 9.3880 il 36.311 37.552 1 137.95 140.36 loll 305.0 308.6 8 i .8925 .9414 .9916 1.0431 P 9.7035 10.0243 10.3502 10.6814 38.814 40.097 41.401 42.726 1 142.79 145.24 147.71 150.21 P 312.2 315.8 319.5 323.1 \ 1.0959 2A 1 11.0178 t JL 44.071 7A 152.72 |JL 326.8 \ 1.1500 2iV 11.3595 1^ 45.438 7 5 /i 155.26 1/^ 330.5 3. 1.2054 1.2622 IP, 11.7063 12.0583 I a 46.825 48.233 1 157.81 160.39 1M 334.2 337.9 i 1.3202 2& 12.4156 t A 49.662 7H 162.99 1A 341.7 i 1.3795 2^g 12.7781 t R 51.112 165.60 N 345.5 I 1.4401 1.5021 $% 13.1458 13.5187 i Tff y& 52.583 54.075 8" 8 168.24 170.90 US 349.3 353.1 1.5653 2A 13.8968 t ft 55.587 gJL 173.58 11& 357.0 1.6299 2A 14.2802 t 57.121 8 176.29 \\y 360.9 1.6957 2y| 14.6687 t ri 58.675 179.01 lit 364.8 1.7629 2% 15.0625 t /4 60.250 8M 181.75 11% 368.7 1.8313 1.9011 15.4615 15.8657 t t i 61.846 63.463 8H 184.52 187.30 HP. 372.6 376.6 1.9721 16.2751 t H 65.100 g-Z. 190.11 Ilii 380.5 i 2.0445 16.6898 5 66.759 8/^ 192.93 [ 2.1182 2w 17.1096 5A 68.438 8^- 195.78 2.1931 2^ 17.5346 gi^ 70.139 i '/^ 198.65 2.2694 2ii 17.9650 g_3_ 71.860 ] ;it 201.54 [ 2.3470 2/-6 18.4004 5M 73.602 ! % 204.45 1 2.4259 2.5061 it 18.8410 19.2870 IH 75.364 77.148 It! 207.38 210.33 ... . <- 2.5876 2|& 19.7382 gJL 78.953 jtt 213.31 1 ' 2.6704 2M 20.1946 m 80.778 216.30 .... 321 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY WEIGHTS OF HEXAGON BARS Pounds Per Lineal Foot OT Size, h, Inches Pounds per Foot Size, h, Inches Pounds per Foot Size, h, Pounds Inches per Foot 1 .0460 Y .0719 .1035 .1409 .1840 1 32 3.131 3.324 3.522 3.727 2^ 15.746 2f 16.609 2/ B 17.494 2i 18.403 1 .2329 .2875 .3479 .4141 ITS 1:52 3.937 4.152 4.374 4.601 2 T 9 e 19-335 2 f 20.289 2tt 21.267 2f 22.268 .4860 .5636 .6470 .7361 135 ill 4.834 5.072 5.317 5.567 2ti 23.291 21 24.338 2H 25.408 3 26.500 1 .8310 . .9316 1.0380 1.1502 1 5.823 6.085 6.352 6.625 3& 27.616 3i 28.755 3 T 3 5 29.916 3i 31.101 I! f 1.2681 1.3917 1.5211 1.6563 Si 7.189 7.775 8.385 9.018 3f\ 32.309 31 33.540 3i 7 B 34.793 3 36.070 1 1.7972 1.9438 2.0962 2.2544 P 9.673 10.352 . 11.053 11.778 3 T 9 S 37.370 38.692 3H 40.038 35 41.407 ,1! 2.4183 2.5879 2.7633 2.9445 l 12.525 13.296 14.089 14.907 3l 42.799 31 44.213 3}| 45.651 4 47.112 322 GAGES BIRMINGHAM WIRE GAGE Equivalents in Inches and Corresponding Weights of Flat Rolled Steel Gage Number Thickness, Inches Weight, per Sq. Foot, Pounds Thickness Weight, per Sq. Foot, Pounds Fractional, Inches Decimal, Inches .454 .425 .380 .340 .300 .284 .259 .238 .220 .203 .180 .165 .148 .134 .120 .109 .095 .083 .072 .065 .058 .049 .042 .035 .032 .028 .025 .022 .020 .018 .016 .014 .013 .012 .010 .009 .008 .007 .005 .004 18.5232 17-34 J JS TC H 1 H 1*8 H A II i if & H T 3 B H & A * & A A A ft .5 .46875 .4375 .40625 .375 .34375 .3125 .296875 .28125 .265625 .25 .234375 .21875, .203125 .1875 ,171875 .15625 .140625 .125 .109375 .09375 .078125 .0625 .046875 20.4 19.125 17.85 16.575 15.3 14.025 12.75 12.1125 11.475 10.8375 10.2 9.5625 8.925 8.2875 7.65 7.0125 6.375 5.7375 5.1 4.4625 3.825 3.1875 0000 000 00 15.504 13.872 12.24 11.5872 10.5672 9.7104 8.976 8.2824 7.344 6.732 6.0384 5.4672 4.896 4.4472 3.876 3.3864 2.9376 2.652 2.3664 1.9992 1.7136 1.428 1.3056 1.1424 1.02 0.8976 0.816 0.7344 0.6528 0.5712 0.5304 0.4896 0.408 0.3672 0.3264 0-2856 0.2040 0.1632 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2.55 1.9125 1.275 A .03125 .015625 & 0.6375 xb ** .0078125 .00390625 0-31875 0.159375 Unless otherwise specified, all orders for flat rolled steel in gages will be executed by Carnegie Steel Company to Birmingham Wire Gage. 323 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY UNITED STATES STANDARD GAGE For Sheet and Plate Iron and Steel Gage Number Approximate Thickness Weight per Square Foot Ounces, Av. Weight per Square Foot Pounds, Av. Weight per Sq. Meter, Kilograms Fractional Decimal ....... Inches Inches Millimeters 0000000 000000 00000 i .5 .46875 .4375 12.7 11.90625 11.1125 320 300 280 20.00 18.75 17.50 97.65 91.55 85.44 0000 000 CO ! .40625 .375 .34375 .3125 10.31875 9.525 8.73125 7.9375 260 240 220 200 16.25 15.00 13.75 12.50 79.33 73.24 67.13 61.03 1 2 3 4 ft A .28125 .265625 .25 .234375 7.14375 6.746875 6.35 5-953125 180 170 160 150 11.25 10.625 10.00 9-375 54.93 51.88 48-82 45.77 5 6 7 8 A H IS .21875 .203125 .1875 .171875 5-55625 5-159375 4.7625 4.365625 140 130 120 110 8.75 8.125 7.5 6.875 42.72 39.67 36.62 33-57 9 10 11 12 A I .15625 .140625 .125 .109375 3.96875 3.571875 3.175 2.778125 100 90 80 70 6.25 5.625 5.00 4.375 30.52 27.46 24-41 21.36 13 14 15 16 I .09375 .078125 .0703125 .0625 2.38125 1.984375 1.7859375 1.5875 60 50 45 40 3.75 3-125 2.8125 2.50 18-31 15.26 13.73 12.21 17 18 19 20 I T 8% .05625 .05 .04375 .0375 1.42875 1.27 1.11125 .9525 36 32 28 24 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 10.99 9.765 8.544 7-324 21 22 23 24 t f .034375 .03125 .028125 .025 .873125 .793750 .714375 .635 22 20 18 16 1.375 1.25 1.125 1.00 6.713 6.103 5-493 4.882 25 26 27 28 355 1 .021875 .01875 .0171875 .015625 .555625 .47625 .4365625 .396875 