i of Agricultural Sciences UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA FERTILIZERS and COVERCROPS for CALIFORNIA ORCHARDS 1 1 E. L PROEBSTING -4 n t Station sion Service CIRCULAR 466 •7 I **>, * .:..• ,.. .; ' : , An Orchard Fertilizer Program . . . must take into account the condition of the soil, the species of fruit, and any nutrient deficiency symptoms shown by the trees. Since all these factors vary with individual orchards, no quick and easy method is avail- able for determining whether fertilizer is needed. This circular suggests ways for finding out whether an orchard would profit by fertilization, describes nutrient deficiency symptoms, and indicates applica- tion methods. Covercrops are discussed both as sources of organic material and as aids for maintaining good soil struc- ture. THE AUTHOR: E. L. Proebsting is Professor of Pomology and Pomologist in the Experiment Station,. Davis. JANUARY 1958 Photograph at left shows liquid fertilizer being applied in an almond orchard. Roots, soil, and water affect the fertilizer program The success of a fertilizer program for the orchard depends upon a rather com- plex root-soil-water relationship. A ma- ture tree has a system of permanent roots extending throughout the available soil, plus many small, temporary feeder roots. The latter grow, die, and are replaced by new roots one or more times each year. During growth, the surfaces of these feeder roots absorb water and mineral elements necessary for the normal nutri- tion of the tree. Many factors influencing the absorp- tion of nutrients are concerned with the soil — its fertility, depth, texture, mois- ture, temperature, drainage, and aera- tion. Trees may secure as much from a good soil only 4 feet deep as from a poor one twice that depth, but they will rarely perform satisfactorily on a shallow soil even if it is a good one, properly irri- gated and fertilized. In very coarse or very heavy soils, root branching may be unsatisfactory, and roots may fail to ex- tract nutrients efficiently from a given volume of soil. Roots will not grow in dry soil nor will most species grow in saturated soil. Such conditions reduce the active root surface and probably the efficiency per unit of root surface, thus limiting nutri- ent absorption. This absorption is also dependent on the correct soil temperature as deter- mined for various species. For trees, the lower limit is probably near 45° F, the maximum rate of activity, near 70° F. Above 90° F there is little activity, and at slightly higher temperatures the roots will die. In order to grow and function, tree roots need oxygen. Saturated or tight soil through which the air can move only slowly will not provide a good environ- ment. Other factors affecting nutrient ab- sorption are the species of tree and its rootstock. Different species have differ- ent habits of root growth. Some branch profusely, some very sparsely, under the same conditions. Different roots also have different abilities to extract nutri- ents from a given soil. It has been found, for example, that the same variety of apple growing on two selections of root- stocks in a potassium-deficient soil have shown deficiency symptoms on one stock and not on the other. In order that any added fertilizers may be absorbed, they must be brought into areas where the roots can come in con- [31 tact with them. The depth to which they must penetrate will depend on conditions in the orchard. If there is sod, for ex- ample, the roots may grow to within an inch of the surface, whereas in some clean-cultivated orchards there may be but few roots in the top foot of soil. In the latter case, the fertilizer must be a kind that will penetrate with rain or irri- gation water, or else must be placed in the root zone mechanically in order to be absorbed by the tree. Not all fertilizers, though soluble, will move downward with water. Most soils have the ability to fix some of the com- mon fertilizers. Potassium (potash, or K) is fixed — that is, taken out of solution and held — by most California soils. Even on sandy soils with a fixing power less than that of the heavy soils, large surface applications are necessary for penetra- tion into the root zone. Phosphorus (phosphate, or P) also may be retained in large amounts by the surface soil. Some of the nitrogenous fertilizers, in- cluding all ammonia compounds, are fixed temporarily, but are changed by soil bacteria to nitrate, a form in which nitrogen is free to move to the root zone. In light or shallow soils subjected to heavy rainfall or excessive irrigation, loss of nitrogen may be serious because the nitrate may be washed through the root zone and lost in the drainage water. Loss may also occur in soil that remains saturated for a considerable period, a condition suitable for the destruction of nitrogen compounds. This so-called de- nitrification process results in release of gaseous nitrogen to the atmosphere. How to determine whether your orchard needs fertilizer To insure maximum production, the grower must know the condition of his orchard's soil. Many California orchards are on soils capable of supplying all the required nutrients. In such cases, addi- tion of fertilizer is not profitable. How- ever, some soils may have had low initial reserves of one or more nutrients, or may now be depleted of their original supply. These soils will require fertilization. Many factors other than the actual supply or nutrients in a soil affect their absorption by a particular kind of tree. Because of this, no single, quick, and easy method is available for determining whether a soil requires' fertilizer. Some progress has been made with several methods, four of which are discussed be- low: soil analysis, plant analysis, defi- ciency symptoms, and orchard plot trials. Soil analysis A complete soil analysis is of little or no value in determining fertilizer re- quirements because it includes all nutri- ents