The Southern Slav's Appeal (The Southern Slavs Serbs, Croats, Slovenes) PUBLISHED ON BEHALF OF THE "JUGOSLAV COMMITTEE" BY MILAN MARJANOVI6. CLEVELAND, O., NOVEMBER, 1916. OFFICES: 1402 E. 40th ST., CLEVELAND, O. NUMBER 1. THE SOUTHERN SLAVS, OR JUGOSLAVS, AIMS FOR LIBERTY AND UNITY. THE SOUTHERN SLAVS TERRITORY IN S. W. EUROPE. THE JUGOSLAV-TERRITORY JU603LOYEM3KAZMUA LETERRlTOmE tOUSOSl&YE THERE WERE MORE THEN 13,000,000 JUGOSLAVS BEFORE THE WAR. THERE WERE 5,000,000 JUGOSLAVS LIVING IN SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO, MORE THEN 7,000,000 IN AUSTRIA-HUNGARY (IN BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA, CROATIA-SLAVONIA, SOUTHERN HUNGARY, DALMATIA, ISTRIA, TRIEST, GORIZIA-GRADISCA, CARNIOLA, SOUTHERN CORINTHIA AND SOUTHERN STYRIA), MORE THEN 200,000 IN ITALY (UDIXE) AND GREECE (VODENA, SALENIK) AND 800,000 IN BOTH AMERICAS (700,000 IN THE UNITED STATES). -^THE NATIONAL TERRITORY OF THE JUGOSLAVS IN EUROPE COVERS THE AREA OF MORE THEN 96,000 SQUARE MILES. SERBO-CROAT ORTHOGRAPHY, i = sh in "ship." c = ts in "cats." 5 = ch in "church." % = j in French "jour." c = ditto (softer). j=y in "your." Printed by "HLAS", CLEVELAND. OHIO AMERICAN DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitles them, a decent respect the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain un- alienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the .pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such prin- ciples, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them -shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence indeed, will dictate that governments long establish- ed should not be changed for light and trans- ient causes ; and, according, all experience hath shown, that a mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing in- variably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security." Declaration of Independance 1776. AMERICA'S PART IN FUTURE PEACE. ' ' "We are participants, whether we would or not, in the life of the world. The interests of all nations are our own also. We are partners with the rest. What affects man- kind is inevitably our affair as well as the affair of the nations of Europe and of Asia. . . .... The nations of the world have become each other's neighbors. It is to their interest that they should understand each other. In order that they may understand each other it is imperative that they should agree o cooper- ate in a common cause and that they should so act that the guiding principles of that common cause shall be even-handed and impartial justice. This is undoubtedly the thought of America. This is what we, ourselves, will say when there comes proper occasion to say it. ... We believe these fundamental things : First, that every people has a right to choose the sovereignity under which they shall live. Like other nations, we have, ourselves, no doubt once and again offended against that principle when for a little while controll- ed by selfish passion, as our franker historians have been honorable enough to admit; but it has become more and more our rule of life and action. Second, that the small States of the world have a right to enjoy the same respect for their sovereignity and for their territorial in- tegrity that great and powerful nations expect and insist upon. And, third, that the world has a right to be free from every disturbance of its peace that has its origin in aggression and disregard of the rights of peoples and nations. So sincerely do we believe in these things that I am sure that I speak the mind and wish of the people of America when I say that the United States is willing to become a partner in any feasible association of nations formed in order to realize these objects and make them secure against violation " From the Speech of the Presi- dent of U. S. A. W. Wilson, discussing Peace and America's part in a future league to pre- vent war. May 26th 1916. KING PETER I. TO THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA. "I have long wanted very much to speak from the bottom of my heart to the great heart of America, which is so deeply moved over the fate of Serbia and has done so much for our unhappy people. It seems to me that somehow your compatriots have been able to divine in the struggles of a people, simple and rugged, but stubbornly individualistic, the same sacred fire which inspired the first Americans 300 years ago to leave Europe to erect in the wild- erness of America a home for freedom. They understand us. We speak the same language of liberty. "And those of your compatriots who have come to us as doctors, nurses the American Red Cross, the Serbian Relief and Sanitary Commissions all these brave young people, who have so gladly given their young lives to fight typhus and the sickening effects of shells and epidemics, of whom not a few rest forever in Serbian soil was it not they who brought to us the soul of a kindred people from America?" ''I do not know if it is quite understood in America what it is all about that almost entire Europe is at war. But I will tell you in a word; it is the supreme, the last effort of feudalism, a fight to a finish between the feudalism of yesterday and the freedom of to- morrow. So that is why war had to break out on the banks of the Danube, and not elsewhere, for the Danube separates by so little the most intransigent feudalism, maintained by un- worthy intrigues, like those of the smaller Italian States in the Middle Ages, from the most stubborn ideal of liberty, implanted in those ready to fight to the last man to realize that idea. "Yet we have always wanted to live at peace with the Austrians. "But it is of the very nature of a feudal state that liberty cannot and must not flourish in the same vicinity, and Austria arranged all that in the time of the Obrenovitches. 'Ser- bia was made merely a tributary to Austria. She was no longer free at all. By the treaty of 1881 she renounced all her rights. Today, again Austria still seeks to follow toward Ser- bia crushed the same policy as before to create of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, and Herzegovina an empire of vassal States for the benefit of a mediaeval feudal nobility. But we cannot stand that. We are peasants, but free peasants. "I am King. I come from the people, but a heroic people who preferred bitter death to comfortable, shameful slavery. My grand- father was a peasant, and I am prouder of that than of my throne. Crowns are lost, br j the pure, clean blood of those who have lived of the earth does not die out." (King Peter I. of Serbia, to the representatives of the American Press. February 1916.) INTRODUCTORY NOTE. The Jugoslavs are: the Serbians, the Croatians, the Slovenians and the Bulgarians. But the Bulgarians, pursuing as they are a separatistic and imperialistic State policy, do not, at the present time, belong to this move- ment, nor do they in the contemporary policy of the Jugoslav Unification ; consequently, it is only the Serbians, the Croatians and the Slovenians who are the bearers of that idea, though the central group is formed by the Serbians and the Croatians alone. The Serbo-Croatians are absolutely one and the same people by their blood relations, by the identity of their spoken and literary language and their aspirations irrespective of the territories in which they live. The Slovenians belong to the same race with a slightly different literary dialect. At this moment the matter could be summarised thus : the Serbians are considered as the Orthodox South-Slavs and the Croats the Catholic South- Slavs. Before this war there were about 13,000,000 Jugoslavs, of which number 5,000,- 000 were living in the Kingdom of Serbia and Crnagora (or Montenegro), 8,000,000 under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy of which 1,000,000 abroad, as emmigrants. In the present war nearly 2,000,000 Jugoslavs on both Serbian and Austro-Hungarian sides have been invalidated and have died partly of cholera, thyphus, and other diseases; partly through famine and starvation; partly in prison, on gallows or in cold blood massacres ; partly again in actual battles. The Jugoslav idea demands that, at the time of peace negotiations, all the regions, in- habited by the South Slavs in an overwhelm- ing majority and in compact masses, be granted a full liberty and united into one single and democratically ruled State. Such a State would comprise a territory of about 96,000 square miles with a popu- lation of about 13,000,000, and would consti- tute an element of an adequate equilibrium in the South-East of Europe. Any kind of tear- ing, chipping or exclusion would be unjust, for the intimate connection (geographic, strategic and economic), existing between all the parts of Jugoslav lands, is such as not to allow of any tearing or exclusion, and any separation of however small a part would greatly hinder the developement of the en- tirety. After the infamous ultimatum of Austria, and for the idea of Jugoslav liberation and unification, the free and independent King- dom of Serbia has accepted the war. This is in conformity with the National Programme of Serbia's State Policy, and was proclaimed in the expose of the Serbian Goverment (Nov. 1914) and the Serbian National Skupstina made in Aug. 1915 and Sept. 1916 as well as the sol- emn declarations of the Prince Eegent Alexan- der and of the Prime Minister Pasic in Paris and London in the Spring of 1916 ; besides, that idea is supported by the "Jugo-Slav Com- mittee" in London which is the representative of the Jugoslavs from Austria-Hungary. Consequently, Serbia to day is a pioneer and mandatory for realizing the idea of the South- ern Slavs freedom and unity. The Jugoslav Committee in London is the central and supreme representative of the Jugoslavs from Austria Hungary in their desire to liberate and unite themselves with their brothers from Serbia and Montenegro. The committee consists of well known and popular political leaders, members of parlia- ments, intellectual workers and financial-com- mercial men of good standing, the greatest part of whom have been working upon that idea for decades. The Committee numbers now 25 members, of which 15 Croatians, 7 Serbians and 3 Slovenians. All the Jugoslav provinces of Austria-Hungary are represent- ed : there being 10 members from Dalmatia, 3 from Istria, 1 from Goricka, 2 from Trieste (Trst), 1 from Rieka (Fkime), 3 from Croatia, 1 from Corinthia, 3 from Bosnia-Herzegovina and 1 from South Hungary. The Committee, as well as its individual members, have in their possession confidential authorizations and full powers from the leading circles of all the different Serbians, Croatian and Slovenian political parties in the Jugoslav provinces in Austria-Hungary. It is also in accord with a certain number of the highest representatives KING PETER I. TO THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA. "I have long wanted very much to speak from the bottom of my heart to the great heart of America, which is so deeply moved over the fate of Serbia and has done so much for our unhappy people. It seems to me that somehow your compatriots have been able to divine in the struggles of a people, simple and rugged, but stubbornly individualistic, the same sacred fire which inspired the first Americans 300 years ago to leave Europe to erect in the wild- erness of America a home for freedom. They understand us. We speak the same language of liberty. "And those of your compatriots who have come to us as doctors, nurses the American Red Cross, the Serbian Relief and Sanitary Commissions all these brave young people, who have so gladly given their young lives to fight typhus and the sickening effects of shells and epidemics, of whom not a few rest forever in Serbian soil was it not they who brought to us the soul of a kindred people from America?" "I do not know if it is quite understood in America what it is all about that almost entire Europe is at war. But I will tell you in a word ; it is the supreme, the last effort of feudalism, a fight to a finish between the feudalism of yesterday and the freedom of to- morrow. So that is why war had to break out on the banks of the Danube, and not elsewhere, for the Danube separates by so little the most intransigent feudalism, maintained by un- worthy intrigues, like those of the smaller Italian States in the Middle Ages, from the most stubborn ideal of liberty, implanted in those ready to fight to the last man to realize that idea. ''Yet we have always wanted to live at peace with the Austrians. "But it is of the very nature of a feudal state that liberty cannot and must not flourish in the same vicinity, and Austria arranged all that in the time of the Obrenovitches. 'Ser- bia was made merely a tributary to Austria. She was no longer free at all. By the treaty of 1881 she renounced all her rights. Today, again Austria still seeks to follow toward Ser- bia crushed the same policy as before to create of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, and Herzegovina an empire of vassal States for the benefit of a mediaeval feudal nobility. But we cannot stand that. We are peasants, but free peasants. "I am King. I come from the people, but a heroic people who preferred bitter death to comfortable, shameful slavery. My grand- father was a peasant, and I am prouder of that than of my throne. Crowns are lost, bv j the pure, clean blood of those who have lived of the earth does not die out." (King Peter I. of Serbia, to the representatives of the American Press. February 1916.) INTRODUCTORY NOTE. The Jugoslavs are: the Serbians, the Croatians, the Slovenians and the Bulgarians. But the Bulgarians, pursuing as they are a separatistic and imperialistic State policy, do not, at the present time, belong to this move- ment, nor do they in the contemporary policy of the Jugoslav Unification ; consequently, it is only the Serbians, the Croatians and the Slovenians who are the bearers of that idea, though the central group is formed by the Serbians and the Croatians alone. The Serbo-Croatians are absolutely one and the same people by their blood relations, by the identity of their spoken and literary language and their aspirations irrespective of the territories in which they live. The Slovenians belong to the same race with a slightly different literary dialect. At this moment the matter could be summarised thus : the Serbians are considered as the Orthodox South-Slavs and the Croats the Catholic South- Slavs. Before this war there were about 13,000,000 Jugoslavs, of which number 5,000,- 000 were living in the Kingdom of Serbia and Crnagora (or Montenegro), 8,000,000 under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy of which 1,000,000 abroad, as emmigrants. In the present war nearly 2,000,000 Jugoslavs on both Serbian and Austro-Hungarian sides have been invalidated and have died partly of cholera, thyphus, and other diseases; partly through famine and starvation; partly in prison, on gallows or in cold blood massacres; partly again in actual battles. The Jugoslav idea demands that, at the time of peace negotiations, all the regions, in- habited by the South Slavs in an overwhelm- ing majority and in compact masses, be granted a full liberty and united into one single and democratically ruled State. Such a State would comprise a territory of about 96,000 square miles with a popu- lation of about 13,000,000, and would consti- tute an element of an adequate equilibrium in the South-East of Europe. Any kind of tear- ing, chipping or exclusion would be unjust, for the intimate connection (geographic, strategic and economic), existing between all the parts of Jugoslav lands, is such as not to allow of any tearing or exclusion, and any separation of however small a part would greatly hinder the developement of the en- tirety. After the infamous ultimatum of Austria, and for the idea of Jugoslav liberation and unification, the free and independent King- dom of Serbia has accepted the war. This is in conformity with the National Programme of Serbia's State Policy, and was proclaimed in the expose of the Serbian Goverment (Nov. 1914) and the Serbian National Skupstina made in Aug. 1915 and Sept. 1916 as well as the sol- emn declarations of the Prince Regent Alexan- der and of the Prime Minister Pasic in Paris and London in the Spring of 1916 ; besides, that idea is supported by the "Jugo-Slav Com- mittee" in London which is the representative of the Jugoslavs from Austria-Hungary. Consequently, Serbia to day is a pioneer and mandatory for realizing the idea of the South- ern Slavs freedom and unity. The Jugoslav Committee in London is the central and supreme representative of the Jugoslavs from Austria Hungary in their desire to liberate and unite themselves with their brothers from Serbia and Montenegro. The committee consists of well known and popular political leaders, members of parlia- ments, intellectual workers and financial-com- mercial men of good standing, the greatest part of whom have been working upon that idea for decades. The Committee numbers now 25 members, of which 15 Croatians, 7 Serbians and 3 Slovenians. All the Jugoslav provinces of Austria-Hungary are represent- ed : there being 10 members from Dalmatia, 3 from Istria, 1 from Goricka, 2 from Trieste (Trst), 1 from Rieka (Fiome), 3 from Croatia, 1 from Corinthia, 3 from Bosnia-Herzegovina and 1 from South Hungary. The Committee, as well as its individual members, have in their possession confidential authorizations and full powers from the leading circles of all the different Serbians, Croatian and Slovenian political parties in the Jugoslav provinces in Austria-Hungary. It is also in accord with a certain number of the highest representatives SOttHE&N SLAV'S APPEAL of the Catholic Clergy amongst the Croatians and the Slovenians. The idea of the Unification of the South Slavs has its traditions as early as the 16th century, and has been especially clearly de- fined in the first half of the 19th and the first decades of the 20th centuries. The movement has been started (in 17th and 18th centuries) just in the provinces adjacent to the Adriatic coast and has past from Dubrovnik (Ragusa) and Dalmatia to the Croatian and Serbian Vojvodina (Southern Hungary), thence to Cetigne and Belgrade. The dissention between the Serbians and the Croatians has begun just in the second half of the 19th century, after the Congress of Berlin and the occupation of Bosnia- Herzegovina, but it has been stimulated and artifically maintained by Austria and Hungary. That dissention disappeared as early as 1903. It was Croatia and Dalmatia who, at the expiration of the 19th century and in the most recent times, have always mostly promoted the idea of Serbo-Croat unification. The Croatian sabors have, as early as the 18th century, desired an entirety of territory and the unity of the people, and more than once have legis- lated the unity of the Croatians and the Serbians. That was the leading idea of the great Croatian Catholic Bishop Strosmajer and his followers. Even nov in the time of war, under the heaviest pressure, the Croatian Sabor in Zagreb (Agram) accentuates that idea, although the Austro-Madyar machinat- ions had insisted to repel the Croatians from it. Besides the Serbian Orthodox, the Croatian and Slovenian Catholic Clergy have been per- secuted, since this war, for their national feel- ings, and the Croatian leading press, despite all the censorship, has found the form to ex- press her sympathy for the Allies, so that the Government suppressed the main organ of the Sabor majority in Croatia on account of ist non-Austrophile editorials about the war. Since in Austria thousands and thousands of Jugoslav men of intellect and politicians have been imprisoned, interned, and about 900,000 forced to the front, the only competent voice of the people is that of the refugees and emmigrants of whom the greatest number are living in the United States of America or in the South American republics. In the United States and in Canada there are living about 700,000 Jugoslavs, of which there are 400,000 Croatians, 200,000 Slovenians and 100,000 Serbians. In the South American republics there are 100,000 Jugoslavs, who are almost exclusively Croatians from Dalmatia and Istria. At the very beginning of this war it was a political organization " Croatian Alliance" (or "Hrvatski Savez"), which has successfully prevented all the Croatians from joining as reservists the Austrian armies. On the 10th of March, 1915, a meeting of 563 delegates (Serbs, Croat's and Slovenes) from the entire United States was held in Chicago, 111., and they have proclaimed the national unity of the Serbians, the Croatians and the Slovenians. In the month of May, 1915, several thousands of Jugoslavs from Austria- Hungary have made a similar proclamation at Nis, Serbia. In the Summer of 1915 a whole series of great national meetings throughout the United States have accepted the same resolutions; in 'September, 1915, representa- tives of 150,000 well organized Jugoslavs have joined in that resolution in Cleveland, Ohio, of which the strongest were the organizations of the Croatians ("Hrvatska Zajednica" with its 35,000 members and the "Hrvatski Savez", (Creation Alliance of America). With that programme has also agreed the Slovenian or- ganization "Slovenska Liga" at the meeting of the Slovenian delegates which was held in Cleveland in 1916, as well as the numberless meetings which have been held in the course of the year 1916, by the delegates of the Ju- goslav Committee, namely, M. Marjanovic and Dr. N. Zupanic. In the South American republics the un- animity of the Jugoslav people is complete and the programme of the unification has been accepted in every sense; just as much could be said of the Jugoslavs living in New Zealand and Canada. It should be mentioned also that New Zealand and Canada have sent certain num- bers of volunteers for Great Britain; that a considerable number of volunteers from both Americas have gone of their own free will to join the Allies; that thousands of Austrians deserters among whom a great number of officers are fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Serbian armies ; that there have been formed in Russia already two divisions (50,000 men) from the refugees and prisoners of war formerly Austrian subjects and THE SOTJfHEttN SLAV'S AffEAL solifct'rs, who volunteered and are now fight- ing in Dobrudga. It ought also to be accentuated that the Croatians from the South American republics have given to the Serbian .Red Cross Society and Serbian orphans a sum of about $200,000, and are giving every month a sum of $20,000 for the needs of the Jugoslav Com- mittee, and have collected already $300,000 for the national reserve fund. The Jugoslavs in the United States of America who are practically all Serbians and Croatians, most- ly poor workmen, from Austria-Hungary, have given for the Serbian Belief about $300,000. Finally, as a proof that neither the religion nor the clergy are opposing the un- ification, could be considered the resolution which has been arrived at by the Serbian- Orthodox, Uniat and the Croatian-Catholic clergy at their meetings held in Chicago, 111., and Pittsburgh, Pa. in 1916. Even the Moslems from Bosnia-Herzego- vina, who are still at liberty in Switzerland have declared themselves, by their separate agreement, for the Allies and rose up against Turkey. From all this it is obvious that the Jugo- slav idea is not one of recent creation, that it penetrates in the traditional idea of all the Serbians, the Croatians and Slovenians, that it does not announce an aggressive policy of Serbia but a policy of liberation by Serbia, who is the bearer of the idea for which have hitherto worked and immolated themselves the best Serbians, Croatians and Slovenians in Austria-Hungary. Napoleon the Great himself had begun to realize that idea by in- corporating the "Illyrian Kingdom" and had thus left behind a most beautiful souvenir in the Western Jugoslav provinces. That idea is defended to-day by the Croatian Sab or and all the political leaders of the Jugoslav people in Austria-Hungary. For it, to-day, are now fighting with Serbs and Russians tens of thousands Jugoslav refugees and it is accept- ed and supported by almost the entire number of the Jugoslav emmigrants. That idea has no spontaneous enemies among the Jugoslav people, for it has been proved that all oppositions are being pro- voked, even in America, by Austria and her paid agents who can, only for a time, mislead the most neglected masses ; for absolutely all, who are consciencious and more educated, enlightened that idea. The Jugoslav propaganda in America has for its object to secure from the Jugoslav emmigrants the permissible and legitimate help for the great and just national struggle and to stimulate the interest of the American public opinion in that struggle, so that even the official America, at the time of the peace negotiation, should endeavor, through its representatives, that the justified whishes of the Jugoslavs should be realized in the spirit of the American democracy and for the sake of justice, liberty, democracy and lasting peace in Europe and the world. On the 29th of November there will be held in Pittsburgh, Pa., the Second Universal Jugoslav Meeting of the delegates from all the colonies and organizations in North and South America and in Cleveland has been established the Central Office of the Jugoslav movement which is publishing this statement. The Jugoslav Committee. BIBLIOGRAPHY. ENGLISH BOOKS, 1. The Southern Slav Programme (Lon- don, Jugoslav Committee). 