'^^■^^t< o BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW VOLUME XXII CONTAINING LIFE SKETCHES OF LEADING CITIZENS OF SULLIVAN AND MERRIMACK COUNTIES NEW HAMPSHIRE " Biography is the home aspect of history " BOSTON Biographical Review Publishing Company 1897 ATLANTIC STATES SERIES OF BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEWS. The volumes issued in this series up to date are the fu'lowing: — I. Otsego County, New York. II. Madison County, New York. III. Broome County, New York. IV. Columbia Countv, New York. V. Cayuga County, New York. VI. Delaware County, New Y .uk. VII. Livingston and Wyoming Counties, New York. VIII. Clinton AND Essex Counties, New York. IX. Hampden County, Massaciiusetis. X. Franklin County, Massachusetts. XI. Hampshire County, Massachusetts. XII. Litchfield County, CoNNiicTicur. XIII. York County, Maine. XIV. CUMDERLAND CoUNTY, MaINE. XV. (JXFORD AND FrANKLIN COUNTIES, Malne. XVI. Cu.mbe.;lani) Cnuxiv, New Jersey. X\'II. R0CKI\GH\M CO'JXIY, NEW HAMP- SHIRE. X\'1II. Plymouth County, Massachusetts. XIX. Camden and Burlington Counties, New Jersey. XX. Sagadaho,:, Lincoln, Knox, and \\'aldo Counties, Maine. XXI. Strafford and Belknap Counties, New Hampshire. XXII. Sullivan and Merri.mack Counties, New Hampshire. NoTF.. — All the biographical sketches published in this volume were submitted to their respective subjects or to the sub- scriljers, from whom the facts were primarily obtained, for their approval or correction before going to press ; and a reasonable time was allowed in each case for the return of the tyjjewritten copies. Most of them were returned to lis within the time allotted, or before the work was printed, after being corrected or revised ; and these may therefore he regarded as reasonably accurate. A few, however, were not returned to us; and, as we have no means of knowing whether they contain errors or not, we cannot vouch for their accuracy. In justice to our readers, and to render this woik more valuable for reference purjioses, we have indicated the.se uncorrected sketches by a small asterisk (*), placed iminediate'y after the name of the subjuct. 'I'hey will all be found on the last pages of the book. II. R. I'L'li. CO. Ski'TKMIii;k, 1897. PREFACE. Tllli character and contents of this up-to-date volume of biography are indicated on the title-page; its ]jlace in the series we arc publishing is elsewhere shown. .\n index at the end renders easy of reference the book, who.se ample te.xt niav be trusted to furnish many an answer to the question of " Who's who.'" in Sulli- van and Merrimack Counties to-dav. "Life is real! life is earnest!" The New England psalmist sings a true note: New England people as a rule have been accustomed to take life earnestly, to improve its opportunities for advancement and enlargement, for using and strengthening native talent, for developing the resources of their rugged region, for cultivating the sterner human \irtues, — woi'king manfully and womanfully in various fields and diverse ways to "leave the world better" than they found it. The name and fame of not a few New Englanders of worth and inlluence in Colonial and later times have been preserved in historv; but of manv others it can only be said that, beyond a name and a date or two that have rewarded the laljors of the genealogist, thev have left no memorial. Efforts are being made by the present generation to give honor where honor is due, to testify its regard for living and for recently departed worthies by making and keeping a fuller record of indi\-iduals who have distinguished themselves by usefulness in word and deed, brave rjbuke of wrong, and gallant championship of justice and right, — persons who have earned the title of public benefactors. Due at once to all such, clear statement of fact and grateful appreciation, the future, when it will, mav rear the monumental stone. DANIEL WEBSTER. BIOSRAPHIGAL. —♦■•♦•-♦— W^ €^i ON. DANiin, vvj;nsi];k, i.i.i). ■ With rarest gifts of lieart and liead From manliest stock inherited, i\c\v England's stateliest ty|)0 of man.' -(-: ]!(irn oil January i.S, 1782, in Sal- j^ io,\x isbury, N.H., Daniel Webster was ^J/ the younger son of Captain I'^ben- ^-^ ezer \Vel:ister by his second wife, Abigail I'^.astnian. Mis father was a son of l-'benezer second, grandson of Ebenezer first, anil great-grandson of Thomas Webster, of Ormsby, Norfolk County, England, who was an early settler in Hampton, N. H. Captain Eben- ezer Webster is saitl to have inherited from his mother, Mrs. Susannah B. Webster, who was a descendant of the l^ev. Stephen Bachiler and "a woman of uncommon strength of understand- ing," some of his most prominent mental and physical traits. He has been characterized as a "perfect example of a strong-mindeii, un- lettered man, of sound common-sense, correct judgment, and tenacious rnemory. " He com- manded a company in the Revolution, and later in life was a Colonel in the State mi- litia. A farmer by occupation, he also held the office of "side justice" in the Court of Common I'leas. liy his first wife he had five children, namely: two that died young, Susan- nah, Davitl, and Joseph ; and by his second five, as follows: Mehitable, Abigail, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Sarah. In 1783 Captain Webster removed from the homestead where the early years of his married life hat! iieen spent to ]<>lms Farm, as later known, in that part f)f the town of .Salisbiny, N. II., that is now I'rank- lin, Merrimack Coimty. Physically frail, the yotmg child Daniel here passed his time for the next few years mostly in healthful [day, learning at home to read the Bible so early and easily that in after life he could never remember when and .how he did it. He attended the district schools a ntmiber of terms; was nine months a pupil at Phillips E.xeter Academy; studied under Dr. Wood at lioscawen, N. H., also a brief time with another tutor; and, entering Dart- mouth College in 1797, was graduated in 1 801. In 1800, a youth of eighteen in his Junior year, he delivered a Fourth of July ora- tion at Hanover, N. II. Studying law at Salisbury and in the office of Christojiher Gore in Boston, in the meantime earning money liy teaching and by copying deeds in I-'ryeburg, Me., to help his brother Ezekiel defray col- lege expenses, Mr. Webster was admitted to the bar in Boston in 1805. Returning to New Hampshire to be near his father, whose health was failing, he lived the life of a country lawyer in Boscavven, his ])ractice extending over three counties. In 1S07, his brother Ezekiel taking his place in Boscawen and assuming charge of the home farm, their father having died in 1806, he removed to Portsmouth, N.ll., where he rapidly rose to prominence in his profession and in politics. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Elected to Congress in 1812, he took his seat in the following May, his term ending March 4, I Si 7. He had changed his residence to Boston, Mass., in 18 16; and there he devoted himself to his lucrative law practice till De- cember, 1823, when he again became a mem- ber of Congress. He was chosen Senator in 1827, and from that time on till his death, which occurred at Marshfield, Mass., October 24, 1852, with short intervals of retirement, he served his country either in the Senate or in the Cabinet, easily "the first lawyer and the first statesman " in the land. Mr. Webster had five children, all by his first wife, Grace Fletcher. The three who grew to maturity were: Colonel Fletcher, who was killed at the second battle of 13ull Run in August, 1862; Julia, i\Irs. Samuel A. Apple- ton, who died in April, 1 84S ; and Major Ed- ward, who died in Mexico in January, 1848. Mrs. Appleton left four children, the eldest a daughter Caroline, who married in 1S71, for her second husband, Jerome Napoleon Bona- ]iarte, of Baltimore, and is now a widow re- siding in Washington, D. C. Mr. Webster's first wife died in January, 1S28; and in De- cember, 1829, he married Miss Caroline Le Roy, of New York, who survived him. From a recent article in the Daily Mirror we glean some interesting particulars concern- ing "beautiful Grace Fletcher," of whom little has been written by the biographers of Mr. Webster. She was born in Hopkinton, N.I I., in 1 78 1, a daughter of the Rev. Elijah I-'letcher. Her father died in 1786; and her mother married the Rev. Christopher I'age, who succeeded him as pastor of the Congi'ega- tional church at Hoj^kinton, but in 1789 re moved to Pittsfield, N.H., where he remained till 1796, and where his son James W. was born. Grace T'letchcr's scliool days ended when she left Atkinson Academy at the age of eighteen. At the home of her sister Rebecca, wife of Judge Kelley, of Salisbury, she met Daniel Webster, then a rising young lawyer of Portsmouth. Acquaintance soon ripened into love; and they were married in Judge Kelley's parlor, June 10, 1S08. "They at once estab- lished and maintained for nine years a humble home at Portsmouth, winning the love and respect of all associates. Mrs. Webster, with her superior grace and beauty, inherited ability and intellectual accomplishments, was equal to all occasions, never discouraged, proud of her husband's success, but not unduly elated. Oneen at home or in the i)ublic drawing- room, she met the most distinguished men of the time. " She was much attached to the pict- uresque town of Pittsfield, and was accustomed to make long visits to her sister there, Mrs. White. Mr. Webster retained to the last the love for farm life, which was doubtless born with him, but was mainly developed, it would seem, after his mental faculties had attained their growth and had long had full play. About two years after the death of his brother Ezekiel, in April, 1829, he became the owner of the old home place in Franklin; and to this he added by purchase other lands, so that I*21ms Farm came to be a valuable estate of about one thousand acres with many improve- ments. It was long under the management of a tenant farmer from Massachusetts, John Taylor by name, to whom Mr. Webster was wont to write directions like the following, which we quote from a letter in Mr. Lanman's book on his Private Life, dated March 17, 1852 : "Whatever ground j'oii sow or ]ilant, see that it is in good condition. We want no/c«- nyroyal crops. . . . Be sure to produce suffi- cient quantities of useful vegetables. A man may half supjiort his family from a gootl gar- den. " In 1839 Mr. Webstei', having sold his lUOGkAl'llKAI, kK\||-;\V liDiisf in liostiin, icmovocl with iiis family {<> his estate of about two tlioiisaiul acres in the town of Marshficlcl, Mass. Tlicic he freely and expensively inikilgecl his a,L;rieiiltural tastes and his hospitality, and from both de- rived great enjoyment. 'I'o retuin now to Mr. Webster's public life. I'^irst, perhaps, auKjni^ his memorable ad- dresses should be named his "Rejily to Ilayne " in the Senate Chamber, January 26, 1830, which has been pronounced "ne.vt to the Constitution the most correct and complete exposition of the true powers and functions of the l""edeial government," a speech "replete with eloquence and ])ower, clear in statement, grand in language, irresistible in argument." One of the grandest mementos in I-'aneuil Hall, l?(3ston, is the painting by Mealy, which reijroduccs the scene of that matchless elo- (|uence. There is no cjuestioning the fact, and it cannot be too strongly emphasized, that "Mr. Webster was thoroughly national," with "no taint of sectionalism or narrow local prejudice about him." As a diplomatist he rendered eminent service to the country, en- titling him to honorable fame and lasting gratitude. Not to speak of his great forensic efforts and numerous forceful occasional speeches, his Bi-centennial Discourse at Plymouth, the two Bunker Hill Addresses and the luilogy on Adams and Jefferson are recog- nized triumphs of American oratory. In his famous /th of March speech, 1850, it has been said, "he broke from his jiast and closed his jjublic career with a terrible mistake." A more generous-minded critic argues that his course on that occasion was "consistent with his whole career in postjDoning all other con- siderations to the supreme need of saving the Union." And Whittier, whose muse had earlier made bitter lamentation over de[)arted ghiry, reviewing in the calm eventide of life the great conflict for Union and Liberty, which sad concessions had availed not to slay, recognizing Mr. Webster's rich eruiowment, his jjower to call out the might of men in noble cause, offers gracious tribute to the sleeper by the "lonely northern .sea, where long and low the marsh-lands spread " : — "Wise men and strong wc did not lack: liut .still, willi nicmory turning back. In the (lark hours we thouglu of thee, And thy lone grave beside the sea. ■ But where thy native mountains bare I'lieir foreheads to diviner air, l-it emblem of enduring fame. One lofty summit keeps thy name, l-'or thee the cosmic forces did The rearing of that pyramid. The prescient ages shaping with Fire, flood, and frost thy monolith. -Sunrise and sun.set lay thereon With hands of light their benison, The stars of midnight pause to set Their jewels in its coronet. And evermore that mountain mass .Seems climbing from the shadowy pa.ss ']■<) light, as if to manifest Thy nobler self, thy life at best!" ILLIAM p. I-;GGLKST0NE, one of the leading agriculturists of Plain- field, Sullivan County, was born in this town, November 5, 1826, son of Colonel Charles and Betsey (Fullum) Egglestone. His maternal great-grandfather, Samuel Will- iams, moved with his family, in 1759, fi'oni Connecticut to New Hampshire, where, hav- ing cleared a farm, he cultivated it for the rest of his active period. Samuel married Sarah Lawrence, who was a descendant of John Law- rence, one of the "Mayflower " Pilgrims. Samuel Egglestone, the paternal grandfather of William V., and a native of Connecticut, lilOGRAPHICAL REVIliW served as a soldier in tlie Revolutionary War. After his discharge from the army he resumed farming in Plainfield. He was twice married. His first wife, whose maiden name is unknown, bore him one son, Samuel (second). When he returned home from the war, his wife was dead, and his boy had disappeared without leaving any trace. Many years afterward an account, published by the local newspapers, of how one Samuel Egglestone, an aged farmer, had mowed half an acre of land before break- fast, was extensively copied throughout New England. It was seen by his son, then forty years old, who, thinking that it might be his father, came to Plainfield and met him. Sam- uel Egglestone (second) married, and had nine children. His father wedded for his second wife Phoebe Williams, daughter of Samuel Williams, of Plainfield. By this union there were four children — Simon, Sibyl, Charles, and Zeruah. Simon resided in Vermont, and reared a family. Sibyl became the wife of Charles Eivermore, of "Hartland, Vt. ; and Judge Livermore of that State was one of her sons. Zeruah, who became Mrs. Keyes, re- sided in the West, and had one son. Colonel Charles Egglestone, William P. I''gglestone's father, was born and reared in Plainfield. After leaving school, he learned the carjjenter's trade, and later became a well-known contractor and builder. He erected several school-houses, academies, and other public buildings in New Hampshire and Vermont, besides many ]]rivate residences. The house and farm buildings which are now owned by his son, William P., were erected by him in 1842. He .served in the War of 1812, and was later commissioned Colonel of the I'"ifteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Vol unteer Militia. Though not active in puliti- cal affairs, he served with ability as a member of the Poard (jf .Selectmen and in other town offices. In his religious views he was a Con- gregational ist. Colonel Charles Egglestone died June 25, 1858. His wife, Betsey, whom he married in 1812, was born in Eitzwilliam, N.H. She became the mother of nine chil- dren, born as follows: Lorenzo, October 30, 1812; Lucinda, August 11, 1S15; ErancisF., August 6, 1817; Mary Ann, June 27, 1820; Sarah, April 23, 1822; William P., the sub- ject of this sketch; Ai, November 16, 1829; Henry, March 4, 1832; and Helen M., Oc- tober 23, 1835. Lorenzo, who is no longer living, was a machinist, and followed that call- ing in Cambridge and Boston, Mass. He married Elizabeth Lamarau, of Rochester, N.Y., and had a family of si.x children. Lu- cinda married Raymond Page, of Sjiringfield, Vt., and had two children. P^rancis F. went to Chicago, and engaged in manufacturing fur- niture. He married P"anny Laughton, and had a family of nine children, of whom the survivors are two sons, now carrying on the business established by their father. Mary Ann married S. F. Redfield, a tailor of Clare- mont, N. H., and had seven children. Sarah married Daniel Kenyon, a farmer of Clare- mont, and had four children, two of whom are living. Ai served in the Civil War as a mem- ber of the Sixth Regiment, Massachusetts Vol- unteers, and afterward settled in Blooniington, 111., where he died. He married Speedy B. Farrington, of Claremont, N.H., and was the father of three children, one of whom is living. Henry was engaged in the furniture business in Chicago. He married Isabella Laughton, who bore him four children,' three of whom are living. Plelen M. became the wife of George T. Avery, a prosperous farmer of Plainfield, antl had one son, who is still living. Mrs. Charles I-^gglestone died May i, i 868. William P. Egglestone began his education in the connnon schools of Plainliehl, and com- J!1()(;k.\1'1I1(:ai, review '3 ]i1l'Ici1 liis slndics at the high school in Ilarl- land, Vt. When a young man he learned the cabinet-maker's trade in Hoston. From Bos- ton he went to Iowa, and later settled in Chicago, where he followed his trade for a number of years. When paying a visit to his ]iarents, his father dietl. He was then pre- vailed upon by his mother to take charge of the farm, and he has since remainerl at the homestead. lie has a large and ]iroductive farm, which affords him ample opportunity for the raising of superior crojjs. He also has a dairy. For twenty years he was engaged in the manufacture of caskets; and he was an undertaker until i8go, when he gave up the business on account of failing healtli. Mr. Egglestone has acceptably served the commu- nity in some of the town ofifices. He attends the Congregational church. Mr. Egglestone married Caroline V. Seaver, who was born in Gardiner, Me., April 20, 1830. Mrs. Egglestone's parents, John and Catherine (Dill) Seaver, died when she was very young. She is the mother of four chil- dren, namely: Charles, born August 25, i860; Leonora K., born March 20, 1863; Addie L., born December 30, 1865; and b'lorida F., born Sejjtember 16, 1868. Charles has always resided with his parents, and assists in carry- ing on the farm. He married Elizabeth Davis, who was born in luigland, July 14, 1 87 1, daughter of ICvan Davis; and she is the mother of one son, William Edward, born April 4, 1896. Leonora K. married Lindsley L. Walker, a native of Reading, \'t., and now a blacksmith of Hanover, N. H. Addie I., is the wife of Fred A. Cowen, a merchant in Lebanon, N.H. b'lorida V. married George \V. Hodges, a maker of fine tools for the Waltham Watch Company, and resides in Wal- tham, Mass. She has one son, Forrest E. , born May 30, 1895. 1;NRY !•■. IIOLLIS is a rising young lawyer of Concord and a descendant '^ * "f some well-known New Hamp- shire families. He was born in West Con- cord, August 30, 1869, and is a son of Major Abijah and Ilarriette V. M. (French) Mollis. The first of the name on record was John Hol- lis, an early settler in Weymouth, Mass. After him came another John, and then, in succession, four of the name of Thomas, all of them natives of Jkaintree, Mass. The last- named Thomas Mollis, who was the grand- father of the subject of our sketch, was a stone contractor of Quincy, Mass., and one of the leading men of his time in that business. He furnished the stpnc for the famous Minot's Ledge light-house. In 1826-27 he laid the track of the first railroad ever built in America to haul granite from the quarries to the Ne- ponset River. He was one of the most promi- nent citizens of Milton, and took an active part in all its local affairs. He married Deborah C. Allen, of Braintree, Mass. She was a de- scendant of the Rev. Peter Clark, who was graduated at Harvard in 1712, and ordained minister of the church at Salem village in 1717, and married Deborah Hobart, of Brain- tree, in 1719. Abijah Hollis was the youngest son of Thomas and Deborah, and one of a large fam- ily of children. He first attended the district schools of Milton, then went to Phillips Flxe- ter Academy, and subsequently studied law at the Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Mass. He was admitted to the Suffolk County (Mas- sachusetts) bar in 1S61. Before entering upon the practice of his profession, however, the Civil War having broken out, and in- spired with patriotic ardor, he enlisted, and was elected a commissioned officer in the Forty-fifth Regiment of Massachusetts Volun- teers, and served out his term of enlistment 14 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW with thnt regiment. On its expiration he re-enllsted in the F"ifty-si.\th Massachusetts Volunteers, and served until the end of the war. At the battle of the Wilderness he re- ceived a severe wound, and at the close of the war his health was so seriously impaired that he found himself unable to withstand the strain of the legal profession. He accordingly decided to turn his attention to outdoor busi- ness. In 1865 he removed to Concord, N. H., and in company with his brother proceeded to f)pcn one of the first stone quarries ever worked in this town. This business he successfully conducted until his retirement in 1S95. Major Hollis has taken a prominent part in the political affairs of the State, and held many public offices. In 1S76 he was elected to the legislature. Major Hollis married Harriette V. M. French, daughter of the Hon. Henry F. French, of Exeter and Chester, N.H., who was Assistant -Secretary of the United States Treasury from the time of Grant's administra- tion to that of Cleveland, and from 1855 to 1859 was Justice of the Court of Common Pleas in New Hampshire. He was the first President of the Massachusetts Agricultural College. His father, Daniel French, was a second cousin of Daniel Webster, and was Attorney General of New Hampshire early in the century. Judge I'rencli married Anne, daughter of William M. Richardson, Chief Justice of New Hampshire for many years. Their son, Daniel C. ]'"rench, is the distin- guished sculptor of New York City, among whose most celebrated works are the statue of the Republic, executed for the Columbian lis- position, Chicago, and the Minute-man stand- ing at the historic bridge in Concord, Mass. Major Hollis is the father of the following children: Thomas, who is a broker in lioston, Mass.; Anne R. ; Hcnr)' 1'., of Concord; Allen, also a lawyer of Concord, N.H.; and Mary F. Henry F. Hollis, the subject of this sketch, was graduated at the Concord High School in the class of 1886. In 1S86-87 he was en- gaged in railroad engineering between Denver, Col., and San Francisco, Cal., and on a sur- vey of the intervening mountain passes. Re- turning r^ast, he prepared at Concord, Mass., to enter Harvard College, where he was gradu- ated in 1892. He attended the Harvard Law School, and also studied law in the ofifices of the Hon. William L. Foster and H. G. Sar- gent at Concord, N. H., and was admitted to the Merrimack County bar in 1893. Since that date Mr. Hollis has formed a law partner- ship with Harry G. Sargent and E. C. Niles, of Concord. He has been elected a Trustee of the New Hampshire Savings Bank and a member of the Board of Education, a marked evidence of the confidence which his fellow- townsmen already repose in him. In politics he is a Democrat, and cast his first Presiden- tial vote for Grover Cleveland in 1892. June T4, 1893, he was united in marriage to Grace B. Fisher, of Norwood, Mass. They have two children — Henry F., Jr., and Anne R. Mr. Hollis bids fair to enter the first ranks of his profession and to add fresh laurels to the family record. 4^»^» ■j^ATHANIEL MORGAN TRUl-., a prominent farmer of Plainfield, was - \^ born here, I-'ebruar}' 21, 1826, son of Osgood and Betsey (Morgan) True. 'I'he founder of the family, who came from old luig- land among the early settlers of the Massachu- setts Bay Colony, subsec[uently settled in Salisbury, N. H. Benjamin True, grandfather of Nathaniel M., was the first of the family in Plainfield. He left an honored name. As did most of the men of his day, he won his inoCKAI'lllCAl, REVIEW 'S suslcnaiicc finm tlic Sdil. His fiisl wife, ;i Saiiljorn before her marriage, had seven chil- dren, six of wlioin were: Reuben, Osgood, Ilannali, Sarah, Judith, and Abigail. The seventi) cliild, a daughter, married a Severance and lived in Andover. Benjamin Triie's second marriage was contracted with Mrs. Roberts, a widow, who l)ore him three children — Lydia, Eunice, and Kimball. Osgood True, born in I'lainfield, August 5, 1789, died October 26, 1856. After complet- ing his public-school education, he stayed for a short time as a helper on his father's farm, and later assumed the management of the farm and carried it on until his death. He raised large numbers of cattle and sheep as well as some garden produce. He was Selectman for a number of years; and he represented the town in the State legislature for a time, fulfilling the obligations of these important trusts to the full satisfaction of his constituents. For many years prior to his death he was a Dea- con of the 15a])tist church. Educational mat- ters obtained considerable attention from him. He took an active ]iart in the service of the militia, being finally chosen Captain. He married Betsey Morgan, daughter of Nathaniel Morgan, a well-to-do farmer of Plainfield. She was born July 10, 1793, and died Novem- ber 9, 1875. Their si.\ children were: Mar- cia E., born July i, 1S20; Ellen M., born July 8, 1822; Benjamin O. , born June i, 1S24; Nathaniel M., the subject of this sketch; David P., born August iS, 1829; and Ellen M. (second), born July 13, 1833. Mar- cia married Jasper H. Purmort, a prosperous farmer of Lebanon, and has a family of chil- dren. EUcn M. (first) died in infancy. Ben- jamin O. died in November, 1845, ^^ t''<^ ^ge of twenty-one years, having just graduated from Kinib:ill Union Academy. David P., who is a successful faimer in Minnesota, first m:uried I Any Kidder, and iiad two children His sec- ond wife, whose maiden name was Crowe, bore him one daughter, now a physician well known in her profession in the West. Ellen M. (second) married Thomas K. Hough, who has been a successful farmer and travelling agent, living in Claremont and in New York State. They have four children — Clement T., lilizabeth E., Delia M., and Kate M. Nathaniel M. True attended Kimball Union Academy. After finishing school, he worked on the homestead farm, assisting his father in the management for a time. When the health of the latter became poor, he took full charge. The farm, which is a large one, containing nearly five hundred acres, has a handsome resi- dence and numerous well-kept buildings. Mr. True has given his personal attention to all the details of his business, which he finds quite enough to occupy his full time. He has never cared for public life, nor aspired to po- litical preferment. On October 13, 1853, he married Ruth L. Hough, daughter of Clement Hough, of Lebanon, a leading farmer of his time in that jilace. Mrs. True was born May 25, 1834. 'I'hey have no children. ZRA TAFT SH3LEY, a retired manu- facturer of Newport, Sullivan County, was born in Auburn, Mass., Febru- ary 3, 1 81 7, son of Ezra and Marcia (Taft) Sibley. His grandfather, Reuben Sibley, who was also a Massachusetts man, and is said to have been born in Sutton of that State, car- ried on general farming for a time. Reuben went to Maine and settled in the town of Ja}-, Franklin County, where he conducted a ferry on the Androscoggin River during the re- mainder of his life. His son, Ezra, born in Sutton, September 21, 1787, was a scythe maker — a trade which he learned when a lilOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ycjung man. Me conducted a successful busi- ness in Auburn, Mass., several years, was a liberal in religion, and a Democrat in poli- tics. In the year 1S15 he married Marcia Taft, a native of U.xbridge, Mass., who died at the age of twenty-eight years. They had two children: Ezra T., the subject of this sketch; and Kvelyn, who married Mr. Lowell Sweetzcr, of Wakefield, Mass., and died in June, 1S71. His second marriage was con- tracted with Elmira Golding, who lived to a good age. He died March 13, 1830. Ezra T. Sibley lived in Auburn until the death of his father, which occurred when he was but thirteen years of age. Then he went to his grandfather's at U.xbridge, remaining there for two years. At this time he went to Millbury, Mass., where he entered the employ of Hale & Whipple, scythe manufacturers, and learned the trade which he has since made his business. He remained with that firm about three and one-half years, after which he worked at his trade in Chelmsford, Mass., for one year, and in New London, N. H., for nine years. In 1S45 he came to Newport, N.II., and liought a half-interest in the scythe factory owned by Mr. Earned. The factory had been conducted by Lamed & Sibley for three years, when on account of the failure of his health Mr. Earned disposed of his interest in the business to William Dunton, of Newport. Three years later Mr. Sibley bought out Mr. Dunton, and thereafter ran the business alone until 1873, when betook his son into ])artner- shijj. In iSgi he retired after a continuous business life of forty-si.x years, being at that time the oldest manufacturer of scythes in the United States. He still carries on his farm, and also operates a lumber-mill at North Ncw- ])ort. He has been largely instrumental in building uii the jiresent business successfully carried on by his son. His political iirin- ciples are Republican, and he has served Newport in the capacities of Selectman and legislative Representative. On July 19, 1838, Mr. Sibley married Lydia D. Gay, who was born in New London, N. H., March 10, 1820, daughter of David and Asenath (Davis) Gay. Mr. and Mrs. Sibley have had six children, as follows: Amelia R., born April 7, i S40 ; Frank A., born January 28, 1851 ; Anson, who died at the age of two years; Isabelle, who died aged six and one- half years; and two who died in infancy. Amelia R. is now the wife of Samuel Allen, who is employed in the scythe factory ; and she has eight children. Frank A., who married Mary M. Tutnum, and has three children, is now carrying on the scythe-manufacturing business established by his father. A self- made man and one of the oldest residents of the town, Ezra Taft Sibley has the sincere respect of his fellow-townsmen. ^AVID N. PATTERSON, for many years one of the most active and (^~\,^/ prominent liusiness men of Contcio- ct)ok, N.H., was born June i, 1 Soo, in llcn- niker, Merrimack County, and died March 28, 1892, in the village of Contoocook, at the ven- erable age of ninety-one years, nine months, and twenty-eight days. He was of Scotch- Irish ancestry, so called, being a direct de- scendant of John Patterson, who (Ui account of religious persecution fled fnim .Scuthind to the northern part of Ireland, wliere his son Robert and his grandson, whu, it is thought, was named Alexander, were iiorn. Tiie Lit- ter emigrated to America in 1721, biinging with him his family, which included a son, Alexander second. Alexander Patterson, second, married 1^1 iza- beth Arbiickle, who was born in 1720011 ])oard I!I()(;r.\I'1II(:ai, LI-;\IK\V '7 ship ill which iicr paicnts came In tliis country. lie settled first in I.nndnnderry, N.ll., where he held office in 1751, l^ut suljsequently re- moved to I'enibifikc, N.II., in the early days of its settlement, and was one of the first Se- lectmen of the town. He served as a soldier in the I'ievolutionary War. His wife, a well- educated woman for those days, taught school several terms. In 1799 they migrated to 'I'hetford, \'t., going thence to Strafford, Vt., where both died in i(So2. They had nine cliildi'cn, Ale.xanclei", the third to bear that name, being the ne.xt in li)ie of descent. Alexander third, born July 10, 1763, mar- ried Mar\' Nelson, of Sterling, Mass., and settled in lieuniker, N.II. In 1806 he erected a building on tlie site now occupied by the residence of \V. P. Cogswell, and put in water-works, which were used until 1878. He was very [jrominent and popular among his fellow-men, full of hmnor and ready wit, and was generally accosted by young and old as Uncle Santly. lie died Januar}' 12, i7\, in his eightieth year. An- thony third, his eldest son, settled in Dedhani in 1637. He married .Se])tember 7, 1^)47, Joanna, only ilaugliter of 'I'homas and Joan I'"axon, of Hraintrec. He removed from JJcd- ham to Dorchester, where he died i-'cbruary 13, 1670. His widow died October 16, jCxj^. Their youngest son, F^ieazer, the fourth in line, born at Dcdham, September 18, i66g, died there February 6, 1722. He married October 13, 1698, Mary, daughter of William and Mary (Lane) Avery. She was born Au- gust 21, 1674, and died at Stoughton, March 25, 1749. Their son David was born in Dcdham, June 21, 1705. The s]iot where l^avid's hf)usc stood in South Dedham is even now well known. Lie married first Deborah lioyden, second Elizabeth Talbot. The fornicr died in July, 1770, aged fifty-nine years. David Fisher, first, died July 30, 1779. His chil- dren, all by his first wife, were: David, second, born January 22, 1733; Thomas; Jacob; Deborah; Hannah; Nathan; Oliver; Abigail; Mary; and Abner, the youngest, born Jmie 20, i 755. David second, eldest son of David anil Deborah Fisher, and the sixth in the ancestral line, married Abigail Lewis, September 21, 1758, and settled on Morse Hill in Sharon (then Stoughtonham), Mass., where David third, who represents the seventh generation, was born June 26, 1759. He married Mehita- ble Ilewins, born in Sharon, I-'ebruary 20, 1762. David Fisher third, with other settlers from Dedham and Sharon, removed to Francestown about the year .1780, and cleared the farm known as the Jones Whitfield place, on the north eastern slope of Oak Hill. Here he reared a family of thirteen children. He was large and athletic, his common weight, when in the prime and vigor of life, being two hundred and fifty pounds. He was known in BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ha{h Dedham and Franccstown as "King David." He entered the Revolutionary army when sixteen years of age. He died in Fran- cestovvn, November 8, 1829; iiis wife, Mehit- able, died in the same town, May 4, 1849. Their children, who were of the eighth gener- ation, and all save one born in F"raiicestown, were: Mehitablc, born February iS, 17S2, married Ebenezer Burtt, of Hancock, and died in Franccstown, September 17, 1S54; David, born December 15, 1783, married Nancy Chandler, of Canton, Mass., and died in Charlotte, Me., March 11, 1842; Ebenezer, born August 11, 1785, married Sarah Johnson, of Sharon, Mass., went to Charlotte, Me., where he was a prosperous farmer and held various official positions, besides representing the town in the legislature, and died at Char- lotte, February 4, 1850; Juel, born July 16, 1787, married Anna Gage, of Merrimack, died in Bedford, August 23, 1834; Susannah, born in Sharon, November 5, 1790, married Asa Howe, of Merrimack, died in Cooper, Me., F'ebruary 26, i860; Increase, born July 17, 1792, married Flunice Johnson, of Sharon, died in Charlotte, May 11, 1866; Flnoch H., born March 16, 1794, married Ro.xana Lakin, of 1'rancestown, died December 17, 1S82, at Charlotte, Me. ; Benjamin, born b'ebruary 22, 1796, married Mary Starboard, of Portland, Me., died in I'rancestown, March 13, 1848; Asa, born October i, 1798, married Mary Gage, of Merrimack, died in Sutton, Febru- ary 28, 1846; Nancy, born October 10, 1800, married Walter Chadwick, of Sutton, died in l-'rancestown, February 28, 1841 ; Levi (father of George W. Fisher), born March 14, 1803, married l*\anny VVilkins, daughter oi Alexan- der Wilkins, of Merrimack, was a farmer, and resided at Merrimack, where he died No- vember 29, 1880; Mary, born April 17, 1805, married Jefferson Jones, of New ]5oston, also William I^ovejoy, of Amherst, died in Goffs- town, March 24, 18S2; and Thomas, born May 12, 1808, married Lydia Hanson, of Weare, was a cabinet-maker, resided in Weare, N.H., where he died December 18, 1834. Levi Fisher was a farmer. He removed from New London to Merrimack when his son, George W. , was five years old; and he died there, November 29, 1880. H is wife survives him, and lives with her son, Levi W. , in Merrimack. Their children were five in num- ber, as follows: Levi W. , Sarah W., George W. , Anna L. , and Cynthia M. The first of these, Levi W. , was born September ig, 1829. He married Lucy A. Freeman, who died January 26, 1875. He then married Frances E. Bowen. There was one child by the first marriage, Maria L. , now the wife of Frank P. McAfee, of Nashua. By the second marriage there were three children : F'annie W., Ella Grace, and Edwin Milo, the first born March 9, 1884, the second March 3, 1886, and the third .September 20, i88g; all are living at home. Levi F^isher's second child, .Sarah W., was born P'cbruary 6, 1832, and married Chester Bui lard, of Nashua. Both are now deceased, he having died Novem- ber 12, 1884, and she January 3, 1896. They had no children. Anna L. was born March 4, 1840, and married Hazen G. Dodge, a farmer of Merrimack, born August 24, 1837. They reside there, and have one child — Elwin FI., a machinist in Nashua, born De- cember 4, 1867. Cynthia M. was Inirn Janu- ary 14, 1843, and became the wife of Eilwin M. Shepherd, a watch-maker and jeweller of Maiden, Mass., where they reside. The)' have two children: Grace pjiicry, wife of Charles Bennett, of Maiden ; and l-"lorcncc, a teacher in Chelsea, Mass. George \V. , llic direct subject of the present sketch, remained at Imme with iiis parents i;i<)(;u Ai'iiKAi, .VIIvW until lie was ciglitccn years did, when he went t(i Nashua, where lie engaged in the sash, door, and blind husiiicss for live }'ears. On Oetiiher 7, 1S61, he enlisted in Company I, Seventh New Ilani|)shire Volunteers, untler Colonel Putnam and Captain Joseph ]'"rcsch]. lie was in engagements in South Carolina and I'diiriila. On account of poor health he was discharged at I'ortsmouth Grove, R.I., Octo- ber 29, \SC)^, and returned to Merrimack. lie remained there till spring, then went to Man- chester, N.II., and again entered into the sash and blind business. He also did carpentering, and continued thus engaged for eight years. In 1872 he came to B(jscavven, and engaged in carjientering for his father-in-law, making no change until 1876, when he bought his present tarm. Me has carried on general farming here ever since. He owns two hundred and thirty acres, has made various improvements on his property, keeps three horses and ten cows, and does quite a dairy business, shipping milk to Boston. Mr. Fisher was a charter member of Kzekiel Webster Grange at Boscawen, has been Master three years, and has held other offices in the grange for nine years. He is connected with the G. A. K., having been a member of a post in Manchester, and being now a member of \V. I. Brown Post at Penacook, N. H. Since July, 1S68, he has belonged to Hillsborough I.odge, No. 2, I. O. O. v., of Manchester,, of which he was at one time Chaj)lain. He has been Justice of the Peace for the past nineteen years, and for four years a member of the Board of Selectmen, being at present Chair- man ; and has been si.x years a member of the School Board and Chairman two years. He is a Republican in politics and an active worker for that party. Mr. Fisher was married December 14, 1865, to Mary K. Green, a native of Litchfield, born December 6, 1836. She was the daughter of Hartwell W. and .Sarah (Turner) Green, of Merrimack, both of whom are now dead. Mrs. I'"isher died y\pril 1, 1868; and Mr. I'isher was married November 30, 1869, to Esther P. Coffin, of Boscawen, who was born Decem- ber 15, 1843, a daughter of Peter and ICunicc (Couch) Coffiii, the former of whom was a native of Boscawen and the latter of Webster. By this second marriage there were three chil- dren — George V., Winfred, and Levi P. George F. was born June 23, 1871, mar- ried in 1896 Lizzie A. Bachelder, of North- field, and is engaged at home on the farm. Winfred was born May i S, 1S73, was gradu- ated at Bryant & .Stratton Commercial Col- lege, Manchester, and became a member of the firm of Balch, Chandler & Co., grocers, in Penacook. He died l-"ebruary 23, 1896. Levi P., born October 12, 1876, was graduated at the above college and is now at home. Mr. Fisher and his wife both belong to the Congregational church, of which he has been a member at Nashua, Manchester, and Bos- cawen for thirty-eight years ; and he has been superintendent of the Sunday-school for three years. Ji ANI1;L GIL:\IAN CHP:SLFV, one of the largest land-owners of Epsom, Merrimack County, was born upon the farm he now occupies, July 2, 1S37, son of John and Joanna (Tibbetts) Chesley. The Chesley family is believed to be of English origin; and the great-grandfather of the sub- ject of this sketch was Lemuel Chesley, who resided in Lee, X. H. Mis son, John Chesley, Sr. , grandfather of Daniel Gilman, was born in Lee. When a young man he went to Chichester, N. M., where he learned blacksmithing of James BlakL After his marriage he settled in 22 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Epsom nnd coiitimit.'cl to work at his trade for some time. He also followed agricultural pursuits quite extensively in this town, and kept a hotel. He died at the age of si.xty years. He married Betsey Blake, sister of James Blake, with whom he served his appren- ticeship. Betsey Blake was a daughter of Samuel Blake, one of the first settlers of Epsom, who purchased from the Indians a large tract of land near the centre of the town for the paltry sum of ten shillings, and turned in his jack-knife for one shilling of that sum. Samuel Blake, generally called Sergeant ]51ake, came to Epsom at the age of fifteen ; and several years later his father. Lieutenant ]51ake, moved into town. In the early days the frontier settlers were kept in a state of almost continual alarm by the incursions of the Indians, whose ferocity and cruelty were doubtless very much averted by friendly con- ciliating conduct on the part of the white in- habitants toward them. This was particularly the case in the course pursued by Sergeant Blake. Being himself a skilful marksman and an expert hunter, evincing traits of character and abilities in their view of the highest order, he soon gained their respect; and by kind treatment he secured their friendship to such a degree that, though they had opportunities, they would not injure him even in time of war. An industrious pioneer, he cleared and im[)roved a good farm, which is now owned by his descendants, Daniel Gilman Chesley and John y\ugustus Chesley. John and ]5etsey (Blake) Chesley had a family of si.\ children; namely, John, Samuel M., Betsey, Jonathan S. , James 15., and Josiah C. , none of whom are now living. The death of Mrs. Betsey ]?. Chesley occurred previous to that of her hus- band. John Chesley, Jr., Daniel (1. Chesley's father, was b(jrn in Epsom, and was a lifelong resident of this town. In his younger days he was engaged in teaching school ; but he later served an apprenticeship at the blacksmith's trade, and followed it in connection with farming during his active ]3eriod. He suc- ceeded to the ownership of the IMakc home- stead, and resided here until his death, which occurred when he was eighty-three years and six months old. His wife, Joanna Tibbetts, whom he married August 2i, 1834, was born in Madbury, N.H., daughter of Israel and Susan (Emerson) Tibbetts. Her grandfather on her mother's side, Smith Emerson, was an officer in the Revolutionary War. His wife was a Thompson. Her grandmother Tib- betts's maiden name was Joanna Eulchar. Eleven children were born to John and Joanna (Tibbetts) Chesley, and of these three are deceased ; namely, Margaret Ann, Ellen Eran- ces, and Etta Oryntha. The eight living are: Almira Blake; Daniel Gilman, the subject of this sketch; John Augustus; Lizzie Joanna; Lydia Addie; Emma Susan; Edward Monroe; and Ellen Erances. Almira Blake Chesley married Alfred Kimball, of Haverhill, Mass., and her children are: Clara Wood, Susie Clarke, Myrtle Lydia, Everett Alfred, and Arthur Russell. Lizzie J. is the wife of Warren Kimball, of Haverhill, Mass., and the mother (if Alice Graham, \'ictor Orange, and Lizzie Wood. Lydia Addie is now Mrs. Charles W. b'rench, of VVarrensburg, 111., and has five children — Herbert, Clara, Laura, Olive, and another whose name is unknown to the present writer. luinna Susan married Orange E. Sackett, resides in Central City, Neb., and has seven children Lizzie Kim- ball, Arthin- Ru.ssell, Dwight, Alton Veasey, Robert McKinley, Hazel, and Mira. Edward M. Chesley married for his first wife b'lora Ayer ; and Iiy that union there was one child, luta, who (lied at the age of lour years. His IWOCR AI'IIKAI, lA IKW 23 scciuul wife was licfdic nianiage I'"lla Kugg, of I lavciliill, Mass. ; and tlie children by this nniiiii arc: Ciiailuttc l-'. , lulvvard (i., and Maiioii. l'!llcii !''. is now the widow of Ciiailcs W. Maitin, late of Pittsficld, N.ll., and has no children. Margaret Ann married Daniel Yeaton, of ]'",]-)som. Mrs. Joanna T. Cheslcy is now residing at the homestead, and has reached the age of nearly eighty-one years. She is a member of the Congregational church. Daniel Gilman Chesley acquired a good education in schools in his native town, in Pittsfield, and Pembroke. After completing his studies, he engaged in educational work, and taught twenty-nine (mostly winter) terms of school in Illinois and New Hampshire. He eventually settled at the homestead, where he now resides; and he devotes his time and at- tention to the cultivation of his farm with the same energy and ])erseverance which character- ized his ancestors. On November 25, 1888, Mr. Chesley mar- ried Olive Elnora .Sanborn, a daughter of Nathan B. and Ruth (Cousens) Sanborn. Her father was a native of Gilmanton, N.H., the son of Jonathan T. and Hannah (Page) San- born; and his mother was the daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth Page, the latter being a cousin of Daniel Webster, and also related to the Greeley family of which Horace Greeley was a member, Ruth Ann Cousens, a native of Kennebunk, Me., was a daughter of Jere- miah M. and P^liza (Kimball) Cousens, the former a soldier in the War of 1812. Olive Elnora Sanborn was born in Thornton, N. H., where her parents, who were industrious farm- ing ])eople, resitleil for a period of twelve years, removing then to Gilmanton, where they passed the remainder of their days. Nathan B. Sanborn was identified with public affairs, and served as a Selectman in Thorn- ton. He lived to be seventy years old, and his wife to the age of sixty-.six. They had a family of seven children, of whom six arc now living. Olive ]■:. (Mrs. Chesley) was the third-born. She was educated in tiie schools of Gilmanton, graduated from Gilmanton Academy, and became a teacher in the jjuhlic schools, teaching previous to her marriage twenty-eight terms of school in New Hamj)- shire and Maine. She is a member of the Methodist l-lpiscopal church. Mr. and Mrs. Chesley have three children : Elnora Sanborn, who was born September i, 1889; Mabel Elorence, born September 4, 1893; and John Gilman, born March 29, 1895. In politics Mr. Chesley is a Democrat. He served as Superintendent of Schools for fifteen years, was a member of the School Board six years, was Chairman of the Board of Selectmen for two years, Town Treasurer four years, and Town Clerk two years. He has also held other offices and is now Auditor. He stands high in the estimation of his fellow-townsmen, who regard him as one of the most upright. conscientious, and worthy of citizens. ILLIAM E. WESTGATE, a lead- ing farmer and stock-raiser of Cor- nish, Sullivan County, was born December 9, 1840, at Plainfield, N.H., son of Earl and Sarah Chase (Cole) Westgate. His great-grandfather, John Westgate, married Grace Church, of Tiverton, R. I., w-ho was a descendant of Colonel Benjamin Church, fa- mous in King Philip's War in Colonial times. They had eleven children — Betsy, John, Lydia, Earl, Priscilla, Mary, George, Will- iam, Joseph, Benjamin, and Hannah. Earl Westgate, grandfather of William E. , came with his father to Plainfield in 177S, and mar- ried Elizabeth Waite, daughter of Nathaniel and Annie Swetzer, of Hubbardston, -Mass. 24 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Their children were: Elizabeth, John, Na- thaniel, Anna, George, and Earl. Earl Westgate (second) was born at Plain- field, December 17, iSoS, and was educated in the town schools. After completing his education, he lived on the home farm with his father until the latter died, when he took entire charge. A very religious man, he has been a member and a Deacon of the Baptist church for more than fifty years. He has never joined any of the secret fraternities, and has never held public office, preferring rather the quiet of his own fireside to the more active life of a public man. The first of his two marriages was contracted with Sarah Chase Cole, of Plainfield, who, born November 24, I Si 5, died January 18, 1S76. She was the mother of William E., Martha E. , Edith S., Julia A., Mary E., and Daniel C. Westgate. liarl Westgate's second wife, in maidenhood Abigail M. Camp, of Hanover, is now de- ceased. Martha, Mr. Westgate's eldest daughter, born in Plainfield, January g, 1842, married F"reeman Holt, of Lyme, N. H., a farmer, and is now living at Plainfield. Edith S., born June 21, 1846, married Carlos D. Colby, a farmer of Plainfield, and had eight children, seven of whom are living. Julia, born August 8, 1848, died soon after leaving school. Mary, born November i, 1852, died at the age of ten years. Daniel, born June 4, 1857, lives on the farm at Plainfield with his father, and is now Selectman of the town. He married Clara J. Stone, of Plainfield, and has two children — Mary E. and Bessie S. William E. Westgate received his early education at Plainfield and in Kimball Union Academy. Not long after, he settled cjn a farm formerly owned by Mr. ]?ryant. He has since jiurchased the property, and is living there still. Mr. Westgate has been pidinincnt in the iniblic affairs of the town, and has been honored by his fellow-townsmen by ajipoint- ment to various offices of trust and responsi- bility. He has been Collector of Ta.xes ; for three years Selectman; in 1895 he was sent to the State legislature, where he served on the Committee on Labor; and he was elected County Commissioner in 1896. Mr. West- gate's farm is rich and fertile; and his build- ings are commodious, of improved style, and in excellent condition. Besides carrying on general farming, he raises considerable stock. Mr. Westgate was united in matrimony with Charlotte E. Bryant, of Cornish, daugh- ter of Daniel and Chloe (Hildreth) Bryant. They have two children ^ Earle and Martha E. Earle, born May 25, 1865, after complet- ing his education, worked on the farm for a time. He is now employed at the creamery, where he oversees the making of butter known all over the country as Hill Side Creamery Butter. He married Angle L. Chadbourne, daughter of William E. Chadbourne, of Cor- nish. Martha Westgate was born in Cornish, March 8, 1869, and was educated in the Cor- nish schools and in the high school at Wind- sor, from which she graduated. Afterward, becoming a very successful and ])()pu]ar teacher, she taught school for fifteen terms. She and her husband, I{lvvin W. Ouimby, of Cornish, now reside with her parents. The circumstances attending the removal of Mr. Westgate and his wife from Plainfield to Cor- nish are vividly impressed on his mind. it was in the spring of 1862, when the snow lay five or si.\ feet deeji on the level, and was coveretl by a crust so solid that teams rode on it over fences and fields, witlu)ut breaking through, a condition of things which lasted until the middle of April. Mr. Westgate is a I'^ree Mason and loiineily belonged to the grange. Both he and his wife are earnest members of the jiantist Church of Plainfield. BIOGRAl'HICAI, KKV'IEW Mrs. Westgate, wlio lias a musical taste, was organist of the church for some years both before and after her marriage. jUWIN A. TYRRELL, a highly es- tceiiied citizen of llookset, IMcrrimack County, iM'oniinent in town affairs, has been station agent and Postmaster at Martin Depot since 1SS7, a continuous ser- vice of ten years in the two positions, an hon- orable record which speaks for itself. He was born May 15, i.Ssi, in Paxton, Mass., a son of Jesse D. Tyrrell. His grandfather, Jesse Tyrrell, was of Massachusetts birth, but removetl from that State to Vermont, settling in the town of Waterville, where he carried on general farming until his death, which oc- curred at a ri[)e old age. Jesse D. Tyrrell was born June 2, 1825, in Bakersfield, Vt., and spent a large part of his life in that State. He learned the shoe- maker's trade when young, and followed it in connection with his agricultural labors until the fall of 1S63, when he enlisted in the Seventh Vermont Regiment. He died Feb- ruary "6, 1864, soon after being mustered into service in ]?rattleboro, Vt. He was a hard- working man, industrious and thrifty, as well as a patriotic citizen, and was greatly re- spected by all with whom he had dealings. His wife, formerly Mary Ann Tyler, survived him but three years, passing to the life eter- nal January 6, 1S67. ]5oth were dee[)ly re- ligious, and were active members of the Meth- odist church. Of the five children born of their union but two are now living, as fol- lows: Alfred H., born in Princeton, Mass., December 5, 1849, who married lillen Prouty, of Paxton, Mass., and has two children — Mabel and ]'",lla; and lulwin A., the special subject of this personal sketch. Edwin A. Tyrrell was but two years of age when his parents removed to Cambridge, Vt. , where he first attended school. After com- pleting his education at Troy, Vt. , he, by the death of his i)arents having been left depend- ent in a large measure on his own resources, went to Manchester, N. H., where he ob- tained a situation in the Manchester ?iiill. Proving himself able and faithful in every po- sition in which he was placed, he retained his connection with the mill for eighteen years, being second hand in the harness shop when he left. On September i, 1887, Mr. Tyrrell located in Hookset, having accepted the posi- tion of station agent at Martin Depot; and during the same year, under President Cleve- land's administration, he received the appoint- ment of Postmaster. During his residence in Hookset he has been prominently identified with the best interests of the place, and has served in important offices, having been Super- visor in 1890 and 1891, and ever since that time a member of the lioard of Selectmen. He is also a member of the Board of Trade of llookset; and he was appointed Justice of the Peace for this county by Governor Ramsdell in P'cbruary, 1897. I'raternally, he is an ac- tive member of Wildy Lodge, No. 45, I. O. O. F., of Manchester, N.H., in which he served one term as Outside Guardian. On May 2, 1871, Mr. Tyrrell was united in marriage with Miss Junia A. lila, of Hook- set, who was a woman of fine character, much beloved by all who knew her, and a faithful member of the Methodist church. She died May 16, 1885, leaving three children, the fol- lowing being their record: Lcona O. , born February 19, 1875, resides in Hookset, N. H. ; Arthur J., who was bom September 21, 1876, is connected with the passenger de- partment of the Boston & Maine Railroad, and resides in Concord, N.H.; and Wesley E. , BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW born August 31, 1879, is a resident of Hook- set. On December 24, 1885, Mr. Tyrrell was married' to Miss Augusta R. Hatch, a daughter of Deacon Samuel Hatch, of Maiden, Mass. She was born in Derry, N.H., De- cember 25, 1852. At one time she was a member of the Second Advent church in Manchester; but she withdrew from that, and at present is not connected with any church. A devoted wife, Mrs. Tyrrell has been a kind and loving mother to the children left to her care, and is loved and respected by them all. ^YLVANUS VV. BRYANT, of Cor- nish Flat, was born in the town of Cornish, October 23, 1839, son of Sylvanus W. and Sophia (Woodward) Bryant. He comes of a robust, tenacious, and progres- sive family, representatives of which fought in the P"rench and Indian War, were officers in the Continental army under Washington, and have attained distinction in politics, the army and navy, the learned professions, and the arts and sciences. Among these none have been more widely known and beloved than New England's poet of nature, the late' William Cullen Bryant. Sylvanus W. Bryant traces his genealogy to Stephen Bryant, who came from the west of England in 1643, and settled in the Plymouth Colony at Duxbury, Mass. He married Abi- gail Shaw, who was born in England, and came to this country with her father, John Shaw, in 1632. William Cullen Bryant be- longed to the si.xth generation descended from Stephen. Lieutenant John Bryant married the daughter of Stephen liryant at IMymouth on November 23, 1665. Notiiing is known of him prior to that date, iiis children ntun- bered seven. Samuel, the fourth son, married Joanna Cole, and iiad seven children, four of whom were born in Plymouth and three in the adjoining town of Plympton. Samuel, Jr., the eldest child, married Tabitha, daughter of Deacon Joseph P"ord, of Pembroke, Mass. ; and eleven children were born to them. Syl- vanus, the fourth child of Samuel, Jr., mar- ried Sarah Sears, daughter of Edward Sears, of Halifa.x, and had a family of six children. Sylvanus Bryant, Jr., the third child of his parents, and the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, enlisted as a private in the Con- tinental army, rose to the rank of Captain, and did good service in the Revolutionary War. After the war he settled in Cornish, being the first of the name in this town. He married Judith, daughter of Moses Chase, and had a family of eight children. Sylvanus W. Bryant, Sr. , son of Captain Bryant, and the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Cornish, June 14, 1790, and died August 17, 1S64. He was a man of unusual mental range, sound judgment, and of much business capacity. His wife, Sophia, was born in Plainfield, N.H., June 3, 1800, and died Sep- tember 3, 1890. Their six children were: John, Sophia, Judith, George, Sarah Anne, and Sylvanus W. Sylvanus W. Bryant, the subject of this sketch, married Sarah G. Smith, of West- minster, Vt. They have had three children, namely: Mary H., now deceased, born Sep- tember 6, 1876; Jennie S., born June 28, 1879; and George H., JDorn November 22, 18S0. ON. HOSEA VV. PARKIER, of Claremcjiit, N. H., attorney and coun- i® V _ sellor at law, was born in Lemjister, Sullivan County, May 30, 1833, son of ]5en- janiin and Olive (Nichols) Parker. His father was an esteemed citizen of Lcmpster, where he held many positions of trust and HOSEA W. PARKER. lilOOR.M'lllCM, RKVIKW 29 responsibility. He died in 1S45, Icavin;^ three children — lunilie, Hiram, and Hosea W. lunilie L. marrietl Ransom 15cckwith (deceased), Ijy vviiom she had two sons — Wal- ter 1'. and Hira R., the I'ornier a graduate of Tufts College and the present superintend- ent of the Salem Normal School, the latter a well-known architect, residing in Claremont, N.H. llirani Parker is a merchant of Lemp- ster, has held different offices in the town, and has been a Representative to the legislature. He ranks among the most prosperous and en- terprising farmers in the county, and has for many years been a prominent member of the State Board of Agriculture. Hosea W. Parker acquired his early educa- tion in the district school, and at hf)me as- sisted his brother on the farm imtil he was eighteen years old. He later attended Tubbs Union Academy, Washington, and the Green Mountain Liberal Institute, South Wood- stock, Vt. luitering Tufts College in 1855, he there remained two years, and then began the study of law in the office of Burke & Waite, of Newport. While thus engaged, he taught school in Newport and elsewhere. In 1859 he was admitted to the Sullivan County bar, and began to practise in his native town; but in the fall of i860 he removed to Clare- mont, where he has resided ever since. He has built up an extensive and most excellent l>ractice, antl is consiilered a very competent counsellor. He is strong and influential in the Supreme Court, anil as a draughtsman of legal documents it is said he is not excelled in the State. His services are in constant demand wherever sound counsel and legal ability are appreciated. He was admitted to practice in the United States Circuit and Dis- trict Courts in New Hampshire, and in 1873 was admitted to the Supreme Court at Wash- ington, D.C. He has been engageil on one side or the other of almost every important case tried in the county, and as a lawyer ranks with the foremost of New Hampshire. Mr. Parker is a Democrat in politics, and has been a iirominent leader and worker in the cause of Democracy ever since he became a voter, attending county, State, and national conventions. In 1859 and i860 he repre- sented the town of Lempstcr in the New Hampshire legislature. In 1869 he was the Democratic candidate for member of Congress from the Third New Hampshire District, which had almost always been Republican; and he was defeated by Jacob Benton. In 1871 he was again a candidate, and was elected; and in 1873 he was re-elected by an increased majority. "Corruption was rife at Washington during the time of his service, but jobbery and extravagance in every form found in Mr. Parker a persistent opiionent. The Coiignssioiuil Record will show his vote recorded against every jobbery, subsidy, and plunder scheme, of whatever description, brought before Congress during his term of service, and in support of every measure cal- culated to promote the interests of the masses of the people, and especially in the direction of revenue reform. There and everywhere he has been earnest and outspoken in op|JOsi- tion to those features of the tariff laws calculated to enrich the few at the ex- pense of the many. He was a member of the Committee on Education and Labor, and also of the Committee on Patents, rendering valuable service in both committees. It was in the Forty-third Congress, as a member of the last-named committee, that Mr. Parker rendered his constituents and the people of the entire country a ser\^ice of inestimable value. It was at this time that the patents held by the great sewing-machine monoply, a combination of the leading companies entered BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW into for the purpose of keeping up the enor- mous prices of the machines, were about ex- piring; and a determined effort was made to secure an extension. A powerful lobby was employed, and money without stint was at its command. I'lvery possible argument and ap- pliance was brought to bear upon the commit- tee to secure a report in favor of extension. Mr. Parker, with his unyielding hostility to monopoly and especial privilege in every form, was unalterably opposed to such action from the start ; and it was largely through his per- sistent efforts that the committee finally re- ported against the extension by a majority of one vote, and the committee's report was sus- tained by the House. A reduction of nearly fifty per cent, in the price of sewing machines soon followed, a result hailed with joy in al- most every family in the land." After the close of his second Congressional term Mr. Parker was out of politics, giving his time and attention wholly to the practice of his profession until 1S92, when he was nominated unanimously in convention of the Second District for member of Congress, but was defeated by a small plurality. He has been on the State Central Committee of the Democratic party for thirty years. At the session of the New Hampshire legislature in 1897 Mr. Parker was the Democratic nominee for United States Senator, and received the votes of the Democratic members. The party, however, being in the minority, he was not elected. For five years he has been one of the Commissioners to establish free public libra- ries in New Hampshire, and the work has ijcen carried on to such an extent that at the present writing nearly every town in the State has a free public library. In 1883 the degree of Master of Arts was conferred u]X)n him by Tufts College, and he was elected a Trustee of the college, which position he still holds. He was for ten years Trustee of the State Normal School at Plymouth, N. H. He is a member of the Southern New Hampshire Bar Association, is a prominent Free Mason, and was for over twenty years Eminent Com- mander of Sullivan Commandery, Knights Templar, of Claremont. In religious faith and fellowship a Universalist, for the past thirty-six years he has been superintendent of the Universalist Sunday-school; and he has been President of the United States and Can- ada Universalist General Convention. He married Louvisa C. Southgate, daughter of Mark Southgate, of Bridgewatcr, Vt., and has one child, Lizzie S. , who is one of the prominent alumnae of Smith College, where she was graduated in i888. She married the Rev. Lee S. McCollester, a graduate of Tufts Col- lege and Tufts Divinity School, who has also studied and travelled extensively abroad. He is now pastor of the Church of Our F'ather, a large and flourishing society in Detroit, Mich. His father, the Rev. S. H. McCol- lester, D.D., of Marlboro, N.H., is the author of valuable works of European travel. Mr. Parker, it may be added, is a descend- ant of Captain Joseph Parker, and a relative of the late Rev. Dr. A. A. Miner, a distin- guished divine of the Universalist faith, who was born in Lempster, and long a favorite among the church-goers of Boston, Mass. Mr. Parker, it has been well said, is "a citizen eminently public-spirited, heartily supporting all schemes of local improvement. He is lib- eral to a fault, and never hesitates to contrib- ute to any object for which his aitl is sought, unless convinced that there is sham and hy- pocrisy. For hypocrites and pretenders, whether in politics or religion, in ]mblic or in private, in business or in social life, he has a thorough and ardent contcniiit. In his in- JJKKJRAI'IIICAL RKVIE:VV 3' t<.'i"(.'mirs(j willi men lie he-slows llic same con- sideration upon the i^oorest ami lunnlilest as upon the rich and exalted." -'••«•*-*— X\)f ilAAAM SIIAVV, a farmer of Pitts- field, was horn here, December 25, 1S33, son of Smith and Mary Jane (Garland) Shaw. The family is of Scotch origin, and descends from Joseph Shaw, its earliest known ancestor in America. The great-grandfather of William was Caleb Shaw, who was born May 9, 1718. On January 21, 1742, he married Abigail Batcheldcr, daugh- ter of Deacon John Batcheldcr. Of their seven children John, the sixth chiUI and sec- ond son, and grandfather of William Shaw, was born in Exeter, N.IL, July 30, 1751. lie learned the machinist's trade, and fol- lowed it in connection with farming. He set- tled in I'ittsfield one hundred years ago, and a portion of his farm of two hundred acres is now owned by William Shaw. lie married for his first wife Molly ]*"olsom, daughter of John h'olsom, of Exeter; and she died leaving no children. On June ig, 17.S5, he wedded his 'first wife's sister, ]5etty l'"olsom, who bore him thirteen children, all now deceased. Smith Shaw, the seventh of his parents' children, was born in rittstield, August 6, 1795. His entire life was passed in his na- tive town; and his active period was spent in the cultivation of a portion of his father's farm, which he inherited. He was widely known as an industrious and useful citizen. In politics he was a Democrat. He died at the age of seventy-six years, eight months, and eighteen days. His wife, Mary Jane, whom he married June 26, 1S17, was a daugh- ter of Amos Garland, of Ossipec, N.H. She became the mother of six children, of whom three are living — Abigail, John E., and William. Abigail was born April 22, 1820, and is the wife of Plummer Garland, of I'itts- field. John E., born February 13, 1828, mar- ried Sarah Brown, of Hamjiton Falls, N.H., and has two children — Ella and Josie. Will- iam Shaw's mother lived to reach the ad- vanced age of ninety-five years, nine months, and sixteen days. Both parents were mem- bers of the Free Will Baptist church. After working at shoemaking for a short time, William Shaw engaged in farming. He succeeded to the homestead of sixty acres, the most of which is under cultivation. He labored perseveringly for the prosperity he now enjoys. On December 25, 1870, he was united in marriage with Mary O. Foss, daugh- ter of Simon Foss, of Alton, N.H. She died August 8, 1894, leaving no children. Mrs. Shaw was a member of the Baptist church. Mr. Shaw is also in communion with the so- ciety and one of the most highly respected residents of Pittsfield. ''rank W. FOSTER, a leading farmer and dairyman of Hill, was born in the town of Bristol, N.H., September 20, 1859. His father, Wilson Foster, was born in Alexandria, N.H.; and Wilson's father, Joseph Foster, was a farmer well known in Bristol for many years. From Bristol Joseph removed to Merrimack, where he spent the latter part of his life, dying at the age of eighty years. His wife, in maidenhood Lydia Pattec, became the mother of nine children. Of these Wilson, the youngest son, was edu- cated in the public schools, and followed farming in Bristol for sixteen years. He then sold his property in that town, came to Hill, and there purchased a farm, upon which he has since made substantial improvements, in- cluding the erection of a house. He mar- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ried Harriet Kelley, daughter of Alfred Kelley, of Hill; and their children are: Martha A., Ellen F., Emma, Frank W., and Hadley J. Martha is married, lives in Bris- tol, and has one son, Everett ; Emma, now deceased, married George Ballon, and had four children — Oscar, Grace M., Herbert, and Hattie; Ellen is now Mrs. Errol Morse; Hadley married Annie Little, and has one child. Mr. Frank Foster grew to manhood on his father's farm. Interested in farming from his youth, he adopted it as his occupation, and has prosperously followed it since. On his farm of about two hundred and fifty acres he raises large quantities of vegetables, and he past- ures as fine a herd of cattle as one could wish to see. His dairy yields about fifty pounds of "gilt-edge" butter each week. Mr. Foster married Cora B. Call, daughter of Joseph Call. Mr. and Mrs. Foster have two children — Alson F. and Ralph J. — upon whom is bestowed the most affectionate care. Both parents are members of the Christian Church of Hill, and are prominent in the grange. In politics Mr. Foster is a Demo- crat, and he cast his first Presidential vote for General Hancock. He is known in the com- munity as a man of the strictest integrity, as one ready to give active suj^port to every good cause, and a leader in benevolent and philan- thropic work. He is interested in the pub- lic affairs of the town, and has served on the Board of Selectmen. RANK DE FORREST BAKER, a well-known farmer and lumber dealer (jf Plainfiekl, belongs to a family that came of luiglish yeomanry stock, and has been known for centuries in England for industry, sturdincss, and reliability. The name denotes the occupation of the founder of the fan)ily. In the fifteenth century the Bakers possessed considerable projierty in the north of England, and were known as being thrifty, industrious, and very tenacious of their rights. In 1650 there were many of the name at Aylesbury, County of Bucks, who became followers of George Fo.x, the Quaker, and with him suffered imprisonment by order of Cromwell. Mr. Baker directly traces his ancestry to Jeffry Baker. Jeffry's son Joseph, who was born June 18, 1655, came to Ameiica and settled in Connecticut. Joseph's son, Joseph, Jr., born April 13, 1678, was twice married, first to Hannah Pomeroy, who had by him two sons, Joseph and Samuel. His second marriage was made with Abigail Bissell, who bore him nine children; namely, John, Hannah, Jacob, Abi- gail, Ebenezer, Daniel, Heman, Titus, and Abigail (second). In the third generation down was Heman, born April 27, 1719, who married Lois Gilbert, November 24, 1747. They had nine children — Heman, Anna, Deborah, John, Oliver, Abigail, Lois, De- light, and Lydia. Oliver Baker, in the fourth generation, who was born at Tolland, Conn., October 5, 1755, and received a medical education, purchased a farm in Plainfiekl, on which he settled, and was thereafter engaged in the jiractice of his profession until his death on October 3, 181 r. He was great grandfather of Mr. Frank De P'orrest Baker. Of his family of eleven sons some became physicians. Dimmick, born March 18, 1793, took up farming, and re- mained on the old homestead until his death. He married Hannah Colby, and had a family of five children — Elias, Hannah A., luiward D., Dr. Cyrus Baker, and Helen F. Hannah, after teaching successfully for some time, mar- ried Morrill Cutting, a prosjierous farmer of Newjiort, now deceased. Edward D., born lilOCRAI'lIFCAL REVIEW 33 April 21, iS'27, rc;id law at I'.nfickl, N.H., with the lioii.N. \V. Wcstgato, now (if Haver- Jiill, N.ll., and later entered the law office of the il(in. II. A. liellow.s, late Chief Justice of New Hampshire. lie was admitted to the bar of Sullivan County in July, 1851, and opened an office at Cornish l'"lat, wiiere he practised until October, 1855, when he removed to Claremont. He married l-llizabeth Ticknor on November 12, 185 1. Cyrus, who graduated in medicine at New York, was an army sur- geon (luring the Civil War. He first married Maltha J. I'resti^m, who bore him one child, Alice Haker. His second wife, whose maiden name is Anna Erskins, has been the mother of four children, one of whom is living. Helen 1". married .Sheppard H. Cutting, a prosperous farmer of New]iort, N.H., and has iiad three children. Mlias Hakei', the father of the subject of this sketch, was born at Plainfield. After com|)lcting his education, he began his work- ing life as a farmer, managing his father's farms, and later being associated with his father on the homestead farm, where he lixed until his death. He was a man of superior intelligence and an apt student. It was his own ambition and the desire of his family to obtain a college education and prepare for a jirofessional career, but circumstances pre- vented this. He married Amelia I51anchard, and had a family of three children — Elsie A., l''rank D., and Charles D. l^Hsie, born June iC, 1848, was educated at Kimball Union Academy, and taught school very successfully until her marriage with Dr. J. H. IMartin, of Lebanon, N. H. Charles D., who is a hotel man in Arizona and owns considerable prop- erty, married Margaret Desmond. blank De Forrest Baker was born in Plain- field, April 8, 1 85 1. After receiving his education at the well-known Kimball Union Academy, he assisted his grandfather until the death of the latter. lie then engaged in farming and lumbering, and in raising cattle for the market. At one time he conducted a livery stable. He is active and energetic. Industrious and thrifty, he has acquired quite a competency. He married Sarah Moulton Scales, who was born June 10, 1855, daughter of Henry M. and Ann J. Scales, of Meriden. Mrs. Baker's grandfather, the Rev. Jacob Scales, was settled in Plainfield for many years. She has had four children: Cleon l*'. , born February 27, iblacksmith"s trade; and after that he com- pleted his schooling at Dummer Academy. While there he made the accpiaintance of his future wife, Anna Smith, daughter of Phile- mon Smith. They were married December S, 1S08, and settled in Hamilton, Alass. , he working at his trade till 1814, when the iiard times caused by the war with England led him to remove to a farm in llenniker, N.H., to buy which he incurred a debt of fifteen hun- dred dollars. With the conclusion of pcaco the price of farm produce fell, and to free himself from this burden cost many years of severe toil. Public-spirited and religious, a Deacon in the church, active in Sunday- school, he was earnestly interested in temper- ance and the abcjlition of slavery, and was ever ready to lend a hand to local benevolent enter- prises. He died in 1857, his wife, a most estimable woman, of strong character, outliv- ing him about twelve years, retaining her faculties to a remarkable degree at the ad- vanced age of ninety-four. They had been bereft of three children, and were survived by eight, namely: Parker; Josiah \V., father of Albert K., ex-Attorney General of Massachu- setts; Gilbert; Oliver, Jr.; Eliza A.; Har- riet; Mary S. ; and Moses D. Parker, the special subject of this sketch, acquired such education in his boyhood as was afforded by the district schools of Henniker, and at an early age began to help in the work of the home farm. When about twenty years old he went to live in Lynn, Mass., and was for some time thereafter employed in driving an express wagon from Lynn to 15oston. Re- turning to Henniker, he again devoted himself to farming. Uniting with the church a year or two later, he engaged zealously in religious work; and, being urged to prepare himself for the ministry, he pursued a course of study at Gilmanton, N.H., and at the Andover Theo- logical Seminary, "in less than four years from the reaper and the plough " was licensed to preach, and for a year, 1839-40, had charge of a parish at Loudon, N.PL In the mean time his sympathies and his strong sense of justice had been aroused in behalf of the Southern slaves, and in the spring of 1839, undertaking a short lecturing and financial agency for the Massachusetts Anti-slavery So- ciety, he delivered his first lecture on the sub- ject of slavery in Eitchburg, Mass. Leaving the Congregational church and pulpit in 1S40, he began his "anti-slavery apostleship" in New Hampshire, his first work being to con- 46 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW duct the Flciald of Freedom for a few months in the absence of its editor, Nathaniel P. Rogers. In the autumn he entered "the lect- ure field with the full resolve," as he says, "to see the overthrow of the Southern slave system or perish in the conflict." An es- teemed associate of Garrison and Phillips, of Rogers and Foster, of Douglass and others, he engaged heart and soul in the greatest mis- sionary movement of the age, denouncing the "sum of all villanies," and fearlessly reason- ing of truth, rigliteousness, and judgment to come. A book written by Mr. Pillsbury, published in 1883, entitled "Acts of the Anti-slavery Apostles," presents a graphic series of pen pictures of a character sufifi- ciently indicated by its title, and is a valuable contribution to the history of that thirty years of stress and storm. The work of Mr. Pillsbury himself and the esteem in which he was held by his fellow- laborers, who knew him best, may be judged from a few citations that follow, the first from the pen of Nathaniel P. Rogers in the Herald of Freedom in October, 1842; the second and third from the "Life of William Lloyd Garri- son," vol. iii. "The abolitionists of the country ought to know Parker Pillsbury better than they do. I know him for all that is noljle in soul and powerful in talent and eloquence. He is one of the strong men of our age." "Could you know him and liis liistory," wrote Wendell Phillips to I-llizabeth Pease in '^^^53' "yoii would value him. Originally a wagoner, he earned enough to get educated. When just reatly to be settled, the faculty of Andover Theological Seminary threatened him that they would never recommend him to a parish unless he gave up speaking in anti- slavery meetings. He chose us, and sacri- ficed all the benefits (worldly and pecuniary) of his hard-earned education. His course since has been worthy of this beginning." James Russell Lowell, in his rhyming letter to the Pennsylvania Freeman, describing th.e reunited abolitionists at the Anti-slavery Bazaar in Boston in December, 1846, portrays with a few bold strokes this dauntless cham- pion of freedom : — " Beyond, a crater in each eye. Sways brown, broad-shouldered Pillsbury, Who tears up words like trees by the roots, A Theseus in stout cowhide boots, The wager of eternal war Against the loathsome Minotaur To whom we sacrifice each year The best blood of our Athens here — A terrible denouncer he. Old .Sinai burns unquenchably Upon his lips : he well might be a Hot-blazing soul from fierce Judea — Habakkuk, Kzra. or Hosea — His words burn as with iron searers."' As was inevitable, in Mr. Pillsbury's book are recorded dark and shameful passages of American history. Impressive and pleasing is the account given of the memorable con- vention at Nantucket in August, 1841, where Frederick Douglass made his first appearance on the anti-slavery platform, and in a speech, rising to the importance of the occasion and the dignity of his theme, wrought the crowded congregation up "almost to enchantment." Long afterward Mr. Garrison, having just passed the threescore-and-ten milestone of life's journey, wrote to Mr. Pillsbury in reply to a congratulatory letter, in which tlie Doug- lass incident had been alludeil to among others. We quote but in jxirt : — '^ Dear friend Pillsbury, — I did not mean that a fortnight should elapse before answer- ing your letter, tiie receipt of which gave me much pleasure, not only because of the stir- ring memories of Auld Lang Syne awakened by it, but also for its very kind and fraternal spirit. . . . IMOCkAI'IIIC \l. ; i';\ I i-;\v 47 "^'olll• c-oming into llic fuld of conflict was specially timely, and displayed on your part rare moral courage and a martyr readi- ness to meet whatever of religious oblotjuy, j)opular derision, social outlawry, mobocratic violence, or deadly peril, might confront you as the outspoken and uncompromising advo- cate of immediate and unconditional emanci- pation. l*"or then the aspect of things was peculiarly disheartening, a formidable schism existing in the anti-slavery ranks, and the pro- slavery elements of the country in furious commotion, l^ut you stood at your post with the faithfulness of an Abdiel; and, whether men would hear or forbear, you did not at any time to the end of the struggle fail to speak in thunder tones in the ear of the nation, ex- posing its blood-guiltiness, warning it of the wratli to come, ami setting forth the duty of thorough re[)entance and restitution. If you resorted to a ram's horn instead of a silver trumpet, it was because thus only could the walls of our slave-holding Jericho be shaken to their overthrow. . . . "You, too, have seen of the travail of your soul, and may well be satisfied. Laiis Deo. "WlLI.I.VM Ll.OVL) G.\KRISON." Of the prominent workers in the anti-slavery contlict only two besides Mr. I'illsbury now (1897) survive; namely, the Rev. Samuel May and Charles K. Whipple. Mr. I'illsbury, it may be mentioned, was one of the trustees, with absolute discretion, to whom Mr. Charles F. Hovey, a merchant of Boston, dying in 1859, left forty thousand dollars to be used in behalf of anti slavery, woman's rights, and other reforms dear to his heart. Much to the regret of Mr. Pillsbury, owing to the exi- gencies of the Civil War and the pressing needs of the colored race during that period the whole amount was expended before any of it could be devoted to the interests of interna- tional peace, of which he has long been a stanch advocate. Since the close of the war Mr. I'illsbury, by voice and pen, has also lab(jrcd valiantly in behalf of temperance and woman suffrage, publishing and circulating over fifteen thou.sand tracts devoted to his favorite reforms. Disbelieving in govern- ment by force, he belongs to no political party, and he never votes. From his boyhood up, the home life of Mr. I'illsbury has been a happy one, the domestic atmosphere cheerful and invigorating, of New England's best type. On January i, 1840, he was united in marriage with Sarah H. Sargent, daughter of Dr. John L. and Sally (Wilkins) Sargent, of Concord, N.II. Mrs. Pillsbury was born in Loudon, Merri- mack County, N.H. Her father. Dr. John L. Sargent, was born in Chester, Rockingham County, N.II. He was a very successful phy- sician and surgeon, ami had an extensive prac- tice. Her mother, Sally Wilkins, daughter of Deacon Jonathan Wilkins, of Concord, N.H., was a woman of rare excellence of character, of refined taste and culture, being an extensive and appreciative reader. In this connection the biographer desires to say that Mrs. Pillsbury, whose portrait right- fully appears w^ith her husband's in this vol- ume, was not only an ardent sympathizer with him in his anti-slavery work, but was most efficient in co-operation with him. It was hers to keep the domestic fire burning while he was away, to exercise an economy and thrift unknown to the present generation, that her husband's time and means might be wholly devoted to the overthrow of slavery. This wife gave her husband the encouraging word when he left the home, and bade him God- speed with a cheery voice, when her heart was sad as the grave; for she knew that her be- 48 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW loveil husband was liable any day to be trampled or beaten to death by an angry mob, and his mangled form hurled with a slur across the hearthstone, or perchance an assas- sin's bullet would destroy the life that was her very soul. What ostracism she underwent in social life! She withdrew from the church in which her life was inwrought rather than partake of the sacred emblems from the hand of a minister who sanctioned the slavery of human beings. How her soul ached with that of her husband, and how sad the family circle when poor Sims was remanded from Boston's court-house to Southern slavery, and again when the hero martyr, John Brown, was legally murdered.' The writer regards it as an honor and a privilege to show in this sketch that in those days that tried men's souls there were women as well as men who toiled through dark days, and worried and wept through sleepless nights, that there might be accomplished what after years of bloodshed we witness in America to-day — perfect freedom of all God's chil- dren, without regard to color, race, sex, or sect. And so on the page of history, beside that of the anti-slavery hero and apostle, Parker Pillsbury, we place that of the heroine, Sarah H. Sargent Pillsbury, his sympathizer, helper, wife. Mr. and Mrs. Pillsbury have always resided in this city. They have one child, a daugh- ter, Helen Buffum, who was born June 14, 1843. She was married September 22, 188S, to Parsons Brainard Cogswell, journalist and e.\-Mayor of Concord, who died October 28, 1895. Mr. Cogswell came to Concord to learn the printer's trade of George G. I'ogg, who ran the Independent Denioemt, a Free Soil paper. Having thoroughly mastered his profession, he set his heart to have a daily paper for Concord ; and the Daily Monitor was the child of his conception. It is not too much to say that to P. Brainard Cogswell be- longs the honor of Concord's Daily Monitor. During her married life, as ever before and after, Mrs. Cogswell has continued to make her home with her father and mother, her de- votion to whom and ceaseless care for their comfort was most cordially seconded by her husband, who has left the fragrant memory of a noble manhood. MMET S. ROBINSON, an ex-member of the legislature and the owner of a large farm in Goshen, was born in Orange, Vt., August 2, 1859, son of Alexan- der and Sarah (Moore) Robinson, both natives of Plainfield, Vt. The father, who is a stone mason by trade, about the year 1862 moved to Newport, Vt., where he resided for fifteen years. From there he went to Newport, N. II. ; and there he has since been engaged in agricultural pursuits. Mr. and Mrs. Alexan- der Robinson have reared ten children, namely: Captain P'rank Robinson, who fol- lows the sea, and is a ship-master; Henry C, who married Lucy Wing, of Newport, Vt. , and is now carrying on a farm in Newport, N. H. ; Herman A., a wood-worker in New- port, N. H. ; Alson, who married Mrs. Clara True, and is now a carpenter in Tewksbury, Mass. ; Emmet S., the subject of this sketch; I'^lla J., who lives in Newport, N.H. ; Piiili[), who for many years has been connected with the National Library in Washington, D.C. ; Lcander, a railroad engineer in Canada; P'ruest, a carpenter in Newport, N.H.; ant! Abbie, who resides at home. Having acquired an education in the com- mon schools, Lmmet S. Robinson began to work for his living. After following different occupations for a time, he finally settled upon i;i()(;k M'liKAi, kKvii'AV 49 the I'lukcr f;irni in ("loslicii, where he mnv resides. He owns al)out f(nir liiindrccl and fifty acres of land, the tillage portion of which he devotes to general farming and dairying; and he sells considerable milk. On March 9, 188 1, Mr. Robinson was united in marriage with Marietta Parker. She was born in this town, August 12, 1839, daughter of Jonas and Zeroyda (Chase) Parker, natives respectively of Lempstcr and Unity. Jonas I'arker was for many years a prosperous farmer in Goshen. Both parents are now de- cea.sed. Mr. Robinson is a firm supporter of the Republican party, and has rendered in an able manner his share of service to the town. He served upon the Board of Selectmen for several years, and was elected to the legis- lature in 1895. Much interested in agricult- ural t[uestions, he is connected with Sunapee Mountain Grange, No. 144, Patrons of Hus- bandry, in Mill Village. Mr. Robinson is one of Goshen's representati\e men. (S^OIIX b'RAZn;R, a well-known farmer of Hanbury, Merrimack County, N.H., was born in Salisbury, January 16, 1836, son of John C. and Alice (Eastman) Frazier, of that place. His paternal grandfather, licnjamin I'Vazier, was one of the pioneers of Kearsarge Moun- tain. His ancestors, it is said, were of Scotch-Irish descent. Born on July 21, 1767, he went to Deerfield when a child; and after his marriage to Mary Philbrick he removed, in 1790, to Salisbury. Here he cleared at first an acre of land and l)uilt a log house, and as time went on became a very thrifty farmer and owner of considerable land which had been cleared by his own efforts. Game was abun- dant in those da^'s ; and, Grandfather Frazier being a skilful huntsman, the family larder was kejjt well lilletl with venison and bear .steak. One sectirjn of his farm was called Bear Wold, because of the number of bears killed there. The Frazier house was always a resort for the neighboring farmers and their families whenever a good time was wanted. Benjamin Frazier died on June 12, 1820. John C. Frazier, son of lienjamin, removed from Salisbury to Danbury in 1836, shortly after the birth of his son John. Here he built a fine group of buildings and remained during the rest of his life, dying on November 25, 1886. He served in the legislature for two terms, one of them being the famous Con- stitutional Convention term. He was the father of three sons, the second of whom, named Moses, died April 19, 1S96. Mr. ]''rank P. Frazier, the third son, a resident of Ivvanston, 111., is a member of the firm of Bartlett, Frazier & Co., of Chicago, III., and does an extensive grain business in the West. He married Clara Duff, of Peoria, 111., and has one son. Mr. John Frazier, of Danbury, is the eldest son. After leaving school, he worked for a time on a farm and later as a fireman on the railroad. In 1869 he went to Toledo, Ohio, where he remained for five years as engineer on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rail- road, running between Toledo and Elkhart, Toledo and Cleveland, and between Toledo and Detroit. Coming l-'ast again, Mr. Frazier was engineer for some time on the O. C. R. R. Later he settled on the farm where he now resides. He built a new barn in 1891. Mr. Frazier's first wife was Mary O. Fra- zier, and two sons were born of this marriage: James H., who is now deceased ; and Samuel M. The second wife was Miss Ida L. Brown, of Concord, N. H. Mr. Frazier was a member of the Constitutional Convention, and has been Selectman of Danbury. He has always voted 5° BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW the Democratic ticket, and is a solid sup]Kirter of the platform of the gold Democrats. His first Presidential vote was cast in i860 for Stephen A. Douglas. NDREW J. ABBOTT, a prosperous farmer of West Concord and an ex- member of its Board of Selectmen, was born in the house he now occupies, De- cember J 9, 1856, son of Simeon and Mary (Farnum) Abbott. The Abbott homestead, which has been owned by the family for five generations, was bought in 1754 by James Abbott from one of the original proprietors of Concord. James Abbott, who was a native of Andover, Mass., moved from there with his family to this land, and proceeded to clear and improve it. In 1760 he erected a frame house, which is still in use. He was suc- ceeded by his son, Amos Abbott (first), who left the property to his son, Amos Abbott (second), who was grandfather of Andrew J., and served as a Corporal in the Revolutionary War. The maiden name of the grandfather's wife was Judith Morse. Simeon Abbott, after receiving his ele- mentary education in the district schools of this town, subsequently pursued a higher course in a school of Meredith, N. II. He then taught school for several winter terms, and he conducted the homestead farm during liis active ])eriod. His natural ability and energy brought him into prominence in affairs, and he served as a Selectman and as Representative to the legislature. He died at the age of eighty-seven years and si.x months. His wife, Mary, daughter of Simeon Farnum, who represented a highly reputable family of this city, became the mother of ten children — Amos S., Rebecca C, Mary S., Abiel C. , Calvin I''., Stephen F., Louise Ci., Clara A., Mattie W., and Andrew J. Calvin F., Stephen F., and Mattie VV. are no longer living. Amos S. , who is residing in Concord, married Hattie Williams, and has two chil- dren — Hattie P. and Otis A. Mary S. mar- ried Fred G. Chandler, of Penacook, and has one daughter, Annie M. Abiel C, who lives in this city, wedded Mary iM'ancis, and has two children — James F. and Rebecca F. Louise G. married George Capen, lives at Omaha, Neb., and has seven children — Al- bert G., Simeon A., Stephen I"., Mary L. , George H., Edwin L., and Susan S. Andrew J. Abbott accjuired a district-school education, and at an early age apjilied himself to the regular farm duties at the homestead. Having succeeded to its ownership, he has since carried on general farming there with success. His crops are always large and of a superior cjuality, and he is regarded as one of the most practical farmers in his neighbor- hood. Actively interested in local affairs, he has displayed a determination to faithfully guard the general interests of the community. Politically, he is a Republican; and he cast his first vote for James A. Garfield in 1880. Il.LIAM BRl'XK was a prominent and wealthy resident of Claremont in his time. Born in Croydon, N.I I., December 17, 1826, he was a son of Henry and Keziah (Marsh) Breck. The grandfather, William Breck, who was bom in Boston, Mass., May 11, 1745, was a merchant in that city until 1792, when he came to West Claiemont. Here he bought a farm of a Mr. Dickinson, the deed of which bears the date May 3, 1792; and he resided on the estate for the rest of his life. He was a business man of unsullied integrity, and while residing in 15oslon he held several responsible positions. BIOORAI'IIICAJ, Rr<:viEvv 5' lie (lied Niivcnihcr 22, 1819. On July 11, 1 77 1, liu wedded Margaret Thomas, daughter of ])r. William Thomas, of Plymouth, Mass. She died J''ebruary 4, 1820. Iler chiltlren were: William, Iioru I*"el)niary 5, 1775; Peggy, who died aged one year; Peggy (sec- ond), born Aiiri] 2, 1778, who died in August, 183s; John T., born March 14, 1779, who died in 1816; James, born May 8, 1780, who died October 15, 1871; Nancy, born October 3, 1781, who (lied March i, 1858; Harriet, born September 15, 1782, wlio died June 30, 1S36; Henry, born February 26, 1786; and Hannah, born April 7, 1787, who died August 22, 1858. William became a sea captain, and acquired a fortune. His last days were passed in retirement at the homestead in West Claremont, where he lived as a country gentle- n)an, and died Ajiril 13, 1848. Henry l^reck, who was born in Boston, ac- companied his parents to Claremont. When a young man he settled in Croydon, and there kept a store. Later he opened a branch store in Cornish, N. H. Subsequently he disposed of his business in Croydon. He continued to carry on the Cornish store until 1848. After the death of his brother William he returned to the homestead and residetl there until his death, wliich occurred July 10, 1872. Keziah Marsh Iireck, his first wife, who was a native of Croydon, died June 29, 1S26. On October 4, 1827, he married for his second wife Sarah Townc. She survived him, and died June 22, 1889. His children by his first wife w-ere : John Thomas, who lives in Lebanon, N.H. ; Henry, who lives in Newton, Mass. ; Robert, who died in .Springfield, Mass., July 25, 1825 ; and William, the subject of this sketch. Those b)' his second union were: Sarah Ann, who married Reuben 15. l^llis, and resided in Claremont; .Samuel, a resident of Springfield, Mass. ; lulward W., who is residing in Hel- ena, "Mont. ; Charles 1'., who wedded Mary, daughter of Stephen Robcrt.s, of Mcdford, Mass., and now owns the homestead; and Llla M. ]5reck. William lircck completed his education at the Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. M. He went to reside in Cornish when fourteen years old, and was Assistant Postmaster there from 1844 to 1846. He had been engaged in business with his brother John in Cornish for about four years when he was obliged to with- draw on account of a severe attack of asthma. Li 1852 he went to California in search of health, and during his eight years' residence in that State he engaged in several business en- terprises, which in a short time tripled his investments. In i860 he returned home much improved in health. He retained some of his interests in California, which yielded a hand- some income during the war. Though not actively engaged in business after his return to Claremont, he invested in various enterprises. For several years he was a Director of the Claremont National Bank, of Sullivan's Sav- ings Institution, and of the Sugar River Paper Mill Company. He was a member of the New Hampshire legislature in 1S84 and 1885. On October 7, 1868, I\Ir. ]?reck was united in marriage with Susan L. Farwell. She was born in Claremont, May 27, 1 841, daughter of George N. and Sarah A. (McDonald) Farwell. George N. F^arwell, one of the thirteen chil- dren of Nicholas and Susan (Corey) Farwell, was born in Claremont, F^cbruary 18, 1804. At an early age he learned shoemaking, and later became the proprietor of a shoe factory, employing one hundred hands. He acquired influence in business circles; was one of the organizers of the Claremont Bank, of which he was President for some time; and he was the first Treasurer of Sullivan's Savings Institu- 52 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW tion. He was a liberal, public-spirited man. He erected several buildings in this town. His record was that of a liberal, public- spirited man. For over fifty years he was a leading member of the Congregational church. His wife, whom he married December 25, 1827, was a daughter of Lewis and Rhoda (Rathbone) McDonald. She reared three children — James H., John L. , and Susan L. Mr. and Mrs. Breck had one daughter, Sarah McDonald. Mr. Rreck died at his home in this town, November 10, iSSg. IIJJAM HALL, a retired merchant of riainfield, was born in Cornish, N. H., February 28, 1846, son of Lsrael and Elizabeth D. (Demming) Hall. He is a descendant of Willis Hall. His grandfather, Jonathan Hall, who was a native of Connecticut, was the first of the family to ascend the river for the purpose of settling. Jonathan, who was an extensive farmer, mar- ried Mercy Cady; and his children were : Ls- rael, Sophia, Alfred, and Susan, all of whom w^ere born in Windsor, \'t. Sophia married Sullivan Blood, of Windsor, and with her husband made the journey from Vermont to Missouri by horse and chaise. Sullivan Blood was for some years captain of steamboats of the Mississipjii River. Afterward he settled in .St. Louis, where he became prominent in the real estate business. The owner of many slaves at one time, he liberated them previous to the Rebellion. In politics he was a stanch Republican. He died a millionaire, and two of his four children are living. Susan always remained at home and cared for her mother, who in her later years suffered the loss of her sight. Alfred succeeded to the homestead, and always resided in Windsor. A leading business man, he was President of the Windsor Savings Bank and of the liridge Company. He was also prominent in public affairs. He married Catharine Morgan, daughter of Cap- tain Morgan, of Windsor, and had a family of five sons and one daughter, to whom he left a large estate. Israel Hall, William Hall's father, was born in 1792. When a young man he asso- ciated himself with a Mr. Marcy, and carried on a general mercantile business in Cornish, N.H., for a number of years. Selling out then to his partner, he engaged in the hotel business in Cornish, and conducted it for some time. He finally became a man of affairs, and his time was occujiied in attending to his various enterprises. He settled estates and acted as trustee, and was guardian for minors and persons not competent to take care of property. At one time he was President of the Windsor Savings Bank and of the Bridge Company. He also carried on a farm. Prom- inent in politics, h£ served as a Selectman until forced to decline further nomination, represented Cornish in the legislature, was Postmaster for several years, and he acted as a Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. He attended the Episcopal church, sang in its choir, and generously contributed to its sup- port. He was a natural musician, and for some years played a bass-viol in church. When si.xty years old he purchased a seraphine for the use of the church. As the party se- lected to play it was unable to do so, he took a few lessons on the instrument and ]ilayed it himself. Israel Hall died October 29, 1S63, aged seventy-one years, leaving a large amount of property to his family. Having stood high in the community as an honest, up- right business man and a faithful public ser- vant, his descendants have every reason to JiKik uiiiin his record with piide. The fii'st of his three marriages was contracted with Mary RIOGRAl-mCAL KKVIKW S3 Chase, and the second with Sarah Chase, both of whom were daughters of Israel Chase, of Coi'iiish. ( )n the Ihiid occasion lie was united to ICIizabetii 1). Dcnmiing, daugliter of Will- iam Demniinj;', a prosperous farmer of Cornish. Tiie ciiildren of liiis rriarriage, all born in Cornish, were: Charles, Israel ])., William, lulward, and George. Charles died in in- fancy. George died I-'ebruary 13, 1863, aged eleven years. Israel D., born May 17, 1S43, who completed his studies at the Windsor High School, and then took a course at l-'ast- man's Business College in Concord, is now carrying on a large general store in Clare- mont, N.II., is connected with other enter- prises, and is President of the Bridge Com- pany in Windsor. He has represented Clare- monl in the legislature, has served upon the School ]5oard for a number of years, is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and attends the Congregational church. He married M. Belle Redfield, daughter of .S. Frank Redfield, of Claremont, and has one daughter, Alice I'^lizabcth, who is now Mrs. .Scott, of that town. Ivlward Hall, who was boin July 3, 1S49, attended the Windsor High School. Prevented by his failing sight from entering upon a business career, he engaged in farming in I'lainficld for some years, and is now living in retirement. He married Emilv Lewin, now deceased, who was a daughter of I-'rastus I.cwin, of Plainfield. Mrs. Israel Hall, who lived to be sixty-seven years old, died Janu.ary 22, 1S75. William Hall acquired a good education in the common scliools of Cornish and in the Windsor High School. He had intended to enter Dartmouth College, and was about to graduate from the high school, when, seeing an unusually [iromising business opportunity open to him, he decided to embrace it. When, by the destruction of the Windsor Bridge by a flood, communication between that town and Cornish was cut off, he im- mediately established a general store in the latter town, and had a profitable trade until the britlge was rebuilt. He then bought a store in Plainfield, to which he mrjvcd his stock, and was in company with his brother, Israel D., for four years, when Israel retired. After carrying it on successfully for nineteen years longer he retired. He has served with ability as Town Clerk and Treasurer, and has frequently been solicited to accept other town offices, but declined. ]\Ir. Hall married Amanda M. Gallup, of Plainfield. She was born February 28, 1846, which is also the date of her husband's birth. Mrs. Hall is a daughter of Charles I', and Amanda M. (Kingsbury) Gallup. Her father was a leading citizen of Plainfield, and repre- sented this town in the legislature. His wife was a daughter of Asa Kingsbury, one of the early settlers of Plainfield. The name of Kingsbury is now e.xtinct in this town, but three grandsons of Asa Kingsbury are living, namely: Benjamin C, amine owner in Spo- kane, Wash. ; Byron 1'., a railroad station agent in Taunton, Mass. ; and Charles G., the superintendent of the American F3.\press Agency in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Hall arc the jiarents of three children, who were born in Plainfield, as follows: William Israel, April 14, 1868; Halliene Elizabeth, April 7, 1S72; and Charles Gallup, January 9, 1S80. William Israel, who completed his education at the Sa.xton's River Academy in \'crmont, studied art and vocal culture in Bos- ton, and is now singing at one of the large churches in Trenton, N.J. ; he married Eliza- beth Sprecklen, of New Jersey. After receiving her education in a private academy, Halliene Elizabeth studied music at the New F'ngland Conservatory in Boston, and graduated June 54 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 25, 1894. She has since spent some time in travelling through the United States. Charles Gallup is being educated under a private tutor. T^APT. JACOB KNIGHT CLARK I Jl was a farmer of Hopkinton. He was xjf_,^ born here, April 4, 1812, son of Jacob and Betsey (Huse) Clark. His grand- father, also named Jacob, came here from Newbury, Ma.ss. The other children of his parents were: Thomas, Prudence K., Sally F., Cyrene H., and James M. Thomas, born June 6, iSio, married Judith Lull, of East Weare, and died at the age of thirty years. Prudence K., who was born August 9, 18 14, died in early childhood. Sally F., born De- cember 30, 18 16, married Thomas Edwards Paige, of Weare, and died in Hopkinton, August II, 1882. Cyrene H., born March 17, 1819, married William Plummer, resided in Henniker, and died at the age of si.xty- seven years. James M., who was born May 24, 1822, went to California and died there in 1864 or 1865. Captain Clark was a well-to-do farmer and man of affairs in his town. In 1830 he was Llnsign of the Hopkinton Rifles, and he was successively ]iromoted to the ranks of Lieutenant and Cai)tain in 1S31 and 1S34. In 1848-50 he was Selectman, in 1851 he was elected State Representative, and he was Town Assessor in 1854. When he and Moses Moyt introduced machine threshing, it was popularly thought that the machine would spoil the grain or cause a fire. Captain Clark was married July 19, 1835, to Mary, daughter of Samuel and Betsey (Burbank) Straw, of Weare, and was the father of three children — Helen M., Warren, and I'^llen T. Wan en Clark was born in Hopkinton, March 29, 1S37, and was educated at Hopkinton Academy and at Norwich (Vt.) University. At the latter place he was Lieutenant of the Norwich Cadets. After graduating from the university in 1857, he taught military science and mathematics in Mount Pleasant Academy, Sing Sing, N. Y. , and also in Randall's School for Boys in Bloomfield, N.J. He then studied law with George & I-'oster, of Concord, and was admitted to the bar in 1S62. He lived in Hopkinton until 1863, in Henniker up to 1S70, and after that time in Concord, serving in some public capacity in each place. In 1874 he was ajipointed Judge of Probate for Merrimack County. In Concord he was connected with the .School Board for the most of his life after 1875, and he was Postmaster there after 18S8. Pie married Fannie S. , daughter of Alfred and Sophia (Worthington) Otis, of Colchester, Conn. Judge Clark died November 21, 1891. The owner of the old Clark homestead since the death of Cajitain Clark, which occurred July 19, 1893, is Thomas Warren Paige, son of Thomas Edwards and Sally Felch (Clark) Paige. He was born December 13, 1853, in Lowell, Mass. Tiiere were two other sons — Orra, of Magnolia, Mass., and French, of Lowell. In 185S the family moved to Stone- ham, Mass., where in i86[ the father died. Ills widow'died while on a visit in Hopkintim, August II, 1882. Thomas W. Paige was married November i, 1885, to Minnie, daugh- ter of Gilnian and Wealthy (Ho3t) Straw, of Contoocook, N. II. —♦•*••-♦— /§>, ■ORGI". II. CILI.l'V, a prominent \ jS)F farmer of Hill, is a native of Bris- tol, N. II., bdin i\Iay 15, 1864. A son of John M. Cilley, of Andover, he is a descendant of one of the early pioneer families of that district. His great-grandfather cleared JUOGRAIillCAL REVIEW 55 ;my the heavenly hosts. It is not in the conceit room or in the or- chestra that the sweetest music from Professor Gihson's violin is heard, hut in his own mod- est home in llenniker, where, with a few ap- preciative friends as listeners, he draws forth the most charming music. His violin is a rare instrument, one hundred and twcnty-si.v years old, of a rich, jiowerful tone. The Pro- fessor is modest as to his own attainments, is simple of manner, and has a kind and generous heart; and he is much loved by his pupils. His violin has been a source of infinite pleas- ure to him and his friends, comforting him in his sorrows and cheering him across the rough places of life's pathway. From the many deserved compliments jjaid to his extraordinary talent we cpiote the fol- lowing from the New York Musical Times of January lo, i860, written by its Washington correspondent concerning a concert given by C. C. Gibson in Wilkud's Hall: "Mr. Gibson is a great performer. For jnuity of tone, ex- pression, and ease, and the skill with which he executes difficult passages, he cannot be ex- celled. .Senators .Sumner, Hale, Ciittenden, Seward, and others, including many [irominent men and foreign ministers, were in the audi- ence; and every ap[)earance of Mr. Gibson was met with hearty applause, and each number was repeatedly encored. " The Boston Satitr- diJv Evening Gazette of February 6, 1858, says of a concert at 'Fremont Temiile: "C. C. Gib- son perfoinied his ' liird Waltz I'antasia ' in a most masterly and scientific manner. The bird imitations were perfect. It requires genius and perseverance to reach such pcrfcc- tiijn on this king of instruments. He evi- dently took the audience by surprise, and was rapturously encored." The Boston Traveller of January 2, 1S5S, says: "Mr. Gibsrm is truly a wonderful performer. Tones more ]>ure and beautiful wc never heard, and we have heard all the great players of the clay. His wizard-like ijerformance seemed to cast a spell of enchantment over the audience, which burst into rapturous apjilause at the conclusion of each piece." The musical critic of the Washington Constitution sjjcaks of liim thus: "Professor C. C. Gibson is not cjnly a scien- tific performer, but the genius of his nature is such that when he alights upon a theme to which his delicate sensibilities respond he seems to evince an inspiration of soul capable of expression only." Some years ago Professor Gibson suffered a severe attack of spinal meningitis, which con- fined him to his room, and much of his time to his bed, for two years. Since that time iiis work has been largely confined to private in- structiim, his pupils including some of the brightest violinists of the country. YRUS RUNN1-:LS, a well-known and. I] highly esteemed citizen of Concord, if - was born at Mast \'ard in 1832, son of Samuel Runnels. His grandfather, Samuel Runnels, Sr. , a native of Boxford, Mass., came early to New Hampshire, where he bought a farm of one hundred and si.