CATALOGUE OP THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF SAMUEL C^. DRAKE, OF BOSTON, CHIEFLY RELATING TO THE ::^ntiqiutk0, Ijistonj, mib Biograpl)r) of 3.mcrka, AND IN AN ESPECIAL MANNER TO THE IHDI AHS, COLLECTED AND USED BY HIM IN PREPARING HIS WORKS UPON THE ABORIGINES OF AMERICA. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL G. DRAKE, No. 56 COENHILL. PMNTED BY GEORGE COOLIDGE, NO. 57 WASHINGTON STREET. 1845. Price 25 Cents. The Books, ol" wliich the Ibllowing is a Catalogue, were advertised to be sold at auction, commencing on the 27th of May last, but with the proviso, that ihcy might be ne- gotiated lor at private sale, it' application should be made previous to the time set for the public sale. The opportu- nity for negotiation thus otlered was embraced by a gen- tleman of extensive knowledge in the value of snch col- lections, and it was accordingly disposed of to him, on the 19th of May; and notice immediately given that the pub- lic sale would not take place. The Library, as such, lays no claim to perfection in works relating to America, but it exhibits no inconsiderable body of such works, almost exclusively connected with that subject. It embraced about oOOO volumes, and the number of rare works in proportion to the whole is proba- bly much greater than any similar collection in the coun- try. Very old books are not always the scarcest. Many could be named, printed within a century, much rarer than others printed even tv/o centuries ago. This may be ow- ing to any one or more of numerous circumstances or ac- cidents which constantly attend on all publications. Many works published since I have been collecting, (now about twenty-one years,) had the}^ not been secured at or near the time of pubhcation, would at this day, be very difficult to be obtained. About 700 copies of this catalogue were printed to ac- commodate the anticipated public sale, but which from the circumstance above named, remain on hand. It was thought that a catalogue of such a department of literature, though far from perfect, might be desirable to gentlemen making similar collections, and is therefore offered for sale. Boston, ^^^ ,V 5 June, {^^0-3. 40 Delaware- Indian and English Spelling-book, for the nse of the Schools of the Chr,istian Indians on Muskingam Pwiver. By David Zeiskerger. PidJadclpkia, 177G. 41 The Philadelphia Medical and Physical Journal. Collected and Arranged by Benj. Sjiixn Barton, M. D. 3 vols. 8vo. FhilaxIeJphia, 180 1-S. 42 The History of America; being that part of the Universal History devoted to this Country. 8vo. London, 17G3. 43 An Account of the S[)anish Settlements in America. By fDr John Campbell.] 8vo. London, 1762. 44 A History of Harvard University, from its foundation in 1636, to the American Revolution. By the late Benjamin Peirce, M. M. Bvo. Cambridge, 1833. 45 Travels through the Northern Parts of the United States in the years 1807 k, 1808. By Edward A. Kendall, Esq. 3 vols. 8vo. Neio York, 1809. 46 Pi-eraarks on the United States of America, with regard to the ac- tual State of Europe. By Henry DuHRiNG. Cr. 8vo. Splendidly printed. London, 1833. 47 Addresses before the Antiquarian Society — Dr. Jenka, 1813. — Dr. Llobnes, 1814.— William Paine, M. D. ] SI 5. — Josejih Willard, to the Bar, 1829 — William Lincoln, on the death of C. C. Baldwin, Esq., Librarian of the Amer. Antqn. Soc. 1835. — One vol Svo. 48 Tracts. — A Narrative of the Extraordinary Case of George Lnkins, of Yatton, Somersetshire, who was j)0ssessed of Evil Spirits, for near Eighteen years, &:c. Bristol, 1788. — The First edition of Caff. Carver's Travels, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1784. 49 Essays, Biographical, Critical, and Historical, illustrative of the Ptarabler, Adventurer, Idler, &c. By Nathan Drake, M. D. 2 vols. 12mo. Plates. Bnckingliam, 1809. 50 Several Essays in Political Arithmetic. By Sir William Petty, Knt. F. R. S. 4th Ed. corrected. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Author. Bvo. London, 1755. 51 The American JMuseum, or Pvepository of Ancient and Modern Fugitive Pieces. Edited by Matthew Carey. 12 vols. 8vo Philad.eljihia, 1787-92.. A complete copy of this now difficult-to-be-obtained periodical. It is exceedingly valuable in several depariments of American History. •52 An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States of America. By Robert Walsh, Jr. Svo. Philadelphia, 1819. 53 Columbia. Its Present State, in respect of Chmate, Soil, &c. &:c. By Col. Francis Hall. Bvo. London, 1824. 54 The True-Born Englishman. A Satyr. [By Daniel Defoe.] Bvo. London, 1708. 55 A Practical Essay, designed for general Use. With a Song of Marriage, &c. By Shippie Townsend. Svo. Boston, 1783. 6 5G An Attention to tlie Scriptures. With a Letter to I\Ir. Samuel Stillm^n ; also a Letter to IMr. John Claik. By Siiitpie Towns- end, bvo. Boston, 1795. 57 Sermon at the Onlination of Benjamin Bell, A. ]\I. By Samuel Spring, A. IM. 8vo. Ncichunjport, 1784. 53 Sermon on the Death of Deacon Corneliu.s Thayer, of Boston. By Charles Ciiauncy, D. D. 8vo. Boston, 1745. 59 The Voice of the Lord from the depths of the Earth. A Sermon on the Earthquake of 1727. By Thomas Foxcruft. 6\^o. Boston, 1727. One of llie best preaclied on that mcmoralile occasion. John Farmer. GO A Sermon at llie Gatherini^ of a Now Church, and the Ordaining of their Pastor, in the North Part of Bo.'iton. By Cotton Mather. 12n)o. Boston, 1722. 61 A Sermon to tlie Well- Wishers of the Good Work of God in the Land. 12mo. Boston, 1742. 62 Select Letters on the Trade and Government of America, «fec. By Gov. Bernard. 8vo. London, MIA. 63 A Sermon preached before the Incorporated Society for the Propa- gation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, &c. By John Lord, Bishop of Exeter. 4to. Londoyi, 1785. 64 A Review of the History of England, as far as it relates to the Ti- tles and Pretensions of our several Kings. By Mr. Salmon. 6vo. London, 1722. 65 History of the United States, or Ptepuhlic of America. With a Scries of Maps. By Emma Willard. 3d Edition. 8vo. N. York, 1830. 66 The Critical History of England, Ecclesiastical and Civil. To which is added a Ptcview of Dr. Zache'ry Gray's Defence of our Ancient anfl Modern Historians, &c. 8vo. London, 1726. 67 A Pocket Dictionary, or complete English Expositer. Containing an Introduction, in which is given a History of the English Lan- guage. 6vo. 4th Edition. London, 1779. 68 IMcmoirs of the Pv.ev. Eleazer Wheelock, D. D. Founder and President of Dartmouth College, &c. By Drs. M'Clure and Parish. 8vo. Neu:huryport, 1811. 69 Boston Monthly Magazine. Samuel L. K.^app, Editor and Pro- prietor. From June, 1825, to July, 1826. All ever jmblisked. 8vo. Boston. 70 The American Pi-egisler; or Summary Pteview of History, Politics, and Literature. 2 vols. 8vo riidadclphia, 1817. 71 A Geographical, Historical, Commercial and Agricultmal view of the U. States of America; forming a complete Emigrant's Direc- tory, &c. Thick 8vo. X')/?//ow, 1820. 72 A New Chronological History of England, written on the plan of Henault's Hist, of Franco. By Charles Home, Esq. 8vo. L.ondon, 1791. 73 The History of the Martyrs Epitomised. A cloud of Witnesses; or, the Snflerers Mirrour, made up of the Swanlike songs of the Martyrs, &;c. By Thomas Mall, M. A., one of the ejected Minis- ters, after the Reformation. With a Preface by John Flavel. bvo Boston, 1747. Dr. Coiion Malher vented his spleen on ihis aullior, by eiiliiliiig a tract wliich he wrote against hull, ' Tlie Mauler Alaulfcd." 74 Memoir upon the Negociations between Spain and the United Slates which led to the Treaty of lb 19. By D. Duis de Onis. Translated from the Spanish, by Tobias Watkins. &vo. Washington, 1821. 75 Observations on the Real Rights of Women, with Iheir appro- priate Duties. By Mrs. 11 M. Crocker. 12mo. Boston, 1818. 76 The History of the Rise, Progress, and Accom[)lishment of the Abolition of the Slave Trade. By Thomas Clarkson, M. A. 2 vols. 12mo. Maps. PIdladcJphia, 1808. 77 Memorial of John Adams to the States General of Holland, and his Letter to Dr. Calkoen, together with his work on the Canon and Feudal Law. Three Tracts in 1 vol. The first u-ants title. 78 The Political Writings of Thomas Paine, viz: 1. Rights of Man. 2. Common Sense, o. The Crisis. 4. Public Good. 5. Letter to Raynal. 6. Letter to the Earl of Shelburne. 7. To Sir Guy Carleton. 8. To the Authors of the Republican. 9. To the Abbe Sieyes. 8v^o. Albany, 1792. 79 Sermons and Eulogies. — Boyd on the Death of John Russell, 179-5. — Love of Life and Fear of Death, by David Barnes of Scituate, 1795.— Timothy Bigelow, B K, 1796— Thacher on the Jnterinent of Dr. John Clarke, 1798 — Cummings' Fast Ser. 1799. — Baldwin, Ord. Collier, 1799— Dr Belknap on ^he Sabbath, 1801. Gen. Lee on the Death of Washington, 1800. — Baldwin on same, 1799. — Kirkland on same, 1799. — Fisher Ames on same, 1800. — Holmes' Cent. Ser. 1801. — Lothrop's Cent. Ser. 1801, &c. In all \^ tracts. 8vo. 60 A Plea for Friendship and Patriotism, &;c. By Joseph M'Kean. 12mo. Privately rrintcd. Boston, 1814. 81 Voyage of the United States Frigate Potomac Round the World. By"j. N. Reynolds. 8vo. Plates. N. York, 1835. 82 The Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing. Commonly called the Shaker's Bible. 12mo. Albany, IfilO, 83 The Gazetteer's or Newsman's Interpreter. By Laurence EcJiard. 13th Etl. London, 1731. 84 The American Spectator, or Matrimonial Preceptor. Adapted to the State of Society in the American Republic. 12mo. Boston, 1797. 85 The American Bee; a Collection of entertaining Histories. 12itio. Leominster, (Mass.) 1797. 86 A Dissertation on Slavery: with a Proposal for the gradual Aboli- tion of it in the Slate of Virginia. By St. George Tucker. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1796. S7 A regular Dissection of the Snjron Ctfjronfcle. Preceded by a Re- view of Wharton's Etrum Elfricus Grammalicus ? Malmsbury's Life of St. Wulstan, &c. Cr. 8vo. London, 1830. 88 Anecdotes, Historical and Literary, Sec. 12mo. Boston, 1808. 6 89 The True Scripture Doctrine of Original Sin stated and defended. By Samuel Niles. Svo. Boston, 1757. 90 A Vindication of the Government of New England Churches. By John Wise, A. M. 12 mo. Boston, 111 2. Several pages of Subscribers' names al the end. 91 Memoir of Rev. Thomas BaUhcin, D. D. By Daniel Chessman, A. M. ISmo. " Boston, 1841. 92 Poems. By George Wythers. Wants title page and a leaf or tivo at the end. An Old Edition. 93 The Portsmouth Disputation examined. By Joseph Morgan. 12mo. N. York, (William Bradford) 1713. 94 Tales of the Indians. By B. B. Thatcher. ISmo. Bosto7i, 1831. Presentation copy. Author's Autograph. 95 Tracts.— Dr. Thacher s Ser. on Death Gov. Hancock, 1793.— Em- erson's 4 July Disc. 1794. — Newell's Historical Disc, at Stow, 1781. —Osgood at'Ord Thayer, 1793 —Ripley at Ord. W. Emerson, 1792. — Cumings' Thanksg. at Billerica, 1775 — Z. Adams on the Fall and Recovery of Mankind, 1791. — Turner at Ord. Haven at Reading, 1770. 96 Report of the Trial by Impeachment of James Prescott, Esq, Reported by O. Pickering. 8vo. Boston, 1821. 97 The History of Fiance, from the Origin of that Nation to the year 1702. Numerovs JiJie Portraits. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1702. 98 The Life of Richard Earl Howe, K. G. Admiral of the fleet and General of JMarines. Portrait. By Sir John Barrow, Bart., F. R. S. Svo, cloth. London, 1838. 99 An accurate Historical Account of all the Orders of KNIGHTHOOD at present existing in Europe. 2 vols. Svo, boards. London, n. d. 100 Documents published by order of Congress on the Condition of the Indians. Svo. Washington, 1832. 101 A History of the Rev. Hugh Peters, A. M. Archintendant of the Prerogative Court of Doctors Commons, &;c. By Samuel Peters, LL. D. Svo. Portrait. K York, 1807. 102 Considerations on the Present Situation of Great Britain and the United States of America, &c. By Richard Champion, Esq. Svo, boards. London, 1784. 103 Comparative Reflections on the stale of G. Britain, with Thoughts on Emigration. By Richard Champion, Esq. Svo. London, 1787. 104 TheLuMiERE; Containing a variety of Topographical Views in Europe and America. 12mo. N. York, 1831. 105 Sketches of Algiers, Political, Historical, and Civil. By William Shaler, Consul General. Svo. Portrait. Boston, 1626. 106 New Travels in the United States of America, performed in the year 1788. By J. P. Brissot de Warville. 2d Edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1794. 107 A Review of Capt. Basil Hall's Travels in N. America, in the years 1827 and 1828. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1830. 108 A Friendly Epistle to Neighbour John Taylor of Norwich. Con- taining an earnest invitation to him to join the Quakers, and not attempt to raise up a New Sect, when there are so many in the world. By M. Adamson. To which is added a Short Dialogue between Timothy Tell- Truth, and Obadiah Friendly. 8vo. Boston, 175S. 109 Dr. Dwiglit's Discourse on some Events of the last Century. 6vo. N. Haven, 1801. 110 A Sermon preached at Reading, A];ril 30th, 1758, on occasion of an Expedition designed against Canada. In the Audience of Col. Nichols, and a Part of his Pvegiment. By William Hobby, A. M. 8vo. Wants last leaf. Boston, 1758. 111 Davis' Address at Fryburg in Commemoration of Love well's Fight in 1725. 8vo. Portland, 1825. 112 Hon. Jeremiah Evarts on the Removal of the Indians. 8vo. Boston, 1830. 113 A Sermon preached at King's- Chapel, before his Exc. Gov. Ber- nard, and his Majesty's Council, &c., on the Death of George II. By Henry Caner, minister of said chapel. 8vo. Boston, 17G1. 114 An Account of the Cherokees, as communicated by their Chief John Ross, to John Howard Paine, Esq. 8vo. Washington, 1836. 115 A New Description of Maryland : Containing, A Topographical, Geographical, and Natural History of that Country. 10th ed. 8vo. London, 1742. 116 Pamphlets. — Observations on the Increase of Infidelity. To which are added Animadversions on Volney's Ruins. By Joseph Priestly, LL. D. &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797. — Osgood's Thanks. Ser. 1794. — Unitarianism Defended By Dr. Priestly, at Philadelphia, 1796. — The Age of Reason, by Tliomas Paine, 2d. Ed.— The Life of T. Paine, by Francis Oldys, 1796.— i^/e of Peter Porcupine, 1796, &c. Nine in all. 8vo. 117 America's Appeal to the Impartial World. 8vo. Hartford, Ml 5. 118 The Life and Writings of Major Jack Downing. Best ed. 12mo. Boston, 1834. 119 Memoirs of the most Material Transactions in England for the last 100 years preceding the Revolution of 1688. By James We L wood, M. D. Seventh Edition. 12 mo. London, 1749. 120 Memoirs and Considerations Concerning the Trade and Ptevenues of the British Colonies in America, &c. By John Ashley, Esq. 8vo. London, 1740. 121 Lafayette in America, in 1824, and 1825. By A. Levasseur, Secretary to the General. Translated from the French by John D. Godman, M. D. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1829. 122 The Political Register ; and Impartial Review of New Books. Curious caricature plates of King George and his ministers. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1767, Sec. 123 Historical Sketch of the Proceedings of the U. S. government in regard to their jurisdiction over the Indian Tribes. By Joseph Blunt. 8vo. N. York, 1825. 124 Memoirs of Distinguished Members of the Rhode Island Bar. By WiLKiNS Updike, Esq. 8vo. Boston, 1842. 125 An Historical Memoir of the Colony of New Plymouth, from 1620 to 1641. By Francis Baylies. 2 vols. Bvo. Boston, 1830. A presentation copy with Autograph of the Author. 10 126 Four Dissertations, on the Reciprocal Advantages of a Perpet- ual Union bclwecn Great Britain and her American Colonies. "Written for I\Ir. Sargent's Prize-Medal, (Sec. bvo. Fhilad. 1766. 