14 12 11 10 .875 .75 .6875 .625 4.272 3-662 3.357 3.052 29 30 31 32 fe $ m .0140625 .0125 .0109375 .01015625 .3571875 .3175 .2778125 .25796875 9 8 7 6^ .5625 .50 .4375 .40625 2.746 2.441 2.136 1.983 33 34 35 36 r I2S5 .009375 .00859375 .0078125 .00703125 .238125 .21828125 .1984375 .17859375 6 If 4Ji .375 .34375 .3125 .28125 1.831 1.678 1.526 1.373 37 38 511,7 iH .006640625 .00625 .168671875 .15875 4X .265625 .25 1.297 1.221 The United States Standard Gage is a weight gage based upon the weights per square foot, in ounces avoirdupois and approximate thicknesses based upon 480 pounds per cubic foot. In the practical use and application of the United States Standard Gage, a weight variation of 2,'i per cent either way may be allowed. Unless otherwise specified, all orders for flat rolled steel in gages will be executed, by Carnegie Steel Company to Birmingham Wire Gage. 324 DECIMAL TABLE DECIMALS OF AN INCH AND OF A FOOT Fractions jj i ^ . * ; Fractions |P 1 Fractions j|; Fractions ffi of Inch or Foot STs?! of - -g 3 I Q ch or Foot 5 of Inch or Foot j|| of Inch or Foot If. ~ g o 8 -** ill g O , fl JS'43 1 sl-J HH ~ ""* i .0052 ' 1 .0104 f .2552 .2604 $ .5052 Si's .5104 6i .7552 ! 9, 1 * .7604 i 9i A .015625 I 3 B JJ .265625 3 ft U .515625 6i 3 s i! .765625 9,^ .0208 i .2708 3i .5208 61 .7708 9i .0260 A .2760 3l 5 B .5260 61% .7760 9 ft A .03125 1 35 .28125 31 45 .53125 g| M .78125 91 .0365 1 7 5 .2865 3/5 .5365 6 T 7 B .7865 9i 7 .0417 1 .2917 il .5417 H .7917 9i 3 j .046875 i .296875 3 9 5 is .546875 6lB li .796875 9i 9 * .0521 | .3021 3| 6 .5521 61 .8021 91 .0573 Ii .3073 314 .5573 6!,', .8073 914 TS .0625 i c .3125 31 IB .5625 61 ii .8125 91 .0677 .0729 * .3177 .3229 f .5677 .5729 8 J .8177 .8229 91 1 .078125 .0833 .0885 i? u .328125 .3333 .3385 i ii .578125 .5833 .5885 ?A ii .828125 911 .8333 10 .8385 lOrV 3% .09375 .0990 .1042 u ii .34375 .3490 .3542 l 41 .59375 .5990 .6042 l ii .84375 .8490 .8542 II & .109375 VB .1146 11 ii .359375 .3646 Ii 6 II .609375 7i 5 .6146 71 fl .859375 .8646 f .1198 ITa .3698 4 IB .6198 7i 7 a .8698 10/ 1 .1250 H 1 .3750 4 } 1 .6250 7* 1 .8750 10* .1302 .1354 .3802 .3854 if .6302 7, 9 S .6354 71 .8802 .8854 18r A .140625 .1458 .1510 8! If .390625 .3958 .4010 I ft* .640625 .6458 .6510 li; ii .890625 .8958 .9010 IS* ii 3 B 2 .15625 11 43 .40625 41 ii .65625 71 IS .90625 101 .1615 111 .4115 415 .6615 7li .9115 1011 .1667 2 .4167 5 .6667 8 .9167 11 ii .171875 .1771 1 ii .421875 .4271 &v 5s ii .671875 .6771 8, 1 ,, Bi IS .921875 .9271 }}p .1823 .4323 5l 3 B .6823 8A .9323 11l 3 B T 3 S .1875 2i IS .4375 51 jj .6875 H ii .9375 11i .1927 2uj .4427 5i r s .6927 8,\ .9427 1 1 1'\ .1979 21 .4479 5f .6979 81 .9479 111 *1 .203125 .2083 .2135 ir 2i 9 s il .453125 .4583 .4635 1 II .703125 .7083 .7135 1 li .953125 .9583 .9635 ill'- 11& 3 7 2 .21875 2! 41 .46875 51 Si .71875 8! ii .96875 11f .2240 .2292 .4740 .4792 il* .7240 .7292 .9740 .9792 lit* if .234375 913 ii .484375 511 Ii .734375 81 i 1 .984375 ! 1111 .2396 21 .4896 5s .7396 81 .9896 Hi .2448 211 .4948 5ti .7448 8t .9948 nii i .2500 3 ! 1 .5000 6 * .7500 9 1 1.0000 12 325 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SECTION NUMBER INDEX ANGLES Section Number Page Number Section Number Page Number Section" Number Page Number Section Number Page Number Section Number Page Number A A A A A 1 52 50 54 100 54 166 57 212 59 2 52 51 54 101 54 167 57 213 59 3 52 52 54 102 55 168 57 214 59 4 52 53 54 103 52 169 58 215 59 5 52 54 54 104 52 216 59 6 52 55 54 105 52 170 58 217 59 7 52 56 54 106 52 171 58 218 59 8 52 57 54 107 52 172 58 219 59 9 10 52 52 58 59 54 54 108 109 52 52 173 174 175 58 58 58 220 221 60 60 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 60 61 62 63 64 65 Aft 54 54 54 54 54 54 FT e 110 111 112 113 116 120 52 52 52 52 52 57 176 177 178 179 180 181 58 58 58 58 58 58 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 60 60 6O 60 6O 6O 6O 18 19 20 21 53 53 53 53 DO 67 68 69 oo 55 55 55 121 122 123 124 57 57 57 57 182 183 184 185 58 58 58 58 229 230 231 232 60 60 60 60' 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 70 71 72 73 78 79 55 55 55 55 55 55 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 \ 55 55 55 55 55 55 52 52 52 57 137 138 139 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 40 53 90 53 157 57 203 59 250 61 41 54 91 57 158 57 204 59 251 61 42 54 92 58 159 57 205 59 252 61 43 54 93 58 206 59 253 61 44 54 94 52 160 57 207 59 254 61 45 54 95 52 161 57 208 59 255 61 46 54 96 59 162 57 209 59 256 61 47 54 97 59 163 57 257 61 48 54 98 59 164 57 210 59 258 61 49 54 99 53 165 57 211 59 259 61 326 INDEX SECTION NUMBER INDEX Continued ANGLE S Concluded Section Number Number Section Number Number Section Number Page Section Number , Number Pa K c Number Section Number Page Number A A A A A 260 61 340 93 396 67 532 55 650 62 261 262 263 61 61 61 350 351 65 65 397 398 399 67 67 67 533 534 535 64 55 55 660 661 63 63 264 265 266 267 268 269 62 62 62 62 62 62 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 400 401 402 