\ty-two acres, and spent the latter part of his life occupied in farming. He was a land sur- veyor, and assisted greatly in laying out roads and lots in his day. He was also one of the Home Guard of the War of 1812. At his S8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW death he was sixty-six years old. With his wife, Anna Hardy Runnels, he reared four <:hildren — Samuel, Lois, Priscilla, and Anna, all of whom have now passed away. Samuel Runnels, Jr., was educated in the district schools and became a farmer. He secured land, and built the house now occupied by his son. He died in 1864, aged sixty-eight. His wife was Anner Abbot Runnels, a daugh- ter of Ezra Abbot, of the old Abbot family of this place. She was the mother of seven chil- dren, of whom two died young. The others are: Cyrus, Louisa J., ]{mily, Almira, and Anner A. After Cyrus Runnels received his element- ary education in the district schools, he pursued higher courses at the Hancock Lit- erary and Scientific School, at Penacook Academy, at Hopkinton, and at Professor Hall Roberts's select school in Concord. He also graduated in the class of 1855 of the Chandler Scientific School of Hanover. In early life Mr. Runnels taught school for four winters in New Hampshire and later for one winter in Iowa. He worked at his profession of civil engineering in Iowa for nine years, doing local service in 1862 at the Adjutant- general's office in Clinton of that State. In 1S64 Mr. Runnels returned to New Hamp- shire and took the farm, but still continued to carry on his work of surveying. He became at once identified with the social and civil in- terests of the tiiwn. He has been for six years Assessor, for three years Selectman, for three years a member of the Council, and he has been a Justice of the Peace for more than ten years. During his residence in Iowa, Mr. Runnels was a member of the Presbyterian church, serving the society as a Deacon and Llder. Since his return to New llampsliirc he has joined the West Congregational Church of Concord, and is one of its Deacons. In poli- tics he is a Republican, and he cast his first Presidential vote for General Grant in 1S68. -JT^OSES A. CRAGIN, of Lempster, a veteran of the Civil War and an ex-member of the New Hamp- shire legislature, was born in Rindge, N.H., Decemlier 13, 1823, son of Moses and Sarah (Chamberlain) Cragin. His father, who was born in Rindge in the year iSoo, and spent the greater part of his life in his native town, was for some years engaged in peddling. He afterward removed from Rindge to Alstead, N. H., and later to Marlow, where he was en- gaged in the wooden-ware business. He died April 5, 1864. His first wife, Sarah Cham- berlain Cragin, was a native of New Ipswich, N. H. After her death he successively mar- ried Eleanor Walton, of Temple, N. H., and I'^anny Pidwell, of Langdon. By his first union there were six children, namely: Moses A., the subject of this sketch; a child who died in infancy; Newton B. ; Elvira; lildward ; and Lucius. Lucius died in 1853, aged eigh- teen years. Newton B. Cragin, who is a re- tired fruit-grower and resides in Worcester, Mass., married Sarah Monroe, of Marlow; and their daughter, Alice P'stella, is now the wife of P'red Ilathern, of Worcester. l^lviia mar- ried John 0. Priest, now living in retirement at Westboro, Mass. l^dward, wlio is a rail- road engineer and lives in Oliio, wctklcd Mar- tha Peither. Moses A. Cragin attended the district school until he was nine years old. On reaching his majority, he then located in Gardner, Mass. Some time after his marriage he moved to Marlow, where he followed the blacksmith's trade for five }'ears. Then he engaged in the wooden-ware business. On mOGKAIIIH \l, KKVIKW S9 Sc|)lcnil)cr 3, 1S64, lie enlisted as a private ill Ci)iii|)aiiy A, ]';i<;liteeiitii Regiment, New llanipsliiie Volunteers, and served in it until the elose ui the Civil War. His comjiany was detaehed to act as guard I'm- Henham's corps of engineers for a time, and also took part in the defence of l'ittsl)urg Landing, the siege of Tetershnrg, and the capture of l^ichniond. Discharged from the service in June, 1865, he returned to Marlovv and resumed the wooden- ware business. In 1869 he bought the Rogers place in Lempster, where he now resides. Since taking possession of the estate, he has enlarged its land area from eighty to three lunulred acres, made various imprfU'emeiits, and carried on general farming and dairying, lie is a loyal supporter of the Republican party, and he ably represented his district in the legislature in 1895 and 1896. Me is a comrade of I'rcd II. Smith Post, No. 10, G. A. R., of Newpoit. In Keene, N. II., Jaiuiary 25, 1853, Mr. Cragin was joined in mari'iage with I'jiieliue R. l?eckwith, who was born in Acworlh, N.II., April 9, 1836, daughter of Stephen and Cynthia (Osgood) Beckwith. Steplicn licck- with, a native of Acworth, followed agricult- ure in his native town during the active period of his life, and died April 8, 1S77. His wife, who was born in Pittsford, \'t., died October 19, 1889. Their children were: Ira Alonzo, who died in 1893; luneline R., who is now Mrs. Cragin; Oliver, who resides in Marlow ; Nellie C, now the widow of Henry VV. Ware, who died in Hancock, N.II., in March, 1896; and Diantha, who is residing in ;\cwortli. Mr. and Mrs. Cragin have four sons, born as follows: Lucius M., December 26, 1855; Charles A., February 20, 185S; Leslie D., September 6, i860, who died Feb- ruary 19, 1862; and b'red II., December 3, 1862. Lucius M. married Mora Grimes, and is engaged in farming in Springfield, \'t. Charles A. resides at the homestead and assists in the management of the farm. On January 6, 1892, he married Annie V. (JrinTith, who was born August 11, 186X, daughter of George Bancroft and Anna S. (Howe) Griffith. Her father is the well-known poet of Lemp- ster, of whom an e.xtended account appears elsewhere in this work. Fred IL, who is a butcher and meat dealer in Springfield, Vt. , married b'dith C. Gould, a native of W'eathers- field, Vt. RTKMAS TI':RRILL liLRIJCIGH, who is now engaged in truck farming in I'^ranklin, was born in this town, February 25, i860, son of Gordon and Char- lotte (Turner) Burleigh. The father, who was a native of Dorchester, N.H., accom- panied his parents to Franklin when he was two years old. In early manhood he was en- gaged in the coal business in Boston. He subsetjuently returned to I-'ranklin, and re- sided upon the farm now occupied by his son, Artemas T. , until his death on August 10, 1 89 1. His wife, Charlotte, who was a resi- dent of Charlestown, Mass., became the mother of ten children, namely: Henry, who lives in Hyde Park, Mass., and is a boot and shoe dealer; Gordon, who is in the same busi- ness in Boston; Artemas T., the subject of this sketch; Robert, a medical practitioner in Rochester, N.H. ; George, a jeweller in Til- ton, N.H.; Lottie and Emma, who are resid- ing in Newport, R.I. ; Paul, a resident of Lawrence, Mass.; Sarah IClizabeth; Freddie, who died in infancy. Mrs. Gordon Burleigh now resides with her daughters in Newport. Artemas Terrill Burleigh began his educa- tion in the common schools, and his advanced studies were pursued at the Agricultural and Dartmouth Colleges. After completing his 6o BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW education he resided at hunie until he became a travelling salesman for a ]5oston concern dealing in hardware and agricultural imple- ments, in which capacity he was employed for seven years. In 1S89 he engaged in the dry- goods business in Tilton, N. H., and contin- ued in trade for about three years. At the end of that time he settled upon the farm in Franklin, where he has since resided. The property contains three hundred acres of land. He carries on general farming, dairying, and market gardening. On July 14, 1S82, Mr. Burleigh was united in marriage with Inez Rice. She was born in Lowell, Mass., daughter of Edwin and lantha (Blanchard) Rice. The father, who was a merchant, is no longer living. The mother is residing in Franklin. In politics Mr. Bur- leigh is a Republican. The progress he has already attained in agricultural pursuits speaks well for his energy and ability. He is a member of Belknap Lodge, No. iS, Ancient Order of United Workmen. ^AMUEL HARRIS DOW, son of Amos and Mary (Brown) Dow, was born in Hojikinton, N. H., June 10, 1818, anil died at his residence at Bagley Sta- tion, Warner, Merrimack County, September 6, 1894. He had not been well for several years, having been unfortunate enough, Janu- ary 17, i88g, while overseeing some work at one of his mills, to liave his leg broken by a rolling log; and he had scarce recovered from that accident when he had a slight paralytic shock. Within a year after, a cancer devel- oped on his li[), causing him great suffering for four or five years. Hi.s strong will power and determined resolution, however, kept him about until his death, which was caused by a second stroke, altliough he paid less attention to his business in his later days, throwing much of its responsibility upon his son. Mr. Dow was a self-made man in the broad- est sense implied by the term. His early life was spent in poverty, his father having been a cripple, with a large family to support, and needing the assistance of every child to keep the wolf from the door. Accordingly, Sam- uel left home when a small lad, and from that time until twenty years old earned his living as best he could, working at any honest em- ployment. The year before attaining his ma- jority he obtained a situation with Mr. Charles Davis, who hired him for seven months, agreeing to give him ten dollars a month. At the end of the time Mr. Davis gave him seventy-three dollars, presenting him with three dollars for his faithfulness. Hiring the Davis mill, he then sawed shingles at the rate of fifty cents per thousand and board, sawing day-times and bunching nights. The ensuing spring he began buying and manufacturing lumber, buying at first but a few trees at a time, gradually enlarging his operations; and in 1842 he had cleared above his expenses nine hundred dollars. Mr. Dow then bought one-half interest in the Nathaniel A. Davis saw-mill, mortgaging it to secure payment, and running into debt for the Charles Davis siiingle-mill. lie worked in- dustriously, saved every penny possible, and four years later had both mills paid for. He continued his investments in lumber, bark, and wood until 1857, when he disposed of his Ijuildings to W. S. Davis for nine hun- dretl dollars, and sold his mills to Daniel Milton. Ill the same year he erected a resi- dence at a cost of thirty-seven hundred dollars. During the Rebellion, when the draft came to raise the town quota for the Eleventh New Hampshire Regiment, he had just passed the age limit; but he voluntarily gave five dollars SAMUEL H. DOW. i;i<»(;k Ai'iiKAl, I'A'II'AV '"'3 to e;icli Vdliinlccr recruit, thus paying out over two liuiulrcil ami lifty dollars. The Select- iiRTi icfusin<( to pay the town ])ounty, not hav- ing been so instructed by vote, he, in company with {'"ranklin Simoiuls, Joshua George, Stepiicn Ikirtlett, and George Jones, signed bonds to protect the soldiers, whom the town officials subsequently jiaid by borrowing twenty-seven hundred dollars, which Mr. Dow had lying in the Warner Hank. When tliis bank suspended, he had on de[K)sit some four- teen thousand dollars, which he invested in the l-'irst National Savings ]5ank of Concord, N.II. About this time Mr. IJow purchased a large tract of wood and timber land in I'^ast Canaan, and for several years did an extensive busi- ness in getting out lumber, running mills, etc. lie bought large lots of land in other lo- calities, chietiy in Canaan antl Warner, and after cutting off the timber held the land for new growth. In later years he i)ai(l a good deal of attention to his farm, on which he settled in iS/Q, residing therefrom that time on until his demise. He erected nearly all the buildings at 15agley Station, l)ut persist- ently refused to have the name of the place changed to Dow, as his friends desired. He also made many other wise investments of his money, owning a store in Davisville, besides erecting three large business blocks in Con- cord; wliich are still in the possession of his iieirs. He was a strong Republican in poli- tics, but never accepted public office. Mr. Dow was actively interested in the wel- fare and advancement of the town in which he lived, and, though earnestly opposed to the expenditure of the town's funds for purposes of doubtful value, was one of the foremost to push forward and aid with generous financial contributions all projects that promised to be beneficial. The late Franklin Simonds gave twenty thousand dollars as a fund, tiie inter- est to be used in defraying the expenses of a free high school in Warner, provided the town would erect a suitable building. Mr. Dow and Gilman Bean gave bonds to the amount of ten thousand dollars, Mrs. Simonds adding five thousand dollars more; and the town built a fine school-house, which cost, including the land, ten thousand dollars, Mrs. Simonds giv- ing five thousand dollars; John Robertson, two hundred and fifty dollars; C. G. Mc- Alpine, two hundred and fifty dollars; George Jones, two hundred and fifty dollars; Reuben Clough, thirty dollars; and others, smaller sums; Mr. Bean and Mr. Dow paying the bal- ance, amounting to over two thousand dollars apiece. Mr. Dow was thrice married. His first wife, Harriet C. , daughter of Daniel Currier, died a few years after marriage, leaving two chiltlren, namely: Fanny C, who married Oscar L. Rand, and has two children — Shirley and Blanche E. ; and Ilervey S., who died October 8, i8gi, at the age of forty-two years. Hervey S. Dow was for many years associated with his father in the lumber busi- ness, having personal charge of the mills in Canaan. He left a widow, whose maiden name was Bertha Barney, and three children — Fdith M., Pearl E., and Florence B. Mr. Dow's second wife, Matilda Sojjhronia Currier, a sister of his first wife, died after a compara- tively few years of wedded life, leaving no children. On July 29, 1856, Mr. Dow mar- ried Miss Emily Rand, who was born in Hop- kinton, N.H., May 17, 1S38. Her parents. Smith and Miriam (Goodhue) Rand, subse- c[uently removed to Warner. Mrs. l-lmily R. Dow still occupies the pleasant family resi- dence at Bagley. She has two children — Herman A. and Emily G. Herman A. Dow, who resides with his mother, succeeded his 64 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW father in the care of the farm ami the lumber business. He married Stella G. Wright; and they have one child, Samuel H. Emily G. Uow is the wife of Fred II. Savory, and has two children — Fred A. and Miriam E. Savory. (5 Thomas t. penniman was a weii- ^1 to-do farmer and wool-grower of Plain- field. A native of this town, he was born January 19, 1823. After completing his education in the schools of Plainfield, he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, and assisted his father in carrying on the home farm. He eventually inherited the property, and under his energetic management it was made to yield a handsome profit. The estate, situated upon elevated ground, contains three hundred acres of land and substantial build- ings, all in good repair. While he was en- gaged in general farming and stock-raising, he devoted his chief efforts for many years to the raising of sheep for the sake of their wool. His fine pastures afforded excellent grazing for the .sheep. As he went into the business upon an extensive scale and at a time when wool-growing was one of the best paying industries, it brought him considerable wealth. His crops of hay and grain were among the best to lie found in this locality, and his other farm products were of a superior quality. In politics he was a Republican; and, though his party was in the minority here, he steadfastly upheld its jjrinciples and supported its candidates. As an honorable, upright, and liberal-minded citizen he had the respect of his fellow-townsmen. He was a regular attendant of the Congregational church. His death on January 24, 1886, when he was sixty-three years old, was gen- erally regretted in Plainfield. Mr. Penniman wedded Mary Ann .Smith, who was born in Unity, N.H., December 15, 1842. Her parents were Frederick P. and Losha W. (Morris) Smith. The father, a prosperous farmer of Claremont, was born in Unity, N.H., July 30, 1814, and the mother in Lisbon, N. H., in December, 1819. Mr. Penniman was the father of seven chiklren, namely: Thomas, born June 19, 1871; Flora Belle, born Julys, 1872; Dorinda W., Ixjrn March 21, 1874; Frederick S., born April 19, 1875; Mary Lizzie, born October 19, 1876; Henry N., born January 18, 1879; and Morris G., born P^ebruary 15, 1881. Thomas, who is engaged in farming and teaming, married Mary W. Curtis, daughter of Hartley Curtis, of Cornish, and has one son, Thomas Ken- neth, born March 10, 1895. Flora Belle, who was for some time a successful teacher, is now the wife of Norman C. Penniman, of Cornish. Dorinda W. is a student at the Kimball Union Academy. Frederick S. is assisting upon the farm. Mary Lizzie, Henry N., and Morris G. are residing at home. The elder children were educated at the Kimball Union Academy, Meriden ; and Henry N. is now attending that institution. Mrs. Thomas T. Penniman is residing with her children at the homestead. I'HRAIM P. GOSS, a prosperous farmer, fruit-grower, and dairyman of llen- iiiker, was born November 27, 1844, on Pork Hill, in the northern part of this townshijj. He is a son of Luther (ioss, whose father, Ephraim Goss, when he was a young man, came here from Lancaster, Mass. Ephraim was one of the first in complying with the call to arms that resounded through the colonies after the fights at Concord and Lexington, and subsequently rendered the ser- vices of one good man in the war of indepen- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 6S (leiicc. On coming to Hcnniker, he lived for a time on the farm now owned Ijy Mrs. Robert IJ. Rice. Afterward he bought the property on I'ork Hill known as the old Goss home- stead, now owned and occupied by one of his grandsons, where he spent his remaining years, and tlieil August 2, 1838. His wife, Ruth Campbell Goss, a daughter of Ainos and Anna Campbell, who survives him, died March 8, iSCii. They had eleven children, of whom l.utluT was the eighth in the order of birth. IvUther Goss, born in lienniker, January 30, 1801, and brought up as a farmer, was occu- pied in agriculture throughout the rest of his life. After his marriage he bought a farm adjoining the parental homestead on Pork Hill, on which he subsecpiently resided until his death on September 22, 1865. The an- cestral acres descended to Cyrus Goss, a brother of Luther Goss, whose son, Franklin Goss, now owns and occupies the estate, l-uther Goss married Sallie Colby, who, after surviving him many years, passed away Janu- ary 19, 1S84, at the venerable age of eighty- one years. She lived on the farm some four years after the death of her husband, when she sold the property, and removed to the village with her daughter, Helen C. She was the mother of seven children, namely: Solon, who died in infancy; Lydia C, the wife of Rufus Putnam, of Contoocook; Helen C, who keeps house for her brother Ephraim; Julia M., who married Charles S. Foster, and died at the age of thirty-five years; David P., who died in infancy; ICIizabeth M., who is the wife of Fitz E. Cogswell, of Concord, N.H.; and Fphraim P., the twin brother of I'Hiza- beth, and the subject of this sketch. Fphraim P. Goss completed his schooling at the Hennikcr Academy, and at the age of nineteen years began teaching, intending to pursue a professional career. iiis lather's death occurring soon afterward, a radical change in his plans was made, his services being needed at home. Me returned to the farm, which he managed until it was sold, four years later. He then worked for a time at the carpenter's trade, making his home in the village with his mother, until he established a home of his own. Since his marriage he has resided on his present farm. This prop- erty, which was originally owned by Abel Connor, and which was the lifelong home of I''ayette Connor, the uncle of Mrs. Goss, is one of the most noted estates in tliis vicinity. Although the house has been altered in many respects, the front remains the same as when built by the original owner, nearly a century ago. Mr. Goss carries on general farming, devoting much attention to his dairy, and selling the cream. He raises a good deal of fruit, for which his farm is especially famed, and where was grown the first grafted in Hcnniker by Abel Connor. On June 19, 1876, Mr. Goss married Miss Sarah E. Con- nor, who was born in North Hcnniker, De- cember 2, 1854, daughter of A. Whitney and Harriet (Spofford) Connor, and grand-daugh- ter of Abel Connor. She died August 19, 1 89 1, after a long and painful illness of several months, leaving one child, Julia Mabel, who is now attending the high school. Mr. Goss is a strong Republican in politics. He is active in his party, attending all the county and State conventions, and was Select- man for four years. He has been an influen- tial worker in the temperance cause as a member of the Sons of Temperance. He is likewise a member of the local grange and of the Order of the Golden Cross. For thirty years he has sung in the choir of the Congre- gational church, with which he united when si.xteen years of age. An intellectual, well- 66 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW read man, of affable manners and upright character, he is popular wherever he is known. /^TTlMAN C. morgan, a farmer of \}S) I Hopkinton, Merrimack County, N.H., was born September lo, 1S30, in Hartford, Vt., being a son of Nathaniel and Mehitable (Colby) Morgan. His pater- nal grandfather, Nathan H. Morgan, was born October 27, 1765, in Pembroke, N. H. Four years later his father and mother, who were English, came to Hopkinton, and settled in the unbroken forest in the south-west part of the town. At that time there were no roads, but only foot-paths, indicated by spotted trees for a guide. Nathan H. Morgan remained on the old homestead from the time of coming here with his parents until his demise, Octo- ber 31, 1 8 50. His wife, Mary Emerson Morgan, was born March 30, 1770, and died December 5, 1833. They had twelve chil- dren, namely: Timothy, who was born March 12, 1790, and died in 1871; Nathaniel, the first, born October 2, 1791, died May 18, 1792; Nathaniel, the second, born April 5, 1793, died May 4, 1872; Abigail, born April I3» '795; Nathan, born March 21, 1797, died October 6, 1828; Smith, born March 18, 1799; Betsey, born December 25, 1800; Mary, born February 4, 1803, died in June, 1885, the wife of John Currier; Rachel, born Janu- ary 12, 1805; Jeremiah, born December 20, 1805; Mahala, born March 29, 1809; and James, born September 4, 181 1. Of these Mahala, the wife of Pcabody Webber, of Manchester, N. H., is the only survivor. Nathan H. Morgan was an energetic, tire- less worker in his day, doing much of the pioneer labor of clearing the land, and for many years was one of the most influential men of the neighborhood. Many were the pleasant hours whiled away by his grand-chil- dren, listening to his stories of the pleasures and dangers of pioneer life in his time, and of all the circumstances connected with his early life and the progress of the town. The old homestead remained in the family for three generations, the successive owners being Nathan H. Morgan, Timothy Morgan, and Richard F. Morgan. Richard F. Morgan was one of the most prominent and enterprising citizens of the town. He held many positions of trust in the town, and served acceptably to all as Select- man and School Committee for many terms, and was one of the foremost members of the Baptist church. Nathaniel Morgan, son of Nathan H., born in Hopkinton, April 5, 1793, married Mehit- able Colby, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Oilman) Colby, of Henniker, September 7, 1822. Three years afterward he went to Ver- mont, where he lived until 1832. Returning then to Merrimack County, he settled first in Henniker, where he lived for twenty years, and then came back to Hopkinton, where he remained until his death. May 4, 1872. His wife outlived him a score of years, passing away January 11, 1S93, being ninety-si.K years of age. She was a pensioner of the War of 1812. They were the parents of four chil- dren, as follows: Mary Ann, Edwin, Julia A., and Gilman C. Oilman C. Morgan came to Hopkinton with his parents in 1853. He married September 12, 1855, Miss Eva L. Merrill, daughter of Charles and Emily E. (Emerson) Merrill, of Hopkinton, where Mrs. Morgan was born. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan have but two children living; namely, Charles N. and Willis E. They have lost four children: Oliver A., who (lied at the age of four years; Edwin IL, at the age of twenty-three years; Arthur \V., at BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 67 the age of eighteen; and Irwin A., at the age of sixteen years. In politics Mr. Morgan is a gold bug and a Republican, altliough he was reared in the Democratic faith, his lather having been a steadfast adherent (if tiiat party. I'^ven in boy- hood he woulil never aclr XDkl'W J. SILVICK, senior i)artiicr LLI ill the firm of Silver & Hall, Goss- ' ''V._, ville, and an ox-member of the New Hampshire legislature, was born in Dcerficld, N.H., May 9, 1835, son of Joseph M. and Sarah S. (Chase) Silver. The latter, natives respeetively of Haverhill, Mass., and Deer- field, were both born in the year i.Soo. Jo- seph M. Silver moved to Deerfield when quite young and learned the carpenter's trade. The active portion of his life was devoted to that calling. He owned a good farm, which he also cultivated with succes.s, and lived to the age of eighty-eight years. In politics he acted with the Republican party. His wife, Sarah, who was a daughter of Nathan Chase, of Deertield, became the mother of seven chil- dren, of whom there arc living: Abbie C, John \\'., Andrew J., Horace C, and Charles \V, Abbie C. is the wife of C. W. Prescott, of Raymond, N.H. John W. married Hattie Chase, of Chester, N.H.; and his children are: Walter II. and Charles P. Horace C. first married I\Iary K. Prown, and subse- quently Mrs. Josephine White, a native of Tilton, and the widow of Charles H. White. Neither wife is now living. Charles W. mar- ried Abbie Arlin, of Manchester, N.H. Mrs. Josejjh M. Silver died at the age of eighty- two. .She and her husband were members of the Congregational church. Andrew J. Silver completed his education at the Pittsfield Academy. After assisting his father for a short time, he became a clerk in a general store at Suncook \'illage, in the town of Pembroke; and later he worked in the same capacity at llookset. During the latter part of the Civil War he was clerk at the naval store connected with the United States Navy Yard at Portsmouth. After the war he followed the same occupation for a short time longer, and then established a general store, which he conducted for a year. In 1870 he went to Epsom, and formed a |)artner.sliip with Jacob F. Robinson, the firm of Silver & Robinson conducting a thriving bu.sincs.s for thirteen years. He then associated himself with Charles S. Hall, his pre.scnt partner, and the firm of Silver & Hall have since had a profitable trade in (iossville. On November 30, 1870, Mr. Silver married Juliette E. Jame.s, daughter of Jeremiah G. James, of Deerfield. Mr. and Mrs. Silver have one son, Harry, who was born .Septem- ber 2, 1 882. During the years 1878 and 1879 Mr. Silver represented P-psom in the legis- lature, and was the first Republican member of that body from this town. He has been Post- master in Gossville since 1881. He is con- nected with Rockingham Lodge, F. & A. M., of Candia, N. H., and has occupied all of the im- portant chairs in I^vergreen Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Short Falls. He ranks among the leading business men of Epsom, and his political ser- vices are highly appreciated by his fellow- townsmen. ARRI:N SARGENT, a brick manu- facturer of Allenstown, and a son of Sterling and Sarah (Gault) Sar- gent, was born in this town, September i, 1837. The genealogy of the Sargents, who are of luiglish origin, is directly traced through eight generations to Richard Sargent, who is supposed to have been an officer in the royal navy of England. The first ancestor to come to America was William Sargent (first), who was born in England about the year 1602, and first settled in Ipswich, Mass. Later he moved to Newbury, and still later to Hampton, N.H. A more extended accotmt of the Sargent family will be found in the sketch of the life of Philip Sargent. The great-grandfather of Warren Sargent, also 74 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW named Sterling, was born in Salisbury, Mass., May 25, 1 73 1. When a young man he settled in Allenstown, where he followed agriculture during the active period of his life, and lived to a good old age. He was three times mar- ried. By his first union, contracted with Lydia Coffin, there were five children, of whom Philip was the youngest. On Septem- ber 24, I7psom, who had six children, of whom there are living — James W., Horace, and Josie M. Mr. and Mrs. Tennant have no children. Mr. Tennant is a Mason of the thirty-second degree. He has occupied all the important chairs in Fvergreen Lodge, I. O. O. 1'"., Epsom, and was its Sec- retary for several years; and he is a member of the local grange of the Patrons of Hus- bandry. In the course of his life he has vis- ited nearly every State in the Union, includ- ing the extreme southern part and the Pacific slope, thereby greatly enhancing his knowl- edge of the wealth and business possibilities of the country. OLONEL RUFUS P. COPPS, a veteran agriculturist of Hopkinton, and one of its most honored and respected citizens, was born January 13, 18 iS, in Haverhill, Mass., a son of Moses and Mary (George) Copps. It is said that this branch of the family originated with a little boy who was found wandering around the streets of Boston, finely dressed in velvet clothes, and who, it is supposed, was put ashore from an Iinglish vessel in the harbor. He could give no name, but was adopted by a man named Copp, from whom Copp's Hill, at the North End in Boston, was named. John Copp, a descendant of this little waif, was a lifelong farmer of Plaistow, N.H., where he married a Miss Sarah Pollard. Moses Copps was a shoe manufacturer in Haverhill, Mass., for some years. In 1820 he removed to New Hampshire, living first for a year in Dunbarton, and then coming to Hopkinton, where, with the exception of one year spent in Weare, he was engaged in farm- ing on land lying just south of the present home of Colonel Copps. In 1842 he and the Colonel bought the [ncsent homestead prop- erty, which then had many of the buildings now standing. The house, erected about eighty years ago by the Silver family, was made from brick manufactured on the farm by the Silvers, and is now the only brick resi- dence in Hopkinton. Moses Copps afterward lived retired on this farm until his demise in l!in(;k.\i'iiic \l, ki:\ii;\\' 93 1863, at the advanced age of eighty-five years. He had a large family of children, namely: ICmeline, who married Daniel Hailey, and re- moved to Augusta, Me. ; Sarah Jane, who be- came the wife of Ignatius VV. Fellows, a jeweller, of llopkinton ; Abigail M., who married John Clement, of West Amesbury, now Merrimac, Mass., and has a son, Jacob i\Udvin Clement, the manager of Colonel Copps's farm for tlie past two years; Mary, who married Jonathan I?. iMiicrson, of this tiiwn, and died in Washington, N.ll.; f'.liza- beth, wild married Henry 1). White, of Pena- cook, and died in Concord, N.H.: Rufus P., the subject of this sketch; Harriet, who is the wife of Jonatlian Severance, of Washington, N.H.; Florantha, who died in childhood; Kllen M., who died soon after her marriage with the Rev. Mr. Smith, a Baptist minister; and Myra Frances, who is the wife of George VV. Pierce, and resides in Henniker. The mother survived her husband about ten years, dying at the age of eighty-three. Rufus P. Copps was reared antl educated in llopkinton, having been but three years old when his parents came here. After attaining his majority, he spent some time in Ames- bury, Mass., and then went, after a short visit with his parents, to Bethlehem, N.Y., where he taught school one entire year and for two or three winter terms after he had liegun farm- ing. In 1841 he returned to the parental roof, and soon bought his present estate in company with his father. l''or ten years thereafter he spent his winters as heretofore, teaching in near-by schools, often receiving but fifty cents a day for his services, and boarding at liome. I^ater, when the crops had all been harvested, be worked winters at bottoming shoes as long as the business con- tinued profitable; and, being at home, he took care of the cattle, and performed the neces- sary farm chores at the same time. It was his jiractice to buy stock ready cut from the large manufacturers of leather, and sell the shoes together at .so much a pair, the price usually averaging eight or nine dollars for a set of sixty pairs. He has also been engaged to some extent in lumbering, and of late years he has made a specialty ot dairying. At the age of eighteen he joined the Rifle Militia Company, in which he served first as Orderly Sergeant. Afterward he became successively Adjutant of the regiment, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, and finally Colonel of the I'ortieth New Hampshire Regiment, which command he belli for two years. The I-'orticth was com- posed of some of the brightest and bravest men of the towns of llopkinton, Henniker, and Warner. Colonel R. P. Copps has always been a Democrat in [lolitics and an earnest sup- porter of his party. He has been a subscriber of the Piitriot since it was established, having prior to that time taken Iliirs Patriot, the leading organ of the Democratic party. For three successive years from 1858 he was Se- lectman of his town; and in 1861 he was a Representative to the General Court, where though he was not a public speaker he did efficient work on different committees. He has likewise served for some years as Justice of tiic Peace. On September 14, 1843, Colonel Copps married Miss Melissa Flanders, who was born in Bradford, N.H., daughter of Nathaniel and Betsey (Wright) F' landers. She died September 15, 1S94, aged seventy-three years, leaving no children. Although Colonel and Mrs. Copps were not parents, they nearly iilways had some child in their household to whom they gave the same care and advantages they would to an own son. One of these was ! James M. Putnam, who lived with them from 94 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW the age of fourteen till he was twenty-one, and is now receiving one thousand dollars a year as manager of a farm in Andover, Mass. Another was John Brown, who lived in the household from the age of sixteen to twenty, and who is now in Michigan. Arthur M. Dustin, a blacksmith of Contoocook, who went to live at the Colonel's when he was a little fellow of nine years, still remains with him, and now owns the homestead. He has likewise had several other boys in his family, to each of whom he gave a good home,- and otherwise sedulously cared for. -j^ENJAMIN HENRY FULLER, one of I'lainfield's most extensive farmers and an ex-member of the New flampshire legislature, was born in this town, February 20, 1S48, son of Benjamin L. and I'ersis C. (Freeman) Fuller. His grand- father, Benjamin Fuller, who was a native of Connecticut, moved with his family to Plain- field early in the present century. Grand- father Benjamin married Rachel Boyd, who was also born in Connecticut. Their children were: Naomi, Esther, James, and Benjamin L. Naomi died at the age of twenty years; Esther married Cranston Lewin, a native of Connecticut, who followed farming and butchering in this town, and she reared a fam- ily; James was blind from the age of fourteen until his death, which occurred when he was sixty-one years old. Benjamin L. P'ullcr, father of Benjamin II., was born in Connecticut in June, 1802. He was educated in the schools of Plainfield and Lebanon, N.IL; and he assisted his father upon the farm until he became its owner by purchase. He was quite extensively engaged in raising cattle for the home market and for the Brighton market in Massachusetts. He also raised sheep and horses. A man of unusual energy and industry, and giving his entire time to his business, he accumulated considerable wealth. His death, which oc- curred in 1878, was mourned as the loss of an honorable, upright man and a useful citizen. Absorbed in his business affairs, he took no part in politics. He attended the Baptist church. A member of the Masonic Lodge at Cornish P"lat, he was buried with the rites of that fraternity. His wife, Persis, who was born in Cornish, N.H., in 1805, had seven children, namely: Sarah, born March 2, 1831; Ann, who died when eight months old; Maria, born November 9, 1833; Alfred, born April 15, 1837, who died in infancy; Laura, born April 22, 1S39; Julia, born April 8, 1842; and Benjamin H., the subject of this sketch. Sarah married Augustus Hodgeman, of Vermont, a prosperous farmer, and had four sons; Maria became the wife of William Ward, a farmer of Plainfield, and had six chil- dren, four of whom are living; Laura died in 1861 ; and Julia married Albert Gilson, an industrious farmer of Hartland, Vt., and had eight children, of whom five are living. Mrs. Benjamin L. P"uller died in 1884. After completing his education at the Kim- ball Union Academy, Benjamin Henry P^uIIcr immediately began to assist in carrying on the farm. Since the deatli of his father he has managed the jiroperty. As the result nf his early training and practical experience his farming has been most jirofitable. The estate, containing nearly three hundred acres of land, is one of the few farms along the banks of the Connecticut River that has not been purchased for summer residences by wealthy men from New York or Boston. The buildings are among the finest in this section; and the house, which is built upon high ground over- looking the village of Hartland, Vt., com- BIOGRAI'HICAL REVIEW OS niaiids a view ol the adjacent niduntains and valleys. ( )n I'ehruary 23, 1R69, Mr. ]'"iiller was uniled ill marriage with Julia K. I'^-^glcstonc, born May 4, 1848, daughter ol Lorenzo liggle- stone, of 15oston. Aden Lcroy Fuller, the only child of this union, was born November 14, 1S71. After finishing his education at White River Junction, Vt., he entered the service of the l'"itchburg Railroad Comi^any as a fireman. He is now a locomotive engineer in the yard of that company in Uoston. He is widely known among railroad men, and is a member of the Masonic fi'aternity. He mar- ried ]5crtha 1 lairington, of Groton, Mass., daughter of Albert Harrington, of that town. Mr. and Mrs. Aden L. Fuller attend the bap- tist church. Mr. Benjamin H. Fuller is a Democrat in politics. He was a member of the Board of Selectmen for three years, and for two years of that time he was its Chairman. He represented this town in the legislature in 1 89 1, serving therein upon the Committee on Fducation. One of the most active and influ- ential leaders in local affairs, he has the es- teem and confidence of his fellow-townsmen. iCORGE W. RICE, one of Henniker's S I most able and prosperous farmers, was born in this town, January 17, 1825, son of Jacob and Louisa (Howe) Rice. His grandfather, Elijah Rice, a Revolutionary patriot, was an early settler in Henniker. An account of his jwrents and of the ancestry of I'llijah Rice will be found in the biography of Harrison A. Rice, which appears elsewhere in this work. George W. Rice passed his youth in attending school and working upon the farm. He was still young when his parents moved to the property now owned and occupied by his brother, Harrison A. Rice. At the age of twenty-one he went to Manchester, N. IL, where he worked at butchering for two years. Ujion his return to Henniker he bought a small farm, which is now the home of \V. 15. Barnes. A .short time later he entered the meat business, selling at wholesale ui the Manchester market and conducting a retail business in this t(jwn. While carrying on the butcher business for nine years, he gradually got a f(K)thold in lumbering. At length he sold his farm and business to W. B. Barnes, and thereafter, for nearly forty year.s, gave his whole time to that industry. ]}esides cutting and hauling the timber, he operated a saw-mill at Hillsborough Bridge for several years; and he retired from that business some three years ago. I'larlier in his life he purchased a farm on the outskirts of the village, and resided upon it until 1S74. Then he again took up his residence in the village, but continued engaged in agriculture. He still gives his personal attention to his property. In all he owns seven hundred acres, which include his farm of one hundred and fifteen acres, two other tracts, and some timber land. Several tenements at Hillsborough Ikidge are also his property. For several years he was engaged in furnishing railroad ties, piles, etc. ; and he dealt in cattle, which he sold in Manchester, Nashua, and Lowell. On June 6, 1848, Mr. Rice was united in marriage with Abbie Colby, daughter of Levi and Betsey Colb)', of Henniker. She died July 4, 1893, leaving four children. These were: Susan I.., who married George C. Bunt- ing, of Manchester; Nellie A., who is the widow of Walter I'restin, and resides in this town; James G., who is now engaged in farm- ing in Hopkinton, N. H. ; and Edwin, who resides at home. In politics Mr. Rice is a Republican. I"or many years he was a promi- nent party leader. Upon many occasions he 96 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW saved the part)' from defeat by his own per- sonal exertions. When Representative to the legislature in iS68 and 1869, he rendered able services to his constituents and the community in general. A self-made man, he has shown that energy and ability properly applied will overcome the most adverse circumstances. He fully merits the high esteem in which he is held by his fellow-townsmen. re)"' URTI.S W. BENNETT, one of the ■ rr busy farmers and prominent residents ^ >r ^ of Pittsfield, was born in Epsom, N. U., January i, 1832. His parents were Jeremiah and ]3etsey (Marden) Bennett, na- tives respectively of New Hampton and EiJsom. Daniel Bennett, grandfather of Curtis W. , was a lifelong resident of New Hampton. He owned a good farm, and was occupied in its cultivation until his death, which occurred when he was fifty years old. Politically, he supported the Democratic party; and in his religious views he was a Tree Will Baptist. He and his wife reared a family of six children. Jeremiah Bennett attended school in his native town. After finishing his studies, he served an apprenticeship at the carpenter's trade. He settled in Flpsom, where he fol- lowed his trade for many years, and was also engaged in farming. In politics he was a Democrat. His wife, Betsey, became the mother of five children, of whom Curtis W. , the subject of this sketch, is the only one living. Jeremiah liennctt was seventy-eight years old at his death, and his wife lived to be seventy-six. They attended the Free Will Baptist church. Curtis W. Bennett was educated in Epsom. He then learned the shoemaker's trade, and afterward followed it in his native town for several years, together with farming. In 1863 he moved to Pittsfield, and has since devoted his time exclusively to agricultural pursuits. He owns seventy acres of desirable land, thirty acres of which is under tillage and is very fertile. On July 9, 1863, Mr. Bennett wedded Mrs. Caroline Berry, widow of John Berry, late of Pittsfield. By her first union Mrs. Bennett has two daughters — Georgia and May A. Georgia is the wife of the Rev. R. S. Mitchell, of Stoneham, Mass., and has one son — Guy. May A. is now Mrs. ]?enja- min Lane, of Lynn, Mass., and has one son — Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett have four children; namely Alice E., John C, Charles W. , and Frank E. As a supporter of the Democratic party Mr. Bennett is Cjuite active in local public affairs, and he has served upon the Board of Select- men and in the office of Road Surveyor. He is a Methodist in his religious views, and Mrs. Bennett is a Calvinist Baptist. His son, John C. Bennett, is a member of Catamount Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, of Pittsfield. /3)eORGE W. S. DOW, an enterpris- \ pT ing box manufacturer of Henniker and the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, was born in this town, March 9, 1 84 1, son of Jonathan anil Anna P. (Peaslee) Dow. Jonathan Dow, Sr. , who was a son of David Dow, of Weare, N. H., settled in Hen- niker at the beginning of the present century. On December 23, 1807, he married Sally Plummer, a native of this town. Jonathan Dow, Jr., the father of George W. S. , born in Henniker, December 5, 18 14, became a pros- perous farmer and a successful lumbeinian, and resided here until his death, which oc- curred I'ebru iry 5, 1873. His wife Anna, whom he married September 29, 1836, was a ]!I()(;K M'IIK .\I. rkview 97 native nf Wcnic, 1 1 illsbdroiigh County. She became tlie niother of five children, namely: y\nn Maria, who married John Ciarland ; George W. S. , the subject of this sketch; Jackson V. ; Jolm V. ; and Mary K. George W. S. Dow resided at home and as- sisted ui)nn the farm until he was twenty-one years oUl. lie then began work by the day fill' lliiam JJavis, with whom he remained one year. He ne.xt entered the employ of Horace Gibson, a mackerel kit manufacturer, and some years later became a partner in the business. In 1890, after the death of his partner, he bought of John Gutterson a bo.\-mill located near the kit factor), and has since been en- gaged in manufacturing shoe cases. The mill privilege he owns was first utilized as far back as 1766, when Silas Barnes began the con- struction of a dam, and completed it in 1773. In 1774 a saw-mill was erected here by Harnes, who later s(5ld it to Captain Timothy Gibson. The latter built a permanent dam, put in stones, and ran a saw and grist mill, with Mben Howe as the first miller. Since Timothy Gibson's time the mills have been ownetl by Daniel Kimball, William M. Davis, Lieutenant Joel Howe, Captain James Yauld- ing, Micah Howe, Oliver Jacobs, Adams & Silver, Joseph P. Dow, and John Gutterson. About 1.S20 Timothy Sprague erecteil a carding-mill close by Mr. Dow's lower mill, so that the same niillrace served for both. Sprague sold it to Morrison & Woods, from whom it passed in tiun to Luther Hathorn, S. Little, -Silas ]5arncs, Sylvanus Sumner, Jacob Lancaster, Jt)hn Niel, and Hiram M. Davis. Davis converted it into a powder keg manufactory in 1852, and some years later sold it to Horace Gibson. Here, in company with Gibson and William Abbott, Mr. Dow, its present owner, manufacturetl large c(uantities of mackerel kits. Mr. Dow makes shoe bo.xes. which he ships by the carload to various fac- tories. He uses annually from one hundred thousand to one hundred and eighty thou.sand feet of lumber, which he cuts and .saws him- self. He also saws building material, all the pieces of which are marked and numbered and ready to put together. In politics he is a Democrat. He was a Representative to the legislature in 1880 and 1881, during which time he served upon the Committee on the Normal School. He is a prominent figure in the district, county, and State conventions, is Chairman of the Town Committee, and has been a Selectman for the past nine years, being at the ])resent time the Chairman of the Board. That his public .services are duly appreciated is indicated by the fact that Hen- niker contains a Republican majority of from twenty-five to seventy-five votes. On November 9, 1862, Mr. Dow was united in marriage with Mary L. Hoyt, daugh- ter of Nathan Hoyt, a cooper by trade. She is a native of Bradford, N. II., but has resided in this town for the greater part of her life. Mr. and Mrs. Dow are the parents of seven children; namely, George II. , William K., Charles H., Orrin H., Fred D., Blanche M., and Percy D. Mr. Dow has filled all of the principal chairs in Crescent Lodge, I. O. O. v., and has been a member of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire. Mrs. Dow is a member of the Lodge of the Daughters of Rebecca. 4^»^» RANCIS MORRILL CUTTING, who died on November 15, 1888, was a valued citizen of Newport, Sullivan County. He was born in the neighboring town of Croydon, November 28, 1825, a son of P'rancis and Keziah (Hudson) Cutting. His grandfather, Benjamin Cutting, who enlisted in the Continental army when a young man. 98 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW was one of the first settlers of Croydon. Francis Cutting, son of Benjamin, was born in Croydon, and there spent his life of seventy- eight years. He owned about five hundred acres of land, and was extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising. His first wife, Keziah Hudson, a native of Goshen, N.H., died at the age of seventy-si.x ; and he subse- quently married Miss Mary Rollins. By the first wife he had nine children, by the second two; and of the whole family seven are now living. Francis Morrill Cutting grew up on a farm, acquiring his education in the schools of his native town. After reaching man's estate, he engaged in farming and cattle-raising, pur- chasing land in the western part of Newport. A wise manager, square in his dealings, and a good practical farmer, he had a valuable prop- erty, comprising some five hundred acres, his farm in Newport alone covering one hundred acres. In politics Mr. Cutting was a Demo- crat, in religious belief a Methodist. He was a man of sterling character, conscientious and honest, and was respected by all who knew him. Mr. Cutting was married July 25, 1855, to Hannah A., daughter of Dimmick and Hannah (Colby) Baker. She was born in Meriden, N. H., October 4, 1832. Mrs. Cutting is a member of an old New England family. Her ancestors came from England. Joseph Baker was born April 13, 1678, and lived to a ripe old age. He married Hannah Tomroy, July 8, 1702. She died, leaving two children ; and he married Abigail Bissell, who bore him nine children. The Hon. Dr. Oliver Baker, a son of Joseph Baker by liis second wife, was Mrs. Cutting's grandfather. He was born in Tolland, Conn., and was one of the early settlers of Meriden, N. II. He died October 181 I. His brother served in the Revolutionary War, and was taken jirisoner by the British and nearly starved, having nothing but raw frozen turnips to eat while confined in an old church in New York. He offered his silver watch for another turnip, but was re- fused. When he was released, Oliver carried him home, some of the way on his back. He afterward died of small-po.x. Dr. Oliver Baker married, November 23, 17S0, Dorcas Dimmick, who died October 19, 1849. They were the parents of ten children. Dimmick Baker was born in 'Meriden, March 18, 1793- A shrewd business man, a good farmer, a successful stock dealer, and a pros- perous merchant, he amassed a large estate for those days. He died at the age of eighty- three. His wife, Hannah Colby, was born February 7, 1794, and died March 17, 1856. They were the parents of five children — Elias, Edward, Hannah, Helen F. , and Cyrus E. Three of these are living: Mrs. Hannah A. Cutting, of Newport, N. H. ; Dr. Cyrus E. Baker, of Claremont, N. H. ; and Mrs. Helen F". Cutting, of Newport, N. H. The Baker homestead, a grand old place, located near Kimball Union Academy, where all the chil- dren received a liberal education, all becom- ing teachers, is now owned by the fifth gen- eration. Dimmick Baker was a Republican. He was connected with the Congregational church. Mr.s. Hannah A. Baker Cutting has resided in the village of Newport since 1892. She still owns the farm which her husband culti- vated, retaining it for the sake of old associa- tions. An active and liberal member of the Methodist church, .she gave the electric lights now used in the chnich edifice, and was instru- mental in making the present parsonage a part of the church property. She has long been active in Sunday-school matters, and has served as President of the Ladies' Aitl Soci- BIOGR APHICA I, R i:V [ K\V 99 cty, I)cing a woman with jiowcrfiil will for the iij;ht everywhere. It is almost needless to add that she wins the esteem of all with whom she is brought in contact. tp)Th:NRV C. 1?ARTL1':TT, a leading r^rj farmer of llill, N 11., was horn in Ay^ \ . this town, July 25, 1845. Mr. l^artlett's family traces its ancestry back to Colonial times. His iiatenial grandfather, Daniel l^artlett,- was born in Plaistow, N. H., August 15, 1775, married June 3, 1801, and came from that town to Hill on horseback, witli his wife, Ruth (jile I^artlett, mounted behind, in the fashion of that early day. lie settled on Mason Hill, where he built a small house and took up a large tract of wild land. Full of the stirring progressive spirit of the pioneer, he was soon able to put up a larger frame house; and he had an e.xtensive farm well cleared before his death. He lived to be seventy-nine years old, and had nine children — -Susan, Ezekiel, Sally, Moses, Gertrude, Ruth, Huldah, Daniel, and John, of whom the only survivor is Daniel, who resides in Sagi- naw, Mich., where he has erected several fine residences. Susan and SaMy were successful school teachers. Moses Bartlett, second son of Daniel and Ruth, received his education in the jniblic schools of Hill, and then went to Massachu- setts, where he was engaged in the stone- cutting business for four years. At the end of this time he returned to his native town and bought a farm on Dickerson Hill. Later he sold that place and purchased the Colonel Ray estate, where his son, Henry C., was born. He repaired the buildings of this property and spent tlie remainder of his life here, passing away at the advanced age of eighty-one years. Having embraced religion early in life, he ever maintained a strictly religious integrity, dying in full triumph of his faith. His wife Charlotte, the daughter of Moses Webster, was forty-si.v years old when she died. Her father is said to have been a distant kinsman of the great Daniel Webster. Mo.scs and Charlotte (Webster) Bartlett had six children, namely: Samuel W. , whose residence is situ- ated on I'ranklin Street, Concord, N. H., who has been a faithful employee of the Northern Railroad for over thirty years; Cyrus W., who lives in Franklin, N. H., near the Kendrick farm; La Roy D., not living; Henry C. ; Flla R., whose home is in Methuen, Mass. ; and John W., of Hill Centre. Henry C. , the fourth son as the names are here given, was educated in the district schools. He began work with the late J. P. Jones in Georgetown, Mass., who for many years Was one of the leading lawyers of Haver- hill, Mass., but afterward returned to his home in Hill and purchased the old homestead of two hundred acres. Mr. Bartlett married Etta Louise, the only daughter of Daniel B. and Mary (Dearborn) Bartlett, March 11, 1S75. He devotes him- self diligently to his farm and home, and is also faithful to his duties as a citizen. In l)olitics he is a stanch Republican, having cast his first Presidential vote for General Grant in 1868. He has been an officer of the School Board' of Hill and a Commissioner of High- ways, is a member of the Congregational church, and is ever found a person of open mind and honest convictions. STeorgk H. /ST'eORGK H. FAIRBANKS, a farmer yj^r of Newport, was born in Frances- town, N. H., June 4, 1S30, son of Jabez and Sally (Bixby) Fairbanks. The father, born in Francestown, N. H., Februarv BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 24, 17S8, lived there for some time, carrying on general farming and working at his trade of millwright, and holding communion with the Congregational church. He was a great tem- perance man. In ]iolitics he was a Republi- can, and he was a Selectman of Francestown. In 1840 he removed to Newport, where he re- mained during the latter part of his life. Here he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. For his first wife he mar- ried Sally l^i.xby on January 2, 18 14. She was born January 29, 17S2, and died in 1S39, December 2. For his second wife he married I'olly Bi.xby, a sister of his first wife. He died May 10, 1874, having survived his second wife, whose death occurred January 26, 1863. By the first marriage there were five children, namely: Elmira, born December 18, 1814, who died May 30, 1846; Sarah A., born December 16, 1818, who died in April, 1885; Eliza J., born March 5, 1821, who died August 30 in the same year; Mary E., born January 29, 1826, who died October 12, 1873; and George H., the subject of this sketch. George H. Fairbanks came to Newport when but nine years of age, and there subsecjuently received the larger part of his education. While his principal occupation has been gen- eral farming, he worked at a trade in the vil- lage of Newport for a period of twenty years. On his farm of one hundred and fifty acres, most of which is under cultivation, he has made many improvements. In politics he is a Ke[Hiblican. He has served in the State legislature both as Representative and Sen- ator, and he has been a County Commissioner since 1893. lie is a member of the Otld Fel- lows Sugar River Lodge. On October 19, 1853, he married Eunice Chapin, who died March 12, 1854. He contiacted a second marriage November 19, 1855, with Helen M. Nourse, who was born August 18, 1829, daughter of Daniel and Margaret (Wilson) Nourse, of Acworth, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Fairbanks have been active members of the Methodist Episcopal church for many years. Their four children are: Charles H., Mary H., George A., and Burton E. Of these chil- dren Charles H. was born November 28, 1856, and lives in Newport. He married Emma L. Howe, February i, 1881, and they have three children — M. Gertrude, Arthur R., and Alice K. George A., born March 24, 1863, belongs to the firm of Fairbanks Brothers of Rochester, N. H. On October 12, 1 885, he married Margaret A. Gilmore, of Newport, and now has three children — Helen M., Marion S., and Harold G. Mary H., born January 26, 1861, died August i, 1863; and Burton E., born November 15, 1870, died November 16, 1889. Mr. Fairbanks, Sr. , has been a stirring, active man all his life; and he enjoys the esteem of his fellow-townsmen. I LAS P. THOMPSON, an extensive v7> farmer of Franklin, was born in this town, March 11, 1842, son of An- drew C. and Eliza (Perkins) Thompson. His father, who was born in P'ranklin in 1804, spent his active period in agriculture, and passed his last days in Andover, N. IL, where he died in 1892. His mother, who was born in Kennebunkport, Me., in 1806, died in 1S46. She w'as the first wife of his father, who after her death contracted a second marriage with Mehitable S. Harvey, of San- bornton, N. II. Mehitable Thomjison died December 29, 1886. The seven children of Andrew C. Thomjjson were: Oliver M., Thomas P., Addie W., Henry M.. Silas P., Maria H., and .Saraii I^Iizabetli, all born of his first union. Oliver M., who is now a HON. HENRY P. ROLFE- i;i()(;r.\|'|||( Ai. review '03 stone-cutter of Concord, N. 1[., married for his first wife Abhie Moody, wiio died in [866. Tiic maiden name of his second wife was Abbie h'landers. Thomas P., who is engaged in fainiing in Tilton, N.I I., mairied Alice C. Cntlei'. vXddie \V. is now the wife of I-'. Locke, a farmer of 15ristol, N.II. Maria II. is the wife of Charles M. Thompson, a farmer of Slrathan), N.II. Ilcnry M., who marrietl Selina Sleeper, is a prosperous farmer in Andover, N.II. Sarah I'liizalieth died at the age of twenty-two years. Silas ]'. Tlinnipson acquired a common- school education, and resided at home until twenty-two years old. lie was for a time engaged in teaching school in Salis])ury, N.II. Then he went to Minneapolis, Miini. During his residence there he was in the insurance business for some time, and was Street Com- missioner for four years. Upon his return to I'ranklin he settled on the Colby farm, and lias since given his attention to general farm- ing, lie has improved the property, which contains two hundred acres, and in addition to raising the usual crops he runs a dairy and breeds horses. On November i6, 1873, he was united in marriage with Martha A. Colby, who was born in Franklin, June 7, 1S41, daughter of Ezekiel and Tabitha (Smith) Colby. Mrs. Thompson is the mother of five children, as follows: h'.rnestO., born Decem- ber 2^, 1874, now engaged in agricultural pur- suits in Franklin; (irace M., the wife of X'ernon 15. Hlake, of this town; Minneola, born May 28, 1879, who is attending school in New Hampton, N.II.; Luther C, born July 21, 1881, who is at home; and Katie L., born I'"ebruary 23, 1S88, also at home. Po- litically, Mr. Thompson is independent. While residing in Salisbury he was a member of the School Committee, and he is now a Jus- tice of the Peace. He is connected with the grange in Mill. Mrs. Thomp.son is a member of the Christian church. •Nin' PhlAKSON K(JLI-F, a promi- nent lawyer of Concord, N. M., was ^^ 1 b(jrn in ]iiic.\i. rkview 109 Ilanijishiic devoted to the interests of the Grand Army of tlie Republic and its auxil- iaries. ^\C^;/I!.IJAM CLARK, formerly Judge of Probate for Sullivan County, was born ill Claremont, March 6, 1819, son of Moses and Fanny (I'atterson) Clark. Mis ancestors on both sides were pioneer set- tlers of Londonderry, N. IL Moses Clark, a native of Londonderry, came when a young man to Claremont, and settled upon a farm situated on the old road to Newport. He fol- lowed agriculture with success for the rest of his life, and was one of the able farmers and useful citizens of his day. In his religious views he was a Universalist. lie was the father of ten children, si.x sons and four daughters. In his boyhood William Clark attended the disti-ict school for several months each year. He assisted upon the farm until he was twenty-one years old. Then he apprenticed himself to Rufus Carlton to learn the butcher- ing and meat business. A year later he went to work in the same business for Philemon ToUes, with whom he remained three years. After this he engaged in business for him- self, and built up a large trade, which he maintained alone for eight or nine years, and for three years in partnership with Henry C. Cowles. In this period for some time he drove a meat wagon through the surrounding towns, and each winter his route extended as far as Concord. Selling out to his partner in 1857, he was afterward engaged in the whole- sale grain and flour trade with Albert H. Dan- forth for about fifteen years. In 1871 he re- tired after an active business career of thirty years, and devoted his attention to other in- terests. He was employed in probate affairs for many years, acting as administrator for some of tile largest estates in Sullivan County. From 1853 to 1868 he was a member of the Board of Selectmen, and he was Chair- man of the Hoard for ten years of that time. In 1863 he was appointed United States Deputy Assessor of Internal Revenue for this district, and afterward held that position for nine years. He was Town Clerk in 1871, 1872, and 1873, during which time the town records were kept in a manner that reflected the highest credit upon him. In 1876 he was appointed Judge of Probate, a position which he held until his death. The Supreme Court never reversed a single decision of his from which appeal had been made. He was a Di- rector of the Claremont National Hank for fourteen years and of the Sullivan Savings Institution for twenty-nine years. Judge Clark married Esther A. Bosworth, who survives him. She was born in Royal- ton, Vt., daughter of Jarvis and Bershey (Crowell) Bosworth. Jarvis Bosworth, who was a native of Rehoboth, R.I., settled in Royalton, Vt., where he resided for the rest of his life. An able, upright, and fair- minded business man, possessing excellent judgment and a thorough knowledge of finan- cial matters, Mr. Clark was especially well fitted to preside over the Probate Court. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He died at his home in Claremont, May 30, 1883. LIV1-:R p. WILSON, a retired busi- ness man and a prominent resident of Dunbarton, was born in this town, October 17, 1836, son of Thomas and Mary (Mills) Wilson. The grandfather, John Wil- son, who was the first of the family in this town, was reared upon a farm, and acquired the trade of shoemaking. An industrious and BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW thrifty man, it was his custom to attend to the farm duties through the day, and make or repair shoes for the farmers in his locality until late at night. He was for many years a Deacon of the Congregational church, and he lived to a good old age. He married Anna H. Kimball, of Hopkinton, and reared a fam- ily of eleven children. Thomas Wilson, who was also a native of Dunbarton, attended school until he was seven- teen years old. Afterward for a time he assisted his father upon the farm. Later he served an apprenticeship at the carpenter's trade, which he followed as a journeyman for a few years. Then, relinquishing that calling, he engaged in a mercantile business in Dun- barton, and carried on a prosperous trade for several years. The profits of this business, together with the income of a large farm which he conducted at the same time, had placed him in very comfortable circumstances before his death. This event, which occurred when he was seventy-five years old, was the result of an accident. He rendered faithful and effi- cient service as Town Treasurer and Collector for a number of years, and he was active in the Congregational church. His wife, Mary, who was a daughter of Reuben Mills, of Hamp- .stead, had eight children, of whom five are living. ' Oliver P. Wilson acquired a common- school education, and at the age of sixteen began life as a farm assistant. After follow- ing the latter occupation for two or three year.s, he went to Manchester, where he learned photograjjhy, and worked at the busi- ness for three year.s. Then, returning to Dunbarton, he entered his father's store as a partner, and opened a photograph gallery. Upon the death of his father he became the sole proprietor of the store, which he prosper- ously conducted for twenty-five years. In 1S90 he sold out to his son-in-law, and retired from active pursuits. For a number of years he and his father acted as agents for the Olzendam Hosiery Company of Manchester, during which time they supplied some fifty families with work in that line. He has also been an extensive dealer in real estate, having bought and sold a large number of farms in this section. In 1856 Mr. Wilson was united in marriage with Nancy ¥. Chamberlain, daughter of Thomas and Eliza Chamberlain, of Goffstown, N. H., and has reared two children. In 1873, 1874, 1S75, and 1876 Mr. Wilson was elected Town Treasurer, and Collector in 1874, 1S75, 1878, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1889, 1891, and 1897; and for twenty-five years he served as Post- master, the office having been located in his store. He has also acted as Constable and Justice of the Peace. Prominently identified with the First Congregational Church, he has been its treasurer and collector as well as the treasurer, superintendent, and librarian of the Sunday-school. Rh:KMAN CUTTING, a prosperous farmer of Newport, was born in Croy- don, N.H., Jul}' 19, i82r, son of I'ran- cis and Keziah (Hudson) Cutting. His grandfather, Benjamin Cutting, one of the first settlers of Croydon, was an energetic and successful farmer; and he served his country in the Revolutionary War. Benjamin and his wife, Anna Bemas Cutting, died at the re- spective ages of eighty-eight antl ninety years. Of their thirteen childien none are now living. Francis Cutting, who was ne.xt to the young- est, followed his father's occupation, that of farming. lie was also an extensive stock dealer, in fact, doing, it is claimed, the largest business in that line in Sullivan i!i()(;k.\i'iii(;Ai, REVIEW (■()Ui)ty. Ilis propcity consisted (if cij^lit liun- (Irod acres of land. In religion lie was of the Methodist I']piscopal belief, and in poli- ties lie was a Democrat. On his seventy- eighth birthday he died on the farm where he was horn. Mis wife lived to be seventy-si.\ years of age. 'I'hey had nine children — tiirce (lauij;htci's and six sons. I'ive of these children are now living, the subject of this sketch being the eldest. The others are: .Shepherd Cutting, of Newport; Addison Cut- ting, of Croydon; Mr.s. Diantha \'oung, the wife of Israel Young, of New]iort ; and Mrs. I'hilinda I'ike. The others were: Alfred, Ireua, iMorrill, and l-'lan. Freeman Cutting grew up on the old farm in Crovdon, receiving his education in the town schools. At the age of twenty-one he puichascd one huiulred and twenty-one acres of land adjoining his father's property in New- port. After living on this estate for eleven vears, he sold it and bought another in Clare- niont, on which he resided for eight years. At the end of that time he moved back to Newport, and in 1871 he bought the pro[)crty on which he now resides. It contains four lumdieil acres, which, taken with what he owns elsewhere, makes about nine hundred acres .belonging to him. lie has one of the best sets of farm builtliiigs in the town, and the appearance of thrift and progress is visible everywhere. He has worked with untiring energy, made a great many improvements, and keejis up well with the times. In this lies the secret of his success. He deals extensively in cattle, and is a leading stock-raiser. At present he has seventy-five head of cattle on his farm, and he makes a specialty of the milk industry. Giving his personal attention to all the details of the farm management, the best results are in tliis way secured. Mr. Cutting was married in 1S43 to Kmily A. Hubbard, vvjio, born in Charlcstown, N. H., in 1823, daughter of Oliver Hubbard, died A|)ril 17, 1894. Their ten children arc all living; namely, Dcnnison, Kmily, )v ANIKL C. WESTGATE, a promi- — 1 nent resident of Plainfield and an ^ ex-member of the New Hampshire legislature, was born in this town, June 4, 1857, son of Earl and Sarah Chase (Cole) Westgate. His great-grandfather, John West- gate, who was the first ancestor of the family to settle in Plainfield, came here in 1778. John married Grace Church, of Tiverton, R.I., a descendant of Colonel Benjamin Church, who commanded the Colonial forces in the war against King Philip. They were the parents of eleven children; namely, Betsey, John, Eydia, tlarl, Priscilla, Mary, George, W'illiam, Joseph, Benjamin, and Hannah. P2arl Westgate, grandfather of Daniel C, accompanied his parents to this town, and spent the active period of his life upon the farm now occupied by his son. Earl Westgate (second). He married P^lizabeth Waite, daughter of Nathaniel and Annie (Svvectser) Waite, of Hubbardston, Mass., and was by her the father of si.v children; namely, I'llizabeth, John, Nathaniel W., Anna W. , George, and Earl. h:arl Westgate, Daniel C. Westgate's father, was born in Plainfield, December 17, 1808. He assisted in carrying on the farm until his father's death, when he succeeded to the projjerty. By judicious management he obtained a good income from the estate. P'ailing health compelled him to retire Irom active labor some years since, and the farm is now managed by his son. In religious belief he is a Baptist, and he has been a Deacon of that church for fifty years. His first wife, in maidenhood Sarah Chase Cole, who was born in Plainfield, November 24, 1S15, daughter of Daniel and Martha (Johnson) Cole, died Janu- ary iS, 1876. The maiden name of his second wife was Abigail M. Camp, and she died four years after her marriage. I^arl Westgate had si.x children, all the offsjjring of his first union. They were: William H, born De- cember g, 1840; Martha E., born January 9, 1842; Edith S., born June 29, 1846; Julia A., born August 8, 1848, who died November 19, 1865; Mary E., born November i, 1854, who died February 29, 1864; and Daniel C, the subject of this sketch. William E., who attended school at Kimball Union Academy, has held some of the important town offices, and is now County Commissioner. He mar- ried Charlotte E. Bryant, of Cornish, N.H., and has two children — Earl and Martha P). The latter is now the wife of Pxlwin M. Quimby. Her aunt, Martha \l. Westgate, who attended the academy and was formerly a successful school teacher, is now the widow of Freeman Holt, late of Eyme, N.H., and presides over her father's household. ]{dith S. Westgate, who is the wife of Carlos D. Colby, a wealthy farmer of Plainfield, has had eight children, seven of whom are living. Daniel C. Westgate was educated in the schools of Plainfield and at New London, N. H. .Since tiien he has given his attention to general farming at, the homestead, and has had the entire charge of the farm since his father's retirement. He is one of the Repub- lican ])arty leaders in this locality, and has served the town ably and faithfully as Town Clerk and Treasurer. y\lso he was Select- man for si.x years, having been Chairman of the IJoard for two years of that time; and he repre- sented the town in the State legislature, where I!IO(;r.\i'iiical revikvv he served on the Committee on Appropriations, lie is at present Master of l^low-mc-down Grange. On June 13, 1.S7S, Mr. Westgatc was united in marriage with Clara J. Stone, who was born in riainfield, March 27, 1.S55, daughter of .Siijonioii Stone. She is now the mother of two daughters: Mary K., liorn November 27, 1879; and ]5essie S. , l)orn Octoljer 15, 1S83. Mary E. atteniled Kimljall Union y\cademy, and is now a prominent scliool teaclicr in this town. 15essie S. is still attending school. llIARI.lCS F. ADAMS, the junior proprietor and business manager of the needle factory at Hill, was born at Ilill, October 2, 1857, youngest son of the late Harrison Achuns. The grandfather, Kus- sel Adams, a farmer by occupation, moved to Hill when it was New Chester. His wife, Susan Fifield Adams, had eight children. Of these Harrison Adams was one of the principal founders of the needle factory. Associated in business with Harrison were his two sons, P. C. Shaw and Stephen Wood- ward. Charles F. Adams received his education in the district schools and in the Choate School of Boston. He then went into his father's factory, beginning at the bottom of the ladder. From this position he worked his way up through the various departments, and is to-day the manager of the business. It is claimed that the factory employs more men than any olhei' concern in town. Mr. Adams married Miss Henrietta 15. Murrill, a daughter of Har- rison and Olive Morrill. She is now the mother of three children — Heber, George E., and Carl, who form a [deasant family group. Like his father and brother, George H., Mr. Adams is a jMominent figure in social and re- ligious organizations and a prime mover in all affairs relating to the civil and administrative welfare of the town. He is a member of the present legislature, Selectman of the town, and Chairman of the School Hoard, as well as an active Odd Fellow. In politics a Rc|)ubli- can, he had the pleasure of casting his first Presidential vote in 1880 for General Garfield. SOSJCPH L. CALL, who was a leading resident of Franklin and dealt largely in cattle, was born in this town, Au- gust 31, 1840, son of Hazen H. and Mary (Thomas) Call. His father was a native of Franklin; and his mother was born in San- bornton, N. II. His parents' family comprised eight children. An account of his ancestry and immediate relatives will be found on an- other jiage in the biography of Dana W. Call. After attending the common schools for the usual jieriod, Joseph, at the age of seventeen, began to work as a farm assistant in this local- ity. When twenty years old, he engaged in the cattle business, which was thereafter his chief occuixition. He became one of the best known drovers in this ]3art of the State, l-'or many years he was an extensive buyer of cattle, sheej), and hogs, which he shipped to Brighton, Mass. He was unusually success- ful. Some years ago he settled at the home- stead. He owned about four hundred acres of land, and at the time of his decease he was one of the largest general farmers in Franklin. In October, 1861, he married Ann G. Sever- ance. She was born in Salisbury, N. H., De- cember 25, 1841, daughter of Stillnian and Martha (Lowell) Severance. Her parents re- sided in Salisbury until 1S50, when they moved to Franklin and settled on a farm in the northern part of the town. Stillnian Sev- erance died in 1862, and his wife in 1S81. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Call had two children, namely: Cora Belle, born in 1862, who i.s now the wife of Frank \V. Foster, a prosperous farmer of Hill, N.H. ; and Katherine L., born Decem- ber 12, 1S65, who is now the wife of Arthur B. Simonds, an employee of the needle factory in Hill. Mrs. Simonds is an accomplished singer and teacher, and has sung in different church choirs in Concord and Nashua. She and her husband reside with her parents. Mr. Hall died June 16, 1897. Politically, Mr. Call always supported the Democratic party; but in i8g6 he voted for McKinley and the gold standard. He ren- dered valuable service to the town as a Select- man for two years. The family are connected with the grange in Hill. Both Mr. and Mrs. Call attended the Christian church. lYRON MOORE, the efficient Post- master of Concord, was born in this city, October 30, 1844, son of James and Nancy (Barr) Moore, both of whom were natives of Goffstown, N.H. He comes of Scotch-Irish ancestry. His earliest pro- genitor emigrated to America in 17 19, set- tling in Londonderry, N.H. He obtained his efiucation in the public schools of Concord, being graduated from the high school at the age of nineteen years. Then he obtained em- ployment in the stove foundry of William P. Ford & Co., with whom he remained for twenty years. During a part of the time he was associated in the firm of James Moore & Sons, successful hardware merchants of this city. In 1884 they sold out, and in the next year Mr. Moore was appointed money order clerk in the post-office, which position he held for about two years. In 1894 he was ap- pointed Postmaster by President Cleveland, and he entered upon the duties of the office on June \6 of the same year. This position he has since filled most acceptably. On October 19, 1876, Mr. Moore was mar- ried to Sarah E. Tucker, of this city. In politics he affiliates with the Democratic party. He has been connected with Masonic organizations for thirty years, being a mem- ber of Blazing Star Lodge, No. 3, Trinity Chapter, R. A. M. ; and of Mount Horeb Com- mandery, K. T. OHN TICKNOR DUNCAN, the Treas- urer of the Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, was born in Plainfield, De- cember 22, 1 83 1, son of Samuel B. and Ruth (Ticknor) Duncan. His great-grandfather, James Duncan, born in 1724, resided in Haverhill, Mass. James married Elizabeth Bell, who was born December 25, 1725, and had a family of twelve children. Robert Duncan, the grandfather, was born in Haver- hill, May 21, 1760. When a young man he settled in Plainfield. He married Hannah Plmerson, a native of Haverhill, and became the father of four children — Samuel B., John Thaxter, Mary A., and Hannah — all natives of Plainfield. John Thaxter, who was born in 1798, and followed a mercantile business in Vermont for a number of years, was afterward engaged in the manufacture of iron in New York State, and died in 1870. He married Fanny Dennison, and had a family of six chil- dren, four of whom are living. Mary A., born March 23, 1800, married John Bryant, of this town, who was associated with Squire Kimball in a mercantile business and the woollen manufacturing industry. She lived to be ninety-one years old, and two of her four children are living. Hannah, who was born in 1802, married Reuben True, one of the prosperous farmers and prominent residents of BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW '23 Plainficld in liis day; and she lived to the ad- vanced age of ninety-four years. She was the mother of four chihiren, one of whom is living. Sannicl 1!. Dinicaii, jjoni November 20, 1795, was educated in the schools of I'lainfield and Haverhill, Mass. Soon after the comple- tion of his studies he volunteered to serve in the War of 181 2 as a substitute for his brother, who had been drafted. P'or thirty- five years he was a Trustee of the Kimball Union Academy, and he filled the position of Treasurer for twelve years. He died Decem- ber 22, 1869. His wife, Ruth, was born in Lebanon, N.H., in 1777, daui;htcr of John and Mabel (Green) Ticknor. She became the mother of three sons, namely: John T-, the subject of this sketch; Robert H., born No- vember 12, 1833; and Samuel A., born June 19, 1836. Robert H. prepared for his col- legiate course at the Kimball Union Acad- emy, and was graduated from Dartmouth Col- lege, class of 1S57. He studied law at the I'oughkeepsie (N.Y.) Law School, and is now a prominent patent attorney in New York City. He married Abbie Vinning, daughter of Samuel Vinning, of Holbrook, Mass.; and she has had four children, three of whom are living. Samuel A. attended the Kimball Union Academy, and was graduated from Dartmouth with the class of 1858. After pursuing a course at the Columbia Law School, he was engaged in teaching at Quincy, Mass., for a time, and was for two years a tutor at Dartmouth College. In 1862 he was commissioned Major of the Fourteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, was later appointed Colonel of the Fourth United States Colored Regiment, and retired from the service with the rank of Brevet Major- general. During the years 1867 and 1S68 he was special agent of the United States Treas- ury at Washington, wqs E.Naminer of Patents from 1S68 to 1870, and Commissioner of Patents from 1870 to 1872. Later he became associated with his brother, Robert H., in New York City, and died October 18, 1895. On December 25, 1867, he married Julia Jones, of Washington, N. IL; and she became the mother of five chihiren, three of whom are living. She is now residing in Knglewood, N.J. Mrs. Samuel B. Duncan was ninety- four years old, when she died in 1871. After graduating from the Kimball Union Academy in 1S52, John Ticknor Duncan im- mediately turned his attention to agriculture. He succeeded to the home farm, and has since carried it on with success. The property, which contains about fifty acres, is located in the village of Meriden, nearly op])osite the academy and adjoining Dexter Richard Hall, where many of the students board. In 1870 he succeeded his father as Treasurer and Trus- tee of the academy. This institution has from one hundred and fifty to one hundred and seventy-five students in attendance. De.xter Richard Hall, a handsome three-story build- ing belonging to the academy, is used during the vacation season for summer boarders. Mr. Duncan has acted as a Justice of the Peace and Notary Public for the past twenty years. Politically, he supports the Republican party. He was a member of the New Hampshire Constitutional Convention of 1889. ■ (^Tr-NDREW J. MITCHELL, one of fcjj Lempster's well-to-do farmers and ' * V_^ an e.x-member of the New Hamp- shire legislature, was born in Acworth, N.H., August 3, 1828, son of William L. and El- mira (Moore) Mitchell. He is a descendant of Thomas and Mary (Mitchell) Mitchell, who emigrated from Ireland, and located in Lon- donderry, N. H. William and Martha (Wal- 124 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW lace) Mitchell, great-grandparents of Andrew J., settled upon a farm in Acworth in 1777. Jonathan Mitchell, grandfather of Andrew J., and a native of Acworth, spent the active period of his life engaged in agriculture. He married Nancy Mitchell, of Francestown, N.H., and his children were: William L. : James L. ; Nancy, who died in Acworth; and Jonathan T. William L. Mitchell, whose birth occurred in Acworth in 1804, was a lifelong resident of that town. He prosperously conducted a good farm, and was highly respected as an up- right man and a worthy citizen. He lived to be seventy-six years old. His wife, Elmira Moore, who was born in Lempster in 1807, became the mother of ten children, as follows: Andrew J., the subject of this sketch; Will- iam L. , who died in infancy; Elmira A., who died young; William L. (second), who mar- ried Jane Elliott, and is a farmer and milk dealer in Littleton, Mass.; Levi W., who married Harriet W. Brown, and is engaged in agriculture in Mason, N.H.; Alma A., who married Herbert L. Piper, of Acworth, and died in September, 1895; Abram, who wedded Frances Bailey, of Claremont, N. H., and is a prosperous farmer in Acworth: Jona- tha-n T. , who is also engaged in farming in that town; Nellie J., who did not reach ma- turity; and Clara L. , who married George Miller, neither of whom is living. Mrs. William L. Mitchell lived to be seventy-seven years old. She was a member of the Congre- gational church. Andrew J. Mitchell was reared in the com- mon schools, and grew to manhood in Ac- worth. He resided at home until he was twenty-seven years old, assisting in carrying on the farm and working to some extent at shocmaking. In 1858 he bought the Way farm in Lempster, where he now resides. Since then he has enlarged the property from one hundred and five to two hundred acres, and made various improvements upon the land and buildings. In addition to carrying on general farming, he raises some fine cattle, manufactures considerable maple sugar, and cares for a large orchard. In politics he is an active supporter of the Prohibition party. He has served as Selectman and upon the School Board. He ably represented this dis- trict in the legislature during the 3''ears 1876 and 1877, and he has been a Justice of the Peace for some time. On April 21, 1S57, Mr. Mitchell was joined in marriage with Mary M. Whittemore. She was born in Wilton, N. H., September 28, 1S27, daughter of Abram and Martha (Mar- shall) Whittemore, the former of whom was a native of Greenfield, and the latter of Tewks- bury, Mass. Abram Whittemore was exten- sively engaged in agricultural and mercantile pursuits. The erection of the first cotton- mill in New Hampshire was due to his energy and enterprise. Mrs. Mitchell's grandfather. Major Amos Whittemore, was in the Revolu- tionary War, and served at Bunker Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell -have three children; namely, Abraham W., M.D., Martha A., and Nellie J. Martha died young. Abraham W. was educated in Lempster, Newport, and Meriden, N. H. His medical studies were begun at the University of the State of Ver- mont in Burlington; and he was graduated from the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1887, taking high rank in a class of one hundred and fifty-one students. He commenced the practice of his profession in Harrisville, N. H., where he remained about a year. Since then he has resided in lapping, N.IL, wdiich he now represents in the lower house of the State legislature. He married Harriett V. Perkins, daughter of Dr. Marshall BIOGRA I'l 1 ICA I. REVI KW '25 Perkins, of Marlow, N.ll., and lias tlircc chil- dren — Avis W., Karl 1'., and Richard A. Nellie J. Mitchell is now the wife of lulward L. I'ikc, who is manager and superintendent of the colli storage buildings of the Provi- dence Freezing Company, Providence, R.I. Mr. Mitchell is a member of the Congrega- tional church; and he is connected with Cold River Grange, No. ig, Patrons of Husbandry, of Acvvorth. Mr. Mitchell has had a busy and useful life, and his industry has been at- tended with irood financial results. /^^TkORGE W. griffin, of Franklin \ pT I'alls village, the senior member of the firm G. W. Grififin & Co., and a native of Lisbon, N. H., was born April 2, 1839, son of George and Alice (Clark) Griffin. George Griffin manufactured wool in Danville and Barnct, Vt., for several years. Afterward he returned to Manchester, the place of his birth, and opened a store. The latter part of his life was spent at York ]3each. Me. He was the proprietor of the Agamenti- cus Hotel there, and carried it on until the time of his death, which occurred in 1885, at the age of eighty-three years. He had six children, namely: William Henry, the eldest- born, who dietl in 1866; Almena J., who mar- ried Walter Bailey, a merchant of Lancaster, N.H. ; Clara A., who married Thomas Howard, a wheelwright of Manchester; George W., the subject of this sketch; Georgia A., George's twin sister, who died in 1865; and Hebcr C, a mechanic, who mar- ried Ann McKiver, of Franklin, N.H. Mr. Griffin recci\ed his education in the common schools of the county. When twent}' years of age he engaged in the manufacture of needles with the Hon. Walter Aiken, remain- ing in that business until 1S80 In that year he and P. C. Hancock began the manufacture of saws, which he has since continued. The firm's product includes patent scroll and hack saws and fine jeweller's saws. On November 7, i860, Mr. Griffin was united in marriage with Miss Addie M. Burgess, of Jay Bridge, Me., daughter of Nathaniel Burgess, a miller of that place. His children were: George A., who died at the age of seven months; Raliih B. and Ernest L., who are employed in their father's factory. Mr. Grififin is a Mason of Meridian Lodge, No. 60, of Franklin. In politics he is a stanch Republican, and he is now a member of the City Council. He is connected with the Baptist church at Frank- lin. He is much esteemed by friends, neigh- bors, and customers, and is spoken of as one of the successful men of the town. I:ANDER VV. COGSWELL, an influ- ential resident of Ilenniker and a na- tive of the town, was born Novem- ber 18, 1825, son of David and Hannah (Haskell) Cogswell. After receiving his education in the academies of Henniker and I'rancestown, he taught school for several terms. In 1849 ^^ went to California. Re- turning in 1854, he was engaged in a mercan- tile business in Ilenniker until July, 1861, when he was appointed route agent from Hills- borough Bridge to Manchester. On the 13th of August, 1862, he enlisted as a private in Company D, FHeventh New Hampshire Volunteers. September 4, 1862, he was commissioned Captain of the same company; and on August 20, 1S64, he was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel of his regi- ment. Following the fortunes of the regi- ment in the Ninth Army Corps, he partici- pated in its memorable battles, sieges, and marches. During the last campaign of the 126 BIOGRAPHICAL KEVIFAV war he was for some months A. A. Inspector- general on the staff of Major-general S. G. Griffin, commanding the Second Brigade, Sec- ond Division of the Ninth Army Corps. In 1866, 1867, 1870, and 1871, Mr. Cogs- well represented his town in the legislature. In 1 87 1 and 1872 he was State Treasurer, and from 1876 to 1 88 1 he was one of the Savings Bank Commissioners. He was made a Justice of the Peace in 1876, and he has held several municipal offices. Besides giving much time and thought to public questions and to the discharge of his official duties, Mr. Cogswell has been an active member of various organi- zations. He was elected a member of the New Hampshire Historical Society, and he was President of the New Hampshire Anti- quarian Society. F"or many years he was Master of Aurora Lodge, No. 43, A. F. & A. M. ; and High Priest of Wood's Chapter, No. 14, Royal Arch Masons. Taking an earnest interest in educational matters, he was often Superintendent of Schools and a member of the School Board for several years under the town system. Mr. Cogswell has also done considerable literary work. He is master of a pleasing style, and is the author of the History of Henniker, N. H., a volume of se\^ral hundred pages; and of the History of the Eleventh New Hampshire Volunteers. In addition to these he has published several addresses delivered by him before various so- cieties. On the 17th of May, 1S53, Mr. Cogswell married Mary S. , daughter of Oliver and Anna. (Smith) -Pillsbury, since which event he has made his home in Henniker. P. & C. W. REDINGTON, man- ufacturers of carriage hubs at Roby's • Corner in Warner, have for several years continued a business wliich was first established in Wenham, Mass., by Adam Red- ington. Adam Redington, grandfather of Oliver Patch Redington, whose name occupies the place of senior partner in that of the firm, was for many years a manufacturer in Wen- ham. Afterward he removed to Sunapee, Sul- livan County, N. H., where he established a mill, and carried on his work until his death. He was succeeded in business by his son John. John transferred the business to Hop- kinton, and thence to a mill on the North Road in Sutton, where his son, Oliver P., assisted him and learned the business. Oliver P. Redington subsequently engaged in manufacturing in the town of Andover, this county, two years later locating at Roby's Cor- ner. He started a water-power factory on the Warner River, about three miles above Water- loo, where he continued the manufacture of wooden bowls, adding that of excelsior. Sub- sequently, after enlarging his premises, he began making hubs and clothes-pins on a very small scale. Within a few years he acquired such a large trade in hubs that he confined his attention entirely to their manufacture. For these he uses elm timber, cut in New Hamp- shire, made into blocks, and seasoned by a special process, a large stock being constantly kept on hand. Abbott, Downing & Co., of Concord, use the hubs exclusively. However, seventy-five per cent, of the factory's output is exported on orders received from Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and other dis- tant places. During the last five years, in spite of the depressing financial condition of the country, the business has increased fifty per cent. Oliver P. Redington was a well-read and intelligent man, though not college-bred. Both he and his brotiicr, John S, Redington, were anxious for a college education; Imt Oli- ver, the elder, realizing that it would l:ic im- HON. JOHN KIMBAIJ, BIOGRAPHICAL KKVIKVV 129 possible for both to leave home, relinquished his chance in favor of his brother. Oliver also assisted his brother pecuniarily, so that John was enabled to enter Dartmouth, of which he was a student when his death oc- curred, in the first flush of manhood, with most flattering prospects of a brilliant career before him. Subsequently by close attention to business Oliver acquired a competency. He was a man of positive opinions, clear and courageous in his convictions, and a valued member of the Republican party, which he joined on its formation, having previously been a Whig. He died May 3, 1891. Oliver V. liedington's first wife, whose maiden name was Betsey Morgan, died about five years before he did. Afterward he mar- ried her sister, Hannah Morgan. His chil- dren, all born of his first marriage, were: Mary Frances, who was educated at New Lon- don, N. H., and afterward taught school for some years in the States of Ohio, Illinois, and Pennsylvania, and is now the wife of Dr. Samuel J. Hayes, of I'ittsburg, Pa. ; Sarah, who was also for many years engaged in teach- ing, having been educated in the Simond's High School, and is now the wife of C. IC. Hadley, the Superintendent of the New Hamp- shire l'"ruit Company; Annie, who died un- married in 1877, aged twenty-si.x years; and Charles Walter. Charles Walter Redington attended I5ryant & Stratton's Commercial College at both Manchester and Concord, receiving a fine busi- ness education. The day that he attained his majority he was taken into partnership by his father, forming the firm O. P. & C. W. Red- ington. From his father he learned every detail of the business of which he is now the sole proprietor, having charge in later years of the outside work. On the well-improved farm, where he employs men to do the manual labor, he carries on general farming, making a specialty of a milk dairy. He is also inter- ested in the New Merrimack Glove Company and the New Hamp.shire ]'"ruit Company of Concord, each of which he serves as Director. In politics he is an earnest advocate of the principles of the Republican party, and usually attends all party conventions in this section of New luigland. On March 7, 1878, Mr. Redington married Miss Ida M. Blood, daughter of A. B. and Mary Kvelinc (Muzzey) Blood. She is a woman of culture, and for some years i)rior to her marriage taught school in this vicinity. Born in Newbury, N. M., she was educated in Bradford, where her jjar- ents resided many years. ON. JOHN KIMBALL, A.M., ex- mayor of Concord, N. H., a man of strong character, sterling worth, and more than ordinary ability, is held in high esteem by his fellow-citizens. He was born in Canterbury, N. H., April 13, 1821, a son of Benjamin and Ruth (Ames) Kimball. The Kimballs have been domiciled in New Kngland for more than two hundred and sixty years, and have given to these States many intelligent and capable men and women. The first immigrants of the name, Henry and Richard Kimball, with their wives and chil- dren, fled from the religious persecutions of the Old World, and found freedom and prosperity in the new. Joseph Kimball, who was of the fifth generation in America, was the great- grandfather of John Kimball. He was born in Hxeter, N. H., and died in Canterbury. John Kimball was apprenticed at the age of seventeen to his father's cousin, William Moody Kimball, to learn the millwright's trade; and, as he had a natural gift for me- chanics, it was not long before he was a BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW skilled and competent workman. He was employed as a millwright in Suncook and Manchester, N. H., and Lowell and Lawrence, Mass. In 1848 he took charge of the new machine and car shops of the Concord Rail- road in this city. In 1850 he was master mechanic; and he efficiently acted in that ca- pacity for eight years, turning his attention then from mechanical to other pursuits. In the railroad service his practical skill and sound judgment were in constant recjuisition, and his training and experience there were afterward used to good account in behalf of the city and State. Pie gradually became in- terested in various financial and political enterprises, and as his ability became recog- nized greater responsibilities devolved upon him. Tiiousands of dollars were intrusted to him as guardian, trustee, administrator, and executor, and never was a trust betrayed or slighted; and, to quote from a local paper, "as Treasurer of the New Hampshire Bible Society, the New Hampshire Orphans' Home, and various other such institutions, he has been trustworthy, painstaking, and just." i-\jr twenty-six years he has been Treasurer of the Merrimack County Savings Bank. He has been for a number of years a Director of the Mechanics National Bank; and he has filled the office of President of the Concord Gas Light Company, of which he is now Treasurer. In 1880, when the Manchester & Keene Railroad was placed in the hands of the court, the late Chief Justice Doe appointed Mr. Kimball one of the Trustees. Mr. Kimball's father and grandfather were stanch Whigs; and he has followed the family traditions, giving his lifelong allegiance to the Republican party. He was for twenty-seven years Treasurer of the Republican State Com- mittee. In 1856 he was elected to the Com- mon Council, of this city. In 1857 he was re-elected and chosen President of that body. In 185S he was sent to the House of Repre- sentatives from Ward Five, where he has al- ways made his home since he took up his resi- dence in this city; and he was re-elected in 1859, and presided as Chairman of the Com- mittee on State Prison. I'rom 1859 to 1862 he was City Marshal and Tax Collector of. Concord; and his administration was marked by "promptness, accuracy, and close devotion to the interests of the people. " In 1862 Pres- ident Lincoln appointed him Collector of In- ternal Revenue for the Second District of New Llampshire, comprising Merrimack and Hills- borough Counties; and during the seven years he held the office he collected and paid to the Treasurer of the Lhiited States nearly seven million dcdlars. Me was for eleven years Moderator of Ward Five, an impartial and clear-headed presiding officer; and for a num- ber of years he served acceptably as moderator of the Union School District. In 1872 through a popular movement he was elected Mayor of Concord. He was hon- ored with re-election in 1873, 187^, and 1875, annua] elections then being the law. Imme- diately after his installation as Mayor a severe freshet injured five of the seven wooden bridges over the Merrimack and Contoocook Rivers. As superintendent of roads and bridges he repaired these structures in such a manner as to demonstrate his mechanical knowledge, re- placing the insecure bridges by substantial structures that defy the wear and tear of time and travel. During his administration tiie water sujiply system from Penacook Lake was completed; and he was afterward elected one of the Water Commissioners, and served for fourteen years as President of the Board. While he was Mayor, also, the fire dejiartment was invested with new dignity by the city government, the central fire station and other I!I()(;k.\|'|||(\i, kisViKW «3« buildings of wliicli llicy aic justly pnuKl huing erected imdor the siipcivisidii of Mayor Kim- ball. I'lldssDiii llill Cemetery was doubled in si/.c, the main llioroiighfares of the city were graded and impioved, and stone culverts re- placed the primitive wooden ones which had served for years. In 1876 Mr. Kimball was elected a member of the convention to revise the Constitution of the State, and served as Chairman of its Com- mittee on ]""inance. In 1877 an ajiiiropriation was made by the legislature for a Jiew State Prison ; and upon the passage of the law, which was a carefully guarded one. Governor Benja- min !•'. I'rescott, with the advice of his coun- cil, appointed Mr. Kimball, Albert M. Shaw, and Alfred J. I'illsbury commissioners to carry the law into effect. Mr. Kimball was chosen chairman of the board. Under these com- missioners the present penitentiary was com- pleted in the fall of 1880, every dollar appro- priated being prudently and judiciously e.\- jiended. In November, 1880, Mr. Kimball was elected to the State Senate from the Tenth Senatorial District ; and when the Senate was organized, in June, 1881, he was chosen Presi- dent. In this honorable position he presided with wisdom, dignity, and courtesy. He was chairman of the committee that built the high school, and he has rendered such services to the cause of popular education that one of the handsomest modern school-houses in Concord has been named in his honor the Kimball School. Mr. Kimball was honored with the degree of Master of Arts by Dartmouth Col- lege in 1884. He is a Director of the Repub- lican Press Association of Concord. On May 27, 1846, he was married to Maria H. Phillips, of Rupert, Vt., who died Decem- ber 22, 1894. He has since married Miss Charlotte Atkinson, a lady of culture and re- finement. His only child, a daughter — Clara Maria, born March 20, 1848 — was married June 4, 1873, to Augu.stine R. Ayers, of tliis city, and has several children. In person Mr. Kimball is tall, erect, and reinarkably well-preserved for a man of scventy-si.x. He is a total abstainer, and his modes of life are regular. He is firm and decided, with strong confidence in his own judgment; frank and downright, always giving right the precedence of policy; somewhat bluff in manner, but never discourteous; open- hearted and free, kindly and sensitive. A careful reader, he is particularly fond of gene- alogical and historical research; and he speaks and writes with precision. Faithful in every relation of life, inihlic and domestic, he is valued and loved by all. Mr. Kimball has travelled abroad, and is one of the most cult- ured men of the day. In 1843 he joined the Congregational church at his old home in Hos- cawen, N. H. ; and for a great many years he has been a member of the South Congregational Church of Concord, contributing generously to its support. M R. J. H. SANPORN, a retired physician of P'ranklin I'alls, was l)orn in Meredith, N.H., September 23, iJ>Jc), son of John and Susan (Hubbard) Sanborn. His grandfather, Jeremiah San- born, ieinesented Sanbornton in the first legis- lature, that met in E.xeter in 1784. Highly prized by the family are a compass, a book on surveying, and a powder-horn that belonged to Jeremiah, all over one hundred and twenty- five years old. Another cherished relic is a pewter platter that has been handed down in the Hubbard family for two hundred and sixty-five years, since it was brought over from England. Dr. John Sanborn, the father of the sub- ject of this article, lived in Sanbornton until BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 1 815. Then he moved to Meredith, N. H., and there practised medicine till his death, which occurred in 1S70. His wife died in 1866. Of their four children the third died in infancy. The others were: Jesse Apple- ton, Susan Catherine, and J. H. Jesse was a physician at Plymouth, and is now deceased. Susan Catherine became the wife of Levi Leach, both of whom are also deceased. Dr. J. H. Sanborn, the subject of this sketch, received his early education in the common schools of Meredith and at Gilmanton Academy. Then he studied medicine with his father and brother, and later on with Dr. ]-ienjamin R. Palmer, of Woodstock, Vt. , and the president of Vermont Medical College. At the end of the four years spent in this way he then went to Berkshire Medical College at Pittsfield, Mass., and remained there from 1850 till 1852. He also attended the Medi- cal College at Woodstock, Vt. He received his medical certificate in November, 1852, and then began practice with his father in Meredith. In the following year he went to Alstead, and had been there three years when he returned to Meredith, and practised from 1856 till September, 1862. He was then commissioned as Assistant Surgeon in the army, 'and continued in service up to July, 1S64, when he was honorably discharged on account of physical disability. He returned to Meredith, and was there engaged in his profession until January 20, 1874, when he came to Franklin P"alls. Here he has re- mained since, having his ofiRce at his resi- dence. He is a comrade of George F. Swett Post, G. A. R., of F'ranklin P'alls; and he is a Royal Arch Mason, having membership in Meridian Lodge, No. 60, ¥. & A. M. He has always taken an active interest in politics, and has the remarkable record of never having missed an election. He has been a stanch Republican since he cast his first vote for l<"remont, and he is a member of the Congre- gational church at Meredith. The Doctor was married May 16, 1854, to Elizabeth H. Leach, daughter of the Rev. Giles Leach, a Congregational minister of Meredith. Born March 23, 1834, she died February 18, 1895. Four children came of this union; namely, Giles Leach, Hattie L., Susan Lillian, and Elizabeth Thompson. Giles Leach, born March 26, 1855, died in August, 1855. Hattie L., born June 21, 1856, became the wife of Edgar A. Jones, who is employed in the counting-room at Aiken's Mill. They now reside with the Doctor. Susan Lillian, born in 1861, died in 1S72; and Elizabeth T. , born in 1S73, died January I7> 1887. ^^ T^HARLES A. NEWTON, a well- I St^ to do farmer of Unity and an ex- V»^_^ member of the State legislature, was born in Plainficld, July 2, 1854, son of General Charles L. and Mary M. (Gilman) Newton. His grandfather, Rufus Newton, was a native of Grafton, Mass., who settled upon a farm in Plainfield, and there resided for the rest of his life. Rufus married Polly Ryder, and reared a family of five children, who are all living. They are; Charles L., Rufus G. , Francis J., Adeline, and Ann. Charles L. Newton was born in Plainfield. When a young man he engaged in farming. He resided in his native town until 1859, when he moved to a farm in Unity; and the rest of his life was spent in this town. He was an able farmer and a citizen of more than ordinary worth and ability. He attained prom- inence in military affairs, and ranked as Major- general in the State militia. General Newton died January 21, 1865. His wife, Mary M. Gilman Newton, was born in Unity, daugh- DIOGRArHRAL KKVIKW '55 ter (if Sewcll nnd Deborah (Comstock) Gil- man, natives respectively of Unity and New- port, \. H. Sewell Gilman, who was a pros- perous farmer, died June lo, 1S55; and his wife (lied January 26, 1S69. Their children were: Henrietta, Sylvester, Randolph, Mary M., and Henry. Of these the only survivor is Mary M., who resides with her son. She has had two children, namely: Annie 11., born May 2S, 1849, who died November 3, 1S69; and Charles A., the subject of this sketch. Charles A. Newton, having begun his edu- cation in Unity, completed it by attending sthool in Meriden for two terms. His father's death, which occurred when Charles was about eleven years old, caused him to undertake the management of the farm while still }'oung; and his early experience has proved exceedingly beneficial to him. He now owns two hundred acres of fertile land, which he devotes to general farming and dairy- ing; and he keeps an average of fifteen cows. In politics he is a Democrat, and he is a lead- ing spirit in local affairs. He was a Select- man in 1SS7, Supervisor for a number of years, and represented this district in the legislature in 1S89 and 1890. He was Chair- man of the Board of Selectmen from 1891 to 1897, and he has been Moderator at town meetings for the past six years. On February 17, 1SS6, Mr. Newton was united in marriage with Speedie A. Clough. She was born in Newport, February 17, 1865, daughter of Reuben M. and Sarah (Griffin) Clough. The father, who was a native of Unity, died in February, iSSS. Mrs. Clough, who was born in Newport, N. H., and is now residing in Unity, has had three children — Abbie, George G. , and Speedie A. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Newton are: Charles Stark, born April 19, 1SS7; Pcrlie A., born January 20, 1S94; and Annie A., born Febru- ary 22, 1896. Mr. Newton is an Odd Fellow of Sugar River Lodge, No. 55, and Stony Brook Encampment, of Newport ; and he is connected with Sunapce Mountain Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, of Goshen, of which he was Master in 1896. (^OR OKGK E. Sin:i'ARD, of Franklin i> I village, who is a prominent lum- berman of Merrimack County, was born March 28, 1S40, son of George and Abi- gail (Hill) Shepard. The grandfather was Ebenezer Shepard, a farmer and a lifelong resident of New London, N. H., where his son George was born. George Shepard became a farmer, and lived in Wilmot during forty years of his life.- He made his home at one time in New London, N. H., and later moved to East Andover. His wife, Abigail, was the widow of Edmund Chadwick and a daughter of Edward Hill, a carpenter of West New- bury, Mass. She died leaving three children. These^ were : Emery B. Chadwick, now de- ceased, born of her first marriage; Mary A. Shepard, born of her second marriage, April 18, 1834; and George E. , the sub- ject of this sketch. Mary became the wife of D. M. Hazen, a confectioner of Cambridge- port, Mass., and has six children — Frank, Katie A., Mary E. (deceased), George E., Willie W., andAbbie. George E. Shepard was well educated in the academies at Andover and New London. At the age of twenty he commenced to learn the spinner's trade in the woollen factory of John- son & Colby at Wilmot, N. H., and remained four years there. Then he bought an interest in the mill, when the firm name became Colby, Shepard & Co., who were manufact- urers of hosiery and full cloth. Six years ■34 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW later he sold his share, and bought of Richard Messer a sixth-interest in the scythe manu- factory at Scytheville, New London. He was stock buyer and salesman for about three years, when, again selling his interest, he re- turned to the woollen industry, removing with Mr. R. O. Messer to East Andover, with whom he manufactured hosiery for three years. Then he was engaged in the lumber business with his cousin, J. Eli Shepard, at New Lon- don for three years, after which he became the wood and tie agent of the Northern Railroad, later receiving the appointment of purchasing agent for the ]3oston & Lowell Railroad, with which company he continued for four years. After returning to East Andover, he was en- gaged in the lumber lousiness with several different parties until in 1892, when he went into partnership with Walter S. Carr and Mr. Neal. This firm has an office at Franklin. Mr. Shepard bought his present home, known as United States Senator Austin F. Pike Momestead, where he has lived since Novem- ber 25, 1893. He is the President and a Director of the Beecher Falls I'urniture Com- pany at Beecher Falls, Vt. In January, 1896, when the Mayo Knitting Machine and Needle Company was organized, Mr. Shepard became a meni1)er. He is a Director of this company, also of the First National Bank; and he is a Trustee of the Franklin Falls Savings Bank. Mr. Shepard has been twice married, on the first occasion to Miss Mary A. Johnson, of North Weare, N.LI. She died in October, 1885, leaving no children. On January 11, 1887, he contracted his second marriage with Carrie S. Scamans, of New London, daughter of Daniel S. and Frances Mary (Dodge) Sea- mans. Her mother died March ig, 1892; and her father now resides in New London. Their four children were: Frances Abbie, who died at the age of nineteen; Carrie S., now Mrs. Shepard ; Etta Pearson, who married Bradford J. Dunbar, a salesman residing in Maiden, Mass.; and John A., who married Kate McDonald, lives in New London, and has four children — Daniel D., George L., Agnes, and Frances Mary. Mr. Shepard is a stanch Republican. He is connected with the King Solomon Lodge, No. 14, F. & A. M. He is a Director of the Concord A.