2. The Southern Slav ; Land and People. (London, Jugoslav Committee). 3. A Sketch of Southern Slav History. (London, Jugoslav Committee). 4. Southern Slav Culture. (London, Ju- goslav Committee). 5. Idea of Southern 'Slav Unity. (Lon- don, Jugoslav Committee). 6. The Slovenians. (London, Jugoslav Committee). Map of Southern Slav Territory, by Dr. N. Zupanic. (Pub- lished on behalf of the Jugoslav Com- mittee). 7. The War in Eastern Europe, de- scribed by John Reed, pictured by R. Robinson, London, 1916. 8. Jugoslav Nationalism. Three lec- tures by Dr. B. Vosnjak, with an address by M. E. Sadler, London, 1916. 9. The Truth about Bulgaria, by Alfred Steed, reprinted from the "English Review". London, 1916. 10. The Experiences of a Unit in the Great Retreat (Serbia 1915). H. J. W. A Diary of a Nursing Sister in Serbia. London 1916. 11. British Women in Serbia and the War, by Dr. M. Curcin, London, 1916. 12. Kossovo Day, Report and two lec- tures, (by prof. T. Georgevic and prof. V. Yovanovic). London, 1916 13. With Serbia into exile, by Fortier Jones, New York, The Century Co., 1916. 14. The Aspiration of Bulgaria. By Bal- canicus. London. Simpkin, Mar- shalll, Hamilton, Kent S. C. 15. The Slav Nations, by Srgjan Tucic, George H. Doron Company, New York. 16. Serbia, Her People, History and Aspi- rations. By W. M. Petrovich, New York. (Frederick A. Storer Comp.) 17. Serbia in Light and Darkness. By Rev. Father Nicholai Velimirovie, with preface by the Archbishop of Can- terbury. London. New York. (Long- mans, Green & Co.) 18. The Soul of Serbia, by Nikolai Veil- mirovic. London, 1916. 19. The Spirit of the Serbia, By R. W. Seton Watson, London. (Nisbet & Co.) 20. The Religious Spirit of the Slav, by Nikolai Velimirovic, London. (Mac- millan and Co.) 21. Heroic Serbia, By Victor Berard (Kossovo Committee). 22. The Women of Serbia. By Fanny S. Copeland (Kossovo Committe*). 23. Serbian Ballads. Translated by R. W. Seton- Watson. (Kossovo Com- mittee). 24. , The Balkans, Italy, and the Adriatic. By R. W. Seton- Watson. (Nisbet and Co., Ltd.). 25. German, Slav, and Magyar. By R. W. Seton- Watson. (Williams and Nor- gate). 26. Serbia Yesterday, To-day, and To- morrow. By R. W. Seton-Watson. (Kossovo Committee). 27. Without Home or Country. By a Serbian Poet. (Kossovo Committee). 28. Serbia and Kossovo. By Dr. S. Geor- gevitch. 29. Austro-Hungarians Atrocities. By R. A. Reiss. (Simpsin, Marshall and Co. Ltd.). 30. The German Peril and the Grand Alliance. By G. de Veselitsky (Fisher Unwin). 31. Jugoslav Culture, By Milan Marja- novic. London. (Jugoslav Committee, 1915). 32. The Strategical Significance of Ser- bia. By Dr. Niko Zupanic. (From the "Nineteenth Century". London 1916). 33. The Persecutions of Southern Slavs in Austria-Hungary. Preface by W. Joynson Hicks. (London . Nisbet & Co.). 34. The 'Serbian Macedonia. By Pavle Popovic. London, from "The Near East." 35. Hero Tales & Legends of the Ser- bians. By W. Petrovitch. 32 illustra- tions. London. (George Harrap Co.) PART I. THE SOUTHERN SLAVS. The Jugoslav form part of the great Slav race, which is itself a branch of the Indo- Aryan race. They are divided into three main groups, the Western, Eastern and Southern Slavs. The Western Slavs include the Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, and the Slavs in Germany (i. e. the Serbs of Upper and Lower Lusatia and the Cassoubs and Slovinci in West Prussia and Pomerania). The Eastern Slavs are the Russians, whose Southern branch goes by the name of Ruthenes in Galicia, Bukovina, and Hungary. The Southern 'Slavs or Jugoslavs (Jug South in the Slav tongues) include the Bulgars, Serbo-Croats, and Slovenes. Setting aside the Bulgars, who, by their characteristics and political aims, form an en- tily apart, the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes are one single nation known by three different names. In this and several other pamphlets we propose to deal only with these people, whom we call "Jugoslavs." The Jugoslavs (i. e. the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes) form the compact bulk of the present population of the Balkan Peninsula. Part of the land inhabited by them constitutes the in- dependent Jugoslav kingdoms of Serbia and Montenegro, and the large remaining portio- belongs to Austria-Hungary. The national territory of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes therefore comprises: 1. The kingdom of Serbia and Montene- gro. 2. Bosnia-Hercegovina. 3. Dalmatia and the Dalmatian archipela- go. 4. Croatia and Slavonia, including Rieka (Fiume) and the Medjumurje. 5. The country of the Drave in Southern Hungary (Baranja), the Backa, and the Banat. 6. Istria, the Quarnero Isles, and Trieste. 7. The Slovene lands, i. e. Carniola and Gorica; 'Southern Carinthia, Southern Styria, and the adjoining districts in South-western Hungary. The Jugoslavs are a homogeneous nation, both as regards their language and their ethno- graphical characteristics. The Serbs and Croats form an absolute linguistic unit. Their literary language is identical ; their spoken language varies locally according to the dialect, which is differentiat- ed according to pronunciation of the word sto (what; Lat. quid); in one part of the country it is pronunced ca, in another kaj, in the third sto. The first or ca dialect is spoken in the north of Dalmatia, in the Isles, on the Croatian coast, and in Istria. The second or kaj dialect predominates in North-western Croatia from the neighbourhood of Karlovac (Karlstadt) to the river Mur, in the counties of Zagreb, (the present Belovar), and above all in the Med- jumurje. The third or sto dialect is the one most widely spoken ; it is the speech of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Dalmatia, South-Western Croatia, Slavonia, and Southern Hungary. It is also the most beautiful of the three dialects, the most melodious, and the richest in vowel sounds; it has taken prece- dence of the other two, and reigns to-day as the accepted literary tongue. The Slovene speech is merely a variety of the kaj dialect; it is still the local literary tongue of the Slo- venes, but it has been greatly approximated in its vocabulary, syntax, and morphology to the sto dialect, which is the standard literary lan- guage of the Serbo-Croats. As regards ethnographical characteristics, Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes form but one single nation. Popular tradition has kept the memory of the national hero, Marko Kraljevic, alive among all Jugoslavs. His exploits are sung everywhere, and without exception, in all Ju- goslav provinces. The fact that the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes have a national hero in common is in itself a great proof of the racial unity of the Jugoslavs. In religious maters, our nation is divided between the Orthodox Church, which predom- inates in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Hercego- vina, and parts of Dalmatia and Croatia-'Sla- vonia, the Catholic Church (in Croatia, Slavo- nia, Dalmatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Carniola, Carinthia, Styria, and Istria), and the Mahom- medan faith in Bosnia-Hercegovina. There are, moreover, Nazarenes in South Hungary, and a sprinkling of Jews scattered everywhere. 10 THE SOUTHERN Among a large part of the Catholic, divine service is celebrated in the Old-Slav tongue in the same way as in all Orthodox Churches. In the schools and in the literature the Jugoslavs employ two forms of script the Cy- rillic and the Latin. Glagoliti" character? are now no longer used, except in the Catholic churches of the littoral. THE PEOPLE OF THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN MONARCHY. The Habsburg Monarchy is a dual state formation, founded on the compromise of 1867, by virtue of which the Germans and Hun- garians have divided all the political power between themselves and thus assured their do- mination over other nationalities. The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, (Bos- nia and Herzegovina included), has in round numbers 51,000.000 inhabitants. According to the official census of 1910, there are only 12,010,600 (or 23.55%) Germans and 10,068,000 (or 19.75%) Magyars. In the Austrian half of the monarchy, the 9,950,000 Germans (35.6%) rule the 18,000,000 non-Germans (64.4%). Out of these 18,000,000 non - German inhabitants, 16,958,000 (or 60.65%) are Slavs. (6,436,000 or 23% are Czechs; 4,967,000 or 17.77% are Poles; 3,519,000 or 12% are Russians and 2,036,000 or 7.3% are Jugoslavs). The ballance are Ita- lians (768,000 or 2.75%) and Rumanians (275,000 or 1%). In the Hungarian half of the monarchy, which de facto controls Bosnia and Herzego- vina, the 10,050,000 Magyars (48%), rule the 12,700,000 or 52% non-Magyars. Of these non- Magyars 7,534,000 are Slavs. (Slovaks 2,040,- 000). The ballance in this half of the monar- chy are Rumaninas (2,950,000) and Germans (1,903.000). Summarizing the official data, we can state in round numbers that in Austria-Hun- gary live 24,500,000 or 48% Slavs; 22,000,000 or 43% Germans and Hungarians and 4,023,- 000 are Latins, (3,225,000 Rumanians and 798,000 Italians). Of the Slavs in the monarchy, the largest group is Czecho-Slovaks (8,478,000) Jugo- slavs (7,010,270), Poles (5,000,000) and Ruthe- nes (3,999,000), SLAV'S APPEAL THE SOUTHERN SLAV TERRITORY AND PEOPLE. There are more than 13,000,000 Jugoslav (Serbs. Croats and Slovenians). Before the war, there were in round num- bers 5,000,000 Jugoslavs living in the independ- ent Jugoslav kingdoms of Serbia and Monte- negro. Under Austro-Hungarian rule, there were about 7,165.000 Jugoslav in both Americas 800,000 (of which 700,000 in the United States). There are 40,000 Jugoslav living in Italy, near Udine and in southern Italy, also the ballance in Greece, near Florine, Vodene and near Salonica, and in Northern Albania. The National Territory of the Jugoslav people comprises all those lands in South- Eastern Europe in which they have settled more than 1000 years ago and which land they inhabit even today in large majority and in compact numbers. This territory includes the following lands : The kingdoms of: Serbia, with the area of SI, 000 square miles and 4.500,000 Jugoslavs Montenegro. _ 5,000 500,000 TOTAL 36,000 5,000,000 Under the Austrian or German rule: Dalmatia, with the area of 4,940 square miles and 610,000 Jugoslavs Istria ' 1,930 225.000 Triest. 10 70f(m Gorizia-Gradisca, " 1,000 ^5/000 Carniola, 3 ,850 490,000 Southern Carinthia, 2,000 " " 110,000 Southern Styria, " 3,000 Total under Austrian, 16,730 or German, rule. " S.070.000 Under the Hungarian (or Magyar) rule : Croatia and Slavonic, area of 16,770 sq. m. and 9,300,000 Jugoslavs Rijeka, (.Fiume). 8 35,000 Medjumurje, ' " 500 " " Baranja, Backa and Banat " 6 500 (in South Hungary), _J Total under Magyar rule, SS.778 S.225,000 Bosnia-Hertzegovina, area of 19,690 ' 1,870,000 Under combined Austro-Hungarian rule: Summary : Under the Austrian or German rule, area of 16,730 2,070,000 Under the Hungarian or Magyar rule, area of 23,778 S,S25,000 Combined German and Magyar rule, area of 19,690 1,870000 Total under German and Magyar rule, area of 60,198 7,165,000 Total Kingdoms of Serbia and Montenegro, area of 36,000 5,000,000 GRAND TOTAL, - - 96.198 lt.16S.000 (The official Austro-Hungarian statistics of 1910 claim that there are 7,010,270 Jugo- slavs in Austria Hungary including Bosnia- THE SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL 11 Herzegovina. The difference of 154,730 comes from mixed communities. We are sure that our numbers are correct in accordence with a private census effected by our people. The Austro-Hungarian census agents, in mixed communities invariably consider a person as Hungarian or German, as the case may be, if he is able to speak the Hungarian or German language. The same rule applies to the Italian censors throughout Istria and Trieste. Thus a large number of our people are classed under a false designation.) THE MARTYRDOM OF THE SERBIANS. At the moment when the world's greatest cataclysm is taking the third and it is to be hoped the last phase, it may not be wholly without interest for George Washington's champions of liberty to hear the sighs of a most democratic people of Europe that has been crucified three times in its history for the high principle of freedom ond unity. Yet, it is a source of an inexhaustible pride and gratitude for the Serbians to know that, after five centuries of Western Europe 's ignor- ance of Serbia's immolation on the altar of Christianity, when the prosperous and mighty Serbian mediaeval state crushed not without crushing itself the forces of Amurath and Ba- jazett in the memorable battles of Kossovo, on June 15 (0. S.) 1389, the proud sons of Albion having finally known the incomparable virtues of their little ally of the Balkans, have spon- taneously and most manifestedly shown their admiration and love of their heroic brothers in arms, by ordering and performing on June 28, 1916, throughout their mighty kingdom a cele- bration of the Kossovo Day. And all that in honor of those Serbians who were so badly handicapped in the popular esteem of Great Britain and America on account of their national revolution of 1903 and other "sinister" events in their recent history ! Tout saviour c'est tout pardonner. And when the world comes to know all about Serbia there will be no shadow of doubt that her people is one of the least guilty in human histo- ry, and that her revolutions have not been nearly so bloody as those of most advanced and cultured nations. THE ONCE PROSPEROUS PROVINCES. After the battle of Kosovo the Serbian State persisted still, though only as a vassal province of the Ottoman Empire. But the poetic 'Serbian soul was so deeply impressed by that memorable catastrophe that the na- tional bards gave expression, in a cycle of en- chanting ballads of Homeric beauty, to the greatest and saddest event in history, in which the Serbian people was deprived of liberty and unity. And, indeed, at the close of the fif- teenth century, the Serbian suzerain state suc- cumbed completely under the Sublime Porte when the prosperous provinces of the once mighty Serbian Empire were wasted by the agents from Stamboul, whose systematic exter- mination of Serbian Velika and Mala Vlastela (i. e. Great and Small Nobility), was nearing a close. The small remainder of the Serbian aristocracy found refuge in the Orthodox courts of Vallahia and Moldavia, some of whom fled to Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Rome, and even to Scotland and Ireland. As for the people, they split into three distinct groups. Those who dwelt in the lowlands alongside the Danube and in the valleys of Morava and Var- dar, remained in their homes and bent under the Turkish yoke ; considerable numbers, and especially the inhabitants of the regions in Ma- cedonia and what was known till recently under the name of "Old Serbia", settled, in the course of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, in Hungary and colonized the Banat Batchka (or Backa), and the provinces of Sirmia (or Srem) and part of Croatia. Lastly, a third group, unwilling to yield to any autho- rity and composed chiefly of the small Vlaste- la, withdrew into the mountains, inaccessible to the Turkish horsemen, and became prac- tically outlaws ; entrenched in their defiles, expert in guerilla warfare, soon inured to per- secution and hardship, and there they served as the only check on the cruel manners that the Turks adopted in exercising wholesale Ottomanization. These indomitable fighters with their nests in the Black Rocks of Monte- negro, Dalmatia, and Sumadia (or Serbia prop- er), are known to history as the Hajduks and Uskoks, who preserved and upheld through centuries of oppression the traditions of hero- ism of their ancestors and the spirit of their race. So tenaciously did they maintain their nationality, religion, speech, and most especial- ly their exuberant balladry, that at the dawn of the nineteenth century they still formed a nucleus round which Serbia was once more to grow into an independent political body. TURKISH CONTROL. The subjugation of Serbia proper was speedily followed by that of Bosnia (1463) and of Herzegovina (1482). The Serbian population which had ac- 12 THE SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL cepted Ottoman rule lived thenceforth in a most unhappy condition. They soon ceased to be proprietors of their own land, which was divided among Turkish spahis. To these land- lords those of the people who did not embrace Islam had to render many personal services (kuluk), and to give a tithe, or a seventh part of their produce. They paid a tax to the Sul- tan, another to the governing pasha, and "bak- sheesh" to the tax collector, whom they were also obliged to entertain. During the Turkish invasion of Hungary the passage of countless armies again and again reduced a maturally fertile country to an utter waste. There was no security of life, honor or property, and there was the crowning horror of the gift of the Christian children, every seventh or every fifth year, to be trained as janissaries. Thus passed the eighteenth century, with promise of better things ever alternating with bitter disappointments. And the Serbian peo- ple peacefully endured the oppression in the hope that, sooner or later, the bright star of their national unification would appear on the horizon. THE NEW SERBIA. There lived at this time in the village of Topola in Sumadia a man named George Pe- trovitch. He had some experience of warfare, having served under Austria as a volunteer in 1788, and was known as one of the most enter- prising men in the country. He had narrowly escaped death at the hands of the Janissaries by instant fight into the forest. Tall, stalwart, determined, highly intelligent, though illiter- ate, he was also violent, morose and taciturn, and known to the Turks on this account as Kara George (i. e. Black George) ; it is under this name that he has passed down to posteri- ty. No sooner had he reached a place of safe- ty than many bands of fugitives gathered round him. One after the other the villages and cities in Central Serbia feel an easy prey to the brave troops of Karageorge, and a free Serbia, however small, was soon reestablished, only, alas, to be again subjugated in 1813 by the irresistible forces of the three pashas advanc- ing in three different directions. The efforts which were renewed by another peasant gene- ral, Milosh Obrenovic, were crowned with better success, for he made in 1815 a fresh in- surrection that terminated in a complete liber- ation of Northern and Central Serbia. During the War of Greek Independence Milosh wrung from the Turks a number of valuable conces- sions, the treaties of Akkerman (1826) and Adrianople (1829) definitely regularized the position of Serbia. By wholesale bribery Milosh obtained in Constantinoule, in 1830 a formal recognition as hereditary prince of Serbia. The sudden return of Karageorge from Russia, where he went to seek help and munitions, his mysterious death upon his cross- ing of Serbia's frontier and the bitter feud that ensued between the two dynasties, show- ed clearly that the two imperial governments in Petrograd and Vienna struggled, at the ex- pense of Serbia, for hegemony in that unfortu- nate country. Milosh was banished, his son Michael assasinated in Koshutnyak, near Bel- grade, Karageorge 's son Alexander abdicated, King Milan died in Vienna after having been banished by his own son Alexander and his mistress Draga; Alexander himself paid dear- ly for his haughty manner and the unfort- unate soil-tillers of Serbia looked at their new- ly chosen King Peter Karageorgevitch, as they did at his grandfather George Petrovitch, for the long-awaited peace and order. And in- deed, the wise citizen of Switzerland and the graduate of Saint-Cyr, immediately upon his arrival into power, gave his people a most de- mocratic constitution and his government a carte-blanche. The three years that followed his accession were a period of rest and re- cuperation under the quiet and wise admini- stration of Mr. Nikola Pasic, agriculture, industry and trade were encouraged and in- creased to an unprecedented extend. AUSTRIA AND SERBIA. With the growth of trade, however, Ser- bia's position of complete economic depend- ence on the openly hostile or extortionate markets of Austria-Hungary became more and impossible, and to obtain relief from the thraldom she concluded, despite the vigorous and healthy opposition of a group of Serbian industrials a customs treaty with treacherous Bulgaria. Austria replied by a war of tariffs, the socalled "Pig War", swine remaining to that day the most important item of Serbia's export trade. But as Serbia found new outlets in Egypt, Italy and France for her exports and thus showed the Dual Monarchy most manifestly that she could be emancipated from the oppression of her powerful neighbor, Aus- tria, immediately upon the Young Turk re- volution, threw a bomb-shell among the Euro- pean powers by annexing the two provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, wishing in this manner to become herself a Balkan state in order better to interfere with the affairs of the Peninsula. Serbia, of course, was in no mood to acquiesce to this deliberate tearing up of the scrap of paper known as the Treaty of Berlin. However, Russia, to whom the chal- lenge was openly thrown, while endeavoring, in her momentary impotence, to obtain some compensation for Serbia, counseled modera- tion. Thus the crisis was averted for the mo- ment, but from that day it became obvious that neither Russia nor Serbia, nor even the Entente Powers, could forgive and forget, and that the hour of reckoning was merely post- poned. Ever since, Austria has endeavored to find some ca&us belli in order to have a free hand in chastising hard-striving Serbia. The much- complicated Macedonian question was settled by the Balkan League of 1912, whereby the Turks, to the astonishment of the world, were all but driven out of Europe. The treacherous Bulgars, upon the wink of ever-envious Aus- tria, in open defiance of her secret treaty with Serbia by virtue of which the dispute concern- ing territory in Macedonia should have been submitted for a final decision to Russia, at- tacked her ally in the hope of renching out of her and Greece the whole of Macedonia, only, however, to receive severe punishment by the armies of King Peter in the memorable battle of Bregalnica. The defeat of the sultan's forces in all parts of European Turkey had been a tre- mendous blow to Austria-Hungary, and es- pecially to Germany. The defeat of Austria's protegee, Bulgaria, by Serbia, the Greek occu- pation of Salonica and especially the rise in power and prestige of Serbia the friend of Russsia and the apostle of Jugo-slav (or South Slav), emancipation constituted for the Cen- tral Powers a still greater catastrophe. Only prompt action could retrieve such a miscarry- ing of the Austro-German plans, and it is not surprising to hear that already in 1913, Aus- tria was bent on declaring war on Serbia and endeavored to secure the support of Italy. As this support was not forthcoming, action was deferred for the moment, and a huge army bill was