403 404 406 67 67 67 67 67 67 537 537 538 598 600 601 69 128 63 60 60 60 670 680 690 700 64 69 63 '68 270 62 359 fis 407 67 6O2 61 701 68 271 62 1 408 67 603 61 702 68 272 62 '360 65 409 67 604 61 703 68 273 62 361 65 410 67 605 61 704 68 274 275 276 277 62 62 63 63 362 363 364 365 65 65 65 65 411 412 413 414 67 67 67 67 606 608 609 610 61 62 62 62 710 711 712 68 68 68 278 64 366 65 415 67 611 62 720 68 279 280 281 64 59 64 367 368 369 65 65 65 430 480 64 61 612 613 614 62 62 63 721 730 68 68 283 60 481 61 615 63 740 68 284 285 286 288 289 53 53 60 53 63 370 371 372 373 374 375 65 66 66 66 66 66 500 501 502 503 504 53 53 54 54 54 616 618 619 620 621 63 63 63 63 63 750 770 800 68 69 69 290 291 63 53 376 377 66 66 505 506 54 54 622 623 63 64 820 69 292 58 378 66 507 54 624 64 890 69 301 58 379 66 508 509 55 55 625 626 64 64 900 69 310 320 57 56 380 382 66 65 511 512 55 55 627 628 64 64 910 68 321 56 383 66 513 55 629 64 920 69 322 56 384 66 514 55 630 64 323 56 385 66 515 55 631 63 940 64 324 56 386 66 516 55 632 61 945 55 325 56 387 66 519 55 633 64 326 327 56 56 388 389 66 66 520 67 637 62 950 955 64 64 328 56 521 66 640 60 955 128 329 56 390 66 523 62 641 60 391 66 525 63 642 60 960 64 330 58 392 67 526 64 643 60 331 58 393 67 528 69 644 60 1000 261 332 58 394 67 528 123 645 63 333 58 395 67 529 64 646 63 1 1010 94 327 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SECTION NUMBER INDEX Continued BEAMS, BULB SECTIONS AND CHANNELS Section Number Page Number Section Number Page Number Section Number Page Number Section Number Page Number Section Number Page Number B B C C C 1 5 143 30 1 32 506 44 582 50 2 7 144 30 2 33 508 43 583 42 3 4 5 7 8 9 7 9 9 10 11 11 145 146 147 196 197 201 30 30 30 24 24 25 3 4 ! 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Page Number Number Section Number Number M M M M M 880 195 956 171 1020 107 1090 187 1156 108 881 185 957 171 1021 107 1091 185 1157 108 883 166 958 179 1022 107 1092 185 1158 108 884 166 959 203 1024 107 1093 110 1159 109 885 193 1025 107 1095 107 1160 109 886 165 960 170 1026 107 1096 107 1162 109 887 165 961 170 1027 107 1097 107 1163 109 888 157 962 170 1028 107 1098 107 1164 158 889 157 963 170 1029 107 1099 107 1165 158 891 892 893 894 896 185 185 170 170 194 964 965 967 968 969 170 203 203 203 203 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 107 107 107 107 110 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 196 189 181 181 181 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 159 109 159 159 176 897 170 970 203 1035 110 1105 181 1171 176 898 213 971 203 1036 110 1106 181 1172 176 899 181 972 975 203 213 1037 1038 196 208 1107 1108 163 157 1173 1174 177 177 900 182 977 206 1039 212 1109 157 1175 177 901 182 979 203 1040 195 1176 161 903 189 1045 195 1113 108 1177 159 904 189 980 106 1046 109 1116 108 1178 159 905 189 981 106 1047 187 1119 108 1179 159 906 907 179 178 982 983 106 106 1048 1049 187 212 1121 1123 108 108 1180 1181 159 152 908 178 984 106 1050 109 1124 108 1182 152 913 181 986 106 1051 109 1126 108 1183 157 914 178 987 1Q6 1053 109 1128 108 1184 157 915 191 988 203 1057 109 1129 108 1185 157 916 918 919 920 925 929 191 195 189 189 212 178 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 203 203 203 203 203 203 196 1058 1060 1062 1063 1066 1068 1071 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 1131 1132 1133 1135 1137 1138 1139 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 1186 1189 1191 1192 1194 1195 1196 157 159 164 162 157 155 155 930 935 183 106 998 999 185 212 1072 1075 109 109 1140 108 1200 1202 107 107 938 1 fifi 1078 109 1141 108 1203 107 941 944 945 166 191 191 1001 \ 1002 ; 1003 1004 212 212 212 212 1079 1080 1083 1084 109 109 213 213 1142 1144 1145 1149 108 108 108 108 1204 1205 1206 1208 107 107 107 107 1005 212 1085 213 1150 108 1211 107 952 171 ! 1006 212 1086 196 1152 177 1212 107 953 171 1007 159 1087 213 1153 109 1213 133 954 171 1008 159 1088 213 1154 158 1214 163 955 171 1009 159 1089 213 1155 158 1215 115 331 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SECTION NUMBER INDEX Continued MISCELLANEOUS SECTIONS Continued Section Number Page Number Section Number Page Section Number Number H Page (I Section ' Page Number Number Number . Section Number Page Number M M M M M 1217 161 1290 103 1 1390 189 1446 184 i 1530 98 1218 161 1291 103 1391 189 1448 192 1531 98 1219 161 1292 103 !! 1392 257 1449 182 1532 98 1293 103 ; 1393 257 1453 258 1533 98 1220 115 1294 103 ! 1400 188 1454 258 1534 98 1220 133 1295 103 1401 199 1455 258 1535 98 1221 116 1296 103 1402 199 1456 258 1536 98 1222 116 1297 103 1403 173 1457 258 i 1537 98 1223 116 1298 115 1405 196 1458 258 ! 