present in a given soil without indi- cating how much of each is actually available to the plant. However, various laboratory tests have been developed for determining available nutrients. These, too, are not completely satisfactory be- cause they may show the approximate total supply of an element that a plant can use, but not the rate at which it may be available for a particular crop. If the supply is found to be large, it may be assumed adequate; if exceptionally low, presumably nutrients should be added. Also, no field is uniform in composition, and soil varies in character at different depths. To be of any value, a soil sample [4] must be taken near the roots, and must be representative of the area. If the change in soil character over the area is great, samples from each type of soil must be taken. Several types of kits for determining available soil nutrients are on the mar- ket. Tests with these kits are not reliable for deciduous fruit trees although good results have been obtained with some field crops. No soil test used so far, whether field or laboratory, has proved satisfactory for either nitrogen or phos- phate determination. The Neubauer test for potassium is slow and expensive, and while useful, is not reliable in the range near a slight deficiency. Plant analysis Both laboratory and field methods have been developed for analysis of cer- tain tree parts. As with soil analyses, results vary, depending on modifying factors affecting the tissue tested. For example, leaf composition changes throughout the season. The nitrogen con- tent of apricot leaves in one orchard was found to drop from 3.75 per cent in April to 2 per cent in August. The char- acter and rate of change differ for the different elements and will be modified by size of crop, seasonal conditions, and cultural practices, such as pruning, as well as by the available nutrients. The success of this method depends on ex- perience and a knowledge of the fruit concerned. Deficiency symptoms The mineral elements known to be necessary for plant growth fall into three groups: 1 . Commercial fertilizers — nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. These ele- ments are used in large amounts by plants, and are often deficient in many soils throughout the world. 2. Elements usually present in suffi- cient amounts for plant growth — cal- cium, magnesium, sulfur — but possibly required in additional amounts to pro- vide good soil structure. 3. Minor, or microelements — manga- nese, iron, boron, zinc, copper, molybde- num. Plants require minute amounts of these for successful growth. In addition to chemical tests for avail- ability of these elements, the trees should be observed. Often they will show "de- ficiency" symptoms that indicate the need for a particular element. These symptoms are not completely reliable by themselves, but are valuable when con- sidered in conjunction with soil or plant analyses. However, where deficiency of an element is suspected, application should be on a trial basis at first (see p. 9) to determine whether large-scale application would be profitable. Of the elements absorbed by roots and known to be essential for growth of fruit trees, all except phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, and molybdenum have been re- ported inadequate in deciduous orchards somewhere in California. Nitrogen is the most important ele- ment as a fertilizer for trees. To produce maximum crops, trees need additions of this material more than of any other. Every major fruit district in California, and all species, have shown nitrogen de- ficiency in at least some orchards. Many orchards, however, are plentifully sup- plied from reserves in the soil. In bear- ing trees, an acute nitrogen shortage is indicated by pale, yellowish-green leaves, smaller than normal; short vegetative shoots, usually small in diameter; pro- fuse bloom, but very heavy drop, result- ing in light set and poor crop; small fruit maturing early, followed by early leaf fall. These symptoms appear in the peach sooner than in most other species. If nitrogen is supplied to a tree in this con- dition, the first response will be an im- proved leaf color and better growth. Fruit production may or may not be affected the first season. If the per cent of set is increased, the yield may be [51 Deficiency symptoms in peach. Top to bottom: magnesium deficiency in leaves; nitrogen deficiency in leaves; copper de- ficiency in leaves and shoots. better, and the size improved. The ac- celerated growth and the larger leaf area will provide a larger and better-nour- ished fruiting area, thus permitting the setting of more and stronger fruit buds. This development, in turn, should in- crease production the second season. Sometimes this cycle is repeated with annual increases for four or five years. Phosphorus deficiency symptoms, less clearly defined in fruit trees, have been seen almost exclusively in pot- culture experiments. Under these arti- ficial restrictions, the condition devel- oped is one of stunted growth and dark- green or somewhat bronzed leaves, which may be thickened. Trees grow and pro- duce well on a phosphate-deficient soil in which most annuals fail to make normal development. In a soil having the lowest phosphate-supplying power of any so far investigated in California, the common species of fruit trees failed to respond to added phosphate, although annuals in- creased growth five to 20 times that of their unfertilized checks. Potassium deficiency has usually ap- peared as local spots varying in size from a few trees to several acres, and includ- ing most of our fruit species. The Sacra- mento Valley and coastal valleys have shown the most trouble. Treatment has not always been successful, particularly where symptoms are severe. Deficiency may result in leaf scorch and die-back, sometimes with burning and shriveling of the fruit. Leaf scorch, observed in several fruit