\le Com- pany in Concord, N. H. His many business interests have placed him among the leading men of I^'ranklin and Franklin Falls. ^AMES E. RANDLETT, a well-knowfl architect of Concord, was born Septem- ber 5, 1846, in Quincy, Mass., son of James S. and Abbie O. (Chase) Randlett. The father, a native of Gilford, N.H., worked at his trade of stone cutter for a num- ber of years in the stone yards of Quincy. One of the largest and most important build- ings in whose construction he assisted, was the custom-house in Boston, Mass. He is now living retired in Concord, N.H. His wife, Abbie, who came from Biddc- ford. Me., has had three children, namely: Abbie A., who died in 1865; Henry K., who resides in New York City; and James ]{., the subject of this sketch. James E. Randlett, our subject, was edu- cated in the district schools of Quincy, Mass., and of Gilmanton, N.H., and from private tutors in the evening. Upon the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion, when only fifteen years of age, he enlisted as a drummer boy in Conijiany B, Twelfth Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry. At the first opportunity that presented itself he forsook the drum for the musket, and participated in llie battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellors- ville. His term of service in the army BIOGRAPHICAL RRVIF.W '35 covered tlircc years. On its expiratifjii he went to Lowell, Mass., and there learned the carpenter and cabinet-maker trades. These ho afterward followeil for some twenty years. Having subsequently returned to Concord, he was the first man to receive the appointment of letter-carrier when the United States free letter delivery service was established in that city. After holding that position for about four years, he resigned, and was appointed the keeper of the State House at Concord. This office he resigned after two years, to enter into partnership with Kdward Dow, the archi- tect. Since Mr. Dow's death in July, 1894, Mr. Randlett has continued the business alone. He has designed many [irominent and well-known structures, both public and pri- vate, among which are the main building of the New Hampshire Agricultural College at Durham, the town halls of Antrim and Ep- ping, and the Capital Fire Insurance Build- ing. Numerous business blocks in the towns of Newport and Exeter were also erected on his plans. He drew the plans, and built at his own expense a fine edifice, which was greatly needed, for the especial use of the Young Men's Christian Association of Con- cord, and which he still owns. He was Ad- jutant of the Third New Hampshire Regiment for five years. At one time he was the Assist- ant Inspector of the Grand Army of the Re- public, under General Cogswell. Mr. Randlett married Gcorgie Gray, of Concord, and has two children. His son, Clarence B. , who at onetime was Deputy Sec- retary of State of New Hampshire, and now resides at Council Bluffs, la., married l""lor- ence Langmaid, and has one cliild, William E. Mr. Randlett's daughter, Eli;^abeth M., who is unmarried, lives at home with her par- ents. In politics a Republican, he cast his first Presidential vote for General Grant in 1868. He is a comrade of Sturdcvant Post, No. 2, G. A. R., of Concord ; and a member of the K. of V. and K. of 11. Mr. Randlett is highly esteemed both for his private char- acter and for the high rank he has taken in his i^rofessifjn. ^OSi:i'H VVARRI'IN I'II-:RCE, a promi- nent resident of South Cornish, was born August 18, 1837, at Winchester, N.H., son of Hosea and Verlina (Putnam) Pierce. On the maternal side he traces his ancestry back to Israel Putnam, of Revolution- ary fame, and to General Joseph Warren, the hero of Bunker Hill. His grandfather, Elihu Pierce, born in Connecticut, married a Torrcy, and had three children. I-'lihu carried on a large farming business, and was very i)romi- nent in town affairs in New Salem, Mass., where, after being a resident for the greater part of his life, he died. He was Selectman and Overseer of the Poor for many years. His children were: Hosea, Alvira, and a daughter who became Mrs. Putnam. Alvira married Silas Spear, of Orange, Mass. Mrs. Putnam, who had three children, died at New Salem. Hosea Pierce, born in New Salem in 1801, was a physician, having graduated from a medical college at Pittsfield, Mass. He set- tled in Winchester, N.H., and practised there for about fifty years, acquiring, it is claimed, the largest practice of any physician in this section of the State. He was sent as Repre- sentative to the legislature from his district for two terms. By his wife, Verlina, he was the father of three children — George W., Elihu P., and Joseph W. George W., who is a physician, has succeeded to his brother's practice. He married Maria C. Follett, who had by him four children, all of whom are liv- ing. The other brother, Elihu, born at Win- chester, lives at Springfield, Mass., where he '36 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW is a practising physician. He has been three times married. The first wife was Maria Baker Pierce, and his present wife is Emma Bulkird Pierce. Both brothers served in the Civil War. Joseph Warren Pierce was educated in the [lublic schools at Winchester and in Mount Cassar Academy at Swanzey, N. H. He after- ward studied dentistry, and began to practise it in the South, where he worked for two or three years. He then came North, and lo- cated in Winchester. One year after he went to the military school at Philadelphia, Pa., and from there into the army. He entered as Second Lieutenant of the Fifth Regiment of United States Infantry, and was in action at Fort Harrison and Deep Bottom, and was present at the surrender of Petersburg, at Bunkersville Point, Farnumville, and Ap- pomattox. After the war Mr. Pierce was en- gaged in a mercantile business for fourteen years at Claremont, and then bought a farm in Cornish. He married Mary Emmeline Fair- banks, of Winchester. His only child, Vcrlina Relief, who was born September 27, 1872, married Clyde Rawson, of Cornish, the superintendent of mills at Springfield, Vt. Mr. Pierce never held a public office, notwith- standing the fact that he takes an earnest in- terest in all the public affairs of the town. He has, however, been President of the Re- publican Club for a number of years and one of the supervisors of the check list of the town. OHN C. WEBSTER, a leading resident of Danbury, was born in I'elham, N.H., February 24, 1833, son of John Webster and a descendant of the famous Webster family. The first Webster in this country came from Ipswich, luigland, and set- tled in Ipswich, Mass. John C. belongs to the eighth generation in America. The pa- ternal grandfather, Ebenezer, went when a young man to Pelham from Haverhill, Mass., antl there cleared and settled on a farm given him by his father. Ebenezer married Eliza- beth Bradford. John Webster, also a native of Pelham, was a farmer, and lived for many years on the homestead cleared by P^benezer. He subse- ciuently sold his place at Pelham, and re- moved to Hudson, where he died in his ninety-second year. His wife, Hannah Cum- mings Webster, had thirteen children, all born on the homestead except the youngest. Eleven of these reached maturity ; namely, Elizabeth, Moses, Sally, Lovice, Lucy, Kim- ball, Hannah, John C. , Nathan, Willard, and Orrin. The survivors besides John C. are: Elizabeth, who resides in Hudson, the widow of Warren Blodgett ; Sally, who is the widow of Simeon Titcomb, and has three children — Albert, Charles, and Nellie; Lovice, who is Mrs. John Baker, of Hudson, and has three children — John P., Willis, and Nettie R. ; Lucy, who is the mother of five children and the wife of Daniel B. .Cluff, of Haverhill, Mass. ; and Kimball, who is married and has five daughters. John C. Webster, the eighth child of his parents, received his early training in the public schools. Later he studied at Hudson Academy. He then engaged in the shoe busi- ness for about five years, and afterward lived in Boston, where he carried on a business in periodicals. Returning afterward to New Hampshire, he opened a general merchandise store at Andover. In 1863 he came to Dan- bury, wliere he has since lived. Mr. Webster has been twice married. The first Mrs. Webster, whose maiden name was Miss Hannah C. Keniston, had one son, P'rank K. The name of his present wife before her liI()(;kAl'lll(AI- kKVIKW •37 mariiajjc was Addic L. Currier. Mr. and Mrs. Webster have a daughter by adoption, Gertie Jk'll. Mr. Webster has always taken an active part in civil affairs. In 1890-91 he was Sheriff of the county. A re-elect if)n to the office was lost by only one vote. Me has served in the more important town offices, hav- ing been Town Clerk for seventeen years and Selectman for ten years. In 1870-71 he was a member of the legislature. In politics he has always been a Democrat, and his first Presidential vote was cast for James Buchanan in 1856. He is an esteemed member of the Masonic order. RTHUR WILSON SILSBY, of Con- cord, who for the past thirteen years has been Judge of Probate for Merri- mack County, was born in Concord, August 28, 1851, son of George H. PI. and Sarah F. (Chickering) Silsby. He is a direct descend- ant of Henry Silsby, who emigrated from England about the year 1630, and settled in Salem, Mass. Captain Henry Silsby, great- grandfather of Arthur W., was an early settler in Acworth, N.H. He served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and was a member of the Committee of Public Safety. His son, Ozias, Judge Silsby's grandfather, was a Con- gregational preacher. George H. H. Silsby, the father of Judge Silsby, born in Hillsborough, came to reside in Concord when he was fifteen years old. He was a stationer, printer, and bnokbinder, and followed that bu.siness during the active period of his life. PI is wife, Sarah, who was born in IJanvers, Mass., descended from Revolu- tionary patriots. Her grandfather, John Chickering, participated in the battle of Bunker Hill. ■ .Arthur Wilson Silsby acquired his educa- tion in the iiublic and hiq-h schools of Con- cord. I Ic also took a short course at the well- known Phillips Academy in Kxetcr, N.H., and fitted for college. He commenced the study of law with the firm of Minot, Tappan & Mugridge, of Concord. Later, after complet- ing his preparations with Mr. Mugridge, he was admitted to the Merrimack County bar in August, 1877. Thereupon he entered into practice, remaining in the office with Mr. Mugridge until his death, which took place in April, 1884. On September 14, 1883, he was appointed Judge of Probate; and he h^s since presided over that court with ability, and gives general satisfaction. His deci- sions have been marked by an earnest desire to accord justice in all cases coming before him, and he has shown that he is eminently qualified for this responsible office. Judge Silsby is unmarried. In politics he supports the Republican party. He is a member of the Sons of the Revolution. /STkorge barstow walki-:r, a V f5 I leading resident of Cornish, comes of a family whose representatives have been distinguished for manly Christian character ant! pure lives. His grandfather, Peter Walker, lived and died in Cornish, and was one of the prominent farmers of this section. Peter had four children — Joseph, Moses, Cyrus, and Eathan — none of whom are now living. Moses Walker, the father of George B., was born in Cornish in 1812. He was educated in the town schools, and began his working life as a farmer. Later he did a large busi- ness, and became very prosperous. Besides doing more or less general farming, he raised high-bred cattle and horses. Throughout his life he was prominently identified with the Democratic party, and he was several 1 >'^ BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW" times a candidate for Selectman on the Demo- cratic ticket. He was twice married. His first wife, whose maiden name was Martha Davis, bore him one child, Henry Warner Walker, who was born in 1831, and resides in Conish, engaged in farming. The second wife, christened Betsy Bugbee, was the mother of seven children; namely, George B., Eliza Ann, ilartin L. and I.ouis N. (twins), Melvin Alanson, Maria, and Luella. Eliza married Hiram York, resides with her hus- band at South Cornish, and has two children — Elmer E. and Ida. Mr. York is one of the leading farmers of the town. Martin I.. Walker, who is a prosperous farmer of Cor- nish and a Deacon of the Congregational church, married Lizzie Bailey, and has twelve children. Louis Walker, a gunsmith by trade and the owner of considerable property, mar- ried Kate Sawtelle, and resides in Ilion, N.Y. Retaining the fondness for tlowers that char- acterized him when a boy. he has built a fine large hot-house, to which he devotes consider- able time. He is and always has been a stanch Democrat. Melvin Walker married Lydia Cole, and has one daughter, Fannie. He is likewise a Democrat, and is a sturdy, enterprising fanner. ALaria is the wife of Henry Fairbanks, and lives in Claremont. this State. Luella is now the widow of East- man Bean, and resides in Claremont with her daughter. George B, Walker was born in Cornish, August 29. 1841. He received his early edu- cation in the schools of his nati\'e town. Upon startiiii, aself, he became a farmer and carpcnier. lie has always been a busy Juan: and, though a loyal Democrat and deeply interested in the affairs of the town, his many business interests have preventeil him from taking any very active part in poli- tics. His character as a citizen is irrepro,ach- able, and he has many w-arm friends. Mr. Walker married Lorette Jackson, of Cornish, daughter of Newton and Ellen (Chapman) Jackson ; and two sons have bles.sed the mar- riage. The elder son, John Jackson, was born in Cornish, September 14, 1S71, and died May 2^, 1S88. He was in every respect a most promising young man, and his charac- ter from childhood showed the effects of his early Christian training. At the time of his death he was a member of the Christian En- deavor Society and the Church Temperance Society connected with the church in which he had been brought up. He was soon to have united with the church. The younger son. Homer Xewton, born October ii, 1S78, lives at home, and is the object of tenderest affection of his parents. He w^orks in the saw'-mill, and is ambitious and enterprising. Mrs. Walker, like her husband, is a member of the Congregational church, and an active worker in its benevolent and au.xiliary so- cieties. Her mother is still living, and is now Mrs. Jacob Beal. KXjAMIX F. GALE, who was for ^ , man)' years a prominent citizen of Concord, was bom May 13, 1S19. His gr.uuifather, Daniel Gale, a son of Cap- tain Benjamin Gale, was a native of Haver- hill, Mass. A blacksmith by trade, Daniel came at the age of twenty to Concord, and here married Ruth Carter, a daughter of Dr. Ezra Carter, the first physician of Concord. The father, Benjamin Gale, kept a tavern at the corner of Warren and Main Streets in Concord for forty years. This was in the daj-s of the old stage-coach, before the rail- road was built; and the greater part of the travellers of that time stopped with Landlord Gale. He had an extensive acquaintance. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 139 aiul was a favorite with all classes of people on account of his geniality and kindly cour- tesy. He moved at last to a house on Pleasant Street, where he died at the age of eighty- seven years, leaving the reputation of a be- nevolent man. His wife. Prudence, was a daughter of James Varnum, a soldier who served seven years in the War of Indepen- dence, and a comrade of ex-Governor Pierce, of this State. 15enjamin and Prudence Gale reared six children — James \'., Ruth C, lileanor V., John V., Henjamin F., and Levi \i. The only one of these now living is Eleanor, who resides in the West, nearly ninety j'cars of age. The father died August II, 1856. Benjamin F. Gale received his education from the district schools and in tlie academies at Francestown and Hopkinton. Later on he taught school in Francestown Academy. At the age of twenty-one years he was a surveyor, and went to the West in order to secure em- ployment in the government land surveys. Here, however, he was taken sick of fever, and was obliged to return home. He then bought the Kemp pasture, a stretch of fifty acres, all being good house lots. Afterward for a number of years he was engaged in the nui;sery business, and was prominent in town affairs. Respected for his integrity and good judgment, his fellow-townsmen chose him to fill important town offices. For four 3'ears he was City Marshal. In 1S63 and 1S64 he was Mayor of the city, and for several terms he was its Representative in the State legis- lature. In politics Mr. Gale was one of the Republican leaders in this section. He was Orthodox in religious belief and a constant attendant of the Congregational church. In June, 1S46, Mr. Gale was united in marriage with Julia L. Morse, daughter of Mark and Rebecca (Campbell) Morse. Mrs. Morse is a relation of S. F. M. Morse, the in- ventor of the telegraph, and of Pllijah Morse, of Canton, the ex-Congressman and philan- thropist. She belongs to the seventh genera- tion descended from Samuel Morse, who was the progenitor of the race in this countrv. and is buried at Medfield, Mass. TTAHARLFS II. FARNUM, the owner I Ji of a fine farm in Concord, comes of V,^-^ ancestors who were among the earli- est settlers of the town. He was born upon the patrimonial estate, December 30, 183S, son of Benjamin and Emily (Farnum) Far- num. According to New England records the first bearer of the name in this country was Ralph Farnum, who came from Wales; while the first representative of the family in Concord was Benjamin, the great-grandfather of Charles H. Ephraim Farnum, the grand- father, who was born in West Concord on the estates of his ancestors, reclaimed from the wilderness a large tract of land, which he left to his heirs, a large and well-improved prop- erty. He died at the age of sixty-five years. He married Sarah Brown, of Plymouth, N.H., who bore him six chililren — Joseph, Nancy, Benjamin, Susan D. , Lydia, and Luther. Luther, who died March 15, 1S97, at the ad- vanced age of eighty -one years, was the noted Professor Farnimi, who had been connected with the Public Library of Boston, Mass., for more than forty years. Benjamin Farnum, Jr., was born on the family estate in West Concord, and received his education in the district schools of his na- tive town. At his father's decease he in- herited the farm, and took up and continued its cultivation and improvement from the stage where his father had dropped it. In the year 1845 he erected a fine set of new buildings. 140 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW which are still standing. He was regarded by his generation as an able and progressive man, and he carried on an extensive business in farming. For more than forty years he was a Deacon in the First Concord Congrega- tional Church, and he attained the advanced age of eighty-seven years and seven months. He married Emily Farnum, daughter of Moses and Rhoda (Carter) Farnum, and reared a family of six children. These were : George, who died at the age of fifteen years; Rhoda, who died at the age of twenty years; Charles H., the subject of this sketch; Cyrus R., who lives in Concord; Lewis C, a resident of Mc- Gregor, la., who married Jennie Tiffany, and has one daughter, Emily F. ; and George E., a farmer, living in Spencer, la., who married Josephine Jacobs, and has four children — Roswell, Eugenia F., Annie E., and Mattie B. Charles H. Farnum received his education in the public and private schools of Concord and at Colby Academy of New London, N.H. At the age of twenty-two years he went to California, where he remained three and a half years engaged in the teaming business. In 1863 he went to Nevada, and was there some five years, teaming, lumbering, and running a saw-mill. It was his purpose to remain longer; but, on paying a visit to his home, he yielded to the earnest solicitation of his mother, and took up his residence again on the homestead estate, where he still lives. On November 29, 1870, which is memo- rable as the day on which the old Concord church was destroyed by fire, Mr. Farnum was united in marriage to Annie L. l'"arnum, the daughter of Moses H. and Judilii (Kilburn) Farnum. Mrs. Farnum's grandfather, Enoch Kilburn, served as a soldier in the Revolu- tionary War. Her only child died in infancy. Mr. Farnum is a Republican in his politics, and he cast his first Presiilential vote for Abraham Lincoln in 1S60. He enjoys the esteem and good will of his fellow-citizens, who at one time selected him to represent them in their City Council. <^*^- » DWARD BRYANT, a prominent resi- dent of Cornish, was born in this town, P'ebruary 7, 1837, son of Daniel and Cloe (Hildreth) Bryant. His grandfather, Israel Bryant, born in Connecticut, came to Cornish when a young man. Israel and his wife were the parents of nine children. Of these Daniel, a native of Cornish, born in 1815, was educated in the public schools of his native town. After completing his educa- tion he engaged in farming. Subsequently for many years he was foreman of the stock farm of Ebenezer Pike, having charge of the best blooded cattle in the country. His repu- tation was that of a man who thoroughly understood how to secure the finest results from the breeding and raising of fine-blooded animals. Devoted to his home, he did not aspire to political distinction. His religiolis views were liberal, and he was a regular at- tendant at the Universalist church. On the first day of May, 1834, he married Cloe, daughter of Samuel Hildreth, of Cornish. They had four children — George, Edward, Charles, and Charlotte. George, born Janu- ary 22, 1836, died in infancy; Charles, born October 3, 1838, died between the ages of three and four years ; Charlotte, born in Cor-, nish, was educated in the public schools of the town, at Kimball Union Academy, and at Windsor, Vt. Siie married William K. West- gate, and has two children — Earl and Martha, both of whom are married. Edward Bryant obtained his education in the pul)lic schools of Iiis native town and at the Claremont Academy. He tiien went to SARAH FORREST CORRELL. Iil()(;i< AI'IIIC \l, KI'IVIKW '43 work on tlu' larin willi liis fallicr. Upon llic ilcath of the latter he succeetled to the man- agement of the ])r()[)erty, which lias lieen in his charge ever since. Like his father, he prefers the cpiiet of iiis own fireside to the turmoil of public life. lleattentls and sup- ports the Lfniversalist church; is a Mason of Cheshire Lodge, No. 23 ; and was for a time a member of the grange. Mr. Bryant married Miss Julia Helen Gilkey, of I'lainficld, daugh- ter of James Gilkey. ]5orn August 5, 1S42, she died November 6, iScS'q. Her four chil- dren were: James D., Julia Janettc, Charles li., antl John G. James, the eldest son, born March i, 1861, has always assisted his father on the farm. Julia, born March i, 1872, is housekeeping for her father. Charles, born April 21, 1873, who was educated at Cornish and Windsor, went into the hotel business as clerk, and has been connected with the Wind- sor House at Windsor and with hotels in Claremont and Lowell. John, born March 4, 1875, after leaving school, learned the jew- eller's business, but was subsequently obliged to give it up. He is now in the hotel busi- ness in Massachusetts. /^2)aWN E. GORRELL, a farmer and V 1^ I well-known Republican of North- field, was born May 16, 1S57, son of Clough and Sarah (P^orrest) Gorrell, both na- tives of Northfield. The grandfather, Gawn A. Gorrell, a native of Salem, Mass., was the first of the family to come to Northfield. He settled on a farm near the home now occupied by his grandson, and resided there until his death. Clough Gorrell was also a farmer. When quite a young man he settled on the Thomas Clough farm, where his son now lives, and lived there for the remainder of his life. He died May 20, 1890, at the age of eighty ycar.s. His wife's death occurred December ig, 1888, at the age of seventy-four. She was horn -Sep- tember 8, 1 8 14, daughter of William and Nancy (IJearborn) h'orrest, and the fourth of the nine children born to her parents. She joined the Methodist Episcopal church, now of Tilton, and was subsequently a steadfast member for fifty-six years. A woman of energy and character, she was a faithful wife and one of the kindest of mothers. The two children born to them both grew to maturity. Addie, the elder, married Thomas W. Long, and since his decease she has lived on the Long homestead in Northfield. She had one child, Marcia E., who died at the age of seven years. After finishing the course of the Northfield public schools, Gawn E. Gorrell studied at Tilton Seminary, teaching at the same time in the. district schools. On the death of his father he assumed charge of the homestead farm, where he has since devoted himself to farming. He owns one hundred and fifty acres of land, and he has supplemented the improvements begun by his father with new and substantial buildings. Besides carrying on general farming with success, he keeps a profitable dairy. Earnestly interested in the general welfare of his native town, and taking an active part in politics, Mr. Gorrell has served in some town ofifices. He was Selectman in 1881-82, 1883-84, and 1891-92. He was a member of the School Board from 1S91 to 1S97, and he is also a Trustee of the Ionia Savings Bank of Tilton. An Odd Eellow in good standing, he is a member of Harmony Lodge, No. 65, of Tilton, and of Tilton Encampment. He is also a member of Friendship Grange, No. no, of Northfield, and a regular attendant of all the meetings of that organization. He attends 144 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW the Congregational church; while his sister, Mrs. Long, is a member of the Methodist church. It is needless to say that the subject of this sketch is a popular man, both in the town and in the county. ARTLETT BROTHERS, comprising Erastus H. and Ai J. Bartlett, are the proprietors of the Excelsior Mills at Warner. The plant was first established by these gentlemen in 1872 as a pail, butter tub, and sap bucket factory. The original mill was destroyed by fire in 1S73, entailing a loss of three hundred and fifty dollars beyond their entire assets, a grievous blow to the two young men just started in business. Nothing daunted, however, they commenced again on borrowed money. This time they engaged in the manufacture of e.xcelsior for mattresses and furniture, in which they have since built up an extensive and lucrative business. In making excelsior the firm uses poplar wood, which is obtained anywhere within a radius of from twenty to forty miles from the village, and costs five dollars a cord. They began on a modest scale, their output at the start being but fifteen hundred pounds of ex- ■'celsior a day. Now they manufacture five tons in the same length of time, or about fourteen hundred tons annually. The water-power has been used for at least threescore years, there having formerly been a wheelwright's shop here. In 1893 the present mill was erected. One of the finest in New England, it cost, with its equi])ments and motlern machinery, about eight thousand dollars. Two other excelsior-mills that stood near by when this one was started have since passed out of exist- ence. The Messrs. J5artlctt are both men of good business ability, energetic anil progres- sive, strictly honest and upright in all their transactions, and very pleasant people to deal with. They employ nine hands in their work, and are themselves busily employed all the time. They have also invested in Contoocook valley property, being interested in several houses in this vicinity, preferring to have their wealth where they can look after it them- selves. The Bartlett family was first represented in New Hampshire by three families, who came from Massachusetts to the town of Deering, Hillsborough County, soon after the Revolu- tion, making settlements on three different hills. Parker Bartlett, a son of Stephen Bart- lett, was the father of the Bartlett brothers. He spent the larger part of his life in Deering. Later in life he came to the village of Warner, where his death occurred in i S96, at the venerable age of eighty-four years. He mar- ried Miss Eleanor Bartlett, a daughter of Daniel Bartlett, of Deering: and she survive^, making her home in Warner. On October 27, 1855, Erastus H. Bartlett married Miss Jennie E. Orne, of New Boston, which was also his birthplace. They have one child, Mary Ellen. He is a Republican in politics, and takes an active part in local affairs, having served several years as Super- visor. He is very prominent in Masonic circles, belonging to Harris Lodge. He was made a Mason in St. Peter's Lodge at Brad- ford, this State, and for thirteen years held one of the most important offices in that organ- ization, working in harmony with Colonel Mason W. Tappan. St. Peter's, which is an old and noted lodge, was visited in 1824 by General Lafayette. Ai J. Bartlett was born, reared, and edu- cated in New Boston. He married P"ebruary 4, 1880, Miss Allic Jones, of Welister, N.II., and now has three children — l^'red Ai, Palmer, and Mildred Imogene. Ai J. Bartlett is a liKKlRArillCAI. REVIEW '15 stanch I'rohihitioiiisl .'md a good worker in the temperance cause. Me is an active member of the Congregational church, in which he is serving as Deacon. ^\Cj\;/ ILLIAM D. DOW, an influential resident of Cornish, was born here, September lo, 1857, son of Lucius Harmon and Lucelia A. (Smith) Dow. Grandfather Jeremiah Dow, who was born in the State of Vermont, had a family of nine children. Lucius Dow, born in Plainfield, N.H., in 1820, was educated in the common schools of that town and at Kimball Academy. After his marriage he came to Cornish, and here rented a farm, on which he spent the rest of his life. He was a leading Democrat; but, though keenly interested in the affairs of the town even up to the time of his death, he was never an aspirant for office. He was Orthodox in religion, and he attended the Congrega- tional church. His first wife, Lucelia, daughter of Cyrus and Hannah Smith, bore him five children — Abbie, William, Fred, Mary, and Martha. His second wife, chris- tened Isabella Tracy, a daughter of Edward and Alvira Nutting, is now deceased. Abbie Dow, born October 10, 1853, married William Harlow, a well-known farmer of Cornish, and has one child, Leroy H. Harlow, born July 6, 1888. Fred Dow was educated in the com- mon schools and at Kimball Academy in Plainfield. After leaving school he went into Jewett's grocery store as a clerk, remaining a year. He then went to Chicago, 111., and obtained employment with the large commis- sion house of which he is now a partner. He married Mattie Gamble, of Chicago, and has one son. His sister, Mary Dow, is the wife of Dr. William Cain, now of Cambridge, Mass. Martha Dow married Louis Quimby, of Unity, N.H., a groceryman, and has two children. William D. Dow worked at farming for a year after leaving school. In 1888 he went to California, where he remained two years, engaged in farming and baling hay. He re- turned East on account of the poor health of his father and for the purpose of taking charge of the farm. Ujjon the death of his father he succeeded to the farm, and has since conducted it. He has never been an aspirant for public office. However, last year, when a candidate for Selectman, he lacked but two votes of election. He is a prominent member of the grange of Cornish. The first of Mr. Dow's two marriages was contracted with Hattie A. Weld, and the second, which took place November 20, 1892, with Norah E. Crosby, of Croydon, N.H. The second wife, the present Mrs. Dow, is a daughter of Gil- man and Eleanor R. (Lear) Crosby. She has a daughter, Hattie E. Dow, born Augu.st 17, 1896. *••••-» Y^ATHAN PAGE BUXTON, a well- I =^ known resident and a prominent agri- -i}P \^ culturist of Henniker, was born March 5, 1829, on the farm and in the house where he now lives, son of Daniel and Abi- gail (Page) Bu.\ton. He comes of substantial New England stock. His grandparents, David and Ruth (Peaslcy) Bu.xton, came to Henniker from Newton, Mass., in 1800. They settled on the farm now owned by the Baker family, and there spent the remaining years of their long lives. After marriage Daniel Bu.xton lived for a few years in that part of Danvcrs, Mass., now in Peabody, engaged as a tiller of the soil. In 1826 he traded with his wife's brother, Enoch Page, his farm in Danvers for the 146 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW homestead on which his son, Nathan Page Buxton, now lives. Having followed his chosen occupation on this farm until pretty well advanced in life, he bought a house in North Weare, the early home of his wife; and there both died at the age of sixty-seven years, his wife, who was three years older than he, passing away first. They had eight children, namely: Peace, now the wife of David Osborne, of Port Huron, Mich. ; Lydia, who never married, and died at the age of fifty-four; Eliza, now deceased, who married William H. Gove, also deceased; Maria M., now residing in Boiuid Brook, N.J., who is the widow of James Denison, late of New York City; Abbie and Hannah M., both un- married, who reside in Weare; Nathan P., the subject of this sketch; and Daniel M., a house -mover of Hillsborough, N. H. Both parents were original members of the Society of Friends in Henniker. Nathan Page Buxton, the only member of his parents' family left in Henniker, was reared and educated on the homestead. From the age of twenty-one years until his marriage he carried on the home farm in company with his brother. When ready to establish a household of his own, he bought the adjoining ]?roperty. Ou this he subsequently resided for thirteen years, making essential improve- ments and greatly increasing the value of the estate. Laboring industriously and managing prudently, he acquired some money, and in 1876 bought the homestead from his brother. He retained possession of the other farm until about two years since. The house in which he now lives, save for a few alterations made by his father, is the same that was occupied by his grandfather. It is in a fine state of preservation, owing to the substantial cpiality of the material put into it. Mr. Buxton has one hundred and four acres of land, well adapted to general agriculture. He makes a specialty of dairying, shipping his cream to Boston; and he raises his own cows, his favorite grade being the Holstein crossed with the Jersey. On the property is a fine orchard, which yields a good deal of fruit. On April i, 1862, Mr. Buxton married Miss Cynthia Daniels, of Henniker, who was born in Shipton, P.O., Canada. She died three years later, leaving two sons, namely: Clinton Averill, who is a machinist and an electrician, and resides in Winchester, Mass. ; and Frank Edgar, who is engaged in garment cutting in Holyoke, Mass. Mr. Buxton contracted a second marriage on August 10, 1865, in Deering, N.H., with Hannah M. Clough, daughter of Elijah and Abigail Clough, of that town. The children of this union are: Elmer E., who assists in carrying on the farm ; Maurice E., who is em- ployed in a shoe factory of Auburn, Me. ; and Alberto, who resides at home. Mr. Buxton has been a firm supporter of the Republican party since early manhood, and he has been a delegate to several conventions. While not an aspirant to office, he served acceptably for two years as Supervisor of the town. Still adhering to the religious faith in which he was reared, he attends the Quakers' meeting- house, which stands near his farm. Mrs. Buxton is a member of the Methodist P'pis- copal church at Henniker. 'sfl'I'-SSE WEBSTER, who was an esteemed resident of Henniker, and had been ac- tively engaged as a tailor in this town for ujiward of threescore years, was born June 7, i8ii, in Newport, Sullivan County, son of John and Deborah (Dow) Webster. He is a lineal descendant of John Webster, who was born in Wales, August 9, 1714. This John BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW '47 emigrated to America in company willi his lirother ICbenezer, the paternal grandfather of the eminent statesman, Daniel Webster. John was one of tiie settlers of Chester, N.II., in 1735. In 1750 lie opened the first store in that locality, lie was very active in the war of the Revolution, serving as Colonel of a regiment in the army. Colonel Webster's son Samuel, the ne.\t in line of descent, being the paternal grandfather of Jesse, was born February 15, 1757, in Chester. Early in life he began to study for the ministry, which he subsequently entered. After his marriage with Hannah Robie he was settled for several years in Goffstown, N.M. Afterward he re- moved to Newport, N.II., where he reareil his family. His son John, who was born in Goffstown, at the age of fourteen removed with his parents to Newport, where he after- ward resided until his death in 1839. John's wife, Deborah, died si.x years before his death. Jesse Webster grew to manhood in Chester, where his strong influence in matters of re- form, more especially in the cause of temper- ance, was early shown. Rum at that time was in general use; and he, though but a boy of sixteen, seeing its evil effects upon the men in his father's employ, took a decided stand against it, and decided thereafter to take no share in supplying it to the laborers. In the fall of that year his father went to Boston, leaving to Jesse the task of making cider from the apples stored in the cellar before his re- turn. On finding that but two barrels of cider had been made in place of the customary forty, the father made no comment; and at the close of the haying season next summer he acknowledged that the two barrels had been sufficient, the work having been done more quickly and acceptably and with less friction tlian ever before. In early manhood Mr. Webster learned the taih^r's trade of Samuel Winkley at Mcridcn, N.H. After spending some time in Hills- borough, he came to Ilenniker, August 12, 1836, opening a tailor's shop, and beginning on a modest scale. With the exception of two years, from 1864 till 1866, when he had a gen- eral clothing store, with merchant-tailoring features, in Concord, he has since continued in the same occupation. For nearly twenty years he has manufactured custom clothing, at times employing as many as three hundred girls. During his entire business career more than seven hundred girls have worked for him, turn- ing out vast numbers of ordered suits. In two families, those of Silas and Isaac Colby, he has clothed four generations. In the sixty- second year of his business career he made a suit for a child of the fifth generation. He did all the cutting for the establishment, each morning finding him at work; and he manu- factured clothing that went as far westward as Arizona and Montana. He was a man of fine physique, tall and erect, in all things being temperate, well preserved in mind and body. . Having a deep sense of religion, he made a public profession of faith when a young man of nineteen years, uniting with the Baptist church; and he was a close and daily student of the Bible. Yet his disposition was social and genial, and he had a host of friends. I\Ir. Webster married Susan C. Newell, of Newport, who died January 4, 1839. She left one son, Newell H. Webster, now of Helena, Mont. Besides the strong and reso- lute character which she inherited from the Newel Is, she possessed much personal beauty, as testified by her portrait, painted when she was twenty -two. On May 7, 1840, Mr. Webster married Jeannette W., daughter of William S. and Betsey D. Woods, of Henni- ker. After seven years of married life she also died. A year later her sister, Lovilla T4S BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Woods, became the third wife of Mr. Web- ster. She died May 4, 1893, leaving a daughter, Susan L. , who married Jacobs S. Whitney, January 23, 1872. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney now reside at the old homestead. The death of Mr. Webster occurred March 22, 1897, in his eighty-sixth year. §AMES MARCUS BENNETT, who was connected by marriage with two of the best known families of Claremont, was born in New Milford, Conn., December 12, 18 19. When a young man he settled in Can- ada, and by his extraordinary business ability and sterling integrity achieved a marked suc- cess. He engaged in the hotel business, be- coming the principal owner of the Tecumshi Hotel at London, Ont. , the largest hostelry in that city. His business brought him into personal contact with men of prominence in jniblic life, and, becoming a citizen of Can- ada, he joined the Reformed party. He was elected to the Board of Aldermen of London, and while in that position displayed a capacity for public affairs which placed him in high repute among his fellow-citizenS. He was unusually prosperous and in a fair way of se- curtng an independent fortune when a general business depression inflicted reverses upon him from which he never recovered. He paid his debts manfully, but his losses proved such a severe shock to his nervous system as to cause his death in 1866. Mr. Bennett married Sarah N. Grannis, who survives him, and who is now residing in Claremont. She is a daughter of George and Susannah (Strowbridge) Grannis, and a grand- daughter of Timothy Grannis, an account of whom will be found in a sketch of Homer 1-2. Grannis, which appears elsewhere in this work. George Grannis, who was a prosperous farmer and a prominent citizen of Claremont in his day, died in 1847, aged fifty-five years. His wife, Susannah, was a daughter of Colo- nel John Strowbridge, an early settler in Claremont and a man noted for his strict in- tegrity and courtesy. He married Patience, daughter of Ephraim Tyler and a representa- tive of a highly reputable family in this sec- tion. Their children were: William, John, Hiram, Nancy, Susannah, Patience, Betsey, and Jeanette. George and Susannah (Strow- bridge) Grannis had four children, as fol- lows: Susan S. ; Charles E., who at an early age was drowned in the Hudson River; Sarah N., who is now Mrs. Bennett, and is the only survivor; and George PL, who died at the age of eleven years. Susan S. married David Campbell, a man of wealth, who was for sev- eral years a United States government official. She died leaving three children. While re- siding in Canada, Mrs. Bennett availed her- self of the opportunity of learning the French language, with which she is thoroughly fa- miliar. She possesses estimable qualities of heart and mind, and is highly esteemed by her large circle of friends and acquaintances. EWELL C. HUNTINGTON, an enterprising agriculturist of Henni- ker, was born May 5, 1856, on the farm which he now owns and occupies, son of the late Pllijah B. Huntington. He is of English ancestry, being a lineal descendant of Simeon Huntington, who, accompanied by four sons, sailed from England for America in 1633. Simeon died on the voyage. While one son returned to England, the others — William, Christopher, and Simeon — remained in New England. The last-named son settled in Salisbury, now Amesbury, Mass., in 1640. From him the line was continued by William, lilOGRAl'lIICAl. kllVIKVV 149 Jiilin, \Villi;iin, John, Joliii, and ]5cnjaniin, all (if whom were born in Aniesbury. Jk'njamin Huntington, the great-grandfather of Sewell C, was the first of the family to conic to New Hampshire. He located in Weai'e, H illsborou^di County, which he made his permanent home. Two of his children, Jacob and Betsey, came to Henniker. Jacob Huntington, the grandfather, born September 3, 1783, in Weare, died July 15, 1S57, in Henniker. On May 4, l8og, he married Iluldah (lOve, also of Weare, and, coming to Henniker, purchased the farm where his son, Joseph John Huntington, now lives. He was a man of imiuising presence, strong and vigor- ous, possessing great powers of endurance. Broad-minded and benevolent, he was promi- nent in the I'"riends' Society, which he as- sisted in establishing, and was highly es- teemed by all. His first wife died in i8ig. His second wife, Mehitabel Heckling Ihuit- ington, ]iasscd away in 1S27. He was sur- vived by his third wife, whose maiden name was Lavina H. Breed, and who died October '3i '859. Of the four children born of his first marriage Elijah Brown and Elizabeth at- tained maturity. Of the second wife's chil- dren three were reared — Franklin T., Iluldah G. , and Joseph John. Elijah Brown Huntington, born in Henni- ker, June 15, 181 I, spent his seventy-five years of life in this town, and died November 9, 1 886. From his earliest years he was en- gaged in farm work, beginning as a day laborer. After his marriage he owned for a while the farm now occupied by his brother. In 1842 he purchased the homestead of his father-in-law, Richard Breed, now owned and occupied by his son Sewell C, and continued in its active management until about a year prior to his death. The main part of the pres- ent house was erected by Mr. Breed, who sub- sequently enlarged it by adding the original house, which was built more than a hundred years ago on another part of the farm. While Elijah B. Huntington was not an active poli- tician, in his earlier life he sup]5orted the Know Nothing party, and was afterward iden- tified with the Republican party. Of his union with Mary I'., daughter of Richard and Bcthiah (Huzzey) Breed, there was but one child, Sewell C. She died February 5, 1864. Afterward his household affairs were put in charge of a housekeeper. Sewell C. Huntington inherited the farm of ninety acres lying near the Quaker meeting- house. To this he has since added the ad- joining estate, so that his property is now one of the most valuable in the vicinity. An in- telligent, clear-headed man, he has made a success of farming, his annual crops of grain, hay, vegetables, and fruit bringing him in a fine income. He was married September 21, 1880, to Miss Georgianna Barker, who was born and reared in Hillsborough, a daughter of Elbridge G. and Mary (Goodwin) Barker. Eva Mary Huntington, his only child, is a bright young miss of eleven years. Mr. Huntington is a member of Crescent Lodge, No. 60, I. O. O. F. Mrs. Huntington has been deaf for some years; but in spite of this difficulty, which is a great drawback to her enjoyment, she is a most pleasant woman to meet, and has a large circle of friends. She is an active member of the Methodist Episcopal church; and Mr. Huntington is identified with the Friends' church, which he has attended since a boy. ON. ADDISON NEWTON OS- GOOD, a well-known and prominent resident of Pembroke, was born in Allenstown, this State, March 16, 1836, son BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW of Ira B. and Alice (Prescott) Osgood. He belongs to the seventh generation of Osgoods in this country, tracing his descent to Chris- topher Osgood, a native of Ipswich, England, who died in 1650. The first of Christopher's two marriages was contracted with Mary Ever- ett, an Englishwoman, who had one child by iiim. His second wife was Margery, daughter of Philip and Mary (Winsley or Winslow) Fowler. She was baptized in Marlboro, Eng- land, May 25, 1615. By her he became the father of five children. Christopher, the fourth child and the next in line, was born in Andover, Mass., in 1643. He was a mill- wright by trade. An active and prominent citizen, he was Captain in the militia, and rep- resented Andover in the General Court of Massachusetts in 1690. He died in 1725. His first wife, in maidenhood Hannah Bel- knap, of Lynn, bore him six children. His second wife, Hannah Barker Osgood, was the mother of four children. His third wife, Sarah, had no issue. His fourth and last, also named Sarah, was the mother of six. Ezekiel, son of Captain Christopher Osgood, and the great -great-grandfather of Addison N., was born in Andover, Mass., November 5, 1679, and died in 1741. His first wife was Rebecca Wardwell, and the Christian name of iiis second was Mary. Samuel Osgood, the second of his seven children by his second wife, and the great-grandfather of Addison N., was born in Andover, May 27, 17 14, and died March 16, 1774. He, too, was twice married. His first wife, whose maiden name was Doro- thy Wardwell, bore him five children; and his second, in maidenjiood Elizabeth Abbott, who died September 27, 1792, had eight children. Christojiher Osgood, the youngest cliild of Samuel and Elizabeth (Abbott) 0.sgoo(I, born in Andover, April 25, 1769, was a miller by trade. In his early manhood he managed the ferry between Concord and Pembroke. Sub- sequently he settled on a farm in Pembroke, and purchased extensive tracts of land in the part of the town now called Suncook. Much of this land was covered with timber at the time of purchase, and he dealt extensively in lumber in his later years. He was a promi- nent man in Pembroke, and took an active part in town affairs. In politics he was a Whig. He died October 3, 1841. His first wife died childless. His second wife, a cousin of his first wife, and whose maiden name was Annie Abbott, lived to be quite old, and reared four children. Both she and her husband were members of the Congregational church. Ira B. Osgood, the youngest of his parents' children, was born in Pembroke, De- cember 30, 1804. He was engaged in farm- ing and lumbering during a great part of his life, and he owned and managed a saw-mill in Allenstown for a number of years. In poli- tics he was a Republican. He died in Allenstown, October 29, 1S69. Both he and his wife were members of the Congregational church. Of their seven children there are living — Warren A., Charles, Addison N., and Alva L. Addison Newton Osgood acquired his ele- mentary education in Allenstown, and studied the advanced branches at Pembroke Academy. After leaving school he spent three years in Boston. In i860 he settled in Pembroke, and engaged in lumbering, preparing his lumber for the market on the site of the old mill owned by his father. Until 1873 he was in partnership with another gentleman. Since that date he has managed an indejicndent busi- ness. He has been very prosperous in iiis financial enterprises, and owns much valuable real estate in Pembroke and Allenstown. Mr. Osgood is a man of high integrity, and is respected wherever he is known. He is an LIOGkAI'JllCAL REVIEW esteemed member oi tlie l\e|)uljlieaii party, and he lias been lionored with eleetion to a number of offices. As a member of the I'em- broke IJoaixI of Selectmen he was in office for a number of years, and lie represented the town in tiie Icgislatuie in 1878 and 1S79. Mr. Osgood was marrietl December 17, 1865, to Mary K., daughter of William A. and Julia (Upham) Thclps, of Pembrnkc. lie has taken the thirty-second degree in Ma- sonry, and is a Knight of Pythias and an Odd Fellow. lie is also a Patron of Husbandry, and is affiliated with the grange at Pembroke. Both he and Mrs. Osgootl are members of the Methodist church. (sffOIIN S\VA.SI':Y, formerly a well-known merchant of Claremont, was born in Canterbury, N.H., July 21, 1785. He engaged in mercantile pursuits in Claremont, and conducted a profitable business until his death, which occurred October 13, 1835, at the age of fifty years. Mr. Swasey married Sally Robinson, a na- tive of Epping, N.H., and a daughter of Noah and Sally Robinson. Mrs. Swasey became the mother of si.x daughters; namely, .Ann Elizabeth, Sophia Charlotte, Sarah Jane, Lydia Ann, Adeline Maria, and Juliette Frances. Ann Elizabeth married Captain Alden Partridge, a military man of note, who founded a military college in Norwich, Vi. Her children were: George, who is no longer living; and Henry V. Sophia Charlotte, who became the wife of General Edward Phelps, a prominent resident of Cold Brook, Conn., died in 1893. Lydia Ann is now deceased. Adeline Maria married Lieutenant George M. Colvocoresses, who was in the United States Navy during the Civil War, and remained in the service after its close. He had risen in his profession to a position from which his ad- vancement would have been rapid, when he was accidentally killed in Bridgeport, Conn., while on his way to New York. He was twice married, and had four children by his first union. Miss .Sarah Jane Swasey and Mrs. Colvocoresses are residing in Claremont. Mrs. John Swasey died October 11, 1S53. M EACON SAMUEL W. CART1':R and his brother, Harrison, well- known natives and residents of Ilenniker, are sons of Nathan and Margery (Wadsworth) Carter. Their grandfather, Samuel Carter, who was born in Wilmington, Mass., in 1758, settled in Hillsborough County after his marriage. Samuel's wife, Ml illy Abbott Carter, was born May iS, 1769, in Londonderry, N.H. Nathan Carter was born in Hillsborough County. When a young man he settled at Westboro Corner in the town of Henniker. He was a carpenter, and he followed that trade for forty-three years as a contractor and builder. It was said that there was not a house in the town that he had not worked upon eitlier as buikler or jobber. A skilful work- man, he took special pride in executing fine cabinet work, many specimens of which are still in the family's possession. He owned a good farm at Westboro Corner, where his shop was located. At his death on June 4, 1880, aged eighty-four years, he left an estate val- ued at ten thousand dollars. Possessed of re- markable strength, he was able to climb to an unusual height when over eighty years old, and his activity continued up to the time of his death. He served in the garrison at Portsmouth during the War of 181 2, and in his later years he received a pension from the government. His wife, Margery, whom he '52 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW married November 24, 18 19, was a daughter of Aaron and Sally (Wood) Wadsworth. She became the mother of seven children, namely: William Harrison, born March i, 1822, who died August 16, 1823; Caroline Matilda, born July 8, 1824, who died February 12, 1826; Samuel Worcester, born February 6, 1827; the Rev. Nathaniel Franklin Carter, born Jan- uary 6, 1830, who is now Librarian of the Historical Society in Concord; Henry Carle- ton, born November 30, 1834, who died Janu- ary 21, 1894; Harrison, born January 16, 1S37; and William Frederick, born November II, 1840, who died April 14, 1859. Henry Carleton was for many years a prominent busi- ness man of Concord. He married Clara Ferrin, who survives him. Nathan and Mar- gery Carter were both members of the Congre- gational church, which they joined respec- tively in 1825 and 1831. Their children received strict training in both religion and temperance. The mother died January 23, 1892, in her ninety -first year. Harrison Carter succeeded his father in the possession of the homestead, and resided there until 1895. In that year he sold the property to a cousin, Finos Carter. He is well in- formed upon all current topics, and is espe- cially familiar with local history. Samuel Worcester Carter resided in Brad- ford for two years following his marriage. In 1852 he settled upon a farm which his father owned, and which adjoined the homestead. He continued to till the soil and raise poultry until 1891, when he sold his property. He is now living in retirement in the village. On February i, 1849, Samuel W. Carter married Fidelia H. Smith, who was born in Langdon, July 29, 1827, daughter of Elias and Matilda (Stiles) Smith. While serving as a privateer during the War of 18 12, her father was captured by the British, and was held a prisoner on board a war vessel and on the island of Bermuda for sixteen months. Mrs. Carter resided for some time with her ma- ternal grandparents, Moses and Mary (Ken- ney) Stiles, in Bradford, where she became acquainted with her future husband. Mr. and Mrs. Carter have one daughter, Ella Matilda, who was born August 2, 1856. On October 19, 1876, Ella Matilda Carter married Wallace A. Howlet, a painter, paper-hanger, and dec- orator, and now has one son, Wilmer Pfarri- son, born April 25, 1894. In politics the Messrs. Carter are Republi- cans. Harrison Carter served as Supervisor for eight years. Both are earnest advocates of temperance and the prohibitory law. Samuel W. Carter united with the Congregational church when fifteen years old, and has been a member for about fifty-four years. For twenty years he has acted as a Deacon, and has been very active in Sunday-school work. OHN C. SMITH, a successful dairy farmer of Franklin, was born in this town, May 2, 1842, son of Charles and Jeanette (Mann) Smith. His father, who was a lifelong resident of I-'ranklin, and owned and successfully conducted a good farm located in the southern part of the town, died in Octo- ber, 1889. His mother, a native of Salis- bury, N. H., had five children, as follows: John C, the subject of this sketch: Elbridge, who married Emma Calef, and died October I, 1895; Warren, who died in March, 1883, aged twenty -nine years; Jane, who married Warren Webster, and resides at the home- stead; and Charles, who was drowned in the Merrimac River in September, 18S9, at the age of twenty years. John C. .Smith's motlier is still living, and resides at the homestead with her daurrhtcr. IJIOGRAI'lllCAI. ■A'IKW '53 J(jhn C. Sniilli bc;4an his cducaticjii in ihc common schools, and completed his studies at the Tilton Academy. He remained at home until after his marriage. Then, settling upon a farm on Smith's Hill, he resided there for twenty years. About the year 18S2 he moved to the farm he now occupies, and where he is largely interested in dairying. He owns two farms, respectively containing two hundred acres and seventy-five acres, the soil of which he has greatly improved. lie keeps an average of twenty-five head of cattle, and car- ries on a profitable milk business in I'"ranklin and Franklin Falls. On January 3, 1862, Mr. Smith was joined in marriage with Vesta I.. Shaw, who was born in Salisbury, May 14, 1838, daughter of Abram and Hannah (Fifield) Shaw. Her father was a native of Weare, N.H.; and her mother was born in I'^ranklin. Her parents resided upon a farm in Salisbury for many years, and tlied in that town. They had six children, four of whom are living; namely, Amos F. , Calvin G., Vesta L., and Amanda. Amanda married James Morrison, and lives in South Dakota. The others were : Adeline E., who married Adams W. Batchelder, of East Andover; and Mary Saline, who was the wife of Elbridge Gerry Emery. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have had three children — Jabcz R., Maud Eveline, and Blanche Ethelyn. Jabez R., born September 16, 1862, married T-"anny Fellows, and resides in Franklin. INfauil Eveline, who was born January 25, 1869, is now the wife of Walter Woodward, and re- sides in this town. Blanche Ethelyn, born August I, 1883, died March 3, 18S5. In pol- itics Mr. Smith supports the Democratic party, but he takes no interest in public affairs beyond casting his vote. Both he and Mrs. Smith are members of the Congregational church. I.AYTON r.. IIII.l.IARD, a leading resident and native of South Cornish, was born November 26, 1863, son of Joseph and May (Jkyant) Hilliard. His grandfather, Joseph Hilliard, .Sr., was a farmer and carpenter and a prominent man in his day. In politics he was a Democrat and in religion a Baptist. His wife, Roxie Day Hilliard, bore him ten children — Rufus, Hiram, George, Emmeline, Betsy, Ro.xie, Charlotte, Jane, Joseph, and Chester. Rufus, who was a farmer and carpenter, was born in Cornish, and died in 1894. He married Martha McClurer, and had two children. Hiram, a farmer and a Democrat, married Belle Demming, and had a family of si,\ chil- dren, all of whom are living. George, who is a farmer at Saxton's River, Vt., married Lula Fletcher, and has had five children. Chester went to California when a young man, and died there. Emmeline, now deceased, mar- ried Ira Procter, of Claremont, and had one child, who is living in Kansas. Roxie be- came the second wife of her brother-in-law, Ira Procter, and the mother of three children. Betsy became Mrs. Adna Keys, of Acworth. Both she and her husband are deceased, while their two children are living in Minnesota. Charlotte, who married Quartus Fletcher, had a number of children, and is living at New- port, this State. Jane is Mrs. Amos Richard- son, of Cornish, and the mother of three chil- dren. Joseph Hilliard, father of Mr. Clayton Hilliard, married May, daughter of Aaron Bryant. Their six children were: Ada, Julia, Nellie, Adna, Clayton, and Luman. Ada is now the wife of Frank Weld and the mother of one child; Julia lives at home with her mother; Nellie is now IVIrs. Herbert Dem- ming, and has four sons; Adna is a farmer, and lives at home, working on his mother's estate; Luman married Ida York, of Cornish, •54 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW and is living in Clarcmont, engaged in the livery business. Clayton 15. Milliard, after being educated in the town schools of Cornish, began life for himself as a farmer, and later worked in the butcher's business. He is quite prominently identified with the politics of the town, and is well informed on all questions of public or local interest. The community had the ad- vantage of his services in the capacity of -Se- lectman for one term. Few residents are more active in forwarding movements for the general welfare. He married Sybil Lear, daughter of William and Hannah (Fletcher) Lear. She is the mother of two children — Ethel Hilliard and Wallace Hilliard. Mrs. Hilliard's mother died about ten years ago. TT^APTAIN JOHN P. KNOWLTON, I Vp a retired merchant of Sunapee, was V >r ^ born in that town, October lo, 1821, son of Samuel and Betsey (Pike) Knowlton. The grandfather, Robert Knowl- ton, was one of the pioneer settlers of New London, N.H., and a loading man in his time. He was a well-educated man and a successful school teacher. He also had time to attend to farming. His last years were spent in the State of Lidiana, where he died at an advanced age. He married a lady named Smith, and she also lived to a good old age. Samuel Knowlton, born June 16, 1791, was a farmer, and spent the greater part of his life in Sunapee, to which he came wiieii he was a young man. He was also engaged in hewing lumber, saw-mills being then very scarce. His religious views were liberal, and he was a Jeffersonian Democrat. lie filled various offices of greater or less importance in his town, and was in the State legislature for two years. His wife, Betsey, who was born in New London in 1787, September 11, had three children, of whom John P. is the only survivor. The father died in Sunapee, Sep- tember 13, 1846, and the mother, August 28, 1 88 I. The two sons not living were: Dennis G. , born September 23, 181 5, who died April ir, 1894; and Moses F., born July 19, 1817, who died November 9, 1854. Moses F. left a daughter, Ellen A., who is a successful school teacher. An interesting fact about these three men is that they were the tallest men in the town of Sunapee. Dennis was six feet, four inches; Moses, six feet, seven inches; and John P., six feet, six inches. John P. Knowlton received his education in the town schools. Then he took up farming, and worked on the home farm for two years, and elsewhere for two or three years. His wages were not large; but in haying time he made a dollar a day, which was considered very good pay. Subsequently he became in- terested in a mercantile business, and entered into partnership with his brother in the year 1S44. After eight years or more he, bought out his brother's interest, and went on as sole proprietor until 1S62. At that time he dis- posed of the business altogether, and retired to his farm. To-day he owns a fine, small farm of twenty-five acres, and has also a com- fortable residence, which was built under his personal supervision. In 1870 he erected the large Knowlton Block. He had been a Di- rector of the First National Bank of Newport, N.H., for several years when he resigned the office, lie was a|)pointed I'ostmaster in 1845, September (2, and held the office for eleven years. On January 4, 184S, Governor Jared B. Williams created him Captain of the mili- tia company called the Sunapee Guards. The commission, bearing the signatures of the Governor and the Secretary of State, Thomas JOHN P. KNOWLTON. i;i()(;k.\i'iiic.\i, KKViKW '57 R. TrcadwcU, of I'ortsmoiith, is carefully pre- served by the Captain. I''or four years lie was Town Clerl<, and for one year Town Treas- urer. Ill iX5^J'57 lie served as State Repre- sentative, and he was a Justice oi the Peace for several years. While bound to no partic- ular creed in religion, he inclines to the Uni- versalist belief. In politics he is a Democrat. Captain Knowlton was married October 23, 1848, to Abby S., who was born in New Lon- don, April 16, 1826, daughter of William and Mary (Stevens) Morgan. William Morgan was born in the latter town, April 15, 1796, and his wife, in Newbury, April 27, 1797. He died October 7, 1875, and she died No- vember 19, 1885. They had eight chiklrcn, three only of whom are now living. These arc: Belden Morgan, of New London ; Simeon I""., of Richland, Cal. ; and Mrs. Knowlton. The names of the other children were: Thomas, Marshall, Franklin, Marietta, and Alonzo. Mrs. Knowlton has had no children. Captain Knowlton has been a very success- ful man. Considering the fact in connection with the circumstance that at the age of twenty-one his wt)rldly possessions amounted to twenty-five dollars, no further proof of his industry and enterprise is necessary. Both he and his wife have a large circle of friends. —«-•♦•-♦— §OHN S. RAND, a leading business man of Pittsfield, Merrimack County, and a member of the New Hamjishire legislature, was born in Barnstead, N.H., September 14, 1855, son of Hiram and Harriet N. (Iloyt) Rami. His great-grandfather, Samuel Rand, was a native of Barnstead, and a farmer and a mechanic by occupation. The maiden name of his wife was Mary Hill. Of his four children Moses H., grandfather of John S., was the oldest. Moses H. Rand was brought up to farming, which occupation he followed in Barnsteatl during his active period. In politics he acted with the Democratic party, and in his religious belief he was a Free Will Baptist. He lived to reach the age of over eighty years. He married Ann Bunker, a native of liarnstead ; and her death occurred at about the same age as that of her husband. She reared four children, three of whom are living: Dr. Joseph B. ; Hiram; and Mary, who married Isaac A. h'letcher, of Lowell, Mass. The latter's only daughter, Anna D., married George Rogers, of that city, and has five children. Hiram Rand, John S. Rand's father, grew to manhood in Barnstead, and has been en- gaged in agricultural pursuits from an early age. At the present time he owns a farm con- taining fifteen acres of fertile land, which he cultivates successfully. His wife, who was before marriage Harriet N. Hoyt, a daughter of ]?enjamin Hoyt, of Barnstead, has had two children, of whom John S., the subject of this sketch, is the only one living. Hiram Rand is a Republican in politics, ami, though not an office-seeker, he takes an active interest in local affairs and the cause of good government. He and his wife are members of the Congrega- tional church, of which he is a Deacon. He is also superintendent of the Sunday-schooL John S. Raud was educated at the Pitts- field Academy. He taught schools in Pitts- field and Alton, N. H., and on Deer Island, Boston Harbor, being thus engaged for about, two years. He was also connected with a shoe manufactory in Boston for a time. Since 18S4 he has conducted a flourishing dry-goods business in Pittsfield. His progressive and enterprising nature has led him into various fields of business activity, and he is now President of the Pittsfield Shoe Company and a Director of the Farmers' Savings Bank. '58 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW On November 30, 1S79, Mr. Rand was united in marriage with Miss Hattie M. Foote, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (East- man) Foote, of this town. As an active supporter of the Republican party Mr. Rand has long been a prominent factor in the political affairs of Pittsfield, and he was elected to the House of Representa- tives in 1896. He is connected with Suncook Lodge, No. 10, I. O. O. F. His religious affiliations are with the Congregational church, of which Mrs. Rand is a member; and he was formerly superintendent of the Sunday- school. IRY A. EMERSON, the President ind Treasurer of the Contoocook Valley Paper Company, whose plant is located in West Henniker, was born in Concord, N.H., May i, 1837, son of Fenner H. and Clarinda B. (Baker) Emerson. His father, a native of Rhode Island, was con- nected with the paper manufacturing industry in this State for many years. Both his par- ents passed their last years with him, and died in Henniker. At the age of seventeen, having acquired a good practical education, Mr. Emerson began to learn the business of paper-maker. Com- mencing at the lowest round of the ladder in a paper-mill of Pepperell, Mass., he worked his way upward through the various departments until he had acquired a good knowledge of the trade. He was later employed in mills at Leominster, Mass., and Franklin, N.H. Finally he was appointed superintendent of a mill in Pepperell, Mass., which position he occupied for three years. Having saved some capital by then, he was desirous of en- gaging in business on his own account, and looked about for a suitable place in which to carry out his purpose. In 1871 he became favorably impressed with the future prospect of a paper-mill in Henniker. With P. C. Cheney & Co., of Manchester, ami II. T. Hill he began operations in an old mill here; and a short time later the Nashua Card and Glazed Paper Company secured the int(^rest of Cheney & Co. In 1872 the Contoocook Valley Paper Company was incorporated with a capital stock of seventy-five thousand dol- lars, and a large mill was erected in West Henniker. The business grew in importance; and, as Mr. Emerson gradually acquired the greater part of the capital stock, he became the President in 1880 and the Treasurer in 1886. The plant is propelled by water, hav- ing a capacity of three hundred horse-power, more than half of which is utilized. The annual product, which is of a superior quality, amounts to about seven hundred tons. For the past fourteen years the Contoocook Valley Company has furnished the paper used in the State printing office. Mr. Emerson is also interested in other enterprises. He is a Di- rector of the Hillsborough Electric Light Company; was for eleven years President of the Henniker Spring Water Company; owns stock in the Walworth Manufacturing Com- pany, and in several railroad companies, in- cluding those of the Connecticut River, the New York, New Haven & Hartford, the Con- cord & Montreal, the New Boston, and the Amoskeag; and he has also invested to some extent in Western securities. In 1888 he built the Emerson Block, a frame structure of three stories. In 1876 and 1878 he was elected a Representative to the legislature as a Democrat, and during his term served upon the Committee on Corporations. He continued to vote with the Democratic party luitil 1894, when he became a Republican. In the last national campaign he was an active supporter of McKinley and sound money. i;io(;r.\1'I1i(al rkvikw '59 On JaiiiKuy i, \^f>.\, in Litclindcl, N.IL, Mr. luncrson was unitctl in marriage with Louisa M. Lydston, a native of llillsiioroiigh County. lie is the rresidcnt of the Ilenniker I'"rec l.ilirary Association, which occupies C|uarters in his hh)ci<. Included in his house- iiolii pro[)erty is a library, containing about two thousaiul well-selected volumes. Me has been connected with the Congregational church since coming to Ilenniker, and for sev- eral years he sang in the choir. ACA^/ A I.I.AC l". 1". THRASHER, a wel known business man of I'lainfield, was born in Cornish, N.II., May It), 1S50, son of Samuel Powers and Ann W. (Haven) Thrasher. His great-grandfather was Jacob Thrasher, a native of Connecticut, who first settled in .Salisbury, N.II., and later in Cornish. The maiden name of Jacob's wife was I'lastman. Numerous de- scendants of his are distril)uted throughout Sullivan County. John Thrasher, grandfather of Wallace P., was born in Cornish in 1782. He was a sur- veyor and a stone mason, and did a large con- tract business in connection with farming. He attended to a large amount of the legal business of Cornish and adjoining towns, and was a man of much natural ability and good judgment. His death occurred in 1862. He married Betsey, daughter of Peter Walker, of Cornish, and reared a family of six children — Martha, Ithaniar, P^sthcr, .Sylvia, Samuel, and Dorothy. Martha became Mrs. Wheeler, and resided in Newport until her death. Ithamar, who was a large dealer in furs, and travelled through Vermont and New Hampshire pur- chasing goods, died in Corinth, Vt., in 1864, at the age of fifty-four years. He wedded Mary Ann Cotton, of Cornish, and his chil- dren were named: Benjamin, PVancimore, lidwin, Ilikn, Annette, Arthur, Carrie, and Henry. His sister J-:sther, who became the wife of Moses Wright, of Cornish, lived in that town and Unity, had a large family of children, and died in the latter town. Sylvia married Sylvester Stowell, of Cornish, a ma- chinist, who followed his trade in Newport, N.II., and died leaving one daughter, Eliza- beth. Dorothy Thrasher became the second wife of Sylvester Stowell, and died in Unity. Samuel Powers Thrasher, also a native of Cornish, was born in October, 1815. After completing his education, he learned the trade of a stone mason, and subsequently became an extensive contractor. He constructed or re- modelled nearly every bridge upon the line of the Vermont Central Railroad. He also erected churches, .school-hcu.ses, and govern- ment buildings. In politics he always be- longed to the Democratic party, and he was frequently nominated to public offices. He was finally elected to the State Senate, and was a member of that body at the time of his death, which occurred in Claremont, April 12, 1 87 1. In his religious views he was a Universal ist, and he took a deep interest in the church work. In Masonry he had ad- vanced to the Royal Arch degree, and he was buried with the rites of the fraternity. He married Ann W. Haven, daughter of James and Calista Haven, of Newport, N.H. She became the mother of thirteen children, all of whom reached maturity. They were born as follows: Laura, September 4, 1845; Winfield Scott, May 5, 1847; Flora A., October 3, 1849; Wallace P., the subject of this sketch; Charles H., January 10, 1S52; Frank P., September 10, 1853; Ned, January 30, 1855; James B., September 29, 1856; Samuel P., May 9, 1858; Emma E., May 16, i860; Elmer J., January 22, 1862: George B., i6o BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW September 3, i S63 ; and Nettie M., January 22, 1S65. Laura married Henry Seaver, a farmer of Norwich, Vt., and died May 30, 1895, leaving four children. Winfield Scott wedded Mary Allen, daughter of the lion. Norman N. Allen, a prominent lawyer and an ex-State Senator of Dayton, N.Y. He studied law in the office of his father-in-law, with whom he is now associated, and is an expert in real estate and medical cases, being largely engaged as a referee throughout Western New York. He has had ten chil- dren, nine of whom are living. Flora mar- ried Frank L. Simmonds, a native of Franklin, N. H., who is now a machinist in Tilton. She has had four children, of whom three are living. Charles H., who became a building contractor, and erected many residences in Newton, Mass., and other towns adjoining Boston, died of lockjaw in a Boston hospital, May 3, 1S92. He married Ida Dickinson, and was the father of seven children, all of 'whom are living in Newtonville, Mass. Frank P. is a member of the Paris Night Robe Company, Meredith, N.H. He first married Eva Stevens, of Claremont, who was the mother of three children. His second mar- riage was contracted with Imo Lanou, of Irasburg, Vt., who died some two years ago. Ned Thrasher, now a prosperous farmer in Rindge, N. H., served as Postmaster under both the Cleveland administrations. He mar- ried lunma L. Walker, of Rindge; and four of his five children are living. James B., who is a travelling salesman for a lasting-machine company of Boston, and has had a large expe- rience as a shoe manufacturer, now lives at North Adams, Mass. He married Anna Glincs, of Claremont. Samuel P. Thrasher is now the Secretary and Manager of the Con- necticut State Law and Order League, and resides iii New Haven. When cpiite young- he ran away to sea; and, after sowing his wild oats, he became an ardent religious worker and a temperance reformer. He is an able and eloquent advocate of morality, and during the past year has delivered over two hundred lectures. He is now travelling in Europe. By his marriage with Etta Bristol, of New Haven, he became the father of six children, four of whom are living. Emma E. Thrasher is an instructor of stenography in Hartford, Conn. Elmer J. Thrasher, who is a sign painter, and has travelled a great deal in the Western States, married Esther Her, and has three children. George B. Thrasher, who died in June, 1S91, was a mechanic in the employ of the Winchester Arms Company of New Haven, Conn. Nettie M. Thrasher is now the wife of Edwin Sargent, a carpenter of Rindge, N. H., and has three children. Wallace P. Thrasher began his education in the common schools. His advanced studies were pursued at the Kimball L^nion Academy and the Claremont High School. Subse- quently, after teaching school for some time, he served an apprenticeship at the wheel- wright's trade. He had been engaged in that business and that of casket-maker for twenty years, when five years ago he suffered the loss of a leg by a carriage accident. He is now transacting a general legal business, is a Justice of the Peace, writes considerably for newspapers and magazines, and is actively in- terested in political affairs. He is a Demo- crat and prominent in the local organization. He has been a member of the Board of Select- men, has served as Town Clerk, was upon the School Board for seven years, and was a can- didate for the legislature in 1892. In relig- ious belief he is a Univcrsalist. Mr. Thrasher married lilliza K. Dickinson, who was born in Cambridgcport, Mass., Oc- tober 21, 1850, daughter of Aaron antl Lliza ilUKJRAl'lllCAL REVIKW i6i (Marsliall) Dickinson. The latter is a native 1)1' Unit}', \. 11. Mr. and .Mrs. Tliraslier liave nine ciiildren, born as folhuvs: Weston M., January iS, 1.S72; Carlton W., October 8, 1.S73; Manton J., November 11, 1.S75; Annie iM., Jinie i:;, 1878; Nettie IC, June 4, 1881; Harry I)., May 24, 1883; Morris M., June 25, 18S5; V\nva H., August 23, 1891; and Nina L., l-'ebruary 15, 1894. Weston M. is an e.vpcrt wood-worker, and resides in Lewis- ton, Me. ; Carlton W. is in a general store in Windsor, V^t. ; and Manton J. is a drug clerk Jn the same town. The others reside with their parents. ARRISON AM.SDICN RICK, a suc- cessful dairy farmer of Ilenniker, - V _ , was born in this town, June 18, 1 8 16, son of Jacob and Lovisa (Howe) Rice. The Rices are descendants of Edmund Rice and his wife, Tamazine, who emigrated from England and settled in Sudbury, Mass., in 1639. The great-grandfather of Harrison A. Rice was Elijah Rice, son of Charles and Rachel Rice. Charles was the third in line from Edmund. Elijah Rice (second), the granijlfather, who settled in Hcnniker at the beginning of the Revolutionary War, was a carpenter by trade. He served at the battle of Bunker Hill, and was commissioned an En- sign in 1779. He acc[uired a tract of land now located in the centre of the village, affording the site of the present hotel. His ileath occurred in 1805. In the year 1779 he married Margaret Patterson, who died Octo- ber 5, 1797. He subsequently contracted a second marriage with Margaret Stuart, a na- tive of Warner, N. H., wlio died December 18, 1859. Jacob Rice was born in Hcnniker, January -3i ^7^7- When about seven years old, while visiting the family of Thomas Urown, a neigh- boring farmer whose son Nahum was a deaf mute, Jacob learned to converse by signs with the boy. This .so plea.se(l Mr. Urown that he agreed to do well by Jacob if the latter would remain with him until lie came of age. Jacob accei)ted the proposition. When twenty-one years old he began to work by the month. A year later, in company with his brothers, Isaac and James, he bought a farm ; and for some time he assisted in its cultivation, be- sides working for others when opportunity |)ermitted. The farm was carried on by them until the brothers separated by marrying and settling elsewhere. Jacob, who made several changes, eventually purchased of Nahum Brown, the deaf mute, f(jr seventeen hundred dollars, the farm upon which his .son, Harrison A., now lives, and where he settled in March, 1825. Although he was obliged to incur a debt in order to secure the farm, he soon freed it from encumbrance. It contained one hun- dred acres of land, lying upon the main road, within easy reach of the village. A strong and able farmer, whose industry fully equalled his strength, Jacob's activity continued almost to the moment of his death, which occurred 7\pril 14, 1S79, at the age of ninety-two. In politics he was originally a Democrat. Later he became an abolitionist and a Republican. He served as a Selectman for the greater part of the time between 1820 and 1837, and was a Representative to the legislature in the years 1828 and 1829. In July, 1810, he wedded Lovisa Howe, daughter of Micah and Lovisa (Amsden) Howe. She became the mother of five children, namely: Adeline, now deceased, who married Jeremiah Foster, who was a farmer and surveyor, and is also deceased; Susan Lovisa, who married John Smith Mor- rill, and died in Nashua, N.H., two years after marriage; Harrison A., the subject of l62 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW this sketch: Maria Wallace, who married Obadiah E. Wilson, and died in Henniker, at the age of forty-six; and George W., who re- sides in this town. Mrs. Jacob Rice died in December, 1867, aged eighty-one years. Harrison Amsden Rice was reared and edu- cated in Henniker. After reaching his major- ity he entered into partnership with his father. In time he acquired by purchase the entire farm, together with the stock and im- plements; and since then he has carried it on upon his own account. By adding the Eli Howe farm and other tracts he now owns five hundred acres of good land. His principal occupation is dairy farming. He keeps some fifteen cows, and is now giving his attention to the breeding of Holstein cattle. Six years ago he erected a new house upon the site of the old Brown residence. He has also built a barn, ninety feet in length. His prosperity is chiefly due to untiring energy and enterprise. It is worthy of note that he was the first farmer in Henniker to purchase and use a mowing machine. He has also been engaged in lumbering to some extent. Mr. Rice has been twice married. On Jan- uary 23, 184s, he wedded for his first wife Susan W. Foster, daughter of Zebulon Foster. She died June 2, 1S67. On June 18, 1868, he married Charlotte I. Steele, daughter of Jeremiah and Irene (Felt) Steele, of Peter- boro, Hillsborough County. Born of his first union are John Jacob and Adeline Eliza. John Jacob occupies the Jacob Rice farm, and carries it on in partnership with his father. He married F^liza J. Sawyer, and has two children. The latter are: Susan Frances, born December 17, 1877; and Ikrtha Maria, born October 14, 1886. Adeline T^iza is now the wife of Edward Connelly, a tinman by trade. Mr. Rice's present wife acquired her education at Peterboro Academy. She began to teach at the age of nineteen, and continuc( in that occupation for nearly ten years. Yp)TOMER E. GRANNIS is an enter- l-^-l prising farmer and real estate owner _li® V residing in Claremont, Sullivan County, N. H., where he was for many years engaged in the saw-mill and lumber business. He was born in Claremont, July 16, 1832, son of Solon C. and Nancy (Spaulding) Grannis, and belongs to one of the oldest families in the town, being a great-grandson of Timothy Grannis, Sr , who came from North Haven, Conn., to Claremont in 1769. For his first wife Timothy Grannis, Sr., married Sarah Sumner, daughter of Dr. Will- iam Sumner. She died June 25, 17S9; and he married for his second wife Sarah Nye, of Tolland, Conn. Timothy Grannis, Sr., died May 7, 1827. He was the father of eleven children, seven by his first marriage and four by his second. Timothy Grannis, Jr., eldest son of Timo- thy, Sr. , and grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Claremont, June 30, 1772. In his earlier years he taught school winters, and tilled the soil of a good farm in West Claremont during the intervening summer seasons. Possessing a good education, he was somewhat devoted to literary composition : and, while at the top of Ascutney Mountain in 1804, he wrote some lines in blank verse commemo- rative of the occasion. He did much survey- ing for the town and for private parties, and was well and favorably known throughout this region. He was a member of the Board of Selectmen from 1821 to 1829 and Represent- ative to the General Court in 1829-32. He married Phcebe, daughter of Ebenezer Rice, and reared a family of five children, as fol- lows: Solon C, Laurens A., Homer P., DIOCRArilKAl, REVIEW ■'^3 Sarali M., and Saiiuie'l R. II(Jinci- I'. Grannis removed to Canada when young. Afterward he went South, and died in Alabama. Sarah M. Grannis married Leonard Gilmorc. Lau- rens A., who was a large land-owner, died in Guildhall, Vt., in October, 1896. He mar- ried for his first wife Mary Johnson, and for his second Martha Cole. Samuel R., who married Caroline Higbee, settled in Minne- sota, and passed the rest of his life in that State. Solon C. Grannis, father of Homer li!., was Hifin in West Claremont, August 23, 1801. When a young man he settled upon a farm lo- cated a mile north of his father's property, and for many years carried on agricultural pur- suits upon a large scale. He was prominent in public affairs, serving upon the Board of Selectmen from 1843 to 1852, being Chairman of that body for some time, and representing this town in the legislature in i860 and 1861. He was well informed concerning the history of Claremont, as he kept a record of all im- portant events that transpired in the town. He acted as a Warden of the Union Episcopal Church for over forty years. Solon C. Grannis lived to be ninety years old, and died March 7, 1892. His wife, Nancy Spaulding, was a daughter of Abel Spaulding. Abel and his brother Joseph served in the Revolution- ary War, and tradition has it that Joseph Spaulding fired the first shot at the battle of Bunker Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Solon C. Grannis were the parents of eight children, namely: Sarah, born November 16, 1824; Jo- seph S., born January 26, 1828; Martha A., born February 21, 1830, who died at the age of eighteen months; Homer E., the subject of this sketch; Martha A., born May 27, 1834; Nancy J., born April 3, 1836; Charles C, who died at tlie age of eighteen months; and George C, born December 10, 1842. Sarah married Chester I'. .Smith, and died in 1864; Joseph S. , who is a lawyer in Cleve- land, Ohio, married Eliza Harrison; Nancy never married; George C. married Annis Gil- more, and resides in Claremont; Martha A., who formerly taught school, became the wife of Daniel N. Bowker. /^TeORGE !■:. MHJ.ER, a prominent Vp I resident of Pembroke and a member of the firm of .Simpson, Miller & Co., general merchants, was born in Deer- field, N.H., October 30, 1850, son of Eben- ezer and Mehitable L. (Dow) Miller. The grandfather, Samuel Miller, spent his early life in Chichester, N. H., engaged in agricult- ural pursuits; and his last years were passed in Brentwood, N. H. The maiden name of his wife was Annie Yeaton ; and he had a family of six children, of whom Ebenezer, George E. Miller's father, was the second-born. Ebenezer Miller grew to manhood as a farmer. When a young man he settled upon a farm in Deerfield, where the rest of his life was spent in tilling the soil. He was known and respected as a kind-hearted neighbor and a useful citizen. In his later years he acted with the Republican party, and in religious belief he was a Free Will Baptist. His wife, Mehitable, who was a native of Deerfield, be- came the mother of four children, of whom Sarah J. and George E. are living. Ebenezer Miller died at the age of si.xty-onc years. His wife died in 1S96, at the age of seventy-four years. George E. Miller acquired his education in his native town. After leaving school he re- sided in Laconia, N. H., for a short time. Then he came to Pembroke, and entered the grocery and provision business as a clerk for Emery Brothers. At a later date he acquired 164 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW an interest in the firm of Johnson & Cyr, with whom he remained as a partner for seven years. In 18S6 he entered into partnership witli LI. T. Simpson, forming the firm name of Simpson, Miller & Co., which has since conducted a thriving business in Suncook. On November 30, 1878, Mr. Miller wedded Nellie L. Simpson, daughter of Henry T. Simpson, his business associate. They have haJ two sons, namely: Walter, who died at the age of nine months; and Henry, who lived three years and six months. In politics Mr. Miller is a Republican. Althougii he is deeply interested in local affairs, he has never sought for public office, and has frecjuently declined nominations thereto. In the cam- paign of 1896 he accepted nomination as a candidate for Representative to the legislat- ure, and was elected for the years -1897 and 1898. An able and successful business man, he is esteemed by his fellow-townsmen. A Mason of the thirty-second degree, he is a member of Jewell Lodge, No. 94; of Hiram Chapter, No. 24 ; of Mount Horeb Comraand- ery, Knights Templar; of the Consistory at Nashua; and the Mystic Shrine at Boston. He is also affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Both he and Mrs. Miller attend the Methodist Episcopal church. ^^t*^» (^01 IN B. HOWARD, formerly a car- penter and builder, who is now living in retirement at Franklin Falls, was born in Burlington, Vt., May 13, 1828, son of ICzekiel and Nancy (Burbank) Howard. The father, who was a native of Connecticut, first settled in Shelburnc, Vt., and later in Bur- lington. A cariienter and bridge builder, the active period of his life was devoted to these callings. He died in Burlington in 1832. His wife, Nancy, who was a native of Grantham, N.H., became the mother of five children, of whom John B. and Emily are living. Emily is the wife of George B. Mathews, of I""ranklin. The others were: Lo- retta, who married Edward Doxey, now a resi- dent of Elgin, 111. ; Charles H., who died in Oregon; and Maria, who died young. Mrs. Ezekiel Howard married for her second hus- band Stillman Clark, of Georgia, Vt., and passed the rest of her life in that town. John B. Howard was educated in the dis- trict schools. While still young he learned the carpenter's trade in Burlington, and after- ward worked as a journeyman in Grafton and Worcester, Mass., and Nashua, N.H., about a year in each place. In 1S54 he went to Min- neapolis, Minn., where he resided until 1871, and then returned to Vermont. He resided for a time in Georgia, from which town he re- moved to St. Albans; and in 1881 he came to Franklin Falls. Since settling here he has conducted several building operations in this village, in Northfield, and in Tilton; and he has improved his own residence, located on Franklin Street. He retired from active labor some time ago. In politics he is a Democrat, and in 1892 he served with ability as a mem- ber of the Board of Selectmen. In 1856, while residing in Minneapolis, Mr. Howard contracted his first marriage with Emily Arnokl. She was born in Jamestown, N.Y., daughter of Henry C. and ICliza Ar- nold, the former of whom was an artist. Both her parents are now deceased. Mr. Howard's second wife, whom he married May 13, 1882, was Arietta Hathaway, of Boston, Mass. .She died March 30, 1889, leaving one daughter, Mabel A. The latter and Maria Albina, his daughter by liis first wife, reside with tiieir father. Mr. Howard is a member of the Ma- sonic lodge in Franklin and of Mount Horeb Commandery of Concortl. MOCkAI'IIICAl, Kl'lVIKVV -OSICI'II HENRY D1':AR1?0RN, one of tlic Icadinp; farmers and influential resi- dents of Pembroke, was born in Deer- field, N.ll., April ig, 1849, son of the Hon. Joseph J. and Sarah (Jenncss) Dearborn, of Decrficld. His ancestors on the father's side have for many generations resided in New Hampshii-e. The first of the Dearboi-n fam- ily of whom there is any authentic knowl- edge was Godfrey Dearborn, an luigiishman, who with his family became an early settler of Hoston, Mass. He afterward moved to ^ixeter, N.H., and was a pioneer farmer in that town. His son, Henry, married Eliza- beth Merriam. Samuel Dearborn, the next in line, wedded Mercy Batchelder; and their son, Nathaniel Dearborn, married Mary Batch- elder. Edward Dearborn, son of Nathaniel, and great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, born in 1749, (lied at Kensington, N.H. He married Susanna Brown, of Ken- sington; and one of their children was Sewall, grandfather of the subject of this sketch. Sewall Dearborn was born February 26, 1773, in Deerfield, N.H. In early manhood he settled upon a farm in Deerfield. Ener- getic and persevering, he acquired a good es- tate. In politics he supported the Democratic party. In his religious belief he was a Cal- vinist Baptist. His death occurred in Deer- field at the age of eighty-one years. He mar- ried Sarah Dow, a native of Kensington, and reared a family of five children, none of whom arc living. Mrs. Sewall Dearborn li\'ed to the advanced age of ninety-seven years. Jo- seph J. Dearborn was born in Deerfield, March 8, 18 18. When a young man he entered mer- cantile pursuits in his native town, and car- ried on a thriving trade for some years. He then went to Bangor, Me., and, after carrying on a hardware business for some time, re- turned aiiain to Deerfield. His latest enter- prise was a shoe manufactory, which he cf)n- ductcd successfully until his retirement. He died in Deerfield, at the age of seventy- two years. An active supporter of the Repub- lican party, he served the town in the capacity of Selectman, was a member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives and of the State Senate. He attended the Congrega- tional church, was a man of unusual ability as a business man, and his character and integ- rity were beyond reproach. The first of his three marriages was contracted with Sarah Jenncss, who was a daughter of Thomas Jcn- ness, of Deerfield. She died at the age of forty-nine years. Of her four children the only survivor is Joseph H., the subject of this sketch. For his second wife Joseph J. Dear- born wedded Hannah G. Chadwick, of De<^r- field. She bore him two children, neither of whom is living. Mrs. Phoebe Libby Mc- Intire became his third wife. Joseph Henry Dearborn began his educa- tion in Pembroke, and fitted for college at Phillips Exeter Academy. At Harvard Uni- versity he pursued a classical course, and graduated with the class of 1871. Afterward he was engaged in the dry-goods business in Boston until 1880. Since that year he has followed agriculture in Pembroke. Politi- cally, he acts with the Republican party. He has been a member of the Board of Selectmen. He served on the Board of Education for two years, and he has represented this town in the legislature. For some years past he has been a Trustee of Pembroke Academy. On November g, 1880, Mr. Dearborn was united in marriage with Sarah Frances Stevens, daughter of Josiah and H. Ann (Head) Stevens, of Manchester, N.H. Three children have been born of the union; namely, Jenness S., Joseph Jewell, and Sarah Eliza- beth. .Mr. Dearborn is connected with the i66 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Masonic fraternity, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and Pembroke Grange, Patrons of Husbandry. His many estimable qualities and superior intellectual attainments are ap- preciated by his fellow-townsmen, in whose interests he has labored diligently as a public ofificiaL The family attend the Congrega- tional church. 'OHN F. DAVIS, Postmaster of Suna- pee, was born here, November ii, 1835, son of Eli and Eunice (Pingree) Davis, The grandfather, Eli Davis (first), was born March 15, 1775, in Rowley, Mass. He was one of the first settlers of Springfield, N.II., where he went when quite a young man, and where he carried on general farm- ing. Later he removed to Plainfield, N.H., where he spent the latter part of his life. He married Judith Sanborn, who was born June 6, 1776, and with her reared ten children. A prominent man, he served the town in several public capacities, including that of legisla- tive Representative. He was also an es- teemed member and Deacon of the Baptist church. He died October 22, 1848, and his wife on September 6, i860. Eli Davis (second), born in Springfield, N.H., December 29, 1807, was very success- fully engaged in general farming, and spent most of his life in Sunapee. In politics he was a Democrat, but held no iiublic office. In religious belief he was a Universalist. He married Eunice Pingree, who was born in Sunapee, January 15, 1807. She was a daugh- ter of Francis Pingree, who was an early set- tler, a prominent man, and a public official of the town. Her husband died on April 25, 1875; and her death occurred March 31, 1893. They had six children, of whom four are now living. They were: Ruth A., born Decem- ber 10, 1829; Permilla M., Ijorn November 12, 1831; Eunice M., born November 8, 1833; John F., the subject of this sketch; Mary S., born October 12, 1838; and Julia A., born March 28, 1841. Ruth A. is the widow of James W. Trow, and at present re- sides in Sunapee; Permilla M. married Francis S. Trow, and died October 7, 1894; Eunice M. is the wife of Nathaniel Messer, and lives with him in New London; Mary S. married Levit S. Pillsbury, and died April 26, 1 888; Julia A. is the wife of Hiram P. East- man, and lives in Sunapee. John F. Davis was educated in the schools of his native town. Being an only son, he lived at home until he was twenty-three years of age. He then engaged in the man- ufacture of shoe-stiffening and other occu- pations. Later on he carried the United States mail between Sunapee and Sunapee Station, being mail and express agent for a period of fourteen years. Afterward he was in the hotel business for eight years, conduct- ing the Runnells Lake View House and the Maplewood. He was next engaged in a mer- cantile business for a while, after wiiich he moved to George's Mills, a part of Sunapee, where he has resided ever since. He has been Postmaster here since 1893 and Ta.x Collector for three years, besides which he carries on the express business, and has been an under- taker for fifteen years. He also makes a busi- ness of taking summer boarders, liaving ac- commodations for ten guests and a livery for their convenience. In politics he is a Demo- crat. His religious views arc liberal anil not restricted to any sectarian creed. He is a member of the Patrons of Husbandry, both the Sunapee and Lake Granges. On I""ebruary 14, 1858, Mr. Davis married Louisa S. Tucker, who was born in Sunapee, October 13, 1S36, daughter of Joseph G. and Ruih (Gardner) Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Davis BIOGRAI'IIICAL RKVIEW 167 have a daiiglitcr, Carrie J., born in Sunapec, April 26, 1S59, will) is now tiic wife of Charles H. Loveland, and resides in Melrose, Mass. Mr. Davis has a fine place at Georj^e's Mills, wliicli is a beautiful summer resort at tile head of Lake -Sunapee. ANA W. CALL, a prominent farmer of Franklin, was born in this town. IB r-*"^ August 27, 1 847, son o[ llazen 11. ^nd Mary (Thomas) Call. His grandfather, Hazcn Call, who was a lifelong resident of I'^raidvlin, spent his active period in tilling the soil. The father was reared and educated in this town. lie was engaged in farming and lumbering, and died October 2, 1888. Mis wife, Mary, who was a native of Sanborn- ton, N.IL, became the mother of eight chil- dren -^Joseph L., Calvin T., Helen, Dana W., Horace M., Helen V., David S., and Frederick W. Joseph L. married Ann .Sever- ance, and lives in h'ranklin; Calvin T. mar- ried Olive B. Davis, and resides in this town; Helen died at the age of nine months; Horace M., who died December 11, 1876, married Eldora Twombly, of Hill, N.IL, who also died leaving one daughter, Helen Luella; Helen V. died at the age of si.xtecn years; David S., who was for some years a conductor on the Northern Railroad, and is now living with his brother, Dana W., married Inzie Straw, who is now deceased ; Frederick Will- iam, born in 1855, died April 3, 1873. The mother's death occurred in April, 1S90. Dana W. Call was ten years old when he went to Andover, N.H. Here he lived with an uncle until he was si.xteen. He acquired a common-school education. After leaving An- dover he entered the service of the Northern Railway Company, with which he remained steadily until 1S70. For the succeeding fif- teen years he was engaged in farming and rail- roading, kept a meat market in Tilton, and was in the grain business in Franklin Falls. In that period he bought his present farm, con- taining one hundred and twenty-five acres of excellent land, which is well improved. He makes a specialty of dairying, raises poultry, keeps an average of five hundred hens, and ships eggs to the Boston market. He also raises some fine colts. Politically, he sup- ports the Republican party; and he was a member of the Board of Selectmen for two years, besides serving in other town offices. Mr. Call has been twice married. On June 6, 1S69, he wedded I'jnily W. Faton, who died December 11, 1S73. .She was a daugh- ter of the late Wheeler liaton, formerly a prosperous farmer of Franklin. On January 29, 1876, Mr. Call was united in marriage with his present wife, whose maiden name was Nellie ¥.. Bunton. She was born in Sanborn- ton, N.H., October 20, 1849, daughter of Charles and Adeline (Shaw) Bunton, natives respectively of Hookset and Sanbornton, N.H. Charles Bunton followed the blacksmith's trade in Manchester for some time, and for ten years carried on a farm in Auburn, N.H. His wife died April 5, 1881; and he is now living with his daughter, Mrs. Call. Mr. Call's children by his first marriage were: Lola H., who married Lee Stackpole, an oper- ative in a needle factory at Filmont, N.^^; and Mabel K., now the wife of Alfred M. Kelley, of Hill, N.H. Charles Herman Call, the only son of the present union, was born in Franklin, N.H., August 26, 1877, and is now a plumber of Franklin. Mr. Call is a member of Meridian Lodge, No. 60, F. & A. M.; of Merrimack Lodge, L O. O. F. ; of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Knights of Honor, and the grange in Hill. He is in religious communion 1 68 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW with the Christian church. The Call family is one of the oldest in Franklin. Among sev- eral interesting relics left by his ancestry Mr. Call has in his possession a boat chain and a chair which once belonged to Daniel Webster. JDWARD O. DAY, an influential citi- zen of Cornish, Sullivan County, N.H., is a native of this town. He was born June 21, 1838, his parents being Hiram and Louisa (Wyman) Day. The Day family is an old one in this country, and the name has been borne by several generations of up- right men and women. The first representa- tive in America was Anthony Day, of Glouces- ter, Mass., who died there in 171 7, at the age of ninety-four years. His son Nathaniel and the ne.xt two in line, Benjamin and Benjamin, Jr., were born in Attleboro, Mass. Peletiah, who came ne.xt and was the great-grandfather of Mr. Edward O. Day, was born in Norton, Mass. His son Rufus, who was boi-n in Taunton, Mass., May 3, 1770, and died November 16, 1838, was the first of the name to settle in Cornish. Rufus Day was twice married, his first wife being Betty Commings, of Cornish, by whom he had the following children: Rox- anna, Sylvia, Rebecca, Samuel C, Eliza, Hiram A., Emmeline, and Lucinda. Ro.k- ainia Day married Joseph Ililliard, a prosper- ous farmer of Cornish, and tiled April ig, 1878. Rebecca, who married Saul Wyman, died July i, 1881 ; and her five children are likewise dead. .Sylvia married Joseph Rich- ardson, a farmer and brick mason of Cornish, and died I-'ebruary 14, 1882. Of her si.\ chil- dren one is living. Samuel C, wlio was a shoemaker, died June 2, 1875. His wife, formerly a Miss Wood, is deceased; but three children arc living, liliza married Samuel Jones, a farmer of Montpelier, Vt. , and had five children, two of whom are living. She died May 23, 1890. Samuel Jones is also de- ceased. Emmeline married Ariel K. Wood, and died July 16, 1887. Her husband is also deceased. Four of their children are living. Lucinda married Alvin Commings. They are both living, and have two children. Betty Commings Day died August 9, 1825; and Rufus Day married for his second wife Fhebe Choate White, who died March 3, 1839, leav- ing no children. Hiram A. Day, father of the subject of this sketch, was a well-known and highly re- spected farmer of Cornish. He was a Repre- sentative in 1883. He married Louisa Wyman, and had five children — Edward O., Henry M., Charles F., Caroline L., and Martha W. Henry Day, born in Cornish, August 29, 1842, married Alice H. Peck. He is in the insurance business in Lebanon, N.H., and is a Representative from that town at the present session of the legislature. Charles l*"., born January 28, 1844, enlisted as a private at Cornish in 1S62, in Company E of the Ninth Regiment, New Hampshire Infantry, and afterward became Corporal. He was taken prisoner at Poplar Grove Church, September 30, 1864, and died December 25, 1864, at Salisbury Prison. Caroline L., born September 12, 1846, resides at Cornish. Martha, born November 28, 185 1, 'has lieen a school teacher for a number of years. Hiram A. Day died January 10, 1895. Mr. lulward O. Day began his working life as a tiller of the soil, and has been interested in agricultural pursuits up to the present time. He is a successful farmer and a useful citizen, being well informed on current events, and through the columns of ihe daily press keep- ing in touch with all the great social and in- dustrial questions of the day. He has served MOODY A. PILLSBURY. JilOCRAI'lllCAl, KKVII'.W 171 liis town as Selectman lur nine years; and in 1.S93 lie represented it in the State legislature, where he was a member of the Committee on Mileage. He has been Highway Surveyor for a number of years. ■ He is a jiromincnt Mason, and has held all offices in his lodge up to that of Master. He is an attendant of the Baptist church. He married L. Addic Spaulding, who was born November 2, 1843. Her parents, Siloam and Mahala (Silloway) jif):iulding, were both natives of I'lainfield, N.H. A singular coincidence in their lives is that both were born in the same town in March, that they were married in March, and that both died in the month of March in the same year, 1885. ^0(~)DY A. riLLSBURY, a retired farmer of Webster and an ex- member of the New Hampshire legislature, was born in this town, September 20, 1820, son of Moody A. and Abigail Wil- kins (Di.x) I'illsbury. His grandparents, Daniel and Eunice (Thurlow) Pillsbury, were natives of Newburyport, Mass. Daniel I'ills- bury and a brother removed to Boscawen in 1788, and settled on land now traversed by Water Street. He was a carpenter and a mill- wright, which trades, together with farming, be followed during the active period of his life; and he died December 8, 1844. His wife died October 27, 1847. They were the parents of twelve children, of whom one died in infancy. The others were: Daniel, Enoch, George T. , Moody A., Rebecca, Paul P., Jo- seph, Eunice, Mary, Sarah, and William T. Moody A. I'illsbury, Sr. , father of the sub- ject of this sketch, was born in Boscawen, and reared upon a farm. He followed agriculture, and also operated a saw-mill for many years. In the State militia he was a Colonel and later a Brigadier-general. He died January 8, 1863. His first wife, Abigail, died May 9, 1852. A second marriage united him to Louisa V. Di.\, his first wife's sister, now liv- ing in Webster, and ninety years old. Timo- thy Dix, the father of both wives, was for- merly a resident of Boscawen. He moved to Massachusetts and later to Canada, where his last days were passed. Moody A. and Abi- gail Pillsbury were the parents of four chil- dren, namely: Moody A., the subject of this sketch; George, born October 17, 1823; Charles W., born June 7, 1S26, who was drowned May 17, 1828; and Charles S., born April 14, 1828. George married Lydia A. Marshall, and is now a farmer in Tewksbury, Mass. Charles S. wedded Mary Runals, and is engaged in agricultural pursuits in London- derry, N.H. Moody A. Pillsbury obtained his education in a common school and a private academy. When twenty-one years old he went to West Newbury, Mass., and for some years was em- ployed as a farm assistant in that vicinity. One year after his marriage he returned to Webster, where for some time he was a clerk in a store. His principal occupation, how- ever, has been farming. Formerly he and his father-in-law were joint owners of a good farm of two hundred acres, which he carried on for many years before his retirement from active labor. On March 15, 1847, Mr. Pillsbury was united iii marriage with Charlotte Couch, who was born in Webster, April 12, 1826, daugh- ter of Amos and Hannah (Ray) Couch. Her father, a native of Salisbury, N.H., settled upon a farm in Webster in 1820, and some years later moved to Boscawen, where he re- sided for the rest of his life. He died No- vember 29, 1883, aged ninety-two years. Her mother, who was born in Hennikcr, died July 172 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 27, 1S53. The other children of Mr. Couch and his wife were: Hale, who died August 29, 1853; Eunice, who died November 22, 1888; and Charles, who died August i, 1824. In politics Mr. Pillsbury is a Republican. He served with ability as a Selectman for six years, was Town Clerk for one year, represented his district in the legislature in 1887, and has been a Justice of the Peace for the past twenty- five years. He has been drawn for jury ser- vice six times. Both he and Mrs. Pillsbury attend the Congregational church, and are ac- tively interested in church work. I LI JAM LAWI^IiNCE FOSTER, a well-known lawyer of Concord, was born at Westminster, Vt. , June I, 1823, son of John and Sophia (VVill- ard) Foster. His grandfather, Edmund Foster, a native of Reading, Mass., graduated from Yale College about the time of the break- ing out of the Revolutionary War, and subse- quently took part in the battles of Lexington and Hunker Hill. He was settled as minister over one parish in Littleton, Mass., for forty- seven years; and he died in that town in the seventy-sixth year of his age. He married Phebe, daughter of the Rev. William Law- rence, of Lincoln, Mass., and reared a family of thirteen children. Three or four of the older sons served in the War of 1S12. John, the youngest son, who was born in Littleton, Mass., went subsequently to Westminster, Vt., and thence to Kcenc, N.H., when his son William was but two years old. He kept a store in Keene for many years, served as Sheriff of the county and as Register of Deeds, and clied at the age of fifty-six. His wife, Sophia, a daughter of Josiah Willard, became the mother of three children : William L., the subject of this sketch; Sophia, who died in childhood; and Susan, who is the widow of Frank G. Littlefield, and resides at Exeter, N.H. William L. Foster was educated in the dis- trict schools of Keene and at the academies of Walpole and Hancock, N.H. He began the study of law at Keene, and subsequently attended the Harvard Law School at Cam- bridge, Mass. He first opened an ofifice in Keene, where he remained until 1S53. For four years he served as Postmaster and for about five years as State Reporter. Since 1853 he has resided in Concord. From 1849 to 1853 he was Clerk of the New Hampshire Senate. He was a member of the legislature in 1862-63, and he also served on the staff of Governor Dinsmore. In 1869 he was ap- pointed Judge of the Supreme Court, and held it until his resignation in 1881. He has been a Republican ever since the formation of that party, and he cast his first Presidential vote for James K. Polk in 1844. He is a member of the Episcopal church, is popular socially, and belongs to Blazing Star Lodge, F. & A. M., of Concord. On January 13, 1853, Mr. Foster married Harriet M. Perkins, daughter of Hamilton Perkins, who was for many years Judge of the Probate Court of Merrimack County. By her he is the father of the following children: Elizabeth !•'., now the widow of Edgar H. Woodman, formerly Mayor of Concord; Mary Bartlctt, who became the wife of Lieutenant William A. Marshall, United States Navy; William II., one of the masters of St. Paul's School at Concord; and Roger Elliott, who resides in Webster, N.H., and is at the pres- ent time a member of the legislature. Mr. Foster takes a keen interest in all matters pertaining to thevvelfare of his adopted city, in which he is highly esteemed as a useful and high-minded citizen. luoGRA I'll k:at, RF.vr fav '73 iv ir.LTAM DUNTON, a retired man- ufacturer (if Newport, was born in Millbury, Worcester County, Mass., son of Moses and Zoa (Pierce) Dunton. Ilis grandfather, who was a Revolutionary soldier, and lived for the greater part of his life in Sturhridge, Mass., carried on general farming. His son, Moses, a native of Stur- hridge, settled in Millbury, Mass., where he lived for the greater part of his life. Moses was a blacimer- son) Hurd. His paternal grandfather, Shubael Hurd, was the first ancestor to settle in Lempster. He was one of the stirring farmers of his day, and improved the property which is now occupied by his grandson. Shubael Hurd married for his first wife Rachel Beckwith, and for his second wife Isabelle Ames, a native of Peterboro, N. H. I5y this union there were two sons — Smith and Justus. Justus Hurd was graduated at Dartmouth College with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He practisetl his profession in the States of Mississip[)i and Missouri, and died in St. Louis a number of years ago. His second wife was Sarah Gordon, a native of Belfast, Me. Colonel Smith Hurd, the other son of Shubael and the father of George W., was born in Lempster, January 11, 1803. He was reared upon the homestead farm, which fell to his possession; and he ilisplayed much energy and enterprise in its cultivation. Ih; took an active interest in educational affairs, and was prominent in the State militia. Colonel Smith Hurd died March 3, 1877. His wife, Mehitable Emerson, was born in Goshen, N.H., January 13, 1804. Her parents were Jonathan and Elizabeth (Lakeman) Emerson, the former of whom was a prosperous farmer. Jonathan l-2merson was accidentally killed by a falling tree. Mrs. Mehitable E. Hurd, who still survives and resides at the homestead, has reared seven children, as follows: Yorick G. ; Robert S. ; Isabelle E. ; Dency; Eunice E. ; George VV., the subject of this sketch; and D. Emerson. Yorick G. Hurd, M.D., a gradu- ate of Dartmouth College, became a success- ful physician, and for twenty-one years was su|)erintendent of the Insane A.sylum in Ips- wich, Mass. He died September 24, 188S. His first wife was Mary A. Twichell, of Lempster; and his second was Ruth A. Brown, of Amesbury, Mass., who is no longer living. Their adopted daughter, Josephine, is now the wife of Harry Dodge, a grocer of Ips- wich. Robert S. Hurd died in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1852. Isabelle E. became the wife of Dr. John G. Parker, of Dublin, N. H. ; and neither she nor her husband is living. Their only son, J. Fred Parker, is now Assistant Secretary of the State of Rhode Island, and resides in Providence. He married Helen Pierce. Dency married for her first husband Austin Spencer, of Lempster, and by that union had one daughter, Alice M. M., who is now the wife of Lewis Greenwood, of Gard- ner, Mass. For her second husband she mar- ried A. H. King, who died in December, i8g6, she having passed away on November 20, 1 88 1. Eunice E. Hurd died in 1885, aged fifty-five. D. Emerson Hurd is follow- ing the trade of a blacksmith in connection with farming in Westminster, Mass. He married Ruth M. Bruce, of Lempster, and has 176 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW had a family of five children, namely: Arno E. , who married Ella Flagg, and resides in Westminster; Wynne, who died at the age of two years; Albert G., M.D. , who married Nettie Killiim, and resides in Millbury, Mass. ; Roy ; and Mary. George W. Hurd was educated in the dis- trict schools and the high school of Lempster, and has always resided at the homestead. Since coming into possession of the property, he has added a tract of adjoining land, and now has a farm of about three hundred acres. He gives his attention to general farming and dairying, produces a large quantity of butter and considerable maple sugar. His farm is one of the most fertile and desirably located pieces of agricultural property in town. For eleven years Mr. Hurd served the town faith- fully as Collector of Taxes, but he has never aspired to prominence in public affairs. He is an earnest advocate of the temperance cause, and votes with the Prohibitionists. He has long been identified with the Patrons of Hus- bandry, and is now Treasurer of Silver Moun- tain Grange, No. 196. On September 16, 1863, Mr. Hurd was joined in marriage with Eliza A. Fletcher. She was born in Lempster, February 35, 1846, daughter of Francis P. and Joan (Thompson) I''letcher, the former of whom was a native of Washington, N.H., and the latter of Marlow. Francis P. Fletcher died January 21, 1S82; and his wife died July 3 of the same year. They were the parents of seven children, namely: Francis P.; Harriet P., who married Jf)hn Ilarriman, and died in 1852; George S., who died in November, 1867; Phineas, who was born September 28, 1841 ; VAiza A., who is now Mrs. Murd; Charles and Gilman, who are no longer living. Mr. and Mrs. Hurd are the parents of two sons, namely: Robert L., who was born Sep- tember 24, 1864, and died February 14, 1881 ; and Elbert Eugene, born November 20, 1870, who resides at home, and assists his father in carrying on the farm. He is one of the lead- ing young men of Lempster, and is a promi- nent member of the Patrons of Husbandry, being Master of Silver Mount Grange. On August 30, 1 891, he married Susie Bean, of this town. They have had one child, Justus, who died in infancy. Mrs. Susie B. Hurd is deeply interested in grange matters, and is Lecturer of Sullivan County Pomona Grange. —♦-••-•-♦— DVVARD H. STURTEVANT, Treas- urer of the Franklin Needle Company, manufacturers of solid riveted latch needles at Franklin, N.H., was born in Crafts- bury, Vt., April 27, 1845, son of Hiram and Eliza S. (Corey) Sturtevant. His paternal grandfather was Ezra T. Sturtevant, a mill man and wool-carder, also a manufacturer of coffins. He married Lucy Merryfield. Hiram Sturtevant was a farmer early in life; but in 1 866 he sold his farm, and went into the manufacture of sashes, doors, blinds, and furniture, in Lebanon, N.H., continuing in this business for about three years, when he sold out to his partners. Tiien he went into the shoe business, in which he continued until he retired. He died December 8, 18S5. His widow resides most of the time with lier daughter, Mrs. D. G. Thompson, in Montreal. They had four children: Edward H., the eldest, is the subject of our sketch; Mary E., born in August, 1S47, is the wife of D. G. Thompson, of Montreal, General Manager of the Montreal Transportation Company; lizra T., born in May, 1S49, now a lumber dealer in Chicago, III., married Mary Ida Thom[ison, of Woodstock, Vt. ; Henry IL, the youngest child, born in April, 1851, married Ella Hill, 1!I()(;k,\I'HI(\l rfa'ikw '77 f)f Helnidiil, Mass., and mnv carries on a large clo|)artnicnt store in Zanosvilio, Ohio. Having received a good education, I'^ihvard H. Sturtcvant began at the age of seventeen to teach scliool in l?arton, Vt. After teaching for a while, he entered the employ of William Joslyn & Son, druggists, with a view of learn- ing the business. Two years later he ac- cepted a position in this line in Wellington, Ohio, remaining there for two years. At the expiration of this time he went into the drug business for himself at Lebanon. In a few months he had established a prosperous, paying business; and then at the earnest solicitation of the village physician he sold it out to him at a goodly advance over its cost. His former employers, learning of this, urged him to unite with them in opening a drug store in Cole- brook, which he did; and, after remaining there one year, he sold out to them. His ne.xt venture was with his brother in Woodstock, Vt., where they kept lioots and shoes as well as drugs, and were in business for five years. When they sold out his brother went West. Mr. Edward H. Sturtcvant came to Frank- lin in 1876, and bought out George Procter's two drug stores, one at Franklin and the other at 'Franklin Falls. In 1881 he bought one-half interest in the l^'ranklin Needle Com- pany, and uudertoiik the management of the concern, with the additional duties of Treas- urer. Th-e President of the company is Mr. H. J. Odell, now of Laconia. It is the larg- est factory of the kinil in the United States, employing two hundretl hands; and its goods are shipped to all parts of the United States and Canada, and some are exported. Mr. Sturtcvant is a Director of the Franklin Power and Light Company and Vice-President of the company. He is President and Director of the Franklin I-'alls Company, Director of the First National Bank of Franklin, and Trustee of the I'ranklin Savings Hank. He has been as prominent in political as in business cir- cles, and in 1893 he represented the town in the legislature. In 1896, to the satisfaction of his fellow-citizens, he filled the office of Mayor of P'ranklin. In May, 1869, he married Miss Ada K. Martin, of Stratford, N.IL, daughter of Jo- seph and Alvira Martin. Her father was a lumberman and farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Sturtc- vant have two children : Fva K., born in Oc- tober, 1S75, now at Hm-nham School, North Hampton; and Ruth 15., born in October, 1S84. Mr. Sturtcvant is a member of Meridian Lodge, F. & A. M.; l-'ranklin Chapter, R. A. M. ; Mount Iloreb Commandery, K. T. , of Concord; and of Merrimac Lodge, I. O. O. 1'". He is a member of the Unita- rian Society. Capable and diligent in appli- cation, he has been successful in business through life, and is a leading man in his city. A.MKS FRA.ME, a farmer of Canter- bury, N.IL, and dealer in registered thoroughbred Jersey cattle, is a native of Lennoxshire, Scotland. He was born Sep- tember 5, 1834, son of Robert and Janet (Pettigrew) Frame. His paternal grand- father, also named James Frame, was a large lumber dealer in Scotland, where he died when still a young man. He married Mar- garet McKay. Their son Robert, the father of the subject of this sketch, was for a number of years the editor of a newspaper in Glasgow. He intro- ducetl the omnibus into that city in 1S45; and he ran the line for five years, keeping about ten omnibuses and one hundred horses. He sold out in 1 8 50, and was appointed public inspector of carriages in Glasgow, an office 178 E I OG R A P H I C A L R E V 1 E\V which he held for twenty years, or until he retired from business. He died in April, 1894. His wife was Janet, the daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth (Riddell) Pettigrew, of Scotland. Alexander Pettigrew was a weaver and farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert frame had five children, namely: James, of whom we shall speak more fully below; A.le.