1540 1O4- 1224 116 1299 116 1406 207 1459 258 , 1541 104 1225 1226 115 115 1304 208 1407 1408 167 205 1460 1461 258 ' 257 1542 104 1543 104 1227 1228 1229 115 163 156 1312 1315 1316 195 167 167 1409 1410A 1411A 187 256 256 1461 A 257 1462 257 1462 A 257 1544 104 1545 104 1546 104 1230 1 211 171 156 1317 1318 167 167 1412A 256 1413A 256 1463 1463 A 257 257 1550 99 1551 i 99 X^ol 1 212 156 1319 167 1414A 256 1464 257 i 1552 99 l.p*i 1233 1234 1237 1238 1239 156 155 160 160 114 1337 1340 1341 1343 202 187 174 173 1415A 256 1416A 256 1417A 256 1418 256 1418A 256 1419 256 1464 A 1465 1465 A 1466 1466A 1467 257 257 257 257 257 257 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 99 99 99 99 99 99 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 199 199 114 114 199 158 158 158 1345 1346 1347 1348 1350 1351 1359 173 173 174 174 201 201 201 1419A 1420 1421 1421 A 1422 1423 1424 1425 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 1467 A 1468 1468A 1469 1500 1504 1505 1506 257 257 257 259 104 104 104 104 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1248 116 1364 174 1426 1427 187 187 1507 1508 104 104 1578 1 ^70 100 TOO 1275 1276 1276 1277 1279 116 151 155 155 180 1370 1372 1373 1374 1375 1378 206 211 211 211 211 '206 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 109 206 186 186 107 107 1509 1510 1512 1513 1516 1517 102 102 102 102 102 104 ij * j 1581 1482 1583 1598 1599 J.UV/ 104 104 104 101 101 1280 179 1379 92 1434 116 1518 218 1600 101 1281 179 1381 187 1435 110 1519 219 1601 101 1282 154 1382 257 1436 110 1520 219 ' 1602 101 1283 154 1383 257 1439 116 i 1521 105 1603 101 1284 154 1 1384 257 1440 184 1522 105 1604 101 1285 154 1 1385 257 ! 1441 184 1523 218 1605 101 1286 154 1386 257 1442 184 1524 218 1606 101 1287 154 1387 258 1443 184 1525 218 1607 101 1288 154 1388 257 II 1444 187 1526 218 1608 101 1289 133 j .1389 257 | 1445 192 |j 1528 98 1609 101 332 INDEX SECTION NUMBER INDEX Continued MISCELLANEOUS SECTIONS Continued Section ' Page Section ! 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168 2127 126 2180 124 2237 101 2295 128 2387 j 168 2128 126 2181 124 2238 101 2297 117 2388 168 2129 133 2182 133 2299 194 2389 168 2131 103 2184 126 2240 2241 215 216 2302 117 2390 2391 168 168 2132 103 2185 126 2242 216 2310 134 2392 168 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 103 103 103 145 145 129 128 155 2186 2187 2191 2192 2193 2194 2196 136 147 175 175 175 175 175 2243 2244 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 164 131 180 180 147 147 148 148 2311 2320 2321 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 134 192 192 140 140 140 140 140 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2501 OKfVO 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 102 1f)2 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 153 153 153 153 155 129 129 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 196 197 179 179 179 197 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 148 136 146 148 151 164 2336 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 140 169 169 168 168 169 Z&\j 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 MM 102 102 102 102 102 102 2149 129 2206 2207 180 130 2260 2261 186 194 2345 2346 169 169 2510 2511 143 143 2151 2152 103 103 2208 2209 130 130 2262 2263 194 191 2347 2349 169 168 2512 2513 143 143 2153 103 2264 191 2350 146 2514 143 2154 103 2210 193 2265 148 2351 146 2515 143 2155 103 2211 144 2352 146 2516 142 2156 103 2212 144 2271 203 2353 141 2517 142 2157 103 2215 130 2273 165 2354 141 2518 142 2158 103 2218 127 2274 165 2358 146 2519 142 2159 160 2219 128 2275 165 2359 152 2520 142 334 INDEX SECTION NUMBER INDEX Concluded RAILS, SPLICE BARS AND RAIL CLIPS Section Page Number No. Section Number Page No. Section Number Page No. Section Number Page No. Section Number Page No. Section Number Page No. Rails Splice Bars S Splice Bars D Rails Splice Bars S Splice Bars D 13633 242 72.8-75 235 72.8-75 245 13031 231 13031 242 72K 245 10020 229 10020 A 94I" 10020 248 7020 229 7020 240 10020F 243 7033 236 7033 245 7033A 245 10022 243 7033B 245 7040 228 7040 239 7040 247 10030 230 10030 248 7040A 245 10031 232 10030B 241 10031 242 7040C 245 70H 250 10031A 242 10031A 249 6733 236 10032 232 10032 242 10032 248 10040 227 10040 239 10040 247 6540 228 6540 239 10077 232 100H 232 100H 249 6020 229 6020 240 9020 229 9020 240 9020 248 6033 236 9020D 243 6040 228 6040 239 6040 248 9030 230 9030A 248 5633 236 9030B 241 9040 227 9030C 9040 241 239 9040 247 5540 228 5540 5540A 239 245 Clips 8531 233 8531 243 8522 8531 250 249 5040 228 5040 239 103 260 8540 227 8540 2a9 8540 247 8540F 243 4540 237 4540 246 104 260 8550 233 8550 243 8575 233 8575 243 4040 237 4040 246 106 260 85G 234 85H 233 85H 249 3540 237 3540 246 108 260 85N 234 85HA 243 3040 237 3040 246 114 260 8020 229 8020 240 2540 238 2540 246 j 118 260 8022 234 8022 244 8030 230 8030 241 2040 238 2040 j 246 119 260 8040 227 8040 239 8040 247 8040B 244 1640 238 1640 246 120 260 8040E 244 8077 234 8077 244 1440 238 1440 246 121 260 76P 250 1240 238 1240 246 122 260 7523 235 7523 244 7540 228 7540 239 7540 247 1040 238 1040 246 123 260 7550 235 7550 244 7577 235 7577 244 7577 250 840 238 840 125 260 335 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SUBJECT INDEX Page AGRICULTURAL BEAMS 16-22 ANGLES: bulb 24-31, 93 car building bulb 31, 93 facing bar 105 miscellaneous 69, 93 obtuse 69 protection strip 69 rail guard 261 reach 69 round back 68 sash . 