■ggggg^. ^^HL^'' / ^^H^^B : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^kV *f^'.,^ ^.r* '■>. ■;^- 77^ — ^"' , \ IBM I A Vi-l HISTORY OF THE FLEET MARRIAGES, WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF THE PARSONS, AND THEIR REGISTERS : TO WHICH ARE ADDED NOTICES OF THE MAY FAIR, MINT, AND SAVOY CHAPELS, AND NUMEROUS EXTRACTS FROM THE REGISTERS: BY JOHN SOUTHERDEN BURN, AUTHOR OF THE HISTORY OF PARISH REGISTERS, THE FOREIGN PROTESTANT REFUGEES IN ENGLAND, ETC. Cl^itti iStiition* LONDON : LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, and LONGMANS. MDCCCXLVI. FLEET MARRIAGES " Where lead my wand'ring footsteps now ? the Fleet Presents her tatter'd sons in luxury's cause : Here venerable Crape, and scarlet cheeks. With nose of purple hue — Here Cleric grave from Oxford, ready stands Obsequious to conclude the Gordian knot, Entwin'd beyond all dissolution sure ; A Reg'lar this, from Cambridge ; both alike In artful stratagem to tj'e the noose." The Morning Walk, 1751. 881 PREFACE. In collecting materials for his " History of Parish Registers," published in 1829, the Authors attention was first drawn to the registers of marriages solem- nized in the Fleet and its vicinity, and of which he afterwards made a very minute examination. Until the publication of the first edition of this work, few persons were aware of the existence of those registers, or appreciated their value and impor- tance. The Author's object was to present some of the most curious particulars concerning the registers and those parties connected with them. Without discussing their validity as a public record, and with- out attempting to place them upon the same footing in respect to evidence as a Parish Register, it must be allowed that they have been occasionally admitted as evidence in the Courts of Nisi Prius ; and although within the last forty years they have been genei ally rejected, yet they unquestionably contain the record of many thousands of marriages, of which no other evidence is to be found. These Registers have recently been removed from the Bishop of London's Registry, and are now depo- sited with the Registrar General under the provisions of an Act of the 3rd and 4th Vict. (Cap. 92) which however gives them no additional authenticity. VI. The rapid sale of the first edition, and the favour- able notice of various reviews and literary journals, has induced a belief that the subject matter is inter- esting, and the author therefore ventures to submit the work again to the public. It is no part of his plan to enter into a discussion of the law of marriage, and the necessity of compressing his matter within a small volume precludes him from giving some ac- comit of the different episcopal and dissenting chapels where marriages were solemnized, and which were in existence prior to the passing of the Marriage Act in 1753. He has voluminous transcripts from the registers of such chapels, and notes from licences to marry, supplied by information obtained from an examination of the affidavits made upon application of the parties (which are preserved in the Registry of the Bishop of London), and from notifications of marriages in the public journals of the period, from which he will be at all times happy to afford infor- mation. A list of the principal of such chapels is inserted in this edition, and from the circumstance that, out of the eighty or ninety chapels in and about London, only fourteen of the registers remain (some of which are in private hands), these collections are of considerable value. Copthall Court, London, December, 1845. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Of Clandestine Marriage. — St. James's Duke's Place, and Trinity Minories. — The Fleet Prison. — Bishop's Visitation there. — Marriage of the Honourable Henry Fox. — The Marriage Act of 1753. — Oppo- sition to it. — Blackstone's Commentary upon it. . . 1 CHAPTER n. The Fleet Prison, Wardens, and Chaplains . . . . 32 CHAPTER HI. Clergymen who performed Marriages at the Fleet . . 49 CHAPTER IV. The Fleet Books. — Their transmission to the custody of the Bishop of London. — Extracts, &c., &c. . . . . . . . . 66 CHAPTER V. The Fleet Registers not Evidence . . . . . . 127 CHAPTER VI. Marriages at the King's Bench Prison, — Mint, — Savoy, — and May Fair 137 A List of the Chapels in and about London at which Marriages were perfonned, prior to the Marriage Act .. .. .. 151 FLEET MARRIAGES. CHAPTER I. OF CLANDESTINE MARRIAGE — ST. JAMES DUKE's PLACE AND TRINITY MINORIES THE FLEET PRISON BISHOP's VISITA- TION THERE MARRIAGE OF THE HONOURABLE HENRY FOX THE MARRIAGE ACT OF 1753 OPPOSITION TO IT — BLACK- STONe's COMMENTARY UPON IT. It was not until the Council of Trent,^ that the inter- vention of a priest, or other ecclesiastical functionary, was deemed in Europe indispensable to a marriage. It was then ascertained that the existence of the marriage contract as a mere civil engagement, unhallowed by any spiritual sanction, tended much to the formation of clandestine connexions, and their concomitant evils. The celebrated Decree passed in that Council interdicted any marriage otherwise than in the presence of a priest and at least two witnesses. But in Eng- land previous to 1754 the Common Law continued to regu- late the Law of Marriage, the authority of the Council of Trent not having been acknowledged in this country ; and whilst, in virtue of domestic institutions, a form was enjoined for the more solemn celebration of matrimony, and persons departing from these regulations were liable to ecclesiastical censure, still other and more private modes of contracting a marriage were tolerated and acknowledged by Law. Hence a contract per verba de prasenti, that is to say, between persons entering into a present engagement to be- come man and wife, or a promise per verba de futurOy which was an agreeinent to become husband and wife at some future ' Sessio 24, 11th November 1563. — Doctrina de Saciamento Matrimonii. The last General Council of Trent held its first session in December 1545, and its last in December 1563. time, if the promise were followed by consummation, consti- tuted marriage without the intervention of a priest; for the contract per verba de prcesenti was held to be a marriage com- plete in substance, but deficient in ceremony.^ Although the promise per verba de futiiro of itself was incomplete in both points, yet the cohabitation of the parties after exchanging the mutual promise, implied such a present consent at the time of the sexual intercourse, as to perfect the marriage in substance and give it equal validity with the contract de prc£- seiiti, that is to say, the validity of an irregular marriage, which could not be annulled by the Ecclesiastical Court, though it might be censured for its informality, nor could the vinculum be affected by a subsequent regular marriage. Certain privileges have been allowed to those who solem- nized their marriage according to the form prescribed by the Ecclesiastical Law, which were denied to those who refused to comply ; yet the marriage, although celebrated in a dif- ferent manner, was indissoluble, it being considered of Divine institution, to which only a full and free consent of the par- ties was necessary. Before the time of Pope Innocent the Third (1198), there was no solemnization of marriage in the ' " By the Civil Law whatsoever was given ca" sponsalilia largitate, betwixt them that are promised, have a condition (for the most part silent) that it may be had again if marriage ensue not. Si spo77sus dederit aliquid et aliquo casu iivpedianiur miptia, donatio penilus rescinditnr nisi oscuhim intervenit ; but if he had a kiss for his money, he loseth one half of that which he gave. But with the woman it is otherwise ; for, kissing or not kissing, whatsoever she gave she may ask and have it againe. This is but for gloves, rings, bracelets, and other small wares, and in rehaving a woman hath greter favour in greater guifts than a man hath."' Spon. Crud. 9, fo. 13. The Author has many curious particulars relative to Espousals, which was the contract per verba de fuluro ; the only entry, however, which he has observed relating to Espousals, in a parish register, is the following in that of Boughton Monchelsea, in Kent. " INIichaelis. " 1630 Sponsalia inter Gulielm' Maddox et Elizabetii' Grimestone inde bitrliuris formi transacta 10 die Januarii." This marriage was solemnized with the forms of the Cliurch three years after- wards, as appears by tlie following entry in tlie same Register. " Michaelis. " 1633 Nuptim inter (iulielmu' ]\Iaddox et Elizabetha' Grimcstonvltimo Octobris." churcli, but the man came to the house wliere the woman resided, and led her home to his own house, which was all the ceremony then used : hence the expression " uxorem ducere et capere in virum.''''^ Banns were first directed to be published by Canon Hubert Walter, No. 22 (1200); and the Constitution of ^yilliam la Zouch, No. 7 (1347) notices the performance of clandestine marriages, and that " some contriving unlawful " marriages, and affecting the dark, lest their deeds should " be reproved, procure every day, in a damnable manner, " marriages to be celebrated without publication of banns " duly and lawfully made, by means of chaplains that have no " regard to the fear of God and the prohibition of the laws." These informal marriages appear to have been continued in London notwithstanding the punishment denounced (and sometimes inflicted) by the Ecclesiastical Law. Within a few years previously to 1686, many thousands of clandes- tine marriages were performed ; many of them in certain churches and chapels exempted from the visitation of the Ordinary, the ministers of which churches did usually marry without licence or banns : these were called " Imvless churches r for by such practices those laws which had been made to prevent clandestine marriages were rendered in- effectual. - From the Bishop of London's Registry (1 Compton 95) it appears that the Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Causes, on the 17th of Feb. 1686, suspended for three years (ab officio et heneficio) Adam Elliott, Rector of St. James Duke's Place, for having married or suffered persons to be married at his church without banns or licence. This suspension is mentioned by Newcourt in his Reper- torium, where are noticed the grounds of the " pretended exemptions" of the church of St. James Duke's Place and Trinity Minories. As to the former, the Mayor and Com- monalty and Citizens of London, as lords of the manor and patrons of the church, had then lately (1708) pretended an exemption from the jurisdiction of the Bishop of London in ' Petersdorff's Lectures. ' Nelson's Rights of the Clergy. matters ecclesiastical. And as to Trinity Minories, " the cliurcli is in the gift of the Crown, and the Incumhent or Curate thereof (for it is neither rectory nor vicarage insti- tutive) holds the same by an instrument of donation, under the Great Seal of England ; but of late these Curates have pretended exemption from being subject to the Bishop of London as Ordinary, on purpose to defend t/ieir marrying without hanns or licence.'''' The suspension of the Rector of St. James Duke's Place was relaxed on the 28th of May 1687, upon his petition to the Commissioners ; and in the marriage register of Duke's Place is the following entry in the year 1687 — " There were no marriages from the tenth of March till y* 29 day of May." after which, it appears, the Rector resumed his practice, and married at the rate of sixteen couple per day. The earliest marriage register in tlie parish chest com- mences 1st Nov. 1664, but some of the first leaves in the book are missing, it having been for some years without any cover to protect it! It continues to 1691, occupying upwards of 1000 pages. On some days there are between 30 and 40 marriages, and in this book alone are nearly 40,000 entries! !^ The 7iext book (also a large folio, but thinner than the first) commences in 1692 and ends July 28, 1700; and the mar- riages during this period continue very numerous. The third book commences with 25 March 1700, and ends March 1754, during which period the number of marriages decreased. The first register of marriages at Trinity Minories is of parchment, commencing Jan. 1579, and ending 3 June 1644, and is by no means singular on account of the number of ' Tom Brown in his works frequently notices the marriages at Duke's Place, which, about 1586, was as noted a place for matrimony as ti>e Fleet became twenty or thirty years afterwards. " So he converts his sheep and other moveables into a purse of money, buys a parcel of dates, and puts to sea; that is to say, furnishes him a iiouse, provides a fine suit of cloathes, goes to Duke's Place, and mariics." — (Tom Brown's Ilorks, vol. iv. p. 177, Edit, of 1774.) " Thursday 24. — Six coui)le pair'd at Duke's Place, near ten [o'clock], repent next mornino." \'o!. i. p. I U!. marriages. No. 2 begins 9 June 1()44, and ends Feb. 1648; the marriages now begin to increase, and in the month of July 1C45 are 30 entries. No. 3 is a rough square book, much out of condition, with a brown paper cover, commenc- ing Feb. 1657, and ending 25 July 1659 (the book from 1648 to 1657 is missing). No. 4 is a long rough book, com- mencing 2 Februai-y 1660, and ending 9 April 1663, (from this date to 1676 is missing). No. 5 is a large folio newly bound in vellum, commencing 26 March 1676 and ending 21 June 1683, and contains about 6000 entries. No. 6 is a very large folio volume, commencing 24 June 1683 ; it conti- nues to January 27, 1686, when it refers to another book, and begins again with November 1692, and ends 17 March 1754. In this book are about 9000 entries. The reg-ister which comes in between the first and second part of the last volume commences 26 January 1686,' and ends November 1692; it is roughly written, and contains about 5 or 6000 entries. The first mention met witii of a marriage at the Fleet, is in a letter from Alderman Lowe to Lady Hickes in iSept. 1613, (Lansd. MSS. 93—17.) " Now I am to enform you that an ancyentt acquayntance of y" and myne is yesterday maryed in the Fleette, one Mr. Gorge Lestor, and hath maryed M""'' Babbington Mr. Thomas Fanshawe mother in lawe. Itt is sayed slie is a woman of good wealthe, so as nowe the man wylle able to lyve and mayntayn hymself in prison, for hether unto he hath byne in poor estate. I praye God he be nott encoryged by his marige to do as Becher doth, I mene to troble his frynds in Lawe, but I hope he wyll have a better con- scyence and more honestye than the other men bathe." The date of the earliest Fleet register now preserved in tbe Bishop of London's Registry, is 1674, and there is no reason to believe that the marriages there recorded were clan- ' The suspension of tlie Rector of Duke's Place took place about the time of the commencement of this register, vvhicli may account for the discontinuance of the regular register ; so tliat in case of a visit from the Commissioners, the register would perhaps have been shewn as a proof that no marriages had been performed, while in fact 5 or 6000 had been married, and entcied in another book. destine. Upon referring to the dates of the Fleet registers, it will be found that (with one exception) they commence about the period of the Order of the Ecclesiastical Commis- sioners ; ' and it may fairly be conjectured that when the prac- tice of clandestine marriages at Duke's Place and Trinity Minories was checked by this order and the suspension of Mr. Elliott, it was taken up by certain real and pretended clergymen in and about the prisons" — not, however, on ac- count of any real privilege or exemption attaching to these prisons, for the marriages were not even confined to the Rules of the Fleet, but were performed sometimes at the villages adjacent,^ but because these Fleet parsons were generally prisoners enjoying the Rules of the Fleet, and had neither liberty, money, nor credit to lose by any proceedings the Bishop might institute against them. Some of the acts passed for preventing these marriages convey particulars of the system adopted to evade prior enactments upon the subject. Thus the 7th and 8th Wm. III. cap. 35, recites the 6th and 7th Wm. cap. 7. sec. 52, and that it was passed for the better levying the duty of 5s. on licences and certificates, but was found ineffectual, because the penalty of 100/. was not extended to every offence of the same parson, and because the parsons employed poor and indigent ministers, without benefices or settled habitations, and because many ministers being in prison for debt and otherwise, married persons for lucre and gain.^ ' Order against Clandestine ]Marriages. (1 Compton, 94.) ^ " The force and validity of a pretended marriage had or prophaned, at or near May Fair, is now strongly contested at law, as being illegal and scandalous." — General Advertiser, Dec. 17, 1747. " Some of the persons that pretend to marry in the Fleet and the places adjacent have been charged in the course of the law as not being in holy orders, by which several unwary people have been great sufferers in the proof of their pretended marriages." — General Advertiser, Dec. 12. 3 One of Mrs. Wigmore's advertisements of the Fleet registers mentions them to contain the marriages " at all the different houses of the Fleet and other parts of town and country.'' * Peregrine Pickle becomes acquainted in tlie Fleet with a clergyman " who found means to enjoy a pretty considerable income by certain irregular practices in the way of his function." — Vol. iv. p. Mil. Of the iniquitous practices at tiie Fleet ample confirmation is derived from the evidence of one of the Fleet parsons themselves ; for sonie private memoranda made by Walter Wyatt, in one of his pocket-books of 173G, are to the following effect, showing that if there was not " some spark of grace left," there were at least now and then some compunctions of conscience. " Give to every man his due, and learn y"= way of Truth. " This advice cannot be taken by those that are concerned in y* Fleet marriages ; not so mucli as y^ Priest can do y" thing y' is just and right there, unless he designs to starve. For by lying, bullying, and swearing, to extort money from the silly and un- wary people, you advance your business and gets y* pelf, which always wastes like snow in sun shiney day." " The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The mar- rying in the Fleet is the beginning of eternal woe." " If a dark or plyer tells a lye, you must vouch it to be as true as y*^ Gospel ; and if disputed, you must affirm with an oath to y* truth of a downright damnable falsehood. — Virtus laudatur & alget." 1 '-' May God forgive me what is past, and give me grace to for- sake such a wicked place, where truth and virtue can't take place unless you are resolved to starve." Many of the early Fleet weddings were really performed at the chapel of the Fleet;' but as the practice extended, it * " On Saturday last a Fleet parson was convicted before Sir Ric. Brocas of forty- three oaths, (on the information of a plyer for weddings there,) for which awarrant was granted to levy 41. 6s. on the goods of the said parson .: but, upon application to his Worship, he was pleased to remit U. per oath ; upon which the plyer swore he would swear no more against any man upon the like occasion, finding he could get nothing by it." — Grub Street Journal, 20 July 1732. 2 " One Mrs. Ann Leigh, an heiress of £200. per annum and £6000. ready cash. having been decoyed away from her friends in Buckinghamshire, and married at the Fleet chapel against lier consent ; we hear the Lord Chief Justice Pratt hath issued out his warrant for appieiiending the authors of this contrivance, who liave used tJie young lady so barbarously, that she now lyes speechless."— Orj^'nm^ fVeekly Journal, Sept. 26, 1719. '< Captain Pealy, a half-pay officer, was apprehended and committed to the Gate- House, for stealing one Mrs. Anne Leigh, as mentioned in our last." 8 was found more convenient to have other places within the Rules of the Fleet, (added to which, the Warden was com- pelled by the act of 10th Anne, cap. 18. sec. 192, not to suffer them,) and thereupon many of the Fleet parsons and tavern- keepers in the neighbourhood fitted up a room in their re- spective lodgings or houses as a chapel. The parsons took the fees, allowing a portion to the plyers, &c. ; ' and the tavern-keepers, besides sharing in the fees, derived a profit from the sale of liquors which the wedding party drank. In some instances the tavern-keepers kept a parson on their establishment at a weekly salary of twenty shillings ; while otherS; upon a wedding party arriving, sent for any clergy- man they might please to employ,^ and divided the fee with him. Most of the taverns near the Fleet kept their own registers, in which (as well as in their own books) the par- sons entered the weddings. The author has an engraving (published about 17-17,) re- presenting " A Fleet Wedding between a brisk young Sailor and his Landlady's Daughter at Rederiff ;" it represents the old Fleet market and prison, with the sailor, landlady, and daughter, just stepping from a hackney-coach, while two Fleet parsons in canonicals are offering their services. The lines inscribed below the print are as follow: Scarce had the coach discharg'd its trusty fare, But gaping crowds surround th' amorous pair ; The busy Plyers make a mighty stir, And whisp'ring cry, D'ye want the Parson, Sir ? Pray step this way— just to the Pen in Hand, The Doctor's ready there at your command : This way, (another cries) Sir, I declare, The true and ancient Register is here: ' Thus, on one occasion, ",Tlie Turnkey had I5. — Boyce Is. Clk— j« Plyer Is., and I had 3s. 8d." {Ed. ^shicell.) ' " Yesterday a cooper in St. John Street was seized and carried before .Justice Robe, being charged with a r upon a certain young woman. The man, con- sidering the danger lie was in, compounded llie affair by sending for a clergyman from the I''leet, who married tliem at a tavern in Sinillitield, to tlie great joy of all parlies."— P.'s/ Boy. 18 June 1730 9 Th' alarmed Parsons quickly hear the din, And haste with soothing words t' invite 'em in : In this confusion jostled to and fro, Th' inaniour'd couple know not where to go ; Till slow advancing from the coaches side, Th' experienc'd matron came, (an artful guide,) She led the way without regarding either, And the first Parson splic'd 'em both together. The companion to this en^ravint^' is " The Sailor's Fleet Wedding Entertainment," which represents the party sit- ting at table, round a bowl of punch, with pipes, &c. : amongst other pictures on the wall is a representation of the Skimmington.^ Under the print are the following lines : Jack rich in prizes, now the knot is ty'd. Sits pleas'd by her he thinks his maiden bride. But tho' a modest look by Molly 's shewn. She only .... known. The b now from her daughter's charge reliev'd, With pleasure smiles to think how he 's deceiv'd ; Experienc'd in the trade^ and void of shame, To her the Man in crape imparts his flame. The Lawyer grins, and Peg, with wanton glance, Seems much delighted with Tom's antic dance. Kit kisses Kate, vows she shall be his wife, While cat and dog resemble nuptial strife. The Skimmington observe. Mirth to provoke, Sam points the horns, with many a b joke. For spouse's cloaths, the baily's crew are seen, And change, oh sad mishap ! the jovial scene. In 1702 the Bishop of London held a visitation at the Fleet, as appears by a paper in the Registry of tlie Consistory Court to the following effect : — ' A Skimmington is admirably described in Butler's Hudibras, (Lond. 1806-) Vol. i. p. 467. — Ralpho describes it as — a riding us'd of course, When tlie grey mare 's the better horse : When o'er the breeclies greedy women Fight, to extend their vast dominion. 10 4'" Junii 1702 Cor' Reverend: &c. Dno E'po London in Carcere vulgo vocat' y"" Fleet in Civitate London, p'sente Ed' Alexander Neg"" Visitac'onis in Carcere vulgo ) vocat' y* Fleet London j Comp' Mag' Jeronimus Alley Cl'ecus. D^ E'pus monuit eum ad exhibend' D"" Cancellario ejus L'ras Ordinum citra 24 diem Junii instan' & his LordsP ordered him not to marry or perform any divine Office in y^ Chappell in y' ffleet or in any place within y* Dioces untill he has exhibited y' same. M' Alley soon afterwards fled from y*^ s'' Prison & never exhi- bited his orders. Very little benefit was derived from this visitation except the flight of Mr. Alley, who, however, left many behind in the Fleet to supply his place. An anonymous letter in the Bishop's Registry, written some time between 1702 and 1714, contains some curious particulars : " Sir, " I think it my Duty to God and y Queen to acquaint you with y'' illegal practices of y* Ministers and Clark in y" Fleet Chap- pell for marrying Clandestinely as they do som weeks fifty or sixty couple. The Ministers that are there are as follows, M' Rob' El- borough, he is an ancient man and is master of y* Chappie and mar- ries but very few now without Banns or Licence, but under a colour doth allow his Clark to do w* he pleases, his name is Barth : Basset. There is there also one M' James Colton a Clergyman, he lives in Leather Lane next door to y* Coach and horses, he hath bin there these four years to marry, but no Prisoner, he marries in Coffee-houses, in his own house, and in and about y^ Fleet gate and all y" Rules over, not excepting any part of city and Suburbs. This Clark Basset aforesaid registers wherever Colton marries in y* Fleet Register and gives him Certificates. C-olton had a living in Essex till y^' Bishop of London deprived him for this and other ill Practices. There is also one M' Nehe- miah Rogers, he is a prisoner but goes at larg to his P. Living in Essex, and all places else, he is a very wicked man as lives for drinking whoring and swearing, he has struck and boxed y' bride- 11 groom in y' Cliapple and damned like any com'on souldier, he marries both within and without y' Chappie like his brother Colton. There was one Mr Alley, he was a Prisoner and y" benefit of wed- dings, but is gone to some other preterm'. The abovesaid Basset rents y^ sellers of y^ Fleet and pays for y* and two watchmen 100 and £20 p. ann. but he him pays but £20 per ann. for y" Clergy pay all y" rest monthly, and if tliey do not they are threatened to be confined or outed. This Clark hath bin sworn in D" Com- mons not to marry any without Banns or Licence unless it be such poor people as are recommended by y^ Justices in case of a big belly, but have married since many hundreds as I and many can testifie who are confined Prisoners. The chief days to marry are Sundays Tuesdays and Saturdays, but evry day more or less. The Clark Basset keeps a Register book, altho he told y* Bishop of London he had none, he also antidates as he pleases as you may see when you look over y* Registers, he hath another at his sons, he does what he pleases and maintains a great family by these ill practices. £200 p. ann. he hath at least. The Ministers and Clark bribe one M' Shirley, I think him to be Collector for y^ Queen's Taxes. I hope Sir you will excuse me for concealing my name, hoping y* you will inspect into these base practices. For D" Newton Chancell"' to my Lord of London at D" Commons These. Iq 1712 another act was passed (10 Ann. cap. 19-) ap- parently for the purpose of punishing parsons who, being already prisoners, were in the habit of performing marriages, without fear of affecting their liberty any farther. After reciting the loss of duties by clandestine marriages, it enacts that such offenders should be removed to the county gaol. Notwithstanding this additional penalty, and the conviction in 1716 of one John Mottram for solemnizing two clandes- tine marriages,^ tlie law failed to prevent a continuance of 'In 1717 "John Mottram, Clerk, was tryed for solemnizing clandestine and unlawful marriages in the Fleet Prison, and of keeping fraudulent Registers, whereby it appeai'd that he had dated several marriages seveial years before he en- ter'd into orders, and that he kept no less than nine several Registers at different 12 the practice, and in 1718 a bill prepared by Mr. Brigstock and Sir John Phillips for preventing clandestine marriages was brought into tlie House of Commons, but dropped after the second reading. In a hand-bill printed for distribution about 1720, the reasons for the failure of the several acts in preventing these marriages are described to be — 1. For that the penalty on the gaoler (which had ever since deterred the Warden of the Fleet from suffering any marriages there) was not extended to the owners of taverns, alehouses, &c. 2. That the penalty on the clerk was too small and was not extended to every person present at the marriage. 3. That the 10th Anne might be eluded by the offenders re- moving themselves back to the Fleet by habeas corpus. 4. That every indigent clergyman that forfeits oClOO, de- pending on the delay of a writ of error, carries on his offences with impunity for a year and a half, in which time his gain amounts to five times the sum of o£^100, and then he runs away. In 1735, another bill for preventing clandestine marriages was introduced by Lord Gage and Mr. Pulteney, which passed through a committee, and, with several amendments, was agreed to by the House ; when upon the question being put, that the Bill with the amendments be engrossed, it passed in the negative.^ houses, which contained many scandalous frauds. It also appeared, that a marriage was antedated because of pregnancy ; and to impose on the ignorant there was written underneatli, this scrap of barbarous Latin, " Hi non nupti fueruut sed obtinerunt Testimonium propter timorem parentum," meaning that tiiey vvere not marryed but obtained this private Register for fear of their parents. It rather appeared from evidence, that these sham marriages were solemnized in a room in tlie Fleet they call tlie Lord Mayor's C'happel, which was furnished with chairs, cushions, and proper conveniencies, and that a coal-heaver was generally set to ply at the door to recommend all couples that had a mind to be marry 'd, to the Prisoner, who would do it cheaper than any body. It farther appear'd, that one of the Regis- ters only contained above 2200 entrys which had been made within the last year." — Heeklij Juurnal, Feb. 13. He was tried at (Juildiiall befoic Lord Chief Justice Parker, found guilly and fined X'20(). ' .lournals, vol. xxii. p. 676. 13 No other parliamentary measure was effecteil, and the prac- tice continued to increase at the Fleet,' which was resorted to by persons of all ranks and conditions in life, from the nobleman to the chimney-sweeper, who desired to be married with secrecy and despatch. It is not to be inferred that the lower orders only resorted to the Fleet and its purlieus ; very many of the middling classes of society, of respectability and character, were married by Fleet parsons. Neither the penalties of any of the before-mentioned acts, nor even ex- communication,- had any effect in preventing these marriages, ' " From an inspection into the several registers for marriages kept at the several alehouses, brandy shops, &c. within the Rules of the Fleet Prison, we find no less than 32 couple joined together from Monday to Thursday last without licenses, contrary to an express act of Parliament against Clandestine Marriages., that lays a severe fine of £200 on the minister so offending, and £100 each on the persons so marry'd, in contradiction to the said statute. Several of the above-mentioned brandy men and victuallers keep clergymen in their houses at 20s. per week each, hit or miss, but it's reported that one there will stoop to no such low conditions, but makes at least £500 per annum of Divinity -jobs after that manner. 'Tis pleasant to see certain fellows plying by Fleet Bridge to take poor sailors, &:c. into the noose of matrimony, every day throughout the week, and their clocks at their offices for that purpose still standing at the canonical hour, though perhaps the time of day be six or seven in the afternoon." — IVeehly Journal, 1723, June 29. " Margaret Prendergrass and Mary Henson, two Irishwomen, were convicted at the Old Bailey Sessions for aiding and assisting one Russell an Irishman in forcibly marrying and bedding with a young gentlewoman, the pretended maniage being performed by a Fleet parson." — D. Post, 4 May 1728. " We hear a person hath been committed to the Fleet Prison for lately advertizing in the public papers, a reward of an £100 to any that should discover and prove the supposed marriage of two persons, by reason it might be an encouragement to subornation of perjury." — If'eekly Journal, 1720, /iug. ^ By the EcclesiasticaJ Law, all persons present at a clandestine marriage were considered as thenceforth excommunicate. It was frequently necessary to prove these marriages at Doctors' Commons, but the evidence of any witness present at the ceremony was rejected until he or she had been absolved and had taken the usual oath of absolution. In the cause of Phillips v. Cross, Walter Wyatt (one of the most notorious of the Fleet parsons) was offered as a witness, and was willing to take the usual oath of a witness, but not the oath of absolution, and the Judge therefore refused him. 1754, May 24, William Faucit, Esq. John Grieison, Clerk, and William Bromley, having incurred sentence of excommunication by having been present at a clandes- tine marriage, were absolved. On the 28th, Susannah Faucit the wife was absolved. (The Bishop's Assignations.) 14 which it was well known were valid and indissoluble, al- though irregular. The newspapers of the day frequently adverted to the sad consequences of Fleet marriages, and for some years the follow- ing paragraph appeared occasionally in the various periodicals : " Whereas several inconsiderate and unwary persons consent to be married at the Fleet, May Fair, and other places, by sham licences, widiout any banns or legal authority, by which the par- ties that think themselves properly married, are much difficulted in the proof of their marriages and of the legitimacy of their children — It is thought proper for the well being, peace and secu- rity of such as intend to marry, to make it known, that, besides the inconveniences before mentioned, there is an act of Parlia- ment made in the 7 and 8 years of king William, cap. 35, by which it is enacted, That every parson, vicar, &c." (here follows the penal clause.) In a number of the Grub Street Journal for 1735, is a very long letter on the practices at the Fleet, which faith- fully describes the treachery and low habits of the Fleet parsons ; and the daily prints of that period constantly con- tained paragraphs describing the disgraceful practices pre- valent there.