species, usually appears on the leaf margin, but may also involve most of the leaf blade. It seems likely that the reduced leaf area limits the food supply available to the roots. This, in turn, reduces the absorbing surface and the efficiency of the roots, resulting in further deficiency. The most severe and widespread potassium deficiency has been found with prunes. This has usually been associated with overbearing, and the condition has been markedly im- [6] Peach leaves showing typical leaf scorch of potassium deficiency. Manganese deficiency in prune leaves. Note yellowing in areas between veins. Boron deficiency symptoms in prune shoots, as indicated by dying back of terminals. Peach leaves showing yellowing as a result of iron deficiency. tk.tL&,.JWMJ Zinc deficiency (little-leaf) of apricot. Treated branch at right. proved by limiting the crop to about 4 dry tons per acre in the interior valleys, and less in the coastal areas. Peaches and almonds have shown much less damage in situations where prunes have been un- profitable. Early loss of leaves and dying back of the tips, followed by new growth from the last live bud, tend to give a zig- zag growth, short and brushy. Trees which show no deficiency symptoms rarely have responded to added potas- sium. Calcium deficiency has not been noted in California orchards. However, calcium in the form of gypsum or lime has proved beneficial as a soil amend- ment in certain areas. Magnesium deficiency is seldom found in California. When it does occur, it is mostly in coastal areas. The basal leaves of affected trees develop brownish blotches and drop off. The tips may con- tinue growth while more leaves drop and a few remain at the ends of bare shoots. Fruit-bud production may be greatly re- duced. Sulfur deficiency has not been re- ported for fruit trees in California, but the material has been used extensively as a corrective for alkali soils. Manganese deficiency symptoms of a severe nature have been found in sev- eral species (notably walnuts) in Ven- tura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo counties, and in small areas else- where. In mild cases, yellowing occurs in the areas between the veins of leaves. In severe cases, these areas die, and many leaves fall prematurely. Some trees may be practically defoliated by late summer. Milder cases on peaches and apricots, and less often on other species, occur in both the coastal and the interior valleys. Iron deficiency, or so-called "lime- induced chlorosis." is common on highly calcareous soils. A deficient area along the southern end of San Francisco Bav [8] has been known for many years, and other such areas have been noted over the state. The lack of iron causes yellow- ing of leaves (except the network of veins) and, in some cases, complete loss of green color. The soils on which trees develop these characteristics are not usu- ally low in iron, but the excess lime renders the iron unavailable. Boron deficiency was first noted in California in the olive, with the follow- ing symptoms: death of terminal buds; scorch of leaf tips; greatly reduced set of fruit; and deformed fruit known as "monkey-face." The apple and pear in the Sierra foothill area may show "blast" of blossoms, dying back of shoots, and the development of hard, brown, corky areas in the flesh of the fruit. The latter symptom seems much less common in coastal counties. In the European plum, brown, dry, pithy areas may develop in the fruit flesh. There may also be dying back of terminals. The prune in Sonoma County has shown a witch's broom effect called "brushy branch." The walnut shows poorly developed leaves, often misshapen, usually accompanied by die- back and chlorosis. So far, no evidence of boron deficiency has been found on the Japanese plum, even when growing among European plums with marked deficiency symptoms. In the coast coun- ties, deficiency and excess situations occur within a few miles of each other. Zinc deficiency is responsible for a trouble long known as "little-leaf," "ro- sette," or "corral sickness." (Corral sick- ness has also been us©d to designate cop- per deficiency.) Extensive zinc-deficient areas have been found in the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys and in smaller spots elsewhere in the state. The most common symptom is a tuft of small, often deformed, yellowish leaves at the ends of shoots. Symptoms vary somewhat with the species. Fruit abnormalities are com- mon, and crops are usually very small. Copper deficiency is rare, but has been found associated with zinc defi- ciency in some corral spots and old Indian camps, as well as in small areas of pear and apple orchards in the central coast district. Symptoms resemble those of zinc deficiency, but leaf scorch and roughened bark may also occur. Almonds in San Luis Obispo County show severe gumming on the trunk. Molybdenum, although essential for plant growth, is needed only in minute amounts. On the basis of present infor- mation, deficiencies seem highly improb- able, and have not been observed in California orchards. Orchard plot trials The need for fertilizer is indicated by the condition of the trees, as determined by observation of symptoms, and by soil and plant analyses. If these factors point to the need of a particular element, the grower should try it on a limited scale. Suitable fertilization practices can be de- veloped if the plot test shows a profitable response. The grower must have clear objectives before laying out a test plot. He may wish to know whether any fertilizer will pay, or what element is needed, or how much of a needed material should be used. Plots should be chosen carefully to represent the average of the block be- cause individual trees vary in their re- sponses to the same treatment. Each plot should contain at least 10 trees. To insure success, plots must be prop- erly compared. Detailed records are rarely necessary, but