69, 128 ship building bulb . . 24-30 square root 65-67 taper 69 tire lug 69 track 69 A. R. A. RAILS, SERIES A AND B 229, 230 A. R. A. SPLICE BARS, SERIES A AND B 240, 241 A. S. C. E. RAILS 227, 228 A. S. C. E. SPLICE BARS 239 ARMOR PLATE SECTION . . 194 AUGER SECTIONS 189 AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS: base bands 137, 138, 153 bevel edge felloe bands 157 center ring sections 155, 157, 161 center wedge ring sections 155 clamping ring section . . . clincher tire side ring sections 150, 158-161 continuous wedge sections 157 corrugated base bands 154 demountable rim sections 145-149, 162 detachable rim sections dual felloe bands 135 flange sections 161 key ring sections 159 locking ring sections 159 lock ring section 162 miscellaneous rim sections 152 motor cycle rim sections 157 mud guard channel outer wedge flange sections 156 pressed-on channel rim sections 142-144 removable channel rim sections 139-1 side flange sections 151, 155, 157 single felloe bands straight side rim sections straight side tire ring sections - 150 wedge flange sections wedge ring sections 336 INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Continued Page ARGH BEAM 92 AXLE CLIP SECTIONS 171 Ax SECTION 196 BACK GUIDE BAR 193 BAND EDGE FLATS 224 BAND SECTIONS, BEADED 181 BANDS, BASE AND FELLOE (see Automobile Sections) BARREL RING AND CHIME SECTIONS 180 BASE BANDS 137, 138, 153 BASE BANDS, CORRUGATED 154 BEADED AND RIBBED PLANTER TIRE . . 166 BEADED AND RIBBED TIRE 166 BEADED BAND SECTIONS 181 BEADED BARS 188 BEADED HOOP BAR 181 BEADED NUT SECTIONS 194 BEADED STOVE LEG SECTIONS 188 BEAMS: agricultural 16-22 arch 92 bulb 23 channeled flats 16 cultivator H-beams harrow 16 plow 18-22 structural 4-14 supplementary 4, 6, 8, 10-13 BELT RAIL SECTION 208 BEVELED CORNER SQUARES 199 BEVEL EDGE: range of sizes 204-206 table of weights 315-317 BEVEL EDGE CLIPS 109 BEVEL EDGE FELLOE BANDS 157 BEVEL NOSE, RANGE OF SIZES 203 ! BEVEL EDGE SECTIONS, MISCELLANEOUS '...., 207-213 BEVEL WAGON Box SECTIONS BIRMINGHAM WIRE GAGE TABLES BIT MOUTH CLIPS 110 BODY SECTIONS, VEHICLE BODY SIDE BEARING PLATE 92 Box STRAP 107 BRADDOCK INSULATED RAIL JOINT ACCESSORIES 259 BRAKE BEAM CHANNEL BRAKE KEY 186 I B-SECTION 195 BUCKLE BAR BUGGY TIRES . 165 337 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SUBJECT INDEX Continued Page BULB ANGLES: car building 31, 93 ship building 24-30 BULB BEAMS: car building 23 ship building 93 CAM SECTIONS 185 CAN RING SECTIONS 178-180 CAP SECTION ' 196 CARBON STEEL PLATES 221, 222 CAB BUILDING BULB ANGLES 31, 93 CAR BUILDING CHANNELS 40 CAR BUILDING SECTIONS, MISCELLANEOUS 92, 93 CAR DOOR TRACK SECTION 183 CARLINE SECTION 93 CARRIER AND TROLLEY TRACK SECTIONS 183 CAR STAKE SECTION 93 CAR TRUCK TEE . 84 CASEMENT AND SASH SECTIONS 114-134 CENTER RING SECTIONS 155, 157, 161 CENTER WEDGE RING SECTIONS ~. 155 CHAFE SECTION 195 CHAIN TIRE SECTION 164 CHANNELED FLATS 16 CHANNEL RIM SECTIONS (see Automobile Sections) 139-144 CHANNELS: bar mill sizes 41-50 brake beam 45 car building 40 cushion tire 47 dash 49 door spreader section 92 fender 49 harrow 49, 50 miscellaneous 45 mud guarcj j 162 rake 50 round back round toe 50 sharp toe 50 ship building 36-39 solid rubber tire 46, 47 stove leg 50 structural 32-40 tedder washer 50 tire 50 CHECKERED PLATES CHIME AND BARREL RING SECTIONS 180 338 INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Continued Page CIRCULAR PLATES: extreme sizes 221, 222 tables of weights 307-309 CLAMPING RING SECTION 151 CLINCHER TIRE SIDE RING SECTIONS 150, 168-161 CLIP AND STRAP SECTIONS (see Strap and Clip Sections). . . 107-110 CLIPS: axle 171 rail 260 vehicle spring 167 CLUTCH PAWL SECTION 194 COLD TWISTED SQUARE BARS 97 COMPARATIVE TABLE OF RAIL SECTION NUMBERS 251 CONCAVE CONVEX CLIPS 109 CONCAVE CONVEX HAME Ill CONCAVE CONVEX SPRING SECTION 167 CONCORD HAME STRAP 107 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT BARS: cold twisted square bars 97 corrugated round bars, type A and B 99 corrugated square bars, type C and D 99 cup bar 98 deformed bars 98-104 Elcannes bars 101 facing bar 105 girder bar sections 105 hanger bars 106 Havemeyer flat bars 101 Havemeyer round bars 101 Havemeyer square bars 101 herringbone bars 100 lug bars, type A and B . 100 monolith bars 104 monotype bars 103 round rib bars, type B 102 square rib bars, type A 102 Scofield bars 104 slant rib bars 103 Thacher bars 104 washboard sections, type A and B 105 wing bars, type A and B 102 wing bar 103 CONDUCTOR RAIL TEES 84, 261 CONTINUOUS WEDGE SECTIONS 157 CORRUGATED PLATES 95 CORRUGATED BASE BANDS 154 CORRUGATED ROUND BARS I 99 CORRUGATED SQUARE BARS COTTON GIN SECTION 196 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SUBJECT INDEX Continued Page CRANE RAIL SECTION 94 CRANE RAIL TEE 83 CRESCENT HAME SECTIONS Ill CRESCENTS, RANGE OF SIZES 113 CRESCENT SECTIONS, MISCELLANEOUS flat bottomed crescent 165 hame sections Ill neck yoke and pole cap sections 112 CROSS-TIE SECTIONS 262-2G5 CULTIVATOR BEAMS 17 CUP BARS 98 CURB SECTION ......' 