^ A walk past the Fleet Prison at that period, ' Sir — There is a very great evil in this tovt^n, and of dangerous consequence to our sex, that has never been suppressed, to the great prejudice and ruin of many hun- dreds of young people every year ; which I beg some of your learned heads to con- sider of, and consult of proper ways and means to prevent for the future. I mean the ruinous marriages that are practised in the liberty of the Fleet, and thereabouts, by a sett of drunken swearing parsons, with their myrmidons, tliat wear black coats and pretend to be clerks and registers to the Fleet, These ministers of wickedness ply about Ludgate Hill pulling and forcing people to some pedling alehouse or a brandy-shop to be married, even on a Sunday stopping them as they go to church and almost tearing their cloaths ofl" their backs. To confirm the trutli of these facts, I will give you a case or two whicli lately happened. Since Midsummer last a young lady of birth and fortune was deluded and forced from her friends, and by the assistance of a wry-necked swearing parson married to an atheistical wretch, whose life is a continued practice of all manner of vice and debauchery. And since the ruin of my relation, another lady of my acquaintance had like to have been trepanned in the following manner. This lady had appointed to meet a gentlewoman at the Old Playhouse in Drury-lane : but extraordinary bu- siness prevented her coming. Being alone when the play was done, she bade a boy call a coacji for the city. One dressed like a gentleman helps her into it, and 16 would appear to resemble a walk through Rag Fair at the present day. jumps in after her. " Madam," says he, " this coach was called for me, ami since the weather is so bad and there is no -other, I beg leave to bear you company : 1 am going into the city and will set you down wherever you please." The lady begged to be excused ; but he bade the coachman drive on. lieing come to Lud^atc Hill, he told her his sister who waited his coming, but five doors up the court, would go with her in two minutes. He went, and returned with his pretended sister, who asked her to step in one minute, and she would wait upon her in the coach. Deluded with the assurance of having his sister's company, the poor lady foolishly followed her into the house, when instantly the sister vanished ; and a tawny fellow in a black coat and black wig appeared. " Madam, you are come in good time, the Doctor was just a-going!" " The Doctor;" says she, horribly frighted, fearing it was a madhouse : " What has the Doctor to do with me V " To marry you to that gentleman : the Doctor has waited for you these three hours, and will be payed by you or that gentleman before you go !" " That gentleman !" says she, recovering herself, " is worthy a better fortune than mine," and begged hard to be gone. But Doctor Wryneck swore she should be married ; or, if she would not, he would still have his fee, and register the marriage from that night. The lady finding she could not escape without money or a pledge, told them she liked the gentleman so well, she would certainly meet him to-morrow night, and gave them a ring as a pledge : which, says she, " was my mother's gift on her death-bed, injolning that, if ever I married, it should be my wedding-ring." By which cunning contrivance she was delivered from the black Doctor and his tawny crew. Some time after this I went with this lady and her brother in a coach to Ludgate Hill in the day time, to see the manner of their picking up people to be married. As soon as our coach stopt near Fleet Bridge, up comesone of themyrmidons. " Madam," says he, "you want a parson !" " Who are you V says I. " 1 am the clerk and register of the Fleet." " Show me the chapel." At which comes a second, desiring me to go along with him- Says he, " That fellow will carry you to a pedling alehoiise." Says a third, " Go with me, he will carry you to a brandy-shop." In the interim comes the Doctor : " Madam," says he, " I'll do your jobb for you presently !" " Well, gentlemen," says I, " since you can't agree, and I can't be married quietly, I'll put it off 'till another time:" so drove away. Learned Sirs, I wrote this in regard to the honour and safety of my own sex : and if for our sakes you will be so good as to publish it, correcting the errors of a woman's pen, you will oblige our whole sex, and none more than, Sir, Your constant reader and admirer, January I5th, 1734-5. Virtuous. From the Grub Street Journal. " The clergymen who perform marriages within the Rules of the Fleet Prison, are under prosecution at the suit of the Crown, for not giving their certificates upon stamp paper, pursuant to the statute in that case made and provided." — Grub Street Journal, 1 August 1730. " We hear the frequent clandestine marriages at the Fleet have given such dis- trust that henceforth special licences will be granted to Commoners, whicli were 16 The marriage at the Fleet of the Hon. Henry Fox' with Georgiana Caroline, eldest daughter of Charles second Duke of Richmond, was in 1744 a subject of general conversation; but it was not until 1753 that the law of marriage was taken up with effect, when Lord Hard- wicke brought in a Bill, (26 Geo. II. c. 33.) enacting that any person solemnizing matrimony in any other than a church or public chapel without banns or licence, should on conviction be adjudged guilt tj of feloni/, and be transported for fourteen years, and that all such marriages should be void. Such an impediment to matrimony, which theretofore had been validly contracted without even the presence of a cler- gyman — such " an imiovation (to use the words of Black- stone) upon our ancient Laws and Constitution,'''' could not be expected to pass into a law without a violent opposition. Mr. Fox's popularity was arrived at such a height from his strenuous opposition to the Bill, that for several days his chariot was dragged along the streets by the populace.^ Handbills (pro and con) were distributed ; those in favour of the Bill urging that clandestine marriages had been the ruin of many families, that the religious establishment of marriage formerly allowed only to the nobility, to put a stop for the future to all scandalous practices of that kind." — Daily Post, 15 April 1737. " A gentleman near the middle of the Strand died last week possessed of a con- siderable fortune, wliich he bequeathed into the hands of trustees to his wife, but with this exception, that in case she married an Irishman, the trustees were to pay her £10 10s. for a Fleet marriage, a dinner, a ring, &c., the remainder, which is about 8000L to devolve to his nephew." — Daily Post, 1742. In Pennant's History of London, 4to. 1791, 224, tlie author says of the Fleet, " In walking along the street in my youth on the side next to this Prison, 1 have often been tempted by the question, Sir, will you he pleased to walk in and be mar- ried ? Along this most lawless space was hung up the frequent sign of a male and female hand conjoined, with ' Marriages performed ivilhin' written beneath. A dirty fellow invited you in. The parson was seen walking before his shop ; a squalid prufligate figure, clad in a tattered plaid night-gown, witii a fiery face, and ready to couple you for a dram of gin or roll of tobacco." ' He was second son of Sir Stephen Fox, and born 1705. Having been appointed Surveyor of the Board of Works 1737 ; a Commissioner of the Treasury 1743 ; Se- cretary at War, 1746 ; Secretary of Slate, 1755 ; he was at length created a Peer in 17(i3 by the title of Haron Holland of FoxJey, county \\'ilts. She was born March 1723, and created Ijaroncss Holland in 1762. ' Wilkinson's Memoirs. IT Avas entirely subvertfcl, and the legal evidence ihereuf ren- dered precarious ; while the others contended that the Bill would discourage marriage, that it was brought in for the protection of the fortunes of the noble and rich against alli- ances with persons in more humble circumstances, and ad- verted amongst other things to the Council of Trent as having first annulled clandestine marriages^ and made the presence of a priest necessary to every marriage, and that it was after " that excellent precedent'''' that the Bill in question was drawn. Notwithstanding the zealous opposition- to the Bill, it ' This by the by was not so. " Dubitandum non est clandeslina malrimonia libero contrahentium consensu facta rata et vera esse matrimonia. • * * Perinde jure damnandi sunt, sicut et eos Sancta Synodus anathemate damnat, qui ea vei-a et rata esse negant." — Con. Trid. De Matrimonio, Cap. I. * In the correspondence of the Hon. Horace Walpole, M. P. for Castlerising, (afterwards Earl of Oiford,) there are two letters in which the subject of this Bill is mentioned ; and from which the following extracts are made. The first is a letter dated Strawberry Hill, May 22, 1753, addressed to George Montagu, Esq- " News, there is none to tell you. We liave had two days in the House of Com- mons, that had something of the air of parliament ; there has been a marriage-bill, invented by my Lord Bath, and cooked up by the Chancellor, which was warmly opposed by the Duke of Bedford in the Lords, and with us by Fox and Nugent : the latter made an admirable speech last week against it, and Charles Townshend another very good one yesterday, when we sat till near ten o'clock, but were beat,' We in minority, by 165 to 84." — See Correspondence, Vol. L 284. The second is in a letter to the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway. Henry Seymour Conway married, 1747, Caroline Campbell, only daughter of John fourth Duke of Argyle, relict of Charles Bruce first Earl of Aylesbury. " It is well you are married. How would my Lady Ailesbury have liked to be asked in a parish church, for three Sundays running 1 I really believe she would have worn her weeds for ever, rather than have passed through so impulent a cere- mony ! What do you think 1 But you will want to know the interpretation of this preamble. W'hy, there is a new Bill, which, under the notion of preventing clan- destine marriages, has made such a general rummage and reform in the office of matrimony, that every Strephon and Chloe every Dowager and her H***, will have as many impediments and formalities to undergo as a treaty of peace. Lord Bath invented this Bill, but had drawn it so ill, that the Chancellor^ was forced to draw a new one ; and then grew so fond of his own creature, that he has cram- med it down the throats of both Houses, though they gave many a gulp, before they could swallow it. The Duke of Bedford attacked it first with great spirit and mastery, but had little support, though the Duke of Newcastle did not vote. "The lawyers were all ordered to nurse it through our House; but except the ■* Lord Hardwicke. C 18 eventually passed into a law, and was to take effect from the 25tli of March 1754'. Mr. Fox is represented to have held poor Attorney-General,' (who is nurse indeed, to all intents and purposes, and did amply gossip over it,) not one of thera said a word. Nugent shone ex- tremely in opposition to the Bill, and though every now and then on the pre- cipice of absurdity, kept clear of it with great humour and wit and argument, and was unanswered. Yet we were beat. Last Monday it came into the committee, Charles Townshend acted a very good speech, with great cleverness, and drew a picture of liis own story, and his father's tyranny, with at least as much parts as modesty. Mr. Fox mumbled the Chancellor and his lawyers, and pinned the plan of the Bill upon a pamphlet he had found of Dr. G ally's, where the Doctor, re- commending the French scheme of matrimony, says, ' It was found that fathers were too apt to forgive.' — ' The Gospel, I thought,' said Mr. Fox, ' enjoined forgiveness, but pious Dr. Gaily thinks ' fathers are too apt to forgive.' Mr. Pelliam, extremely in his opinion against the liill, and in his inclination too, was forced to rivet it ; and, without speaking one word for it, taught the House to vole foi it, and it was carried against the chairman's leaving the chair, by 165 to 84. This is all the news I know, or at least was all when I came out of town ; for I left the tinkering of the Bill, and came hither last Tuesday to my workmen." —(24 May 1753.) " May 29. " 1 am come to town for a day or two, and find that the RIarriage Bill has not only lasted till now in the Committee, but has produced, or at least disclosed extreme heats. Mr. Fox and Mr. Pelham have had very high word on every clause, and the former has renewed his attacks on the Chancellor under the name of Dr. Gaily The Speaker, who had spoken well against the clause, was so mis-' represented by the Attorney-General, that there was danger of a Skimmington be- tween the great wig and the coif, the former having given a flat lie to the latter." There is another letter to George Montagu, Esq. dated June 11, in which Horace Walpole says : " The Commons abuse the Barons, and the Barons return'd it; in short, Mr. Fox attacked the Chancellor violently on the Marriage Bill, and when it was sent back to the Lords, the Chancellor made the most outrageous invective on Fox that ever was heard. But what offends still more, I don't mean oflends Fox more, was the Chancellor describing the chief persons who had opposed his Bill in the Com- mons, and giving reasons why he excused them. As the Speaker was in the number of the excused, the two maces are ready to come to blows. The town says, that Mr. Fox is to be dismissed, but 1 can scarce think it will go so far.'' Ill the additional letters of Horace \\'alpole, recently published under the editor- ship of the late lamented Loid Dover, (Vol. 111. p. 94, 8vo. Bentley. 1833,) the following remarks occur in a letter addressed to Horace, afterwards Sir Horace Mann, dated Strawberry Hill, June 12, 1753 : " A Bill to prevent clandestine marriages,' so drawn by the judges as to clog all Sir Dudley Ryder. The noble editor has appended to this passage a note stating that this Bill con- 19 Lip the Bill with all the additions, alterations, and erasures it had sustained, and, to the infinite amusement of the House, to have pronounced a parody on Anthony's oration over the mangled body of Caesar. It appears that tlie amendments and alterations that had been made in the Bill by the opposition, were designed to defeat its adoption, when returned to the Lords ; their object, however, failed, as the Lords, in order to out-manoeuvre the tactics of the opposition in the Lower House, consented to pass the Bill, even though it appeared before them like Banquo's ghost, with twenty mortal murders on its head.^ The interval between the passing of the Bill and the time at which it was to come into operation, was busily employed in marrying both at the Fleet" and May Fair, (another noted matrimony in general, was inadvertently espoused by the Chancellor, and havino been strongly attacked in the House of Commons by Nugent, the Speaker, Mr. Fox, and others, the last went very great lengths of severity on the whole body of the law, and on its chieftain in particular, which, however, at the last reading, lie softened and explained off extremely. This did not appease ; but on the return of the liill to the House of Lords, where our amendments were to be read, the Chan- cellor in the most personal terms harangued against Fox, and concluded with say- ing, that ' he despised his scurrility as much as his adulation and recantation.' " Horatio Walpole, son of Sir Edward VValpole, K. B., and brother of Robert the father of Sir Robert Walpole, K. G. first Earl of Orford, and great uncle to Horace Walpole the writer of these letters, was married at St. James Duke's Place, 26 March l(j91, to Anne daughter of Thomas Duke of Leeds, the relict of Robert Coke of Holkham, in the county of Norfolk, Esq. — For an account of the marriat^es solemnized at Duke's Place, see p. 4. The history of the Marriage Act and tlie discussions to which it gave rise, are but very imperfectly preserved. The best is that wliich Lord Orford has given in his " Memoires of the last Ten Years of the reign of George the Second," and is printed at length at the end of this chapter, from its immediate connection with the subject here treated of : and it is more likely to become accessible in this little volume, than in the ponderous quartos in which Mr. Murray has presented it to the public. ' Debrett, vol. iii. p. 180. ' This gave rise to the following satiiical paragraph in the Daily Advertiser of 21 Oct. 1753 : tinued " in force till some years ago, and until the injustice of its provisions, and tlie grievances resulting from them, became too great to be borne." It may be inferred from this observation, that Lord Hardwicke's Act has been repealed, which is not the case ; that act remains in full force. c 2 so place for marriages.) At the Fleet tliere appears by one register book alone to have been on the 25th of March (the day previous to the Act coming into operation) 217 n)ar- riages ; wliich were the last of the Fleet Weddings} " Whereas there will shortly be an end put to the marriages of the Fleet, this is to infonn the public that Mr. late ticket-porter on Snow Hill, has undertaken to marry and unmarry on very reasonable terms, so that all persons so inclined, for farther satisfaction are desired to apply to at his office in Turn-again Lane, Snow Hill, where constant attendance is given from one in the afternoon till six. — Note, as 'tis presumed the applications will be made more by the married than the unmarried, those parties are required to bring their certificates." The following propositions upon the subject of marriage, which appeared in the Grub Street Journal in the year 1733, were copied into the Scot's Magazine on the agitation of the question in 1753 : " Clauses proposed to be added to the late Act against Clandestine Marriages. " When two young thoughtless fools, having no visible way to maintain them- selves, nor any thing to begin the world with, resolve to marry and be -miserable : let it be deemed petty larceny. " If a younger brother marries an old woman purely for the sake of a mainte- nance ; let it be called self-preservation. " When a rich old fellow marries a young wench in her full bloom, it shall be death without henejit of clergy. " When two old creatures that can hardly hear one another speak, and cannot propose the least comfort to themselves in the thing, yet marry together to be mise- rable, they shall be deemed ?ion compos, and sent to a mad-house. " When a lady marries her servant, or a gentleman his cook-maid (especially if there are children by a former marriage), they both shall be transported for fourteen years. " When a man has had one bad wife and buried her, and yet will marry a second, it shall be deemed /e/o de se, and he shall be buried in the highway accordingly. " And when a man or woman marries to the disinheriting of their children, let them suffer as in cases of High Treason." ' At the Savoy, however, clandestine marriages were continued till 1756, but eventually ceased upon the conviction and transportation of the minister, Mr. Wilkinson, and his curate, Mr. Grierson. I have a scarce etching of " The Rev. Mr. Grierson, who was transported for marrying at the Savoy, contrary to Act of Parliament, 1756." INIr. Wilkinson was the father of Tate Wilkinson the come- dian, (See his Memoirs, 4 vols. 8vo. 1790) A method of evading the enactments of the Marriage Act was soon discovered, for in 1760 there were " at Southampton, vessels always ready to carry on the trade of smucrgling weddings, which for the price of five guineas transport contraband goods into the land of matrimony," (Guernsey.) — Gent. Mng. 1760, p. 30. In ]5athurst and INlurray (8 Vesey, 74) the \\ ard of Court was taken to Guernsey to be married. And we have still a species of Fleet parson left in the person of the Rev. David Lavg, of Gretna Green, where clandestine weddings may still be solemnized, but not at so small a charge !»s the cheap weddings of the Fleet. 21 On the subject of tliis act, Blackstone says, " Much may be, and much has been said, both for and against this inno- vation upon our antient laws and constitution. On the one hand it prevents the clandestine marriages of minors, which are often a terrible inconvenience to those private families wherein they happen. On the other hand, restraints upon marriages, especially among the lower class, are evidently detrimental to the public, by hindering the increase of the people; and to religion and morality, by encouraging licen- tiousness and debauchery among the single of both sexes ; and thereby destroying one end of society and government, which is concuhitu prohibere vago. And of this last incon- venience the Roman laws were so sensible, that at the same time that the}^ forbad marriage without the consent of pa- rents or guardians, they were less rigorous upon that very account with regard to other restraints ; for, if a parent did not provide a husband for his daughter by the time she arrived at the age of twenty -five, and she afterwards made a slip in her conduct, he was not allowed to disinherit her upon that account ; (juia non sua culpa, sed parentum, id commisisse cos^noscitur.'''"^ There have been several attempts in the House of Com- mons to repeal Lord Hardwicke's Act : the first was in 1765, when a Bill was introduced for its repeal, and also " to re- move all doubts which may have arisen or may arise concern- ing the validity of certain marriages solemnized since the making of the said act, and for the regulating registers and for preserving the evidence of pedigrees," which appears to have passed and been sent up to the House of Lord?, who never returned it.- In 1772 a second attempt was made — on the 7th of April in that year, a motion was made that The Marriage Act be read, which being done, a motion was then made for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the said Act, which was carried by a majority of one, the numbers being for leave 62, against 61. The Bill was accordingly brought in and passed throuo-h a Committee, where it was amended, and on the 19th ' Commentaries, vol. i. p. 438. ' Journals, vol. 30. p. 104. 22 of May following, reported to the House and agreed to, but on tlie question being put that the Bill be engrossed, it passed in the negative, the numbers on a division being 34 for, and 92 against it.^ A third but unsuccessful attempt was made in 1781, when a Bill was brought in to amend it in the follow- ing particulars : " To repeal the clause requiring publication of banns. " To repeal the clause enacting that no licence shall be granted to marry in any other church, &c. than where one of the parties lived. " To repeal the clause enacting that all marriages so- lemnized without publication of banns, or licence, should be void. " To make valid all marriages of English persons in Scotland. " To make void all marriages solemnized in any place not being a parish church or chapel, (except by special licence.") Journals of the House of Commons. The Earl of Orford's account of the introduction of the Marriage Bill, and the discussions which took place in Parliament, extracted from his " Memoires of the last Ten Years of the Reign of George the Second." — 2 vols. 4to. Murray, 1822. " The session of parliament was languishing towards a conclu- sion, when a Bill sent down from the Lords to the Commons, and which had passed almost without notice through the former House, having heen carried by an hundred Lords against the Duke of Bedford and eleven others, raised, or gave occasion to raise, ex- traordinary heats. This was the famous Marriage Bill ; an act of such notoriety, and on which so very much was said at the time, and on which so much has been written since, that it would be almost impossible, at least very wearisome, to particularize the de- bates, and very unnecessary to enter much into the state of the question. Some of the most particular passages, such as tend to .'ouinals. ]). ()71 ami 67;5. 23 illustrate or explain the characters, the politics, and the factions of the time, I shall, according to my custom, succinctly touch. " The Bill had been originally moved by my Lord Bath, who attending a Scotch cause, was struck with the hardship of a ma- trimonial case, in which a man, after a marriage of thirty years, was claimed by another woman on a praecontract. The judges were ordered to frame a bill which should remedy so cruel a re- trospect. They did ; but drew it so ill, and it was three times printed so inaccurately, that the Chancellor was obliged to give it ample correction. Whether from mere partiality to an ordinance thus become his own, or whether in shaping a law, new views of power opened to a mind fond of power, fond of dictating; so it was that the Chancellor gave all his attention to a statute into which he had breathed the very spirit of aristocracy and insolent nobility. It was amazing, in a country where liberty gives choice, where trade and money confer equality, and where facility of marriage had alwaj's been supposed to produce populousness, it was amazing to see a law promulged, that cramped inclination, that discountenanced matrimony, and that seemed to annex as sacred privileges to birth, as could be devised in the proudest, poorest little Italian principality ; and as if the artificer had been a Teu- tonic Margrave, not a little lawyer, who had raised himself by his industry from the very lees of the people ; and who had matched his own blood with the great house of Ke/it ! The abuse of prae- contracts had occasioned the demand of a remedy — the physician immediately prescribes rnedicines for every ailment to which the ceremony of marriage was or could be supposed liable ! Publica- tion of Banns was already an established ordinance, but totally in disuse except amongst the inferior people, who did not blush to obey the law. Persons of quality, who proclaimed every other step of their conjugation by the most public parade, were ashamed to have the intention of it notified, and were constantly married by special licence. Unsuitable matches in a country where the passions are not impetuous, and where it is neither easy nor cus- tomary to tyrannize the inclinations of children, were by no means frequent : the most disproportioned alliances, those contracted by age, by dowagers, were without the scope of this Bill. Yet the new Act set out with a falsehood, declaiming against clandestine mar- riages, as if they had been a frequent evil. The greatest abuse were the temporary weddings clapped up in the Fleet, and by one 24 Keith, who had constructed a very bishoprick for revenue in May Fair, by performing that charitable function for a trifling sum, which the poor successors of the Apostles are seldom humble enough to perform out of duty. The new Bill enjoined indispens- able publication of Banns, yet took away their validity, if parents, nay, if even guardians, signified their dissent, where the parties should be under age — a very novel power ! — but gua'-dians are a limb of Chancery ! The Archbishop's licence was indeed reserved to him. A more arbitrary spirit was still behind : persons solem- nizing marriages, without these previous steps, were sentenced to transportation, and the marriage was to be effectually null — so close did congenial law clip the wings of the prostrate priesthood ! And as if such rigour did not sufficiently describe its fountain and its destination, it was expressly specified, that where a mother or a guardian should be non co^npos, resort might be had to the Chancellor himself for licence. Contracts and prsecontracts, other flowers of ecclesiastical prerogative, were to be totally invalid, and their obligations abolished : and the gentle institution was wound up with the penalty of death for all forgeries in breach of this statute of modern Draco. Quakers, Jews, and the royal family had the only toleration. " May 14th. — The Bill came down to the Commons. Nugent took it to pieces severely and sensibly, pointed out the impropriety of it in a commercial nation, and the illnature and partiality of the restrictions. He showed himself a great master of political dis- quisitions, and it seemed that a desire of displaying that learning was the sole cause of any opposition to the Bill. This was all that passed material the first day, and the Bill was read on a ma- jority of 116 to 55. "21st. — A second adversary appeared against the Bill. This was Charles Townshend, second son of my Lord Townshend, a young man of unbounded ambition, of exceeding application, and, as it now appeared, of abilities capable of satisfying that ambition, and of not wanting that application : yet to such parts and such industry he was fond of associating all the little arts and falsehood that always depreciate, though so often thought necessary by, a genius. He had been an early favourite of Lord Halifax, and had alieady distinguished himself on affairs of trade, and in drawing plans and papers for that province ; but not rising in proportion to his ambition, he comlortcd himself with employing as many stra- 9n tagems, as had ever been imputed to the most successful states- men. His figure was tall and advantageous, his action vehement, his voice loud, his laugh louder. He had art enough to disguise any thing but his vanity. He spoke long and with much wit, and drew a picture, with much humour at least, if not with much humility, of himself and of his own situation, as the younger son oC a capricious father, who had already debarred him from an ad- vantageous match : ' were new shackles to be forged to keep young men of abilities from mounting to a level with their elder brothers ?' Nugent had not shone with more parts the preceding day; Nugent on no day discovered less modesty. What will be their fates I know not ; but this Mr. Townshend and Mr. Conway seemed marked by nature for leaders, perhaps for rivals in the government of their country. The quickness of genius is emi- nently with the first, and a superiority of application: the propriety and amiableness of character with the latter. One grasps at for- tune ; the other only seems pleased to accept fortune when it ad- vances to him. The one foresees himself equal to every thing; the other finds himself so, whenever he essays. Charles Towns- hend seems to have no passion but ambition ; Harry Conway not even to have that. The one is impetuous and unsteady; the other cool and determined. Conway is indolent, but can be assiduous; Charles Townshend can only be indefatigable. The latter would govern mankind for his own sake ; the former for theirs. " The speeches hitherto had only been flourishes in the air: at last the real enemy came forth, Mr. Fox ; who neither spared the Bill nor the author of it, as wherever he laid his finger, it was not wont to be light. He was supported by Fazakerley and Sir William Yonge. Mr. Pelham, the Attorney and Solicitor, Lord Hilsborough, Hampden, and Lord Egmont supported the Bill, and it was carried that day by 165 to 84. " On the :23rd and 25th, the house sat late each day on the Bill, Mr. Fox attacking and Mr. Pelham defending with eager peevish- ness. The former repeated his censures on the Chancellor, which old Horace Walpole reproved; Nugent was absurd; and the mea- sure growing ministerial, the numbers against the Bill diminished. "28th. —The Committee sat till half an hour past three in the morning on the clause for annulling marriages that should be con- tracted contrary to the inhibitions in the Bill. The churchmen acquiesced in the legislature's assuming this power in spirituals; 26 as they had done in the single case of" the young king's marriage ill the Regency Bill : but however commendable the moderation of the clergy might be ; the pontific power arrogated by the head of the law, and his obstinate persisting to enforce a statute, by no means calculated or called for by general utility, was most in- decent. The Speaker argued with great weight against the clause ; Wilbraham, well for it. Mr. Fox at one in the morning spoke against it for above an hour, and laid open the chicanery and jargon of the lawyers, the pride of their Mufti, and the arbitrary manner of enforcing the Bill. A motion for adjournment was moved, but was rejected by above 80 to 40 odd. "30th. — The Committee went upon the clause that gave unheard- of power, in the first resort to parents and guardians, and then to the chancery, on the marriages of minors. Fox spoke with increas- ing spirit against this clause too ; and on Wilbraham's having said, if you have a sore leg, will you not try gentle remedies first ? he drew a most severe picture of the Chancellor, under the applica- tion of the story of a gentlewoman at Salisbury, who having a sore leg, sent for a country surgeon, who pronounced it must be cut off. The gentlewoman, unwilling to submit to the operation, sent for another, more merciful, who said he could save her leg, with- out the least operation. The surgeons conferred: the ignorant one said, ' 1 know it might be saved, but I have given my opinion ; my character depends upon it, and we nmst carry it through' — the leg was cut off. Charles Yorke, the Chancellor's son, took this up with great anger, and yet with preciseness, beginning with these words, ' It is new in parliament, it is new in politics, it is new in ambition ;' and drew a lofty character of his father, and of the height to which he had raised himself by his merit; conclud- ing with telling Fox, how imprudent it was to attack such autho- rity, and assuring him that he would feel it. Mr. Fox replied with repeating the sententious words; 'Is it new in parliament to be conscientious? 