127 Miscellanea Curiosa. Being a Collection of some Phoenomena in Natnre. With several Discourses read before the Royal Soci- ety. 3 vols. 6vo. London, 1705-8, Contains Papers by the most eminent Pliilosophcrs of that age. Among ilieni is Clayto.n's ACCOU.NT of ViRGIiNIA. 128 Historical Sketches of English and American Literature, &c. By R. Chambers and Pvoyal Robbins. r2mo. Hartford, n. d. 129 A History of King's Chapel in Boston. By F. "W. P. Greenwood. 12mo. Plate. Boston, 183:3. 130 Acts passed at a Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at ]\'e\v York in the year 1789. 8vo. Hartford, 1791. 131 Letters to Dr. Adam Sevbert on the subject of the renewal of the Charter of the U. States Bank. By M. Cary. 8vo. 2d Ed. enlarged. Philadelplda, 1811. 132 The Seasons, A Hymn, A Poem to the Memory of Sir Isaac Newton, and Britannia, a Poem. By Mr. Thompson. Numer- ous Flates inserted. 8vo. London, 1730. Arms and Autograph of Dr. John Jeffries. 133 The First Settlers of New England ; or, The Conquests of the Pequods, Narragansets, and Pokanokets. By a Lady of Massachusetts. [Mrs. Child.] l&mo. Boston, n. d. 134 A List of the Officers of the Army and Marines. TJdrty-scvenih Edition. 8vo. 135 The Academician. By Albert and John W. Picket. Svo. N. York, 1820. 136 A List of all those paying Taxes in the Town of Boston in 1822. Royal 8vo. Boston, 1622. 137 The Federal Politicean. By James PH. Puglia. 8vo, boards. PhiladclpJda, 1 695. 138 El Dorado ; being an account of the circumstances which gave rise to the report of the existence of a rich city in South America, in the 16 century, &c. Svo. Map. N. York, n. d. 139 Considerations on the Order of Cincinnatus; a Letter from M. TuRGoT to Dr. Price, &c. By the Count de Mirabeau. 8vo. London, 1785. 140 Naval Expeditions and Engagements of the English Nation from 1693 to 1735. From Lediard Burchet, and others. 4to. LoyuJoyi, 1736. 141 The History of Don F. De Miranda's attempt to effect a Revolu- tion in South America. 12mo. Boston, 1810. 142 An Essay upon the Propagation of the Gospel. By Charles Crawford, Esq. 12mo. BhUa.dclpMa, 1799. 143 Journal of the Siege of Louisbnrg, in North America. By James Gibson, Gentleman Volunteer at the above siege. 8vo. London, 1745. 144 Journal of the Travels of Lewis and Clark, as communicated IL by Pres. Jefferson to Congress. Containing matters not in large xvork. 8vo. New York, 1806. 145 History of the Fight at Concord, on the 19th of April, 1775. By Ezra Repley, D. D. 8vo. Concord, 1827. 146 A Description of the Genesee Country, k,c. By Robert Munro. 8vo. N. York, 1804. 147 A History of the First Church in Dcdham. By Alvan Lam son, D. D. 8vo. Dcdhnm, 1839. 148 Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in America. 8vo. Reprinted Boston, 1774. 149 History of the Massacre at Indian Key, in Florida, by the Semi- nole Indians. 8vo. riiiladelphia, 1841. 150 A Serious Address to the Members of the Episcopal Separation in N. England, etc. By Noah Hobart, A. M. 12mo. Boston, 1748. 151 A Sermon By Thomas Prince, A. M. at tlie Ordination of Joseph Seuxdl. The Charge by Increase Mather, D. D., Right Hand of Fellowship by Cotton Mather, D. D. and A Discourse on the Validity of Ordination by Ebenezer Pemberton. Svo. Boston, 1718. Printed hy J. Franklin, the brother ot' Dr. Benjaniin, while the latter was an apprentice to him. 152 Indian Stories; containing among otiiers an autJtentic Narrative of the Captivity of John Stover, among the Miami Indians. 8vo. Reprint. N York, 1836. 153 A Letter to the Rt. Hon., the Earl of Hilsborough, on the Present Situation of Affairs in America, &c. Svo. London, Rep. Boston, 1769. 154 History of the United States to the year 1830. By William Grimshaw. 12mo. Pliiladelpliia, 1S33. 155 Lectures on Comets By Prof. Wintiirop. Also an Essay on Comets by A. Olver, Jr. Esq. 12mo. Boston, ISII. 156 A Welcome to the Plague, Farewell to Life, &:c. By Samuel Shaw. Wants title. Iramanuel : Or, A Discovery of True Religion. By Samuel Shaw. 12mo. Boston, 1744. 157 Sketches of the History, Genius, Disposition, cVc, of the Fair Sex in ail parts of the World. 12mo. Boston, (J. Bumstead,) 1807. 158 The History of France to the year 1827. By John Russell, A. M. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1827. 159 The Joy of Faith ; or, a Treatise opening the true Nature of Faith, &c. By Samuel Lee, A. M. 12rao. Boston, 1687. 160 Enquiries touching the Diversity of Languages and Religions througliout the cheije 2^ttrts of the \\ox\d. By Edw. Brerewood. 4 to. London, 1614. 161 Instruction for the Indians, in Twenty Dialogues. By the Bishop of iS^f/or and Man. 12mo. J^ondon, 1759. 162 Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. By Mrs. A. T. Thompson. 12mo. Portrait. Philada. 1831. 12 1G3 The Early History of New England. By the Rev. Henry White. 12mo. bth Ed. Concord, (N. H.) 1843. 164 An English Dictionary, explaining the DifKcult Terms, &c. In a Method more comprcheiisivc than any that is extant. By E. Coles. 8vo. London, 1717. 165 Narrative of the most extraordinary and distressing Shipwreck of the WHALE-SHIP ESSEX, of Nantucket, which was des- troyed by a WHALE in the Pacific Ocean, and an account of the unparalleled suilerings of the crew, &c. By Owen Chase, ^rst viate of said sJdp. 12 mo. N. York, \b2\. 166 Recollections of the Jersey Prison-ship. Prepared from the original manuscript of Capt. Thomas Dring, (one of the prisoners.) By Albert G. Greene. 12nio. Folding Plate. '~ Providence, R. I. 1829. 1G7 The GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. From the Commencement, in 1731, to lb3S. This set is com/plcte to the year 1767, and wants bid f civ volumes before 1800. Those missing can easily be siqyplied. Not uniform in binding, but generally in good, order, and. clean. 168 The Poetical Geography of Great Britain, with notes in prose. Many engravings, 12mo. London, 1805. 169 The Inaugural Speeches and Messages of Thomas Jefferson, Esq. 12mo. Boston, 1809. 170 Records of Patriotism and Love of Country. By William Bailey. 8vo. WasJdngton, 1826. 171 Travels of the Jesuits, into various parts of the World. To which is now prefixed, an Account of the Spanish Settlements in America. By Mr. Lockman. 2 vols. 8vo, 2d ed. London, 1762. 172 Tracts. — Sermon h-^ Andrciv Eliot at ord. of his son Andrew Eliot, 111 L—M' Keen's Fast Ser. 1793.— D;-. Miller son Suicide, 1805.— Dr. Sanil. Sjjring's at Newbury port, 1809. — Mr. Qidnci/s Speech in Congress, ISU. — Dr. Lothroi)'s Fast Ser. 1812. — Mr. Webster on the Greek Question. — Life of Q. Q. Adams, [by Jacob B. Moore,] 1827, Sec— Fifteen in all. 173 The Official Reports of the Canal Commissioners of the State of N. York, &c. 8vo. Xeirbi/rgh, ISIT. 174 The Dispensary. A Poem. In Six Canto's. The Ninth Edition. Numerous curious plates. 12mo. London, 1726. 175 Poems upon Several Occasions. By the Reverend Mr. John Pomfret. Eleventh Edition, with an Account of his Life and Writings. 12mo. Plates. London, 1749. Autograph and MS. remarks uf James Apthokp, 1755. 17() The AVorks of Abraham Cowley. In Three Volumes. 12mo. Contains the Cutter of Colman Street, not in common editions. London, 1721. 177 The Political Mirror, or Review of JacJcso7iis7n. 12mo. Neio York, 1835. I send you here a Little Book, for you to look upon, Where you may see a Heroe's lace, when he is past and gone. 178 A New Society for the Benefit of Indians, organized at the City of Washington in 1822. 8vo. 13 179 The True Believer's Vacl erne cum; or Shal-erism Exposed. With the Life of the Author. By Benjamin Green. ]2mo. • Concord, N. H. 1831. 180 The Constitutions of the United States, according to the last Aniendnienls. l:2nio. rhiladc/phia, 1791. 181 Tiie American Universal Magazine. 2 vols. Svo. Philad. 1797. Conlaiiis many Portraits of American Characters, and other plates. 182 Elements of the History of England ; from the Invasion of the Romans to the Pveign of George II. Translated from the French of Arb!^ iMiLLOT. 2 vols. 6vo. Atvork icriUenwitli great elegance of diction. London, 1771. 183 An Answer to Dr. Mayhew's Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Svo. Boston, 1764. 18-4 A View of West Florida; its Antiquities, land Titles, &c. with large splendid colored Maps. By John Lee Williams. 8vo. Philadelphm, 1827. 185 The History of the PtiSE, Increase and Progress of the Christian People called Quakers. By William Sewel. 2 vols. Svo. 3d Edition. London, 1795. 186 Miscellaneous. — Effects of the Stage on the Manners of the People. By a Bostonkm. Plate of A Ground Flan of a Theatre. 8vo. 1792. — Letters on the New Theatre. — Dr. Parish's famous Fast Sermon on the war of 1812. — Aiton's Answer to PtOBERx Owen. — Memorials for stoppingthe Mail, tfcc. Fifteen Tracts. Svo. 187 A Survey of the State of Maine. By Moses Greenleaf. Svo. Porthind, 1829. 188 The Monthly Anthology and Boston Pteview. Containing Sketch- es and Reports of Philosophy, Religion, History, Arts and Man- ners. 10 vols, thick Svo. Boston, 1804—1811. This wa^ llie fdnneer ol X\\e N. Amer. Revie\v, and was contributed to by many, tlien and since, eminent writers ; as John CJ. Adams, William Tudor, &c. 189 Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavoir and Jones' general Cata- logue of Books. Svo. London, 1819. 190 History of Jemima Wilkinson. By David Hudson. 12nio. Geneva, 1822. 191 The Ancient and Present State of the Empire of Germany. Map, and brilliant portrads of all the Fmperors. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1702. 192 Europe and America, or, the Relative Stale of the civilized AVorld at a future Period. Translated from the German of Dr. C. F. Von Schmidt Phizeldek. By Joseph Owen. 12mo. Copenhagen, 1820. 193 Poetical Chronology of English and American History. 12mo. Boston, n. d. 194 A Collection of all the Public and Permanent ACTS of Kentucky and Virginia, relating to Land Titles. By Henry Toulmin. 12mo. Franlfort, 1802. 195 Apercu des Etats-Unis, au Commencement du XIX. Siecle, depuis 1800, jusqu'en 1810. Large Map. Svo, Paris, \^W. 14 196 The Works of John Wooh-iiaa. la Two Parts. The fourth edi- tioih ]:jiuo. PhiladelpJua, 180G. 197 Barclay's Apology for the Doctrine of the Quakers. Svo. London, 1736. 198 A Jonrnal of the Life, Travels in America, /-. Jenks' Elect. \Q20.—Everett:s Ads. Concord, 19 April, 1825 — Do. Orat. Charlestown, 4 July, 182S. — Francis Pilgrim Ser. 1832, &c. 256 The American Monthly IMagazine and Critical Review. 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. New York, 1817-18. 257 Dissertations on the English Language ; with Notes, Historical and Critical, fcc. By Noah Webster, Jr. Esq. 8vo. Boston, 1789. 258 Noah Webster. — Miscellaneous Papers on Political and Com- mercial Subjects, N. York, 1802. — Origin and Present State of Banks, 1802. — Peculiar Doctrines of the Gospel, Poughkeepsie, 1809. — Letters to a Young Gentleman commencing his Educa- tion, N. Haven, 1623. 1 vol. 8vo. 259 A Reply to Sir Walter Scott's History of Napoleon. By Louis BoNARARTE, Exking of Holland, tj-c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1829. 2G0 Journal of Events in Paris in 1815. By an American. r2mo. PJiiladelphia, 1815. 261 DuBATTAS his Divine Weekes, and Workes, with a complete collection of all the other most delightful! Workes, translated and written by yt famous Phdomiisits, Iosvah Svlvester, Gent. Engraved tille-page by Pv.. Elstracke. Fol. vellum. London, 1633. 262 Voyages and Travels of an Indian Trader and Interpreter, with a Vocabulary of the Chippeway Language. &.c. By J. Long. 4to. Map. London, 1791. One of the best works of the period on the Indians of the N. West. 263 Divi Britannici: being a Remark npon the Lives of all the Kings of this Isle, from the year of the world 2855, to the year of grace, 1660. By Sir Winston Churchill, Ivt. Folio. London, 1675. Sir WiNsTox Churciiill was the father of John CnuncntLL, better known as the ' Great Duke of AIarleorougu.' 264 A History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North America. By Lieut. Col. Tarleton. 4to. boards. Majn and Plans. Fine clean cojry. London, 1787. 18 265 Hackluyt's Collection of the Early Voyages of the English Nation. Volume the fifth. 4to. boards. London, 1812. This volume coniains many supplemental voyages not in the second edition in 3 vols. 2GG INIemoir of DeWit Clinton: with an A]>pendix, containing numerous Documents, illustrative of the principal events of his Life. Bv David Hosack, M. D. F. R. S. 4to. hoards. Tao Spkfiflid'Forf.mifs. N. York, 1829. 267 A Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean. TI7///. Charts and Maps. By Admiral James BuRNEY. 5 vols. 4to. half Russia. There is not so valuable a disjest of voya. Relation of a Voyage from Boston to Newfoundland, to observe the Transit of Venus, by the same, 17G1. — A Discourse by Sime- on Howard, 1779. — Sermon on the Death of Prof Winthrop, by Dr. Langdon, 1779. — Dr. Wig3i.esworth on the same, 1779. 342 An Account of Earl Macartney's Embassy to China. By Sir George Staunton, Bart, secretary to the Embassy. 8vo. plates. 'Fliilada. 179&. 343 Narrative of the Voyage and Shipwreck of the ]Man-of-War, Alceste. By John M'Leod, surgeon of that ship. 8vo. plate. Phil add pi da, 1818. 344 Day's Tracts on America. — Letter to Arthur Young, 1787. — Letter on Slavery, 17S4.— Retlections on American Independence, 1783, and others. By Thomas Day, Esq. 8vo. London, v. d. 345 Travels through that jiart of North America formerly called Louis- iana. By M. Bossus, captain in the French Marines. 2 vols. 8vo. Splendid copy. London, 1771. 346 A Collection of Voyages to the Terra Australis, or Southern Hem- isphere, during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centu- ries. By John Callander. 3 vols. 8vo. Fine Maps. Lond. IIOG^ All exoelleiil copy of one of ihe best compilalions of llie kind. Il ic now rare. 347 Creation; A Philoso|)hical Poem, in seven Books. By Sir Rich- ard Blackmore. With Life of the Author. 12mo. Portrait Pliiladc/phia, 1806. 348 The Natural History of tlie Earth, illustrated, enlarged, and de- fended. By John Woodward, M. D. Prof of Physic in Grcsham College. 2 vols. 6vo. London, 1723-1726. In speakiiis of flio Origin nf the Indian!:, Dr. Cotton Mather says, the suliject would no dnubl be fully settled when lip.. ^VooDWARD should publish hi.-s Natural History. 349 Masterpieces of Good Writing. Containing, among other Arti- cles, a history of ' The Iwincible Armada.' 8vo, vol second. Stoticcard, 1780. ^5^ Voyages and Discoveries in South America; viz. D'Acuna up the Ainazon-rr Ac ARETE up the De La Plata — Gilbert and Bechamele in search of Lake Parima, &c. 8vo. London, 1798. 351 A compleate History of the Rebellion in England of 1745 and 6. By James Ray, one of the Duke of Cumberland's volunteers, rimo. Portrait of the Duke. s. 1. 1754. 352 An Acconnt of several late Voyages and Discoveries to the South and North. By Sir John Narborough, Capt. James Tas- MAN, Cajjt. John Wood, and Fred. Martin. 8vo. Maps and Plates. London, 1694. 353 A Crnisiii'/- Voyage round the World, begun in 1708, and finished in 1711. Jjy Capt. Woods Pvogers. 8vo. London, 1718. This was the famous Voyajre m which Alexander Selkirk was discovered and taken from Juan I'eruandez, of which an auiheniic account is triven. 354 The Rej^il Christian, or a Treatise of Effectual Calling. By Giles Firtnin. 12mo. Boston, 1742. Mr. Kirrnin to N. IvuijlaJid, where he piaciiced physic for a time; on returning to Eng- land, he l)«ton, and something Remarkable of Tlumder etnd Light- ning in that town the same year. &vo. Boston, 1728. 407 A Sermon occasioned by the Late Great Earthquake, and the Terrors that attended it. By John Danforth, A. M. &vo. Boston, 1728. 408 A brief Essay on Man's not knowing his Time. By [Colioii Mather.] 8vo. Boston, 1727. Contains ihe Autof;ra|ih of Colton Matlier on llie lille pa^e. 409 The Holy Walk and Glorious Translation of Blessed Enoch. A Sermon preached at the J^ecturc in Boston, \\\o days after the Death of the Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather. Bvo. Boston, 1728. 