introduced in Germany to regain the balance of power and make ready for any eventuality. Serbia, after having settled the distribu- tion of conquered territory between her allies in a broad and generous spirit, wherein the abandoned even the dearly paid coast of Al- JTHB SOtTTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL 13 bania for the sake of peace with threatening Austria, gladly hung up her sword and pre- pared for a period of peace and recuperation, of social and industrial advancement. THE MURDER OF FERDINAND. Such was the position when, on June 28th, 1914, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Hapsburg throne, and his consort were in a most mysterious manner murdered in the streets of Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. Who arranged that tragedy? Was it known pre- viously in Vienna and Budapest, or in Bel- grade, or also in all the three capitals? This will remain for some time a mystery. But let us be objective and consider only the facts. Sir Valentine Chirol, in his "Serbia and the Serbs" (Oxford, 1914), wrote about it: "The absence of the most elementary precau- tions for his (the archduke's) safety during the visit to Sarajevo, though according to the Austrians themselves the whole of Bosnia was honeycombed with sedition, is an awkward fact which has not hitherto been explained." On the morrow of the crime the press of Vienna and Budapest started a violent cam- paign against Serbia, openly putting upon the Serbian Government the responsibility for the assassination. It availed nothing to point out that a country still bleeding from the wounds of two desperate wars, whose most urgent need was a period of quiet and of internal consoli- dation, could not have chosen itself in new un- favorable a moment to involve itself in new difficulties with a powerful neighbor; it pro- duced no evidence to prove that the assassins were Serbian subjects. In the words of Dr. R. W. Seton- Watson ("The War and Democra- cy," 1915) : "Bosnia, Dalmatia and Croatia are a seething pot which needs no stirring from the outside." The Austro-Hungarian press set itself deliberately to spread the idea that the outrage had been organized in and by Serbia, and certain classes of people were, unfortunate- ly, too ready to admit anything sensational and too deaf to the voice of Belgrade to hear any- thing else. Although the Bosnian Serbs were always referred to in Austria by such names as "die Bosniaken" or "die Orthodoxen aus Bosnien" (i. e., "the Bosnians' or "the Ortho- doxes of Bosnia"), the perpetrators, who are unmistakably Austrian subjects, were referred to invariably as "Serben" (i. e., Serbians), and in such a manner as to give the impression that they were Serbs from 'Serbia. U THE AUSTRIA FOR WAR It was at 6 P. M. on July 23rd that the Austro-Hungarian minister in Belgrade handed to the minister for foreign affairs the note embodying the demands of Austria and insist- ing on a reply within forty-eight hours. The Serbian Goverment was charged with fomenting a revolutionary propaganda, having for its object the detachment of part of the territory of Austria-Hungary from the monar- chy. It was averred, though no proof was given and no dossier communicated, that the Sera- jevo assasinations were planned and the mur- derers equipped in Belgrade. The note was an absolute ultimatum which no sovereign state with any pride at all could accept. Yet the Serbian Goverment exceeded all expectations in the direction of conciliation, expressing its readiness to refer any point either to the Hague Tribunal or to the Powers who had taken a part in the settlement of annexation of Bosnia- Herzegovina. A conciliatory answer was neither expected nor wanted, however. The very evening of the delivery of the Serbian reply the Austrian minister was instructed to leave Belgrade, and on the 28th of July, 1914, Austria declared war on Serbia. Within the next two days Austria awoke to the startling fact that Russia was beginning to move. In spite of the German ambassador's assurances that the Czar would not and could not fight, he had decided to intervene. At this appearance of a full-grown adversary Vienna pulled a very long face and, on July 31st, the Ballplatz suddenly consented to eliminate from the ultimatum those demands which involved a violation of the sovereignty of Serbia, to discuss certain others, and in short to reopen the whole question. It was too late. Germany, having jockeyed Austria into a position from which there was no escape, declared war on Russia the next day. Other declarations fol- lowed in a rapid succession and the world's greatest cataclysm started. THE BRAVE SERBIANS How severely punished were the three successive Austro-Hungarian "punitive expe- ditions" by the brave armies of the little kingdom and how the survivors of Kumanovo, Bregalnica, Jadar and Belgrade were, one year later, attacked by the combined forces of SLAV'S APPfiAL Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey and even the brigandry of Albania, is still too fresh in the memory of the world to be recalled here. Before the tremendous multitude of German cannon, which in the words of King Peter, "prevented with their range the very sight of their gunners", the remainder of the Serbian army had been ebliged to retreat and to reorganize itself for fresh attempts. And if the fortune of war has really turned to the Allies the Serbs may succeed not only in restor- ing their lost kingdoms of Serbia and Monte- negro but also to free and unite into a power- ful homogenous state their brothers across the Sava, Danube and Drina as also those living on the Adriatic Coast. Thus it is to be hoped that, recognizing the principle of nationality, the great national unions of France, Germany and Italy will be followed by that of 'the South Slavs to which group belong the Ser- bians, Croats, and the Slovenians. THE SERBO-CROATS AND SLOVENES UNDER AUSTRIA-HUNGARY'S MISRULE. A 'Southern Slav patriot has said that no greater misfortune has befallen the Southern Slavs than to pass under dominion of civilized Austria. Had they been obliged to share the fate of their brothers, the Serbs they would certainly have tasted all the misery of the Turkish yoke, but to-day they would be free, as an independent state with a right to their own national and intellectual development. The one thing Turkey has left untouched in the Serbs the heart of the people is the very thing that Austria has sought to destroy in her Southern Slav sub- jects. Turkish captivity has steeled the hearts of the Slavs she oppressed, but Austrian cap- tivity has cankered them and made them effete. In many respects this pessimistic view is justified. The struggle of the Southern Slavs for national life has passed through many phases, and has exhausted itself in many more. The Croats have elected, after the extinction of their royal family in 1102, the King Kolo- man of Hungary for their own. After the passing away of the house of Arpad, they elected independently of Hungary Ferdinand I of Hapsburg as their ruler (in 1527). By their own free will they adopted the prag- THE SOUTHERN inatical sanction of 1712, by which they ap- proved the accession of female, where there was no male, as heir to the throne. For cen- turies the Southern Slavs stood under the protection of "Heaven militant," and his motto was, "For faith and freedom." During the time of Turkish power they aquired a noble name ' ' Antemurale ( hristianitatis" (outworks of Christianity), for their courage- ous watching over the prosperity of Christian- ity and the culture of Europe. As a distinctly autonomous state, Croatia dealt with Austria and with Hungary on the principle of equality, and she was recognized as such so long as she was needed for their defense. German "kultur" and Magyar lack of culture were held in equal abomination by the Slav nations, upon whom they were to be in- flicted, and the ruthless spoliation to which they were' likewise subjected engendered a deep-seated animosity. The Northern Slavs, who possess more practical business capacity than the Southern, did not allow themselves to be economically strangled, and even con- trived to hold their own in this respect; where- as, the Southern Slavs, being mainly an agricultural people, found themselves the helpless victims of Austria and Hungarian rapacity. Dalmatia, one of the loveliest spots in Europe, has for the last century known no privilege except that of paying taxes, and Aus- tria's maladministration of that country has become proverbial. Croatia and Slavonia fare little better. They have to pay 56 per cent of their revenues to Hungary. This tax figures under the head of "contributions to mutual interests," chief- ly represented by the railways and the postal system. The annual income from these two sources amount to 250,000,000 crowns, but of this Croatia never receives a penny ! The net profit all goes to Hungary, who brazenly employs it as a subvention to the Magyar propaganda in Croatia. The condition of Carniola and Istria is almost as deplorable as that of Dalmatia, and in Bosnia and Herze- govina the Austro-Hungarian government has for thirtyfive years built villages "after the pattern of Potemkin," for the edification of foreign journalists, while the people have been left to starve or sink into poverty and ignorance. The numerous foreign tourists who have SLAV'S APPEAL 16 traveled in these beautiful countries have seen nothing of Austria's "work of civilization," as they are kept to the beaten tracks specially prepared for them, and they only see the coun- try like a carefully staged panorama on the films of the imperial and royal picture show! But had these travelers caught a glimpse of the abject misery of the people, their pleasure in these beautiful coutries would have been spoilt, and they would have better understood why the inhabitants are rebelling against the "blessing" of Austro-Hungarian rule. The history of these provinces during the past generation is one of neglect and mis- government. Croatia has been exploited by the Magyars, and the narrow interests of Buda-Pest have prevented railway develop- ment and hampered local industries by skill- ful manipulation of tariffs and taxation. A further result is that even today Dalmatia has no railway connection with the rest of Europe, and those of Bosnia are artificially directed toward Buda-Pest, rather than toward Zagreb, Vienna and Western Europe. It is not much to say, that the situation of those provinces had become less favorable than it was at earlier periods of their history; for the old system of trade routes had broken down there as elsewhere in Europe, but had not been re- placed by modern communications. The century-old roads built by the French are the only roads in Dalmatia and Croatia, although the French rule under Napoleon was only of short duration, it did more for the Southern Slav lands in three years than Austria did during the century that followed. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria pur- sued the same heartless policy. Out of the three religions of one people she made three nationalities, and then fostered dissensions between them. Austria was not in the least interested in the prosperity of the country, and merely created an intolerable chaos by her political intrigue in a land that had already suffered beyond endurance. Her evidences of civilization exhibited before the world were pure humbug. There have always been two fatal ob- stacles to an Austrian solution of the Southern Slav problem Magyar hegemony and the dual system, to which alone that hegemony owed its survival. Under the compromise of 1867, the dual monarchy is composed of two equal and separate states: the empire of Aus- 16 THE SOUTHERN tria and kingdom of Hungary, each possessing a distinct parliament and cabinet of its own, but both sharing between them the three joint ministries of foreign affairs, war and finance. This system really secured the political power in Austria and Hungary to two races the Germans and the Magyars, and they, as the strongest in each country, fought off the next strongest, the Poles and the Croats, by the grant of autonomy to Galicia and Croatia. Thus it came to an agreement between the Croats and Hungarian in 1868. This agree- ment by no means satisfied the aspirations of the Croats, but it gave them the required foot- ing against Magyar oligarchy. It was but a short period after this agreement was signed that it became a mere "scrap of paper." The "Ban" (governor) of Croatia became a mere exponent of the Hungarian government. Con- tempt of the constitution and corruption were the first fruits of the agreement under Hungarian influence in Croatia. Inability of the goverment to get the majority of the representatives for their un- constitutional ruling was a cause for the policy of brutal imperialism then inaugurated which remained in force to this day. From '1883 to 1903 Count Carl Khuen Hedervary was ban of Croatia, and the twenty years of his administration have been the blackest period as regards political, economic and personal thraldom. In the ollowing ten years six administra- tive heads were changed, some of them reigning for only two months. The popular rising of 1903 opened new channels for the national struggle ; it was also the prelude to the hardest and bitterest time that the Southern Slavs have yet been called upon to face. Two years later, in the election of 1905, the opposition parties won a brilliant victory. Not one goverment candidate was returned. The sessions of these parliaments were very short because the depu- ties refused to pass such goverment bills which were against the interest of the people, and there are very, very few for the poeple. The history of Croatia is the history of * 'tepeated persecutions and tyranny. Whole ' books might be written to illustrate the con- tentions that in matter of education, admini- stration and justice, of association and assem- bly, of the franchise and the press, the Croats have long been the victims of repression which SLAV'S APPEAL is without any parallel in civilized Europe. But the people stood firm. The dire sufferings of recent years have begotten a new and healthy movement, which includes the entire youth of Croatia. They began to go along the path which leads away from Hungary, and away from Austria, back to union with their scattered kindred. Their aim is the establish- ment of a great, free and independent Jugo- slavia (Southern Slav State). The Southern Slavs in Dalmatia, Carniola and Istra fared little better than their brothers in Croatia and Slavonia. We have already alluded to the economic neglect of Dalmatia. In politics, Germanization was practiced in much the same way as Magyarization in Croatia. Dalmatia, unfortunately, does not enjoy inde- pendence, even on paper, and thus her oppres- sion could wear a perfectly constitutional guise. The Dalmatian "sabor", like that of Istria and Carniola, is an assembly quite at the mercy of the viceroy for the time being, who would never dream of convoking it unless he had made quite sure that no inconvenient resolu- tions would be passed. As a rule these "sabors" enjoy prolonged periods of rest, and the people are only represented by their delegates in the Viennese reichstrat, but they are too few. THE SOUTHERN SLAV HISTORY AND THE IDEA OF UNITY. SOUTHERN SLAV, or Jugoslav, history from the earliest times up to the present day, presents the record of a people who, though stubborn in resistance, are by no means aggress- ive, and w r ho, notwithstanding the great and exceptional misfortunes that have befallen them, have succeeded in preserving their national individuality, and in asserting them- selves as a homegeneous nation full of youth and vitality. In virtue of their geographical position, which makes the Jugoslav lands the most direct link between the East and West that is to say, between Western, Central, and Southern Europe on the one hand, and the Balkans, the Adriatic, and Asia Minor on the other these territories have always been the arena of great political rivalries and fierce racial conflicts. Many powerful states, ambitious of conquest, and aspiring towards aggrandizement Byzan- tium, Hungary, Turkey, and Venice have for centuries in turn made countless efforts to THE SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL 17 break the Jugoslav resistance, which thwarted their ambitions and desires. Despite apparent temporary success, these efforts have proved virtually fruitless, and have so far failed to bring about the desired results. It is true that, during the course of these gigantic struggles, the Jugoslavs have outwardly suc- cumbed and been subjugated by other nations. It is also true that they were by adverse cir- cumstances checked in the full tide of progress, and therefore failed to crystallize their civiliza- tion or to establish their union. Nevertheless, at the cost of tenacious struggles and countless sacrifices they have at last succeeded in creat- ing conditions which ought to assure their union in the future. A considerable portion of the Jugoslav territory has formed itself into the independent kingdoms of Serbia and Monte- negro. Such of the Jugoslavs as are still subject to a foreign yoke, look fodward to a union with these two states; they are keenly conscious of belonging to the same nation, and deeply desirous of forming part of the one motherland. A close study of the history of our nation cannot fail to reveal the fact, that from its origin to the present day and throughout the centuries it presents a record of continuous efforts to realise the great idea of Southern Slav Unity. These efforts can be plainly discerned in spite of the 4reat obstacles which have at times partially obscured this. The leading idea in all our progress and develop- ment was the idea of Southern Slav unity. Take, for instance, the earlier periods of our history, the age of the Serbian prince Caslav (10th century) and the Croatian King Zvonimir (llth century) and the Slovene Emperor Samo (7th century). What do we find but that these various early attempts to form small States merely represent the first beginnings of he creation of our national Unity, without regard to the fact that this or that branch of the nation belongs to the ethnical unit of the Serbs, Croats or Slovenes? Or take the great struggle for the use of the Slav tongue in Divine Service a struggle which began in the days of the first Slav apostles Cyril and Method (9th century), and is still being fought out at the present day? What is the inner meaning of this struggle if not one aspect of the great struggle for national Unity on the part of the whole nation? And is not this thousand-year-old struggle, which has been maintained in the face of great odds and is being prosecuted to-day with as much vigour as in past ages, in itself the most beautiful proof that the different provinces inhabited by our nation desire to establish at least an ethical union, if they can attain to no other? Even in Istria, in the most remote of our western Catholic districts, the Southern Slavs desire to hear Divine Service held in the Slav tongue, simply that they may not lose this bond of union between themselves and their Orthodox brothers in the east, in the valley of the Vardar, where the Slavs have never been denied the right to use their native tongue in the Church. This and this alone is the true meaning of this struggle. What is the true significance of the labours and achievements of the Serbian Emperor Dusan (14th century) and his contemporary Tvrtko, King of Bosnia these two great rulers, one of whom was lord over the eastern half of the Balkan Peninsula, while the other ruled the west unless they were efforts to accom- plish the Union of all our nation, which unfort- unately could not be realised at that time, owing to insurmountable obstacles? Finally, what were those desperate and un remittent struggles against the Turks, in which every branch of the Southern Slav nation has borne its share whether dwelling in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Hercegovina, Dal- matia, Southern Hungary, Slavonia, Croatia, Istria, Carinthia, Carniola or Styria but simply one great struggle on the part of one single people? When numbers of our nation migrated north and west from the Balkan? before the overwhelming pressure of the Turks, this circumstance merely led to the strengthen- ing of the spirit of the race. It was due to this that Marko Kraljevic, a Serbian King of Mace- donia, became the chief national hero of the entire Serb, Croat and Slovene nation, and that the popular ballads telling of his exploits are sung and known wherever the Southern Slav tongue is spoken. When finally the dawn of the nineteenth century gave us thebeginnings of emancipation and national re-birth, it also brought the syste- matic realisation of our national unity. It would be a mistake to believe that Kara George Petrovic, the leader of the Serbian insurgents, and Miles Obrenovic, he first prince of the country, had only the emancipation of Serbia in their minds, or that Petar I and Petar II 18 THE SOUTHERN Petrovic Njegos, Prince-Bishops of Montenegro thought merely of freeing their own particular country, because they did not at the time attempt the deliverance of the other Southern Slav countries as well. No. The souls of both Serbs and Montenegrins are too deeply steeped in the great traditions of the Serbian Empire of the Middle Ages to have forgotten them at such a critical time. This great tradi- tion has ever guided the liberators of the two 19th century Serb States in their mission of emancipation, and without it their amazing success would be simply inexplicable. All popular poems, celebrating their achievements, are full of reminiscenes of the glories of the Mediaeval Kings and Emperors of Serbia. It would be equally a mistake to believe that the national awakening of the Croats and Slovenes in the 19th century was a purely local renascence due to a struggle for material welfare. No. Since the beginning of the Illyrian movement, both Croats and Slovenes have been inspired by the ideas of their great Kings Zvonimir and 'Samo, and still more by the idea of the ancient kingdom of Illyria, which included the whole of the Balkan Peninsula. SLAV'S APPEAL It is only natural that during the 19th century the idea of Southern Slav unity was perforce reduced to an ideal of local and partial deliverance. It would have been ^ash and foolish to attempt this vastest programme of all at a time when even the smallest details in his programme had yet to be achieved. This fact was due to circumstances and the exingen- cies of the time, but does not in the least prove that the great Southern Slav idea was lost sight of. Indeed, it was sometimes advisable to conceal it. When the Serbian peasants em- barked on their struggle with the Turks, and took diplomatic action with the Great Powers in order to reap the fruits of their military successes, they could not openly advertise the great ideal of the national emancipation and unification of our whole nation, because the very Chancellories to whom they were apeal- ing would haye looked askance at it. On the contrary, they had to represent this idea as being utterly unimportant, so that they might first realise the organisation of their own little State, which would then serve as a basis for the greater State in the future. MESSAGE FROM DR. E. W. SETON-WATSON. (Autor of "The Southern Slav Question" and other Books dealing with S. E. Europe.) Those who advocate the cause of Southern Slav Unity are to-day no longer voices crying in the wilderness; for it is becoming more and more widely recognized that the cause of Serbia and of her oppressed kinsmen in Austria- Hungary represents a vital European and British interest. The conquest of Serbia by the Central Powers alters nothing in the Southern Slav Programme, even though it renders its realization more remote; and it is a happy omen for the future that it should have been in London that the Serbian Prince- Regent publicly pinned his faith to the Jugoslav idea. Either Serbia must achieve the unity of the race, or she, and Montenegro with her, must share the fate of Bosnia and be swallowed up in a victorious Austria. Any other solution would mean a continuance of the intolerable state of misrule and consequent unrest which for the past decade has kept the Eastern Adriatic shores and their hinterland