1 hope not! is it new in politics? I am afraid it is ! is it new in ambition ? it certainly is, to attack such authori- ty !' Mr. Pelham answered him well. Mr. Fox once more replied, urging how cruel and absurd it was to force the Bill down : that he knew he should not be heard by above one third of the house, but would speak so loud, that he would be heard out of the house. That from the beginning to the end of the Bill, one only view had predominated, that of pride and aristocracy. There was much of 27 truth in this. At the very beginning, on the Duke of Newcastle's dechning to vote in the Bill, the Chancellor told Mr. Pelhani, ' I will be supported in this, or I never will speak for you again.' As the opposition had at that time been inconsiderable, this breathed a little more than a mere spirit of obstinacy, and foretold a Bill to be framed not without an interested meaning : at least a legislator is uncommonly zealous for the public good, who forgets the phi- losophy of his character to drive on his honest ordinances by political menaces ! " The next day the Committee finished without a division. Sir Richard Lloyd, a lawyer, who had spoken against the Bill, voted for it afterwards, without assigning any reasons for his change of opinion. Captain Saunders, who had said that he would go and vote against the Bill, for the sake of the sailors, having once given forty of his crew leave to go on shore for an hour, and all returned married, was compelled by Lord Anson, the Chancellor's son-in- law and his patron, to vote for it. Henley and the Solicitor- General declaring of the same words, the one, that they could not be made clearer ; the other, that they were as clear as the sun at noon day, though each gave a totally different interpretation of them, were well ridiculed by Fox ; as a serious speech of Lord Egmont was with much humour, and not a little indecence, by Nugent. " June L — The report was made of the Bill, and the house sat till ten. On one clause only there was a division of 102 to 20. " 2nd. — A new anti-ministerial paper appeared, called the Pro- tester, supported at the expense of the Duke of Bedford and Beckford, and written by Ralph, a dull author, originally a poet, and satirized in the Dunciad : retained, after his pen had been re- jected by Sir Robert Walpole, by Doddington and Waller ; but much fitter to range the obscure ideas of the latter, than to dress up the wit of the former : from them, he devolved to the Prince of Wales in his second opposition, and laboured long in a paper called the Remembrancer, which was more than once embolden- ed, above the undertaker's pitch, by Lord Egmont and others. Ralph's own turn seemed to be endeavouring to raise mobs by speculative ideas of government; from whence his judgment at least may be calculated. But he had the good fortune to be bought off from his last journal, the Protestor, for the only paper that he did not write in it. 28 " 4tl). — The Marriage Bill was read tor the last time. Charles Townshend again opposed it with as much argument as before with wit. Mr. Fox, with still more wit, ridiculed it for an hour and half. Notwithstanding the Chancellor's obstinacy in maintain- ing it, and the care he had bestowed upon it, it was still so incor- rect and so rigorous, that its very bodyguards had been forced to make or to submit to many amendments : these were inserted in Mr. Fox's copy in red ink : the Solicitor-General, who sat near him as he was speaking, said, ' How bloody it looks !' Fox took this up with spirit, and said, ' Yes, but you cannot say I did it; look ichat a rent the learned Casca. made, (this alluded to the Attorney,) through this the well-beloved JBrutus stabbed T (Mr. Pelham) — How- ever, he finished with earnest declarations of not having designed to abuse the Chancellor, and with affirming that it was scandalous to pass the Bill, — but it was passed by 125 votes to 56. " 6th. — The Bill being returned to the Lords, the amendments were read. The Duke of Bedford, who began to attack the whole Bill, vvas obstructed by the Chancellor, who would have confined him to the mere amendments : but the Duke appecvling to the House whether he might not argue against the face of the whole Bill as it now stood, the Chancellor seemed to acquiesce ; but the Duke, not finding any disposition to support him, soon dropped the cause; objecting chiefly to the last clause on not extending the Act to foreign countries. The Chancellor replied, that he was sorry the clause was there ; but the Bill was too good to be lost, and might have much good engrafted on it hereafter.^ Lord Sandys de- clared that he would agree to all the amendments made by the House of Commons, against any that should be offered by any body else. An absurd declaration, founded on the design of pro- roguing the Parliament on the morrow, which would leave no time for returning the Bill to the Conmions ; and a plain indication of the indigested maimer in which a law of such importance was hurried on. On its being urged that several women could not write, the Bishop of Oxford, with a sophistry that would have dis- tinguished h m in any church, replied, that the clergyman might write to himself, and give it to the woman, and she to him again, for that the Bill did not say, that when she gave her consent in writing, it must be of her own writing ! Lord Bath said, the op- ' Yet no amendment was ever made in it, and all its clauses and faults sup- ported by the utmost rigour ot tlic power of C1ihu( cry. 29 position had proceeded from faction and party. The Duke of Bedford replied, that his opposition had arisen from conscience, that he had not troubled himself about what the House of Com- mons did ; yet he had perceived that the Bill had been crammed down both Houses. '• At last rose the Chancellor — not, as he has been represented ' in the figure of pitb/ic Wisdom speaking, but with all the acrimony of wounded pride, of detected ambition, and insolent authorit}'. He read his speech ; not that he had written it to guard himself from indecency ; or that he had feared to forget his thread of ar- gument in the heat of personality : he did not deign an argument, he did not attempt to defend a Bill so criticized. He seemed only to have methodized his malice, and noted down the passages where he was to resent, where to threaten. He introduced himself with just allowing conscience and candour to the Duke of Bedford ; but what he had to complain of had passed without those walls, and in another place. That, as to the young man, (Charles Townshend,) youth and parts require beauty and riches, flesh and blood inspire such thoughts, and therefore he excused him — but men of riper years and graver had opposed; that the first, (the Speaker,) was a good, well-meaning man, but had been abused by words — that another (Fox,) dark, gloomy, and insidious genius, who was an engine of personality and faction, had been making connexions, and trying to form a party, but his designs had been seen through and defeated. That in this country you must govern by force or by law ; it was easy to know that person's principles, which were to govern by arbitrary force. That the King speaks through the Seals, and is represented by the Chancellor and the Judges in the Courts, where the Majesty of the King resides; that such attacks on the Chancellor and the law was flying in the face of the King; that this behaviour was not liked ; that it had been taken up with dignity,^ and that the incendiary had been properly reproved ; that this was not the way to popularity or favour ; and that he could take upon him to say, that person knows so by this time ; a beam of light had broken in upon him ; but, (concluded he,) * I despise his scurrility, as much as his adulation and retractation.' This Philippic over, the Bill passed. Lord Granville, who had threatened to oppose it, did not attend. ' An expressiou of Lord Lyttelton on Lord Hardwicke. " Meaning by his son Charles Yorke. 30 " The prorogation of parliament prevented any farther open war. Mr. Fox seemed wantonly and unnecessarily to have insulted the Chancellor, and had even manifested some fear at having done so. Indeed, he who had alwaj's been rash and resolute, now first dis- covered some symptoms of irresolution ; and the time advanced but too fast, when the provocation offered to Yorke, and the sus- picion of his want of a determined spirit, were of essential detri- ment to him. He could not but feel the Chancellor's haughty scorn of the atonement he had offered ; yet, though he let slip both sentences of resentment and indications of an ambition that began to aspire higher, he soon yielded to a silent pacification. Mr. Pelham affected to be rather ignorant of the heights to which the rupture had openly been carried, and on the King's being told that Mr. Fox's behaviour had been concerted with the Duke of Bed- ford, Mr. Pelham protested to Fox, that he had assured the King that the latter, on some proposal of union about elections from that Duke, had refused any such connection while he should remain in the King's service. For the storm between Fox and the Chan- cellor, Mr. Pelham said it would blow over. ' Yet neither of you,' said he to the former, will forgive.' Mr. Fox in return, who gave no credit to this affected candour, reproached him in strong terms with the Chancellor's (and, by necessary implication, with the Duke of Newcastle's) treachery to Sir Robert Walpole. The Duke's conversation on this occasion with Mr. Fox was remark- able. ' The Chancellor meaned me,' said he, 'by arbitrary force.' Mr. Fox thought not. ' Why,' said the Duke, ' do you think that he imagines j'ou would govern by an army without me ?' ' Sir,' said Fox, 'how will the King act on what has happened?' * The King,' replied the Duke, ' would part with you, or even w ith me, to satisfy them ; but if you can maintain yourself for six months, he will like you the better for what has passed, for he thinks you a man, and he knows none of the rest have the spirit of a mouse.' Mr. Fox said, ' If they turn me out, I shall not acquit Mr. Pelham, nor shall I spare him. Let him raise up Murray ; Mr. Pelham knows he has betrayed him, but is willing to forget it. I know he fears me still more ; he has often told me I w^as like Mr. Pultney. It may be vanity, but if I am stronger than Murray, I am ten times stronger than Mr. Pelham.' ' Mr. Pelham,' re- plied the Duke, ' has neither candour, honour, nor sincerity. Fox, how do you think I have been entertaining myself this morn- 31 ing? It was poor pleasure, but I had no better. The Duke of Neweastle asked me how I would have the warrant for Cranborn' drawn. I thanked him, but heard Mr. Pelham was uneasy that I had not thanked him; so to-day I met them together, and thanked the Duke of Newcastle again, and only asked t'other when he went to Esher.' The Duke concluded with advising Fox to speak to the King, and not let him brood on it. ' He will talk on the Bill,' said the Duke, ' let him : and you, who could not be convinced in the house, be convinced by him.' The King was civil to Fox at his next levee : afterwards in his closet, Mr. Fox beginning to say, ' Sir, last Wednesday the Chancellor — .' The King interrupted, ' Oh ! sir, I believe you had given him cause ; it is now pretty even !' Mr. Fox said, ' Sir, I shall only beg to be heard as to there being any faction or intrigue in my behaviour : I give you my honour it is not true.' ' The moment you give me your honour,' replied the King, ' 1 believe you ; but I must tell you, as I am no lyar, that you have been much suspected.' He then repeated to him accusations of such low cabalings, of balls given at Holland House to the Duchess of Bedford, to which Mr. Pelham's daugh- ters had not been invited, of persons who were disagreeable to the Pelhams being invited ; in short, accusations of such feminine and peevish trifles, that if Mr. Pelham was not the whisperer of them, and the Chancellor was, the latter had certainly very tender sensations, when they could extend themselves to the dancing disgusts of his friend's wife and daughters ! Mr. Fox answered these cursorily, disclaimed any political connections with the Bedfords, and repeated with emphasis, ' Such intrigues, Sir, would be worse in me, while in your service, than in any man living, as nobody blamed such intrigues in those who undermined Sir Robert Walpole so much as I.' This dialogue ended so well, that Mr. Fox asked for a little place for one of his dejiendents, and obtained it." ' The King had just given Cranborn Lodge, in Windsor Forest, to the Duke. 32 CHAPTER II. THE FLEET PRISON, WARDENS, AND CHAPLAINS. The Wardenship of the Fleet and the custody of the pri- soners there, together with the custody of Westminster Hall, appears to have been vested in fee in Nathaniel Leveland, of Leveland in the county of Kent, in the reign of Richard I. and to have been in his ancestors from the time of the Conquest ; it continued in the descendants of this Nathaniel Leveland until the 5 and 6 Phil, and Mary. It was used for the reception of the prisoners committed by the Court of the Star Chamber. By a patent of the 3rd Eliz. recited in letters patent of the 19 Car. II. it appears to have been called Pri- sona Je la Fleet, alias T/ie Queens Gaol of the Fleet. It is said to have been called the Fleet from the Fleet Ditch ad- joining, which was so called from the fleet or swift running of the water.' After the 16 Car. II. the prison was used as a place of confinement for debtors and for persons guilty of contempts of the Courts of Chancery, Exchequer, and Common Pleas, and fell under the same regulations as other gaols of the kingdom. Charles the Second having by letters patent granted the office of Warden of the Fleet and of the Keeper of the Old Palace at Westminster, the shops in Westminster Hall, certain tenements adjoining to the Fleet, and other rents and profits belonging to the Warden, to Sir Jeremy Whichcot and his heirs for ever; he, in considerati(m of such grant, rebuilt the prison at his own expense. The prison and the custody of the prisoners being thus a freehold, and falling by descent or purchase into the hands of persons incapable of executing the office of Warden, was the occasion of great abuses and frequent complaints to Par- liament, till at length (.5th Anne,) the patent was set aside, ' One of the significations given by Johnson to tlie word Fleet, is a creek — while it has been snid to mean a shallow. 33 and Baldwyn Leirobal)le the mistake of the Bipont Editor. Cas- tell, however, never fulfilled his intention, which was probably prevented by his premature death. ' RFadox Exthe 7 . ■= 7—7' -E ~ ^l^^t .'ip '^/z^ ■^ •'—5 •i^'^'x 'X 5;? '?. > <; «5-^2^S£^.A" . "—4 ■5 An Esquier, Gent' or Gen woman tha shall sitt at t p'lour com'oi or any othe p'son or p'so under yt deg: yt shalbee a ye same ord nSrye com'or of the p'lour > y ■" •O .■zr> p . -O -O -C -3 ^ 3J X X- ."zr> :H X x 'x Jjj" B o r; « <-. A Knighte, a Ladye y« wife of a Knight, a Doctor of Lawe or Divi- iiytie, and othe of like calling, having CC m'k a yere livinge. -3 X X > X •o :::r' •a •S 'x 'x ^ Ojj" c o s c _^ 2 " S de Sp empor idle tl f a B, Lorde "V "x .-'cTi ;'=- > > '•> > V X A Lor or T aL: wife or 'x X *x X X •^ _ " « ' i i r? S '3 s s s '? !< '? S S § 5 2 *x r^ pi o • rchbia Duke, uchesi ~X > ■p "x > X >< "x X < a a • ~ c ■« ■^ — 3 < ■- 1 ^ 1 V3 ' ' in c 1 o ' o 1 f3 ' fc£) C c2i c 53 s! -a be o .S is 8 ss 1 (U 0) "> .3 CC o ^ g ^ cS :2 ^ , — 1 ■i o 2 'p '^ V- OJ O C ii O & Query, if not from 1588? 44 the 7th January 1629, he directs that in case he should die in London he should be buried at St. Bride's London, where his pre- decessors, Wardens of the Fleet, have been buried ; he recites that he and John Eldred purchased the Fleet and keeping of the palace of Westminster jointly to them and their heirs, since which the said John for the consideration of £8000 had released his title to the said office, &'C. ; bequeaths to his nephew Henry Hopkins, all his manor or capital messuage called the Fleet, otherwise the King^s_Gapl __o,f .the,Ele.et, with the office of Warden of the Fleet, with all profits, &c. and also the keeping of the palace of West- minster called the Old and New Palace, with all profits &c. arising from shops and stalls in Westminster Hall, and without &c. with all right &c. in as ample manner as he and said Mr. Eldred pur- chased the same of Sir John Terrell, Knt. — Proved 18 January, 1629-30. Buried at St. Bride's, 16 Jan. 1630. HENRY HOPKINS, Esq.' EDWARD HOPKINS, Esq. the brother of Henry Hopkins named in Sir Henry Lello's will, in consideration of £4500, conveyed to Jeremy Whichcott, Esq. of the Temple, subject to a proviso contained in an indenture of the same date, and enrolled in Chancery, (Claus. 1655, p. 35, n. 27,) that in case Hopkins survived Whichcott, and paid to his execu- tors the sum of £4500 ; or in case Whichcott survived Hopkins, and neglected to pay to Hopkins' executors the sum of £4500, the deed to be void. Covenant to pay Hopkins a moiety of the profits during their joint lives. SIR JEREMY WHICHCOTT— 1655 to Jeremy Whichcott, Esq. Barrister-at-Law and Solicitor-General to the Prince Elector Palatine. At the request of King Charles II. during his exile, he purchased the Wardenship, and by officiating sometimes himself, sheltered the King's agents, and prevented a treacherous design against his person, for which he was honoured with the title of Baronet, by patent, dated at Brussels, 2d April, 12th Charles II. 1660. He died 22d June 1677, and lies buried in Ilendon church,* In the 19th of Charles II. a patent was granted whereby, after ' BuiiLd al St. Bride's, 5 Jan. 1654. 2 Collins' Baronetage, (1711,) vol. in. [>. 12. 45 reciting a commission of the 3(1 Elizabeth, and setting forth the constitutions and orders newly made, together with the petition of the Warden and prisoners to Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper, and also a table of fees, and also reciting that the prison was burnt on the 4th of September last, and that Sir Jeremiah Whichcott, the Warden, had purchased with his own money, a capital mes- suage called Caroon House, and ten acres of land in South Lam- beth,' for the safe keeping of the prisoners; the King appointed Caroon House to be the prison of the Fleet (Pat. 19 Car. H. p. l,n.9.) By a decree inrolled in Chancery, it appears that Sir Jeremy Whichcott, Bart, by indenture dated the 24th February, (23 Car. H.) granted the office to William Oakes for four lives, in trust for the said Oakes and one Edward Peirce, who sold the office of Clerk of the Fleet to William Meakin during their lives. Oakes afterwards assigned the office to Hugh Pyers, who surren- dered (25 Car. H.) to Whichcott, and Whichcott delivered the office over to one William Duckenfeild, who during Meakin's ab- sence attending the Seal at the Court of Chancery, broke open his office and desk and dispossessed him. Meakin thereupon filed his Bill, and obtained a decree. (Rot. Judic. 2 Div. p. 388, n. 21, 26 Car. IL) RICHARD MANLOVE— 1689-1691.^ WILLIAM WEEDON FORD, Esq.— 1699-1707. ANTHONY GRIND ALL, Esq.— 1708-1710.3 ' By the proceedings against Richard Manlove during his Wardenship, it appears that Sir Jeremy Whichcott had, without licence, removed the prison, to the old prison called the Fleet, and that he and his son, Sir Paul Whichcott, had sold Caroon House. * In the 7 and 8 William III. an act was passed relating to the King's Bench and Fleet Prisons, which directed that before the 24th June, 1697, all grants, con- veyances, and mortgages of the inheritance of the Fleet Prison, and all leases thereof, and the title of the W^arden thereto, should be enrolled in the Common Pleas, as well also all future grants, &c. The act provided for the right of Anthony Smith, mariner, to the office of W^arden, by virtue of two decrees in Chancery, dated 22d June, 1683, and 26th January, 1685, whereby £425 was decreed to be paid to him out of the said office (after a mortgage thereof made by Thomas Brom- hall to Henry Norwood, Esq. dated 23d Nov. 1676.) Also for the right of John Clements, of the Middle Temple, Gent, concerning a debt of ^^2299 and interest, secured by a mortgage thereof, dated 3d May 1678. ^ " Anthony Grindall, Warden, and Robert Saunders, Register of the Marriages, appear to have been guilty of forging books which, when produced to a committee of the Commons, proved to be so ; besides, they were destitute of every particular which makes a register valuable." — Malcolm's Lond. vol. i. 375. 46 BALDWYN LEKiHTON, Esq. (sometimes called Col. Leighton.) The Wardenship falling into the hands of huproper persons, a commission under tlie Great Seal, dated 21 May, 10 Wil. III. was issued, and an Inquisition was returned into Chancery, whereupon, by the judgment of the Court of King's Bench, the office of War- den of the Fleet was seized into the King's hands.' All these proceedings having been prosecuted by Col. Leighton at a great expense, a grant was made to him (by patent 5 Anne, p. 1, n. 22, March 7,) of the office of Warden, to hold, by himself or deputy, for life. He was not, however, to enter upon the office until certain claims, incumbrances, &c. were settled, and he was to give security, to be approved of by the Lord Keeper, the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and Chief Baron of the Exchequer.^ JOHN HUGGINS, Esq.^ By patent of 12 Anne, p. 4, n. 3, the Wardenship was granted on the decease of Leighton to John Huggins, the elder, Esq. High Bailiff of Westminster, for life, and the reversion of it to John Huggins the younger. Mr. Huggins disposed of it as mentioned in the preceding part of this chapter. In Willis's Reports, p. 241, is a case, John Huggins v. Thomas Bambridge. It was debt on bond, dated 28th September 1728, conditioned for payment of £2300 and interest. The defendant pleaded letters patent of 22d July, 12 Anne, whereby the War- denship was granted to plaintiff for life, and after his death or surrender to plaintiff's son (John Huggins) for life ; that plaintiff and his son, by deed (enrolled of 14th August, 2 George II.) surren- ' The King and Queen v. iManlove, Warden of the Fleet (3 Levinz Rep. 288.) In Chancery, Michas. 2 William and INIary. It was found by Inquisition on a writ issued out of Chancery, that the Wardenship of the Fleet was an ancient office ; that, on the 19th March 1689, Richard IMan- love was Warden ; that he had committed several misdemeanours, and one Colonel Leighton sought a forfeiture, and to have a grant of the office to himself, from the King — that as Manlove had only an estate for life, and the fee was in another, the Lord Keeper decided the forfeiture went to him in reversion and not to the Crown. * " Octr. 1718 — Died Mr. John Stone, Deputy Warden of the Fleet, a person of great humanity to tlie prisoners." ' Mr. William Huggins, his son, was married in 1723, in Windsor Chapel, to Mrs. Tylson. 47 dered the said office, and thereupon defendant executed tlie bond. That the King, on the 30th September following, by letters patent, granted the said office to defendant for life, and afterwards to Dougall Cuthbert for life. Judgment given for defendant, on the ground that the office was one concerning the execution of justice, and the sale of it was therefore void, by 5 and 6 Edward VI. cap. 16, the fee being in the Crown. It would thus appear that Mr. Huggins lost his money. THOMAS BAMBRIDGE and DOUGAL CUTHBERT, Esq. These parties came into possession in the manner before stated. In May 1729 Bambridge was tried for the murder of Mr. Robert Castell, a prisoner in the Fleet, but acquitted for want of evi- dence. " He was removed from the Wardenship by Act of Par- liament, and died the 11th July 1741, at his chambers, No. 9, Paper Buildings, Temple." JAMES GAMBIER— 1729-May 1735. Appointed in 1729, vice Bambridge. CARBONNELL, (a Deputy Wadren only)— 1734. JOHN GARTH, Esq.— 1736-1740. Appointed on the surrender of Cuthbert and Gambier. Mr. Daniel Hopkins, his Deputy. JOHN EYLES, Esq.— 1740-1758. JOHN EYLES, Esq.'— 1758-1820. Son of the preceding. Nicholas Nixon, many years Deputy and Clerk of the Papers. Robert Hiller, Deputy Keeper of West- minster Hall, appointed 2d May, 1807. NICHOLAS NIXON, Esq.— 1821-1822. WILLIAM ROBERT HENRY BROWN, Esq.— 1822. The present Warden. William Brown, Deputy and Clerk of the Papers. > Patent dated 32 Geo. II. In several of the novels written about tiie middle of the last century, the Fleet was chosen for the scenes described. 48 CHAPLAINS OF THE FLEET PRISON. The destruction of all papers and documents at the Fleet at the time of the riots in 1780, has precluded the Editor from obtaining much information respecting the Chaplains to the Prison.' The earliest name which occurs of a Chaplain is that of Mr. Haincks in 1698, who is noticed in the Register of Lincoln^'s Inn Chapel. The next is Robert Elborough, who, in the letter of 1702 before quoted, is called the " Master of the Chapel," but the same letter mentions other ministers. In 1714 Mr. John Taylor was Chaplain, and received a salary as such, but he does not appear to have solemnized matrimony at the Fleet. In 1728 Dr. Franks, Dean of Bedford, was officiating Chaplain, and was allow^ed forty guineas a-year, and forty guineas a-year more, when there was a real Chaplain. In the Report of the Parliamentary Committee in 1729, is a Table of Fees ordered by the Judges to be paid by the prisoners of the Fleet, from which the following is extracted : " That there is due to the Minister who officiates and performs divine service within the said prison for the time being, from every prisoner within the walls of the said prison, or without the walls, or within the Rules, four-pence per week, to be paid to the War- den for the use of such Minister ; and that no such Minister or any other Clergyman, being a Prisoner within the Walls or Rules of the Fleet, do presume to marry any person without License within the Prison or Rules of the Fleet; and that the Warden and his Officers do use their utmost vigilance to prevent all such marriages." to 1797. Rev. Weldon Champneys, held the office about 20 years, 1797-1815. Rev. John Manley Wood. 1815. Rev. John Jones, was Chajdain for a few months. Rev. Richard Edwards, M. A. who is the present Chaplain. ' It has been the custom of the Warden upon a vacancy, to offer the Cliaplain- cy to the Curate of St. ]5rides. 49 CHAPTER III. CLERGYMEN WHO PERFORMED MARRIAGES AT THE FLEET. JOHN GAYNAM, from about 1709 to 1740. This man, famed for the number of his marriages, and rivalled for notoriety of character, appears to have been styled "Doctor Gaynam," and resided some time in Bride Lane. The following evidence given at the Old Bailey on the trial of Robert Hussey in 1733, for bigamy, will give some idea of his character and pretensions : Dr. Gainham. — The 9th of September 1733, I married a couple at the Rainbow Coffee House the corner of Fleet Ditch, and en- tered the marriage in my register, as fair a register as any church in England can produce. I showed it last night to the foreman of the jury, and my Lord Mayor's Clerk, at the I^ondon Punch House. Counsel. — Are you not ashamed to come and own a clandestine marriage in the face of a Court of Justice? Dr. Gainhaoi. — (bowing) Video meliora, deteriora sequor. Q. — You are on your oath, I ask you whether you never enter marriages in that book when there's no marriage at all ? Gainham. — I never did in my life. I page my book so, that it cannot be altered. From the trial of Edmund Dangerfield, for bigamy, in 1736, the following is extracted. Dr. Gainham. — 1 don't know the prisoner. I did marry a man and woman of these names. Here, this is a true register : " Edmd. Dangerfield of St. Mary Newington Butts, Batchelor, to Arabella Fast." When I marry at any house I always set it down, for I carry one of the books in my pocket, and when I go home I put it in my great book. E 50 Court. — Do you never make any alteration ? Gainham. — Never, my Lord. These two were married at Mrs. Ball's, at the Hand and Pen, by the Fleet Prison, and my name is to her book. Counsel. — 'Tis strange you should not remember the prisoner. Gainham. — Can I remember persons? I have married 2000 since that time. The prisoners defence. — " Arabella Fast said to me, ' There is a minister, (naming his name,) who often lies with me, and if you'll say you are my husband we may get some money out of him.' I took a room for her, within a fortnight after; she told me the par- son was come to London and now was the time to make him our prize; ' Come into our room (says she) about 10 o'clock at night' — I did, and found Arabella and he a-bed. ' Hey ! (says I,) how came you a-bed with my spouse ?' ' Sir, (says he,) I only lay with her to keep my back warm.' In the morning the gentle- man said, ' I must make you a present if you can produce a certi- ficate.' I knew not what to say. ' Sir, (says Arabella,) we were married at the Fleet,' and says she to me, ' For a crown I can get a certificate from the Fleet.' I gave her a crown, and in half an hour she brings me a certificate." — The Prisoner was acquitted. It was Gaynam who was named " The Bishop of Hell," and who is alluded to in the following examination at the trial of Ruth Woodward, in 1737, for bigamy : John Hall. — I saw her married at the Fleet to Robert Holmes ; 'twas at the Hand and Pen, a barber's shop. Counsel. — And is it not a wedding-shop too ? Hall. — Yes, I don't know the parson's name, but 'twas a man that once belonged to Creed Church — a very lusty, jolly man. Counsel. — Because there's a complaint lodged in a proper court, against a Fleet parson, whom they cull The Bishop of Hell. Among some loose papers, with the Fleet Registers, the author has lately discovered a few leaves of a memorandum- book, on one of which arc the following lines, which con- firm his impression, that Gaynam was the Diocesan of the Fleet:— 51 " THE FLEET PARSON; A TALE, By Anti Matrim of London. Some errant Wags, as stories tell, Assert the gloomy prince of Hell In th' infernal Region has His Officers of all degrees Whose business is to propagate On Earth, the interest of his State. Ecclesiastics too are thought To be subservient to him brought And as their zeal his service prize He never fails to make them rise As Dignitaries in his Church But often leaves them in the lurch; For if their Fear surmount their zeal [They] quickly his resentment feel [Are] sure to meet with dire disgrace [And] warmer Zealots fill their place [To] make these Vacancies repleat He borrows F ns from the Fleet. Long has old G m with applause Obeyed his Master's cursed Laws Readily practis'd every Vice And equall'd e'en the Devil for device His faithful Services such favour gain'd That he, first B p was of H — 1 ordain'd. Dan W e [rose] next in Degree And he obtained the Deanery. Ned Ash 11 then came into grace And he supplied th' Archdeacon's place. But as the Devil when his ends Are served, he leaves his truest friends So fare'd it with this wretched three Who lost their Lives and Dignity. In one of the pocket-books used by the Fleet Clergymen is the following : e2 52 Sept. 10, 1728, " Witness that tliey (Hutchis and Brown) saw Walter Clumdler strike John Gaynam, Clergyman, with a stick, several blows." EDWARD ASHWELL, 1734-1743. In the Lansdowne Manuscripts (841. 61) is preserved a letter giving an account of this person : Reverend Sir, June 21, 1725. There was lately at Southam, in Warwickshire, one Edward Ashwell, who in my absence got possession of our school and preach'd in several churches in this neighbourhood. I take the liberty to inform you, since 1 hear he is at Kettering, that he is a most notorious rogue and impostor. I have now certificates on my hand of his having two wives alive at this present time, and he was very near marrying the third in this town, but the fear of a prosecu- tion upon the discovery of the flaming and scandalous immoralities of his life forc'd him away from us in a short time. Afterwards, in a village not ftir from us, he attempted to ravish a woman, but was prevented by a soldier then in the house. I can assure you he is in no orders, though the audacious villain preaches when he can get a pulpit. I have a whole packet of letters by me, all tending to the same character, which 1 think exceeds for variety of all manner of enormous practices what can be charg'd upon the very scum of mankind. The accounts are from persons of integrity and known reputation. I prevented his preaching one day at Brawnston, Mr. Somes's parish. It would be a very kind and Christian office to give some information among the clergy, that they may not be impos'd upon by him, particularly to Mr. Ileyrick, for 1 married Mr. Alli- cock's sister of Loddington. 1 know you will pardon this trouble if the fellow be amongst you. I am, your affectionate brother, W. Hodgson. Ashwell had a great deal of business at the Fleet, and was one of the most notorious of the parsons. In one of his pocket- books is : " May 2''. 1740. C. sine matrimonio Wm. Wallby of Suson in Waltham Ahby Parish Husb. and Mary V^ale Ditto Sp: Venit nuper ad Dominu' B d." Ashwell died in .January 1746, as appears by the follow- ing notice of his death in the General Advertiser, for the 15th of that month : " On Monday last died in the Rules of the Fleet, Doctor Ash- well, the most noted operator in marriages since the death of the never-to-be forgotten Dr. Gaynam." WALTER WYATT, 1713-1730. On the cover of one of the Registers is : " Mr. Wyatt, Minister of the Fleet, is removed from the Two Sawyers, the corner of Fleet Lane, (with all the Register Books) to the Hand and Pen near Holborn Bridge, where marriages are solemnized without imposition." He had a great deal of business in this way,^ and by his pocket-book for October 1748, it appears that he received for weddings in that month £51 12s. dd. His last marriage was : "3d March 1749, Hart Sam. Cord: of St. Paul's Debtford, Bat. and Sarah Watson Sp." In one of his pocket-books is entered : " Sarah Wyatt — Mary Wyatt born 2 April 1717 — Baptized May 2, 1717." Wyatt appears from the following advertisements of Mr. Keith (of May Fair notoriety) to have set up a marriage-house in May Fair in opposition to Keith : " The Fleet Parson (who very modestly calls himself Reverend) married at the Fleet in Mr. L-yl's house, Mrs. Co-ks, at the Naked Boy, and for Mr. W-yt, the Fleet Parson. And to show that he is now only Mr. W-yt the Fleet Parson's deputy, the said W-yt told one in May Fair that he intended to set up in opposition to Mr. Keith, and send goods to furnish the house, and maintains him and the men who ply some days at the Fleet, and at other times at May Fair. But not to speak of the men, if he himself was not a Fleet Parson, he could never stand in Piccadilly, and run after coaches and foot people in so shameful a manner, and tell them Mr. Keith's house is shut up, and there is no chapel but theirs ; and to other people he says, their Fleet chapel is Mr. Keith's chapel, and this he has said in the hearing of Mr. Keith's clerk, and it is known to most of the people about May Fair, and likewise Mr. Keith appeals to the generality of people about the Fleet and May Fair, for proof of Mr. Reverend's being only Mr, W-yts the Fleet parson's deputy." — August 27, 1748. ' It was his certificate of marriage that was rejected in the Saye and Sole case. 54 " The town being informed in this paper for some months past, of a Fleet Parson that had open'd a chapel in May Fair in order to supplant M. Keith, we think it not improper to acquaint the Public that we shall not trouble them on that score for the future, he having decamp'd on Thursday last, and returned to his own place, the Fleet." — Craftsman, 26 November, 1748. The following are Mr. Wyatt's' receipts for weddings for a few weeks : October y« 1st 1748 f s. d. At home 2 11 6 ab= nil 8 to 15 . . . 17 6 6 2 5 13 6 — 11 6 15 21 . ..10 6 3 2 15 6 — 16 21 27. .. 6 17 4 12 3 — 10 28 31. .. 5 9 6 5 6 1 5 10 n nil 6 — 1 4 6 Total £57 12 9 7 1 8 6 nil Total £17 19 3 He died 1 3th March 1750. By his Will proved at Doctors' Commons, he appoints his brother William Wyatt guardian to his children ; bequeaths to his son William his study of books and sermons ; to his daughter Mary, wife of Thomas Gorden, of Colebrook, five guineas, and his estate at Oxford ; and notices his two other children Jemima and Kathei'ine. PETER SYMSON, 1731-1754. One of his hand-bills runs thus : G. R. At the true Chapel at the old red Hand and Mitre, three doors from Fleet Lane and next Door to the White Swan; Marriages are performed by authority by the Reverend Mr. Symson educated at the University of Cambridge, and late Chaplain to the Earl of Rothes. N. B. Without Imposition. ' Some memoranda made by this individual in liis pocket-book, have before been noticed at pag:c 7. 2 .\i„„af^. 