410 A Discourse concerning the Grace of Courage. Preached at the Desire of the Gentlemen belonging to the Artillery Society in Boston. By Increase Mather. 12mo. Boston, 1710. 411 Observations on the American Revolution, published by a Com- mittee of Congress. 8vo. Philaxlelphia, 1779. Contains the Antograph of Gen Jamfx Warren. 412 A Letter to a Member of Parliament on the Importance of the American Colonies, and the best Means of making them most useful to the Mother Country. Bvo. London, 1157. 26 413 The Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia. 8vo. London, 1733- 414 A Letter to a Member of the Lower House of Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut, k,c. bvo. N Haven, 1759. 415 A Letter to the Universities of Oxfortl and Cambriilcre, &c. in respect lo the collection made for the colleges of ^sew York and Philadelphia. By Sir James Jay, Knl. M. D. 8vo. London, 1774. Aulo^raph of Sir John Temple, Bakt. 416 An Humble Address and Earnest Appeal to those respectable Pcrsona"^es in Great Britain and Ireland, on the connection with, or separation from America, &c. By Josiaii Tucker, D. D. Dean of Gloucester. 8vo. Gloucester, 111 5. 417 A Sermon on the present situation of American Atiairs. By William Smith, D. D. 8vo. Philadel|)hia, {London Rep.) 1775. 418 The Duly of standing fast in our S|)iritual and Temporal Liber- ties. A Sermon, preached 7th July, 1775. Before the First Bat- talion of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia. By the Rev. Jacob Due he, M. A. 8vo. Pliilada. {London Rep.) 1775. 419 A Sermon on American Aflairs, ]ireached at the opening of the Provincial Congress of Georgia. Addressed lo the Earl of Dart- mouth. By JOUN J. ZUBLY, D. D b^vo. Phila'lclplria, {London Rep.) Ml 5. 420 A Visit to North America and the English Settlements in Illinois, with a Winter Fvesidcnce in Philadelpliia. By Adlard Welby, ]':sq. 8vo. Flale.-i. London, 1821. 421 The American Register, or General Fvepository of History, Poli- tics, and Science. Edited by Charles Brockden Brown. 7 Vol's. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1807-10. 422 Danger and Duty pointed out, in a Thanksgiving Discourse at Brooiifield, 23 July, 1812. By Ptev. Micah Stone. 8vo. Brookfcld, 1612. 423 An Accompaniment to Mitcliell's Reference Map of the U. States, ^c yvo. • Philada. 1834. 424 Oregon; or a Short History of a Long Journey from the Atlantic Ocean to the region of the Pacific, by land. By John B. Wieth. p2mo Candiridsre, 1833. 425 History of the Floridas; more particularly of East Florida. Vyy James Grant Forljci. Map 8vo. K York. ]S2\. 426 The History of the Province of New York, froni the First Dis- covery to llie year m.dcc.xxxii. By William Smith, A. M. 4to. L\jhli'n:r plate of O.sursjo. London,^ 1757. 427 Sketch of his Majesty's Province of Upper Canada. By D'Arcy BouLTON, Barrister. 4to. Map. Lo?idon, \805. 428 Voyages from Asia lo America for completing the Discoveries of the North West Coast of America, and in search of a North Fas.m<:e. 4to. Blaps. A superb copy. London, 1764. In the same Volume— The Great Probability of a North West Passase: Deduced from Observations on the Letter of Admiral De Foule, &c. 4to. 3 maps. A superb Volume. London^ 1768- 27 429 A Defence of the Title of the late John Leverett, Esq. to a tract of Land in the Eastern Parts of the Province of the Massachu- setts Bay, &c. Folio. s. I. 1736. 430 Political Annals of the Present United Colonies, from their set- tlement to the Peace of 1763. By George Chalmers, Esq. 4to. London, 1780. 431 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico. By Captain Ber- NAL Diaz del Castillo, one of the Conquerors. Translated hy Maurice Keating, Esq. 4 to. London, 1800. 432 The Court of Queen Elizabeth : originally written Ijy Sir Robert Naunton, entitled Fragmenta Regalia. 4to. Ttvcnty-one Por- traits. Only 250 copies printed. London, \814:. 433 PVRCHAS his PILGRIMAGE, or Relations of the World. Folio. Excellent copif. London, 1014. 434 A Trve and Exact HISTORY of the Island of Barbados. By Richard Ligon, Gent. Folio. Curious Maps and Plates. London, 1657. 435 Titles of HONOR. By John Selden. The second edition, Folio. Portrait of Selden by White. Many Plates. London, 1631. 436 Histoire de la Navigation de Jean Hvgves de Linschot, Hollan- dois : Anx Indes Orientales, eZ ce^. Folio. Third edition. Jl mul- titude oj' barbarous copper plates. Amsterdam, 1638. 437 A Journey from Prince of Wale's Fort in Hudsons Bay, to the Northern Ocean, in the years 1769, 1770, 1771 and 1772. By Samuel Hearne. 4lo. Many Plates and Map. Large paper copy. London, 1795. 438 Historical Collections, beginning the 16 of James and ending the 5th of Charles, (1029.) By John Rushworth, Esq. Folio. Plates. London, 1 659. 439 An Imjiarfial Collection of the Great Affairs of State, from the beginning of the Scottish Rebellion in 1639, to the murther of King Charles I. By John Nalson, LL. D. Folio. Carious Frontispiece. London, 1682. 440 Dictionary of Hard Words. Very useful to all those that de- sire to understand what they read. Second Edition. Bvo. London, 1719. 441 Patriotic Addresses to the President of the United States, [John Adams,] with his Answers. 12mo. Portrait inserted. Boston, 1798. 442 Tracts. — An Oration on the Advantages of an early Education, on the opening of Phillips' Academy at Exeter. By David M'Clure, a M. 1783. — Washington's Circular of his resignation, &,c. to the President of N. H. 1783.— Noyes' Thanks. Ser. 1785.— In all eight tracts. 443 Indian Wars of the West. By Timothy Flint. 12itio. Cincinnati, 1833. 444 Sermons on Imj)ortant Subjects, adapted to the Perilous State of the British Nation. By Gilbert Tennent, A. M 8vo. Philadelphia, 1758. 445 English Liberties, or the Free-born Subjects Inheritance ; contain- 5 28 ing Mapia Charta, Charta dc Forcsta, Sec. <5cc. 12mo. Printed bj/ 3. FuA.vKLiN. Jjo.sfon, 1721. 41G Bioginiiliical IMcmoir of Damel Boone. Ey Timothy Flint. 12iiio. (Jiiiciinuiti, lfc4 1. 447 Tlio llisioiy of the Four Lnst Years of ilic QFEEM |Anii.J 13y llic l:ile Jo.vATUAN Swift, D. D. D. S P. D. bvo. London, 17Jt*. 448 Histories of llie PjiQUOT War, viz. Ukdkrhill, Vincent, Gar- hen er aiad Mason. One volume. Ileprint. 449 An Address from tlic General Court 1o the rcople of Massaehii- selts. 4 to. Boston, 17^6. 450 Xanative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay. By Lieut. Edward Cuappell, R. N. bvo. Elc,sant Plates. London, lb 17. 451 Cherokee Hymns Compiled Iroui Several authors. By E. Bou- iJiNciT and S A. Worckster. Printed in the characters invented hi/ Gkorge Guess, aa In/Han. 24mo. Neiv Ecliota, lb29. 452 The Three Epistles of the Apostle John. Translated into Vcki- warc InAian. by C. F. Dexcke. ISnio. iV York, 1818. 453 The IMik-jkokke (Creek) Assisfant. Containing Rralinss and S/)c//ini:s. Nanieroiis cuts, lb mo. Boston, 1834. 454 The Osage First Book. IVtis is somcwJiat similar to tiie last in contents. 18nio. Boston, 1831. 455 A Short Sermon : Also Hymns, in the Muskokee or Crekk lan- iiiiag,e. By tlie Bev. John Flemin::. 12mo. Boston, lb35. 45G Tri:imi)lianl Deaths of Pious Children, lii the Choctaw language. 1-^mo. B(jston, lb35. 457 The (Tospel Afcording to Saint John. In the Mohawk Indian Lanisuage. Ibmo. N. York, 1818. 458 The G()S|)el aci-ording to Saint Luke. Translated into the Mo- hawk I.\DiAN Tongue. By H. A. Him., N. York, 1827. 459 A choice Collection of Hynms and Sfiiritual Songs, &:.c. By Samson Occom, Minister of the Go.spel. 12mo. N. London. MIA. Mr Occom wa.s ilie first Iiuliau miiiisUT thai ever preached in Kiiglaiid. On Inn Portrait. 460 An authentic Narrative of the Causes wliicli led to the Deatii of Major Andre, tec. By Joshua Hett Smith, Esq. Ibmo Portrait. N. York, 1809. 461 Vindication of the Ca[itors of Ma.ior Andre. By [the Hon. Eguert Benson. 12mo. Plate of the cajUurc inserted. N. York, 1817. 462 Travels through the Stales of North America and Upper and Lower Canada, in 1795, 1796, and 1797. By Isaac AVeld, Jr. 8v(>. Many excellent plates. Lomlon, IbOO. 463 A Consiilulion or Frame of Government ado[)ted by Massachu- setts Bay. bvo. Orip^ined, edition. Boston, 1780. 464 Topographical Description of the Western Territory of N. America. By Gu.RERT Imf.ay, a Captain in the American Army. 8vo. Tlic third edition, with great additions. An iiivalniilile work loall wesiprii Hi.sloriuii.-'. and indeed indispensablfi — cnniaiiiinf Thirteen of ilie eiirliest iri'.'iii.>rk was alone sufficient to ha .-e carried his name down lo the reino.est times. — This copy was interleaved with the intention of preparing il for lepublicalion. 480 Enquiries of an Emigrant : Being the Narrative of an English Farmer from 1824 to 1830. during which period he traveled through the U. States and Canada. By Joseph Pickering, 12mo. Ijondon, 1832. 461 A Tribute to the Memory of the Pilgrims, and a Vindication of 30 the Congregational Churches of New England. By Joel Hawes. l2mo. ' Haiifonl, 1830. 482 The Day of a Godly Man's Death, better than the Day of his Birth. By Thomas Foxcroft, ra.slor of a Church in Boston. Svo. Boston, 1722. 463 INIemorable Days in America : Being A Journal of a Tour to the United States. By W. Faux, an Fnghsh Farmer. 8vo. plate. London, lb23. 464 History of the Bunker Hill Battle by S. Swett. 3d Edition. Boston, 1627. A mo>l minute and valuable account of thai ercat event. 485 The Level of Enrope and North America: or the Oijserver's Guide. A Periodical, in English and French. 4to. Fhitad. 1795. 486 Hymen's Recruiting- Serjeant : or the Maid's and Bachelor's Friend. 4to. Bhiladelplda, 1602. 487 An Oration delivered at the Commencement at Rhode Island College, Sept. 1774. By Barnabas Binney, A. B. 4to. Boston, 1114. 488 Britannia in Tears : An Elegy occasioned by the Dismission of the Ptight Honoraljle WUliani Pitt, and H. Legge, Esqrs., &c. 4 to London, 1757. 489 The Progress of Science. A Poem delivered at Harvard College. By [Saniuel Dexter] 4to. s. /. 1760. 490 An Account of the Scioto Company es1al)lished at Paris, with a description of that country and its Productions, &c. 4to. In Frencli. Paris, 1769. 491 An Essay on a Uniform Orthography for the Indian Languages of North America. By John Pickering, A. A. S. 4to. Cambridge, 1820. 492 Dr. Increase Mather on Maintaining Preachers of the Gospel by Tithes. ]2mo Boston, 1706. 493 The First Book of the American Chronicles of the Times. Written in Scripture style. 12nio. Norwich, 1774. 494 A Sermon on that Great Occasion, the Death of Our Late Memorable Sovereign, &c. By Dr. Cotton Mather. 12mo. Boston, 1714. 495 Fourth of July Orations, &c. Tirenty mie in one volume. 8vo. From 1605 to 1828. — Putnam, Aikin, Blake, Holmes, Fuller, Austin, Hall, Dexter, Lyman, Smith, Dunlap, Stetso7i, and Plumcr, 4th Jnly. 496 The Ptomarkable Captivity and surprising Deliverance of Eliza- beth Hanson, of Dover, N. H. who was taken Captive by the Indians in 1724. ]2mo. Dover, {rep.) 1824. This copy belonged to John Farmer, and contains his Autograph and some MS. additions. 497 Report of the select Committee of the House of Representatives on the difficulties between Georgia and the INDIANS. 6vo. Washington, 1827. 498 A Complete and Universal English Dictionary, on a new Plan. By the Rev. James Barclay, and others. 6\'o. London, 1782. 499 Narrative of a Voyage to the South Seas, and Loss of the ship 3i Wager oil a desolate Island, &c. By John Bulkeley and John Cummins, late Gunner and Carpenter of that ship. 8vo. Auto- grcvplk of Dr. Samuel Williams, tke Ilistoiian of Vermont. A Damaged Copy. London, {Rep. Phdadelplda) 1757. 500 Tlie History oi" the Brazils, from the Original Discovery in 1500, to the Emigration of the Koyal Family of Portugal, in 1&07. 8vo. London, lb08. 501 CniLi AND Peru in 1824. Fifth Edition. &vo. Boston, 1824. 502 An Account of the Gospel Labours and Christian Experiences of John Churchman, late of Nottingham, Pa., deceased. 8vo. Fkilada. 1779. 503 A Prospect of the consequences of the Present conduct of Great Britain towards America. &vo. London, 177G. 504 Lives of the British ADMIPbALS: Containing a new and accurate Naval History from the earliest Periods. By Dr. J. Campbell. With a Continuation by Dr. Berkeiiout. 4 vols. 8vo. Maps and Plates. London, 1779. 505 Result of the Convention of Delegates holden at Ipswich to consider the constitution proposed for Massachusetts Bay. By [Theopldlus Parsons.] Neicburyport, 1778. — In saine volume. An Address of the Convention for forming a Constitution for Mass. Bay, 1780. — And the Constitution formed by that Convention. 8vo. 1780- 506 American Biography: or an Historical Account of those persons who have been distinguished in America. By Jeremy Belknap, D. D. 2 Vols. 8vo. A tall copy. Boston, 17 94. ■507 Discourses, k.Q. — Webster on Adams and Jefferson, 1826. — Story to the Essex Historical Soc. 1828, xvitk Ins Autograph. — Palfrey's Artillery Disc. 1835. — R. W. Emerson Cent. Disc, at Concord, 1835. — Story on Marshall, 1835. — Pitman on R. Island, 1836. — Gov. Cass before Arner. Hist. Soc. 1836. — Young on Death •of William Parsons, Esq. 508 Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia Sept. 5th, 1774. — Published by order of Congress. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1774. 509 A Report to the Secretary of War on Indian Affairs. By Jed- iDiAH Morse, D. D. 8vo. Plate and Map. i\^ Haven, 1822. 510 SusQUEHANNAH TiTLE Stated and Examined, in a series of num- bers 8vo. Cats/all, 1796. 511 Travels in the Central Portions oi^ \he JMississippi Valley. By Henry R. Schoolcraft, U. S. I. A. &c. 8vo. Plates. K York, 1825. 512 Eulogies on Dr. N. Bowditch, viz. Hon. John Pickering, Hon. D. A. White, and Rev. Alexr. Young. 8vo. 513 Letters from Canada, written during a Residence there, in the years 1806, 1807, and 1808. By Hugh Gray. 8vo. 3fap London, 1809. -514 Memoirs of the Life of the late Charles Lee, Esq. Lieut Col. in Portugal, Major General and Aid to the King of Poland, and second in command in the service of the U. States of America. 8vo. London, 1792. 32 515 The English mail's Riglit ; a Dialogue between a Barrister at Law and a Juryman. 12mo. Boston, 1772. 51 G Lo.\(;ev'ity : Being an Account of Persons who liave liveil to an c.Ntraordinary Age. By C. Hoffman. 12mo. N. York, 17'J8. 517 Narrative Journal of Tr.wels through the North Western Re- gion.softhe U. States. 8vo. By Henry R Schoolcraft. Map aiul plates. Albany, lb21. 518 A Summary, llistoricnl and Polilical, of the British settlements in North America. By W'ij.lia.m Douglass, JM. D. 2 Vuls. 8vo. Large Map. London, 1755. 519 An Ai)ridi!emcnt of Mr. David Brai.verd's Journal among the Indians, with a Dedication by Dr. Doddkid(;e to the Soc. in Scotland for the Prop, of the Gospel. 12mo. Autograph of E licard Broni- fiehl. London, 1718. 520 "a Short View of the Families of the present English NOBILITY. By Mr. Salmon. 12mo. London, 1751. 521 Traits of the Tea Party; being a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes, one of tlie last of its survivors. Ibmo. N. York, 1835. 522 Tiie General History of the Late War: containing its Rise, Progress, and Event, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. By John E.vtick, M. A. 5 vols. 8vo, numerous PortraUs and Maps. London, 1 7 Go. 523 Seasonable Thoughts on the state of Religion in N. E.iglaml, with an Account of the Antinoniians, Fanielists, and Libertines who infected these Churches above an hundred years ago. Veryneetl- fnl for these days. Hy Charles Cuanning, D. D. 8vo. Bost. 174:1. 524 Historic Tales of Oltlen Time, concerning the Early Settlement and advancement of New York city and state. By Johj F. Wat- son. 12mo, Plates. N. York, 1832. 