t .pilfer-'- ' UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES BY THE SAME AUTHOR HISTORICAL INTRODUCTIONS TO THE ROLLS SERIES. Svo, 12s. 6d. net. LECTURES ON EUROPEAN HIS- TORY. Svo, I2S. 6d, net. LECTURES ON EARLY ENGLISH HISTORY. Svo, I2S. 6d. net. GERMANY IN THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES, 476-1250. With 2 Maps. Svo, 6s. net THE EARLY PLANTAGENETS. With 2 Maps. Fcap. Svo, 2s. 6d. {Epochs of Moder History. ) VISITATION CHARGES. Svo, 3s. 6d. net ORDINATION ADDRESSES. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d. net. LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO. LONDON, NEW YORK, BOMBAY, AND CALCUTTA GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES, 1200-1500 BY WILLIAM STUBBS, D.D., FORMERLY BISHOP OF OXFORD, AND REGIUS PROFESSOR OF MODERN HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD EDITED BY ARTHUR HASSALL, MA. STUDENT, TUTOR, AND SOMETIME CENSOR OF CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO. 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON NEW YORK, BOMBAY, AND CALCUITA 1908 All rights reserved h'-') ?; PREFATORY NOTE This volume completes the series of Lectures given by Bishop Stubbs on Germany in the Middle Ages. A previous volume dealt with the history of Germany from 476 A.D. to the middle of the thirteenth century ; the present volume carries on that history to the close of the fifteenth century. While the earlier volume was concerned especially with the characters and careers of the Emperors in the Dark Ages, the present volume follows the history of Germany in a more detailed fashion, and may be de- scribed as a storehouse of facts and generalisations. No such history of Germany in the English language exists, and it may confidently be assumed that the ap- pearance of this volume will be received with immense pleasure by all students of the History of Europe in the Middle Ages. The thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries present to the student of European history difficulties of no ordinary kind. The period which marks the tran- sition from the Middle Ages to modern times, and which saw the rapid break-up of a Christendom which had for its centre the Holy Roman Empire, and in its place the gradual formation of the modern European States- system, requires for its elucidation a close acquaintance with the history of Medieval Europe. I No English historian has yet appeared who was so eminently qualified to undertake the task of describing 1650111, vi PREFATORY NOTE the history of Germany and indeed of Europe during this period of transition as was Bishop Stubbs. , In the present as in the previous volume the character-sketches are the work of a master hand, while the account of the institutions and constitution of Germany will enable the historical student to follow and to comprehend the peculiar and exceptional developments which took place in the Holy Roman Empire. ARTHUR HASSALL. CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE Summary of results arrived at — Germany in the twelfth century — The chief points in its history between 1200 and 1600 — The Empire and the Papacy — The death of Frederick Barbarossa an epoch in German history .1 CHAPTER n Frederick II. — His supremacy in Italy — Its fatal effects — The nine years of peace — The great Diet at Mainz — Election of Innocent IV. 1243 — Its importance — Deposition of Frederick, 1245 — His death, 1250 — Conradin's fate . . . . . .21 CHAPTER HI Events in Germany and Italy after Frederick's death — William, Count of Holland — Conrad's death, 1254 — Death of William of Holland, 1256 — Election of Richard of Cornwall and of Alfonso X. of Castile as rival emperors, 1257 — Richard's fortunes in Germany — Battle of Benevento, 1265 — Battle of Tagliacozzo, 1268 — Death of Con- radin — Death of Richard of Cornwall, 1272 . . • ■ . 41 CHAPTER IV The year 1272 — Political situation in Germany — The rise of new families in Germany — The Princes— The Diet— Imperial elections — The electors — Rudolf of Hapsburg — His election as emperor — His reign— His relations with Burgundy and England .... 60 viii CONTENTS CHAPTER V PAGE Rudolfs immediate successors— Adolf— His relations with England- Loss of Burgundy — Albert of Hapsburg — His relations with Bohemia, Hungary, and Switzerland — His character — Accession of Henry VH. — Attitude towards the Papacy— The Templars— His expedition to Italy — His death, 1313 . . . ... 80 CHAPTER VI Disputed succession in the Empire — Frederick of Austria — Lewis of Bavaria — John XXH.'s intervention — Success of Lewis — Expedition to Italy— Death of John XXII., 1334 — Germany and the Hundred Years' War — Cregy — Condition of Germany — The growing inde- pendence of Switzerland — Death of Lewis, 1347 .... ICX3 CHAPTER Vn Charles IV. — Giinther of Schwartzburg — The Golden Bull — Its pro- visions — Its significance— The Tyrol — His rule in Germany — Crowned King of Aries, 1365 — Relations with England and France — His character 121 CHAPTER Vni Political condition of Europe at the close of the fourteenth century — Richard II. — Wenzel — Charles VI. — The great schism — City leagues in Germany — Switzerland — Deposition of Wenzel — Com- parison with deposition of Richard II. — Accession of Rupert of the Palatinate — His Italian expedition — The Wetterau league — Death of Rupert, 1410 . . . 142 CHAPTER IX The disputed succession — Election of Sigismund — His previous history — The great schism — The Council of Constance — ^John Huss — Sigis- mund in France and England — Election of Martin V. — The Bohemian War — The Council of Basel — Sigismund's death, 1437 — The situation in Germany — Accession of Albert of Austria — His acts — His death, 1439 ...... ... 162 CONTENTS ix CHAPTER X PAC The reign of Frederick III. — An epoch in the history of Germany and of the Hapsburgs — The discovery of printing — Frederick's char- acter — Close of the Council of Basel — Wars in Germany, 1440- 1452 — Bohemia and Hungary — Matthias Corvinus — The Turkish in- vasions — Death of Filippo Maria Visconti, 1447 — John Hunyadi — Death of Albert of Austria, 1463 — Results of Frederick's reign — His son Maximilian . . . . . . • . . li CHAPTER XI Accession of Maximilian I. — The Burgundian inheritance — Maximilian's position in Europe — His marriages — The Diet of Worms, 1495 — Its importance — The imperial chamber — The circles — The towns — The Aulic Council — War with the Swiss League, 1499 — New problems for France and Germany ....... 205 CHAPTER Xn The Princes in Germany — The Empire in abeyance — The real unity of Germany — The growth of the religious question — The character- istics of North and South Germany — The importance of the acquisi- tion of the Netherlands to the Hapsburgs — The Empire and France face to face ........... MAPS Medieval Europe : Thirteenth Century . . Frontispiece Europe during the Fifteenth Century. . . To face page i2i^ SOME AUTHORITIES JOINVILLE : Vie de Saint Louis. Philippe de Commines : Memoires. Lavisse ET Rambaud : Histoire Gendrale. MiLMAN : Latin Christianity. Gibbon : The Decline and Fall (Bury's Edition). Coxe : House of Austria. Cambridge Modern History, Vol. L Lavisse : Histoire de France. KiTCHiN : History of France, Vols. L and II. Rambaud : Histoire de la Civilisation en France. Creighton : History of the Papacy. Armstrong : Lorenzo de' Medici. Blok : History of the People of the Netherlands (Translated). Hallam : Middle Ages. Tout : The Empire and the Papacy. Lodge : The Close of the Middle Ages. Historical Maps, ed. Poole (Clarendon Press). Chronology : Hassall, " A Handbook of European History Chrono- logically Arranged." GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES 1200-1500 CHAPTER I Summary of results arrived at — Germany in the twelfth century — The chief points in its history between 1200 and 1600 — The Empire and the Papacy — The death of Frederick Barbarossa an epoch in German history. The Object of this Book. — My intention in this work is not to treat the history of Germany so much in its imperial as in its national aspect, and that intention will be carried out as rigorously as possible by the exclusion of all imperial questions which do not touch German life and nationality, such as all minute investigations into the imperial policy in Italy, and the antagonism outside of Germiany between the imperial and papal ideas. This plan I have attempted hitherto to pursue, even at periods at which the personal history of the popes and emperors was most closely interwoven ; and it ought not to be less easy to do so in periods like that to which we are coming, in which the Italian campaigns of the emperors became few and far between, and their influence upon the papacy was being quickly reduced to a shadow of what it had been. But, in general, I am not one of those who think that all the interest of a national history necessarily 2 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES centres about the personal adventures of its rulers. To a certain extent it is so, but simply because the ancient writers to whom we are indebted for nearly all the details of the events of these ages have so treated history, possessing, indeed, by force of circumstances, so limited a field of view that they were obliged, if they would record anything at all, to record the actions mainly of kings and princes. But, true as this is, it is a truth which it is easy to exaggerate ; for even the most courtly of historians, the most devoted of biographers preserves some particulars showing the real under- current of national history, and besides the biographers we have large quantities of legal and other documents which are of far wider than mere antiquarian interest. From a comparison of such remains it is possible to get a notion of national life and development, separated from the mere adventures of kings, and from the noise and tumult of wars, and the minute investiga- tions of births, deaths, and marriages. Well, in pur- suance of some such idea, we have, in the preceding volume,^ read the history of Germany down to the reign of Frederick II., and the following are some of the results that we have reached, such as it is necessary to recapitulate for our guidance, and for the connec- tion of the history of the period to which we are now come. Recapitulatio7i. — We began by tracing very briefly the movements of the different nations of Germany to the period at which modern history may be said to begin, at the commencement of w-hich the movements ceased and the lines of demarcation between the several tribal families which constitute the Germany of the Middle Ages permanently fix themselves. We traced and ^ " Germany in the Early Middle Ages," RECAPITULATION 3 accounted for the limits and the divisions between the five nations — the Franks, the Alemanni, the Saxons, the Bavarians, and the Lotharingians. Of these we saw that the Bavarians were the only nation that could, strictly speaking, be called a distinct nation ; the Saxons, Franks, and Alemanni being rather asso- ciations of separate tribes, and the Lotharingians the inhabitants of a district variously tenanted and arbitrarily named. Having defined their origin, so far as we were able to do in the great obscurity of tradition and in the absence of contemporary evidence, we traced the variety of the discipline to which the several nations had been exposed between the dates of Clovis and Charles the Great. We saw Bavaria the creation of the Ostrogothic power, the close ally of Lombardy, the unwilling subject ally of the Austrasian kings, proud and uneasy under the yoke because it possessed a national character, a national history, and a national Christianity, which it did not owe to the Merovingian conquerors. Alemannia we saw lying quietly under the sway of the Frank kings, not possessing any territorial or dynastic unity, and, after the overthrow of the Burgundian kingdom, peacefully assimilating itself with the rest of the Frank empire. Franconia and what was afterwards Lotharingia we regarded as integral and substantive portions of the demesne of the house of Clovis. Saxony continued heathen and hostile, and, forced by the constant pressure of the Wends on one side and the Franks on the other, into a national unity and consolidation, so marked and so lasting as to be one of the great features of German history, but of which we are unable to say how far it was created from a mass of tribal individualities by this pressure, or how far it retained 4 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES the original unity of nationality which had subsisted from earlier times, and which, from the peculiarly free and popular character of the Saxon institutions, rendered it less likely to be broken up by the greed and ambition of individual leaders. Out of these distinct elements Charles the Great formed the medieval Germany; moving from the basis of Austrasia he reduced Bavaria, bereft of her mainstay on the Italian side in the Lombard kingdom, and he conquered the Saxons. He did more ; by carrying his conquests beyond Bavaria and beyond Saxony he united the interests of the Saxons and Bavarians with those of his own house, with his own empire, and the interests of his own church. Charles the Great made Germany first by reducing it, and, secondly, by administering it. The conversion of Saxony to Christianity supplied what was for a long time — that is, until the conversion of the Wends and Slavs — a more binding link between his German subjects than their own common origin and their own common tongue. But a stronger and a longer and a more equable pressure than any that Charles could bring to bear on the nations was necessary to keep Germany in the unity which he had for the moment produced. The divisions of the kingdoms under his sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons — divisions some- times vertical and sometimes horizontal, but determined in detail rather by the ancient nationalities than by their more modern substitutes — tended rather perhaps to a laxity of friction than to any permanent disruption, but preserved and intensified the old lines of disunion. We do not indeed read again of the old Frank divisions of Neustria and Austrasia, nor even, in the same sense, of Aquitaine and Burgundy ; but we have kings of Saxony, Franconia, Alemannia, and Bavaria, and the new name GROWTH OF NATIONALITY 5 of Lotharingia, with its many differences of meaning and modifications of application. Growth of Nationality. — And now we begin to trace in the nations distinct marks of policy and sentiment that long outlived the sentiment of nationality. We see in Franconia, the most anciently consolidated and completely feudalised of the nations, an exemplification of the identical causes which were producing disruption in Western France. Full of an ancient nobility rivals and enemies to one another ; smaller in territorial extent, and fuller of imperial cities than the other divisions, Franconia as a nation never exercises that influence on the German kingdom that Saxon}' and Bavaria do, and it is the first to disappear from the list of the great duchies of the imperial administration. Alemannia retains its character as an artificial construction such as it was when it originated in the congeries of broken Suevian tribes. Its territory, broken and rugged, divided, moreover, into two plain countries, Alsace and Swabia, separated by the forests, lakes, and mountains, rendered it especially liable to internal weakness : it is only after Swabia has permanently disengaged itself from Alsace and the intervening lands that it has such a unity as makes it under the Hohenstaufen and Welfs a real influence in Germany. Lotharingia, again, lies too mAich on one side of the kingdom to have a fair chance of deciding any contest, nor does Lotharingia once give a king to Germany so long as the strength of the German kingdom lasts. When the true life and spirit is departed we shall find her borrowing her rulers from Lotharingia in the house of Luxemburg whose reigns cover 150 of her weakest and most futile years. Saxony and Bavaria remain as the two great influences of German life in these ages. Saxony has been described as 6 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES the most thorough and longest lived nationality, the last conquered and the least feudalised; possessing a f^reater number of ancient allodial Saxon nobles strong in the clannish affection of their followers; and in its comparatively free institutions a more per- manent security for union than the casualties of con- quest or the artificial uniting force of administration; and as it possessed the strongest national unity, we see it representing more strongly than the other nations the sentiment of German nationality. Saxonj'. — Saxony is not only more thoroughly Saxon than Bavaria is Bavarian, but it is more thoroughly German than any of the other nations. This may be in a measure accounted for by the fact that Saxony was the first of the nations that acquired a hold on the royal dignity after the extinction of the Karlings, and that under Henry the Fowler and the three Ottos, Saxon princes, Germany awoke to the possibility of a working unity and to the possession of the empire. But it must have originated in something earlier and deeper, and that earlier and deeper sentiment can be attributed to nothing more certainly than to the com- parative freedom of Saxony from Roman influence, her long and continued liberty, and the bracing character of her national institutions. And that it was not easily satisfied appears by the uneasiness of the nation even under Otto the Great after his imperial prospects in Italy had distracted and diverted his energies from their proper German work. To go over this again would, however, be to run too much into detail, but I must add that the Saxon or German policy of the Saxons, which was to keep a Saxon on the throne, and, having him there, to keep him in Germany if not in Saxony itself — a strong BAVARIA 7 Saxon feeling that is tempered by the pride of having been the first of the nations to give a dynasty to Germany — is a clue to the position taken up by the Saxons generally with regard to the papacy. They were, it is true, probably better Christianised than the South Germans, though their Christianity was of later date and partook more strongly, as did that of Boniface their apostle, of devotion to the apostolic see. Their natural foes were the great prelates on the Rhine, whose constantly increasing power and ambition were met by a close alliance between the Saxons and Rome, whose rivals these prelates were. But there was still, I think, the powerful national instinct working with and giving energy to these accidental sentiments, that the German king was for Germany and not for Italy. The imperial idea met with very little support in this the least imperialised part of Germany. Bavaria. — Contrasted with this is the position of South Germany, represented earlier by Bavaria and later by the Swabian princes. Bavaria, accustomed from the beginning to look towards Italy as in later times she has always looked towards France ; ^ retaining throughout a pride of nationality, but not so much desiring, like Saxony, to give rulers to Germany, as to preserve her own identity as a national kingdom. Disabled by the extinction of her old royal house from creating a dynastic opposition to the imperial governors, but curiously assimilating those imperial governors to her- self and making them, in spite of their own antecedents, the exponents of her national ambition, Bavaria, the representative nation of South Germany, clings most closely and faithfully to the shadow of the imperial dignity. We have seen exemplified under the Ottos ^ i.c. till 1870. 8 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES this disintegrating tendency of Bavaria. A Saxon prince is made Duke of Bavaria ; the Saxon becomes a Bavarian, and heads the opposition to his brother, nephew, and cousin. The Saxon dynasty ends, and a Bavarian duke ascends the throne, and resumes his Saxon character : but immediately Bavaria is in arms against him as king whom she has obeyed implicitly as duke ; and so on, until the Welfic times into which new influences are imported and in which new features appear. All this has been traced in its causes, and in some degree in its consequences, through the reigns of the Ottos and Henry II. Its consequences not less important but more remotely ran on even to 1870, the principle of national union being sought in North Germany the ancient Saxony, and that of disintegration being exemplified in Bavaria and in the foreign longings of Austria. Growth of Feudalism. — But there are other influences besides nationality and the differences of national dis- cipline which help to make up the history of the Middle Ages. There is the diffusion of feudalism, and there is the evoking and results of the counter influences of the empire and the papacy. The progress of feudalism, its gradual development, and the main distinctions between its effects in Germany and its effects in France, England, and Italy have already been exemplified. Nor is it indeed necessary to recapitulate them, for the distinctions originate chiefly on the growth of the institution and on the extent of the ground it gradually covers ; once full grown and spread generally over a surface, its effects are much the same in all countries. Feudal government, as distinguished from mere feudal tenure, grew up more slowly in Germany than in France, and was less universally diffused ; but when FRENCH AND GERMAN HISTORY 9 it had come to its growth, and reached the extent of its diffusion, its tendency and effect was the same, to dis- ruption, and the permanent division of the kingdom amongst a number of little potentates under nominal obedience to a suzerain. That nominal obedience in France had reality enough to be made under a series of strong and unscrupulous princes a basis of union. French and German History compared. — From the twelfth century to the sixteenth the struggle between the princes and the crown continued, and at last France became one, at the price of becoming a kingdom ab- solutely governed. For in France the King of France was nothing but King of France; he had no other right to the obedience of his vassals, and only with the strong hand could he be content to govern them, or they to be governed. In Germany it was otherwise. Not only was the feudal principle less generally diffused and later in growth — that is, there were other tendencies towards dis- ruption, as I have just shown, besides feudalism — but owing to circumstances even that modicum of uniting and centralising force which generally existed in feu- dalism at certain periods of its development was want- ing in Germany ; the principle of imperialism being substituted for it. The princes might be feudally sub- ject to the emperor, or allodially free as the birds of the air, so far as their tenure was concerned, but as emperor they were all his subjects ; and the force of the obliga- tion to obedience being in the imperial dignity, not in the feudal relation only or primarily, the strength of the union varied directly with the reality or the unsubstanti- ality of the imperial power. And when the imperial power was distracted and diverted to Italy, as it was from the tenth century to the thirteenth, Germany lost the one force of cohesion she possessed ; for feudalism lo GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES could not support the strain for which in Germany it was not constituted, imperiaHsm having taken its place. And this accounts for the later differences between French and German history. The shadow, the dry bones of feudalism in France are revived and made the basis of a union under an absolute prince. Feudalism has no such uniting power in Germany. The imperial power becomes a nonentity, the imperial rights are bartered away for money, Germany ceases to have even a possibility of union. And happily, as she loses the possibility of union, she is saved from the payment of the price that France has paid. She remains disunited, but she continues free ; her institutions are deeply rooted in freedom : her little tyrants, where she has them, live on the affectionate sentiment that has survived the princes who deserved it, but at her worst estate she is not enslaved. France has become united, but as one nation of serfs. Christianity in Germany. — It is necessary to mention the inferences to which our tracing of the early char- acteristics of feudal government have been leading us. One subject remains to be noticed before we bring down the result of our speculation to the point of actual history at which we are to begin. I mean the relations of Germany with the papacy, either through or independently of the imperial connection with it and Italy. First, then, of the condition of Christianity in Germany irrespective of the imperial complications. Indirectly I have said a good deal about this in the former volume. We saw that the several nations had a distinct religious history as well as a distinct secular one. We accounted for the fact in the first place that Germany was untinged with Arianism, by showing that the Goths, who under Ulfilas had received the faith CHRISTIANITY IN GERMANY ii under that corrupt and heretical form with the other German tribes who were leavened from them, the Suevi and the Vandals, passed out of Germany long before the whole hive had heard the Gospel, and passed away south- wards, to Italy, South France, Spain, and Africa, leaving not a single really German tribe in Germany affected by their heresy. That accounted for, we traced the Chris- tianity of the Rhinelands to the Gallo-Roman times, and marked how largely they shared the secular features of Gallo-Roman Christianity in the unspiritual character of the clergy and the constant accumulation on the churches of secular privileges. With the exception of the Rhinelands, all Germany owes its conversion to the awakened missionary energy of the sixth and seventh centuries, Bavaria, perhaps, first heard of Christianity from the Romans, but the religious work was completed by Celtic missionaries. Swabia, in like manner, received its apostles from the Scottish Churches. Franconia, partly from the Chris- tianised energies of Clovisandthe Gallo-Roman Church, partly from St. Kilian and other British or Scottish preachers sent out from the schools of Columbanus and Columba. Friesland — that is, the modern Holland and the country lying between it and Lower Saxony — was converted by Englishmen from Northumbria; Saxony, by Englishmen from Wessex. Of the several nations. Saxony only became a part of the Frank empire before it was Cliristianised ; and not only did Saxony receive Christianity from the successors of Boniface in the field of missions, under the influence of Charles the Great, but the whole German Church was subjected "to a like impulse under the same auspices, and raised from the low and secularised state into which religion under the Merovingian princes had fallen. This refor- 12 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES mation and consolidation of the German Church under the influence, Hving and posthumous, of St. Boniface, had great effects. For the attitude of revived rehgion towards the papal see was different from that of the Franco-Gallican Church. Every reformation in learning, manners, morals, and discipline drew the Churches nearer to the centre of Apostolic teaching, and kindled the zeal of the defenders of Christianity in favour of the pope. The revival and spread of Christianity in France and Germany led almost directly to the formation of close relations between Pepin and Charles the Great on the one side, and Popes Zacharias, Stephen, Adrian, and Leo on the other. Charles Martel had died in deadly feud with the pope ; Pepin laid the foundation of the temporal power ; Charles destroyed the Lombards, and founded the Holy Empire. Still more was the German kingdom dravi^n to the papacy when the extension of the Gospel and the organisation of the Church in Saxony and beyond the true German lands among the Sclavonic tribes of the eastern marks had spread the influence of both pope and Caesar. During the century of the Karlings we lose sight in great measure of any peculiar characteristics of Teutonic Christianity ; only we know that out of the obscurity emerge the False Decretals and the theories that have given shape to the modern domination of the Church of Rome. These were doubtless German in origin, for neither in the Galilean Church proper, nor in Italy, nor, least of all, in Rome itself, was there any disposi- tion to recognise the supremacy in ecclesiastical dis- cipline of the chair of St. Peter. Relations with the Papacy. — We have come down to the time when it is impossible almost to distinguish between the German and the imperial relations with the RELATIONS WITH THE PAPACY 13 papacy. And this was the second point. Henceforth in our study of German history we have to keep our eyes open, not only to the internal affairs of the kingdom, but to the perpetual seesaw between the Church and the empire, Pepin and Charles restore the strength of the papacy, or, perhaps, we might say, create it ; in return the popes create Pepin king of the Franks, Charles emperor of the Romans. The Karling century sees the popes gradually sinking in moral status, and German influence being paralysed by the contentions of the family, under Italian influence of the worst and pettiest kind, Italianising and demoralising the Church. Out of this moral abyss the papacy was rescued by Otto, as it had been out of the political one by Pepin and Charles, and again the reward was the imperial crown. The regenerating in- fluence of Germany on Rome lasted for nearly a century of action and reaction. The idea of righteousness cul- minated in Otto III. ; the practical summit was attained by Henry III. : — from the death of Henry the two in- fluences change places : that of the papacy becomes righteous, pure, and ideal, that of the empire becomes despotic, immoral, material. Unhappily the revived consciousness of the papacy sees its only policy in the humiliation of the empire, and, by good and evil, by doing much and suffering more, it did succeed ; and in the humiliation of Henry IV. it found a set-off to the many energetic castigations that it had received from German hands. But as the revived spirituality of Rome, represented by such men as Gregory VII., Urban II., and Paschal II., Anselm of Canterbury, and Bernard of Clairvaux, did gradually evaporate during the twelfth century, it left the struggle devoid of its old moral and religious interest, and substantially political, pohtical only. The ideal sought is not now righteousness or 14 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES reformation, but simply power. It is not the vindication or reduction of ecclesiastical freedom, but merely the attaining of an independent influence in the balance of the European powers. The popes wish to expel the empire from Italy; the emperor wishes to retain his hold upon it, and that by his hold on the pope. We no longer have contrasts between a virtuous em- peror and an immoral pope, or between an ascetic pope and a profligate emperor : the popes are neither above nor below the ecclesiastical morality of the age reformed by St. Bernard ; the emperors, although, as usual, in- tellectually and morally superior to the common run of princes, do not find that either knowledge or virtue gives them any advantage in the political strife. hnperial Policy. — But putting aside ideas for facts, we have traced the alteration of relations between Henry IV. and Gregory VII. for a century after the death of both. We have marked how the lines of party in Germany, the Welfs and Waibelings, or Guelfs and GhibelHnes, are drawn upon ancient divisions, although the parties themselves are inspired with new senti- ments in addition to their old rivalries. Of course. North Germany, intensely German and religious, anti-imperial, and by consequence papal, governed by rulers who owe the affections of their subjects rather to their ancient national importance than to the loyalty felt towards imperial functionaries, is matched against South Germany, the home of the Hohenstaufens, the constant treasurer of imperial traditions. Saxony, the constant ally under all her different dynasties of the papal see, is exposed more especially also to the aggressions of those spiritual princes of the Rhine whose policy has been imperial as opposed to papal, because imperialism meant to them IMPERIAL POLICY 15 secular independence, and papalism meant practical insignificance. These princes, constantly buying, bor- rowing, or stealing secular privileges from the empire, and again purchasing confirmations and immunities from Rome, win a large stake at each turn of the game. They find it a source of strength to be without that which is the source of strength to the temporal princes, hereditary succession. The emperor whose influence is generally enough to secure the election of his nominee is not afraid that he will create a new competitor for empire or found a rival dynasty. Dukes and counts, margraves and landgraves have done so ; it is only on rare chances of escheat that the appoint- ment to these functions falls into the emperor's hands, and when it does he is restricted by the force of political opinion from making a selfish use of his chances, whilst the appointments, once made, proceed on the principle of hereditary succession, with which he can interfere only at deadly peril to himself and his family. There is no fear of this in the clerical principalities. He can make an old tutor, or a bastard brother, an archbishop, and as archbishop load him with secular power, without fear of finding him a traitor or the founder of a new rival race. So the old duchies, and especially Saxony, have their jurisdictions limited and their very territories dismembered in favour of a hierarchy which may be trusted to be faithfully imperial. Hence the spiritual princes have the enormous influence in North Germany which colours the whole later medi- eval history; hence their great weight in the election of the emperor ; hence their opposition to the national instinct of North Germany, their share in the revulsion of feeling in those lands with regard to the papacy which facilitated the reformation in the sixteenth century. i6 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES But in this part of the imperial