55 On a trial in 1751, for Bigamy, Synison was thus exunnned : Q' — Why did you marry them without hcence? Symson — Because somebody would have done it, if I had not. I was ordained in Grosvenor Square Chapel by the Bishop of Winchester the Bishop of Lincoln. Can't say I am a pri- soner in the Fleet. Am 43 years old. Never had a benefice in my life. I have had little petty curacies about £20 or £30 per year. I don't do it for lucre or gain. Court. — You might have exposed your person had you gone on the highway, but you'd do less prejudice to your country a great deal. You are a nuisance to the public ; and the gentlemen of the jury, it is to be hoped, will give but little credit to you. It appears by an entry in one of the May Fair Registers, that he officiated at May Fair Chapel for Mr. Keith, in conse- quence of the committal of the latter to the Fleet on his ex- communication. There is a whole Register of May Fair Mar- riages from 1750 to 1754, " Performed by the Reverend Mr. Peter Symson and Mr. Fran^ Denevau, for Keith, May Fair." WILLIAM DARE, 1732-1746. He at one time resided at No. 12, Bell Court, Bow Church Yard. He used to marry from 150 to 200 couple per month, and kept a curate to assist him. In one of the Registers is: " 1723, 14 April, Peter Kulett of St. Brides Fram Maker, Mary Ann Paviour Sp: forged by Mr. Dare in 1741, who married y° att Smiths att y* same time." To a marriage by Mr. Dare in 1742 are these witnesses, who were no doubt members of his family : « Ehzabeth Dare — Anna Catherina Dee' — Sussex Dare." JOHN FLOUD, 1709-1729. He died suddenly 31 December 1729, " at his lodgings in the liberty of the Fleet. He married both at the King's Bench Prison and the Mint in 1725, having a back room" at the latter place. He appears to have been a man of bad ' Qu. Dave. 56 character, and to have been several years a prisoner for debt.' There is in one of the Registers the following memorandum in Greek characters to a marriage in 1727: " Paid five shillings, and one certificate, brought by Mrs. Blood, Doctor Floud's mistress." DANIEL WIGMORE, 1723-1754. By his hand-writing, he appears to have been an elderly man, and it will be seen in a subsequent chapter, that he was addicted to the bottle. " Yesterday Daniel Wigmore, one of the parsons noted for marrying people within the Rules of the Fleet, was convicted be- fore the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, of selling spirituous liquors contrary to law." — Daily Post, May 26, 17.38. JOHN MOTTRAM, 1709-1725. In 1716 he was convicted in the Consistory Court of Lon- don for solemnizing clandestine marriages within the Liberty of the Fleet Prison, and suspended from the execution of his ministerial functions for three years." An acount of his conviction in the Court of King's Bench, in the same year, when he was fined ^^200, has been given at p. 11. In one of his pocket-books he states the arms of the family of Mottram, of Mottram, in the deanery of Maccles- field, to be, S. a chev: Arg. charged with three roses between three cross crosslets Or. He left the Fleet prior to August 1727. ROBERT ELBORROW, 1698-1702. He is called in 1702, an ancient man, and master of the chapel ; — that in 1702 he married but few without banns or licence, " but under a colour doth allow his clerk, Bartho- lomew Bassett, to do what he pleases.''^ ' Post Boy, 8 January 1730. ' Clironolo'^ical l^egister, February 1717. ^ Qu. if tlie following is liis iiiairiagc at St. .lanies's, Dukt-'s IMace, in Ui30 : " Rol)' ]'',ll)orrow, IV Avis Short, Sp"^. — Cornelius Lilly, l' ■" 57 ROBERT CUTHBERT, 1723-1730. He appears to have married a great many, and to have been pretty well oft' in the world, as various memoranda are met with in his pocket-books for 1733, relating to his stud ; thus, " My man came att ten pounds a-year ;" " my old horse went out y* 26th ;" " my pad went out y* 8 Sept." — " London, May y-^ 3, 1730 RecV'. of Mr. Rob*. Cuthbert the sum of 6 guineas for a chesnutt stone hors for the use of Mrs. Sarah Flood by W". Graham."— He died 4th August 1734, aet. 42. JEROME ALLEY, 1681-1707. He was a prisoner at the Fleet ; he left the practice of marrying there " for some other preferment." JAMES STARKEYf 1718-1730. In 1737, it was deposed upon a trial at the Old Bailey tiiat he had run away into Scotland. THOMAS CRAWFORD, 1723-1748. The following Letter from the Grub Street Journal, June 10, 1736, mentions this individual : " Gentlemen. — Having frequently heard of the many abo- minable practices of the Fleet, I had the curiosity on Sunday, May 23, to take a view of the place, as I accidentally was walk- ing by. " The first thing observable was one J L by trade a carpenter, (whose brother, it is said, keeps the sign of the B and G r,) cursing, swearing, and raving in the street in the time of divine service, with a mob of people about him, calling one of his fraternity, (J. E.) a Plyer for Weddings, an informing rogue, for informing against one of their Ministers for profane cursing and swearing, for which offence he paid three pounds odd money : the hearing of which pleased me very well, since I could find one in that notorious place, which had some spark of grace left ; as was manifested by the dislike he shewed to the person that was guilty of the prol'anation of God's s^^aeied name. 58 " When the mob was dispersed, I walked about some small time, and saw a person exceeding well-dress'd in a flower'd morning gown, a band, hat and wig, who appeared so clean that I took him for some worthy divine, who might have accidentally come out of the country by coach, and as accidentally be making the same re- marks as myself; but upon inquiry was surpriz'd at being assured that he was one T C a watchmaker, who goes in a Mi- nister's dress, personating a Clergyman, and taking upon him the name of Doctor, to the scandal of the sacred function. He may be seen at any time at the Bull and Garter, or the Great Hand and Pen and Star, with these words under written — ' TJie old and true Register near the Rainbow CofFee-House. — T. S." JAMES LANDO, 1737-1743. I think he must be the person who, under the signature and address of " Paul Crape," " from my abode not a mile from Fleet Ditch," maintains a long controversy in the Gazet- teer of 1737, on a commercial question ; especially as Paul refers to his having been chaplain of a man-of-war. His op- ponent, " Jack Bowline," is very severe upon him, and writes thus : " But your patron must be at his last shift, when reduc'd to the necessity of hiring one of the most abandon'd of all wretches, a Fleet Parson, to ridicule and confound some, and explain away other Articles of Treaties, h ShadwelP . 1733 — 1734 James Shaw 1723 Edmund Stacy . 1719 Anthony Shellburn' 1722 — . 1737 John Stainton » . 1730 Anthony Simpson 1726 — 1754 Walter Stanhope . 1711 Standly 1747 _ 1750 Nathaniel Skinner . 1716 J. Town . 1754 John Tomkings . 1740 John Tarrant 1688 Jacob Townshend . 1754 Jo. Vice 1689—1713 J. Wise . 1709 Wilkinson^ . 1740 Wm. Williams Clem. Walker 1732 — 1735 Isa. Wodmore . 1752 It is impossible to obtain partit ;ulars of all the Fleet Parsons ' Rogers was a prisoner in the Fleet, but went at large to his living in Essex, and all places else ; " he is a very wicked man as lives for drinking, whoring, and swearing." (See Letter at p. 10.) He was Rector of Ashingdon in Essex, 13 June 1687, and died in 1710. (See Morant's Essex.) On the cover of one of the Fleet pocket-books is " Nehemiah Rogers, of Ashendon, Essex; Zachariah Rogers, Tain, near Colchester ; Lydia Rogers." ^ Shadwell. This man was blind, at least so it appears by the following memo- randum after one of his marriages: " Marr: and Clerk four shillings. No Certiri- cate. This Parson was blind." See also the use made of a blind parson, page 65. ^ He died some years prior to 1740. ^ Query, If the Minister of the Savoy, who was transported in 1756 for mar- rying contrary to the Marriage Act of 1753, and of whom an account is hereafter given. 62 who married at the Fleet, for by the following paragraph they appear to have been sometimes common beggars : " On Friday last (19th,) was brought before Sir Joseph Hankey, at Guildhall, a man in a Clergyman's habit, for begging, which he made a common practice of: he was committed for further ex- amination the next day, when it appeared he was a notorious idle fellow, and common cheat, having made use of that habit only to impose on the public; as also to perform the office of marrying several persons at the Fleet Prison ; whereupon he was committed to Bridewell to hard labour." — General Advertiser, Dec. 22, 1746. THE NAMES OF SOME OF THE PERSONS WHO KEPT MAKRIAGE HOUSES, AND ACTED AS CLERKS. Bartholomew Bassett, 1699.' Joshua Lilley, Hand and Pen, near Fleet Bridge.' ' Bassett rented, in 1702, the cellars of the Fleet Prison, at 100/. per annum. By his ill practices at the Fleet, he maintained a large familj'. (See letter, p. 10.) He was clerk of the Fleet Chapel. On the trial of "Handsome'' Fielding in 1706 for marrying the Duchess of Cleveland, a Fleet Register was produced to prove the person Fielding had first married, was a married woman, and had been married at the Fleet. Elizabeth Bassett deposed that her father-in-law was clerk of the Fleet Prison, and kept the Register of the INIarriages there, but he having been sick, she had the Register in her keeping ; and that about two or three months ago a woman came to the house of deponent and said there was a marriage of one Lilly Bradly and Mary Wands- worth, and offered deponent a piece of money if she would strike it out. The entry being read, ]Mr. Roscorloe deposed that he went with Mr. Longford by the Attorney-General's order, and searched the books in the Fleet and found no such entry as that now produced, and deponent took particular notice of the blank where this certificate was then entered. — Celebrated Trials, vol. iii. 540. * Lilley. This man pretended to hold his appointment as Register of Marriages, &c. at the Fleet, from the Lord Chancellor, and to have given lOOOZ. for it. The following entry is made in one of the Registers by one of the parsons : "June ye 13th, 1744, Whereas one Joshua Lilley, being a noted man for iiavino- more marriages at his house than the generality of y= people could have, he the said Joshua Lilley keeping several plyars, as they are call'd, to gett these weddings, I have put his marriages down in a separate book, but finding ill-convenience arise thereby, fro' this 13th instant do insert it wti> y* rest." Ashwell has inserted in his pocket-book the following note of this man : " N. B.— On Sunday, November y* 6, 1740, at y"-" hour of 9, in my house de- clared that if he had not come home out of y country, being fled for punishment, having cut of his hair (to prevent being known) y' y' indictment for marryino- James 63 John Lilley, Bull and Garter,' John Burnford, lived, in 1742, at the upper end of Half- Moon Court, at the Hand and Pen, and Noah's Ark, next Ludgate. He acted as clerk, and kept a register of his own. He died about July 1747. William Bettell. Thomas Bennett. Thomas Cox, Hand and Pen, Ditch Side. Thomas Hodgkins. Sarah Barrett, Fleet Bridge, 1747 (many marriages appear to have been solemnized at her house.) Bethra Reynolds, 1743. Mrs. Levy. Ann Hodgkins,- Fleet Lane, kept a register. Huney to Miss Herietta Arnold, he had been ruin'd but yt he swore it off and y* attorney promis'd to defend him, and it cost him only a treat of 10s. ; had I staid, says the s*" Joshua Lilley, where I was, viz , the indictment would have stood good against me, but my taking y« side of the prosecutor, y'= young ladies, I have got it safe off." One of his handbills is as follows : " J. Lilley, at ye' Hand and Pen, next door to the china shop, Fleet Brido-e, London, will be perform'd the solemnization of marriages by a gentleman regularly bred att one of our Universities, and lawfully ordain'd according the institutions of the Church of England, and is ready to wait on any person in town or countrey." ' In 1717, John Lilley, Turnkey of the Fleet Prison, was found guilty and fined 51. as being clerk to a clandestine marriage in the Fleet. " This John Lilley keeps an alehouse joyning to the Fleet Prison, and calls one room in it his chapel, which he pretends to be tolerated by the Bishop of London, and gives out marriage certifi- cates printed with the City arms, calling 'em (as was then proved) my Lord Mayor's certificates." (Printed handbill.) " On the trial of John Miller for bigamy, the following evidence was given : Ann Hodgkins. " On the 11th March 1724-5, in the evening, the prisoner and this woman Mary Moore were married at my house in Fleet Lane, by James Starkey, a minister that lodged with me nine years. Mr. Ballantine gave her away, and his wife was present at the same time. Ballantine. " 1 never gave away Mary Moore to the prisoner, nor ever so much as saw them together at Mrs. Hodgkins' house in my life ; but any body may have a certificate at her house for half-a-crown, and have their names entered in her book, for as long time past as they please. Mrs. Ballantine. " I never saw the prisoner and Mary Moore married at Mrs. Hodgkins' house, though I lodged there, nor ever knew of their being married at all. An?i Glover. " Rlary Moore says she'll do my business for me. I went with her to prove her marriage at Mrs. Hodgkins', and Mrs. Hodgkins said, for half- a-guinea she'd enter her name in the Register, for a certificate would not do if the 64 Matthias Wilson, Hand and Pen, near Fleet Ditch, kept a Register. John Wheeler, (a great many marriages were performed " at Wheeler's.") John Connor. James Crookes. Isaac Ewell, the King's Head, Tm-nkey of the Fleet Prison, and appears to have kept a Register. John Smith. M. Artridge. Mr. Potter, Mr. Albone, 1743, Roger Griffin, Fountain Tavern. Thomas Dawbykin. Thomas Gibson. Ed. Patty, (clerk in 1729.) Mrs. Balls, Hand and Pen, 1736. Mr. Crosier, Hoop and Bunch of Grapes, Holborn Bridge, 1740. George Gillett, Swan, in Fleet Market, 1742. Mr. Roberts, The Lamb, 1725. William Wyatt, Walter Wyatt's Brother, a house in Sea Coal Lane, 1746, the New Market House, Fleet I-ane. King's Arms, Fleet Market. Mr. Boyce, King's Head, in the Rules, 1714 to 1729. Horse Shoe and Magpie, Fleet Market, 1753. Wheatsheaf, Fleet Market, 1734-1749. Hand and Pen, and Noah's Ark, next Ludgate. The Bishop Blaze and the Two Sawyers, Fleet Lane. Mrs. Francis, Queen's Head. Rainbow Coffee House, Corner of Fleet Ditch. Mrs. Johnson, Golden Lion Tavern, Old Bailey. Samuel Pickering \ Thomas Owen, 1725.' >The Fighting Cocks, Fleet Lane. Mr. Keen, 1739. ) marriage was not registered : her name was not in the book, and I saw Starkey the parson interline' her name in the book five years backwards. The parson is now run away into Scotland, and Mary Moore begg'd me not to appear at this trial. Andrew Montgomery. " Mrs. Hodgkins offered me a marriage certificate for a young woman that happened to be with child, and was hunted by the parish officers, and she said, for half-a-guinea it might be entered backwards in tiie book, and would skreen her from tlie anger of her friends." — Prisoner acquitted, and allowed a copy of his indictment. * ' Upon the trial of Thomas Ileild, in 1756, for bigamy, this man dcjiosed that 65 Oat.es, > Daniel Stebbings, Shepherd and Goat, near Fleet Bridge, 1748. Mr. Crompton, and on his death, Mr. Green, the Cock and Acorn. Mr. Demat, The Cock. he had kept a public house in the Fleet, since 23 March 1754, and that one Thomas Russel with Sarah Mills came there to have a marriage entered seven years back, which he refused. Mills denied tliis, and the Court committed Owen for perjury. (He had possession of many of the Fleet Registers, see p. 68.) ' On Tuesday, one Oates a plyer for and clerk to Weddings at the Bull and Garter, by the Fleet Gate, was bound over to appear at the next Sessions, for hiring one John Funuell, a poor boy, (for half-a-guinea,) that sells fruit on Fleet Bridge, to personate one John Todd, and to marry a woman in his name, which lie accord- ingly did ; and the better to accomplish this piece of villainy, the said Oates pro- vided a blind parson for that purpose. (^Grub Street Journal, Sept. 1732.) 66 CHAPTER IV. THE FLEET BOOKS. THEIR TRANSMISSION TO THE CUSTODY OF THE BISHOP OF LONDON. EXTRACTS, ETC. ETC. The Fleet Marriages having been performed at a great number of houses in the neighbourhood of the Fleet, and the proprietors of the houses being frequently the possessors of the registers of marriages performed there, it is impossible to trace all these books from their first use until their de- posit in the registry of the Bishop of London. There are, it is believed, several of the Fleet Registers still in private hands ; two of them are in possession of Mr. Philip Charles Moore in Doctors'" Commons ; the one com- mencing 2nd Feb. 1716 and ending 31st Dec. 1722, containing about three or four thousand marriages ;^ the other (indorsed " John Lilley his book,"") commencing 14th October 1716 and ending 1719- — Another Register is in Ra\vlinson''s Col- lection (marked B. 360.) in the Bodleian Library at Oxford ; it commences 4th March 1725 and ends 16th March 1730: on the first leaf is written the following title : " A True and exact Register of Marriages at the Fleet, A.D. 1724-5," to which John Locker, F.S A. the intimate fi'iend of Dr. Rawlin- son, has added the following note, " \Vhich being produced on a trial relating to the marriage of Francis Goulding, in Aug. 1726, came to the hands of Richard Woolfe, Esq. Register of the Duchy, who gave it to Dr. Rawlinson, 2nd Feb. 1754."" After much trouble and enquiry, however, the following is the best account which can be collected. By a printed bill pasted in one of the Fleet Registers, it ' The following Exhibit is written in tliis Book : " Phillips otherwise Delafield otherwise Devall, against IJclafield otiierwise Devall. This Book was in the pos- session of Ann Ilodgkiiis at the time of her examination in the above cause, the 19"* of Juno 1733.— Edw-* Rubhworth No"-* Publ :' G7 appears tliat after 175 i-, tlie Clerk of tlio Ilcv. Mr. Lando (one of the Fleet parsons) had the Ilogister Books of Dr. Wigmore, Evans, Lando, Callow, Wodmor, Nodes, Bray- field, and Townsend ; and that he had taken an office in Half-Moon Court, Ludgate, where searches for marriages might be made. In another book are pasted the following advertisements : This is to acquaint the Public, To prevent the trouble and expense of searching at different houses for Fleet Marriages, That the Books of all the Marriages performed by D"^ Wigmore, D"" Dare, and several other former clergymen, at all the different houses of the Fleet, and other parts of Town and Country, are to be seen at the Public Register-Office, the uppermost house but one in Half-Moon Court, joining to Ludgate. And that the Public may not be deceived, no person has the originals but the Keeper of this Office, and no Certificates, but from the same, are good at law. To be searched any day of the week except Sunday. Kept by the Widow of the said D"" Wigmore. " N.B. These Registers mention the exact house where every marriage was performed, both in the Liberties of the Fleet, &c." Marriages' Decently solemnized (as they are at May Fair,) At the old original private Chapel of the Rev** Mr. Lando, late Chaplain to His Majesty's ship the Falkland. St. John's Chapel is in Half-Moon Court, the first bouse joining to Ludgate, on Lud- gate Hill. Where Marriages from the year 1700 maybe found of the Rev'^ D"^ Allen, D"^ Mortram, D"^ Bucklan, D"^ Ryder, D-^ Syndery, D' Cuthbert, D'' Flood, D"" Gainham, D"" Ashwell, widi some of D"" Wyatt's, and all of D"" Evans and D"" Wigmore, to be searched without imposition. The Fleet Registers became a saleable article as early as ' This advertisement is headed with the King's Arms ia the centre, with the device of a hand and pen on one side, and the ship Falkland on the otiier. F 2 G8 1732; for, on the trial of Elij?. Reader in 1741, Wm. Scape deposed, that about eif^ht or nine years previously he bought a Register Book, in which was the marriage in question, but the person who owned it was dead; and on the trial of Thomas Hurnell, in 1741, tiie following evidence was given: Mrs. Barrett. — I knew Anthony Shellburn, he has been dead some years. I live in Fleet Lane ; but the book this marriage is in, belongs to Mr. Cox, at the Hand and Pen, at the Ditch Side. I have got with me the Registers of my husband's Marriages. Mr. Cox is dead, and the book went to Ms tvidow ; she has since sold it to other persons. When one of the Fleet Registers was taken to Shrewsbury, on a trial there in 1794, a Mrs. Olivi^ gave the following evidence on the subject : " My first husband was Thos. Owens. I had the Register Books of Fleet Marriages in my possession from my marriage in 1761, till I went to America eleven years ago. I then sold them to Mr. Panton. My husband Owen died about 1773. My hus- band made a will. I had the possession of the books myself, as my husband had other business. I heard my husband say he pur- chased these books. He had a Marriage Hou^e in Fleet Lane. I used the books to grant certificates upon parish affairs." By the Will of Thomas Owens, dated 18th Feb. 1775, and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, he bequeaths to his wife Susan Owens, " Ail the Books of the Registrj/ of the Fleet Marriages, now in my possession.'''' By a small copy-book among the Fleet Registers, it would ' Mrs. Olivi, or Olive, was originally a servant to a man named Lilly, who kept a Marriage House near the corner of Fleet Street. She used to ply for Lilly, and when he died, Owens succeeded to one of the Marriage Houses, and married this Mrs Olivi. It is not improbable that Owens bought the books of Lilly's repre- sentatives. Lilly was one of the most fortunate of the marriage-house keepers, and had a very brisk trade. The following advertisement shows Mr. Olive's residence : " All thu original Register Books containing the marriages solemnized at the Fleet, May Fair, and the Mint, for upwards of one hundred years past, may be searched 'oy applying to George Olive, at the Wheat Sheaf, in NichoU's Square, near Cripplcgate. The great utility of these Collections jjrevcnts any encomiums." appear that some of the books were in the possession of Elizabeth Parker and John Pridham from 1770 to 1775, and this co|)y-b child, and they wanted a Certifycate antidated ; and because it was not comply'd with, they were abusive w* a Witness." " N.B. the person belonging to y^ house aloud me only 2* out of 8*." " 4 .0—2. .6— p'' 3..0 Waterman." (About 4s. or 5s. appears to have been the clergyman's fee, and Is or 2s. the clerk's. Out of these, an allowance was made to the persons who brought the par- ties to be married.) " Had a noise for foure hours about the money." " N.B. Stole a silver spoon." " 1740 Geo Grant & Ann Gordon B &c Sp. Stole my cloathes brush." "' 1740 R'' Shears & Hannah Allen B & S. The person whoe was with tiiem I believe knew it to be a made marriage." " Davis and Wyatt brought the others, and were very abusive to M' Ashwell. I absent, and went and left a pott of 4 penny to pay." " Her eyes very black, and he beat about yc face very much." " Annulus . . 0. 7. 0." " Snuff Box left for is, 6J." 76 " Scpr the 6'^ John Fletcher of the Parish of St. Mary's, Oxon. Da. and Gent., and Mary Gardner, of the Pa. of Fulham, Hammersmith, Spinster, att the Goat, Phillips's, the 6"'. John Flood. *' This was a Gentleman, Gaynam refused to marry. By reason of his being student att Oxford, and knowing his father." "IMay y* G"^ 1740 James Wheeler Drum-^ of y*^ P* Ilegim* & Catherine Smith W & W — At y* new Bawdy-house joyning Grinley's." " June the 21, 1741. Thomas Millis Butcher of Kingston-upon- Theams B' & Mary Jarvis of S' Clement Dean Sp. M"^' Crooks. — N.B. Madam Roberts the player who lives in Duke Street West- minster came w"' them & a Barronight who keeps her came with them." "Jan'' 4, 1743-4. Thomas Brown of the first troop of Horse Guards W^id"" & Mary Hope of St. Pancras — at the Shepherd & Goat. — N.B. This s** Thomas Brown that took the Standard at Dedingen." "June, 2G. 1744 Nathaniel Gilbert Gent of St Andrews Hol- born and Mary Lupton — at Oddy's. — N.B. There was 5 or 6 in company, one amongst seem'd to me by his dress and behavi' to be an Irishman. He pretended to be some Grand Officer in the army. He y*" said Irish Gent told me before I saw y*^ woman y* was to be married y* it was a poor Girl a going to be married to a Common Soldier, but when I come to marry them I found myself impos'd upon, and having a mistrust of some Irish roguery, I took upon me to ask what y*^ Gentleman's name was, his age &c and likewise the Lady's name & age — Answer was made me — What was that to me G . . dam me if I did (not) immediately marry them he would use me ill ; in short, apprehending it to be a con- s{)iracy I found myself obliged to marry them in Terrorem — N.B. some material part was omitted." " 1742 May 24 A Soldier brought a Barber to the Cock who I think said his name was JameS; Barber by Trade, was in part married to Elizabeth, they said they were married enough." " 1717 Feb 4 "i Cha Bowles of Soutluvark Merchant & Doro- at his own House rthy Hunt of Lower Areley in Worstcrshirc. Southwark ' W and Sp." 77 " I have put. a secret Wedding in my private Book of Memo- randum on this day" (Nov. 5. 1742.)' " The woman ran across Ludgate Ilill in her shift." ^ "Entered in Lilleys Book by an unknown liand — Dec' 1 1716 Dan Paul St James's Capt" in y"^ Horse Guards. EHzabeth Murray B Sp." " March y« 4"^ 1740 William •'' and Sarah he dress'd in a gold waistcoat like an Officer, she a Beautifull young Lady with 2 fine diamond Rings and a Black high Crown Hat & very well dressed — at Boyce's." " N.B. There was 4 or 5 young Irish Fellows, seem'd to me after y* Marriage was over to have deluded y^ young woman — gave d Clk y & :* N.B. behaved rogueshly. Broke the Coachman's Glass." " N.B. married at a Barbers Shop next Wilsons viz. one Ker- rils for half a Guinea, after which it was extorted out of my pocket and for fear of my life delivered." In one of the Books for entering searches is the followinor : " John Colebrook wd" weaver, Joyce Ireland Sp Sep 3"' about the time that 2 Lords Beheaded on Tower Hill." " 20 May 1737. Jn" Smith Gent of St. James Wesf Batch-- & Eliz Huthall of St Giles's Sp' at Wilson's. By y* opinion after matrimony my Clark judg'd they were both women, if y*^ person by name John Smith be a man, he 's a little short fair thin man not above 5 foot." " After marriage I almost co'' prove y" both women, the one was dress'd as a man thin pale face & wrinkled chin." " Thomas Monk Sawyer & Marg* Lawson pawn'd to Mr. Lilley a handkerchief & silver Buttons for 2^" ' A separate Book was kept for the purpose of insertlnfr Marriages which were desired to be kept secret. Upon perusal of a private Book of this sort from 1748 to 1753, it appears that nearly all the contracting parties were of a superior station in life, the additions being " Gent, and Sp." * It was a vulgar error that a mm was not liable to the Bride's dei;ts if he took her in no other app;irel than her shift. The Daily Journal of 8 Nov. 1725, men- tions a similar exhibition at Lllcomb, in Kent. ^ In a great many instances the parties refused to tell their surnames. ■• Letters were used to denote the Sums received for fees, in the same way as they are now used by 'i'radesmen for their j)rivate marks. 78 '< N.B. y^ woman was a Neighbour's Daught^jr, the Sister raised a Mob and s'' my maid was my W " No. 3. A large tliick volume of Marriages,- commencing in 1689, containing also many Baptisms, of which the fol- lowing is one : « 22 Aug. 1691. PhilHp Orrell, son of Benjamin and EHzabeth Orrell, baptized. Sponsors John Jones Rich'' Stone Ann Jackson, Mary Ellis." No. 5. A very large folio intituled " The Register of the Fleet wherein is contained the severall marriages cele- brated and performed In The New Chappie St Brides beginning January 1751," ends July 1753.^ " Charles a Countryman & Lusey would not tell their names vil Beaheaver. J.F." 24 Dec. 1751. No. 24. A very large square folio, commencing Sept. 14, 1709, ending 18 Oct. 1715 (about 1200 entries.) " Xmas 1714. John Caterwood in White Lyon Cort Cornhill married to Mad* Wattgraves att Mr Lilleys — and her former hus- band is Liveing. Married by Mr. John Mottram. Shee lodging att Charles Street in Westminster." No. 27. A thin folio of 40 pages, for the year 1744. The initials of the Clergy man''s name and the fees paid are added to the entries ; the amounts of fees paid for the marriages registered on three pages are thus: . 3 . 7. G 2. 6 3. 6 1. 1 2. 6 5 7. 6 2. 6. 5. 10. 6 "Jan: 13.1744. & John - Mary - 1 W D 2. 6" 10. 6 2. 6 10. 6 7. 6 5. 7. 6 ' The Numbers here placed against the Books from which the Author's extracts are made, are tliose in liis own manusciipt, not those of tlic Registers thcivisclves. 79 No. 30. " The Registry of the WetUlings at the King's Arms Fleet Market by Sundry Parsons." " 1740 Octo 24. Gwin Lloyd of Hendor Merionothshire Esq. & Elizth Taylor of St. James's Westm-^ B & S. P^ W. Wyatt." ' No. 40. The Marriages in this Book performed by Mr. Floud about 1725, have the Names of the Witnesses sub- scribed. No. 41. 1721-1727, " Register Book of Marriages by Sundry Parsons. The Chappie Register." " October 6, 1722. Thomas Hinkly, Mitcham, Husbandman. Sarah Baker, Morton B. S. (Mott) no cer : under £02. 2. 6 for cheating of me Matt. Wilson." (At the end of the Book.) " At the sign of the Hand and Pen on the ditch side London, where the Ancient Register Books of Fleet Marriages are kept, persons may be married at their own conveniency by a Minister of y^ Church of England." No. 47. About 5000 entries, 1725-1736. " N. B. that a Woman by the name of Martha Mathews came here when Mr Lilley was out and said she was married to one Rich^ Edwards. I enter'd it down by mistake in a Certificat but no such marridge was ever in this Book Jobson." " 1728-9 March 3. Henry and Ann, no other names. Ja. Wagst." " Novemb'" 1728, 4"'. Edward Euerret of St James Westmins"" & Hannah Grady of y^ same, Batch"^ and Spins"^ not married." "January 1728-9, 13'". Tho'^ Conden of St Margaretts West- minster Shoemaker and Mary Jones Sp* of do. " N.B. behav*^ very indecent and rude to all." " 1729 June 15. Francis and Sarah thay went a way In hast But married. P* Jos^ Lilley P" John Floud, Min'" " 1734 December 1-5. John Mountford of St. Ann's Sohoe Tay- lor B, Mary Cooper Ditto Sp. suspected 2 Women, no Certif :" ' This was the entry in question in tlie case of Lloyd and Passingham, } «0 " 1 735 June 5"'. Dennis and Ann Done at the Mitre at Brentford ) , , . . f P"^ J. Gaynam. ' would give no sirnames J •' No. U. 1721-1733, about 1200 entries, with an Index. "17:28 March 1. Christopher Martin of Hanover Sq: St. Georges and Ruth Agar of Marribone married. J. Floud, Min" Register'd on the 4 of August 1728 and the marriage done the 4 of August on Sunday." ' " 25 June 1729. W"" Kniht of the Pa of Hampstead Gard- and Batchelor & Joanna Woodward of the parish of Wilsdon Spinster, married. P"' Jn" Floud." W™ Knight none to search but him- or Joanna Woodward, Bride — no month set on the Cer. only the 24"^ day W" Knight. No. 46. 1731-1737. " 1733-4, January 14. Cornehus Tho' of St Mary Rotherhithe B' & Gent & Hester Green Sp'. Left a ring.— 0. 10. 6. Rob* Cuthbert." No. 51. 1727-1754, but has entries as early as 1700, with an Index. This is one of the most curious of the Books, as nearly every entry has some observation annexed to it, written in Greek characters, which illustrate the shameful practices of the Fleet Clergymen. "March 1729, 2". John Gordon Esq', of the liberty of Westm"" & Barbara Raynes of Greenwich in Kent B tt Sp. P' Jn" Floud. They were married at East Lane in Greenwich paid two guineas, Clark five shillings & two parchment Certificates half a guinea more. Doctor & self made an equal division (E^^j/aX Ai- utfioy) of the whole. I had five guineas since for proving the marriage." " Robert King a Fisherman & Elizabeth Price, both of St. Giles in the fields. B & Sp P' Jn" Evans. ' On tlie 4th August is an entry of the marriajje on that day, and in tlie margin " the Ccitiliciile dated \f l*-" ol' Maicli 1728," so that there was an entry to agree witli the ceitiflcule and another to aiiree witli the fact. 81 P"* one shilling only, the Bridegroom a boy about eighteen ycai s of age c"t the Bride about sixty five. They were brought in a coach & attended by four Viv/npiyf/ Ulioptjc out of Urury Lane as guests."' " November 1735, G'\ John Fletcher a Butcher of St Clements Danes & Ilannali Neelor of St Andrews Holbourn B & Sp. J. Gaynam. This couple had cohabited many years but upon a small legacy being left they then thought proper to marry. I gave them an old Certificate & antedated it to the 24th of Aug' 1734 sign'd Backler for which I was to have had five shillings but marr seven & six pence. They were brought by Mrs. Warner." " May 1730, 28'\ William Tew Gent & Katherine Skeere both of St Buttolphs Bishopsgate B S: Sp P"^ Robt. Cuthbert married at the Globe Tavern Hatton Garden, myself had five shillings as Clark & gave a Certificate on stampt paper (Hand- somely entertained.)" "June 1727, IP". William Whittingham Watchmaker & Ra- chael Babington both of St Ollaves Silver St, B & Sp P^ Jn« Floud paid marr five shillings & two shillings CertifF: the said Rachel the prettiest woman I ever saw." ' The immorality of some of these clandestine marriages is thus noticed by M. I'Abbele Blanc, in his Observations on the Laws relating to Marriage previously to the iMarriage Act. " They all have a tendency to favour even tlie most indecent marriages ; they do not require by far enough of public solemnity. As the wedding ceremony may here be transacted in any place whatever, I have heard that a clergy- man who was in prison, to get a more tolerable subsistence, hung an advertisenient at his window with these words ' IFeddings performed cheap here.'' They autlio- rize all the acts of the common prostitute — their most common way is to intoxicate the man whom they have d. design upon, and then such a creature who wants to be the wife of a man who would perhaps be ashamed to own her for a mistress, pre- vails upon him by her dangerous caresses, to own before witnesses that he takes her for his wife. It often happens so, when he imagines he is only in jest or sport. But all jesting in this affair becomes serious in England. The ' yes ' is always taken in the strictest sense of the letter ; the woman perhaps has a chaplain ready, this minister of the Gospel lends himself to the mystery of iniquity, and that which in France would be only a farce, which the civil magistrate would be prepared to chastise, becomes in England a serious act authorized by the Laws ; whence it fre- quently happens that a man who went to bed very easy and very drunk, finds liim- self at waking, married to a creature whom lie most heartily despises and abliors. G 82 "November 1727,30"'. Richard Stokes, Shipwright &' Frances Thompson both of St Giles's in the Fields. B & Sp P"^ Jn" Floud marriage seven shillings c^- six pence & four shillings bed &- certiff : Bob Balls wife brought them and had them bedded.'"' " Aug'' 12, 1729. Abraham Wells a Butcher of the Parish of Tottenham in Mid'ex & Susannah Hewitt of Enfield W & W" P" John Floud p** five shillings per total. N. B. The 28'" of April! 