525 HisToiRE Generale des voyages et conqnests des Castillians, dans jes Isles et Terre-ferme des Indes Occidenialcs. Tradnite de I'Espagnol D'Antoine D'Herrera, Hisloriographe de sa Majeste Catholique. Par N. De La Coste. 3 vols. 4to. Most beautiful copT/. Paris, 1 GGO. 52G A Visit to Columbia, in the years 1822 and 1823, by Lagnayra and. Caracas, over the Cordillera to Bogota, &c. By Col. William Duane. 8vo, boards. Pliiladeljdiia, 1826. 527 A Journal of Occurrences in the Tower of tlie Temple, during the confinement of Louis XVI. By M. Clery. 12mo Bo.ston, 1799. 528 Memorials of the Life and Times of Sir AVilliam Penn, Knt. By Granville Penn, Esq. 2 vols. Svo, splendid portraits. London, 1833. 529 OLD- SOUTH. As published occasionally in the Independent Chronicle. By BEN.rAMiN Austin, Jr. 8vo. Bo.'6\. 533 Sketch of the Ciiuucn Sole:\i\mtik3 at tlic Stone '^'lin|til, \\\m\ Festival at the Excliaiii'e, Tliiiisday, March 25, lbl3, in honor of tlie Russian Aciheve.meats over their French invaders. rJnio. Boston, March, lb 13. 531 A PAUAPnr.ASE on Dodslcy's Economy of Human Life. Jiy I lion. James Bowooin.J bvo. Bosto7i, 1759. 535 An LxQuiRY into the Present State of the Foreign Relations of the Union, as aflecled by the late IMeasures of Administra- tion. 8vo. Phihulelphla, IbOG. 53G Historical Memoirs, relating to the HOUSATUNNUK IN- DIANS. By Samuel Hopkins, A. M. 4lo. BostoTi, 1753. 537 The Worcester Magazine and Historical Journal. Edited by C. C. Baldwin and \Vm. Lincoln. 2 vols. bvo. Worcester, 182G-7. 53S The History of the U. States of Nortli America. By James Grahaim, Esq. 4 vols. 8vo. doth. London, lbo6. 539 The Constiiiuion of the United States of America, as agreed npon in 1787, with the Amendments of 1789. 4lo. Autograph of Gen. Ira Allen. Woulsor, 1790. 540 History of the Island of St. Domingo from its first Discovery to the present year. bvo. London, {N. York, Brp ) 1824. 511 South American Emancipation; or an Account of the E.Nertions of (^en. Miranda for tlie alininment of that Oljject. By J. M. Antepara. 8vo. Fine Portrait. London, ]8\0. 542 A concise Historical View of the Perils, HanlsJupf, Difficulties, and Discouragements \v\\\c\\ hn\e n.\\cx\(\c(\ \\\e Planting and Pro- gressive Impiovcments of New England; Its long and Di-:>truc- TivE Wars, Expensive Expeditions, &c. In a Fast Discourse at Roxbury. April C, 17G9. By Amos Adams, A. Bl. l2mo. Ex- ceeding rare. Bost/rn, 17G9. 513 The American Remembrancer and Universal Talile of IMeniory. By Jonas Hardy, A. M. 12rao. Front the Library of Col. Wil- liam Duane. Pinhidelphia. 1795. 544 Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massa- chusetts. By I W. J. Snelling.] 12mo. Boston, 1835. 545 Gc()gra[iiiical Sketches of the Western Country. By E, Dana. 1 2n)0. Cincinnati, 1 8 1 9. 54G The Naval Cfironiclk of Great Britain, from its commencement in 1799, to 1805. 14 Vols, royal 8vo. Numerous Portraits, views of Battles, &c. &e a few xrantins. London, v. d. 547 American Antiquities and Discoveries in the West. By Josiaii Priest. 8vo. BLini/ phites. Albany, 1833. 548 The Extinct ami Dormant Baronetcies of England, Scotland and Ireland. By John Burke and John Bernard Burke. 8vo. Splendidly illuminntcd title pa'ie. 2d Ed. London, 1841. 549 A New and Enlnrged Military Dictionary. By Charles James, Major in the Ptoyal Artillery. 2 Vols. 8vo. 3d Edition. London, IS 10. 34 550 Blemoirs of the IMexican Revolution : including a Narrative of the Expedition of Gen. Mixa. By W. D. Robinson. 8vo. boards. Philadclphm, 1620. 551 Lorenzo Dow. IIi.s Farewell to Georgia. Containing an account of his Life. 12mo. Wants title. 552 Cabala, Mysteries of State, in Letters of the Great Ministers of King James and King Charles. Fait/t/'uihj collected by a Noble Hand. 4 to. London, 165i. 553 The Northmen in New England, or America in the Tenth Centu- ry. By J. T. Smith. 8vo. Boston, 1639. 554 Letters from America, Historical and Descriptive ; Comprising occurrences from 1769, to 177 7, inclusive. By William Eddis. 8vo. London, 1792. 555 Narrative of a Journey to the shores of the Polar Sea. By Capt. John Franklin, R. N., F. R. S. 6vo. PJdladelphia, 1824. 556 ONE HUNDRED BOUND VOLUMES OF NEWSPAPERS. — Consisting of nearly a complete series of the Columbian Cen- tinel from about 1784 to 1834, with other collateral papers to sup- ply occasional chasms, &c. 557 The Philosophical Transactions, Abridged by Lowthorp and Jones. 5 vols. 4to. od edition. London, 1722, &c. 553 Pamphlets. — Edmund Buric's Letter to Farr & Harris on the Affairs of America. 8vo. London, 1777. — Their Answer to that Letter, 1777. Dr. Price's Observations on Civil Liberty, 1776. — Answer to Dr. Price's Observations, &c. 8vo. 1776. 1 vol. 559 Froger's Voyage to Africa, the Streights of Magellan, Brazil, &c. in 1695, 1696, and 1697. 8vo. London, 1698.— An Account of MoNS. DE LA Salle's last Expedition and Discoveries in America. Published by the Chevalier Tonti. Also the Adventures of the Sieur de Montauban. 8vo. London, 1698. 560 A Free and Calm Consideration of the Unhappy misunderstand- ings between G. Britain and her American Colonies. 8vo. Salem, \11\. 561 Wheelock's Narratives of the Origin of the Indian Charity School, &c. Four tracts in one volume, 1763 to 1769. 8vo. 562 Centennial Discourses. — Callender on the History of Rhode Island, 8vo. Fine Copy. Boston, 1739. — Dr. Belknap on the Discovery of America, 1792. — Pwobbins at Plymouth, 1793. This last imperfect. One vol. 563 Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language. 8vo. Mon- trose, 1802. — Mason's Supplement to Do. 8vo.— iV York, 1803. — 2 vols. 564 Annals of the American Revolution. By Jedidiah Morse, D. D. 8vo. Plates. Hartford, 1824. 565 Letters from Illinois. By Morris Birkbeck. 8vo. Second Edition — Notes on a Journey in America. By Morris Birk- beck. 8vo. Third Edition. In one vol. London, \'6\Q. 566 COLLECTIONS, Toi)ogra|)hical, Historical, and Biographical. Relating [)rincipally to New Hampshire. By John Farmer and J. B. Moore. 3 vols. 8vo. Elegant Copy. Concord, 1822, Sfc. 35 567 Travels in America in 1606, lo explore the Alleghany, Monongahe- la, Ohio,, and Mississippi rivers. By Thomas Ashe, Esq. 12mo. London, {Neicbpt. Rep.) Ib08. 568 The Political Farr.ago ; or review of Politics in the U. States from Washington to Jefferson. By Peter Robbins, Esq. &.c. Brat.tkboro , 1807. 569 The Western Gazetteer; or, Emigrant's Directory. By Sam- uel R. Brown. Svo. Auburn, 1817. 570 A Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century. By Samuel Miller, A. M. 2 vols. 8vo. N. York, 1803. 571 God's Wonders in the Great Deep; being amazing Accounts of Sailors unexpectedly delivered from Death. 12nio. Neicburyport, 1805. 572 A Discourse on the Genius and Character of the Rev. Horace Holly, LL. D. By Charles Caldwell, M. D. 8vo. boards. Portrait. Boston, 1828. 573 Indian Biography. By B. B. Thacher, Esq. 2 vols. 18tno. N. York, 1832. 574 Cook's Voyages towards the South Pole, and round the World. 2 vols. Svo. Forty ]jlates. Very scarce. Philadelphia, 1818. 575 A Briefe Narration of the Originall Undertakings of Planta- tions ill the Parts of America. By Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Knt. Svo. London, {Rep.) 1658. 576 The Book of Family Crests, Properly Blazoned and Explained. 2 vols. 12mo. Illuminated title. F. W. P. Greenwood's Auto- graph. London, 1840. 577 American Potashes. By W. Lewis, M. B. F. R. S. 12mo. Sonicivliat damaged before bound. London, 1767. 578 A Diary in America, with Remarks on its Institutions. By Capt. Marryatt, C. B. 3 vols, (in ';!.) ]2mo. Philadelphia, 1839. 579 The Speculator. By Doctors Drake &; Ashe. A Periodical Paper. Vol. 1, (all.) Svo. London, 1790. 580 Duffield's Thanks. Ser. at Philadelphia, on the news of the Peace of 1783. Svo. Philadelphia, 1784. 581 The Missionary Gazetteer. By W. Chapin. 12mo. Woodstock, 1825. 582 Essay on Sepulchres. By William Godwin. 12mo. boards. London, 1809. 583 A Series of FORTY FIVE Original Fast and Thanksffiving PROCLAMATIONS of the Governors of Massachusetts, Presi- dents of Provincial and General Congress, from Gov. Shirley in 1743 to 1824. From 1743 to 1772 but few are missing. Care- fnlly preserved (unfolded) in portfolio. 584 A Gazetteer of the State of Vermont. By Zadock Thompson, A. B. Map. Montpelier, 1824. 585 A Voyage Round the World, in the years 1790, 1791, and 1792; under the conduct of Etienne INIarchand. Translated from the French of Fleurieu. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1801. 586 Travels through the Canadas. By George Heriot, Esq. 12mo. hoards. Philadelphia, 1813. 6 3& 5S7 Democracy Unveiled, or, Tymnny stripped of the Garb of Patri- otism. By Christopher Caustic, LL. D. [F. G. Fessenden.] 2 vols. I'Jmo. N. York, lfe06. 588 A Summary View of America: being Observations made during a Journey in the U. Slates. 13y an Englishman. 8vo. London, 16"J4. 589 Memoirs Concerning the Aflairs of Scotland, from Queen Anne's Accession to the Union in 1707. bvo. London, 1714. 590 The Proceedmgs of the Govt, of the U. States in maintaining the public right to the Beach of the Mississi{)pi, adjacent to N. Or- leans against the Intrusion of Edvir. Livingston. Prepared for the use of Counsel by Thomas JEFFERbON. Bvo. Plan. N. York, 1812. 591 Useful Family Book. The Medical and Agricult. Register. By Daniel Adams, M B. 8vo. Boston, 1808. 592 Gazetteer of N. Hampshire. By John Farmer and J. B. Moore. r2mo. Map and plates. Contains valuable miniature Town His- tories. Concord, 1823. 593 Militia Laws of the State of Connecticut. 12mo. Hartford, 1-6X2. 594 History of the United States by a Citizen of ili«,wfirAw,ve«.v. 12mo. Kcene, N. H., 1^23. 595 Struggles through Life; Travels and Adventures in America, Eu- rope, and Asia. By Lieut. John Harriot. 2 vols. 12mo. London, {Phitada. Rep.) 1809. 59G The Huron Chief, and other Poems. By Adam Kidd. 12mo. Montreal, 1830. 597 A new English Dictionary. Containing also a Dictionary of Scrip- ture Proper Names, and of Religions, bvo. Title torn off. Very old. 598 The History of South America. By William Grimshaw. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1530. 599 Information and Advice to Emigrants to the U. States. By John Melish. ISmo. hoards. Philadelphia, 1819. 600 A Voyage to Hudson's Bay for the Discovering of a N. \V. Pas- sage. By Henry Ellis, Gent. bvo. Map and fine plates. Lomlon, 1748. 601 History of the War of the Inde[)endcnce of the U. States of America. By Charles Botta. 2 vols. bvo. N. Haven, 1839. 602 War in Disguise ; or the Frauds of the Neutral Flags. 8vo. London, {N. York Pep.) 1806. 603 The Dangers of the Country. By the Author of War in Dissime. 8vo. I^ondon, 1807. 604 Voyages. A Voyage to California to Observe the Transit of Ve- nus. By Mons. C. D'Auteroche. Also a Voyage to Newfound- land and Sallee to test Leroy's Time Keepers. By Mons. De Cas- siNi. 8vo. London, 1778. In same volume, Martin's Voyage to St. Kilda, the remotest of all the Hebrides. 8vo. London, 1753. 605 A Universal Biographical Dictionary; also Notices of eminent living Characters. 8vo. Twenty Portraits. Kichmond, 1821. 606 A Voyage Round the World. A Remarkable Enterprise, begun 37 in the year 1719, cliielly lo Cruise on the Spaniards in the Great Soiuh Ocean. By William Betugh, Captain in that Ex|)edition. 8vo. London, 1728. THIRD DAY'S SAZ.!!. N. B.— NILES REGISTER will be sold at 12 o'clock, M. 607 The United States Gazetteer. By Joseph Scott. 12mo. Maps of all the States. PkUada. 1795. G08 Further Disclosures by Maria Monk. 18mo. Portrait. N. York, 1837. .609 Fast Sermon occasioned by the Present War. By William Par- kinson, A. M. 8vo. N Yoric, 1812. In same Volmne, Narrative and Remarks concerning the Rej)orts which have gone abroad about William Parkinson. 8vo. N. York, 1813. 610 Dr. Cha])in's Sermon on the Death of President Dwight 8vo. Neto Haven, 1817. 611 Letters from England. By Don Manuel Alvarez Es2Jrirlla. [Rob- ert Southey.] 12mo. Boston, 1808. 612 Events in Paris of July 1830. 12mo. Tricolored. Boston, 1830. 613 Spafford's Gazetteer of Massachusetts. 12mo. Map. Neicburyport., 1826. 614 The North Eastern Boundary of the U. States. By (Nathan Hale.j lomo. Boston, 1832. 615 Sketches of Loicer Canada. By Joseph Sanson, Esq. 12mo. hoards. Plates. N. York, 1817. 616 A Gazetteer of France, containing every City, Town, and Village. 3 Vols. 12mo. Elegant maps. London, 1793. i617 Narratives of Voyages and Excursions on the Coast and in the Interior of Central America. By O. W. Fwoberts. ]8mo. Notes by Edward Irving. EdinbtirgJi, lt<27. 618 A Discourse on the History of Pthode Island, at the close of the second century. By the Rev. A. A. Ross. 12rao. This of course, is a continuation of Callender. Providence, 18;18. 619 American Tracts. — A View of ihe Hist, of Massachusetts Bay. By Israel Manduit. 8vo 2d Ed. Scarce. London, 1774. Dean Tucker s Four Tracts and Two Sermons on Amer. Affairs. — A Letter to Dr. Tucker on his Proposal of a separation be- tween G. Britain and her Amer. Colonies. 8vo. 1774. 620 Gazetteer of the State of Michigan. By John T. Blois. 12mo. Detroit, 1838. 621 Memoirs of Anthony Benezet. By Roberts Vaux. \2mo, boards. Plate. Phil at (a. 1817. 622 Gazetteer of Ohio, and Traveller's Guide. 12mo, revised edition. By Warren Jenkins. 3Iap. Columbus, 1837. 623 An Account of the European Settlements in America. By [Ed- mund Burke.] 2 vols. 8vo, large paper. London, 1777. 3< ^r; -i5 I'^'KV 38 624 Thoughts upon the Political Situation of the United States of America. By [G. Ft. Minot] 8vo. rortrait. Worcester, 1788. 625 Leisure Hours at Sea: Being a few Poems by a Midshipman of the U. States Navy. 12mo. i\: York, 1825. 626 An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands. By William Mariner. 2 vols. 8vo. Plates and Map. London, \SIS. 627 Biographical Sketches of eminent Lawyers, Statesmen, and Men of Letters. By S. L. Knapp. 8vo. Boston, 1821. 628 Travels in some Parts of America in 1804, 5, and 6. By Kobt. SuTCLiFFE. 12mo. Piate. PhiladeJplda, 1812. 629 A Voyage to South America. Describing at large the Cities and Towns in that extensive Country. By Dox Antonio De Ulloa. 2 Vols. 8vo. Maps and plates. London, 1806. 630 Sketches of "Western Adventure. By John A. M' Clung. 12ino. Plates. Cincinnati, 1836. 631 State of the British and French Colonies in North America. 8vo. London, 1755. 632 A Gazetteer of the Netherlands. 12mo. Map. London, 1194. 633 Annals of Tryon County, or the Border Warfare of Nno York. By W. W. Campbell. 8vo. Plates. K York, 1831. 634 An Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1774. 635 Buck's Theological Dictionary. Large paper. 8vo. Phila. 1830. 636 The Life of Robert Earl of Leicester, the Favorite of Queen Elizabeth. Svo. Portrait. London, 1727. 637 A Sermon preached at the Ordination of Mr. Jeremiah Condy. By John Callender, A. M. Svo. Boston, 1739. Mr. Callender was the author of the well known Centennial Discourse on the History o*" Rhode Island. 638 Two Sermons on the Earthquake of 1727. By Thomas Paine, M. A. 12mo. Boston, 1728. 639 The American in Alders, or the Patriot of '7G in Captivity. A Poem. 12mo. ^ N. York, 1797. 640 A Sermon Preached at New-London, the 21st of Feb. 1741-2. By Samuel Seabury. 12mo. N. London, 1742. 641 Proposals for Printing by Subscription, the History of Vice Admi- ral Sir Thomas Brazen, &c. In three volumes, 4 to. By Thomas Thumb, Esq. Svo. s. I. 1760. 642 The State of Religion among Protestant Dissenters in Virginia, &c. By Samuel Davies, V. D. M. Svo. Boston, 1751. The same Rev. Samuel Davies who after Braddock's defeat, uttered that famons ' prophecy ' concerning Washington. 643 The Conduct of Maj. Gen. Shirley in North America, Briefly Stated. Svo. London, 1758. 644 The State of Trade in the Northern Colonies considered, &c. Svo. Boston, 1749. 645 A Sermon on the Usefulness of Souldiers, preached to an Artil- lery Company at Guilford. By Thomas Ruggles, A. M. l2mo. N. London, \1?,1. 