policy there was one weak point, and that the popes knew how to take ad- vantage of. The spiritual princes, much as they loved the empire and the emperor, loved themselves more, and could not shut their eyes to the fact that they were spiritual princes over a people amenable in an especial degree to spiritual menaces. Hence the wonderful power of excommunication in the hands of the popes against the emperors ; hence the moral necessity in the emperors' eyes for an antipope ; and from that necessity the equally pressing one of retaining some hold on the right of influencing papal elections. Independently of a mere Italian policy, the emperor must be able to protect his spiritual princes against the consequences of papal ex- communication : that he can do only by the creation of a rival pope ; but the world will not recognise his rights to nominate an antipope unless he is able to prove and also to vindicate his right to appoint the regular pope in a vacancy. The difference between the effects of interdicts and excommunication in Germany, and its effects in France and England, are very marked. In England it was indeed only tried in the reign of John, and then only a few of the bishops recognised it, whilst it had no in- fluence for the time on the politics of the kingdom. In France, king after king defied the weapon without the loss apparently of political strength. But in Germany, nominally and deeply divided, only needing a shock to produce disruption, leavened so largely and widely with politico-spiritual influences, the bolt was fatal at once. It not only released the unfaithful from the necessity of feigning obedience, but it disarmed and paralysed those who would have been most faithful. Witness the history of Henry IV., Henry V., Otto IV., and Frederick II. FREDERICK BARBAROSSA 17 Frederick Barbarossa. — Frederick Barbarossa, alone at the head of a singularly united Germany, and acting in co-operation with antipopes above the usual type, is able to maintain an equal fight with the pope even in exile. And the humiliation of Frederick Barbarossa after the battle of Legnano, and in the peace of Venice, although it is less picturesque, and indeed less morally touching than that of his predecessors and successors, is not less a political defeat of enormous importance ; important both because of the majesty and nobility of the hero who maintains his character and loses not an iota of respect where he is obliged to yield the fruits of a life's struggle ; and also because of the singular weakness and disjointedness of the league before which he succumbs, between an exile of popes, an upstart Norman king, and a few outlawed and often plundered Italian towns. Germany was indeed united under him, but the pope made for him a foe in his own household. Henry the Lion, the Welf, the Saxon hero, the friend of Becket, the conqueror and Christianiser of the Slavs, would no longer fight against the pope, when he saw his cousin's chief minister, Philip of Heinsberg, Archbishop of Cologne, the foe to the pope, but much more the foe to himself, a rival aiming at and content with nothing less than the dismemberment of Saxony. Germany in the Thirteenth Century. — So all these forces play into one another's directions, and the resultant is what we are now come to. The reii^n o of Frederick 11. broke up the empire, and broke up what was not at all in the nature of things bound up with the empire, the unity of Germany. I need not recapitulate a recapitulation. It was the fatal union with Italy that precipitated the result : the fatal union with Rome first, and the finally fatal union with 1 8 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES Sicily. Italy itself was enough to paralyse any ordinary prince's energy ; but Italy with Sicily and Jerusalem was too much for the grand genius, power, intellect, and protracted reign of Frederick II. Where the imperial energies were spent outside of Germany, no wonder that Germany went its own way. But this had been so before, under both weak kings and strong, and yet the mass had been brought again together. Under the most brilliant of the Caesars the ruin came, and without remedy. Much, of course, was owing to the very brilliancy and eccentric power of Frederick, to the hatreds he inspired, and the recklessness with which he inspired men with them. Something in Italy was due no doubt to the ability and persistent policy of his enemies the popes. But in Germany nothing or very little can be attributed to these things. In Germany the catastrophe depended far more on political than on personal causes. It is curious how little of his reign was spent in Germany itself : he must have been known far more by report than in person ; and perhaps it may have been that his fall was occasioned rather by his absence from the country than by his un- popularity in it. But after all, although the occasion was this, the causes w^ere far older and more effective. Germany began the reign of Frederick apparently the Germany of old ; she came out of it a body with new names, and new powers, and functions. This is seen in the gradual break-up of the old duchies. The early division of Franconia and extinction of the Franconian line in the person of Henry V. ; the dismemberment of Saxony and Bavaria under the forfeiture of Henry the Lion, and the creation of new and insignificant duke- doms out of his magnificent inheritances ; the virtual dismemberment of Swabia by the extravagance and GERMANY IN THIRTEENTH CENTURY 19 short-sighted policy of Philip, King of Germany, who raised funds for his resistance to Otto IV., by the sale of the imperial rights over towns and vassals ; the making of all these small powers which arose from the dis- memberment of the greater ones, immediately subject to the empire, so that by sale or gift they were able constantly to wring from the emperor privileges which made them really sovereign each in his own little territory ; the impoverishment of the imperial domain going on coincidently with the loss of feudal rights and revenues from the lands not in demesne — all this was reducing the emperor to the condition of an honorary or titular prince, who but for the prestige of his title, and the hereditary dominions which as count or duke he might have had before he attained the imperial title, had little more real power in his dominions than the titular kings of Achaia and Jerusalem, or the later Roman emperors. So much then, for the present, of the principles, the broad lines of politics, the elements of political life, the causes and consequences which we have seen hitherto at work in German history. We have henceforth to con- template it under new conditions springing directly out of the old, but differing in form and favour. I shall begin with a short view of the actual events of German history under Frederick II., Conrad, and Conradin ; but the most important portion of this volume will begin with the interregnum, and be devoted to the far more prosaic and humdrum course of events, politics, and development of institutions which we shall have to trace under the princes of Hapsburg, Bavaria, and Luxem- burg. We pass from the golden at once to the copper, and brass, and iron age : we lose our last glimpse of the heroes with Frederick Barbarossa, the old knight- 20 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES errant, riding away into the land of paynim giants and monsters, or appearing, to their mutual wonder, to the lost shepherd among the caves of the Harz and Salzburg mountains, never, alas ! to return. IMPORTANT DATES Death of Frederick Barbarossa, 1190. Reign of Henry VI., 1190-1197. Philip, 1 198-1208. Otto IV., 1198-1215. Frederick II., 1212-1250. CHAPTER II Frederick II. — His supremacy in Italy — Its fatal effects — The nine years of peace — The great Diet at Mainz — Election of Innocent IV., 1243 — ^ts importance — Deposition of Frederick, 1245 — ^'s death, 1250 — Conradin's fate. The Reign of Frederick II. — It may be regarded as one of the commonplaces of history, to represent the reign of Frederick II. as a very epitome and con- centration of all that has gone before that is interest- ing and significant in the life of the empire. Not only does the character of the emperor seem to embrace all the salient characteristics of his pre- decessors, but the very events are a reiteration, and the very combinations a repetition of the mixture of ingredients of former periods of development. In Frederick we see not only the brilliant ability and high ideal of Otto III., but the strength in action of Henry III., and the spirit, brave, adventurous, and im- petuous, of Frederick Barbarossa ; but also we see, not less clearly, all the profligacy of Henry IV., and the unprincipled cruelty of Otto II. and Henry VI. As the chosen defender of the papacy, he recalls to our minds the original conditions of the empire, the delivering hand of Pepin and Charles and Otto, armed with the same strength, and purchasing advancement by the same gifts of lands and power bestowed in fact or in promise on the papacy. In his later assumption of independence as against papal interference and supre- macy, we see the same revulsion of feeling that we saw 22 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES in Henry V., who having as defender of the Church dethroned his father, as his father's successor bent all his energies to the humiliation of the Church. In his antagonism with the popes, the struggle with his own son, whom the Italian alliance had set against him, in his humiliation and final fall, we read again, although with many differences of circumstances, the story of Henry IV. But no accumulation of such details should divert us from seeing, that in reality all that is touching and dramatic in the biography of Frederick belongs to Italy and not to Germany. The origin of all his greatness, his brilliant successes, and his great humiliations, was not in Germany. His birth and education, his temper, his faults and his merits, were Italian. Henry VI. had laid the foundation of his miseries in the Sicilian mar- riage, and in the means he took to secure to his son the inheritance of the whole of his own and his wife's dominions. The Sicilian kingdom, the guerdon as the popes chose to regard it, or wages of the servants and defenders of Rome, was to be, according to Henry VI.'s plan, united for ever to the imperial dignity, and that dignity to become hereditary. This the popes might well object to ; they lost the cherished obedience of the Sicilian kings, and saw their pet fief go to strengthen the hands of their would-be masters. The childhood of Frederick was the great opportunity for the popes. A Welf emperor was elected under papal influence to break at once the continuity of Henry VI.'s policy : when that Welf emperor found to his cost that the attitude of rivalry with the pope was inseparable from the status of emperor, whether Welf or Waibeling, danger from the young heir of Hohenstaufen seemed to the pope to be so remote that he himself brought him forward as the FREDERICK'S LOVE OF ITALY 23 rival of the unfortunate Otto. Nor was it until Frederick had, by eight years: spent in Germany, and by the death of Otto and collapse of the Welfic interest in North Ger- many, consolidated his power in a way that recalled the popes to their old policy that the struggle again broke out. The struggle beginning with the point at which it had been left by Henry VI., the union of the crow^ns of the empire and of Sicily on one head. This was the fons et origo mali ; other grudges and hatreds entered largely into the struggle, until it became one of personal perse- cution and extermination. But the scene of the w-ars, the interest of the adventures lies in Italy, Sicily, and Palestine, and the indirect effects of these upon Germany it is not difficult to sum up ; they have, in fact, been summed up briefly in the previous volume.^ His Love of Italy. — The reign of Frederick extends from 121 2 to 1250; from his first attempt to assert a right to the empire, an attempt wonderfully suc- cessful and brilliant, to his death. In 1218 he was relieved from the rivalry, long ago practically extinct, of Otto, and two years after he obtained the imperial crown : that imperial crown he wore, if we accept his deposition by Innocent IV., until 1245, or twenty- five years ; if we ignore that, for thirty years, ending with his death in 1250. Of the thirty-eight years which include his whole connection with Germany he spent not more than twelve on this side of the Alps : from 1212 to 1220 he was in Germany ; only two years, July 1235 to August 1237, o^ his imperial reign were spent there. He was, notwithstanding, regarded with honour and affection, won probably by his early graces, and by the inherited title to reverence earned by the house of Hohenstaufen. We have had occasion to ^ " Germany in the Early Middle Ages." 24 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES remark before how strong the hereditary instinct was in Germany, although it was not legally the theory of the kingdom or empire. The third generation of a dynasty had outlived all competition, in the cases of Otto III., Henry V., and Henry VI. No duke or prince was a likely rival to the heir of Hohenstaufen when he was once come to man's estate. With the assumption of the imperial crown, Frederick's close intercourse wdth Ger- many ended. Again the fatal gift of Italian supremacy destroys the health of Germany, Frederick, in 1220, left his kingdom north of the Alps, and only once returned to it, after a lapse of fifteen years. For these fifteen years his eldest son Henry, eight years old at the time of his election as King of the Romans, acted as his father's representative. He was elected at Frankfort in 1220, without the consent of the pope, and in defiance of the papal policy ; but the pope, who was ready for the time to sacrifice everything for the prospect of the Crusade, accepted Frederick's assertion that he did not intend to unite permanently Naples and Sicily with the empire, but only wished to provide for the proper government of his states whilst he was absent on the Crusade, and crowned him emperor in the winter of the same year. The eight years from 1212 to 1220 were, after the struggle with Otto IV. had subsided, years of compara- tive security. Frederick was very popular ; he found means of attaching the princes to himself ; the extinction of the dukes of Zahringen, and the humiliation of the Welfs, gave him the means of rewarding faithful service, and the support of the prelates he purchased with the grant of very extensive privileges. Amongst others, he surrendered the right of seizing on the personal effects of prelates at their death, and the right of coining money and exacting toll within their territories ; he protected HIS SON HENRY 25 their churches against the oppressions of their official advocates or defenders, and he enforced the authority of sentences of the Church by placing contemners under the bann of the empire.^ It was by these that he won the consent of the clerical members of the diet to the election of his son as King of the Romans. His son Henry. — Well, Frederick being out of sight, gone to Italy for fifteen years, the young Henry becomes the centre of German interest. For five years, 1220 to 1225, he was under the tutelage of Archbishop Engelbert of Cologne, to whom is commonly ascribed the intro- duction of the Vehnigericht in Westphalia, and who, by his inflexible administration, at once ensured the security of the kingdom and brought about his own death ; for in 1225 he was assassinated by the Count of Isenberg, whom he had offended by his rigour. Henry was crowned, by Engelbert, king as Henry VII., at Aix-la-Chapelle in 1222. In 1223 he compelled the King of Denmark to receive his crown as a vassal. On Engclbert's death the emperor appointed as guardian of his son, and vicar of the empire, Lewis, Duke of Bavaria and Count Palatine of the Rhine — a Wittelsbach by race and a representative of the new order of things resulting from the breaking up of the old duchies. He was the son of that Otto who had succeeded to Bavaria on the forfeiture of Henry the Lion in 1180, and he had himself succeeded to the County Palatine partly as son-in-law and partly as substitute for Henry of Saxony the son of Henry the Lion. He represented, then, in a way, both Welf and Waibeling interests, and was destined to lead his ward into difficulties that ended in his destruction. The house which he founded in Bavaria and in the Palatinate was the one which more than any other throughout the ^ Milman, " History of Latin Christianity," vol. v. p. 62. 26 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES later Middle Ages keeps up the idea of the old position of the duchies : in it Bavaria made several bold and partly successful bids for empire, and it is the only one of the German houses which now exist, except the Welfs themselves, that has maintained itself in the male line to the present day. Lewis of Wittelsbach occupied the important place in which Frederick's con- fidence had put him for six years, when in 1231 he also was assassinated. The Relatio7is of Frederick with Henry. — It may be that subsequent events have cast a false reflection over the acts of Frederick at this period. But, true or false, it was believed that the emperor suspected Lewis of an attempt to withdraw Henry from allegiance to his father, and that the assassin, an unknown person, was an Egyptian sent from Syria for the purpose, by the Old Man of the Mountain, with whom Frederick in his crusade had entered into an alliance. Frederick at this time had just made his peace with the pope, and was looking about him no doubt with a view to making security doubly secure. But the motive, and indeed the deed itself, is a mystery. The next nine years ;were peaceful years for Italy. Frederick continued on good terms, or on quiet terms at least, until 1239, and betook himself to legislation and the cultivation of arts, science, and wickedness in his favourite kingdom. His great trouble during these years was from Germany ; and even this storm blew from the Italian side of the Alps. Henry, in 1227, had married Margaret, daughter of the Duke of Austria, and after the murder of Lewus of Wittelsbach seems to have got on tolerably well for two or three years without a guardian ; he was, indeed,'now twenty years old. There can be little doubt that the contemporary writers RELATIONS OF FREDERICK WITH HENRY 27 were justified in their suspicions that Henry had been tampered with by the pope during his father's extra- ordinary crusade — that in which, you will remember, the emperor, whilst under the sentence of excommunication, recovered the Holy City. Either Henry was at that time alienated from his father by the same unholy policy that had set Conrad in opposition to Henry IV., or suspicions were insinuated into the mind of Frederick that it was so, which suspicions worked out their own confirmation. I do not know that it implies a more than usual baseness in Henry that he formed designs against the father whom he had seen but once (at Aquileia in 1232) since he was eight years old, and of whom all he heard was his impiety and his lavish affection for his other children. Conrad, the son of Yolanda of Jerusalem, and the unhappy successor of both father and brother, seems to have been placed before young Henry as his especial rival, and he was told that he was to supplant him in the succession. Neither in Germany nor in Italy were wanting influences available in favour of the papal and opposed to the imperial plan, and as early as 1231 he had endeavoured, by an enactment in favour of the princes, placing the local jurisdiction in their hands instead of those of the imperial officers, to make himself a party against Frederick ; but Frederick disarmed the conspirators by confirming the edict, and pardoned his penitent son at Aquileia. With these Henry was per- suaded to take counsel. But in 1234 the Milanese, by ambassadors, opened negotiations with him, and in a meeting of the princes, a conspiracy was formed to help him in the ambition of becoming independent of his father. It does not appear that the conspiracy was a very strong one, or that it proceeded to much 28 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES overt action. Frederick was too prompt for it, and he wisely trusted to his own popularity. He hastened into Germany in the spring of 1235, and early in July, at Worms, received his son into his favour. Hermann of Salza, the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, and Frederick's wisest and most faithful coun- sellor, acted as mediator. Henry pretended to submit, but almost immediately after the reconciliation pro- voked his father again by refusing to surrender the castle of Trifels and to perform other conditions. He was accordingly arrested within a few days of the pardon, and committed to the charge of Otto, the Count Palatine, at Heidelberg ; thence he was removed to Alzen, and thence to Sicily, where he lingered in chains until February 1242, when he died at Martorano in Apulia and was buried at Cosenza. ■ Frederick's Wives. — The conduct of both father and son is matter of considerable obscurity. We are at a loss to estimate the character of the provocation which met with so severe a punishment : so savage a one indeed, if we may believe the enemies of Frederick in their assertion that he starved his son to death. The history of Henry is, on the other hand, misrepresented by the advocates of Frederick in a way that is out- rageously unhistorical.^ Facts speak for themselves, and I cannot think that the right was altogether on the side of the father who, notwithstanding the passionate lamentation over his son which he penned on the occasion, within a fortnight of the condemnation of his son to perpetual imprisonment, celebrated his third marriage with great pomp and luxury in the very town, Worms, where the unhappy Henry was a captive. Frederick's third wife was Isabella of England, daughter ^ Menzel is especially inaccurate. THE DIET AT MAINZ 29 of John, sister of Henry III. and of Richard of Cornwall, afterwards King of the Romans ; his second was Queen Yolanda of Jerusalem ; his first had been Constance of Castile, also a granddaughter of our King Henry II. The Diet at Mainz. — A week after the wedding Frederick held a great diet at Mainz, at which the deposition of Henry was formally transacted, and an ordinance put out by the emperor, in the German language, relating to the general condition and con- stitution of the kingdom. It seems to have been intended as a remedial act, to protect the imperial power from the losses which had been inflicted by the rash measures of Henry, and which Frederick, in self- defence or policy, had for the moment confirmed. But the time was past when it was possible to reduce Germany under a regular imperial organisation ; and Frederick probably saw that this was the case. Another and a better policy was to endeavour to strengthen the influence of law and of the imperial authority, by con- firming and increasing the privileges of the imperial cities. No doubt he had found by experience of Italy the strength and permanence of the civic institution, and was willing to take pains to secure on his own side in Germany an element of society so stable and whose interests were bound up so closely with the maintenance of law, and resistance of feudal oppression at the hand of their common foes, I dare not say that this actually was so : I am not sure that Frederick really cared about Germany any further than touched his own interest: he could not have loved it and be content to see so little of it ; and it may have been that, like our own kings, he sold privileges and charters merely to raise money. Another act of some historical significance that marks 30 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES this diet, is the erection of Liincburg and Brunswick into a duchy in favour of Otto the Child, son of Wilham of Winchester and grandson of Henry the Lion. It marks the extinction of the part of the Welfic house of their old claims to a rivalry with the imperial house ; the family that had once ruled from the Baltic to the Tiber is now content with a newly created and comparatively small duchy. But they had undergone great humilia- tions since the time of Otto IV. ; still retaining these ancient allods of their Saxon forefathers, although the tenure was changed into that of a fief by surrender and reinvestiture, they possessed a basis on which future power could be and actually was raised. Frederick in Germany. — Frederick's visit to Germany lasted two years : during this time, after the immediate pressure of public business was over, he travelled through the country endeavouring to inspire regard by his popular manners, and awe by the oriental magnificence of his court : everywhere granting and confirming liberties, and, notwithstanding his Edict of Mainz, recognising the prescriptive infringements by the princes of the few remaining imperial prerogatives. Amongst other acts of the kind was his declaration of all his hereditary estates in Germany to be the pro- perty of the crown, and his raising his personal vassals to the station of tenants in chief of the empire ; thus completing that break-up of the old subordination of the feudal empire which had been going on since the partition of the Welfic dominions. He had been recalled into Lombardy in the winter of 1236 by the war with the republics, but even this he was obliged to leave unfinished and to turn back into Austria for the humiliation of Frederick, the warlike Duke of Austria, whose turbulence and love of war kept the whole rela- FREDERICK AND GREGORY IX. 31 tions of Bohemia and the eastern parts of Germany in a turmoil. Frederick was condemned to forfeiture in a diet at Augsburg in 1236, after which he was obliged to be quiet for some years. The emperor himself spent some months at Vienna after this, and having traversed central Germany in 1237, returned to Italy in September. The visits may be regarded as one, broken by the short Italian campaign. It was at Vienna that he made arrangements for the government of Germany in his absence. He had not learned wisdom from the re- bellion of Henry, or else his affection for his second son overcame his prudence, Conrad, the son of Yolanda of Brienne, only eleven years old, was to be his substitute ; the election was made at Vienna by the Archbishops of Mainz and Treves, the Duke of Bavaria, who was also Count Palatine, and the King of Bohemia. It was con- firmed at Spires by the assembled diet in July, and Frederick finally shook himself free of his German sub- jects. Briefly to sum up : the share taken by the Lom- bard cities in the perversion and rebellion of Henry provoked Frederick to determine on their destruction. All the rest of his history follows logically upon this quarrel. Frederick and Gregory IX. — On his return from Germany he devoted himself entirely to this purpose, and for a time seemed likely to succeed. In November 1237 he won, at Corte Nuova, a complete and apparently decisive victory ; and at last it seemed probable that the imperial dream would be fulfilled. But when matters appeared worst for Italy and the papacy, suddenly the tide turned, and the abuse of victory roused a resistance that was destined after many vicissitudes to be victorious. Gregory IX. determined to throw the whole power of the Church into the scale 32 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES against Frederick ; and Frederick's sins and errors, real or imputed, had been accumulating during many years, only a few of which misdoings would have been enough for a damnatory charge against him. His suc- cesses in 1238 were less decisive than they had been in the former year ; he was forced to retire from Brescia. Then the pope concluded a league against him with Venice and the remaining supports of Italian liberty. Having prepared his material weapons, he opened the war with a spiritual denunciation ; in March 1239 he excommunicated Frederick. The time was hardly come for excommunication to take immediate effect : a curious paper war followed ; both pope and emperor addressing long letters of ap- peal and defence to the princes of Europe. Frederick had still a strong hold on the affections of Germany, and there the effect of the papal fulmination, sure but slow, was impeded by the attempt of the pope to urge the election of an anti-Caesar in the person of Robert of France, the brother of St. Louis. St. Louis, on the occasion, behaved in a way worthy of his great name ; he not only in the most dignified manner rebuked the pope for his presumption and the unspiritual /:har- acter of his policy, but communicated to Frederick the machinations which were being laid against him. In Germany itself the proposal strengthened for the moment the hands of the emperor, and the arrogance and misconduct of the papal legate, provoked to the last degree the ecclesiastical princes whose faith was most likely to be affected by the excommunication. So long as Gregory lived Frederick pushed his successes in Italy with hardly a drawback. Frederick's Death^ 1250. — The pope died in 1241, and the election of a successor was delayed for two years. THE IMPORTANCE OF HIS REIGN 33 At last Innocent IV., a personal adherent of Frederick, was elected, and after some troublesome negotiations peace was made between pope and emperor in March 1244. But within three months of the treaty Innocent fled secretly from Rome to France, and began the series of aggressions which ended in the fall of Frederick. In the Council of Lyons he not only re- newed the excommunication, but declared the emperor deposed, and preached a crusade against him. From this moment every nerve that could be strained on the part of the papacy was strained, and although for two or three years Frederick's genius warded off the fatal end, his signal discomfiture before Parma in August 1247, which Milman calls the turning-point of his fortunes, seems to have broken his spirit or dis- turbed the balance of his mind. He struggled on for a couple of years more with energies paralysed and a heart broken by the misfortunes of his children and the reputed treachery of his friends. The captivity of his son Enzio, and the treason of Peter de Vinea, his prime minister, were too much for him. He became almost frantic, and yet irresolute and practically inactive. This period of his life closed only with it ; he died at Fioren- tino in December 1250, leaving to his children a small share of his genius, and the full inheritance of his sins and misfortunes. The Importance of his Reign. — In this chapter, which is only intended as an introduction to the state of things which follow the death of Frederick, it is not necessary to go into minute particulars of dates, names, and places. But the historians of the time are themselves far from being liberal of such indica- tions. In truth, Frederick's personal history occupies not indeed a greater share of the historian's attention C 34 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES than it deserves, but more than is proportional to it in relation with the general history of the times. He had reigned so long, and his abilities, his power, and his adventures had made him so famous that the writers of the time looked on his history as the general history of the world. And their example has been followed by later historians with more excuse. The result of this is that there is much obscurity in every department that lies outside the sphere of his personal action. We are left in ignorance even as to who were the guardians and chief ministers of the little King Conrad during the earlier years of his lieutenancy in Germany. Dietrich, Archbishop of Treves, was guardian in 1242. It is only discoverable by inference that Duke Otto of Bavaria discharged towards him the duties that his father Lewis had done for King Henry. Otto maintained the Hohen- staufen interest in Germany as long as it could be main- tained ; he refused to act upon the excommunication of 1239, and even when, two years later, the ecclesiastical princes changed sides, remained faithful to Frederick. The Duke of Austria, also Frederick the Warlike, returned to his allegiance after four years of forfeiture, and was restored by the emperor w^ith increased and accumulated honours. Swabia was under the personal rule of the young Conrad, and there was thus no danger of the imperial cause being lost in South Germany. The Tartars. — During these few years, during which the papal policy was working secretly rather than overtly in Germany, the great event to be noticed is the threat of a barbarian invasion on the side of Hungary. Genghis Khan had founded a great Tartar empire earlier in the century. Baton Khan, his grandson, as lieutenant of the great Mongol Emperor Octal, directed his conquering energies westward. Ravaging Russia and Poland, he GERMANY, 1239-1254 35 reached the borders of Germany. In 1241 he entered Silesia. Slavs and Germans alike fled before him or perished in unavailing resistance : turned aside by the obstinacy of Breslau, and deterred by a storm which excited his superstitious fears, he moved southward towards Hungary. All Germany was summoned to the rescue. Enzio was sent from Italy by the emperor to assist Conrad, and under the command of Conrad the army of Batou was met near the Danube and defeated. Batou retired, but Hungary had almost perished under the infliction. Bela, the king, having been driven into Dalmatia, purchased the aid of Frederick for his restora- tion and for securing his dominions, it is said, by sur- rendering the feudal domination of Hungary to the empire. This, like every question on the relations of Hungary to Germany, is obscure. And it is not less an illustration of the obscurity of the details of the time that the place at which this decisive battle was fought, one which, humanly speaking, saved Europe from being conquered and reduced to barbarism, is unknown. Milman calls the stream on which it was fought Delphos ; but although Moravia and Austria itself abounds with relics and traditions of the invasion, we only know that the battle took place near the Danube and sometime in the year 1241. Germany, 1 239-1 254. — It has been said that the effects of the papal excommunication of 1239 were slow but sure. It is in 1241 that we first trace their operation in Germany. At this time the ecclesiastical princes were still faithful ; and the papal diplomatists rested their hopes rather on Bavaria and Austria than on the bishops. A conference was held at Budweis in September 1241 on the expediency of a new election. But singularly the two great powers, the temporal 36 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES and spiritual, either changed sides or were obliged to renounce their temporising policy and show their true colours. Bavaria, Bohemia, and Austria, on whom the papal party had relied, adhered to Frederick ; but the machinations of the legate produced a counter move among the bishops. Frederick, learning that their allegiance was questionable, widened the breach by his violent and insulting language ; and a league was formed against him. The crown was offered by this party first to Otto of Bavaria, and by him rejected with scorn. The deposition of Frederick in 1245 strengthened the party greatly ; but no one would yet consent to be anti-Caesar, The King of Bohemia, the Dukes of Austria, Brabant, and Saxony, and the Margraves of Meissen and Brandenburg, refused it. At length an election was made at Hochheim, near Wurzburg, on Ascension Day, 1246. The great majority of princes present were ecclesiastical ; the four archbishops, Mainz, Treves, Cologne, and Bremen, the Bishops of Metz, Spires, and Strassburg ; a very few insignificant lay princes joined in the act. By the influence of the Archbishop of Cologne, who throughout was a strong papal partisan, Henry, surnamed Raspo, Landgrave of Thuringia, was elected. He was crowned and placed at the head of a crusading army mustered by the Archbishop of Mainz. War began immediately. Henry, the priests' king {Pfaffen- konig), defeated King Conrad near Frankfort on August 5. Conrad's Swabian soldiers deserted him, and Henry seemed in a likely way to supplant his rival altogether ; but his success was not lasting ; he was prevented by the severity of the winter from carrying out the com- plete subjugation of Swabia, and having retired into his hereditary states, died a natural death in February 1247. In the autumn of the same year a new king of the THE END OF THE HOHENSTAUFENS 37 Romans was chosen, William, Count of Holland. Before his rising star the fortunes of Conrad waned rapidly. In 1248 he was compelled to fiy into Italy, where he shared his father's few remaining misfortunes. We lose sight of him in Germany for two years. He seems, however, to have returned before his father's death, and to have maintained some show of authority in Swabia and Bavaria. But gradually he was left friendless in Ger- many, and retreated into the safe kingdom of Apulia. There, however, the unrelenting hostility of Innocent IV. pursued him with excommunication. His fortunes seemed to be rising when he died in 1254, under strong suspicion of being poisoned. The End of the Hohenstaufens. — The romantic history of Conradin does not belong to Germany. The internal events of these years will be described in the next chapter in connection with William of Holland, Richard of Cornwall, and the great Interregnum. We will now- very briefly comment on the end of the old imperial regime under the last of the Hohenstaufen. It seems curious, but I conceive it to be the truth, that the possession of Italy was the fatal, vulnerable, incurable point in the lot of Frederick II. It was not so much his absence from Germany, because that we saw after many years had not impaired his popularity, and there were many reasons why the absence of a supreme check on ambitious princes should make the absentee emperor more acceptable than a present one would be. There was absolutely no family left in Germany, north or south, which could enter into a moment's competition with him. The faithfulness of Germany was proved, moreover, by the length of time that it survived the trying ordeal of the papal excom- munication of the emperor. During his earlier difli- ;l_64>'' — Richard II. — Wenzel — Charles VI. — The great schism — City leagues in Germany — Switzerland — Deposition of Wenzel — Com- parison with deposition of Richard II. — Accession of Rupert of the Palatinate — His Italian expedition — The Wetterau league — Death of Rupert, 1410. The End of the Fourteenth Century. — If ever there was a period at which it might fairly be said that monarchy in Europe had worn out its mission, and, whether the world were ripe for a change or not, it at least must be put out of the way, it was, I think, the last quarter of the fourteenth century. In the first place there were two popes; one. Urban VI. (1378 to 1389), a monster of cruelty and tyranny, in whom his con- temporaries saw nothing but the suspicion of madness to excuse him; the other (Clement VII.), a mere agent of France and French interests, more respectable, but as unfit to moderate in the councils of Europe, and in the countries opposed to him regarded not merely as a schismatic but as a heretic ; for as such Wycliffe con- tinually treats him. After Urban came Boniface IX., the political tool of conflicting alternations of party. Richard II., Charles VI., and Wenzel. — In England we have the boy king, Richard II., spoilt by his guardians, kept back from public business, and driven in upon private excesses and extravagances until they have become a second nature to him, to develop, in spite of natural ability and noble instincts, into what was, to all intents and purposes, an insane attempt 142 CONDITION OF EUROPEAN POLITICS 143 at tyranny as the only source of revenge and form of real power. In France we have the unfortunate Charles VI., not merely, like Richard, liable to a suspicion of insanity, but actually stark mad, and his kingdom for many years ruined by the results of his malady. In Italy there is the terrible tragedy of Queen Johanna (murdered in 1382), followed up by a double succession of claimants, persecuting one another ; Charles of Durazzo expiating the murder of Johanna by his equally tragic murder in Hungary; Elizabeth of Hungary, his murderess, falling a victim in her turn. And in Germany, where one might have hoped at least for something like a centre of gravity and an escape from the madness and misery that is all around, what do we find but King Wenzel, if not as mad as his brother kings, disqualified by mad drunkenness from ever doing justice to that discreet and penetrating judg- ment which, according to the German historians, he possessed but could only show when he was sober. Condition of European Politics. — I do not mean, of course, that all these calamities fell on European society at exactly the same time. Pope Urban VI. concluded his savage career in 1389, and Charles of France did not fall a victim to his disease until 1392 ; but the unsettled state of England con- tinued throughout the period, and Wenzel seems, so far as we know, to have been drunk all the time ! The result of the reaction following the enormous exertions made by France and England earlier in the century was to produce throughout great part of Europe an uneasy peace. The war between England and France was carried on indeed, but for years only nominally, neither people rising to an effort ; France and Germany were undisturbed in their relations, as 144 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES indeed they generally were under the Luxemburgs ; in Italy there was constant bloodshed ; in Hungary there was constant bloodshed ; in Germany there were constant defiances and private wars, but there was no national war, unless the quarrels of the Italians among themselves, and the revolutions and party struggles between Sicily and Naples, or their rulers, can be taken to wear the dimensions of such a struggle. General Characteristics. — There are, however, some few characteristics which cannot be passed over. There is, first of all, and throughout all, an amount of cruel capricious bloodshed, unparalleled at any period of the history of Christendom. In England there is the vin- dictive proceeding of the Lords Appellant against the king's favourites in 1387, and the equally cruel reprisals of Richard in 1397 ; not to speak of the very suspicious circumstances of Gloucester's death. In Italy there is the persecution by Urban VI. of the suspected cardinals, the torture of the unhappy old men, and their final disappearance, undoubtedly by secret execution. In France there come, shortly after the period closes, but thoroughly of a piece with it, the mortal feuds between Orleans and Burgundy, and a little later the massacre of the Armagnacs. At Naples there is the murder of Queen Johanna, and the long list of reprisals falling, with an awful poetry of justice, rapidly after one another. In the dominion of Wenzel, as we shall see, there was not less innocent, noble, and sacred blood spilt, than elsewhere. This is a new characteristic : of wars, rebellions, tumults, there have been enough in the ruder ages, but now that civilisation advances, now that the un- reality of a revived chivalry, which never existed but WENZEL'S REIGN 145 in theory, forms the outward manners of society, come these secret murders, poisonings, thirst for poHtical bloodshed. Under such a state of governmental morality we can- not wonder at a second point that is worth noting : the policy of combination among individuals, and be- tween communities, by which it was attempted to supply through a voluntary confederation that security and guarantee of order which ought to have been furnished by the Government. In England and France this had shown itself in the revolt of the Commons and in the wars of the Jacquerie, and for want of organisa- tion only had failed to effect a revolution. But in Germany as in Switzerland, and at an earlier period in Italy, it took the form of leagues and confederations between city and city, or cities and nobles, or cities and princes ; the princes themselves forming themselves into societies, half like orders of chivalry, half like allied powers, and sharing in some degree the features of the old Vehmic Society which itself revived. A third point I will notice is, the extension of this principle of superseding ineffective or bad government by voluntary association, in religious matters ; a develop- ment from causes which had been long at work, such as the preaching of the friars, the doctrines of the mystics, and reaction from the excesses of the strict Franciscans, but which in the schism of the papacy, the general dis- organisation of society, and the spread of the idea of voluntary association, assumed a character, under the Wyclifhtes and the Hussites, which was to help to determine religious changes in Europe for all time to come. Wenzel's Reign. — From this preface you will probably infer that I shall throw the history of Wenzel into some K T46 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES form corresponding with these heads : his cruelties, the combinations of the cities and princes, and the progress of revolutionary principles in religious matters. In truth the personal adventures of Wenzel, grotesque as many of them are, and still more grotesque as they are repre- sented by the later historians, whose narratives seem to be melting away before modern criticism, only indirectly touch the history of Germany. Germany he left very much at her own disposal. An occasional diet, or an occasional confirmation of privileges ; or the occasional bestowal of imperial sanction on a league ; or a spas- modic effort now and then to arbitrate between the popes, nearly complete all that can be said of the German life of Wenzel. In Bohemia, where he lived, he was always in difficulties, and there his adventures occur chiefly. There can be no doubt, all things considered, that Wenzel was one of the most worthless creatures that ever were called kings. There have been worse kings, perhaps, that is, men whose wickedness has done more harm to their subjects, but scarcely one in whom there is so little of anything admirable to redeem the blank stupidity of his vice. The only element of life there is in his history is the capricious madness of his crimes. His career in Bohemia is one long quarrel with the nobles of that country, whom he would have been glad simply to exterminate. Having set Prague against him, he fortified him- self a castle in the neighbourhood, where he took refuge whenever the popular spirit was too strong for him, and thence conducted his ravages. Early in his reign he brought in the Free companies to put down the national opposition, and thus assisted to devastate his own kingdom. His acts of cruelty culminated in 1389 in the attempt to massacre the whole of the WENZEL'S REIGN 147 Bohemian nobles at Wilimow. Still matters went on until 1393 without any resolute attempt to depose him. In that year the citizens of Prague, excited by the order that he had given for the execution of two of their number, and two of the nobles, taking advantage of his visit to a neighbouring monastery with a small retinue, arrested him, and kept him in a dungeon for fifteen weeks. At the end of this time, according to one story, he was allowed, as a special favour, to go and bathe at Old Prague in the Moldau. By the assistance of the girl Susanna, who served at the bath, and who rowed him across the river in a skiff, he escaped, and for some time employed Susanna as his chief adviser, and her likeness is conspicuous among the miniatures of a copy of the Bible which he had illustrated with representations of his captivity. Another account represents him as re- leased at the request of his brother and the other princes of his family. A second captivity, however, awaited him. This time his brother Sigismund and his cousin Jobst of Moravia, with the assistance of the Duke of Austria, seized him, and conveyed him to Vienna. Thence he escaped by the aid of a fisherman who used to bring the prisoner an occasional breakfast for charity's sake. He again, however, shut himself up in his Bohemian castle, and continued his revels. In 1392 his wife had been killed by one of the hounds that he always had with him ; yet, notwithstanding this, and his general loose character and his cruelty, he was able to get another wife, a Bavarian princess, whom he married chiefly to obtain an ally. After this he went on drinking. Germany bore with him, happily seeing little of him for twenty-two years. Bohemia, notwithstand- ing the strong party made against him by Sigismund and Jobst, had to endure him for nineteen years longer. It 148 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES may, however, be true that his character has suffered from the patronage, or abstinence from persecution, which he displayed or has the credit of having displayed towards the Hussites. Though there is no evidence to prove that he favoured John Huss, he certainly allowed his teaching in the University of Prague until stopped by the pope. It is barely possible that his vices may have been exaggerated by those who believed him favourable to heresy, but even if that be the case, there is nothing good said of him. He may not have been quite so bad, and yet good for nothing. In Germany his influence was but slightly felt ; still the imperial power, although weak, had been so much made of by Charles IV., had been made so conspicuous as to be almost necessary ; and the influence of Charles did not pass away all at once, nor was Wenzel without an occasional hazy idea of doing an imperial act. He seems to have had an idea that he ought to interfere in Italy, and sent there occasionally a threatening letter, or appointed an im- perial vicar who, like himself, contented himself with promising to interfere, or he issued a commission to settle the claims of the rival popes, or he sanctioned a league, or forbade one, or even himself joined one ; but no one seems to have regarded his edicts except so far as they suited his own pleasure, or could be made a pretext for doing something that he wanted to do. On the death of Urban VI., he recognised and supported Boniface IX. ; but, when the Avignon pope, Clement VII., died, he entered into a negotiation with France for the deposition of both the rivals, and even went to Rheims in 1398 to consult on the extirpation of the schism. On this visit it is said that he got so drunk as to acknowledge the wrong pope, Benedict, instead of Boniface, and promised to cede Genoa to the French. SWITZERLAND 149 If this is true, it is probably one of the causes that led directly to his deposition. But the most important business of Germany went on with very little interference from him. In 1381 the cities of Swabia and the Rhine formed themselves into a league against the counts and dukes of Swabia and Bavaria, with Wenzel's sanction. By this league a great part of Bavaria was devastated. But a few years before these same cities had been in strict league with these same nobles. Although it is important to keep before us the political energy exhibited in these alliances, it is almost impossible, however, and quite unnecessary to unravel their short and variable complications. Switzerlatid. — In Switzerland the atmosphere is a little clearer. There we find the Austrian dukes, during the long peace that began in 1356, diligently endeavouring to secure and increase their remaining rights. In 1376 they had to encounter Ingelram de Coucy (married Isabella, daughter of Edward III.), who came with a force of Englishmen and Frenchmen to demand the payment of his mother's dowry, Catherine of Austria, which was settled on some of the Swiss towns. Duke Leopold applied for help to the confederate cantons, and Bern and Zurich afforded it. But Coucy's force was very formidable, and caused an immense deal of suffering before it was finally disposed of, partly by battle, partly by starvation. In 1382 a new quarrel arose. One Count Rudolf attempted to surprise Soleure ; he failed, and the Bernese divided his estates with the people of Soleure. This embittered more than ever the relations between the nobles and the towns, and also between Austria and the confederates. This quarrel ended for Leopold I50 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES at least in the battle of Sempach in 1386, where he was slain in July 1386. His son, Leopold IV., con- tinued the war for a few months, each city grasping at any unprotected territory that lay convenient for it, and the Austrians unable to crush an enemy that seemed ubiquitous. After a year and a half of what was called the Bad Peace, because no one kept it, open war was resumed, but the battle of Naefels, in which a handful of the men of Glarus destroyed a large Austrian force, led to another peace. This was more lasting ; it extended from 1388 to 1394, and was afterwards renewed for twenty, and later on, in 141 2, for fifty years. But indeed the emancipation of Switzerland from the yoke of Austria was now nearly accomplished. The deliverance of Appenzell from the dominion of the Abbot of St. Gallen was won against the combined force of Austria and the abbot, without disturbing the relations of the confederated cantons ; and the Rhoetian or Grison confederations were being created for struggles that were still far in the future. Deposition of Wenzel, — From this time, then, Switzerland may be regarded, for our present pur- pose, as lying outside of Germany. But it is time to have done with Wenzel. He was deposed, and the deposition was actually treated as valid, although his successor was only partially recognised. As this is certainly a very exceptional case, and as the circum- stances bring out nearly everything that I have not mentioned, that is worth remembering as to the Wenzel's acts, we will run through the particular circumstances of it. Wenzel had long been a shame and grief to Ger- many, without any one finding or making it his business to get rid of him. In a healthy state of the papacy he must have been excommunicated, and that might have CRITICISM 151 led to deposition, but in this case there was no pope strong enough to exercise jurisdiction in Germany, except the pontiff who owed the maintenance of his position to the support of Wenzel and his allies. It was a case clearly in which the empire must act for itself, and it did so. The three ecclesiastical electors and the two prince electors who, according to the Golden Bull, were entitled to be vicars of the empire during a vacancy, took the initiative. The immediate provocation was the sale of Milan to the Visconti and of Genoa to the French. Genoa made itself over to France in 1396; what Wenzel did at Rheims in 1398 is not clear. In September 1399 they met at Mainz and determined to appoint a single vicar of the empire. Wenzel refused to recognise or appoint him, and the next move was to invite him in person to Frankfort to meet the princes. Wenzel refused to leave Bohemia, and his ambassadors pro- tested against the holding of assemblies of the princes without his sanction. Matters went dragging on for nearly a year. At last with the advice of Boniface IX. the electors met at Lahnstein, and, having waited for ten days for Wenzel to appear, they deposed him on August 24, 1400. Criticism. — The act or sentence which was pronounced by the Archbishop of Mainz as Arch-chancellor of Germany, declares that Wenzel is the chief author of the abuses prevailing in the empire, and that he has treated the remonstrances of the princes with scandalous contumacy. It then proceeds to state the grounds of accusation ; he has sold Genoa to France, and Lom- bardy to Galeazzo Visconti ; he has alienated imperial domain by sale ; he has sold blank letters patent, to be filled up by the purchasers at their will; he has 152 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES granted impunity to thieves and robbers ; he has cruelly murdered, drowned, and burned prelates, priests, and nobles ; he has made a league with Poland against the Teutonic knights ; he has wasted the revenues of the empire of Bohemia, destroyed the University of Prague ; given himself up to debauchery and neglected the affairs of the empire. He is therefore deposed and deprived. A good deal might be said both for and against the exact constitutional character of such an act, but nothing could be said for Wenzel. On the strict letter of the old German institutions, as existing both in England and in Germany, there was in the witenagemot a power of deposing a bad or worthless prince, but it w-as long since such a thing had been done with any regard to formality. In England, the year before, a precedent had been given ; and, bad as Richard's case was, that of Wenzel was worse. For years before it had been the common talk of Europe that such a measure was necessary. Richard II. himself had been persuaded that his good government of England had so impressed the Germans that they were ready to choose him instead of his brother-in-law, Wenzel, and that was regarded as one of the first hallucinations that cul- minated in his attempt at revolution. But, although the charges made against Richard were very much like those against Wenzel, the part taken by Henry of Lancaster in his deposition takes away from the similarity in its most important point. The deposi- tion of Richard was brought about quite as much by private rivalry as by public indignation ; it was the adjudication of the crown that he had thrown away to a claimant who had intrigued to supplant him. Wenzel's was a solemn act of popular or rather national ELECTION OF RUPERT OF THE PALE 153 judgment and justice ; and it was performed by all the body of the electors except himself and his cousin, Jobst of Moravia, to whom Sigismund, when (in 1386) he became King of Hungary, had mortgaged the margraviate of Brandenburg. The Duke of Saxony, however, was not present at the conference. The final sentence was not issued until all had been prepared for the election of a new king. As early as May the electors at Rhense had fixed on Duke Frederick of Brunswick, and he, in prepara- tion for the event, had gone into his own dominions to prepare men and money. But whilst thus employed, or when on his way to Lahnstein, he was attacked by the Count of Waldeck and killed in the month of June at Fritzlar. The Duke of Saxony, who was in his com- pany, was wounded, and was thus prevented from taking part in the further proceedings. Election of Rupert of the Pale. — The place of Frederick as a candidate was supplied by Rupert, the Count Palatine of the Rhine. He undertook to accept the ofBce on the same day that the sen- tence against Wenzel was promulgated, and also to recover Milan and to undo the other unlawful acts of Wenzel. Rupert was the representative of the older branch of the house of Wittelsbach ; his career did not make him an exception to the usual luck of that house when it made a stroke for empire. He is the second of the list that is made up by the Emperor Lewis of Bavaria, Frederick, King of Bohemia, the son-in-law of James I., and the unfortunate Charles VH., who en- deavoured in the eighteenth century to supplant the Austrian family and oust the husband of Maria Theresa. Rupert was a brave and able prince, but the dis- organised state in which the empire was when he 154 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES undertook it might have proved too much for the abilities of a much stronger one. The election at Rhense and Lahnstein was but a short step towards the acquisition of the empire. Wenzel was by no means without partisans, and these were unwilling to accept Rupert until it was clear that Wenzel would do nothing to help himself. Frankfort declined to admit him, and he had to spend six weeks in a siege before he could make himself master of that imperial and capital city. After Frankfort had submitted, Strassburg also received him, but Aix-la-Chapelle hesitated ; and ultimately the coronation was performed at Cologne, contrary to pre- cedent and contrary to the Golden Bull. He held, however, his first diet at Nuremberg in proper order in May, and there, after strengthening his position as much as he could by the usual plan of confirming the privileges of all who were willing to adhere to him, he prepared for that Italian expedition to which he had bound himself when he accepted his election as King of the Romans. At the same time he thought it neces- sary to make some provision in case Wenzel should resist, as he was strongly urged to do by his brother, Sigismund, and cousin, Jobst, both of whom had an idea of their own fitness for the empire. Resistance, however, was the last thing that Wenzel thought of. He declined to do more than listen to the arguments of France, and he would not do so much as that for Sigismund ; but, whilst he was yet speaking to him, left the room and went to his bath. He had the support of Rudolf of Saxony and Ernest of Bavaria, who was jealous of his cousin's exaltation, and that was nearly all : Sigismund and Jobst had rather connived at his deposition, but had no desire for the dismemberment of the family territory. Wenzel, RUPERT IN ITALY 155 however, cared little for any of them, or even for the siege which he endured in Prague from the Bohemian nobles in league with Rupert's party. Rupert himself seems to have had no wish to drive matters to extremity with either Wenzel or his family. Matters were, therefore, sufficiently advanced in August 1401 for the new expedition. In September, at Augs- burg, Rupert appointed his son Lewis vicar of the empire for Alemannia, Gaul, and the kingdom of Aries, having already made him his representative in Bavaria and the Palatinate. On September 25 he was at Inns- briick, on October 2 at Brixen ; at Trent on the 14th. There is a good deal of obscurity both as to the move- ments and companions of Rupert, and this period is slurred over by historians generally. It seems, however, certain that he had brought with him only a small force, expecting probably that, as had been usual on former expeditions, one section of the Italians would rise in his favour. Rupert in Italy. — It appears that he expected also succours from England, with which country he had connected himself by a marriage between his son Lewis and Blanche of Lancaster, daughter of Henry IV. He was not, therefore, prepared for so speedy resistance as Gian Galeazzo Visconti had for him. Between October 16 and 21 he advanced into the territory of Brescia, and there the forces of Milan met him. He had with him Duke Leopold of Austria, the Archbishop of Cologne, and a body of Italian cavalry under Jacopo da Carrara. On the 2ist a battle was fought, and the result was unfavourable to Rupert. According to Sismondi, he was saved from a downright rout by the Paduan cavalry ; but the German historians allow that it was an out and out defeat : he was forced to retire on 156 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES Trent ; the Duke of Austria and Archbishop of Cologne left him ; the English succours had not yet arrived, and the Florentine subsidy, on which he had largely relied for the support of such force as he had, was only partly paid. He seems to have given up the idea of think- ing of penetrating to Rome and receiving the imperial crown. Before Christmas he went from Trent to Padua and Venice, attempting, by the aid of the Florentines, and at their request, to draw in the pope and the re- public of Venice into a league against the Visconti. But they, seeing him so ill-supported by Germany, drew back. He stayed at Padua until April 1402, and then went back to Germany. The success of Gian Galeazzo seemed secure, and his dream of becoming King of Italy ready to be fulfilled. This result, terrible and shameful for the empire, was averted by the plague. Gian Galeazzo died of it the September after the battle of Brescia. His estates were left in a very unsettled condition, and his powerful rule at Milan was succeeded by anarchy ; but Rupert, although urged by both Ger- mans and Florentines, refused to make another attempt on Italy. He showed his wisdom and good faith in devoting himself to the pacification and regulation of those parts of Germany that adhered to him. Rupert was indeed born a brave man and a man of business ; the register of his extant acts fills almost as large a volume as that of the acts of Lewis of Bavaria ; and as that prince did, he spent the remaining years of his reign in his own territory, chiefly at Heidelberg in the Palatinate, or on the imperial domain at Oppenheim. In this employment he had suflEicient work for a long hfe. Rupert in Germany. — The first transaction he under- took, after his return from Italy, was to compel Aix- RUPERT IN GERMANY 157 la-Chapelle to recognise him. This was not done until he had put the city under the imperial ban ; nor even then until the burghers had formally renounced their allegiance to Wenzel. He next had to put down the Margrave of Baden, who, supported by the Duke of Orleans and the French party, and countenanced by Wenzel, was exercising the unjust customs on the Rhine. The margrave was obliged or persuaded to submit. But similar measures of constraint used against the robber counts of the Wetterau, some of whom were vassals of the Archbishop of Mainz, had the unfortunate result of exasperating that influential and unscrupulous prelate against him. John of Nassau, the archbishop, had taken a leading part in the deposition of Wenzel, and was not free from the suspicion of having connived at the struggle which caused the death of Frederick of Brunswick. He took, therefore, to himself the credit of having placed Rupert on the throne ; and now, finding that Rupert's sense of justice, stronger than his gratitude, would not allow him to spare even the vassals of the archbishop, he placed himself in connection with a league formed against him. This league was based on the Wetterau confederation formed under Wenzel, the head of which was Philip of Nassau, the archbishop's brother : one of those local confederations possessing some claim to a real organisation, which, under Maximilian, a century later, were recognised as, or developed into, the system of circles. This Wetterau league, with the archbishop. Count Eberhard of Wiirtemberg, the representative of a long line of petty tyrants, the Margrave of Baden, and forty- seven of the cities of Swabia and Strassburg, under the title of the Confederation of Marbach, wore the unfor- 158 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES tunate King of the Romans to death. Summons after summons was issued, to bring the confederates, if possible, before a diet ; but on one pretext or another they failed to appear, and the Archbishop of Mainz grew so bold as to send letters of defiance to Rupert. It is not easy to say whether Rupert was quite in the right in all his proceedings against the confederates. The acceptance of Ortenau and Offenbach from the Bishop of Strassburg, as the price of his assistance against the citizens of that town, is alleged against him as degrading the imperial dignity; but that he was a poor man is certain, and sufficient reason for such charges being brought against him by unfavourable historians, just as in his Italian expedition he is treated by Sismondi as a mercenary of Florence. But both his acts and his general reputation show him to have tried how to be a just prince. The Council of Pisa. — One of Rupert's last public acts was a preparation for the Council of Pisa. His relation to the popes who, in succession, opposition, or combina- tion, were claiming to rule the Church was this : Boniface IX., in 1403, on finding that Wenzel's cause was hopeless, had recognised Rupert as King of the Romans. In 1398 Wenzel and Charles VI., a couple of madmen, as we saw, had agreed to persuade the two popes, Boniface IX. and Benedict XIII., to close the schism by voluntarily resigning. Boniface held out a half-promise that he would do so, but Benedict obstinately declined ; his refusal made Charles his enemy, and from 1398 to 1403 he was a prisoner at Avignon. He was, in fact, the victim of the quarrel between Burgundy and Orleans, who could not agree on a consistent or common policy. In 1404 Boniface died, and first Innocent VII., and, two years after, Gregory XII., were elected at Rome; the DEATH OF RUPERT, 1410 159 latter under promise to resign if the Pope of Avignon would do so ; Benedict still ruling at Avignon. These Italian popes were recognised by Rupert, as by Ger- many and England generally, but the scandal was felt to be a very wretched one ; and again the scheme of a double resignation was propounded ; and again it failed. Each pope summoned a council : Gregory at Cividale, Benedict at Perpignan. In 1409 the cardinals summoned the prelates, who wished for the end of the schism, to meet at Pisa. In preparation for this assembly, Rupert held a diet at Nuremberg, and afterwards another at Frankfort. In these assemblies the majority showed themselves in favour of the cardinals, but Rupert and a few others clung to Gregory, who had promised to leave the arbi- tration to him, and make him " advocate " or " defensor " of the Roman Church. The council, warned of his design, refused to receive his representatives, giving admission instead to those of Wenzel. In April 1409 the Council of Pisa deposed both popes, and elected a third, Alexander V. ; but, as neither Benedict nor Gregory accepted their decision, the schism was rather increased than diminished. Rupert continued faithful to Gregory, but he did not live to see matters further complicated, as they were by the death of Alexander (May 8, 1410). Death of Rupert, i4io.