in a fer- ment, and contributed so materially to the outbreak of the Great War. Only a radical solution of the Southern Slav question can assure permanent peace to the Balkan Penin- sula. Without Southern Slav unity there can be no serious barrier to those designs of Pan- German hegemony from the North Sea to the Persian Gulf which prompted William II. and his advisers to unchain a wolrd-war. Not even the tragedy of last winter can make us despair. Serbia has survived five cen- turies of grinding Turkish oppression, and she will rise once more Pho3nix-like from the ashes of Austrian neglect, Magyar tyranny, and Bulgarian treachery. R. W. SETON-WATSON. June 20, 1916. PART II. THE JUGOSLAV COMMITTEE AND THE SOUTHERN SLAV PROGRAMME. The suddenness with which Austria- Hungary brought this war upon the nations of Europe placed the Jugoslavs under Austro- Hungarian rule in an extremely difficult position. There was no time to organize a strong resistance against the systematic reign of terror with which they were confronted. According to plans carefully laid beforehand the whole Austrian Jugoslav manhood of mili- tary age was at once summoned to the colours, and almost all representatives of the educated professional classes, especially the leading men of the nation, were imprisoned. Only a very few prominent men were away from Austria at the time or were able to effect their escape. These emigrants opened their patri- otic campaign in Rome, where they began by publishing protests against the reign of terror in the Jugoslav countries, and against the mendacious reports from Austrian and Hungar- ian official sources, whereby efforts were made to represent the Jugoslavs as being in sym- pathy with the aggressive pretensions of their oppressors. The Jugoslav Committee has been com- posed of the following members : President : Dr. Ante Trumbic, President of the Croat National Party in the Diet of Dalmatia, late Mayor of Split (Spalato), and late Member for Zadar (Zara) in the Austrian Parliament. (Croat of Split, Dalmatia.) Members : Dr. Ante Biankini, President of the Jugo- slav Committee for the U. S. America, Chicago. (Croat, of Starigrad, Dalmatia). Jovo Banjanin, late Member of the Croatian Parliament and Delegate to the Parlia- ment at Budapest. (Serb, of Croatia). Dr. Ivo De Giulli, Town Councillor of Du- brovnik (Ragusa, Dalmatia). Croat, of Dubrovnik, Dalmatia. Dr. Gustav Gregorin, Member in the Aus- trian Parliament. (Slovene, of Trst (Trieste). Dr. Julije Gazzari, Town Councillor of Si- benik (Sebenico) Dalmatia. (Croat). Rev. Don Niko Grskovic, President of the Croatian League of U. S. A. in Cleveland, O. (Croat, of Vrbnik, Istria). Dr. Hinko Hinkovic, Member of the Croa- tian Parliament, and Delegate to the Par- liament of Budapest. (Croat, of Croatia). Dr. Josip JedlovskX Secretary of the Slo- vene Society "Edinost" and of the Croat School Union in Trst (Croat, of Trst). Ciro Kamenarovic, Gen. Mgr. of the "Adria- tic Bank" in Trst (Serb, of Kotor, Catta- ro, Dalmatia). Milan Marjanovic, Editor of "Narodno Je- dinstvo" (National Unity) in Zagreb (Agram), Croatia. Croat, of Kastav, Is- tria). Ivan Mestrovic, Sculptor (Croat, of Ota vice, Dalmatia). Dr. Mice Micic, Town Councillor of Dubrov- nik (Croat, of Dubrovnik, Dalmatia). Dr. Franko Potocnjak, late Member of the Croatian Parliament and Delegate to the Parliament in Budapest. (Croat, of Novi, Croatia). Prof. Mihailo Pupin, Professor at Columbia University, New York, President of the Serbian League "Sloga" and of the "Srp- ska Narodna Odbrana". (Serb, of Pance- vo, Banat, South Hungary). Dr. Milan Srskic, Member of the Bosnian Diet. (Serb, of Bosnia). Frano Supilo, Editor of "Novi List", Rije- ka (Fiume), late Member of the Croatian Parliament, and Delegate to the Parlia- ment in Budapest. (Croat). Dr. Nikola Stojanovic, Member of the Bos- nian Diet. (Serb, of Herzegovina). Dr. Dinko Trinajstic, President of the "Slo- veno-Croatian Society in Istria", and Member of the Istrian Diet. (Croat, of Vrbnik, Istria). Dusan Vasiljevic, Vice-President of the Serb 20 THE SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL National Union of Bosnia-Herzegovina". (Serb, of Herzegovina). Dr. Bognmil Vosnjak, Professor of the Uni- versity of Zagreb, and Editor of the "Ve- da" (Slovene, of Gorica, Gorkia). Dr. Nikola Supanic, Curator of the Ethno- graphical Museum. (Slovene, of Metlika, Garni ola). During its plenary meeting of June 1916, the Jugoslav Committee elected the following members : M. Pasko Baburica, President of the "Jugo- slav" National Defence" in Valparaiso, Chile, (Croat, of Dalmatia). Louis Mitrovic, (Croat) and Louis Moro (Croat), both of Dalmatia, and residing in South America, where they own large commercial interests. On May 1, 1915, the Committe presented a memorandum dealing with the national aims of the Jugoslavs and the desperate position in which they are now placed, to M. Delcasse, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, and to M. Isvolsky, Russian Ambassador in Paris. Sub- sequently the Committee, having in the mean- time transferred its headquarters to London, published a manifesto to the British Parlia- ment and to the nation on May 12, 1915, and on July 2, 1915, it presented a duplicate of the Paris Memorandum to Lord Crewe, who was at the time representing Sir Edward Grey at the Foreign Office. Through its members and representatives and Members of Parliament, the Parliamenta- ry Committee is in touch with the Ministers and the Press in all the capitals of the Allied Powers; it is in close contact with the re- sponsible leaders of its free and independent kinsman in Serbia and Montenegro, in the unredeemned part of the nation still en- slaved in Austria-Hungary, and with the numerous Jugoslav emigrant communities in the North and South Americas, and in the British Colonies. The Committee have been deeply gratified by the sympathy and appreciation of their la- bours on behalf of their country and country- men extended to them in political and intel- lectual circles among the Allied nations ; their thanks are equally due to the Press which in all the friendly countries has taken a keen in- terest in their cause and given it full attention. The Jugoslav Committee, whose head- quarters are in London, England (54. Chejp- stow Villas, Bayswater), has offices in follow- ing countries: France (Paris) ; Russia (Petrograd and Odessa) ; Switzerland (Geneve) ; United States (Cleveland, 0.) ; Chile (Valparaiso). The Jugoslav Committee publishes: "The Southern Slav Bulletin" (Semi- monthly) in London. "Le Bulletin Yougoslave" (Paris). "The Southern Slav Library" (1. "The Southern 'Slav Programme"; 2. "The South- ern Slav Land and People; 3. "A sketch of the Southern Slav History"; 4. "Southern Slav Culture"; 5. "Idea of Southern Slav Uni- ty"; 6. "The Slovenians". "Biblioteque Yougoslave". (Paris. Pub- lishes all the above pamphlets in French). "The Map of the Jugoslav Territory." "The Persecution of the Jugoslav" (The same in French). THE JUGOSLAV MEMORANDUM. A PART OP THE MEMORANDUM OF THE JUGOSLAV COMMITTEE IN LONDON SUBMITTED TO THE REPRESENTATIVES OF FRANCE, RUSSIA AND ENGLAND IN 1915. All Jugoslavs, whether Serbs, Croats, or Slovenes, confidently believe that this war will bring about the union of all the branches and all the territory of their race into one inde- pendent State. This belief is based on the solemn and oft-repeated assurances given by the representatives of the Triple Entente touching the realization and sure maintance of the principles of nationality. It has saved the still enslaved nations of our race from despair ; it has been the mainspring of the moral force whence arose the prodigious heroism of Ser- bia and Montenegro when, by blocking the ad- vance of the Austrian armies, they rendered such gallant service to the cause of the Allies. Serbia and Montenegro are not waging a war of aggression to extend their frontiers. These two Serbian states are the champions of liberation for all Jugoslav alike, as are also our helpers in the common task of establishing our national existence in our own united coun- try. THE GUIDING PRINCIPLE IN JUGOSLAV HISTORY. This idea of national and political unity was in the minds of the great rulers of our national Empires before the Turkish invasion ; it was the ideal of all martyrs of our race dur- ing the time of the Ottoman oppression; it in- spired our national poetry and the works of the great thinkers and poets of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), to whom Napoleon I. owed his idea of a united Illyria; it gave strenght to the heroic resistance of the Montenegrins, and to the rising under Karadjordje which gave birth to the modern Serbia. It directed every action of the great Njegos, inspired the policy of Price Michael, and has been the goal of the entire house of Karadjordjevic and of Petro- vic. It accomplished the renascence of the Cro- ats and Slovenes, which bore such heroic fruit in the struggles of 1848, and irradiates the life- work of the great Bishop Strossmayer. It was the primary cause of the long and often sangui- nary struggles of the Croats for their inde- pendence and unity, and of all the national struggles in Dalmatia, Istria, Rieka (Fiume), and South Hungary, in the 'Slovene lands, and in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Political deliverence, the integrity of our national territory, and the foundation of a unified State have been the final aim of all Pan-Croatian and Pan-Serbian aspirations, of every constitutional struggle and of every riot and insurrection throughout our lands, whether in Austria-Hungary or in the Balkans. Strenghthened by the principles of democracy, and crowned by the successes of the Serbian arms in the recent Balkan wars, this idea has now assumed a precise and de- finite form. The present war has given it the sanction and support of the civilized world, and our national ideal is ripe for realization. AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN OPPOSITION TO THE JUGOSLAV IDEA. Austria-Hungary has vainly pitted all her strenght against the Jugoslav idea. By every means in her power she has tried to compro- mise, to defame, and to crush it. To this end she established the Dualism in the Monachy, par- celled out the Jugoslavs in detached provinces, mutilated the kingdom of Croatia, and sought to germanize the Slovenes and to magyarize the Croats. To this end Bosnia-Herzegovina was first occupied and finally annexed. To this end innumerable political charges were brought against the Jugoslav and they were subjected to endless persecutions. To this end she encouraged mutual jealousies and conflicts between the Slav states in the Balkans, and finally, by threatening the soverign rights of Serbia, Austria unchained the present war. For, in her subservience to German Im- perialism, Austria thought by this war to crush Jugoslavdom, the great obstacle in the path of Germany and herself towards the East. She provoked the war, because she believed that the Jugoslav question could no longer be solved by partial or palliative measures, and she flung herself upon Serbia to absorb her, and with her the Jugoslavs. But when Austria, 22 ITHB SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL as Germany's vassal state and pioneer, en- countered the national resistance of Serbia, the Powers of the Triple Entente rose on behalf of the smaller nation. In this way the Jugo- slav question became a European problem, and it is of paramount importance to Europe that it should be fully and finally solved; only a complete solution will ensure the results for which the Triple Entente has gone to war. THE JUGOSLAV IDEA. Our nation, which has suffered so cruelly and been so often deceived, is determined that its fate shall be decided once and for all, even at the uttermost cost. Our unnatural existence and constant sufferings must be ended ; we de- sire peace and peaceful development. We hold that we have a right to be something more than a subject for intrigues and a pawn on the chess-board of foreign interests. Neither will we continue to bring slaughter and ruin upon each other at the bidding of strangers. The Jugoslav people, known in history as Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, are all mem- bers of one and the same nation, with all the necessary conditions for the formation of an independent national state, and they have every ethnographical and historical right to the territory which they inhabit and in which they form a compact population. INTERDEPENDENCE OF THE JUGOSLAV LANDS All these lands form an ethnical unit ; they are geographically contiguous, and economi- cally interdependent. Serbia and Montenegro with Bosnia-Her- cegovina cannot attain their normal develop- ment without the possession of Dalmatia ; de- tached from its hinterland the Dalmation coast would be valueless for commerce and naviga- tion, and the safety of Dalmatia would be per- manently jeopardized, were she deprived of her achipelago. One reason why Austria-Hun- gary occupied and annexed Bosnia-Hercegovi- na was that she already possessed Dalmatia. Dalmatia and the Dalmatian archipelago must properly belong to the owner of Bosnia-Herce- govina. Moreover, in the Middle Ages, Dalmatia formed an integrant part of the Jugoslav states whether Serbian or Croatian which arose during the course of history, and when she was incorporated with Austria, Dalmatia herself evinced the tendency towards union with other Jugoslav countries. As the utmost that could at that time be aspired to, she asked to be united with Croatia-Slavonia, and the Diets of Zadar (Zara) and Zagreb (Agram) have never ceased to demand such a union. Obviously these demands were prompted by a strong desire on the part of our countrymen in Dalmatia to be united with the rest of the Jugoslav race. For centuries Croatia-Slavonia sturdily defended her autonomy against Germanism and Austrian centralization no less than a- gainst Magyarization. In a union of all Ju- goslav countries Croatia would at once take her proper place ; first of all for ethnical rea- sons; secondly, because her national and po- litical renascence was accomplished under the banner of a great Jugoslav movement, and be- cause the Croatian Diets have always demand- ed Jugoslav unity, territorial integrity, and political independence ; and finally because her three great waterways, the Sava, the Drava, and the Danube, as well as the railway that traverses the country and connects Belgrade with Rieke (Fiume) render Croatia the na- tural intermediat link between eastern and western Jugoslavia. Rieka (Fiume) is the only natural and praticable seaport for Croatia-Slavonia, and at present also for Serbia. The right of Croa- tia to Fiume as an incontestable part of her territory was never called into question before the falsification of 66 of the Croato-Hunga- rian Agreement in 1868. As a result of this crime Hungary deprived Croatia of the ad- ministration of the town and seaport of Rieka, just as she had in 1861 deprived her of the administration of the Medjumurje,a purely Croatian district between the Drava and its affluent the Mur. As a port Rieka is valueless without its hinterland, and this again cannot thrive without its natural seaport. A Jugoslav Rieka is of vital necessity to Croatia-Slavonia, Serbia, and a large part of Istria and Carniola. The possession of the Quarnero (Kvarner) Islands and of Eastern Istria is inseparably bound up with Rieka, just as Western Istria is bound up with Trst (Trieste), the only sea- port of the Slovene hinterland. In the hands of the Jugoslavs, Trst (Trieste) would prove, economically speaking, an important stronghold against German eco- nomic pressure, and nobody would stand to benefit more by this than France and England. If the Jugoslav lands were deprived of Trieste and their communication with the sea, they could no longer be sufficiently strong to resist German southward pressure, which is continually encroaching on the Slovene territo- THE SOtfttfE'JtN SLAV'S APPfiAL 23 ry in Carinthia and Styria. Only the posses- sion of Trieste, Carinthia, and Southern Styria can enable the Slovenes to block the advance of Germanism towards the Mediterranean, and so accomplish their mission as the Alpine Guard of the Adriatic and Jugoslavdom. In this capacity they would serve the interests of all the opponents of Pan-Germanism, and en- sure the security of the Mediterranean Powers as well as the national existence of all the Ju- goslav countries. There are in Hungary 102,000 Slovenes living between the Mur and the Raab, and 800,000 Serbo-Croats north of the Drava and Danube. This entire population, which con- sists largely of wealthy landholders, can only be saved from forcible Magyarization by union with the brothers of their race. If they be permitted to remain Jugoslavs, the fertile plains of the Backa and Banat will be pre- served to the nation and furnish the other Jugoslav countries with the granary they re- quire. Any partition of the national territory, and above all things the cession of any part whatsoever to a foreign Power, would not only seriously impede the development of Ju- goslav unity and violate the principle of na- tionnality, but prove a mere repetition of the Austrian system, and a fresh source of endless conflicts and collisions. THE PRINCIPLE OF JUGOSLAV FUTURE POLICY. All questions as to the modes and forme of the grouping of our nation in the future state must be considered as internal questions, to be settled in accordance with the free de- cision of the whole nation. After centuries of struggle for existence our nation feels the need of peace, and there- fore earnestly desires to live in perfect accord with its neighbors. United in one State, it will posess all the necessary attributes to be- come an element of order and progress in South-eastern Europe. Neither numbers nor aggressive propensities will render the Jugo- slavs a danger to their neighbors, more especially because the great problems of their own organization will fully occupy thier ener- gies. Tolerant in religious matters both by nature and because of its democratic senti- ments, our nation, once free and united, will see no cause to persecute other creeds and nationalities, more especially as we ourselves do not profess the same creed, a circumstance which neither impedes nor prevents the unity of our sentiments and interests. Our nation therefore contains in itself the necessary guarantees for religious liberty. Our nation inhabits the entire eastern coast of the Adriatic. In this district we are above all things anxious to live in complete economic co-operation with all our neighbours by land and by sea, and to utilize our natural talents, not in warfare, but for the further- ance of peace, by placing them at the service of civilization and commerce. It will be to our own economic advantage to throw open our ports to commerce and to guarantee the freedom of the routes of communication be- tween those ports, and of all traffic with our hinterland. Thus the interests of our nation coincide entirely with those of peace and universal civi- lization, and especially with the interests which inspired the great Powers of the Triple Entente, when they took up arms against a brutal Imperialism, that perpetul menace to peace. THE STATISTIC NOTES IN SUPPORT OF THE SOUTHERN SLAVS UNITY The Adriatic Barrier Against Germanism The Slovenes are the natural barrier against the German thrust towards the Adriatic. This deserving, progressive, and energetic people, which is a pure branch of the Jugoslav race, effectively closes the way to Germanism on the southern German ethno- graphic boundary in Carinthia and Styria that is to say, upon a frontier line of 120 km. as the crow flies. In the event of the Slovenes in Carnia and the littoral not being liberated and united with the rest of their Jugoslav brothers, or the Slovenes in Carinthia and Styria being sacrificed to the German Austrians, the Germans could very soon and with ease advance by the Drava-Mura line (Celovac [Klagenfurt] and Maribor [Marburg]) to the Carso, to the Adriatic, to Trst, and Rieka, and a progressive nation of 1,400,000 souls would certainly perish. Importance of the Slovenes The Slovenes are the most western of the Jugoslavs, and they are Catholics by religion. Their mountainous country lies in the direct line between Germany and the Adriatic, and tli is is why the possession of their territory is of such supreme importance for the defence of the Mediterranean against Germanization. But the Slovenes can hold their own and accomplish their task if they are united with their Jugoslav brothers in one State of suf- ficient strength. There are in all 1,400,000 Slovenes. Italy is demanding 420,000, and if the 110,000 Slovens in Hungary, and another 120,000 in Carnia are sacrificed to other aspira- tions, a total of 610,000 Slovens, or almost the half of the nation, would remain under foreign rule. In the case of the further cession of Southern Styria with 410,000 Slovene inha- bitants, only 380,000 Slovenes would remain to profit by liberation and union with their brothers. The application of such a policy of dismemberment to a small nation in an import- ant geographical position would mean its inevitable destruction. Incomplete Liberation and Unification of the Jugoslavs There are thirteen million Jugoslavs living in South-Eastern Europe; five million are free and eight million, roughly speaking, two-thirds of the nation, living in Austria-Hungary, are still awaiting liberation. If Italy is permitted to realize her aspirations, though all the rest of the Jugoslavs were liberated, 900,000 would still remain under foreign rule ; if, futhermore, the Jugoslavs living north of the Drave and the Danube ar assigned to Hungary and to Rumania another 900,000, or a total of 1,800,000, would remain unliberated. Finally, by allowing Austria to retain Southern Carnia and Southern Styria 530,000 Jugoslavs would still be Austrian subjects and 2,820,000 in all would remain under foreign and hostile rule. By the deduction of Carniola with 420,000 Jugoslav inhabitants from the future free state of Jugoslavia, the number would rise to 2,820,000, and if an analogous process is applied to Croatia-Slavonia and her population of 2,820,000 the total number of un- liberated Jugoslavs would amount to 5,130,000, i. e., it would be equal to the added populations of Serbia and Montenegro to-day. If Italian aspirations be satisfied, Croatia, Slavonia, and the Slovene countries separately dealt with, and the Jugoslavs in Hungary sacrificed, Serbia and Montenegro would only gain a population of 2,185,000 by this war. Their total popula- tion would amount to little more than six million, and six million Jugoslavs would remain unliberated. Needless to say, a solution of this kind would simply leave the Jugoslav problem unsolved. Statistics of the Eastern Adriatic Littoral There are 450,000 Jugoslavs living in the Austrian littoral (Gorizia-Gradiska, Trieste, and Istria) and only 350,000 Italians. In Dal- matia there are 610,000 Jugoslavs and only 18,000 Italians. If the whole of the Austrian littoral, part of Carniola, the mainland of THE SOUTHERN Dalmatia north of Trogir, and all the islands north of Mljet (with the exception of Brae), are assigned to Italy, 350,000 Italians would be liberated and united with Italy, whereas 900,000 Jugoslavs would remain under a foreign yoke. In Dalraatia 350,000 Jugoslavs would be sacrificed for the sake of 15,000 Italians, and only the 278,000 Jugoslavs in Southern Dalmatia would be liberated. The Jugoslav population of the Dalmatian Islands amounts to 100,000 and the Italian only 1,500 souls. Gorizia-Gradiska, with the exception of the valley of the Friuli, which the Jugoslavs are not demanding, has a Jugoslav population of 150,000 and an Italian population of 28,000. Central and Eastern Istria with the Quarnero Islands has a Jugoslav population of 120,000 and an Italian population of only 16,000. In Southern Carnia there is not one single Italian inhabitant among a population of 110,000 Jugo- slavs. Only Western Istria, Trieste, and the valley of Friuli (Gradiska) can be accounted districts with a mixed population, and even there the proportion is 260,000 Italian to 272,000 Jugoslavs, so that even in these dis- tricts the Jugoslavs are slightly in the majority. Just Balance of Power The unification of all the Southern Slavs would