some measure should be made. In addition to observ- able symptoms, a count of the number of boxes of fruit per tree is usually an accurate enough index. Observation alone may not be adequate in evaluating differences ranging up to 20 per cent. For help in planning orchard test plots, consult your University of Cali- fornia Farm Advisor. [9] How to apply the fertilizers your orchard needs Nitrogen The most common problems of nitro- gen fertilization concern source of the element, time of application, and amount to use. The chart below summarizes the characteristics of the most common sources of nitrogen. (Organic sources, other than synthetic urea, are not in- cluded. Manure and covercrops consti- tute the primary sources of organic ma- terials, although sewage sludge, blood meal, tankage, fish emulsions, bone meal, and seed meals contribute to the total. These materials are largely by-products from other manufacturing processes, and their nitrogen content is usually rather low compared with that of the inorganic sources listed.) All of the materials in the chart have been used successfully in orchards as sources of nitrogen. For most growers, the price per unit of actual nitrogen will determine the choice. In special situa- tions, however, other factors are impor- tant. For example, it would be unwise to use sodium nitrate where sodium toxicity is a danger. A material with an acid residue is to be preferred in an alkaline soil and to be avoided in a highly acid soil. Experimental plots with different sources of nitrogen have been compared. The trials normally extended over a five- year period. These trials showed that the tree response was the same for a given amount of actual nitrogen regardless of the source. Nitrogen is necessary at the time of bloom and of spring growth to insure an adequate per cent of set and proper vigor in the new growth. The leaf area developed on this new growth manu- factures the food which is necessary for further vegetative growth of both top and roots, and for fruit development. Soon after blossoming, the stimulus is given to fruit-bud formation for the next year's crop, and nitrogen is required for this process. It seems logical to assume that the need for a supply of nitrogen is Here Are the Pri NAME Compound formula * Anhydrous ammonia NH 3 Ammonia solution NH 4 OH Ammonium sulfate (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 j Ammonium nitrate NH 4 N0 3 Ammonium phosphate- sulfate (16-20) mixture * Ammonium phosphate Calcium nitrate NH 4 H 2 P0 4 T Ca(N0 3 ) 2 *- Urea NH.CONH, 4 Sodium nitrate NaN0 3 Calcium cyanamide CaCN 2 * There is no serious trouble w ith the physical pro -0 [10] most critical at this stage of the growth cycle. To insure this supply, most grow- ers apply nitrogen in the dormant season. If it is in the form of nitrate, the timing may be as late as a month before bloom. Time must be allowed for rains to carry the nitrate into the root zone. Nitrate may be applied earlier unless the soil is very light or shallow, in which case leaching may reduce the effectiveness. If the nitrogen is in the form of am- monia, whether combined with other substances (for example, ammonium sulfate) or not, it will be "fixed" by the soil. That is, it will combine with a cer- tain portion of the soil in a form that prevents its movement into deeper layers. At ordinary rates of application, am- monia will be practically completely re- moved from solution in 2 inches or less of soil. Soil bacteria then act on the ammonia to change it into nitrate, in which form it is free to move. It is neces- sary to allow at least a month for this process if nitrate is to be in the root zone when it is needed. There is evidence that nitrate can be absorbed by roots before top growth begins if the soil temperature is not too low. It appears that most of the nitrate used in the growth cycle is absorbed fairly early in the season. Late applica- tions, during the growing season, may increase the absorption and give a nitro- gen response, but do not take the place of available nitrate in the early spring. pal Commercial Sources of Nitrogen for Orchards er cent itogen Advantages Disadvantages* 82 High nitrogen percentage ; ease of appli- cation; no residue; little danger of leaching (a) In irrigation water: Uneven distribu- tion if irrigation system not adapted to its use. Cannot be used with sprinklers. (b) Dry injection: Some loss if ground is trashy or cloddy sually >20 31 Easier to handle than anhydrous; no residue Same as for anhydrous Acid residue (for alkaline soils) ; little danger of loss by leaching ; ease of han- dling Acid residue (for very acid soils). Delayed availability during nitrification High N percentage ; no residue. Half im- mediately available, half delayed ,16 Same as ammonium sulfate. Carries phosphate if needed for covercrop Same as ammonium sulfate __v 15.5 142 L High phosphate content where needed for covercrops Low N percentage Calcium residue (for acid or high sodium soils). Immediate availability May be leached High N percentage. Is not fixed if irri- gated at once, before conversion to ammonium carbonate. No residue May be toxic in high concentrations ^ 6 1-24 Alkaline residue (for acid soils) ; imme- mediate availability Sodium residue undesirable on high so- dium soils. May be leached Alkaline residue (for acid soils). Calcium residue Danger of burning, especially at high rates or in growing season s of any of these materials unless they are stored too long or under poor conditions. [ii] Comparisons of tree behavior in plots receiving nitrogen at different times of the year showed that timing is very important during the first year of appli- cation. Dormant applications were best, with spring applications next. After the experiments were established, however, there was enough carry-over from one year to the next so that timing seemed of secondary importance except in the case of early shipping