646 Some Observations on the Proceedings against the Rev. Mr. Hemphill, 12mo. Printed and sold by B. TRAyiKt.iN. 1735. 39 647 The CUB new lick'd ; A New Story of an Old Monster. 8vo. s. I. s. d. 648 The Impeachment of Gen. Lafayette, supported by M. Brissot de WarviJ/c, and his Defence by M. Vauhlanc, with the Supple- ment, &c. Translated from the French. By William Cohbrtt. 8vo. rhi/adclpliia, 1793. 649 A Sermon concerning Prejudice in Matters of IIeligion. By Thomas Symmes, A. M. and V. D. M. 12mo. Boston, 1722. Mr. Symmes was llie auihor of ihe memoir of ihe celebrated Fight at Pigwarket. &c. 650 A Faithful Narrative of the Proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Council convened at Salem in 1734. Sm. Svo. Boston, 1735. Contains ihe Aulograph o{ Judge Lynch, brother-in-law to Gov. Hulcliinson. 651 A Letter from Common Honesty to Common Sense. 12mo. Boston, Cornhill, n. d. ' He called me all the Rascals he conld think of; said I was one of those concerned in mob- bing his Master about the Excise Bill, and shut the door in my face.' €52 Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, &c. By Richard Price, D. D. F. R. Svo. London, (Rep. Boston,) 1776. Contains Aulograph o{ Eartholomeiv Kneeland, and a record of the Death of Dr. Price in MS. 653 The Address of the People of Great-Britain to the Inhabitants of America. Svo. London, 1115. 654 Memoirs of the Last War between the English and Fre7icli in N. America, from its commencement in 17^14 to the Treaty at Aix la Chapelle. Svo. London, {Rep. Boston,) 1758. 655 The Hermit : Or an Account of F. A. J. Phyle, who lived without the use of fire for u{)wards of 22 years, in a small cave, in the midst of a wood near Mount Holly, in Burlington, N. J., and was found dead in the year 1780. By John Atkinson. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1 S 1 1 . 656 The Analectic Magazine, from the Commencement in 1813 to its close in 1820. 15 vols. Svo, Many Plates. Philadelphia. Contains numerous articles by the best writers of the day. The valuable articles of Biogra- phy are chiefly from the pen of Washington Irving. 657 A View of the United States of America. By Tench Coxe, Esq. Svo. Philadelphia, {London Rep.) 1795. 658 A General History of the British Empire in America. By INTr. Wynne. 2 vols, 8vo. London, 1770. A work of very good authority, and may very generally be relied upon as accurate. 659 Miscellaneous, (10.) — Correspondence between John Adams AND W. CuNiNGHAM, 1823 — Pickcriug's Review of the Corres- pondence, 1S24. — Trial of J. T. Buckmngham for Libel on Maffit, 1822,— D. L. Child for Libel on Keyes, 1824.— Principles of Mr. Adams's Administration, 1828. 660 History of the Islands of Cape Breton and St. Johns. Svo. London, 1670. 661 MADOC. a Poem by Robert Southey. 2 vols in one, Svo. Boston, 1806. 662 History of Dorchester. By T. M. Harris, D. D. Svo, imperfect. 663 Graphic Sketches from Old and Authentic Works, illustrating In- dian Life, Manners, and Habits. Svo, numerous plates. N. York, 1841. 40 G61 The Mystery of Christ opened and applyed. In several Sermons. By INCREASE MATHER. 12mo. Boston, 16SG. 665 The Gknius of Oblivion; and other original Poems. By a Lady of N. Hamp.shire. [i\lrs. S.J. Hale. J 12mo. Most elegant speci- onen of binding. Concord, 1823. 666 Voyage dans La. Haute Pen'sylvanie a New York. Par un Membra adoptif de la Nation Oneida. 3 vols. 6vo. Splendid Portrait of Washington and several Indian chiefs. Paris, 1801. 667 An Exposition of the Conduct of France towards America. By Lewis Goldsmith. 2d Ed. N. York, 1810. 668 Sketches of the Judicial History of Massachusetts. By Emery Washburn. 8vo. Boston, 1840. 669 The New Practical Navigator. The First Amer. from the 13th English Edition of John Hamilton Moore. Improved by A Skilful Mathematician and Navigator. [Nathaniel Bowditch.J 670 A Treatise of the SYSTEM OF THE WORLD. By Sir Isaac Newton. 8vo. 2d Ed. London, 1731. 671 Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematic Philosophy. More easily De- monstrated. With Dr. Halley's Account of COMETS, illus- trated. By WilliaM W^histon, M. A. 8th Ed. London, 1716. 672 Letters of Eliza Wilkinson during the Invasion of Charleston, S. C. in the Revolution. .By Caroline Oilman. ]2mo. New York, 1839. 673 Poems, Dramatic and Miscellaneous. By Mrs. M. Warren. 12mo. Fine copy in original bimling Boston, 1790. 674 Miscellaneous. (9) Slilhnan's Ser. on the Repeal of the Stamp Act, 1766. — Sermon by Elias Smith, 1806. — Reflections occasioned by a Public Execution at Boston. 1822. — ^Poems by Selleck Osborn, 1823. — Poems by Thos. Hood. — Peck's Poem on the ' Universal Plan,' 1823. — Piertont's Disc to the Ant. and Hon. Art. Co. 1828.— ILLUSTRATIONS OF MASONRY, by William Morgan, 1829. 12mo. 675 A History of the INDIAN WARS with the first settlers of the U. States to the Subjection of the Indians by Gen Jackson. 12mo. Rochester, 1828. 676 Memoirs of Roger Clapp. 8vo. Boston, 1844. 677 BiBLioTiiECA Americana: A Catalogue of Books, Pamphlets, &.c. relating to America. 4to. London, 1789. 678 Hisloire ct Description Generale de la Nonvelle France, avec le Journal Historic d'un Voyage fait par ordre du Rov dans I'Ameri- que Scplentrionale. Par le P. DE CHARLEVOIX, de la Compagnie de JESUS. 3 Vols. 4 to. Many Ma|)s. Very scarce. Paris, 1744. The Ijcsl copy of {h'\< iiu-aluiible work wliich has ever come wiihin my knowled-re. 679 A Display of Ileraldric; reduced to Method by the Study and Industry of John Guillim, late Pursuivant at Amies. Fourth Ed. Faithfully collested by Francis Novver, Student in Heraldry. Folio. Elegant Copy. Cuts of Arms. London, 1660. 680 The History of the World : By the learned Donyisius Petavius. Portrait. Curious maps of America seldom found in copies for 41 sale. On it are Portraits of Magellan, Oliver Van Noort, Drake and Cavendish. Folio. London, 1659. 081 Lingard's E.ngland : That part embiacing the Reigns of Mauy and Elizabeth. 4to, paper. London, lb2:3. 682 The Compact with tlic Charter and Laws of the Colony of Kew PlymoLiih. Edited by William Brigham, Esq. royal bvo. Boston, 1S36. 683 The NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY of distinguished Americans. 4 Vols, royal 8vo. Elegantly hound uitli alt the Por- traits — 146 in number. Entirely neiv and clean. PIdladelplda, 1835. 684 The Biographical Mirrour: Comprising a series of Ancient and Modern English Portraits, from Original Pictures and Draw- ings. Published by S and E. Harding 3 Vols. 4to. Splendid binding. — Of great scarcity, and Jiighly prized. London, 17'J5. 685 The Life of the Celebrated Sir Francis Dr-ke, the First Eng- lish circumnavigator. Reprinted from the Biogra[)hia Britannica, small Folio. Two Plates. London, lb28. 686 An Historical Account of the E.xpedition against the Ohio Indians in the year 1764. Under the command of Henry Bouquet, Esq. 4 to. Plo,ns of Marches and Battles, Views of Councils, Treaties, and release of Prisoners, finely engraved from original Paintings, by West. A matchless copy. London, 17G6. 687 Voyages from Montreal, on the river St. Lawrence, and through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen v^nd Pacific Oceans. In the years 1789 and 1793. By Alexander Mackenzie, Esq. 4 to Portrait and Maps. Lo7tdon, 1791. 688 The History, Civil and Commercial of the British Colonies in the West Indies. By Bryan Edwards, Esq. F. R. S. S. A. 3 Vols. 8vo. 3d Edition. Many Plates and Maps. Elegardly bound. A London, ISOl. 689. The History of the Origin, Progress, and Termination of the American War. By C. 'Sit^dum^, tvho served under Sir W Howe, Sir H. Clinton, and the Marquis Cornwallis. 2 Vols. 4to. Origi- nal calf binding. Autogra[)h of John Pintard of N. York, with Autograph of Rivington, also, who procured him this copy in 1795. Londo7i, 1794. 690 An Historical Collection of Voyages and Discoveries in the south Pacific Ocean. By Alexander Dalrymple, Esq. 4to. Many Maps, and Portrait of the Author inserted. London, 1770. 691 The History of America, from its Discovery by Columbus to the Conclusion of the Late War. 2 vols. 8vo. Portraits of many of the Di.'icoverers and others, vieics, ^'C. ^c. By William Ru^SEI,L, Esq. of Grays Inn. London, 1778. This vriter is ihe Au:hor also of the still valuable and popular History of Modern Europe. 692 Queen Elizabeth's Progresses, Public Processions, &,c. Collected and Edited by John Nichols, F. S. A. Illustrated, toith XLV. Plates. A most curious work — rare. London, 17 S8. 693 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Sir Philip Sidney. By Thomas Zouch, D. D., F. L. S. 2d. Ed. 4lo, boards. Splendid Portrait York, 1809. 42 694 The Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, Knight. By Arthur Caylet, Jr. E.^q. 2 vols, in one, 4to. Splendid Portrait. London, 1?05. The most full and accuralc. Li(e of Ralegh, thai has yel appeared. Ii comaiiis also his Irial, and what of his works ihai have any permanent value. 695 An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America, for the years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760. By Capt. John Knox, who served under Gen. Amherst. 2 vols. 4to. Portrait of Amherst. London, 1769. 696 A Genealogical Pwegister of the First Settlers in New England. By John Farmer. 8vo. Very scarce. Lancaster, \'62^. 697 A Review of the Military Operations in North America from 1753 to the surrender of Oswego in 1756. By [William Livingston] 4 to. London, 1757. 698 The History of America by Dr. Robertson, and History of the United States in a Continuation to the Present Time. By David MTntosh, LL. D. 4to. Plates. London, 1817. 699 An Account of the First Discovery and Natural History of Florida. By William Roberts. 4to. Maps. Very rare. London, 1763. In the same volume. — A Descrijifion of East Florida. By John 'Qk'EiTKkM., Botanist to his Majesty for the Floridas. 4 to. Maps. Very rare. London, 1769. 700 The History of the AMERICAN INDIANS. By James Ai.atr, Esq., loho resided among them forty years. 4to. Exceeding scarce. London. \llo. 701 A Concise Description of the English and French Possessions in North' America. By J. Palairet. 8vo, 2d Ed. London, M 55. 702 A Brief View of the Conduct of Pennsylvania, for the year 1755, &c. &c. 8vo. London, 1756. 703 An Account of the French Settlements in North America. By a Gentleman. 8vo. Boston, 1746. 704 The Revolution in New England Justified, and the People there Vindicated, &c. 8vo. Boston, 1773. 705 A Narrative of the Captivity of Robert Eastburn, among the Indians. By Rev. Gilbert Tennent 8vo. P//^7. (Rep. Best.) 1758. 706 Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution. By Richard Price, D. D. LL D. 8vo. London, (Rep. Boston,) 1784. 707 Massachusetts Election Sermons from 1074 to the Peace of 1783v 47 vols. Various sizes, but tini/or7n binding. Viz. Torrey, 1674.— Hubbard, 1676.— Beloher, 1707.— Hancock, 1722.— Colnnan, 1723.— Sewall, 1724.— Thayer, 1725.— Foxcroft, 1727.- Wise, 1729— Piime, 1730.— risk, 1731.- Swift, 1732, WijTglesworih. 17.33.— Barnard, 17.34.- Prentice, 1735.— Holvi'ke, 1736.— Lorin-r, 17-37.— Sewall, 1740.— Williams, 1741.- Lewis, 1748.— Welsteed, 1751.— .Mavhew, 1754 — Checkley, 1755,— Pemberton, 1757.— Frink, 1758.— Parsons, 1759.— Stevens, 1761.— Williams, 17C2.— Kliot, 1765.— B.trnard, 176'").— Shute, 1768.— Haven, 17o9.— Cooke, 1770.- Tucker, 1771.— M. Parsons. 1772. —Turner, 1773.— Hitchcock, 1774.— G.-rdon. 1775.— West, 1776.— Webster, 1777 —Pay.son, 1778 — Howard, 17ti0.— Cooper, 1730.— Adains, 1732.— Cummings, 1783.— Symmes, 1785.— Strong, 1700. 708 Of the Use and Abuse of Parliaments. By [James Ralph, Esq.] 2 Vols. 8vo. London, 1744. A work of merit and unquestionably the production of Ralph, the friend and countryman of FRANKLtN. He wrote Poems and did nol like Pope; hence a sufficient reas>on for his being spitud in the Ddnciad. 709 The Missionary Gazetteer. By B. B. Edwards. 12mo. Numer- ous cuts. Boston, 1832. 43 710 An Historical View of the First Planters of New England. By Thomas Robbins, D. D. ISibo. icitU an autograph Letter of the author. Scarce. ^ Hartford, 1815. 711 A Defence of the Revolntionary History of N. Carolina, from the As[)ersions of Mr Jofferiion. By J. Seawell Jones. 12mo. Boston., 1834. 712 The Private Jonrnal of Capt. G. F. Lyon, of His Majesty's ship Ilecla, ia the Voyage to the North, under Capt. Parry. 12mo. Boston, 1824. 713 Apthorp and IMayhew. — The complete series of nine tracts for and against the ' Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts.' 8vo. v. p. 1763 to 17G5. — In Same Vol- ume, Dr. Wheelock's Narrative of the INDIAN CHARITY SCHOOL 8vo. Boston, 1763. 714 A True Narrative of the surprise of Capt. Hutchinson and Wheeler hy the Quahaog Indians in 1675, and the slaughter of many of their men. By Thomas Wheeler, who was sorely wounded in that surprise. 4to. Partly supplied by MS. Boston, 1675, Tills Tracl wns sn scarce n hniulred ycnrs ajo.thnt it seems not 10 have been known 10 Gov. HuTCHlN-nx wljei; lie MTole Ins Hi-iKirv cj" Mass.iclui-flls. al;liniigh Capt. HUTClll.vsoN, who was trKirially wounded in mat ainliusli was his iniiiiediale ancestor. 715 AMERICA PAINTED TO TtlE LIFE. Written by Sir Fer- DiNANDO Gorges, Knight. 4to. Fhte Preservation. London, 1658. In the Same volume. — A Brief Nariative of the Originall Under- taking, into the Parts of New England, &c. 4to. By Sir Ferdi- NANDo Gorge.<, Knight. 4to. London, 1658. 716 Biographia Arnei'icana ; or Lives of Distinguished Americans. By B. F. French, bvo. Mcny Portraits. Philadelphia, 1825. 717 The History of the NEW WORLD. By Don Juan Baptista Muxoz. Svo. Yii\. 'I. {all ever published.) London, ITdl. 718 lOYFULL NEVVES ovt of the New founde Worlde. Englished by Ihon Frampton, Merchant. 4 to. In the very best of binding. London, 1577. Dilit'in does not appear lo have known of this farlh^t edition of Framptov. ' Several edlii'iiis 111 ihe iiri;;iiial wc.rk in Spanish by MoNAKnAs, of which Frainplon's is a traii-laiioM, are in H. C. Library. 'J'lie only iranslaiion thai I hear of him, loOG." MS. Nute of G. LiVKRMoKt:, Esq. 719 Essays on the Present Cri.sis in the Condition of the AMERICAN INDIANS. By William Pcnn. [Mr. Jeremiah Evarts.j Svo. Boston, 1829. 720 PvccoUections of the last Ten Years in the Valley of the Missis- si|ipi. By Timothy Flint. Svo. Very scarce. Boston, 1826. 721 A History of the Selllemeuts and Trade of the Eurojieans in the East and West Indies. By the Abbe Raynal. 8 vols. 8vo. Portrait and Maps. A superior copy. London, 1783. 722 The Campaign of 1781, in the Carolinas, with remarks on John- son's Life of Gen. Greene. Svo. Pliiladelphia, 1824. 723 Collections of the N. York Historical Society. 3 vols. Svo. N. York, 1812, &c. 724 The same, Second Series. Containing Verazzeno's Voyage to 7 44 America in 1524. — Lauibreclitzeu's New NeLberlands, 1718. De Vries to Delaware. — Hisi. of New Sweedland, &,c. 8vo. Neiv York, 1841. 725 Americnn Criminal Trials. By Pclcg W. Chandler. 12mo. Por- trait of Stoiighton. Boston, 1841. 726 Miscellaneous. — Robin's New Travels through North America, 1784. — Description and Gazetteer of Upper Canada, 1799. — Acct. of the Mass. Hist. Soc. — Account of Lilchtield, Conn. 1815. — De Wit Clinton's Memoir on the Anticiuilics of the Western part of New York, i818.^^Eiikbeck's Reply to Cobbet, &c. 1819. 727 Letters from a Farmer [Joun Dickinson] in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the Rritish Colonies. 12mo. Boston, 17G8. 728 An Universal, Biographical, and Historical Dictionary. ]^y John Watktns. 8vo. London, 1800. 729 The Present State of Great Britain and North America. Bvo. London, 1767. 730 Entertaining Passages relating to Philip's War. With some Ac- count of Ben.). Church, Esq. By Thomas Church. 4to. Among the rarest pieces (in this form) on iVii/z/j'cS' War. Interleaved for Annotations. Boston, 1716. 731 Travels in Peru, including a Ptesidence in Potosi. By Edmund Temple. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1833. 732 Sheridan's Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. 8vo. Fourth Edition, revised. London, 1797. 733 A Survey of ENGLAND'S CHAMPIONS, and Truth's faithful Patriots. By Josiau Ricraft. With tlie lively portradarcs of the Several Commanders, bvo. Elegantly hound. London, {Rep.) 1647. 734 An Historical Account of All the Voyages Round the World, per- formed by English Navigators. 4 vols. bvo. Maps and Plates. London, 1774. 735 A History of the American Revolution ; comprehending all the Principal Events in the Field and Cabinet. By Paul Allen, Esq. 2 vols. bvo. Baltimore, 1819. 736 The LATE WAR with Great Britain. Written in the ancient Historical [Bible] style. By Gilbert J. Hunt. 12mo. Portraits. Third Edition. N. Ycjrk, \ii\'d. 737 An Im]nn1inl and Correct History of the LATE WAR with Eng- land. By T. OcoNNEii. 12mo. Fourth Edition. N.Yort:,\mi. 738 K General Vi(;\v of the Brilliant Achievements of the jhnerican Navy, and tlip Greek Revolution, to the Glorious Victory of Nararino. Thick )2mo. Brooklyn, 1828. 739 Notices of the War of 1812. By John Armstrong. Vol I. l2mo. Neiv York, 1636. 7H) History of the Late War with England. By II. M. Brac- kenridge, Esq. 12mo. Fourth Edition. Many Copper Plates. But Ilium, 1818. 741 A Narrative of the Affair of Qvecnstoivn in the War of 1812. By Solomon Van Rensselaer. Map. N. York, 1836. 742 A. Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, who was taken 45 prisoner in the Laic W:ir, and linally imprisoned at Dartmoor, with an Account of the Massacre of American Prisoners. ]2nio. Folding Plate of the Massacre. Scarce. Boston, 1816. 743 Military Operations on the Delaware during the Late War. ]2mo. Philadelphia, 1820. 74 1 Barhariiies of the Enemy, exposed in a Report of a Committee of Con2;ress. 12mo. IVoreestcr, 1815. 745 The Pride of Britannia Humbled. By Willia^i Cor.HETT, Esq. 12rao. Phdadclphia, 1815. 746 Notes on the IVar in the South. By N. II. Claihor^e. 12mo. Richmond, 1819. 747 An Authentic History of the SECOND WAR, for Independence, &:c. By Samuel Pi.. Brown. 12mo, hoards. Auburn, 1815. 748 Views of the Campaigns of the North Western Array, &c. By Samuel P^. Brown. 12mo, boards. Trotj, N. Y., 1814. 749 An Authentic History of the Late War, by Sea and Land. By Paris jM. Davis of the Army. r2mo, cids. N. York, 1836. 750 The Mihtary and Naval Operations in the Canadas, during the Late War with the U. States. By Robert Christie, Esq. 12 mo, boards. Quebec, 1818. 751 Baine's History of the LATE WAR, with Additions by E. H. Cummins. 12rao. Baltimore, 1820. 752 History of the LATE WAR. By David Thompson, late of the Royal Scots. 12mo, boards. Niagara, U. C, 1832. 753 A History of the Late War. By John C. Gilleland. 12mo. Baltimore, 1817. 754 Battle of Lake Erie, Avith notices of Commodore Elliot's conduct. By Hon. Tri&tram Burgess. r2mo. With diagrams. Providence, 1839. 755 ^he History of the LATE WAR, with an Account of the Events which led to its Declaration. 18mo, boards. N. York, 1832. 756 Documents explaining the Failure of the Northern Cami)aign. 12mo. Albany, 1814. 757 Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans. By Ctleig, iclio served in that army. 8vo, boards. London, 1821, 758 A New Survey of England, wherein the defects of Camden are supplied, i,\ &c. With tlie Names of the Leading Officers in the Army. By Samuel l'2mo. Of very great rarity. N. London, 1747. 782 A Dissertation, wherein the strange Doctrine, to Encourage Un- saiH'iified Persons, is E.\amined and Confuted. By ]ncrea>e Matuer, D. D. 12mo. The Pre/ace is of some Tlislnrical vaJue. Boston, 1708. 783 A Topographical Descri|)lion of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana By a late Officer in the U. S. Army. [ Cutler] 12 mo Plates' Boston, 1812. 784 NILES' REGISTER, Complete from the Commencement in 1811 to l84o. G5 voliuiies, uniformJy hound. Baltimore and WasJiingtcn, 1811 — '43. Subsrribei's Copy. Hon. .Ioh.n Baily tn Veil. 41, and ir.yself lo llic ccMiclusion. 785 TRACTS. 12mo. Short and Candid Enquiry inio the Divinity of Christ, in Ans. to Dii. Priestly. By Chaiiles H. Wuauton, D. D. 12mo. Wilmington, 1791.— Leslie's Short Method wilh the Deists, 1783 — An Academical Exercise, by Morgan E. Edwards, 1767. IMillenninm Last Novelties, by IMorgan Ed- wards, 1788. — The Case of the Episcopal Churches in the U. S. 17b2.— The DISSENTING GENTLEMAN'S third and last Letter, 174 9. 78G A Narrative of the Travels of John Vandclenr among the Indians on the Western Continent. ISrao. Hallovcll, 1617. 787 The Posthumous Works of Ann Eliza Bleecker, in Prose and Verse. 12mo. Very rare. N. York, 1193. 768 Voyage dans I/Interiein- des Etats-Unis, a Bath, Winchester dans la Vallee de Shenandoah, etc. Pendant TEte de 1791. Par M. Bayard. 8vo. Paris, An. VI. 789 The Life of John Paut. Jones. To which is prefixed, llie Life and Adventures of PETER WILLIAMSON. 18mo, boards. Albany, 1809. 790 Contemplations on Mortality. By Samuel Lee, BI. A. Some time Fellciv of Wadliam College, Oxon. 18mo. Boston, 1C98. Mr. Lre preached fir a lime in Bristol, R. L Col. Chircii was one of his parishioners. 791 A Short Relation of the Riner Nile. ]8mo London, XfSl'i. 792 Two Sermons: The Christians Behavior under JScccabrmcnts. l^y John Barnard, A. -M. 18mo. Bo.ston, 1714. 793 The Just Man's 33rcrognti\3e. A Sermon preached privately, Se|>t. 27th, on the Death of Simeon Stoddard. By S. Willard. 18mo. Boston, 170(5. 794 IBElCIaXXEiaiftt aSIff ^TOOSeiW : An HISTORY of Remarkable Occurrences in the Long WAR, which New England hath had 48 with the IXDt^X SSmi^^eJHS. From 1688 to 1698. ■ By [Cotton Mather, D. D\ ismo. Boston, 1C99. 795 A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America. By Lyonel Wafer. Svo. Curious Pkites. London, 1699. 796 Tlie CONQUEST of CANAAN; A Poem, in Eleven Books. By Timothy Dwight. 12mo. Autograph oJ"E}i enezer Pember- TON. Hart ford, 1765. 797 British Colonization and Colored Tribes. By S. Bannister. 12mo. Authors Autog I ajjJi. London, ]boS. 79S Voyage A L'Oaest des Monts Alleghanys, Sec. Par F. A. M.CHAUX, M. D. Svo. Paris, ISOl. 799 A Narrative of the INDIAN WAPtS in N. England from the first Planting thereof in the year 1607, to the year 1677. By William Hubbard, A M. ]2mo. l]~orcesfcr, 1801. 800 Sermon preached at the Lectnre in Boston. By Benjamin Col- man. 12mo. Boston, \1\1. yOl The Massachnsetts Ps.\lter. with the Gospel of John, in IN- DIAN and ENGLISH. 12mo. Boston, Vi [id. A fine clean copy in Original Biiidiiig. 802 A Confession of Faith owned and consented nnto by the El- ders and Messengers of the Churches Assembled at Boston in N. Enii' May 12, 1680. Being the Second Session of that Synod. In INDIAN AND ExNGLISH. By Grindal Rawson. 12mo. MUSHAUWOMUK, 1699. Of extreme rarity. Autographs of E'.iphaht A'lams and James Bowdoin. 803 Family Education and Government: A Discourse in the Choctaw Language. By L. S Williams. Svo. 1835. 804 Hymns in the Ojibway Language. Svo. Boston, 1836. 805 O-jib-ue Spellingbook, designed for the use of Native learners. Svo. 2d Ed. " Boston, 1835. 806 Old Testament Bible Stories, Natural History, «Scc. in O-jib-ue, 8vo. Numerous cuts. Boston, 1835. 807 Sioux Spellingbook. Many neat icood engravings. 12mo. Boston, 1836. 808 Child's Catechism in Choctaw. 12ino. Boston, 1835. 809 Pv,eligious Tracts in Choctaw. 12mo. Boston, 1835. 810 Chahta Na-Holhtina: or Choctaw Arithmetic. 12mo. Boston, 1835. 811 Choctaw Spellingbook, with Prayers and other IMatters added. 12mo. Boston, 1835. 812 Gallaudet's Picture Defining and Pteading Book, also New Testa- ment vStories in the O.iusua langunge. 12mo. Bostott, 1835. 813 An Interesting Account of the Voyages and Travels of Capts. Lewis and Clark, over-land to the shores of the Pacific Ocenn. By WiLi.iAM Fisher, Estp 12n)0. Ba'timore, 1812. 814 Poems, upon several Sermons, preached by the Rev. and Re- nowned George Whitefield, while in Boston. A Neio Years Gift, from a Daughter of Liberty, and lover of Truth. ]2mo. Boston, nil. Curious wood cut of Mr. Whitefield preaching from a pulpit. 49 815 Copy of Letters sent to Great Britainhy his Excellency Tliomas Hutchinson, Hon. Andreio Oliver, and several other Persons, Born and E:lucatcd amonq us, &LC., &CQ,. 8vo. Wants title. Boston, Ml 3. These were ilie since relebriiied Leticrs wliirh caused Dr. Fiankliii so much iruuble, and over ihe ol)iaiiiiiig of which, so much mystery was suspended. 816 A Topo2;rapl)ieal Descrijition of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina. Coniprehendiiii;: the Pv.ivers Ohio, Kknhawa, Scioto, Cherokee, Wabash, Illinois, cScc. And nn Appendix, containing Mr. Patrick Kennedy's Journal up the Illinois Kiver, &-C., &:c. 12 mo. Vcnj scarce. Boston, 11 bT. A great raiiiy. Many MS. adililioiis, folding plales, &o. 817 The Benefactors of Yale College, a Poetical Attemfit. f /iy John II(d>bard.\ 12rno. Boston, 1733. 818 The Present State of North America. By [Jolm Hushr, Esq.] Svo. London, {licp. Boston,) 17oo. 819 A Scheme to drive the French out of All the Continent of America. Svo. Boston, 1755. 820 IMemoir of J. P. Purry, presented to the Duke of Newcastle on the Present state of Carolina. Li French,. Printed tvitJiout title passe. 4 to. Dated, London, 1724. 821 An Historical Account of the Small-Pox innoculated in New England, &e. By Zabdiel Boylston, F. R. S. Svo. Boston, 1730. 822 An Aflecting Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Mrs. INIary Smith, taken by the Indians. Curious folding- plate, colored. ]2mo. Providence, n. d. 823 The Boston Chronicle for the year 17G8. With Many Supple- ments and Extia(>rtlinary Papers. 4to. A perfect copy -with Imlix. 824 Travels Through the Middle Settlements in North America, in the years 1759 and 1760; with Observations upon the State of the Colonies. By the Rev. Andrew Burnaby, D. D. Third Edition. 4to. Map, London, 17 98. 825 The Stranger in America : Being Observations made during a long Residence in that country. By Charles W. Janson, Esq. Numerous tinted plates. London, 1S07. 826 Pwiiins of an Ancient City discovered near Palenque, in the King- dom of Guatemala. By Capt. Don Antonio del Rio. Also a Critical Research into the History of the Americans [Indians.] By Dr. Cakkera. Curinus Drawings. 4to. J^ondon, 1^22. 827 A'Voynge ROUND THR WORLD ; performed by order of His Christian Majesty, in tlie years 1766, 7, S, and 9. By Louis De Bougainville, Col. of Foot, and Com. of the Fcj>editlon. 4to. Manif elesravt viaps. London, 1772. 828 The History of the British Dominions in North America, from its larst Discovery in 1497, to the Peace of 1763. 4io. Map. London, 1763. 829 New and Authentic History of England, from the remotest period to the close of the year 176S. By the Hon. Hugh Clarendon, Esq. 2 Vols. 4to. Numerous Historical plates and Portraits of all the Sovereigns. London, 1770. 830 A Review of Part of Pvisdon's Survey of Devon. By William Chapple, Esq. 4to. Exeter, 1785. 50 In same Volume — The Histoiy of Tannton in the Co. Somerset. By Joshua Toulmin, A. M. 4to. Map. London, 17'J1. 831 Siincue"s Aliliiary Journal. A Hisiory of tlie Operations of the Queens Ptangens, under Ihe coniuiaud of Col J. G. Suicoe, dming the Aiueiican llevolution. 8vo. 2''cn 2)1(1108 of Battles. N. York, 1?44-. 832 Travels Through the United States of N. America, the Country of the Iroquois, aatl Upper Canada, in the years 17y5-G-and7. By the DnKK de L^ IIociiefoucault Lia.ncourt. 2 Vols. 4lo. Maps. Highly vakioJj.'c. London, Md^. 833 jNEVV'S PAPERS. — A curious volume; printed chiefly on the Continent in the JV year of the French Republic, (179G,) viz. at Paris, Bordeaux, Cassel, Madrid, «fec. &c. 4to. 834 CouRiKR DE LoNDRES.— A FRENCI-1 NEWSPAPER pubhshed ill liondon in IbOl. 2 vols. 4to. 835 A Siaiement of the Arts and Manufactures of the U. States for the vear 1810. By Tknoh Coxi., Esq. 4to. FkUadelpina. \^\^. 836 Voyage fait par Ordre du Roy en 1750 el: 1751, dans L'AMER- ]QUE Septentrionale, poiu" rectifier les Cartes des CoTKsdc L'A- CADiR. Par IM. De CuAiiEux. 4io. Paris, 1753. 837 TOWN AND OTUEU LOCAL HISTORIES. A History of BOS- TON, the IMelropolis of Massachusetts. By Caleb H. Sxow, M. D. Second EHtion, Plates, Fine copy. Boston, 1828. 838 A Topographical and Historical Description of BOSTON, fiom the first Selilement to the present period. By Charles Shaw, Esq. 12 mo, P:at.cs Boston, lb 17. 839 A Survey of BOSTON and its Vicinity. By John G. Hales. 12rao. P: ate and Map. Boston, \'B1\. 840 The History of the Old South Church in BOSTON, in Four Ser- mons. By Be.v.ia.min B Wisnrr, pastor, bvo. Boston, 1830. 841 An Historical Sketch of the First Church in Boston. By the laie Rev. Wili.iam Emerson. 8vo, hoards. Boston, 1812. 842 The History of DEDHAM from the beginning of its Selilement to 1827. By Euastus WortuingtoiN. 8vo, boards. Authors Aato'^ra,ph. Boston, 1827. 843 Thc^Hisiorv and Description of the City of NEW YORK. By James Hardik, A. M. Svo, Map. N. York, 1827. 844 The Pictine of PHILADELPIilA. By Jamfs Mease, M. D. 12 mo. Foldino; Plnte of the Ciiy, and cut of the old State Hoitse wiiere the Declaration of Independence icas signed, inserted. Philadelphia, 1811. 845 Annals of PHILADELPHIA. By John F. Watson. Bvo, many portraits, views, &c. Philadelphia, 1830. 846 The History of the County of Worcester, Mass. By Phtrr WiiiT.NEY, A. M. Svo, map. Worcester, 1793. 847 Annals of Portsmouth. N. H., for a Period of 200 years from its first settlement. By Natua.nmel Adams. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1825. 848 History of the Town of Plymouth, from 1620 to 1832. By James Thatcher, M. D. 12mo With critical notices cut from Nrios Papers inserted. Boston, 1 832. 51 849 The History of Newburj'port. By Caleb Gushing. 12mo. boards. Ncicharyport, 1S26. 850 The History of Chchnsford ; to wliich is added a Memoir of the rawiiickett Tribe of INDIANS. By Wilkcs Allkn, A. M. 8vo. IlaicrldU, 1&20. 851 History of Scilnate, Mass., to the year 1831. By the Rev. Sa.muel Deane. 8\"0. Boston, 1831. 852 A History of the County of Berkshire, Mass. By Gentlemen in the County. 12mo. Maps, Portrnits and Views. ' F/ffsfiekl, 'iB29. 853 The History of ROWLEY in By Thomas Gage. 12mo. Plates. Bosto7i, 1840. 854 History of Saco and Biddeford in Maine. By George Fol- so.M, Esq. Plate and Plan. Saco, 1830. 855 History of the Town of Hingham, Plymouth Co., Mass. By Solomon Lincoln, Jr., Esq. 12aio. boards. Hingham, \S21 . 856 Annals of Yale College, from its foundation to the year 1831. By Ebenezer Baldwin. 8vo. 2d Ed. N. Haven. 1838. 657 Local Hi :e owls I ' 961 A Total Eclipse of LibefvTy: Being a faithful Account of the Arraignment of Daniel Foiole, on suspicion of being concerned in ' Th.e Monster of Monsters' &c. 8vo. Boston, 1755. 962 The Monster of Monsters: A faithful Narrative of a most re- markable Pkcnomenon lately seen in the Metropolis; to the great Surprise and Terror of his Majesty's good Subjects, &:c. By Thomas Thumb, 'Esq. 8vo. Printed in July. [Boston,] 1754. 963 Unparalleled Sufferings of John Custos, by the Inquisitors at Lisbon, to extort from him the Secrets of Free Masonry. 12mo. Boston, 1803. 964 Sufferings of Mary Dyer, occasioned by the People called Shak- ers. Written by herself r2mo. //?. the same volume, The Shak- er's Remonstrance against the Testimony of Mary Dyer. Concord, (Isaac Hill,) 1818. 965 Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, &.c. ; and the Justice and Policy of the War with America. 8vo. 2d Ed. London, 1776. 966 A Narrative of the Miseries of New-England, by reason of an Arbitrary Government cxccXcA there. 8vo. Rep. Boston, 1775. 967 An Assize Sermon, preached before her Majesty's Sujierior Court, General Goal Delivery, at Ipswich. By Samuel Belcher. l2mo. Boston, 1707. 57 968 Travels Through America. A Poem. By Michael Forest. 12mo. riiilada. 1793. 