by no means interfere with a just balance of power in South-Eastern Europe, but would be in proportion to the natural balance of power between the nations most concerned. The Southern Slav State (Jugoslavia) would have a population of about twelve million inha- bitants. Hungary, reduced to her natural borders, would also have about twelve million ; Roumania, enlarged and united, also twelve million ; and Bulgaria and Greece between them about fourteen million inhabitants. The Jugoslav State would certainly not pursue an expansive policy, as the territory inhabited by the Jugoslavs amply suffices for the population, whose density amounts to fifty persons to one square km. In Roumania the density of the population amounts to 53 persons to one square km. ; in Bulgaria it amounts to 41.6, in Greece to 41, in Hungary to 64, in Austria to 95, and in Italy to 113 persons to one square km. Finally, the birth-rate among the Jugoslavs cannot be expected to increase in such a manner as to constitute a danger to their neighbours. During recent years the propor- tionate increase has amounted to 1.6 per cent. SLAV'S APPEAL 25 annually, whereas among the Bulgars the in- crease amounts to 1.5 per cent., and among the Roumanians to 1.9 per cent. Orthodox and Catholic Jugoslavs The confessional differences among the Jugoslavs, which are in many quarters looked upon as an obstacle to the unification of the whole Jugoslav race, do not really present any obstacle at all to Jugoslav unity, but, on the contrary, a strong argument against the dis- memberment of the Jugoslav territory, as it is impossible to draw a just boundary between Orthodox and Catholic religions. If Serbia acquires Bosnia-Herzegovina, Southern Dalma- tia, Syrmia, and part of Slavonia, more than one million Serbian Orthodox Jugoslavs would still remain in the unliberated and non-incor- porated Western districts, viz., 437,000 in Croatia, 76,000 in Dalmatia, and about 500,000 in Hungary; whereas the enlarged kingdom of Serbia wuold only have acquired 1,064,000 Orthodox, and 1,600,000 non-Orthodox subjects, viz., 279,000 Catholics in Southern Dalmatia, 385,000 Catholics and 612,000 Moslems in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 208,900 Catholic Jugoslavs in Syrmia and Slavonia, and 110,750 non-Slavs of different confessions. Niether Serbia nor the Western Jugoslavs could consent to such dismemberment of the race. It would be strenuously opposed equally by the one million sacrificed Orthodox Jugoslavs, by the 1,750,000 non-Orthodox Jugoslavs given to Serbia and cut off from their brothers, and by the 4,200,000 unliberated and non-incorporated Catholic Jugoslavs among the Croats and Slovenes. The Jugoslavs refuse to be crushed and divided; they must, and will, be liberated as a whole and united in one single State in which they can consolidate themselves into a national political unit. JUGOSLAV APPEAL TO BULGARIA IN OCTOBER 1915. Before the Bulgarian entrance into the war, The Southern Slav Committe in London sent (in Oct. 1915.) the following message to the President of the Bulgarian Sobranje (Parliament) in Sofia: "The Southern Slav Committee in London, representing the Southern Slav countries in- habited by Croats, Slovenes, and Serbs still 28 f Hfl under the Austro-Hungarian domination, sends the following brotherly message to the Bul- garian nation at the moment of its coming to the fateful parting of the ways : ' ' This committee, which is working for the liberation of the whole Serbo-Creato-Slovene race from the hateful Germano-Magyar oppres- sion and for the realization of national and political unity with Serbia and Montenegro, after centuries of suffering and longing, refuses to credit the gloomy forecast circulated in Europe in connection with the Bulgarian mobilization. "In the name of the genius of the noble Slav race, in the name of the Slav blood which has been shed like water in the never-ending struggle against Turkish aggression, we protest emphatically in the defence of the Bulgarian nation against the German insinuation that the Bulgarian army would attack Serbia in the hour of her martyrdom and provoke a fratrici- dal war. "It is unthinkable that Bulgaria shall stretch her hand across Serbia to help the Germano-Magyar forces to join the Turkish armies and thereby assist in the subjection of Bulgaria, of the whole of Slavdom, and the civilization of the human race, to the most brutal tyranny ever known in the world's history. "Faithful to the laws of nature and civili- zation, we are emphatically on the side of the Slav warriors of Montenegro, Serbia, and Russia, and their gallant allies, and we heartily hope and trust that Bulgaria will also take her rightful place on that side." At the same time the representatives of the Croats and Slovenes in Austro-Hungary, who have found a refuge abroad and are now conferring in Geneva, have sent the following telegram to the Bulgarian Goverment: "We, the representatives of the Croats and Slovenes, who have taken refuge abroad in order to represent the interests of our country- men, and who in these days of trial firmly believe in the ultimate triumph of the cause of liberty over terrorism, and consequently in the deliverance of our people from the th eAustro- Hungarian yoke, have watched the recent turn of events in Bulgaria with unfeigned amaze- ment. We, who have equally deplored both Slivnica and Bregalnica, and have seen the hand of Germany in each of these tragedies, do not believe that the national soul of either SLAV'S APPB5AL Serbia or Bulgaria has been tainted by these unfortunate events ; and with profound horror and indignation we refuse to believe that the Bulgarian people will stoop to play the part of Turko-German janissaries, and by this act withdraw from our fraternity." THE JUGOSLAV COMMITTEE AND M. VENIZELOS Through the Royal Greek Legation the Jugoslav Committee sent the following tele- gram to M. Venizelos, the Greek Premier, on the occasion of his resumption of office in September, 1915: "In the name of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes in Austria-Hungary, who desire to be freed from the Austrian yoke and united with their brothers in Serbia and Montenegro, the Jugoslav Committee offer their sincerest con- gratulations to Your Excellency, as the leader of modern and Christian Hellas, the author of the Balkan League, the Graeco-Serbian Alliance, and the Treaty of Bucharest; they trust that your return to power will greatly facilitate the struggle of the Balkan nations for the realiza- tion of the principle 'the Balkans for the Balkan nations', and that your resumption of office will also prove a guarantee for the continued alliance and sincere and lasting friendship between the noble Hellenic nation and the Serbians who are striving for union with their brothers, the Croats and Slovenes. For the Jugoslav Committee, "The President, Dr. Ante Trumbic." The Greek Minister in London most cordially received the President of the Com- mittee and showed the greatest interest in the cause represented by the Jugoslav Committee. THE JUGOSLAV COMMITTEE TO SERBIA IN OCTOBER 1915. On the 12th day of October 1915, the Jugo- slav Committee sent the following telegram to the Serbian Goyerment at Nish : "On this occasion of the latest offensive of the German and Austro-Hungarian forces against Serbia, the Jugoslav Committee desires again to emphisize its full and complete soli- darity with the Serbian nation in this terrible hour, and to express its firm belief that in this struggle Serbia will once more astonish the world by her glorious and unequalled valour. After the last defeats suffered by the superior THE SOUf HEftN SLAV'S APPEAL Austro-Hungarian armies in Serbia, both the Central Powers are returning together to crush and trample down little Serbia. But Provi- dence, who guards both great and small, will again endow the Serbian army with super- human strength to repeat the history of David and Goliath. To the Serbian Army, as the Ju- goslav David, we send our hearts, our hopes, and our faith. At the same time the Jugoslav Committee appeals to all Croats, Serbs, and Slovenes from the unredeemed countries in Austria-Hungary, and at present living in Ser- bia, to place themselves, at this most critical moment in the history of Serbia and all the Jugoslavs, unreservedly and without hesitation at the disposal of the Royal Serbian Govern- ment, to aid Serbia in her struggle for life. "Dr. Ante Trumbic, President." At the same time the Committee sent urgent appeals to all Jugoslav emigrants out- side Serbia to give their unconditional help to their brothers and to offer their very lives in this struggle for the salvation of the only in- dependent, but now endangered, Jugoslav country, for the future of the Jugoslav race, and that the Balkans and the East may be saved from the Germane-Turkish terror. A DECLARATION OF THE JUGOSLAV COMMITTEE IN FEBRUARY 1916. The Jugoslav Committe, under the presi- dency of Dr. A. Trumbic, met in Paris for a plenary sitting, lasting from Feb. 16 to Feb. 24. All the members of the Committee were pre- sent, with the exception of those who were absent on missions, to the Southern Slav colo- nies in both Americas. The Committee considered the general situation from the Jugoslav point of view in all its details, with due regard to the events that have occured since the Committee was con- stituted in May, 1915. Reviewing the results of its propagandist activity in friendly countries, it was able to record a notable success. Both the knowledge and appreciation of the Jugo- slav problem have made undeniable progress. The Committee, having met in a plenary sitting for the first time since the last invasion of Serbia and Montenegro, testified its soli- darity with the sufferings, aspirations, and hopes of all the Jugoslavs Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes as well as its fixed determination to fight to the end, side by side with the Allies, for the liberation of the entire Jugoslav nation from the foreign yoke under which it is for the time being united. The Committee has with satisfaction and admiration noted the generous action of France and her Allies in rendering efficient help to the Serbo-Montenegrin army in its painful retreat before the overwhelming superiority of the enemy, by transporting it to a place of safety, and reorganizing it for fresh heroic exploits. For this the whole Jugoslav nation will be eternally grateful to her. As the representatives and mouthpiece of the sentiments and aspirations of the Jugoslavs in Austria-Hungary and in America, the Com- mittee protests its unflinching adherence to the cause of the Allies, and its endeavour, by every means in its power, to further the common cause in Europe as well as in the Jugoslav colonies in America. In its absolute confidence in the final victory of the Allies the Committee has re- corded the resolution that the future peace shall not be confined to a mere restoration of Serbia. For her superhuman efforts and sa- crifices adequate compensation is impossible. But on the basis of the principles of nation- ality, right, and justice, which the Allies have solemnly inscribed on their standards, the peace of the future must solve the Jugoslav problem in its entire extent. By uniting and unifying the Jugoslav nation, which has for centuries in the past maintained a successful struggle on all fronts against the Germans, Magyars, and Turks, in one single State, the peace of the future will raise an impenetrable rampart against any new attempts at expansion towards the south-east on the part of the Teutons ; it will provide the necessary conditions for its durability, and thereby ensure peace and brotherly good fel- lowship between the nations of Europe. The Committee further decided upon a whole series of important measures with a view to collaborating efficiently in the common cause of the Allies. It also discussed suitable means of increasing the work of propaganda. Finally, it sent, by telegram, a message ex- pressing its profound sympathy with the Ser- bian Goverment, and its respect and admi- ration for the heroic Prince Regent of Serbia. 28 THE SOtJf HERN THE MANDATE AND THE DUTY OF THE JUGOSLAV COMMITTEE. "The Southern Slav Bulletin, No. 19, (Au- gust 14. 1916) has published following decla- ration : ' ' We are sure that students of our question and of the national, polical, and etnogra- phical conditions in our countries must, if right and justice are to triumph, in the end be wholy converted to the great necessity of settling the Jugoslav question in full accordance with the programme issued by the Jugoslav Committee in London. It is the programme of our whole nation, of our whole race, and therefore in no sense a political but a national programme. The Jugoslav Committee is neither a political party nor the author of this programme. At home and before the war its members belonged to different political parties, and as regards domestic political matters they perhaps still dift'fer, but out here they are united as a body which represents the whole nation, viz., all the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes dwelling in Croa- tia, Slavonia, Dalmatia, Istria, Bosnia-Herze- govinia, Carniola, Carinthia, Goricka (Gori- zia), Trieste, Styria, Gradiska, Prekomurje, Baranja, the Banat, and Backa; and, further- more, those Jugoslavs who live as emigrants in the United States, in South America, and the British Overseas Dominions. Being the only body which is at present in a position to voice the unanimous desire of all the Jugoslavs, the Jugoslav Committee is to all intents and pur- poses the nation itself, and the Jugoslav nation is the author of the Jugoslav programme. We must put it in this way so as to make it clear to our many friends, as well as to our adver- saries, that the Jugoslav Committee has the mandate and the sacred duty only to propa- gate, to the limit of its extent and in every pos- sible way, the Jugoslav programme, but no power whatsoever to negotiate concerning the resolution of the nation, or to make any con- cessions as regards the Jugoslav aims. Eight and justice can be overthrown, but they are not subjects for negotiation. Our programme remains as it was in the beginning, and as it originated in the martyred soul of our whole nation, which has for cen- turies struggled for liberation and unity. To liberate one part of our nation and enslave another afresh for "strategic reasons" or any SLAV'S APPEAL other considerations, even if such a part con- sists merely of a "negligible quantity" in a di- plomatic sense, offers no solution of the Jugo- slav question at all. A single one of our bro- thers enslaved in his ancestral territory means that there can be no freedom for all the rest until he also is freed. History must record this war as a war of Justice against oppression, as the Holy War of nations against castes, as the sum of human brotherhood united in overthrowing the mon- ster Greed. Love, peace, and mutual confidence must be issues of this war. Humanity and not Imperialism must be the conqueror. The flag of freedom must adorn every palace, every cot- tage, every hut in the new Europe. If that cannot be achieved, then, of course, this war is only a preparation for new struggles, a new troubling of the waters in which the Hohen- zollerns and Habsburgs will find their richest fishing ground. The Jugoslavs have never asked, and do not ask anything but the just recognition of their indisputable rights. They desire nothing more than to live in peace on their ancestral territory, to develop in freedom, and to main- tain absolutely sicere relations of friendship with their neighbours. They never demanded a single square inch of territory which rightly belongs to nayone else, and they call only those countries their fatherland which have been theirs from the days they first settled there, the lands where they made their history, where their language is spoken, and their soul linked with the soil for more than a thousand years. Their cry for freedom has risen higher than ever, even in the present time, because they are convinced that the Allies are warring and shedding their blood for all the oppressed, and not only for those who are excluded from "strategical considerations". The future of nations must be founded on confidence and friendship, and not on strategical frontiers. If our resolution to dwell in amity and confi- dence is reciprocated by our neighbours, then our mutual honesty will be our best frontier fortification. But only malice can sugest that the Jugoslav even Serbia proper have ever shown symptons of aggression or a desire for expansion beyond their own ancestral terri- tory. History proves that they never sized upon the land of others, but on the contrary, that they were constantly robbed of their own. But these ages are past and one of the main pillars of the future peace of Europe must be a complete and undivided Jugoslavia." PART III SERBIA AND THE JUGO-SLAV PROGRAMME. In the painful days, when the Austrian ar- mies in the late autumn of the year 1914 raised Serbia, the Serbian National Skupstina assem- bled at Nis and formed a new Serbian Govern- ment from the representatives of all political parties. That government, through the Prime Minister Pasic made on the 24th of November (0. S.) the following declaration: "The present government has been formed in order to personify the unity of will, forces and purposes of our land. Convinced of the confidence of the National Skupstina as long as it places all its forces at the service of the great cause of the Serbian state and the Serbo- Croatian and Slovenian race, the government considers its paramount duty to bow with a boundless respect before the exalted victims who emmolated themselves bravely and wil- lingly on the altar of the coutry. . . . Convinced of the determination of the entire Serbian people to persevere in the holy struggle for the defense of its hearth and of its liberty, the Government of the Kingdom considers it its prime and indeed in these fate-shaping mo- ments its only task to secure a successful end of this great struggle which, at the moments of its beginning has developed into a war for the unification of all our un-liberated brothers Ser- bians, Croats and Slovenians. The brilliant success which will have to crown this warfare will redeem opulently the bloody sacrifices which the present Serbian generation is enduring." By that declaration, which the Skupstina has unanimously sanctioned, Serbia has clearly defined her intentions and thereby has become before Europe the representative of our entire people. At several later opportunities declarations in the same sense have been made to the public by Premier Pasic, his assistant Mr. Jovan Jova- novic, and by the Prince Regent himself in which the same purpose has always been ac- centuated, viz.: Liberation and unification of the Serbians, Croats and Slovenians. This an- nuls all the suspicions and reproaches that Ser- bia strove after the formation of a "Greater Serbia" in which the Croats and the Slovenians would be drowned. At the moment when Italy demanded our littoral, first representatives of the Serbian policy as well as representatives of the government participated in the great national meeting at Nis, at which has been received the resolution of national unity of the Serbians, Croats and Slovenians as also the re- jection of the Italian imperialistic demands. The Premier Pasic has made in the Serbian Skupstina a reiterated declaration that Serbia officially does not know anything about the demands of Italy, nor is she able to recognize them. When Serbia's allies, devining that they will be able to win over Bulgaria, demanded Serbia to yield to Bulgaria a part of Macedonia Serbia has agreed to it reluctantly, and after long deliberations of the Serbian Skupstina a resolution has been brought to the effect that Serbia is ready for sacrifices if by her so doing she be able to contribute towards the triumph of the common cause of the progressive Europe, and to facilitate the liberation and unification of all the Serbians, Croats and Slovenians. By that resolution the Serbian Skupstina has proved that she is exalted to the height of the great part of Serbia as the liberator, for she has agreed even to dismember the Serbian fixed territory and yield of it a very considerable part which has been won and preserved only at very bloody sacrifices. It has proved that Ser- bia, in compensation for her territorial con- cessions, does not demand nor receive greater or smaller reparations and does not wish to enter in "hair-splitting" for the territories in the West, but to contribute her sacrifices for the sole purpose of liberating of her entire race. When before the incursion of the Germans, Austrians and Bulgarians, Serbia was offered by the Germans certain concssions in Bosnia if she would allow free passage of German armies THE SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL through her territory, and when the invaders after having" penetrated far and wide in Serbia, promised to spare both the Serbian country and Serbian army if that army offers no or very slight, opposition to the German ag- gresssion; when the Germans and the Bulgar- ians were before the walls of Nis and the Ser- bian Skupstina assembled for its last and most painful deliberation, and when the Premier Pasic declared that Serbia will not be able to resist the overwhelmingly superior enemy, the King, the government and the Skupstina have unanimously declared even to sacrifice their entire land but to fight to the end, and not to deviate from the announced idea of liberation and unification of the Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian race. This declaration, the sincerity of which has not been insured by written treaties but by blood covered victims and by immolation of the liberty of the entire Serbian country, grant to the struggling Serbia the right to be and to re- main as long as lasts the war in which the other non-liberated Jugo-slavs wish not or can- not participate the representative before the world of all the Jugo-slavs. Her suffering and her sacrifices will mean that if even by her own forces she should not be able to liberate her brothers but enters our regions with her liberating armies together with those of her allies to be saluted by all the Jugoslavs under Austria-Hungary, as the liberator and redeem- er. SOLEMN PROCLAMATION OF THE JUGO- SLAV PROGRAMME BY THE PRINCE REGENT OF SERBIA. The most momentous event of the Serbian Crown Prince Alexander's stay in London (in April 1916) was unquestionably his reception of the great British deputation at Claridge's Hotel. Led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the most prominent men of British public life came to pay homage to Serbia and her heroic leader. The Crown Prince said: 'This manifestation of sympathy on the part of so many represantatives of British na- tion will strengthen me when I shall again be at the head of my army, shoulder to shoulder with the gallant Franco-British Army for the furthering and realization of the ideal for which we have longed through centuries. That ideal is the unity in one single state of all the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, who are our na- tion, with the same traditions, with the same language, and the same tendencies, and whom only adverse fate has divided. "This ideal, and the conviction that we are fighting shoulder to shoulder with our great Allies for right and justice, has main- tained our courage through the indescribable trials which our nation and army has had to endure. On April 20, 1916 his return from the Allied capitals, Prince Alexander of Serbia, Commander-in-Chief of the Serbian army, ad- dressed a manifesto to his soldiers to convey to them his impression of his journey. "Our powerful friends and Allies ailmire the irreproachable conduct of chivalrous 'Ser- bia, and appreciate the contless sacrifices of the Serbian people in whom they recognize all the qualities warranting the guarantee of an independent political existence and successful effort towards intellectual development. They have decided to give us every assistance in this great struggle, so that Serbia may become great, that she may include all the Jugoslavs that she may, in fine, become a mighty Jugo- slavia in recompense for all the sacrifices she has hitherto consented to make, and the ful- filment of new requirements which will show themselves after this bloody crisis." MR. PASI6, THE SERBIAN PREMIER, DECLARATIONS IN LONDON AND PETROGRAD. April 3, 1916. The London Times had a statement from premier Pasic, who said in part: "It is natural that the future Serbia or, rather the United Southern Slav people, will be a somewhat different State from what Ser- bia has been in the past. The new Serbia will necessarily become more Western, more Euro- pan than the purely Balkan Serbia of old could possibly be. A State that includes 5,000,000 Catholic 'Southern Slavs within its borders will necessarily be a State tolerant and respectful of religious and political liberty. We conclud- ed, not long ago, a concordat with the Vati- can. When I had recently the honour to b received by the Pope, his Holmes remarked that the concordat concluded with us wa: markedly liberal in character, and that the re- storation of the Slav liturgy in the Roman Ca- tholic Southern Slav churches was a proof of good will of the Vatican towards us. Had we not been animated by equal good will the con- cordat could hardly have been arranged. We THE SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL Serbs of Serbia belong to the Orthodox Church and are true to our religion. But just as we are faithful to our own beliefs, so we respect the belief of others and expect them to be as faithful to their own creed as we are to ours. This as I understand it, is true religious tolerance. 