fruit. It was found that the same amount of nitrogen applied immediately after harvest gave less re- sponse than at other seasons. With an application at this time it was possible to obtain a response in leaf color, time of leaf fall, condition of fruit buds, and tree condition without delay in maturity. Some growers split their nitrogen fer- tilization, putting on a part in the dor- mant season and a part in the spring. The size of the second portion is regu- lated by the condition of the tree at the time. If the crop is heavy, a little more is used, and if light, less. Some material is saved but the extra labor may offset the saving. For most conditions where leaching is not a problem, a single appli- cation has been satisfactory. The fixation of ammonia influences timing of fertilization in irrigation water during the growing season. Fertilizers differ in their behavior when applied in this way. For example, calcium nitrate will move into the soil with the water, and may cause greening of the leaves in a few days. Ammonia will be held back, and ordinarily will not be available until it has been nitrified and moved into the root zone with the next irrigation. A compound such as ammonium nitrate will do both. Half of the nitrogen, as nitrate, will move down immediately; the other half will be held back for later The choice of application method in orchards seems to be mainly a matter of cost. Trials have shown a slightly greater uptake of nitrogen when it is applied in a ring the diameter of the branch spread than when the same amount is distributed over the whole area, but the response did not differ. There seems to be no difference in re- sponse between broadcasting and drill- ing. Material dissolved in irrigation water is spread about as evenly as the water. In basins with a good head, dis- tribution is very even. In furrows there is more likelihood of uneven distribu- tion, especially with small heads and long runs. This is particularly true with ammonia, which tends to be fixed by the soil in the furrow at the upper end of the run. Noncorrosive, nonvolatile ma- terials can be used in sprinkler systems. The amount of nitrogen necessary in a particular orchard can be deter- mined only by experience, and the rate of application must be based on tree condition and response, the kind of fruit, age of trees, vigor, type of pruning, water supply, climate, and character of soil. For example, the peach is likely to respond to nitrogen under conditions in which some other species will have an adequate supply. Trees that bear normal crops and at the same time make vigor- ous vegetative growth probably require little or no treatment. In soil of a high initial fertility, young trees may grow vigorously without nitrogen addition, but may show deficiency after some years of bearing. Trees which are heavily pruned usually require lighter applica- tions of nitrogen than do trees lightly pruned. Trees suffering from an inade- quate water supply may have a somewhat higher need for nitrogen than those with a normal water supply. The same variety, in the same kind of soil, may respond differently in different climates. Apricots, for example, require less nitrogen in the Santa Clara Valley than in the interior valleys. The supply of nitrogen in a light soil is often limited, and becomes ex- hausted sooner than that in a heavier soil. Trees making weak growth because of lack of nitrogen may need, on an [12 average, 60 to 100 pounds of actual nitrogen per acre — equivalent to 300 to 500 pounds of ammonium sulfate or 360 to 600 pounds of calcium nitrate per acre. Higher rates of application are rarely profitable. The amounts indicated above are suggested for those species with a high nitrogen requirement, such as peaches and almonds. Under the same growing conditions, other stone fruits require less nitrogen for best results. Apples and pears likewise have consider- ably lower nitrogen requirements than peaches. In many orchards it should be possible to obtain an unusual spread in time of maturity by fertilizing part of the area more heavily than the rest. This practice will delay maturity on the more heavily fertilized portion, and smaller picking crews may be able to handle the fruit. The rate of nitrogen application should be coordinated with other orchard prac- tices. Excessive use of nitrogen is not com- mon, and should be avoided. In certain cases, fruit quality has been impaired and maturity delayed by heavy applica- tions. Moderate excess leads to a few days' delay in maturity, with some fruit in the lower and interior parts of the tree failing to attain satisfactory color. Further excess may give softer fruit of poorer color and flavor over the whole tree. Uneven ripening of fruit halves in stone fruits and a delay in maturing of wood in the fall have also been noted with high nitrogen. Phosphorus Although tests to date show that Cali- fornia orchards are not deficient in phos- phorus, this material can be applied with profit to encourage growth where cover- crops are beneficial and need phosphorus for satisfactory growth (see p. 15). Superphosphate is the standard source of phosphorus. Apply when a covercrop is planted, at about 50 to 100 pounds per acre. Potassium This element should be applied in orchards as potassium sulfate (sulfate of potash) rather than the chloride (muri- ate). California soils are frequently high in chloride, and the addition of more should be avoided. It has been found that a single heavy application of potas- sium sulfate is more effective than the same amount used as a mixed fertilizer applied over a period of years, and will last for a number of years. The amount required varies with the soil type. Trees growing on a few soils with low fixing capacity have responded to as little as 5 pounds of potassium sulfate per tree. More commonly, 15 to 25 pounds are necessary, and on some heavier soils with high fixing capacity, 