1736 M" Wells came and Earnestly entreated me to erase the marriage out of the book, for that her husband had beat & abused her in a barbarous manner, and she had much rather be esteemed his W that she might have a proper recourse of Law against him. I made her believe I did so for which I had half a guinea and she at the same time delivered me up her Certificate, no person present (according to her desire.") « 1734 May 13"\ Samuel Stewart, a Chocolate Maker, & Mary Nugent, both of St. M. Ludgate. B. & Sp. P^ Ralph Shadwell. Mr. Comings gave me half a guinea to find a Bridegroom, and defray all expences. Parson two and sixpence — Husband D" — and five and sixpence myself." "July 1728, 22'". Josiah Welsh, a Cordwainer, and Elizabetli Cutchey, of St. Giles's, Cambridge. W. & Sp. P' Jn" Floud Brought by Mr. Ralf and Mr. Hargrove of the Guards, who paid me two guineas to provide a Husband for Madam, and defray all the subseqvient charges of the wedding, — viz. Docter 7^ 6^. Bride- The other daj' a gentleman of Lincoln who had been unfortunate in this respect, sliot himself through the head the next day, as soon as he understood the foolish step he had taken." (Letters of a Frenchman, No. 10.) ' " Now I have promised him mountains, if in one of his mad fits lie will bring you to him, in her stead, and get you married together and put to bed together, and after consummation, Girl, there's no revoking." (Love for Love.) In 1737, llichard Leaver was indicted for Bigamy, when the following evidence was given. Alice Allington. " On January 18, 1733-4, I was married to the prisoner, at the Hand and Pen, in Fleet Lane, by the famous Doctor Gainham. Frisoner. " 1 don't know that wonmn for my wife. 1 know nothing about tlie wedding. I was fuddled over night, and next morning I found myself a-bed with a strange woman, — 'And who are you? how came you here!' says T, — '() my dear, says she, w'e were marry 'd last iiiglit at the Fleet.' {Sessions Papns.) 83 groom G". the rest to myself. For a further account of Mr. Welsh vid. May 8, 1727, December the 11'" and 23"', 1727." "December 1727, 11"'. Walter Janes, Cordwainer of St. Martins Ludgate, and Mary Spreadbourough, of St. Giles in the Fields. W. c'c Sp'. P' Jn° Floud. Marriage five shillings — one D° Clerkship, and one D° CertifF. Tiie man had five shillings for marrying her, of which I had one and sixpence. N.B. The above said person marrj's in common."' " 1727 December 23. Richard Armstrong, Cordwainer, and Mary Roberts, of Shoreditch. Wr & Sp. P"" Jn° Floud. paid one pound five shillings, viz. parson five shillings, and the ' Thus it clearly appears that Welsh, alias Janes, alias Armstrong, alias married four women in fourteen months ; each time changing his name. The object of the brides in paying for a husband to be found for them, was to enable them to plead coverture to any action for debt, or to give them the means of show- ing a certificate in case of their being eiiceinte. From an entry following one on the 19"> Dec"^ 1728, the Bridegroom appears to have been paid two and sixpence "for his trouble.''' — (See p. 82.) " George Mackarly, a Soldier, & Bridget Marcan, of St. Giles in the fields, W&W P'Jn" Floud. p** eight shillings per total, viz. two & sixpence to the Bridegroom for his trouble, the rest between Doctor and self." Dr. Gaily, in his " Considerations on Clandestine Marriage," (1750,) observes, " It is well known to be a common practice at the Fleet, and that there are men provided there, who have each of them within the compass of a year married several women for this wicked purpose." Nov' 21, 1729, was tried a cause in the Court of King's Bench, between James Hopman plaintiff, and Jane Hunter defendant, when Defendant proved she was married to one Matterson, a soldier in the Foot Guards, at the time she contracted the debt ; but it being proved on the other side that Matterson had a wife then living, and that Defendant gave him half a guinea to marry her, to screen her from paying her debts, the Jury found for the Plaintiff. — Daily Journal, 1729. In one of the pocket-books are the following entries " This to be incrted 21 of Feby 1739-40, Will Jones, Vintner, of Covent Garden, B. & Jennett Hunter, D". Sp. (at Wheeler's.) They came first to Burnford's, and would give but 5s. she dress'd very fine, and looked like a common woman, wanted a man to personate." " Ocf 14 1732. John Blevvington, of Rippon, in Yorkshire, Bricklayer, B. &c Sarah Barington, of Colchester, Wid'". N.B. This Barrington s* she had £40 pr annum, had been confined for debt, and married Blewington to skreen her." " 24 July 1737. Simon Parrott, Plasterer, of Swallow St., St. James's, & Ann Pritchett, Wid^ & Wid''. When he had married her s"* he would never bed her, he would marry any body. " G 2 84 man five shillings, (vid: December 11"" ut supra,) and fifteen shil- lings myself." "July 1729, ir\ John Rogers, Gent, and Elizabeth Hussey, (alias) Rebecka Mitchell, both of St. Margaret's, Westm . W & W". P^ Jn° Floud. p"* half a guinea per total. Mrs. Hussey, though a Quaker, (none of the most scrupulous,) she could not comply with the cere- monies of our church, yet would take the man to bed to her upon the bare dependence of credit of a Fleet certificate ; she being only personated by Beck Mitchell." " Robert Draper, Gardiner, and Ann Osborn, both of Battersea, married at Kit Linerells. I gave a certificate, for which I had only a quartern of brandy." "22 July 1728. Nicholas Richardson, invalid soldier in Chel- sea Hospital, and Judith Taylor, of Chelsea. W & W. P' Jn° Floud. ]Married at Chidleys. I gave a Certificate, and was paid with a promise." " 10 Dec. 1728. W" Salkeld, a Marriner, and Mary Jones, both of St. Andrews, Holborn. B & Sp. P' Jn" Floud. Marr: ten shillings, two and sixpence Clark; one D° Register, two and six- pence Certificate. They were married at twelve at night, and lay all night in bed in my house, for which had one shilling and six- pence more." " 22 March 1728. Tho* Stringer, a Brewer's Servant, and Ann Criswell, both of St. Sepulchre's. B & Sp. P^ Jn" Floud. Paid three shillings and sixpence. Certificate one and sixpence; it being pretty late, they lay here, and paid me one shilling for bed, (a kind girl.") " Edmund Daviss, a Hatter, of St. George's, Bloomsbury, and Mary Sprigg Martin, of St. Giles's in the Fields. B (S: Sp. P' Jn° Floud. These couple were bedded about six minutes, and paid only five shillings per total, being friends of Mary Hall. Vid. Apr. 9, 1727." " Patrick Fitzgerald, a Carter, of St. George's, Hanover Square, and Grace Bennit, of St. Giles's in the Fields. B & Sp. P' Jn° Floud. Marr: five shillings, certif. one do.; brought by Mr. Clark, overseer of St. Giles's." (After another Parish Wedding.) " Paid three shillings, a Parish Wedding, and the people being S6 pretty remarkable, I believe there was a mob of three hundred people after them."' " ^9 Aug' 1729. John Wills, Distiller, of St. Dunstans in the East, and Mary Mackarty, of St. Andrew's, Holborn. \V & W". Marr: five shillings, and two do. Certif. Two most notorious Thieves. P' Jn" Floud." " 12 Dec. 1729. John Slater, Gent, of St. Andrew's Holborn, and Frances Thompson, of St. Dunstan's in the West. B & Sp. P' Jn° Floud. This Marriage upon Honour. Vid. the 30"' of Nov. 1727." " 16 Dec. 1729. George Stewart, Gent, and Mary Hill, both • of St. Dunstans in the West. B & W". P' Jn° Floud. Marr: viz. per an o/d Licence^ one guinea and a half, the wedding halt a guinea, and Certif. five shillings, performed at the Sun Tavern, in Holbourn." "23 Aug. 1732. John Cope, Gent, and Susannah Clark, both of Clapham, in Surry. W' & Sp. P"^ Sam' Backler. P'' ten and sixpence per total, being married before by proxy." " 25 Aug* 1735. Matthew Medcalf, a Weaver, and Ann Hub- bard, both of Whitechapel. B & W. D. Wigmore. Total three and sixpence ; but honest Wigmore kept all the money ; so fare- well him." " 20 Nov' 1735. John Greentree, a Husbandman, and Eliza- beth Seager, both of Wimbledon, in Surry. B & W". P' Walter Wyatt. Total nineteen shillings, my Lord and self took them from Brown, who was going into the next door with them." " 27 April 1736. Cotton Bartlett, Apothycary, and Elizabeth Sharp, both of St. Bride's. B & W. P"^ W. Wyatt. Total six shillings. Brought by a Counsellor." " 1 July 1728. Joseph Otway, Gent, and Deborah Smith. B ^' ' On Saturday last, the Churchwardens for a certain parish in the City, in order to remove a load from their own Rhoulders, gave 40s. and p;iid the expense of a Fleet marriage, to a miserable blind youth, known by the name of Ambrose Tally, who plays on the violin in Rloorfiekls, in order to make a settlement on the wife and future family in Shoreditcii parish. To secure their point tliey sent a parish officer.to see the ceremony performed. One cannot but admire the ungenerous pro- ceeding of this (Jity parish, as well as their unjustifiable abetting and encouraging an irregularity so much and so justly complained of, as these Fleet matches. In- vited and uninvited, were a great number of poor wretches, in order to spend the bride's parish fortune. — Daily Post, 4 Julij 1741. ^ Perhaps a Licence from the Commons which had already been used 86 Sp. Married by the Doctor abroad, but upon his letter to me for that purpose, registered here, and was paid one shilling." " 12 July 1729. Thomas Whiting, a Coppersmith, and Dorothy Todd, both of St. Bottolph's Aldgate. B & Sp. P' Jn" Floud. Marr : ten shillings and sixpence, and two and sixpence Clark. No certif. I had them married at Mrs. Johnson's, at the Golden Lion Tavern, in the Old Bailey, January 30'\ 1731.' Mrs. Whiting had a Certificate and paid me two and sixpence for it." " 30 Dec. 1729. Joseph Payne, a Picture Frame Maker, and Mary Hall, both of St. Dunstan's in the West. B & Sp. P' Jn° Floud. Marr: eight shillings, one Clark and two certificate; brought by Friend Pickett. I had not my share of the Wedding, Doctor Floud being call'd home, taken ill, and dying the next morning." The following is the form in which the entries in this book are made. 1735 October Bay, Thomas, a Mealman, of Springfield, & Rebecka Brown, of Much Baddah, in Essex P' Jn° Floud. 28' f^agg: V/gYjyi (d, 2*x No. 50. A narrow folio, commencing 1730 to 1733, intituled " Robt. Cuthbert's Marriages." " 1731 May 8. Tho^ Rolte and Ann Calvert, Ba & Spinster, Gent, of St. Giles's Camp's. She of St. Andrews, Holborn ; no- body to see it. W™ Toone Father. An old Gentleman gave £1. 1*. and a Gent, from my Lord Baltemore £2. 2*. he had cert: 20 day." * " 1731 August 11. W"' Charlton and Mary Laneve, Ba & Spinster, weaver, of Blackfriars, at my Ladyes,^ Fleet Lane." ' Althougli performed in 1731, entered as 12 July 1729. * Thomas Rolte, of Sucombe, county Herts, died February 1754. She was Aim daughter of Felix Calvert, of Nine Ashes, in Ilunsdon in said county, and died \156.—{Clutlerhuck"s Herts, vol. ii.) ^ The Rev. Robt. Cuthbert was doubtless so occupied in tlie solemn duty of marrying others, that he had no time to go through the ceremony for himself. " My Ladye" might be supposed to mean Landlady, but after another entry of marriage is a memorandum less equivocal, it runs thus, " paid five shillings, and one ceititicatc, brought by Mrs. Blood, Doctor Floud's M/s//fW." 87 (At the end of the book is) " Rob' Cuthbert, Minister of the Fleet, niortiuis anno Doni: 1734. Quarto die Augustii aetatis sui 42." No. GO. A narrow folio, 1738 to 1740. " Nov' 6, 1739. Richard Oliver, Gent, of St. Katherines, B' and Eliz. Holloway, of St. Gregory's Sp'. Mar: upon Tick." " March y« 30'" 1740. John James, B' and Eliz'" ; would not tell their names, but paid £1. 10s." No. 68. A Uirge narrow folio, 1739 to 1743. " October y* 13, 1741. Denis Christopher, Bookbinder, Ches- hani, Bucks, Wid", to Martha Townsend, of Ailsbury, D" Sp'. att y* Cock. N.B. Married for nothing to obblige Mr. G older At- torney-att-Law." « Nov" y<^ 21, 1742. Akerman Rich*, Turner, of Christ Ch% Bat', to Lidia Collet. — Mrs. Crooks. N.B. They behaved very vilely, and attempted to run away with Mrs. Crooks Gold Ring." " 28'". Smith Robert, Hosier, of St. Martin's in y-^ fields, Wid', to Sarah Skett : appear'd a rogue." No. 69. A long narrow folio, 1742 to 1743, intituled " Re- gister Book of Marriages, by Mr. Dare." " 2'' October 1742. James, son of Ephrahara and Mary Miller, of White Fryers, in the parish of St. Bride's, half baptized at Bos, by W. Dare, priest of the Church of England." " 7 November 1742. Thomas Boadish, of St. Andrew Holborn, Gent. Widower, and Carew Tate, of St. Pauls Covent Garden, Spinster. 5 Elizabeth Dare, _ . , Anna Catherina Dee, ( Sussex Dare. " November 23'' 1742. George Wright, &c. &c. Ac." " October 2" 1743. John Figg, of St. Johns the Evang', Gent, a Widower, and Rebecca Woodward, of Ditto, Spinster, at y* same time gave her y* Sacrament." ' ' This is the only instance met with wlicic these Clergymen have added to their infamy hy administering tlic Sacianient after marriage. They were, liowever, 88 No. 73. A long narrow folio, 1742 to 1744. " 1744 Aug* y^ 20. John Newsam, Labourer, of St. James's West, and Ann Laycock, D". Wid' & Wid". They run away with the Scertifycate, and left a point of wine to pay for ; they are a vile sort of people, and I will remember them of their vile usage for a achample for the same." No. 76. A narrow folio, 1742 to 1749. " October 6, 1745. Mr. Francis Snead of Cheapside-\ his friend. Went to Roehampton, the persons Robert and Vl. I." Mary. J " Octo'21, 1745. Siff ^ Hannah, proceed no further then > M. D. the ring. Wyatt." 3 No. 81. "March 19, 1744. Church a Woman, Mrs. Dillion, Nurse iny'^ Herald's Office." No. 101. A short folio, ending about 1719, and intituled " The Register kept by Thomas Hodgkins, wherein is contained y'^ several marriages celebrated and peYormed within y'^ Rules of y" Fleett and Chappell thereoff by y^ Rever*^ John Vise, John Draper, James Colton, Henry Gower, and y*" other Clergymen officiating there. Be- ginning November y'= 4"" 1700." "February 1717, 10"'. John Green, Batch. House Carpenter of anxious to impose on the ignorant by as much attention to ' rites and ceremonies' as was consistent with their own interests, thus : On a trial for Bigamy, in 1731, Samuel Pickering deposed "the prisoner was married at my house in the Fleet, to Wr. Humphreys, by Mr. Mortram a clergy- man. I gave her away, and saw the ring put upon her hand, and broice the biscuit over her head." And on the trial of Robert Wilson, in 1737, for Bigamy, a witness deposed, " I know the prisoner was married to Steel, I was present when that affair was trans- acted. They were married at a brandy shop at the Fleet ; tiie ceremony was per- formed by a man in a tiiuht gourt ; whether he was a parson or not, T can't tell." (S'p.ss/o^s Papers.) «9 St. Dunstans Stepney, and Elizabeth Fclton, Spinster, of St. Mary White Cliappell. not married because not agreeing with y*^ Doctor." No. lOG. A short folio. On the first page, " Christnings by D'^ Draper ;" on the second page, " Marridges in v* year of our Lord 1714."" "John Harrison, of St. Giles in the Fields, a Taylor, and Mary Cunighani, Ditto. B. W. June y^ 4, 1723. These not niarr: only names inserted." "Memorandum. The 2r' day of August 1725, being Saturday at night was assaulted by Samuel Pickering, at his own house the signe of the Fighting Cocks, in Fleet Lane, and he throatled me and most murdered me, as Witness my Hand, John Evans, Minister."' No. 110. A short folio, intituled, *•' Marriages at the Fleet By Henry Glover, Clerk, November y" 1"' An" Do"' 1716." " 1728 April 3. Michael Rebout & Ann Surgeirs, Both of St. Clement's Deans. P. Jn" Floud Min"^. N.B. The Certificate bears date 12 Sep'^ )^ 1720, to satisfie Parents and friends." J No. 118. A short narrow folio. " January 20, 1729-30. John Pigott, of St. Martins Orgars, London, Captain of a West Indian Merchant, Bachl' & Constantia Maria Burgoyne, of the P**" of St. Martin'sin y"" fields, in y* County of Middx, Spinster, married at Justice Webster's, in Castle Street, over y* Mews, in St. Martin's afores**." No. 119. A short thick folio, Sept. 1734 to Sept. 1736. ' The many opposition INIarriage-houses, the plying for custom, and scrambling for fees, gave rise to repeated quarrels. The following is from the Grub Street Journal, Dec. 12, 1734. " On Wednesday two Fleet Parsons preferred against each other Bills of indictment for assaults made by brother upon brother. But they appearing aggressors and scholars alike famous, The Jury returned both their bills ' Ignoramus.' " 90 " May y' 14, 17:3G. .Jolui Blackball, of St. Martin's in y' Fields, Cloginaker, 6v: Hannah Cockerell, B & Widow at y' King's Head Henry Charlton, Clark. — N Cert: under £2. Wigmore being sent for, but was drunk, so I was a stop-gap." "July 18, 1736. William Potts, of Allhallows, Barkin, Wine Cooper & Mary Small, D° B & Sp' at Wilson's a sham I believe as to his name, because he told me another name first, and y* woman contradicted him." No. 136. A short folio of Walter Wyatt's. '• Lyonel B' & Jane, a Lady, B & Sp' at Webb's, Esq. at Cornhill, in White Lyon Court.— Oct. 19, 1735.' No. 14». A short folio. " 1 Oct. 1747. John Ferren, Gent. Ser. of St. Andrew's, Hol- born, B"^ & Deborah Nolan, D' Sp\ The supposed John Ferren was discovered after y*" Ceremonie were over, to be in person a woman." " 27 Dec' 1747. Francis Harwood, Feltmaker, of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate, B' & Mary Brockholes, Widow. After marr : I perceived it to be a Hird Job} He a thin-jaw'd mean-looking fellow, Irish or Scotch, she gravida'^ and very gent." " May 30"" 1748. A genteel cuple married with a br' stamp, enter'd in a parchment cover pocket-book with Pri on y^ Backs'*."' " Edward Warner, Gent, of Crundal, Hants, & Mary Mitchell, W— 3 Jan. 1749. £10. 10. " No. 156. A short folio, " W. Wyatt's Register Book of the Fleet Marriages commencing June 25, 1751 to Mids' 1752." The entries are numbered, (1137 in all,) and there is an index. ' See pages 82, 83, for other instances of hired Husbands. * " Yesterday morning an odd affair happened in the Liberties of the Fleet, where a young man and woman, (country people, and very well dressed,) came to be marry'd ; but before the minister iiad half performed the ceremony, the woman was delivered of a daughter. (This poor girl, though literally born in wedlock, seems to be somewhat more than half a bastard,") — Gruh Street Journal, 1735. •' These blank entries in the Registers make the small pocket-books valuable, as without them tiic parties cotild not be known. — (See note at ]i. 76.) 01 470 1. 4i. Nov' 11 1751. Pri' No. 158. On the cover of this Register are two entries " never to be seen."" Gent. & Mary at Georgia, By jNP Wilkinson. No. 161. A short folio, June 1745 to June 1747 " July 24, 1745. James near Hanipstead. 5. 5. 5. for a horse." " April -23, 1746. Joseph and Mary vide July 3'' Ult."^ " Aug* 22, 1746. Samuel & Eliz: He a tall man about 40 years of age, she a fresh colour'd Poek fretten woman, very well built." No. 164. A small quarto, from 1700 to 1730, and at the other end from 1715 to 1742. " 1723, 14 April. Peter Hulett of St. Bride's, Fram Maker, Mary Ann Paviour, Sp . forged by Mr. Dare, in 1741, who married y'" att Smith's att y* same time." No. 167. A small quarto. " Nov' 28, 1 723. John James Jaxon & Mary Newell, both of St. James's, West' B' & Sp'. " Memorandum. Mr. Fairplay he called himselfe, would not say * I will,' nor did she bee he did not — both afterwards comply'd, & so were married, tho y^ man designed nothing but a little w g & leaving y* woman in y* lurch." No. 170. A small quarto, 1731 to 1732. " May 15, 1732. John & Ann, Brought by one Willson, a > See note 3, p. 90. 2 Upon looking back to the 3(1 of July, the following entry appears interlined, and vviiich is, of course, a false entry. " July 31, 1745. Joseph Garratt, Halter, of St. James, W , & Mary Jackson, 92 Limb of y*" Law, & married at Mr. Willson's by y'' Ditch Syde, & never entered in any Booke, Refusing to pay Clarkship and y" Entry Fees any Othcrways than by y" name of Jn" and Ann." No. 209- A long narrow book, from 1738 to 1744-. " Living near to one Joshua Lilley, and a person troublesome, I agreed to marry none at home, upon condition I married all y' came to his house " (Ash well.) " 28 Ap' 1740. Henry Mercer, of Lusam, late of Abinger, in Kent, Gent. Bat% &^ Jane Sparrow, Ditto, Wid'", at Crumpton's. N.B. This last marriage was to be kept as a secret, the Lady having a joynture during the time she continued Wid"." No. 210. Ditto, from 1734 to 1738. "Novby^24, 1733, att y^ Baptizd bed Tavern to go to Mr. Gibbs for to marry him in y^ countrey. — Wife worth £18,000." No. 212. Ditto, from 1744 to 1745. " 22 Aug' 1744. Rob* Parker, Labourer, of Yocl, in Surry, & Hannah Horton, of D"B' & Sp, at the Shepherd li- Goat. N.B. The officers of the Parish took y^ fellow up by Warrant to force him to marry her — vile behav'd," " Sept' 5, 1744. Andrew Mills, Gent, of the Temple, & Char- lotte Gaillairdy, of St. Mildred, Poultry, at Mr. Boyce's, King's Head. N.B. One gentleman came first in a merry manner to make a bargain w*"" the Minister for the marriage, and immediately came the parties themselves disguising their dress by contrivances particularly buttning up the coat, because the rich wastecoat should not be seen, (Src." "2.5 September 1744. Thomas Games, Carpenter, of St. Mar- tin's in the Fields, and Lucy Hern, D° B' & Sp. N.B. I examined them strickly, seeing a dirty fellow w"" long beard, and was afraid it was done as a skreen fr" Debt." " December 4, 1744. Charlton Leighton, of the parish of Over- burry, in Shropshire, Gent, (belonging to y* Hon*"'^ Collonel Cot- terel's Reg') B', & Anna Maria Mytton, of Conouer, in y same County, Gentlewoman, Spinster. N.B. Two Gentlemen directed me to meet them at y^ Vine Tavern, Upper Turn Stile, Holborn. After waiting 2 hours a foot- 93 man came S: call'd me to another house below, after very stict examination, 1 proceeded to marry them as aj)[)ears.'' " May 2, 1745. Jolm Harrowson, of the Duke Man of War, & Susainiah Lawson, Sp. at Burnford's. this s'' Harrowson swore most bitterly, & was pleas'd to say that he was fully determined to kill y^ Minister S:c. y' married him. N.B. He came from Gravesend & was sober." " 26 Feb. 1745. Rob' Tayler & Marg' came into my own appartment, behav'd very rudely, swore sadly, oblig'd me to marry them for what they pleas'd for fear of my life, late at night, by the names above-mention'd " "June y* 12"' 1745. Challen Miller, Gent, of y" parish of Horsham, in Sussex, Batch', & Eiizab"" Parham, of the same. Spinster. — N. B. A clerg}^man whose name was the Rev'' Mr. Cheynell came to the Fountain Tavern, on Ludgate Hill, & wanted a Minister to converse with, as then was pleas'd to say. — When I came to him it was togoe with him to the Royal Oak, near Vaux- hall, to marry a couple, viz. Miller, which he said he would have done it himself but was apprehensive he might offend some Friends, he himself living in y' neighbourhood, but he would stand Father, and accordingly did do so." EXTRACTS FROM SOME OF THE POCKET-BOOKS. " Nov"" 1741, 5"". John King, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Car- penter, B. Diana Nicholson, Do. Sp. — Done at his house, Maiden Lane, she sick in bed." 1737. Temple W^est, Gent. & Frances Balchen, "not to be registered in y" yearly Book." "April 14, 1737. W'" Evrett & Sarah Brunell, ' at my Slioe- makers.' " "Aug. 14, 1718. Offer'd 5 guineas to enter Walter Borthwick, of Waltham Stone, Gent: Ann Sharpless, D°. B. Sp. — Feb. 4, 1714." " Hary Porter, Higler at Leadenhall Market, married by a rong name to draw him." "April 18, 1745. R** Humphris, of St. James's, Grosvenor Sq. B. & Eliz"' Greenwood, of St. James's, Clerkenwell, Wd". in a cellar under the Fountain." J. G. " Ganderwaine, of Woolwich, a man of note, and brings wedings to the Fleet, Sailors, &c." 94 NAMES OF SOME OF THE PERSONS MARRIED AT THE FLEET, EXTRACTED FROM THE REGISTERS. B. Baclielor. — S. Spinster. — \V. Widower, Widow. — Ditto, same parisli as tiie Husband. 22 May 1722. James Abernethy, Esq. St. Margarets, Westminster, & Anne Rachael Nicholas, Maidstone, B. & S. G May 1724. Right Hon. Edward Lord Abergavenny,^ and Cath. Tatton, B. and S. 17 Ap. 1740. John Acton, Furnivalls Inn, Gent, and Ann Barker, St. Andrew's Holborn, S. 2 Feb. 1747. Thomas Adams, Gt. Aldingham, Herts, and Sarah Howard, W. and W. G Feb. 1714. Matthew Addams, Gt. and E!iz. Warberton, St. Giles's, B. and S. 14 Mar. 1730. John Addams, Gt. St. Giles's Fields, and Jane Row- lett, St. Martin's Fields, W. and W. 30 Jan. 1718. John Adams, Attorney, St. Dunstan's, and Phillis York, Whitefriars, B. and S. 25 Mar. 1754. Phil. Adams, Gt. Covent Garden, and Eliz. Upton, St. Margarets, B. and S. 14 Oct. 1750. Lewis Augustus Alexander, Tooting, Gt. and Anne Dines, Ditto, B. and S. 21 Ap. 1726. Harley Allen, Croydon, & Mary Newbury, Ditto. IG Aug. 1721. Michael Alphe, Surgeon, Berwick-on-Tweed, and Anne Bennett, Cath. Cree Church, W. and S. 3 Feb. 1734. Peter Annett, Gt. and Eliz. Mobs. 15 July 1732. Matt. Appleford, Gent. Duke of Bolton's Horse, and Jane Lee, Aylesbury, B. and S. 4 Oct. 1719. Joseph Aram, Surgeon, Tunbridge, and Ann Har- butt, Ditto, B. and W. 22 June 1746. James Archibald, Gt. Waltham Abbey, and Mary King, B. and S. 15 Feb. 1735. John Arnold, Gt. St. Martin's Fields, & Eliz. Bow- yer. Ditto, B. and S. 14 Feb. 1722. Allen Ascough, Esq. Hayes, & Eliz. Merick, Ditto, W. and S. ' Obiit 9th October, same year, and slio afterwards re -married his cousin and successor, William Lord Abergavenny. 95 1 Nov. 1740. Peter Aslienliurst, Gent. 1st Regt. Foot, and Eliz. Ishani, Aldgate, B. and W. 6 Mar. 1735. John Aspe)>wall, Gt. St. Giles's, and Ann Johnson, Do. B. and S. 2 Ap. 1752. John Atwood, Gt Abchurch, & Ami Bowler, B. v- S. 25 May 1737. John Evans, Bewley, St. Clement Danes, and Eliz. Miller, St. Giles's Fields, B. and W. 9 Jan. 1745. Thomas Biggs, Gt. Horse Guards, and Eliz. Roden, B. and W. 12 June 1735. Edmund Billings, Gent. St. Martin's, Ironmonger Lane, and Eliz. Johnson, St. James's, B. and W. 97 JO Aug. 1745. Kobert Bird, Gent. Bloomsbury, and Eliz. Roberts, Ditto, B. and S. 7 June 1734. Geo. Bishop, Atty. Holborn, & Ann Evans, B. & S. 13 June 1749. Joseph Bissell, Gent. St. Peter's, Oxon, and Sarah Covvper, Worcestershire, B. and S. 26 Oct. 1733. W. Bland, Gt. St. Albans, & Mary Chester, B. & S. 15 June 1742. Phillip Blinch, Gent. Bidiford, Devon, and Eliz. Gery, Northampton, B. and S. 26 Dec. 1744. Sir John Bloy, St. Gregory's, Feltmaker, B. and Anne Moore, St. Olave's, Surrey. 7 Nov. 1742. Thomas Boadish, Gent. Holborn, and Carew Tate, St. Paul, Covent Garden, W. and S. 27 Sept. 1736. Robert Bonnass, Gent. Marylebone, and Elizabeth Chessall, Ditto, B. and W. 10 Aug. 1742. Don Dominicus Bonaventura, Baron of Spitcrii, Abbot of St. Mary in Praeto Notary, Chaplain of Hon. to the King of the Two Sicilies, and Knight of the Order of St. Salvator, St. James's, and Martha Alexander, Ditto, B. & S. 4 Dec. 1734. Richard Bond, Gt. St. Saviour's, and Mary Dearing, Ditto, B. and W. 26 July 1746. Jos. Bonquett, Gt. Aldgate, and Eliz. Elves, B. & S. 9 Oct. 1718. Robert Booth, Gent. Westminster, and Christian Knight, Ditto, W. and S. 4 Oct. 1734. Edward Botterell, Gent. Aldgate, and Eliz. Pres- grave. Ditto, B. and S. 9 Feb. 1746. Jessup Boughton, Gent. Huntingdon, and Eliz. Wlx, St. James's, B. and S. 20 Jan. 1729. "The Honourable John Bourke, Esq."' of Great Ormond Street, and Cath. Hamilton, W. 10 June 1722. Lewis Bowen, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Anne Knowlis, St. Lawrence, B. and W. 13 June 1751. Geprge Bowles, Gent. St. James's, and Mary Van- dryck, Kensington, B. and S. 4 Oct. 1742. William Bowers, Gent. Sherbarne, Oxon, and Sarah Holt, B. and S. » Afterwards John, eighth Viscount Mayo, to whicli title lie succeeded in 1743, and died in 1767. She was the daughter and heir of Major Whitgift vVylmer, and widow of Hamilton, of the county of Galway. H 98 G July 1735. Dominick Boyle, Ireland, and Ann Malian, Ditto. 5 April 1741. Robert Brabant, Gent. Blandford, Dorset, and Eliz. Lawrence, Buckland in Ditto, B. and S. 2 Dec. 1741. Thos. Bradley, Gent. Horse Grenadiers, and Mary Bedford, Hemel Hempstead, B. and S. 6 June 1722. Radcllff Bradley, Gent. St. Margaret's, & Winifred Clark, Ditto, W. and W. " private." 22 June 1736. Silas Bradshaw, Gent, and Mary Fere, St. Marga- ret's, Westminster, W. and S. 26 April 1733. Joseph Bradshaw, Gent, and Sarah Barton, B.&S. 2 Feb. 1737. William Bray, Gent. St. Ann's Blackfriars, and Hannah Ward, St. James's. 30 Mar. 1725. Robert Bray, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Sarah Grey, Ditto, B. and S. 24 Oct. 1720. John Bretorius, M.D. St. James's, and Eliz. Vaughan, St. Ann's Westminster, W. and W. 18 Feb. 1728. Phillip Brien, Gent. St. Giles's, and Barbara Salvell, Ditto, W. and W. 27 Nov. 1720. Nathaniel Bridgman, Attorney, St. Ann's, and Eliz. Blackbrow, Ditto, W. and W. 7 Nov. 1721. George Bridges, Gent. Whitechapel, and Barbara Brignall, Ditto. 31 Aug. 1739. John Brook, Gent. Norwich, and Cath. Watson, Ashby, Leicester, B. and S. 6 July 1724. John Brooke,' Gent. St. Peter's, Norwich, and Cath. Watson, of Ashley, Leicester, B. and S. 31 Oct. 1740. Peter Brooke, Gent. Cobham, Surrey, and Mary Godson, B. and S. 29 June 1735. Isaac Brooke, Gent. St. George's Hanover Square, and Christian Walker, B. and S. 17 July 1751. Edward Broom, Gent. Middle Temple, and Mary Maria Joyce, Ditto. S. 2 Aug. 1721. Richard Brocas, Gent. Westminster, and Eliz. Grice, Ditto, B. and S. 20 Sept. 1735. Francis Brown, Gent. St. Clement Danes, and Martha Izard, Ditto. 9 April 1735. William Brown, Gent. Aldermanbury, and Jane Brown, Widow of John Brown, Gent, of Ditto. ' Query. If this marriage was not performed in 1739, and registered under that date, as well as under 1724 ? See note at page 80, on the practice of antedating. 99 2 April 1752. Christopher Browne, Esq. B. and Lydia Knight, S. 12 July 1721. Cheync Brownjohn, Gent. Harrow, and Eli/. Par- tridge, Ditto, B. and S. 10 April 1736. Walter Bruce, Gent. Chatham, and Ann Short, Ditto, B. and S. 3 April 1728. William Brummell, Gent. St. Bride's, and Sarah Clark, Ditto, S. 25 Mar. 1754. John Bruere, Gent. Holhorn, and Rosalinda Black- bourne, Soho, S. 21 July 1733. Wm. Buckle, Gent. Holborn, and Eliz. Collier, Hen- don, W. and W. 30 July 1753. Wm. Buchanan, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Margaret Sutherland, Ditto, B. and W. 13 Aug. 1736. John Buchanan, Gent. Woolwich, and Mary Hose, Ditto, W. and W. 12 May 1742. Jno. Burdett, Gt. St. Luke's, & My. Planner,B.& W. 10 Aug. 1735. Wm.Bullock, Gent.Coleman Street, and Eliz. Good- win, B. and S. 26 Aug. 1702. Fras. Burghill and Grace Corney, daughter of Leo- nard Williams, Esq. of Halton Halgate, Lin- coln, B. and W. — Nov. 1732. William Burbidge, Gent. Tumby, Lincolnshire, and Eliz. Burrows, S. 18 Sept. 1722. Richard Burridge, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Chry- silla Stevenson, St. Clement's, W. and W. 23 Aug. 1713. William Burgon, Gent, and Ann Johnson, Covent Garden, B. and S. 2 Sept. 1735. Richard Burgoyne, Gent. Cornwall, and Ursula Eades, W. and S. 1744. John Burch, Gent. St. George's, Southwark, and Ann Rowland, Ditto, B. and S. 22 Feb. 1744. William Burnee, Gent. St. Martin's, and Susannah Stanley, B. and S. 17 June 1730. Charles Burton, Gent. St. George's, and Ann Cooper, Ditto, B. and W. 6 Dec. 1742. Richard Butler, Surgeon, Eastry, Kent, and Anne Wood, Woodnesborough, B. and W. 7 April 1732. Thomas Butler, Attorney, St. Dunstan's, and Eliz. Eaton, B. and S. 20 Oct. 1 740. Dan. Byrne, Gt. St. James's, & Mary Woolley, W. & S. H 2 100 22 June 1733, Richard Calcott, Gent. St Giles's, and EHz, Sutton, B. and W. 12 Nov. 1716. Richard Doidge Callington, Esq. and Mary Mana- ton, South Hill, B. and S. 22 June 1747. Andrew Cameron, Gent. Furness, and Sarah Mc- Duggan, B. and W. 2 Aug. 1748. Charles Campbell, Gent. Suttonbenjar, Wilts, and Sarah Toms, B. and S. 18 Feb. 1750. John Carey, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Katha- rine Douglas, W. and S. 16 Feb. 1719. George Carey, Gent. Aldersgate, and Eliz. Reason, St. James's, B. and W. 16 Jan. 1746. William Carney, Gent. Hanover Square, and Jane Lincoln, Ditto, B. and S. 4 Nov. 1727, William Carrington, Gent. St. James's, and Honor Hillman, W. and S. 21 Mar. 1754. William Carrington, Gent. Teverton, Salop, and Francis Holt, B. and W. 8 Feb. 1719. Moses Cendell, Gent. St. Giles's, and Mary Daw- son, St. Ann's, W. and W. 12 June 1728. Henry Champante, Gent. Gray's Inn, and Juditha Maria Troughton, Holborn, B. and S, 13 Nov. 1735, William Chancellor, Gent. St. ?.jargaret*s West- minster, and Elizabeth Kennedy, W. and S. 6 Dec, 1720, Geo. Chapman, Gent. St, Margaret's, Westminster, and Ann Park, Ditto, B. and W. 8 Jan. 1721. Solomon Chelwood, Attorney, St. Andrew's, and Susannah Parker, Islington, B. and S. 24 Aug. 1738. John Chester, St. Paul's, Covent Garden, and Eli- zabeth Chester,' Ditto, B. and S. 25 Feb. 1744. John Chetwood, Gent. Wellington, Somerset, and Susannah Kettleby, W. and W. 16 Jan. 1733. John Church, Chemist, Lambeth, and Mary Faith- full, St. Clement Danes, W. and S. 9 Feb. 1708. Walter Cicil, Gent, and Lucy Greenlcaf, B. and S. 8 Oct, 1738. James Clayton, Gent, Chichester, and Ann Parker, Ditto, B. and S. ' Dorn 17 August 1719, one of the daughters and coheirs of Sir William Ches- ter, of Chicheley, co. Bucks, Part. 101 4 Mar. 1744. John Clayton, Estj. Must, Berks, and Sarah Brown- ing, St. Lawrence, Walthani, B. and S. 5 Sept. 1734, White Clayton, Gent. St. Clement Danes, and Hannah (jrissell. Ditto, B. and S. 27 Dec. 1747. Robert Coker, Gent. Cripplegate, and Ann Fowler, B. and S. 10 Sept. 1739. John Coleman, Gent. Holborn, and Mary Terry, Chigwell, B. and S. 11 Aug. 1736. Henry Collins, Chirurgeon, Chatham, and Mary Hollingsbery, Ditto, W. and W. 29 April 1742. George Coles, Gent. Kinlat, Salop, and Sarah Williams, Sedbury, B. and VV. 29 July 1720. Francis Colman, Esq. St. James's, and Sarah Gum- ley, Ditto, B. and S. 19 May 1740. Edward Compton, Gent. St. Luke's, Middlesex, and Mary Young, Ditto, W. and S. 30 July 1735. Barnard Compton, Gent. St. Bride's, and Margaret Morris, Ditto. 13 May 1718. Col. Thomas Condon, P' Reg'. Guards, and Eliza- beth Mellish, St, James's, B. and S. 19 Jan. 1737, John Conningham, Gent. St. James's, and Mary Crafts, Ditto, B. and S. 30 July 1743, John Conyer, Gent. St. James's, and Sarah Wood, St. Andrew's Holborn, B, and S. 23 Feb, 1749. Peirce Cook, Gent. St. James's, and Sarah Wood, Holborn, B. and S. 17 May 1735. William Cook, Gent, St. George's Hanover Square, and Ann Hook, B. and S. 12 Mar. 1754. Richard Cooper, Gent. Beaconsfield, and Eliz. Shank, B. and S. 23 Aug. 1732. John Cope, Gent, and Susannah Clarke, both of Clapham, W. and S. 10 June 1750. John Copley, Gent. St. Dunstan's East, and Hannah Simkins, B. and S. 20 Feb. 1721. Roger Copin, Gent. St. Andrew's, and Eliz. Linley, Ditto, B. and S. 14 Jan. 1734. Thomas Cornelius, Gent Rotherhithe, and Hester Green, B. and S. 4 Sept. 1734. James Corbet, Gent. St. Paul's Covent Garden, and Eliz. Weit, St. Ann's Westminster, W. and S. 102 23 April 1751. Archelaus Courtany, Gent. Chelsea, and Grace Annett, W. 28 Jan. 1 73-. Hercules Courteney, Esq. St. James's, and Margaret Drysdale, Ditto, S. 25 Aug. 1734. Tayler Courtman, Gent. St. Mary-le-Strand, and Hannah Powney, Ditto, B. and S. 4 Jan. 1738. Samuel Cox, Gent. St. George's Hanover Square, and Rosamond Friend, B. and S. 18 May 1720. Charles Crofton, Gent. Newport, Bucks, and Bar- bara Benn, Covent Garden. 