969 A Circular Letter from the Congress to their Constituents. 6vo. PhiUi'lelpkia, 1779. 970 The Embargo; or, Sketches of the Times. A Satire. With other Poems. By William CuUen Bryant. 12mo. Boston, 1809. This has since been repudiated, it is said, by lis author 971 Pweason Satisfied: And Faith Established. By Dr. Cotton Mather. 18nio. Bos/on, 1712. 972 The Battle of Valparaiso. A Poem. By B. Allen, Jr. 12mo. N York. 1814. 973 A Letter from William SJdrlcy, Esq. to the Duke of Newcastle ; with a Journal of the Siege of Louisbourg. 8vo. London, 1746. 974 A Declaration by the Representalivos of the United Colonies of North-America, now met in General Congress, setting forth the causes and Necessity of taking up Arms. 8vo. Fhilad. 1775. Coniaiiis an Autograph of Gen. James Warren on the litle. 975 Boston. A Poem. By Winthrop Sargent. Second Edition, Cor- rected and Enlarged. 12mo. iJti.^/ow, 1803. ' Since this Poenti was written, a vole has passed the town restricting wooden buildings.' 976 the Importance of Cape Breton considered, in a Letter to a Mem- ber of Parliament from an Inhabitant of N. England. Sliglitly imperfect. 8vo. London, 174 6. 977 A Defence of the New England Charters. By Jer. Dunmer. 8vo. Boston, 1745. 978 A Brief and Plain Discourse, wherein the Doctrine of the Sab- bath is explained, &-c. By William Homes. 8vo. Boston, 1727. 979 CHAPvTERS, Acts and Laws of Massachusetts Buy, in New England from 1714 to 1719. Folio. Boston, v. d. 980 The same from 1725 to 1740. Folio.— MS. additions. Boston, v. d. 981 The same from 1692 to 1747. Folio. Boston, 1747. 982 Acts and Laws of the COMMONWEALTH of Massachusetts from 1783 to 1785. Folio Boston, 1783, &c. 983 The Perpetual Laws of Massachusetts from 1780 to 1789. Folio. Autograph of Hon. Thomas Russell. Boston, 17)^9. 984 Life of Sir Julius C^sar, Knt. Judge of the High Court of Ad- miralty, &c. m ^//e Time of Q_\^v.E-^ Elizabeth, &c With Eighteen portraits of the Family. By EdmuxXd Lodge, Esq. Royal 4to. London, 1827. 985 Memoir of the Celebralion on the Completion of the New York Canals. By Cadwallader D. Colden. 4to. Many Portraits, Yicics, Plans, ^c. Not published for sale. Neio York, 1825. 986 Letters from GOV. BERNARD, GEN. GAGE, and the Conncil of Ma.s.s. Bay, to the Earl of Hilsborough. Folio. Boston, 1769. 987 The Present Slate of the European Settlements on the Mississip- pi. By Capt. Philip PitmaxV. 4to. Plans and Maps. Rare. L^ondon, 1770. 988 A New Survey of the WEST INDIAS. By Thomas Gage, Preacher of God's Word at Dealin Kent. Folio. Majis. A Supe- rior copy. London, 1055. 53 9S9 HAZARD'S HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS of Ai7ierican State raj)rrs. 2 vols. 4 to. Fine ha'f Ihtxsia. Fhi/arla. 1792-4. 990 Travels Through llie Cnnadas. By George He riot. With nu- merous liiiled plates fVoiu drawings made at the several plar-es represented, by himself. 4to. E/firant. hi/u/in::. Londo)}. lf-07. 991 The History of The CARIBLBV ISLANDS (in all XXVllI.) Rendered into English byJon.\ D^viEsof Kiihrclly. Folio Many P.'atcs nf Natiual liston/. London, KifiG. 992 5a).iTK2.0¥. 'I'he Principat.l Navigations, VOIAGES, and Dis- covERiE-N of the English Nation, made by SEA or over Land, to the vmiit. remote and farthest distant Quarters of the Earth at any time within the Compasse of these 1500 yeares. Folio. London, 1 589. A maicliless copy in every respect, of ilie original edition ofilie I'nvulnnble Hakluyt. Drake's Vovii-re round iiie worli' is liisened in iliis cnpv. lielween pa<;e,s (it? and 614, and is iifrK'iciit rcci'mmriulaiiuii lo any work, lo know iluu it is by ihe author of ihe Life of lllf Dl'KK I'F .MaKLBOIUIVGII. 1004 The Maritime Campaign of 177H. A Collection of All the Pa- pers relative to the 0[)eiations of the English and French Fleets. Folio. Six folding!; Plates of Charts and Plans. London, 1778. 1005 The ^Natural and Civil History of the French Dominionis in North and Sonth America. By Thomas Jetfervs. Folio. Maps. London, 17 GO. 1006 The History of the Most Renowned and Victorious Princess ELIZABETH. By William Camde>j. Folio. Best Edition. London, 1675. 1007 A Tof)Ogra|)hical Description of Such Parts of North America as are contained in the (Annexed) Map of ihe IMiddle British Colo- nies in NOPvTH AMERICA. By Thomas Pownall, M. P. Late Gov. of Mass. d^'c. 4-c. Imperial Folio. Lnvdon, MTG. 1008 A Complete Colleciion'of VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. By JoH.\ Harris, D. D. and F. Pv,. S. 2 vols Fulio. A MasrniJ/ccnt copy of the best edition. In recent binding. Londoyi, 1764. 1009 AMERICA: Being the Latest and most Accurate Description of the New World. By John Ogiley, Esq. Folio. London, 177 K Aliogelhtr ihe fnic.-t copy ilial has ever come under my observaiion. 1010 Voyage made by order of Catharine H. to the ley sea. Coast of America, ice. By Co.mmodore Billings. 3 vols. Svo. In French. Paris, 1802. 1011 ?lVD2lS(DfHHan^ (Tatljoljtte Doctriine concerning the seven Sacra- inenies of Chrystes Church. By the Reverend Father in God, Srtjomas Bijshoj) of Lincolne. 4to. Rare. London, June, 1558. 1012 A Journal of Travels from Neto Hampshsire to Caratucke. By George Keitfi, A. M. 4to. Rare. London, 1706. 1013 New England"s Duty and Interest; with something relating to the Resta ORATIONS, REFORMATIONS, &c. Preached at the Elec- tion in Massachusetts- Bay, May 25, 1698. By Nicholas Notes, teacher of the Church, at Salem. 12mo. Boston. 1698. Appended to this Tract, are 12 pages devotrd to the condition of tlie Indians in different parts of New England. By G. Pcawson ANn S Danfortii. Li the same Volume — Massachnselts. or the FIRST PLANTERS of NEW ENGLAND, the En land Ml nicr oUhen- coming \\\\{\\vr, and Abode there. Li Several Epistles to the Countess of Lin- coln. By Thomas Dudley. 12mo. With a Conclusion by John Cotton. Boston, 1696. In the same Volume — A Sermon on the Death of Mr. Joii.v Baly. By ^Jncrcnsr f«l:<18, 1065 A Narrative of the Campaign of 1791 against the Western IN- DIANS, under Gen. St. Clair. 8vo. By himself Phila. \^\2. 1066 Indian Biogra[)hy. By S. G. Drake. ( 1st edition ) Boston, lb3'i. 1067 The Book of the Indians: Or, Biogra|)hy and History of tlie Indians of N. America. Svo. Seventh EiitLon. Numerous Por- traits inserted. Boston, 1837. 1068 Memoirs of the Rev. David Brainerd, ]Missionary to the Indians. Ey Jonathan Edwards. 8vo. N. Hacen, 1822. 1069 Tne Poetical Works of JoHxN Tbujibull, LL. D. 2 vols, in one Svo. Plates. Hartford, 1830. 1070 Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America. By Alexa.v- der Gabdenj. Svo. Charleston, 18"-22. 1071 The same — Second Series. 12mo. Charleston, 1828. 1072 History of the Expedition under the command of Captains LEWIS AND CLARK, across the Encky M'juntains to the Pa- cific Ocean. Pref;ared for the Press by Paul Allen, Esq (?) [Nicholas 'Q\'dv)'lf.,Y.^c\. as I learned from himself.] 2 vols. Svo. Plates and Plans. Phi lad a 1814. 1073 A Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica. By William Beckford, Esq. 2 vols. Svo. Lrmdon, 1790. 1074 The United States NAVAL CHRONICLE. By C. W. Golds- BOROUGiL Vol.1, {all eoer pahlished.) Wa.fhington, 1824. 1075 Bibliotheca Americana Nova; or, A Catalogue of Books relating to America, from 1506 to 1700. By O. Ricn. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1832-5. 1076 Barbers Historical Collections of Massachusetts, Connecticut and New England. 3 vols. Svo. v. d. 1077 Lempriere's Universal Biograjjhical Dictionary. With Additions. By Eleazer Lord. 2 vols. Svo. N. York, 1825. 1078 A Full and Correct Account of the Military Occurrences of the Late War between Great Britain and the U. States. By W. James. 2 vols. Svo. Maps. London, 1818. 1079 A Full and Correct Account of the Naval Occurrences of the Late War between Great Britain and the U. Slates. By W. James. Svo. Plates. London, 1817. 1080 History of the Navy of the U. States of America. By J. Feni- MORE Cooper. 2d Edition. 2 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1640. 1081 A Collection of Acts or Laws passed in the State of Massachu- setts Bay relative to the American Loyalists and their Property. Svo. London, 1785. 63 1082 A Political Dictioirary : Explaining the Meaning of Words, Arc. By Charles Pigutt, Esq. 8vo. Lon.lon, 17U-j. 1D83 Events in Indian ILstorv. Origin of the Indians, suits. 8vo 2d E(htion. PI akv I el phi a, 180-5. 1088 OUABl: or the Virtues of Nafnre. k\\ INDIAN Tale. By Philenia, a Lady of Boston. [Mrs. Morton.] 8vo. A very fne copy Bf.ston, \1\){). 1089 The Test'iniony and Addcc of an Assembly of N. England min- isters, at a meeting held in Boston, 1743. Published hi/ order of the Assembly. Bvo. Bs'on, 1743. 1090 The CENSUS of the U. States for the year 1800. 8vo. Washington, 1802. 1091 Anthentic Copies of the Preliminary Articles of Peace, signed at Versailles, 20 January, 1783. Svo. London, n83. 1092 An Acconnt of a Voyage in search of La Perouse, under Rear Admiral Brnni D'Entrecasteanx. 2 vols. Svo. London, ISOO. 1093 A Voyage to Madagascar. By the Abbe PtocHON. To which is added a Memoir on the Chinese Trade, by M. Brunel. Svo. IMap. London, 1793. 1094 A New Voyage Round the World. By Capt. William Dampier. 3 vols, in two. Svo. Maps and Plates. Excellent copy. London, 1703. 1095 The Plan of a Society for making Provisions for Widows, k,c. By William Gordon, [The author of the excellent History of the Revolution ] 8vo. Boston, 1772 1096 The HISTORICAL REGISTER, containing an Impartial Re- lation of all Transactions, Foreign and Domestic. Wish a Chro- nological Diary of All Remarkable Occurrences, &c. from 1714 to 1730. 21 vols. Svo. London, 1714-30. 1097 The POLITICAL MAGAZINE from 1780 to 1783. 5 vols. Svo. Maps. A good set. London, 1781-4. 1098 Travels through Lower Canada and the United States, in the years 1800,7, and 8. By John Lambert. 3 vols. Svo. Many colored plates. London, 1810. 1099 Narrative of Comodore Byron, of the Loss of his ship on the coast of Patagonia, in the year 1740 ; the sufferings of the crew, &c. Written hv Himsklf. Svo. London, 1768. 1100 A Voyage ROUND THE WORLD, by the way of the Great South Sea. By Capt. George Shelvocke. Second edition. 8vo. Plates. London, 1757. 1101 A Voyage to the East Indies. By Era P. De San Bartolomeo. 8vo. London, 1800. 64 1102 Voyages of Ca])t. Xatiiaxiel Uring. Containing one to Kew England in 1709, in wliich he describes the coLuitry, and one to Virginia, 6cc. 6vo. Maps. London, 1726- 1103 Popular Voyages and Travels. By ]Mrs. Jamiesox. 12mo. Plates. London, 1820. 1104 Voyages and Travels in Various Paris of the "World. During the years 1803, 4, 5, 6, and 7. By G. Vox Laxgsdorff. 8vo. Carlisle, 1817. 110,5 The MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE: or Monthly Museum, from 1789 to 179G. 8 vols. Svo. Many curious plates. Excel- LEXT COPY. Boston, 1789, &c. HOG Biographical Sketches of American Naval Heroes of the Amer- ican Revolution. By Putxam Waldo, Esq. Svo Hartford, 1823. 1107 Fuller's WORTHIES OF ENGLAND. A New Edition. By P. AusTix NuTTALL, LL. D. 3 vols. 8vo. Portrait. London, 1840. 1108 Observations on the Late and Present Coxduct of the Frexch, with regard to their Encroachments upon the British Colouit-s in North Ainerica, &cc. By William Clarke, M. D., of Boston in Neiv England. Svo. Boston, [Londoyi Rep.) 1755. 1109 An Historical View of the Government of MARYLAND from its Colonization to the Present Day. By John V. L. McIMahox. Vol. L {all) Svo. Baltimore, 1831. 1110 COLLINS'S PEERAGE OF ENGLAND; Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical. Greatly Augmented, and Contin- ued to the Present Time. By Sir Egertox Brydges, K. J. 9 vols. Svo. J^ondon, 1812. A very supnrior copy of tliis now very scarce work. It formerly belonged lo C. A. Rodnet, and each volume conlains his Autograph,. 1111 The Tippecanoe Text Book. Being Authentic y)apers illustra- ting the Life of Gex. Harrison. Svo. \_WasJangton,] 1840. 1112 A Sermon ])reached at the Funeral of Presidext Dwight. By Calvin Chapin, D. D. Svo. N. Haoen, 1817. 1113 NEW ENGLAND'S PROSPECT. By William Wood. Third Edition. I^ondon, 1639. {Boston Rep ) 17G4. 1114 An Historical Account of the Incorporated Society for the Propa- gation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. By David Humphreys, D. D. Sec. of the Soc. Svo. Maps. Very rare. London, 1730. 1115 A Journal of the Expedition to Canada. By Sir Hove.nden Walker. 8vo. London, 1720. 1116 Biographical Memorials of James Ogletiiorp, founder of the Colony of Georgia. By Thaddeus M. Harris, D. D. Svo. A work of great value. Boston, 1841. 1117 Tableau du Climat et Du Sol des Etats-Uxis D'Amcrique. Par C. F. VoLXEY. Svo. New Edition. Paris, 1822. 1118 DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. (Tracts.) An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition, concerning the Discovery of America by MADOG. By John Williams, LL. D. Svo. London, \19\. Farther Observations on the same. By the same Author, 1792. ITER IN AMERICAM, Annuente AmjoUss. Sen. Philos. Upsa- liensi, sub JModeramine Max. Rever. atque Arapliss. Viri Dn. 65 Olavi. Upsal, 1725. — An Account of the Ten Tribes of Israel beinj; in America. R. M. Ben Israel. With Observations, &,c. thereon. By Robert Ingraliam, A. 31. 8vo. Colclustcr, 17'J2. 1119 A Historical jS'arrutive of the Life of General W. H. Harrison. By Moses Daicson. 8vo. Portrait. Cincinnati, 1824. 1120 The History of the War of 1741. By M. D. Voltaire. 8vo. London, 1756. 1121 Phih)sophical Researches upon the Americans. By Mr. De Pauw. 3 vols. 12mo. (French.) Berlin, \1H). 1122 A STAR IN THE WEST; or, a humble Attempt io discover the Long Lost 2'cn Tribes nf Israel. By Elias Boudinot, LL. D. 8vo. Fine Portrait. Trenton, 1816. 1123 Historical and Political Researches upon the U. States. By a Citizen of Virginia. [Philip Mazzei. J 3 vols. 8vo. (French.) Colle, 1788. 1124 Sermons on Several Subjects. By John Barnard, A. M. Pas- tor of a ehurck in Maib/ehead. 8vo. London, 1737. 1125 The Library of American Biography. Conducted by Jared Sparks. 10 vols. 12mo. (first Edition.) Boston, 1834, &c. 112G The NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, from its commencement in 1815 to 1844, 59 vols. 8vo, half Russia, eoxellent order. (The last seven volumes in the numbers.) 1127 The Christian Disciple from 1813 to 1820. 7 vols. 8vo, (both series. ) Boston, 1 8 1 3, &c. 1128 Depon's Voyage to America. 3 vols. 8vo. N. York, 1806. 1129 A HISTORY OF NEW ENGLAND, with particular reference to the Baptists. By Isaac Backus. 4 vols. 8vo. ( Second missing.) Bare. Boston, 1777-1804. 1130 An Essay upon Study. By John Clarke, late Master of the Piiblick Grammar School in Hull. 2d Edition, 12mo. AntosrapJb of Benjamin Gridley and Ebenezer Pemberton. London, 1737. 1131 The Administration of the British Colonies; wherein their Rights and Constitution are discussed and stated. By Thomas Pow- NALL, late Governor, Admiral, and General in America. 2 vols, (in one.) Fifth Edition. London, 1114. Tlie4th ediiion of Pownall was pulilished in 1766; upon which a wriier in the Scot's ma- pRziiiP remarks; ' The author, lhou<;h, as heiiig himself a memher of ihe British Parliament, he couhi ]iot directly deny its ri^hi to tax the colonies, seems rather to think that claim involved in so much doubt, as that it would be more prudent to waive it.' 1132 History of the MISSIONS OF THE UNITED BRETHREN among the Indians in North America. By George Henry Los- KiEL. E/eirant copy, very rare. London, ] 7 94. 1133 The Ancient and Modern History of the Brethren. By David Cranz, Author of the History of Greenland. 8vo. London, \ 7 80 1134 The History of the FIVE INDIAN NATIONS of Canada. By Cadwallader Colden, Esq. Svo. Map. London, 1747. 1135 Memorial of the Illinois and Ouabache Land Companies to Congress, 1802. — An Account of the Proceedings of that Com- pany relative to the INDIANS, 1803. Svo. 1 vol. 1136 Travels of Father CHARLEVOIX in America. 