\- ander, deceased; Elizabeth, a missionary in the city of Glasgow; Mary, now living in Scotland; and Jane, who married Thomas Patterson, and is now dead. All of the chil- dren were educated in private schools. James, their eldest son, learned the currier's trade when a young man, and served seven years in the city of Glasgow. He was ap- pointed foreman of the business in 1855, and he held the position three years. Coming to this country in 1868, he settled first in Suna- pee, N.H., where he worked as currier for a man named John Young. In the fall of 1869 he went to Chicago with the intention of mak- ing his home there; but, deciding that he liked the East better, he came back and set- tled in Franklin, N.H., where he worked with A. 'SI. Stewart until 1880, when he removed to Manchester. After ten years' service there with Kimball & Gerrish he removed to New- port, R.I., where he set up in the currier business. He was very successful, and trav- elled a good deal on the road. He stayed but two years, however, and then came to Canter- bury, N. H., where he bought of P^rank Mer- rill his present property, containing about one hundred and thirty acres of well-improved land. PI is place is called Strathsee P'arm, and is a beautiful homestead. Mr. P'rame does general farming; but his main interest is in cattle, of which he has made a careful study. He keeps about twenty head of reg- istered thoroughbred Jerseys, and makes an- nually a large amount of fine butter. He has taken nine prizes at the New Hanijishire State P'air with his fine cattle. In politics Mr. Frame is a Republican, and he is an active worker in. his party. He be- longs to Granite Lodge, K. of P., of Man- chester, N. II.; and to the Merrimack River Grange, Canterbury. In religion he is of the liberal Christian type, and is a member of the Universalist church. He married Jane Pat- terson, a daughter of William and Susan (Hamilton) Patterson, born December 22, 1838. Mr. and Mrs. Frame have had four children. A brief record may here be given, as follows: Robert Frame, the only son, a graduate of Dartmouth, married Alinnie Gail, of Canterbury, and is now Treasurer of the Dececo Company at Newport, R.I.; Susan Hamilton Frame married George W. Hardy, a machinist of Manchester, N.H., and died at the age of twenty-nine; Janet Pettigrew Frame is a trained nurse at Newport, R. I.; and Jeanie Frame, born in December, 1867, died July 25, 1SS7. OHN A. FULLER, a well-known and influential citizen of Contoocook, Mer- rimack County, N.H., son of Abram G. and. Adeline C. (Fellows) Fuller, was born in Bridgewater, Grafton County, this 'State, August 8, 1848. His paternal granilfather, John A. P'uUer, first, a farmer, removed from Vermont to Hopkinton, N. H., and resided there till his death, which occurred in iiis eighty-second year. He married Mary Davis. Abram G. Fuller, son of John A. l-'uller and Mary (Davis) P'uller, born in Hopkinton, was a farmer and wheelwright, having a shop on his farm. He lived to the age of seventy- one years. His wife, Adeline C. P'ellows, also of Hopkinton, died in January, 1895. Of their children only two, John A., of Con- i;i()(;i< AIMIIC \l, KKVIKW •79 toocook, ami ()rriii 1"., a fairiicr of lldpkiii- lon, ari' in New 1 lanipsliirc. John A. I'"ulK'r, the subject of tliis skctcli, was a boy of ci^lit or nine years when lie went to Hoi)kinton. lie was educated in the public schools and in the academy at Contoocook. Living on his father's farm in lIo|ikinton until he was sixteen years of age, he then went to Goffstown, where he learned the trade of sash and blind making. i'"rom that time he became his own supjiorter, and, coming to Contoocook, worked as foreman in the factory of McClurc & Taggart, where he remained until the factory was burned three years later. After this he worked as clerk in a village store. He was apjiointed Postmaster under the Cleveland administration of 1S85, served as Assistant Postmaster for four years under Harrison, and was then reappointed I'ost- master upon the re-election of Mr. Cleveland. He now holds the position. lie has also the fire insurance agency for the village, Iiis books showing a good business. Mr. k'ullei- has served for fifteen years as a Justice of the Peace and for ten years as a Notary Public, doing conveyancing and attending to the other official duties. He has also served for four- teen years as Townshiii Clerk, and is thus connected with almost every public enterprise in the township. April 30, 1.S72, John A. l'"uller married Julia ]"'., daughter of Jacob M. and Sarah C. (Abbott) Morrill, of Contoocook. Their one child, William l'. {•"uller, is proprietor of a job printing establishment in Contoocook. Mrs. I<"uller's father, Jacob Matthew Morrill, was born in ITopkinton, July 11, 1S19, son of Joseph and Pamelia Martin Morrill, and died October 19, 1896, aged seventy- seven years. He spent a few years in Di.von, 111., but lived mainly in Contoocook village, where he worked as a carpenter and joiner. From Oc- tober, 1862, to August, 1863, he servctj in Company D, Si.xteeiith Regiment, New Hamp- shire Volunteers; and in 1871 he was made a Selectman of the town. He married Ajiril 30, 1S45, Sarah Call Abbott, daughter of J. Herman and Sally Currier A!)bolt. Mrs. Morrill is still living. Mr. John A. I-'ullcr is by political senti- ment a Democrat. He is a member of Hills- borough Lodge, L O. O. l*".. No. 2, in .Man- chester; and has passed the ciiairs in liagle iMicampment, No. S, of Contoocook. Mrs. Fuller is a member of tlv l-Nliecca Lodge, I. O. O. F. HARLFS A. 1-TSHKR, a prominent resident of Claremont, Sullivan ,if - County, and an ex-member of the New Hampshire legislature, was born in this town, November 10, 1S37, son of Leonard P. and Nancy T. (Lincoln) Fisher. The orig- inal ancestor of the family in America was Anthony Fisher, who emigrated with his wife and five children from Syleham, Suffolk County, luigland, in 1637, and settled in Dedham, Mass. Jeremiah Fisher, a descend- ant of Anthony, resided for many years in Massachusetts, and enlisted four times to serve in the Ivcvolutionary War. On the Lexington alarm roll, Ajjril 19, 1775, he ap- pears as a private in Josejih Moses's company, Colonel Samuel Bullard's regiment. His last days were spent in Claremont, his death oc- curring at the age of eighty-nine years. His children were: Josiah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (twins) Elizabeth, Hannah, Phcebe, and Prudence. Abraham Fisher, son ol Jeremiah and great- grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Massachusetts in 1764. When his father joined the Continental army, he went to live with a Mr. Fasset, whom he ac- iSo BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW companied to the front as an attendant; and he was present at the battle of Bunker Hill. In 17S5 he and his wife came on horseback from Natick, Mass., to Claremont; and in 1796 he settled upon the farm which is now occupied by his great-grandson, Charles A. Abraham Fisher was a cabinet-maker; and he followed his trade in connection with farming, employ- ing several apprentices. He possessed a great deal of mechanical ingenuity, being among the first inventors of a cooking-stove; and aside from his regular calling he operated a cider-mill, which was run by water-power. He was a Universalist in his religious views, and is said to have contributed one-sixth of the entire cost of the first church in Clare- mont of that denomination. He died on Feb- ruary 3, 1 85 1, aged eighty-seven years; and he left a fair estate. Josiah Fisher, only son of Abraham and grandfather of Charles A., was born in Natick, Mass., in 17S4. He learned the cabinet-maker's trade, and went to Rochester, N. Y. , where he bought a piece of land, but later sold it, as he was forced to leave that lo- cality on account of fever and ague. He set- tled permanently in York, N.Y. , and engaged in the lumber business and farming. He died in September, 1856. He married Orena, daughter of Nathaniel and Rachel Goss, and had a family of ten children; namely, Leon- ard P., Clinton, Mary, Harriet, Caroline, Curtis, George, Fanny, Lucy, and Josiah. Leonard P. Fisher, son of Josiah, was born in Claremont, October 6, 1807. When ten years old he accompanied his parents to New York State, where he assisted his father in business until he was twenty-two years old. He then returned to Claremont for the purpose of helping his grandfather, and eventually he inherited the homestead. He cultivated the farm successfully; and during the winter sea- son he cut and hauled timber, which he manu- factured at his own saw-mill into building ma- terial. He erected a number of houses, all of which are now standing. He was naturally cheerful, and was highly esteemed for his genial disposition and kind-heartedness. Leonard P. P"isher died December 6, 1893. He was an active member of the Universalist church and a liberal contributor toward its support. Nancy T. Lincoln, whom he mar- ried, was born in Pittsfield, Vt., May 17, 1815, daughter of Tisdale and Elizabeth Lincoln. Tisdale Lincoln passed his earlier years in Westmoreland, N. H., but later was a well-known citizen of Mendon and Pittsfield, Vt., and the father of nine children. To Leonard P. and Nancy T. (Lincoln) P^isher were born si.\ children, as follows: Nancy Jane, Charles A., George L., Arba C, Al- bert F., and Edwin C. Nancy Jane is now the widow of Marvin Blood, and lives in Reading, Mass.; George L. was for several years a commission merchant in Boston and in New York City, where he died in June, 1890; Arba C. has been in a successful commission business in l^oston for the past twenty-five years; Albert F. is a photographer in Hins- dale, N.H. ; and Edwin C. is in the bicycle business in Everett, Mass. Mrs. Leonard P. Fisher is living at the age of eighty-two years, and occupies the old family residence in Claremont. Charles A. Fisher attended the i)ublic schools in his boyhood, and when a young man he engaged in farming upon his own account in the eastern part of this town. He re- mainetl there until the tleath of his father, when he returned to the homestead in order to take charge of the property, and now resides in the house where his great-grandfather lived and died. As a practical fanner he ranks among the foremost in this section. In noli- );i()(;k.\i'iiicAL kiiVJKVv tics he is a Ri'piihlican. lie is a iiicnibcr of the I?(iar(l of Selectmen, serving in 1S94, l.Scjf), and 1897; and while representing this town in the legislature in 1S89 and 1890 lie served upon the Committee on Education. Mr. I'"isiier mairied lilizabeth Dean, daugh- ter of Horace Dean. They have one child, a daughter, Frances Emcline, who is a graduate of the Stevens High School of Claremont, was a teacher for several years, and is now the wife of Will J. Powers, of Brantlon, Vt. 'AMUEI. M. TRUE, a farmer of ^ZJi Loudon, was born liere, February 7, 1845, son of Captain Daniel and Abigail D. (Jones) True, his mother coming from Chichester, N.H., and his father being a native of Eoudon. His grandfather was Daniel True, who came to Loudon and settled on Oak Hill in the town, and carried on farm- ing there for the remainder of his life. Captain Daniel True, who lived on the fai'iii, and there carried on farming for the greater part of his life, commanded a company in the State militia for a number of years, and died in March, 1861. His wife, who survived him until July, 1878, had si.x children — -Sam- uel M., John H., Charles H., James L., Abbie M., and Julia M. John, Charles H., anil James L. reside in Concord, N.H. Charles is engaged in the teaming business; James L., who is a carpenter, married Clara Patrick; Abbie M. died at the age of eigh- teen; Julia ^L, who resides in Rye, N. H., married Edward Downs, of that town, who carries on a fish business. Samuel M. True received a common-school education, remaining at home on the farm until he was about twenty-five years of age. Then he went to Concord, where he was em- ployed at the depot as baggage-master for one year. .Since then he has made his home on his present farm. The estate, known as the old Uatcheidcr farm, contains about two hun- dred and fifty acres. ]5csidcs effecting sundry improvements, he has carried on general farm- ing, raised some stock, and kept a dairy. On May 9, 1872, Mr. True married Grace A. Batcheldcr, of Loudon, who was born May 9, 1850, daughter of Harmon E. and Clara M. (Sanborn) Batchelder, both of Loudon. Mr. l?atche]der, now eighty-one years old, was a farmer, and is now living with his daughter, Mrs. True. Mrs. Batchelder died in Novem- ber, 1895. Mr. and Mrs. True have three children, born as follows: Nellie A., April 4, 1S74; Blanche M., May 27, 187S; and Mary E., December 7, 1884. Nellie A. i.~ now the wife of Dr. William A. McGrath, of Loudon, N.H. Blanche and Mary are at home with their parents. Mr. True has al- ways been in sympathy and voted with the Re- publican party. He is a Mason of Blazing Star Lodge, No. 11, of Concord. He also be- longs to the White Mountain Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F., of the same town, and to the Louiion Grange. He still carries on farming, in which he is very successful. / ^TTToRGE BANCROFT GRH^T-TTH, a \p I well-known litterateur residing in Lempster, N.H., was born February 28, 1 84 1, in Newburyport, ^L^ss. His par- ents, Robert and Charlotte (Merrill) Griffith, were both natives of that town, with whose mercantile interests his paternal grandfather, who also bore the name Robert, was for many years identified. The elder Robert Griflfith married Nancy Bartlett, a native of West Newbury; and their family of seven children were as follows: Rufus, Robert, Augustus, Isaac, Angel ine, Henrietta, and Elizabeth. l82 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Robert Griffith, Jr., George B. Grififith's father, was reared and educated in Newbiiry- port ; and when a young man he entered the clothing business. He displayed a natural capacity for business pursuits, which gave unusually bright prospects for his future suc- cess; but he was not permitted to realize these anticipations, as his death occurred in August, 1S49, when he was but thirty years old. His wife, Charlotte Merrill, who was a daughter of Samuel Merrill, died January 31, 1897. She was the mother of four children, namely: George B., the subject of this sketch; Robert; Willie; and Nancy, who died at the age of seventeen years. George Bancroft Griffith resided in Ncw- buryport until after his father's death, when he accompanied his mother to the neighboring town of Rowley, Mass. After graduating from Dummer Academy, South Byfield, Mass., he entered mercantile pursuits as a clerk in Newburyport. A short time later he went to Haverhill, where he was employed for some two years in a grocery store kept by David P2mery ; and he subsequently engaged in that business upon his own account. On May 25, 1863, he enlisted as a private in Company A, First Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteer Artillery, and was eventually appointed by General Grant to serve in the medical depart- ment as hospital steward. He was discharged at Concord, N.ll., in September, 1865. After hisTeturn from the army he resided in Charlestown, Mass., for some years; and in 1S75 he removed to Lemi^ster, Sullivan County, N.ll., where for two years he was en- gaged in the lumber business. In 1879 ''"^ purchased the Timothy Bruce place, which he now occupies, and since taking possession has made various improvements in the property. Mr. Griffith's poetic genius began to de- velop when he was ten years old, at which time his first poem was printed. He has written frequently both in prose and verse, and many of his pieces have been illustrated, and some set to music. Many of his produc- tions have been given to the world through the columns of the Youth's Covipanion, St. Nicholas^ C/iristiaii U'ori-, New York Indepen- dent., New York Observer., and other well- known periodicals: and several maybe found in "Poems of Places," edited by Longfellow, in Drake's "Legends of New England," in "The Scholar's Speaker," "Poets of Amer- ica," "Wayside L'lowers, " and other stand- ard collections of verse. His reputation thus extends far beyond the limits of the New Kngland States. An extended biographical sketch of Mr. Griffith, with a portrait, ap- peared a few years since in the Boston Home Guest, and more recently in the MagarAne of Poetry, Buffalo, N.Y. , and in two anthologies published in Chicago. The leading elocution- ists of America are using Mr. Griffith's poems in their readings; and his "Swiss Good Night,'' which is extremely popular, has been translated into several languages. Mr. Griffith has been engaged for years in editing a large work on the poets of Massachusetts, and contemplates publishing a volume of his own miscellaneous poems at an early day, to be followed by a collection of his local poems in New Hampshire. In 1888 he finished the compilation of "The Poets of Maine," which was issued in Portland; and the work has se- cured for its compiler the unanimous praise of its readers as a most excellent judge of the best efforts of Maine's poetical writers. On September i, 1861, Mr. Griffith was united in marriage with Anna S. Howe. She was born in Bradford, N.IL, January 3, 1842, daughter of Lyman C. and Sophronia (Bart- lett) Howe, the former of whom was a native of Hcnniker, N.IL, and the latter was boin in HENRY McCOY. lOCkAIMIKAL RKVIKW '85 Newbuiypoil, Mnss. Mrs. Griffith's parents resided for many years in 15radford, N. II., where lier father was engaged in agricultural ])ur.suits. Lyman C. Howe died in April, 186S; and his wife died in December, i.SSr. They reared five children, as follows: Moses ]{., who died at the age of forty-four years; Micah C. , wlio manicd llattie Smith, of Ilen- niker, N.Ii., and is now a retired farmer of that town; George L., proprietor of a restau- rant in Saco, Me., who married for his first wife Lllen ]5agley and for his second wife Martha Fletcher, of Gardner, Mass.; Anna S. , who is now Mrs. Griffith; and Jason C, who is residing in Contoocook, N.II. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith have five children, namely: Agnes Irving, born January i6, 1863; Eir.ma Mortimer, born September 4, 1S65; Annie V., born August 11, i86S'45, is a son of John Shackford and Mary (Stevens) Kimball, of wiiom an account will be found on another page. He was educated at the Phillips Gram- niar .School in Boston, at IL>pkintoii Academy, and at I'aghconic histitute, Lanesboro, Mass. The old Hopkinton Academy, under the prin- ciiialshipof Professor Dyer Sanborn, the author of Sanborn's Grammar, was quite a famous in- stitution. Among its students who afterward became famous were Benjamin F. Butler, Salmon P. Chase, and Grace Fletcher. Grace Fletcher became the wife of Daniel Webster. When he was but fourteen years of age, he began to earn his living in the employment of J. C. Converse & Co., Boston, Mass. .Subse- quently he worked for George S. Winslow & Co. In iS6r he went to Burlington, la., where he was employed by his father in the business conducted by J. .S. Kimball & Co. In 1866-67 lis was second in charge of the notion or smallwares department of George Bliss & Co., of New York City. From 1867 to 1869 he was a member of the firm of Parker, I-Sacor), Kimball & Co., wholesale dry-goods dealers of Boston. In 1869, with his brother, Robert R. Kimball, he enterctl the small- wares and hosiery trade, under the stj'le of Kimball & Co., locating .in WinthroiJ Scpiare, Boston. They were burned out in the great fire of 1872, which laid waste a large portion of Boston, losing one-half the stock and some of the light insurance they had on it through companies that failed. Mr. Kimball, how- ever, was not to be defeated. .Soon after, going with George H. Pearl & Co., dry-goods commission merchants, he gradually recovered himself financially. In 1875 he came to Hopkinton, and here engaged in business with the stock of the two or tliree stores he and his brother had in Jioston. This venture was car- licil on iirosperously for six or eight )'cars. In 1879 Mr. Kimball was elected Registrar of Deeds, in which capacity he served till 1S81. In that period he arranged the index that has l)een in constant use since. He was sent to the legislature in 1883 to represent Hopkin- ton, and was Chairman of the Committee on Itlections. In politics a Re]niblican, he takes lilOGKAI'IIK Al, KI'AIIAV ">3 ail at'tivc iiUcrcst in alTaiis. lie has Ijl'ch Secretary of tlic Ilopkinluii Ivupiiblican Club for twenty-five years; and he has long been a prominent figure in both State and county con- ventions, often serving on comniittees. In 1878, December 3, Mr. Kiml^all married Clara l-'rcnch, a daughter of Reuben K. and Sarah (Chase) l*''rench, of Ilopkinton. She died November 19, 1879. II er sister, Mar- garet A. I'rench, became his second wife No- vember 7, 1888. There was one son by the first marriage, John I'rescott Kimball, now a young man of seventeen and a student at Holderness. Harold Chase Kimball was born of the second marriage. The present Mrs. Kimball is a member of the Congregational church. Mr. Kimball, though a member of Mount Lebanon Lodge of Masons in Boston, is not especially devoted to lodge affairs. He is deeply interested in local institutions, such as the Free Library, the New Hampshire and the Antiquarian Society. He has served for several years as Trial Justice of the Peace, and in very many ways has been a public bene- factor to this town. His residence in Ilop- kinton is one of the most beautiful in that section. B AVID F. DUDLEY, a prominent lawyer of Concord, was born in China, Me., October 17, 1857, son of Matthew I'", and Patience A. (Hutchins) Dudley. John Dudley, his grandfather, was a native of Kennebec County, where he passed the greater part of his life in farming. The maiden name of John's wife was lumice Win slow. Matthew V. Dudley, also a native of China, Me., was a farmer in that town, ami died there when he was forty-eight years old. He mar- ried Patience A. Hutchins, daughter of James Hutchins, and had a family of three children. The.sc were: Charles IC. , who died when six- teen years of age; Cynthia J., now deceased, who married John R. Meader, and had three children; and David F., the subject <<( Uii^ sketch. When a boy David F. Dudley attended the schools of Saco and Hiddcford for a time. After his father's death his mother married again; and he removed to New Market, N.H. After graduating from I'embroke Academy in the class of 1879, he spent some time in the occupation of school teacher. Having chosen the law for his profession in life, he subse- quently entered the office of Leach & Stevens, where he remained three years. In August, 1883, he was admitted to the Merrimack County bar, and began the practice of law in Concord, where he has since been actively engaged in his profession^ Having won the confidence and good will of his fellow-towns- men, he was elected to the City Council in 1884 and 1889, and to the Board of Aldermen in 1894. In politics he is a Republican, and he cast his first Presidential vote for General Garfield in 1880. Pie belongs to the Masonic fraternity and to the Order of Odd Fellows of Concord. He married Blanche L. Fowler, daughter of Trueworthy L. and Catherine L. Sargent; and he has four children — Gale, Trueworthy F. , Roy, and I^thel ]\Iay. They have a charming residence at Penacook. ri'^US 1L'\LL, a representative resi- dent of Grantham, was born in this town, March iS, 1844, son of Adol- phus and Sally (Leavitt) Hall. The family is descended from Edward Hall, who came from pjigland in 1636, and settled in Du.xbury, Mass., then under the control of the Plymouth Company. Edward lived in different places in Massachusetts, and was one of the sturdy 194 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW pioneers of "ye olden tyme " who laid the foundations of the nation. Abijah Hall, great- grandfather of Rufus Hall, who was born in June, 1754, lost his life by drowning in 1S12. He lived in Croydon, his father being the first of the name in that town. Abijah's son, Amasa, born in Croydon, February 17, 17S9, died August 23, i86g. Amasa, a prosperous farmer, was e.Ntensively engaged in sheep rais- ing. He fought in the War of 1812, and rep- resented Croydon in the legislature in 1S24 and 1825. In 1829 he moved to Grantham, where he was the first of the name to settle. He served the town in the office of Selectman for eight years, represented it in General Court in 1S32, 1S34, 1835, and 1836, and was Commissioner for Sullivan County in 1 841. As a business man he was noted for energy and enterprise. He married Rebecca Lamson Melendy, and had a family of three children — Rufus, Sally, and Adolphus. Rufus, born in Croydon, October 3, 1813, died January 13, 1 82 1. -Sally R., born January i, 1 8 16, married Converse Smith, of Plainfield. Adolphus Hall, father of Rufus, was born at Croydon, December 7, 181 1, and died October 12, 1876. He worked with his father on the home farm as long as the latter lived, and upon his death took the farm under his own manage- ment. He became one of the most influential men of the town, and occupied almost every position in its public service. From 1859 to 1862 he was Selectman; in i860 and 1S61, legislative Representative; in 1865 and i866, Treasurer of Sullivan County. During three years he was County Commissioner, and he was ser\ing in that office and in the capacity of Selectman at the time of his death. In religion he favored Methodism. His wife, Sally, who was born in 18 10, died in 1875. Their two children were: Rufus and ICloisa. The latter, born in Grantham, July 7, 1848, was twice married. Her first husband was Jesse Morse, of this town, a lumber dealer. By this marriage she had two children — Blanche and Zclla. Her second hubsand was William H. Howard, a farmer and one of the Selectmen. She has borne him one child. After leaving school, Rufus Hall worked on his father's farm and assisted also in the large general store his father at that time owned. At the end of three years he bought the store from his father, and afterward man- aged it successfully for si.x years. He then engaged in farming for a number of years. Also, in company with his father, he bought a lumber and grist mill, which was operated until the death of the elder Mr. Hall. I'"rom that time until 1882 Mr. Rufus Hall con- ducted a farm. He was engaged in general trade at Croydon from 1882 to iSgi, since which time he has farmed. Also, after that time, he was employed in the capacity of sales- man for four years. For a number of years he was a Director of the First National Bank at Newport. Mr. Hall has worthily sustained the family traditions by filling most creditably the various public offices intrusted to him by his townsmen. He was elected Town Clerk in 1869, this being his first town office, and held the position until 1883. In 1882 he was sent to the legislature, serving two yeais, and being appointed on the Committee on Flec- tions. He has been Selectman a number of times, and Town Moderator for several years, holding the last-named position at the present time. Much interested in the Patrons of Hus- bandry, he is an esteemed member of the local grange. Mr. Hall married Francina D. Smith, whu was born December 13, 1844, daughter of William P. Smith, of Sjiringfield. She is a lady of culture antl of fine musical taste. After receiving her education in Colby Acad- JilOGRAI'llirAL Ki;\'ii:\v '95 cmy of Now London, she followed Ihc jirofcs- sion of teacher very successfully for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Hall have four children: Leon A., Villa !•:., I-:arl R., and Ralph A. Leon, born June 4, 1869, at Grantham, was educated at Colby Academy. lie was for a time em- ployed in the manufacture of ]5arton's Sarsa- parilla and Blood I'lu'lfier. At present he has a position in 1'", ( ). White's grocery store in ]3oston. He married Jessie M. ]51ossom, and has one child — Charlotte May, born February 5, 1897. Villa K. , born August 17, 1874, graduated at Colby Academy, and is now studying medicine at Herkimer, N. Y. I-'arl R., born May 10, 1876, was educated in the town schools of Tilton, and then studied den- tistry with Silver ]5rothers, of ]5oscavven, N. II. Ralph A., born August 22, 1879, is a pupil in the town schools. / 2)lLl':S WHEEL]<:R, who has superin- V f^r tended the construction of several public buildings in Concord, was born in this city, August 7, 1834, son of Cap- tain Benjamin and Eliza (Ordway) Wheeler. His grandfather, Benjamin Wheeler, son of DanieJ Wheeler and a native of Hollis, N.H., in his earlier years was a miller in Bedford, Mass. J^enjamin settled in Concord in 1802, on the farm formerl)' known as the Towlc place, which he bought of Ebenezer Dustin. He followed agriculture for the rest of his active period, and died in December, 1848. He assisted in hauling the stone for the erec- tion of the State House and the old prison buildings. His first wife, in maidenhood Mary Eitch, a native of Bedford, Mass., and a relative of John E^itch, the founder of the city of E'itchburg, Mass., reared two chiUlren — Benjamin Wheeler, Jr., and Mary. Captain Benjamin Wheeler, who was born in Woburn, Mas.s., and accompanied his par- ents to Concord, succeeded to the homestead, and was an energetic and jirosperous farmer. EI c was drafted during the War of 1812, and afterward became a Captain in the State militia. His death occurred June 4, 1S70. His wife, E^liza, who was a daughter of Giles and ]-:iizabeth (Webster) Ordway, became the mother of four children, namely: John C, who died in 1895; Giles, the subject of this .sketch; Isaac V., who married Harriet E. Ordway; and Albert E". , who died in child- hood. Giles Wheeler was educated in the ]Hiblic and private schools of Concord. When a young man he learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed for sixteen years. From i860 to 1864 he was engaged in the manufact- ure of soldier's writing cases in Plymouth, Mass. During the Civil War he was drafted in Mas.sachusetts and New Hampshire at the same time, and furnished a substitute for New Hampshire in the person of William (iilson, a native of Eclham, N. IE, who was captured by the Confederates, June 3, 1S64, at Cold Harbor, paroled March lo, 1865, and died at Annapolis, Md., March 32, 1865. After relinquishing his trade, Mr. Wheeler entered the business of architect in partner- ship with Edward Dow, a connection that lasted until 1885. He was appointed by Dan- iel R. Manning, Secretary of the Treasury, to superintend the erection of the Concord post- ofTice. He acted in a similar capacity in the erection of the .State library. He was build- ing agent in connection with the High and Kimball Schools, the Statesman Building, and the Pillsbury Elospital and Library; and he was a member of the committee selected to superintend the erection of the Soldiers' Arch. He has been a member of the Police Commis- sion and its clerk since the establishment of 196 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW the board. In the capacity of Justice of the Peace for the past twenty years he has been engaged in the settlement of many estates. Mr. Wheeler married Sarah W. Abbott, a daughter of Charles Abbott and a descendant of one of the first families to settle in this section. He is connected with the Order of the Golden Cross, and is a member of the Unitarian society. In politics he is a Demo- crat, and he cast his first Presidential vote for James Buchanan in 1856, and voted for Stephen A. Douglas in i860. 'OHN V. GUNNISON, the popular High Sheriff of Sullivan County, son of Vinal and Eliza (Baker) Gunnison, was born in Goshen, N. H., on February 27, 1837. Ephraim Gunnison, father of Vinal, was a pioneer settler of Goshen, where he cleared the wild land by the labor of his hands. A hard worker and a man of great vitality, he lived to be eighty-five years old. II is wife, Deborah, died at eighty-seven years of age. He was a Methodist Episcopal in religion, a Democrat in politics. Their son Vinal was the fifth son in a fam- ily of seven children. He followed farming all his life on the old farm on which he was born. It was a large farm of about six hun- dred acres, and came to be one of the best in Goshen. He died at the age of si.xty in the year 1858. His wife died in 1873, at the age erf seventy-two years. They were attendants of the Congregational church. Vinal Gunni- son was always a Whig. He held several town offices, among them that of Selectman and Overseer of the Poor. Of his seven chil- dren three are now deceased — Marian, Arvin Nye, and Amos B. The survivors are: Mrs. Sarah Ann Brickett, who lives in Mendota, 111. ; Eliza Chandler, who lives in Salem, Ore. ; John V. ; and Horace B. , who lives in PhillipsviUe, Cal. John v., the third son, lived at home with his parents in Goshen until he went away to school, his educational course being completed in the academies at Meriden and New Londoii, N. H. He subsequently engaged in farming and lumbering on the old homestead, dealing largely in stock and running a steam saw-mill. In 1888 he removed to Newport, though he still owns the old place and keeps there about twenty cows for milk. In Newport he deals in horses, carriages, and sleighs. He was elected to his present ofifice of High Sheriff in 1894, and was re-elected in 1S96. He married January 16, 1S67, Angle Carr, who was born in Hillsborough, N. H., Sep- tember 12, 1846, daughter of Robert and Claora (Goodale) Carr. Her grandfather, the first Robert Carr, was one of the early settlers of the place ; and her father followed agriculture on the old farm, where he spent his whole life. She has two brothers and four sisters, all liv- ing. Her brother, Elisha Hatch Carr, is a prominent business man of Newport, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Gunnison have had four chil- dren, three of whom are living — Belle, Sadie H., Claora A., and Alice M. Belle Gunnison, born in Goshen, N. H., December 30, 1868, was educated at the town schools of Goshen and Newport, N. H. After completing her course of study, she taught school for a while, and was considered a successful instructor and good disciplinarian. Since then she has been a valuable assistant in the jjost-ofifice at New- port, N.H., having now held the position for eight years. Sadie H. was born in (Joshen, June 9, 1870. After graduating from the high school of Newport, N. H., she taught school three years, for which work she seemed well fitted, and, like her sister, was considered a successful teacher. She then entered upon AMASA EDES. BIOGRAI'HFCAL KF.VIKVV 109 llic (liilics (if licr ])rc,scnt position of Manager of the rclc|)honc Ivxtii.uigo, Newport, N. II. Claora A., born in Goshen, December 27, 1S75, attended tiie schools of Goshen and New- port, also tiie Bradford Female Seminary, Hrailford, Mass. ; and, having finished her preparatory studies, she entered the school- room as an instructor, and is now an assistant teacher in the Newport High School. Alice M., born in Goshen, Ajjril ir, 1877, died May 30, 1895. She was a very bright and l)romising young lady, and was an attendant of the high school at Newport, when that dreaded disease, typhoid fever, took her away in the bud of womanhood. Mrs. Gunnison and her daughters are mem- bers of the Congregational church, where Mr. Gunnison also attends divine service. A Re- inihlican in politics, he held the office of County Commissioner in 1S72, 1873, and 1874; and in 1885 he was Representative to the General Court. He is a member of Mount Vernon Lodge, A. F. & A. M., at Newi)ort ; a Royal Arch Mason; a Knight Templar; and also a member of Sugar River Grange, P. of II., at Newport. Mr. Gunnison is a successful farmer and trader, well versed in horse flesh. He has been a very active man, and has made his own way in the world. AMUEL II. EDES, a retired law- yer of the village of Newport, was born here, March 31, 1825, son of Amasa antl Sarah (Hart) Edes. Samuel Edes, his grandfather, was an early settler of An- trim, N. II., an active farmer and a Revolu- tionary soldier. .Samuel's life was mainly spent in Peterboro, N. H., where he died at the remarkable age of one hundred years. He had nine children. Amasa Edes was born about the year 1792. Having graduated from Dartmouth in 1S17, he came in 1823 to New- port, where he suijscquently practi.sed law for a period extending over si.xty years. He was successful in his profession, and he represented his town for a time in the legislature. In re- ligous belief he was a Unitarian ; in politics, a Democrat. He died in October of the year 1.S.S3, his wife having died (October 8, 18O9, at the age of seventy-four years and three months. They had two children — Jo.seph W. and .Samuel II. Joseph died at the age of fi ve. -Samuel H. lules was educated in the Meri- den Academy and at Dartmouth, his father's Alma Mater, graduating in 1844. He at once began to read law with his father, and was ad- mitted to the Sullivan County bar in 1852. He practised until the year 1875 in the town of Newport. At different times he was en- gaged in farming, dealt in real estate, and was interested in woollen mills. In 1S69 he started the mercantile business to-day carried on by his son. In 1856 Mr. Edes was instru- mental in bringing the aqueduct water here. At first it was conveyed by a wooden aque- duct, but this in 1862 was changed for one of cement and iron. He owns the building known as Eagle Block, which was remodelled in 1856. He has owned land in Newport on which seventy buildings now stand. On December 30, 1847, Mr. Ede$ married Julia A. Nourse, who was born in Acworth, N. H., October iS, 1827, daughter of Daniel Nourse and Margaret (Wilson) Nourse. Of their four children one died in infancy. The others were: Willie A., George C. , and Mar- cia J. Willie, born in 1854, died at the age of eighteen years. George C. Edes, born April 23, 1849, lives in Newport, where he is a dealer in dry goods. He married Novem- ber 10, 1873, Elizabeth M. Dennahan, who, born February 28, 1854, died September BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 12, 1896. They had four children, of whom Elizabeth J., born April 3, 1876, died Sep- tember 16, 1S93. The others are: Frank W. , born in 1874, who is a clerk in his father's store; Samuel W. , born November 9, 1881; and George L. , born November 11, 1889. George C. Edes is a Democrat, has been Town Clerk and Supervisor, and is a member of the Mount Vernon Lodge, A. F. & A. M. , and of Sullivan Commandery, K. T. Marcia J. Edes, the youngest child of Samuel H. Edes, was born in 1859, and resides in Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Edes attend the Congrega- tional church, of which the wife is a member. He is a Democrat, and has held office as legis- lative Representative and County Solicitor. He served in the latter capacity for two terms. He has been Justice of the Peace since 1852. Always interested in educational matters, he was influential in making the important change from district to high schools in the village. Mr. Edes and his wife, who have been mar- ried nearly fifty years, are one of the oldest couples in the village. Mr. Edes is active and vigorous, and, with his wealth and influence, is regarded as one of the important members of the community. iRS. MIRIAM STRAW EMER- SON FOGG, widow of the late Sherburne Fogg, of West Hop- kinton, and daughter of John Jones and Eliz- abeth (Straw) Emerson, was born on the farm where she now lives, November 20, 1S21. She is a descendant of a prominent pioneer family of Hopkinton, her great-grandfather, Timothy Emerson, having been the original settler on Clement's Hill. Timothy Emerson was very active in local affairs, doing much to advance the interests of the little town, among other things donating the land for the ceme- tery in which his body was laid to rest after his death, March 22, 1826, at the venerable age of eighty-si.x years. He was twice mar- ried. His first wife, who was without doubt an Ober, bore him two daughters and one son. The latter was John Ober Emerson, Mrs. Fogg's grandfather. His children by his second wife, Mary, were: Collins, Day, Ben- jamin, and Rachel. Day died November i, 1 84 1, at the age of fifty-two years, and was buried in the family lot. The mother, who survived the father, died October 29, 1833, aged eighty-one years. John Ober Emerson was born on Clement's Hill in Hopkinton, June 6, 1770. After his marriage with Mary Jones he settled on the present homestead, which extends along the Contoocook River, the house being beautifully located on the banks of the stream. Mary Jones was born August 14, 1769, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Gordon) Jones. Her father died July 10, 181 5, aged sixty-seven years; and her mother April 15, 183S, at the age of eighty-eight. John Ober Emerson and his wife became the parents of six children, namely: Philip, born in 1792, who lived but four years; Moses, born January 20, 1794, who died at the age of two years; John Jones, born December 25, 1795, who died February i, 1 841 ; Sarah Kast, born March 25, 1798, who died in 1823, aged twenty-five years; Micah George J., born July 21, iSoi, who has not been heard from since he started for Troy, N.Y. , in 1832; and Jane Greeley, born July 13, 1807, who married Daniel Hardy, of War- ner, N. H., and died in August, 1882. After long and useful lives the father died in 1842, aged seventy-two years, and the mother, De- cember 6, 1856, in her eighty-eighth year. Of the latter an interesting anecdote is nar- rated in the History of Hopkinton by C. C. i:in(;R.\|'ii|(;AI, RKVIKVV 1,(11(1. On a Sunday morning in the early s])ring a party of about a dozen persons, in- cluding Mrs. John O. luiierson, crossed the frozen Contoocook River from tlie north side, to attend meeting at the old West Meeting- house. While at service a sudden and rapid thaw reduced the ice on the river to a number 111' ll(iatii)g fragments, wliicli presented a for- midable barrier to the party returning from chuix'h. 'I'hc nearest bridge was three miles down the river, and to reach home by that way vviiuld linve required at least six miles of travel, which, as the party was on foot, caused them ti) halt in dubious reflection. Mrs. Emerson, Imwever, with ready courage, settled the cpiestion by prompt action. In spite of the remonstrances of her companions, she sprang upon the nearest cake of ice, and, dexterously leaping from one to another, crossed the river in safety. Her friends, who watched her progress, were not inspired to make the attempt by her example. They fol- lowed the advice conveyed by the old proverb, "The longest way round is the shortest way home," by walking to the bridge. Jdhn Jones Emerson lived and died on the farm where his birth occurred, spending his years as a tiller of the soil. His name is amon'g the list of llopkinton soldiers who served in the War of 1812. He enlisted in Colonel Nathaniel l'"isk's first regiment in 1814. In the old militia days he was a Cap- tain of riflemen. He married Miss Elizabeth .Straw, who, b(.irn in Hopkinton, November 23, 1793, daughter of Levi and Miriam (Jones) Straw, died January 17, 1859. His children were: Seth George, Miriam Straw, Mary Jane, Sarah Elizabeth, Andrew Jackson, and Will- iam Seneca. Seth George, born April 24, 1820, who married Sarah Goss, of Henniker, and was at one time the owner of the home- stead, removed to I-'ort Gratiot, Mich., where he died August i, 18^14, Mary Jane, born March 22, 1823, who died Eebruary 13, 1886, was the wife of Martin K. Philips, of Henni- ker, N.H. Sarah lilizabeth, born September 2, 1824, married Samuel D. Clark, of Ches- terfield, N. H., and died in Port Huron, Mich., November 19, 1893. Andrew Jack- son, born in Eebruary, 1828, died in January, 1831. William Seneca, born May 4, 1831, who married Mary A. Andrews, of the Isle of Sheppey, England, died August 17, 1890, in Hillsborough, N.H. Miriam Straw Emerson was married t(j Sherburne Eogg. He was born July 9, 1819, in Meredith (now Laconia), N. H., son of Seth and Betsey Uoudon (Gile) P'ogg, and grew to man's estate in Gilmanton, whither his parents removed when he was young. He was a carpenter, and from the time of his mar- riage until 1857 he worked at his trade in Manchester, this State. After residing for a time in Belmont, he came in 1859 to Hop- kinton, purchased from his brother-in-law, Seth George Emerson, the Emerson home- stead, and was subsequently engaged in agri- culture until his death, which occurred June 4, 1S73. Mrs. Fogg has since resided on the farm. She has had three children, namely: George Henry, who died at the age of nine- teen years; Lizzie Adella; and Frank Emer- son Fogg. Lizzie Adella was educated at Tilton Seminary, from which she graduated with the class of 1878. Since that time she has been engaged as a teacher in Hopkinton, making her home with her widowed mother. I-"rank ICmerson Fogg, now an attorney-at-law in Grangeville, Idaho, completed his education at Ann Arbor, Mich., having graduated from the law department of the State University, class of 1880. He was Circuit Court Com- missioner of Charlevoix County, Michigan, from 1884 to 1 888, and Prosecuting Attorney BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW of Charlevoix County from 1888 to 1890. Removing to Idaho, he practised at Rathdrum from 1 89 1 to 1893. Then he went to Grange- ville, where he has followed his profession since. He married February 28, i886, Eliza Ann Scroggie, of Charlevoix, Mich. ; and they have four bright and interesting children- Essie v., James Sherburne, Miriam S. , and William I'' rank. ALTER B. MAYNARD, a farmer of Loudon, was born here, April 26, 1840, son of Asa and Lucy (Talbot) Maynard, natives respectively of Acton, Mass., and Brookline, N.H. The grand- father, Asa Maynard, who was a cooper by trade and resided in East Concord during the greater part of his life, died there at the resi- dence of his daughter, August 1, 1866, aged ninety-four years. The maternal grandfather, Ezra Talbot, of Stoughton, Mass., born Janu- ary 20, 1773, resided successively in Brook- line and Loudon, and married Abigail Belcher. He died in Loudon in November, 1853; and his wife died in Brookline, June 21, 1832. Asa Maynard, Jr., the father of Walter B., was born November 10, 1801. Immediately after his marriage he settled down as a farmer on the place now owned by the present Mr. Maynard, and resided there for the rest of his life. His wife, Lucy, who was born Ajnil 5, i.So.S, had four children — lunily, Eliza, Wal- ter 15., and John V. Emily, born June 21, 1832, died June 21, 1851. Eliza, wiio was born October 30, 1836, became the wife of Augustus R. Manning, and had two children, namely: Mary I*". , liorn January i, 1854; and ]'"rank (). , born .September 28, 1861. Both Mr. and Mrs. Manning arc now deceased. John 1'"., who manufactures the well-known Plymouth gloves, born March 15, 1846, mar- ried Harriett Draper, who died. Then he married Henrietta, his deceased wife's sister, with whom he now lives in Plymouth, N.H. The father died February 8, 1848. The mother, who survived him, afterward became the wife of Gardner Batchelder, a farmer of Loudon. The latter died in September, 1S60; and her death occurred in 1894, February 27. There were no children by this second mar- riage. Walter B. Maynard received a common- school education. All his life has been passed on the old homestead. After his father's death he took charge of the farm. He now owns about three hundred acres in Concord and Loudon. In 1869 he considera- bly imjjroved the property by erecting new buildings. He carries on general farming, raises some fruit, and makes rather a specialty of the milk business, keeping about twenty- five cows. In 1864, May i, he married Lu- ella C. Sanders, of Hopkinton, N.H. She was born P'ebruary 26, 1843, the daughter of Reuben L. and Abigail (Locke) Sanders, both of Epsom, N. H. Mr. Sanders, who was suc- cessively a shoemaker and a farmer, died Oc- tober 6, 1876. His widow, who subsequently married William K. Holt, of Concord, now deceased, still resides at the age of seventy-six in East Concord. Mr. Maynard and his wife have had six children — P'rank W. , Harry K., Roy F. , George S., Warren S. , and Roy W. Frank W., born March 4, 1866, was married Deceml)cr 25, 1889, to Nancy B. Cate, of Loudon. He died .September 12, 1896; and his widow now lives with her father-in-law, the subject of this sketch. -She has had three children ^ Walter lulward, John W. , and Har- riet E. Harriet died Se])tember 27, 1896. Harry ¥.., born March i, 1869, is at home with his parents. Roy F. , born December 23, 1871, died April 22, 1877. George S., niOGRAl'HlCAI, RFAaEW 203 who was biiin October 20, 1874, lives at home. Warren S., burn May 25, 1880, died February 4, 1 88 1. Roy W. , born August 27, 1882, is also witii his jiarents. Mr. Maynard, who has never been an office-seeiond Street. 'iLLIAM ANDREW JACKSON GILES, attorney-at-law of Con- cord, N.H., was born in this city, July II, 1S61. His parents, John B. Giles, a native of Roscrea, Tipperary, Ireland, and Ellen M. Driscoll Giles, of Cardiff, Wales, emigrated to America in 1852. William A. J. Giles acquired his early edu- cation in the public schools of Penacook and Concord, and completed his school course at Boscawen Academy in 1S81. The next year he began the study of law with the late John Y. Mugridge and Chief Justice William L. Foster, at the same time acting as reporter for the Boston Traveller, Qoncoxd Journal, and 214 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW other newspapers until 1889. In March, the year following, he was admitted to the bar; and he has since been in successful practice. As an illustration of his professional ability it may be mentioned that as plaintiff in a suit brought by certificate holders against the Order of the Helping Hand, tried before Judge Hammond, of Boston, he won his case, although the opposing counsel were ex-Gov- ernor Long, Mr. Brackett, and Samuel J. Elder. Before the legislature of 1893 Mr. Giles drew up bills for the Employers' Liabil- ity Act, for establishing a bureau of labor statistics, and a fifty-eight hour act, besides other legal documents, all of which were stub- bornly fought by the ablest lawyers of the State. On February 14, 1895, he was married to Mabel E. Welch, of this city. Fraternally, he is a member of Kearsarge Lodge, No. 48, K. of P., officiating as Chancellor and Com- mander of the same; also a member of Uni- form Rank, K. of P. ; and of the Ancient Order of American Foresters; and is Past Grand Master of General Stark Lodge, No. 7400 I. O. O. F. He officiates as attorney for the Central Labor Unions. As a member of the Amoskeag Veterans he took part with them in the dedication of the Grant Monu- ment in New York City. Mr. Giles is a Democrat in politics and a member of the Democratic State Committee. He was the original silver advocate of the State of New Hampshire, and, besides making many able addresses on the silver issue, he was the author of a pamphlet that attracted much attention, entitled "The Silver Ques- tion," and dedicated to William J. Bryan. Out of si.x hundred and twenty delegates en- titled to seats in the Democratic Convention, Mr. Giles stood alone as an advocate of free silver. He wrote a letter to William J. Bryan, tendering his services in the campaign, which that gentleman graciously accepted. At Mr. Bryan's reception at Madison -Scjuare Garden, Mr. Giles sat upon the plat- form as the only silver representative from New Hampshire. YER GOVE, a retired farmer of Ilcnnikcr and a native of this town, was born June 24, 18 14. His parents were prosperous farming people, and he was reared to agricultural pursuits. He succeeded to the possession of the home- stead when about twenty-one years old, and continued to carry it on successfully until 1869, when he moved to another farm in West Hopkinton, N. H. He resided there for six- teen years; and, after tilling the soil as a gen- eral farmer for fifty-five years, he retired from active labor in 1886, since which time he has resided in Henniker village. In politics he supports the Democratic party, but has not taken an active interest in politics. He is highly esteemed by his fellow-townsmen for his upright character and genial -disposition. On March 4, 1841, Mr. Gove was joined in marriage with Mary C. Piper, of Hopkinton, who died in her native town, April 28, 1883. She was the mother of four children, namely: Lavinia Ann, who died in childhood; Charles F., now a carpenter of Roxbury, Mass. ; George P., a resident of Henniker; and John F., of Bedford, N.H. George P. Gove assisted his father in carry- ing on the farm from the time he was old enough to be useful. When a young man he learned the carpenter's trade. Since settling in the village he has followed his trade. He is also associated with his brother, John F. Gove, in the proprietorship of the Proctor Hill Spring. This spring is located some IJlUCJRArilKJAl. kl'A IIW two Imiidrcil and thiily feci alxtvc Ihc village, ami has surfiricnt Idicc In maintain a steady pressure. The brothers liave laid about one and one-half miles of main pipe, and supply forty families with the water. On June 9, 1X74, (ieorge I'. Gove was married in Hop- kinton to Mary I'2. Rowell. She was b(jrn in llopkinton, daughter of Isaac and Harriet (Adams) Rowell, both natives of llenniker. Their daughter, Ina II., was burn (X'tober 28, 1883. Ill politics Mr. Gove is a Democrat, and he was electetl a Selectman in 1S91. He is con- nected with Aurora Lodge, V. & A. M., of Henniker, and with the chapter of the order. He has occupied the principal chairs in Kcar- sarge Lodge, I. O. C). F., of Contoocook ; is connected with the encampment, and has been a member of the Grand Lodge and the Grand Encampment of New Hampshire. RANK L. JOHNSON, an inlhiential farmer of Cornish and the owner of one of the old picturesque farms on the banks of Blow-me-dovvn Brook, was born Sep- tember 24, 1852, son of William P. Johnson. William, who was born in Cornish in Novem- ber, 1815, son of Nathaniel Johnson, was edu- cated in the town schools. He became a farmer, and has since followetl that occupa- tion. He has been essentially a home man, not caring for public life, though well fitted for it in point of energy and ability. He has been much interested in the educational affairs of the town, and has served as a mem- ber of the School Board. He was also High- way Surveyor for a time. He has been band- master, and for thirty years has led the choir and played in the Baptist church. He mar- ried Salome Souther, of I'lainfield, who has had four children — Jane, Belle, FrvTuk L, , and ICdwanl. Jane, born in Cornish, married I'"reeman Johnson, a fanner, and has had three children — Alva F., Kbenezer, and Mary. Belle resides on the old homestead with her father. Edward lives at Corni.sh, and is mar- ried to Anabelle Lear, daughter of William Lear, of South Cornish. Their children are: Darwin and Charles Johnson. Frank L. Johnson's early training was ob- tained in the schools of his native town. His working life began on his father's farm, where he stayed until his twenty-fourth year. He then bought the beautiful estate along the Blow-me-down Brook that has been his home for twenty years. Only a few of the old homesteads on the banks of the Blow-me-down remain in the possession of the descendants of the original owners. The rest have been pur- chased by wealthy Boston or New York people for use as summer residences. At one time to own one of tiiese estates was proof sufficient of a reputable ancestry. The buildings on Mr. Johnson's farm are large and in an ex- cellent condition. Besides carrying on gen- eral farming, he trades extensively in cattle. Like his father, he has been too busy a man to give much time to public affairs, although he is interested in all questions pertaining to the general welfare of the town. On December 25, 1877, Mr. Johnson mar- ried Dora A. Chase, daughter of Lewis T. and Mary (Smith) Chase, of I'lainfield. Mr. Chase, who carried on a large farming busi- ness, and was Selectman of Cornish for a number of years, died August 16, 1876. His wife died June 27, 1892. He was son of Jacob Chase, who was son of Joseph, who was son of one of the three Chases who first set- tled the township of Cornish. Joseph built the house now owned and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, hewing the timbers and making the nails needed for the purpose, 2 l6 RIOCzRAPHICAL REVIEW The house was successively occupied by Jo- seph, Jacob, and Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. John- son have a daughter, Marjoric May, who was born May 7, 1892. [LYDE AUGUSTUS BLAKE, a prosperous merchant of Hill, N.H., was born here, December 17, 1876, son of Curtis N. and Jennie L. (Piper) Blake. He comes of a vigorous American family. His grandfather, Greenleaf Blake, who was born in Sanbornton, N.H., settled in Hill, and there followed the occupations of blacksmith and farmer. One of those ex- amples of health and sturdiness of which there were so many among the early settlers, he had attained an ailvanced age when he died. His wife's maiden name was Miss Charlotte Kelley. Curtis N. Blake attended the district schools, and there received the education which afterward fitted him to take a leading place among his fellow-townsmen. He was for many years Postmaster of the town, and in that position he made a large circle of acquaintances and many warm friends. He was also for a time proprietor of the Union Store, a general merchandise depot. Later in life he sold out this estab- lishment, and bought a large farm of two hun- dred acres, known as the Webster place. Here, with his wife, Jennie, he spent the re- mainder of his life, taking an active part in town affairs, and holding at different times various town ofifices, including that of Select- man. He i^assed away at the age of sixty- eight years, leaving two sons — Bert L. and Clyde Blake. Having, like his father, acquired his early education in the town schools, Clyde Augus- tus Blake completed his training at the New Hampshire Institute and Commercial College, He then became interested in general farm- ing, and did considerable business in dairy products until in April, i8g6, when he bought the large grist-mill formerly owned by F. W. Eaton. Since that time he has dealt in miller's supplies, hay, grain, feed, paints, oils, and fertilizers, besides coal and wood. On June 10, l8g6, he was married to Lulu M. Clarke, daughter of Guy and Jennie V. (Ladd) Clarke. Energetic and business-like, Mr. Blake is highly respected by his townsmen. In politics he is a Republican and closely identified with that party. He is a member of the grange and a friend of every movement for progress and reform. ^^•^■» LMON FRIEND BURBANK, a law- yer of Pembroke, was born in Webs- ter, N.H., October 17, 1857, son of Friend Little and Dorothy ^Jackman) Burbank. The father, a native of Boscawen, N. H., was born June 29, 1806. Beginning in his earlier years, he was engaged in lum- bering in Webster, N.H., and was widely known as an able and stirring business man. Later in life he was associated in business with his son, William W. ; and the firm was known as F. L. Burbank & Son. He was a Republican in politics, and took an active part in public affairs. For a number of years he served as a Selectman in Boscawen, held other town ofifices, and was a member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives in 1858. His wife, Dorothy, also a native of ]5oscawen, became the nu)tlier of five cliildren, of whom there are living : William W., Irvin A., and Alnion 1<". Almon I-'riend Ikubank attended Simmon's Free High School in Warner, N.H., and fitted for college at the Penacook Normal Academy. Instead of pursuing a collegiate I1I()(;K AI'HICAL REVIEW 2\-] course, lidwcvcr, lie licj^an the study of l:i\v will) Mi'ssts. Chase & Streeter, of Concord, N.ll. I le w;is ailniitled lo llie li.ir in iSSo; and, locating lor practice in l'end)roke, he lias since resided here. On August 6, 1887, Mr. Hurhank wedded Mary I'^llcn Lahontec, of I'rndiroke, and is now tlie father of two children I'riscilla and Mstlu-r. In i)olitic:s he is an active supjioiter of the Republican party, lie served as Supervisor for several years, was a menihcr of the ]5oard of Select- men for three years, antl a Representative to the legislature in 1897. )N. WILTJS GK0RG1>: 15UXT0N, a well-known lawyer of Boscawcn and a member of the New Hamp- shire Senate, was born in Hcnnikcr, N.ll., August 22, 1856, son of Daniel M. and Abbie A. (Whitaker) Buxton. His father was a na- tive of Hcnnikcr; and his mother was born in Deering, N.ll. His paternal ancestors came from Massachusetts. After receiving his ele- mentary education in the public schools of llenniker, he pursued a higher course of study in the Clinton Grove and New London Acad- emies. In 1876 he commenced the study of law in the ofifice of B. K. Webber, of Hills- borough Bridge, and in 1S78 entered Boston University Law School, from which he was graduatctl in 1879. He was admitted to the bar in March of that year, and immediately began the practice of his profession at Hills- borough. In 1882 he removed from Hills- borough to I'enacook, where he was associated with the late Judge N. Butler for a time, and continued to occupy the same office after the death of his partner. He was instrumental in establishing the I'enacook -and Boscawen Water Works, of which he is at the present time Treasurer and Superintendent, He is clerk of the I'enacook l-,lf the New Hampshire t)r|)haiis' Home. On June 4, 1884, Mr. Bu.xton wedded Martha J. Flanders, of Penacook ; and they have one child, Grace II. He is a member of Contoocook Lodge, No. 26, I. O. O. F. ; of Horace Chase Lodge, No. 72, F. & A. M., of which he is a Past Master, being in Trinity Chapter, No. 2, Royal Arch Masons, and Mount Horeb Commandery, Knights Templar. Mr. Buxton conducts a large and |)rofilal)le law ]iractice. His jjolilical pr(jminence is entirely the result of his earnest efforts in be- half of SULLIVAN FLANDERS, a farmer of Ilopkinton, was born in Brad- ford, N.H., October 6, 1822, son of Nathaniel and Betsey (Wright) Flanders. His grandfather, Jeremiah, came here from South Hampton some time between 1780 and 1783, and managed for one McCard large tracts of land covering several miles in the west part of Ilopkinton. In 1794 Jeremiah purchased and settled on land where Thomas White now lives. He married Miriam George; and they had a family of nine chil- dren, seven sons and two daughters. His death occurred in Hojjkinton, June 14, 1845, and that of his wife, April 14, 1S56. Nathaniel Flanders in early life was a shoemaker. Later on he took up farming, buying in 1841 the present farm of the Copps family. This place was called the Straw farm ; and the house was erected by the proprietor bearing that name, who also planted the large elm in front. Captain Aaron Adams, who belonged to the Massachu- setts Adamses, was the first owner of the place, having bought it of the "Lords Propri- etors," as the deed says. Here Nathaniel died February 14, 1890; and his wife died February 16, 1869. Their children, six in number, were: Melissa, Sullivan, Lydia W. , Joshua W., Nathaniel, and George. Melissa married Rufus P. Copps, of Hopkinton; Lydia W. married John Holbrook, of Swan- zey, N.H., and died in 1891; Joshua W. married Ophelia Paige, of Weare, where they reside; Nathaniel, who did not marry, lives with Sullivan; George was killed by a falling tree at the age of thirty. Sullivan Flanders undertook the manage- ment of the farm when quite a young man, and with the exception of two years spent in Lawrence, Mass., has remained here and worked with his brother Nathaniel. He was married February 5, 1850, to Helen M., daughter of James and Lydia Johnson Adams, all of Henniker, and a great-grand-tlaughter of the Captain Aaron Adams referred to above. Mrs. Flanders was born April 20, 1830, and died September 14, 1877. Mr. Flanders has two daughters ^ Clara A. and Cora M. The former, who was born February 25, 1851, and resides with her father, was educated at Con- toocook, and has taught school for twenty years in Merriniack County. Cora M., born December 22, 1858, superintends her father's household, P.IOORArillCAl, REVIEW 7. \<) 1^,. URICI.IUS DICKENSON, formerly a /J* wealthy hotel-owner of Claremont, l»^_ was born at Granville, Mass., Feb- ruary lo, 1804. lie remained on his father's farm until twenty-one years of age. Mis first e.vperience in business was in Hartford, Conn., where he was engaged as a clerk for a leather firm. A few years later he started a country store, and conducted it successfully for some time. When on his wedding trip, he took a fancy to the principal hotel at Amherst, Mass., and purchased it. This in- vestment proved a paying one until icSj/, when the hotel was burned. He then sold the property, and came to Claremont, where he bought the Tremont House property of Mr. I'aran Stevens. On March 29, 1876, this property was also burned. y\t one time Mr. Dickenson had large in- terests in stage lines, which brought him in enormous profits until they were superseded by railroads. While engaged in that business he kept a hundred horses, and owned the right of route. When obliged to abandon it, he turned his attention to railroads, and was in- strumental in having Sullivan Railroad built from liellows Falls to Windsor, Vt., on the New Hampshire side. He was a Director of the Claremont National Bank for thirty years and a Director of the Sullivan Savings Bank from the time of its organization. He was a thorough business man and an able financier. He was County Commissioner in 1868, 1869, and 1870, and a Selectman for about fifteen years. He married Frances M. Galpin in May, 1830, and had two sons, one of whom died in infancy. Mrs. Dickenson was a woman of rare virtues. Charitable, motherly in her ways, and with singular charm of manner, she endeared herself to all. She was devoted to her husband; and his death, November 3, 1880, at the age of seventy-seven years, was to her a sad affliction. Her death, at the age of seventy-two, occurred just a month after the decease of her husband. Henry Dickenson, son of Aurelius, after spending some years in a retail shoe store, was engaged with his father in the hotel busi- ness. The valuable estate inherited from his father was most judiciously handled by him, and yielded a good income. He was a member of the Episcopal church, and he was legislative Representative in 1884 and 1885. His death occurred November 13, 1888. He married Mary E. , daughter of Bridgeman Hapgood, of Reading, Vt. ; and his children were: Harry Grant, Aurelius, Laura, Frances, and Ruth. All died in infancy with the exception of the first-born. Harry G. is a graduate of the Stevens High School, and now has charge of the estates and interests of his father. Bridgeman Hapgood, the father of Mrs. Mary E. Dickenson, was born in 1800, son of a well-to-do farmer, who built the first frame house in Reading, Vt. He became a success- ful merchant in Reading, at the same time manufacturing starch in Plymouth and woollen goods at Weathersfield, Vt. At one time he was extensively engaged in farming on the old homestead. He was a Democrat in poli- tics. He has been Postmaster of the town. Justice of the Peace for seventeen years. Town Clerk for ten years, trustee of surplus revenue for five years, and he represented the town in the legislature in 1837-38. For nine years in succession he was Chairman of the Select Council. He has repeatedly been ap- pointed e.xecutor of estates. When in the legislature he fought hard to defeat the Bank- ruptcy I-aw, which in the passing brought heavy loss to him. Knowing that the law had been passed, he could have saved himself from loss, but was too conscientious. Rather than defraud any one, he met all his liabilities. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW He gave up mercantile business and farming, and came to Claremont in 1853. Here he was engaged in the hardware business until he retired in 1S65. He married Laura M. Weston, daughter of Parson Weston. She died in i860, leaving three children — Edgar L., Elizabeth, and Mary E. Mr. Hapgood died in 1877. "ENRY DANIEL DUSTIN, a sub- stantial farmer of Hopkinton, was L^ V,^ , born here, February 25, 1849, son of Daniel Pierce and Sally (Barnard) Dustin. His grandfather was Ebenezer Dustin, who married Sarah Pierce. The father of Ebene- zer probably came from New York to this State. Daniel Dustin, also born in Hop- kinton, two years after his marriage settled down on the old homestead, now owned by the Hon. Cyrus F. Dustin, who lives in Con- toocook. About sixty years ago he bought the present farm on the Contoocook, contain- ing one hundred and thirty acres, mainly on the bottom lands. Two years before his death he removed to Contoocook with his son Cyrus, where he died April 30, 1880. His widow is still living there, a well-preserved woman, now seventy-seven years old. He introduced Merino sheep from Vermont, and dealt with them in a manner calculated to produce the finest grades of wool. In politics Mr. Dustin was a Republican, while he was indifferent to political distinction. A man of robust and commanding appearance, weighing about two hundred pounds, he was unassuming, honor- able, of the strictest integrity, and was well liked by his townsmen. In his early manhood Henry Daniel Dustin followed the calling of teacher, mainly in Hopkinton. After leaving that profession at the age of thirty-four, he served ably for nine years on the School lioaril. He was one of the first school officers, and still retains his interest in educational matters. F"roni 18S1 to 1886 he served as Selectman. In 1886 he was elected to the legislature, where he was a member of the Committee on P"! nance. Dairying forms the main feature of his farm- ing. He also pays some attention to stock- breeding, having some Jersey cattle, and other pure-bred stock, as well as some fine samples of the Jersey and Guernsey cross. Mr. Dustin has added to the farm lands until at present they cover two hundred and thirty acres. Other improvements made by him were the erection of new barns and the re- building of a part of the residence. He also does some lumbering. In 1871, November 30, Mr. Dustin married Helen M. Tucker, daughter of Deacon David and Mary E. (Straw) Tucker. For the past seven years a boy, Amos F. Frye, now fifteen years of age, has been a member of the family. Mrs. Dustin's parents also reside with them. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dustin are members of the Baptist church in Contoocook. They are also connected with Contoocook Grange, Patrons of Husbandry. He is an Odd I-'ellow of Kearsarge Lodge and Eagle Encampment, in both of which he has taken the highest degrees. ON. DEXTER RICHARDS, of New- port, who was born here, September 1;^ V^ . 5, 1818, son of the late Seth Rich- ards, comes of distinguished English ances- try. Sylvanus Richards, who came here from Dedliam, Mass., in the first of the century, and took an honorable position among the early settlers of the town, was his grandfather. His father, a gentleman of the old school, was a lifelong resident of Newport. The otlier cliil(h-cn of Seth Richards were : Emily, burn BIOGKAPHICAL REVIEW 221 January 2, 1820, who married I'crlcy S. Coffin, now deceased; Elizabeth, born November ig, 1.S2I, who inanicd tiic late John S. Parmelce, and now resides in Newport; I'anny, born July 23, 1S23, who married J. Addison Glcason, and died in 1S57; Abiathar, born Octobers, 1825, now residing in Newport; Helen, born December 14, 1828, who married Moses R. luncrson, now deceased; Ann, born Decem- ber 30, 1832, who married Arthur 15. Chase, and resides in Newport; Catherine, born Jan- uary 13, 1834, who married the late Ira Mitchell, and now resides in Des Moines, la. Mr. Richards was educated in the common schools and at Ludlow, Vt. l*^arly in life he was employed as a clerk. Later he became associated in business with his father and his brother Abiathar. In 1853, with his father he became a part owner of the Sugar River Mills, the other proprietor being Perley S. Coffin. In 1867 he purchased Mr. Coffin's interest, and became the sole owner. He took his son, Colonel Scth M. Richards, into partnership in 1872, under the firm name of De.vtcr Richards & Son. Some time after, his youngest son was given an interest; and the firm name of Dc.xter Richards & Sons was then adopted. The Sugar River Mills, since Mr. Richards became interested in them, have been operated with marked success ; and it was in the business connected with them that he laid the foundation for his success in after years. Since 1875 Mr. Richards has been a Trus- tee and the President of the First National Hank of Newport. He has also been promi- nently connected with the Newport Savings Bank, wliich was incorporated in 1868. It was mainly through the agency of Mr. Rich- ards, who was a member of the legislature at the time, that the Sugar River Railroad, now known as the Concord & Claremont Branch of the Boston & Maine Railroad, was chartered in 1866. When the road, which first connected Concord and Bradford, was extended through to Claremont Junction, and towns and inrli- viduals along the line were called upon to aid in its construction, Mr. Richards contributed heavily toward the enterprise. He has built extensively in Newport. Some years ago he erected the fine brick structure known as Richards Block; reconstructed and enlarged the Dr. Thomas Sanborn dwelling-house, thus changing it into a substantial block; and erected the fine house which he now occupies as his residence. At various times he en- larged his mills, and he erected many other buildings in different parts of the village. An esteemed member of the Congregational Church of Newport, he has served it in the ca- pacity of Deacon for upward of thirty years. He has also been called upon to fill various official positions of trust and responsibility. In his younger days he was Town Clerk and Selectman. He was elected to the General Court in 1865, 1866, 1870, and 1895. In 1S72 he was a delegate to the National Repub- lican Convention, and in 1871 and 1872 he was a member of the Executive Council of the State. He was twice a delegate to the con- ventions for revising the State Constitution, and he was State Senator in 1887. He has also been and is now a trustee of various in- stitutions, among which may be mentioned Kimball Union Academy, the Orphans' Home, and the New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane But Air. Richards is, perhaps, best known in the role of a public benefactor. Among his gifts to the public may be mentioned that of the Richards Free Library to the town of Newport. Including the fine brick buildings, a museum in one part of the building, and a collection of three thousand volumes, its cost BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW was fifty-five thousand dollars. Another was the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, con- tributed to the erection of a high-school build- ing. This is to be a large brick edifice, modern and convenient in every respect. This gift was at first twenty-two thousand, but he has since informed the building com- mittee that he desired to make it twenty -five thousand, in order to have the structure com- jjletcd to his satisfaction. His contributions to the Congregational church for various im- provements amount to ten thousand dollars, and his contribution toward the completion of the Concord & Claremont Railroad, eleven thousand. His out of town donations raise the total of his public gifts to upward of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. The private gifts which Mr. Richards has made from time to time, and which have been large and numerous, are withheld from the public knowledge. On January 27, 1847, Mr. Richards was united in matrimony with Louisa Frances Hatch, who was born in Hillsborough, April 10, 1827, daughter of the late Dr. Mason and Apphia (Andrews) Hatch. Dr. Hatch, who with his family became a resident of Newport, was for years one of the best known physicians of the town. Mrs. Richards has had si.x chil- dren, of whom three are deceased. The others are: Colonel Seth M. Richards, now the State Senator from this district ^ Mrs. Josephine E. Gilc, the wife of Professor M. C. Gile, of Coloj-ado College, and llic mother of five chilch'en; and William F. Richards, a graduate of Harvard College, and, as before mentioned, now actively connected with the Sugar River Mills. Colonel Richards, born June 6, 1850, in Newport, was educated in Kimball Union Academy, and later was en- gaged in business in Newport and in I^oston. Taken into partnership by his father in 1872, he assisted him in carrying on the great busi- ness. Since the retirement of his father the business has been continued under the old firm name of De.xter Richards & Sons. In politics Colonel Richards is a Republican. He was Town Treasurer early in life, a legis- lative Representative in 18S5, a member of the staff of Governor Sawyer in 1SS7, and Town Treasurer again for two terms. He is now the Senator from District No. 7. He is Vice-President and Director of the First Na- tional Bank, Trustee of the Newport Savings Bank, President of the Newport Improvement Company, Trustee of the Electric Light Com- pany, and President of the Board of Trade. He is also President of the Sullivan Musical Association, and a member of the I. O. O. F". , Sugar River Lodge. On October 9, 1878, he married Lizzie M. Farnsworth, who was born in Newport, daughter of Oliver T. and Caro- line (Hunt) Farnsworth. They have three children — Edith J., Louisa F., and Mar- garet E. Mrs. Louisa Frances Richards is a lady of superior endowments, and her genial presence and graceful and courteous bearing make her everywhere welcomed. She is a Trustee of the Mercy Home at Manchester, a Trustee of the Women's Hospital Aid Association in Concord, and also a member of the Reprisal Chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution of Newport. A writer in the work entitled "New Haniiishire Women" ju.stly remarks, "III church and society Mrs. Richards is an acknowledged power, while her tlelightful hos- pitality is a thing long to be remembered by those who have enjoyed it." Like her hus- band, she has been a liberal giver. She has bestowed munificent gifts on the Orphans' Home at Franklin, the Mercy Home at Man- chester, the Women's Hospital Aid Associa- tion at Concord, and the Congregational IMOOUAI'IIIC \I, REVIEW 223 church of this town. Mr. and Mrs. Richards recently celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. On the occasion a brilliant reception was ^ivcn by tlicni to the townspeo- ple and to near and remote relatives and friends, that will long be remembered as a notable social event in the history of the town. KRICMIAII W. WILSON, M.D., who was for fifty years a prominent physi- cian of Contoocook, Merrimack County, was born January 11, 1816, in Salisbury, N. II. He was a descendant of Thomas Wil- son, who came with his wife from Exeter, ]{!ngland, in 1633, and located in Roxbury, Mass. The line of descent was continued by Humphrey Wilson, born in 1628, who mar- ried Judith Ilersey, and settled in Exeter, N. II.; Thomas Wilson, born May 20, 1672, who married Mary flight, and continued his residence in Exeter; Ilumphrc)' Wilson (sec- ond), born December g, 1699, who married I\Tary Leavitt, and located in Rrcntwood, N.II.; Nathaniel Wilson, born June 24, 1739, who married Elizabeth Barker, and settled in Gilmanton, N.II.; and Job Wilson, M.D., born in Gilmanton, who was the father of Dr. Jeremiah W. Wilson. Job Wilson, M.D., removed from his native town to Salisbury, this county, where he prac- tised his profession for many years, finally re- moving from there to the town of Eranklin, locating near the Daniel Webster place, where his son, George W., now lives. He was a very skilful physician, and considered an authority by his professional brethren on small-pox. When that disease was epidemic in New Hampshire, he was employed by the State to take the medical charge of the patients. His death occurred in I'^anklin. He inherited the ancestral homestead at Gilmanton, which was entailed t(j the children of his son. Dr. Jeremiah W. Wilson. His wife, who.sc maiden name was Nancy Farnham, bore him seven children. Jeremiah W. Wils<.n altenth^d the public schools and the acatlemy at I'"ranklin. At the age of twenty he began the study of medi- cine under the instruction of his father. Sub- sequently he attended a course of lectures at Hanover, N.H.; and prior to receiving his de- gree of Doctor of Medicine at the University in Castleton, Vt., he practised with his father and Dr. Ephraim Wilson, his brother. After his graduation he came to Contoocook, buying out the practice of Dr. Sargent, an old and well-known practitioner; and for the remain- ing fifty years of his life he was actively en- gaged in his professional labors, residing for the entire time in the house he at first occu- I)ied. His practice extended over a large ter- ritory, embracing every town and village in this vicinity, and was eminently successful. In the diagnosis of the diseases brought to his notice he was particularly fortunate, being rarely mistaken; while as surgeon his skill was unquestioned. He had a rare delicacy of perception, and a refinement of thought and feeling very gratifying to the sick. Com- bined with these qualities were a decision and firmness of character that inspired confidence, and caused him to be regarded by his patients as a friend and counsellor as well as a physi- cian. A close student, he kept up with the progress of his profession, and as a rule ad- hered to the regular practice, although his brother Ephraim, a physician in Rockville, Conn., was a warm advocate of homoeopathy. Ever heedful of the call of distress, Dr. Wilson gave his time and skill without mak- ing question of compensation; and, being a poor collector, fees amounting to hundreds of dollars, that the debtors could well afiford to 224 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW pay, have long since been outlawed. In his visits to the poor he often contributed neces- sary articles of clothing or food to needy fam- ilies, besides gratuitously giving his services to the sick. Frank and outspoken, he never hesitated to express his honest opinion, and defend it when necessary. He bought a tract of land in Contoocook, and for some years did a little farming, intrusting the manual labor oftentimes to those owing him for professional work and unable to find ready money with which to pay their bills. Although other physicians located in the town, he maintained the even tenor of his way, never forgetting the ethics and courtesy of his profession. He never aspired to political honors, but was al- ways an earnest supporter of the principles of the Republican party. He was held in high respect by his medical brethren, and was a valued member of the County Medical So- ciety. For a time he served as Surgeon of the Twenty-first Regiment of the State militia, to which he was appointed in 1845. On March 31, 1847, Dr. Wilson married Miss Elizabeth Gerrish, who was born Sep- tember 5, 1820, daughter of Thomas and Betsey Gerrish, of Boscawen. She died No- vember 8, 1882, having borne him three chil- dren. These were: Edwin G., Harlan Page, and George H. Edwin G. Wilson, M.D., a graduate of the medical department of the col- lege at Ann Arbor, Mich., practised his pro- fession at Griggsville, 111., Leominster, Mass., and Laconia, N.H., and died in the last- named town, February 8, 1883, at the age of thirty-five years. Harlan Page Wilson, a car- penter by trade, who spent some ten years in the West, now resides on the homestead in Con- toocook, and carries on the farm. The Doctor and Mrs. Wilson took Miss Martha J. Chase into their family when she was a girl of twelve years. She subsequently re)iaid the loving care they bestowed upon her by tenderly watching over the Doctor in his declining years. Both the Doctor and his estimable wife were earnest and sincere Christians in the true sense of the term. Though they were connected with the Congregational church of Hopkinton for a period of fifty years, they worked harmoniously with the Baptist and Methodist Episcopal Churches of Contoocook. While a friend to all in the community, he had a few with whom he was especially inti- mate, among them being Joseph Barnard, of Hopkinton, and Walter S. Davis. In 1890 he had a cataract, which threatened his sight, successfully removed from his eye. In the last years of his life his chief enjoyment was the reading of the leading newspapers and medical journals of the day as well as the choice works of the library. He died in Con- toocook, April 30, 1896, having outlived by a full decade the Scriptural limit of human life. OLIAS LEMUEL BLOOD, a well- to-do farmer and dairyman of Brad- -^ V. , ford, Merrimack County, N. H., was born July 16, 1845, in Goshen, Sullivan County, this State, a son of Lemuel and Eliza (Dodge) Blood. On the paternal side he is of Scotch ancestry and on the maternal of English. His paternal grandfather served throughout the Revolutionary War, and in later life was always called General Blood. After the war he removed from Maine to New Hampshire, locating on Blood Hill in Bradford Centre, his son Moody, who later settled in the South, coming here with him. The (icn- eral subsequently made his home with his son Lemuel in Goshen, living there until his death. Lemuel came from Maine to New Hamp- shire at the time his father did, but located ■ J* I- HOLLIS L. BLOOD. l;in(;R.\nil(AL REVIEW 227 in Goshen, taking up a tract of three iuuulred acres of wild land, from which he redeemed a farm. He was three times married, his first and second wives, named Hates, having l^ccn sisters. lie liad i)y liis liiree unions twcnty- otic chilch'cn, his hast wife, formerly Miss Eliza Dodge, being the mother of five, namely: George I""., who served in the war of the Re- bellion, taking part in three of the hardest- fought battles ^ Antictam, South Mountain, and another — and died a few years later from the effects of wounds received at the battle of South Mountain; liollis L., the subject of this sketch; Jeannette, wife of Ilarland Wil- cox, of Newport, N.H.; Mark A., of Mel- rose, Mass.; and l'"iank J., who is employed in a shoe factory at Nashua, N.II., and is also one of the special police of that city. One of the older children, Albertus Hlood, was killed September 4, 1894, by the falling of a tree. His widow still lives in Bradford village; and his daughter Ida is the wife of C. VV. Red- ington, of whom a short sketch appears else- where in this volume. Another son. Moody IC, resides in Newport; Harvey is in Cali- fornia; Joel is in the State of Washington; Rocira is the wife of Wellman George, of Manchester; and another sister, Luretta, the widow of Hosea Brockaway, lives in Man- chester. The father, Lemuel Blood, died at the ago of seventy-three years; and at his funeral fifteen of the sixteen children then living were present, five of each marriage. Hollis L. Blood was a bo)- of thirteen when his father died. He remained with his mother some four years, and then began work- ing on a neighboring farm, receiving fifty dol- lars a year, board, clothes, and schooling. When his brother George enlisted, he went back to the home farm, continuing there until twenty years old. After that lie again worked out as a farm laborer, his wages being twenty- five dollars a month; and he soon came to Bradford Centre, where he was employed for two seasons by K. W. Dodge. He then bought a half-interest in the saw-mill of Wadleigh & Scavey in the village of l?radford, and for eight years, in company with Ben- jamin E. Wadleigh, carried on an e.xtcnsivc business in custom trade. He made money, starting in with a capital of one hundred dol- lars, and clearing one thousand dollars above all expenses. Selling his interest in that mill, he purchased another one, and eventu- ally he repurchased his former mill, running both for a year or two with John E. French as partner. Later Mr. Blood carried on the entire business himself for a time, owning both of the mills, one of which he dismantled, and the other he sold. He then bought the steam mill; and three years afterward he sold that, and purchased a grist-mill in the vil- lage, which he operated four and one -half years, at the same time having a large trade in grain and fet;d. In March, 1890, giving up milling, in which he had been engaged for twenty-four years, he bought a new store in the village, on the site of an old business house, and for three and one-half years he was engaged in the sale of general merchandise. In the fall of 1893 he disposed of his store, and bought the Jonathan Peaslee farm, an old landmark of the town, one mile west of the village. He has since added to his acreage, his estate being nearly two miles in length. He carries on general farming, including dairying, for which he keeps ten or more cows. On November 24, 1S67, Mr. Blood married Miss Frances L. Seavey, who was born in Newbury, a daughter of Andrew Seavey, now residing in the village of Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Blood have three children, namely: Mabel F., wife of Frank P. Craig, of Bradford BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW village; L. Estelln, who was educated at the New London Academy, and teaches at Brad- ford in School No. 6; and Nettie E., who is yet a school-girl. In politics Mr. Blood is a firm advocate of the principles of the Republican party, and besides serving several years as secretary of the local committee has been a delegate to numerous conventions. He is an active mem- ber of the School Board, having the super- vision of two schools, Nos. 6 and 12. He is j)rominent in Masonic circles, belonging to St. Peter's Lodge, No. 31, F. & A. M., in which he is a Past Master, and is now serv- ing his third term as Worthy Master, being one of the most enthusiastic workers in the organization. He is also a member of Massa- secum Lodge, No. 34, I. O. O. F., in which he has passed all the chairs, and is likewise a member of the Grand Lodge. Mr. Blood is a very genial, social man, popular with his townspeople. He has a most cosey and attrac- tive farm-house home, which it is a pleasure to visit. LVA;/ILLIAM E. MUDGETT, a well- /5%/ known merchant of Contoocook, son of Calvin H. and Julia (Fisher) Mudgett, was born in P'ranklin, Merrimack County, September 16, 1855. His great- grandfather came to New Hampshire from Maine, and settled at Holderness. The grandfather, William Mudgett, was born at Holderness, now Ashland. In his young manhood he went to Bristol, where he was subsequently engaged in farming, and died in his ninetieth year. His wife's maiden name was Huckins. Calvin H., son of William and the father of William E. Mudgett, was formerly a resident of Bristol, where he was engaged in farming find lumbering, owning large tracts of timber land. He now resides in Contoocook, to which he removed seven or eight years ago, after retiring from active busi- ness life. His wife, Julia, died eight years ago at Bristol. He has one daughter, Nellie, wife of Henry Eastman, now deceased, who was formerly a farmer of Contoocook. William E. Mudgett spent his boyhood at Bristol, where he remained until he was six- teen years of age, attending the New Hamp- ton Institution. At the age of sixteen years he entered Stearns Carpet Store, now kept by the Stewart Comjjany, where he remained for four years as a clerk. He then travelled as a " salesman for various Boston houses, visiting the principal cities of the country, and selling to the jobbing trade throughout the Middle, Western, and Southern States. In the course of time he secured a half-interest in the firm, after which he found it necessary to leave the road, and take personal charge of the store. He began business as a store-keeper in April, 1890, succeeding T. B. Richardson. His stock usually amounts to about ten thousand dollars. He ships grain in the shape of bran, meal, gluten, linseed, and middlings, at the rate of one hundred and twenty-five or one hundred and thirty carloads per annum. For thirteen years he has also speculated in cider apples, buying up large quantities all over New England, especially in Connecticut, averaging about two hundred carloads per season. Of late years he has done more busi- ness in apples than formerly. He is a stock- holder of the New England I-'ruit Company at Concord, and has supplied the comiiany with a large share of their apples. Mr. Mudgett was married at Contoocook, September 16, 1876, to Lona Chase, daughter of Thomas and Mary Parsons Chase, of the same place. Mr. Chase was the popular landlord of the old inn at Contoocook, which was also kept by him during the war. He JJIOOK AI'IIKAI, RKVIFAV 229 (licil tluTo since tlic marriage of his daughter I.oiia, in iiis eighty-eighth year. His wife still lives, being now in her eighty-sixth year. Mr. Miulgett's children are: Nellie May, a graduate of IFenniker High School and now a teacher; Lillian ]., also a graduate of llen- niker High School, class of 1896; and Will- iam Chase, a student at Menniker High School. Mrs. Mudgett died February 10, 1897. In politics Mr. Mudgett is a Republi- can, and he has served on various commis- sions, lie belongs to Kearsarge Lodge, No. 23, and the encampment of the L O. O. F. at Contoocook, having passed all the chairs of the lodge. IIAKLES A. JEFTS, a pro.sperous business man of Langdon, was born in Putney, Vt., January 27, 1S53, son of .\l|)honso M. and Almira (Clough) Jefts. lie comes of a family whose founder emigrated from Fngland some time in the seventeenth century, settling in liillerica, Mass., and whose descendants made their home in that State for many years. Jonathan, the great- grandfather of Charles A., born in Townsend, Mass., was the first to seek a home in the Granite State. The last years of his life were spent in the town of Mason. ITosley Jefts, the father of Alphonso M., and a native of Mason, removed to I^angdon, where he was en- gaged in farming, and afterward died. He married Abigail Green; and they had eight chiklren, respectively named: Harriet, Luli- ana, Caroline, Roxanna, Albert, Aljihonso M., Eli, and Panielia. Alphonso M. Jefts, a native of Antrim, N.H., was born in March, 1815, and died June 18, 1891. He settled on a farm in Put- ney, \'t., but afterward came to Langdon, which was subsequently his home for forty years. He had no political ambition, and he was an attendant of the liipiscopal church. Almira, his wife, who wa.s born in Westmore- land, N.H., December 25, 18 15, daughter of John Clough, of Stamford, Vt., had nine chil- dren — Mason, Maria, Abigail, Harriet, Mary P., Mira A., Fred F., John W., and Charles A. Mason, now deceased, was born in Put- ney, followed the occupation of farmer, and spent his life in Al.stead. He married Ca- lista Clark. Maria is the wife of ]5enjamin Wales, a broker in Taunton, Mass., and has two children. Abigail and Harriet died in girlhood. Mary P., who is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College, has been engaged in teaching for fifteen years, and is now the French teacher of the Worcester High School. Mira A., who was educated at Mount Holyoke College, is the wife of Lester Sprague, a hard- ware dealer of Hartford, Conn., and has one chikl, Mary A., now Mrs. Chauncey Urainard, of Putney, Vt. Fred F. , who was educated at Chester Academy, and is in the paper man- ufacturing business in Carthage, N.Y. , mar- ried Carrie Adams, of Bellows Falls, Vt. , and has one son, Clyde A. John W. Jefts, who was educated at Ashburnham (Mass.) Academy, and is a farmer of Langdon, married Hattie Simpson, of this place. Charles A. Jefts received his education in the schools of Langdon and Fort Edward Col- lege, New York State, graduating therefrom in the class of 1874. Upon his return from college, he took up farming with his father on the homestead, of which he is the present owner. Besides attending to his farm duties, he does a limited business as a broker. While he has always made Langdon his home, he has taken a number of pleasure trips to various parts of the country. The esteem in which he is held is evidenced by the fact that his towns- men have elected him to serve them in many of the principal town offices. In religious 23° BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW belief he is an ICpiscopaliaii, and serves the society in the capacity of chinch waiilen. He is a mcniljcr uf the ■rranu.e. )AUREN S. CLOUGH, farmer and stnctc-raiscr of Loudon, was born in Alton, N. IL, March 5, 1842, son of Samuel and Ruth (I'hilbrobk) Clnugh. His grandfather, Samuel Clough, a native of Gilmanton, N. H., and a resident of that town for the greater part of his life, was one of the sons of three brothers who settled in Gilman- ton. Samuel spent his last years in Alton, N. H., where he died January 21, 1828. His wife, Rhoda (Carr) Clough, survived him until July 3, 1840. They had four children — Hannah, John, Samuel, Jr., and Eliza, all now deceased. Samuel Clough, Jr., lived on the old home- stead for some time and then came to Loudon, and subsequently lived there fifty-eight years. He was engaged in farming for the greater part of his life. During his residence in Alton he was one of the Selectmen of the town. He married Miss I'hilbrook, and they had five children, as follows: Myron, born December 2, 1833, who married Elizabeth Prescott, of Alton, and is now a farmer in Gilmanton; Miranda, born March 22, 1835, who is the wife of George W. J. Johnson, and resides on a farm in Pittsficld, N.II. ; l^liza Jane, born January 8, 1840, who now lives with her brother, Lauren S., on the old Imnie- stead; Lauren S., the subject of this biogra- phy; Ruth Ellen, born y\j)ril 28, 1844, who successively married Oliver Ihitchinson, (jf Loudon, wlic) died, and Allen Anderson, of California, a machinist by trade, and now lives in San Francisco, Cal. The father died July 19, 1S89, and the mother June 23, 1874. Lauren S. Clough always remained at home with his parents, receiving a good eilucatimi in the best schools of the county. After the death of his father he took charge of the old homestead. He now owns one hundred acres nf lanil under cultivation besides seventy-five acres of pasture land. The property has been much enhanced in value by the erection of sev- eral substantial buildings. liesides carrying on the farm successfully, he is also engaged in stock-raisitig to a considerable extent. On June 3, 1877, Mr. Clough married iMibie Sarah Weeks, of Loudon, a daughter of Ste- phen H. and Elizabeth (Haines) Weeks, both of whom are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Clough had four children, of whom one died unnamed in infancy. The others are: Grace, born May 8, 1878, who resides at home; Ethel M., born February 27, 1880, now attending school in Loudon ; and Gertrude, born May 29, 1882, living at home. Mrs. Clough died December 3, 1884. Mr. Clough has always been a Republican in his political life, while he has never been an office-seeker. He is a Deacon of the F'ree Baptist Church of Loudon, of which church his sister is also a member. lEWIS D. HAINES, a prominent farmer and large land-owner residing in Northfield, was born in this town, February 7, 1845, son of the late Benja- min Haines and his wife, Martha (Kennison) Haines. The father, born in Ep[)ing, was (jnly four years old when his father, George L. Haines, settled in Canterbury, this county. After living there for some years, father and son came lo Northfield and settled on the homestead now ociiipied by Mi-. Lewis Haines, anti which was then known as the I'^llison place. Benjamin Haines was a farmer by occupation. He died June 29, 1878, leav- ing a good name and a fair estate to his chil- BIOGRAI'MICAL REVIEW 231 (Iicn. 1 1 is wile, Martliti, wlio was Ijoni in Caiilcii)tiry, diud July 18, 1 8y6. 'I'hc eldest of tliuir liiicc children, George li. Haines, M.D., is a well Iviiiiwii phj'siciai) of X'alley I'"alls, R.I. He married Dora liabhit, who is now deceased. The youngest child and the only daughter, Miss Ida M. Haines, who was horn Novend)cr 3, 1848, and was educated at Tilton Seminar)', resides with her brother on the homestead. She is well known in the social life of Northficld, and is an active member of the Congregational church of that place. Lewis D. Haines, the second son of his parents, attended the ccmimon schools of his native town. Since then he has always lived on the home farm, and has been engaged in farming. After the death of his father he took entire charge of the estate, which has been much ini[ir(i\-oil in his hands. He is the owner of about five hundred acres of land. Bedsides carrying on general farming exten- sively, he does considerable dairy business. He keeps about thirty head of cattle, and shij)S milk to the Boston markets. Always a hard- working man, he has never sought jiublic ofTice. He is a good Republican, and has al- ways voted that ticket. Both Mr. Haines and his sister are members of the grange at Til- ton and regular attendants at the meetings of that organizatit)u. Mr. Haines's farm was formerly owmed by Richard Ellison, wh(j was the grandfather of General Butler. |I1.\RLES ASA IIOLDKN, a well- to-do farmer of Langdon, was born in this town, August 4, 1833, son of Asa and Mary Ann (lilvans) Ilolden. Ed- mund Holden, the father of Asa, was a native of Shirley, Mass., and the first of the family to settle in Langdon. He was a prosperous farmer and stock-raiser. In 1796 he married Susan Rock wood, of Groton, Mass., and be- came the father of si.\ children, ijorn as follows: Amantia, in 1797; Suka, in 1799; Edmund, in 1802; A.sa, May 30, 1804; Rockworul, in 1809; and Sophronia, in 1813. Asa Holden taught school for a number o| years in different towns. Then he purchased a farm, and was engaged in carrying it on until he gave up active work, some twelve years before his death, which happened De- cember 12, 1885, when he was over eighty-one years of age. He was a Deacon of the Con- gregational church for many years. Mary Ann (Evans) Ilolden, his wife, was born in Rockingham, Vt., in 181 1, and died in Sep- tember, 1874, aged si.xty-thrcc. Their chil- dren were: Charles Asa, Mary E., George H., Henry M., Luella V., and Edward M., all of whom were born in Langdon. Mary E. , the elder daughter, now deceased, who was born January 26, 1835, married Samuel K. Upton, formerly of Langdon, now of Ac- worth, N. H., and had two children — Mary L. and Hattie L. , respectively the wives of Charles Barney, of Claremont, N. H., and William II. Wilson, of Langdon. George II., born July 29, 1838, who lives in Walpole and is a farmer, married Jane Allen, of Walpole, who died leaving two sons — George N. and Charles H. Henry M., born October 14, 1840, -who is a successful farmer in Langdon, married Emma Dinsmore, of Alstead, N. H., and has three daughters — Edith, Etta M., and Dora. Luella V., born December 12, 1845, is the wife of Orr Wallace, an Alstead farmer, auctioneer, and trader in land and stock, and has no chiklren. Edwaril M., born Ajjril 21, 1851, who is a farmer in Walpole, N. H., mar- ried Lora 1*". Burt, a native of WaljJole, and has no children. After completing his education, which was acquired in the town schools, Charles A. 232 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Ilolden carried on the home farm for a time. Later he bought the farm on wliich lie now lives. liesides tilling his land, he has given considerable attention to stock-growing, and has raised a large number of o.xen. He was Selectman of the town for fourteen years, and Chairman of the Selectmen for several terms. In 1S73-74 he was a Representative in the State legislature, and served on the Industrial School Committee. He is an attendant of the Congregational church. On November iS, 1862, Mr. Holden was united in marriage with Miss Emily A. King, who was born in Acworth, N. H., March 29, 1835. She is a daughter of Captain Samuel King, who died August 29, 1S77. Her par- ents had fourteen children, who all attained maturity. Mr. and Mrs. Holden have three children — Emily Corinne, Charley Clyde, and Allen K. Emily Corinne, born October 6, 1863, is now the wife of George Winch, a school teacher in Manchester, N.H., arid has one child — Emily J., born in November, 1892. Charles Clyde, born January 10, 1S66, now a travelling salesman for a jewelry firm in White River Junction, Vt., married Marcia Billings, and resides in Sabattus, Me. He has two children: Clyde T., born in March, 1895; and an infant son, Royal Charles. Allen K. Ilolden, born August li, 1870, who lives on a large milk farm in Newton, Mass., married 1"" ranees Wingate, of Mooers Forks, N. Y. iHARLES A. IIUKER, an energetic and successful farmer of Northfield, was born January 12, 1846, in Melun, France, near Paris, son of MelhcLU' and Katherinc (Farney) Huber, both also natives of Melun. His father, who followed the sea during the active jjeriod of his life, died in France, August 21, 1855. Mr. Huber's mother, having survived her husband but three days, died August 24. Melheur and Katherinc F. Iluber were the parents of four- teen children, as follows: Petre Paul, who died in the army; Joseph, who resides in Pennsylvania; Louis, who lives near Manches- ter, N.H. ; Alexander, a bricklayer of Con- cord, N. H. ; Victorine and Amelia, who are still residing in France; Eugene, a resident of New York State; Charles A., the subject of this sketch; Albert, who is residing in the West; Emile, of Manchester; Melheur and John, neither of whom emigrated to America; Carl, who is deceased; and Hector, who is in the shoe business in Buffalo, N. Y. Charles A. Huber was educated in the com- mon and high schools of his native country. After completing his studies, he entered the F"rench army, with which he served eight years. In 1870 he emigrated to the United States, where four of his brothers had already found a home. He first settled in Manches- ter, where he was employed for some time. Subsequently he was for two years engaged as a tlori.st in Concord. After his marriage he was employed as a gardener in Franklin for three years. Then he bought the Gross farm, situated near Tilton village in the town of Northfield, where he now resides. He owns one hundred and seven acres of fertile land, and is an extensive grower of garden truck for the city markets. On April 21, 1879, Mr. Huber was united in marriage with Henriette Larivire. She was born in St. Mary, P.O., April 16, 1845, daughter of John and Bridget (I)ayer) Lari- vire. John Larivire was a carjienter by trade. Both he and his wife always resided in Can- ada. Mr. and Mrs. Huber have four cliiUhen, namely: Albert, born I'ebruary 26, 1880; Louise, born February 5, 1882; Ora, born P'ebruary 15, 1883; and Lottie, born June 21, JJlOGRAl'UlLAL RKVIKW 1S.S5. In pdlilics Mr. Iluljcr is a JJcmocrat, ami lie has scrx'ocl with ability as Roail Siu- vcyi)!'. lie lias hilmrcd industriously for the prosperity he now enjoys. lie had the mis- fortune to have his house destroyed by fire in 1895. Now he has a pleasant and comfort- able home. lie is a member of the St. John the I?aptist Society, and the family attend the Roman Calliolic church. kURKIM. .MOOR I'"., a prominent aimer and cattle breeder of Northfield, was born in this town, November 18, 1829, son of Morrill S. and Sarah (Hancock) Moore. His grand- father, I^zekiel Moore, passed the most of his life in Canterbury, N.ll., where he was en- gaged in farming; anil his last days were spent in Bristol, N. II. The father, Morrill S. Moore, was born in Caiiterbury, October 29, 1798. He settled in Northfield, and folUnved agriculture until his death, which occurretl May 14, 1860. His wife, Sarah, born in Northlield, Ajiril 7, 1794, became the mother of five children, namely: Orpha, wlio died in infancy; Clarissa, born April 18, 1827; Polly, born May i, 1828; Morrill, the subject of this sketch; and Merrill, born March 4, 1831. Clarissa, who married Joseph Cross, a farmer of Northfield, and died June 12, 1S97, had nine children — I'rank, Clara, Sarah, Albert, ]'"red, Warren, Flora, Charles, and Walter. Clara and Warren are deceased. Polly Moore married Willis Gray, of Northfield, and died leaving one daughter — lunma J., who is the wife of Joseph Nealey, of Nottingham, N. H. Merrill, who died February 26, 1889, wedded for his first wife Caroline I>ake, of Canterbury, who died in i860. A second marriage united him with Mary Heath, of the same town, who had three children: Clara and George, now decea.sed ; and Sadie, who is the wife of P'red Watson, of Northfield. Mrs. Morrill S. M«ore died October 24, 1858. Morrill Moore acquireil a common-school educaticjn and was reared to farm life. He re- mained with his parents, assisting on the farm, and afterward followed agriculture. In 1878 he moved to his present farm, which contains three hundred acres, and affords him ample opportunity for general farming and cattle breeding. He makes a S|)ecialty of raising thoroughbred Devon stock, and also jjroduces a large quantity of superior butter. On March 3, 1858, Mr. Moore was joined in marriage with Lavina A. Hu.se, who was born in Camp- ton, N. PI., September 3, 1834, daughter of Daniel M. and P^liza (Dudley) Husc. Her parents, who were natives of Sanbornton, re- sided in Campton, from which town they moved to Northfield, and settled upon the farm now owned by Mr. Moore. They reared three children, as follows: Lavina A., who became Mrs. Moore; Sarah family, born September I, 1840, who married 15. W. Plummer; and Ann P^liza, born January 8, 1845, who married George P'. l^lanchard, a farmer of Canterbury. Daniel M. Iluse died September 3, 1883; and his wife died January 17, 1888. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have had five children — P>liza Abbie, P>ank H., Cora E., Delia A., and Arthur G. Eliza, born May i, i860, died December 30 of the same year; P'rank PI., born March 25, 1862, is now a grain dealer in Laconia; and Cora E. , born January 12, 1864, married Oliver Taylor, a blacksmith of La- conia. Delia A., born May 11, 1867, who married George A. Dearborn, a native of Hill, N.PP, now lives in Concord, where her husband is in the grocery business. She has two children: Mildred A., born September 17, 1892; and Plarold M., born December 19, 1896. Arthur G. Moore, born June 26, 1872, 234 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW is in the live-stock business, and is one of the most popular young men in Northfield. In politics Mr. Morrill Moore is a Democrat, and he has been Tax Collector for six years. He is connected with the Northfield Grange, and is one of the most practical and successful farmers and stock-raisers in this locality. ILLIS JORDAN, a well-known agri- culturist of riainfield, who gives special attention to dairying and poultry raising, was born in this town, Sep- tember lo, 1850, son of William R. and Esther (Spaulding) Jordan. The Jordan fam- ily, an old and prominent one of this town, has produced men of high integrity and of stanch loyalty to the nation. Its first repre- sentatives in America were among the early settlers. Later the family gave the country stalwart and steadfast soldiers for the old French and Indian War, for the War of Inde- pendence, and for the second war with Eng- land, as well as defenders of the Union in the great Civil War. James Jordan, grandfather of Willis Jor- dan, is believed to have been the first of the family to settle in Plainfield. He was a very ])rosperous farmer, and was held in high re- spect by his townspeople. His wife, whose maiden name was Kenyon, bore him a large family of boys; namely, William R., Ray- mond K., Timothy I.., Anthony W. , James W. , Jarvis J., and Johnson. Raymond, by trade a cooper, was engaged in that business at Plainfield, and also did some farming. Timothy L. was a stone mascjn and farmer, and lived in this town. Anthony W. was also a stone mason of Plainfield. James and Jarvis were farmers in this town, and lived here throughout their lives. All of these sons married, antl had families. Johnson died young. William R. Jordan, father of Willis, born at Plainfield in the year 1S07, died in 1865. He took up the occupation of farmer, and worked so energetically and successfully that at his death he owned the large farm known as the Abel Stone place. He acquired this through his own efforts, unaided by his father or by others. While not a seeker for political honors, he never failed in his duties as a good citizen. He married Esther Spauld- ing, who, born in 1805, daughter of Simon Spaulding, of Plainfield, died in 1S90. The eight children of this marriage were: Lewis S., Sophia, Henry C. , Rosamond, Harrison H., MaryM., Darwin F., and Willis Jordan. Since Grandfather Jordan settled in Plainfield, the men reared in this family have found occu- pation in this their native town, and have been l^rominent in affairs. Lewis Jordan is living at Plainfield, a prosperous farmer. Sophia, now deceased, married Mr. Dodge, of Plain- field. Henry is unmarried. Rosamond be- came the wife of Willard Hayward, who is now deceased. Plarrison H. died some years since. Mary is Mrs. Sidney Sanborn, and the mother of several children. Darwin, who is engaged in farming, married and has a family of children. Willis Jordan was the youngest of his par- ents' children. He helped his father on the farm until he came of age. Then he struck out for himself, and has since been a successful business man. He is extensively engaged in general fanning, but devotes himself espe- cially to dairying and poultry raising. He has always given close and careful attention to the details of his business, which characteristic, joined to his thrift and industry, has gained for him general esteem. Mr. Jordan married Ella S. , who was l)orn September 20, 185 1, daughter of Albert K. Reed, a wealthy PlainfieUl farmer. Her three mOGRAl'HlCAL KEVIKW 235 children arc: WcslL-y \V. , born May 8, 1S76; Heriiic-c !•;., l)iirn January 27, 1X83; and Ral|ili K., Jiiirn Nnvcnihcr 13, 1887. Wesley Jordan is now a student at IJartnioiitli College, having fitted for that institution at Kimball Union Academy. The two younger children are still attending the town schools f)f I'lain- HcM. —«•«•»■•— RANK ]•:. RANDALL, Postmaster of I'ittsfield and an ex-nieniber of the New Hampshire legislature, was born in til is town. May 5, 1 842, son of Thomas li. and Mary G. (rickering) Randall. llis grandfather, Robert Randall, a prosperous farmer of Lee, N. If., died in that town at a good old age. R(}bert's wife, who reached the age of eighty years, was the niotiier of two sons, neither of whom is living. Tliomas 1). Randall, the elder of Roljcit's sons, was born in l.ec. W'lien a young man lie learned the l)lacksniith's trade, which he afterward fidlowei! in I'ittsfield for some years. In 1S45 he went to Manchester, N. H., and was employed in the .