50 pounds were re- quired. Where symptoms and leaf analyses indicate potassium deficiency, it is sug- gested that the grower treat a few trees with different amounts of potassium sul- fate to determine the most economical level. Placing the material in bands just below the usual depth of cultivation re- duces the amount required to give re- sponse. Boron Deficiency has usually been corrected by addition of borax at the rate of 50 to 100 pounds per acre, broadcast evenly on the soil. Response in the spring usu- ally follows applications made the pre- ceding fall. More rapid response results from spraying borax at 1 pound per 100 gallons during the growing season. Ap- plications much in excess of the above rates are likely to produce toxic symp- toms. Iron This was the first minor element de- ficiency to be identified, and has been the most difficult to correct. Soil treat- ment has usually been unsatisfactory. Organic salts of iron, such as the citrate, tartrate, or oxalate, placed in holes in 13 the trunk, have given correction for as many as three years, but have damaged trunk tissue. Various sprays have been used, the most promising being various iron chelates at the rate of 1 pound per 100 gallons. Magnesium This element has been supplied as magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) or Dolomitic limestone. The former is used in neutral or alkaline soils, the latter under acid conditions. Rates between 10 and 40 pounds per tree have been recom- mended. On soils low in potassium, use of large amounts of magnesium may in- duce potassium deficiency and vice versa. A spray of 20 pounds Epsom salts per 100 gallons of water has also been used for more rapid response. Manganese On most species, manganese deficiency can be corrected by spraying with a mix- ture of 2.5 to 8 pounds manganous sul- fate, 5 pounds lime, and a spreader, per 100 gallons. Spray in late spring or early summer. Correction of symptoms should follow in a few weeks. Annual sprays are likely to prove necessary. Manganous sulfate can be added to the soil in holes or trenches, but more material is re- quired with this method. Broadcasting is not satisfactory because the chemical is fixed by most soils. An experimental method of injecting dilute solutions into holes bored in the trunk or main branches has given good results, but the holes may also admit destructive fungi. Acidification of soil with sulfur will usually correct the deficiency, but may be too expensive. Zinc This element is used to correct little- leaf. The application method must be adapted to the species concerned. Treat- ments have been made by means of sprays, pieces of zinc or galvanized iron driven into the trunk, holes bored in the trunk, and direct application to the soil. For nearly all fruits (except sweet cherry and walnut), the most satisfac- tory method of zinc application is spray- ing. For severe cases, zinc sulfate sprayed during the dormant season at the rate of Fertilizer spreader being refilled in prune orchard. 50 pounds per 100 gallons of water is recommended. For cases of moderate severity, half that strength is sufficient; and for mild cases, as little as 10 pounds per 100 gallons may be used. Summer sprays must be much more dilute, not more than 6 pounds per 100 gallons, and must contain 3 pounds hydrated lime or soda ash to prevent burning. A more satisfactory summer spray is zinc oxide with a spreader, but this spray will in- jure fruit. Zinc chelates now being used experimentally have given good control. Metallic zinc points or pieces of gal- vanized iron driven into the tree will correct little-leaf for a long period of years in most species. This is the most satisfactory method for walnuts and sweet cherries. An area around each piece of metal will be killed, and if these areas merge, the trunk or branch will be girdled. To prevent this, stagger the points or place them in a spiral. About four to six pieces per inch of circum- ference are recommended. Results will be better if branches are treated rather than the trunk. A treatment with dry zinc sulfate in gelatine capsules (size 000), placed in holes about 4 inches apart around the trunk, will correct the symptoms for three years or more. (The same objec- tion to boring holes in the tree that ap- plies to manganese also applies to the use of zinc or other minor elements — rot may develop.) Direct soil application requires large quantities of zinc sulfate, and the rate of transmission is too slow for rapid re- covery. Because the zinc is fixed by the soil, it must be applied in holes or a trench in the ground. Copper Copper deficiency has not been found where trees are sprayed with bordeaux mixture for the control of disease. When bordeaux is not used, dry copper sulfate in capsules may be added through holes in the tree, as with zinc. Because of the higher toxicity of this material, however, greater care in application is necessary. The copper must be kept away from the bark, cambium, and younger sapwood. Adding copper sulfate in a trench about 4 to 8 feet from the tree at the rate of 5 to 20 pounds per tree has also been suc- cessful. Growing alfalfa in orchards having either zinc or copper deficiency has proved beneficial: mild cases have been entirely corrected, and severe ones greatly improved. Just how the alfalfa functions is not understood. Whether or not the practice is feasible must be de- cided for each orchard. Alfalfa is not suitable for such crops as prunes or almonds because it hampers harvesting operations. Also, other cultural practices may require modification if alfalfa sod is maintained. Covercrops are good for some orchards, bad for others Any crop grown between the trees and turned under may be considered a cover- crop, even if it is a weed that volunteers. Such crops affect the problem of fertili- zation and the trees' response to ferti- lizers. The first objective in planning a covercrop is the