^German affairs were be- coming very threatening, and, year after year, he found it more difficult to keep the kingdom in order. None of the lucky windfalls came to him that had helped to found the house of Luxemburg, and even to give a temporary predominance to that of Bavaria. Worn out with anxiety and toil, he died at Oppenheim on May 18, 1410, (2t. fifty-eight, leaving the reputation of an able and honest prince, whom not even his i6o GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES poverty could prevent from acting in accordance with his views of right. His last measure, far from securing the aggrandisement of his family, broke up the unity of it for a time and deprived it of any chance of making head against the great territorial princes. This was to direct the division of his dominions among his sons. Lewis, the eldest, held the Electorate, with the territory of Amberg ; John held the Upper Palatinate with Neuburg, and founded a branch that fell in in 1448. Stephen had Simmern, and founded a branch which in 1559 succeeded to the Electorate. Otto, the fourth, founded the line of Mosbach, which terminated in 1499. I mention these things to illustrate the effect of the system of succession which in so many of the great families counteracted all their efforts for the aggrega- tion of estates. Saxony, Bavaria in a less degree, and the Palatinate, by these divisions were absolutely power- less against the houses of Luxemburg and Austria, which adopted it with much more restriction. Their condition led, no doubt, to the consolidation of the empire as an hereditary institution, in the house of Hapsburg, a consummation which, however great were the glories that Charles V. illustrated it with, was quite out of keeping with the long traditional policy of the princes. As long as the electorates were great princi- palities, as long as they represented in any degree the nations out of which Germany was created, the empire was really as well as nominally elective. Germany in the Fifteenth Century. — In tracing the history of Sigismund in the next chapter, I shall have to turn back to some of the important events in which he was concerned, which are less connected with the history of Germany but cannot be omitted from it, such as the invasion of Europe by Bajazet, the growth of Hussitism, GERMANY IN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY i6i and the relations of the Sclavonic kingdoms with each other and with Naples. The reigns of Wenzel and Rupert form the very dullest portions of proper German history : absence of important incident, and even of constitutional developments. There is not, indeed, so complete disorganisation as in the middle of the century, but the strength of the organis2ition that superficially spread over the kingdom, scarcely could hide the disruption and dismemberment going on below the surface, and cannot be regarded as real. It was a thin web of pomp and circumstance woven by Charles IV., and not yet torn to pieces by the wind floating on it by its very lightness. Sigismund was to make more of it. Frederick Maximilian and Charles were to make much more still ; but rather by throwing into the medley of interests their own great territorial influence and position in Europe, by strengthening their place in Germany and the imperial name, by their power as dukes of Austria and Burgundy ; and, further, by their position as kings of Spain and Naples, Bohemia and Hungary. The empire itself was attenuated, but the imperial crown worn by the King of Bohemia and Hungary, Naples or Spain, the Indies, Sicily, and Jerusalem was very imposing, and by the right of its wearer, a very powerful influence throughout the world. IMPORTANT DATES Wenzel, 1 378-1400, League of German Towns, 1381. Battle of Sempach, 1386. Battle of Naefels, 1388. The Union of Kalmar, 1397. Deposition of Wenzel, 1399. Rupert of the Palatinate Emperor, 1400-1410. Council of Pisa, 1409. Battle of Tannenberg, 14 10. L CHAPTER IX The disputed succession — Election of Sigismund — His previous history — The great schism — The Council of Constance — John Huss — Sigismund in France and England — Election of Martin V. — The Bohemian War — The Council of Basel — Sigismund's death, 1437 — The situation in Germany — Accession of Albert of Austria — His acts — His death, 1439. Sigismund Emperor. — The death of King Rupert took place on May 18, 1410. According to the Golden Bull it was the duty of the Archbishop of Mainz, within a month of the vacancy, to summon the electors to Frankfort, and the electors were to meet within three months, to spend not more than a month in the business. In strict conformity with this rule, John of Nassau, the archbishop, who had made himself so strong an opponent of Rupert, sum- moned the electors for September i, and, on that day, the three archbishops and the Count Palatine, Lewis, son of the late king, were present. Wenzel, of course, having never allowed the election of Rupert, did not recognise the vacancy, although he must have allowed his ambassador to appear in the diet : Rudolf of Saxony was employed in a war on the Polish border in de- fence of the cross-bearing knights of Livonia, and Jobst of Moravia, the mortgagee, as well as Sigismund of Hungary, the mortgagor, of the electorate of Branden- burg, were present by ambassadors. The ambassador of Sigismund was Frederick, burgrave of Nuremberg, Prince of Hohenzollern. Sigismund was the most pro- minent candidate ; indeed, although it was known that J 62 SIGISMUND EMPEROR 163 Jobst would like to be elected, and was a man of mature age and sound habits of business, Sigis- mund was the only person who showed much anxiety about it ; he had already obtained the support of Pope Gregory XII. and of the Elector Palatine. The Arch- bishop of Mainz begged for delay in order that the Duke of Saxony, at least, might be present ; but the burgrave, Frederick, would not consent, and the result was a double or disputed election ; the Elector Palatine, the Archbishop of Treves, and Frederick as representing' Sigismund, elected him on September 20 ; the Arch- bishop of Mainz and Cologne, with the ambassadors of Jobst, Wenzel, and Saxony, elected Jobst himself on October i. Notwithstanding the disputed right to Brandenburg and the questionable credentials of Wenzel's representa- tives, Jobst had a clear majority, and was duly elected on October i. But it does not appear that he ever was crowned, and he died in little more than three months, on January 8, leaving not only Brandenburg but the imperial crown free for Sigismund, This time there was no opposition ; Sigismund was elected, after some little delay, on July 21, 141 1. Sigismund stands before the world, for so long a time and in so many capacities, that he occupies more room in history than the length or importance of his reign as King of the Romans and emperor deserves ; but as it is almost impossible to estimate the latter without some reference to the earlier adventures of this adventurous prince, we must look back to the two last reigns and even farther. Sigismund was the son of Charles IV., and, as Wenzel had no children, he is throughout his brother's life heir- presumptive to the kingdom of Bohemia and to the other possessions of the Luxemburg house. In 1373 his i64 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES father had bestowed upon him the march of Branden- burg, and in his youth he was married to Mary, the daughter of Lewis the Great, King of Poland and Hungary, who intended to make him his heir in both those kingdoms. This king Lewis was a descendant of the first house of Anjou established in Naples ; his father was Carobert, King of Hungary, son of Charles Martel, son of Charles II. of Naples by the heiress of the Hungarian line. Sigismund' s Relations with Naples, Hungary, Poland. — In Naples, as you may remember, Charles Martel, having died before his father, Robert, the antagonist of Henry of Luxemburg and patron of John XXII., had succeeded to the prejudice of Carobert ; and, as in both Naples and Hungary, there were at the same time two or three rival kings or claimants, the complication of the two successions is very puzzling. Lewis of Hungary had, however, been elected King of Poland on the death of his maternal uncle in 1370 ; and, although he persistently interfered in the affairs of Naples, is not counted among the kings. On the death of Lewis, however, in 1382, Sigismund put in his claims for both crowns of Poland and Hungary. Lewis had, by great concessions to the Polish nobles, obtained their promise to elect him to that elective crown : in Hungary he trusted to his own popularity and the established doctrine of hereditary succession. Sigismund found, however, that his claims were con- troverted in both kingdoms. The Poles, forgetful of their word, preferred Hedwiga the younger to Mary the elder daughter of Lewis, refused to have anything to say to Sigismund, and, after an interregnum of four years, made up a marriage between Hedwiga and Jagello, Duke of Lithuania, in consequence of which RELATIONS WITH NAPLES, ETC. 165 he was to receive Christianity and succeed to the kingdom. Poor Hedwiga, who was engaged to William of Austria, was the victim of policy, and led an unhappy life with a disagreeable, half-heathen husband ; but so Sigismund lost Poland. In Hungary he succeeded better, but not without a struggle. There, as you may remember, Charles of Durazzo, having murdered the Queen of Naples and got possession of that throne, arrived in Hungary in 1385 to take advantage of the female suc- cession there, and was murdered by order of Elizabeth, the widow of King Lewis and mother of the young queen Mary. Elizabeth herself was soon after taken and drowned by the Ban of Croatia, a partisan of Charles, and at last Sigismund appeared, rescued his bride, and completed his marriage in 1386. The heir of Naples was Ladislaus, son of Charles of Durazzo, and adversary of Pope John XXIII. Sigismund, when fairly seated in Hungary, mortgaged his electorate of Brandenburg to his cousin, Jobst of Moravia, great- grandson, like himself, of Henry VII. From this time he reigned in Hungary without dispute until 1392, but not without difficulty and danger ; for his severity is said to have provoked the Hungarian nobles against him ; he was obliged to be constantly on the watch against the Wallachians, who were being forced on to Hungary by the advances of the Turks, and he had his brother Wenzel to keep in view, lest, in some mad freak, he should make away with the Bohemian inheritance ; as we saw, he had at one time to be a party to his im- prisonment, and was a consenting one, although with some reluctance and perhaps no little feeling of dis- appointment, to his deposition from the German throne. In 1392, just as Sigismund had won some successes i66 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES in Bulgaria over the Turks'and Wallachians, he heard of his wife's death and had to return to Hungary to counteract the machinations of Jagello, now called Ladislas or Uladislas, who was claiming the crown as the husband of Hedwiga. Setting himself in earnest to secure his hold on the kingdom, he seemed likely to succeed, but the constant attacks of the Wallachians gave him little breathing time. In this difficulty he summoned crusaders from all the west of Europe to his aid. They came, and perished mostly in the great battle of Nicopolis, September 28, 1396, which made Sigis- mund a fugitive and wanderer for a year and a half. When he appeared again in Hungary he was seized by the discontented nobles and imprisoned. The crown was offered by the same party to the other Ladislaus, the one of Naples, and accepted by him. He was crowned in 1403 ; but, a few days after the coronation, Sigismund escaped from prison, hastened to Bohemia, and there collected force enough from Wenzel's subjects to drive Ladislaus back to Naples. The nobleman by whose assistance this was done, the Count of Cilly, lent him his aid on condition that he married his daughter Barbara. This Sigismund did, and they led a very unhappy life together for more than thirty years. It is just, however, to poor Barbara to say that, although the Catholic writers give her a bad character, the Hussites showed some regard and respect for her, and it is possible that the charges of atheism and the likeness to Messalina, alleged against her, are exaggerations. The Schism. — From the time of his escape and recovery of Hungary Sigismund seems to have reigned in peace until the death of Rupert, when his ambi- tion for the imperial crown was raised, and after the death of Jobst gratified. From the time of his THE COUNCIL OF CONSTANCE, 1414 167 election, 141 2, to his death, 1437, he was the most prominent man in Europe. The first and greatest of his undertakings was the peace of the Church, the putting an end to the schism. In this he clearly acted both with sincerity and with a real sense of his respon- sibility as King of the Romans. In 1410, just before the death of King Rupert, John XXI 1 1. (Balthazar Cossa) had been chosen by the cardinals at Bologna to succeed their pope, Alexander V.; Benedict XIII. and Gregory XII. still, although deposed by the Council of Pisa, claiming and exerting the rights of supreme pontiffs. One of the first acts of John was to summon (August 15, 141 1) and excommunicate King Ladislaus of Naples (1386 to 1414); a measure which, coupled with his sum- mary defeat by Ladislaus, had the effect of throwing the pope into close alliance with Sigismund, and as a general council was Sigismund's remedy for the schism, the pope had to consent. In the year 1413 it was summoned to meet at Constance. One of the great subjects of deliberation in this council was the suppression of the Hussite movement, a measure most important to Sigismund, if the Bohemian crown, so long endangered by the behaviour of Wenzel, were to continue in his family. The Council of Constafice, 1414. — The council opened on October i, 1414. Sigismund, before he presented himself in person at Constance, was crowned at Aix-la- Chapelle, November 8, 1414, and appeared in the council on Christmas Day (December 25), when he officiated as deacon at the morning Mass. With the business of the council we cannot deal, except so far as its results touch German history and illustrate the character and position of Sigismund. The surrender of John Huss (arrested November 28, i68 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES before Sigismund arrived), who had come to the council on the strength of the royal word, is a blot on the character of Sigismund, notwithstanding the equitable considerations that may be alleged in excuse, and will in all probability never be effaced. Sigismund had given the safe-conduct ; the pope and cardinals insisted on the imprisonment of the accused. For three months Sigismund resisted, but at last allowed himself to be overborne. To us neither the loose morality of the age nor the convenient prevalence of the doctrine that no faith is to be kept with heretics, can be allowed to justify even if it be suffered to extenuate the guilt of the act. It cannot be denied that the moral sense, even of that age, was offended, and the verdict of all posterity condemns the betrayal. But we must consider what Sigismund had at stake; how great was the object for which he thought the sin to be necessary. He was determined to put down the schism in the papacy ; and this was the price that he had to pay to win the support of the council. By dint of great pressure John XXIII. was made, in March 1415, to consent to abdicate ; but the consent was evaded as soon as it was made ; and on March 25 he escaped in disguise from the council under the protection of Duke Frederick of Austria, a great enemy of Sigismund, who had com- pelled him to do homage for his fiefs, and with the connivance of the intriguing Archbishop of Mainz, John of Nassau. Journey of Sigismund, 1415-1417. — The council, in conjunction with Sigismund, executed summary venge- ance on the duke ; he was put to the ban of the empire, excommunicated, all his vassals were released from their fealty, and within a month he was com- pelled to put himself at the king's mercy. The pope. JOURNEY OF SIGISMUND, 1415-1417 169 having ruined his protector, was obliged, a month later, to surrender. He was arrested by Frederick of HohenzoUern, burgrave of Nuremberg, and imprisoned. On May 29 he was deposed from the papacy. Gregory XII. abdicated early in July. The same month (July 6, 1415) John Huss was burned. Only one pope now remained in the field, Benedict XIII., and him the council in vain attempted to circumvent. On July 21 Sigismund left the council, under the protection of the Count Palatine ; and, as in former days popes preached crusades, he undertook a long journey in person to bring the kings of Europe to a proper sense of the need of peace in the Church. Partly by way of raising funds for his journey he sold the electorate of Branden- burg to Frederick of HohenzoUern, and invested him with it in the council (he had investiture April 18, 141 7) ; thus giving to the indefatigable house, from which the kings of Prussia spring, their second or rather third step on the ladder of empire. Sigismund proceeded first to Basel and thence to Narbonne and Perpignan. His efforts in this direction were successful ; he obtained the adhesion of Aragon, Castille, and Navarre to the council, although he could not get Pope Benedict to resign. From Catalonia he went to Lyons, where the French government entreated him to mediate for Charles VI. with Henry V. of England, who had just won the battle of Agin- court. Coming to Paris on March i, 1416, he was received with some share of the respect due of old to the imperial dignity. There, one day, as he was attending the court of law, he managed, by conferring knighthood on one of the petitioners to the parliament of Paris, in order to put him on a level with his adversary, to offend the dignity of the great nation ; and use was made of this piece of carelessness, by the party indisposed to peace. 170 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES to reject his overtures. He therefore went on to England, whither Henry V. had invited him to de- Hberate on measures calculated to put down the heresy that was springing up in their respective dominions. He was not, however, allowed to land at Dover without giving a promise that he would attempt no act of imperial dignity in this island, as he had just done at Paris. Sigismund made no objection, landed on April 30, 141 6, and at Southwark was met by the king himself. His visit was one long scene of festivity and triumph ; but his mediation for peace failed here as well as at Paris, and an alliance, offensive and defensive, with Henry, which produced no practical result, was all that came of the visit. After spending nearly four months in England, on August 24 he sailed away, having spent most of his money and with difficulty got ships to take him up the Rhine ; he reached Aix-la-Chapelle at last, and went on thence to Constance, where he found the council waiting for him, in January 1417. His exertions on behalf of the council had been more favoured than his attempts to mediate between England and France. The adhesion of Spain had added a fifth nation to the other four — Italy, Germany, France, and England. Immediately Benedict XIII. was summoned ; not appearing, he was declared contumacious, and on July 20 deposed as a schismatic. On November 8 Otto Colonna was elected as Pope Martin V. Election of Martin V., 141 7. — The Council of Con- stance is prominent in ecclesiastical history for something more than the burning of John Huss and conclusion of the great schism ; I mean, of course, its attempt, re- newed at the Council of Basel some years later, to set its authority as a general council above the authority of THE HUSSITE WAR 171 the pope. All the good men of Europe were anxious for a reformation of Church discipline, and for the abolition of existing scandals such as those by which the court of Rome was immemorially supported. The appointment of a pope was necessary for such a reforma- tion, but experience had shown that no pope hitherto had had both will and power to effect it. Before proceeding to the election of Martin, the council had bound itself not to separate until the new pope had granted, or taken the initiative in, this most necessary process. From the first act of Martin V. it was seen that he intended no pressure of the council to affect him; he confirmed all the abuses which had been legalised by John XXIII. He wore out the patience of the members of the council by arguing every point that was submitted to him for change. He broke up the concentrated action of the five nations by entering into negotiations with each for a separate measure ; and, in the end, got rid of his troublesome advisers without a scandal. The Council broke up on April 22, 1418. Martin V. was more than a match for his electors ; he had a policy of his own, to turn the Church into an absolute despotism, which was to reside in the pope. It was contradictory to the very principle that lies at the foundation of the conciliar constitution ; he pressed it with the power and prestige of an honest and virtuous pope, and his success ended in the Reformation of the sixteenth century, which might never have been needed if the Council of Con- stance had had strength enough to carry out its own determination. The Hussite War. — The Hussite business concerns Germany only indirectly. The heretical party was national, Bohemian, Czech, in contradistinction to the 172 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES oppressive German orthodoxy. Nor, although for more than a century movements had been going in Germany in the direction of a doctrinal change, was it, for a century to come, time for a really German reformation. The year after the Council of Constance broke up Sigismund succeeded to the crown of Bohemia. Wenzel died of apoplexy, and left his brother to reap his wild oats. The judicial murder of John Huss and Jerome of Prague had excited the national feeling beyond en- durance. John Ziska, a one-eyed Hussite nobleman, undertook the leadership. The Hussite war occupied Sigismund for the next fourteen years. Great cruelties were committed, no doubt, on both sides. Ziska died in 1424, and after his death the party seems to have been less united. But it was always strong enough to tax the whole power of Sigismund, who even ran the risk of losing Hungary from the same cause. In vain a crusade was published against the heretics; they de- feated the foreign crusaders as well as the Germans. Cardinal Beaufort, the great-uncle of Henry VI. of England, spent his treasure in the equipment of an army which he was scarcely able to rescue from ignominious defeat. At last, in 1431, the rebellious Bohemians invaded Germany, laid waste their Austrian, Bavarian, and Saxon neighbours ; and then a fifth crusade, under Cardinal Julian Cesarini, was completely defeated by them at Taas in August. This hurried sketch brings this section of the story up to the meeting of the Council of Basel. In this long struggle with his people Sigismund was not heartily supported by Germany, never very plentiful of money or disposed to war except within her own borders. After the publication of the Crusade, which made it a religious war, he was better helped, and still THE HUSSITE WAR 173 more so when the Hussites began to act on the offen- sive and attacked Germany. But it may be questioned whether, in the long run, Bohemia would not have rejected both the yoke of Rome and the rule of the Luxemburg family, had not the national party itself been divided, and the Hussites, as the weaker, gone to the wall. During the interval between the councils of Constance and Basel we hear little of Sigismund, or of Germany either, except in connection with Bohemia. But some few changes of importance were taking place. In 1423 the Ballenstadt line, which had ended in Bran- denburg exactly 100 years before, came to an end in electoral Saxony. It continued, indeed, to exist in the lines of Lauenburg, and still continues in Anhalt, but these were not strong enough to press their claims against the king, anxious to lay hold on Saxony as an imperial fief ; and the strong neighbour, already Margrave of Meissen and Landgrave of Thuringia, who was eager to purchase it. Frederick the Warlike of Meissen, the descendant of the family which had inherited Thuringia from Henry Raspo, outbid the other candidates, and partly in consideration of his money, partly in reward of his support against the Hussites, Sigismund invested him with the electorate in 1425. From him the present royal and ducal houses of Saxony spring. In 1422 Sigismund married his only daughter Elizabeth to Albert, Duke of Austria, thus for the time consolidat- ing the interest of the two houses, which had hitherto been either enemies or rivals to one another. Of the many promotions of counts into dukes, and the honorary imperial dignities, bestowed in the Netherlands, in Lom- bardy, and in Germany, by Sigismund on the plan of his father, there is hardly one which affects the balance of power in Germany or the distinct interests which we 174 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES have traced hitherto, or which have as yet foreshadowed their later greatness. Council of Basel, 1413. — In 1431, on February 20, died Pope Martin V. The cardinals, whom he had kept under his control, breathed again and revived the project of re- formation which he had nipped in the bud. One direction of the Council of Constance was that a council should be held every five years ; in 1423 one had met at Pavia, and was transferred to Sienna, but it was very scantily attended, and was prorogued by Martin for seven years, at the expiration of which it was to meet at Basel. It met at Basel, and was opened on July i, 1431. Eugenius IV., who had been elected to succeed Martin, had to fight for his Roman territories, and chose to treat the Council of Basel at first with con- tempt and afterwards with hostility. He would not go to Basel over the Alps ; he would not sanction any terms, such as the council was likely to make with the Hussites or with the Greek Church ; he would have a separate council of his own, and he summoned it to meet at Bologna. The Council of Basel met for dehberation in December 143 1, under that cardinal, Julian Cesarini, who had been so sorely beaten by the Hussites at Taas. He was most urgent for reformation. All Germany was crying aloud for it. There was war between bishops and people in the episcopal dominions, and in the imperial cities. Sigismund was fully alive to the critical nature of the situation ; for Bohemia must be saved, whatever else was lost. This was a time for every nerve to be strained, every advantage to be seized. He determined to demand the imperial crown. First, however, he was crowned at Milan with the iron crown of Lombardy ; in July he moved on to Sienna, and there stayed, negotiating with the pope for eight months. LAST YEARS OF SIGISMUND'S REIGN 175 The Council of Basel was legislating in spite of the pope ; the pope endeavouring to compel Sigismund to break up the council before he would crown him ; Sigismund exhausting the patience and the funds of his few Italian friends. Last Years of Sigisviund' s Reig?t. — At last, May 30, 1433, the emperor was crowned, and enabled to return to Basel as Caesar and Augustus. The pope was obliged to yield so far as to recognise the council as ecumenical. Sigismund stayed, and took part in its proceedings until April 1434. In the autumn of 1433 the legates of the council had made peace in Bohemia by allowing the use of the cup in the Eucharist to the laity. The measure broke up the union between the stricter Hussites and the Calixtines or more moderate party. The three remaining years of Sigismund's life were spent in running up and down Germany and Bohemia, in hopes of peace. The two Bohemian parties, after a bloody struggle, agreed in 1435 that Sigismund should still be king, but should be compelled to have Hussite priests at court, and to treat the new religion on the same footing as the old. But the old emperor, having once got possession of Prague, showed no respect to the compact. His restrictive measures pro- duced another rising, which was effectively crushed. But the nobles were desirous of a stronger govern- ment. The wicked Empress Barbara conspired with them and with the Hussites to procure the succession of the King of Poland, to the exclusion of the emperor's son-in-law. Sigismund pacified the nobles by conces- sions, but he felt that his end was approaching, and finally left Bohemia for Moravia, to take leave of his daughter at Znaim ; there, on December 9, 1437, he died at the age of seventy, having nominated his 176 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES successor, His wife, Barbara, remained in prison until her death. It appears that she intended to marry the King of Poland, who, as the wicked old woman had been Sigis- mund's wife for nearly thirty years, may be thought to have had a lucky escape. There was a suspicion of poison, but there was also, as it would appear, a good deal of natural disease, which would account for Sigis- mund's death. He had been a very busy man all his life, had undergone great hardships, and indulged in many excesses ; he was well-nigh broken with the humi- liation and disappointment of the last few years, and, considering that his years at the time of his death were greater in number than those of any king who had reigned since Rudolf of Hapsburg, it may be accounted for without poison. We may say of him, I think, that he lived more laboriously than gloriously, and, notwith- standing his great position and wide influence, laboured in the main with little success. His character was not that of a great king, nor was he morally a good man, but his instincts as a ruler were not wholly selfish, nor is he to be judged by a standard higher than that of the age in which he lived. As to his struggle with the Hussites and other religious parties in Bohemia, it is not difficult to view them dispassionately ; for, on the one hand, we have no sympathy with religious persecution, nor do we think that cold-blooded murder is justified by the faith of the murderer, be he Catholic or Protestant. In these disputes we see the same cruelty on both sides, and on neither any show of ordinary good faith ; nor were these wars merely religious. I doubt if there ever were a really religious war fought by sincere men only. It was a war between Czech and Teuton, be- SIGISMUND AND JOHN HUSS 177 tween Bohemian and German, and between nobles and people. Sigisumnd and John Huss. — The bad faith of Sigis- mund to John Huss I do not think can be excused by any special pleading, nor probably would he himself have excused it. It was a breach of German honour as well as of Christian faith. Only remember the great temptation, the certainty that, unless the snake were scotched, Bohemia and probably Hungary, was lost to him ; the certainty that, unless he could make terms with the council, it would be impossible to settle the schism, which was gradually destroying both the influence of the Church, the Christian faith, and the possibility of a general peace in Europe; the certainty that he would lose both the practical benefit of a peace, and, what was almost equally dear to him, the glory of having been the man to make it. He was in a great strait, and he chose the greater evil rather than the less. But, as so often happens when men, either kings or subjects, do this, he lost both the good things that he was trying for. He lived to see the Church embroiled again in a dispute, which only failed to become a schism because the principle that he had set himself to support utterly broke down ; he died in the midst of the confusion of the later proceedings at Basel. He lost the affections of the Bohemians and Hungarians, and won no glory as emperor. He lived and died a disappointed man, but he had not depth of character to be greatly impressed by dis- appointment; his buoyancy itself saved him from being utterly unsuccessful. He retained all the dominions that he had accumulated, as long as he lived, and conveyed them on to his son-in-law, a great thing to be said for a German prince in those days. M 178 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES The Empire at Sigisinujid' s Death. — At his death he possessed, besides the remains of imperial territory scattered about Germany and Italy, and the con- tingent right to the fiefs as they fell in, the kingdoms of Bohemia, which he inherited from his brother, and Hungary, the portion of his first wife, Moravia, which came to him from his cousin Jobst, and Lausitz or Lusatia, which he had from his younger brother John. Luxemburg had been alienated, and, by a marriage of the sister of Jobst with Antony of Bur- gundy, Duke of Brabant, had fallen to another family, from which the reclamations of Albert, Sigismund's suc- cessor, failed to recover it, and from which it ultimately came to the dukes of Burgundy, and through them to the imperial house once more. Sigismund, having but one daughter, and her well provided for, and being him- self always poor, made no attempt to add either of the two electorates which escheated during his reign to his hereditary or acquired dominions. Thus two of the present governing powers of Germany look to him as the author of their independence, Saxony and Prussia, in neither of which has the male line failed since he gave them their electoral crowns. The