\moskeag factory until his death, which occurred in 1850, at the age of forty-two years, lie was a rugged and able- bodied man, capable of much hard work, and had the esteem and good will of all who knew him. Although not an aspirant to pidjlic office, he took an earnest interest in pcditical matters. Lie was a niendier of the liaptist church. His wife, Mary G., was a daughter of John Pickering, of Barnstead, N. H., and a descendant of John Pickering, an early resi- dent of Portsmouth, N.II. She became the mother of seven children, of whom the sur- vivors are: John N. Randall, M.IX, Frank Iv, Kvelyn, and Olive, all of whom were born in Pittsfield. Dr. Randall, a graduate of the Harvard L^niversity Medical School, was for- merly Assistant Surgeon in the regular army, and is now jtractising his profession in Deca- tur, 111. He wedded Mary Thatcher, a native of Penn.sylvania, and has one daughter — Ikr- tha T. Kvelyn is the wife of Charles K. Co.\, of Manchester, and has four children — Walter, (juy, Louis, and Channing. Olive married Robert I. .Stern, of Manchester, and has no children. Mr.s. Thomas H. Randall lived seventy-two years. I'rank K. Randall passed a porti^ field, was born in Barnstead, N. H., April 22, 1S20, son of John and Sally (Sew- ard) Adams. Four of his ancestors came from England ; and one of them, who was a Congregational minister, settled at Newing- ton, N. H. William Adams, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a carpenter by trade, ^e was also a farmer ; and he resided in Barnstead all his life, attaining the age of seventy years. He supported the Whig party in politics, while his religious belief was that of the Congregational denomination. He married Hannah Jacobs, who had four chil- dren, and lived about eighty years. John Adams, eldest child of his parents, was born in Barnstead. When a young man he learned the carpenter's trade, which, with farming, was the main occupation of the active period of his life. He resided in Barnstead until his death, which occurred when he was seventy-eight years old. In politics he was a Whig. His wife, Sally, was a daughter of George Seward, of ]?arnstead, whose death oc- curred at about the same age as that of her husband. She was a member of the Congre- gational church. She became the mother of twelve children, eight sons and four daughters, eight of whom are living. These are: Pea- body H., Frank, George W., Nathaniel W., Alvah, Hannah, Mary, and Nancy. Frank married for his first wife a Miss Taylor, of Lowell, who had one daughter, Susie. For his second wife he wedded a lady named Holt, who had three children — Abbie, Blanche, and l''rai)k, Jr. Cieorge W. married a Miss Ware, of Lowell, Mass.; and his children are; El- vira, Lyman, Sadie, Clara, Raljih W. , and Arthur W. Nathaniel married Amanda Blake, and has one son, William. Alvah married Amanda Green, and has one son, Lewis. Mary is the widow of Eliphalet Miller, and has no children. Nancy is the widow of a Mr. Novin, late of Minneapolis, Minn., and has three children — P""red, Clara, and Ida. Peabody Hodgdon Adams was educated in the schools of Barnstead and Loudon, N. H. After completing his studies, he learned the carpenter's trade with his father, and subse- quently followed it and farming for many years in Loudon. In 1S65 he moved to Pitts- field, where he bought a farm located on Con- cord Hill; and he resided there until 1876. In 1874, with his son, Frank W. , he formed the firm, V. U. Adams & Co., who have since conducted a profitable general mercantile busi- ness. On March 15, 1847, Mr. Adams wedded Martha S. Wells, daughter of Stephen Wells, of Loudon, N. H. Of their three children two are living — Elizabeth and Frank W. Elizabeth is the wife of Clarence Johnson, of Pittsfield ; and her children are: Scott A. and Edward L. Frank W. married Hattie Marston, daughter of John Marston, of this town, and has one daughter, Abbie A. Mrs. P. H. Adams died October 17, 1893. In politics Mr. Adams is a Republican, and he has served with ability as a Selectman for three years. He attends the I'ree Will ]5ap- tist church, of which the late Mrs. Adams was a member. f^OSEl'H RUSSELL, E.so., a merchant of Sunapee, was born July 8, 1836, son of Jonathan and I'luebe (Hazelton) Russell. His father, Jonalliaii Russell, a na- JOSEPH RUSSELL. BIOGRAI'IIICAL KEVIKVV 239 tivc of Manchester, N. II., horn July 20, 1801, wlio was an industrious, harcl-\vorl5 1 well-known wholesale grocer and provision dealer of Concord, was born in Loudon, N.H., February 13, 1847, son of Moses W. and Abigail (Tilton) Dick- erman, the latter of Ale.xandria, N. H. He is of German ancestry on the paternal side, and amonn' his ancestors were some of the 254 ]!I( )c;raphic.\l kkview minute-inen of the Revolution. His father was for twenty-seven years a master mechanic of the Concord Railroad Company. George O. Dickerman received his educa- tion in the public schools of Concord. At the age of seventeen he entered the employ of Ward Humphrey & Co., of this city, as book- keeper. Two years later he became assistant cashier for the Northern l^ailroad Company. For two years thereafter he was in a retail grocery store in this city. In 1871 he en- gaged as travelling salesman with Briggs & Shattuck, a prosperous business house in Bos- ton, with whom he remained for fifteen years. He then, in 18S7, established a wholesale grocery and provision store in this city, which has become one of the largest houses in that line in the State. In politics Mr. Dickerman is a stanch Republican. He has officiated as Alderman two years, and has also served as Commissioner of Cemeteries since that com- mission was inaugurated, being also Secretary of the Board. On September i, 1868, he was united in marriage with Mary A. Staniels, of Concord. They have two children — Luella A. and Ger- trude K. Mr. Dickerman is a Mason, and has always taken a deep interest in the Masonic order. He has been highly honored by the fraternity, having been Master of Eureka Lodge, also Conimander of Mount Horeb Com- mandery, K. T. ; and he is at present at the head of y\cacia Chapter of Rose Croi.v, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, being a Mason of the thirty-second degree. He is also Presi- dent of the Webster Club, a social organiza- tion. (<-j|-(XSl':rH BARNARD, third, a promi- nent agriculturist, horticulturist, stock- grower, and lumberman, of Ilopkinton, Merrimack County, N. II., was born Novem- ber II, 1S17, on the farm that he now owns and occupies, he being the third of the name to hold a title to it. His grandfather, Josejjh Barnard, the first of the name, so far as known, a native of Amesbury, Mass., coming to New Hampshire in 1765 or 1766, purchased land in the south-east part of Hopkinton. The land was bought of the Rev. James Scales, the first settled minister in Hojikin- ton, it having been granted to him by the original proprietors, John Jones and others. Grandfather Barnard lost his title to that land, as others did of their lands in the vicin- ity, by the claims of the "Bow Company," so called, and was given in e.Kchange by the pro- prietors the land, previously unallotted, on which he established his home, and which is now occupied by his grandson and namesake, as mentioned above. It may be added as a part of this historical reminiscence that some land in the north-west part of the town of Hopkinton, north of the Contoocook River, was laid out in lots and sold at auction, to pay the expenses of the controversy with the Bow Company, the price received from the buyers, who were the Whites of Portsmouth, being ten cents an acre. The Barnards of Hopkinton are probably descendants of Thomas Barnard, an early set- tler of Salisbury, Mass., who was one of the first Selectmen of that part of the old town that in 1668 was incorporated as Amesbury. Among his chiklren were, it is said, a son Thomas, born in 1641, and Nathaniel, born in 1643. A Nathaniel Barnard, of Ames- buiy, evitlently of a later generation, married Ruth I'rench, of Kingston, N. H., and was the father of twelve children, including sons Joseph, Thomas, and Tristram, and a daugh- ter, Mehitable, who married a Currier, and lived to be one hundred and three years old. Joseph Barnard, first, son of Nathaniel and niOGRAl'lllCAL REVIEW 255 l\utli, was horn in Amcsbury, Mass., Jaiui.iiy I J, 17.57. Ill iy(>6 he rcniovcd to Hopkiii- tmi, as statcil above, and, cstabl isliint^ a home lu'fc, worked as a fanner and sliip- eai-penter until iiisdcatli, November 13, 1.S15. Ilis lirsl wilC, Rhoda Currier Barnard, whom lu' niari'ied in Anu'sbnry, died on April 7, 1794, leavini;" one tiaui;bter, Ivhoda Currier, who married ICzra Morrill, of llopkinton, and lived to the \-enerable age of ninety-three years. Joseph Barnard, first, married ftn- his second wife Mrs. Olive 151ake Male, widow of Captain John Hale, an officer in the Revo- lutionary War. They had two children, Jo- sepli, second, born May 6, 179S; and Sarah Ann, born Ajoril 12, i79cS. Sarah Ann Barn- ard became the wife of Joshua Fierce, of Warner, but s]ienl her last years in Manches- ter, N.ll., where her death occurred August 22, 1869. Joseph Barnard, second, lather of the pres- ent Joseph, the special subject of this bio- j;raphical sketch, was born, lived, and ilied on the okl home farm, the date of his death being March 15, 1870. He did his full share of the jiioneer work begun by his father, adding to the improvements already made on the original purchase of one hundred and fifty. acres, clearing, fencing, and draining a large part of it. Mis father was somewhat as- sisted by slave labor, as is clearly shown by the copy of a deed now in the possession of Joseph Barnard, third, it being a bill of sale, dated March 29, 1777, given him by Ruth Currier, of Kingston, N.H., conveying unto him a negro man named .Seeko. Mr. Barnard has likewise the indenture of a boy of thirteen years old, dated in 1769. This deed of sale proves conclusively that slavery once existed in the old Granite State, although the con- trary has been persistently asserted by some high in authority. Joseph Barnard, second, was a man of far ni'ue Inan ordinary iiusnicss ability. He invested largely in realty, anri at his death owned several thousand acres in various townships, mostly timbered land, val- ued at seventy-five thousand dollars, one tract alone in Boscawen being appraised at fifty- two thousand (hdlars, while his entire estate amounted to about eighty thousand dollars. Naturally progressive, being quick to perceive the merits of anything new, he was the first to introduce Merino sheep and also Saxony sheej) into the town ; and in 1838 he received the first prize for the finest e.vhibit of wool in New \'ork. In June, 1S16, Joseph Barnard, seconti, married Miriam J. Eastman, who was born on Horse Hill, Concord, N. H., December 6, 1799, a daughter of William liastman, a Revolutionary soldier. They reared the fol- lowing children: Joseph, third, whose name appears at the head of this sketch; Sally Ann, born April 3, 1819, who is now the willow of Daniel 1'. Dustin, late of Contoo- cook; Mary Jane, born August 29, i82[, now the wife of Charles N. Tutlle, of Contoocook ; William Iv, born May 27, 1S23, who died at Edgcrton, Ohio, April 2, 1884; and Rhoda Currier, born l-'ebruary 19, 1827, who mar- ried Ur. liphraim Wilson, and died August 4, 1852. Mrs. Miriam J. Eastman Barnard died September 17, 1869. Joseph Barnard, third, remained with his parents until twenty-two years old, the last ]iart of the time receiving ten dollars a month for his work on the farm; and while still in his minority he served four years as Ouarter- master in the old Fortieth New Hampshire Regiment. After leaving home he spent two years as clerk in a store at Contoocook, and then went to Lowell, Mass., where he learned the stone-cutter's trade, working at first for one dollar and a half per day, and boarding 256 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW himself, but in a year receiving full wayes. He was subsequently taken ill with the "Tyler Gri[)," an influenza similar to "La Grippe," with which so many of us are fa- miliar. President Tyler, it will be remem- bered, made a tour of the Lowell mills and factories, interesting himself in the industries of the city; and- on the second day of his stay, after large parades of civil and military com- panies, and ten thousand patriot girls dressed in white, he made an excellent speech of two hours' duration, in which he acknowledged the benefits of the tariff. In the following session of Congress, it may be added, he signed the tariff bill. The epidemic which broke out two weeks after his visit in Lowell was given his name. While recuperating, Mr. Barnard returned to his boyhood home: and when there he pur- chased from his father a tract of timber land for eight hundred dollars, buying it, however, in opposition to his father's advice. Estab- lishing himself then in the lumber business, he carried it on for thirty-five years, meeting with good success from the start. He sup- jilied timber of all kinds for use in ship-build- ing, his operations e.vtending over several townships, in which he erected or hired mills, employing at different times forty men. The tallest mast timber in the State is found in the valleys of the Contoocook, Blackwater. and Warner Rivers, the regions in which he carried on his lumbering. During the late Rebellion he furnished much of the timber for naval supplies, and all the large timbers of "Ironsides," and most of the material for the "Kearsarge," which has recently been de- stroyed. In the Granite' Montldy of May, 1893, is an article written by Mr. Barnard concerning the "Timbers of the Kearsarge," in which it is stated that Mr. Barnard and the Hon. J. II. Butler, of Nottingham, were asso- ciated in 1S60 in Ne\vbur)[)ort, Mass., in handling oak timber for ship-building, and in 1 86 1 were called upon to furnish timber for gunboats, said timber to be of first quality. White oak is in its best state when from eighty-five to one hundred years old; and this they found in large quantities on a hill near Tyler .Station in Hopkinton, N. H., and soon had a large force of men at work getting out white oak and yellow pine, sending to the Portsmouth Nav}^ Yard a large part of the white oak of seven hundred and fifty thousand feet of timber for the building of the famous boat that received its name from the Kear- sarge Mountain, which stands in plain view of the spot whereon its timbers were hewed. Mr. Barnard resided in Contoocook twenty- five years of this time, and while there built in 1849 the Contoocook Valley Railway, ex- tending from Contoocook to Hillsborough, fourteen and one-half miles, he being superin- tendent of construction, and furnishing much of the timber used. For 'several years he was officially connected with the road. He has also been Fire Claim Adjuster of the Concord Division of the Boston & Maine Railway for some years, an office that takes him quite often over the two hundred miles under his charge. Four years after the death of his father Mr. Barnard removed to the parental homestead, which he inherited; and he has since devoted much of his time to farming pursuits. He settled this estate, and has also settled many others in Merrimack County, usually by request, sometimes on commissions to appraise for ta.\ purposes; and he is often called upon to estimate the timber on large tracts of land. For several years Mr. Barnard had charge of the water-power at Contoocook; and in 1870 and 1871 he represented that town in the State legislature, where he was one of the Committee on Towns and Parishes, lilOCR AI'IIICAL REVIEW 257 aiul worked for the establishment of a State Reform School. He was a member of the New Hampshire State Constitutional Conven- tinii in 1.S.S9. At tlie time of the war for the Union he was the enrolling officer in the Twentieth District, and the mainstay of the widows and fatherless, who trusted him im- plicilly, and whose confidence was not mis- placed. As a stock-raiser and daii)nian Mr. 15arnard breeds the Guernsey cattle, which he exhibits at the various fairs in this section of the State, invariably securing prizes, both on cattle and dairy products. It was largely throa,L',h the exhibitions of stock that he has made that the Deerfoot Creamery was locatetl at Contoocook, and his herd of Guernsey has stocked many of the large New England dairy farms. In the culture of fruit of all kinds he takes great interest; and at a horticultural fair in Concord, when over a hundred ex- hibits were entered, he took thirteen prizes and sweepstakes for the finest fruits. He is a member of various agricultural and horticult- uial societies and a contributor to many of the journals. In pcditics he was in caidy manhood a Democrat, and voted for Franklin Pierce for President, but since that time has supported the principles of the Republican party. On October 26, 1849, ^^^- Barnard married Maria Gcrrish, who was born April 15, 183 i, a daughter of Abiel and liliza (Dodge) Ger- rish. Her father was born on tlie present site of the county farm in Boscawen, and her mother in that part of Merrimack County now inchuled in the town of Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Rarnard are the parents of eight chil- dren, the following being their recoril : Ellen Maria, born March i, 1851, died January 6, 1886; Jo.seph Henry, born October 12, 1852, died July 9, 1855; Abiel Gcrrish, born Janu- ary 8, 1S55, was a lawyer in California; Jo- seph B., born March 17, 1S57, died October 23, 1863; Mary Eliza, born January 11, 1859, is the wife of Jonathan I'"owier, of South Sioux City, Neb. ; George Edgar, born No- vember I, 1864, married Miss Bertha S. Tyler, of Hopkinton, and now carries on the home farm; Rhoda Frances was born June 28, 1867; and Charles Lewis, born March 28, 1870, died December 29, 1S95. /^STeORGE E. HILLIARD, a well-known V ^ I gun manufacturer and a leading citi- zen of Cornish, is a native of Clarc- mont, where he was born August 26, 1838. He is descended from the Rev. Avery Bill- iard, a Unitarian clergyman, who, coming to this country from England with his brother, resided for a time in Sutton, Mass., and after- ward settled in Cornish, being the first of the name in the town. The Rev. Mr. Hilliard was twice married, and had in all ten chil- dren. His son Benjamin was grandfather of George E. Hilliard. Benjamin, who was born in Sutton, came to Cornish with his parents, learned the carpenter's trade, and worked at it throughout his life. Although never neglecting to take part in town affairs or to cast his vote, he was not an aspirant for political honor.s, and never held office. His wife, christened Roxana Hall, was a daughter of Dr. I. Hall. Their children were: David H., Frank, Gilbert, Catherine, Harriet, Esther, Eliza, and Caroline. Frank, now de- ceased, was a carriage-builder of Nicholville, N.Y. He was twice married, and had six children. Gilbert, who was a machinist, en- listed for service in the Civil War, and was killed in 1863 at New Orleans. Catherine, deceased, was the wife of Lyman Bartlett, and the mother of five children. Harriet, also de- ceased, married Job Williams, of Plainfield, 2S8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW and had three children, all of whom are liv- ing. Esther was Mrs. James Hudson, of Lynn, and the mother of four children. The mother and three of the children have since passed away. Eliza married John Hudson, of Lynn, and had two children: John P., now President of the Bell Telephone Company; and Elizabeth, the wife of Samuel J. Hollis, one of the largest shoe manufacturers of Lynn. Caroline Hilliard married Horace Demming, a well-known farmer of Cornish; and she has three children living. David II. Hilliard, the eldest son of his father, was born in Cornish, December 3, 1806. After finishing his course of study in the town schools, he learned cabinet-making, and worked at that trade for five or si.x years. Then he went into the employ of Thomas Woolson, of Claremont, building stove patterns, the castings from which were made in Tyson, Vt. It is claimed that he got out the pattern for the first cook stove that was ever made in this country. He was the in- ventor of the Yankee Cook Stove, the first stove having an elevated oven. In 1848 he began the manufacture of guns; and subse- quently he made the Hilliard gun, which is known all over the United States. He con- tinued in this business up to the time of his death in 1877. During the war he was au- thori/.ed by the town to pay the soldiers. He was Justice of the Peace for twenty-five years, and for many years he was a member of the State Democratic Committee. He was always very active in town affairs, and might always be counted upon to take a zealous part in the discussion of any measures that came up be- fore the town meeting. Very determined and a man of intense energy, when once he had made up his mind to follow a certain course of action nothing could prevent his fc^lhnvinii it to the end. Lor llie last fifteen years of his life he was engaged to some ex- tent in civil engineering. In 1835 he married Sarah A. Smith, of Claremont; and she be- came the mother of Charles N. and George E. Hilliard. Charles N., who was born in Claremont, June 5, 1836, and was educated in the Cornish schools, began business life in his father's shop, learning the gunsmith's trade. He worked with his father for five or six years, and then went to Ilion, N.Y. , to work for the Remington Arms Company, where he is still employed as foreman of one of the departments. He successively married Sarah Weld and Belle Sherborn, both of Cor- nish. There were three children by the first marriage and four by the second. After leaving school George E. Hilliard went to work on the Vermont Central Rail- road in the ca]iacity of locomotive engineer, and continued in that business for seven years, during which he was employed at differ- ent times on all the branches of the road. Subsecjuently he w-ent into the gun business with his father. Since the death of the latter he has carried on the business alone. Mr. Hilliard has been Constable for fifteen years. District Clerk for two years, and Justice of the Peace and Notary Public for fifteen years. He has also been clerk of the School Hoard for two years and the Postmaster for about twenty years. He is a Royal Arch Mason, and has been Master of the Blue Lodge. He is greatly interested in taxidermy, and has a very large and valuable collection of birds, stuffed and mounted by himself. lie is an authority on the ornithology of this region. His whole-souled, genial manner, amiable hospitality, and ever-read)' wit have made for him a host of friends. Willi (|uick sympathy, he is always reaily to heli) a friend in a hard place or to lighten the burdens of the unfort- unate in general. BIOURAl'IlICAL RE\ I l-.W 259 Mr. Ililliard married Ella M., daii( a ruial weekly news- jKipcr in the -State of New York, he began sup- porting himself in part by furnishing news and articles for various local and other publica- tions. .Siil)sc(|nciitly he became a school officer, in which capacity he has served thir- teen years. Being of a judicial turn of mind, and by the advice of friends, he secured com- missions as Justice of the I'cace and Notary I'ublic, and has re|ieatedly in his own town and elsewhere presided at justice trials, besides acting as a general adviser of his neighbors and townsmen on a variety of -legal subjects. Mr. ]. Old's literary tastes ])rompted him to compile "Life and 'I'imes in Ilopkinton, N. II.," a volimie containing nearly six hun- dred pages of local history, biography, and statistics, [)ublished by the town in i8go. lie has also written and published a series of thiee local sketches, "Maiy Woodwell," " riie Lookout," and "Abraham Kimball," each containing a chapter of early romantic history told in blank \erse, interspersed with original articles in rh)'me. At the recpiest of friends in Concord, N.IL, Mr. Lord wrote and published "Poems of Penacook, " which con- tain many items of the early history and tiadi- tions of New Hampshire. Resides many metrical effiisions in various periodicals, lie is represented in "The Poets of New Ham|)- shire" and the "Poets of Maine," vidumes recently published. In 1873 and for the two or three ensuing years he was employed in the State teachers' institutes, both as a reporter and as a lecturer, his special themes of in- struction being anatomy, physiology, and hy- giene, as applicable to the uses of parents and teachers. In 1880 Mr. Lord was the United States enumerator of the census for the district of Ilopkinton. Of late years, being specially interested and practically skilled in the art of research, he has done considerable work in making historical investigations for people and persons from different places. He was the projector of the organization of the Sons and Daughters of Nathan Lord, which has held two reunions in .South Berwick, Me., and of which he is the corresponding secretary, as well as the chairman of its historical commit- tee. Mr. Lord has never married. UKTIS LRAXKl.I.X LIAVIN, an enterprising provision dealer of Plain- field, was born in this town, April 24, 1850, son of lirastus and P'anny (Nash) Lewin. Among several of the members of the family who have achieved distinction in busi- ness and professional pursuits may be men- tioned Judge Lewin, an eminent jurist and a wealthy resident of Hartford, Conn. The father of I'lrastus, Cranston Lewin, who was born May 6, 1777, came from Hartford, Conn., to Plainfield when a young man, and was en- gaged in farming and butchering for the rest of his active jjeriod. He married Esther P'uller, who was born in Plainfield, June 23, 1787. They had four chiklren — Louisiana, Erastus, Cranston, and Benjamin. Louisiana died when quite young. Cranston became a con- tractor and builder in the West, and died unmarrieil while still a young man. Benja- min, who was a butcher and provision dealer in Hartford, Conn., for a number of years, spent his last da3"s in Plainfield. His second wife was Lucy Walker, of this town, who bore him six children. 264 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Erastus Lewin was born in Plainfield, June 17, 1817. In early life he engaged in farm- ing, and also operated a saw-mill for some time. He disposed of the mill to enter the butchering business, which he carried on with success for thirty years; and his last days were passed in retirement upon his farm. He served in some of the town offices, but re- frained from accepting important positions in public affairs, as the demands of his business would not permit it. He was a general favor- ite in the community on account of his genial disposition, and he was widely known through- out this section. Erastus Lewin died May 12, 1893. He was three times married. His children by his first wife, Fanny Nash Lewin, were: Chailes H., born January 31, 1844; Laura, born September 21, 1845; Curtis F., the subject of this sketch; Emily, born May 9, 1S51 ; Hattie, born December 8, 1853; and Byron, born March 24, 1856. Charles H. en- listed in the Nineteenth Regiment, Massachu- setts Volunteers, and died in Andersonville Prison. Laura, who did not marry, remained at home until her death, which occurred De- cember 19, 1892. Emily married I'klwin Hall, a carriage painter of Cornish, N. H., and died March 13, 1893. Hattie became the wife of Aden 15artholomcw, a shoe-cutter of Plainfield, and died March 10, 1893, leaving three children. liyron, who is now in the butchering business in Hanover, N. II., mar- ried Katie Reed, and has three children. The second wife of I'>astns Lewin, .Susan Walker Lewin, bore him five childien, as follows: Anna, who died at the age of thirteen years ; Benjamin, a meat dealer in Manchester, who married Hattie Blood, and lias two children; Katie and Norman, both of whom died in in- fancy; and Palmer, who married Nellie West- gate, of Plainfield, has si.v children, and is in the meat business in Manchester. The father's third marriage was contracted with Olive P. Clark. The only child of this union, P>ank C, now a travelling salesman, is married, and lives in Davenport, la. Cnrtis I'ranklin Lewin acquired a practical education in the schools of Plainfield. Hav- ing learned the meat and provision business with his father, he has since followed it with success. Besides carrying on his meat busi- ness, he owns and cultivates a good farm situ- ated within the limits of the village. His enterprise and close attention to business have won for him considerable wealth. In 1875, October 6, he married Lucy M. Clough, who was born March 30, 1S56, daughter of Charles S. Clough, of Grantham, N.H. Mr. and Mrs. Lewin have had nine children, born as fol- lows: Charles, June 17, 1S76; P'anny, March 29, 1878; Robert E., August 11, 1881; Mary E., P'ebruary 17, 1883; Carl, August 4, 1884; Leroy, June 2, 1887; Ruth H., July 5, 1890; Catharine E., in October, 1891 ; and Margue- rite P:. , March i, 1896. Of these Robert Iv , Ruth II., and Marguerite ¥.. are living. In politics Mr. Lewin is a Democrat, but he takes no active interest in iiublic affairs. Devoting his whole time to his business and the care of his farm, he is one of the busiest men in Plainfield. Sharing the musical talent of the Lewins, he often uses it for his own amusement and that of his family. XDRh:W JACKSON KICLLICV, i'ostmaster of Dimond Hill, llopkin- ton, a successful agriculturist of this town, and one of the brave men who fought in the late war, was boin Januaiy 22, 1835, in Webster, Merrimack County, son of Timothy and Jane (Hurbank) Kelley. Timo- thy Kelley was born December 25, 1778, in Kilcoloman, County Waterford, Ireland. lie NAPOLEON B. HALE. IIIOCK \rill(\|, KKVIFAV 2f)7 was an ofTiccr in tlic Irisli rcliullion, and on ils sii|>|ircssinii L'.si.-a|)clecognizing the need of uniformity in this particular, he has formulated a simple anil practical rule, which he hopes to have legalized as the court rule by the legislat- ure. It provides for computing the annual in- terest, which is the legal interest in this State, on interest-bearing notes covered by partial payments, at different rates of per cent., and when there are odd months and days. 'I'he method of doing this is judjlishcfl in a pamphlet copyrighted by the author, in the belief that it meets a long-felt want. Colonel Rolfe married Sarah Ivli/.abeth Call, who, born in West Hoscawen, now Webster, died in 1881. A daughter, JJzzie I'^, who was for twenty-two years a teacher in the schools of I'enacook, survives her. Colo- nel Rolfe is a veteran fireman, having been connected with the pioneer engine company of I'enacook for thirty years. He was manager for many years of the old Merrimack County Agricultural Society. The Colonel is an es- teemed member of Horace Chase Lodge, No. 72, F. & A. M., of Penacook; and of Contoo- cook Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows. In politics he is a Republican, and he cast his first Presidential vote for Henry Clay in 1844. His religious belief is the Congre- gational. I R A M r A R K 1: R , Postmaster of empster, and an ex-member of the i® V» New Hampshire legislature, was born in this town, July 3, 1830, son of Benjamin and Olive (Nichols) Parker. His grandfather, Joseph Parker, moved his family from New Ipswich, N.H., to Lempster, first settling in the northern part of the town. At a later date Joseph removed to the farm now owned by his grandson. While he owned and successfully conducted a farm, he was also en- gaged in the manufacture of potash. His death occurred March 14, 1835. He married Sarah Wright, a native of Washington, N. H.; and his children were: Sally, Jeremiah, Joseph, Benjamin, Jonas, Bateman, Almena, George, and Hiram. Benjamin Parker, who was born in New Ipswich, came to Lempster when he was three years old. He was engaged in farming; and he attained prominence in public affairs, serv- 274 ISIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ing as Selectman, County Road Commissioner, and Representative to tlie legislature. In politics he was a Democrat and in religious belief a Universalist. He died in 1S45. His wife, Olive, was a daughter of Timothy and Ann (Carey) Nichols, of Lempster, who had eight children; namely, Polly, Cynthia, Eunice, Olive, Lavina, Niantha, Timothy, and Troop. Benjamin Parker's children were: lunily L., Hiram, and Hosea \V. luiiily is now the widow of Ransom P. Beckwith, late of Lempster, and has two children — Walter P. and Hira R. Walter P. Beckwith, who is the principal of the State Normal School in Salem, Mass., wedded Mary Sails, of Adams, Mass., and has one daughter, Fanny. Hira R. Beckwith, now an architect and builder in Claremont, married Tibbie Martin, a native of Springfield, Vt. The Hon. Hosea W. Parker, who was a member of Congress, and is now an attorney in Claremont, married Louvisa Southgate, of Bridgewater, Vt. His only daughter, Lizzie S., is now the wife of the Rev. Lee McCoUester, of Detroit, Mich., and has two children — Parker and Catharine. Mrs. Benjamin Parker died March 10, 1887. Hiram Parker acquired a common-school ed- ucation. He was but fifteen years old when the death of his father made it necessary for him to take the management of the homestead farm. In 1887 he moved to the village, and engaged in business at his present stand. His store, stocked with a good assortment of general merchandise, is largely patronized, and brings him a good income. At the same time conducting his farm of one hundred and fifty acres, he is one of the busiest men in town. Politically, he supports the Demo- cratic party; and he is a leading spirit in local public affairs. For thirteen years he has been a member of the Boartl of Selectmen. He was Town Clerk and Treasurer for two years, he served on the School Board for si.x years, he represented this town in the legislature in 1863 and 1864, he served on the State Board of Agriculture for nine years, and he has been Postmaster for the past four years. Ac- tively interested in the Patrons of Husbandry, he was formerly Master of Silver Mountain Grange, No. 196, and is now a member of Pomona Grange of Sullivan County. Both he and Mrs. Parker are members of the Univer- salist Society, which he serves in the capacity of secretary. On October 11, 1854, Mr. Parker was united in marriage with Helen G. Moore. She was born in Lempster, June 16, 1836, daughter of Charles and Aira (Beckwith) Moore. Her father, who was a native of Bol- ton, Mass., settled upon a farm in this town soon after his marriage. He died in 1870; and his wife, who was born in Lenity, N. H., died in 1882. They were the parents of four children, namely: Harriet, who became the wife of J. N. Butler, M.D., of Lempster; George, who married Almina Weed, of Unity; Helen G., who is now Mrs. Parker; and Charles Austin, a travelling man, who married I^lla Smith, of Ludlow, Vt., and resides in Rutland. Mr. and Mrs. Parker have had four children, namely: Fred C, born June 2-j , 1858; Frank B., born May 29, i860, who died in 1863; Jennie L. , born November 10, 1864; and Carl Austin, born April 28, 1879. Fred C, who graduated from the Agricultural Col- lege in Hanover with the class of 1880, is now a merchant in Acworth, N.II. He wedded Mary Stafford, of Lempster, who has had two children: Bertha, born in March, 1893, who died in infancy; and Leslie Iliram, born No- vember 13, 1S95, who died January 5, 181)7. Jennie L., a graduate of the Claremont High School, is now the wife of Herbert !•". Olm- BIOORAI'HICAL REVIKVV 275 stead, who is a native of Sutton, Canada, and a i I cessfnl and enterprising farmer (if llop- v^jx kinton, was born in Ilennikcr, N. H., August 21, 1828, son of James and Lydia (Kimball) Connor. His great-grandfather, David Connor, or O'Connor, and two brothers, all natives of Ireland, were the first settlers of the name in the district. The brothers settled in I'!.\eter, near Lake Winiiepesaukce. David, who took u\) his residence in Ilennikcr, was a Revolutionary soldier. His son James, grand- father of James M., and who was later in life called Captain James, was born in Henniker. The Christian name of his wife was Dorcas. When the subject of this sketch was three years old, his parents came to the south part of Hopkinton; and the father died there at the age of fifty-eight, having been an invalid for some time. The mother survived him for years, living to be seventy-five, ami dying at her son's' farm. Their children were: Isaac K., Harlowe, Lydia, and James Madison. Isaac is a mill-owner and carpenter in Warner, N. II. llarlowe is a carpenter, ami lives in Lancaster, N. H. Lydia is the widow of Enoch Danforth, and lives in Hopkinton, near Stumpfield. James Madison Connor learned the car])en- ter's trade, and followed it for several years. Afterward he purchased the small farm on which his sister now lives, reconstructed the buildings, and engaged in farming. The added responsibility of caring for his invalid father seemed to spur him to greater effort and better success. In the eight or ten years he spent on the first farm he bad saved one thou- sand five hundred dollars. This sum he in- vested in a "rim down" farm of one hundred acres, which by extensive imjjrovements he made a profitable place. llere he has made a specialty of the dairy business, keeping about twelve cows the year round, and making but- ter of the highest grade on a large scale with the use of the hand separator and other modern contrivances. At the World's Fair his dairy products carried off the medal with a score of ninety-nine points, while he also received a diploma for his disiday. He has often exhib- ited elsewhere, and always with the most gratifying residts. llis annual product, which is from two thousaiul i'lvc lumdred pounds to three thousand pounds, is taken by jjrivate customers among the best families of Concord at the maximum price now of about thirty -one cents. His dairy stock is of the Guernsey breed, and his cows average nearly three hun- dred pounds of butter a year. He has been President of the State Dairymen's Association since its organization, ten years ago. The exhibit at Chicago was given under the aus- pices of this Association, they sending a man to take charge of it. About twenty years ago New Hampshire had no rank as a dairy State; but at the Fair it took the lead both as regards quantity and quality^ and that in a number of competing displays. There are now about fifty creameries in the State, a fact that is largely due to the work of the Association. Mr. Connor is also the President of the Guernsey Cieamery Company at Contoocook. A writer 292 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW for the press since he was twenty years old, he has been a valued contributor to agricultural publications on dairy matters and general farming. He has also read papers before the Board of Agriculture. He has been a mem- ber of Union Grange since its organization twenty years ago ; the Master of Pomona Grange for some time; a member of the E.xec- utive Committee of the State Grange; and the chairman of the committee composed of all Masters of Pomona Granges in the State, and chosen to consider the subject of improving the roads. He is a Director and Trustee in the Grange Fire Insurance Company, which does a large business; and he is Treasurer of the Merrimack County Grange Fair Associa- tion. The latter, which is a grange organiza- tion ex'clusively, holds fairs at Warner, the old centre for such enterprises. On December 20, 1859, Mr. Connor mar- ried Judith M., daughter of Ira A. and Han- nah (Muzzy) Putney, of Hopkinton. They had four children — Maria P., Carrie J., Charles H., and Grace li. The first two live in Waltham, Mass., Maria being the wife of Frank Kimball; Grace is at home; and Charles H., who was born September 24, 1872, died October 18, 1S96. Charles was a bright and popular young man, and his death left a sad blank in the community as well as in his home. He was elected Master of Union Grange before he was of age, and served two years. At the time of his death he held the office of District Deputy Inspector of the Grange. Mrs. Connor died May 9, 1877; and Mr. Connor married again Sejjtember 6, 1881, taking for his second wife Catherine Hoyt Watson, daughter of Joseph G. and Catherine (Parmelee) Hoyt, of Newport, N. H. He is a member of the Congregational church, and he has been the su]ierintendcnt of the society's Sunday-school. In jiolitics he is a Democrat. RED BEAN, a progressive and skilful farmer of Warner, was born September 30, 1857, in Waterloo, Merrimack County, son of William H. Bean. His pater- nal grandfather, Daniel Bean, a native of New York State, was reared to manhood in Newburyport, Mass. Afterward he moved to Waterloo, where he spent his remaining days. William H. Bean worked at the wheel- wright's trade more or less until he started in the lumber business in company with his brother Daniel. He subsequently purchased the mill, and had carried on the manufacture of lumber alone for a number of years when he sold out in 1872. Thereafter he confined his attention to the management of his farm. This property is located in the lower edge of Waterloo, and is now occupied by the widow of his son Walter. He married Mary S. Colby, daughter of Philip S. Colby, who owned the farm just opposite his. She died in 1871, and he in 1892, at the venerable age of eighty-one years. They had a family of eight children, namely: Philip, who is in the hardware business in Concord, N. H. ; Will- iam H. Bean, Jr., who was agent at the Hillsborough railway station for fifteen years, and died in 1S91, at the age of fifty-three; Walter H., who was mail agent on the Bos- ton & Maine for twenty years, kept a hotel in Claremont for a time, and died at Warner in P'ebruary, 1S95, at the age of fifty-five years; Harriet E. , who resides in Warner, and is the widow of Henry M. Seavey ; Sarah, who lived but a short time; Charles A., who died at the age of ten years; Fretl, the sjiecial sub- ject of this sketch; and Mary Lizzie, who died at the age of fifteen years. A coincidence of dates is noted regarding the births of the three older children. The first was born April 24, 1836; the second, April 24, 1838; antl the third on March 24, 1840. HERMAN W. GREENE. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIP:W 29s I'rccl Rcan remained at home until his mar- riage, there obtaining a |)ractical experience in general agricuituial work. On ()ct(jl)er 15, 1877, he married Miss Frances A., daughter of l'"rancis and Aliigail (Gage) Robbins. Innnediately after he moved on to the Rolibins homestead, which be has since conducted. Mr. Robl)ins was born July 9, 1S15, in Mason, N.II. In early life he engaged in the lumber business at Enfield, N.ll. 1 1 ere he was mar- ried to Abigail Gage, who was born in that town, December 10, 18 14. Subsequently he carried on the same business in connection with farming in the town of Sutton, coming from there to Warner in 1873, and erecting tiie bouse now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Bean. 15oth he and his wife continued their residence here during the remainder of their lives, be dying December 10, 1884, and she December 31, 1893. Mr. Robbins, who possessed rare business ability, was a man of fine appear- ance, tall and well iimijortioned,. weighing two hundred and fifty pounds. . Besides carrying on the grain and lumber business in Warner for several years, he was an extensive land- holder, owning three farms in Warner and one in Sutton. He bought a good deal of land for the sake of the timber, raising stock on it after clearing it. lie made a specialty of sheep- raising, in which be had great success. In politics he was a Democrat, and both he and his wife were Adventists in religion. After his marriage Mr. Bean continued the sheep-raising business commenced by Mr. Robbins, in addition to carrying on the farm- ing. He also superintends one of the other farms, the other two having been disposed of by him. He keeps a large dairy, which brings him the most profit; and he has engaged to some extent in breeding fine roadsters. Mr. Bean was one of the incorporators of the War- ner Glove Factory, and is now a Director. He is also a Director in the Farmers' Fair Asso- ciation. In Masonry he is quite prominent and active. l'"or three years he was Worthy Master of Harris Lodge, No. 91, V. & A. M., of Warner. He has served as Dictator and Deputy Grand in the Grand Lodge; and for a year he was High Priest of Wood Chapter, R. A. M., of Hennikcr. He has also been closely associated with the leading interests of the town, having served as Selectman for three years, being the Chairman of the Board for two years of that time. In 1889 he was elected a Representative to the State legis- lature, where he was active as a member of the Committees on Insurance and on Towns. A stanch Republican, he attends all the local party conventions. He takes deep interest in educational matters, and rendered valuable aid to the community as a member of the Free High School Committee for a period of three years. Mr. and Mrs. Bean have one daughter, Stella May, a girl of thirteen years. The three members of the fanriily belong to the Baptist church. In the society Mr. Bean is a Deacon and the superintendent of the Sunday- school. 4-**«-« ERMAN WELLS GREENE, for- merly a lawyer of considerable note -^ V^___, in Hopkinton, was born here, April II, 1836, son of Herman H. and Ellen Chase (Little) Greene. His only brother died at the age of fourteen years; and his only sister is now the wife of a Mr. Roberts, of Philadel- phia, Pa. After receiving his early education in the public schools of Hopkinton and at Pembroke and Gilmanton Academies, he be- came interested in the legal profession, and read law with George & Foster, of Concord, and later with Beard & Nickerson, of Boston, Mass. On his twenty-first birthday he was admitted to the Suffolk County bar. At first 296 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW he practised with Charles E. Pike, afterward with Ithmar W. ]5eard and James P. Sullivan. Subsequently, on account of failing health, he returned to his native place, and did not prac- tise for about seven years. On resuming his profession he was for a time associated with Carlos G. Hawthorne. In politics he was an enthusiast, and he held various ofifices of trust. He was Moderator of the town meeting for over twenty years all together, was Superin- tendent of Schools for five years, and State Representative in 1881, 1889, and 1891. In 1 89 1 he took an active part in the debates of the legislature, and served on the Judicial and Railroad Committees. He was County Solic- itor of Merrimack County five years, during which period he was obliged to be in Con- cord much of the time. In early life a Dem- ocrat, he afterward became a Republican, and served on the Republican State Committees, and generally attended the conventions. He was for a number of years Curator of the Hop- kinton Antiquarian Society, and was Chair- man of the Library Trustees. Before he was of age Mr. Greene married Miss Frances Adeline Willard, of Hopkinton, who was brought up by her grandmother, Mrs. Sophia Tebbets. Mrs. Greene died March 2, 1873, leaving one son, Willard T., now a resi- dent of Hopkinton. On September 18, 1877, Mr. Greene married for his second wife Miss Ansticc Irene Clarke, daughter of Daniel VV. and Ruhamah (Cochran) Clarke, of Canaan, N. H. Mrs. Clarke, who was left a widow by the death of her first husband, married Judge Horace Chase when Anstice was but nine years old; and they went to Hopkinton to live. Mrs. Greene has no children. She still lives in the old Greene homestead, the place which belonged to the beloved mother of her distin- guished husband. Mr. Greene was an accom- plished public speaker, ready with telling ar- gument and bright repartee. He was versatile and quick to discern the drift of legislation. The important positions intrusted to him showed that he had the esteem and confidence of all. For years he was President of the State Republican League, and with that body attended the Baltimore Convention. Throughout his own State he was a noted speaker. In making public addresses he used no notes e.xcept for headings, and never wrote but one address. In his legislative career he was associated both in an official and warmly personal way with Dr. Gallinger, of Concord, the well-known United States Senator. Mr. Greene died of apople.\y, March i, 1896, at the age of si.xty years. He had felt that death was impending, and had shortly before made the most orderly settlement of all his affairs. He was a tall, well-proportioned man, in manners affable and courteous, and in disposition calm and cheerful. Always a man of correct habits, his life was well-nigh blame- less. A warm affection existed between him and his mother, partly because he was the only son left her. He remained with her for this reason, and these family ties kept him from going elsewhere and opening a law office. While he was not a member of any secret so- ciety, he belonged to St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, of which he was Warden. The latter church contains a beautiful family memorial window designed by his niece, who is a noted artist, Miss lUs'ic Roberts, of Philadelphia. He was an unusually well-reatl man ; and he had strong tendencies to art, especially to music. ■^I'AVELL H. WEBSTER, now a prom- inent and affluent resident of Helena, L-? x^ ^ Mont., was born November 29, 1S36, in Henniker, a son of Jesse and Susan C. (Newell) Webster. An account of his niOGRAPHICAL RliVIEW 297 father's life will be found elsewhere in this volume. In his youth Newell was known as a remarkably bri^^ht lad, showing even then the vigor of intellect and strength of character inherited from his mother. After leaving school he learned the tailor's trade from his father, subsequently spending two years as a clerk in IJoston. His health failing, a change of climate was advised; and, little thinking what the future years had in store for him, he bade farewell to his friends, and started west- ward, arriving in Minnesota early in 1861. At Hastings he joined a party engaged in sur- veying for a railway, being employed as chain carrier. His investigating turn of mind and natural desire for knowledge caused him to note the transit's record in a book of his own. Soon after he became expert in the use of the instruments, whereupon the engineer in charge placed him in charge of the transit. When the surveying in that State was completed, he received and accepted a flattering offer of an engagement in the same line of business in Colorado, where he went in 1863. He was subsequently selected to lead an exploring party into Idaho and Montana; and he was at East Bannack, Montana Territory, when the settlement of the district was beginning. Deciding at once to locate in the new and undeveloped region, Mr. Webster identified himself with its interests. Eventually he es- tablished himself in business in the future city of Helena, where he erected the first frame house, fie opened a store for general mer- chandise, and was until recent years one of the leading merchants of that and surrounding towns. Making judicious investments of his money, he has accumulated a large property, reaching close to the million mark, and holds a high position among the most substantial and highly esteemed men of Montana. On May 21, 1876, Mr. Webster married Miss Ella M. Adams, of Helena. He makes an- nual visits to his old home, coming here nearly every summer, and bringing cheer to his aged father before the latter died, for whom he entertained a loving and loyal affec- tion. ■Tf^OSWELL HUNTOON, an enterpris- I S^ ing farmer residing in Langdon, was VP V ^ born in the town of Unity, this county, October 14, 1820, son of Lemuel and Sybil (Palmer) Huntoon. Phillip Huntoon, born in Wiltshire, England, in 16O4, was the immigrant ancestor of this family. The next in line was John. Then came Charles, who was born October 12, 1725, at Kingston, N. H., and died in Unity, May 27, 1819. He was a very prominent man in Unity, and he served in the General Court of the State. He bore arms in both the French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War. His son, Charles Huntoon, Jr., was born in Unity, De- cember 15, 1755, and died January 2, 1838. Charles married Maria Smith, of Kingston, N.H. ; and their union was blessed by the birth of six children — Robert, Jacob, Pollie, Maria, Lemuel, and Erastus. Lemuel Huntoon was born in Unity, No- vember 29, 1793. About the year 1835 he came to Langdon, and lived here until his death, which occurred November 15, 1878, when nearly eighty-five years of age. He was a blacksmith by trade, and his years of active labor were spent at the forge. He was one of the first in this section to espouse the cause of temperance and join the temperance club. Sybil, his wife, was a daughter of Benjamin Palmer. She was born September 20, 1794, and died May i, 1874, in her eightieth year. They had seven children, all born in Unity; namely, Sybil Palmer, Lemuel, Jr., Roswell, Joel, Candace A., Andrew J., and Jane. 298 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Sybil, born February 15, 1817, first married Josiah Prouty, by whom she had one child. She is now the widow of Rufus Guild, and lives in Alstead. Lemuel, Jr., born July 23, 181S, died April 24, 1891, in Lawrence, Mass., where he was engaged in the jewelry business. He married Helen M. Cummings, and had two children. Joel, born October 14, 1S23, who is a surveyor and civil engineer in Topeka, Kan., married Ellen Richardson, of Alstead, N.H., and had seven children. Candace A., born July 12, 1826, was the wife of Samuel K. Elwell, of Langdon, and had two children. Andrew J. and Jane, twins, were born February 29, 1832. She died De- cember 17, 1848, in her seventeenth year. Andrew is a physician in Topeka, Kan., where he also conducts a large livery busi- ness. He married Lizzie P. Foster, of Wal- pole, N.H., and had four children. Roswell Huntoon suijplemented a common - school education by a few terms at Dr. Miner's Military Academy of Unity, teaching school during the winters. On completing his studies he learned the blacksmith trade. Subsequently he took up farming, which he has since followed. For eight years he lived in Charlestown, N.H.; but for over forty years Langdon has been his home. Mr. Huntoon married Electa J. l^lwell, who was born January 20, 1823, daughter of Samuel Elwell, of Langdon. They have had three children — Horace R., Marcella B., and Harlcy J. Horace R., born in Unity, Sep- tember 14, 1843, who was a farmer and tanner, died November i, 1865. Marcella B. , born in Langdon, December 17, 1847, has been an invalid for the past twenty years. Harlcy J., born in Charlestown, July 7, 1S56, is in the gunsmith business at Bellows P'alls, Vt., and is a prominent musician there, playing in the band, and acting as jiromptcr of an orchestra. He married Addie Parkinson, of Langdon, and has three children: Perley H., born in Bellows Falls, July 17, 1879; Edith E., born December 12, 1885; and Florence J., born May 6, 1889. In politics Mr. Huntoon is a Republican. He represented his town in the New Hampshire legislature in 1875 '^^'^ 1876, and was a member of the Committee on P'isheries and Game. He is an attendant of the Universalist church; and, like his father, he has been an active temperance worker. ILLIAM TASKER, one of the prominent residents of Contoocook, was born August 21, 1852, in Pitts- field, this county, son of William and Mary (Lougee) Tasker. The grandfather, Joseph Tasker, and his brothers, John and Paul, re- moving from Newington, near Portsmouth, were the first settlers of Barnstead. . Paul Tasker died leaving no family. Joseph fol- lowed the trade of shoemaker. He married Sally True, of Pittsfield, at which place they both died, he about the year 1878, and she in 1884. His son, the Rev. Joseph O. Tasker, is a Congregational minister at Short P'alls, Epsom township, this county. William Tasker, Sr., another son of Joseph, born in Barnstead, Belknap County, was also a shoe- maker. He was a resident of Pittsfield, where he died in 1859, at the age of forty, leaving one son, the subject of this sketch. William Tasker passed his boyhood in Pitts- field, receiving his education in the academy, and working in a store during his vacations, his father's home being in the village. He yet owns this place, where his mother still lives. Subsequently he worked in the grist- m'ill of Weeks lirothers, until it was burned in 1880. He then came to Contoocook, and worked for a year and a half as miller in the I'.IOCRAI'IIICAL RKVIEVV 299 grist-mill of A. B. VVadsworth & Co., after which he returned to Pittsfield, and bought an ice business, ;ind conducted it for five years. In iS.S':; lie was chosen Selectman, and in the following year he was made Chairman of the Board. Among several matters of importance dealt with by the lioard in the five years dur- ing which he was a member, the most note- worthy was, perhajis, the opening of a system of sewerage in Pittsfield. In 1887, July i, he was appointed l)y the ('ouiity Commissioners superintendent of the Merrimack County Farm at North Boscawen. At that time the farm, which contains four hundred and eighty-three acres of land, was also the location ol the House of Correction. This institution had one hundred and seventy-five inmates, of whom over forty were insane, all being under the charge of the superintendent and his wife. He filled this office efficiently, making such improvements on the farm as to cause it to be regarded as a model for its kind until 1895, when a change in the administration of the county resulted in his removal. On April 1 of the same year he and Mr. Rand formed the firm of Rand S: Tasker, which has since lieen in business in Contoocook. Keeping a stock valued at fourteen thousand dollars, they have a very satisfactory trade. On November 30, 1882, Mr. Tasker married liertha L. Osgood, daughter of Abrani B. and Lucy (Sargent) Osgood, who was born at Loudon, N. II. Mrs. Tasker was in charge of the house while on the County Farm, and to her efficient management is largely due the success of Mr. Tasker's administration of that institution. She had been to some extent fitted for her arduous task, as from the age of sixteen, when her mother died, until her mar- riage, she was her father's housekeeper. Mr. and Mrs. Tasker have three children, namely: Ethel I'rances, born May 15, 1884; William Martin, born September 12, 1887; and Lucy Ik-rtha, born August i, 1892. Mrs. Tasker is a memjjcr of the I'rce Will Baptist Church of Pittsfield. Both Mr. and Mrs. Tasker arc members of Contoocook Grange, P. of IL ON. ISAAC DARWIN MPIRRILL, a well-known public man of Contoo- cook, is a son of Isaac and Mary (Wyman) Merrill, born October i, 1814, in Hopkinton village, N.H. The father, a na- tive of Hollis, Hillsborough County, born June 15, 1784, was a cooper by trade, and worked in Boston, Portland, and Troy, N.Y. When Isaac D. was about a year old, the fam- ily moved from IIo|)kinton to Hillsborough Bridge, where his father was employed at his trade. Later, more than si.xty years ago, he settled in Contoocook, built the house where the subject of this sketch now resides, worked at his trade for some time longer, and died there, September 8, 1883, aged ninety- nine years, two months, and twenty-four days. He is well remembered in the community, among whom he is still sjioken of as "Boss Merrill." He was a man of strong frame and good health, industrious and apt to outdo his coworkers. Shortly before his death he be- came blind; and his last years were spent quietly at the homestead with his son, Isaac Darwin Merrill. He had three wives, whom he outlived. His first marriage was made witli Mary Wyman, of Deering, who died May 31, 1843. She had eight children, si.x of whom, three sons and three daughters, reached maturity. The eldest, Clarinda, married Jo- seph L. Upton, of Contoocook, where she died after passing her eightieth year. Her hus- band, who was a wheelwright, built their house in Contoocook. The second child, the subject of this sketch, is the only one of this 300 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW family now living. The rest of the six re- ferred to were: Milton Wyman, who did not marry, resided with his father, and died in 1S56, at the age of forty years ; James Madi- son, who was also a bachelor, and lived chiefly in New York and Boston; Emily, who married Alonzo Currier, of Contoocook, and died in I^'ebruary, 1896; and Annette, who married Levi F. Mason, of Marlboro, N.LL, and died in 1S92. When ten years old, Isaac Darwin Merrill went to live with an uncle, John Smith, on a farm at Newport. Here he remained until he was fourteen, doing much hard work, and often walking back the twenty-five miles from Hillsborough after visiting his family. After leaving Newport, he worked on a farm in Hillsborough, attending school in the winter and boarding at home. Having learned the cooper's trade, he worked at it somewhat with his father and others in Con- toocook. When about eighteen years of age his father placed him with a store-keeper, who was also, at that time, the [lostmaster of East Wcare. At the age of twenty-one years or thereabout he went to Boston, and afterward worked as a hotel clerk there and in Maiden for about five years. In 1843, having saved about eight hundred dollars, he returned to Contoocook, and in company with his brother, Miltiin W. , started a store, to which he de- voted his attention for several years, although it did not prove a very profitable venture. From 1853 to 1861 he served for much of the time as Postmaster, and in 1843 he was made Justice of the Peace. In the latter capacity he has served continuously for over half a century, doing the greater part of the conveyancing of Contoocook, officiating at many marriages, and settling many estates. Although not a member of the bar, he has an extensive knowledge of law, and re- ceives the full confidence of those whose busi- ness he has conducted. As its Treasurer he handled the funds of the town for more than thirty years. In 1854 and again in 1856 he served in the State legislature, securing the incorporation of the local academy, which has been of much benefit to the village. His money is largely invested in his own town, where he owns much real estate. He has never married. Now, at the age of eighty-two years, Mr. Isaac Darwin Merrill, is a whole- souled, genial man, attending personally to his numerous affairs, in connection with which he visits, with something of his old energy, the business centres to which those duties draw him. Even at his advanced age he is still keen, shrewd, and active. l'i:i. WHITCOMB, a resident of New London, Merrimack County, for -^ V ^ nearly fifty years, was born Decem- ber 20, 1822, in Newport, N. H., which was also the birthplace of his parents, Parmenas and Rua (Hard) Whitcomb. His mother was a daughter of Samuel Hurd, a pioneer settler of Newport. His father's father, Benjamin Whitcomb, removed from Henniker, this county, to Newport at an early period of its settlement. Parmenas Whitcomb was a farmer and lum- berman, and heljoed build a saw-mill in his native town, living in Newport until his death, at the age of eighty-five years. His first wife died at the age of si.xty-seven years, leaving four children, namely: Kuel; Sarah Ann, who was the wife of the late James Emerson ; Lydia, who married Willard Morse, of Minneapolis, Minn.; and Parmenas, of Hanover, N.H., a ])rinter at Dartmouth College. The father subsecpiently married Mrs. Orpha Metcalf, who died a few years later, leaving no children. I!K)(;K AI'IIICAI. KKVIKW 30' Riiel Whitcomb remained with his parents until seventeen years old, wlien he went to Croydon to learn the Idacksniith's trade. lie served an apprenticeship of three years with Dennisiin linniphrey, his father taking his wages. Having mastered the trade, he fol- lowed it for two years as a journeyman, and then entered a .scythe shop in Newport, work- ing there for Larncd & Sibley two years. In I1S49 Mr. Whitcomb came to New London, cii)taining a situation in liie scythe factory at .Scytlu'villc. The plant had then been estab- lisiiccl but a few years, and was controlled by Phillips, Messer & Colby. lie took a posi- tion as tempcrer, and remained there in that capacity forty years, during which period the business increased so that the force of men employed was enlarged from twent}'-four to fifty. In the meantime there were various changes in the firm ; and at the disbandment of the organization in nSSq, all of the original mcmluMs of the company having died, his emplovers were N. 'I', ("ireenwood & Sons. The village, which was once quite thriving, is now almost deserted; and the jjost-office, in which he served during President Cleveland's first administration as Postmaster, had its name changed in January, 1S96, to l^lkins. Mr. Whitcoiub has always been a stanch Dem- ocrat, much interested in his party; and he has attended the vai ions local conventions since a young man. Ml'. Whitcomb was married October 31, 1 84 1, to Miss Samantha R. Crosby, of Croy- don. She died some eighteen years later, leaving one son, Edwin Kuel, of lilkins. He married Nellie Dill, of Gardiner, Me. ; and they have one child, Brainard Edwin Whit- comb. On January 7, i86g, Mr. Whitcomb was married to Miss Lucy A. Woodbury, daughter of Judge John and Nancy (Wells) Woodbury, of W'ilmot Flat. Judge Wood- bury was a carpenter by occupation, and was one of the leading Democrats of his town. He served in the State legislature four years. Mr. and Mrs. Whitcomb have one child, a daughter — Bcrnette S. , who is an accom- ]3lished musician, having taken a thorough course of study in music, which she now teaches with much success. Mr. Whitcomb and his wife are members of the Methodist I'4)iscopal church at Wilmot. lL\KLi:S O. J'lASTMAX, formerly the Postmaster of Claremont, was born October 25, 1824, in Lisbon, N.H., one of the seven children of Nicholas and Hannah (Baker) ICastman. Until he reached the age of twenty-one years he re- mained with his ])arents, receiving his educa- tion in the district schools and the Methodist Seminary at Newbury, from which he duly graduated. After leaving the seminary, he taught schotd for several winters. In 1845 he left home to go to Windsor, Vt., where he remained for five years. Coming to Claremont in 1850, he was first employed in the book- bindery of the Claremont Manufacturing Com- pany. While in their employ he was at- tacked by a serious illness, from which he never fully recovered during the ensuing thirty-five years of his life. This long period was one of patient suffering and of noble struggle with disease. He was a member of the Republican [larty. In 1861 President Lincoln appointed him Postmaster of Clare- mont. Having entered upon the duties of the office on June 17 of the same year, he contin- ued to serve until July 11, 1870, a term of service distinguished by marked ability and faithfulness. He is spoken of as having been most accommodating and exceptionally fitted for the office. Beginning in 1S72, he by care- 302 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ful and honorable methods built up the large and profitable business of the Eastman Insur- ance Agency, which is so widely known. While his integrity was above suspicion, his agreeable manners made many friends for him. Then his judgment was greatly trusted by the companies he represented, and he became one of the most prominent and successful insurance agents of Western New Hampshire. He was a director of no less than four insurance com- panies of the State, and he was regarded as a safe and wise counsellor. To quote the words of one who knew him well, Mr. Eastman was "a pronounced and consistent Methodist. OLiiet in his demon- strations, the spiritual and temporal welfare of his church held a sacred place in the deeper recesses of his heart." In his seventeenth year he had joined the Free Baptist church at Lisbon; but, on locating at Claremont, he united with the Methodist church there. He was for thirty-si.x years the secretary of the Methodist Society, and for twenty-one years its treasurer. Also, for a time he was the Secre- tary of Claremont Junction Camp Meeting Association. His accounts bespoke faithful- ness and accuracy. From the year 1864 he was a prominent member of the Masonic order. October 4, 1893, succumbing at length to the disease which had so long made his life one of patient suffering, he died of cancer at his home in Claremont. He left to the town a perpetual fund, amounting to three hundred dollars, one-half of the annual inter- est to i)e used in the purchase of books for the town library, and the balance for the purpose of caring for the family monument and lot. He also willed the same amount to Lisbon, N. H., his native town, to be used in the keep- ing of his father's monument and lot in good condition, and for the piu'chase of books for the town library. On February 25, 1849, Mr. Eastman mar- ried Eleanor Jane Carroll, daughter of John Prince and Rachel (Powers) Carroll, then liv- ing at Cornish, N. H. Her father was a grandson of the niece of Aquilla Chase. Aquilla Chase, who was noted for his wealth in England, fled to this country to escape per- secution. Mrs. Eastman's maternal grand- father was Ezekiel Powers, of Croydon, N. H. ; and her great-grandfather, also named Ezekiel, was one of the original settlers of Croydon. Her parents had eight other children; namely, Susan, Saphronia, Eliza, Salena, Alonzo, Amanda, Lysander, and Rachel. Susan married J. Wakefield; Saphronia mar- ried George Stockwell, of Croydon; Eliza married Moody Hook, of Cornish; and Salena married Carnovas Gage, of Enfield. Alonzo, who was well known throughout the State, spent an active life. In 1868 he entered into business at Warner, taking his son Edward into a partnership that continued for twenty years. Then the business was sold, and he afterward had charge of the Winslow House on Mount Kcarsarge and of the Kearsargc House at Warner. An outspoken Republican, he never sought political honors; and he was much interested in the welfare of his town. His reputation was that of a man of high integrity and generous impulses. He died April 21, 1S94, leaving a widow and two sons. The former before marriage was a Miss Mar- garet Adams of Warner. The sons are: Edward II. Carroll and Professor Clarence F. Carroll. Professor Carroll, who is a graduate of Yale College, and was formerly a teacher of the Normal School at New Britain, Conn., is now the .Suiierintendent of Schools at Worces- ter, Mass. Alonzo Carroll's first marriage was contracted with Mercy Hale. Amanda married John (i. Ih^ockway, whose son, Di'. I'"red Brockway, is Professor of Anatoni)' in the Col- BIOGK AI'IIICAI, RF.VIF.W 3'--'3 Ic^a: iif T'liysiciniis ami .Siir^enns in New York mill a writer of sumo tlisliiiclion on anatomy, lie was tiic lirst Mouse Surgeon ol tiie Johns IIo|ikiii.s liiispila] al Hailiniore, I\I(1., having i)een selected lor that position on account of his ahility and sch(darsiii|). He is thoroughly versed in iiis profession. To increase his knowledge of medicine he travelled abroad and studied with an eminent physician in Scotland. Colonel Lysander Carroll, of Con- cord, N.II., is a strong and inlluential Repub- lican and well known in politics. lie held the position of Postmaster of Concord for a nimibcr of years. Rachel, the youngest child, died young. (sjYOII-^ !'■ HUNT, a prominent farmer and a well-known veteran of Mill, was born in ]3orchestcr, N. H., January S, iSjfi, son of Jonathrui and Kliza (Holmes) Hunt. His grandfather, who was born in Lexington, Mass., kept a tavern at the time Washington took command of the Continental army. Jonathan Hunt was a carriage-builder, and also kejit a lumber wharf at East Cam- bridge, Mass., until the Lowell railroad was built. Pie died at Hopkinton, N. PL, at the age of eighty-four years. He first married Hannah Larkin, of Lexington, Mass. His second wife, in maidenhood Plliza R. Holmes, was the mother of John H. Hunt, who is the only child. As his father was living in blast Cambridge during his son's boyhood, John Plunt obtained his education in the schools of that town. After leaving school he went to sea, and when only twenty-three years okl he was master of a vessel. Subsec[uently for five years he traded on the east and west coasts of Africa. During Mr. Hunt's sea life he had some thrilling experiences. While sailing in the .shij) "United States," Captain Calvin G. Worth, the shi|) was wrecked, and the crew were without fooil and water for tw(j days and two nights. Pinaliy they succeeded ii) mak- ing a landing on 'J'ongataboo, one of the P'riendly Islands, where they remained three months. They then went to Ivia, another island of the same group, and were at length taken off by a ves.sel and landed on Van Die- men's Land, where for four months Mr. Hunt did not see a white man. On another occasion Mr. Hiuit incurred the displeasure of the British government by assisting the political exile, William Smith O'Hrien, in an attempt to escape from New Zealand. Nine years elapsed from the time at which he embarked from l^oston before he set foot in that city again. During that period he was sailing vessels on the Pacific, going as far north as the Sea of Okhotsk and as far south as New Zealand. At length, abandoning the sea, Mr. Plunt l)ecame proprietor of a store in Cambridge, Mass., which he kept for two years. Pie then sold out; and in 1858 he bought of Sen- ator Austin V. Pike a farm in P'raiiklin, N.IP, near Shaw's Corner. When the Civil War broke out, in 1861, Mr. Plunt enlisted as a private in Company A, Captain Sturtevant, of the P'ifth New Hampshire Regiment. After being discharged from Davis Island Plospital on November 23, 1862, he returned home and stayed until 1863, when he joined the invalid corps. A member of Comjiany E, Thirteenth Regiment, he was assigned for a time to the Beach Street barracks in Boston, and also served in the Provost Marshal's office at Concord, Mass., receiving his final dis- charge ill August, 1865. In 1863, while on a furlough, Mr. Hunt sold his farm in P'ranklin and bought the Jonathan Dickerson place in the town of Hill, near the Danbury line. Having repaired the buildings on the property, he has since made it his home. 3°4 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Mr. Hunt has been twice married. His first wife, Harriet N. Hood Hunt, was the mother of two children — Elizabeth C. and Mary P. Elizabeth married Frank P. Hill, of Portsmouth ; and Mary is the wife of George L. ]5atchelder and the mother of two children — Willie and Ora Bell. The present Mrs. Hunt was Miss Caroline T. Swett, of Hill, daughter of John and Sally (Sargent) Swett. In politics Mr. Hunt is an Indepen- dent. He is a member of the Nelson Post, No. 40, G. A. R., of Bristol; and he has been Selectman of the town for two years. His first Presidential vote was cast in 1856 for James Buchanan. /2)e()RGE S. bond, a manufacturer of \J^ I Charlestown, was born in that town, March 2, 1837, son of Silas and Alice (Abbot) ]5ond. His grandfather, Will- iam Bond, who was born in Watertown, Mass., at the age of twenty years came to Charles- town, and thereafter carried on general farm- ing during the remainder of his active life. One of his si.\ children was Silas Bond, who married Alice Abbot, and also was the father of si.x children, including the subject of this sketch. George S. Bond was educated in the district schools of the town. At the age of seven years his father died. When abnut nine years old he went to l-'all River, where he worked for two years. After his return to Charles- town he worked on various farms in Charles- town and Acworth for about five years. lie subsec|ucntly went to Ikockton, Mass., learned the shoe finishing business, and remained there until he was eighteen years of age. He then went to Syracuse, N.Y., where he worked at his trade for two years. In 1856 he re- turned to Charlestown and took up the tin smith trade. He tiien went to Putney, Vt., where he worked for four years. In 1865 he bought out the tin store of VV. B. Downer, and afterward carried it on for fifteen years. On retiring from that business, he bought out the violin case manufactory that had been established in Charlestown. There was but little work done here at first, and he employed but one man. Subsequently he had to en- large the place, and in 1893 he had forty hands in his employment and was using a fifty horse- power engine. In that year the factory was burned. I^leven weeks later his substantial new factory was ready for business. He has now a si.xty horse-power engine, and he em- ploys from twenty-five to thirty-five hands. The factory is said to be the best equipped es- tablishment of its kind in the world, having a capacity of twenty-four dozen violin cases per day. Mr. Bond has dealings with some of the largest firms in this country. He is also interested in the Charlestown National Bank, of which he is the President. The community has had the advantage of his ser- vices on the School Board for several years. He went as delegate to Concord in the Consti- tutional Convention in 1889. A prominent Mason of P'aithful Lodge, No. 13, he was its Master for a period of eight years. In i860 he married Mary M. Way ; and they have one son, Herbert. That he is now one of the solid men of Charlestown is almost entirely the result of his perseverance and industry. fs^ACOB N. FLANDERS, an inflnential citizen of West Concord, N. H., was born on the estate which is now his home, March 25, 1825, son of Jacob and Hul- dah (Abbott) Flanders. His great-grand- father, Richard l*"landers, was a large landed projirietor of Millville and ownei' of all the iiincikAi'iiK \i, iuildings had heen destroyed by fire. He superintended the erection of new buildings, and remained there four yc;irs. lie was then elected a County Commissioner. The suiicrinteiident who succeeded him at the county farm not proving satisfactory, he was asked by the Hoard, of which lie was a member, to again take the position. lie acconlingly returned to North Hoscawen, and stayed there until his term of office as Commissioner had expired. In 1885 he went back to the ancestral home- stead, where he was actively engaged in gen- eral farming, dairying, and stock-raising, until about three years since, when he removed to the village, although he has the oversight of his farm still, lie cuts one hundred tons of hay each year, and kee[)s from forty to fifty cows, raising his own "stock Ironi thorough- bred llolsteins, which he was the first to in- troiluce into the town. This farm is particu- larly well adapted to cultivation, being well watered and remarkably free from rocks, his father having been obliged to haul the stones used in building twenty-five hundred rods of wall the distance of a mile. The Bradford and Newbury b'air Associa- tion has held its annual fairs on his farm since 1S75, fifty acres lying in a valley, about one and one-half miles west of the village, being a[>|)ropriate(l to its use. These grounds, of which Mr. Peaslee is the superintendent and treasurer, are well improved, having fine stables, water - works, a three-story grand stand, and a half-mile regulation track, the whole being one of the best and most complete fair grounds in the State. Colonel Tajipan, President of the Association the first twelve years, was one of the prime movers in secur- ing this advantageous location, working for it in company with Alburton I'easlee, Albert Jj. ICaton, and John h'armer. Hiram Cheney, its second President, held the ofiTice si.x years, and was then succeeded by Jonathan Rowe, of Newbury, who is now holding the oflTice. The first twenty years this was a free fair; but of late years all excepting exhibitors have been charged an admission fee, and no premiums have been given, though a few awards arc made each year. These fairs, usually held the last of September, draw people from miles around, being the event of the season, the vis- itors numbering from three thousand to seven thousand. There is always a fine exhibition of fancy stock, and in 1896 si.xty-three trotters were entered. Mr. Peaslee has served as Selectman several terms, having been Chairman of the Hoard part of the time. He has also been a member of the School Board, and has held every other township office, including that of Moderator, in which position he has served some twelve years. In 1S85 he represented the town in the legislature, serving on the Committee on Roads and Bridges, and on Appropriations. He is the Bradford representative of the Mer- rimack County Fire Insurance Company, and for twenty-five years has been Justice of the Peace. lie is an active politician, supporting the principles of the Democratic party, attend- ing all campaign meetings, where he not infre- quently makes neat little speeches. He was made a Mason in .St. Peter's Lodge, l*". & A. M., thirteen years ago, and has for some time been its Secretary. He is a fine musi- cian, has been a member of the church choir since a boy, and is often asked to sing at funerals. On November 22, 1871, ^Ir. Peaslee mar- ried Maria R. Smith, who was born in New London, N.H., November 24, 1841. Her father, Ira Smith, was born in New London, 3o8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW January i6, 1799; and he there married June 27, 1S22, Amanda Dow, who was born in New London, September 21, 1799. In 1862 Mr. and Mrs. Smith settled in the village of Brad- ford, where his death occurred a few years later, August i, 1S67, and hers, August 2, 1883. Of their four children Mrs. Peaslee is the only survivor. Her brother James F., a boot and shoe dealer, died in Woonsocket, R.I., at the age of fifty-two years; her sister, Mary E., died at the age of thirty, unmarried; and her brother Nahum W. , who was prin- cipal of the high school in Woonsocket, R.I., died there when but twenty-four years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Peaslee have had one daughter, Lura AL Peaslee. She was born March 12, 1874, and died F"ebruary 10, 1897, at the age of nearly twenty-three years. She was a young lady of an unusually gentle and lovely character, and the high esteem and love in which she was held were testified to by the large number of her acquaintances, both old and young, who paid their last respects by attendance at her funeral, and by the kindly visits of sympathizing friends at the home. MOS RICHARDSON, an influential resident of Cornish, was born here, November 27, 18 17, son of Amos and Sophia (Cummings) Richardson. He is a descendant of Dr. Amos Richardson, who was a physician of note in Pelham, N.H. Dr. Amos's son, Joseph, was grandfather of the sub- ject of this sketch. Joseph's children were: Miriam, Joseph, David, Josiah, Sarah, Mercy, Rebecca, and Amos. Miriam, now deceased, was the wife of Joshua Wyman, of Pelham, and the mother of seven children; Joseph mar- ried Polly Hilliard, of Cornish, and had a family of twelve children; David, now de- ceased, married Sarah l'"ord, and was the father of seven children; Josiah, wb.o was unmar- ried, is deceased; Sarah marrieil John Ilug- gins, and is now deceased ; Mercy, who mar- ried Aaron Hibbard, had no children, and is now deceased; Rebecca, who never married, lived to be eighty-two years of age. Amos Richardson, Sr. , a native of Pelham, born in November, 1785, moved to Cornish with his parents when only four years of age. After finishing his education, which was ob- tained in the town schools, he went to Massa- chusetts; but after a while, at the urgent re- quest of his parents, he came back to carry on the farm, the present homestead of his son. He was very prominent in the town, and was much interested in town affairs. He was Tax Collector for a number of years, also Select- man ; and he was a candidate for the legislat- ure. In politics he was a Federalist. Of a religious disposition, he was Deacon of the Baptist church for many years. He married Sophia Cummings, who bore him eight chil- dren — Sarah, Amos, Louisa, William, George, Cummings, Cordelia, and Charlotte. Sarah is the wife of the Rev. Jonathan Her- rick, of Troy, N.H. Louisa is deceased. William served in the Civil War, and, while on his way home, died of sickness in New York City. George, Cordelia, and Cum- mings are also deceased. Cummings was in California when he died. After receiving his early education in the schools of the town and in Kimball Academy, Amos Richardson, the subject of this sketch, studied in the medical department of Dart- mouth College for about two years. Later he abandoned the study of medicine and began teaching. Afterward he went to I^'lorida, and entered a mercantile business, remaining there for a number of years. From P'lorida he re- turned to the homestead on learning that his parents' health was failing, and he lias resided IMOCK M'lllCAL REVIEW 309 there since. Mr. Richardson at once tooiv a prominent place anioni;' the citizens of his na- tive town, anil is still Ui lie lunnd at the Front in all movements for jjrogress or reform. He has heen Town Treasurer of Cornish. His unqnestionahle intej,nity and many amiable (|ualities have trained for him not only a large circle of personal friends, hnl the confidence of the business community. He attends the Haptist church, and is an active h'ree Mason, an Otld l'\ lliiw, and a member of the grange. Mr. Richardson has been twice married. His first wife, -Salome Richardson, bore him two children -— Sidney K. and l''nink. The present Mrs. Richardson was before her mar- riage Sarah J. Hilliard. She is the mother of three children — Fred 11., Flora, and Nellie. Sidney Richardson, b(irn June 2g, iiS46, was educated in the town schools and at Kimball Academy. After leaving school he learned the machinist's trade at Lebanon, N.H., and worked at that until his health gave out. He then had charge of the toll bridge at Windsor, Vt., for four years. After that he bought the laini where he is now living. He was in the late war for two years; and, like so many of the brave men who risked their lives in de- fence of the Union, he came back with shat- tered health. b'or the past nine years he has been Ta.x Collector. He is a member of the Grand Army and the grange, and has held offices in these orders. He married Ella Sturtcvant, and has two children — Henry and Charles. Henry, born September 19, 1873, at l^randon, Vt., was educated at Kimball Acatlemy and in Dartmouth C(dlege. He is now a teacher of the high school at VValpoIe, N.H., and a very popular young man in that town. Charles, born May 9, 1886, is still in school, b'rank, the second son of Mr. Amos Richanlson, was in California for a number of years, and is now with his father carrying on the extensive farm. I'rcd H., another son, born (Jctober 1, 1859, niarrietj (jertrude ilaven, and is one of the officials of the .Stale Prison at Windsor, Vt. l'"lora, born in i8f5i, died in 1886. Nellie is the wife of Kliner li. York, a successful school teacher of Cornish. fffjYAMI'.S !■:. J5ARNAK1J is a lawyer of pmminence at I'Vanklin, N.II., his na- tive place. He was born on January 29, 1863, son of the Hon. Daniel and Amelia (Morse) Barnard. His father, Daniel liarnard, was born Janu- ary 23, 1827, in Orange, N.H. Naturally of a studious turn of mind, as a youth he attended the academy in winter, and worked on his father's farm in the summer months. He sub- sequently taught school in different counties of New Ham[)shire. In 1851 he began to read law with the Hon. George W. Nesmith, and in 1854 he became junior partner in a law firm with the Hon. Austin F. I'ike. Mr. Nesmith retired from active business in 1863; and Mr. Barnard withdrew from the connection he had formed, and started out for himself at Frank- lin, where he had a large practice for over thirty years. In 1860-62 he was State Repre- sentative, in 1S65-66 I'resident of the State Senate, 1870-71 member of the Governor's Council, in 1872 he was a member of the Re- publican Committee that met in convention at Philadelphia, I'a., in 1867 he was County So- licitor, and in 1872 he was re-elected to that position. He was a Trustee of the Franklin Savings Hank, and was a Director and also Vice-Fresident of the Franklin National Hank of Franklin Falls. He was appointed At- torney General in 1887, and held the office until his death. His reputation as a lawyer was very high, and he was identified with all the leading enterprises in Franklin. He and 3'° BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW his wife were tlie parents of seven cliildren: William M. ; Emma S. ; Mary A.; James E., the subject of this article; Daniel, Jr., who died in infancy; Charles Daniel; and Frank E. The first-born, William M., was gradu- ated at Dartmouth College in 1S76, and was for many years in partnership with his father in a law office. He died in 1S86, aged thirty years. Emma S. became the wife of Captain Samuel Pray, of Newtonville, Mass., formerly commander of a vessel and now a commission merchant. Mary A. married Fred H. Daniell, superintendent of the Sulloway Hosiery Mills in Franklin. Charles D. married Jennie An- derson, and is a real estate dealer in Chicago, 111. Frank E. is a lawyer in Boston, Mass., and has an office in the Globe Building. The Hon. Daniel Barnard died January 10, 1892; and his widow, Mrs. Amelia M. Barnard, sur- vives him, making her home among her chil- dren. James E. Barnard was fitted for college at the Franklin High School, and took a two years' course at Dartmouth, receiving his de- gree in 1886. He then went on a sea voyage to Australia, China, and the East, being away for two years. This greatly improved his health; and on his return he engaged in the Franklin National Bank as General Assistant, where he remained about two years. For one year after that he was in the National Bank of the Republic in Boston; but at the time of his brother's death he returned home, and commenced to read law with his father. Later on he attended f^oston University Law School. He was graduated in 1890, admitted to the bar in July, 1890, and began practice with his father. He continued thus until his father's death, and since that time he has car- ried on the business by himself. He is agent for several fire and life insurance companies. Mr. ]5arnard is connected with tiie l^piscopal church, and is a member of the following Ma- sonic societies: Meridian Lodge, No. 60, F. & A. M., and St. Omer Chapter, No. 22, R. A. M., in Franklin; Mount Horeb Com- mandery, K. T., at Concord, N.H.; also Ed- ward A. Raymond Consistory at Nashua, in which he has taken the thirty-second degree. He is also a member of the Knights of Pyth- ias, St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 21, of Franklin. He is clerk of the Franklin Library Asso- ciation and of the Odell Band, is President of the Franklin Republican Club, Justice of the Peace, and Notary Public. In March, 1893, he was appointed Justice of the Police Court of Franklin, which position he still holds. Mr. Barnard was married June 18, 1 891, to Maude Redwood, of Fort Wayne, Ind. She is the daughter of P'rederick Redwood, a former mill superintendent at Andover, Mass., and was born July 14, 1864. Mr. Barnard is one of the leading young men of P'ranklin, and promises, like his father, to make his mark in the world. 'p^AJOR HH^AM FIFIELD GER- RISH, of Concord, N.H., the pres- ent Deputy State Treasurer, was born in Boscawen, N. H., September 27, 1839. His parents, Calvin and Ann S. (Fifield) Ger- rish, were both lifelong residents of Merri- mack County. Major Gerrish is a descendant of Colonel Henry Gerrish, one of the early residents of Boscawen, who was an officer dur- ing the war of the Revolution, serving as Lieutenant-Colonel in Colonel Stickny's regiment, and was present at the battles of Bennington and Saratoga. Colonel Gerrish was one of the leading citizens of his town and State, holding many positions of trust and responsibility, being conspicuously iden- tified witli i>uhlic alfairs in the early history of HIRAM F. GERRISH. :k)(;r.\1'Iiic.\i, review 3^3 the State, llis son Jacob was for many years a well-known, public-spirited citizen of the town and a large land-owner. Calvin Ger- rish, the father of Major Gerrish, was a farmer and mechanic, and was at one time promi- nently connected with the State militia. He died January 31, 1890. Major Gerrish attended the public schools at I-'ranklin, I'enacook, and Concord, but at the age of fifteen entered the employ of the Con- curd Railroad, continuing thus engaged until the breaking out of the war, when he enlisted as a private in Company B of the Second New Hampshire Regiment, then commanded by General Gilman Marston, and was mustered into service in June, 1861. November 3, 1861, he was rclicvetl from duty with his regi- ment, and placed on detached service at the headquarters of General Joseph Hooker, Com- mander of the Second Division, Third Corps, where he remained until after the battle of Gettysburg, when he was ordered to Point Lookout, Maryland. The May following he was appointed a Lieutenant, and assigned to duty on the staff of General 1^. A. Hincks, going from Point Lookout to City Point, Va. In June of the same year he was appointed As- sistant Chief Quartermaster and Aide on the staff of Major-general W. H. Smith, then commanding the Eighteenth Army Corps, Army of the James. Upon the reorganization of that army he was appointed to the same po- sition on the staff of the Twenty-fourth Corps, with the rank of Captain. The corps was commanded in turn by Major-generals E. O. C. Ord, John Gibbons, and Godfrey Weitzel, all of wdiom are now dead. Major Gerrish re- mained on this staff until after Lee's surrender at Appomattox, when he brought the flags of the surrendered army to Richmond, Va. He was brevetted Major, and was soon after pro- moted to the full rank of Major, and assigned to duty on the staff of Major-general Charles Devens, then in command of the Department of North-eastern Virginia, and was stationed at Fredericksburg, Va. In August, 1865, he was mustered out of the army. During his term of service he was at the battle of the first Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Malvern Hill, Chancellorsvillc, Gettysburg, Fort Har- rison, Petersburg, and at Appomattox, and was in many other minor engagements. With one exception his promotions came from recom- mendations made by Major-generals of the regular army with whom he served. After the surrender at Appomattox he was placed in charge of the railroad from that place to I'arm- villc, and kept busy bringing the sick and wounded to the latter place and carrying sup- plies to the front. In 1866 Major Gerrish returned to New Hampshire, and was employed here and in Massachusetts in railroad offices, going there- after to Texas. In 18S0 he entered the em- ploy of the John A. White Machine Company of Concord, remaining ten years. In June, 1 89 1, he was appointed Deputy State Treas- urer, which position he still holds. In poli- tics he is a Republican. On August 26, 1865, at Concord, he was married to Edith A. Eaton, of Concord. They have had four chil- dren, only one of whom is living, Blanche May Gerrish. ENRY GUY CARLETON, of New- port, N.H., President of the New- port Savings Bank, a position which he has held more than twenty years, is a printer by trade, and was for a period of about forty years one of the editors and publishers of the XcTu Hampshire Argus and Spectator at Newport, N. H., the firm name being Carleton & Harvey. He has held the office of Regis- ter of Deeds and of Probate for the County of 3'4 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Sullivan, and has been a member of the legis- lature. He was elected a Director of the First National Bank of Newport at its first annual meeting after its organization in January, 1854, and has been annually re-elected since that year, a period of more than forty-six years. We are indebted to this gentleman, an active-minded octogenarian with a wealth of memories, having been born in 1S13, who takes an intelligent interest in genealogical matters, for the following carefully jjrepared sketch of the Carleton family, the facts, he says, being mostly derived from Iliram Carle- ton, formerly of Montpelier, Vt., a graduate of the U. Vt. , lawyer. State's attorney, Judge of Probate, and President of Vermont Historical .Society; and Mrs. Augusta II. Worth in, of Lynn, Mass., a devoted searcher of family history. The name of Carleton is a variation of "de Corlarton. " This would seem to indicate a French origin about four hundred and fifty years ago. The emigrant ancestor and first of the name in New ling- land was luhvard Carleton, born in England in 1600. He was of the company of the Rev. Ezckiel Rogers, and settled in Rowle}', Mass., in 1639, was made freeman in i''>43, was member of the General Court several years, and returned to England before 1656. On the pages of history ajipear the names of Dudley Carleton, the English Ambassador to Ger- many, who was created Viscount Dorchester, and of Sir Guy Carleton, Governor of Canada, who was in command of the British forces when Generals Arnold and Montgomery made their attack upon Quebec, where the brave Montgomer)' fell, the American army then being driven out of Canarla. After the defeat of tlu! Prilish army at ^'orktown, Va., in 1 78 1, the last battle of the Revolution, he was appointed Commander-in-chief of the ]5ritish arm}-, to jneiiare the way for a treaty of peace. He was created Lord Dorchester, and ilied in England in 1808. John Carleton, son of Edward, born in Eng- land about 1630, was sent to America by his father to settle up his affairs, as he was a man of property. He settled in Haverhill, Mass., in 1661, and after holding several important positions in that town died January 22, 166K. P'rom him have descended nearly all by the name of Carleton in New lingland. He had four sons — John, Jr., Joseph, Edward, and Thomas. The last-named, Thomas, born in 1667, died in 1734, lived in Bradford, Mass., and had four sons — Thomas, George, Ebene- zer, and John. The latter was the great- grandfather of the writer of this sketch. He was born July 29, 170S, and lived in Brad- ford and Haverhill, Mass., until 1759, when he purchased or built the mills in Billerica, now North Billerica, where the large woollen- mills in that town now stand. He married Hannah Piatt. Their children were: Eliza- beth, born November 24, 1733, who married Thomas Todd; Hannah, born .September i, 1736, married Thomas Laws; John, born May 10, 1738; Lydia, born May 26, 1740; Solo- mon, born June 26, 1742; Amos, born March 13, 1744; Anna, born December i, 1746; Moses, born September 13, 1749; and Na- than, baptized August 22, 1754. Moses, the fourth son of John and Hannah, married January 15, 1771, Margaret Sprague. She tiled July 7, 1782. He married second Sybil Shedd, widow of Reuben Shedd. The children by the first wife were: Moses, born in 1771; Sybil, born May 18, 1773; Nicholas, born Decembci- 13, 1774; and Henr)', born July 10, 1778. I leniy Carleton, son of Moses and Margaret (Sprague) Carleton, married first Polly Greeley, born July 17, 1786; and after her death, which occurred December 3, 1842, he married in Januar)', 1846, Polly IIIOCKAI'IIICAI. RKVIKW 3'S Tlionipsnii. lie died January 27, 1S64. The followiii}; is a lecorci of liis ciiildrcn, wlio were all i)y his first wife: Sylvia, hmii Septemher 30, iSo.S, died January 2, 1892. Joseph G., Ixirn May 24, 1812, died May 29, 1885. ilcni) (Iiiy was horn in Hucksport, Me., No- vendicr ^o, i.S'13. Mary II., born l-'ehruary 4, iSiC), died March 28, 18S9. Margaret, born September 20, 1817, married May 10, 1842, Georj^c Alfred I'illsbury. The Margaret rillsbmy Hosjiital in Concord, N.ll., takes its name from her, being a gift of her husband to the city of Concord. lie also gave a librar)' building to the town of Warner, N.II., and a soldiers' monument to Sutton, N.II., his native town. Sarah, born January 13, 1820, married Solomon Searlcs, had no chil- dren, and tlied January 21, 1S93. John, born I'ebruary 5, 1822, who died February 12, 1890, married, and had two children — Emma and l{va. Charles C. , born April 14, 1826, died May 10, 1830. Sylvia, Joseph, and Mary never married. Henry Guy Carleton, born November 30, 1813, son of Henry and Polly (Greeley) Carle- ton, married December 12, 1848, Miss Han- nah E. French. She was born P'ebruary 18, 1827, and died June 11, 1856. He married second on July 3, i860, Mrs. Mary J. Nel- son, born February 10, 1834. The children by the first marriage were: Frank Henry, born October 8, 1849; and George I'rench Carleton, born October 18, 1853, who died March 5, 1855. l""rank II. Carlett)n is a graduate of Dart- mouth College, was a clerk for a number of years of the Municipal Court of St. Paul, Minn., was private secretary to Governor I'illsbury of that State, and was Assistant City Solicitor of Minneapolis. He is now a mem- ber of the successful law firm of Cross, Hicks, Carleton & Cross, of Minneapolis, Minn. He married March 24, 1881, Nellie Jone.s. His children are: Edwin Jones Carleton, born April 15, 1883; Henry Guy Carleton, born March 21, 1885; Ge(jrge A. Carleton, born April 24, 1888; Frank H. Carleton, Jr., born January 21, 1893; and Fred P. Carleton, born August 29, 1896. There are others of the Carleton name who arc connected with the above. Among the number was Captain Osgood Carleton, who had the reputation of being a great lunar navi- gator and who wrote a book upon navigation; also Will Carleton, the poet. The name has a good record. fs^OIIN W. SEVERANCE, a prominent resident of Chichester, Merrimack Count)', and an ex-member of the New Hampshire legislature, was born February 3, 1822, in Sandwich, Carroll County, which was also the birthplace of his parents, Asa and Rhoda (Webster) Severance. His great- grandfather, liphraim Severance, was one of the pioneer farmers of that town, having gone there from Deerfield, N.II. John Severance, son of Ephraim and grand- father of the subject of this sketch, was a life- long resident of Sandwich. He was an able farmer and possessed considerable mechanical ingenuity, which he applied to various kinds of handicraft. He took a leading part in pub- lic affairs as a supporter of the Whig party, aTid served as Tax Collector for sixteen consec- utive years. He married Lydia Jewell, and had twelve children. The only survivor of the family is James M., who resides in Bos- ton. His wife, Adeline Randall, died leav- ing four children — Eliza, Nancy, Alonzo, and Waldo. John Severance died at the age of seventy-three, but his wife lived to be eighty years old. They were members of the Methodist Episcopal church. 3.6 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Asa Severance, son of John and father of John W. Severance, was reared to agricultural pursuits; and when a young man he bought a farm adjoining the parental homestead. He displayed an ability which foreshadowed a suc- cessful future; but his prosperous career was cut short by his death, which occurred at the age of twenty-eight years. A man of excel- lent character, he possessed the esteem and good will of his neighbors; and his untimely demise was deeply deplored. In politics he acted with the Democratic party. In his re- ligious views he was a I'rce Will I^aptist. His wife, Rhoda Webster, survived him many years, and died at the age of seventy-seven. Two of her children grew to maturity, namely: John W. , of Chichester; and Asa, who mar- ried Hannah M. Webster, of Sandwich, and is residing in that town. Mrs. Rhoda W. Severance was a member of the Free Will Baptist church. John W. Severance attended school in .Sand- wich until he was ten years old, at which time he came to reside in Chichester. When a young man he learned the trade of an edge-tool maker, and followed it for a short time in this town. He afterward worked in a machine shop ia Lowell, Mass., and later, taking up his residence in Manchester, N. H., was there employed for more than twenty years as a prac- tical machinist. Relinquishing his trade, he then returned to Chichester, and, settling ujion the farm which was ftnmerly the home- stead of his wife's [xuents, has since resided here. On November 25, 1841, Mr. Severance married Hannah Jane Kaime. She is a daughter of Benjamin and Sally Watson Kaime, both of whom were natives of Pitts- field and passed their last years in Chichester. Benjamin Kaime was a blacksmith and a farmer. In politics he voted with the Repub- lican party, and he served as a Selectman of the town for some time. P"or many years he was a Deacon of the Free Will Baptist church. He lived to be eighty years old, and his wife died at seventy-eight. They were the parents of twelve children. Mr. and Mrs. .Severance have no children. Politically a Republican, Mr. Severance represented Manchester in the legislature with marked ability during the years 1855 and 1856 and again in 1876 and 1S77. He is connected with Mechanics' Lodge, No. 13, I. O. O. F., of Manchester, and served as its Chaplain for a number of years. He is ac- tively interested in the Patrons of Husbandry, and was one of the organizers of Catamount Grange, of Pittsfield. An industrious and successful farmer, an upright man and a useful citizen, he is highly esteemed by his fellow- townspeople. Mr. and Mrs. Severance are members of the I-'ree Will Baiitist church. RANK GILMAN EDGFRLY, the efficient High Sheriff of Merrimack County, N.H., was born in Meredith, N. H., on P^ebruary 19, 1853. His parents were William M. and Lydia (I'ogg) P^dgerly. His ancestors, paternal and maternal, were of English extraction. Thomas Edgerly, the emigrant progenitor on his father's side, came to America in 1664, settling near what is now known as Durham, N. H. Thomas Edgerly was a well-educated man, prominent in the early history of New Hampshire, being one of the Justices before whom were tried many im- portant cases involving the civil and religious rights of citizens. Frank G. Edgerly acquired a public-school education in Meredith, N. II,, completing his studies at the age of si.xteen years. He then came to Concord and served an ajiprenticeship IIIOCRAI'IIICAI. KI.VIKW 3'7 as pi inlii's devil in llic nffirc ol llic htdcpen- thiil Dcinocmt, afterward the huUpiiidiut StdlixiiKiii, remaining for fourteen years. In 1883 he started a printing establishment, in which ]u; icmtinued as projirictor until 1889, when he became a real estate broker. In i8(j3 he was aiipoiiitcd Deputy Sheriff ; and on April I, i8(j5, lu: became 1 1 igh Sheriff; \vhic:h position he still holds, being also Jailer, hav- ing been re-elected by the largest vote ever accorded aii)' High Sheriff in Merrimack Comity. In politics Mr. Mdgcrly afifiliates with the Kepid)lican party. In iSSijand 1S90 he was Representative to the legislature from CJ)iicord. On April i, 1893, he was married to Anna M. Swasey, of Lisbon, N. II. They have one child, a daughter Lydia. Fraternally, Ml'. Mdgcrly is a thirty second degree Mason in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites, lie is a member of Hlazing Star Lodge, No. 11, !■■. & A. M., in which he has ofificiated as Worshipful Master for two years; of 'I'linity Chapter, Ro)'al Arch Masons, which he has served as iligh I'ricst two years ; Horace Chase Council, Royal and .Select Masters, officiating as Thrice Illustrious Master for two years; Mount Horeb Commandery, K. T. ; and of Aleppo Temple, Order of the Mystic Shrine, of Boston. He is connected with White Mountain Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. ]•"., and Concord Lodge, No. 8, K. of P., being Past Chancellor, aiivl he is Life Member of four organizations: (^rder of High I'riestliood of New Hampshire ; Grand Lodge, K. of P., of New Hampshire; Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters, and Grand Royal Arch Chap- ter of New Hampshire. He is also a member of the New Hampshire Press Association, the New Hampshire Historical Society, and the Dcrryfield Social Club of Manchester, N. II. In religion he is of the Episcopal faith, and is a higlily respected member of St. I'aul's Church, of which he is one of the Vestrymen. n^ANCIS W. lU.AKi:, one of i'ilts- field's successful farmers, was liorn in ilampton Falls, N.II., .September 3, 1837, son of pjioch and Lydia (Smith) l?lake. The family is of Pjiglish origin. Its founder, Jasper Blake, who came from Fngland in 1640 and settled at Ham|)ton, N.H., was a relative of Robert Blake, the famous British admiral of that period. The great-grandfather of Francis W. was Jeremiah Blake, son of Joshua. He was a native of IIam]3ton l-'alls, and a farmer by occupation. He was the father of five children, of whom Fnoch (first), the grandfather, was the eldest. luioch Blake (first) was born in Ilampton Falls, and grew to manhood as a farmer in that town. He served in the Revolutionary War under General Stark. In 1787 he moved to Pittsfield, Mild occupied a |)art of the farm now owned by his grandson, I-"rancis W. In politics he was a Democrat, and in religious belief he was a P'rce Will Baptist. At his death he was sixty-nine years old. He mar- ried Hannah Eastman, a native of Kensington, N. H. Of their five children who attained maturity Enoch (second) was the eldest. Born in Pittsfield, August 22, 1796, he was engaged in agricultural pursuits during the greater [lart of his active period, and also followed the trades of carpenter and cooper to some extent. Prosperity rewarded his indus- try. In ]iolitics he supported the Democratic party. His last years were passed in retire- ment, and he lived to the advanced age of ninety-one years. Having been a soldier in the War of 18 12, he was in receipt of a government pension at the time of his death. His wife, Lydia, who was a daughter of Jo- 3-8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW siah and Bathshclxi Rand Smith, of Chichester, N.H., became the mother of five children, of whom there are living: Jeremiah, Charles, and Francis W. Jeremiah married Lydia A. Tilton, of Loudon, N.H., who died leaving two children — Mary and Kllen. The first of Charles Blake's three marriages was contracted with Angeline Carter. He has no children living. Francis W. Blake's mother died at the age of seventy-eight. Both parents were members of the Free Will Baptist church. After acquiring his education in Pittsficld and Hampton Falls, I'^rancis W. Blake learned the shoemaker's trade. At the age of twenty- five he moved with his [jarents to Pittsfield, where he continued to work at his trade for some years. .Since tlien he has been success- fully engaged in farming at the homestead. He owns one hundred and twenty-five acres of well-located land, eighty acres of which are under cultivation. He is also quite exten- sively interested in lumbering. On June 21, 1866, Mr. Blake wedded Mary Judkins. She is a daughter of .Simon I?, and Catherine (Hoyt) Judkins, of Kingston, N. H. Mr. Judkins died at the age of si,\ty-five years. He was well known in Kingston. In politics he acted with the Repuljlican party. Li his religious belief he was a Congregationalist ; and he was Deacon of the church in that place at the time of his tleath, having held the office for twenty-two years. Mrs. ]ilake's parents had five children, four of whom are living. Her sister Emma is the wife of Joshua Lyford, of Brentwood, N. IL, having one son, Henry. Her brother John married Sarah Diamond, of Danville, N. H., and is the father of two chil- dren — Clifton and I'rancis. Lydia B. resides on tiie homestead in Kingston with her mother. Anna JC. married William J5rown, of ]'"remont, N. IL, and died leaving one daughter, Katie J. Mr. and Mrs. lilakc have four children — L^lizabeth F., Emma A., George linoch, and Edna F. Elizabeth F. , who was born June 18, 1867, graduated from New Hampton Institution, and is now teach- ing school in New Hampton, N.H. Emma A., born September 9, 1869, graduated from the Boston Conservatory of Music in 1891, and is an accomplished music teacher in Bos- ton, where she has a large number of jnipils. George luioch, born July 30, 1878, is attend- ing school in New Hampton ; and b^dna F. was born June 17, 1888. In politics Mr. Blake is independent. He was a member of the Board of Selectmen for three years, and he was Ta.\ Collector for one year. He is connected with Pittsfield Grange, Patrons of Husbandry. Both he and Mrs. Blake are members of the Free Will Baptist church, and he has been its clerk for twenty years. M AVID WARREN COGSWELL, one of Henniker's most highly es- teemed residents and a prominent Odd Fellow, was born in this town, January I, 1824, son of David and Hannah (Haskell) Cogswell. His father, who was a son of Joseph Cogswell, was a native of Essex, Mass., born April 25, 1790. David Cogswell learned the blacksmith's trade with David Choate in his native town, and worked for a time as a journeyman on Cape Ann. He was First Lieutenant of a Gloucester Military Company during the War of 18 12, and subse- quently received for his services a warrant f(u- one hundred and sixty acres of land. In 1815 be settled in Hennikcr, where he established a blacksmith shoj) near the stone bridge; and, as from forty to si.xty horses were constantly em- ployed in transporting goods between Boston and Vermont, his shop was for many years a favorite place for horse-shoeing and repairing. BIOOkAl'lllCAL REVIFAV 3'9 lie continued to carry on business until 1850, when he sold the slio]) to his son ; nnd for some years allerward he divicK'd his time between the for^e and his farm. In 1.S20 he erected tiie house wjiicii is now oei.u])ied by David \V., and in,' resided in it for nearly fifty years, ik'inj;' a man ol It'inper.ite habits, he was strong' and vi,noi-ous. At his death, on June 30, iSfiS, wJiieh was caused by a cancer in IJie stomach, he was over seventy-ei<;iit years old. (^n January 3, 1X13, he married Hannah Haskell, dau^liter of Stephen and Anna Haskell, of I'Lssex County, Massachusetts. Anion;; her twelve cliildi'en were: Colonel I.eandei' Winslow Cogswell, the well-known historian of llenniki;r; the late Parsons JS. ('o<;swell, lormerly edit(M' of the Concord Monitor- Diinoiral \ and David \V. , the subject of this sketch. She died January 13, 1872. David Warren Coj^swell be<^an to assist his father in the blacksmith shop at the age of ten years. In this jicriod, when working at the anvil, he was obliged to stand u|ion a ]ilat- form; and his day's labor lasted until nine o'clock in the evening. It was his custf)m, after performing his share of the forge work from .September to March, to spend the sum- mer in helping on the farm. He remained at home until he was twenty-four years okl, after which he was emijloyed for two years in machine shops in North Chelmsford and Win- chendon, Mass. In 1850, at his father's desire, he bought the shop in Henniker; and he conducted his trade until iSSi. He then rented the shop to other parties: and it was subscfiuently destroyed by fire in 1S93, after an existence of over seventy-five vears. After relini|uishing his trade, Mr. Cogswell, in com- pany with his brother-in-law, N. S. Johnson, bought land on .Sunapee Mountain, and erected a large summer boarding-house, which was destroyed by fire some three or four years afterward, e lUr^ing a heavy loss to its owners. After cutting considerable timber from the land, it was sold; and .Mr. Cogswell is now engaged in cultivating his farm of sixty acres. In the early days of the abolition movement he was an earnest worker in the cause. As a member of the I'"rec Soil party he supported the candidacy of John 1'. Hale for the Presi- dency, and he has voted with the Republican [larty since its formation. He has been active in educational matters. While Deputy Sheriff from 1864 to 1874, he induced so many parties to settle their differences out of court that there was but one trial before a justice in Henniker timing his term of ofTice. In 18O3 and 1863 he was Moderator at town meetings. y\t that time these assemblages, about equally divided between the opposing parties, were continued far into the morning hours; and it was difficult to maintain order. A firm sup- porter of the cause of the Union, Mr. Cogs- well did much toward caring for the families of soldiers during the war. When sixteen years old he joined an independent military company known as the Grenadiers, and was attached to it until the new laws did away with the old muster days, lie has acted as a Justice of the Peace since 1862. Mr. Cogswell has been twice married. On February 20, 185 1, he wedded for his first wife Mary S. Johnson, of Weare. She died March 2},. 