190 CUSHION TIRE CHANNELS 47 CUSTER PIPE SECTIONS. . 176 DASH AND FENDER CHANNELS 49 DAYTON PIPE SECTIONS . . 177 DECIMALS OF AN INCH AND OF A FOOT, TABLE 325 DECK BEAMS 23 DEFORMED BARS 97-104 DEMOUNTABLE RIM SECTIONS 145-149, 162 DETACHABLE RIM SECTIONS 158 DIAMOND HARROW TOOTH 189 DOOR SPREADER SECTION 92 DOUBLE BEVELED SECTION 208 DRAW BAR KEY 186 DRESSER PIPE SECTIONS 173, 174 DRILL POINT STEEL 210 DRILL POST SECTION 196 DROPPER BAR 182 D-SECTION 195 DUAL FELLOE BANDS 135 DUQUESNE SPLICE BARS: A. R. A. sections 248 A. S. C. E. sections : 247, 248 miscellaneous 249, 250 ELCANNES BAR 101 ELEVATOR TEES END POST SECTION 93 EQUAL ANGLES: bar mill sizes 53-55, 66-68 structural sizes 52, 53, 65, 68 EQUAL TEES: bar mill sizes 72-75 structural sizes 70, 71 340 INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Continued Page EXTREME SIZES OF PLATES . . 221-223 FACING BAR 105 FELLOE BANDS (see Automobile Sections) 135, 136, 157 FENDER AND DASH CHANNELS 49 FIGURE 8 SECTION 195 FINGER BAR, HARVESTER 193 FLAT-BOTTOMED CRESCENTS 165 FLAT ROLLED STEEL: band edge flats nut steel flats 224 oval edge farm wagon tire 225 plates, (see Plates, Flat Rolled Steel) 221-223 round edge baby carriage spring steel 226 round edge concave spring steel 226 round edge flats round edge spring steel 226 round edge tire round edge toe calk 226 skelp square edge flats vehicle spring steel 226 weights (see Tables of Flat Rolled Steel Weights) FLATS, CHANNELED 16 FLATS, GROOVED 197 FLATS, SINGLE ROUND EDGE 197 FLOOR PLATES 95, 96 FOLLOWER PLATE FRICTION PLATES, SWITCH FRICTION SPRING SECTIONS 185 FROG FILLERS 254, 255 FROG FILLERS, THIRD RAIL 256 GAGES: Birmingham wire gage United States standard gage GIRDER BAR SECTIONS GRASS HOOK SECTION GROOVED FLATS 197 GROOVED HALF OVALS 189 GROOVED HAME GROOVED ROUNDS GROOVED TIRE 166 GROOVED TIRE, ROUND AND SQUARE EDGE 165 GUARD ANGLE, RAIL 261 GUIDE BARS 192, 19a 341 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SUBJECT INDEX Continued Page HALF OVAL CLIPS 108 HALF OVAL, GROOVED 189 HALF OVALS: range of sizes 217 table of weights 319 HALF OVALS, MISCELLANEOUS 218, 219 HALF ROUNDS, RANGE OF SIZES 220 HALF ROUNDS, HOLLOW 198 HAME SECTIONS: clips and straps (see Strap and Clip Sections) concave convex concord hame strap 107 crescent grooved Ill HAMMER STRAP SECTION 195 HAMMON PIPE SECTIONS 175, 176 HAND RAIL TEES 84 HANGER BARS. 106 HANGER BARS, JOIST 183 HARROW BEAMS 16 HARROW CHANNELS 49, 50 HARROW TOOTH, DIAMOND HARVESTER FINGER BAR . 193 HAVEMEYER FLAT BAR HAVEMEYER ROUND BARS 101 HAVEMEYER SQUARE BARS 101 H-BEAMS HERRINGBONE BAR HEXAGON, IRREGULAR 199 HEXAGONS: range of sizes 220 table of weights 322 HINGE PLATE SECTIONS '. ,. j ;'vj 211 HOLLOW HALF ROUNDS 198 HOOP BAR, BEADED HORSE SHOE BARS 191 I-BEAMS (see Beams) INSULATED RAIL JOINT ACCESSORIES, BRADDOCK IRON AND STEEL SHEET AND PLATE GAGE, U. S. STANDARD . . 324 IRREGULAR HEXAGON . . 199 J-BARS 191 JOIST HANGER BARS 183 342 INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Continued Page KEY SECTIONS: brake key 186 draw bar key 186 miscellaneous 187 vault key 186 KEY RING SECTIONS . . 159 LETTER " B" SECTION 195 LETTER "V" SECTION 195 LIGHT RAILS 237, 238 LIGHT RAIL SPLICE BARS . . . 246 LOCKING BARS 172 LOCKING RING SECTIONS 159 LOCK RING SECTIONS . 162 LUG BARS, TYPE A AND B 100 MAGNETO AND POLE SECTIONS 184 MERCHANT BARS 22Q MODIFIED ROUND 199 MOLDING SECTION 192 MONOLITH BARS 104 MONOTYPE BARS 103 MOTOR CYCLE RIM SECTIONS 157 MUD GUARD CHANNEL 162 * NECK YOKE AND POLE CAP SECTIONS 112 NICKEL STEEL PLATES NUT SECTIONS, BEADED 194 NUT SECTIONS, MISCELLANEOUS 170 NUT STEEL FLATS, RANGE OF SIZES 224 OBTUSE ANGLE OCTAGONS 199 OUTER WEDGE FLANGE SECTIONS 156 OVAL EDGE FARM WAGON TIRE 225 OVALS AND BLUNT OVALS: range of sizes 214 tables of weights OVALS, MISCELLANEOUS 215, 216 343 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SUBJECT INDEX Continued Page PIANO BARS 189 PILING SECTIONS, UNITED STATES STEEL SHEET 91 PIPE SECTIONS: Custer 176 Dayton 177 Dresser 173, 174 Hammon 175, 176 locking bars 172 thimble section 176 PLANTER TIRE, BEADED AND RIBBED 166 PLATE AND SHEET STEEL AND IRON GAGES: B. W. gage, weights per square foot, steel 323 U. S. gage, weights per square foot, iron 324 PLATES, FLAT ROLLED STEEL, EXTREME SIZES: carbon steel, sheared, rectangular and circular 221, 222 universal, rectangular 221 nickel steel, sheared, rectangular universal, rectangular 223 PLATES, WEIGHTS (see Tables of Flat Rolled Steel) PLATE SECTIONS: armor plate section 194 body side bearing plate 92 checkered plates 96 corrugated plates 95 floor plates 95, 96 follower plate. 92 hinge plate sections 211 switch friction plates 182 trough plates 95 tie plates 259 wearing plates 193 PLOW BEAMS 18-22 PLOW TEE 85 POLE CAP AND NECK YOKE SECTIONS 112 POLE AND MAGNETO SECTIONS." POTATO DIGGER SECTION 182 PRESSED-ON CHANNEL RIM SECTIONS 142-144 PRESS MACHINE SECTION 94 PRINTING PRESS SECTIONS 186 PROTECTION STRIP ANGLE.. 