house of Hohenzollern we have carefully kept in view from its first rise under Frederick Barbarossa, as counts of Zollern, as burgraves of Nuremberg, as princes of the empire, now as electors of Brandenburg. The house of Saxony we have also traced as first counts Palatine of Saxony, counts of Wettin, then landgraves of Thuringia, and margraves of Meissen, at last dukes and electors. With these exceptions the face of Germany had not changed much under Sigismund's government. Austria, Bavaria, and the counts and cities of Svvabia divided the south. The Count Palatine and the electoral territories THE EMPEROR ALBERT, 1438-1439 179 of Mainz and Cologne ruled along the Rhine and in Westphalia. In the country which was formerly Lower Saxony were the houses of Brunswick, Saxony, and Brandenburg, the two former and sometimes the latter wasting their influence by constant subdivision of terri- tories ; beyond were the free cities of the Hanse league, to the north and to the east the dukes of ^Mecklenburg and Pomerania, and then the territories of the Teutonic knights. The Hapsburgs. — The house of Austria was the largest territorial holder in Germany itself; for of the Luxemburg heritage, a great part lay outside Germany proper, and was inhabited by Slavonians. And the Austrian dukes had managed their property well, keeping it together, under the joint administration of brothers, so as to avoid dismemberment; only in 141 1, a family quarrel ended in the separation of the duchy of Austria from those of the Tyrol and Carinthia. Austria fell to Albert, the son-in- law, at a later date, of Sigismund ; Carinthia, Styria, and Carniola to Ernest, his cousin, father of Frederick IIL, who afterwards became emperor ; Tyrol, with the re- mainder of the Hapsburg inheritance in Alsace, to that Frederick whom we saw put to the ban of the empire at the Council of Constance. Thus at the time of the death of Sigismund there were three dukes of Austria ; and, all through the early part of the century, when the empire went begging, there was no Austrian duke strong enough to enter into competition for it ; they went on, however, accumulating territory by happy marriages and biding their time. The whole dominion, with all its additions, ultimately centred in Maximilian, and not before. The Emperor Albert, 1438-1439. — The death of Sigis- mund was the event that lodged the empire for the i8o GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES remaining centuries of its existence (with the exception of the years 1742-1744) in the hands of the Hapsburgs. He had nominated his son-in-law, Duke Albert of Lower Austria, to be King of Bohemia and Hungary after his death — a man of forty-four, of sturdy, rather rigid German character, a patron of learning, and, like most of the princes of his house, a religious and moral man. He had married Elizabeth of Luxemburg in 1422, receiving with her the march of Moravia, and had signalised himself during his father-in-law's reign by his successes against the Hussites. He obtained speedy recognition in both the kingdoms, was crowned King of Hungary on New Year's Day 1438, and elected King of Bohemia on May 6 ; after some initial difficulties he was crowned at Prague in July. His election as King of the Romans (March 20, 1438) was managed without any obstacle except from himself. He had promised the Hungarian nobles not to accept the empire without their consent. Hungary, as they thought, had been neglected by Sigismund for his im- perial possessions and claims, and had suffered thereby from the Wallachians and Turks. The request was made, on behalf of Albert, by his cousin Frederick of Styria, and, after a good deal of discussion, leave was granted him to become King of the Romans. He then allowed himself to accept the election, and was crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle on May 30. He held, on July 25, his first diet at Nuremberg. In this assembly he enacted some very important laws, which were the basis of the polity subsequently de- veloped by Maximilian. The first and most important of them was the putting an end to all the feuds that at present existed in Germany in consequence of the jus diffidationis, or right of private war. For the decision THE EMPEROR ALBERT, 1 438-1439 181 of such quarrels he appointed a tribunal of Ausiregas or arbitrators, similar to that which Frederick II. had attempted to establish in his 3Iai?trjcrrecht or law of Mainz in 1235. On the plan of this tribunal of appeal Maxi- milian afterwards erected the Imperial Chamber. The second measure of Albert was to divide Germany, with the exception of Bohemia and Austria, into four circles, those of (i) Bavaria and Franconia ; (2) the Rhine and Alsace ; (3) Westphalia and the Belgian Provinces ; and (4) Saxony. These circles, the internal administration of which was directed to the maintenance of peace, were based possibly on those alliances or confederations for the same purpose which have been mentioned as one of the characteristic features of the later years of the four- teenth century. This plan also was enlarged and adopted throughout the whole empire by Maximilian. Executors of peace were appointed for each circle. In a second diet at Nuremberg Albert increased the number to six, as was the arrangement by Maximilian. The reign of Albert was marked in Italy by a suc- cession of important councils, in which his constant employment in Germany, and the alarms of a Turkish war, did not suffer him to take much part, and the results of which we shall have to examine, rather than their details, in the ensuing reign. After a doubtful campaign in Hungary, where a doubt of success was equivalent to a defeat, he died on October 27, 1439, at a village called Langendorf, between Vienna and Gran. He was unquestionably a prince of very superior abilities, and might have raised the empire far higher than it had been raised since the days of Henry of Luxemburg, but he was able to show little more than promise. He did not even live to see out the Council of Basel. He died childless, but his wife three months after his death i82 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES presented Hungary and Bohemia with an hereditary and legitimate sovereign, Germany had to provide one for herself. IMPORTANT DATES Sigismund, 1411-1437. The Council of Constance, 1414-1417. John Huss is burnt, 141 5. Martin V. Pope, 1417. Hussite War, 1419-1436. Council of Basel, 1431. Albert of Austria Emperor, 1438-1439. THE HOUSE OF ANJOU 183 X Q 5id <.^ O 0^0 p i^ r~\ A iJO, U o ^, S o - < o 6> c ? << o ^. < D CO -Z C3 I <^ ? = <-. en O O w i2 "c ^ > ui ^ < II . M X f) ro "71 >, H <^ J - "o •s^ . ft ri C ^ rt rt 13 >^ ►^ C 43 ■_ J3 - H c ? CO --r t- Q p & ii' td ^ o Eh i- U n <0 D W ^^- 5 ^ Z U rt rH — rt 1-1 M IS £ o X,' C^ TJ 10 fcr 10 2-3 2- •-^ ' ^ A ■+ co>tr -r Tl- •* i^ fc— .0 >— ,C/3 CHAPTER X The reign of Frederick III. — An epoch in the history of Germany and of the Hapsburgs — The discovery of printing — Frederick's character — Close of the Council of Basel — Wars in Germany, 1440-1452 — Bohemia and Hungary — Matthias Corvinus — The Turkish invasions — Death of FiHppo Maria Visconti, 1447 — John Hunyadi — Death of Albert of Austria, 1463 — Results of Frederick's reign — His son Maximilian. The Reign of Frederick III. — The reign of Frederick III. is the longest and the dullest of all German history. No doubt the fifty-three years of it contained their proper number of facts and events, and some progress of society was made during it ; but the general features are slightly marked, and the philosophy of history has very little to say about it ; even that little is inconsistent with itself ; like the dark ages to the philosophic mind it is obscure, as much because of the obscurity of the philosophic mind as because of its own. Yet the unphilosophic mind cannot descry anything of lasting interest, and the most careful inspection can reveal only a few things that are worth remembering. As an epoch, however, there can be no doubt that the reign has an importance of its own. In the first place it marks the permanent acquisition, by the house of Haps- burg, of the name and remains of empire. Albert 11. left only a posthumous child, who himself had no issue ; from Frederick III. proceeded the whole of the remain- ing Hapsburg emperors ; and the house, so long as it subsisted in the male line, retained the empire with but a rare and weak attempt on the part of any rival family 184 THE REIGN OF FREDERICK III 185 at interruption. Again Frederick III. was the last emperor of the Romans who received the imperial crown in the imperial city. All the succeeding emperors were not, strictly speaking, more than emperors elect, except Charles V., who was crowned, however, not at Rome, but at Bologna. Again by a singular coincidence the last crowned emperor was the first of the German line who possessed the imperial title without a counter- part or equal ; for during Frederick's reign, as you will remember, the Byzantine succession ceased both at Constantinople and at Trebizond, both cities being taken by the Turks, and the houses of Palaeologus and Com- nenus alike ceasing to claim even the heritage of the C^esarship, The fall of the Byzantine empire, and the permanent settlement of the Turks in Europe, is enough to mark, as an epoch, the reign of the principal sovereign of Europe under whom it occurred. It placed in per- manent and irreconcilable opposition the house of Austria and the Turkish empire, whose struggles for the sovereignty of Eastern Europe, after lasting spasmodi- cally for three centuries, may possibly be determined in the fourth ; at all events from this dates the assump- tion by the Austrian house of the defence of European Christendom on the eastern frontier, a defence character- ised by many hard-fought battles, and brilliant victories, and narrow escapes. Another great event is that of the discovery of print- ing, all the probable dates of which fall within the half century of Frederick's reign. Outside the empire, or on the borders of it, there are abundant interesting and important phenomena ; the growth of the house of Burgundy, the corresponding growth of the real power of the French Monarchy under Lewis XI. — in England both the Wars of the Roses, and the pacification and 1 86 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES development that followed from it. In Spain the union of Aragon and Castille, and the conquest of the Moors ; the consolidation of the several powers, whose struggles and the balance of whose power makes up modern history. In many countries the step from medieval to modern is itself taken, whilst Frederick III. is sole and last crowned Caesar. The great struggle between the papal and conciliar systems of Church government is settled at least for the Roman portion of the Church during the same period. Yet Germany has little or no history. Is it difficult to say why ? There were wars enough. All South Germany seems to have been in a chronic state of private war ; there were w^ars with the Turks on the frontier ; and in Hungary and Bohemia wars of nationality and religion ; on the western boundary there were wars of conquest and wars of liberation ; and something of the same sort on the north in the Netherland cities, and the struggles of Burgundy for supremacy there. There were wars in Prussia, internal and external ; wars in Switzerland and Italy ; but there was no imperial war. Frederick was able, for the most part, to live at Vienna or Neustadt, gardening by day and star-gazing by night, whilst the old things, all round him, were rapidly passing away, and the old order giving place to the new. He himself, in dignity and in some sort in worth also, the first of the players, has the least share and the least interest in the game. It may be that he has also the least stake in it ; yet he plays, as it were, with a view to the future of his house. His magnificent dreams and imperial devices suit well enough with the fortunes of his posterity. His device of A.E.I.O.U., Austrice est hnperare orbi universo, would read but as the veriest dotage of effete imperialism, w-ere it not that we see it so nearly fulfilled in the grand, THE REIGN OF FREDERICK III 187 almost unbounded empire of his great-grandson, Charles v., that one might almost think that his astrology had taught him truer lessons than are divined by the political foresight of most men. Small indeed were the attempts he made to increase either the power or the territory of his own house. And this is his strong point. He was very honest, and, if ambitions at all, only so within the limits of just dealing. His imperial authority was little more than a shadow ; but that little of it, which was substantial, was used righteously. He had little territory, but that little he did his best to keep in peace. It is absurd, with some modern historians, to blame him for having lowered the status of the empire. He may be blamable for accepting the dignity, but, having accepted it, he could but use it according to the power that he had before. Albert, Sigismund, Wenzel, Charles IV., had had what share of power they had had in Europe and in Germany, under the title indeed of empire, but by virtue of their hereditary estates, inside and outside of Germany; the Luxemburgs, by their Bohemian and Hungarian possessions, and Albert in the right of his Luxemburg wife, Frederick is accused of having lost hold of the Luxem- burg heritages; but in truth he never had hold of them, nor cou-ld have seized them, except by a breach of trust that would have been revolting to him, or by an act of tyranny for which he had perhaps no will, and certainly no power. Since Lewis of Bavaria and Rupert there had been no emperor with so little hereditary power, and Lewis had put an end to what little remained of imperial power in the body of Germany. Frederick had the opportunity of increasing his family strength by the marriage of his children, and Maximilian, by his marriage, did lay the foundation of the strength, as a European i88 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES power, of the house of Hapsburg. He built on the heritage of his Burgundian wife, as John of Bohemia had on the inheritance of his Bohemian wife ; and as Albert of Austria had on Elizabeth of Luxemburg. But Frederick surely cannot be charged with losing what he never had. The kingdoms of Albert descended to his posthumous son Ladislas. Frederick refused them, when they were offered to him, because he would not infringe the rights of his ward ; and when Ladislas died in 1457, Frederick was not strong enough to claim them, either as heir or as emperor, or by virtue of family compacts, as an inheritance, or an escheat. His weakness is thus accounted for, and accounts for much more. He was very far from being a great prince, but not so far from being a good one ; and might no doubt have been much greater if he had been less good. But in the Middle Ages good princes are too scarce to be worthy of ridicule and contempt ; and honesty and integrity are not the less virtues when they are possessed by a man too weak to struggle, but not too weak to lie and cheat, if he had chosen. The reign has no plot or dramatic unity like some of the shorter ones. Frederick's character and proceedings do not make him the nucleus of any great set of incidents. The world went on around him very much as if he were not there. Albert II. left his wife, the last representative of the house of Luxemburg, near her confinement. Frederick, Duke of Styria, the nearest of his agnates, was in a family council nominated, if Elizabeth should bear a son, as guardian to the child, if a daughter, as heir to his cousin's possessions. He thus, in name and claim, represented the Luxemburg line, although, strictly speaking, only very remotely connected with it ; but as so representing it, he was the most obvious THE HAPSBURG LANDS 189 candidate for the imperial succession, and, although he did not put himself forward for it, his friends did. After an offer of the crown to Lewis II I, the Pacific, Landgrave of Hesse, which was wisely refused, the whole of the electors voted for the election of Frederick. It is said that he took three months for consideration before he vouchsafed to accept it, but of this it is impossible to be sure. If he did, it is characteristic enough ; and perhaps he waited to see whether Elizabeth's child would be a boy or a girl. The election was made on February 2, 1440 ; on the 22nd the little Ladislas was born to his two crowns, and yet not until Whitsuntide did the slow Frederick appear at Frankfort to complete the formalities of the succession. He was not crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle until June 17, 1442. He was at the time of his election twenty-five years old, and had made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. He was the son of Ernest of Hapsburg by Cymburga, daughter of the Duke of Masovia, the lady who brought into the imperial family the characteristic Austrian life, and whose strength is said to have been so great that she could twist a horseshoe in her fingers. But from this distinguished pair Frederick inherited very little except his personal advantages. The Hapsburg Lands. — The Hapsburg possessions were at this time split up more widely than they had ever been ; for, under the earlier posterity of Rudolf and Albert, they had been held by the princes of the house in a sort of joint tenancy, which secured, as long as it lasted, the unity of the widespread heritage, including Alsace, and the Breisgau, the Swiss possessions of the Hapsburg county, Tyrol, Carinthia, and Carniola, as well as Austria itself. But in the year 141 1 the domains had been divided, and the Tyrol, Carinthia, and Austria proper I90 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES formed three several duchies. The duchy of Austria fell to Albert, afterwards emperor ; Ernest and Frederick, his cousins, divided the rest. The portion of Ernest was Carinthia and Styria, and these countries at his death devolved on Frederick III. and his brother Albert. Frederick thus obtained the crown of Germany with only his half of Carinthia and Styria, and with the wardship of the little Ladislas, to live upon. Ladislas, of course, inherited Austria proper, as well as his mother's kingdoms ; the Tyrol w^as still a separate county, and Albert of Carinthia retained claims over the portion of Ernest, not less strong than those of Frederick. Nor did Frederick ever obtain the whole command of the Austrian inheritance. In 1457 Ladislas died, but his portion was divided between the emperor and the other two dukes. In 1463 Duke Albert of Carinthia died, and Frederick came in for his share individually, but it was not until 1492 that the Tyrolese branch became extinct, and then its possessions were handed over, not to Frederick, but to his son Maximilian. Frederick did not marry for territory. He waited for twelve years, after he became king, before he married, and then (in 1452) took a Portu- guese princess, who was the mother of Maximilian. The Councils. — The first point to be mentioned and dismissed is the conclusion of the struggle between the Council of Basel and the papacy. That council had been struggling, as you will remember, against the policy of Eugenius IV. from the moment that it had been, against his wishes, got together. The Councils of Florence and Ferrara, held by Eugenius during this period, although extremely interesting in themselves, do not concern Germany, and we cannot afford to do more than mention them. The Council THE COUNCILS 191 of Basel sat in opposition all the time they were sitting; and, when Eugenius "announced that he had united the Eastern and Western Churches at Florence, the Council of Basel determined to depose him. This was done in May 1439, before the death of Albert II., who, however, was too busily employed to interfere, had he wished; but the deposition was approved by his ambassadors as well as by those of France. Amadeus, Duke of Savoy, was elected some months after as Felix V. (October 28, 1439) ; and, almost coincidently with this election, Albert II. died (October 27). Much as the supporters of the Council of Basel longed for reformation and detested Eugenius IV., they were not disposed to run any risks for Felix V. Germany especially was desirous not to burn her fingers with a schism. And the Diet of Mainz, before the election of Frederick III., had declared itself neutral; it would support the Church, but would take no part between Felix and Eugenius. Neither pope was strong enough to injure his rival temporally ; the great powers of Europe took little interest in either. In three diets at Mainz, Nuremberg, and Frankfort, both parties were heard through their envoys, but no other decision was arrived at. And matters drifted on until the year 1445, when Eugenius, strengthened by the adhesion of Aragon and the pacification of some of his Italian enemies, ventured to depose the Archbishops of Cologne and Treves as adherents of Felix. This measure com- pelled Frederick and the empire to take some action at last ; that action was managed by -^neas Sylvius Piccolomini, afterwards Pope Pius IL, one of the greatest men of the century, the subject of one of Milman's most entertaining chapters, and the hero of Creighton's two volumes. yEneas Sylvius had been 192 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES secretary to the Council of Basel, afterwards to the anti- pope, and thirdly to Frederick III., who had crowned him, as his poet-laureate, with his own hands. The Papacy, — A man of great power and consum- mate versatility, he had contented himself, since he had attached himself to Frederick, with letting things take their course. In 1445 he went as imperial ambassador to Rome, and began to draw the rival powers together ; after his return, upon the violent proceedings of Eugenius against the archbishops, he joined the envoys of the electors in their negotiations, very secretly cognisant of the counsels of both parties, and bent all his energies towards a reconciliation, which he saw could be won only by the humiliation of the Council of Basel and its antipope. He was received by Eugenius IV., who listened to his proposals, and, on his departure from Germany, named him his secretary, so that he now stood in the same relation to both pope and emperor. It is impossible to follow the slow progress of negotia- tions. By bribery and forgery, as Milman states it, by double-dealing and exceeding cleverness, accord- ing to Creighton, yEneas obtained the submission of Germany and the renunciation of the council. By bribery he divided the electoral body, and by a forgery he persuaded them that the pope had can- celled the deposition of the archbishops. His policy succeeded better than it deserved. Just as he brought the news to Rome, Eugenius died ; his successor, Nicolas V. (Thomas Parentucelli of Sarzana), was sincerely desirous of peace, and, two years after his accession, in 1449, the Council of Basel broke up. Felix V. abdicated, and the struggles of the Church of Rome for unquestioned supremacy as against emperor and council were at an end. GERMANY, HUNGARY, BOHEMIA 193 Three years after the breaking up of the council Frederick went into Italy with his bride, Eleanor of Portugal, and at Rome, March 18, 1452, he was married and crowned by Nicolas V. On this occasion was ratified the concordat, agreed on before the death of Eugenius IV., by which the ecclesiastical affairs of Germany were regulated down to the eighteeenth century. The chief points of it are five : (i) the restoration of canonical election of the bishops by the chapters ; (2) the abolition of provisions and expectatives ; (3) the right of the pope to fill up benefices vacant by translation or by sentence of the holy see ; (4) the pope to fill up vacant canonries one half of the year, the chapters the other half ; (5) the commutation of Annates for a fixed payment by way of first-fruits. Germany, Hungary, BoJieviia. — During the whole of these years, 1440 to 1452, Germany and the neigh- bouring lands were full of war. In Switzerland the confederate cantons made war on Zurich, which had concluded an alliance, offensive and defensive, with Austria against them, and attempted to found a new league ; and the war that followed lasted until 1447. ^^ 1450 '^^ alliance was dissolved, and peace restored by the mediation of the neutral princes of Germany. Hungary and Bohemia, during these years, had no sound peace. The Hungarians, in con- tempt of the rights of the unborn Ladislas, offered their crown to Ladislas III., King of Poland ; and, even after the birth and coronation of the child, received Ladislas as king. In the war between the partisans of the two Ladislases, Amurath II., Sultan of the Turks, invaded the kingdom. He was defeated by John Corvinus Hunyadi, and peace 194 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES was concluded ; but it was immediately broken by Ladislas, who was defeated and killed in the fatal battle of Varna in 1444. His death left the throne open for Ladislas Posthumous ; but Frederick had not the means of enforcing his rights, and would not give up either him or his crown to the Hungarians. John Hunyadi was declared regent, and he for eight years carried on an adventurous war against the Turks. In 1453 Ladislas was sent to rule in Hungary, which he misgoverned for five years, Hunyadi's influence being despised by him, although his kingdom owed its very existence to his prowess. On the death of Ladislas in 1457, Matthias Corvinus, son of Hunyadi, was chosen king. Frederick, claiming Hungary as an escheat, declared war against him ; but, as he had no means of carrying it on, Matthias invaded Austria, and occupied the whole country except Vienna itself. The emperor was forced to sue for peace. This uncomfort- able relation between Austria and Hungary continued to subsist during the remainder of the reign. Frederick was too proud to concede all that Matthias wanted, and too poor to resist him. The result was that Austria was, as often as not, in the hands of the Hungarians, and the emperor an exile in the midst of his empire. Matthias died four years before Frederick, who even then failed to obtain the election of Hungary for Maximilian ; and it was not until 1527 that the house of Austria, in the person of Ferdinand I., obtained the apostolic crown. In Bohemia the emperor was no stronger than in Hungary, although there the struggle was complicated by religious and national influences. There the crown was early offered, as I have said, to Frederick, who refused it in order to maintain the rights of the little GERMANY, HUNGARY, BOHEMIA 195 king, and Ladislas obtained and retained the title without a rival ; but the whole power of Bohemia was engrossed by George Podiebrad, who played the same part there which John Hunyadi did in Hungary, and, on the death of Ladislas, was elected as his successor. George Podiebrad was not so successful as Matthias Corvinus, except against the poor Frederick, who suffered from both of them. George was, moreover, a heretic, and the pope incited Matthias against him with the promise of the crown. But on his death in 1471, Ladislas, son of Casimir, King of Poland, by Elizabeth, daughter of Albert IL, succeeded by the will of George. Both candidates compelled Frederick to give them the investiture of Bohemia ; and war between them lasted until 1478, when they agreed that peace should be made, and the provinces of Lausitz, Moravia, and Silesia should belong to Matthias for life ; and in 1490 Ladislas was elected to the Hungarian throne as well. His daughter married Ferdinand I., and brought the two crowns to the imperial house. It is impossible to exaggerate the innocent insig- nificance of Frederick during these wars. It was not that George Podiebrad and Matthias did not care about him : if they would have let him alone, no doubt he would have been too thankful ; but they tried to use him, to defend him, or to em- barrass him just as if he were the king in the game of chess, with very little power, but a great deal of consequence. The position would have been igno- minious if it had been of Frederick's own choosing ; but he had no power, or the means of getting it. He was alternately petted and bullied by his com- petitors ; alternately an exile and an emperor, but throughout devoid of anything like the substance of 196 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES authority. If he had possessed an army he might have found an opportunity in Italy. Italy. — At Milan, in 1447, Filippo Maria Visconti died, and with him the family which he represented. Divers claimants presented themselves; but Frederick, although the Milanese would gladly have received him, was un- able, alone of the competitors, to make a stroke for the ducal crown ; after waiting for two months for his assistance, they were obliged to give themselves up to Francisco Sforza, who had married a bastard daughter of Filippo Maria ; and thus, from the weakness of the emperor, arose that long struggle about the Milanese which enters into almost every continental war down to the end of 1866, constituting so large a part of the history of Lewis XII., Charles V., Philip II., the war of the succession of Spain in the eighteenth century, and even of the Italian campaigns within our own memory. The Year 1453, and after. — The year 1453, which followed that of Frederick's coronation, saw the end of the Byzantine empire, and should have armed Europe for a crusade for the deliverance of Con- stantinople, if not for the frustration of all further attempts on the part of the Turks to push their way into Europe. Some show of zeal in this direc- tion was exhibited by both emperor and pope. During the three following years several diets were held for the purpose, but no definite action was agreed on, and no one approved himself as fitted for command. Pope Nicolas V. died in 1455, and his successor, Calix- tus III., in 1458. The next pope was ^neas Sylvius as Pius II. The crusade was the darling object of the whole of his policy as pope ; and, before he reached the pontifical throne, it was the great end of the papal admmistration which he guided. JOHN HUNYADI 197 John Hunyadi. — The emperor, still under the influence of yEneas, now threw himself zealously into the plan, but he was too weak to do anything just without Ger- many, and the German churchmen were too jealous of an agreement between pope and Caesar to lend their aid. The death of Ladislas Posthumous, in 1457, left Frederick more helpless than ever ; he lost the influ- ence which his position as the guardian of the King of Bohemia and Hungary might have gained for him, and he had no chance of the succession to which the family compact of 1440 would have entitled, if he could have constrained the two nations, which Ladislas had nominally ruled, to accept him. Fortunately the de- fence of Christendom for the time had fallen into hands better able than Frederick's to conduct it : first into those of John Hunyadi, who commanded the Hun- garian nobles, in spite of the dislike of the boy Ladislas and his minister, the Count Ulric of Cilli ; and after his death, which happened in the year before that of Ladislas, into the hands of Matthias Corvinus. To John Hunyadi belongs the glory of having suc- cessfully stemmed ;the barbarian invasion. The papal legate, John Capistran, was the preacher of the crusade; John Hunyadi was the general ; the deliverance of Bel- grade in 1456 from the besieging army of Amurath was the great exploit. It cost the Turks 40,000 men ; and, in memory of it, the feast of the Transfiguration was raised in rank and solemnity by the pope, Calixtus HL A month after the battle Hunyadi died. Matthias Cor- vinus was hardly less heroic in this respect than his father. In 1463 he even made reprisals on the Turks, invaded Bosnia, and inflicted a very severe defeat upon them. In the following year he was less successful, and, for several years after, his energies were diverted 198 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES from the great task by his quarrels with George Podie- brad and with the emperor himself. In 1479 ^^^ found himself sustaining the struggle single-handed with the infidel : neither the pope, for the spirit of Pius II. had vanished with him in 1464, nor the Venetians would help him. Frederick was also employed in his own estates, and rather inclined to hinder than to help him. Matthias, however, was equal to the task ; from 1479 to 1485 he, by a series of successful campaigns, wearied out the invading armies, and, as soon as he had obtained a lull, set himself to punish the unkindness and passive hostility of the emperor. The part taken by Germany and the empire in the defence of Christendom is now apparent. The struggle lasts from 1455 to 1485 — thirty years — during which the emperor's part was confined to an authorisation of the Crusade, the battles of which were fought by Matthias and his generals. Frederick's Difficulties. — In all these events Frede- rick is simply conspicuous by his absence ; nor, except remotely, do these events affect the inner life of Germany. It is needless to repeat that the country, while kept externally at peace by the inactivity of the emperor or his helplessness, was internally harassed with constant bloodshed, and quarrels in- numerable as they are unrememberable. Those which concern the Austrian heritage are the ones in which we should expect to see Frederick most active. The death of Ladislas left the possession of Austria proper to be contested by the agnates ; the emperor himself, his brother Albert, and Count Sigismund of Tyrol. Frede- rick, as emperor, was inclined to claim the whole ; Albert and Sigismund insisted on their shares ; the nobles of the country were willing to obey none of FREDERICK'S DIFFICULTIES 199 the three. Albert took up arms against his brother, and for six years, 1457 to 1463, the archdukes, for this title had been bestowed on the whole family by Frederick in 1453, set to the empire the good example of intestine feuds. In these, as in everything else, Frederick was unsuccessful ; in all skirmishes victory declared for Albert, and, but for the assistance of George Podiebrad, Frederick would have lost Vienna, the last possession that he retained. In the year 1463 Albert died childless, and Frederick gained his share by inheritance. Carinthia fell in the reapportionment that followed the death of Ladislas to the Archduke Sigismund, who retained it until in 1492 he resigned all to Maximilian, and was joined to the Tyrol. From 1463 to 1477 Frederick retained his Austrian possessions, in constant fear and dread of the attacks of his neighbours. In the latter year he was attacked by Matthias Corvinus, and only preserved his territory by a humiliating peace, one of the terms of which is said to have been the renunciation by the emperor of his claims on Hungary ; for six years this peace and the occupation of Matthias in the Turkish war gave him an uneasy security, although Matthias, in constant raids, kept him on the qui vive ; but in 1485 the evil day came. Matthias took Vienna and per- manently occupied the greater part of Austria ; even Neustadt, the imperial residence, fell before him in i486. Frederick, with a retinue of 800 knights, went into exile in the empire, canvassing the provinces, who cared little for him, and summoning diets that cared scarcely more. In 1487 he obtained succours from a diet at Nuremberg. But Albert of Saxony, who was placed in command of his force, preferred negotiation to war with so powerful a prince as Matthias, and con- 200 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES eluded a truce with him, by which Austria was left in his hands until he should have recovered from the unhappy province all the expenses of the war. Such a truce meant nothing, except that there was to be no defence of Austria by Germany. The Hungarians remained in possession. In 1489 the emperor again sued for peace. The negotiations hung fire until the next year, when Matthias died, still in possession of Vienna. Then the tide turned. Maximilian recovered his father's estates, and was able even to attack Hungary ; but the disgrace remained ; the Holy Roman emperor was not only unable to execute judgment and justice in the empire, was not only unable to conduct the defence of Christen- dom on the frontier, but was not even able to retain possession of the hereditary dominions of his house, or to rally the vassals to the defence of the integrity of the Fatherland. It seems that Frederick's favourite maxim was Rerum irrecuperabiliuni summa felicitas oblivio ; a pro- verb which might be Englished as " It is no use crying over spilled milk," and interpreted as recom- mending the virtue of resignation ; but, literally translated, it can have no other meaning, than that the highest happiness is the forgetfulness of what is irre- coverable ; a siimmuni bomini cultivated, apparently, by him with as much zeal as he was capable of feeling for anything ; and which the greatness of his losses as well as his talent for oblivion must have given him the greatest facilities for securing. Maxitnilian. — In ail this humiliation the only ray of cheerful light is to be found in the rising abilities of Maximilian, for whom, after considerable difficulties, his father succeeded in obtaining the crown of King of the MAXIMILIAN 201 Romans in i486. For him Frederick seems to have read the stars not aUogether in vain. He is said to have invented the name for him, even the Christian name ; a name compounded of those of his two favourite heroes, Quintus Fabius Maximus and Paulus ^^Emyhus ; but there is some doubt as to the truth of the story, and there is an inconvenient MaximiHan somewhat earlier. As he became free to take part in German politics his father's fortunes began to rise. Hitherto he had been an adventurer, so to speak. He had won, and lost by death before he was thirty, the heiress of Charles the Bold of Burgundy ; and his work from that time had lain on the western side of Germany, in the defence of his children's inheritance. The growth of the Bur- gundian estates, and the greatest extent of the family power, the whole career of Charles the Bold, and his whole life except his seven years of childhood, fall within the limits of the reign of Frederick III. The aggrandisement of Burgundy at the expense of the Netherland cities, bishops, and nobles ; the annexation on every side of the possessions of the empire to the dominion of one who, by birth, was a prince, and by tenure a vassal of the house of Valois, involved at every turn the dismemberment of what once was the German kingdom. And the same along the whole line of the frontier. Yet, grudgingly as the emperor must have viewed the aggrandisement of Burgundy, Charles was too much for him, just as Matthias Corvinus was. In 1473, five years after Charles succeeded his father, he did homage to Frederick at Treves for his Dutch dominions. But he demanded at the same time the title of king and vicar of the empire. Frederick was nowise loath, provided Charles would give his daughter to Maximilian : neither party trusted the other, and 202 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES the project came to an end for Charles's life ; but, shortly after his death, Maximilian married the heiress, and, after twelve years spent in securing her rights, was able to do something for his poor father. A little strength of any sort must have been a great change for Frederick, and he only survived the shock for three years ! Death of Frederick I 11.