1859, leaving no children. On Decemiier 10 of the same year he was again married to Eliza L. Sawyer, who was of Ouaker parentage, and resided in Weare. Hy this union there arc three sons — -John C, l.eander A., and Willis. John C. has been Town Clerk for five years; Leander A is a shoe manufacturer in Manchester. N.ll.: and Willis is a machinist of that city. Mr. Cogs- well is a charter member of Crescent Lodge, No. 66, I. O. O. F. , and is also a member of 320 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW the encampment. He has occupied all of the important chairs of both organizations, and represented both in the Grand Lodge and Grand Encampment of New Hampshire. He is especially qualified for the work of initia- tion. Since the organization of the lodge he has assisted in introducing every candidate, including his three sons, to the mysteries of Odd Fellowship. There is probably no man in this part of the State who has taken a greater interest in the order. His initiatory work has been highly complimented by the officers of the Grand Lodge. Mrs. Cogswell is very active in the Rebecca Lodge. IRAAI II. YORK, a well-known farmer of Cornish, has always re- 1^ ^ sided in this town on the estate where he was born December 6, 1S23. His grandfather, William York, also burn in Cor- nish, was prominently identified with the Democratic party of the early days. Will- iam, in many ways the most prf)minent man in the town, was a noted veterinary surgeon, whose practice covered an extensive district. He was Sheriff of Sullivan County for many years. In the later ])art of his life he joined the Methodist church. A man capable of much physical endurance, he had a remark- able constitution, which, perhaps, accounts in a measure for his activities in many directions. He died at the age of ninety-five years. He was twice married. His first wife was Esther llilliard York, and his second was Betsey Choate York. Uriah York, also born in Cornish, was sent to the common schools of the town. Later he began farm work, in which lie continued engaged throughout the rest of his life. He married Betsy, daughter of Stephen Williams; and their five children were: ]£sther, Hiram H., Lavinia, John 0., and Allen. Esther became the wife of Mr. Mitchell Coburn, and had one child — Willis, who is now a musician living at Cornish. Mrs. Mitchell Coburn died in 1895. Lavinia is now Mrs. James Lam- berton, of Claremont. John O., who died in 1S91, was a farmer, a mason, and a general me- chanic; and for some years he filled the office of Highway Surveyor. He was twice married. Emmeline Fitch York, his first wife, bore him no children. Esther Corliss York, the second wife, was the mother of ten children, three of whom are living — Hattie, Lillian, and Addie. Allen York lived in Cornish until he was twenty-five years of age, when he moved to Vermont, where he died in 188S at the age of fifty-one. He was engaged in car- pentering and other mechanic's work, and did some farming. He married Lucinda Owen, and had a family of ten children. Hiram II. York attended the common schools of Cornish, and then followed in the footsteps of his father by engaging in agricult- ural pinsuits. He owns a farm of sonic one hundred and thirty- five acres, has always been industrious and thrifty, and is now reaping the reward of his labors. He married Eliza A. Walker, and she is the mother of two children — Elmer E. and Ida E. Elmer married Nellie Richardson, and has three children — Clayton, Amos, and Marion. He has been a school-teacher, and is now a butcher at Cor- nish and Claremont. Ida married Luman H. llilliard, of Claremont, N. H., who is engaged in the livery business there. Their cliildien are — Mary Eliza and Ruth Iila. OHN SHACKFORD KIMBALL was an enterprising lawyer of Boston and a business man of Burlington, la. A son of David and Abigail (Perkins) Kimball, liHKiRAlMIICAL RKVIKW lie was horn at I'cnilirukc, N. If., i\i)iil 28, 1S12. His (IcsLX'iit from Micliaul Kimball, who married licttic Kuniiulls, came through David Kimball of the second generation and David Kimball of the third, who married Abi- gail Perkins. 'I'he fifth generation is now representeil by John Stevens Kimball. Mr. Kimball's parents died at Pembroke when he was thirteen years old, leaving nine children — ]5etsey, Asa, Perkins, John Shackford, Abi- gail, Sarah Towle (widow of Timothy Colby, of Concord), Joseph, Mary Lewis (widow of .S.inniel 15. Wright, of lUirlington, la.), and Harriet. Of these Sarah and Mary are living. Mary, who was about five years old at the death of her parents, subsequently lived in the family made famous at that time by the noted Prcscott murtler. Perkins, after sjiending some time in the jirinting business, was later employed in the ]?oston custom-house, and then kei)t a store in partnership with J. 1^'rank Hoyt in Concord. On retiring from business, he returned to Hopkinton, and died there De- cember 15, 1876. He first married I.ydia Reed Wilde, of Boston, a sister of Joseph Wilde, of the well-known firm of Lawrence, Wilde & Co., furniture dealers, Cornhill, Bos- ton. His second marriage was made with Savalla Mason, of Grafton, N. H., who sur- viv'ed him with one daughter, Sarah Under- wood Kimball. Mother and daughter are now residents of Hopkinton, the latter being the present librarian of the Hopkinton P'lee Li- brary. When a young man, John .Shackford Kim- ball went to Concord and worked in a bakery. Afterward he entered Hill & Sherburne's print ing-odRce, and there learned book and job print- ing. \\'hile yet new in this occupation, he gained considerable fame as a card printer by the introduction of enamel work. Li his school life at New Hampton, N. H., he was an asso- ciate of the Hon. J(jhn Wentworth, and was one of the founders of the .Social l*'raternity Library. He was clerk in the old Franklin book store in Concord for a time, and was a.ssociated in the printing business with his brother Perkins. From Concord he went to New i Liven, Conn. Later he was for three years a night clerk in the loost-office at Portland, Me. While there he read law with District Attor- ney Haynes. Afterward he took the law course at Llarvard College, and was associated in practice with the noted Robert S. Rantoul, of l^oston. Li 1S38 he went to Burlington, la., where his youngest brother, Jo.seph, was conducting a general store in company with Xathaniel Chase from Warner, \. H. Mr. Chase soon dying, Mr. Kimball bought out the hitter's interest in the business; and he and Joseph were partners till the latter's death. The firm then became J. S. Kimball & Co., the company being his brother-in-law, .S. B. Wright, whose wife still resides there. .Shortly after starting the business, prompted to the step by his failing health, he retired from the legal profession, and came East in the capacity of buyer for the firm. The sales of the firm in the course of time increased from eight or nine thousand dollars a year to more than one million dollars, this being the largest business of the kind in the State. In 1S63 the business cleared above all expenses one hundred and ten thousand dollars ujion an in- vestment of three hundred thousand dollars. Li 1864 quarters were secured in Chicago, but owing to Mr. Kimball's ill health nothing was done there. He, however, outlived all the partners he ever had e.xcept Mr. Wyman, formerly a clerk of the firm, and Krastus Chamberlain, who was sent to the firm from Massachusetts. The former is now the head of the great firm of Wyman, Rand & Co. In 322 BIOGRArHICAL REVIEW iS66 RFr. Kimball sukl out to \Villi:)m I^cll, a Scotchman, and retired from the business. In 1854 he ]uirchased a summer residence at Hopkinton, which has since become his per- manent home; but his business interests were still with the Burlington firm. He spent much time in Boston, especially during the winter. Another of his associates in the law business was General N. P. Banks, who had been one of his fellow-students. His services in the legislature were mainly on the Judiciary and Banking Committees. Me was an able, persistent, and forcible speaker. He was a careful student, was well read in history, and had attained considerable knowledge of Ger- man, so that in his later life he was able to undertake translations from the German. He paid a bounty to the first ten men who enlisted in H()i)kinton, besides advancing the money for the State bounty. Mr. Kimball married Mary E. Stevens, daughter of Dr. John Stevens, of Goffstown, N. H., afterward a noted physician of Charles- town and Boston. She was brought up in Bos- ton and was married there. 'The children of Mr. and Mrs. Kimball are: John Stevens, Robert Rantoul, George Alexander, Mary Grace, and Kate Pearl. Both daughters are unmarried and reside with their mother in llcipkinton. Mr. Kimball contributed liber- ally to all the churches, while he hatl no pro- fessed creed. He did much to assist in local developments, and was most active in all progressive movements. His burial i^lace is in Forest Hills Cemetery, ]5oston, Mass. LjI.IAS \V. I'lKl-:, of (loshen, an e.\-mem- [/' ber of the New liampshire legislature and a veteran (jf the Civil War, was born in this town, October 12, 1838, son ot Wilson S. and Julia G. (Martin) Pike. His grandfather, Jarvis Pike, who resitled in New- port, N. H., was a prosperous farmer. Wilson S. Pike, who was reared to farm life in Newport, removed when about twenty-one years old to Goshen, where he was engaged in agricultural pursuits for the greater part of his active period, and died in Septem- ber, 1866. The maiden name of his first wife was Harriett Currier. Her five chil- dren by him were: Mary, now the widow of Ezekiel Bates, late of Cohasset, Mass. ; Ma- hala, the widow of James Homer, who was for- merly in the livery business in Boston; Lo- dema, the wife of William Morgan, a retired jeweller of Providence, R.I.; Julia, who died in 1849; and Cyrus F., born in 1833, who died at the age of twenty-two years. Wilson S. Pike's second marriage was contracted with Julia G. Martin, of Alexandria, N. H., who became the mother of eight children. These were: Elias W., the subject of this sketch; William Henry; Martha, I^zra G., Harriet, and James Homer, who are deceased ; Ruth G., the wife of Eben A. Purington, a prosper- ous farmer and a Selectman of Goshen ; and Ezra G. (second), who married Emma L. Purington, and is engaged in agricultural i)ur- suits in this town. Mrs. Wilson S. Pike is still living, and resides in Goshen. l^lias W. Pike was educated in the tlistrict schools and at the New London Academy. He was engaged in farming until October 15, 1862, when he joined Company F, Si.xteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, under Colonel James Pike and Cajitain James Woods. He served in the Dejiartment of the Gulf upon the lower Mississijipi during the late war, and contracted a severe illness that necessitated his discharge on August 20, 1863. After his return home he settled upon a farm located in the western ])art of this town, and was there engaged in agriculture until November 20, liKKJRArillCAL RKVIKW 323 lS(>.|, wln'ii he |uiicli;iseil his present l;irni al Mill X'ilhi^c. ( )m this inupcrly, wliicli con- tains one lunuirud antl twunty acres of land, ho carries on general farming and ilairying, raising considerable poultry; and he makes a specialty (if dealing in cattle. In politics he supiiorts the Republican party. ills record in the pub- lic service is one of which he has every reason to be [)rou(l. l'"or eight years he was a mem- ber of the ISoard of Selectmen, and he was its Chairman for four years of that time. He has also served as Town Treasurer, Collector of Ta.ves, and member of the .School Hoard ; and he was Postmaster for some time and Census I'jiumerator in 1880 and 1890. As a member of the House of Representatives in 1887 and i.SSS he made himself conspicuous by his able committee work and the zeal with which he labored for the best interests of the State. On July 3, 1859, iMr. I'ike wedded Mary 1-". I'urington. She was born in Coshen, I'^ebru- ary 6, 1843, daughter of Imri and Mary (I. ear) I'urington, natives respectively of Ilenniker, N.I I., antl Goshen. Imri I'urington settled upon a farm in Goshen, where he resided imtil his death, which occurred aliout the j'ear 1S91. Mrs. Pike's mother died within the same year. They were the [larents of four chiklren, namely: Mary V., now Mrs. I'ike; H. Jennie, the wife of E. II. Carr, a livery man of New- port, N.H. ; I'.ugene I., who married Luella J. Greggs, and resides in this town; and Emma L. , Eugene's twin sister, who married I^zra G. Pike, of Goshen. Mr. and Mrs. Pike have had eight children — Dora M., Etta F. , Ered W. , Sherman L. , Jennie L., Hatch C. , Harry I'"., and Josephine 15. Dora M. is the wife of W. O. Sides, 2d, a letter-carrier in Ports- mouth, N. II. ; l^tta E. married P'rank W. Haker, of Goshen, and dietl A[)ril [5, 1881, leaving one son — Ered W. ; l-'red W. Pike, who is a prosperous farmer of this town. wedded Mary J. Oakes, (jf Vermont, and has one son — Howard E. , born July 31, 1893. .Sherman I,., who is operating a grist-mill in New'ijort, N. H., married Jkrtha J. Rii.«sell, of Goshen, and has two children — Bernard T. and Gladys E. Jennie E. is the wife of ]'.r nest H. Hurd, of Lynn, Mass., and has one son, Harry !•;. Harry E. Pike and Hatch were twins. The former is a shoemaker in Portsmouth, N.H. Hatch C. and Jo.scph- iiie ]}. are residing at home. Mr. Pike, Sr. , is Master of Pomona Grange, of Sullivan County, and is connected with Sunapce Moun- tain Grange, No. 144, of Mill Village. He takes a loyal interest in the general welfare of the community. Both he and Mrs. Pike are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. —•■♦••-*— ^OIIX W. .STAPI.i:S, M.D., a punm- nent physician of Eranklin Falls, N.H., and a native of Wells, Me., was born January 25, 1855. His parents, John and Ann (Wells) Staples, also natives of Wells, belonged to families that had lived in that town for a number of generations. John Staples, who was a farmer, spent his life in the jilace of his birth, and died in 1879. His wife had died in 1^77. They had four chil- dren, one of whom died in infancy. The others were: Albert, who tlieil when nine years old; Moses, a farmer in Wells; and John W., the subject of this article. John W. Staples received his early education by attending the district schools in the winter season. In the summer he worked on the farm. He afterward went for two terms to ])rivate schools; and when fifteen years old he entered South Berwick Academy in Maine, graduating in the class of 1872. On leaving the academy, he became a student of Dart- mouth College, and there graduated in 1S76. 324 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Then lie took the medical course at Vermont University, where he remained until iSSo, re- ceiving his degree when twenty-five years old. In that year he began practice in Franklin Falls, where he has since been located. He has also an office in Tilton, N. H. The Doctor was married January 25, 1882, to Miss Martha L. Kimball, daughter of FLzra S. and Klizabeth (Colburn) Kimball, both of Haverhill, N. H. They have one child — Charles Wells, born August 29, 1884, who is at home. Dr. .Staples has an excellent prac- tice in the village, and sufficient patients in Tilton to occupy about two or three hours each day. He has been a member of the School Board for six years, and he has also served acceptably for several years on the Board of Health. He is a Republican in politics, and both he and his wife are members of the Uni- tarian .Society. He has been sLiccessfu) in life, and is higjil)' regarded in the community. ENRY M. BAKER, of Bow, Merri- mack County, lawyer and Congress- man, and son of Aaron VVhittemore and Nancy (Dustin) Baker, was born in Bow, January 11, 1S41. He comes of patriotic and heroic ancestry. His great-great-grandfather. Captain Joseph Baker, a Colonial surveyor, married Ifannali, only daughter of Captain John Lo\cwell, the famous Indian fighter, who was killed in the battle of I'igwacket, May 8, 1725. A few years later the township of Sun- cook, or Lovewell's town, which included much of the present town of Pembroke, was granted by Massachusetts to the surviving par- ticipants and the heirs of tiiosc killed in that battle. As its boundaries contiicted with those of the town of Bow, chartered May 10, 1727, by Governor Wentworth, of New Hamp- shire, the grantees never received the full benefits of the grant. The resulting conten- tion was terminated December 13, 1804, when that part of Bow east of the Merrimac River was annexed to Pembroke and Concord. The Colonial heroine, Hannah Dustin, was a maternal ancestor of Henry M. Baker. Another maternal relative was Walter Bryant, who surveyed many of the townships and the eastern boundary of the State, and was ]jromi- nent in Colonial affairs. Captain Baker's son, Joseph, married a de- scendant of one of the Scotch Covenanters, and settled in Bow. He was among the first to locate there, and the acres he cleared and cultivated are a part of the family homestead. He was a soldier in the Revolution and a man of energy and influence. James Baker, son of Joseph, married a grand-daughter of the Rev. Aaron Whittemore, the first clergyman settled in Pembroke. Of their six children Aaron Wiiittemore Baker was the eldest. When liis father died from injuries accidentally re- ceived, he was only twelve years old, an early age to take up the burden of life. However, resolutely meeting the responsibilities he could not escape, and with the aid of his mother, he managed so that the younger ciiil- dren were well educated, and the farm was successfully cultivated. He was a man of sterling integrity, of advanced thought, a bitter opponent of slavery, an ardent advocate of temperance, and the friend of the friend- less. His wife, Nancy Dustin Baker, a lady of high character, sweet disposition, and great talent, was generally beloved. Of their chil- dren the only other survivor is John B. Baker, of Bow, a member of the legislature of 1897. Tile Hon. Henry M. Baker attended liie schools of his native town, the academies in Pembroke and Hopkinton, the New IIam])shire Conference Seminary at Tilloii, and Dart- mouth College, graduating from the last- liHXiKAriliCAI. KKAII-.W 325 iKimeil iiislitulinii in i.S^^. Three years later lie received Uie dei^i'ee ol Master ot Arts. Soon after graduation lie commenced tlie study of law under the direction of Judge Minot, of Concord. I-larly in i(S64hewa.s appointed to a clerkship in the War Uepai'tmenl at Wash- ington, D.C., and a few montiis later, at his request, was transferred to the Treasury JJe- partment, where he filled different positions of trust and responsibility for several years. During this time he continued his law studies, and, having entered the law department of the Ciilunihian University, gratluated as Jiachelor of I.aws in 1866, and was admitted to the liar of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. In i.SiS2 he was admitted to prac- tice in the Suiireme Court of the United States. For several years he practised his profession at the seat of national government, where he soon obtained a large clientage, and was engaged in many important cases. His practice was varied, rei|uiring close applica- tion to details and a knowledge of many sub- jects nut included in the ordinary course of professional work. The sons of the Granite State are noted for their love of home and for attachment to the hills, valleys, lakes, and ri\'ers which make that State so picturesc]ue and beautiful. Wherever they roam, or however long absent, they turn with loving devotion to the old homesteads, and greet with equal joy old friends and accustomed scenes. Though nec- essarily absent for months at a time in a period of several years, Mr. ]5aker has never ceased to be a resident of his native town; and no year has passed without a visit to the old home, to mingle with his neighbors and friends and enjoy its pinx' air and beautiful scenery. He has always been an aggressive Rc])ublican, and every general election has fountl him at the polls. No demand has been made for iiis aid or services that he has not promptly met. As a campaigner he has few superiors. No eflicient plan for the develop- ment of our material, social, educational, political, or religious interests or reputation is without his approval or hearty co-operation. No son of New Hampshire is more jealous of her good name and high standing in all that constitutes a worthy commonwealth than Mr. Haker. At every ojiportunity he has been earnest in his advocacy of State aid to her public libraries, institutions of learning and of charity, ami for the preservation of her his- torical records and objects of patriotic interest. In 1886-87 Mr. Baker was Judge Advocate General of our National Guard, with the rank of Brigadier-general. He was nominated in the Merrimack District by acclamation as the candidate of his party for the State Senate in 1890. It was close fighting-ground ; for in the two preceding elections there had been no choice by the people, and in the last election the Democratic candidate had received a plu- rality. Cieneral Baker took personal charge of his campaign, and won a great political victory, running largely ahead of the general ticket. While in his district the Repul)lican candiilate for governor had a plurality of only seventy-si.x votes, he received a plurality of one hundred and fifty and a majority of seventy-five votes. At the same time his energetic canvass contributed greatly to the general success of his party, and its control of the legislature that year was largely due to him. In the Senate he was Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, a member of several other important committees, and the Chairman of the Joint Special Committee on the Revis- ion, Codification, and Amendment of the I'ublic Statutes of the State. He took an active part in all the proceedings of the ses- sion, became the Republican leader, and was 326 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW recognized as a forceful and logical debater, well informed upon all public questions. General Baker was elected Representative in Congress from the Second District in 1S92 by a good plurality, reversing the Democratic victory in the preceding election. In 1894 he was re-elected by a plurality more than four- teen times greater than that of 1892. In the Fifty-third Congress he was assigned to the Committees on Agriculture and on the Militia. In the ne.xt Congress he was a mem- ber of the Committees on the Judiciary and on the Election of President, Vice-President, and Representatives in Congress. He was active and faithful in committee work, and was Chairman of one of the standing subcommit- tees of the Judiciary Committee. Several important matters were reported by him. His principal speeches in Congress were made in opposition to the repeal of the Federal election laws, on the Methods of Accounting in the Treasury Department, in favor of the Purchase and Distribution to the Farmers of the Country of Rare and Valuable Agricult- ural and Horticultural Seeds, on the Tariff, on Protection not Hostile to Exportation, on the Necessity of Adequate Coast Defences, on the Criminal Jurisdiction of the United States Suijreme Court, and on Civil Service Reform. Several of these speeches were printed in pamphlet form, and many thousand copies of them were distributed. Mr. Baker was a fre- quent participator in the general discussions of the House, and the Congressional Record shows his views upon every important subject of recent national legislation. He was not again a candidate for re-election. General Baker has been heard upon the stump frequently, and is active wherever he can aid his party. His campaign speeches are distinguished for fairness, the entire absence of abuse, and for a clear and vigorous pres- entation of the policy and platform of the several parties. He is a member of the New Hampshire Club, and has spoken before it on several occasions in advocacy of the educa- tional, historical, and business interests of our State. His remarks in favor of the substitu- tion of silver or silver certificates for the United States and Treasury notes now in cir- culation, but to be cancelled as silver or silver certificates are issued, were printed, and attracted considerable attention. In religion he is a Unitarian. He is a Mason, a Knight Templar, and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. He has made valuable contributions to the New Hampshire Historical Society, of which he is a member, and has established prizes in Dart- mouth College. He has been an extensive traveller in America and liurope, and a close student and keen observer. An independent thinker, he investigates every subject upon which he is called to speak or to act. He is a good organizer, is not discouraged by opposi- tion, and possesses high executive ability. He has achieved no success he has not earned. OHN TYLER was well known in Claremont as an inventor and builder. He was a son of John Tyler and a grandson of Benjamin Tyler, both eminent mechanics. Benjamin, who settled in Clare- mont in the spring of 1776, built the first dam across the Sugar River at West Claremont, and was for many years one of the most public- spirited men in town. The History of Clare- mont gives the following facts concerning his grandson : — "John Tyler was born in Claremont, March 26, 1818. He learned the trade of mill- wright, serving an apprenticeship of seven years, and was then for eight years foreman of the shop where he learned his trade in Barre, JOHN TYLER. IJlOGRAI'lllCAl- REVIEW 329 V't. He went to West Lebanon in i.S'50, and for several years did a large Inisincss in biiild- \\-\y; mills, sometimes employing fifty men. lie returned to Clareniont in 1S72, where he has sinee resided. lie was engineer and superintendenl in building the Sugar Kiver |)a|)er-mill, and was a |iiincipal stockholder and the President ot the comiiany. "Mr. Tyler is the inventor of the Tyler tuibine water-wheel, which he had patented in 1S56, and which he manufactured for many years. Ifis was the first iron water-wheel made, and nine different patents were subse- ipiently granted him foi- improvements u|)on it. These wheels found their way all o\er the country, some of them also finding their way abroad ; and for years they were considered the best turbine wheels manufactured, this fact being thoroughly developed some years ago by a comparative and competitive test of the ])rodncts of other makers of similar wheels. He was also the inventor and ])atentee of Tyler's copper cylinder washer for washing l)aper stock. In 1S74 he built the reservoir known as the Bible Hill Aqueduct, which su]iplies over two hundred families in Clare- niont village with ]nirc fresh spring water for household pui|)oses. He was a stockholder of the Ben Mere Inn at Sunapee Lake, also in the Woodsum Steamboat Company. In both of these enterprises Mr. Tyler was deeply in- terested. He not onl}' used his influence to make Sunapee Lake what it is to-day, but he opened his purse wide to aid in its inijirove- ment. He was a far-seeing and sagacious business man. If he started into any kind of business that was backward in <:etting on to a ]iaying basis, he labored the harder for it. He was a stanch Republican. He was a mem- ber of the legislature in 1891-92, and his record is a clean one. He was a public- spirited, genial man; and in his death Clare- niont lost a most worthy citizen. He was a lover of good horses, and in his stables could always be found the best blooded and hand- somest to be had. In religious convictions he leaned toward the Universalist faith; and he always attended divine worshi]) at the I'"irst Universalist Church, although never uniting with the society." He was a most liberal man, and no worthy cause was brought to his notice that failed to receive assistance at his hands. He died at his home, November 28, 1 896. While a young man working at his trade in Barre, \'t. , he married Ko.xalana Robinson, of that town, who died on the first anniversary of their marriage. Not long after he married Miss Mary J. Smith, of Rutland, Vt., with whom he lived for fifty years, she passing away but a few years since at their home on Pleas- ant Street. Mr. Tyler married for the third time, October 31, 1S94, Miss Anna Maria, daughter of Taylor and Sybil (Lawton) Alex- ander, who survives him. .She is also a Lhii- versalist. AMUKL SMITH PAGE, who for more than forty years was one of the most esteemed residents of Ho))kin- ton, was born September 30, 1822, in Dunbar- ton, N. H. He is a descendant of Benjamin Page, who was born in 1640, in Dedham, fift)'- seven miles north-east of London, England. In 1660, on account of religious differences, Benjamin came to America, locating in Haver- hill, Mass., where on September 21, 1666, he married Mary Whittior, who belonged to the family from which the poet, John G. Whit- tier, sprung. Their son, Jeremiah, the eldest of a family of sixteen, born September 14, 1667, was the next ancestor. He married Deborah Hendrick, of Xewburyport, Mass., July 2, i6g6; and they reared seven children, BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW two sons and five daughters, the sons being Caleb and Joshua. He died in 1752. Caleb Page, the next in line of descent, was born August 16, 1705, and died in 1785. He married in 172S or 1729 Ruth Wallingford, of Boston, who died in 1738. In 1740 he married a widow Carleton, of Newbnryport, who weighed three hundred and fifteen pounds. She, together with a huge arm-chair, now in the possession of the Stark family, had to be carried to meeting on an ox sled. In 1749 Caleb Page removed from Haverhill, Mass., to Atkinson, N. H., where he is said to have owned land measuring one mile in opposite directions from the site of the present acad- emy. In 1 75 1 he sold his lands in Atkinson for his wife's weight in silver dollars, and lo- cated in Dunbarton, this county. The country was then infested with Indians; and his daugh- ter Elizabeth, who later became the wife of General John Stark of Revolutionary fame, often stood, musket in hand, as guard at the rude block-house. In 1758 Governor Went- worth appointed Caleb Page Captain of Provin- cials. The commission given to him on this occasion is copied in full in the History of Dunbarton. Caleb, who is said to have had a noble and benevolent spirit, had ample means to indulge his generous impulses. His money, comprising golden guineas, silver crowns and dollars, was kept in a half-bushel measure under the bed. He owned many slaves. His hou.se was the abode of hospitality and the scene of many a hajjpy gathering. In 1753, previous to receiving his Captain's commis- sion, the governor sent him as a guide with Colonel Lowell, of Dunbarton, Major Talford, of Chester, and General John Stark, to mark out the road from Stcvenstown, now Salisbury, to Coos. He was a firm patriot, and in 1775 was the first delegate from Dunbarton and How to the Provincial Congress. His children were: Caleb, Jeremiah, I'llizabeth, and Molly. Caleb Page, Jr., who held a Lieutenant's com- mission in the P'rench and Indian War, to- gether with his company was ambushed by Ind- ians between Crown Point and Ticonderoga, and killed in the ensuing massacre with sev- eral of his men, January 21, 1757. Lliza- beth, born in 1736, who died in 1817, married General John Stark, by whom she had eight children; namely, John, Caleb, Archibald, Charles, lillen, Polly, Sophia, and Prank. Molly married Deacon James Russell, of Pow. Jeremiah Page, born in August, 1730, died November 29, 1807. In 1745 he bought land in Dunbarton, and from that time until his death was actively identified with local affairs. He served as Justice of the Peace, and did most of the surveying for Hillsborough County. In 1784 he was appointed Judge in the New Hampshire courts. In 1752 he mar- ried Sarah Merrill, of Billerica, Mass., who was born in 1732, and died September 5, 1807. Their children were: Caleb, the grandfather of Samuel Smith Page; Sarah, born in Dracut, Mass., December 24, 1754, who married A. Stinson, and died in 1835. Jeremiah, a native of Dunbarton, born in 1756, who tlied in 1842; Achsah, born .September 25, 1759, who died in 1831, and whose successive husbands were first B. Plummer, Plsq., who died in 1816, and Captain C. Coffin; Elizabeth, born August 2, 1765, who married William Ten- ney, and died October 22, 1838; John, born in 1767, who married M. Story in 1810, and died August 14, 1837; and Ruth, born in 1770, who married Dr. S. Sawyer, and died June 27, 1804. Caleb Page, the ihiril bearer of the name, was born in Dracut, Mass., in April, 1751, and died June 3, 1816. His wife, Hannah, bore him seven children, three of the sons being named Caleb, John, and Peter Carleton. Peter Carleton Page, the JiIO(;RAl'niCAL KEVIKVV 33* fatlicr "f Siiiiiucl S. I'a^je, was Ijoni July i, 1783, and died October 15, 1858. He niar- lied Miss Lucy Smith, who was born Novem- ber 26, 1792, in Ilopkintnn. They reared three sons; namely, Calelj, Samuel Smith, and George. Samuel Smith Page received his education in Pembroke, Ilopkinton, and New Hampton. Ill health forced him to abandon further study; and at the age of eighteen years he began teaching school in Weston, Mass., where his mathematical ability was well displayed. A pupil relates that when the te.\t-book was com- |)lcted the young teacher propounded questions that, he said, had baffled Dartmouth pro- fessors, the class often spending its energies for a whole week on some of them. After his marriage he bought the Grcenough homestead on Uimond Hill on the dividing line between Concord and Hopkinton, and there success- fully carried on general farming until his death, which occurred on Thursday, October 22, [896. In 1S52, June 10, Mr. Page married Miss Kllen Maria Cutter, of Weston, Mass., one of his pupils, who was five years younger than himself. He was a man of great intelligence and force of character, having the courage of his convictions, which he was never unwilling to express or defend. He served several terms as Moderator of Dunbarton, was a member of the Suijerintending School Committee, and in 1864 and 1865 was one of the Selectmen of Hopkinton. In 1840 he imited with the Bap- tist church of his native town, having been converted during a revival, and for more than half a century after was devoted to the Chris- tian work of that denomination as well as to the broader needs of humanity, his large and loving heart beating in sympathy with those of every sect and clime. Throughout his long illness he was a most patient and cheerful sufferer, trusting serenely in the goodness of the Divine Master. His death was a sad lo.ss, not only to his immediate family, but to the community in which he had so long lived. The only child of Mr. and Mrs. Page was a daughter — Lucie Elizabeth, who is now the wife of Arthur J5orden, of Denver, Co]., and has one child, Marguerite Uorden. CHERT W. IIOIT, of Mast Yard, Concord, N. H., son of Robert H. and -^ V_ ^ Hannah (Goodwin) Hoit, was born July 15, 1859, on the ancestral estate on Horse Hill, Penacook, where he still makes his home. His great-grandfather, Oliver Hoit, born in November, 1747, married first Rebecca Gerald, and second widow Rhoda Hoit Whittier. He had by his first wife fifteen children, thirteen of whom lived to maturity. Mrs. Rebecca G. Hoit died in 1S08, aged fifty-eight years ; and Mrs. Khoda Hoit died in 1851. Oliver Hoit died September 11, 1827. Oliver Hoit settled in 1772 on Horse Hill in the north- western part of Concord, being the first settler in that part of the town. On March 7, 1775, a parisii of Concord voted to lease him the eighty-acre school lot for nine hundred years, he paying six dollars annually; but this vote was reconsidered March 4, 1777, and the Se- lectmen were directed to receive of him one hundred dollars in full consideration for said lot. The son Enoch, born to Oliver and Rebecca, August 16, 1783, eventually came into posses- sion of the farm. He married a widow, Mary P'rench Lloyt, who had five children by her former husband; namely. Freeman, Sewall, Mary French, William, and French Hoyt. The children of Pinoch and Mary Hoit were as follows: Robert B., Gillman T., Oliver, Pris- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIFAV cilia, Rosette raid Jeanette (twins), Henry, Enoch, and Wyette. The twin to Oliver died young. Enoch Hoit was an industrious farmer, and added many improvements to the farm. He died July 31, 1S56. His wife Mary died August i, 184S. Their son, Robert B., the next proprietor of the homestead, where he was born, received such education as was afforded by the district schools. He was always a farmer; and, with the exception of a few years in Massachusetts, he spent the whole of his life on the estate, which he enlarged. He built a fine set of brick buildings about thirty years ago, and these still stand out very prominently in the town. He died July 18, 1887, on his seven- tieth birthday. He was a very prominent citizen, and served as Selectman and as Coun- cilman, and was tw'O terms in the State legislature. He married in 1843 Hannah Goodwin. She died April g, 1896, aged sev- enty-four years. They had five children — Katherine P., Mary F. , Luc}', Willie, and Robert W. Eucy and Willie died young. Katherine P. Hoit married Sherwin Colby. They reside in W^est Concord, and have four children — Evelyn M., Kate P., Idella, and Clarence Colby. Mary 1'. Hoit married George I'rench. They reside in Boscawen, and have Jio children. Robert W. Hoit, of Mast Yard, N. H., was born at the homestead on Horse Hill, as above stated, about thirty-eight years ago. He was educated here, and has always made this place his home. His father bequeathed the estate to iiim, and he is now in possession. He mar- ried November 20, 1882, Bessie B. Deatherage, whf) was born February 29, 1 864, at Wavcrly, 111. Mr. Hoit is a loyal Rcpul)lican. He is known to be keenly interested in all the lead- ing questions of the day, and well informed in political and educational and other public matters. Pie takes an active part in political affairs, and has served as Councilman. His first Presidential vole was cast for James A. Garfield. REDERIC AUGUSTUS BRIGGS, a well-known hotel man of Claremont, N.H., was born in Charlestown, this State, September 9, 1838, son of Joseph Gil- man and Abigail (Woods) Briggs. Some in- teresting facts concerning the origin of the Briggs family may be found in Burke's "Peer- age" and in the History of the County of Norfolk, England, by Bloomfield. It is shown that before the time of Edward I. (1272) the representatives of the family as- sumed the surname of De Ponte or Pontibus. Many of them from the time of de Ponte de Salle, whose son John was born in 1383, be- came men of mark, and held high and respon- sible positions in church and State, or accom- plished deeds of renown. One Thomas Brygge, of Holt, in 1392, in company with Sir Thomas Swinbourne, made a pilgrimage to the Holy Sepulchre ; and an account thereof, written by himself, is still extant in a manu- script preserved in the library of Caius Col- lege, Cambridge University, England. Thomas Bryggs, Rector of Risingham in 1539, subsequently became Chaplain to Lady Mary, sister of King Edward VI. He was also Vicar of Kenninghall and later Vicar of Windham. Henry Brygge, born at Halifax, Yorkshire, in 1556, was a mathematician. In 1617 he visited Napier at Edinburgh, and in- duced him to make an important change in his recently invented system of logarithms. Augustine Briggs, a determined Royalist, fought for Charles I., joining the Earl of Newcastle's forces, and taking part in the siege of Lynn in T643. Plis son William be- 1!1()(;rai'III(:.\i, riaikvv 333 c;iniL' a pliysician and oculist of great repute, and was a friend of Sir Isaac Newton. In i6ubli- can. He has served as a Selectman one year, was Tax Collector ten years, and for several years past has acted as a Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. Fraternally, he is con- nected with I'"oresl Lo. Ham died August i, 1881. LVAH B. CHELLIS, a leading farmer of Plainfield and the senior partner in the well-known firm, Chellis & Stickney, was born here, January 27, 1841, son, of John Pettengill and Lucinda (Bean) Ch'el- lis. The first representative of the family in this country came from Wales in 1636. His son John, born in Kingston, N. H., was the great-great-grandfather of Alvah B. Chellis. John's son Thomas, born in Kingston about the year 1750, was in the Revolution together with all his brothers, and fought at Bunker Hill. The grandfather, Thomas Chellis, Jr., who was born at Salisbury, this State, March 24, 1785, died February 19, 1849. He and his father were the first of the family to settle in Plainfield. He was a farmer on an extensive scale, and a drover of cattle and dealer in horses. He was very wealthy, and very active in town affairs. He was in the legislature, was Selectman for many years, and he served in various other important ofifices. In relig- ious belief he was a Congregationalist and a liberal supporter of the Congregational church. His wife, in maitlenhood Abigail Morgan, daughter of Nathaniel and Miriam (Pettengill) Morgan, bore him nine children — Abigail, John P., Enoch F., Betsey M., Miriam, Otis H., Mary !•;. , Sarah, and Andrew J. Abi- gail, born April 30, 18 10, married Isaac Saw- yer, of Salisbury, N. II., a breeder of Merino sheep on an extensive scale. Enoch !•'. , born August 8, 181 5, who was a prosperous farmer JiKJORAl'lllCAL KI':VIEVV of Cornish, N.I I., marricil Mrs. Sarah Chase, and had one daughter, Marian V. 15etsey, born November 9, 18 17, died August 6, 1834. Miriam, born June 26, 18 19, who died August 19, 1880, was unmarried. Otis II., who, born May 15, 1821, died June 30, 1894, was a farmer, carpenter, and merchant, and was for a short time in the fruit business in New Jer- sey. He successively married Martha P. Kinsiuan and Hetsey M. .Sargent. The latter bore him four children — Martha M., I'Vank O. , Eloise, and Kate M. His sister, Mary I']., born August 23, 1823, died April 19, 1884, unmarried. Sarah, born June 22, 1825, died August 17, 1837. Andrew J., born Sep- tember 13, 1828, who was a very prosperous and prominent resident of Plainfield, died October 15, 1878. John P. Chellis, father of Alvah 15., was born December 26, 1812. After finishing his education at Kimball Union Academy, he taught school for about twelve winters. There- after, throughout the remainder of his life, he was engaged in farming, giving special attention to sheep-raising, and acquiring a handsome fortune. He was active as a citi- zen, and was chosen to fill the offices of Selectman, Town Treasurer, and Town Clerk. He was also State Senator for a time, and was High Sheriff of Sullivan County for nearly ten years. His wife, Lucinda, a daughter of Samuel and Betsey (Smith) Bean, was born August 31, 1S16. Their children were: Alvah B. and Mary L. Chellis. Mary, who was born January 29, 1846, graduated from Kimball Union Academy, and then taught school for some years, principally in Lebanon and Newport, being very success- ful, and considered a fine discii)linarian. Both the parents died in 188S. Alvah B. Chellis also taught school for many years, and, like his father and sister, was a skilful and successful instructor. Be- sides teaching he .served in the capacity of clerk for the Provost Marshal at West Leba- non in 1863 and 1864. His home has always been here, on the farm formerly owned by his father, and of which he has had the manage- ment during the greater part of his life. He carries on general farming, and formerly raised large numbers of sheep. The store at Meriden, conducted by Chellis & .Stickney, is very prosperous, and has a growing business. The post-office has been located there since the present firm started in business. Mr. Chellis has taken an active part in all questions of im- portance that have come before the town, both in his private capacity and that of .Selectman. He has taken much interest in the public schools, and has repeatedly served on the School Board. In Masonry Mr. Chellis is Sir Knight, having membership in Franklin Lodge of Lebanon, and in Sullivan Com- mandery of Claremont. In these bodies he is very popular, and has held all the offices. His religious views agree with the creed of the Congregational church, and he is a generous supporter of the church society. He is fond of music, and has a fine voice; but he sings only for the pleasure of his family and immediate friends. On October 13, 1870, Mr. Chellis married Harriet L. Rossiter, of Windsor, Vt. , daugh- ter of Chittenden and Charlotte (Converse) Rossiter. Mr. Rossiter was born in Clare- mont, March 22, 1817, and died May 8, 1892. Mrs. Rossiter, who is a daughter of a clergy- man, and was born December 27, 1817, is still living at Windsor, Vt., in the home which has been hers for over fifty years. She is in good health, and her mental faculties arc undimmed. Mr. and Mrs. Chellis have been the parents of two sons — James Bean and Converse Alvah. James, born May 16, 376 BIOGRAPHICAL RE"^IEW 1879, died April 20, 1S91. Converse, born at Plainfiekl, Marcii 22, 1884, is attending school. As he has manifested a marked talent for music, he will probably pursue a course of musical traininsr. irXANIEL 13 I ] farmer o ,■ — *-_V County, ^ANIEL B. SANBORN, a successful of East Concord, Merrimack ity, was born in Webster, N.H., April 12, 1840, son of Daniel and Sally (Batchelder) Sanborn. Mr. Sanborn's grandfather, Tristam San- born, came to Webster with his wife and her parents, and took up land on what is now known as Sanborn and Clough's Hill. He lived to be quite an old man, and remained in this place until his death. He had a large family of children, of whom Daniel, father of the subject of this sketch, was the youngest but one. Daniel Sanborn moved to Canter- bury when his son Daniel B. was but an infant. He bought a farm there, but later came to East Concord, and spent his last days here, dying at the age of seventy-two years. During his early life he worked for a time as a stone cutter, but subsequently devoted him- self to farming. While living in Canterbury he served as Selectman. His wife, Sally Batchelder Sanborn, was a daughter of Samuel l^atchelder, of Northwood, N. H. Their family consisted of four children, including the sui)ject of this sketcii : Ann is the wife of Charles L. Brown, and resides in Concord; Frank, the youngest son, married Hattie J51anchard, and has two sons; Mary Etta is unmarried. Daniel B. Sanborn, the eldest child of his parents, received his education in the district schools of CanterJKiry and in the Concord High School. He came to this town in 1876, and now owns one hundred and twenty acres of tilla'ge land. Besides his farming interests he does a fair business in lumber. He may be called a self-made man, as his success is the result of his own enterprise and intelli- gence. He married Miss Emmeline P. Clough, a daughter of William and Sophronia (Chase) Clough. Mrs. Sanborn is the mother of five children — Walter C, Sadie ¥., Harry B., Maud E., and Daniel W. Mr. Sanborn is a Democrat, politically. He has served two years as Selectman, and was elected a member of the New Hampshire State legislature, to serve during 1897 and 1898. His first Presidential vote was cast for General McClellan in 1864. DWARD S. BARRETT, a prosperous farmer of West Concord, was born Feb- ruary 17, 1S24, at Ashburnham, Mass., the son of Benjamin and Nancy (Stone) ]-!arrett. The paternal grandfather, also named Benjamin, who was a native of Ashby, Mass., followed the occupation of farmer, spent the latter part of his life in New York State, and ended his days in Aurelius, N.Y. Benjamin Barrett, who was also born in Ashby, after having learned shoemaking, worked at that trade for a number of years. He then followed farming in Ashburnham for a time. Subsequently he removed to Fitch- burg, Mass., and later to Newport, N.H., where he ended his days at the age of fifty-one years. He and his wife reared the follow- ing children: Oliver S., born December. 19, 1809, who died March 18, 18 10; Nancy S. born December 14, 18 10, who died Sep- tember 17, 1828; Joseph, born January 13, 1813, who died June 17, 1897; Mary, born August 24, 1815, who died NovemI)er 8, 1816; Lucy, born Jime 2S, 1819, who married Martin Johnson, now of Lunenburg, Mass.; P'lihraim, iiHKJRAFHICAL REVIKVV 377 l)orn Auf^ust 24, 1821, who diud November 20, 1821; Hcnjamin, l)orn October 24, 1822, who (lied April 24, 1823; ICdward S., born Feb- ruary 17, 1824; Julia M., born March 18, 1826, who died l'~ebruary 3, i88g; Caroline, born l'"el)ruary 15, 1S28, who married I'-rancis A. White, and now lives in lirooklinc, Mass. lulward S. Barrett was educated at the dis- trict schools of Fitchburg, Mass., and New- port, N.II. lie began to earn his living in a grist-mill at Newport, where he worked for six years. He then removed to Lempster, N.II., and during the most of his stay in that town was employed in farm work. In 1873 he removed to West Concord, and there purchased a fine farm of one hundred and twenty acres, known as tiie old Washington Dow place, which has been his residence since. June 13, i860, he married Mary Bingham, of Lemps- ter, N.II., a daughter of Walter Bingham. They have no children. At one period in his life Mr. Barrett went West as far as the State of Iowa with the intention of settling out there; but, as the climate did not agree with his health, he returned to New Hamp- shire. In polities he is both a Republican and a Prohibitionist. He cast his first Presidential ballot for General Zachary Taylor in 1848. In religion he is a member of the Congrega- tional, Church of West Concord, and has been one of the Deacons of that society for fifteen years. He is also a member of the Mount Vernon Lodge of Free Masons in Newport. Mr. Barrett is highly regarded by the community. ILLIAM CUTLl'.R TRUIC, for many years one of the most success- ful farmers of Plainfiekl, was born May 9, 1834, son of Major Reuben and Hannah (Duncan) True. The first represent- atives of the True family in America came from ICngland, settling in Salisbury, Ma.ss., going thence to .Salisbury, N.IL, and from there coming to Plainfieid. They were robust and self-reliant, and bore unflinchingly the sacrifices and hardships of the early days. Benjamin True, the grandfather of William C, was a prosperous farmer of Salisbury. His first marriage was contracted with a .San- ijorn, whose children were: Reuben, Osgood, Hannah, Sarah, Judith, Abigail, and a daugh- ter who became Mrs. Severance, of Andover. The second time he married widow Roberts, who bore him three children — Lydia, Eunice, and Benjamin Kimball. Osgood True mar- ried Betsey Morgan, of Plainfiekl. He was a successful farmer, and had a family of si.x children. Hannah married Moses I-laton, and became the mother of a large family. Sarah became Mrs. James Severance, of Salisbury. Judith married Stephen Pingrce; and one of her sons was Samuel li. Pingree, who became Governor of Vermont, and is still residing at Hartford in that State. Abigail married a Putney, and lived at Hopkinton, N.H. Major Reuben True, born at Plainfiekl, be- came a very enterprising and prosperous farmer. He was a man of rare business ability, and was prominently identified with the business and political interests of the town. He served the public in nearly all the town ofifices, was Selectman many times, and was sent as Representative to the legislature. He was a leading member in the Baptist church and a generous supporter of its inter- ests. The first of his two marriages was made with Mary Cutler, and the second with Han- nah Duncan. The children of his first wife were: Bradley, Mary, Eunice, and Reuben; and those of his second were: William C, George Sidney and Susan E. (twins), and 378 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Benjamin O. Bradley True married Sarah Smith, and is at present living at Lebanon, a wealthy farmer. He has two sons — Reuben and Frank William. Mary, a woman of great refinement antl culture, remained a spinster, and died at the age of thirty-nine years. Eunice died at the age of sixty-nine, and Reuben at the age of thirty-three. George Sidney graduated from Dartmouth College, and was preparing to go into business with the Hon. Charles A. Pillsbury, since so well known in connection with his famous brand of flour, when he died, being then only twenty- five years of age. He was a young man of fine attainments and of great promise. Susan married the Rev. Lucian H. Frary, a Congre- gational minister of Middleton, Mass., and died December 14, 1872. Benjamin O. was etlucated at Kimball Union Academy, at Dart- mouth College, and at Rochester Theological Seminary. He is now Professor of Church History in the Theological Seminary at Rochester, N. Y. His wife, Pamelia Smiley True, is a daughter of Dr. James R. Smiley, of Sutton, N.H. Their three children are: Harold, Helen, and Ruth. William Cutler True received his education in the town schools and at Kimball Union Academy. After his marriage, when he was twenty-five years of age, he took up his resi- dence on the estate that had been his wife's home. Here he remained up to the time of his death, carrying on most successfully one of the largest farms in this part of the coun- try, and extensively engaged in raising cattle and sheep. The numerous farm buildings were always kept in the best possible condi- tion, and sup|ilied with all the latest improve- ments. Mr. True was a retiring man, unpre- tentious, never caring for display of any kind. He was Selectman for a number of years, was Representative to the legislature for several terms, and served acceptably in other public capacities. For many years he was a member of the Baptist church and one of its most liberal supporters. He was fraternally asso- ciated with Masonic bodies, and was very popular and influential in the organization. He was anticipating with great pleasure the trip to Boston on the occasion of the last Masonic parade and gathering of the Knights Templars, and expected to take part in some of the exercises. His death occurred on Sep- tember 24, 1895. Mr. True married Mary Morgan, who was born October 28, 1838, daughter of George W. and Mary Stevens Morgan, of Plainfield. Mr. Morgan was born December 7, 181 1, and died February i, 1857. He was a well-to-do farmer and one of the leading men of his time. Mrs. Morgan, born August 3, 181 3, and now nearly eighty-four years old, enjoys excellent health. RANK WILLARD GRAFTON, M.D., a successful medical practitioner of Concord, was born in Gilford, N. H., in 1869, son of James and Mary Jane (Col- lins) Grafton. The earliest known progenitor of this family, also named James, emigrated from Scotland to America, locating in Gush- ing, Me., where he cleared a tract of land, and was afterward engaged in farming. He married, and had a large family, of whom Joseph, the eldest child, was the great-grand- father of Frank VVillard. Joseph Grafton, born in Gushing, who was also engaged in agricultural pursuits, passing his entire life on the farm, married, and reared a large family. His son, James Grafton, attcndetl the common schools of his native town until he was seventeen years of age. Then he engaged in seafaring, which he had JilOGKAl'UlCAL REVIEW 379 ("ollowcd for twenty years when he lost his life in a shipwreclv. lie married Margaret Davis, and thL'y had a larj,^e family. James Grafton, Jr., the father of l'"ranl< Willanl, after aec|iiiiMny his ediieation in the puhlie sehools of dishing, went to sea, con- tinuing to make voyages for fi\'e years lliere- aftci-. lie then came to Laconia, N.H., and worked at hrickmaking for a year. In iiS62 he enlisted in \hc Third New Hampshire Heavy Artillery, and subsequently served two and one-half years in the Civil War. After receiving his discharge he returned to How, where he has since been engaged in faiming. lie married Mary Jane Collins; and they had two children, of whom I'rank W. is the only survivor. His maternal gi-aiid|iarents were James and l^lmirah Collins, of (loffstown, Hillsborough County. After attending the [jublic schools and re- ceiving private instruction, l''rank W. Grafton took a course of study at the Hryant & Strat- ton Business College in Manchester, N. H. For the two following years he taught school in I!i)w. Then he took a further cfiurse of instruction in a Concord academy. In 1893 he entered the medical department of Dart- mouth College, from which institution he was gratluated in iSy5. Until May, I Sijf), he remained as house officer in tlie hospital, when he returned home to Bow. In Novem- ber, i8g6, he began practice in Concord, N. H., in association with the late Dr. E. II. I'^oster. Since the death of the latter he has followed his profession alone. On December 19, 1896, he was marrietl to I'ldith Mathilde MacDowell, daughter of KA- ward MacDowell, of Champlain, N. Y. Mrs. Grafton is an Episcopalian in religious belief. In politics Dr. Grafton affiliates with the Re- |)ublican jiarty. He has the ilistinction of having been the first Republican Town Clerk of Bow, and is otherwise jM-ominent in t(jwn affairs. He is identified with Grange No. 189, of Bow, of which he has been an officer; and with tile Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 75, I. O. O. 1"., of Hanover, N.H. He is al.so a member of the United Order of I'ilgrini I'athers and of the Knights of the Ancient I'.ssenic Order. >j^AMU1';L C. CARTIIR, a farmer of Z^\ Loudon township, was born here October 19, 1840, son of Clark and Lunice (h^lliott) Carter. His grandfather, Samuel Carter, who was born in Loudon, mar- ried Rachel h'rench, also of this township. The father, born January 18, 181 2, and a farmer by occupation, married liunice I-Illiott. She was born October 11, 1817, daughter of .Samuel IClliott, a farmer and shoemaker of Loudon. Clark Carter died June 22, 1880. His widow now resides with their son Wyman on the homestead. Their other children were: Samuel C, the first-born; Clara Ann, who died at the age of two and one-half years; and Clara, born in October, i860, who married A. Jenkins, a farmer ami a butcher of Barn- .stead, N.H. Samuel C. Carter was about thirty years old when he took charge of the old farm. On September 29, 1891, he married Ann Augusta French, of Loudon, who was born May 2, 1 84 1. The grandparents of Mrs. Carter were Joshua and Sally (Sargent) French. Joshua F'rench died in 1842. His son, Daniel S. French, a farmer and a cooper by trade, was twice married, first on September 12, 1833, '" Ann Neal, of Loudon. She died November '9. 'S39, at the age of twenty-eight, leaving two children, namely: Vienna Jane, born June 21, 1834, who died October 27, 1854; and Juliette, born December 19, 1835, who mar- ried Benjamin F. Maxfield, and now resides in ^8o BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Loudon. The second marriage of Mr. French was contracted July 19, 1S40, with Mrs. Mary Haynes, the widow of Calvin Haynes, whom she married April 27, 1837. She was born in Concord, May 11, 1808, daughter of Samuel Haynes, of Greenland, N.H., and his wife, Hannah (Bachelder) Haynes, of Loudon. Mrs. Carter is the only child of Mr. French's second wife. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Carter occu- pied the Stevens farm for about two years, and carried on the store and post-office. In 1894 they removed to their present home, known as the David French farm, which contains about ninety acres of land. Mr. Carter devotes his entire attention to general farming. He is a Democrat in politics. Mrs. Carter is a member of the Free Will Baptist church at the Centre, and takes an active interest in church work. -I^TON. JOHN C. LINEHAN. — "A j-^-j hundred years after the Puritans and -L^ V,^ . Pilgrims made a settlement on the coast of New England there came to this country a multitude of emigrants, mostly from the north of Ireland, who soon became ab- sorbed into the ranks of the first settlers, and became the very best of citizens. In the con- test for independence they rendered the most efficient services to the colonies, as they had previously done in protecting the frontiers from the inroads of the Indians. After another century, our doors having been opened wide for the reception of people from every country, there came to these shores a tide of emigration from Central and Southern Ireland, which seemed at one time as if it would tic- populate the ICmerald Isle. In numbers like the countless hosts of the Goths and Vandals who overran the Roman lunpire, but pacific in their intentions, they sought in America homes for themselves and their children, where, under the flag and protection of the young republic, they could enjoy that liberty which had been denied them in their old home, and secure those advantages which thrift and industry offered in the New World. "When the country of their adoption was in danger from organized rebellion, none hastened to its defence with more zeal and courage than these newly made citizens. In the baptism of blood that followed, the heterogeneous mass was welded into one great people." One of these later emigrants was John Cor- nelius Linehan, the well-known Insurance Commissioner of New Hampshire, who was born in Macroom, Cork County, Ireland, on February 9, 1840, son of John and Margaret (Foley) Linehan. His paternal ancestors for four generations had been engaged in the mill- ing and grain business. He came to this country with his mother, a brother, and two sisters, in October, 1842, his father having come two years previously. Locating with the family in Danbury, N. H., he there at- tended the public schools, and subsequently continued his studies at home under the direc- tion of his father, who was a man of superior education. In May, 1852, he removed to I'en- acook, then known as Fisherville, finding employment in the spinning-room of H. H. & J. S. Brown's cotton-mill. He left that place in February, 1857, and entered Rolfe Brothers' sash, blind, and bo.x factory, where he became foreman of the box department. August 16, 1861, he gave up his position, and enlistetl as a member of the band attached to the Third New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, serving therein until he received his dis- charge. Mr. Linehan then enteretl the employ of Barron, Dodge & Co., flour manu- facturers of Penacook, laboring a year as fore- man of the jiacking department. Later he JOHN C. LINEMAN. lilOCRAI'IIICAl, KKVIKVV 383 wdtkcil fur llic Caltlwell & Amsdcii fiiiniture c()iii[)aiiy as shi|jpin<; clerk, rciiuuiiiiij^ with tliciii until April, 1866. He then went into business in company with Henry I'". Hruwn, unck'r the firm name ol' Hrciwn & I.inehan, whieii partnership lasted until 1869. Mr. l.inclian subsequently continued the business ahme fur twenty-two years. September 27, iSc)o, he was api)ointed by Governor I). II. Gootlell Insurance Commissioner of Now Hampshire for three years; in September, iS()3, lie was reappointed by Governor John J{. Smith; and in October, 1896, was reap- pointctl by Governor Charles A. 15usiel. In politics Mr. Linehan afliliates with the Republican party. He has been officially prominent, serving as a member of the Com- mon Council of Concord in 1872 and 1873, member of the Board of Aldermen in 1S77 and 1878, and in Governor Charles H. Saw- yer's Council in 1887 and 18S8. He became a Trustee of the State Industrial School in 1S84, was for three years Secretary of the Hoard, and is at the present time its Presi- dent. l'"rom 1885 to 1895 he was one of the Directors of the Gettysburg Battlefield Memo- rial Association. He is a member of the New Hampshire Historical Society and of the Charitable Irish Society of Boston, and Treas- urer-general of the American-Irish Historical Society. In June, 1887, he received the degree of Master of Arts from Dartmouth Col- lege in recognition of his literary labors. In religion he belongs to the old faith of his fatherland. One of his brothers, the Rev. r. r. i,inehan, is p.istor of the Catholic (Irish^ liarish of Hiddelord, Me. On January 2, 1864, Mr. Linehan married Miss Mary E. Pendergast, of Penacook. They have four children: Margaret A., a Sister of Mercy at Portland, Me.: John J., of Spring- field, Mass. ; Timotliy P., of Newburyport, Mass.; and Henry !•". Mr. l.iiielian is a member of \V. I. Bral of the Worcester High School, in which city she has taught for fifteen years, making a specialty of languages; Mara A., who is the widow of Lester Spragiic, formerly a hardware merchant of Hartford, has one child, May A., now the wife of Chrumccy Brainard, of Putne)', Vt. ; J''rcd F., now a paper manufacturer in Carthage, N.Y. , who married Carrie Adams, of koikingham, Vt., and has one child, Clyde A.; Charles A., born January 27, 1853, in I'Litney, who graduated from I""ort Edward Col- lege, New York, in the class of 1874, and now carries on the old homestead, besides doing a brokerage business; anil John W., the subject of this sketch. Mrs. Sprague lives with Charles in Langdon. John W. Jefts attendeil the schools of I-ang- don, Marlow Academy of Marlow, N.H., Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, Mass., and Amherst College, intending to fit himself for the ministry. Finding that his views were not in accord with the profession he had chosen, and that he could not conscientiously cai-ry out its requirements, he went to Gard- ner, Mass., and learned the trade of machinist, in which he became an expert workman. This failing health subsequently compelled him to abandon; and nine years ago he pur- chased his present farm in Langdon, and he has since devoted his attention to agriculture. He is a member of the United Order of Work- men. In religion he is an Episcopalian. i\Ir. Jefts married Miss Harriet E. Simpson, of Langdon who on her father's hide is a cousin of the late General U. S. Grant. URTLS WHrnC. a retired carpenter of Cf)ncord, was Ijorn at IJow, N.IL, April 4, 1861, .son of Daniel White, of that place. The grandfather, Lsaac White, who was an early settler of Jk)w, went there from Pembroke, and converted a grant of land into a good farm home for himself and his family. Daniel, the youngest .son, was a blacksmith and stone worker. He purchased a farm opposite his father's, and there carried on stone work as well as some farming. His death occurred March 16, 1825, after a linger- ing and painful illness, in the course of which he was obliged to undergo several and painful .surgical bperations. He married Mary Carter, daughter of Moses Carter, of the old Concord family of that name. They had three children besides Curtis. William, the eldest, died in October, 1826. Their daughter, Mary Ann, is also deceased; and the second son, Daniel C, is a practising dentist in Alton, 111. Curtis White, who was the secrmd-born of his parents' children, followed various lines of bu.siness throughout his active period. After leaving the district school, he worked at farming for a time. He also did some black- smithing and carpentry, and for a while he was employed in a saw and grist mill. For many years Mr. White was a carpenter in Con- cord, and for about ten years he was engaged in carriage-building in this city. In the spring of 1891 he retired from business, and took a tri]5 to California, where he remained until March of the following year. Mr. White has always been considered a good financier. Mr. White was united in matrimony with Hannah Buntin, a daughter of Benjamin 392 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ]5untin, of Bow. She died June i6, 1888. His only child, Anna, now the wife of Josiah E. Fernald, the Cashier of the National State Capital Bank, has four children — Edith, Mary, Ruth, and Josiah. Mr. White served on the Concord Board of Assessors for twenty- si.\' years in succession. He was Selectman of his ward for twelve years. Common Councillor for one year, and Alderman for two years. A prominent member of the Knights of Pythias, he is I^ast Grand Chancellor; and he has been Grand Master of E.xchequer of that organiza- tion for the last fourteen years. He is also Past Grand of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and Chief Patriarch of the encamp- ment, and is a member of both grand bodies. Mr. White is a member of the First Baptist Church of Concord and a well-known Repub- lican voter. iHARLES H. COURSER, a retired business man of Henniker, was born in Boscawen, now Webster, N.H., May 19, 1827, son of John and Keziah (Shep- ard) Courser. The first ancestors of the family were English. His grandfather, John Courser, was a resident of Merrimack County. The father passed the greater part of his life in Boscawen, and died there at the age of ninety-two years. The mother, who was a daughter of John Shepard, a native of Derry, N. II., lived to be eighty-two. Of her chil- dren the only survivor is Charles H. Charles H. Courser passed his boyhood in attending school and assisting upon the farm. When about seventeen years old he was appren- ticed to the trade of carijcntcr and millwright. After serving for three years he was employed as a journeyman carpenter and millwright in Boscawen. In 1853 he came to Henniker, and, securing the site of an old privilege. erected a saw and grist mill, and con- ducted them for fourteen years. He then sold them, and erected in Newport, N.H., another mill, which he sold before it was completed. Soon after, in Pittsfield, N.H., he bought a mill which he rebuilt and operated for nine years, but still resided in Henniker. When his former mill in this town was subsequently offered for sale, he and his son, P'itz II. Courser, bought the property, built a saw-mill upon the opposite side of the river, on the site of the present shoe factory, and were thereafter engaged in custom grinding and the manufact- ure of short lumber until the retirement of the father some six years ago. His original mill was destroyed by fire about a year ago, and a flouring-mill has since been erected there. He invested in timber lands quite extensively, and has some valuable tracts at the present time. He was also engaged in building. He owns and occupies the Robert M. Wallace estate of thirty acres, located at the west end of the village. Since he acquired the property he has rebuilt the residence. On November 9, 1848, Mr. Courser was united in marriage with Mary Jane Blanchard, who was born in Boscawen, daugliter of Amos and Susan Blanchard. His family consists of six children — Fitz II., Evander A., Helen Frances, Almon E., Charles Edgar, and Grace. F"itz H., who is in the livery busi- ness in Henniker, is married and has two chil- dren — Harry and Arthur; Evander A. is in the express business in Concord, is married, and has one daughter, Rachel ; Helen Frances married Joseph M. Hollowood, who was for thirteen years Postmaster of Brockton, Mass.; Almon E., who is in the employ of the Boston & Maine Railroad and resides at home, wedded Minnie Brown; Charles Edgar, a fireman of the Boston & Maine Railroad, and a resident of Henniker, married Emily I'ritchard, of BIOGRAl'lHCAL RK\'II-,W 393 Hillsborough, N.II., and has one daughter, Linda May. I'olitically, Mr. Courser is a Kipniilican. He has been ijuite active in local affairs, and he served vvilli ability as Road Ajrent. W7o / 3) ICORGK WALLINGKORD, a pros- \ fST pcrous business man of Clareniont in the last generation, was born in Dub- lin, N.II., July 17, 1808, son of l^benezer and Mary (Ilildreth) Wallingford. The first an- cestor, Nicholas Wallingford, settled in 15rad- ford, Mass., in 1672. David Wallingford, of the third generation descended from Nicholas, was a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary War. ]5orn September 25, 1744, he went to the war from Hollis, N.IL, was a minute-man, served in four comjianies luider Captains Dow, Towns, I'^merson, and Goss, and took part in the battles of Bunker Hill and Bennington. His son ICbenezer, who was born October 5, 1780, came to Claremont about seventy years ago. By his wife, Mary, who was born in Dublin, Ebenezer became the father of eight children, as follows: llan of constructing bridges, and, having con- fitlence in his young kinsman's ability, desired him to take charge of one of his contracts. Mr. Childs accepted the proposition, and con- structed his first bridge in Haverhill, lie next took the contract to build some bridges for the New Haven & Hartford Railway Com- p;my, paying Colonel Long a royalty upon his patents; anel in these operations he made con- siderable profit. At this time a party in Springfield, Mass., patented improved plans; anil in order to compete Mr. Chi Ids was obliged to tiesign one still better, which he succeeded in doing. For several years he was busily engaged in building bridges for railway companies in New l-lngland, and also for the lirie Road in New York State, fie realized substantial iirofits; and upon one oc- casion, by a sutldeii fall in the price (it iron, he made ten thousand dollars outside of his contract. He constructed a railroad bridge at Manchester, N.H., taking stock in the road as part pavmciit, but had the misfortune to fracture his leg while filling the contract. This accident so interfered with his work that he decided to refrain from taking large con- tracts in the future, and from that time until his retirement he devoted his attention to work nearer home. His last operation was the construction of the britlge over the Contoocook River at Ilenniker; and, having here closed his unusually active career as a bridge builder, he settled in Henniker, where he has since resided. He has taken an active inter- est in educational matters, having assisted many deserving young men in securing the ad- vantages of higher learning. In 1836 he was chosen by his fellow-townsmen to arrange for the establishment of an academy; and, as the site cho.sen by him was accepted, he took the contract to erect the building, and was f)ne of the incorporators. In 1831 he united with the Congregational church, of which he has since remained a member, and for upward of forty years has served as Deacon. He has not only contrib- uted generously toward its support, but, in company with I'ayette Conner, he stood the entire e.\i)ense of rei)airing the building, and made up a deficiency in paying for an organ. Early in the fifties, while journeying from Boston to Concord upon a train which was also conveying President-elect I-'ranklin Pierce and family, an accident occurred near An- dover, Mass., in which a little son of Mr. Pierce was killed, and Mr. Childs was picked up for dead. He was spared, however, and permitted to continue the good work in the way of charity ami benevolence which has characterized his whole life. He has been ac- tively i(lentifie(l with religious matters in this section for consiilerably UKjre than half a century, and is a life member of the American Board of Foreign Missions. In politics he is a Republican. On January 11, 1^37, Mr. Childs was joined in marriage with Matilda R. Taylor, daughter of John and Sally (Jones) Taylor, of Lempster. She is a descendant of William Taylor, who came to America in 1642; and her ancestral line continues, it is said, through William (second), Abraham, Deacon Samuel, to her father's father. The Taylor family have been somewhat noted for longevity. Mrs. Childs's father died at ninety-two, and an uncle at ninety-si.\. The Rev. Oliver Swain Taylor, who died in Auburn, N.Y. , in Febru- ary, 1885, aged one hundred years and four months, was graduated at Dartmouth College in 1809, with the degree of Doctor of Medi- 400 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW cine. In November, 1815, he was appointed to accompany missionaries to Ceylon, but did not go. He was ordained a minister at the age of sixty-three years. Mrs, Cbilds was carefully educated, being a pupil in her girl- hood at the academy in Ipswich, Mass., then a flourishing institution of learning under the charge of Miss Grant ; and for ten years she was engaged in teaching. OSEPH WILKINS, a resident of Pem- broke and a veteran of the Civil War, was born May 24, 1844, son of Jere- miah Hall and Mary (Thompson) Wilkins. He is not only a representative of an old New Hampshire family, but a lineal descendant of ancestors who were first settlers in this country. Bray Wilkins, who came from Wales, Brecknock County, was a descendant of Lord John Wilkins, who belonged to a family that traced their lineage back to logo and had borne many honorable titles. Lord John was a connection of the Bishop Wilkins who married the sister of the Protector, Oliver Cromwell. Bray, at the age of twenty, is supposed to have come to this country in the same ship with Endicott, about 1630, and to have first settled in Dorchester, Mass. Before 1659 he bought from Governor Richard Bell- ingham seven hundred acres of land called Wills Hill, which in 1661 was within Salem's si.x-niile limit. He died in 1702, a patri- archal land-owner, amidst the farms and homes of his sons and daughters. The portion of Bray's son, John Wilkins, was situated in Danvers, Mass. John, son of John, who was born about 1689, went with his wife, Mary (loodale Wilkins, and two sons to Marlboro, Mass., in 1740. His eldest son, Josiah Wilkins, married Lois lUish, whose grandparents settled in MarlboiD in 1690. Of Josiah's five sons, the third, Jonathan, born '" 17SS) graduated at Harvard College, studied theology, and was called to ]jreach at the old -South Parish, Concord, N.H., in 1789. He married Sarah Hall, whose grand- father. Deacon Joseph Hall, was one of Con- cord's first settlers. Deacon Hall was granted eleven lots in the lower range in 1725, built his house, which was used as the garrison for many years. He is recorded as owning the second chaise and clock in Concord. The house was inherited by his grand-daughter, Sarah Hall, who occupied it during her life- time. She had thirteen children, who all grew up and married. Jeremiah Hall Wilkins at the early age of eighteen left his home and settled in Pem- broke, where he was engaged in the grocery and dry-goods trade for forty years. Being an able and successful merchant, he acquired con- siderable property. As a leading resident he was long "identified with local public affairs, and in 1820 he represented his town in the legislature. In politics he was a Reiniblican, and for many years he acted as a Justice of the Peace. He was very proud of his grand- mother, Esther Whittemore Hall, whose an- cestor settled in Charlestown in 1642; also of Deborah Abbot Hall, whose grandfather, George Abbot, of Andover, was an ancestor of his. Mary Thompson Wilkins was a lineal descendant of the Poore and Noyes families of Old Newbury, Mass., who settled there before 1650. She became the mother of fourteen children, of whom five are now living. Of these Mary I£. Wilkins married Dr. John Sullivan, a great-great-grandson of General Sullivan of Revolutionary fame; and Harriet married Dr. Frederick E. Potter, who for four- teen years was a surgeon in the United States Navy, and is now a successful physician in Portsmouth, N. H. The rest are : Francis, who I!Io(;kai"IIic.\i, rpa iisW 10 1 resides in liostnii ; llcnry, who served in tiie Civil War; and tlie subject of this sketch. Josejjh Wilkins was educated in the common sciiools and at the I'emlnuke Academy. lie started in life as a clerk in a store in Concord, tiien went to .Sycamore, III., where he resided for a year. At the expiration of that time he enlisted in Company 1', One Hundred and Thirty-second Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, for service in the Civil War. He served for five months in Kentucky and 'l"en- nes.see, where his regiment was engaged in a campaign against the Confederate guerillas. After his disciiarge from the army he went to New York City, where he learned photography. I'loni there he went to Hyde Park, Mass., whcie he conducted a studio for a time. Then for a year he carried on the same busi- ness in Nashua, N. H. In iX/,, he returned to Pembroke, and some time later he en '835, while he was there on landed inter- ests. He was buried at Davisville with Ma- sonic honors. His wife was Abigail, daughter of Theodore and Abigail (Watts) Stearns, the latter a cousin of Dr. Isaac Watts. The Gen- eral's children were: Paine, Sarah A., Abigail W., Theodore S., Nathaniel A., Persis H., Nathan, Charles, Aquila, and James. Nathaniel A. Davis learned the silver- smith's trade, and, being of a roving disposi- tion, journeyed extensively in the United States, working in all the principal cities. In 1824, after much time spent in the South especially, he returned to his native place and engaged in lumbering. At his father's death the mill property was divided among the sons, the saw-mill coming to Nathaniel and James. The water-power at Davisville is a remarkable one, and for one hundred and thirty years has been held by this family. Among the early industries here were the saw-mill built by Captain Francis Davis in 1763, a grist-mill in 1768, a clothing-mill built by Moses Carleton in 1796 and destroyed by the August freshet of 1826. At that time the iron foundry, bridge, blacksmith shop, and lower dam were all carried away. A lead grinding-mill, a plaster-mill, a brickyard, and tannery, were also near by. Nathaniel A. Davis was of a judicial turn of mind, and becam.e great authority on legal questions. He made a practical study of the State laws, and was ad- ministrator of many estates, and also Justice of the Peace. His residence in the South and observance of the evils of slavery led him to become a strong Free Soiler. Lincoln's proclamation of 1863 he felt was the essence of justice. In 1S43 h*^ removed to the old home of his ancestors; and he died there, October 24, 1S66, from the effects of a fall. His children were: Stephen C, Lucretia A., Walter Scott, Gilman, Lucretia (second), Mary E., Stillman C. , and Henry C. niO(;i IIIC.M, ;kvik\v 403 Walter Scott Davis was as a l;oy full of life and very ingenious, the latter quality often being a source of annoyance to other ])eoplc, owing to his hoyisli love of pulling things to pieces and making something new. This, however, was the ]iowcr that brought him suc- cess in later life. He was educated at Con- toocook High .Scliool and at Clilmanton, Thct- fnrd, Washington, and New London Acade- mics. While studying he worked summers, and also taught school a short time. He was a great lover of mathematics, but was im])a- tient of rules and routine methods. In 1854- 55 he became partner with Samuel H. Dow in the lumber business, continuing thus ten years. He invested in a Lowell tannery, but business depression and a law-suit combined to nearly ruin him in i860. In 1865 he be- came partner with Faine Davis; and in 1866 they built a large circular saw-mill, which was burned in 1869, but at once rebuilt. In 1872 this firm dissolved; and Walter Scott kept the mill, and Paine the farm which was a part of the firm property. In 1871 a new partner, George W. Dow, of Bristol, joined Mr. Davis; and they bought the ruins of a burned paper- mill, and built a straw board mill of twenty- five hundred pounds' capacity daily. Later it was changed from a sun drying to a steam dry mill. Ill 1873 Henry C. Davis and Leston Rollins were admitted into the firm, and the mill machinery improved, and its capacity doubled. In 1875 Walter Scott Davis became sole partner, and then took his brother Henry as partner, the firm becoming Davis Brothers. The mill capacity was now si.x tons daily, and all the rehuiltling had not stopped the works at any time. The lumber business increased proportionately, and the result has been suc- cess and wealth for the firm. Mr. Davis is so gifted in inventive powers that all the plans in use in the mills are his; and, as one in- stance, he has patented a most useful gate arrangement for the turbine water-wheel, and also a machine for making paper boxes. He has held many offices of trust in Warner, has been Representative, was in 1884 elected State Senator, and in i8g6 was chosen Coun- cillor for the I'"ourth District. He is an acliveand iiillucntial member of many Masonic bodies. He belongs to the Swedenborgian church, is a practical Christian, a whole- souled, large-hearted man, and an honored cit- izen. In [)olitics he is a stanch Republican. Mr. Davis was married May 3, 1857, to Dollie Jones, daughter of Daniel Jones. They have had six children, and also the most try- ing sorrow of having lost four of these by scarlet fever. The children were named as follows: W. S. Bertine, Horace J., Chassie IL, Nattie A., Mamie A., and Charles. Horace and Mamie are those now living. I^TENRY TUBBS, a successful dentist f^l practising in Newport, was born in iy' \ ^ Peterboro, N.H., February 24, I S3 1, son of Joseph and Azuba (Monroe) Tubbs. The family is traced back to one William Tubbs, who came to the Plymouth Colony from London, England, in 1635. The paternal grandfather of Dr. Tubbs was Captain Joseph Tubbs, of Marlow, N. H., an early settler, a successful farmer, a good citizen, and a Captain in the old State militia. He died at the age of eighty years. Joseph Tubbs, son of Captain Tubbs, in company with Thomas Baker owned the Eagle Mills at Peterboro, N.H., where he manufact- ured cotton goods, ginghams, etc., from the rough cotton. Successful at first, the firm met with disasters from various causes; and the business was wound up after several years of existence. Joseph Tubbs then turned his 404 BIOGRAPHICAL KEVIEW attention to agriculture, in whicli lie continued occupied until he died, May 22, 1859, at the age of seventy years and three months. His wife was a daugliter of Dr. Joseph Monroe, of Hillsborough. She died at Hancock, N.H., January 16, 1871, at the age of seventy-five years and eight months. They were both Unitarians. They had si.x children, of whom three are deceased, namely : Thomas B. , who died in 1894, seventy-nine years old; Elijah M. Tuhbs, who died in 1881, fifty-eight years old; and Mrs. Sarah W. Merriman, who died at the age of fifty-five years. The others are: Mrs. Maria T. Blood, who resides in Hancock, N.H. ; Louisa A., also a resident of Hancock; and Henry, 'the subject of this sketch. Henry Tubbs, the subject of this sketch, the youngest of his parents' children, was a student for a time in the private school of Dr. Sullivan McCollester. His first business venture was as a clerk in a country store. Later he was employed in the dry-goods busi- ness in ]?oston for a while. In 1859 he entered his brother's office in Peterboro, and began to study dentistry. He located in Newp3rt in i860, where he was the pioneer in his calling. On December 24, 1865, he married Mary A. Rogers, who was born in Sunapee. They have three children — • Annie L. , Chandler T., and Gerty M. Annie is the wife of Will Chandler White, of Concord; and Gerty is at school at Bradford, Mass. In politics Dr. Tubbs is Republican. He was a member of the Lower House of the State legislature in 1896. A jjrominent Mason, he belongs to Mount Vernon Lodge of Newport, the Royal Arch Chapter of New- port, and Sullivan Commandery at Claremont. He has also membership in Mount Coit Lodge, Knights of Honor. The Doctor's success in life is entirely the result of his own efforts. /^^TkORGE T. ABBOTT, a well-known \ 1^ I farmer of Concord, was born here, September 16, 1833, on the estate which was bought by his father, Aaron, of the late Daniel Prince. His great-grandfather, Nathaniel A., was the third settler in that part of Concord known as the Iron Works, coming here from Massachusetts in 1735, when the district was almost a wilderness and Indians were numerous. Nathaniel brought his wife with him and built for their home a log house. Before his death he had cleared considerable land and had seen great changes, as he lived to be a very (dd man. He reared a numerous family, of whom his son, Levi, continued to live on the homestead farm until his death. Aaron Abbott, son of Levi and father of George T. , was one of the best known carpen- ters and builders of this section. He was also engaged in farming. He learned his trade at Limeboro, and many of the buildings in this vicinity were put up by him and his sons. Aaron Abbott married Nancy Badger, daugh- ter of Jacob Badger, of Concord, and became the father of nine children. These were: Jo- seph C. , Ann Mary, Elizabeth H., Sara Jane Hale, George T. , Edward M., Susan E., Ellen S. , and Alice Aaronette. Joseph C. was Colonel of the Seventh New Hampshire Regiment and afterward United States Sena- tor from North Carolina. Edward M., who was a |irinter by trade, went to Iowa earl)' in life, where he died in 1890. Jane Abbott, who lives in St. Paul, is the wife of (ieorge G. Sanborn, formerly of Ilennikcr. ICliza- beth resides in Maiden, Mass., and is the widow of the late A. W. Sanborn, of I\Tan- chester, N.H. Ann married Granville P. Mason, a Captain in the Seventh New Hamp- shire Regiment; and Ellen S. marriecl Judge William M. Chase. The other two sisters are unmarried and reside in Concord. niOGRAl'IIK Al, RKVIEW 405 (icorgc T. Abbott, llic fifth child and tlic subject of this sketch, has been engaged as a farmer and teamster since he liegan to he self- sii|i|)ortinj;. Ilis wife, whose maiden name was Mary 1'. Sanders, is a daughter of Jolm Sanders, of I'.ast Concord. Of the three children she lias lionie her husband, I'lmma, the elder daughter, married Frank (). Whit- tier; and l'"rancis U., the only son, married Alice Toof, and has three chiklren. Mr. George Abbott is a prominent Republican. Me cast his first vote for State officers in March, 1855; and he has voted at every elec- tion since, except the November election of 1856. lie is a member of the grange and an officer in that organization. He attends the Methodist Episcopal church, but is non-sec- tarian in religious matters. ^> '".ORGK HENRY STOWELL, a i| wholesale and retail dealer in hard- ware and one of the wealthiest citi- zens of Claremont, was born in Cornish, N. H., October 28, 1835. His father, Amasa Stow- ell, came to Cornish from Hartland, Vt. He died when our subject was a young bo}'. He had ten children, of whom five are living, namely: Evaline, who married G. W. Hewey ; Sylvester, who is engaged in agriculture in I'^ast Unity, N.H.; Josejih, who is in the harness and livery and carriage business at Lawrence, owns three livery stables, and raises fast stock; Austin, who is in business with Joseph; and George H., the subject of this sketch. Carrie, who married Calvin Adams, is recently deceased. George H. Stowell received a common- school education in his native town. In 1854 he embarked in the business of making monu- ments and headstones at Springfield, Vt. He came in 1S60 to Claremont, where he pur- chased the marble business of J. A. & J. !•'. Uavis. This he conducted until February, 1S64, when he bought the hardware business of Levi Hrown, and began to carry it on in his own name on the site of his present store. .Starting with a small capital, he has by energy and ability built up what is claimed to be the largest wholesale and retail business in this part of the .State, and amassed one of the largest fortunes in the town. In his st(jre, which is spacious and well-ordered, he carries the largest stock to be found in the county. He has a very large trade with stores in -ad- joining counties. Also conducting an exten- sive coal business, he has been agent for the Delaware & Hudson Coal Company in this locality for ten years. He has been instru- mental in giving Claremont some of her best business blocks and buildings. He erected "Stowell's ]?lock in the rear of his own estab- lishment; is part owner of the Union Block, one of the imposing business structures of the town, erected in i88g; and he has built si.x or seven fine residences here. His own private residence is one of the most attractive in the town. l''inancially interested in the People's National ]?ank, he has been a Director of it and the Vice-President since it was organized. He has been honored with town and State offices, all of which he has tilled with credit to himself and constituents. He was the Claremont legislative Representative in i S72 and 1873; a member of the New Hampshire Senate in 1875 and 1876; a member of the E.xecutive Council from 1881 to 1883; and Aide to Governor Prescott, with the rank of Colonel, from 1887 to 1889. In 1876 and again in 1889 he was a member of the conven- tions for the revision and amendment of the State Constitution, and he was a delegate to the Republican National Convention to nomi- nate candidates for the Presidency and Vice- 4o6 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Presidency in 1S84. He was Chief Engineer of the Fire Department of Claremont from 1873 to 1894. Mr. Stovvell is a Mason, and for fifteen years was Generalissimo of the Siil- 1 i va n Com m a n d e ry . Mr. Stowell married .Sarah E. Field, of \'ermont. They have a daughter, Cora E. , who, after graduating from .Stevens High School, went to Boston to take the elocutionary course of two years at the New England Con- servatory of Music. She married George I. Putnam, a graduate of West Point and now the editor of the Advocate, a leading Claremont newspaper. In 1880, overta.\ed by his multi- farious duties, Mr. Stowel.l spent some time in European travel for the benefit of his health. Whether considered in the light of a citizen or a business man, he is recognized as an indispensable factor in the progress of the town; and for thirty-five years he has been one of the leading spirits in its histor)'. JB '\NIEL G. PI-:ASLEE, a farmer and himberman of Bradford, resid- ing about three miles west of the village, was born April 4, 1841, in Newbury, Merrimack County. His father, Jonathan Peaslee, a native of Newbury, was a son of Samuel Peaslee, one of the pioneers of the town. Further mention of the Peaslee family may be found in the biography of J. Albert Peaslee. Jonathan Peaslee, who was reared t" farm- ing, became a tiller of the soil from choice. When ready to settle in life, he bought a tract of land lying on the Bradford and Newbury line, and built his house near the present resi- dence of Hollis L. Blood. He also built an upright saw-mill, in which he manufactured a large part of the timber cut from his land into lumber. Lumbering and farming formed his chief occupation until his demise at the age of seventy-six years. His first wife, Mary Gil- lingham Peaslee, a daughter of James and Bet- sey (Lane) Gillingham, and a sister of both Mrs. Jack Packard, of Concord, and Moody Gillingham, died at the age of forty-nine years. Of her children two died in infancy. The others were: Laurel G., of Newbury; Jefferson G., of Bradford; Joel, who died in infancy; ICllis A., now the wife of Isaac San- born, of Dunbarton ; Marion, who died in childhood; Daniel G., the subject of this sketch; Alburton, who remained on the home farm, never married, and died in 1893; P^anny, the wife of Charles A. Bailey, of Bel- voir, Kan. ; and Webster, now deceased, who was a farmer in Newbury. Jonathan Peaslee married for his second wife Abigail Putney, of Bradford, and had three children, namely: Frank, now residing in Bradford village; Fred, also of Bradford village; and George H., a conductor on the northern line of the Boston & Maine Railroad. Daniel G. Peaslee remained with his father until about si.xteen. Then he went to his brother Laurel in Newbury, and was in his employment for two years. P'rom Newbury he returned to the old homestead, and remained there until his marriage. Next year he rented a farm. During the ensuing three years he carried on the farm of his father-in- law, Mr. Ayer. In 1867 he and his brother Alburton jjurchased his present homestead. At that time less than an acre of the land was cleared ; and on it was an old, worn-out up- right saw-mill. lie repaired the mill and en- gaged in lumbering. In the course of time a large business in custom sawing compelled him to run the mil! night and day. The part- nership with his brother continued for ten or twelve years. -Since that time Mr. Peaslee has conducted the business alone. His farm, IIIOCkAI'IIK Al. KIAIKW 407 which is nnw well -impifjvcil, contains seventy- fivij acres, ami has excellent Iniildinf^s. The mill has a new wheel and shiiifjle machine. I lis iithcr |)i"(i|)erty includes a valn;d)le tract of wood and pasture land, measuring two hun- dred and thirty acres. He has put up some Iniildings hy contract. in his mill lu- makes a specialty of ash lumher, which he markets in Manchester, H(3ston, and other cities, mak- inj,^ yearly sales often amounting to fifteen hundred dollars. He also cuts a good deal of wood, some years from four huiidicd to five hundred cords. I'rom three to six men are employed by him. In iNVj^, March 13, Mr. Peaslee married /eroida Ayer, a daughter of Benjamin Ayer, of Newbury. Mr. and Mrs. Peaslee have two children, namelj': Minnie H., who has taught scho:>l at Meh'in's Mills for the past nine terms; antl iMiiily A., a dressmaker, living at home. Ill politics Mr. I'easlee is a straightforward Democrat, and he has served with credit to himself and his constituents in many of the town offices. In 1876 and 1877 he was Select- man ; and in iSSi and iSSj he represented Bradford in the State legislature, serving on the Agricultural Committee. In 1S82 he was elected Selectman for two years. He declined niiniination for the next and succeeding terms until 1888, when he was elected for three years. In this term the town's bonded debt of nine thousand two hundred ilollars was cleared, and a surplus of eight hundred and fifty didlars was left in its treasury. Though repeatedly urged to accejit the same office since, Mr. Peaslee has persistently declined. On the adoption of the new school laws he was chosen to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term, and at the end of two years he was re- elected for three years. Mr. Peaslee has been Justice of the Peace for about seven years. US1;A liALLOU CARTJ-:k, .son of .Susan Shannon (Merrick) Carter and Tappan Sargent Carter, was born at Kast Hamp.stcad, Rockingham County, NT!., on September 5, 1834. He was edu- cated in the public schools of Hanipstead and at Atkinson Academy, where he was a class- mate of General William Cogswell, of I'rad- foril, Mass., and later of Salem, Mass. The intrinsic inwardness of modern politi- cal and legislative contests has drawn to the service of political managers and corporate magnates the sagacity, shrewdness, anrl fidel- ity of a i^eculiar class of men, not infrequently found in New ICngland, especially in New Hampshire, who, 'being of humble or obscure origin, finding themselves unable to demon- strate or promulgate their ideas, inventions, and schemes (not possessing the capital re- quired therefor), enter the line of service in- dicated for the twofold purpose of compensa- tion and education. " The subject of this sketch, born and reared among the granite hills of New Hampshire, is an exponent of what an uncultured buccdic lad from the backwoods may accomplish when sustained by an equitable supply of sand tempered with ironic silence and common- place courtesy. At the age of ten years he had learned the tratle of shoemaking to aid his father in furnishing the meagre comforts of the humble home of that industrious New England mechanic, who has for more than threescore years daily continued to toil at llie workbench, and who now, at the ripened age of eighty-three years, may be found at the shoe bench for eight hours each day, which he recognizes as the proper hours for work-day for willing labor. " Hozee," as he is familiarly known through- out New Hampshire, leaving the family fire- side in 1849, began the battle of life first as 4o8 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW a tin peddler, next as a speculator in patent rigl'.ts and patented novelties, and later on as an encyclopaedia canvasser. The milestones marking his course and route from the shoe bench at Hampstead to the State House at Concord are many and interesting. In fact, his career marks an epoch in the political his- tory of the State. He was located in Bost;)n in 1858-59 and i860, engaged in the sale of an extensive line of popular patented novelties, through a band cf travelling salesmen (then known as "street fakirs'"), shrewd youngsters, to whom he had taught the practical science of street-corner demonstration of "chin-and-hand " commerce, whereby credulous spectators were induced to insist upon the immediate exchange of the novelties exhibited for the current "coin of the realm." When the war of the Rebellion came, in 1861, these young salesmen were among the first men in Boston to volunteer their service in defence of the national honor. Mr. Carter then became a private detective, which calling he followed until 1866, receiv- ing from the start eminent patronage, and en- rolling among his somewhat remarkable clien- tage many officials of high rank in the service of the Federal government, among which we find the name of Abraham Lincoln. He was at the (so-called) I^eace Conference of Colo- rado Jewett and Horace Greeley at the Clifton House, Niagara Falls, in 1864, and continued shadowing Confederate leaders at Hamilton, Toronto, St. Johns, Quebec, and Montreal, during that iiistoric fall and winter of 1864-65, covering that period when the famous "Rebel raid" upon the banks at .St. Albans, Vt. , was perpetrated; and he was on duty constantly during that peculiar trial (by a Canadian court at Montreal) of the Confederate Colonel Ben- nettc H. Young and his inf.imous band cf Confederate highwaymen. He also witnessed the discharge of the entire band by that same Canadian court, which also returned to Colo- nel Young and his band the funds taken from the banks at St. Albans. Returning to Washington in June, 1865, Mr. Carter testified as witness for the United States in the trial of Mrs. Surratt and the assassination conspirators, after which he re- turned to his New Hampshire home, where he received an appointment as Postmaster of his native village. But the next year, becoming restless through the Puritanic restraint of that quiet borough, he accepted a position as com- mercial traveller at a liberal salary; and for a quarter-century he followed the fortunes of a commercial tourist, covering New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, and Vermont. He rep- resented New Hampshire from 1876 to 18S0 as Commissioner of the Boston & Maine Rail- road upon the Interstate Board with the Hon. James G. Blaine, of Augusta, Me. Visiting every town in New Hampshire at all seasons of the year, and having personal, political, and commercial association with prominent men of each county, it was possible for him to perform valuable service for his patrons in legislative proceedings and other matters. The varied experience he acquired by constant attendance upon more than twenty consecutive sessions of the legislature of the State matle him an available expert wiiere- v.itli in I S90 His PZxcellency Governor Goodell and the Honorable Coimcil could fill a vacancy caused by the decease of the Secretary of State, to which position they by unanimous vote elected Mr. Carter — namely, official editor of the State Manual for the General Court, a duty previously performed by the late Secretary of Slate. * The works of his head and hand abound. A complete "blue book," covering the official succession of New Hampshire for more than BIOGRAI'lllCAI, RFA'IKW 409 two centuries (1680 to i.Sgi), published by the State, attests liis superiority as an editor, collator, ctjiiijiiler, and statistician. "The 'I'uwn and C.\ly y\tlas of New 1 ianipsliire, " puhlislicd in I .S9J, which contains more than six hnndrce the equal benefactor of all maritime nations ; and " Whereas the distinguishing feature of the generation in 7chich zee live is the g/vzcth of the sentiment of univcisal brotherhood and by virtue thereof the fraternity of nations ; there- fore "Resolved that the President of the United States be and he is hereby requested to invite to a conference representatives from all nations with whom this nation has had diplomatic rela- tions^ to the end that tlie Nicaragua Canal may be built by Joint effort of nations, that, as its beneficence is universal, so the protection and care of it may be the bounden obligation of the maritime zvorld, that, uninterrupted by inter- necine strife, it may co7itinuc for all time tlie peaceful pathivay of a zvorUV s commerce.'" Mr. I-'arwell spoke as follows; "Coming uninstructed from a State which stands promi- nent in successful efforts for the development of the internal commerce of the country; a Commonwealth which has by far tlie longest coast line washed by navigable waters of any of our forty-four States; a State, every foot of whose borders of two thousand miles is con- stantly washed by the ebb and flow created by the innumerable steam and sail craft whose BIOGKM'HICAL REVIEW 43' keels create a perpetual wake around her two peninsulas; a State, in front of whose chief financial and coniniercial nietropulis there moves a commerce which in volume surpasses that passing any other point on the globe; a city which, sitting on liic banks of the broad, 1)1 uc l'osi)]iorus (if tilts western hemisphere, has iieen justly likened in its geogra|)hical position to the city of Constantiiie in the eastern world- it is pinper, f bclic\'c, that 1 call llic attention of this convention to the fact that, under a wise and liberal system of State and national policy, seventy million of people cheerfully contriinite to the widening, straightening, and deei)ening of the various channels connecting our great inland seas. "Long before the United States had a na- tional existence and at a period of Juigland's history when she had already dotted the sur- face of the globe with her possessions and her military posts, and when her morning drum- beats, travelling with the sun and keeping time with the hours, circled the earth with (Hie continuous ami unbroken strain of her martial airs, she in connection with France dedicated all the water ways of our northern and north-western frontier to be forever free and unobstructed to all the nations of the earth. "The development following the policy just outlined, and which may be classed as the line of Christian civilization, is simpl\' mar- vellous. "Buffalo at that time was a straggling vil- lage, Detroit a camping-ground of the Indians, Chicago absolutely unknown, and the w^aters of Lake Superior had scarcely been stirred by a white man's skiff; while to-da)' almost every square mile of its vast area is lightened by the sails of its vessels, or shaded by the smoke of its rushing steamers. And the gate- way to and from that lake, which, although admitting at ohc liiih, ,uim c\li^> ii.niii'iui four of the largest steamships, and with one move- ment lifting them from the level of Lake Huron t(j that of Lake Superior, is insufficient for the ]Hescnt and rajjidly increasing traffic. "Coming from a State with surrounding.s such as I have recited and with an experience thus suggestive and cheering, I hazard nothing in saying that Michigan will he in the very liont rank of promoters of tiiis work, and will stand ready to do her full share in aid of its rapid and speedy completion. "For the sake of contrast, go in memory over the history of the eastern world, and you will call to mind that to gain possession of the eastern Bosphorus on one hand and to main- tain the same on the other, Europe, Asia, and Africa have, decade after decade, generation after generation, and century after century, marshalled gigantic armies, and almost from the period of recorded history have continued to enrich the soil of each with the best blood of their soldiery, and crimsoned alike the cold currents of the Baltic, the softer currents of the Mediterranean and the Nile, and the blue waters of the Adriatic with the best blood of their naval heroes. "The development following this last re- cited policy has been along the line of bar- baric civilization, the effect of which is best described under terms of servile, mindless, and enervate Ottoman and darkest Russia. "Assembled as we are, Mr. President, to consider a project which has occupied the at- tention of the civilized world since the discov- ery of America, and which has through suc- cessive periods received some of the best thought and effort of engineering and business minds, and to accomplish which five hundred millions of dollars and fifty thousand human lives have been wasted, it may be well to con- sider the board and enlightened policy which 432 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW dictated the treaty I have alluded to, and the unexampled results which have arisen there- from. "Had the maritime nations acted in conso- nance with that policy in reference to an interoceanic canal, we should have enjoyed its advantages one hundred years ago. "The expressed desire of one of the many able writers and promoters of this enterprise is that the first steamship which passes through the Nicaragua Canal may hail from San Fran- cisco; and he declares that when he has seen the flag of our country floating from the peak of an ocean steamship on Lake Nicaragua, he will reverently paraphrase the devout Simeon of nineteen centuries ago: 'Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen the salvation of the Pacific Coast and the glory of the great Republic' "My devout desire is to live to see, contem- poraneously with the completion of the Nica- ragua Canal from ocean to ocean, the comple- tion of that other great national work which was inaugurated at Detroit last December; namely, a ship canal connecting our great in- land seas with the larger oceans ; and, on the completion of these great works, world-wide in their influence and benefits, I hope to see not only the Stars and Stripes, but the flags of all maritime nations, gaily and peacefully floating from the mast-heads of their various steamers on the route from the Pacific to the Atlantic and vice versa, and also on that other route, which I trust I may live to see com- pleted, connecting our great inland lakes with the outer oceans. My own idea is that all the maritime and inland States be federated to- gether for the completion of this great work. "Such would be a fitting climax for these closing years of the nineteenth century of our Christian era, and would be the practical reali- zation of what has hitherto been the ideal dream of the philanthropist — namely, the uni- versal brotherhood of man, the federation of the nations, and a parliament of the world. "In this line of thought, but in no dogmatic spirit, I have offered these resolutions, and ask a respectful consideration theieof by this convention. " A glance at the genealogical records of the I-'arwell and allied families shows that the subject of the foregoing sketch numbers among his ancestors some of the earliest colonists of New England and some of the most noted and influential, both in the Plymouth settlement and the Bay province. The P"arwell line is thus given : — (i) Henry Farwell from England settled in Concord, Mass., in 1638, moved to Chelms- ford, Mass., in 1650, and died there in 1670; his wife, Olive, at same town, 1691. The earliest town records of Concord being lost, knowledge of these two is scanty; but they were probably ancestors of all or most of the name in New England and of many else- where. (2) Their son, Joseph Farwell, born in Concord, 1642, married Hannah Learned, of Chelmsford, in 1666, and died in Dunstable, Mass., in 1722. (3) Lsaac P^arwell, son of Joseph, born in Chelmsford, died about 1753. (4) William P'arwell, son of Isaac, born in Medford, Mass., in 1712, died in Charlestown, N. H., in iSoi, married Bethiah Eldridge. (5) Jesse and Abigail (Allen) Farwell, of North Charlestown, N.H. (6) George and Au- rilla (Brownell) I-'arwell. (7) Their son, Jesse H. Farwell, born in 1834, in North Charles- town, N. H., now of Detroit, Mich. Henry P'arwell and his descendants were trustworthy, the men holding town and church offices far more important then than now. They were substantial farmers and landholders, in- telligent and independent in thought. One stood firm in the patriot ranks on Bunker Hill. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 433 Several were in Indian fights, Sf)me talccn prisoners. The Rev. William I'arwelJ, a great-uncle of Jesse II. l-'arweJl, was the first Univers.ilist ])reacher in Northern Vermont and New 1 lanijishire, an heretical bishoji trav- elling much o\'er his wide diocese, holding toil and peril but light trials, and much be- loved as a true man. In Harrc, V^t. , one of his societies built a chunli over a century ago. The ['"arwells were a steadfast race, such men antl'women as hold the world together. The wife of Jesse l'"arwell and grandmother of Jesse M. I-'arwell was Abigail Allen, daughter of Benjamin and I'eggy (Spofford) Allen, and grand-daughter of Captain John and Hannah (Tyler) Spofford. Benjamin Allen was in Stark's brigade at Bennington and .Saratoga. The Spofford family is a very old one in England, the name being found in the Doomsday Book, or record of the division of lands after the Norman Concpiest in 1066, and also in Sa.xon chronicles of an earlier date. The Spofford Genealogy, prepared mostly by the late Dr. Jeremiah Spofford, of Georgetown, Mass., and edited by his daugh- ter, contains a picture of Spofforth Castle, an interesting ruin in Spofforth or .Spofford, Yorkshire, England, whose owner in the eleventh century, Gamelbar, Lord of Spni- forth, was son of Gamel, who before the Con- cpiest was lord of the manor of llkley, and was the ancestor of the Spofforths or Spoffords of Yorkshire. Captain John .Spofford, above named, born in 1704, grandfather of Abigail, wife of Jesse Farwell, was a great-grandson of John .Spofford, one of the first settlers of Rowley, Mass., and the first settler in Georgetown, Mass. Of the latter, who had the reputation of being an intensely jjious man, a curious anecdote is related: "There had been a severe drought, and he went to Salem to buy corn for himself and his neigh- bors. The merchant to whom 11.. .ijijilicd, knowing the scarcity, and foreseeing higher prices, refu.scd to sell. After pleading in vain, John .Spofford cursed the merchant to his face, and was promptly brought before the local magistrate, charged w-ith profane swear- ing. Spofford replied that he had not sworn profanely but as a religious duty, and quoterl Prov. xi., 2(1, as his authority. The words he qu(jted are: 'lie that witholdeth corn from the hungry, the people shall curse him.' Spofford was immediately acquitted, and, by the summary power of the Court in those days, the merchant was ordered to deliver the corn." Captain John Spofford, his great-grandson, already mentioned, after marriage resided for ten years in Georgetown, and then removed to what is now Charlestown, N. H. The saw- mill and grist-mill built here by him, the first in this region, were burned by the Indians in 1746; and he himself, with otic or tw(j others, was carried away a prisoner to Canada, whence he returned in 1747. The mills built to re- place these were also destroyed, and afterward the third mills were built. Settlers came from Lancaster, one hundred and twenty four miles away, to have their corn ground by Cap- tain Spofford. Hannah Tyler, wife of Captain John Spofford, was a daughter ot Job and Margaret (Bradstreet) Tyler, and her mother, Margaret, a daughter of Colonel Dudley Brad- street, who was a son of Governor Simon and Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet, both of honored memory, he an able and faithful government official in the Massachusetts Bay Colony for over si.xty years, chief magistrate for thirteen years; she a poet, the first American woman of letters, a lady of gentle birth and breed- ing, daughter of Governor Thomas Dudley. Governor and Mistress Anne Bradstreet were the parents of eight children. From them many distinguished Americans — for e.\ample, 434 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Oliver Wendell Holmes, Wendell Phillips, William Ellery Channing — have traced their lineage. Mr. Jesse H. Farvvell's mother, Mrs. Aurilla (Brownell) Farwell, was a daughter of Henry and Ruth (Shaw) Brownell, of Little Compton, R. L She was, on the maternal side, of the si.xth generation in descent from John and Priscilla (Mullens) Alden, of the "Mayflower" and Plymouth Colony, being a great-great-grand-daughter of their daughter Elizabeth, the first white woman born in New England, who married William Pabodie (or Peabody), of Duxbury, afterward of Little Compton, R.I. Sarah Pabodie, daughter of William and Elizabeth, became the wife of John Coe; and their daughter, Mrs. Lydia Coe Shaw, was the mother of Mrs. Ruth Shaw Brownell and grandmother of Aurilla Brown- ell. Mrs. Elizabeth Alden Pabodie died at Little Compton, R.L, May 31, 1717, in the ninety- third or ninety-fourth year of her age. Her tomb bears the following inscription: — •'A bud from Plymouth's ' Mayflower' sprung, Transplanted here to live and bloom, Her memory, ever sweet and young, The centuries guard within tliis tomb." ENJAMIN W. BREED, farmer, of ''^^ I-'ranklin, Merrimack County, N.H., n^/ a veteran of the Civil War, who nearly lost his life by a gimshot wound re- ceived in battle, was born in Nelson, Cheshire County, February 12, 1830, son of John and Sarah (Blood) Breed. Many of his ancestors and of their near kin were of Massachusetts birth, and were lifelong residents of that State, the family being one of the earliest that settled in P^ssex County. iJr. Nathaniel Breed, who was a native of Lynn, Mass., was a surgeon's mate on the staff of General Wash- ington in the Revolution. Dr. Breed's son John was at the battle of Bunker Hill, which was really fought, as we know, on Breed's Hill. John Breed spent the greater part of his life in Nelson, N.H., but passed his last years in Sheboygan, Wis. John Breed, son of John and father of Ben- jamin W., resided in Nelson until 1840, when he removed to Franklin, and settled upon the farm which his son now occupies. He died in i860. He was twice married; and by his first wife, Rhoda Wheeler, of Nelson, he had four children, none of whom are living. His sec- ond wife, Sarah Blood, who was a native of Tyngsboro, Mass., became the mother of five children, as follows: Rhoda, who lives in Franklin Falls, and is the widow of Ben- jamin H. Holt; Charles, who resided for a time in Charlestown, Mass., and died at New Orleans in 1864; Sarah Ann, who married Washington Clark, of Tilton, and is no longer living; Benjamin W., the subject of this sketch; and J. Newton, who married Betsey Bromley, and resides in Chelsea, Mass. Mrs. Sarah Blood Breed died in 1879. She was a daughter of Joseph and Hannah (Walker) Blood, and grand-daughter of Captain Ben- jamin Walker, who was wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Biuiker Hill, and died in captivity. 