31 THE CROWN PRINCE ALEXANDER OF SERBIA AND THE SOUTHERN SLAV COMMITTEE. On May 5, 1916 the chief of the Serbian Government made his declarations to the re- presentatives of the Russian press on the ob- jects and results of his diplomatic tour, which we will quote from the Russian journals in so far as they refer to the Jugoslav question. According to the "Retch" of April 23 (May 6 n.s) Mr. Pasic took advantage of his visit to the Allied Government to effect an ex- change of views on questions of vital interna- tional importance, and especially on that which is nearest to himself, a knowledge of the fu- ture organization of the Serbian nation which firmly believes in the final victory of the Allies in their fight for the triumph of right and justice. In the opinion of the Serbian Premier the moment has arrived to clear up in princ- iple the intentions of the Great Powers with regard to the Balkan question in general and the Serbian question in particular. Mr. Pasic has noted with satisfaction that the Serbian ideals have met with perfect consent from the Allies. They have promised Serbia every help to attain this object. The idea of the unification of the Serb, Croat, and Slovene nation in one State has been most sympathet- ically received in Rome, no less than in Lon- don, in Paris, and, finally, in Petrograd. The Governments of the Allied Powers have un- animously recognized that the national aim of Serbia, i.e., the unification of the Serbian people and country must be realized. To the "Russkoe Slovo" Mr. Pasic, speak- ing of Serbia's future expressed himself in the following terms: "Our hope in Serbia's future are fixed on the deliverance and union of the entire Serb, Croats, and Slovene nation. This is our national ideal, and we are prepared to endure every sacrifice for its realization. No one can say how the war will finish and what it will bring to Serbia; but under no circum- stances whatsoever can we renounce our Croat and Slovene brothers. Serbia places great hopes in the support which the Allies will give her for the realization of her national ideal." On April 10 1916 the Crown Prince Alex- ander, then in Paris, received the members of the Southern Slav Committee and its Presi- dent, Dr. A. Trumbic, in a special audience at the Hotel Bristol, where he was staying. On this occasion Dr. Trumbic, in the name of the Committee and of all unredeemed Jugoslavs, addressed the Crown Prince in part as fol- lows: "We cannot consent to any division of the Jugoslav nation, just as we cannot consent to any part of our blood soaked territory beinsr wrested from us ; but we demand national uni- ty of our country, including our wonderful waters in the Adriatic, in whose fairy mirror all the beauty and charm of our fatherland is reflected, and which sea is the very lungs of the life of our land. "This is to be the new era in our history, founded on nature, and no artificial intrigue shall succeed in frustrating it. The Crown Prince replied : "Gentlemen, your words have deteply touched my heart. God and the fortune of heroes will provide that the wishes you have so beautifully expressed will be realized as soon as possible. They are, of course, as you rightly said, no longer merely wishes, but a political programme. They are even more than a programme. They are the goal of a struggle in which the blood of Serbia's sons is flowing in rivers. Gentlemen, it is quite im- possible that out of so much noble blood free- dom should not arise anew, freedom for our martyred nation, wherever it lives, from the Adriatic to Timok, from Perister to the Tri- glav. My grandfather fought for the Jugoslav idea, my father on his throne remain- ed faithful to the ideals for which he once fought as rebel, rifle in hand. The same blood flows in the veins of the grandchild and son. Forward into the struggle, gentlemen, with pen, with the spoken word, and with arms in hand, for the same high cause for the free- dom of our whole race and its glorious fu- ture!" MEETING OF THE SOUTHERN SLAV COM- MITTEE WITH THE SERB DEPUTIES IN NICE (FRANCE), IN APRIL 1916. The members of various Austro-Hungta- rian Parliaments and Diets, who belong to the Southern Slav Committee in London, in April 32 1916 proceeded to Nice in order to enter into personal contact, and exchange their views on the general situation with their colleagues of the Serbian Skupstina, 104 of whom were there. The meeting took place in the morning of April 18 in the Great Hall of the Marie (the Town Hall), which the town of Nice had kindly placed at the disposal of its guests. M. Kosta Stojanovic, President of the 'Serbian Club, speaking in the name of the Serbian members of Parliament, extended a glowing welcome to their Jugoslav colleagues from Aus- tria-Hungary, whom the unheard of misfor- tunes which have befallen the common mother country on both banks of the Sava and Drina have now brought together so tragically in exile on the friendly soil of France. Then M. Ante Trumbic, President of the Jugoslav Com- mittee, in a most graphic speech, which was frequently interrupted by enthuasiastic ap- plause, gave an account of all the propagandist work accomplished by the Southern Slav Committee during these twenty months of war in all the allied countries, and in several neutral states as well, for the realization of the ideal we all share in common, viz., the as- surance of the unification of all our race in one State under the native dynasty of the Kara- gjorjevic ! After M. Marko Trifkovic, in the name of the Serbian deputies, had reaffirmed the complete accord between the Serbian Club and the Jugoslav Committee, not only with re- gard to their political programme, but also as to the methods of the propaganda, the Presi- dent declared the proceedings terminated. THE SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL DECLARATION OF THE SERBIAN SKUP- STINA AT CORFU, SEPTEMBER 1916. In September 1916, the Serbian Parliament, (Skupstina), met in Corfu for a short session, and has given out the following official bulle- tin: "After seven days deliberation in secret sessions in which foreign minister Pasich, made his report, based on the secret documents in the foreign ministry ; The Skupstina held an open session and without a dissenting vote, has ap- proved the report of the Royal Servian Govern- ment as well as the Foreign Ministry future course of action, which the goverment has pro- posed to pursue. The Skupstina also has voted the following resolution : After hearing the Government report of the foreign situation, Skupstina consider its duty to affirm again, for its own part too, after all the suffering and privation of the Serbian people, that we stand firmly most faithful to our National claims. The course which Serbia has pursued un- til, the present time, and thru which she has acquired very valuable friendship, it is the only course which leads to the realization of her National Ideals. The painful road which we have gone thru and by which we lost nume- rous national treasures, our most valuable treasure, the honor of our people has been left untouched. Depressed in our sorrow, but be- lieving in our ideals and in the ideals of human- ity, Serbia full of pride and with full confi- dence looks into the future. ' ' IV. THE SOUTHERN SLAV EMMIGRANTS FOR THE CAUSE OF LIBERTY AND UNITY A GREAT JUGOSLAV CONVENTION HELD IN CHICAGO, ILL. IN 1915. At a general Congress in Chicago on March 10, 1915, the Jugoslav emigrants from Austria-Hungary in America and Canada, and represented by 563 delegates, recorded their enthusiastic adherence to this national pro- gramme. (1) The following resolution was unani- mously passed: "The Croats, Serbs, and Slovenes are one and the same as regards nationality and langu- age, though they are known by different names. They inhabit a number of provinces in South- Eastern Austria-Hungary, as well as the king- doms of Serbia and Montenegro. Collectively they are known as 'Jugoslavs.' In Austria- Hungary, where the Germans and Magyars are the dominant races, the Jugoslavs are ruth- lessly oppressed. Having no political rights, they are economically victimized and exploited, hampered in their development, socially down- trodden, and their nationality is imperilled. This state of affairs can no longer be tolerated, if their national existence and individuality is to be preserved, but their only hope lies in lib- eration from Austria-Hungary and the sever- ance of every tie that binds them to her. Their lives and national development can only be safeguarded through a union of all Jugoslav countries with Serbia in one single state. They confidently appeal to the Powers of the Triple Entente, who are waging this war for the deliverance of the down-trodden nations, and entreat their help in the realization of their just aspirations, which, by establishing order in South-Eastern Europe, will greatly help in laying a durable foundation for the world's peace." RESOLUTION PASSED AT NIs (SERBIA) On May 9, 1915, a large demonstration took place in Nish, when at a meeting of several thousand Serbian and Austro-Hungarian Jugo- slavs, a resolution was passed, demanding the union of all Jugoslavs, and protesting against the abandonment of any part whatsoever of the national territory. The resolution was worded as follows: ' ' In these momentous times of sacrifice and of faith in Freedom and the Right, we herewith proclaim the indivisibility of our Serbo-Croato- Slovene national unity, which must be polit- ically realized, even as it has already been morally accomplished. We therefore declare that we will never permit any purely Jugoslav territory to be sacrificed or dismembered, least of all in any part of our Adriatic coast-lands inhabited by Serbs, Croats, or Slovenes. We appeal to all the Powers who are at this moment fighting for the principles of nationality and justice, to guarantee the unity of our race, so that Serbia may fulfill her mission of liberation and thus ensure one of the primary conditions for the future peace of (Europe. The dis- memberment of the Adriatic coast-lands would be an act of terrible injustice, especially in a war waged for the liberation of nations. ' ' THE JUGOSLAVS IN THE UNITED STATES AND SERBIA. In the summer 1915, Jugoslav mass meet- ings were held in all the great cities in the States possessing Jugoslav colonies. The meetings in Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, Cleveland, San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York each attended by from two to three thousand delegates cabled the following mes- sage to the Serbian Premier, M. Pasic : "In the name of our brothers in Austria- Hungary, who are at present unable to express their thoughts and sympathies, as well as on 34 THE SOOT HERN our own behalf, we hereby declare that all Slo- venes, Croats, and Serbs regard the struggle of Serbia as their own national struggle, and Serbia's ideals as their o'.vn. We unanimously demand that by the stipulations of the future Peace Congress not one inch of Jugoslav terri- tory may remain under foreign rule; but that all this territory shall be united in one state with Serbia and Montenegro. With the earnest request that you will in due course give your support to this demand, and with full confi- dence in you, we hereby send you our best wishes from this great meeting; and through you we beg to greet the Serbian King, the Crown Prince, and the whole Serbian Army as our liberators." Similar resolutions were passed at other meetings, and the Jugoslav propaganda as- sumed considerable proportions in the U. S. A. JUGOSLAVS IN AMERICA FOR THE ALLIES. The following resolution was unanimously carried at all the great Jugoslav meetings in America (in Summer 1915). "In the name of our oppressed brothers in Austria-Hungary, who are at present com- pelled by ruthless tyranny to fight against their brother Slavs, or to languish in prison, and who are therefore unable to lay the facts of their sufferings before the world, we hereby protest energically before the whole of the civ- ilized world against the inhumanities now being practised upon them ; against the hang- ing and shooting of innocent people; the strangling and perversion of law and justice ; the slaughter of women and children ; the cal- ling to the colours of youths under military age and infirm old men ; against the placing of our countrymen in the first line of danger ; against foully murdering them from behind; and against the burning of homesteads and the robbing of property in our devasted country. We implore all the brothers of our race in both continents to turn their hate and their arms against their oppressors, and we implore our brothers who are suffering in prison to be patient and to trust that victory will be with the Slavs and their friends, the French and British, whose triumphs will achieve the Ju- goslav ideal of liberty and unity. We pledge our solemn word that we will in every way help the cause of the Slavs and their Allies; that we will strive to promote our own na- SLAV'S APPEAL tional unity; that we will not by strikes pr6- vent or hamper the work of any factories en- gaged in supplying armaments and munitions to Russia, Great Britain, or France ; and that we will rouse our brothers from the sleep of apathy with the clarion call to freedom, which shall finally dawn upon the Jugoslav also the last slaves in Europe." JUGOSLAV MANIFESTATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES IN SEPTEMBER 1915. During the month of September, the great Jugoslav Labour Union, "Hrvatska Narodna Zajednica," which has 35,000 members, held its congress in Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. The Austrian Consuls had previously done their best to undermine the authority of the leaders of the Union, who are anti-Austrian and thoroughly patriotic, and to replace them by their own few followers. The Jugoslav papers in the United States even publish the facsimile of a letter from the Austrian Consul in Pitts- burg, from which it transpires, that Austrian agents actually founded a pseudo-Jugoslav paper, and tried to bribe the delegates of the Congress. Nevertheless the Congress passed off without any kind of disturbance; all Austrian attempts were defeated, the old lead- ers were re-elected, and duly authorized to continue to make use of the official paper of the Union for the propaganda in favour of the idea of Jugoslav emancipation from the Austrian yoke. Towards the end of September a great de- monstration called the "Slovenski Dan" (Slovene Day) was organized in San Francisco, at the Pacific Exhibition. All Slovenes present, and a large number of other Jugoslavs as well, demonstrated in favour of their liberation and unification. On September 18 and 19 the Congress of all the Croatian Gymnastic Associations in the United States took place in Cleveland, Ohio. Public exhibitions of gymnastics and pro- cessions of many thousand gymnasts were most successfully arranged. On this occasion it was decided that henceforth all Croatian, Serbian, and Slovene gymnastic associations should be united in one great single Union, which will be in constant touch with the Czech, Polish, and Russian Associations. This resolution was ap- proved by the great Congress of representa- tives of the labour Union "Hrvatska Narodna SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL Zajednica," by the Serbian Unions "Sloga" and "Srbobran," the political Unions "Hrvat- ski Savez" and "Slovenacka Liga,' and many other Unions and Associations, representing in all more than 150,000 organised Jugoslavs in the United States. At this meeting the follow- ing Resolution was unanimously carried: "The Croats, Serbs, and Slovenes are one and the same nation in blood, language, and by the national ideals they hold in common. We are heart and soul with the army, the na- tion, and the Government of our brothers in Serbia and Montenegro. Their struggle is our struggle. Shoulder to shoulder we stand with them against our common enemies the Teutons, Magyars, and Turks in this fight for the reali- zation of the freedom and unity of all Jugo- slavs in one great national State. We trust that no part of our nation, nor one inch of our soil, will be given into slavery to foreigners. We confidently expect the victory of our bro- thers the Russians, and of their noble Allies and our own. Full of loyalty to the great country of Washington and Lincoln, we hail the wise policy of President Wilson with re- gard to the hostile and inhuman conduct of the Austro-Germans. ' ' A copy of the resolution was forwarded to Mr. Lansing, Secretary of State, to Mr. Pa- sic, the Serbian Premier, to Mr. Plamenac, the Montenegrin Minister, to the Jugoslav Com- mittee in London, and to the Russian, British, and French Ambassadors in Washington." Finaly, on September 23, the "Hrvatski Savez" (Croatian League) held a meeting in Cleveland protesting energetically against the Austro-German intrigues in America. A re- solution similar to those quoted above was pas- sed, and copies of it were sent to the represen- tatives of the Allied Powers. The League also passed a resolution approving of the work of the Jugoslav Committee in London and promis- ing it every possible support. JUGOSLAV CLERGY AND NATIONAL UNITY On August 27, 1915, prompted by the Serbo-Orthodox priest, the Rev. Father Nikolai Velimirovic, the Catholic, Orthodox, and Uni- tarian priests of Jugoslav nationality resident in the United States, held a joint meeting in Chicago. Opening the discussion, the Rev. Mr. Reljic, Chairman of the meeting, remarked that "after a short interval of many centuries" this was the first assembly at which priests belong- ing to different confessions were met together to demonstrate that divergencies of faith are powerless to divide either the Jugoslav nation or their clergy. The meeting adopted the proposal that these joint meetings should be continued, elaborated a programme for further activities, and passed a resolution expressing the "complete agreement of the Jugoslav clergy with the will of the nation as expressed at many meetings". The resolution proceeds: "We also claim the fulfilment of those demands of right and justice for which our free brothers in Serbia and Montenegro are fighting, and for which our unredeemed brothers in Austria- Hungary are suffering. And God's justice, which we hold to be on our side, consists in this, that all Slavs in Europe shall be liber- ated from the chains of German militarism and Austro-Hungarian oppression; that all Jugo- slavs, being one nation by blood, language, and national claims, shall be liberated from Austro-Hungarian misrule and united in one independent State; that, futhermore, not one inch of Jugoslav soil shall be excluded from the borders of this State, either in Dalmatia, or in Istria, in Slovenia, the Banat, or Macedonia; that those differences of faith, which have been regarded as the greatest obstacles to national unity, are in fact and according to the conviction of ourselves, who are representa- tives of the two principal confessions in Jugo- slavia, no obstacles at all to the practical reali- zation of our ideal of one nation in one State; that the free and united Jugoslav nation should be permitted free from foreign interference to organize the Jugoslav state on a democratic basis, which will guarantee political and re- ligious freedom; that hitherto Serbia and Montenegro have proved by their excellent example that Catholic and Orthodox Christians can live together in love and friendship in one State. We speak in our own name and in that of our brothers, who are still in Austro- Hungarian bondage, and we are sure that these brothers would speak as we do, were they per- mitted the liberty to do so." SLOVENES IN AMERICA On April 28, 1916, a great Slovene meeting was held in Cleveland, U. S. A., at which 500 delegates represented the Slovene emigrants in North America. The meeting adopted a resolu- tion which was sent to President Wilson and which reads: "We, Slovenians of Cleveland and vicinity, gathered together in a national mass meeting, April 28, 1916, realize that in view of the present conditions existing between the United States and the German Empire, it is our patriotic duty as good American cititzens to pronounce our unlimited loyalty to the consti- tion and laws of the United States; and we express our loyalty and our sincere thanks to the President, Woodrow Wilson, for his noble defence of humanity, honour, and the welfare of American citizens. 