^ 1493- — Fifty years of absolute impotence and three of returning fortune make up the annals of his reign. He died on August 19, 1493, at the age of seventy-eight. It is unfair to be critical about him ; he never pretended to be a hero. We naturally compare him with Charles IV., but the comparison is favourable to Frederick. Both princes were great sticklers for imperial dignity, and neither had much of the sub- stance of imperial power ; but Frederick was a gentleman by nature, although an idle one; Charles was pretentious and eminently fussy. Neither Frede- rick nor Charles did anything great, or indeed did anything that was not extremely small ; and yet both left the dominions and consequence of his house greatly increased. But Frederick never had the chance of doing anything great, and scrupulously avoided everything that was mean. Charles IV., on the other hand, stuck at no petty baseness, and was uninfluential because he chose to use his power, which as King of Bohemia was considerable, for the mere advance- ment of his family. Frederick's one scheme for the advancement of Maximilian did ultimately answer, but its success was due to the knight-errantry of the son rather than to the policy or the prowess of his father. The result is that Frederick had not the chances of Charles, or Charles the good qualities of Frederick ; but DEATH OF FREDERICK III., 1493 203 then we have no guarantee for supposing that Frederick, with Charles's power, would have done more than he did, or that Charles, with Frederick's honesty, would have founded a greater dynasty, although he might have enjoyed a less disastrous reign. For the effect of it on Germany we must look forwards. THE HOUSE OF HAPSBURG. Albert I. , 1282-1308. Elizabeth of Tyrol. Rl'ijolk, K. of Bohemia, d. 1307. I Frederick I. 1308-1330, K. of the Romans. Leopold, d. 1326. I Albert, 1330-1358, VI. Johanna of Fenette. Otto, d. 1339- Henry, d. 1327. Rudolf, 1358-1365. Albert III., Leopold, 1365-1395- 1365-1386. Leopold, d. 1344. Frederick, d. 1344- Albert IV., 1395-1402. William, ni. Johanna 11, of Naples, d. 1406. Leopold III., d.s.p. 141 1. Ernest, 1395-1424, D. of Carintliia, 1411-1424. I Frederick, 1395. C. -f Tyrol , 1411-1439- Albert V., 1402-1439, K. of the Romans. I Frederick III. 1424-1495, Emperor. Albert, 1424-1463. SiGISMUND, C. of Tyrol, 1439-1492. Ladislas, d. I4S7- Elizabetii. = Casimir, son of Jagellon, by a later wife than Hedwig. I M.-^.XIMILIAN. Ladislas, K. of Bohemia and Hungary. I Kings of Poland. Lewis II., 1506-1526. I Mary, wife of Ferdinand I. 204 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES IMPORTANT DATES Frederick III., 1440-1493. Crowned Emperor at Rome, 1452. Capture of Constantinople by the Turks, 1453. Troubled Relations of Frederick with Bohemia and Hungary, 1457-147 1. Frederick meets Charles the Bold, 1473. Marriage of Maximilian with Mary of Burgundy, 1477. Treaty of Olmutz between Hungary and Bohemia, 1479. Treaty of Presburg, 1491. CHAPTER XI Accession of Maximilian I. — The Burgundian inheritance — Maxi- miHan's position in Europe — His marriages — The Diet of Worms, 1495 — Its importance — The imperial chamber — The circles— The towns— The Aulic Council — War with the Swiss League, 1499 — New problems for France and Germany. Maximilian I. — Maximilian, the only son of Frederick III., had borne the title of King of the Romans for seven years before his father's death, and succeeded to the full status of his father, saving the imperial crown, immediately upon it ; he was already crowned king, April 9, 1468, at Aix-la-Chapelle, and no further proceeding seems to have been taken to confirm the title. Maximilian was now thirty-four, and the most accomplished prince of his time, fond of warlike exer- cises, books, and music, but especially devoted to hunting. As Frederick III. reminds us of Charles IV., so in Maximilian there is a trace of the character of Sigis- mund ; again it is a higher type of character ; but again the impoverishment of the imperial position renders the greater abilities in a great measure inoperative. There is very much of the adventurer, the knight-errant, even the troubadour, in Maximilian, but it is not let down, as in Sigismund, by pettiness and selfish policy. Maxi- milian is also, like his father, a somewhat, nay an extremely thriftless person, and therefore entitled to the sympathy and consideration of the thriftless gene- rally. He was a greater European power than his 2o6 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES father, and he had a more consolidated domain in Germany itself. The acquisition of the Burgundian inheritance, even before he succeeded his father, placed him in the first rank of European princes ; the death of his cousin, Sigismund of Tyrol, and his father's death three years later, placed him in possession of the whole property of the Hapsburgs ; and in 1496, by the marriage of his son Philip, the heir of Burgundy, with the heiress of Spain— a marriage which placed him in the closest alliance with the strongest kings of Christendom, Spain and England — he found himself in a political position inferior to none of his predecessors. It is unquestionable that his thriftless and adventurous character disabled him from making so much of his position as might have been made of it. But it is not to be forgotten that a political position, to be realised at all, must be based not only on titles and alliances, but on substantial wealth and power. The acquisition of the Netherlands did not supply wealth and power to Maximilian in any proportion to the political status that it seemed to give him. The death of his wife, in the early days of their married life, robbed him of the power that he would have had as her husband, and left him merely the guardian of his own son, a guardianship the exercise of which was limited on every side by the jealousy of the estates, and the profits of which were more strictly limited by reason and justice. Rich as were the Flemish cities, they were not liberal to Maximilian, whom they regarded as a penniless adventurer ; they required either pressure, which he was not strong enough to furnish, or that mutual good- will which was felt by and for Charles V., to draw the money from their purses. Maximilian fought their THE IMPERIAL POSITION 207 battles, but could not win their love. His real strength then lay in his hereditary dominions, the long and varying strip of territory that extends from Alsace to the Hungarian frontier ; which contains the whole of the Austrian estates accumulated by Rudolf of Haps- burg, with the addition of Carinthia and the Tyrol. This mountain territory, save that portion which was rapidly becoming Swiss, was thoroughly in hand under Maximilian, who indeed maintained his hold on Austria proper in perfect security ; and the people of the states were enthusiastically attached to him ; but they were the poorest parts of Europe, so far as money was con- cerned, and Maximilian had neither power nor will to act tyrannically. In this respect, then, only, was he pecuniarily better off than his father ; and, considering the actual work that he did, I think it may be allowed that he made more of it than might have been expected from his father's son. The Imperial Position. — In considering the imperial position hitherto, we have traced it through three phases : in one the imperial demesne and status of emperor were regarded as self-supporting ; such was the theory of the earlier emperors, much modified in practice, but still regarded as feasible, when taken in conjunction with the custom of hereditary succession. But the squandering of the imperial demesnes by Philip of Swabia and Frederick II., and the advantage taken by the nobles and cities of the weakness of the kings who ruled or seemed to rule during the nominal interregnum, and whose authority was only recognised when it was used to impoverish the empire in favour of the vassal, had altogether changed the position of the emperor. Instead of the demesne supporting him, it was necessary that he should be a prince with heredi- 2o8 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES tary, organised dominions large enough to support imperial state and enforce imperial authority. For the credit of Germany he must be a German prince ; although on several occasions English and French princes were put forward for the post, only on the double election of Richard and Alfonso were foreigners really chosen. Richard had wealth and territory out- side the empire, nothing in it. Alfonso made no serious attempt to assert his claims except by words. Under this second phase it was difficult to find a prince unwise enough or unselfish enough to waste his hereditary estates on the empire. It was simply this, as Lewis of Bavaria found it. To hold the empire at all it was necessary to drain his hereditary dominions, and, when they were drained, the result was beggary for himself and anarchy for Germany. The certainty of this it was that threw the empire for so long a period into the hands of the house of Luxemburg, and that went far to perpetuate it afterwards in the house of Austria. As no adequately powerful German prince would ruin himself on the show of Csesarship, it was allowed, and this is what I called the third phase, to fall into the hands of two successive houses which, although German, had besides their German territory very large non-German or semi-German possessions, by which the expense of the imperial dignity could be economised. The king of half a dozen kingdoms need maintain but one court and household ; the expenses of the court and household were, as is seen from English history, the most aggravating and oppressive drain on the subjects, who had very little money and knew no political economy; and, accordingly, if the empire were governed by a king who was also King of Hungary or Bohemia, CAREER OF MAXIMILIAN BEFORE 1493 209 or Spain or Burgundy, the dignity could be kept up at little expense to the empire itself. It found the majesty and dignity ; the foreign kingdom bore a large share of the expense. Of course the result of this was, from the fourteenth century downwards, to direct the ener- gies of the emperors, first as we have seen, to the extension of their hereditary estates, and, secondly, to the administration of them, to the neglect of the interests and of the administration of the empire at large ; and hence arose anarchy at home and the paralysis of German influence abroad : anarchy finding its expression in private war, and developing its own corrective in volunteer combinations for the obtaining of justice; and a foreign policy which made the emperor occasionally the tool and hireling of contending powers, but never gave him room to be actually, as he claimed to be, an arbiter of quarrels. In both respects Germany, under Frederick III., had reached the lowest rung of the ladder ; and in both respects it is Maximilian's glory, whatever his faults may have been, and however far he fell short of his own or our ideal, to have taken steps that made a recurrence of such a state of things for the future impossible. It is true that the Germany of modern history is a different thing from the Germany of early medieval history, but there is at least more cohesion in it, from the reign of Maximilian downwards ; I do not mean a more coherent organisation so much as a greater national feeling of unity, and that in spite of the intro- duction of entirely new elements of division by the Lutheran reformation. Career of Maximilian before 1493. — The career of Maximilian, before his father's death, is soon told : he was born in 1453; well educated and trained by O 2 10 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES Frederick, who was himself an accomplished man, and from whom Maximilian derived the great advantages of personal dignity and strength which fitted him for his role as knight-errant. In 1477, at the age of twenty-four, he won his wife, Mary of Burgundy, and in 1482 he lost her; he learned the practice of war in defence of her possessions against Lewis XI. So early left a widower, he lost no time in looking out for another wife, and betrothed himself to the Duchess Anne of Brittany ; and in faith of this alliance declined the offer of the queen dowager of Hungary, Beatrice of Naples, widow of Matthias Corvinus ; a thriftless and characteristic proceeding, which the house of Luxemburg would not have been guilty of. In his position as guardian of his son, the Archduke Philip, heir of Burgundy, he learned the temper of the Flemish citizens, and in 1488, being King of the Romans, was made acquainted with the details of prison life for several months at the hand of the men of Ghent. He was rescued by his father, who for once summoned energy, and prevailed on the Germans to make an effort for his son's deliverance. The next year he returned to Austria ; in 1490 he recovered the possession of it on the death of Matthias Corvinus ; in 1492 he obtained the succession to the Tyrol by the cession of Sigismund, who died ni 1496 ; in 1493 he reconciled himself with Charles VIII., who had deprived him of his intended wife, Anne of Brittany, and with whom he had gone to war in consequence. Emperor. — In that year he became sole King of the Romans and emperor elect. From the first he devoted himself to the correction of the state of anarchy and political impotency into which Germany had fallen. THE DIET OF WORMS, 1495 211 But his first step was an unlucky one. He allied him- self with Ludovico Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan, and married his niece, receiving with her 500,000 ducats, and in return investing Ludovico with the duchy, to the prejudice of the heir. This marriage, with a lady of so doubtful nobility and so unpopular character, was a disappointment to the German princes, and might have been a fatal one, dragging the empire once more into the vortex of Italian intrigues. It was, however, so far advantageous that it disabled Maximilian from taking part as a claimant in the quarrel for Milan, and his course with regard to it was, if not dignified, safe and comparatively honest. The Diet of Worms, I495- — It is, however, with the great diet of Worms in 1495, and in consequence of the need of supplies to counteract the successes of Charles VIII. in Italy, that the real interest of his reign begins, and from it flow the great measures of organisation, which constitute his title, the historical claim of Maximilian, to the gratitude of Germany. The great measures of the diet were (i) the establish- ment of public peace, and (2) the establishment of an imperial tribunal ; — the imperial chamber at Frankfort afterwards removed to Speyer, and later to Wetzlar, where it subsisted until 1806. These were supplemented later by two measures, which we will consider in con- junction with them, the establishment of the adminis- tration of circles in 1500, and that of the Aulic Council in 1501. Two of these measures, the establishment of public peace and the administration of circles, had been attempted before ; the first several times, and both with some momentary success during the short reign of Albert II. 212 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES About each of these I sliall say a few words at the risk of having to repeat what I have said before. Proclamation of Public Peace. — I. The proclamation of the pubHc peace was directed to the aboHtion of the practice of private war. Private war was one of the great curses not only of the feudal system but of the Teutonic system generally, and perhaps we may go deeper still, ascribing it to the necessary conditions of imperfect civilisation, corresponding in origin with the blood feud and vendetta. It was not peculiar to the feudal system ; indeed, one of the best features of feudalism in its best estate was the check it put upon the practice, by furnishing in an appeal to the high justice of the Lord, a resource by which the use of arms might be dispensed with. But in the decay of feudalism, when every vassal tried to be independent of his town and tyrant over his dependants, when the central power had by lavish privileges, or by its own inherent weakness, divested itself of any practical influence in the decision of the quarrels of the nobles ; when, as in Germany, the emperor had ceased to be the feudal judge of his dependants, and the sentences of the diets were inopera- tive unless they found a champion to carry them out for private ends ; the barbarous state of public peace returned, and every man, or at least every noble, claimed a right to redress his own wrongs in arms. In England we only had experience of this state of things under Stephen ; it was remedied by Henry II. by the destruc- tion of the castles of the barons, and by the diffusion of justice in central and provincial judicature ; but in France it subsisted long and wadely ; and in Germany, notwithstanding the strong prohibitions of Henry III., even as early as the twelfth century it had become the normal state of things. PROCLAMATION OF PUBLIC PEACE 213 It was to limit the universal practice that Frederick Barbarossa granted to his princes the pis diffidationis, forbidding by law that any hostile measures should be begun, without a solemn declaration of war and three days' notice ; all transgressors were to be regarded as mere robbers. As so often happens, the attempt to limit an evil results in the licencing or legitimising of it up to the point at which it is limited ; and increases the audacity of those who are beyond the limit. The law of ih^jus diffidationis was construed to have this effect ; every one who was strong enough to wage war openly availed himself of it on every opportunity ; and those who possessed fastnesses for refuge turned them into dens of robbers. The wars of the former were justified by the challenge ; the exactions of the latter were made in spite of a law which it was not the province of any one to enforce. This state of things it was which moved Frederick II. on the occasion of his second visit to Germany to pro- claim the great peace and to attempt the foundation or restoration of an imperial court of justice. But neither he, Rudolf of Hapsburg, nor Charles IV., nor his suc- cessors were strong enough to enforce it, and the court itself scarcely continued to exist at all ; nor was Frederick's attempted restriction of the Jus diffidationis to cases where justice could not be obtained any more successful ; no such enactment in the nature of things could be of use which left the determination whether or no justice had failed to the parties in the quarrel. As the process of disruption went on, and the little remaining central authority became effete, the anarchy became chronic ; the country was impoverished by the oppression of the nobles, and weakened by the sacrifice 2 14 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES of blood and money on these quarrels, to an extent that, taken in conjunction with the want of political com- bination among the states, accounts for the insignificance of Germany in European politics, and for the fact of her kings and princes appearing in European wars only in the character of mercenaries. But as the disruptive pro- cess began, as it did in the fourteenth century, to give way to the accumulative, the need of a central jurisdic- tion impressed itself more on men's minds than before : and even the judicial journeys of Charles IV. were not without their good effect. As the greater princes, the electors especially, both secular and ecclesiastical, gained and consolidated larger territories, they were better able to secure peace and keep their vassals in order. Those districts in which the process of consolidation was not going on, such as Swabia, the Rhine countries, and Westphalia, had recourse to voluntary associations; those leagues, confederations, and societies, partly of an aristocratic character, Hke the military orders, and partly of a republican character, like the Swiss confederacies, with occasional Vehmic tribunals, of which I spoke in dis- cussing Lewis of Bavaria and Charles IV. These leagues, sometimes of cities against nobles, sometimes of nobles against nobles ; sometimes of cities and nobles of one district against cities and nobles of another, became gradually known and welcome to the legal machinery of the empire ; and capable of definition and authorisation by imperial law. Albert II. has the credit of having first recognised them and legalised them as circles. 'In the diet of Nuremberg in 1438 he abolished all the existing feuds, and appointed a body of Austregas to decide quarrels of the sort that had issued in these challenges, in imitation, perhaps, of Frederick ll.'s abortive design. THE IMPERIAL CHAMBER 215 But Albert's early death left his design also abortive : during Frederick Ill.'s reign it was often debated, but never actually revived until i486, when a ten years' peace was proclaimed ; and at last, in 1495, Maximilian was strong enough, and the desire of Germany earnest enough — for I believe the execution of the reform was forced on him by the diet — to put an end for ever to the evil. Peace was proclaimed, the law of defiance abolished, and the imperial chamber instituted. The Imperial Chamber. — This imperial chamber con- sisted of a supreme judge with sixteen assessors, named by the emperor with the approval of the diet. I ts functions were, first to entertain appeals in private causes, all such causes being, by the primitive law of Germany, common to all the nations, begun in the national or provincial courts, tried by the national law, and only referred to the king in the last appeal ; and secondly, to determine disputes between the different states. But even this latter was appellate jurisdiction only, the disputes being carried in the first instance before a body of arbitrators or Austregas, such as were nominated by Albert II. ; and coming before the imperial chamber only in the shape of appeals. By this organisation of the imperial chamber all causes such as had led to private war were capable of determination, if the country possessed the means of enforcing it. That means was found in the legal organisation of the circles. The Circles. — This, as I have said, was done by Albert II. and, like the other, had to wait for its full development until the diet of Worms in 1495. The first division into circles in 1438 left out the domains of the emperor, and comprised only four : (i) Bavaria and Franconia ; (2) the Rhine country and Alemannia ; (3) Westphalia, and (4) Saxony ; subsequently Albert added two more by sepa- 2i6 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES rating Franconia from Bavaria, and Swabia from the Rhine lands. This arrangement was revived by Maxi- miHan in 1501; and in 15 12 he added four more; divided the Rhine into Upper and Lower ; Saxony into Upper and Lower ; and incorporating the imperial states, Austria as the circle of Austria, and the Netherlands as the circle of Burgundy. Prussia and Bohemia also were proposed to make up the dozen, but their repre- sentatives protested against it in fear of increased taxation. The administration of the system of circles is a further point : — briefly, it contained an organisation for both war and peace. At the head of each circle stood two functionaries ; a director and a military commander : the director assembled the states and regulated the business ; the general administered the forces and commanded in war. One circle of Austria was administered by the emperor ; Bavaria by the Duke and the Archbishop of Salzburg ; Swabia by the Duke of Wiirtemberg, who, by-the-bye, reached the status of a duke in this great diet of Worms, and the Bishop of Constance ; Franconia by the Burgrave of Nuremberg, of Bayreuth, or Culmbach, by the Bishop of Bamberg ; Upper Saxony by the Elector of Saxony ; Lower Saxony by the Duke of Brunswick and the Elector of Brandenburg alternately with the Archbishop of Bremen ; Westphalia by the Bishop of Munster and the Elector of Brandenburg ; the Lower Rhine by the Elector Palatine and Archbishop of Mainz ; the Upper Rhine by the same Elector and the Bishop of Worms. Burgundy, so long as it continued to be a circle, was administered by the duke, who was also King of Spain. The circles were separately assessed by a tax or subsidy entitled the Roman months, being originally intended to THE DIET— JUSTICE 217 furnish the emperor with a force of 20,000 foot and 4000 horse, to carry him to Rome for the imperial crown. The circle of Burgundy, originally assessed at the tax due from two electorates, was early excused, and the sum furnished from the circles proportionately reduced ; it amounted in this shape to 75,840 florins in the eighteenth century. The Diet. — Whilst speaking of these assemblies, it may be remarked that the constitution of the diet itself, which was not finally settled until 1580, contained three Colleges of States. The first was that of the seven electors ; the second the princes of the empire, secular and ecclesias- tical ; and the third the imperial towns in two benches, Swabia and the Rhine. It is not known when this arrangement became the rule, or how the nobles below the rank of prince were excluded, but it appears in full force early in the four- teenth century, and regularly downwards. The counts, who were not as princes members of the diet, but were immediately subject to the empire, were divided into four benches or classes, those of Wetterau, Swabia, Franconia, and Westphalia, and there was another class which claimed entire allodial independence, as far as tenure is concerned, the free counts and free barons of Swabia, Franconia, and the Rhine. Justice. — It will be remembered that, so far as con- cerns the administration of justice, not by appellate jurisdiction, and after the extinction of the imperial jurisdiction exercised through Comites Palatini or Pfalzgrafs, every prince had the power and right of it in his own dominions. This was acquired at various times by separate grant or by general privilege from the emperor, and was not uniform throughout Germany : some princes having a higher and wider jurisdiction 2i8 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES than others ; but in general it covered everything except the right of appeal, and that could be exercised only in peaceful times and at great expense. The Imperial Towns. — In all matters of the kind the imperial towns stood on the same footing as the princes. Such an organisation as the diet, from which the lower nobility, the most dangerous element, was excluded, might have formed the basis of a national parliament, and created or carried out a national policy ; but the points on which, during the humilia- tion of the imperial character, Germany could be called on to act as one nation were so few, and the powers of the diet to interfere were so limited by the privileges of the several states, that little real business was carried out in the assemblies. They served, how- ever, to keep alive the idea of national unity, and came into play as powerful machinery in the following cen- turies, when the awakening of thought and the love of abstract argument in a measure superseded the appeal to brute force. The Aulic Council. — The other reformative measure of Maximilian is one that does not call for much discussion, the institution of the Aulic Council. This was done partly in 1501 and partly in 1512, in a diet at Treves. It owed its origin to Maximilian's wish to preserve the right of the emperor to hear appeals and to exercise supreme jurisdiction, a right which the constitution of the imperial chamber, the nomination of whose mem- bers required the confirmation of the diet, might be thought to infringe ; and its functions were co-ordinate with those of the imperial chamber, being appellate only, besides possessing authority in feudal and some other causes, also by way of appeal. The Aulic Council was supposed to follow the person MAXIMILIAN'S WORK 219 of the emperor like the original courts of law in Eng- land, but seldom did so ; it consisted, in the first instance, of eight members nominated by the emperor, but was afterwards increased, and, after the division of the empire between the Catholic and Protestant powers, was composed of a president, a Catholic, a vice-chan- cellor appointed by the elector of Mainz, and nine counsellors of each religion. Its relation as an appel- late court to the imperial chamber may be compared with the relation of the judicial committee of Privy Council in England, to the House of Lords in its character of a tribunal of appeal. The idea of two supreme tribunals of appeal is puzzling to the lay mind, but lawyers manage to reconcile greater inconsistencies than these, and generally have at least two strings to their bow. Matters of appeal, however, arising within the imperial domain, would naturally be referred to the Aulic Council rather than to the imperial chamber ; its authority extended, moreover, into Italy, whilst that of the imperial chamber was confined to Germany. Maximilian's Work. — In all these measures Maxi- milian is entitled to a great deal of credit. It is not so much that he showed any originahty in devising them, for not one of them was new in principle even in Germany, and all had been tried in the other Teutonic or feudalised kingdoms in one shape or other. At the best, his plan was but the expansion and diffusion of the plan of Albert