15enjamin W. Breed acquired a common- school education, and resided at home initil twenty-three years old. He followeil agricult- ural pursuits until November 4, 1861, when he enlisted in Company I, First New luigland Cavalry, under Captain S. R. Swett and Colo- nel Lawton, of Ivhodc Island. He received a gunshot woimd in his leg at l^ront Royal, Va., May 30, 1862, which confined him to the hos[iital for some time. Shortly after he was shot he was told that he miglit live ten days, IJIOOK M'llMAI, L i';\' I i';\v 435 l)ul tlicrc was lui iikjix' cliaiuc lor liim to sur- vive four weeks tlian if bis head had iieen cut off. The reply he gave to the orderly sergeant was, "The surgeon don't known how tough old Ik'u is." And so it jirovcd. He was dis- charged Novemljcr 3, 1X62. Re-enlisting November 17, 1863, in tlie Reserve Corps, he did hospital duty in Wasiiington, D. C, until niially discharged August 21, 1865. lie re- turned to I'^ranklin, and resided upon the River Road until 1871, when he took up his residence at the homestead, and has since been engaged in general farming. He owns one hundred and seventeen acres of excellent land, the fertility of which he has greatly increased; and he has improved his property by erecting new buildings. lie carried the bullet in his leg sixteen years; and then, when it had worked out toward the surface, it was ex- tracted. He now has it in his possession, a flattened piece of lead, with scraped bits of bone adhering to it yet. With this source of inllammation removed, his physical condition is now much better than before, and he is able to do light work. On February 21, 1851, Mr. Breed was joined in marriage with Sarah Philbrick. She was born in Sanbornton, N.H., daughter of Benjamin and Charlotte Philbrick. She died June 12, 1892; and on August 5, 1894, Mr. Breed married Mrs. Cynthia Jane Philbrick Taylor, his first wife's sister. She was the widow of Levi Taylor, a carpenter of Provi- dence, R.I. , and by her first husband she had two children: Mabel, now wife of J. M. Wells, who is in the hardware business in Portsmouth, N. H. ; and Nellie, wife of Alfred L. I'omcroy, a coal dealer in Chicopee, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Breed have no children. In politics Mr. Breed is a Republican, and formerly took an active interest in public affairs. He is highly esteemed as an industri- ous farmer and a worthy citizen, and is popu- lar among the comrades of George K. Swett Post, No. 38, G. A. K. >VAJ/|1.l1AM [.-. 1I|;ad, an extensive '^V manufacturer, lumber dealer, and agriculturist of Ilookset, N. H., is well known as one of the most enterprising and successful business men of Merrimack County. He was born in Hookset, September 25, 1832, son of John and Annie (Brown) Head, and is a younger brother of the late ex- Governor Natt Head, with whom for thirty years, 1852 to 1883, he was associated in business. The Head family, although not one of the oldest in New England, has a history in this country of more than two hundred years. The emigrant ancestor was Arthur Head, a native, it is supposed, of Wales, who settled at New Castle, N.H., in 1671, and died there in September, 171 i. lie was survived by his wife, Sarah, who died not later than 1718. They reared five children, the eldest of whom was James Head, the great-great-grandfather of William F. James Head was born at New Castle in 1683. In 1707 he removed to Bradford, Mass., where he made his home until his death in 1743. He was twice married, and had three children by his first wife, Sarah At- wood, who died in 1717, and three by his sec- ond wife, l^lizabeth Atwood, his first wife's 1 sister, Major James Head, the next in line of descent, being the last-born. Major James Head lived in Bradford, Mass., the place of his birth, until 1770, when he established himself as a farmer in Pembroke, N.H. He enlisted in the war of the Revolution, receiving a commission as Major in Colonel Stickney's regiment, and at 43*^ liUXiRAl'lllCAL RKXJFAV the battle of Bennington, August i6, 1777, was killed. His wife, whose maiden name was Sarah Thurston, bore him seven children, Nathaniel, their third child, being grand- father of William F. Nathaniel Head was born March 4, 1754, in Bradford, Mass., and in 1770 accompanied his parents to Pembroke, N. H., where he was engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1783. Coming then to Chester, now Hookset, he built a log cabin, in which he and his family lived for mqny years, while he was engaged in the pioneer labor of clearing and improving his land. In addition to general farming, he es- tablished a substantial lumber business, which has since been profitably carried on by his de- scendants. He built a hotel, or tavern, as it was then called, and, being licensed as an innkeeper in 1784, dispensed hospitality as a landlord for thirty-five years. He took a prominent part in local affairs, holding at different times all of the town offices, and serving as Justice of the Peace many years. He was quite active in military circles, and, being the Commander of a company of militia, was known as Captain Head. He married Miss Annie Kno.x, of Pembroke; and John, father of William F. Head, was the seventh of their nine children. Captain Head lived to a good old age, dying in 1831. Colonel John Head, a lifelong resident of Hookset, Merrimack County, was born May 30, 1791, and died August 7, 1835. He was for many years numbered among the foremost farmers and hunber dealers of this part of the county. He married July 11, 1822, Miss Annie Brown, a daughter of William and Sallie (Bunten) Brown, and they became the parents of seven children; namely, Hannah Ann, Sally B. , Natt and William Brown (twins), John A., William F., and Mary Jane. Han- nah Ann Head, born January 19, 1824, mar- ried Colonel Josiah Stevens, and died July 9, 1S96, leaving one child, Sarah Frances, who married J. Henry Dearborn. A son, Edwin Eugene Stevens, died April 4, 1896, three months before his mother. Sally B. Head, who was born P'ebruary 25, 1826, was married March 4, 1863, to Hall ]?. I':mery, of Pem- broke. Natt Head (of whom see special sketch) and William Brown Head, twins, were born May 20, 1828; and William Brown died Sep- tember 20, 1829. John A. Head, born July 9, 1830, married December 4, 1862, Abbie F. Davis, of Fort Atkinson, Wis., and had one child, a son, Frank, who died at the age of fifteen months. Mary Jane Head, who was born April 20, 1835, died March 13, 1836. William F. Head was educated in Pem- broke, and remained on the home farm with his mother. When about twenty years of age he entered into business with his brother Natt, establishing in Hookset in 1852 the manufacture of bricks, which they carried on until the death of Natt Head some tliirty years later, the brothers having such faith in each other's honor that no books were ever kept, everything being owned in common. Mr. Head has had various business enter- prises under his command, in each of which he has been very successful, managing his brickyards, mills, and large farm, and contin- uing the lumber business established by his grandfather. Captain Head. Under his saga- cious management this industry has assumed large proportions. In 1.S71 was formetl the Head & Dowst Company, contractors and buiUlers, Mr. Head being Vice-President. His farm, the oUl Head homestead, contains two hundred and fifty acres of land, on wliich he averages an annual crop of two hundred and fifty tons of hay. On November 4, 1858, William !•'. Head married Miss Mary Ilaseltine Sargent, a i;i()(;i< Ai'iiic \i, Ki.-.vil'AV ■\M (l;iiit;htcr of Sterling and Sally (Gault) Sar- gent, of Allcnstown, N.II. Mr. ami Mrs. Head arc llic parents of two cliiklren, namely: liugeno Sterling, born June i, 1863; and Sallio, who was born A[)ril 30, 1866, anil was graduated at Lascll Seminary in 1887. Eugene S. Head was educated at I'end)rokc Academy and at Dartmouth College. He is now in business with his father, the firm name being William !•". Head .S: Son. On account of the father's impaired health the management now rests upon the son, who is daily proving himself equal to the responsi- bility. In 1891 he served creditably as a member of the Legislature, and he is a mem- ber of the Republican State Committee. He is also a member of the School Board. He was married November 19, 1884, to Miss Hattie M. lloyt. They have two children: William Iloyt, born April 24, 1886; and Mary H., born October 29, 1888. Mr. William l"". Head has held many im- jjortant public olTices. He served as Se- lectman in 1859, and 1S60; in 1869, and 1870 he was a member of the State legis- lature, representing the town of Hookset; and in 1876 he was a member of the Constitu- tional Convention. Well-versed in monetary alfairs and a man of marked executive ability, he is Director of the Suncook Valley Rail- way Company, a Trustee of the Merrimack River Savings Bank, and of the h'irst National Bank of Manchester, this .State, and a Trus- tee of the New F.ngland Agricultural Society. For many years he has been prominent in the Masonic fraternity, belonging to luneka Lodge, V. & A. M., of Concord, which he joined in 1863; being a charter mendjer of Jewell Lodge, F. & A. M., of Suncook; and a member of Trinity Commandery, K. T. , of Manchester. In politics he is a stanch Republican. ^ATHA.MliL HEAD, Governor of New Ilamijshire from 1879 to 1881, -^ V«_^ was born May 20, 1828, son of John and Annie (Brown) Mead. Having completed his education in the schools of Pembroke, he began life as a farmer and lumberman at a very early age, remaining on the old homestead. His military career commenced on Sejitember 1, 1847, when he was appointed Drum Major oi the Eleventh Regiment, Thiid Brigade, I-'irst Division, of the State militia, in which he served four years. He was an original member of the famous Horse Guards, in which he was Drum Major and Chief Bugler during the ex- istence of the corps. He was likewise con- nected with the Amoskeag Veterans of Man- chester, N.II., and was an honorary member of the ]?oston Lancers ami of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of that city. During his early life he served in various public capacities, being Deputy Sheriff many years, and in 1861 and 1862 representing his town in the State legislature. On March 26, 1864, he received an appointment that brought him more conspicuously before the public. Governor Gilmore making him Adjutant, In- spector, and Quartermaster-general. In 1875 occurred the celebrated controversy in the Senatorial district over the spelling of his name, so many of the votes being cast out that he failed of election; but on the follow- ing year his constituents, careful that a like mistake iliil not occur, electeil him to the Senate by a large vote. In 1878 he was elected Governor of the State, being the first to hold the office under the then new biennial law. A man of superior ability and of strict in- tegrity, Natt Head was also prominent in other important offices. For several years he was a Director of the Suncook Valley Railway 438 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Company, of the First National Bank of Man- chester, N.II., and of the New Hampshire Fire Insurance Company. He was likewise President of the China Savings Bank of Sun- cook and a Trustee of the Merrimack River Savings Bank of Manchester. He was a charter member of Jewell Lodge, F. & A. M., of Suncook; a member of the K. of P. lodge of the same place; and a charter member of the Howard Lodge, L O. O. F., of Suncook. Deeply interested in the early history of our country, he identified himself with the New Hampshire Historical Society, of which he was Vice-President. He was not a member of any church, but was liberal in his religious belief. His active public life, which won him a wide reputation, brought him in contact with many of the leading men of his times; and he had a personal acquaintance with Gen- erals Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, and others, and was often invited to accompany them on different trips through the country. He married Miss Abbie M. Sanford, of Lowell, Mass., on November 19, 1863, and they became the parents of three children, as follows: Annie Sanford, born June 23, 1865; Lewis Fisher, born February 18, 1868, who died March 4, 1S72; and Alice Perley, who was born December 28, 1870, and died No- vember 20, 1879. E.x-Governor Head died November 12, 1883. 'OHN P. ROUNSEVEL, formerly a well-known wi)(j1 buyer of Claremont, was born in Unity, N.H., January 2, 181 5, son of Royal and Betsey (Sweat) Roun- sevel. Rounseville, the original spelling of the name, was changed tu the j)rcscnt form by Joseph Rounsevel about the year 1768. In 1749 Thomas Rounseville wrote from Ottery St. Mary to I'liilij) Rounseville, of pjigland, who afterward came to this country. He settled in I'reetown, Mass., and was called by the townspeople King Philip. His son Jo- seph, who, born January 3, 1737, died in 1827, went to Washington, N. H., between 1768 and 1772, from Middleboro, Mass., having previously resided in Itast Freetown. Joseph was a good farmer, a well-read man, and a Justice of the Peace. He executed the legal business of the town, and represented Washington with other towns in the General Court. His children were: Alden, Charity, Phebe, John, Rosamond, and Royal. Alden married Hannah Wells. Charity married Ma- nasseh Farnsworth in 1784. Phebe never married. John married Rebecca Chamberlain in 1768. Rosamond married Thomas Putnam in 1787. Royal's children were; Joseph, Mi- nerva, File I., Lyman, and John P. Of them Joseph, who was born in 1796, and died De- cember 24, 1858, married Betsey Laughton, who had by him five children — Sarah, Har- riet, Holmes, Lyman, and Marinda. Mi- nerva, born in 1799, who married John Stow- ell, had no children, and died in July, 1848. Elle I., born February 15, 1801, who married Orrill Reckard, and had four children — Ellen H., Royal D., Mary, and William — died Sep- tember 19, 1852. Lyman, born November 7, 1805, married Sarah Sparling, by whom he became the father of seven children — Thomas Eaton, Vienna Elizabeth, Lyman Eaton, Homer .S., Almira, Diantha S., and William Ashton. Royal Rounsevel, the father of John P., born in Washington, this count\', in 1772, marrieii Betsey Sweat, of Unity, who died January 22, 1837. He was well educated for the times, and taught school in Weare, N. H., for some years. He finally gave up teaching for a farmer's life, and in middle life moved to Unity. A Quaker in religious belief, he IIIOCK \IMIIC.\I, RK\li;\V 430 l)L'l(inf;c(l to tlio Society (if I'licnds that held regular meetings in Unity. While an earnest member of the sect, lie was a man of quiet dispositinn ami a good neighbor. He died September 17, 1829, leaving five children. These, with the exception of John P., were for many years residents and farmers of .Sulli- van County, wiicre they were born. Lyman, who was a drover for thirty years, spent the last twenty-five years of his life in the occupa- tiiiu of tanner; and during iiis stay in Unity he was for two )'cars a mcnihei' of the legis- lature. John 1'. iydia Winchester. He bought a farm in Deering, N.II. He was noted in the district fur his indomitable courage. George W. Sumner, at the age of nineteen, after having helped his father in clearing the Deering property, left his home and applied himself to learning the clothing business. He came to Hill and engaged in wool carding and cloth dressing, constructing a dam and erect- ing a mill for these purposes. In 1825 he built a fine brick house, which is still one of the most prominent structures in the town. He married Hannah Abrams in 1822; and his children were: Mary, Ellen, Catherine, Jane, George A., and Sarah. Of these George is the only survivor. George A. Sumner was sent to the jiublic schools of Hill and later to P'ranklin Acad- emy. At the age of nineteen he bought a grist-mill. After running that for a time, he exchanged it for a general merchandise store. A few years later he bought out Mr. Stack- pole, whose business was located in the rail- road station, and joined the two stores. About the year 1890 he took in a partner. The business is now conducted under the firm name of Sumner & Foss. Recently, becom- ing interested in real estate, Mr. Sumner has built a number of tenement-houses for the workmen employed in the needle factory. At one time he was the freight, express, and telegraph agent of the Boston & Maine Rail- road. On April 28, 1S68, Mr. Sumner married Angle Montague, of Springfield, Mass. His children are: Annie G. and G. Willis Sum- ner. The last named is a graduate of Oberlin College, Ohio. Mr. Sumner has been an active man in town affairs, and has held sev- eral town offices. He has been Justice of the Peace for twenty-five years. Postmaster for four years, and Town Clerk for six years. He has also filled the offices of Selectman and I!I<)(;K.\I'IIIC.\1, KI'AlhAV 457 TdWii 'I'lcasiircr. In ■■'^ijS lie ic|iiesciitc(l tlic t(]\vii In the .St;ite le^i.slaUne. A lnyal Ke- |)iil)liLaii, his Inst Presidential vote was cast lor Abraham l.iiu-nln in i .S6o. He is a Mason, and takes much interest in the dovelop- nient of the organization. lie is a nicnibcr of the Conf^rej^ational Church of Hill and a re^tilar attendant on the services. \C\) / 1 1 , 1 . 1 A M .S. .ST R A W, a j )rosi)erous ('Jyj farmer l^y whom he had: William Oliver Carleton, Mary Lawrence, Hannah Kelly, Eliza Crombce, Amos Omera, Amelia Jane, Judith Annette, Harriot An,t;eline, and Sarah Maria; antl second to Louisa Chandler, born August iiS, 1S07, who gave him James Vilas Chandler and Samuel Ira Lawrence. Of these children by Imlb marriages the living are: Mary L., llainiah K., Amelia J., and Harriot A. Amos Woodbury was a clock re- pairer by trade. William learned the trade of his father. In his youth he entered the .store of I-lben and Samuel Bailey, makers of spoons, silverware, and small wares; and fur bis services in retail- ing to customers he was allowed the jirivilcge of repairing watches. He soon established a good trade; and, ac(|uiiing capital by economy and hai'd work, he c\-entually succeeded his employers in business, remaining for twenty- seven years at the old stand in l^ailey lilock. Having accumidated a snug fortune for those days, he sold his business interests, but after- ward he bought back his old store and contin- ued for some eighteen months longer in busi- ness. He died December 29, 1875. Mr. Woodbury was a charter member of Sullivan Lodge, No. 12, L O. O. F., first organized October 23, 1845. Some time afterward this lodge was disbanded; l)ut Mr. Woodbury l)y his deep interest and enthusiasm for the so- ciety succeeded in having it reinstatcfl in 1X72, and was always looked upon a.s the father of this lodge. His wife is a charter member of the Rebecca Lodge, which was called Wood- bury Lodge after him. Mr. Woodbury was liberal, hospitable, and public-spirited, and, though retired in habits, a man of good judg- ment and well liked by all his acquaintances. He married Polly M. Spencer, daughter of Lewis S. Spencer, of Kast Randolph, Vt., a native of Clarcmont, and his wife, I'ojiy Miner, of Lempster, N. IL Mrs. Woodbury's paternal grandfather was Reuben Spencer, who married Alice, daughter of Ivdward yXinswfirth. Lewis S. Spencer was born March 13, 1788, and his wife Polly, December 27, 1793. They were married May 25, 1815, and their children were: Timothy M., Fanny, Polly M., Norman, Lewis G., Fdwin, Charles, Timothy M. (second), Reuben, Maria L., and Annie K., of wliom Timothy M., Norn)an, Lewis G. , and Charles are now deceased. ACOB NHWTON IJUTLPLR, M.D., of Lemjister, N. H., one of the best known physicians in this part of Sullivan County, was born in Lyndcboro, Hillsborough County, this State, l-'ebruary 6, 1.S21, son' of Jacob and Sarah (Hlanchard) Butler. Llis great-grandfather, William But- ler, came, it is said, from Fngland, and settled in ICssex County, Massachusetts. He married, so we are informed, Sarah Perkins, and had seven children, three sons and four daughters. The three sons enlisted in the War for Inde- pendence, and one never came back. One was taken prisoner and carried to Llalifax, N. S. , where he died of small-pox. The other son, 468 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Jniiathnii Bntlcr, grandfather of Jacob N., was hdiii ill GIdiicester, Mass., and was the first of the family to settle in Lyndeboro. He served in the battle of Bunker Hill and in many other engagements during the War for Independence. While in the service he worked at his trade of a blacksmith nine months, and later followed his trade in con- nection with farming. He was Town Clerk for a great many years. He died in 1S44, aged ninety-two years; and his wife, Lois Kidder Butler, died in 1S46, aged eighty-six years. They were the parents of twelve chil- dren, as follows: Sarah, born January 11, 1779; Hannah, born October 27, i 7S0 ; Jacob, first, born December 30, 1782; Jonathan, born March i, 17S5 ; Lois, born April 27, 1787; Rachel, born July 4, 1789; Tryphena, born April 2, 1792; Jacob, second, born June 7, 1794; Mary, born September 4, 1796; Susan- nah, born Se]itember 23, 1798; Lucy, born January 21, 1802; and William, born April 21, 1S05. William Butler, who became a practising physician, married Nancy Smith, of New Boston, N. H. Soon after graduating he located in Union, Broome County, N. Y. He was a successful practitioner, and lived to be over ninety years old. He had two sons: Smith Butler, who enlisted in the late war, and died soon after; and Morris, who is now a ]ihysician in Brooklyn, N. Y. Jacob Butler, Dr. J. N. I^utler's father, was i)orn in Lyndeboro, N. H., June 7, 1794. He served as a soldier in the War of 18 12, and after his return from the army lie engaged in agricultural ]iursuits in his native town. He tilled the soil with energy during the rest of his active period, and was an ex'ceedingly able and thrifty farmer. In politics he was originally a Whig, but joined the Reiniblican party at its formation, and was for many years a prominent factor in the tran.saetion of the town's public business. In his religious views he was a Congregationalist, and the tem- perance cause had in him a strong and earnest advocate. His wife, Sarah Blanchard, who was born in Lyndeboro, May 29, 1793, be- came the mother of si.\ chil(ht;n, namely: Jacob Newton, first, born August 2, 1819, and died in infancy; Jacob Newton, second, the subject of this sketch, born February 6, 1821 ; Jonathan H., born June 17, 1823; William Horace, born October 28, 1825; Charles Mil- ton, born August 7, 1S27; and Olney Page, born April 22, 1S35. Jonathan H. married and became a ranchman in Nebraska, where he was killed by the Indians; William Horace Butler was a harness-maker, and followed his trade until his death, which occurred in May, 1880. Charles Milton, who is a travelling man, wedded Martha M. Weston, of Ohio. Olney Page Butler, who was engaged in farm- ing, died May i, 1880, survived by his wife, Mrs. Hannah Langdell Butler, who is now re- siding in Lyndeboro, N. H. Mrs. Sarah B. Butler died in April, 1S69; and her husliand, Jacob Butler, died April 16, 1882. Jacob Newton Butler pursued the primary branches of stud)' in the district schools, and advanced by attending the academics in Han- cock and New Ipswich. He resided for a year with his uncle in Union, Broome County, N.Y. , where he attended a fitting school for college, and then devoted himself to educa- tional work, presiding over schools in Green- field and Tem]Tle, N. H. While thus engaged, he studied medicine with Dr. John Ramsay, of Greenfield, N.H., and l.^rs. Smith and I'ollansby, of Peterboro, and later with Dr. Joseph B. Parsons in Bennington, N. H. He attended two courses of lectures in Woodstock, Vt., and then entered the Berkshire Medical College, Pittsfield, Mass., where he was grad- uated in 1843. On December 5 of the same I'.KiCKAI'lllCAL R1';VIKW 4'"; year iic Inratcd in I.cmpstcr, wlierc lie bcf^an liis professional careOr; aiul it lias never been necessary for liim to seek otiier fields for ])rac- ticc, as liis al)ilit\' lias found ample scojie for useful and luci'ative eniplrjynient in this town and vicinity. lie has lonu; enjoyed the repu- tation of heiny one ol the most skilful and reliable ]ili\'sicians of this section, and he is still in active practice. Dr. l?Litler is one of the oldest members of the New llampsliirc State Medical Society. Politically, he is a luni supporter of the l^e- [niblican party; and, although his professional duties have ]:)rcvented him from often accept- ing public office, he was induced to serve upon the School Board, and for many years he ren- dered valuable aid to the cause of public edu- cation in Lempster. He is connected with Silver Mountain Grange, No. ig6, Patrons of Husbandry. Ills activity in the temperance cause has been of much benefit to the commu- nity, and as a niember of the Congregational church he has displayed a deep inteiest in le- ligious work. On June 23, i ^'^93- I^'s five children were Frances Jane, who is now residing at the homestead in this town; Ida Adelaide, who died December -5> ''^39> :iged two years, seven months, and seven days; Valentine Mott, who died March 7, 1844, agec], seven months and nineteen days; Clarence W. , born in Claremont, Ainil 30, 1845 ; and Florence Cameron, who died Octo- ber 7, 1 86 1, aged twelve years, nine months, and twenty-seven days. The early education of Clarence W. Tolles, who is now a ph\'sician of Clarenumt, was of a nature calculated to fit him especially lor a professional career. His medical studies were begun under the direc- tion of his father; and he graclualed from Jkllevue Medical College, New York City, in 1868. After a year's course at the University Medical College in London he entered into practice with his father. He has made sur- gery a specialty for the past fifteen years, and it is conceded that he is one of the ablest and best-read surgeons in the State. He has been a member of the local board of health for the last three years, was one of the committee to select the site for the Cottage Hospital, and is now the surgeon of that institution. He occupies a high social position, and he is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Dr. Nathaniel Tolles died at his home in Claremont, June 24, 1879. The event was mourned by the townspeople as a great loss to the community. The esteem in which he was held is best shown by the following, taken from the resolutions adopted at a meeting of his brother physicians: "Resolved, That in the ])rofessional life, labors, and character nf Di'. Tolles, which extended over a full half- century, we have a commendable e.\am[)le (if industry, of zeal, of usefulness, and of profes- sional honor, not often combined in a single life." LBERT BINGHAM WOOD WORTH, the Mayor of Concord and a well- known merchant of the city, was born in Dorchester, April 7, 1843, son of (ieorge and Louisa (Hovey) Woodworth. His grandfather, Sylvanus Woodworth, Ijorn in Lebanon, Conn., who was one of the first settlers of Dorchester, served in the Revolu- tionary War, and fought at Bunker Hill under General Putnam. The father, also a native of Dorchester, was a man of lofty char- acter and thoroughly respected where he was 474 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW best known. He was a remarkably well-read man, and he was one of the original anti slavery men of New Hampshire. He was prominent in the Congregational chuich, of which he became a member early in life. The mother was a native of J.yme, N.H. Albert B. VVoodworth removed with his parents from Dorchester, N.H., to Hebron, N.H., where he attended the public schools. Siibsecpiently his education was completed at Boscawen Academy. At the age of fifteen years he was employed by D. E. Willard, of Orford, N.H. After entering on his nine- teenth year, he managed a country store in Warren, N. H., for four years. For a year, beginning in 1867, he was associated with Cyrus Taylor, of Bristol. In the spring of 1868 he succeeded Parker & Young, of Lis- bon, in one of the largest general merchandise stores in Northern New Hampshire, where he continued to do business until 1873. Mr. Woodworth then removed to Concord, N. H., and, with his brother, Edward B. , forming the firm Woodworth l^rcthers, bought out C. C. Webster & Co. Three years later they bought the store of Hutchins & Co., and con- ducted it for five years under the style of Woodworth, Dodge & Co. Then for the fol- lowing two years it was carried on by Wood- worth, Dow & Co. ; and since 1883 the firm name has been Woodworth & Co. A Director of the Parker & Young Manufacturing Com- pany of Lisbon, N.H., since its organization, Mr. Woodworth was elected its President in 1895. He was formerly one of the fountlers and a Trustee of the Lisbon Savings Bank and Trust C(jmpany. On September 30, 1873, Mr. Woodworth was married to Miss Mary Parker, of Lisbon. He is now the father of three children — P2d- ward K., Grace, and Charles P. Woodworth. In religion Mr. Woodworth is a member and a vestryman of .St. Paul's I'^piscopal Church of Concord. In politics he affiliates with the Republican [larty. He served Conconl for four years in the capacity of Alderman ; repre- sented it in the State legislature in 1893; and on November 4, 1S96, was elected Mayor of the city for two years. Mayor Woodworth is a member of Kane Lodge, V. & A. M., of Lisbon. ILLIAM B. LEAVITT, a promi- nent resident of North Grantham, widely known as the compiler of Leavitt's Almanac, was born August 7, 1812, son of John and Susan (Burnham) Leavitt. The family has been in America since the early part of the seventeenth century, when three brothers came from England to the shores of the New World. Robust, sturdy, and energetic, these brothers soon assumed a leading position among the early settlers. Since that time the family tree has grown so that now its branches may be found in several parts of the country. It has given men of upright lives and noble characters to the nation, and has helped to swell the roll of brave soldiers who have fought in defence of liberty and the Union. Nathaniel Leavitt, the grandfather of Will- iam B., was born December 27, 1727, at E.\e- ter, N. H., and died in 1824. He lived in Exeter during the greater part of his life. When he was quite advanced in years, he moved to Grantham, where he took iiji his residence with one of his sons. His wife, in maidenhood Lydia Sanborn, who was born in h'ebruary, 1736, died October 30, 1827. She had si.\ children by him; namely, Na- thaniel, Jr., Dudley, John, Josiah, Moses, and Jeremiah. The first married, spent the greater part of his life in Grantham, and died in X'einiont. DutUey and Josiah, who were lilOCRAI'HlCAI, kK\IKVV 475 fiirmers of Grantham, iDarried and liad cliil (lien. RIdsos, a resident of Sanljornlon, lliis Statu, and a tanner, had a large family of childien, who arc now widely scattered. Jeremiah lived in Canada antl was engaged in farming. John l.eavitt, the father of Mr. William ]?., binii at I'^.xeter, December 5, 1761), died in October, 1H54. He was the lirst Leavitt to settle in Grantham, coming here when a young man. He carried on farm- ing on an extensive scale, and was very acti\'e in town affairs, but never desired public office, lie was known as a religions man, and was much respectcil on account of his many amiable t|ualities. lie was three times mar- ried, on the first occasion to Mehitable King, who, born November 12, 1769, died October !('), iT,, rcareil twelve children, each of whom li\c(l lo he over sixty years old. She died ])ecend)er 17, i.S'4.S, aged eighty-five years. Cciloiud James J)rake, the father of Nathan- iel S. , bom at the homestead in I'iltsfieJd, I line 29, 1805, was brought up to agriculture, which he also followed successfully for some years, also dealing extensively in live stock, lie eventually moved to the village, and, be- coming President of the I'ittsfield National Hank, held that position for the rest of his life. An excellent business man, he acquired a handsome projierty. He figured prominently in public affairs, served as a .Selectman and in other town offices, and he was also a member of the State Senate. In politics he supported the Democratic party. lie was identified with tiie .State militia, in which he served as Colonel of the Kightcenth Regiment. His strict adherence to high principles was con- s[iicuous among his many commendable quali- ties, and the cause of morality and religion had in him a stanch and generous supporter. He died at his home in I'ittsfield, A[)ril 7, 1S70. His wife, Betsey .Seavey iJiake, whom he man ied August 13, 1H34, was born Octo- ber 14, 181 1, a daughter of George and Hetscy (Lane) Seavey, of Chichester, N. H. She had three cliildren, of whom the survivors are: Georgia II and Nathaniel S. Georgia B. is the wife of Josiah Carpenter, a successful banker of Manchester, N. H. She is actively engaged in charitable and patriotic work, and is the New Hamjishire State Regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution. 'I'he other child was I'^rank James Drake, born November 3, 1842, who died August 20, 1 89 1. He graduated from Dartmouth Col- lege in 1865, and located in Manchester, N. H., where he was a successful vvholesale flour and trrain merchant. The mother, who was a member of the Haptist church, died .Se|)teml)er 28, 1865. Natiianiel S. Drake began his education in the common schools, and completed his studies at the I'ittsfiekl Acadeiuy, h'or two year.s after leaving school, he was in the clcjthiiig business in this town. Afterward he was connected with the United States and Canada Express and the American ICxjjrcss Company in this town, spending a short time in their offices in Concord, N. H., and Boston, Mass. Later he entered the employ of the Lancaster Shoe Company, with which he remained about twelve years, serving for the last six years in the cajiacity of superintendent of the factory and its branches. He was the founder of the Hill & Drake Shoe Company, which com- menced business on January i, 1893, and which is now known as the Drake & Sanborn Shoe Company. In this connection it is interesting to note that, although Pittsfield has the reputation of being a manufacturing town, the Drake & Sanborn Shoe Company, now employing over fifty people, is the first enterprise conducted ujion home capital and giving employment to more than a dozen men that has ever existed in the town, all the other manufacturing enterprises being and having been owned and operated by outside capital. As treasurer and superintendent of the com- pany, which manufactures misses' and chil- dren's medium-priced goods, Mr. Drake is rapidly bringing it to the front; and it is now well advanced upon the road to prosperity. On March 17, 1873, Mr. Drake was united in marriage with Miss M^ry A. R. Green, who was born July 3, 1857, daughter of Dan- iel and Elizabeth F. (Chase) Green, of I'itts- field. Mrs. Drake is the mother of two chil- dren: James Frank, born September i, 1880; and Agnes, born April 2, 1883. In politics Mr. Drake is a Democrat. He has served 478 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW with ability as Moderator and Town Treas- urer for several years. He is a Director of the First National Bank and one of the Trus- tees of the Farmers' Savings Bank. His prominence in business circles, together with his high social standing, jjlaces him in the front rank among the leading residents of Pittsfield. Mrs. Drake, who is a member of the Episcopal church, shares her husband's popularity, and is a lady of jileasing manners and true womanly grace. r?"' HARLES EASTMAN STANIELS, a prominent life insurance agent of ^i^ ^ Concord, N. H., was born in Low- ell, Mass., December 27, 1844, son of Ed- ward L. and Ruth Bradley (Eastman) Stan- iels. The father, born in Chichester, N. H., for many years was interested in the drug business, successively in Lowell and I^oston, Mass. Toward the latter part of his life he removed to Ro.xbury, Mass., then a suburb of Boston, and died there at the age of si.xty-fivc years. He was twice married. By his first wife there were three children, all of whom are now dead. His second marriage was made with Ruth l^radley Eastman, now over eighty- five years old, whose only child is the subject of this sketch. A daughter of General Isaac Eastman, of Concord, N.H., she is a direct descendant, in the si.xth generation, of Captain Ebenezer Eastman, the first settler of Con- cord, and of Captain Edward Johnson, the his- torian of Woburn, Mass., one of the commis- sioners appointed by the General Court of Massachusetts J^ay Colony to fix the northern boundary of that colony in 1652. In 1833 a large boulder was discovered at the entrance of Lake Winnepesaukee at Weirs, N. H., bearing the initials of Governor John Endi- cott, with those of the commissioners. Cap- tain Edward Johnson and Captain .Symon Wil- lard, which had remained unnoticed and sub- ject to elemental conditions for one hundred and eighty-one years. The State of New Hampshire has erected a substantial stone canopy upon this historic "Endicott Rock," thereby protecting the ancient inscriptions for all time. Jonathan Staniels, the grandfather of Charles Eastman, was a native of Chichester, and followed the occupations of farmer and builder. He lived to a very advJlnced age, and left a family of twelve children. Judge William M. Chase, of Concord, is one of his descendants. The original surname of this family was Stanyan, and its annals are inter- woven with those of Rockingham County. Charles Eastman .Staniels was educated in the Boston grammar schools and in the Ro.x- bury Latin School. In the latter institution he was prepared for college, but the outbreak of the Civil War diverted him from the pur- pose of pursuing a collegiate course. He had enlisted in the Fifty-si.xth Massachusetts Regiment of Volunteers when his parents had him discharged on account of his extreme youth. He then went to work in a wholesale furnishing house in the city of Boston. Sub- sequently, in 1865, he became a commercial traveller for the same concern, and has been more or less on the road ever since. In those mid-century days, Western travel was an en- tirely different affair from the convenience and even luxury that attend it to-day. The incon- venience, hardship, and even suffering in- volved in a long western mercantile trip in those days can hardly be comprehended to-day. "Staging," as it was called, and steamboating on Western rivers were then common factors in a travelling man's experience. Before the completion of the Union Pacific Railroad and the consec[uent development and growth of large business centres, the commeicial tiavcl- ]iUK;RAl'lll(JAl. REVIEW 479 Icr in the extreme West was subject to diver- sions not known to tiie ])rcsent generation of mercantile agents. A buffalo hunt, an Indian scrimmage on the frontier, or a few nights in a snow blockade in the Rockies were not con- sidered unusual or especially unmixed l>less- ings. Following the war, it was hog, hominy, and cockroaches in the South ; spiders and keno in Texas; alkali, Indians, and snowdrifts on the plains; lime water, lager beer, bed- bugs, and iioker on the Mississippi; and brag, bluff, and bunco in Chicago and St. Paul. In iS6g Mr. .Staniels :issumed the charge of a manufacturing establishment in Boston, and thereafter managed its affairs in the South and West for a number of years. At length, his health becoming somewhat undermined by his devotion to business matters, he removed to New Hampshire and took two years of com- plete rest. Then he engaged in the fire in- surance business in Concord. To this he has since added life insurance, and has now been engaged in both very successfully for the past twelve years, highly esteemed by his business associates. He has been a member iif the I^lxecutive Committee of the National Life Underwriter's Association of the United States since its organization, and has also served as President of the New Hampshire Life Un- derwriters' Association. He married Eva F. Tuttle, of Boston, Mass., whose parents were natives of New Hampshire, and they have a family of three children ; namely, Charles T., Mabel R., and Roscoe K. A deservedly popular man in his com- munity, Mr. Staniels has been elected to mem- bership in numerous associations. He was twice chosen to fill the presidential chair of the New Hampshire Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, and left that organiza- tion in fine condition when he retired from the office. He has also been President of the White Mountain Travellers' Association. During its continuance he wa.s the Secretary of the Chautauqua A.ssembly oi New Hampshire, and also served the Fastman I'"amily Association in a similar ca])acity. Wherever he has made his home, he has taken a keen interest in the local military matters. While living in Bos- ton, he was a commissioned officer of the Bos- ton Tigers. On one occasion, at the time of the "draft riots" in that city, he was in command of a detachment of that f)rganization, guarding the arms and ammunition of the State stored in old Boylston Hall. Since com- ing to New Hampshire, he has served as a com- missioned officer in the old Amoskeag Veterans. In politics Mr. Staniels is a Republican, and he cast his initial ballot for Abraham Lincoln in 1864. He is a member of the F^ast Con- cord Congregational Church. LDER JOHN G. HOOK, of Concord, N.H., was born in Chichester, this State, February 13, 1820, the son of Jacob Hook. ICldcr Hook's grandfather, I'Vancis Hook, was born in Salisbury, Mass. He was a fisherman by occupation, and he also ran a horseback express from his native town to Newburyport. He fiiially bought a large tract of land in Chichester, and started all his five sons in life with a comfortable farm. Jacob Hook, father of Elder Hook, was the eldest of the family. He was educated in the Salisbury public schools, and was engaged in farming all his life. At the time of his death he w\is exactly ninety-two years and si.x months old. He married Hannah Griffin, of Northwood, N. H. Six children were born to him: I'lsthcr B. ; Asa J.; Mary A.; Elvira, who died at the age of five; John G., the sub- ject of this sketch; and William P. Elder Hook is the only survivor of this 480 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW family. His life has been one of unceasing effort fur the uplifting of humanity, and of many and varied experiences. The son of a poor man, he received only a limited education in his youth, and early worked at the printing- press on Bibles for Roby, Kimball & Merrill. After this he was travelling salesman, and sold Yankee notions. In 1839 he started for the Far West. On the way he met some kinsfolk, among them an aunt and several cousins, and stayed with them in the town of Marcellus, N. Y. , where he was providentially converted to the Christian religion, largely through the influence of his devoted aunt. Word reached his parents in the East that he had been mur- dered, and his mother was saved from dying of grief through the timely arrival of a letter from her son. After his return to Concord he attended some religious meetings conducted by Elder Joshua B. Hines, of Boston, who came here with a mammoth tent, the largest then made in the United States, costing eight hundred dollars. Its maker, James Martin, pitched the tent and cared for it. Those were wonder- ful meetings, awakening great interest, and people came to them from all parts of the country. Here Elder Hook heard for the first time the Advent doctrine, which he ac- cepted; and, laying aside all else, he went at once to spreading the tidings of the second coming of Christ. Since that time he has devoted his life to this work, and during all these years has never preached for a living. He has travelled over two hundred thousand miles without aid from any missionary society or backing from any church, and has never had a salary or fi.xcd price for his services. lie has ])reached in many of the States and Territories and in the 15ritish Provinces, and has been able, with what the Lord has moved (Hhers to help him, to pay his own expenses by working in different lines. He has dealt largely in real estate. He bought the land on the hill in Concord where he now lives, and laid out Auburn Street at his own expense. At one time he labored indejiendently in Hawaii. His preaching has extended through fifty-five years. He once held meetings in San Fran- cisco under his tent, three services a day for eighty consecutive days, his audiences being composed of people from many lands and of various nationalities. Later in the same year his tent was destroyed by a storm. A series of revival meetings, held by him in Concord in Phoenix Hall and in Eagle Hall, indepen- dently of any of the churches, resulted in the greatest revival that has ever been experienced in this city. It lasted for two months, and I'llder Hook baptized one hundred and fifty converts by immersion ; and on one occasion four of the Concord clergymen assisted Elder Hook at a river baptism. About two thousand souls have been baptized by Elder Hook, and fourteen of these have become ministers. Elder Hook married Celinda H. Ingersoll, daughter of Cornelius Ingersoll, who was named by an Indian chief and was the first male white child born in Onondaga County, New York. Elder and Mrs. Hook have two children — Eunice and Alice. Eunice C. is the wife of Captain E. F. Gordon, a veteran of the Civil War and brother of the late Rev. Dr. A. J. Gordon, of Boston. Alice married Abner Blodgett, a relative of Judge Blodgett, of this State. Elder Hook has never meddled with poli- tics, confining himself to the spreading of the gospel. lie has never voted for a governor or a Picsident. He is the maker of a healing halm foi' all kinds of inflammatory diseases. It is for internal and external application. It is in common use in Concord; and the testi- monies are many from lawyers, doctors, minis- JOSEPH COUCH. BIOGRAI'HICAL REVIEW 4«3 tcrs, and loading citizens. The Ijalm is said to he particularly valuai)le in bronchitis, and if used oftencr it is thought there would be less necessity of clergymen going to ilurope while liieir flocks suffer at home. |N()(J1I COUCH was a prominent farmer of Webster in his time. He was born in Webster, April 12, 1793, son of Joseph and Sarah (I'illsbury) Couch. His grandfather, Joseph Couch (first), who emi- grated from Wales in 1748, settled in New- buryport, Mass. In 1768 the grandfather moved to Webster, and there improved the farm now owned and occupied by his great- grand-daughter. He resided here for the rest of his life, and died in 17S4. The first of his three marriages was made with Klsic Rowell, the "second with Mary Webster, and the third with Mrs. Muzzey. liorn of the first were four childien — John, Elsie, Henjamin, and Joseph; and of his second, one daughter, Mary. Joseph Couch, the father of Enoch, was born in Massachusetts, and accompanied his parents to Webster. He succeeded to the possession of the homestead, which he carried on for the rest of his life;_and he died I'ebruary 7, 1821, aged si.\ty-five years. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, enlisting from Newbury- port, Mass. His wife, Sarah, a native of Newburyport, whom he married February 10, 1785, died March 16, 1S46, aged seventy-six years. She was the mother of six children, as follows: Enoch (first), born November 23, 1785, who was accidentally killed August iS, 1789; Sally, born August 23, 1787, who mar- ried Samuel Little, and died June 5, 1852; Captain Joseph, born May 23, 17S9, who died in Nashua, N.H., in 1851; Enoch (second), the subject of this sketch ; Phcebe, born July 2, 1798, who married Ilerschel Circcn, of Salis- bury, N.II., and died September 22, 1854; and Eunice J., born July 4, 1810, who married I'ctcr Coffin, and died December 4, 1888. luioch Couch was rearefl to farm life, and always resided at the homestead. He was an industrious and successful farmer. He im- proved the fertility of the soil, bringing it to a high state of cultivation. Although a man of much natural ability, he never aspired to political prominence, but preferred instead to enjoy the comforts of home and the society of his family. He was highly esteemed for his many commendable qualities; and his death, which occurred at his home, April 23, 1867, when he was seventy-four years old, caused general regret. He married for his first wife Nancy Eastman, of Salisbury, who died Sep- tember 26, 1S28, aged thirty-two years, leav- ing no children. For his second wife, on April 2, 1834, Mr. Couch wedded Jane O. Stickney, of Brownfield, Me. Her parents, John and Mary (Evans) Stickney, both of whom were natives of Concord, N. H., moved from that place to Brownfield, Me., where they resided for the rest of their lives. The chil- dren of Mr. Couch's second marriage were: Nancy K., born February 12, 1S35, who now occupies the homestead ; Joseph, born March 22, 1837, who died March 14, 1872; and Mary S. , born June 12, 1844. Joseph was for some years engaged in teaching school, and later assisted in carrying on the farm. Mary S. married Orlando Whitney, and died April 17, 1876. She left one son — Herbert C. , born November 16, 1867, who is now residing with his aunt. Mrs. Enoch Couch died Au- gust 31, 1877. Miss Nancy E. Couch, who now owns the homestead of sixty acres, to- gether with other real estate, is a lady of much ability and worth, and is loved and re- spected by her many friends and acquaintances. 484 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW ILLIAM E. CHADBOURNE, a prominent resident of Cornish, was born here, July 31, 1823. His grandfather, William Chadboiirne, who was born in Maine, had six children — Humphrey, Jabez, William, Thomas, Benjamin, and Electa. Humjjhrey married Abbie Peck, and had three children. Jabez went to Canada, where he married and died. William, who was an extensive farmer in Canada, had a large family. Thomas was a butcher in Salem, Mass., and died there. Electa, now deceased, married Mr. Cross, of Canada. Benjamin Chadbourne, the father of Will- iam E., was born at Moultonboro, N. H., Jan- uary 28, 1792. He was prominent in town affairs, and was Tax Collector and Deputy Sheriff for a number of years. His wife, whose maiden name was Sarah Cady, of Cor- nish, bore him seven children — Curtis, Mi- randa, William E. , Hannah, Gratia, Ruth, and Alfred. Curtis, born September 12, 1819, was educated in the town schools, and after- ward became a tailor in Charlestown, N. H. He married Adeline Fogget, and had five children. His death occurred in 1890, on November 26. Miranda, born May 23, 1820, married Alamanda Powers, of Charlestown, this State, a shoe manufacturer, and died Jan- uary 4, 1889. Elannah, born June 6, [826, is now Mrs. John Ferguson, and lives in Canada. Ruth, born September 18, 1829, who lives in .Somerville, Mass., married Lafayette .Smith, of Cornish, a drover, and had four children. Alfred, born P'ebruary 21, 1832, married l-'lizabeth Demming, of Cornish, had six children, and died June 26, 1891. After receiving his education in the jniblic .schools, William E. Chadbourne engaged in farming, which has since been his ])rincipal occupation. He has never aspired to public office, while he has always taken a prominent part in town affairs and has served as Highway Surveyor. In politics he is a Republican. He married on June 15, 1S58, Rosella Stone, of Plainfield, N.H., daughter of Solomon and Betsy (Reed) .Stone. Mr. Chadbourne's children are: Angle L., William Lucius, Gratia S., Emma E., Lu- ther E., and James B. Angle, born October ig, 1862, is now Mrs. liarl Westgate, of Cor- nish. William L., born February 24, 1865, was married Ajiril 21, 1S87, to Minnie Wood, and has one child — Daphna W. , born July 9, 1888. Gratia, born May 27, 1867, was edu- cated at Windsor, Vt., and is a teacher of fine ability, well known and very popular in Clare- mont, Cornish, and other places. Emma, born December i, 1869, was educated at Windsor, and is employed in one of the large mercantile establishments of that town. Lu- ther, born April 8, 1872, who was a pupil of Kimball Academy at Plainfield, joined his father on the farm. James, who was educated at Windsor High School, also assists his father. .Solomon Stone was burn in Plainfield, No- vember 6, 181 1, and died January 12, 1892. His wife, born in Cornish, June 11, 1813, still lives in Plainfield, enjoying good health and able to do nearly all her own work with- out assistance. Mr. Chadbourne's mother, Sally Cady, was born in Cornish, August 29, 1790, and died December 16, 1864. Grand- father Cady was the first of the name to come to Cornish. He was born in 1743; and his wife was Hannah Hutchins, born in 1746. Grandfather Cady rode from Connecticut by marked trails. For a riding whip he had a willow stick; and when he alighted from his horse in Cornish he stuck the whip into the ground by his future home, and there has al- ways been a willow-tree there since. When he came here, he brouank died aged two years and Eddie aged twelve years; and Addie, who died at the age of nine years. After receiving his education in the district schools of Concord, James Madison Jones first went to work in hotels. After that he took up stage driving as a means of livelihood, and for a number of years continued in that busi- ness, running stages to and fro between vari- ous New Hampshire towns. He first drove a stage from Hillsborough to Bradford Springs, then from East Andover to West Springfield, then the daily stage between Springfield and New London, then from Manchester to Hills- borough, and after that to Concord. At the time of the building of the Sixth Avenue Railroad in New York City he went twice to New York with a shipment of horses, remain- ing in that city on each occasion for about six months. On July i, 1852, he entered the em- ploy of the Old Concord Railroad, and worked as brakeman and baggage-master between Concord and Boston for about eight vears. Then he was promoted to the post of con- ductor, in which capacity he served the corpora- tion on various trains running from Concord, Nashua, Portsmouth, Boston, and return, for another period of eight years. In 1869 he was appointed to the important anil resjjon- sible jiosition of station and baggage agent, and the superintendence of trains and train- men at Concord. Upon the consolidation of the Concord and Montreal roads he was contin- ued in the same capacity, i^eing too valuable IU(JGK.\rili(JAL REVIKW 19 3 and wrl l-traiiR'(l a man fur the corporat inn Id lose. In November, i8(S5, the new ami cum- motlious station erected by the railroad author- ities was ready for use; and Mr. Jones was |)ul in chari^e of the same, to the satisfaction of the travellers passing through the place. Mr. Jones married Jane Maria Swan, and has two children. These arc: Fred C. , who has been a conductoi- on the Concord, Boston & Maine Railroad for about twenty years; and Jennie, who niarrieil George H. Wright, of Bradford, and is the mother of two children — Dorothy and James Jones Wright. A sec- ond marriage was contracted by Mr. Jones with Harriet M. Merrill. In [lolitics he is a Democrat, and iiis first Presidential vote was cast for James Buchanan in 1856. He is an attendant at the Congregational church in Concord. He has been a member of the St. John Lodge of Free Masons of Portsmouth since the year 1861, and he also belongs to the White Mountain Lodge of Odd Fellows of Concord. RANK H. CHAPMAN, a leading druggist of P'ranklin Falls, was born in Lowell, Mass., May 29, 1848, son of l':ben L. Chapman, of New Market, N. PL The father, who was born in 1807, removed to Lawrence, Mass., and was there a successful grocer for forty-one years, retiring from active business in i860. He married for his first wife a Towle, of New Market, who died leav- ing no children. For his second wife he married Mrs. Martha J. Hilton Hanscomb, and their children were: P'rank H., the subject of this sketch; and Charles, who died at the age of six years. P'rank PL Chapman received his education in the common and high schools of Lawrence, Mass. In 1864 he entered the employ of II. M. Whitney, a druggist, to learn the busi- ness, remaining there for five years. After- ward, in Brooklyn, N. V., he was em|)loyed in the store id lOmil Heydenreich & Co. for three years. In 1875 he came to Franklin Fall.s, and purchased the drug store of ]•:. H. Sturtevant, whom he succeeded in the business, continu- ing alone until 1893, when he .sold one-half interest to Charles luldy. The store is now carried on under the style of P". H. Chapman & Co. They have a full line of drug.s, medi- cines, etc., and have succeeded in building up a large and successful business. Mr. Chap- man now leaves the entire charge of the store to his partner, Mr. luldy. He is also con- nected with the well-known wholesale drug- gists, Rust & Richardson, of Hanover Street, Boston, Mass. At one time he was the Presi- dent of the New Hampshire Pharmaceutical Association. In August, 1872, Mr. Chapman was united in marriage with Ella V. James, of Lawrence, Mass., daughter of T. W. James, a machinist residing in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Chajiman are the parents of five children, namely: Lucy B., born in June, 1873, who is now the wife of John Proctor, of P'ranklin P'alls; Eben L., born in August, 1876, now attending the In- stitute of Technology in Boston, Mass. ; P'rank W. , born in August, 1877, a student at Dartmouth College; Charles E. , born in June, 1S78, who attends Phillips Academy at Andover, Mass. ; and John H., born in March, 1883, novy at home with his parents. Mr. Chapman was the legislative Representative of his district in 1893. He has also been Town Clerk for several years. In politics he is a stanch Republican. In Masonry he has taken the thirty-second degree, having mem- bership in the Blue Lodge and in the F. A. Raymond Consistory of Nashua, N. H. He also belongs to the Odd Fellows, Red Men, Knights of Honor, and Knights of Pythias. 494 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Mr. Chapman i.s one of Franklin ]''alls' most highly esteemed citizens, and has been emi- nently successful throughout his life. His home is one of the finest residences in Frank- lin Falls, and he has surrounded his family with many of the lu.xuries of life. I^OSES H. FARNUM, a prominent resident of Concord, was born in Concord, February 3, 1811, son of Moses and Esther (Carter) ]'"arnum. The family is of Welsh origin. Ralph Farnum, the first of the name in this country, came from Wales and settled in Andover, Mass. He subsequently removed to Concord, N. H. ; and his descendants have continued to hold and occupy his original land purchase in that town up to the present time. Ephraim Far- .num, son of Ivalph and the great-grandfather of Moses IF, born on the paternal estate, re- sided thereon throughout his life. His son, also named Ephraim, was born on the same estate, passed his life in its cultivation and improvement, and died at the age of ninety- four years. Tlie maiden name of Grand- father Farnum's wife was Judith Hall. Moses Farnum, son of Ephraim and the father of the subject of this sketch, was also born on the paternal estate, and passed his life there as a farmer. A portion of his house is still standing. He served his town as Selectman for a time, and he at- tained the age of seventy-one years. The second of his two marriages was contracted with Esther Carter, a sister of his first wife. He reared a family of si.\ children. Moses H. Farnum received his education partly in the district schools and jjartly in a private school of Concord. He has passed his long life on his patrimonial estate, devoting his time and attention to its improvement. Reduced by subdivision, the ijro[jerty now con- tains one hundred acres. In 1870 he erected on it a fine set of hew buildings. Prior to the incorporation of Concord as a city Mr. Far- num served it as Selectman for a number of years. Afterward he was several times elected by his townsmen to represent them in the city government. He also held the office of As- sessor of Taxes in his ward for a number of years. In 18S3 he was elected to the New Hampshire legislature. Mr. P'arnum has been twice married. By his first wife, Judith A. Kilburn P^arnum, his children were: Frank B., residing in Con- cord, who married Sadie Brown, of Boscawen, and has two children; Anna L., who married Charles P'arnum, and resides in the neighbor- hood ; and Edward E., who married Mary Larthard of P.E. Island, has one child, Judith H., and lives on the homestead. P'or his second wife he married Ann Hale, the widow of Asa L. Pervier, and a daughter of Isaac and Betsy (Pearson) Hale. Born of this marriage is one son — Raljih Perley P'arnum, who lives at home. In politics Mr. P^irnum is a Republican. He cast his first Presidential ballot for Martin Van Buren in 1S36. Both he and Mrs. Far- num are members of the West Congregational Church of Concord. He has the satisfaction of looking back over an unusually well-spent and useful life, and that brought by the con- fidence and respect of all who know him. M ANIEL F. WYMAN, a successful lumber dealer of Henniker and an e.x-member of the New Hampshire legislature, was born in the southern part of this town, November 29, 1826. His maternal ancestors were early settlers in New Hamp- shire. Moses Harriman, his jireat-grand- CYRUS E. BAKER. l!l()(;k.\i'iiic.\(, ki'A'ii'AV 497 father, was Ijorn in I'laistf)vv in 17^,0. I lis <;raiui|)arcnts, l^ldad aiul Lyilia (White) llar- riman, wiio were iiichistribus farminf^ people, lived til be eij;lity-fiuir years old. Daniel resided with his grandparents until he was sixteen or seventeen years old. Ihen he learned daguerreotyping; and, after following it for a time, he sold out his apparatus and became a clerk for James I'everly in Concord. A year later he was employed in the same capacity in Hcnniker. Subscciueiill)' Mr. VVyman visited Ohio for the purpose of seeing the country. In 1849 he formed a partner- ship with Jonas Wallace, the father of Judge Robert M. Wallace, of Milford, and for sonu' years was engaged in a general mercantile business in Henniker. He then returned to the farm for the purpose of managing the projierty and caring for his aged grandparents and mother. After the death of the former he settled the estate. He then took up his residence in Henniker village, bought timber lands, and established himself in the lumber business, which he has since successfully fol- lowed. He erected houses in Henniker and Manchester with lumber which he cut and sawed. He has invested to a considerable extent in city property in Los Angele.s, Cal., which he visited eight years ago, spending several months in sight -seeing upon the Pacific slope. He spent the winter of 1875 and 1876 in Florida. In politics he is a Re- publican. He has been quite active in local affairs. He has served as Supervisor; and he represented this town in the legislature of 1883, serving upon the Insurance Com- mittee. In 1853 Mr. Wyman first joined in mar- riage with Mar)' E. Coggswell, who died in 1879. She was a daughter of George W. Coggswell, Henniker. Mr. Wyman con- tracted a second marriage on January 10, r.S'S2, with Harriet Strobridge, who was born in Meriden village, town of I'lainficld, .Sulli- van County, N.H., daughter of Oliver H. and Lucinda (Sijaulding) .Strobridge. Her father died when she was ten years old. I'rior to her marriage Mrs. Wyman was a milliner in St. Johnsbury, Vt., and in Manchester, N.H. Her mother, Mrs. .Strobridge, resides with her. Mr. Wyman is a member of Crescent Lodge and l-jicampment of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He has been quite active in the affairs of the lodge, and was at one time a member of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire. 7TAVRUS ]•. HAKER, M.D., of Clare- ( Vp niont, Sullivan County, N.H., the ^v^.^.^ well-known physician and oculist, was born in I'lainfield, this State, April 9, 1835, son of Dimic and Hannah (Colby) Baker, lie is of the eighth generation in descent from Jeffrey Baker, who came from England, and was one of the original settlers of Windsor, Conn. Jeffrey Baker married November 25, 1642, Joan Rockwell. They had five children, one of them being a son, Joseph, born June 18, 1655, who married Hannah Cook Buckland, January 30, 1677. I'ive children were the fruit of this union. Joseph Baker's son, Joseph, Jr., born April 13, 1678, was mar- ried on July 8, 1702, to Hannah Pomroy, by whom he had Joseph, Jr., second, and Sam- uel; and by his second wife, Abigail Bissel, he had John, Hannah, Jacob, Abigail, Elbene- zer, Daniel, Heman, Titus, and Abigail. Joseph, Jr., second, died January 29, 1754; his wife, Abigail, died I-'ebruary 13, 1768. Their son, Heman, the next in this line, was born April 27, 1719. He married Lois Gil- bert, November 24, 1747, and had the follow- ing children: Heman, Jr., who was a soldier 498 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW during the Revolutionary War, was taken prisoner, and died three months after his dis- charge; Anna; Deborah; John; Oliver, who became a doctor of medicine; Abigail; Lois; Delight; and Lydia. Oliver Baker, son of Heman, was born at Tolland, Conn., October 5, 1755, and died October 3, 1811. Remar- ried Dorcas Dimic, March 23, 1780. She was born September 23, 1760, and died Octo- ber 3, 1849. Their children were: Heman; Diantha; Zinia and Lina, who were twins; Oliver, Jr.; Semantha; Dimic; Dorcas; Lodema; Elizabeth; and Mary. Heman died March 16, 1845. Lina died August 27, 1808. Dorcas died July 26, 1825. Semantha died August i, 1S26. Dimic Baker, son of Oliver Baker, M. D., was born March 18, 1793, in Plainfield, N.H., where he lived until his death, which oc- curred March 19, 1876. He was a prosperous farmer and wool producer, a shrewd buyer and seller, and one of the strongest and most prominent men of the town. He married June 2, 1822, Hannah Colby, who was born February 7, 1794, and died March 17, 1S56. It had been his noble aim to leave his chil- dren the legacy of a good education. The children were five in nimiber, as follows: Elias, who died November 11, 1884; Edward D., who was an able lawyer, as shown by a brief memoir on another page; Hannah A.; Helen F. ; and Cyrus E., the direct subject of the present sketch. At the age of eighteen Cyrus E. Baker, although not a college graduate, began teach- ing school, being called from Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N.H., while taking his Latin course. He followed this occupation during the winter, and in the spring returned to the academy to complete the course. On reaching his majority, and having received a fair education, he learned of the sale by the United States government of the "Delaware Trust Lands" in the West, which were then open for pre-emption, and started in the spring of 1857 for ''bleeding Kansas," so called, to become a squatter and purchaser of a portion of said lands, where for months he witnessed all the horrors of the Southern sys- tem of human bondage and their enmity to the Union cause, taking his chances among them as a Union man, standing for the per- sonal protection of James Lane and John Brown's sons, and the cause they espoused, their father having been killed a few months before for his Union principles. Locating among the wilds of Kansas, some eight miles north of what is now the city of Topeka, he stayed there about six months; and then, having secured his lands, he re- turned to his home in New Hampshire, with the fullest convictions of the injustice of human slavery and Southern rule. He after- ward attended the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, where he was grad- uated in 1S62, ranking high in his class. He seemed to have inherited an aptitude for his profession, there having been in his fam- ily several eminent physicians. While an undergraduate, he was for a time usher to the noted Dr. Alonzo Clark, one of the professors at the college, with whom he was a favorite. After receiving his degree of Doctor of Medicine, Dr. Baker was for several months house pliysician in the New York City Hospi- tal, receiving within that time two promotions, and finally becoming "acting house physician " there. He left this fine position to enter the army, enlisting as acting assistant surgeon in the United States Army, and serving with efficiency in the Departments of Virginia and North Carolina, having taken this step from the purest motives of duty and of loyalty to his country, which spirit had been character- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 499 istic of his ancestors. Durin<:; his service in the army he stood by the operating-table upon the field of action; and he also treated cases of small-pox and fevers and other dis- eases among the colored as well as the white troops. He was once ordered to establish a small-pox hos|iital, which was placed in his charge. Always doing his best work, in all cases he used his tiieoretical as well as his practical knowledge, and became an excep- tionally efficient and va]ual)lc physician, al- ways willing and loyal, never murmuring at overwork and extra hours. The intimate knowledge of small-pox thus acquired came to his aid in after years, when in 1895 this dreaded disease gained an entrance into the town of Claremont. The physicians of the town were baffled; and it was not until Dr. Baker was consulted, and he consented to take charge, that the epidemic was stopped. Many a home is grateful to him for his skilled treatment of this disease. He was equally successful in cases of typhoid fever. In August, 1862, while marching with McClellan from Harris's Landing to Fortress Monroe, the Doctor received a severe sun- stroke, from the effects of which he has never fully recovered. Though he did not at once leave the armv, his health was so seriously impaired that he was finally honorably dis- charged; and he returned to Claremont, where he took up his practice, and where he has been established ever since the war. He now receives a pension from the government. He is justly proud of his war record; and, undoubtedly, no physician or soldier served his country more faithfully than did Dr. Cyrus E. Baker. In later years, owing to the fact of continued ill health, he has made a specialty of the study of the eye, and has accomjilished more in this direction than has any other physician in Claremont. Since the organization of the Grand Army of the Repub- lic at Claremont he has been surgeon of the fraternity. He was for some time a member of the Sullivan Cornmandery of Masons; but, owing to the illness and deafness which were the result of the sunstroke received in the army, he was obliged to resign from both societies. He is a member of the Congrega- tional church, and in pf)litics he is a Republi- can. Dr. Baker has twice married. By his first wife, Martha Jane Preston, of Weathersficld, Vt. , he had one daughter, Alice, who died at the age of fourteen years. The Doctor and his second wife, Elizabeth Ann Erskine, daughter of Hiram Erskine, of Claremont, have had four children, namely: Georgietta, who was graduated at the Stevens High .School, and died at the age of twenty years; lulgar H. and Eugene A., twins, who died in infancy; and Walter E, , their only living child, who is now attending the Stevens High School. rmo EORGE H. BARTLETT, a prosper- V f^F ous manufacturer of .Sunapee, was born in that town, September 28, 1 84 1, son of John and Sarah (Sanborn) Bart- lett, natives respectively of Deering and Springfield, N.H. He belongs to an old family. One of his ancestors was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. John Bartlett, his grandfather, was a farmer in Deering, and died at a good old age. John's son, also named John, was a pioneer of Suna- pee. This John came here on horseback, and took up new and almost wild land. The re- mainder of his life was spent in Sunapee, where he left the reputation of an energetic man. He lived to the ripe age of cighty- tiiree years, and his wife lived to be eighty- two. They were both supporters of the Meth- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW odist Episcopal church, and in politics he was a Democrat. Of their eight children five are living. One is John Bartlett, the present Representative to Concord from the town of Sunapee. General Charles H. Bartlett, of •Manchester, N.H., is another. George H. Bartlett passed his boyhood in his native place, receiving the education af- forded by the common schools, supplemented by a course at New London Academy. His first experience in business was obtained in a sash and blind factory in Manchester, and he was a box-maker there for some time. Later on he returned to Sunapee, and en- gaged in his present business — the manufact- ure of hames. He and Mr. W. H. H. Cowles established the industry there in 1865, and it was started on a small scale compared with its extent at the present time. At first they made the Concord hame. They continued in business till 1882, when Mr. Cowles sold his interest to Irving G. Rowell, who is now in business with Mr. l-Sartlett at Sunapee in the same concern. The firm name was Bartlett & Rowell until January, i8g6, when the firm was again enlarged, and incorporated under the name of the Consolidated Hame Company. This latter company has the largest hame plant in the United States to-day, and is at present composed of the two firms of Bartlett & Rowell, of Sunapee, and Baker, Carr & Co., of Andover, N. H. They employ about sixty hands at each factory, and generally run for the greater i:)art of the year. The original factory at Siuiapee was destroyed by fire in January, 1893. It was immediately rebuilt on a much larger and improved plan. There is now a very gootl set of new, neat frame buildings and excellent water-power drawn from the Sugar River. To this the firm has added a brass foundry. At present they man- ufacture the common Vvood hame, also a fancy hame and an iron one. The factory in An- dover, N.H., while made up of older build- ings, is about the same in the other details. Mr. Bartlett has always been actively in- terested in the affairs of his native town. From 1 888 to 1892 he was Treasurer of Sullivan County. He is now a member of the Sunapee School Board, and he held the office of Sergeant-at-arms in the State Senate in the year 1880-81. He has been quite active in political matters, and is a stanch Republican. His religious belief is the Methodist Episcopal creed, and for the past sixteen years he has been the superintendent of the Sunday-school connected with the local society. He is rightly classed among the leading men of his town, and has been largely instrumental in the upbuilding of the Con- solidated Hame Company in Sunapee. He is a man of courteous, affable address, and stands very high in the estimation of his townspeople. Mr. Bartlett was married in 1864 to Sarah A. Cowles, of Claremont, N. H. They have two children — Ernest P. and Mary I. M AVID SARGENT, a well-known farmer and cattle dealer of Dunbar- ton, Merrimack County, N. H., was born in this town in 1833, son of Eliphalet R. and Lydia (Wells) Sargent. His paternal grandfather, Thomas, was a native of Goffs- tovvn, N. H., in which place, also, he died. He was a farmer by occupation. Eliphalet R. Sargent was born in Goffs- town, Hillsborough County, N.H. He ac- quired a common - school education in his native town, after which he engaged in farm- ing during the rest of his active life. In politics he was a Republican ; and he served as Selectman and as Representative to the legislature two years, besides filling other B I OC; l< A I' H I C A L R KV I EVV SO' offices. lie and his wife, T.ydia Wells Sar- f^cnt, reared nine children. Mr. Sargent died at the age of eighty-two years. David .Sargent, who was the next to the youngest of his parents' four sons, was educated in the schools of Dunbarton and Derry, N.H. lie then went to work on the farm, where lie still remains. His enterprising spirit has led him to engage in the manufacture of lumber, and he has also dealt extensively in cattle. Some time ago lie made a tour through the West, visiting Salt Lake City and many other important places, including some in Cali- fornia. Mr. Sargent married Mary Ann, daughter of John and Mehitable (Smith) Woo(li)urn, of Londonderry, N.IL; and they have reared five children, namely: Fred D. Sargent, boni I-"ebruary 5, 1.S5S; Mary Lizzie, born February 13, 1X60; John W., born September 6, 1867; Frank H., born April 12, 1873; and Nat A., horn September 15, 1878. Mrs. Sargent's father was an uncle of Horace Greeley. Mr. Sargent is a Republican in politics. « < * » » / C^TTToRGE COOK, M.D., a prominent \ f5 1 physician of Concord, was born at Dover, this State, November 16, 184S, son of Solomon and Susan Ann (Hayes) Cook. His early education was obtained in the Concord High School and in Franklin Academy. In 1865 he began to read medi- cine with Drs. Charles P. Gage and Granville P. Conn, of Concord. Also he attended a course of lectures on medicine at Burlington, Vt., and two courses at the School of Medi- cine of Dartmouth College. After graduat- ing from the last-named school in 1869, he immediately began the practice of his profes- sion in Henniker, N.H., where he remained for a year. During the next five years, from 1870 to 1875, he was at Hillsborough, this State, and while there won for himself wide recognition as an able and skilful practi- tioner. In 1872 he had charge of seventeen cases of small-pox. He was made .Superin- tendent of Schools at Hillsborough in 1874. In May of the following year he came to Con- cord, where he has since resided. Dr. Cook is a member of the Centre Dis- trict Medical Society, and in 1882 was its president. He is also a member of the Asso- ciation of Military Surgeons of the United States, of the American Medical Association, and of the New Hampshire State Medical Society. In 1890 he was senior delegate of the last-named society to Dartmouth College, and delivered an address before the graduating class on "The Physician as an Fducator." During tiie small-pox eiMclemic in Montreal in 1885 Dr. Cook was appointed Inspector for the State Board of Health of New Hamp- shire. He had charge of the small-pox epi- demic in May and June, 1895, when he was engaged for six weeks, attending twenty-six cases. He was a member of the City l^oard of Health from 1878 to 1884, from 1889 to 1893 he was examining surgeon for pensions, while at present he is surgeon to the Mar- garet Pillsbury General Hospital and physi- cian to the Odd Fellows Home in Concord. He is also president of the New Hampshire Association of Boards of Health, and jjresi- dent of the State Board of Medical Examiners, representing the New Hampshire Medical Society under the medical registration law. In politics Dr. Cook is a Republican; and he was sent as Representative to the State legislature in 1883-84, serving during his term as chairman of the Committee on Mili- tary Affairs. In 1879 'i'^ was commissioned Assistant Surgeon of the New Hampshire National Guard. In 1882 he was promoted to the post of Surgeon. Two years later he 5°- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW was made Medical Director, and in 1893 and 1894 was Surgeon -general. Dr. Cook has given especial attention to the treatment and prevention of small-pox and to the questions which confront the army physician. He is the author of a paper en- titled "Small-pox," published in the Transac- tions of the New Hampshire Medical Society in 1873, and of another, "Hygiene of the Camp," General Orders, Adjutant - general's office, 1884. F"raternally, he is a member of Eureka Lodge, No. 70, F. & A. M. ; of Valley Lodge, No. 43, L O. O. F., of Hillsborough; of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and of the Sons of Veterans Camp, Thomas Leaver, No. 4, of Concord. IMOTHY B. ROSSITER, one of the wealthiest men in Claremont, was born there, -September 18, 1807, son of Sher- man and Olive (Baldwin) Rossiter. Sir Ed- ward Rossiter, the founder of the family, with his son and son's wife, Dr. and Mrs. Bray Rossiter, embarked from Plymouth, England, on the ship "Mary and John," March 20, 1630, and arrived at Nantasket, Mass., May 30, 1630. They began a settlement at Mat- tapan, and in the spring of 1636 removed to Windsor, Conn. .Sir Edward Rossiter, who was chosen in London in 1629 to serve as an assistant to Governor Winthrop, died soon after his arrival in the colonies. Dr. Bray Rossiter, his son, removed in 1650 to Guil- ford, Conn., where he became a planter, and purchased in 165 1 the Desbourough estate. Dr. Rossiter died September 30, 1672, leav- ing ten children. Josiah Rossiter, a son of the Doctor, born at Windsor, removed with his father to Guilford. For ten years, between tile years 1700 and 171 i, he was Assistant Governor in the colony of Connecticut, and for some years Recorder and Justice of the Peace. He had seventeen children. His death occurred January 31, 17 16. The- ophilus, his son, born February 12, 1696, married Abigail Pierson, November 18, 1725, became the father of fourteen children, and died April 9, 1770. His son. Captain Will- iam, who was born February 11, 1740, mar- ried Submit Chittenden, February 18, 1768, and died December 28, 1820, leaving eleven children. Sherman Rossiter, the father of Timothy B. Rossiter, born April 20, 1775, leaving Guilford, Conn., came up the Connecticut River to Claremont when that section was nearly all wilderness. He was one of the first settlers of the eastern part of the town. His death occurred in his sixty-fourth year. His wife, Olive, who was a daughter of Tim- othy Baldwin, of Guilford, had eight children — William, Pomeroy M. , Luzern S., Stephen F., Chittenden, Lorett, Submit, and Timothy B. William was a merchant of Claremont. When but twenty-four years of age he engaged in business. He was Selectman a number of years and a Representative to the General Court. He died I'ebruary 29, i860, leaving three children — Sarah, Adelaide, and Albert. Pomeroy M., deceased, married Elizabeth Tucker, who bore him one child. Luzern S. married Elizabeth Dart, who bore him four children. Stephen F. married Maria A. Marshall, and had four children. Figuring prominently in local politics, he has been .Selectman, Representative, County Commis- sioner, and Tax Collector. In January, 1897, he was appointed President of the Claremont National l?ank. Chittenden, also deceased, married Charlotte Converse, and left four children. Lorett, deceased, married William Tutherly, and had three children. Her hus- band lias held various ofifices in the town sov- liKKikAlMliCAL RKVIKW 50.? ernmcnt. Submit, deceased, married Edmund Wheeler, of Newport, N. II., a prominent cit- izen of the place, and had one child. Timothy H. received a common-school edu- cation. After his marriage he settled in Newport, N.II., where he devoted himself successfully to a,i;riculture for twenty-two years. On A])ril i, iS5,S, he removed to Claremont, and bought the farm of Nathaniel Goss. lie then began farming on a large scale, and by his industry, frugality, and scientific methods of work has steadily pros- jjered, accumulating a handsome property, becoming virtually a private banker. He is consim- mandery, Ariel Council, P. of J. ; Aaron P. llnghis Lodge of Perfection; and St. George Chapter, Rose Croi.x. Mr. and Mrs. ]5ailey are valued members of the Methodist church. ILLLXM CANT STUROC, "the bard of Sunapee, " as he is often called, was born November 4, 1822, in a humiile, straw-thatched cottage in Ar- broath, Scotland, son of P'rancis Sturoc and his wife, Ann (Cant) Sturoc. Doubtles.s, the poetic genius has descended to him from his paternal great-grandfather, James Sturoc, who wrote a book of "Hymns and Spiritual Songs," and died in Panbride in 1750. Other distinguished members of the family were well known in the church. Among these was the Rev. David Sturoc, who was of ready speech and pen, and two generations ago repeatedly entered juiblic debate with the renowned Dr. W^ardlow, of Glasgow. Francis, the father of William, was well known as highly cultured and profoundly read, although throughout his life he followed mercantile occupations. Cantsland, an ancient estate in Kincardine- shire, now in other hands, was for several hundred years in the possession of the Cants, the mother's family. James Cant, the mater- nal grandfather of William C, and a resident 520 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW of St. Cyrus in the same county, was cousin to the famous Immanuel Cant, or Kant, who died in 1S04. James had four daughters — Helen, Ann, Margaret, and Jane. His only son, John, died in Bridgeport, Conn. Ann Cant married Francis Sturoc, December 19, 1808, and to them were born ten children. The father died in 185 1, aged seventy-seven years, after surviving the mother some years. William Cant, the ninth child of his par- ents, spent his earliest years in Arbroath, Forfarshire, Scotland, there obtaining his elementary education. Afterward he spent two years at lulinburgh, where he took a course of study under Andrew Combe, a well- known educator of his day. After finishing his education in his native land, Mr. Sturoc went to Canada in 1846, and located in Mon- treal. He there secured a position with Ed- ward Maxwell, an architect and builder. Some years later he met William W. East- man, of Sunapee, N. H., upon whose invitation he paid his first visit to this town. It was during this visit that he made the acciuaintance of the late Hon. Edmund Burke, of Newport, N.H., who advised him to study law, and who ultimately received him into his office for that purpose. Under the influence and instruction of so strong a politician the young man soon became widely interested in politics, and before long was championing upon the stump the Jeffersonian doctrines to which he has since firmly adhered. He was admitted to the bar in 1855, and in the following year he came to Sunapee, where he has ever since had his home. He became a prominent figure in the public life of the community, and soon com- manded the full confidence of his townsmen in all legal matters. His legal reading was at the same time extensively pursued; and in 1 87 1 he was the author of a series of articles on "A Constitutional Judiciary," appearing in the New Hampshire Patriot, which were attributed by many of his profession to the late Hon. Edmund L. Cushing, subsequently Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. From 1865 to 1S69 Mr. Sturoc represented his town in the General Court, where he maintained a prominent position among the leaders on the Democratic side of the House, and where he was distinguished as a ready and eloquent speaker. Not only in America, but in his native land, his poems have received attention and admira- tion. Appreciative notices of him are to be found in "Scottish Poets in America" by Ross, "Modern Scottish Poets" by Edwards, II Chapin's "Poets of New Hamiishire," "Round about the Round O" by George Hay (author of History of Arbroath, Scotland), and in the Granite Moiil/ily. Much of the in- formation embodied in this brief sketch is to be credited to the Granite AJoiit/i/y. In the interesting biography of Mr. Sturoc, published by this periodical, the writer says of his work: "His occasional poetic productions, given to the public through various channels in the past, have demonstrated through their fineness and delicacy of sentiment, combined with vigor of expression, the real poet soul with which he is endowed, have undoubtedly won him truer admiration than an3thing he has accomplished in other directions, and have in- spired the hope for which, we trust, there is reasonable promise of fulfilment, that ere his life work is ended he may gather uji for preser- vation in substantial form the charming gems of fancy to which his muse has given birth." In 1856, December 12, Mr. Sturoc was united in marriage with Sarah C. Chase, a cousin of the late Chief Justice J. V.. Sargent, of Concord. His home, a fine old mansion, which was the ancestral home of his wife, was remodelled by liim in i860. In July, 1867, BIOGRA I'l I ICAI, REVIEW 52' he received from Dartmouth College the de- gree of Master of Arts. Though seventy- five years of age, Mr. Sturoc is still in vigorous health. He derives niuiii enJDyiiu-iit from scientific studies, which fur the last twenty years ho has carrit'd on in the ictircnient of his study, snrnnnidcd l))'i)is excellent lihrary and his favorite hoiii47 ; Lydia, burn March 2, 1770; Ruth, born April 20, 1772; Luther, l)orn P'ebruary 13, 1775; 'riiomas, named above, born June 24, 177S; and Nancy, born October 8, 1781 — all deceased. When a young man, Thomas Penniman settled upon a farm in Plaiiifield, and was a leatling sijirit among the early residents of this town. He figured prominently in public affairs, serving as a Selectman for a inmiber of years, and was highly respected for his ability and upright character. He died Au- gust 18, 1854. His wife was Dorinda \V. Wood, a native of U.xbridge, Mass. They had si.x children, namely: Merritt ¥., born March 15, icSi5; Henry N., who was born May 15, I Si 7, and died September 21, 181 8; Ralston H., the subject of this sketch; Dorinda W., born February iS, 1821; Thomas, Jr., born January 19, 1823; and David U. W. , born September 13, 1826, who died July 25, 1829. Merritt I"., who became a jirosperous farmer, married Pavinia Dan)on, and had a family of six children. Dorinda W. married John T. Freeman, who was for many years cashier of the Windsor Savings Hank. She died August 16, 1862. Thomas, Jr., wedded Mary Smith, and resided at the homestead until his death, which occurred January 24, 1S86. Ralston il. Penniman as a boy attended school in his native town, and at an early age began to make himself useful upon the farm. After the death of his father he continued to live with his brr ^ the best-known and most highly esteemed citizens of Hopkinton, was born in Deering, Hillsborough County, N. H., Sep- tember II, 1805, son of Ebenezer and Eunice (Hadlock) Loveren. He was reared to agri- cultural pursuits, and also became a noted school teacher, following that occupation very successfully for several years. Soon after attaining his majority, or in December, 1826, he came to Hopkinton, where he took up his residence; and he remained here until his death on May 14, 1885. Beginning with about one hundred acres of land, he added in course of time two hundred acres more, and also became the owner of some twenty thousand dollars' worth of other property. His h<5me was in the Tyler district, where his only child, Ebenezer, now resides; and he was known as one of the most prosperous farmers in the town. His title of Captain was acquired in the State militia, in which he served efficiently for three years or more. Recognized by his fellow- townsmen as a man of integrity, sound judg- ment, and good business capacity, he was chosen by them to serve first as Selectman, and in 1848-49 as Representative of Hopkinton in the State legislature. He was also a delegate to the Constitutional Convention held soon after the above-mentioned date. In 1826, the year in which he came to Hop- kinton, he married Miss Esther Bartlctt, daughter of Solomon and Anna (Stevens) Bart- lett, of Deering. She died four years before her husband, passing away October 29, 1881, at the age of seventy-seven years. They were the parents of one child, Ebenezer, already mentioned, who inherits many of his father's best traits of character, and a sketch of whom may be found on another page of this volume. Captain Loveren had one sister and one brother, John Loveren, who resided on the old homestead in Deering, N. H. His wife had three brothers and eight sisters born on the old homestead in Deering. BIATHAR RICHARDS, a retired merchant of Newport, was born here, October 8, 1825, son of Seth and Fanny Richards, of Dedham, Mass. He is descended from Edward Richards, one of the twelve immigrants bearing that surname, who, ABIATHAR RICHARDS. BIOGRAPHICAL KEVJ KVV S3' according to the records of the New I'jiglaiul Ilisloric Genealogical Society, originally came fniin I'jiglaiul to this country at dilfcrcnt times ill the jieriod between 1630 and 172.S, and whose descendants are to-day represented in the learned professions, the arts, commerce, and the gencial business of the country. lid- ward Richards, who arrived in 1632, was the sixth of the twelve referred to. With him, a felliiw-passenger on the .ship "IJon," was his brother Nathaniel, who afterward joined the party led by the Rev. Mr. Hooker through the wilderness to the valley of the Connecti- cut, and was among the foimders ot Hartford. While a resident of Cambridge, Mass., on September 10, 1638, Edward married Susan Hunting. He was afterward one of the sixty- two original proprietors of the town of Ded- ham, near Boston, where many of his descend- ants are to be found td-day. He spent the rest (it his life in Detlham, anil died theie in 1G.S4. l'"i(im Edward the line nf descent comes through John (first), John (second), John (third), and Abiathar to the sixth generation, represented by Sylvanus, wlm in the begin- ning of this century moved with his family to Newport, N. H., and settled on a large tract of land in the western part of the township, on what is known as the "old road " to Clare- mont. Sylvanus Richards was for some years one of the largest land-owners and tax-payers in the town. In addition to conducting his farm he kept a wayside inn. About the year 1812 he moved to Newport village, and there be- came the proprietor of the Rising Sun Tavern. His wife, Lucy I'iichardson J^ichards, bore him four children. Of these Seth Richards, born in Dedham, February 20, 1792, grew up, and ultimately succeeded to the proprietorship of the Rising Sun. Captain Seth Richards, the name by which Seth was generally known, was an active business man of strict integrity, yet genial and benevolent, a gentleman of the okl school. He was often called on for ser- vice in town offices, and in 1.S33 he was chosen to represent the community in the State legis- lature. After a time he gave u|) the hotel and turned his attention to store keeping. In 1835, when the Cheneys retired from Newport, he purchased their stock in trade, together with the old stand, and afterward carried on the business successfully for many years. He relinquished this occupation in 1853, when he became interested in the Sugar River l-'lannel Mills. I'"inally he retired from active life about the year 1867. Captain Richards married April 8, 1817, Fanny Richards, of Dedham. They had two sons and si.\ daughters. One of the sons was the Hon. Dexter Richards, who is well known throughout the State in business, social, political, and philanthropic circles. Abiathar Richards, the younger of his par- ents' two sons, attcndcti the schools of New- port, and was given a term at the Windsor Academy, Vermont. He began his mercantile career at the age of seventeen as a clerk. At the age of thirty, he oi)ened a general store in Newport, which he afterward carried on most successfully for many years. In the year 1895 he retired from active business, and he has since been enjoying a well-earned rest in his beautiful home in Newport. He was married February 7, 1854, to Esther A. Durant, who was born December 16, 1830, daughter of Isaiah and Esther C. (Reed) Durant, of Lang- don, N. H. He has two sons — I'red W. and Dexter A. Fred W. , born in Newport, January 31, 1856, who is in business at Omaha, Neb., married Sarah E. Barton, of Newport, who has had one daughter, Chris- tine, born October 30, 1883. De.vter A., born in Cambridgeport, Mass., November 11, 1868, who is a travelling salesman for a drug firm, married Ella M. Furlong, of Charles- 532 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW town, Mass. ]\Irs. Richards is a member uf the Congregational church. The father, Abi- athar Richards, is a Democrat in politics. For forty-seven years he has been a Mason of Mount Vernon Lodge, and has served in many of its offices. He is also connected with the Knights of Honor, Mount Coit Lodge, No. 86. A prominent man of his town, a good citizen, and a fine old gentleman, Mr. Rich- ards is a worthy representative of the family. ILLIAM W. AUSTIN, a farmer and drover of Webster, N. H., the son of Eldad and Naomi Austin, was born in Webster, then a part of Boscawen, July I, 1829. His grandfather, Paul Austin, of Georgetown, Mass., was one of the first settlers of the town. Taking up land when the country around it was a wilderness, he cleared and brought under cultivation the large farm where the subject of this sketch now lives. He died in 1852; and his wife, Me- hitable Lowell, of Georgetown, died in 1829. They had eight children — John, Sallie, Doro- thy, Eldad, Eunice, Mary Ann, William, and Samuel. Eldad, the second son, and the father of Mr. William W. Austin, adopted farming as his occupation, and remained at home with his parents until his marriage, when he bought a farm near by, where he spent the rest of his life. He was a Deacon of the Congregational church at Webster for forty years. He died April 15, 1883, at the age of eighty-three. His wife, Naomi, a native of Webster, died August 15, 1891, aged eighty-nine. They are survived by two of their children, namely; Mary Ann, whose husband, Sherman Little, died September 20, 1895; and William W., of whom we shall now speak. William W. Austin received his advanced educaticjn at Kimball Lfnion Academy, Meri- den, N. H. He lived at home until he was twenty-eight years of age, when he began to buy and sell cattle, going to Brighton and Watertown markets. He also dealt exten- sively in lumber, and was on the road the greater part of the time. He was in this business up to about four years ago, but since then he has engaged in general farming and the milk business. His farm consists of about two hundred and fifty acres of well-improved land, and the buildings are new and substan- tial. He keeps on an average twenty cows, and sells his milk to Whiting & Sons. In politics Mr. Austin is a stanch Republican, and he always takes an active interest in pub- lic affairs. He represented his district in the legislature in 1S85, and he has been Select- man in the town for eight years. He is con- nected with the Masonic order, being a member of Harris Lodge, No. 91, A. F. & A. M., of Warner, N.H. He was married January i, 1857, to Miss Abbie Cook Morse, a daughter of .Samuel and Judith Morse, of Craftsbury, Vt. By this union he had four children, namely: George S., born September 27, 1858, who died March 12, 1894; Henry Herbert, who was born No- vember 19, 1862, was graduated from Dart- mouth College in 1SS5, married Hattie Stott, and lives in Arlington, Mass., where he is engaged as a civil engineer; Mary Abbie, born October 29, 1864, now a nurse living in Boston; and Louisa, born January 29, 1867, who lives at home with her father. Mrs. Abbie C. Austin died October 21, iS8o; and Mr. Austin was again nuuried April 25, 1SS2, to Alma E. , the daughter of luastus and Eliz- abeth (Morse) Blanchard, of Vermont. She was born in Greensboro, Vt., January 13, 1849. Both Mr. and Mrs. Austin are members of the Congregational church in Webster village. BIOGRAI'irifAJ, REVIEW 533 \r\) f WAAAW IIAI.I., ihr enterprising ludprictdr (jf I .aiif^ddii Creamery, I.iiiigiliin, N.ll., anil dealer in butter, cream, milk, eg^s, ciiiekeiis, purk, and other farm and dairy products, was born in Claremont, this State, IVIarch 23, 1850. He is a son of Jonathan and Caroline I,. (I.eet) liall and a descendant of one of the oldest families in Sullivan County. Both his grandfather and his great-grand- father Ilall i)ore the Ciiristian name of Jona- than. Grandfather Hall was born August 25, 1776, in Spencer, Mass., whence he came to I.aiigdon when a young man. lie afterward I'cmoved to Claremont, where lie died in 1854. In his active years he followed the occupations of a farmer, carpenter, and cooper; and he fought in the War of 181 2. He married Sally Prouty, whose father was a very influential citizen of Spencer, Mass. She was born in 1779, and died in 1871. They were the jjarents of eleven children, two sons and nine daughters, Jonathan, third, being the )'oungest son. Jonathan Hall, third, was born in I^angdon, June 19, KS15, and is now living in Keene, N.H. After leaving school, he learned the trade of a shoemaker and later that of a car- penter. Since then he has been variously em- ployed as an architect, inventor, manufact- urer, and millwright. Many of the machines built by C. B. Rogers, of Norwich, Conn., were designed by him. He was the bulkier of the only floating saw-mill known and built in Quebec, and the largest saw-mill in that Province, over one hundred men being em- ployed in the constructiini work. Mention should also he made of the Orcutt, Charles iSridgeman, and Sprague Hlocks in Keene, besides a number of other buildings in that cit)- and in I.angclon. Though strong-willed anil somewhat stern in his bearing, he is known as a m.in ot high moral principles, and is an honorefl atui respected citizen. In po- litical views he is a Republican, i)iit his life work has lain in other fields than tiiat of p(j|i- tics. He is a member of the Second Advent church. His Wife, Caroline L., is a daughter of Andrew I.eet, of Claremont, X.H., a de- scendant of Governor Lcctc, of Connecticut. She was born in 1S18. They have hatl six children, all boys, as follows: Leonard T., Edward, Franklin, William, Henry, and l*'red, of whom the three eldest served in the Re- bellion, and I-'ranklin, born in Claremont, ilied of starvation in .'\ndersonville Prison. Leonard T. , born in Drewsville, Cheshire County, was in the Third New Hampshire Infantry. After the war he became a harness- maker, and subsequently followed that occupa- tion. Dying in 1892, he left a widow and two children. Edward Hall, also a native of Drewsville, who was in the Second New Hampshire Regiment, was a machinist in Claremont. He died in 1870, and is survived by four children. Henry, born in Claremont, is a farmer in Alstead, is married, and has two children. Frederick, born in Claremont, who died in 1885, was a carpenter in Keene. He married, and had one child that died in infancy. William Hall acquired his education in the schools of Keene and Swanzcy, N.H., after which he worked at wood-turning three years. He then took up carpentry, which he followed with his father for a time; and later he be- came interested with him in the manufacture of farming tools at Keene. Seven years ago he purchased the farm he now occupies ; and for the past three years, in addition to farm- ing, he has carried on an extensive business as proprietor and manager of the Langdon Creamerv- 534 BlOGRAl'UKAI. REVIEW Mr. Hall married Mamie L. Johnson, of Svvanzey, N. H., who was born in 1855 in Marlboro, N.H. Their five children are all living, namely: Cyrene, born in 1876; James A., born in 1878; Jonathan, born in 1880; Ira A., born in 1S84; and Emery Wyman, born in 1S93. At the present time Mr. Hall is serving as a Selectman of the town, also as a member of the School Board. Honest and temperate, like his father, he is highly es- teemed as a useful citizen and a good neiirhbor. tLBION H. FRENCH, M.D., a well- known physician of Pittsfield, was ^__^ born in Gilmanton N. H., March 27, 1847, son of Thomas H. and Sarah Ann (Brown) French. His great-grandfather, Ezekiel French, an Englishman, who was a pioneer of either Loudon or Hampton, N. H., spent his last days in Loudon, where he owned a farm. The second of EzekieTs two marriages was contracted with Sallie Smith. His son John was a native of Loudon. When a young man, John settled in Gilmanton, where he became a wealthy farmer, and died at the age of seventy-five years. He married Lucy T. Prescott, who lived to the advanced age of ninety-three or ninety-four years. She reared five children, of whom Thomas H., Albion H. French's father, was the eldest. Of these children the survivors are: Ann M., the widow of William Brackett, late of Epsom, N. H.; and Warren B. The other two sons, John O. and Samuel P., were grad- uates of Dartmouth College and physicians. In the latter part of his life the father was a Republican. Both he and his wife were members of the Congregational church. Thomas H. P'rench was born in Gilmanton in I Si 5. In early manhood he engaged in agriculture with a determination to succeed. He was rajiidly becoming prosjierous when he died, in the j^rime of life, aged thirty-seven years. He held a Captain's commission in the State militia, and was about to be promoted at the time of his death. Politically, he acted with the Republican party. His wife, Sarah Ann, who was a daughter of Richard Brown, of Loudon, became the mother of five chil- dren, of whom Merven E. and Albion H. are living. Merven E. French married Addie M. Gilman, and has three children — John H., Mabel, and William A. Mrs. Thomas H. French died at about the same age as her hus- band. She was a member of the Congrega- tional church. Albion H. French attended the academies in Pembroke and Pittsfield and the Northwood Seminary. He fitted for college at the Gil- manton Academy, took a partial college course under Professor E. R. Avery of Tilton Semi- nary and at the University of Vermont. Then he entered the medical department of the University, from which he was graduated with the class of 1875. After that he pursued his medical studies at Long Island and New York City. He was a delegate to the National Medical Convention in New York City in 1880. The first eight years of professional life were passed in Epsom, N.H. From that town he moved to Leominster, Mass., where he prac- tised four years. After residing in Gilmanton for a short time on account of poor health, he in 1892 located in Pittsfield and has since remained here. He is regarded as a skilful and reliable physician. He has a large and lucrative practice, and is much sought for in all the adjoining towns. Dr. French has been twice married. His first marriage was contracted September 23, 1873, with Emogene F. Grant, a native of (jilmanton. She died at the age of forty-one years, leaving one daughter, Ethel M. Dr. lUOORAl'JIICAL REVIFAV S3S I'^rciich was again married on September 19, 1892, to Lila M. Thompson, of Chichester, N.ll. Ill jiolilics Dr. I'"rench supports the I\epublican party, and he is cliairman of the Hoard of luhication in Pittsfield. He is liJL^hly esteemed by all. Mrs. l'"rench is a meml)er of the Methodist Episcopal church. lARLES S. ROWI'.T-L, a farmer and the Postmaster of West Ilopkin- ton, was born June 26, 1857, in the house which he now occupies, son of Isaac and 1 farriet (Adams) Rowcll. This farm was owned by his great-grandfather, who settled here shortly after the Revolutionary War, |)robably about 1780, and was the birthplace of his grandfather, Moses Rowell, who was born November 29, 1776. Moses lived on the farm both during his father's lifetime and after his death, when he became its owner. At one time he owned some mills; but after a while he sold them, devoting himself exclu- sively to the farm. On November 26, 1801, he married Tamesin Kastman, who had eight children — Abram, Benjamin, ]''.lizabeth, Abram, Isaac, Albert G. , Achsa, and Roxana. Ai)ram tlied at the age of seven years, Albert at the age of five, and Achsa in infancy. Isaac Rowell, born April 19, 1813, re- mained on the farm with his father until he was sixteen years of age. Then he learned the carpenter's trade, which he afterward followed until his marriage, on which occa- sion he returned to the farm. He made sev- eral additions to the farm, wliich contained in his time about three hundred acres of land. In I S40, February 20, he married Harriet R. Adams, a daughter of James and Lydia John- son Adams, of Henniker. They had five chil- dren, namely: James A. and Harriet Klla, who died in infancy; Harriet Ella (second). who on October 24, 1866, married Frank Howlctt, of Bradford; Mary E., who married June 9, 1874, George Gove, of Henniker ; and Charles S., the subject of this sketch. Mr. Howlett died June 23, 1873. Charles S. Rowell has spent his life on the farm, which was also the home of his father, his grandfather, and his great-grandfather. He has made the dairy the especial feature. Since the post-office was established at West Hopkinton, May 29, 1857, when Joseph P. Dow was made Postmaster, it has been twice in charge of members of the Rowell family. Charles Rowell has now held the position for eighteen years. He married Florence S. Goodwin, December 25, 18S2. They have no children. The Rowells have been a family of stanch Democrats. An industrious farmer and a good citizen, Charles S. Rowell is much esteemed by all who know him. Y^ATlIANIhLL ICVERKTT MARTIN,* 1^^ a successful attorney and well known J-^* x^ business man of Concord, was born in Loudon, N.H., August 9, 1855, son of Theophilus B. and Sarah L. (Rowell) Martin. He is of Scotch-Irish blood on the paternal side, being a direct descendant of William Martin, who came to this country from Ireland about the year 1732. Landing in Boston, William Martin went thence to Londonderry, N.H., from which place he removed subse- quently to Pembroke, Merrimack County. James Martin, the great-grandfather of Na- thaniel E., served with the rank of Ensign during the Revolutionary War, and died be- fore the cause of American independence was achieved. Mr. Martin's maternal ancestors were English, and first located in Haverhill, Mass., whence Grandfather Rowell removed to Loudon, N. H. 536 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW The subject of this sketch was educated in the district school of Loudon and in the pub- lic schools of Concord, completing his studies in the Concord High School at the age of twenty years. He studied law with Sargeant & Chase, was admitted to the bar August 14, 1879, and immediately began the practice of his profession. After practising alone until May, 1885, he then became associated with Mr. J. A. Albin, the partnership continuing until September, 1896, when Mr. Dewitt C. Howe was admitted to the firm. In 1887 Mr. Martin organized the Concord Building and Loan Association, of which he has since been treasurer. He is also treasurer and director of the Sullivan County Railroad. In politics he affiliates with the Democratic party; and he served as County Solicitor from July i, 1887, to July, 1889. Fraternally, he belongs to Ruraford Lodge, No. 46, I. O. O. F., of which he is Past Grand Master. ILLIAM F. WADLEIGH, a farmer of Webster, is a native of Laconia, liorn January 24, 1837, son of Na- thaniel R. and Polly H. (Ray) Wadleigh. The father, who was a prominent farmer of Laconia, and was born in 1802, died in 1854. The mother, born March 4, 1806, died in 1870. They had eight children, namely: Mary, now deceased, who was the wife of William Barrett, of Nashua, N.H.; I'lliza, deceased, who was the wife of William Thompson, of Harrington, N.H.; Isaac, who married Abbie Davis, now deceased, and lives in Ludlow, Vt. ; Almira, deceased, who mar- ried James Filgate, of Laconia; Catherine, who is the widow of Amos B. Tibbetts, and lives in Bairington, N.H.; Chase, who mar- ried Mary Foss, and resitles in Hastings, Minn.; William I'., the sul)ject of this arti- cle; and Horace, who married Plettie Hay- wood, and lives in Ludlow, Vt. At the early age of eleven years William F. Wadleigh went to Gilford, N.H., and worked out on the different farms until twenty-one years old, when he tried his fort- unes in Lawrence, Mass. Here he was em- ployed for eight years in the soap factory of L. Beach & Son. After his first marriage Mr. Wadleigh removed from Lawrence to Laconia; and four years later he entered on his present farm of five hundred acres in Webster, where he has since lived. He car- ries on general farming, and raises stock of all kinds. Outside his agricultural occupa- tions he is interested in the Merrimack Fire Insurance Company, of which he is a director. In politics he favors the Prohibition party. He has been Road Surveyor, and he was Se- lectman from 1887 to 1889. On August 6, 1861, Mr. Wadleigh married Abbie Proctor, of Derry, N. H. liorn July 31, 1828, she died October 5, 1886. Her children were: Allen B. , born November 23, 1863, who died October 10, 1864; one who died in infancy; Charles C, born September 16, 1867, who died October 14, 1889; and Anna P., born October 11, 1868, who died August 6, 1894. Anna married Luther C. Putney, of Webster, who now makes his home with Mr. Wadleigh; and they have one child, Winnifred Maud, born October 2, 1893. Mr. Wadleigh contracted a second marriage May 19, 1 888, with Mrs. Mary Calef Bean, the widow of John C. Bean, and a daughter of Garlantl and Maria T. (Fitz) Calef. Her father, who was a farmer and a resident of Boscawen, died in this township at the age of ninety. Mrs. Wadleigh was born Marcii 26, 1842. She is a member of the Bajitist church at Warner. Mr. Wadleigh is a member of tiie Methodist Episcopal church at Webster, and lilOGRAPHICAL RK\'I I'.W 537 takes an active interest in clinrcii affairs. lie belongs to the Daniel Webster Grange at Webster, and is one of the best known of Webster's to\vns|-)eoi)le. LKRb:n WOODMAN, a successful farmer of I'lainfield, Sullivan County, N.Il., and a veteran of the Civil War, was born in Newburyport, Mass., March 9, 1834, son of Daniel and Sarah (Hall) Woodman. His grandfather, Joseph Wood- man, was a native of Newbury, Mass., and a cabinet-maker by trade. He was twice mar- ried ; and his second wife was Abigail Atkin- son, of Newbury, who reared the following children: William, lujna, Abbie, Jane, Han- nah, Betsey, rh(i.'be, David, John, James, Joseph, and Daniel. William Woodman became a prominent business man of Dover, N.H., was a man of strict integrity, and for a period of fifty years was president of two banks. He married Re- becca Wheeler, of Dover. I'",dna, Abbie, and Jane remained single, and passed their lives in Newburyport. Hannah became the wife of Major Nathaniel Coffin, a wealthy and influ- ential citizen of that city. Betsey married Daniel Lunt, a merchant and farmer of New- bury, and had two children. I'hcebe married Captain Thomas Disney, of Newburyport, and had a family of four children. Davitl was a cooper by trade, and resided in Newburyport. He married, and had a family of three chil- dren, two of whom are living. John was a shoe dealer in Newburyport. He married Eliza Little, and had three children. James learned the mason's trade, and followed it in ]5oston ; was the father of three children. Joseph followed the trade of a mason in the same city, and was the father of four children. Daniel Woodman, Alfred Woodman's father, was born in Newbury in the year 1800. He learned the painter's trade; and, settling in Newburyport, he carried on business as a house, ship, and sign painter for many years. He acquired a high reputation in his calling, and accumulated considerable property. He died June 14, 1S74. Mis wife was Sarah Hall, a native of Canterbury, N. H. They had five children, as follows: Sarah, born September 25, 1829; Caroline, born October 9, 1831; Alfred, the subject of this sketch; Mary, born June 17, 1837; and Charles, born April 7, 1841. Sarah died December 24, 1850. Caroline became the wife of Samuel Jones, of Newburyport, a member of the firm of Jones, Spear & Lane, dry-goods merchants, Boston. She died in 1883, leaving one son, John Henry. Mary prepared herself for edu- cational work, and during the greater part of the time for the past twenty years she has been teaching in Lisbon, Portugal. She came back to the United States some three years ago, and erected a handsome residence in Central Scpiare, Woburn, Mass., but later de- cided to return to Lisbon. Charles is a mer- chant in Boston. Alfred Woodman, after completing his edu- cation in the high school of Newburyport, began to learn the tailor's trade with Charles Pool & Co., with whom he remained two years. In company with several other youths he then shipped on board the "Oliver Put- nam," bound for Havre, France. The vessel sailed on Friday; and about three days later she met with a serious mishap, which damaged her to the extent of many thousands of dollars. She was finally towed into New York. Cured of his sea craze for a time, young Woodman then went to Concord, N.IL, where he fin- ished his trade with Lincoln & Shaw, the future Governor Tuttlc of New Hampshire being an apprentice in the same shop during 53S BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW his two years' service with this firm. The effects of the disaster which befell his first attempt to go to sea having disappeared, he was again seized with a desire to see the world; and he shipped on Isoard the "Castil- ian " for a voyage to Peru. His experience this time was of a more satisfactory nature; and, after his return some fifteen months later, he again shipped upon the same vessel for Liverpool. He made five trips to South America on board the "Castilian." At the breaking out of the Civil War he enlisted in Company B, Second Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers. He was in the battles of first Bull Run, Drury's Bluff, Will- iamsburg, Oak Grove, Yorktown, Fredericks- burg, Glendale, Fair Oaks, and Gettysburg. He was captured by the enemy, and his con- finement in Libby and Belle Isle Prisons so injured his health that he now receives a pen- sion from the government. After his dis- charge he shipped as mate of the schooner "Hiawatha," which was commanded by his cousin. Captain Disney, with whom he made coasting trips for a short time. Returning to Concord, he engaged in the tailoring busi- ness, which he followed successfully for eight years. Indoor confinement, however, proved disastrous to his already undermined health; and he was obliged to seek some open-air em- ployment. He accordingly about twenty years ago purchased his present farm in Plainfield, where he has derived much benefit from the invigorating atmosphere, and has devoted his energies to general farming. His property, which consists of about three hundred acres, is one of the most valuable estates in this town. It is situated upon the east bank of the Connecticut River in the midst of moun- tain and valley scenery, and contains a sub- stantial lirick residence and well-constructed out - buildings. His principal attention is given to raising sheep for wool, which he has found a profitable enterprise. He has no de- sire for political prominence, but as a sup- porter of the Republican party he takes an active part in town meetings and conventions; and, if matters are not altogether to his lik- ing, he is sure to be heard from. Mr. Woodman married Maria T. Gallup, who was born in Plainfield, July 19, 1838, daughter of Captain Thomas F. Gallup of this town. She is the mother of three children, namely: Ellen Edna, born March 5, 1868; P'red T., born June 28, 1871; and Kate K., born March 17, 1S75. Pollen Tulna completed her studies at tlie Kimball Union Academy, and is residing at home. P>ed T. is a gradu- ate of the high school at White River Junc- tion, Vt., and is now studying law with the Hon. John L. Spring, of Lebanon, N. H. Kate K. was graduated from the Kimball Union Academy, and has been teaching school in Plainfield for the past three years. Mr. Woodman is a comrade of K. K. Sturte- vant Post, No. 2, Grand Army of the Repub- lic, of Concord. He attends the Baptist church. Upright and fair-dealing, he is re- garded with the highest esteem by his neigh- bors and acquaintances, who are always willing listeners to his narrations of adventure which his personal experience is able to fiumish in abundance. In 1887 he accompanied an old school friend who was suffering from mental affliction upon a two months' trip to the Azores, and his description and his remarks concerning it are exceedingly witty and inter- esting. ILLIAM LEAVITT BENNETT, a prominent resident of Andover, was born in the town of Loudon, this State, January 16, 1837. His grandfather, Jeremiah liennctt, formerly of Kingston, ac- 1{I0(;K AI'IIICAI, RKVIEW 539 companied by a neighbor named Clough, jour- neyed from there to Loudon, earrying his luggage and ini|)iements on a hand-barrow. Having chosen a tract of timbered land favor- ably situated, he felled a few trees, and built a log hut. lie had been a reed-maker by trade; hut, after coming to Loudon, he de- voted himself to clearing his land and to till- ing the soil. Ho gradually placed it under cultivation; and, when he died, at the ripe age of ninety-five years, he could look with ])ride on a well-improved farm, won from a wilderness through his own industry and cour- age. His wife's name before marriage was Alice Courrier. Their son Amos grew uj) on the farm, and was from boyhood trained to agricultural jnirsuits, in wiiich lie was en- gaged throughout the rest of Jiis life. A man of thrift and industry, he increased the tillage area of the farm. His wife, who was chris- tened Nancy Batchelder, became the mother of foui" sons and one daughter — Lucretia N., William I.., Jeremiah F. , True H., and Joseph (.'lark. True fought in the late war with the Ninth New Hampshire Cavalry, and lost his life in the service. Jeremiah lives in Rockfortl, 111.; and Joseph Clark resides at Oelwein, la. William Leavitt Bennett was educated in the public schools of his native town. After- ward he learned the carpenter's trade, and worked in factories at Concord and Laconia, this State, and in Springfield, Mass. h"or a time, also, he was night watch at a shoe fac- tory in Concord and a keeper at the Concord Insane Asylum. Later he purchased the Dr. Henry Weymouth place on Taunton Hill, Andover, and has since resided there. On the 1 8th of April, 1863, he was united in marriage with IVLiry Elizabeth, daughter of Captain William and Lydia (Stevens) Hun- toon, of Andover. Mrs. Bennett received her early education in the district schools of An- dover, and then attended the Andover Acad- emy for three yeans. She became a successful teacher, and taught for some time in Andover, Salisbury, Boscawen, l-'ranklin, and Concord grammar schools before her marriage. Mr. Bennett is a member of the I. O. O. !