addition of organic mat- ter, not only as a source of nitrogen that will be released over a long period in the soil, but also as a major factor in main- taining good tilth, or soil structure. With [15] V \ \ Vii X 5*Sk ^ »%, %te i N i at »***=■' "VfflK 1 tassss: IF continuous cultivation, organic matter tends to disappear. It can be restored either by bringing it in from other sources, such as manure or bean straw, or by growing it in place and working it into the soil. Manure or other suitable material is not often cheap enough to warrant the use of adequate amounts. In many orchards the growing of cover- crops has tended to replace manuring. Actual field data regarding the effect of covercrops on soil structure are scanty. However, much laboratory work has been done to show the effects of adding covercrop material under controlled con- ditions. The decomposition rate of dif- ferent materials under varying moisture and temperature has been studied, to- gether with the effect of these processes on the formation of soil granules. Cer- tain factors important in the orchard are difficult to study in the laboratory — for example, the formation of root channels through plow sole, or the cracking of certain soils. Since information on many of these points is still fragmentary, present opinions may be changed later. It seems certain that, in many soils, water penetration is better after a few years of covercrops. The action of cover- crops in improving water penetration may lie in either of two zones. One is the prevention of "surface sealing" which occurs in some southern California soils when they are wet. The other is the im- provement of the compacted layer below the depth of cultivation, known as the plow pan or plow sole. At Davis, for ex- ample, the latter effect was so great that the water from a 6-inch irrigation dis- appeared from the surface of a cover- cropped basin in less than 24 hours, whereas across a levee, in an adjacent, clean-cultivated check, the time required was more than a week. More economical use of water and a better supply to the roots will result in the absence of plow pan. The use of covercrops is not, how- ever, a substitute for careful soil han- dling. Cultivation when the soil is too wet will puddle many soils so badly that years of good care may be required to repair the damage. Good soil structure can be developed, moreover, and main- tained without covercrops if sufficient care is taken to avoid compaction. When- ever such care is impossible because the soil is too wet, covercrops may be of great benefit. A distinction should be made between the improved soil-water relations result- ing from better penetration, and those from increased water-holding capacity of the soil. Under cool, humid conditions the soil's organic matter can be increased by annual covercrops, and with it the total nitrogen and perhaps the water- holding capacity. Under hot, semiarid conditions, this is not the case: the rate of destruction of organic matter is so great that there is little, if any, net accu- mulation. At Davis, 30 years of annual covercrops of three types — winter leg- ume, winter nonlegume, and summer legume — have failed to change the mois- ture-holding capacity of the soil measur- ably. This factor, therefore, can prob- ably be ignored in California orchards. Much the same situation exists with regard to total nitrogen as with moisture- holding capacity. Leguminous cover- crops with proper inoculation of nitro- gen-fixing bacteria have given increases of total nitrogen in cool, humid sections; but neither summer nor winter legumes has done so at Davis. There probably was some fixation of nitrogen, but either it has been used, and therefore does not appear in analyses, or the amount is too small to be detected. In sandy soils, where heavy rains might leach nitrate below the root zone, its absorption by the covercrop, with later release as the crop rots after being turned under, may save important amounts for use by the trees. Left: tractor-drawn disk and harrow disking under a mustard covercrop in walnut grove. [17] When organic material is incorporated into the soil, most of it is decomposed by soil bacteria and fungi. These organ- isms, like other plants, need mineral nutrients for their growth and function- ing. During the first part of the period of decomposition, the soil microorgan- isms are increasing in number, and may use nitrate from the soil solution as well as nitrogen from the decaying covercrop. The nitrate concentration is thereby re- duced in the soil solution, leaving less for the trees. The extent of this depletion depends on the supply of the material in the soil (especially nitrate), the condi- tion of the covercrop or other organic material turned under, the moisture sup- ply, and the temperature. Of these fac- tors, the most important, usually, is the character of the organic material. If it has a high nitrogen content, as in a suc- culent covercrop that is not mature, de- composition is rapid. Because of this, nitrates are released sooner than with a material lower in nitrogen. The organ- isms can therefore secure most of the nitrogen they need from the material itself, and less from the soil. Strawy ma- terial, high in carbohydrates and low in nitrogen, may cause a depressed nitrate level for months after being turned under. Obviously, any tendency toward ni- trate deficiency in a soil will be much increased by the incorporation of large amounts of low-nitrogen organic matter. Additional amounts of fertilizer will then be needed to supply both the soil organ- isms and the tree. Covercrops, further- more, absorb nitrate while growing, and during that period may compete seri- ously with the tree. An attempt should be made to correlate the timing of the growth of the covercrop with the ferti- lizer program and with the needs of the trees. Covercrops may play an important role on slopes that are subject to