25 Aug. 1735. William Crony, Gent. St. James's, and Mary Ran- dall, St. Botolph's Aldgate, W. and W. 16 Sept. 1730. William Crotty, Gent. St. James's, and MaryFitz- garet. Ditto, B. and S. 10 July 1733. George Crowder, Gent. Clerkenwell, and Eliz. Lis- ter, B. and S. 11 Aug. 1746. James Crumpton, Gent. Light Horse, and Mary Caruthers, Iver, B. and S. 9 Jan. 1738. John Cullen, Gt. St. Peter's Canterbury, and Ann Morgan, St. Andrew's Ditto, B. and S. 14 April 1736. Tempest CuUiford, Gent. Chelsea, and Eliz. Day, B. and S. 3l May 1733. Robert Cuningham, 2"^ Reg' Guards, and Sarah Montgomery, B. and S. 10 Feb. 1719. Alexander Cunison, Gent. St. Martin's, and Jane Quint, Ditto, B. and S. 1 1 June 1 737. William Cundell, Gent. St. Bride's, and Sarah Bathe, St. Martin's Fields, W. and S. 11 Feb. 1748. Alexander Currie, Gent. St. James's, and Eliz. Edwards, W. and S. 8 July 1736. Charles Dairy mplc, Apoth. St. George's Hanover Square, and Elizabeth Prince, Ditto, B. and S. 13 Feb. 1719. Jas.Daly,Gt. St. Clem.& Eliz. Readmell, Do.B.c^- S. 1 1 Jan. 1734. Charles Daniel, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Sarah Warner, B. and S. 27 Sept. 1743. George Daniel, Gt. Westm. & Sarah Jones, B. & S. 21 Aug. 1738. Nicholas Urbain Guillou Darmenonville, Gent. St. Ann's W^est. and Marsanne Conche, Do. B. & S. 26 Oct. 1743. Abraham Davis, Gent. Falmouth, and Grace Lewis, B. and S. 103 28 July 1753. George Davis, (Jlcnt. Chelsea, and Sarah Nash, St. James's, W. and W. 18 Feb. 1735. John Davis, Gt. St. James's, and Mary (ireen, Do. 9 Aug. 174:2. Francis Davison, Gent Lisbon, and Elizabeth Tich- borne, Uotherhithe, 13. and W. 16 April 1727. Andrew Davison, Gent. Kirk Newton, co. North- umberland, and Rachel Mason, St. Saviour's Southwark, B. and S. 1 Jan. 1721. Robt. Daven, Gent. Maidstone, and Grace How, Ditto, B. and S. 22 Jan. 1732. Sherrington Davenport, Esq. Davenport House, Salop, and Gratiana Rodd, Hereford, S. 9 Sept. 1749. Thomas Davidson, Gent. Ealing, and Sarah Fisher, Bloomsbury, B. and S. 17 April 1752. John Dawes, Esq. Tunbridge Wells, and Lydia Clarke, B. and S. 7 April 1752. Sam. Day, Surg. Whitech. & Esther Turner, Do. S. 29 Aug. 1733. Lewis Deane, Gt. Clerkenwell, & Mary Lee, B. & S. 10 Mar. 1729. Anthony Deane, Gent. St. Clement's, and Mary Hindrick, St. Sepulchre's, B. and S. 5 Feb. 1721. Wm. Dear, Gt. St. Margt's.& Esth. Jones, Do. B.& S. 12 Feb. 1730. Peter De Grout, Merchant, Bristow, Somerset, and Isa. Warde, of Porringdon, " in pr. diet." B. & W. 19 Mar. 1718. Robert Delafontaine, Gent. St. Giles's, and Mary Lacy, Ditto, B. and S. 7 Mar. 1740. Peter De St. Remye, Gent, St. Ann's Westminster, and Anna Hatfield, Ditto, B. and S. 26 July 1735. Martin De La Garde, Gent. Bloomsbury, and Betty Moore, St. Margaret's, B. and S. 29 Oct. 1744. Elias Phillip Delaporte, Gent. St. Andrew's, and Catherine Deveil, B. and S. 23 July 1743, John Baptist Delacormetiere, Gent. Walthamstow, and Jane Neftell, B. and W. 23 Aug. 1736. Dr. Franciscus Alius Delamar, St. Anne's West- minster, and Mary June, Ditto, B. and S. 4 Nov. 1742. John Christr. Vequetin Delutz, Gent. St. James's, and Rose Cath. Roquln, Ditto, B. and S. 18 April 1737. John James Delone, Surgeon, Canterbury, & Judith Frimoult, Ditto, B. and S. 14 April 1734. Thomas Denison, Apothecary, St. James's, and Katherine Street, Marylebone, B. and S. 104. 14 Jan. 1737. Benjamin Denby, Surgeon, Walton on Thames, and Elizabeth Fenn, Ditto, B. and S. 31 Aug. 1733. Emilius Depau, Surgeon, Woolwich, and Ann Rey- nolds, W. and S. 18 Sept. 1751. George Devenport, Esq. and Salle Knight, S. 3 July 1750. Jas. Devenport, Deptford, & Margt. Allison, B. & S. 30 July 1718. " Thomas Deverocks" Esq. and the Lady Elizabeth Johnes, B. and S. oc T TTo/- /'Andrew Dillon, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and 25 June 1736. i ' ' ) Ann Corbs, St. Giles's Fields, B. and W. rk i Andrew Dillon, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Do. Do. ( Hellen Carless, St. Giles's, B. and S. 21 Nov. 1747. Thomas Dison, Gent. Marylebone, and Mary Holmes, B. and S. 10 Dec. 1734. John Dodd, Gent. St. Dunstan, and Frances Bate- man, Holborn, W. and S. 8 Jan. 1721. Chas. Douglas, Esq. St. Martin's Fields, & Jacabee Moody, St. Margaret's, W. and S. 6 Jan. 1754. John Down, China Merchant, St. Paul's, Benet's Wharf, and Sarah W^oodley, S. 7 Oct. 1753. Chas. Drummond, Gent. Covent Garden, and Mary Cloyde, Ditto, B. and S. 16 Sept. 1717. John Duer, Esq. St. James's, and Elizabeth Eyre, St. Clement's, B. and S. 8 Mar. 1721. John Duffield, Gent. St. Giles's, and Mary Warbur- ton, Ditto, B. and W. 29 May 1716. Jn° DufF, Gent. St. Dunst. & Eliz. Hassard, B. & S. 20 Feb. 1734. Charles Duglis, Gent, and Elizabeth Hawley, St. Martin's Fields, B. and S. 30 Jan. 1730. John Dumergue, French Master, Holborn, and Maria Anna Avuray, St. Ann's, Westminster, B. & S. 4 Sept. 1734. William Dunn, Gent. AUiiallows Barking, and Eliza- beth Ashen, Mile-End, B. and W. 2 June 1721. Cornelius Dutry, Escj. Haflen, Holland, and Ger- trude Dutry, Amsterdam, B. and S. 26 Mar. 1736. James Eclilin, Cient. 3rd Troop of Horse Guards, and Ann Murphy, St. Martin's Fields, S. \ April 1719. Nathaniel Edglcy, Chirurgeon, Stepney, and Eliza- beth Watkins, Ditto, B. and S. 12 May 1732. Peter Edwards, Gt. St. Mart. \ Sarah Coope, B. & S. 105 1734. Edward Edwards, (ient. liermondsey, and Constant Wliite, Ditto, W. and J?. 4 July 1735. Alexander Elpliinston, Gent. St. James's, and Mary Waring, B. and S. 11 Aug. 1742. John Elrington, Gent. Holborn, and Mary Calla- ghan, Ditto, B. and S. 12 Feb. 1736. Edward Elliott, Clarke, St. James's, and Frances Carey, Ditto, B. and S. 26 Aug. 1742. Carey Elwes, Gent. Isleworth, and Esther Ewer, Richmond, B. and S. (£7. lis. 6d.) 19 Mar. 1754. Wm. English, Gent. St. Margaret's West, and Ann Saunders, St. George's Hanover Sq. B. and S. 18 June 1736. John Emmott, Gent. St. George's Hanover Square, and Sarah Clarke, W. and W. 30 Mar. 1729. James Esmead, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Elizabeth Smith, Ditto, B. and W. 13 Oct. 1735. John Evans, Gent. St. George's Hanover Square, and Mary Thompson, Ditto, W. and S. 11 May 1736. Robert Fabian, Gent. Westm. and Sarah Edwards. 15 Mar. 1 747. Rd. Fanshire, Gt. St. Giles's, &: Ann Poynton, B. & S. 14 July 1742. John Farran, Surgeon, St. Matthew's Friday Street, and Sarah Lupton, Ditto, B. and S. 11 Sept. 1743. James Farquharson, Gent. Marylebone, and Susan- nah Watts, St. James's, B. and W. 6 July 1736. Chamberlain Fawsett, Gent. High Wickham, and Sarah Day, B. and W. 13 Mar. 1743. Thomas Fazakerley, Gent, and Eliz. Marshall, S. 18 Nov. 1737. William Field, Gent. Windsor, and Mary Under- wood, Ditto, B. and S. 24 Sept. 1743. Edward Finch, Gent. Watford, and Sarah Clark, Ditto, B. and S. 24 May 1737. John Finch, Gent. Brampton, Hunts, and Anne Amey, Caxon, co. Cambridge, B. and S. 1 1 Aug. 1720. Charles Filmer, Gent. East Sutton, Kent, and Alicia Mills, Maidstone, B. and S. 28 April 1728. Naylor Fisher, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Elizabeth Collins, Ditto, B. and S. 21 Sept. 1722. John Fitzpatrick, Gent. & Eliz. Lovett, B. c^- S. 10 Aug. 1718. Maurice Fitzgerald, Gent. St. James's, and Mary Whitfield, St. Martin's, B. and S. 106 17 April 1749. Garret Fitzgerald, Gent. St. Andrew's, and Mary Stillingfleet, B. and W. 31 Jan. 1734. Edward Fleming, Gent. Line: Inn, and Elizabeth Bunbury, St. Dunstan's, B. and W. 30 Jan. 1740. Robert Fosbrooke, Gent. Westminster, and Savan- nah Perry, St. Giles's, B. and W. 3 May 1744. The Hon. H. Fox & Lady Caroline Lenox, B. cS: S.' 3 Sept. 1736. Nicholas Ambrose French, Gent. Covent Garden, and Mary Tonman, Ditto, B. and W. 7 Feb. 1730. Nathaniel French, Merchant, St. Clement Danes, & Margaret Street, Jun. St. Dunstan's, W. & S. 3 Nov. 1743. Alex. Gardener, M. A., Corpus Chris ti College, Ox. & Sarah Norman, St. Geo.'s Han. Sq. W. & S. 18 June 1735. Thos. Gardner, Gt. & Sus''. Drillingsworth, B. & S. 30 Dec. 1721. Wm. Gaa, Gent. Whitechapel, and Hannah Founds, Stepney. 21 Aug. 1730. Wm. Garth, Clerk, Savoy, and Eliz, King. 14 Mar. 1734. Arthur Gibson, Gent. Holborn, and Mary Baylis, B. and W. 30 Mar. 1718. John Gilbert, Esq. Abergavenny, and Susannah Gower, Ditto, W. and S. 19 April 1720. Malcolm Gillies, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Mary Jenks, Ditto, W. and S. 15 Oct. 1743. Archibald Gillon, Gent. St. James's, and Ruth Jackson, Ditto, B. and S. 22 Mar. 1754. Henry Gold, Gent. Ashford, Kent, and Mary Bark, W. and W. 1 Oct. 1745. Thomas Godfrey, Gent. Great Parndon, Essex, and Sarah Benton, Epping, B. and S. 5 June 1721. Robinson Glyn, Surgeon, Trinity Minories, and Marg*. TrewoUer, St. Law: Jewry, B. and S. 1 April 1741. Samuel Gordon, Surgeon, St, James's, and Eliza- beth Bradford, Ditto, S. 2 Mar. 1729. John Gordon, Esq. Westminster, and Barbara Raynes, Greenwich, B. and S." 14 July 1735. George Gordon, Chirurgeon, Galloway, N. B. and Betty Batchelor, Marylcbone 10 Jan. 1730. James Gordon, Gent. Islington, and Susannah Poyner, Ditto, B. and S. ' See p. 16. => See p. 80. 107 24 July 1722. Bcvill Granville, Gent. 8t. James's, and Mary Rose, Weedon, Bucks. 7 Mar. 1734. Edmund Grantham, Gent. Harrow-on-the-Hill, and Rebecca Annesley, Ditto, B. and S. 1 June 1751. Daniel Grant, Gent. Newington Butts, and Jane Grant, Ditto, B. and W. 14 Jan. 1742. William Gray, Gent. St. James's, and Mary Wat- son, B. and S. 22 Aug. 1735. Geo. Gray, Gent. Richmond, Surrey, and Susan- nah Morgan, Ditto, B. and W. 27 Nov. 1724. Marmaduke Gresham, Knight and Baronet, of Limpfield, and ' 5 Aug. 1721. Thomas Green, Gent. Lambeth, and Catherine Fo- rescue, Ditto, B. and S. 1740. The Hon. John Gray don and Kasandra Tahourdin. 10 Sept. 1717. Walter Griffith, Bachelor of Laws, and Euphany St. John, St. James's, B. and S. 12 Mar. 1746. Alexander Grimaldi,'^ Painter, and Esther Barton, W. and S. 1 July 1751. Samuel Grove, Gent. Norwich, and Mary Carpen- ter, Attelborough, B. and S. 5 Sept. 1717. Marmaduke Gwinne, Gent. Glamorganshire, and Elizabeth Jones, Breconshire, B. and S. 17 Feb. 1734. Richard Gyles, Gent. St Martin's Fields, and Ann Howitt, St. Margaret's, B. and S. 29 Feb. 1744. Abraham Hagneus, Gent. Ley den, Holland, and Anna Christiana Frederica Van Renesse, B. & S. 17 Sept. 1734. Francis Hall, Esq. Middle Temple, and Rebecca Strong, Allhallows the Great, B. and S. 16 Aug. 1729. William Halam, Gent. Highgate, and Mary Evans Ditto, B. and S. ' Sir Marmaduke Gresham, of Limpsfield and of Titsey, co. Surrey, Bart, died 2nd January 1741, at. 41. His wife was Anne, daughter of William Hoskyns, of Barrow Green near Godston. The title became extinct in 1801. ^ This marriage was for many years sought for in vain ; the author's examination of these Registers accidentally discovered it. Mr. Grimaldi was the grandfather of Stacey Grimaldi, Esq. F.S.A. author of the " Origines Genealogicae." He was an artist, and died in 1800, aged 86. See Pedigree in the College of Arms. Register 12 D. 14. 108 2 Jan. 174:2. Neliemiah Hammond, Gent. Wilsdon, and Phillis Hyde, W. and W. 9 Aug. 1742. Jolni Hampton, Gent, and Mary Tipping. 1 Nov. 1721. Richard Hanley, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Jane Arnold, Ditto, B. and W. 9 Feb. 1746. John Harmston, Gent. St. Clement Danes, and Mary Lisle, Ditto, B. and S. 6 Jan. 1742. James Hart, Winglesham, Surrey, and Ann Pusey, B, and S. 18 Sept. 1751. Jacob Hartman, Bart, and Eliz. Hollis, S. 14 Aug. 1734. George Harrison, Gent. St. Dunstan's West, and Susan Meggett, Christchurch, Surrey. 20 Dec. 1733. Thomas Harrison, Esq. Holborn, and Eliz. Turner, Ditto, B. and S. 17 May 1737. William Rice Harris, Gent. St. Sepulchre's, and Eliz. Martin, St. Martin Outwich, W. and S. 21 Apr. 1722. Richard Hargrave, Gent. St. Dunstan's West, and Anne Lamb, St. Bride's, B. and S. 19 Aug. 1714. Ben. Harpur, Gent, St. Johns Westminster, and Cath. Hale, B. and W. 22 Mar. 1752. Samuel Harness, Apothecary, Ludgate, and Eliz. Thorp, Ditto, B. and S. 2 Jan. 1727. William Hastings, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Eliz, Stevenson, Ditto, B. and S. 2 Feb. 1734. Hyde Hatch, Gent. St. Dunstan's West, and Ann Stock, B. and S. 30 Mar. 1742. William Hayward, Gent. Marylebone, and Penelope Hughes, B. and S. 10 Oct. 1747. John Hedges, Gent, from Wilts, and Doiothy But- ler, B. and S. 11 Feb. 172H. Anthony Henley,' Esq, St. Giles's, and Lady Eliz. Berkley, St, James's, B. and S. 22 Nov. 1745. Aaron Henshaw, St. Margaret's, and Eliz. Arnold, B. and S. 5 May 1724. John Hele, Esq. Middle Temple, and Philippa Jordan, Charlvvood, B. and S. 10 Mar. 1744. James Hering, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Mary Wilson, Ditto, S. He was of the Grange, co. Hants, and elder brollier of Robert Earl of Nortli- inglon, Lord High Chancellor of Great Jhituiu. She was daughter of .l;mies tiiinl iCail of ik'rkeley, and died 1745. 109 27 Sept. 1748. Robert Hills, Gent. Shoreham, Kent, and Hannah Sunnix, B. and S. 28 Mar. 1736. Charles Hoar, Gent. St. Ann's, Westminster, and Susannah Lane, Lothbury, B. and S. 17 June 1736. Price Ilolloway, Gent. St. Dunstan's West, and Rachael Periam, Ditto, B. and S. 1 Sept. 1718. John Holywell, Gent. St. James's, and Anne Uf- ford, Shoreditch, B. and S. 5 Jan. 1746. William Hollistar, Gent. Bloomsbury, and Love Golledge, B. and S. 7 April 1730. William Horton, Gent. St. Clement's, and Eliz. Wade, B. and S. 10 Mar. 1721. William Horton, Gent. Covent Garden, and Mary Chester, Ditto, B. and S. 3 Jan. 1741. Wheeler Holt, Gent. Cambrose, Pembrokeshire, and Frances Ward, St. James's, B. and S. 3 June 1738. Francis Hopkins, Gent. Stevenson, Berks, and Sarah Leaky, Woolwich, B, and W. 25 Mar. 1754. Philip Home, Gent, St. Margaret's and Anne Tur- ner, B. and S. 28 Dec. 1732. Collin Hossack, M.D. St. James's, and Abigail Abbett, St. Clement Danes, B. and S. 26 Aug. 1734. John Howard, Gent. St. Martin le Grand, and Anne Reason, Ditto, B. and S. 3 May 1751. John Howard, Gent. St. James's, and Eliz. Frevil, Ditto, W. 28 April 1 749. Benjamin Howes, Gent. Chalbury, Oxon, and Eliz. Gardiner, B. and W. 27 Nov. 1741. John Hewlett, Gent. St. James's, and Hannah Wal- ton, B. and S. 22 Nov. 1720. Captain John Hoyle, Gent. Holborn, and Eliz. Cun- ningham, Ditto, \V. and W. 9 Feb. 1737. William Hume, Gent. Holborn, and Sarah Davis, Ditto, W. and W. 24 Dec. 1753. John Humphrys, Gent. St. Clement Danes, and Eliz. Monson, B. and S. 23 May 1735. John Hunt, Gent. Eaton upon Wilmores, Salop, and Catherine Roberts, B. and S. 14 June 1742. Thomas Hunter, Attorney, Holborn, and Eliz. Stainsby, St. James's, B. and S. 110 8 June 1733. Sam. Huron, Gt. St. Pancras, S: Mary Soley, Do. S. 9 Nov. 1742. Sumner Hutton, Gent. Deptford, and Ann Mead, B. and S. 3 July 1721. John Ingoldsby, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Mary Porter, St. James's, B. and S 14 April 1736. James Inns, Gent. Andover, & Eliz. Kemm, B. & S. 17 Sept. 1729, John Ivye, Gent. Mitcheldever, Hants, and Mary Hitterley, Cripplegate, B. and W. 6 June 1719. " Joseph Jackson, Clergyman, &c." and Esther Curtis, B. and W. 5 Feb. 1722. Joshua Jackson, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Mary Cooper, Walbrook, W. and S. " a secret." 23 July 1735. Leonard Jackson, Gent. St. George Martyr, and Mary Green, B. and S. 12 May 1734. James Lewis James, St. Kanthavy Crairs, Cardi- gan, & Susannah Lloyd, Istrad, Ditto, B. & S. 15 Dec. 1744. Noah James, Esq. St. George's Hanover Square, and Eliz. Bearcroft, Ditto, VV. and S. 1 Jan. 1734. Brian Jamson, St. Margaret's, and Lucy Askew, St. James's. 8 Feb. 1720. John Frederic Jales, Gent, and Mary Reynalds, Bishopsgate, B. and S. 27 Mar. 1747. Richard Jenkinson, Attorney, St, Mary Alder- mary, and Eleanor Dean, Ditto, B. and S. 25 Feb. 1735. Edmund Johnson, Gent. St. John's Westminster, and Jane Rogers, Ditto, S. 20 May 1721. John Johnson, Gent. Hexham, and Martha Carter, Hesson, B. and W. 9 April 1752. Thomas Johnson, Gent. St. James's, and Mary Whetley, St. Clement's, B. and S. 20 Nov. 1715. Wm. Johnston,' Lord Marquess of Annandale, and Charlotta Vanlore Vanden Bempden, W. and S. 4 Sept. 1717. Charles Jones, Esq. Hatfield, and Anna Maria Gower, St. James's, B. and S. • Second Marquess of Annandale. This was his second wife. She was daugliter and sole heir of John Vanden Bempde', of Pall Mall, Escj. He died in Feb. 1721-2, and she re-married Lieut.-Col. John Johnson, who died at the siege of Carthagena in 1741. She survived till Noveinher 1762. Ill 18 Sept. 1737. John Jones, (ient. and Eliz. Fotliergill, both of Barking, Essex, H. and S. 17 May 1733. Thomas Jones, Gent. Holborn, and Elizabeth El- mer, B. and S. 2 Mar. 1734. James Jones, Student in the Temple, of Kolt, Denbighshire, and Ann Eeles, B. and S. 1 Oct. 1728. Walter Jordan, Gent. St. James's, and Ann Pitch- ford, St. Martin's, B. and S. 17 Feb. 173G. William Judge, Gent. St. Clement Danes, and Hannah Rose, Ditto, W. and W. 5 Nov. 1735. John Kelley, Esq. Inner Temple, and Mary Bou- cher, W. and W. 4 Sept. 1720. Edward Kelly, Gent. St. Clement's, and Mary Woodcock, Ditto, B. and W. 5 Oct. 1734, John Kelshaw, Gent. St. George's Hanover Square, and Ruth JJead, Hackney, B. and S. 23 Sept. 1720. James Kerford, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Eliz. Wentworth, Holborn, B. and S. — 1746. Abel Johnson Kettlebey,' Esq. St. Dunstan's West, & Margaretta Farquharson, St. Martin's, B. & S. 14 Nov. 1720. William Keen, Gent. Southwark, and Eliz. Rose, Ditto, B. and S. 19 Oct. 1709. Wm. Kinaston, Inner Temple, Barrister, and Doro- thy Taylour, Holborn, B. and S. 17 Mar. 1747. William King, Gent. Bishopgate, and Catherine Meads, B. and S. 21 June 1677. George King, Gent. St. George Martyr, and Ann Fenwick, B. and S. 24 June 1727. William Kingsley, Esq. Maidstone, and Jane Lit- tleton, North Uckington, Essex, B. and S. 13 June 1721. Nathaniel Kingsland, Gent. St. James's, and Eliz. Anderson, Ditto, W. and S. — 1713. James Kite, General Officer, and Margaret Shoot, Westminster. 8 Nov. 1 735, John Kyrwood, Esq. Hanover Square, and Constant Walpole, B. and W. ' Of Ludlow, Bitterly, and of Stepple Hall, co. Salop, Esq. He died in 1756. She was the only daughter of John Farquharson, Physician to the King of Den- mark, and died in 1775. The only issue of this marriage was Maria-Statira Eliza- beth Farquharson Johnston, who married Thomas Ilundell, of Bath, Surgeon. 112 27 Dec. 1 7.50. John Ladyman, Gent. St. .James's, and Margaret Atkinson, B. and S. 1 June 1736. Peter La Font, Gent. Soho, and Rlary Sandham, St. Paul's Covent Garden, B. and S. 6 July 1721. Thomas Lane, Gent. Bentley Hall, Staffordshire, and Anne Austin. 12 Aug. 1745. Thomas Langley, Esq. Upton, Bucks, and Mary Wright, W. and S. 16 May 1742. Francis Law ley, Surgeon, St. Martin's Fields, and Eliz. Crisp, Strand, W. and S. 17 July 1748. Samuel Featherstone Leigh, Gent. Packwood, Warwickshire, and Jane Vivian, St. Luke's, B. & W. 16 May 1733. Sir John Leigh, of Addington in Surrey, and Eliz. Vade, of Bromley in Kent, W. and S. — in Long Acre.' 14 Aug. 1736. Thomas Leigh, Gent. St. Clement Danes, and Ann Kennedy, B. and S. 4 Dec. 1744. Charlton Leighton, Gent. Overbury, Salop, (Colo- nells Regt.) and Anna Maria Mytton, Conover, B. and S. 23 April 1726. Edward Lee, Gent. St. Sepulchre's, and Hannah Devonport, Ditto, S. 18 Sept. 1737. William Lemmon, Gent. St. James's, and Anna Maria Garetta Brett, Ditto, B. and S. ' This marriage was one which strongly evinced llie lamentable consequences en- suing from the facility of Fleet marriages, which afforded to the artful and designing the means of effecting their objects. Sir John Leigh, by this marriage, was placed entirely under the influence of William Vade, the father of the bride, who obtained the control over his estates, and procured the execution of a will, which was sub- sequently disputed in Chancery, and eventually the question was carried to the House of Lords. From the Appeal Case (Jasper Jones and wife, appellants, John ]3ennett and Mary his wife and others, respondents,) of the respondent the following is extracted : " Respondent Vade now having it in his power to do as he pleased with Sir John, got him to London under pretence of a christening ; and having discharged Sir John's servants from attending, and having made him drunk, carried him away in a hackney coach to a lodging provided for tliat purpose ; and at midnight procured a Fleet parson to marry Sir John, then between fifty and sixty years of age, to his the said respondent Vade's own daughter, a girl about sixteen or seventeen years old, without any fortune, whom Sir John had scarce ever seen before." 113 28 Dec. 173]. Paul Letlicllicr, Haberdasher, Aldgate, and Sarali Wriglit, Ditto, S. 5 Jan. 1746. Thomas Lever, Gent. Bolton, Lancashire, and INIar- garet Lathon, W. and W. 12 Mar. 1721. Joseph Lewis, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Charlotte Hathaway, St. Martin's, B. and VV. 8 Aug. 1736. Thomas Lewis, Gent. St. Paul Covent Garden, and Margaret Johnson, Ditto, B. and S. 14 Oct. 1722. Jenkin Lewis, Attorney, Carter Lane, and Esther Edghill, St. Dunstan s, B. and S. 28 Jan. 1722. George Lewis, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and ftlar- garet Burningham, Ditto, B. and W. 29 Jan. 1735. Frederic Lightenson, Gent. Richmond, and Eliz. Salt, St. Paul, Covent Garden. 19 May 1717. William Littill, Gent. St. James's, and Winifred Vaughan, St. George's Hanover Square, B. & S. 8 July 1 720. Edward Lilly, Attorney, St. Matthew Friday Street, and Anne Ward, Ditto, B. and S. 17 Mar. 1751. Robert Linely, Gent. Bloomsbury, and Eliz. Por- teus, B. and S. 9 July 1738. Thomas Littleton, Gent St. Margaret's, and Fran- cisca Maria Aangier, Ditto, B. and S. 24 Oct. 1740. "Gwin Lloyd of Hendor, Merinothshire, Esq., and Elizabeth Taylor, of St. James's Westminster, B. and S.'" 11 April 1736. Charles Lodwich, Gent. Holborn, and Mary Phillips, Ditto, B. and S. 30 April 1728. James Loggan, Gent. St. James's, and Mary Gen- tile, Lambeth, B. and S. 16 Nov. 1740. George Long, Gent. Westham, Essex, and Mary Staymaker, Ditto, B. and W. 12 July 1734. Ferrick Lowther, Merchant, St. Margaret's, and Elizabeth Bennett, B. and S. 27 Aug. 1733. Francis Lowther, Gent. Poultry, and Katherine Haynes, Ditto, B. and S. 30 July 1718. Robert Lowthorp, Gent. Chelsea, and Jane Davis, Allhallows, B. and S. 12 Jan. 1744. Nicholas Low, Gent. Strand, and Grace Cramar, Hanover Square, B. and S. ' Chap. V. contains an account of the Trials to which this entry gave rise. I 114 2 Feb. 1754. Samuel Luke, Oent. Lincoln's Inn, and Mary Jones, Ditto, B. and S. 27 Aug. 1736. Stephen Lusliington, Gent. Sittingborne, Kent, and Mary Marsh, B. and S. 25 Jan. 1737. Edward Lutwidge, Gent. 4th Guards, and Mary Mellish, Bramley, Surrey, W. and S. 11 Nov. 1751. Benjamin Lynn, Gent. Richmond, Yorkshire, and Margaret FelqueroUes, Ashly, Suffolk, B. & W. 10 Jan. 1744. William Berkeley Lyon, Gent. St. George's Hanover Square, and Catherine Bridges,' Ditto, B. & S. 7 Aug. 1742. William Macbean, Gent. Marylebone, and Margaret Robinson, B. and S. 31 July 1742. Daniel Macbean, Gent, of the Guards, and Mary Lyon, B. and W. 19 July 1736. Jn°. Manninge, Gt. Oundle, & Sarah Franks, B. & S. 1740. Honourable Capt. Fras. Martin, and Mary Bruce. 5 Feb. 1743. John Martin, Apothecary, Maidstone, and Margaret Daylins, Ditto, B. and W. 11 Aug. 1742. Edmund Martin, Gent. Covent Garden, and Eliza- beth Fitzgerald, B. and S. 3 Mar. 1743. Robert Martin, Gent. Oxford, and Ann Berty, St. James's, B. and S. 31 May 1723. Rich. Martin, Gent. Dulwich, and Fras. Thomson, Ditto, B. and S. 29 Mar. 1752. James Martin, Surgeon, Hanover Square, and Ann Loon, St. Gregory's, S. 22 Aug. 1742. Gaston Martineau, Gent. St. George's Middlesex, and Mary lies, B. and W. 20 Aug. 1749. Samuel May, Gent; Shoreham, Kent, and Sarah Russell, B. and S. 27 Mar. 1733. Baptist May,Gt. St. Margt.'s & Ann Hawley, B. & S. 16 Aug. 1742. Joseph Mazelier, Gent. St. James's, and Anna Duportail, B. and S. 1 Jan. 1730. Matthew Mead, Gent. Aldgate, and Christian Ham- bleton, Ditto, W. and W. ' She was eldest daughter and co-heir of John Bridges, commonly called Mar- quis of Carnarvon, son of James Duke of Chandos, and she remarried Edwyn Francis Stanhope, Esq., Gent. Usher to the Queen, who died in 1807, and was father of Sii Henry Kdwyn Stanhope, created a Baronet in lfi07. 115 23 Oct. 1722. Whitney Mecane, Gent. St. James's, and Elenor Fergus, Ditto, B. and S. 4 July 1742. Daniel M'Kenzie, Gent. St. Giles's, and Jane Leg, Ditto, W. and W. 16 July 1735. William Mellish, Surgeon, Uxbridge, and Hannah Howard, Guilford, W. and S. 27 Feb. 1734. William Mellish, Gent. Lincoln's Inn, and Katherine Da Costa Villa Real, Budge Row.' 27 Mar. 1737. William Merrick, Gent. St. Martin's, and Catherine Capper, Ditto, S. 12 June 1722. William Meredith, Clergyman, and Maria Pickup^ St. James's, W. and S. 19 June 1742. Henry Meytheu, Gent. Covent Garden, and Sarah Goodshaw, Ditto, B. and S. 12 Oct. 1732. John Mills, Attorney, and Margaret Lawley, both of St. Dunstan's West, B. and W. 19 Oct. 1722. Geo. Miller, Gent. St. Giles's, and Bridget Cook, Ditto, B. and S. 27 May 1735. John Miles, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Isabella Fairley, Ditto, B. and S. 23 Mar. 1735. William Mitchell, Surgeon, Coleman-street, and Mary FVazier, St. James's, B. and S. 3 April 1735. Right Hon. Robt. Lord Montagu,' Grosv. Square, & Miss Hart. Dunch. St. Mart. Fields, B. & S. 20 April 1721. John Montgomery, Gent. St. Dunstan's, and Mary Cox, Low Layton, B. and S. 13 June 1738. Anthony Morgan, Gent. St. Clement's, and Lettice Evans, Ditto, B. and S. 23 July 1721. Robert More, Gent. Kingington, and Mary Damsell, St. Mary Magdalen, B. and S. 4 Oct. 1737. John Buridge Morton, Gent. St. Catherine's, and Sarah Johnson, Ditto, B. and S. ' " N.B. Married at Madam Mellish's own house in Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury." He was of Blyth, co. York, Receiver General of Customs, and died 1791. She, who died 1747, was daughter of Joseph Da Costa, and relict of Joseph Da Costa Villa Real, of College Hill, in the parish of St. Michael Royal, in the city of London, who died 1731, and by whom she was mother of Elizabeth, who in 1747 married William Monckton, Esq. after Viscount Galway. ' He was son of Charles first Duke of Manchester ; was himself third Duke of Manchester, and died 10th May 1762. I 2 116 1 1 Sept. 1742. Slaney Moieton, Gent. Birmingham, and Eliz. Bran- wood, B. and S. 4 Nov. 1742. George Morison, Esq. Inner Temple, and Christian Stewart, S. 20 A^ig. 1709, Charles Murrey, Capt. in Col. Hamilton's Regt. and Anna Maria Norah Calvert, St. Dunstan's West, B. and W. 2 Feb. 1729. John Murrey, Gent. St. George's Hanover Square, and Eliz. Burges, Elverton, Hants, S. 7 Dec. 1749. William Myers, Gent. Stapleford Abbott, and Ann Goodin, B. and W. 30 Aug. 1746. David Nash, Gent. Horse Guards, and Sarah Wil- lett, St. James's, B. and S. 1 Jan. 1725. Hugh Naish, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Mary Williams, Ditto, B. and S. 14 Aug. 1721. Joseph Neame, Attorney, Bow, and Eliz. Spratt, Sandwich, B. and S. 8 Mar. 1736. Gregory Nicholls, Gent. St. Fancras, and Eliz. Green, Ditto, B. and S. 5 May 1718. ^Egidius Nosemans, Esq. Bishopsgate, and Maria Van Duijve, B. and S. 2 Sept. 1735. James O'Bryan, Gent. Bloomsbury, and Ann Staples, B and S, 21 Nov. 1727. Adam Ogilvy, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Elinor Collins, St. James's, B. and S. 18 Aug. 1735. John George Ogilvie,i Lord Banff, St. James's, and Mary Ogilvie, B. and S. 2 Jan. 1721. Patrick O'Hara, Gent. St. Ann's, and Eliz. Mer- rett. Ditto, B. and W. 21 Dec. William Okeden, Esq. St. James's, and Mary Ver- non, Ditto, B. and S. 14 Sept. 1737. Nl. O'Neal, Gt. St. Giles's, & Mary Marshall, B.&W. 4 Nov. 1730. Wm. Orquhart,'- 3rd Regiment, and Grissel Ous- worth, B. and W. ' He was fifth Lord Banff, and unfortunately drowned 29th July 1738. She was daughter of Captain James Ogilvy and remarried Rev. Kemp. ' Query, Ur(]uhart. 117 26 May 172-J. Thomas Palnier,i Knt. and Bart. M.P. for Roches- ter, and EHz. Markham, Cov. Gar. W. and S. 15 Feb. 1686. Christr. Parr, St. James's, & Ann Watts, W. & S. 15 Mar. 1730. Hyde Parker, Gent. St. Paul Covent Garden, and Ehz. Beaver, Ditto, B. and S. 13 Dec. 1737. Charles Parsons, Gent. South Harting, Sussex, and Mary Edes, B. and S. 29 Feb. 1736. Thos. Pasmore, Gt. Holb. & Isabella , W. & W. 1 Dec. 1716. Daniel Paul, Capt. Horse Guards, and Eliz. Murray, B. and S. 1 April 1734. Henry Payne, Chirurgeon, Mitcham, and Rebecca Bowles, Whitechapel, W. and W. 17 Feb. 1739. Wm. Peache, Gent, Shipton, Gloucester, and Mary Baldwin, Ditto, B. and S. 22 Jan. 1734. Thomas Peacock, Gent. Feltbone, Essex, and Mary Smith, B. and W. 26 April 1735. James Peden, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Eliz. Geddings, Ditto, B. and S. 3 Mar. 1720. William Peirs, Esq. M.P. for Wells, and Mary Ives, St. Martin's Fields, W. and S. 26 Dec. 1741. Peter Pelle, Gent. St. George's Hanover Square, and Jemima Zinnnerman, B. and S. 17 June 1736. George Pennaliggen, Gent. Holborn, and Rebecca Houghton, B. and W. 20 May 1721. Thomas Perry, Gent. St Giles's, and Osbaston So- phia Newman, St. Clement's, B. and S. 19 Jan. 1737. Thomas Pett, Gent. Wye, Kent, and Mary Finmore, North Hincksey, Berks, B. and S. 26 Jan. 1739. Craven Peyton, Gent. Nutfield, Surrey, and Eliza- beth Farncombe, S. 26 Feb. 1723. Henry Peyton, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Amey Westbury, Ditto, B. and S. 7 Oct. 1753. Thomas Phillips, Gent. Holb. and Catherine Litton, St. Paul's, Covent Garden, B. and S. 25 Sept. 1718. William Phipps,^ Esq. Holborn, and Lady Catherine Annisley, Stoke Pogis, Bucks, B. and S. ' Of Wingham, co. Kent, died 1723, S.P. M. She was his third wife. ^ He died 1st February 1730. He was father of Constantine first Baron iMul- grave. Lady Catherine Annesly was daughter and heir of James fourth Earl of Anglesea, by Lady Catherine Darnley, natural daughter of King James IL 118 20 Jan. 1730. John Pigott, St. Martin Orgars, and Constantia Mar^ Burgoyne, St. Martin's Fields, S. 25 Nov. 1736. Rd. Pinnock, Gent. Windsor, and Ann Hardwick, St. Margaret's, B. and S. 19 Nov. 1733. Abm. Plumb, Gent. St. Dunstan's West, and Lucy Cooper, B. and S. 24 April 1720. Michael Plunkett, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Alice Holmes, Ditto, B. and S. 9 Jan. 1736. John Ponsalby, Gent. Holborn, and Hester Powle, St. James's, B. and W. 5 Jan. 1746. John Porter, Gent. Hackney, and Mary Tubb, Ditto, B, and S. 14 July 1748. Rd. Pottinger, Esq. Chertsey, and Ann Weaver, Odiam. 21 Aug. 1734. Francis Poultney, Gent. St. Paul's Covent Garden, and Jane Griffiths, St. Martin's Fields, B. & S. 18 June 1735. Samuel Henry Poul, Gent, and Mary Bolt, B. & S. 5 Nov. 1750. Russell Caleb Powell, Gent. Holborn, and Sarah Mortimer, B. and S. 28 Nov. 1729. John Powell, Gent. St. Ann's Westminster, and Mary Lloyd, Ditto, B. and S. 4 Dec. 1735. Josiah Poynton, Gent. St. Giles's, and Eliz. lies, Cripplegate, B. and W. 14 Aug. 1733. John Pratt, Gent, and Mary Bitter, both of St. Bo- tolph Aldgate, W. and W. 20 Oct. 1727. John Pretty, Gent. Crondall, co. Southampton, and Sarah Smither, Ditto, B. and S. 30 Sept. 1738. Thomas Prendergast, Bart, and Ann Williams, Hol- born, B. and S. 18 Sept. 1735. John Price, Gent. St. Asaph, Wales, and Eliz. Smart, B. and S. 14 July 1718. Wm. Price, Esq. Aldg. & Francis Conolly, B. & S. 27 Mar. 1736. Rd. Prior, Gent. Ripley, and Mary Smith, Hammer- smith, B. and W. 4 Nov. 1722. William Proby, Gent. St. James's, and Annabella Cantrell, Ditto, B. and S. 26 Oct. 1724. George Purdon, Esq. St. Clement Danes, and Mary Pardon, St. Giles's, S. 20 April 1748. Rowland Sherman Quarrington, Gent. Emsted, GIouc. and Julian Parker, St. James's, B. & S. 119 14 Oct. 1731. JoJin Rands, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Mary Green, Ditto, B. and S. 31 Mar. 1752. Tliomas Ravenscroft, Gent. Devenham, Cheshire, and Margaret Broady, Rosthrew, W. and S. 11 Sept. 1748. Edward Read, Clerk of Alfrick, Worcestershire, and Mary Parsons, W. and W. 8 Jan. 1729. William Reed, St. Edmund's New Sarum, and of 3rd Guards, B. and Dorothy Harbert, Mile End Old Town. 12 Nov. 1694. Thos. Redfernie, Gent. & Margt. Williams, B. & S. 7 June 1751. Thomas Redshaw, Gent. Knarcsborough, Yorkshire, and Martha Gould, St. Margaret's, W. and S. 28 Mar. 1733. Price Rice, Chemist, St. Clement Danes, and Jane Nelson, B. and S. 1 Sept. 1734. John Rigg, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, B. and Thom- lisson Waters, St. Paul's Covent Garden. 31 Jan. 1730. John Rimirs, Gent. St. Clement's Dane, and Ann Barrett, Ditto, B. and S. 1734. Robert Roach, Gent. St. Clement's Dane, and Su- sannah Dean, B. and S. 18 April 1743. George Roberts, Gent. Nottinghamshire, and Mary Worth, B. and W. 11 Sept. 1717. Christr. Rodd, Esq. Sutton, Herts, and Catherine Powell, Cripplegate, B. and W. 2 July 1718. Thomas Roffe, Gent. Speldhurst, Kent, and Anne Becket, Baster, Surrey, B. and S. 7 July' 1742. Edward Rogers, Gent. & Mary Dunsler, B. & S. 8 May 1731. Thomas Rolte, Gent. St. Giles's, and Ann Calvert, Holborn, B. and S.' 29 Oct. 1722. Langham Rokeby, Gent. Holborn, and Catherine Morgan, Ditto, B. and S. 6 Aug. 1744. John Rose, Esq. Kingston, Surrey, and Sarah Curtis, Maltsey, B. and S. 12 Mar. 1721. Thomas Rosendale, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Elizabeth Piccarsgill, Ditto, B. and W. 10 Mar. 1729. Rd. Roundell, Gent. Kerby-malzeed co. York, and Jane Jones, Burton upon Trent. 27 Nov. 1736. William Russell, Gent. St. Martin's, and Elizabeth Dormore, W. and W. > Vide p. 86. 120 6 Jan. 1734. Rd. Russell, Gent. Guilibrd, & Cath. Gates, B. S: W. 15 June 1733. AUin Rutledge, Merchant, St. Ebbs, Oxon, and Jane Middleton, B. and S. 6 June 1747. Samuel Ryder, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Ann Edwards, B. and S. 30 July 1734. Calvert Ryder, Clerk, Lincoln's Inn, and Martha Wharton. 18 Sept. 1737. William Sacheverell, Esq. and Ann Robinson, both of St. John's Westminster, B. and S. 4 Aug. 1725. " George Sacdancore,' Viscount Slygo, Middle Temple, and Robyna Rebecca Clara Cararoe, St. James's." 25 May 1725. Thomas Salt, Stafford Town, Burgess, and EHzabeth Parry, B. and S. Nov. 1732. William Saltmash, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Han- nah Honour, Ditto, W. and S. 5 Sept. 1742. William Sandys, Gent. Holb. & Ann Long, W. & S. 1 Nov. 1733. Phillip Scudamore, Weaver, & Mary Fulion, Stepney. 28 June 1723. James Scott, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Elizabeth Waldegrave, St. Julian's, Norwich. 