•'. In politics he is a Democrat, and his first Presi- dential vote was cast for Stephen A. Doug- las. He takes a keen interest in all public questions, and he has been chosen to serve as a member of the Board of .Selectmen of the town. LI A. BOUTWICLL, a farmer and lum- berman of Hopkinton, N.H., son of Samuel P. and Lydia A. (Allen) Boutwell, was born in Barre, Vt., l'"ebruary 25, 1833. His lineage has not been traced; but a little research would probably show that he belongs to the old New England family of Boutwells, of which the Hon. George S. Boutwell, ex-Secretary of the Treasury, is a rejiresentative. Its founder, James Boutwell, said to have been made a freeman in Lynn, Mass., in 1638 or 1639, died in 165 i, leaving a wife Alice, sons James and John, and a daugh- ter Sarah. The sons married, and settled in Reading, Mass., John being the ancestor of the distinguished statesman. Some of the de- scendants of the second James, and jierhaps others, have spelled the name Boutclle. Nehemiah Boutwell, grandfather of Eli A., of Hopkinton, was a native of Vermont, and served in the Revolutionary War at the time of the raid on Plattsburg, N.V. , when the English made a naval display. He married Susannah Holt. Samuel P., his eldest child, was born in 1806 in Barre, Vt. He married Lydia A. Allen, a daughter of Nathan and Esther (Paine) Allen. She was a relative of Ethan Allen, and resided in Brookfield, Vt. 54° BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Samuel P. Boutwell and his wife reared four- teen children, only seven of whom are at pres- ent living, most of them in Vermont. Samuel Edson lives in Hopkinton, as did Elmer, who is now deceased. Seven of the sons were in the army; and of these Luther died in Vir- ginia, and Augustus retired and died in iiis own State from the effects of army service. Eli A. Boutwell, the subject of this sketch, during his early years remained at home on the farm at Barre, Vt. He received the edu- cation of the common schools of the town; and at the age of nineteen he left his native place, and went to Hookset, N.H., where he learned to make shoes. Coming to Hopkin- ton in 1853, and in 1856 removing to Mere- dosia, Morgan County, 111., he continued in the same business, remaining at Meredosia until i860, when he went to Berlin, 111. On August 15, 1862, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Sixth Illinois Regiment, Com- ]iany A, under Colonel Lathrop and Caj)tain Henry Yates, half brother to Dick Yates, the famous war governor of Illinois. Mr. Bout- well was in service in Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Arkansas, and other places. In June, 1863, he was in active service before Vicksburg during the siege; and after the fall of Vicksburg he was sent to Helena, Ark., under General .Steele, also to Little Rock, Ark., the i^'ederal forces taking possession of tiic city. He entered the army as private, and was promoted to Sergeant, and in July was sent to a military school at Philadelphia, Pa., where he remained for a short time. He afterward rejoined his regiment at Little Rock, Ark., and went with them to Pine Bluff, where they were stationed until the close of the war, when he was discharged, and returned to Hopkinton, N.H. In 1869 Mr. lidutwell left his business of shoemaking and went to farming, also engag- ing in lumbering; and in 1S72 he purchased the farm in Hopkinton where he now resides. He also at the same time purchased the mill property, which was somewhat dilapidated, and at once rebuilt it, and has since built several additions. He now has an extensive plant, and is doing a large business, having generally ten men and about eight teams. He has recently added steam, thereby increas- ing to more than double the former capacity of his mill. He handles a large amount of lumber annually, and is said to have a ready market for what he can furnish, especially in Concord. His farm contains about fifty-five acres, besides which he owns several tracts of timber land, making in all about four hundred acres. He has served the town in official capacity for many years, having been Collector of Taxes in 1874 and 1875, Assessor and ap- praiser of real estate in 1875, Selectman from 1876 to 1S78, being chairman of the board. In 1879 and 1880 he served as Representative, and from 1882 to 1888 he was supervisor of the check list. In 1892 he was again one of the Selectmen. On March 27, 1855, Mr. Boutwell married Harriet Walker Weeks, who was born in Hop- kinton, N.H., June i, 1829, a daughter of Thomas J. and Hannah (Smith) Weeks. Her paternal grandfather, Captain William Weeks, a graduate of Harvard College, served on the staff of Washington in the Revolutionary War. P"ive children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Boutwell, namely: Rozella, wlio died at the age of two years; Harvey Lincoln; Henry Beecher Allen; Arthur Jefferson; and P^lla, who died when fourteen years of age. Harvey Lincoln Boutwell, born April 5, i860, was graduated in 1882 from the New Hamp- shire State College and in 1886 from Boston University .School of Law, receiving the de- gree of Bachelor of Laws. He is now a coun- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW scllor-at-lavv in llic cily uf Hostcjii, Mass., and is also scrviii<^ his thiid Icrni in the State legislature. lie resides in Maiden, Mass. December 28, 1886, he married Nellie C. Booth. They have two ciiiltlren — Robert Dewey and Louis l'^\'ans. Henry Hcecher Allen Boutwell lives near his father. He married Alice Montgomery in 1885, and has had two children — Ernest Allen; and Nellie Maria, who died at the age of one year. Arthur J. l^outwell is now in business with his father, and is superintendent of the mill. April 12, 1890, he married Carrie J. l'"itts. They have had three children, namely: Carrie Elia, who died at the age of four months: ICarle iMtts; and LeRoy Arthur. Mr. lili A. lioutwell has built up a large business, in which he has been successful; and he is at present taking an active part in it. lie is alive to all the interests of the town, and enjoys the respect of his fellow-citizens. He is a Past Commander of Post No. 5, Grand Army of the Republic, of Hopkinton, N.H. < ♦•»■» TT^HARLES M0RTIMI':R BINGHAM, I ^Y 3- former well-known merchant of V^i2__^ Claremont, Sullivan County, N.I I., was born in New London, Conn., I'ebruary 22, 1804, son of Nathan Bingham. His father settled in Claremont in i8og. He was a hatter by trade, and carried on a large and successful business here. He was a musician, and played the bass-viol in the P^piscopal church for years. He died at the age of seventy-eight. He had si.\ children. His daughter Lucretia married Ralph Metcalf, who became the governor of New Hampshire. Her sister lilizabeth married Luther S. Porter, and Maria became the wife of Henry W. Galpin. Silas L., one of the three sons, was a professional voice teacher. He died in Clevelaiul, (Ailo. George, tin, 'imy mu living member of the family, resides in Minneapolis, Minn. Both IClizabcth and Silas Bingham had remarkable voices. In 18 18, at the age of fourteen, Charles Mortimer Bingham began to fit himself for a business career by entering the employ of Josiah Stevens & Sons, dealers in general mer- chandise, his father, Nathan Bingham, having made an agreement with the firm that, under certain conditions, he should remain with them until twenty-one years of age. We copy, with a few verbal corrections, the fol- lowing well-told story of his life and charac- ter: "A typical New Englander, having com- pleted his term of service with Josiah Stevens, he struck out for himself. He left Claremont with little capital, but with a good deal of honest purpose, and engaged in business in Grecnbush, Vt. From thence he went to Chester, where he did a thriving business until 1837, when he was induced by friends to return to Claremont. A copartnership was formed in A])ril of that year with Mr. Stevens, under the firm name of C. M. Bingham & Co., dealers in hardware, dry goods, and groceries. The firm existed until the sudden death of Mr. -Stevens, which occurred September 18, 1842. With the exception of three years in part- nership with a son of his former partner, Mr. Bingham continued alone until, having passed forty-one years of his life in the mercantile line, he closed up his affairs in 1871, and re- tired from active business. "Possessed of a vigorous intellect, he early attracted the notice of his fellow-citizens, and by them was called to many important posts, the duties of which he discharged to their acceptance. He represented his town in Gen- eral Court for four years, was for many years Town Treasurer, and, save with few excep- tions, was elected Moderator at the annual 542 BIOG-RAPHICAL REVIEW town meetings for more than thirty years. He was one of tlie prime movers in 1843 in organizing the parish of Trinity Church, was the first Warden elected, which position he held continuoLisly for thirty years, and had previously held that office in Union Church. He inherited great capabilities for music, had sedulously studied its theory, and on all occa- sions did much to encourage the science in Claremont. He was for many years chorister of his church, his sister, Mrs. Porter, singing in his choir. "He married first Mary, daughter of George Cook, of Cornish. His second wife was Abby Fairbanks, of Charlestown, by whom he had six children — Catherine F., Charles I'^., Mary C, William M., John F., and Lucy F. The four last survived him. He married third Mrs. Lydia Ballou Perry, widow of Mr. Lewis Perry, of Claremont. She is a descendant of John Chamberlain, who occupies a prominent position in the early history of Westmoreland, New Hampshire. "Mr. Bingham died March 5, 1S8S, at the age of eighty-four years. He was a man of kindly disposition, of unusual energy and industry, and of unblemished honor and integrity. A gentleman of the olden time, he was distin- guished for many excellent personal qualities, was of singularly pure and abstemious habits, witty and genial withal, and dearly beloved by those who had the good fortune to know him intimately. In him even old age appeared delightful. He is inadequately j^raised when he is named one of the best men wlio ever lived in Claremont." LBON LOVKRIN, a prominent farmer of Northfield, is a native of Spring- field, N.H. He was born May 24, 1 85 I, son of Austin C. and Lavina A. (Mor- rill) Loverin. The father, who was a farmer, died in 1868. He was twice married. The children of his first marriage were: Elijah W. and Gilbert, both of whom are now deceased. Jlis scconfi wife, Lavina, a native of Wilmot, bore him si.x other children, namely: Oliver B., who resides in Grand Rapids, Mich. ; Sarah, who is the wife of George Morgan, of Springfield, N.H.; Ara M. , who is a hotel keeper of Concord; Daniel O., now deceased ; and Ida L. , who lives in New London, N.H. Albon Loverin, the fourth child of his par- ents, received his education in the common schools. After attaining his majority, he worked out on farms around Springfield and at Francestown for a time. Subsequently he was employed in Hanover eight years and in Manchester three years. Mr. Loverin came to Northfield in 1885, and bought the estate near Tilton village known as the Chase Wyatt farm, upon which he now resides. It contains seventy-five acres. Since it came into his possession he has made some improvements. Besides carrying on general farming, he keeps a dairy, which yields him considerable profit. In November of the same year he married Miss Jennie L. McDowell, who was born May 18, 1858, in Heighgate, Vt., daughter of Leonard and Winnifred (Burt) McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell, who came originally from Montreal, Canada, settled in lulen, Vt., and passed the last part of their lives in that town. Mr. Loverin's only child, Gracie Belle, is now seven years old. In the summer season the family residence is one of the many New Hampshire homes opened to the city dweller who wishes to rest and recreate amid beautiful and healthful sur- roundings. About twenty boarders arc ac- commodated here every year. The estate is now called, and very approjiriately, "Mountain View l-'arm." Mr. Loverin is a Democrat, DANIEL DOWNES. r.lOCk \IMIIC.\I, KK\'IK\V 545 ami h;i.s always stood by bis party. lie is well known and esteemed tliroiiLjhoLit the county. ,ANIEL DOWNES, a well-known resident of Andover, was born in r~*-^ Salisbury, N.II., June lo, 1.S37. 11 is fatlier was Isaac Downes, who came from Maine, bis native State, successively bought a farm in Salisbury and J'^llsworth, lived on each for a time, and then removed to Lowell, Mass., where he kept a boarding- house until his death. Isaac married Mary A. Cilly, of West Andover; and tlieir children were: Philip, Leonard, I'riscilla, Lydia, Ann, I'Lllen, Daniel, and Isaac. I'hili|i Downes, who was a soldier in the Union Army, died from the effect of wounds received in the battle of Gettysburg. Leonard was killed in a railroad accident in 1859. Fris- cilla, Ann, and Ellen are also deceased. Lydia, who resides at Eranklin, is the witlow of the late Mark J. Levenworth ; while Isaac, a resident of Andover, is a well-known lumber merchant. Daniel Downes received his education in the town school of Lowell. Then he went to work in one of the mills, and later was engaged in teaming for three years. At the expiration of that time he came to Andover and hired a farm on Taunton Hill, which he afterward conducted for about four years. After this Mr. Downes did teaming for the peg mills, furnished wood for the Winnepesaukee Paper Mills and other corporations, and was at the same time running a saw-mill and working up a lumber business for himself. He also opened a general merchandise store in the village of Potter Place, where he built a fine set of buildings about fifteen years ago. Mr. Downes is a self-made man. Always active and enterprising, prosperity has crowned his efforts. .Mrs. Downes was before marriage Jane Kennislon, daughter of Calvin and lilizabcth (lloyt) Kenniston. Her children — lidward, Ida J., I'red !•:., Marcilla M., Jessie M., and Bert W. — arc all married; and there is a rising generation of fifteen grandchildren. Mr. Downes is well known as an active mem- ber of the social and benevolent organizations of Andover. Also interested in the adminis- trative affairs of the town, he has been Select- man and Road Agent; and in 1893-94 he was its Representative in the State legislature. He has served on the School Hoard at Cilley- ville, and is a member of the grange. In pol- itics he is a Democrat, and his first vote was cast for Stephen A. Douglas in i860. He is one of the most active members of the L^ni- versalist society here, which relies on him for generous support when necessary. -f^TlRAM C. ];LLENWOOD,*a carpen- r^l ter and undertaker of Charlestown, -L® y_^ ^ N.li., was born in Woodward, \'t., November 26, 1826, son of Cyrus and Sally (Draper) Ellenwood. His grandfather, Jo- seph EUenwood, was a native of Greenfield, N. H., where he also resided during the greater part of his life, engaged in general farming. He married Mary Punchard, who became the mother of nine children. Their son, Cyrus, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Greenfield, N.II., in 17S2. He was a shoemaker by trade, and removed to Charlestown at the age of fifty years. In 181 1 he married Sally Draper, and they had seven children — Sally, Harvey, Simeon, Frances, Hiram (the subject of this .sketch), Warren F., and Sarah. Hiram C. Ellenwood spent his school days in Acworth, N.H., where he stayed until he was twelve years of age. He then went to 54''^ BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW Charlestowii, and worked on different farms outside the village. When he was twenty years old, he began to learn the carpenter's trade, serving as an apprentice for three years. He afterward went to Boston, where he worked at his trade for two years. On his return he continued as a carpenter ; but, becoming sexton for the Unitarian church, he entered also into the business of undertaking, which he has continued for thirty-five years. lie is one of the prominent Democrats of Charlestown, and has served on public committees on several occasions. He was appointed Town Sexton in 1861, which position he has since held. In October, 1855, Mr. Ellenwood married Martha Clark, who was born in Newbury, Vt. , a daughter of Moses Clark. They had one son, Simeon, who died in infancy. LBERT P. DAVIS, attorney -at - law and one of the most active, prominent, and pushing citizens of Warner, was born May 2, 1835, in the village of Waterloo, Merrimack County, N.H. The Davis family originated in Wales, from whence the first ancestor in this country emigrated in 1638, settling in Amesbury, Mass. Gideon Davis, the great-grandfather of Albert P., and a nephew of Francis Davis, who led in the early settlement of the town, was born in Amesbury, where he lived until after his marriage with Mary Cheney. In 1784 he came to Warner, and, taking up a large tract of timber land, engaged in manu- facturing, in the winter months, oars, selling them in Salem and Boston. He was also a skilled mechanic. He reared a large family, his son John being the ne.\t in line of descent. John Davis, born in Amesbury, Mass., in 1775, was a lad of eight years when he came with his parents to Warner. He was a natural mechanic, one of the best of his times, and as a carpenter framed nearly all the ancient buildings now standing, and for si.xty years was the master mason and builder of Warner. He bought land about one mile from the village of Waterloo; and, after he gave up mechan- ical pursuits, devoted himself to farming, living there until his death in 1865. He was a well-developed man, both physically and in- tellectually, having the broad shoulders and stocky build characteristic of the Davis family. He possessed great force of character, a firm and resolute spirit, and a personality that made him a leader among men. He reared eight children, of whom but one is living, Eleazer, who resides on the old homestead. Zaccheus Davis, father of Albert P., was born near Waterloo in 1806. Like his father, he was both carpenter and farmer, carrying on his joint occupations in Waterloo during his life, which was brought to a close in 1854, at the age of forty-eight years. He married Miss Lucinda Pervere, of Sandown, who survived him, dying in 1881, at the age of si.xty-nine years. They were the parents of four chil- dren, namely: Albert P.; Mary, who died in early womanliood; Charles S., a soldier in the Eleventh New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry during the late Rebellion, now engaged in agricultural pursuits in Warner; and Zaccheus, a resident of Rochester, N.H. Maternally, Mr. Davis comes from the well-known Pervere and Bennett families of Sandown, N.H. Albert P. Davis was fitted for college, and just ready to enter Dartmouth when his father died. This affliction caused an entire change in his plans, his widowed mother, with her family of little ones, needing his care at home; and the college had to be abandoned. He at once assumed the management of the farm, carrying it on until i S66, when he sold out, and moved into this village, bringing his H I OG R A I' HI C A L R EV I KVV 547 mother to his now home. When hut sixlccn years ohl he Iiej^an teachinj; hi tlir winter sea- sons in the eiiuntry-seiiool distriets; and tliis vocation he continued al)out fifteen years, obtain in<^ a fine reputation, both as instructor and disciplinarian, his services often being sou{:;ht in schools in which the pupils were unusually turliulent and unruly. Soon after coming lo Warner village, Mr. Davis was appointeil De|>uly -Sheriff, an office which he filled about ten years. In the meantime he studied law with John Y. Mugridgc, of Con- cord, and ill 1876 was admitted to the New Hampshire bar. At once opening his office in Warner, he has since continued in the active practice of his profession, making a specialty of pension law, in which he has been particularly successful. He examines each case thoroughly, testing its merits prior to placing it before the department of pensions, and has invariably succeeded in his efforts to benefit his clients. His knowledge of law, and of the intricacies of pension law es[)e- cially, makes him a very efficient pension attorney. Mr. Davis has been actively identified with the highest and best interests of the town and county since arriving at man's estate. A true and loyal citizen, his patriotism was aroused to its highest point during the progress of the late Civil War. When the papers containing the accounts of the second battle of Bull ]\un were thrown from the train, he and his brother Charles were in the hayfield. They at once decided that one must don the blue and go to the front as a soldier. Sitting down on the hay, they drew cuts, agreeing that one should remain at home and care for the two families. The lot falling on Charles, he at once vol- unteered his services to his country. In the advancement of educational interests Mr. Davis has labored indefatigably, doing espe- cially g(j(;d work as superintendent ol the Simonds High Schfujl for two years, Mr. Davis has likewise served as Town Treasurer. He was private secretary to Governor Ilarri- man in 1868 and iS6c); in 1889 was a mem- ber of the Con.stitutional Convention; and from 1891 till 1893 represented this town in the State legislature, serving on the Judiciary Committee, in company with such strong members as Briggs, of Manchester; l{ingham, of Littleton; Spring, of Lebanon; and Nash, of Conway. He is an ardent I'rohibitionist and a close student of political economy, his investigations in this science leading him to write a series of articles on the tariff question that attracted large attention. He subse- cjucntly wrote the "Warner Papers," including such topics as "Warner in the Rebellion," "Warner in the Revolution," giving a full history of events in Warner during those two great wars. Mr. Davis owns a good deal of real estate, mostly village and town property, though he has large tracts of land in both Kansas and Nebraska. He was one of the original propri- etors of the Warner Glove Factory, but sold out his interests, and in earlier life was a stockholder in the Melvin Woollen Mills, and was also engaged for a time in the lumber business. He was the projector of the system of water-works just C(jmpleted in the village; and it was mainly through his untiring efforts it was established, he having secured the necessary capital from abroad and otherwise materially encouraged the enterprise. Warner has a fine public library founded through the instrumentality of Mr. Davis, who agitated the question for years, and finally secured a room in the Town Hall, beginning with a few books as the nucleus. He then interested the Hon. George A. Pillsbury, of Minneapolis, Minn., who was for some years in business here, and S4S BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW was a Representative to the General Court from Warner. Mr. Pillsbury donated gener- ously, the result being a handsome and con- veniently arranged building, stocked with five thousand volumes of choice literature, valued at about twenty-five thousand dollars. In June, 1855, Mr. Davis married Miss Lav(ma Harvey, daughter of Abner Harvey, of Warner, and of Mary Fisk, of the famous Fisk family. She is a most estimable, capa- ble, and accomplished woman, deeply inter- ested in all reform movements and every other that tends to help the poor and unfortunate, who find in her a friend. She is a valued member of the Bajitist church and of the W. C. T. U., but, being an invalid, is not able to do any active work in either organiza- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have two children, namely: Ida M., wife of Walter W. Wheeler, of Boston, Mass. ; and Woodbury E., who is engaged in the grocery business in Warner. Mr. Davis is naturally aggressive, persist- ent, and tenacious. Once having carefully and deliberately marked out his course, he never yields to any obstacle in the way of the consummation of his plans and purposes; and he usually succeeds in what he attempts. This determination has necessarily led him to an- tagonize others with pet plans and schemes, and has made intense personal and political enemies of men smarting under defeats and disappointments. When provoked or pushed, he wields a vigorous and merciless pen, as his enemies can testify. Aside from this class Mr. Davis possesses in a large measure the confidence and respect of his fellow-townsmen, who willingly credit him with great personal courage, indepen- dence, and originality, and with having bene- fited his town in his efforts to establish a free public library and a system of public water- works; by his investments in local industrial works, to give labor at home to the laboring class; by his intense interest manifested in the educational institutions of the town ; by his active support given gladly to promote and develop the moral, social, and religious inter- ests of the people; and by his active co-opera- tion with any and all movements that tend to make a healthy and vigorous community, with a community of interests and aspirations. irA ANFORD RICE, late a well-known 1 1 farmer of Claremont, who died ,—Km^ August 4, 1877, was born in this town, December 2, 1805. His grandfather, Ebenezer Rice, who was one of the earliest settlers of Claremont, coming with a little colony of pioneers from Tolland, Conn., bought considerable land in the village, but afterward removed to West Claremont. He was a carpenter by trade, and framed the old Union church at West Claremont. He was a Deacon of the church, and in the absence of a minister he used to read the services. A stanch patriot, he fought for American inde- pendence in the Revolution. His death occurred April 24, 1829. His children were: Joseph; Stephen; Ebenezer; and Phebe, who became Mrs. Timothy Grannis. His son Joseph was a prosperous farmer, a man of influence in the town, and one of the leading members of the Union Church. He married Lucy Barron, who was born June 14, 1772. He died Aj^ril 24, 1829, his wife sur- viving him until August 28, 1847. They had a large family of children. Minerva, the eldest, born November 30, 1795, marriet! Daniel J5ond. Horace was born Jul)' 2, 1801. He died in Cambridge, Mass., in 1872. Franklin was born May 2, 1803; and Sanford and Danford, twins, were born December 2, 1805. Sanford was lost in the Mexican War. IMOCKAI'IIK Al. KEVIKW 549 Phcl)c Pamelia was born January i8, 1809, and married Harvey Tolles. George Gilbert, born September ig, i RKVIKW 563 On September 5, 1872, Mr. Albin wedded Georgia A. Modica, of Ilenniker, N.II. Of liis three chililren two are living; namely, Henry Allison atul ICditli Gertrude. In pol- ities Mr. Albin is a Republican. P{e was elected to the legislature from Concord in 1872, re-elected in 1873, and he represented Menniker in that body in 1876. He is the president of the Sullivan County Railroad Company, a director of the Vermont Valley and of the Connecticut River Railroad Com- panies, and the president of the Concord Street Railway Company. One of the most promi- nent Odd Fellows in the State, he is a mem- ber of White Mountain Lodge, No. 5 ; was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire in 1879 and 1880; represented this jurisdiction in the Sovereign Grand Lodge in 1S81, 1882, 1884, 1885, and 1886; was Grand Marshal of that body in 1888 and 1889; was the originator of the degrees known as the Uniform Rank and the I'atriarchs Militant; and has been a trustee of the Odd Fellows Home since its foundation. —•-••♦-♦— 7TAHARLES S. TOWLE,* one of Chi- ( jr'^ Chester's representative farmers, was V„^_^ born in this town, October 17, 1854, son of James B. and Sarah (Sherburne) Towle. His grandparents, Jonathan and Sally (Fellows) Towle, who were prosperous farm- ing people of Chichester, had twelve children, of whom Sarah J., Betsey, Mary E., Cyn- thia, and Olive Jane are living. Sarah J. is the widow of George l\ Haines, late of this town, and has five children — Sarah J., George H., Annie M., Albert H., and Alvin M. Betsey is the widow of the late Augustus Leavitt. Mary E. is the wife of Stephen Marston, of Pittsfield, N. H. ; and her children are : Angle, Munroe, Sarah, Clara, Addie, Alice, and Adelle. Cynthia married Clark Bennett; and her children are: Clarence, Nettie, Irving, and another whose name is not known. Olive Jane is the wife of Albert Thompson, of Chichester, and has four chil- dren — Ida, Arthur, Lillia, and Augustus. Jonathan Towle in his younger years was a cooper by trade. He later gave his attention to agricultural pursuits. In politics he was a Democrat. He was over eighty years old when he died. His wife also lived to a good old age. They were members of the Baptist church. James B. Towle, tiie second of his parents' children, was born in Chichester and reared to farm life. He owned a good farm in Chiches- ter. In politics he supported the Democratic party, and in his religious views he was a Methodist. He died at the age of seventy- four years. His wife, Sarah, became the mother of seven children, five of whom are liv- ing; namely, Lewis, James F., Sarah J., Viola, and Charles S. Lewis married for his first wife Helen Abbott, who had five children : Herman G., Lucy K., Sarah E. , Fred L. , and Charles A. I'or his second wife he wedded Mary Hill, of Chichester. James F. Towle married Abbie J. Watson, of this town, and has two children — F. Lenore and Paul E. Sarah J. is the wife of John F. French, of Chichester; and her children are: Lizzie H., John \V. , Frank D., Susan A., and Jo- sephine P. Viola is the widow of the late Alfred Robinson; and her children are: James O. and Bert D. Mrs. James B. Towle died at the age of seventy-six years. Charles S. Towle attended the schools of his native town, and at an early age began to assist his father upon the farm. He has fol- lowed farming very prosperously throughout his life. On May 23, 187S, he married Sarah R. Lake, daughter of fosiah and Marv A. 5^4 BIOGRAPHICAI, RFA TEW (Richards) Lake, of Pembroke, N.II. Their adopted daughter, Edith May, was born in ]5oscawcn, N.H., June 7, 1890. Mr. Towle is much liked for many estimable traits of character. Both he and Mrs. Towle are mem- bers uf the Methodist Episcopal church. In politics he supports the Prohibition party. ^KKU H. FELLOWS,* one of Chiches- ter's representative men, was born in this town, December 18, 1859, son of John and Ursula M. (Webster) Fellows. His grandfather, John Fellows (first), learned the blacksmith's trade in Chichester, and followed it in this town during the active portion of his life. John owned a small farm, which he also cultivated industriously. In politics he was a Democrat, and he served as a Selectman and in other town offices. He married Betsey Page, who bore him eight children, si.\ of whom are living; namely, James B., Esther, Elizabeth J., Louisa, Frank J., and Octave. James B. married for his first wife Betsey Webster, who died leaving one son, F'rank. For his second wife he married Lydia Sever- ance, and by this union has one daughter, Hattie. Esther Fellows became the wife of George M. Warren, of Chichester; and her children are: Edwin, Charles, John, and James. Elizabeth J. married James W. Smith, of this town; and her children are: Mabel, Arvilla, and Dora. Louisa married fur her first husband a Mr. Hill, by whom she had one child. By her present husband, Abraham Drake, she has had no children. P'rank J. married Lizzie Upton, and has three children — Grace, Walter, and Nettie. Oc- tave married Ann Barton, of Pittsfield, and has two sons — George and David. John Fel- lows (first) was for many years a Deacon of the Free Will Baptist church. He died at the age of seventy-three years, and his wife at seventy-seven. John P^'ellows (second), P'red II. I'elbnvs's father, was born in Pittsfield, N. H. At an early age he began to assist upon the farm. Having learned the blacksmith's trade, he followed that calling in connection with farm- ing throughout his active period. He was Selectman for a number of years and a mem- ber of the legislature for two terms. In poli- tics he was a Democrat. His wife, Ursula, who was a daughter of John Webster, of Sand- wich, N.H., became the mother of three chil- dren — lilla A., Bessie, and Frank H. Ella is now the widow of Nathaniel S. Marston, late of Chichester, and has one son, John. Bessie is the wife of E. J. Burnham, of Man- chester, N.H. ; and her children are: Ursula W. , Bessie A., George, and Edward. John Fellows (second) died at the age of fifty-three years, leaving a good estate. He was an active member of the Free Will Baptist church, which he served as a Deacon for sev- eral years. His wife, who survives him, is now sixty-two years old, and resides with her son at the old homestead. She united with the P'ree Will Baptist church many years ago. Fred H. Fellows attended school in this town. He subsequently served an apprentice- ship at the blacksmith's trade with his father, and he has been engaged in that calling. Having succeeded to the homestead property, he carries on farming there with prdfit. On July 4, 1884, he wedded Cora Smith, daugh- ter of Sydney Smith, of Pittsfield. They have three children — Lula A., lulith B., and Bessie P2. Mr. P""ellows is a Democrat in politics, while he has no desire for public office. He believes in the adoption of all measures which would tend to develop the business and in- crease the attractiv.eness of the town. All who BIOGRAl'IIICAI. KFAIKW 5^5 know him respect him tnr his aljility anci prn- giessive tentleiicies. T^T1<:NRY MARSHALL la.WIvLL,* f^l Chairman of the Board of Selectmen iy^ y^ ^ of Langdon, Sullivan County, N.II., son of Robert and l'h(ei)e (ICvans) VA- well, was born in tliis town, April 13, 1839. His paternal grandfather, Benjamin I'^lwell, a lifelong resident of Langdon, was a wealthy farmer and highly esteemed citizen. He mar- ried a Miss Kendall, and had four children, named : Samuel, Betsey, Nancy, and Robert. Ik'njamin Itlwell and his wife died on the same day, within a few minutes of each other; and their mortal remains were buried together in the same cofifin. Samuel, the eldest son, lived in Langdon all his life, a well-to-do farmer. He married a Miss Jewett, and had four children — Electa, .Sojihronia, Nancy, and Samuel K. Betsey, the second child of ]5enjamin ]{lwell, married .Simon .Sartwell, a prosperous farmer of Langdon, very prominent in town affairs; and they had several children. Nancy married Colonel Ansel Glover, of Alstead, a leading Democratic politician, who was at one time a delegate from his party to the national convention in Baltimore. Robert, the father of Henry Marshall Ll- well, acquired his education in the schools of Langdon. He began his active career as a farmer, and subsecjuently engaged in lumber- ing. He made a specialty of breeding short- horned cattle, of which he had exhibits at the principal New England County and State Fairs. His farm, one of the largest in Sulli- van County, contained from tweh'e hundred to fifteen hundred acres. After the big fire in ]5ellows l^\alls, Vt., he furnished all the lum- ber for the rebuilding of the town; and in the days before the railroad was built he rafted large amounts of lumber down the Cfjiniecticut River to Holyoke, Mass. He was very enter- prising and stirring, and did a good deal for the community at large. In politics he was always a Republican, and was a State Repre- sentative two or three terms and one of Gov- ernor Goodwin's Councillors. He was an attendant of the Universalist church. Phoebe, his wife, b(jrn in Rhode Lsland in 1810, was a daughter of Colonel Aaron Flvans. .She died in 1895. They were the parents of six children, of whom one died in infancy. Those who grew to maturity were: I^ucia, Henry M., May, Julia, and George. Lucia died of ty- [ihoid fever while attending Kimball Union Academy at Meriden, N. H. Mary married Charles Town, a wealthy farmer of Alstead, and by that union had three children. Mr. Town died; and she has since married George \V. Stanley, of Langdon. Julia, who at- tended school in lirattleboro, \'t. , died at the age of eighteen, of heart trouble. George, liv- ing in I'rovidence, R.I., is an owner and trainer of race horses, and has one horse named Canonicus that has a record of 2.19^. He has twice married, his first wife being Carrie Milliken, daughter of John Milliken, of Charlestown, and his second, Emma Gilbert, of Marlboro, N.H. By the first union there were three children, including two sons, Charles and Henry; and by the second four — Carrie, Robert, Addie M, and Alice M. After attending the Langdon schools, Henry M. El well studied at Tubbs Union Academy, Washington, N.H., also at an academy in Chester, Vt. Upon his return from school he stayed at home with his father, and since his father's death he has continued to carry on a successful business as a farmer. Mr. Lllwell has twice married. His first wife. Belle Foster, daughter of Levi Foster, of Walpole, N.H., died in 1868. Two of her 566 BIOGRAPHICAL KEVIEVV children arc now living — Grace and Frank. Grace first married Joseph Mitchell, a druggist of Bellows Falls, Vt. , and is now the wife of a Mr. Thomas, a manufacturer of tinfoil in New York City. P^rank lives in Langdon. His twin sister, Fanny, died at the age of thirteen. Mr. Elwell's present wife, whose maiden name was Martha Rice, is a daughter of Charles Rice, of Waljiole, N. H. Two children have been born of this union — May and Annie L. In 1893 Mr. Elwell was elected Representa- tive to the Lower House of the New Hampshire legislature, and served on the Normal School Committee. He has been Selectman for ten years and is the present Chairman of the ]5oard. Every year for twenty-si.x years, whether he was a member of the Board or not, the Selectmen of the town have met at his house on April i and had dinner with him. ■«^»^» tNTHONY K. LANE,* one of the best known residents of Chichester, was ^^^ born in this town, December 15,' 1 812, son of Jeremiah and Hannah (Tuck) Lane. His great-grandfather, Deacon Joshua Lane, who was born in Hampton Falls, N.H., followed agriculture in his native town, and died December 29, 1806. Jeremiah Lane (first), grandfather of Anthony K., was born in Hampton Falls, March 10, 1732. The ac- tive portion of his life was spent in farming; and he died June 21, 1806. He was a zealous church member and a Deacon. He wedded Mary Sanborn, daughter of Lieutenant Joseph Sanborn, and became the father of seven chil- dren. Jeremiah Lane (second), Anthony K. Lane's father, was born in Hampton Falls. In early life he settled in Chichester, where he cleared and improved a large farm. One of the most industrious residents of this town in his day, he became the owner of consider- able property. In politics he was a Whig, and he served as a member of the Board of Select- men. For his first wife he married lumice Tilton, who bore him eight children, none of whom are living. His second wife, Hannah Tuck Lane, had three children, of whom An- thony K. is the sole survivor. She died at the age of seventy-one, while Jeremiah lived to be eighty years old. They were members of the Congregational Church of Chichester. Anthony K. Lane attended school in Chi- chester. Since he reached his majority, he has carried on general farming. He owns one hundred acres of well-located land, forty acres of which is under cultivation. On it is an excellent orchard. He married Sally Yeaton, daughter of John Yeaton, of Epsom, N.H., and has reared four children; namely, John Y., Ann M., Albert C, and Frank T. John Y. married Clara Perkins, of Pittsfield, N. H., and has one daughter living — Evaline Z. Ann M. is now the widow of Charles H. Ordway, late of Concord, N. H., and has two children — Charles A. and Mabel A. Albert C. graduated from Long Island College Hos- pital at Brooklyn, N.Y., June 24, 1879. He practised his profession thirteen years in Billerica, Mass., and in 1892 settled in West Medford, where he now resides. He married Estella J. Davis, of Pittsfield; and his chil- dren are: Clarence G. and Sadie. F'rank T. married Louise Batchelder, of Raymond, N.H., and has one daughter, Blanche. Mrs. Anthony K. Lane died at the age of seventy years. In politics Mr. Lane is a Republican, and in religious belief he is a liberal. He has long occupied a leading position among the well-to-do farmers of Chichester, and is much respected by his fellow-townsmen. BIOGRAI'HICAL KI'A'IKVV 567 ^OIIN ICNDICOTT,* who, with his jjrothcr, Jacob ()., aiui liis .sister Mary, carries on tlie old farm in the town of Newport, first settled by their father Timothy in 1837, was born in this town, September 9, 1821, and is a diiect descendant of John Kndi- cott, the first governor of Massacluisetts. Tim- othy Endicott, the father, was born in Danvers, Mass., in 1790, and was a farmer and the owner of a saw and grist mill. lie removed from Danvers to East Newport, where he had about one hundred and fifty acres of land. Remaining there until 1837, he then settled in Newport, where he spent the remainder of his life. His wife, Mary Trask hJulicott, was born, in Beverly, Mass., about 1795. Hus- band and wife were both members of the Con- gregational church. Mr. Endicott was a Re- publican in politics during his later years. A good neighbor and a useful citizen, he was held in high regard by his fellow-townsmen. He died at his home in 1853. His wife sur- vived him twenty years, passing away at the age of seventy-eight. They had five children — William, Lydia, Mary, John, and Jacob (J. William died at the age of seventy-five years. Eydia married a Mr. Roberts, and passed away at the age of si.\ty-two. Mary, born May 8, 1816, and Jacob ()., born April 20, 1823, are, as already mentioned, residing on the farm with their brother John, all being unmarried. John Endicott received his education in the schools of his native town. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, and is a typical New England farmer. He owns about five hundred acres, besides his interest in the homestead; and he had a milk route in Claremont, N. H., which he carried on for twelve years, keeping as many as thirty-nine head of cattTe. He has also bred stock to some extent, and in this has been very successful. He raised the largest steer in tliis section, which at the age of four years weighed twcj thousand seven hun- dred ])ounds, and was bought by Mr. liaton, of Manchester, for one hundred and ninety- si.x dollars. Mr. Juidicott has also rai.sed some fine horses, including the one known as Rocket, which was one of the fastest horses raised in the State in the early sixties, having a record (jf 2. 16. Mr. John Endicott is a Republican, but has held no public office. He super- intends the work of the farm, buE some time since gave up active labor. He and his brother and sister attend the Methodist Epis- copal church, and are numbered among the old established families of the town. ^ lOSI'S 1". K.XOWI.TON,* a well- known livery man of .Sunapee, N.H., was born in this town, July 24, 1845, '^ SO" "f Dennis G. Knowlton. His grandfather, Samuel Knowlton, who was a lifelong resident of Sunapee, had three sons — Dennis G., Moses E., and John P. Dennis G. Knowlton had two sons — Charles A. and Moses F. Moses E. Kn(iwltiin was educated in the schools of his native town. When he first went to work for himself, he took up general farming. Subsequently he ke[)t a general store in Sunapee for about ten years in com- pany with his father. He then went into the hotel business in Newport, N.H., where for four years he successfully conducted the Pheni.x ■ Hotel. Finally, returning to Suna- pee, he engaged in the livery business, to which he has since given his attention. He keeps a thoroughly up-to-date establishment, and some of the finest steppers and most stylish turnouts anywhere to be found may be obtained of him. As the natural result of his enterprise and ability he has been very prosperous in business. Mr. Knowlton is a public-spirited S68 i;i()(;rai'H1(al rp:view iiKui, liighly esteemed by his fellow-citizens. He lias'hekl many important offices, all of which he has filled with tact and good judg- ment. In 1890-91 he represented the town in the legislature. He served four terms as Selectman, and he was Town Clerk for three years. Mr. Knowlton is a member of the I. O. O. F., No. 79, at Sunapee, and also belongs to the encampment at Newport. His religious opinions are liberal, and in politics he is a Democrat. He married February 22, 1.SS2, and has one son, John D., who was born in Newport, July 11, 1SS5. in farming and He married "i:XRI G. BLAISDELL, an accom- plished musician of Concord, N. H., 1'^ ^ was born in Dorchester, N. H., October 23, 1850, son of Pettingill and Lau- rette (Lillis) Blaisdell. He is originally of Scotch descent. His paternal grandfather was Sanborn l^laisdell, who was long a resident, and presumably a native, of Dorchester, in which town he was engaged where he spent his last years. Mehitable Sanborn. Pettingill Blaisdell, father of Henri G., was born in Dorchester in 1824. He received his education in the district schools and subse- quently engaged in the business of manufact- uring and selling lumber, for many years conducting a large saw-mill on Baker's River. He was Postmaster of Dorchester for a long time, and still resides on his farm in that town. He and his wife, Laurette Lillis Blaisdell, reared three children — Henri G., Pettingill S., and Ella Mabel. Pettingill S. ]51aisdell, a yoimg man of marked musical ability, entered into business with his father and met his death by accident in the mill. ]{lla Mabel studied music, became a skilled violinist, and travelled extensively throughout the countiy in company with her brother Henri. She became the wife of Dr. Charles li. P'owler, of Bristol, and died April 19, 1882. Henri G. Blaisdell obtained his general education in the district schools of his native town and at the academies at VVentworth and Keene. When but nine years old he mani- fested a decided talent for music, and not long after began its systematic study. That he might become proficient as a violinist, he was placed under the instruction and guidance of Carl Schultze and other well-known masters of the violin, and in course of time, by hard, conscientious work, did full credit to his teachers. Since reaching the age of fourteen, he has followed music as a profession, having travelled extensively through the United States and conducted orchestras, in connection with musical festivals and operatic presenta- tions, in all the leading cities. He was the first to give to the people of New Hampshire an efficient orchestra, organized especially with a view to the performance of symphonies and other high-class musical works, and which he has himself conducted on various important occasions. Mr. Blaisdell has a well-estab- lished reputation as a capable and very suc- cessful teacher of the violin, and his knowl- edge of voice culture has caused his advice to be sought by singers from many parts of the country. He is also well versed in the his- tory of music, has an intimate acquaintance with the works of the great masters, and is a frequent contributor to the leading magazines of the country on this and kindred topics. For ten years he was concert-master of the Handel and Haydn Society, under the man- agement of Carl Zerrahn. The conductorship of Gilmore's concert chorus was offered to him for the three years immediately preced- ing Mr. Gilmore's death, but liis strong at- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 569 tachment to and preference for his native State induced him to decline. At iirescnt he is choir-master of tiie Ijoys' clioir of forty voices at St. Paul's Church at Concord. He has de- voted some time to com])osition, but subordi- nates his practice in that branch of musical art to his \vi)rk as teacher and conductor. lie has a large acquaintance among the leading musi- cians of the country, many of whom are his warm friends. In 1869 Mr. Blaisdell was united in mar- riage with Lilly D. Leonard, of Glover, Vt. He and his wife are the parents of two prom- ising boys: Carlysle, who has already given evidence of having inherited much of his father's musical talent; and Victor J. Mr. Blaisdell is a Republican politically. Like all true artists, he loves nature, and in sum- mer he spends much of his time at his beauti- ful country seat on the shores of Lake Winne- pesaukee and in navigating its waters in his steam yacht. He is a member of .St. I'aul's Episco[ia] Church at Concord. OHN J. JENNESS,* a well-to-do farmer of Pittsfield, was born in this town, April 13, 1829, son of John and Ann P. (Tilton) Jenness. The family, which is of English origin, was first represented in 'America by three brothers who were early settlers of Rye Beach, N. H. John Jenness (first), grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born at Rye Beach, and reared to agricultural pursuits. When a young man, he settled in Pittsfield, and was afterward en- gaged in tilling the soil in this town until his death, which occurred when he was forty-four years old. He rendered substantial aid in building the first Congregational church in Pittsfield, and contributed generously toward its support while he lived. In politics he was a Democrat. He married a lady named Page, and with her reared a family of three children, none of whom are living. John Jenness (second), the father of John J. Jenness, was born in Pittsfield. The active period of his life was devoted to the cultiva- tion of a farm in this town. An industrious and successful farmer, he acquired consider- able property. Pfditically, he acted with the Democratic party, and for many years he was prominent in the public affairs of Pittsfield. He served with ability as Town Clerk, Mod- erator, and Selectman ; and he represented Pittsfield in the legislature. At his death he had attained the age of sixty-one years. His wife, Ann, who is a daughter of William Tilton, of London, N. H., has been the mother of four children, three of whom are living; namely, John J., Erank W. , and Lizzie A. Now ninety-three years old, she is residing at the homestead in this town. John J. Jenness attended the school in his native town. When his studies were com- pleted, he went to Alabama, where he worked at bridge-building and acquired a good knowl- edge of the business. After residing in the South four years, he went, in 1856, to Cali- fornia, where he was engaged in the construc- tion of bridges for three years; and he then returned to Pittsfield. For over thirty-five years he has been one of the most successful general farmers of this town. His estate covers one bundled and twenty acres of e.xcel- lent tillage land. In 1863 Mr. Jenness married Sarah A. French, daughter of Sylvester H. I'rench, of Pittsfield. Of the two children born to them John H. Jenness is living. In politics Mr. Jenness is a Democrat. He has rendered capable and efficient services to the town as a Selectman, and as its Representative in the State legislature during the years 1S74 and 57° BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 187s he proved himself a wise and careful guardian of its interest. Mr. Jenness attends the Baptist church, of which Mrs. Jenness is a member. RTHUR B. CHASE,* book-keeper and paymaster of the Sugar River Mills, was born in Newport, N. H., Janu- ary 3, 1833, son of Joseph T. and Elizabeth D. (Allen) Chase. Caleb Chase, the grand- father, came to Newport in 1822. He was a native of West Newbury, Mass., and a farmer by occupation. He was a member of the old South Congregational Church for many years. He died at the age of sixty-five years. His wife, Hannah Carr Chase, died at the age of seventy -six. Joseph T. Chase, father of Arthur, followed the shoemaking trade in Newport throughout his life. He was a member of the Congregational society relig- iously and a Whig and Free Soiler in politics. He died January 16, 1856, when not quite fifty years old. His wife, who was born March 10, 1812, survives him, and lives with her son, the subject of this sketch. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Chase had six children, of whom four are now living: Arthur B., whose name begins this sketch ; Aretus T., born October 30, 1835, died June 23, 1854; Henry M., born in March, 1S41, and now a resident of Minneapolis, Minn. ; George A., born May 6, 1843, lives in Tyngsboro, Mass. ; Francis Vosburg, born in 1848 at Greenfield, Mass., and died in 1876; and Joseph E. , born June 17, 1852, and now a resident of Tennes- see City, Tenn. Arthur B. Chase was educated in the com- mon school and high school of Newport, and at first took up his father's trade, which he followed until 1868. In that year he secured his present position as book-keeper and pay- master of the Sugar River Mills, Dexter Richards & Sons, proprietors. This concern, which has about eighty-five persons on its pay-roll, is one of the most flourishing in this vicinity. June 9, 1857, Mr. Chase mar- ried Miss Ann Richards, a sister of Mr. Dexter Richards, the well-known donor to the village of the town library, the high-school building, and other generous gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Chase have no children other than an adopted daughter, Fanny French Chase. They are both members of the Congregational church, of which Mr. Chase has been clerk for twenty years. He is also treasurer of the church and society. Heis a Republican polit- ically, and has held the office of Town Clerk for three years. He is also secretary and treasurer of Sugar River Lodge, No. 55, I. O. O. F. f^^JKORGE OLIVER LOCKE,* of Pem- \ f5 1 broke, an ex-member of the New Hampshire House of Representa- tives, was born in South New Market, N.H., September ig, 1826, son of Simeon and Clarissa (Tash) Locke. His great-grand- father, David Locke, who was a native of Yorkshire, England, became an early settler in Rye, N.H., where he owned a good farm, and resided there until his death, which oc- curred at a good old age. Simeon Locke (first), grandfather of the subject of tliis sketch, followed farming in Epsom for a time. Later he moved to East Concord, N.H., and there spent the rest of his life. His habits of thrift and industry enabled him to acquire considerable property. In politics he voted with the Democratic party, hut his retiring disposition would not permit iiini to take any active part in public affairs. He attended the Congregational church. At his death he was seventy-nine years old. He married Abigail Blake, a BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 571 native of Epsom, who attained the age of seventy-three, and was the mother of nine chihlrcn. Of these the third, Simeon Locke (second), was born in East Concord. He settled in South New Market, and there followed his calling;' of meclianic for the rest of his active period. He was an able busi- ness man as well as a good mechanic, and by making proper use of his op|iortunities he realized excellent financial results. Me was a Democrat in politics, and long occupied a prominent position in public affairs in South New Market. Simeon Locke, second, reached the venerable age of ninety-two years. He was a Deacon of the Methodist church. His wife, Clarissa, who was a native of South New Market, became the mother of thirteen children, of whom Lydia A., Sarah, Simeon, Samuel, and George (31iver, are living. Mrs. Clarissa Locke died at the age of seventy-two years. George Oliver Locke was educated in his native town. After leaving school he went to Exeter, N.H., where he served an apprentice- ship at the blacksmith's trade. He subse- quently followed his trade in Andover and Lawrence, Mass., and for many years in Pem- broke. He worked at the anvil and forge for fifty years in all. In that period he saved a comfortable competency, which enabled him to retire some time since. He is now enjoying the fruits of his industry. He owns and cultivates a farm of forty acres. On November 18, 1852, Mr. Locke married Harriet T. Locke, daughter of Josiah Locke, of East Concord. Mrs. Locke is the mother of two children — Josephine S. and Sarah A. Josephine S. was born November 9, 1857, and is now the wife of Ira B. Moore, of Rochester, N.H. Sarah A., born June 25, 1861, is the wife of A. R. Clough, of Dover, N.H., hav- ing one daughter, Sadie. Mr. Locke is an earnest supporter of the Republican party, and has been a leading spirit in public affairs. He served as Tax Collector and Highway Agent for a number of terms, and during the years 1865 and 1866 he represented this town in the legislature. He is connected with Howard Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Suncook, and with the grange in I'eml^roke. Hoth he and Mrs. Locke arc members of the Methodist Episcopal church. ARTIN V. ]i. HASTINGS,* one of the leading farmers of Grant- ham, N.IL, son of Jonathan B. and Rosina (Kidder) Hastings, represents the third generation of his family in this town, where he was born June 2, 1844. His grand- father, Jonas Hastings, a farmer, who came from Maine, was one of the early settlers of Grantham. He married Affie Baker, and had a family of ten children: Benjamin; Maria; Jonathan 15.; Rosilla; Jonas, Jr.; William; Amos; Affie; John; and one child that died in infancy. lienjamin Hastings was a car- penter and farmer in Newport, N.H. He married Eliza Smith, and had a large family of children. Maria married Joseph Hastings, of Grantham; and Rosilla married George Colburn, of this place. Jonas engaged in the meat business at Claremont. He married Mary Whittikcr, who bore him one child. William was a farmer in Grantham. His wife was Mary Hart. Amos, also a farmer, married Nancy Manchester. Affie became the wife of Julius Owen, of Hanover, and the mother of several children. Jonathan B. Hastings, father of Martin, was born in Grantham, July 25, 18 17, and was educated in the public schools of the town. He began his working life as a farmer, and has continued the occupation to the present 572 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW time. He is now advanced in years, a highly respected citizen, and one of the foremost farmers in this region. He has been a dealer in cattle and sheep up to within a short time, hut now devotes himself chiefly to dairy farm- ing. His life has been one of industry and tlirifl, free from dissimulatii)ii, and graced with the virtue of honesty. His children — Sophronia, Martin V. B., Mandanie, Armenie, James, Eugene, and one that died in infancy — ^ were all born in Grantham. Sophronia married Simeon Smith, of Grantham, and has a family of four boys. Mandanie resides at Franklin, this State. Armenie is the wife of John Whitehead, of Franklin, and has two children. James lives on the homestead with his father. He married Jennie Leavitt, and they have four children. Eugene died when three or four years old. Martin V. B. Hastings received his educa- tion in the public schools. After finishing his course of study, he went to work as a farmer and teamer, and has been successfully engaged in the same lines of business until now. He is prominent in public affairs, has long been Selectman, serving his constituents with faithfulness and ability, and holds that office at the present time. In politics he is a loyal Democrat. Fraternally, he is a member of Franklin Lodge, No. 6, of Lebanon, and of the local grange, also of Blue Mountains Lodge of Grantham, being an officer in the last-named body. He attends the Methodist cliinxh, and is ever ready to give it needed financial support. Mr. Hastings has been twice married; and by his fir-st wife, Carrie Little, he has one child, Florence R. His second wife, Flora Relic Finney, was born at Plymouth, Vt. , January 25, 1861. He has no children by the second marriage. F'lorence R. Hastings, born April 21, 1876, married Burt Lewis, of Claremont, N. H. They have two children, Robert, born March 28, 1894; and Raymond, born in August, 1896. J^^OHN B. MOORP:,* a prosperous dairy farmer of Plainfield, Sullivan County, N.H., son of Hiram and Ruby (Sillo- way) Moore, was born in this town, April 9, 1849. His great-grandfather, William Moore, who was a native of County Tyrone, Ireland, emigrated to America early in the eighteenth century, and became one of the first settlers in Pembroke, N. H. He was a Deacon of the Congregational church. James Moore, son of William, was a native of New Hampshire, but passed the greater part of his life in Vermont as a hard-working farmer. He was a noted tenor singer in his day; and for over thirty years he led the choir at the Congregational church in Tiietford, Vt. He married, and reared six children, as fol- lows: Ezra, a prosperous farmer in Vermont, who married a Miss Cutting, and reared a family; Cyrus, who followed the sea; Betsey, who married Timothy Knight, a farmer of Thetford, and had five children; Hiram, who resided in Plainfield; Jerusha, who became the wife of Lyman Cook, of Thetford, and had three sons; and Lucinda, who became Mrs. Durgin, and resided in Thetford. Hiram Moore, son of James and father of John B. Moore, was born in ThetfortI, October 20, 1805. Left fatherless at the age of five years, he was reared and educated in Plain- field; and, when old enough to begin life for himself, he was employed as a farm assistant. By practising economy he saved from his earn- ings in the course of time a sum sufficient to buy a homestead; and, acquiring possession of the Strong farm, he resided there for the rest of his life. He carried on general farm- BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 573 ing, and was quite an extensive stock-raiser. Strictly honorable and upright, he regarded all others as honest and fair-dealing until ex- perience proved the contrary; and thus he was often victimized, but never complained. Like his father, lie possessed a good tenor voice. In politics he was a Democrat. Hiram Moore died in 1876, and was sincerely mourned by his neighbors and fellow - townsmen. Mis wife, whose maiden name was Ruby Silloway, was born in I'iainfield, October 21, 1804. Her parents were William and Jane (French) Silloway of this town, and her father was a tiirifty farmer. She became the mother of nine chiklren, as follows: Mary; l?etsey; F"anny, now deceased; Sarah and Sylvia, twins; William; Delia; George; and John B., the subject of this sketch. Mary and Betsey were born in Lincoln, Vt. ; and the others were born in I'iainfield. Mary married Gardner Gay, of this town. Betsey, who died in 1894, was the wife of Elijah Miller, of Hanover, N.IL, late a successful farmer and a prominent citizen, who represented his town in the legislature. They had three children, two of whom are living. Sarah married At- wood Reed, a well-to-do farmer of Plainfield, and has two children. Sylvia, deceased, was the wife of David Kimball, of Lebanon, and ^had no children. William owned and oper- ated a grist-mill in Meridcn, N.H., until his death, which occurred in 1893; and he accu- mulated considerable property. His wife, Margaret Havens, of Plattsburg, N.Y., died about one year ago, leaving no children. Delia Moore died very young. George, who is a carpenter in Meriden, married Lucretia Havens, a sister of his brother's wife, and has two children. Mrs. Ruby S. Moore is still living, and is unusually active both phys- ically and mentally for one of her age. Siie reads the newspapers and magazines without the aid of spectacles, and takes as much in- terest in cvery-day topics as do those of a younger generation. John 15. Moore completed his education at the Kimball Union Academy in Meriden, and assisted in carrying on the home farm until he was twenty-one. He then leased a farm for a time; and later, purchasing one of the Spencer farms, he carried it on for eight years, or until i)uying the Underbill property, where he now resides. He is a practical and industrious farmer, tilling the soil to some extent, but giving his principal attention to the dairy. He is Steward of the grange in this town. Politically, he is a Republican. Mr. Moore married Elizabeth Pardy, who was born in Plattsburg, N.Y., July 7, 1852, daughter of John Pardy, of that town. Mr. and Mrs. Mooie have had two children — Bessie, born Ajiril 11, 1876; and Nellie, born in May, 1S7S, wiio died in infancy. Bessie Moore attended Kimijall L^nion Acad- emy, and shortly after graduating she marricfl Almener Merrihew, of Plattsburg. Mr. Moore inherits from his ancestors con- siderable musical ability, and for several years has sung in the choir of the Congrega- tional church at Meriden. He has in his possession a Bible, which was brought from Ireland by his great-grandfather, and is said to be over two hundred years old, an interest- ing and valuable family relic and heirloom. M R. RUFUS MERRILL WEEKS,* who resides in the village of Sun- cook, and is a well-known dentist in the town of Pembroke, was born in Gilford, N.H., December 15, 1854, son of William and Lizzie (Hutchinson) Weeks. Benjamin Weeks, the grandfather of Dr. Weeks, in his younger days was a farmer. He later learned 574 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW the tanner's trade, which he followed for a time. Then he kept a general store in Gil- ford. He became prominent in business circles and in public affairs, holding various town ofifices ; and lie was connected with the old State militia. In politics he was a Whig. He married, and reared a family of seven chil- dren. Of the hitter tlie only survivor is Mrs. Harriet Oilman, who resides in Gilford. Benjamin Weeks antl his wife lived to a good old age. He left with a good estate the repu- tation of an able and successful business man. William Weeks, a native of Gilford and the third-born of his parents' children, was brought up on a farm. At an early age he displayed a natural aptitude for agricultural pursuits. The active period of his life was spent in tilling the soil of a good farm in Gilford, and he attained prominence as a prac- tical and successful farmer. In politics he acted with the Republican party in his later years. He served as a Selectman for some time, and represented his district in the legis- lature. His wife, Lizzie, became the mother of eight children, of whom there are living: Elizabeth A., William H., Orin, Annetta E., Fred A., Arthur B., and Rufus M. Elizabeth A. is the wife of Robinson Merrill, of Laco- nia, and has one daughter. Flora, who is now Mrs. Charles H. Collins, of Lakeport, N. H. William H. wedded Mary Potter, of Gilford; and his children are: Nathaniel H., Julia, Stark, and Millie. Orin married Arvilla Page, of Thornton, N.H., and has four chil- dren — Burt, Lizzie, Eliza, and Fred. An- netta E. is the wife of Edwin Munsey, of Los Angeles, Cal. ; and her children are: Laura and Fred. Fred A. married Laura Gilman, of Gilford, and has no children. Arthur B. married Carrie Robbins, of Manchester, N.H., who died, leaving one son, Harry A. Will- iam Weeks died at the age of sixty-si.\ years, and his wife lived to be seventy-two. They were members of the Free Will Baptist church. After acquiring his early education in the common schools, Rufus Merrill Weeks at- tended the academy at Laconia. His dental studies were begun in Manchester, N.H., with Dr. C. W. Clement, with whom he remained three years, attending a course of lectures in ]?oston in that period. In 1875 he opened an office in Suncook, and has since practised his profession here with success. Dr. Weeks was united in marriage with Luella B. Hoyt, daughter of Amos Hoyt, of Manchester. They have no children. Politi- cally, Dr. Weeks is a Republican. He is widely and favorably known as a skilful den- tist, and as a citizen he is highly respected and esteemed. He is Past Master of Jewell Lodge, F. & A. M. ; Past High Priest of Hiram Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, of which he was one of the organizers; and he is a thirty-second degree Mason. He is also con- nected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mrs. Weeks is a member of the Congregational church. -1^ ESTER L. COLLINS,* a prosperous IJj dairy farmer and milk dealer of -^ — ^ Franklin, was born in this town, September 21, 1868, son of Jonathan L. and Hannah K. (Floyd) Collins. Jonathan L. Collins, who is a native of Grafton, N. H., moved from that town to Franklin, and settled upon the farm which is now occupied by his son. He improved the property, and occupied it until 1890, when he removed to another farm in this town, and is still actively en- gaged in agricultural pursuits. His wife, Hannah, who was a native of Franklin, tlied March 4, 1896, leaving three children. BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW 57S namely: Vina A., wife of James W. Hnn- tnnn, of this town; Lester L., tlie suliject of this sketeii ; ami Oakey II., who resides with his father. Lester L. Collins, after attending the com- mon sehools, completed his studies at the New Hampton Institute. He then engaged in farming, which occupation he has since car- ried on with satisfactory results. In 1S92 he established a milk route in company with his brother. lie has two huuch-ed aci'es of land well adapted for pasturage, and keeps eighteen choice cows, delivering to his regular cus- tomers a large quantity of milk daily. On August 12, 1896, Mr. Collins was united in marriage with Miss Mabel N. Greeley. Mrs. Collins is a daughter of Alonzo S. and Mary L. (Sargent) Greeley, her father being a native of Salisbury, N.IL, and her mother of Hill. They are industrious farming people of East Andover. Mr. Collins is a Democrat in politics. He is a member of Merrimac Lodge, No. 28, I. O. O. F., and belongs to the Order of American Mechanics of Franklin. He pos- sesses energy and a progressive tendency, which form the essential elements of his con- tinued success; and he is one of the most popular young men in I'ranklin. iHARLES M. BABBITT,* the well- known contractor and builder of F"ranklin Falls, was born in Hano- ver, N.H., son of Isaac and Wealthy (Lovejoy) I^abbitt. His grandfather, Asa Babbitt, who came from England, served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and spent the greater part of his life upon a farm in Hanover, dying in 1837. Isaac Babbitt and his wife, both natives of Hanover, were prosperous farming people. Isaac died in 1878, and Wealthy in 1894. They were the parents of twelve children, namely: Marinda, now deceased, who married William Ward, a merchant of Lebanon, N.IL; Isaac Sylvester, who married Melissa S. Ste- phens, of Springfield, N.H., and is now a widower; Leonard IL, deceased, who married Rachel Merrill, of Hanover, now also de- ceased; Almina, who married i'"rederick Mer- rill, a farmer of Hanover; Charles M., the subject of this sketch; Austin M., who mar- ried Louisa Clough, of Canaan, N.IL, and died in 1893; Darwin J., who married Alina Briggs, of Lebanon, and is an optician; Alden A., wlu) married Anna Dunton, of Jefferson, Me., and is an optician in Lebanon; Dexter W., who married Leafy D. Brown, of New York State, and is a merchant in Leba- non; lunily, who married George Ross, a farmer of I'lainfield, N.IL, and is now de- ceased; Wealthy A., deceased, who married Isaac Hatch, of Hanover; and George W. , who married Esther V^alentine, and is a build- ing contractor in Lebanon. Charles M. Babbitt passed his boyhood in attending school and assisting upon the farm. He resided at home until twenty-one years old, when he engaged in the lumber business in Enfield, N.H., remaining there for nine years. He then came to Franklin, where he conducted a boarding-house for some years. In 1S73 he erected his present residence. Since his arrival in Franklin he has given his attention to the contracting and building busi- ness quite extensively. He also owns aiul cultivates a good farm. On January 30, 1856, Mr. Babbitt was joined in marriage with Alvina W. Jeune. She was born in Hartland, Vt., March 29, 1836, daughter of Francis C. and Rebecca E. (Cady) Jeune. The father was a native of Hartland and a lumberman. The mother was syf^ BIOGRAl'HICAL RFA'IKW born in Windsor, Vt. Mr. Babbitt is a di- rector of the Franklin Falls Company. In politics he is a Republican and quite active in public affairs. He served as a Selectman in 1887 and 1888, and was First Councilman for two years. He is connected with the In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows of Franklin, and also with the grange. Both he and Mrs. Babbitt attend the Ba|3tist church. jHARLliS H. MORRILL,* a prosper- ous farmer and lumber manufacturer »if of Pittsfield, was born in this town, January 14, 1829, son of Jacob and Mary (Hoyt) Morrill. His paternal great-grand- father, who was a native of Salisbury, Mass., settled in Brentwood, N.H., and resided upon a farm in that town for the rest of his life. His grandparents, Jonathan and Betsey (Gor- don) Morrill, were natives of Brentwood. Jonathan Morrill was for many years engaged in agricultural pursuits in his native town, and his last days were spent in rittsfield. He lived to be sixty-nine years old, and his wife died at sixty-seven. They were the par- ents of five children — Amos, Betsey, Hannah G., Jacob, and Louise — none of whom are living. Jacob Morrill, Charles H. Morrill's father, was born in Brentwood in 1802. At an early age he adopted agriculture as an occupation. When twenty-two years old he went to North- wood, N. H., where he resided for some time. In 1828 he bought a farm of sixty -five acres located in Pittsfield, and cultivated it for the rest of his active period. His wife, Mary, who was a native of Northwood, became the mother of four children, of whom Charles H., Hczekiah B., and John C. are living. Hez- ekiah married Abigail Saunders, of Strafford, N.H.; and his children are: Clarence and Abbie L. John C. married Mary J. Kensing- ton, a native of Maine. Jacob Morrill lived to be eighty-nine years old, and his wife died at the age of forty-nine. They were members of the Free Will Baptist church. Charles H. Morrill acquired his education in the schools of Pittsfield. While still young he began to assist in carrying on the homestearl farm. He later engaged in agri- cultural pursuits upon his own account, and now owns a farm of one hundred and twenty- five acres. He also operates a saw-mill, where he makes shingles, etc., on a large scale. On March 20, 1861, Mr. Morrill married Ruth E. Edgerly. She is a daughter of Ezekiel and Deborah M. (Chesley) Edgerly, the former of whom was a native of Barnstead, and the latter was born in Gilmanton, N.H. lizekiel Edgerly followed the trade of a tanner in early life, and his last years were spent in general farming. He died at the age of eighty, and his wife lived to the age of ninety- two years. They reared a family of four chil- dren, of whom Ruth E. is the only survivor. Mrs. Morrill's parents attended the P^ree Will Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Morrill have three sons living — Itdward S., Charles C, and Francis M. Edward S., born March 16, 1870, married Lulu Heath, of Epsom, N.H.; Charles C. was born January i, 1871; and P"rancis M., October 6, 1873. In politics Mr. Morrill supports the Republican party. He is a practical and successful farmer. Both he and Mrs. Morrill attend the I-'ree Will Baptist church. ;UMNER N. BALL,* the proprie- tor of Oak Hill Farm, Washington, was born in this town, June 3, 1854, son of Dexter and Hannah (Jefts) Ball. His grandfather, John Ball, was a native of inoCR AIMIICAr. klvVIFAV 577 Antrim, N.H., and a jMosperous farmer. Joliii Tiiarricd Rcljctca I'roctor, of Stockiard, N. II., ami reared a family of seven children; namely, Dexter, Worcester, Allen, Mclvin, Nathaniel W., Rebecca II., and Rosanna. Of these Dexter and Worcester are the only sur- vivors. Dexter Ball, the father of Sumner N., was born in Antrim, and accompanied his parents to Washington when he was three years old. lie grew to manhood as a farmer, and tilled tiie soil successfully in this town for many years. He is now living in retirement at- Washington Centre. His first wife, Hannah Jefts Hall, who was a native of New Ips- wich, N.H., died in i886. His second mar- riage was contracted with Elizabeth Perkins, of Washington. There were eight children born of his first union, of whom three died in infancy. The others were: George D., John, Orin, Sumner N., and Arlow. John died at the age of thirteen; Orin, at sixteen; and Arlow, at thirty years. George D., now de- ceased, married Adeline Cram, who also died. They left one daughter, Lizzie, who is the wife of K. S. Nichols, of Massachusetts, and has one son, Fred. Summer N. Ball began his education in the district schools, and completed his studies at Tuffs's Union Academy in Washington. When twenty-one years old he went to An- trim, and for five years was there engaged in farming for ex-Governor Goodell. He was next employed in a cutlery manufactory for a year, and then purchased a job printing estab- lishment. In 1880 he founded the Antrim Rcf>orta\ a weekly newspaper, which he later enlarged. He continued as its editor and proprietor for eight years; and in 1888 he sold out to C. W. Hutchins, of Hillsborough, N.H, Returning then to Washington, he bought the John Ball homestead, containing two hundred and sixty-five acres of excellent tillage and pastiue land. Oak Hill I'"arm is widely known for the superior quality of its dairy products. Its proprietor is also engaged in raising sheep and cattle and the manufact- uring of ma))le sugar. Mr. Ball ranks among the leading farmers cjf this section. Actively interested in public affairs, he was Selectman for four years; and he has served in the capac- ities of Town Auditor and a member of the School Board. He is connected with Waverly Lodge, No. 57, I. O. O. I'"., of Antrim; and he has been Master of Lovell Grange, No. 5, Patrons of Husbandry, of Washington. On November 26, 1884, Mr. Ball was united in marriage with Carrie B. Brooks. She was born in Antrim, daughter of Joseph and Betsey (Whitcomb) Brooks. Her father, who was a cabinet-maker by trade, died while serving as a soldier in the Civil War. Mr. and Mrs. Ball have two chiklren, namely: John S., born August 30, 1886; and Nina M., born I*"ebruary 27, 1889. Mr. Ball is a member of the Baptist church, and has been superintendent of the Sunday-school for sev- eral years. ,APTAIN HARRY C. FAY,* editor- in-chief of the National Eagle, a bright and thoroughly up-to-date newspaper published in Claremont, was born in Richmond, Vt., November 30, 1830, son of Captain Nathan and Polly (Colby) Fay. Stephen Fay, his great-great-grandfather, was an early settler in Beiuiington, Vt., and was the father of eight children. His son John kept the Catamount Tavern, which during his day became a meeting-place for many great statesmen, who formed a legislative body, and held there meetings known as ''Councils of Safety." He, John, fell in the battle of Ben- nington. His son, Nathan F'ay, served as a 57S liKKiRAPHICAL RKVIKW (Irunimer boy in tlie same battle, in Colonel Warner's command. Nathan, who was a cloth-dresser by trade, removeil from Benning- ton to Richmond, Vt., about the year 1781, and established there a cloth-dressing house, which he carried on successfully for a number of years, leaving a flourisjiing business at the time of his death, which occurred at the age of seventy-seven. He married a daughter of Colonel Safford, a member of an old and prominent family of Bennington. Captain Nathan Fay, father of the subject of this sketch, continued the business of cloth- dressing after the death of his father; but, it subsequently becoming less profitable, he turned his attention in part to farming, and at the time of his death was the owner of one thousand acres of land. A member in early life of the Democratic party, he held office continuously for twenty-five years, represent- ing his town in the legislature at six different periods, and serving it as Selectman through- out his public career. A good penman and a close student, he possessed also a fair knowl- edge of the law, and transacted much legal business. He was the administrator and exec- utor of many estates, and, with a generosity not often seen, rarely accepted remuneration for his services. He belonged to the Univer- sal ist church, toward the support of which he liberally contributed. Faithful to every pub- lic and private obligation, and of rare public spirit, his death at the age of eighty-one was widely regretted. His first wife was Maria Murray. By his second wife, Polly, who was a daughter of Elliot Colby, he had eight chil- dren — Nathan M., Safford, Mary Ann, Martha, Enos C, Harry C, lilliot, and Ar- nold. Harry C. Fay was the first of this large family to leave the shelter of the parental roof-tree. At the atrc of fifteen he went to Montpelier, where he learned the printer's trade in the office of I-^li Ballou, publisher of the Universalist. After serving a three years' apprenticeship, he returned to school at South Woodstock and at Thetford, Vt., having pre- viously studied for a few terms at both insti- tutions. Going to Potsdam, N.Y., in 1850, he there bought out William Wallace, a printer and publisher, and edited the Courier and Freeman for eleven years. He was ap- pointed J'ostmaster of Potsdam, in which office he served from 1856 to i860. When the Civil War broke out he sold out his inter- ests to his brother Elliot, who was exempt from military duty, and at the call for three hundred thousand men in September, 1861, enlisted for three years' service in the Ninety- second New York Regiment, in which he was commissioned Captain. He was wounded at Cold Harbor, Va. , and became commander of the regiment after that engagement. At Petersburg, Va. , he received a wound in the ankle, and in February, 1865, was mustered out of the service. He then returned to his native town, Richmond, Vt., and the follow- ing fall, in company with his brother Arnold, who had served as Captain of the Seventeenth Vermont Regiment during the war, went to Irasburg, Vt., where he was engaged in farm- ing for about two years. Subsequently sell- ing his farm to his brother Arnold, he went into the printing Inisiness at Waterbury, where he remained, however, but a short time, going thence to Burlington, Vt. After con- ducting business a while in Burlington, he sold out, and in 1872 entered the employ of the Clareiuont Manufacturing Company, with whom he served as foreman for seven years. In 1880 he purchased the National Eagle, and, taking upon himself the editorial duties, has been since thus engaged. The Eagle was es- tablished in 1834, under the direction of a BIOGRArillCAI, RF,V[F,\V 579 committee appointed at a Whig Sullivan County Convention tiie year before. It has since passed through many hands, and it is worthy of note that Mr. l'"ay"s proprietorship has already lasted longer than that of any of his predecessors. Since he took charge of it, its circulation has incrcasetl more than three- fold, and it is now upon a firm financial basis. It has a wide reputation for fairness, the cor- rectness of its news items, and its able edito- rials. In i8go Mr. I'"ay took into partnership his son, Nathan W. Fay, and his son-in-law, William H. Thompson. Besides publishing the paper, the firm has a monopoly of the job printing business in Claremnnt. Captain Fay is said to be the oldest living publisher in New Hampshire. He has figured more or less prominently in politics, and during 1887 and 1888 was Representative to the New Hamp- shire legislature. He has for many years been a member of the Episcopal church, which he has served in an official capacity. Captain Fay married Miss Nancy L. Skinner, daughter of the Rev. Warren Skinner, a Universalist minister and one of the early pioneers of Universal ism in this section, and who served with the rank of Orderly Sergeant in the War of 1S12. Cap- tain and Mrs. Fay are the parents of two chil- dren : Nathan W., who is now in partnership with his father; and Lillie. The last named married William H. Thompson, son of Sam- uel Liscom and Alsada Eleanor (]<"lint) Thompson. Mr. Thompson's grandfather, William Thompson, who was a successful wholesale and retail dealer in meat and pro- visions in Worcester, Mass., had two chil- dren, one of whom died in infancy. The other, Samuel L., was engaged for some time in business with his father in Worcester, but subsequently removed from that place to Per- kinsville, Vt., and thence to Chester in the same State. A Republican politically, he was largely interested in local politics, and held various public offices, among them those of Deputy .Sheriff, Selectman, and Justice of the Peace. He had eight children: Moses Waldo; Ella Maria; Harriet Al.sada; Will- iam, who tiled ill infancy; William H. ; Sarah, who died at the age of six years; Sam- uel Leslie; and one other, who died unnamed. The eldest, Moses Waldo, has been established in the clotliing business in Pioston for the past thirty-five years, being a member of the firm of Thompson, Willis & Nugent. Ella Maria married A. V.. Snell, and resides in Lewis- ton, Idaho. Harriet Alsada became the wife of E. P. Mudge, Clerk of the Court in Lewis- ton, Idaho. Samuel Leslie is a druggist in the same place. At the age of twelve years William H. Thompson went to Cavendish, Vt., where he found employment in the store of a Mr. Pierce, a merchant and an e.\-school- master. During his three years there he was under the tutorage of his employer, and made rapid progress in his studies. The ne.xt five years were spent with Messrs. Chandler Brothers, merchants of Proctorsville, Vt. ; and subsequently he travelled for a year as sales- man for .S. Washburn Holmes, a wholesale grocer. After other business e.Kperiences he removed in 1880 to Claremont, and entered into partnership with Captain Fay, as above narrated. His services as a member of the firm have contributed in no small degree to its prosperity. ANIEL L. MOORE,* a successful farmer of Loudon, Merrimack County, was born here, June 30, 1843, son of Archelaus and Harriett T. (Lowell) Moore, his parents also being na- tives of this town. Archelaus ]\Ioore, first, the grandfather, lived and died in Loudon, B SSo BIOGRAPHICAL REVIKVV having followed agriculture here all his active lite; and his father, the great-grandfather of Daniel L., was the f:rst of the name to settle here. Archelaus Moore, second, followed the vocation of his forefathers, and died leaving eight children: Abigail, wife of P. L. French, of East Concord, N.H.; Lydia Amanda, who married Hugh T. Warren, a farmer of Pembroke, N.H. ; Jennie, now de- ceased, who became the wife of James Rich- ardson, a carriage-maker of Pembroke; Mon- roe A., who died at the age of sixteen; Daniel I,., the subject of this brief sketch; Addie, who is the widow of Alfred Dearborn, and re- sides in Concord, N.H.; Lucian B. and Etta, both of whom died young. Daniel L. Moore spent his youth on the home farm, and was brought up to agricultural life. He married first Mary Lavina Weeks, a daughter of Samuel and Abigail T. (French) Weeks, her father being a farmer and tanner of Gilmanton. After his marriage Mr. Moore carried on the home farm, also raising fruit and dealing to some extent in lumber. He now owns five hundred acres of well-improved land. Mr. Moore is a Democrat, and takes an active part in local politics. In 1891 and 1892 he represented his district in the legis- lature. By his wife, Mary Weeks Moore, he had seven children, namely: Annie; Lura; two sons who died in infancy; Josia; an infant unnamed; and Alfred T., born July 7, 1867, who is a farmer in the vicinity of the old home. Alfred T. Moore married Minnie E. Clough, who was born November i, 1867, daughter of Lathan C. and Mary E. (Dimond) Clough, her father being a stone cutter and farmer of Groton, N.H. His first wife dying, Mr. Daniel L. Moore married for his second wife Miss Mary Anna Sleeper, daughter of Levi F. and Eliza (Wells) Sleeper, her par- ents being residents of this locality. By her he has two children — -Carl C. and Dwight E., both living at home. Mr. Moore and his fam- ily attend the Second Advent church on Loudon Ridge. SWAIN CLOUGH, a Selectman of Pittsfield and an ex-member of the New Hampshire legislature, was born in this town, April 6, 1849, son of Benjamin A. and Lydia A. (Sinclair) Clough. His grandfather, William Clough, who was born in Barrington, N.H., came to Pittsfield as a pioneer. He cleared and improved a farm, and was a prominent man in his day. In politics he was a Republican. He married Sarah Swain, who was also a native of Bar- rington; and they were the parents of nine children, none of whom are living. Of these Benjamin A., father of the subject of this sketch, was the youngest son. Mrs. William Clough lived to the advanced age of ninety-six years. She and her husband were members of the Free Will Baptist church. Benjamin A. Clough, also a native of Pitts- field, was in trade in Barrington in his younger days. Later he settled upon the old homestead, where he tilled the soil success- fully until his death, which occurred when he was about fifty-six years old. He was a Re- publican in politics, and was a member of the Board of Selectmen for some time. In his religious belief he was a Congregationalist. His wife, Lydia, a daughter of Micajah Sin- clair, of Stratham, N.H., became the mother of one son, M. Swain, and died at the age of forty-six. The education of M. Swain, commenced in the common schools, was completed at the Pittsfield Academy. After leaving school he assisted upon the home farm until he was twenty-two years old. He then entered the iirovision business, in which he continued for R I OG R A P H I C A L K E V 1 K\V SS' ten years. In 1885 lie established himself in the livery business, which he has since fol- lowed successfully. lie owns some valuable real estate in ritlsficld. in politics he is a Republican, autl he is [ironiinent in public affairs. He has served as Town Auditor, has been i^eputy .Sheriff (ov the past four years, was Representative to the lei;islature in 1S94 and 1895, and was elected Selectman in 1896. In June, 18S8, Mr. Clouj;h was united in marriage with Jessie Marvey, daughter of Elder Josei^h Harvey, of I'ittsfield. Mr. and Mrs. Clough have no children. Mr. Clough is a member of the Oild I'"cllows, the Knights of Pythias, and the Improved Order of Red Men. He is highly esteemed by his fellow- townsmen, both as a citizen and an efficient tiublic official. (^": HARLKS N. CLOUGH,* Selectman )f Canterbury and a well-known v»,i£__^ farmer, was born here, January 15, 1849, son of Colonel David M. and Almira (Hatchelder) Clough. He belongs to an old and prominent family. His great-grandfather, Leavitt Clough, Sr. , was likewise born in Canterbury, where he also lived and died. Leavitt Clough, Jr., was a farmer and a Jus- tice of the Peace in his native town. Colonel David M. Clough, popularly known as "Corn King," who belongs to the third generation of Cloughs in Canterbury, was born June 9, 1805. He was educated in the district schools of his native place and at the Gilnianton Academy. At the age of eighteen he began to teach school, and he subsequently followed that occupation for several years. In 1832 he removed to Gilmanton, where he lived for the ne.xt ten years. In 1856, return- ing to the old homestead, he bought the farm now owned by his son, and there was engaged in farming and the real estate business for the remainder of his life. He died January 31, 1886. Three times he received the nomina- tion of the Democratic party for the Gov- ernor's Council, and he was elected to this office for the first term of Governor Weston's administration. He represented the town in the State legislature for two years, and served it as Selectman for four years. He was twice married, first on October 25, 1828, to Almira Batchelder, who was born June 7, 1805, daughter of Ebenezer IJatchelder. She had borne him five children, when she died No- vember 5, iS5r. The second marriage, performed June 17, 1856, united him with Mrs. Caroline Gibson Towne, of Canterbury, daughter of Samuel Towne, Jr. There were no children by this second marriage. Mrs. Caroline Clough, now eighty-two years old, resides with her step.son, Henry L. Clough, in Canterbury. Colonel Clough's children by his first wife were: Elmira, Henry Leavitt, Mary S. , lulwin Davis, and Charles N. El- mira, born in 1830, died August 9, 1838. Henry Leavitt, born February 17, 1837, mar- ried Belle H. Shaw, of Concord, March 31, 1887, and has one child, Elmira E., born No- vember 25, 1887. He carried on a grocery business in Concord for thirteen years; but now he resides at the old homestead, where in summer he entertains about twenty boarders. Mary S. , born in 1836, died August 2, 1838. Edwin Davis, born October 5, 1843, married Eliza Jane Couch, and now resides in Con- cord, where he is engaged in the cider and vinegar business. Charles N. Clough, the youngest child of his parents, attended the district schools and Gilmanton College. Since his marriage Mr. Clough has devoted his attention almost. e.\- clusively to farming. He now owns three hundred acres of well-improved farm land in Canterbury township, on the Mcrrimac Inter- S82 bk)(;rai'iii(AL revik-.v vale. Ill connection with his farm quite a large dairy business is carried on. He was elected Selectman of Canterbury, which office he now holds. In politics he is a Democrat, and he takes an active interest in the affairs of the town. He is a Mason of Horace Chase Lodge, No. 62, of I'enacook, N.H.; anil a member of the local grange of Patrons of Husbandry, of which he was Over- seer for some time. His wife, whose maiden name was Kmma T. Morrill, and who came from Brighton, Mass., has made him the father of two children. Their son, David Morrill, was born in 1879, ^''"^' their daughter, Caroline G., in 1886. Both parents are mem- bers of the Ba])tist church at Penacook. Many old family relics which have been in the possession of the doughs for many years are now owned by Mr. Clough and his brotiier Henry. « ■ ■ ■ » 'OHN S. R. BROWN, a prominent farmer of Loudon, Merrimack County, N.H., was born in this town. May 29, 1819, son of Richard and Mehitable S. (Rol- lins) Brown. The Brown family has resided in New Hampshire for five generations. Jo- seph Brown, great-great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Rye, N.H., January 30, 16S9, and died there, March ig, 1759. His wife, Elizabeth, was born May 16, 1693, and died January 21, 1760. Their son Joseph, who was born in Rye, September 2, 1722, had a farm in Epsom, where he spent the greater part of his life. He died April i, 1771. His wife, Abigal .Shaw Brown, also of Rye, was born October 2, 1724, and died December 4, 1785. Their son Job, next in line, was born in Epsom, N.H., August 14, 1750, and remained in his native town until about 1791, when he moved to Gilmanton, where he encafred in farming. He died there August 1, 18 14. His wife, in maidenhood Hulda Page, of Hampton, N.H., was born March 10, 1756, and died December 29, 1831. Tiiey had five children, namely: David, who was born Au- gust II, 1779, married Betsey Able, and died August 20, 1867; Joseph, who was born June 10, 1782, and died August 4, 1800; Nancy, who was born June 14, 1784, married Charles Rollins, and died in November, 1841 ; Abigail, who was a twin sister of Nancy, and died Jan- uary 6, 1786; and Richard, the father of the subject of this sketch. Richard Brown, who was born November 17, 1787, received his education in tlie com- mon schools of Epsom, and at an early age was employed in assisting his father on the farm. When but si.xteen years old he began to teach school, which occupation he followed successfully for ten years, besides doing some farming. At the age of twenty-six he moved to Loudon, and bought the farm on which his son John now resides. He died in Loudon, June li, 1867. He served efificiently in the State militia, and rose to the ranks suc- cessively of Captain and a General. Richard Brown was three times married. His first wife, in maidenhood Mehitable Rollins, was born in Loudon, September 9, 1793, daughter of John Rollins, her father being a native of Loudon, and the son of Eliphalet Rollins, who was the first of the family to settle in this town. They were married August i, 181 3, and had four children, namely: Sarah Ann, born July 28, 1 8 16, who married Thomas French, and died March 15, 1853, her husband passing away just two months later; John S. R., the subject of this sketch; Jane S. R., born Au- gust II, 1821, who married in 1842 John S. Osborn, and now lives in Loudon; and Me- hitable A. T., born November 13, 1823, who married Hiram Wing, May 31, 1852, and BFOGRAPHK AI. REVIEW 583 died July ig, 1887. Richard Brown married for iiis second wife Sarah S. I'rencli, who was born February 11, 1809, and died Febru- ary 19, 1H38. ]5y her he had two cliildren: Albira W., wiio was born November 26, 1832, and died March 31, 1859; and Ann lilliza, who was born September 12, 1837, and died in infancy. Mr. Ikown was married for tiie third time in 1838 to Sarah Jewett, of Gil- ford, N. II., l)orn April 13, 1798, who died January 18, 1865, at the age of si.xty-seven. By her he had one child, Hulda Maria, born November 20, 1840, who married Ouincy Jewett, January 11, 1865, and died in Sep- tember, 1870. John S. R. Brown remained at home with his parents until reaching the age of twenty- si.\ years. lie then travelled six years for a Bible society, and subsequently settled on the farm where he now lives, and where he is en- gaged in general farming and fruit-raising. It contains about three hundred and fifty acres of fine land, and he has greatly improved the property since it came into his possession. Mr. Brown was formerly connected with the State militia, in which he gained the rank of Second Lieutenant. In ])olitics he is a Re- publican. He married November 16, 1852, Achsa Ann Mills, who was born January 21, 1820, a daughter of John and Alice (Will- iams) Mills, of Hampstead, N.H. Mrs. Brown's father was first a sailor, but subse- quently engaged in agricultural pursuits, and also worked at coopering. He died in Dun- barton in 183 1. Mer mother died in Plaistow, N.H., May 8, 1857. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have had seven children, namely: Ann Eliza- beth, born September i, 1853, who married Frank Fletcher, and lives in Loudon; Clara Jane, born March 3, 1855, who married John E. Dustin, of Pittsfield; Abbie Maria, born January 26, 1857, who became the wife of Charles K. Lane, of Exeter; Richard Henry, born March 8, 1859, who resides with his parents; David Hamlin, born March 19, 1S61, who married Lizzie Jenkins, of Barnstead, and is now a resident of Laconia; John Parker Mills, who, born April 27, 1864, married b'iorence P. Day, of Bradford, Mass., Decem- ber 28, 1891, lives with his father, and has two children — Earl D. and Gladys; and Mary Alice, born May 8, 1867, who married Charles A. Hedgerly, October 24, 1894, and resides in Pittsfield. Mr. and Mrs. Brtjwn are members of the Congregational Church of Loudon, in which Mr. Brown is a Deacon and clerk. They take an active interest in the welfare of the community, and are ever ready to aid a worthy cause. ,OODY GILLINGHAM, for many years an active farmer and promi- nent citizen of Newbury, Merri- mack County, N. H., was born on the old (iil- lingham homestead, January 2, 181 1, and died here, October 16, 1882. He was of English ancestry, being a lineal descendant of the em- igrant, James Gillinghani, who crossed the Atlantic to seek a new home in the western world over two hundred years ago, and set- tling in Salem, Mass., there married in May, 1692, Rebecca Bly, daughter of John BIy. [See Savage's "Genealogical Dictionary."] Their son James, second, born in 1696, came to Newbury, N.H., locating on the north side of Todd Pond, where he bought two hun- dred and fifty acres of heavily timbered land, which formed a portion of the Pierce grant. His son James, the third of that name in direct line, succeeded to the ownership of the original homestead, on which he made material improvements, replacing the first rude dwell- ing-house by the present residence, which he S84 BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW erected in i8i 3. Me was twice married. His first wife, I'ully Little, a native of Sutton, bore liim tluee ciiildren — James, Daniel, and Rath. His second wife, Betsey Lane, of Newbury, became the mother of fourteen chil- th-en, one of whom was Moody, the special subject of this sketch. Moody Gillingham remained beneath the parental roof-tree until his marriage, when he went to Warrensburg, N.Y. , there engaging in agricultural pursuits until the death of his father, two years later, recalled him to New- bury. At once taking possession of the home- stead, he resided here until his demise, as above noted. He was very successful in farm- ing, and in business of all kinds, possessing keen perceptions, good judgment, and an excel- lent command of language. He was a clear, ready speaker, rarely worsted in argument, and exerted an influence for good in the commu- nity. He served as Selectman for three years in Newbury. In his religious views he was broad and liberal, inclining to the Univer- salist faith. He married Julia Tvviss, daugh- ter of Jeremiah and Marion (Peaslee) Twiss. She was born in Bradford, October 4, 181 5, and died June 11, 1869. They had four chil- dren ; namely, Charles H., Albert L., Free- man H., and Clara L Charles II. Gilling- ham married Elinda, daughter of John and IVLary (Marriott) RLuid, natives of England. They have six children — Maud C. , Annie E., Mary A., Moody, Ralph B., and Julia. Albert L. died in Salina, Kan., October 16, 1892. His wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Rob- ert Robertson, bore him four children: Lena M.; Irvill; Pearl; and Clara L, who is the wife of Jesse P. Colby, of Danvers, Mass. Freeman H. Gillingham was born on the Gillingham homestead, and there grew to years of maturity, acquiring a thorough knowl- edge of practical agriculture. On October 29, 1877, he married Annie, daughter of Cum- mings and Car Dow, Samuel H 60 Dow, William D 145 Downes, Daniel 545 Drake, Nathaniel S 47^ Dudley', David F 193 Duncan, John T 122 Dunton, William 173 Diislin, Cyrus F 558 Dustin, Henry 1) 220 Dustin, IVlighill 261 Dwight, Josiah K 513 Eastman, Charles 30 1 Eaton, Horace F 44S Edes, Samuel H 199 Edgerly, P'rank G 316 I'.dwards, Henry II 41^0 PAGE Egglestone, William P. ... 11 Elkins, James S 4^'2 Ellenwood, Iliram C 545 Ellis, Newell J 552 Elwell, Henry M 565 Enierson, Franklin J 210 Emerson, Henry A 158 Emmons, Gardner P. 305 Endicott, John 567 Evans, Ellen F 111 Evans, Ira C 108 F Fairbanks, George H. . 99 Farnuin, Charles H 139 Farnum, Moses H 494 Farwell, David E 441 Farwell, Jesse H 414 Fay, Harry C 577 Fellows, Fred H 564 Ferrin, Alvah C 556 Fisher, Charles A 179 Fisher, George W 19 Fitch, Alfred 485 Flanders, George W 368 Flanders, Jacob N 304 Flanders, Sullivan 218 Fletcher, Charles H 559 Fletcher, John M 352 Fogg, Mrs. Miriam S. E. . . . 200 Ford, John S 81 Fortier, William J 521 Foster, Edward H 508 Foster, Frank W 31 Foster, William L 172 Frame, James 1 77 Frazier, John 49 Freeman, George C 39 French, Albion H 534 French, Almon W 555 French, Frank J 86 French, John E 337 Fuller, Benjamin II 94 Fuller, John A 178 G Gale, lienjaniin F 138 (Marvin, Jeremiah 83 Gerrish, Hiram F 310 Gibson, Christopher C Giles, William A. J. Gilkey, Charles . Gillingham, Moody Glidden, Harvey B. Glines, Benjamin Gorrell, Gawn E. . Goss, Ephraim P. Gould, Charles Gove, Wyer . . Grafton, Frank W. Grannis, Homer E. Graves, Arthur C. Graves, Leland J. Greene, Herman W. Griffin, George W. Griffith, George B. Gunnison, John \'. PAGE 55 213 280 583 213 75 '43 64 68 214 3 78 162 37 37' 295 '25 iSi 196 H Haines, George H 409 Haines, Lewis D 230 Hale, Napoleon B 267 Hall, Charles S 205 Hall, Rufus 193 Hall, William 52 Hall, William 533 Ham, Joseph W 373 Hardy, Charles W 242 Hardy, Philemon C 451 Hartwell, Henry H 337 Hartwell, William B 34 Hastings, Martin V. B. . . . 571 Hayward, Hiram N 383 Head, Xatt 437 Head, William F 435 Heath, ISenjamin F 270 Hill, Warren S 439 Hilliard, Clayton B 153 Hilliard, George E 257 Hobart, William C 244 Hoit, Robert VV 331 Holden, Charles A 231 Hollis, Henry F 13 Hook, John G 479 Howard, John B 164 Hubbard, Rev. Isaac G. . . . 459 Huljbard, John S 118 Huber, Charles A 232 Hunt, John H 303 INDEX 593 I lunlinglon, Scwell ('. I liiiilonii. Roswc-ll I I ui'il, C'arUoii . 1 1 II id, (ieor^re VV. I4« 297 J Jefts, Cliailes A 229 Jefts, Jolin W. . . ... 390 Jenna, James I. 90 Jenness, John J 569 Jenney, Henry K 82 Johnson, Frank L 215 Jones, Abraham G 394 Jones, James M. . . . . . 492 Jones, John A 209 Jones, John F 454 Jordan, Frank A 4rii Jordan, Willis 234 Lovercn, I'benczer Loverin, Albon PACE Kelley, Andrew J. . . Kelley, John L. . . . Kenney, Charles L. . Keiiney, Frank 11. . . Kenrick, Charles C. . Kimball, (".ilman 1!. . . Kimball, Herbert iM. Kimball, John .... Kimball, John Shackforcl Kimball, John Stevens . Knowlton, Charles .\. . Knowlton, John P. . Knowlton, Moses V. 264 357 277 373 (>7 .,S9 241 1 29 320 I(J2 217 L Lane, Anthony K 566 Langmaid, Charles .\ 84 Leavitt, William I> 474 Leighton, John F 453 Lewin, Curtis F 263 Lewis, C. Reed 285 Linehan, John C 3S0 Little, George P 346 Locke, George 570 Long, Charles H 247 Long, Isaac H 85 Lord, Charles C 262 Loveren, Benjamin 528 M Maiden, Cyrus 259 Mardin, Israel C; So Martin, Hazen B 112 Martin, Nathaniel K 535 Mason, Luther L 389 Maxiield, Hcnjamin F 187 Maynard, Walter 1! 202 McClure, John A 208 McCoy, Henry 1S5 Mclntire, Harvey G 441 Merrill, George W 245 Merrill, Isaac D 299 Merrill, J. F., M.D 485 Miller, George E 163 Mitchell, Andrew J 123 Moody, William 11. H. ... 279 Moon, Jesse W. S 2S6 Moore, Byron 122 Moore, Daniel L 579 Moore, John B 572 Moore, Morrill 233 Morgan, Gilman C 66 Morrill, Charles H 576 Morrill, Milo S 191 Morrill, Samuel A 241 Moulton, Darius N 36 Moulton, Fred 356 Mudgett, William E 22S N Newton, Charles A 132 Noycs, Rev. James 243 O Ogilvie, George ...... 252 Osgood, Addison N 149 Osgood, Orren 239 Otterson, Thomas J 491 P Page, Samuel S 329 Paige, Edward I' 558 Parker, Hiram 273 Parker, Hosea W. ..... 26 F'A'.R I'artridge, Mary E. (.' 444 I'allee, Slephcn C. . 412 Patterson, David N. 16 Pealjody, De.xter . . KJO Peabody, Leonard VV. . 549 I'easlee, Daniel G. . . 406 Peaslee, J. Albert . . 306 Penniman, Ralston H. . 522 Penniman, Tliomas T. oa Perry, Charles L. . . 506 Pierce, Franklin J. . 2^2 Pierce, Joseph W. . . "35 Pike, Chester .... 36. Pike, Elias W. ... 322 Pillsbury, John C. . . 3^X5 I'illsbury, Moody A. ' 7' Pillsbury, Parker . . . 40 Porter, Benjamin F. 114 Powers, Larnard . . 5'7 Putney, Charles K. . . 339 Q (2uimby, Francis 1 203 R Rand, John S 157 Randall, I'rank E 235 Randlett, James E 134 Raymond, Edgerton .... 207 Redington, C. W 126 Rcdington, O. P 126 Rice, Danford 54S Rice, George W 95 Rice, Harrison .V 161 Richanls, Abiathar 52S Richards, Dexter 220 Richardson, Amos 308 Richardson, Oscar F 588 Robertson, John E 562 Robinson, Emmet S 48 Rolfe, Abial 272 Rolfe, Charles M 526 Rolfe, Henry P 103 Rolfe, Robert H 334 Rossiter, Timothy B ,02 Rounsevel, John P 43S Rowell, Charles S 535 Runnels, C\'rus 57 Russell, Joseph 236 594 INDEX PAGE s Sanborn, Daniel B 376 Sanborn, John B 269 Sanborn, J. H 131 Sanders, Alvin W 275 Sanders, Charles G 458 Sargent, David 500 Sargent, David A 72 Sargent, Ebenezer B 38 Sargent, Frank H 173 Sargent, Philip 246 Sargent, Walter 345 Sargent, Warren 73 Sarsons, Eleazer L 358 Savage, George H 35 Severance, John W 315 Shakers, The Canterbury . . . 470 Shaw, William 31 Shepard, George E 133 Sibley, Ezra T 15 Silsbv, Arthur W 137 Silver, Andrew J 73 Silver, Edmund 516 Skinner, Edward P., Jr. . . . 442 Smith, John C 152 Smith, Levi A 206 Smith, William D 82 Spencer, Ethan N 245 Staniels, Charles E 47S Staples, John W 323 Stark, Charles F. M 446 Stearns, Ezra S 385 Stevens, Albert 585 Stovvell, George H 405 Straw, James 552 Straw, William S 457 Sturoc, William C 519 Sturtevant, Edward H. Sumner, George A. . Swasey, John . .. . Swett, John L. Tasker, William . Tennant, James B. Tenney, John T. . Thissell, William T. Thompson, Silas P. Thrasher, Wallace I Togus, Theodore ,M Tolles, Nathaniel Towle, Charles S. Tracy, Stephen A. True, Nathaniel M. True, Samuel M. True, William C. Tubbs, Henry . . Tyler, Austin . Tyler, John Tyrrell, Edwin A. Vannevar, John . Vaughan, Frank T. Virgin, Rufus . . W Wadleigh, Walter K Wadleigh, William F. Wait, Albert S. . . 176 456 '5' 79 29S 9' 248 188 100 159 40 472 563 340 "4 181 377 403 271 326 25 52s 3S7 486 5S6 Walker, George li 137 Wallingford, George .... 393 Ward, William B 74 Watson, Irving A 386 Way, Osmon B 289 Webster, Daniel 9 Webster, Jesse 146 Webster, John C 136 Webster, John F. . . . . . 119 Webster, Newell H 296 Weeks, Rufus M 573 Westgate, Daniel C 120 Westgate, William E 23 Wheeler, Giles 195 Whitaker, John 561 Whitcomb. Ruel 300 White, Curtis . 391 Whittier, Leon D 76 Whittier, Nahum M 76 Wilkins, Joseph 400 Wilson, George W 507 Wilson, Jeremiah W 223 Wilson, Oliver P 109 Winch, Charles 117 Winslow, Sherburn J 511 Wood, William P 526 Woodbury, William O. C. . . 467 Woodman, Alfred 537 Woodward, Frank R. ... 106 Woodworth, Albert B 473 Wyman, Daniel F 494 Yeaton, Daniel 86 536 , Yeaton, James 460 276 I York, Hiram H 320 PORTRAITS. Abbott, Isaac N 8S Baker, Cyrus K 496 Baker, Edward D. (StL'el) . . . 465 Blood, Mollis L 225 Cain, J. Leavitt 77 Carter, Solon A 250 Couch, Joseph 4S2 Currier, David M 365 Dow, Samuel H 61 Downes, Daniel 544 Katon, Horace 1' 449 Edes, Amasa 198 Earwell, Jesse H. (Steel) ... 415 Earwell, Mrs. Emma J. (iod- frey (Steel) 419 I'Ar.E Earwell, Emma (Steel) .... 423 Gerrisli, Hiram E 311 Chiles, William A. J 212 Gilkey, Charks 2S1 Gorrell, Sarah Forrest .... 142 Greene, Herman W 294 Hale, Napoleon B 266 Jones, Abraham G 395 Kimball, John 12S Knowlton, John I' 155 Linehan, John C 3S1 Little, Cieorge 1' 347 McCoy, Henry ■ ■ ■ . 1S4 Parker, Hosea W. .... 27 Pillsbury, Moody A 170 Pillsbury, Parker 41 l^illsbury, Sarah H 43 Richards, Abiathar 529 Kolfe, Henry P [02 Russell, Joseph ... . 237 Tyler, John 327 Webster, Daniel 8 Winch, Charles ..... 116 Winslow, Sherburn J 510 VIEW. Earwell School at Charlestown, .\.H 427 :!*^ C ■ ;r- b.U!.^:' I: ..a ' •»4«5ii«-■ •MN :# j^- .O'' V>t.' .''\' V^> # ^">> ■ ^^ ^. i^4^ >:t^;y «>:,r ov*-" %' \^SJ •*.' r: .,^sr> M^i ssi :#M?fy*if^-" i