2 vols. 8vo. Very fine copy. London, 1761. 66 1137 Considerations on behalf of the Colonists in a Letter to a Noble Lord. i^vo. London, 17G5. 1138 A DffcMice of tlie Constitution and Government of the United Slates of America. By John Adams, LL. D. 3 vols. bvo. London, 17S7. 1139 Six Months in America. By G. T. Vicne, Esq. 18mo. rialada 1833. 1140 A Confession of Faith of the Churches in the Colony of Con- necticut. 12mo. Neiv London, 1700. 1141 The Monthly Military Repository. By Charles Smitm. 2 vols, (in one. ) bvo. F/aJcs of Sicircs, BairJes, k,c. New Yoi7c, 1796. 1142 Letters from the West. By the Hon. Judge Hall. 8vo. London, 1628. 1143 The Dispute with America, Considered in a Series of Letters from a Cosmopolite to a Clergyman, bvo. London, ahout 1812. 1144 Observations on the Commerce of the American Slates. By John Lord Sueffield. bvo. Sixth edition, enlarged. London, 1784. 1145 Narrative of Occurrences in the INDIAN COUNTRIES of Nori.h America, since Lord Selkirk's connexion with the Hud- son's Bay Company 8vo. London. 1818. 1146 Travels into North America. By Peter Kalm. Seconil Edition. 2 vols. Svo. Map and plates. Ljmdon, 1772. 1147 Journal of u Residence in Chili. By a Young American de- tained in thai Country during the Revolutionary Scenes of 1817, Sec. 12ino. Boston, lb23. 1148 BAILEY'S Universal Etymological English Dictionary. &vo. 25th Edition. London, 1790. 1149 Poems on Several Occasions. By Dr. Tuomas Parnrll. (Pub- lished hy IMr. Pope.) bvo. London. 1747. 1150 Travels in NEW ENGLAND AND NEW YORK. By TUY DwiGHT, S. T. D. LL. D. 4 vols. bvo. Maps. N. Haven, 1S21. 1151 Stone's Life and Times of RED JACKET. Svo. Fme p'ates. N. York, 1841. 1152 Life of JOSEPH BRANT. By W. L. Stone. 2 vols. Svo. Fine Fates. N. York. ]b38. 1153 Youngs Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers. Svo. Second E!i- lion. Biston. 1844. 1154 Historical Collections of the Part which Connecticni sustained in the Revolution, bvo. ILutford, 1842. 1155 Travels on an Inland Voyage through ihe Slates and Territories of N. America. By C. Schultz, Esq. 2 vols, (in one) Svo Plates. New York, 1810. 1156 Historical Memoir of the War in AVest Florida and Ijouisiana in 1814-15. By Maj. A. L. Latour 2 vols Svo. Philada. 1616. 1157 Letters on the Late War. By William Cobhet, Esq. Svo. Neiv York, 1815. 1158 The History of the War of 1812, &c. By J. Russell, Jr. Svo. 2d Edition. Hartford, 1815. 67 1159 The Official Accounts of all the Battles, fought by Sea or Land, dining the Late War with England. Ey H. A. Fav, late captain of Artillery. 8vo. New York, \Q,\1 . 1160 A Histoiy of the Political and Military Events of the Late War. By S/*.MUEL Perkins, Esq. 8vo. N. Haven, 1625. 1161 Sketches of the W^ar between the U. S. and G. Britain. 2 vols. (in one.) 8vo. Ruiiand, Vt. lb 15. 1162 Twenty Sermons. By Andrew Eliot, D. D. Pasiorof a Church in Boston. Svo. Boston, 1114. 1163 The OLD LNDIAN CHPtONICLE. Edited by S. G. Drake. 18 mo. Boston, 1837. 1164 Lahontan's Travels in America. 3 vols, (in two.) 12mo. In French. A very fine copy. Amsterda,in, 1728. Contains ihc famous Dialogue with an Indian Chief not in the translations. 1105 An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting and Plaguing all your Acquaintances. 12mo. Lnnflon, \d'\\. 1166 A Modest Enquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft, and how Per- sons Guilty of that Crime may be convicted, &c. By John Hale, Pastor of the Church in Beverley, 1697. 12mo. Boston, 1702. 1167 More W^onders of the Invisible World: Or, the Wonders of the J-nlifsftile SS-'orlti. Collected by Robert Calef, Merchant of Boston in New England. 4 to. Last two leaves supplied by MS. London, 1700. 1108 A Treatise against Detraction. By the Rev. Mr. Andrew Le Mercier, [)astor of ihe French Church in Boston, N. E. Svo. Boston, 1733. 1169 A Chronological History of N. England in form of Annals. By Tuo.MAS Prince, A. M. 12mo. Auto^rajyh of 5 on^ Fleet. Boston, 1736. 1170 An Appeal to the Learned. Being a Vindication of the Right of Visible Saints to the Lord's Supper, against the Exceptions o? M-X. Increase Mather. By Solomon Stoddard, pastor of Northamp- ton. 12mo. Boston, 1709. 1171 The Blessed Hope, &c. in several Sermons. By Increase Mather. 12mo. Boston, 1701. 1172 A Course of Sermons on Harlg l^Utv. By the eight ministers who carrv on the Thursdav Lecture in Boston. With a preface by Dr. INCREASE MATHER. 12mo. Boston, 1721. The ei^ht ministers were Dr. C. Mather, I\Ir. Wadsworth, Mr. Colman, Mr Sewall, Mr. Prince, .Mr. Webli, .^^r. Cooper, .Mr. Foxcrof;. and Dr. Int-rease Maiher. This was JMr. AVadswoutii's copy, and has his Autograph, with others whose hands it has passed through. 1173 Relation Historique de la VIRGTNIE. Par D. S. Natif et habi- tant du Pais. Traduit de I'Anglois enrichie de figures. This is ichat cornmonhj passes as Beverley's Virginia. r2mo. Amsterdam, 1 7 1 8. 1174 An Account of Two Voyages to New England By JOHN JOSSELYN, Gent. 12n:o. Several leaves supplied by BIS. Lon.lon, 1674. 1175 A Journal of Capt Cook's Last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, and in quest of a North West Pa.<;sagr. Bv John Led yard. 8vo. 10 - - Hartford, 1783. 68 1176 A Relution of the CONQUEST OF FLORIDA by the Span- iards, under Fernaa^do dk Soto. Wriltea in Portuguese by a Genlieman of Elvas. l2mo. Fine clean copy. London, 1G66. 1177 An Historical Essay concerning Witchcraft. By Fuancis Hutchinson, D. D. 8vo. Second edition. London, \1 '20. 1178 AMERICA KNOWN TO THE ANCIENTS An Attempt to show that America must be known to the Ancients. Made at the Request, and to gratify the Cariosity of an Inquisitive Gentle- man. By an American Englishman, [Samuel Mather,] Pastor of a Church in Boston. Svo. Boston, 1773. 1179 Practical Discourses on Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell. In Twenty-four SERMONS. By John Webb, ^l. A., Pastor of a Church in Boston. &vo. Boston, 1726. 1180 Great Fires, namely. In London in tCGG; In BOSTON in 17 CO. 12 mo. Boston, 1760. 1181 Some Few Remarks u[)on a Scandalous Book, written by one Robert Calef. By Cotton Mather, and others. 12mo. Three MS. haves at the end. Boston, 1701. 1182 A Journal of the Siege and Surrender of Louisbourg. Extracted from Maj. General Amherst's and Admiral Boscawen's Letters to Pitt. 8vo. Boston, [1758.] 1183 Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicura : or, A General English Dic- tionary. By John Kersey. Fholohihl. Svo. London, 1708. 1184 Sketches of Oxford County, in the State of Maine. By T. T. Stone. ISrao. Portland, 1830. 1185 The Mystery of WITCHCRAFT. Discovering the Truth, Na- ture, Occasions, Growth and Power thereof Together witli the Detection and Punishment of the Same, &:c By Thomas Coo- per. 12mo, vellum. London, 1617. 1166 The History of the Wars of New England with the Eastern INDIANS, from 1703 to 1726. By Samuel Penhallow, Esq. 12nio. M.S'. Title and Preface. Boston, 1726. 1187 Analyse de la Nature, ou Tableau de L'Univers etdes Corps Or- ganises. By C. S. Rafinesque. 8vo. Autograph of the Author. Falerrne (Naples,) 1815. 1188 The DEPLORABLE STATE of New England, by Rea.^on of a Covetous and Treacherous Governour, and Fuscillanimous Coun- sellors, &c. &c. 8vo. London, 1708. 1169 Historical Memoirs of the Late FIGHT AT PIGWACKET. By Thomas Symmes. 8vo. Boston, 1725. 1190 The Journal of a Two Months' Tour among the Frontier Inhabi- tants of Pennsylvania, and among the Indians West of the Alegh-geny Mountains. By Charles Beatty, A. M. Svo. London, 1768. 1191 An Accurate and Interesting Account of the Hardships and Suf- ferings of that Band of Heroes who traversed the Wilderness in the Campaign against Quebec, in 1775. By John Joseph Hen- ry, Esq. 12mo. Lancaster, 1812. IH'2 The Geographical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili. By Abbe Don J. Ignatius Molina. 2 vols. Svo. Middletoivn, 1808. 69 1193 Politics for American Fanners; 12nio. Washington, 1807. 1194 New EiiiilaiKl's Lamentations. By the Reverend Mr. John White, JM. A. Pastor of the First Church in Gloucester. 8vo. Boston, 1734. ll9o De L'Anierique et cles Americains, ou Obscrv'ations Curieuses (hi Pliilo.sophe la Douceur, qui a parcouru cet Hemisphere pen- dant la dernier Guerre, en faisant le noble mctir e tuer des Hom- mes sans les manger. 12nio. Berlin, 1772. 1196 A Journal of a Tour Around Hawaii, the largest of the Sand- wich Islands. l2mo. Boston, 1825. 1197 Travels through the United States and Canada in 1818 and 1819. By John M. Duncan, A. B. 2 vols. 12mo. Glasgoiv, 1823. 1198 Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de L'Araerique; contenant L'His- toire Naturelle de ces Pays, et cet. By M. Labat. More than 100 Charts, plans, figures, &c. 6 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1722, 1199 The Ladies' Monitor, a Poem. By Thomas GtiEEN Fessenden. 12mo. Bellows Falls, \Q[^. 1200 Terrible Tract oration ! ! A Poetical Petition against Galvanising Trumpery. By Christopher Caustic. [T. G. Fessenden.] 12mo. Plate. London, 1803. 1201 A Vindication of the Dissenters in Answer to Dr. William Nichols' Defence. By James Peirce. 8vo. Second Edition. Scarce. London, 1718. 1202 A New History of Jamaica, from the earliest Accounts to the Taking of Porto Bello by Vice Admiral Vernon. 8vo. Maps. London, 1740. 1203 Guilliiu's Heraldry, Abridged by Kent. 8vo. Wants prst ta-o leaves. London. 1204 History of the Viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres. By S. H. Wil- cocke. 8vo IMaps and Plates. London, n. d. 1205 Anson's Voyage Round the World. 8vo. Maps and Portrait. London, 1748. 1206 The Life of James Otis of Massachusetts. By William Tudor. 8vo. Ta-o Portraits. Boston, 1823. 1207 A Men)oir of Sebastian Cabot. 8vo. Philadelphia, \h2,\. 1208 An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia. By T. C. Haliburton. 2 vols. Map. Halifax, 1829. 1209 An Appeal to the World ; or a Vindication of the Town of .Boston from many false and malicious Aspersions, contained in the Let- ters of Gov. Bernard, Commodore Flood, and Gen. Gage. Pub- lished by order of the Tovn. 8vo. Boston, 1769. 1210 The An)erican Revolution, written in Scriptural, or Ancient Historical Style. By Richard Snowden. 12mo. Baltimore, n. d. 1211 History of NORTH AMERICA; comprising the U. States and the British Canadian Possessions. 2 vols. 8vo Portrait of Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson. Ticirs. Plates of American coins, &c. Leeds, 1820. 1212 History of the Insurrection in the Four Western counties of Pennsylvania in 1794. By William Findley. 8vo. Philada. 1796. 70 1213 Incidents of the Insurrection in the Western Parts of Pennsyl- vania in 1791. By H. H. Brackenridge. 8vo. IVdlada. 1795. 1214 The Proceedings of the Executive of the U. States respecting the Insurgents of 1794. 8vo. PIdladel'plda, 1795. 1215 Three years in North America. By James Stuaut, Esq. 2 vols. 8vo. Third Edition revised. Edinburgh, 1833. 1216 The Confusion of Babel discovere'd ; or, an Answer to Jeremy Belknap's Discourse upon the Lawfulness of War; or Military Duty. By William Scals. 8vo. Wants last leaf America, 1780. 1217 ACTS AND MONUMENTS of Matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the Chnrch, with an Universal IIistorie of the Same — with the bloody times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions against the true MARTYPtS. By INIr. John Fox. 3 vols Folio. 33lactt Setter. London, \&-i\. 1218 The General History of England. By James Tyrrell, Esq. 2 vols, (in one.) Folio. London, 1696. 1219 Geography of the World. By Herman Moll. Folio. .Some of the first leaves of Litrodiiction icanting. 1220 Oldmixon's History of England, during the Pieigns of the Boyal House of Stuart. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1730. 1221 The Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies. By Col. Don Antonio de Alcedo. Translated from the Spanish, with great Additions. By G. A. Thompson, Esq. 5 vols. 4to. L^ondon, 1814. 1222 A New Universal Collection of Authentic Voyages and Travels. By Edward Cavendish Drake, Esq. Folio. Immense number of Plates. London, 1770. 1223 The Naval History of Britain. Compiled from the papers of the Late Hon. Capt. George Berkley. Folio. London, 1756. 1224 A Collection of Voyages and Travels. Compiled from the Cu- rious and Valuable Library of the late Earl of Oxford. Known generalhi as Osborn's Collection. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1745. 1225 A Collection of Voyages and Travels, some now first Printed from Original Manuscripts. Knoion generally as ChurchilVs Col- lection. 6 vols. Folio. A multitude of Plates. Fine set. London, 1744. 1226 American Archives. Vol. I. (now in course of publication.) Wants Title. Folio. 1227 Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of General Nathan- iel Greene. By AVilliam Johnson. 2 vols. 4to. Portrait, Map, and Plans. Charleston, 1822. 1228 Province Laws of NEW JERSEY, from 1702 to 1776. By Samuel Allison. Folio. Burlington, 1776. 1229 Province Laws of MARYLAND, at Large. Collected by Thom- as Bacon. Folio. Annapolis, 1765. 1230 The Natural History of Barbadoes. By the Rev. Griffith Hughs, A. M. Folio." Plates. London, 1750. 1231 MAGNALIA CHRISTI AMERICANA. By the Rev. and Learned Cotton INIather, A. M. Folio. A very excellerit copy. London, 1702. 71 1232 The Naval History of England, in all its branches: from iho Nor- man Conquest, 106G, to the end of 1734. By T/iomas Liodiard, Gent. 2 vols. Fol. Portrait. London, ]73o. 1233 An Universal English Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. By John Harris, D. D. and F. R. S. 2 vols. Fol. Lomlon, 1708. 123-4 The Foh/ncsian. A Nevvsjiaper published weekly at Honolulu, Oaliu, Sandwich Islands. First \"oUune, coui[)leie for IS-JO-i. Folio. 1235 Gary's General Atlas; containing Jor^y-//rc colored Maps. Price nine dolkus. Folio. P/i.i/adelpkia, 1796. 1236 Atlas iMinor; or a new and curious set o^ sixty- tico Maps. By Herman Moll. Oblong Folio. n. d. 1237 A Collection of the Histories of England by Milton, Daniel, Haeington, Sir Thomas Moore, Buck, and Lord Bacon. By White Kennet, D. D. 3 vols. Folio. Portraits of all the Sove- rcigns. Second Edition. London, M \9. 1238 Hubert and Ellen, with other Poems. By Lucius M. Sargent. Imperial Folio. Boston, 1812. 1239 The Pwoyal English Dictionary; or a Treasury of the English Language. By D. Fennixg. 8v^o. London, 111 I. 1240 Bowen's BOSTON NEWS LETTER, and City Record. Ed- ited by J. V. C. Smith, M. D. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1S26, &c. 1241 A View of SOUTH CAROLINA, as respects her Natural and Civil concerns. By John Drayton. Bvo, scarce. Charleston, 1802. 1242 A Critical History of the Druids; their Pteligion, Learning, &c. By John Tolland, M. A. 8vo. London, n. d. 1243 An Account of the United States of America. By Isaac Holmes, 8vo. 'Liverpool, 1823. 1244 Memoirs of the American Ptevolution, from its commencement, as relating to S. Carolina, N. Carolina, and Georgia. By John Drayton, LL. D. 2 vols. Bvo. Charleston, 1821. 1245 A Description of GREENLAND. By Hans Egede, with Life of the Author. &vo. I^ondon, 1818. 1246 The First Settlers of Virginia. 8vo. N. York, 1806. 1247 Two years' Residence in the settlement on the English Prairie, in the ILLINOIS Countiy. By John Woods. 8vo. Maps. London, 1822. 1248 Journal of a Residence at the Red River Colony, North Ameri- ca. By John West, M. A. 8vo. Plates. London, 1824. 1249 Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement on Red River in North America. 8vo. Map. London, 1817. 1250 The Possibility of approaching the North Pole Asserted. By Hon. D. Barrington. 8vo. Map. London, 1818. 1251 Strictures on Lt. Col. Tarleton's History of the Campaigns of 1778 and 1781. By R. Mackenzie, Lieut, in the l\.rn:n-;-.; I IPR/.RY r/.-|LlTY AA 000 985 805 ■^■'■?'A:: :l' ■'y'i,'^'' ■"ji^^-*: ^^■i^'B^:^M'-' ■-'."gif'*; ;:fi