4 'We express also our heartfelt gratitude to those fighting for real democracy and the freedom of small and oppressed nations, and we thank noble France and her allies, as we see in their victory the liberation of our brethern suffering under the inhuman Austro- Hungarian rule, from which tyranny we fled across the ocean to the land of golden liberty. "United by ties of blood, language, and suffering with the Creations and Serbians, we feel the sacrifices and sorrows of Serbia as our own suffering, and we hope from the bottom of our hearts for the liberation and union of our nation in one independent and democratic state of Jugoslavia." JUGOSLAVS IN AMERICA AND PREPARADNESS With reference to the Preparadness in the United States, the Jugoslav immigrants called several meetings, from which the following message was sent to President Wilson: "The Southern Slav Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes here assembled at their national meet- ing, send their most sincere greetings to Your Excellency, and beg to express their complete confidence in your guidance of the politics of the United States. They are prepared to respond to your call at any moment, should it become necessary to repulse foreign attacks aimed at the foundations of our democratic institutions." The meeting received the following answer : "The President highly appreciates the noble words of our message, and has ordered me to express his profound gratitude to you and to all concerned. Your friendly assurances have pleased and encouraged him extremely. Yours sincerely, "J. P. TUMULTY, "Secretary to the President of the U. S." SOUTHERN SLAVS APPEAL A GENERAL ORGANIZATION OF THE SOUTHERN SLAVS IN SOUTH AMERICA In January, 1916, at a meeting held in Autofagasta, Chile, the delegates from all the Jugoslav Colonies in South America, passed the following resolution : "In these epoch-making times of sacrifice and hope for right and freedom, we proclaim first of all the indivisibility of our Serbo- Croato-Slovene National Unity, which must be politically realized, even as it is already morally accomplished .Consequently, we declare that we will never permit that purely Jugo- slav territories be sacrificed or partitioned, particularly our Adriatic littoral, which is inhabited by Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. We appeal to all the Powers who are at the present moment fighting for the principles of national- ity and justice to safeguard the unity of our race, and thus to enable Serbia to fulfil her mission of liberation, which is one of the con- ditions of stable peace in Europe. The dismem- berment of the Adriatic littoral would be a terrible injustice, especially in a war for the liberation of nations. "With the repeated declaration that they have broken all ties that bound them to the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the House of Habsburg, they place themselves at the disposal of the Serbian Govennent and express their complete confidence in the Southern Slav Committee in London, which they look upon as the legitimate representative body of the Southern Slav countries under the Austro- Hungarian yoke. "They consider themselves and desire to be considered by the Allies of Serbia as Allies in the common struggle, and claim the protec- tion of the representatives of the Entente." This congress, which was presided over by Messrs. Petrinovic and Jordan, assumed truly impressive proportions. All the Jugoslav colonies of the five Republics were united in a huge gathering in order to take their import- ant decisions jointly, and to form a vast Jugo- slav National Defence organization. The attendance was considerable, in spite of intervening distances and travelling ex- penses. Chilian personages, as well as French and English, were present. M. Micic, Delegate from the London Committe, and M. Leontic, THE SOUTHERN Representative of the Young Jugoslavs, were likewise present. In six days of deliberation, the Jugoslavs of South America have fulfilled all the hopes of their fellow-citizens, and at this momentius juncture they have nobly fulfilled their national duty and deserved well of their country. They have severed all the links that could still bind them to the Empire. They have placed themselves at the disposal of "their native King", Peter I., and of the Serbian Goverment. They have passed a vote of com- plete confidence on the Southern Slav Com- mittee, regarding this as the sole legitimate representative body of the enslaved countries. Prom the practical point of view, these resolu- tions assumed the following forms. A new organization, the Jugoslav National Defence, has been formed with a very thorough-going programme. Mr. Baburica is the President, and the Council (Senate) is presided over by Mr. J. Moro. Next, an amalgamation of all Jugoslav papers in South America has been realized, and all will henceforth represent a single outlook. Furthermore, the members have contributed the largest (proportionate) donation to the Serbo-Montenegrin Red Cross Society and Orphans, and have undertaken the responsibility for the budget of the Southern Slav Committee. Finally, they have recruited a volutary legion to help in the national deliverance. These, then, are the practical results. Their solidarity with martyred Serbia, thus openly avowed by the Congress, demonstrates that the Jugoslavs deserve their liberty, since they are prepared and demand as their right to suffer for its name. Thus we are in possession of yet another proof that the Jugoslav nation in its entirety is conscious of the greatness of the times through which we are passing, and of the aim in view. The Jugoslovenska Drzava, the organ of the Jugoslav National Defence, in bringing out its first number, comments upon the growing interest aroused by the Jugoslav cause among the Chilian public and the foreign colonies. The entire Chilian press has devoted long articles, and in some cases an entire issue, to these events. Chilian publicists (notably M. Villagrau-Valenzuela) spoke at the Congress. Jugoslav faith and determination deserve in the eyes of everybody a respect which ought to be SLAV'S APPEAL 37 all the greater as it is manifesting itself so strikingly at the very moment when the in- dependent principalities Serbia and Monte- negro are likewise crushed and enslaved in their turn. It is well to mention that the South Amer- ican Jugoslavs come for the greater part from the littoral of Dalmatia and Croatia, notably the presidents of the Congress and the new organizations, are Croats from the littoral, and all are natives of the Dalmatian Isles. THE JUGOSLAV COLONY IN NEW ZEALAND There is a small Jugoslav colony in New Zealand, numbering 3,000 Croats, chiefly working men from Dalmatia. This tiny colony has nevertheless its own friendly societies and publishes its own newspaper. Since the begin- ing of the war it has collected 200 for the British Relief Fund, 2,000 for the Serbian and Montenegrin Red Cross Society and the Relief Fund for Austrian emigrants, and given one hundred volunteers to the British Army. JUGOSLAVS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Last summer, the Jugoslavs Croats, Slo- venes, and Serbs in British Columbia have organized themselves and have held a mass meeting in Vancouver. The meeting, which was attended by many British sympathizers, was very fully reported in all the English papers in Vancouver, and the sympathy extended to the Jugoslav cause by the Press has been quite remarkable. At the meeting the present position of the Jugoslavs in Austria- Hungary and the efforts for deliverance and unification were explained, after which a resolution was passed, demanding the liber- ation of all the Croats, Serbs, and Slovenes from Austria-Hungary and their unification with Serbia in one single independent State. Telegrams expressing loyalty to their land of refuge and to the cause of the Allies were sent to H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught, to Sir Robert Borden, the Canadian Premier, to Mr. W. J. Bowser, Premier of British Columbia, and to the United States. 38 THE SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL THE SOUTHERN SLAVS APPEAL TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Based upon the immortal "Declaration of Independence." When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation from the dual monarchy, namely Austria-Hungary and to form a union with our kin of southern Europe based upon the Ameri- can democratic principles, consisting of the following branches of the Southern Slavic race, namely, Croatians, Serbians and Slovenes. We hold these truths to be selfevi.dent, that all men are created equal, that they are endow- ed by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. And since the government of the Dual Monarchy, Austria- Hungary, is entirely foreign to its downtrod- den Slavic subjects in race and traditions, it has furthered its tyrannical ambitions by at- tempting severely to Germanize them, who are a people with nobler traditions, more ancient than the Teutonic, whose so called "flower of chivalry" in the time of the Crusades, name- ly the Teutonic "Knights of the Cross", were in reality but a band of robbers and plunder- ers, masquerading under the sacred symbol of "The Cross", conquering Prussia, Pomerania, etc., in 1309, and successfully Germanizing the Slavic inhabitants by the power of the sword. The history of the present Emperor Francis Joseph is a monstrous record of re- peated injuries and usurpations, all having for direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over the Southern Slavs as a whole. To prove this let facts be submitted to a candid world : He has with the assistance of his Germanic clique, dissolved parliament repeatedly for opposing their invasions on the rights of the people; sent swarms of officials to harass our people and eat out their substance ; refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good; effected to render the military superior and independent of the civil power ; abolished some of our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our government ; politically attempt- ed to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already many times begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy of the heads of a civilized na- tion; constrained our people to bear arms against their brethren, the Serbians especially, or to fall themselves by their hands; incited domestic insurrections amongst us, and have allied themselves with that gory tornado, the Turk, against democracy and civilization; and in every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms, being in each and every instance answer- ed only by repeated injury. A government whose fundamental princi- ples are thus marked by acts, which define barbarous tyrants, are unfit for human fellow- ship among sister nations. We Croatians, Serbians and 'Slovenes (or Slovenians) situated in the southern part of the Dual Monarchy, together with our kindred states have for ten centuries been the bulwark of Christendom against the Turks, Avars and other tribes of Mongol origin. Theorize, our American brother, theorize upon the vast dif- ference that would have been to the detriment of western civilization if the Southern Slav did not for a thousand years resist the west ward march of Asiatic barbarians on many a glorious battlefield, immortally inscribed in history ! Almighty God, alone, may know if the Gaul, Anglo-Saxon or Latin would have advanced from darkness, and taken the world with them as they did, if it were not for the heroic Slav battling the hordes of Satan on the eastern and southern borders of Europe. The only source of information to be ha'" by the western world was through Teutonic channels, and it being the height of absurdity to expect compliments from one's tyrant, we therefore are not surprised at the mistakei conception of the European Slavic world in general, that is held in this glorious republic, THE SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL Henryk Sienkiewicz, the author of "Quo Vadis", said that "America was the conscience of the world." AMERICANS! we appeal to that conscience ; to those noble hearts that feed martyred Belgium; to your seats of science whose genius freed stricken Serbia of typhus ; to those noble traditions and impulses th drove you into the realm of Mars in 1861 fo over four bloody years, which resulted in the emancipation of the black race and the prese?- vation of the Great Union under the genir- of martyred Lincoln, for sympathy for You' Voice at the Fatal Hour, to help us secure our coveted freedom through the power of you: moral and material influence in world con- ferences and diplomacy. The Central Empires, in their official war reports, state that the Croatians or Dalmatians and other Slavs are enthusiastic victors in com- bats with their brother Slavs, such as Rus- sians and Serbians, thereby trying to sow the seed of discord even among the Slavs through- out the world, by trying to fasten their bloody claws on the conscience of their numerous victims. Therefore, we wish to express our thanks and appreciation to the American people for liberties extended us and sincerely desire to re- mind them of their ancestors of the Revolution- ary War, the immortal heroes of 1776, when- ever they enter a discussion of the Slavs in general, thereby extending us what is right- fully ours, the sympathies of a great demo- cracy, towards a downtrodden nation that de- sires a share of the glow of that mighty beacon LIBERTY. From the "Appeal" Issued under the auspices of the Croatian Benevolent Society "Dalmatia" of Oakland, Cal. 1916. MUSSULMANS FROM BOSNIA-EEEZEGOVINA FOR THE ALLIES. La Tribune de Geneve, in its issue of July 8, 1916 publishes the proclamation by the Bosnian and Herzegovinian Mussulmans living in Switzerland: "The Mussulman academic youth from Bosnia-Herzegovina in Switzerland unanimous- ly hails the action of the Grand Sherif of Mec- ca, the chief of Islam, and sovereign lord of the native county of Mohammed. "As faithful sons of Islam we perfectly approve the manner in which the Grand She- rif has acted in the interests of our sacred duties, and we emphatically blame the present Government in Turkey, which has dishonoured our Holy Faith by placing it at the service of Austro-German interests. It is a great mis- take to believe that the Turkish Sultans were the rightful protectors of Islam. Neither Or- togol Bey, nor Osman Ali, nor the Sultan So- liman II. the Great ever possessed any author- ity to justify their depriving one Mussulman race of liberty to the advantage of another; and they are still less in a position to justify the abuse of our religion in their own interests. "Before; the proclamation of the 'Holy War' on the part of Turkey, our Islam was not in the least threatened. By this declara- tion Turkey has not only ruined herself, but she has also and this is far more regrettable endangered our whole religion. We hold that she has thereby forfeited all her rights as protectress ot? Islam. "Turkey can never justify herself for having proclaimed the 'Holy War' for the ad- vantage of the Austro-Germans, the secular enemies of Islam, and she will be responsible to the Sherifate. We Musselmans of Bosnia- Herzegovina, who well know the methods em- ployed by the State called Austria, are in a better position than others to say what use Austria has made of our religion. "Therefore the Musselman youth of Bos- nia-Herzegovina cannot but hail with joy the movement of the Arabs who have risen in de- fence of our religion, and rejoice in their action. We cannot conceal the fact that our sympaties are always on the side of those who devote themselves to the defence of the prin- ciples of religious and national freedom." BIBLIOGRAPHY. FRENCH BOOKS. 36. La retraite de Serbie, par Louis L. Thomson, Medecin major, Paris, Hachette & Co. 37. Pierre Bertrand. L'Autriche a voulu la grande guerre. Paris. 1916. 38. La Serbie et Kossovo, par le Dr. T. Georgevitch, Paris, 1916. 39. La Question de 1'Adriatique, par Charles Vellay. Paris. 1915. (Literai- rie Chapelat). 40. Le Plan Pangermaniste demasque. Par Andre Cheradame. (Paris, Plon- Nourrit A Cie, 1916). 41. Le Banat, par Gregoire Yakchitch. Paris. (Plon-Nourrit & Cie. 1916). 42. Le Probleme Italo slave, par P. T. de Sakolovic. (Paris, Plon-Nourrit & Cie.) 1916. 44. Le Probleme italo-slave, par J. T. (Paris, Plon-Nourrit & Cie. 1916). 45. L 'Autriche-Hongrie en guerre centre ses sujet, par Pierre de Lanux et Mi- lan Toplica. (Paris, Plon-Nourrit & Cie., 1915). 46. L 'Unite Yougoslave (manifeste de lo jeunene Serbe, Croat et Slovine reu- nie). (Paris, Plon-Nourrit & Cie. 1915). 47. Les Yougoslaves, lour paise, leur ave- nir, par H. Hinkovic. (Paris, Librai- rie Felix Alcan, 1916). 48. La Grande Serbie, par E. Denis. (Pa- ris 1915. Librairie Delagrave.) 49. La Yougoslavie, par Pierre de Lanux, (Paris, Payot, 1916). 50. L 'epopee Serbe, par H. Barby, (Paris 1916). 51. L'Autriche et la Hongrie de demain, par le Dr A. Chervin, (Paris, Berger- Levrault, 1916). 52. Les Yougoslaves au point de vue ethnique. Leur union nationale, par le Dr A. Chervin. (Paris, L 'Associa- tion francaise pour 1'Avancement des Sciences, 1916). 53. Les persecutions des Yougoslaves. Proces politiques (1908-1916). Avan- propos de Victor Berard. (Paris, Plon-Nourrit & Cie. 1916). 54. Le Regime Politique d'Autriche-Hun- grie en Bosnie-Herzegovine. A les Proces de Houte Trahison, par un groupe d' Homines politique yougo- slaves, (Paris, Zupremerie Nouvelle- Aunemane. 1916). 55. Balcanicus. La Bulgaria ; ses ambi- tion, sa trahison, (1915). 56. La liquidation de PAutriche-Hungrie, par Louis Leger, (Paris. 1915). 57. Avec Parmee d' Orient. Dardanelles, Serbie, Salonique (avril 1915 Jan- vier 1916) par. Joseph Vassal, (Paris, Plon-Nourrit & Cie. 1916). 58. La Hongrie d'hier A de demain, par Andre Dubosco, (Paris, Blond et Gay, 1916). PART V. THE JUGOSLAV VOLUNTEERS. Even during the Balkan war many Jugo- slavs from Austria-Hungary have deserted in- to Serbo-Montenegrin armies and fought on their soil. In the beginning of this war all those Ju- go-slavs from Austria-Hungary who happened to be in Serbia and Montenegro at that time and whose numbers exceeded two thousand, placed themselves at the disposal of the Serb- ian and Montenegrin authorities. Whoever from the younger generation could, he immi- grated during the first months of the war into Serbia and Montenegro. A considerable num- ber of such deserters came from Dalmatia, but the greatest numbers fled from Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the fighting in 1914 a great number of Jugo-slav soldiers from Aus- tro-Hungary surrendered readily and of whom several thousands later joined of their own free will either the fighting line or the police forces or the civil service of Serbia and Monte- negro. There were entire companies and in- deed whole battalions from the Austro-Hunga- rian armies who passed over to the Serbian side : thus a whole regiment from Dalmatia, has passed over with all officers, banners, arms, music and equipment to the Serbian side. During the Serbian retreat in the winter of 1915 the greatest number of the Austrian war prisoners of Slav nationality joined the Serb- ian fighting lines, and althoug^b, all the prisoners were at liberty either to remain in Serbia or to return to the Austrian lines, none from the Jugo-slav prisoners remained in Serbia. None of the war prisoners would re- main but all joined the Serbian armies in their retreat through Albania. Even at this moment there are in the Serbian army great numbers of Jugo-slav volunteers from Austria. In the very beginning of this war many Slavs, especially the Czechs and Jugo-Slav, sur- rendered themselves to the Russians where- ever an opportunity presented itself. This is explained by the fact that in the first engage- ments around Lvov (Lemberg) the greater part of the third army corps, composed of pure Slovenes, has reached Russian hands, as also the thirteenth army corps composed chief- ly of the Croatians forms the bulk of the lists of the war prisoners in Russia. That is the only manner to explain the fact that there are to-day in Russia in round numbers 200,000 Ju- go-slav, Austrian soldiers, who have been captured. The majority of these prisoners have been liberated by the Russian Government, and they have volunteered and formed two complete divisions who are being drilled under the command of the superior Serbian officiers, as also the ex-Austrian officiers who have joined those divisions. Besides there are many Jugo-slav volun- teers in British and French armies. It may be established that since the beginning of this war untill now at least 100,000 Jugo-slavs have participated or organized for battle in the war against the Central Powers. All this proves most persuasively that the Austrian Jugo-slavs long so much for their li- beration that they give freely and in masses their lives in the struggle for liberation and helping their Serbian brothers, the Liberators. JUGOSLAV SOLDIERS IN THE FRENCH ARMY. There are many Jugoslavs serving in the French Foreign Legion, and fighting bravely on the side of the gallant French. One of them, Thomas Goricki, was recently mortally wounded, and we fear that he has since died. He was a brave and gallant boy, and was de- corated for valour. As far back as on Feb. 8 the Paris Temps brought the following notice about him, sent by one of its correspondents. : "Thomas Goricki, from Virovitica (Croa- tia), private in the marching regiment of the Foreign Legion, at present on leave in Paris, came to see me, and told me the following: 'As I was in France at the moment of the declaration of war, I hastened to enlist in the Foreign Legion. The medal of St. George which you see on my breast was recently be- stowed on me by His Majesty the Tsar. Several others of my countrymen, who have distin- guished themselves on the fields of battle by 42 deeds of dash or heroism, were similarly deco- rated. All of us Jugoslavs are mixed up with the Czechs, and that is why even the French do not know that we too are fighting on their side. We are fighting with enthusiasm beside the French, for their victory, which will be ours as well, because the foremost result of this victory must be the dissolution of Aus- tria-Hungary, and consequently the deliverance of our whole Jugoslav race from the Austro- Magyar yoke and our reunion with resuscitat- ed Serbia." I SOUTHERN SLAV VOLUNTEERS FROM RUSSIA. Dr. H. Hinkovic, for the Jugoslav Com- mittee, gave following communication through "Manchester Guardian", September 1916: According to a Petrograd despatch pub- lished in the papers, Serbian troops, under the command of the Serbian General Hadjich, have entered Rumania in order to co-operate with the Russian and Rumanian troops. Evi- dently they could only come from Russia. But how did they arrive there? And do we not know that the remnants of the Serbian troops who survived the Albanian castrophe are at present on the Salonika front? Kindly allow me to unveil this mystery. These Serbian contigents are principally formed of the Southern Slav prisoners of war who succeeded in surrendering to the Rus- sians. The war which the Germans and Ma- gyars of Austria-Hungary are waging against Serbia and Russia is for the Austro-Hungarian Southern Slav (Croats, Serbs, and Slovenes) a fratricidal one. To force them to fight their brothers and kinsmen is a crime unparalleled in history. Thousands of young men succeed- ed in escaping from Austria-Hungary, and other thousands who flocked from both Ameri- cas and the British over-seas dominions joined the Serbian army as volunteers and helped to win its magnificent victories. There are also Southern Slavs in the British and French ranks. Tens of thousands are working in American, British, and French ammunition factories. Those who have been by force enrolled in the Austro-Hungarian armies surrendered in mass- es wherever there was an opportunity. It was the Southern Slav Committee which took the JTHB SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL initiative of forming volunteer contigents of Southern Slavs captured by Russians. At our appeal our heroes rushed from all parts of the vast Russsian Empire to perform their sacred duty. Enthusiastically they offered their young lives to a noble cause. This cause is to crush their gaolers the Germans and Magyars; to destroy their prison Austria-Hungary ; to free themselves, and to establish with Serbia an independent State embracing the whole Jugo- slav race. There are those who ask if the Croats and 'Slovenes really wish to join the Serbs. The Jugoslav volunteers who entered Rumania and those who from every possible part rush to Salonika to enlarge the number of the Serbian fighters answer this question in an incontest- able manner. They are all ready to shed their blood with their Serbian brothers with a com- mon enthusiasm for their common fatherland, for their common national ideals. FRANKFURTER ZEITUNG, 10, 16th, has an article from its correspondent Alolf Koes- ter. "The news that there are Russian troops fighting in Dobrudja, under the Rumanian command, must be confirmed; it is a fact though, that on the Roumanian side there is one Serbian division in which besides others, there are a number of Austro-Hungarian vo- lunteers. The Serbian officiers in command have come fron Corfu to Russia, around England...." THE GLOBE (N. Y.), of September 17th, has received the following from Lausanne ;. Some time ago the telegraphic news has stated that there are a number of Serbian troops in Odessa, Russia. We are able, now, to give some authentic news about this unusual phe- nomen. From the large number of prisoners of war captured by Russia, more then one half of them, or about 700,000 are Slav, Rouma- nians or Italians. Russia did not ask one prisoner of war to volunteer into the army, but thousands of prisoners ; Croat, Bosnian and Herzegovinian have asked to be enrolled in a Serbian Corps. Their wishes have been grant- ed and last May, one hundred and thirty Serb- ian Officiers have gone to Russsia to organize these volunteers. Since then the number, without doubt, has risen considerably. This movement is of more political then military consideration and it will no doubt, be of great significance for the Austro-Hun- garian Slavs." ti SotifHEttN SLAV'S THE JUGOSLAV VOLUNTEERS IN THE BATTLE OF DOBRUDJA, SEPTEMBER 1916. The first Jugoslav division, numbering 25,000 men, has given an excellent account of themselves in the big battle fought the later part of September in Dobrudja. This division is composed entirely ot ex-Austrian soldiers that were made prisoneres of war in Russia and now are volunteering into the army. They were on the left of the battle line covering the town of Constanza. The position of the Allied army was extremely bad, and when the lines started to waver the time came for our volunteers to go into the battle under the leadership of he high Serbian officers. The enemy stormed the lines of this particular di- vision eighteen times without success. Furious at such resistance, Mackensen ordered cavalry to storm the lines but our boys broke the enemy lines with bombs and bayonets. Five thou- sand Germans were killed and eight big guns and sixteen mittrailleuse composed the booty taken from the Germans. The Second Jugo- slav division has been also formed and with the first one it will make a special Jugoslav Corps under the command of the Serbian general. This has been also noted by the Austrian Press and the Roumanian high command has complimented our volunteers. Even the Russian Tsar on the occassion of the review of the Jugoslav troops at Odesa has congratulated our troops for its bravery. THE PROCLAMATION OF GEN. 2IVKOVI6 TO THE JUGOSLAV VOLUNTEERS. M. Zivkovic, Serbian commander and gen- eral adjutant to His Majesty the King. The Novoe Vremja, leading Russian news- paper, published in Petrograd, Oct. 17, has brought the following order of the day, given by General M. Zivkovic, commander of the Jugoslav volunteers in Russia. "I consider myself fortunate that his Majesty our beloved King Peter has given me the command of the volunteer corps, which is composed of the sons of the Serbo-Croat-Slo- vene people, and of our brothers Czechs and Slovaks. I am especially glad to see you all united, of your own free will, in the blessed land of the defender of Slavs, the great Russia. I am confident that the long awaited day, the day of the liberation and the union of the Jugo- slav people and the liberation of the Czechs and Slovaks from the Austrian yoke, has arrived. In the past, we have always been cogni- zant of our peril and so for centuries we had to fight our enemies. Today, as participants in this great war for rights, we can see more clearly, better than ever before, that the safe- ty of the Jugoslavs lies in unity and solidarity. I can see that your young hearts are full with this idea, and I as your commander can testify that you have been fighting for it as heroes, as well as your brothers from Sumava, and the first division's heroical sacrifice is the best proof of it. Heroes, do not forget for a moment that in this war against our wicked enemies, not only the survival of the Kingdom of Serbia is at stake, but the whole question of unification of all Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, in one insep- arable state of Jugoslavia, as well as the future of our sister countries, Bohemia and Slovak- land. Serbia has proved to the world that her existence is not worth while without being united with her sisters, Croatia and Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Dalma- tia, Srijem, Backa and Banat, and without free Bohemia and Slovakland. In volunteering to fight for Jugoslavia, you are fulfilling the vow of your great teachers: "Love your brother, whatever his faith." ?HB SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPBAJ- LORD CROMER ON THE JUGOSLAVS (From "The Spectator", August, 1916.) "Some of the smaller countries of the world owe their importance largely to the accident of their geographical position. Egypt and Belgium are cases in point. Serbia is another. Serbia occupies a position of the highest strategical and political importance. 