12 Mar. 1720. William Shaw, Esq. Cheshunt, and EHz. Blandy, of Inglewood, Parish of Kinsbury, Berks, B. & S. 31 July 1733. James Sheils, Gent. Marylebone, and Jane Lemon, B. and S. 6 Oct. 1721. Daniel Shelley, Gent. St. James's, and Eliz. Davis, Ditto, B. and W. 3 June 1736. William Shepherd, Gent. St. George's Hanover Sq. and Ann Tomson, Ditto, W. and S. 20 Nov. 1745. Rd. Shillitoe, Gent. Holborn, and Frances Benson, St. James's, B. and S. 24 Aug. 1726. Thomas Shute, Gent, and Martha Lovelock. 19 Aug. 1736. Henry Sidney, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Ann Bel- li ngham. Ditto, B. and W. 21 Aug. 1702. Lawrence Sidney, St. James's, and Mary Marbow, Lombard-street. 2 Oct. 1736. Rd. Silvester, Gent. Greenhithe, Swanscombe, Kent, and Anna Maria Pawlet, St. Martin's in the Fields, B. and W. ' Query, Scudamore. 121 17 Jail. 1744. Ralph Simpson, Gent. St. James's, and Sarah Ko- berts, B. and W. 22 Sept. 1753. Redmond Simpson, Gent, of St. Ann's Westminster, and EHzabeth Dubourg, Ditto, B. and S. 26 Jan. 1737. William Simpson, Gent. 1st Guards, and Sarah Howard, Holborn, W. and W. 29 Feb. 1736. Denham Skeat, Gent. Whitechapel, and Katherine Poole, Holborn, B. and S. 19 Aug. 1744. Arthur Skiffington, Gent. St. George's Hanover Sq. and Frances Wilson, Ditto, B. and S. 10 July 1752, George Skipton, Gent. Woolwich, and Jude Davidge, Ditto, B. and S. 30 May 1731. George Slinger, Apothecary, North AUerton, York, & Isabella Hawkins, St. Martin's Fds. W. & S. 26 July 1746. Robert Sloane, Gent, of the " Horse of Legonier's Regiment," and Hannah Mason, B. and S. 13 Nov. 1727. William Sloper, Esq. St. James's, and Katherine Hunter, Downing-street, B. and S. 7 Mar. 1 744. Leonard Smelt, Gent. Kirby, York, and Jane Camp- bell, B. and S. 11 Jan. 1731. Robert Smith, Gent. Egham, and Eliz. Clemson, Ditto, B. and S. 31 Oct. 1740, William Smith, Gent. Mary-le-bow, and Jane Smith, of Knowle, Warwickshire, B. and S. 18 April 1721. William Soley, Gent. Savoy, and Ann Taylor, St. Clement's, B. and S. 7 May 1720. Alexander Speedyman, Gent. St. Ann's, Westmin- ster, and Sarah Roche, Ditto, B. and W. 11 Sept. 1735. Stratford Spenser, Gent. St. Martin's, B. and Mar- garet Alexander, Ditto. 21 Jan. 1737. Thomas Stackhouse, Gent. St. James's, and Cathe- rine Spelman, Ditto, B. and S. 14 Jan. 1737. Francis John Stanley, " an Indian Gent." St. Bride's, & Ellianor Evans, Gracechurch-street, B. & S. 15 Dec, 1678. Rd. Stanley, St. George's Hanover Square, and Priscilla Bryant, Ditto, B. and S. 14 Feb. 1729, Abraham St. Clear, Gent. St. Gregory's, and Sarah Sunderland, Ditto, W.and S. 17 Oct 1718. Thomas Stevens, Gent. Long Ditton, and Jane Russell, Thames Ditton, B. and S. 122 21 April 1721. James Stewart, Gent. St. Bride's, and Margaret Cantrell, Ditto, B. and W. 25 July 1738. Abell Stibbs, Gent. Inner Temple, and Sarah Waller, St. George Queen Square, W. and S. 28 Nov. 1718. James St. John, Esq. St. James's, and Anna Magda- lena Rockwell, Ditto, W. and S. 21 Dec. 1718. Andrew St. John, Esq. Worcester, and Elizabeth Maxsdon, Ditto, W. and W. 13 July 1717. William St. John, Gent. Wilts, and Mary Atkinson, Gloucester, B. and S. 15 Nov. 1717. Christr. St. John, Esq. Gloucestershire, and Anne Stephens, St. James's, B. and S. 19 May 1742. James Stonehouse, Gent. Coventry, and Ann Neale, B. and S. 2 Dec. 1739. George Stoole, Gent, of the Life Guards, and Mary Gill, of St. James's, S. 30 Nov. 1738. Benjamin Storey, Gent. Horse Guards, and Frances Verycuk, Marylebone, B. and W. 21 Sept. 1733. Hugh Street, Gent, and Hannah Polland, both of Clerkenwell, W. and S. 28 June 1719. Andrew Sturt, " Lawyer," St. Giles's, and Elizabeth Cummings, Ditto, B. and S. 12 Jan. 1740. Rd. Styles, Esq. Hampstead, and Mary Tury, Ditto, B. and W. 30 Mar. 1747. John Sutton, Gent. St. James's, and Jane Gierke, B. and S. 11 June 1724. Thomas Talmash, Gent. St. Martin's, and Catherine Neiurn, of same. G Aug. 1736. Thomas Tayler, Gent. St. James's, and Mary Fur- rier, DittOj B. and S. 23 Sept. 1731. John Taylor, St. Andrew's Undershaft, and Mary Green, Ditto, 13. and S. 19 Sept. 1729. John Taylor, "Doctor and Surgeon," Southwark, and Hester Waters, St. Giles's, W. 7 April 1736. William Tassel, Gent. Holborn, and Susannah De- velley, W. and W. 28 May 1730. William Tew, Gent. St. Botolph's Bishopsgate, and Catherine Skeere, Ditto, B. and S. 6 Dec. 1720. Edward Thayer, Gent. Lothbury, and Martha Wignally, Ditto, B. and S. 123 3 Jan. 1744. William Thomas, Gent. St. Lawrence, and Eliza- beth Corbit, B. and S. 12 June 1735. Thomas Thompson, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Susannah Pedley, St. Martin's, B. and S. 9 June 1718. Dr. Benjamin Thornhill, and Elizabeth Collyer of St. Pulchre's. 16 Sept. 1734. George Thornley, Gent. Aldgate, and Lucy Gal- lard, St. Giles's, B. and S. 21 Feb. 1721. Rd. Tilden, Gent. St. Dunstan's East, and Alice Thorp, St. Sepulchre's, B. and S. 7 Dec. 1718. Michael Tipton, Gent. Westminster, and Jane Whitehead, Ditto, B. and S. 24 July 1720. Jemison Toft, Gent. St. Margaret's, and Thamar Young, St. Ann's Westminster, B. and W. 27 Jan. 167G. James Tooth, Wharfinger and Lighterman, St. Margaret's, & Martha Gamon, Ditto, B. & S. 5 April 1716. George Toriano, Gent. Westminster, and Dorothy Tatnall, B. and S. 1 Sept. 1746. Henry Tounge, Gent, of the Horse, and Dorothy Oaks, B. and S. 24 July 1751. George Townsend, Gent. Rochester, and Sarah Bright, Ditto, B. and S. 10 Aug. 1721. George Henry Torneman, Gent. St. James's, and Elizabeth Dorothea Husteden, Ditto, B. & W. 12 Jan. 1743. Thomas Treffry, Gent. Fowey, Cornwall, and Anna Marshall, W. and W. 23 Jan. 1733. Charles Trewit, Gent, and Christian Moody, both of St. Giles in the Fields, B. and W. 7 June 1735. John William Tripp, Esq. Cornhill, and Catherine Grey, Ditto, B. and S. 7 Jan. 1721. Henry Rodgers Trubshaw, Gent. St. Dunstan, and Esther Webb, Holborn, B. and S. 8 Sept. 1734. Edward Turner, Surgeon, Southwark, and Elizabeth Haynes, Ditto, B. and S. 4 Aug, 1734. James Twinton, Gent. & Martha Warren, B. & S. 30 Dec. 1733. John Twisleton,' of St. James's, and Ann Gardner, B. and S. ' John Twisleton, of Broughton, co. Oxon, ob. 1763, married Ann, daughter of William Gardner, of Little Bourton, co. Oxon, and died 1769. Their son Thomas became Baron Say and Sele in 1781, as heir general of Sir Richard Fenys, and this marriage became subject of discussion in the House of Lords, see Chap. V. 124 6 Aug. 1751. Lyonel Vane, Gent. St. George's Hanover Square, and Jane Ashbury, W. and S. 22 Aug. 1733. Charles Vandam, Gent St. James's, and Marhat Ludgate, B. and S. 26 Sept. 1736. Dirk Vanbackell, Gent. St. James's, and Rebecca Waller, St. Clement's Dane, B. and S. 28 Nov. 1737. John Jacob Vanzuker, Gent, and Margaret Leva Grotriaus, B. and W. 29 July 1736. William Vaughan, Gent. Camberwell, and Bethia Butler, Ditto, B. and S. 19 Jan. 1722. John Vaughan, Gent. Holborn, and Dorothy Bunt- ing, St. Clement's, B. and S. 11 April 1744. Antos. Pizolato des Venetys, Gent. New York, and Susannah Micklesfield, Aldgate, B. and S. 16 Dec. 1739. John Vernon, Gent. St. Clement's Dane, and Mary Hodgson, St. Dunstan's West, B. and S. 8 May 1718. John Vernon, Esq. St. James's, and Anne Lysson, of Hodsdon, B. and S. 26 July 1736. John Violet, Gent. Enfield, and Jane Wright, Ditto, B. and S. 30 June 1738. William Vivian, Gent. Camberwell, and Jane Ward, Ditto, B. and W. ]0 May 1742. Robert Wadeson, Gent. Barnard's Inn, and Eva Weyman, Holborn, B. and S. 25 Oct. 1748. John Wall, Gent. Epping, & Mary West, W. & W. 13 June 1753. Thomas Walmsley, Gent. St. Helen's Bishopsgate, and Rachel Lane, Dowgate Hill, W. and W. 18 Nov 1729. Robert Waller, Esq. Ensign and Adjutant 1st Guards, Covent Garden, and Elizabeth Dodd, Plaistow, B. and S. 26 Aug. 1720. Rd, Waller, Gent. Thistleworth, and Eliz. Holland, Ditto, B. and S. 17 June 1727. Edward W^arr, Barber Surgeon, St. Margaret's, and Ann Bell, Ditto, W. 3 Jan. 1749. Edward Warner, Gent. Crundal, Hants, and Mary Mitchell, B. and W. (£10 10.) 19 Oct. 1718. Thomas Wate, Gent. Avington, and Rachel Brock, Berks, B. and W. 27 Oct. 1734. Edmund Watson, Attorney, Nevvington Butts, and Thomazin Austen, St Giles's. 1S5 18 Nov. 1718. Jonatlian Watson, Esq. St. James's, and Susanna Holland, St. Martin's Fields, W. and S. 3 Dec. 1721. Lewis Way, Esq. Inner Temple, and Sophia Page, Christcluirch Parish, B. and S. 31 Oct. 1722. James Weirsdale, Gent. St. Giles's, and Anne Wickham, Ditto, B. and S. 11 Mar. 1718. William Wells, Gent. St. Giles's, and Mary Woods, St. Ann's, B. and S. 7 June 1719. John Welch, Gent. St. James's, and Catherine Shepherd, Ditto, B. and W. 6 June 1737. Temple West, St. Martin's Fields, and Frances Balchen, St. Luke's, S. 26 Jan. 1744. Thomas Wharton, Gent. St. Andrew's, and Chris- tian Harvey, W. and S. 20 Jan. 1741. John Wheeler, Surgeon, Bridport, and Leonora Bingham, Sargeant's Inn, Fleet-street, B. & S. 9 Dec. 1734. Decimus Wheel, Gent. Stepney, and Patience Grove, Whitechapel, B. and S. 14 Nov. 1743. John Whitby, Counsellor, and Ann Northey, St. Ann's Soho. 31 Mar. 1735. Anthony Whiting, Farmer, Addington, Kent, and Eliz. Luck, Banstead, Kent, B. and S. 22 Dec. 1748. Richard Whitingham, Gent. St. George's Grosvenor Square, and Mary Bludrick, W. and W. 14 Mar. 1734. Edmund White, Gent. Limehouse, and Mary Monk, Ditto, W. and S. 28 April 1730. William White, Gent. Horsham, and Bathia Waller, Ditto, S. (" private.") 24 April 1733. Henry Whitfield, Gent, and Lydia Marshall, B. and S. 23 June 1737. James Whittaker, Gent. St. Ann's Westminster, and Margaret Cranmer, Ditto, B. and W. 30 Dec. 1741. Sherley Wild, Gent. St. Matthew's, and Elizabeth Sheley, B. and S. 5 Aug. 1751. Jonathan Wilde, Gent. Islington, and Sarah Young, Ditto, B. and S. 23 Dec. 1687. Robert Wildman, Gent. Newington, and Margaret Kirk. 10 June 1746. Edward Willett, Gent. Whittingham, Sussex, and Mary Camfield, Speldhurst, Kent, B. and S. 126 13 July 1717. Marmaduke Williams, Esq. London, and Penelope Mansfield, Putney, B. and S. 30 June 1730. William Williams, Esq. and Mary Sedgwick, St. Dunstan's West, B. and S. 3 Aug. 1720. William Wilmer, Esq. Sywell, Northamptonshire, and the Right Honourable the Lady Mary Benet,' St. Martin's Fields, B. and S. 12 Mar. 1754. John Wilson, Gent. St. James's, & Amy Brown, S. 16 Mar. 1734. Edmund Winbush, Gent. St. Martin's, and Harbur Jane Manship, Hampstead, B. and S. 19 Feb. 1733. Thomas Winn, Gent. St. James's, and Eliz. Batter- wright, B. and S. 7 April 1727. James Winton, Gt. Chelsea, & Mary Burt, Do. S. 10 Aug. 1716. Stephen Woodhouse, Gent. St. James's, and Anna Maria Glover, Ditto, B. and S. 20 Feb. 1677. John Woodard, St. Margaret's, and Eleanor Chand- ler, Ditto, W. and W. * 17 April 1739. John Woolfe, Gent. St. Bride's, and Mary Camp- bell, St. Martin's Fields, B. and W. 25 Dec. 1736. John Woolastone, Gent. Greenwich, and Elizabeth Jones, B. and S. 28 Sept. 1751. Edward Woolstoncroft, Esq. St. Botolph's, and Mary Bird, Ditto, W. and S. 23 Dec. 1735. Robert Wright,* Esq. Doctors' Commons, and Alice Roberts, B. and W. 11 June 1737. Thomas Wright, Doctors' Commons, Gent, and Alice Wright, Ditto, B. and W. 15 Sept. 1751. William Wyatt, Esq. Pool, and Anne Maria Day, S. 27 Oct. 1746. William Wynne, Gent. St. George's Hanover Sq. and Isabella Walpood, Ditto, B. and S. 8 July 1739. Florence Young, St. Giles's, and Charity Jackson, B. and S. ' She was daughter of Charles Bennet first Earl of Tankerville, and died 1729. * Died 1737, and by his will, dated April 1736, he declares he was married by " the Rev. Walter Wyatt, of Turnagain, London." 127 CHAPTER V. THE FLEET REGISTERS NOT EVIDENCE. During the period in which marriages were solemnized in the Fleet and its purlieus, there occurred frequent Indict- ments for Bigamy ; the temptations of expedition, and the arts employed to entrap the unwary, inducing the commission of that crime to a great degree. In nearly the whole of these indictments, the proof of mar- riage was not only by production of the Fleet books, but by collateral evidence. If in the absence of a register credible evidence was adduced of a marriage at the Fleet, such evi- dence was accepted, and the circumstance of its being a Fleet marriage was no objection. The objections, as will presently be seen, were to the disreputable witnesses who were continually offered to prove the marriage, and from the notorious practice which existed of making false entries in the Registers. At a later period, however, exception was taken to the Registers themselves, as not being (even if cor- rectly and honestly kept) any moi*e than private memoranda by a person without authority. This seems to be a warrant- able exception, since these Registers were kept at a time when a mere acknowledgment and declaration, before wit- nesses, were sufficient to constitute a marriage, without the intervention of a religious ceremony ; and these books were clearly not to be taken on the same footing as a parish regis- ter, containing an entry of marriage made in facie Ecclesia, and recorded by an authorized clergyman, as an act of reli- gious ceremony and not of civil contract. In one or two instances the books were altogether refused, even as collateral evidence. In the case of Mary Lutwich, indicted in 1740 for bigamy, the following is reported to have taken place. " Mr. Crosier. — I keep tlie Hoop and Bunch of Grapes, Holborn 128 Bridge ; we have had many a score of marriages at our house in a year. (Produces the book.) Here is the Book, the Minister put it down." — The Court would not allow the book to be read, it being a Fleet Register. In 1732 a cause was decided in Doctors'' Commons, where the Court decreed a party to have died a bachelor, although the parson who married the party swore to the fact, and the book containing the entry was produced.^ It is recorded that on the trial at York, in 1780, of the cause of Twisleton v. Cockshutt, Mr. Justice Willes received a Fleet Register as evidence : It appears, however, by the recitals in Col. Twisleton's case (claiming the Barony of Say and Sele in 1781) respecting that trial at York, that evidence by many other witnesses, as to repute and acknowledgment, was also given and received. In the cause of Lawrence v. Dixon, tried on the 7th July 1792, the plaintiffs, amongst other evidence, produced (by a witness, who said he had purchased them,) the Fleet Books, where the marriage of Daniel Hall and Elizabeth Lawrence was entered to have been celebrated on the 7th May 1737. Lord Kenyon said he received this evidence with great doubt : there was a tradition in Westminster Hall, that when the books were produced before Lord Hard- ' This cause was between Mrs. Mary Storer, wife of Mr. .luJe Storer, and sister of Mr. James Luff, a brewer at Westminster, deceased, and Mrs. Hannah Green, calling herself Luff, pretending to be the wife of the deceased, and that they were married in the Fleet. " Their marriage appeared upon the Register, pretended to be kept in that place ; the clergyman by whom it was pretended they had been married, swore that he had actually married them, and a woman swore that she was present at the marriage ; but the Register books appearing to be very irregu- larly kept, and the witnesses disagreeing in some circumstances of their evidence, the Court did not think proper to give any credit to the proofs of the marriage, and therefore pronounced the deceased to have died a bachelor, and decreed Letters of Administration to the deceased's sister, he having died intestate. Which decree, it is to be hoped, will put a stop to that scandalous custom of people's going to the Fleet to be married. It is indeed seldom practised by persons of any character, unless it be when one of the parties has a settled purpose of betraying tlie other into a villainous snare, and therefore such marriages ought never to be supported by law but upon the most clear and convincing proofs." — Political Slate of Great Britain for 1732. 1-29 wicke, he woukl not receive them in evidence, but cut tlieiu to pieces in Court. After so great an autliority had declared against them, his Lordshij) said he could not receive them without some hesitation, but that he was inclined to think that in a PEDIGREE CASE thetj ivere adtnissible, though by no means such evidence as ought to be favourably received. — Peake's N. P. Cases, 185. In 1794 the cause of Roe on dem. of Passingham v. Lloyd and others, was tried at Shrewsbury, before Mr. Justice Heath. On which occasion Benjamin Panton, the proprietor of the Fleet Registers, proved his having been in the habit of attending Courts of Justice with these books, and that he never knew them refused. Mr. Justice Heath received the Fleet Registers in evidence of the marriage of Gwyn Lloyd and Elizabeth Taylor, but he was in some measure led to do so by the circumstance of the Pancras Register containing the baptism of Elizabeth Taylor's daughter as " the daugh- ter of Gwyn and Elizabeth Lloyd," and also containing the burial of the mother by the name of Elizabeth Lloyd ; it has been since proved that those two entries tvere forged. Upon the two subsequent trials of this question in 1826 and 1827, this forgery of the Pancras Register was clearly proved,^ and the Fleet Register thereby lost its chief sup- port, but had it been otherwise, the entry would not have been received in evidence. A very few days after the admission of the Fleet books by Mr. Justice Heath at Shrewsbury, in 1794, the cause of Doe ex dem. Orrell v. Madox was tried at Maidstone, before Lord Chief Justice Kenyon. In this case a Register of Fleet marriages was udmilted in evidence, but under the following protest. Lord Kenyon said he had admitted it, because other Judges had done so, but he desired that his having done so, should not be understood as thereby sanctioning ' It is said that a man named Hendry forged this book. He was pursued in 1806, but escaped to America. Revett the officer found he had embarked from Bristol a fortnight before his arrival. Hendry's wife told the plaintiff's attorney that the book was burnt. K 130 their admission, nor should his authority be cited for the purpose in future, as he was of opinion that they were liable to many objections, that their authority was very doubtful, and therefore as a species of evidence of a suspicious and exceptionable nature, he thought they ought not to be allowed. '^ In December in the same year the cause of Reed v. Passer and others was tried in the Court of King's Bench, when Lord Kenyon said, " that in a case on the Home Circuit last sum- mer, he had admitted such Registers as evidence; that though he had not then made up his mind concerning their admissi- bility, he then thought them a species of evidence of a very doubtful and dangerous nature ; and had, in summing up, observed to that effect to the Jury. That in a late case at the last Shrewsbury assizes, they had been admitted by Mr- Justice Heath ; but notwithstanding his respect for that learned Judge''s opinion, he thought himself bound to dissent, and to give it as his settled opinion that they were a species of evidence which ought never to be admitted. In a case be- fore Lord Hardwicke, where a book such as the present was offered in evidence, he tore the book, and said such evidence should never be admitted in a Court of Justice. That Lord Chief Justice De Grey had been of the same opinion. With respect to the entries in the books themselves, (continued Lord Kenyon,) they could be taken in no other point of view than as private memoranda, which were not evidence; that these entries were of less authority even than the private memoranda of third persons, inasmuch as they were made not only by third persons, but by persons who knew while they were doing them that they were illegal, and for which they were liable to punishment by the canons of the church." His Lordship therefore totalli/ rejected them, as a species of evidence completely inadmissible. — {Peake's Nisi Prius Cases, 23L) The Times of Dec. 3rd 1794-, contains the following- additional observations of his Lordship on this Case: — " It • Tuesday, 12 Aug. 1794. (Esp. Nisi Prius Cases.) 131 lias been observed this evidence has been received in the House of Lords ;' I bow with ojreat respect to the evidence received by that House wlien they sit as a court of dernier resort. But now and then, upon other occasions, that great and august assembly may receive rather suspicious evidence. I wish the Fleet Registers were all ordered to be committed ' In the printed Case of Col. Thos. Twisleton claiming tlie Barony of Say and Sele, in 1781, which is the case here alluded to, it was stated that John Twisleton, the claimant's father, was married to Ann Gardner, the claimant's mother, in 1733, at the Fleet prison, where marriages were at that time frequently celebrated. In that case a certificate of the marriage, in the hand-writing and signed by the then officiat- ing Minister of the Fleet, was offered in evidence ; but it does not appear whether it was admitted or not. The marriage was however allowed to be good. — (Cruise on Dignities, 273.) From an examination of the Minutes of the Committee of Privileges, it appears that the certificate of this marriage by Walter Wyatt, minister of the Fleet, was tendered ; but there is not any statement to show that it was admitted ; and it is clear that the Committee went into the examination of witnesses to prove the de- claration of the parties, their cohabitation and reception in society as man and wife, the education of the children of the marriage, and their reputed legitimacy. It would therefore seem that the marriage was established by evidence of reputation, public declaration, the avowal of the parties themselves, and other corroborating circumstances. In volume I. of the miscellaneous collection of Pedigrees by Francis Townsend, Esq. Windsor Herald, in the library of the College of Arms, p. 36, are to be found the notes made by him at the hearing before the Committee of Privileges on the 21st of June 1781 , whereby it appears that it was upon the evidence of witnesses, Susan Delafield, the Earl of Guilford, and the Rev, Mr. Marsy, and certain corroborating circumstances that the marriage was established. The Lord Chancellor (Thurlow) in summing up recapitulated the proofs, and said " though the certificate of the Fleet marriage and the acknowledgment of that marriage in the will of Mr. Twisleton might possibly be forgeries, and indeed of themselves could not he admitted as suffi- cient evidence of the fact, yet the corroborating circumstances were so strong as not to leave a doubt on his Lordship's mind, with respect to its having really taken place," and therefore he moved — That the Committee should report to the House, that the claimant Col. Thomas Twisleton had made out his claim to the Barony of Say and Sele, which was agreed to and ordered accordingly. In addition to this note of Mr. Townsend's, the editor, moreover, has been favour- ed with the sight of a printed copy of the case of Col. Twisleton, on his claim in 1781, amongst some collections of the late Sir Isaac Heard, Garter, who as well as Mr. Townsend was professionally engaged in the case, and present at the hearing before the Committee, on the back of which case he has made short notes of the evidence produced, where amongst others the following occurs : — " Wyatt Min' of Fleet, certificate of marriage cannot be admitted in any Court of Justice." k2 132 to the flames.' Questions of this sort are of the hist importance. By the 2Gth Geo. II. the evidence of tlie fact of marriage is more easily obtained than it was before, when people wandered up and down the country marrying wher- ever they pleased. From that circumstance the evidence of marriage often became very obscure, and if evidence arising from cohabitation and reputation had not been received, hard would have been the condition of many respectable people. By the Marriage Act, it is not essential to the legality of a marriage that it should be registered, though the act makes it penal in any clergyman to neglect it, and I hope it is very seldom omitted, as it adds to the solemnity of that important contract ; cohabitation and reputation, however, are still evi- dence of marriage." The cause of Cooke and another v. Lloyd was tried at the Salop Summer assizes in 1803, before Mr. Justice Le Blanc. The Fleet books were offered to prove the marriage of John Phillips and Mary Guess, on the 28th May 1747, and on Justice Le Blanc saying they were no evidence whatever, the defendant called a witness, who said that there being a ques- tion in the year 1761 as to this marriage, he examined these books, then in the possession of a man who said he was clerk to Mr. Dare, and that the entry then stood in the books, in From the notes here referred to, made by Mr. Townsend and Sir Isaac Heard, it would seem clear tliat the Fleet Register was not received ; but that tlie fact of marriage was inferred from the strong corroborating circumstances, supported by diflerent witnesses, and the general reputation in society that ]\Ir. and Mrs. Twisle- ton were man and wife. The proof of a marriage by means of a register not being indispensably necessary, as Mr. Cruise, at p. 273 of his work already referred to, observes : — " It has always been held that direct and positive proof of the fact of marriage is not necessary in cases of pedigree, but that the acknowledgment of the parties, their reception by ttieir families as married persons, their cohabitation, public repu- tation, and various other circumstances are admissible, as evidence of marriage." ' It would have been a very unjustifiable and lamentable act to liave destroyed the evidence (such as it is) of one or two hundred thousand marriages, together with a great number of baptisms, which are dispersed throughout the Fleet Regis- ters ; and the lawyer and antiquary cannot but commend the government which at length purchased and deposited them in safe custody. 133 tlic same state as it was now. Justice Le Blanc, — " This evidence carries the case IK) further; the witness had no know- ledge of the fact but such as he derived from the books, which were no more evidence then than they are noiv. The entry is nothing more than a private memorandum, made by some- body who had no authority to make it, and who might put down anything he pleased whether true or false." — Peake's Evidence, Appendix 80. In the cause of Lloyd and Passingham, in 1809, (16 Ves. 59) Lord Chancellor Kldon said, " I give no opinion that the Fleet Register is evidence, as a Register. But I am not prepared to say it may not be received as evidence of a fact, and I can suppose a case in which such evidence might be received. Upon a question of pedigree, would not that en- try be admitted, not as a Register, but as a declaration, under the hand of a party ; or upon an indictment for biga- my, the first marriage alleged to have been in the Fleet, and evidence produced that uniformly an entry of marriage was made, would not the production or non-existence of such entry be evidence to the other fact .?" In 1826 the cause of Lloyd and Passingham was tried at Shrewsbury, before Mr. Justice Burrough and a special Jury. Mr. Taunton, in opening this case to the Jury, said, " There are curious anecdotes in all professions, and it is a curious circumstance that upon the occasion of the verdict in 1794, many weeks had not elapsed before a directly contrary decision from that which Mr. Justice Heath had made in this cause at Shrewsbury, took place. I believe it was al- most in the same week, the one cause was tried upon the Monday, and the other, I am told, was tried upon the Thurs- day in the same week, and the same Counsel were present ; but it so happened that my Lord Kenyon, on the Home cir- cuit, on the very Thursday afterwards, in a cause in which the then Mr. Erskine and the then Mr. Garrovv were Counsel again on opposite sides before his Lordship, and on which occasion the same evidence of one of these supposed Fleet Registers was oft'ered — my Lord Kenyon instantly rejected 134 it." The Attorney General, (after noticing the admission of the books by Mr. Justice Heath,) observed " that they were received by another high and enlightened individual, rarely equalled in point of legal knowledge, never at any period surpassed. I mean by the celebrated Lord Hardwicke,' Lord Chief Justice, and afterwards Chancellor of this country. They were about the same period over and over again re- ceived upon the different circuits in this country." Mr. Justice Biirroiigh told the Jury, that although it appeared the Fleet books were received in evidence on the former trial, he was of opinion, that they must not consider those books as evidence for their consideration now, for that in his judg- ment they were not admissible in evidence. The cause of Lloyd v. Evans was tried at Shrewsbury in 1827, before Mr. Baron Vaughan. Mr. Serjeant Russell, — " I believe at this moment there is no decision of the Court in Banc upon the subject ; but there are Nisi Prius deci- sions, in which learned Judges have refused to receive them, though I am still at a loss to understand the ground why they are to be refused altogether. I can understand why they should be refused to be received as a Register, with all the authenticity of a Parish Register. I am and ought to be entitled to give it in evidence as corroborative writing, to support the fact I am about to establish by other evidence.'' Mr. Baron Vaughan, — " It is now clearly established, I take it, that these Registers are not evidence to authenticate any such marriage ; it is known they have been the vehicles of fraud and abuse ; they were never made with the same degree of care that the other documents were, but they were made by persons who assumed authority to second these transactions, and being made a very ill use of, and getting into very bad odour, the Judges of the land seem to have come unanimously of late to the conclusion that they are not even receivable in evidence, to say nothing of the question whether they should be submitted to a Jury for their consi- ' This is very improbable, for it was Lord Hardwicke who brouglil in ihe Mar- riage Act, and it was for some lime called by his name ; and it was Lord Hardwicke who even tore to pieces a Fleet Register, which was ofl'ercd in evidence. 135 deration to determine upon their validity or not. It was said the Marriage Act was introduced by Lord Hardwicke and the aristocracy of the time, to prevent young men upon a short acquaintance getting suddenly married ; and I recol- lect one of Mr. Fox's great efforts on the Marriage Act was in the part he took upon the debate, opposing the restrictions which by that Bill were imposed ; he said, taedae quoque jure coissent, Sed vetuere patres, quod non potuere vetare : Ex aequo captis ardebant mentibus ambo : lines likely to be quoted upon that occasion ; it was a matter of great controversy, but the Bill passed." From the current of opinions here expressed by Lord Chief Justice De Grey, by Lord Chief Justice Kenyon, Mr. Justice Le Blanc, Mr. Justice Burrough, and Mr. Baron Vaughan, it seems now to be clearly established that the books usually denominated the Fleet Registers are not receivable in evidence as registers^ and that when tendered they will be rejected. The Cases wherein these Registers were admitted by Mr. Justice Willes in 1780, and by Mr. Justice Heath in 1794, cannot, in the face of subsequent and uniformly adverse deci- sions, be urged in their support; in the former case, moreover, in addition to the Register, evidence of repute and acknow- ledgment was given and received. Their rejection seems founded upon sound principles of law and reason, since it is manifest that the Legislature had no control over the Fleet parsons, who made the entries when and as they pleased: sometimes inserting marriages which were solemnized under false dates, and sometimes recording entries of marriages which they never solemnized at all. Still, however, the Fleet Registers do not appear deprived of ever^ degree of authority, since Lord Kenyon was inclin- ed to think that in a Pedigree Case^ they were admissible; ' This inclination of opinion iu favour of a Pedigree Case appears rather at variance with the prior decisions. The use to be made of these Registers is for proof of the fact of Marriage, a proof which might be requisite either in the case of a party claiming property of the father as his legitimate son, or in the case of a parly claiming it in a remote degree througii a long pedigree, and il is difficult to con- ceive how these Registers could be used, except for the proof of marriage. 136 and Lord Eldon was of opinion that in a Pedigree Case, or in an indictment for bigamy, they might be received, not as Registers, but as Declarations. If to this be added their utility, to the genealogist, in a point of view not strictly legal, they will yet remain records, (extending over a period of nearly a century,) of considerable use and importance. A general index to these Registers would be of infinite use, and the government would render a public service by devoting a sum of money, adequate to the purpose of remu- nerating some individual, who would be competent to under- take the task. The subject is not unworthy the attention of the Commissioners for Public Records. 137 CHAPTER VI. MARRIAGES AT THE KING's BENCH PRISON — MINT — SAVOY, AND MAY FAIR. The same causes which induced people to marry clan- destinely at the Fleet prison, no doubt operated witii those who married at the King's Bench prison, althou<>;h from the latter prison being situated in the suburbs of London, but comparatively few marriages were performed there. In the neighbourhood of the King''s Bench was a part of the Borough called " The Mint," a place of refuge for thieves and malefactors of the worst description ; which, with Wliite Friars,^ (Sir Walter Scott's Alsatia,) the Savoy, and other places about London, claimed certain privileges, and held out the advantages of a Sanctuary to all debtors, thieves, and malefactors.- At this place marriages were performed, and ' By the 8 and 9th William III. Cap. 26, the pretended privileges of White Friars, the Savoy, Salisbury Court, Ram Alley, Mitre Court, Fuller's Rents, Baldwin's Gardens, Montague Close, the Minories, Mint, Clink, or Deadman's Place, were taken away. ^ " On Tuesday seven-night last, one Isaac Briand, an Irishman, was fined £2000 by the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen, for marrying Elizabeth Watson Aston, an orphan, of about 13 years of age, without the leave of the Court, and was committed to the Gaol of Newgate, there to remain until he shall have paid the said fine. It appeared the said orphan was decoyed from Westminster, where she lodged, to a house near the Fighting Cocks, in the Mint, in Southwark, and there married to the said Briand by one Parson Smith ; and the Court of Aldermen have thereupon ordered Warrants to be obtained for apprehending the said parson and others concerned, in order to their being prosecuted for the same. The Certi- ficate of this marriage given by Parson Smith being very singular, an exact copy of it follows for the entertainment of the public, viz.: — Feb. 26, 1715. These are, therefore, whom it may concern, that Isaac Briand and Watson Anne Astone were joined together in the Holy Stale of Matrimony, (Nemine Contra- dicenle,) the day and year above written, according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of Great Britain. Witness my hand. Jos. Smith, Cler." 138 amongst the Fleet Registers are three Registers of King's Bench and Mint marriages. The first is a small quarto, (containing also some Fleet marriages,) and at page 48 these marriages commence, headed " Mint Marriages, Anno ITIS."" It ends at page 242, with the 11th Jan. 1726. The second Register is a short folio commencing 20 May 1725, and ending 9 Oct. 1726. It contains the entries of mai'riages by John Floyd, " at the King's Bench and Liber- ties."" They are worded at some length, and signed by the clergyman and one, two, or three witnesses ; thus, — " Oct. 14th, 1725, John RadclifF, of the Parish of Thames Dit- ton, and Jane Puflet, of the Parish of Yowill, both of, and in the, County of Surrey, were married at the King's Bench, London. Witnesses Jno Floyd, Cler. JoHx Darby, Over against the Goat and James Rootsey. Crown, five doors within Mint Gate, near St. George's Church." "March 24th, 1725, Thomas Panks, of the Parish of Hodsden, and Mary Munk of the Parish of Tirring, in Sussex, married. This was a Certificate granted without a marriage." " On the 2 day of August 1726, on the oath of Catherine Cane Senor, I gave a Certificate of her daughter's, Alee Cane, marriage. One of Thomas Bennett's Certificate. Certificate dated on the 22 day of June 1723. " Sign'd J. E. MiNS." There are about 360 marriages in this book, and at the end are some old Law entries of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The third King's Bench Register is a short thick folio, containing marriages at the Fleet also. At page 3 it is in- tituled " INIarriages in Southwark," commencing with 20tli Nov. 1736. At page 6 begin " Fleet Marriages." There is another Register which is considered to be a King's Bench or Mint Register, as the parties married arc chiefly from Kent and Surrey. It is intituled, 139 " A Register of Christenings and Marriages, commencing March 13, 1732-3, by the Rev. Mich. Barrett." It ends Aug. 14th 1751, and has about 500 marriages. The following are a few of the marriages at the Mint : — 1725 Sept. 27. Wm. Bayley, Hawkhurst, and Ann Compion, Croydon. 1724 Mar. 12. Christ" Burningham, of Rely, and Mary Anderson, of Salsbury. 1724 May 4. Ab" Clegg, Rochester, and Mary Taylor, Ditto. 1718 Oct. 6. Edward Cook, Coodham, and Ann Phillips, S. Ditto. 1726 Jan. 11. Jn" Douglas, Sutton, Surrey, and Fra* Moore, 1722 July 14. Martin Joseph Manvell Kelly and Joannah Bing. 1719 Jan. 7. Joseph Lancaster, Sundridge, and Eliz. Stinham, Do. 1718 Nov. 9. Robt. Long, Gent. St. Bride's, and Anna Maria Rugly, Ditto. 1720 Aug. 17. John Mandavill and Mary Martin. 1724 Mar. 22. R'' Pierce, Tunbridge, and Sarah Cooper, Ditto. 1720 Jan. 17. Wm. Reynolds and Hannah Burleigh. 1720 April 13. Thos. Samirell and Mary Twisden. 1723 Mar. 27. Tho' Wolfe and Isabella Lamb. THE SAVOY. Although the Savoy was one of those places with pretend- ed privileges, there does not appear to have been any clan- destine marriages there until after the passing of the Mar- riage Act ; the number of marriages for a few years before and after that period being as follows : — 1752 . . 15 —3 19 —4 342 —5 1190), 63) -6 —7 13 —8 17 On the passing of the Marriage Act, the Rev. John Wil- ' On the trial of Mr. Wilkinson, his Cleik deposed that of these 900 came out of the country enceinte. 140 kinson^ began to exercise his supposed rights as Minister of the Savoy, considering himself authorised to grant licences as a privilege annexed to the Savoy, as being extra parochial, and because Dr. Killegrew and other of his predecessors had granted them. The Savoy, therefore, soon became known as a place for easy matrimony, and his marriages brought him " a profusion of cash, and instead of thinking of a rainy day, all was rat tat tat at the street door, and a variety of company. Easter-day was crowded from 8 till 12. So many pairs were for the indissoluble knot being tied, that he might have made a fortune had he been blessed with patience and prudence, and been contented with publishing the banns of marriage only. Many persons came out of curiosity to hear such a long list of Spinsters announced. "- Mr. Wilkinson had hints from Government of the conse- (pience likely to ensue from these practices; at length pro- ceedings were taken against him, and he was accustomed to make his escape over the leads at the Savoy, through the kitchen of the prison, (which was tlien there,) to a private door into the chapel, to evade those who were set to watch him. One Sunday morning an alarm was given, that the officers were in the church ; a general panic ensued in his family ; he sent word that he was taken suddenly ill, and could not read prayers, and made his way down the garden to a gate that opened on the Thames, reached Somerset Stairs, where he took a boat and got into Kent. Having arrived there, he engaged Mr. Grierson to perform the marriages as his curate ; but the licences he granted himself, thinking that jNIr. Grier- son could not suffer for what he, in his authority as Minister of the Savoy, was to be responsible for. ' The Register describes him as " His Majesty's Chaplain of the Savoy, Chap- lain to his late Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wales, Rector of Easlwell, Kent, and Curate of Wye ;" in 1732 he is described as Rector of C'oyley, in the County of Glamorgan, and Stipendiary Curate of Wye. He was educated at St. Kees, in Cumberland, and finished his studies at Oxford. He came to the Savoy in 1725, and was married there on the 26tli April 1731, to Grace, daughter of Alder- man Tale, of Carlisle. - W ilkinson's JMeraoirs. 141 Veiy shortly after this, Mr. Vcrnoii, of Driiry Lane Theatre, was married by Mr. (iriersoii, to Miss Porticr. Garrick insisted on seeing the certificate, which Mr. Vernon obtained from Mr. Grierson, and gave to Garrick, who handed it over to Mr. Carrington, the King's Messenger. Mr. Grierson was thereupon taken up and tried for having married the parties ; was convicted, and transported for fourteen years. ^ In his defence he said he was not aware of the illegality of the marrying at the Savoy, as he had married his own son there. After the connnittal of Mr. Grierson, Mr. Wilkinson en- oao-ed the Rev. Mr. Brooks as his curate, and continued to derive great profits from his marriages. Considering him- self certain of an acquittal, he determined to surrender him- self and take his trial, which he accordingly did on the 11th July 1756 : he was tried on the l6th ; convicted, and sen- tenced to fourteen years' transportation. The vessel which was to take him to America sailed early in March 1757; but by stress of weather was driven to Plymouth, where Mr. Wilkinson died from an attack of the gout. His widow died in 1763. He left an only child, Tate Wilkinson, the cele- brated Comedian. MAY FAIR. May Fair stands next to the Fleet in notoriety, and per- haps pre-eminently, so far as regards the number of fashion- able clandestine marriages. ' " It is said he had married 1400 couple in the same manner and place, whose marriages by this verdict are null and void, and the issue of them illegitimate." (Gent's Mag.) He had a large family, whicli accompanied him on his transporta- tion ; but it is believed he died on his passage. In the announcement of his con- viction he is called " a nonjuring Clergyman," and in the Daily Advertiser of Dec. 24, 1755, is an advertisement of his, dated from Newgate, where he defends his conduct and principles, and concludes with an appeal to the public for their bene- ficence towards the support of his wife, children, and grand-cliild. He had been tried in 1748, " for marrying Jonathan Brooks to Miss INIary Redding, Spinster, in an empty house, against her will." One or two Acts have been passed for legalizing marriages solemnized in churches and chapels where banns had not been " theretofore usually published." — See Burn's History of Parish Registers, 1829, 8v(). p. 33. Su'er, Cheapside. 142 The chapel was built about 1730, in consequence of the increase of new Squares and Streets in that neighbourhood, and the person chosen to officiate there was the Renowned and Rev. Alexander Keith, who began to marry ad libitum, and to advertize in the papers the advantages of a wedding at May Fair, where Lord Orford describes him to have con- structed a very Bishopric of revenue. These practices gave offence to Dr. Trebeck, then Rector of St. George's, Hanover Square, who commenced a suit at Doctors' Commons against Mr. Keith, to which he appeared personally, and defended himself at considerable length ;^ not, however, with success, for on the 27th Oct. 1742, he was decreed excommunicated,'^ and on the 24th of January following a significavit was de- creed for his apprehension. In April 1743 he was committed to the Fleet ;3 but the weddings nevertheless continued* at May Fair,^ where he fitted up a house as a chapel, as will appear by the following advertisement : — " To prevent mistakes, the little new chapel in May Fair, near Hyde Park corner, is in the corner house opposite to the City side ' In his allegations he stated that he had been ordained priest by the Bishop of Norwich, by Letters Dimissory from the Bisliop of London, about the 13th of June 1731. That he was appointed one of the preachers by an Instrument under the hands and seals of the major part of the proprietors of the chapel. That at the time of his nomination he was Reader at the Rolls' Chapel. * Keith hereupon retaliated, and had the impudence to excommunicate at his chapel Bishop Gibson, Dr. Andrews, Judge of the Court, and Dr. Trebeck. ^ The Daily Post says, " to Newgate, for contempt of the Holy and Mother Church." '' Horace Walpole in a letter to Mr. afterwards Sir Horace Mann, dated Ar- lington Street, Feb. 27, 1752, says, " The event which has made most noise since my last is the extempore wedding of the youngest of tiie two Gunnings," and then describes an assembly at Lord Chesterfield's, where the Duke of Hamilton made love to Miss Gunning, and then proceeds, " However, two nights afterwards being left alone with her whilst her mother and sister were at Bedford House, he found himself so impatient that he sent for a parson. The Doctor refused to perforin the ceremony without licence and ring. The Duke swore he would send for the Arch- bishop ; at last they were married with a ring of the bed-curtain, at half an hour past twelve at night, at May Fair chapel." — Vol. iii. p. 51. •'■ " We hear that a Bill will be presented to Parliament for the suppression of the chapel in May Fair." — General Atlverlifer, Jan, 1750. 143 of the great cliapel, and within ten yards of it, and the Minister and Clerk Hve in the same corner house, where the httle chapel is, and the License on a Crown Stamp, Minister and Clerk's fees, together with the Certificate, amount to one guinea as heretofore at any hour till four in the afternoon. And that it may be the better known, there is a porch at the door like a country church porch." — Daily Post, July 20, 1744. Various reports were circulated after his imprisonment; one was, that he had a Little Chapel in the Fleet, where in one year he married thousands, while the Rector of St. Anns, a large and populous parish, married but fifty within the same pei'iod ;^ and in the case of Morris v. Miller, (Easter Term 1767,) it was stated that Keith who had married the parties was transported, and the clerk dead. No marriages of Keith's have been met with in the Fleet, nor has it been found that he was ever transported, but he died in the Fleet Prison on the 13th December 1758.2 He appears to have employed as his curates at his Little Chapel in May Fair, the Rev. Peter Symson, and Francis Denevau, who were also Fleet Clergymen, and of whom ' Gentleman's Magazine. ' Four of liis sons were buried at Norwood in Middlesex. His wife died in 1749, while he was in the Fleet, upon which he had her corpse embalmed and kept it unburied many months, which seems to have been done to excite public curiosity and inquiry, for one of his advertisements in the Daily Advertiser of 23d January 1750, is as follows : — " We are informed that I\Irs. Keith's corpse was removed from her Husband's House in May Fair the middle of October last to an Apothecary's in South Audley St. where she lies in a room hung with mourning, and is to continue there till Mr. Keith can attend the Funeral. The way to Mr. Keith's Chapel is through Picca- dilly by the end of St. James's Street and down Clarges Street, and turn on the left hand. The marriages (together with a licence on a five shilling stamp and certifi- cate) are carried on for a guinea as usual, any time till four in the afternoon, by another regular clergyman at Mr. Keith's little Chapel in Rlay Fair near Hyde Park Corner, opposite the great Chapel and within ten yards of it ; there is a porch at the door like a country church porch." In 1748, another of his sons dying, he had the corpse carried on a bier by two men from the Fleet to Covent Garden church yard. In their progress they made several halts, and crowds of people assembled to read the inscription which referred to the father's persecution. — Craftsman, Angnst 6th 1748. 144 particulars have been already given, also the Rev. John Grierson, and Mr. Walker.^ Keith appears to have been in prison fifteen years. In 1753 he publislied a pamphlet intituled " Observations on the Act for preventing Clandestine Marriages," pp. 32 ; to whicli is prefixed an engraving of him as " The Rev. Mr. Keith, D.D." A few of his remarks, as connected with the subject of these pages, are as follow : — " Happy is the wooing that is not long a-doing ; is an old proverb and a very true one, but we shall have no occasion for it after the 25th day of March next, when we are commanded to read it back- wards and from that period (fatal indeed to Old England !) we must date the declension of the numbers of the inhabit- ants of England." " As I have married many thousands, and consequently have on those occasions seen the humour of the lower class of people, I have often asked the married pair how long they had been acquainted ; they would reply, some more, some less, but the generality did not exceed the acquaintance of a week, some only of a day, half a day, Sic." " Another inconveniency which will arise from this Act will be, that the ex pence of being married will be so great, that few of the lower class of people can afford ; for I have often heard a Flete-parson say, that many have come to be mar- ried when they have had but half-a-crown in their pockets, and sixpence to buy a pot of beer, and for which they have pawned some of their cloaths." " I remember once on a time, I was at a public house at RadclifF, which then was full of sailors and their girls, there there was fiddling, piping, jigging, and eating ; at length, one of the tars starts up, and says ' D — m ye. Jack, Fll be married just now ; I will have my partner, and ' TItc joke took , and in less ' In 1746, Thomas Brown being indicted for Bigamy, the first marriage was proved to have taken place at May Fair, and the second at the Anchor and Crown Fleet Ditch, and the following evidence was given : — Diumviovd. — " Mr. Keith has a person to olficiate for him, one Mr. Walker marries, and 1 carry the licences to Mr. Keith and he registers them." John Prichard. — " I acted as clerk, I am a carver by trade and keep a public house." 145 thcan two hours ten couple set out for the Flete. I staid their return. They returned in coaches ; five women in each coach ; the tars, some running before, others riding on the coach-box, and otliers behind. The cavalcade being over, the couples went up into an upper room, where they con- cluded the evening with great jollity. The next time I went that way, I called on my landlord and asked him concerning this marriage adventure : he at first stared at me, but recol- lecting, he said those things were so frequent, that he hardly took any notice of them ; for added he, it is a common thing when a fleet comes in, to have two or three hundred mar- riages in a week's time, among the sailors." He humorously concludes — " If the present Act in the form it now stands should (which I am sure is impossible) be of service to my country, I shall then have the satisfaction of having been the occasion of it, because the compilers thereof have done it with a pure design of suppressing my Chapel, which makes me the most celebrated man in this kingdom, though not the greatest." The passing of the Marriage Act put a stop to the mar- riages at May Fair ; but the day before the Act came into operation, (Lady Day 1754,)' sixty-one couple were married there.- ' In a letter to George Montagu, Esq. dated July 17, 1753, Horace VValpole says :— " Lady Anne Paulett's daughter is elcped with a country clergyman. The Duchess of Aig)le harangues against the i\Iairiage Bill not taking place iinnie- diately, and is persuaded that all the girls will go off before next Lady-day." ^ In a letter to George Montagu, Esq. from Horace Walpole, is the following notice of Keith : — Strawberry Hill, 11th June. 1753. " I shall only tell you a Ion mot of Keith's the marriage-broker, and conclude : " Ci — d d — n the Bishops!" said he, (1 beg Miss Montagu's pardon) so they will hinder my marrying. Well, let 'em, but I'll be revenged : I'll buy two or three acres of ground, and by G — d I'll under-bury them all." — Vol, i. p. 292. And in No. 38 of the Connoisseur (October 1754) are some satirical remarks on the effect of the iNIarriage Act on Mr. Keith's Chapel ; the writer says, " I received a scheme from my good friend Mr. Keith, whose Chapel, the late Marriage Act has rendered useless on its original principles. The reverend gentleman seeing that all husbands and wives are heuceforv. ard to be put up on sale, proposes shortly to 146 THE MAY FAIR REGISTERS. These Registers are divided, some being at the Church of St. George's Hanover Square, and the others at the Regis- try of the Bishop of London, but several of the latter appear to be du})licates, and contain the same entries as the Registers at St. George''s. Those at St. George''s are three in number, marked re- spectively A. B. and C. In two of these is an affidavit sworn in 1780, by James Frith senior, stating, that being employed to look over the effects of Mr. Keith, he had found these three books and brought them from the Fleet ; and that up to 1743 or 4 the marriages were performed in May Fair chapel, but afterwards in a house near the chapel. open his chapel on a more new and fashionable plan. As the ingenious Messrs. Ilenson and Bever have lately opened in different quarters of the town repositories for all horses to be sold by auction, Mr. Keith intends setting up a Repository for all young males and females to be disposed of in marriage. From these studs (as tlie Doctor himself expresses it) a lady of beauty may be coupled to a man of for- tune, and an old gentleman who has a colt's tooth remaining, may match himself with a tight young filly. The Doctor makes no doubt but liis chapel will turn out even more to his advantage on this new plan, than on its first institution, provided he can secure his scheme to himself and reap the benefits of it without interhipers from the Fleet. To prevent his design being pirated he intends petitioning tiie Parliament, that as he has been so great a sufferer by the Marriage Act, the sole right of opening a Repository of this sort may be vested in him, and that his place of residence in May Fair may still continue the grand mart for marriages." " Catalogue of Males and Females to be disposed of in Marriage to the best bidder, at Mr. Keith's Repository, in ]\Iay Fair. A young lady of £100,000 fortune — to be bid for by none under the degree of peers, or a commoner of at least treble the income. A homely thing who can read, write, cast accounts, and make an excellent pud- ding. This lot to be bid for by none but country parsons. A very pretty young woman, but a good deal in debt — would be glad to mairy a member of parliament, or a Jew. A blood of the first-rate, very wild, and lias run loose all liis life, but is now broke, and will prove very tractable. Five Templars — all Irish — No one to bid for these lots of less than £10,000 fortune. Wanted four do^en of young fellows, and one doicn of youni,' womem, willing to luarry to advantage — to go to Nova Scotia." 147 Book A commences ^1 February 1735 and ends 27 July 1744. It is intituled " An Account or Register of Mar- riages at St. George''s Chapel Hyde Park Corner in tlie Liberty of Westminster."" The entries are numbered and amount to 1020, and are nearly all signed by Mr. Keith. At the other end of the book are baptisms from 2G March 1740 to 7 April 1753. Book B commences 28 July 1744 and ends 30 Sept. 1749, the numbering begins with 1021 and continues to 3529, when the entries cease to be numbered. There are about 5000 entries in this book. Book C commences 30 Sept. 1749, and ends 25 March 1754 : from Oct. 1753 to 25 March 1754 are 1136 entries. On the 2d January 1751 is the following entry, — « W" Thomas and Sarah Snow of St. Maries Overy Soutliwark" " Memo" she being surprised by meeting two gentlemen of her acquaintance as she was going into the chapel, gave her mother's name (Snow) instead of her father's sirname, Yates." The books at the Bishop's Registry are seven in number. No. 1. A short folio commencing 19 March 1729 and ending 31 May 1731, intituled " Dr. Keith's Regestar Rook of Marriages, No. 3, May Fair." It contains about 1300 entries, and has an index. No. 2. A thin short folio, commencing 29 Sept. 1747, ending 28 Sept. 1749, intituled, " The Register Book of Marriages performed by John Grierson, Minister, at May Fair Chapel," and indorsed " No. 2. Register of Marriages, 1747, 1748, 1749. May Fair." It contains 2403 entries, and at the other end are Baptisms from 1747 to 1752, several of which are of the Peterborough family. No. 3. A short thick folio, commencing 29 Sept. 1749, ending SI Oct. 1753, indorsed " No. 3. Register for Mar- riages May Fair." It contains 6258 entries. No. 4. A short folio of Fleet marriages, at one end of which are " INIarriages performed by Mr. Symson at ^lay Fair in 1748." It commences 12 April 1748 and contains 86 entries, after which is added " No. 86, all married by Mr. Symson at May Fair." 148 No. 5. A folio, intituled " The Register Book of Mar- riages begun April 9, 1748, at the New Chapel May Fair." The marriages are all by Mr. Symson, but many of them appear to be Fleet marriages. It has an index. No. 6. A small quarto, commencing 9 Dec. 1750, ending 25 March 1754, intituled, " The Register Book of Mar- riages performed by the Reverend Mr. Peter Symson, Mr. Fran^ Denevau, for Keith May Fair." No. 7. A thin folio, ending 25 March 1754, indorsed *' No. 1. Dr. Keith's Book. The Register for Marriages, I November 1753, 1754, May Fair." It has an index. THE FOLLOWING ARE SOME OF THE MARRIAGES AT MAY FAIR. 31 Oct. 1729. John Bayley, Student, Middle Temple, and Mary Meredith, St. Clement's Danse, B. and S. 29 June 1753. Lord George Bentinck and Mary Davies, Hanwell. II Aug. 1729. Morgan Brignal, Gent. Harrietsham, Kent, and Betty Puxty, Ditto, W. and S. 13 May 1752. Richard Brooke, Esq. and Frances Croft. 15 Mar. 1730. John Campfield, Esq. St. George's Hanover Square, and Harriet Doyne, Ditto. 25 June 1749. George Cardale, Rector of Wanlip, Leicester, and Eliz. Morris. 23 Mar. 1748. Honble. George Carpenter' and Frances Clifton. 19 May 1748. Charles Chauncey, Esq. St. Clement's, and Eliz. Lloyd, Lothbury. 24 Oct. 1747. Capt. Charles Cockburn, St. James's, and Margaret Holford, Hanwell. 10 May 1731. Thomas Collier, Gent. Richmond, and Alice Toon, Ditto, B. and S. 6 July 1750. John Coppendale, Minister of Monkton, co. York, and Elizabeth Preston, of Ditto. 8 Sept. 1729. Simon Darby, Gent. St. Martin's Fields, and Mary Pindergrass, Ditto, B. and S. 16 Oct. 1752. Edward D'Oyley, Gent, and Mary D'Oyley. ' yVftcrwartls third Lord Carpenter, created Earl of Tyrconnel 1761, ol). 176'2. She was daughter and heir of 8ir Robert Clifton of Clifton, co. \otls. IJaronct. 149 14 Feb. 1752. James Duke of Hamilton and £liz. Gunning.' 17 April 1753. Stanhope llerries and Millicent Constable, St. George's, South vvark. 15 April 1729. Charles JefFryson, Gent. Covent Garden, and Sarah Thomson, Ditto, B. and S. 14 Sept. 1749. Wm. Earl of Kensington &Rachel Hill, Hempstead. 12 Oct. 1729. John Lavington, Gent. St. Bride's, and Sarah Jen- nings, Bermondsey, B. and S. 6 Oct. 1747. Alexander Lennox and Barbara Ramsey, St. Ann's Westminster. 26 Feb. 1754. Rev. Edmund Lodge' & Mary Garrard, Carshalton. 8 Feb. 1750. John Markett, Esq. and Eliz. Temple, B. and S. 31 Aug. 1749. William Montague & Gertrude Turner, St. James's. 31 Aug. 1753. George Montague Martin and Eliz, Berkeley, St. George's Hanover Square. 21 July 1751. Edward Wortley Montague and Eliz. Ashe, St. Martin's fields. 21 Oct. 1747. John Luke Nicoll, Esq. Mountfield, Sussex, and Eliz. Gray, St. George's Hanover Square. 15 Mar. 1730. Hyde Parker, Gent, and Elizabeth Beaver, B. & S. 16 April 1749. Geo. Parkyns, Esq. & Anne Levett of Bunny, Notts.' 17 July 1748, Rd. Petenger, Esq. Chertsey, and Ann Weaver, Odiham. 7 May 1752. Harry Powlett and Mary Nunn, Eltham. 26 July 1753. Edmund Powlett, Gent, and Sarah Jones, Chelsea. 30 June 1752. Bysshe Shelley and Mary Cath. Michell, Horsham." ' She was second daughter of John Gunning of Castle Coote, co. Roscom- mon, hy Bridget, daughter of Theobald sixth Viscount JNIayo. The Duke dying 1758, she married secondly the 3rd March 1759, John Campbell fifth Duke of Argylle, and on the 20th Maj 1776 was created a Peeress of Great Britain by the title of Baroness Hamilton of Hameldon, co, Leicester. Maria Gunning, the eldest daughter, married 5th March 1752, George William sixth Earl of Coven- try, and died 1760, These ladies were celebrated as the most distinguished beauties of the day. 2 Instituted Rector of Carshalton, co. Surrey, 5th December 1738. Edmund Lodge, Esq. Norroy, K. H., a gentleman distinguished in the literary world by his " Illustrious Portraits," is the son of this marriage. ' George Parkyns, an officer in the 15th or King's Light Dragoons, brother of Sii Thos. Parkyns, of Bunny, co. Notts. Baronet. Ann, daughter and co-hcirof Ellon Levett, of Nottingham, M.D. * Of Castle Goring, co. Sussex, died 1815. Mary Catherine, only child and heir of Rev. Theobald Michell, of Horsham, died November 1760. 150 25 May 1751. Honourable Sewallis Sliirley' and Margaret Countess of Orford. 24 Sept. 1748. William Scudamore and Jane Ravenhill. 7 Mar. 1753. Wra. Shirley, Esq. and Madalane Julie le Blanc, St. Margaret's. 12 April 1753. Andrew Sproule, Esq. and Catherine Moucher. 15 Mar. 1753. James Stewart Stewart and Catherine Holloway, of St. Matthew's, Friday Street. 7 Mar. 1749. Cecil Trafford & Elizabeth Short, St. Martin's Fields. 15 June 1752. Henry Trelawney, Esq. and Mary Dormer, St. Margaret's. 14 Nov. 1729. William Yeats, Gent. S"^ Guards, and Catherine Jordan, Westr. W. and W. ' Fourth son of Robert Earl Ferrers, died 1763. She was daughter and heir of Samuel Rolle of Heanton, co. Devon, and widow of Robert Walpole second Earl of Orford, and died at Pisa 1781. I 151 A LIST OF SOME OF THE CHAPELS IN AND AIJOUT LONDON AT wiircii marria{;es weke perfohmed, prior to the mar- UIAGE act. Those marked thus *Ask's Hospital Chapel. *Berwick-street Chapel. *Bridewell Chapel. Chelsea College Chapel. ■^Charter House Chapel. Conduit-street Chapel. "Duke-street Chapel, Westm"^' Dulvvich College Chapel. Devonshire Square Meeting. Ely House Chapel. *Gray's Inn Chapel. Great Queen- street Chapel, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Grosvenor Square Chapel. Guildhall Chapel. *Highgate Chapel.*^ Hampton Court Chapel. Kensington Palace Chapel. Kentish Town Chapel. King-street Chapel, Regent-st. Knightsbridge Chapel. Lambe Chapel. •Lincoln's Inn Chapel. Long Acre Chapel. London House Chapel. *]\Iercer's Chapel.' " have a Register. Morden College Chapel. New Chapel, Westminster. Newgate Prison Chapel. New-street Chapel, St. Giles's. Northall Chapel. Oxenden Chapel. *Oxford Chapel.-* Poplar Chapel. *Queen Square Chapel. Ram's Chapel, Homerton. ♦Rolls' Chapel. Russell Court Chapel, Drury Lane. *St. James's Palace Chapel.' *St. John's Chapel, Clerkenwell. St. John's Chapel, Bedford Row. Serjeant's Inn Chapel. *Somerset House Chapel.^ *Southgate Chapel. Spring Garden Chapel. *Temple Church. Trinity Chapel, Mile End. *Wheeler's Chapel, Spitalfields.' *Whitehall Chapel.' Wapping Chapel. * This Register was for some time the private property of Mr. Vincent, Chapter C lerk of Westminster, but is now placed with the Registers of Westminster Abbey. * This Register is now removed to the new Church. ^ At the instance of the author of this work this Register was neatly copied on parchment and bound in russia, and sent to the Registry of the Bishop of London. ■* This Register is with those of Marylebone. * One of these is in the liishop of London's Registry, the others at the Bishop's house in St. James's Square. ® This Register was purchased by Sir Thomas Phillipps, of Middle Hill, Baronet, at a sale some years since. He has had extracts from it printed. ' This is in the hands of the Trustees of the Cliapel. ^ This is at the Bishop of London's Registry. INDEX. Acts of Parlinment, 6, 11, 16. Alley, Jerome, 10. Ashwell, Edward, 62. B. Bagnio, marriage at a, 74. Banns, first directed, 3. Bassett, Bartholomew, 10, 62. B — y House, marriage at, 76. Biscuit, broken, a ceremony, 88. C. Castell, Robert, 33. Caroon House, temporary prison, 45. Ceremony — see Biwuit liroken. Certificate, antedated, 73, 74, 75, 80. Churclies, lawless, described, 3. Chapels, where marriages performed prior to 1754, 151. Christian names only registered, 75, 76, 77, 87, 88, 90. Clerk, at Fleet Weddings, 69. Colton, James, 10, 60. Contracts, per verba de prajsenti, 1 . Cooke V. Lloyd, 132. Crawford, Thomas, 57. Cuthbert, Robert, 57. D Dare, William, 55. E Klborrow, Uobort, 10, 56. Espousals, entry of, in Register, 2. . customs relating to, ih. Excomnmnication for daiKlestine mar- riage, 13. Fielding, Handsome, and Duchess of Cleveland, 62. Fleet, origin of marriages at, 5. Parson, convicted of forty-two oaths, 7. selling liquors, 56. marrying in a night-gown, ■ drunk, 90. a beggar, 62. — Parsons, list of, 49. an heiress married at, against her will, 7. wedding, engraving of, 8. Bishop's Visitation at, 9. Practices in the reign of Queen Ann, 10. in 1723, 13. in 1735, 14. Marriage, legacy for, 16. Prison^ 32. removed to South Lambeth, 45. Wardens of, 34. Chaplains, 48. INIarriages noticed by M TAbbe le Blanc, 81. Registers, the earliest, 71. _^-^ account of, 66. purchased by Govern- ment, 70. extracts from, 73. not evidence, 127. ■ Indexes wanted, 136. naines of persons married there, 94. Floud, John, 55. Fox, Hon. Henry, his marriage at the Fleet, 16. his opposition to Marriage Act, 16, 18, 19, 25. INDEX. 153 Gaynam, Dr. 49. ■ verses on, 51. Grierson, Rev. John, transported, 141. Guernsey, the land of matrimony, 20. H. Hamilton, Duke of, married at May Fair, 142. Husband, hired, 82, 83, 90, 92. I. Jurisdiction, see Privileged Places. K. King's Bench Prison, Registers, 138. marriages at, 137. Keith, Alex., the famous, 142. his excommunication, 142. his retaliation, ih. ^—^— imprisonment, ib. — ^— his pamphlet on the Mar- riage Act, 144. family, 143. — • death, ib. his catalogue of sale, 146. Lando, James, 58, 67. Lawrance v. Dixon, 128. Legitimate, a child half so, 90. Lilly, Joshua, 62. John, 63. Lloyd V. Passingham, 133. V. Evans, 134. M. Marriage, Clandestine, 1. Act, the Earl of Orford's ac- count of the introduction and pass- ing, 22. — Blackstone's Commentary on, 21. . attempts to repeal, 21. ■ of two women, 77, 79, 90. • ceremonies at the Fleet, 88. . in bed, 93. ■ houses, keepers of, 62. in terrorem, 76, 93. • as far as the ring, 88. ■ in part, 74, 76. antedated, 73, 74, 75, 80. ■ at a cook-shop, 74. bagnio, 74. Marriage at a b— dy house, 76. shoemaker's, 93. ' at Newgate, 74. • of woman in a shift, 77. May Fair marriages, 141. Duke of Hamilton married therewith a curtain ring, 142. some of the persons married there, 148. ■ Registers, 146. Mint, marriages at, 137. Registers, 138. names of some persons married there, 139. Misrule, Master of, killed in the Fleet, 39. Mottram, John, his conviction, 11, 56. O. Olive, Mrs. 68. Onell, V. Madox, 129. Owen, Thomas, 64, 68. P. Panton, Benjamin, 69. Parson, blind, 61. 65. Parsons, Fleet, List of, 49. Passingham v. Lloyd, 129. Personate, Men and Women hired to, 65. 77. Pocket Books of the Fleet Parsons, 75, 90. Privileged Places, 137. Q. Quaker married at the Fleet, 84. R. Reedv. Passer, 130. Rogers, Nehemiah, 10, 61. S. Sacrament after a Fleet Wedding, 87. St. James's, Duke's Place, pretended, exemption, 3. Rector sus- pended, 3. Register of. 4. Savoy, JNIarriages at, 20, 139. Minister and Curate transported. 141. — practices at, 139 — 141. S.iy and Sele, case of, 131. Scroope's, Miss, account of her marriage at the Fleet, 69. X54 INDEX. Shadwell, Ralph, a blind Parson, 61. Sham Certificates, 74. Shellburn, Anthony, 61, 68. Shift, aiarriage in a, 77. Skimmington described, 9. Starkey, James, 57. Symson, Peter, 54. Trinity, Minories, pretended exemption, 3. ■ — Register, 4. Twisleton, v. Cockshutt,128. Lord Say and Sele, 131. W. Weddings, Parish, 84, 92. Private, 75, 77, 90, 91, 92. Wigmore, Daniel, 56. Wilkinson, Rev. John, of the Savoy, 9, 140. Wyatt, Walter, 53. his curious memoranda, 7. Wardens of the Fleet, 34. Wardenship, tenure of, 36. THE END. LONDON : PRINTCU BY SAUUEL BBNTLKY, Dorset Street, Fleet Street. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. REGISTRUM ECCLESIiE PAROCHIALIS. The History of Parish Registers in England ; also of the Registers of Scotland, Ireland, the East and West Indies, &c. with Obser- vations on Bishops' Transcripts. 1829, 8vo. lOs. 6d. (Suter, 19, Cheapside.) " The contents are not only highly curious, but in many instances amusing. We may commend the book, not only as containing much that is useful in itself, but because it suggests the necessity of a better system of registering, &c." — The Times. " The volume abounds with curious matter connected with the subject of Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials generally, and we can recommend it to the pe- rusal of our readers as an interesting and complete History of Parish Registers." — Gents. Mag. LIVRE DES ANGLOIS A GENEVE, With a few Biographical Notes, 8vo. 2^. 6d. (A verbatim copy of the Register of Arrivals, Births, Marriages, and Burials, kept by the English and Scotch Exiles at Geneva in 1355, containing no- tices of W^hittingham, Bodleigh, John Knox, Goodman, Lever, Scory, Lawrence Humphrey, Coverdale, &c. &c.) (Suter, 19, Cheapside.) / 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 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