erosion. They increase the rate of water penetra- tion, thus reducing runoff, and their [ roots tend to hold the soil in place, re- ducing the amount washed down by the water that does flow away. A crop to be used for erosion control must be one that establishes a root system quickly throughout the surface soil, unless a permanent sod is already established. Various crops of this type have been tried in most districts, and information about their use can be obtained from the local University of California Farm Advisor. Annual covercrops may be divided into four groups: winter legumes, sum- mer legumes, winter nonlegumes, and summer nonlegumes. Among winter legumes, the most widely grown are bitter clover or annual yellow sweet- clover (Melilotus indica) , the vetches, and bur clover. Horse beans, fenugreek, lupine, and field peas have been success- ful in more limited areas. The following crops have had some use as summer legumes: cowpeas; velvet, mung, tepary. and mat beans; soybeans; sesbania; and Hubam clover. The most widely used winter nonlegumes are: mustards (com- mon, black, and Trieste) and cereals (rye, oats, barley), together with vol- unteer weeds. Where summer nonle- gumes are desired, orchardgrass, Sudan- grass, and summer-growing weeds have proved satisfactory. In addition to these crops, an increas- ing number of growers are using perma- nent sod. This system eliminates the cost of cultivation, and is the most effective check on erosion. It permits orchard operations when the soil is wet that are not feasible under clean cultivation. On the other hand, this method requires more water, increased use of nitrogen (even with a leguminous sod) , and more rigorous efforts in pest control. It pro- vides cover for mice and gophers. It is not suitable for species whose fruit is harvested from the ground — for example, prunes, almonds, walnuts, or figs. Alfalfa has been widely and successfully used for permanent sod, and perennial rye- 18] grass has also proved satisfactory. In some areas, throughout the year, volun- teer weeds provide a succession of plants which, though containing few perennials, serve adequately. Despite the advantages to be obtained from covercrops, they can be harmful in certain orchard areas. Nonirrigated orchards in regions of low rainfall need all the moisture available to take them through the season. The use of any con- siderable portion of the supply by cover- crops may result in failure to mature the fruit and, during very dry years, in severe damage to the trees. Any cover- crops used in such areas must be turned under early enough so that the late winter rains will restore the water used by these plants in the early winter. Under these conditions, large tonnages of cover- crops cannot be expected, and conditions may keep the grower from turning the crop under in time to prevent some mois- ture depletion. The increase in rate of moisture penetration and the decreased loss by runoff may compensate for the water used when the practice has been carried on long enough to be effective. Since covercropping must be practiced for several years before water penetra- tion can be noticeably improved, this is still a hazardous program in nonirrigated areas. Furthermore, the grower s of sto ne fruits havpn f nTTf>"H"^jiiTgTip"r mclde™^ of pTownnFoFlF^n^riards having covercrops at blossomTn^tirne! Co-operative Extension work in Agriculture and Home Economics,. College of Agriculture, University of California, and United States Department of Agriculture co-operating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, and June 30, 1914. Ccorge B. Alcorn, Director, California Agricultural Extension Service. 20iw-l,*58(C7034)LL [19] Careers fwiW> te „ an >t fill; ^gss| Pomology today ogy on ttte n( California. University or person . nelisnotsurpris^ prod sideI tba \,jfc J all the faults *» about one-ha tf ° The ^ in dus- the United States rta „t in « WUl t^seV^avorahle this state, becau e ^ gceat climate and sous peopl variety o« "OP 5 - J hefruitan d rnCtr^s,^-- ing,andshipp^ h attm ent or " AtaUtl Tas Ending requests pomology.^ "ne^with the to, Ptomis ng P e to mak e pt omise of^eral oroineDded openings for t dy exist, dents if no opening be ^ Some year we hope ^PPiy ^ demand - A knowledge of fruits and fruit-growing offers many fine careers. And the best positions go to those who have mastered the subject through a balanced program of training. At Davis the course in pomology is bal- anced between practice and theory — the "how" and the "why" — using the finest facilities . . . taught by one of the largest and best-trained horticultural staffs in the world. The Department of Pomology main- tains about 300 acres of orchards, con- taining nearly all the important varieties of deciduous tree fruits, nuts, olives, and berries (strawberries, boysenberries, etc.). The student has an opportunity to become acquainted with most of the fruit-grower's techniques of production and marketing. He becomes familiar with the best and most modern orchard equipment. For study and research, facilities also include a packing house, complete sun- drying and dehydration equipment, a cold-storage plant, lath-houses and green- houses, and laboratories equipped with apparatus for fundamental studies. The staff of the department includes specialists in fruit breeding, pruning, pol- lination, spraying, irrigation, fertilization and plant nutrition, soil management, physiological plant diseases, propagation, varieties, harvesting, handling, and storage of fruits and nuts. Trained people are in demand for . . . PRODUCTION Orchard management Orchard operation PROCESSING Packaging • Canning Freezing • Drying DISTRIBUTION Purchasing • Selling Marketing • Shipping SERVICE Fertilizers • Sprays Equipment • Nursery OTHER Agricultural Extension U. S. Dept. of Agriculture State Dept. of Agriculture Teaching— School and College Research— Industry, University