69 RACK RAIL SECTION . 94 RAIL AND TRACK ACCESSORIES 252-265 RAIL BAR 196 RAIL CLIPS 260 RAIL GUARD ANGLE 261 RAIL, BELT RAIL, CRANE 94 RAIL. RACK 94 344 INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Continued Page RAILS: A. R. A., series A 229 A. R. A., series B 230 A. S. C. E 227, 228 light rails 237, 238 miscellaneous 231-236 RAILS AND ACCESSORIES, TABLES 252, 253 RAIL SECTION NUMBERS, OLD AND NEW 251 RAKE CHANNEL 50 RAKE TIRE CURB 193 RAKE TOOTH HOLDER 193 RATCHET SECTIONS 185 REACH ANGLE 69 RECTANGULAR FLATS (see Square Edge Flats) RECTANGULAR PLATES: carbon steel, extreme sizes 221, 222 nickel steel, extreme sizes 223 tables of weights 267-306 REINFORCEMENT BARS, CONCRETE 97-106 REINFORCING BARS, RAIL 257, 258 REMOVABLE CHANNEL RIM SECTIONS 139-141 RETAINING BAR 194 RIBBED AND BEADED PLANTER TIRE 166 RIBBED AND BEADED TIRE 166 RIM SECTIONS: automobile , (see Automobile Sections) motor cycle ~ 157 RING SECTIONS (see Automobile Sections) ROUND BACK ANGLES . 68 ROUND BACK CHANNELS 48 ROUND BEVEL EDGE: range of sizes 200 tables of weights 314 ROUND BEVEL EDGE SECTION 208 ROUND BEVELS, MISCELLANEOUS 201, 202 ROUND CORNERED BARS 199 ROUND CORNERED SQUARES, RANGE OF SIZES. 220 ROUND EDGE BABY CARRIAGE SPRING STEEL ROUND EDGE CONCAVE SPRING STEEL 226 ROUND EDGE FLATS: range of sizes 225 tables of weights 310-313 ROUND EDGE FLATS, SINGLE ROUND EDGE GROOVED TIRE 165 ROUND EDGE SPRING STEEL 226 ROUND EDGE TIRE STEEL ROUND EDGE TOE CALK STEEL ROUND EDGE VEHICLE SPRING STEEL 226 ROUND RIB BAR, TYPE B 102 ROUNDS: range of sizes 220 table of weights 321 345 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SUBJECT INDEX Continued Page ROUNDS, GROOVED 198 ROUND, MODIFIED 199 ROUND TOE CHANNEL 50 RUBBER TIRE CHANNELS, SOLID 46-47 SASH AND CASEMENT SECTIONS 114-134 SASH ANGLES 69, 128 SASH TEES 82, 85, 117, 123, 128, 131 SASH ZEE 89, 123 SCOFIELD BARS 104 SCRAPER TIRE TEES 83 SCREEN BAR 186 SHARP TOE CALK SECTIONS 212 SHARP TOE CHANNEL 50 SHEARED PLATES (see Plates) 221-223 SHEET AND PLATE IRON AND STEEL: United States standard gage 324 SHIP BUILDING BULB ANGLES British, standard 24-29 miscellaneous 30 SHIP BUILDING CHANNELS 36-39 SIDE FLANGE SECTIONS 151, 155, 157 SIDE RIM SECTIONS, STRAIGHT 163 SIDE RING SECTIONS, CLINCHER TIRE 150, 158-161 SIDE WALL SECTION 93 SINGLE FELLOE BANDS 136 SINGLE ROUND EDGE FLATS 197 SKELP 224 SKYLIGHT SECTIONS 134 SLANT RIB BAR 103 SLIDE RAIL SECTIONS 187 SOLID RUBBER TIRE CHANNELS 46, 47 SPLICE BARS: A. R. A., series A . . 240 A. R. A., series B 241 A. S. C. E 239 Duquesne 247-250 light rails 246 miscellaneous 242-245 SPRING CLIPS, VEHICLE 167 SPRING SECTION, CONCAVE CONVEX 167 SPRING SECTIONS, FRICTION 185 SPRING STEEL: bumper section 169 round edge 226 round edge baby carriage 226 round edge concave 226 tongue and groove sections 168, 169 vehicle 226 346 INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Continued Page SQUARE BARS: range of sections 220 table of weights 320 SQUARE BARS, BEVELED CORNER 199 SQUARE BARS, COLD TWISTED 97 SQUARE BARS, ROUND CORNER , 199 SQUARE EDGE FLATS: range of sizes 224 table of weights 280-284 SQUARE EDGE GROOVED TIRE 165 SQUARE RIB BARS, TYPE A 102 SQUARE ROOT ANGLES 65-67 STANWOOD BACK 191 STANWOOD FRONT 191 STAR SECTIONS 189 STEEL SHEET PILING, UNITED STATES 91 STOVE LEG CHANNEL 50 STOVE LEG SECTIONS, BEADED STRAIGHT SIDE RIM SECTIONS 163 STRAIGHT SIDE TIRE RING 150 STRAP AND CLIP SECTIONS: bevel edge clips 109 bit mouth clips 110 box strap 107 concave-convex clips 109 Concord Hame strap 107 half oval clips 108 SUPPLEMENTARY BEAMS 4, 6, 8, 10-13 SWITCH FRICTION PLATES 182 TABLES OF DECIMALS OF AN INCH AND OF A FOOT TABLES OF EXTREME SIZES OF PLATES (see Plates) 221-223 TABLES OF FLAT ROLLED STEEL, WEIGHTS: I. pounds per square foot thickness in decimals of an inch, 0.01" to 1". . . 267 II. pounds per lineal foot, widths from %" to 12", thickness from No. 24 to No. 1, B. W. gage . . . 268-273 III. pounds per lineal foot, widths from 12%" to 81", thickness from No. 12 to No. 1, B. W. gage . . . 274-279 IV. pounds per linealfoot, widths from %" to 132%", thickness from V 32 " to 2%" 280-306 V. pounds each, diameters from 16" to 134", thickness from No. 12, B. W. gage to 1" 307-309 TABLES OF GAGES: Birmingham wire gage United States standard gage TABLES OF RAILS AND ACCESSORIES 252, 253 TABLES OF RAIL SECTION NUMBERS 251 347 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY SUBJECT INDEX Continued TABLES OF WEIGHTS: bevel edge 315-317 blunt ovals 318 flat rolled steel 267-309 half oval^ 319 hexagons 322 ovals ^ 318 rails and accessories 252, 253 round bars 321 round bevel edge 314 round edge flats 310-313 square bars 320 TAPER ANGLE 69 TEDDER WASHER CHANNEL . 50 TEES: car truck 84 crane rail 83 conductor rail 84, 261 elevator 83 equal 70-75 hand rail 84 miscellaneous 83-85 plow 85 sash 82, 85, 117, 123, 128, 131 scraper tire 83 unequal 76-82 THACHER BAR 104 THIMBLE SECTION 176 THIRD RAIL FROG FILLERS 256 TIE PLATE 259 TIE SECTIONS 262-265 TIRE CHANNEL - 50 TIRE CHANNEL, CUSHION .' 