'Just as in the Middle Ages Serbia lay across the path of the Turkish conquerors moving westwards, so last autumn she blocked the path of the German conquerors moving eastwards.' It cannot be too clearly understood that the Drang nach Osten has constituted the corner- stone of the foundations on which all recent German policy has been built. The fact that at the commencement of the war the efforts of the German General Staff appeared to be exclusively directed to reaching Paris some- what obscured this view of the question. The British public were disposed to think that German action in 1914 was analogous to that of 1870. In reality, no such analogy existed. In 1870, the Germans were fighting to secure German unity and nothing more. This almost necessarily led to a conflict with France. In 1914, the French contest was merely a side- show. The defeat of the French Army and the occupation of Paris were mainly regarded as indispensable preludes to the execution of an Eastern policy which had long been contem- plated. This became apparent when the advance to Paris was checked. The true cha- racter of the war became manifest when King Ferdinand of Bulgaria threw off the mask and events developed in Mesopotamia. The real objective of the German Goverment was then revealed. That objective had been explained by numerous German writers long before the war commenced." Dealing with various ways of combating Germany's sinister and ambitious projects, Lord Cromer says: "One of them is to main- tain intact that naval supremacy which excites the boundless wrath of Count Reventlow, and which has induced him to term Great Britain the 'Vampire of the Continent.' But this alone would not suffice to secure the object in view. Another highly efficacious method would be to adopt the policy advocated by Dr. Seton- Watson, and described by Prince Alexander of Serbia as 'the union in one single Fatherland of all the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, who are one people with the same traditions, the same tongue, the same tendencies, but whom an evil fate has divided.' Further, Bohemia must be rendered autonomous. The disintegration of Austria would be a necessary consequence of these changes. The German provinces of Austria would fall to Germany. There is no reason why they should not do so. Their adjunction would be in strict conformity with the application of those Nationalist principles which are generally favoured in all democratic countries. Moreover, the addition of a South German population to the German Empire would possibly strengthen the revolt against that disastrous Prussian hegemony which has caused such fatal results, and which may not improbably receive a check from the Germans themselves when the present war is con- cluded." Lord Cromer concludes: "The formation of a strong Southern Slav State, which 'would form a barrier against Teutonic aggression, ought not to encounter any opposition in Italy. Its creation would be distinctly favourable to Italian interests. The Hungarians will, of course, be violently op- posed to any such political combination. The spirit which still animates the Magyars is the same as that proclaimed by Kossuth, who was only a Liberal when direct Magyar interests were at stake, when he said: 'I know no Croa- tian nationality'. This opposition should not, however, be allowed to stand in the way of the realization of the project. On grounds alike of sentiment and interest, the establishment of a Southern Slav Federation merits not merely the sympathy, but the full support of the British Government. Thus, Dr. Seton- Watson says: 'The small and land-locked Serbia of the past will be transformed into a strong and united Southern Slav State upon the eastern shore of the Adriatic, no longer seething with unrest as the result of Magyar misrule in Croatia and Austrian economic tariffs, but free at last to develop a national life which has resisted five centuries of Turkish oppression.' Moreover, by the adop- tion of this plan not only would an act of political justice be performed, but a very valuable guarantee for the future peace of the world would be secured." PART VI CROATS AND SLOVENES IN AUSTRIA- HUNGARY AND THE SOUTHERN SLAV UNITY. CROATIA AND NATIONAL UNITY. From the fifteenth century to the present day every Croatian Parliament has consistently demanded that the national territory should not be divided, but united in one state. Croa- tia has always been the home of every move- ment in favour of Jugoslav unity. Her greatest men, no less than every one of her nineteenth- century Parliaments, have never ceased to preach the doctrine of Jugoslav unity to the nation, especially to the Serbs and Croats. It was because Austria and Germany realized that a union between Croats and Slovenes on the one hand, and 'Serbs and Croats on the other, would endanger their supremacy in the Adriatic, that the Central Powers provoked this war, through which they hoped to deal the Jugoslavs a mortal blow by crushing the New Serbia of the Karageorgevic, that most dan- gerous focus for the creation of a future Ju- goslav state. In 1712 the Croatian Parliament accepted the Austrian "Pragmatic Sanction" before the Hungarian Parliament did so, and independ- ently of its decision. The Pragmatic Sanction includes a clause to the effect that the Croatian nation transfers "the Eoyal Power and Prero- gative and the Rights of the Kingdom to such descendants of the house of Austria in the fe- male line as shall become possessed of Styria, Carnia, and Carinthia," thus emphasizing the demand of the nation that the Slovene coun- tries should not be divided from Croatia. The national awakening of Croatia and the Croats began with the so-called "Illyrian movement" in 1832. This movement was es- sentially Jugoslav in its character, having for its ideal the union of the whole nation from Skutari to Varna and the Triglav. In 1848, during the reign of Ban Jellacic and at the time of the war against the Ma gyars, who tried even then to Magyarize Croa- tia, the Croatian Parliament proclaimed "the unity of the Serbs and Croats" and their brotherhood in arms, adopting "all Serbian claims as our own, even as we form one nation with the Serbs, and will never permit ourselves to be divided from them." The Parliament further demanded that the provinces of Dal- matia, Istria, Gorizia, Carnia, Carniola, and Southern Styria should be included in the union of Croatia and the Serbian Vojvodina. When in 1860 the Austrian Constitution was re-established, and the Conference con- voked by the Ban of Croatia was invited to express its views, it replied by demanding that "all Dalmatia, and at least the Quarnero Is- lands of Krk, Cres, and Losinj belonging to Istria, as well as the former Croatian districts of Volosco, Labin, and Novigrad should be united with Croatia." * * * The Croatian Parliament of 1861 and 1865 again affirmed the national unity of Croats and Serbs, and demanded the territorial union of all Jugoslav lands in Austria. * * # Even under the regime of Count Khuen Hedervary (1883-1903), the most corrupt ever known in Croatia, the Croatian Parliament in- sisted upon the necessity of free and brotherly intercourse between Serbs and Croats; and the language used in all Government offices and schools was officially designated as the "Serbo-Croat language." Since 1906 the majority in the Croatian Parliament has consisted of members of the Serbo-Croat Coalition, a group of parties which has never failed to obtain a majority at all elections, even upon occasions when the Government has done its utmost to terrorize the electors. The Serbo-Croat Coalition has for its party programme the union of Croats, Serbs, and Slovenes. The opposition consists of a few members belonging to a small party which is both Austrophil and Serbophobe. The Magyaropbil party came to an end many years ago. 46 THE SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL CROATS AND MAGYARS. We quote the following extracts (penned in 1860 and 1862) from the writings of Mons. Fran jo Racki, the well-known Croatian histo- rian and politician, and first President of the Jugoslav Academy of Art and Science, found- ed in 1867 by Bishop Strossmayer (vide Vla- dimir Zagorki, Francois Racki et la Renais- sance Scientifique et Politique de la Croatic. Paris, 1909) : "If the Balkan Peninsula had heen grant- ed the centuries of comparative peace necessa- ry to the development of state society, the racial differences would have been gradually obliterated, and the various nationalities amal- gamated in one national community, which would have proved strong enough to constitute an independent State between the Adriatic and the Black Sea. The principal reason why the Jugoslavs have not taken that place in history to which they are entitled both by their num- bers and their geographical position, is that they never succeeded in creating their own body politic. "The treaty between Hungary and Croa- tia in the twelfth century not only interrupted the growth of the Croatian state, but post- poned the development of Jugoslav unity for centuries. Every thinking man must admit that South Eastern Europe owes its present aspect by which it is a menace to civilization, only to the absence of a strong Jugoslav state, which would have prevented the Turks from establishing themselves in Europe. "Hungarian policy has always aimed at undermining Croatian independence, so that Hungary might reach the sea across Croatia, just as in former times (this was written in 1860) Hungary sougfit to dominate Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Rumania, so that she might carry her power as far as the Balkan Mountains and the Lower Danube. The idea of Jugoslav unity, no matter whether it appeared in Croatia, Serbia, or Bosnia, never had a more determined or ruthless enemy than Hungary. "We see in Jugoslav solidarity the strong- est guarantee for our national existence; but, rightly or wrongly, the Magyars see in it the grave of their own nationality. We look upon the liberation of the East as a primary condi- tion for a better national future, whereas the Magyars look upon it as the beginning of their downfall or at least as the end of their claims to supremacy. ' ' The Croats can honestly say to the Serbs : 'we do not aim at supremacy, because there can be no question of supremacy between two branches of the same nation. Whatever you may achieve, we will gladly acknowledge it and join hands with you. You are masters of the Drina. May God bless your standards when you cross the river." We will also quote Tadija Smiciklas, the author of the first systematically compiled} history of Croatia, late President of the Jugo- slav Academy (died 1914). In 1888 he wrote the following: "The Serbs and Croats are one nation. The best and foremost sons of our nation bow their heads before this highest principle ; but the idea of nationality can only be realized by national union." SPEECH BY MR. TRUMBI6, IN THE DAL- MATIAN DIET IN 1903, ON THE PAN- GERMAN PERIL AND THE NEED FOR A UNION OF THE EN- DANGERED NATIONS. (Mr. Trumbic is the President of the Ju- goslav Committee in London). In 1903 Croatia was convulsed by a na- tional movement which aimed at freeing the country from Magyar tyranny as represented by Count Khuen Hedervary. The disturbances which arose in Croatia at the time, accom- panied by wholesale incarcerations and nume- rous executions under martial law, found an echo in Dalmatia, in Istria, and in the Slovene land; the idea of Jugoslav communion of in- terests and the national Serbo-Croat and Slo- vene unity was strenghtened by it and pulsated more vigorously than before. The contempt- uous attitude of Francis Joseph, who would not condescent to receive the deputies of the Dalmatian Diet, who petitioned for the aboli- tion of martial law, merely whetted the desire for deliverance and the hatred for Austria- Hungary, who wanted to force the German language upon discontented Dalmatia. Of the leaders of that movement some ar in Austrian prisons, others are safe obroad, be- yond the reach of Austrian persecution, and furthering the work of union and deliverance. The Deputy, Dr. Trumbic, now President of the Jugoslav Committee, made a momentous speech at the time (Nov. 7, 1903), in which lie exposed the methods which Austria employed THE SOUTHERN SLAV'S APPEAL 47 to isolate Dalmatia from the other Jugoslav provinces. Criticizing the machinations of Austria, who was trying to introduce the German lan- guage by force, Dr. Trumbic" said: "We d^ not want a foreign language. The rights, sen- timents, and aspirations of the nation are on- posed to it, because they demand that pn'd? of place should be given to our native l*v guage, both in the Government offices and in the home administration of our own country. National sentiment refuses to tolerate subjec- tion to the foreigner within its own borders. Our national aspirations are not leading us towards Germanism, but towards liberty. An attempt is being made to force the German language upon us under the pretext of unify- ing the administration of the State. But in a State desirous of possessing wholesome and sound foundations there can be no needs be- yond the needs of the people. And woe to the State in which the interests of the State are not identical with those of the people! "Germanism threatens to make the aspi- rations of the Croats an impossibility. Greater Germany is gravitating towards the South of Europe to enslave under its yoke the beauti- ful lands which are the heritage of the Croats. Germany is threatening the entire South of Europe with her plans of conquest ; it is a fact recognized by all Europe except Austria. Ger- many is as great a menace to the oppressed Croats as to the Magyar oppressors, who are so intoxicated by their Pan-Magyar idea that they fail to perceive that they are only the tool of the Teuton, to be thrown away when it has served its turn. Germany is a peril not only to the non-Germanic nationalities in Aus- tria and the Balkans, but also to one of the great nations of Southern Europe, viz., our neighbour Italy. What, then, is the lesson we must learn from this peril? Our only lesson is, that we must go forward all united, and shoulder to shoulder, in order to oppose a com- mon front to the common foe. "It is inevitable that the Croats should seek for support abroad, seeing that we may look for help in vain in this Monarchy where we are isolated and oppressed. The moral support of foreign nations may help us more than guns. The help of other nations and the conviction of Europe that our cause is good, that our claims are sacred and justified, since they spring from the right to life and existence, can alone change the destiny of our nation, which has seen nothing but in- justice and suffering in this Monarchy from time immemorial down to this day. This Monarchy, which ought to be a refuge for small nations in the heart of Europe, has be- trayed its trust. Instead of being a house of liberty for the nations and helping them in their progress and development, it is neither more nor less than a slave market. Conflicts between nationalities are raised, fictitious ad- ministrative needs invented which are contra- ry to the welfare of the peoples and solely ful- fil the purpose of protracting the present state of affairs. It seems that this Empire is incur- able. So long as Austria felt equal to the task, she oppressed her nationalitites single-handed ; when she no longer felt equal to it, she created the Dualism, handing over the nationalities who lived in the other half of the Monarchy to the savage caprice of the Magyars, while she continued her own pernicious labours in her own half. "The events which have recently taken place in our Croatian fatherland are calculat- ed to disillusion even those old champions who hoped that the Monarchy would in the end bring its interests into harmony with those of the Croatian people. Alas, these fair dreams are shattered and the old champions are in de- spair. As if all were at an end, if Austria will not consent to be just. But this despair is out of place so long as the nation lives ; and we have been obliged to say: 'There is no justice in the Monarchy for the Croats.' We should add at once: 'Our nation has existed before the Monarchy, and it will exist after it.' (A voice: 'Both within the Monarchy and without!') "Violence will have had its day, and so long as a nation lives on its own soil then, so long as it is not dead, there is always hope of success. The younger generation, by re- awakening hope in the heart of the nation and looking to the nation itself for support and strenght, and abroad for moral support, will carry on the work of emancipation, and we shall attain our goal, which is to make the Croats a nation which is its own master. I will conclude my remarks with the words with which Milan Samardzic, leader of Krivo- sie insurgents, welcomed the Austrian General Eodic: 'May God give Austria all she desires for us Croats." These are the words spoken by Mr. Trum- bic, thirteen years ago, with the applause of the Dalmatian Diet. 48 THE SOUTHERN FEW OF MANY DECLARATIONS OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN CROATIAN PARLIAMENT SINCE THE BEGINNING OF WAR. When the Croatian Parliament reassem- bled this year in July, i. e., under the most try- ing conditions of a war atmosphere, it declared through the Speaker, amids a storm of enthu- siastic applause from all parties, that the Cro- ats demand the Freedom, unity, and independ- ence of the nation. During the sittings sharp comments were passed upon the Germans and Magyars, and upon the policy pursued by Vienna and Budapest. In one of the last sittings of the Zagreb Sabor, Mr. Vilder, Serbo-Croat deputy and editor of the news paper Hrvatski Pokret, which has been suspended, spoke in answer to a press campaign inaugurated against him by an Austrophil journal. Mr. Vilder said : "I am replying from the platform of a deputy because the existing typographic conditions (he was referring to the censorship) do not permit me to reply through the press to the polemics of hostile journals. The abnormal conditions which pre- vail because of the war are being exploited by the Austrophil elements. Every Serb and Croat who does not belong to the Frank party is denounced as a traitor to the State. As for me, I am accused of having declared that the idea of the Serbo-Croat coalition will survive the war. Well, yes ; here, during the war even, I tell you frankly that the idea of national Serbo-Croat unity will live after the war as it lived before it. I am only re-stating here in a few words what thousands of the best sons of the Croatian people have said and preached. It will be just the same in the future. Without considering myself a prophet, I can assert with perfect confidence that, even if after the peace treaty the frontiers remain as they are at present, those in power will be obliged to reckon with this idea. ' ' Te sitting on June 14, the first of the new session, was opened by a loyalist speech by SLAV'S APPEAL Mr. Pero Magdic who, referring to the war on the Adriatic front, said: ''The enemy is stretching his hand towards our Croatian sea with the object of depriving us of our most precious pearl." Mr. Veceslav Vilder, member of the Serbo-Croat Coalition, spoke of his attachment to the idea of Serbo-Croat unity which he does not fear to defend in spite of all informers. ' ' The same day, in the Budget Committee of the Croatian Sabor, Mr. Alexander Horvat, of the Frank party, refused to vote for the indemnity, giving the following reason for his refusal : "We have no liberty to express our thoughts through the press. Everything moves under the rule of the court martial, which constantly weighs upon Croatia . . . Political censorship is pitilessly rampant although utterly without system in the columns of our- newspapers. The Magyar politicians, both in the Goverment and in the Opposition, are free to express their views on the future reorganiza- tion of the Monarchy, especially in all that concerns the conquered territory of the king- dom of Serbia; they discuss home and foreign politics, and insult and provoke us at their leisure. If we attempt to defend Croatian rights, or even to copy what they freely write, we are inexorably censored. In the sitting of the Sabor on June 17 Mr. Stjepan Radio, of the peasant party, critizised the Hungaro-Croatian Compromise and re- gretted the lacunae in the instruction received by the Croatian youth. He complains of our students' ignorance of foreign languages, especially of Russian. His party, which accepts the integral unity of Croats, Serbs, and Slovenes, is opposed to the Hungaro-Croatian Compromise, which is contrary to the national unity: "Conscious of being Slavs and Europe- ans we must endeavour to overthrow the exist- ing Hungarian Goverment; the future of the Croats is safe, because they are bound to the West by their intellectual influence, and to Russia by racial affinity." UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. NO PHONE RENEWALS HOY 3 1987 41987 A 000022357 8 OJ218 II III