II., but he has the credit of having got it to work, of having abolished the evils which Albert's short reign was not able even to face, and which had been rampant for the fifty-three years that intervened between them. He availed himself in the working of all the existing material, and framed it 220 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES into a practical macliine. From henceforth, if the in- ternal peace of Germany was disturbed by private wars, they were not waged because there was no other resource than force. It is true, as every student of later history must know, that the web thus woven was of a slight texture indeed, strong enough to constrain the small states, but power- less against the strong ones ; and that, even when the imperial rule was by no means merely nominal, the electors and greater princes were accustomed to wage war against one another, and even against the emperor himself. But, on the other hand, there are many ques- tions arising between both states and families, in which the interests are so far from general, and the principles at stake so little important, that the majority of the counsellors of both the adversaries would content them- selves with arbitration rather than risk the expense and fortune of war. Such causes, such quarrels, and, when the advantage of such a system is once seen, most petty quarrels will be seen to fall into the same category, were in an increas- ing degree settled by the new tribunals, and, if not general peace, yet much greater social security ensued. The robber castles, which for centuries had defied the emperor and the princes, simply because in a state of anarchy no robber knight was too insignificant to be worth the patronage of a powerful neighbour, were now an impossibility ; the free nobles submitted to the emperor, and became his liegemen ; the empire resumed, what it had not for a long time even pretended to, the forms and fashions of a united body. Much of this, I think, is owing to the adroitness, the versatility, and the general disinterestedness of Maximilian's own character. SWITZERLAND 221 SwitzerlMid. — One curious result I may mention here from the establishment of the imperial chamber, and of the circular administration, namely, the recognition of the independence of the Swiss confederation. I have said little or nothing about this body in the last chapter, because for the most part its condition shared the general character of the condition of Germany; anarchy and petty wars. But, ever since the dissolution of the league be- tween Zurich and Austria in the early days of Frederick ; during the growth of the Burgundian power, and the impotency of the imperial, the confederate cantons had been drawing closer and closer to France ; and, although still parts of the German kingdom, meddling little if at all in the troubles of the state. The great series of victories won by the Swiss at Granson, at Morat, and at Nancy, terminate with the death of Charles the Bold ; a war caused by the posses- sion of the Austrian rights in Alsace by the Duke of Burgundy, under an agreement with Count Sigismund, which Frederick had been too weak to forbid. But the immediate result of the national deliverance was simply to renew the internal jealousies and dissensions which overwhelmed Switzerland as well as Germany ; and the history for the next five-and-twenty years consists of battles and intrigues, interesting only to the local antiquary. About 1489 the states, princes, and cities of the Rhenish, Franconian, and Swabian district instituted a league, called in mockery the petticoat league, from the kilt worn by the nobles ; but properly the league of St. George or St. George's Shield : it was one of the voluntary confederations I have been speaking of which were superseded by the administration of the circles. This league the confederate cantons refused to join, 2 22 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES partly at the instigation, no doubt, of France, partly for fear of having their own organisation merged in that of the new association. Although this spirit affected the cantons, it did not blind the imperial towns to the advantages of the alliance, and several of them joined, Bern was the head of the party faithful to the emperor and order, and opposed to France. In the diet of Worms, the Swiss were properly represented, and took part in the proceedings as mem- bers of the empire ; but the jealousy of independence, which had been provoked by the Swabian league, was fanned into flame by French intrigue, and they refused to be bound by the arrangement of the circles with their taxation, or by the decisions of the imperial chamber. It was, unfortunately, a favourite project of the emperor's most faithful subjects, the Tyrolese, to compel them to obedience ; and whilst Maximilian was busy in the Netherlands in 1499, the Tyrolese invaded the Grisons. This led to a general contest, in which at last all the cantons were arrayed against Austrian dominion, and through it against the imperial rule. Battle after battle was lost. Maximilian himself was only prevented by the persuasions of his counsellors from rushing upon the fate of his father-in-law. The Swabian war, short as it was important, was ended by a peace in September 1499, by which the emperor confirmed the confederate cantons in possession of their ancient rights and conquests, and ceded to them the administration of the Thurgau. This was the last attempt of the house of Austria to recover their supposed or usurped rights in their native land, and also the last attempt of the empire to enforce obedience to its decrees. Henceforth Switzerland was independent, but it did not cease to be nominally a por- HOSTILITY OF FRANCE AND GERMANY 223 tion of the empire until the peace of WestphaHa in 1648. The external history of the league consists for the future of accretions on the side of Savoy and Italy, and consolidation of its relations with the few intervening districts embraced within its own outer boundary. In the seventeenth century the Orisons were overrun by Austria during the religious wars which affected the whole continent, but this is scarcely an exception to the general statement that practical independence of the mountain land was recognised in 1499. One other subject is connected with this great diet of Worms of 1495. It was called for the purpose of creating a force to oppose the French on the one side and the Turks on the other. The French were just undertaking the Italian expedition which is understood to mark the transition from medieval to modern history. Hostility of France and Germany. — With the close of the fifteenth century begins the ranking of the French against the empire, the irreconcilable jealousy between France and Germany which so colours later history. It is not an old feature of their relations. Between prac- tical France and manageable Germany, throughout the medieval period, lay a broad debatable land, gradually escaping from German influences, but not yet openly occupied or usurped by France. It included the old Burgundian kingdoms, and Lorraine and the Nether- lands ; all nominally imperial. It was the gathering up of this borderland under the French house of Burgundy, and the devolution of them on the German house of Hapsburg by Maximilian's marriage which made them no more a debatable land, but an actual bone of contention and prize of war. The two rivals are no longer separated by a territory narrow 224 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES enough to shake hands over, but too wide to fight across ; they meet face to face ; the debatable land having been Frenchified by Burgundian rule, and become German by the Burgundian marriage is an anomaly in Europe, that each side is anxious to do away with for its own purposes. France herself also is nerved by her struggle with Burgundy, for a struggle with the inheritors of Burgundy. Such is the key to the history of Charles V. The rest of Maximilian's reign belongs to later history. IMPORTANT DATES Expedition of Charles VIII. of France to Italy, 1494. Diet of Worms, 1495. CHAPTER XII The Princes in Germany — The empire in abeyance — The real unity of Germany ■ — The growth of the religious question — The characteristics of North and South Germany — The importance of the acquisition of the Netherlands to the Hapsburgs — The empire and France face to face. The Princes. — It will not be difficult to arrange under several heads the various generalisations that we have arrived at. But before doing so it will, I think, be advisable to run briefly over the geographical aspect of Germany as we leave it at the end of the fifteenth century. We began in Chapter I. with the five dukedoms representing the ancient five nations still in existence, Saxony, Franconia, Bavaria, Swabia, and Lorraine ; we leave them at the close of the fifteenth century so cut up, mutilated, recombined, that even where the old name continues we have no certain warrant that the country known by it contains an inch of the ground to which it was formerly applied. Of the families, again, which we leave ruling the largest territories of Germany, scarcely a single one can trace its princely character so far back as the point at which we began, and some of the lay elector- ates had changed dynasties more than once during the time. The families, again, which have for two centuries held the imperial crown, have only rarely and acci- dentally possessed the electoral vote, the house of Austria notably, notwithstanding its extent of power and territory, did not, until the kingdom of Bohemia 226 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES became permanently a part of its inheritance, acquire a direct voice in the election of the emperor. As instance of the disruption of the ancient duchies we may take Swabia ; this large territory, the duchy of which became extinct with the Hohenstaufens, had, under their lax and wasteful rule, become a prey to private war, robber counts, and a free nobility. Alsace was the only portion of it which continued to retain any unity, and that unity was not the result of internal causes so much as a consequence of the fact that the hereditary government belonged to a house otherwise strong. It was Rudolf of Hapsburg that consolidated the landgraviate or landvogtship of Alsace, and it was ruled by his descendants until the close of the period. In Swabia proper the counts of Wiirtemberg rise early up to the surface as enterprising and unscrupulous chieftains in private war ; their territorial advantages are improved between the thirteenth century and the sixteenth, and at the close of the fifteenth we find them raised to the rank of princes ; a rank which, after three centuries more of pushing and struggling, was in the nineteenth century raised to royalty by Napoleon Bonaparte. The present kingdom of Wiirtemberg roughly represents the ancient Swabia. But a better instance still is Saxony, a name still found on the map but not containing any portion, I believe, of the ancient Saxon land. In the thirteenth century the ancient duchy which Henry the Lion had held is found divided between Cologne, Brunswick, and Brandenburg : the creation of the duchy of Brunswick by Frederick II. separated into two all that was left of the original Saxony ; the northern part was reduced to the little duchy of Lauen- burg, of which we have heard so much in recent times ; THE GREAT GERMAN FAMILIES 227 the southern was gradually lost in the hotch-potch of the Thuringian and Misnian inheritances. The mar- graviate or electorate of Brandenburg conveys its name to the several possessions of the house of Hohenzollern, we have a Margrave of Brandenburg Culmbach in the heart of Bavaria ; Bavaria itself, after diverse sub- divisions, retains its integrity, but the Palatinate pedi- gree, the other branch of the house of Wittelsbach, throws up detached saplings in the remotest parts of Germany, and defies the memory to retain its in- volutions. The Great German Faviilies. — Germany, in a word, from being an aggregation of distinct nations, has become an aggregation of the domains of several great families, or great functionaries lay and ecclesiastical. As to these families, the Wittelsbachs are the only one that retain a leading position throughout ; and they, although at one time they possessed two and claimed three votes in the electoral college, give only two kings, one from each branch, Lewis of Bavaria, and Rupert the Count Palatine, to Germany. The electorate of Brandenburg, at the opening of the period, held, like Saxony, by the Ballenstadt house, passes first to the Bavarian, then to the Luxemburg, then to the Nurem- berg or Hohenzollern houses. The original Ballenstadt house which held both Saxony and Brandenburg sinks into the obscurity from which it scarcely even in modern times emerges under the name of Anhalt. So the face of the map varies from reign to reign, and the dynastic history of Germany fills a book as large as the " Peerage." The arrangements of the circles which was explained in the last chapter is an improvement on the plan of the electorates, because it covers the whole territory 228 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES and is a return to the state of things out of which the electorates sprang. The great duchies of the twelfth century had split into small divisions, the best of these almost accidentally coinciding with the territories to which the electoral dignity was secured in the four- teenth. The electorates themselves then underwent the process of attenuation, only occasionally counteracted by the accumulation of new estates ; power passed from them into houses of less rank but greater territory and energy, like the Luxemburgs and Hapsburgs ; and under them the imperial policy was glad to secure order by substituting for the ancient worn-out instruments of central jurisdiction an organisation which owed its existence to the national longing for unity and order. It is true that the administration of the circles was but a feeble expedient, as results prove, but it was some- thing, and took the place of entire and absolute in- coherence. Weakening of the Empire. — We look next, still geographically, at the outlying parts of the empire ; those which are only partly German or altogether non-German. We see Italy entirely lost, and, if any part of it is to be recovered, it must be under a new title. We have traced, though by no means elaborately, the advance of the Swiss cantons to a practical independence which Maximilian was obliged to recognise, but which had existed for a century at least before his time. The old kingdom of Aries comes next, and the last fragment of it that re- mains, the county of Burgundy, and the towns that have not yet identified their interests with the Swiss confederates. It is true that even under Frederick Barbarossa the imperial hold on Aries was a slight one ; it was slighter WEAKENING OF THE EMPIRE 229 still when Henry VI. invested Richard Coeur de Lion with a kingdom which entirely ignored his sway ; and the acquisition of Provence by a branch of the royal family of France made the maintenance of even a show of supremacy more difficult. It was under Adolf of Nassau that we saw the Count of Burgundy openly withdrawing his allegiance from the empire to give it to France. But France was not yet bold enough to take all. Charles IV. was crowned King of Aries, although all he was suffered to do as king was to confirm the alienations of the powers which his predecessors since the days of Conrad the Salic had been unable to realise. The remains of the Burgundian kingdom form a part of the new dynasty of Burgundian dukes, which ends in the wife of Maximilian. And thus by a curious revolution, and for a short time, they return to the empire. In something hke the same way it has happened in the Netherlands, which came round to the empire after a similar long alienation. It is very long since we saw the emperor exercising any authority in Holland or Friesland. The house of Flanders, intensely French as it has become, was not originally alien to the empire. But it has grown, and spread French influence as it grew, until the language of the states is more French than German : it also is swallowed up in the Burgundian heritage and comes back to Maximilian. Last of all is Lorraine, which, the last possession of the Karolings, the most bloodily contested of the battle-fields under the Ottos and Henrys, although remaining German in allegiance, has become French in alliances and con- nections, so much so that from the reformation down- wards we count the Duke of Lorraine a Frenchman, and 230 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES forget that little more than a hundred years ago the county was still German. On all these sides German influence and imperial authority have become second, either to French in- fluence or the desire of independence. The burghers of Ghent and Antwerp had the same passion for freedom that inspired the Swiss confederates to their emancipa- tion ; and both would have gladly maintained the im- perial authority against their mesne lords and oppressive neighbours, if they could have found and laid hold of the imperial authority to maintain it. But the Swiss relations to the empire were complicated by the claims of the Hapsburgs on their native territory, and the Flemish burghers forgot the existence of a central power which had forgotten them. In these remote regions the imperial rule had become like the feudal system in England, a matter interesting only to the legal antiquary or to the conveyancer proving the title and tenure of a disputed estate. The empire here was in abeyance. To account for this abeyance would be to recount the whole history of the three centuries we have travelled over. It was not that the emperors were bad men or bad rulers : few countries have ever had such a succession of princes to whom the name of tyrant was less applicable ; they were almost always wise, and brave, and kindly men. But they were, as a rule, poor, or if not poor to begin with, quickly impoverished by the demands of their position ; and if they took the ready means to mend it, they lost their title to respect and any influence they might else have had. Italy and the Empire. — Two things, however, we saw accounted for it still more fully. The innate incapacity for cohesion in the mass of distinct ITALY AND THE EMPIRE 231 nations, each with its own princes, history, laws, and wars ; and the action of the papacy : the latter acting in two ways — first, as it was affected by the claims of the emperor touching the Church ; second, as it was affected by his claims, imperial or dynastic, touching Italian territory. The earlier disputes between the empire and the papacy arose from imperial ques- tions ; reformation in the Church, investitures, the exer- cise of imperial sovereignty. From the marriage of Henry VI. to the end of his dynasty, and even after it during the troubles of Lewis of Bavaria, the origin of the difficulties was the possession or claim to Italian territory. Even the popes when in exile in their Baby- lonish captivity at Avignon, far from Rome for half a century, would not tolerate the possession by German rulers of Italian soil. Unworthy as was their policy, actuated more by the promptings of France than by their love of Italy, it was very fatal to Germany ; for it so weakened the imperial power as to render it unable to hold Germany in order much less to hold Italy in awe. It was the relation of the papacy to Lewis of Bavaria that broke the remaining power which had survived the Hohenstaufen, had been nursed up into action by Rudolf and was exercised by Henry VII. That relation was created by the pressure of France exerted to secure the maintenance of her younger branch on the throne of Naples. Well, indeed, may we say that Italy was a fatal gift to Germany : so fatal that all that Italy was doomed afterwards to bear from German hands counts but as an imperfect requital. It destroyed the hope of any- thing like union in Germany. It kept Germany broken up into parties until no party was strong enough to 232 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES maintain central government or order, and that being done every man did what was right in his own eyes, and still more easily whatever wrong he chose. Tendencies towards National Union. — With all these tendencies towards division and causes and occasions of disruption, there were other more penetrating, subtle, and lasting tendencies towards national union. Of these tendencies one is represented by language. The German language is common to the whole of Ger- many, and in proportion as the dialects cease to be commonly, mutually intelligible, the common feeling decreases in its intensity. Although in North Germany the Piatt Deutsch was unquestionably more generally used and over a greater area than at present, and South German or High German (Hoch Deutsch) has been for centuries increasing upon it, as the language of courts, literature, commerce, and the more enterprising and larger half of the people, we must not conclude that the distinction between the two forms of the language points to any deep distinction of race. Just as the low German has sunk into a dialect and been driven farther and farther north by the spread of high German educa- tion, the divergencies between the two forms of the language have become greater. Influence of Language. — So far as I am aware the main features of distinction between them are apparent in the earliest written remains we have of each of them, and those features are developed and extended, only, in the modern forms. But it is to be remembered how very late are the most ancient specimens of written German, low or high ; and that we have not a syllable of either more ancient than the date of th;it conformation of Germany under the five nations which I used as a key to its early history. INFLUENCE OF LANGUAGE 233 If, then, high and low German have for a thousand years been diverging, and been driven asunder by national divisions during that period, and yet can hardly be said now to be mutually unintelligible, we are safe in concluding the distinction between them to be as we know from other reasons they are, tribal rather than national. And where the language is the same, and the distinctions tribal or dialectic, rather than national ; these, whatever may be the differences of government, and however long it may be since the divergency began, form a substratum, a basis for the feeling of national unity. From the beginning of medieval history, Germany, divided between the Saxon, the Bavarian, the Swabian, and the Frank, has had this element of unity more really than the kingdom of England. Saxon and Bavarian with a different history, laws, and political feelings, even with a different religion, are more nearly one than England and Wales, although the two latter have everything but language in common. And language, even in this rough sort of unity which I am supposing to exist between high and low German, is a subtle as well as an obvious element of unity. As the common language of Germany fenced off the outer world which was not German, it must have also assisted the spread of thought and ideas in the same dress throughout the whole territory, whatever were the political or even the deeper tribal divisions. To continue, however, all the Teutonic-speaking lands, except England and Scandinavia, which were remote and long ago separated, 400 years before we have the earliest scrap of German writing, all the German-speaking lands were under one supreme rule, and that supreme rule was vested in the first of earthly 234 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES rulers, the Roman emperor, elected king of the German nations, but sovereign of the world by right of the Caesarship. This civis Romanus sentiment, little as the imperial character of Germany might be estimated abroad, was an object of pride fondly nursed by the Germans themselves ; and especially where it connected itself with the imperial cities and the commerce and civilisation which they represented, — an object of an honest pride : the feeling of nationality was, of course, strongest in the imperial cities, which had both closer relations to the emperor, and mixed more with the world outside of Germany. It is true, how- ever, that all Germans in language and in relation to the empire were brethren at home and abroad : the traditions of the unity of the empire and manners, customs, forms of law and ways of thought long survived the reality of the single rule, but by surviving they showed that the national instinct was stronger than the political pressure had been which it survived or than that which was now insufficient to extinguish it. Influence of Religion. — To the influence of language and imperial traditions we must add that of religion and the Church. Divided into several great nations and into countless small dynastic estates, each claim- ing independence of all the rest, Germany still during the Middle Ages remained ecclesiastically organised on the outlines of the ancient original ecclesiastical geography. The ecclesiastical divisions originally agreed only incidentally with the political ones, and as changes took place in both they were carried out irrespectively of one another, and increased the divergence. Many districts, the civil governments of which were completely independent of each other, INFLUENCE OF RELIGION 235 were severally subject to the same ecclesiastical head. And the German bishoprics were very wide, the pro- vinces enormous in extent. Here, then, as in England, we have the pressure of Church unity in the sense only of Church organisation, forming an influence towards civil unity. The South of England was one Church under the Archbishop of Canterbury long before Wessex, Mercia, Kent, and East Anglia were one kingdom. So in Germany, the subjects of all the little potentates on the Rhine, divided politically by the rule and alliances of their masters, were one in the obedience of their bishops, as well as in language and as subjects of the great empire. In connection with this I should say that the cohesion implied in this organisation was not merely superficial. The religious feeling of Germany was, as it is, a very distinct thing : ecclesiastically the attitude of the Church towards the papacy is very traceable throughout the history : it is very jealous, very independent in every dispute attaching itself to the emperor rather than to the pope, until, and sometimes even after spiritual terrors are added to ecclesiastical ones ; and, deeper still, as no one now can visit at the present day France, Germany, and Italy consecutively without being struck by the difference of the forms in which the common religion expresses itself, a deeper study of the literature of the churches reveals a deeper distinction between the ideas of the three, even as touching the same truth. The tendency to a peculiar sort of mysticism — I mean nothing in disparagement by the use of the word — is very rarely characteristic of German thought ; distinguishing it from the logical precision of the French, and from the penetrating, enthusiastic ardour of the better Italian mind. 236 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES Growth of National Feeling in Germany. — It is not within my scope now to point out the way in which this mysticism helped to lead on towards the re- formation ; it is enough that I mark it as a distinction over and above those of mere politics and geography, tending to isolate the German schools, and throw them in more closely on one another, in opposition to foreign ones. The national spirit grew largely after the insti- tution in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries of the universities in which all that served towards unity, national, scholastic, and religious, developed more largely than elsewhere. In illustration of the way in which this acted, I may adduce the often-quoted fact that a German could pass from the service of one prince to that of another within Germany itself without any imputation of disloyalty. He was the subject of each in turn, but not in a way that affected the questions of patriotism or nationality. Germany was his country, were he Saxon or Bavarian, the subject of the Archduke of Austria or the subject of the Prince of Reuss Ebersdorf. In the late changes in Germany we saw Baron Beust pass from the service of the King of Saxony to that of the Emperor Francis Joseph, and this in both military and civil offices has always been the case. Moral base- ness in desertion of a benefactor would be regarded on moral grounds, but not unless there were such, on the head of duty to any particular province ; Germany was ever the Fatherland. But this must not be exaggerated ; it is more true and applicable to the later Middle Ages than to the earlier ones, in which there was a great deal more general interchange of learned and able men than there was later. The state of things which was common in the twelfth was becoming peculiar to Germany in the THE NAME GERMANY 237 fifteenth century : i.e. the nationaHty made itself felt in this way when the common practice had become extinct. There was nothing strange in England in the eleventh century in having German bishops, nor in the twelfth in having French ones: some of Henry II. 's counsellors were Italians, and several ministers of William the Good, King of Sicily, were Englishnien. But in the next cen- tury this ceased to be possible ; each land supplied its own ministers, lay or ecclesiastical, notwithstanding the pope's efforts to thrust in Italians everywhere. But the feeling of nationality, felt in Germany not less than elsewhere, to the exclusion of aliens, did not affect the relations of the Saxons and Bavarians, or vice versa. In no way is the reality, however, of this unity shown more than in the way in which the Germans are, and from time immemorial, from the tenth century at least, been regarded by foreigners. Among themselves they might be Hessian cat or Swabian hound ; as at home we have Essex calves and Hampshire hogs ; but to the world they showed themselves Germans, subjects of the Sejnper Augustus, cives Roinani, and so on. And the world believed it. The Name Germany. — It is difficult to account quite satisfactorily for the appellations given to the wide country now known as Germany, but the appellation given to the inhabitants by each neighbour is one equally applicable to all. To the Italian they are all Tedeschi ; to the French Alemannians, to the English Dutchmen or Germans. I am not prepared to say exactly at what period these names became stereotyped ; but probably the use of the word Tedeschi by the Italians is ancient ; it represents the generic name of Teutones. In England, down at 238 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES least to the Norman Conquest, the distinction between Saxon and Lorrainer was known, and the specific names properly applied. William of Malmesbury seems to dis- tinguish between the Germans and the Teutones. It is under Frederick Barbarossa that the use of the French name Alemanni is given by English writers to the whole congeries. The use of the word Alemanni and Alemannia by the French is easily explained : the Alemanni being the first non-Frank tribe of Germany with whom the Mero- vingians came in collision. The Franconians, whom they first conquered, were Franks like themselves, and their name supplied no distinctive appellation ; Bavaria lay beyond, far away: the non- Frank tribes who struggled just beyond the Rhine were Alemanni, and Alemanni they continue to be to the present day. The use of the name German in English is compara- tively modern. In antiquity, as you perhaps know, it had two significations, the wide one comprising all that is now Germany, and a narrow one in which it belonged to two smaller districts, Germania, Prima and Secunda, the narrow provinces stretching along the west or left bank of the Rhine. I cannot think that the application of the name to these two districts can have had much effect in deter- mining the modern use of the word, although it may explain Malmesbury's distinction ; for the term Germany was always recognised as the ancient name, and used on occasion as Gallia is of France and Britain of Eng- land and Scotland. Until comparatively modern times, the name by which Germans were known in England was generally Dutch ; and the language high or low Dutch. Since the acces- sion of the Hanoverian dynasty, it has been regarded as THE NAME GERMANY 239 more dignified to use the word German ; and Dutch is relegated to what was once Holland and Hollandish or Flemish. In Germany itself the original term is uni- versal, Deutschland, and Deutsch ; the title of King of Germany was invented by Maximilian I., and was per- haps regarded even then as a bit of pedantry, such as not uncommonly affects titles of honour. I do not think these are trifles to a student of history ; if they are, it is astonishing how much a little attention paid to them serves to clear up more important matters. If the titles of Justinian prefixed to the "Institutions" are a key to the wars of his reign, and remind one of the order of his triumphs and defeats, why is it not the case with modern potentates ? Hear the title of Charles V., and you may see that on each peg hangs a series of historical incidents : Charles V., D.G., elect Roman Kaiser, to all time increaser of the empire (Semper Augustus), King of Germany, Castille, Aragon, Leon, both Sicilies, and Jerusalem, Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Navarre, Granada, Toledo, Valencia, Galicia, Majorca, Seville, Sardinia, Cordova, Corsica, Murcia, Leon, Algarve, Algeciras, Gibraltar, the Canary and Indian Isles, Terra Firma and the Ocean Sea. I need not run through all the minor titles which begin with Archduke of Austria, Burgundy, and Brabant, and come down to Count of Mechlin ; but I may remark that they do not omit the original title, humble as it was, of Count of Hapsburg and Kyburg, Landgrave of Alsace and Margrave of the Burgau. And in the same way the King of Prussia's style was an epitome of his history : Burgrave of Nuremberg, Count of Hohenzollern, Mar- grave and Elector of Brandenburg, last of all King of Prussia. It is generally explained, of course, as a piece of foolish pomposity, but if he that hears will hear, it 240 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES contains an easily remembered abstract of the whole history of the great house. The Germans One People. — The conclusion to which we were coming was, that from the time of Frederick Barbarossa the Germans ceased to be distinguished by foreign nations, on ordinary occasions, into Saxons, Bavarians, Swabians, and the like, and became in common Alemannians, Dutchmen, Germans, and Tedeschi. And thus external treatment, as well as the instincts of a common origin, taught them to regard themselves as intrinsically one people, notwithstanding the enmities and different origins of their rulers. We have now brought down our study of German history to the eve of that great event which for good or for evil, or for an altered mixture of good and evil, changed the complexion of Christendom, and the atti- tude of all the states of Europe one towards another. In none of these was the work of the reformation more marked than in Germany. In none was it more called for by ancient abuses, and in none was it carried to greater extremes. The great restorative effort made by the Roman Church after the Council of Trent recovered much of the ground that had seemed to be lost, and the result in the seventeenth century was very much marked on the old lines of the nations. Lutheranism won the North, the ancient Saxony ; the Roman Church retained a firm hold on Austria and Bavaria ; Calvinism, the French form of the reformation, affected the Palatinate and the Rhineland. Switzerland furnished her own reformation in Zwingli ; but the various divisions of Switzerland marked their nationality still by adhesion or opposition to the other forms of belief now marshalled against one another. Geneva, looking towards France, was the head THE GERMANS ONE PEOPLE 241 of Calvinism ; Basel and Bern, German towns, more especially were Lutheran ; Zurich was Zwin<,'lian ; half the whole confederation, the half originally most bound up with Austria, retained the forms of the ancient faith. But not to insist on the minutiae of this division, one cannot fail to be struck with the fact that North Ger- many, which had in all the contests between pope and emperor ranged itself on the side of the pope, now in this new division threw itself heart and soul into Protestantism. The South of Germany, which had maintained the Hohenstaufen and their principles so long against the popes, is now found faithful. Of course, a multitude of other causes contributed to the result besides the reli- gious ones, besides the political ones, and besides the tribal or even national antipathies of North and South. Of course, in a great measure the people were led by their rulers ; the ecclesiastical provinces, with some great exceptions, remaining Catholic ; the Saxons and the Palatinate following their electors. But considering all these things, there is a residue that cannot be accounted for otherwise than as a result of the poHtical training of ages. North Germany was more energetic and more in earnest than South. It was more religious, and had been from the very days of the Saxon conversion. It was less amenable to imperial influences, as we have seen in the last reigns that we have been considering. Yet we may conclude not unnaturally that if Charles V. had embraced the reformation, all Germany would have been to this day Protestant, or the North would have continued Catholic. The latter might have been the case, but considering the Saxon origin of Lutheranism, the former is the more probable. In conclusion, then, let us sum up the moral of the Q 242 GERMANY IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES history that we have traversed. We have seen in the three centuries between Frederick II. and Maximilian, a complete revolution in the relations of the empire with the papacy, and of North Germany to South. We have traced the imperial power in its variations from the perilous exaltation of Frederick, through his unparalleled humiliation, through the contemptible position of William of Holland and Richard of England, to the moment when Rudolf of Hapsburg restored it on quite another prin- ciple to something like majesty and power. In the fifteenth century we have traced over again a similar revolution ; from the actual zenith of power, as it was exercised by Henry VII., through the humiliation of Lewis of Bavaria, to the restoration of order and peace under Charles IV. But the revolutions of the fourteenth pale beside those of the thirteenth. Henry VII. 's power looks small beside that of Frederick II., and the fall of Frederick is not so abject as that of Lewis of Bavaria. The reinvigoration by Charles IV. is but an artificial affair compared with the resurrection under Rudolf of Hapsburg. In all the events of the fourteenth century to the time of the great schism, we see the papal power, even in its greatest temporal weakness, gaining great ecclesiastical advantages. The schism paralysed it ; but there was no king in Europe strong enough at the time to take advantage of the opportunity to set things right. Nor was there any state in Europe — I cannot except even the empire under Sigismund — strong enough in itself to take the lead in a determined reformation such as might have prevented or modified the evils which on any show- ing resulted from and thoroughly pervaded the refor- mation of the sixteenth century. The increase of the power of France in the fifteenth century went a long THE ADVANCE OF THE HAPSBURGS 243 way to make a general reformation of the Church impossible. The AdvMice of the Hapsburgs. — But, after all, and all things considered, it was the acquisition by the Hapsburgs of the Netherlands and Spain that changed the old form of things, and altered the whole face of European policy. France no longer looked at Germany over the Rhine and its broad borderlands, but wherever she looked, across the Pyrenees, across the Alps, across the Rhine, across the Meuse, in Spain, in Italy, in Germany, in the Netherlands, there she saw the same everlasting Hapsburg eagles. England, in spite of the reformation, maintained her alliance with the Hapsburgs ; her instincts were German, and her antipathies were anti-French. As the Hapsburgs divided and grew weak, England sought new allies among the younger powers ; but in all the great struggles of Europe she has had Germany, whether Austrian or Prussian, on her side. These things lie far before us. It is enough to say now that there is no country in Europe in which the medieval and the modern are more distinctly sun- dered from one another than they are in Germany. INDEX Adolf (of Nassau), Emperor, his election, 8i ; his poverty, 8i-2 ; his treaty with Edward I. of Eng- land, 83 ; his purchase of Thur- ingia, 83, 84, 85 ; conspiracy against, 85-6; his deposition and death, 86 Agincourt, battle of, 169 Agnes, widow of Andrew of Hun- gary. 93 Aix-la-Chapelle, besieged by William of Holland, 43 Albert, Elector of Saxony, his mar- riage, 70 Albert I., Emperor, his character, 80, 90, 93 ; his coronation, 87 ; ex- communicated, 87 ; his relations with Philip IV., 88-9; and with Boniface VHL, 89 ; his wars with Bohemia, 89 ; and with Thuringia, 90; his relations with Switzerland, 92 ; and death, 93 Albert H., Emperor, his marriage to Elizabeth of Luxemburg, 173, 180; his possessions previous to elec- tion, 179, 190; his character, and dealings with Hungary, 180; his legislation, 180-1 ; his death, 181 ; his institution of circles, 181, 214 Albert, Duke of Carinthia (brother of Frederick HI.), 190, 199 Albert, Duke of Saxony, his truce with Matthias Corvinus, 199-200 Alemannia, characteristics of, 3, 5 ; boundaries and divisions of, 73-4 Alfonso X., of Castile, a rival to Ricliard of Cornwall, 48 ; dis- regards his election, 49 Almain, Henry of, nnirdercd, 59 Alsace, separated from Swabia, 5 ; landgraviate of, consolidated by Rudolf of Ilapsburg, 226 Amurath II., Sultan of Turkey, in- vades Europe, 193, 197 Anjou, House of, genealogical table of, in Hungary and Naples, 183 Anne, Duchess of Brittany, 210 Anne, Queen of England (the Good), 138-9 Antipopcs, the imperial need of, 16, 17 Appenzell, delivered from Austria, ISO Arianism, gains no hold in Germany, lO-II Aries, kingdom of, merged in Bur- gundy, 228, 229 Augsburg, diets held at, 31, 75 Austria, a prey to rival competitors, 71-3; the wars with Switzerland, 118-119; rival dukes of, at Sigis- mund's death, 1 79; relations of, with Hungary, 194 ; ducal succes- sion to, contested, 198-9 Avignon, sale of, by Joanna of Naples, 134 and 7ioie Babenberg, House of, 61, 71 Bad Peace, the, 150 Baldwin, Archbishop of Treves (brother of Henry VII., Emperor), 94, 98 ; votes for Lewis IV., loi ; sides with John 01 Bohemia, 106 Ballenstadt, House of, sinks intu obscurity, 227 Bar, the Count of, createil Duke, 1^8 246 INDEX Ijaibara, Empress (wife of Sigis- niund), conspires with the Huss- ites, 17s ; and dies, 176 Batou Khan, invades Hungary, 34-5 Bavaria, characteristics of, 3, 5, 7-8 ; dismemberment of, 18, 74-5 ; re- sults of partition in, and the Palatinate, 117; possession of the Electoral vote disputed in, 1 32 ; collapse of the family policy of Lewis of Bavaria in, 133 Beatrice of Naples, Queen-dowager of Hungary, 210 Beaufort. Cardinal, his crusade against the Hussites, 172 Bela, King of Hungaiy, invokes the aid of Frederick H. against the Mongols, 35 Belgrade, delivered from the Turks, 197 Beust, Baron, 236 Black Death, the, in Germany, 132 Blanche of Lancaster, married to Lewis, son of Emperor Rupert, 155 _ Bohemia, settled on House of Austria, 90 ; rival kings of, 100 ; provisions for, in Golden Bull, 131 ; Huss- ites in, 172-3; wars of succession in, 194-5 Brandenburg, the Electorate of, sold to Charles IV., 133 ; his son, Wenzel, appointed Elector, 134; the Elec- torate of, mortgaged to Jobst of Moravia, 162, 163, 165; sold to Frederick of Hohenzollern, 169 ; connection with the Hohenzollern family of, 227 Brescia, siege of, by Henry VH., 97- 8 ; battle of, 155, 156 Brunswick, the House of, 179 ; Duchy of, created by Frederick H., 226 Budweis, Conference at, 35-6 Burgundy, difficult position of, 76-7 ; French influence in, 78 ; sold to Philip the Fair, 84-5 ; growth of the House of, 185 ; aggrandise- ment of, under Charles the Bold, 201 ; a bone of contention, 223 ; alienation of, to France, and sub- sequent return to the empire, 229 Byzantine empire, fall of the, 185, 196 Ci^sARSHlP, power of the, in Ger- many as regards the national senti- ment, 234 Calixtines, the, 175 Calvinism, in the Palatinate and in Geneva, 240-1 Capistan, John, preaches the crusade against the Turks, 197 Carinthia, disposal of, by Emperor Rudolf, 75 Carobert of Naples, acquires Hun- gary, 90, 164 Cesarini, Cardinal Julian, his crusade against the Hussites, 172 ; urgent for reformation, 174 Charles of Anjou, defeats King Man- fred, 57 ; entitled Peacemaker, 58 Charles the Bold, growth of his power, 201 Charles IV., Emperor, elected, 113; crowned King of the Romans, 113; policy of his reign, 122-3 ; his care for Bohemia, 123, 131 ; his rela- tions with France, 124, 136; his character, 124, 136-7 ; the opposi- tion to his election, 125 ; he gets rid of his enemies, 126 ; publishes a general peace, 127; crowned at Rome, 127; seeks territorial strength, 132, 7iote ; his expedition against the Visconti, 134 ; his ad- ministration, 135, 137-8; his rela- tions with Urban VI., 136 ; his death, 136; his marriages and children, 138 Charles VI., Emperor, his titles enumerated, 239 Charles of Durazzo, murdered by Elizabeth of Hungary, 143, 165 Charles the Great, medieval Germany INDEX 247 formed by, 4 ; Christianity under, II, 13 Charles IV. (the Fair), King of France, marries John of Bohemia's sister, 104 ; his pretensions to the im- perial crown, 105 ; his death, 109 Charles VI., ICing of France, his madness, 143 Charles Martel, 12, 164 Charles of Valois, in Italy, 89 Cilli, Count Ulric of, 197 Clovis, Emperor, 3 Confederation of Marbach, the struggles of King Rupert with, 157-8 Conrad IV., Emperor, governs Ger- many in his father's absence, 31 ; his guardians, 34 ; he defeats Batou Khan in Hungary, 35 ; is defeated by Henry Raspo, 36 ; his death, T)J, 46 ; his relations with William of Holland, 44, 45 Conradin, King, his childhood, 53 ; hostility of Clement IV. to, 57 ; executed at Naples, 58, 61, 62 Constantinople, taken by the Turks, 196 Corte Nuova, battle of, 31 Corvinus, Matthias, rules Hungary, I94> 195 ; repels the Turks, 197-8 ; holds Austria against Frederick HI., 199-200 Coucy, Ingelram de, 149 Council of Basel, the, opening of, 172 ; defied by Eugenius IV., 174 ; its legislation, 175 ; its struggles with the papacy, 190-1 ; close of, 193 Council of Constance, the, opening of, 167; adhesion of Spain to, 170; its authority subverted, 171 Council of Pisa, the, 15S-9 Counts Palatine, the, 63-4 Crecy, battle of, 1 13, 120, 124 Creighton, Bishop, cited on Pius II., 191, 192 Cymburga of Masovia, mother of Frederick III., 1S9 Dates, important, 20, 40, 59, 79, 99, 120, 141, 161, 204, 224 Dietrich, Abp. of Treves, appointed guardian to King Conrad, 34 Diets, the, composition of, 64 Eberhard, Count of WUrtemberg, "JJ ; and the Wetterau league, 157 Ecclesiastical Princes, the, their powers and policy, 14-16, 35, 36, 42 ; at the election of Henry Raspo, ifi ; and of Adolf of Nassau, 82 ; refusal of, to support Lewis IV. in Italy, 107 Edward I., King of England, his relations with Rudolf of Ilapsburg, 76-7 ; and with Adolf of Nassau, 82,83 Edward HI., King of England, his French pretensions, 109; his alli- ance with Lewis IV., 111-112 ; in Normandy, 113; declines offer of the imperial crown, 125 Electoral theory and practice, the, 60-61 Elizabeth of Hungary, kills Charles of Durazzo and is herself killed, 143. 165 Elizabeth of Luxemburg, wife of Albert II., Emperor, 180 Elizabeth of Pomerania, 4th wife of Charles IV., Emperor, 138 Engelbert, Abp. of Cologne, his inflexible administration, 25 England, relations of, with Germany, 83-84, 136 ; the war of, with P'rance, iio, 112; no unity of lan- guage in, as contrasted with th German empire, 233 ; alliance of with the Hapsburgs maintained, 243 Enzio, son of Frederick II., Em- peror, 33,35 Ernest of Hapsljurg, Duke of Austria, and father of P'rederick HI., 179, 189 Europe, political condition of, at close 248 INDEX of fourteenth century, 142-5 ; re- ligious changes in, 145 Europe hi the Early Middle Ages, referred to, 23 note Evesham, battle of, 57 Excommunication, effects of, in differ- ent countries, 16 Falkenstein, Beatrice of, marries Richard of Cornwall, 59 False Decretal?, the, 12 Feudalism, growth of, 8 ; effect in France and Germany contrasted, 8-10 Flanders, alienation of, to France, and subsequent return to the em- pire, 229 ; independence of the burghers in, 232 France, character of feudalism in, 9, 10 ; relations of, with the papacy, S8, 89, 93-4, 99, loi, 103, no, III, 112, 136, 142, 148; interest of, in Naples, 97, 98, 102, 103 ; feuds between Orleans and Bur- gundy, in, 144 ; hostility between, and Germany, 223-4 Franciscans, characteristics of the, 106 Franconia, characteristics of, 3, 5 ; dismemberment of, 18 Frankfort, its connection with the imperial elections, 48 ; 100, 12S ; besieged by Rupert of the Palati- nate, 154 Frederick of Austria, his association with Conradin, 53; executed at Naples, 58, 61 Frederick Barbarossa, overthrown by the papacy, 17; his death, 19-20; his peace legislation, 213 Frederick, Duke of Austria, pro- tects John XXIII., 168; to his own ruin, 169 ; his lands, 178 Frederick, Duke of Brunswick, 153, 157 Frederick II., Emperor, loss of Ger- man unity under, 17-18 ; his charac- ter and policy, 21-2 ; his Italian tendencies, 22, 23 ; purchases the support of the prelates, 24-5 ; his relations with his son, Henry, 25-9; his extraordinary crusade, 27 ; his wives, 28-9 ; his two years in Ger- many, 30-31 ; his excommunica- tion by Gregory IX., 32 ; his death, 2,^ ', importance of his reign, 33-4; his influence upon Germany, 38-40 Frederick III., Emperor, characteris- tics of his reign, 184-6; the last crowned Csesar, 185, 186 ; his im- perial device, 186-7 > his character, 186-7, 188-9; his connection with Ladislas Posthumous, 188-9 ; his parents, 189 ; his marriage, 190 ; his position regarding Hungary and Bohemia, 195-6 ; his attitude to- wards the Turkish invasion, 197, 198 ; his troubles with Matthias Corvinus, 199-200; his death, 202 ; comparison of, with Charles IV., 202-3 Frederick of Plapsburg, Duke of Austria, elected in opposition to ] Lewis IV., loi ; his character, j 102 ; defeated at MUhldorf, 102 ; makes treaty with Lewis IV., 106 ; retires and dies, 107 Frederick of Hohenzollern, acquires Brandenburg, 169 Frederick the Warlike, Duke of Austria, condemned to forfeiture, 31 ; returns to his allegiance, 34; referred to, 71 Frederick the Warlike, Margrave of Meissen, declines election, 125 ; purchases the Electorate of Saxony, 173 Frederick of Zollern, 68 Ftlrst, Walter, 92 Genghis Khan, 34 Genoa, alienated to France, 151 Gerard, Archbishop of Mainz, his relations with Adolf of Nassau, 81, 82-3, 85-6 Germany, Christianity in, 10-12 ; INDEX 249 relations of. with the papacy, 10, 12-14, IS. 16, 22, III, 121, 231-2, 242 ; impotence of, under the Hohenstaufens, 37-40; result in, of the connection with Italy, 39, 1 37, 23 1 ; lack of imperial claimants in, 61-2 ; orii^in of the nobility in, 62-4; the Diets in, 64 ; consolida- tion of, under the Hapsburgs, 69-70 ; readjustment of, by Em- peror Rudolf, 75-6 ; relations of, with England, ,83-4, 136; civil war in, loi ; fourteenth century a period of accretion in, 114; rule of partition in, 115-6; results of par- tilion in, 116-7; state of, under Charles IV., 1 22-3 ; condition of, in fifteenth century, 160-1 ; unrest of, under Frederick III., 186 ; ecclesiastical affiiirs of, regulated, 193; condition of, under Maxi- milian, 209 ; hostility of, to France, 223 ; growth of national union in. 232, 236-7, 240 ; unity of language in, 232-3; influence of religion in, 234 ; characteristics of German religious feeling, 235-6 ; various appellations of, 237-9 ; effects of the Reformation in, 240-1 ; Germany in the Early Middle Ages, referred to, 2 note Gertrude, niece of Frederick the Warlike, inherits the Duchy of Austria, 71 Gessler, Hermann, 92 Gibbon, Edward, cited, 124 Golden Bull, the, published by Charles IV., 127; provisions of, 128-130; criticised, 130-1 Gregorovius, Ferdinand, cited, 123 Guelfs and Ghibellines, relations of, with Henry of Luxemburg, 97 Gilnther of Schwartzburg, rival to Charles IV., 125 ; poisoned, 126 Hanseatic League, growth of the, 44-5, 119; its privileges in Eng- land, 54 ; free cities of the, 179 Ilapsburg, the House of, rise of, 67, 68; acquires the Tyrol, 133; con- solidation of the empire in, 160, 180, 184; its possessions, 179; division of lands in, 189-90 ; genea- logical tree, 203 ; growth of its influence in Europe, 243 Hartmann of Ilapsburg, 76-7, 92 Hedwiga of I'oland, 164— 5 Henry of Carinthia, succeeds to Bohemia, 90 ; is overthrown, 96 ; rebels, 98 ; supports the claims of Frederick of Austria against Lewis IV., loi Henry, Duke of Bavaria, relations of, with Emperor Rudolf, 72 Henry IV., Emperor, his relations with the papacy, 13, 14, 16, 22 Henry V., Emperor, and the papacy, 22 Henry VI., Emperor, and the Sicilian marriage, 22 Henry VII., Emperor, election of, 94 ; and the Forest Cantons, 95 ; his character, 95-6, 99; his Italian expedition, 97 ; crowned at the Lateran, 98; his death, 98 Henry the Fowler, Saxony under, 6 Henry III., King of England, and the Barons' War, 56 Henry V., King of England, his alli- ance with Emperor Sigismund, 170 Henry VII., King of the Romans (son of Frederick II.), represents his father in Germany, 24, 25 ; his marriage, 26 ; conspires against his father, 27-8 ; dies, 28 Henry the Lion, and the dismember- ment of Saxony, 17, 18 Hohenstaufen, the House of, referred to, 14, 22, 23 ; becomes extinct, 37 ; papal hostility to, 57, 58 ; and the Duchy of Swabia, 226 Ilohenzollcrn, the House of, rise of, 68, 117; connection of, with Prussia, 120; rise of, in rank, 13S; progress of the, 178 ; and Branden- burg, 227 250 INDEX Hospitallers, the, 97 Hundred Years' War, opening of the, no Hungary, the Mongol invasion of, 35 ; given to Carobert of Naples, 90 ; attitude of, towards the empire, 180; the Turkish invasion of, 193 ; wars of the two Ladislases in, I93~4 ; ^rid regency of Hunyadi in, 194 Hunyadi, John Corvinus, defends Hungary from the Turks, 193-4, 197 Huss, John, at Prague, 148 ; im- prisoned, 167-8; his death, 169, 170, 172; his relations with Em- peror Sigismund, 177 Hussite Movement, the, growth of, 160, 167, 172-3 Hussite War, the, 17 1-3 Imperial Cities, growth of the, 1 18-19, 123 Imperial elections, manner of the, 64-5; the seven Electors, 65, 66 Imperial position, the three phases of, 207-9 Interregnum, the, 41, 42 Isabella of England (sister of Richard of Cornwall), marries Emperor Frederick II., 28-9 Italy, relations of, with Germany, 17- 18, 24, 37, 38, 9S Jacquerie, wars of the, 145 Jagello, Duke of Lithuania, his marriage, 164-5; lays claim to Hungary, 166 Janduno, John de, 107 Jerome of Prague, his death, 172 Jerusalem, Imperial relations with, 18 Jobst of Moravia, relations of, with King Wenzel, 147, 154; and the Electorate of Brandenburg, 153, 165 ; his election and death, 163 Jochsamergott, Henry, 74 Johanna, Queen of Naples, and the sale of Avignon, 134 and nole ; tragedy of, 143 John, Ban of Croatia, 165, 183 John, King of Bohemia, acquires Bohemia on his marriage, 96 ; votes for Lewis IV., 10 1 ; his re- lations with Charles the Fair, 104, 105; his Italian expedition, no; alienation of, from Lewis IV., 112 ; killed at Crecy, 113; his char- acter contrasted with Lewis IV., 120 John of Gorlitz, third son of Charles IV., 140 John of Hapsburg, murders his uncle, Albert I., 92-3 John, King of England, effect of excommunication on. 16 John of Nassau, Archbishop of IMainz, rebels against Emperor Rupert, 157-8; summons the Electors, 162-3 ; connives at the escape of JohnXXIIL, 168 I Jiilich, the Count of, created Duke, 138 Karlings, the, 6, 12, 13, 73, 229 Ladislas (or Uladislas), King of Poland, offered the Hungarian crown, 193 ; his death, 194 Ladislas, son of King Casimir of Poland, succeeds to Bohemia and Hungary, 195 Ladislas Posthumous, King of Hun- gary and Bohemia, birth of, 181-2, 189; his death referred to, 184, 190, 194, 197 ; his inheritance, 188-9 ; division of his lands, 190; his misrule in Hungary, 194 Ladislaus, King of Naples (son of Charles of Durazzo), his quarrels with John XXIII., 165, 167 ; he accepts the crown of Hungary, 166 Landenberg, Besenger of, 92 Lauenburg, Dukes of, I GO and note, 117 ; Duchy of, 226 Laupen, battle of, 1 18 INDEX 251 Leagues and confederations, rise of the, 214 Legnano, battle of, 17 Leopold in., Duke of Austria, and the Swiss wars, 149-150 Leopold IV., Duke of Austria, 150 Leopold, Duke of Austria (son of Emperor Albert I.): takes the part of his brother, Frederick, 102, 104, 105 ; urges Frederick to break his agreement with Lewis IV., 106 ; dies, 107 Lewis IV., Emperor, his election disputed, loi ; imprisons Frederick of Austria, 102 ; his relations with John XXII., 103-5; bestows Brandenburg on his son Lewis, 104 ; his marriage, 105 ; he re- leases Frederick of Austria, 106 ; unpopularity of his Italian expedi- tion, 107 ; his progress in Italy, 108 ; creates an antipope, 108-9 ; desires reconciliation with the papacy, 109 ; John XXII. im- placable, no; hold of, upon Germany, in; alliance of, with Edward III. of England, I11-112; relations of, with Clement VI., 112; deposition of, 113; death of, 114; character of his reign, 114; dominions acquired by his House, 1 14-5; his Bavarian legislation, 120 Lewis the Great, King of Poland and Hungary, descent of, 164 Lewis III. (the Pacific), Landgrave of Hesse, 189 Lewis, Margrave of Brandenburg (son of Lewis IV.), his marriage to Margaret of Bohemia, 112, 133; relations with Giinther of Schwartz- burg, 126; surrenders care of the imperial insignia, 1 26-7 ; resigna- tion and death of, 1 27-1 3 3 ; re- ferred to, 125 Lewis of Wittelsbach, Count Palatine (1273), elects Rudolf of Hapsburg, 67 ; marries Rudolfs daughter, 70 Lewis of Wittelsbach (1225), Duke of Bavaria and Count Palatine of the Rhine, appointed guardian of Henry VII., 25 ; assassinated, 26 Lodge, Professor, quoted, 132 /lo/e Lollards, the, 139 Lords Appellant, proceedings of, 144 Lorraine, becomes French, 229 Lotharingia, 3 ; and House of Luxem- burg, 5 Louis I.X. (St. Louis), King of France, rebukes Gregory IX., 32 Louis XI., King of France, growth of monarchical power under, 1S5 Liibeck, and the Hansealic League, 45 Lucerne, joins the Forest Cantons, n8-9 Lutheranism, 240-I Luxemburg, the House of, in Lothar- ingia, 5 ; foundation of, 96 ; char- acter of, 1 39 ; system of succession in, 160 Mainz, Diet at, 29 Manfred, King of Sicily, defeated at Benevento, 57 Margaret of Hainault, wife of Emperor Lewis IV., 105, 115 Margaret Maultasch, married to Lewis of Brandenburg, 112, 133 Marsilius of Padua, 107 Mary of Burgundy, marries Emperor Maximilian, 202, 210; dies, 206 Mary, daughter of Lewis the Great of Poland, marries Emperor Sigismund, 164 Maximilian, Emperor, referred to, 179, 180, 181, 187; his mother, 190; crowned King of the Romans, 200-201 ; history of, prior to his accession, 201, 209-210; his mar- riage to Mary of Burgundy, 202, 210 ; resemblance of his character to Sigismund's, 205 ; his political position, 206-7; li's marriage to Bianca Maria Sforza, 211 ; his work in Germany, 219-220 252 INDEX Mecklenburg, the Counts of, raised to Dukes, 138 Melchthal, Arnold of, 92 Merania, Berthold, Duke of, 74 Metz, part of Golden Bull pub- lished at, 127, 128 Milan, sale of, 151 ; ducal crown of, disputed, 196 Milman, Dean, his " History of Latin Christianity," 25 n. ; cited^ 33, 35, 48, 53, 98, 123, 191, 192; quoted on German Emperors in Italy, loS Monarchia, the, of Dante, cited, 96, 98 Montfort, Simon de, and Richard of Cornwall, 50, 52, 56 Morgarten, battle of, 118 Miihldorf, battle of, 102, 104 Naefels, battle of, 150 Naples, relations of, with France, 49. 97> 98, 102, 103 ; with Hun- gary, 166; Conradin beheaded at, 58 ; murder of Queen Johanna in, 144 Napoleon Bonaparte, 226 Nicopolis, battle of, 166 Nuremberg, connection of, with House of Hohenzollein, 117; pari of Golden Bull published at, 127, 128; diets held at, 127, 154, 180, 199 OcKHAM, William of, 107 Otto the Child, receives the Duchy of Brunswick, 30 Otto, Duke of Bavaria, and King Conrad, 34 Otto IV., Emperor, and the Papacy, 16, 22-3 Otto the Great, Saxony under, 6 Ottocar, King of Bohemia, annexes Austria and Styria, 43, 56, 71-2 ; a candidate for the imperial crown, 66-7 ; his relations with Rudolf of Hapsburg, 71-3 ; his death, 73 Palatinates, the, 64 Papacy, the relations of, with Ger- many, 10, 12-4, 15, 16, 22, III, 121, 231-2, 242 Pauli, Dr., his " Pictures of Old England," 54 Pepin (le Bref), and the papacy, 12, 13 Peter, Archljishop of Mainz, elects Henry of Luxemburg, 94 ; his schemes successful, 96 ; he votes for Lewis IV., loi ; dies, 106 Philip, Archduke of Burgundy, and the Spanish marriage, 206, 210 Philip IV. (the Fair), King of France, his war with England, 83 ; he acquires Burgundy, 85; his struggle with Boniface VIIL, 88-9 ; he covets the imperial crown, 93-4 ; influence of, over Clement V., 99 Philip VI. of France, and John XXII., 110, III Philip, King of Germany (1197), and sale of imperial rights, 18-19 Philip the Long (of France), marries Jeanne of Burgundy, 85 Philippa, Queen of England, 105, 109 Piccolomini, ^neas Sylvius (after- wards Pius II.), and the Great Schism, 191-2 ; his papal policy, 196 Pisa, Council of, 158-9 Podiebrad, George, in Bohemia, 195, 198, 199 Popes : Alexander IV., and Richard of Cornwall, 49 Benedict IX., French influence over, no, iii, 112 Benedict XIII., a prisoner at Avignon, 158-9; and Council of Constance, 169, 170 Boniface VIIL, his relations with Albert of Hapsburg, 87, 89 ; and Philip IV., 88-9 Boniface IX., 158 Calixtus III., celebrates the de- liverance of Belgrade, 197 Clement IV., and Conradin, 58 INDEX 253 Popes — continued — Clement V., under French influ- ence, 93-4, 99 ; relations of, with Henry VII. ,95, 97 ; death of, loi Clement VI., and Lewis IV., 112, "3 Clement VII. (Antipope), 136, 142 Eugenius IV., and Council of Basel, 174, 175, 190-1 ; deposes the Archbishops, 191 ; his death, 192 Felix V. (Antipope), 191 Gregory VII., and Henry IV.. Emperor, 14 Gregory IX., opposes Emperor Frederick II., 31-2 Gregory X., relations of, with Emperor Rudolf, 60, 66, 69, 70-1 Gregory XI., disputed election at his death, 135 Innocent IV., and Emperor Fred- erick II., 23, 33 John XXII., attitude of, towards Germany, 102 ; offers to arbi- trate, 103 ; his character and policy, 103-4 ; relations of, with Lewis IV., 105, 106, 107, no John XXIII., and Ladislaus of Naples, 167 ; consents to ab- dicate, 168 ; is deposed, 169 Martin V., elected, 170; character and policy of, 171 Urban VI., and King Wenzel, 135 ; and Charles IV., 136 ; his character, 142 ; his persecution of the cardinals, 144 Printing, invented, 185 Prussia, 120, 178 Raspo, Henry, Landgrave of Thuringia, elected Emperor, 36, 38 ; his death, 42 Reformation, the, in Germany, 240-1 Rhine, League of the, 44-5 Richard of Cornwall, elected Emperor, 48 ; connection of, with Germany, 49 ; character of, 49-50 ; his title not confirmed, 51; extent, and reasons of his influence in Germany, 51-2 ; his kingly title justified, 53 ; his administration, 54 ; his connec- tion with England, 55-7; his death, 58-9 Richard II., King of England, char- acter of, 142-3 ; comparison of with King Wenzel, 152 Rienzi, Cola di, 123 Robert, King of Naples, 97, 98, 104, 109 Rudolf of Ilapsburg, Emperor, and the papacy, 41-2, 70-1 ; elected, 66-7 ; his marriage and previous career, 67-8 ; his character and policy, 68-9 ; marriage of his daughters, 70 ; his wars with King Ottocar, 71-3; his legislation, 75-9 ; his relations with England, 76-7 ; and with Burgundy, 78 ; his death, 79 Rupert of the Palatinate, Emperor, his election, 153 ; coronation, 154; appoints his son Lewis imperial vicar, 155 ; defeated in Italy, 155- 6; returns to Germany, 156; his struggles with the Confederation of Marbach, 157-8; his attitude towards the papal schism, 158-9; his death and character, 159-160; division of his dominions, 160 Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, his reforms, 13, 14 Saint Boniface, his influence on German Christianity, 7, 11, 12 Saint George, League of, 221 Saint Stephen of Hungary, 89-90 Salza, Hermann of, 28 Saxony, characteristics of, 3, 5-7 ; conversion of, to Christianity, 4 ; the spiritual princes in, 14, 15; dis- memberment of, 18 ; the Electorate of, disputed, lOO ; rule of partition in, 1 16-7; owes its independence to Sigismund, 178; the House of, traced, 178; geographical changes in, 226-7 254 INDEX Schism, the Great Papal, 135, 136, 158-9, 168, 169, 170 Sempach, battle of, 150 Sforza, Bianca Maria, married to Emperor Maximilian, 211 Sforza, Francisco, Duke of Milan, 196, 211 Sicily, imperial relations with, 17-1S, 22, 23, 24, 57 Sigismund, Count of Tyrol, 198-9 Sigismund, Emperor, has the Luxem- burg characteristics, 139 ; his titles, 140; relations of, with KingWenzel, 147, 154; elected, 163; his here- ditary possessions, 163-4 ; his Polish claims, 164 ; loses Poland but gains Hungary, 165 ; his wars with the Wallachians, 165-6 ; his marriage to Barbara of Cilly, 166 ; summons the Council of Constance, 167 ; his dealings with John Huss, 167-8, 177 ; with John XXIII., 168-9; and with Benedict XIII., 169 ; he visits Paris, 169 ; and England, 170; succeeds to Bohemia, 172 ; the Hussite war, 172-3 ; his dealings with Eugenius IV., 175 ; his death, 175 ; and character, 176-7 ; political condition of the empire at time of his death, 178-9 Sismondi, cited, 155, 158 Slavonia, connection of, with the Luxemburg family, 140 Spain, conquest of the Moors in, 186 Spires, Diet at, 96 Spiritual Princes. See " Ecclesiastical Princes." Stauffacher, Werner, 92 Swabia, separated from Alsace, 5 ; dis- memberment of, 18-19, 74; under King Conrad, 45, 46 ; war in, between cities and nobles, 132, 149 ; geographical changes in, 226 Switzerland, war of emancipation in, 90; Rudolf of Hapsburg in, 91 ; revolt of the Forest Cantons in, 92 ; relations of, with Austria, 1 18-9, 149-150, 222-3 ; Zurich and Austria, 193, 221; internal dissensions in, 221 ; independence of Swiss Confederation recognised, 221, 222; relations of, to the empire, 230 Tagliacozzo, battle of, 58 Templars, persecution of the, 96-7 Teutonic and Livonian Orders, rise of the, 1 19-120 Thuringia, purchased by Adolf of Nassau, 83, 84, 85 Turks, the, in Europe, 185, 194, 196, 197 Tyrol, 119, 133, 222 Varna, battle of, 194 Vehmgericht, the, introduction of, into Westphalia, 25 ; revival of, 145 Vienna, 72, 73, 194, 199, 200 Vinea, Peter de, 33 Visconti, Filippo Maria, death of, 196 Galeazzo, deposed, 108 Gian Galeazzo, defeats Emperor Rupert at Brescia, 155 ; dies, 156 Wars of the Roses, 185 Welfs and Waibelings, the, 14 Welfic party, the fortunes of, 23, 24, 25, 26, 36, 61-2, 84, 98 Werner, Archbishop of Mainz, and Emperor Rudolf, 66, 67, 68 Westphalia, Peace of, 223 Wetterau League, the, 157 Wenzel, Emperor (son of Charles IV.), Elector of Brandenburg, 133- 4; King of the Romans, 135; his character, 139, 143, 146; his im- prisonments and marriages, 147 ; his administration, 148-9 ; his de- position, 1 50- 1 ; reasons for the act, 151-3 ; he declines to resist, 154-5 ; his death, 172 Wenzel IV., King of Bohemia, 73 ; candidate for imperial crown, 81 ; INDEX -D^ his coronation, 85 ; relations with Albert of Ilapsburg, 87, 89, 90 ; marriage of his daus^hter to John of LuxemVjurg, 96 William of Holland, King of the Romans, 36-7, 43 ; his election, 42 ; poverty of, 43, 44, 46 ; marriage of, 44 ; his war with Flanders, 45 ; his character and policy, 45-6 ; his death, 46 Wittelsbach, the House of, 25-6, 115, 153, 227 Wittenberg, Dukes of, 100 ; House of, 117 Worms, the Diet of : Its measures concerning — Public peace, 212-5 ; The Imperial Chamber, 215 ; The system of circles, 215-7; The constitution of the Diets, 217 ; The administration of justice, 217-8 ; The Imperial Towns, 218 ; The Aulic Council, 218-9 Wiirtemberg, the Counts of, 226 Zahringen, Berthold of, 74 ; Dukes of, 74, 90-1 Ziska, John, and the Hussite war, 172 Zurich, freedom of, 56, 118-9; alliance of, with Austria, 193, 221 ; Zwinglianism in, 241 Zwinglianism, in Swilzerland, 240, 241 THE END Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson &> Co. 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