47 TIRE CHANNEL, SOLID RUBBER 46, 47 TIRE LUG ANGLE 69 TIRE SECTIONS: automobile (see Automobile Sections) beaded and ribbed planter tire 166 beaded and ribbed tire 166 buggy tire 165 chain tire 164 grooved tire 166 grooved tire, round and square edge 165 oval edge tire 225 round edge tire 225 tractor tire 166 TOE CALK SECTIONS: round edge 226 sharp 212 TONGUE AND GROOVE SPRING STEEL SECTIONS 168, 169 TONGUE CAP SECTIONS TRACK ACCESSORIES 254-265 TRACK ANGLES , 69 348 INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Concluded Page TRACK CHAIN SECTION 1S2 TRACTOR TIRE 160 TRIANGULAR SECTION 196 TROLLEY TRACK AND CARRIER SECTIONS 183 TROUGH PLATES 95 TWISTED SQUARE BARS... 97 U-BARS 51 UNEQUAL ANGLES: bar mill sizes 61-64, 69 structural sizes 56^-60 UNEQUAL TEES: bar mill sizes 80-82, 85 structural sizes 76-80, 83, 84 UNITED STATES STANDARD GAGE 324 UNITED STATES STEEL SHEET PILING 91 UNIVERSAL MILL PLATES 221, 223 V-BAR 195 VAULT KEY SECTIONS 186 VEHICLE BODY SECTIONS 164 VEHICLE SECTIONS, MISCELLANEOUS 164-171 VEHICLE SPRING CLIPS 167 VEHICLE SPRING STEEL 226 VELOCIPEDE SECTION.. 195 WAGON Box SECTIONS 204 WASHBOARD SECTIONS 105 WEARING PLATES 193 WEDGE BARS 212 WEDGE FLANGE SECTIONS 155, 156 WEDGE RING SECTIONS 151, 155 WEDGE SECTIONS, CONTINUOUS 157 \VEIGHT OF STEEL 266 WELDER BARS WINDOW SECTIONS 114-134 WING BARS, TYPE A AND B 102 WIXG BAR 103 WIRE WHEEL SECTION . . 164 ZEES: equal flanges 86, 87 miscellaneous / 88-90 sash 89, 123 349 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY PRODUCTS PIG IRON AND FURNACE PRODUCTS FERRO-MANGANESE AND SPIEGELEISEN OPEN HEARTH AND BESSEMER STEEL, ALLOY STEELS INGOTS, BILLETS, BLOOMS, SLABS AND SHEET BARS ARMOR AND VAULT PLATE PLATES FOR BRIDGES, SHIPS, TANKS, BOILERS AND CARS ROLLED STRUCTURAL SHAPES BEAMS, CHANNELS, ANGLES, TEES AND ZEES STEEL MINE TIMBERS AND STEEL SHEET PILING BAR MILL PRODUCTS CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT BARS, AGRICULTURAL SHAPES MISCELLANEOUS AND SPECIAL SHAPES MERCHANT BARS SQUARES, ROUNDS, HALF ROUNDS, HEXAGONS, OVALS, HALF OVALS FLATS, SKELP, BANDS, HOOPS, COTTON TIES HOOPS FOR SLACK BARREL COOPERAGE TIRE AND VEHICLE SPRING STEEL TRACK MATERIAL RAILS AND SPLICE BARS, DUQUESNE RAIL JOINTS TRACK ACCESSORIES AND STEEL CROSS TIES FORCINGS STANDARD FORGED AND HEAT-TREATED AXLES CONNECTING RODS, CRANK SHAFTS AND ARCH BARS FORGED AND ROLLED WHEELS, GEAR BLANKS, AUTOMOBILE FLY WHEELS PIPE FLANGES AND SHAFT COUPLINGS LOCOMOTIVE PISTONS DERRICKS AND DRILLING RIGS 350 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY WORKS DUQUESNE STEEL WORKS AND FURNACES South Duquesne, Pa. EDGAR THOMSON STEEL WORKS AND FURNACES Bessemer, Pa. HOMESTEAD STEEL WORKS Munhall, Pa. CARRIE FURNACES Rankin, Pa. EDITH FURNACE Pittsburgh, N. S., Pa. ISABELLA FURNACES Etna, Pa. LUCY FURNACES Pittsburgh, Pa. NEVILLE FURNACE Neville Island, Pa. CLARK MILLS Pittsburgh, Pa. MCCUTCHEON MILLS Pittsburgh, N. S., Pa. PAINTER MILLS Pittsburgh, S. S., Pa. LOWER UNION MILLS Pittsburgh, Pa. UPPER UNION MILLS Pittsburgh, Pa. HOWARD AXLE WORKS Homestead, Pa. SCHOEN STEEL WHEEL WORKS McKees Rocks, Pa. BELLAIRE STEEL WORKS AND FURNACES Bellaire, 0. CLAIRTON STEEL WORKS AND FURNACES Clairton, Pa. COLUMBUS STEEL WORKS AND FURNACES Columbus, O. MINGO STEEL WORKS AND FURNACES Mingo Junction, O. NEW CASTLE STEEL WORKS AND FURNACES New Castle, Pa. OHIO STEEL WORKS AND FURNACES Youngstown, O. SHARON STEEL WORKS AND FURNACE Sharon, Pa. FARRELL STEEL WORKS AND FURNACES Farrell, Pa. GREENVILLE MILLS Greenville, Pa. MONESSEN MILLS Monessen, Pa. LOWER UNION MILLS Youngstown, O. UPPER UNION MILLS. Youngstown, O. NILES FURNACE Niles, O. STEUBENVILLE FURNACE Steubenville, O. ZANESVILLE FURNACE Zanesville, O. PITTSBURGH WAREHOUSE Pittsburgh, Pa. BALTIMORE WAREHOUSE Baltimore, Md. CLEVELAND WAREHOUSE Cleveland, O. NEW ENGLAND WAREHOUSE Allston, Mass. WAVERLY WAREHOUSES , Waverly, N. J. 351 CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY OFFICES GENERAL OFFICES: PITTSBURGH, Carnegie Building DISTRICT OFFICES: BIRMINGHAM, Brown-Marx Building BOSTON, 120 Franklin Street BUFFALO, Marine National Bank Building CHICAGO, 208 South La Salle Street CINCINNATI, Union Trust Building CLEVELAND, Rockefeller Building DENVER, First National Bank Building DETROIT, Ford Building NEW ORLEANS, Maison Blanche NEW YORK, Hudson Terminal, 30 Church Street PHILADELPHIA, Widener Building PITTSBURGH, Carnegie Building ST. Louis, Third National Bank Building ST. PAUL, Pioneer Building EXPORT REPRESENTATIVES: UNITED STATES STEEL PRODUCTS Co., NEW YORK, Hudson Terminal, 30 Church Street PACIFIC COAST REPRESENTATIVES: UNITED STATES STEEL PRODUCTS Co., PACIFIC COAST DEPT. Los ANGELES, Jackson Street and Central Avenue PORTLAND, Selling Building SAN FRANCISCO, Rialto Building SEATTLE, Fourth Ave. South and Connecticut Ave. 352 -.---.? re -s 1933 18 1933 MOV 28 1933 7J- 21-5 I 373720 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY